Class Book. Copyrights COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. NOTES ON SOILS An Outline for an Elementary Course in Soils BY A. R. WHITSON Professor of Soils, The University of Wisconsin H. L. WALSTER Instructor in Soils, The University of Wisconsin Published by the Authors Madison, Wisconsin Copyright, 1909, BY A. K. Willi SON AND li. I>. WALSTBB. JEMOCRAT PRINTING COMPANY. M»OISOf © CI. A 2533 35 PREFACE The aim in the pages that follow has been to present a brief outline of work in Soils, adapted to the needs of students pursuing short courses in Agriculture. The present volume has been hastily prepared, and therefore many errors may have been overlooked. Much valuable data, not included in these pages, will be found in the bulletins listed in the appendix, and in the larger text books upon the subject of Soils. Acknowledgment is due Mr. Stuart L. Clark for his careful preparation of the line drawings. A. R. W. H. L. W. The University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, December, 1909. CONTENTS Chapter Page I. Conditions essential for Plant Growth 1 II. The Origin of Soil -Material 19 III. The Supply of Chemical Elements 26 I V. II minis '■'>- V. Acidity and Liming 42 V I . Nitrogen 47 VII. Phosphorus and Potash 58 VIII. .Mechanical Composition, Texture and Tilth.... 6S IX. Water-Holding Capacity of Soils 7.", X. Movements of Soil Water 79 XI. Temperature of Soils 83 XII. Ventilation of Soils 88 XIII. Tillage 90 XIV. Barnyard Manure 95 XV Classification of Soils 101 XVI. Conditions of Climate and Soils Needed by XVII. Rotation of Crops 122 XVIII. Types of Sandy Soils and their Management 125 XiX. Types and Management of Clay Soils of Humid Regions 131 XX. Marsh Soils 136 Appendix 140 NOTES ON SOILS CHAPTER I. CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. In studying the growth of the plant it is convenient to divide its life history into three periods: First, the period of germination ; second, the period of vegetative growth, and third, the period of fruition. It is, of course, true that these periods shade one into the other or overlap to a certain extent, but it is nevertheless helpful to study the effect of conditions on plants from the standpoint of this threefold division. Some condi- tions are essential to the life of the plant at all times while others apply to only one or two of its periods of development. Conditions Necessary for Germination. ( 1 ) Absorption of Water. The first act in the germination of seed is the absorption of moisture. The factors which influence this process are : Temperature, closeness of contact between the soil and seed, amount of moisture in the soil and the amount of soluble salts in the soil. 2 NOTES ON SOILS. (2) Temperature. By placing beans or peas in warm and in cold water the greater rapidity with which the warm wain- is absorbed can be readily determined. It is for this reason, in part, that seeds germinate in warm soil faster than in cold soil. But, besides influenc- ing the rate at which water is absorbed, the temperature also influences the chemical changes which take place in the seed during germination. The influence of temperature on germination has been studied by a number of experimenters and the averages of their determinations of the best and of the lowest temperatures, for the germination of the seeds of a few crops, are given in the following table. Best. . . . Lowest . Wheal and Barlej . Red ( lover. Corn. Rape. 75 deg. 40 deg. 70 deg. lo deg. 90 deg. is deg. 90 deg. to deg. There is usually little gained by sowing seeds in the spring too early and while the ground is loo cold for the respective crops, although for some seeds, as for in- stance Red Clover, the moisture conditions may be bet- ter earlier. The ways in which the temperature of the soil can be influenced will be studied in ;i later chapter. (3) Contact of Seed and Soil. The ease with which water can lie absorbed from the soil by the seed will also depend on the number of points of contact be- tween the soil and seed. This will depend on the fine- CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 3 ness of the soil and on the firmness with which it is pressed down on the seed. It is for this reason that so much depends on the care taken in the preparation of the seed lied and in firm- ing the soil by rolling after the seed is planted. And the fineness depends very largely on the condition of the soil when cultivated, as will be shown in a later chapter. The degree of fineness necessary for good germina- tion depends also on the kind and size of seed. The smaller seeds, such as those of the grasses and clovers, require a finer seed lied than is essential for corn and peas. (4) Influence of Salts. On account of the attrac- tion between salts and water the presence of a consid- eral Le amount of soluble salts in the soil will prevent the seed from absorbing water. This can be shown by placing 1 cans or peas in two cups of water — one of which contains a small amount of common salt while the other contains none. The salt will partly or entirely prevent tie absorption of water by the seed. It is in this way that the large amounts of salts in the soil of arid regions often prevent the germination of seedi Some salts are actually poisonous to plants even in small amounts while others simply act to prevent the water from entering the seed and are not injurious ex- cept when present in considerable quantities. ( 5 ) Oxygen. The work of constructing new tissues and of forcing the newly formed root into the soil is done by the energy resulting from oxidation of food stored in seed and therefore, the germinating seed re- quires a supply of available oxygen, just as the energy 4 NOTES ON soils. which a man uses in doing "work comes from the food which he consumes when oxidized iii the muscle tissue. It is therefore necessary that the soil iii which the seed is germinating allow the air to reach it. otherwise the seed will rot without germination. The access of air to the seed is frequently prevented by loo much water in the soil and by puddling of the soil as will he described later. (6) Mineral Elements not Needed for Germina- tion. It is often noticed that seed will germinate and grow for a short time better in poor, sandy soil than in fertile soil and even better in sawdust or other loose ma- terial. This shows that nothing hut water and air need he taken in by the seed in germination and in the early growth of the seedling. The amount of growth made by the seedling develop- ing in sawdust or in the air alone under suitable con- ditions of moisture, temperature and light depends on the amount of material stored in the seed. Small seeds such as those of most grasses will allow but little growth while larger seeds such as those of pea and hean may allow the seedling to attain considerable size; in some e;ises half the size usually attained in ordinary soil, and even produce flowers. Conditions Essential for Vegetal ire Growth. (7) Mineral Elements Taken from the Soil. While tin' seed will germinate readily and the seedling grow rapidly for a short time in pure sand or sawdust il soon begins to lose its healthy green color and finally stops growing. On the other hand, while the field soil CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 5 may not allow the seed to germinate as rapidly as the pure sand or saw-dust, it does allow it to continue its growth to maturity. The reason for this is that it furnishes material which is necessary for continued growth although not neces- sary for germination. When plants are analyzed the following elements taken from the soil are usually found: sodium, potas- sium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, chlorine, sul- phur, phosphorus and nitrogen. With the exception of the nitrogen these are almost entirely left in the ash on burning. Besides these elements there are a number of others which are often found. Part of the above list of elements are not entirely necessary to growth, as has been shown by growing plants to maturity in a solution not containing them. Those which do not seem to be essential are sodium, sili- ccn and chlorine. All of the remaining ones must be present or growth will cease before maturity. (8) The Amount of Salts Taken up by Plants. The amount of the various elements taken up by plants depends on three factors: first, the relative amount present in the soil in a form which can be taken up by the plant; second, on the combination it makes in the plant, and third, on the kind of plant. More salts will be taken up from a soil rich in soluble salts than from one poor in them. If a given element combines with other substances in the plant much more of it will be taken up, than if no such combination is made. There is therefore quite a range in the amounts of different elements found in the plant, and also in the al s 50 bu 1 COO 3000 35 15 12 6 10 35 1.5 Straw 9.5 Total 50 18 45 11 Corn, 65 bu Stalks 2200 (JO00 40 15 18 14 15 80 1 •jo Total . 85 32 95 21 Peas, 30 bu St raw 1800 3500 18 7 22 38 4 ;i Total 25 GO 75 Flax, 15 im 900 1800 39 15 15 :; 8 1!) ;; Straw 13 Total 5J 18 27 1(5 Potatoes. 300 bu Mangels, 10 tons. . . . 2000 1000 |S(I()(I 20000 30 80 20 28 10 35 15 12 66 75 150 50 150 30 CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 9 (11) Distribution of Elements in Plant. Study -of the foregoing table will show that nitrogen and phos- phoric acid go chiefly to the seed or grain of crops, while potash and lime are largely found in the stalks or straw. From this we are able to determine the probable losses when either the grain or straw or both are sold. (12) Food Constituents of Plants. The chemist divides the chief food compounds produced in plants into three classes : carbohydrates, fats and proteids. The carbohydrates, such as starch, sugar and a large part of crude fibre and the fats and oils of the plant are made up of only three chemical elements : carbon, oxy- gen and hydrogen. These are derived from carbon- dioxide of the air and from water absorbed by the root. The proteids. however, which form the most valuable part of the food contain considerable nitrogen, small amounts of sulphur and in some cases phosphorus. These three elements are taken from the soil. (13) Variation in Composition During Growth. Since young plants and growing parts of older plants have thin walled cells filled with protoplasm, they have a high per cent of protein and a low per cent of crude fiber or cellulose. Crops cut very green are therefore richer in protein than mature crops. Moreover, if crops are prevented from making full growth, the stunted crop is usually richer in protein than the crop making a larger growth. There is an exception to this when the failure to grow is due to lack of available nitrogen as mentioned in paragraph 15. (14) Function of Elements. Although it is com- paratively easy to determine which of the elements 10 NOTES ON SOILS. found in the plant arc essential and which are unes- sential to the growth of the plant it is very difficult to find out just what the use of the essential elements is to the plant. There are specific functions which each of the essential elements have to perform and there are more general functions which various elements can perform. While a certain minimum amount of each of the essential elements must be present for' the specific functions, there must be larger amounts of some of the essentia] elements or of the non-essential elements to produce the best growth. A soil which is poor in all the essential elements will often be helped to a certain extent by an addition of any one while it is much more benefited by the addition of all those lacking. One of the special functions of potash seems to be- to aid in the process of starch formation. Corn grow- ing on the marsh lands of our state has been greatly benefited by potash fertilizer and in all cases the in- crease of grain — containing a large amount of starch — has been greater than the gain in the stalks. The formation of starch takes place in the leaves, it being then carried to the seed and the potash is chiefly found in the Leaves and stems of plants. The phosphorus is necessary to the formation of some proteids, and since the proteids form a larger per eon of the seed than of the stalk and leaves, the phos- phorus is found in larger amounts in the seed or grain than in the stalk and leaves. Calcium or lime seems necessary for the development of leaves, for plants grown in solutions free from cal- cium do not develop leaves readily. CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 11 Nitrogen is absolutely essential for the formation of prot cids and the relative amount of protein found in the plant depends partly on the relative amount of ni- trogen in the soil in an available form, as well as on the nature of the plant. (15) Relation Between Composition of Plant and Amount of Food Material Available to it. The composition of the plant is to a certain extent depend- ent on the relative amount of the necessary elements available to it. When the amount of available nitrogen is small the plant cannot produce as much protein as it does ordinarily. The crop grown on soil very low in available nitrogen is therefore often low in proteid, the most valuable food material. Experiments made by growing corn, oats and rape on three sand plots to which had been added different amounts of nitrates showed the following per cent of protein where plot one received no nitrates; plot two, a medium amount; and plot three, double this amount. Oats. Corn. Rape. Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3. . . 12.00 per cent. 15.81 per cent. 16.63 per cent. S.44 per cent. S».94 per cent. 1 1.25 per cent. 12.56 per cent. 14.00 per cent. 14.25 per cent. These crops were cut green, as they would be used for soiling. These experiments, with others, show that not only is the crop on fertile soil larger than that on poor soil ; but it is richer in the most valuable food constituent. 12 NOTES ON SOILS. The composition of plants is also influenced by their rate of growth and varies at differenl stages of growth. This is discussed in paragraph 20. The influence which climate and soil have on the per cent of protein in wheat has been investigated by De- herain in France and by Sonic in Tennessee. During the period of most rapid growth of the cereals comparatively little starch is transmitted to the seed, most of it collecting in the upper part of the stem dur- ing this period and being carried to the seed during the ripening stage. If therefore the weather becomes dry during the rip- ening stage less starch is carried to the seed and it has a relatively high protein content. (16) Chemical Requirements of Different Crops. Since different plants produce different relative amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteids, we should expect that they would need somewhat different relative amounts of the various elements. Those plants which produce a relatively large amount of starch, such as corn and potatoes, require considerable available potassium while those which produce a relatively large amount of proteid should require considerable available nitro- gen. This is found to he home out by experience, but in addition to these facts which we can explain in this way. there are other cases where certain plants require rela- tively large amounts of certain elements for reasons we do not yet know. It will be helpful in studying the relation of the various crops to the soil and of their tieatment with fertilizers to lirst study some of the most important cases of this varying requirement. CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 13 Cereals, such as wheat, oats and barley, need rela- tively large amounts of nitrates and phosphates, while not a very large amount of potassium is necessary. Corn iu addition to available nitrogen and phosphate must have considerable available potassium, possibly on ac- count of the large amount of starch which is produced. Potatoes also, both white and sweet, require considerable potassium. Timothy and most grasses require also large amounts of available nitrogen. Turnips do best when the amount of available phosphorus is large, while beets and carrots require more nitrogen. These are some of the facts which have been learned from experience, but our knowledge of this subject is still very incomplete. (17) Uses of Water to the Plant and Amount Required. There are a number of Afays in which water is of service 1 in the growth of plants, among the most im- portant of which are the following: (1) to keep the cell Avails of the leaves moist so they can absorb carbon di- oxide; (2) to evaporate from the surface and so pre- vent the plant from getting too hot, just as the evapora- tion of perspiration from the human body tends to keep it cool; (3) 'to furnish the small amount of water needed for building the various tissues in the plant; (4) to carry the salts from the soil into the plant and to the leaves where they are chiefly used in the chemical changes taking place there. This current of water into the plant roots, up the stem and out of the leaves is called the transpiration current. The rate of transpiration depends chiefly on the amount of moisture in the air, on the temperature, on 14 xo'i i:s ox soils. the strength of Lighl and on the character of the plant. Moisture in the air lessens it; warmth increases and cold decreases il : strong Lighl increases and darkness greatly retards it: and some plants transpire nmeli less than others under the same conditions because they are pro- tected in various ways or have fewer stomata. A aumber of experiments have been made by differ- ent men to determine the number of pounds of water lost by the plant for each pound of dry matter formed by the plant. An average of these would be approxi- mately as follows: Barley, 465; Oats. 500; Corn. 27-"); Clover, 575; Peas. 47-"); Potatoes, 385. A single determination of soy bean shows that it used 527 pounds for each pound of dry matter. From these figures we would conclude that if no water ran off the surface or drained away a crop of 2(1 bushels of wheat would require only six inches of rain during the grow- ing season ; or a crop of 50 bushels of oats only eighl inches; 60 bushels of corn, ten inches; 300 bushels of potatoes, six and one-fourth inches; two tons of clover hay. nine inches. (18) Relation of Light to Plant Growth. In the development of the plant there are two processes going on; one is the process of forming starch, fats and pro- t< ids either for the plant itself or to be stored in some part of the plant, such as the seed or root. The other process is that of growth or the development of new tis- sue and parts. This latter process is carried on by the use of some of the material produced in the first process. Prom this we see thai the plant differs from the animal in that the plant produces as well as uses food, while CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 15 the animal uses food only and must be supplied with it from outside Now the production of starch, fats and proteids re- quires light, while their use in growth and movement does not require light. We have all noticed the growth which potato vines will make from material stored in the tuber in the entire absence of light and not only is light not necessary but to a certain extent it retards growth. The tendency of plants to turn towards light .is due to the fact that the side away from the light grows more rapidly than the other and pushes it over towaids the light. The question as to the amount of light necessary for producing the greatest amount of Pood is not entirely understood, but it is known that the strength of light received on the earth's surface in our latitude during mid-day hours of the summer is as great as can be used by most plants. Moreover in all prob- ability the intensity of light at five o'clock during clear days in the summer is as great as can be used by our crops. It will therefore be seen that the intensity of light is not of so much importance as its duration. During the long summer days of Northern latitude much more rapid growth is possible than in the regions near the « quator, because more food material is produced. The starches and sugars in particular require light to pro- duce them and hence relatively larger amounts of these substances are produced in those regions where there are few clouds to interrupt the sunshine, than in those re- gions where there is much cloudiness. This is probably, in part, the reason why the sugar beet produces a rela- tively larger amount of sugar in Colorado where there 16 NOTES ON SOILS. is much more sunshine than in the Mississippi Valley where there is more cloudiness. (19) Relation of Temperature to Plant Growth. The most favorable temperature for formation of food by the plant is usually the most favorable for growth also. When the amount of material produced by the plant is studied at different temperatures, it is found that it increases with increase in temperature up to a certain point and then decreases; that is. the production of food in the plant is lower at too high as well as too low temperatures. Probably the most favorable tem- peratures for our field crops art 1 between seventy and seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. Even corn, which is often supposed to need much heat, will make its very best growth without rising higher than seventy-five de- grees. Since growth goes on during the night as well as day. the influence of warm nights is very great. (20) Relation of Character of Plant to Rate of Growth. It is frequently noticed that plants which are growing very rapidly lack in stiffness of stem. This is because the cell walls of the tissues are thin in rapidly growing plants, as was remarked in a former paragraph, and the growth is more rapid in either complete or partial absence of light than where it is intense. The result of this is' that those plaids or those parts of plants which grow in partial darkness are softer and less rigid than those which grow in strong light. The succulence of good vegetables is. therefore, largely caused by their rapid growth and so in the production of vegetables it is essential to hasten the growth in every way possible by supplying them with the best condition of moisture, light, temperature and food material. CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL FOR PLANT GROWTH. 17 (21) Lodging". The weakness of the stem of grain which causes it to lodge, is due to the rapid growth made when there are large amounts of water available and when the light is partly excluded either by cloudi- ness or by thickness of planting. It has been supposed that the degree of stiffness of the straw was determined by the amount of silica present, but this is probably not true There is very little tendency in grain to lodge in dry regions even when large quantities of water are used in their irrigation, probably because of the continuous sunshine, although it may in part lie due to the larger amounts of salts such as potash and phosphates in the soil. Conditions Influencing Fruition. (22) Translocation of Material in Plant. The object of the plant in the production of seed is to secure the reproduction of itself. As a general rule plants tend to form seed when the conditions become unfavor- able to continued rapid growth of vegetative parts. On the other hand if the conditions for vegetative growth remain very favorable, the formation of seed is retarded and the seed when formed is often not so well matured. The conditions most favorable to the formation of seeds are, therefore, different in some respects from those most favorable to vegetative growth, although, pf course, a certain amount of growth is necessary to allow the plant to produce the seed in full maturity. It is very important for the farmer to realize the difference in the conditions necessary to the production of the largest amount of stalk and leaves on the one hand and of 18 NOTES ON Soll.s. seed mi the other. In growing fodder and hay. a heavy growth of stalk and leaves is wanted, while in raising grain, a heavy yield of mature seed is the object. The formation of material stored in the seed and fruit is largely the result of moving it from the stalk and leaves where it is produced to the seed or fruit where it is stored. In most of our farm plants growing under favorable conditions there is nearly enough of this ma- terial in the stalks and leaves at the time of tlowering lv the growth of red clover. Large yields of potatoes have been obtained on acid soils, where of course there were suitable amounts of potash and phosphate present. ACIDITY AND LIMING. 45 (57) Remedial Treatment for Acid Soils. The treatment for acid soils universally recommended is the application of lime, provided, of course, that such treat- ment may he expected to yield a profit upon the in- vestment. The forms of lime available to the farmer are ordinary quick lime, ground limestone, marl, and various by-products, such as lime refuse from sugar beet factories, marine dust, and shell refuse. The Rhode Island Experiment Station has shown that par- tial neutralization of the acid in the soil is often as effective as complete neutralization. (58) Lime. Ordinary lime (the commercial prod- uct | should be applied in the water or air slaked form during the fall since it would be injurious to the seed if applied at the time of planting, or even shortly be- fore. For the lighter soils, such as sands and sandy loams, apply at the rate of 10 to 15 bushels fresh lime (equivalent to nearly twice that of water or air slaked lime) per acre. For the heavier soils, such as the clays and clay loams, 25 to 30 bushels of fresh lime may be used. It is essential that the lime should be well slaked in order to avoid any caustic action upon the humus in the soil. For this reason, ground limestone, where the lime is in the carbonate form, is preferable to or- dinary lime. If possible, the lime should be applied with some form of fertilizer drill, to insure an even dis- tribution over the field. It should be applied after plowing and then be thoroughly mixed with the soil by harrowing. If it is not desirable to harrow the field, the lime may be left on the rough furrows. (59) Ground Limestone. When available, ground limestone is to be preferred to lime, especially for the NOTES ON SOILS. lighter soils, or for soils very low in vegetable matter. Limestone ought to be the cheapest form in which to supply lime. Heavy applications, from 1,000 pounds to a ton per acre should be used. It is best applied in ill before seeding to clover. This application should be repeated i-vny fourth or fifth year, in order to maintain a good supply of lime carbonate in the soil. The limestone should be so finely ground that three-fourths of it will pass a 40-60 mesh sieve. If much coarser than this heavier applications can be used, but this is unprofitable where a long haul is neces- sary. (60) Marl — Lime Refuse. Wherever deposits of marl occur these should be utilized, for marl usually coul a ins a high percentage of lime carbonate. If the marl is thrown out, and partly dried, so that it crum- bles readily, it can lie applied at the same rate' as ground limestone. Lime wastes from sugar beet fac- tories arc available, if properly dried, so that they can spread evenly over the fields. NITROGEN. 47 CHAPTER VI. NITROGEN. (61) Amount and Kinds of Nitrogen in the Soil. Determinations at the Wisconsin Station of the amount of nitrogen in 21 samples of cropped clay loam soils showed an average of .106%, or 2,120 lbs. per acre 8 inches, while corresponding virgin soils contained .169% or 3,380 lbs. per acre 8 inches. Wisconsin peats usually have about 3% nitrogen, but since they are light soils, that amounts to only 1,100 lbs. per acre eight inches. Sandy soils vary in their nitrogen content de- pending upon the amount of organic matter present. Some sands run as low as .05% or about 100 lbs. per acre 8 inches up to as high good clay loam soils. Constant cropping may deplete the nitrogen in clay soils to the amount found in poor sands. Most of the nitrogen in the soil is present as humus nitrogen, derived from the decay of vegetable matter. Under normal conditions all soils contain varying amounts of nitrate nitrogen, as well as a small quan- tity of ammonia compounds. Before humus nitrogen is formed, the fresh vegetable matter containing pro- tein, the principal nitrogenous substances in all plants, must pass through various stages of oxidation and de- cay. These stages constitute the nitrogen cycle. L8 XOTKS OX .SOILS. (62) Nitrogen Cycle. Nitrogen is one of the most importanl elements in plants, and although it consti- tutes four-fifths of the air, i1 is not available to most plants in that form. Most plants take their nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates. ^o- s9 4!- , 4/u "*/- -6 C CD a. NITROGEN CYCLE in +he SOIL o o 0- o o o c o d> T. V V 0r 9oASc Nitroqe^" d 6C X Pig. -The Nitrogen Cycle in the soil. NITROGEN. 49 When plants die their dead roots, stalks, leaves, and fruit are returned to the soil, where their decomposi- tion is brought about through the agency of molds, bac- teria, and other low forms of plant life. Of course plants may be used to feed animals, but even then we have a great residue of partially oxidized vegetable mat- ter returned to the soil as manure. These various forms of nitrogen-containing vegetable matter cannot be used directly by the plant as food, but must undergo a process called nitrification. This nitrification or build- ing of nitrates is carried on by bacteria in the soil. The process consists of three stages (see cycle in accompany- ing diagram), a different set of bacteria being at work in each stage. We first have the ammonifying bacteria converting the humus in the soil into ammonia. This ammonia then furnishes a food supply for the nitrite bacteria, with the resulting formation of nitrites, while a third class of bacteria use the nitrites as food, there- by producing nitrates. These nitrates are what the chemist calls a salt, that is a compound of a mineral element and an acid, the acid in this case being nitric acid. In fact, the nitrate bacteria do not actually build nitrates but build instead nitric acid, this then imme- diately unites with a mineral element, usually calcium, magnesium or potassium, to form nitrates. These ni- trates are readily soluble in water and are therefore easily taken up by plants. (63) Factors Influencing Rate of Nitrification. The principal factors influencing the building of ni- trates are as follows: (1) Aeration. (2) Temperature. 4 •">•' NOTES ON SOILS. (3] Moisture. ! i Reaction of the soil. (5) Character of the humus. (64) Aeration. The soil bacteria that form ni- trates require an abundance of oxygen, and are there- fore largely confined to the firsl four or five feet of soil. Nitrification is more rapid when the soil is loose enough to allow access of air than when too compact. Cultivation of the surface soil therefore promotes nitri- cation. In order to insure good aeration of the soil, ■ must have good drainage, for an excess of water excludes the air. Excess of moisture and absence of air in fact cause loss of nitrates, as will be shown in paragraph 74. (65) Temperature. Nitrification is hastened by warm temperatures. The rate of nitrification is twice as meat as 70° F. as at 50°, and twice as great at 90° as at 70°. The factors influencing soil temperatures will be treated under thai head (See Chapter XI). Very Low temperatures arrest nitrification, so that for ( xample, but little nitrate is formed during the winter in a climate like that of Wisconsin. In warmer cli- mates, as in our southern stales, humus nitrogen is quickly changed to nitrates and may be leached out of the soil by heavy winter rains. In order to prevent this loss cover crops are sown to absorb the nitrates and thus hold them for the next summer's crop. (66) Moisture. The most favorable amount of moisture for nitrification is thai amount most favorable to the growth of crops. When all the space between the soil grains is full of water, as in saturated soil, no air can gel to the nitrifying bacteria and they become in- NITROGEN. 51 active. Excessive amounts of moisture, such as we have iu undrained lands, favor the growth of certain bacteria, called denitrifiers, which have the power of setting free gaseous nitrogen from nitrates. (67) Reaction. Nitrification is probably most ac- tive in a slightly alkaline soil. The nitric acid pro- duced also requires some base such as lime, to neutral- ize it, in order that nitrates may be formed. Nitrifica- tion is not entirely prevented under acid conditions of the soil, for we have some acid peat soils that are well able to supply the necessary nitrate to their crops. A sufficient supply of potash and phosphate is as essen- tial for the growth of these nitrate forming bacteria as il is for the higher plants. "We must be certain that all other conditions are at their best before we can safely assert that any one factor is limiting nitrification. (68) Character of the Humus. The development of nitrates also depends very much upon the character of the humus and vegetable matter in the soil. Some humus is readily acted upon, while the remainder is only slowly used. For this reason, when a piece of land is cropped several years without the addition of manure the humus most easily acted on is used first, and nitrates are formed rapidly ; while after a few years, when this has been used up, the process of ni- trification becomes much slower, and crops suffer for want of available nitrogen. Fresh succulent vegetable matter, like that turned under in clover, is easily trans- formed into nitrates so that a clover sod when plowed and cultivated usually becomes rich in nitrates. (69) Close Use of Nitrates by Plants. The ex- tent to which plants can reduce the nitrate supply in 52 NOTES ON SOILS. the soil is appreciated when wo compare the amount o1 nitrate in the soil under a rapidly growing crop, and the amount in an adjacent fallowed plot of soil. Bulletin 93 of the Wisconsin Experiment Station states thai on July 9 the ground under oats contained 3.32 lbs. of nitrates per acre in the first foot of soil, while adjacent fallowed soil contained 57.8 lbs. per acre in the first foot. Plants quickly respond to a poor nitrate supply. Every farmer has noticed the yellowing of ■ ■ in plants after a few days of cold, wet weather. The cold, wet weather causes a slow rate of nitrification, or even loss of nitrates, so that the corn is deprived of an essential part of its food supply and consequently turns \ el low. (70) Nitrogen Fixation. The diagram on page 48 indicates that certain plants, the legumes, can ob- tain nitrogen from the air. Nitrogen gathering bac- teria inhabit the tubercles, or nodules, which develop on the roots of the clover, alfalfa and other plants of the legume family. The nitrogen of the air is trans- formed by these bacteria into organic nitrogen. Whether I his organic nitrogen is directly absorbed by the plant, or whether it first passes through all the stages of oxidation, as does organic nitrogen from other sources, is not known. The diagram indicates this un- ci rtainty by the use of two arrows proceeding from the words "Nitrogen of the Air," one indicating the or- dinary route, the dotted arrow indicating the possibil- ity of the direct absorption of the organic nitrogen by 1b( plant. Some nitrogen is fixed in the soil by bacteria no1 at- tached to the roots of plants, but the amounts of nitro- NITROGEN. 53 gen fixed by' these bacteria under actual soil conditions is not known. The distribution of these organisms, and their importance, is at present engaging the attention of many soil bacteriologists. The diagram used also in- cludes this class of bacteria. (71) Amounts of Nitrogen Fixed. Plots of land at the Rothamsted Experiment Station growing le- gumes, such as clover, vetches, and alfalfa for 21 years continuously had 757 pounds per acre more nitrogen than a similar plot in wheat for the same time. Or- dinarily a crop of clover may be expected to add forty pounds of nitrogen per acre foot to the soil the first year, and 75 to 100 pounds more the second year, be- sides what is taken off in the hay crop. This, if changed without loss into nitrates, would be enough for a good crop of grain, corn or potatoes. It must not be for- gotten, however, that clover and other legumes take other elements from the soil just as other crops do, so that fertilizers containing potash and phosphoric acid, especially the latter, must be used if clover or other legumes are to be grown continually. Many soils do not contain sufficient available phosphoric acid for a maximum crop of clover. (72) Conditions Favoring Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes. In order to obtain the maximum amount oi nitrogen from the air, when growing clover, or other legumes the soil should have (1) good drainage, (2) a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction which means an abundant supply of lime. (3). an abundant supply of all the essential elements, especially of phosphoric acid. 5 i NOTES ON SOILS. I and a suitable inoculation with the bacteria as- sociated with the particular Legume to be grown. (73) Soil Inoculation. Alter the firsl three of the above conditions have been provided we must still he sure thai our soil is well inoculated. In this part of the United States it is hardly necessary to inoculate the soil for the growth of common red clover. Many soils, however, are not adapted to alfalfa and other less common Legumes because of this lack' of inoculation. The upland acid soils of Wisconsin rarely contain the necessary alfalfa organisms. Various forms of artificial inoculation of the soil by so-called "liquid cultures," "Nitragin," and "dried cultures" have been tried, hut none have 1 n successful enough to be called practical although better results are constantly expected. The only practical method of inoculating the soil is the actual transference of stone soil from a. field that has previously grown the legume. In the case of alfalfa. inoculation with soil from patches of sweet clover is equally effectual. If a small portion of a field is well inoculated, soil will then lie at hand for inoculating the remainder of the farm. After a new legume is once started, farm operations of cultivating, plowing, etc., soon spread the bacteria. "Where it is impractical to inoculate with soil, alfalfa, for example, has often been finally successfully grown by constantly seeding small portions of alfalfa with the clover. Success in this case depends upon the fact that some of the alfalfa seeds have a few of the necessary bacteria clinging to them and thus some of the plants are inoculated. If this procedure is kept up. the inoculation will soon spread. NITROGEN. 55 (74) Losses of Nitrogen. Nitrogen may be re- moved from the soil by 1. Leaching, 2. Cropping, 3 Denitrification. Any treatment of the soil which promotes nitrification causes a loss of nitrates by leaching. Soils constantly cultivated are therefore more subject to this loss than soils kept in sod. Losses by leaching may be consider- able and are probably relatively greater in a soil kept in a high state of fertility than in soils in a moderate state of fertility. In a study of the nitrogen content of virgin and cropped soils, reported in the 23d Annual Report of the Wisconsin Station, the conclusion was reached that in day Loam soils of moderate fertility more than four-fifths of the nitrogen lost is removed by crops. Recent results obtained at the same station indicate that there is a considerable loss of nitrogen above that removed by crops, when soils have been fertilized with large amounts of barnyard manure, and have been cropped without rotation to some intensive crop, like tobacco or other truck crops. Denitrification, as indicated in the diagram, consists chiefly in the loss of gaseous nitrogen from the nitrate nitrogen in the soil. The bacteria causing denitrifica- tion do not require the oxygen of the air, but obtain their oxygen from the soil nitrates. These bacteria are inactive when the soil is well aerated. Poor drainage, and consequently little aeration, and insufficient cul- tivation, or cultivation when the soil is too wet, tend to promote denitrification. It is difficult to measure losses 56 NOTES ON SOILS. by denitrification under actual field conditions, and such losses have probably been over-emphasized. ll is evident thai the nitrogen content of soils is pro- foundly affected by the method of Winning. The nitro- gen containing substances in the soil are constantly un- dergoing changes, and at practically every stage are subject to losses unless used by the crops. (75) Nitrogen Fertilizers. The two most import- ant sources of soil uitrogen are that obtained from the aii- by Legumes, and barnyard manure. When we recall that nitrogen in artificial manures is rated at 15 to 18 cents per pound, we can appreciate how invaluable are ihese two sources of nitrogen. Average barnyard ma- nuie contains about five-tenths per cent of nitrogen. Using the above valuation, a ten ton application of ma- rine per acre, or the nitrogen remaining in the soil as the result of a good crop of clover is worth eighteen dollars. The important commercial nitrogen fertilizers are sodium nitrate (Chile salt peter), ammonium sulphate, obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of coke and gas, dried blood, and other packing house products, and electrically fixed nitrogen, the latter not of com- mercial importance in the United States as yet. It should not be forgotten that all of these artificial fer- tilizers are expensive, and that nitrogen can be obtained from the air practically without cost. Salts like sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate are very soluble in water, and therefore tend to leach out of the soil, unless the crop is at hand to absorb them. Am- monium sulphate is retained by the soil more completely than sodium nitrate. These fertilizers are particularly NITROGEN. 57 adapted to" forcing the truck crops. Grass crops, which always tend to reduce the nitrate supply in the soil to a small amount, respond quickly to applications of such fertilizers. In order to avoid losses by leaching, these salts are applied at different times during the growing season. Seventy-five pounds per acre is the lowest quantity of these salts usually applied, while this quan- tity may be increased to 150 or 200 pounds per acre, depending upon the crop, and the condition of the soil. Dried blood is ordinarly applied at the rate of 300 to 400 lbs. per acre. Dried blood becomes available to the plants more slowly and therefore there is not so much loss by leaching. The great peat marshes of Wisconsin furnish an im- portant nitrogen fertilizer. Peat may contain from two to three per cent of nitrogen in the dried condition, and i: well adapted to use on sandy or clay soils. It should be partly dried so that it will spread easily, and then should be applied at the rate of at least 20 loads to the acre. 58 NOTES ON SOILS. CHAPTER VII. PHOSPHORUS AND POTASH. Phosphorus. (76) Occurrence and Amount of Phosphorus. The elemenl phosphorus occurs chiefly in the mineral apatite in practically all rocks from which the soil grains are formed. It is customary to report the amount of phosphorus in the form of phosphoric pent- oxide (P,0 5 ), although it is not intended to imply thereby thai the phosphorus is absorbed in this form by plants or exists in this form in the rock. It usually, as a matter of fact, exists as a chemical compound of calcium, iron or aluminum. The total amount of phos- phoric acid (P 2 5 ) in most soils varies between .05 and .25 of a per cent though not infrequently soils are met which contain less than .<)•"> of a per cent and a few which contain more than .25. From this it will be seen thai the total quantity of this element in many soils is so small that a comparatively small number of crops, if entirely removed from the land, would exhaust the original supply. .Moreover this element occurs in those substances in the plant, chiefly in the grains of cereals, which are used directly for human food or indirectly through animals and later used as human food and thereby removed from the land. It is therefore abso- PHOSPHORUS AND POTASH. 59 lutely necessary to return this element to the land in some form as fertilizer. (77) Soil Acidity and Availability of Phos- phates. While the total supply of this element in most soils is sufficient for a considerable number of crops, it often becomes available too slowly to permit a good growth. This is particularly true in soils which have become acid. In fact it can he set down as a rule that acid soils are deficient in available phosphorus and a tes.1 for acidity (sec paragraph 53) becomes a ready method for determining the needs of the soil in this respect. Just what the explanation of this fact is has not yet been determined. It is possibly because the calcium carbonate of the soil has been largely removed, so that it is not present to aid in the formation of cal- cium phosphates which are more readily soluble and avail;! He to plants than iron and aluminum phosphates which are not removed by the acid condition. (78) Classes of Soil Deficient in Phosphorus. Lack of available phosphorus in the soil is found to exist first in very acid marsh soils and second in upland well drained soils which have become exhausted and have usually become acid after a considerable portion of the rotating fund of available material has been removed by a longer or shorter period of cropping. In the case of th'e acid marsh soils, usually of a peaty nature, the acidity is frequently present to such an ex- tent that it would be impracticable to neutralize it by any form of lime. In this case it is necessary to sup- ply the phosphorus in an available form every year or in a form -which will become available gradually and be taken up by succeeding crops. In the case of up- 60 NOTES ON SOILS. land soils it is usually desirable to neutralize the acidity in order to secure better growth of legumes, as has been explained in paragraph 55, ;md the lime for this pur- nose will undoubtedly be helpful in retaining the phos- phorus iu the form of calcium phosphate. It is, however, necessary to supply this elemenl as a fertilizer to main- tain good growth on many of the upland clay loam soils, ordinarily of high fertility, after they have had from l/, to y 2 of their total original supply of this ele- ment removed by a period of from forty to sixty years of grain farming. (79) Influence of Method of Farming. Since the element phosphorus goes chiefly into the grains of c< nals. a system of farming in which the grains are sold directly is most exhaustive in its effect on this ele- ment in the soil. On the other hand, where these grains and other parts of the plant are fed to stock on the farm a considerable portion is returned directly to the land in the manure. The amount sold from the farm in animal products varies considerably. Where only butter is sold the amount is reduced to the minimum. Where milk is sold a very important amount of phos- phorus is removed from the milk and where fat stock, the bones of which contain a large amount of phos- phorus, are sold the amount removed is very consider- able. Moreover unless great precaution is taken a con- siderable amount of the phosphorus of the manure is losl by leaching before it is returned to the land. When carefully handled the loss need not be allowed to exceed 1<> per cent of that in the manure, but where there is much leaching it may be 25 to 30 per cent or more. Where considerable quantities of feed are purchased for PHOSPHORUS AND POTASH. 61 consumption on the farm the loss in animal products by leaching of manure may be counterbalanced or even more than equaled so that a gain actually results. However, it is only on the very highest types of dairy farms that this takes place. The following tables are drawn up to show the income and outgo of phosphoric acid from a general grain farm and from a good average dairy farm, as they exist in the north central part of our country. Exchange of Phosphoric Acid on a 100 Acre Dairy Farm I. Consumed on farm by 20 milch cows, Whogs, W neat cattle mnl 4 horses: Phosphoric acid, lbs. 450 2. Clover and timothy 16 acres 350 400 160 40 Total 1.400 210 II. Sold from the farm each year: 1. Barley 8 acres 2. l-i cows 120 60 100 4. 20 hogs 50 330 III. Feeds purchased : 10 tons wheat bran 600 Loss, about 15 per tent, on reeds purchased 90 Total loss 630 €iain on feeds purchased 600 Net loss 30 62 NOTES ON SOILS. Km iiam.i; of Phosphoric A.cid on a LOO Acre Grain Farm. /. Consumedon farm by six milch cows, Bhorses, luhogs and 4 neat cattle: Phosphoric acid. Il». 1. Corn 10 acres 280 2. Oats 25 " 450 •"• Clover / - .. . 4. Clover ami timothy ! ' ' 5. Straw 35tor>s 125 6. Pasture and wood lot. 25 acres 'Petal . 1.155 Loss, about 15 percent, on reeds consumed 17<> //. Sold from farm each year: I. Barley 25 acres :s:;> ■ 2. 10 hoys 2,") '■'<. 3 neat cattle 4r> Total loss on products *ol'. si 0.2 7.6 0.5 2.8 22.6 44.11 15.0 14.1 60.8 23.1 49.0 31.2 4.8 4.3 15.3 17.4 0.6 2.9 3.9 6.9 1.8 11.7 9.7 18.5 o 0.4 0.8 6.4 18.6 13.6 42.2 70 CTOTES ON soils. The remainder of the soil in each case is made up of humus, Lime carbonate and moisture. It will be seen from the table that while all soils contain some grains of each size, there is a relatively large amount of sand both coarse and fine in the coarser soils and a rela- tively small amount in the clay soils, while clay soils contain a small amount of sand, but a relatively large amount of clay. Many alluvial soils, such as the loess of the Mississippi Valley, contain a much larger rela- tive amount of silt size than any one of these six samples, it will be seen later that the mechanical com- position of soils influences very profoundly their tex- ture and capacity for holding water. It also influences the fertility to a certain extent, since the finer grained particles will dissolve in soil water more rapidly than the coarser grained, just as fine salt will dissolve more rapidly than coarse. This is because there is more sur- face on a given weight of the fine soil than of the •eoarse. The surface of an inch cube is six square inches. If this cube he divided into cubes of a half inch on the edge, there will be eight of them and the total area will be twelve square inches. The area of the entire surface will double each time the diameter is divided in two. From this we see that the surface of all the grains of a cubic inch of soil would be vvvy great and that the sur- face of the grains in a cubic inch of clay would be very much greater than in a cubic inch of sand. The follow- ing table .irives the area in square feet of the grains in a pound of sand, silt and clay of given diameters. COMPOSITION, TEXTURE AND TILTH OF SOIL. 71 Diameter of Grain. Square Feet of Surface in a Pound. 11.05 Fine Sand 1 Mm 110.54 Silt 01 Mm 1,105.38 Clav 001 Mm 11,053.81 Fine Clav 0001 Mm 1,100,538.10 (90) Texture and Tilth. Everyone who has culti- vated soil realizes the influence of its texture on the growth of the crop. On this texture depends the readi- ness with which roots can penetrate it, the readiness with which oxygen can enter it to be used by the roots, and by the bacteria in developing nitrates and to oxidize the humus producing carbon dioxide.. It also deter- mines to a certain extent the water holding capacity of the soil. Now the texture of a soil or the arrangement of its grains is affected by the following conditions : 1. Mechanical composition, 2. The amount of water it contains, 3. The cfiaracter of the soil water, 4. Humus, 5. The roots of crops, 6. Freezing and thawing. 7. Cultivation. "When the texture is favorable to growth of the crop, the soil is said to have a good tilth; when unfavorable, to have a poor tilth. (90a) Mechanical Composition and Texture. The smaller the size of the grains, that is, the finer the me- 72 NOTES ON SOILS. chanieal composition, the greater is its tendency to cling together so thai when cultivated it tends to break up into lumps. The way in which these aggregates are formed as the moisture dries out of the soil is illustrated in fie. 4. It will be seen that as the films of water Fie. 4. — Illustrating the formation of soil granules. become thinner and the soil grains are drawn closer to- gether large cracks are formed leaving the soil in a granular condition. Sands composed of coarser grains show very little of this tendency, but fall apart readily. The mechanical composition of the soil will, therefore, aid us to a certain extent, to predict its texture under field conditions. (91) Amount of Water. When soils are extremely wet, that is, when saturated, the particles tend to fall apai't or run. This effect is increased when the soil is COMPOSITION, TEXTURE AND TILTH OF SOIL. 73 stirred while Avet. As the soil dries, the particles tend to adhere more and more firmly and when extremely dry, the clays which have run while wet become very hard and if cultivated in that condition break up into lumps. The sands, not having sufficient adhesive power, fall apart when entirely dry, while they are held in a fine, crumb like texture while partly wet. (92) Texture and Soil Solution. Many salts when dissolved in water tend to make the soil grains gather into clusters or flocculate. If for instance a little clay be shaken with pure rain water it will remain in sus- pension for ;i long time, making the water turbid. If, however, a very little alum be dissolved in the water it will cause the clay to flocculate and settle, leaving the water perfectly clear. Salts occurring in the soil have the same effect. Lime put on the soil often bene- fits the soil by causing the grains to cluster, thus giv- ing it a better texture, especially where it would other- wise have a tendency to run. On the other hand some salts and other substances tend to break down the clus- ters of soil and make them run or puddle. Ammonia or ammonium salts have this effect. (93) Humus and Texture. As the vegetable ma- terial in the soil decomposes, humus is produced. This humus spreads over the surface of soil grains, often covering them like a coat of black paint. In the case of sand this has the effect of making the sand grains cling together, thus giving it a firmer and closer texture which prevents it from drying out so rapidly as well as greatly increasing its water-holding capacity. In the case of clay, on the other hand, the humus tends to weaken the adhesiveness and so prevent the formation of large, hard M NOTES ON SOILS. clods on drying, to a certain extent. Humus, therefore, greatly improves the texture or tilth of both sandy soils and clay soils. The development of the root system of* plants causes the liiovenienl of soil particles in contad with them thus modifying their texture. The most important ef- t'i ■el of the roots, however, is the result of their decay, Leaving holes in the soil and subsoil. The amount of this eti'eet depends largely on the character of the roots. Such roots as those of alfalfa, which are often more than a third of an inch in diameter and extend several feet into the soil, often have a very decided effect in loosen- ing a compact subsoil. The same result is produced by earthworms. (94) Freezing and Thawing. The effect of the freezing- and of the expansion of the water contained in the soil, is to separate the soil clusters, breaking down the larger chunks. One of the chief benefits of deep fall plowing is due to the fact that the exposure to the surface where there is frequent freezing and thawing breaks up the mass, giving it a better texture. (95) Cultivation. One of the most important ob- jects of cultivation is to improve the texture of the soil. This will be discussed in the chapter on Principles of Tillage. WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF SOILS. (O CHAPTER IX. WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF SOILS. (96) Three Forms of Water in Soil. If sand is placed in a stoppered funnel and water poured over it until it is entirely soaked and then the stopper re- moved part of the water will drain away while part re- mains in the soil. The water which drains off is called drain or gravitational water. If the soil is examined after drainage it will be found that the water still in the soil is in the form of films around the grains and in the smaller angles between the grains. Since this water is held by the grains of soil in the same way that water is held in a capillary tube it is called capillary water. Again, if soil is allowed to dry in the air as completely as it will, it will be found that if it is put in an oven and heated it will give up some water. If after drying completely in this way it be allowed to sland in the air it will again absorb some moisture. This water is called hydroscopic moisture and of course is usually small in amount. (97) Use of Water in these Different Forms. It would seem that the plant could use the water in all forms equally well ; but when it is remembered that "the soil must contain air for the growth of roots and for the process of nitrification it will be seen that eondi- ' lions will be better when part of the water is drained 7(i NOTES ON SOILS. off. [f the root hairs come in contad with the soil grains to gel moisture they will act more strongly to dissolve the grains. (98) The Amount of Capillary Water Held by Soils. Since the water is held ;is films around the soil .mains, the amount so held depends in pari on the area of the surface of the grains. Now, the area of the soil grains depends on their size; the finer the soil the greater the area of a given amount. The area of soil grains is very Large. In one cubic foot of the finest clay soil I here are 175,000 square feet of surface, or more than four acres. In a cubic foot of sandy loam Hie aiea is 35,000 square feet, or over three-fourths of an acre, while in coarse sand it is only 6,000 to 8,000 square feet. The importance of even small amounts of clay in soils is shown hy the above data. In truck soils the clay constitutes about !<> per cent; in wheat soils 20 per cent, and in the best grass soils :!(> per cent. Humus also has a very great power to hold water, and Hie water-holding capacity of our loam soils is due to a considerable extent to the humus. To show the effect of clay and humus on the water-holding capacity of soils a pint each of humus soil, of clay loam and of sand soil was placed in percolating jars, water poured on till it began to drip, then allowed to drain twelve hours and the water still held determined. It was found to be for the humus soil 315 c. e., for the clay loam 230 c. e., and for the sand soil 153 c. c. In the field after heavy rains have given the soil all it can hold and it has rained few days, approximately Hie fdl lowing amounts will he held: \\ ATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF SOILS. 77 Sandy loam. Clay loam. Humus soil. 3 in. 2 in. VI in. 3 in. 5 in. 3| in. Sand in clay soils has the effect of allowing a rain to wet down farther than the pure clay would, because of its much less capacity to hold water. Hence a small rain will reach to the roots of plants in a sandy soil or even in a clay soil containing sand, when it might not reach them in a clay soil containing little sand. (99) Availability of Soil Moisture to Plants. It is, of course, impossible for the plant to extract all the water from the soil and when plants wilt a sandy soil will contain the least water, the clay loam more and the humus most. Still, when the amount contained when plants wilt is subtracted from what the soil can hold, it will be found that the plants have taken least from sand, more from clay loam and most from humus soil. The amount of water in the first four feet of soil which is available to crops is approximately as follows: very sandy soils four inches, clay loam five inches and very humus soils seven inches. (100) Cultivation and Culture to Increase Wa- ter Capacity of Soils. In a region like ours where the rain is apt to be deficient it is desirable to improve the water-holding capacity of soils. Fall plowing has an advantage over spring plowing in that the loose con- dition of the soil tends to hold the winter rain and snow so that it soaks into the ground instead of running NOTES ON SOILS. off. The direction of plowing with reference to the slope also makes a difference in this respect. If the furrow slice be turned up-hill it tends to hold water better than when turned down. Subsoiling is another method of increasing the amount of water the soil can hold. This method of plowing is followed to quite an extent in Europe, bu1 so Ear as tried in the west does not seem to increase the crop enough to justify the ex- tra labor. The looseness of soil produced by some crops is quite important. Bui in all probability the mosl effective method of increasing the water capacity is by developing humus. This can be done by growing and plowing under catch crops when the soil will not be dried too much by this. i. e.. during a wet season, and by pasturing-. A piece of very sandy land was found in the summer to have 16,000 pounds more water per acre where manure had been applied than where not. -MOVEMENTS OF SOIL WATER. 79 CHAPTER X. MOVEMENTS OF SOIL WATER. Since the entire pore space of soils must not be filled by water or there will be a lack of air for the plant loots and for the bacteria which carry on the process of nitrification it is necessary that artificial means be used to draw off the excess. This is the object of drainage. Since the amount of water within the reach of plant roots is often too small for their needs it is necessary to take advantage of and increase the upward move- ment of water through the soil penetrated by roots and to prevent as much as possible its loss by evaporation from the soil surface. (101) Causes of Movements of Soil Water. There are three causes of movements of water in soils. The first is the force of gravitation ; second, surface ten- sion causing capillary movement ; and third, heat. The force of gravitation while acting in a line toward the center of the earth will cause movements of water on even very gentle inclines under the surface of the soil as well as on it. Capillary movement may take place in any direction. It tends to move the water from places of greater towards places of less moisture and to so distribute it that the films surrounding the grains are of equal thickness and so the fine soils will hold more than the coarse ones. The thermal or heat move- 80 NOTES ON SOILS. ments are due to the fact that when the soil is warmer ;ii one point than at another the water will evaporate where the soil is warmer and pass as vapor through the soil to the cooler parts and there condense. Heat may therefore cause movements of water in any direction in the soil. When these forces act in the same direction the water will move most rapidly. (102) Ground Water. Of the water which falls cm the ground, part runs oft' while part sinks in. Of that which sinks in, pail is used by plants while the re- mainder passes on down and accumulates as the ground water entirely tilling the pore space hetween soil grains. The surface of the saturated part is called the ground watt r level. This surface however is not level but rises and falls with the surface of the ground though being Less uneven than the surface. (103) Percolation and Seepage. The downward and lateral movements of this ground water, produced by gravitation either alone or together with capillary at- ti act ion are called percolation and seepage, respect- ively. The rate of these movements of water depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are: first, the size and arrangements of the soil grains; second, the height of water pressure; third, the dis- tance the water must flow before finding an outlet: and fourth, the temperature of the water. The tiow of water through sand or soil under simi- lar conditions is approximately proportional to the square of the diameter of grain, that is water will flow four times as fast through a soil having a given diame- ter of grain than through one having half that diameter, etc. It may tiow 1000 times as fast through a coarse MOVEMENTS OP SOIL WATER. 81 sand as through a clay. The rate of flow is dependent directly on the pressure head, that is if the ground water surface falls one foot per rod the flow will be twice what it would be if the fall were but 6 inches in that distance. The warmer the temperature the more rapid will the water move because the viscosity of the water is less when warm than when cold. The checks and cracks formed during the drying of clay soils, and the holes left by the roots on decaying are the chief channels in the movement of water through heavy clay soil. (104) The Advantages of Drainage. Some of the more important advantages of drainage are the fol- lowing: First, it increases the water available to plants; second, allows humus to decompose more rapidly; third, warms the soil by lessening the evaporation and by al- lowing the warm rain to soak in ; fourth, it gives better ventilation; and fifth, gives a larger mass of soil on which the plants can draw for food material. Soils continue to improve in texture for several years after drains are put in because the drains allow the water to escape from the checks and cracks formed dur- ing dry periods in place of remaining and causing the soil to run into the cracks and fill them up again. (105) Capillary Rise of Water. The rate at which water will rise in soils is greater the coarser the grain. It is also more rapid in moist than in dry soils. The height to which the water will rise is greater the finer the soil, or what amounts to the same thing, the greater its compactness. There are two ways in which we must be able to con- 6 82 NOTES ON SOILS. tin] the movements of soil water. The firsl is that of bringing it from lower layers to the seed during a dry spring and second to prevent its loss from the surface, it will lie seen from the above mentioned facts that the most effective means of raising is compacting by t lie use of a heavy roller. The prevention of loss by evapora- tion can he accomplished by making the surface soil thoroughly dry and loose, thai is by developing a soil mulch. The characteristics of a good mulch are that it should he thoroughly dry, loose and not too fine. The efficiency of the mulch is about as great when its thick- ness is three inches as when greater. There is, there- fere, nothing gained by deeper cultivation, in this re- spect. Of course the crust developed by even a light rain destroys the mulch and necessitates a new cultiva- tion. The effect of light rains in this way is often to cause loss of more water than they brought to the soil. TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. 83 CHAPTER XL TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. The influence of temperature on germination and growth was discussed in the first chapter and its influ- ence on the chemical and biological changes, including nitrification, were mentioned in the sixth chapter. As an illustration of the influence of temperature on the growth of roots the following table from Hall giv- ing the growth of roots of corn at different tempera- tures, is quoted. Temperature. Millimeters. <>)! degrees Fahrenheit 1.3 79 degrees Fahrenheit 21.5 92 degrees Fahrenheit 39. 93 degrees Fahrenheit 55. 101 degrees Fahrenheit 25.2 108.5 degrees Fahrenheit 5.9 It will be seen that there is an optimum temperature at about 93 degrees. We have now to consider the conditions which modify the temperature of the soil. They are first, character of the soil, including color and specific heat ; second, roughness of surface ; third, • s 1 NOTES ON SOILS. amounl of water; fourth, slope and situation; fifth, de- composition of organic material. (106) Character of the Soil. The color of the soil influences to a certain extenl the amount of heat ab- sorbed from the sun. The black soils absorb more heat than the red and the wd more than those of lighter color. Tins is one of the ways in which the black humus is helpful in the soil. The specific heat, or the relative amount of heal necessary to give the same weighl of different soils the same increase in temper- ature, also has its influence. The amount of heat neces- sary to raise the temperature of a pound of sand one degree is only two-thirds of that necessary to raise a pound of clay and only one-half of that needed to raise ;i pound of humus one degree. However, the sandy soils are much heavier, volume for volume, than the humus soils, so that these two factors tend to offset each other to a certain extenl and yet it will be seen that a small amount of humus in the sandy soil will give it a black surface to absorb the heat effectively, while the sand is easily heated so that soils Of this type warm up very much more rapidly in the sunshine than do clear sands, clay or soils largely composed of humus. (107) Amount of Water. Water in the soil must, of course, be warmed when the soil is warmed, and owing- to its high specific heat greatly retards the rate at which the soil is warmed, but the most detrimental ef- fect of water on the temperature of the soil is due to The fad that its evaporation from the surface uses up so much of the heat. The amount of heat necessary to evaporate one-tenth of an inch of water over the surface of a field would be enough to raise the tempera- TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. 85 ture of the wet soil to a depth of six inches over thirty degrees if none were radiated to the air. The percent- age of water in the soil is the most important factor in soil temperature. Those soils which are relatively dry are usually early, while those that are wet are late not simply because the dry soils can he cultivated be- fore the wet ones but because they are warmer and seeds will germinate in them sooner than in the late ones. Undrained soils are often 10° to 12° colder than simi- lar drained soils. This coldness of undrained soils has much to do with the formation of frost on marshy ground. (108) Roughness of Surface. It follows from the above that any condition which will prevent the rise of water to the surface or its evaporation will allow the soil to warm up so much the more rapidly. If the texture is loose and open so that capillarity is inter- rupted this will lessen the amount of water evaporated from the surface and so tend to increase its temper- ature. There is, however, another factor which must be considered, namely the heat conductivity of the soil. If the soil does not conduct the heat from the surface downward, the surface itself may be very warm, while the lower layers remain cold. Now looseness of tex- ture greatly lessens the rate at which heat is trans- mitted from the surface downward, while compacting the soil as by rolling, will aid this process of conduc- tion. It is found that soils that have been rolled may be three or four degrees warmer at a depth of three inches than unrolled soils, in spite of the fact that more water is brought to the surface as a result of rolling. 86 NOTES ON SOILS. The best condition is' produced by rolling the ground when necessary and then harrowing the surface to de- velop a thin dry mulch to prevent evaporation. [f the surface be somewhat rough, the evaporation is lessened because the wind does tiol have as free play over the surface as when the ground is smooth. Any oilier shelter such as that of a hedge or woods which Lessens the effect of the wind also allows the soil to be- come warmer. The difference due to this may lie ;is much as two or three degrees, which is quite an im- portant amount in the germination of seed and growth of roots. (109) Slope and Situation. The south slope of hills tends to become warmer than a flat surface and this in turn warmer than the north side of the hill. This is because the surface is more nearly perpendicular to the sun's rays and hence a greater amount of heat is received per square foot. The difference between the south and north slope may he as much as two degrees. The influence of situation whether on low lying ground or on higher slopes or hilltops is also of importance. The soils of the lower ground are usually considerably colder than those of the hillsides and hilltops for sev- eral reasons. There is usually more water in thejower regions which tend to keep them cold as seen above. There is also a tendency for the cold air to collect in the low places which cools the soil. This is the most important factor to be considered in the selection of ground for crops such as fruit, vegetables, etc., which are in serious danger of being affected by frost. It is also of importance in selecting ground for corn rais- in, «r in the northern part of the state. Frost is often TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. 87 experienced on marsh ground while the temperature on high land, within a few miles, is as much as ten degrees above freezing. (110) Decomposition of Organic Material. The decomposition of vegetable material is the result of chemical and biological changes which produce heat. When the amount of organic material is very large and it is decomposed rapidly, the temperature may be raised several degrees. In the soil the organic material usually forms a small part and its decomposition is so slow that the heat de- veloped is not large. A very heavy dressing of manure may have the effect of raising the temperature two or three degrees for a short time. 88 NOTES ON SOILS. CHAPTER XII. VENTILATION OF SOILS. (111) Necessity of Ventilation. We have seen thai ventilation of soil is necessary, first, to supply oxy- gen used by bacteria in the process of nitrification and by roots in growth: and second, to remove the carbon dioxide which is produced by the decomposition of the humus, so that it may not accumulate in quantities large enough to injure the roots and so that it may be- come available to the plant by absorption by the leaves. One of the greatest objections to a large amount of water in the soil is that this water logged condition decs not allow access of air to the soil. (112) Agencies Causing Ventilation. The change of air in the soil is affected by first, expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature; second, l\ change in barometric pressure, third, by wind; and fourth, by rain. The expansion and contraction of air contained in the soil as it is warmed during the day and cooled dur- ing the night tends to force some air out in the day and draw some fresh air in at night, producing a crude -nf of breathing. The constant change of barometric pressure also pro- duces this resnlt. The unequal pressure of the wind, blowing si mng at times and ceasing again, also tends VENTILATION OF SOILS. 89 to change the air in the soil particularly on hillsides which are exposed to this action. A rainfall brings fresh air into the soil in two ways: first, in solution in the water, and second, by drawing it in after the water percolates down into the soil. Tillage affects the ventilation to the depth to which the soil is cultivated. (113) Excessive Ventilation. While a certain amount of ventilation is necessary to supply oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide, it is quite possible for it to be so large as to oxidize the humus more rapidly than it can be accumulated with the result that it disappears almost entirely from the soil. This is the effect very generally in extremely sandy soils which allow the air a too ready access. Difficulty is also experienced in the southern states in retaining humus in the soil where the temperature being higher hastens its oxidation. Any- thing' which will lessen the ventilation will also lessen the oxidation of the humus. 90 NOTES ON SOILS. ( IIAPTER XIII. TILLAGE. The work of cultivation or tillage involves the greater pari of the labor which the farmer has to do in the production of crops. It is very important, there- tore, thai he study carefully the objects to be gained ami the methods of attaining them. The most important objects of cultivation are: First, to improve texture; second, to kill weeds; third, to con- serve moisture, and fourth, to cover vegetation so as to add humus to the soil. It very often happens that two or more of these objects are attained at the same time, but it is desirable that they be thought of distinctly and that the effectiveness of the tillage be considered from the standpoint of each object to be gained. (114) Cultivation and Texture. The process of plowing has for its chief object the improvement of the texture or tilth of the soil. The effect of bending the furrow slice by means of the mold board is to break it up into larger or smaller lumps making it more open and porous. The form of the mold board determines the amount of this bending or crumpling. The long, slightly curved mold board of the breaking plow may allow the furrow slice to slide from it with compara- tively little bending while a plow witli a steeper or TILLAGE. 91 more highly curved mold board will bend the furrow slice so as to break it up very thoroughly. This is the desired result and the best plowing in this respect is one which leaves the ground rough and uneven. The condition' of the ground at the time of plowing with reference to its moisture content has a very great influence on the texture developed. If the ground is too wet the working of the soil by plowing tends to puddle it so that on drying the soil is left in a very bad condition. This applies particularly to clay soils. Sandy and humus soils are not so badly affected and can therefore be plowed when relatively much wetter than clay soil. If the soil be too dry, on the other hand, it will be hard so that not only is the draft of the plow much greater but the furrow slice does not break up so completely and large unbroken clods are left. It is extremely important to plow at just the proper condition of moisture to produce a good tilth and the farmer should study each field carefully and note the results of plowing under different conditions till he rec- ognizes the proper conditions to secure the best results. The depth of plowing depends on the kind of soil to some extent and also on the time of plowing. In gen- eral, clay soils should be plowed more deeply than is necessary or desirable for sandy soils. It is also de- sirable that clay soils be plowed in the fall in order to give time for the clay to acquire a good texture. This is particularly important when the plowing is deeper than usual, since if new clay soil be turned up in the spring it will have a poor texture and tend to de- velop a crust on the surface easily after rain, thus giv- NOTES ON SOILS. in-; a poor tilth of the soil. After plowing in the spring it is often very helpful in developing a good texture to go over the ground with planker or a float a1 the dose of each day's plowing while the lumps are still moist enough so as to be readily broken. The re- peated plowing of the soil to the same depth tends to develop a hard-pan. This can be avoided by plowing ;ii different depths different seasons. The disc plow has some advantages over the ordinary mold board plow in this respect; it does not leave the plowed land lying upon a perfectly smooth surface without good contact K-ith it as the ordinary plow often does. The disc plow- does not clean well in clay soils unless they have some s;; nd in I hem. In using the cultivator for improving tilth, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of moisture in the soil as in the work of plowing. The chief use of the cultivator so far as tilth is concerned is to destroy the crust which develops after even a slight rainfall. (115) Cultivation to Kill Weeds. The time at which weeds are most easily killed, is just as the seed is germinating. By stirring the surface of the soil so as to expose the germinating seed to the sun and air to diy. it can readily he destroyed. Since not all seeds germinate at the same time a repetition of this cultiva- tion may he necessary. For light sandy soils a close toothed weeder is the most effective, but for heavier soils a light spiked toothed harrow will give better re- sults. (116) Cultivation to Conserve Moisture. A Large part of tin 1 United States is subject to drought. It is. therefore, important at such times to prevent the TILLAGE. 93 less of water as much as possible. Much can be clone by proper cultivation to lessen the water lost by evapor- ation from the surface. It was seen in Chapter X that water cannot rise readily through dry soil nor through one which is very open. The loss of water can, therefore, to some extent be prevented by stirring the surface of the soil so as to dry it completely and leave it loose or in the form of a mulch. It is not desirable that the mulch be broken up so fine as to form dust, for the moisture will rise through this more rapidly than if it is somewhat coarser, but it is extremely important that it be thoroughly dry. The depth to which the soil can be cultivated for this purpose will depend somewhat on the crop though three inches is usually as effective as a greater depth. It is very important that the crust produced by rain be broken as soon as possible, since this crust allows the moisture to escape rapidly. The wetness of a smooth surface of ground in the spring is due usually not so much to rain or snow at that time as it is to the moisture brought up from be- low by capillarity. This does not evaporate so rapidly in the spring while the soil is cold and hence leaves the ground wet. By plowing so as to leave the sur- face rough and uneven less water will be drawn up from below and the ground will dry off more rapidly and therefore get warm enough for planting at an earlier date. (117) Cultivation to Cover Vegetation. One of the greatest benefits of plowing is that it turns under the vegetable matter so as to keep it moist and allow it to decay. Fall plowing has the advantage over f)4 NOTES ON SOILS. spring plowing in that it allows decomposition of veg- etation to go oil to a certain extenl during the winter. Of course where green manuring is used it is often desirable to allow it to grow for a while in the spring. Care should be taken, however, that the green manur- ing crop he not allowed to dry the soil beyond a good growing condition for the crop which is to follow. (118) Labor in Cultivation. A large part of the expense involved in producing most crops is for the Labor of preparing and cultivating the land. The in- fluence of the texture of the soil on this labor is there- fore extremely important. When two soils are equally Fertile but one requires 25 per cent more labor than the other the expense of the extra labor reduces the net profit. BARNYARD MANURE. 95 CHAPTER XIV. BARNYARD MANURE. The all important fertilizer available on every farm is barnyard manure. Progress in farming methods has been marked just so far as a careful economical use of farm manures has been practiced. (119) Factors Affecting Value of Manure. The principal conditions- affecting the value of manure are as follows : 1. Food of the animal, 2. Age of the animal, 3. Kind of animal, •4. Product from the animal, 5. Kind and amount of litter used. 6. Care of the manure. (120) Food. Animals fed on food substances low in fertilizing constituents will produce a manure of cor- respondingly low value. For example, animals fed on straw and timothy hay, which are low in nitrogen and phosphorus, will produce a manure much lower in value than if fed bran and clover hay, substances relatively high in nitrogen and phosphorus. (121) Age. Young animals are constantly remov- ing from their food nitrogen to build up muscle, etc., and lime and phosphorus to build up bones, while ma- 96 notes on soils. tured animals jusl maintaining themselves remove com- paratively little of these fertilizing constituents. There- fore manure from mature animals is more valuable than thai from young growing animals. (122) Kind. The following 1 table adapted from Wolff shows the percentage composition of fresh manure from various animals and its value per ton, figuring ni- en ;il 15 cents per pound, and phosphoric acid and ]>l;ice manure was found to give better results in point of yield and quality of beet than any combination ol' eommereial fertilizers. The roots of the sugar beet do not come so near the surface as those of potatoes according to Ten Eyck and hence permit of deeper cultivation where this is desirable, although a depth of three inches is ordinarily sufficient. The sugar beet requires very fertile soil and does well on good clover sod manured. They also do well following tobacco which has been heavily manured. (148) Rape. Rape is an exceptionally strong feeder requiring large amounts of nitrates and hence does best in a soil very rich in humus. It should grow rapidly so as to be tender and rich in proteids. When used for a soiling crop it is therefore very desirable to prepare the ground thoroughly and manure it heavily so as to get a heavy, thick growth of tender leaves. Its cultivation should be similar to that for potatoes and when the leaves are cut off for fodder, should be cultivated at once to stimulate a new growth. On suf- ficiently fertile soil or one manured, it is an excellent catch crop, growing rapidly during the latter part of July and August when the moisture is sufficient. It also endures dry weather after being well rooted. Cereals and Flax. All grain crops, in the main, are alike in their essen- tial requirements from the soil and in their effect on it, although they differ among themselves, in many minor respects. They are adapted to finer soils in general CONDITIONS NEEDED BY VARIOUS CROPS. 117 than those on which the tilled crops do best, chiefly on account of their fine root system. They start growing early in the spring and hence require a store of avail- able material at that time for the most rapid growth. This is particularly true in reference to nitrates and cereals, therefore, do best on soil which has been culti- vated the previous year and has therefore accumulated nitrates. As a rule they require a relatively large amount of available phosphate. (149) Oats. Oats are particularly well suited to the northern part of the country as is shown by the fact that a bushel of northern grown oats frequently weighs as high as forty pounds, while a bushel of southern grown oats frequently weighs only twenty pounds. The oat is a strong feeder and adapted to a very large vari- ety of soils. The danger of lodging, however, makes it less desirable for use on heavily manured ground which has raised corn the preceding year, than rye, the strong stalk of which prevents lodging. This danger of lodg- ing makes it desirable to use less seed on rich soil; two bushels per acre often being better than a larger amount. (150) Rye. Rye, on account of the fact that it is sown in the fall, and therefore starts early in the spring is available for use on very light sandy soils which are liable to be too dry for other crops later in the season, although for its best development a more fertile soil is required. (151) Wheat. Wheat makes its best growth on deep clay loam soils containing considerable humus. The large yields secured formerly in this and adjoining states were probably due to the large amounts of humus 118 NOTES ON SOILS. in the virgin soils which has since been reduced by crop- ping. While Large yields are produced in the northern regions of our own country ;md in Canada, experiment has shown thai wheal grown farther south, in Kentucky and Tennessee, is richer in protein than that grown far- ther north. (152) Buckwheat. Buckwheat probably takes less of the mineral elements from the soil than any other cereal. It does well on very light, poor soil, provided the moisture is sufficient. It is also well adapted to wild marsh lands because of the lateness with which it may he planted, thus allowing these lands to dry. (153) Flax. Flax is particularly adapted to the open prairie loam soils, rich in humus and under proper conditions is a very profitable crop. While its require- ment in the way of fertility is not as great as that of other grain, it cannot be grown on the same ground in successive years, unless treated to prevent a fungus disease. This fungus usually disappears in the course of five to eight years, when another crop may be grown. That flax does not reduce the fertility of soils as much as other grains is shown by the fact that crops do bet- ter following flax than following most of the other grains. Grasses. (154) Soils for the Grasses. There is probably a wider range in the adaptation of grasses to different soils and climates than of any other group of cultivated plants. Some are adapted to very moist ground and are not injured by water standing on them for some time, but often require these conditions to make their best CONDITIONS NEEDED BY VARIOUS CROPS. 119 growth; others again are especially adapted by their structure and habit for growing on extremely dry soil and are quickly killed by an excess of moisture. A few do well on either dry or wet soils. It is, therefore, es- pecially necessary to select varieties of grass carefully with reference to the conditions under which they are to be grown. In general the grasses are suited to a much finer clay soil than other crops, although some of them grow better on deep humus soils than on clay. (155) Preparation of the Soil for Grasses. In raising the grass crops nothing is more important than the securing of a strong vigorous growth at the very start. To do this it is essential that the seed bed be clean and very thoroughly prepared; much more care being necessary than in preparing ground for most other crops. "While it is desirable that the soil be deep, it is particularly important that it be in the best tilth and thoroughly fined. To promote rapid growth from the start it is necessary that there be sufficient available fertility and moisture. The best condition as regards fertility can usually be produced by applying a moder- ately heavy dressing of well rotted manure to ground from which an early crop of cereals such as rye or barley has been taken; plowing it shallow and thor- oughly discing it, then harrowing it during the follow- ing four weeks at such times as will produce the best effect on texture and then sowing grass in the early autumn. This plan, however, would frequently fail on account of lack of sufficient moisture in the fall in which case it would be necessary to wait until the early spring of the following year before sowing the grass. J 20 NOTES ON SOILS. When sown in the fall it may be sown with rye and in the spring with a light seeding of barley or of oats; the barley being preferable. The nurse crop should be cut rather high so as to leave the stubble for the pro- ted inn of the grass. Timothy makes its best growth on clay loam but also dues well on very moist soil if not covered by w'ater until too late in the spring. Brome grass does well in regions subject to drought on account of its very strong deep root system. It also seems to be adapted to marsh lands where it produces a finer hay than tim- othy. Clovers. (156) Soil Treatment for Clover. The clovers are especially valuable both for use as hay and for add- ing nitrogen to the soil. They are especially adapted to loam and clay loam soils containing an abundance of lime and hence grow exceedingly well on the loess soils of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and on the glacial soils of the northern part of the country. AA T here the soil is not well supplied with lime this should be added at the rate of twenty to thirty bushels per acre the fall preceding the sowing of the clover (see paragraphs 58- 60). "While clover has the power of using nitrogen from the air it requires larger amounts of the other elements than most crops and will make a better start on fertile soils containing considerable nitrates as well as the other elements. Better success will therefore be at- tained in sowing it on ground which has been man- ured for the crop preceding. When' sown with a nurse CONDITIONS NEEDED BY VARIOUS CROPS. 121 crop, as is desirable on soils which are at all weedy, the nurse crop should be light and one which is cut off early; hence the advantage of barley over oats ok wheat. When oats are used it is usually desirable to sow not more than a bushel and a half to two bushels of grain or else to cut it early for hay, thus leaving more moisture for the clover. 122 NOTES ON SOILS. CHAPTER XVII. ROTATION OF CROPS. (157) Advantages of Rotation. Among the ad- vantages gained by raising several crops rather than a single one are, first, it distributes labor through the season or year; second, it lessens the danger of a com- plete failure due to unfavorable conditions for the single crop, and third, it allows of a rotation of crops. A rotation of crops is desirable because, first, it tends to improve the texture of most soils; second, allows man- ure to be applied to that crop which can make the best use of it at the time of application, while others are benefited by the fertility following its complete decom- position in the soil; third, it distributes the draft on the fertility of the soil and fourth, it tends to destroy dis- eases to which individual plants are subject. In spite of the fact, therefore, that there are some disadvantages in rotation such as that it sometimes requires the growth of a crop on a field to which it is not best adapted and sometimes does not give the most convenient placing of crops for the work of raising them; yet it is on the whole very desirable in general farming. (158) Some effects of Rotation. In the raising of grain it is found that continuous cropping of a soil develops a very poor texture, probably the result of the ROTATION OP CROPS. 123 thorough drying which these crops produce. This un- favorable condition of texture is very largely remedied by raising a tilled crop such as corn or potatoes on the soil. A very striking illustration of the increase in the yield of grain due to interrupting continuous crops with corn, is reported from the experiment station of North Dakota. On a very uniform piece of ground wheat was grown for five years preceding 1899. That year wheat was grown on one plot, corn on a second, potatoes on a third and the fourth was summer-fallowed, being culti- vated and kept free from the weeds. The following year wheat was sown. on all of these plots with result that the yield on the ground winch had grown wheat contin- ually was 7.1 bushels per acre; on the plot which grew corn the year previous the yield was 25.1 bushels; on the one which grew potatoes, 24.3 bushels; and on the summer-fallowed plot, 29 bushels per acre. While this influence is doubtless greater in that state than it would be here under different conditions of soil and moisture, there is no cpiestion about its importance throughout this region. The application of stable manure is very desirable in raising corn and potatoes, while when used on grain ground directly there is danger of rank growth, caus- ing lodging and incomplete filling of grain. The grain however, is very much benefited by the application of manure to the tilled crop the previous year. A considerable part of our prairie region is not well adapted to permanent pasture grasses and better pas- tures are secured for a year or two following a crop of hay or clover and timothy; these grasses being sown 12-1 NOTES ON SOILS. with one of the grains as a nurse crop. Many crops are subjed to diseases and insect enemies which be- come worse with successive crops on the same ground. Among these may be mentioned the corn root worm in corn, the Hessian fly in wheal ;md the fungus disease of flax. A rotation of crops is very helpful in destroy- ing these. (159) Systems of Rotation. The basis of many systems of rotation is a three-fold division of, first, tilled crops, second, grain or cereal, and third, grass crops. The number of crops of each of these three kinds in- troduced into the rotation depends chiefly on the rela- tive amount of each kind which the farmer wishes to raise. If it is desired to plant one-third of cultivated land to corn, one-third to grain and one-third to hay then a three year system would be developed. The use of the hay ground for pasture the following year would make it a four year rotation. If, however, twice as much ground is to be planted to one of these three classes, than to another, then this class must occupy the ground two years in succession. So in some of the northern states a five year system is developed consist- ing of first, corn; second, barley or wheat; third, a second grain crop such as oats or rye with which clover or timothy are sown ; fourth, hay ; and fifth, hay and pasture. An excellent short system adapted to farm- ing without stock raising consists of first, clover, sec- ond, potatoes, and third, winter wheat. This is often profitable in the vicinity of towns where manure can be procured and where the clover can be readily sold at a good price after having added nitrogen to the soil. SANDY SOILS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. 125 CHAPTER XVIII. TYPE? OF SANDY SOILS AND THEIR MANAGE- MENT. (160) Types of Sandy Soils. The term "sandy soils*' may be used to cover a considerable range of variation in physical texture, including every thing from coarse, wind blown sands to comparatively fine sandy loams. It also includes considerable variation in the amount of organic matter. They may be roughly subdivided into three classes : 1. Coarse sandy soils, 2. Sandy loam soils, 3. Black sandy loams. Coarse Sandy Soils. (161) Management of Coarse Sandy Soils. Coarse sand soils are seriously deficient in many of the important factors which go to produce fertility. The water-holding capacity is frequently the limiting one, but they are also deficient in nitrogen on account of the readiness with which any vegetable matter which they may contain is oxidized and lost. They are also ex- tremely low in potash and even in phosphoric acid. In- deed it is practically necessary for one operating on such soils to make the soil. They are also difficult to 126 NOTES ON SOILS. manage od account of the readiness with which the sand is blown by the wind. Such soils, however, have some advantage in the readiness with which they warm up in the spring and after rains. The treatments especially called for on such soils are : i. Protection from wind, 2. Increase of humus and nitrogen, 3. Addition of essential mineral elements, 4. Cultivation to conserve moisture. (162) Protection from Wind. It frequently hap- pens that wind storms, especially of spring and early summer, blow these sands with such force as to cut crops entirely to the ground. Corn after reaching a height of two or three feet frequently has its leaves stripped from the stalk, and tomatoes that have been trans- planted three or four weeks may be so entirely destroyed that one would scarcely think that the field had ever been planted. This destruction by the wind can be lessened by leaving strips of Jack pine and other native vegetation between comparatively narrow strips of cul- tivated lands. Such wind breaks should be two or three rods wide and should be left along roads and fences, and at frequent intervals across the larger fields. This protection, while helpful, is not complete and should be supplemented by so arranging the cultivated crops that those which are sown in the fall and soon cover the ground in the spring, as rye, alternate with corn and other crops planted later in the season. By arranging Lands in narrow strips of not more than six or eight rods wide in this way, great protection can be given. SANDY SOILS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. 127 (163) Increase of Humus and Nitrogen. On ac- count of the great water-holding capacity of humus it is extremely important to increase this material in sandy soils as much as possible. Where such soils are com- paratively flat and not too high above ground water their humus can probably be increased somewhat by careful management. The turning under of green man- uring crops, or letting the land lie in clover and grasses for two and three years without cutting, will doubtless increase the humus to some extent. It must be recog- nized, however, that the conditions are entirely- unfavor- able to the development of humus, and that only by the greatest care can this be accomplished. The supply of nitrogen for cultivated crops should as far as possi- ble be gained by fixation through legumes, but it must be recognized that the nitrogen fixed in one crop of legumes is exhausted quickly in the succeeding year when under cultivation. The nitrogen left by the le- gumes is largely consumed by the first crop, so that short rotations are necessary. Except under unusual conditions of origin, such as an arid climate, or where affected by glacial action, or by the presence of lime- stone rock, sandy soils are as a rule acid and for the growth of medium red clover, alfalfa, and some other legumes, treatment with ground limestone or marl or other lime carbonate is necessary to secure good results. (See paragraphs 59 and 60.) Some other legumes, such as serradella, yellow lupine, and alsike clover are less affected by acidity and may be used to advantage where the lime treatment is omitted (See paragraph .56). 128 NOTES ON SOILS. (164) Addition of Essential Mineral Elements. The addition of potash and phosphoric acid may be in the form of barnyard manure or commercial fertilizers. .Manure used on such lands should ordinarily be well retted in order to avoid the drying- effect of material used in bedding, but, of course, special care is necessary in this composting to prevent loss of the soluble mate- rial as indicated in paragraph 126. The commercial fertilizers muriate and sulphate of potash, or wood ashes where available, should be used as indicated in paragraph 88. Phosphoric acid may he applied in the form of floats if thoroughly incorporated with manure or applied on a good green manuring crop or clover sod, but under other conditions acid phosphate should be used. (165) Cultivation to Conserve Moisture. No other soils require as much care in their cultivation to conserve moisture as do the sands. Constant cultiva- tion during a dry season to prevent the firming of such soils will thereby greatly lessen evaporation and mater- ially increase the crop. (166) Crops for Sandy Soils. On account of the Low water-holding capacity of these soils they are adap- ted especially to those crops which have relatively low water requirements, such as the grains, especially rye, which being seeded in the fall is in condition to begin growth immediately in the spring. Beans and buck- wheat are well adapted to sandy soils. On account of the readiness with which they can be worked such crops as potatoes, strawberries and other truck crops can be profitably grown on these soils when sufficient care is taken to have these crops go onto the land after a good SANDY SOILS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. 129 green manuring crop or on a good clover sod, the or- ganic matter of which will retain a good supply of mois- ture for at least one year. Sandy Loams. (167) Management of Sandy Loams. Sandy loam soils vary all the way from distinct sandy soils to silt loams and clay loams. The lighter phases have the same general characteristics of those of the distinctly sandy soils though to a less marked extent and their management is therefore very much easier. These soils on account of considerably larger water-holding capac- ity, although still low enough to permit them to be- come warm readily are exceptionally well adapted to a considerable range of crops, especially truck and small fruit. Many soils of this general class have a very high value on account of their natural adaptation to these crops. Their management is similar to that of the sandy soils. Black Sandy Loams. (168) Management of Black Sandy Loams. There are considerable areas of black sandy loam soils which have been formed by the gradual drying up of marshes having a sandy subsoil. This leaves a sandy soil with a large amount of black humus. Such soils are bet- ter than the distinctly sandy soils not having much hu- mus, in that they possess a good water-holding capacity. However, their fertility is often not much greater than sandy soils since this black humus may be of an acid character and contains relatively little mineral matter 9 130 NOTES ON SOILS. and moreover oxidizes slowly when present in consid- erable amounts,. Its oxidation after cultivation will usually yield a fair supply of nitrogen to growing crops, but such soils are ap1 to be deficient in both pot- ash and phosphate, and require either barnyard manure or commercial fertilizers to supply this deficiency. They are apt also to be quite highly acid and for the growth of clover or alfalfa would require lime treat- ment. This class of soils, while better adapted than the coarse sandy soils to such crops as corn and potatoes and other crops requiring large amounts of water, are not so well adapted for growing vegetables as are the fine sandy loams above mentioned. CLAY SOILS OP HUMID REGIONS. 131 CHAPTER XIX. TYPES AND MANAGEMENT OF CLAY SOILS OF HUMID REGIONS. (169) General Character of Clay Soils. Clay soils vary in texture from fine sandy loams to heavy clays. As a class they are more subject to erosion than are sandy soils and the influence of topography is there- fore much greater. Their water-holding capacity is so great .that drainage is an important factor. On account of their good water-holding capacity it is less difficult to maintain humus and therefore nitrogen than in the case of the sandy soils. Clays have a much larger amount of available potash, but the supply of phos- phoric acid is frequently too small to balance the other conditions so that these soils need phosphate treatment. Three types of clay soils will be mentioned, each of which has some distinct characteristics. Heavy Clay Soils. (170) Occurrence. There are considerable areas of very heavy clay soils in the northern part of the country, most of which were formed either in lakes which existed during the glacial period or in former extensions of present lakes. The heavy red clays of the Lake Superior and Green Bay area and the heavy 132 NOTES ON SOILS. clays of the Red River Valley may be filed as illustra- tions. (171) Drainage. From their mode of origin such clay lands are frequently so level as to have poor sur- t'aee drainage and, on account of their extreme fineness, also lack underdrainage. Drainage is. therefore, the all important treatment required for their improvement. This may be either surface or underdrainage. By the Laying out of fields on such soil in narrow plow lands, the dead fin-rows of which are deepened and either re- tained permanently or at least two years out of three in the same place, and these dead furrows connected with end ditches;, great improvement in surface drain- age may be effected. Underdrainage by tile constitutes a permanent im- provement of such soils of the greatest possible value. It greatly lessens the care which is necessary to effect surface drainage, and on many flat clay soils, is much more effective than surface drainage can be. It is often supposed that such tenacious clays cannot be tile drained, because it is thought that the water cannot move hor- izontally through them. As a matter of fact most of these line clay soils usually check and crack to a con- siderable extent, on drying out during a dry season and if umlerd rained by tile, water falling will pass out quite readily through the checks and cracks so that these are retained and the physical condition improves from year lc year. It has been demonstrated repeatedly by prac- ical experience that the heaviest of these clays can be successfully tile drained. CLAY SOILS OF HUMID REGIONS. 133 (172) Tilth of Heavy Clay Lands. Heavy clay lands when plowed in the fall and allowed to lie in the rough furrow will be found to greatly improve in tex- ture, provided sufficient care is taken not to cultivate them when so wet that puddling would result. Such treatment will improve tenacious clays, so that, while at the beginning of their cultivation their working costs at least double the labor for ordinary clay loam soils, they can be so improved that the labor involved is comparatively little greater than that on much lighter soils. The thick roots of such plants as clover and al- falfa by their rapid decomposition greatly aid in the development of good tilth on such soils. The use of coarse manure is also beneficial in this respect. It has been the practice in older countries to apply lime to such soils for the purpose of improving their tilth. This effect it undoubtedly has. but it may also cause, the burning out of the organic matter), which frequently exists in very small quantities in such soils, so that its use for this purpose is questionable. At least two tons of quick lime per acre are necessary to effect a notice- able improvement in the tilth. (173) Fertilizer Requirements. Ais above stated, these soils are apt to be deficient in nitrogen and phosphate. Nitrogen should be supplied by the growth of clover or other legume and the phosphate can be most cheaply supplied in the form of floats, though where little organic matter is present and no manure available acid phosphate should be used instead. (See Paragraph 84.) Peat, which is frequently available in the vicinity of both clay and sandy soils, contains in a partially dry condition two or three times the amount 1 34 NOTES ON SOILS. of nitrogen contained in barnyard manures, and while il becomes available slowly its application at the rate of 20 to 30 loads to the acre is very effective in add- ing nil rogen to such soils. (174) Crops for Clay Soils. The large water- holding capacity of such soils renders them particularly adapted to grasses. bu1 they are also well adapted to grains such as wheat and barley. Heavy clay -oils are ap1 to he comparatively cold and are consequently less well adapted to corn. When kept in good tilth fair yields of rool crops can he obtained, though this soil is not especially adapted to such crops. Exhausted Clay Loam Soils. (175) Management of Exhausted Clay Loams. Large areas of the central and eastern states consist ot clay loam soils which have been under crop from two to five generations, largely in grain, with comparatively little regard to maintaining their fertility. Soils which have this history are characterized by low organic mat- ter, much acidity, and lack of available phosphates, and require treatment accordingly. The acidity must be corrected by the use of lime or lime carbonate, as in- dicated in paragraphs 58 to 60, in order to permit the growth of good nitrogen fixing legumes which will add Hie necessary nitrogen for other crops. Since these lands are ,-is a rule adapted to dairying or the raising of other classes of live stock, manure should be avail- able, winch, when supplemented with floats or rock phosphate, as indicated in paragraph 84. will add the necessary phosphate. The use of green manuring crops CLAY SOILS OF HUMID REGIONS. 135 and of pasture in rotation will increase the humus sup- ply. This treatment is important not only for its in- fluence on fertility,, but also for its tendency to retard erosion to which these soils are particularly subject. Rough Clay Lands and Erosion. (176) Management to Lessen Erosion. Large tracts of clay soils along our rivers and their tribu- taries are so steep that they constitute a distinct type of agricultural lands. The cropping of such lands by cultivated crops greatly increases the tendency to ero- sion, which is the greatest difficulty met with in the management of these soils. Such lands are therefore best fitted for grazing purposes. It is especially im- portant in the selection of farms in such regions that care be taken to have the farm include some sufficiently level land to permit of eonsiderable cultivation, as veil as considerable rough land which must be used as pas- ture. It is frequently possible to take off one crop of corn every fourth or fifth year without serious injury since the newly broken sod is very much less liable to wash than the soil after the sod is rotted. The withdrawal of water from side hills through dead furrows or shallow ditches leading to the main ravines, which can be kept well grassed greatly retards the ero- sion by lessening the amount of water going over the surface. Dead furrows used for this purpose should have a low gradient. This system of contour plowing will greatly lessen erosion of lands having less steep slopes, although kept in cultivated crops a large portion of the time. 336 NOTES ON SOILS. CHAPTER XX. MARSH SOILS. (177) Characteristics of Marsh Soils. Marsh soils have been formed by the drying up and filling in of hikes and marshes to such an extent as to permit their drainage and cultivation. They are characterized by an excess of organic matter and a deficiency of the miner;i I elements. These soils may have either a clay or sand subsoil and vary greatly in depth. An im- portant distinction may be made between marsh soils which are acid and those which are neutral. Acid Marsh Soils. The excess of organic matter in marshes develops acidity and causes, when not neutralized by lime, a distinctly acid soil. Such soils exist in regions of gran- itic and other crystalline rocks and of sandstone. They include practically all of the marshes of central and northern Wisconsin and large areas of Minnesota and Michigan and other states. These soils are usually Largely formed of sphagnum moss producing a peat and varying in depth from a few inches to 12 or even 15 feet. They are extremely light in weight, a cubic foot of dry peai weighing but 15 pounds as compared with 70 pounds for a cubic foot of an ordinary clay loam soil. MARSH SOILS. 137 (178) • Nitrogen and Acidity of Peat Soils. The excess of nitrogen in peat soils usually makes it unnec- essary to grow legumes for the purpose of increasing nitrogen. It is therefore unnecessary to neutralize their acidity as in the case of sandy or clay soils. Indeed the acidity is frequently so concentrated that the amount of lime which would be necessary to neutralize it would make the expense prohibitive. It occasionally happens, however, that such soils are so cold that nitrification docs not take place readily and under such conditions a nitrogen fertilizer may be used. This is true of con- siderable areas of peat lands in Europe, but has met with by the writers to a very slight extent in this coun- try. (179) Phosphate and Potash. Acid marsh soils, in common with acid soils generally, are deficient in available phosphates. Indeed this deficiency is more striking in the case of peat lands than of most other soils. In many cases without the addition of a phos- phate fertilizer in some form, the yields are unprofitably small. On account of the abundance of organic matter and the acidity in such soils raw rock phosphate can be used to advantage to supply this element. Half a ton to the acre for the first treatment and 300 to 400 pounds every third or fourth year thereafter will be sufficient to supply the phosphorus for the growth of good crops. These soils are usually very deficient in potash, and this may be supplied in the form of wood ashes, of which 30 to 40 bushels per acre is a good treatment, or of muriate or sulphate of potash, of which 100 to 150 pounds to the acre every year is sufficient. 138 NOTES ON SOILS. (180) Crops for Acid Marsh Soils. These lands in the colder sections of the country are more subject to frosts than upland and for this reason they are not well adapted to corn and potatoes, for which they would otherwise be well suited. The Leading crop on such hinds should be the hay grasses, of which timothy and alsike clover are perhaps the best. When given the above mentioned treatment with phosphate and potash fertilizers, such soils should yield from two to two and one-half tons of excellent bay annually. Rape, millet, and buckwheat are oilier crops well adapted to such hinds. Neutral Marsh Soils. (181) Characteristics of Neutral Marsh Soils. Within the region covered by glaciers during the glacial period and where underlaid by limestone rocks, the sur- face soils have usually been thoroughly mixed with ground limestone from the rock below. This lime car- bonate is being dissolved out gradually by percolating waters and carried to the marshes, so that the acidity, produced by the decomposition of vegetable matter is neutralized. As a rule, therefore, the marshes of such regions as the southeastern portion of Wisconsin are not acid. They differ in this respect from the central and northern part of the state. The subsoil is most commonly clay. These soils, therefore, ordinarily ni- trify more rapidly than the acid marsh soils, and seldom show need of phosphate fertilizers. They are,, however, often deficient in potash. (182) Neutral Marsh Soils and Potash. The only diffieultv met with in regard to the fertility of the MARSH SOILS. 139 neutral marsh soils is their deficiency in potash. On drained marsh soils of this type, patches varying from a few square rods to many acres develop, on which corn or other crops turn yellow at a very early stage in their growth and therefore fail to mature. This, where the drainage is good, is practically always an indication of lack of potash, and the addition of a potash fertilizer alone will enable this soil to produce heavy yields. From 100 to 150 pounds of sulphate or muriate of potash on such soils will frequently he found to be as effective as a fair application of barnyard manure. Where the muck or peat is not too deep, say from 12 to 16 inches, its cul- tivation during a period of years will cause it to settle, so that deep plowing and the roots of crops will reach the clayey subsoil. This subsoil contains an abundance of potash, so that the deficiency in this element which exists at first often disappears, and special potash treat- ment becomes unnecessary. Of course continued culti- vation will require a general fertilizer such as barnyard manure. (183) Crops for Neutral Marsh Soils. These soils are adapted to the same crops as acid marsh soils, but when so situated that frost is not .troublesome are especially adapted to corn. If well fertilized with pot- ash, cabbages can be successfully grown on the neutral marsh soils. 140 NOTES ON SOILS. APPENDIX. Experiment Station- Bulletins Relating to Soils and Soil Treatment. The following list, although very incomplete, includes some of the more important experiment station litera- ture available in bulletin form, bearing directly upon the subject of Soils. Earlier bulletins, and material published in the various Annual Reports can be con- sulted at the Agricultural Library. AVisconsin students will find that bulletins issued by the Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Stations bear more directly upon AVisconsin conditions than those from other sta- tions. NORTH CENTRAL. Illinois. Bulletin No. 99 — Soil Treatment for the Lower Illinois Glaciation. (Hopkins.) Bulletin No. 115 — Soil Improvement for the Worn Hill Lands of Illinois. (Hopkins.) Bulletin No. 123 — The Fertility in Illinois Soils. (Hopkins.) Bulletin No. 125 — Thirty Years of Crop Rotations on the Common Prairie Soil of Illinois. (Hop- kins.) Circular No. 82 — Physical Improvement of Soils. (J. G. Mosier.) APPENDIX. 141 Circular No. 110 — Ground Limestone for Acid Soils. (Hop- kins. ) Circular No. 116— Phosphorus and Humus in Relation to Il- linois Soils. (Hopkins.) Circular No. 127— Rock Phosphate or Acid Phosphate. (Hop- kins. ) (A. H. Iowa. Bulletin No. 1 — Extension Division — Farm Manures. Snyder.) Bulletin No. 82— The Principal Soil Areas of Iowa. (Steven- son et al.) Bulletin No. 95— The Maintenance of Fertility with Special Reference to the Missouri Loess. (Stevenson, et al.) Bulletin No. 78 — Drainage Conditions in Iowa. (Stevenson and Christie.) Bulletin No. 98 — Clover Growing on the Loess and Till Soils of Southern Iowa. (Stevenson and Watson.) Wisconsin. Research Bui. No. 2- the Phosphate Con- (Whitson and Stod- Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Circular 23d and -Factors Influencing tent of Soils dart.) No. 138— Land Drainage. (Whitson and Jones.) No. 85— Development and Distribution of Nitrates and Other Soluble Salts in Cultivated Soils. (King and Whitson.) No. 93— Development and Distribution of Nitrates in Cultivated Soils. (King and Whit- son.) No. 139— Principles and Maintenance of Soil Fertil- ity. (Whitson and Stoddart.) No. 146— Drainage Conditions of Wisconsin. (Whit- son and Jones.) No. 147— Report on Northern Sub-Station Work (E. J. Delwiche.) No. 174— The Conservation of Phosphates on Wiscon- , r, sin Farms - (Whitson and Stoddart.) No. 6— Synopsis of Wisconsin Drainage Laws (E. R. Jones.) 24th Annual Reports— Articles on Nitrogen Content of Soils as Affected by Methods of Farming. (Whitson. Stoddart, Mc- Leod.) 142 NOTES ON SOILS. Bulletin No. 159- Bulletin No. 182- Oiiio. Bulletin No. 150 — Ohio Soil Studies I, (Chemical and Me- chanical Analysis of the Soils Under Experiment). (Selby and Ames.) -The .Maintenance of Fertility (Liming the Soil). (Thorne.) I — The Maintenance of Fertility (Field Ex- periments with Fertilizers on Cereal Crops and Potatoes. Results for Thir- teen Years). (Thorne.) Bulletin No. 183 — The Maintenance of Fertility, Production, Reinforcement, and Value of Manure. (Thorne.) Maintenance of Fertility (Thorne) (Statistical Data (1894-1906 inclusive). -Field Experiments with Fertilizers and Manures on Tobacco, Corn, Wheat, and Clover in the Miami Valley. (Thorne.) Circular No. 79 — How to Determine the Fertilizer Require- ments of Ohio Soils. (Thorne.) Bulletin No. 184—1 Bulletin No. 206- MlNXESOTA. Bulletin No. 70 — Influence of Wheat Farming Upon Soil Fertility. (Harry Snyder.) Bulletin No. 89 — Soil Investigations: 1. The Influence of Crop Rotations and Use of Farm Manures upon the Humus Content and Fertility of Soils. 2. The Water-Soluble Plant Food of Soils. 3. The Production of Humus in Soils. (Harry Snyder.) Bulletin No. 94 — Soil Investigations. (Snyder.) Part 2. Loss of Nitrogen from Soils. Bulletin No. 109 — The Rotation of Crops. (Hays, Boss, & Wilson.) EASTERN. Rhode Island. Bulletin No. 90 — Top Dressing Grass Lands. (Wheeler and Adams.) Bulletin No. 96 — Influence of Lime upon Plant Growth. (Wheeler.) APPENDIX. 143 Bulletin Xo: 114— A Comparison of Nine Different Phosphates upon limed and unlimed Land with Several Varieties of Plants. (Wheeler and Adams.) Vermont. The following Vermont Bulletins are the "special feature" articles contained in the Annual fertilizer bulletins of the Vermont Station. Bulletin No. 130— Soil Biology in its Relation to Fertilization (J. L. Hills, et al.) Bulletin No. 135— Soil Deterioration and Soil Humus (J I Hills, et al.) Bulletin No. 143— Soil Physiography. (J. L. Hills, et al.) Pennsylvania. Bulletin No. 90— Soil Fertility. (Thomas F. Hunt.) Maryland. Bulletin No. 66— Lime— Sources, and Relation to Agricul- _, , ture. (H. J. Patterson.) Bulletin No. 70— Chemical Composition of Maryland Soils (Veitch.) Bulletin No. 110— Investigations on Liming of Soils. (H. J. Patterson. ) New York (Cornell Sta.). Bulletin No. 254— Drainage in New York. (E O Fipnin ) Bulletin No. 264— Experiments in the Growth of Clover on Farms where it once grew, but now fails. (G. F. Warren.) WESTERN. California. Bulletin No. 128— Nature, Value, and Utilization of Alkali Lands. (Hilgard.) Colorado. Bulletins Nos. 46, 58, 65, 72— A Soil Studv (in four parts) (W. P. Headden.) Bulletin No. 99— How can we maintain the Fertility of our Colorado Soils? (W. P. Headden.) 1 I [ NOTES ON SOILS. Washington. Bulletin No. 85— Washington Soils. (R. W. Thatcher.) Utah. Bulletin No. 100 — Arid Farming Investigations. (W. M. Jardine. ) Bulletin No. 104 — The Storage of Winter Precipitation in Soils. (J. A. Widtsoe.) New Mexico. Bulletin No. 61 — Dry Farming in New Mexico. (J. J. Ver- non. ) Oregon. Bulletin No. 90— Acid Soils. (A. L. Knisely.) Wyoming. Bulletin No. 80 — Dry Farming in Wyoming. (J. D. Towar.) Montana. Bulletin No. 74 — Dry Farming Investigations in Montana. (Atkinson and Nelson.) South Dakota. Bulletin No. 54 — Subsoiling. (N. E. Hansen.) SOUTHERN. Texas. Bulletin No. 99 — Composition and Properties of Some Texas Soils. (G. S. Fraps.) Florida. Bulletin No. 93— Acid Soils. (A. W. Blair and E. J. Macy.) Mississippi. Bulletin No. 108 — On Prevention of Erosion, etc. (C. T. Ames.) Kentucky. Bulletin No. 126— Soils. (Peter and Averitt.) INDEX. Absorption of water by seed, 1. Acidulated bone, 64. Acid Phosphate, 64. Acid soils, marsh, 136; prevalence of, 42; treatment for, 45. Acidity 42, and availability of phosphate, 59; effects on dif- ferent plants, 44; harmful effects of, 43; origin of, 43; test for, 42. Aeration, 50; effect on formation of humus, 33. Agencies in soil formation, 20. Alkali soils, 22. Availability of phosphates, 59. Availability of potash, 65. Beets, sugar, 115; manure on, 115; soil for, 115. Bone, Acidulated, 64. Bone meal, raw, 63; steamed, 63. Buckwheat, 118. Capacity of soil for water, 75. Capillary rise of water, 81. Capillary water, amount, 76. Cereals, soils for, 116. Chemical requirements of crops, 12. Classification of soils, 101. Clay, definition of, 69; flocculation of, 73. Clays, heavy, 131; crops for, 134; drainage, 132; fertilizers for, 133; erosion of, 135; improvement of tilth, 133; oc- currence, 131. Clay loams, management, 134. Clays, rough, erosion, 135. Climate, relation to crop, 107. Clover, soil treatment for, 120. Corn, 108; cultivation of, 112; on clover sod, 109; manure on, 110; on marshes, 110; roots of, 108. Crops, 107; for acid marsh soils, 138; chemical requirements of, 12; for green manuring, 40; for heavy clay soils, 134; for neutral marsh soils, 139; rotation of, 122. 10 146 INDEX. Cultivation, objects of, 90. Cycle of nitrogen, 48. Denitrification, 74. • Distribution of elements in plants, 9. Drainage, advantages of, 81; of heavy clay soils, 132. Dried blood, 56. Early soils, 128. Erosion of clays, 135, Fallowing, effect on nitrification, 52. Fertilizers, nitrogen, 56; phosphate, 62, 63, 64; potash, 66. Fertility, factors influencing, 27, 28, 29; limiting factors, 29-31; revolving fund of, 26. Flax, 118. Floats, 64. Flocculation of clay, 73. Fruition, conditions influencing, 17. Germination, conditions necessary, 1. Glacial soils, 22. Grass and grain soils, 102. Grass soils, 118; preparation of, 119. Green manuring, 40. .Ground limestone, 45. Ground water, 80. Growth, 1; conditions for, 4; rate of, 16; relation to light, 14; relation to soil, 18. Heavy clays (See clays, heavy) Humus, 32; composition. 32; effect on temperature, 37; effect on texture, 37, 73; effect on soil organisms, 38; function, 35; loss of, 38; maintenance of, 39-41; origin, 24; plant food in, 35; water-holding capacity of, 36. Hydroscopic moisture, 75. Inoculation of soil, 54. Kaolin, 20. Leaching of lime, 28. Leaching of nitrogen, 55. Legumes, nitrogen fixation by, 52, 53. Legumes on sandy soils, 127. Light, relation to plant growth, 14. Lime, application of, 45. INDEX. 147 Limestone,- ground, 45. Lime refuse, 46. Limiting factors in fertility, 29. Loams, clay, 134. Loams, sandy. 129. Lodging, 17. Loess, 24. Management of soils, 125; of heavy clay soils, 131; of rough clay lands, 135; of acid marsh soils, 137; of neutral marsh soils, 138; of coarse sandy soils, 125; of sandy loams, 129; of black sandy loams, 129. Manure, 95; amount produced by live stock, 96; application, 99; care of, 98; composition of fresh, 96; composition of liquid and solid. 97; litter, 98; lasting effect of, 100; manure on corn; 110; re-inforcement of, 99; value of, factors influencing, 95. Marl, 46. Marsh soils, 136; acid, 136; character, 136; need of phosphate and potash, 137; neutral, 138; nitrogen in, 137. Mechanical composition, 68; and texture, 71. Mineral plant food in humus, 35. Moisture of soil, availability to plants, 77. Movements of soil water, 79. Nitrates, close use by plants, 51. Nitrification, influenced by, 49; aeration, 50; character of humus, 51; moisture, 50; reaction of soil, 51; tempera- ture, 50. Nitrogen, 47; amount in soil, 47; cycle of, 48; fertilizers, 56; removal from soil, 55; in humus, 35; kinds of in soil, 47. Nitrogen, fixation, 52; amount of, 53; conditions favoring, 53. Neutral marsh soils, 138. Oats, 117. Organic matter, decomposition, 34. 87. Origin of soil material, 19. Oxidation of vegetable matter. 33. Oxygen, relation to germination, 3; to nitrification. 50; to denitriflcation, 55. Percolation and seepage, 80. Phosphorus, function in plants, 10. Phosphorus in soils, 58; amount, 58; availability of, 59: main- tenance of, 62; occurrence of, 58; relation to method of farming, 60; soils deficient in, 59. 148 INDEX. Phosphate fertilizers, 62. Plant, character of in relation to character of soil, in:,. Plant food in humus, 35. Plant food removed by crops (Table) 8 Potash, function in plants, 10. Potash in soils, 65; amount. 65; availability, 6T>; loss of, 66. Potash fertilizers, 66; for corn on marsh soils, 110. Potatoes, 112. Rape, 116. Raw bone meal, 63. Residual soils, 20. Rock phosphate, 64. Rocks forming soils, 19. Roots of corn, 10S. Roots and texture, 74. Rotation of crops, 122; advantages of, 122; effects of, 122; sys- tems of, 124. Rye, 117. Sand, definition, 69; effect on mechanical composition, 70, 72. Salts, influence of on germination, 3; amount taken up by plants, 5, 7. Sandy loams, management, 129. Sandy soils, 125; acidity of, 127; conservation of moisture in, 128; crops for, 128; legumes on, 127; management of 125; maintenance of humus and nitrogen in, .127; types of, 125. Seepage, 80. Slope of land, effect on temperature, S6 Soil grains, area of surface per pound, 71. Soil, origin, 19; classification of, 101. Steamed bone meal, 63. Subsoil, 24. Sugar beets, 115. Temperature for germination, 2. Temperature, relation to growth, 16. Temperature of soils, S3; influenced by amount of water, 84; character of soil, 84; organic matter, 87; roughness of surface, 85. Texture, 71; effect of cultivation on, 74, 90; of humus on, 73; of freezing and thawing on, 74; of water, 72; relation to roots, 74; relation to soil solutions, 73; relation to tilth, 71. Tillage, objects of, 90. INDEX. 149 Tobacco, 113. Tobacco soils, 115; effect of heavy manuring on, 114. Translocation of material in plant, 17. Transpiration current, 13. Transpiration, rate of, 13. Truck soils, 101. Ventilation of soils, SS; necessity for, 88; agencies causing, 88; excessive, 89. Variation, 6; in fertilizing constituents at different stages of growth, 6; in composition during growth, 9. Water, absorption by seed, 1. Water in soil. 76; availability to plants, 77; capillary, 76; cultivation to increase. 77; kinds of, 75; movements of, 79; removal of, 81. Water used by plants, 13, 14. Wheat, 117. Wind breaks, 126.