•^v.^'^ "i^^^ "Is.',' o > :f// \'-P^^'\^ '^^'W?^**/ %-'^«^>'^^ '^,'W?^' \ .<.^ ^>^^: U ., L^3 yy A YearsWork [^ ' yli^o Pleasure In Poem and Song. MAy Years Trulv Measure Just Where they Belonc C / y de Sin c 'a ir ? -t^^'^1^ A Years Work ^^^ii y^ND Pleaswre In Poem ^^nd Song, Mav Years Truly Measure Jusi Where they Belong. I^'^ Ed/^/ en, Free SO'-'' Copyrin 23 'Baby S/are Z4 /^/Tnaef. TS Easier III lies Zb Moonbeam /Madonna.. ©CI.Ai57S57 26 1917 This Old Violin of Clay. To my ear earns /iolin p/ay/rra. J beh&Id a womarr swayina Whilp. ^he pi aye a a sacrfd hynrn J Wal-ched her pel her violin Then w'lfh wonderous mar/r7a a ifac. '/& Therms &riroih hands iaj ere in rne air. 3ehj^€ he -fin is hod pray itr a J. bomb brouahtinsiani ddaih To brffiher soldiers ^aicniny ihaf prayer was washdhfeafli You -ihrnk he u/aa unoverihy^yoiA say (jod sfruck h/rn down //is mo/herhnowsSe's a^t^iriyr, hersmilc isa/roien/rofm She hnou/s he prayed be/ieyino a/Z^e'Sus said /re ^ /to aid /Ind K/onders- i4/io /apmyZo^ so prayer may do some food T/r^/^'s a a/racu/rra a//Verr's l4/a/s^-/heirheark aree/ead i/ dry Ye/ io a Goa /rr heaven rhe/r /7o//oa/ iraices cry Our -fa'/fh /rr your Ayna - i Z Whenihc u/orld kalh allmadej-eady IheUmbi^iUclalrt hishride.-i fldiftff '/he. zpirdofpra[?hecy and open Me. //eai/ens wu/cl-io Blessed IS he Ihafs h/da&nt of/ffe. mam'aoe sapper hakes- f The bride is an-ayedinlineljnen /he Ho//leaus aels jfsainh-9 The l4/ond of Crod" comcif f^ldmo ist ur/iife hers ft /h/fre • You'll see arr Arrael sfand/iry s/arrdrdy /h-V/ie^Surt. ~n ^r^urrd h/m //? r7?td-//^inrl7 af/d/re. /^/ra/sujid came..-i7 He'll -feed /hemf/esfrof/lcmarc/rs and all u/ho ^/nys/my/f/rc-iv 7/1 e frea/ beasf andMsprophef He'// casl in /a/cesof fv/rz ~zo You 'If see his f/am/na ,5word hrill fhom /he />Qzs/^/d /r/ss - z ' See d^ncfcU l?/hd did 5a/a/r arrd sea/ /r/rn /d/he aiyss -lo-i You'll see C/jrisf ru/mo Heai/er? and ru///ry /A/s G2r/h /ao zt--^ W/7en~/he Wor/a is ready a/rd/de i/l/or/d/riea/jsyau CP/ydc S*/te/a//-. Cupid Call. I Ji i/vifh cupici you. ujoulc( haraatn, For a sf'roi. //? swepf/trarf oa/rfe-rt, J f you'd brratht love's per/um7 /fftr(Tr6 /o/^., A/ust /ei/ -^c /fft^e in yaar/rtK/rfs sfore. /oar (Tacuif /y arrd s/raha, YaurCupi'd ra//^rh Z/irers lordl, Y^ust Te// fhe ioi/e hyaur/rear/ss/ore. Your Cupid Call mus/ />e yauroum, JTesi/e mus/ co/or and aiye //-/Dnc Sa /e/ This he your CoepioT (Cot//> Loire me. c/earTy^ Ici/e me a/L % C/ydc Sinclair; fie^. 1. to .. /. 3 - /./f' " A^- l*9P 2.1 - 2. J J - 2.1 • 2.IC #«K fur - jr.y - Ji/z W s.a lUr. i9.n - 13.17 - I9M - /9i20 Rtt.t$.7 b 19.7 Cb I9J7 •* i9jb Rt» '. 22Ji - 22.17 •• 22 Jj % I9.A /ff0 : 72.10 - Zi.i7 " 23.18 « tLIO 7^£:y ELATION ~/l Hymn, Lisfen to Chrisf 3incjin/r/i of fjcd aaain swelled his arm, The /fn/yel cr/ed a nee more /n a i a rm. "J am fhe /^n^yef u^ho haih ffie ffey, The whole wfde cvo rid depends on me. To br/no ihe bless /n/ys of ihe. d'ay^ Ief me. ao .//■ ancc- d- y?ra y'! m-zc J Tfjen a/ve me a bless fna my ch ildren a siy/j, 32.- x>.- /I bless fna io heep I ill ihe end of flme. The hlesstnos ihe ford aaye jo freely al TJeih el, :iff-/'? J pray ihee terrecu q/Vc aaj/t/ here al f&nueL -*2--3r Where ei/er Ihey dwell u/herc ei/erihey ao. Send a bless) no my cf/ildren shall Anorv' T/ien Jacob by fhiih released fyis hdld. /ind This Is fhe Bless ir/o The Anyel lold> J2-sf /ou Tiaue ccmouered ihe man /h me, 32--2ir /I ruler of rrie/j you ncrc /III Ihe holhwnessofUfc u^hereaauarrel hascomckdwcll, For one kept my heart a^ay from Ihe (fir! J loved so well. Nouf stroll in a on Lifes Seashore J crush each bit ofshe/l, Ihat ^rou/s around my heart then rush h her h fell, Houi J Love her more than eyer, like sweelhearts we must dwell > Then U/ith a kiss sheyvhispers "flay u/eLo^elhe lord as rvell" A stroll in o on life's Seashore , She found a Cradle siiell. One look ink her eyes and she clidnlhai/elv he /I, Of all the peace and pleasure i/yhe^^ Ihe babe shall comelbdu/e/l. To bind us to each other ard dis self be loued so u/e/l. Now strolliny on Life's Seashore JtrehundthataCradel shell. The sonos of Human hearts more I ruf-f fully will le/l, Than all Ihe Fed Laureates Ihat onihis e'arfh may dvyellj For it /s Ihe little children Ihe lord doth Loi/e so vvelL -f / stroll iiit^ on lifes Seadi ore , ShefoundaFrumpetstiell, Jrt Ihe yoiee of Gabriel /his messacye it did te/l, Jts time you came to Heaven u/ith the Anaels/ierelodu^ll, So bathed irr lears , J^^ate ihe IrrcL, ihe priJIoyedsowelL Alow strolhna on life^ S^^ashcre J often find a she/I, find know it S could understand some messatie ilmutdtell. From thatbricihtnnd i^ii/ninoshore where ry Love his ooneib dwell, /Ind will beckon me to follow i^henlhe brd says" f\H is well", C/ydcSimelair; '.9 /■3 J. IS IRe^elatio n~ y^ Poem. 'Twas on ih^ Jsic of Ha^mos, arr /^traef sa/cf /c me. 'Come ti/ri^c ihe Veyelaiion The lorcfs orfa/^rcohec/ J heard Hie voice of Jesus His face ouishown we sun. rear nof f/e said " /^ y comJnf , J am fho€ you say "//e/Zo" Your I/py carr'i/j/We Ac Yx/u/ ' /Yraf sYraf ^yp/^s f/rey a^arf J u^'a^nf YYe c//cr/£fYcY/7/>u; /o u r my/Ycu/Gf^'cYureZ^eau . CA^c/c S/nc/air, /. /I;: y^ncfef ha-ffi shoum me a //^lon, Wifh huncfer he coaxed m/n^cu/ous pou/cr, „ ^.x //e dared fi/'m ft -f/v {ram He -femp/t -/-(^u/er, •• -v. ^- Ifien'^akeih h/m up on a mounia/h ■i-crp>, « ^^a Jc Y^e^ ^cry cdcpe^ of /he h/a^esf rvcA. P/cfuredihz war/ds cxceecfma ipecou^y ShoiVcfli him u/ea^Y/ian^ f^urera/7d^/ory Said 'y^// /-/lesc t/i/rrfs coi/f J ^/>e /-/^^ " '^'^ Jf'fh(?uj urii/' /a// c/ifu/r? aru/ li^^rship mc " "^'^ 7/re/i utiio 6(od irf //eai/en C^nstpmyed. /li/rihc sfrenam /o sai^er/ie nah'on Oh yau h/taur rhe prayer //c ma^^e. ue-h 7/^ee. behi/tcf ni^Szhan^- ^.i6 Art /Inae/ i/»»"• ^•''^ dh youl let •///cs/h^soh/hfe^^ar/da/onc, Mark i^^-st Lefeach 3~oi(( -f-r) r //-J5 aivn afvrrc. J'/l free you forever from iroubkandjorroi^, free you, from death on ihe cross %morrow'! Then unio (jot^ /rr Jieaven C^r/it prayed. j»l^ n.i Thai he miaht prove £7 fadhful Jon, Oh, uou knoco ihe prayer h/e made, "/vof rny cv/U but infrfe. Jpe da/fc"^"^^^^ Tjhen anciher y^rtael came hz> ^i^-i y '^Satan's Jead/h^ i/hc ^o/d/ers up Cb/vary, ai>^h 21.32 Iciadtha hhe Scribes ancT nhar/sees <• n.^i Tte VI 1 1 ho and m c/r/ na arJ /?endec/ Arrecs ' ' C/jr'isf- huno on ih^ 'crasi fnt nai/ssunk deep The heart of ihe Sr^dh d/d ^reak anc:t weep '• 27 -^S" Then 5a fan cned jacJfn^ u//ed(^e J /^7os c_ . Come free from the crass -Via uh7nyef/deJev^" - a7.-fa Jrr Spde f -femp fai /on cind ayony C/ln'sf ihouahfor you and h/chhouMc/r7th ii/7e/i(^r/-hea/s -faster Merc l/\//7ere Y/re Mssams ^rus/?wur/^a/r Oh /hose c<7ff7ider(fus sh^tdes (finih/< Br/no i/e. /c/sses '/ire yo(4 f/r/hh Oh /^e u/ec/o/irrys are a/Z/r/^u/rc. Jn /h-c aame/7 u//(erepa2ci^(^l?/mrt. Whep your /over comes /o nia/t/ When he's he/oec/ /urn i:/mn /he fiM When vffuve. /v/i/ /tin? //? //iis racrTri ■ Tneris's aoaro/en co/ieretycaches /p/ffom -^/no a scr^^ /re '// ^naers/an^ ne/p ////n aen//y /ro/^ yaec/lcr wrap up snao/y Li he //re /I rah m the riiyh/andj a ^e a a/ay Bui no y/r/ ac/m'{/s she's tty/y Ao'hv one u/ill a/rap up snuy/y y<3uf (juill //nof -//rey a// prcfe.rty in all urfjo fauckihese ttralls unflll Bierntry /{ffv^ Ih ihi5 beuidlfui city fh ihc sha^ic ^f -Hit. yjfamc /i tnuiiiiadc ha 5 qaHiered tfieir reference io j.- Z? o vy. Many a fhriii/na s'f cry liat iuid ea.flh //tree's name. Many a marblJ siaiue ^siands miht halls cf farnc^ Yei' ecich San dacinto day ihey recall ihosc iraa/c fi c a rs 'Recall ihe fall of Hie /T/amo ih ihe famous 'Bafik. of fluivc rs, And ufheh ihtrc5 a lull inihttaHU ihey kneel on //leyaveme^ii-iliac And pray Wifi^ ihe fadh of children ihe./1/amc Herct:':> Prayer- /iohy- Holy- Haiher^ lord (iicd ///miahly Thou ha^f draoun //re I/ne ihaliuarl^saltdeifihy Thou haif- sel ihe, hour all ^ veils reiurn H hhcz /dayfhyoreaispinh sfraxrih helpusidc Glon'oubiy On all our hearts irn'cdoe '/-(^eacm ami /Jheny Help us presence fiiesc walls unHll IZ/ernify 3 Acjain in ihah arand ^/d cl/y niy/i atot/G //le ///cime On /he, hop ofaalorioK^ lemfplt S Lfre^mi of a f/irffTrcj i?c/aa/ They dedi'eaic hs' oar Heroe/s a mjrrumen/ O'randand H/yA They mahe of our Heroes '//r/ues a /adder^/o -/He *s/{ry 3u/ /lie eyes ci my soai ^ee /j^e Hervcs -^[^a/liumply sfepover/iK/mc. To fail/ for c indrhcrs freedom . 15 yea uriH i/c ^ame. /rrne, y/rid'iohen ine^ \Neel m sorrouj ouH/i suppliani aunds fn/heair There s aii in'e faiih ofc/u/dren in eueri humid eHcrer-'s prayer Holy- // o /y - faiher :- Lv rci God /l/m/Ghi-y IVe ha ye crossed Hie. ffne Hal marks oar aesftny Our souls accept mo iufe nafe //idnyaes/ofmfc flay ihy yreai^irlhsheuQlh rid a us /f-^- rifh/eoi/siy A fay ouriifes prayer t?e. lei frecdcrn andliher/y Htd all irue Heroes Hdar/s an/Hi £/ern/ry. c^"/yt/c Sine fa if- Whai- i/v/// a ffiss do Jf seems fhey mei- in ffie monih of AJay Jt seems ar fi'rsi she had nofhino -h^ay J/f ihe course o-f -fimt^ ih^y iook a walk Of course in fime she learned /o fa/k He spoke of ihe /^ocn - when she rephed She spoke of Ihe ho ney-moon and sloped He spolxeof loi/e arrd ^haf iftvould do He spoke of /.oi/e arrc^ kisses "ho Oh lA/fraf wiil c fass do, Si'rjShe said /^ k/ss " sa/'d he , 14/ ill iurn your head '!Afu heti'i u/tis fi^rn^d c^/hen J saw you. Quess i^ioam u/haf a /t/ss u/ill c/d" /I k/ss", safd h^" your lips and mine. „ Will burn i^ifh the fire of Loi/e divind 0/7 J am .so ^iofa, so happyfsaid sHg. J arrr so a/a^d yoi4i(/ro^nmio/c/5s me They f^ok a rfde inihernonfhofjuna They look a ride orr e^ froney-rrrofn fy seems he hucyed her rafher Hy/if- She refurrr eafhe hua wifh al/hermiyhf Then as soon as s/re cai^afyf her ipry''said she. Jam so /ad you k/rauj hoouh> k/ss me. Cl/f/ie/e Sine/en'f. /4 Fathers J^ream. / Lcisf r7f'<^h-f whi/c J/ayc/rcam//7a, J c^ream'-f of /7n(7e/s sinq//7a_ They sano of a mMcr c>ray/r7^, Pray/na for -fhc <5oul of /7^r Ipou, Otr herk^ecs io Gc^ sfre prayed. Far //tg loi/c ih S'ave /ris sac//, Jn a/( ih beau/y as fcuas made., JifsFl/o 5cti/e f/c^/ii/e. '/a/as u/Zic/c. Z. TTren came a c/rpom Front heaifert abor^ A ciream of a rrro//rers sacred /.ouc, ^ dream of a baby s s/h/css cfay. >^ c/ream of/r/jffrsi- sfri> as/ray, A cfrcam ffia/ C^r/jf cui/A loi/r /to(£/j!:?afd, A dream fAa/ J heard an/hrye/ ^Ao/r- C/ia/ibhy my eMd/r£^/s fihrsitfecfpraycr ^ O/f r77y Arr^es A ^od Jc/£?ray^cf. Tna/ nr5 Louc u/ou/dsavr my soul, Jf7 a// ih beauiy as /was made, Tha/ f/e'c/ save arrdA^eeP // yv/idn. y iTretr came a dream /irom Hfe. dey^sof/tdf. A dream of srrrs J remefTtb^r cod/. /I dream offfre ^/r/ so oe/re i^ ^u/eef. /^f/o aaye frer/oi/c asJnrre//a/frerfed, /^a/ream of fier cry Ujf7efr J proi/af a ferrate, A dream of frers/ra/rfefid/ earJy aray^, A dream df Ae //c// so sure i^ come, dn/ess Ood -fijry/i/ej fnc u^ror?ys Jt^ dffOc, . Oh rrty /Irhees fo (Scrd J pray cd, 77? a f //c sh//Luoa/d save my soul. TFes/ffre i/s fpeaa/y as foMis rrrad^ . 7?ac// me how io keep // co/ra/cy ^. Thetr corrjc a dream Foo au/fa/ fo /e//, A demon coas draamy rrjydaayf/erf^fd/, yVov/rry pio/c/res andifanee. c/r? ^ Sc/ny, Mre //7rr^ce/f/jc/easara ia/dadadfcrajrafry Theyc/Meda// S//7 a////7m/r/kar7d a/ee , T/iey made frer so /7//f7d ^Ae cva/d//see. FAe y/r/ a/fo onee frc/s/s /h a krrauc iV/// s-oor? be brairded ^^tV/^i/e S/ave". On rnykhees/d^od J prayeof. Fbr //iG Zove ib s'are Aer sou/. Fnrseri/r /fsAe^u/y as /a/as made. Teae/f frcr frau/At keep f/cofok, c/vde S/nc/ai'r. The Or^an Players Treasures J Heart ncf When ere she sih at the oraan She seems so sweet and fair Before she's finished prayinq J dream an an(^el is there And when her fjn^ers <^o strolling 5o easily over the keys y^hear the an^^els of Heaven 3in^in^ oufs'ide in the frees She blends achord witlithe echo And when she's dreamimf too £ach note comes nearer nature 'Till tiarmony's so Irue J /rearOod's voice in the music His harrd by hers S see J hear the soul of Ihe p/ayer JBr/n(^/na her freasures to me /fer fingers again from the organ Sena! fhrills ofecstacy y^ll oyer and j trio my body J)€ep in my /rearf fo sfay One chord brinqs waves of Glory Thai race fo my f/nrighf. She played a prettier rain bov\/ Than ever was born in ihe sity T^enewlng fhe iB/ble's prom ice /^y soul shall never die She played the golden moonbea/ns That fighf fhe land of nod And ihen ihe glorious sunshine That shines in fhe city of God J see His face in ihe music His hand by hers J see J see fhe soul of fhe player JBring brighfer freasures fo me. ^ 7ast/n<^ Sea fed again af fhe or eg an She prayed and p/ayed a prayer And when my heart was all mdlow A fasfe of heaven was fhere yf iasfe of delic/ous spices Thai cure all sorrow and strife The enchant inoAt She car/Zed, herseff nry Su/eef 6/r/ J3e/ore if/ em a// aZ se/ra»/, So J myJiear/s rresl. Oh Su/ee/6irl J came curl , here in rny arms ^rrc/ rrsh. She cti/Zed Aerse/h rny ^u/eeh^/r/ She scc/d 7^ u/e/corr7err7e/7omc. So J cct//eU hter my Sufee/ C/rl >^n£/ ZiroA her -for rrry ou^n. She cal/ed herse/fmySu/ceh/j/'r/ / hearc/ // /n m y hcor/, So J ra/Zed /rer my Sj^eehG/'rZ Frajv u//iom Jc/ rrei/er t?ar/. She called rrerscZf n?y Su/eehG^'rZ J ZrnetA/ she u/ as arr aZ/d^e/i, Su/ she'/ aZtArays hemySu/ee/G/H 'Cct usd Su/ec/o/r/ s/^e'saZu/ays/^eer, Oh Su/ee/Gir/ ,come cuH , here in myarms andresh- Sujee/ G/r/ "' come curl , youreurls upar/ my j7reas/< Suiee/ Girl , come earl vour heart /h rny/ico/is nesl, iPh 5ujee/ 0/rl J c^we curl , here /'n rny arms and re,sf. CP/yoTv 5/rrc/ai'/~, Ixei/elation - A €iOna PrJudc. yin /fn -8xb^ While ///e sa^ed all sinci in Heavens chol n /s.3 Come fourih^ tny people , from Bab y J oj j .s-t Come pafher iiJ(jefher a/ /Jr^r?^ooc:/c/on /s-/6 777C Sfir/f of Cad sd fc? ///j fid and //v/ e /? v/ *// Has opened ihc Heavens c7 y/sion k you zi-inies doLunfrom rleaue:n /o fhcsoub of men 21-2-10 21- z Verse. S /I A 'ulfihidc in Heaven sin a - Ha He fujo /i /«>-/ /I second lime iheir ^^oices niio-iiallelujah, .5? -3 5eihn5 rclcfit on ea fill is done Hallelujah /9-t,tto-io The5pirif-andlIitBnde ^v eome Ha(lcilc4jah Come fake Ihc wafer of life- fr&cly The finie ii at hand ~ Yea dcvrne. - qnicf/y These h\crds of Chr/sfso faithful and True He Scnf i>y his/Jnaef a warrftna To you Befiufd ! His \A/ord$ /nasi loi/inanndirue. J 're eome ft mafrou(yhl yood c^eer 7a i/v fat soul ha ye you brouyh/ifod ^ear Wha'f ha ye yoiA done for Jesus sake" These words afct/e my //nacf spake flf ni^hk, my Anac/ Sids mec>ra(y Chrishs blood my sjns may c(/ash away fach tuord of prayer erased a spo-h The paae luas sea/edcat/houkc4 b/ok Thak J /nay sieep t4j //houk ^ rare. Bach aiahk myy^/rae/pro/Ti/jh mycfray^r Bas'f'c^r L/II/es /• He brouohf f/ye Easfer Li H les, y^ 1/ b/ aorr7/na on one sfem, The.y lA/ere sudh louely I lilies^ She. coult^fih h elp kiss'ma -f/re/n. They io/c^ o/Z/^e/rZ/ts^ meef/no, Cfhc sf-ar/fahi- jTasfer n iahf, of -five, hour^ spdinf m lov t'no, H<^ f-o/cf her ^as:ferli/J/es - fairest f /others /^/rai ^rm, T^ach 'fn4lyUi/iny ^ir//'es,a// //re/rl^ue ^ ^//okV, He -f-of^ herB^si-er li/lies - -/-ruesf //)irer^ br/no^ Jo fnAly Iffi^itr^ /^/r//es, 14/ ^o Jrisj M^m/hih^s/Jriitj. 2. //^ ^e/7/- f/yc Easier U I lies. He senf-them from ^ fa /-; Thouah iear^ -fa// on -//ig. /i///es, S/je's Smf/f^y af <^ .sfa r-, They -/e// ihe. pram/se /le'sma/ciny. fn /rr^ /af/ers euery n/ty/ri; Of ffye monfhs ^/je'l sphn^ waifmy. Waifina fn /^c^r^i^ ^e//aAf He iArroic /ler^asrtr li//ies -fo/resf f/fiwers /hai-aroi^, Jeacfr /ru/y /ov/iiy 6irJies, a/f i/fre/r loi/c id ^/^ow. He m^ro/e her /^as/cr lii lies - /roicsf lo\/ers brinty. To /ruly loifinyC^/r/fes^ou/jo Mss //lem in f/ie sprinf, 3. Aaain he hrouy/if five. li///es He broiAqhf'^ip/ain oa/o/r/na. Jus-/ menf/on ^asi'erT//f//eSi She /iears fore's //naef s/ha. They fe/l her of her kVecfc/iny, Tha/i a i^/ecfc/irTfeiferyniani Of ffyc yoc4n^ ha/rhs sb/orf/ra, /hey /oyc /rr d ^rec/e/ioftt Shif knows f/raffasferl///j^5-fairesfffoufers//ra/om, TeacH /ru/y /.oirirry (j/r//es a// fhe/r loi/ehi s^^yyv, She /iipy >^\. ^?^^€^^ 4;^ -^ •.**<^/ \'=£^K' C, yf \.^^ .^r^CO^'^* .•to*. ^•'^ii^. N. MANCHESTER. INDIANA -of ■^ • ■^ o V '■^^Af%- .[BRflRT OF CONGRESS iiiniiiJiiiiiiiiriiNiiilnHlillllllll 018 395 214 6