SH 3Z5 19(5 llntk to^A^tXA^c^ dUhwic^ .Arru^j If '^!r\ VvO^ 5>tnuLuX^ UvvxirvvU^^U^vv i/vtrctAj?! ^tate of North Carolina Fishing Laws 19 15 FOR THE FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD By JOSEPH B. CHESHIRE, Jr. OF THE RALEIGH BAR 1915 Edwards & Brouohton Printing Company State Printers 6 NOTE The laws contained in this volume are given as they are printed in the Acts of our General Assembly. An effort has been made to omit all laws and parts of laws not at present in force, and to arrange those here given in an appropriate order and logical sequence. The compiler is conscious that he has not been entirely successful in his effort to accomplish this. So many acts have been passed without any regard to what had gone before, so many local interests have been considered in our public legislation, and so little care has been observed in drawing new acts, that it is not always possible to know what the law is; and many conflicting provisions and inaccuracies may be observed in the following pages. While quite aware of these, the com- piler has been, of course, helpless to correct or to reconcile them. He can only give the laws as they stand, trusting that the exhibition of these defects may help towards their ultimate removal by a genaral and systematic codifi- cation of our laws affecting this important interest of our State. June 22, 1915. - J. B. C, Jr. D. Of D. JAN 22 191/ \ CONTENTS Page I. FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD 5 II. LICENSES, TAXES, AND FEES 9 III. FOOD FISH 14 1. Protected 14 2. Inspection of 15 IV. SHELL FISH 16 1. Oyster Beds and Bottoms 16 a. Defined 16 b. Grants 16 c. Leases 18 2. Catching Oysters 21 a. In General 21 b. Local Laws i 25 3. Catching Clams 28 V. TERRAPIN 30 VI. FISHING 31 1. In General 31 a. Fisheries : 31 b. Non-residents 32 c. Explosives, Poisons, Obstructions, Sunday Fishing 33 d. Nets and Stakes 34 * e. Measure for Scrap 36 2. General Local Laws 36 3. Local Laws (Commercial Pishing) 51 a. Counties 51 b. Localities 64 4. Local Laws (Non-commercial Fishing) 66 a. Counties 66 b. Localities 69 N 1. FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD Section 1. Coiiiiiiission Established; IVuraber; Appointment; Term; Pay. That for the pjw-pose of enforcing the laws relating to all commercial fish there is hereby created a fisheries commission, which shall consist of five members appointed by the Governor, at least three of whom shall be from the several fishing districts of the State, who shall be denominated the "Fish- eries Commission Board." The members shall be appointed as follows, viz.: two, whose term of office shall expire on the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and three, one of which shall be a member of the minority party, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen; and their successors shall be ap- pointed by the Governor for a term of four years each thereafter. The five members shall receive four dollars per day each and traveling expenses while attending meetings of the board : Provided, that per diem and expenses shall not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars per annum. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 1. Sec. 2. Fish Commissioner; Appointment; Term; Reports; Yacancj ; As- sistants; Pay; Bonds; Oaths; Remoral of Assistants. That said board shall appoint a fish commissioner within thirty days after the passage of this act, and the said commissioner shall be responsible to the Fisheries Commission Board for carrying out the duties of his office, and shall make semi-annual reports to them at such time as they may require. The term of office of said commissioner and his successors in office shall be four years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and in case of vacancy in the office the appointment shall be to fill the vacancy. The said commissioner shall appoint two assistant commissioners, by and with the consent of the Fisheries Commission Board, one of whom shall be designated as assistant fish com- missioner and the other as shellfish commissioner. The aforesaid commis- sioner and assistant commissioners shall receive such pay as the Fisheries Commission Board shall determine. During the absence of the commissioner, or his inability to act, the Fisheries Commission Board shall appoint one of the assistant commissioners to have and exercise all the powers of the com- missioner. The commissioner and assistant commissioners shall each exe- cute and file with the Secretary of State a bond, payable to the State of North Carolina, in the sum of five thousand dollars for the commissioner and twenty-five hundred dollars for each of the assistant commissioners, with sureties to be approved by the Secretary of State, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties and to account for and pay over pursuant to law all moneys received by them in their office. The fisheries commissioner and assistant commissioners shall take and subscribe an oath to support the Constitution and for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, which oaths shall be filed with their bonds. The assistant commissioners may be removed for cause by the commissioner, who may appoint their successors. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 1. Sec. 3. Inspectors; Direction of; Pay. The fisheries commissioner may appoint, with the approval of the Fisheries Commission Board, inspectors in each county having fisheries under his jurisdiction, who will assist him at 6 NORTH CAROLINA such times as he may require. The said inspector shall serve under the direction of the commissioner, receiving compensation not to exceed three dollars per day and necessary expense, while in actual service. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 2. Sec. 4. Office and Clerical Force of Commissioner. The fisheries commis- sioner shall rent and equip an oflico, which will be adequate for the business of the commission, in some town conveniently located to the maritime fish- eries, and he is authorized to employ such clerks and other employees as may be necessary for the proper carrying on of the work of his office, by and with the consent of the Fisheries Commission Board. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 3. Sec. 5. Boats; Nets; Equipment. The fisheries commissioner is author- ized, by and with the consent of the Fisheries Commission Board, to pur- chase or rent such boats, nets, and other equipment as may be necessary to enable him and his assistants to fulfill the duties specified in this act. * 1915, ch. 84, sec. 4. Sec. 6. Commissioner's Duties; Repnlations, Passage of Fish; Statistics; Maps and Charts; Surveys; Trosecutlons; Licenses, Fees and Rentals; State- ments; Investigations of Marine Life. The commissioner shall enforce all acts relating to the fish and fisheries of North Carolina; he shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Fisheries Commission Board, make such regulations as shall maintain open for the passage of fishes all inlets and not less than one- third of the width of all sounds and streams, or such greater proportions of their width as may be necessary; he shall collect and compile statistics showing the annual product of the fisheries of the State, the capital invested, and the apparatus employed, and any fisherman refusing to give these statistics shall be refused a license for the next year; and the fish commissioner shall pre- pare and have on file in his office maps based on the charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, of the largest scale published, showing as closely as may be the location of all fixed apparatus employed during each fishing season; he shall have surveyed and marked in a prominent manner those areas of waters of the State in which the use of any or all fishing ap- pliances are prohibited by law or regulation, and those areas of waters in the State in which oyster tonging or dredging is prohibited by law; he shall prosecute all violations of the fish laws, and wherever necessary he may employ counsel for this purpose; wherever he shall find nets or other appli- ances being fished or used in violation of the fisheries laws of the State he shall remove same pending trial ; he shall, in an official capacity, have power to administer oaths and to send for and examine persons and papers; he shall be responsible for the collection of all license taxes, fees, rentals, or other imposts on the fisheries, and shall pay same into the State treasury to the credit of the fisheries commission fund; he shall on or before the twenty- fifth day of each month, mail to the Treasurer of the State a consolidated statement showing the amount of taxes and license fees collected during the preceding month, and by and from whom collected; he shall carry on investi- gations relating to the migration and habits of the fish in the waters of the State, also investigations relating to the cultivation of the oyster, clam and other mollusca, and of the terrapin and crab, and for this purpose he may employ such scientific assistance as may be authorized by the Fisheries Com- mission Board. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 5. FISHING LAWS 7 Sec. 7. Arrest Without Warrant. The fisheries commissioner, assistant commissioners and inspectors shall have power, with or without warrants, to arrest any person or persons violating any of the fishery laws, who shall be carried before a magistrate for trial according to section three thousand one hundred and eighty-two of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five. 1915, ch. 84, 'sec* 6. Sec. 8. Fish for Scientific Purposes. The fisheries commissioner and the United States Bureau of Fisheries may take and cause to be taken for scien- tific purposes or for fish culture any fish or other marine organism at any time from the waters of North Carolina, any law to the contrary notwith- standing; and may cause or permit to be sold such fishes or parts of fishes so taken as may not be necessary for purposes of scientific investigations or fish culture: Provided, that in taking fish for fish culture in the hatcheries of this State the fish shall only be taken while the hatcheries are in opera- tion and only between the hours of four and eleven p. m. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 7. Sec. 9. Officers, no Interest in Fisheries. The members of the Fisheries Commission Board, the fisheries commissioner, assistant commissioners, and inspectors shall not be financially interested in any fishing industry in North Carolina. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 8. Sec. 10. Reports of Board to General Assembly; Published. The Fish- eries Commission Board shall cause to be prepared and submitted to each Legislature a report showing the operations, collections and expenditures of the fisheries commission ; and it shall also cause to be prepared for publica- tion such other reports, with necessary illustrations and maps, as will ade- quately set forth the results of the work and the investigations of the fish- eries commission, all such reports, illustrations, and maps to be printed and distributed at the expense of the State, as are other public documents, as the Fisheries Commission Board may direct. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 15. Sec. 11. Appropriations; Repayment; Transfer of Funds; Outstanding Claims. There is hereby appropriated out of the general treasury as a sup- plementary fund the sum of ten thousand dollars annually for two years, or as much thereof as may be needed, to the fisheries commission to carry out the work of the commission in the protection and promotion of the fisheries of the State, this sum to be repaid to the general treasury by the fisheries commission when it shall be on a self-sustaining basis, said sum to be used and expended as directed by the Fisheries Commission Board, and any part of it that may be required may be used for purchasing boats and other equipment necessary to carry out the work of the commission; and any money that may be in the State treasury to the credit of the fish commission and oyster commission fund on the day that this act becomes effective shall be transferred by the State Treasurer to the credit of the fisheries commis- sion fund, and the Fisheries Commission Board is hereby authorized to pay out of the fisheries commission fund all just claims that may be outstanding against the fish or oyster commissions. 1915, ch. 84, sec. 16. 8 NORTH CAROLINA Sec. 12. Transfer of E<|iiipmen(. All boats, fishing and oyster tackle, office supplies, stationery, and all other sujiplies of whatever character be- longing to the fish commission and oyster commission shall be transferred to the fisheries commissioner for the use of the fisheries commission. 1915. ch. 84, sec. 17. Sec. 13. Jurisdiction of flie .Shite. The State of North Carolina shall have exclusive jurisdiction and control over all the commercial fisheries of the State wherever located. 1915, ch. 84, FCC. 18. Sec. 14. I'ower of Hoard; I^e^ulutlons; Piinislinient; Hearing on Kegula- tions; ('lian .; county bridges. any railroad or county bridge crossing either of said rivers. Unlawful to take Fifteenth. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- broke Creek™ ti*^^ to take or catch any fish of any kind, at any time, with any Chowan County, appliance or apparatus from the waters of Pembroke Creek, e.xcppt for purpose of propagation. Chowan County, N. C, except under the direction and supervision of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Privilege is hereby granted the United States Bureau, or any one under its direction, to take any kind of fish from said creek at any time for purpose of propagation. Unlawful to take Sixteenth. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, ft^i^eams^Lxcept"^^^ ^^^ °^ Corporation, to catch or kill any fish of any kind with with basket or seine or trap nets, gigs or snares, or by means of poison or ex- hook and line ni , . Ashe, Wilkes, plosions of any kind, or otherwise destroying any fish, except witb CaW^wfn'counties hook and line, in any of the waters of the natural streams, rivers Size of fish to be or creeks in the counties of Wilkes, Ashe, Watauga, and Caldwell. taken. And it shall be lawful to take with hook and line or any other appliance or apparatus whatsoever any fish of any kind from any of the aforesaid waters in any of said counties under the size of six (6) inches. Chairman and Seventeenth. The Fisheries Commission and the Chairman of suspend any^ru^*^ the Fisheries Commission Board is hereby empowered and author- and regulation jzed to suspend the Operation of any rule or regulation of the pending meeting ^ ^ ^ ^ of Board. Board in regard to the fishing industry for not more than thirty days, pending a meeting of the Board. Ed. Chambers Smith, W. M. Webb, Secretary. Chairman. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 880 391 6