F ^s D38 ^1 {Z 4£^ my/^ o^-xj . c/zT >-'#^«^«-<^ CATALOGUE OF THE PRINCIPAL OFFICEHS OF VERMONT, AS CONNECTED WITU ITS POLITICAL HISTORY, FROM \ra TO 1851 /y^r WITH SOMB K 10 GRAPHICAL NOTICES, kn. BY LEONARD DEMING, MIDDLKBUKY, VT. C^ Tins catalojjuc embraces Governors, Lientenant Governor?, Treasurer!, Secretaiics of State, Speakers and Clerks of the House of Reprticutativcs, members of both branches of the ditterent Legislatures, Judges of the Supreme and County Courts, Clerks of the Courtb, Sheriffs, States' Attornics, Judges, and Registers of Tiobate, tba several Council of Censors, and Constitutional Con- ventions since 1792, Senators and Representaiivc* to Congress. Also the Judges, Marshals, At- tornics and Clerks of the Circuit Court, and District Court of the State ot Vermont. MIDDLEBURY : PUBLISHED Bi' TUB AUTHOR. 1851. Entered according to Act of Congress, May 29th, 1851, by LEONARD DEMING, In the Clerk's OflBce of the District Court of the District of Vermont. INDEX. Allen, Ethan Attorneys, United States Agfjref^ate of the Census Addison County Representatives, " " OtKcers Auditor of Accounts Bowker, Joseph Bell, Jonathan Bennington County Officers " " Representatives Clerks of the House of Representatives, *• Engrossing •' Caledonia County Officers, " " Representatives, Chittenden County Officers, " " Representatives, Councillors from 17V8tol835, Censors, Council of Children, Lost Census of Vermont, Constitutional Conventions, Constables of Middlebury, Crafts, Samuel C. Chipman, John Debentures, Legislative " Constituiional District Judges and Officers, Election Sermons, Preachers of Essex County Officers, " " Representatives Edson, Joseph Franklin County Officers, " " Representatives, First Town Clerks, 6-33 First Officers now living, Fletcher, Samuel " ■ Calvin " jr., Aaaph Fuller, Nathan Governors, Governors, Lieutenant Grand Isle County Officers, " " Representatives, Hutchinson, Rev- Aaron " Titus Judge Henry, Hugh Haight, Stephen Hall, Prince B. Judges, Supreme Court Jefferson County Officers, Page.! 60 Lamoillo County Officers, li2| " " Representatives, J 12 Lyon, Mathew 17 to 33 Leland, Rev. Aaron 75-88 Lott. Children 14 Lowry, Heman 100 Librarian, llO'Members of Congress, Vermont 74-88lMarshalls, United States 17-33JOfin, Hsnry 9 Orange County Officers, 9 " " Representatives 89-99 Orleans " Officers 17-33 '• '■• Representatives, 89-99 Paddock, Ephraim Judge 20-34-46 Preface, 12-13 Peck, John 47-48 Probate, Registers Orleans Co., (in part) 61 Painter. Gamaliel 17- 100 6 22 110 10 105 112 10 90-99 18-34-46 111 89-99 20-34-46 46-59-72 34 109 110 111 111 9 9 91-99 34-46 Painter, Gamaliel 108 Representatives before 1788, " to Congress, Redding, David Robinson, David Rutland County Officers, Representatives Secretaries to Governor and Council, Secretaries of State, " Senate, Speakers of the House, S e rgean t- at- Arm s. Sessions, where holden. Senators from 1836 to 1850, Saflbrd, Samuel Supreme Judges, Sti.ators to Cor^ress Scott, Joseph Scott, jr., Joseph Scott, Harvey Smith, Israel Towns, names of altered. Treasurers, Vermont, Washington County Officers, Reprentatives, Page. 97-99 20-34-46 26 35 61 110 14 108 112 21 74-88 19-20-47-59 89-99 48-59 91 3 111 104 49 17-20 108 60 109 74-88 19-20-47-59 76 9l|\Vindham " 35 li Windsor " ml 73|Willard, Dubartus 921 Webb, Greenleaf 10 9 14 9 14 10 14-1.5-16 37-74 73 73 110 110 110 Hi 3 9 7 92-99 60 to 72 Officers, ' 74 to 88 Representatives, 17-18-60 72 Officers, 74 to 83 Representatives, 17-18-60-72 89 111 In the following pages, for Representatives, I have arranged the towns after the first insertion, by figures, alphabetical, by counties, so that a person can easily follow a town through, by observing its numberat the beginning, anvl follow thesaroe to 1850. Before 1788, the Speakers are in small capi- tals, and after that are in italic. The figures before the county officers, 1 denotes Chief Judge, 2 Side Judges, 3 Clerks, 4 Sheriffs, 5 Stale"s Attorneys, 6 Judges of Probate, 7 Registers of Probate. Where inverted commas and a name are in one column, the ] column served a pait of the year. person in the previous TO THE PUBLIC It is sipected in perusing a new book to find some reasons given wby snch a work is published. In this case an enquiry will be made, why is this work put forth when nothing new can be obtained from it. as the Journals of the Legislatures, Conventions, &c., and even Walton's Registers contaio it all 1 I admit that if a person had those Journals and Registprs at his command, he might learn many facts of which he is now ignorant, and will probably remain so, if he depends on that source only for his information. You may go into any Town Clerk's Office in this State, and if you can find a complete set of the Legislative journals, you will succeed better than I have done in any office or Library that I have visited, not even the State Libr?ry contain the journals of 17SC, but I found one in Rutland. The journals arc nearly all scattered " few and far between.'" The University at Burlington have for many years been collecting a perfect set of those journals, but a short time since, they had not obtained them. As for the Registers nearly every one knows, that notwithstanding all the useful information therein contained, and that which every family ought to purchase yearly and preserve, is, soon after New year's day given to the youngest child to destroy, or deposited in the at- tic for the mice, to shelter them from the rude blasts of winter. The President of the Antiquarian Society, and some others within my knowledge, have been many years trying to gather up a com- plete set of Vermont Registers, but as yet have not been successful. As for obtaming the inform- ation herein contained, from Journals and Registers without costing a person ten times the price of the book, is folly to think of. But if a person does not wish for the information for himself or fam- ily, I have laid him under no obligation to purchase, as I have not a solitary subscriber in the State. A person may go into every town in this State that has been organized sixty ynars, and in nine out of ten he will be unable to obtain from any source, written or verbal, who have represented the town each year since its organization. And furthermore, such a bold and fearless body of men as first settled Vermont, and safely car- ried her through all her various encounters with her numerous enemies, and safely landed her on tbo shores of this glorious Union with peace and plenty, deserve to have their names written in letters of gold and handed down to the last man of the last generation that shall inhabit the earth. LEONARD DEMIXG. Middlebury. MaySO, 1851. In arranging the' following pages, I have endeavored to give the year in which the term of office began. In taking from the journals I found no difficulty of getting it rifzht. nor from the Registers, only, I had to take the year previous. The term of office of the LegisiHtive.'ippoiDiments in nearly all cases commenced on the lirst of December of the same year, but in Clerks ol Conrts. an-J Rejjis- Ters of Probate, it has been more difficult to get right, as some of the Courts and some of the Pro- bate Courts do not sit till after the commencement of the year following, and their appointments being made at those sessions, my correspondents have given me the wrong year. ButI have reme- died that in many cases, by taking a political view of the Conrts that made the appointments, and the time thelirstCourt was holden after the Judges were appointed. I h.ive endeavored to give the facts as they were, but I do not flatter myseli to suppose that errors do not oxist in the work which 1 have not yet ascertained. Ihave already found some which will lie mentioned in an erratta. I h.".ve in some instances had wrong information from correspondents, which they have afterwards dis- covered, and rectified, but too late to prevent the error occurring. TOWNS, THE NAMES OF WPIICH HAVE BEEN ALTERED. Alburgh before 1786 name Missisco Leg. Chittenden in part 1816 " Philadelphia Albany '• 1815 " Lutterloh. Danville in part" 1810 ' Deweyshurgh Bloorafield " 1830 " Minehead Dover " 1811 • South Wardsboro ]iradford " 1788 " Moretown. Frar.klin " 1817 ' Huntsbnrgh Brandon " 1784 " Neshobe. Grafton " 1791 ' ' Ti'mlinson Biistol (1 1 7S9 " Pocock Grand Isle '• 1810 ' Middle Hero Earre " 1793 " AVildersburgli Granville " 1 834 ' Kingston Brighton " 1832 " Random Hartland • " 1782 " Hertford Chester '< 17Gf) " Flamstead&N.Fl'd Huntington " 179.5 ' ' New Huntington Chelsea " 17S8 " Turnersburgh Isle La^Mott " 1830 ' Vineyard Craftsbury '■ 1790 " Mimlen Kirby " 1807 " Hopkiusville Charleston " IS25 " Navy Londonderry " 1780 ' Kent Clarendon (( 1761 " Sociaiboro'&Dnr'm L,owell " 1831 ' Kelly vale Coventry in 1842..'? •' Orkans Morgan " 1801 ' Caldersburgh continui:d. Meti'lon •* Mount Hollr " Mount t'abor " Newpovt " V-P'^'icham in p'rt r.M-u rininficld " PIvtnouth Slieldon Sherburne " 1S2" " Meilvrnyi^P'iik's'n Siiiton 1792 " jHtksons Gore |Troy 1805 " Harwick Vernon 1816 " Duncansborough | Vineyard 1810 " Dewcysburgli iWaterfonl 1804 '* Bronile\- |Whitin;:li:im 1797 " St. Andrews Gore! Watcrville 1797 " Saltash |Wilmington 1792 " Hungerford iWuMniore 1800 " Killingtou 1MI2 l.sit.-! IhO'J 1802 1707 17 SO 18-J5 TiiliMii-Jid M.-MMO Hinsdale I^ile La Mott Littleton Cumberland Colts Gore Drajjcr Westt.'rd "Woodbury from 1 838 to 1843 was Monroe ERRATA 20 11 27 33 34 38 53 58 €4 73 2d last Pa^e 9 1st column, 3d line from bottom for 45 read 48. ''' 18 5tb " 3d name " top '• Silas Gcodiich read John Grny. .< i> " " 4th •' " " " Oliver Smith " Silas Goodrich. ci . and died at Colchester, Vt., Feb, 15, 1789. Thefollowing i? related of him as having iiiken place while n prisoner in irons on his passage to England. While closely conlined to his cabin, ho ciiscovercd that a pin or wire that fastened one of his handcuffs wa.s broken. Extricating the pieces with his teeth, he was enabled to loosen the bolt and set one hand at liberty, by the aid of which, and his teeth, he soon had both at liberty, and he war, not lung in libcr- atinghisfeet. But fearing a discovery might lead to wor.'je treatment, he replaced his irons, bolts TOWN CLERKS. and pins before the arrival of liis keeper. It soon became a fine recreation for the General to lake otf :iiul put on his irons at pleasnre. One ilay ihe Captain wishing:, to atlord the crew some merriment, ordered tliat Allen be brought on ileek. Hoping to frighten him, the Captain said : " There is a probability that the snip will founder — if so, what ivill become of us, especially you, Mr, Allen, a rebel against the King ? '"Why," sa-,d Allen, " that would be very much like our dinner hour." " Why so ■?" said the Capiain not re- flecting that Allen was not allowed to come on deck only when he the captain went down into his cabin to dine. " Well, you see, answered Allen, "I'd be on my way «/) just as you would be going below." This answer did not please the Cajitain, and he began a regular tirade of abuse against the American people. " In a short time," said the Captain, " all the rebels will be in tha same situation as yourself." This was too much for Allen, and raising his hands to his teeth, soon snapped the bolts and pins, took off his irons and threw them overboard — seized the panic struck Captain by the collar, and threw him headlong upon the deck, then turning to the affrighted crew, he exclaimed in a voice of thunder . " If I am insulted again during the voyage, I'll sink the ship and swim ashore." This exploit had such an efiect on the Captain and crew, that no further insult was oiiered to the General during the passage. The following persons were elected Town Clerks in the years set to them, and have continued in the office to 1851. l02 Dorset, Heman Morse 183-5 Elmore, Martin Elmore iDiQ Woodstock, iVahiim Haskell 1835 Topsliani. Lemuel Tal)or J° , Starkf^boro, William Worth 2d 1835 Halifax, Darius Bullock l°^l St. Albans, William Bridges 1836 Newfane, Nathan Stone 1822 Wilmington, Stephen P. Flagg 1836 Stockbridge. RufusLyon 1822 Stowe, Joseph H. Bennett 1837 Sandgate, George Peck 10917 Jericho, .John Lyman, jr. ISSTJR-yegate, James Whitelaw 27 iQ*)o VVheelock, John W. Brown 1837;Lemington, Mills De Forrest 26 lo5^3 Hartlaud, E. M. Stocker 1824 Curnwall, MarcusO. Porter Cabot, Thomas Osgood and jr, Danville, Archelaus Sias Bakerstield, Silas B. Hazeltine Middlesex, Horace Holdcn Walden, Daniel Wooster Salem, Samuel Blake Ira, John Mason Fairfield, Joseph Soule Rupert, Henrv Sheldon (one 0Ut)l824 Albany, Luther Delano Shaftsbury, Hiram Barton 1825 ^';^;,*""f' ?\" 1^'"'7° T 1 1 t. 1 TT • , „„^ <>uil(ord, John Lynde Lunenburgh, btephen Howe, jr. 1825 Somersett, Epiiraim Rice 36 34 33 32 30 27 rittsford, Samuel H- Kelloi: Bochester, John Trask Brandon, Barzillia Davenport Butland, Ambrose L. Brown Shoreham, Levi 0. Birchard Barnet, John Shaw Burke, Asahel Burrington 1826 Uoyahon, Calvin Skinuer2d 1827 i^udbury James K.Hyde 1807 Br'Jport, Ervin E. Grovenor '^-^Shelbunie, Lyman Hall 182/ Northfield, Volney H. Averill 1827 Newport, Seymour Lane 18'^7 Pl.vnouth, Thomas Moore Whitiiigham, Hosea F. Ballou 1840 Hartford, Geo. E. Walps 1840 1838 St. Albans, Jonathan Hoit 26 1838| 1838jArDiTioN.vL First Town Clerks. 1839| Bakerstield, Steplien Mavnard 1795 1839 Fletcher, Elisha Wcoilwoith 1790 18.39iHighpate, Jonathan Butterfleld 1839|st. Albaus, Jonathan Hoit 1788 1839|Monkton, Samuel Bariiura 1786 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1827 Isle La Moti, Ira Hill Lssex, Amasa Bryant Craftsbury, Joseph Scott, jr, Ludlow, Artema? Spafford Castleton, 01 ver R. Harris Concord, Harvey G. Fry Stockbridge, Merrick Gav Moretown, Lester Kinsley 1841 1841 1841 l83l iXewburv, David Joluison 1831 Biirre, Alvan Carier j^goi I'Toton, Isaac N. Hall m^^.iBrownington, Chester Gilbert 1841 '"•— j.Morgan, Charles Cummins 1841 1832 Johnson, Stoughton S. Pike 1841 Crrafton, Benjamin H. Bridginanl833 Tliere are others who have here. ^Fairhaven, Benjamin T. Gilbert 1833 '-?l'"7£,''':>'fd longer as Town Clerks. ^ 11 Ti n T> .. ■ ,-.„„ West Fairlee, Lhsha Thayer 50 y's ■Orwell, Roswell Boitum,jr. 1833 -- ■'..■' Hancock, Zerali Barnes 1833 JSandolph. Benjamin T. Blodgettl833 Halifax, Rufus'K. Henry I83I Sharon, Samuel Shuttleworth 1834 Iluilaud, Joseph Hawley Weybridge, Jackson First Supremr Court Clerks IN Addison County. N Brush, before 1793 Samuel Painter, from 93 to June 97 98 1840!Darius Mathews, after that to 1819 1840| Cavendish, Ori, Robbins ]84l| Constablks of Midelebury. Middlebury, James M Donald 184l!Martin Foote. annnintedin 1787 St. Johnslmry, Jerry Dickerman 1827 Surewsbury.LoweU W.Gurnseyl840| Loyal Case, Aug. 21I. 97 to J 1828 Panton, George Spencer 1829 Weybridge, Isaac IVrake I82i»" " ' ' Pomfret, Oiis Chambcrlin 1834 Berlin, Abel Knapp 49 •■"airlee, Samupl Smith 45 Wells, Ansel (Joodspeed, 43 Brattleboi-o, Step'u Gioenleaf 42 North Hero, Nathan Hutchins 39 Craftsbury, Samuel C. Crafts 37 lIinesburgb,Erastus Bostwick36 Martin Foote, appoiutedm Joseph M'Donald '' 1796 and Erastus Hawley " 1798 are now living ; the two first in this town, and the other in Cambridge' Out of fourteen that held the office of Cooslable sjnce 1807, all but two or three are living. Of the nine Town Clerks that have been elected since 1786, two only remain. Samuil Swilt, ap- piiHited in 1819, and James McDon- ald in 1841. By this it may be inferred that e.xercise tends to longevity. Br a letter which came a little too late, I make the follo-ving additions to Windham County. Noah Sabin, Judge of Probate from 1781 till I8OI, and Noah Sabin from and after 1801, should be, Noah Sabin, jr. Steplien R. Bradlev was Register from 1781 to March, 1791, Noah Sabin, jr., to Dec , 1801, P'hinehas Wliite, to Dcc.."l809, Elijah Knight, Judge and Register, to 1813, Horace Ba.vter, R. to 1814, Asa Keyes,to 1815, Horace Baxter, to 1816, Stephen Tyler, to 1810, Daniel Kel- losrg, to March, 1820, Charles Phelps, to May, 1820, Horace Baxter, to 1821, Munnis Kinnej', to 1822, Charles Phelps and p:henezer Huntington, to 1823, A. Keyes, to 1824, H. Baxter, to 1825, Alexander S. Campbell, to 1S27, Epaphroditus Ransom, to 1828, A. S. Campbell, to 18.31, A. Keyes, to 1833, E. Ransom, to Oct. 2, 1834, James Crawford, to Dec, 1834, David L. Putnam, to 1836, James Crawford, to 1838, CharlesPhelps, to 1841, James H. Phelps, to 1846, Abishai Stoddard, to 1849, Nathaniel Tracy Sheafe, to April, 1851, Benjamin W. Dean, to . In the above dates, Dec.lst is meani, when not otherwise mentioned. VERMONT. The tract of country now ktio-wn by ilie nnmc of Veimont, was, previous to the j\merican Tlev- olution, known by the name of '• T/ie'Xse nienibfrs arc duly chosen by the free voice of their constituents in the several inwiis, on the New Hampshire Grants, in public meeting as.sembled, in our own names, and in behalf of our consiitucnts, do hereby proclaim and publicly declare, that the district of territory, comprehending and usually known by the name and description of the Z^ew Hamp- shire Grants, of right ought to be, and is hereby declared forever hereafter to be considered, as a free and indepeiident jurisdiction, or State; by the name, and forever hereafter to be called, known, and distinguished by the name of New Connecticut, alias Vermont, &c." This Convention after informing the Continental Congress of their doings, adjourned to meet at Windsor, on the first "".Vednesday in June. The above declaration brought down upon us the wrath of New York, but notwithstanding that, those brave Green Mountain Boys, whom any nation o,r people on earth might well be proud ofj followed up their declaration by the adoption of a Constitution the same year, and a Legislative session in March following. In February, 1779, the Legislaiure passed an act in the face and eyes of the New York law dividing the State into two counties, Bennington on the west and Cumber- land on the east of the Green Mountains, and divided each county into two shires each, Westmin- ster and Newbury on the east, and Bennington and Rutland on the w^est. That division of coun- ties remained till the extra session of the Lesislature in Feb. 1781, when the County of Kutland was incorporated^ from Bennington, and Windsor and Orange counties were incorporated from Cumberland, and the name of Ciimlierland altered to Windham. Zadock Thompson, in his history uf Vermont, says, that Chittenden County was incorporated October 22d, 1782, and Addison County Feb. 27, 1787, This is a mistake as to both Counties, as will be seen by the following extract of a letter from Mr. 1'hompson to a friend, who had addressed him on the subject: "While in Montpclier a few days since, I was induced, by your suggestions, to examine the manuscript acts in the office of the Secretary of State, and 1 there found that Ad- dison Clounty was incorporated October 18th, 1785, and that Chittenden County was incorporated October 22nd, 1787." This explanation explains a mystery which was hard to solve, which was, '■ how came Addison County Court to set in Colchester at their Nov. Term, 1786, and one of Chit- tenden County citizens for the first Sherift', in 1785, and one of her citizens for side Judge 1785,and another in 1736," for such are the facts, and as appeared it was all done over one year before Ad- dison County was incorporated. When the County of Addison was incorporated it included with- in its boundaries the present county, (except Granville and Orwell,) the whole of Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, and Lamoille, nine towns from Orleans, and eight from Washington Coun- ties, and that was the size oi the County till Oct. 19, 1787, when Kingston, now Granville, was an- nexed to it from Orange County, and three days after by the incorporation of Chittenden County. Addison County was reduced to its present dimensions, except Siarksboro' has been added Ironi Chittenden, and Orwell from Rutland, and a part of Fhiladelphia in Rutland has been added to Go- shen, and a part of Goshen has been set to Rochester, and the town of Warren in 1821) was annex- ed to Washington County. Avery's Gore has been annexed lo Lincoln, altering no County lines. The first County Court in Addison County, was bolden at Addison, on the first Tuesday in March, 1786, and continued to be holden there, (with the exception of the November term ot that year which was held at Colchester,) till the first of April, 1792, and since that all the sessions have been bolden at Middlebury, 'I'he Counties of Caledonia and Franklin were incorporated Nov. 8th, 1796, the former from Or- ange and the latter from Chittenden Counties. The Legislature on the 2d day of March, 1797, passed an act defining the boundaries of eleven counties, including the whole State, but left the Counties of Essex and Orleans to be connected with Caledonia and Iranklin for all purposes till a future Legis'ature should elect their County officers, which was done at the October Session, 1797 as to Orleans County, and for Essex County, the County officers were appointed at the Oct. session 1800. Thus the State remained with eleven Counties till the organization of Grand Isle County, which took place in November, 1805. After the sessions of the Legislature were established at Montpelicr, and that became a thriving town, the Legislature saw fit in 1811, to organize a new County of which Montpclier was near the centre, by the name of Jefferson, containing 15 towns from the adjoining Counties of Orange, Caledonia and Chittenden. In 1814, when the Federal party were jn-edominent in every branch of the government, the name of the County was changed to '* Washington," and has retained that name .since. In 1836, the County contained 19 towns by the addition of Elmore from Orleans, Woodbury from Caledonia, Roxbury from Orange, and Warren from Addison. In 1336, the County of Lamoille was incorporated by taking Stowe and Elmore from Washington, Mansfield, which has since been annexed to Stowe from Chittenden; Edeu. Hydepark, Morristown and Wolcott from Orleans, and the other five towns from Franklin, and the State has remained in that situation since till 1848, when the towns of Windsor, and Moutpeiier were divided into two towns each, West Windsor and East Montpclier, making 240 organixaJ ifowns in the State. OFFICERS OF VERAlOiNT LEGISLATURES. Teats. Governors. Lt. Gov Mnrch 12 177S Thomas * ] 73 Cliittciideii, i Treasurers Sec. ofStjitc. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 p •• (RobinEoi 89 Mosee j 90 Thomas j 91 Chilteadeu. i 92 " 93 " 94 « 95 " 96 " 97 Isaac 9S Ticlmnor. 99 " 1800 " 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 6 p " ( Sraitli 7 Israel j & 1. Ticbenor. ] 9 Jonas 10 Galusha. i 11 " , 12 " ] 13 Martin 1-1 Chittenden 15 Jonas ] 16 Galusha. i 17 « 1 18 i« I 19 " , 20 Richard ] 21 Sliiuner. i 22 " , 23 Cornelius \. 24 P. Van Ness p 25 « p 26 Ezra Butler, p 27 " J, 28 Samuel p 29 C. Crafts, p 30 31 William A. 32 Palmer. 33 •' p 34 " 35 no choice 36 Silas H. p 37 Jenisou p 33 " p 39 « p 40 " p 41 Charles 42 Paine, p 43 John Mattocks, 44 William p 45 Slade. 46 Horace Eaton. 47 45 Carlos 49 Coolidge. 50 Charles K. p William:. Joseph Marsh Benjamin Carpenter, p ICIisbu Payn Paul Spooncr. p " 1 " P Ira Allen. Joseph Marsh. Peter Olcott Jo.intllan Hunt. Paul Brigham. Villiam Chamberlin. Paul ] Brigham. William Cahoon. Aaron Leiaad. Silas H. David M. Camp. Henry Olin. j p" [Richardt Mark Lebbeus Edgerton. " P (Jenisou. P P P P " P p Waitstill R. Ranney. p Horace Eatou u ^ Leonard Sargcant. Robf-rt Pierpoint. Julius p Converse. T. Chandlei P Joseph Fay V P Wicah p Town-'hend P Samue' Mattoilis. p •' P " P " P .< p " P " P p p " P " P " P " P Benjamin Swan. D " P P " P P Roswcll Hopkins. David Wing, jr p|Thoma9 p.Leaverett. P " PI " Josiah Dunham William Slarle, jr Xorman Williami Timothy Merrill. Augustine Clarke " (Waidne Allen Henry F. j Janes.. John Spauldin^. ]i " P ' (Jc'.vett. Elisha P. George Howes. Chauncey L. Knapp AlvtthSabin James Mc. M. Shafter. Ferrand F. Merrill. Speaker.-!. Nathan Clark. Thomas Chandler. riiomas Porter, liicica^c Moseley. Isaac Ticlicnor. .Nathaniel Nile«. Stephen R. Brad Gideon Oliu. ley Daniel Buck. Lewis R. Morris. Abel Spencer. Daniel Farrand. Amos Marsh. \bel Spenrer. ton Pheophi's Hiirring Aaron Leland. Dudley Chase. Daniel Chipman. Wiiliam A. Gris " wold. Richard Skinner Wm. A. Grisnold. Daniel A. A. Buck Rrorue E. Wales. " I.-aac Fletcher. Daniel A. A. Buck Kobcit B. Bates. Daniel A. A. Buck, Robert B. Bates. John Smith. £□'(. olark. Benjamin Baldwin I'-'^Zaleel Hoodard Roswell Hopkins. Stephen Jacobi. Lewis R. Morris. ; William Eaton. j Richard Whitney. | Theman Toloiaa Samuel C. Crafts. Nathan Osgood. James Elliott. .\nthony Haswell. Mattiu Post. William D. Smith, OraamUg c. Merrill Azro Loomis Timothy Merrill Timothy Merrill. s.SCocant " Oramel h. " Smith Charles Davis. Robert Pierpoint. EbenczerN.Briggs' Edward D.Barber. Oramel H. Smith. 'Carlos Coolidge. Solomon Foot. Carlos Coolidge. (( Andrew Tracy. Eben. N. Briggs. Solomon Foot.' William C. Kitt- " redge. Thomas E. Powers. Ahiman L. Miner. Ferrand F. Merrill Chalon F. Daver A nib rose L. Brown Nob* * Tho.se with a p, added, were elpcted by the People, 10 SESSIONS. DEBENTURES AND PREACHERS, Where holden. T-c^an. Ended. Davf. Debentures. Preachers Election da}'. Sec. Gov. & C, "Windsor M.-ir. 12 177S Mar.2G ,15 Rev. Peter Towers JosephFay EcRni'. g'.on Jane '■- 1778 June IS 1.5 a WindfOL- Oct. S •' Oct. 2-1 17 ' Eden Eurroughs ^i Eennin^loa Feb. 11 1779 Feb. 26 16 i( "Windsor June 2 " Juno 4 3 (( Miinthestcr Oct. M '• Oct. 27 14 ' Benaiali Root (( "Westminster iV]ar. 8 1780 Mar. 16 9 (( Bennington Oct. 12 " Nov. 8 2S 1.506 38 11 "Windsor Feb. 7 1781 Feb. 23 17 1,178 44 <( n Apr. 4 Apr. 1 G 13 1.377 48 >c Bennington June 13 " June 28 IG 1,860 83 « CharlestownN.H. Oct. 11 " Oct. 27 17 ' Olcolt Benninglon Jan. 31 17S2 Feb. 28 29 "Windsor June 13 " June 21 9 Mancliester Oct. 10 " Oct. 24 15 • Gersbom C.Lyman AVindsor Feb. 13 1783 Feb. 27 15 "Westminster Oct. 9 " Oct. 24 16 ' Joseph Bullen Benninatoa Feb. 19 1784 Mar. 9 20 Kutland Oct. 14 Oct. 29 16 ' Job Swift JosephFay Norwich June 2 1785 June IS 17 Thomas Windsor Oct, 13 " Ort. 27 15 ' Asa Burton Tolman "Windsor . Oct. 12 86 Oct. 31 20 ' Peletiah Chapin JosephFay Bennington Feb. 15 87 Mar. 10 24 »' Newbury Oct. 11 " Oct. 27 17 ' Lyman Potter (( JVJancbester Oct. 9 88 Oct. 25 17 ' Elijah Sill " Westminster Oct. 8 89 Oct. 29 22 ' Dan Foster " Castlcton Oct. 14 90 Oct. 28 15 * Mathias Cazier ti B(Minington Jan. 10 91 Jan. 27 18 It "Windsor Oct. 13 "■ Nov. 3 22 ' Saml Shuttlevvorth « Rutland Oct. 11 92 Nov. 8 29 ' Caleb Blood t( Windsor Oct. 10 93 Nov. 4 26 ' Benjamin Bell it Kutland Oct. 9 94 Oct. 30 22 ' Samuel Williams Truman "Windsor Oct. 8 95 Oct. 27 20 5,180 42' Asa Burton Squier Kulland Oct. 13 96 Nov. 8 27 6,334 15 ' Dan Kent ** a Feb. 4 97 .^lar. 10 35 <> Windsor Oct. 12 •' Nov. 10 30 ' Samuel Whiting " "\''ergenne3 Oct. 11 93 Nov. 8 29 ' Dan.l C. Saunder.- Richard Windsor Oct. 10 99 Nov. 6 27 ' William Forsyihe Whitney ]Vliddlebury Oct, 9 ISCO Nov. 7 3C 9,105 98 ' Benjamin Woosiei " Newbury Oct. 8 1 Nov. 6 31' 10,967 64 'Nathaniel Lambert ti Burlington Oct. 14 2 Nov. 12 30 11,483 41 ' Jeremiah Atwatei K Westminster Oct. 13 3 Nov. 14 So 12,449 53' Sylvester Sage William Windsor Jan. 26 4 Feb.' 6 u 4,489 92 Page jr. Rutland Oct. 11 " Nov, 9 3( 11,007 52 ' Heman Ball ' Danville Oct. 10 5 Nov. 8 3< 12.05 7 26 ' John Fitch (( Middlebury Oct. 9 G Nov- 11 r,4 12,727 OS ' '^I'homas A. Merrill « Woods! otk Oct. 8 7 Nov. 11 3.C 12.841 63' Thomas Gross Rollin C. Moatpelier Oct. 13 8 Nov. 11 3C 11.952 47 ' Tilton Eastman vlallary " Oct. 12 9 Nov. 8 2.'- 10,973 04 ' Sylvanus Uavnes Wm Page • ' >i Oct. 11 10 Nov. 5 2L 10-227 21 ' Chester Wright Rollin C. It Oct. 10 11 Oct. 31 '2i 9.217 81 ' Thomas Skeel \lallary ti Oct. 8 12 Nov. 9 3c 13'057 42' Isaac Beal " u Oct. 14 13 Nov. 17 •Si 13,838 42 ' Daniel Marsh Samuel ti Oct. 13 14 Nov. 11 30 12,177 0(1 ' Elijah Lyman Swift SESSIONS, CONTINIED. U Whsreholdea. Oi't. 12 Oct 10 Oct. 9 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 12 Oct, ] I Oct. 10 Oct. 9 Oct. U Oct. 13 Oct. 12 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 9 7 12 17 16 1(3 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, 8 14 13 11 8 13 12 11 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 9 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 13 Oct. 12 Oct. 10 Oct. 9 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 2 Oct. 11 15 Nov, IG Nov. 1 7 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 13 23 Nov. 7 24 Nov. 19 25 Nov. 18 26 Nov. 16 27 Nov. 1.5 28 Oct. 31 29 Oct. 30 Nr.V. 31 Nov. 32 Nov. 33 Nov, 34 Nov. 35 Nov. 36 Nov. 37 Nov. 38 Nov. 39 Nov. 40 Oct. 41 Nov. 42 Nov. 43 Nov. 44 Oct. 45 Nov. 46 Nov 47 Nov. 48 Nov. 14 49 Nov. 14 Days. 13 6 Dsbrjnfurey. r.-eacher». Seo. to QoT. & Council. 30 11 10 9 7 17 1 6 19 30 12 14 2 31 6 3 16 :Oct. lU 1850 Nov. 14 33:13,129 69 'Henry Davis [Roliin C. •28 11,457 95 ' S.'.miicl Austin Mallary 30 11^480 75 ■• Pliinclias PccU 3g' 13,258 01 ' Clark Kendiick 35jI3,110 71 ' James Converse 3G 13,921 78 ' George Leonard Robert 37| 13,536 68 ' Joshua Bales Temple o5 13,372 86 ' John Linslcy 30 12,057 Si 'Joseph W. Sawyer Daniel 37|14,11G 26 ' Amariah Chandler Kcllo?2 37114,631 58 ' Xloherl Bartlett 3G 14.622 96 > Wilber Fisk 36 14,830 05 ' Thomas Goodwilh'c :i3 10,616 19 ' Jona'n VVrodman George B. ■23;iO,472 70' Charles AValker Shaw 33'l2,443 20 ' GeorpeG. Iiigcrsol " [Barber 29{l2,291 87 * Leland Howard Edwaid D. 3012,780 85 ' William S. Perkins George B. 30'l3 286 22 ' Tobias Spicer Manser 30il2,737 87 * ^^ arren Skinner 31 14,895 31 r\ 37; 18,392 03 22 12,613 OC ■:>7, 14,468 5C 41,21,003 84 23,13,016 69 30ilC,283 25 33117,270 65 22 12,236 40 23 11.536 70 29| 13.858 50 27113.30.5 24 34 16,063 ()(. 34 17,011 or 35 17.877 5t 36 23,552 8-J year ended the old Connecticut praciice of all the Clergymen goin? to til rciioii, and diiiiii!;? at the eipento oliiie Slate, and have n .'crinoii from one of them. Some of the must radical memhers come lo tiie conclusion tliat the money and time thus spent might be put to a better Use. Tliov (herefore resolved to have no more f:;iection Si-rnions wiUi accompanying expcnfces after 1':'34 unless it should be otherwise ordered in future This has notyctbeen done ; but wheth- er any very materiel bcoafit has been effected by the chanire is a doubt in tho minds of mtiiiy- If a Farmer hired ii man to nmw in his meadow si.\ days, & he shonld g:o earley to the meadow and swing his sythe a few times on the sixth day. then quit and ;^o home, there is a donlu whether that firmer v.onid feel disposed to pav full pi ice for that last day. But if the man liad taken his pay I lor the six days, and (piit on the fourth I day morning', it mifrlit be some less jdouhlful how that fjrmer would act, but ],(- would lie be apt to hire him ajaiu ? HON. STEPHEN HAIGHT, Of Monkton, commenced in legislaiioii while yonn firsi represented the loM-n in 1812, and was elected '^acl I year to 182-3, eleven year^, and three years aftfrwaid.s. He concocted in Caucns, and hronght was four years judge of the County Court, and lour yearsi the legislature lo a tie. Thus le- Sheriir, ending the last olrice ill lt^32. In the lore part of gislaiion stood nearly still ford, his public lile he belonged to ihe old Federal School in pol- week, but tampering with a repub- itics, and figured very adroiilv in edectii g the election of Jican mcmbtr to carry a load to Martin Chittenden, Governor in 1813. The federal mem- Boston, at a great profit did not h'irsof the legislature and mr.ny others of ihe party met at stand so s'ill, a lew ledcral lead- Montpelier the fare part of election week, and there found, ers kept iliat moving, I ut not to on comparing notes, that unless some ol' the freemcns votes much j;urpose, as he staid in the were rejected, there would be a federal majoritv of (bur in house and voted for Jonas Gaki- the House, and a republican inajority of ten in th? Council, sha throughout, making a tie. 112 It was then found that rejecting the votes frcm Colchesier e.ich. Alter a number of ballots on account of apart of them being given by the U.S. troops, the voles were reported 112 for and altering the votes of a lew other towns, it would elect Martin Chiiiendeu. rnd 111 only three more federal Tiiembers in the Council, at,d bring the t:.r JonasGalusha. It has caused Joint Assembly to a lie, ilieach. The canvassing com- many conjeciurcsiis towho was raittee with a large federal majority carried out the measures guilty, or negligent, as 10 ihat vot« 12 Vlar«b li, 1778 Jonas I' ay, Ben Oct. 78 " DiDgton '?9 &80" '81 •82 '83 '84 ' 85 Samuel Mattocks. '86 " Tininoutli * 87 8&9 Isaac Tichejior '90 " Bpnningtou '91 ' 92 Paul Brigham, ' 91 " Norwicli '94 •95 " •96 • 97 Stephen Jacobs '98 " Windsor ■99 1800 •1 '2 Eliakim Spooner '3 ■'amuel S. Phelps, Silas H. Jenison, Thomas Chandler, Peter Olcott, Ebenezer Marvin, Gideon Olin, Timothy Todd. " [Arlington. Beriah Lcomis, Asa Lyon, G. Isle. Haines French, " [.Maidstone. John Cameron, " [Ryegate. Solomon Miller, " [Willislon. Truman Chiteuden (ph IMarsh Joseph Waterman I'imothy Foster Horace Eaton S. S. Heinenway George E. Holmes Samuel Adama Edward H Prentiss 1840 Noadiah Swift Ahiraan L. Miner David Crawford Emery Wheclook Isaac Norton Orson Clnrk Anderson G. Dana Abel Gilson Barnabas I')ean Walter Palmer Thomas P, Russell Dorastus Wooster Elias Bottom Isaac Chipman Timothy Morse Simeon Short Nathaniel Wheatly Thad's R. Fletcher Orion W. Butler Nathaniel Eaton Walter Harvey Elias Bemis jr, Jacob Bates Btepben Howe D. W. C. Clarke Ed. A. Stansbury Erastus S. Camp were now in office, ant? found they were Cu.'hman, of Hartland, who said "Mr. Speaker, not. That is the best M'ay, .said the judge, if the argument of the gtnlleman from Mofikton you find justices that are corrupt, and do in- reminds me of a Fiench King who kept a Jester, Justice, turn them out ol office, and let the law and this jester had oflended one of the Lords of remain as it is. This brought tip Isaac N. the Court, and tha Lord threatened to kill him- SENATE CONTINUED. 1611 Bknnincvon Co. Noaiiiali Swift Henry Slicldon Winch AM ("o. Diivid Crnwibiu John Larseit Emery WlieelocI" liUlLAND Co. Isaac Norton Orson Clark j\ndcrson G. Dana Windsor Co. Abel Gilson Barnabas Dean Walter Palmer Thomas P. Kussell Addison Co, Dorastus Woostcr Elias Bottom Isaac Cliipman Orange Co. Calvin Bludgett Eoyal Hatch Tappan Stevens Chittenden Co. T. E. Fletcher David French Washington Co. Paul Dillingham jr !Nal4ianiel Eaton Fkanklin Co. Alvah Sab in Moses Fisk Horace Eaton Caledonia Co. Daniel w. Aiken Thomas Bartlett jr. Orleans Co. S. S. Hciiimenway Essex Co. Moody Biih Grand Jslc Co. William L. Sowles Secretary Gov. Harry Hale Sec. to .Senate D. W. C. Clarke Assistant Sec, Ed. A. Stansbury Serg't at Arsi3 Wm. T. Burnham Librarian A. W Kenney Auditor David Pierce 1842 •Tosiah V/right it Calvm Townslcy Sand ford Plumb Ebcn. N. Bri<:gs Elisha Alien AlaLson Allen Hampden Cults •John Porter .Salmon F. Dutton Abncr Field Peter Starr Llarvev Munsill David A. Smalley Wooster Spragne William Green Homer E. Hubbell David M. Camp Warner Bingham Lamoille Co. Orion W. Builer 1843 1S44 'Leonard S.nr^'cant !Asal;ei Ilnrd jlk'nj'n w. Moi-gan | "' Willinm Tl.iriis j •« '-am"l F. ThonipsonI " lleuben Winn 1845 Elack'rE Browntll Ehr'nezer Howe jr. John CamFibell Frederick Bniton Joseph H. Chitendn James Barrett Thomas S. Barret' Benjamin Billings Justin Morgan Davis Bich E. D- Woodbridgt Elijah Farr Loren Griswold Ebenezer Bass ")avl(l Bead Luther Stone Jacob Scot; Alvah Sabin George Green Jon. H. Hubbard George C. .Cahoon John Phillips Wallis Mott Enoch Davii Rode'k Richardson George Marshall H. H. Reynolds David P. Koyes George H. Beaman Gusta's H- Loomi! George T. Hodges Horace Fifield Reuben Pago Levi B. Vilas Harry Bradley Daniel H. Onion Oramel H. Smith Hirnm Bellows IFiUiam Clapp Welcome Bemis William Sias Enoch B. Simonds Lewis Ladd Frederick Billing* Silas U. Hodges The jester informed the King -whr.t the Lord had cnce with him, but a very essential difference threatened. Said the Kitig. "i( l.e kills you I will with me. Jum so wiih the arcument of ihe hare him hung in fifteen niinuies cfleurards " I gentleman (rum .Monkion, he wouJd hang those do wish your Majesty would hang liira fifteen corrupt justices who have done injustice^under minute5*p/<.rf, it would mf.ke no matsriel differ- this law, but I am for repealing that law under 1(5 SENATE CONTINUED. 1846 Bennington Co. Heraan Morse B. E. Brownell "WINDHAM Co. Ebenezer Howe jr John Kimball Austin Bircharii KUTLAND Co. George T Hodges John Fox ■J. H Chittenden Windsor Co. Artemas Cushman Harvey Burton Kobert B. Cram Dearborn H.Hilton Addison Co. Davis Rich William Nash ORANGE Co. Horace Fifield Reuben Page Levi B. Vilas Chittenden Co. Harry Bradley Daniel H Onion Washington Co. Oramel H. Smith Moses Robinson Frankltn Co. George w. Foster Hiram Bellows -William Clapp Caledonia Co. Welcome Bemis James D Bell ORLEANS CO. Enoch B. Siraonds ESSEX CO. David Hibbardjr. GRAND ISLE Co Giles Harrington Lamoille Co. Burrell S. Miner Sec. to the Gov. Frederick Billings Sec. to Senate D. W. C. Clarke Assistant Sec. Thomas E. Powers Serg. at Arms. Wm. T Burnham Librarian Gcstavus HLoomis AuDiTor Silas H Hodges 1847 (I Larkln G. Mead Peter w Dean (( (( Henry Stanley Ira Stewart Henry Keyes William Sweatt Jefferson P. Kidder Jamin Hamilton Alexan'r Ferguson Nath'l Bancroft 1848 Grtjorge R. Draper Francis Kidder Ezra June 1849 John L. Wilmarth FrederickHolbrook John Tufi8 Oliver P. Chandler Joseph W. Colburn Solon Dauforth Calvin French Zariel Walker Rufus Hamilton Lucius R. Beeman Sam'l B. Mattocks Sewall Bradley Elisha White Wlliam Carpenter I Jona. n. Hubbard a Isaac N. Hall Timo. P. Redfield Oramel Crawford Solomon J. Davis William W. White Geo. F. Hotfghton Luther Cross John Crowley Joel Rice J. W. D. Parker Simeon M.Bigelow Stephen Thomas Lemuel B. Piatt William Weston Asaph Town Homer E. Royce Jacob Wead John S. Foster Eph'm Chamberlrn John M'Lean ElishaWhite 1850 Joel Ranney Ira K. Bachelder Asa Wentwortk James K. Hyde Elisha Capham Daniel L Lyman Wurren Currier Edward Seymour Leonard Keith Frederick Hazen Nathan Robinson C,N. Carpenter which they do the injustice." T/7e Judge was subsequently admitted as an attorney at the Bar, and removed to Burhngton, where he vigorously advocated the election and measures of Andrew Jackson t» the Presidency. David Goss jr. u Henry M. Bates John Dewey David Marvin u Raf^s F. Andrewg u Samuel M. Conant II II F. E. Woedbridge Ha afterwards removed to Washington City, where he acted as an agent in the Pension busi- ness. He was a number of timesappointed Ser- geant at Arms, in the Senate, which office he b«lJ at hi» death, January ^2, l^i, ag«d 6S. George Nichols REPRESENTATIVES BEFORE 1788. 17 BplNNINriTllX Co. 1 Arliti<,'ioii 2 Beniiin^'ton 3 Dorset 6 >iaiiclicster 8 Pownal 10 Rupoit 11 SaiiHjrato 13 Siiiirtsbury M Stamforil )r> -Siiiidpr!:i;i(l Windham Co. 1 Athens 2 Brattleboro' 5 Dummcrston 6 Grafton 7 Guilford 8 Halifix 9 .'amaica 10 I.oiidonilcrry 11 Marlboro' 12 Newfane 13 Putney H Kookiiigliam 1" Townsliond IB Vernon 20 Westminster 21 Whitrngham 22 Wihninjlou WiN-DSOR (To. I Andover 3 Barnard 4 Bfitliel C Cavendish 7 Chester 8 Hartford Hart land 1 1 Norwich 13 PomfrPt 11 R,eadin;j 10 Royalton 17 Sharon 18 Springfield 20 Weatlicrsfield 23 Windsor 24Wood3tock Ad'ison Co. 4 Cornwall Caledonia Co. 1 Baruet 11 Peacharn EssKx Countv. 5 Guildhall " 10 Liinenburgh 11 Maidstone liMarch I-J, 17T8 Thomas Chittcud'n I tNATiiAN Clark Joiin Fassett Ccplias Kent Steph'n Washburn Gideon Ormsby Tiionias Jewett Moses Robinson John Burnham Gideon Oliii Leonard Spauldinj Benja. Carpenter John Shepherdson Edward Harris Hubbel WelU Edward Aiken .Samuel King Joshua Wobb Reub Silas Thompson Lewis Wa'krr Ebenezer Wilson Daniel Sherman Simson Edgerton " Abisha Moseley John Smith Benedict Webber Samuel Mattocks Thomas Portee Daniel Culver .lohn Barron loo Thurbsr Icabod Ormsby John G. Bailey Elijah Beaman Israel Smith ■< John Houss ' Elijha Pavno 'tKli:iu Hyde 11 Sawyer Bullook 12 johu Graves 14 Jonathan Child 15 Eben. Fairfield II) Johu Duncan n William Ripley Benjamin Sumner 22 Francis Smith 23 Thomas Kussell 24 Daniel jones 20 Absolem Peters Ebenezer Dewey 22 Jona'n Stevens 22 J osiah Russell 25 Silas Gaskill 25 Daniel Cass Nath'l S. Prentiss 27 Moses Whipple 28 Russel Mason 29 Samuel Canfield 30 Elijah Frink 'U Nathan Hodges 32 Benjamin Giles 33 Abel StHVens Havonport Phelps .35 Moses True WalstonBrockway their October session ITS I, holden at Charles- town, N. II., the connection was brought to an end. On this ant! the next page you will find the names of the representatives from those two states, one of which was chosen Clerk in 1778, and anolLer Lieut. Governor in 1781. 7 Eb'z'r Brewster 8 Jonathan Wright 8 jouath. Freeman 10 Isaac Wyman 10 Ezra Stiles 12 12 Jonathan Hall 13 Jonathan Cole Archelaus Temple 14 14 Ebenezer Green 16 Peleg Sprague 17 " Elisba Cleaveland 19 '20 REPRESENTATIVES BEFORE 1788. Hl-TLilKI) CO. 17M I 178J 1 Ileuaou 'i I 3 Reuben Moultoni Eli Cogswell otlihu Smith [ly Joseph Smith 5 INCKEASK MosE. Thaddeua Curtis B Thoiiiao Rowley! 6 Roger William* 7 Fairliavea 8 Hubbardton y Lemuel Roberts ]] Middletown 14 Sirae'n Edgert'ii 16 Eben. Drury J7 Titu» Wation J7 William Ward 18 Roswell Post 18 Bonj. Whipple 20 loab'd Kobinson 22 Sam. Mattocks 22 T4iomas Potter 23 ICbenez Murray iii Abel Merrimati Orange Co, 1 1 5 NoIiB'h Lovewell C 7 7 10 10 Elijah Beaman 11 Moody Freeman 11 Beriah Loomis 14 Vershire 9 Randolph Addison Co 1 Addison 4 Cornwall 13 Panton 23 Whiting 2 Cambridge 4 Colchester Membew from NEW YORK. 1 Black^Creek 2 Cambridge 2 3 Hoosick 3 4 Greenfield r> Granville C> Little Hoosick 6 7 North Granville 8 South Granville 9 Skeensboio' 10 Schaghticoke 10 11 Saratoga U Petpr Lewis Mathew Lyon Joseph Wood jocl Harnian Jonathan Fasse Samuel Williams Benedict Webber Ebenezer Marvin Abraham Iveg Benjamin Baldwii Heber Gilbert Enoch Bean Israel Smith June session, 1781 John Shepherd Phine's Whiteside Joseph Caldwell John Abbott Gideon Warren Asaph Cook Abraham Burdick David Randall Isaac Clark Noah Lee Daniel Marsh Abel Cooler Darius I-obdell Edward Vail Lemuel Roberts William Fitch Eleazer Harwood James Brookings Nathan Finney .Vathani'l Cliipman Nailianiel Ives Daniel Culver John Barron Vathani't, Nilks Ebenezer White Jacob Bailey Timothy Blake 9 Asa Edge rton 1 John Strong 23 Samuel Beach Oct. session, 1781 Stutson Benson jonatlian Walton Aaron Fuller Thomas Benedict Thomas Smith John Rogers Benjamin Baker Joseph Craw Silas Child David Smith Bezalcel Phelps Brewster Higley Cephas Carpenter Joseph Spauidi^g Abraham lackson Abel Merriman Noah White Nathaniel Niles John G. Bailey Heber Gilbert roel Walker James Blodgett 15 Zadock Everes'. ■3 Daniel Kinsley I 'I'ho. Butterlield d Ferrisburgh ) /..eicester II * Middlebnry 12 Monkton 13 Newhaven H Orwell 0R4NGE Co. ^ Brookfield 13 Tunbridge )7 Williamstovvn i Burlington Essex 8 Jericho 11 Shelburne 15 Willisloii 4 Fairfax 9 Highgate 12 Kyegata ITfir, I Asshel Smith 2Iohn Mott 3 Isaac Clark 8 David Hickock Lemnel Chipman Jonathan Fassett 18 lohn Stevens Icabod Robinson Ebenezer Marvin loseph Randall 6 Israel Morey Thomas Johnson Samuel Bliss Tim. Bartholomew 9 James Steele 4 Hiland Hall 15 Peter Ferris 2 Thomas P. Loid 4 Ira Allen 5 Abel Thompson John Smith Gamaliel Painter Phinehas Brown Ebenezer Wilson Jonathan Pierce Samuel Lane Dubartus Willard Jedediah Lane Jonathan Spafford 9 Tlio. Bntterfield James Wliitelaw 1787 .N'athan Danieli ; Peter Lewis Vathan Rura«ey •loseph Spaulding 16 Gideon Cooley Thomas 'Ashley Samuel Williams ■Stephen Clark iiiiuel Lathrop Bihiad Andruj Reuben Foster Samuel Smith Alexand'rPennock Beriah Loom is Asa Edgerton Zadock Everest Samuel Benton John Fassett 9 Thomas Sawyer Ebenezer Barniim Bozaleel Rudd Timothy Cowlo 13 Seth Austin 17 Elijah Paine Frederick Sa.xtou Timothy Bliss James Farusworth Jl Caleb Smith 4 Thomas Russell *The town of Salisbury claim Judge Painter as their Representative in 1787, in consequence of a new running of town lines, taking his house unexpectedly, two or three rods south of the south line of Middlebury, and the journals of that year support their claim ; but I have not yet learned that they claim him in 1786,although living in the same house both years. Nor have I beeninfoimed of their laying any claim to Thomas Sawyer who representea Leicester in 1787, 8 and 9, although he resided on the disput- «il territorv between the two towns, and on that part which is now Salisbury village. The foregoing pages contain all the Repre- sentatives previous U) the year 1788, that are to be found. The journals of March, 1778. and of October, 1786, do not contain a catalogue of the members, but I think I have both nearly accu- rate. The remainder will be arrange'd by counties, alphabetically, and will come as even as any mode without dividing counties. By the figures, before the towns, the reader will be enabled to- follow anv town through the work to l(r50. REPRESENTATIVES, ADDISON, BENNINGTON, CALEDONIA 21 1788 ZaHock Everest rhilip Stone Samuel Bentoa Ahel Thompson Thomas Sawyer Gamaliel Painter Samuel Barnuni Alexander Bru^h AVilliara Smith Gideon Spencer Stephen Hard Josiah Pond Samuel Beach Nathan Canfield Elijah Dewey William Dunton Thomas Barney Thomas Jewett Israel Smith Richard Hurd * Gideon OUn Benjamin lupper Gideon Brownson Alexander Harvej Abraham Morrill VVm. Chamberlin 1789 ADDISON CO. 1 Addison 2 Bridport 3 Bristol 4 Cornwall 5 Ferrishurgh 9 Leicester 1 1 Middlebury 12 Monkton 13 Newhaven 14 Orwell 15 Panton 17 Salisbury 18 Shorehara 20 Vergennes , 22 Wevbridgo 23 Whiting Bennington Co. 1 Arlington 2 Benningtoa 3 Dorset 6 Manchester 8 Pownal 10 Rnpert 11 Sanigate 13 Shaftsbury 14 Stamford 1.") Sunderland Caledonia Co. 1 Barnet 3 Cabot 4 Danville 1 1 Peacham 1 2 Ryegate 14 St. johnsbury HON. HENRY OLIN Came into Leicester at an early day. and from his large dimensions and rather awkward habits, the people were not at first much prc])os- sessed in liis favor. But being of a strong mind and fulf of wit and anecdote, prejudices began to wear away, and ho was chosen a Representa- tive in 1799 and continued to be chosen for twenty-two out ot twenty-six years. He was two years a member of the Council, and three years Lieutenant Governor, and one skort ses- sion was a member of Congress to supply the place of the Hon. Charles Rich, deceased. He ■was one of the Assistant Judges of the County Court for eight years, and Chief Judge fifteen i?ears in succession from 1801 to 18'24. When he first began legislation it was a new business to him, and the sound of his own voice would sometimes embarrass him in that body of talented men. An anecdote is related of him as follows: He arose from his seat and began " Mr. Speaker. I rise for information," and halted. Upon which another member arose and Raid; " Mr. Speaker I very much rejoice that t^e gentleman should arise with such a com- mendable object, for no man needs it more." *Speakers in Italics. 1790 David Whitney Philip Stoiie rhonias Tolman Phinehas Brown Peter Eerria Samuel Chipman Abel Wright Ezra Allen Jonathan Robinson John Shumway Gideon Ornisby Gideon OUn Perez Deane James Cross Jesse Leavenworth lohn Smith Flijah Foot Ebcnezer Wilson Benjamin Ilolcomb Eleazcr Claghoru Josiah Pond Jabez Fitch Ebenezr Wheelock Timothy Todd William D unton Richard Hurd Gideon OUn Andrew Seldea Alexander Harvey David Whither John Gray I 1791 5!nnuicl Strong Marshall .bnuih Samuel Benton Benja'n Whitman Joseph Willo'ghby Stephen Hard James Moore Enoch Woodbridge Samuel Clark John Shumway Job Giddings Moses »Sheldon Gideon OUn Jesse Leavenwortlj' u u Joel Roberts He had among his townsmen an old gentleman that had taken a dislike to the Judge, but being politically agreed, he would support the Judge for othce. On one occasion he came into meet- ing while the ballottiiig was going on,— pushed himself through the crowd to the box and spoke out in a loud voice, " here Mr. Constable is a vote for Judge Olin, but I hope God will forgive me."^ During his services on the bench he had given some ofi'ence to one of the young attornies, that has since disappointed many of his enemies. A person informed the Judge that thisatiorney was going to the Legislature to prevent him from being re-appointed. Well, said the Jud«e, I will tell the company a story. When 1 first came into Leicester, I built a'log hut and began cut- ting down the forest east of it which enabled me toseethesun and moon as they rose, earlier than usual. I had a little dog, and he seeing tlie moon lower down than he had before, and shining through the trees concluded some mis- chief was on foot, and began to bark at the moon, and kept at it, and paused. Well, says one, '• what next 1" Why, I could not discover that it had any effect whatever on the moon, that kept on its course the same as if the dog had been silent, but I discovered the little dog was ■')■) REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. Joseph Willougby William Eno Ebeuezer Wilson Ephraim Doolittle James Moore u I 1. Samuel Jewett I " '■ Joel Foster ADO 'SOX CO. 1792 I 1793, 1 J)iivid Wliitiiey | 2 .Vhu-shail Smiih ."J Jniia. Eastman Ilenrv M'Lau^hliii 4 WilliMm Slade 'Joel Liiisley 5 Abel Tlionipsoii' 9 Benj. Whitman John Smith 1 1 Gaiiil. Painter 12 John Ferguson 13 Miles Bradley i 4 Jabez Warren 15 Peter Ferris 17 Stephen Hard 18 James Moore 20 E. VVoodbridge 22 Samuel Clark 23 Ebe'r Wheelock BKNNISGTON CO. i 1 Nathan Canlield Timothy Todd 2 Jona. Robinson 3 John Shumway 6 Job Giddings 8 Josiah Wright 9 Readshord' 10 David Sheldon 1 1 Richard Hard 13 Gideon Olin 14 Andre'iv Selden 15 Samuel Bartlett 16 Winhall CALKDONIA CO I A. Plarvey James Morse 4 J. Leavenworth 7 Ilardwich 9 Lipidon 11 W. Chamberlin 1'2 Josiali Page 1794. Josiah Clark Joshua Hyde Miles Bradley Amos Spafford Edmond Grandey 14 Joel Roberts 16 Walden 17 Water ford 18 Wheelock Jona. Armstronj Samuel Thayer Moses Sheldon Samuel Bristol Gideon Olin Gilbert Bradley Benjamin Sias Josiah Arnold Josias L. Arnold Stephen Martiadale Martin Pi. well Simeon Hazletine Peier Wright Lemuel Bradley Joseph Alorse Daniel Gaboon John Beane 1795. Zadotk Everest Jona. Eastman Benj. Whitman John Ferguson Klijah Foot Jabez W^arren Josiah Pond Gideon Spencer Eben'r Wheelock John Shumway Gideon Ormsby Elijah Bayley David Sheldon Reuben Thomas Samuel Bartlett Enos Stevens Samuel Warner John Gray Nathaniel Perkins Jonathan Grow I 1796. [Josiah Claik Gurdon Munsill Gamaliel Painter Ehenezer Wilson Eleazer Claghorn Amor.' Marsh Jonathan Baker Elijah Dewey Jona. Armstrong George Sexton Solomon Wright Grove Moore Benj. Tupper Gilbert Bradley Asa Beebe Josiab Page Joel Roberts John Grow 6ome hoarse for a few days, and I never knew him to bark at the moon again. When the Judge took his seat in Congress in Dec., 1824, the weather was unpleasant and very different from what he was accustomed to see, and having but a short time to stay, his brother members were not very anxious for an acquaint- ance, and he wa.s lonely. One of the members in conversation with him, wished to know how he liked Washington as compared with Vermont. The Judge said he liked some things in Wash- ington very well, but he preferred Vermont in many respects, and one in particular, which is, here you have white butter and yellow girls, and iu Vermont we hava yellow butter and white girls. The Judge removed to Salisbury in the spring of J 837, where he died the same year, aged about 70 vears. HON. SAMUEL C. CRAFTS Is a son of Col. Ebenezer Crafts, who began the first settlement of Craltsbuiy in 1788, though he did not remove his lamily there till Febiuary, 1791, but was there himself and experienced many of the hardships incident to a life in the wilderness, having to draw the female part of his lamily, with otherswhocame with him,froni Cabot, ly miles, on hand sleds with snow shoes, and snow four leet deep. The town was organ- ized in March, 1792, and Samuel C. Crafts was the first Town Clerk, which olHcehe held, by an- nual elections till March, 1829, in wliich Joseph Scott (then Jan., was elected and has held it till Feb., 1851.) Samuel C. Cralts was born at Woodstock, in the county of Windham, S'ate of Connecticut, on the Gth day vL October, A, D. 17G8. He graduated at Harx^ard University, Massachusetts, in Julj^, 1790; and in the winter REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. ADOisoy CO. 1797 1 David Whitney 2 riiilip Stone 3 II iVrLaughlin 4 Joel Linslcy 5 Abel Thonipsot) 8 Hancock 9 Bcnj. Whitman 10 Lincoln 11 Samuel Millei* 12 Jos. Willoughb} 13 Ezra Hoyt 14 Jabez Warron 1.5 Edni'iid Grand\ 17 E. Claghorn 18 Josiah Pond 19 jS/cirkgboro '20 Amos Marsh "22 S. Jewett 23 Joel Fo.-;ter REXNIXGTON CO. 1 Jonathan Baker 2 Jona. Kobinson 3 John Shumway 5 Lcindgrove 6 Georire Sexton 8 Josiah Wright 9 10 Grove Moore 11 Richard lliird 13 Peter Wright 14 Rethuel Finney 1,5 Samuel Bartlett 16 Russel Day 17 Woodford CALEDONIA CO. 1 Walter Brock 3 Samuel Warner 4 Benj Sias 7 Paul Spooner 9 Daniel Cahoon 11 J.AV. Chandler 12 John Cameron 14 Joel Roberts 16 1 7 John Grow 18 Abra'am Morrill 1793, Marsliall Smith Timothy Allen William Slade Jolm Smith Dani-^l Cliipman Josiah Wilioughbj Pliny Smith Silas Pond Stephen Hard Thomas Rich John Ferguson Simon Dickinson Aaron C, Collins Gideon Ormsby David Sheldon Lemuel Bradley John Brooks Horace Beardsley Jesse Leavenwortl Reuben Blanchard Joseph Lord Nicholas Gilman 1799. Levi ILinks Robert Ht)lley Joel Linsley i'hcolMiddiebrook llcnry Olin Samuel Barnnm William Eno Salathicl Bump Josiah Pond Awos Manh Samuel Jewett Tynis Hurd Gideon Olin Ruisel Day Benjamin Sias Wm. Neilson Jr. Joel Roberts Nathaniel Perkins Asa Grow John Beane 1800. William Slade Amos Thf)mpson E.-aias BiUts Daniel Smith Charles Rich .John Ferguson Amos Marsh - Nathan Can field Jona. Robinson Jona. Armstrong David Carpenter Jacob Odel Josiah Wright Elijah Bailey Reuben Thomas Jonas Galusha Gilbert Bradley AsaBeebe Jr Elkanah Danforth David Dunbar Levi Goodrich David Elkins Abraham Morrill I 15^01 (iidion ScL'ur J'hluchas Kiichel •Toel Linslcy T. Middlebrooks Jedediali J')urfcr Gamaliel Painter Samuel Barnnm Elisha Fuller Awns Mtirsh Sihis Wright Aaron Beach Jonathan Baker Steph'n Martindalc' Daniel Tuthil Gideon Ormsby •Tobn "Watkins Jacob Galusha Simeon Stevens Vsa Beebe Taincs JFLeran Joseph Fisher Tonathnn Elkins fohn Cameron Joseph Lord Nath'l Farrington fcdlowing came with his parents to Vermont. He was soon after chosen a delegate to a Con- vention vhi'ch Jormed theCon.-^liiution ai Wind- sor, July 4, \T.)?y, and was the yoiingest member of that convention, and is Relieved to be the on- ly one of that convention now living. He was also a member of the House of Representatives in nOfi, 1800.-1, 3, and 5. and Clerk of the As- sembly in 1798, and 9. He was a member of the Council in IS09. 1810, l8ll. 1812, and would have been in 1813, had not the canvassing com- mittee of that year viewed it be their duty to re- ject the votes returned from the town of Col- chester. He was appointed irstAssistant Judge of Or- leans County Court, on its first organization in 1800, and continued in that office till 1810, at which time he was appointed Chief Judge, and held that office till December Ist. 1810. in which year he was elected a member of Congres.s to commerce March 4, I8l7, and was three times subsequently elected and continued to March 3d, 1825; when he was again elected Councillor, which office he held for the two suc- ceeding years. In October, 1825 he was ap- pointed first Judge of the County Court which he held till December, 1828. In' 1828 and 1S29, he was chosen Governor of the State by the peo- ple, and in 1830 was Governor, but chosen by the Legislature. In the winter of 18i2 he rP- 24 REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. ADUISON CO. 1802 1 Gideon Segar 2 Phine'as Kitchel 3 Robert HoUey 4 Joel Linsley 5 T. Middlebrook 6 7 8 Esaias Butts 9 Henry Olin 10 Ebenczf'-L'urtey HP ..iiel Chipraan ''2 Daniel Smith 13 E. Fuller U P. Smith "i.) ..I'ls Pond 16 17 SalathielBump 18 Charles Rich 19 John Ferguson 20 E'h Wood bridge 21 22 Silas Wright 23 Eb'nr Wheelock BENNINGTON CO. 1 Jonathan Baker 2 Moses Robinson 3 Ste'n Martindale 5 David Carpenfer 6 Gideon Ormsby 7 8 Josiah Wright 9 John Whitney 10 David Sheldon 11 Reuben Tho .as 13 Jacob GaluMia 14 Bethuel r-.iney 15 Edmond Graves 16 Asa Beebe 17 Elka'h Danforth CALEDONIA CO. 1 Alex. Harvey 2 Burke 3 Joseph Fisher 4 David Dunbar 5 Deweyshurgh 6 Groton 7 Levi Goodrich 9 William Gaboon 11 Reub Blanchard 1 2 John Cameron 13 Sheffield 14 Nathaniel Edson 1.5 Sutton 16 N. Farrington 17 Jos. Armington 18 Abram Morrill 1803. David Fool 1804. Asa Hemenway Gamaliel Painter Daniel Chipman iiv,.. ;:. >-5axton John S. Larabee Amos Marsh David Brown Nathan Robinson John Shumway Daniel Tuthil Robert Anderson Reuben Bigelow Solomon Wright Elijah Bailey Richard Hurd Jacob Hale Saml. Chamberlain Jona. M'Cumher Isaiah Fisk Saml. Shepherd Salathiel Bump Charles Rich Samuel Strong Martin NortOH Asa Utley Nath'l Collins Josiah Rising James Millard Gilbert Biadley John Bacbop John W. Dana Jr Joseph Moifet Jesse Heath Samuel French Jonathan Elkins Nath'l Perkins 1805. Benjamin Sanford John Frasier Esaias Butts Abij.ah Perry Howland Delong Gamaliel Painter Silas Pond Reuben Saxton Samuel Hill Samuel Jewett Aaron Beach William Henry Samuel Collins Daniel Tuthil Benj. Gardner S. Wilmarth Jr Edmond Graves Asa Beebe David Goodwillie Thomas Bartlett Joseph Fisher Christop'r Sargeant Stephen Grossman William Gaboon Wm. Chamberlain Pres West Caleb Fisk John Beane 1806. William Myrick Ezekiel Dunton The'lMiddlebrooks Henry Olin Ebenezer Durfey Daniel Chipman Salathiel Bump John Ferguson Thomas Byrd David Brown Tyrus Hurd Wm. Henry Jr And'w Richardson Shubael Wilmarth (( Jacob Halo Wm. Strowbridge Pearly Scott Joseph Moffet Ford Placestead Abraham Smith Jona. Elkins Jr. James Neilson Jr Stephen Drown Nath'l Edson Silas Davison Abraham Morrill ceivedfrora the Governor the appointment of Senator in Congress, in room ot the Hon. Sam- uel Prentiss, who had resigned on being ap- pointed a District Judge in the room of Judge Paine deceased: In the fall of that year he was fleeted bv the Legislature to fill the vacancy in the Senate till March ?>i, \ 813. He was Pres- ident of the Constitutional Convention ofl859. In all the duties he has performed, "doing right " has been his principal object, and none has been able to say that he ever swerved from that. He still lives in Craltsbury, enjoying re- markable health and strength for one ol his age. REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. AunisoN CO. 1807 1SUS. 1 Gideon Segar Duvid Whitney 2 Wm. JMyrick " 3 Amns Eastman Ezckicl Dunton 4 David Foot Joel Linsley n Obadiah Walker; 7 Joel Rice |Josepli Tatnck 8 Esaias Butts '3 Henry Ulin 10 E. Diirfcy 1 1 Daniel Chipman' 12 Frederick Smith Daniel ymitli i:{ Elisha Fuller Ezra lioyt 14 Pliny Smith | . '' 15 Sainl She]) herd I " 17 Salathicl Bump Hciibcu Saxton 15 Charles Kich I " 19 Samuel Hill [John Ferguson 20 John H. Shcrrill, David Edmond 22 Samuel Jewett 23 Stukcly Stone BENNINGTON CO. 1 Jonathan Baker'Sylvester Deming 2 Wm Henry Jr " 3 John Siuirnway Samuc] Collins .'3 Daniel Tuthil | " G Christ'f Roberts Joel Pratt 2d 7 Peter Dudley 8 Benj. Gardner t) Elijah Bailey 1 Josiah llisintc 11 Ixichard Hurd Sherman Prindle 13 Jacob Galusha 14 S. Wilmarth 1-') Edmond Grave? 16 Asa Bcehe Jr 17 E.Danforth C.\I.EDONIA CO- 1 Enos Stevens John Duncan 2 Thomas Bartlett Boman Fylcr 3 J. W. Dana Jr Damon 4 W. A, Griswold 6 Jesse Heath 7 Mark Norris 8 Klrhj/ Abraham Smitli 10 Nticark ! 1 John JNIattocks 12 John Cameron 13 Jos.H. Ingalls 14 Pres AVest 1.') Caleb Fisk 10 David Gilman 17 Jos. Armington Samuel Fellows jr William Cahoon Wra. Chambcrlin Reuben IMiles Ariel Aldrich Jethro Sanborn Nath'l Fanington Sylv's Hemenway \brahara Morrill 1809. Amos Eastman Zcnas Bobbins David Corbin Gamaliel Painter Jonatban Hoy t jr. Elijah Kirkum Jr Asaph Sheldon William Park Joseph Fisher Zcnas Grossman Jeremiah Hidden Amos Farley Theophilas Grout Jonatban El kins Stephen Drown Thomas Colby Edward Fificld 1810. Xoble Munson litis Fenti I'^bcnczer Duifey Jos. Willoughby Jr Joab Smith Elisha Ferguson Amos W. Bainum Asa])h Hayward Siukely Stone William Henry Peabody Utley Josiah Bising George Peck Otis Phillips (I D. Lyman (( Daniel Newell Joha W. Dana Jr. 1. " Sot to (< Leon'd Harrington t( Joseph n. Ingalls Caleb Fisk Joseph Perkins 1811. Bobcrt Holley Darius Mathews T. Middlcbrooks Esaias Butts Joseph Dclong Samuel Mattocks Daniel Smith Mathcw I'helps Jr Salathicl Bump Samuel Hill E. D. Woodbridge John Brittol Daniel Tuthil Samuel Wright David Sheldon Charles Dyer Moses Kobinson jr Abncr Coe .loseph Fisher AVm. A. Palmer Danville &Peach'm Jesse Heath Alpha Warner William Cahoon Eleazer Packer Jesse Merrill Hugh Laughlin Calvin Jewett Nath'l Farringtcn Abnor Morrill *The town of Wey bridge, politically, has been about even. This year, Samuel .Tewctt was re- turned a member by'one majority. He took his seat in the House, which was politically against bim. and it was eontesicd, and tlTe Committee on P^lections reported that he was not duly elected. The House accepted the report by a vote of 98 to 77. and the scat left vacant. The old gentle- man remarked, ' I am on the gni'n, I had but one majority to come here, and I have got twcnly- onc majority to ao home' " ^ 4 26 REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. ADDISON CO. 1812.1 1S13. 1 David Whitney " 2 Phine'i Kitoheil Benjamin Sion 2 Elijah Dewey 3 Beui.Deming .') Peabody Utley 6 C. Chaniberlin 7 Peter Dudley 8 Samuel Wright y Elijah Bailey The'l Middlebrooks John Hartshorn Joseph Delong Daniel Chipman Elisha Bascom David Ec'anond Samuel Jewett Sylvester Demin^ a Daniel Tuthil Joel Pratt 10 A. Harmon jr I \ Georgd Peck 13 Charles Dyer 14 Otis Philips 1.5 Edmond Graves 1 6 Asa Beebe 1 7 M. Robinson CALEDONIA CO. 1 Adam Duncan 2 Isaac Dcnison 3 Joseph Pisher 4 Wm. A. Palmer e Jesse Heath 7 Alpha Warner 8 Theo. Grout 9 William Cahooii 10 Eleazer Packer I I Jesse Merrill ] 2 Hugh Langhlin 1 3 Stephen Drown 14 Calvin Jewett l.'j Thomas Colby 16 T. Farrington 17 S. Hemenway 18 Abra'm Morrill -Joshua Dupy Joseph Tuttlc Asa Beehe jr' Moses Robinson Abner Coe John Damon Wra. A. Griswold Peter M'Lacklin Amos Tattle Isaiah Fisk JatPes Ball Jonathan Elkins James Henderson Reuben Miles Ezra Child Wm. Montgomery Sylv's Hemingway Samuel Fellows jr 1814. John B. CatliQ Henry Soper E. Durfey DameL Chipman Jas. Q. M 'Parian d Henry Chamberlin Joseph Smith Nathan Canfield Noadiah Swift David Willcy Elijah Littleiield Peter Dudley Thos- Brownal 2d u Josiali Rising Thomas Tuttle Gardner Barton Ethan Bradley Russell Day Oliver Perry Alex. Gilchrist Sylvester Hall Joseph Fisher 1815 Luther Xewcomb Phiuehas Blood Esaias Butts Joseph Delong Peter Siarr Levi Warner Abner G. Holcoml Jonathan Gibson Charles Rich Ezekiel Pease Stephen Robinson John Underhill Richard Skinner Solomon Wright Elijah Bailey Amos Haimon jr. Joseph Tutile Timothy Cook Edmond Graves Asa Beebe Jona. Danforth Roman Fyler David Haynes Wm. A, Griswold Leon'rd Harrington Eleazer Packer Nicholas C.Buswell John Neilson Joseph H. Ingalls Elijah Sargcant John Mattocks James Henderson Benj. Campbell James Bell - Abner Jlorrill 1816. Gideon Segar Samuel Buck Noble Munsou Benjamin Field Isaac Moi-so Jeremiah Hatch Samuel Swift Samuel Shepherd' Joseph, Smith 2d E. Ferguson E. D. Woodbridgc Aaron Robinson E. Littlefield P. Dudley Henry Davison Silns Harwond Isaac Sherman Elihii Cross Otis Phillips Luther Park Wm. A. Gris-wuld ti Thcophilns Grout u Hugh Laughlin Ariel Aldrich Caleb Fisk Thos.Farrington Saml Fellows jr MATHEW LYON, Who first represented Arlington in 1779, &e., and afterwards Fairhaven many times, endeavored 10 obtain the passage of an act giving him the exclusive right of Slitting Iron in Vermont. He had counted a member from a town very near Bennington, a political friend, as one of the sup- porters of his bill, but after hearing argument on both sides, the project looked like asking too much, and when his name was called to vote on the question, he asked to be excused, reasons were REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. Zi ADDISON CO. 1817 1 Ilobcrt Chambers 2 Samuel Buck 'A Henry Soper 4 Darius Matliews .5 Ecnjamiti Field li 7 8 Esaias Butts 9 Henry Olin 10 -Jcrcmiali Hatch ] 1 Samuel Swift vSteijlicn Haigiitjr. 13 K/.ra Hoyt 14 .loah Smith 15 Siiai Pond 17 ]\ciil>en Saxton 18 Elislia Bascom 19 Eiislia Ferguson Mo David Edmond 22 Samuel Jcwett 2.3.El)"nr Wheclock liKXNINGTON CO. 1 Daiii-1 Cliurch 2 .\aron Robinson 3 John Underliill 6 Joel Fratt 8 Solomon Vv^riglit '.) IJioliM Carpenter 10 Silas Hanvooil ] 1 (xcorge Peek 13 Eliliu Cross 14 Otis Fhillips ]f> Edmond Graves 16 17 Luther Fark CALEDONIA CO. 1 Uenry Oakes 2 Isaac Dcnison 3 David Hayues 4 Wm- A. Grisirofd r. James Kcnfrcw T Joel Whipple 8 9 Isaiah Fisk 10 Eleazer ]\acker 11 Nchemi' Bradlec 12 Hugh Lauglilin 13 Jos'ti II. Ingallt 14 Ariel Aldrich 1 .5 James Way Wm. RIontgomeiT 1 7 JosMi Armington 18 S. Fellows jr. 1818. Aaron Merrill Jolin B. Catlin l..iiiher Newcomb Aaron Delong Tliomas King Ebenczer Durfey Daniel Ciiipman Silas Doud Jam's QM'Failmul Samuel Sliepherd Salathicl Bump E"h D. Wood bridge Samuel Chllds Jonathan llobinsor Fiehard Skinner Feter Dudley John Walker Nathan BurttJU Isaac Sherman Jonathan Draper Levi Gilmore Timothy Brownsou Kusscl Day Jonathan Danfortl Foman Fvler John W. Dana William A. Palmci It Joshua Cutler Theophilas Grout James Ball Jesse Merrill Alexan. Henderson lames Bell Xathan Pike Abncr Morrill 1819. Henry So]ier Thomas IMarsh Icabod Eiistman Jonathan Hagar Apollos Austin .'iilas Ta])pan foseph Smith , 2d Kber Blod<:eit William Wliite Samuel Jeuctt Sylvester Dcming Elijah Littlefield Benjamin Gardne i William Landon HetTben Brotiks William Fark Wm. Gilkerson Abntr Coc Wm, A. Giisuold Feter M' Eacklin Levi Goodrich Isaac Fletchei Philemon Hartwell Stephen Drown Prcs West Caleb Fi?k 1820. iiobert Chambers Benjamin Miner jr Tho'e F. MathoAvs Robert B. Hazard Benjamin Finney Esaias Butts William Gilc Othniel Jcwett ■)ohn Jackson Elisha Bascom David Kellogg Asaph Drake Cyrus Canficld Moses Kobinson Gideon Davis Calvin Sheldon Stoddnrd Merehani Jeremiah Amidon Seth Moore Abraham Hurd Nornifiu Ilinsdcll John M'Ehvain 1S21. Noble Munson Benjamin Sanford Joel ]?ico Omri Dodge Daniel Chipman Kzra Ilovt lolin S. Larrabcc Elisha Fergasdn David Edmond lames O.JWalkcr Joseph Burr Solomon Wright Jonath'n Houghton John II. Sanderson Joseph C Ilollister David Weeks , Isacc Dcnison Josenh Morrill Xchcmiah Bradlec John Cameron Benjamin Conner Abner Mile? Jacob C.IMorrill Jacob Benton Israel Fortcr Enoch Iloyt David Vance Solomon Aiken Ebcnezer Damon Isaiah Fisk John Neilson .Joseph H. Ingalls Ephraim Paddock ralkd for, he said, "Mr. Speaker, I cannot in conscience vote upon this question, my conscience •svill not let me vote upon it, and I must be excused." Thereupon arose a Scotch member from Caledonia County, and hegan^ Mr. Spaker,! think the jointlcman must have a ucrry coorious kind of a konshunts that 'wont let him sav ccs nor noo. 28 REPRESENTATIVES, AD, BEN, CAL, CONTINUED. JM>DISON CO. 1822. 1 iJob't (Jhamber* 2 Benj. Miner jr 3 Henry Soper 4 AsahelBingliam 5 Josiah Taft (i 7 Joel Rice 8 Charles Church 9 Henry Olin 10 Nathan Page 11 Jonathan Hagai 12 S. Haight jr 13 Elias Botlum 14 John Jackson 15 Silas Tappan 17 Salathiel Bump 18 Elisha Bascom 19 Elisha Ferguson 20 Edward Sutton 21 Waltham 22 Asaph Drake 23 J as. O.Walker BENNINGTON CO. 1 2 0. C. Merrill 3 John Underhill . 5 6 J, S. Pettibone 7 8 L- Staunton Richard Carpenter 10 Seth Moore 1 1 J. 11. Sanderson 13 Asa Mattison 14 John W. Elwain 1 5 William Landon 1 G Reuben Brooks 17 J-C. Hollister CALEDONIA CO 1 Wni. GilkersoD 2 G. W. Denison 3 Jer. Babcock 4 Joseph Morrill 5 6 David Vance 7 Solomon Aiken 8 Timothy Locke 9 Isaac Fletcher 10 Phile'n Hartwell 1 1 N. Bradlee 12 John Cameron 13 Stephen Drown 14 Calvin Jewett 15 Ira Goodrich 16 James Bell 17 S. Hemingway 1-8 Abner Morrill , 1823. Phinchas Kitchel Luther Newcomb Benj. Sanlord Robert Johnson Robert B Bates John Smith Othniel Jewett Harvey Deming John S. Larrabee Samuel Childs Abel Aylsworth Moses Robinson Reub. H. Blackraer Josiah Burton Solomon Wright Jedediali Amidon Myron Clark 1824. David Whitney Stodard Martin If Zerah Barnes Joel Doolittlc Stephen Haight Ezra Hoyt Jonathan Spencer Myron. Bushncll E. D. Wood bridge C. Denison jr Milo Stow Tosiah Simouds A. Aylsworth jr 1825. Henry Brevoort Benj. Miner jr I3anielE. Parmelce Borace Janes Levi GilJmore Asa Thatcher jr David Weeks jr George W Drew Peter M'Lacklin Timothy P. Fuller Ebenezer Damon Isaiah Fisk John Mattocks Robert Whitelaw u Ephraim Paddock Jonah Carpenter Israel Porter loseph Burr Lodowick Staunton Jona. Houghton Elisba Hopkins Nathan H.Bottum James Millerd Gideon Brownsou Reuben Brooks Perry Jewett Walter Harvey Sylvester Hall Augustine Clarke David Vance Joseph Patrick jr Omii Dodge Peailey Enos John Bush R. B. ]5atea ■John Smith William Nash Silas Tappan Elisha Bascom Amos W. Barnum Esquire Brown Asahel Hard? Noadiah Swift Johnson iMarsh_ John S. Pettibone 1826. I Calvin Solace Henry Soper Daniel Marsh * Benj. Pinney Charles Church Robert Johnson Johnson Finney Ira Smith 2d Enoch Kent Aaron Barrows S. IP -Jen i son Elijah Ferguson Wight. Chapman James 0. Walker Samuel S. Baker C. H. Hammond Reub. H. Blackmer David Willcy Major Hawley /. Fletclier 4 days Joseph H. Ingalls II Andrew Brown S. Hemingway Abner Morrill Stod't iAJerchant Abel W. Poncr lames Carpenter Henry Holbrouk Abram C. Sheldon Samuel Thomas G. Barton jr James A Graves Benj. Thatcher N. H. Bo t turn Oti.s. Phillips Joseph Bradley Hymen Tuttle n Txr "t^ • Henry Stevens Geo. W. Denison Iia Walter Wm. A. Palmer Peter M'Lacklin William Cahoon Miles Coe Jonathan Elkins Stephen Dro\TO Silas Davison David Vance Samuel Warner Josiah Shedd John Cameron Joseph H. Ingalls Josiah Lane REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL.. CONTINUr^D. ■![) ADDISON CO. 1827 1 Aaron MeniJl 2 Calvin Solace 3 John Ilowtleu 4 Horace Janes 5 Daniel Marsh 6 7 Benj Finney 8 Charles Church 9 Pearley Enos le 0. W. Burnham 1 1 liobert B. Bates 1 2 John Smith 13 Ddvid V. Nash ■14 Ira Smith 2d 15 Enoch Kent 17 Aaron Barrows 18 S. 11. Jenison 19E.F. sick at home 20 Noah Hawlcy 21 B Tomlinsoa 22 W. Ciiapman Moulton Needham Bennington co. 1 Samiiel Baker 2 Ililand Hall 3 John Cochran 5 C J. S. Pettibone 7 8 S. Merchant 9 Caleb Bailey 10 James Weed 1 1 Joseph Tuttle 13 N. H.BottLim UD.N. Stroud lo Joseph Bradley 16 1828. Zcnur> Myrick David Hazzard Joel Rice William Gilo Hezekiah Hatch Robert B. Bates Johnson Finney T. D. Hammond William H. Smith Myron Bushnell u Solomon Hobbs Joseph Hayward Anson Canfield Noadiah Swift S. Alartindale David Willey Rei^ben Bigielow John Wright Seth Moore u Hiram Barton u William Landon Nath'l Mellen jr 1829. Harvey Mur.sill Chauncev Co('k Hcman B:iriinni Abiathar Knpp Bcrij. Finney Nathan Clafiin Samuel Swift Daniel Collins Elias Bottum Jonathan Gibson Asel Wentworth Fhilip C.Tucker George Fields ■Tobn Norton John Cochran Simeon LelanJ Henry Ilolbrook David Sheldon jr Asa Matteson Joel Houghton 17 Hymen Tuttle I Joseph C. HoHister William Park jr Caledonia co. i 1 Henry Stevens Hugh Somers 2d 2 Ira Walter Ebenezer Darling Jeremiah Babcock " 4 Win. A. /ynsit'oWiAugustine Clark 6 Septimus Lathrop David Vance Walter Harvey Joel Trull Anthony Ferry William A. Falmer 7 Levi Goodrich 8 P^benezer Damon 9 Job Randall . 10 Eleazer Packer 1 1 Josiah Shedd 12 William Gray 13 Jos. H. Ingalls H Ariel Aldrich l^ John Beck with 16 James Bell 17 S. Hemingway 1 8 Josiah Lane Elnathan Strong Orin Carpenter Philomen Hartwell iTimothy P. Fuller Thomas True Nath'l Farrington lAbner Morrill ;Jacob Blanchard jJames Neilson jr ;James Townsend N. Farrington jr 1830 Vlar^hall S. Doty .\l)i,er Wilcox Kufus 11. Barnard David Hazzard Natlian Capen Isaac Parker John Bullock Isaac Houstin /iobcit B. Batex John Smith Daniel Twitchell Samuel Young Jesse Grandey Elnathan Darling It Myron Bushnell Benjamin Wales John Branch Martin C. Deming Saml. H. Blackraer Azcl Morse (iideor Davis jr Leonard Sargeant lames Carpenter Jesse Blackmer \oah Landon Nathaniel Mellen •Joseph C. llollistei William Gllkei'son Augustine Clark Peter M'Lacklin Orra Crosby ct Obcd Johnson Stephen Drown Jacob C Merrill Robert Taggard Harvey 3iluiisil! >Villi:.u) Halliilloil leman Barnum John Hackctt Stephen Ilaight Ebenezer N. Brigga J. S. Hunsden. Belden Seymour Richard Burrounhs Jedediah Dewey David Willev Samuel Wright Elijah Bailey Silas Harwood rhomas Bratlon N. B. Landon Joseph Knapp FJam White Nathan Wheeler George W. Drew David Vance Hazen Merrill David Goss jr Israel Porter !0 REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL, CONTINUED. Abraham Gaiae Asahel Binpliam Zuriel Walker APP'PON CO \8"'2 1833. 1 lIursoN CO. 1837 I Lyman Clark 'J Luther Corey 3 H. NeccUuiiu 4 Jesse Ellsworlh 5 L. Carpenter G Francis Brown 7 David I'aton 8 C. G. Kobliins y Otis Capron 10 AVm. W. Pope I I E. Brewster • 12 L B. Smith l;5 Osmond Doud 14 ,J. 11. Cliittendci 1.') yiias i'or.d 17 Aaron Barrows 18 Davis Kich 19 Ira Bushnell 20 Belden Seymoui 21 Joseph Kvarts 22 Lauren Drake 23 S, T. AValker 15ENN1NGT0N CO. 1 Julius Beebe 2 George Briggs 3 Robert Bloomer 4 Asa G. HeAves 5 David Willey ti Aaron Baker 7 Israel Batcheldci 8 Elijah Barber 9 Jacob Hicks 10 Sterl'g Sherman 1 1 Saml. Cogswell 12 1 3 Jared Ila yward 14. lames Houghton 15 E. M'Laughlin 1 6 E. Kidder jr 17 H. Harwood CALICDONIA CO. 1 Walter Harvey 2 Joel Trull 3 .Jeremiah Atkins 4 Andr. M'Millen G .lohn Darlinir 7 Levi Gooodrich 8 James Church y Eli;is Bemis jr lOrhirnllartwcU 1 1 jNIoses JIartin 12 Thomas Nelson 13 Harris Smith 14 E. Fairbanks 15 W. Hutchinson 1(5 N. Farrington jr 17 Lyman Jjiick 1 8 Jonathan Nelson 1838. Joseph HaywarJ I'hilo S. Warner William IlazzarJ James S. Messcr Ralph Gowdy Lyman Smith MarkR. Weeks For'ce Huntington ticorge Fisher ■^ol. W. Jcwctt llarman Strung S, II. Blackmer Abiel Blanchard Ahiman L. Miner David Gardner Waters Gilict foseph Eanies Elisha Lake Edmond A. Graves losepli Knapp Asahel Burrington Saml. B. Mattocks Seth Burroughs licnjamin Walker Alpheas Stoddard Robert W^hitelaw Hiram Perkins .James Works William Sanborn 1839. Hiram Sinith II. Needham Elnatlian Knapp Charles Lamb Zer'ih Barnes .John Bush Eras's D. Warner Ira Young Silas Tappan Elisha liascom Aimpn Atwood Elijah Benion Abel Walker Samuel Canfield Elijah Fillmore Chauncev Green Benj. Barnard Elijah Barber t. Joseph Hastings Theo. Sanderson F. M'Laughlin Beriah Wheeler William Alverson Robert Lance jr Isaac N. Hall Silas Underwood Nathahicl Willis Simeon Harvey lame? Hall 2d lohn P. Ingalls Jacob Blake Merrill Foitcr Samuel Bigclcw 1840, Ilyder Barnes Pbilo S. Warner Klufiezcr Mathew; Benjamin Ferris ]\Ioscs Wright William W. Pope Samuel Swift Russel Eastman Benj. L. Ivnight William T. Parker Milo Stow Isaac Weeks Ileman Morse Calvin P. Mead Aaron Baker John Davison Sebastian Vv'agar Joel Houghton Roswcll Tuttle Asiiley Stone Simeon Martin Ransom O. Dwyer Edip.ond A Graves William Park .Jamc8 Gilchrist Geo. II. Denison Robert Lance Daniel W. Aiken Jos. W. Carpenter Stephen McGafll'y John Sleeper Saml A. Chandler .James Townshend Ijauibcrt HastinafS Tbaddeus Curtis Hiram I'erkins Richard F RowcU 1841. Abel P. SkiflF Winter II. Il.llcy Justus N. Dart Joseph P. Ball Charles G. Robbing Isaac F. Caldwell Alfred P. lioscoe Horace Wilcox Silas Pond Franklin Bump -John Pierpoint Charles Bacon Elijah G. Drake •Justus F. Brown llarman Canfield Asa Doty \V, L. Martindalc Leonard Sargeant B. E. Brownell Scth Sheldon Ira Stroud Franr is Kidder William Alverson Lucius Denison Alpha AVebster Ebenezer Eastman Jonathan Welch Samuel Davis jr .John P. Ingalla 'E. M. MagooD ''>■') REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. add: SON CO. 1842 lS43. 1 Juiias N. Sniitli 2 Abel P. Skiff S Koyal W. I'enkt 4 Daniel Sanford 5 Natliiin L. Keest 6 Rufus Towle 7 Joseph P. Ball , 8 C. G. Robbins 9 John G. Periy 10 1. F. Caldwell 1 1 Joseph Warner 12 Nathan Smith 13 A. P. Roscoe 14 Ros'U Bottum jr 1.5 Sila? Pond 16 IVpton 17 Franklin Bump 18 Kent Wrisiht 19 Thcron Kidder E. D. Woodbridge 21 Charles Bacon 22 Philo Jew-ett 23 J F Brown BENNINGTON CO. 1 Ilarman Cantield 2 P. liarwooQ jr 3 W. S. Martindalf 4 J. 11. Mattison 5 David Willey 6 J. S. Pettibone 7 Freeman Lyon 8 Noel Barber 9 10 Seth Sheldon 11 Roswell Tuttle 12 Joseph Fames 13 N. Wbcelock 14 Jas. Iloufrhton 1.5 Michael Judson 16 Beriah Wheeler 17 William Park CALEDONIA CO. 1 William Lackie 2 Lucius Deiiison 3 Alpha Webster 4 Asa Morrill 6 Jonathan Welch Hu-h Dunn 7 John L. Pope i Amasa Goodrich 8 Nathaniel Willis i^_ ^y. Burroughs 9 Benaiah Sanbdni; a 10 Alph's Stoddard James Dexter 11 E. Chamberlain ra Robert Whitelaw 13 Jol-.n P. Inc^alls 14 n. Paddock .Joel Rice Titus B. Gnige Calvin G. Tiiden Alonzo G. Allen Zerah Barnes Wm. W. Pope Oliver Smith Absolum Fuller George Spencer Saml Il.IIcndrick Sumner Biiggs Ansel S. Hawkins (ieo. W. Grandey Nathan Griswold Samuel T. Walkei Samuel Buck Calvin Gilson John Elvvell Gideon Davis Wm. R. Blancharc Fason P. Lovd John ILirwood Solomon Rich David G. Cole Tencks Phillips F. M'Laughlin Walter Williams Ebenezcr Darling Caleb Fisher l.o Stephen Eaton 16 N. Perkins jr 1 7 Royal lioss IS lliel Bradley [John Bacon David Giffin Nathaniel Perkins ! . iSew.all Bradlev 1F44. Gideon Segar Voah P. Porter Iveuhen Allen losejih L.'rab Leonard D Jenny losiah (). Johnson Frederick Smith Bela IIowo Tolm P vStrong •Milo .Stow Linus Ncedham KlijabD Ilubbell Ishmael R Elwell Aaron Baker George Batchelder Homer Merchant Daniel Carpenter Augustus C Beebe John N Squires Xelson Johnson Thomas Bratten Michael .Tudson William Wood Walter Harvey Salem Goodnough Theron Howard Moses Buchanan William Blair Benjamin Nutter \saph Wilniarth lOleazer Davis Simon Blanchard AVm Farrington 1P45. Joseph Frost William C Warne \bram Foot D Middlebrooks Wm W Pope Samuel Swift John A Beers Seth Lansdon jr Chaun'y H Conkey Stephen Holland ' Samuel S Crook Isaiah L Strong Villie Lawrence Alvin B Needham Anson Buck Norman Blackmer Wm W Martin Solomon Bcutley jr David Gardner Toy Bishop jr Simeon Rising Alfred Williams Anthony Stetson Lloyd Kimball Charles C Newell .Moses Wesson Jonathan Welch Thomas Nelson jr Joseph P Fairbanks Wm Hutchinson Nathaniel Perkins Dennis Mav Nathaniel Hart 1846. Jarlton P> Miles Fiancis Brovm Hiram Ford John Hackett John Bullock Harry Goodrich Saml H Ilendrick M W C Wri"ht Charles Bacon L D Gregory E M Ajlesworth Perez liarwoud jr John Elwell Ahiman L Miner Jesse Rider Barber Thompson 1) 1' Carpenter David Sheldoh Heman Tucker . Solomon liicli Dennis J George John Pratt FMXaushlin Walter Williams Lyman 15owles Allen Perry Moses Buchanan David W Aiken Charles H Graves Lucius Kimball Jabez Smith Scliuyler Merrill John'Cameron Caleb Miner .John Ladd jr Richard Steven.^ REPRESENTATIVES, AD., BEN., CAL., CONTINUED. 33 ADDISON CO. 1847. I64g. 1 Carlton E Jlilcs Jolm W. Strong 2 John B.IIunrlc}- 3 H. Needham 4 Calvin G. Tilclcn 5 Hartwell Towers 6 William Carlylcjrj.Tolin Capen 7 ' Alonzo G. Allen 8 Horace RobinsonCliarlcs G. P.obbins 9 John Bullock jWilliam F. Wright 10 Altnon C. Allen Andrew Mitchell 1 1 Ilarry Goodrich Gilbert ]). Eastman 13 Ellas Bottum 14 Albert L. Catlin 13 John D. Smith leSamlll.IIendrick 17 John Prout 15 Alonzo Birchard 19 David Ferguson Edward Seymour 21 Josiah Parker 22 Sardis Dodge 23 W. F. IM'AUister BKN'NINGTON CO. 1 Cyrus Hills 2 James P. Godfrey 3 James Cuitis 4 John El well 5 David Willey 6 Johnson KBurrctt 7 Ezra Dodge S JonaN Carpenter 9 John Kunyen Joseph P Ilarwood 11 12 SolomoQ Rich 13 Dennis J George 14 John Pratt 1.5 William Kelly 16 Fraijcis Kidder William Alverson Ira Allen Alfred P. Roscoe Charles L. Atwood iVllen Ketchum Curtis Ilawley Morton Brock William M'Donald AVilliam W Martin Aaron Baker CALEDONIA CO. 1 Obed S. Hatch 2 Daniel Bcckwith 3 Alleu Perry 4 6 7 David French 8 Arunah Leach 9 Lucius Kimball 10 Jabez Smith 12JohnM'C]ure 14 Moses Kittridgc 15 Jona'n PillsLury Sere'o M'ntgomery 17 Joseph Ide 18 Nathaniel Hart William M Stafford Charles Sayre CharlesE Houghton Daniel King Silas Eddy John Harvey Thomas Lyford jr. John A. Page James Renfrew jr. Charles H Graves Stepheh McGaffy Hiram AUard James Roberts John Ladd jr Jeffereon Cree 1849. Simon Z. Walker Datus R. Gaige Kollin J. Jones Iru Tupper AVm. Carl vie jr. Joseph P. Ball Robert Clafflin Ira B. Farr Almon C Allen Lewis L. Beers William Nash Nathan Gale Loyal Kent John Colby Kent Wright Pearley Hill Fred EWoodl)ridge Newton liose Philo Jewett John B. Lathrop Paul M. Henry Jarvis Andrus Asa G. Hewes James IMarlin Augustus C. Clark Ira K. Batchclder Reynolds Carpenter Benjamin S.Battles David S. Sheldon Burton Still Timothy G. Crosier Philomon Bates Ira Whitney Lewis Fox Bartholo. Gilkerson Erastus Humphrey Harvey T. Moore Dustin Grow Arunah Leach William Mattocks Robert Cockran Moses Cheney Jerry Dickcrman Nehemiah Shaw Barron Moulton 1850. George Wilmarth John Capen William F. Wright Wiliam W. Pope Joseph Warner Julius L. Eldredge John R. New Bel a Hov/o George W.Grandey Edwin Hayward Linus NceJham Samuel Benedict Henry G Root Daniel G Williams Jeremiah M'Daniel a \mos S. Bourn Edward Batcheldcr Green Brimmer Elias B. Flint Thomas S. Bebee First Tows Cl'k I J.N. Bennett, 1784 Calvin Eastman, 89 'Joel I-iinsley '84 jJonath'n Saxton, 86 Joseph Patrick, Zenus Robbins, 92 Ebenezcr Child, 86 Joshua Hyde, 66 Ivuthcr Everts, 85 David Leonard, 87 Elijah Grandey, 84 Daniel Chipman ElcazerClaghom88 i;iialdm Culver, 87 Warner Pierce, 96 Sam'lChipman jr89 Andrew Barton, 97 John Wilson, 85 RemcmbcrBaker OS Moses Robinson, G2 Asa Baldwin, 69 Luman Hcwes.1834 Daniel Tuthil, 1800 Stephen Mead, 1 766 John Brock, 1802 Freeborn Johnson fra Strond Ira McLaughlin Seth Taylor jr. \lonzo Fox Daniel Gould u Daniel Coffrin Daniel W. Aiken Merit Newhall Thomas Bartlett jr, Jabez Smith Lorenzo D. Hall Isaac Earstman Edward M.Magooa Joseph Eames, 33 Thomas Mattison, Gid'n Brownson,69 Asa Beebe jr., 1796 Walter Brock, 83 Lemuel Walter, 96 Abram. Morrill, 87 Nathaniel Knight87 Paul Spooner, 93 Jonathan Lewis, 07 James Bailey, 83 Jonathan Arnold,90 Natha'l Perkins. 94 Sclah Howe: 1793 REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. CniTTENDEH CO. 1 Bolton 2 Burlington 3 Charloite 4 Colchester 5 Essex 6 Hinesburgh 7 IIuntingtOQ 8 Jericho 9 Milton 11 Shelbnrne 15 TVillistOQ ESSEX CO. 8 Guildhall 10 Lnnenburgh 11 Maidstone FEANKLIN CO. 4 Fairfax 5 Fairfield 8 Georgia 9 Highgate 12 Sheldon 13 St, Albana 14 S wanton geand isle CO. 1 Alburgh 3 Isle La Mott 4 North Hero .5 South Hero LAMOILLE CO. 2 Cambridge 6 Johnson 1788 Samuel Lane John M'Neil Ira Allen TimothyBliss Lewis Chapin Aaron Mathews Charles Smith Amos Brownson Amasa Grout Josiah Safford James Everta 1789 Samuel Hitchcock Joel Woodworth Lemuel Bostwick Mathew Coles Amos Mansfield Wm C. Harrington Jonathan Spaflbrd Beooni Cutler David Gaskill Nathan Spafford Daniel Stannard 1790 Martin Chittenden Abel "Waters David Ilopkinson Samuel Gates John Kich 1791 Samuel Bell DanielHosford jr^ Elisha Barber Jehiel Johns Amos Brownsoa Samuel Phelps Jonathan Hoit Silas Hathaway William Coit Ebenezer Allen [John Fassett Amos Fassett Noah Smith lames Farnsworth Clark Burlingame Benjamin Holmes Samuel B. Sheldon Jonathan Hoit Nathaniel Wales Nathan Hutchins jr Ebenezer Allen FIB ST APPOINTED OFFICERS OF The first Governor of Vermont, living in 1851, " Lieut. Gov. " " Treasurer, " Secretary of State, " " Speaker of the Iloase, " " Clerk of the House, " " Engrossing Clerk, " K Preacher of Election Sermon " u Secretary to Gov. and Council " a Members of the Council, " " Judge of the Supreme Court " » " Orleans County Court " « " Essex '< " llutland, « " Franklin " " Chittenden " " Windham <« " Addison ■I " Washington " " Orange " " Grand Isle '* " Bennington " " Caledonia " " Windsor " Senator to Congress " Representative to Congress " Member of Council Censors SmithffiJd John White John Knickerbocker Daniel Stannard Colonel Pearl John Fassett Jonath'n M'Connel! VERMONT NOW LIVING. is Cornelius P. Van Ness, chosen in 1823. David M, Camp, " IS36 Allen Wardner " 1837 William Slade " 1815 George E. Wales " 1823 Samuel C- Crafts " 1793 Orsamas C. Merrill " 1808 Jeremiah Atwater " 1 S02 Samuel Swift " 1813 Samuel C. Crafts & Horatio Seymour " 1809 William A. Palmer « I8I6 Samuel C. Crafts " I800 Mills De Forest " ISO I Caleb Hendee jr " 1805 J. D. Farnsworth " ]807 Heman Allen ofCpl. " 1808 Jairus Hall " JSIO Samuel Shepherd " 1812 Joseph Howes " 1818 William Spencer " 1820 Samuel Adaios " 1823 Myron Clark " 1824 Wm. A. Palmer " 1826 Samuel .W. Porter " 1828 Wm. A. Palmer " 1818 Wm. C Bradley " 1813 Joshua Y. Vaif " 1820 REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. 35 CHITTENDEN 1792 1 2 Sam'l Hitchcock 3 John M' Keil 4 Ira Allen 5 Timothy Bliss 6 Lemuel Bostwick 7. Tames Hall 8 M ChittendcQ 9 Abel Waiers 10 Eichmojid 11 WC Harrington 13 UnderhiU 14 West ford 1 5 Amos Browhson ESSEX CO. 5 Concord 8 David Honkinson 10 Samuel Phelps FRANKLrN CO. 1 Baker afield 2 Berkshire 4 Thomas Russell 5 David Davis 6 Fletcher 7 Franklin 8 Daniel Staunard 9 11 Rich ford 12Eiisha Sheldon 13 Jonathan Hoit 14 Tho. Butterfield GRAND ISLE CO. 1 David Staunton Eb'sha Roynolds 3 Nathaniel Wales " ' 1793 Samuel Bell Jolm Law Joel Woodworth Thaddeus Munson Jehiel Johns (I Amos Mansfield Jeremiah Stone Jonathan Snafford Benoni Cutler Haines French Jonathan Danforth Edmoud Town Levi House Jonathn Butterfield Noel Potter 4 Enos Wood 5 Samuel Mix LAMOILLE CO. 2 Prince B. Hall 6 Nathan Hutchins jr Ebenezer Allen Jonathan Eisk Jonathan MConnol 1794 Jabez Jones William Coit David Hubbell Ira Allen Robert Spelman Lemuel Bostwick Amos Brownson Elijah Spafford David Hopkinson Samuel Gates Samuel Peckham John White p]Iisha Sheldon Silas Hathaway Benjamin IMarrin William Utley Nathan Hutchins James Gillmore 1795. Wm. C. Harrington Joshua Staunton jr. (I Jehiel Johns Slathew Cole Timothy Hurlburt William Barney John Seeloy Jonathan Lewis Am.asa Groat James Lucas Samuel Hubbard Benjamin Holmes Oran_fe Smith Asa Holgate CI l< William Hazcn Solom'n Walbridge 1796. Robert Kennedy Elnathan Keyes John M'Neil Joshua Staunton Timothy Bliss Nath'nLeavenworth Sylvester Piussell Noah Chittenden Jona'n Chambcrlin Jeremiah Stone Zernbbabel Eager Haines French Tonas Brighara Stephen Boyce Ross Coon Hubbard Barlow Samuel Peckham Rcul)en Everts ionathn Butterfield Benjamin Barnett John Pratt William Goodrich REV. AARON LELAND, Was settled over the Baptist society in Chester in 1788, and continued as their Pastor, till his death in 1833. He took an active part in politics as v:c\\ as religion, being of the Jefferson school, was frequently elected to the oflices of Selectman, Town Clerk, n NathaniJ Newell William Muusou Nathan Fay Timothy Hurlburt Ebcnezer Bowman Lemuel Bottum David Hjde Saml. Wetherbee James Elliott Jesse Hugh Elijah Littlefield Samuel Barlow Jolin Wheeler Salmon Warner Sardius Blodgett Peter Sax Nathan Green James Brown Jeduthan Stone Nathan Robinson HON. SAMUEL SAFFORD Was an early settler in Bennington, and among the early patriots who espoused thecause of Ver- mont in her controversy with New York, and the cause of the union in her revolutionary struggles •with Great Britain. He was a Major in Col. Seth Warner's regiment, and served through the war, except he found time to represent the town of Bennington in the Legisl-i.ture in 1781-2. In 1783 he was chosen a member of the Council and was annually chosen to that office for twenty-two years S8 REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. CITrTTENDKN 1807 1 Eliakim Howe 2 Geo. Robiiisoa 3 Ezra Mench 4 Simeon Hhie 5 Simon Tiiblis 6 \Vm. B.Mars h 7 John Fitch 8 Sahnon Fay 9 Moses Davis 10 Joel Brownson il T. Hurlhurt 13 William Barney 14 E. Bowman 15 T. Chittenden ESSEX CO. 1 3 Ithiel Cargill 4 Micajah Ingham 5 David Hibbard 7 8 Elijah Foot 9 10 Thomas Slade 11 Haines French Franklin co. 1 Silas Ilazeltine 2 Elam Jewett jr 3 Stephen Houhe 4 Erastus Saftbrd 5 J. D. Fainsworth 6 Jo!in Wheeler 7 S. Hubbard 8 S. Blodgett 9 Peter Sa.K 10 Henry Marble 1 1 11. Kennedy 1808 Nathaniel Newell Francis Child James A. Potter Marshall Smith Abel Cooper Joshua Isham Samuel Mower Jeremiah French Gaias Kibbe Oliver Ingham S. Wetherbee jr Joseph Herrick Daniel Dana Mills De Forrest Levi Barnard Jesse Hush Elijah Shaw Martin D. Follet Lemuel Scott 1809 Augustus Levake Hezekiah Barns Simeon Hine N. Leavenworth Arther Bostwick Nathan Fay Frederick Mack Lemuel Bottum Micajah Ingham Richardson Graves Elijah Foot Ebenezer Clark Moo(!y Eich Jonas Brigham Elijah Littlefield William Barber S. Peckliam jr Benjamin Holmes SimeonJIungerford 1810 John Levake Timothv Bliss Eleazer Hutchins Hem an Allen Joel Brownson Amos Partridge jr Isaac French Benjamin Going Joshua Clapp Amherst Willoby John Powell S. B. Sheldon died Ebenezer Marvin jr Ebenezer Marvin 13 Lewis Walker Asa Fuller Carter Hickok 14 James Brown George W. Foster I " GK.\ND ISLE CO. i 1 James W. Wood Alexander Scott 'Lewis Sowles 2 Grand Isle I I 3 John Borden | " " 4 Jona. Haynes iNathan Hutchins 'jedediah P. Ladd 5 Timothy Allen Asa Lyon JAlpheas Hall LAMOILLE CO. 2 S. Wal bridge 3 J. Stone " [Abel Smith 5 Hi/depark 6 A. Waterman SE.Boardman " Samuel Cook 10 N. Robinson Thomas B. Downer; " 12 Thomas Taylor « | 1811 John Pineo Nathaniel Newell Roger Enos James Butler Joshua Isham Luther Dixou Samuel Rice Lemuel Bottum John French John Walls Oliver Ingham Enos Cook Azariah Webb jr Solo. Bingham jr Martin D. Follet Joseph Robinson Joshua Clapp (( II Nathan Green Benjamin Fay Philyer Loop Asa Lyon Simeon Robinson j 1 Salmon Green Jeduthan Stone N. Robinson Jesse Hugh John Adams Benjamin Gale Joseph Bowdish Hezekiah Wead Elijah Dee Henry Marble William Rogers David Sanderson Jonathan Hoit Theo's Mansfield Alexander Scott William AVait N. Hutchins jr James Gilmore Thomas Taylor in succession, which, added to the two years he was Representative makes twenty-four years that he was a member in succession, which is serving longer in succession than any other person in the State. He was Chief Judge of the County Court from 1786 to 1807, when by his advanced age he declined any further promotion. REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES.,FRAN., G. ISLE., LAM. 89 CHITTENDEN, 1812 1 1 John Pinco 2 George Robinson 3 Nathaniel Newell 4 Ilemaii Allen 5 Daniel Clark 6 N. Leavenwort h 7 James Amblerjr. 8 Noah Chitten3en 9 Heraan Allen 10 James Butler 11 Joshua Isham 12 St. (fton/e 13 Luther Dixon 14 Samuel IJice 15 Lemuel Bottom ESSEX CO. I John French 3 John Walls 4 Daniel Goss 5 Robert Taggard 7 8 Calvin Perkins 9 Mills De Forest 10 Levi Barnard II Jesse Hugh FKANKLIN CO. I Jonas Biigham S John Adams 4 Samuel Ufford 5 Elijah Foot 6 Joseph Robinson 7 Samuel Hubbard ' 8 Benjamin Holmes 9 Abel Drury 10 Seth Goodspeed II William Rogers 12 David Sanderson 13 Abner Morton 1 4 Jareb Jackson GKAND ISLE CO. 1 Alexander Scott 2 Asa Lyon 3 William Wait 4 Nathan Hutchins 5 Alpheas Hall LAMOILLE CO. 2 James Gillmore 3 Abel Smith 4 Elmore 5 N- P. Sawyer 6 David Boynton 7 Mansfield 8 Samuel Cook 10 Asa Raymond 12 Thomas Taylor 1813. Samuel Webster Zadock Wheeler Joel Brownson Lewis Higbee Caleb Sheldon Amos Patridge jr. Jeremiah French Gains Kibbc Oliver Inghnm Richardson Graves Elijah Bugbee Elijah Foot William Hamilton Bates Turner Samuel Scott Anthony Rhodes CI Joseph Parker Chauncey Fitch Benjamm Swift Stephen Pettis Caleb Hill Traman Powell Nathan Robinson 1814. Edmond Baldwin Elias Buel William Rhodes Joshua Morgan Reuben Lockwood Samuel Rice Lemuel Boitum Joseph Clough 1P15. lohn Pint Richard Lam^on Nat'n Leavenworth Benjamin Derby Henian Lowiy Lemuel B. Piatt Jarcd ni<.bpe Peter Martin c: Jeremiah French 1816. Luther Loomis Ilezekiah Barnes Samuel Bliss Edmond Baldwin Thomas D. Rood Tlcman Alkn .John Fay Ziba Pier^on Caleb Sheldon Ebenezer Bo\vm;in Samuel Hart David Denison Moody Rich Wm. C. Ellsworth Joseph Holmes Joab Smith Nathan L. Holmes Elijah Dee jr. a C( William Rogers Charles Carron Dan Hazen D. G. Sawyer Frederick Hopkiui Martin Elmore IThomas Taylor Thomas Schoff Moses Morrill Cornelius Judevinc Chester Thayer Abraham Boynton Richard Stevens Daniel Holbrook Haines ScIujH" Oliver Iii:;ham .Toseph Berry Harvey Jcliii.son S. G. Hinman Samuel Maynard Nathaniel Griswold Harvey Clark Stephen Holmes Jos'h D.Farnsworlh Reuben Armstrong Daniel Bailey Hira Hill Solomon Bliss Simeon Hungerford " James Upham •John Powell Stephen Royce jr. Abner Morton Lewis Sowles Enoch Allen William Wait Nathan Hutchins Alpheas Hall John Fassett Jeduthan Stone Daniel Dodge Peter C. Lovejoy Robert Kimball N. W. Kingman James Brown Ephraim Mott it Jesse A. Clark Dan Hazen Enoch Carlton Joshua Sawyer 40 REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. CHITTENDEN 1817 1 John Fineo 2 Charles Adams 3 Hezekiiih Barnes 4 Nathan Biyan 5 Ezia Slater C N. Leavenworth 7 James Ambler ir 8 W.P. Richavdsoi- 9 Heman Allen 10 Joel Brovviison 11 Zeba Pieison 12 Lewis Iligbee 13 Peter Mai tin 14 Eben'r Bowman 15 Roswell Morton ESSEX CO. 1 3 Tbos. G. French 4 Oliver Ingham 5 J. Woodbury jr 7 8 Joseph Berrv 9 Mills I)e Forest 10 Levi Barnard 11 Moody llich FRANKLIN CO. 1 Joseph Barrett 2 Amherst Willob} 3 N. Griswold 4 Erastus Saflbrd 5 J. D. FarnswortL 6 li. Armstrong 7 S. Hubbard 8 Solomon Bliss 9 Abel Drury 10 Jonah Johnson 11 John Powell 12 Samuel Wead 13 J. K. Smcdiey 14 Wm. Brayton GRAAD ISLE CO. 1 Kobert Ransom 2 3 Jesse A. Clark 4 Jonathan Hiynes 5 Stephen Davison LAMUILLE CO. 2 John Wires 3 4 5 Joshua Sawyer 6 Daniel Dodge 7 8 Samuel Cook ION, KobinsoQ 12 I 1818 J;imes Wbitcomb C P. Van Ne-^s Nathaniel Newell '■.Villiam Iliue S. Derby a VIoses Davis John Fay Burgess Hall M. Chittenden Daniel Ilolbrook David Hibbard Seth Cusbman Azariah Webb rlarvev Clark Martin D.Follet Samuel Parmalee Zerah Willoby William Felton Needhara Drury J. Goodspeed Hezekiah Goff jr James Brown Joseph Sewell James Brown Truman Clark Timothj? Allen Ivory Luce lobert Kimball Riverius Camp 1819 Ithiel Stone Jabez Pcnniman Erastus Bostwick James Ambler jr Thomas Chittenden John Jackson Luther Dixon Amos Partridge Chauncey Brownall lesse Woodbi;ry jr Mills De Forest Azariah Webb jr Nathan Hamilton Elias Bello-\vs Samuel Hubbard Frederick Bliss Abel Drury Henry N. Janes John Powell lames Mason Samuel Barlow L. Sowles a 1 1 Dan Hazcn Benjamin Adams 1820 William Evarts Nathaniel Newell Benjamin Derby Moses Davis Eli Brownson Levi Conistock Peter Martin Ebenezer Bowman Chauncey Curtis William Marshall Azariah Webb Daniel Rich Wm. C. Ellsworth 1821. James Whitcomb Roswell Butler N. Leavenworth Thomas D. Rood Jesse P. Carpenter Edward Jones William Barney Amos Partridge Martin Chittenden Haines SchofF James May David Hopkinson Mills De Forest Azariah Webb jr Silas B. Hazeltine Joseph Beaman Joel Barber .John Averill Jonathan Janes Samuel Cook Silas Hathaway Daniel B. Meigs Truman A. Barber Solomon Hazen Joshua Peckham Elijah Dee jr Asa Fuller Timothy Foster Joseph M. Mott William Wait Nathan Hutchius Nathaniel Healey Tnomas Taylor I Luther Bingham lAsa Ravmond REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. 41 CUITTKN-DKN 1822.1 1823. 1 James WhitcombjWilliam Everts 2 George EoNinson jEben'rT. Englesb)' 3 Jeremiah Bartri " . 4 Nathan Bryan | " 5 Kosv.-cll Butler 6 N. Leavenworth 7 Benjamin Derby 8 Oliver Lowrey 9 Ileman Allen 10 Edward Jones 1 1 Levi Comstoek 12 13 V7illiam Bnrnp.v 14 Williara "Wood !> Simeon Lee ESSEX CO. I Joseph Stevens 3 Daniel Smith 4 Jesse Cooper C David Hibbardjr. 7 8 D. Hopkinson 9 Ed. C. Soaulding 10 Wiiliam G.ites I I iloody Rich FRANKLIN' CO 1 Silas B.IIazeltinc 2 Pcnuel L^'avens 3 Martin D. Follctt 4 Luther B. Hunt 4 Joab Smith 6 Zirah AVilloughby 7 Rjuhen Fowlof 8E;iJa!i Bai David Boynton 8 Asa Cole 10 B. Chapman 11 WnJeryille 12 Ephraim Ladd 1828 Nathaniel Newell Samuel Bliss John Judson Levi Smith a Hyman Holabird Horace Ferris William Barney Danforth Wales Truman Chittenden Adin Bartlett Jesse Cooper Archibald Taggard Joel Bassett John Dewey Joseph Downer John Chandler Azariah Corse jr. u 11 James Farnsworth Ira Armstrong Elijah Dee -John Averill Samuel Lusk Jonathan Carpenter William L. Sowles Samuel Adams Ira Hill II Bird Landou Eli Hinds jr. TheophilusW Fitch Solomon Bakh Luther Bingham Daniel Moody Luther Poland 1829 William Pease Marshall Castle Naum Peck William A Prentiss Lemuel B. Plait Dand Eazelton Haines Schoff James Steele David Hopkinsonj Noyes Denison rJonah Brooks jr. Moody Kich Wm. C, Ellsworth Horace Eaton James Bellows Benjamin Wooster William Felton John Barr Alfred Keith Stephen S. Brown (( Harry Hill Abner Doty Breed Noyes Daniel Dodge Ivory Luce \mos Willey Jonathan Smith 1830 lames Whitcomb Timothv Follett Roswel) Butler TrumanGalusha 11 William Rhodes Heman Barstow Lewis Hgbee John H. Tower Danforth Wales Martin French Elijah Baker John Dewey Daniel Rich Thomas Child Joseph Kingsbury Joab Smith Philip S. Gates Decius R. Bogue Selah B. Upham William Rogers James Piatt Toel Allen Benajah Phelps Clark Fisk. Israel O. Andrews Philo G. Camp 1831. Moses L. Colton Udney HPennimaQ- Joseph Marsh Selah Ambler A. G. Whittemoro Edward Jones Reuben Lockwood Alexander Lee Arad Silver Thomas G. Frenchi William Morrill Benjamin S. Clark Horace Hubbard Abdiel Blodgett Harry Reynolds Nathan Hamilton Oliver II. Robinson James Bellows Joel Barber jr, Ira Scott William Felton Daniel Barrows Caleb Royce Levi Hapgood John 'Ariiiih Ruluff W. Green Charles Carronjr. Uriah Hazea Calvin Fletcher Martin Elmore TheophilusW Fitck George Town Luther Poland Jesse Whimsy REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., E3., FRAN., G. ISLE., LA¥. U «nrTTF:NDEX 1832 1 M L. Coltoa 2 T. Follett 3 Myron Towell 4 5 Araasa Bryant 6 Joseph Marsh 7 Seluh Ambler 9 Josepli Clark 10 Edward Jones 11 12 Horace Ferris 13 John H. Tower 14 John Allen 15 David French ESSEX CO. 1 Arad Silver 2 Timothy Corey 3 Benjamin Browr. 4 Samuel B.Coope: 5 Archi'l Tagj^ard 7 Benjamin S.Clarl< 8 John Dewey 9 Noyes Deuison jO Jonah Brooks ji 1 1 Joseph Gleason FRANKLIN CO. 1 Harry Reynolds 2 Nathan Hamiltonl 3 0. H. Bohinson 4 J. Bellows .5 Joel Barber jr 6 Guy Kingsicv 7 Philip S. Gates 8 Solomon Bliss I 9 Jesse Carpenter j " 10 Daiiol Burrows'Rufus Hamilton 1 1 William liogersiJohn Huse, 1S3.3 Almond Whitcomli Samuel Nichols u U. H. Penniman .Vmos Clark .Jiunes Anihler jr Thomas Chittenden John Fay John Tabor ^herman Beach Henry Oaks David Hazelton Martin Fiench William Washburn Haines Scholf Caleb Ingalls Joel Bassett Abdiel Blodgett Chapin K. Brooks 1834 John Van Sicklenj Nol)le Lovely John W. "Weaver Albert Stevens Benjamin Allen William Rhodes Lewis Higbee .John Allen .Jeremiah Jourdin Timothy Corey Thomas G. Frencl William Morrill Hen ry Hall Stephen Howe Daniel Rich .Silas B. Hazeltine John Adams jJoseph Lamed Jjoseph Sowle lira Armstrong 1 2 Levi Hapgood 13 John Smith 14 George Green GRAND ISLE CO. 1 Giles Harrington 2 H. C Eoardman 3 C. Canon jr 4 Joel Allen 5 Bird Landon LAMOILLE CO. 1 Josiah W. Potter 2 N. Smilie 3 Luther H. Brown 4 Abner Doty .5 Joshua Sawyer 6 Thos. ^Yatel•man 7 5 David P. Noyes 9 Sterling 10 1 1 Jesse C Holmes 12 William Green John Smith Joseph Sewall Reuben Pike Augustus Knight Benajah Phelps Alva Chaffee James B. Gillmore Martin Whcelock Martin Elmore Moses Morse jr George Town •Joseph Earned jr Joel Barber jr William Felton 1835 .">an'uel B.Kennedy Nathan B. Haswei Thomas Brownell Phad's R. Fletchei Xathaaiel Miles Erastus Field .\rlhur Hunting John Fay Horace Saxton Sherman Beach William Barney Nathan Stearns Reub. W. Freeman Gustavus A. Hall Thomas Child Azariah Corse M. C. Stone Mitchell Stone Horace Eaton Alonson Webster [Joseph Soule Guy Iviusley Elisha Bascom Alvah Sabin Robert L. Paddock: Chas. H Jenison Samuel Lusk Richard Smith jr John Huso " Joshua W. Sheldon' " Lawrence Brainard John Smith J^ewis Janes Bradford Scott John M. Sowles Minus M'Ro^erts 18S6 U Pitt E. Hewitt Albert Steven* Artemas Flagg Reuben Parker Ezbon Sanford Daniel Holbrook Harvey Coo John Schoff Samuel R.Dennett Moses Hill Ashley Applefoa ■John Dewey Samuel Adams Benjamin Butler Samuel Boardman Nathan Sniilic Luther H. Brown Uriah Wilkins Jesse Whitney N. Butts I it Asaph Kentfield U. Wilklns 2d Nathaniel Jones HaiTy Reynolds Walter Wheelock Ivory Luce Joseph H. Bennett John S. Webster Alfred Wheeler Elijah Dea Rufus Hamilton Alden Sears Fred. W. Judsoa Geo. W- Goodrich William Dawson Elijah Haynes Alva Chaffee Isaac Griswold Jonathan Bridge Levi B. Vilas Elisha A. Town Joseph Sears Elisha Cady Ephraim Ladd 44 REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. GHITTEXDEN 1837 1 Jolm Pineo 2 Hiirrv Bradley 3 P. E."Hewett 4 T. Brownell 5 Byron Stevens 6 Stepli'n Byington 7 John Snyder 8 Lyman Field 9 George Ayres 10 Artemas"Fla<:g 1 1 Samuel Fletcher 12 lieu!). Lockwood 13 Reuben Parker 14 William Wood 15 David French KSSES CO. 1 Martin French 2 Harvcv Coe 3 John Schoff 4 William Morrill 5 Moses Hill 7 Ashley Appleto'- 8 John Dewey 9 John Bailey 2d 10 Stephen Howe 11 Joseph Rich 12 Viclon/ PP.ANKLra CO. 1 SilnsB.Hazeltine 2 J. S. Webster 3 Jonas Boutell 4 A. Wheeler f) Joab Smith 6 John Kinsley 7 Henry Bowman 8 Elijah Dee 9 John Barr 10 B. W. Fuller 1 1 Alden Sears 12 Cyrus Keitli 13 John Smith 14 Geo. W. Foster GR.\ND ISLi; CO. 1 G. W. Goodrich 2 Srmuel Adams 3 William Dawson 4 Eenj ;min Butler 5 David Corbia LAMOILLE CO. 1 2 Oel Safford 3 Luther H. Brown 4 Peleg Schofield 5 Levi Ed^erton 6 Levi B. Vilas 7 Elisha A. Town 8 Joseph Sears 9 lOElieba Cady a 1 Moaes Fiak ' iSlsaaePennock jr 1833 Samuel H- Barnes Arad Merrill John Jadson IC James Humphrey It Peter Martin William H, French Arad Silver Elias Aklrich Thomas G. French Joshua Moriison David Hibbard 3d Jonah Brooks jr Azariah Corse Joseph Smith James Bellows Joseph Soule D. ILWatkins Alvah Sahin Luther K. Drury John Huse J. J. Beardslcv A. G. Tnrltoa Joseph Blake Frederick Hazen Enoch Hall | Horace Wadsworth 1839 Joseph Smith Carlos Ba.xter Daniel Littlefield Jcdcdiah Boynton Andrew Warner Daniel H. Onion EInathan W. Spear Sherman Biach a. F. Hutchins ^rtemas Allen Nathaniel Paikcr Haines Schoff R. W. Freemen Moody Rich Samuel Ivendall Lyman Hawlcy •John Ivinsley Jona. II. Iluiibhan Wiliam R. AVarne Joseph B. Cutler .\lfred Keith ■)tcphin S. Brown John S. Foster 1840 Aaron L. Beach John Lyon u Alex'r Ferguson II Ransom Jones Silas Isham ct (( Alson Landon Seldon Burbank (I Alex. H. Morrill Abram W. Rico lioiace Hubbard Mills De Forest Charles Ames Samuel D. Merrill Nathan Hamilton Wakefi'ldW.Thorp Alvah Sahin Asa Wliceler Nathaniel Sears Alonson Draper Isaiah Newton Lewis Ladd Moody Shattuck Willard Griswold Edinond Clark Samuel .Jailey Albert Stone Ivory Luce David P. Noyes OrioD W. Butler GoorgsH, Whitney , Clark Fisk Jesse N. Perlcy [Lucius H. Noyes iJoshua Luce John Ferrin lanne Pennock Martin Reynolds Hector Adams Stickney Hodgkins Nathan' Smiiie George W. Bailey John B. Downer u II Nathan Kobinson jr II Porter Crane 1841 Moses L. Col ton Wm. A- Griswold 1 1 John T. Webster Elijah G. Staunton Heman R. Smith II Zcbina Bliss Samuel Boardman Robert White fi H. A. Narramore DanielJackson Henry Fuller John Stevens Isaac Richardson Nathan J. Graves John Dewey II II Loom is Wells Charles C Stone II. N. Barber J. 11. Farnsworth II John Kinsley jr II Ira Hinckley William Skecls ■Jay Powell Ciiniclius Stilphen John Barney Nathan Kinsley Jaboz Ladd II Jedcdiah Hazen R. P. Tillotson Joseph Baker E'i liinds jr Seth Town xilmond Eoardman Asa Andrews James Harris George Small • D. H. Hulburd REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES., FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. 45 CHITTENDEN 1842.1 1843 1 Jloses L. Colton 'Jesse Jewell jr. 2 John V,n SukIcn|Uenry B. Stacy Buiki'Lcavcnwortli " 4 Joiiii S. Webster Joseph E. Ehodcs 5 ElijaliG Staunton Joseph B. WecJ C Heman 11. Smith [John S. Patrick 7 Sclah Ambler Albert Leo Alb't GWhitteniorc 8 Zcbina Bliss 9 6'am'l Boaidman Sylvanus Ilonp.lass 11 Bobert White 12 R. Lonkwood 13 H.A.Narramore 14 Daniel Jaekson Noah Tyler 15 NathanielParker ESSEX CO. 1 Henry Fuller 2 Elias Aldrich 3 George Marshall 4 William Morrill 5 Nathan J. Graves 6 Easthavrn 7 Henry Hartshorn 8 Allen Gould 9 John Bailey 10 Jonah Brooks jr. 11 Eecnard Walker 12 Loomis Wells FRANKLIN CO 1 H.T,Brisham j 2 Joseph Smith 3 H N Barber 4 Asa S Gove 5 Joseph Soule Joseph Ellsworth jr 7 Dolphus Dewing 8 Lorenzo Ja::cs 9 Joh.n Barr JO J.,-hua Ciapp "rrn^rv Powoit 12 Eiihu Good.'iill Corni'lius Stilplien 14 John Barney GKAND ISL.'. CO. 1 Nathan Kinsley 2 Jai.cz Ladd Eph'm A Holeomb 4 Jedediah Hazcn 5 Walli3 Mott LAMOILLE CO. 1 Jerre Shattuck 2 Joseph Baker 3 Eli Hinds jr. 4 George W Bailey Almond Boardman 6 7 James Harris 8 George Small Zebina W Bennett 11 O. MTarland ) 3 Ephrtim Ladd Ira Andrews Silas Isham John Story Jeremiah Wright John Stevens Mathias Weeks David Hibbard jr. Stephen Howe Ransom Hall Holloway tBrigh'ni Henry Follett Bennett Eaton Joseph Lcanud Jonathan Sherwood Philip S. Gates S'lomon Bliss Luther Meigs Josiah Blaisdell John Gates I II |Wi!]iam A. La''ne iBemjamin Griilith John Martin Lorenzo Hall Joseph B. Morgan II Seth Town Levi EdgertoQ Albert Luce Moses Terrill 1844 John Bedee (( William R. Pease Alonson Bliss George Eddy II II Nathan Fay II William M Sutton Frederii k Fletcher Amos liobart Selden Burbank Royal C. Belknap Jonathan Mathews Ornmel Crawford William C. Simms i: James FoUansbee Elias Babooek Ebenczer Bailey Isaac Wariier Luther K. Drury John L. Clapp Aldcn Scars Jacob Wead Guy Reynolds Elihu Holeomb A. K. Whittcmorc William Wilber Ver. W Waterman Samuel Benson 1845 II Charles Russell ti Jacob Rolfc Lyman Dorwin David Fi.sh Benjamin Fairchild William Harmon 11 Reuben Farnsworh CI Isaac W- Aldrich Harvey Ilinman Harvey G. Fry Jolm AValter jr. Jona'n Mathews jr. Harlon Keyes Arza Andrns Charles B. May nard Reuben Dewey Bradley Barlow L.ucas Holmes Peter Chrse Isaac P. Clark Philo F. Drury Lloyd Mason Orlando Stevens Solomon J. Davis Samuel Adams II John Hnzrn Abncr B- Landon Allen Chaffee Hcman H. Elmore Nathaniel P. Keeler Amander Peterson Vernon W. " William Page Phin'j S Benjamin ! 1846 Samuel Morse Abncr Squire i( Samuel Thrafcher II John Snvdcr Reuben Lockwood Amos Hobart William H. French Jeremiah Wright Joel B, English Charles Cb.eney Stephen Ames Richard Morgan Reuben C. Benton Moody Rich James Towlo Homer E Royce Jona'n H Hubbard Daniel H. Bailey Haivey D. Farrar William Eiidges James Piatt Cny Reynolds Hiram Hall A^'illiam Wilsey Henry Robinson Phinehas Carpenter Nathan Smilio Moses Terrill Nathaniel Euesell 4G REPRESENTATIVES, CHIT., ES. FRAN., G. ISLE, LAM. CHITTENDEN 1847 1 Htinali H. Piimct 2 VVvUys Lyman 3 Al-ner Squier 4 Jacob Eolfe 5 S. Thrtisher 6 Bial Boyntoa 7 John Snyder 8 9 Hector Adams 10 1 1 Elijah Hoot 12 Colonel Smith 13 John Story ]i Jonas Hobart 15 AVm. H. Frencl ESSEX CO. 1 Jeremiah Wrlghi 2 Harris Brown .3 Joel B.English 4 Stilman Blood 5 William B. May 6 Abraham Powers 7 Charles Cheney 8 Stephen Ames 9 Itichard Morgan 10 Stephen Howe 3 1 Charles Stevens 12 James Tovvle FRAXKLIN CO. 1 Earl Smilie 2 Homer E. Royce 5 Caleb E. Brewer 4 H. E. Hubbell 5 William Siierman 6 Joseph King 7 8 Alvah Sabin 9 Daniel Watson 10 D. H. Bailey 11 H. D.Earrar 12 William Green 13 Wm. Bridges 14 H. W. Barney GRANIJ ISLE CO. 1 S. J. Davis 2 Abel Brown 3 Simeon Cooper 4 Wm. Wilsey 5 Lewis Mott LAMOILLE CO. I A. KWhittemore 2 aPhiloA. Mathews 4 Joseph C. Bailey .5 John C. Page 6 7 Ivory Luce 8 9 10 N. Eussell II Jos. D. Freeman 12DanG. Pennock 1848 David K Pangborn ElansonH. Wheeler A. C. Richardson Warren Williams William S. Harlbnt Hiram Day .\.. G. Whittemore [ddo Green Henry S. Morse William M. Sutton Hiram H. Dixon Hosea B. Bates Rufus Walston Julius J. Holbrook Elias Aldrich Elisha Webster Gersho m Carpenter Jonathan Benjamin Mitchel Silsby Moody Rich Jonathan Hill James M. Dean Albert G. Soule Bethuel W. Fuller Silas P. Carpenter (( H. R- Bcardsley Albert C Butler (1 ii David Harvey Merritt W. Powers Jason Grain Jonathan C. Dodge Noah C. Butts Julius P. Hall Luke J. Town Elias WiUej Lyman Titus 1849 John D. Stone John Sherman Andrew J. Merrill Josiah Tuttle Rufus Patrick Rhodo's Sanderson Artemas Allen William Morrill Jenneson Carruth Horatio L. Walter John P. Denison Charles Stevens James Tcwle Charles C. Stone Paschal P. Leavens Jesse Cutler Benj.B. Newton George BuUard Samuel B. Gordon Dyer Hill Asa Mooney George Landon Moses Phelps David Randall Crispus Shaw Carlos Noyes Annexed to Stowe Arad Baker 1850 Daniel Cohon fclenryLeaveu worth Holmau Rates George W. Bromley Lucius S. Barney Elijah Root Nathan Lockwood Martin Wires RoswellB.Fay Samual N. Silver Welcome F.Fisher ■To] in D. French William Trask Horace B. Root Loomis Wells Jonathan Benjamin Reuben C. Benton Daniel C. Kimball Henry Walbridge Bradley Barlow Guy Kinsley Lathrop Marsh Isaac P. Clark Arwin P. Herrick John L. Clapp CaJefmoyce Alfred Keith William Bridges Isaac B. Bowdish Job Babcock jr William Brown Julius P. Hall Jared D. Wheelock Eliphalct Brush Samuel Pencock F1E8T Town Cl'k- Samuel Lane 1787 John IM'Neil ira Allen 9I Elkanah Billings 86 Elisha Berben 87 Chas. Brewster 90 Lewis Chapin 86 Enoch Ashley 88 J. Charaberlin 95 Caleb Smith 87 Jared Higbee 1813 William Barney 95 Rob't Donnelly 85 Wm.Malada 1832 Elijah SpafTord 94 Jos. Herrick 1802 M.De Forest 1802 David Hopkins 81 Loomis Wells 1841 David Nutting 94 Isaac B. Farrar 98 Thomas Russell 87 Edmond Town 90 Eben'r Sanders 93 Reuben Evarts Saml.Barnard 1802 Charles Wells 99 S. B. Sheldon 91 T. Butterfield 90 T.C.Reynolds 92 James Brown 1809 Abraham Knapp 90 Nathan Hutchins John Brown 1815 JohnFassett 85 M.Wentworth 1802 Joseph Leach 92 Jabez Fitch 91 J. C. White 1814 Comfort Olds 9G John Boycc 1819 Josephplurlbut 97 Moses Fisk 1827 REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND 47 ORANGE CO. 1 Biadford 2 Braintree 3 Brookfield 4 Cheisea 5 Corinth 6 Fairleo 7 Newbury 9 RatKlolph 10 Strafford H Thetford 13 Tunbridge 14 Vershiro 17 Willianistown ORLEANS CO. 6 Craftsbury KIITL.\ND CO. 1 Benson 2 Brandon 3 Castleton 4 Chittenden 5 Clarendon 6 Danby 7 Fairhavcn 8 Hubbardton 9 Ira 11 Middletown 13 Mt. Tabor 14 Pawlet 16 Pittsford 17 Poultney ISlluthind 20 Shrewsbury 21 Sudbury 22 Tinmouth 23 Wallingford 24 Wells 1788 John Barron Israel Morcy Thomas Johnson Asa Edgertou Alex'cr Pennock Ecriali Looniis Scth Austin Elijah Paine Asahel Smith Nalhan Daniels Eli Cogswell Daniel Marsh Peter Lewis Mathew Lyon Nathan Rumscy George Sherman JohnBurnham John Staft'ord Lemuel Chipman Noah Hopkins Samuel Williams Ichabod Eobinson Ebenezer Marvin Josepli Randall |Abel Merriman 1789 I AshurChamberlain Abel Lyman Peter Sleem an (I « Israel Converse Andrew Peters Noah Lee Nathaniel Ladd Elihu Smith Lemuel Griihth Simeon Smith Cephas Carpenter Ephraim Carr James Brookins John Hall Abraham Jackson Samuel Lathrop 1790 Daniel Kingsbury William Dcuison Israel Smith Ebenezer West Nathan Daniels Eli Cogswell Wing Rogers Mathew Lyon John Jenkins Benjamin Cooley William Ward Nathan Finney COUNCIL OF CENSORS. 1st 178.5 In'se Moselcy, Pres Ebenezer Curtis Ebcn'r Walbridge Benj. Carpenter Stephen Jacob Jonathan Hunt Ebenezer JMarvm Elijah Robinson Joseph Maish John Session Lewis Bcebe Jonntlian Brace M. Townsend Sec 2d 1792 Saml. Knight pres Daniel Buck Orl'do Bridgeman Benjamin Burt Elijah Dewey Jonas Galusha Anthony Haswell Beriah Loomis Samuel Mattocks Elijah Paine Isaac Tichcnor John White Kos'll Hopkins Sec •M 1799 Benjamin Emmonf EVvas Buel Xoa.h Chittenden David Fay Lott Hall Jonathan Hnut John J.caveiett Nathaniel Niles Moics Robinson John Willard 4fh 1806 Apollos Austin Ezra Butler Loyal Case Isaac Clark Josiah Fisk rhoraas Gross Udney Hay Wm. Hunter S. Huntington John Nojcs Mark Richards James Taibox 1791 John Barron Isaac Nichols Theo's Huntington Samuel Smith Joshua Bayley Thomas Porter Cornelius Lynde Jacob Siraonds ' Abel Spencer .James Whelpley George Shermao John Stafford Thomas Ashley Emanuel Case John Spafford iThomas Randall 5th 1813 Nathaniel Chipman Isaac Tichenor David Edmonds Daniel Farrand Ebenezer Clark Isaac Bailey Nicholas Baylies Solomon Bingham William Hall jr Luther .Icwctt Charles Jlarsh Elijah Strong Robert Temple The Council of Censors chosen in 1799, and 1S06, did not order any convention to be holden, and no alterations were made in the Constitution by any convention between 1793 and 1329. The con- Tention of 1829 made au amendment in relation to" the voting of Foreigners, that made it neces- sary for them to become naturalized before they were allowed to vote in freemen's meeting. The convention of ISSG changed the old Councifof 12, to a Senate of 30. The convention of 184* made no alteration. The convention of 1830 changed the mode of electing County Court Judges, Sheriffs, High Bailiffs, Slate's Attornies, Judges cf"" Probate, and Justices of the Pence, giving the appointment of thoie officer* to the people of their several district*. 48 REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. 1793 John Barron Elisha AUis Samuel Badger Israel Mercy Oramel Hinckley ORANGE CO. 1792 1 Nathaniel Wnite 2 Isiuic Nichols 3 Experience Fisk 4 Tlieo, Huntii)el Spencei' 6 Wing U'-iscrs 7 Simeon Smith 8 James Whelplcy 9 George Sherman ]1 Jona. Brewster ] 2 AIoiDit Hollij 13 John Stafford 14 LemnelCliipman' 15 Pil/s field 16 BenjaminCooley 17 Thomas Ashley ISSamneWViliiams 20 Emanuel Case I " 21 John Hall JTimolhy Miller 22 Orange Train ;Sanuiel M'Clure 23 Joseph Randall Asahel Jackson 24 Joseph Button Samuel Lathrop John Mott Mathew Lyon Nathaniel Wood Abraham Jackson 1794 Isaac Nichols Experience Fisk Joshua Bailey Hcrher Gilbert Asliur Cliamberlin Nathan'l Kingsbury Thaddeus White Joseph Scott Chauncey Smith Noah Lee John Bancroft Abel Coi>pcr Elihu Sherman Nathan Rumsey u Jonathan Brewster u IJoseph Haskall Thomas Hammond Isaac Ilosford Amasa Blanchard Orange Train Joseph Randall Joseph Button 1795 Micah Barron John French Eiisha AUis Joshua Eldcrkin Thomas Johnson Abncr Weston William Denison Reuben Hatch Jedcdiah S. Skinner Joseph Crane Timothy Stanley Asa Furnam Hiram Horton Nathan Nelson Tiieop. Harrington Abel Horton It James Whelpley John Burnham Stephen Clark Gideon Tabor Nathaniel Smith Amos Kellogg William Fox Samuel Lathrop 1796 Stephen Bnchanaa Mansfield Taplin Daniel Farrand Josiah EfL-on Asahel Chamberlia Elias Curtis Thaddeus White Samuel C, Crafts- Aaron Shepherd Chauncey Smith Isaac Clark Abel Spencer Daniel Sherman Nathan Rumsey Jonathan Brewster Palmer Stafford Thorr.as Hodgkins Jonas Safford Nathan Osgood Timothy Miller i Samuel M'Clure COUNCIL OF CENSORS, CONTINUED. 6th 1820, Wm. Hunter, Pres Charles Rich Joel Brownson Joseph Scott Augustine Clark Isaac N. Cushraan William Nutting John Phelps Joel Pratt Amos Thompson Asa Aldis Jedediah Hyde Joshua Y. Vail Sec. 7th 1827 Asa Aiken, Pres. Wm. A Giiswold Daniel Kelloirg John W. Dana Jedediah II. Ilarrii Obndiah Noble jr. AVilliam Gates William Howe Bates Turner Samuel S. Phelps Leonard Sargeant Joel Allen E. P. Walton, Sec. 8th 1834 j9th 1841 loclDoolittle Pres. J' D. Farnsworth p ■Stephen Robinson Peter Starr sph Wra. Strong John Phelps Xathan el Harmon Joseph Reed Alvin Fodie Robert Harvey E H. Starkweather Joseph Smith David Hibbard jr Samuel W. Porter William Hebard S John A. Pratt Wallis Mott Austin Birchard Martin C.Deming Luther Carpenter Gordon Newell Hem an Allen Alvah II. French Ephraim Paddock David Hibbard jr Hez. H. Reed Sec. lOth 1818 C.K Williams, Pres- Keyes P. Cool David Crawford Salmon F. Duttoa William Hebard Henry F.Janes James Bell Augustus Burt Ira H, Allen Henry Stowell John Dewey John N.Pom»roy S. REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. 49 ORANGE CO 179" 1 Micah Banoa 2 John Frencli 3 Elisha AUia 4 Reuben Hatch 5 .VlansfiflJ Taplii) 6 Israel Morey 7 Thomas Johnson 8 Oranc/e 'J James Tarhox A-iahel Chamlerlin llOramel Hiuckle} 12 Topsham 13 James Tyler 14 15 Elisha Smith 17 Joseph Crane ORLEANS CO. 2 Barton 3 Brownlngton 6 Joseph Scott 7 Derhq 9 Timothy Stanley 1 5 Kt wport 17 Troy 18 Westfield RUTLAND CO. 1 Chauncey Smith 2 Hiram Ilorton 3 Isaac Clark 4 John Cowee 5 Abel Spencer 6 Daniel Sherman 7 Simeon Smith 8 Theopbilas Flagg 9 George Sherman 1 1 John Burnham 12 Stephen Clark 13 John Moaeley 14 15 ICBenjamin Cooley ] 7 William Ward 1 8 Israel Smith 19 20 Emanuel Case 21 Timothy Miller 22 Orange Train 23 William Fox 24 Samuel Lathrop 1798 Andrew R. Peters Isaac Xichols 17S9. John Hutchinson " jDaniel Kingsbury " jThcop. Huntington Samuel Hazletino JMansticld Taplin Samuel Smith ! " Daniel Farrand I Thomas Johnson Ezra Goodell \ " Aaron Stcrrs j " Benjamin Preston i " Israel Smith ! " Thomas Porter Elisha Smith lElijah Strong iJohn Ellsworth Thaddeus White Jonathan i'isk Timotliv Hiuman Simeon Goodrich Theoph. Harrington Abel Ilorton James Witherill N^athan Kumsey Cephas Carpenter " [Nathaniel Wood jr. Abraham Jackson Stephen Clark Gideon Tabor Gideon Adams Theopbilas Flagg Amos Kellogg Samuel Williams John Anthony William Marsh Samuel M'Cluro Simon Francis Thomas Hodgkins Thomas Hammond 1600 William Simpson Isaac Nichols jr. Samuel Hazletine Nathaniel Niles Thomas S. Paine James Tarbox J. P. Buckingham Elias Curtis Stephen Strong Samuel C, Crafts Timothy Stanley Luther Chapia Reuben Nash Benajah Douglass Samuel Shaw Abel Norton John Anderson Samuel Shaw Thomas Ashley Jonathan Wells 1801 Andrew B. Peters John Hutchinson Nathaniel Wheatk-y Reuben Hatch Mansfield Taplin Ezra Goodell Elijah Hammond William Thompsoa Asa Smith Thaddeus White Chauncey Smitk Edward Vail Nathaniel Wood Stephen Clark DariiiB Chip»aa HON. GAMALIEL PAINTER Came into Middlcbnry, from Salisbury, Conn., in company with John Chipman, from the same place, early in the year 1773, with a view of making a permanent settlement. Before they arrived, a Mr. Benjamin Smalley had come into town with his family for the same object, and builta small house, the tirst erected in town. They settled near logetherin the south west corner of the town. Chipman had commenced a clearing of six or eight acres in 1766 and abandoned it, asno one lived within many milts of him. When he returned he settled on the same lot that he first began upon, and where Jonathan Seeley now resides. Painter settled near a mile south of him on the south line of the town, as the lines are now established, and Smalley about half a mile west of Chip- man. Thus the settlement continued to increase till the ravages of the war caused them all to a- bandon their homes in June, 1776, except Benjamin Smalley and a Mr- Daniel Foot, and they fol- lowed in September after. After the close of the war, in 1783, many of those who had left in 1776, with others returned to the town, and became permanent settlers. Thompson's Vermont, does not inform us whether Painter or Chipman returned or not. Gamaliel Painter and John Chirm an r»- 7 50 EEPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. ORANGE CO. 1802 1803 1 Daniel Kimball Andrew B. Peters 2 John Hutchinson 3 Nath'l Wheatley 4 Theo, Humin,!,'ton Josiah Dana 5 Samuel Hazletinc 6 Nathaniel INiles Elisha Thayer 7 Joshua Bailey 8 Thomas S. Paine John Stacy 9 Abncr Weston James Tarbox Asa he I Chamberlin 11 Elij'h Hammond 12 Wm. Thompson H.E.G- M'Laughlir 13 Seth Paine 14 Thomas Porter 15 Daniel Peaslee 17 Jonathan Fisk ORLEANS CO. 2 Jonathan Allyn William Baxter Elijah Strong 4 Chat lesion 5 Coventry^ Joseph Marsh 6 Daniel Davison Samuel C. Grafts 7 Timothy Hinman 8 Glomr Ralph Parker 9 Timothy Stanley 10 Holland 1 1 Irnsburgh 1 5 Lather Chapin ^, , ^^ , , .„ 17 Alpheus Moore Stephen Underbill 18 Jesse Olds KtlTLAND CO. 1 Chauncey Smith Reuben Nash 2 BenajahDouglass 3 Samuel Shaw -1 John Cowee 5 Theo. Harring.on TheopKs Harrington 6 E'lward Vail 7 James W'therill i Oliver Church 8 Theophilas Flagg 9 John Anderson 10 Me.ndon 11 Nathaniel Wood Nathaniel Wood jr V2 John Shaw JedediahHammond 13 Gideon Baker Gideon Tabor U Gideon Adams John Sargeants 1 5 Isaac Eddy Thomas HammondjCaleb Hendee jr Tim'y Crnttenden 1 8 Abel Spencer Abel Spencer 1 9 Sherburne 20 William Marsh 2) Timoihy Miller ] " 22 Zenas Allen I 23 Samuel M'CIure Lent Ives 24 Simon Fraacis I ' t) Philadelphia i 1804 Elihu Hyde Daniel Cook J, P. Buckingham John Rlddall Royal Corbin Caleb Leach Anthony Burgess Chauncey Smith Uriah Morton Daniel Dyer Abel Horton Isaac Cutler Elisha Walker John Burnham Fphraim Fitch Amos Thompson ]<^,zekiel Porter John Fuller Ziba Hamilton a Andrew Clark 1805 Arad Stebbins Lyman Kidder Thecp. Huntington Joshua Tenney Isaac Bayley David Rising Dudley Chase N^athaniel Iving Joseph Owen Luke Gilbert John Ide jr. Samuel C. Crafts Penuel Childs John H. Andrus Preserved Fish Dyer Leffingwell c. Thomas Hammond T"'avid Holden loseph Warner Nathaniel Chipman William Fox Simon Francis 1806 Daniel Kimball .lohn Hutchinson .Josiah Dana .Tames Spear John Stacv William Childs William Baxter Roval Corbin •John Ellsworth Eber Robinson Josiah La^oh Asa Hitchcock James Harrington Oliver Church Zebedee Sprout Caleb Hendee jr. Abel Spencer Andrew Clark Elijah Segar turned in 1784, and took possession of their old lots, where Chipman remained till his death in a good old age. Painter removed into the village in 1787 and built a saw mill and gristmill on the east side of the creek on the site of Wood's grist mill and the cotton factory. Judge Painter represented the town in 1786, 7, 8, 9, 90, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1801, 3, 5, 9 and 10 and was elected Councillor in 1813 and 14. He was a Judge of the County Court in 1785, 7, 8, 9, 90, 1, 2, 3 and 5, and Sher- ift'in 1786. He was a delegate to the Dorset Convention in 1777 that declared the independence of Vermont at an adjourned meeting at Westminster. He was a public spirited man and made many donaiions for various purposes, He took an ac- REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. 51 OEA.NGE CO. 1807 1 Daniel Kimlmll 2 Jolin Ilutchinpon 3 Natha'l Wheatlc} 4 Elisha Ilotchkiss 5 Joshua Teiincy 6 Elisha Thayor 7 JaiiK s ypcar 8 John Stacy 9 Diidlev Chase lOAsa'l Chamherlin 1 1 William Chilcis ll.E.G M'Lrtushlin 13 Nathaniel King 14 Asa Smith jr. 15 Daniel Peasice 1 7 Jonathan Fisk ORLEANS CO. 1 Albany 2 John Kimball 3 William IJaxter 4 Abncr Allyn 5 John Ide jr. 6 Jesse Olds 7 Timothy Ilinman 8 Ealph f arker 9 Eli Austin 10 1 1 Caleb Leach 13 LowlU 14 Morqan 15 17 Thomas Yv^'allace ISMedaO Hitchcock UUTLAKD CO. 1 Reuben Nash 2 Tenuel Childs 3 Samuel Shaw 4 John Cowee 5 James Harrington 6 John H. Aodrus 7 Oliver Church 8 Elisha Wa ker 9 Preserved Fish 10 Benj'n Farmer 1 1 John Burnham 12 Stephen Clark 13 Gideon Tabor 14 James Leach 15 Nathan Eddy 16 Caleb Hendce ji 17 AmosThompsoii 18 Abel Spencer 19 John Fuller 20 David Holden 21 Joseph Warner 22 Nath'i Chipraan 23 William Fox 24 Andrew Clark 1808 Josiah Dana Jose])h Ornisbee Samuel Smith Dudley Chuse Jacob Burton Cornelius Lynde Thomas Cogswell Royal Corbin Timothy Stanley Amos Sawyer Chauncey Smith Joel Green John Mason Samuel Cooley Eleazer Flagg Salmon Norton Jonas Clark jr. John Crowley 1809 t; •Jonathan Bass Nicholas Hale Elisha Thayer Joshua Bayley Dudley Chase John Campbell jr. (C Robert H. Hunkins Eli Austin Reuben Willcy Thomas Hammond Ezekiel Porter Samuel Mix John Conant Asa Gaines Caleb Ilendee jr John Stanley Charles K.Williams ;1810 John Hutchinson Barnabas Bigelow Benjamin H. Oaks William Spencer Timothy Thurston Dudley CJidse Jeded'ah H. Harris Tared Kimball Oliver Blodgett Timothv Hinman James C* Adams Asa Standish David Sanford Thomas Stewart Oliver Church Gideon Horton (I Philip Perkins Jacob Burnham cc Benjamin Fitch Ira Mix Chauncey Thrall Nathaniel M Fuller Eliakim II- Johnson William Potter Elijah Segar 1811 Elisha Hotchkibs IS Benjamin Porter Dudley Chuse Lyman Fitch Samuel Butterfield Nath'i Kingsbury jr Jonathan Fisk Jonathan Allyn iVbner Allyn (C Charles Kingsbury Timothy Stanley EleazerB. Wilkins Rufas Stewart Jonathan Simpson Asa Hitchcock Putnam Gleason John Arnold J'benezer Langdon Thomas Manley Elisha Walker Isaiah IMason JohnsonRichardson Orson Brewster Thomas Hammond Asahel Pond CharlesK. Williams Obadiah Noble jr. William Yo:k Joseph Button live part in all the improvements of the village, and to his influence more than anv other person, aie the friends of Literature indebted for the establishment of the College in IMiddlcbury ; and to his generosity arc the town indebted, by a free gift of the common on the east side of the creek, and the Congregational Church are under a debt of gratitude to him for the assistance and funds he furnished in erecting their house of worship. &2 REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. ORANGE CO. 1812 1 D. Kimball 2 Lyman Kidder 3 Barna Bigelow 4 Elisha Iiotchkiss 5 William Spencer 6 Nathan. el Niles 7 Benjamin Porter 8 Luther Carpenter 9 Dudley Chase 10 J. H. Harris 1 1 Lyman Fitch 12 Saml Butterfield 1.3 Nathaniel King 14 Asa Smith jr 15 Stuart Brown 17 ORLEANS CO. 1 Eli Chamberlain 2 Joseph B. Leland 3 "William Baxter 4 Ebenezcr Colo 5 Pel eg Eedfield 6 Royal Corbin 7 Luther Newcomb 8 Ralph Parker 9 Timothy Stanley 10 Eber Robinson 11 Roger Encs 13 Asahel Curtis 14 Rufus Stewart 14 James C. Adams 17 fTona'n Simpson 18 Thos. Stoughton RUTLAND CO. 1 Chauncey Smith 2 Joel Green 3 Eben'rLangdon 4 Thomas Manly 5 Thomas Stewart 6 John H. Andrus 7 Tillv Gilbert 8 Elisha Walker 9 John Anderson 10 J. Richardson 11 Jacob Burnham 12 Jed. Hammond 13 Gideon Tabor 14 Benjamin Fitch 1.5 Asa Gaines 16 Thos.Hammond 17 Asahel Pond 18 James D. Butler 19 R.Estabrooks 20 Philo'en Adams 21 Joseph Warner 22 O. Noble, ir 23 William Fox 24 Aaron Mosher Woloott H. Keeler 1813 Elisha Allis Nicholas Hale Asa Tenney James Tarbox Asah'l Chamberlain Elijah Hammond Jonathan Jenness Daniel Peaslee Thomas Howe Samuel Works William Howe Nathaniel Killam Ira Leavens Amos Sawyer Thomas Wellg Walter Stone Chauncey Langdon Jonas Wheeler Seba French Ethan Whipple David Barber Zidon Edson Jonas Clark jr John Crowley Caleb Hendee jr Amos Thompson It Josiah Wood jr II II Thomas Porter jr 1814 John H. Cotton ti David Bigelow Daniel Cook Isaac Bayley Ezekiel Story J. II. Harris Joseph Reed Abiel Smith John Skinner Ellis Cobb John Boardman Willard Lincoln Jason Hinman Joshua Johnson II Jothara Cummings Martin Adams II Medad Hitchcock Allen Goodrich Zoheth Allen Tilly Gilbert Isaiah Mason John Shaw D, Leffingwell JedediahHammond John Sweet Wm. Harrington It CharlesK.Williams It David Holden If E. H. Johnson Howard Mitchell 1815 William Ford jr Elihu Hyde Joseph Ormsby Asa May Mason Bill Daniel Cobb Gilman White Samuel Austin John Kimball Joseph Scott Peleg Hill John Killam John Harding It Amos Sawyer Samuel Howard It Willard Pond Thomas Manley David Tinkham (I James W. Rcsman II Math. Anderson 2d Rufus Ricliardson Jonas Clark jr It Jonathan Hulett Caleb Hendee jr John Stanley Nathl. M. Fuller Bart. Chadwick Obadiah Noble jr William Fox Shubael Lamb " annexed to 1816 Lyman Kidder Noah Paine Daniel A. A. Buck John B. Corliss Elisha Thayer Benjamjn Porter Thaddeus Clapp William Nuttiiiij; Stuart Brown Robert Seaver Daniel Skinner F. W. Adams II Jonas Warren Royal Corbin II Charles Hardy If Parmenas Watson Samuel Conant Daniel Warner Chauncey Smith Samuel Burnell Wolcott H. Keeler Thomas Stewart John H. Andius Thomas Christie ft Preserved Fish John Shaw ti Nathan T. Sprague Gideon Tabor iLnet HoUister Eras t us Holt Wm. Harrington Amos Thompson William Denison Aaron Mosher Goshen & Chit'a Ho had buried two wives, and his thii'd one survived him a few years. He had two sons by his first wife, and one daughter by his second, all of which Mere taken from him by death before his decease; his youngest son was drowned in June, 1797, aged 24. The Judge died May 21, 1819, leaving no heirs. In his will he left a few legacies to his wife, and faithful servants, and the re- saainder from 10 to $15,000 to Middlebury College, REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. 53 ORANGE CO. 1817 1 John H. Cotton 2 John Hutchinson 3 i'reder'kGriswold 4 Daniel A. ABuck 5 Peter Eaton 6 Elisha Thayer 7 Simeon Stevensjr Sjriiaddeus Clapjj 9 William Nutting 10 Daniel Cobb 1 1 Bcriah Loomis Jonathan Jenness 13 Eli Austin 14 Asa Smith jr. l.") Stuart Brown 17 Kobcrt Scaver ORLRANS CO. 1 William Kowell 2 John Kimball 3 William Baxter 4 Jonar. Warren 5 Peleg Eedfield 6 Joseph Scott 7 William Howe 8 Charles Hardy 9 Levi Stevens 1 rarmen'sWatson 1 1 Joshua Johnson 13 John Harding 14 1.5 Daniel Warner 17 18 Walter Stone RUTLAND CO. 1 2 Samuel Burnell Channeey Langdor 4 Thomas Manicy 5 Horatio Bcal 6 William Hitt 7 Moses Colton 8 Samuel Chcaver 9 Preserved Fish 10 William Sabin ' 1 1 Jonas Clark ' Nathaa T. Sprague 13 Gideon Tabor 14 Innet HoUister 15 Erastus Holt 16 Caleb Hendecjr. 17 Joel Bcamnn 18 Moses Strong 19 20 Bart. Chndwick 21 Joseph Warner 22 Elias Post 23 William Fox 24 Shubael Lamb 1818 William Ford jr. Asa Tenncy Luther Carpenter Jcdediah H. Harris Joseph Peed Samuel Austin Simeon Bacon Jacob Burton Enoch Burnham Ellis Cobb William Scott Peleg Hill LaH. Allen Asahel Curtis Jotham Cummicg! Lames Brown Chauncey Smith Tohn Conant John Mason Howard Mitchell Zoheth Allen Erastus Coleman Abel Bishop Gordon Newell Channcpy Thrall -Tosiah \Vood jr. John While Bainard Kctcham Eastus Barker Ansel Goodspeed 1819 John Picket Lyman Kiider Moses Hubbard jr. Solomon Mann Simeon Stevens jr. >( Timothy Baylies Stuart Brown Robert Seaver Simeon Spaulding John Kimball William Baxter 1820 Daniel A. A, Buck AVilliam Spencer James Spear Lyman Fitch Jonathan Fi.sk William Rowcll Ellis Cobb Hiram Ma.son Benjamin Hinman Levi Stevens John Harding Samuel H. Hovey i Thomas Wells lairus Stebbins ^James Browa Samuel Burnell Chauncey Langdon Jonaa Wheeler Henry Hodges William Hitt Oliver Church Elisha Estabrooks Phinchas Strong Asahel Pond Robert Pierpoint Elias Post Eliakim H.Johnson Reuben Kash Samuel Bucl Wolcott H . Keeler Ic John P. Colburn u ( t Rufus Richardson (i a Caleb Buffum (t (I Caleb Hendee jr. Charles KWilliam Elijah Holden Obadiah Noble jr. 1821 William Ford jr. Daniel A. A. Buck Elishn Thayer Levi Ri gers Daniel Nelson Abuer Weston Samuel Austin Nathaniel Jimcs jr. Abiel Smith John Ide Augustus Young Stephen Sherman Roger Enos Ira Leavens Josiah Rawson George Flint Jairus Stebbins John Conant Reuben Moulion James MDaniels Gideon Tabor Benjamin Fitch Harvey D. Smith Josiah Wood jr. David Holden Wait Eathbono William Fcx Judge Painter was born at New Haven, Conn., May 22d, 1743. He was a Captain in the Revo- lutionary war, and a member of the Convention that formed the present Constitution at Windsor, July 4th, 1793. 54 REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. ORAXGE CO. 1822. 1 Geo.W. Frichdrd 2 Jolin Hutchinsou 3 Fied. GiiswoM 4 Dan'. A. A. Buck 5 Richard Smith 6 S ilomon Mann 7 Charles Jolinson 8 Luiher Carpenter 9 ShubaelConversc 10 Martin Barrett 11 Joseph Reed 12 Jona'n Jenness 13 Samuel Austin 14 Nath'l Jones jr 15 Stuart Brown 16 West Faiiiee 17 Robert Seaver ORLEANS CO. 1 E. Chamberlain jr 2 Ellis Cobb 3 4 5 John Ide 6 Agustus Young 7 8 John Boardman 9 Stephen Sherman 10 11 Ira E.Allen 13 John Harding 14 Ira Leavens 15 Jo si ah Ravvson 16 Salem 17 Reub. Washburn 18 Jairus Stebbins RUTLAND CO. 1 John Kellogg 2 Asahel June 3 Chau'y Lana;doh 4 James Wheeler 5 Henry Ho iges 6 James M'Daniel 7 Artemas Wyraan 8Scth Wallace 9 Daniel Graves 10 E. Estabrooks 11 Jonas Clark 12N. T. Sprague 13 Gideon Tabor 14 Benjamin Fitch 15 Warner Durkee 16 Caleb Hendeej 17 Harvey D, Smith 1 8 Edm'd Douglass 19 Albro Anthony 20 Zidon Edson 21 Barn'd Ketchun 2-2 WaitRathbone 23 John Fox 24 Jared Francis 25 Westkaven 1823 John Picket William Fordjr Abel Lyman H.E G.M'Laughlin Jesse Stodard John L. Woods u Dudley Chase Lyman Fitch Nathaniel King Jacob Bliss Samuel Graves Bradford Newcomb William Rowell Benjamin Hinman Charles Hardy Jason Hinman Samuel H. Hovey Samuel Howard Daniel Pomeroy Reuben Moulton Wolcott H. Keeler Lindsey Round Rufus ijucklin jr John P. Colburn Josiah Mason Rufus Richardson David G. M'Clure Oliver Hanks Jonathan Warner ■lohn Ransom Robert Pierpoint Josiah Wood Benj.Needham jr Eastus Barker Josiah Bascomb 1824 Jesse Merrill 2d John Hutchinson Benjamin Rolfe Moulton Morey Daniel Cobb • " James Petrie Samuel Austin Stuart Brown Darius Pride Eli Chamberlain Saml. Chamberlain William Baxter Roger Enos John Harding John Kellogg Silas W. Hodges James M'Daniels Preserved Fish Nathan Fisher Erastus Holt u u Robert Temple Mason Knap en Theophilus Clark u Seth Blosson Artemas Wyman 1825 William Ford John Wheailey Daniel A. A. Buck Lebbeus Edgerton George W. Maltby William Kimball Elisha Thayer Bradford Ne wcomb J. B. Chamberlain John Kimball Fasper Robinson Jonas Allen Joseph Scott David M. Camp Jason Hinman Joshua Johnson 1825 Lyman Kidder Daniel A. A. Buck William Spencer Phinehas Bailey Charles Johnson Nathan Young Israel H, Smith Jonathan Jenness James Hutchinsou a Daniel Peaslee K Darius Pride Fred- W. Adams William Baxter Agustus Young John Boardman S.imuel Hill Ira H. Allen Nathaniel Daggett (I Thomas Hitchcock Warren Barnard David Young David Barber u i( Jonas Clark Harris Hosford Josiah Wood Zidon Edson Joseph Warner Eliakim H.Jobnson I I Oliver Hitchcock Samuel Warner Jairus Stebbens Isaac Norton Wolcott H. Keeler Thomas Stewart George Warrea Leonard Mason (( Isaac Dickerman (( Warren Durkee Lyman Granger Barnard Ketchum Paine Gilbert Alexander Miller ShubaelLamb Artemas Wyman REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND 55 CRAVGE CO- 1827 GeorgfAVPritchord 2 R. lIuntinp;ton I Frederick (iiiswold H.E.G.M'Lau^tlilin 5 William Spencer 6 Phinohas Pailcy 7 Timothy Shedd 8 Luther Carpenter 9 Jacob K. Parish 10 Nathan Youn::;^ 11 Israel H. Smith 12JonaihanJenness James Hntchinson Nathaniel Jones jr. 15 Asa Barton 16 Isaac Lyon 17 Darius Pride ORLEANS CO- 1 ■\Villiam Rowell 2 Ellis Cobb 3 Jasper Eobinson 4 Jonas Allyu 5 John Ide 6 Hiram Mason /Benjamin Ilinman 8 Jolin Boardman 9 Samuel Hill Truman Faircliildjr 11 Ira H.Allen 12 Jmj 13 John Harding j 14 Ira Leavens ' 15 Israel H. Scott IG Ephraim Blake 17 Fiederick Fuller IS Jairus Stebbins RUTLAND CO. 1 John Kellogg Mathew w.Birchard 3 Reuben Moulton "Wolcott H. Keeler 5 Oziel H. Round 6 David Young 7 John P. Colburn 8 Samuel Cheever 9 Leonard Mason 10 Nathaniel Fisher Orson Brewster 12 Isaac Dickerman 14 Return Strong 15 Erastus Holt 16 Lyman Gi anger 17 Almon Warner 18 Geo. T. Hodges 19 Josiah "Wood 20 Elijah Hoi den Barnard Ketehura 22 Paine Gilbert 23 AmosBucklin 24 Seth Blossom 25 ArtemasWyman I 1828 Jesse Merrill 2d William Ford Harry Hale Stephen Eaton Martin Barrett Simeon Short Eli Austin George W. Maltby Abijah White Dyer Bill John Kimball Elisha Bingham Calvin Harmon Augustus Young Charles Kingsbury E. H. Starkweather Madison Keith William Colby John Hardilig lElias Eastman iNoyes Hopkinson Samuel H. Hovey 1829 Joseph Clark jr. Jonathan Bass John Whcatlcy Daniel A. -4. Buck Peter Burbank Natlir.n Foster Belcher Salisbury Eleazcr Baldwin James Petrie Nathaniel King Simeon Bacon Jabcz Lan^phear George CWest Philip Flanders Charles Hardy Marvin tirow Isaiah EmersoD Thomas Proctor Samuel Warner Josiah Lyon Frederick Fuller Silas Lamb Jonas Wheeler James M"DanieIs Ira Leonard Joshua Harrington Amos Robinson Allen Vail I tt Samuel Baldwin jr [William R Blossom Germon Hammond R. Eastabrooks jr. John Buckmaster Joseph Warner Thomas Porter jr Erastus Coleman 1830 Jesse Merrill 2d. Seth Riford Frederick Griswold Daniel A. A. Buck Wiiitlirop Green Isaac Farrington Luther S. Burnham Martin Barrett Darius Pride John Fairman Ellis Cobb Tyler Bingham Calvin Harmon Benjamin Hinman Henry Smith 1S31 John B. Pickett NathanlclWhC'tlev H.E.GM Laughiiil Edward Jackson Frederick Button Ira Edmonds Ira Jennings Nathan Fisher Jirah Bnrlow Daniel Mallary Ansel Goodspeed I Arte mas Wyraan No than Foster Martin Flint Jonathan J(nnes8 Elijah Dickerman Jedediah Smith John K'mball Jasper Robinson Isaac Parker Royal C(jrbin Jacob Bates Samuel Hill Ezra Hinman Ebenezer Sanborn Ira Leavens John A. Con ant (I Linsey Round John Jonas Whipple Maitin Edward Mussy Eliakim Paul Nathan T. Sprague Milton Brown JoelBeaman Rodney C. Roj-cc Rich'd Eastabrook Obadiah Noble Thomas Hulett Seth Blossom David B Phippeney Selah H. Merrill John Woodbuiy Lewis Wslker Seeley Vail Wm. C. Kittredge Marvel Johnson Silas Hathern Ira Parsons R. Eastabrooks jr u l( Noah W. Sawyer William Potter jr 56 REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. ORANGE CO. 1832 1 Jesse Merrill 2il 2 D;i;iiel Wait jr 3 John Whciuly 4 Harry Hale 5 Wintlirop Green 6 7 A. B. W. Tenney •8 Natliaii Foster 9 Martin Flint 10 Lyman Benson H Israel H. Smith 1*2 Jonatli an J'jnn ess 13 Sainu 1 Austin 14 HufusBlancliartl 15 Wm.Huniiiiyton leWm.LChnrcliill 17 Jedediali Smith ORLEANS CO. 1 Jabez Pni;e 2 Harry Baxter 3 George C. West 4 Silas Gaskill 5 Charles Storey 6 Agustus Young 7 Jacob Bates 8 Charles Hardy 9 Ezckiel Hand 10 Isaiah Emerson 11 Joseph Wiggins 12 13 John Harding 14 15 Samuel Warner 16 Nathaniel Cobh 17 SamuelH.lIovey 18 Guy Stoughton 19 West more EUTLAND CO. 1 Joseph Bascorab 2 C. W. Conant 3 Selah H. Merrill 4 Jonas Wheeler 5 Lewis Walker G Benjamm Barnes 7 Tilly Gilbert 8 Ira Jennings 9 Whipple i\iartin 10 Edward Mussey 11 Merritt Clark 12 Marvel Johnson 13 Silas Hathern 14 Milton Brown 15 L-a Parsons 16 17 W. L. Farnham 18 Rodney C.Eoyce 19 Silas Colton 20JohnBuckmaster 21 John C. Sawyer 22 Paine Gilbert 23 Amos Bneklin 24 Caleb Monroe 25 Orin Church 1833 Thomas Kingsbury Daniel A. A. Buek Phinehas Bailey Luther S Burnham Elenzer Baldwin Prcsbury Westjr it Elijah DJckerman Sfcplicn Bnrton Phiufchas Kimball Enoch Howe 1834 Arad Stebbins Nathan Harwood Plant Sawyer Albigence Pierce J. C. Hammond James Petrie Ebenezer Hackett Simeon Bacon Elijah G. Strong Isaac Parker ' Joseph Scott jr Orin Newcomb John Crane George A. Morey Joshua French Vloody B. Kimball Ebenezer Sanborn Silas Lamb John Bartlett lAsaB. Moore Ezra Johnson Cbester Coburn John C. Page Nehemiah Hoyt John Woodbury Daniel S.Ewings Wm. C. Kittredge John Mason Gsdeon S. Tabor Eiisha Allen Levi Rix Solomon Foote James K. Hyde Noah W. Sawyer Saml. M. Edgerton William Potter jr Willard Hitchcock John N. Hight Asa Kimball Gilbert Gross Ebenezer Cole Charles Storey David M. Camp Charles Hardy Jonathan Fi'ost Noyes Hopkinson Eowland P. Cooley 1835 Justis Edson William Spencer Stephen Jenkins William Hebard Lyman Fitch Samuel Bachelder (( Stephen F. Spencer Wm. Huntington William 8. Beckett Iiufus B. Hovey Richard Nevnon 1836 Isaac Nichols John W. Hopki Harry Hale George Sleeper Simon Stevens j Luther Carpeiili Sylvanus Blodgt Roval Hatch John Meacham Jonas Wheeler A. F. Campbell Daniel Barilett Ira Leonard Orsoa Clark David French Almon Warner A.mbrose L. Brown Eliada Crampton Joseph Parks John Offensend Holland Thrasher Joseph Scott jr Stephen Sherman Ira H. Allen Shubael Farr Curtis Phelps Thomas J. Leonard Chapman Giddings Barnabas Ellis David Barber P. W. Wilkinson Timothy Gibson Philip Farnam Simeon Bacon John Colby George May John Poor JohnN- Hight Alex. L. Twilight Eiisha Bingham Argulas Harmon William J Hastings Lemuel Richmond Joseph IL Dwinnell Willard Lincoln Jason Hinman Sabin Killam Ebenezer Sanborn John Bartlett Asa B. Moore Frederick Fuller David Wilson Milo W. Smith Jonathan W. Shaw Rufus Bucklin jr Edward Mussey Eliakim Paul Rufus Crowley Sheldon Edgerton Eleazer B.Rockwell German F. Hendee Harry Holden Amos Bucklin Samuel H. Kellogg Joel Beaman Solomon Foote R. Easta,brooks jr John Buckmaster Isaac Ketchum 1st Jeffrey Ballard Howard Harris H&race Adams REPRESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. oT ORANGE CO, I S.r , 1838 I 18:39 ! J. W, D Paikcr lAnid Stebbins J. W. 1). Tarkcr 2 ElijaliFlint |C!iarles Urackctt jjohii Waite Abul Bigclow 4 Thomas Widslowj " 5_^tTeorjic Sleeper " 6 Samuel Moort; I " 7 LmcolnSccven.s ji-I^Iooily Chamberlinl A. B, W. Tcniiey ]^ouis F, Peabody Carlos Carpenter ] Louis V. Peabody OSylvatuis Elodgett >li'th Washburn 10 Ilovul Ilatcli William Sanborn 1 1 Ilemy CJillctt I •; 12 Uavi"D CO. Edward S- Howard 2 Nathan T Sprague o William Sardord DanU B. Boguo .5 Philin Briggs 6 Ira Edmonds 7 Barnabas Ellis 8 •) Mines Fhi-ig 9 Kussel Fish i 10 Sa:nl. Caldwell ! CacbB.Harrinotjr t2 Russell Barier 13 R. H.F.Hill 14 Hid HoUistrr 15 Daniel Bowe !Sa nuel H.Kellogsl " William P. Nnyes iHenry G. Xeal 18 Luther Danitds I " Solomon W Adam.^-l •' Betij T. Needham Wm. Maihcwson '21 Asher Moon I I'homas JCroodrich 2^ John Cobb j " '2.') John Fox 'RnmnelMKdgcrton 24 John Ran-len '■ 'ij William IlOrccn " 1S43 George P. Baldwin Ira Kidder John W. Lane Simeon Stevens jr. Timothy Hancock William Sanborn William Kingman .Moses Jones Jacob Church Asa Howe u Benjamin Smith Amos Parlin Abel Wilder Amos P. Bean Jabez Pinney Jasou Hinman Alexaud'r Jameson Orville Robinson « Ethan Blodgett John Dickinson Oliver R- Harris Albert Bncklin Asahel H. Kidder jJames W. Barber [Leonard Mason Leiand Houghton John Crowley David Bolster Ira Marks I'ree'n F Mathews 1844 Samuel Darling Dyer W^atcrman John Atwood j 1845 [Joseph Riford Perley C, Jones iJeromc B, Bailey 'James Buchanan JArtemas Houghior, 'Joseph Gillett {Carlos P. Bill John Lougee B. W.Bai-tholomew'Stephen Burton Elisha May William A. Boyce Elisha White Josiah B-Wheelock Isaac B. Smith Ri-^hard P. GoodeU George Bryant Bradley Sanborn /^enas Bartlett Samuel B. Rider jr .losiah Lyon Hubbard Hastings Arad Hitchcock Carlton Cheney Stephen Thomas William S, Bucket' Harris Smith William Joslyn Gardner Gago William Nelson Amoa Paine Robert Kay 184& Arnold Stebbins Ephraim Ward tranklin Billings James L. Gilmore Horace Clark Charles F Edgerfon William Gilmore Benjamin Maxham Sampson Allen Hirvey Buiton jPhih Wi'co.x lEbenezer N. Briggi ; Samuel Cheever Gapen Leonard jr. !Jonathan Capen iReuben Balis' Ethan Temple Azel Kelly Lvman Gibbs Thomas F. Bisgue Adin Kendrick Elisha Johnson Charles W. Ilurtor Royal Coleman Salmon P. Abel Horaca Adami Elizur H. Foster Daniel Fitts Luther Merriara Elijah Cleveland Jason Davis Henry M. Bates Simeon Albee Uuswed Prouty Samuel Blako lere Hodekin.'s John M. Kibbey Thomas Manley Franklin Billings Isaac M'Danicls Amos Tower Caleb B.Harrington Abijah Cole Ira Marks JeflVey Barnes Joel M, Mead William B. B>own lohn S. Hnlett Seneca Field REPllESENTATIVES, ORANGE, ORLEANS, RUTLAND. 184S j i^ubbanl Wrisht 1 JoliQ S. !Nicliols OKA.SGE CO. 184 7 1 Goo. r. Baldwin o 3 4 o Epliraim Ward |rolin A. Tenncy 6 Lewis Jenkins 7 Siunuel Gr •«' 8 David Holbiook 9 10 1 1 Josppli Matson 1'2J. W. BatcheUlci \.i 14 RufasB'andiaid It Daniel Kilts IGJerotneB Siayton 17 ORLEANS CO. 1 2 Lvndon 'Rohinson S John Bryan: 4 Winthrop Cole 5 Isaac BuikLT IK49 jHomor Hatch lElihu Hyde 1850 I [Joseph III ford Jeremiah Foster Alvah Boaii f oner Martia [Stephen Cliapman jWillium Ciiild |A. B. W. Tenney I jOranpe Fifield Bonj. T. Bloilgett jAmn\i Burnham Roval Hatch Rojier S. Howard Josiah Ci)l)ura Hale Grow | ' " " iWilliam Putnam jjamcs Matthews Elislia Tracv J. P. Southworth Milton Martin George Putnam Bcnj. F. Robinson John Evans jL. Ciiamberlain " ;Jaf^')li Ricliards " iWin. M.Dickerman William J. Hastings 7 Aaron Hinman 8 Lvnrtal French 9 Ezfikiel Rand 10 MicahFerrin 11 Henry M. Bate? 12 13 JohnD.Harding 14 Simeon Albee ISRoswell Prouty 16 1 7 Curtis Elkins 18 19 KMTLAND CO. I Loyal C. Kellogg '2 Nat'n T. SDiau;uf 3 Timothy AY. U\cv 4 Wm.H Harrison! 5 Walter Ross i 6 Galen J. Locke 7 Wm C.Kittredgc 8 Pliny Holmes 9 Amos Tower 10 Jared Long II H'.rris G. Otis 12 Abijali Cole 13 David Bolster 14 15 Calvin Joilyn 10 Jeffery Barnes 17 Amou Bailey 18 So'omon Foot 19 R.Puichardson jr 20 David B.Jones, 21 John C. Sawyer 2-2 Dexter Gilbert 23 Stephen Hyde 24 John S. Hiilott 25 Seneca Field Jabcz Pinney Grin Emerson Levi L. Collier Isaac N. Cushman Henry Pinney William Rowell Thomas C, Stewart Wil'ard Leonard Eben'r R. Randall It ■ Geo.Worthingtonjr Willard Walker iFlRST T0W2< Ck'«. i.S..M'Conuoll il.S Elijah French «!* Timothv Cole Enos Smitli 88 George Bondfichi amuel Smith 7.5 Jacob Kent 03 Jolin Sloan 96 J. Woodward 83 D. Chamberlain 79 Abncr Howard 68 Lemuel Tabor 90 A. S ted man S6 Audiew Peters 83 Jacob Burton Elisha Tliayer 97 Cornelius Lynde 87 Benj. Neal 1806 Abner Allyn 98 Abner Allyn 1806 Joseph Miirsh 1803 Snml. C. Crafts 92 Tim. Hinman 93 Eber Robi nson 1805 lSamuelConantlS03 " i]\Iarson Leavens William Moon jr 'Jonathan Frost Calvin S. Grow George Stoughtou jDavid F. Boynton David Gilliilan Isaac Dickinson Reuben Harris Calvin Spencer Williim Otis I I'Vm. C. Kiltredge William I\L Field I'izra S. Carr jWm. H. Harrison I Green Arnold jllarris F. Otis I Win. C. Kittiedr/e IJustin Jennings Lester Fish William Harkness i " William X. Gray " .John Crov.b'v | John Ack ley Benjamin B.Brittonj " Sheldon Eduerton Ortoii Hatch David Hall Nahum E. Green Edwin L. Griswold Chnl•le>K.William^ Benjamin Maxham Elisha Johnson Henry II. Meviitt George Capron jr Isaac B. Munson Harvey Parks Uarvev Howes i^reeman Miller j.Samv.el Blake William C. Gilman Calvin Gibson Loyal C. Kellogg William B.Colburn Saml. W. Harrison Toseph Congdon Azariah Hilliard j Abrani Graves ! t; Erwin Collins John Osliorn RoswcU Buul jr David Stimson (Robert H. Smith Orton Hatch Simeon (Jilbeit Josci'h Joslin Vlartin G. Everts Amial Johnson William B. Brown Henry J. Ilovton (t Robinson Hall C. Hopson jr John H. Wyman Asahel Curtis 1812 C. Bartlett 1807 Samuel Blake 1822 Curtis Elkins 1802 JtsseOlds 180-3 Allen Goodrich 80 Gideon Horton 84 Jesse Belknap 77 iStepbcn Arnold 78 Thomas Rowley 69 Eleazcr Dudley S3 ]:>avid Hickcck 85 Isaac Ciark 79 iJohn Pace 1806 [J >senh Rockwell 86 Istcphcn Clark 92 John Jenkins 83 Simeon Burton 69 i'hos. Hodgkins 93 n.rij. Cooley 70 Llcber Allen 74 Albro Anthony CharlcsBrewstcr 77 Abra'm Jackson 73 John Ward 73 William Wvman93 CO REFS., WASHINGTON, WINDHAM, WINDSOR. MAPIIINr.TOX CO. H Miex <) Montpelier l(i Vv'atcrliurv \VINDnAM <.'o, i Athens '2 ]5rattlcbovo' 5 Dunimeiston () (xrafcon 7 (Juilt'ord 8 Halifax y Jamiaca 10 Lonrlonclerry 1 1 Marlboro' 12 New'ane 13 Putney 14 Hotkingjljam I" Townshend 18 Vernon It) Wardsboro' 20 Westminster ■21 Wliitingham 22 Wilinin_G:ion WINDSOR CO. I Andover ;$ ]?arnard 4 Bethel .f) Bridgwater 6 Cavendish 7 Chester 5 Hartford 9 Hartiand II Norwich 1.3 Pom fret 14 Reading 15 Eoehest -r If, Hojalton 1 7 Sharon IS Springfield 19 Stockbridge 20 Weathersfield 23 Windor 24 Woodstock 17S8 Joseph Bnlien Israel Pmith William Sargcants William 8tickney BerjaminCarpentei HulJLel AVells Edward Aiken Ph inch as Freeman Luke Knowlton Daniel Jewett •Jonathan Ilolton Joshua Wood Stephen R.Bradley James Roberts Jesse Cook Frederick l^ogers Foseph Foster Nathaniel Throop John Hawkins David Ileald Joshua Hazen William Gallup Elisha Burton John Throop lohn Weld Enoch Emmersou Calvin Parkhurst ■Joel Marsh Abner Bis bee Joseph Hubliard Stephen Jacob Jesse Saflbrd 1789 Elijah J'^'mer Sanircl 1\ night Thomas Cbirk Charles Perkins William Bigelow Benjamin Ilenty Silas Havward Samuel Cutler Arad Hunt Asa W bee lock Lot Hall Isaac Lyman Chipman Swift Asaph Fletcher Elisha Marsh George Denison Abida Smith .\ntliony Morse Jolham White Bryant Brown Warren Cottle 1790 James Sh.^fter Gardner Chandler Henry Bond l^eter Briggs Benjamin Olds Calvin Ivnowlton John Campbell Jehiel Webb Steiihen R. Bradley .\aron Barlow .Michael Flyna Joshua Hazen Oliver Gallup Joseph Hatch Barius Green Elkanah Day Daniel TuUer Benjamin Greene Jesse Saflbrd 1791 Samue> Hnrris Jacob D;ivis Joseph BuUen •Jason Duncan Stephen Haywapd William J5igelow Edward Aiken Jonas Wliitney Samuel Cutler John Hazletine Lot Hall Jabez Foster Nathaniel Throop Benjamin Perkins John Russell Roger Etios I'aul Brigham Abida Smith Benjamin Eastman Ca via Pavkhinst Datjiel Gilbeit Nathaniel Westoa Benjamin Emmons DAVID REDDING AND ETHAN ALLEN. In the journals of the Legislature held at Bennington, June 6, 1778^ may be found the following: Voted, that the petition presented to this House by David Redding, be taken into consideration; and that a committee of five be appointed to prepare a bill, in consequence of said petition, (fce. Committee chosen, Mr. Webb, Mr. Alverd, Capt. John Fassett, Ensign Harris and Major Olin. Redding had been convicted of enemical conduct towards Vermont which was considered, at that time, unpardonable by the multitude, and sentenced to be executed on the 4th day of June. The curiositv which has ever been manifested on such occasions, was greatly heightened on this, as it was the' first public execution ever witnessed in Vermont. To this curiosity was added a strong feeling of indignation which such a crime was calculated to excite in those days. A vast multitude collected to witness the execution. In the meantime, Redding's Council had discovered a very important defect in the proceedings. Redding had been tried by a jury of six only, which was not in accordance vvitli the common law of England, which rec|uired twelve. On application to the Gov- ernor and Council, the following reprieve was granted just as the people were assembling to view the execution : " In Council, June 4th, 1778. To Benjamin Fny, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Bennington . — This Council have taken into consideratfon, this day, the petition of David Redding, now a prisoner, under sentence of death, and do hereby, in Convention, reprieve him, the said David Redding, until Thursday next, the 1 1th instant, June, precisely at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day. You are, therefore, korcbr ordered to suspend his execution until that time. By order of Council, Thomas Chtttendbn." REP'S. WASHINGTON, WIXDIIAM, WIXDSOl Gl WAsniNGTON 1792 1 Barre 'z Berlin 3 Ca'aius 4 Dia-bury 8 Scth Putnam 9 Jacob Davis 10 Moretown 14 Waitsjield Ifi Daniel BIis3 WlNDAAM CO. 1 James Shafter 2 Josiah Arms 5 Jason Duncan 6 Henry Bond 7 Wm. Biffclow 8 Benjamin Henry 9 Silas liaywarJ 10 Edward' Aiken 1 1 Jamr 8 Whitney 12 L. Kiiowlton ],'3 John Campbell 14 DaviilSai!(iersoIi J 7 E. "WTieelock 18 Arad Hunt 19 Asa ^Yileclock 20 Lot Hall 21 Jabez Foster 22 Chipman Swift AViNDSOR CO. 1 Moses Warner 3 John Foster 4 Elisha Hubbard h John Hawkins 6 Asaph Fletcher 7 Ahncr Field 8 Eii>ha Marsh 9 Oliver Gallup 10 Ludlow Jl Aaron Storrs 12 Plymouth 13 John W.Dana U John AVel.l 15 Enoch Emerson 16 Elias Stevens 17 Joel Marsh 18 Daniel Gill 19 John Whitcomh 20 Elijah Bobinson 2S Benj. Greene 24 Beni. Emmons 1 793 I Nntlian Harrington Jolm Taplin I Ezra Edson Ezra Li verm ore Moses Kenney Eliakim Spooner Timothy Castle Aaron Barber Joel Marsh James Smith Daniel Heald Joshua Hizen Daniel Buck William Perry \aron Kimball EbenezerParkhurst Samuel Cobb Elias Keyes \ldon Sjiooncr 1794 Asapli Sherman I'onjamin D.ivis Setli Putnam Luther Mosely i5zra Butler Daniel Taylor David Palmer Caleb Hayward u Ebenezer Allen John Hazletine John Bridgman cc James Roberts Frederick Eogers Tolin Foster Joseph Marsli Benjamin Perkins (( Waitsiill Ranney John Clark Daniel Buck Abijah Stone Reuben Spaulding Simeon Stevens Stephen Jacob 1795 .Vbi'l Knapp '\ter Wln.-elock losiali Iluillmt Benjamin Wait Samuel Warner Enos Lovell Rzra Livermore Toim Burnap Samuel Cutler Jonathan Carver labez Foster Chijjman Swift Moses Warner Stewart Suuthgatc Michael Flynn r,eonard Proctor Daniel IKald Peter Read Jolin liush Moses Priest Elijah Stone Benjamin Eastman James Parker Lewis li. Alorris Natiri Stoughton AVilliam Hunter Jabez Cottle 179G TesJDS0I: CO. 1 jMoses Warner 5 John Foster 4 NathanielThroop 5 John Hiwkins G James Smith 7 Daniel Heald 8 John Clark 9 Ebcnezer Allen 10 Josiah Flotcher 11 Boswell Olcott 12 Asa Brigss 13 O. Huteliinson 14 David Hipgood 15 Enoch Emerson JG Silas Allen 17 Ili'ub.Spauldino: iSJotham White" 19 Asa Whitcomb *20N. Stoufrhton 23 Zabina Curtis 24 Jesse Williams 1798 N'athauiel Killam Joseph Hazletiue George Kennan 'John W, Blake ; Jason Duncan Tha'^deus Taylor jDarius Bullock Ezra Livermore Samuel Arnold lehabod Kin^ 17:»9 Benjamin Walker Eleiizer Hubbard ji Perley Davis Asa Wheeloek Alvin Simonds Aaron Barlow Ezra Butler William Hall jr John Noyes Benjamin Henrv James Aiken Jonas Whitnev Daniel Eiee Samuel Bouiell ;Chipman Swift Moses Howell 1800 James Fisk Abdial Bliss Joseph Nash David Wins: jr Roswell Smith Bradford Kinne Stephen Pierce Willard Evans Joseph Clark Jonas Walker Thaddeus Taylor Benjamin Muzzy John Aiken Ichabod Klaz isni Abel Knapp Henry Perkins Seth Munson Amos I\obinson Thomas Vincent Benjamin Wait jJames Shafter Daniel Taylor 1 Sylvester Bishop tJosiah Goodhue jDaniel Sanderson Ephraim Wolcott jEphraim Wheeloek Stephen Cleveland Phinehas "Williams benjamin Perkins Jahez Sargeant AVilliam Strong Oliver Gallup Jesse Fletcher Moses Chaplain Jacob Smith Anthony Morse Ellas Iveycs Thomas Prentiss Samuel Perkins Elisha Burton William l*errv Elias Stevens Joel JMarsh Samuel Cobb Jabez Bennett S. R. Bradley Jesse Swift Moses Warner Thomas Freeman jr John Hawkins Benjamin Russ Oliver Gallup Josiah Fletcher Solomon Keyes Jacob Smith Reuben Spauldins Alden Spooner Benjamin Emmons Mark Eicbarda Israel Lawton Alvin Simonds James Topliff Aaron Leland William Strong Elihu Luce Peter Olcott Elias Williams Jeremiah Conant Elias Jones Abel Stevens Anthonv Morse the woods. Not rcturninsr, the parents became alarmed and commenced a search, which, with the ;iid of a few neighbors was continued through the night. The next day a universal turn out re- newed, and continued the search till the middle of the afternoon of the third day, when it was unsuc- cessfully relincjuished, and the people assembled who bad been out, with a view of returning to their homes. Being about to disperse, a large, stout man ascended a stump, and in a loud voice informed them that the search ought not to be abandoned. Soon every eye was upon him. la the usual manner of the man, after pointing to the father and mother of the children, now over- come with grief and despair, badeeach person present, and especially those who were parents, to make the case of those parents their own, and then say whether they would go contentedly home, and not make one more effort to save those dear little ones, who were, probably, now alive, but fast perishing with hunger, and will soon spend their last breath in crying to Iiave father and mother REP'S., WASHINGTON, WINDHAM, WINDSOR. 63 1804 Elenzer Hubbard jri " Gershoni Palmer Lemuel Perry EbcDczer Corse "' Stephen Pitkin Seth Putnam " Joseph WoodworthjEdward Lamb Wriglit Spaulding ISeth Munson •TVASniNGTON' 1802 1803 I Jnmes Fisk *2 Abel Knapp 3 Joshua Bliss 4 Joseph Nash 7 Marshfidd 8 Henry Perkins 9 Pcrley Davis 10 Seth Alurison I I Ainos Rolunson r2 Bradford Kinne 13 Ro.rburii 14 Benjamin Wait iBissel Phelps 16 Ezra Butler i " "WINDHAM CO. I 1 James Shatter " 2 John W. Blake Lemuel Whitney 5 Samuel Porter '■ 6 Thoddeus Taylor John B. Wheeler 7 John Noyes 8 Darius Bullock, 9 Benjamin Muzzy 10 Emcrsonllodges John Aiken 11 EU Halladay LSylvester Bishop 1 2 Ebenezer Allen I " 13 James Fitch jDaniel Jewctt 14 Daniel FarrandiLevi Sabin 15 Daniel Rice 16 Samuel Boutell I " 17 Ep'm AVheelock 18 Jonatlian Hunt iZcbediah Butler Thad's Alexander Enoch Hale Timothv Mather Alex. Campbell 19 x\.sa Wheelock 20 Mark Richards 21 James Roberts 22 Israel Lawton 23 Windham ■\VINUSOR CO. I Moses Rowell 3 Benjamin Clapp 4 S. Cleveland 5 James Topliff 6 James Smith 7 Aaron Le and 8 VVii iam Stroig 9 Elihu Luce 10 David Lewi5 II Pierce Burt;n 12 Asa Brig.cs 13 ./eremiahConani 14 Eluis Jones 15 Enoch Emerson 16 Jacob Smith 17 George Dana 18 Samuel Cobb 19 Elias Keycs 20Nath'iStoughton 21 Weston 23 Alden Spooner 24 Benj. Emmons Arad Hunt Abner Perry Ephraim Ranncyji Timothy Castle Nehemiah Noble Phinehas Williams William Perry Hczekiah Goodrich Joseph Perry John Dver Mark Richards Jabez Foster Jairus Hall Samuel Burton Stephen Cleveland Aaron Leland uke I'lnowlton Phixieiias White Benjamin Smith jr Stephen Prcsson Gideon Wainer Ephri.un Smith John Waid Samuel Tjillie James TopliiT Joshua Lcland Wi'lia.ii Strong Elihu Luce Elisba Ives .>on J. Brigham Jonathan Shedd Daniel Rix jr. Samutl Su'elc Leonard W'alker Jabez Delano Zebina Curtis 1816 Warren Ellis Abel Knapp Naum Kelton Bradford Kinne lidmond Rice Amos Rising Tim'y II. Whitney Jonathan Hunt jr. Gaidncr Howe u John Barrett Willard Martin Simeon Leland Daniel Halladay Sylvanus Sherwia Munnis Kinney Israel Johnson Jairus ITaU Amos Emery Samuel Manniug u a .James Southgate John Bridge Sowal Fnllam Enoch Emerson Elias Stevens Branch WHiifcomb Lemuel Hitchcock Jabez Delano StephcuFarns worth 66 REP'S,, WASHINGTON, WINDHAM, WINDSOR. WASHINGTON 1817 1 Warren Ellis 2 Jabez Iris 3 Gideon Wheclook 4 Ciirwin Wallace 7 iSteplien Pitkin SDavid Harrington 9 Naum Kelton 10 Seth Munson 1 1 Gilbert Hatch 1 2 Joseph Nye Jonathan^ PJuofgles 14 Mat bias S Jones 16 Dan Carpenter Nathan B, Ilarvcy 18 ■WINDHAM CO. Timo y H. AVhitney 2 Jonathan Hunt jr, 4 Elijah Stearns 5 Jonathan Huntley 6 Nathan Wheeler 7 William Bigelow 8 DariusBiiUoek Nathaniel Robbins Abie! Richardson 11 DanHalladayjr 12 Horace Diinliam 13 Pliinehas White 14 Peter Willard IGBilleMann 1 7 Munnis Kinney 1 8 Isaac Johnson 19 Paul Wheeler 20 Gideon Warner 22 Jairns Hall 23 Amos Emery WINDSOll CO. 1 Joseph Kirk 3 Thomas. Freeman 4 Saniuel Lillie 5 James Southgiite C Uriel C. Hatch 7 Amos He aid 9 Elihn Luce 10 Asahel Smith Don J. Brigham 12 Ephraim Moor 13 John Bridge 14 Scwal Fullam Daniel Huntingion \6 Daniel Rix jr, 17 James Parker 18 Asahel Powers Branch Whitcomb Leniuel Hitc^hcock 2."} Jaliez Delano 24 S. Farnsworth Nathan Carpenter Abram Shipman Charles Samson Joseph W. .Eldridge'Tehan Rising 1818 I 1SI9 Phineas Thompson. " Charles Bulklcy Joel Warreir Caleb Curtis Ebenezer Corse David Harrington IGco. Worthington Rnfus Clapj) Benjamin Whipple Jolin Peck Benjamin Fowler James Elliott Thomas Boyden John Phelps ^ Russel Avery Samuel Arnold Luther Very Luke Ivnowlton Alex. Campbell Peter R. Taft Samuel Sikes Benjamin Ranney Amos Brown Samuel Manning James Topliff Salmon Dutton jr William Strong Jesse Bailey Asa Briggs Dexter Hawkins (( Enoch Emerson Rhodolphus Dewey Leonard Walker Elias Keyes Carl(js Cowle.'! Asa Aiken Daniel Dana Dan Carpenter John Barrett Willard Martin Darius Bullock Asa Stevens Luther Stowell Martin Field Dana Bailey Arad HuntSd. Pcarley Fairbanks William C Bradley John Roberts Benjamin Pierce Oliver Farrar PelegS. Marsh Uriel C. Hatch Abner W. Field James Ud;)ll ■^imeon Willard William Powers Moses Cutter 1820 Warren Ellis Israel Dewey Ciirwin Wallace Willirm Martin Natb'l Carpenter Naum Keltou Tosiah B" Strong Joel Cilley Samuel Clark Barzilla Burgess Joseph Boyden Benjamin Henry Nathaniel Robbins Saniuel Arnold Sylvanus Sherwin Henry Lake jr. Abel Gront Peter 11. Taft Samuel Sikes Samuel Mason Joel Balch Zcbina Eaton Daniel Li lie Jiimes Southgate Asaph Fletcher Znclia'h SpauUlinf Aaron Lovtdaud Ephraim Moore I Rhodolphus Dewe^ Bezaleel Wood | '■ Brand) Whitcomb jElias Keyes Amos Hulett | " Horace Everett Howjand Simmons IS21 iJacob Scott Gideon Wheelock David Harrington Arunah Waterman Paul Mason Bradford Kinne Ralph Tumor Joseph W. Eldridge Amos Rice Aaron Barney Luther Stowell Martin Field Joseph Winslow Hazleton Rice Bille Mann Munni.- Kinney Elijah Siebbens Abr,er Ilolbrook EUery Albee Oliver Farrar Uriel C. Hatch George E Wales Jonathan Shedd Jacob Collamer Jonathan Whipple Joel Cooper Asa Aiken Titus Hutchiusou REP'S. WASHINGTON, WINDHAM, WINDSOR. 67 18-23 Peter Nichols Lovel Kelton Tlicophilus Bixhy Josiali llollister Josial) Ilolcleii John Foster Benjamin WhippL James llichardson Benjamin Fowler Benjflmin Ormsbee Gardner Howe Amos Billiiifrs James L. Stark John Gibson Ja^en Duncan jr. ■VTAsniyciON. 1822 1 Warren Ellis 2 Abel Knapp 3 Benjamin Pajrc 4 Edward Crossett 5 Finjston 7 Will;ain Martin 8 Setli Butnam Arunali Waicrman 10 Paul Mason 11 Joel AVinch 12 Thomas Vincent t. 5 Robert Cram 14 Kalph Turner I'j Amos Kisinc^ If) Dan Carpenter 17 Joel Cilley 18 Allen Vail AVINDIIAM CO. Acton Timo'y H Whitney 2 Sam'uel Elliott 3 Jjiookline 4 Amos Bice ft Jonathan Huntley 6 Barzilla Burjiess 7 WilUird Marthi 8 Gcr^e Boardman 9 Kath'l Bobbins 10 Samuel Arnold 11 Simeon Adams Svlvanus S'nerwin _ , 13 Jo.ieph Winslow Theoph's Crawford 14 Eleazer A! bee 1824 Dennison Smith Chester Nye l-lbenezer Corse Samuel Prentiss Barnaltas Alayo Abel Keycs Josepli Nye Charles Sampson .Mathias S. Jones Amos Ivisiii" Amos Eicc Eben'r Huntington Jonathan Hunt Ebenezer Jones Marshall Miller William Stickney ji Joseph Boyden Zelotes Skinner Samuel Arnold 1825 Nathan Huntley Alonzo Foster llolden Putnam Thomas Vincent I 182G Peter Nichols jlsrael Dewey JDavid G. Sbeplc Jotham Carpenter Arunah Waterman David Belding John Starkweather Isaiah Shaw 15 16 Abel Grout 17 Peter R. Taft IS Samuel Sikcs 19 Abner Holbroot 20 EUery Albee 21 JohnEobcrts 22 Jairus Hall 23 Benjamin Pierc' TTINDSUn CO. 1 Joel Balch 2 Balthnore 3 John Fostfr 4 Daniel Lillie 5 James Toplili' 6 Jes.se Adams 7 Abiel Kichardson 8 George E. Wales 9 Simeon AYiilard 10 Asahtl Smith 11 Aaron Loveland 12 Ephraim Moor 13 Eben Snow 14 Jonathan Shedd 15 Enoch Emerson 16 Jacob Collamer 17 William Steele Jonathan Whipple 19 Rufus Lyon 20 Amos Hulett 23 Horace Everett 24 Jasper Hazea Biile Jlann Dana Bailey Jonathan Robinson Elijah Ran 11 ey jr. Apollas W^arner Isaiah Raymond Stephen Field George E. Wales Isaac N, Cushman Samuel Hubbard Lemuel Faiwell .Tames Bailey Samuel Clark William Periy jr David Burr Willard Martin John Lakin Dexter Hawkins p]phraim D. Brip;gs Uhodoljihus Dewey James Parker Phinehas T. Wales Elias Keycs Daniel Bo wen John "'Vait Benjamin Smith jr Sam'l AYorthington Richard Scott Peter R- Taft Benjamin Lee Mark Richards Amos Brown Edward Simonds Benjamin Page Levi Jackman George E.Wales Moses Haven Thomas Emerson Svlvanus Sherwin Luke S. Rand Samuel Sikes Paul Wheeler Gideon Warner Iloiace Roberts Amos Emery Elijah Aiken Wyllis Lyman Robert Barllett Asahel Smith Eben Snow Samuel CLoveland Henry Gray Titns Hutchinson John Bridge Lyman Emerson Gel Billings Bczaleel Wood Barnabas Dean Amos N. Burton Jabez Delano Joel Cilley Eben'r Huntington Abraham Ball Benjamin Ormsbee Ehcnczor Jones Josiah Taft Nathan W^heeler Dana Hyde jr. Nathaniel Bobbins John Gibson Wm. H, Williams Asa Keyes 2d. William Hall Ephraim Rice Epaphro's Ransom Nathan "SVood Leland Fairbaxiks Mark Richards Benjamin Pierce Joseph Atherton jc James W^allace Edmond. Ingalls Jabez Sargeant Joseph Kennedy Abel Gilsonjr. Nathan Kimball William Steele Leonard W^alker Dwight Gay Abner Forbes Richard M. Rasmon 68 REP'S., WASHINGTON, WINDHAM, WINDSOR. WASHINGTOX 1S27 1 Phine'sThompsor 2 Jtimcs Sawyer 3 Lovcll Kolton 4 I'^atliiin lluntle}' 5 Joih.imCiirpentei 7 William Martin 8 lioU'.cn Putnam 9 William Upliam 10 David Bekling- 11 J, Starkweathci 12 Jeremy Stone 13 Isaiah Sliaw 14 Jenison Jones 15 Jai- ButlerfieUl 16 Amasa Pride 17 Benj'in Fowler 18 Natiian Adams WINDHAM CO. 1 T. H. Whitney 2 Lemuel Whitney 3 Benj'in Ormsbee 4 David Burr .5 Josia'.i Taft 6 Jolm Barrett 7 Dana Ilydc 8 James L. Stark 9 Peter R. Taft 10 Samuel Arnold 11 Simeon Adams 12 1 3 Asa Kovcs 2d 14 William Ha 1 15 S. Worthiiigton If) Richard Scott 17 E. Ransom 18 Nathan Wood 19LelandFairban!v5 20 Eben'r Goodcll 21 Schuy'iMurdock 22 Epliraim Tyler 23 BunjaminPierct' Windsor co, 1 Edward Simonds 2 3 John S. Bicknell 4 James Walluce a I. Raymond C Edmond Ingalls 7 ,'iabez Sargcant 8 Wvllis Lyman 9 Albe Lull 10 Asahel Smith 1 iThomasEmerscn 12 13 L Tinkham jr 14 S. C.Lovfcland 15 D. Hiintin'^ton 16 Jacob Colianier 17 William Steele ISSamuel W.Porter, 19 D wight Gay 20 John Brown i 21 Henry Gray 22 23 Abner Forbes 24 Billy Brown 1823 Peter IS'ichols James IL Langdoii Pardon Janes Ira Arms Josiah Holden John Foster Charles Paine Charles Samson Joseph A. Hyzer E. Huntington Samuel Elliott William Perry Ebenezcr Jones Jc sep'a Duncan Wiliiam Sticknc^'ji iiarou Burney 1829 Denison Smith Merrill Tyler Naum Ke'ton Isrnel Goodwin Nathan Morse lason Carpenter Moses Sargeant jr Dan Carpenter Joel Ci: ley Milton Brown Mathan Fisher Jacob Burditt Wm. H. Hodges anford Plumb Xathaniel Robbins Samuel Arnold Vlpheus Kellogg Luther Stowell ' M. H. Wincbcstei -iylvanns Shcrwin Joseph Ellis David Crawford Alex. S. Campbell iManassch Divoll Charles Morse S. Worthingion William R. Shaftcr " Joseph Franklin [Nathan Wood Rieemnn Holbrook Nathaniel Ward M^.ik Richards Siracnn Moise Lancy Forbes Daniel Cobb Benjamin Page EbcuezerRichmond James Smith jr Rufus Bruce Simeon Willard Jonas Dunn It John Lakin Lyman Emerson Harrv Bingham Daniel Mason Orin Hazcltine Daniel Lillie David Thompson Abel Richaidson Cyrus Partridge Samuel Page Henry Hewett Simeon Buck 1 830 Alvin Carter Jonathan P. Miller Spencer Lawrence John Vincent William LT^pham H. W. Carpenter Lebbeus Bennett Charles Samson Charles R. Cleaves Normnn Webber John Wilder I Thomas Leland ! Richard M.Ratisom •Tames Miner jr Asa Knight Russel Hyde John Campbell Eli Lcc Ellcry Albee Schuyler Murdock David Ruiie Levi Belknnp John Woodbury Levi Jackman E!ihu Luce Asa I'k-tcher E!ias Lyman jr Levi Slack Nathan Snow EphraimD.Briggf •Jacob Co I lamer William Thayer William Thayer jr iDanicl Gayjr Jcshua Upiiam I " Henry Lovejoy Jonathan Webster Sylvester Edson " Allen Wardner |LysanderRaymond|Billy Brown 1S31 Lucius B. Peck Samuel Turner William telierman William H. Holden Azel Spanlding Stephen Pierce Isaiah Shaw Ebenezer Bruce Mieah Davis Lemuel Wiiitney Samuel Stebbins Ward Bullock Darius Bidlock NatiianielCheneyjr Henry Wheelock Alex. S. Campbell Joim P. Marsh Cyrus Washburn Silas Dexter John Smith Amos Brown Harvey Burnap William War:.er James H. Mungcr David Bates Elias Lyman Samuel Page Stilman Emerson Wm. Woodworth Cyrus Boyntoa REP'S., WASHINGTON, WINDHIM, WINDSOR. G9 Washingtok 1832 1 Alvin Carter 2 Jobiah Benjamin 3 4 Samuel Turner 5 Poter Drew 7 William Martin 8 9 A:?el Spaiikling 10 Calvin Clark 11 John Averill 12 Joiin Vincent l-'3 Isaiah Shaw 14 Thoma.'^rrentiss J 5 Joseph A. Ilyzcr IG Amasa TriJe 17 Ehenezcr Bruce 18 iMilH)n Brown WlXDIIAJI CO. 1 Joseph Tinkham 2 Lemuel Whitncv 3 Samuel Stcbbins 4 Lvman Howo 5 En OS Leonard G Krasuis Burgess 7 Ward Bullock 8 SanfordPl'tmb 9 Nathaniel Cheney 10 S.unucl Avnold 11 II H. Winchester 12 Henry Whcclock 13 David Crawford 14 N. B. lioundy 15 Eiliott Morse IG Stephen Ballard 17 18 John Stcbbins 19 Em'v Wheelock 20 iMark Richards 21 John Roberts 22 23 ■WIVDSOK CO. I William Warner 2 .T Thomas Freeman 4 Elislia Fowler I 5 J. li. lMuni,-er 6 Levi Jackinan 7 D ivid Bates 8 Wyllis Lyman 9 I. N. Cushnrin 10 Arioek Smith II VAirose Burgess 7 Ward Bullock 8 Isaac Warden 9 Nathan Adams 10 Alfred Pierce 1 1 H II. Winchestei 12 James Elliott 13 14 John Seaver 15 Hollis Town 16 David Rice 17 J, H. B.ngham 18 Eben'r Hov/e jr 19 Em'j Whcelock 20 David Allen 21 William Bond ji 22 Charles K. Pield 23 Amos Emery AVINDSOR CO. 1 T. B. Manning 2 J. Woodbury jr 3 Eben'r Atwood jr 4 David Woodbury 5 L. Raymond 6 Levi Jackman 7 Abncr W. Field 8 And.-ew Tray 9 Daniel Ashley 10 S. Fullum jr ] 1 Alden PartVidizc 12 13 Henry Hewett 14 B. Hapo-ood 1.5 J. P. Tilden 16 17 J. Baldwin 18 Bezaleel Wood 19 Samuel Eaton 20 J. Lawrence 21 PerkinbN. Wiley 22 23 Charles Hopk'ns 24 John Moulton 1838 ')rren Smith L\m n C Turner Ira Richardson William J. Holden Royal Wheeler Joseph Sawyer Ebenezer Bruce Jacob Cushman Nathan Fisher Comfort Tiirasher Clark Rice Thomas Hill Timothy Goodale Simeon Adams Li Ferris Moore Isa Wentworth S. S. Stoddard Obed Foster II. William Harris ■Joseph Dodge jr Thomas I^. Russell Isaiah Riymond Joseph Wliite Horace Onion John Porter Thomas Hazen Solomon Keyes .John Trask David Wheelock A. F. Dean Abuer Field Merrick G.iy Barnabas Dean 1839 Newell Kinsman Wooster Sprague Alunzo Pearce William Martin Thomas Stowell Ira Carpenter Harvey Bancroft William B. Taylor u Abner Town Ebenezer Wells Ephraim Park Lewis Hall Samuel French B. H. Bridigrnan John Lynde lames L, Stark S.T. R. Che;iey Stephen Smith Ira Adams Walter Eager lohn Smith \, Wentworth jr ovoland 12 Moses Pollard jr 13 Olivin* Leonard 14 Charles Buck 15 1 6 B. Walker 17 J. C. Baldwin 18 James Whipple 19 20 Hyrcn Henry 21 Stephen Smith 22 23 Dyer Story 24 Julius Converse 1818 Snoch C. McLoud iCbcnezer W. Corse Merrill Tyler Enoch D. Putnam Foseph Hancock [Joiner W. Hcaton Jon P. Carpenter Daniel A. Perry rSenjainin Reed jr William Rankin Jharlcs C. xVrins j'eorge W. Leavitl F-ivman Alexander Gedrpe JSTewinan Tocl Coddint; James Miner Winslow Diitton John L. Butterfield 1849 Harvey Tiklea 'Jrren Smith Jacob Boyce Nathauiei C. King John Poor Jackson A. Vail )enliis Childs Geori;e B. Pic ice trancis B.Hall Dextei Samson Benjamin Wells John C. Butler Zebina Wallace George Arnold W. B Richardson Asa Wentworth jr Hollis Town lames H. Phelps '•^li Lee Justice Knowlton Hllery Albee ii^li Green Stephen P. Flagg Aaron C Barney Joseph HciJiy Winfield Wright Sir Isaac Newton Rphraim Rice John Underwood Joseph E. Franklin Levi Fit ts Alvan Good ell Jason D. Jones Gi-'orgeW.Stickncy John Adoms William Davis Jona. M. Boynton S'-ibast n R.Streetcr '• Aug's P. Ilunton CharlesS.Eavmond " Ebcn M. Stocker Uarius L. Green Martin D. Follett James Win.- 2d James Davis Hiram Moore Moses \\hite John M, Bennett C. M. Chamberlain Allen Ilazen Ward Cotton Rbenjzcr Spear 2d Levi Slack ^ Joshua Vail Solomon Keyes John W. ChaiTec Daniel Woodward Ephraim Walker jr 1850 Warren H. Ellis Elijah H. Covell David B Fay Lorenzo Davis Hiram Potter FiKST Town Ci/'k. JcscdhDwight 1793 David Nye 91 Peter Wheelock 95 Mr. Wilson SS ZibaWood worth 91 John Gregory [N. Richardson 94 lizra Kidder HarvcyBancioft 06 " Tlic>sliuriliiigton96 IJoder'kRichardson Moses Hcaton 94 jidcon Goodspeed Samuel Lard 98 Ezra Butler 90 Milton Brown John Young 1S03 jWilliam Beal 81 iHcnry Wells John Waters 95 jReubcn Dean 1811- Aaron PuUiam 80 J. Shei.cr.lsoxi 1772 S:iii'l Woodard 72 rWm. 1;J. Church 81 |Wm. Mather 75 'Luke Knov.iton 74 Ijucas AVi'fon 70 Joshua Webb 60 Joseph Tyler 91 John Brid'^nir.n 70 Aaron Hudirou SO Eliphalet Hyde SO Samuel Earl jr Isaac We 11 man Gcorpc R. Miller Ambrose Burgess Amos Tucker Luke How; rd \!del Vv^hilman Juan L. Roberts Mark Crawford Jus^el Hyde Joseph Morse Rufus Lvman William "H. Joy _ Ebcnczcr Howejr N. Tracv Sheafc William A. Chapin olomon Howard Moses Warner 81 Luther M. Graves J.sephArt!icrton94 ,Thos. H. White 78 AlnionDu'.kee IBirnalias St!oug82 John Usgoi'd Ijolin L'awkiiis 84 William Smith 'josiah i Ictcher 77 A E.i'rescotiHcald' I hos. Chandler 67 Allicrt G. Dewey Elijah Sirontr 68 Paschal P. Taft ZadockW.ight 67 Daniel A. lleald 'Jesse Fletcher 92 Kbjnczer B. Brown! Aliiaham S. Day JAdam Brown 87 Elisha Smith JolinT/.Dana 73 Luther Carlton Jcd'h Leavens SO John Coy ■Comfort Se.iver |Betij. Spauldiug 63 Daniel Reed iDaniel Read I Hiram Harlow Zeb Twitchell John C. HarkeJl Asa B. Foster Benoni Tuttle 78 Alvin SimondslSOO Gilm'nH.Shed 1S49 '= Thomas Cooper Thomas E, Powers Joab Hoisington 73 SUPREME COl TtT JUDGES FROM 1778 TO 18 30 "78 M. Rr>trui.son 1* John Shepardfion 2 John Fassett jr 3| Thomas Chandler4 John Tiiriop 5 79 " ] 2 '' 3 Paul Spooner .^ " 4 80 " 1 Increase Voscly 4 «' 3 " 2 " 5 81 " 2 Elislia Payne 1 " 3 Bcz. Woodward 4 Joseph Caldwell r\ 8-2 " 1 .loiias Fay 3 John Fassett 4 Paul Spooner 2 Peter OUott Ct 83 " 1 Thunias Porter " 3 " 2 " 4 1-4 Nathl Nilcs 3 " 4 '« 2 " 1 " T) 85 " 3 " 5 " 4 " 2' Moses Robinson 1 86 " 3 87 " 2 88 Natli'ICliipman 4 Luke Knowlton 5 " 2 3 " 1 Step'n R.Bradlpj « 2 " ] 89 and on N.Chtpin.m 1 .VoahSniitli 2 .Samuel Knight 3 91, y .! & 93 Elijah Paine '^ (1 1 Isaac Tickcnor 3 94 aud yj Lott Hall 2 E. Woodbridge 3 " 1 96 X 2 N. Clilpman 1 " 3 97 1 J. Doolittle 2 " 3 2.5 and 26 'I 1 Samuel Prentiss 2 T. Hutchinson 3 SteplienRoyce j r4 27 11 1 •t 2 »« 3 Bates Turner 4 28 1' 1 " 2 " 3 4 ICpJir'mPiddock .5 29 C. K. Williams 3 " 1 (C 2 S. Roycc jr 4 " 5 30 '1 2 J.C.Thompson 5 " 1 " 3 " 4 31 and 32 " 2 Nicholas liaylie 4 " 1 " 3 Sainl. S. Phelps 5 33 and 34 '< 1 Jacob CoMamer 4 John Mattocks .5 " 2 " 3 3o, 36, and 37 " 1 " 4 I^aac F. Redfifld.5 " 2 " 3 38 and 39 <■ ] «' 3 4 " 2 Mile L.Bennett 5 40, 41, " 1 tc 3 " 4 Stephen Boyce 2 " 5 4-2 '• 1 William Hebard 5 " 3 " 2 " 4 43 1. 1 Daniel Kellogg 5 " 3 " 2 " 4 44 ■< 1 VVni. Hebard 5 " 3 " 2 " 4 45 " I D. Kellogg 5 " :< " 2 " 4 46. 47TIil-ndHall5 Cliaili-- Divi? 6 '. 4 " o <( 1 " 3 4S&49 " 5 LiilvU P. Poland 1 " :!' 2 " ) •' 3 50 " 1 2 u 1 By a liw passed in 1849. and vrhich took eflcct in 1850. the number of Supreme Court Judges were reduced to three, and four Circuit Judges to be elected, one {breach of the Circuits to act as Chief Justices of the County Courts of their respective Circuits, and in pursuance of that law. the following Judges were appointed at the last session of the Lcgisatiire. In the first Circuit, Bi-nnington, lluiland and Addison Counties, Robert Pierpoint was chosen. In the second circuit, Windh.ira, Windsor and Orange, Jacob CoUamer was appointed. In the third circuit, Chittenden, Franklin, Lamoille and Grand Isle, Milo L. Bennett was elected, In the fourth circuit, Wash- ington, Caledonia, Orleans and Essex. Luke P. Poland was chosen. Bv the above table it appears that Stephen Eovce, jr., and Stephen Iloyce, the same person; has received 24: elections of Judge. Charles K. Williams 19. Isaac F. Redfield 16. Royal Tyler 12. Milo L. Bennett 12. Theophilus Harrington and Moses Robinson 10 each. Paul S))Ooner Titus Hutchinson and Jacob Collamer. 9 each. John Fassett, jr., and Richard Skinner, 8 each. Daniel Kellogg. Loit Hall, Samuel S. Phelps, Enoch Woodlnidge, and Joel Doolittle. 7 each. Xatbadd Ciiipman, and Jonathan Robinson, 6 each. Noah Smith. Isaac Tiehenor, AVJlliam Brayton, S; m- uel Prentiss, and Samuel Knight, 5 each. Hiland Hall, Nathaniel Nilcs, David Fay and Dudley Chase, 4 each John Throop. Peter Olcott, Thomas Porter, Elijah Paine and Ephraira Paddock, 3 each, and the remainder, a less number, making 60 Supreme Judges in 72 years past. SENATORS TO CONGRESS FROM VERMONT. Moses Robinson 1791 to 1796 Isaac Tiehenor 179() to 179T NaihanielChipman 1797 to 1S0.3 Israel Smith Jona. Robinson Isaac Tiehenor Horatio Seymour Benjamin Swift 18.3.3 to 1S39 Samuel S. Phelps 18.39 to 185 1 So. onion Foot 18.^1 180.3 to 1807} Stephen R. BradlcyI79l to 1794 1807 to ]814| Elijah Pamc 1794 to 1801 1814 to 1821 1 Stephen R. Bradlcyl801 to 1813 1821 to 1833JDudley Chase 1813 to 1817 .Tames Fisic Wm, A. Palmer Dudley Chase Samuel ]'rentiss Samuel C. Crafts William Upham 1SI7 to 1819 1819 to 1825 1825 10 1831 1831 to 1842 1842 to 1843 1813 *Thc fiijures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and G, denote the manner in which they were elected. 10 74 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. BEN. CO. MAR. 177S 1 Jeremiah Clark 2 Samuel Robinson 2 Martin Fowell 2 John Fassett jr. 2 Thomas Jewett 3* 4 .5 6 6 JUNE 1778. John Fassctt Gideon Olin Benjamin Fay OCT. 1778. John Fassett Martin Powell ■ Koswel! Hopkins James Murdock 1779 1780 By a law passed in February, 1781, the election of Coun- ty Officers were given to the people of their respective dis- tricts, exce]it the State's Attorneys. The law was very similar to the one now in force, hence arises the difficulty of ascertaining who our County officers were during the continuance of that law, as they were not to bt found on the Legislative Journals. *In the following pages, figure 1 denotes Chief Justices, 2. Assistants, 3, Clerks of the Courts, 4, Sheriffs, 5, State's Attorneys, 6, Judges of Probate, 7, Registers of Probate. • rOMBCKLA.ND CO. Westminstershire 1 J. Shephardson 2 Stephen Tilden 2 Hubbell Wells Samuel Fletcher 2 Hez'h Thompson 2 Nath'l Eobinson Joshua Webb RUTLAND -SHIRE 1 Joseph Bowker Thomas Rowley 2 Heber Allen " 2 Charles Brewster Theodus Curtis 2 John St arks 2 Jonathan Fassett NEWBURY SlIIRE. 1 Jacob Bailey Deacon Smalley 2 Jacob Burton John Burnett 2 William Heaton " 2 Reuben Foster " 2 John French Benjamin Baldwi The above are all the Judges of a Special Court that I can find were appointed previous to 17?1 Nor have I been able to find by any county records that they had Clerks, :5herifT's or State's Attor- neys till 1781. ft does, however, appear from other sources that Clerks, Sberifls, and States Attor- neys were appointed previous to the time above stateil. Slade's State. papers inform ris thut David Redding xvho was executed at Bennington, June 1 1, 1778, was, or had been in the custody of Ben- jamin Fay, Sheriff of the County of Bennington, (page 239.) Ey the same authority it appears that .Joseph Fay on the 10th of December, 1778, was appoinred Clerk of the Supreme Court for Behnington Co., and ca the 2Gth of May, 1779, Stephen R. iiradley was a])pointed Clerk for Cumberland County, pages 249, 251 and 2.52 we are informed that Noah Smith was appointed State's Attorney jn/o tore for Cumberland Co., in May, 1779, and in June, 1770, was appointed State's Attorney for Bennington County. Thus it appears thai those officers' were appointed not- withstanding the court records do not show it. In February, 1779, a law was passed dividing the State into two counties. Bennington on the west and Cumberland on the east side of the mountain. If it was divided as laid '.'own in t'le law published in Slade's State papers, (pages 294-5.) the county of Cumberland would look rather waspish, fieing but 6 miles wide near the cerrter, but as there was then no town in the State by the name of Bradford, it is presumed that Barnard is the town on which the line should be described ; as rhat would be running a very proper course, between ihe last and next mentioned points. Since the above was in type, I have received a letter fr-om the Clerk of the Court in Bennington, which says . " I could not find any Record, nor anything else to i^how who were the Sberifts of the County before 1780, but I have just had a conversation with Samuel Fay, who resides in the house where the" Counril of Safety" hold its meetings in this town, and he says that Benjamin Fay, his father, was Sheiifl" two or three years, and remembers when he hung Redding, and when bis father's time had expired Jonas Galusha took the cffice, and he continued in it till David Robinson was ap- pointed. He is now 79 years old, and has been Deputy Sherifi' 18 years and Sheriff 12, making 30 years in the Sheriff department. HON. SAMUEL SAFFORD. On page 37 is a short account of the Hon. Samuel Safford. I have since that was printcd^fonnd- that bis grandfather, Joseph SaflTord, came from England an. Samuel Snfi'ord was bfirn at Not wirh, Conn , April 14, 1737, and died at Bennington Mitrrh 13lh, 181';, beni^ vciy near 7t) rears of J'ije. On p-'ige 38, 1, sC lino biit one, for 17yC i-cad 1781. COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. 75 HENNINGTON", 1781. i^amiiel SafFoid Gideon Oliii .lolin Stroll? Kli-sha Barber David Lee, jr. Noah Sinith .lonas (Jaluslia N >iiU Sinith Naihaiiiei Brusll Martin Powell RoswfH H.opkins Enoch \Voi>dbridgc. l.VDHAM CO. 4 5 6 Micali I'ow usend (i 7 Mical) Tonnsend RUTLAND CO. ]. Increase.Mosely 2 Joseph l3owk 4 John G. Bailey 5 6 T. Bartholomew 6 Jacob Kent 6 7 J. P. Buckingham 7 Nathan Godard 7 1787 1788 1 Samuel SafFord 2 Gileon Olin 2 GideonBrownson 3 Nathaniel Brush 4 David Robinson 5 Noah Smiili 6 Nathaniel Brush 6 Martin Powell 7 7 Truman Powell 1 Luke Knowlton 2 John BridLreman 2 Benjamin Burt 3 4 Elkanah Day 5 6 Micah Townsend 6 Noah Sabin Micah Townsend Samuel Fletcher 1789 E. Woodbridjie Samuel Mattocks Ebenezer Marvin Lemuel Chipman Elijah Robinson 1 Thomas Porter 2 Samuel Mattocks 2 William Ward > Obadiah Noble 4 Jonathan Bell 3 Darius Chipman 6 Elisha Clark 6 William Ward Elisha Clark 7 William Ward 1 Joseph Marsh 2Thomas Murdock Elias Weld 2 Elias Weld 3 Bryant Brown 4 Paul Brigham G Elijah Hcbinson ) John Throop 7 Bryant Brown 7 Benjamin Swan 1 John Strong Gamaliel Painter Hiland Hall 3 Roswell Hopkins Samuel Strong 5 Seth Storrs C John Strong 7 John Strong Seth Storrs Daniel J'aa.irand John Bridgeman John W. Blake Ebenezer Marvin Lemuel Chipman Simeon Smith 1790 Abel Thompson John Chipman Fry Bailey 6 Elijah Paine Samuel Williams Paul Brigham u Lewis R. Morris William Sweetser 6 Eben W. Judd *In October, 1790, Roswell Hopkins was appointed Judge of Probate, but did no oflScial business and in January, 1791, John Strong was again appointed. COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. BKNNINGTON 1791. 1 Samuel Safford 2 (iideon Olin 2 GulcouBrownsou 3 3 Xathaniel Brush 4 David Robinsou 5 Noah Smith 6 Nathaniel Brush 6 Martia rowell 7 7 Trumap Powell WINDHAM CO. 1 Luke Knowlton 2 John Bi-idirinan 2 Eenjamiu Burt 3 4 Samuel Fletcher 5 6 John Bridgman 6 Noah Sahin 7 John W. Blake 7 RUTLAND CO. 1 Ebenezer Marvin 2 Lemuel Chipman 2 Samuel Williams 3 Nathan Osgood 4 Jonathan Bell 5 Darius Chipman 6 Elisha Clark ^6 William Ward 7 Elisha Clark 7 William Ward ■WINDSOK CO. 1 Joseph Marsh 2 Paul Brighain 2 Eljah Robinson 3 Lewis R. Morris 4 William Sweetser 5 6 Elijah Robinson 6 John Throop 7 Bryant Brown 7 John Throop ADDISON CO. 1 John Strong 2 Gamaliel Painter 2 Abel Thompson 3 Roswell Hopkins 4 John Chipman 5 6 John Strong 7 Seth Storrs ORANGE CO. 1 Jacob Bailey 2 Israel Smith 2 Alex. Harvey 3 4 Fry Bailey 5 6 T. Bartholomew 6 Jacob Kent 6 Eben W. Judd 7 7 Isaac Bailey 1792 Joshua Hathaway Simeon Smith (I Clxauncey Langdon 1793 Silas Powell William Ward Paul Brigham Jonathan Arnold Israel Converse Israel Smith Alexander Harvey Coraeliiis Lynde 1794 Samuel Robinson (I Timothy Todd Jolin Todd Samuel Knight 179- iJonas G.'i'uslia David Fay Jonathan Robinson [John Shumway jjohn Sluimwav jr. Samuel Williams Samuel Mattocks Abel Cooper William Perry Abel Cooper Ebenezer Wilson John Brown Benjamin Sw an Abel Thompson Joel Linsley Cornelius Lynde Wm. Chamberlain 6 Isaac Lucas 78 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. Luther St^ne isR^-3«-l!'^J<5TO^' 1796. 1797. 1 Samuel Saffjrd 2 Tiuleon O.lin 2 Joiias G.iiuslia 3 Simucl Rotiiiison 3 Xiuhaniel Biush 4 David Kobiusoa 5 t),tvici Fay 6 Jon a, Kol/inson ' 6 Joha Shumway 7 • 7 Anson Shumway Windham co 1 John Biidgman 2 Benjamin Buit 2 William Bigelow 3 4 Samuel Fletcher 5 Royal Tyler 6 John Bridgman 6 Noah Sabiii 7 John W. Blake 7 RUTLAND CO. 1 Samuel Williams 2 Ebenezer Wilson 2 Jonas Safford 3 Nathan Osgood" 4 Jonathan Bell' 5 Abel Spencer 6 F.lishaClark 6 WUliam Wai:d 7 Elisha Ckirk 7 C. Latjgdua WINDSOR CO- 1 Lewis R. Morris 2 Elijah Robinson 2 Jesse Williams 3 Bcnjimin Swan 4 Lucius Hubbard 5 Amasa Paine 6 Elijah Robinson 6 William Perry 7 Bryant Brown 7 Benjamin Swan ADDISON CO, . 1 John Strong - Abel Thompson 2 Joel Linsley , 3 Roswell Plopkins 4 John Chipmaii 5 Seth Storrs , 6 John Strong 7 Seth Storrs ORANGE CO. 1 Israel Smith 2 Cornelius Lynde T^eriah Loomis 2 Wm. Charabeilin Elisha.AUis 3 4 Fry Bailey 5 Daniel Farrand 6 Daniel Farrand 6 7 Isaac Bailev John Brown Stephen Jacob Isaac Greeu 1798 Solomon Wright ChristopherRoberts William Cooley Trumon Squire Timothy Follett Truman Squire Martin Roberts Jonas Safford Hiram Horton Chauacey Langdon 1799 I 1800 1 " Gideon Olin Joinas Gaiusha David Robinson David Fay Jona. Robinson William Rice William Hunter Titus Hutchinson Daniel Chipman Alb'on IMann Cornelius Lynde Josiah Edson Jed. PBuckingham Jed. P.Buckingham Aaron Storrs J. Hinckley Ebenezer Wilson Jonas Safford Ohadiah Noble jr Selah- Gridlev Theo's Harrington William Ward Elisha Clark jr JedvP. Buckingham Daniel Farrand Oramel Hincklev Paul Brigham Charles Bulkley Jonathan Fisk- .C:;oUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850, CONTINUED. 70 18<>2 LukeKnowlton Arnnah W. Hyde BENNINGTON 1801 J Siimuel Siirtord 2 Gideon 01 in 2 Jonas Galiislia 3 Sam'l Koliinson 2! 3 Nathnniel Brush 4 David Ixobinson 5 Ridiard SliinneJf' 6 Josiah Wright 6 Christofr Roberts 7 7 Martin Roberts WIXDUA-'M CO. 1 Samuel Kni^Iit 2 Benjamin Burt 2 Jason Duncan 3 Lemuel Whitney 4 Samuel Fletcher 5 Daniel Farrand 6 John Bridgeman 6 Noali Saljin 7 John W. Blake RUTLAND CO. 1 Theo. Harrington 2 Ebenezer Wilson 2 James Witherell 3 Nathan (Jsoood 4 Jonathan Bell 5 Abel Spcuoer 6 Elisha Clark 6 AV'illiam Wanl "7K!i.sha Clark jr, 7 John Stanley I . » . . WlNDSOn CO. I 1 Paul Brigham jElijah Robinson 2 Asaph Fletcher 2 Jesse Williams 3 Benjamin Swan 4 William Rice 5 Aniasa P 'ine t) William Hunter 6 Oliver Gallup 7 Luther Mills 7 Titus Hutchinson ADDISON CO. 1 Joel Linsley 2 Abraham Dibble 2 Henry <.)lin 3 Roswell Hopkins 4 William Slade 5 Daniel Chipman 6 John Strongl 7 Albon Manii ORANGE CO. 1 J. P- Buckingham 2 Beriah Loomis 2 Elisha Allis 3 Isaac Bailey 4 Josiali Edson 5 Charels^Buikley 6 J. P Buckingham 6 Jonathan) Fisk 7 J. Hincklev William Strong Daniel Buck Darius Mathews James Fisk 1803 Jonas Galusha David Sheldon Joel Pratt Co. Clk Samuel Porter James Roberts Ebenezer Allen Ebenezer Miller Martin Field James Witherill Nathan B. Graham Darius Chipman James Harrington William Wardjr," Elias Keyes Aaron Leland Titus Hutchinson Jesse Williams ;Darius Mathews 'Chester Wright Moulton Morey Micah Barron Dudley Chase 1804 1805 Elijah Knight Wm. C. Bradley Samuel Porter Lemuel Whitney Robert Temple Nathan OsgOod Nathan B. Graham Pliny Smith Joseph . Randall \aron Leinnd' William Hunter Henry Olin Samuel Stronjr Loyal Case 80 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. BF.NNIXGTON !80G 1 Samuel Siirt'onl 2 J inas Galiij-liii 2 David Sheldon Saml. Tlobinsoii 2 3 Joel Pratt 4 David Robinpon 5 Richaril Skinner 6 Josiah Wright 6 Riehard Skinner 7 7 Ezra Isham WINUIIAJI CO. 1 James Roberts 2 Jason Duncan 2 Alex'r Campbell 3 Lemuel Whitney 4 Mark l^ichards 5 Wm. C. Bradley 6 Gilbert Dennison 6 Noah Sabin 7 Saml.Shepardson 7 KCTLaND CO. 1 Isaac Clark 2 Caleb Hendee jr 2 JamesHarrinaton 3 Robert Temple 4 Arunali W. Hvde 5 N. B Graham" 6 Joseph Randall 6 William Ward 7 Nathan Osgood 7 William Ward jr WINDSOR CO. 1 Elias Keyes 2 Aaron Leland 2 William Eunter 3 Benjamin Swan 4 William Strong 5 Titus Hutchinson 6 William Hunter 6 Jesse Williams 7 Luther Mills 7 Alex Hutchinson ADDISON CO. 1 Joel Linsley 2 Henry 01 in 2 Samuel Strong 3 Darius Mathews 3 4 William Slade 5 Loyal Case Darius Mathews 7 Chester Wright ORANGE CO. 1 Moulton Morey 2 Beriah Loomis 2 ame.s Tarbox 3 Isaac Bailey 4 Micah Barron .') Dudley Chase 6 Elisha Thayer 6 Jonathan Fisk 7 William Nilcs 7 1807 Gidi'on Olin David Shcklon Josiah Wri;'ht IS08 Alex'r Campbell Oliver Chapin Samuel Elliott riiny Smith Henry Olin Samuel Strong Charles Rich John Simmons Daniel Pcaslee Jason Duncan James Aiken 1809 iraos Thompson Joel Linsley Henry Olin Martin Post David Edmond Calvin Sheldon Oliver Chapin John Aiken Elijah Knight John Phelps Eleazer Plagg Caleb Hendee jr 1810 Josiah Wright Josiah Risin' r John Aiken Jairus Hall fames Fish Rollin C. Mallory William D. Smith Samuel Moultoii 7 William Page 7 Sclah H. Merrill ■\Vl\DSOR CO. 1 Elihu Luce 2 Aaron Leland 2 John BritJoe 3 Benjamin Swan 4 Asaph Fletcher ji 5 Jacob Collanier C Uriel C. Hatch G.Henry C.Denison 7 Reuben Washburn 7 NoimanWilliam> ADDISON- CO, 1 Henry OHn 2 William Slaclcjr. 2 StephenHaight ji 3 W. S,. S S.S.CC 4 Abel Toralinson .") David EJmond 6 Samuel Swift 6 7 John Simmons 7 ORAKGE CO. 1 William Spencer '3 Timothy Baylie 1 Jed'a H. Harris 3 HEGM'Laughlin 4 Joseph Ei'son 5 D. A. A. Buck Elisha Thayer G Fiedr'k Griswold 7 William Nilei Paul Chase jr Samuel Elliott Tames Elliott 1823 Josiah Burton O. C. Men-ill William Hcnrv James L. Stark rim'y H. Whitney Dana Miller Erastus Higley Jona. H. Hubbard Abner Forbes Jonathan Whipple a Nomlas Cobb Stephen Haight Ellsha Bascom John Stanley .\lmon Warner Aaron Loveland ■Jasper Ilazea Elisha Bascora Ezra Hoyt Jedediah H. Harris Stuart Brown William Nutting Timothy Baylies Abel Carter Simeon Short 1824 Sylvanus Danfortli Myron Clark Nathan H. Bottum Milo L. Bennett John Aiken Jona. Robinson Paul Chase Charles Phelps Moses Strong John P, Colbnrn 1825 Ko. 1 ends here Sylvanus Danforth Phineas Smith John U. Olin John Roberts James L. Stark J. E., S. & C. Cl'k- Alex. S. Campbell Horace Baxter Abner Forbes John Bridge Thomas Emerson Isaac N. Cushman Dorastos Woostcr John S. Larrabee Daniel Coliins S. S., S. & C. Cl'k Stephen Haigbt E. D. Woodbridgc Ezra Hoyt Noah Hawley Stuart Brown Daniel Cobb William Spencer Moses Stjong Rodney C. Royco Abner Forbes Dorastns Woostcr Ebcn W. Judd William Spencer 84 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850, CONTINUED. BENNINGTON- 182G. 2 S. Danforth 2 Myron Clark 3 Joel PratJ 4 Siimuel Canficld 5 Phiiieas Smiih 6 Jonathan Draper 6 Milo L. Bennett 7 7 John Aiken •WINDH.\II CO. 2 John Eobcrts 2 James L. Stark 3 James Elliott 4 Paul Chase 5 Alex S-Campfjell 6 Lemuel VVhitncj 6 Horace Baxter 7 Jtmes Elliott 7 BTT7T>,VND CO. 2 Henrv Hodq-es 2 JohnP. Coiburn 3 Eol'crt Picrpoini 4 Jonathan ])ykeji 5 Jonas Clark 6 Obadiah Noble ji 6 John Stan!(>3' 7 Rodney C IJoyce 7 Almon Waincr WIKDSOU CO. 2 Ahncr Foihcs 2 Thomas Emerson 3 Benjamin Swan 4 Asaph Fletcher)! 5 Isaac NCushman 6 Juna. Whipple 6 I-^aiah Raymond 7Nomlag Cobb 7 Jasper Hazen ADDISON CO. 2 DorasfnsWooster 2 Ebcn W. Jndd 3 Samuel Swift 4 Stephen Haight 5 E.D.Woodbridgc 6 Samuel Swift 6 Ezra Ployt 7 John Simmons 7 Noah Ilawley ORANGE CO. 2 William Spencer 2 Daniel Cobb SH.EG.M'Laughlin 4 Abel Carter 5 William Nutting 6 William Spencei 6 Fred. Griswold 7 Simeon Short 1827 Stephen Robinson j 1S28 I 1829 Nathan Burton ' ,J"na. E. Robinson Nathan H. Botmm IHiland Hall Henrv Robinson Sylvanus Danforth^ iHiland Hall 1 [Leonard Sargeant iHenry Robinson Daniel Kellogg Asa Kcyes A. S. Campbell Horace Baxter Samuel Elliott Solah PL Merrill Obadiah Noble John Meacham It Selah H. Merrill Samuel W. Porter Samuel W. Porter William Steele Wyllis Lyman Lyndon A. Marsh <[ (( George Cliipman Seymour Sellick Silas H Jcnison William G. Hookei 1830 Henry Smith Pet-r R. Taft Almon Warner Lysander Raymond Jabez Proctor William Slado No'h Hawley J. Winslow, jr. John Parker William Barron Daniel A- A. Buck COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. BRXNINGTON. 1831 NiUhiin Burton 2 Lumnn Norton 3 Henry Robinson 4 S:tniucl Canfield ^ Hi land Hall eSylvan ns Dan forth (•) Myron Clark 7 7 Henry Koliinson AVINDHAM CO. 2 John Roberts 2 James L Stark ."? James Elliott 4 Honrv Smith .5 Rosw'cll iM. Field C IM.irshnll IMiller 6 Pc:cr H. Taft 7 James Elliott 7 KUTLAND CO. 2 Henry Hodges 2 Joht] P. Colbarn 3 Robert Pierijoint 4 Jacob Edd;son CO. 2 Silas H. Jcnison 2 William Myrick 3 Samuel Swifc 4 Marshall S. Doty 5 Eben'r N. Briggs 6 Samuel Swift 6 Noah Hawley 7 J. Winslow jr 7 John Parker ORAjrov: CO. 2 Daniel Cobb 2 Daniel Jones 3HE.G MXaughlin 4 Lyman Fiich 5 D. A. A. Buck 6 William Spencer 6 Frcd'k Griswold 7 Simeoa Short 7 18.32 Nathan H. BoUum Charles Phelps 1833 Mile L. Bennett Rcub. H Blackmei ! S.amuel Clark Alcx'r S. Campbell Roswell M. Field John Rol erts Wm. C. Kittredge Ambrose L. Rrown Fred. W. Hopkins Saml. C.Love I and E'iwinHutchinson Nathan T. Spraguc c John A- Conant Jesse Grandcy Samuel Swift William Hebard Calvin Blodgett Samuel H. Holley Azariah Rood Lyman Fitch Luther C.irjjcnler Hiirrv n.dc I. H.Sn.ith Daniel A. A. Bucl^ Jacob K. Parish 1834 Luman Norton Leonard Sarjcant Jesse Black mer Charles Phelps .James L Stark Asa Kniffht Alex r S. Campbell A su Keyes Wm. C. Kittredge Nathan T. Sprague Ephraim D. Briggi Daniel Bowen Xomlas Cobb (C N'orman Williams Vdin Hall Edward D. Barber Daniel Cobb Thomas Jones A. B. W. Tcnncv Willi.m Hebard' Calvin Blodgett 183 = Anron Roliinson Juhn S. Peitii)ono Ahiman L. Miner James L. S>ark Peter R. Tail Ira Parsorg Reuben R. Thrall William Marsh Fhos.F. Hammond Salmon F. Dutton >amncl H. HoIIey Calvin Solace 11 William B. Martin Lyman F'fch iacob K. Parish 11 Luther S Bnrnhara ZJniond Weston 8G COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. IJKNNMXGTON. !83r 2 ])arui.s ]\luoru a Liuiiai) iS'.M'ton y Henry Ivobiiison 4 Joliii Ni)i-;i)n f) l>i'u iinlSart^eaiv G jViiroii Jiol)ii.M)ii (i AlartinU. DeniinL 7 llarmiin Canfiel( Windham co. 2 Peter K. Talt 2 Henry Wheelock 3 Jiunt'S Elliott 4 (r.itcs rurry jr 5 A S. Campbell 6 Asa Knifiht 6 David L.Putnam 7 Asa Keycs 7 RUTLAND CO. 2 W. C. Kittredge 2 N. T. Sprague 3 Eobert Pierpoint 4 Ira Parsons 5 Solomon Foot 6 William Hall 6 Almon Warner 7 Henry B,Towslc( 7 S. H.' Merrill Windsor co. 2 Sam'l W, Portci 2 David Pierce 5 Benjamin Swan 4 Daniel Boweii 5 O. P. Chandler 6 T, F. Hammond C John S. Marcr 7 Salmon F.Dutton 7 Oel Billings ADDISON CO. 2 Sam'l H. HoUey 2 Calvin Solace 3 Samuel Swiit 4 Azariah Hood 5 Eben'r N. Briggs 6 Samuel Swift (j Harvev Munsill 7 Ed'rd D, Barber 7 John Pierpoint OKANGB CO. 2 Thomas Jones 2 Calvin Blodgett 3 Harry Hale 4 Lement Bacon .5 William He bard 6 William Spencer 6 John W. Smith 7 Simeon Short 7 ] 837 Luman Noi'ton Darius JMnore riurdin H Smith SaiiiiielHBhickme \rtenias ]Mattiiion Marshall Miller Tames Elliott Dana Hyde John Phelps Asa Parsons Bcnj. F. Langdon John Pettis Ethan Smith Daniel Cobb Lvman Fitch J.' W.D.Parker Ta|ipan Stevens Edmond Weston Calvin Blodgett J. W. D. Parker Dar us JMoore ijreen Blackmer Loring Dean Ahiuian L. ]\Iincr Henry W'heclock William 11. Shatter ElIeryAlbee Samuel Elliott Zimri Plowe Ira Parsons Ambrose L. Brown Fred'k W. Hopkins 1839 Samuel Wright Alexander Bliss u Richmolid Fisk Harmon Cantield Alex. S. Campbell Henry Smith Asa Keyes Obadiah Noble Fred'k W. Hopkin: William Hall Henry Hall David Pierce Reuben Washburn Edwin Hutchinson Davis Ricli jNorman Williams Joel Lull jr Simeon Short Jncob K. Parish John W. Smith Lement Bacon Abel Underwood William Hebard James Udall William B, Martin Ozias Seymour Daniel Cobb Joshua Dickinson u Asa Storey Elijah Farr Calvin Blodgett 1840 Luman Norton G. B. Southworlh SamuelHBlaekmer Gurdin H. Smith Marshall Miller Lemuel Whitney Henry Closson Thomas P, Russell Aduah Smith Jacob K. Parish John W. Smith Perley C. Jones William Barron Abel Underwood Simeon Short William Hebard Joseph Berry COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. 87 Leonard Sargcant Russell Hvde Wm. C. Kittredge BENNINGTON. 18411 1842 2 G. B. Soutlnvorthi " 2 Benjamin F. Olitil '• 3 S. H. Blackmer j 4 Giinlin II Smith J. V.D. S. IM'Eowcn 5 Harmon Cantield 6 O. C. Meriill 6 Loring Dean 7 7 Aliiman L. Miner WINDHASI CO. ' 2 Henry Whcelock William R. Shaftcr 2William R.Shafiei J"hn Smith 3 Marshall Miller 4 Gates Perrv jr 5 Koyal Tyle'r 6 l\l;.rshall Miller 6 Ellery Alhee 7 Lemuel Whitney 7 KUTLAND CO. 2 7Amvi Howe 2 Ohadiah Noble 3 F.W.Hopkins 4 Jacob Edgerton 5 Bulomon Foot 6 William Hall 6 Almon Warner 7 Henry Hall 7 B. F. Langdon WINDSOR CO. 2 David Pierce 2Keuben Washburr 3 Norman William^ 4 Joel Lull jr 5 Henry Clos^on 6 T. F, Hammond 6 Tnos. r. Russell 7 Salmon F.Duttoij 7 Oel Billings ADDISON CO. 2 Siimuelll. Hollej 2 Davis Rich 3 Samuel Swift 4 Adnah Smith 5 Ozias Seymour 6 Silas H. Jenison 6 Harvey Munsill 7 Jed. S. Bushnell 7 John rier])oint ORANGE CO. 2 I\lurtin Flint 2 Joshua Dickinson jRobbinsDinsmore 4 Asa Story 5 Elijah Farr 6 J. W.D. Parker 6 William Hebard 7 Stephen Thomas I 1S43 IBenjiimin S. Olii John H Sanderson Ahiraan L. Miner Harvey K, Fowler John Smith Emery Wheelock John Kimball Henry Smith Asa Kcyes Ezra June 1844 Zen as F- Hi;de Sewall FuUum George E. Wales Calvin Solace Ford'ceHun ting ton " i Gains A. Collamcr Daniel Cobb Perley C. Jones Jacob Kent jr Edmond Weston John Colbv Tappan Stevens jJefferson P. Kidder iLevi B.Vilas Samuel Elliott Lemuel Whitney Royal Tyler Ezra June Ambrose L. Brown 1 1815 j Hen j. F. JMor;ran |.M.ij.;r ILuvlcy Jasper Viall A. P. Lyiiiiin Hiram Bniton Nathan Burton Elias B. Burton Timothv H. Hall David Bosworth Julius Converse Dorastus Wooster J. Grandey &V. L, (; David S. Church Fappan Stevens Frederick Smith Hoel Sayre John Colby Edgar L. Ormsbee J. A. Warner Walter Palmer Thomas F.Barrctt Gilman Henry Lyndon A. Marsh Ville Lawrence George W. Grandey Frederick Smith John McLane Calvin Blodgett Edmond Weston 88 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. BKNNIXGTOff 184G.| 1847 2 Beiij. F. Morgan *' 2 Mnjor Hiiuiov " SS.iiiil.ll.Rliickmer " 4 Jasper Viall I " 5 A.P. LvDian W. S Southuovtl G O. C Merrill John H. Olia 6 Aliimau L. Miner 7 7 ElinsB. Burlou WINDHAM CO. 2 Emery Whcelock James H. Phelps 2 James H. PheliJS [Thomas Miller 3 Marshall Miller | 4 Timothy 11 Hail Marshall Newton 5 llicliarrl W.Smith Edward Kirkland G Royal Tyler 6 EUery Albet 7 B. D". Harris 7 RUTLAND CO. 2 Ezra June 2 AmbroseLBrown 3 F. W. Hopkins 4 Jacob E(lt;crton jr 5 Edgar LOrmsbee 6 William Hall 6 Almon Warner 7 Henry Hall 7 J. A. Warner "WINDSOR CO. 2 Walter Palmer 2 Thos. T. Barrett 3 NormaiiWilliams 4 Gilmari Henry 5 Julius Converse 6 T. F. Hammond 6 Geo.E. Wales 7 Salmon F.Dutton 7 Lyndon A. Marsh ADDISON CO. 2 Ville Lawrence 2 George Chipraan 3 Samuel Swift 4 David S. Church 5 Geo. W. Grandey 6 Silas H Jonison 6 Harvey Munsill 7 Jed.S."Bushnell 7 John Pierpont OKANGE CO. 2 Frederick Smith 2 John M'Lane 3 Calvin Biodgctt 4 George Sleeper 5 J. P.lvidder 6 Step lien Thomas 6 Edmond Weslon 7 J. W. Batchclder David Chandler Fred'k Holbrook Gordon NcwpII Isaac T. Wright Wm. C, Kittredge Almon Warner Sewall Fullum George Chipman Elias Bottnm George S. Swift Horatio Sevmoiir Ariel Burnham George P. Baldwin Philander Perrin Levi B. Vilas 1848 B. E.Browncll Thomas Miller David Arnold Timothy H. Hall Elisha Allen Flarvey Button Joseph B.DanfortI: John Prout 1849 Perez Harwood jr Cyrus Farwell James S. Merrill Harmon Canticid Elias B. Burton Efarvey K. Fowler David Arnold Henry Clark Chandler Pratt George B. Kellogg Abishai Stoddard Isaac T. Wright Ezra June Hampden Cutts Calvin French Luther Adams Salmon F. Dutton (V Clark PI. Chapman 1850 Elijah Barber Leonard Sargeant Elisha Allen Samuel H. Kellogg Lorenzo Richmond John Porter Henry Closson Calvin G. Tilden Nathan L. Keese Nathan L. Keebe 'Calvin G. Tilden " lElisha Tc'dcY « |A. H. Gilmoro Oramcl H. Watson L. D Wldtcomb J. P. Kidder Daniel B. James Burnham Martin Arnd StcLbins Ira Kidder Gouldsb'nT.nplin jr Joseph Berry Oramcl H. Watson 'Asa M. Dickey Roval Hatch B. W.Bariholomcw Philander Perrin Simeon Short Charles B Leslie COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 17V8 TO 1860. CONTINUED. 89 c:iiTTi:\DEN 17S7j 1 .folin l'':i-sett i.' John White 2 Samuel Lane i S J. Kiiickcvborkcri 4 Noali Ciiiiteiuieiil 5S:imiieI Hitrlicockj G John McNeil ] G I G I 7 Isano ]McXcm1 1788 1789 John McNeil Martin Chittenden 1790 j Stephen Pearl Mathew Cole I Jonathan Hoit ITiuiothv Pearl CIIITTKN'DEX 1792 1 Jr.hn Fassett '-2 John While '2 John McNeil o M. ChittenfU-n 4 Stephen Pearl .■> AV.C Hnrringtor, G Mathew Cole 6 Jonathai) Iloit 6 Timothv Pearl 6 7 Isaac McNeil niTTENDKN 1796 M. Cliittemh-n JnsJi. Staunton jf John Law Salomon Miller Timothy Pearl Elnathaa Kcycs Solomon IMiller Isaac McNeil ALEDONIACO. Wm.Chamherlain Benjamin Sias ! Daviil Win;; jr David Dunbar John Rankin 17y3 lohn McNeil Martin Chi'tonden ISolomon MiUcr 1794 Ehcnezcr Marvin John White 17!): lames Sawyer 1791 Wm.C. Harrington James Lucas 7 Lemuel Dana FRANKI-IN CO- 1 Kl)encz<'r Marvii 2 John White 2 Samuel Barnard o 4 Prince B. Hall 5 Levi House 6 Jonathan Hoit fi 7 Jonathan Hoit jr EliasBucl Lemuel Bottnm S. & C. '• Clerk Wm. C. Harrington William Mattocks John W. Chandler Seth Pomeroy S.C. Samuel Willard JTathan Hutchins jr amuel Barnard Silas Hathaway " for both Daniel Dana Reuben Blancbard Isaac Smith Elnathan Keyes Pavid Wing jr John W. Chandler David Elkin S. Charaberlin David Dunbar Elnathan Keyes Jonathan Janes DUBARTUS WILLARD, Known mere familiarly by the name of Bartie Willard. in an early clay rcsid cd at E-^sex, and was a wheel li.uht by trade. He was also a salirici.1 jioet. and prilled liim-elf on taking some one off in a short way. He was the lirst Repre- sentative of Essex, chosen in 1786. but not afterwards. The next day aftti ht was chosen, he welit to pay his respects to Gov. Chittenden, and the Govcrnoi h?d been informe-l who was chosen frcm Essex, but thinking to ^ive Bartie r, small shot — knowino; it would be returned with interest, he asked him who they chose in his town for Renresentative ? Bartie answered, for ilie waut of bettt-r stock they took me. ■' Well," said the Governor. " It's a misfortune tliat we have got to be so p^or in sonic of our towns about hero, as not to be able to get iron, and have to use wood for wedges." " That's a 12 Dni.F.AXS CO. i Timothy Hinman : Sam. C. Crafts 2 Jesso Olds 3 Timothy Stanley 1 Joseph Scott 3 Joseph Brndlcr i> Ebcnczer Crafts 90 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. CHITTEXDEN 1801 1 1 MartinChiltenden' 2 Elias Butl 2 Lemuel Bottom 3 Solomon Miller 4 James Sawyer 5 W.C. Harrington 6 Solomon Miller 7 Solomon Miller CALKDONIA CO. 1 Wm. Cliamhcrlir 2 David Wing jr 2 John W Chandler 3 '^>avid Dunbra- 4 David Elkins 5 WilliamMatioeki- 6 S. Chamberlain 7 David Dunbar FRANKLIN CO. 1 Ebenezcr Marvir 2 Jonathan Janes 2 Zera Willoughb} 3 Seth Pomcrov 4 Prince B. Hall 5 Levi IIuusc 6 Jonathan Hoit 6 Kath. Hutcliins ji 7 Jonathtn Hoil ji 7 ORLEA.NS CO. 1 Timothy Hinman 2 Samuel C. Crafts 2 Jes.se Olds 3 Timothy Stanley 4 Jose])h Scott 5 Joseph Bradley 6 Ebenczer Cralts 7 ESSEX CO. 1 Daniel Dana 2 Samuel Phelps •2 Mills De Forest 4 Joseph Wait 5 Elijah Foot C Dauiel Dana 1S02 John Law Timothy Stanley William BdStcr Haines French I 1S03 Joshua Staunton Ezra Butler Daniel Staniford 1804 Noah Chittenden David Wing jr John W. Chandler Joseph Moffitr, Elkanah Phelps Win. A GriswolJ i 180.5 Keuben Blanohard :Wni. A- Griswuld John W. Chandler Jonathan Janes | " Zera Willoughby ! Amos Fassett iFrederiek Bliss Thomas Eu.isell Asa Aldis John Ellsworth Mills De Forest Samuel AVeaiheibv Levi Barnard Juhn White jr Horace Janes *My correspondent informs nie that tliose eight persons named in the follow- ing pa'ges have been Register of Probate, but di^es not inform mo how Un or when each ones term began or ex])ircd, I have therefotc divided the time be tween them as near even as I could without dividing years. GRAND ISLE CO. 1 Asa Lyon ■2 Nath- Hutehinsjr 2 Alexander Scott i Alphens H ill {• Amos Moi'rill 5 Philo Berry 6 Nath. Hurehins jr 7 JedcdiahP.Ladd* fact, but misfortunes never come single," said Bartie," it i^ a greater m'sfortnne that the State is su poor as not to be able to procure a good decent made beetle, but be compelled to use an old ba^swood n;fail to drive them with I" While at the Lcgi-!aturc,he was found by some of his brother members taking his rations at the bar before be hr.d jiaiil the wa'-h room a vi>it. They insisted jhat he should either treat the compa- nv or deal out some j^oeiry. Bartie eonchuled that as money was more scarce with him than po- ctrv, he would pay the btirr, and did as follows: '• Our forefathers were like the goats. First w-ash'd their eyes, and then their throats , But we their sons have grown more wise, First, wash our throatS: and then our eyes." COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. 91 CIIITTEXDEX ISOG 1 Ezi;i Butler 2 N>j;ih (;iiitrcnilei. '2 Jmics A. .Potter 3 Solomon Miller 4 DMnicl Staniford 5 W C. Uarrinstoi 6 Solcijion Miller 7 Mi o Cook CALKUONIA CO. Uleuben Blanchani 2 Josepi) MolVett 2 John Cameron 3 Eikaniih Plielps 4 D.iviJ Elkins 5 V\'ni.A. Griswo'.d J. \Y. Cliandler Tlli'iihen Blanciiard FRANKLIN CO. 1 Jonathan Janes 2 Frederick Bliss 2 Amos Fassett 3 John White jr 4 Thomas Busscil fiElienezcrMarviriji 6 Jonathan Janes 7 Horace Janes ORLKANS CO. 1 Timothv Hinman 2 SamnerC. Crafif 2 Timothy Stanle\ 3 John Ellsworth 4 Joseph Scott 5 William Bixtfr ti Ebenezer Crafts 7 KSSEX CO. 1 Daniel Dana 2 Mills De Forest 2 S iml.Weatherlieo 3 Hiiincs Frencli 4 William Ilewes ."i Seth Ciisliman t> Daniel Dana GRAXD ISLE CO. 1 Asa Lyon 1S07 John Cameron Isaiah Fi7IA CO. 1 John Cnmeron 2 Isair.h risk 2 William Cahoon 3 Wm. A. Palnifci 4 Israel P. Dana 5 Wm. A.Giiswold 6 Wm. A. Palmer 7 Wm.A. Griswold FRANKLIN CO, 1 J. D. Farnswortli 2 Frederick Bliss 2 Joseph Beamanjr 3 Jonathan Janes 3 4 Solo'n Walbriilgc .5 Ehcn'r Marvin jr 6 Jonathan Janes 7 Francis Davis ORLEANS CO- 1 Samuel C. Crafts 2 Timothy Stanley 2 George Nye 3 John Ellsvrorth 4 Joseph Scott 5 William Baxter 6 Royal Corbin 7 ESSEX CO, 1 Micajah Ingham 2 Samuel Gates 2 Azarias William? 3 Haines French 4 Oliver Ingham 5 Joseph Berry 6 Charles Cutler 7 GRAND ISLE CO. 1 Benjamin Aflams 2 James W. Wood 2 Lewis Sowles 3 Jedediah Hvde jr 4 JedediahP.Lad-i 5 Asa Eobinson 6 Nathan Hutcliins 7 Thomas Cochran JEFFERSON CO. 1 Ezra Butler 2 Salvin Collins 2 Bradford Kinne 3 George Rich 4 John Peck 5 Timothy Merrill 6 DavidHarririgton 7 Joshua Y. Yail 1812 Lewis Johnson rrnmnnChittendei Mile Cook Martin D. Follett David HopkinsoQ David Hibbard jr :Vbner Keeler Ephraim Mott Chapin Keith 1S13 L)avid Ru«sell George Robinson Solomon S. Miller John W. Chandler Luther Jewett Adam Duncan William ^Mattocks Zerah Willongliby Chauncev Fitch 1814 , 1815 'Zadock Wheeler jZudock Whcelei^ jJoel Biownvtm ; '■ iTrumanChitten.ien Jacob Davis Solomon Miller Wm. Chamberlain William Cahcon Henian Lowry Saiiford (iadconih TruiaanChitrcviden Chauncev BrowncU Isaiah F s'c Curtis Stanley -iude Ivimhail Wm. A. Gri>\vold William Brnyton Frederick Bliss Abijah StoneC.C'klAbner Morton Joseph H. MunsonI "" ilienjamin Fay Ebenczer Marvin _ _" Ebenczer IMarvin jr Frederick Biiss Daniel Dana Elienrzer Clark Mills De Forest Elijah Foot Daniel Dana \sa Lvon Caleb Hill Philyer Loop Calvin Fletcher James Davis Charles Bulkley Seth Putnam Joseph Wing Chapin Keith Nicholas Baylies .Ibel Knapp Abner Morton Seth Wetmore George Nye Seth Wetmor( ElnaihanW. Keyes Timothy Stanley Nathan'lP, SawyeiiSamuel Cook Ellis Cobb jPhilver Loop |Alpheus Hall Jedediah Ludd Truman A, Barber WASHINGTON CO. Denison Smiili Stephen Pitkin Stephen Pierce Harvey Scott DavidM. Camp Joseph Scott David Hnpkinson Oliver Ing'iam 'vJoody liich John Dean Joseph Berry Isaac Cushman Benjamin Adams Ephraim Mott Ezra Butler Warren Ellis George liich Geo. Worthington Chapin Keith ■' Timothy Merrill " Salvia Collins Jeduthan Loomis George Rich COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. 93 CnrTTENPEN 1816 1 ZiciuckWIicckr '2 Jiicl BiGwr.son 2 T. Chittenden 3 David I'.iissell 3 .Io!in Jolni-5on 4 Hemun Lowry 5 S. Ci;idcomb 6 T. Chiitiiidcn 7 C. IJronnell Calk DOM A CO. 1 Is;.inh Pisk 2 J W. Chandler 2 Willi;im Cahoon 3 ('".rtis Stanley 4 J;ide Kimball .5 W. A Griswold 6 Wm. A. Palmer 7 W. A. Griswold I'KaXKLIX CO. 1 J. D. Fiivnsworth 2 Frederick Bliss 2 Peter r:)y Iforaee J.ities 4 Blhj miin Fay 5 Steijlicn Royee jr 6 Setli Wetmore 7 Francis Davis OIM.KANS CO. 1 AVilliam Howe 2 Timothy Stanley 2 Samuel Cook 3 Ld H. Allen 4 Harvey Scott 5 Joshua Sawyer C Joseph Scott 7 ESSEX CO. 1 Oliver Ingham 2 Samuel Gates 2 Jesse Hugh 3 4 Rich Stevens 5 Joseph Berry 6 Isaac Cashman GRAND ISLE CO. 1 Benjamin Adajns 2 Alp'iieas Hall 2 Lewis Sowles 3 Jedciliah Hyde jr 4 Cuiviti Fletcher 5 Tni'n A. Barber G Nathan Hutchins 7 Thos. Cochran ■WASHINGTON CO. 1 ICzra Butler 2 Stephen Pitkin 2 Warren Ellis 3 Ge<:rjie Rich 4 Ciiapin Keith 5 Timothy Merrill Salvin C.dlins 7 Gcorrc Rich 1817 Nathan B. Haswel! Jahez Penniman Lyman Cummings John Rankin IBenj. F. Doming [Nathan Fuller 'John W. Chandler Reuben Blanchard Shiverick Holmes Luther Brigham Moody Rich Henry Hall Joel Allen Chauncoy Burgess 1818 L'hinehas Lvman Zerah Willonghby Feicr Sax I. P. Richardson William Gates Rich Stevens Amos Blod;;ett John Peck Joseph Howes J. Y. Vail 1S19 AlvanFooto John W. Dana IS20 Joel Bi'o Wilson TrumanCliitienden Burgess Hall Nathan B. Hiswell rim'Jthy Fullett Pres West a Isaac Fletcher Archelaus Sias A.masa T. Brown Jonathan Janes Benjamin Hunkins Lloval Cutler Bailey Denisoa Ezra Butler Joshua Y. Vail John Peck Azariah Webb John Dean Seth Cushman Josiah B. Stronj Jeduthan Loomis iRoswell H. Knapp 94 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 17T8 TO 1850. CONTINUED. CniTTEXDEX 1821 1 Joel !5rownson 2 )'. Chittunden -.i Bururcss ii.nll 3 D.ivul liussell .1 N. B. Hasweii 4 IT e in 11 n Lowry 5 Tiniolliy FoUctt 6 M. Cliittendcu 7 Isa'c T. Hyde CALKDONIA. CO. 1 I.s;iiali Fislc 2 Pics West 2 Simiiel Sias .3 Bu'nj. F. Darning 4 N.itiian Fuller 5 Isaac F, etcher 6 Benj F Doming 7 Georfie B. Sliaw FRANKLIN CO, 1 J. D Farnsworth 2 Amasa T. Brovn 2 Tiios. Wateiman 3 Horncn Jincs 4 Jo-epli Weeks .5 I. P. Richardson C Seth Wetinorc 7 Jonathan Janes OUM2AXS CO. 1 AVilliam Howe 2 Tiraothv Stanlcv 2 Natii'l P. Sawyer 3 Ira H. Allen 4 Harvey Scott 5 Joshua Sawyer 6 Ira H. Alien 7 KSSEX CO IBcnjaminHnnkins •2Ilicli.irdson Graves 2 Daniel Edfrery 3 William Gates 4 Dyer liihburd :i Joseph Berry 6 Isaac C ashman 7 GRAXD IST.E CO. 1 Benjamin Adams 2 Lewis Sowles 2 Joel Allen 3 Jedediah Hyde jr 4 Calvin Fletcher .^Charles H.Perrigo G N'nhan Hutchins 7 Cliau n ceyB urficss ■WASUIN'CTON' CO. 1 Ezra Butler 2 Josiah B. Strong 2 Joseph Howes 3 Joshua Y. Vail 4 John Peck 5 Timotiiy Merrill 6 Jeduthan Loomis 7 RosweHH.Knnjip 1822 Ezra Meach David French Samuel Sias Jo.'eph Morrill 2d Zerah Willoushbv Joseiili Berry Mooily Rich William Gates Elijah Hill Seih Cushman Amos Blodjrctt 1 8 -3 Burtrcss Hall Mitchell Hinsdcll Benjamin F.Bailey George Ko!iin:'on Nathan S. Haswell Samuel Sias Timothy P, Fuller Joseph .Morrill George C. Gaboon Joshua K. Sinedler George Nye William Gates Dyer Hiljbard Richardson Graves Richard Stevens .Joseph Berry William Gates Lewis Sowles Charles Canon Samuel Adams Augustus Knight Stephen Pitkin Dcnison Smith IS -24 Timothy Follett Augustine Clark Samuel A. Willard Zerah Willoughby Thomas Waterman Joel Barber jr Charles Wetmore Nathl P. Sawyer John Ide Augustus Young Richardson Grave; Noyes Dcnison iVzariah Webb jr Melvin Barnes Joel Allen Truman A. Barber 182.5 So. 1 ended, rimoihy Follett Nathaniel Newell N. B. Haswell both Truman Chittenden David French Samuel Sias Samuel C. Crafts William Baxter Salmon Nye Noyes Dcnison John Dewey Seth Cushman Lewis Sowles Melvin Barnes jr Benj. H. Smaliey Ezra Butler Warren Ellis Rawsel R. Keith SNicholas' Baylies Dan'i P. Thompson COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1TT8 TO ISoO, CONTINUED. 95 CHITTENDEN 1 82C 2 Timothy Follett 2 Niiihiini'el Newel! 3 >.'ail)anI).Ila.s\Yell 4 lie III an Lowry 5 Hcnj. F. Bailey 6 T. Chittcrulen 7 David French CAI.i-.DONlA CO. 2 Wm. A. I'almer 2 Tiai'y P. Fuller o B (.'!)). F. Deming 4 Nathan Fuller 5 1>-At\c Fletcher (■) Ik'nj. F. Dcniinliman 6 Koyal Cutler 7 GRAND ISLK CO. 2 Lewis Sdwles j 2 jMelvin Barnes jfi 3 Joel Allen | ' 4 Calvin Fletcher John JVJ. Sowlcs .5 Hector Adanjs ' " 6 Nathan Hutchin " 7 Aujjnstus Knight WASHINGTON CO. 2 Jose[):i Howes 2 Warre.i EUi.s 3 Jcshua Y. Vaii 4 Kawsel R. Kc tl .5 Dcnisoii Smith <• Jcduthan Loom;- 7 D. r. Tiiompson Dan Carporiter Shubael Wheeler 1828 Alvan Footo Moses Bliss Samuel Sias Silas Houghton Charles Davis Joel Barber Timothv Foster 1820 Eli Brownson 1 830 EV\ Brownson J, Van Sicklm jr William P. Brisrirs'TrumnnChittejiden Luman Foote Joel Barber jr. Ccor-e Greene Nathan ielP.Snwyeri Jasper llobinson i F. H. Starkweather! John Kimball I William Gates Nijycs Dpnison David Hilbard jr rLOval Cutier Joel Allen iarv Whitncv DavidHopkinson ji Nathaniel Beach Hcurv Hall Melvin Barnes Frederick Hazen IWilliam Upham Geor;ic B. Manser Joseph Smith William Bridges Joliii Gales iDaviJ M. Camp George C, West Au;;U5lus Yuun^r Richardson Graves cjimon Howe jr Jhapin K. Brooks John M. Sowlcs Samuel Adams Franklin Hobinsoa Azel Spauldinj Joseph Becd freshet liad carried away many of the bridges. At Middlesex ihc coach and horses forded the iir- or and the passengers passed over in a small boat, which niiule three or four loads. After Judgo Paddock had got into the boat, the boatman gave Judge H.itchinson an invitation to get in. He re- marked that he should notcro^.s over the river in a boat with Judge Paddo'.k, and 'another got in, and all crossed safe. After the stage was reh'adcd and started, Judge Hutchinson asked cno tf the COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1T7S TO 1850. CONTINUED. CHITTENDEN 1831 I 1832 2 Eli Bi()\vn>^on John Viiii Sicklin 2 J Van SiC'Jin jr ^Nath. B. Haswfll 4 lioswoll Butler 5 A. G.Whittemorc (5 T. Chittcndtn 7 Geo.B. iVlanscr CALEDONIA CO. 2 Samuel Sins 2 Timothy ^.Fuller 3 Benj. F. Deminy 4 Silas Hou;;h!on S) CharU'S Davis € Benj. F. Deming 7 S. B. Mattoks TBAMvMN CO- 2 Joel Barber jr 2 Joseph Smith 3 Horace Janes 4 Timothy Foster 5 John Smiih € William BridgCi- 7 John Gates ORLEANS CO 2 David M. Camp 2 Jasper Roliinson 3 Ira H. Allen 4 Thomas Jameson 5 George C. West 6 John Kimball Thoma-Chiiiendc George A. Allen William P. Briggs David French Jacob Blanchard Charles Roberts Amos Paul George Green Stephen S. Erowr. Aaron S. Beaman Isaac F. liedfield KSSRX CO. 2TlieInrd'n GraveslJessc C'viper 2 Sloses Morrill Keub'nW.Frcemai; 3 William Giites 4 Henry Hall Azariuh Webb jr 5 David Hibbard jr James Steele G William Gates 7 GRAND ISLE CO 2 John M. Sowles 2 Samuel Adams StTucI Allen 4 Frank'n Robinson .5 Fredcriek Huztn 6 Joel Allen 7 Gary Whimey ■WASHINGTON CO. 2 Dan Cappcnter 2 Warren Rliis William Martin J Joshua Y. Vail 4 Kawsel R. Keith Milton Brown 5 Azel Spauldii.g f) Jcsi'ph Reed 7 D. P. Thompson 1 833 1834 faeoh Blanchard Sylva's Hemenwav Amos Paul Samuel Sias >>eymonr Eggleston Menrv Adams David P. Noyes Isaac Parker 3. W. Freeman Archers Cummings r4recnleaf Webb Wm. Hay ward jr. 183.5 Joseph Marsh Eli Brownson Hem an Lowry Truman Chit tend en George B. Manser Timothy P. Fuller „ . « Benjamin Conner Joseph II. Braincrd Joel Bai-bcr jr J. Allen Barber David M- Camp David P. Noyes George C. Cahoo:i S, B. Mattocks Austin Fuller Jeptha Bradley Geoige W. Foster E. II. Starkweather Richardson Graves, John Dodge Moses Morrill j Samuel Curtis Chapin K. Brooks James Steele Giles Harrington I Hector Adams Alvan Carter Rawsel R. Keith Lucius B. Peck Israel Goodwin Green leaf Webb Harry Hill Henry White noder'kRicharJson a Paul Dillingham jr Jerem"h T. Marston passengers if he knew why he refused to cross the river witli Judge Paddock, and was answered in the negative. '• Well," said he, " Mr. D, I will tell you ; we are going to Burlington In hold a ses- sion of the Court, and if the boat had upset, and both of us drowned, and any thing had befaUen one of the other Judges so that he could not attend, no quorum could be had, and th(r rogues would go unpunished. ° COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. rUITTENDKN 1830 1 •2 Wiliiiiiii \^'()Oll ! .iN.iil.anB.IIaswell 4 (ti'oi^ic a. Allen I fi J.ilui X. I'oiiieiovj (■) CinrlfS Ixii^sfll " \Vii:i;mi Wcstun CAl.KDO.NIA CO. j •J Hi'iijainin Odnncr, '2 ^Miuiiis O. Fislic) " Anios P;uil ' 4 .John Ciii'iicr 5 on jEzra C.CIiambcrlin Kpaphras B. Chasel' zra C Chamberlin 'Sam'l B Mattocks " ' '" I jCharles Davis Thomas Bartlett jrBUss X. Davis " IGco. B. Chandler Sam'l B. Mattocks I '" iSam'l B. Mattocks Theron Howard lEbcr.ezcr Eastman Henry .Mattocks Cornelius Wood Alvah TX. French John Kimball iVrchclus Cummin Joseph (ilcason Samuel Adams William AVi.it Frederick Hazen Eod'k Ricliardson Pliny Curtis lDn;i'l P.Tliompsoi Jerem'li T.Marstor [Seymour Fgglcston Cornelius Wood jJessc Carpenter jAugustus Burt i " Decius R. Bogue Jerome J.BearclsIc\ I Orlando Stevens Samuel Sumner Charles Hardy Isaac Parker Henry M. Ea'es Sabin Kelluui Jesse Cooper George Nve Hc.ry M." Bates Isaac Parker John Bonrdman Merrill Willisms Samuel Sumner David Hibbardjr Vloses IMorrill Calvin Fletcher Azariah AVcbb jr Pliny Curtis Wra". M. Pingrey John Staikwcathei Isaac Pcnncck Gardi^.cr Gates Rivcvius Camp Salmon Wires Sam'l A. Willard B. W. Poor Jesse Cooper Spencer Clark Lucius R. Wcbh George E. Holmes l^'»wr>l'''^f ^Vebb David Ilibhard jr Lloyal Cutler Joseph M. Mott Garv Whitnev Jo'm M. Sondes John Spaulding Orson Skinner I-aiah Silver John I>. Buck (ko. Wortliington Gco.B. !klanscr David P. Noycs Nathan H.Thomas i Martin Armstrong Harlow P. Smith Daniel Dodge Samuel A. Willardl Wm.M. Pingrey Horace Hollisier Siilmaii Churchill Homer W. Heaton IS 98 COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO CONTINUED. CHITTENDEN 1841 2 Francis Wilson 2 EdniVlWellin£;ton 3 WiDiiiin Nohle 4 Geoi-p:e A. Allen 5 Geo. K. i'lau C. Charles Eusscll ' William Weston ■* OALKDONIA CO, 2 E. B. Chase 2 Isaac N. Hall 3 S. B. Mattocks 4 James Tioberts jr ' 5 Thos. Bartlelt jr 6 S.B Mattocks 7 Henry AV.Pahnei FRANKLIN CO. 2 August US Burt •_' Cornelius Wood 3 J. H. Brainerd 4 Diclus E.Bogue 5 Orlando Stevens G William Bridges 7 Ilomeo H. Hoj t ORLEANS CO. •^ Isaac Parker 2 John Board man 3 Henrv M. Bates 4 McrrJl Williams 5 Samuel Sumner G George Nve 7 Henry M Bates KSSEX CO 2 John S. Nelson 2 Owen Brown 3 Lucius R. Webb 4 Geo. E Holmes 5 Wm Ileyvvood jr GAzariali Webb ji 7 Wvi. Heywood ji g;.and jsle CO. 2 Calvin Eleteher 2 Joseph M. Mott 3 Joel Allen 4 G.iry Whitney 5 Hector Adams 6 Joel Allen 7 John M. Sowles WASHINGTON CO. 2 Horace Hollister 2 Joseph Sawyer 3 StilmanClmrchii 4 Andrew A. Swee 5 HomcrW.Hi-atoi G D. r. Thompsoi 7 L;, man Bviggs I.AT.IOILLE CO. 2 David P. Noyes i^XathanlLThoma^ " Philo G. Camp ) ^laniuArmstionp 1. Mar low P SmitI oS-muelA.Willarci 7 Charles HParkei 1842 •John Van Sicklin John Allen Iiolla Gleason HenrvLeavenworili Tlieron Howard William Mattocks Luther B. Hunt Joseph Smith Homer E. Hubbell James Davis Jairus Stcbbins Gco.Worthingtonji Jesse Cooper Allen Gould George W. Gates 1843 Henry B. Stacy 1844 George A. Allen John H. Tower I. P. BicharJson Calvin i\r< rrill James Gilchrist Alexander Harvey Bliss 'N. Davis C. J, Davis Augustus Burt James iJavis John S Foster William C. Wilsoi; Joseph H. Brainerc David M. Camp Alvah E.French John II. Kimball Isaac K Hall John P. Ingalls Josepl) Preston Theroii Howaiil Norman Davis Rlij.ih Ckavelaiid Harry Baxter Elijah G. Strong George E. Holmes Martin French Moodv Eich I Samuel Ira Hill Adams William W.White iFrederick Ilazen loscph Sawyer Oharles Sam])Son Otamcl II. Smith Azel Spaulding |l'harlrs Sampson Sheffield Ha ywardjr JDanii IP I h^inpsoi Gcor<;c W.Baiker lohn Warner Oalvin Burnt tt N^nihl P. Keelcr W. H. H. Bingham Salmon Wires HSaftord&Lyndeji |]\Iartiii F'-en.-Ii i Werner Binuham Ira Hill William H. Lymai Abe! Brown Wm. W. White Jabez Ladd Joseph A. Cnrfis Ebenezer Bruco Xathariel Jones Moses Fiskjr Ilfir.Tce PoMcrs Luke P. Poland jr .Vm. W. White 184.J E. A. Stansbnry Horace Ferris James Gilrliri>it Calvjn Morrill Oraniel If J'rccman iVlordecai Hale Charles iJavis Jona. II. Hubbard Orlando Stevens Jaiaes Davis Nathan S. Hill Reuben C Benton VViihani Morrill Isaac L .Cummings Beach Blodgett Aillii.m T. B;irron vVm. Heywood jr Isaac Cummings Wallis Mctt Albert C Butler rrederick Hazen .Viijiustiis Kiiiiiht Shubacl Wheeler Newell Kinsman Jerem'h T.ilarston Moses risk Luke P. Poland Lucius H. Noyes Harlow P. Smith COUNTY OFFICERS FROM 1778 TO 1850. CONTINUED. 99 CIIITTEXDEX 184G 2 K'ohert White 2 U. H. PL'iinimari 3 E A. 8t iiishury 4 Horace Fi-n-is r> Fiod'k G Hill C Ch-rles Hiivsl-II 7 Willi im Weston CALICUOXIA CO. 2 Moses Kitircln-' 2 Lucius D.'uiso i .3 Sam .E Matto ;k' 4 (). II. iM-eoiniri 5 ^loidecai Hal • 6 Charles S Dana 7 Pliny Muoro FKAXKLIX CD. 2 Aivali Sahin 2 .1. II. Huhlard 3 J. II. Bi-nineitl 4 John S. Foster 5 lli)mci E. Roycc 6 James Davis 7 Geo, F. Houghton ORLKANS CO. 2 Elijah Clcavelancl 2 IlaVry Baxter 3 Henry M. Bates 4 Elijah (i. Stron;^ 5 Xatlian S. Hiii fi Jacob P.ites 7 John II. Prentiss ESSEX CO. 2 Reuben C Benton 2 Horace Hnbbanl 3 Isaac Cu minings 4 Preston May 5 Wni. T. Barron fi .lo;iah Brooks ]r 7 William Cliandler GRAND ISLE CO 2 11 H. Keynokis 2 Lorenzo Hall 3 Joel yMlen 4 Daviil G. Dixon 5 Frederick Ilnzen 6 Jabcz Lad I 7 Augustus Knight AVASIIIXGTO s' CO. 2 Daniel Ra'dwin 2 Henry Douglass 3 Shu'.ael Wheelei 4 Addison Peck .5 Newell Kinsman (IJere. T- Marstou 7 Lyman Briggs I.AMOII.LK CO. 2 V. W. Watcrm.in 2 Alphens Morse 3Philo G. Camp 4 Jason Grain r^ Wm. W. White G Lucius n. Koyes 7 Harlow P. Smith 1S4: Luther P. Blodgef ^h.irles Adiuns Bradford llixlord Robert Harvey John P. Ingalls Jonas Flint George C. Cahoor >amuelB Mattock.- G. A Burliank Tames A. Paddock John Harding James Hamilton Henry F. Prentiss Ilorncc Hubbard Xathan J. Graves John Dodge Reuben C. Benton Wm. H. Hartsliori Elijah Haynes Giles Harrington Charles Reed Harlow P. Smith 1843 Ira Witters I. P. llichardson Rdwln D. Mason IcromeJ Beardslcr William H.FrcnJ: L- E. Chittenden Jefferson Crec [Tiram Perkins Bliss N Davis i'lieron Howard rheron Howard William C. AVilson Orson Carpenter Tohn S. Koyce Jeptha Brail ley William Bridges Hubbard Hastings '^anuicl G. Babcock I leman Nichols Wm.H. Hartshorn ieorge W. Gates Wm. Hey wood jr r^aac Cummings Wm. Hey wood jr Wallace Mott David Marvin Thos. B, Fletcher Seland Whitney Rod'k IJicbnrdson Rnoch D. Putnam Enoch D. Putnam [Franklin A. Wright Jackson A. Vail Joseph W. Howes 1S4 f. P. Richardson Truman Galusha iJ. B. Bulklev Samuel W. Taylor Hector Adams 'liarles Adams Bradford Eixford Walter Harvey James D. Bell Gusta's A.Burbnnk Sargcant F. Field George B. Chandler G. A. Burbank Augustus Burt James Davis Geo. F. Houghtoc Solomon Dwinncll Loren W. Clark John L. Edwards Isaac N.Cushman Henrv M. Bates 1 8.50 John G. Saxe JcfTcrson Crec Aldeii E. Judevine It Hiram Perkins Jose])h Potts Theron Howard William Bridges Jeptha Bradley Hubbnrd Hastings Elisha Wliite Norman Boardman Timothy Fairchild David Hibbard jr Elias Aldrich Oramel Crawford Grecnleaf Webb Jonah Brooks William Cliandler Ira McLoud John L. Buck Heman Caipentcr | " Ferrand F. Merrill rimolhv R. Merrill John West John C. Bryant Harlow P. Smith George W. Bailey Whitman G.Fernn ArunahWCa'dwell William W. White ■Icnry Stowell John iMeigs V. W. Waterman W. H.IJ. Bingham Andrew Dow Cornelius Lvndc Wm. H Hartshorn William L. Bowles Daniel AVait ii Charles H. Clark Henry Adams David W. Hadlej .Joseph Hancock Shubael Wheeler Ira IMcLoud Stoddard B. Colby Jacob Scott Lyman Briggs E. B. Sawver W. G- Ferrin 100 MEMBEHS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. ADDISON CO- Addison ]>ridporc Bristol (Jornwall Ferrisburgh Gosh on Granville Hancock Leicester Lincoln iVIiddlebury Monk ton New Eiaven Orwell P.inton Salisbury ShoreliHm Starksboro Vcr^cnnes Wcvbridge Wl/iting JIKNNINGTON CO. Arlington Bennr gtou IvOrset Land<.''i'ove Manchester Peru Pownal Rcatlsboro Pupert Sii.d-ato Sliaftsburj Stamford Sunderland Winhall Woodford CALEDONIA CO. I5ariict Burke Cabot Danville Groton Hard wick Kirby Lyndon Newark Peach am KvcL'ate Sheffield St. Johnsbnry Sntton Waldcn Waterford Wlieeloek 1791* John Stronj^ John N. Bennett William Slade Abel Thompson John Smith Samuel Miller John Ferguson Oliver Pier El)ciiezer Wilson Penjamin Holcomb Eleazcr Chighom Josiah Pond Alexander Brush Sc.muel Beach Timothy Todd John Shumway Martin Powell Thomas Jewett I-racl Smith i\euben Tliomas Gideon Olin An !rew Scldon Timothy Brownson 1793 I David Whitney Ma I shall Smith Henry MLauglilin ■Joel Linslev iDanicl Claflln JBenjaminW hitman John Willnrd Josi ph Wi 1 .ughby KUjah Foot Amos SpalTord Thomas Judd Stephen Hard Ephraim Doolittlc Enoch Wood bridge Samuel Jewett EbenezcrWheeloek ISU V. B. .Johnson Xoble Munson Darius Mathews Theo.Middleb.ook Griudul Davis Rsnias Butts Henry O in •losepli Delonir Daniel Cliipmin Thomas Smith Setli JJovt J. Q. M'Farland Heiir} Chamberiaii Ueuben Saxton iowu Constant Barney Nathan Canfield Jonathan Jiobinson Samuel Fay William Dunton Benjamin IX-min. Alexander Harvey Abraham Morrill Wm. Chamberlain Jonathan Arnold Isaac Smith Joseph Iliirtwell Cephas Smith Nathaniel Jones Oliver Smith Gilbert Bradley Caleb Mooro Lyman Hitchcock Benjamin Sias Josiah Arnold Josiah Page Josias L. Arnold Elijah Littlcfield Peter I'ndley Samuel Wri;;ht F.bjali Bailey Josiah Kising Joseph 1 uttlc Jonab Galusha Edmond Graves Job Leon a id J^ebbeus Barney John Giifillan Abner Coo David Gilman Wm. A. Griswold •Jesse Heath Samuel French Theophilus Grout William Gaboon E'eazer Packer Wm. Chamberiaii fohn Nelson Joseph IL Ingalls Cilvin Jewett ^zra Child Silas Davison Samuel Fellows 1P22 Ko'icrt ClirmI crs I'liinehns Kitehel Henry Super .4ei janiin Sanford Jvoheit B. Hiizzard Martin Carlisle -lucl kice Charles Church Hen;-y in Ehenczi-r Durfee Kb n. W. Judd Stephi-'n Haight jr Nati an Birton •lohn Jackson Jonathan Spencer Salaihud Bitmp Eiislia B; S'om (ICIislia J'^er^juscin Amos W. Barniim •^Mmucl Chil'js I">phraim .Moulton Cyrus Canfie'd Orsamus (;. Merrill Svlv.nus Svkes jr Daniel Tuthill I'eter Dudley Sto Idart MeVchant John Walker David Sheldon John H Sanderson Jonaa Galusha Otis Phillips Ethan Bradley Keuben Biooks •Joseph C. Hollister Adam Duncan (ieo. W. Denison Jeremiah Babcock (jco. W. Dicw David Vance Solomon Aiken Ebenczer Damon Isaac Fletcher Miles Coc Josiah Shcdd Hugh Laughlin Joseph H. Ingalls Aii,i Aldrich fohn Berkwith James Bell Jacob Benton Samuel Fellows jr JOSEPH BOWKER. ESQ. In a late publicati-in, in a note from the above name, I find an account, from which I make the following statement; Joseph Bowker came to Putland at an early period of its settlement and was active and energetic in his opp';sition to the unjust claims of New York, an 1 was among the first in cftVeting a g.'nj-al org,iniz;itioa of the inhibiiants of the Grants in opposition to those claims. 'I'liis opposition, in an organized f^rm, was first eftcotcd by a convention which met at Dorset in January, 1770, at which time an association was formed ind entered into " to d"'fend by arms the liberties of these United American States against the fleets and armies of Gre;lt Britain." *Thi.s Conrention ratified the United Stales' Constitution before her ndmiss'on into the Union. MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. 101 ATIPISON CO. Aon J'ri'lport I'ristol C'irn Willi J>Vnisl)iirgh Giaiiville H' ncoclv I>c>ii('s!cr ]/iiH'oln MiMlcburjr Mimktoi New Haven Orwell I'jinton Ivi)iton S.ilisliiiry .SKorcii-im Still kshoro Vcriicnnes WaltliiTTi "Wcyliriilgc Wli'itinf: llKXVrXC.TON CO. Arliiig-toti r.cnnington G'astenhnry Lmrlffovc IMnnuhcstcr Pern Pownal lleadihoro Unpeit Sandpate Scnr^li'.iryh Phaft-!mry StMmford Sunderland Winhall Woodford C VLEDOXIA CO. B unet Bu'ke ("ahot Danville Oroton Il.irdwick Kirliy Lvndon Kc'wark Pcacliam ItvcL'Mte Sheffield St Jolinsbury Sutton Wa!nj. Mirer jr jSenaca Austin Uol.crt Ilolley Hi-nry Sojier John Siint'ord Willisim Hamilton l'lico.Midd!cbrLoks!l)anicl Mirsii Nil than C-ipeii Wm, Carlisle 3d Thomas King Joel liice Charles Cliu'ch " Henry Cilin Silas W. Stanley ( )liverW.Bnrnbam John Bush Samuel Swil'c | " Daniel Collins Luman B. Smith Bcnja-niii Field Ip^lias Bottiim Mios.D. Hammond Jos. H. Cliittenden Silas Tappan Ebfcn. N. Briggs Elislia Bascom My: on Biishnell Philip C. Tucker Solomon Hobbs Asaph Hay ward Benj. Needliam Anson Canficld David P()l)inson StcphenMartindale David Wi'ley Elijah Collins Josiah Barnard I'crry Jewett Henry Hoibrook Heth iVloore Joseph Tiutle Nathan 11. Bottum William Landon lleiihen Brooks Jose])h C. Hol.isier Walter Harvey Joel Trull T.din W.Dana Wm. A. Palmer David Vanee Timothy P. Fuller Luther Wooil William Cahoon .Jacob Rianchard James Nelson jr .Foeph II Ingalls Ephraiin Paddock [Andrew Brown Daniel Woo-tcr Sylv's Hemingway Samuel Fellows jr Friend Adams Daniel Chipman Prentiss Alden Kent Wright Ira Bushnell Vil a Lawrence Lyman E. Husted Milo Siowe Samuel T. AValker !>ylvester Deming J. Vanderspcigle Cyrus Armstrong Asa G. Hewes Leonard Sargeant Samuel Stone David Gardner Jacob Hix Samuel Thomas John Knapp Stephen C. Millard Ethan Bradley Francis Kidder jr Joseph Knapp William Shearer Kufus Goddinus Thomas Bartlctt James Church George C Cahoon |Alpheii« Stoddard John Mattocks Ebeiiezer Morrill .Tame.-' Town send Luiher Jewett John Beckwith Robert Taggard I 1 84.3 jAaron Merrill [David Whitney Iloracio Needham Noah W. Porter 'Ju.'-ticc N. Dartt Jedediah Cli rk John Hackett William Mitchell Jed. S. Bushnell Poswell Aiwood Jonathan Hoyt Putnam Bishop Sumner Briggs Silas H. Jenison Pearley Hill G<~orge Fisher Elijah G. Drake Abel Walker Samuel Buck Alanson P. Lyman Chnuncey Green John II. Mattison James ]\Iartin Lvmali Harringtrn ?klark Baichelder Sylvenas Danforth Thcod'e Sanderson Joscpli Fames Samuel Ames Jenckes Phillii's Reuben Brooks Mordecni Hale Ebenczcr Darling Timothy P. Fuller Saml. B. ]\Iatiock< Hugh Dunn John R. Skinner Timothy Lock Lauren ]\I. Sleeper SMinuelA Chandlei IlM-ry Moore Elisha Davis jr Calvin Morrill Hiram Perkins Joni. D Stoddard Edward M.Magoon ro=eph Havward Calvin Solace Marcus 0. Pi)rier \i •lioias Guindon ■iilas I). Gale Vinasa Eitttm '^irah Brtrncs h>hu Bullock lufus Til bur )zias Seymour V'son (\)llin3 ■dias Botiuiii Israel Smith Silas Pond ^yrus Bump Davis Rich riieron Downey ieo. W, Grandey Uollin Everts i'>'.\vin Havward Whitfield Walker Martin C Doming riiornnsM. Daniels G. B. II diy Asa G. Hewes Eronard Sargeant iSiejdiin Dudley IWii). R. Blanchard llsajic Esty INathiin Burton .Joseph Crosier Obedllnll Edmotid A. Ginves 15eriah AVheeler Alonzo Fux Frank'n J Eastman Bcnj F. Beldcn Inlm R. I'litiiiiin Wm. A. Palmer l>a cN.HiiU A E. Judevine Vierritt Newhall Thomas BartlM jr James CUn-k James Robert.s iTardnei Wheeler Geo. W. Roi'crts D<.iiiel Wooster Biirron Moulton Samuel F.Shattuck And this association was declared to be independent and no way under the direction or advice of the Government of New York. A uumHer of conveniions were liolden upon the same subject, and adopted measures to aid the Gkeen M(>unt.\in Boys in their hard struggle with all their foes. Of all these coaventions Mi. Uowker was Preiident, and Capt. Joseph Bowker in iho chair, is found 102 MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. CUnTENDliX CO. JJoitiin IJiirlinsiton C;iiarl(itie OolcliL'ster Iliiieshiirgh Iluniiiiyion Jeiiclio Milioii llicliniond Shclliuniel iSt. Gcorye Underluli Wcsllord Wil listen ESSEX CO. Brunswick Canaan Concord iin-.nby Guildhall Li.niington Lunenburg Maidstone FRaXIvLIN CO, Bakersfield Berkshire Enosburgh Fan' fax Pair (if Id Fletcher Franklin Geingia Hij^hgate Monigomery Eiililord Sheldon ISt. Alliaas S w a n I n n -GliAND ISLIC CO. Alburgli Gran.i Isle Jslc La Mott IS'orth Hero Soutli Hero LAMOlLLli CO. Bclvidere Cambridge ]':do>i EIniore Hydepark Johnson Mansfield i\lorrist()\vu Steiliiig Stowe Wolcott 1791 Samuel Hitchcock John McNeil Ira Allen Timothy I'liss li.^ha Barber .•\mos Brown son Vlartin Cliittenden Abel Waters \Vm. C. Harrington Thomas Chitfrnden Presidents in Italic; David Hopkinson Samupl Gates -Tohn Kich Toseph Beaman •John White Silas Haihawav iZnos Wood Kbenczcr Allen lolin P'assett Jona. IM'Connell 1 79.3 Samuel Bell Stephen Keves .lohn :\IcNeil .lohn Law Timothy Bliss Lemuel Bostwick ISU Samuel Webster (rcorge Bobinson Niithnnicl Newell Eli Baker jr. VVm. B. Marsh " jE iii.s Bne! Martin Chittefulen Ileniap Lowry Amos M-uisaeld Mo«es D ,vi« Willi:im Khndcs VVm C. Harrin-ton Phincliiis Hill ;i!(ul)eii Lo( kwood Ca'eb Sheldon Jercmiiih Stone Ebentzer Bowman Thomas Cliittenden Jeremiah French John White Benoni Cutler Samuel Phelps Haines Fjench Thomas Russell John Walls Daniel Smith Daniel Goss iOliver Lighani Cornelius JudevineDyer Hibbard iiS'oah Sabin I 1S2-2 [Jnmcs VVhitcomb |Wm. A. Griswold KailiMi.iel Newell Nathan Br\an Ro^weli Butler N. LeavcniMirth James Autbler jr Noah Chittenden Hi man Allen Eli Bidwnson Ezui Mcacli William Barney EU'iiczer Bowman Chauncey Brownell Daniel Dana I'iihai'd ]\Iorgan l^evi Barnai'd Moodv Rich Samuel Sumner Pe.-irley Hall Eliphaz Enton Stephen Holmes Jorb Smith llenry'Hall iEdw'dC. Spaulding iWilliam Gates Jesse Hugh jSilas B. Hazeltine iPenuel Leavens Elias Bellows Benjnmin Wooster Reuben Armstrong Zer.di iWilloughby Samuel Hubbard iWilliain Felton Frederick Bliss Abel Drury .'^eih Goodspeed Caleb Rnyce Ztrah Willoughby N. M. Kingman Thomas Butterrield Shad'kiiathaway ji Silas Hathawav Benjamin^Marvin Nathan Hutcbins Timoihv Pearl 'Jv'lin Fasseit Ephraim Mott Simeon Clark Caleb Bill D<;n Hazen Daniel G. Sawver jFrederiek Hopkins !Ji)seph F;.riar I Martin Elmore |Oliver Noves iDaniei Dodge Samuel Cook Asa Raymond ' Tiiomas I'avlor Elijah Deeji' Ebenezer Slarkwell Richard Smith jr' Caleb Royce Chauncey Fitch Stephen Ruyce jr James Brown Jireh S Berry James Brown Charles Carron Irad Allen Benajah Phelps Moody Shattuck Enoch Carlton •leiluihan Stone Martin Elmore Darius Fitch Daniel Dodge Ivoiy Luce David P. Noyes .Mo^es Vilas Philo G. Camp at the commencement of all their records, He was the first representative from Rutland in tlie first legislature alter the Constitution of 1777 was adopted, and in the forenoon of the first day of the session he was chosen Speaker, and in the ;!ftcrn' on it was found that he M-as the first elected Councillor by having a lar-er number of votes than smv other pe.-son. He was elected to the same office SIX times afterwards,' He was the first Judge of Rutland Shire of the county, or Special MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIO^'AL CON VEK TICK'S. 103 CniTTEXDEN CO. Bolton Burlington C;iiarloite Colchester Essex Hincsl)ur;2;li JIuntington Jericho Jlilton Richmond Sholliuirie Si, George I'lulcrhill "W'csttbrcl AVilliston r.ssEx CO. Bloomfield Brighton Jirunswick Canaan Concord East Haven Granl'y Giiihlhail Lcmington Liinenliiirg Maidsionc Victory rUANKLIN CO. B!ik( rsheid Berksiiire Eno.-hurglj Fairfax Fairfield Fletclier Franklin Georgia Highgate M< ntgomery Eichtord Sheldon St. A^bnns Swan ton GRAND ISLE CO. Albnrgh Gr;,nd Isle Isle Ln Mott North Hero South Ileio LA.MOILLK CO, l^clvidcre Cambridge Eden Klmorc llvdcpark ,F(;i.nM)n Man.'^flrld Morris-town Sterling S I owe AV'ati rville \Yolcott 1828 John I'innco Hem an J>owry Nathaniel Newell Thomas Broniiell Samuel Bliss Edmund Baldwin James Ambler jr Noah Cliittenden Lemuel B Piatt Edward Jor.cs Burge:-^ Hall Horace Ferris Caleb Sheldon Ebenczer Bowmnn ChauDCcy Brown el Aden Bartlcite I 1836 John N. I'omcroy Lyman Yale James Langsliore E/.ia Slaier Siej-hcn Byington Sdah.Ambicr Truman G.ihislia Daniel II. Onion Artemas Flagg Kzra ]\h';;ch Rculen Loikwood Joseiih Wells Daniortli Wales Pavid Hvdc Siimuel Ingalls Arcliibald Taggarc^ Harvey G. Fry 1843 I 1F50 S;imuelB. Kennedy John Piniuo Wyll_\8 L\niaii Jnhn N. Pi mcroy Everett Bieh iJocl S. Bint;liani Jacob Belle |Hcz Davis Heman Hopkins Thomas Mott Melvin Barns jr Charles Carron Irad Allen Bird Landon John Spencer James B, Gilmore Eli Hinds jr Jonathan Bric'ge Theoph W\ 1 itch Charles W. Taylo; Ivory 1 ncc Lnihcr Biial'.am Moses Vilas Daniel Moody Jonathan Smith Jo'in Dcwcv Stephen Hirris Jeremiah Wright John Stevens Haines Schoff Elir.s Farnham •William B. May Jonathan M.. thews Koyal Cutbr iBcach Bli dgett Joseph Gleascn iMoody Rich Thomas Child Penuel Leavens Theoph. Man.sfield Josepti Bcaman Joseph Soule Ira Hatch OrviUe Kimpron Robert L Paddock Jnmes Ma.=on Luther B. Hunt Lewis Ji.nes William C.Wilson Jasjier R;;nd Horace Eaton Homer E. Hubbell Bradley Bar'ow JAlbert'Kinslcy John J. Deavitt 'Al-.ab s^.bin (>. F, Eobinson B W. Inllcr Arad W. Sears Lloyd Mason Joseph Blake Henry H. Keynolds Joseph M. Mott labcz Ladd iMelvin Barnes Ira Hill JHiram Hall Klijah Hajnes 'jolin Martin Caivin Fieiener Hector Adams .\lva Chaffee .-Imry Siowell Martin Wlieelock 'cUg Scofield hissel B. H^de .evi B. Vilas 'oseiih Sears >rion W. Bu:lcr .VIoses Fisk Thonias Taylor A. K. Whiitemore IS'aihi.n Smilie Samuel Phimley jr Gcoige W. Bailey Kehtm'hWaterman Luther P. Poland Harry S. Camp Aljrheus Morse Nathaniel Jones S. W. Holbrook John I). French William Rich Harvey G. Fry Horace B. Coe William Heywodjr Reuben C. Benton Charles Stever.s Wm. j\I. Stearns Samuel H. Stevens Asa S. Gove Reuben Armstrong Charles Feiton u Benjamin Pcake Hiram RawTon Alfred Keith Isaac B Bow dish William L. Sowles Xoiman Gordon D. V. Goodsell Augustus Knighl Oiange Phelps Phinehas Carpenter Giles A. Barber Lucius H. Noyes "toiighton S. Pike Annexed to Stowe. Horace Powers ISaiueli Darlirg Orion W. Butler Jesse C. Holmes Samuel Pcnnoek Court, in March, 177S. The first Judtre of Probate for Rutland County, in 1781, the Judge of the Court he held till Dec , 1783, and the Judge of Probate till his death in"l784. The year and place of his birth is unknown, and no stone marks the place where the stranger can learn where the re- 104 MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. O HANOI', CO. BiMiiitreo lirooKfield Connt li Faiilecf Kewhury (J rail -0 Ilan(l()l[)h Strart'onl Tuuiford T 'psliam Tiinliriiigo Vei'sliirc Wash in;^ ton AVilliamstown OKLKaNS CO. Albany Barton Brownington Chailosion Coventry Craftsburj Derby Glover (ji'eLMisboi'O Holland Irasbnrgh L'>\vcll Morgan Newport Trov Wcstficld It UT LAND CO. I'enson Brambjn Ca«tlct:>n l'hilailel|ihi.i Ohitti-'nck-n Clareniion Dauby Fairh iven Hubbardton Ira Mendon Middletown Mmnt fJollcy Mount TaLor Pawlet PittslioM Pittsford Pou tntv liut and Shrewsbury Shcrbu no Sudbury Tinmouth Wa'lingford Wells Wesihaven 1791 John Barron j 1 793 i.Tohn Barron Daniel Kingsburv 'Eiisha A!lis Peter Slceman ,Natbani('l Niies j Daniel Farrand Josiah Edson Peter Pennock iBeriah Looniis jEHas Curtis Thomas Porter Cornelius Lynde In conseqiiPiice of ; Vtter being. -pveii day.' <•■ mill? t'-omliurliiigtiii to Mi(l(llel)uiy, after il ■ni)k tlio cur,-, I have l(i ;)ut tlie coiilCiits out of ts proper | lire, 'amiiel C. Crafts wa5 Iciristerof I'roliate fm !' leais district froii I)i>c.l79e to Dec. 181.5. raH. Allen from J815 o 1831. Slim.. 11 Nye rom l6-2i Ui 182.'). Irn If. Allen from ISSo tn lS2fi. John H. Kimhal! I'roni 18-2610 I83fi. Fm emiiindersee the prop- ir place. Natlian Daniels Noah Lee Samuel Harrison Hjiniel Sherman Simeon Smith Janna ChurehiJl Samuel Hazeltinc Israel jNIoicy Jacob tJayley .\bner Wn.'-ton William Deiiison Israel Smiih Reuben Hatch 'The on'v surviving [member of this con veniion, and tlv youngest one of tiM whole, is Samuel C. Crafts and he was the on ly member from Or- leans Cii. Danie Chipman.the mem In-r from Rutbuni. died Aiu-il 2o, 18.5(1 aL'Pd 83, and David Whi'nev, from Ad- dison,. VI. ^y 10,1850. aged 93. Asabcl Smith David Buekland Jonathan Brewster Jomthan Parker Daniel Sliorman Mathew Lvnn J-ibenczer Wallis Georoe Sherman ,Tohn Burnham Aliraham Jackson i.Tohn Stafford Lemuel Chipman Caleb Allen Thos. H.Tnimond Augustine Ilibbavcl Wi 1 1 in m Ward 1 1 saac Hosf ird Nathaniel ChipmanjDaniel Chipman Emanuel Case Joseph Wiirner (E'ijah Blnke John Spafford 'Orange Train jAsahel Jackson jJoseph Randall I jSimnol L.Tthrop iSimeoii Smith 1814 Pelatiah Corliss Lyman Kidder l-'rederick Griswold fosiidi Dana \ter Eaton \'atb;;niel Niks fames Spear Thaddeus CInpp ■')udlev C lase fed II. H.inis fosepb Heed lonatluin -Jcnness ■^amuel Aus:iu Vsa Smithjr Daniel Peas'ee Jonathan Fisk William Rowell Samuel W( rks ieorge N\e (onas Wari'en Peleg RcdHeld Roval Co-bin 'vVi liam Howe Timo hy Lyman Timotliy Stanley rosliua .Johnson Asahel Curtis Henry Coroy Walter Stone Oliver Parmelcc folin Coi'ant >lnos .Mertill Howard iV1i:chc'l Thoni: s Maniey ^eba French Tidm n. A '.drus Ethan Wh-pple T;imes Whelpley James Hcrrenton Z'don Elson Tona- Clark ■Jed. Hammond Gideon Tab;r Tames L'-ach Erastus Holt Wm Ha' ring' on Tiilin Staniev Wm. Del ison David Holdpn Nath'l M. Fuller John JackS'in Estas Batker \Villiam Fox .'\aron Mosher 1822 John Pickett William Fijrd jr Frcdeiick Giiswold IThomas Jones iSolomon Mann I I Jonathan Lnierv Martin Barrett Elijali Hammond Saml. Buttertield Nathaniel Jones jr Jacub B!i^s Joel Baas Eii Chamber' in jr John Kimball IWilliam Baxtu' jJohn Ide 'Joseph Scott Lutiier Newcomb John Crane Sam. "Woodman 2d Eber Robinson John Harding Ira Leavens Josiali Hawson Charles Conant Tlios. Stoughioa iJohn Kellogg IJohn ]Mason Wolcott II. Keeler Linsey Rounds James M. Daniels ' John V. Co! burn Setli Wallace Preserved Fi>h Eiisha Estabrooks 'Daviil ilClure Abel Bishop Benjamin Fitch Wi.rnerDnikec .James Hailow Asahel Pun I Robert Pierj^oint Zidon Ed:-o 1 Joseph Warner Eliakim H.JoLnson mains of the roan are deposited, which the people of Rutland took so much pride to lionor while living; and he left tio descendant«, nm- is iliere any one livi ig that is able to tell those less impor- tant iien.sin bis public life. I hope and trust for the honor of the town, that the State. County, or town will in 8ome suitable manner raise something to his grave that will commemorate his memory. MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. lo; oij.wr.K CO. ]>radford ISraiiitrce TJiookfield C'lielsea Coiiiuii pMiilee Xcwliiirv Oiaii^c' Kaiiiloliili SiniHV)rd TlictCurd 'I'liljsliaiu 'riiul)rid;,'C A'crsliiro AVasliin^toii Wc^t .Fa i rice AVilliamstow n ouleans cu. Albany 15arton Bivwiiinjrton ('liai lesion (Coventry Orafisbury Derl-y (;iover (jrcc'iisboio Holland Irajluiigli Jay Lowell Morgan Nc\vj)urc Salem Trov Westfield Wesiniurc J;UTL.\N1> CO, IJenson Brandon Castlctun Chitteiuleii Clarendon Dauby Fairluiven Hubbardtoa Im Mendon Middletown Mount Hoilcy Mount Tabor Pawlet Flttsliold Pittsford Pouitney ]\utland Shrewsbury Slierburnu Sndljury 'Cinui'uth Wallingford Wells Wcbihaven Debentures 182!-! Jesse ilerrill 2d Lyaian Kidder l<'ieilerick (Jriswoiii Davi.l Wi-!;iu Peter Ivaloa Thomas Siratton Moody Chiniberliil Reuben AViiite Lebbeus Edh Asaph Fletcher I Daniel Hcald IJcjhn Clark i George Denison Paul Bri^hans Aron Kimball ;Elias Stevens iZaeheus Downer Abraham Ball Jonas Mann Amo'J iiice Marshall Miller William Stickneyjr Joseph Beyden Nathaniel Bobbins Lawrence Pierce H. H. Winchester a Theoph"s Crawford Eleazcr All ee !Saml. Worthington ■Hichard Scott jDana Baylev I jAsa Wlicelock iSanuicl Mason ,.lobii Roberts 'Jeshc Swift Amos T']mery Oliver Farrar ( Ihomas Freeman I Isaiah Raymond I Joshua Leland Gr^orge E. Wales Simeon Willard iJohn ChaiTtc jLeonard Walker ;Xorman Webber Amos Hulett Rulus Root jr ; Jasper Hazeu ilEMCER^ OF TJrE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. lai TfVi SUING TON CO. Barn; Burlin Duxbuiy Fiiysion I] isf Montpelier Mi.l.ilcs'X -\I )llt|n'lK:r Morciuwn Northritjld Plainlield ]t(txhury AVaiisrteld "\^^ll■l•l■ll Waterliury Wo l(^l)^l•v AVol•cest^'r M'INDIIAJI CO. Actoii Athens Brattlehoio Brookline ]~)()ver Dummerston (i rat ton (Juilford ILilUax •laniaiea l^onitomlerry >[arlbo.o Newtano I'litney liockiiicham Si)iii;!r.si;tt Strattoii Towiisliend Vernon Wanlshoro Westminster Wliitiiii;!) un Wilmington Win ,liam WISDSOI! CO. Andovor ]5aliimore B irnard B3ihe! Bridgewator Cavendish Chester Ila tford Hartland Lad ow Norwich I' y mouth Pom fret Koading Kof'hcster lloyaltua Sharon Siirln'.;field SrociibrliliTe Weathcrsficld Weston AVest Windsor Windsor Wi)od'«tock 1828 Peter Nichols JOIienezer Bailey Tni.MlKiS Cole Ira Arni.i Peter l)re\r Josiali Hollister Rufus Ch imlierlin Stephen Fusrer David Beldiii- Amos Kobinson I 183G Alvin ('arier Al)el Knajip ,8liiiliael Wheeler jDavid Beldin 'Horace Iltdlibter Nahnm Keltoii Ira Carpenter I"/iijah Smith jr Nathaniel Uancrofi James Parmer N'ailian ^lorse Jason Carpenter Joseph A. Hyzer Lather Cleaves Khenezer Bruce Allen Vail Ethalston Bayley Lemuel Whitney" William Perry lihenezer Jor>cs Jonathnn Hun tlev William Stickneyjr Aaron Bariiey S inf(>rd Plumb Timothy Gonlale Lu'.her Stowell Simeon Adams Martin Pielil John Campheil -M.masseh DivoU (/harles Morse Richard Srott WaitsiiU R.Ranncy To-euh Franklin Asa Wheelock ElleryAlbee Elislia Putnam Lancy Forbes Amos Emery Edward Sim ins Joseph Atherton Tnoma'. Fi-eeraan Daniel Lillii? Jamr's 'i'opliff Levi Jackinan Rufus Bruce Willis Lvman Aaron Wlliard Asahel Smith Anron Lovcland A;a BvUjrr^ a ;. ry Ilewe't H^'iry Con ant Lvinaii Emors )n Franklin Hunter Rliodolphiis Brown [.eonavu Walker Vorman Webber iVilliam Jarvis .Vinos N. Bun on Horace Everett iTittis Hutchinson IVlathias S. Jones Arte mas Cushman Paul Dillingham j> Xathan Fisher Abraham B-ill jr Samuel Clark Lewis Hall Samuel Knight Elisha Field James L Stark Curtis llobinson 'Piiinehas JIartherji V/alter Eatrer I'liinehas White ElcMzcr Al!>ee Jonathan Pike lUenjamin Thatcher William R. Shaftei E.ijah Stebbiiis Emery Wheelock Timothy Field David Chase 2d Charles K. Fiuld Webber Tilden Slieffieldllaywardji W'lson A. Chase Liiiliei' Craves jr Benjamin Davis fames Piikin >Villi;im X.Holden Jerli T. Marston Levi Spaulding Jesse Averill Nathaniel Bancroft Henry S. Boycc Norman Durant Gideon Goodi--peed Wm. Carpenter loel Ciltey Daniel Adams Nathaniel Balch Henry Clark Edsou Higgins Eayette Perry John Clark 1850 nohn E. Palmer Joseph Hill Arad E. Graves W I Hard B. Porter Hazen Lyford Jonathan Goodwin O. A. Chamberlain Roger G. Bulkiey Moses Roldnson Nathaniel Sherman Thomas R. Shaw Benjamin Ileid jr T)ensluw Upftam Eliakim Allen Ira M'Loud Allen L. Vail Mark Ball Calvin Townsley irliram Whitney Asaph Haskins Asa Dutton Benj. H. Bridgman|Abishia Stoddard Barnard Lyndo John Lynde Robert Collins Timothy Larabee Alpheus Kellogg I loel Holion David Arnold ISem Pierce Joel Balch EhenczerRichmond James ^^'allace David Thompson Andrew Trocy David IL Sumner John Wright John S. Fullerton John Watkins John Chatfee Jacob C illarncr Alex r F. Bean Nomlas Cobb l^aniel Gav jr Ebeupzer Shedd Asa B. Foster Asa Aikens [Oliver P. Giandler Charle." K Field David Crawford Daniel Kcihxjq Ephraim Rice David Rice lohn Robeits Vathan G. Pierce ^J'lseaF. Ballon Perlcy Bartiett Joseph Doiilge jr John Piper Joseph B. Danfortli Averill Burnett Isaiah Raymond Salmon F. Dutton Phine's O.Sargeani Eben M. Stockcr Sewall FiilUun Moses Pollard jr Martin D. Follett Rufus Forbush ''ohn S. Marcy Wooster Downer Bezaleel Wood Daniel Bowon Perkins N. Willey Darius Jones L^iidon A. Marsh William Houghton lerr.miah Barton io>eph Morse Amos Parlous Nath-in AVood Uenry Riec David Gorham j Elcazer Gorham jr I William Harris fohn Adams Levi Piper Daniel Aikens Calvin Morse Ovid Thompson John F. Dcanc H E. Stoughton John L. Lovcring Alexander Barton Alba iStimsou Levi Slack A. L. Chamberlin Artemas Cushman Warren C. French Wm. W. Whitney lu^tin ]\Io gan Wil i !tn Jl.Pingrcy Stephen .Smith Simuel Parker Carlos Coolidgc Norman Williami 108 CENSUS AT DIFFERENT TIMES. A1)DIS0>J CO. Addison. Avery's Gore, Bridport, Er ?tol. Cornwall, Ferrisburgh, Goshen, Granville, Hancock, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlebnry, Monkton, " l\c\v Haven, Orwell, T'anton, Kipton, Salisbury, Shorebani, Slarksboro', Vergennes, ) Waltham, J Weybridj^e, AVhiting. BENNIXOTOX CO. Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Glastenbiiry, Liindprove, Manchcstci', Peru, Pownal, Readsboro', Itupert, Sandgate, Scarsburgh, Shaftsbury, Stamford, Sunderland, Winball, "Wood ford, CALEDONIA CO. Bradley Vtile, Barnet, Burke. Cabot,' Danville, Deweysburgli, GoshenGore,M^orth " " South Groton, Harris Gore, Hard wick, Kirby, Lyndon, ]\ewark, Peacham, Bycgate, St, Johnsburv, Sheffield, Sutton, Walden. AVaterford, Wheelock, 1791; 1800 ~lol liEMRERS or rONf;PvF.S3 FROM VliU.A!0\T. Names. N'titliaiiiel Niles, Isiael Smith, lliuiiel Buck, Alatlii'w l.von, Lewis R Morrif, l-iael Smitl), Wm. Chaiiiboiluin, 47 122 574 48 8C0 98 349 1514 152 45! 248 59 .165 187 143 43 6.3 32 "mi 260 20 542 8 873 415 615 170 146 153 565 568 ;556 15893 15925 1301 148S 46C 54! 88C 103i 224C 230( 200 04 JO? 44P 595 7r,:-, 867 311 312 I09r 1296 8g 1.54 1301 1294 812 9-)4 13.34 1404 388 58! 43,'^ 697 455 5S0 1289 1247 964 !)06 14800 1 6593 21 1764 866 1304 2631 836 1216 401 1822 257 !35l 1119 1592 7 -20 1005 827 13.58! 834 50 2030 997 M40 2633 142 4-3 928 16 1354 520 17.53 3001 1443 1223 1887 821 1068 913 1388 881 .Martin Cliitteiiden, liime.N Kll'olf, Gidpoir Olin, lamps Kisk, James VVithurill, Samuel Sliaw, .Tnria. H. Hubbard, Wm. Siriinjr, Wm. ('. Bradley, Ezra. But!f>r, ilichard Skinner, Charles Ricii, Daniel Chiptnan, I.uther .levveit, Chaiincpy Laugtlon, A^a Ijon, Charles Marfh, Inlin Noypp, (lenian .Allpn, pf Co'., ?amupl C. Crafts, Wm. Hunter, Or.^omiisC. .Merrill, >fark R ichards, Ezra Meech, Ro'lin C. Mallary, lilias Kcyos, John Mattocks, Phinras M'liile, I). A. A. IJiick, Henrv Olin, (Jco E. Wales. Benjamin Swift, (nna. Hunt, Wm. CahiKin, ilorace Everelt, Hpnian Allen, of M., William Sladc, 423| Hiland Hall, Renj. F. Demiug, Heur.v F. .lanes, Isaac Fletcher, John Sniitl), .Ausus-tus Young', Geo. P. Marsh, S I'imon Foot William Henr.v, Paul Dillin^'ham, .lacob Collatner, Fyiicius I>. Peck, JAhimaii h. Miner, Wm. Hebard, lames M each am, Tlionias 15aitlett, .jr., 107 2522 110 1 .356 2578 183 •J 2 895 S 1403 5or^ 434 1377- 1606 2758 997 1001 910 1412 S5C 16593 I9924I21S9I 23599 Tr.K.ir. )79ltal70.-> I^IU 174 Hiii("^l"i It'll 4:,i llririlliiiUill 167 .l,-ni\ui 3^1 Mllli.M 282 Ricliiii.md fJlifllinriK- 3S9 St (;ir)ri!C .^,7 riiilnrliill 65 W'tsilord 63 WiUiston 471 3675 F!:«;EX CO. Av2 2^0 714 1068 1760 437 1374 36 237 113 440 408 883 901 1609 858 JM7 "6525 14409 750 1101) i 680 826 135 333 324 552 600 623 "2489 T4'45 733 217 990 29 224 45 1.57 110 201 255 494 12 38 144 550 9 122 3i(i 650 51 193 47 124 "1757 40;i0 306 ^ 2111 1 1.520 , 9()0 ! IOmD 13:12 I 732 ; 1219 1 1746 1014 ! 936 I 120 i 633 I 1025 I 124^; j 15995 124 277 806 34 49 529 139 856 166 oli2 11 945 831 932 l:f.50 1573 497 631 1703 1250 293 440 927 1636 1607 i4635 1172 8911 312 503 __842 198 1176 201 1.57 373 77» 60 726 131 957 273 123 5153 iHsn 1840 ~ H 4.52 470 .322ii 4271 1702 1020 14f(l 1739 l(iG4 l«2l 106!) lt;s2 929 914 1054 1085 210(1 2134 11 09 10,'54 1123 1098 135 121 10.52 1441 1290 13.52 ]()03 ].5.i4 212U2 22977 1 11 1.50 179 105 1.57 100 130 373 378 1031 1024 79 97 105 4S1 47.) 183 124 1054 1130 23C 271 53 140 24 28 39:.o ■±226 23 35 10H7 1258 1308 1818 1560 2J22 1729 1918 2270 2448 793 1014 1129 1410 1897 2106 2038 2292 460 548 704 914 1427 1734 2395 2702 2158 2312 2J977 •2S 610 492 910 C'JJvJ ioa5 1R50 l> 0!i2 75-<5 li;3l 259.) 2i.")2 i><:u 885 1837 2151 14.53 1257 127 1.599 145-< 1669 29054 244 193 119 471 1153 94 127 501 187 1123 237 168 4ti5u 48 1523 1957 2; 109 2113' 2.>.i2 1184' 1647 2:;'<8, 2.i.5:t 10117 1075: 1.814I 3572 282 1! 287 0(j' ]5r)8 0661 470 7311 705' I 250! 1849' 6i;8i .5041 11071 138Jj 1441! 233 1771 8.37! nni) io.Jj5i D.vvrn EOp,iN.^()\ This iTiiiii was liorn 111 Ilaiil- vick, Mmss,, Nov. '2'2. I7')J, mifl •VMS iin enrly resident of Dcii- liiij^fon '.ind a soUlier in tlio nemo^ablc f>rttle in that town, Vii-ust IC). 1777. Hl' hoM. the. ilHi'ij of Slierilf of tiiiU county iVom_ 1787 to 1810, with the ex- ception ol two years, iriaking '12 v^ars, which i.s a lonsrer time hiiri that office has been iichl )y any otiier pei-son in the .State. He was United States .Vlarshall eis;ht years, a ^lajor Gclic'.'al in 1S12. and a mcinhcr of ihc Constitutional Conven- tion of 1S28. He died at Ben- nington, Dec , 1843, aged 89. GEX. SAMUEL ELETCHER Was born in Grafton, Mass., in 174,5. At the age of seven- teen he enlisted as a soldier in the old French war, and served one year. On his return lie learned the trade of a Black- smith nnvl)iiry, 0.:ill','i', Kiii.d: iph, Tll<-!iMri!, T.iibna.'e, \>i,-|.iri-, Wc<>l Kairlue Willi, iiiistow oni.v ANS CO. Alhiniy, BiirtDii, Uro-.viiiiiL'toii, t'hiirlent'Jii, Coventry, Craftsbury, Deiliv. Glover, Oro»>iif.boro, llolkinil, Ira.^burifli, Jav, J.owpll, Mnrjan, jSiiwporti Salem, Tro\ , Wn.-tlield, Westiuoro, KUTI.AND CO. lienson Brarxion CrtStlutOll •Chittenden & Fhil ClHreniion l);uiby Fairhaven Hubbard ton Ira Mi'iulon Middletoun rsiount Holly Mount Tabor Pnwlet Piitstielil rittst'ord Fouliiifty Kuthintl Sherburne Shrewsbury Sill! bury Tinmouth Wa!lin;^foni Wells ■ Westhaveii 17§l iw, I 231 421 2:4j 1403 J697J 2124: 90: 718' 521 973 912; 988J 340 1810^ 1820 ]!■ ii^vinjj held the j.ijyoHice ofSlieriti'of Orleans Co, 6')f>?for a Ioniser icrm than any oth- lj^3\i;r, 11 years. He w.is seven years J.j,Si member of the Leirislature, 4^l>one year a meinbL-r ot the Coun- 74Veil of Censors and two years a 45'i/,neml)er of Constitutional C *n. ^j^pSventions, and Jnd^fe of Probate ].Vi)six years. Hj died about ISil. iSTj/ffl''* ^on Joseph, was elected ? Town Clerk in lS-29, in room of 1 305)00 vernor Crafts, who had held o^3:^)that oifiee since 1792, and is the OQ i (5(l'i'(>3eiu Town Clerk The town ^p-pfliove had but two clerks, both ' ';^ter, VViiitin.'lirtiii, Wiliiiin'jham, \Vim)haiu, ■WLVnSOK CO. And ivpr, Biiltinioip, Barnard, B«ihd, Briilgowater, Cavendisli. Chester, Hartford, Ilnriland, I.iiillow, jVorwich, Plyniuiitli, PiHiifroi, Keii.UiiL'. lloc.lic^ter, noyalton, Sharon, Sprinclield, St •ckbridsn, VWathnrsfield, Wesloii, VV. Windsor ^ Wind-ior, 3 Woodstock, 1791 1800 ISIO 1820 IC 91^) IGG9 1 95.^ 131 6Sa 10G7 14.-K 4.0 44;; 841 111! 31; 153 326 44 ( 1^ 149 25; 17-2 513 7l( 60 262 401 72f 118 89U 1877 2;J0.'- 2-1 191 40T 593 40 204 42fi i 69i 2.30 543 1 G61 1-1 113 3i>ll 5li til 47.3 647 1 93.' 5S 229 32! 93 64! 966 l2Gf 23 258 432 25 41 44 G44 5529 10719 144U 'IP 13 24.- 20. •■!:-.'• 4.M ♦ 47t .■io- lots ISin 1891 201: 47 i. 43 i 39 270 fill 89! 82; i^ni 1G9-: 1704 in.i .5:; I IMil 13 5 148-- 2 1;!2 2:>,-> 1872 i8f:i; j:)Ti icn 17.3l^ lo'^■; 203 .58.> 95G 131.' 3;;2 33. 63; 9.';; (iav' 10(^7 i*^.'; 129. r,:\r lonri 12ii7 15), l-^lc J57-i icur ir.iT 1-2X- 1GH4 19.-vi 21.15 111 13) l!)i) )73 9.- 27: 2;;.T 27-? fi7(' 1083 UK'S i4or 4.59 48) rai 62: 483 m<- 11. =59 1 MC IfiOI 1942 1!)25 197,' 442 868 1218 l:!97 64.=-) 1011 1193 13:if. 42!' 7.: 2 951 17G93 2a,ibi 2C75I iiimi'i 27.3 1022 !557 lOOf 17^ 207 S')'! 67:'. 1214 IMS 1G9; 473 91 1011 I31> 2i):i 77(1 ur,i 113- 491 t)2; 12<,'i 153t Osll ]>*•<■ 5-J70 2'19. OS? 149- 1S31 2') II U:o3 19.'-.! 2352 255: I7<:> 40! 877 114 ll.i^ ]4p; 1812 liisr )(if 4i).- 83J III: 710 11 Of 1473 iG;r 747 112:t 15'X: IG'J 21,5 fiQ-i 911 11-1 748 14!)- 175g 181. .inn 1I7II 1363 143! ](I9- 203- 2.-.3'; 270: mi) 434 70) 9:; ii4r 194. 211.'^ 23) 17 629 83' l.>49 2214 9757 295- 1605 2130 2672 3691 m4» •X'M 34877 ii87ii;< 1840 201 9G 171 41.'-, 2141 37i 831 159-: 14:j;^ 17d(.' 15;)'; io>;- ISOv 1218 1441 151. 2272 245 Sli TMl 65 1(48 17:57 147; 13G7 _84: 287et 97.- 17!' I8:li vm: 1311 1498 232 2Jk 25Ti 1-237 2tl( 1237 K ;: 14): i:{)v 18!)3 1 459 2749 1333 2213 97 3134 3044 •23506 37t 2G3 33? 72! I2"i; i:52 1.52 i:'9i ].^8f 121f 1027 X40L' K3ri:: 233' 2G2 3U 1515 70, 1102 l.).5R 1.39! 1-X>" 757 27442 1.55 177-1 183t is.'i;- ]'13: 230- 2194 23 1 i I3fi; 221 1417 177-! 136:i i:J9 1917 1371 2^25 I4I> 20^1 10,33 274-1 3315 403.5O 24649 3,->£ 381, 28.- 71i IGlc 1241 138! 113 ' 160-: 127! 89( 130: 142 283 32 18: 135 82 112 J73 13f( 137-, 76:5 otlicr* in 1776. In 1784 re lunifil the iliird lime and r^. inaiiifd till his di-aili in Aiic, 1829. He wa« a Ciptain in the RevoJiuionary war, ami ni.inv ctjrious thini;.s are .'nnoiiir his records in tli;- Town Clerk's of- fice. He, Joshua Hvde and Ste.o.htn GcortrKh, were the iiiat -icleetmen chosen in loAvn, in 17S7, and all lived till 1829. Ho was 12 years Sheriff of the eountv, and held some other of- fices in town. In the otuer coun- ties the ShcriflC's term of office w.Ts shorter. Nathan Fuller, ol Caledonia, held it II year?. As.aph Fk-tehcr, jr., of Windsor, ind Josepli Ed.-on, of Oranfrc, 10 years each. Edso'i was Mar- diall G years. Prince B. Hall, of Franklin. Greei;leaf Wehl). f Essex, and John Feck, of Washington, 8 each, and all •atone in Lamoille two each. 289 ii 725 12-1 1647 17:5 1311 1771 2001 2159 2)G:' 161!' 197,- 13 >• 151f; H I49;i 185 1240 276: l;537 1851 9.51 100' 152' .3041 3^ GOV. ISKAEL SMITH. A few years since I wa.s at Rutland on butincss, and .spent the Sal)bath theiT, and, as is my usual custom took a walk to the liuryin]^ crround. I soon came !io ilie arave stone of E.v Gov. jfsrael Smith, who had filled a Jiiajc of his country's history with honor to liVmselt. lie frrad- uated at Vale Ci>lle^'e in 1781, studied law, and removed to Ru- pert in I7.S;5,iitid commenced his profession. In 1785, 83, Sir ,ind 9'J he represented the town of Kupcrt in the Locrislaiiirc, md in 1791 removed to llut- land, and in 1797 was. chosen a representative in the General Assembly. He was in hii:b re- pute as a lawyer, and such was the estimation of hi.^ talents that in 17S) he w:is chosen, tnjiether with sticli T oted inen as Isaac Tichenor, Stephen R. Brafiley. Nathaniel Chipman, E'ljafe Paine, Ira Allen and Ste(dien Jacob, Commissioners, to adjust the controversy between Ver- mont and New York. In 1791 he was a member of the Cpn- vention that assented to, and a. dopted the United States Con- stitution, preparatory to its be- inj: admitted into the Union as a State, which was accomplished the same year. Vermont being entitled to two representatives in Conprrcss, Gov. Smith was chosen for the western district ii: CENSUS. AGGREGATE BY C0U5[TIES. COL'NTIKS. AilIsri:lCT CLEUKS. Frederick Hill from 1791 to 1799 Cephas Sniiili jr from 1801 to 1809 Jesse Gove from ISl lo 1842 Edward II Prentiss from 1842 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. aiu in relation to the District Court and it.s Of- Davii] Fay from C. P. Van Nes; from Titus Hutchinson from William A. Griswcdd from Daniel Kelloi:''' from ISOl to 1809 1810 to 1812 1813 to 1820 1821 lo 1829 1829 to 1S40 Charles Davis fiom 1841 to 1845 Charles Linsley from 1845 to 1849 Abel Underwood from 1849 MARSUALLS. John Willard from 1801 to 1810 David Piobinson from iSll to 1818 Heman Allen of C, from 1S19 to 1823 Joseph Edson from 1823 to 1829 Heman Lowry from 1829 lo 1835 George W Barker from 1835 to 1837 Heman Lowry trom 1837 to 1841 William Banon from 1841 to 1845 Jacob Kent jr from 1845 lo 1849 John Pettis from 1849 in 1791, and twice afierwards. Daring Ins third term in Congress, iu 1796, he becnma identified Mdththc rising republican party, by votintc against the appropriation of funds to carry into effect Jay's Treaty. This being uns iiisfactory to a majority of bis constituents, Mathew Lyon was dios- cn'a member in room of Gov. Smith. In 1797, the Legislature, ot which he was a member, elect- ed him Chief Judge of the Supreme Court. He was a noble looking man, and got tlie name of ''the handsome Judge." At the Vergcnnes Slaughter in 1798, Gov. Smith was not re elected. In 1800 he was aijain chosen a member of CL>!igress which lie held one term, and at tbc end of which he took his seat iu the United States Senate in March, lSi)3, which (dlice he resigned on being cho.scn Governor of the State in October, 1807. AYhile Governor he called the attention of thcLcgislr.turc Co the mode of punishment then existing, and to his influence was the pi-esent penitentiary system adopted. He held the olfiee bu( one year, during which his health was much ini])aircd His grave Stone was worded so different from most others, tliat I took a cojiy of it, and is as follows: ''The Honorable Israel Smith, born at Suiheld, Connecticut, April 4th, 1759, and died at lluilaiid, Yerniont, Dec. 2d, ISlO. No lengthened scroll, no praise encumbered stone, My epitaph shall be my name alone ; If thai with honor fail to crown my clay. Oh ! may iro otlier fame my deeds rcpav- That, only that, shall single out the spot. By that remembered, or wiT*-that forgot." ^ i^^i^gM^)^^ ^!?^-^-'^^^^;^-^^^^^^^^^^ CATALOGUE OF THU PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF VERMONT, ♦. AS (.'ONMiCTED WITH ITS POETICAL HISTORY, FROM \m TO 1851, WITH SO.Ml'J JMOC |[APIliCAL NOTICES, k a. J]Y LEONARD DEMING, Mll)DI,i;i!L liV, VT. 53" Tins c.italii.xue ciiiiir.iccs G ivonims, L'cuieiMiit Governors, Treasurers, Secrciarics of Stiif-, Sp-akers iiml Clerks of the House of Representative?, intmber.s of botli Iramlit.s- of ilie flitKiiiit Ltgislnfure?, Juilj^cs of the Supreme ami County Couvl.«, Clerks of the Court?, Sherifis, Suites' Atlorme?, Judges, and IJogisters of Piobate, the several Council of Censor?, and Constitutional Con- ventions since 1792, Senators and lieprcscntativcs to Congress. Also the Judge*, Marshals, At- tornies and Clerks of the Circuit Court, and District Couit of the Stale of Vermont. -€<- MIDDLEBUllY : PUBLISHED BV THE AUTHOR. 1851. 5^5^^^)^5^^^^6^@^>^ 9^ (^^ * !'^ THIS WORK, @ '^ AND THE FOLLOWING, PrELISHED BY ^ LEONAED DEMJKG, MIDDLEBUliY, VT.J C^N EE HAD OF 11131, OR HIS SON, ^ EDxMOND C. DEMJKG, 56 Eeattle Street, Eo&ton. 0) AVHOLESx\LE /.ND RETAIL. ' REMARKABLE E:YEKT?, by Leonard Doinxo. S24 pgcs, duodecimo. Publislied to teach the rising geneiation to keep clear of the law, and containing the most remaikable trials ever known, and many in "which innocent jersons have been executed. 7\nd also many miscellaneous and interesting pieces. It contains the trials of the Looms, at Manchester, Vt., and the ingenious defence of Eugene Ari.m, speeches of Henry, Phillij s, Lramet, and others. OBLIQUE IlIKTS, en the diffculties which ofttn attend the in- structions of Con.mon fe'chools. Calculated to do eaactjuf^tie^ to petty quarrels in school districts-, IBROSE GWINNETT, an innocent person, who was hung and® gibbeted, and taken down alive. With an account of his vaii- ^ ous travels by sea and land. 1^ CEIEQUER PLAYERS' SURE GUIDE. By ^> Inch any per- 1^^, son, who knows the alphabet and figures, can learn more of that *^ scientific and diverting game in one week, than they can in any ^tj. other way in six months. ^ Also, SONGS and BALLADS, a large assortment. ^ SSSSSSfe^S^SSSSSSSSSl^SSSli LlJa'.^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 997 126 7 »