Qass ^±h± Book. % mtn\ Wnu Uorn (Jri^Und. \ Me. JOHN BEiaHT'S SPEECH AT KOCHDALE DECEMBEB 4, 1861, ON THE AMERICAN CRISIS. [BVom tlie REBELXiION RECORD, in Advance of tlie Third Voluxa* ( NEW YORK: ei G-. P. PTJTlSrAM, 532 Broadway. C. T. EVANS, Gen. Agent. 1862. A ? DOCUMENTS AND NAERATIYES. Doc. 1. SPEECH OF JOHN BRIGHT, M.P. At a dinner given to Mr. Bright by liis fellow- townsmen, at Rochdale, Eng., on Wednesday evening, Dec. 4, about two hundred and fifty gentlemen were present, being as many as the public hall could accommodate, and the galleries were filled with a numerous assemblage of ladies, among whom was Mrs. Bright. On the plat- form were the Mayor of Rochdale, (Mr. J. T. Pa- gan,) who was in the chair ; Mr. Bazley, M.P., Mr. George Wilson, Messrs. J. and T. Bright, Mr. T. Livsey, the Mayor of Manchester, (Mr. Goadsby,) the American consul at Liverpool, (Mr. T. H. Dudley,) and others. After the toast of " The Queen " and " The Houses of Parliament," Mr. Bazley, M.P., in response to the latter, said there was no more distinguished member in the House than their esteemed friend and fellow-townsman Mr. Briglit. [Cheers.] And just as peoi)Ie were very often asking, " What will Mrs. Grundy say ? " so in the House of Commons he heard on every occasion the in- quiry, " What will Bright say?" [Laughter and applause.] There was much in the present House of Commons that was creditable to it; but at the same time he believed, with them, that it needed amendment. [Rear, hear.] They wanted also a retrenchment in their ex- penditure; and, above all, the maintenance of peace, and the continuance of pacific relations between Old England and the United States. [Gheers.] The next toast. " The health of Mr. Cobden, the member for Rochdale," was most entliusi- astically received, the company rising to give three cheers. The following letter from Mr. Cobden was read : — " MlDHURBT, Dec. 2. " Dear Sir : I need not assure you with what pleasure I should accept your invitation to be present at the entertain'iient which is to be offered by his neighbors, to my friend Mr. Vol. III.— Doc. 1 Bright. It tempts me sorely, and yet I will not break the rule by which I have proliibited myself from attending any public meeting this winter, with the view of husbanding my health for the labors of the coming session. The cir- cumstances of the present moment make rae regret my inability to meet my constituents. I should have been glad to have expre-sed my views of the public questions of the dav , o-"WARI> EVEKETT. Prepared (with additions) for this work. With a copious IXDEX, etc.. etc. WITH ALL THE ILLUS- TllATIONS. This volume is complete in itself, containii;g .ibout 8u0 closely printed pages. Royal 8vo. Price in cloth, §3 75 ; sheep, ex., §4: 00 ; half calf, ant., |5 00. THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE Rebellion Record Will be published .as heretofore— Weekly and Monthly. Weekly Numbers at 10 cents; Monthly Parts, Illustrated, 50 cents. The Illustrations for the AVeekly Nos. will be published in two Nos., at 30 cents each, making the price for Weekly and Monthly editions the same— viz., $3 for each vol. of 24 Nos., and 2 Nos. of IllustratioDs, or 6 Monthly parts. j@- Oa account of the great demand for a full and correct account of (he Battle of BULL RUN, the first 5 Nos., or 1st monthly part of the 2d volume of the " Record," will comprise :— All the omcial lie.ports^^. (from General McDjwell and each Division ;) Picturesque Narratives fiim K^^"f)tneS36s ; A Map wim Positions, &c.. (pre-)ared espresslv for this work by Mnjor Barry, U. S. A)^) X''^^'^*7l**^jl^ tif' tics, &^c. ; Official Reports of the Rebels; Munchauseniana, Rebel and OtheNc^j^JiH^vi^^Qf^^ °" ^'^^ Battle, (to the London Times,) with Comments of the Press, English and Ameri(*^»Bj *.7^^ rn * It can be purchased separately. Order-REBELLION RECORD, BULL RUN rATKlT Pnce, 50 cts. G. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, 532 Broadway, New York. The Trade and Agents can be supplied by ROSS & TOUSEY, & H. DEXTER & CO., Nassau St., N. Y. p j::^- js--. ^Jf\. jr- , Jtf ,^, » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ -■ ■ |r if >, I^U W %^. !'■ 1^ V >, ■'* «, ■' JV " p m 3^\ il^ r^ I*- '^■*- ■'?' 1^ %;' -K '!'" I'- " >fi..v\;4n' .^ii\ -is:, :m. 'U'.- 1^'. i*^i r . 1* ^ ^^■- ^-' l^r .|i.? ^n te ^K 'K ^\ ^ ¥ 'm VrO 'irf ■f m ^ ?if -< ^^ - .i- £"^...7 s*!*/" *'.i.jf fmJi': ?l