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James Fontaine And Other Family Manuscripts; Comprising an Original Journal of Travels in Virginia, New York, etc., in 1715 and 1716 By Ann Maury With an Appendix Containing a Translation of the Edict of Nantes, the Edict of Revocation, and Other Interesting Historical Documents Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1852 G. p. Putnam's Sons New York and London Cbe Unlcl^erbochcr iprcss \ \ '/eart, so he was obliged to employ another person to repeat the Creed and the Lord's Prayer in his church ; but he could preach and pray extemporaneously without any hesitation. He died before the great persecution came on, but his widow endured cruel sufferings for the faith. She was imprisoned for three years, and during part of the time she was confined in a dungeon, but at last she was liberated and banished from France. She reached London in safety with three sons, one of whom became a Protestant minister in Germany. 4. Elizabeth, married to Mr. Sautreau, minister at Saujon, in Saintonge, under whom I studied. His church was con- demned, and he and his wife and children went to Dublin, where he was urged to receive Episcopal ordination, but he thought the Presbyterian Church more like that to which he had devoted himself in his own country, so he gave it the pre- fei^cnce. He determined to take his family to America ; and he, his wife and five children were wrecked, and all drowned, within sight of the harbor of Boston, their destined port. I think we may add these seven persons to the list of martyrs in our family, as they had abandoned their home and posses- sions for the Gospel's sake. 5. Peter, who was also brought up to the ministry, had no sooner completed his preparation than he was appointed to assist my father, as his colleogue, in the church at Vaux ; where he succeeded him at his death, and remained until the demolition of the church. When it was about to be con- demned, ho was served with a '• Lettre de Cachet," confined in the Isle of Oleron .^ix months, and then banished from the kingdom, without the possibility of taking liis two older 28 ^[i:MorRS of a huguenot family. dau<'liti'r.s with liiiu. for the hiw forbade ininisters to take out of the country any of their children who were above twenty years old ; but, by the good providence of God, they were able to join him afterwards in London, where, as you know, he spent the remainder of his days, filling the office of minister or chaplain at the Pest House, beloved and respected by all who knew him. His youngest daughter, Esther, became the wife cf John Arnauld. the grandson of my aunt Bouquet, a highly estima- ble man, of whom I shall have occasion to speak again in the course of these memoirs. His uprightness and correctness of judgment caused him to be fre(|uently called upon, to act as umpire, when differences arose between any of the French merchants in London. 6. Francis ought not to be passed over without mention, though he died too young to leave any descendants. He was gifted with the most astonishing memory. When only six or seven years old he was mvxch in my father's study, where he heard the children and other pupils learning their lessons, and so retentive was his memory, that from simply hearing them repeat aloud what they were going to recite, he acquired the whole so perfectly, that when any boy paused for a word, he supplied the deficiency instantly ; and that, not in English lessons only, but in Latin and Greek. My father became apprehensive that he would have a jumble of words in his head, without any ideas attached to them, and therefore posi tively forbade him to learn the lessons of others. The poor child, nevertheless, continued to do it, and he excused himself, saying, he could not help remembering that which he heard repeated over and over again ; so, at last my father thought it best to begin to teach him Latin, in order that his memory SKCOND marriagp:. 29 n)ight be employed connectedly at any rate. He made the most rapid progress, and soon surpassed boys twice his age. In due time, he accompanied his elder brother, Peter, to col- lege, at Saumur, and before he had been there a year, he be- came an object of admiration to professors and students alike. At the end of the second year, he had distinguished himself so much, that he was looked upon as a prodigy for his years, and great hopes and expectations were raised as to his future career, all of which God saw fit to disappoint by taking him to himself soon after. He was too good for this world. My father was married to his second wife, Marie Chaillon, my mother, in the year IGll. She was from the neighbor- hood of Pons, in Saintonge. where her father possessed con- siderable property, and resided at a country place named Rue au Roy, distant about a mile and a half from the town. She was a handsome brunette, twelve years younger than her husband, to whom she brought a marriage portion of four thousand francs, which was expended, by her desire, in the purchase of the small estate of Jenouille, and the adjacent manor of Jaffe. My father made an addition of several rooms to the house already built upon the property, so that it might comfortably accommodate a few boarders in addition to his own family ; for at that time he received pupils to educate with his sons. The issue of the second marriage was remarkably similar tu the first ; five children by each, two sons and three daugh ters, who lived to a marriageable age. I. Susan, married Stephen Gachot, a grandson, through his mother, of that most excellent, pious, Christian minister, Mr. Merlin, of Rochelle. This circumstance was not without its influence upon my father, in gaining his consent to wha< 30 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. proAcd a miserable marriage. Gachot was drunken and diss! pated, and treated my sister unkindly. He even threatened her life with a pistol. He squandered his wife's portion, and had mortgaged his own property, when he became known to a man named Jeudy, a collector to the farmers of the Royal Domain, who, perceiving him to be an acute, clever, and un- scrupulous sort of man, engaged his services as a clerk or assistant collector. They were men of one mind, knowing how to fill their own purses. They committed acts of vio- lence in making their collections, that made them worthy of two halters, and it was most fortunate for Gachot, that at the time he was beginning to tremble for fear of inquiry, a decree was issued by the Court, which ordered all Protestants in public employments, either to recant or resign. Gachot was only too glad to avail himself of the opportunity to give up his employment, and pretend to be a good Protestant. Jeudy envied him his escape from investigation of his doings, and wished that he too had been of a Protestant family. After a while the dragoons came, and Gachot readily changed his religion to retain his ill-gotten wealth. He jocularly ob- served, " I can accommodate myself easily to the Church of Rome, for I do not understand Latin, and so I cannot be scandalized by her services, which are all in that language." He remained in France, and my poor sister with him. 2. Peter was light-complexioned, and of a very pleasing countenance. He was first appointed minister of St. Saurin, in Saintonge, and then removed to the church at Salles, in Aunix. He married, unhappily for himself, a little, ugly, haughty, jealous, worldly-minded woman of good fortune, who ruled him. She would not tolerate in him any evidence of aftection to uu>thcr, brothers or sisters. She must be all in all to him. CHI1.DKEN OF^ SECOND MAKRIAOE. 31 On one occasion, my mother went to St. Saurin, a dis- tance of four leagues from our house, to visit this dearly be- loved son, and she was so much fatigued and exhausted with her ride, that she went to lie down as soon as she alighted from her horse, and begged to have a little herb soup. Her own maid, whom she had taken to wait upon her, was busy pieparing it for her, when, her daughter-in-law went into the kitchen, in a very bad humor, vexed at her mother-in-law being there, and still more that her husband should have re- ceived his mother with evident marks of kindness and affec- tion, and, in this mood, she took a fire-brand out of the fire, and began to stir the broth with it. The servant cried out. •' Madam ! what are you about 7 here is a spoon for you." She answered contemptuously, " It is good enough for her." This was very inconsiderately repeated to my poor mother, who was so much wounded by it, that she shortened her visit ; she mounted her horse to return home next day, and never again went to the house of this dear son. Peter knew the cause of it, and he was deeply grieved ; but still, his wife had become so entirely the governing power in his house, that he made no effort to correct the grievance. Three years before the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, he began to collect money with which he intended to leave France. He sold whatever he could, and he had raised about l."),000 francs in gold, when he thought it was time to apply for a passport. He obtained one from the king, in which his wife and two daughters were included, and they all four might easily have quitted the kingdom, but he had still some sums of money due to him, which he hoped to receive, and so he lingered on from day to day, and kept it a secret that he had procured a passport. At length the dragoons made their appear- 32 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ance in Rochelle, and he felt it was high time to make use of the passport ; which he accordingly produced to the Intend ant. He looked at it carefully, and discovered that it was dated six months before. He exclaimed, " Oh ! oh ! Sir, you can derive no benefit from this, it is of old date. We can see through your designs, you have not used your passport in order to take time to collect money, to carry out of the country with you, contrary to law. You must now either change your religion, or I can tell you the dragoons will soon have your treasure." He turned round, and gave immediate orders that ten or twelve dragoons should go to my brother's house. They went and took possession of every thing they could find, but the gold was too carefully concealed for them to discover it. My brother had hidden it in a barrel of wine. During the succeeding night his wife was a greater tor- ment than the dragoons. She left no argument untried to persuade him to ask time for consideration on the subject of religion, and then she told him they could find an opportuni- ty, in all probability, to escape with their gold, before the time allowed to consider should have expired. At any rate, she said if he would only get the dragoons out of the house, she would follow him where he pleased. He resisted all her entreaties for some time, and told her he would rather beg his bread in a foreign land, where he could worship according to his conscience, than have the greatest wealth at home if he were obliged to abjure his religion to gain it. The cursed Eve gained her point by morning, and he put forth his hand to the forbidden fruit. He went to the In- tendant at an early hour, and told him he wished for time to study the subject, and see whether he could change his re< CUILDREN OF SECOND MARRIAGE. 33 ligion. The dragoons were thereupon ordered from hia house, and fifteen days allowed to him for consideration. Observe, my dear children, the fatal influence of a bad wife over a too yielding husband. The first step was per- •suading him to withhold, from his affectionate, widowed mo- ther, that respectful tenderness to which she was entitled. The next was to induce him to temporize for the sake of gold, and finally, he was forsaken of God. He, who had been as a shining lamp in the tabernacle, preaching to others, renounced the pure faith he had taught, and signed the act of abjura tion. It is always thus; the great enemy of mankind tempts us first to commit small sins, and the downward path be- comes easier as we descend. Let us lay to heart the lesson taught in the fall of some members of our family, and leara from it distrust of self and dependence upon God, for the grace of his Holy Spirit, to sustain us through temptation and deliver us from evil. It is a comfort to me to know that my brother had no son ; thus there is not one descendant of my father, bearing the honored name of Fontaine, who is now living in France in what I consider idolatry. 3. Mary, married Peter Forestier, a zealous minister, au able preacher and a sound theologian, of whom I shall have occasion to make honorable mention hereafter. 4. Ann, my youngest sister, the light and joy of the house, married Leon Tcstard Sieur des Meslars. He changed his religion, or pretended to do so, when the dragoons came, but my sister remained firm in her faith, and could not give up the hope of escaping from France, and in about two years after the abjuration it was accomplished. They landed in safety at Plymouth, but my sister's health was much impaired, and she died a few months after reaching England, well satis- * 34: MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. fied to leave this present life and enter upon her heavenly inheritance. She was rejoiced to leave her children in a land where the gospel was preached in all its purity. I, James, was the youngest child of my parents, but be- fore I narrate my own life I will say something more of my father. , He was a man of fine figure, pure red and white complexion, and of very dignified deportment, commanding the respect of all with whom he came in contact. He was a remarkably abstemious man ; he lived chiefly upon milk, fruits and vege- tables, during the greater part of his life, but towards its close he lived more generously, in conformity with the advice of his physicians. He was never to be seen amongst his flock at feasts or entertainments, but he made it an invariable rule to pay a pastoral visit to each family twice in the year. He hastened to the sick and afflicted as soon as their sorrows were made known to him. Almost all the people were Prot- estants in the neighborhood where he lived, so all belonged to his church, and when it was known that he was praying with any sick person, crowds would flock to hear him, and fre- quently the houses could not contain those who came. He was zealous and afi"ectionate. and employed all his gifts, his time, his knowledge and his talents, in the service of God, for the good of his people, and he was rewarded even in this life by the aff'ectionate attachment of his flock. He was a man of unusual attainments ; he had great learning, quick and ready wit. clear and sonorous voice, natural and graceful action ; he always made use of the most chaste, elegant and appropriate language ; and genuine humility, crowning the whole, gave an indescribable charm to his discourses, and all jvho heard him were delighted. Mv father's pkkaciiikg. 35 The following incident may serve as an example of his facility in preaching. On the afternon of a Communion Sun- day he had just given out his text, which had been selected with reference to the services of the morning, when he per- ceived some Capuchins and Jesuits enter the church. He paused and addressed his own people, saying : " The text I have read to you is of a kind suitable for the edification of those who. by the grace of God, have been already well in- structed in pure religion ; but I see persons before me whom I believe to be still in a state of superstition and ignorance ; I therefore feel it my duty, for this time, to leave the ninety and nine, and strive to bring back the lost sheep to the fold." He then turned over the leaves of his Bible, took a contro- versial text, upon which he gave an extempore discourse, and treated the subject with so much force and perspicuity, that the Fathers were obliged to confess, on going out, that they had never heard error (as they called it) so well defended. The Synod thought most highly of his judgment and discre tion. and on that account they usually selected him for the difficult task of reconciling differences between pastors and their flocks, when any such occurred. He generally succeeded in healing the breach, and his eloquence freciuently drew tears from the eyes of his auditors, at the same time that it softened their hearts towards each other. He was invited to take cliargc of a cliurch at Iloclieile, where he was offered a salary just twice as large as that which he was receiving, but he refused decidedly. He had not the heart to abandon a flock who loved him so much. I have mentioned that he was Pastor of the United Churches of Vaux ami llovan. At the commencement of 36 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUKNOT FAMILY. his ministry he preached in one church in the morning, and " the other in the afternoon, taking each church alternately for the morning service. They were distant from one another two short miles. In course of time an Order in Council was issued, condemning the church at Royan, and it was pulled down accordingly. My father went there as usual, and perse- vered in holding services upon the ruins of the church. The Governor was much enraged when he heard of it, and sent him a summons to appear before him at Brouage, to an- swer for the offence. My father rested his defence upon the ancient privileges and liberties accorded to the people. The Grovernor said he knew of no privilege or liberty that subjects could claim but such as had been granted by the king, the council, or the ancient laws. This church had been built, he said, without the king's permission, which was the fact, and therefore, as its erection had been an act of usurpation in the first instance, no one could consider its demolition now to be an arbitrary stretch of power. He added, that the distance was so short from Royan to Vaux. that it could not be con- sidered a ^reat hardship for his followers at the former place to walk to the latter to hear him. My father was obliged to acquiesce. Another Order in Council was issued soon after, which forbade Pi>testant ministers to wear their clerical robes in the streeue a few sweetmeats, and made me long for the abundant supply of such things that LETTER TO SISTEE. 47 he possessed. I thought I would write to my mother and ask her to change my destination, for I saw plainly that I was wasting my youth and exhausting her purse with- out any advantage. But how could I venture to broach such a subject ? I had been devoted to the holy ministry from my birth. My father had been a minister, my three brother.s, two brothers-in-law, two maternal uncles, were all ministers of the Gospel. My mother had placed me for tuition with ministers, whom she hoped would lead rae in the way she desired. After all this, to tell her that I wanted to be a shop-boy, I dare not do it, I should be afraid of breaking her heart. After much deliberation I determined to write to my sister Anne, and make her my confidante. I first pointed out to her my own miserable deficiencies ; I had studied so many years and made so little progress, that I had lost all hope of doing better in future. I told her I had the greatest possible reverence for the ministerial oflSce, I looked up to it as the most honorable of all employments ; but then, if it was an undertaking beyond my strength, if I had not the re- quisite gifts, I ought not to enter upon it ; and therefore it would certainly be the best to waste no more time and money in preparing for it. After having, as I thought, made my in- capacity appear very plain, I proceeded to open my mind to her upon the plan I had formed for my future career. I then begged her to keep my letter a profound secret, but on some favorable occasion to tell my mother, as it were, of her own accord, how poorly qualified I appeared to be for the important and noble vocation of a minister of the Gospel ; and to sug' gest the expediency of letting me leave ofi" study, and try whether I should not do better at some more common em- 4r8 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ployment. After all this preparation, I disclosed my wish to be placed as an apprentice in a druggist's shop. Notwithstanding all my precaution, my sister Anne did not keep my secret, she thought it was her duty to make known the communication I had made. Great was the con- sternation produced by it, and a family council was summon- ed to deliberate. Peter the elder, and Peter the younger, were both sent for by my mother, and she told them she thought my brother-in-law, Mr. Sautreau, was tired of me and had dictated this letter in order to get rid of me. The two Peters were of a different opinion, they discovered a fire and vivacity in the style altogether foreign to that of my brother-in-law ; they therefore decided that the letter was mine, and mine alone, and it was the unanimous opinion that my mother ought to keep me at study. I had defeated my object by the pains I had taken to accomplish it, for they said that the ingenuity of my arguments to prove incapacity established incontestably the fact that inclination alone, not talent, was wanting. My mother was so deeply grijeved that she fell sick upon it. She sent my brothers witli her answer to me, which was to the effect, that if I gave up studying for the ministry, she would give up me. I should experience a change for the worse in every way, they told me ; my handsome clothing should be changed for coarse garments, and I should be sent to a school kept by one Perrinet, who was notorious for his mode of imparting instruction by free administration of stripes and frequent fasts ; and if I still refused to study I should be sent to sea, and she would see me no more. I decided to remain at my studies, but I tried hard to gain a change of masters at the least, through the interces- iffi. DE LA BUSSIEEE. 49 sioD of my brothers. But the answer was, " Stay where you are, or go to Perrinet." A short time after this ineffectual struggle for liberty, Mr. Sautreau beat me unmercifully, and I felt so dreadfully out- raged by it, that I quitted his house next morning, at break of day, and lame as I was, I ran home, a distance of fully six miles. I hoped to soften my mother, but she was immovable ; she would not suffer me even to kiss her, but told me to go straight back ; she offered me only the old alternative, of going to Perrinet, if I refused. She said she would not allow me to sleep in her house. I had set off from Saujou without having breakfasted, and the only refreshment fur- nished by my mother was dry bread. You may imagine, better than I can describe, the feelings with which I commenced my walk back again ; but my mo- ther must be obeyed, and I can truly say, that the mortifica- tion I experienced from her cold reception, was much more painful than the blows or the taunts of Mr. Sautreau. When I had completed three years at Saujon, my mother heard so much of the great skill of a Mr. De la Bussiere, at Marennes, in imparting learning, that she, most happily for me, determined upon trying what he could do with me, whe- ther he could draw forth the talent, which the family council had decide!, that I possessed. Mr. De la Bussiere was a very eccentric man, a Protest ant layman. He was an excellent Greek and Latin scholar ; he wrote pretty poetry, and he was withal a good physician. He was as obstinate as a mule ; he drank to excess, but did not commence his potations until the labors of the day were ended. He had ten or twelve pupils, but no boarders, for he and his wife had only one small room, which served as kitchea 50 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. bedchamber and study ; and a little closet or store-room which contained only a few plates and dishes. His dress was a threadbare cloak, once black, now of a reddish brown, and always covered with dust. He never used a razor, but when his beard became inconveniently long, he cut it off with a pair of scissors. Their slovenly apartment did not contain Buch a thing as a looking-glass. In short, he was, what is called in England, •' a mere scholar ;" he had learning, and nothing else. I had hitherto learned from the Port Royal Grammar, which Mr. De la Bussiere held in perfect abhorrence. He esteemed the masters who taught with it, and the pupils who learned from it, as ignoramuses alike. The result of my nine years' labor was, that I knew the whole of this grammar by heart. I began then at the age of seventeen " omne viro soli,^' a fine prospect. His plan was altogether different from my former teachers ; he explained every rule thoroughly to me, and required me to find twenty examples in some author. His explanations and exercises soon brought into play the stores that memory had laid up ; I was astonished to find that I had accumulated such a mass of materials with- out being able to make use of them until now. We had no holiday but Sunday. Every Monday morning, Mr. De la Bussiere expected to receive from his pupils a full account of the sermon they had heard on the preceding day. I made rapid progress. In the second year I translated Du Mouliu's French Logic into Latin, and thus became fami- liar with the terms in Latin. At the end of three years we parted, and I was well satisfied with what I had acquired. Mr. De la Bussiere knew human nature well, and he had the faculty of inciting his pupils to the utmost exertion, and COLLEGE OE GUIENNE. 51 guiding them as he pleased. A single word of reproof, from him. affoctod nie more than tlie severe punishments of my for- mer preceptors. My next step was to the college of Guicnnc, which was supported by the king, and much resorted to by Protestants. A great mortification awaited me there ; Latin was the only language made use of. and though I was familiar with the best Latin authors, I could not speak it, and found myself unable to follow the lecturers. I did not allow this to dis- courage me ; I was still given to building castles in the air, as in my childhood ; in order to make Latin more familiar I resolved to meditate in that language ; I forbade my thoughts to clothe themselves in my mother tongue, and thus I succeed- ed well, and was soon able to reflect upon what I read in La- tin, and I could express myself with ease. I also hired a private tutor to assist me in the hours of relaxation, and by these means I could keep pace with the professor. I may say, with truth, that during the two years I remained at col- lege. I spent sixteen hours out of every twenty-four in study. Fourteen students took the degree of Master of Arts at the same time ; I was the second on the list. At the age of twenty-two, I found that five years of hard study had com- pensated, in some degree, for the previous nine years of neg- ligence. I am under great obligations to Mr. De la Bussiere for making me what I am. and therefore I feci it is his due to perpetuate the remembrance of his talents amongst my de- scendants, which I can perhaps do in the best manner by re- lating something that occurred while I was at college. His wife died, and he removed to Bourdeaux during my second year there. He was unchanged in his appearance : he 52 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. was as slovenly as ever, and was clad in the same threadbare cloak, and the same little collar. During the professor's lecture, it was customary for strangers to occupy a bench, appropriated for their use ; and for one half hour, from half-past eleven to twelve o'clock, they might argue, if they pleased, upon any subject connected with the thesis of the day. One of the students was always expected to speak in reply to the stranger. A day seldom passed without some priest, monk, or Jesuit, taking a seat on the bench. One morning an Abbe took his seat, who was dressed with the utmost elegance ; Mr. De la Bussiere followed close after him. The students began to exchange glances and crack jokes upon the slovenly appearance of the latter, and they continued to do so, even after the professor had made them a signal to stop their ill-timed mirth. I spoke in a whisper to those near me. " Restrain your laughter," said I, "until you have heard him." Mr. L'Abbe had prepared himself with three or four argu- ments in opposition to one of our theses. He gave them out, and he was answered, in the usual way, by a student. He then bowed most politely to the professor, and with much courtesy complimented both him and the students on their skilful solutions, and he resumed his seat. Mr. De la Bussiere's turn had now come He began in Latin, with a complimentary address to the professor ; he then turned round and said, " Mr. L'Abbe, you have expressed yourself satisfied with the answers you have received ; I am of opinion that you yielded too soon, for your argument admits of being carried much further." He then took up the subject where the Abbe had left It. and handled it in so jjifisterly a MY mother's death. 53 style, that the students were unable to say a word in reply, and the professor was obliged to rise in support of his own thesis. He also actually became cornered, and knew not how to defend his own position, when to his infinite relief the clock Etruek twelve, which put an end to the discussion. My mother's death, at the age of sixty-three, took place about the time that I had completed my college course and taken my degree. After she became a widow, she devoted herself with the greatest assiduity to her children, doing all that lay in her power both for their temporal and eternal wel- fare. She was tender and affectionate to them, but at the same time rigid in requiring from them a strict fulfilment of their duties. You must know, that in France, a man is considered a minor until he is twenty-five years old. I was therefore, ac- cording to law, still in my minority, but my brothers did not want to be troubled with looking after my property ; they there- fore made me of age, or free, soon after the death of my mother. My brothers and sisters were all married, and they had long ago received the principal part of their portions, so it did not require very long to come to an amicable arrangement in the division of what was left. I paid to them severally the small sums to which they were entitled, and then I remained sole proprietor of the estates of Jenouille and Jaffe, by which I possessed, not only a good comfortable dwelling-house for my residence, but an annual income of about 1000 francs CHAPTER IV. PtuJy with Mr. Forestier— His persecutions— Wife's firmness— Return home— Pray with neighbors— Absent at Easter— Poor people assemble in the woods— A spy- Warrants issued — A mason taken up — Keeantation Repentance- My return home —Warrant against me— Grand Provost and Archers appear— Prison— Permitted to pray. Having made all necessary arrangements for the management of my property, 1 went once more to the house of my brother- in-law, Mr. Forestier, at St. Mesme in Anguomois. I kncM' that I should find in him an able and willing friend, to help me in the prosecution of my theological studies. My sole wish now was to dedicate all the talents, God had bestowed on me, to his glory. I spent a year with Mr. Forestier, during which time he took great pains with me. He taught me to prepare sermons, and showed me how far it was desirable to use Commentaries for such purposes. When he thought me qualified, he allowed lue to preach sometimes in his church. While I was with him, a complaint was lodged again>«t him that he had received a Papist into the communion of tlio Protestant Church, contrary to the king's edict. Upon this accusation, he was seized and carried to prison with much de- gradation : he was placed on horseback, with his legs tied to- gether under the horse's belly. If you had but seen the Papists of Angouleme collected PEKSECUTION. 55 upou the road to enjoy the spectacle ! They were in such numbers that I may say they were literally piled up by the way-side ; and they were uttering the most horrible maledic- tions and imprecations, and throwing stones at those who ac- companied him to the prison-door. I say, if you had seen them, you would have concluded the prisoner could have been guilty of no less a crime than murdering his father, commit- ting violence on his mother, or attempting the life of the ting. Oh ! my God ! to what a horrid pitch of barbarity can mankind be borne by the blind zeal of superstition and idolatry. Through her many severe trials my sister was always re- signed to the will of her Heavenly Father, who, she felt assured, ordered all things for the best. Mr. Forestier had a tedious imprisonment, which was at- tended with great loss and inconvenience to him, because it obliged him to give up his school. At length he appealed to the Parliament* of Paris, and obtained an acquittal. The church of St. Mesme soon shared the fate of others, and was condemned. The Synod then removed him to Coses. in Saintonge ; and though it is rather anticipating events, I think I had better proceed with his history, before returning to the memoirs of my own life. The church at Coses had its turn, and was condemned be- fore long. The Papists in the neighborhood had not patience to wait for the day appointed for its demolition, Init dc sired * There were ten I'iirliaincnts in tlic kinirilom ot' Fraiuc. They were su- perior courts of judicature, tn wliich niipejil wiis inji'lc tVoiii ttie deeision of inferior tribniisilH. They had in> leirishitivc fuiK'tioii^ l)Ut tiiat of reiris- terhig and publisliiiig tlic Koviil Decrees, to wlilch tlicy very rarely rnisotJ any objection. 56 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. to put a stop to the religious exercises at once. To accom plish this end, they made some frivolous complaint of Protes- tants who had recanted, having been seen there, and procured a warrant to arrest Mr. Forestier upon this charge. The plot became known by accident to Colonel Boisron, who was at Saintes, and he set off immediately, and rode all night, in the hope of arriving before the Archers, and giving him notice in time to conceal himself He reached Coses on Sunday morning, just as Mr. Fores- tier was going to church. He instantly made known his er- rand, and begged him not to make his appearance in the church. Mr. Forestier said : " Can we change the decrees of the Eternal God ? No ! I hold myself in readiness, therefore, to do my duty, and submit to whatever he thinks fit to bring upon xne." Colonel Boisron still urged him. " Only think, my dear friend," said he, " of the suffering you would bring upon your wife and children, if you should be taken from them." My sister then came forward, and the Colonel asked her to use her influence to dissuade her husband from showing himself, where he would inevitably be seized by the Archers. With a composed and firm tone she said, " It is the duty of Mr. Forestier to preach to his flock, and it is for God to do as seemeth him good." Mr. Forestier turned round in triumph, and said to hia friend, " You see, sir, we have no Eve here." He then went forward, with his family around him, to the church. He gave no sign of emotion, he preached with his accustomed energy, and had just concluded the service, and was descending from the pulpit, when the Archers entered, A wife's fiktviness. 57 laid hold of him, and carried him off to Saintes. He was confined in the prison at that place for a time, and then he was transferred to La Reolle, where the Parliament of Bour- deaux held its sittings. He was a truly faithful servant ol God, and was by him most mercifully preserved through many dangers, and at last brought in safety to England, with hia wife and younger children. My sister was near her confine- ment, and gave birth to a daughter on board the vessel. It is difiicult which to admire most, the husband or the wite ; the faith of both shone so triumphantly on these trying occa- sions. I can assure you that my sister's firmness was the re- sult of principle, and did not proceed, as those who were not well acquainted with her, might have supposed, from deficiency of sensibility. She had very warm feelings, strong affections, and great love for her husband and children, but her love to God was even stronger ; and when his glory was in question, she held nothing dear in comparison. Happy couple ! their treasure was laid up in heaven, and they could well afford to despise this present life, and its short-lived enjoyments. I now resume my own history. Soon after the imprison- ment of Mr. Forestier, I went to reside at Saintes, in order to avail myself of the assistance of two able and pious ministers, who were settled there, in completing my preparation for the ministry. It is but a repetition of the same story. These two good men, Mr. Mainard and Mr. Borillak were shortly cast into prison likewise, and I returned to my lonely home. I was not idle there, as you will presently see. My bro- ther Peter had succeeded my father at Vaux. and continued there until about this time, when he was seized, under a " lettre de cachet," and confined in the castle of Oleron 3* 58 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. The church at Vaux was levelled with the ground ; most of the Protestant places of worship in our province had shared the same fate. My neighbors could not get to any church without difiSculty and extreme fatigue, and I felt compassion for them, as sheep without a shepherd, and considered it my duty to invite them to join me in my family devotions. They came most gladly, and the number increased until it reached one hundred and fifty. I then recommended them not to come daily, as they were in the habit of doing, but to come two or three times a week, which would give me more time to make suitable preparation for preaching and expounding the Scriptures to them. I also suggested to them that each family should only come once a week, and thus our meetings, being less numerous, would be less likely to attract attention, and yet each would have their turn. I frequently changed our days of assembling, giving previous notice to the people, with the view of escaping observation, and we continued this endearing intercourse without interruption, during the whole winter. All who joined in these religious exercises were known to me and to each other, and we were all equally inter- ested in keeping the secret. My house stood entirely alone, which was a circumstance much in our favor. At length, however, a rumor got abroad that meetings were held in our parish, and that I was the preacher. We had no traitor in our ranks, and all things were conducted so quietly that the Papists were unable to discover any thing, with sufficient certainty, to found action upon it. Some of my friends, with more of policy than of piety, recommended me to cease before we were discovered, but I believed I was in the path of duty, and therefore I did not hearken to their counsel, but persevered in leading the services. RELIGIOUS MEETING IN Tin-: WOODS. 59 Our holy meetings continued without molestation or drawback of any sort till Palm Sunday, 1684. Being only a candidate, and not a regularly authorized minister. I judged it best to advise my people to go to some of the few remain- ing churches, in order to receive the Communion with their brethren. I wished to partake of that holy sacrament my- self, and for the purpose I went to the other side of the pro- vince, and tarried with friends there, with whom I received the Communion, both on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, and remained until ten or twelve days after Easter. On Palm Sunday, some of the neighbors came to my house as usual, and finding that I was not there, they retired to a wood behind the house for religious worship, and one of their number, a mason by trade, who could read very well, officiated as pastor. He read several chapters from the Bible, the prayers of the Church, and a sermon ; and some psalms were sung. This meeting having taken place openly, the re- port of it was noised abroad, and on Holy Thursday from seven to eight hundred assembled on the same spot, the ma- son again the pastor. On Easter Sunday the number in- creased to a thousand. In the neighborhood there lived a miserable pettifogging attorney, named Agoust, a base deceitful man, who had been a Protestant, but had abjured his religion to retain his employment. His house was within four hundred paces ot the high road, by which many persons returned from the meeting, and he seated hirnself at his window to watch the passers-by. hoping to be able to give information by which he might ingratiate himself with those in power. The services had continued until after dusk, therefore it was too dark to reoognige individuals at that distance ; nevertheless, he made HO MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. out a list of sixty persons, and amongst the names were some who had, and others who had not, been there, and at the head he placed Mr. Mouillere and myself. He could form a very good idea from the general character of his neighbors, of those who would be likely to attend such a meeting, and that was about as much as he really did know. On the de- position of this single witness — a man of indifferent charac- ter at best — before the Seneschal of Saintes, warrants were issued against us. Two or three days before my return home, the Grand Pro- vost and his Archers were sent in search of us. The country people had had timely notice of their approach, and had con- cealed themselves so effectually in the woods that after scour- ing the country in all dii'ections, the Archers returned with but one prisoner. They found the mason who had officiated, and no one else. They seized him, fastened him securely to the tail of a horse, and thus dragged him all the way to Saintes, a distance of fifteen miles. They took great delight in frightening him by the way, telling him all that would be done to him for his crime. The least he could expect would be to be hanged as soon as they reached the town. It was late when they arrived, and they said that nothing but the lateness of the hour saved him from execution that night, which fortunately left him a solitary chance for life. " If," said one of the Archers, " you recant without delay, you may yet escape, but once get within the prison wall, and a hundred religions will not save you from death. All that is asked of you is to renounce the errors of Calvin, and do not you see how easily you can do that, without wounding your conscience, be it ever so tender? You only swear to renounce errors : if Calvin had none, you renounce nothing, it is a THE MASON RECANTS. 61 mere ceremony, aud if he had errors you would not surely object to renouncing them." Those who surrounded him saw that the specious arguments made an impression, and they followed it up with others based upon his duty to his wife and children, who would be left destitute if he was taken from them. The poor fellow was overpowered by their crafty rea- soning, he had no one near to strengthen his weakness, and it is not to be wondered at that he should at last have yielded to the tempter, abjured the errors of Calvin, and obtained life and liberty as the reward. The wakeful monitor, con- science, had slumbered for a short space, but she soon awak- ened and resumed her power most fearfully. After the re- cantation, the mason became a prey to the most frightful re- morse ; he was so wretched that he could not rest or sleep by night or day. As soon as he heard of my return home, he hastened to me, threw himself at my feet, wept like a child, and declared that he had damned his soul by his weakness. He then re- lated all the circumstances to me ; he said it would be impos- sible to describe to me the torments he had endured, and that he could not pray for himself, but he implored me to pray for him. He looked upon his crime with such utter abhorrence, and was plunged into such depths of despair, that I clearly perceived it was my duty rather to comfort than reprove the sinner. I endeavored to convince him that the mercy of God was open to him, and I urged him to go at once to the Fountain for sin and uncleanness. I drew a par- allel between his case and that of St. Peter, from which T thought he might draw consolation, as he had imitated the apostle in his bitter tears of repentance as well as in his fall. He abjured once more, and this time it was the abjuring 62 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. of Lis abjuration. His penitence was so sincere, that he felt no humiliation too great, and he asked forgiveness of every one he met for the scandal he had brought upon their holy religion. God brought good out of evil on this occasion, for he made the remorse of this unhappy man the means of strengthening the faith of many others, who saw, by his me- lancholy example, that man, with all his cruelty can inflict no such torture as God causes to the consciousness c f those, who deny him before men. I was deeply grieved that I had not been upon the spot when this poor man was taken up, for I thought I might have accompanied him and prevented his recantation ; and it de- termined me to do what I could to confirm the faith of the other members of my flock. I was told that there was a warrant out for my apprehension, so I rode over to Saintes to inquire into the truth of the report, and I determined to give myself up to the authorities, if it should be required. I called upon the Lieuteuant-General or Seneschal of the Presidency of Saintes to ascertain the fact, and he was mali- cious enough to deny that there was any such warrant out, though' he was himself the very person who had issued it. He wished me to return home in ignorance of the truth, for the purpose of inflicting upon me the ignominy and mortifica- tion, that he supposed would be the result of making me a public spectacle, dragged to prison by the Grand Provost and his Archers. I had a shrewd suspicion that it was so, and therefore went home with the determination to make the most of my time for the benefit of my poor neighbors. Dur- ing the week I visited from house to house, prayed, and ex- horted to the best of my ability. At length I was informed that the Provost and his Archers APPROACH OF AKCIIEES. 63 were on the road to our village, and that they were spending the night at Saujon, within two leagues of my house. I sent messengers to warn the people in the surrounding villages, in order that they might hide themselves in the woods. Foi my own part, my resolution was formed, not to shrink from the threatened danger, be it what it might, but rather to walk boldly forward to justify that which I had done in the fear of God. Some of my friends came to give me notice of the approach of the Archers, and at the same time to offer me their houses as an asylum until the storm had passed over, but I declined their kind oiFers. I said to them, '• It was I who induced the poor people to jeopard their lives for our holy religion. I invited them to my house to join in religious worship, and having acted as their leader when no danger threatened, ought I not to continue at their head in the hour of peril ? If I were now to flee. I should consider myself like the shepherd, who is described in the Gospel as an hire- ling, who fled at the sight of the wolf Example, my friends, is more powerful than precept. I am determined to share the risks of my poor neighbors, for if I were absent from them, and they abjured their faith for want of the counte- nance and support that I, as their leader, could give them, I should for ever feel that the sin rested upon my shoulder." Seeing me so determined, my friends ceased to urge me to go with them, and when they left me I set to work to pre- pare for the morrow. I gave full directions to my servants for their conduct during my absence. I prepared a bundle of clothing and other necessaries to take with me to the prison, and then before retiring to rest, I knelt down and prayed earnestly to God to give me grace and strength to support and guid(> nie in the step T was taking, and in which 64 iffiMOIES OF A xIUGUENOT FAIillLY. I believed I had a single eye to his glory. My mind be came so perfectly composed after this, that I went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately, and I slept so soundly that I did not waken until I heard the sound of the Provost and Archers knocking at the door for admittance. The day was just breaking when I opened my eyes, and being yet only half awake, I trembled from head to foot, and felt a vague sort of alarm at I knew not what, and the thought actually crossed my mind that I would defend myself with the fire- arms which I had in my room. Presently I collected my scattered senses, and knew what the noise meant, and then I called to mind the thoughts with which I had retired the night before, and I again implored the aid of my heavenly Father, which was granted me on the instant, for I felt tranquillized almost immediately. I was displeased to hear my servants telling the Archers that I was not in the house, and I opened the window, and put my head out to tell them that I should soon be ready for them, having made my preparations over night. Upon this they retreated a little, being afraid that I was going to fire upon them, and I heard the Provost give orders to his Archers to be upon their guard. I told him he need not fear the weapons I had for my defence ; I relied upon my innocence for protection, and I hoped to conquer by my constancy. I begged him to wait patiently a few minutes and I would accompany him. As soon as I had dressed myself I opened the door to him, and showed him my little bundle which I had prepared the night before. The Provost proceeded to perform what he considered to be his duty, and he gave me an exhortation, to the efiect that I ought to obey the orders of the king, and make a prompt recan- CONDUCTED TO PRISON. 65 tation. He then gave me in charge of two of his Archers, and he went with the rest to look for the other persons, against whom he held warrants. They scoured the country in all directions without finding any of my accomplices in prayer. They seized upon a poor plougliman, whose zeal had never been warm enough to carry him to any illegal assembly, and he felt both pained and embarrassed to be suflFeriug persecution without the consolation of having deserved it. He was tied to the tail of a horse, and sent forward to the place of rendezvous, with an Archer for his guard, who was one of that tribe of booted missionaries who strove to make converts to his religion by oaths, threats and cruelties. He frightened his poor ignorant prisoner exceedingly, who, when he saw me, cried out : " Alas ! sir, are you also in the power of these cruel men ?" To which I replied, " I feel it an honor to be esteemed worthy of suffering in such a cause." Hearing that no more prisoners were likely to be brought in, we were ordered to proceed on our way. I had gained some favor with the Archers who had me in charge, by giving them money, and I was thus able to persuade them to indulge my companion, by lengthening his rope sufficiently for him to walk abreast with my horse. They also showed me personal consideration, for, as we were approaching the capital, they told me that they had received positive orders to tie my legs together under the horse, but that they would dispense with it, if I would let my cloak drop low enough to conceal my feet entirely. We entered the town of Saintes at five o'clock in the after- noon of a day, near the end of April, 1684. We drew around us a crowd composed of two very different classes ; the one clapped their hands, jumped for joy, and cried out in loud t)6 MEMOIKS OF A IIUGUEMUT FAMILY. tones, "Hang them! hang them!" The others felt for us deeply, they stood aloof and wept. My companion was greatly alarmed; I tried to impart comfort by speaking kindly, and taking his hand and pressing it affectionately, which seemed to give him courage, but it made the papists very angry, for when they noticed it they re- doubled their threats. We were taken straight to the prison, where many of the principal Protestants came that very even- ing to show their compassionate interest. They were without any minister at the time, both of theirs being in confinement at La Reolle. I told the good people they would probably soon have an opportunity of showing the strength of their sympathy by ac- tion, but, in the mean time, I felt grateful for their kind words. I then told them that I felt assured it would not be long before my poor neighbors would be my companions in prison, and then I should look to them for contributions towards their support. After they had left me, I made a bargain with the jailer to pay him so much a day for a bed for myself, and for the use of his private apartment. I could easily have avoided imprisonment, by flight, but I had resolved to stand my ground, for the benefit of the poor people to whom I had ministered. I thought that by sharing their confinement I might be able to prevent those who should be hereafter brought to prison from changing their religion. I determined, without loss of time, and before suspicion of my object could be aroused, to make the only arrangement by which I could hope to be useful to them, and that was, to ob- tain permission to pray aloud night and morning in the prison, an undertaking which hitherto, so far as I knew, no minister had dared to attempt. PKATER IN PRISON. OT After supper I entered into conversation with the jailer and told him that there was one thing I wished to mention tc him, namely, that it was my habit to pray aloud to God, night and morning, and that it had become so necessary to me that I had no peace of mind, if I were debarred from it, and hf would find me in such a case a most morose, unhappy, dis agreeable inmate ; but if I were allowed to follow my usual practice he would find me a cheerful companion, and one who would give him no trouble. I said to him that I wished to show him all possible respect, and had not the least idea of annoying him by praying in our joint apartment ; therefore, if he saw no objection to it, I would select as my altar the corner of the common prison, behind the door that led to our room. He was disposed to be facetious, and said, I should find him, like the devil, not quite so black as he had been painted, but that all my holy water would not make him drop the keys out of his hand. " Very well," said I, " I am glad to find that we agree so well ; you may retain possession of the key of the prison, and I will endeavor to obtain that of eternal happiness." I went directly to the corner I had named, knelt down and began to pray aloud ; I did not call any one to join me, but as ] had expected, my companion threw himself on his knees at my side, and a poor Protestant who was imprisoned for debt was glad to avail himself of the privilege and knelt also. My prayer was chiefly composed of thanksgiving to Almighty God, that amongst his many faithful followers, he had been pleased to select me to suffer persecution for the truth of his Gospel, and I implored his grace to enable me to do my duty in this new sphere. I did not forget to make mention of the choice of Moses, rather to suffer persecution with the people 68 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. of God than to sit upon the throne of Pharaoh. I also named as an example, the zealous protestations of St. Paul, that neither death nor life, nor principalities nor powers, should be able to separate him from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. I also prayed for the king, that it might please God, in whose hand is the heart of the king, as the rivers of water, that he turneth it whithersoever he will, to in- cline his heart to examine for himself the pure faith against which he had issued so many edicts, and that he might be turned from its persecutor into its nurse and father. I went on the following morning to pray aloud in the same corner, and continued regularly night and morning, by which means the poor ploughman became confirmed in his faith, and felt bold enough to disregard alike the promises and threats of the papists. The jailer and his wife had been accustomed to have haughty, turbulent spirits to deal with, and mine was so different, that they could only suppose I was disordered in my intellects, when they found that I considered it a privilege to De imprisoned. CHAPTER V. Provost and Archers make another tour— Twenty country people brought to prison- Well supplied by Protestant brethren— Prayer— Indictment— Confrontation— K* collenient— Examination of witnesses— Apply to be set at liberty— Accusation of th« King's advocate— Dungeon— Removed to Town Hall— Bribery proposed to me. When I bad been in prison about ten days, the Provost and his Archers set out upon another circuit to look for those who had been at our meetings, and as I had foreseen, the country people would no longer flee. They had received timely warn- ing, and the timid retreated to the woods, but the Provost was met by more than one hundred and fifty persons, who accosted him with the utmost intrepidity, saying : " We have all at- tended these holy meetings and prayed to God in the woods, and we are ready to justify our conduct." The number who presented themselves was much greater than those against whom he held warrants, so he was obliged to make an examination, and he drew off to one side all those whose names did not appear upon his list. After this rejec- tion, the number left was still too large to take to prisons al- ready well filled with papists who had been committed for real crimes, so the Provost declared he would take only twenty A holy strife then arose amongst these followers of the Lord as to who should be of the number. The Archers were themselves struck at the scene they be- 70 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILl'. held. " What are you about?'' said they. " Do you set no value upon life? What fury urges you to the gallows? Think for a moment of your wives and children ! What will become of them ?" They tried every expedient to intimidate them, and swore to them, by all that was sacred, that if once they were taken to prison they would only exchange it for the rack the gibbet, or, at any rate, the galleys. They adduced numer- ous instances of such and such persons, who, for similar offences, had been hanged, broken on the wheel. &c., &c. It was all of no use, their words seemed to act like wind upon fire ; the more furious and violent were the Archers the more was the zeal of the people kindled. At length, by a refinement of cruelty, the Provost deter- mined to leave behind those who were most anxious to go, and he selected those to take with him who appeared the least eager. They were bound together two and two, as dogs are coupled for hunting, and tied to the tails of the horses. These poor countrymen betrayed not the least fear, they bade adieu to their wives and children with dry eyes. The wives also did their part to sustain their husbands, and they saw them led away without a murmur ; they had put their hands to the plough, and did not look back ; they placed full trust in Him, who has promised to be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless. It was known in Saintes, where the Provost and Archers had gone, so the good Protestants were ready to minister to the temporal necessities of the prisoners who might be brought, and it was certainly not more than half an hour after their arrival at the prison, when ten beds with bedding complete were sent to them, and an abundant supper likewise. It deserves to be recorded that, to the honor of the Pro- PRAYER. 71 testants of Saintes, they continued to furnish the same liberal supply during the whole time that the poor people were imprisoned. Manna was not more abundant in the wil- derness than food in the prison. The beds were ranged along one side of the large common room, apart from the papists. In the evening, when I went to prayer as usual, they all knelt around me, and God, who has promised a favorable answer to the prayer of faith, answered ours by pouring into our hearts a holy joy and peace which cannot be described. Those only can under- stand it who have tasted for themselves. I soon found the advantage of the plan of praying aloud which I had adopted ; for when attempts would be made to undermine the simple faith of these poor people, and they would be puzzled with doctrinal arguments they were unable to answer, they would speak amongst themselves of their diflBculties, and as I walked up and down the large room, I listened to what they were saying, and when the hour for prayer arrived, I availed myself of what I had overheard, and I used to frame a petition in such a way as to furnish them with an answer. I would pray that if the enemies of the Lord should ask me such and such questions, and make use of such and such arguments, I might receive the promised aid of the Holy Spirit, and be ready to answer in such and such a manner for the faith that was in me. I thus con- trived to baffle all the arts of the Bishop's Chaplain, and to prepare the people for his daily visits to them. The Bishop himself and many other papists came to see them, and were unceasing in their efforts to make some of them fall, but thanks be to God, it was all in vain. This went on for about three weeks, and then they began to think 72 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. they had discovered the secret of our strength, so they do* termined to remove me, and they hoped that when the poor countrymen were left to themselves, they might work upon their fears as successfully as they had done upon the mason. I had foreseen this step, and taken precautions accordingly. I showed them that prayer had proved the invincible ar- mor of our faith, and I therefore recommended them, if I should be taken from them, to continue praying aloud, one for the rest ; and if he also should be removed, to let another take his place, and continue it so long as even two should be left together. For their farther encouragement, I told them that I did not think it at all improbable that by following this plan, we might all be placed in the same room again. The King's Solicitor had made out an indictment for the offences of which I had been guilty in the prison ; it contained three distinct charges : — 1st. I had taught in the prison, and thus I had prevented my companions changing their religion. 2d. I had given offence to the Roman Catholics who were in prison. 3d. I had interrupted the priest in his celebration of divine worship. I have neglected to name that there was a small chapel attached to the prison, where the priest said mass every morning, and I had purposely selected the same time for our devotions, because the papists were then generally absent. Two of the witnesses against nie, whose ears had been offended by the holy name of God being pronounced within their hearing, were men who had waylaid a neighbor on the highway, murdered him and mangled his body, for which crime they were afterwards broken on the wheel. Oh ! how CONFRONTATION AND RECOLLEMENT. Y3 infamous for a Hugueuot to dare to pray to God in the pre- Bence of such worthy Catholics ! and wound their delicate consciences with his fanatical discourse ! Great God ! what times ! Before removing me, I was brought into court for exami- nation, and they began first with the oflFence for which I had been originally committed to prison. On these occasions, in France, the accused is permitted to put as many questions as he pleases to the witnesses, in the presence of the Seneschal or President and the Regis- ter ; and he has the right to have such answers as he con- siders favorable to himself committed to writing. This is called the '• confrontation." The President, on behalf of the King, cross-examines both the accused and the witnesses, and has all the answers recorded that he considers sufficiently important. This is called " recollement." Upon this confrontation and recollement all the instruc- tions for the prosecution turn. They are read by twelve or fifteen judges, who are called Counsellors, and are lawyers, as a matter of course. At the time of judging, the witnesses are not brought to the bar for examination, as is the practice in England, but the confrontation and recollement are pro- duced as evidence. You are to understand that each wit- ness has been separately examined, without knowing what any other has said ; therefore it is an excellent plan for eliciting the truth. It is all important, you will perceive, for the accused to be on the alert, so that if there is any false statement made by a witness it may be discovered. The only witness who could be produced against me, to give evidence as to the crime for which I had been brought 4 74 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLY. from home, was Agoust. He had made oath that he saw m« on Easter Day among the poor people, returning from a re ligious meeting in the woods. I have already mentioned that he was a pettifogging attorney, and, consequently, he might be expected to be very well qualified for the task he had un- dertaken, of supporting a falsehood without contradicting himself. In the end, we generally find truth triumphant, and so it was on this occasion, for I extracted from him at different times, and amidst a host of useless questions, the following replies : — Firstly. That the time he saw me was in the dusk of the evening. Secondly. That he was standing at his window when he saw me. Thirdly. That I was in Mr. Mouillere's meadow. Fourthly. That the distance was about a musket-shot from where he was standing. Fifthly. That it was not in my way home from the woods. You will readily believe, that I only obtained these answers at long intervals, putting many irrelevant questions to him in the mean time, in order to make him lose sight of the inconsistency of his present replies with those already recorded. The President was out of all patience with me for consum ing so much of his valuable time in asking foolish questions. As Agoust had been brought up a Protestant, and had turned Papist to retain his office as attorney, I endeavored to rouse his conscience to some feeling of remorse. I put together the answers I have given above, and said to him ■ CKOSS-EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. 75 " Miserable wretch that you are ; was it not enough that you should deny your baptism, and renounce your religion yourself, but you must also employ false testimony, to put temptation in the way of those whom God has sustained by his grace ? Now, look at your own statement, and give God the glory. " You say you were at your window in the dusk of the evening, and that you recognized me at the distance of a musket-shot. What sort of eyes do you pretend to have?" He was much confused at this, and said : " At any rate, I thought it was you." " Write down that," said I to the register. The President, seeing his prey about to escape from the snare, got into a violent passion, and accused me of abusing the witness. " You have," said he, " perplexed and confused him. I will not allow such proceedings." " What," said I, " are you sorry that I have forced the truth from his lips ? I looked up to you as my judge, but I now see reason to fear you as my persecutor." I spoke to the register several times, requesting him to write down the last most decisive answer, but he looked to the President for permission, and lie shook his head. I would not yield, and insisted upon it, that he should write down that the witness no longer said he had seen me, but only that he thought he had seen me. The President wished to dictate it in modified terms, but I said to him, '• I declare to you, that if this last answer be not written down, verbatim, as the witness spoke it, nothing shall induce me to sign my confrontation." So I gained my point, and it was written down. I scarcely believe I should have succeeded, but from the fear he entertained of my enter- 76 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ing a protest against his proceedings, which would have been to his great dishonor. I had parried the first blow successfully, and you shall now hear how I replied to the dreadful accusation of having prayed to my Grod in prison. The two witnesses, already mentioned, who were after- wards broken on the wheel, were the first to be examined, in order to obtain their evidence before it might be out of reach from their execution. One of them was of a Protestant fam- ily, and he could remember nothing more than that he had heard me say, " Our Father, who art in heaven." The second was unable to remember even as much as that. The third witness called up was the jailer, and he had made the accusa- tion that I had prevented the recantation of the prisoners. I said to him : " Did you ever hear me speak to the peo- ple on the subject of religion?" " No," said he. " Did I even call them to prayers ?" " No." I put no further questions to him. The fourth witness was his wife, and she was expected to prove that I had interrupted the priest in his celebration of mass. She was possessed of some talent, and she was a great bigot, therefore more dexterity was required in dealing with her. You must bear in mind that the chapel was separated from the main building of the prison by a small court, and also that it was on the ground-floor. The common room of the prison was in the second story, and I prayed in that cor- ner of it which was the most remote from the chapel. I had my back towards it, and I always spoke in a subdued tone of i CROSS-EXAMINATION OF WIl'NESSES. 77 voice, only just loud enough to be audible to those around me. It would, indeed, have required lungs much stronger than mine to have made myself heard in the chapel. The President himself well knew that it was an impossibility ; and had there been no other evidence of the falsity of the accusa- tion, the non-appearance of the priest, who was said to have been interrupted, was sufficient. Had the complaint been true, he would certainly have been summoned as a witness. When the wife of the jailer came forward, I complained to her of the injustice of preceding witnesses, and said that I was sure such a devout woman as she was could not have been shocked to see poor people, for whom punishment was in store, humbling themselves before God, and that, as all my expressions were drawn from the Holy Scriptures, they could not have given offence to a good Christian. She replied, that my words had not given her offence. That was written down. " However," said I, " you had a much better opportunity of hearing me than any of the other witnesses. Do not you remember one morning, when I was praying, that you passed from one room to the other, and came (^uite close to my feet ?" " Yes ; I remember it very well." I had that written, almost in spite of the President, who considered the question so utterly useless. After a few un- important queries, I asked her if she ever heard me call any one to prayer. " No," said she ; " but as soon as they see you kneeling down, they run like wild-fire." " Did you ever hear me forbid any of the people to change their religion ?" " No," said she. 78 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. I then inquired whether she was able to remember a ser mon she heard from one of the preachers of her own religion. She appeared piqued that I could entertain a doubt upon the subject, and answered, most unhesitatingly, that she could re- member it. I did not require that to be written. I then apologized for giving her the trouble, but humbly begged of her to oblige me by repeating to the President any passages she could remember of my prayers, because I felt assured he would find nothing to reprehend ; he would rather esteem me for them, than wish to bring punishment upon me. She was abashed at having to acknowledge any deficiency in the memory, of which she had just now boasted, and she was therefore compelled to tell the truth, and to say that she could not oblige me, because I always spoke in so low a tone that she could not hear what I said. That was written, and T was satisfied. We both signed the confrontation, or, more properly, the refutation of the accusation. I then requested the Presi- dent to set me at liberty, for I pointed out to him that every one of the witnesses had given contradictory evidence, and upon such, he could not think of sending me to the worse prison, with which I had been threatened. The King's Advocate replied in an indignant tone, that I had been guilty of holding illegal assemblies within the prison. I answered pleasantly enough to that accusation : " You are wrong to impute that crime to me. The Grand Provost and his Archers are to blame for it, and if you will order the prison doors to be opened. I will take upon myself to disperse the assembly, without loss of time." I DEFENCE. 79 " It is 110 jesting matter," said he, " you Lave prevented the conversion of these poor people." I then spoke with more seriousness, and said to him : " You must perceive, by the confrontation, that you are mis- taken in what you say ; but, for the sake of argument, I will suppose it to be otherwise ; but even then, the constancy of the prisoners could not be attributed to me. I look upon the conversion of the soul as exclusively the work of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, perseverance in our religion proceeds not from the influence of man, but from Him only who tries the heart and the reins, and strengthens whom he pleases. I am ashamed," said I, '• to plead before Christians, as Christians formerly pleaded before Pagans. Now, just imagine yourself in the situation of one of us ; what would you think of a re- ligion which should impute it to you as a crime that you had prayed to God out of the deep gulf of your afl3iction ? Would you be inclined to embrace such a religion ?" The King's Advocate appeared disposed to relent upon my making this appeal ; but the President remained inflexible, and gave an order to have me taken to the dungeon of the tower of Pons. I spoke once more to him with much warmth and indig- nation : " I feel persuaded you are convinced of my inno- cence, and therefore I think you are unmindful of your duty, when you are more inveterate against me than the King's Advocate, who. in virtue of his ofiBce. is my prosecutor. If you think you can prevent my calling upon my Creator by putting me in a dungeon, you are very much mistaken. The greater my affliction, the more importunate will be my prayers ; and when I call upon God, I will not forget to pray for you, that you may repent, and that he will give you a better mind." 80 MEMOmS OF A HTTGUENOT FA:MrLY. He replied, " I want neither your prayers nor your leo tures." He then called upon the sergeant to do his duty, and I was removed from the court. I was placed, at eight o'clock in the morning, in a dark, miserable, filthy dungeon, in the Tower of Pons. It was al- ready tenanted by one of the culprits, who was awaiting his trial for murder. We had not much conversation with each other. He asked me if I knew what was the general opinion entertained of him. I told him that he was believed to be guilty of the crime of which he was accused. He then asked me if I could tell him any thing of the mode of examining by torture. I said that if they were really guilty of the crime, it was more than probable that some one of them would confess it, under torture, and his confession would be sufficient to condemn the rest. " What," said he, " if I go through the torture without confessing, and another accuses me falsely, shall I be broken on the wheel all the same ?" I said that all the particulars might be given with such circumstantial detail, that he would find it impossible to deny any longer. He cried out in great distress, " Ah Jesu Maria !" His tone of voice removed from my mind any doubt I might have entertained of his guilt. I felt compassion for the poor, wretched man, and tried to turn his mind to the contempla- tion of a future state. I told him that if he would only re- pent truly of his sins, he might be forgiven. God's mercy, I said, was still open, if he would only apply for it through the Saviour who died for him. He was curious to know what crime could have brought REMOVAL TO TOWN HALL. 81 me to be his companion in such a place; and when I told him, he said, " Alas ! sir, why will you not change your reli- gion? This is a sad place for one like you." Poor fellow ! I doubt not he would have acted up to the advice he gave me ; and the probability is, that if he had been brought up a Protestant, he might now have saved his life by recantation. On the following day he was put to the torture, ordinary and extraordinary ; he uttered not a syllable ; but one of his companions made a full confession, and all three were broken on the wheel. Owing to the unceasing importunity of Mademoiselle de la Burgerie, afterwards wife of Colonel de Boisron, I was taken out of the stinking dungeon at nine o'clock the same night. She was well acquainted with the President, and she represented to him in the strongest language, the infamy of his proceedings, and gave him no peace until he signed an order for my removal, and gave it to her. My next prison was just the opposite ; instead of being under ground, it was very high, in a small tower at the top of the Town Hall of Pons, open to the town-clock, circular in its form, ten or twelve feet in diameter, and with two rather large grated windows. I procured a small bedstead, a table, and three chairs, and made myself as comfortable as I could. I was altogether dependent upon the caprice of the President, who would sometimes forbid all access to my apartment, and at other times, he would grant admission to any, and every body, who would pay the door-keeper a trifle for the trouble of taking them up stairs. During the three months I was in confinement there, I was visited by many worthy, excel- lent persons, through whose instrumentality I was enabled to send prayers, copied by unknown hands, which I prepared tc 82 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. suit the wants of my fellow-suflferers iu the prison at Saintea I had the unspeakable satisfaction of learning that they per- severed in their daily devotions, and that they remained a united band of Christians, not one of whom could be per- suaded by threat or bribe to recant. It is worth mentioning, that during my solitary imprison- ment I was never once disturbed by a visit from any bishop, Jesuit, priest, or monk, though a day never passed without some of them visiting my companions. No one proposed to me to change my religion, and I felt the truth of the saying, that if you resist the devil he will flee from you. The President gave out that I was kept iu confinement until there was time to prepare the process ; but it was hinted to me again and again, that I might let myself out with a sil- ver key. I had only entered the prison for the benefit of my poor neighbors, therefore I was determined not to come out of it by means entirely out of their reach. I had also an- other reason, which alone would have been sufficient to make me decline this plan, namely, that it would hold out an in- ducement to the avaricious President to treat other Protestants with severity, in the hope of extorting money. My advocate, Mr. Maureau, one day took out his purse, and showing me the gold and silver, he said, " here is the key of your prison." " I am fully aware of it," said I, " but I never will make use of it." He and some other kind friends would gladly have ar- ranged the matter themselves, and not sufi"ered me to pay a sin- gle farthing ; but I received some intimation of what they were about to do, and I told Mr. Maureau that I would scorn such a proceeding, and that if he dared to take the step without my consent, I would proclaim publicly that the Pre- sident had taken money to enlarge me. CHAPTER VI. Trial before the Presidency— Digression— Defence— Angry discussion with the Pwri- dent — Query — Reply — Sentence. The month of August had come round by the time that the process was ready to be brought before the Presidency in the Hall of Justice. In this court, the prisoner has to depend upon himself, he is not allowed the help of an advocate to plead for him. The door is locked, and guarded by Archers. The President sits in the centre, the Judges or Counsellors on each side ; the Ke- gister remains in the lower part of the Hall, and the prisoner is usually seated near him, on a three-legged wooden stool, as a mark of disgrace. There is a saying in France, " he has sat upon the stool," which is tantamount to the English phrase, " I have seen him hold up his hand at the bar." The testimony recorded in the confrontation is read to the accused, and he is asked if it be correct, and if the signa- ture attached to it be his. The judges then examine hini more fully, and if it be a case which admits of appeal to Parliament, the answers are recorded. As soon as the ex- amination is over, the accused is taken back to prison, and the sentence of the court, in writing, is sent to him by a sheriff's officer. 84 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. In preparing for my defence I thought much more of my poor neighbors than of myself, because I was really innocent of the charge in the indictment, they were not. Knowing that they would not be assisted by an advocate. I could not help feeling some apprehension for them, and I determined, if any opportunity oflFered itself, I would say something applica- ble to their case. I thought it possible that I might be able to soften the hearts or alarm the consciences of the judges: and I made it a subject of special prayer to God. I will make a digression here, which you will presently perceive is not altogether irrelevant. My apartment in the tower of the Town Hall looked down into the court-yard of the residence of one of my judges. He was a very passionate man, much addicted to gambling and dissipation, but at the same time, he was said to be an able jurist. Two or three days before my trial, I was awakened out of sound sleep, about midnight, by this man swearing and Cursing in a loud tone of voice. He had just returned home after losing a large sum of money at the gambling table ; he was mad with vexation, and was venting his rage upon his innocent wife and children. I thought I heard blows, but of that I was not sure. To proceed with the trial. When I entered the Hall of Justice, the Register civilly offered me the three-legged stool. I would not sit upon it, for I said I was not a criminal to deserve such disgrace. He attempted to force me upon it, which the Court perceiving ordered him to desist, and one of he judges smiling, said: " Mr. Fontaine is a young man, and he might lose a good match by being made to sit there." I made him a profound bow. I was asked whether I had not prayed to God in the woods on Easter Sunday ? DEFENCE. 85 I said, " No, and I can produce any number of witnesses to prove an alibi, if you will allow me to call them. I spent that day at Coses." Very little was said about my crime in prison, because 1 acknowledged unhesitatingly that I had prayed there, but in a low tone of voice. After some other questions, they asked me if I did not know that His Majesty had issued a declaration forbidding illegal assemblies. I thought that God had now most assuredly opened the door for me to say something on behalf of my fellow-prisoners, and I replied : " Gentlemen, I am aware of it, and I have read the declaration over and over again, and I can find no- thing in it which forbids people assembling to pray to God. I look upon it as the height of injustice to His Majesty to pre- tend that he calls such assemblies unlawful, and you, who are the interpreters of his declaration, ought to have more respect for him and for your own reputation as Christians, than to give it so bad an interpretation as to call assemblies illegal, to which no arms are carried but the Old and New Testament, and where no words are uttered but such as find an echo in those sacred volumes, and where prayers are offered up for the prosperity of the King and his kingdom, and for the conver- sion of those who persecute the Church of Christ." A curious interruption occurred here. My advocate, Mr. Maureau, had been listening at the door, and he was afraid I should injure my cause by speaking so boldly, so he put his mouth to a crevice and cried, "Hist! hist! hist!" and ran away. The door was ordered to be opened, but the ofiender was not to be seen, so they contented themselves with guard- ing it more carefully. This incident roused the attention of 86 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. the judges, and they evidently hoped I should let fall some unguarded expression they might use to my disadvantage, so they encouraged me to proceed, which I did as follows : " Ille- gal assemblies, gentlemen, it appears to me, are assemblies where something is done contrary to law, such as tumultu- ously assembling in arms to conspire against the state ; and I see none other to which it can be applied without losing sight of the correct meaning of words. If I were to extend its ap- plication, it is evident it should be to those meetings held in summer on Sunday evenings, where they play, dance on the green, quarrel with one another, and blaspheme their Maker on his appointed day of rest. Such assemblies might per- haps fall within the meaning of the declaration ; however, I do not hear of any one being taken up for attending them, while the prisons are filled with those whose only crime has been praying to God. In the name of all that is sacred, gen- tlemen, how dare you give such an interpretation to His Ma- jesty's declaration without trembling to think of the wrath of the King of kings? You who assemble nightly at balls, where they dance, speak evil of their neighbors, squander their money, and perhaps lose in gambling that which is wanted at home for the support of wives and children, to whom they prove a burden and a curse, rather than the blessing they ought to be. You, I say, who are now sitting in judg- ment upon others, will one day stand before the just Judge of all the world, and in that awful day, think you that He will condemn those who have worshipped him in spirit and in truth, or those who have frequented your assemblies ?" " Aha !" cried the President, " your rebellious spirit breaks out at last. You not only sermonize and reproach us, but you say the King issues declarations, wherein he forbids as- ax(tKy discussion. 87 semblies where tliey pray to God, and permits those in which the Divine Majesty is blasphemed." '• Register, that is the sense of his reply, write it down." " It is not," said I. He then rose up in great anger, and said, " I am void of understanding if it mean any thing else." Some of the judges were disposed to be more patient, and proposed that they should listen to what I had to say. This was good policy on their part, for an appeal to Par- liament was open to me, and if I would not sign my name to the answers recorded, they might get into trouble, because they would then be required to verify upon oath every word they had made the Register write as coming from me. " Gentlemen," said I, " the sense of what I did say I take to be this ; that the King, by his declaration of such a date, never meant to prohibit assemblies where they pray to God, but much rather balls, and Sunday evening assemblies for dancing on the green, and more especially those wherein they conspire against the state." " No," said the President, "that is not it." " Well, gentlemen," said I, '-to put an end to the dispute I am very willing to dictate, verbatim, to the Register all that I have said ;" and T was about to begin. " What !" cried the President, *■' you do not surely expect us to listen to that long sermon over again, no ; that would be rather beyond endurance." At last, in order to save tlu" trouble of the long reply, they consented to take the following as the tenor of it : " According to my judgment, the declaration of His Ma- jesty of such a date does not forbid assemblies where they only pray to God, and I think those who extend its applica tion so far, depart from the intcntinn of TTis Majesty." 88 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLY. This was written down, and I signed my name to it. The President, by way of showing my stubborness, as he called it, to the Court, then said to me : " Mr. Fontaine, we have no more questions to put to you as an accused person, but merely as a matter of curiosity, I wish to have your opinion ; whether you think a private individual, we will say, a mecha- nic, for instance, can understand the Holy Scriptures as well as the learned doctors and councils?" I answered. " I must make some discrimination before I reply to your question. Suppose the individual in qiiestion should be blessed with the aid of the Holy Spirit, and the doctors and councils should not — which I think very possible — then I am of opinion the former would understand the sacred volume the best, because the same Spirit which dic- tated the Scriptures is necessary for their correct understand- ing. Our blessed Lord and his poor fishermen found them selves opposed by the Scribes and Pharisees at Jerusalem. To come nearer to our own days, I certainly think that Lu- ther and Calvin understood the Scriptures better than all the popes, cardinals, and councils put together." At these words they all arose, crying out, " Jesu Maria ! What infatuation !" " Ere long, gentlemen," said I, " we shall all be summoned to leave this vain world, and we shall then see whose has been the infatuation." I was then taken back to prison, and my poor neighbors suc- ceeded me for trial in the Hall of Justice. I was well pleased that I had been able to put in a word for them. I had cer- tainly shown the judges that, if they condemned me or these poor people, they might, in their turn, fear condemnation from Him whom they had forbidden us to worship. The sermon, which it was reported I had preached to the SENTENCE. 89 Court, made a great noise in the place, and became a topic of conversation both among Protestants and Papists, each dress- ing it in his own fashion. The judges said I had put the rope around my own neck. I received visits of condolence from the principal Protestants in the town.. Many letters were written to me on the subject from various places. They seemed to be unanimous in censuring me for m}' indiscretion, in speaking so freely before my judges. However, when I told the whole truth, and they understood how cautiously I had worded my replies, and more especially when I told them what had ac- tually been recorded, they no longer blamed, but were dis- posed to overwhelm me with commendation. The next day I received my sentence from the hands of the Serjeant, and I appealed to Parliament immediately. My sentence was that I must pay a fine of a hundred livres to the King, for having prayed in prison, and be de- clared for ever incapable of exercising any function of the holy ministry. My companions were condemned to make the " amende honorable," to be banished from the province for six months, pay all expenses, estimated at one hundred crowns in specie and a fine of six thousand francs was laid upon us all collec- tively and individually. They had included me in the sen tence of the people, though they had no proof against me, because they intended to make sure of tlic money, and they knew that I had some property, and my poor neiglibors had ittle or none. I tendered the hundred livres imposed upon me indi- vidually, and then demanded my enlargement, or, at any rate, the liberty of going in and out of the prison. This was re- fused me ; and, therefore, I was under the necessity of calling upon my friends to present my appeal to Parliament. CHAPTER VII. Appeal to Parliament — Factum — President's remark — Sentence reversed — R«igme» refuses copy of decree — Apply for redress — Return home. The Parliament of Bourdeaux, or rather of Guienne, then held its sittings at La ReoUe, and by its order we were re- moved to the prison of that town, which was so full that the jailer, contented with the payment of his entrance fee, al- lowed us to go and come on '• parole " as we pleased. This promised to be a very advantageous arrangement for me, as I could thus have the opportunity of making personal applica- tion to Parliament, proving my own innocence, and exposing the injustice of the Presidency of Saintes in its true colors. I had my Factum printed, of which the following is a true and faithful copy ; " FACTUM. " James Fontaine is accused of two things. The one, ot being found in the assemblies held in the wood of Chatelars, near Royan ; and the other, of having been heard praying to God, in the prison of Saintes. With regard to the first accu sation, it is based upon the testimony of only one witness, named Agoust. who made affidavit to having seen him at the FACTUM. 91 distance of one hundred paces from his own house, and twc hundred paces from the place where the assemblies were said to have been held. At the confrontation, this witness ad- mitted that he only thouglit he had seen him from a window, and that, too, in the dusk of the evening, at the distance of three or four hundred paces ; and upon the strength of such testimony as this, the said Fontaine has been confined four months in the prisons of Saintes, which are extremely rude in their accommodations. The charge of praying to God rested upon the evidence of four witnesses, who contradicted them- selves upon cross-examination ; and it appeared that the said Fontaine merely knelt down in a corner of the prison, and spoke in so low a tone that the jailer's wifo, after acknowledg- ing that she passed within one pace of him when he was kneeling down, was not able to repeat a single word of what he had said. After the breviate of the case was completed, the Seneschal, in the most extraordinary manner, refused to judge, and the said Fontaine was obliged to take legal steps in consequence ; and after four months' delay, the Attorney- G-eneral's deputy, recognizing the injustice of the proceeding, called for further inquiry, and the sentence resulting there- from is the subject of the present appeal. The said Fontaine has been declared guilty of contravening the King's Edict, and has been condemned to pay a fine of a hundred livres, and declared for ever incapable of exercising the functions of candidate or minister. The said Fontaine appealed. He tendered the sum of one hundred livres, the fine imposed upon himself individually, and desired to be set at liberty. This was refused ; but he has since obtained permission to go in and out upon condition of returning to the prison. " This is a brief statement of facts, and the said Fontaine 92 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. now proceeds to justify his appeal. In the first place, the testimony of a single witness is not sufficient under any cir- cumstances ; and the witness in question merely testified to seeing him on the higliway, and not at the place of meeting, and confessed afterwards that he only thought he had seen him. A witness, to be depended upon, should speak with cer- tainty, and not by credit vel non credit any more than by hearsay. And, furthermore, it can be proved that the said Fontaine was at Coses, distant three leagues, on the day and at the hour named by the witness. " As to the second accusation, could it, among Christians, be considered a crime to pray to God, and that, too, in the actual words dictated by our Blessed Lord to his disciples ? Surely the very situation of a prisoner would be likely to make him, if a Christian, pray more fervently and frequently than ever. He could appropriate the language of the Royal Prophet and say, ' Out of the depths have I cried to thee, Lord,' and God, who is the judge of the quick and dead, will not condemn him for it, whatever man may do. In order to convict, there should be proof of words having been used that could admit of evil construction ; so far from it, all that has appeared in evidence is, th,at he was seen on his knees in a remote corner of the pinson, and one witness heard him say, ' Our Father, who art in heaven.' " The said Fontaine concludes with the prayer, that this his appeal for justice, may be favorably considered ; th# former decision reversed, and he be released from confinement and from all fines, costs, and damages. " Monsieur de Labourin, Reporter. (Signed) " Dumas, Attorney. "Presented Gth August, 1G84." APPEAL TO PARLIAMENT. 93 When I presented this Factum to the President of the Parliament, I said to him, " My Lord, I here present you with a true statement of facts, and if you find, upon examination, the slightest discrepancy or exaggeration when you come to compare it with the evidence which will be brought before you I am willing not only to have the sentence of the Senes- chal confirmed, but increased penalties added to it." He read it over with attention, and then said to me, " I can scarcely imagine that this is correct. The Seneschal could have no inducement for acting thus." " My Lord," said I, " his ruling passion is the spirit of avarice, which he hides under a specious display of false zeal ; he only joined me with the poor people, in the sentence, to make sure of obtaining payment of the fine and costs. I can assure you his fees of office have been levied with an unspar- ing hand." There are certain fees which are the perquisite of the reporter, who is the one, among the judges, to whom is con- fided the examination of the process. The fees vary in amount according to the importance of the cause. The Seneschal had an idea that our suit would be profitable, and he took care to have himself appointed reporter for it, and he made most exhorbitant charges. The form of proceeding before Parliament is the same as before the Presidial Court. When I entered the Hall of Justice, the Serjeant offered me the stool, as in the other Court ; but I cast a look towards the President, who did me the favor to exempt me from the opprobrium. I was treated most respectfully, no unnecessary questions were asked, and I received full justice. I obtained a final decision, reversing the sentence of the Presidency of 94 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Saintes, and acquitting me entirely. My poor neighbors, for form's Bake, were banished from the province for six months. The Seneschal of Saintes was ordered to return the hundred livres that I had deposited, and he was prohibited from re- ceiving fees on this or any future occasion, where the King was the prosecutor. Two grievous blows for the Seneschal. It was necessary that I should obtain a copy of the decree in order to regain my liberty, and then I must exhibit the copy to the Seneschal of Saintes, to compel him to pay me back my hundred livres. The Register was, like some of the others with whom we had to deal, very fond of money. I applied to him for a copy of the decree, and offered him eight or ten pistoles for pay- ment. He would not let me have a single copy unless I paid him for twenty-one, which, he said, would be required, one for each prisoner. I knew, as well as he did. that one would be sufficient, and that the jailer would set us all at liberty upon exhibiting one single copy. I preferred a complaint to my reporter, who recommended me to go and make it in person to my Lord the President ; which I did, and he told me I was to command the Register, in his name, to furnish me with a copy, paying only for that single one. I went promptly and cheerfully with this order to the Chief Register, but he was a great man who interfered little with the business of his office, and he sent me to his deputy, one Cardon. who said it was none of his business. I returned to the Chief Register, for I did not begrudge my steps, and he told me to tell Cardon, from him, to speak to the Presi- dent. For several days I was kept on the move, going from one to the other without any prospect of redress ; and I then COMPLAINtJ TO PUESIDENT. 95 Degan to see the object of all this delay. I fouud that this day was the last upon which the Court would sit before the Christmas holidays, and the Register and his deputy knew that if Parliament had adjourned, and the Lords of Parliament were dispersed to their several homes, I should be completely in their power, I should have to pay their full demand for twenty-one copies, or remain a prisoner during the whole holi- days. I was almost in despair. Parliament had then met to move the adjournment until after the Christmas holidays, and I had neither solicitor nor advocate to help me. I determined to make a desperate effort ; I wrote my grievance upon a slip of paper, and managed to get in to the hall when the doorkeeper was engaged elsewhere. I made a profound bow, said nothing, but held up my hands in an attitude of supplication towards the Lord President. Cardon was there, and called to the Serjeant to seize and expel the intruder : he hoped to have had me pushed out before I was recognized by the President ; but, most fortunately, he had observed my entrance as well as Cardon, and he called out to me, " Mr. Fontaine, have you not obtained your deed yet ?" '• No, indeed, my Lord ; what does it benefit me to have found favor in your eyes, and that you have done me justice, when it is in the power of Mr. Cardon to prevent my obtain- ing the necessary record of it ? Parliament once adjourned, be will leave me to rot in a dungeon. My despair has made me bold enough to enter this hall unbidden, and throw myself at the feet of your Lordship, as a petitioner for simple justice." The President was extremely indignant, and he called out, " Mr. Cardon, how dare you disobey my orders ? What have 96 MEMOIRS OF A HTTGUENOT FAMILY. you to say for yourself, that ought to save you from being punished as you deserve ?" He began a shuffling sort of apology about not having re- ceived the instructions of the Chief Register. I was on the point of contradicting him ; but my Reporter, Mr. Labourin, who wished well to my cause, put bis finger on his lips, to show me that I ought to remain silent ; and I presently saw that it was the best policy, for the anger of the President was only increased by an apology that appeared to set at naught his own authority. " And am I to understand, Mr. Cardon, that you consider an order from me a dead letter, unless it be confirmed by the Register ? If you know your duty no better than that, it is time that I should have done with you." Cardon was in great dismay, and he begged pardon with all humility, and assured the Parliament that he would at- tend to the matter immediately. The President then addressed himself to me, and said, " Sir, if you cannot get your deed to-day, come and tell me ; and when you have received it, let me know how much you have paid for it." I made a low bow and withdrew, very well satisfied with the success of my bold attempt. I waited patiently near the door, to be on the spot to way- lay Mr. Cardon, as soon as the Parliament was adjourned. I asked him to give me my deed, and he replied he was going home to his dinner, and I should have it after he had dined. I determined not to lose sight of him, and followed to his mansion, which he observed, and told me I had better follow his example and go and get my dinner. " No," said I, " I will neither eat nor drink until I am possessed of my deed." OBTAIN COPY OF DECKEE. 97 I maintained my position outside of his door for about two hours ; when, seeing neither him nor the deed, I knocked. A footman opened the door a very little way, and held it so that I could not possibly get in : he told me his master was out. I was not to be deceived in that way , I remained at my post, and saw several persons admitted. At last, two well-fed Franciscan friars came to the door, whom I followed in, unobserved, and keeping close in their rear, rather crouch- ed down, I managed to get into the office ; and there I waited in concealment until they had finished their business, and, as they retired, I rose to my full height, and stood like a spectre before Mr. Car don. " What devil placed you there ?" said he. I replied, " I entered under the auspices of the good fathers who are just gone." He handed me the deed, and I gave him in gold the one- and-twentieth part of the sum he had demanded for furnish- ing the full numbei', and, much to my surprise, he returned to me five or six crowns. " How is that ? Are you satisfied ?" said I. " No," said he, with much bitterness, " nor shall I be until I see you with a halter round your neck." " When people are hung for praying to God, I shall have reason to be afraid, and you will be able to sleep in peace." Having given him this reply, I took the deed away with me, and presented it to the jailer, who released us from out " parol," and we were at full liberty. I should not have dwelt upon this subject at so great length, but for the purpose of showing you the variety of diCBcultiee we had to contend with. Every one seemed to 6 98 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. think ho htd a right to impose upon a poor Protestant, eTec do\(-n to a register's clerk. From this detail you may learn the necessity of standing up for your rights with firmness, and the duty of using every energy to overcome the obstacles in your path, instead of sit- ting down quietly as some indolent persons do, to complain of fatigue and rebuffs, without making an effort. Remember, Grod has promised his blessing to the diligent hand, as well as the upright heart. In the course of the day, I called to take leave of my Lord the President, and to thank him for all his kindness. I then turned my steps toward Saintes, quite victorious, with the deed in my hand. I made the Seneschal refund the hun- dred livres already named, and once more I set foot within my own dwelling. The expenses I had incurred during my imprisonment amounted to two thousand livres. Most of the poor people returned quietly to their own homes, and were allowed to remain there without molestation. They received contributions from charitably disposed Protes- tants to an amount that made ample amends for the loss of time, and injury to their families, from deprivation of their earnings, during their imprisonment. The liistory of our persecution spread far and wide, and 1 received many letters of congratulation upon the courage and successful result of my appeal to Parliament. Amongst others, the Marquis de Rouvigny, father of Lord Galway, wrote me a complimentary letter. He had the management cl much of the business of our Reformed Churches. Mr. Benoist gives an account of our trial and imprison- ment in his " History of the Edict of Nantes." You will find it in the third part of the third volume, pages 744 and 745. CHAPTER YIII. r.irsocutidii of 16S5— Meeting of Minibters and Elders— My Opinion opposed to tb* V»- .jority — Meeting of Protestants at Royan— Mr. Certani dissuades from Einigratloii-- Interview with him — Gloomy Forebodings — Departure of Protestants — Dragoofii appear— I leave Home — Visit Sisters — Traverse the Country — My betrothed. The year 1685 opened with a bitter spirit of persecution far beyoud all that had preceded it. There was no longer the slightest semblance of justice in the forms of proceeding, the dragoons ravaged and pillaged withcjut mercy, resembling in their progress a lawless and victorious army taking possession of an enemy's country. In the history of the past we look in vain for any record of cruelties such as were inflicted upon the unoffending and unresisting Huguenots. They were not ac- countable to any one for their acts ; each dragoon was a sove- reign judge and an executioner ; he who had ingenuity enough to invent any new species of torture was sure of applause, and even reward for his discovery. My blood boiled uiifler the sense of injury, and I desired earnestly that the I'rotestants should take up arms in a body, and offer resistance, instead of waiting quietly to be slain like beasts at the shambles. Early in tin; year I received an invitation to attend a meeting of ministers and elders at Coses, to hold a consulta- tion us to what ought to be done in the present cruel crisis. Twelve miiii.arked with their families, and crowds of persons followed them to the sea-shore, with tlie desire of going also, if room could be found in the vessels. It was on this occasion that •t Mr. Certani, the Cathoiic Cure at Royan, a sensible, respec- table man, v/ent after them to the shore, and dissuaded many from embarking, by making them a promise that Royan should not be visited by dragoons. He said the King loved his brave seamen too well to allow them to be disturbed. He gave additional weight to his advice, by telling them, that if what he had said to them did not prove true, they should be at liberty to burn him alive in his house. Some were per- ^maded by him to change their plans and return home ; others, less credulous, embarked, happily for themselves, while they liad the opportunity. I was from home on that day, and when I returned, and heard of the proceedings, I went to M. le Cure, and tohl )iim I was come to bid him farewell, for I was certain wo ihould soon have the dragoons in our parish, and I did not mean to trust myself to their tender mercies, if I could help it. He urged me to do as many others had done, appear tc change, which would answer every purpose. GLOOMY PKKDICTIONS. 1 OJ I answered, that I could not lull my conscience sufficient ly to act in that way. He then told me in confidence, that he wap himself over- whelmed with grief at the state of things. He feared the just judgments of God would overtake the Catholics for forcing the Protestants to approach the altar without f?ith, and to partake of that Holy Sacrament which should on!'; be re- ceived by the sincere in heart. " I fear," said he, " War ! Famine ! and Pestilence ' " War ! — What is more probable than that the princes vvi*h whom so many Huguenots have taken refuge, should be aroused to avenge them of their persecutors ? "Famine ! For who will cultivate our fields? There will remain to us only old men. women, and chiklren ; all our young people are leaving us ; and what an army may be raised for our adversaries, out of the brave young men whom we are driving away ! " Pestilence ! Generally the last scourge, following upon the heels of famine. And who can say that we do not deserve such chastisement from the Almighty, for our profanation of his Holy Altar." The Cure spoke with great force on the subject, and he really appeared to have the gift of prophecy, for what he anti- cipated all came literally to pass ; but he only lived to see the commencement. The veteran army of France, formidable to the whole world, had been every where victorious until it made war upon the Saints ; and then it experienced the most gloomy reverses. The soldiers appeared shorn of their strengtli. and God took from them their ancient valor. We have seen this army of torturers and persecutors, fly from the face of an 104: MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAIVIILY. euemy wbom they formerly scorned, and seen them driven from ther intrenchments, and forced to precipitate them- selves into tho water, like the swine of the Gadarenes, in the fear of enemies who once dared not quit the shelter of their fenced cities to encounter them. The glory of Louis, called the Groat, whose ambition aspired to universal monarchy, de- parted Jrom him when he raised his hand against the people of God, and he lived to reap his reward in seeing himself de- spised in his old age, as he deserved to be. Famine* and poverty covered the face of the land. The gold and the sil- ver disappeared, and their places were supplied by a species of enchanted paper, which perished before it was consumed, and still remains in portfolios, as a memento of what has been lost. Pestilence also has marched over that doomed and wretched land. France ! miserable France ! my dear native country, wilt thou never open thine eyes, and unstop thine ears, and under- stand the language in which God has spoken to thee ? Shall man say, I am stronger than my Maker ; I have entirely de- stroyed the Reformation ; I have disarmed the God who pro- •.octed the Protestants ; and I have caused a god of wafer to * We bfl\-e a more complete opportunity than our ancestors had of ob- serving the consequences resulting from the cruel and impolitic conduct of Louis, and we conscientiously believe that the French nation is still suffer- Jig from it. In reading the history of France, and lier revolutions, we often pause to think how different it might have been, if tlic descendants of the expatriated Huguenots had been scattered through tlie length and breadth .■»f the land. They were generally of that middle class which constitutes the .strength of a nation. They were emphatically the courageous and sober- minded; the moral, industrious, and the thinking portion of the community, as well as the truly pious. The descendants of such men, inheriting even in a moderate degree the traits of their fathers, might have had an influ- ence of which we can form no idea in moderating the cruelty, the caprice, and the frivolity which have of late years characterized the acts of the French people. M. LE CURE. 106 bo adored in his stead 1 No, no ; God is not mooked, he will protect his faithful servants, and preserve his holy religion from destruction. Never canst thou, France ! enjoy thine ancient prosperity, whilst thou art the persecutor of God's elect. So long as his faithful servants were cherished in thy bosom, and the promises made to them in the Edict of Nantes carefully observed, His blessing was upon thee, as it was upon A-binadab, while the ark rested in his house. Thou hast driven them forth with cruelties unheard of, and thy prosperi- ty has departed with them. The floods have gone over thee. Oh that thou wouldst return to the Almighty and confess thy sins, and cease to forbid his true and pure worship ; and his blessing would return to thee, and thy days would be bright, and prosperity would appear again within thy borders. Sympathy for my dear native land has carried me away from the object of my visit to M. Lc Cure. To resume ; I begged he would not persist in drawing upon himself the in- dignation and revenge of an infuriated community, which would assuredly follow the arrival of the dragoons. " You deceive yourself," said I, " if you really believe that they will not be sent into our district. If they come, remem- ber the penalty you will have to pay ; you have given the people permission to burn you in your house, and I solemnly declare to you, that I this day heard a man, a stranger to me, swear by all that he held sacred, that if you had deceived the people, he would roast you alive, and carry the news to Hol- land." He turned pale at this, and said, that he had spoken to the people so strongly, in consc(|uencc of a letter he had re- ceived from the Intcndaut of Rochefort, which contained a positive promise, that the dragoons should not come. He took out the letter, and gave it to me for perusal 5* 106 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. After I had read it, I said to him : " How could you think of maldng yoiiraclf answerable for the intendant ? Suppose he should not keep his word with you, think in what a dan- gerous position you will be placed. I beseech you, as you value your life, go to the people before it is too late, take back jcur promise to them, and let them see the letter, and then they can judge for themselves as to the credit they are willing to give to it." He thanked me for my advice, and what is more to the point, he followed it, and went down to the sea-shore to tell the people the actual state of the case, so that they might de- cide for themselves. During the three following days great numbers embarked, and on the fourth the dragoons* made their appearance. All * T}ie Protestants lost most of their strong places during the reign of J^ouia XIII., and the remainder in that of Louis XIV., so that they were entirely at the mercy of the King, and he promised to secure to them liberty of conscience, and he kept his word until his latter days, when he began to think more upon religious subjects, and under the influence of Madame de Maintenon, and his confessor, La Chaise, he determined to convert all the IVotestants in his dominions to Catholicism. Colbert, the Minister of Finance, though a Catholic himself, estimated at its real value the superior industry of the Huguenots, and he opposed violent measures successfully, 90 long as he lived. After his death, in 1683, the monarch had no one to restrain him, and tlie bigoted counsels of the confessor, and the chancellor, i^e TelHer, and his son, strengthened his own resolves. Almost all the noblemen and courtiers recanted, and Louis thought he had only to say the word, and their example would bo followed throughout his dominions. Missionaries were appointed, and furnished with large sums of money, to iiuikc converts; they gave in flattering reports of their success; but this method was thought too expensive, and a cheaper plan was to be tried. All Protestants were excluded from public office, children were allowed to re- cant at the age of seven years, and severe penalties were enacted agamst relapse. This caused emigration, and those in power opened their eyes wide enough to perceive that in the departure of seamen and artisans, they were losing many of their most valuable subjects, and to put a stop tj it, they issued an edict prohibiting emigr.ition on pain of death. The Protestant churches were next ordered to be demolished, and no less LEAVE HOME. 107 who were left, and did not intend to recant, fled for conceal- ment to the woods. I left the home of my childhood, never to return to it, about midnight. I took with me about five hundr: ?. francs, which was all the ready money I had, two good horses, up'jn one of which I rode myself, and my valet was mounted upon the other, with a portmanteau containing a few necessaries. I was well armeci, and I had resolved, if I should encounter dragoons, to sell my life as dearly as possible. My house was amply furnished, and I had removed noth- ing from it. It was taken possession of by eighteen dra- goons in two hours after I quitted it : they lived there until they had consumed or sold every thing they could lay their hands upon, even to the bolts and locks of the doors. I passed through Coses about three o'clock in the morn- ing, and found dragoons were still there. They had made all than seven hundred were destroyed even before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The last measure adopted was that which has been known by the name 0^ dragooning ;* and if we had not the most undoubted testimony on the subject, it would be impossible to believe that such horrors could have beeu perpetrated under the mask of the Christian religion. A day was appointed for the conversion of a certain district, and the dra- goons made their appearance accordingly ; they took possession of the Prot- estants' houses, destroyed all that they could not consume or carry away, turned the parlors into stables for their horses, treated the owners of the houses with every species of cruelty, depriving them of food, beating them, burning some alive, half-roasting others, and then letting them go, tying mothers securely to posts, and leaving their sucking infants to perish at their feet, hanging some upon hooks in the chimneys, and smoking them with wisps of wet straw till they were suffocated ; some they dipped in wells ; others they bound down, and poured wine into them through funnels, until reason was destroyed ; and many other tortures wore inflicted, some even more horrible than the above-named. * Wo believe that the use of the word dra^'oon. as a verb, implying, to abandon to tlie raare of the soldiery, is actually derived from the cruelties practised during thes« ^rtiecutioiia. 108 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. the people abjure, except about five or six persons, bo thej were all quartered upon those. When any one announced his intention of changing his religion, he was at once relieved frcHU the presence of the hated dra.'^oons, who dispersed them- fielves amongst those who still held oui. I rode rapidly forward, choosing the by-ways, with which [ was well acquainted in that part of the country. At break of day, I was near Jemosac, and was much startled by coming so suddenly upon a troop of soldiers, that I was seen by them before I had time to retire. They had been quartered at Jemosac, and had made the people who remained there per- form the duty of the times, as they called recantation ; and were hastening elsewhere to make more converts. I knew that if I were recognized, I should, in all probability, lose my life, but I concluded that my best chance was to ride fearlessly forward, and salute them as I passed. My horses were noble animals, worthy of carrying a general-officer and his aide-de- camp. I had scarlet housings with black fringe, and holsters for my pistols ; and though I was dressed in black, I had taken the precaution of putting on a large periwig, and crape upon my hat, in order to evade the suspicion that might other- wise have attached to my dress. The officers, thanks be to God, took me for a country gentleman, and returned my salu- tation very civilly. The first stoppage I made was at the house of my aunt Jaguald, my mother's sister. Her son had changed his re- ligion to escape dragooning, but the old lady was unshaken and I believe she remained so to the day of her death. 1 gave her all the spiritual instruction and consolation that I could during the day and night I spent with her. I went next to Jonzac, where I had two married sisters VISIT SISTERS. 109 living, and, sad to relate, they had both recanted to escape th dragoons. I was extremely depressed, but continued my travels towards Meslars, to visit my dear sister Anne, and my heart was cheered to JBind this, my favorite sister, firm ia her faith, even though her husband had abjured his religion. She gave him no peace until she persuaded him to take her out oi France. After several days of sweet, delightful converse with her, I went to St. Mesme to see Mr. Forestier and my sister Mary, but I found they had fled. Wherever I went, I tried to do some good, stcengthening those who were firm, denouncing those who had fallen, and trying to persuade them to abjure their abjuration. It was distressing in the extreme to see the vast numbers who had made shipwreck of their faith. Many individuals there were who had borne umoved the bitter tortures of persecution, and who had been stripped of their property without yielding to temptation, and yet at last gave way under the infiuence of specious arguments from false friends, who represented to them, that as it was a com- mandment of God to honor and obey the King, they failed in duty to Him when they refused obedience to the monstrous decrees of the King. They thus became idolatrous renegades, and gave adoration to that which they knew to be nothing more than a morsel of bread. In travelling about the country I discovered an extent of defection that was most lamentable, and I was so afflicted and depressed by it that I became sick ; I lost my strength and spirits, and suffered much from bilious vomitings. I often encountered parties of soldiers, and I had becomi BO low-spirited that I used to think I should not be sorry jf they took away my life, Indeed^ at that time, I would have 110 MEMOIRS OF A HIJGTJENOT FAMILY. parted with it willingly, if, in the combat. I could have dt stroved any of the leaders of these troops who were doing tbt Devil's work throughout the land. You must know, that though I was a poor soldier on foot from nv lameness, I was by no means a contemptible oppoficnt when 'counted. I was an excellent horseman, and so good a shot 'hilt I could hit a mark at twelve or fifteen paces with my horse at full gallop. One of my horses was an Arabian, re- markably fleet ; if I gave him the bridle he would move with the swiftness of a race horse, stretching out his legs, and then doubling them under him, so as to bring his body very near the ground. The eyes of the rider were dazzled by the rapi- dity with which he passed over the ground, but there was no uneasinsss from the motion. I knew that none of the dra- goons could overtake me when mounted on him, and I deter- mined, if they should pursue me, to fight like the Parthians, wait for any one of them who should distance the rest by the flcetness of his horse, shoot him, gallop off. and load my pistol to be ready for another. I scarcely feared a whole company when I was riding my Arabian, for they could not approach mc in a body, and one by one, I was sure I could dispose of several of them. In addition to this, I was very well acquaint- ed with that part of the country, which gave me a great ad- vantage over them, and in extremity I could have availed myself of windings and thickets among the woods where they would not dare to follow. I made every preparation that I could for self-defence, but my reliance was not so much upon that as upon the protection of my Father in Heaven, whom [ tried to serve to the best of my power, and who, in his in- finite mercy, has upheld me through many ard grevt dangers as well then as at ether periods of my life. TKAVEKSK THE COUKTRT. 11] I was much aided by some of the enemies of the Gospel during my wanderings. My little stock of money was dwin- dling rapidly away, and I had no prospect of obtaining any more, so I had tu think how I could make my present supply hold out the longest. I dismissed my valet as an unnecessary expense, and, at the same time, hit upon a plan for rocru'*^'r'ff one of my horses, while I was travelling about on the otb-;i^. Between Jonzac and Jemosac, there stood an old castle be- longing to the Count of Jonzac, who lived much at court, and followed the fashion of the day among the courtiers, in being a great persecutor of the Protestants. I had taken rest occasionally at a small tavern on his estate, where I felt myself very safe, for I was personally unknown to the people, and as they were all Papists there was no fear of any dra- goons making their appearance. Mine host was a humane, simple peasant, who always received me with kindness. I told him I had some business to transact which kept me from home, and obliged me to ride through the country a great deal, and I should esteem it a favor if he would take care of one of my horses while I was making use of the other. I said that I expected to pay for it as a matter of course. He sent for a groom from the castle who had charge of the horses belonging to the Count, who, finding he could make a little money, very readily consented to put my horse in th« meadow, and attend to it. I used to return there every week or two, or three, as might be convenient to me. and change ray horse, leaving the jaded animal to recruit in the meadow. I pursued this plan regularly for at least three months, and I found the people uniformly kind and faithful to me during the whole time. It was bv no means uncommon for me to be six or seven 112 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAIVIILT. days without being able to undress myself, or even so much as draw off my boots, afraid to venture abroad in the day- time ; I generally rode from place to place in the night. My troubles were increased by the great anxiety I felt lest any evil should befall that worthy and pious woman, whom God gave to me afterwards for my beloved partner and Keip-mate, and my greatest earthly comfort — your dear mo- cher. She was concealed in the house of a Mr. Mechinet, where I feared she might not be safe from persecution, and therefore I was on the look-out for a better place of refuge, and I found it for her under the roof of a Mr. Brejon, an ad- vocate, who had changed his religion. There was no fear of his being visited by dragoons, besides he lived at Pisauyau Castle, the seat of the Duke of Montausier, of whose estates he had the management. I felt that no asylum could be found that offered greater security. CHAPTEE IX. Sevocatlon of the Edict of Nantes— Preparations for flight— Difficulties and dangwe of embarkation— Land in England— Cheapness of bread— Speculation in grain— Cruelty of a captain of a vessel. In the month of October, 1685, the edict of Nantes was actually revoked* by that great persecutor, Louis the 14th. Of course no choice was now left for Protestants ; flight was the only alternative. I went to Marennes to make preparations in good earnest, and I was so fortunate as to find an English captain of a * Surely this act has been incorrectly ternied the Eevocation of the Edict of Nantes. All its provisions liad been repealed long ago by royal edicts and ordinances, except the bare toleration of Protestantism in some few towns and districts. The edict of the 22d October, 1685, forbade all exercise of the reformed religion, ordered the clergy to expatriate themselves within a fortnight, unless they would recant, and^n that case their incomes were to be increased one-third, and continued to their wives. All infants were re- quired to receive popish baptism, and every one caught in the attempt to escape (unless he was a minister) was condemned to the galleys for life. Ill 1686, the enactments were still more severe. A Protestant taken in the act of public worship was punished with deatli, and all Protestant clergy- men, whether natives or foreigners, were to be executed. To increase the V.>ilance of the soldiery, a reward of three or four pistoles was given for every Protestant that was taken up In spite of the care with which tne coast and frontiers were ^larded, it is believed that not less than 50,000 families made their escape, and they en- riched every land that received them, carrying arts and mannfaeturcs and industry in their train ; and it has been remarked by close observers tliat their descendants, up to this day, continue to be distinguished for virtue kud respectability. 114 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. vessel, with whom I was able to make a bargain. He agreed to take me, and four or five persons with me, to England, at the rate of ten pistoles each, and it was arranged that we should assemble at Tremblade for embarkation. I went im mediately to fetch your dear mother, Anne Elizabeth Boursi- quot, and her sister Elizabeth, and my niece Janette Fores- tier ; the latter was my god-daughter, and I felt it incumbent upon me to provide for her safety. i mentioned the plan to some few persons, and I expect- ed they would have rejoiced at the prospect of getting away, but their fears were stronger than their hopes, and they dared not venture to encounter so many dangers. The coast was carefully guarded both by sea and land to prevent emi- gration. We went to Tremblade to be ready, and took up our abode in the house of a man who was to act as our pilot be- cause he could speak English. He was a very imprudent as well as a drunken man, which made our situation very dangerous while under his roof. After several days of cruel suspense, the Captain sent ua word that he should be ready to sail the next day, and he wished us to be in readiness also. He said that he should pass between the Isle of Oleron and the main-land, and that if we would be on the sands near the Forest of Arvert, he would send a boat ashore for us. We set oflF during the night, and had two horses to carry the few little possessions we were able to take with us. In the course of the following day, upwards of fifty persons as- sembled on the sands, with the hope that they might be taken on board the vessel, and make their escape with ua. Most of them were very young, and they had not taken due SUSPENSE. 115 precaution to conceal their intentions, so tLe Papists became aware of what was going on, and they gave information of it, upon which the Custom House detained the vessel. Wc waited anxiously all day, in utter ignorance of the cause of delay, and while we were in this painful state of suspense, I called the people around nie and addressed them ; then we all knelt upon the shore, and I offered up a prayer BulteH to our distressing condition. You will find a copy among mj papers, and I am sure when you read it you will be convinced that it was a prayer of the heart as well as the lips. The Cure of Tremblade had heard that a number of persons were collected on the shore, and he had the cu- riosity to come down and see for himself. He brought with him a man who had formerly been a sort of juggler. They were once so near to us that we actually saw their little dog, which was rather in advance of them, when they were providentially met by two fishermen, who had seen us, and whose sympathies were enlisted in our favor, and they pur- posely misled them. They enlarged to thcni also upon the great danger they were in of losing themselves amongst the sand hills, and they offered to act as guides, and led them to a path by which they would be sure not to stumble upon us. At night some of our friends sent horses down for us to return to Tremblade. Fifteen or twenty of us were taken in by a man who had changed his religion. He did it un- willingly and was in a dreadful fright all the time, for there was a fine of 1 000 crowns laid upon any one who was dis- covered to have harbored a Protestant : and houses were liable to be searched at any moment upon the slightest sus- picion. After concealing us during the whole day, his feai llfi insMoms OF a huguenot family. got the better of his humanity, and towards night he turned us all out of his house, saying to us : "I have damned my own sc*al to save my property, and I am not going to run the risk of losing it for you. Take your chance elsewhere, or do as I have done." We were much depressed by this unkind treatment, but we knew not what was best for us, and it turned out that we had great reason to thank God that we were not allowed to spend the night where we had passed the day. Some one had given information that led the magis- trate to suspect the place of our concealment, and we had not quitted the house more than half an hour, before a Jus- tice of the Peace and some soldiers went to it. and exam- ined every part most carefully in search of secreted Prot- estants, but found none. Tremblade is a very populous place, and before it was visited by the dragoons it did not contain more than twenty Papists, but all the Protestants had recanted who remained there. We did the best we could amongst them, one finding shelter here, another there, and I must acknowledge that we experienced much more of humanity and Christian hospital- ity amongst the wives of the poor fishermen than we did with the comparatively affluent. We passed the next four or five days in the cottages of the former. At la-st the Captain of the English vessel came to La Tremblade, to tell me that he was afraid he should not be able to take us on board. However, he said he meant to go to sea the next day, and he should pass between the islands of Re and Oleron, and if we were disposed to run the risk ot going out there in s-mall boats, he might receive us on board after he had got rid of all visitors, custom-house officers and others, and that he could not possibly assist us in any EMBAliKATlON. 117 Other way. That very evening, the ofOth November. 1685 (French or new style), we embarked in a little shallop as soon as it was dusk. Our party consisted of your dear mother, yoift aunt Elizabeth, Janette Forestier, myself, two young men from Bourdeaux, and six young women from Marennes, twelve in all, in place of the fifty who were ready to embark a few days before. Under cover of the night we pasced, with- out being observed, all the pinnaces that were keeping guard, as well as the Fort of Oleron. At ten o'clock next morning we dropped our anchor to wait for the ship. We had in structed our boatmen that in case of being pursued, they wf re immediately to run the boat ashore, abandon her, and then " sauve qui pent." I was as usual well armed to meet any emergency, and I had resolved to defend myself to the last gasp, and never to be taken alive. Thanks be to God, our merciful guide and preserver, I was not put to the trial, for he watched over us and blinded the eyes of our enemies. We had agreed with the English captain that when we saw him, we should make ourselves known by hoisting a sail and letting it fall three times. About three o'clock in the afternoon we first espied the vessel, but she had the official visitors and pilot still on board. We watched her movements with intense anxiety, and we saw her cast anchor when she reached the extreme point of the Isle of Oleron, then she put out the visitors and pilot, took her boat on board again, got under way and sailed towards us. It was a joyful sight ; we felt confident that we had surmounted every difficulty, and we expected in a very few minutes to be under full sail for England. Our joy was of short duration, for at that mo ment one of the King's frigates hove in sight and gradually ilS MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. approached us. She was one of the vessels constantl)- em ployed on the coast to prevent Protestants leaving the king- dom ; and all who were found were seized, and the men sent to the galleys, the women to convents. No language can de- scribe our consternation at this sudden change in our pros pects ; a moment before the cup of happiness was at our lips and now dashed to the ground. We were at the distance of a cannon-shot from the frigate, and what would she think of us ? We were in a little bit of a boat, at anchor, in a place which did not afford safe anchor- age even for large shipping. She cast anchor, ordered the English vessel to do the like, boarded her, and searched every nook and corner, without finding any French Protestants on board except Mr. Mausy, the minister, whose departure was authorized by law, and his family, who were with him, and had passports. What a blessing that we were not on board at this time ! Had the frigate been only one hour later in appearing, we should all have been lost. After the search, the English- man was ordered to sail instantly. The wind was favorable, so he could make no excuse, and we had the misery of seeing him leave us behind. He could not even see us, for the frigate was between him and our boat. Our situation was deplorable, we were in a state of perfect despair and knew not what to do, for danger stared us in the face alike in every direction. If we remained where we were, we should certainly excite suspicion, and the frigate would send to overhaul us. If we attempted to return to Tremblade. the chances were a hundred to one against our succeeding. To add to our dismay, our poor boatman seemed incapable of ex- ertion, he did nothing but cry and lament over his infatuation, that he should have allowed liimsi-lf to oc p'^rsuaded to takf TNGENIOrS DEVICE. 110 US on board. He and his son, who was also with us, had been Protestants, and they had abjured under compulsion. He knew well that nothing short of a halter awaited thenv if caught in the act of aiding Protestants to make their escape. I may truly say, that prayer has been my resource in all difficulties through the whole course of my life. I betook my self to it on this occasion, and I felt a strong persuasion that God would not suflfor us to fall into the hands of his enemie? and ours, but open a way for our escape. All at once I thought of a feint which, thank God, proved successful, and effected our deliverance. Having considered that the wind was fair to Rochelle and contrary to Trem- blade, I said to the boatman. " Cover us all up. in the bottom of the boat, with an old sail, then hoist 3'our sail and go right towards the frigate, pretending to endeavor to gain Trem- blade ; and if they should hail you from tlie frigate, you must say, you are from Rochelle, and going to Tremblade If they ask what you have on board, say nothing but ballast ; and it would be well for you and your son to counterfeit drunken- ness, tumbling about in the boat, and then you can. as if by accident, let the sail fall three times, and so inform the Eng- lish captain who we are." He determined to abide by my counsel, and ho immediate ly covered us all up with a sail, and actually went within pis tol-shot of the frigate. As T had expected, she hailed him asked whence he came, whither ho was going, and what h* had on board. To all which he replied as I had instructed liiin. " But what made you cast anchor ?"' said they. " I was in hopes," he said, '• that the wind would change, 4nd I might make Tremblade. but it is still too strong for mft." 120 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. At that moment the son fell down in the boat and dropped the sail, his father left the helm, and, instead of hoisting the sail at once, took a rope's-end and pretended to chastise him, the hard blows falling on the wood and making a great noise. The son cried out lustily, and the people in the frigate threatened that if the father had not more pa- tience with his son, they would be with him directly, and treat him in the same way. He made excuses for himself by saying, that his son was as drunk as a hog. He then ordered him to hoist the sail again, and he resumed his station at the helm. The son let it fall a second time, almost as soon as he had raised it, and repeated the same manoeuvre a third time, and thus we managed to give the English captain information of who we were, without excit- ing the suspicions of the oflScers in tlie frigate. They were so fearful of some accident happening, that they called out to our boatman not to think of making Tremblade, for night was fast approaching, the wind contrary, and he would in- evitably be lost. They advised him to return to Eochelle with the fair wind, which was exactly the advice we wished to receivvO from the frigate. Our course was instantly al- tered, the boat was put before the wind, and we bade them adieu very cordially in our hearts, but we still remained closely covered at the bottom of the boat. In the mean time, the English vessel had answered our signal, but she was getting fairly out to sea, and we dared not follow her for fear of the frigate, which still remained at anchor. About twilight the boatman said we must make the attempt while it was yet not quite dark, or we should be swallowed up by the waves. We had no sooner altered our course, than we observed the frigate take up her an ESCAPE. 121 clior and set her sails. We naturally thought that she nad noticed us and was preparing to pursue us, and we again turned towards Rochelle, in great agony of mind. We should all have preferred instant death to capture, for we were aware of our own weakness and frailty, and we feared persecution might destroy our constancy. A few minutes put an end to our anxiety, for we saw the frigate steering towards Rochefort, and we again changed our course and made for the English vessel, which slackened her rate to allow us to overtake her. We went on board with the frigate still in sight. A blessed and ever-memorable day for us, who then eflPected our escape from our cruel enemies, who were not so much to be feared be- cause they had power to kill the body, but the rather from the pains they took to destroy the souls of their victims. I bless God for the multitude of his mercies in earthly enjoyments also. He allowed me to bring to England the dear one whom I loved better than myself, and she will- ingly gave up relations, friends and wealth to be the sharer of my poverty in a strange land, where we could worship God according to the dictates of conscience. I here testify that we have fully experienced the truth of that prom- ise of our Blessed Saviour, to give an hundred fold more, even in this present life, to those who leave all and follow him. We have never wanted for any thing, we have not only been supplied with necessaries, but comforts, and oftentimes luxuries also. Certain it is, that a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth, but in the enjoyment he has of them, and it is in this sense that I would be understood, when I say that we have received the hundred fold promised in the Gospel ; for we have had infinitely more joy and satisfaction in having abandoned our property for 6 122 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLY. the glory of God, than they can have had who took posses- sion of it. We had contrary winds, and were eleven days on the voyage. We suffered a little from shortness of provisions, jspecially water, but we could not venture into any French port for a supply. We landed on the first day of December 1685, — English or old style — at Appledore, a small town in the British Chan- nel, below the river Taw, which goes up to Barnstaple. After paying passage money for the party I had only twenty gold pistoles left. God had not conducted us in safety to a haven there to leave us to perish with hunger. The good people of Barnstaple were full of compassion, they took us into their houses and treated us with the greatest kindness ; thus God raised up for us fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters in a strange land. The first thing that struck me on my arrival in England was the extreme cheapness of bread. What with sea-sick- ness, and shortness of provisions on board ship, we had suf- fered a good deal, and we were very anxious for something to eat as soon as we landed The first act after getting out of the vessel, was to return thanks to God for his merciful goodness in having brought us safely to the shores of England ; the second was to ask for bread. We were supplied with very large biscuits, such as in France would have cost twopence each, and to my surprise I was told that here they only cost one half-penny. I was doubtful of the fact, thinking I might be misled by my ignorance of the English language, so I gave a penny to a little girl and asked her to buy me some bread. She went to a baker, and sure enough, she brought me back two CHEAP HKEAD. 128 Df these large biscuits. It instantly occurred to mc that any one who could buy grain here, and ship it to France, must realize a large profit, but alas ! I had no money. I knew that there were some French Protestant refugees living at Plymouth, who had brought considerable property over wit J them, and perhaps if I were to suggest this plan to them, they might be willing to lend me .some money to join them in an adventure. But I wished to be perfectly well informed on the subject before speaking to them ; so having learnt that a corn market would be held next day at Bidde- ford, I walked over there and took a man, understanding both French and English, to act as interpreter. I found that Wie finest description of wheat could be bought at the rate of two shillings and sixpence, or three shillings at the outside for such a sack as in France would cost two crowns. I then made inquiries about export duties upon grain, and I ascertained, that, on the contrary, a drawback was al- lowed at the Custom House on the exportation of grain, when the price was as low as it was at this time. In four or five days after our landing I was taken into the house of a most kind and charitable gentleman, a Mr. Downe. I requested him to lend me a horse to ride over to Ply- mouth, to confer with my friends and fellow-countrymen there. I found upon opening my plans to them that they had, like me, been struck with the low price of grain and had invested all their money in it already to ship to France, BO I had my trouble for nothing, and I returned to Baru- staple in rather a pensive mood. After revolving the matter in my mind during a sleep- less night, I decided that it would be right to let my host have the benefit of my knowledge, as a small return for hi ness — Attempt to recover property. I HAVE already mentioned that I bad been bospitably received into tbe bouse of a Mr. Downe at Barnstaple. Tbis gentle- man was a bachelor of some forty years of age, and he had an unmarried sister living with him, who was about thirty-three or thirty-four years old. They were kindness itself, and I was as completely domesticated with them as if I bad been a brother. They were in easy circumstances. Miss Downe was worth about £3000, and her brother had an estate neai Minehead, worth £10,000. The poor lady most unfortunately took a great fancy to me, and she persuaded herself that it would be greatly for the benefit of all concerned if she were to be married to me, and her brother to my intended. I should have supposed it an easy matter for any one to have fallen in love with your dear mother in those days, for she was very beautiful, her skin was delicately fair, she had a brilliant color in her cheeks, a high forehead, a remarkably intellectual expression of countenance ; her bust was fine, rather inclined to embonpoint, and she had a very dignified carriage, which some persons condemned a? haughty, but I always thought it peculiarly becoming to one SINGULAR OFFER. 129 of her beauty. The charms of her mind and disposition were no way inferior to those of her person, so that altogether she seemed formed to captivate the most indifferent, yet I am ahuost sure that Mr. Downe only yielded to the solicitations of his sister, and had really no love in his heart. jNIiss Downe opened her project to me one day by observ- ing that she thought we must be two fools, to think of being married to each other, when our only portion would be beg- gary. I did not at first comprehend her, but she persevered in her attacks upon me at every opportunity, and began to give me broad hints that if I would only open my eyes, I might plainly see where I could do much better for myself. I then discovered her meaning, but I was determined not to appear to understand it, and our languages being different, made it very easy for me to appear as ignorant as I pleased. However, it so happened that her brother entered the room one day when she was trying to drive it into me, that a more suitable match was within my power than the one I was in- tending to make. She turned to him and begged he would make the explanation for her, which, from our mutual know- ledge of Latin, and his slight acquaintance with the French language, he was well able to do. The request his sister had made evidently embarrassed him a good deal ; he was not nearly so much taken with your dear mother as Miss Downe was with me, which seemed most strange, for I am sure he had much more reason to be smitten than she had. After a little hesitation and clearing of his throat, he told me that the plain truth of the matter was this : " My sister wishes to marry you, and if you will agree to it, I have promised to help to remove the difficulty, we see in the way, by taking for my wife, your intended lady, whom you br'^nght with you 6* 130 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. from France." I should mention that there was nothing at tractive, but rather the reverse, in the personal appearance of Miris Dowue; she was short, thin, sallow, and marked with the small-pox. Mr. Downe was by no means handsome, but he was much better looking for a man than his sister for a wo- man. In answer to the above most singular offer, I said not a word, but drew from my pocket a paper which I gave him to read. It contained a solemn promise of mutual constancy, and your mother and I had each signed it. We had executed two such documents, and each kept one. After Mr. Downe had read it, I said to him : " My love is so strong and so sin- cere that, even now, if I thought the dear object of my devot- ed attachment would be more happy in being the wife of a rich man, I feel that I am equal to making the sacrifice of my own happiness and releasing her from every promise ; but if I may judge of her feelings by mine, I think she would not give me up to become the possessor of untold wealth. I will give you this strong proof of the sincerity of my assertion, I will promise to deliver your message faithfully to her." Accordingly I went that very evening to the house of Mr. Fraine where she was staying, and I executed the delicate commission with which I had been charged. To tell the truth, I was not altogether sorry that so good an opportunity should offer itself for discovering whether her love was equal to mine. As soon as she had heard the message, she burst into tears ; she evidently thought I was attracted by the for- tune of Miss Downe, and wished to break off my engagement with her. She continued to weep in silence, .so I repeated the offer over again, and added that she would have altogether the best of the bargain, because the fortune of Mr. Downe was three times as large as that of his sister She then made a MUTUAL AFFECTION. 131 great effort to speak with composure, and scarcel}' raising her eyes, she said, slowly and distinctly, " You are free, I releasu you absolutely and entirely from every promise that you have ever made to me. I feel deeply sensible of the great weight of my obligation to you for having rescued me from persecu- tion and brought me to this country. I shall be for ever grateful to you for it ; and I will not make you such an un- kind return for those favors as holding you to your contract would be, and thus condemning you to poverty for life. Think no more of me ; I am contented to remain as I am ; only be so good as convey to Mr, Downe a request not to repeat to me himself that which I have heard from you, for I never will be his wife." This answer was quite too much for me ; it was now my turn to weep, and our tears flowed together. When I had somewhat recovered from the effect of her words. I spoke to her with much solemnity : " Think you, dearest, that you could live contentedly with me ? Could you resolve to help me to labor for our living, and for the support of those whom Grod might give us ? Remember ! poverty is a hard, grinding mistress, and one under whom we shall probably be obliged to work all the days of our lives. For my part, I have a strong confidence that God will not suffer us to know actual want, and I am ready to encounter the difficulties and hardships that may stand in the way with you for my partner through them all. If you dare venture to run the risk, say so ; and I assure you I shall think myself infinitely happier with the prospect of laboring with my hands, earning bread for you to eat, with the sweat of my brow, than if I were going to wed the wealthiest of women. I can live single ; but I will be the husband of none but you on the face of the earth." 132 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. She replied to this with much animation of countenance and said, •' Every word you say finds its answering echo in my breast." That evening, which had begun with tears, ended most ioyfuUy. We had thought, until then, that we would defer our marriage until we had some visible means of maintaining ourselves ; but now, prudential considerations were laid aside, and we resolved to become one by the laws of God and man, as we already were in lieart, without delay, and thus prevent any future attempt to separate us. I returned with a light heart to my host and hostess, and gave such an answer as might have been expected under the circumstances. I endeavored to make them comprehend the strength of our affection, and how impossible it would be to break off an engagement of such long standing as ours, and cemented by so much joint anxiety and suffering. Our mu- tual vows were to be binding until death, under all imaginable change of circumstances, with the exception only of apostasy on either side, of which now, thanks be to God, there was no longer any danger. Mr. Downe was a man of good sense and kind feelings, and I verily believe he was relieved by the issue of the negotia- tion. It was otherwise with his sister ; she was displeased and aggrieved, and made no secret that she was so. We were married on the 8th February, 1686, at the Pa- rish Church of Barnstaple, by Mr. Wood, the Rector. My wife had lived at the house of Mr. Fraine, since the day after our landing, and he took upon himself the furnishing of a wedding-feast for us, to which he invited almost all the French Refugees in the neighborhood. EARLY MARRIED IJFE. 133 Mr. Downe invited the same party to a similar entertain ment at his house the day following. Our funds were as low as they well could be, for I had paid £5 for the insurance of my merchandise, and I had been obliged to pay £3 for the purchase of a wedding-ring, and procuring the license for our marriage. You may judge of our mutual affection, by our having refused to marry persons of wealth. You should also observe the strong confidence we had in the good Providence of God ; and blessed be his name ! we have never had reason to repent. We lived for a month or two in a furnished room ; then I received from France a feather-bed, and several coverlets, which my former valet, Manseau, had contrived to save from my house. My sister Forestier sent me some household linen from London, and with these grand additions to our possessions, we ventured upon hiring a small house in a back street. The French Refugees had talked about our marriage, and our poverty, which caused some of the inhabitants of the town to come and see us ; and they added to our stock all the articles of furniture that were necessary to the comfort of a small family ; so we were furnished with all we could desire, without having spent one farthing upon it from our own very small purse. The liberality shown to us did not stop there, for every market day meat, poultry, and grain poured upon us in such abundance, that during the six or eight months we lived there, I only bought one bushel of wheat ; and we had two bushels left when we removed. All this was done in the true spirit of Christian charity ; we never knew from whom any of these things came. Our good cheer costing us little or nothing, we were glad to share it with our fellow Refugees, who did not meet with 134 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. the samft generous kindness. Many of them, too, had a dis taste for English cookery, and they liked exceedingly to par- take of ray soup and bread. They came to assist in the cook ing first, and then in eating the food. This mode of living might be very agreeable to some per- sons, but it did not suit my wife or me. Each gift reminded us of our painful dependence ; and we looked eagerly around, hoping to discover some mode by which we could maintain ourselves without charity. I had occasion to go to Bridgewater, on some business connected with the second cargo that was sent to France ; and while I was there, Mr. Hoare, an alderman of the bo- rough, and a very upright, worthy man, introduced me to Sir Halsewell Tynte, who lived about two miles froniBridgewater, which led to my making an arrangement to live in his family, and render certain services, for which I was to receive £20 per annum ; and as I was to live at his table, I thought the sum would be sufl5cient for the support of my wife. It was on the 18th September, that I went to live at a distance from her, in the hope of supporting her independently, but I found the separation so grievous, that I determined to fetch her to Bridgewater, where I took a small house. Early in the year 1687 I went for her, and brought also my sister-in-law, Elizabeth Boursiquot, who had fled from France with us, and our infant son, who had been born during my absence, and been baptized by Mr. Mausy, the French minister, and pre- sented for that sacrament by Mr. Fraine, Mr. Juliot, and his aunt Elizabeth. Even after I had brought your mother so near to me that I could visit her frequently, I found it a great trial not to bo with her constantly, and she also felt the privation so painfully, ASSISTANCE FKOM COMMITTEE. 135 ihat I determined to give up my employment and return to her. I preferred the coarsest food with her for my companion to the continual feasts of which I partook at Sir Halsewell's. Poverty stared us in the face, and exertion of some kind was absolutely necessary. We tried to keep a small shop in Bridgewater, but our efforts were not crowned with success. You may be surprised that in my difficulties I received no assistance from the fund, collected for distribution among the suffering French Refugees, so I will tell you how it happened. I must begin the story at a period dating about the time of my arrival in England. As soon as my friends in London heard of my being in the country, they bi'ought my case, un- known to me, before the committee for dispensing the fund. Mr. Maureau, my advocate at Saintes, drew such a picture of my zeal and constancy that there was no opposition made to placing my name on the list of ministers, although I was only a candidate, and I was to receive £30 per annum. The first I knew of what was done was by the receipt of a letter from Mr. Maureau. congratulating me on my escape, and enclosing to me the sum of £7 10s. as the first quarter of a pension that the committee had granted me. He further requested me to send him a certificate of my having received the Communion according to the rites of the Church of England, which it would be necessary to produce to the committee before I could receive the second quarter. I, who had but just escaped from the Tempter, felt alarmed at this mode of entitling myself to receive charity. Before this communication reached me I had communed most cor- dially with the English, after the manner of the Established Church, without the least scruple of conscience, but when it became the condition upon which I was to receive the chari- J 36 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ties of the Kingdom, the case was altered. I looked upon the Communion as one of the most sacred mysteries of our holy religion, one which it was unlawful to approach with any other view than to receive thereby the benefits of the sacrifice of the death of Christ. When I saw it imposed upon me to gain pecuniary advantages, I doubted very much whether any spiritual benefit could be derived from a communion received for the express purpose of procuring a pension. It seemed io me a very papistical sort of proceeding, much like what I had seen in France, " Come to mass and you shall be exempt- ed from dragoons." I had hitherto found nothing whatever to offend me in the service of the Church of England. I then studied it very carefully, and I heartily embraced all its doctrines as set forth in the thirty-nine articles ; but the Church Government, espe- cially the point so much insisted upon of Episcopacy by divine right, seemed to me to bear too strong a resemblance to Popery. I might have gotten over these objections, perhaps, if I had not learnt their cruel persecution of their brother Protest- ants, the Calvinists, only for differing on the subject of Epis- copacy,* and some ceremonies which were, in themselves, of no great importance. I found that the poor Presbyterians had been imprisoned, fined, and deprived of their employments, because they would not consent to receive Episcopal ordina- tion, in conformity with the laws passed in the reign of Charles II., and furthermore, I was told by the Presbyterians, that the unfortunate people who had been executed after the Duke * It is not surprising that a foreigner should confound the conscientious members of the Church of England with the disguised Papists who were so numerous in the days of Charles II. and James II., by whom the Calviriisti: we'e persecuted. APPLICATION FOR RELIEF. 137 of Moninoutli's rebellion, a few days before our arrival, and whose heads and quarters I saw exposed on all the tOTcrs, gates and cross-roads, looking absolutely like butchers' sham- bles, had many of them been guilty of no crime but that of being Presbyterians.* I confess that all these circumstances combined to give me a prejudice against the Established Church, and the use. which it was proposed to me to make of the Holy Sacrament, went so much against my conscience, that I have never yet sent the certificate to qualify me for receiving the second quar- ter of my pension. The committee, appointed for distributing the money, were guilty of a flagrant error in my judgment. The money placed under their control arose from the voluntary contribu- tions of the whole English nation, and I honestly believe, that the Nonconformists had been as liberal as the Episcopalians, and yet from this fund no relief was given to any one who did not hand in a certificate of his being a member of the Church of England, and surely this was unjust. I was at one time so ground down by poverty, and my spirit was so humbled, that I actually made a journey to London for the purpose of making personal application to this committee. My friends told me that the best plan would be for me to call upon certain Deans and other high dignitaries, the most influential members of the committee. I followed their advice, but my garments were old and shabby, and T found it very difliicult to obtain an entrance at any of the great houses. The usual ordeal through which I passed was * This has evidently been a i)arty statement, and according to history must have been untrue, for Monmouth's rebellion was an etfort to subvert .ho goverumcnt, without religious object. 138 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. that the foutxnan wlio opened the door would leave me to wait a lor.g time in the hall, as though I were a common beggar, and, at last, return to tell me that his Reverence was not at leisure to speak to me. I called again and again, until the servant was so weary of opening the door, that to avoid further im- portunity, he would obtain for me the desired audience. He would accompany me through divers richly furnished apart- ments, watching me the while to see that I did not steal any of the plate, piled up on the sideboards, and finally usher me into the private apartment where the Dean was sitting. He would inquire my business without so much as ofi"ering the poor beggar a seat. In as few words as possible. I would tell him of my situation and sufferings, and be proceeding to open my papers that he might judge for himself I was stopped at once, '• No, no, I have no time to read any testimonials, fold them up again. I shall hear all about it when your case comes before the committee." The urgent necessities of those who were dearer to me than life itself, had so subdued my pride, that I made, not one or two only, but a round of such visits as these. It was all to no purpose, the money was for Episcopalians only. My friend, Mr. Maureau, held the office of Secretary to the Committee ; he took up my cause with much warmth, and said, '• You will not, I trust, suffer so worthy a man to be re- duced to extreme want, without affording him any assistance ; a man who has shown that he counted his life as nothing when the glory of God was in question, and who voluntarily and generously exposed himself to uphold the faith of a num- ber of poor country people. Perhaps there are not four minis- ters who have received the charity of the committee, who have done so much for the cause of true religion as he has done." UNKINI'NTrcS. 139 He could say nothing that would help my cause with this committee, so long as the fact remained without contiadiotion, that I was a Presbyterian. Some of them said, " He is a young man, let him get a fciL- uation as a servant ; his wife can do the same ; and they ruay send their two children to us, and we will have them taken care of in the house we have provided for the purpose." After the meeting, I was directed to go to the Grand Almoner, to receive the answer, which was couched in much the same language as that given above. My eyes filled with tears, and I felt so indignant that I spoke hastily, and said • " You ought to follow the directions in the New Testament, and put yourself in my place, before giving such cruel advice." His wife was present at the time, and turning to her, I said : " Madam, I pity you most sincerely, for being united to a man who can speak with so much indifference of the separation of husband and wife." I knew that they had no children, and I went on : "I adore the wisdom of God, who has not thought fit to bestow the blessing of children upon one, who feels it so tri- fling a matter for a parent to part with them. Before I would place mine under your guardianship, or give up the spouse whom I consider as one of the choicest blessings God has be- stowed upon me, I would dig the ground all day as a common laborer, in order to share with my wife and children, at night, the bread I had earned by the sweat of my brow." The committee bestowed upon me the sum of three pounds, which I was told was all that I should ever receive from that source. I returned home very much cast down by the ncsult of my humiliating application, for I had expended between seven and eight pounds upon travelling and its necessarj iccompaniments. 1-iO MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Some charitable Presbyterians heard of ray distress, and of the refusal of any aid from the fund collected for the relief of suflFering French Protestant Refugees, and they kindly vol- unteered to make a collection for me in their congregation, which was a most seasonable help in my need. You may suppose my feelings were still more soured towards Episcopalians by their treatment of me. I now real- ized, by bitter experience, that opposition and unkindness, for difference of opinion, have a much greater tendency to widen the breach than to bring opponents to one way of thinking. At a time when I was greatly in want of money, I found by accident, among my papers which I had brought from France, half a sheet of stamped paper, entirely blank. It occurred to me instantly, that it might be the means of recov- ering for me something, from the sale of the property I had left in France. My cousin, Peter Robin, had acted the part of a faithful agent in his management of the cargo of wheat which Mr. Downe and I had consigned to him, and he was therefore the person whom I fixed upon to act for me now. I signed my name at the foot of the sheet, and sent it to him. I told him I wished him to make use of it, so as to obtain money for me for the sale or lease of my estate. I desired nim to take care that he affixed, to the deed he executed, a date previous to that of my leaving France. The latter pre- caution was necessary to prevent the King seizing the prop- erty. I never had a word from him in reply ; but I have reason to know that he, the said Peter Robin, went to live at my house after he received my letter, and from that day he considered it was his own. He took advantage of the confi- dence I placed in him when I put my name to the stamped paper and sent it to him. He has cheated me and my heirs MORAL REFLECTION. 141 after me, for no claim could now be made, because he would at once defeat it, by producing a deed of sale, signed by ray own hand. I would have you look upon the moral furnished by this proceeding. I was miserable enough to desire that he should execute a false deed for me, in order that I might obtain something from the property I had left in France. He did execute the false deed, in the way I had pointed out, but he did it for his own advantage, not for mine ! I recognise in this, as in all other things, the justice and the mercy of the just Judge of the universe. I was punished, as I deserved to be ; God directs all things for the good of those who love him, and who serve him with faith and humility, and mingles mer- cies with the punishment of his children ; and in this case, I idiink I see plainly the great benefit to my family that he \io£ extracted from my sin. It has removed all temptation out of the way of my descendants, that might have seduced them into returning to the Babylon whence he had withdrawn me, in the hope of recovering my estate. The children of some Huguenot Refugees, unworthy of their parents, have re- turned to France from similar inducements. My children can never do so ; the property is irrecoverably lost. When I re- joice that the temptation is removed, you are not to suppose that I imagine any of my children would ever have been se- duced into returning to idolatry for the sake of money. I think better things of you ; and I have a strong confidence that you also will so instruct your children, that the love of God and of his trsc religion may be perpetuated in our family to the remotest generation. CHAPTER XT. kemove to Taunton —Receive Ordination — Keep a Shop — Manufactory — Proepority- BrnnmoDed before the Mayor — Defence — Speech of Eecoraer — Discharge. I WENT over to Taunton, to look about me, for any prospect of improving my circumstances, and I was so far successful that I obtained a few pupils to instruct in the French lan- guage. At first I went there only for the day, three times a week, to give lessons, but after a while, I decided that it would be the most advantageous plan to remove my family there entirely, and keep a shop as we had done in Bridgewater, and I hoped that the addition of the profits, from teaching, to those from the shop, would maintain us all. I had been in the habit not only of having family worship, but of preaching to the circle of relatives who clustered around us. When I removed to Taunton, three or four French fami- lies wished to join us, and so form a small congregation. I then thought that I ought to receive that authority from man which I had already received from God. I was aware that the Episcopalians possessed all the Church Benefices, and filled all the ofiices of trust throughout iho kingdom, but I was not dazzled by their splendor. I pre- ferred the simplicity of Divine worship, to which I had been accustomed from my childhood, to the grandeur and wealth of the Episcopalians. ORDINATION. 143 Some of the Presbyterians, with whom I had become ac- quainted, actually hated the Episcopalians, and they m-vle mc believe that the Church of England was a kind of Romcn.'.ri, T held in abhorrence all the practices of the Papists, so I de- termined to have nothing to do with the skin of the berst, even though the beast itself had been rejected. I was at- tached to the leaves of the tree of life as well as to the trunk, branches and fruit ; and in my exile I determined to join my- self to that company of believers, who most nearly resembled those with whom I had suffered in my own country. I re- solved rather to labor with my hands while I preached the pure doctrines of the Gospel, and admitted only the simplest ceremonies, than to wound my conscience by entering the Church which was upheld by the State. I presented myself before the Protestant Synod assembled at Taunton. I produced the testimonials of my education, manner of life and sufferings, which I had brought with me from France. I then underwent an examination, and received Holy Orders from their hands on the 10th June, 1688, hav- ing an earnest desire to exercise the functions with all the Christian humility, zeal and affection of which I was capable. After leaving Barnstaple I was never again so poor as to re- quire charity. Mr. Travernier of Plymouth sent his son to be under my care for two years, and he lent me £100, without in- terest, for that length of time. I found the wholesale dealers in Bristol and Exeter very accommodating to me in granting credit. I paid for the goods as fast as I sold them, and I was then allowed to take a fresh supply on credit. In this way we gradually increased in our dealings until we had a stock of one thing or other to the amount of £400. When I lived in Bridgewater two Frenchmen had applied 144 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. to me for astnstance, which I could not furnisii myself, but 1 had obtained it from others, and when I gave them the money I said, " If you will follow my advice, and learn a trade at once, you will never be obliged to ask for charity again, but will become independent. There are in Bristol French manu- facturers of light stuffs, to whom I would recommend you to bind yourselves." They followed my advice, and soon after I had established myself at Taunton, they called on me for the express purpose of returning their thanks. I did not recog- nise them in the least ; the rags and tatters in which they had formerly appeared had given place to decent and respectable clothing. They were obliged to tell me that they were the per- sons whom I had formerly assisted, and recommended to learn a trade, and that they had done so, and now, all they wanted, was a small advance of money from some one, and they would work for half the profits. They urged me to undertake it, and they said £20 would be amply sufficient to buy worsted, yarn and dyes, and that they themselves had wherewithal to buy tools. They said if I would make the necessary purchases for them they would work two years for me, and be contented with half the profit on the work. T consented to it, and as I was unwilling to cramp the business of the shop by taking money from it, I borrowed the £20 from Mrs. White, a widow, who dealt in tobacco, at Bridgewater. Behold me now, not only a French tcicher and a shop- keeper, but a manufacturer also. The sea had been too cruel lor me to think of being a merchant again. One of these Frenchmen whom I took, as it were, into partnership with me, had formerly been a pickpocket in Lon- don, and had only given up the employment from fear of the consequences. He was a very skilful workman, he would PROSPERITY. 145 accomplish more in a given time than any two otheus, and his work was always weH finished. I knew nothing of his former habits of life, and he commended himself so much to me by his cleverness, that I made him the chief manager, and I used to send him to Exeter to make the purchases, and he was as skilful in making bargains as in working. I frequently trusted him with as much as £20 or £25 at once, for this purpose, and he was uniformly honest and correct in all his dealings with me. He told one of his fellow workmen that he often had been strongly tempted to run away with the money, and then he would say to himself, " What ! steal from a man who has been so invariably kind to me ! and who places such perfect confi- dence in me ! No; I cannot do it." When he left me, I have understood that he returned to London, met with his old associates and fell infro bad habita again. At the end of three months I knew much more than the workmen did. I invented new patterns for the stuff's, which I showed them how to execute. The employment proved pro- fitable, and I had insensibly put more and more capital into it, until at the end of a year I had £80 embarked in the ma- nufactory, in place of the original £20 which was the estimate of the men. They quarrelled amongst themselves about the division of their share of the profits, and finally came t» me to propose that I should pay them fixed wages, and carry on the business altogether on my own account. Every thing now seemed to prosper with me. I hired the handsomest shop in Taunton, opposite the cross in the Market Place. I was able to furnish it with so great a variety that it was always full of customers. My wife was kept very busy, though she had two boys, Travernier and Garache, to 7 146 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. help her. I manufactured stuffs in the upper part of the house which she sold, at a profit, in the lower part. I went to Bristol and Exeter, once a quarter, to lay in a fresh supply of groceries and pay off th-e old debt. I procured direct from Hol- land linens of various qualities, galloons, thread, needles, and tin and copper ware, manufactured there by French refuorees. These articles cost me muct less than if I had bought them in England. I was supplied with beaver hats from Exeter, where they were made by Frenchmen, who fu nished them to no one in Taunton but myself I sold French brandy, pure and unadulterated, whereas the Englishmen generally played tricks with theirs. I drew custom by selling Malaga and Alicant raisins, at the price retail that I paid for them by wholesale. I sold needles on the same terms. Every one knew the value of these articles, and the sale of them did not amount to any groat sum. One would say to another, " You can buy beautiful raisins from the Frenchman at such a price," and then they would come to see for themselves, buy some raisins, and probably ten or twelve shillings worth of other articles, upon which we made a profit, so we found our account in selling cheap raisins. The other shopkeepers were very angry, and said I should most certainly be bankrupt soon, for I sold the raisins at the same price they paid in Bristol, without reckoning the cost of transportation and loss of weight. Their mode of talking about me only increased my sales, for the people came to get all they wanted before I was ruined. When my friends asked me privately why I sold so cheap, I told them that I found it to answer very well, and I repeated the common proverb, " Light gains make a heavy purse." Stranger, as I was, I had more custom than any other shop SUMMONSED BEFOKE THE MAYoK. 147 in the town. My competitors looked on patiently, expecting that it could not last much longer, and their day would come when I had to put the key under the door. Instead of that, I became only more prosperous. I appeared to succeed in every thing I undertook. I had just begun to breathe freely, after all my trials, and to feel myself comfortable, when a prosecution was commenced, and I was summoned to appear before the Mayor and Court of Aldermen. The Mayor was a wool-comber, who came to the town ori- ginally possessed of one single groat. He worked a long time as a boy comber ; he then married one of his master's servants, scraped together a little money, and began business on his own account. At the age of thirty-six or thirty-seven years he learnt to read, and to write a little. In course of time he accumulated as much as £7000 or £8000, and thereby obtained the honors of the town, for this was the third time he had filled the office of Mayor. The Aldermen were generally persons of the same class, men who had risen in the world, but who had received very little education. Some were woollen manufacturers, others were shopkeepers, and they all seemed to think that I had inter- fered with them, so they could scarcely be impartial judges in the case. I certainly had entered into competition with most of them, for I employed men to work for me in my little manufactory, and I sold in my shop most of the articles which they dealt in. There was but one man in all this body, who had received a good education — the Recorder. He had consequently great influence over the others, and could sovern the cohort verv much as he pleased. I had every reason to believe that ho 148 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. regarded me with esteem, for I had frequently leeu iu his company, and had had many interesting conversations with him upon philosophical and theological subjects. When I appeared in answer to the summons I had re ceived, I found the accusations were of a very multifarious character. They said I was a sharper, a Jack-of-all-trades The manufacturers complained that I had the wool combed. I dyed it myself, had it spun and woven in my own house, and then I retailed it myself in my shop. The grocers brought forward their grievance, which was that I sold a bet- ter article retail than they could buy wholesale at the same price ; and that I sold all sorts of things except apathecaries' drugs. The dealers in tin and copper ware said I injured their trade so much, that they would have to give up, and go to the parish, if I did not soon shut up my shop. Those who dealt in brandy and vinegar, complained that they were left to sit quietly with their arms crossed all day long, while cus- tomers thronged my shop, so that the liquor could hardly be measured out as rapidly as it was imjuired for. The hatters said their trade was broken up by the French beaver hats of various kinds, which I furnished at a lower price than it cost them to import them from France. The hosiers felt them- selves injured by the stockings of St. Maixant, which I sold. The drapers were neglected by their old customers since I had introduced chamois leather, dyed of all colors, for mak- ing breeches — one pair of which outlasted three of cloth, and looked better. Added to all this, the stranger, who was pocketing the profits they thought they ought to have, was not liable to assessment for government taxes and town rates, as they were. He was also, they said, a Jesuit in disguise, who said mass in his own house every Sunday. One DEFENCE. 14S word would describe him as well as a thousand ; he was a Freuch dog, taking the bread out of the mouths of the English. Any one who had heard their accusation, would have sup- posed I was as rich as a Jew. I attended, to make my own defence, without the assistance of an attorney, and I had no fear for the result. Mr. Mayor came to the point at once, and said to me, " Have you served an apprenticeship to all these trades ?" This question was quite to the purpose ; for by kiw no man can carry on a trade to which he has not served an ap- prenticeship. I rose without embarrassment to reply, and spoke in a tone loud enough to be heard throughout the court : " Gen- tlemen, in France a man is esteemed according to his qualifi- cations ; and men of letters and study are especially honored by every body, if they conduct themselves with propriety, even though they should not be worth a penny. All the no- bility of the land, the lords, the marquises, and dukes take pleasure in the society of such persons. In fact, there, a man is thought fit for any honorable employment, if he be but learned ; therefore, my father, who was a worthy minister of the Gospel, brought up four boys, of whom I was the young- est, in good manners and the liberal arts, hoping that wher- ever fortune might transport us, our education would serve instead of riches, and gain us honor among persons of honor. All the apprenticeship I have ever served, from the age of four years, has been to turn over the leaves of a book. I took the degree of Master of Arts at the age of twenty-two, a.nd then devoted myself to the study of the Holy Scriptures. Hitherto, I had been thought worthy of tho best company 150 MEMOIliS OF A ]IUGUENOT FAMILY. wherever I had been ; but when I came to this town, I found that science without riches, was regarded as a cloud without water, or a tree without fruit ; in a word, a thing worthy ol' supreme contempt ; so much so, that if a poor ignorant wool- cumber, or a hawker, amassed money, he was honored by all, and looked up to as the first in the place. I have, therefore, gentlemen, renounced all speculative science ; I have become a wool-comber, a dealer in pins and laces, hoping that I may one day attain wealth, and be also one of the first men in the town." When I ceased speaking, there was a general laugh throughout the assembly. The Mayor and some few of the Aldermen were exceptions. The Recorder himself lost his gravity for a few moments, and joined in the mirth. He re- covered himself presently, and rose with a dignity that re- minded me of the Town Clerk of Ephesus ; there was a pro- found silence as soon as he stretched out his hand. " Gentlemen," said he, " King Charles II., of blessed memory, issued a declaration, of such a date, whereby he in- vited the poor Protestants who were persecuted in France- for the cause of the Gospel, to take refuge in this kingdom, not, most assuredly, with the intention of suflFering them to die of hunger, but rather that they might live in comfort amongst his subjects. Thus you see they are fully entitled to every privilege that we enjoy. Suppose Mr. Fontaine and his family had not the means of gaining a livelihood, and they were famishing in the midst of us, we should in that case be obliged to feed them. By law, the parish would be burdened with their maintenance ; for you know you could not send him to his birth-place, therefore you must treat him as if he hii.' been born in the place where he resides. kecordee's speech. 151 '• Although Mr. Fontaine was brought up to nothing but study, yet in the desire he has to live independently, without being burdensome to any one, he humbles himself so far as to become a mechanic, a thing very rarely seen among learned men, such as I know him to be from my own conversations with him. Do not you think our parish is obliged' to him foi every morsel of bread he earns for his family ? It would be perfect barbarity to pretend to put any obstacle in the way of his earning a livelihood. Are you, his accusers, disposed to raise a fund, and settle an annuity upon him and his family for life? Strangers are as much entitled to justice at our hands as our neighbors are. I will answer for Mr. Fontaine, that if you will secure to him a moderate income, he will leave mechanical occupations, and gladly return to intellec- tual labor." He paused awhile and looked around the Court-room, but no one broke the silence, so he resumed : — •• Is nobody dis- posed to come forward ? It is a strange thing, gentlemen, you are not willing to let him earn his own bread, and yet none of you offer to give it to him. Shall it be said of us, that there are only one or two families of poor Refugees set- tled in our town, who have abandoned country, friends, pro- perty, and every thing sweet and agreeable in this life for their religion and the glory of the Gospel, and instead of cherish- ing these people, and treating them as the suffering members of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and providing fur them tenderly and abundantly by our charities, we would even hinder them from gaining a living by their labor I There is not a Turk in Turkey so barbarous.'' He then turned around and addressed himself to me. '■ You may go away, there is no law that can disturb you, I 152 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. will answer for it. We return you our thanks for the bread you earn. God bless you and your labor !" I said, " May the Lord bless you also !" The Court resounded with thousands " God bless you, Mr. Fontaine !" This was the end of the law proceedings, but not of the malicious feeling that had caused the prosecution. The Mayor and his party hated me all the more for having con- temned them in the face of the whole town. They continued to annoy me in every possible way. They exaggerated my profits very much, they magnified them to guineas when my gain was but in pennies, and consequently I was taxed to the utmost. CHAPTER XII. Revolution of 16SS— Landing of the Butch — Unexpected visitor — Soldiers billeted on me — Retirement from business — C'alinianco — Profitable manufacture — Crip)Med Weaver — Secret discovered — Visit Dublin and Cork— Send sons to Holland — In- crease of family. A SHORT time after the prosecution related in the last chap- ter the glorious Revolution of 1 688 commenced. I felt very anxious about the effect it might have upon the welfare of me and mine. I had a vivid recollection of the end of the Monmouth rebellion, for they were still busy hanging and quartering when I landed in England. The Prince of Orange marched with his army to Exeter, where he was welcomed by the same party that had declared for Monmouth. Three sorry-looking Dutchmen were sent to Taunton, and they were suffered to take possession of the place without the slightest show of resistance from any quar- ter. The common people hailed their arrival as a joyous event. The Mayor and Aldermen were most decided Jacobites ; they stood aloof to watch the course of events, and contented themselves, meanwhile, with noting down the names of all persons who appeared to favor the Dutch, in the expectation of having them hanged after a while, as those had been who joined the Duke of Monmouth. I felt very certain that which- 7* 154 MEMOraS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ever side I might espouse, my name would have a prominent place in the list of culprits, and I was the more convinced of this from the story that was told about me. On the arrival of a company of soldiers at Taunton, they were informed that there was a French Jesuit in the place who said Mass in his house every Sunday. It happened for- tunately for me, that the Captain of this company was a French Protestant, who had taken refuge in Holland, and en- tered the army of the Prince of Orange. He was pleased with the idea of attacking a French Jesuit, and was deter- mined to be the first to seize him, so he obtained a direction to his abode, and was posted opposite to the door of my house with a guard of soldiers, before any of the family were stir- ring, except a female domestic who was a French woman. The Captain asked her who lived in that house. She replied, " Mr. Fontaine, a minister from Royan in France, lives here." The Captain immediately desired her to go up to my room and tell me that Captain Rabainieres was below, anx- ious to embrace me. I only waited long enough to get on my dressing-gown, and went down to welcome a dear friend : for you must know, we had been intimately acquainted with each other in France^ and our residences were only four or five miles apart. We embraced one another with the warmth of fraternal affection. I was then introduced to the rest of the officers, who were most kind in their offers of friendship. I cannot pass on without calling your attention to this fresh \nstance of the goodness of God, whose providence watched Dver and shielded me from threatened danger. The street was crowded with people who had followed the soldiers, and some had even forced their way into my house SOLDIERS BILLETKD ON MI-:. 155 after the Captain, k) make sure of being near enough to enjo-v the sport of seeing the Jesuit hung. When these witnessed the warmth of our salutations, they knew not what to make of it, and cried out that they were lost and ruined. " Those," said they, " whom we hailed as our liberators must themselves be Papists." I had never attended the Parish Church in Taunton, which led many into the belief that I really was a Jesuit, and those who knew better studiously kept up the false impres- sion, in order to injure me with the community at large. The officers went to the door to disperse the crowd, which was not an easy matter, under the disappointment they felt at not seeing the Jesuit punished. They told them that their Captain knew Mr. Fontaine to be a good Protestant, better than they were in all probability. They manifested a bitter- ness of feeling that made my friend decide upon leaving a few soldiers at my door, as a precautionary measure, in case of violence. When several more regiments belonging to King William's army were quartered in Taunton, you may rest assured I was not forgotten in the billeting of them upon the inhabitants. I went to complain to the Mayor and Sheriff because two soldiers had been billeted upon me, and it was not customary to quarter them on a minister. They heard me patiently, but I had scarcely reached home before two more soldiers presented themselves with a billet for me. I complained a second time, and I was answered by an assurance, that I should receive full justice, and directly I got home, four more came upon me. I made no further com- plaint, lest I should draw upon myself sixteen instead of eight I had to support thom for throe whole weeks, during 15(j MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. which time I treated them as well as I could ; and I explained my circumstances to them. The times were so ticklish, and the town magistrates showed so decided an inclination to put difficulties in my way, that I thought I had better examine into my affairs, pay my debts, and withdraw from all large transactions for the present. I was occupied during the day teaching French and Latin, so that I was obliged to steal many hours of the night from sleep, to find time to make an exact inventory of all that I possessed. I put down every thing at a low valuation, and I was pleased to find that there was enough to pay all that I owed, and a little to spare. I sent some of the stuffs of my own making to the wholesale dealers, from whom I had made purchases on credit, and I begged they would sell them as opportunity offered, repay themselves with the proceeds first, and then return to me any balance that should remain. This arrangement was equally satisfactory to both parties ; I was able to pay my debts by it, and those from whom I had bought on credit, were very glad, in these hard times, to find themselves secured against possible loss. As soon as it became known that I wished to dispose of my shop, and stock in trade, a young man came forward to be the purchaser, who expected to do wonders ; he had heard such exaggerated accounts of the money I had made by the business. He took every thing as it stood, paying me the actual cost, as appeared from the entries in my books. The whole amounted to four hundred pounds, which sum he paid to me in cash, and I made use of it at once to pay the wholesale dealers ; so that, after the sale of my manufactured stuffs, which I had already sent to them, they found themselves in- debted to me. 1 requested them to keep the money in their BIRTH OF MARY ANNE, 157 hands for mc at present, in order that I might have it as a little leaven, to begin again with renewed vigor, whenever the political troubles should be at an end. When I looked upon the result of this winding up of nij business, I could not but feel very grateful to my Maker for the blessing upon my labors, which had enabled me to pay every thing T owed, including the debt left after that last dis- astrous voyage, which had hung most heavily upon me ever since. Though I had not been pressed for payment by those who had lent me the money in my extremity, yet I now felt it a vast relief to be able to clear it all off, principal and interest. After all this, I was sole owner of the tools and utensils re- quired in manufacturing the stuffs, I was the proprietor of good, comfortable household furniture, and had fourteen pounds in cash. Your mother and I had undergone much labor and fatigue of body, and considerable anxiety of mind, in accomplishing these great things, but it was for the sake of our dear children, and what will not parents do for their off- spring ! How much better was it for us all thus to struggle through difficulties together, than to have weakly followed the advice of the committee in London, and given up my children to be educated in their Institution ! We always find that God assists those who put their trust in Him. On the 12th April, 1690, my wife gave birth to a daugh- ter, whom she and I presented for baptism the next day ; and I baptized her myself, naming her Mary Anne : Mar}', after my mother, and Anne, from the second name of my wife. For several months I followed only the one employment of keeping a school, by which I did not make quite enough id maintain my family. I found it, too, a very ungrateful em ployment, and I became tired of it. 158 MEMOm? OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. When James 11. bad taken refuge in France, and William and Mary been received as King and Queen of Englanc'., tbings began to assume a settled aspect, and I tbougbt I might venture to begin some sort of business again. There was a sort of stuft", manufactured at Norwich at that time, called Calimanco, which was very substantial, and also fashionable, and 1 determined upon making the attempt to imitate it. I had never, you know, served any apprenticeship, so it was all the same to me what 1 undertook to make, 1 must call upon the ingenuity of my own brain to aid me. I therefore thought it would be better, when I began again, to try something new instead of going on in the oil beaten track. The stuff called serge, which we had made be- fore, was now out of fashion, and those who manufactured it scarcely earned salt to their porridge ; but then, they had served an apprenticeship to it, and as they worked altogether mechanically, and not with the understanding, they were really incapable of putting their hands to any thing else. I was possessed of a large share of that sort of perseverance which some people call obstinacy, and without which I cer- tainly could not have overcome the almost insurmountable difficulty which met me at the outset. The Norwich stuff was made of extremely fine worsted, double twisted. Now, there was not in Taunton a spinner who could spin so fine, nor a weaver who knew how to weave it ; no machinery suitable for the manufacture, nor a person who knew how to construct it. I had never seen the ma- chinery, but 1 saw that if money was to be gained by manu- fecturing, this was the stuff that ought to be produced. As I could not get the worsted spun fine enough to allow of re twisting and doubling it, 1 must try what could be done wit'^ a single thread. CALIMANCO. 159 I engaged a weaver for my experimental^' attempt, who was out of employment, and was apparently very docile ; I made all the machinery, I put it up with my own hands, and spent a couple of hours every day trying to instruct him. This went on for three months, altering the threads and ma- chinery for new trials about once a fortnight, and still not an inch of the desired fabric was produced ; and I was paying the weaver his full wages all the time. Some little time after this, a young man came to solicit charity from me ; he was in extreme distress, absolutely pen- niless, and his wife in hourly expectation of her confinement He entreated me to give him some employment, and said that he would spare no pains to give me satisfaction ; and he was sure that I never should see cause to repent of it, for his urgent need would be a spur to his assiduity in laboring for one who should help him at this pinch. I took him and his wife into my house, I fed the two, and soon three of them. I fitted up a loom for him, to try what he could do ; and he kept his word, for he worked day and night, entering into all my plans, and never appearing wearied of making efforts. He was very grateful to me for maintaining him and his wife, and he tried to give proof of it by faithful industry. He also knew, that if he was successful, he would certainly be able to earn a comfortable subsistence. He tried seven or eight dif- ferent plans during a fortnight, and at the end of it pi-oduced one yard of Calimaneo, which looked very well ; but being of single thread, it had no moi-e substance than serge. I was obliged to set my wits to work once more, to try whether T could not discover some mode, by which a substantial fabric could be made out of the materials I had at command. I contrived it, at last, by the following process : I made the 160 IVrEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAAni.Y. warp, which appeared all on the right side, of fine woo coarsely spun ; and the weft, of very coarse wool, combed like fine wool, and spun in a thick, compact thread. The second piece was begun, upon this new and successful plan, just two months after I received the family into my house. The one piece of twenty yards, which was all that we had to show for our labor, sold for threepence a yard, but we did not tell any one how long we had been employed in making it. I kept an exact account of all that I had expended in these fruitless attempts and the small proceeds resulting from the sale of the first piece made my inmate very discreet and considerate in his expenses. He never asked me for any money that he could possibly do without. By degrees he became more expert in the work. He was soon able to make half-a-yard a-day, then a yard, and after more practice several yards. When the second piece was taken out of the frame it appeared really handsome, and was as strong and substantial as the Norwich Calimanco ; but there was great disappointment when it came home from the mill where it had been pressed, it looked no better than a coarse coverlet, for it had great strong hairs sticking out in all directions. I recollected that when I was at school I had often gone to warm myself in a hatter's shop opposite to the school, and I used to watch the process of burning ofi" the long hairs from the hats with a wisp of straw, so I thought that a similar plan might be adopted for remedying the defect in my Calimanco. A hat can easily be turned round in the hand to apply the flame to all sides, not so a long piece of stuff. A machine would be required to apply it with certainty and regularity. I was too impatient to wait for the production of a machine, SUCCESS. 161 and determined to singe this first piece as well as I could by band. I had to call in the aid of my wife and ber sister Jane Boursiquot, who laughed so much at my dilemma that I almost felt discouraged. I made the stuff damp all over so that I might not burn it as well as the hairs, and they held it, one on each side, while I passed the blazing wisp of straw over it. At last the work was finished, and then I had the right to laugh, for. when washed and pressed, it looked really beautiful. I sent it to a draper at Exeter, who allowed me two shillings and sixpence a yard for it. I found I could make it for just half the sum, so I gained an ample reward for all my expenditure of time, labor and money. My workman improved rapidly, he made it better and better every day, and he gained such facility by practice that at last be was able to turn out ten or twelve yards in a day. I bad hitherto merely supplied him with what was absolutely necessary for himself and his wife, but I now promised to pay him four pence half-penny for every yard he made in future. I also took into my employ again the first weaver who had labored so long unsuccessfully, and he too acquired the art after a while. I now hired a shop for the sale of my Calimanco ; I took from my old tradesmen all the articles I wanted, and paid them with my own goods. I employed more workmen, and I bound each one, under a penalty of £10, not to work for any one else, or to teach the art to other workmen. They were all willing to make such terms, because they could earn three times as much by working for me as by making serge. When I had planned a machine to singe off the hairs, I employed a different mechanic to make each part, so that not one of them knew the use of that which be was making, and 162 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. when I had got the various parts ready I put the machine to- gether myself. It consisted of two large rollers, and the piece was wound gently, off the one, and upon the other, and fire applied during its passage ; when both sides were singed it was washed in the river, then pressed, and it really had much the appearance of the true Calimanco ; the strength of the coarse worsted gave it substance, and the fineness of the warp gave it lustre. I now gave up teaching entirely, and confined myself to my manufactory, which proved very great slavery, for it was absolutely necessary to keep secret the mode by which we removed the coarse hairs, and therefore I was obliged to do that part of the work myself. My wife or my sister-in-law turned the spit while I roasted the joint. I succeeded so well, that in the course of seven or eight months I was able to keep from twelve to fifteen looms con- stantly going. I had not been long at work before the profit- able nature of my new trade became known, and the old-fash- ioned manufacturers of serge were envious of it. Their as- tonishment at my inventive genius was very great, they almost looked upon it as sorcery ; and it was increased by an inci- dent which I will relate. I heard accidentally of a poor wea- ver who had lost a leg, and in consequence of it, he was, ac- cording to the general opinion, incapable of ever working again at his trade of weaving serge, because they and their fa- thers before them had made use of two feet to work the loom, they did not imagine it possible that anybody could weave with only one leg. The poor man had been supported by the parish for three years. I thought much about his distressed condition, and wondered within myself whether it would not be possible to devise some plan, whereby he could work at his old trade. I made many experiments, and at last I hit upon I CRIPPLED \VKA\KK. 163 the right thing : I went without loss of time to see the pooi fellow, who liA^ed in the house of his brother. I asked him if he would not like to be able to weave once more. " Alas !" said he. weeping. - God has been pleased to de- prive me of my leg and it is impossible for me to weave." His brother wa,s then working in a loom by his side ; I turned to him. and asked him to get out of the frame and let me make some alterations in the treads. He allowed me to do so. and I then detached all the cords from the treads, and arranged them differently, and asked the cripple to enter the frame. I then showed him how his remaining leg was com- petent to all the work, directing him to put his foot first on the one tread and then on the other. In the course of an hour he made a quarter of a yard of serge, equal in every re- spect to the rest of the piece which had been woven by his brother who possessed two legs. I then explained to him most particularly the manner in which he must make the preparation for weaving with one foot, so as not to run any risk of getting his work in confusion. I then left him in the act of calling upon God for blessings to be showered upon me and mine, in return for the benefit I had conferred upon him and his family, by enabling him to earn a livelihood by his labor. For several days afterwards the house was thronged with weavers who went to witness the ex- traordinary sight of a man weaving with but one leg. The son of the Mayor, before whom I was formerly cited to appear, had a great desire to make Calimanco like mine, so he bribed one of my workmen to teach him how to do it, and guaranteed to him the £10 which he was bound to forfeit to me if he worked for any one else. I did not sue him for it, I thought the tniuble would be more than it was worth. 164 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. The young man had not possessed himself of my whole secret by his underhand proceeding. The workman made the Calimanco for him as he had done for me, but he knew nothing of the mode by which I got rid of the long hairs that had perplexed me at the outset. When several pieces had been made and pressed, they proved utterly unsaleable, from the hairs upon them ; so I stepped forward and made an offer of fifteen pence a yard, which was gladly accepted. I burnt off the hairs, and then resold them at two shillings and sixpence a yard. The treacherous weaver was now thrown completely out of em- ployment. He dared not show himself to me, and as he could not produce a profitable article for the man who had tempted him to betray my secret, he would not employ him any more, for he was not disposed to make stuff merely to sell it in an unfinished state to me. The wretched workman went off one morning with whatever he could lay hands on belonging to his late employer, and among other things, a handsome overcoat with very large silver gilt buttons upon it. He went to Lon- don, and I have heard he^ became a regular thief, and was eventually hanged. The attempt to supplant me had proved so unfortunate to both master and workman, that a long time was allowed to elapse before any further effort of that kind was made. From the end of the year 1G90 until the year 1693, I worked in peace, and retained for my own benefit the profit of my inven- tion. During this interval the demand for serge gradually decreased, and trade became so bad that actual want seemed to sharpen the faculties of the serge manufacturers, and they determined to do their best to imitate my Calimanco. My secret was at length discovered by some pieces having inad vertently been sent to be pressed without having been suffi- SECRET DISCOVERED. 165 ciently washed in the river first, and the smell of burning dis closed the mystery. Then it was recollected how many trusses of straw I had been in the habit of buying, and laying the twc circumstances together, they could have no longer any doubt as to my plan of removing the hairs by fire. After a good deal of trouble they got rollers at work like mine, and every one left ofi" making serge. The coarse worsted had been despised before, and I pur- chased it at the rate of a penny half-penny a pound ; the in- creased demand raised the price to fourpence a pound. The market became overstocked with Calimancos, and the price fell to two shillings, then to eighteen pence, and at last to fifteen pence a yard. I made mine spotted with a different color from the ground, and obtained a preference over theirs, but they soon imitated me. I then contrived fresh variations in the patterns, and made a kind of spotted serge, which sold at three times the price of the old-fashioned kind. I spent the whole of the year 1694 in this most vexatious occupation ; all the time racking my brains to invent something new, and as soon as I had succeeded, I had the mortification of finding myself imi- tated and undersold. I became weary of the business, and seeing that I had now made £1000 in the course of three years, I thought I would leave the place and try whether I could not find a French Church in want of a minister. I knew that there were many French Protestant Refugees in Ireland, so I went to Dublin to make inquiries. I was there recommended to go to Cork, and I accordingly proceeded thither, and found that several French families were settled there, who were very desirous to have a minister, but they had hitherto hardly 1(56 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUEKOT FAMILY. dared to make the attempt, because their means would not allow them to offer a sufficient stipend. God had vouchsafed to bless my labors, and I felt myself independent, therefore this opportunity, of preaching the Gos- pel without remuneration, was most pleasing to me. and I agreed to return to Cork and take charge of the Church, a? soon as I could wind up my affairs in Taunton and remove mj family. I met with two very poor French families in Cork, who were almost in a state of starvation from want of employment ; they were weavers by trade. My sympathy was much ex- cited by their condition, and I was anxious to help them, and as the most feasible plan for doing so appeared to me to give them work in their own trades, I bought worsted and dyes for their use, and deposited £25 with Mr. Abelin, an Elder of our Church, and I directed him to expend it in whatever ap- p'=. .red requisite to enable them to manufacture such stuffs as they had been accustomed to make in France. He kept a shop, and I requested he would receive their work and sell it for them as fast as it was finished, and out of the proceeds fur- nish them with fresh materials, and at the same time keep a sort of general supervision over their families until my return. He attended to my wishes, and I had the satisfaction of find- ing, when I returned to Cork, that they had been comfortably supported, out of the profits upon their labor, during my ab- sence, and the little capital I had deposited with Mr. Abelin was undiminished. On jpy return to Taunton we set to work most vigorously to prepare for removing to Ireland, and the packing up our goods, and closing my manufacturing concerns, occupied about six weeks. We took twelve horse loads of furniture and bag SEND SONS TO HOLLAND. 167 gage to Bristol, whence we intended to embark for Ireland. I purchased there a variety of drugs for dyeing, and large cop- pers for the same purpose, and screws, such as might be re- quired for putting up presses, and, in short, every thing that I thought would be of use in the manufactory which I pro- posed establishing at Cork. I knew that it would be abso- lutely necessary for me to do something for the support of my family, or I should soon see the end of my thousand pounds, as the congregation for whom I was called to officiate were. unable to pay me any stipend. Before I embarked for Ireland I took my two oldest sons, James and Aaron, to London, and sent them thence to Am- sterdam to be under the care of a relation settled there. My chief reason for this step was to avoid a sweeping catastrophe, like that which cut oflF the whole family of my brother-in- law Sautreau. which I have already mentioned. By separat- ing my family I hoped that some of them might be spared, in case of shipwreck. I ought not to take leave of Taunton, without naming that, during our residence there, my wife had not been less fruitful than my brain ; we were now the parents of six chil- dren ; James, Aaron, Mary Anne, Peter, John and Moses. CHAPTER XIII. ArrlTal at Cork— Pastoral charge— Manufactory— Happiness— Dissension in tlie Church —Resignation— Reply— Eemarlvablo Dream— Visit fishiag station— Death of Aaioe, —Become Fisliertnan— Removal to Bear Haven— Loss of the Robert- Bad season —Trading voyage— Successful fishery— Loss— Irish neighbors. We landed in safety at Cork on the 24th December. 1694, and the agreement I had already entered into with the con gregation was solemnly renewed. You can see the particulars in the Act of the Consistory of Cork, dated 19th January, 1695, on which day I commenced the discharge of my pastoral duties. At first I preached in Christ Church, the use of it being ■granted to us after the English had finished the services of the day. We then assembled in the County Court-room for our worship ; and finally, I gave up, for the use of the Churcli, a spacious apartment on the lower floor of my house, which we had regularly fitted up for the purpose with pulpit, benches, and every thing necessary. My manufactory here was altogether different from that which I had carried on at Taunton. I considered it most for my advantage to make something for which there would be a demand near home. The great article of manufacture in Cork at that time was a sort of coarse baize, two yards wide. I thought I would try to make something better than that, MANUFACTORY, 169 and I soon succeeded in making good broadcloth, for which it was only necessary to use finer wool than for baize and to weave it more closely and compactly. I took a large house, a little out of town, in which I es- tablished my manufactory. I gave out the spinning and weaving. I put up a hot-press and a cold-press in my house, and the latter was so contrived as to compress the bales of goods. I had all the tools and machinery required for teas- ing and dressing the cloth, and for combing and carding the wool. I built my dye-house near the river for the conveni- ence of pumping up the water. A dyer in the city applied to me for permission to make use of my apparatus, which I granted on condition that he should dye all my worsted and cloth without charge, and make me a certain allowance out of his profits in dyeing for other people, and I well remember that in fifteen months he gained enough to pay me nearly £50 for my share. My knowledge and experience were of great service to him, because I had always written down the exact proportion of each drug that we used at Taunton, and attached to the memorandum a pattern of the article dyed. When he received any order he invariably came to consult with me, and by referring to my books and comparing his pattern with those I had preserved. I was able to tell him at once the exact quantity he would require of each drug, and my instruction never failed to prove correct. I was now at the height of my ambition. I was beloved by my flock, to whom I preached gratuitously, and thereby had the heartfelt satisfaction of serving the God who had blessed me without deriving any pecuniary advantage from it. My dear wife gained from our manufactory an ample support for the family. We were able to furnish a number of French 8 ] 70 MEMOIRS OF A iroGUENOT FAMILY. Refugees with employment, by which they earned enough tc maintain their families respectably. The Church increased daily : Refugees' came from various parts to settle in Cork when they heard that a French Church was established there. After a while those members of the congregation who were in easy circumstances became ashamed of allowing me to preach without compensation, and they proposed to raise some- thing by voluntary contribution, if it were only to show that they were grateful for my services. When it came to my knowledge, I thanked them much for their kind intentions ; but I told them that as they could not possibly raise enough to support my family without exertion on my part, I would greatly prefer that whatever sum they were able to collect should be appropriated to the relief of the poor, of whom there were many in the congregation. T said that it was a very great pleasure to me to imitate St. Paul, preaching the Gospel and at the same time earning my living by the labor of my hands. They were well satisfied with the view I took, for they could not raise more than £10, or at the very utmost £15, which would have been a mere trifle towards the support of my large family. On the 16th September, 1697, my wife gave birth to an- other boy, whom we presented to the Holy Sacrament of Bap- tism, and I baptized him myself, after our service was over, on the 1 9th of the same month. We gave him the name of Francis. I was the godfather, for I had a great dislike to make people solemnly promise that which they had no inten- tion of performing. On the day of his baptism I made a great supper, as though I intended to feast the wealthiest of the French Refugees in Cork, but instead of that I invited about a dozen of the poor of my flock, and after they had i ISAAC DE LA CKOIX. 1T> eaten and drank abundantly of the best, I gave each one a shilling to take home. I ha-ve already said that the French had received me with much kindness, and I may say the same of the people generally. The Corporation of Cork, as a mark of their es- teem, presented me with the freedom of the City.* This state of things was altogether too good to last ; my cup of happiness was now full to overflowing, and like all the enjoyments of this world, it proved very transitory. Great numbers of zealous, piour^, and upright persons had joined our communion ; but it could not be expected that all should be of this class. Unfortunately, there were some in the flock whose conduct was not regulated by the principles of our holy religion. A man named Isaac de la Croix, originally a merchant in Calais, had caused dissension in the Church there before its condemnation, and had then settled in Dover, where he also made dissension in the Church. It must have been to punish us for our sins, that he came from there to join our Church, and he had not been with us more than eighteen months, when he was the occasion of discord amongst us also. The history of it is as follows : he had a son of about twenty-five years of age, who was in the habit of doing business on his own account. This young man chartered a vessel of about thirty tons, for Ostend, which he loaded with butter and tallow, promising payment in ready money. On a certain Saturday afternoon, he weighed anchor and dropped down to Cove, * It is a remarkable coincidence that my fatlier, James Mauiy, the srreat-grunuson of James Fontaine, was also settled in a foreign land, and was so highly esteemed by the comniunity amongst whom he lived, that the Torporation of Livei-pool did by him, as tliat of Cork by his ancestor, voted to him the freedom of the Borough. i72 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. at the mouth of the harbor, expecting to sail early in the morning, and being Sunday, he hoped to steal away unob- served, and get off to sea without paying for his cargo. Amongst the tradespeople to whom he had given a written promise of payment, was a butcher, who had some doubt of the young man's integrity, and therefore took the precaution of going to the father to ask him to put his name to his son's promissory note. The father refused to do so, saying he had nothing whatever to do with the business. He imagined his son had by that time placed himself beyond pursuit ; but it was not so, for the butcher hired a boat immediately, took bailiffs with him, and followed the vessel to Cove, and before sunset he put a stop to her sailing, unless the bills were paid first. The dishonest intentions of both father and son became apparent, and were frustrated. I solemnly declare that I had not heard a whisper of the transaction when I mounted the pulpit next day. It so hap- pened, strangely enough^ that I had been for some weeks en- gaged in delivering a series of sermons upon the Ten Com- mandments ; and on that day I had arrived at the Eighth Commandment, in regular course. In explaining to the best of my ability, the various ways in which the command of God, " Thou shalt not steal," may be broken by violating the spirit of it, I very naturally mentioned the tricks and eva- sions sometimes practised in commercial dealings. I pointed to acts so similar to the recent fraudulent attempt, that Isaac de la Croix was sure I meant it for him ; others cf the con- gregation thought so likewise. It was concluded I could not have sketched his character so true to the life, without know- ing his history. He was extremely displeased, and uttered DISSENSION. 173 :e made in the mode of worship I had adopted, by the appoint- ment of an English clergymen, I should feel myself bound, in spite of my resignation, to officiate for that portion of the 170 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAinLY. flock who preferred the French usage. I believe this threat was not without its effect in causing Lord Galway to recom- mend Mr. Marcomb for my successor, which was most satis- factory to me, for he continued to carry on every thing in the way I had commenced, and the Church service has ever since been conducted in the French mode. I sometimes felt regret that I had been so humble as to request my discharge, for you will find in the sequel that I lost at Bear Haven all the property I had acquired. Never- theless God, who only sends afflictions to try our faith, and not to bring us to ruin, has, in his infinite wisdom, turned all my misf irtuucs, losses and mortifications to my ultimate ad- vantage, even in this life, and he has, in a manner almost miraculous, provided for all my wants, and enabled me to give my children the good education I desired. In the month of July, 1698, my property began to dimi- nish. A merchant in France who had heard that I lived in Cork, and could be depended on for honesty, consigned a ves- sel to my address. I knew nothing whatever of the man, but I received from him a very complimentary letter. I was simple enough to accept the consignment, and pay the freight and duties. The cargo consisted chiefly of salt and red wine from the Isle of Re. When the wine came to be tried, it was found of such inferior quality that the dealers only offered £1 per hogshead for that on which I had paid a duty of £3 the hogshead. This vessel was no sooner discharged than another followed with similar lading, except that there was white wine also. I was obliged to pay the freight, but I had gained experience enough by the first cargo not to pay the duty. By the representations which were made, part of the duty was remitted on the second cargo. After all was sold I REMARKABLE DREAM. 177 was left a loser by the payment of the duty on the first cargo. I drew upon the merchant for the deficiency, but he allowed the bill to be protested and never paid me the balance. Before proceeding, I must relate a very extraordinary event. I have already mentioned sending my two older boys, James and Aaron, to Amsterdam at the time I left Taunton. They remained there two whole years, and when I wished them to return, a captain of a vessel, who was named De Coudre, was going from Cork to Ostend, and I made an ar- rangement with him to bring them back on his return voyage. We were quite ignorant of the character of De Coudre, we only knew that he had relations living in that part of France from which my wife came, but the opportunity seemed most favorable for the return of our boys, and we had no reason to mistrust the man. I shipped £40 worth of my manufactures on board his vessel. I wrote by him and desired the boys to join him at Ostend, which they did. The vessel was not to come direct to Cork, but to stop first and discharge part of the cargo in London. The Captain was instructed to take the boys immediately on arrival to my brother Peter, at the Pest House. I had a letter announcing their safety at my brother's house, where they were to stay until the merchandise was discharged and the vessel ready for sea. The night after I received this letter I was disturbed by the most distressing dream that could be imagined. I saw my poor boys strug- gling in the water, without any possibility of receiving help, they must inevitably be drowned. I awoke in perfect agony, and only closed my eyes to be distressed again by a recur- rence of the same dreadful vision. Ln the morning I wrote a letter to ray brother ; I told him I had altered my plan, and did not like to trust the boys at sea any more, so he must 8* 178 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. send them by land to Chester, and from Chester they could cross the Channel to Dublin, and proceed thence by laud tc Cork. The letter was sent, and it might have been supposed that the weight would have been taken from my mind, and ray fears have been dissipated, but it was no such thing ; the same dreadful sight appeared before me again, in my dreams, each succeeding night, and the impression made upon my mind was so powerful that I was really sick with anxiety and distress ; On the next post day I wrote a second letter to my brother, I gave him the particulars of the repeated dreams which had aflfected me so much. I told him I could not look upon them in any light but that of a warning from God, and that if my children should still be with him, I charged him not to let them go to sea. I said that if he should do so, after my telling him ot the warning I had received, and the calamity I feared were to befall them, I should for ever lay the blame at his door. I made use of the most solemn and impressive language in this letter, which he had but just received when De Coudre, being ready for sea, called upon my brother to take the boys from his house to the vessel. He put the letter into his hand that he might read it for himself He was greatly infuriated and tried to take the boys by force. When he found he could not get them, he went oflf, and refused to let them have any of their effects from the vessel. They returned by land, according to my directions ; thanks be to my Heavenly Father for his providential warning ! De Coudre put to sea without them ; and neither he nor any of his crew have ever since been heard of The boys told me, when they reached home, that this man was the most horrid blasphemer they had ever heard ; they iiaid they had trembled with fright at hearing him vomit forth WISH TO QUIT COKK. 179 ".'2 imprecations, eveu against Heaven itself. On one occa siou, when they had stormy weather, he had stamped upon the deck like a madman, roaring out to the devil to couie and do his work. Whu knows but that God, at that moment, would have punished thi.s impious blasphemer, and precipitated his body to the bottom of the sea, and his soul into the gulf ot hell, if it had not been for those two innocent children, in favor of whom he deferred his vengeance, and warned me in a dream what I should do. James will confirm to you the truth of this most extraor- dinary incident. I am sure he can never forget his wonderful preservation I would say to him, that I trust the grateful recollection of it may be of service to him through the whole course of his life. When he is tempted to sin against God, I would have him pause, and ask himself the question, whether it was to commit this sin, that God withdrew him so miracu- lously from the waves of the sea. I now resume the thread of my story. About the time that I was deprived of the very great comfort of preaching the word of God to my countrymen in Cork, there was an Act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain, forbidding the ex- portation of any manufactured woollen goods from Ireland. This law broke up my manufactury entirely ; for the broad- cloth I made was much better suited for exportation than for home use. Cork had ceased to be an agreeable residence to me after the disputes in the Church : and though I remained there for some months, and I preached in English in a Pres- oyterian Church every Sunday, yet I had an unsettled feeling, and was all the time on the look-out for any thing that might turn up to suit me better. I sometimes thought of baying a farm to live upon with 180 MEMOIES OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. the money I had realized. While I was in this state, lookinq on all sides for something advantageous, I accidentally met with a merchant from Kinsale, who told me of his having pur- chased fish at Bantry, for shipment to Spain, upon which he had made a large profit, and that the fisherman from whom he made the purchase, had also made a profit. I thought I should like such an employment very much, being one so im- mediately dependent upon the good Providence of God for guiding the nets, and giving success according to his pleasure. It seemed to me one of the most innocent of all occupations ; so, contrary to the course of the Apostles, who, from fisher- men became preachers, I, who had been a preacher, thought of becoming a fisherman. I sold all my manufacturing implements and utensils, gave up the employment, and leaving my family in Cork, I set out upon a tour of observation through the fishing region. At Baltimore I made acquaintance with Colonel Beecher, who had very extensive fisheries, and at Castle Haven with Colonel Townsend ; I purchased from the latter gentleman some very good second-hand tackle and boats, all complete. I ascer- tained that it was impossible to carry on fishing with success unless you had a large farm, with many tenants upon it, bound to fish only for you. I went to Bear Haven, and there hired a considerable farm from Mr. Boyd, at £100 per annum, another from Mr. Davis, at £31, 10.5, and a third at £18. Behold me now in the midst of great preparations for being both a farmer and a fisherman. I purchased a cargo of salt to be in readiness ; I put part of it in a cellar at Bantry, and part at Bear Haven. I did nothing but spend money this season ; it was too late for fishing when I began, but I was full of sanguine expectations for the nest year. DEATH OF AARON. lt»i Whilst I was making these preparations at Bear Haven, :jl the year 1609, it pleased God to withdraw my second son, Aaron, from this world. This event was the most aflBictive that I had ever yet experienced during the whole course of my life. The loss of property had never weighed heavily upon me, but the loss of this dear child afflicted me extremely. He had been long an invalid ; his complaint was consump- tion, and his sufferings were very great at times, from violent pain in his chest. He evinced the most entire resignation tc the will of God, and with a firmness beyond his years tried to console his mother, who was shedding tears at his bedside. He assured her of the fulness of his hope, that through the merits of his Saviour he was going to be received into a state of everlasting happiness. This grievous dispensation made Cork still more unpleas- ant to us, and we determined to remove to Bear Haven, where I had rented the farms for the fishery. I sold the lease of my house at Cork, with the improvements I had made in it, for £100. In this new undertaking I went into partnership with my cousin, John Arnauld, and Messrs. Renue, Thomas and Gour- bould, all merchants in London. They were to have one half and I the other. I put down to their share, at cost price, half of the Robert, a ketch of about 40 tons burthen, that I already owned, and half the price of the tackle, boats, and salt, that I had purchased. They bought in London, on joint account with me, two other vessels, of about 50 tons ea;h, the Goodwill and the Judith. They sent the Goodwill to me with nets, cordage, and every thing necessary to make two more tackles, and the Judith was sent to France for another eargo of salt. As we intended to salt the fish ourselves, I LM.' MEMOIRS OF A IILTiUENOT JAMII.V. built a house for the purpose, with stone walls and a slated roof, and shelves suitable for the purpose required, cellars to store the salt in, and presses in which to press the fish. 1 also built more boats, and got the tackle all ready ; and so now, in the year 1700, we were only waiting for Grod to send us the fish ; we were fully prepared to catch them, and turn them to the best advantage. At first I had only James, my eldest son. with me. As soon as I had completed my preparations, and had every thing ready for the comfort of the family, I sent James to Cork for his mother and the children. They came round by sea in the Robert to Bantry, and thence to Bear Haven. The first year and a half we lived in a mere cottage, thatched with straw ; and we owe it to the good Providence of God, that, while we were so much exposed, we never suffered from the tories,* or robbers, of whom there were great num- bers in these parts. Having no immediate use for the Robert, we chartered her to a merchant in Cork to go to Spain. The captain was an Irishman, named James Joy, and he was instructed to re- ceive the money for the freight, and to employ it immediately in purchasing salt, oranges and lemons. He obeyed his in- structions thus far, but instead of bringing the cargo to Cork, * Tlie word tory having been long known as a cant term applied to a par- ticular party, it may not be amiss to remark that it is here nsed aecordincr to its original signification. It is derived from the Irish word U/ruigkini, to pursue for purposes of violence, and in the days of Queen Elizabeth we dis- cover it first used to signify the lawless banditti who were so troublesome in Ireland during her reign. In Eni^land we find it applied for the fir.st time, by the opponents of Charles I., to the followers of that unfortunate prince, under an idea that he favored the Irish rebels : and by an ea-^y transition it became the distinctive appellation of tliat party who wished for thegreates" extension of tlie royal prerogative. UNSUCCESSFUL FISHERY. 1 C3 he ran the vessel ashore on the coast of France, scuttled her, and sold the wreck with whatever was recovered from it to a French merchant, and he remained in France to enjoy his ill- gotten wealth. This was the unfortunate end of the ketch Robert, so far as we were concerned, but I have heard thai the person who purchased her, as a wreck, was able to have her repaired, at a cost of little more than a crown, and that she has since been making trading voyages on the French coast. In the month of May, 1 700, we first commenced fishing for cod, off the Island of Durzey, but the weather was unfavorable, high winds and rough sea, which obliged us to return with scarcely any fish, and we had been at great expense. We next attempted to take salmon ; our expenses were but small, our gains smaller still. In July we mustered our whole force to take herrings, three tackles, six boats, and forty-five men. at an incredible expense. Had the fish been as abundant as usual at this season of the year, our profits would have been considerable, even though the expenses were so heavy. Very few fish ap- peared, but we were obliged to keep up the expensive estab- lishment, for perhaps the fish might come, on the very day when we, for the sake of economy, had disbanded our force and given up waiting for them. One single draught in a large shoal of herring might pay all the expenses of one. two, or even three years We were paying the same wages to the men all the time they were waiting, whether they caught any fish or not. This season passing away with so little result, we thought it needless to keep both our vessels waiting for fish ; so wc Bent the Judith on a trading voyage to Spain. With the pro- 184 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. bability before us of some day sending the Goodwill to Vir ginia, we added another deck for the purpose of keeping to- bacco dry if she should have a cargo of it. This was an ex- pense of £80, and made the vessel look clumsy, but she still sailed well. Finding that I had not fish enough to give her a full cargo, I proceeded by the directions of my partners in Lon- don to fill her up with beef, butter, cheese and candles, which were of the value, including the fish, of £450. They recom- mended that she should be sent to Madeira first to dispose of her cargo, that she should there invest the proceeds in wine, then go to Barbadoes to sell the wine, and purchase with the proceeds sugar, rum and molasses, and proceed with these to Virginia, and after disposing of this third cargo, take in tobacco to bring home. She accordingly went to Madeira, where she found so many vessels had already arrived laden with provisions, that every thing had to be sold under its cost. The same bad fortune attended them at Barbadoes, many vessels had brought wine, and the price was low. It had been agreed that the seamen should receive their wages at the second port, and this swal- lowed up so much money, in addition to the losses sustained by each cargo, that only £130 was left to invest in sugar, &c. With this small cargo they went on to Virginia, where the cry was still the same, so many vessels were there already, that the foreign produce was at a low price, and tobacco was so much in demand to fill the vessels, that it was high. The Pilot, who had come on board the vessel, saw how unpleasantly the Captain was situated, and he suggested to him that i\ would be for his advantage to take his cargo more into the in- terior, and he offered to conduct the vessel to a river he told him of that ran eighty leagues up the country, named, I think, TRADING VOYAGE. 185 Pataxent. The Captain decided to follow his advice, for he thought he might almost as well return without a vessel as without a cargo. When they reached the port, the Captain had every thing his own way, for no vessel had been there for more than six months, and they had not a pound of sugar, oi a drop of rum or molasses in the place. He did so well with his half cargo, that he got in exchange a full cargo of toba330. !ZiVery part of the vessel was crammed, even to the cabin and the sailors' beds. She arrived at Bear Haven in August, 1701. and I had been so perfectly successful with the fishery, that I had a cargo ready for her to take in : but the tobacco was obliged to be first taken to London to be discharged. I wrote to my partners most urgently to use all possible dispatch and send her back to me for the fish. On the 3d day of August, 1701, my wife was brought to bed of our youngest child Elizabeth. On that day we had most remarkable success in fishing. Our new slated house was not yet quite finished, and we were living in one end of the herring house, which was so full with the immense quantity taken, that every place was piled up with them, even to the very door of the chamber in which my wife was confined. We cured this season more than two hundred thousand herrings ; we pressed enough to fill two hundred hogsheads, and we also put up two hundred barrels of pickled herrings. Besides this, we had twelve tierces of salmon, seven or eight hundred dried codfish, and two thousand dried flukes, altoge- ther worth about £1200. I was in daily and hourly expecta- tion of the arrival of the Goodwill. I wrote and wrote again to my partners to make haste and send her. in order that she might take the first cargo of the season to Leghorn, and be- ing first in the market would give us a large profit. 186 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. While I was in this state of suspense, I sient a 'i Jiall quantity by a vessel loading at Bear Haven for Leghorn, a few of each kind, and valuing the whole stock at the price T obtained for these, we should have received £1500 for them, if the Goodwill had only returned to take them. It turned out that my partners owned a large quantity of wiuo in Spain, and they were alarmed by rumors of war In such an event they would have lost all their wine if it had re- mained in Spain ; and, on the other hand, if brought to England the prospect of war would be sure to increase its value. This was a large concern, and the fishery a small one to them, though a very large one to me. They thought nothing of the non-shipment of the fish, and kept the Goodwill running to and fro as fast as possible, hoping to secure all their wine for them before the declaration of war. At last they wrote to me to sell the fish at Cork, as they really could not send the Goodwill. I went there, and found no purchaser. I wrote again, and begged them to send me another vessel if they could not let me have the Goodwill, for time was flying rapidly, and the fisli. which ought to have been shipped long ago, were still on hand deteriorating in value. A man named Carre, in Cork, wrote to my partners, and told them he was expecting a ship, and that if it came he would give a certain price for the fish, about £600 f> r the whole. Instead of sending I e another vessel in place of the Goodwill, they said I had better by a'i means let Carre have the fish at his price I went to con- clude the bargain with him early in December, for it was better to sell at half price than lose them altogether by keeping too long Mr. Carre said he took them only on condition that a vessel he was expecting, I know not whence, perhaps from the kingdom of the Moon, should arrive in the course of the LOSSES. 187 month of December. I wrote again to my partners. I com- plained excessively of their neglect of my interests. I told them that Carre had not the character of being a man of it tegrity, and it was absurd to depend upon him. As I had an ticipated, his ship came not, and I doubt whether he had ever expected any. Wearied by my importunities, they at last bought an old vessel from Mr. Renue. which was delayed for repairs, and did not reach Bear Haven till the end of Janu- ary, 1702. I loaded her with all possible dispatch, and on the 5th February she cleared out, and went as far as the mouth of the harbor, where she sprung a leak, and most of the sailors ran away, only three or four remaining with the mas- ter to work the pumps. I hired some Irishmen to pursue the sailors and bring them back. By much entreaty and many smooth words I persuaded them to go on board, help to stop the leak, and continue the voyage. They sailed for Leg- horn and there sold the fish, from which I never received one single farthing. I was informed that the fish were so bad, that nothing more than was sufficient for paying the charges of all kinds had been received for them. I did not expect much, for Lent was over before the vessel reached Leghorn, and some of the fish would probably be injured by the leak ; but I could not suppose there would be no return whatever, unless there was dishonesty. Thus God. to whose blessed will we must submit, in his infinite and unsearchable wisdom, saw fit to deprive us of all the advantages we had anticipated from this most abundant season. We had stretched out our hands to receive the gift, b'lt we could only see it, we were not allowed to grasp it. All ! all was lost ! Thus had God willed it. We were not Torthy of it. 188 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. My London partners had sustained so much loss by the fishery, never considering that they alone were to blame for it, that they wrote to me saying they would have nothing more to do with such a losing concern. It was in vain I wrote to them that their agreement was for three years, and that I had made all my engagements for that length oi time, and this was only the second year. And I had hired fishermen for the next year, and it would be impossible for me to draw back without forfeiting at least £100. I made a full representation of all these circumstances; I pointed out to them how hard it was upon me, when they had occasioned the loss by detaining the Goodwill for their own purposes. I could not induce them to continue, and therefore I was obliged to go on for another year on my own account. The Good- will was sold in London for a trifle compared with her cost. The expenses attendant upon building the cellars, herring- house and presses, as well as the cost of the boats and tackle, were all charged to my account. They allowed me some- thing for their share of the use of them during the two past years. They made it out that I owed them £600 when all was wound up. Thus I was totally and entirely ruined, but it was the will of God, and blessed be his name for the sup- port of his grace, which enabled my dear wife as well as my- self to submit to the chastisement without murmuring. We were able to say from the heart, " Thy will be done !" Amongst other expenses necessarily entailed upon vze, was the building of a house for our residence, with substan- tial stone walb, slated roof and towers ; in fact, a sort of little fortification, for defence, in ease of need, from the French Corsairs who sometimes made attacks upon unprotected parts of the coast. This cost me a great deal of money, but you miSH NEIGHBORS. 181* will find in the sequel it was not thrown away. The good providence of God made it the human means of proc-uring for me great advantages hereafter. Mj Irish neighbors were in the habit of pillaging and cheating me in a thousand indirect ways. I had brought thirteen destitute Frenchmen into the neighborhood, who had served in the army under King William, and had been dis- charged, the war being over, and they knew not where to lay their heads. I gave them land to cultivate, but whether it was owing to their ignorance of agriculture, their habits of indolence engendered by a military life, or the perpetual injuries they received at the hands of the Irish, I know not ; but certain it is, they became discouraged, and most of them left me before the end of the three years. I lost £80 by them, having ad- vanced so much for their use. When God vouchsafes his blessing, every thing prospers, but let him withdraw the light of his countenance, and the best laid plans and most energetic labors result in nothing but failure. Every thing now went wrong with us. There "jras a Court held for the Barony at Bear Haven which was com- petent to decide in all causes under forty shillings. I do not believe that there were more than a half a dozen Protestants in the adjacent country besides my own family, and those I had brought with me, so that when I or any of my Protes- tants demanded what was due to us, the matter was referred to a jury of Papists, who invariably decided against us. Pro- testants were never by any chance summoned to sit as jurors, and the consequences were most vexatious, for we not only lost our lawful dues, but were condemned to pay costs like- wise. On the other hand, if the Irish took it into their heada 190 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY to make any claim upon us, bow unfounded soever it might be thej were sure to recover. Boyd was the judge for th3 Ea- rouy ; he was a great rogue : Dwyer was the attorney, and ho was no better. After some little experience, I put a stop to this system of cheatery and false swearing by appealing from the decision of the Barony to the County Assizes. I may say with truth, that I was the only person in the whole Barony who could be said to be really and truly in the Protestant interest, for the very few Protestants who had lived there an}'^ length of time appeared to have caught the infection, and be- come as bad as the Irish Papists themselves. I was a Justice of the Peace, and in that capacity I exert- ed myself to the utmost to break up the intercourse subsisting between the Irish robbers and the French privateersmen, who were the best of friends, mutually aiding each other on all occasions, for the Irish seemed to look upon it as a settled point, that the enemies of the English must be their greatest friends. It was quite natural that my steady course of oppo- sition to their evil practices should draw upon me the hatred of these people, and I soon had the evidence of its being so ; for I received a message from one Skelton, a captain of an or- ganized band of robbers in the woods, threatening me with an attack, saying that I might keep what guard I pleased, but they would manage to surprise me some day or other, and they would be with me before I had time to turn round. I caused Skelton to be informed that if he declared foxes' war I should do the same ; so he and his comrades had better be upon their guard, lest I should be beforehand and seize upon some of them first. It so happened, about four or five months afterwards. I received information that a notorious robber was concealed in the cleft of a rock, close to the sea-shore, IRISH NEIGHBORS. 191 upon my farm. I armed myself, and took some of my Pro- testant servants, ujxin whom I could depend, and went down to the roci, which we surrounded, and finding him there, we took him prisoner and sent him to Cork, where he was tried at the next Assizes, condemned and executed. I received the thanks of the magistrates and the Government for the sei'^icr I had rendered to the country by taking up this man. The others were rather afraid of me afterwards, and kept aloof. In the course of twelve months this whole troop of brigands was dispersed. They had quarrels amongst themselves, and betrayed one another. I notice this as one more instance of the superintending providence of God, which most mercifully turned aside a threatened blow. The animosity against me still continued, nay, it rather gained strength, for I was determined to do my duty as a Justice of the Peace, and I persevered in sending to Cork for trial all persons who were found to be in the habit of holding communications with French privateers, and trading with smugglers. The number was commonly eight or ten every Assizes. The privateers sustained a heavy loss by this, or rather I should say, lost the opportunity of making their usual gains, by being deprived of the means of obtaining the information they were in the habit of receiving, as to what vessels were in the neighboring ports, where they were going the value of their cargoes, &c., &c., which had enabled them to make many rich prizes. The Irish were rewarded for heir treachery on such occasions by a considerable share of the booty, and they were of course very much enraged at me for putting a stop to their trade. All eflForts to injure me had hitherto been unsuccessful, but they felt that they nmst make a desperate effort to drive me away from the neighbor 192 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. hood, or their occupation was gone ; but once rid of Xifi, thej knew they could have it all their own way again. So it proved ; for after I left the neighborhood the privateers hov- ered on the coast, and received information, took prizes, and bes^towed rewards as heretofore, and one by one, all the res pectable Protestants moved away. CHAPTER XIV. ^OlMlcad by a French Privateer— Defence— Letter to the Dnke of Ormond — Ammil don ftirnlshed by Government— Small Fort — Visit Dublin — London — Pensioii^ Copy of Warrant— Return Home. After having well deliberated, a force was brought to bear against me that, to all human appearance, would be amply sufficient to accomplish the purposes of my enemies. Early in the morning of the first day of June, in the year 1704, a French privateer hove in sight; she floated gently towards my house, in a perfect calm. She had a force of eighty men on board, besides four of my Irish neighbors wno acted as guides. She mounted ten guns. I watched her progress, and thought their object was to bring her to the south of my house, where at high water the guns would have full scope and bear directly upon the front. I would prevent that, if it were possible, and therefore I mustered all the men I could find, exactly twenty in number. I furnished all the Protestants with muskets, and the Papists with clubs to carry on their shoulders, which made them look like armed men when seen from a distance. I gave directions that all should follow me and do as I did. We went round the little cove, stooping very low, as if we wished to hide ourselves, though in reality I made choice of the highest ground in order that we might the more certainly be seen from the privateer. I then 9 194 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FASnLY. ordered all the men to go behind a large rock near the shore, while I stood alone on the top of it, within sight of the vessel. T told them all to appear on one side of the rock, as if they were peeping out of curiosity, while I was looking the other way ; then I turned round and made angry gesticulations, as if I were finding fault and striking some of them, and at the same time I directed them all to show their heads on the other side of the rock ; I turned again, and appeared as if I were anxious that they should be concealed. The enemy having Been, as they thought, forty men behind the rock, did not deem it expedient to effect their landing at a point so well guarded. They turned about towards the mouth of the creek upon which my house stood, and there they were opposite to one corner of the house, from which point their fire would be comparatively without effect. Thus, my manoeuvre produced exactly the change in their purpose which I had intended it should. They dared not venture up the creek for fear of get- ting aground at low water. When I saw that they had decided upon their position I took my men back by a low path, and this time I really made them hide themselves, so that the men on board the vessel could not see one of us on our way back to the house. 1 took all the Protestants in with me to assist in the defence, and sent the Papists away. The privateer cast anchor about a long musket-shot distant from the house, and presently the lieutenant landed with twenty men, and made haste, apparently with the intention of reaching the house before he thought I could have had time to return from the rock. I had seven men with me in addition to my wife and children ; four or five of these were of very little use to me. I placed them all at different windows. I posted myself in one of the towers ATTACK. 195 over the door, and as the lieutenant was advancing with every appearance of confidence in his mien, I fired at him with a blunderbuss loaded with large shot, some of which entered his neck above the shoulder-blade, and the rest his side. He was taking aim at me as he fell, which made the fire go too high. I ran for another loaded piece which was in the next room, and during my short absence his men took him up, crossed the ditch and carried him back to the vessel. The Commander was furious at such unexpected resist- ance from a Minister, and sent another officer on shore, with twenty more men and two small cannon. They placed these under cover of the rocks and hedges, and cannonaded the north side of the house, while the guns of the vessel bore up- on the south-east. Being altogether unaccustomed to this kind of music, I must acknowledge that when the first cannon ball struck the house, I felt some tremors of fear. I instantly humbled myself internally, before my Maker, and having committed myself, both soul and body, to his keeping, my heart revived within me. I regained my courage, and suff"ered no more from fear. I popped my head out of the window to see what efi"ect the ball had produced on our stone wall ; and when I perceived that it had only made a slight scratch, I cried out joyfully, " Be of good courage, my children, their cannon-balls make no more impression on our stone walls, than if they were so many apples !" I had an officer staying with me, with whom I had be;«i conversing the night before this attack, as to the probable chance of my being able to offer successful resistance upon such an occasion as the present. His reply had been very discouraging ; he thought a cannon would make as short work with us as if our habitation had been a castle of cards. I be* 196 MEMOEKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. lieve that it was the impression he had given me of our weax.. ness, which occasioned the apprehension i felt when the ball struck the house, but which was perceptible to no one but myself and my Heavenly Father, who, in answer to my peti- tion, had dissipated my fears. John McLiney, a brave Scotchman, was stationed at a window which overlooked the cannon upon the shore. He had fired repeatedly, without effect ; so at last he put a dou- ble charge of powder into his musket, fired again, and killed the man who was pointing the cannon. After this, they re- moved their battery to a more sheltered position ; they placed themselves behind a rock, about thirty paces distant from the north-east corner of the house, where every one could be pro- tected from our fire, except at the time of reloading the can- nons, when we could take aim at the men so employed. The change of place was much more favorable for us, because, be- ing at a corner of the house, the walls could not be injured by their fire ; they could only strike the slates on the roof. Dur- ing the whole time, there were two or three hundred Irish- men collected on a neighboring height, watching the conflict, rejoicing in the anticipation of our defeat, and waiting impa- tiently for the moment when they might come down and par- ticipate in the plunder. A Frenchman, named Paul Roussier, a very brave man, and a skilful soldier, was posted in the garret, opposite to the battery of our enemy. He constructed a sort of rampart, with sheeps' fleeces, that we had stored away there, and he then made an opening in the roof, through which he kept up an incessant fire. He was constantly supplied with arms ready loaded. As soon as he had fired, he handed his piece to one of the children, who gave him another in exchange, all SELF-POSSESSION OF WIFE, 197 ready to be fired. He killed one of the assailants. They on their part displayed equal activity, keeping up a constant fire with their cannons. The pirates on board the vessel fired against the windows with small arms. We did our best to barricade them with mattresses and large books. At the commencement of the action, some of our muskets were a little out of order. The officer who was loading for Paul Roussier, was in such a state of confusion, that he had actually put in the ball before the powder. My wife was here, and there, and everywhere, carrying ammunition, and giving encouragement to all, as well by what she said, as by her own calm deportment. When she came into the room where the officer had just made the mistake I have mentioned, he went up to her and took her by the hand, and said, "Alas : my dear lady, what must be done ? we are ruined. It is the height of folly to attempt to resist any longer, for our arms are in bad order ; here are no less than three useless mus- kets." I would observe to you that we had not less than eighteen muskets in the house, besides two blunderbusses and several pistols. My wife replied to him with her usual composure, " We are in the hands of the Almighty, and nothing can happen to us without his permission. I trust he will not suffer us to fall into the hands of these wicked men ; but we must not lose our courage ; rather let us try if we cannot mend any thing that is out of repair." She then came to me, and begged I would leave my post, and go into the parlor, to encourage the men, and do away with the alarm engendered by the fears this faint-hearted (gentleman had expressed. I went immediately, and upon 198 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. examining the useless muskets, I found that one of them wanted a flint, another had some dirt in the touch-hole, and the third had two cartridges in it, one on the top of the other, and a ball below both, next to the touch-hole. I laughed at him when I showed him how promptly the mus- kets were put in order, and there were no more complaints on that score. My wife was perfectly fearless. I wanted a needle to broach the muskets, which she went to fetch for me from a place where the balls were coming in at the window like hail, and she did not think of stooping to avoid them until I called out to her to do so. The children were naturally very much frightened by the noise made, when the roof was struck, and slates were shiv- ered by the balls, which she observed, and she said to them, " Take courage, my children, do not forget that we are in the hands of God. It is not our fear that will give us safety, on the contrary, God will bless our courage. If you are not able to fire upon the enemy yourselves, you can at least load the muskets for your father, and for others who are older and stronger than you are. Drive away fear from your hearts as much as possible, and leave the care of your persons to God." This address to the children was of much use to the older persons who were present ; it appeared to inspire them with fresh confidence and courage. Ere long, however, we had a serious cause for anxiety ; our powder was becoming so scarce, that we felt as if we ought to begin to use it more sparingly. We were in a state of great perplexity. If we did not con- tinue the same fire, we thought the enemy would perceive the diff"erence, and attack us with fresh vigor ; and if we went on at the rate we had hitherto done, we should not have more VICTORY. 199 f;han enough to last three hours. The whole stock, at the out- set, was but twelve pounds. " Great God ! it was then, in our moment of need, that thou didst discourage our enemies, and make them to turn their backs upon us in flight." Claude Bonnet, a French soldier, discovered that one of them was running away, so he went forward to fire upon him, and at that very moment a ball from the enemy struck against the house, rebounded, and entered the fleshy part of his arm, without touching the bone. This showed us that we were not invulnerable, and that if we had been spared, it was to God that we owed our preservation, and to Him we ought to return thanks. My dear wife was the surgeon ; she had him laid upon a bed without any noise, and applied the first dressing to his wound with her own hands. The engagement lasted from eight o'clock in the morning till four in the afternoon, and during the whole time there had never been the least cessation in the firing, except for a very few minutes after the first man was killed. We had no one wounded but Claude Bonnet, with the exception of a slight hurt one of the children re- ceived from a piece of slate striking against his thumb. The loss sustained by the enemy was three killed and seven wound- ed, as we afterwards ascertained from the Irishmen who were on board. When the assailants had returned to their vessel. we inspected the stations they had occupied on shore, and we found a quantity of blood which they had evidently tried to hide by treading earth and leaves into it. The privateer remained at anchor for some time, and we feared they might be preparing for a second attack, for which we were in very poor condition, being so near the end of our powder. We determined, however, that if they should land 200 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. again, we would not waste the little powder we had left, bui only fire when we could take aim. While we were waiting the development of their plans, we all took some nourishment, which we stood in much need of after our fatigue. When we returned from the rock, first thing in the morn- ing, I had given to each man one large glass of Sherry, and after that, during the whole action, I did not permit any one to taste a single drop of wine, spirit, or strong beer. In a short time we had the satisfaction of seeing the vessel draw up her anchor, and sail away ; and we then returned most hearty thanks to God for our glorious deliverance. I wrote immediately to Lord Cox, then Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and to the Duke of Ormond, the Lord Lieutenant. I gave them a full account of the whole afi"air. Before I men- tion the opening paragraph of my letter to the Duke, I should name, that about nine months previous to the attack, he had made a tour through a great part of Ireland, in company with the Chancellor. When they were at Kinsale, Mr. Davis, one of my landlords, and I, went there to pay our respects to them. Before the interview, it had been agreed between Mr. Davis, the Chancellor, and myself, that if there should be any opening for it. I should contrive to say something in favor of erecting a fort in our neighborhood, and they would support me in it ; for they were fully as anxious to have one as I was. The Chancellor introduced us both to the Duke as Justices of the Peace, who did our duty. His Grace conversed with Mr. Davis for a few minutes ; but when he found that I was a French Refugee, he addressed himself more particularly to me, and he carried on the conversation in the French lan- guage. He asked me how long I had resided in this barba- rous part of the country, what flock I had, &c., to all which I LETTER TO DCKE OF ORMOND. 201 replied. Ho then inquired about the produce of the country, and how we managed to transact our business in this quarter. I told him what a fine harbor we had, and mentioned its par* ticular advantages, and thinking the opportunity a good one for introducing the subject, I mentioned the danger to which we were exposed from the iniquitous practices of French pri- vateers. I then said, " If the Government could only be in- duced to build a fort there for our protection, I am sure it would become a favorite place for the settlement of French Refugees ; and I have no doubt it would also prove a safe- guard to the commerce of the whole kingdom." According to our previous arrangement, the other gentle- men were ready to support what I had recommended with various arguments ; but the Duke rather wittily cut short our discourse by saying : " Pray to God for us, and we will take care to defend you in return." This reply was so much to the purpose, that we were silenced ; we had not another word to say. I felt a little confused, and the tittering of some of the Duke's friends was annoying. God having now given us this remarkable deliverance, I thought the time had arrived when I should be justified in re- proaching his Grace with breach of promise. Immediately after the battle, before the sun had set, on that very evening, I wrote him a letter, beginning as follows : — " Since I had the honor of paying my respects to your Grace at Kinsale, I have not failed to pray for you daily, in conformity with the rctjucst you then made ; but you must allow me to complain, that your Grace has not been equally true to the promise you then made of defending me, for with- out your assistance I have had to defend myself from the 9* 202 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. attack of a French corsair, who," &c., &c. I then went on to give him the particulars of the engagement, and of our glori- ous victory. I inclosed this letter, unsealed, to my cousin, Arnauld, in London, and I begged him, after he had read it, to seal and deliver it. He had some hesitation about the expediency of delivering it ; he thought it was too bold. Nevertheless, he complied with my request, sealed it, and then went with it to the door of the Duke's hotel, and gave it to the first servant he saw, without waiting for any answer, or even ascertaining that it had reached its destination. The good and generous Duke was delighted, seeing that the boldiiess of it was justified by the defence we had made. He inquired immediately for the person who had brought it, and as he was not forthcoming, he requested Colonel Boisron, who happened to be with him, to write an answer, telling me how much he was charmed with my conduct, as well as with my manner of relating it to him ; and that, if it should ever be in his power to serve me, I might be assured he would take great pleasure in doing so. In the mean time my name, and that of my wife also, be- came known throughout Europe, by means of the newspapers giving the history of our defence. I received a letter from Government, dated 10th June, 1764, complimenting me on my conduct, congratulating me on the happy result of the conflict, and adding, they would take care I should be better provided for defence in case of another attack. A warrant was inclosed in the letter, directing the keeper of the maga- zine at Kinsale to deliver to me one barrel of gunpowder and two barrels of musket-balls. I had not asked any such supply- PKEPAKATIOX FOR FUTURE DEFENCE, 203 The four Irishmen who had acted as guides to the French were very much alarmed ; they feared that if I discovered them I should hand them over to justice ; so they prudently determined to be beforehand, and they came voluntarily be- fore me, and made oath that the French had taken them by main force. They furnished us with the information I have given already of the extent of the loss sustained by the French. They told us that the lieutenant, whom we had slain, was a near relation of the Captain, who was so furious at his death, that he swore if he took me he would roast me alive and salt me. After this I determined to build a kind of fortification at the back of my house, to answer the double purpose of protecting the lower floor from the guns of ships, and de- fending the mouth of the creek. I bought several six- pounders which had been fished up from a vessel lost on the coast. I had three carriages made for them, and I raised a fortification of turf, whose parapet was eighteen feet in thick- ness, and so situated as to command the entrance of the creek, and cover the lower story of my house entirely, on the side next the creek. My Irish neighbors were much chagrined at the unexpect- ed issue of the attack, which they had felt certain was to rid the country of me for ever. They were more and more annoyed as they saw the progress of my preparations for future defence. They tried to alarm me ; they said to me that perhaps I was not aware there was an Act of Parliament which forbade any person to erect a fortification, or mount guns without the special permission of Government. I re- plied to them that I knew all about the Act of Parliament quite as well as they did, but I had no fear of disturbance in 204 MEisrores or a huguenot family. my work, after the decided evidences I had received of the friendship and esteem of the Government. " Were it other- wise " said I, " I would much rather fall into the hands of an English jury than those of French pirates." I made an application to the Government for ammunition when I had completed my fort. I was promptly furnished with five hundred cannon balls, four barrels of gunpowder, and the greatest abundance of matches. I required no stronger proof of approbation. By the month of November T had completed every thing, and finding that the Lord Lieutenant had returned to Dublin, I thought it would be right that I should go and wait upon him, and present a full report of what I had done. During my residence at Bear Haven, I had from time to time been able to render material assistance to merchant vessels, and more than once to ships of war, in distress. I took with me certi- ficates of these facts. Upon my arrival in Dublin I was received by the Council with the utmost kindness. They voted the sum of £50 to me at once, as a temporary assistance until something better could be done for me, and they recommended me most strongly to claim a pension for my services, and they themselves brought my case officially before the Lord Lieutenant. After a while he issued an order to the Secretary of State for Ire- land, to give me a letter addressed to the Secretary of Lord Godolphin, then Lord High Treasurer of England. I went to England with my documents in the month of April, 1705, and while I was still in London, urging my claims, the Duke of Ormond, the Lord Lieutenant, came there, and was of essential service to me in gaining my pension. He treated me at all times with every possible kindness. PENSION FKOM QUEEN ANNE. 205 TL3 warraut for my pension was presented to me on the 17th October, 1705, and here follows a copy of the document. (Copy.) To our right trusty, and right entirely beloved Cousin and Councillor, James, Duke of Ormond, our Lieutenant-General and General Governor of our Kingdom of Ireland, and to our Lieutenant Deputy, or other chief governor or governors of that, our kingdom for the time being. ANNE R. " Right trusty, and right entirely beloved Cousin and Coun- cillor, we greet you well. Whereas James Fontaine, Clerk, did by his humble petition to us, pray that we would be gra- ciously pleased to bestow on him a pension of five shillings a day on our establishment of our kingdom of Ireland, in con- sideration of his good services in his defence against a French Privateer, and the great charge he is at in securing the re- mote port he lives in against the insults of the French, and whereas our High Treasurer of England hath laid before us a report made by you upon said petition, wherein you testify that the petitioner is settled in a very remote port, in Bear Haven, in our said kingdom, which place is very much infested with the privateers, that he hath built a very strong house with a small sort of sod fort, on which he hath the permis- sion of our said government to mount five guns ; that he hath often been in danger of being attacked by the Privateers, and that, by the continuance of the said fort, he hath protected several merchant ships ; that there hath been produced to you several very ample certificates from the merchants of Dublin and of Cork, of the commodiousness of that place for securing mer- 206 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlSnLY. chant ships, as also from the Captains of our ships, the Arundel and the Bridgewater, and that, upon the whole, you are ot opinion that the said James Fontaine very well deserves our favor and encouragement, in consideration of his said services and expenses, and in regard he is a French Refugee, you pro- pose that a pension of five shillings a day may be inserted for him on the establishment, under the head of French Pen- sioner, to commence from Michaelmas, 1705. Now, we hav- ing taken the premises into our Royal consideration, are gra- ciously pleased to consent thereunto, and accordingly, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby direct, authorize and com- mand, that you cause the said pension or allowance of five shillings a day to be paid to him, the said James Fontaine, or his assignees from Michaelmas last, 1705, as aforesaid, for maintaining the said fort for the better preservation of our subjects of our said Kingdom against the insults of French Privateers, the same to continue during our pleasure, and to be placed for him in the list of French Pensioners on the establishment of our expenses in our said Kingdom, and paid in like manner as others, the pensions within the said list are. or shall be payable. And this shall be as well to you for so doing, as to our Lieutenant Deputy, or other chief governor or governors of our said Kingdom for the time being, and to our Receiver General, and all others concerned in making the said payments, and allowing thereof, upon account, a sufficient warrant, and so bid you very heartily farewell. " Given at our Court at St. James's, the twelfth day of October, 1705, in the fourth year of our leign. " By Her Majesty's command, " GODOLPHIN. " Entered at the Signet Office, on the X7th day of October, 1705. S "Gko. Wooddeson, Dep" KLNDNESS OF JOHN AKNAULD. 207 My inventive genius had now entirely forsaken me, but the providence of God had not. The same God who at first called light out of darkness, had now shown his power in frus- trating the designs of our enemies, and turning to our honor and advantage the very enterprise by which they had hoped and expected to seal our ruin. If it had not been for their cruel attack, we should never have become known to persons who have proved most kind friends to us. Let us never for- get that we are indebted to our Heavenly Father for inclining towards us the heart of a kind and charitable earthly sovereign. The signal failure of our adversaries' schemes reminded me of the enigma of Samson in the Bible ; '" Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness." I must not omit to mention the kindness and hospitality of my cousin. John Arnauld. I was his guest during the whole time I was in London, and he not only declined ac- cepting any compensation for my board, but he lent me nearly £30 to further my views in applying for a pension, and at a time, too, when he saw little chance of my ever being in a situation to repay him. Thanks be to God, I have since that time so far prospered in my school as to be able to return him this money. During my absence from home, privateers had been occa- sionally seen hovering about the mouth of the harbor. One of them had approached the house, and appeared to be taking the same course that had been followed by the vessel that at- tacked us. My wife was on the alert, she had all the cannons loaded, and one of them fired ofi". to show that all was in readiness for defence, and when they saw this, they veered about, landed on Great Island, stole some cattle, and sailed away. 208 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMTLT. After my return we had occasional alarms, vessels would approach now and then and seem to threaten a descent ; but it ended in nothing but giving us a little fright, and making us brush up our arms, for when they saw that we were in a state of preparation they went off, contented with stealing wbatevei they could lay their hands upon. i CHAPTER XV. A.ttack«d by a second privateer — Out-houses fired — Breach In the wall — Wounded — Surrender — Carried off to the vessel — Expostulation with Captain — Ransom — Peter left as a hostage. With a constant apprehension of attack before us, we lived on the " qui vive " from the first day of June, 1704, until the eighth day of October, 1708, when, with all our precautions, we were actually taken by surprise. A company of soldiers was quartered among the Irish in the Half Barony, and the Captain, who commanded them, lodged and boarded at my house, but unfortunately, both he and the Lieutenant happened to be absent at that time, they had gone to Bantry, and the Ensign was left in command of the company. He was an imprudent inexperienced youth, without any sort of judgment. A French privateer entered the harbor during the night, and anchored oflF Bear Haven, about five miles from my house, and entirely out of our sight. She hoisted English colors by way of deception, and, she succeeded to her wish, for the En- ign no sooner discovered her, than, concluding she was a ves- sel just arrived from America, he went down with two or three soldiers of his company, in great haste to be the first to board her, in order to regale himself with rum punch, a beverage of jvhich he was unhappily much too fond. He was made a 210 MKMOIRS OF A IIUGUP:N*.\T. OF .TOIIX KOXTAINK. 279 way they have of surprising and murdering the one the other, and their inhuman manner of murdering all the prisoners, and what terrible cries they have, they who are conquerors. After the dance was over, the Governor treated all the boys, but they were so little used to have a belly full, that they rather devoured their victuals than any thing else. So this day ended. The 7th day. — After breakfast we assembled ourselves, and read the Common Prayer.* There was with us eight of the Indian boys who answered very well to the prayers, and understood what was read. After prayers we dined, and in the afternoon we walked abroad to see the land, which is well timbered and very good. We returned to the fort and supped. Nothing remarkable. The 8th day. — About ten in the morning there came to the fort ten of the Meherrin Indians, laden with beaver, deer and bear skins, to trade, for our Indian Company have goods here for that purpose. They delivered up their arms to the white men of the fort, and left their skins and furs also. Those Indians would not lie in the Indian town, but went into the woods, where they lay until such time as they had done trading. * The Rev. F. L. Hawks, D. D., lias lent me a rare old book upon the colony of Virginia, by Hugh Jones, A. M., Chaphiiu to the Honorable As- sembly, (fee., 1724, from which 1 make the following extract : " He (Governor Spotswood)bnilt a fort called Chrixtanrtu, which, thov.gh not so far back, yet proved of great service and use ; where, at his sole ex- pense, I think, 1 have seen seveuty-seven Indian children at a time at school, under the careful management of the worthy Mr. CJn-irle-^ (7r)Jfin, who lived there some years for that purpose. These children could all read, say their catechisms and prayers tolerably well. Tlic Indians so loved and adored him, that I have seen them iuig him, and lift liini up in their arms', and fain would have chosen him for a King of the Sapony nation." 280 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. The Governor and I we laid out an avenue about half a mile long, which gave us employment enough this day. The 9th day. — About seven in the morning we got a horseback, and were just out of the fort when the cannon fired. We passed by the Indian town, where they had notice that the Governor was returning, so they got twelve of their young men ready with their arms, and one of their old men at the head of them, and assured the Governor they were sorry that he was leaving them, but that they would guard him safe to the inhabitants, which they pressed upon him, so that he was forced to accept of it. They were all afoot, so the Governor to compliment the head man of the Indians lent him his led-horse. After we had rid about a mile, we came to a ford of Meherrin River, and being mistaken in our water-mark, we were sometimes obliged to make our horses swim, but we got over safe. The Indian Chief seeing how it was, unsaddled his horse, and stript himself all to his belt, and forded the river, leading his horse after him ; the fanc}' of the Indian made us merry for a while. The day being warm, and he not accustomed to ride, the horse threw him before we had gone two miles, but he had courage to mount again. By the time we had got a mile further, he was so terribly galled that he was forced to dismount, and desired the Governor to take his horse, for he could not imagine what good they were for, if it was not to cripple Indians. Wc were obliged to ride easy, that we might not get be- fore our Indian guard, who accompanied us as far as a river, called Nottoway River, which taketh its name from the Not toway Indians, who formerly lived upon this river. The place was about fifteen miles from the fort. When we parted with the Indians the Governor ordered them to have a pound JOURNAL OF JOHN FONTAINE. 281 of powder and shot in proportion to each man. So they left us, and we crossed the river and rid fifteen miles further, until we came to a poor planter's house, where we put up for that night. They had no beds in the house, so the Governor lay upon the ground, and had his bear-skin under him, and I lay upon a large table in my cloak, and thus we fared until day, which was welcome to us. The lOth day. — At five we got up, and at six we mounted our horses, and we took a guide who pretended to know the way, and bring us a short cut, but instead of that, he took us about seven miles out of our way. When we found that he was lost, we dismissed him ; the sun began to shine out clear, so the Governor he conducted us, and about four of the clock we came to James River and took the ferry, and about six of the clock we mounted our horses and went to Williamsburg, where we arrived about eight of the clock. I supped with the Governor ; and being well tired, I went after to my lodgings and to bed. This journey, coming and going, comes to 160 miles. WiUiamsburg, 20th August^ 1716. — In the morning got my horses ready, and what baggage was necessary, and I waited on the Governor, who was in readiness for an expedi- tion over the Appalachian mountains. We breakfiisted, and about ten got on horseback, and at four came to the Brick- house, upon York Kivcr, where we crossed the ferry, and at six we came to Mr. Austin Moor's house, upoii Mattapony River, in King William County; here we lay all night and were well entertained. 2lsL — Fair weather. At ten wc set out from Mr. Moor's and crossed the river of Mattapony. and continued on tho road, and were on horseback till nine of tlie clock at night. 282 MEMOIRS OF A HUGTIENOT FAMILY. before we came to Mr. Robert Beverley's house, where wft were well entertained, and remained this night. 22^;?. — At nine in the morning, we set out from Mr. Be- verley's. The Governor left his chaise here, and mounted his horse, Tlie weather fair, we continued on our journey until we came to Mr. Woodford's, where we lay, and were well entertained. This house lies on Rappahannoc River, ten miles below the falls. 23d. — Here we remained all this day, and diverted our- selves and rested our horses. 24^/i. —In the morning, at seven, we mounted our horses, and came to Austin Smith's house about ten, where we dined, and remained till about one of the clock, then we set out, and about nine of the clock we came to tlie German-town, where we rested that night — bad beds and indifferent enter- tainment. German-town, 25th. — After dinner we went to see the mines, but I could not observe that there was any good mine. The Germans pretend that it is a silver mine ; we took some of the ore and endeavored to run it, but could get nothing out of it, and I am of opinion it will not come to any thing, no, not as much as lead. Many of the gentlemen of the county are concerned in this work. We returned, and to our hard beds. 26th. — At seven we got up, and several gentlemen of the country, that were to meet the Governor at this place for the expedition, arrived here, as also two companies of Rangers, consisting each of six men, and an officer. Four Meherrili Indians also came. In the morning I diverted myself with other gentlemen shooting at a mark. At twelve we dined, and after dinner we mounted our horses and crossed Rappahannoc River, that JOURNAL OF JOHN FONTAINE. 28S runs by this place, and went to find out some convenient place for our horses to feed in, and to view the land hereabouts. Our guide left us, and we went so far in the woods that we did not know the way back again ; so we hallooed and fired our guns. Half an hour after sunset the guide came to us, and we went to cross the river by another ford higher up. The descent to the river being steep, and the night dark, we were obliged to dismount and lead our horses down to the river side, which was very troublesome. The bank being very steep, the greatest part of our company went into the water to mount their hort^s, where they were up to the crotch in the water. After we had forded the river and came to the other side, where the bank was steep also, in going up, the horse of one of our company slipped and fell back into the river on the top of his rider, but he received no other damage than being heartily wet, which made sport for the rest. A hoimet stung one of the gentlemen in the face, which swelled prodi- giously. About ten we came to the town, where we supped, and to bed. 27 th. — Grot our tents in order, and our hoi'ses shod. About twelve, I was taken with a violent headache and pains in all my bones, so that I was obliged to lie down, and was very bad that day. I'Sth. — About one in the morning, I was taken with a vio- lent fever, which abated about six at night, and I began to take the bark, and had one ounce divided into eight doses, and took two of them by ten of the clock that night. The fever abated, but I had great pains in my head and bones. 29/A. — In the morning we got ;ill things in readiness, and about one we left the German-town to set out on our intended journey. At five in the aftermion, tlic Governor gave orders 5Si MEMOIRS v»F A HLKilTENOT F.'IMII,\. to encamp near a small river, three miles from Germauna, wliicb we called Expedition Run. and here we lay all night. i This first encampment was called- Beverley Camp in honor of one of the gentlemen of our party. We made great fires, and supped, and drank good punch. By ten of the clock I had taken all of my ounce of Jesuit's Bark, but my head was much out of order. oO/h.- — In the morning about seven of the clock, the trum- pet sounded to awake all the company, and we got up One / Austin Smith, one of the gentlemen with us, having a fever, returned home. We had lain upon the ground under cover of our tents, and we found by the pains in our bones that we had not had good beds to lie upon. At nine in the morning, we sent our servants and baggage forward, and we remained, be- cause two of the Governor's horses had sti-ayed. At half past two we got the horses, at three we mounted, and at half an hour after four, we came up with our baggage at a small river, three miles on the way, which we called Mine River, because there was an appearance of a silver mine by it. We made about three miles more, and came to another small river, which is at the foot of a small mountain, so we encamped here ^\ and called it Mountain Run, and our camp we called Todd's Camp. We had good pasturage for our horses, and venison in abundance for ourselves, which we roasted before the fire upon wooden forks, and so we went to bed in our tents. Made 6 miles this day. 31s/;. — At eight in the morning, we set out from Mountain Run, and after going five miles we came upon the upper part of Rappahannoc River. One of tlie gentlemen and 1, we kept out on one side of the company about a mile, to have the better hunting. I saw a deer, and shot him from my JOURNAL OF JOHN FONTAIN?:. 285 horse, but the horse tlircw uic ;i terrible fall and ran away ; we ran after, and with a great deal of difficulty got him again ; but we could not find the deer I had shot, and we lost our- selves, and it was two hours before we could come upon the track of our company. About five miles further we crossed the same river again, and two miles further we met with a large bear, which one of our company shot, and I got the skin. We killed several deer, and about two miles from the place where we killed the bear, we encamped upon Rappahan- noc River. From our encampment we could see the Appala- chian Hills very plain. We made large fires, pitched our tents, and cut boughs to lie upon, had good licjuor, and at ten we went to sleep. We always kept a sentry at the Governor's Ur door. We called this Smith's Camp. Made this day four- teen miles. \st. September. — At eight we mounted our horses, and made the first five miles of our way through a very pleasant plain, which lies where Rappahannoc River forks. I saw there the largest timber, the finest and deepest mould, and the best grass that I ever did see. We had some of our baggage put out of order, and our company dismounted, by liornets stinging the horses. This was some hindrance, and did a little damage, but afforded a great deal of diversion. We killed three bears this day. which exercised the horses as well as the men. We saw two foxes but did not pursue them ; we killed several deer. About five of the clock, we came to a run of water at the foot of a hill, where we pitched our tents. We called the encampment Dr. Robinson's Camp, and t> the river, RHnd Run. We had good pasturage for our horses, and every one was cook for himself We made our beds vv'itli bushes as before. On this day wo made 13 miles. 286 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLY. 2f/ — At nine we were all on horseback, and after riding about five miles we crossed Rappahannoc River, almost at the head, where it is very small. We had a rugged way ; we passed over a great many small runs of water, some of which were very deep, and others very miry. Several of oui company were dismounted, some were down with their horses, others under their horses, and some thrown off We saw a bear running down a tree, bi*t it being Sunday, we did not endeavor to kill any thing. We encamped at five by a small river we called White Oak River, and called our camp Taylor's Camp. od. — About eight we were on horseback, and about ten we came to a thicket, so tightly laced together, that we had a great deal of trouble to get through ; our baggage was in- jured, our clothes torn all to rags, and the saddles and hol- sters also torn. About five of the clock we encamped almost at the head of James River, just below the great mountains. We called this camp Colonel Robertson's Camp. We made all this day but eight miles. ith. — We had two of our men sick with the measles, and one of our horses poisoned with a rattlesnake. We took the heaviest of our baggage, our tired horses, and the sick men, and made as convenient a lodge for them as we could, and left people to guard them, and hunt for them. We had finished this work by twelve, and so we set out. The sides of the mountains were so full of vines and briers, that we were forced to clear most of the way before us. We crossed one of the small mountains this side the Appalachian, and from the top of it we had a fine view of the plains below. We were obliged to walk up the most of the way, there being abun- dance of loose stones on the side of the hill. I killed a large rattlesnake here, and the other people killed three more. We JOUKNAL OF JOHN FONTAINli. 289 the men together, and loaded all their arms, and we drank the King's health in Champagne, and fired a volley — the Prin- cess's health in Burgundy, and fired a volley, and all the rest of the Royal Family in claret, and a volley. We drank the Governor's health and firei another volley. We had several sorts of liquors, viz., Virginia red wine and white wine, Irish usquebaugh, brandy, shrub, two sorts of rum, champagne, ca- nary, cherry, punch, water, cider, &c. I sent two of the rangers to look for my gun, which I dropped in the mountains ; they found it, and brought it to me at night, and I gave them a pistole for their trouble. We called the highest mountain Mount George, and the one we crossed over Mount Spotswood. 7^/i. — At seven in the morning we mounted our horses, and parted with the rangers, who were to go farther on, and we returned homewards ; we repassed the mountains, and at five in the afternoon we came to Hospital Camp, where we left our sick men, and heavy baggage, and we found all things well and safe. We encamped here, and called it Captain Clouder's Canip. ^ Stit,. — At nine we were all on horseback. We saw several bears and deer, and killed some wild turkeys. We encamped at the side of a run, and called the place Mason's Camp. We // had good forage for our horses, and we lay a»s usual. Made twenty miles this day. 9i/i. — We set out at nine of the clock, and before twelve we Baw several bears, and killed three. One of them attacked one of our men that was riding after him, and narrowly missed make discoveries and new settlementa; any gentleman being entitled to ivenr tliis Ooldeti Shoe Juit can jirove his ha'.'ing drunk hk MaJ€stf/'$ h^iuUh upou Mount Geokok. — Hut/h Joms, 1724. 13 / 290 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FA^ULY. him ; he tore his things tha* he had behind him from otf the horse, and would have destroyed him. had he not nad imme- diate help from the other men and our dogs. Some of the dogs suffered severely in this engagement. At two we crossed one of the branches of the Rappahannoc River, and at five we encamped on the side of the Rapid Ann, on a tract of land that Mr. Beverley hath design to take up. We made, this day, twenty-three miles, and called this Captain Smith's Camp. We eat part of one of the bears, which tasted very well, and would be good, and might pass for veal, if one did not know what it was. We were very merry, and diverted ourselves with our adventures. lOth. — At eight we were on horseback, and about ten, as we were going up a small hill, Mr. Beverley and his horse fell down, and they both rolled to the bottom ; but there were no bones broken on either side. At twelve, as we were crossing a run of water, Mr. Clouder fell in, so we called this place Clouder's Run. At one we arrived at a large spring, where we dined and drank a bowl of punch. We called this Fon- taine's Spring. About two we got on horseback, and at four we reached Germanna. The Governor thanked the gentlemen for their assistance in the expedition. Mr. Mason left us here. I went at five to swim in the Rappahannoc River, an^ returned to the town. llth. — After breakfast all our company left us, excepting Dr. Robinson and Mr. Clouder. We walked all about the town, and the Governor settled his business with the Germans here, and accommodated the minister and the people, and then to bed. l'2th. — After breakfast went a fishing in the Rappahannoc and took seven fish, which we had for dinner ; after which Mr I JOUKNAL OF .TOIIX FONTAINE. 287 ^ade about four miles, and so came to the side of James River, where a man may jump over it, and there we pitched our tents. As the people were lighting the fire, there came out of a large log of wood a prodigious snake, which they killed ; so this camp was called Rattlesnake Camp, but it was otherwise called Brooks' Camp. r 5th. — A fair day. At nine we were mounted : we were obliged to have axe-men to clear the way in some places. We followed the windings of James River, observing that it came from the very top of the mountains. We killed two rattle snakes during our ascent. In some places it was very steep, in others, it was so that we could ride up. About one of the clock we got to the top of the mountain ; about four miles and a half, and we came to the very head spring of James River, where it runs no bigger than a man's arm, from under a large stone. We drank King George's health, and all the Royal Family's, at the very top of the Appalachian mountains. About a musket-shot from the spring there is another, which rises and runs down on the other side ; it goes westward, and we thought we could go down that way, but we met with such prodigious precipices, that we were obliged to return to the top again. We found some trees which had been for- merly marked, I suppose, by tlie Northern Indians, and fol- lowing these trees, we found a good, safe descent. Several of the company were for returning : but the Governor persuaded them to continue on. About five, we were down on the other side, and continued our way for about seven miles further, until we came to a large river, by the side of wliicli wi' en- camped. We made this day fourteen miles. I. being some- what more curious than the rest, went on a high rock on the P*^ top of the mountain, to see fine prospects, and I lost my gun ^/ 288 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. We saw, when we were over the mountains, the footing ci elks and buffaloes, and their beds. We saw a vine which bore a sort of wild cucumber, and a shrub with a fruit like unto a currant. We eat very good wild grapes. We called this place Spotswood Camp, after our Governor. Gth. — We crossed the river, which we called Euphrates. It is very deep ; the main course of the water is north ; it is fourscore yards wide in the narrowest part. We drank some healths on the other side, and returned ; after which I went a swimming in it. We could not find any fordable place, ex- cept the one by which we crossed, and ii was deep in several places. I got some grasshoppers and fished ; and another and I, we catched a dish of fish, some perch, and a fish they call chub. The others went a hunting, and killed deer and turkeys. The Governor had graving irons, but could not grave any thing, the stones were so hard. I graved my name on a tree by the river side ; and the Governor buried a bottle with a paper inclosed, on which he writ that he took posses- sion of this place in the name and for King George the First of England.* We had a good dinner, and after it we got * Governm- Spotswood, when he undertook the preat discovery of the Passage over the Mini/Ualns, attended with a sufficient guard, and pioneers and gentlemen, with a sufficient stock of provision, with abundant fatigue passed these Mountains, and cut his Majesty's name in a rock upon the high- est of them, naming it Mount George ; and in complaisance the gentle- uien, from the Governor's name, called the mountain ne.xt in height Mount Alexander. For this expedition they were obliged to provide a great quantity of horse shoes, (things seldom used in the lower parts of the country, where there are few stones ;) upon which account the Governor, upon their re- turn, presented each of his companions with a golden horse shoe, (some of which I have seen studded with valuable stones, resembling the heads of nails,) with this inscription on the one side : Sicjuvat transcendere montes ; and on the other is written the tramontane order. This he instituted to encourage gentlemen to venture backwards, and jouiwAi. OF JOHN fontaixp:. 2<^i Robinson am^ I, we eiuleavored to melt some ore in the smith's torge. but could get nothing out of it. Dr. Kobinson's and Mr Clouder's boys were taken violently ill with fever. Mr. Robin son and Mr. Clouder left us. and the boys remained behind. loth. — About eight of the clock we mounted our horses and went to the mine, where we took several pieces of ore ; and at nine we set out from the mine, our servants having gone before ; and about three we overtook them in the woods, and there the Governor and I dined. We mounted afterwards, and continued on our road. I killed a black snake about five feet long. We arrived at Mr. Woodford's, on Rappahannoc Eiver, about six. and rcmainrd there all night. \ith. — At seven we sent our horses and baggage before us; and at ten we mounted our horses; we killed anothei snake, four feet nine inches long. At twelve we came to the church, where we met with Mr. Buckner, and remained till two, to settle some county business ; then we mounted our horses, and saw several wild turkeys on the road ; and at seven we reached Mr. Beverley's house, which is upon the head of Mattapony River, where we were well entertained. My boy was taken with a violent fever, and very sick. \5tk. — At seven my servant was somewhat better, and I sent him away with my horses, and about ten o'clock the Gov- ernor took his chaise, and I with him. and at twelve we came to a mill-dam. which we had great difficulty to get the chaise over. We got into it again, and continued on our way, and about five we arrived at 3Ir. Baylor's, where we remained all night. IQth. — My servant was so sick, that I was obliged to leave him. and the Governor's servants took care of my horses. Au ten we sent the cliaise over ]Mattapony River, and it beinc Sunday, we went to the cliun li in King William County. 292 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. whore we heard a sermon from Mr. Monroe. After nermoD we continued our journey until wc came to Mr. West's planta- tion, where Colonel Basset waited for the Governor with iiis pinnace, and other boats for his servants. We arrived at his house by five of the clock, and were nobly entertained. nth. — At ten we loft Colonel Basset's, and at three we arrived at Williamsburg, where we dined together, and I went to my lodgings, and to bed, being well tired, as well as my horses. I reckon that from Williamsburg to the Euphrates River is in all 219 miles, so that our journey, going and coming, has been in all 438 miles. ^ Williamsburg^ \Ath October, 1716. — I settled my busi- ness and left all my things in the hands of Major Holloway, designing with God's blessing for New-York. I went to dine with the Governor, and took my leave of him and of all my acquaintance. \5th. — Got all things in readiness, mounted, and rode down to Hampton, which is forty miles from Williamsbure. About six of the clock I arrived, and went to my friend, Mr. Trewin's, where I supped and lodged. \6th. — I sent away my horses to Williamsburg, writ to Major Holloway, went to see several of my acquaintances. Mr. Michael Kearney also designed for New-York, so we agreed about what provisions we should put in for our voyage. and I returned to Mr. Irewin's. I7tk. — This town, Hampton, lies in a plain Tvithin ten miles of the mouth of James River, and about one luile inland from the side of the main river ; there is also a svsis,W. arm of the river that comes on both sides of this town, and .TOUKNAL OF .loTlN FONTAINE. 29-*) w'tliiu a small matter of making it an island. It is a place f the greatest trade in all Virginia, and all tlie men-of-war commonly lie before this arm of the river. It is not naviga- ble for large ships, by reason of a bar of land, which lies be- ween the mouth, or coming in, and the main channel, but sloops and small ships can come up to the town. This is the best outlet in all Virginia and Maryland, and when there is any fleet made, they fit out here, and can go to sea with the first start of a wind. The town contains one hundred houses, but few of them of any note, and it has no church. The in- habitants drive a great trade with New- York and Pennsylva- nia, and are also convenient to trade with Maryland. They have the best fisli and oysters of any place in the Colony, and there is good fowling hereabouts. The town is not reckoned healthy, owing to the great mud-banks and wet marshes about it, which have a very unwholesome smell at low water. We met at Mr. Irewin's, were very merry, supped well, and to bed \8th — Mr. Kearney and I spoke to the master of the sloop for our passage, and bought provisions for ourselves, and sent our clothes on board. Took leave of my ace^uaintances, and went to Mr. Irewin's, where I lay. \9th. — At eleven in the morning, the wind being N. E. we hoisted our anchor. By one we had passed Point Com- fort, which makes the entrance of James River, and were in the Bay of Chesapeake. At four we were between the two Capes of Virginia, Cape Henry and (^ape Charles. Weather fair. We kept within ten Icngucs of tlic shore, and so steered our course all night. 20th — Wind continued N. E . weather fair. We kept within sight of the shore, and sounded, and found fourteen 2J»-t Mi:.M()IKS OF A llUGliKNol FAMILY. fathoms vvutor, white sand. We saw several flocks of ducke and geese going to the southward. A smooth sea, but great swell. There is no harbor all along this coast, from Cape Charles till you come to the mouth of the Bay of Delaware, which goes up to Philadelphia. 2lst. — Wind N. E. till one of the clock, and then it came about N. W.. and blew very hard, so we sounded, and found but ten fathoms water. The wind continued to blow, so we came to an anchor, and about four we saw a sloop coming from the sea. She came to an anchor by us. Here we re- mained all night, and the wind blow very hard, still in sight of the land, and somewhat to the northward of Delaware Bay. There are great banks of sand lie off here, which are very dangerous. We can see the breakers on them. 22(1. — In the morning about seven of the clock we raised our anchor, and set our .sails, wind at N. W., a stiff gale and great sea, and about 12 of the clock we split our jib and foresail. At three we were up with Sandy Hook, which is the cape land of New-York port. The land is low and sandy with few trees upon it. About sunset we came to an anchor under Sandy Hook, in seven fathoms water, and three miles from shore. 2od. — In the sloop at anchor under Sandy Hook. The weather was so foggy all day that we could not see the shore, nor landmarks, so we could not hoist our anchor, for this is a V3ry dangerous bay to come up without one has fair weather to see the landmarks. There are several banks and shoals of sand which are very dangerous. There is a great deal of wa- ter fowl of all sorts on these shoals. I observe that the ducks «rtd geese are sooner here than with us in Virginia. 24th. — Calm weather, but such a fog that we could not JOTTRNAL OF JOHN FONTAINE. 205 see half a mile. We had a mind to go ashore, but the master and sailors were afraid that they could not find the sloop again with the boat, so we consented to remain on board. This fog is occasioned by the burning of the woods, for at this season the inhabitants set the woods on fire, and the Indians also about this time of the year go a fire hunting. '2.5th. — We are still at anchor, weather very foggy, so that the master will not venture up with his sloop. About twelve it cleared, so that we could see the land, and we got out the boat, and the men landed us in Statcn Island. We were obliged to walk about four miles, not being able to hire any horses. This island is mostly high land and rocky, and that part of the land which is good is mixed with small stones- There are some good improvements here ; the inhabitants are mostly Dutch ; the houses are all built with stone and lime : there are some hedges as in England. The chief increase is wheat and cattle, they breed large horses here. About five of the clock we came to the Ferry between Long Island and Staten Island, which is about one mile broad. The main body of New-York River runs between these islands. We crossed the ferry and came upon Long Island, to a small sort of village, where, it being late, we put up at the house of a Dutchman, one Harris Hendrick. We were well lodged and had a good supper. 26e wind is at N. E., and a fresh gale, but the tide against us. At seven we see the Tangier Islands, and at nine of the clock, came in sight of Windmill Point, which makes the north side of Rappahannoc Iliver, and Gwinn's Island, the couth side. At one, we came abreast with Windmill Point, and the wind changed to S. W., and blew fresh, with a great sea ; we endeavored to weather Gwinn's Island, but we could not, in order to get to Queen's Creek in Piankatank River. We spoke a ship at three, she was from Barbadoes. At a 306 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAJkllLY. quarter after three, finding the wind still freshen, we were obliged to put before it up Rappahannoc River. It became calm about six, so we put ashore at Mr. Churchill's plantation, and landed our horses with some difficulty. It was very darkj so we were obliged to lie at the negroes' quarters that night. 30th. — At eight mounted our horses, fasting ; at ten we crossed Piaukatank Ferry, and mounted again, but being stran- gers to the road, we came out of our way to Ivy River. We returned to the road, and passed by Gloucester County Court House. At three we came to Gloucester Town upon York River ; we crossed the ferry and came to York Town ; we went to Power's Ordinary, where we lay all night. I accompted, and found that my journey to New-York and back again cost me twenty-four pounds. Saturday, 1st December. 1716. — At nine in the morning set out, accompanied Mr. Kearney a mile from the town, and there took my leave of my fellow-traveller, and at eleven reached Williamsburg. 1 went and visited the Governor and my acquaintance. Zd December. — Set out from Williamsburg, and went to my plantation in King William County, and got together my servants and overseer, who had all run away, and put things into some order. '$>th. — I returned to Williamsburg, and on the 11th, re- ceived news that my brother Peter had arrived at Hampton, and I went down to meet him, and on the 1 4th, he and his wife came up with me to Williamsburg, where we all took up our lodging, and in a few days my brother and I went to view the parishes and the plantations, and on the 29th got back to Williamsburg. In February, 1717, Peter got a presentation to Roanoke JOURNAL OF JOHN FONTAINK. 307 Parish, and preached there. We all removed there in the month of March, and lodged at Captain Harwood's. I be came very sick of the fever and ague, which continued until the month of May. when being somewhat better. I returned to the plantation in King William County. I bought another servant, which cost me £11 5, sterling. October, 1717. — My brother James and his family arrived at York Town, and though I was very sick, I went down to meet them, so wo all came up together in the ship to Cap- tain Littlepage's. The houses that I was building, not being quite finished, when my bi'other's family arrived, they lodged at one Mr. Sutton's near the plantation. By the 7th November, every thing was completed, so that we brought all our things and came to live there. In November, we also sheathed the ship, which had sprung a leak during the passage, and when she was repaired and well fitted out. we tried to soil her, but could not ; so we afterwards freighted her for Bristol, and in January, 1718, she fell down the river. When my brother James and his family were settled on the plantation. I bought twenty-one head of cattle, one horse, eleven hogs, and another servant, and left every thing to the manage- ment of my brother. I was very sick for about five months, and so was all our family, so we had a great deal of trouble. 27^/i March, 1718. — I received a letter from my brother- in-law, Mr. Matthew Maury, to say that he was at Captain Eskridge's house, with his goods ; where he would wait fur me. I was not well, and the weather was wet and rainy, but I set out immediately, and crossed the ferry at Mr. Baylor's, and rid afterwards seven miles in the rain, and about an hour after night I came to one Bridgeworth's, where I lay. 308 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. 2'8th. — I got up very sick next morning, but set out fast ing. The day was very windy. I got about eight miles on my way, when my fever increased so much, and the pains in my head and bones, that I could ride no farther, and was forced to alight. At about ten of the clock I came to a poor widow woman's house, where I was for about two hours quite senseless. I was then taken with a violent vomiting, and my fever abated something, so I got on horseback again and rid to the ferry on Rappahannoc, where I lay that night — badly entertained. 29i/i. — Crossed the river, and got to Captain Eskridge's house at seven, and found that Mr. Maury was gone. Being very sick, I remained until the 1st of April to recruit, and on that day I mounted my horse and rid as far as Mr. Naylor's house, where I lay. 2c?. — Crossed the river in a small boat, and was in great danger of being drowned. Got to Mr. Baylor's, where I lay that night, and went home next day. I made upon this jour- ney in all, going and coming, 135 miles. 22c? April. — I went down to Williamsburg to meet Mr. Maury, who had come round there. We hired a flat to convey his goods up the river; On the 25th, the goods were em- barked, and we went to the Oyster Banks, and took in a great many oysters to carry home with us. We went about six miles up the river, and then we stopped for the night. We came as close to the land as we could, and stuck an oar in the mud, and tied our flat to it, and there we lay till it was day, A cold place. 26^A. — Took up our oar and rowed about four miles, the wind at N. W., blew very hard. We were blown in on the shore, and the sea was very high, and thei'e was no possibility JOURNAL OF JOHN FONTAINE. 309 of lauding, so we were obliged to throw out all our oysters, tc lighten the boat. We shipped a gi-eat deal of water, and having no anchor, we were like to drive on the mud and lose the flat. About two of the clock, the weather calming, we set out again, and made five miles, when the wind came to N. W., and such a violent storm, that we were obliged to put before the wind, and when we had gone back about a mile, we ran the flat ashore upon the strand, where we thumped mightily. The wind continued very high, but the tide being fallen, we unloaded the goods, expecting that when the tide would rise again, the boat would go to pieces. By twelve of the clock at night, we had all our goods on shore, but there being no house near, we lay upon the strand all night, and it rained very hard, so that we were wet to the skin. The wind abated a little, and as the tide rose, we drew up the flat nearer shore, and got her up as far as we could, and received no damage but being wet with both salt and fresh water. 11th. — We put the goods on board again, first thing in the morning, and the wind abated during the day, so that we were able to continue on our way, and we got to West Point about nine of the clock at night. 28^/i. — Came to Captain Littlepage's, and next day we got to Philip Williams his ferry, where we landed the goods. I remained on the plantation till the Gth of June, and then went down to Williamsburg, and settled all my business with Mr. Irewin and Major Holloway. On the i6th, I spoke to Captain Bonnequil, and agreed with him for my passage home. On the 17th of July, 1718, I made over the deeds of the land to my brother James, in order to go to England. Uh August. — I received a letter from Mr. Freneau to say that there was a ship coming consigned to me ; so I got my olO MKMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT KAMir.V. things on shore, left my fowls with the master, and paid him twenty-two shillings for the charges I had put him to.* As soon as my goods were landed from the vessel, I came to York Town, thence to Williamsburg, and so to the plantation, which I reached on the 10th August. \9th December, 1718. — Received news of the arrival of the Henry and Margaret, consigned to me. I went immediately to her and entered her, landed the goods, and sold the most part of them, and kept the ship till the 7th June, 1719, when I set sail in her from James River, and on the 18th July, we came to Weymouth, on the 19th to Cowes, in the Isle of Wight where 1 remained three days. 22cl. — I left Cowes, and crossed the bay to Southampton. 2od. — I set out in the stage-coach for London, and arrived about eight of the clock. I took a hackney-coach, and went to Mr. Arnauld's, at Islington, where I remained until the 24th November, 1719, about the business of the cargo, and doing what I could for another voyage, but all to no purpose ; so, on the 24th November, I left London. My horse tired at Coventry ; so, on the 27th, I took the stage-coach, and came to Chester on the 29th. On the 30th, I hired three horses for Holyhead. 1st December. — I lay at Bangor ; the 2d arrived at Holy- head, and went upon the top of the hill, from whence I could see Ireland. The 5th I embarked, and the 6th arrived in the Bay of Dublin, I took the wherry and landed by twelve, and came to Stephen's Green. * I understood afterwards, that in sroinsr home this vessel foundered, and all on board perished; so that I have great reason to return thanks to God for my preservation at this tinu- ; for I was fully resolved to go with him, had I not been prevented liy Mr. Freneau's letter, which came to my hands four days before Captain B()iHiei.|iiil sailed for England. miERESTING FAMILY MEETING FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES. The next interesting item of family history, which we aro able to bring to light, is the fact, that, after our ancestors emigrated to Virginia, they were in the habit of mooting an- nually, to hold a solemn religious thanksgiving, in commemo- ration of their remarkable preservation, when attacked by French privateers, in the south of Ireland. The following sermon was preached on one of these occa- sions, by the Rev. Peter Fontaine. It bears the date upon it, and also a pencil memorandum of the Psalms and Lessons which he had selected as appropriate to the services of the day. 1st June 1723. PROPER PSALMS XVIII., CIIL, CXVIII. I. LESSON. Exodus xiv. IL LESSON. Ephesians vi., from v. 14 to the end. COLLECT. Almighty and most glorious Lord God, who dost render ineffectual the most subtle devices and best concerted mea- sures of wicked and haughty men, and didst as at this time with a high hand and lifted up arm deliver us from our in- veterate enemies ; and hast sundry times before and since 312 MEMOIKS OF A JIUGUENOT FAMILY. exerted thy power iu our favor ; graut that we may always bear so grateful a sense of these thy mercies in our minds, as may engage us to embrace all opportunities of worshipping and glorifying and praising thee, with one mind and with one mouth, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us, &c. SERMON. EoMANS, chap. XV. v. 6. That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle, after having spent the fourteenth chapter in ge- neral exhortations and directions to stronger Christians, con- cerning their behavior towards their weaker brethren, in the use of their Christian liberty about things indifferent, and in advising them neither to be censorious in judging, nor yet to put a stumbling-block in the way one of another, pro- ceeds in the former part of this chapter in the prosecution of the same argument and design, enjoining their forbearance from the example of our Blessed Lord, and concluding his exhortations and instructions witli this short prayer to Al- mighty God, that they may with one heart, and one mind, glorify him ; that is, that whatever reason they may have for small differences amongst themselves, they should lay them all aside, but more especially when they are about to give God glory. I shall, therefore, upon this occasion, from these words observe to you . I PEKMON. 313 Firstly^ The duty here enjoined, that is, to glorify God. Secondly, The manner of performing it, that is, with one mind and one mouth. And, Thirdly, Put you in mind of your high obligations to comply with this duty, not only because of the signal deliver ance which we are met together to celebrate, but by reason oi that infinite number which God hath vouchsafed to favor us with at other times, no less worthy our remembrance and thanks. I begin with the duty here prescribed, and that is, to glo- rify God, by which we may not understand that wc can add any thing to the glory and perfection of the divine nature, for that is not in our power ; for God is the same yesterday and to-day, and admits of no new accessions to his glory, by any thing we can say or do. The glorifying of God consists chiefly in these two things — in a high and honorable esteem and re- verence for him in our hearts, and likewise in all outward ex- pressions of honor, duty, and reverence towards him in our lives. The one is internal honor, whereby we are said to glorify God in our souls and spirits, the other is external, whereby we glorify him by our conversation and behavior. I say, to glorify God is to have a high and honorable esteem and reverence for him in our hearts ; to entertain thoughts worthy of him, and have conceptions imprinted in our minds, suitable to the eminence and perfections of his na ture, that is to apprehend him to be really as he is — superla- tively good, wise, powerful, holy, and just ; to take him for our Maker and Preserver, and to own our absolute and entire de- pendence upon him, and pay him our homage and adoration accordingly. In such internal and devout acts of the mind, does the glorifying of God chiefly and principally consist; 14 314 MEMOmS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. and without these it would be vain for any person to pretend that he doth in any measure comply with the duty in the text, though it doth not rest here, but manifests itself, Secondly, In external acts and expressions of honor suit- able to them To have such high thoughts of his infinite power and greatness, as to make us dread and stand in awe of him ; such apprehensions of his justice as to make us fear of- fending him ; such an esteem of his wisdom as to cause us to admire him ; and such a sense of his goodness, as to put us upon all acts of adoring and worshipping him, and to influ- ence our whole behavior with regard to him and our neighbor. This the Psalmist styles, the giving unto God the honor that is due to his name, and worshipping him with a holy worship. Now, as this duty cannot be any where performed with such advantage as where the faithful are assembled together for that purpose, let us, therefore, with the royal prophet, take all opportunities to give thanks unto God, in the great congre- gation, and praise him among much people ; and not only so, but let us, as we are in duty bound, and by promise engaged, miss no opportunity of assembling ourselves together, upon the days which we have set apart for returning our most hearty and unfeigned thanks for the great deliverances vouch- safed to our family, and glorify, and thank, and praise God with one heart and one mouth. And this leads unto the second thing I proposed to speak to ; to wit, the manner of performing this duty implied in these words of the text, where we have the unanimity that is to be observed in our devotions. To excite and encourage us to this, we have many precepts both in the Old and New Tes- tament. Holy David calls upon the the people to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ; that is, with a comely order SEKMOX. 315 and harmony which will add a grace to it, and make it look fair and amiable. Elsewhere he wills them to serve and praise the Lord together, which refers in some measure to trie unity of place, but more particularly to the unity of mind. hat it be done with one heart, and with one consent. In the New Testament we find our Saviour making our agreement in our petitions necessary to the success of them , saying, If two or more shall agree on earth touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven, for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them ; where 'tis the harmony of our prayers, or the offering them up with one ac- cord and one mind, that procures audience and acceptance of them ; and therefore the last thing our blessed Lord prayed for in the behalf of his disciples and followers, was for this unity and harmony of mind : " That they all may be one ; as thou. Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us ; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me ;" where he begs his Father to work the hearts of his followers to that temper of mind and affection that was between his Father and him, which would be the best argument to convince mankind of the truth of his mission and doctrine ; for the world would sooner believe that God had sent him, if his disciples could agree together in what they desire, and in what they profess, rather than if they clash or differ in either, and pray without or against one another ; for which reason St. Paul be- seeches the Corinthians by the name of Christ, that ;here might be no divisions amongst them in those things, but that they may be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. In his Epistle to the Philip- ((ians he exhorts them to stand fast in one spirit and in one 316 MEMOIKS OF A HUoUENOT FAMILY. mind, striving togetlier for the faitli of the Gospel ; and fur- ther, he beseeches them by all that is dear and sacred, to ba like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord and ot one mind, which is what our text here calls us to. And that this is a possible duty we find from many passages both in the Old and New Testament. Jerusalem, which in the Scripture phrase signifies the whole nation of the Jews, is expressly said to be at unity within itself, for thither the tribes went up, even the tribes of the Lord, to testify unto Israel, and to give thanks unto the name of the Lord, which the Psalmist de- clares as matter of great joy. " I was glad," says he, " when they said unto me, we will go unto the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand in thy gates, Jerusalem." In the New Testament we read of i-t.-e primitive Christiana that they were all of one heart and or one mind ; that they were continually together in the temple blessing and praising God ; that they met together, in one place, with one accord, and with one mind ; that they continued steadfast in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowshif. in breaking bread, and in prayer ; all which, and many more testimonies that might be cited, plainly show that blessed harmony and concord that was found among them in matters of religion and the worship of God, and that there was a time when men joined together with one mind to glorify their great Creator. The many pre- cepts to unity show it to be a possible and a practicable duty, and the many sharp rebukes of divisions, and cautions against neglects of this kind, manifest that they are not unavoidable, else the precepts and rebukes would both be to no purpose. Having now done with the duty here enjoined, as also the manner of performing it. there remains that we consider in the third place the particular obligations our family are un SERMON. 317 der of complying with It. Let us pass by those we are under to Almighty God for our creation, preservation and redemp- tion, and all the other blessings of this life, which are without number, and which we enjoy in common with the rest of man- kind, and let us turn our eyes upon that continued chain of miracles which hath been wrought in our favor, and which are sufficient to rouse the most stupid to a sense of the duty en joined in the text. To date our relation as high as the deli- verance of our parents out uf the bondage of France, we will find subject matter enough to make us cry out with holy David, " how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee, which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men." Several months was our parent obliged to shift amongst forests and deserts for his safety, because he had preached the word of God to a congregation of innocent and sincere per- sons, who desired to be instructed in their duty and confirmed in their faith. The woods afforded him a shelter, and the rocks a resting-place ; but his enemies gave him no quiet until, of his own accord, he delivered himself up to their custody. They loaded his hands with chains, his feet stuck fast in the mire, a dungeon was his abode, and murderers and thieves his companions, until God, by the means of a pious gentlewoman, whose kindness ought to be remembered by us even to latest posterity, withdrew him from thence, and was the occasion that his confinement was more tolerable. His charge was preaching in the woods and praying aloud in the prison ; by the former they pretended that he perverted the fidelity of the people towards their prince, and by the latter interrupted their devotions at Mass, both which accusa- tions, could tliey have been fairly made out, would have 'Sib MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. proved matter of death, or at least long imprisonmeut ; but He. who blows upon the schemes of the wicked, and baffles all their designs, had so contrived it that the witnesses should mistake the date of the time that he preached, and the sub- stance of the prayer, insomuch that he was released, to the great satisfaction of his friends. Alas ! his sorrows for this time did not end here, but rather this was the beginning of woe. During his confinement, which had lasted neai'ly a year, his flock had either been van- quished or scattered, there was scarcely any footsteps of them to be traced. The persecution grew warmer and sharper, and whosoever would not bow the knee before Baal was cast into prison, where soul and body were kept together merely that they might endure the torment of a thousand deaths. The faggot and sword, the wheel and the galleys, were employod in making converts to that monstrous churcli. There. Rome ! did thy emissaries glut themselves with the spoils of the innocent, and wallowed in the blood of the guiltless ; there, if ever, wert thou satiated with cruelty and revenge. At that time our father, with his beloved and much- lamented consort, our dear mother, was obliged to flee for safety. They left friends and relatives, brothers and sisters, lands and houses, and all they held dear, for the sake of Him who once laid down his life for them. Human nature is inca- pable of more glorious conduct than theirs, which could have been carried to no higher degree of perfection, unless God had required them to seal their faith with their blood. Such actions are above the conception and envy of the mean part of mankind, and can fire none but the most generous souls. It SERMON. 319 is the pious courage aud divine resolution of our parents, that we, their descendants, with eagerness should desire to inherit a great measure of, in case God should think fit to lay upon us this heavy task. We may look back and see them, hand in hand, flying from the pestilential breath of the whore of Baby Ion, making their escape through difiiculties and dangers, death pursuing close behi-nd, until at last they were safely landed on the English shore. Thus. Lord, didst thou exert thy mighty arm in behalf of our parents, and withdrew them from the slavery of Egypt. Thou broughtest them through the great and wide ocean, and placedst their feet on dry land in a place of safety. This is but a short and imperfect sketch of the deliverance which God wrought in behalf of those who were immediately before us. What he did for our fathers in former days is not as yet come to my knowledge, but if I mistake not, some of them were favored with great and mighty deliverances. As to ourselves, I need make use of no argument to per- suade you that we have been the peculiar care of the Almighty, and that he hath delivered us sundry times from dangers and death. These were refreshed to our memories, after a very lively manner, in that good and pious discourse which was de- livered to us this morning, and which ought not to fail of hav- ing a lasting eff"ect upon our future behavior. What I would endeavor to impress upon your minds is, that these mercies loudly call for our sincere thanks and hum- ble acknowledgments, and that we must be highly insensible, if we cannot perceive the necessity of it. Doth God vouchsafe to save and deliver in this mu-aculous manner, and can we forget? Can we scarcely be prevailed upon to spare two days in one year to meet together, aud glo- 320 MEMOIES OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY rify him with one heart aud with one mouth ? When the fira and the sword, death and destruction stared us in the face, we would have been glad to compound for many days of hard and difficult service ; nay, had God desired some great thing of ua that we should have remembered these deliverances daily, we should not have thought it hard. But perhaps time, which consumes and devours every thing, hath blotted these mercies out of our minds and memories ; or, our powerful Protector hath shortened his arm on some occasions since, and hath not proved the same God still, to save and deliver. No ; surely it can be neither the one nor the other of these, for it is but nineteen years since the first, and fourteen since the last hap- pened ; and his wonders have been manifested sundry times since. This neglect in some measure proceeds from the same in- fatuation which possessed the Israelites formerly, when God by his prophet Hosea reprimands them for their slothfulness and inconstancy. " Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee ? Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away." God's favors are showered upon us abundantly, I may say, as the dew of the morning ; but to what purpose, if we are unmind- ful of them, and sufi"er the cares of the world to stifle our gratitude ? Can we be so unreasonable as to imagine that he will for ever give, if we continue to forget ? Common blessings, such as he dispenseth to just and un- just, he will not, perhaps, deprive us of. He will not make our inheritance dry, while he watereth that of our neighbor. But are these the only blessings we stand indebted for ? Are these such as gave rise to the solemnity of this day in particu- lar? Are we favored with no other distinguishing marks of his kind Providence and goodness? What, then, mean those SERMON. 321 wonderful deliverances vouchsafed to our forefathers time out of mind, those to our immediate parents, and those to our- selves without number ? Let these reflections, my brethren, be a spur to all noble and generous exercises ; and as God hath thought fit to distin- guish us by his miraculous care and protection, and hath in- creased our family considerably, let us distinguish ourselves by our virtue, and our zeal for his service. Let our eyes, in- structed to survey higher objects, overlook the dazzling and false grandeur of the world, pierce through the clouds and va- pors which intercept, and fix upon the Sun of Righteousness only. Let our hearts admit of no affections or passions to the prejudice of those which are due to our great Deliverer, and let the whole man, body and soul, be dedicated to his service. Let us, as the Apostle in the text enjoins, with one heart and one mind glorify God. Let us, upon no trivial occasion, omit assembling ourselves together, for God, without exception of one more than the other, in the day that our enemies pressed sore upon us, delivered us all ; and shall any of us be back- ward to return him thanks ? No, certainly ; I hope better things of you, my brethren, and that none of you can be so de- generate as to return his lovinff-kindness thus with inijratitude. It is the joy and happiness of angels, and their continual exercise by praise and thanksgiving, to glorify the Lord of the whole universe. Why may not we take the opportunity to imitate them, by joining our hearts and voices to the heavenly chorus? Our deliverances have been wonderful and miracu- lous, and why may not our thanks be accompanied with rapture? Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me praise his holy name. Let the people praise thee, O God ; yea, let all the people praise thee. These should be upon all 14* 322 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. occasions our themes, and we should be delighted with these divine hymns. Could we once raise our souls to that pitch of devotion, the world and all its false splendor would pass by us unobserved, and its necessary incumbrances would seem to be only small lets and hindrances to our divine contemplations. Virtue and religion would be our chief study, and we should leave them as an inheritance to our children. And since the only way to communicate the knowledge of the great deliverance of the Almighty to our families and children hereafter, is, to set apart certain seasons yearly to re- new them to our minds and memories ; let me beseech you by all that is dear and sacred, not to absent yourselves from these meetings upon any slender excuse, but that you be ready and willing at all times, with one mind and mouth to glorify God. Some may perhaps say, that this duty may be as well per- formed by each one in his own particular family ; but I leave it to your own judgments, whether you think this will redound so much to the glory of God and the good of our souls. Nay, let me ask whether you have not been more deeply affected with the importance of this duty at those times when it has been our happiness, with one mind and one heart, to join in glorifying our great Creator ? Has not your zeal and devo- tion been then carried to a greater height than at any other time ; and at the conclusion of the day have you not felt more comfort and satisfaction from your performances ? I am apt to think that you have all found an inexpressible difference. There is something in acknowledgment which is burdensome to a grateful soul, and requires to be communicated before it can be easy. It is this which makes the royal Prophet launch out into so great lengths, as to invite the most inanimate things to his assistance, when he is about to give God glory. SERMON. 323 He says : Praise ye him sun and moon, and all ye stars of light. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps ; fire and hail, &c., &c. For my part I feel a sensible accession to my joy in the presence of each one of you, and I cannot but think that every single person adds weight before the throne of grace to our reasonable petitions, and altogether harmony and beauty to our praises and thanksgivings, and invites a greater mea- sure of the Holy Spirit. This is the way indeed to praise the Lord in the beauty of holiness, and to worship him with a holy worship. We, whose duty it is to administer unto you in holy things, will not fail laying before you after the best manner we are able, the remarkable deliverances which have been performed in favor of our family, and put you in mind of your high obligations, nay, we will endeavor to go before you in the performance of this duty of thanksgiving by our exam- ple and instruction, and would to God that every one of you would strive not only to come after or keep up with us, but rather to excel us in these things. Would to God that you would make it youi business to teach them to your children, that they may be qualified to perpetuate them to infinite generations to come, and thereby engage the protection and draw down the oiessiugs of the Al- mighty upon them. For God is not like Isaac who had no aiore than one blessing in store. He hath millions of mil- lions to bestow upon them who love and fear him. He can bless in time of war, he can bless in time of peace, he can bless in time of sickness, he can bless in time of health,* he * The ancient mannscript broke oflF here, and the sermon has baec fluiHhed Dy a dillerent nand. 324 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY, can bless in the days of poverty and in those of prosperity. Let us not faint, my brethren, if our Heavenly Father should see fit to try our faith in the furnace of affliction. We have, his assurance that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. All things! What can he more com- prehensive and encouraging? Let us then love the Lord and trust in him. "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is ; for he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green, and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." "Trust ye in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." For of him, and through him, and to him are all things, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. LETTERS OF MARY ANN MAURT Septemher 2^Z, 1745. Dfae Sister: — I received your most cordial and affectionate letter, which I assure you was a sensible pleasure to me, though so far distant, that I have the opportunity of convers- ing with one who has been from infancy till now so dear to me. I thank you for your kind wishes for my son James, and I hope they will be accomplished. He is now in his turn very edifying to us, please God he continues as he has begun. He and his wife are not gone to housekeeping yet, but their house will be ready for them at Christmas. The Lord send his blessing upon them. I dare say she will prove an indus- trious woman, for she hath been brought up to it. They have a son, with which she spares no pains that a loving mother is »apable of My son and she love each other tenderly, so I have great hopes of their being happy, which is a great plea- 'vure to us. Thank God, my dear partner continues in good nealth, but dear Molly is always sickl}'. Aby is, thank God, very well. As I believe you wish to know the state of all our families here, T shall begin with my brother James. His first wife is 826 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. dead, and left four daughters and two sons. The youngest daughter, named Ann, has lived several years with my niece Mary Ann Winston, and I hope will turn out well. My brother is married again, but to who or what sort of a woman I cannot say. They live so far from us that we receive more intelligence from you than from him. My brother Peter's first wife Lizzy was one of the love- liest creatures I ever saw. God had endowed her with all the virtues of a good Christian, a good wife, and a watchful mother. She never let the least thing pass in her children that had any appearance of evil in it, and was very tender of them. She was an obliging neighbor, charitable to the poor, beloved of all them that knew her, and most dear to us. The girl she left I brought up, named Mary Ann, and to my great comfort she inherits the character of her mother, as also does her brother Peter, so that they are loved and respected of all. As to my niece, she is well provided for, she is married to a young gentleman named Isaac Winston, who hath a very good fortune, and a spotless reputation. They live very hap- pily together, and have two sons. My brother Peter's present wife is a lovely, sweet-tem- pered woman, and she, Mary Ann, and Peter have an unusual tenderness for one another ; and I believe if they were her own children, she could not show more tenderness to them. My brother hath two children by her, a boy and girl. The boy is named Moses. I hope God will spare my brother's life to raise them, as he hath the other two, who are examples of piety and wisdom, and a great comfort to their parents and to us. I wish it lay in my power to give you as pleasing a de- scription of brother Francis, but to my great grief I cannot LETTERS OF MART ANN MAURY. 327 express the dismal state of his family. As for his first wife she was, I believe, a good Christian, and very careful to instil good principles in her children ; but she was not a fit wife for this country, so by that means, and by her ignorance of coun- try business, my brother was almost ruined in his estate. She left one girl and three boys, and if it had pleased God to have taken them with her, it would have been a great bless- ing; for this woman he has married is a mighty housewife, but a cruel woman, and she has the entire dominion over her husband, so he has been induced to cast ofi" all paternal duty to his first children. His eldest son Francis that was a boy of good parts, and was in the College, he bound to a carpen- ter, and when he was sick and in necessity he had no bowels of compassion for him. They are going to bind John to a carpenter, God in his great mercy hath lately taken the youngest son, named Thomas, from under her tyranny. As for poor Molly, the negro women she brought with her are more indulgently used than she is. My brother has a boy and girl by her, and he spares no pains with the boy, who is about seven years old, who is a wonder for his age, while the others are castaways. I did my best to get the poor girl away from her, but she was too serviceable. I assure you, dear sister, it has been a great grief to me to see one I loved so well, one in his station, a shepherd to guide his flock, that he should be so inhuman to his own flesh and blood. He is grown an enemy to all our families liere, to ours especially, because I reminded him of his duty to his children, for which good will of mine we are quite rejected, as are all otbf^rs that do not like of her doings. She is his only lawgiver, a terrible exchange for that of his Maker. 328 MEMOIES OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. This is the melancholy state of his family, which I pray God in his own good time to rectify. I desire you will show this rel&,tion to my brother John. The Lord preserve us all in a due sense of our duty in our several stations, so that no sonsiderations whatsoever may induce us to offend our Maker, but that we may work out our salvation with fear and trem- bling, which is the hearty prayer of her who remains with all sincerity, dear sister, Your most loving and affectionate sister, Mary Ann Maury. Mr. Maury tells me that my brother John knows my brother Francis's wife very well, if he can remember. She is *he daughter of one Brush, who was a gunsmith to Col. Spots- wood. He used to clean the magazines and the Gover uor's arms at the same time my brother John was at the Governor's. July the 17th, 1750. Dear Brother Moses : — I cannot express the pleasure your pious and affectionate letter gave me, for by sister To- rin's letter, I expected to hear I had lost a most dear and affectionate brother. The Lord be praised, who hath so gra- ciously heard my prayers in your behalf. I may cry our with hcly David on this, as well as on many other occasionp, " What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits." I tbank you, my dear brother, for your good wishes for thr restoralion of my health : nothing is impossible to our great Creator, who hath but to will it, and I shall be whole. But why should I be so presumptuous, at the age of sixty years, a? t<. LETTERS OF MARY ANN MAURT. 329 expect a much longer continuance here? I ought rather to prepare for eternity, for I am persuaded that these light afflic- tions, which are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. I still continue in the same weakly condition ; but, thanks be to God, who ena- bles me to bear it with patience and submission. His blessed will be done, and give rae grace to make a right use of my suffering, looking beyond this corruptible to that glorious and incorruptible state of glory, which God hath reserved for them that love him, to which I hope, through the merits of my Saviour, to come, and to which happy state I pray God we may all arrive, where, of his infinite mercy, we shall enjoy each other to all eternity. Dear brother, your Christian sen- timents and exhortations are always most delightful to me. I would have writ you a longer epistle if my weakness had per- mitted me. It is a trouble to me that I cannot entertain vou as usual with the state of our families here, but Mr. Maury will inform you of it. All I can add at present is, to assure you, dear brother, that I remain, unalterably till death, Your loving and affectionate sister and servant to command, Mary Ann Maury. April the \5fh, 1752. Dear Brothers : — I have received your dear and af!"cc- fionatc letters, and am thankful to God that he hath in some measure restorc MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY, lUe the same pleasure they used to do. Though I am sin- cerely thankful for them, yet the lazy body which 1 drag about, and which is never free from pain in my best estate. nor bath been, I may truly say, for some years past, soon palls my joy, and makes me believe I have arrived at those days men- tioned by Solomon, in which I can say, I take no pleasure ex- cept in the promises of the Gospel, which I have sincerely be- lieved from my youth up until now, and in prospect of a blessed eternity, through the merits and mediation of my Blessed Re- deemer. God is now my only comfort and stay ; a comfort so powerful through his infinite goodness, that it affords me relief in my most violent agonies, and chases away all melan- choly and desponding thoughts from my heart ; a blessing I can never sufficiently thank him for. I shall now give you some account of my family. My son Moses, the oldest by my second marriage, is going in his twelfth year. My daughter Sarah is going in ten. These two can read and write, and are beginning to cipher. My daughter Elizabeth, going in seven, can spell pretty well. My son Joseph is going in six, and my last, Aaron, is about four months old. Three days ago I received an account from Peter, that his wife was delivered of a third son,named William. My daughter Winston, hath three fine boys. Peter, a month older than my Moses ; Isaac, about nine years old, apd Wil- liam, about six. Their father, Mr. Isaac Winston, is the very best of husbands, a man of strict honesty, and possessed of a very plentiful estate. With regard to my worldly estate, I am full ; I abound with every valuable blessing my heart can desire or wish for. I look upon a competency, I mean a small estate which will, with a man's indu.stry, maintain himself and family, and LETTERS OF PETEK FONTAINE. 341 set him above the necessity of submitting to the humors and vices of others, the most happy state this life affords. And as we here in Virginia may be said to be all of one trade, namely, planters, about one thousand acres of land will keep troublesome neighbors at a distance, and a few slaves to make corn and tobacco, and a few other necessaries, are sufficient. This, God hath enabled me to leave to each of my younger children, who you may perceive by what is before, are five in number. T would by no means add affliction to the afflicted, or give a(Jvice when it is too late, but had ycju taken me into your counsel when yon were deliberating about marrying my de- ceased niece to so near a relation, I should have opposed it, and advised you rather to a stranger for her, as I did in the case of my own daughter being married to James Maury, all friends here being very intent upon the match. Marriage was the first divine institution, the only one with regard to our neighbor in the state of innocence, and conse- quently the best ; joining again by the strictest ties of love and duty those who are separated in many degrees by descent from our first ancestors ; thus, though by generation we are continually falling off one from another, yet the circle meets again, and we become one flesh. You may perceive that, con- fining these alliances within our own family is straitening this circle greatly, making a circle within a circle, a state within a state, as the clans of Scotland and the west of Ire- land, which is Hdt only of pernicious consequence to the gov- ernment, but contrary to the true spirit of Christianity, which is the most diffusive of awy, and would have every man look upon himself, not as of this or of that nation, but as a citizen 342 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlStlLY. of the world. This comes too late for what is past, but maj be a caution for the future. As you desire to know something of sister Maury, I will tell you. In the first place, my brother left her the house land, and stock, household furniture, and six working slaves during her life, besides twenty pounds a year. She lives on the mansion plantation, and wants nothing this world affords except health, the greatest blessing of all ; but age brings in- firmities, and she is perfectly resigned to God's will. Her youngest sou, Abraham, lives with her, and is not yet married. As far as I can learn, James has got a parish amongst the mountains, and is concerned in the Ohio Company, who have an entry on Halifax, beginning on the other side, or properly, west side of the great mountains, upon the line between North Carolina and Virginia, of eight hundred thousand acres ot land. His wife's uncle. Colonel Walker, is the chief person in this scheme. They have it quite free for some years, and sell it to settlers at £3 the hundred acres. They have about thirty settlements upon it, if the French and their Indians have not routed them lately He has three sons, Matthew, James, and Walker, the lat- ter a mountain hero, by report, and two daughters, Ann and Mary, and his wife, a healthy young creature, who, in all prob- ability, will have half a score more. His last letter to me consists of three sheets, wrote on all sides, with a box contain- ing a piece of antediluvian mud, petrified with the perfect print of a cockle-shell upon it, taken from the top of one of the Great Mountains, and a piece of sea-coal as good as any in Whitehaven, taken out of a broken bank. They have ex- cellent limestone, and many other materials for building on the other side of the mountains, and want but salt to live LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE. SiS comfortably, which, no doubt, is in great plenty, if once discovered. Have not room to say a word or two about Brothei Frank's family and Molly Claiborne, but shall, refer you to Moses' particular letter, having no more than is necessary to assure you that I am, Your affectionate brother and servant, Peter Fontaine. ViEorOTA, \^tTi April, 1754. Dear Brother Moses: — 'Tis kind in you to send me a line, though brother John's ample letter might have satisfied a moderate appetite that way. The first thing I look at is the name at the bottom, and having found all things right, I read the rest with pleasure, more especially when yours to me are sealed with black wax. Though my brother's loss is great in being deprived of his only daughter, in the bloom of her years, yet your two pre- cious lives, and that of my sister, are of much more conse- quence towards directing and providing for the four hopeful boys under your management, who as yet are but young, and beginning to launch out into the world, an ocean full of locks and shoals ; to the inexperienced and unwary most dangerous. May God preserve your lives, that you may have the com- fort to see the youngest of them well settled in the world, and all of them in a fair way to provide for themselves. I always correspond with all the family who will be so kind as to answer my letters, and have endeavored to instil the same maxim in my son Peter, and my nephews James Maury and Frank Fontaine, and I reap no small benefit fron^ 344 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. it ; for next to being with my friends is the pleasure of hear ing from them, and knowing how matters go with them in thia inconstant and fluctuating world. I am highly pleased to find my conduct approved in this particular by those I esteem and love, and I hope by this means, when I am gone, there will not be wanting some to brighten the chain between us here and you in England, many years to come, an Indian but very significant expression, signifying to renew the affection or alliance between people of different nations, or friends, at a distance one from another. Francis Fontaine, my brother's oldest boy, lives at New Berne, in North Carolina, has three children, two boys and a girl. He and his brother John have all the business of the town, they both of them being good joiners and carpenters. John is lately married to a girl of good fortune and reputa- tion, a thing somewhat scarce in those parts, as they have no established laws and very little of the Gospel in that whole colony. I hear from them once a year, and am put to it to find conveyances to send my letters, or get any from them. They live at least 400 miles from hence, and there are very few opportunities by water, they having little trade to Vir- ginia. In every letter I exhort them to come to Halifax or Lunenburg, near to my son Peter, who hath it in his power to help them to good land, and where they may be under the protection of the laws as to property, and have their children educated in the fear of God. James Maury Fontaine is a charming youth ; he is at our college here, and makes great proficiency in his learning. He is son of my brother Francis by his second wife, who is still living. Molly Fontaine I have not heard from lately. kShe is whole sister to Frank and John above-mentioned, and I believe lives with my brother's widow, LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE. 34.*^ her motlicr-iii-l;ivv, :is yet unmarried, for what I know. Ju- dith, the youngest of all my brother Frank's children, is with her mother. Mr. Daniel Claiborne, who married my niece Molly Maury, sold his estate in King William County, and now lives near my son Peter in Lunenburg, where he has purchased a fine tract of land, and has carried with him a good number of slaves. He has had two sons, both of which he had the misfor- tune to lose, and hath now but one daughter about three years old. He is a very worthy man, and kind husband. I have not heard any thing this three years of brother James's fam- ily. They live in Northumberland Co., Virginia, and we can never hear from them. Cousin Abraham Maury has a fine tract of land in Hali- fax, to which he will probably remove after my sister's death, my brother having ordered in his will the land she now lives on should be sold then, so that in all probability our relations here will in time be near one the other. Thus have my poor gouty hands, but skin and bones, per- formed more than I expected when I began. Excuse blots and blurs. May our good and gracious God shed on you all his choicest blessings, is the hearty prayer of. dear brother, Your most afibctionatc brother and servant, Peter Fontaine. March 2d, 1756. Dear Brothers: — Tours of the 30th October, 1754, came to hand the February following, when I was very ill of the gout, which confined me to the middle of April, and 346 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT fi^IILY. took me again in September, but did not confine me so long Thus much with regard to my troublesome companion. My sister came to reside with us in the beginning of last October, but we had no long enjoyment of her company, for she departed this life the last day of December, after a five days' illness, which though very sharp, she bore with a truly Christian patience and resignation to the Divine will, spend- ing her last breath in prayers for all her relations and ac- quaintances, and in blessing me and my little family, one by one, as we stood in tears around her. The first thing she said to me when she came to my house was : " Brother I am come to die with you." Her countenance was cheerful, and I was in hopes that her words would not be so soon accomplished. During the little time she was with us, slie did me and my family much good by her pious exhortations, and she instruct- ed my little ones in commendable works they were unac- quainted with before, which she was very capable to teach them. She had, after her duty to God, taken the excellent daughter. Proverbs 3 1st chapter, the 18th verse to the end, for her pattern ; and she kept all about her employed, and would often wish she had strength to do more herself, and not be the only lazy person in the family ; and yet in that short time, besides her daily task in the Bible, four chapters and the Psalms for the day, she had read the best part of " The Persecutions of the Vaudois of Piedmont," a pretty large folio by John Liger, a minister of that country. She concluded her labors here in the sixty-sixth year of her age, and by the truly Christian manner of her death gave us great comfort, who were eye-witnesses of it. This being the last scene she acted on this troublesome stage of life, I have transmitted it to you faitlifully, and I hope we may all imitate her faith and con etancy. LETTERS OF PETER p-ONTAINE. 347 As to news, jou have a better account in the public pa pars than I can give you. Hitherto we have been shamefully defeated by the enemy not for want of men to carry on the war, but of money and proper military discipline. The French as you observe are bad neighbors, and the Indians not one jot better, neither of which any treaties can bind, so that though a peace should be concluded at home, and you should reap the benefit of it, till the floating walls are unmanned and laid up, the enemy will make use of that ces- sation of hostilities to distress us. It would be no peace for us here, for. until the English colonies can, by exerting them- selves, force the enemy to retreat from their borders, the peo- ple will be cut off piecemeal under pretence of an Indian war. The French will furnish the Indians with arms, ammunition, scalping-knives and leaders, to harass us continually ; and may it not be of evil consequence to tie up our hands by a peace just now ? Is not this delivering us over to the tyranny of fear, an imperious master more dreadful than a thousand deaths ? No doubt peace is a jewel more to be desired than any thing else this world affords, could it be expected to be a real peace ; but to put off the evil day, because you or I, who are old, may by that time be out of harm's way, and leave the conflict to our children, is not acting a generous, but a das- tardly part. The other evil you mention, our intestine enemies, our slaves, increase daily. The females are far more prolific than the white women, for, living upon a simple diet, upon bread, water, pulse, roots and herbs, seldom tasting meat of any sort, and drinking no strong drink, and being used to labor in the ground, they seldom miscarry, have strong healthy children, 348 mi:moirs of a huguenot family. liable to no distempers. When our mother country shall vouchsafe to consider us a part of herself, she may perhaps not suffer such multitudes to be brought from Africa to plea- sure a company, and overrun a dutiful colony. May God preserve you, is the hearty prayer of your affec« tionate brother and humble servant, Peter Fontaine. March the ?,Oth. 1757. Dear Brother Moses: — As I was obliged to take my consignments out of the hands of Hanbury and Farrell. it has occasioned some miscarriages and delays of our letters. Thomas Knox, Esq., in Bristol, and Robert Gary, Esq., in London, manage for me now. I am favored with yours, and brother and sister Torin's letters, dated December, 1756, and January, 1757, received the 11th March. Yours and our kind relations' prayers for me and mine, give me great com- fort, as I am persuaded they have a favorable audience at the Throne of Grace. Dear brother, the best thing we can do for one another at this distance, is to send up our petitions continually to the centre of our hope, love, filial affection and fear, where they meet in an instant, join us to our Heavenly Father, to our blessed Redeemer, and one to another. Thus we shall be disposed to turn our faces now towards our hea- venly rest, where we shall ere long meet, see one another, and by God's grace and mercy live for ever. When our thoughts take this direction the darkest scenes of life disappear, or are only noticed as small rubs (m our journey thither. Oh ! let us not be concerned at the measure or duration of afflictions sent to bring us back from our strayings. Let us not open LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE. 349 our lips ill coniplaiiitt^, but. witli Iioly David, be dumb, and be content that all our affairs should be managed by Him whom our soul loveth, and who wc are persuaded lovcth us, and who saith to the sword and to the pestilence, what he formerly said to the sea, Thus far shalt thou rage, and no farther, and there shall thy proud waves be stayed. Now, to answer your first query — whether by our breach of treaties we have not justly exasperated the bordering na- tions of Indians against us, and drawn upon ourselves the barbarous usage we meet with from them and the French ? To answer this fully would take up much time. I shall only hint at some things which we ought to have done, and which we did not do at our first settlement amongst them, and which we might have learnt long since from the practice of our enemies the French. I am persuaded we were not de- ficient in the observation of treaties, but as we got the land by concession, and not by conquest, we ought to have inter- married with them, which would have incorporated us with them effectually, and made of them stanch friends, and, which is of still more consequence, made many of them good Christians ; but this our wise politicians at home put an effec- tual stop to at the beginning of our settlement here, for when they heard that Rolfe had married Pocahontas, it was delib- erated in Council, whether he had not committed high trca- son by so doing, that is, marrying an Indian Princess; and liail not some troubles intervened which put a stop to the in- (juiry, the poor man might have been hanged up for doing the most just, the most natural, the most generous and politic ac- tion that ever was done this side of the water. This put an effectual stop to all intermarriages afterwards Our Indian traders have indeed their S(junws alias whores, at the Indian 350 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. towns where they trade, but leave their offspring like bulls or boars to be provided for at random by their mothers. As might be expected, some of these bastards have been the lead- ing men or war-captains that have done us so much mischief. This ill-treatment was sufficient to create jealousy in the natural man's breast, and made the Indians look upon us as false and deceitful friends, and cause all our endeavors to con- vert them to be ineffectual. But here methinks I can hear you observe, What ! Englishmen intermarry with Indians? But I can convince you that they are guilty of much more heinous practices, more unjustifiable in the sight of God and man (if that, indeed, may be called a bad practice), for many base wretches amongst us take up with negro women,, by which means the country swarms with mulatto bastards, jknd these mulattoes, if but three generations removed from/ the black father or mother, may, by the indulgence of the laws of the country, intermarry with the white people, and actually do every day so marry. Now, if, instead of this abominable practice which hath polluted the blood of many amongst us, we had taken Indian wives in the first place, it would have made them some compensation for their lands. They are a free people, and the offspring would not be born in a state of slavery. We should become rightful heirs to their lands, and should not have smutted our blood, for the Indian children when born are as white as Spaniards or Portuguese, and were it not for the practice of going naked in the summer and be- smearing themselves with bears' grease, &c., they would con- tinue white ; and had we thought fit to make them our wives, they would readily have complied with our fashion of wear- ing clothes all the year round ; and by doing justice to these poor benighted heathen, we should have introduced Chris- LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE. 351 tianity amongst them. Your own reflections upon these hints will b© a sufficient answer to your first query. I shall only add that General Johnson's success was owing, under God, to his fidelity to the Indians, and his generous conduct to his Indian wife, by whom he hath several hopeful sons, who are all war-captains, the bulwarks with him of the five nations, and loyal subjects to their mother country. As to your second query, if enslaving our fellow creatures be a practice agreeable to Christianity, it is answered in a great measure in many treatises at home, to which I refer you. I shall only mention something of our present state here. Like Adam we are all apt to shift off the blame from our- selves and lay it upon others, how justly in our case you may judge. The negroes are enslaved by the negroes themselves before they are purchased by the masters of the ships who bring them here. It is to be sure at our choice whether we buy them or not, so this then is our crime, folly, or whatever you will please to call it. But. our Assembly, foreseeing the ill consequences of importing such numbers amongst us, hath often attempted to lay a duty upon them which would amount to a prohibition, such as ten or twenty pounds a head, but no Governor dare pass such a law. having instructions to the con- trary from the Board of Trade at home. By this means they are forced upon us, whether wc will or will not. This plainly shows the African Company hath the advantage of the colo- nies, and may do as it pleases with the Ministry. Indeed, since we have been exhausted of our little stock of cash by the war, the importation has stopped ; our poverty then is our best security. There is no more picking for their ravenous jaws upon bare bones, but should we begin to thrive 352 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLT they will be at the same again. All our taxes are now laid upon slaves and on shippers of tobacco, which they wink at while we are in danger of being torn from them, but we durst not do it in time of peace, it being looked upon as the highest presumption to lay any burden upon trade. This is our part of the grievance, but to live in Virginia without slaves is morally impossible. Before our troubles, you could not hire a servant or slave for love or money, so that unless robust enough to cut wood, to go to mill, to work at the hoe, &c., you must starve, or board in some family where they both fleece and half starve you. There is no set price upon corn, wheat and provisions, so they take advantage of the necessities of strangers, who are thus obliged to purchase some slaves and land. This of course draws us all into the original sin and curse of the country of purchasing slaves, and this is the reason we have no merchants, traders or artificers of any sort but what become planters in a short time. A common laborer, white or black, if you can be so much favored as to hire one, is a shilling sterling or fifteen pence currency per day ; a bungling carpenter two shillings or two shillings and sixpence per day ; besides diet and lodging. That is, for a lazy fellow to get wood and water, £19, IG. 3, current per annum : add to this seven or eight pounds more and you have a slave for life. My last to you was in March, 1756. The 9th of April following I had a son born whose name is Abraham, a fine child, praised be God, the biggest I ever had ; he has eight teeth. I have had a severe fit of the gout this winter, and am just able to write. We hear the Brest fleet is out, and Louis the 15th dead. \ LETTEKS OF PETEK FONTAINE. 35S If tli€y come to Virginia we must take to the woods and fight behind the trees. We have no other fortification but the Lord of Hosts, if he be on our side we shall give them a great deal of trouble. May he be your protection and ours, is the daily and sincere prayer of, dear brother, Your affectionate, humble servant, Peter Fontaine. Aprils 1757. Dear Sister Torin : — I did not desire in any measure to occasion affliction by giving you an account of our dear sis- ter's Christian death, but rather comfort, and such I hope it hath been to you. I am sorry to hear your indisposition prevails, as you are but young in comparison of me, and how often hath my dis- temper brought me to the gates of the grave, and yet have I lived to see these troublesome times, and for what end God only knows, unless it be to bring up these dear little ones, which he hath bestowed on me, in his fear and love, which I strive to do both by my daily prayers and endeavors. All our infirmities are a warning to us, as you rightly ob- serve, to prepare for our end, to set our faces, our hearts and affections towards that heavenly country, where we may hope, through the mercy of the Lord Jesus, to meet our friends and relations who are gone before us. In the mean time we ought to wait in patience for our release from these bodies, and cheerfully bear their burdens, not knowing what further ser- vice may be in the designs of God's providence for us yet to perform. This, dear sister, will keep us cheerful in the midst of trouble, and lessen tlie pains of our pilgrimage here. 354 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. May God take you in his most gracious care, may he be your comforter, your joy and your hope, is the hearty prayer of, dear sister, Your affectionate brother and servant, Peter Fontaine. This is the last letter of the Rev. Peter Fontaine, which has fallen into our hands. He died in the month of July of the same year. Extracts from his last Will. In the name of God, Amen. I, Peter Fontaine, of the Coun- ty of Charles City, Parish of Westover. being infirm of body, but of sound mind and memory, knowing it is ordained for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. First, I commend my immortal soul into the hands of my Creator, to be disposed of according to the determination of his unerring wisdom, humbly hoping through the merits of my only Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, that it will obtain fa- vor in his sight, and the pardon of all my known transgres- sions. As to my body, I commit it to the earth, whence it was taken ; there to be purged of all rags of corruption through the blood of my merciful Redeemer, firmly believing it will be raised again to eternal life, summoned by the awful trump of doom, and be joined to my soul and live with it for ever. #••#*# My will and desire is that I may have no public funeral, but that my corpse may be accompanied to the ground by a J LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE. 355 few of my nearest neighbors, that no liquors be given to make any of the company drunk ; many instances of which I have seen, to the great scandal of the Christian religion, and abuse of so solemn an ordinance. # « * • I desire none of my family to go in mot: ming for me. / LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE, JlIN OF R()C;K castle, HANOVER county. VIRGINIA. LuNENBUKO, ViKGiNiA, 9^/i July^ 1752. Dear Sir : — T got not long since, your kind letter, by the hand of my father, bearing date 2d January. 1752, and take this opportunity of returning you my thanks for the many ex- pressions of kindness it contains. We are all (God be praised) well, not only my family, but all our relations that I have lately heard from, except my good aunt Maury, who I hear has been very like to die, and is yet in a very low condition. The kind curiosity you seem to have to know where I live, has put me upon sending you a sketch of that part of our country where I now reside, which I thought might be some entertainment to you, as you in your rambles with Colonel Spotswood, travelled over a good deal of the southern part of Virginia. I find you have fdriiied a very good judgment of the situa- tion of these parts, for Jjuiieiiburg. as you imagine, joins (as you see by the plan) Carolina, though not so far now as it did before Halifax county, now on the head of it, was cut off from it by a late Act of Assembly. You judge very rightly that Me- 358 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUJ:XoT FAMILY. herrin River is in Lunenburg county. We live so high up Nottoway River that we have not any fish, as you imagine, but, thank God, a healthy air, fruitful soil, and good fresh range for stocks. I fancy you did not travel far enough southward to get acquainted with Roanoke River, which is a much finer stream than either Meherrin or Nottoway, and vastly larger, before it divides itself into two streams, called Stanton and Dan, near three hundred yards over, and either of the just mentioned branches of it are at least two hundred and thirty. My district for surveying lies, i. e. the chief of it, in Hali- fax county, in the Fork of the river Roanoke, so that I now live out of my county, and by means of the indulgence granted me, of having assistants, I do not go at all in the woods, which indeed my weakly constitution is not fit for ; yet, thank God, I have my health very well, when I am not obliged to undergo fatigue. Though my living a hundred and twenty miles from Williamsburg, forces me frequently to take very tedious rides, being sometimes called down in the heat of summer. But certainly, if any man in the world has reason to be thankful to the Great Giver of all blessings, I, who in a troublesome employment, am indulged to live at home at ease, ought to be all gratitude, and instead of murmuring at the trifling fatigues I undergo, should be thankful that I can reap a comfortable harvest without putting my hand to the plough. You see, dear sir, that the regard you are so kind as to express for me, has made me so fond of myself, and so vain, aa to trouble you with almost half a sheet full of my own history, and to imagine all the while that I am entertaining you agree- ably. LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE, JUN. 359 My family is increased by the birth of a son, now two mouths old, whom we have named Peter. My wife joins me in tenders of hearty and unfeigned respect to you, my aunt, and all your good family. I have no more to add, but to beg on your part a continuance of the correspondence, which affords me so much real comfort, and to assure you that I am with my daily prayers for the health and welfare of you, and all our dear friends on your side the ocean, Your very affectionate nephew and humble servant, Peter Fontaine, Jun. To Mr. John Fontaine. Ltjnbnbtjeg, Virginia, 7«A June^ 1754. Dear Sir : — Your exceedingly kind letter of 30th No- vember, 1753, is before me, and I am seated to return you my hearty thanks for that favor, and in a very talkative hu- mor to perform my part in the only kind of conversation which the great distance between us will admit of. Your kind acceptance of my little performance inclosed in my uncle John's letter for his and your perusal, has more than paid me for the trouble it cost me, and might induce me to make a draught of the country for your and his satisfaction, had I proper helps to assist me in those parts of it that I am less acquainted with than this, which the nature of my busi- ness in it has given me a tolerable knowledge of. Your kind promise of embracing all opportunities of keep- ing up an epistolary correspondence with me, gives me the greatest pleasure, and renders the business I am now about a most agreeable one : as I have leave to expect that each epis- tle of mine will be rewarded with at least a few lines from 360 JVIEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. you, the perusal of which affords me real satisfaction on many accounts, but on none more than the truly Christian disposi- tion and open sincerity I conceive to be lodged in the heart that dictates them. The indulgence that it has pleased God I have, by the favor of those who have the legislative power in their hands, enjoyed, has been of great service to my constitution. I pray God to enable me to express my gratitude, not with lips only, but a well spent life and Christian conversation. I have formed to myself a very agreeable idea of the situ- ation of your present residence, as I imagine you live much retired ; and being out of business, have great leisure for study and contemplation, to which I doubt not is added the pleasure of fine prospects, fertile soil, good gardens, and healthy air. My father, whom I am preparing to visit on my way to Williamsburg (our metropolis), informs me by a letter I have received from him, that he has this past winter had a most severe fit of the gout, which affected his breast much and his head a little, symptoms that I fear forebode sorrows to those who can never part with him without regret ; but, I thank God, he speaks of it as of a journey he shall undertake with joy, a circumstance which, I doubt not, will administer com- fort to him and all his friends in time of need. My wife assures you of her most hearty respect. l*ray, my dear uncle, continue that good office of mentioning me and mine in your prayers to the throne of grace, and be persuaded that my poor petitions are frequently put up for blessings on you and all our dear friends on your side, and that I am, dear sir, your dutiful nephew, and Very affectionate, humble servant, Peter Fontaine, Jun. LETTERS OF I'KTKK KONTAINK, JUN. 361 To Mr. Mosks Fontaine : — Since the within, Colonel Washington, the commander of our three or four hundred men from Virginia, has, with a party of about forty men and some auxiliary Indians, by the intelligence of an Irish deserter, met with a party of about thirty-six French, who were in ambush in the woods waiting for him. Each party fired, and it has pleased God that we have killed or taken them all. There were thirteen killed and the rest taken. We lost only one man, and two wounded. The French seem to have a great mixture of Indian blood, and are sturdy fellows. The place in dispute is on the Ohio river, about two hundred miles back of our nearest mountains. P. F. LTiNE>rBURo, Virginia, Ith Jume^ 1754. Dear Sir : — I return you hearty thanks for your very kind and most agreeable letter of the 30th Nov. 1753, and particularly acknowledge the favor of your having wrote me a longer epistle than I have ever yet received from your side of the water ; for, I can with sincerity assure you, that my hav- ing more to read at once than T can at once remember, yields me great pleasure, as it sets me to reading again and again your kind letter, wherein I am in hopes, even to the tenth perusal, of finding something now, and never fail of meeting something very entertaining. The encomiums your kindness has dictated on account of my little draught are, I am very sensible, more than it deserved, though I am very glad it has yielded you any satis- faction, as it has thereby fully answered its end. I heartily condole with you upon tlic loss of my dear cou- sin, I believe, your only daughter. May God Almighty com- 16 362 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. fort you and your family, and him who cannot be less in want of it, my poor cousin, James Fontaine. I congratulate you on your new purchase, by which, if I understand the matter rightly, you have turned your money to greater advantage than 4 per cent., and hope you will re- pair the loss sustained by the reduction on the interest pre- scribed by the Parliament while your money was in the Bank. I conclude that you lead a very happy life in your present country-seat, but must beg you will excuse me when I desire you will be so kind in your next as to let me know how the name of your castle is pronounced, for I observe it is spelt CWM, which, for want of vowels, I do not know how to pro- nounce, and which is, I fancy, the case in many Welsh words. My present settlement does not answer the opinion you have conceived of it, being very little improved by art ; for, as the only inducement I have hitherto had for residing at it is, its being the nearest tolerable neighborhood, I could find and purchase, to my business in Halifax, I have always been cautious of expending any thing considerable on it, being de- termined (God willing) to leave it when my business shall en- able me to live in Hanover, a much more sociable part of the country, where I have upwards of five hundred acres of land very pleasantly situated, with good house and all other neces- saries ; though I am not so fond of my scheme but that I may perhaps sell my possessions below, and with the money pur- chase a larger quantity of land in these parts, since the in- crease of our family with which it has pleased God to bless me (having, thank God, three fine boys, John, Peter and Wil liam), may make it more expedient to spend our days near the frontier. However, I do not form, T hope I never shall form any other resolution than to endeavor to be contented in I.KTIKKS OF PETER FONTAINE, JUN. 303 whatsoever station or situation it shall please God to place me, always striving for what appears the best. Our neighborhood was, about eighteen months ago, ren- dered much more agreeable to us by the coming of Mr. Daniel Claiborne and his wife, my cousin, formerly Molly Maury, to reside about three quarters of a mile from us. They are both well, as is their daughter Molly, their only child. We live very happily together. My aunt Maury is, I understand, somewhat better in health than usual, though but crazy. She lives where my uncle lived. Aby Maury is the only child she has with her. He acts the part of a dutiful son and a worthy young man. He carries on the business of a merchant. My cousin, the Rev. James Maury, has removed from King William, and lives in Louisa County, in the upper par- ish ; he is much beloved by his parishioners, and has a pretty income. My sister, Mary Ann Winston, with her husband and three sons, Peter, Isaac and William, are well. Mr. Isaac Winston, her husband, is a wealthy planter, and what is much better, a tender husband and a good Christian. The last time I heard from my cousins, Francis and John Fontaine, who carry on the carpenter's trade in New Berne, a town in North Carolina, they were well and in a thriving way. Francis is married. They live about one hundred and fifty miles from me. I need not tell you, that my cousins last mentioned are f>ons of my late uncle Francis. My aunt, his relict, lives in York County ; her oldest son James, a fine, promising youth about fourteen years old, goes to the college. She has also a daughter with her There is a kind of coolness 'S(j-i: MIOIUIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. towards her — I mean my aunt — in most of our family, on aC' count of her treatment of my uncle's first children. Ann Fontaine, sister to my cousin James, your son-in-law, lives with my sister Winston, who brought her up. She is a virtuous, good girl, and reaps the benefit of it even temporally, as my brother Winston has given her a little beginning, in case she should marry and leave him, and provides for her handsomely, as I dare say he will continue to do while she stays with him. I have not in a great while heard any thing of the rest of the family my uncle James left behind him. They live in the Northern Neck, 170 or 180 miles from me. My father has by his last wife, my mother-in-law, five children, three boys and two girls, the oldest about twelve years old. He has made use of my opportunities as a sur- veyor to procure lands for them in Halifax County, where he has procured five tracts of land, amounting to about six thou- sand acres, which he designs, with near or about twenty slaves, to divide amongst them at his death. And here I cannot help expressing my concern at the na- ture of our Virginia estates, so far as they consist in slaves. I suppose we have, young and old, one hundred and fifty thou- sand of them in the country, a number, at least, equal to the whites. It is a hard task to do our duty towards them as we ought, for we run the hazard of temporal ruin if they are not compelled to work hard on the one hand — and on the other, that of not being able to render a good account of our stew- ardship in the other and better world, if we oppress and tyran- nize over them. Besides, according to our present method, which every body appears afraid to go out of, it seems quite necessary to lay most stress on that stinking, and, in itself, useless weed, tobacco, as our staple commodity, which is the LETfERS OF PETER FONTAINE, JUN. 365 reason that all other more useful trades and occupations are neglected, or professed by such as are not above half (j[ualified for them ; and every Virginia tradesman must be at least half a planter, and of course not to be depended upon as a trades- man. I cannot help adding a piece of domestic news, which is, that the French on the back of us are disputing our title to the Mississippi lands, have built a fort to annoy our settle- ments, and have drove off about seventy families of my coun- trymen. The Assembly has enacted the levying of £10,000 currency to enable them to oppose the enemy. We expect every day to hear that about fifteen hundred men, levied in these colonies, have either settled on Mississippi and built a fort to countermine that of the French, or that they have, if opposed, engaged them. May God restore peace to our infant colony ! I have but just room to add, that I beg you will ex- cuse my writing in this manner on the back of my uncle Moses's letter, which I do under a notion of saving you post- age, and that my wife joins in tenders of sincere respect to you and all your dear family. That you and yours may long enjoy here all temporal blessings, and in the regions of bliss everlasting happiness, is the fervent prayer of, my dear uncle. Your obliged and dutiful nephew, And very affectionate, humble servant. To Mr. John Fontaine. Peter Fontaine, Jun. Charles City Coxjnty, Vieginia, June lU^, 1757. Dear Sir : — I have now an opportunity of returning you my hearty thanks for your kind mention of me and mine in yours of 8th Jan. 1757, to my fiither. and fulfilling your re 366 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. quest so grateful to me. Impute not my silence to a want of due regard to you, or an indifference in keeping up a corre- spondence with you. I have, since my last to you, removed forty miles further southward than I then lived, which renders my writing to you more difficult than formerly. But as the motive that carried me thither, i. e., the keeping my place, which is become, on account of our present troubles, of little value, has no longer any weight in it, I have {Deo volente) de- termined (unless the times shortly change for the better, which, from the appearance of things we have but little, and from our own deserts no reason at all to hope) shortly to re- move to my little seat in Hanover, where I propose to employ my small abilities in the education of my three boys, which I shall have the more leisure to attend to after having quitted every kind of public business, and the many avocations which are now a bar to such an employment ; though I fear our dis- tresses, unless it please God to put a speedy stop to them, may prove an interruption to every occupation in every part of this poor infant colony. We are here so utterly unacquainted with military matters, that we all, from the legislator to the meanest handicraftsman, are at a stand. All the measures we have fallen upon seem ineffectual, and answer no other end than to plunge us in debt, insomuch that the credit of the country is almost sunk ; and from the inexperience of the managers, our expeditions have proved not only abortive, but disgraceful. The miscarriages in all our enterprises have ren- dered us a reproach, and to the last degree contemptible in the eyes of our savage Indian, and much more inhuman French enemies. Tho.se of the Indians that call themselves our friends de- spise us, and in their march through our inhabited country, / LETTKRS OF PETER FONTAINE. JUN. 367 when going to oui assistance, insult and annoy us. It is not above a month ago since a party of about a hundred and twenty Cherokees, in passing through Lunenburg, insulted people of all ranks. About three weeks ago the Cattawbos behaved so ill in Williamsburg, that those in power were obliged to arm the militia, and the matter was near coming to extremities. About fourteen days ago the same Cattawbos murdered a poor woman in Bartie County, in North Carolina, whom they met alone in the road. It is said that for this last misdemeanor they are like to smart severely, as it is reported that four hundred men in arms are in pursuit of them (and they do not exceed one hundred), and are determined to avenge her death. There is some hope that our affairs are better managed under the Earl of Loudon than formerly they were, as mat- ters are conducted with great secrecy ; and it is presumed he has a good army. The County of Halifax, in the mean time, is threatened by our Indian enemies, and the people in the upper part of that county, which by the late encroachments of our enemies is become a frontier, are in great consternation, and all public business at a stand. The poor farmers and planters have dreadful apprehensions of falling into the hands of the savage, as indeed, considering the treatment those have had who have had the misfortune to be surprised by them, they have good reason. We have among us two or three who have made their escape from the Shawnees (a tribe of Indians that live on the Ohio, to the westward of Halifax County) ; the Indians sus- pected that one of them, whose wife and children they had most inhumanly murdered, would attempt to escape, to pre 368 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. vent, which they cut deep gashes in his heels, and as soon as the man was like to get well, and be in order to travel again, they cut other gashes across the former, and by that means, 5ind at some other times searing his feet with hot irons, they kept him a continual cripple. The man, however, being of an enterprising spirit, contrived, by means of a piece of lighted punk thrust into a barrel of gunpowder, to blow up a fine French store in their town, for which, being after some time discovered by the treachery of a fellow-prisoner, he was to have been burnt alive by piecemeal, had he not very provi- dentially made his escape. He gives most dreadful shocking accounts of their treatment of our people, but more especially of the poor women, upon whom they exercise all kinds of tor- ture and brutality. In short, such cruelties do they practise upon every one that falls into their hands, that all had rather perish than be taken alive. I dare say I have by this time tired you with the relation of our sufferings, and the bloody triumphs of our enemies, which, though not perhaps as to the flainute particulars I have mentioned, you are no doubt in the general well informed of from our public prints. My family was, three days ago, when I left home, in good health, as was also Mr. (Claiborne and my cousin, Aby Maury, who is his father's likeness both in person and all good quali- ties. I also saw a letter from my cousin, the Rev. James Maury, the other day, by which I see he and his also enjoy the same blessing. I beg, my dear uncle, you will be so kind as to feast me with a letter by the first opportunity, and that you will in the mean time, think of me and mine in your approaches to the throne of grace, and be assured that I am with the most pro- tbilnd respect, the most sincere aflfection, and daily prayers for LETTERS OF PETEK FONTAINE, JUN. 369 your well-being here, and everlasting happiness in that never- ending state of bliss, where I hope and trust we shall all, through the merits of the Redeemer, have a joyful meeting. My dear uncle, your dutiful nephew and most Affectionate liumble servant, Peter Fontaine, Jud. This letter I believe to have been addressed to Moses Fontaine, it was without address, but endorsed in the hand- writing of Moses Fontaine. Received 23d September, 1757. answered 21st February, 1758. KooK Oastlk, Hanovek, ViRorNiA, June 9, 1760. Dear Sir : — It is so long since I have had the pleasure to receive a letter from you, that I am afraid something has happened on your part to prevent it, and yet I acknowledge you have seeming reason to doubt, to suspect my sincerity, when I tell you so, as I have been so long, so very long silent myself. But I am persuaded that you will make all possible allowance for a person who has had so much business on his hands, as I have had since I last wrote to you. The death of my dear father ; the business of his whole concerns falling into my hands, my own removal from Halifax and settling in Hanover, the late dismal prospect of our public affairs, with the almost continual sickliness of my own family, and the death of two dear children, and last of all, my having discon- tinued to ship tobacco home, which used to act as the monitor as well as offer opportunities of writing to you and my other friends on your side ; these, dear sir, have been the principaJ impediments in my way. 16* 370 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. As I have always understood that you are settled in South Wales, near my uncle John, I shall refer you to mine to him, for a particular account of my mother ; I hope, please God^ all may end well at last. Our public affairs have, through the merciful and almost miraculous interposition of kind Providence, taken quite another turn of late, and were it not that the Cherokee In- dians have most perfidiously broken their treaty of peace, and fallen upon our frontiers, we should enjoy the sweets of peace again. But they have done considerable mischief in North Carolina on our borders, and some in our own Province ; several families, that had since the former troubles returned to their settlements on the frontiers, are again frightened and have left them — so that the county I lived in (Halifax), is as much confused, and as unfit, of course, for my business as when I left it. Our colonies are raising men to go against them. May the Lord of Hosts, the only giver of all victory, prosper the enterprise. I, for my part, had, for the last two j'ears I lived in Hali- fax, very little to do as a surveyor, nor should I, if I had con- tinued till now. I there lived on rented land, at a smart ex- pense, had houses, etc., here, suffering for want of me, and above all, had a longing desire to retire and live in private, where I might attend to the education of my boys, and had hopes that I could be, through the grace of God, thankfully contented with that competency with which his bounty had blessed me ; nor have I as yet, thank God, found myself in the least disappointed. I was always persuaded that a middle station was the happiest, in which condition it has pleased God in mercy to place me, with thousands of blessings — even LETTERS OF PETEB FONTAINE, JUN. 371 in the midst of his chastisements — on my head, the least of which is more than I deserve. As to perfect happiness, it is not, it ought not to be looked for in a valley of tears, or in a state of trial. Our good God has, in mercy, denied it to every station of life, lest we should anchor here, and not long for that better life, where tears and pain and want are strangers, and where friends are never parted. May the merits of our gracious Redeemer purchase for us all an inheritance, an estate for life eternal, in those happy mansions. My wife and family join me in tenders of sincere regard and affection to you and all on your side the ocean. May temporal and eternal blessings attend you all. I am, dear sir, Your affectionate nephew and humble servant, Peter Fontaine. To Mr. Moses Fontaine. To Messrs. Moses and John Fontaine and Mr. Daniel Torin. Forks of Pamtohket River, Haxover Co., Va., 7 Aug. 1763. My Dear Uncles : — I take this opportunity by Mr. Harden Burnley, who is going home, to inquire after you all. It is some considerable time since I had the pleasure of receiving a letter from you. I hope, please God, nothing baa happened to interrupt that agreeable correspondence which has yielded me so much pleasure. There has not any great alteration happened in the state of any of our relations' families here. I believe cousin Ann Fontaine, sister to cousin James (with you), was married when I wrote last to Mr. Thomas Owen, She has two children. 372 MKMUIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. But our public affairs are in a very bad situation at present, as all the Indians on the continent, i. e between us and the Mississippi and St. Lawrence Rivers, have entered into a combination against us, resolved it seems to prevent our settling any farther than we have, viz., much about the main Blue Ridge of mountains ; and in consequence of this resolution, they have, according to their manner, declared war against all our colonies, that is to say, all, or most of the tribes on our backs, divided themselves into proper parties, and fell upon our poor scattered unprepared frontier settle- ments, and have cut the throats of many of the inhabitants, whilst they were quite unaware that any mischief was intend- ed them, and have carried a great number of women and chil- dren, as well as some men, and (for the first time too) a good many negroes, into captivity ; indeed, 'tis said they have broke us more frontiers, come lower down to do us mischief, and killed as many people as in the last war. I hope, my dear friends, you do not disapprove my man- ner of writing to you all together, as I direct for my uncle Torin. who after perusal, will be so kind as forward the letter to Wales. My family, I thank God, is at present in health. My youngest child is James, who I believe was born before I wrote last. I long much to hear from you. I am in a more particular manner anxious to know how my dear aunt Torin and uncle Moses are, as I look upon them to be the greatest invalids, and of most crazy constitutions. We all join in tenders of sincere respect and affection. I am, my dear uncles, your most affectionate kinsman, Peter Fontaine. LKTTEKS OF I'KTKR FONTAINK, JUN. 373 The following memorandum endorsed upon the letter, in Mrs. Torin's handwriting. I find he has not received mine, of 30th July, 1762 though it went by Mr. Sumpter, a friend of his, who went back with the Indian Kings It may be interesting tc remark, that the James Fontaine, spoken of as an infant in the foregoing letter, in after life held a commission as Major of a volunteer regiment of cavalry from Kentucky, which composed part of the force which was sent against the Indians on our western frontier, after the close of the Revolutionary War. Owing to some indiscretion of the commanding officer, his regiment was surrounded by the Indians. Major Fontaine proposed to the troops to cut their way through them. There were but few who joined in this heroic attempt, which would probably have saved the greater part of the regiment, had the movement been executed by all, with the resolution which marked the brave few. Major Fontaine succeeded, but died almost immediately, from the numerous wounds he received. To Mr. John Fontaine. Rook Castle, Hanover Co., Va., July 8, 1765. Dear Sir: — Your very kind letter of 20th June, 1764, I just now received, for which, as for a most agreeable cordiai, I return you my sincere thanks Your memento, my dear uncle, that you are now seventy- one years old, and that you are providing a substitute to act that kind part which you now fill yourself, after you shall leave the stage, thougli kind and reasonable, has yet raised in me that sorrow which is natural, at the thought of parting 374 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. with a beloved friend. But it is a memoraudum that I think we ought always to carry about us, that friends, the best ot our worldly enjoyments, are liable to be taken from us every moment, or if not, we ourselves must some time or other be taken from them ; so that we ought to stand always prepared for the painful divorce, and not set our aflfections on the good things of this world, which are only intended by our good God as comforts and refreshments in our pilgrimage upon thv. journey to that other world, which is our proper home. May God grant, my dfar uncle, that all of us may so run this short race, as that we may reap those joys which have no bit terness, and no bounds, in that everlasting world, to which you, that are seventy odd, and I that am forty odd, are equally hastening, and in which you only have a little the start; where I hope we shall not only be better acquainted with each other, know personally, and converse by word of mouth, and have no dangerous ocean of three thousand miles between us. But the very essence of all joy will be, that we shall know the Great Father of all our blessings and enjoyments, whom to know is eternal life. As to public affairs here, we seem to have room to flatter ourselves that our cruel enemies the Indians, are, from some motive, more peaceably disposed towards us than formerly. **nd yet things wear but a gloomy aspect, for the country is 80 excessively poor, that even the industrious, frugal man can scarcely live, and the least slip in economy would be fatal. There is no money but the small remains of our paper cur- rency, which is almost all returned to and burnt in the Treasury ; and in the midst of this our poverty, our mo- ther country, which seems to have contracted a dislike to some of our proceedings, is laying a tax (the forerunner we fear of LETTERS OF PETER FONTAIKE, JDN, 375 others) upon us, which it appears impossible to pay, as I learn it is to be collected in silver, of which there is almost none in the colony ; so that peace, the ardent wish of the poor wretch who is involved in war, seems to threaten us with as great, if not greater evils, than even the war itself. But I am not a politician, and the subject is disagreeable ; therefore I will drop it, and in spite of alarming appearances, I will trust in Providence to send us better times, and to work a kinder dis- position in our mother country towards us. I saw my cousin, Mr. Abraham Maury, and his family, and Mr. Daniel Claiborne and his family, this spring, who were all well. I have also lately seen Mr. Isaac Winston and his family. They are well, except my sister, who is in but a low state of health. My poor mother-in-law is now with Mr. William Mills, who married Elizabeth, her second daughter. Sally, the old- est, lives with us, unmarried. Moses, the oldest son, is in bu- siness in Charles City County. Joseph I have bound to a cabinet-maker, and he is like to do well. Aaron lives with Mr. Isaac Winston, and Aby, the youngest, is with his mother. The Rev. James Maury I saw not long ago. and believe he and his family are well. My cousin Mary, oldest daughter of my uncle Francis, is so unhappy as to have married an extravagant, careless man, who is quite unable to maintain her ; and she now lives in the capacity of housekeeper, with a very worthy clergyman in North Carolina. I willingly embrace your kind proposal of commencing an epistolary correspondence with your son, my cousin James Fontaine, but not as your substitute, for I trust in God (pro 376 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. vided it be for your good to continue here) that I shall have the pleasure of receiving many kind letters yet, from the good friend of seventy odd, if not of eighty odd. With hearty thanks for your kindness in favoring me thus far with your correspondence, and sincere prayers for your temporal and eternal welfare, I am, dear sir, your very dutiful and affectionate nephew, Peter Fontaine. To Mr. Moses Fontaine. Dear Sir: — Your kind favor of 20th June, 1764. now lies before me ; and most sincerely am I obliged by the kind promise you make of continuing to give me this proof of your affection. When your annual letter arrives, it yields me much more substantial pleasure than is felt at the feastings on the return of a birth-day. The meltings of heart that I expe- rience when I read your pious letters, leave impressions on my mind that are of real advantage to me. I am persuaded there is a kind of instinct in souls ; for though I never saw with my bodily eyes either you or my dear uncle John, yet I am better acquainted with nobody. I indulge myself in form- ing ideas of you in my mind ; and sometimes in an agreeable reverie, enjoy a kind of ideal conversation with you. I seem quite intimate with you both, and so closely united in fami- liar friendship, that nine-tenths of those I am personally ac- (^ainted with, are incapable of affording me half the satisfac- tion, in repeated interviews, that I reap from only poring over one of your letters once a year. As to articles of intelligence, I have forestalled myself in my letter to my uncle John, to which I have only to add, LETTERS OF PETER FONTAINE, JUN. 377 that my family of children now consists of three sons, John, William, and James, and three daughters, Sarah, Mary Anne, and Judith, who with my wife, are, thank God, welh To avoid repetition, I refer you to the letter aforesaid. In- deed, I have learned to consider you and my uncle John, al- most as one person, for I find you so united in your letters, your habitation in Wales, and in another warm habitation you have in my heart, that whatever I write to the one, al- ways anticipates my thoughts to the other : I therefore con- clude with hearty wishes for your health and happiness here and hereafter. I am, dear sir, your dutiful and affectionate nephew, Peter Fontaine. LETTERS OF THE REV. JAMES MAURY.' » • • Fredkrioksville Parish, Louisa County, Ai(g. 9th, 1755. Dear Sir : — I am always tardy. Your kind and agree able letter of October last, now before me, ought to have been answered by my friend Knox's ship, from Pamunkey, which sailed some time in June, and should have been so, had the map come to hand in time, which it was necessary to have my hand upon, in order to answer some parts of it, I am sorry the engraver had not the most accurate copy. He has copied from that which was transmitted to the Board of Trade and Plantations, who, it seems, wrote so expressly for it, that the government thought proper to send them one be- fore it had received the finishing touch ; since that, the fuller draughts have been sent over sea by the compilers, as presents, one to the late pious Bishop of Man, Dr. Wilson, the other to a clergyman in Bristol. However, sir, incomplete as it is, you may form a tolerable guess, where each of our families is situated, by the directions which I am about to give you, whence you will also discover how the American branches of the Fontaine family are dispersed, and how seldom, of conse- quence, they can have the satisfaction of seeing one another, * Son of Mary Ann Fontaine, who married Matthew Maury. He was ordained in London, in the year 1742. LETTERS OF .TAMILS MAUKY. ^(H chough residents in the same colony. But it is some comfor* that a time is coming, when we hope for a happy meeting with all who are dear to us, in a happier state, however separated at present by extensive tracts of land and sea. But, to the map. My uncle Peter's habitation is in Charles City County, about two miles to the northward of James River, pretty near midway between Weyuoke and Swineyards. Mr. Isaac Winston, who married his daughter, resides in Henrico, on the south side of Chickahominy, about six miles from the meadow bridges. My cousin Peter, with a view of reaping the full benefit of his place, has lately removed into a new county, called Halifax, between Stanton and Dan, the two main branches of Roanoke River, and lives close upon the southern bank of the former, some few miles above the mouth of Difficult, as near as I can guess about seven ; for, as it is several years since I was 5n the spot, and only once, I am not perfect in the geo- graphy of that part of the country. My brother Claiborne has seated himself among the Forks of Nottoway, in Lunenburg. My mother lives among the head springs of Jack's creek, which empties into Pamunkey, on the north side. As to myself. I am planted about two miles to the north- east of Walker's under the South West Mountains in Louisa, close by one of the head springs of the main northern branch of Pamunkey, which runs through my grounds — a very whole- some, fertile, and pleasant situation, where, I thank God. I enjoy more blessings and comforts than I deserve ; and am aa happy as a good member of society can be, while the society to which he belongs is in a suffering and calamitous conditiou 38(1 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. as you will perceive by my letter to my uncle John (to which I refer you) ours is at present. God only knows when it will be better with us ; as he only knows when and how the pre- sent contest between Great Britain and France will be de- cided, upon which depends the all not only of this, but of every other British plantation in America. And such seems to be the connection between the mother and children in this case, that the downfall of either must sooner or later be at- tended with that of the other. Our people are loaded with debt and taxes. Money is much scarcer than it has been for many years. Our spring crops of wheat, barley, oats, and rye, have been ruined by an early drought. Our Indian corn, the main support of man and beast in this part of the world, has been so much hurt by a later drought, that I fear scarce enough will be made for the sustenance of our people, exclusive of our stocks, great num- bers of which must in all probability perish this winter. Some of our neighboring colonies have likewise suffered in the same manner, and cannot assist us. So fertile, too, are our lands, that there is no such thing as a magazine for grain in all British America, which, as it has never known the want of bread, has never made any provision against it. Our frontiers are daily ravaged by savages, and, worse than savages, papists, who, in conjunction with them, captivate and butcher our out-settlers, and have drove great numbers of them into the thicker inhabited parts, who, as they have left their farms and stocks, must be supported by us, who shall be scarcely able to support our own families. These, with many others that might be mentioned, are very melancholy and aflFecting considerations. However, dependence upon the supreme arbiter of all things, and resignation to the dispensa LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY. 381 tions of infinite wisdom are, not only our duty and interest, but also our greatest comfort. Though storms and tempests rage without, it has been, and it shall be my study to keep all within calm and serene. Happy beyond expression are they who, when laboring under national or private calamities, can say with David's trust and confidence : God is our refuge and strength., a very present help in time of trouble ; therefore will we not fear though the earth be removed^ and the moxintains be cast into the midst of the sea. As to the controversy of the two crowns about limits, that perhaps has not so much alarmed us as it has many on your side of the Atlantic. It is true the balance is held by the Almighty, and he may elevate or depress which scale he pleases ; but, were the race always to the swift, and the battle to the strong, our colonies would have little to apprehend from the exertion of all the power which France, especially in a general war, could spare to annoy us here on this continent. Her American strength, compared with ours, is quite con- temptible in all respects but one, and that is, the wisdom and prudence with which it is directed. Canada is a very un- friendly clime ; her soil in general unfruitful. Her inhabit- ants, in the year 1748, 1 am informed by persons who pretend to know, amounted to little more than forty thousand, and for that number the lands have never yet produced a sufficiency of bread. Slaves have never yet been found as industrious as the sons of liberty. The British plantations, on the contrary, are both fertile and populous ; so fertile, that even here in Virginia, where our main force is applied to the production of tobacco, the labor of one man in a tolerable year will feed eight, besides % competent number of hogs, sheep, horses, and cattle ; and so 382 MKMOIRS OF A IHCrEXOT FAMILY. populous, that on the most modest calculation, His Majest} has fonr hundred thousand men on this continent capable of bearing arms, hard)' and robust, and ready, whenever called upon, to sacrifice life and fortune in his service and their country's cause. This strength wisely directed, would be justly formidable to France. But, it is our common misfor- tune, that there is no mutual dependence, no close connection between these several colonies ; they arc quite disunited by separate views and distinct interests ; and like a bold and rapid river, which, though resistless when included in one channel, is yet easily resistible when subdivided into several inferior streams and currents. The Indians, though not very polite, are politic enough to observe this defect in our polity, and honest enough to tell us that we resemble a chain of sand. A remedy for this evil, though obvious and practicable, and recommended seriously by several of His Majesty's governors here, the great men on your side of the water have not thought proper to apply, from a principle in politics, which we on this side of it think more obvious than wise or just. The colonies, sensible of the manifest disadvantages of their present unconnected state, have long wished for a coali- tion by means of a General Council formed by a certain num- ber of deputies from each colony, to be presided over by a person commissioned by His Majesty to act as his representa- tive. By this means, the whole strength of his subjects here (who, except a small intermixture of papists, and some natives of the northern part of your island, are behind none of their fellow-subjects in loyalty) might be easily and successfully exerted against any of the enemies of Great Britain in thia •quarter of the world. Though we are numerous, we are poor, and unable to raise LETTERS OF JAMES MAURY. 383 Buch large sums of money as would be required to defray the heavy expenses of war ; and this is an evil which might also have been partly remedied, had not Great Britain chosen to buy of her European neighbors, her rivals in many respects, articles which she might have had from her children here, as good in kind, and at cheaper rates. But. poor as we are, we have already exerted ourselves to the utmost in the present dispute, and we still intend to do so, desirous to convince our common mother, that we are in truth, what we have often pro- fessed ourselves to be, her dutiful children. We want not men, but only money to pay them, and to pay for arms, ammu- nition, and a few engineers. We wish to see none of your officers, nor indeed regulars, unless they be better than what we have seen. As to any officers which may hereafter be sent over, officers of rank, I mean ; if they make as free with the liberties of the people, and the constitutions of th-e several governments, as a late gentleman has attempted to do, and in some particulars has actually done, I am so far a prophet as to foretell, that neither your interests nor ours will be ever promoted by them. I believe it is the general opinion here, that, liberty and property once lost, a people have nothing left worth contending for. Had we been a people conquered and enslaved, a polite and generous conqueror would have treated us with less rudeness and insolence than the gentleman above hinted at (now no more) in the plenitude of his power, adven- tured to treat us Americans, which. I am almost confident nothing but an honest zeal to further by all means the com- mon cause, prevented them from resenting in the same man- ner as they would the acts of a public enemy. But I will add nothing further on this head, lest I break through my above- mentioned resolve, of keeping all within calm and serene, 384 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. which I am sensible would by no means recommend me to one of your calm and equable disposition. You are already so well convinced what weight your opinion has with me, that, shouJd I tell you, how much fonder I have been of that mode of instruction, on which I have providentially fallen, since it has obtained your approbation than I was before, I foresee, you wou-ld in your next charge me with saying what is superfluous. That, which you tell me you have so happily pursued in the education of my cousins, seems excellently calculated for answering all the good ends proposed. Although, perhaps, it may not be so proper for public instruction, especially in such extensive parishes as some in Virginia, yet I have so great an opinion of it for the education of a smail community, that, God willing, I propose to make experiments of it in my own family, as soon as the winter evenings come on. I can well remember when it was my own misfortune to receive words without the proper ideas ; wffich has doubtless been the misfortune of many others. And, in that case, as you remark, words are of but little use. Hereabouts I thought to have closed, but remembering that I have not mentioned some places to my uncle John, which are either not set down in the map, or have received new names since the map was published, I imagine you will readily excuse the following directions. In the map I perceive the name of a river erased, empty- ing itself into New River, and in its general tendency for some considerable distance, pointing towards the angle be- tween the south boundary of Pennsylvania and the west of Maryland, and thence through several meanders penetrating into the Alleghany mountains, between Spring Head and Laurel Thickets. The word erased I guess to be Yaugh- LETTEKS OF JAMES MAURY. 385 jaugngaiue. If so, there was an error, which I imagine hua been corrected here by the surviving compiler of the map. The river now described has since been discovered to be Mo- nongahela, though wrongly planned off, for it discharges itself iutu the Ohio, in the latitude of about 30 deg. 48 min. N On the point of laud formed by the confluence of these, Fort l^uquesne now stands, to the eastward of the latter, and the northward of the former. If you would have Monongahela correctly laid down, you are to erase the river, which I sus- pect is called Yaughyaughgaine, from about four miles below that branch of it which most directly points to the above-men- tioned angle, quite down to New River, and then extend it in an almost straight course from where you began to erase viuii^c down to the Ohio, in the above-mentioned latitude. Yaughyaughgaine is a branch of Monongahela, and falls into it on the north side, lat. N. 39 deg. 43 min. and long. W. from Philadelphia 5 deg. 7 min., and, after having run about twenty-five miles almost east, divides into three branches called the Turkey Foot, one of which verges northerly, the other southerly, and the third easterly, but none reach so far as the main chain of hills. Between the branches of this and Monongahela, about forty miles back of the hills just men- tioned, are the Great Meadows where our bravo Washington was last year attacked by the French and Indians. On the north side of Cohotigoronto you will sec Caicuck- tuck, since called Will's Creek, on the point of land formed by which and the river, on the western side of the creek, is built Fort Cumberland, from which the brave but unfortu- nate, and I believe I may add, imprudent General Braddock marched this summer against Duquesne, near which, my un- cle John, as well as the public prints can inform you, how 17 886 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMII,Y. shamefully he was defeated by a contemptible band of naked French and Indians. As I believe you to be master of a good stock of patience, and as you have informed me of the extraordinary strength of your eyes, you will suspect I mean to put both to the test, if I go much farther ; my pen, too, is almost foundered, my fingers cramped, and my stock of matter almost exhausted, so that, after desiring you to accept of our good wishes and re- spects, I shall take my leave of you for the present, with a declaration that I am, very sincerely, dear sir, Your affectionate friend and dutiful nephew, James Mauby. Louisa County, Fredericksvillk Parish, Jan. 10, 1756. Dear Sir: — Your kind letter, bearing date 1st January, I have now sat down to answer, and must tell you I consider it as a New- Year's gift ; and believe me, it is a very accept- able one. It pleases me much that the directions sent you as to the habitations of our relations here, and as to some alterations requisite to be made in the map of Virginia to render it more complete had been intelligible. Had it not been for the pres- ent troubles, which have rendered it unsafe for our people to make such long peregrinations into the backwoods as they used to do before their commencement, many other inaccura- cies would doubtless, ere this, have been discovered in the western parts of it, where the courses of many considerable streams, several ranges of hills, and other particulars, must have been laid down, partly on conjecture, and partly on but imperfect information, which will ever be the case with one LETTERS OF JAMES MAURY. 387 who undertakes to publish a map of a country not yet thor oughly exploi-ed, or actually surveyed. Since the publication of that map, another has made its appearance in the world, much more extensive, as it comprehends all that part of the British American Empire that lies between Boston and the southern boundary of Virginia, the Territory of the six con- federate Northern Indian nations, the river St. Lawrence almost from Quebec to its source, the various communications between that river and the lakes, and Ohio ; also Ohio with its dependencies lower than the Falls ; and in short, the pres- ent scene of action as far as their Excellencies Shirley and Johnson are, and Braddoc was concerned, published by Lewis Evans, Esq., of Philadelphia, and engraven there, and there- fore, in that respect clumsily executed. With it the author has published an instructive, curious, and useful pamphlet, ex- planatory not only of the map, but of many particulars, too, relative to the face and products, and natural advantages of the tract of territory which is the subject of it. The map is but small, not above half as large as Fry and Jefferson's, con- sequently crowded. Though both it and the pamphlet be liable to several exceptions, and I believe just ones, yet both are very useful in the main, and together, give an attentive peruser a clear idea of the value of the now contested lands and waters to either of the two competitor princes, together with a proof amounting to more than probability, that he of the two who shall remain master of Ohio and the Lakes at the end of the dispute, must, in the course of a few years, without an interposal of Providence to prevent it, become sole and absolute lord of North America, to which I will farther add as my own private opinion, that the same will one day or other render either Hudson's river at New-York, or Potomac 388 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. river iu Virginia, the grand emporium of all East Indian commodities. Marvel not at this, however surprising it may seem ; perhaps, before I have done with you. you will believe it to be not entirely chimera. When it is considered how far the eastern branches of that immense river, Mississippi, extend eastward, and how near they come to the navigable, or rather canocablc parts of the rivers which empty themselves into the sea that washes our shores to the east, it seems highly probable that its western branches reach as far the other way, and make as near ap- proaches to rivers emptying themselves into the ocean tu the west of us, the Pacific Ocean, across which a short and easy communication, short in comparison with the present route thither, opens itself to the navigator from that shore of the continent unto the Eastern Indies. Before I go on, lest from the word canoeable^ just now used, you should form but a contemptible idea of the naviga- tion of a river which must be carried on by vessels slender and tottering as canoes, I must beg you will suspend sentence for a while, and give me time to inform you, that although one single canoe will carry but a small weight, yet nothing is more common than to see two of these tottering vehicles, when lashed together side by side with cords, or any other strong bandages, carrying down our upland streams eight or nine heavy hogsheads of tobacco at a time to the warehousee rolled on their gunwales crossways, and secured against mov ing fore or aft by a small piece of wood drove under the bilge of the two extreme hogsheads , an almost incredible weight for such slender embarkations ! But as they will bear such a burden, their slender contexture is an advantage ; they draw but few inches water, move down a current with great velo- LETTJCRS OF JAMES MAURY. 389 City, and leave the waterman nothing but Palinurus's task to perform when going downwards ; and wlien they return, two men will shove the canoes with poles as far against stream in one day, as four brisk watermen with oars can a boat that will carry the same burden, in two days. For this great improve- ment of inland navigation, we mountaineers are indebted to the late Reverend and ingenious Mr. Kose. But, to return : There are more than probable reasons for believing that the western branches of this river are no less extensive than its eastern branches. This is a common property of most rivers, and that it is of the Mississippi, I have the authority of one Mr. Cox, an English gentleman who, either some time before, or during the reign of King William III (in virtue of a charter granted by Charles I., if I remember right, for I speak without book; to his Attorney-General, Sir Robert Heath, con- stituting him the Lord-Proprietor of the lands and waters of the Mississippi, and afterwards transferred through several hands, till it fell into those of this gentleman), sailed up to its Great Falls near 1500 miles from its mouth, both took its soundings that whole distance, traced some of its most consid- erable branches on either side, and almost up to their sources, made a settlement and planted a colony upon it near midway that distance, if my memory fails me not, and published a map of it from his own and the Company's journals as far as those Falls; and above them, from what information he could col- lect from the savages. One of its western branches, he tells you, he followed through its various meanders for seven hun- dred miles (which, I believe, is called Missouri by the natives, or Red River, from the color of its waters), and then received intelligence from the natives that its licad springs interlocked in a neighboring mountain with the head springs of another 390 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAlVnLY. river, to the westward of these same mountains, discharging itself into a large lake called Thoyago, which pours its waters through a large navigable river into a boundless sea, where, they told him, they had seen prodigious large canoes, with three masts, and men almost as fair as himself, if I mistake not ; for, as I have read a History of the travels of an Indian towards those regions, as well as those of Mr. Cox, the reports of the natives to both of them as to the large canoes are so similar, that I perhaps may confound one with the other. Mr. Cox's book, I imagine, is very scarce. I know of but one copy in this colony, of which I had an accidental, and there- fore a cursory view, about four years ago. It is a small octavo volume, entitled Cox's Carolana, that country being thus called from the Donor. Now, sir, though this narrative hath in it something of the romantic air of the voyager, yet the author's accounts of such branches of that river, and such parts of that country, even as high up as the latitude of Huron's Lake, and also his descrip- tion of the extent, situation, shape, soundings and other pro- perties of the Lakes now confessedly navigated by him, toge- ther with his character of the circumjacent lands, are said to have been found just by late discoveries, as far as discoveries have been made. And, if so, it is but reasonable to give credit to what he tells us concerning others of its waters and countries, into which, perhaps, no British subject has ever since penetrated. I presume the credit which Colonel Fry gave to Mr. Cox, and his recommending these matters to the consideration of the Governor and Council, gave birth to a grand scheme formed here about three years ago. But this is only a con- jecture, founded on my having seen that book at his house. I LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY. 391 The scheme might have been formed in Great Britain, and was this. Some persons were to be sent in search of that river Missouri, if that be the right name of it, in order to discover whether it had any such communication with the Pacific Ocean: they w<)re to follow that river if they found it, and make exact reports of the country they passed through, the distance they travelled, what sort of navigation those rivers and lakes aflForded, &c., &c. And this project was so near be- ing reduced into practice, that a worthy friend and neighbor of mine, who has been extremely useful to the Colony in the many discoveries he has made to the westward, was appointed to be the chief conductor of the whole affair, had, by order of their Honors, drawn up a list of all the necessary implements and apparatus for such an attempt, and an estimate of the ex- pense, and was upon the point of making all proper prepara- tions for setting out. when a sudden stop was put to the fur- ther prosecution of the scheme for the present, by a commence- ment of hostilities between this Colony and the French and their Indians, which rendered a passage through the interja- cent nations with whom they are ever tampering, too hazard ous to be attempted. This, I must observe to you, still re- mains a secret ; and to prevent its discovery to the enemy, in case the ship I write by should be taken, the person to whom I have recommended this packet has instructions to throw it overboard in time. However, you are at liberty to impart it to my uncle John, or to any other friend, of whose retentive faculty you can be as confident as I can be of yours. But to return once more. As there is such short and easy communi- cation by means of canoe navigation, and some short portages between stream and stream, from the Potomac, from Hudson's River in New-York, and from the St. Lawrence to the Ohio, 393 ]VIEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILT. the two latter through the lakes, the former the hest and shortest. As there also is good navigation, not only for ca- noes and batteaux, but for large flats, schooners and sloops down the Ohio into the Mississippi, should Cox's account be true of the communication of this last river with the South Sea, with only one portage, I leave you to judge of what vast importance such a discovery would be to Great Britain, as well as to her Plantations, which, in that case, as I ob- served above, must become the general mart of the European World, at least for the rich and costly products of the East, and a mart at which chapmen might be furnished with all those commodities on much easier terms than the tedious and hazardous, and expensive navigation to those countries can at present afford. This would supersede the necessity of going any more in quest of the North East passage, which, proba- bly, if ever discovered, will also be productive of another dis- covery, that it lies in too inclement a latitude ever to be useful. The discovery of a communication through this part of the continent with the South Sea, would not only be a nursery for our seamen, but would be instrumental in saving the lives of great numbers of them, under Heaven, the protectors of you and of us ; who, poor fellows, drop off like rotten sheep by scorbutic disorders consequent upon such long voyages as that to the East Indies. What an exhaustlcss fund of wealth would here be opened, superior to Potosi and all the other South American mines ! What an extent of region ! What a — ! But no more. These are visionary excursions into futurity, with which I some- times used to feast my imagination, ever dwelling with plea- sure on the consideration of -whatever bids fair for contri- LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKT. 303 buting to extend the empire and augment the strength of our mother island, as that would be diffusing liberty both civil and religious, and her daughter Felicity the wider, and at the same time be a means of aggrandizing and enriching this spot of the globe, to which every civil and social tie binds me, and for which I have the tcnderest regard. But, these pleasing expectations, if not entirely vanished, are much weakened and suspended, till Heaven decide the controversy between the two mighty monarchs now contend- ing, in some sort, for the empire of the world. Sir, as these lands now in dispute are so immensely valu- able, what reason can you assign why most of the great men with you, and why persons of the highest rank here, with very few exceptions, either were, or seemed to be, quite unac- (juainted with its value till of late? I know the reason of it here. Great men are too wise to be informed. They arc too indolent to look about them ; therefore their views and no- tions of matters of this nature, are contracted within so nar- row a compass, that they think nothing worth their inquiry beyond their own reach. And, when men of inferior fortune, but not therefore of inferior merit, have been animated by a principle both of industry' and public spirit, to search un- known forests and wilds, and made discoveries valuable and important to the State, and imparted them to these epicurean gods, they either discountenance, disregard, or discredit them. This, in too many instances, has been the misfortune here though not in all. as you will perceive by the scheme commu- nicated above, which is an instance to the contrary, provided my conjecture be correct, that it was originally formed here. On the other hand, our politic and sagacious, though tur- bulent neighbors, leave nothing unattempted to extend the 17* 391: MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. territory, and heighten the glory of the Grand Monarch. For, I am told that in Canada, to have made the tour of the Lakes, and Ohio and Mississippi, is reckoned an essential qualification, almost the sine qua non to recommend young gentlemen to any important posts, civil or military, under the government, the advantages of which they are now reaping. And happy would it have been for us if a tour of the same nature had been an especial qualification for recommending gentlemen to seats in the Supreme Court, while those regions were equally accessible to us and to them. But now, these gentlemen living in the lower parts of the country, within a day's ride of Williamsburg, except one, and none of them knowing any thing of the back country, our frontiers, from this very reason, have been left thus naked and exposed. Great are my hopes, that as the people both of Great Britain and the Colonies seem now at length to be highly sen- sible of the mischiefs of our past lethargy and supineness, we at last shall rouse, and let those bold intruders know they are not thus insolently to encroach on the demesne of the British Crown with impunity, nor peaceably allowed to wrest from us a country, the present intrinsic value of which, together with such future and contingent advantages as are in prospect, be- sides others out of view, of which yet the womb of time may be productive, almost exceed the power of numbers to calcu- late. Were I only to enumerate in a concise manner such of the important benefits only of the country watered by the Ohio, which is but one branch of the Mississippi, as occur even to myself, who have not leisure to attend to matters of that sort, my letter would swell to an enormous size. Youi own imagination, therefore, shall be permitted at leisure to -ange this ample field which I have here been endeavormg to LETTERS OF JAMES MAUEY. 395 open just to your view, or rather to bring you nearer the verge of. You will no doubt ruminate with some little satis- faction on the vast importance of that prodigious river Mis- sissippi, which is said to take its rise on the south side of hills which empty the springs on their northern side into Hudson's Bay, which rolls its waters due south, through a great variety of latitudes, between those mountains and the Mexican Gulf, where it intermingles with the sea, and, in its course, waters a fat and fertile soil, which, from those various latitudes, with proper culture, is capable of bearing almost any of the productions of any climate or country. Of this the French are well aware, as I collect from their insinuations to the various European powers, in order to weaken the interest of Great Britain among them, that the sole possession of North America which they apprehend would be the consequence of our keeping the Ohio and the Lakes without partner or rival, would put it in the power of England not only to grasp at, but seize universal monarchy in Europe, in process of time. And though I may be mistaken, yet I verily believe as much. However, I think the Monsieur s in this ship have been somewhat abandoned by their usual sagacity, since the powers of Europe, upon an impartial comparison of the past conduct of the two contending nations for some cen- turies back, may possibly form a conclusion but little favor- able to them — a conclusion that should the English get such an opportunity, there is only a probability that they tnigkt ; but should the French get such an opportunity, there is an infallible certainty that they would make use of it ; and also that in the former case liberty, both civil and religious, but, in the latter, tyranny of both kinds would be moi*e widely dif fused and extensively propagated. 396 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FA:\III.Y. Your observations and criticisms, or rather hints on the probability of the children doing well without the parent and on the coalition I mentioned in my last, appear to me ex- tremely just, and have contributed to open my eyes. How- ever, they are subjects that require to be treated with great delicacy, and like fenny lands, will only bear to be gently touched and slightly skimmed. God only knows the determi- nations of his own wise coxinsels, or what grand revolutions may be ripe for birth. Our business is patiently to wait their execution, and when executing or executed, humbly to aci^iii- esce in them as wise, and just, and right, and best. Our public affairs, as you will collect from mine to my uncle John, are not in such a state as blind mortals, who see but little beyond the present, would wish, or as a friend to his country, who attentively surveys them, any satisfaction. You will therefore also see, that we are trying first one ex- pedient and then another, to give them a more pleasing aspect, depending, I hope, on Providence, to crown them with success. For this purpose, several schemes have been recommended, and several projects seen the light, besides many more which probably have perished in their embryo state. Among other adventurers of this sort in the aerial world who erect elaborate piles of building in the air, you will fear I have classed myself, from a letter which, at the request of some neighboring gentlemen, I wrote to one of His Majesty's Council here, of which I herewith send you a copy, with a view (since you seem inquisitive into our affairs) of letting you further into our present circumstances ; from the contents of which, I imagine, you will discover what we think has cer- tainly rendered them bad as they are, and what we believe to be the most effectual method to mend them. And in order to Lxj-TTiiKS OF JAMES MAURY. 397 render that letter still more couducive to those purposes, 1 propose to add to it some explanatory annotations, if I car find time. Although I have already given such a loose to my pen. I must not yet hold my hand. Your postscript enjoins me to give some certain directions where my mother lives. Infan- dum, jubea renovate dolorein ! Alas ! she lives no more on earth ! She, for several reasons, the most weighty of which was, to consult my brother's interest, determined to remove to Lunenburg, and spend the remainder of her days with him. But as he was not yet prepared for accommodating her there in a manner suitable to her age and many infirmities, she last fall accepted of an invitation from my uncle Peter, to make his house her home, while my brother was preparing for her reception. There, I doubt not, the great kindness of ray aunt, and my uncle's vivacity, as well as agreeable and instructive conversation, contributed to her passing the time with much comfort and satisfaction for a while, that is, until the horn- was come when she was summoned to remove home into a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. That she now lives there, we have abundant reason to conclude, as from her deportment while in the body, so from the manner in which she relin(^uished that perishable tabernacle ; of which my brother has given me some account in two letters. One informs mc when, about three in the after- noon, on Tuesday the 30th of December last, after four days' illness; the other, how; the most important point, which please to take in his own words. " The manner of her death was much like my father's. She was first taken with an ague, which was followed by a fever, which, after three days' con- tinuance, deprived her of the use of one side. When my aunt 39 d MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. acquainted her she was dying, she lifted up her hands and thanked God that he had at length heard her prayers ; and she spent her last moments in wholesome admonitions to all about her, and in blessing us her children and all that we have. Thus," adds my dear brother, " our dearest mother made a most glorious end ! which, God grant we may all have the happiness to make whenever we shall be called upon !" Amen ! say I ; and so I am confident will you too. The grand business of life is to prepare for death, as that is pre- paring for eternity. Of all the acts of that piece, the last is the most important as well as the most difiicult, and therefore requires spiritual succor to perform it well. My mother hav- ing performed her last act so well, is much comfort even in the midst of affliction. Death, it seems, was regarded by her in the true light, as a removal from a labox'ious and fatiguing post to a state of reward, for having so faithfully maintained it. This, surely, caused her consolations to abound and over- flow in that hour of darkness, and has, I hope, had the same eflfect on her surviving friends, as far as self-love and other imperfections of human nature will permit. The decease of a person of her character, if we listen to divine revelation and unbiassed reason, cannot be lamented on the person's own account, except we think it acting a ra- tional and Christian part to grieve that the deceased has ex- changed mortality and corruption for immortality and incor- ruption, and removed from the busy, perplexing and toilsome scenes of life to a permanent and immutable state of rest, and peace, and bliss. However, at first, it is true we are but too apt to do so ; prompted thereto partly by the tender affec- tions of humanity, and partly by a very singular regard for ourselves, which makes us reluctant to part fi om the comfort LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY. 399 and pleasure we used to enjoy in the conversation and society of the departed. But, though it is not avoidable to sorrow on such occasions, yet there are not only different degrees, but different kinds of sorrow, too ; and, were it not for the certain discoveries of life and immortality through the sacrifice of our Redeemer, which have been so clearly brought to light by the Gospel, the sorrow consequent on such a loss as we have sus- tained, in the death of that excellent and pious parent, must have been a sorrow destitute of any alleviating intermixture of comfort. But, according to the tenor of the precious promises of the Gospel, and of her life, thanks be to the Ador- able Trinity, we are not quite void of comfort, because thence we have hope, that she now rests in a much happier place than a changeable and fleeting world ; hope, that her felicity has no limit as to its duration, nor any as to its measure, except those of the enlarged capacity of such a creature as man in his glorified and exalted state ; and hope, that the virtuous soul is making a perpetual progress towards the perfection of its nature, going on from strength to strength, arriving from one degree oi uappmess to another, and shining for ever with still new accessions of glory and bliss ; in a word, we have hope, that we too, who are left behind, shall not therefore be excluded the heavcr.ly Jerusalem, but though we may arrive somewhat later thither, shall, if our honest endeavors co-operate with our gracious Redeemer's all-sufiicient merits, be at length admitted into God's presence, where alone is fulness of joys and pleasures for evermore. These are pleasing and trium- phant considerations, and the basis of those glorious hopes which shoot enlivening rays of comfort through the blackest clouds, and dash even grief with some refreshing alloy of joy, but of a joy which perhaps it is easier to feel than describe, 4:00 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY, and which, it may be, can be felt by none but those whos« minds have been happily tinctured with Christian principles, and who, to a lively faith and hope in Christ have been taught to add an absolute resignation to the will of God, our strictest duty, our greatest wisdom, and truest magnanimity. That in all the afflictions and adversities which may occur in our passage through this vale of misery and tears, these considerations and hopes may be your support and mine, and, indeed, the support of all others who need it, is the constant and fervent prayer of, dear sir, Your dutiful nephew and affectionate friend, James Maury. P. S. I had like to have forgot to inform you, that, thank God, myself and mine are all well, and that they unanimously desire to be affectionately remembered to yourself, and every branch of my uncle's family. I am glad to hear of the wel- fare of our relations in London; may the Lord continue it! N. B. Evans's map, colored, together with the pamphlet, were sold in Philadelphia at two Spanish dollars 4s. 6d. of our money. To Mr. John Fo7itairu. LomsA County, Fredericksville Parish, June 15fA, 1756. Dear Sir : — The receipt of your kind and agreeable lettef of 1st January, happened at a very seasonable juncture, as it administered much comfort where comfort was much wanting. Comfortable and satisfactory, to the highest degree, it is, when we cannot see, yet to hear from those with whom we are connected by the endearing ties of blood and friendship, ties LETTERS OF JAMES MATTRY. 403 which, I trust, mutually link our nearts together now, aiiJ will continue so to do, till we meet in that more perfect, and, as my uncle Moses terras it, that inseparable and immutable state, where all imperfections will be done away, and every impedi- ment to a more intimate intercourse be removed Hopes and views of this sort are most reviving cordials to a mind labor- ing under the pressure either of public or private afflictions, and Providence has been pleased to afford me an opportunity of proving them to be so by my own experience in both. The private affliction, named in my letter to my uncle Mo- ses, is one in which you will both be no small sharers; which, though in truth very deep, is far from incurable, as the same Hand that gave it has graciously furnished means of cure, and poured healing balsam into the wound. As to the other kind of afflictions, they are still incumbent, and when they will be removed, God only knows. I hope I am resigned to the will of the great arbiter of all things, yet I cannot remain an unconcerned spectator of the calamities of my country. But, lest you should suspect me of being un- easy without just reason, I shall give you as just and suc- cinct an account as I can of the present state of affairs in this once flourishing and happy colony. You may remember, I told you last year, the drought had been of long continuance and threatened famine; but the wise and gracious Disposer of all things, who, in the midst of judg- ment remembers mercy, mitigated things so far as to afford a ufficiency of bread for the life of man, but, in general, very little more, so that vast numbers of stock, of all kinds, perish- ed, notwithstanding the uncommon clemency of last winter. Taxes on taxes are multiplied, and, though it be a oecessa* ry, it is a heavy burden. 402 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUJ^NOT FAMILY. Besides genteel presents to the officers who behaved well last campaign at Monongahela, and a gratuity of £5 per man to every common soldier of our own regiment who survived the action, and pensions or presents to the disabled and to the widows of the slain, which amounted to a round sura; and besides levying money to pay the owners for upwards of one thousand hogsheads of tobacco, burnt in the warehouses of Boiling's Point, £40,000 was voted for His Majesty's service and our own defence, then, and £65,000 more this spring. This, as little or no tobacco was made last summer, falls heavi- ly on the lower ranks of people, especially, as tobacco is the only medium of raising money, and as they generally cultivate the meanest lands, so were their crops proportionally short. Of this the legislature has been so sensible, that an act, to con- tinue in force one year, was last fall passed, indulging the people by allowing them to pay off their public dues to the secretary, the county court clerks, the clergy and other public creditors (which ever before had been payable in tobacco), in money, at the rate of two pence per pound. The current mar- ket value has, hitherto, been twenty-six shillings per hundred, so that the law saves to those who have tobacco to sell, four pounds thirteen shillings and four pence per thousand, while it deducts the same from the annual salaries and revenues of the creditors. In my own case, who am entitled to upwards of seventeen thousand weight of tobacco per annum, the differ- ence amounts to a considerable sum. However, each indivi- dual must expect to share in the misfortunes of the community to which he belongs. Furthermore, to enable people to pay their taxes and debtg, pa^icr money has been issued, which, in every colony where it LErrrERS of james maukt. 403 has been recurred to, iias been attended y^ith many evils, one of whicii is draining out the remains of their specie, JSotwithstandiug all this, our people pay their taxes with much more cheerfulness than could reasonably be expected from those whose necks were never heretofore accustomed to such a yoke, and who have had the mortification to see those contributions, large compared with their circumstances, sur- prisingly misapplied, and, through a complication of most egregious blunders, promotive of scarce one good eflfect to our country. Of these blunders, it may suffice to remark, that, notwithstanding the sums levied and expended, and the readi- ness of the people to pay their taxes and risk their persons in the defence of their country, and vindication of the insults offered to the crown, yet, ever since the tragical event last July, on the banks of the Monongahcla, our frontiers have been ravaged and dispeopled, great (quantities of the stock of the back inhabitants driven off by the French and their Indians to Duquesne. Fire, sword and perpetual alarms have surround- ed them, persons of every age and sex have fallen a prey to the barbarians, and, in short, the most shocking outrages per- petrated on the western settlements of this colony, and our two next neighbors to the northward. By these means, our frontiers have been contracted in many places 150 miles, and still are drawing nearer and nearer to the centre. To what secondary causes all this has been imputable, you will discover from a letter which the persuasion of some of my friends induced me to write to one of our honorables, early in the spring, of which I have sent my uncle Moses a copy ; whence you will oolieet what methods we think most proper (and ours is the general opinion) fur putting a stop to (ho further progress of those evils, and guarding against the like 404 mi:moirs of a nrr.uKxoT family. in time to come. lu furtherance of these ends, I drew ap, and, by means of my acquaintance, dispersed in the three fron- tier and five contiguous counties, petitions to the General As- sembly before its last session, praying, that such a line of forts might be built, and such an Indian factory established. To these a favorable hearing was given, and a bill framed accord- ing to them, as far as relates to the chain of forts. But before this bill had gone through the several formalities requisite to constitute it a law, an unlucky clause was tacked to it, which, it is to be feared, will destroy every good effect that we had reason to hope for from it ; a clause incorporating five hun- dred men, now levying for the construction and defence of these forts, into the Virginia regiment; rather than submit to which, where the character of the regiment is known, people will pay any fines. The five hundred men are to be raised by a draught upon the young men of each county, who, on refu- sal to go upon duty are obliged to deposit £10 on the drum- head, by way of fine. Such was the treatment which tliat unfortunate regiment received last campaign from the commander in chief, that no person of any property, family or worth has since enlisted in it, and the Governor has filled up the vacant commissions and the new companies with raw, surly and tyrannical Scots, several of them mere boys from behind the counters of the factors here ; thus, that regiment, from an exceedingly good one, has degenera- ted into a most insignificant and corrupt corps. Whence, 1 ap- prehend, the salutary purposes of that act will be defeated, as the above complement of men will generally be made up of worthless vagrants, servants just out of servitude, and convicts boi.ight with the fines paid by recusants; men utterly unac- quainted with the woods and the use of fire arms. and. for I-KTTKRS OF JAMKS MAURY. 40c these reasons, were there no other, unfit to be sent against Indians. Besides this, feuds and dissensions still subsist between different branches of the legislature. To crown our misfortunes, we have been informed that such accounts of our temper and disposition in this colony have been transmitted to England, by a certain person, that the Ministry suppose we want nothing but ability and oppor- tunity to attempt shaking off" allegiance to the Most Gracious Prince, that, peradventure. ever adorned the British throne. This is a vile calumny, for the calumniator well knows that we nave shed our blood with the utmost cheerfulness, and we have paid taxes freely and willingly in support of the common cause, equally with any of our sister colonies, in proportion to our numbers and wealth. I fear nothing good will be done with all the money we have raised, unless aff"airs shall take cjuite a diff"erent turn on the arrival of the Earl of Loudoun, whom private letters, as well as public prints, give us reason daily to expect in his gov- ernment. Besides augmenting our regiment to one thousand men, in .he fall, and endeavoring to augment it further, now. to fifteen jundrcd men, levying monies and guarding our frontiers, the Honorable Peter Randolph and the Honorable William Byrd, :wo of the Council, have been sent ambassadors to the Chero- iees^ and have concluded a treaty between this government ind that nation ; obliging us. on the one hand, to build and garrison a good and sufficient fort in their country, for the protection of their women and children, which a body of men are now on their march to perform ; and that nation, on the other part, is to furnish us with five hundred warriors, this 406 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY summer. This will probably afford some security to our froti tiers ; and. it gives a general satisfaction, for all now seem sensible, of what only some few were sensible, till of late, that Indians are the best match for Indians. It is a very pleasing consideration to observe the general spirit of patriotism, and the resentment against the common enemy, which seems to have diffused itself through every rank of men. The common people have lately given proof of it. This spring, upon advice that some thousands of French and Savages were approaching our frontiers, in their northern quarter, the government thought it necessary to make a draught of the militia of ten counties, contiguous to the three frontier counties, with orders to rendezvous at the town of Winchester, otherwise called Frederick, there to receive further orders from Col. Washington ; and, although it was at a season of the year when men could least be spared from home, and, indeed, when a long continuance on duty must have blasted all expec- tations of a crop in those who had no slaves to labor for them ; yet great numbers voluntarily offered themselves, and march- ed with the utmost alacrity to meet the ' enemy, till they had advanced as far as the place of rendezvous, where the alarm appeared to be false. T am fully convinced, had there been occasion, they would have followed their own officers, with the utmost spirit to Duquesne, or any other place ; if 1 may form a judgment from what I then saw, for I was present, having, at the request of the detachment from this county, ac- companied them as chaplain. Upon its being determined, in a council of war, held there by Col. Washington and the militia field officers, that only a certain quota of the militia of each county should be left De- hind, amounting in the whole to only four hundred and I'our LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY. 407 men. the quota of each county to be commanded by a lieutcn- am, and two sergeants of its own ; the bare suspicion that some of the oflBcers of the regiment were to act over them as captains, had almost the same effect on the men as a spark of fire on a train of gunpowder. It raised such a fermentation, as Col. Washington's positive declaration that they should not be commanded by any officers but these lieutenants, could scarce allay. Although I have already been so prolix in these two letters, yet, lest you should have reason to charge me with harping only on the elegiac string, I must further inform you, which I do with great pleasure, that the bountiful Giver of all good things, has been pleased to cheer our spirits, under our misfortunes, with a prospect of almost unparalleled plenty and abundance for the current year. The last year's scarcity has made us much more provident than usual. Much larger fields of wheat, barley and rye last fall, and of oats this spring, have been sown, and much larger quantities of ground planted with In- dian corn, than has ever, heretofore, been known. And, al- though it be too early in the season to form any judgment of the latter, yet, as the former will, in a few days, call for the sickle and scythe some weeks sooner than usual, which is an eminent instance of divine goodness, we can form a very good judgment of them ; and unless some disaster befalls them be- tween this and harvest, I may venture to say that more wheat, barley; rye and oats will be made here this year, than perhaps has ever been made in any two or three preceding years to- gether ; for, besides the quantities sown, the winter and spring have been so unprecedentedly seasonable, that the earth produces by handfuls. And as we have known tlie evil of a scarcity, thou<5h not want of bread, it is to be hoped tlie approacliiiig 408 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. plenty will inspire us with due sentiments of gratitude to Him who sends us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, and makes the valleys stand so thick with corn, that, in the Psalmist's bold and significant metaphor, they laugh and sing. The wise man's general remark, that, When goods increase they are increased that eat them, is applicable to my own par- ticular case, my wife having lately increased our family with a daughter, whom we have named Elizabeth. As to affairs in the north, they continue much as they were left after Sir William Johnston's victory over the Baron, in our favor on the whole, but not so much so, but that our miscarriage there would give a turn to the scales. Should the forces expected in America with Lord Lou- doun be destined for this quarter, and the ofiicers who com- mand them have learned, from General Braddock's disaster, not to be too conceited of their own ability, and not to form too contemptible an opinion of the enemy, I think, if they arrive safe, they, in conjunction with some Pennsylvania, Mary- land and Virginia troops, might make a successful attempt against Duquesne this summer and fall, and thereby largely contribute to forward the success of the general plan. With my hearty prayers for the welfare of the whole little community at Cwm Castle, I am, with very great regard doar air, Your affectionate nephew, James Mu'rv LETTERS OF JAINIES MAURY. 409 To Mr. Moses Fontaine. Louisa Cotjntt, Fredericksvili.e Parish, Jttne 11, 1759. Respected Sir: — Yours of the 14th September, 1758^ with the glasses which you have been so kind as to procure for me, and also the pamphlets, came safe to hand some months ago Accept of my sincere thanks for the trouble you have taken to oblige me herein. I am glad the manuscript afforded you any satisfaction. My reason for not sending it to the press without consulting those gentlemen, was, that I had cause to believe their influ- ence necessary to procure it a passage into the world, for want of which many useful things had been suppressed, and also a persuasion founded on their usual conduct and general character, that they would have readily undertaken and hear- tily engaged in the business. Had I not taken this for granted, I should at first have sent it to some other press, for at that time I imagined it might have some little tendency to open the eyes of such as wanted to see. But at present I know not of what service it could be. Many persons who have had better opportunities of in- formation in such matters than myself, and whose rank and station in life give more weight to what they recommend than any proposals of mine could be expected to have ; have both here and with you, with invincible force of argument, recom- mended those, or such like measures for our mutual security against the French intrigues and encroachments in America, both at present and in time to come. And Providence has been pleased of late to give so favorable a turn to public af- fairs in almost every department of the war, that 1 am in hopes those salutary measures will be carried into execution, 18 410 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. if not before, yet immediately after the conclusion of a peace and such an one as you mention, solid honorable, and lasting, may be no very distant event. For, blessed be the OJily Giver of victory for it, aflfairs both on your side of the Atlan- tic and ours wear a face very different from what they did some time ago, and much more pleasing than perhaps the most sanguine of us all could then expect they would at the present time. At our entrance on the war, we indeed seemed possessed of every advantage and means that could conduce to victory, and thence were willing to conceive hopes of seeing our enemy well nigh crushed, almost before completely prepared for com- bat. But yet our counsels, we had the mortification to ob- serve, were all frustrate, our enterprises unprosperous, and our arms almost every where disgraced. Near our own doors, a well-appointed army of disciplined troops fled before a contemptible band of savages and raga- muffins, and stained Monongahela's memorable stream with British blood ; and not far from yours, Mahon was wrested from the nation in a manner which will greatly surprise pos- terity. In short, every attempt to annoy the enemy or secure ourselves miscarried, notwithstanding a great inequality of strtniTth io our favot in those quarters of the world where the war cbvefly centred. None, I believe, but David's fool, and such as iie, will deny this to be the Lord's doing. And, although in many cases, his jud]iiii tant as it ixJ MEMoms OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. was a uneap conQuest. INiajjara too. tiie shortest and i»ei«i comiuunication between Canada and Jjouisiana is said to oe ours, though this J doubt cannot be dep<^nded on. However, it is coufidontly said Colonel (iage marched with two thou- sand men against it. upwards of two months ago, and ha.s taken it. Guadaloupe. too. in tlie West Indies, is no mean acquisi- tion ; and T am in hopes, at tlie present date, the British can- non, in the West Indies, on Lake Champhiin, and up 8t. Lawrence, are venting the resentments of an injured nation against the fortresses of Martinico. Crown Point, and Quebec. May this series of successes produce in our hearts such effects as they ought ! May they lead us to repent and constrain us to obey. I can give you no account of our families here, only that my brother is concerned in victualling the troops stationed on the south-western frontier of this colony, and that by his pru- dence and activity, and his spirited conduct as Lieutenant of Halifax county, he has greatly contributed to keep the remote inhabitants from abandoning their habitations, and thereby done no small service to his country ! — that my cousin Peter this spring lost a son with the nervous fever, and that my cousin James, son of ni}' uncle Francis by his second mar- riage, has had the misfortune to lose a fine parcel of slaves, which came by his mother, taken from him by a suit at law. The measles, now epidemic almost all over this continent. Has gone throueh my family lately (only two or three having escaped), without any otiier inconvenience than retarding our pianiatiou business so much at a critical season of the year, inai our crops and harvest are liKcly to suffer. The sraaii- pox, too, is near us in some places. l.KTTEKS OK JAMES MAVKf. "iiH .V.y •»(".{(! aurl faiuVij desire lo c>c respecifmlv remeiuDered to you. I am, dear sir. Vours affeotiunately and dutifully. James Maury. To Mr. Mo-scs Fontaine. Louisa Coun'ty, Fredekicksville PAinsir, J>/i>e ]dth, iToO. Dear Sir : — Yours from Cwm Castle of Nov. SOtli eame to hand some few days ago. It lias escaped my memory if you before advertised me of your intention to quit London. My conjectures concerning the effect of your exchanging the gross air of that immensely populous city for the purer air you now breathe, I perceive were not quite without founda- tion. Indeed, they were in good measure built on what I have had occasion to observe here. Persons who have been either born in the mountainous country hereabouts, or resided in it long enough to acquire what we call a mountain constitu- tion, on their removal to the flatter lauds and the large rivers, are infallibly unhealthy there, however healthy and robust they used to be here, so that, in the course of a few years, an athletic habit degenerates and dwindles into one valetudinary and cachectic. But when driven thence to this part of the country again, which is beautifully diversified with Miitou's gratefui variety of hill and dale, you would be surprised to see how suddenly they recover their wonted strength and vigor. I suppose the great difference between the two airs to be the CHUse which produces these effects. 414 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. In the lower parts of the country, near the large rivers, the lands are flat and the declivity towards the sea-coast much more gradual than here. Hence, the water there descends with less rapidity, and is not so pure ; hence, too, there are many more stagnant collections of it, which may be considered as so many seminaries of disease. On the rivers, too, are ex- tensive tracts of marshy land, many parts of which are so miry that, without exaggerating, you may with a light impulse of the hand, bury a ten-foot rod in a perpendicular direction. These are covered with a luxuriant growth of grass and weeds in summer, and with a thick coat of dry sedge in winter ; so that, except in the spring, when these places are set on fire, they are utterly impenetrable to sun or air, excluding the salu- brious blasts of the one and the purifying rays of the other, and remain ever fraught with noxious and morbific particles. Hence arise fogs, prodigiously dense, impregnated with un- wholesome vapors, arising from these sloughs, and extremely ofiensive to the smell, which often continue undispersed till nine o'clock in the morning, by which probably the purity and salubrity of the air is impaired. From the evils of these treasuries of disease we mountaineers are happily exempt. The descent of our lands is so quick, that morasses are scarcely known among us, and the rapidity of our waters so great that none of them have leisure to stagnate. Now, the difference between the air of London and that of the country may possi- bly be as great as between that of a lowland and mountainous situation here ; for. methinks it is highly probable, that the smoke and filth of that prodigious city may infect and pollute the air as much as the exhalations from our marshy grounds. Whether these speculations be just or not, I. who never made philosophy my study, will not undertake to decide, but it !& LETTEUS OF .TAMES MAURT. 415 uot^ir'ous that, many constitutions, wbicli bad been so impaired Dv the unwnoiesomo air ot the 'uwe'* country tliac the pfiysi- Clan's an could neither mend nor restore have surprisingly re covered their vif^or by a chaui^e of situation. Mav your re- moval tu rural retreats and sylvan scenes be attended with the like happy eifeets ! A sound mind in a sound body, with a competent share of the comforts of lifs, is doubtless the highest pitch of happiness to which a reasonable man could aspire, till the desirable pe- riod arrive when He, who has so wonderfully connected and interwoven in one frame two such different and heterogeneous principles as flesh and spirit, shall think fit to dissolve the union, in order to that more perfect and glorious re-union which we expect to take place on that awful day, when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal, immor- tality, and when Death, that scourge of guilt and enemy of our nature, shall be triumphantly swallowed up in victoi-y. Your command to let you know the distance and bearings between the several branches of our family and Williamsburg, and also between each other, I will execute as well as I am able without the assistance of a pair of dividers, which I have not at present by me. Mr. Fontaine, if I mistake not, lives near Bear Swamp, close on the southern branch of the North Anna, a northern branch of Pamunkey Kiver. about 75 miles northwest from Williamsburg, and about 56 miles almost due east from hence, in the count}' of Hanover. Mr. Claiborne is seated in tlie forks of Nottoway, in the county of Lunenburg, between ninety and a hundred miles distant from Williamsbuiy. by a course about two poiutH w 4J6 MEMOIES OF A HT'GTTKNOT FAMILY. the southward rf west, and about the same distance henoo in a direction somewhat to the eastward of south. My brother, as well as I remember, lives on the waters of Difficult Crc'ik, near the extremity of that point of land where the ,^reat river Roanoke is formed by the confluence of the Dan and Stanton, one hundred and twenty miles from the me- tropolis, in a course somewhat to the southward of west, in the county of Halifax, and a hundred miles at least from hence, a little to the westward of south. The rector of Fredericksville is planted close under the southwest mountains, one hundred and thirty miles nearly northwest from Williamsburg. To the article of public affairs, I have little to add to what has been said in my letters to uncle John and to Mr. Torin. However, it may not be unacceptable to subjoin, that General Stanwix, who last year commanded at Pittsburg, has, by his singular industry and application, and by prosecuting the works during the whole winter, as far as the rigors of the sea- son would allow, completely finished a large and strong fortifi- cation there. Instead of wasting time in those pleasures and diversions which officers commonly indulge in during the winter, this gentleman continued at his post, and carried on the works with assiduity and vigor, and left not the wilds of Ohio till late in the spring, when he returned to Philadelphia in order to embark for Great Britain, where I hope his great merit will meet with the approbation, and applause, and grate- ful acknowledgment of his country and his Royal Master. The command of the Southern army, since his departure devolves on General Monkton, an officer, universally esteemed by those who have been witnesses of his spirited conduct on many occasions since the commencement of the war. At the LEITEKS OF JAMES MAUKY 411 time that the behavior of Braddock, and some other British officers, had caused very unfavorable ideas to be attached to the words — English officer — this gentleman, though only Lieu- tenant Colonel, vras respected wherever he was known. By this date, I expect, he is on the point of embarking, either fron Oswego or Niagara, on an expedition against Detroit, a French fortress, built on the western side of the strait, through which the upper lakes pay their constant tribute to Erie. This place is otherwise called Pontchartraiu. Should he succeed, he is to advance to St. Sulpice, situate on the strait through which the Lake Michigan discharges its waters into Huron. Thence, if all go smoothly, and summer enough be left, a chain of forts is to be extended to the Mississippi, and all the most impor- tant portages and communications between the waters of the Mississippi, and the Lake Michigan, secured quite into Mis- sissippi. Whether this intelligence be authentic, I know not. The plan, however, seems to be good, pleasing at least to myself, as it exactly falls in with my own notion ; and, to me it appears practicable, as, without some uncommon disaster, the enemy, there, must submit to our superiority of strength. It is excellently calculated to prevent the augmentation of the French power here, to finish the glorious work of stopping up all the avenues of eouimunieation between their northern and southern settlements, and to open a most lucrative trade with nations scarce ever heard of by the American English. And. ehould the armaments, which, your prints tell us, are destined against their settlement of Louisiana, also triumph. Great Britain will then be in possession of what wi\l our day prove a more copious source of wealth than all the Mexican and Peruvian mines. The lionorable and successful issue of the war, will, proba- 18* 418 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. bly, put it out of the power of any thing but our iniquities t4 hurt us; though, according to the course of things, it may minister material for cherishing those vices, which, alas ! have already grown to a gigantic and enormous size. So that we may possibly, at length, fall under the Psalmist's malediction, and see those very things, which should have been for our wealth, by our own perverse abuse of them, unhappily con- verted into an occasion of falling. This is certainly an alloy that embitters the pleasure resulting from prospects of tem- poral greatness, to feel that all the enjoyments and possessions of this world carry in them, what, though not necessarily, yet, eventually, becomes a temptation to evil. And, therefore, you may believe that I, very heartily, join with you in praying that such a wonderful series of successes may not produce the unnatural fruits it sometimes does, but those, which in reason, and justice and duty it ought to do. My family desires to be particularly remembered to you, and as for myself, I am, respected sir, Your dutiful nephew and affectionate friend, James Maury. To the Rev JoJm Camm. December \1ih, 1768. i>EAR Sir : — Now that I am somewhat more at leisure, than when I wrote to you by Major Winston, from Hanover, some few days ago, I have sat down to give you the best ac- count I can of the most material passages in the trial of my cause against the Collectors in that Court, both to satisfy your own curiosity, and to enable the lawyer, by whom it ia to ne managed in the General Court, to form some judgment LETTEKS OF JA_MP:S MAURY. 4 1 [) of its merits. I believe, sir. you were advised from Nov'r Court, that the Bench had adjudged the twopenny act to bc no law ; and that, at the next, a jury, on a writ of inijuiry, were to examine whether tlie PlaintiflF had sustained any dam- ages, and what. Accordingly, at December Court, a select jury was ordered to be summoned ; but, how far they who gave the order, wished or intended it to be regarded, you may judge from the sequel. The Sheriff went into a public room, full of gentlemen, and told his errand. One excused himself (Peter Robinson of King William) as having already given his opinion in a similar case. On this, as a person then pres- ent told me, he immediately left the room, without summoning any one person there. Jle afterwards met another gentleman (Richard Sq. Taylor) on the green, and, on his saying he was not fit to serve, being a churchwarden, he took upon himself to excuse him, too, and. as far as I can learn, made no further / attempts to sunnnon gentlemen. These, you'll say, were but feeble endeavors to comply with the directions of the Court in that particular. ,^Hcnce, he went among the vulgar herd. ^ After he had selected and set down upon his list about eight or ten of these, I met liim with it in his hand, and on looking over it, observed to him that they were not such jurors as the Court had directed him to get, being people of whom I had never heard before, except one, whom, I told him, he knew to be a party in the cause, as one of the Collector's Securities, and, therefore, not fit for a juror on that occasion. Yet this man's name was not erased. He was even called in Court, and. had lie not excused him.self. would prolnibly have been admitted. For. 1 cainiot recollect, that the Court expressed either surj)ri.^e or dislike that a iimrc proper jury had not been summoned. -N^y; though 1 objected against them, yet, as 420 MEMOLKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Patrick Henry (one of the Defendant's lawyers) insisted tLey were honest men, and, therefore, unexceptionable, they were immediately called to the book and sworn. Three of them, as I was afterwards told, nay, some said four, were Dissenters V of that denomination called New Lights^ which the Sheriff, as they were all his acquaintance, must have known. Messrs. Gist and McDowall, the two most considerable purchasers in that county, were now called in to prove the price of tobac- co, and sworn. The testimony of the foimer imported, that, during the months of May and June, 1750, tobacco had cur- rently sold at 50s. per hundred, and that himself, at or about the latter end of the last of those months, had sold some hun- dreds of hhds. at that price, and, amongst the rest, one hun- dred to be delivered in the month of August, which, however, were not delivered till September. That of the latter only proved, " That 50s. was the current price of tobacco that season." This was the sum of the evidence for the Plaintiff. Against him, was produced a receipt to the Collector, to the oest of my remembrance in these words : '-Received of Thomas Johnson, Jun'r, at this and some former payments, £144, cur- rent money, by James Maury." After the lawyers on both sides had displayed the force and weight of the evidence, pro and con. to their Honors, the jurors, and one of those who ap- peared for the Defendants had observed to them that they must Snd [or if they must finely I am not sure which, but think the former) for the Plaintiff, but need not find more t})an one far- thing ; they went out. and, according to instruction (though whether according to evidence or not, I leave you to judge ). in less than five minutes brought in a verdict for the Plaintiff, one penny damages. Mr. Lyons urged, as the verdict was contrary to evidecce. the jury ought to be sent out again. But no notice LETPEKS OF JAMKS MAURY. 421 was taken of it, and the verdict admitted without hesitation by the Bench. He then moved to have the evidence of Messrr Gist and McDowell recorded, with as little eflfect. His next motion, which was for a new trial, shared the same fate. He then moved it might be admitted to record, "that he had made a motion for a Tiew trial, because he considered the verdict con- trary to evidence, and that the motion had been rejected ;" which, after much altercation, was agreed to. He lastly moved for an appeal, which, too. was granted. This, sir, as well as I can re- member, is a just and impartial narrative of the most material occurrences in the trial of that cause. One occurrence more, tho' not essential to the cause, I can't help mentioning, as a striking instance of the loyalty, impartiality and attachment of the Bench to the Church of England in particular, and to re- ligion at large. Mr. Henry, mentioned above (who had been called in by the Defendants, as we su.spected, to do what I some time ago told you of), after Mr. Lyons had opened the cause, rose and harangued the jury for near an hour. This harangue turned upon points as much out of his own depth, and that of the jury, as they were foreign from the purpose ; whit-h it would be impertinent to mention here. However, after he had discussed those points, he labored to prove "that the act of 1758 had every ch;iracteristic of a good law; that it was a law of general utility, and could not, consistently with what he called the original compact between King and people, stip- ulating protection on the one hand and obedience on the other be annulled." Hence, he inferred. '■ that a King, by disallowing Acts of this salutary nature, from being the father of his people, degenerated into a Tyrant, and forfeits all right to bis subjects' obedience." He further urged, "that the only une of an Established Church and (Hergy in society, is to enforre 422 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUKMOT FAMILY. obedience to civil sanctions, and the observance of those which are called duties of imperfect obligation : that, wiien a Clergy ceases to answer these ends, the community have no further need of their ministry, and may justly strip them of their ap- pointments ; that the Clergy of Virginia, in this particular instance of their refusing to acquiesce in the law in question, had been so far from answering, that they liad most notoriously counteracted, those great ends of their institution ; that, therefore, instead of useful meml)ers of the state, they ought , to be considered as enemies of the community ; and that, in the case now before them, Mr. Maury, instead of countenance, and protection and damages, very justly deserved to be pun- - ished with signal severity." And then he perorates to the fol- lowing purpose, "that excepting they (the jury) were disposed to rivet the chains of bondage on their own necks, he hoped they would not let slip the opportunity which now offered, of making such an example of him as might, hereafter, be a warning to himself and his brethren, not to have the temerity, for the future, to dispute the validity of such laws, authenticated by the only authority, which, in his conception, could give force to laws for the government of this Colony, the authority of a legal representative of a Council, and of a kind and benevo- lent and patriot Governor." You'll observe I do not pretend to remember his words, but take this to have been the sutu and substance of this part of his labored oral!ion. When he came to that part of it where he undertook to assert, "that a King, by annulling or disallowing acts of so salutary a nature, from being the Father of his people degenerated into a Tyrant, and forfeits all right to his subjects' obedience ;" the more sober part of the audience were struck with horror. Mr. Lyons called out aloud, and with an honest warmth, to the Bench, LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY. 423 "That the gentleman had spoken treason," and expressed hip astonishment "that their worships could hear it without emo- tion, or any mark of dissatisfaction." At the same iustani too, amongst some gentlemen in the crowd behind me, was a confused murmur of Treason, Treason ! Yet Mr. Henry went on in the same treasonable and licentious strain, without in- terruption from the Bench, nay, even without receiving the V^ least exterior notice of their disapprobation. One of the jury, too, was so highly pleased with these doctrines, that, as I was afterwards told, he every now and tUon-gave the traitorous de- claimer a nod of approbation. After the Court was adjourned he apologised to me for what he had said, alleging that his sole view in engaging in the cause, and in saying what he had, was to render himself popular. You see, then, it is so clear a point in inis person's opinion, that the ready road to popularity here, is, to trample under foot the interests of religion, the rights of the church, and the prerogative of the Crown. If this be not pleading for the "assumption of a power to bind the King's hands," if it be not asserting "such supremacy in provincial Legislatures" as is inconsistent with the dignity of the Church of England, and manifestly tends to draw the people of these plantations from their allegiance to the King, tell me. my dear sir, what is so, if you can. Mr. Cootes, merchant on James River, after Court said " he would have given a considerable su!i out of his own pocket, rather than his friend Patrick should have been guilty of a crime, but little, if any thinjr inferior to that which brought Simon Lord Lovatt to the block ;" and justly observed that he exceeded the most se- ditious and inflammatory harangues of the Tribunes of old Rome My warmest wishes and jtrayers ever attend you. And (\4^- 4:2J: MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. besides these there is little else in the power of, my dear Camm, Your affectionate J. Maury. To Mr. John Fontaine. Decemher 31, 1765. But what hath given a most general alarm to all the colonists on this continent, and most of those in the islands, and struck us with the most universal consternation that ever seized a people so widely diffused, is a late Act of the British Parliament, subjecting us to a heavy tax, by the imposition of stamp duties on all manner of papers required in trade, law, or private dealings ; on pamphlets, newspapers, almanacs, cal- enaars, ana even advertisements ; and ordaining that the causes of delinc^uents against the Act, wheresoever such de- linquents may reside, shall be cognizable, and finally determin- able by any Court of Admiralty upon the continent, to which either plaintiff or defendant shall think proper to appeal from the sentence either of the inferior Courts of Justice or the su- perior. The execution of this Act was to have commenced on the first of the last month all over British America, but hath been, with an unprecedented unanimity, opposed and pre- vented by every province on the continent, and by all the islands, whence we have had any advices since that date. For this 'tis pi'obable some may brand us with the odious name of rebels, and others may applaud us for that generous love of liberty which we inherit from our glorious forefathers, while some few may prudently suspend their judgment till they shall have heard what may be said on either side of the question. If the Parliament indeed have a right to impose taxes on LETTERS OF JAMES MAUKY, 425 I the colonies, we are as absolute slaves as any in Asia, and consequently in a state of rebellion. If they have no such right, we are acting the noble and virtuous part which every freeman and community of freemen hath a right, and is in duty bound to act. For my own part, I am not acquainted with all that may be said on the one part or the other, and therefore am in some sort obliged to suspend my judgment. But no arguments that have yet come in my way, have con- vinced me that the Parliament hath any such right. The ad- vocates for the Act, I observe, have alleged both precedents and arguments in support of the Parliament's right of taxa- tion over the colonies. The precedents alleged are two Acts ^ of Parliament; one establishing a Post-Office in America; the other, making some regulations with regard to the British troops sent hither in the late war ; which are so very dissimi- y lar from what they have been alleged to support, and there- fore so foreign from the point, that instead of producing con- viction, they really excite laughter. And of the arguments I have seen urged in behalf of this, till now unheard-of claim, the chief seems to be but a bare ipse dixit^ an unsupported assertion that we, as British subjects, are virtually represented In the British Parliament, and consequently obliged by all its Acts. But. how some millions of people here (not a man of whom can, in consequence of his property here, either give a vote for sending a member to, or himself obtain a seat in. your House of Commons) can, in any sense, be said to be rep- Gscnted by that House, is utterly incomprehensible to an American understanding, or to any European understanding I have yet met with, which hath breathed American air. That we are subject to the jurisdictinii of P;irliameiit in mat- ters of government that are of a nature purely external ; sub- 426 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUEKOT JAMILY. ject, too, to such of its statutes as are of a date orior to th« tirst migration of our ancestors hither, and to the first foundv tion of our government, is what seems to be generally granted amongst those I have conversed with. But taxation is an act of government purely internal, in which (allowing us to be freemen) we conceive a British House of Commons and a Par; lianieut of Paris have an equal right to intermeddle. We flatter ourselves with a notion, that though we be subjects of Great Britain, and, we, hope, as loyal as any others (and per- haps not less useful), We yet are freemen. All our charters declare (whicli we are not conscious of having ever forfeited) that all British subjects dwelling and their diildren born here^ shall have and en^oy all liberties^ franchises and immu- nities to all intents and purposes^ as if tlh%y had been abiding and horn within the realm of England And if these char- ters have not been legally forfeited, as we trust they have not, are we not entitled to all the rights and liberties of Britons ? If we be, we cannot, one would think, consistently with the principles of the British government, as ascertained in Magna Charta, be taxable without our own consent. We also con- ceive that the consent of no freeholder in America hath been given, or can possibly be given, in any constitutional mode, either personally or vicariously, to the Act in question, or to any other Act of taxation ; because, not a man of us, as pos- sessor of American property, can, as was before observed, vote for a member, or himself become a member, in that august House, whence all money bills, as far as their jurisdiction ex- tends, must take their rise. We, moreover, consider ouselves. if you will allow me the expression for want of a better, as a peculiu7n of the Crown. By charters from the Crown, that company was incorporated which first planted us. By the LDTTKRS OK .IA^r^:s MAFRY. 427 Urown weie tnose cliartcrs afterwards revoked. By tlm Orown, too, we are told, all the grants of liberties, ail the charters which had passed t'roin the company during its exist- ence, to *.he colony, were, upon the revocation of the com- pany's charters and its dissolution, confirmed and ratified to us. Under the immediate protection, direction, and govern- ment of the Crown have we been from that time to this. In short, thenceforward all the Acts of our Legislature either have, or constitutionally ought to have been, transmitted to (jireat Britain and subjected to the royal government, either to be disallowed, or ratified and confirmed by the ultimate sanction of the royal assent, previously to their having the force and validity of laws, without any parliamentary interpo- sition whatever. So that the King, not as a branch of the British Legislature, but as a sovereign lord and absolute pro- prietor of the colony, in conjunction with his commissioner the Governor, his Council of State, and the people's representatives here, we suppose, form that aggregate Legislature, to the Acts of which alone, in all articles of intiMiial government (of which taxation is a most important one) we owe obedience. To such alone, and to no other, have we paid obedience quite from our first establishment to this ]»resfnt day. And to such alone, in all such articles, particularly that of taxes, if I mistake not the sentiments of my countrymen, will they ever be disposed or prevailed on to pay obedience by any other argument than what some have called the iili'inut. ratio irgam^ which may. for aught T know, be as cinivincing in matters of policy, as fire and faggot have been in tli(i.' visoes to one of them. In a wurJ, it is indisputable that, whenever the kings of Great Britain have wanted any aid? either of men or money from this colony, the method of obtain- ing them hath been by letters requisitory, in the royal name, from a Secretary of State to the Governors, by whom those letters have been laid before the Assembly, who have levied the aids asked in such mode and by such ways and means as they thought most effectual and least oppressive, of which they surely are the best judges ; from all which premises the people of Virginia conclude, the Parliament hatib nu rigid to tax them. But if they had, it is as steadfastly believed by most men here, as any article of their creed, that they have no right lo deprive us of the inestimable privilege of being tried by juries. This unconstitutional stretch of authority they are certain it is not their duty to obey. The transition from sub- jecting us to be tried by Courts of Admiralty in civil matters to military government is so easy, that the thoughts of it almost reduce us to despair. For these reasons, amongst many others, ^ the people of this colony would not allow the stamped paper" ; to be distributed, and forced the stamp-master to resign imme- ) diately on his arrival. These reasons convince them that the \ moment they acquiesce under the Stamp Act, they commence slaves ; and the blood of their generous ancestors which flows in their veins, or some other cause, seems to have given them such an instinctive abhorrence of slavery that, were we to / judge from appearances, they tliiuk any evil whatever more eligible than that. How the aflair will end, God only knows ! May his wise Providence prevent those tragedies, which my very heart even bleeds at the thoughts of! But, put the case (which is the most favorable supposition that can be put). that the Colonies at last submit to the gall- , 430 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMIEV. ing joke, every friend to Great Britain must even tiieu find cause to detest and execrate the Act. For the execution of it, or of any other Act of Taxation, will aifect her in the ten- derest points, — her manufactures, trade, and naval power The Colonies were poor before the war. They are mucl more so since. Additional taxes must increase their poverty The poorer they are, the le.«s of your manufactures can the} pay for and consume. The less demand there is for those manufactures, the more of your manufacturers must want bread. When we can no longer pay for your manufactures, we cannot go naked. Necessity will set us upon improving the natural advantages of oui soil and climate, and manufac- \ turing the products of it, flax, hemp, wool, and cotton, which are to be had here in great plenty, as well as perfection. Besides, it is said, some eminent merchants in London have computed that one-third, others one-fourth, of your exports are brought to the Colonies ; and have observed that those exports have greatly diminished since this Act hath been on the carpet. How just that comj)utation or remark may be, I do not know. But this I know, that the orders for goods from Great Bri tain have greatly decreased, wherever I am acquainted, as well as the consumption of them, within these few months ; that the number of wheels, looms, &c., have increased to an amazing degree, and that only at one meeting in a neighbor ing Colony, upwards of two hundred merchants are said to have bound themselves under most solemn engagements, not to order any goods from Great Britain till that Act should be repealed. In short, necessity will force every man of us to 1 employ his own labor and that of his slaves, so as may best sup- ply his needs ; from which. I believe, nothing but some dragoons at each man's door wi'l prevent us. More need notTe said to LEITKRS OF JAMES MAFRY. 431 prove this detestable Act productive of the most direful mischief, uot only to the children, but to the mother island. For my own part, whatever the event may be, I comfort myself with the reflection, that every thing here below is subject to th« control of irresistible power, directed by unerring wisdom and infinite goodness, &c. &c. J. Maury. To the Honorable Philip L,udv)ell. Honorable Sir : — However misbecoming it may in ge- neral be thought, in such as act only in a private station, to intermeddle in affairs of a public nature; yet when our coun- try is in danger, to ward that danger off seems to be an ob- ject of common concern. Hence, I trust, any member of the community will be deemed pardonable, at least, in showing a readiness to forward the accomplishment of that desirable end. With this view then, I am about to take the freedom to offer to your Honor's consideration some few particulars with which, peradventure, the great distance between Wil- liamsburg and those parts of the country which are most im- mediately affected by them, may have prevented some gentle- men, who share in the administration, from being so tho- roughly acquainted, as. it is conceived, public utility, re- quires they should. Not to mention the repeated acts of hostility and vio- lence committed, on our fellow-subjects in the remoter parts of the Colony, by those bloody instruments of French policy, the Indians ; nor the great extent of country on both sides the Al.eghahies, now almost tolaliy depopulated by them, which are facts long since notorious to all I beg leave to in- 432 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. form you, that such uumbeis of people have lately trans- planted themselves hence into the more southerly govern- ments, as must appear almost incredible to any, except such as have had an opportunity of knowing it, either from their own observation, or the credible information of others. From the waters of Potomac, James River, and Roanoke, on the eastern side of the above-mentioned ridge of mountains, nay, from the side of the Blue Ridge, hundreds of families have, within these few months past, removed, deserted their habitations, and conveyed themselves and their most valuable movables into other governments. By Bedford Court House, in one week, it ns said, and I believe truly said, near three hundred persons, inhabitants ot this colony, passed on their way to Carolina. And I have it from good authors, that no later in autumn than October, five thousand more had crossed James River, only at one ferry, that at Goochland Court House, and journeying towards the same place ; and doubtless great numbers have passed that way since. And, although all these had not been settled in Virginia, yet a large proportion of them had. From all the upper counties, even those on this side the Blue Hills, great numbers are daily following, and others preparing tc follow in the spring. Scarce do I know a neighborhood but has lost some families, and expects quickly to lose more. AVhat aggravates the misfortune, is, that many of these are not the idler and the vagrant, pests of society, whom it is ever salutary to a body politic to purge off", but the honest and in dustrious, men of worth and property, whom it is an evil at any time to a community to lose, but is most eminently so to our own in the present critical juncture. Now, sir, as many have thus quitted fertile lauds and LKITEKS OF JAMKS MAURY. 433 comfortable habitations, left behind them theix* friends, rela- tions, and country, to all which they were attached by many powerful and endearing ties, we may conclude that weighty have been the reasons, at least these people have thought them such, which have already determined so many to act as these have done, and will determine others to follow their ex- ample. But, whether they be weighty in themselves or not, it is certain they are such as reduce the numbers of our inha- bitants very fast, to the great detriment and loss of the public. As I have had an opportunity of conversing with some of them upon the subject, and have thence discovered what con- siderations have influenced their conduct in this point, I shall take the liberty briefly and candidly to represent them to your Honor ; after which, you may judge whether they have any weight or not ; that, if they have, the gentlemen whose province it is to direct public affairs, may, if upon inquiry they find this information founded on truth, consider what will be the pi'operest remedies for a timely prevention of the further progress of this consumption in our political consti- tution. Although it be natural to suspect that the heavy taxes which the pressing exigencies of our country have rendered necessary, possibly may, and perhaps actually have, deter- mined some to remove, yet, I know none who have been pre- vailed on to do so, purely and simply from that consideration. But, sir, an unhappy concurrence of various sinister events and untoward circumstances, preventing the Colony from reaping advantages from the sums levied and expended, ade- quate to those sums, together with a suspicion and dread that their persons and possessions are not sufficiently insured ly 4:34 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. against the cruelties and depredations of the savages, lia7« been the prevailing and principal inducements to these peo- ple, thus, to their own private, as well as to the public detri- ment and loss, to become voluntary exiles. Gentlemen in the administration may think, and I do be- lieve they do think, that abundant provision has been already made for their protection and defence, as well by the several companies of Rangers sent out in the fall, as by the present expedition against the Shawanese. Whether the former of these measures has answered all the good ends, which, I pre- sume, the Government had in view when it was resolved on, I undertake not to affirm or deny. And, whether the latter will, no man not endowed with the prophetic gift can foretell. However, I hope it will. But this is foreign to my purpose, which is to inform your Honor of the sentiments and reasonings of those people who are daily seeking new habitations out of this Government. And they, sir, notwithstanding those measures, and all others which have yet been pursued with the same views, look upon our frontiers to be in so insecure and defenceless a state as to justify their apprehensions that the same bloody tragedies which were acted at the expense of their neighbors last sum- mer, will, if they stay, be re-acted the ensuing at their own. If only fifty Indians, which they believe to be as many as were upon our borders in the south-west last year, made such havoc and desolation, drove off upwards of 2,000 head of cattle and horses to support themselves and the enemy at Fort Duquesne, besides what they wantonly destroyed; if so contemptible a band depopulated and ravaged so large a tract of country, they suspect, much greater numbers, animated And tempted by the extraordinary suceess of those few, will, LETTERS OF JAiEES MAURY. 43?: ere lung, iciiL'w the same hostilities, and consequently, much greater and more extensive mischief will ensue. And. certain it is, should that be attempted and no effectual methods pur- sued to defeat the attempt, many parts of this Colony, now several miles within the frontier, will shortly become frontier in their turn. '^<^ As to the expedition under the command of Major Lewis, they regard it as a mark of the government's concern for their particular security, and of its attention to the welfare of the community at large. But yet. the success of it being uncer- tain, they think it not prudent to risk all that is dear in life, nay, life itself, upon such an uncertainty. They steadfastly believe, because it has been confidently affirmed by persons whom they judge worthy of credit, that the Shawanese have long since received intelligence of the march and destination of that party of Cherokees who are now to act in concert with the forces of this Colony, that are under the command of Major Lewis. And, hence, it is concluded, they have time cither to augment tlieir strength sufficiently to face us in the field, or else to retreat beyond the reach uf our forces for awhile, in order, either when they shall be withdrawn thence, or even while they continue there in one body, to return on our back settlements by some one or other of those various passes through the Alleghany mountains, all whidi it will be utterly impossible for those forces in that united state to command or guard. And should this expedition, for these or any othe- reasons, succeed no better than some others have, what our re- mote inhabitants have heretofore suffered is judged but trifling, compared with what tliey would suffer in conseqiience of .so disastrous an event ; a dread of which, it is generally feared, would determine all the people beyond the Blue Kidge instant 436 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ly to abandon their habitations, and retreat to a place of greater security ; which they, as well as those who have already removed thither, expect to find in the western parts of the Carolinas, in the neighborhood and under the shelter of the Catawbas and Cherokees ; whither, it is supposed, the French Indians will, at present, scarce think proper to make any inroads ; for, sir, in the present state of our frontiers, ihey must be sensible, if they judge of the future from the past, that they may with less trouble and hazard, get both scalps and plunder in Vir- ginia, as valuable, nay, more valuable than they can well ex- pect in the neighborhood of those two nations, our friends, who are truly formidable to them, one for its martial and en- terprising genius, the other for its numbers. It is generally believed by the most prudent and discern- ing in this part of the country, that during the present trou- bles, nothing will put a stop to this prevailing humor of re- moving southerly, because nothing will convince the people they are safe, but a line of forts extended quite across the Co- lony, as a barrier against incursions of the barbarians ; and that this would, is quite probable, because a trifling fort on Jackson River, a little below the mouth of Carpenter's Creek, and another more trifling at the Drunkard's Bottom, on New River, have, notwithstanding surrounding dangers, kept their neighboring settlements tolerably well together, as yet. Sir, if this be the case, it is submitted to superior judgments to decide, whether or not it will be a prudent and necessary mea- sure to have a chain of forts thrown across the Colony with all convenient speed. Should such a scheme be resolved on, the following line might, perhaps, upon being viewed by proper persons, be found to be not altogether inconvenient to build them on, to LETl'ERS OF JAMES MAURY. 437 wit : beginning near the head of Patterson's Creek on Poto- mac (for there is a fort already thirteen miles above its mouth), continued up the western branch of Woppocomo, and down Jackson River, and up Craig's Creek, crossing the Alleghany Mountains to the Horse Shoe Bottom on New River, thence up to the head of Reedy Creek, and extended down Holston, quite to the latitude of our southern boundary. Each of these forts might be built from other about thirty miles dis- tant, more or less, as the natural situation of the grounds, and some other requisite conveniences, would admit. Each, too, might be garrisoned by a company of about fifty men, ex- clusive of officers, part whites and part Indians. As the whole distance is somewhat upwards of 300 miles only, and some few forts are already erected on or near this line, ten or twelve at most, might be sufficient to serve our whole fron- tier, and six hundred men at most, Indians and whites toge- ther, to garrison the whole chain. Should it be further determined that no person bear any commission in these garrisons, except such as besides some little fortune and a good character, are expert woodsmen, it would still further insure the success of this matter. As his Honor, the Governor, cannot be so well acquainted with persons who may be best qualified to command these com- panies, as several gentlemen in the upper counties are, who are themselves experienced woodsmen, and personally know such as are most proper for such an office ; both on tliis and the other accounts just mentioned, would it be amiss should directions be given to the several courts of Augusta, Frede- rick, and Hanipsliire, Halifax. T.unonburg. Prince Edward and Bedford, Albemarle and Jiouisa. Orange, Culpepper, Prince William and Fairfax, each to roconmicnd tlireo or 438 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. four persons, the best qualified in their respective counties for that business ; out of whom his Honor might make choice oi such as he should think fit? Perhaps, too, it might be thought necessary to appoint one general commander over all these garrisons, who, upon any emergency, by drafting a cer- tain quota from each, would be enabled more speedily and more efiectually to relieve any particular place in distress, as well as to harass and intercept any parties of the enemy, dar- ing enough to adventure within the line. Supposing these fortresses built each from other at the distances men- tioned above, the whole extent of country from north to soutli might be daily ranged and explored, and a constant communi- cation maintained between fort and fort ; for each garrison would bear dividing into six parties. Two might in regular rotation be constantly employed in scouring the woods ; one about fifteen miles to the northward, the other about as far to the southward of their own fort, while the remaining four con- tinued at home, both for their own refreshment and for the necessary guard and defence of their post. Each of the two dividends upon duty might be obliged to range from their own fort as above proposed to some distance, as nearly central as may be, between it and that towards which they respec- tively patrol. The scouting parties of these two forts might there meet each other in the evening, camp together that night for mutual security, and before setting out for their se- veral homes in the morning, make an appointment where the two next detachments from the two same garrisons to be next upon duty should meet and encamp on the evening of the succeeding day ; taking care, as frequently as may be, tc change their places of encampment, in order both to render the passage of the enemy by night or by day more precarious, LETTERS OF .TAMES MAURY. +,S9 and more effectually to guard against a surprise in the night which might also be further guarded against were each party to have some few well-tutored and mettlesome dogs, the most vigilant of sentinels, whose antipathy against Indians is as strong as that of Indians against them. And by these par- ties thus frequently meeting, any intelligence might be easily transmitted from one extremity of this line to the other, or from any of the intermediate stations to either extremity, without any extraordinary trouble or expense. As all these garrisons might be under the same regulations, and detach- ments from each be daily ranging in the manner above-men- tioned, the country thereabouts would be thoroughly searched and guarded, and yet the soldiers, through this alternate vi- cissitude of exercise and repose, not obliged to undergo any immoderate fatigue ; for two-thirds of their time would be spent at their fort, and only one-third upon duty out of doors. Now, sir, do not you think it highly probable that a scheme of this sort judiciously planned and faithfully executed, of which this may be considered only as an imperfect sketch, would render it extremely hazardous for the enemy, notwithstand- ing their celebrated activity and expertness in the woods, and the ruggedness and unevenness of those grounds, to make any inroads upon us with success ? The diligence and activity that may be expected in officers thus cautiously chosen, and the garrisons under their command, having a proper intermix- ture of Indians no loss subtle tlian the enemy, as bold, and equally well versed in all the barbarian arts and stratagems of war, would be much more formidable to those brutal rava- gers, and embarrass them much more than many thousands of the best disciplined troops, and would either keep them at due distance, or, should they adventure within the barrier, sc- 440 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. verely chastise their insolence and temerity. Such a measure, too, besides aflfording the people in these quarters greater se- curity than they have ever yet had, it is supposed will be less expensive to the Government than any other that seems to promise equal success. Good judges of work are of opinion that each of these forts, together with its necessary buildings, will not cost more than between £40 and £50, provided the several companies be obliged to assist the undertaker in fell- ing, hewing, sawing, and conveying into place the timber, in digging the trenches for the stockades, and in other services of that nature ; and provided forts, built after the model, in the manner, and of the dimensions of that of which you here- with receive a plan, be judged sufficient to answer the end. Men, too, may be had to garrison them with very little boun- ty ; many, perhaps, without any, provided the Government would give them an assurance that they should not be obliged to enter into any other service. When enlisted, they would be less apt to desert than men are from corps of a different denomination, and destined for services of a different nature. Moreover, the Indians in these garrisons will certainly re quire less costly clothing, and perhaps be satisfied with lower wages than soldiers are commonly allowed. The white men, too, would be clothed as cheaply, perhaps more so, than sol- diers regularly regimented. Several officers thought neces- sary in corps of this latter denomination, would here be need- less ; such as colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major, adjutant, quarter-master, pay -master, commissary, and perhaps some others. If I am not mistaken in the pay these several officers receive in the Virginia Regiment, which, according to my cal- culation amounts to £177 lOs. per month, the six hundred men in these forts will be cheaper to the Colony by £2,130 LETTEKS OF JAMES MAUKY. 441 per annum than the same number regimented, out of which, however, is to be deducted the pay of an officer to command the whole, which, rated at twenty shillings per day, a very bountiful and genteel allowance, leaves an annual clear saving to the Colony of £1,765. As some of these forts will be convenient to the back in- habitants, the garrisons may be fed at much less expense than the Colony's troops at Cumberland can be, because the heavy charges of a long land carriage will be saved, savings which well merit the attention of a government, most especially when its treasury is well-nigh exhausted, and its subjects so little able to replenish it as our countrymen at present confessedly are. But there is another very considerable expense which I had like to have forgotten, which this method of guarding our frontiers will render needless, and which therefore may be saved ; for draughting the militia will probably hence be ren- dered unnecessary, which has frequently been done last year, and for aught that is known to the contrary, the Government may be necessitated to do the same the ensuing. And, should only six hundred of them be employed in defence of our fron- tiers, and stationed there only for one campaign, on the pay established by Act of Assembly, it would be such an addition to that load of debt and taxes under which the country at present labors, as, together with its unhappy circumstances in some other respects, must infallibly sink it beyond a possi- bility of emerging through a course of many years, how favor- able a turn soever its present situation of afi'airs may take. Such a chain of fortresses would also bring back the fugi- tives to their deserted plantations, would encourage others to prosecute anew their former schemes of seating the back lauds 19* 442 MEMOERS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. which these unhappy contests between the courts of London and Versailles have deterred them from executing, and would invite new settlers thither from several of the neighboring colonies, as well as from the crowded and interior parts of our own ; hence, a considerable increase of people, which has ever been thought an augmentation of wealth and power. Indus- try, too, would revive, which in the remoter parts of the Col- ony, has for some time past been in a stagnant state, occa- sioned by the husbandman's uncertainty whether the returns of his labor were to support the enemies of his country or his own family. The people would cease to remove, as they would believe the Government had fallen upon the [The remainder of this letter lost.] Letter from John Fontaine to Rev. James Maury. Jan. 2d, 1764. Dear Nephew Maury : — The last letter we received from you was dated the 18th June, 1760, which was very accepta- ble to us, the which we answered the 24th Jan. 1761, and have received no letter from you since. Our great desire to hear from you will not permit us to be any longer silent, as the peace is now concluded so much to our advantage, and more especially so to all those who possess estates in North America, and that the French and Spaniards have ceded to us and put us in actual and quiet possession of more territory than the most sanguine could have expected, and that you are now sole lords of North America, bounded on the north by the north pole, on the south by the Gulf of Florida, and the west by the great river Mississippi. Nothing more can, we think, be wished for as to extent of territory, but to be thankful for LETTER FKOM .loll.N FONTAINE. 443 this great cnlargeincnt. ami the great deliverance from oui powerful enemies the French and Spaniards, and from popery and idolatry, which in our opinion is as great, if not a greater blessing than any. or indeed all the others put together. Now, thanks be to our great God for it. He may and will be worshipped without a rival from the north pole to the Gulf of Florida. It is impossible for you and me. without his espe- cial assistance, to be sufficiently thankful for so many favors conferred on us and our posterity. A land flowing with milk and honey to injiabit. the pure and unadulterated doctrine brought down from heaven by tiur blessed Savi(jur and Re- deemer to lead us to eternal life ; these are blessings so com- plete that no more can be added to them. The poor natural inhabitants still remain as thorns in your sides, lest you and we should forget the past deliverances. We pray to God to open their understandings, and make them one flock with us, obedient to the same God and Saviour. Whilst those Indians continue uninstructed in the principles of Christ's true religion, they will be cruel and treacherous. We are greatly concerned to hear of the horrible cruelties committed by those infidels upon your out settlers. We hope you will soon put a stop to their proceedings, and by a supe- rior force bring them to reason, and convince them of the folly of such undertakings. I received the Timothy grass you were so kind as to send me. I sowed some in my garden, and it grew well. I tried in the field, and the grass killed it. It would grow well in well cultivated lands if well weeded, and I think would pro- duce a great crop; but I am too old and too feeble to under- take any thing, aiMl I am often confiuiMJ witli tln> gout. Your jift'i'i'tiiiiKite uncle. .lollN FoNTAI.NK 444 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Letter from Colonel William Fontaine^ after the Sfu.r- render at York. EiOHMOND, Oct. 2Uh, 1781. Dear Sir : — Major Penn gives me an opportunity, the first I have met with since the glorious event, of congratulating you on the surrender of York, which I do with all imaginable cordiality. I had the happiness to see that British army, which so lately spread dismay and desolation through all our country, march forth on the 20th instant at three o'clock, through our whole army drawn up in two lines at about twenty yards distance, and return disrobed of all their terrors, so humbled and so struck at the appearance of our troops that their knees seemed to tremble, and you could not see a pla- toon that marched in any order. Such a noble figure did our army make, that I scarce know which drew my attention most. You could not have heard a whisper or seen the least motion throughout our whole line, but evei-y countenance was erect, and expressed a serene cheerfulness. Cornwallis pre- tended to be ill, and imposed the mortifying duty of leading forth the captives on General O'Hara. Their own officers ac- knowledge them to be the flower of the British troops, yet I do not think they at all exceeded in appearance our own or the French. The latter, you may be assured, are very difi"erent from the ideas formerly inculcated in us, of a people living on frogs and coarse vegetables. Finer troops I never saw. His Lordship's defence, I think, was rather feeble. His surrender was eight or ten days sooner than the most sanguine expected, though his force and resources were much greater than we conceived. He had at least a fortnight's provisions, and 1000 barrels of powder left, beside a magazine, that it is LETTER FROM COL. ^V. FONTAIKE. 445 supposed was blown up with design during the negotiation for the surrender. The whole of the prisoners of war amount to 6,800. exclusive of sailors and marines, which, with the ship ping, belong to the French, and the refugees, merchants and followers of the army. The shipping of every sort is about seventy sail, though a great many are sunk. Of brass ord- nance we have taken eighty odd ; of iron, 120 ; muskets, 7,313 fit for use, beside a great number in unopened boxes, and of odd arms ; of horse, about 300 accoutred ; there must be more horse accoutrements, but I have not seen a particular return from Gloucester, where the horse lay. The military chest amounts to only 800 guineas. Merchants' stores are subject to the pre-emption of our army at a reasonable price for such articles as suit them, the remainder they are allowed three months to effect the sale of, then are to give their parole and clear out. Tories are subject to be tried by our laws. The 20th of next month is appointed for that purpose. A small proportion of officers are to remain with the prisoners, the rest are to be paroled to New-York. A flag-ship is allowed Coru- wallis to cari'y him to New-York ; thence, I believe, he goes home. His flag-ship is not to be searched. The officers re- tain their side-arms and baggage, and the soldiers their knap- sacks. They marched' out with drums muffled, and colors furled and crossed. All property taken from inhabitants by the British is liable to be claimed by them. In consequence. Master Tarleton met with a most severe mortification the day before yesterday. The hero was prancing through the streets of York on a very fine, elegant horse, and was met by a spi- rited young fellow of the country, who stopped him, challenged the horse, and ordered him instantly to dismount. Tarleton halted and paused awhile through confusion, then told the lad 446 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. if it was Lis horse, he supposed he must be giveu up, but in- sisted to ride hiui some distance out of town to dine with a French officer. This was more, however, than Mr. Giles was disposed to indulge him in, having been forced, when he and his horse were taken, to travel good part of a night on foot at the point of the bayonet ; he therefore refused to trust him out of sight, and made him dismount in the midst of the street crowded with spectators Many such instances have since happened on the road. The people who have been insulted, abused, nay, ruined by them, give them no quarter. I have not seen the articles of capitulation, but have given you the substance as well as I can recollect from such as have read them. We are surely to have a garrison at York ; whether French or American was not known when I left York, the day before yesterday. Some troops are to go to the southward. It is supposed the French fleet and most of their troops will go to the West Indies, though all is conjecture, and will probably remain so to all but the Count de Grasse and Gen. Washing ton. The General had been aboard the Admiral for some days past as I came away ; something of consequence, I sus pect, was projecting between them. The troops at Ports- mouth are levelling to prevent the British taking post there. Nothing certain of a British fleet. They have lost, 'tis said, Bengal and Madras in the East Indies, by the powerful exer- tions of Ilyder Ali in favor of the French. Cornwallis, I am well assured, previous to his surrender acknowledged to the Secretary, that the capture of his army would put an end to the war. The same sentiment was ex- pressed to me by two of his officers, and, I learn from an in- telligent inhabitant of York, generally prevailed among them. LKTTEE FEOM COL. W. FONTAINE. 447 That General Lesly, with all the crew, perished in the passage from Wilmington to Charles Town in the Blonde Frigate in ore est omnium. I certainly embark for Europe the soonest a passage can be had, perhaps three or four weeks hence, though I believe I shall be forced to take the West Indies in the way, and probably may winter there. My love to my good sisters and families. My best respects to Mr. Armistead, and all my re- lations and friends in your country. Farewell ! farewell • the good Doctor, Parson Cole, and all. I have commissioned a gentleman to get Mr. Holmes a hat from York. Mrs. Walker has recovered her two negroes, and my mother her one. The French fleet and all our troops were under sailing and marching orders. If Major Halston is with you, let him know Mr. Burrows, from his State, has his servant that he wrote about. I enclose two yards of ribbon for my sister Sarah, and two for sister Mary, or in her absence, little Bess — trophies from York. Had the stores been opened, I would have dealt more largely, though they are strictly guarded, and general orders against any thing being sold till the army is supplied. All health and happiness to you and yours, and all with you. Your affectionate friend and servant, W. Fontaine. 448 MEMOIRS OF A HU&UiAOT FAMILY. CONCLUSION. I have been at considerable pains to ascertain the present condition of the descendants of the sons and daughter of James Fontaine, who settled in Virginia ; and the result of my inquiry is, that, in regard to temporal circumstances, they are chiefly in the condition so touchingly prayed for by Agur, when he says : — " Give me neither poverty nor riches ; feed me with food convenient for me : lest I be full and deny thee, and say. Who is the Lord ? or lest I be poor and steal, and take the name of my God in vain." I find scarcely any of the family who are not earning a comfortable subsistence for themselves and those who depend upon them, and at the same time there are very few who can be called actually wealthy. I am the more disposed to dwell upon this fact, from ob- serving the very different condition of the descendants of another Huguenot refugee, who, like our ancestor, left a writ- ten memoir for the use of his children. From this record I learn that he had been a notary, and had been deprived of his employment on account of his being of the Reformed religion. He was a husband and a father. During the persecution which preceded the actual revocation of the Edict of Nantes the dragoons visited his house, and behaved with their usual CONCLUSION.. 449 brutality and insolence They sent him away soon after their arrival, to procure for them, from the neighbouring village, some delicacies with which to pamper their appetites. While on the road, he was intimidated by hearing of the cruelty with which the dragoons had said they would treat him on Ills return home ; and his informant, a kind neighbor, per- suaded him to conceal himself in his house. I think, that, whatever might have been his anticipations of suffering, it was most unmanly to desert his wife, and leave her alone with the dragoons, particularly from her state at the time, being in bed with an infant only three days old. As might have been expected, the dragoons vented all their malice upon the poor woman. When they found that her husband did not return, they dragged her out of bed, and threatened to roast her alive : they took it in turns to hold her close to a fire, which was so hot that each one could only bear to hold her for a short time. Death must soon have fol- lowed if she had not been rescued by the timely intervention of the village Cure, who accidentally heard what was going on, and persuaded them to desist, promising that he would make her recant. This was in the year 1681. He went through various trials and vicissitudes during the four years following. His wife died, and her young in- fant also, and he was hunted from place to place ; and at last in 1685, the memorable year of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, he proceeded to Rochelle, for the purpose of embark- ing f )r England. He was arrested and imprisoned there, and after much threatening, insult and abuse, he was induced to sign an act of abjuration. He was liberated immediately, but was more miserable than ever, full of remorse for the act he had committed when under the influence of fear. He still 4:50 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. hoped to escape from France, but it was more difficult to ac complish now that he had publicly abjured the Protestant faith. In the course of two or three years, however, he suc- ceeded in getting away, but he left behind him a daughter, eighteen years of age, for the sole purpose of trying to collect and turn into money, their few scattered resources, to bring after him to England. She was able to accomplish this end, and to join him in about a year : which I think was more than he had a right to expect ; but we shall see that his family were not much enriched eventually. Observe ; the memoir he wrote for his children has been preserved and published ; but how ? His descendants o^uld not read the manuscript, for it was in the French language, and they, like ourselves, had become blended with another nation. English was with them, as with us, the mother tongue, and they could read no other, for they were unedu- cated. The manuscript might have lain till now upon the shelf of a miserable lodging-house in the heart of Lf>ndon, had it not been brought to light by accident. The owners of it were in poverty, and applied for relief to a benevolent Society, and one of the visitors, upon his charitable errand to them, became acquainted with the existence of the manu- script. He took it home to peruse, and undertook to have it translated and printed, to be sold for the benefit of the writer's descendants. Now we come to the practical lesson which I draw from contrasting the different condition of the descendants of these two Huguenot refugees, and I desire to impress it upon our minds, with the view of inducing us to aim at obtaining the strong faith of our ancestor. He believed that God would take care of him and his, if CONCLUSION, 451 he trusted in him ; he knew his promise, and that if he left house or parents, or brethren, or wife or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, he should receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting. He therefore left all his worldly substance behind him, and fled to a land where he could worship God according to the dic- tates of his conscience. He waited not to sell houses and lands^ and collect money for his support in a foreign country. He firmly believed the promises of God, he saw distinctly the path pointed out by duty to Him, he hesitated not, but followed on. We know that he experienced many privations and hard- ships, but in the end he was able to maintain his family, and to give good educations to his children. His descendanta have generally been able to do the same. His manuscript record of his interesting and instructive life, instead of being a dead letter to his descendants like the one named above, has been perused and valued by each suc- cessive generation, as it has been handed down from father to son, as a precious and sacred inheritance. In the other narrative we cannot but observe weakness of faith throughout. In his unmanly desertion of his wife, we first notice it, then in his signing the act of abjuration, and lastly in leaving his daughter in France to collect money for the support of the family. My own mind is forcibly impressed with the conviction that we have reason to hope for the especial blessing which God has promised to the seed of the righteous. May we all strive to obtain the faith of our forefathers, and so to walk as not to prove degenerate scions from a worthy stock. APPENDIX THE KING'S EDICT. {^iven at Nantes^ April, 1598, and published in Parliament, 15 February, 1599. Henry, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre. To all that are and shall be, greeting : The most signal and remarkable mercy, among the infinite ones which it has pleased God to vouchsafe to us, is tlie having given us virtue and firmness sufficient to y)revent our granting any thing under the influence of the dreadful trouble, discord and confusion which prevailed at the period of our accession to the throne. The kingdom was divided into many parts and factions, so many that the orderly portion was, ]ierhaps, one of the smallest. We have been supported so as to withstand this great storm, we have over- come it, and now at last have reached the haven of safety and re- pose. Wherefore, to God's holy name be all the glory, and to us thankfulness of heart, in tliat he has been pleased to make use of our efforts, as his instrument for accomplishing the good work. It is plainly to be seen, that in view of so desirable an end, we have gone beyond what duty recjuired of us, and have exposed ourselves with a triodoin that at another time would scarcely have been con- sistent with the dignity of our ])ositi()n. In the conflicting claims for ])i'e-eminenee amn the follow- ing course. In the first place to deal with such as required to be 454 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. settled by main force, deluYiiig for a while such as could be regu- lated by principles of reason and justice; as, for example, the general differences amongst our good subjects, and some particular hardships, complained of by the more healthy portions of the State, which we believe may be the more effectually relieved by our having first put an end to the civil war, which -was one chief cause. By the grace of God, we have happily so far succeeded that hostilities have ceased throughout the kingdom. We hope for equal success in composing those differences that yet remain to be adjust- ed, and then will be accomplished the great object of our prayers, and we shall be rewarded for all our labors, by once more behold- ing peace and tranquillity within our borders. Amongst the most important of said affairs, the consideration of which we were obliged to postpone, were the complaints of various Catholic towns and provinces that the Catholic Religion had not been universally re-es- tablished, in conformity with the Edicts formerly passed for the pa- cification of religious troubles ; also, the petitions and remonstrances of our subjects of the pretended Reformed Religion, complaining of the non-performance of what had been ])romised to them by the said Edicts, and begging for further enactments to secure to them that liberty of conscience, personal safety and security of property which the late disturbances have made them believe to be in jeop- ardy, giving them reason to fear that plans were laid for their ruin. We have put off from time to time the providing a remedy for these grievances, partly, because we would avoid the burden of too much business at once, and partly because the enactment of laws, be they ever so desirable in themselves, can scarcely be compatible with the din of arms. But, it having now pleased God to grant us the en- joyment of more tranquillity, we think we can make no better use of it than in giving our attention to that which concerns the glory of His Holy Name and service, and endeavoring to provide for the religious worship of all our subjects, who, if they cannot yet join in one form, we may at least hope, are actuated by one and the same purpose, and therefore that by wise regulations all tumult and strife may be put an end to, and that w^e and this kingdom may for- ever continue to deserve the glorious title of "Most Cln-istian," that title which was originally acquired by great merit and has been so long possessed. We hope to be able so to regulate matters that future trouble shall be avoided, on that subject which is of all others the most delicate and searching, the subject of religion. EDICT OF NANTES, 455 Being fully sensible of the great importance of this subject, and the necessity of bestowing deep consideration upon it, we have care- fully looked over the folios of complaints from our Catholic sub- jects, and we have permitted our subjects of the aforesaid pretend- ed Eeformed Religion to assemble by deputy to prepare their list of grievances. "We have conferred with both parties various times, and carefully examined all former Edicts, and now we have coti- cluded that one general, clear, plain and absolute law must be en- acted, for the government of all our subjects, and by which they shall be regulated in the settlement of all differences which have already arisen, or which may in future arise. With this, all must rest satisfied, as the best that the state of the times allows, we having, in our deliberations, had no other end in view than zeal for the service of God and a desire to see it manifested by our said subjects, amongst whom we hope to establish a firm and durable peace. We implore and look for the same blessing upon this, our effort, from the mercy of God that he has heretofore showered upon this kingdom from its earliest foundation to this day. We entreat him to send his grace upon our subjects, and to make them understand that in the observ- ing of this our Ordinance, is laid the great foundation (after their duty to God and one another) of their union aud tranquillity and the best prospect of a restoration of this State to its former splen- dor, opulence and strength. On our part, we promise to have it rigidly enforced, without any infringement. Accordingly, with the advice and assistance of the Princes of the Blood, the Princes and Otficers of the Crown, and other great and important personages of our Council of State, we have duly weighed and considered all this matter ; and we have, by this perpet- ual and irrevocable Edict, said, declared and ordered, and we do say, declare and order, 1st. — That the memory of the past, on both sides, from the be- ginning of March, 1585, to the date of our accession to the throne, shall be buried in ol)livion ; and it shall be unlawful for our Attor- ney General, or any other person, public or private, at any time, or for any purpose whatsoever, to make mention of the former troubles in any process or law suit, in any Court or Jurisdiction whatever. 2d. — We forbid all our subjects, whatever may be their rank or condition, to revive the recollection of the past, or to attack, resent, mjure or provoke by reproaches, uikKt any pretext whatever; and 456 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. they must not dispute, quarrel, outrage or offend one another, bj word or deed, but must restrain themselves, and live in [jeace as brothers, friends and fellow citizens, ujjon penalty to the disobedient of being punished as disturbers of the peace. Sd. — We command that in all places of this our Kingdom and country of our obedience, where the exercise of the Apostolic Ro- man Catholic religion has been interrupted, it shall be re-established, to be there freely exercised without trouble or hindrance. We for- bid expressly, all persons, of whatsoever rank, degree or condition, upon the above named penalty, to molest or disturb the clergymen in the celebration of Divine Service, the enjoyment and collection of tithes, first fruits and revenues from their benefices, or any other rights and duties appertaining thereto. All persons, who, during the troubles, became possessed of cluiiches, houses, property and revenues belonging to the said clergymen, and who retain and oc- cupy them, shall give uj) the same to the clergy, with the entire possession and peaceal)le enjoyment of all rights, privileges and se- curities which they had before they were seized upon. It is ex- pressly forliidden, to those of said pretended Reformed I'eligion, to preach or jjerform any service according to said religion in the churches, houses, or places of abode of said clergymen. ■ith. — It shall be optional with the said clergymen to buy the houses and buildings erected upon unconsecrated ground occupied by them before the troubles, or to oblige the present possessor of the buildings to buy the ground ; in either case the ]n-operty to be valued by skilful persons, whom the parties shall agree to appoint. In default thereof, provision shall be made by the Judges of the places, reserving to the occupant a right of appeal. And wherever the said clergy shall constrain the occupant to purchase the ground, the estimated value shall not be paid to the former, but shall re- main in the hands of the occupant, he being required to pay inter- est upon it at the rate of 5 per cent., until it shall be applied to the use of the church, which will be done at the expiration of one year. And when said time shall have expired, and the purchaser is un- willing to continue said rent, he shall be discharged therefrom, upon depositing the purchase money in the hands of a solvent person, authorized by the justice to receive it. Commissioners appointed without fail by us to see to the execution of the present Edict, shall give information as to the sacred places. 5th. — Notwithstanding, the ground, places and materials used EDICT OF NANTES. 457 for repairing ;ind lortifying tlie cities and places of our kingdom f*hall not be sold by the clergy or otlier individuals public or private, until the said fortitications shall be demolished by our Decree. iith. — And in order to leave no opening for discord and divisions amongst our subjects, we have permitted and do permit those of the pretended Reformed religion to live and remain in all cities and j)laces within this our kingdom and country of our obedience with- out being disturbed, vexed, molested or forced to do any thing against their conscience on the subject of religion, neither can their houses or places of abode be searched on that score ; provided that in all things they conform to what is contained in our present Edict. 7th. — -We have also permitted all lords, nobles, and other per- sons, as well natives and others, jjrofessiug the pretended reformed religion, in this our kingdom, having *" Haute Justice,'' or "pleint fief de Haubert," as in Normandy, whether in full ownership or merely usufruct, the whole, one-half, or the third, to have the exer- cise of the said religion in such of the houses of the said "Haute Justice " t)r tiefs as they shall name as the principal domicile, in the jtresence of our Bailifis and Seneschals, each in his district ; and in *lie absence of the heads of the family, their wives and families, and parts of them, may have religious exercises. Though the right of " Justice " or " tief de Haubert " be disputed, yet the exercise of the said religion shall be allowed, provided that the above men- tioned be in actual possession of the said " Haute Justice," even if our Attorney General be oj)posed. AVe permit also said religious exercises in their other houses of " Haute Justice " or " fief de Haubert " when themselves are present, but not otherwise. Such services may be not only for their own benefit, but their families, subjects, and all wbo shall wish to attend. 8th. — In the houses of the tiefs, where those of tiie said religion shall not have the said " Haute Justice" or "fief de Haubert," they may have religious exercises for their own families only, neverthe- less, if other persons should be present, not exi'ceding thirty in num- ber, on Raptismal occasions, friendly visits, or by invitation, tliey may attend said worshii) ; provided always tliat said tiefs are not * Haute Jusiticc. Tlie jurisdiction of iiiHuorial courts wIiito ttic judge takes cogni- zance of both civil and criminal suits not afl'ectinir the Crown. t Fief dc Ilanliert. A tenure by Ivnifjlit's service whose owner was bound to serve «n horseback in complete armor. This tenure existed longer in Normandy, tlian any other part of France. 20 458 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. within Cities, Towns, or Villages, belonging to Catholic Noblemen, and where they have houses. In the latter case, the permission of said Noblemen must be given before religious worship can be had. ^th. — We also permit those of the said religion to continue the exercise of it in all cities and places under our government, "where it was established and ])ublicly practised at different times in the year 1596, and before the end of August 1597, notwithstanding any decrees or decisions to the contrary. \Oth. — The said exercise shall likewise be established and re- stored in all cities and places wliere it was established, or had the right to be so, by the Edict of Pacification, passed in the year 1577, or by the secret articles and conferences of Nerac and Fleix, with- out the said establishment being prevented in places of the domain given in the said Edict, though they may since have been made over to Catholic persons. Let it then be understood that the said exercise may be always re-established in places of the said domain which have formerly been in the possession of those who professed the pretended Reformed Religion, in which it would have been placed in consideration of their persons, or because of their feudal rights, even if the said fiefs should now be i)Ossessed by persons ol the said Apostolical Roman Catholic Religion. nth. — Moreover, in each of the ancient Bailiwicks, Seneschal's jurisdictions, and governments taking the place of Bailiwicks and having jurisdiction indei)endent of the Courts of Parliament, we or- dain that in the faubourgs of a city besides those which have beeo granted to them by the said Edict, Articles, and Conferences, and where there are no cities, the exercise of the said religion may be publicly j)erformed in any town or village, by all those who wish ; though in the said Bailiwicks, Seneschal's jurisdictions and govern- ments, there may be several places where the said exercise is now establisiied, saving and excepting the towns in which there is an Archbishopric or Bishopric newly granted by present Edict ; with- out for that reason depriving those of said pretended Reformed Religion of the privilege of demanding and naming as places for the said exercise, small towns and villages near to the said cities ; ex- cept also the places and manors belonging to the Clergy, where we only mean that the said second ])lace in the Bailiwick may be established, having them by special favor excepted and reserved. It is our intention, undei' the name of ancient Bailiwicks to desig- EDICT OF NANTES 459 nate those wliicli, in the time of the kite King Henry, our much lionored Lord and Father-in-Law, existed as Bailiwicks, Senescha'a •urisdictions and independent governments. Vlth. — We do not mean by the present Edict to take any thin^ trom the Edicts and Agreements heretofore made for the reduction to submission of any Princes, Lords, Jfobles, or Catliolic Townf within our jurisdictioii, in what concerns the exercise of said reli- gion, which Edicts and Agreements shall be kept and observed. In- structions to that eti'ect will be given to the Commissioners who shall be appointed to execute the present Edict. \Zth. — We expressly forbid any of the said religion having any religious exercise whatever, either ministerial, or for discipline or public instruction of children and others in this our kingdom ; except in those places permitted and granted by the present Edict. I'^th. — As also ha:ving any exercises of said religion within our Court and Suite, nor likewise in our lands and territories beyond the Alps, nor in our city of Paris, neither within five leagues of the said city : nevertheless, those of the said religion living in the said country, beyond the Alps, and in our said city, and within five leagues around it, shall not be subject to espionage in their houses, nor compelled to do any thing on account of their religion against their consciences, if they in all things act in conformity with the provisions of the present Edict. Ibth. — The public exercise of the said religion cannot be per- mitted in the army, except at the Quarters of those Generals who profess it, always excepting that occupied by our own person. 16iA.— In conformity with the second article of the Conference of Nerac, we allow those of the aforesaid religion to build places for the exercise of the aforesaid, in the towns and places where it is allowed. Those places built by them formerly or the foundations of them, will be restored in their present condition, even in those places where said exercise is not allowed, if they have not been converted into other kinds of edifices. In which case, the present possessors of the said edifices shall give property equal to tlie former value, in the estimation thereof by skilful appraisers ; reserving to the said proprietors and possessors the right of appeal. 17^A. — We forbid all Preachers, Readers, and others who speak in public, using any words or discourse tending to excite sedition among the people, l)ut on the contrary we enjoin upon them the practice of forbearance and meekness, saying nothing but what 4G0 MEMOIRS OF A IlUGUKNoT I'A>[II.V. is for the instruction and edification of tlieir hoai'ers, and suited tc the maintenance of tluit [leace and tranquillity which we have es- tablished in our said kingdom, under penalties prescribed in former Edicts. We ex])ressly enjoin our Attorneys General and their sub- stitutes to give official information against those who violate it, under tlie jjenalty of being answcral'lc for the same in their owr. names and persons, and being ejected from office. 18^/^.— We also forbid all oin- subjects, of wluitsoever rank or condition, carrying olf children by force, or i)ersuasion, against the ^ will of their parents of the said religion, in order to have them f'i ?-f^^ baptized or confirmed in the Apostolical Roman Catholic Church: the same prohibition extends to those of the said pretended Reform- ed religion, all being subject to exemplary punishment for such oftences. I9tfi. — Those of the said ])reteu(led Iteformed I'cligion shall not remain bound by any abjuration, jiromise or oatli which they may formerly have made, or any security given by tliem about matters concerning the said religion ; and they shall be free from all dis- turbances or molestation on that account. 20th. — They shall be obliged also to observe all the appointed Festivals of the Apostolical Roman Catholic Church, and tliey may not on those days labor, sell, nor display in opeu shops their goods, and upon Festivals and other forbidden days, no artisan may work either out of his shop or witliin closed doors, at any trade the noise of which may be heard by passers by or neighbours. Nevertheless search shall not be made but by the officers of Justice. 2lst. — Books relating to said pretended Reformed religion may only be publicly printed and sold in those cities and places where the public exercise of the said religion is ])ermitted. And for the other books, which shall be printed in other towns, they shall be seen and inspected, as well by our officers as by Theologians, in the manner decreed by our Ordinances. The printing, publishing or selling any books or writings of an abusive, scandalous nature is forbidden under the penalties contained in our Ordinances. We enjoin it upon all our Judges and officers to attend to this. 22d. — We command that no difference or distinction shall be male on account of said religion in receiving pupils to be instructed in the Universities, Colleges and schools; or receiving the sick and poor into Hospitals, Infirmaries and Alms-houses. 23J. — Those of said pretended Reformed Religion, shall be EDICT OF NANTES. 4t>3 obliged to obey the laws of the Apostolical liuinan Catholic Church, received in this kingdom, with respect to the Consanguinity and Relationshij) of parties making marriage contracts. 24 the hand, swear, and ])romise before God to speak the truth : shall not be obliged also to take a dispensation from the oath given by them, in making con- tracts and agreements. 25th. — We desire and command that all of the said pretended Reformed Religion, and others who have joined their party, of whateoever rank or condition, shall be obliged and comjtelled in all proper and reasonable ways, and under the penalties contained in this edict, to pay tithes to the pastors and other clergy, and to all others entitled to them according to established usage. 2%th. — Disinheriting or depriving of proi)erty, whether during life, or by will, solely from hatred or religious animosity, shall be null and void, for the past as well as the future. C>- 27th. — In order the better to i)romote that union which we wish to see prevail amongst our subjects, and tn take away all cause of complaint, we declare that all those who liave made or shall make j)rofession of the pretended Reformed Religion shall be eligible for all public offices or employments, whether Royal, Manorial, or Civic, in all parts of our dominions, and shall be iuipartially ai)- ' pointed thereto, our Courts of Parliament confining themselves in the matter to inquiries as to the piety, morality, and integrity of those nominated for offices, as much those of one relin-ion as the other, without requiring frum them any other oath than that they will faithfully serve the King and obey the laws. In case of vacan- cies occurring in any of said offices in oui- disposal, we shall with- out partiality appoint cajtable ])ersons to such offices. Let it also be understood, that those of said pretended Reformed Religion can be admitted and received into all Councils, Assemblies, and Meet- ings, which follow from the aforesaid offices, without rejection on account of said religion. 28^^. — We command our ()rii(^ers and Magistrates, and the (Com- missioners appointed for the execution of the present Edict, in all the towns, &c., of the kingdom, to provide promptly convenient y. 4:62 MEMOIKS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. places for the burial of the dead for those professing said religion. And the cemeteries they formerly possessed, of which they were deprived during the troubles, shall be restored to them, unless occupied by any kind of editices or buildings, in which case, others shall be provided gratuitously. 29^A. — We enjoin it expressly upon our officers, to see to it that no scandal occurs at said funerals : and in fifteen days, at farthest, after a requisition has been made, they shall be obliged to provide a convenient place for the said interments, without any delay or procrastination, under a personal penalty of a fine of five hundred crowns. All said officers and others are forbidden to require any thing for conducting said dead bodies, under penalty of extortion. SOth. — In order that justice may be adminiistered to our subjects without suspicion, hatred or favor, as a principal means of main- taining i>eace and good order, we have commanded and do cout- mand, that, in our Court of Parliament in Paris, a Chamber shall be established, consisting of a President and sixteen Councillors from the said Parliament, which shall be entitled the Chamber of the Edict, and shall take cognizance not only of the causes and lawsuits of those of the pretended Reformed religion who shall be within the limits of said Court, but also within the districts of our Parliaments of Normandie and Bretagne, according to the jurisdiction which shall be hereafter given to it by the present Edict, till similar Cham- bers shall have been established in each of said Parliaments to ad- minister justice in those places. We command also that for the four offices of Councillors, in our said Parliament, remaining from the last establishment made by us, four discreet and competent per- sons of the said pretended Reformed religion shall be provided and "eceived in said Parliament, namely, the first to be received in the Chamber of the Edict, and the other three, as soon as they can be received, in three of the Chainbres des Enquf'tes^ and besides that, the two first offices of the Secular Councillors that shall become vacant by death, shall also be filled by two of the said pretended Reformed religion, and these received, shall be distributed also in the two other Chambi'es des Enquttes. ^Ist. — Besides the Chamber formerly established at Castres, for the district of our Court of Parliament of Toulouse, which shall be continued as at present, we have for the same consideration com- manded and do command that, in each of our Courts of Parliament of Grenoble and Bourdeaux, a Chamber shall likewise be establish- EDICT OF NANTES. 463 ed, coii'-isting of two Presidents, one Catholic and the otlier of the pretended Reformed religion, and of twelve Conncillors, of wlioin six sliall be Catholic and the other six of the said religion, which Calhouc President and Councillors shall hy us be taken from and chosen out of the bodies of our said Courts. And as for those ol said religion, there shall be a new President and six Councillors cre- ated for the Parliament of Bourdeaux, and one President and three Councillors for that of Grenoble, which, with the three Councillors of said religion now in said Parliament, shall be employed in the said Chamber of Dauphiny. The newly created Officers shall be entitled to the same emoluments, honors, rewards and dignities as the others of the said Courts. And the said sitting of said Cham- ber of Bourdeaux shall be held at Bourdeaux or at Nerac, and that of Dauphiny at Grenoble. S2d. — The said Chamber of Dauphiny shall have cognizance of the causes of those of the pretended Reformed religion within the jurisdiction of our Parliament of Provence, without re([uiring let-, ters of appeal as in the Chancery Court of Dauphiny, in like man- ner those of said religion in Normandy and Bretagne shall not be required to take out letters of appeal or other preparation as in our Chancery Court of Paris. 33cZ. — Our subjects of the religion, of the Parliament of Bur- gundy, shall have the choice of pleading before the Chamber order- ed in the Parliament of Paris or in that of Danphiny. And they shall not be obliged to take out letters of api)eal or other prepara- tion as in the said Chancery Courts of Paris or Dauphiny, accord- ing to the choice they shall make. Sith. — All the said Chambers, composed as aforesaid, shall take cognizance and pronounce sentence detinitively, without appeal, making decisions, to the exclusion of all others, upon suits and causes commenced and intended to be conunenced, in which those of said pretended Reformed religion shall be principal or security, as plaintiff" or defendant, in matters civil or criminal, whether the said complaint be made in writing or verbally, if it seems good to the said parties, and one of them shall demand it, before the com- mencement of the trial : excepting, always, all matters connected with Church Benefices, the possession of tithes not impropriated, clerical patronage and causes where the (juestion turns upon the rights, duties or domains of the church, which shall all be treated and judged in the Courts of Parliament, without the said Chambers of 464 3HEM0IRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. . the Edict luiving any cognizance tliereof. It is also our will, thai ^^p\ in deciding suits which may arise hetween tlie said Clergy and those ^ a%j^ of the said pretended Reformed religion, if the clergyman he de- fendant, the cognizance and judgment of the criminal suit shall belong to our Sovereign Courts, to the exclusion of said Chambers; and if the clergyman he plaintiff, and he of said religion defendant, the cognizance and judgment of the criminal suit shall belong to the said Chambers established, which shall give final decision, without appeal. During vacation, the said Chambers shall also have cognizance of matters referred, by the Edicts and Ordinances, to the Chambers established for the time of vacation, each within its dis- trict. 'S5th. — The said Chamber of Grenoble shall from this time for- ward be united and incorporated with the body of the said Court of Parliament, and the President and Councillors of the said pre- tended Reformed religion shall be nominated Presidents and Coun- cillors of the said Court, and considered as of their number and of equal rank. And for these ends they shall tirst be distributed in the other Chambers ; then selected and drawn from them to be em- ployed and to serve in that which we shall order anew ; always with the understanding that they shall attend, have a seat and vote in all tlie deliberations of the assembled Chambers, and shall enjoy the sanie emoluments, authority and dignities as the other Presidents and Councillors of said Court. S6th. — It is our will, and it nmst be understood, that the said Chambers of Castres and Bourdeaux shall be re-united and incor- porated with tliose Parliaments, in tlie same way as the others, when required, and when the cause wliich has induced us to establish them shall cease and no longer be known amongst our subjects ; and for these ends the Presidents and Councillors of those of the said religion, shall be named and appointed Presidents and Coun- cillors of said Courts. S7th. — There shall also be newly appointed, in the Chamber ordered for the Parliament of Bourdeaux, two Substitutes for our Attorney and our Solicitor-General, one of whom shall be Catholic and the other of the said religion, for whom shall be provided ready money salaries from said otfices. SSth. — The said substitutes shall be considered as substitutes only, and when the Chambers ordered for the Parliaments of Toulouse and Bourdeaux shall be united and incorporated with the said Par- ^i EDICT OF NANTES. 465 Hainents, the said substitutes shall be furnished with the otfice of Councillors in them. 39 ^A. — The copies of documents from the Court of Chancery of Bourdeaux, shall be made out in the presence of two Councillors of this C'liauibiT, one of whom shall be Catholic, and the other of the sai(' pretended Reformed religion in the absence of one of the Master^ of liequests of (tur Hotel. And one of the Notaries and Secretaries of the said Court of Parliament of Bourdeaux shall re- side in the place where the said Chamber shall be established, or else one of the ordinary Secretaries of the Court of Chancery, for the purpose of signing documents from said Court. 4:0th. — We desire and command that in the said Chamber of Bourdeaux there be two Clerks to the Registrar of the said Parlia- ment, one civil and the other criminal, who shall discharge their duties under our Commission, and shall be called Clerks to the Court of Records, Civil and Criminal. The Registrars of the Par- liament shall not have power to dismiss or recall them. The Clerks shall pay over to the Registrars all the fees of the said Registry, and they shall be i)aid by the Registrars as shall be delibei-atelj' re- solved upon by the .said Chamber. Moreover, Catholic doorkeepers shall be ajjpointed, who shall be taken from said Court, or else- where, according to our pleasure: besides which there shall be two newly appointed of said religion, provided gratuitously, and the said doorkeepers shall all be regulated by the said Chamber, as well in regard to the fulfilment of their duties as in tlie allowance of perquisites lo them. There shall also be a prompt appointment of a person to pay salaries and receive fines in said Chamber, if it be established elsewhere than in said city, to be approved of by us. The appointment formerly made, of a Paymaster to the Chamber of Castres shall take etiect, and the duty of receiving fines in the said Chamber, shall be added thereto. ilst. — Good and sufficient assignments shall be made for paying salaries to the Officers of the Chambers ordered by this Edict. 42d. — The Presidents, Councillors and other Catholic Officers of the said Chambers shall be continued so long as shall seem to be for our benefit and the good of our subjects ; and when some are removed, others must be provided beforehand to take their places ; and during the time of service they must not be absent without the permission of those who shall have suits pending in conformily with the Ordinance. 20* 466 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. iSd. — The said Chambers shall be established within six mcintha, during which time (if it be so long before the establishment be made) the suits commenced and intended to be commenced, in which those of the said religion shall be ])anies, within the ju- risdiction of our Parliaments of Paris, Kouen, Dijon and Eennes, shall be brought forward in the Chamber established for the present in Paris, in virtue of the Edict of the year 1577, or else in the Great Council, at the choice and option of those of the said religion if they re(iuire it : those who shall be of the Parliament of Bourdeaux, at their option, either in the Chamber established at Castres or at the said Great Council ; and those who shall be of Provence in the Parliament of Gr6noble. And if the said Chambers are not estab- lished within three months after our present Edict shall have been presented to them, those of our Parliaments which have refused, shall be deprived of all cognizance over and all right of judging the causes of those of the said religion. 4A:th. — The suits not yet trie^ EDT IT OF NANTES. 471 gion presented to the Judges, Kegistrars or Clerks, executors of the sentences and judgments shall have the same force as if presented by Royal Letters. 61s^. — In all inquiries which shall be made for any cause in civil suits, if the Examiner or Connnissiouer be a Catholic, the parties 7uz-a>^ shall be required to agree upon an associate, and Avhere they cannot agree upon one, the aid Examiner or Commissioner shall select one himself of the said pretended Reformed religion : and the same practice shall be pui oied, wlien the Examiner or Connnissioi.er is of the said religion, ■< th regard to the selection of an associate, who shall tlien be a Catholic. Q2d —It is our will and command that our Judges take cogni- • V , _ , ,, zance of the validity of Wills, in which those of the said religion are '"- ' interested, if they require it, and appeals from said judgments may be made, notwithstanding all custom to the contrary, even in Bre- tagne. (i3(Z. — To obviate all differences which might arise between our Courts of Parliament and the Chambers of those Courts ordered by our present Edict, good and sufficient regulations shall be made by U i Tis for the government of said Courts and Chambers, such as shall O"*- ^ ' secure to those of the said pretended Reformed religion, the full benefit of said Edict : which regulations shall be recorded in our Courts of Parliament, anrEMoiKS OF a huguenot family. challenged without cause: and in addition to this, the right of chal- lenging others remains to them unimpaired. And in criminal suits, in which also tlie said Presidial and other Royal Subaltern Judee» give final judgment, the arraigned parties, being of the said religiou, may require three of tlie Judges to refrain from trying the cause, without assigning any reason. And the Provosts Marshal of France, the Vice-Biulitls, Vice-Seneschals, Lieutenants of the Short Kobe, and otiicr otticers of the same rank, shall judge in con- formity with the ordinances and regulations lieretofore given in tin. case of non-residents (vagaiojis). And as for residents accused and arraigned within the Provosts' jurisdiction, if they are of the said religion, they may require that thi-ee of tlie said Judges wixt have cognizance therein refrain from judging in their suits, and tliey shall refrain accordingly, without any reason being assigned ; saving when, in the body where the suit is tried, there sliall be found tlie number of two in civil suits, and three in criminal suits, of the said religion, in which case none shall be cliallenged without giving a reason: which practice shall be mutually and commoid}' followed with regard to Catholics, in the same form as given above for chal- lenging the Judges, where those of the ]»retended Reformed reli- gion shall be most in number; not having it imderstood, however, from what is hei'e said, that the said Presidial Courts, Provosts Mai-shal, A'ice-Bailiffs, Vice-Seneschals and others who give tiual judgment, shall take any cognizance of past difficulties. And as for crimes and excesses arising from other causes than the troubles, since the commencement of the month of March in the year 1585, until the end of the year 1597, in cases of which they have cogni- zance, it is our will that appeals may be lawfully made from their judgment to the Chambers ordered by the present Edict ; the prac- tice shall be similar for the Catholic participants and where those of said pretended Reformed religion shall be parties. 66th. — We desire and command that henceforth in all prepara- tions other than informations for criminal suits in the Seneschal's Courts of TouloiTse, Carcassonne, Rouergiie, Lorajjais, Beziers, Mont- pellier and ^imes, the Magistrate or Connnissioner deputed to make said preparations, if he be a Catholic, shall be obliged to take an Associate who shall be of the said pretended Reformed religion, upon whom the parties can agi-ee, but if they shall be unable to agree upon one, the aforesaid Magistrate or Commissioner shall select for the office one of the said religion. In like manner, if the said EDICT OF NANTES. 473 Magistnite or Coininissioiiei' \w u[ s;ii'l religion, lie siuill be obliged to bave a Catholic Associate. 67t7i. — -Where the (luestioii shall be iii)oii criminal prosecution by the Provosts and their Lieutenants, of any one who is a resident and is of the said religion, who is accused of crime within the juris- diction of the Provosts' Court, if tlie said Provosts or tlieir Lieu- tenants be Catholics, they sliall be obliged to summon an Associate of said religion, for the preparation of the snit, which Associate shall be present, as well at the decision upon com]>etency of ^,i-is- diction, as at the final trial of the said suit. The (piestion of com- petency can only be decided at the nearest Presidial ('ourt, to which all the princiiial otficers of said Court, avIio can be found in tiie neighborhood must be convened, under the penalty of the proceed- ^ ings being null ; unless the accused party siiould require the com- >vj2.'i-^ ])etency to be decided in the said Chambers, ordered by the i)resent Edict. In which case, with regard to those residing in the Provin- ces of Guyenne, Languedoc, Provence or I)au})hiny, the substitutes of our Attorneys-General in the said Chambers shall bring forward, at the re<|uest of said residents, the charges and accusations laid against them, for inciuiry and decision as to whethei- the canses be- long of right to the Provosts' Court or not, and afterwards, accord- ing to the nature of the crime, to be referred by tiie Chambers for trial in the accustomed mode, or transferred to the Provosts' Court. In either case the Cbamlters shall see that all is ecpiitably done, in conformity with our present Edict. The Presidial .ludges. Provosts, Vice-Bailitfs, Vice-Seneschals, and others who ])ronounce iinal judgment, shall be res|)ectively bound to obey implicitly all com- mands they shall receive from said Chambers, in like manner as they have heretofore obeyed our said PaiTiamtnts, under penalty of being dejjrived of tlieir estates. 68^//. — The proclamations, placards aiiulilic sale of estates, under order from the Courts, shall take pliice in tlie customary ^ places and at the usual hours, so far as m;iy l)e jiracticable, and con- i--*'-'- pistent with our Crdinances; otherwise to be in the luiblic market ]ilace. If there be no market in the jilace where the ])ro|)erty is situated, the sale shall take jdace at the nearest marki^t within the district where the adjudication was ma I i^i by both sides to the rightful owners ; even if the said papers or the ^aK/^ castles and houses in which tlicv were preserved have been taken ^-^fl and seized either l)y special ('Dinmissioii fi-oui the lately deceased King, our much honored Lord and brother-in-law, or others, or by command of the Governors and Lieutenant Generals of our Prov- inces, or on the other Iiand by authority of the Chiefs of the other party, or under any pietext whatsoever. 70th. — The children of tliose wdio quitted the Kingdom on ac- count of religion and the troubles, after the death of our much honored Lord and Father- in law Henry IL, even though the afore- ^ .aJ^"' ^^'^^^ cliildren may have been born out of the Kingdom of France, -M"'"^ ^ shall enjoy all the rights and i)rivileges of true native Frenchmen, ^P-^ ^idl '"^'"^ auch we have declared and do declare them to be, and they V ^ ' shall not be obliged to take out letters of naturalization, or take ^ L UA' any steps beyond tlie provisions of this Edict; notwithstanding ■" ■ all Ordinances to the contrary, which we have herel)y annulled and do annul ; only requiring that the said children, born abroad, « ,, shall take up their residence in this Kingdom within ten years after the publication of this Edict. 71 s^. — Those of the said pretended Reformed religion who shall have farmed any crown lands, tiefs, galiels, customs, or any other taxes belonging to us, from which they could not draw the income on account of the troubles, shall be discharged, and we do hereby discharge them from jiaying that which they did not i-eceive from 5aid taxes, or which they i)aid, without fraud, elsewhere than into our Exchequer, notwithstanding the obligations by which they were boimd. 72d. — All places, cities and jirovinces of our Kingdom, all coun- tries, territories and manors owing obedience to us, shall have full benefit and enjoyment of all ])rivileges, innnunities, liberties, fran- chises, fairs, markets, jurisdictions and Courts of justice of which they were |)ossessed previous to the troubles, dating from the month of March, 1585, and preceeding, notwithstanding all Letters to the contrary. If any Courts were removed solely on account of the troubles, the said Courts shall be restored and re-established in thti cities and places where they ft)rmerly existed. EDICT OF NANTES. 475 73]i()intcd to collect said funds, or who leased them, or jirocured them by their Ordinances, cannot be called to account for their ])roceedings now or at any fiitui'e time, but shall 476 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMIJ.Y. forever remain free, they and their agents alike, from all inquiry about the management and administration of the said funds, on condition that they produce, before our Court of Parliament of Pa- ris, within four months after the publication of the present Edict, receipts duly executed by the Chiefs of the said religion or by per- sons empowered by theiu to audit and close the accounts, or by the City Cori)orations who held power during the troubles. They shall remain ecjually free from disturbance on account of any acts of hostility, levying and leading troops, coining and valuing money, according to the orders of said Chiefs, casting or seizing upon artil- lery and ammunition, manufecturing gunpowder, seizing, fortifying, dismantling and destroying cities, castles, towns, &c., making at- tempts upon them, burning and otherwise destroying churches, houses, &(-.; creating courts of justice, carrying out their sentences whether in nuitters civil or criminal, poUcc regulations under them, journeys nuide, corres])ondence, negotiations entered u|)on, treaties and contracts concluded with foreign Princes and Governments, the introduction of foreigners within cities and other places in our Kingdom. In short, every thing is to be included within this gen- eral amnesty, that has been negotiated, arranged or completed, dur- ing the said troubles, by tliose of the said religion and their party, since the death of the late King, Henry II. 77th. — There shall no accusation be brought against any per- son of the said religion for holding General or Provincial Assem- blies, as well that at Mantes as elsewhere, and since, up to this present time, together with Councils established and ordered through the Provinces, Deliberations, Ordinances and Regulations, made by said Assemblies and Councils; establishing and increasing garrisons, assembling troops, levying taxes, taking them out of the hands of our Receivers, Parish Collectors or others, in any way whatever, seizing salt, continuing or erecting new stage stations, toll houses, and receiving the tolls from them, even at Royan, and on the riveiN Charente, Garonne, the Rhone and Dordonne ; fitting out vessels and fighting with the same, together with any accidents or excesses ari=sing from enforcing the payment of said toUs and other rates, fortifying cities, castles and other places, imposing taxes and forced labor {corxees) receipts from the same, deposing our Receiv- ers, Farmers and other Officers, appointing others in their places; all combinations formed, dispatches sent and negotiations carried on within or without the Kingdom : in short, nothing done, discussed, EDICT OF NANTES. 477 written and ordered by said Assemblies, sliall be inquired into, and tbose y)ersons who advised, sicrned, executed, caused to be sijru- t'll and executed the said Ordinances, Regulations and Resolutions, shall remain undisturbed, as also their widows, children and heirs, now and forever, even it' the particulars of' the case be not si)eciall\' provided for lierein. ^A'e impose perpetual silence on these subjects ui>on our Attorneys-General, their substitutes, and any others who may be interested therein, in any way whatsoever, notwithstand- ing all decrees, sentences, judgments, prosecutions or jn-oceedings to the contrary. 78^^. — We fully approve, authorize and ])r<)nounce to be valid, the accounts which have been audited, closed and examined by the dei)Uties of the said Assem])Iy. We desire that these, together with the receipts and papers which have been presented by the res])on- sible parties, shall be taken to the Court of Exchequer in Paris, tliree months after the i)ublication of the present Ed-ct, and placed in charge of our Attorney -General, to be delivep'd to the keeper of the books and registers of our Chamber, to be ready when wanted for reference, at all times, without requiring said accounts to be re- vised, nor the parties i-esponsible for them being ol)liged to appear or make correction, unless in the case of anything received liaving been omitted, or in that of false receii)ts having been given. Our said Attorney-General must not raise any question with regard to deficient surplus, or formalities not carefully attended to. Othcers of the Treasury, as well in Paris as in the Provinces where they are settled, are not to take cognizance of any such matters, in any way whatever. 79?^. — With regard to accounts not yet given in, we wish them to be audited and closed by Commissioners who will be appointed by us for the purpose, who will make no ditficulty in passing and allowing all items, jiaiil by the said responsibk' parties, in virtue of the Ordinances of the said .Assembly, or others possessing power. 80^^. — All Collectors, Receivers, Fjirmers and all others, shall be fully and legally discharged from the payment of all funds of what nature soever, which they paid to the said Clerks of the said Assem- bly, up to the last day of this month. We wish to have everj- thing passed and allowed in the accounts presented to our Exchequer, purely and simply in virtue of the receipts which shall be borno upon them. If any shall be afterwards executed and delivered in, they shall be declared null, and persons who shall accept them or 478 MLMOLRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. deliver tlieiii iu, shall be condemned to the penalty, i\>v presenting false accounts. And Avhere there shall appear in accounts formerly given in to have been erasures made or entries introduced, the said ])arts shall be entirely restored as before, in virtue of these presents, without requiring special letters or any thing more tlian the pro- duction of an extract from the i)resent article. 81st. — There shall be no claim upon Governors, Captains, Con- suls, or persons appointed to collect funds for paying the garrisons of places held by those of the said religion, which our Parochial Receivers and Collectors, either by constraint or in obedience to command of the Paymasters, furnished by loan upon their notes or bonds, for the support of the said garrisons ; as mudi as comes to Avhat we concluded to place on the roll at the connnencement of the year 15'J(3, and the increase since granted by us. The said parties shall be free from all claim for what was paid for the above pur- pose, even if not expressly s|)ecitied upon the notes and btmds, which shall be returned to them as null. And, in order to accom- plish this discharge, the paymasters in each district shall make the individual Receivers of our taxes give receipts to the said Collectors. and the Receivers-general shall give receipts to the individual Re- ceivers: for the release of the Receivers-general there will be the sums of which they will have kept account, as much as it is said to be, endorsed ujmn the orders issued by the Chancellor of the Exche- (pier, under the names of the Paymasters-General for the payment of the said garrisons, and where the said orders do not amount to as much as our said establishment of the year 1596, uad the subse- quent addition to it, Ave command that fresh ordei s shall be given for the amount necessary to release those responsible for it, and to recover said promissory notes and bonds, so tliat there may not here- after be any claim upon those who gave them. All ])apers requisite, for confirming the discharge of the accountable jiarties shall be ex- ecuted in virtue of the ])resent article. 82fZ. — Likewise, those of said religion must fi^rbear and desist from all devices, negotiations and correspondence, as well within as without our kingdom ; and the assemblies formed in the provinces must be dissolved immediately ; all leagues and associations formed, or to be formed, under any pretext whatsoever, contrary to our present Edict, shall be broken and annulled, as we do break and an- nul such ; we expressly forbid all our subjects from this day forth, holding clubs, raising money without permission, making fortifica- 1 EDICT OF NANTES. 479 tions, enlisting men, congregating and assembling otherwise than permitted by this Edict, and without arms, all of which we ])rohibit and forbid under pain of being severely punished, as despisers and breakers of our commands and ordinances. 83(7. — All captures at sea, during the troubles, made in virtue of licenses, and those by land also, upon those of the opposite party» and which have been judged by judges and Commissioners of the Admiralty, or by tlie Chiefs of tliose of the said religion or their Council, shall be huslied under tlie provisions of our present Edict, without allowing any prosecution : neither the Captains nor others who have made the said captures, their securities, the said judges, officers, their widows or heirs, can ever be called to account or mo- lested in any way whatever, notwithstanding any decrees of our Privy Council or letters of marque, and distraint, pending and not judged, of which Ave desire there to be full and entire replevin. 8ith. — Likewise, there can be no inquiry made about those of said religion who, during, and even since the troubles, have hindered and op[)osed the execution of decrees and judgments obtained for the re-establishraent of the Apostolic Roman Catholic Religion, n divers places within tins kingdom. 85th. — And as for those who committed acts of hostility contrary to the regulations public or private, of Chiefs or Communities who held power in the Provinces, they may be prosecuted as the law directs. 86th. — Inasmuch, however, as if what was done contrary to the regulations on both sides, is indiscriminately exce[)ted and reserved, from the general indemnity granted by our Edict, and allowed to be inquired into, there would be no military man exempt from distur- bance, which would probably produce fresh troubles: on this ac- count we wish and command that none but criminal cases shall be excepted from said indemnity, such as rape, burning, murdei-, theft committed by treachery, ambuscade out of the line of regular war- fare to gratify private revenge, contrary to the laws of war, dis- regarding passports and safe conducts, nnirdering and pillaging without orders. Such to be the rule with regard to those of said religion, and others who have followed tlio jiarty of their Chiefs, acting from private motives. 87th. — We command likewise, that [lunishment be inflicted for crimes and offences committed amongst persons of the same party, provided they were not acts ordered by the Chiefs of either party, 480 MEMOIRS OF A HUOTJENOT FAMILY. in conformity with the necessities, usages and laws of war. For raising and exacting money, bearing arms and other warlike opera- tions on private account, without authority, they shall be liable to prosecution according to law. 88^7/. — The cities, dismaiitled during the troubles, maybe rebuilt and repaired from the ruins, at the expense of the inhabitants, and the (octroi) toll formerly levied upon provisions for this purpose may be continued. 89^A. — It is our order, desire and pleasure, that all Lords, Knights, Nobles, and others of whatsoever rank and condition of the said pretended Reformed Religion and their party, be restored to, and eifectually replaced in the full enjoyment of every and all their property, privileges, names, rights, and offices, notwithstanding judgments to the contrary procured during the troubles. We do declare all such decrees, seizures and judgments null and void. 90«A. — Where those of the said pretended Reformed Religion, have become possessed of real estate belonging to the Church, in any other way tlian by grants from the deceased Kings our Predecessors, the title shall not stand good, l)ut the Clergy shall be reinstated immediately and without delay, and be protected in the possession and actual enjoyment of the proj)erty alienated, without being obliged to defray the amount for which it was sold ; and this not- withstanding deeds of sale, which we break and declare void ; with out however depriving the purchasers of the right to look for re- dress from the Chiefs, under whose authority the said property was sold. Nevertheless for the reimbursement of that which was truly and honestly paid, we shall execute Letters Patent giving permision to those of said religion, to claim upon them the amount of said sales, without allowing said purchasers to make any claim for damages trom the loss of possession, but merely to content them- selves with being repaid the sum actually paid.bytliem for the property. If the property should have been bought at some unjust price below its value, a deduction of profits made from it must be allowed. ^\st. — To the end that all Magistrates, Officers, and the rest of our subjects may perfectly understand our wishes and intentions, and that no ambiguity may arise from conflicting articles contained in former Edicts, we have declared, and we do now declare, to be null and void all former Edicts, Secret Articles, Letters, Declara- tions, Modifications, Restrictions, Explanations, Decrees and Re- EDICT OF NANTES. 481 ;;ords, as well as all Secret and other Resolutions formerly issued by us, or the Kings our predecessors, registered in our Courts of Par- liament or elsewhere, upon subjects connected witli the said religion, aiid the troubles arising therefrom in our Kingdou). To the abro- gation herein contained, we add our declaration that by this our Edict we have broken, revoked, and cancelled all others; and we declare expressly, that we wish thi^ our Edict to be steadfastly and inviolably kept and observed, by all Magistrates and Otlicers, as well as all our other subjects, eschewing every thing contrary to its provisions. 92d. — And for still further assurance, that this Edict be observed and carried out as we wish, it is our Royal will and pleasure that, immediately upon its reception, all Governors, and Lieutenant- Governors of our Provinces, all Bailiffs, Seneschals, and other Magistrates in our cities, shall swear to have it kept and observed, each within his District; as also the Mayors, Sheriffs, Oapitouls, Consuls and Aldermen, annual or permanent, in our cities and towns. We also enjoin upon our said Bailiffs, Seneschals, or Iheir Lieutenants, and other judges, that they call upon the princi- pal inhabitants, indifferently of either religion, to swear to the maintenance of the present Edict immediately after its publicatioji. AVe take all alike under our i)rotection and safe-keeping, and desire all mutually to protect each other ; and we make our officers liable to answer themselves in Court for any infraction of the present Edict by the inhabitants of the said cities, if they do not lodge a complaint against such offenders, and hand them over to the law. We command our right entirely and well-beloved peo[)le, com- prising our Courts of Parliament, our Courts of Exchequer, and Courts of Aids, under the i)enalty for causing Acts, that would otherwise pass, to be null and void, to let nothing intervene, but, inmiediately after receiving the present Edict, take the above oath and have the Edict published and registered in our said Courts, purely and simply Recording to the form and tenor of its contents, without modifjc;!- hoc restriction, protest, or secret record, not waiting for any fur- ther order or command from us ; and we require our Attorneys- General to exact and enforce the publication immediately without delay. Therefore we lay our commands upon the members of our said Courts of Parliament, Court of Exche(juer, Courts of Aids, our Bai- liffs, Seneschals, Provosts, and all other Magistrates, whose duty it 21 482 MEMOIRS OF A RrOIIKNOT FAMILY. may be, together with their Lieutenants, that they cause our preseni Edict and Ordinance to be read, published, and registered within their respective Courts and jurisdiction, and that they do all in their power to have it maiutaiued and carried out in every point, giving the full and peaceable benefit thereof to all, putting a stop to every thing that could hinder or interfere with it. For, such is our Royal pleasure, in vsitness whereto, we have signed these presenta with our own hand ; and in order that it may be an established and settled thing for ever, we have affixed our seal. Given at Nantes, in the month of April, year of Grace, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight ; and the ninth year of our reign. Signed, HENRI. and below, the King being in his Council, FOEGET. And at the side. Visa. And sealed with the great seal, with green wax upon cords of red and green silk. Read, p^ibUxhed and registered, the King's Attorney-General hearing and conseiiting thereto, at Paris, in Parliament, the twenty-fifth day of February, one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine. Signed, Voysin. Read, published and registered, in the Court of Exchequer, the Krng'i Attorney- General hearing and consenting thereto, the last day of March, one thousand five hundred and ninety-nina. Signed, De la Fontaine. Read, published and registered, the King's Attorney- General hearing and consenting thereto, at Paris, in the Court of Aids, the thirtieth ant last day of April, one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine. Signed, Bkknard. SECKET AKTICLES. 483 Secret articles, taken from the General ones, that the King granted to thost of the pretended Reformed religion : which his Majesty did not wish to eoibody in the general articles, nor yet in the Edict,made and drawn up from them, given at Nantes in the month of April last : and neverthe- less it is the will of His said Majesty that they shall be as fully ob- served as those contained in the said Edict. And for this purpose they shall be registered in his Courts of Parliament and elsewhere as re- quired, and all Declarations, Provisions and Letters, that be needed shall be dispatched. Article \st. — The sixth article of the said Edict relating to liberty of conscience, and permission to reside within this kingdom, granted to all his Majesty's subjects, shall be extended to, and include within it, all Ministers, Schoolmasters and others, who are or may be in future of the said religion, whether natives or foreigners, acting in all things in conformity with the provisions of said Edict. 23,. — Those of the said religit)n shall not be obliged to contribute towards the building or repairs of Churches or Chapels, nor to the purchase of Sacerdotal ornaments. Lights, casting of Bells, con- secrated bread, hiring houses for Priests or Monks, nor any similar thing; except in cases where they themselves or their ancestors have made endowments. 3cZ. — They shall not be obliged to decorate their houses on Festi- vals when it is so ordered, they shall merely allow the official per- sons to do it, without contributing any thing towards it. ^th. — Those of the said religion shiill not, when sick or dying, be obliged to receive exhortations from persons not of their own faith, and their own Ministers shall be jjermitted to visit and comfort them without hindrance. As for those who shall be under judicial con- demnation, the said Ministers may visit and comfort them, but can only offer up public prayers in those places where the said religion is allowed free exercise. Mh. — The public exercise of the said religion shall be lawful at Pimpoul : and in the faubourg of Paulet for Dieppe ; and the said ]jlaces of Pimpoul and Paulet shall be ])laces for bailiwicks. As for Sancerre, the said exercise shall be continued as at present, save that for the establishment of it in the said town, the inhabitants must make it appear that tliey iiave the consent of the Lord of the Manor. Commissioners api)i)inted by His Majesty for the execution of the Edict will attend to this. The free exercise of the said 4-84 MEMOIRS OF A HUGENOT FAMILY. religion shall be re-established in the town of Montagnac in Lan guedoc. Qth. — The following plan has been decided upon, for the execu- tion of the article upon bailiwicks. Firstly, for the establishment of the exercise of the said religion, in the two places granted in each Bailiwick, Presidency or Government, those of the said religion shall name two cities, in the faubourgs of which, the said exercise shall be established by the Commissioners, his Majesty shall appoint for the execution of the Edict. And in cases where the Commis- sioners shall not approve, those of the said religion shall name two or three villages near to the said cities, from which the Commis- sioners shall make choice of one. And if from war or pestilence, or other actual impediment, the religious exercise cannot be carried on in the appointed places, others may be named for use during the continuance of the impediment. Secondly, there shall only be two cities named within the government of Picardy, in the faubourgs of which the exercise of said religion may be allowed, for the Baili- wicks, Presidencies, and Governments dependent upon it : and where it may not be convenient to allow it in the faubourgs of the cities, two villages may be selected. Tliirdly, in consideration of the great extent of the Presidency of Provence, and the Bailiwick of Viennois, Ilis Majesty grants permission for the exercise of said religion in a third place, which shall be selected according to the above provisions, and shall be in addition to the places where the exercise already exists. ^Ith. — That which is granted by the said article, for the exercise of the said religion within the Bailiwicks, shall extend to the lands owned by the late Queen, the mother-in-law of His Majesty, and to the Bailiwick of Beaujolois. 8^^. — In addition to the two places granted for the exercise of the said religion, by the private articles of the year 1577, in the Isles of Marennes and Oleron, two others shall be granted, for the convenience of the inhabitants : that is to say, one for all the Isle« oi Marennes, and one for Oleron. 9fA. — The octroi or toll upon provisions granted by His Majesty, for the exercise of said religion in the city of Mets, shall take full effect. \Oth. — It is the will and pleasure of His Majesty, that the 27th article of his Edict, relating to the eligibility for official Dignity of persons of the pretended Eeformed religion, shall be understood seckilT akticlks. 485 and fully observed according to its form and tenor ; notwit-bstandin^ edicts and grants formerly made for tbe reduction of any Princes. Nobles, or Catbolic cities to obedience, which grants shall have no prejudicial bearing upon those of said religion, except in the matter of the public exercise thereof; which shall be regulated by the fol- lowing articles ; from which, .instructions shall be drawn up for the Commissioners, whom His Majesty will appoint to put in execution the provisions ®f his Edict. nth. — According to the Edict given by His Majesty, for the re- duction of the Duke of Guise, the exercise of the said pretended Reformed religion, shall not be allowed within the cities or fau- bourgs of Rheims, Rocroy, Saint Disier, Guise, Jeinville, Fimes, and Moncornet in the Ardennes. 12th. — It shall not be allowed in tlie environs of the said cities, and places in which it was f()rl)id(U-n by the Edict of the year 1577. I'dth. — And in order to take away all ambiguity that might pos- sibly attach to the word environs., His Majesty declares that it is understood to apply to all places witliin the liberties, or the juris- diction of the said cities, in which places the said religion shall not be established, except it should have been permitted by the Edict of 1577. \4:th. — And inasmuch as by tliat, tlie said exercise was granted generally in the Fiefs belonging to tliose of the said religion, with- out excepting the said environs : His Majesty declares the same privilege shall still be possessed by those of the said religion liolding such Fiefs, as is declared in the Edict given at Nantes. 15th. — According to the Edict given for the reduction of the Marshal de la Chatre, there shall be only one ])lace granted for the exercise of the said religion, in each of the Bailiwicks of Orleans and Bourges, nevertlieless the exercise may be continued where it is permitted by the Edict of Nantes. l&th. — Tlie privilege of preaching in the Fiefs, shall be extended t(» the said Bailiwicks, in the way directed by the Edict of Nantes. I'itJi. — The Edict given for the reduction of the Marshal de Bois Dauphin shall be observed; and the said exercise shall not be per- mitted within any towns, faubourgs, or places brought l)y him into subjection to His Majesty. As for tlie environs of such, the Edict of 1577 shall be observed, even in tiie houses of the Fiefs, as di- rected by the Edict of Nante.s. 18//^ — -There shall be no exercise of the said relilace, shall assign for each town some place of convenient and safe access for the said exercise, to be not further than one league distant from the towu. 24«A. — The said exei-cise may be established according to tlie provisions of the Edict of Nantes, within the jurisdiction of the Court of Parliament of Toulouse ; excepting, always, in the Baili- wicks, Presidencies &c. the chief town of which was brought into subjection to tlie King by the said Duke de Joyeuse, where the Edict of 1577 must be observed. It is to be understood tliat tlie said exercise may be continued in the places where it existed at tlie time of the reduction ; and in the houses of fiefs as set forth in the Edict of Nantes. SECRET ARTICLES. iS? 25th. — The Edict given for the reduction of Dijon shall be ob- served, and according to it, there shall be no religious exercisea whatever but those of the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church, with- in the City or for four leagues around it. 2Qth. — The Edict given for the reduction of the Duke De May- enne shall be likewise observed, and, in conformity with it, there shall be no exercise of the pretended Reformed religion within the towns of Chalons, and for two leagues around Soissons, for the space of sis years, commencing from the month of Jaiuiary, 1596; after the exi)iration of which period, the Edict of Nantes shall ex- tend there and be observed as through the rest of the Kingdom. 27th. — Persons of all ranks of the said religion shall be permit- te<,l to reside within the City of Lyons, and freely to go and come ; and the same as regards other places within the Government of Lyonnois, notwithstanding prohibitions formerly made by the Syn- dics and Sheriffs of the said City of Lyons, and confirmed by His Majesty. 28th. — There shall be only one jilace in a Bailiwick for the ex- ercise of said religion, within tlie wliole Presidency of Poitiers, besides those in which it is now established. The fiefs to be regu- lated by the Edict of Nantes. The said exercise sliall be continued in the town of Chauvigny : the said exercise shall not be re-estab- lished in the towns of Agen, and Perigueux, although by the Edict of 1577 it might be. 29th. — There sliall be only two places in the Bailiwick for the exercise of tlie said religion, in the Government of Picardy, as has been said before ; and the said two places may be given in the dis- tricts reserved by the Edict given on the reduction of Amiens, Peronne and Abbeville. The said exercise may be permitted in the houses of the fiefs, throughout the Government of Picardy, accord- ing to the Edict of Nantes. SOth. — «There sliall be no exercise ol" the said religion in the town and faubourg of Sens, and only one place in the Bailiwick shall be allowed within the district ; without i)re)udic<,', however, to the privileges granted to the owners of fiefs, whicli shall be in accordance with tlie Edict of Nantes. Slst. — The said exercise shall not be allowed within the city or faubourgs of Nantes, nor in any f)lace within three leagues around The houses of owners of fiefs excepted, according to the Edict ol Nantes. 488 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. S2d. — It is the will and pleasure of His Majesty, that his said Edict of Nantes be observed from this time forth, in all that con- cerns the exercise of the said religion, in all places where it was prohibited, until further orders, by the Edicts and grants given upon the submission of certain Princes, Nobles and Catholic cities And where the prohibition was for a limited number of years, the Edict must be observed after that time is over. SSd. — A place shall be given to those of said religion for tlio city and precincts of Paris, within live leagues at the utmost, where the public exercise of said religion may be allowed. Mth. — In all places where the public exercise of the said reli- gion is permitted, the people may be called together, even by the ringing of bells, and they may perform all acts and functions ap- pertaining to said religion or its discipline, such as holding Consis- tories, Conferences and Synods, Provincial and National, with the ])ermission of His Majesty. S5th. — Ministers, Elders and Deacons of the said religion shall not be compelled to appear as witnesses in a Court of Justice, with regard to matters made known in Consistory as questions for church censure, except it be in a matter bearing upon the safety of the State or the person of the King. SQth. — Persons of said religion who reside in the country, may lawfully go to towns or other places for the exercise of said religion, where it is publicly established. 37^^. — It shall not be lawful for persons of said religion to keep public schools any where but in places where the said religion is publicly established : the provision heretofor-e granted for the erec- tion and maintenance of Colleges shall be made good when required, and shall go into full operation. SSth. — It shall be lawful for persons making profession of the said pretended Pteformed religion, to appoint such preceptors as shall seem good to them for the education of their children, and to substitute one or several, by will or codicil, or declaratioTi made before a notary, or written and signed with their own hands. For the rest, the laws and ordinances of (he Kingdom, as usually re- ceived, will be of full force in the giving and providing of guar- dians and protectors. 39^^. — With regard to the marriages of Priests and Nuns which have already been contracted, it is, for various good reasons, the will of His Majesty that they shall not be disturbed or sought after, SECRET ARTICLES. 4S(« and he imposes silence upon his Attorney-Genenvl .and other Offi- cers in this matter. Nevertheless, His said Majesty declares that p^ children, the issue of such marriages, shall only inherit the house- hold goods and the earnings or acquisitions of their parents, and in default of such clwldren the nearest relations are to inherit: and the wills, donations and other dispositions, made and to be made, by persons of said description, of the said household goods and earnings, are declared valid. His said Majesty declares that tha said professed Monks or Priests and Nuns shall not succeed to any family inheritance directly or collaterally, except, only, they mty , take possession of wh.Ht is left or shall be left to them by will, ex- centing, always, those by direct and collateral succession: as for those who made i)rofession before the age stipulated by the Ordi- nances of Orleans and Blois, the tenor of said Ordinances shall be obeyed, each for the time of its being binding. 4:0th. — His Majesty's will and ])leasure is, that persons of the said religion, who have contracted marriages or shall contract them, who are within the third or fourth degree of consanguinity, shall not be disturbed, nor the validity of the marriages called in (pies- tiou : in like manner, there shall be no dispute about the right of successi(jn to property of the children born, or who shall be born from such marriages : and as for such marriages as shall have been already contracted between those of the second, or of the second and third degree, making appeal to the King, they shall be furnish- ed with such grant or patent as shall be all-suflicient to protect them from molestation, and their children from disputed succession. ilst. — In order to judge of the validity of marriages made and contracted by those of the said religion, and to decide upon their legality, if the defendant be of the said religion, the Royal Judge shall have cognizance of the cause, and where the Catholic is defendant, the cognizance shall belong to the Ecclesiastical Judge. It' both parties be of the said religion, the cognizance shall belong to the Royal Judges. His said Majesty's will is, that with regard to said marriages and ditt'erences growing out of them, the Ecclesiastical and the Royal Judges, together with the Chandlers establislwd by the Edict, shall respectively Iiavc the cognizance 42'"7. — Gifts and legacies made, or that :-hall be made, by tiiO r' last will of the dying, or the disposition of the living, towards tlie \ 1 maintenance of Ministers, Doctors, Scholars or poor persons of the paid pretended Reformed religion, or for other i)ioiis jmrposes, >-lial) 21* y 490 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. be valid and take full effect, notwithstanding any Judgments or De- crees to the contrary, without any prejudice, always be it remem- bered, to the rights of His Majesty or others in cases wliere the said legacies and gifts fall in mortmain. All actions and prosecu- tions necessary for the recovery of said legacies and other rights, may be carried on by a Solicitor, in the name of the body and com- munity of those of said religion who are interested therein, and if it shall be found that the said gifts and legacies have been other- wise disposed of, such restitution as is practicable may be claimed. 43(?. — His said Majesty permits those of the said religion to as- setnble before the Royal Judge, and by his authority to assess a tax upon themselves and collect the same in sufhcient sum to pay the expenses of their Synods, and provide for the support of those who are charged with the exercise of their said religion, of which they will render an account to the Royal Judge : the copy of wliicli shall be sent every six montlis to His Majesty or to his Chancellor. The said taxes and tines shall be levied, in spite of opposition or appeal. 44i i9th. — Til case of v.-icnivcv in the otticcs \i> hv tilled, l)y those e contrary to this. He- c*ides this. His Maji'sty, for cert.ain good and >iirticient reasons, com- mands tliat the said (irimoiilt shall rejiay, within thive months, the said iiarbier, the sums that he has ey<'heated for the otfice of Lieu- . tenant-General, Civil and Criminal, in the Vicomte of Alen<,'on, and tiftv crowns for the expen.se; empovvering for that pur}iose the 492 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Bailiff (-"f Perclie or his Lieutenant at Mortaigne. And the repay- ment made or offered, thongli the said Barhier may refuse or delay to receive it, it is His Majesty's will and i)leasure that the said Bar- bier and the said Bernard shall not intermeddle any more with the duties of the said offices, under pain of the punishment for perjury ; the said Grimoult shall he placed in full possession of these offices, with the rights and privileges appertaining to them ; and, by this article, the suit j lending before the Privy Council, between the said Grimoult, Barhier and l^ernard shall be terminated. His Majesty forbids his ParlianKMit to take any further cognizance, and als(» forlnds the parties themselves to agitate it again. Besides, His said Majesty has taken upon himself to repay the said Bernard a thou- sand crowns escheated for his office, and sixty crowns for the marc d^or* and expenses; having for this purpose now ordered good and sufficient apju-opriations to be made, the collecting of which is in- trusted to the diligence of the said Grimoult. 53fZ. — His Majesty will write to his Ambassadors to solicit for all his subjects, even for those of the said pretended Reformed reli- gion, that they may not be forced to do any thing against conscience, nor be subject to the Inquisition, going, coming, travelling and trading in foreign countries, the allies and confederates of this Crown, provided, always, that they do not offend against the laws of the country in which tl>ey may be. Mth.—lt is the will and pleasure of His Majesty, that no inqui- ries be made about the collection of the taxes levied at Royan, in virtue of tlie contract made with the Sieur de Candelay, and others made in continuation of it. The said contract is declared \alid in all its items, until the eighteenth day of next May. 55tisms of those of the said i)retended Keformed religion, and no more shall walk through the streets, going to the said ceremonies, under penalty of forfeiting their privileges, &c.. &c., «fec. Given in Council, at St. Germain en Laye, the ninth day of No- vember, 1670. (Signed), PHELYPEAUX. Proclamation of the Sieur President and Lieutenant -General of Sedan., forbidding persoiiH (f the pretended Pef armed religion to expose.^ retail or sell animal food or game on days when the use of it is prohibited by the Church. It has been rejn-esented tt» us, by the King's Attorney-General, that an abusive practice jjirevails, without any authority but the having been established by the Ancient Princes, who were of the pretended Poformed religion. Butchers, as well Catholic as of the pretended Keformed religion, undertake to keep open the pulilic butchers' shambles, and to expose and sell meat publicly, duriui^ Lent, and other days of fa>tiiig and a!>stineiice ordered by the 500 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. Church, which proceeding causes scandalous disorders to religion and is forbidden by the laws of the land, and is contrary to public decorum ; for, as the said shambles are in the Grand Square, and have two large and two small doors, one large one opening upon the said Grand Square, ou the road between the two streets leading from one gate of the city to the other, and forming the main en- trance and exit to and from the Kingdom, the other large door of tlie said public shambles being exactly opposite to the Church of the E. P. Jesuits, strangers passing through the city on their first arrival in the Kingdom, or tlieir departure from it, may well doubt if it be a Catholic place at all, perceiving indications like these of its being the contrary, which causes shame to decent people, and by which Catholics, French and foreign, are struck with horror, and the zeal and piety of a whole comnmnity is extremely scandalized, since it is the only city in the Kingdom where sach an abuse is tol- erated. Besides this, the inhabitants being part of them ot the one religion and [)art of the other, having grown up together, lived and traded with one another. Catholics are to be found whose habits and manners partake of the same intermingling as their interests and their commerce, and they actually go, in the most unscrupulous man- ner, to the public shambles, they buy and they eat animal food during Lent and upon other prohibited days. The same scandal si)reads to the Pork butchers. Poulterers, Pastry Cooks, Tavern-keepers, and others, who all sell meat, poultry and game, freely, openly and with impunity, in their shops or their houses at all times and to all sorts of persons, without distinction : which disorders having been pro- vided against by Proclamations and Decrees of the Council of State which supersede the general laws throughout the Kingdom, and, in consequence, the said Attorney-General has applied to us to have ihem kept, observed, and executed within our jurisdiction ; We, therefore, in conformity with this requisition, expressly forbid all Butchers, Pastry Cooks, Pork butchers. Poulterers, &c., alike Cath- olics or of the pretended Reformed religion, to expose, retail or sell meat or game of any kind whatever, either in the said public sham- bles or in their private shops during Lent, or on any other days when the use of meat is forbidden by the Church, making a reser- vation, only, for the sale of it privately to persons of the pretended Reformed religion, with the express under-standing that they shall not be permitted to furnish or give tbe same to any Catholic, under any circumstances or for any pretext wh;itsoever Nevertheless, PROCLAMATION OF THE SIKUR PKESIDKNT, 501 it may lie funiitihed, in tlie same private wa}' to sick Catholics, whc shall be obhged to send a note from the Sieur Cure of this city, every time they make a purchase, and the said Butchers, Pastry Cooks, Pork Butchers and others are forbidden to sell meat, pastry, j)oultry or game in any other way ; and we command that they keep tlie Curb's notes very carefully during the week, and send them to us every Monday, under pain of forfeiting their stock and paying a tine of two hundred livres, one-tliird of which shall be the perqui- site of the informer. Under pain of the above-named punishment, we forbid all Tavern or Hotel keepers to sell or furnish in any way whatever, any meat, poultry or game to persons wlio on the for- bidden days shall eat, drink or lodge at their houses, be they Cath- olics or of the said pretended Reformed religion, residents, stran- gers or foreigners. We enjoin it upon all persons who shall know of any infraction of our present Ordinance, to give infornuition within twenty-four hours, under pain of a fine of twenty livres, one-third to be the perquisite of the informer. This proclamation shall be read, published and posted up in public and frequented sit- uations, in this citj' and faubourgs, also upon the four doors of the public shambles, &c., &c., &c. Given by the Honorable Joseph de Guillet de la Minardiere, Councillor of the King, Lieutenant-Gene- ral and President, on the part of His Majesty, in the Sovereign Court of St. Manges. ADAM la Menardiere. Mth February, 1672, Copy of Memorandum sent by Mr. Pelisson to various Bishops in Languedoc, dated I'ith June, 1677. Many conversions have been made in the valleys of Pragelas, through the instrumentality of Mr. de Grenoble, a comi)any for the Propagation of the Faith and some Jesuit Missionaries, so that without the distribution of a larger sum than 2000 crowns in all, sent at various times, a certified list has been sent in, with the names of from 700 to 800 persons restored to the church. Several Bishojis have done me the honor to write to me. and have said that they also could see the way to many conversions within their dioceses, if the mone}'^ could only ha sent to tiiciii. 1 replied, hy order of the king, that it would lie impossible to send \'\\\\i\<. ti> so many 502 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY, places; 1/iit that each one in his own sphere should win-k as best he could, and that they niigiit furnish information when conversiong were likely to be made in fatnilies of consideration, in order that his Majesty might think it over, and make the recjuisite provision. At the same time they sliould by no means neglect the opportunity of making conversions amongst the families of the jteople. for which very little woiild be I'ecjuired, as we have seen in these valleys, where for two, three, four or tive pistoles, numerous families iiave been gained. I have even signified to them that they may go a>, liigh as 100 francs, though 1 have received no fresh order from his Majesty to pay the bills of exchange drawn upon me. This has been attended to most religiously in tbat res[)ect by tliose to whom 1 had written of it. I said the same thing to Mr. Potei, Secretary to the Duke of Verneuil, who was going to the States of Langne- doc, in order that he might he prepared with information to give tlie Bishops assembled there, and I have confirmed to him by letter wiiat I had already said, and that, the more cheerfully, because the King, animated by the great success, has just made a fresh ai)pro- ])riation for the purpose, of one-third of the funds derived from the revenues of vacant l^ishojirics, collected or to be collected from the month of December last, which funds are to be regularly laid aside for this use. It will oidy begin to be productive next year, but we may hope from that time to draw a regular sujiply for the future. Things remain yet in the state they were; even though the funds are not now available, means will be forthcoming to i>ay bills drawn u[itals, and there treated like the Catholics, and that those willing to be converted, jnay avoid the danger of being hindered by being in the said private houses, in the hands of persons of the said re- ligion. His Majesty in Council expressly forbids all private in- dividuals, of whatsoever rank or condition, from receiving, under pretext of charity, the sick of the said religion into their houses, but commands that they be taken to the Hospitals, to be there treated like the sick Catholics. Under penalty to a private individual, who infringes tliis law, of paying a fine of 500 livres, and forfeiting, to the Hospital in the place, all the furniture and other articles used about the sick persons ; and to tlie Consistories who infringe the law, the penalty will be a prohibition of all religious exercises in the places where they have houses to receive sick persons of the pretended Reformed religion. His Majesty enjoins the publication of this Decree uiion the In- temlants. Commissioners, &c., &c. Given in the Council of State of the King, His Majesty being present, held at Versailles, the 4th September, 1684. Signed, Colbert. Edict of the King^ which revokes that of Nantes^ and all consequent ijpoti it, and forbids all pnhlic exercise of the pretended Reform' ed religion in the Kingdom. Louis, by the grace of God King of France and Ka\arre: to all that are and shall be, greeting. The King Henry the Great, our Grandsire of glorious memory, desirous that the peace he had obtained for his subjects, after the EDICT OF KKVOCATION. 507 sufferings they had endurtd tlirough a long period of domestic and foreign wars, sliould not he disturbed on account of the pretended Reformed religion, as it liad ha]>i)ened during the reigns of the Kings his predecessors, endeavortnl by his Edict given at Nantes ill the month of A[)ril, 15'J8, to make reguhitions with respect tc those of said religion, the jdaces where the exercise of said religion might be allowed ; He also a])i)ointed Judges Extraordinary to ad- minister justice on their behalf, and at length he even provided secret artii;les containing all that he deemed necessary for the maintenance of tranquillity in his Kingdom and lessening the hatred existing between those of the two religions, in order to place liim- self in a more advantageous; position for laboring, as he had res»>lv- ed he would, to re-unite to the Church those who had Iteen so easily detached from it. And, as the intention of the King our Grand- sire could not be carried out effectually on account of his untimely death, and that even during the minority of the deceased King, our much honored Lord and Father, of glorious memory, the exe- cution of the Edict was interrupted by new enterprises of those of the pretended Reformed religion, which gave occasion to de^)rive them of various privileges wliieh had been granted by the said Edict : nevertheless, the King, our said deceased Lord and Father, displaying his accustomed clemency, granted them yet another Edict at Nimes, in the month of July, 1629, by means of wiru-h, tramiuillity having been re-established once more, the said King, animated b}' the same spirit and zeal for religion that had tilled the breast of the King, our said (ii'andsire, resolved to i)rot1t by thin rei)Ose and try to put his pious design in execution, but foreign Avar broke out a few years later, so that from the year 1635 until the conclusion of the treaty, in the year 1684, with the Princes of Europe, the Kingdom being almost always in a state of agitation, it was impossible for him to do any thing for the benefit of religion but to lessen the lunnber of exercises of those of tlie pretended Reformed religion, by forbidding Avhatever he found established contrary to the orders of the Edicts, and by dissolving the Mixed Chambers, whose establishment had only been provisional. God having at last jjermitted our i)eople to enjoy [)erfect peace, and re- lieveil us from the care of j)rotccting them against foreign enemies, profiting by this treaty, we are enabled to give our entire attention to finding the best mode of carrying out successfully the intention of the Kings, our said Sire and (!rand>ire, wliich subject has occu 508 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. pied our thoug^lits, from the time of our succeeding to the Crown We now behold, with due gratitude to God for it, that our exertiont have accompHshed what we proposed, since the greater part of out subjects of the said pretended Reformed rehgiun have embraced the Catholic, and inasmuch as on this account the execution of the Edict of Nantes, and every thing else ordered in favoi- ^f the pre- tended Reformed religion becomes useless, we have resolved that we can do nothing better, with the view of destroying all memory of the past troubles, confusion and evils caused by the i)rogress of this false religion in our Kingdom, which gave rise to this, and so many other preceding and subsequent Edicts and Proclamations, than to revoke entirely the said Edict of Nantes, and the secret articles granted after it, and all done since iu favor of said religion, 1. Be it known, that for these causes, and others by which we are influenced, of our own certain knowledge, full power and Royal authority, we have by this perpetual and irrevocable decree repeal- ed and revoked and we do repeal and revoke the Edict of the King our said Grandsire, given at Nantes in the month of April, 1598, to its full extent, together with the private articles issued on the 2d May following, and the Letters Patent executed upon them, and the Edict given at Nimes, in the month of July, 1029. We declare them all null and void, together with all other concessions proceed- ing from these or other Edicts, Proclamations and Decrees to the people of the pretended Reformed religion, of any kind whatsoever, which shall all be as though they never had any existence, and consequently, it is our will and pleasure, that all ])laces of worship belonging to those of the said pretended Reformed religion, situated within our Kingdom, Countries, Lands and Manors under our gov- ernment, be demolished forthwith. 2. We forbid our said subjects of the pretended Reformed reli- gion to assemble themselves together for religious exercises in any y)lace or private house, under any pretext whatsoever, the same in bailiwicks and otherwise, even if the said exercises may have been sustained by decrees of our Council. 3. We likewise forbid all Lords of the Manor, of whatever rank they may be, to hold religious exercises in their houses or with- in their fiefs, be the fiefs what kind they may, under penalty to all ou-r said subjects who take part in said exercises, of confiscation and imprisonment. 4. We enjoin all Ministers of the said pretended Reformed re- EDICT OF REVOCATION. 509 ligion, who are not willing to be converted and to embrace the Apostolical Roman Catholic religion, to depart from our Kingdom and Territories within fifteen days after the publication of our j)res- ent Edict, without being permitted to remain beyond that time, nor during the said fifteen days can they be allowed to preach, exhort or perform other functions, under penalty of the galleys. 5. We wish those of said Ministers who shall be converted, to continue in the enjoyment for life, and their widows after them, m long as they remain in the state of widowhood, of the same ex- emption from tax and the quartering upon them of soldiers that they enjoyed while performing the functions of the Ministry ; and besides this, we shall order pensions to be paid to the said Ministers for life, amounting to one-third more than the sum they received as Ministers ; the half of which pension shall be continued to their widows after their death, so long as they remain widows. 6. If any of the said Ministers desire to become Advocates or to take the degree of Doctor of Laws, we would have it under- stood that the three years of study prescribed by our Proclama- tions, shall be dispensed witli in their case, and after having been submitted to examination in the usual way, and being judged com- petent, they may be received as Doctors upon paying only half the fees that are usually collected on such occasions in each University. 7. We prohibit private schools for the instruction of children of the pretended Reformed religion, and generally, every thing whatever that could be construed as a concession, in any sort of way, in favor of the said religion. 8. With regard to the children of those of the said pretended Reformed religion, we desire that henceforth they be baptised by the Cur^ of the Parish. We enjoin the fathers and mothers to send the children to Church for the purpose, under penalty of the pay- ment of a fine of 500 livres, or more if it lapses ; and afterwards, the children shall be brought up in the Apostolic Roman Catholic religion. We desire the Magistrates of the place to pay particuar attention to this point. 9. And to evince our clemency towards those of said pretended Reformed religion who have gone out of our Kingdom and Terri- tories before the pul)lication of this, our Edict, we wish to have it understood that in case they come back within four months from the date of the said publication, they may, and it is quite open to them to resume possession of their property, and enjoy it as entire- 510 MEMOIRS OF A HUGUENOT FAMILY. ly as it' they liad always reiiiaiiiod in tlie (•(nintry. < 'n tlie CiMitra- ry, with respect to those who (\o not return within tlic four nionthf to our Kingdom, their ])roi)orty sliall all he confiseatei], in confonii' ity with our Proclamation of the twentieth of last August. 10. We make exj^ress and reiterated declarations, tliat none of our suhjects of the said ])retended Reformed religion, they, their wives or children, shall be permitted to take away Avith them from our Kingdom and Territories any of tlieir ])roperty or jiossession? under ])enalty of the galleys for men, and confiscation and im- prisonment for women. We wish it understood that proclamations issued against those wlio have relajised shall be executed according to tlieir form and tenor. The remainder of those of the said pretended lieformed religion while waiting until it pleases God to enlighten them as he lias done others, may remain in the cities and places within our king- dom and territories, and continue to follow commercial pursuits there, and enjoy their property in peace without being disturbed or hindered under pretext of the said pretended Reformed religion on condition as before said, that they have no religious exercises, no assembling for prayer or worship of any kind according to said rehgion, under the above-named penalty of confiscation and im- [)risonment. Therefore we command our right trusty and entirely beloved people who compose our Courts of Parliament, Court of Exchequer, and Courts of Aids, Bailiff^s, Seneschals, Provoste and other Magis- trates and Officers, whose duty it may be, as well as their Lieuten- ants, to cause our present Edict to be read, jiublislied, and registered within their courts and jurisdiction, even in the time of vacation: and they must maintain it and cause it to be maintained, kejit anr" ol)served in every point without contravention, and they must not [lermit it to be contravened in any way whatever. For such is oui will and pleasure, and in order that the thing may lie established and inviolable for ever, we Imve affixed our seal to these presents. Given at Fontainebleau, in the month of October, year of gracf 1685, and forty-third of our reign. Signed, LOUIS, And on the fold visa, Li Tellier, And at the side by tlie King, Colbert. And sealed with the Great Seal with green wax. 'ijion red an^ R12 MEMOlliS OF A IIUGUKNOT 1 AMHA'. I confess tliat there is a Purgatory in whicli tlie souls that &r« detained may be benefited by the good works and prayers of the faithful. 1 avow that we ought to honor and invoke the Messed Saints, male and female, who are reigning with Jesus Christ and ottering their prayers for us, and that we ought to venerate their holy relics. As also that we ought to have ami to retain images of Jesus Christ and of his blessed and always Virgin Mother, and the other Saints, male and female, rendering to them tlie lumor and reverence that is their due. I confess that Jesus Christ l)equeatlied to his Church the power of granting Indulgences, and that its u.se is very beneficial to Chris- tian people. I recognize the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church as the Mother and Head of all Churches. I promise and swear true obedience to the Pope and Holy Father of Rome, Successor of St. Peter, Chief and Prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jesns Christ. I approve without any doubt, and T make profession of all that has been decided, determined and declared by the Holy Canons and General Councils, and especially by the Holy Council of Trent, and I reject, condemn, and anathematize all that is contrary to them, and all heresies cx)ndemned, rejected, and anathematized by the Church. I, A. B., promise, vow, and swear, upon the Holy Evangelists, to persevere entirely and inviolably until I draw my latest breath, by the aid of God's grace, in maintaining this Catholic Faith, out of which there is no salvation and no one can be saved, and which now I make profession of without any constraint, and, as far as may be possible, I will cause to be held, kept, observed, and pro- fessed by all those over whom I have charge in my house and my station of life. Therefore, God and the Holy Evangelists, on whom I swear and make oath, helping me, giving my hand to N., and in the preseuoe of the undersigned witnesses, &c., «&c., &c. THB END If:. J 9*30 ' N -'^ / ,. , ^ '\ O ' / x- ' <> « ,1. ' A \ o v\^ ,-0' s 4 ^^ \0 o. 1 " ; " -4. -/■ V c ,v\^^' -^p. ■^ .-y- A^' .1^ ^ ■ V -% . A^^' *< • U ,0^ s^' ' '* ,. '' ^^• -oo^ A^^ '^'t V- .-y V- "'^^- ,^\^'" A^^ ^^ V^ X^^.. ,0^ ,A.^ ^< ■^/-J ^,^' ^\^> K '.0- .\^- 'V .\\^~ .^^^ ^V ■"6 ■s- .^^ •Ol- V v'^- 3 -^.^ ^•^>- .^ '/: :^.