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True, she has lovers by the thousands, followers, subjects if yon please, but no lord and master. She is absolute ijueen (if llic universe, to wiioiii all delight to pay homage. When Nature lured into existance the peninsula that is now l)eautiful Portland, slie left very little for the hand of man to do. Nowhere is there a more delightful sunnner resort in all the world. Sometimes you have accidently come across a magnificent painting, a handsome piece of architecture, or a pretty gem. A casual glance and you turned your back upon it : but you remember an irresistable impulse that made you retrace your steps to the ol)ject of your admiration where you were riveted to the spot as you drank in its beautv. Such an effect has the scenery in and about Portland upon the tourist wlio makes us a frying visit. He is l)ound to come the second time and remain long enough to create a desire in him to always remain here. He keeps coming, tells his fiiends about the " Forest City," and thus the tide of summer travel annually increases to the joy of railroad managers, hotel keepers and inisiiiess men. What little, if any, effect the annual appearance of this modest volume may have had in iniinencing the seeker after perfect rest from business cares to spend a portion of his or her vacation among us, is due to the pictures of Portland's scenery rather than the descriptive matter. Realizing that " word painting " is utterly inade(iuate to convey even the slightest hint of the Forest City's grandeur, the writer will content himself with an attempt to place before the readers a brief sketch of tlie many points of interest that occur to iiim. Portland ])roper, the peninsula kissed by the water of tlie Atlantic, is nearly three miles long and three-Ciuarters of a mile wide. Fore River divides it on the southerly side from Cape Elizabeth and forms what is called tlie Inner Harbor. On the northerly side the Neck is separated I)y the waters of Back Cove from Deering. Tlie city has- an elevation of 161 feet at some points and its almost perfect system of sewerage, together with its altitude and cleanliness, has made it famous for its low death rate. Its streets are neat and clean, and are lined with stately siiade trees, wliich give the city, viewed from its highest point, the apiiearaiice of a vast forest: hence the name "Forest City." Should you approach the city through tiie Wiiile Mountains by tlie Maine Central Railroad, or along the coast via the Boston & Maine, you will be somewhat [irepared for the magnificient scenery that trreels the eye on alighting from tiie train at the I'liion Station. Hut all previous views, restful and suul-stirring- though they may be, are lint the taste that whets tlie appetite for a scenic feast that Portland and vicinity alone can gratify. 2 THE ISLANDS OF CASCO BAY. -^HE fame of Casco Bay and its almost iiuml,erless island, l.as long since spread tl.rough the northern and eastern seetion of tlie country. Campers and cottagers have for years made their summer abodes at the sequestered and attractive spots on the Maine coast. Several lines of island steamers make it convenient for Portland pe,.ple as well as tourists and visitors to take up their residence down the bay during the pleasant months from early June to late in September, the run from Peaks, Diamo.id and Cusinng-s Islands beinc made m twenty nn.uites. Farther dowi the bay are (heat Diamond, Long, Chebeague, Orr's and Bailey's Islands, and Harpswell, a projection of territory from the n.ainland. Falmouth Forside, also on the mainland, has a line of steamers touching its wharf. Peaks Island is the most populous place in tiic bay during the height of the warm season. At this island maybe found the " (iem," beyond question the handsomest sununer theatre in the cou.itrv, and one of tlie largest and most modernly equipped. A company from the leading playhouses of tlie country is selected each season for the production of the latest iiiglK-lass comedies. The i,otels of the island are always tilled to the Innit wth t.mnsts: and i,un.lreds of cottages on the hills and slopes furnish in.provi.sed homes for a vast army of humanity. (.)ne of the features of the season is a boatmg carnival, whirl, forms a gala event in the stirring season's programme of tliis " Coney Island of New England." If inquest of all the best features of a summer resort, tishing, batiiing, society and theatre, together with all the comforts of home, at a moderate cost the tourist will go no further than Peaks Island. Shade trees in abundance, Hnely laid out and carefully looked after thoroughfares, an all-the-vear-round population that is known lor Its courtesy and hospitality, make this resort, within a few minutes' ride from the citv, an ideal resting place. Good water, plenty of wood for the picking, tishing grounds and neigliboring islands, have made this spot tlie rendezvous of campers for years. It is a well wooded island, almost every known tree indigenous to Maine soil being represented here. T«o an.l a half miles long by ,me and a-juarter miles wide, there is ample room for carriage driving, and many families annually bring their private turnouts iiere. If one is desirous of doing the island by carriage, lie will find conveyances to liis taste at a moment's notice. Tiie new Peaks Island House, just completed, and wliicli was built the past winter, is a hotel wiiicli has accommodati.ms for l^OO guests and is an imposing structure, situated but a short walk from the steamboat landing. It will be under the careful management ,,f K. A. Sawyer wh,. has catered at tiie old Peaks Island House for more than tiiirty years. The new Peaks Island Hotel has all tiie modern improvements m the way of many bath rooms, electric lights, electric bells, etc. Tiie tourist spending his or her vacation at the hotel will tinil it a must excellent jilace to sojourn a few weeks (Un'ing the snninier. The table will he kept up to the verv best that can be secured from the market. The old i\>aks Island House had a wide re|)utation for the cxcelleney of its sea food dinners. It will still be the aim of the proprietor to serve the finest of fish dinners, and hold the reputation the old liouse enjnyed amonnthe many ihdusands of its friends. The veranda eonnnands a t;'rand view of the great harlior and islands of Caseo Hay. and those wlm are so fortunate as to make the above house their home will enjoy the scenery very nindi. At Little and (iieat Diamond Islands, like Cushings, are the summer homes of the wealthy and C(^iiservative. At Cushinos, however, in addition to handsome and costly cottages, is tlie widely-known Ottawa Hoitse. Long Island and llarpswell ha\e hotel acconnuodations, as well as cottages for those who prefer the rustic life among the woods of Casco {{ay's gems. •lust as Cushing"s is the most (diaractcristic island of tiie bay, combining every desirable seaside feature, from boldest .sea-cliff to silvei-sanded l)athing lieaidi, from forest to meadow land ; so is the Ottawa House the only hotel of modern construction, si/,e and appointments existing among the islands of Casco Bay. Of all tiie islands that art; in close touch with the city of Portland, and obviously these are the most populous and popular of the bay, Cusiiing's has numerous [loints of superiority as a resting retreat. First, it is the farthest seaward of all ; that is, it occurs first, heading tiie alignment of isles which extend from the Cape Elizabeth shore to tiie long peninsula of Harpswell. Between this landward shore, wiiich slopes gently to the sea, and the mainland shores of Cape Elizai)eth, c-ottage-covered, exists the narrow ship channel, through wiiich are cdiitinually passing the members of numerous mercantile, fisiiing and pleasure fleet whose home port is the beautifid peninsular city of Portland, three miles distant. The summer life of Casco Bay is very merry and is nowhere seen to more lively advantage than from the broad verandas of the loftily situated Ottawa House, Cushing's Island. Long Island is one of the largest islands of the bay, it has a poi)iilation of :iOi), nr thereabouts, in addition to its crowds of summer visitors. It has a woild-wide reputation fur "clam bakes" and "shore dinners,"' due largely to tiie efforts of E. Ponce, the proprietor of tlie (iranite Spring Hotel. Boating, batliing and fishing, togetiier with its large groves, its distance from the city, make this island much sought after bv picnic parties, campers, tourists and pleasure seekers. In the season it is not uncommnn for a dozen different excursion parties to visit this spot on the same day. Each is usually attended liy a band, and the woods eclni and re-echo with music. This is also the headijuarters for several regimental associations who have Imilt substantial buildings liere. The sail to this island, for a short trip, cannot be excelled for beautv of sccnerv. There are many ailvaiita<;es to lie enjoyed at this island that many otiier ishinds in C'asei) Ba\'d(i iKil pussess. There are grand t'arilitics fur liathin^;- at many heautii'ul, sandy iieaeiies. where liatiiinn' can he enjoved at all times of day. There is sjileiidid deep-sea tisiiing, where you can catch many varieties of tiie very best lish that tiiis part of the bay is so abundantly supplied with. There are plenty of clams to be had for the digging, and no lietter to be had anywhere on the Atlantic coast. Tliere are many marine views that are grand to look upon, and the drives are numerous. So, take it all in all, l.cmg Island is a beautiful place to spend a da\', a week, ninnth nr all summer. 'J'lie hotels and Itoarding-houses are aood. .Vmoiip- the best are the (iranite Sririna' Hotel, K. Ponce, proprietor, and the Dirigo House, Mrs. Perry, proprietor, as well as manv good restaurants, do to l^ong Island and enjoy the good air, good water, the cool sea breeze, beautiful sailing, as well as good company. It does not cost nuxcli to enjoy all this at this place. For the guidance of the stranger within our gates, it might be well to keeji in mind that the Casco Bay Company's steamers leave Custom House Wharf, at frequent intervals, for the following landings, down the bay: Little and Great Diamond Islands, Trefethen's and Evergreen, Peaks Island and Ponce's Landing, Long Island. One of the company's best steamers takes care of this route, while anothei steamer, connnodious and speedy, and liglited by electricity and sujiplicd with a powerful search light, devotes its entire service between Portland and Cushing's and Forest City Landing at Peaks Island. For an interesting sail, the Harpsvvell Steaml)oat Company's boats, leaving Portland Pier, supply a good breath of salt air and cover a distance of eighteen miles, as far as Harpswell, touching on the way at Long, Chebeagues and ( )rr"s islands. The steamers of tlie McDonald Steandioat Company are well patronized during the sunnner on their trips to Falmouth Foreside, Prince's Point, Cousin's, Littlejohn, Cliebeague, Bustin's and Orr's islands, and Cundy's Harbor, Small Point and Freep(.)rt. 'I'liese steamers furnish a beautiful sail among the islands of the bay. Portland's capitalists invested well when they developed into an entrancing park, called I'nderwood Springs, the forests and rugged bluffs on the easterly shore of Casco l>ay. The Underwood Spring water, the medicinal and health-giving beverage which issues in copious draughts through the ledges in the park, is popularly used in the cities of America and the old world by the lovers of pure, sparkling water. The fascination of the odor of pines whicii pervades its atmosphere, its nooks and ravines and rustic bridges, its mammoth electric fountain and lookouts on tlie cliffs overlooking the tides with the distant islands, can never be told in words. It is one of the latest (if the numerous attractions on tlie line of the electric I'ailroads radiating from Portland, and its name and attractiveness liecoming familiar t(i the annual influx of visitors to this region of New England. A sumiuer nio-ht at RivertDii Park is a veritable dreamland, where mental and physical weariness will lind relief in Nature's tonic of wooded scenery and refreshing breezes from the waters of the Presumpscot. In the course of a week fifteen to twenty thousand people visit this park and revel in its outdoor summer splendors. It is .not an uncommon sight to see from a dozen to twenty of the commodious and comfortable electric cars of the Portland Street Railway Company leaving the head of Preble street for the glades of Riverton. Two relined vaudeville performances are given each day at the rustic theatre which slopes toward the river, the eartii below and tlie sununer sky al)ove serving as floor and arch to this natural playhouse. Stately oaks and inajilcs, with spreading branches, make an enclosure and add to the picturesqueness of tlie surroundings. The piomoters of tlie transt'ornuition of this primeval landscape into a breathing ground of recreation supplied every artistic touch which the outlay of capital could conunand. Since the inauguration of the electrics to Cape Elizabeth from Portland, there is no more frequented place among the sul)url)an attractions than tlie shore road which leads to the once celebrated Cape Cottage and from which may be observed the ocean in all its splendor. It is generally conceded that there is no more beautiful spot in all the coast states than this healthful resort for thousands of tourists, cooled by the neighboring sea and refreslied by its bracing breezes. Tiiere is no more fascinating scene tiian, after a storm, to behold the foam-crested breakers dashing up against the jagged cliffs which jut into the ocean, the spray rising hundi'eds of feet into the air and presenting a i)icture that Nature alone can paint. It is, indeed, soothing to the weary traveler, after tlie shades of twilight have deej^ened and night has enveloped all the world about, to listen to the murnuir nf the waves as they leap upon tlic sliorc and, continuing tlieir weird chant, return to join the millions of white caps on the l)road expanse. Cliff House, formerly called Cliff Cottage, magnificently situated on the shore of Cape Elizabeth, Me.; the location of tiiis hotel is one of the grandest on the Maine coast — facing the broad ocean and in view of the many beautiful islands dotted here as far as the eye can reach. The hotel is under the able management of (icii. II. Davis. The hotel is conducted on up-tmlate principle, the house is furnished with all modern conveniences such as electric lights and many other advantages. (UM (irounds connected with hotel; the house contains over 100 rooms. CITY HALL. CONGRESS STREET, EXCHANGE STREET FRONTING OF THE BUILDINGS OF THE UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE 8 LOOKING UP MIDDLE STREET, CORNER EXCHANGE STREET. 9 MIDDLE STREET-THE LARGE HANDSOME BUILDING IS THE NEW FALMOUTH HOTEL. 10 THE NEW FALMOUTH HOTEL, MIDDLE STREET. 11 MiDuLt STREET, LUw^niu lo.vAni^o o^'LuitRS MON 12 CORNER MIDDLE AND MARKET STREETS. 13 .... _ .-.^v. __._L . .. --- lO -• ■ (-1 P. rt u ^ < ;_ „ . ^ V l;^ « !)■ C Z 3 rt — ' — 1 rt O 1 t. \C cs £S CD H Lro u "" ■*"* S ii 5 £ ii UJ O Q O s 5 father t lock, Ai stood w in ° "3 S U ij — ^ U ■~ ._ _^ ^ __ ^ „ rt £ .2 ■?.. S 5 ^ S f^ 4 X t^ ^ w rt l; ^ f..> ^ ; M.ii o s n a 1- ►r* 9 ^ t; -O ^ a-= " = a SH i; ^ W rt *J ; a .. ^ ..<"."••- - ' a y^ 0^ a 0-? a g. o o P. o o a — -r 4j :^;|5i5ami-| ■ - ■ Y- ^~ u ■^ u ^' sgg5§5S„-£'-5.-H-Bg°:3.a oai;=<-:-&J;3'£^r-, ajSJi-tA — ffl.S: — ^ 'rt -■ 0] 9J r^ CO — OJ o -^ „ 1- p 4> it tfi'- iu s 3 V- " n o " ij = = j; -*rfo°5a.;, o°oiiS ■ - a iC - — --aomSSr!;^ ; — - 3 -^ O -J; -.S .-S OJ S " ° S j; rt "3 rt *^ ^ V ' a <"■ kS'- V *Ji'\,/-:i^l-'^ Has -> rite. ^8vwjtf itwui'tt i ainvAVtVi'iil LONGFELLOW HOUSE, CONGRESS STREET, NEXT TO PREBLE HOUSE. 16 fc. "^ (I'M, !■';,'"« ^ »i«i ' J21 '^ -- fW?R SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, MONUMENT SQUARE 17 LOOKING DOWN CONGRESS STREET FROM BROWN STREET TO CITY HALL. 18 CONGRESS STREET FROM OAK STREET, LOOKING UP CONGRESS FROM HIGH STREET. •20 LONGFELLOW'S STATUE, STATE STREET SQUARE. COLUMBIA HOTEL CONGRESS. HEAD OF PARK. UNION STATION, RAILWAY SQUARE. 23 WEST END HOTEL, FROM UNION STATION. 24 Ha ■T6:. ,i,- - •:■•>, V*'- BIRTHPLACE OF THE FAMOUS POET, HENRY W LONGFELLOW, CORNER HANCOCK AND FORE STREETb. 2.J FORT ALLEN PARK, EASTERN PROMENADE. 26 CASINO UNDERWOOD SPRI NG — REACHED BY THE PORTLAND ELECTRIC RAILROAD. 27 RUSTIC WALK. 28 REFLtCTION OF TREES AT RIVERTON, LOOKING UP THE BEAUTIFUL PRESUMPSCOT RIVER AT RIVERTON. HO CAPE ELIZABETH CASINO. ;J1 ROCK AND SURF SCtNE, CAPE ELIZABETH, 32 .rK,l^^m«?^ AFTER A STORM — SHORE OF CAPE ELIZABETH. 33 W^ '' — "SSS^.- JU^ FISHING SCHOONERS, PORTLAND, HARBOR. :!4 CLOUD EFFECT, PORTLAND HARBOR, 35 ROCK Shv->c, -^APE ELIZABETH, NEAR CLIFF riuUSt, PORTLAND LIGHT. WHITE HEAD, GUSHING ISLAND, PORTLAND, HARBOR. :i.s THE ELMS, GUSHING ISLAND, PORTLAND HARBOR. THE OTTAWA HOTEL, CUSHINGS ISLAND, MAINE. 40 SHORE SCENE, CUSHINGS ISLAND, MAINE. 41 VIEW OF WATERFRONT. PEAKS I SLAN D - STEAM £R PILGRIM LANDING. i-2. Tf EXCURSION STEAMER PILGRIM OF THE CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO, FOR AN AFTERNOONS SAIL. 4:! II i^ r. THE NEW PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE. 44 GENERAL VIEW FROM TOWER IN GREENWOOD, PEAKS ISLAND. 45 VIEW OF SHORE ACRES AND TRUNDY'S REEF AT CAPE ELIZABETH. 46 CITY FROM CUSHINGS ISLAND. 47 "^ "'iii»ni'{'<|.» "'tfi: WATER SCENE, PEAKS ISLAND FRONT. 48 PUMPKIN KNOB FROM PEAKS ISLAND^ 4i» VIEW OF GREAT DIAMOND FROM PEAKS ISLAND. LOVER'S LANE, LONG ISLAND, 51 :-* SHORE SCENE, CLIFF ISLAND. 53 SHORE SCENE, GREAT CHEBEAGUE ISLAND. 54 WESTERN END OF ORR'S ISLAND LOOKING TOWARDS BAlLtV S ISLAND GIANTS STEPS, BAILEYS ISLAND. 5G THE GROTTO, ORR'S ISLAND THE HOUSE ON ORR'S ISLAND — MADE FAMOUS BY HARRIETT BEECHER STOWE. 58 Northeastern Telephone Co. The 20th Century System REASONS WHY THE SECRET SERVICE SYSTEM IS THE BEST Conversations Business or Social 4 NEVER INTERRUPTED NEVER CUT OFF ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE NEVER OVERHEARD Guarantees. Automatic Exchange Building CONNECTIONS ELECTRICALLY INSTANTANEOIS R.sktes — THe Lowest If you are thinkiiit; of subscribini; for telephone service it will be to your advan- tage to have the Automatic Secret Service phone in your home or place of business. 4 PROMPTNESS RELIABILITY and SECRECY OF SERVICE 5y City and SeasKore Property For Sale and To Let. We are also Afjents for Shore Acres See page 46 of this book. Magnificent Shore and Ocean Views See also page 33. These are samples of shore scenes at SHORE ACRES lutiful Cottage Lots now For Sale ing'e Street, PORTLAND. MAINE l&HT Shoe The F.I M. IMarzlviff Shoes of Janesville, Wis., anil tht- C. p. Ford Fine SHoes of New York, fur Ladies, sold only in Portland bj^ The Just Wright Boot for Men. The best |:;..")0 and |4.00 boots in the country. Sold only in Portland by JOHN E. GREENE & CO., J^Vo. coxa boo. 401 Congress Street D. .\. CAI.HOl'N. EST.\BLISHKD lS88 Willey & ealhoun HEATING, PLIMBING and LIGHTING 46=50 Market Street, Portland, Maine LIGHTING BY STREET G.\S AND ACETY'LENE, ELECTRIC WIRING AND SPARK LIGHTING. SPEAKING TUBES, TELEPHONES, ANNUNCIATORS. ALSO DEALERS IN GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES. Special Attention to Jobbing 60 F. 0. Bailey Carriage Co. 163 to 165 MIDDLE STliEE 8r 55 to 59 MJHIKET STREE Opposite Post Office Factories, 32 to 30 Plum Street, and 978 to 980 Forest Avenue STATE AQENTS FOR AVllitc AllliMiiollilc Cleveland, Uhio ^Vinton Aiitoiiioltili' CleveUnd, Uhio Stevens-IMirjea AiitoiiKiliilc Chlcopee Falls, Mass. KainbliM- AiitoiiiohiU' Kenosha, Wis. Havcrlv AiilmiKiliili' Indianapolis, Ind. Lot'IHIl<»l»il(' Bridgeport, Conn. ORIGINAL DESIGNS, all modern improvements, highe.st grade material and best workma .ship in CARRIAGES and SLI'.IGHS. Our Harness Factory produces high grade work. Oi own factories and connections enable us to present our patrons with the best in the market Carriages, Harnesses, Robes and everything required for horse, carriage or stable at best value. Visitors welcome wheth purchasers or not, AUTOMOBILE STATION, No. 44 PLUM STREET J. E. GOOLl) e CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISIS AND DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, A ARNISHES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC Nos. i.*ooh, on application to Passenger Pcpartutent, Boston. ALL ALONG SHORE, AMONG THE MOI'NTAINS, LAKES AND STREAMS, FISHING AND HUNTING :\II{KRIMACK VALLEY THE MONADNOCK REGION, LAKE SUNAPEE, SOUTHEAST NEW HAMPSHIRE, SOUTHWEST NEW H.\^^■SHIRE, CENTRAL :\I.\SSACHrSFTTS, LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG, VALLEY of the CONNECTICUT and NORTH I-:RN VER.AIONT, HOOSAC COUNTY and DKKRl'IKI.I i VALLEY. D. J. FLAXDJ-RS, Gen' I Passenger & Ticket Agent. Also.... SUMMER TOURIST liDOK giving list of t and rales, hotel boarding house and other valu information , free TAKE A DAY'S OUTING AMONG THE ISLANDS < GO BY THE > easco Bay Steamboat Company CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF, PORTLAND, MAINE I 3 Hose Boats ToucH SHING'S, PEAKS, TTLE and GREAT AMOND, TRE- THEN'S m^> IP ^¥hose Boats ToucK E VERGREEN LAND- ING, LONG ISLAND and PONCES LAND- ING d q teainers leave Custom House Wharf, Portlaud, every half hour during the summer season. Nowhere in Maine can you enjoy s outing any better than visiting some of the islands reached by the Casco Bay Steamboat Company's pleasure steamers. iC sure and take steamers from Custom House Wharf. Electric cars pass the head of wharf. C. W. T. CODING, General Manager. I THE ONLY DIRECT LINE BETWEEN MAINE AND NEW YORK The most charming short sea voyage on the Atlantic Coast Maine Steamship Company's Route Between Portland, Maine, and New YorK City \ |OTHING in East- 1 \ em waters equals this delightful trip over the great Yatching course of New York and New England. The route is through the smooth waters of Long Island and Vineyard Sounds, and then on the broad Atlantic to Port- land. One night and a day at sea. The most restful and attractive sea-trip that can be imagined. The prevail- ing winds in summer ensure smooth seas and ideal comfort. These steamships have no equals on the Eastern Sea-coast. They were built expressly for this route, are fitted with every modern appliance of comfort and luxury, electric lights and bells, barber shop and bath- rooms, and a cuisine of unsurpassed excellence. The cost is far less than by rail, and one reaches his destination rested; not worn out by the fatigues of railroad travel. Send for folder. Steamship "NORTH STAR." The fast, modern steamers North ST.^iR and H()R,\TI0 Ham, leave .New York, Tuesdays, Tliursdavs and Saturdays at .'lOI) I'. M., and Portland same days at (i.:!ll p.m., durin,t; June, July, .\ut;uNt and September. Balance of the year leave Portland G.OO v. M, SPECIAL MONDAY 5TEAMER. On MOXD.WS, from June lii'd to September 14th, Steamers leave .New \ork and Portland at 10.00 A. M.; arrivtnj; at destination early the followint; mornini; ; in Portland in lime to connect for White Mountains, Bar Harbor, Kangelev I^akes and all other Coast and Inland Resorts ; and in New York in time to go anywhere. Send for illustrated descriptive booklet, mailed free T. M. BARTLETT. General Agent. B. R. ROOME, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Portland, Maine. New York. •,-.~;i mjimti^^^ TjWE; 365) ISLAND ROUTE FROM PORTLAND, ME Harpswcll Steamboat Company The 36S Island Route Casco Bay Season of I905 Don't fail to see the Grand Sccner}' of Casco Bay where cool breezes blow First-class hotels and boarding houses at the principal landings — Fishing, boating, bathing and grand scenery. The fast jiropeller steamers AUCOCISCO and SEBASCODEGAX from Port- land Pier. Portland, make five round trips daily to LONG ISLAND, CLIFF ISLAND, HOPE ISLAND, CHEBEAGUE ISLANDS SOUTH HARPSWELL, BAILEY'S and ORR'S ISLANDS. For inforination. time tables, hotel rates, fares ami etc. see Portland daily papers, or ajiply to GEO F. WEST. President. ISAIAH DANIELS. Genl Manager PORTLAND, ME. tion will not be a success until you have visited the famed Songo River and Bay of Naples. Take a day's outing and go over the route of bago Lake, Songo River and Bay Naples Steamboat Gompany. » OMLY ROUTE Through the SONGO RIVER^^ The Bfsl Route lo iles, Bridgton, North Bridgton, Harrison and Waterford, Maine beautiful Sebago Lake and Songo River Route. The most delightful inland trip in New England i\ offices. Portland, Maine. j00I>ridge, Man. and Treas. Telephone 7oi-;i Boston Office at C. H. Gk.wkb Jt So.s-s, .Vt Hawkins St. Telephone. Haymarket No. i.^s. Portland Shipbuilding Co. Vessels BuilL and Repaired wit>h DespaLch.. Oak and Hardwood Timber. Saw Mill for all kinds of Sawing. Materials furnished at Reasonable Rates. Marine Railway and Shipyard: SOUTH POR.TLAND. J. H. Humphrey. Pres. E. R. Norton, Treas. N. R. Dyi£r. Superintendent Office: 135 Commercial Street,, PORTLAND, MAINE. m virirtttttttn/t//tttfttttttt/i/ff/efttnfnmtt/fftitim'"iftf ""*"""*"""""""""" \ ^hQ NEW FALMOUTH HOTEL, po'^*""'^ Maine. -F. H. NUNNS, Proprietor- s s s s s s :: s s s S 5 s 5 s s s s s > s s s s s s s s s s IS NOW CON'CEDED TO BE THE KEST HOTEL EAST OF WITH AX EXCEI^LEXT CUISINE. HAVE MADE IT SO. BOSTON. CAREFUL AND LIBERAL MANAGEMENT. TOGHTHKR IT OFFERS EVERY ADVANCED UP-TO-DATE IMPROVEMENT npHE NEW FALMOUTH is a practically firepruof building, with six exits from each floor. It is considered the best hotel tire risk ill Maine, by all Insurance Companies. p LECTRIC CARS to and from all Railroad Stations and Steam- boats iiass the hotel doors ever>- few iiiinntes. XV'E Can refer yon to any first- cla'iS hotel. ryEW FEATURES and improve- ments costing S35.000 have just been made in this hotel. A LARGE CABINET containing folders and descriptive mat- ter of leading resorts isat disposal of tonrists, who may find same in the lobby of the Falmonth Hotel. npHE PLUMBING is of the latest open type, with porcelain tubs. I ADIE5 TRAVELING ALONE will find this hotel e^^pecially attractive, as Cloak, and Clieck Rooms, News Stand and Tele- graph OfRce, are all in charge ol polite female attendants. 200 Rooms Siniile or en suite, \\\W\ or without private tiath. Long Distance Telephones in Rooms s s Vimr/ntt/f/ft/n/iiinsrstnni///ti/f///ttttrtttttmittuttttit/itit//*iitt/t/t/n/nttttitit'i 67 rhe WEST END HOTEL ^^^ ITUATED opposite the Union Station, Portland, is well known throughout the United States as ^ being one of the best American Plan Hotels in America. H. M. Castner, the proprietor, uses every effort to make the West End a home for visitors to the Forest City. Every room in the hotel jrnished for the comfort of its guests and the table and service is unequalled. Money is no consideration naking the table one of the best in New England. Connected with the West End Hotel is Mr. Castner's n, one of the best and largest in Maine. The eggs, butter, cream and milk come from this farm daily for table. Fowl of all kinds such as chicken, duck, and Turkeys are raised, and the table is always fur- led with the choicest of this poultry. All vegetables are raised on the farm and the tables are fully supplied with the products. Mr. Castner ss Special Invitation to all his guests, and all other visitors to Portland to visit his poultry and will be ised to show all visitors over the farm, which is only a short distance from the popular West End Hotel. f6~ "(^ j THE....PREBLI: HOUSE PORTLAND. - MAINE np H I S HOTEL is centrally situated in the very centre of the city_ Visitors to Portland, cither by boat or rail, can take electric cars for the house from all points. THE PREBLE is noted for its fine table, its elegant and comfortable rooms, and everything is done to make all feel at home that stop at the Preble House. Tourists visiting Portland should make the Preble their headquarters, as II electric cars pass the door for all places of interest. For Underwood Spring, Riverton Park, The Cape, and all Island Steamers, and many other Points. The Famous Longfellow Home is situated next door to tlie Preble. a I GRAY (Q. THOMAS, Proprietor SL b he. .Ottawa CUSHING5 ISLAND. MAINE. The most accessible, interesting and health- fut Island Resort on the Maine Coast OTTAWA is situated upon the higher part o£ Cushings Island, 100 above the sea. It is of modern construction, and has accommoda- for 300 guests. The water in use is from the Silver Spring in ng Cove. It is shown by chemical analysis to be absolutely pure, equal to the water from Poland Spring. Cottagers who wish to dis- e with cooking may take their meals at the Ottawa, assured that the will be found first-class in every particular. Visitors may be sure of althful and enjoyable season, if they visit Cushings Island, Casco Bay. B. C. GIBSON, Proprietor The Columbia Hotel PORTLAND, : : : : : MAINE Stands among the leading first-class Hotels of the State. In Management, Furnishings, Sanitary Appoint- ments, Advantages of Location, Cuisine and Service, it is unrivalled. Electric Lights, vSteam Heat. Best and most favorably located Hotel in the City. All Electric Cars pass the Hotel from all trains and steamers. 645 Congress Street, Portland, Maine J. J. POOLER (El SON, Proprirtors he New Peaks Island House PEAKS INLAND, PORTLAND HARBOR, MAINE. THIS HOUSE was Iniilt the past fall and winter and is one of the Modern Summer Institutions of Casco Bay. The advantages and conveniences at this New Hotel are everything that money could secure. Mr. V.. A. Sawyer, the proprietor, will use every means to make all comfortable who make the New Hotel their home during the summer. The Table will be kept up to the High Standard of Excellence ;is in the pa'-t. From the piazzas are obtained the finest panoramic views of Casco Bay ; the Dining Room is one of the Largest and Coolest on the Maine Coast. j^ercantile ^rust ^ompany CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000. .* Entirely inv, United States Bonds. ^*■ Surplus and Undivided $60,000. jt Resources over $I,GOO,0 lloor, eac Well sto(dve(l with goods that gi\e salishiction to the pur are the following: Silks, Dress (ioods. White (ioods, Fabrics. Linens. I, aces, .Mn.'-lin Inderwear. dloxcs. ( Ursets iiigs, Bibboiis. and .Mens' l'"urnishings. 'Ihe basement snpp needs in tlii' way of Blankets. Spieads. i'uffs. Sheets and 1 Slips, Cottons, (iinghams, and l)ra[iery Stnifs. The Suit and (iarmeni Bailors on the second llooi recently been enlarged an4«ift«44<|i|«|4 5ITORS to Portland are invited to make use of our store as a lient supply place for ; the thousand and one thinfTs that no to for comfort. Gloves and Hosiery Ribbons and Linens Silks and Fringes Laces and Lingerie Embroideries Handkerchiefs Yarns and Worsteds Knitted Underwear .DEPARTMENTS. Corsets and Bustles Snialhvares Dress Trimmings Infants' Outfits Children's Garments Skirts and Blouses Jewelry and Fans Stationery and Engravin Leather Goods Art Xeedlewoik Haberdasher}' Umbrellas and Parasols Draperies, Curtains, etc. Bathing Goods Toilet Articles Pottery and Baskets Tovs and Tennis Goods Owen, Moore &. Company 76 ence, First in reputa- tion, First in growth, First in ev»ry- thing contribut- ing to make and keep The KNABE the premier piano of the age The Knabe Piano of today will outlive the twentieth century. McGOULDRICK -^ & FOSTER, ,^ Wholesale and letail representatives in Maine for the celehrated Knauk ami several other high-grade pianos :: :: TELEPHONE oli--.', OREN HOOPER'S SONS' BUILUINCi, 482=484 CONtiRESS ST., Portland Maine -<^ "We maKe a Specialty of everytHin pbotograpbic For Amateur and Professional .£? We are the Only Complete Strck House in Maine KODAK SUPPLIES, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ARCHITECTS' , ENGINEERS' and DRAUGHTSMEN'S SUPP GOULD & WHIPPLE3 549 Congress Street, PORTLAND, M^ H. M. Smith PORTRAIT PH OTOGR APH E 8 E.Im Street, Corner Congress, PORTLAND, ^' ^« MAIN Printing and developing all ela.sses of amateur work a specialt>-. Prices reasonable. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Al.so Dealer in Picture.s and Frames to order. 77 Iieiiaitiiienl S:cireof J. R. Liljby Co., Ccmgress, Oak ami liee Slrt-ets, i'oilianil, Maiiit J. R. LIBBY CO.. Portland. Maine FURh iJtJE This great Store fronts on Three Wide vStreets, CONGRESS, OAK and FREE. The three fronts are practically all glass, roomiest and best lighted store east of Boston. Has Twenty-three Departments, .selling everything to Clothe a Person, or Furnish the House and Hon.sekecping (Except Men's Outside Clothing.) S^e Departments are Dept. Jt. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J Crariiients, Suits, Skirts, Wrappers ami Mackintnslies for I.adi s and Misses. Silks and Velvets Dress Cioods of Wool and Imported Wash Goods. Corsets, Corstt Waists, Forms, etc. Miis'in Underwear, for Women and Children, In- fants' Goods. l.aces and Neckwear for Women. Xoti'ii'.. Toilet .\riiclcs. Jewelry and Patent Medicines. Men's I^'urnishings, Hats. Hosiery for Women and Knit Underwear for Women and Children. T.ininfjs, Dress Makers' Findi-ps. Dept. K- L. M. O. P. R. S. T. U. W. Y. Z. Domestics. Sheetinjis, F'l iniiels, I'erc.i'es. Prints, .\inerican Cjin,L;liams, Table Lnieis, Towel-', Blankets, Draperies, White Goods. F'lags. Rihbons. Trimniinsjs for Dresses and Garments. Buttons. Handkerchi' fs, F^mliroideries. Gloves for Women and Children. Hoots, Shoes and Rul)licrs, Trunks, Sewing Machines. .\rt Embroidery, Pictures. Yarns. .Ml manner of lionse luiriiishings. Crockery, Kitchen, Dinini; Room. Chamber Ware, Baby Coaches, Tovs, Dolls, Games. Paper Patterns. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges. Hooks and Stationery. Cameras and Photo Su])]ilies. -TKe Mail Order Department Reaches all Points in Northern New Ene'land- JUNCTION FREE AND MIDDLE STREETS so Maine Tourists aud Travelers can depend upon Hay's Pharmacy for Pure Drug(s WHolesotne Soda Accurate Prescriptions Perfect Cigars 5 College of Pharmacy Graduates in charge Business established sixty-t-w^o years H. H. HAY'S SONS June. Middle and Free Sts., Portland, Maine See our building on opposite page E. SWASEY & eO. Importers and Manufacturers POTTERY, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE SOUVENIR NOVELITIES a Specialty PORTLAND, ME., (Si BOSTON, MASS. Harmon & Harris Q COR. EXCHANGE and FEDERAL STS., PORTLAND, Seeds, Agricultural Tools and Wooden Ware We make a Speciality of Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Screens and other Supplies for Co 81 Portland Stoneware Go. i^ WINSLOW & CO., Proprietors. ^h^ « f, ' I Manufacturers of the Celebrated Portland Double Strength, Deep Socket and Standard »SEWER PIPE5 FIRE BRICK and PAVING BRICK for Streets 1 at PORTLAND, ME.-Winslow & Co.. Proprietors. E, B. Winslow. Branch House, 42 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. Geo. C. Dunne, Manager. Randall (Q. McAllister Wholesale Dealers. .Mineral A SOLE AGENTS for MAINE for the POTOMAC MINE, GEORGES CHEEK, CUMBERLAND COAL, (c3hipped from Baitim'„;\; deiphia and New York.) Also the POCAHONTAS SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL. (Sb' >-'r,-^-i from Norfolk, Va.) Abov. surpassed for General Steam Use. BY THE CARGO AND AT RETAIL. Coal loa ; , , cars or vessels direct fr screened In first-class order. Connections with all railroads runnin.g out of Portland. ^YacHts Supplied a Specialty Offices: 76 Commercial and 70 Exchange Streets, PORTLAND, Mo J. W. TREFETHEN Hotels at the Mountains and Seashore supplied with all kinds of Sea Fish and Lobsters. Wholesale Dealer End of Commercial I PORTLJIND, MAIA ALSO FRESH AND PICKLFD FISH OF ALL KINDS 83 le Visiting Maine Should you require the MEDICINE by your Home 'Physician or desire "Prescribed CHEMICALS FOR '^PHOTOGRAPHIC USES or any TOILET ARTICLES, not readily obtainable in the smaller stores throughout the state, SEND US YOUR ORDER BY MAIL, and it ■xvdl recei've prompt and careful attention. Will send you reliable goods at fair prices. ESELTINE CEL TUTTLE CO., A POTHECARIES Congress and Myrtle St., Portland, Me. Half Off On Typewriters EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED Wi> carry nil the \i-&^u\emf\Vv^—R*^tninffton,Sniiih' Premier, Oliver, Yont, WillianiH^ Dttrnmore, etc. We retit, sell, rmy or r-xclinnirp. \iiii can f-nl n iimchine for a montli on fWaf. Il you decide to piir- chnse it, then rent applirs mi price. Git nur prices ;:ue«. C. O. BAKROWS CO., 30 Exchange St., Portland, Me- We are Headquarters for the 1 Shaw -Walker Co.N Card Index and Business Systems and the Olive r. Standard Visible Typewriter WN SWING ^NING... atented May 7, 1901 NW to franio of Chair and liB with it, givitiy nhside at ull 'uHh up when not reiiuired fur ight, or in cltuidy or stormy Wljen swing is put away for )ldf* up with it. No occasion al wlifii once put on. Addw h to appearance of swiog 011 F. A. IvEAVITT, Awning's, Tents, Flag's, Etc., ALL SIZfiS OK TENTS IN STOCK. NE 1107 12 J9 Exchange St., Portland, Maine CTHESE PICTURES IN THIS BOOK WERE ALL MADE ON PLATES PURCHASED AT OUR STORE. Eastern Arms (Sh Cycle Co., Cameras and Sporting Goods 182 Middle Street, - PORTLJIND, MJUNE 84 -0 ALLEN'S TRANSFER OFFICE, UNION STATION Baggage called lor aud delivered in any part of the city. Telephone orders promptly attended to. Baggage delivered by this Company will be carried to any part of house desired with- out extra cost. Telephone 157-2 <&. ^rt .. HENRY vS. TRICKEY General Real Estate Broker Jtgent for the Purchase, Sale, Lease and Care of REAL ESTATE Mortgages Negotiated and Jtppraisements of Estates 121 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND, ME. Real Estate Exchani Centennial Block, PORTLAND, ] We call the attention of the public to the chief Commercial and Manufacturing Metropolis of Maine. To those desiring information concernini; our city with a view to investment, we will give any information in our power most cheerfully. Our list of property is the most extensive in the city, and includes Business, Residence and Suburlxin, Farms or Cottage Lots. Now is a golden opportunity to invest. Write or call on us. Investments For Non- Residents With Great Care johni;f. proctor REAL EST 85 We do. .. Wood Work of every description ^ STORES REFITTED AND FURNISHED. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. WE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF LUMBER OF ALL KINDS > Jerome Rumery & So., 91-I05 Kennebec St., foot of Elm St., - Portland, Maine ?owe & McBrady M.\NrFACTURERS OK GALVANIZED IRON AND COPPER CUTTERS, CORNICES. CONDUCTORS. WINDOW CAPS. MOULDINGS. FINIALS, ETC. M TIN PLATE AND SHEET IRON WORKERS -^ SMOKE STACKS. VENTILATORS. CHIMNEY CAPS, TIN AND IRON ROOFING A SPECIALTY 1229 Federal St., Portland, Me. % C. Brackett $ eompany. Manufacturers and Jobbers of ...TRU NKS... Manufacturers of Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags and Leather Novelties, and Jobbers of I'nibrellas. office and Salesroom 265 Middle Street and 240 Federal Street PORTLAND, HAINE Factory : Corner Kennebec, Hanover. Somerset and Preble Streets. J. L. Brackktt George I,ORn C. 1,. Brackktt d 86 IHE Thomas Laughlin Co. Marine Hardware and Galvanizing Works Galvanizinsi, Block Making, Blacksmithitig, Pattern Making. Any specialty in Wrought, Malleable or Cast Iron made to order. Galvan- izing done every day. HEADQUARTERS IN OUR LINE We manufacture llie largest assurtnient of Marine Hardware, in Galvanized Iron for Yachts and Boats, in the United States. Our facilities are the best, quality of our goods guaranteed, and prices are low. Illustrated Catalogue sent on application. At our Salesroom on Commercial Street we carry a full line of Ship Chandlery and Yacht Supplies. Office and Factory, 143 to 151 Fore Street Salesroom, 184 to 186 Commercial Street PORTLAND, MAINE R R, mm eompa Carry a full and complete Stock of.. AntHracite c o A Bituminc Screened Coal by the Carload a Speci. Write for Prices. Direct Connections with all Railroads. Prompt Shipments. Best grades of Coal for familj- use. PORTLAND, - MAINE Elevators. B. (Si M. R. R. "Wharf. Offices, 350 Commercial St,., (§i) 50 Exchange 87 F. U. REDLON, TnEAs. i»D ijen. Manaokb. V- y* N. E. REDLON CO. ED, Ujs^glazed & Embossed Tiles floors, vkstibules, bathrooms, fireplace :ngs asso hearths, fireplace throats, ash bs, ash dumps and ciiimxey collars .... >EALBnS IN EMEXT, Face akd Bbick, Fibe ND Fire Clay. AND BuiCK Hods. WEI! Pipe p- Fireplace Fittings, Dosips, Doors, Brasses Tiling of All Kinds .JOB WORK PBOJIPTLY ATTE>I)EI> TO COMPI^ETE I.IXE ALWAYS IN STOCK DEIJAL STREET, rOHTLA^D, :SIAINE -Many Years Established- I Reliable Deering Bakery, Next Door to City Hall Tlie finest of all kinds of Breads, the very est of Pastry, and many dainty specialities 1 Cakes. If you are camping or living in cottage at any one of the Islands you can ave hard work, time and money buying our supplies at ...DCERING BAKERY :ongress St., H. C. LEARY, Prop. "Wm. E.. Carter CSl Co. B O /V T S FOR SJfLE OJi TO LET Row and Sail Boats to let by the hour, day or week. First-class boats and good landing. >'os. 22 to 26 Portland Pier. POKTLAM*. MAINE AVm. E.. Carter (Q. Co. Dealers in.... Paper and Oakum Stock, Rope, Metal, Chains and Anchors Marine Hardware Canvas Coverings >os. 22 to 2(i PorUiind Pier, POHTLAM*. MAINE LOXG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. Send to Us for Estimates, it will pay you Shaylor Engraving Co. Illustrators, Designers and Engravers. Half Tone, Line tUching, Color Work. jt, Jt, ,4 249 riiddle Street, PORTLAND, HAINE. Murdock ®. Freeman Co. Msknufacturers of..... Soda and Hineral Water Bottlers of CHAHPAQNE CIDER . . . BREWERS AGENTS . . . Portland, and R.umford Falls, Maine 88 Portland Longfellow Souvenir Spoon We have the Spoon with the LONGFELLOW HOT^SE embossed in the Bowl of the Spoon if desired. Ksta1)lished 1S51 '^(P"^- —^Zp] - '*£bfe^^^^?^^?^ / \ A. KEITH, J. A. MERRILL & CO., Jewelers Headciuarters for Portland SOUVENIRS. Lon^'fellow Souvenir Spon Tea anil Coffee Sizes ; the most desirable of all Portland Souvenirs 503 CONGRESS STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE. Just Above the Preble House ...Universal Steam Laundry... Our Laundry Work is the very Ijest. Our Plant is the finest, largest an ...a... E. C. CHASE, General Trucking and Forwarding [ BAGGAGE TRANSFER J Baggage called for at Hotels and Private Residences, and delivered to all points and places in tKe city and vicinity. \i' OFFIGES: FRANKLIN \VHARF. PORTLAND, MAINE. STANDS: Maine Steamship Company International Steamship Company Portland Steamship Company }f??^.'. .^^.^... o V ^\ 'V- 0^ '-^.f -;: .c,./. l#pp: .v-'u .HO. o'^ . " • * 'o A* c » • " « "^^ o"^ . ^ ■ » . "^o V* c " •"= . ^^ > ^^:isi\'^ \-^ :^M^^ -"-^y:^