y~ / E 621 .N59 Copy 1 W- FINAL REPORT New York Medical Association SUPPLY OF LINT, BANDAGES, ETC. UNITED STATES ARMY. PRESENTED JULY 25th, 1861 NEW YORK: PXJBT. ISHBID BY THTT: A.S SO C I ^T I o ]sr. 1861. Baktr ir Oodiuin. Prmleri, No 1 Spruce SI . .V. V. i • FINAL REPORT OF THE NEW YORK MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE SUPPLY OF LINT, BANDAGES, ETC., TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY. In presenting to the public this final and complete Report of the operations of the New York Medical Association, it is deemed expe- dient to- give, first, a brief acco-aht of the origin, aim, and labors of this Association, The New York Medica^^A;SS^6ciation derived its origin fi-om that national crisis through which we are passing. When the perpetuity of the Government of the United States, as now established, was threat- ened, the people, with one accord, hastened to furnish ai'd and assist- ance to the Commonwealth in its necessities. Voluntary associations for this purpose were immediately formed, and among them the New York Medical Association, for the supply of lint, bandages, &;c., sprang into being. This Association was formed for the purpose of acting as the central agent of distribution for the numerous voluntary societies, so that the greatest amount of good might be obtained from the offer- ings of those who were eager to provide for the anticipated wants of wounded and sick soldiers, and yet knew not how to accomplish that object in the most effectual manner. Our aim has been to act as a central agent in the economical dis- tribution of hospital appliances. Our operations extend over a period of three months, the Associa- tion having been organized April 23d, 1861, when — Dr. Valentine Mott was chosen President. Dr. John W. Greene " " Secretary. Dr. Jacob Harsen " '' Treasurer. The active duties of the Association were entrusted to " The Ex- ecutive Committee," consisting of the following gentlemen : Dr. Jarbd Linsly, Chairman from April 23d to April 25th. Dr. E. L. Beadle, " " April 25th " May 11th. Dr. S. CoNANT Foster, " " May 12th " July 25th. Dr. Wm. H. Draper, Secretary. Dr. R. S. Satterlee, Surgeon U. S. A., Honorary Member. Dr. Jno. 0. Stone, Dr. WiLLARD Parker, Dr. Wm. Henry Church, Dr. C. Van Alen Anderson, Dr. Crawford, U. S. A., Dr. Elisha Harris, Dr. J. J. Crane, Dr. H. D. Noyes, Dr. GuRDON Buck, Dr. J. R. Leaming, Dr. C. D. Smith, Dr. H. W. Holmes, Dr. Wm. H. Van Buren, Dr. Wm. W. Jones, Dr. Geo. a. Peters, Dr. Jas. R. Wood, Dr. J. Thebaud, Dr. Isaac E. Taylor, Dr. S. P. White. Dr. T. Dash, Dr. Saml. Hall, Dr. A. L. Voss, Dr. E. Krackowizer, Dr. J. B. Reynolds, Dr. Robt. Watts, Dr. F. Burrall, Dr. Wm. M. Hudson, Dr. S. Teats, Dr. Robt. Stone, Dr. Benj. Lee, Dr. A. C. Booraem, Dr. G. M. Smith, Dr. J. PI. HiNTON, Dr. E. S. Hoffman, Dr. PIenry B. Sands, Rev, Wm. S. Ludlum, Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, Dr, , Howard Pinckney, Dr. , Thomas Cock, Jr., Dr, . Jas. H. Anderson, Dr. , T. M. Markoe, Dr. , John P. Garrish, Dr, . S. S. Purple, Dr , J. H. Warner, Dr. Geo. T. Elliott, Dr. John P. Batchelder, Dr. Wm. Detmold. The Executive Committee met daily to consider communications, to receive requisitions from regiments applying to this Association for hospital supplies, and to hear the Reports of the various sub com- mittees. To "the Committee on Samples and Purchases was assigned the duty of inspecting articles either offered as contributions, or to be purchased. This Committee consisted of Doctors Greene, Hinton, and Teats. To the Printing Comnaittee was intrusted the preparation and publication of circulars and advertisements for the information of those who were seeking for a channel of distribution through such an association as our own. This Committee consisted of Doctors Hall, Greene, Hoffman, Loomis, Purple, and Lee. The Conference Committee was organized for the purj)ose of visit- ing and corresponding with other associations applying for personal instruction in relation to the proper mode of preparing the various articles which they were desirous of manufacturing. This committee consisted of Doctors Van Buren, Buck, Parker, Peters, Crane, Church, Crawford, Harris, Thebaud, and Beadle. The Vaccine Committee was appointed to collect, preserve, and distribute vaccine virus as occasion required. This Committee con- sisted of Doctors Foster, C. V. A. Anderson, and Loomis. The Finance Committee was appointed to receive donations in money, and transmit the same to the Treasurer. This Committee consisted of Doctors Jones,, Hoffman, and Draper. Upon the Packing Committee devolved the task of packing suita- ble assortments of lint, bandages, clothing, and other hospital supplies, in boxes made according to a prescribed pattern in the office of the Medical Purveyor for the United States Army. This Committee consisted of Doctors R. Stone, Hudson, Holmes, C. V. A. Anderson, Noyes, Booraera, Reynolds, Burrall, Teats, Lee, G. M. Smith, Hoff- man, Learning, Ludlum, Pinckney, and James H. Anderson. To this Committee the Association is very much indebted. The young men who served upon this Committee performed themselves the entire work of counting, assorting, packing, and shippping all the articles which went out from the Association. They dispensed as much as possible with hired assistants. By reference to the Treas- urer's Report below it will be seen how little was expended for hired labor, and by reference to the lists of receipts and distributions it may be inferred how much was done with their own hands. They did this work cheerfully, and we embrace this opportunity to acknowl- edge our obligations to them. To the Distributing Committee all requisitions were passed after having received the approval of the Executive Committee, and the articles called for in each requisition were delivered only upon their order. This Committee consisted of Doctors J. O. Stone, Peters Harsen, Booraem, Detmold, and Purple. The Association is especially indebted for its efficiency and useful- ness to this Committee, since a proper disposition of the articles in- trusted to this Association depended on the prudence and discretion of this Committee. Every requisition was referred to the Distributing Committee loith power, and it was their duty to exercise a wise dis- crimination so as to restrain those who were disposed to ask for more than they needed, and to assist those who were in douht respecting the quantity that they really required. This arduous duty they have performed to the full satisfaction of this Association. Following this introductory notice of the origin, aim, and labors of this Association, it is considered expedient to state the reason why this Association has dissolved. We have dissolved, not because of any abatement of the humane and patriotic feelings which actuated us at the beginning, but because our intervention seems to be no longer required. The peculiar emergency which called the Associa- tion into being has ceased to exist. We presume that the Govern- ment, having had sufficient time to make adequate provision for the wants of its Army, is now fully prepared to supply all necessities which may hereafter arise. That work properly belongs to the authorized agents of the Government. ' The Medical Association, being a purely voluntary body, and extra official, think it to be expedient and proper now to leave the future hospital supplies for the army to the regular authorities. Therefore we have dissolved our Association, — presenting to those whose contributions we acknowledge below our hearty thanks for their liberal donations, and hoping that peace may soon revisit our land, and that our flag may hereafter wave over a country never more to be threatened by dangers and calamities which precede and must follow disunion, — we have closed a short, but, as we ^ trust and believe, useful career. Rev. WM. S. LUDLmi, M. A. WM. HENRY CHURCH, M. D. Committee on Final Report. RECEIPTS OF GOODS. This Association acknowledges the receipt of the following contri- butions : — AtDiy Aid Association, Asior Lihrary, All Sards' Church, Ladies of. Ladies of. 39 Bed Sacks. 13 Lots of Lint. 40 Pillow Sacks. 4 " Bandages. 612 Bandages. 32 Muslin Shirts. Anonymous. 192 Boxes Lint. 10 Havelocks. 2.57 Pillow Cases. Old Linen. 1 Lot old Towels. Lint. 3 " Muslin. Bandages. 26 Pair Drawers. Towels. 20 Flannel Pads. AVoolen Socks. 7 Lots old Linen. 4 Havelocks. 145 Hospital Cushions. 12 Havelocks. 12 Surgeons' Boxes. 94 Towels. 6 Hospital Shirts. 13 Flannel Shirts. 57 Sheets. 22 Havelocks. 7 Pair Slippers. 2 Lots Cotton Batting. 96 Pin-cushions. 6 " " 7 Eye Shades. Atterhury, Mrs. 2 Lots Old Linen. Albermarle Hotel. Anderson., Mrs G. Van A. 1 Trunk Bandages. 8 Pin-cushions. Angers., Mrs. Henry E. 2 Boxes Lint. Ascension Church, 5 th Aven 96 Bandages. 5 Yds. Oiled Silk. 2 Boxes Lint. '■^ AntTion Memorial'''' Association., La- 5 Bundles Patent Lint. dies of. 1 Lot Socks. 7 Flannel Shirts. 1 " Sponges. 12 Cotton Shirts. 1 " Pin-cushions. 6 Pillow Cases. 1 " Old Linen. 100 Havelocks. 1 " Bandages. 54 Haversacks. 1 " Shirt.s. 2 Lots Lint. 1 " Drawers. 4 " Bandages. 22 Sheets. 6 Sponges. 11 Flannel Shirts. 1 Lot Ligatures. 10 Havelocks. All Saints^ Parish, N. Y.,few Ladies of. 16 Wrappers. 24 Sheets. 26 Pillow Cases. 24 Night Caps. 9 Canton Flannel Shirts. 24 Bed Gowns. 25 Pair Drawers. 13 Flannel Shirts. 6 Yds. Flannel. 96 Pair Socks. Anderson, Mrs. 1 Lot Lint. 1 Lot Bandages. Astoria and Bavenswood Sol. Eel. Soc. 29 Pair Cotton Drawers. 25 Pillow Cases. 20 Cotton Shirts. 6 Wrappers. 12 Ring Pads. 2 Body Bandages. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. 1 " Bandages. Adams'' Ex2:>ress. Free Transportation of Freight. BurtJiolomeio, Mis. 1 Piece Muslin. Baxter, Mrs. E. M. 1 Lot Bandages and Lint. Blatchford, Mis. R. M. 1 Lot Lint. • 12 Havelocks. Broome St. Gram. School, Fern. Beiit. 22 Boxes Lint. 72 Pin-cushions. 7 Bundles Old Linen. Beel>e, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. 1 " Compresses. Batellc, 2Irs. 1 Lot Old Linen and Muslin. Burgoyne, Miss. 1 Lot Old Linen and Muslin. 12 Towels. 1 Lot Bandages. Baldwin, Mrs. D. T., of Edgewater. 60 Bandages. 6 Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Lint. Brez, Madame. 2 Lots Lint. Belden Miss Eliza. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Lint, Beadle, Mrs. Dr. E. L. 1 Lot Lint. Brich Church, Hosjntal Association of. 28 Body Jackets. 107 Pillow Cases. 20 Havelocks. 44 Cotton Drawers. 54 Sheets. 1 Lot Bed-spreads. 52 Bed Gowns. 2 Lots Silk Ligatures. 51 Pair Flannel Drawers. 6 " Canton Flannel Di'awers. 1 Lot Old Linen. 119 Flannel Shirts. 44 Wrappers. 1 Lot Bandages. 4 Boxes Lint. 72 Pair Stockings. 286 Towels. 180 Linen Compresses. 39 Cotton Shirts. 12 Pillow Ticks. 6 Bed Ticks. 1 Flannel Jacket. 2 Pieces Flannel. 5 Yds. Oiled Silk. 2 Hospital Cushions. 1 Lot Books. 75 Needle Cases. 24 Handkerchiefs. 36 Sewing Bags. Burlhalter, Mrs. Charles. 5 Yds. Oiled Silk. 27 Sheets. 2 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. Beare, Miss Matilda G. 7 Pin-cushions. Bacon, Mrs. 1 Lot Lint and Bandages. Belmont., Mrs. Avgust. 1 Lot Bcandages. 1 " Old Linen. Beck, Misses Bessie and Theresa. 13 Pin-cushions. BucTdey, Dr. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " Lint. Beare, Miss E. G., FhisMng. 1 Flannel Shirt. Blind, Institution for. 1 Lot Lint. Bunce, Mrs. C. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. Board7nan, Miss C, Keio MUford, Gt. 1 Box Lint. 1 Pin-cjashion. Barrington, Miss. 44 Havelocks. Collard, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages and Lint. Craven, Mrs. G. W. 1 Lot Blankets. 25 Lbs. Arrowroot. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Old Linen. Gricliton and Plummer, M^mes. 1 Lot Lint. 1 " Pin-cushions. Colgate, Mrs. C. G. 12 Flannel Shirts. 6 Jars Currant Jelly. 2 Pieces Patent Lint. 1 " Linen. 1 " Muslin. 1 Lot Lint. 2 Bars Castile Soap. Calvary Baptist CTiurcTi, General Aid Association of. 1 Lot Cotton Batting. 25 Lbs. Flax. 12 Wrappers. 12 Night Shirts. 7 Boxes Lint. 438 Bandages. 1 Lot Eye Shades. 1 " Pin-cushions. 48 Towels. 1 Lot Old Linen and Muslin. 3 Rolls Patent Lint. 1 Box Needle Cases. 1 Lot Wax. Grommelin, Mrs. 6 Shirts. Calvary Church, Ath Avenue, through Mrs. Leroy. 124 Pair Drawers. 152 Cotton Shirts. 92 Flannel Shirts. 22 Wrappers. 233 Pillow Cases. 58 Towels. 87 Sheets. 8 Boxes Lint. 3 Lots Bandages. 6 " Old Linen. 9 Night Caps. 98 Pillow Ticks. 10 Yds. Adhesive Plaster. 18 Short Gowns. 33 Pin-cushions. 117 Havelocks. 1 Lot Remnants of Flannel. Clure, Miss. 1 Box Lint. Cooper, Mrs. Edward. 10 Wrappers. 31 Towels. 12 Pin-cushions. Clarice, Mrs. A. B. 2 Bundles Flax Lint. 8 Boxes Bandages and Linen. Constant, Mr., and family. 228 Bandages. • 14 Sheets. 2 Boxes Lint. Clinton, A. A. 6 Hickory Shirts. 6 MusHn " 10 Sheets. 6 Pillow Cases. 72 Towels. 4 Pair Drawers. 3 "Wrappers. 2 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 Lot Old Linen. Collins^ Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. Connecticut. 1 Box Lint. Camphell, J. J. 9 Hospital Wrappers. 1 Lot Lint. 1 " Bandages. 25 Pillow Ticks. 25 " Cases. « CTimincey., Mrs. 30 Flannel Shirts. Curlhut, Mrs,, Brooldyn. 1 Lot Lint. Oarpende)', Miss. 19 Havelocks. Dimmoclc, Mr. A. 1 Gross Toilet Wax. Bay, Horace H. 3 Cases Waterproof Sheets. Denny, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages. Davis, Mrs. Bancroft. 1 Lot Hospital Cushions. De Ruyter, Mrs. John. 1 Lot Old Linen. Daly, Mrs. 2 Pair Drawers. 1 Lot Old Muslin. Davidson, Mrs. Wm., Newberg, Orange Go. 6 Pair Cotton Drawers. 7 Wrappers. 19 Muslin Shirts. 26 Towels. 27 Pillow Cases. 1 Lot Lint. 3 Lots Bandages. Davey, Mrs. G. F. 7 Towels. 1 Piece Oiled Silk. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. 3 Pillow Cases. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " Books. DunTiam, Mrs. 6 Cotton Shirts. 1 Piece Red Flannel. Detmold, Mrs. Dr. Wm. 50 Havelocks. 1 Lot Lint. Detmold, Dr. Wm. 1 Surgical Pocket Book. 1 " Case. Dodge, Mrs. David L. 2 Pin-cushions. Miropean Hotel, Houston St. 1 Lot Lint. Eddinger, Miss Jeannette. 2 Boxes Lint. Edmond, Mus Mary. 1 Flannel Shirt. Ellemj, Miss K F., Flushing. 1 Flannel Shirt. Field, Mrs. Juliana. 1 Lot Old Linen. Francis, Mrs. E. S. 65 Bandages. 2 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. Ford, Mrs. Holart. 96 Bandages. 4 Boxes Lint. Foster, Mrs. F. O. 49 Night Shirts. Friend of tlie Union, Saratoga Springs. 12 StraAV Beds. 1 Lot Old Linen Sheets. 72 Bandages. Flynn, Miss. 1 Shirt. 1 Box Lint. Fonerden, Mrs. E. M. 1 Piece Muslin. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " " Muslin. Florence Nightingale Association^ Pat- e7'son, N. J. 8 Boxes Lint. 163 Bandages. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " " Muslin. 36 Towels. 29 Pillow Sacks. 11 Bed-gowns. 1 Shirt. 24 Pillow Cases. 218 Havelocks. Fm-t Washington Heights Army Relief Association. 71 Cotton Shirts. 34 Flannel •' 41 Pair Drawers. 43 Flannel Sacks. 17 Wrappers. 150 Havelocks. 8 Lots Lint. 8 " Bandages. 108 Pair Socks. 60 Towels. 48 Handkerchiefs. 15 Sheets. 42 Pillow Cases. 48 Pillow Ticks. 50 Pin-cushions. 27 Needle Books. 27 Pair Scissors. 72 Fans. 1 Lot Old Linen. 12 Yards Adhesive Plaster. 24 Sponges. 1 Bottle Tinct. Arnica. 1 " Spts. Hartshorn. 1 " Aromatic Vinegar. 1 " Carb. Ammonia. 1 " Tinct. Capsicum. 1 " Citric Acid. 1 " Cholerine Mixture. 4 Lbs. Arrowroot. Friend, A. 1 Lot Old Linen. Faher, Mr., 20th Si. 156 Bandages. 1 Box Lint. Foster, Dr. S. Conani. 4 Sheets. 1 Lot Lint. Grossman, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages and Lint. Goshen, N. Y., Ladies of. 3 Lots Lint. 20 Flannel Shirts. 9 Old " 5 Pair Drawers. 2 Old Linen Sheets. 1 Table Cloth. 4 Lots Old Linen. 11 Towels. 6 AVrappers. 3 Silk Handkerchiefs. 1 Piece Flannel. 85 Bandages. 50 Pin-cushions. 1 Cravat. 1 Jar Dried Cherries. 1 " " Peaches. 1 Pair Socks. Gedney, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. Gentleman, A. 19 Pair Woolen Stockings. Gills, Mrs. 6 Hospital Shirts. 21 Boxes Lint. 2 Lots Old Muslin. Grey, Mrs. G. W. 12 Muslin Shirts. Glenn, Miss' Alice. 8 Pin-cushions. Greene, T. T. 1 Lot Surgeons' Sponges. 30 Yards Adhesive Plaster. Gandy, Mrs. 1 Pair Drawers. G'/'istcold, Mrs. 50 Body Bandages. Goldly, Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. 10 Greene, Mrs. John 0. 146 Havelocks. 6 Boxes Lint. 6 Flannel Shirts. 13 " Drawers. Olencove, L. /., Queens Co. Soldiers' Aid Society. 26 Sheets. 22 Pair Socks. 4 Flannel Shirts. 80 Handkerchiefs. 5 Hospital Shirts. 114 Towels. ITammersinith, Mrs. Ellziibeth. 1 Lot Old Linen. Heineman, Mrs. 2 Lots Bandages. 2 " Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. Hotel, Mil Avenue, Ladies of. 1 Trunk Bandages and Lint. Hunter, Miss. 2 Lots Lint. 12 Pin-cushions, HendricTcs, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. 1 " Towels. Henry Street Presbyterian Church, BrooUyn. 32 Cotton Shirts. 15 Flannel Shirts. 11 Calico Wrappers. 11 Sheets. 36 Towels. 12 Havelocks. 4 Pillow Cases. 234 Bandages. 3 Bags Lint. 2 Pair Slippers. 1 Bundle Tracts, &c. 18 Religious Papers. Buttons, Needles, Pins, &c. Hale, Mrs. 10 Sheets. 1 2 Needle Cases. Hosaclc, Mrs. Dr. 1 Lot Bandages. 7 Havelocks. 12 Boxes Lint. Hospital Aid Society, Clifton, S. I. 15 Wrappers. 8 Bed-gowns. 22 Sheets. Hastings upon Hudson, Ladies of. 14 Eye Shades. Holy Commu7iion, Church of, N. Y., Ladies of. 1 Case Lint. 12 Sheet.s. 23 Towels. 7 Havelocks. 18 Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Old Linen. Haviland, Miss Sarah. 1 Flannel Shirt. Huntington, Miss Mary. 1 Box Lint, Herriclc, Wm. & C. K, 75 John St. 10 Gross Camel's-hair Pencils. 36 Scissors. 10 Penknives. H , The Misses. 25 Havelocks. Hegemann <& Co. 125 Yards Adhesive Plaster. Hale, Mrs. S. W., Keiohuryport, Mass. 14 Muslin Shirts. 18 Needle Cases. 50 Books. 1 Piece Flannel. Hayioard, Dr. 1 Lot Compresses. 1 " Old Linen. Hoffmann, Mrs. 13 Flannel Shirts. Hiclcs^ N. Y. City Express. Free Transportation of Freight. Huntington, L. I., West Keck, Young Ladies of. 52 Havelocks. 36 Flannel Drawers. 36 Woolen Socks. 3 Flannel Shirts. 24 Handkerchiefs. 8 Belly-bands. 11 Jone», Mm, 1 Box Bandages. /. jr., Mrs. 12 Pin-cushions. 41 Boxes Lint. Linen for Compresses. Judson, Miss. 13 Shirts. JewisJi Orphan Asylum, Ladies of. 50 Pr. Slippers. 156 Towels. 108 Pr. Socks. 36 Eye Shades. 24 Handkerchiefs. 54 Pillow Cases. 36 Sheets. 48 Bed Sacks. 48 Pillow Ticks. 36 Pr. Drawers. 24 Cotton Shirts. 30 Flannel Gowns. 10 Boxes Lint. 118 Bandag-es. 1 Lot Old Linen. Jones, Mrs. George, West 2Scl Street. 24 Pillow Cases. 52 Towels. 12 Flannel Shirts. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. II. 12 Sheets. 12 Pillow Cases. Jones, Mrs. G., Brevoort Place. 1 Lot Oiled Silk. 1 " Adhesive Plaster. ] " Surgeons' Sponges. 1 " Lint. 1 " Bandages. 16 "Wrappers. 7 Hospital Shirts. 16 Hospital Drawers. 5 Pin-cushions. Jarvis, Miss. 1 Box Compresses. King, Mrs. E.^ Newport, R. I. 100 Sponges. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 Box Lint. Kent, Mrs. J. 4 Boxes Lint. 24 Pin-cushions. Kimey, Mrs. Wm. E. 1 Lot Pasteboard. Kingston, Ladies of. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " Bandages. 1 " Lint. Kingston and Hudson, Ladies of. 45 Havelocks. Lazarus, Mrs. J. L. 2 Lots Bandages. 1 Box Sewing Materials. 12 Towels. Ladies of St. Bartliolomeio's Church, K Y. 147 Boxes Lint. 53 Lots Bandages. 16 Lots Compresses. 2 Boxes Ligatures. 1 " Linen Shirts. 1 " Sponges. 1 Bundle Blankets. 40 Flannel Shirts. 26 Bed Gowns. 254 Calico Wrappers. 462 Hospital Shirts. 4 Lots Pin-cushions. 5 " Old Linen. 12 Pr. Drawers. 42 Pillow Cases. 1 Piece Red Flannel. 1 Blanket. Box Tracts. 1 Package Castile Soap. 3 Lots Eye Shades. 31 Sheets. i5 Havelocks. Ladies^ Union Association Society Li- hrary. 2 Trunks Bandages, Lint, &c. 342 Sheets. 204 Pillow Ticks. 456 " Cases. 218 Bed Ticks. 12 Calico Gowns. 27 Muslin Shirts. 98 Flannel Shirts. 12 Drawers. 12 Boxes Lint. 1056 Bandages. 120 Caps. • 22 Ring Pads. 1 Bundle Shirts. 8 Pr. Socks. 12 9 Blankets. 13 Splint Pads. 80 Flannel Bands. 100 Pin-cushions. 3 Lots Old Linen, 246 Havelocks. 2 Pieces Mosquito Netting. 4 Eye Shades. 28 Handkerchiefs. 4 Quilts. 30 Towels. Zmcson, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. Leroy, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages. Ladies of 22fZ Street., letween 8th and 9 th Avenues. 210 Bandages. 14 Sheets. 80 Pr. Trowsers. 13 Shirts. 6 Bed Sacks. 32 Pillow Sacks. 204 Compresses. 12 Yards Flannel. 30 Yards Adhesive Plaster. 18 Skeins Saddler's Silk. 12 Camel's-hair Pencils. 4i- Yards Oiled Silk. 39 Sponges. 14 Boxes Lint. 24 Pieces Linen Tape. 6 Pr. Scissors. 3 Lbs. Wax. 1 Ream Wrapping Paper. 25 Pieces Bookbinder's Board. 12 Sheets Wadding. 12 Lbs. Cotton Batting. 13 Eye Shades. 4 Lbs. Flax. 28 Papers Pins. 17 Pin-cushions, 4 India Rubber Sheets. 1 Hospital Knapsack. 5 Blankets. Lot Old Linen and Muslin, Lippett, Mrs. C. E. 1 Lot Bandages. Zaidlaw, Mrs. 1 Box Bandages. 1 " Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen, and Towels. Ladies, several, of BrooUyn. 112 Bandages. 136 Pieces Long Lint. 1 Box Short Lint 121 Compresses. 55 Towels. 6 Sheets. 49 Pin-cushions. Loiory, the Misses. 12 Bed Ticks. Ladies^ 14i/i Street Association. 132 Bandages. Lady, a Young. 7 Pin-cushions. Lady, an Old. 24 Pin-cushions, Lady, A. 10 Pin-cushions, 2 Boxes Lint, Lady, A. 1 Box Lint. Lady, A. 6 Bed Ticks. 6 Pillow Ticks. Ladies, Some. 7,000 Silk Ligatures. 176 Bandages. 5 Boxes Lint. 1 Bundle Clothing. Lady, an Old, of SB. 4 Sheets. 8 Pillow Cases. 1 Lot Old Linen, Ladies, a Few. 23 Towels, 15 Shirts. 12 Bandages. Ludlum, Mrs. iV. 1 Box Assorted Bandages. Long, Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. Ladies of St. LuJce's Church, Hudson Street, N. Y. 14 Wrappers. 12 Muslin Shirts. 15 Sheets. 24 Pillow Cases. 156 Bandages. 1 Lot Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. 13 Lady in \4:th Street. 2 Boxes Lint. 3 Bed Ticks. 7 Pillow Ticks. Loveit, Miss. 2 Boxes Lint. Lady, Old, tcho lived during times of the Revolution. 9 Pr. Woolen Stockings knit by her. Lady, A. 14 Cotton Shirts. Lady, A. 1 Lot Lint and Old Linen. Ladies, Tico, of N. Y. 30 Havelocks. Ladies, Some of Rev. 0. B..Frotliing- ham's Society. 11 Night Shirts. 7 Linen " 2 Lots Old Linen, 40 Sheets. • 1 Box Pin-cushions. 1 " Wax and Silk. 25 " Lint. 35 Flannel Shirts. 2 Lots Bandages. 65 Pillow Cases. 8 Pillow Ticks. 5 Gowns. 18 Flannel Bandages. 18 Pr. Woolen Socks. 1<5 Towels. 1 Pr. Drawers. 2 Havelocks. 2 Lots Tracts. 9 Eye Shades. Mount, Mr., of Moimt, Hall & Co. 6 Pieces Muslin. Meyer, Mrs. 1 Lot Sheets. Mandelbaum, Mrs. 1 Lot Lint. Morgan, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages. Military Aid Association. 4 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Bandages. McAuley, Mrs. 1 Lot Bandages. M. E. Church ZOth Street Relief So- ciety. 18 Pr. Drawers. 48 Pillow Cases. 5 Calico Wrappers. .2 Gross Pins. 3 Pr. Shears. 18 Cotton Sheets. 3 Flannel Sheets. 52 Cotton Gowns. 6 Pr, Socks. 1 Lot Old Linen. Mitchell, E. L., BrooMyn. 120 Bandages. Madison Avenue Baptist Church, La- dies of. 11 Calico Wrappers. 22 Pr. Drawers. 11 Boxes Lint. 7 Bundles Old Linen. 1 Lot Old Muslin. McKaye, Miss. 146 Bandages. SO Boxes Lint. 31 Pin-cushions. Menzies, Mrs. Wm. 6 Boxes Lint. 108 Bandages. 6 Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Old Linen. , Merritt, Miss. 3 Boxes Lint. Moffat, Miss. 4 Boxes Lint. Malay, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. Maxwell, Br. 5 Boxes Lint. Minturn, Miss. 6 Shirts. Mather, Miss. 15 Flannel Bandages. Murra/y, Miss. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. 14 Minturn, Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. 9 Handkerchiefs. 1 Wrapi^er. Miller, Mrs. George. 4 Dressing Gowns. 70 Pair Hose. MatinecocJc, Locust Valley, Quee'fls Co., L. I., Ladies, Soldiers Aid of . 12 Napkins. 86 Havelocks. 6 Pads. 3 Ring Pads. 30 Bandages. 28 Pin-cushions. 3 Pair Muslin Drawers. 2 Eye Shades. 7 Lots Old Linen. 10 Cotton Sliirts. 2 Lots Lint. 1 Lot Beeswax. 4 Books. 2 Pair Socks. Mercer Street Church, Ladies of. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. Nightingale Association, Church of the Messiah. 78 Bed Gowns. 1082 Towels. 1 Lot Sponges. 1639 Bandages. 113 Boxes and 1 keg Lint. 40 Bundles Old Linen. 1 Lot Medicines. 170 Short Gowns. 178 Pair Drawers. 362 Long Shirts. 194 Bed Ticks. Ill Calico Wrappers. 2 Pieces Red Flannel. 42 Lbs. Flax Tow. 10 Flannel Sheets. 910 Pair Woolen Socks. 52 Pillow Ticks. 7 Sheets. 179 Pillow Cases. 15 Eye Shades. 1 Lb. Saddlers' Silk. 24 Canton Flannel Shirts. 28 Napkins. Mirse, an Old. 2 Bundles Old Linen. NimMe-Finger Society, 528 Bandages. 5 Linen Sheets. 4 Boxes Lint. 24 Yards Flannel. 4 Lots Old Linen. 6 Hospital Cushions. 5 Yards Oiled Silk. 4 Lbs. Flax. 24 Yards Adhesive Plaster. 23 Pair Drawers. 18 Pin-cushions. Neioton, Miss. 1 Package Old Sheets. 1 " " Pillow Cases. 24 Papers Pins. 1 Lot Bandages. C Shirts. Neio Yorlc Club. Free use of Rooms at 744 Broadway, cor. Astor Place. Noyes, Mrs. Dr. 9 Shirts. 2 Pillow Cases. 1 Lot Old Linen. Neiclold, Mrs. 9 Flannel Shirts. Ogden, Mrs. Gov. M. 12 Flannel Shirts. 3 Lots Lint. 1 Lot Bandages. Oliphant, Mrs. 17 Pillow Cases. 5 Sheets. 2 Boxes Bandages and Linen. 6 Gowns. 1 Lot Old Muslin. 4 Flannel Shirts. Orange Co. Condensed Milk Co. 1 Box Condensed Milk. Otis, 2frs. 1 Box Lint. 48 Bandages. Paulding, Mrs. Commodore. 1 Lot Old Linen and Lint. Pearson, Mrs. 1 Lot Old Muslin. 15 Parher, Mrs. Dr. Willard. 1 Lot Old Linen. Piatt, Miss. 40 Havelocks. 1 Box Bandages. Pralls, Misses. 8 Boxes Lint. Preshyterian Church, cor. 5th Ave. and l^th Street, Ladies of. 88 Dressing Gowns. 1008 Bandages. 152 Pillow Ticks. 175 " Oases. 97 Towels. 31 Boxes Lint. 4 Lots Old Linen. 135 Sheets. 142 Shirts. 02 Flannel Shirts. 75 Night Caps. 81 Drawers. 26 Bed Ticks. 4 Handkerchiefs. 2 Flannel Bandages. 5 Yards Oil Silk. 1 Lot Ligatures. 2 Lots Pins. G Cotton Jackets. 21 Surgeons' Boxes. 2 Lots Pin-cushions. 160 Havelocks. 7 Flannel Gowns. 1 Lot Compresses. 2 Pair Woolen Stockings. 4 Comforters. 1 Lot Books. 1 Box Sundries. Plumer, Mrs. Sample Shirt and Drawers. Pinchiey, Dr. Hoicard. 10 Hospital Cans. Parsons, Mrs. M. 1 Lot Old Linen. Presbyterian Ch., Mh Ave., Ladies of. 55 Havelocks. 1 Lot Bandages and Old Linen. Pierson, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. 1 Hospital Shirt. Prime, Miss Minna. 24 Flannel Bandages. Presh/terian Church, 42d! Street. 9 Muslin Shirts. 4 Flannel " 6 " Drawers. 5 Linen " • 22 Boxes Lint. 45 Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Old Linen. 1 " " Muslin. Pha/yne, Mrs. 28 Havelocks. Passaic, iV. J., Ladies' Belief Soc. 38 Pillow Cases. 49 " Sacks. 16 Sheets. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. 14 Gowns. 11 Muslin Shirts. 4 Flannel Shirts. Patterson, N. J., Florence Nightin- gale Association. 8 Boxes Lint. 163 Bandages. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " Muslin. 36 Towels. 29 Pillow Sacks. 11 Bed Gowns. 1 Shirt. 24 Pillow Cases. 218 Havelocks. * Paulding, Mrs. W. J., Cold Spring. 36 Pillow Cases. Parrish, Mrs. 46 Handkerchiefs. Pierson, Mrs. 1 Box Lint. 1 Hospital Shirt. Preslyterian Church, ?,d Eef, Ladies' Army Aid Association. 12 Flannel Shirts. 16 Pair Flannel Drawers. 18 Flannel Belly-bands. 16 Bed Ticks. 16 Pillow " 16 " Cases. 16 16 Sheets. 109 Havelocks. 1 Lot Old Linen. Presbyterian Church, Eutgcrs Street, Ladies of. 20 "Woolen Shirts. 12 Towels* 2 Combs. 1 Brush. 1 Pair Drawers. 40 Havelocks. BicTiter, Mrs. 1 Piece Muslin. Eoome, Mrs. 1 Bo:^ Lint. Raven, Mrs. C. 1 Box Lint. Baven, Miss. 7 Pair Drawers. Roxbury, Conn., jjer Adami Express. 15 Pillow Cases. 9 Sheets. 4 Wrappers. 7 Pairs Stockings. 12 Body Bandages. 21 Bandages. 2 Bundles Old Linen. 2 Boxes Lint. 5 Pin-cushions. Reformed Dutch Church, SiifA Street, Union Society of. 14 Bed Gowns. 1 Lot Corn Starch. « 2 Lots Bandages. 1 Lot Lint. 1 Piece Calico. 13 Muslin Shirts. 48 Sheets. 17 Pair Drawers. 28 Havelocks. 26 Pillow Cases. 12 Flannel Shirts. 2 Lots Old Linen. Ref Dutch Church, 21 si Street. 34 Flannel Bed Gowns. 9 " Shirts. 8 Wrappers. 36 Towels. 80 Eye Shades. 12 Sheets Wadding. 200 Bandages. 432 Handkerchiefs. 1 Lot Patent Lint. Rhinelander, Mrs. 8 Shirts. 12 Pillow Cases. Reformed Dutch Ch., Ladies' School of. 12 Needle Books. 15 Pin-cushions. 1 Box Lint. Rformed Dutch Church, Ladies' Re- lief Soc. of the Collegiate. 23 Canton Flannel Shirts. 18 Pair Muslin Drawers. 28 Pillow Cases. 30 " Ticks. Shinner & Co. 2 Pieces Muslin. Starley, Mrs. 1 Lot Old Linen. School 45, ^Uh Ward, Female De- partment, Orammar. 20 Boxes Lint. 19 Sheets. 32 Pillow Cases. Stone, Mrs. Dr. J. 0. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. 1 " Old Linen. School, E. loth St., Young Ladies of 1 Lot Bandages. Shearith Israel, the Ladies of the Con- gregation of. 6 Bed Sacks. 46 Sheets. 17 Muslin Shirts. 10 Pair Linen Drawers. 19 " Muslin " 53 Night Shirts. 30 Pair Cotton Socks. . 4 " Stockings. 77 Pillow Cases. 61 Towels. 2 Lots Pin-cushions. 58 Night Caps. 23 Flannel Shirts. 16 " Wrappers. 4 Boxes Lint. 2 Lots Bandases. ir 1 Lot Pins. 1 " Linen. 12 Pair Flannel Drawers. 1 Syringe. 1 Piece Red Flannel. 152 Havelocks. 4 Dressing Gowns. .3 Oil Silk Vests. 8 Ring Pads. 36 Pair Woolen Socks. Schermerlwrn, Mrs. W. C. 38 Pillows. 6 Eye Shades. 52 Hospital Shirts. 1 Lot Lint. 1 " Bandages. South Congregational Churchy Brool:- lyn^ Ladies of. 17 Bed-gowns. 20 Pair Drawers. 9 Calico Wrappers. 8i Pair Slippers. 6''Pillow Ticks. 30 Sheets. 48 Towels. 16 Pin-cushions. 4 Lots Linen. 2 " Lint. 1 " Bandages. 1 " Dried Fruit. 1 " Corn Starch. 33 Pillow Cases. 5 Dressing Gowns. 16 Shirts. 10-Lbs. Lot Arrowroot. Soldiers' Aid Society, Church of the Transfguration. 23 Boxes Lint. 125 Sheets. 57 Pair Drawers. 72 Muslin Shirts. 27 Pillow Ticks. 3 Lots Bjindages. 132 Pillow Cases. 3 Gowns. 12 Bed Ticks. 63 Prayer Books. 19 Flannel Bands. 3 Lots Old Linen and Muslin. 51 Tow^els. 3 Lots Pin-cushions. 9 Flannel Shirts. School JVo. 20, Chrystie Street, Female Department. 8 Boxes Lint. 1 Box Bandages. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. School, Ward, No. 44, Female Depart- ment. 12 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. 13 Sheets. 5 Pillow Cases. 10 Wash Cloths. School of the 4:th St. Dutch Reformed Church, Pupils of 18 Boxes Lint. Storm, Mrs. John G. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. Stahlhnecht, Mrs., BrooTdyn. 1 Lot Old Linen. Sedgwick, Miss. 7 Shirts. Stevens, Miss. 1 Lot Lint. Snoic, Miss. 2 Eye Shades, 1 Pair Slippers. School, 12ih St., Girls of the Senior Department. 44 Boxes Lint. 144 Bandages. 1 Lot Compresses. Schiejfiin, Miss. 12 Pair Mixed Stockings. 12 Pillow Cases. 12 Wove Shirts. 6 Hospital Shirts. 12 Flannel Sanchez, Mrs. 1 Lot Lint. School No. 45, West 2Uh St. 2 Boxes Lint. 20 Havelocks. Sands, A. B. & D. 1 Lot Surgeons' Sponges. Schermerhorn, Miss E. 52 Pair Slippers. /Sampson, Mrs. 8 Flannel Shirts. 47 Towels. 4 Havelocks. 1 Roll Adh. Plaster. 1 Lot Lint. Sum2)sori, Mrs. Joseph. 17 Sheets. Schenectady, Ladies of. 3 Parcels Lint and Bandages for 3 Regiments. Shaarai TepJdla, Ladies' Relief Ass" n, Wooster St. 1 Lot Bandages. 1 " Lint. 24 Yards Adhesive Plaster. 20 " Oil Silk. 48 Havelocks. 36 Flannel Shirts. 7-2 Cotton Shirts. 27 Belly-bands. 18 Wrappers. 1 Lot Old Linen. School Fo. 33. 2 Cases Lint. Schermerhorn, Mrs. Alfred. 3 "Woolen Shirts. Ill Havelocks. Sturlridge, Mass., Ladies of. 80 Pair'Woolen Socks. South Norwall; Conn., Ladies of. 6 Pair Woolen Socks. Seligman, Mr., and others. 1 Case Lint. School, Miss Bailouts, Ladies of 24 E. 22f7 St. 3 Boxes Lint. 24 Sheets. 16 Pair Drawers. 39 Pillow Cases. 24 Towels. 8 Needle Cases. School, Mine. Chegary^s. Boxes Lint. 1 Piece Red Flannel. IOC Bandages. Sl Peter's Church, 20th St., Ladies' Ass'n of 93 Sheets. 108 Shirts. 157 Flannel Shirts. 17 Pair Flannel Drawers. 149 Pillow Cases. 20 Muslin Shirts. 7 Boxes Lint. 1 Lot Old Linen. 84 Compresses. ToJiias, Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. Tillou, Mrs. Frances. 16 Pair Drawers. 9 Night Shirts. C Pillow Cases. 40 Towels. 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 " Pin-cushions. 1 " Needles and Thread. Trinity Parish, Ladies' Patriotic Association of 247 Sheets. GOO Tow^els. 144 Handkerchiefs. 60 Bed Sacks. 294 Muslin Shirts. 17 Capton Flannel Shirts. 132 4 Lots Old Linen. 160 Pair Woolen Socks. 12 Pair Slippers. ' 38 Eye Shades. 1 Lot Lint. 1000 Needles. 1 Lot Pasteboard Splints. 130 Pillow Sacks. 75 Dressing Gowns. 122 Pillow Cases. 48 Pair Drawers. 20 Needle Books. 17 Flannel Bandages. 30 Yards Oil Silk. 25 Havelocks. 289 Skeins Waxed Silk, for ligatures. Tadman & Co., 248 Fourth Av. 36 Yards Adhesive Plaster. Thomas, St., Church, Ladies of 14 Wrappers. 50 Shirts. 67 Havelocks. 19 37 Pillow Cases. 3 Pin-cushions. 1 Lot Surgeons' Sponge. 14 Flannel Shirts. 1 Lot Bandages. Twenty-third St. 10 Cotton Shirts. 1 Lot Bandages. Twentrj-fint St., West. 1 Box Lint. 11 Sheets. Thurston, Mrs. 31 Havelocks. 36 Flannel Bands. 1 Lot Old Linen. Toicnsend, Mrs. 4 Havelocks. Underhill, Mrs. 2 Lots Lint. 1 Lot Bandages. Vo light, Mrs. 9 Pillow Cases. 1 Lot Old Linen, 1 " Lint. Vedder, Mrs. 6 Hospital Shirts. Van JSenssela^r, Ladies'' Society, Or- ganized by. 192 Bandages. 4 Boxes Lint 1 Lot Old Linen. 1 Box Ligatures. Van Buren, Mrs. L. 1 Box Lint. Vacher, Miss. 12 MusHn Shirts. Van Buren, Col M. M. Free use of Rooms in Spingler In- stitute, Union Square. Vander Eeuven, Mrs. 1 Lot Pin-cushions. Van Bosl-ercJc, Mr. 1 Lot Bandages. Wilmerdings & Mount. Loan of Tables, &c. Washlurn, Mrs. 2 Boxes Lint. Wood, A. P. 1 Lot Old Linen. Westport, Conn. 1 Case, containing Linen, Lint, Cot- ton Batting, Bandages, &c, and a Pin-cushion for Gen. Scott. W A. K. 1 Lot Old Linen. Whiting, H. W. 1 Lot Old Linen. Wortheti, W. E. 50 Bandage Eollers. Watts, Miss Agnes. 18 Pin-cushions. Whiley, Master Charles. 406 Bandages. WiUy, Mrs. Chas. W. 53 Pair Drawers. 288 Handkerchiefs. Winchester, Mrs. 4 Boxes Lint. Woolsey, Miss. 100 Havelocks. Walshe, A. Bohertson. 3 Cases Surgical Instruments. Westcott, Dodd