t)ELlVERED IN BRUNSWICK, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1802, BY THE REV. JOSEPH M'KEEN, A.M. & A.A.S. AT HIS ENTRANCE ON THE DUflES OF PRESIDENT OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE: AN EULOGY, PRONOUNCED AT HIS FUNERAL, BY THE REVEREND WILLIAM JENKS. PORTLAND: PRINTED BY THOMAS E. WAIT & CO. i8or. \ ■> • V ,3 m 7 INAUGURAL ADDRESS. The candor I have experienced from the reverend and honorable gentlemen who c y- ^se the boards of trustees and overseers ot Bowdoin College, will not, I trust, be with- holden on this occasion. It is this confidence alone, which enables me to rise and address you, at a moment when the weight of the charge I have consented to undertake, bears with peculiar force upon my mind. The organization of a literary institution in the district of Maine, which is rapidly increas- ing in population, is an interesting event, and will form an important epoch in its history. The disadvantages with which the district has contended from the days of its early settlement, have been numerous and discouraging. The scattered inhabitants were long in a weak and defenceless state : for more than a century the sword of the wilderness was a terror to them ; and they were frequently constrained to lay aside the peaceful instruments of the husband- man, and to seize the weapons of defence. Planted in detached settlements along an ex- tensive coast, and depending on precarious supplies of subsistence from abroad, it was long before they could enjoy the means of education with which some other parts of New England were early favored. Add to this, that deep and strong prejudices prevailed against the soil and climate, by which immigra- tions were discouraged, and the population of the district long retarded. These mistakes have yielded to the correcting hand of time ; and Maine is rapidly advancing to that state of maturity, in which, without being forcibly plucked, she will drop from her parent stock. While the wilderness is literally blossoming like the rose, and the late howling desert by the patient hand of industry is becoming a fruitful field, it is pleasing to the friends of science, religion, and good order, to observe a growing disposition in the inhabitants to promote edut^tion ; without which, the prospect of the future' State of society must be painful to the reflecting^and feeling mind. ; * In this assembly it cannot be necessary to expatiate on its importance to mankind ; whe- ther we consider them as inhabitants of this world, or as destined for an immortal exist- ence in a state of retribution beyond the grave. The page of inspiration teaches, that for the soul to be without knowledge, it is not good ; without the knowledge of the duties of his station in life, no man can act his part with honor to himself, or advantage to the commu- nity. Without knowledge, a man must be a stranger to rational enjoyment ; time will often be a heavy burden to him ; and to rid himself of such an incumbrance, he will be strongly tempted to abandon himself to sensual gratifi- cations, which will incapacitate him for manly and worthy pursuits, and render him an object of pity to some, and of contempt to others. A man, who intends to practise any mecha- nic art, must make himself acquainted with it, or he cannot expect to succeed. Instruction is surely not less necessary to one who con- templates the profession of law, physic, or divinity; without it, he can have the confi- dence of none but the ignorant, and he cannot depend even on that. As they have no fixed principles, by which to form their judgment. they easily fall a prey to the delusive arts of any new pretender to superior knowledge, especially in medicine and theology. When the title to a man's estate is disputed, he gene- rally endeavours to employ an able advocate; when the health of his body only is concerned, he can trust the prescriptions of an empiric: but, if undisturbed in the possession of his estate, and enjoying sound health, he is too often contented with such instructions on the subject of his eternal interests as he can obtain from the most illiterate vagrants, who under- stand neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. I would not be understood to assert, nor even intimate, that human learning is alone sufficient to make a man a good teacher of religion. I believe that he must have so felt the power of divine truth upon his heart, as to be brought under its governing influence. But since the days of inspiration were over, an acquaintance with the force of language, with the rules of legitimate reasoning, and especially with the sacred scriptures, which can be ac- quired only by reading, study, and meditation, is necessary to qualify one for the office of a teacher in the church. That the inhabitants of this district may have of their own sons to fill the liberal profes- sions among them, and particularly to instruct them in the principles and practice of our holy religion, is doubtless the object of this institu- tion ; and an object it is, worthy the liberal patronage of the enlightened and patriotic legis- lature, which laid its foundation, and of the aid its funds have received from several gen- tlemen, especially that friend of science whose name it bears. That their generous intentions may not be frustrated, it becomes all to take heed, who are, or may be, concerned in its government or instruction. It ought always to be remembered, that Ute- vary institutions are founded and endowed for the common good, and not for the private advantage of those who resort to them for education. It is not that they may be enabled to pass through life in an easy or reputable manner, but that their mental powers may be cultivated and improved for the benefit of society. If it be true, that no man should live 10 himself, we may safely assert, that every man who has been aided by a public institu- tion to acquire an education, and to qualify 8 himself for usefulness, is under peculiar obli- gations to exert his talents for the public good. The governors and instructors of a literary- institution owe to God and society the sacred duty of guarding the morals of the youth com- mitted to their care. A young man of talents, who gains an acquaintance with literature and science, but at the same time imbibes irre- ligious and immoral principles, and contracts vicious habits at college, is likely to become a dangerous member of society. It had been better for him, and for the community, that he had lived in ignorance ; in which case, he would have had less guilt, and possessed fewer mis- chievous accomplishments. He is more danger- ous than a madman, armed with instruments of death, and let loose among the defenceless in- habitants of a village. In one case the danger is seen, and an alarm is instantly given to all to be on their guard; in the other it is con- cealed, and the destroyer is embraced and cherished by those who are soon to be his victims. Let it never be imagined then, that the sole object of education is to make youth acquainted with languages, sciences, and arts. It is of incalculable importance, that, as education in- creases their mental energies, these energies should be righdy directed. It is confessed, that to give them this direction exceeds the greatest human skill. A Paul might plant, and an Apollos water ; to command increase is the prerogative of Deity. But as the husband- man is not discouraged from cultivating and sowing his land, by the consideration, that without the genial warmth of the sun and the rain of heaven, his labor will be all in vain, neither should we despair of success in form- ing the minds of youth to virtue and useful- ness in life, because we cannot command it. Though the principal labor and responsi- bility will fall to the share of the immediate instructors, these honorable boards will give me leave to remind them, that, without their prompt and steady support, the instructors will be able to accomplish much less than is pro- bably expected of them. The volatility of a youthful mind frequently gives rise to eccentricities, and an impatience of the most wholesome restraint; the mildest government is thought oppressive, and the indulgent parent's ear is easily opened to the 10 voice of complaint; imaginary fears are ex- cited, that the genius of a darUng son will be cramped, his spirits broken, the fire of his ambition quenched, and that he will be doomed to drudge through life in a sphere far below that for which nature had destined him. His youthful genius must be permitted to expand by its native and uncontrolled energies ; and no doubt is entertained, that, in manhood, his virtues will hang in clusters upon him. I confess, that I am not so much of a modern philosopher, as to subscribe implicitly to this doctrine. In the natural world we find, that without culture, weeds , outgrow more useful plants, and choke them ; and reasoning from analogy will lead us to suppose, that without restraint or discipline, the mind of a youth will resemble the field of the slothful, and the vineyard of the man void of understanding. It is admitted, that, as excessive pruning may injure a tree, so may discipline, too severe, an ingenuous youth. It is proper to cohsult his genius, and assist its expansion, rather than to force it into an unnatural direction. But an attention to order, and the early formation of habits of industry and investigation, are con- ceived to be objects of vast importance in the 11 education of youth. I may venture to assert, that such habits are of more importance than mere knowledge. It is doubtless a desirable thing to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge ; but, in aiming at this, there is a serious danger to be avoided, that of inducing an impatience of application, and an aversion to every thing that requires labor. Could we fill the mind of a youth with science by as easy a process as a modern chymist fills a vial with factitious air, it may be doubted whether his education would be of much use to him. In this connexion, it may not be improper to suggest an advantage arising from the study of what are called the learned languages ; it inures a youthful mind to application, and is, in this respect, useful ; even if no advantage arose from the knowledge of them. The mind acquires strength and vigor from exercise, as well as the body. We should think a parent guilty of a gross error in the education of his son, if he never allowed him to vise his limbs, and appointed a servant to carry him in his arms, or convey him in a carriage. We should be guilty of a similar error in education, if we aimed at making a youth learned without study. It is important^ that he should have full employment for the 12 exercise of his mental powers, rather than be carried in the arms of his tutor to the temple of science. Perhaps I have said more than was necessary, on the utility of acquiring habits of industry and application, while youth are in the course of their education. If tlie importance of the subject will not justify me, I have no apology to offer ; and must transgress a little longer upon your patience, while I declare, that, in my opinion, a youth had better be four years employed " nihil operose agendo^'''' in dili- gently doing what would be utterly useless to him in life, than in light reading, which requires no thinking. If habits of application be of so much im- portance, it is desirable, that all concerned in the government and instruction of the college should concur in enforcing subordination, re- gular conduct, and a diligent improvement of time. Give me leave then, gentlemen, to invite your z;ealous co-operation with the immediate instructors in ordaining, and executing, such laws and regulations as will be likely to keep our students, during their residence in college, as fully 'employed as will be consistent with their health. Employment will contribute not 13 a little to the preservation of their morals, the prevention of unnecessary expense, and the preclusion of pernicious customs, which, once introduced, cannot be easily abolished. The importance of uniting our efforts to effect these salutary purposes cannot escape the notice of a reflecting mind. Should we be so happy as to succeed in forming a number for usefulness in church and state, we may expect our num- bers to increase, when more ample accommo- dations and means of instruction will be neces- sary. And now let me entreat* all good men here present, who wish to see their fellow citizens enlightened, virtuous, free, and happy, to exert the portion of influence which they possess, in favor of this infant institution ; and to unite in fervent supplications to the great Father of light, knowledge, and all good, that his bless- ing may descend upon this seminary ; that it may eminently contribute to the advancement of useful knowledge, the religion of Jesus Christ, the best interests of man, and the glory of God. AN EULOGY PRONOUNCED IN BRUNSWICK, (MAINE) JULY 18th, 1807, AT THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE REV. JOSEPH M'KEEN, D. D. A. A. S. AND PRESIDENT OF BOWDOIN COLLEGE. BY WILLIAM JENKS, A. M. ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF BATH, '* Finis vitse ejus nobis luctuosus, amicis tristis, extraneis etiam ig^otisque non sine cura fuit." Tacitus, de vit. Acb. PORTLAND: SRINTED BY THOMAS B, WAIT & CO, 1807. AN EULOGY. Though we well know, that no dis- tinction of reputation or merit can claim for its possessor an exemption from the last, common lot of humanity, yet we cannot withhold the expression of regret and grief whenever the good, the learned and the great are summoned from the world. At such periods we forget, for a time, our accustomed pursuits, and with deepfelt sympathy mingle our sorrows. We value our pleasures less, and regard the va- rious objects of former cares with diminished ardour. Every thing wears to us, while under these impressions, a gloomy aspect ; and in the mortality of him, whom we lament, we read with presaging melancholy the prophecy of our own departure. 18 Such too are our feelings on the death of a friend. But the intimacy of acquaintaince softens the impression of great talents and dis- tinguished worth. Hence more tender emo- tions occupy the mind ; and while others mourn a philosopher, a statesman, or divine, those, who were placed nearer to him in life, and enjoyed his society and friendship, will lament the MAN. In our regrets for the person, whose death now causes a general sorrow, and to whose honoured memory we are paying a sad, final tribute, the sensations both of affectionate esteem and love, and of heartfelt veneration and respect, are intimately blended. Our feel- ings comprise the sad products of public, private and domestic grief. We mourn the loss of a man remarkably qualified for pre- siding with becoming dignity in a literary insti- tution like that in this place ; we mourn the sound divine, the studious scholar, the prudent, upright citizen ; we mourn the sagacious, in- telligent and affectionate friend; and let me add, with deep and respectful sympathy, we share in the sorrows of the bereaved family, deprived at one stroke of the husband long beloved, and the father most tenderly endeared. 19 1 am sensible that, since the merit and well earned reputation of the deceased might be best illustrated by some one, who had pro- gressed with him in the journey of life, my own appearance in this place may require an apology. But the avocations of literary and collegiate cares, rendered peculiarly pressing by the late President's long confinement, and the tender interest, which, as an intimate friend, he could not but feel in the sorrows of an afflicted family, have effectually precluded from this office the gentleman, whom I conceive best qualified to sustain it, who, from having been united with the deceased in official duties,* could have given this audience a better esti- mate of his important services. If, however, a genuine regard to the interests of science, and a sincere and affectionate respect for the late President of this College, can authorize my own compliance with the wish of those, who placed me here, I may then presume on your favourable attention, and with warm, yet trembling emotions, will endeavour to trace the features and footsteps of departed worth. * John Abbot, A. M. pi'ofessor of languages in Bowdoin College, was inaugurated into that office on the day of President M presided at the inauguration of Mr. M'Keen. • 31 conferred on him the title of Doctor in Divi- nity, an assignment as honorary to those who made, as to him who received it. In the midst of these honours and labours, the President, who had always enjoyed re- markable health, uninterrupted even by occa- sional illness, began to feel, about September 1805, the access of that disease, which at length proved fatal.* Whether it were, that his mode of life was too sedentary and re- quired too constant attention, or that the exer- cise, which he now used, did not equal that, to which he had been accustomed in the dis- charge of his parochial duties,! or whatever else were the cause, medical men best know. The symptoms however appeared to decrease with the approach of summer ; and in the autumn of 1806 he attempted a journey to Beverly, where his former complaint recurred with alarming appearances. Still he was encouraged to hope a removal of it, but it * The first attack appeared to be an inflammation of the liver. ■j- The president has been heai'd to say, that often in visiting' the sick, when, if it were good weather, he seldom rode, he has continued his walk for six or eig-ht miles. As he feared a tendency to grow corpulent, he was exact in his habits, and generally caused himself to be weighed yearly, preserving for a series of years the same weight with hut trifling' variation. 32 continued obstinate. Every attention, which friendship and professional skill could bestow, was afforded, and his situation, though remote from his family, made as comfortable, as un- der such circumstances, it could possibly be. He was in the bosom of a society long at- tached to him, and earnest to express their affection. But why should I enlarge on these circumstances, of which an anxious public have been minutely informed ? Yes, we have watched the progress of his disorder, trem- bling, and have listened with fond credulity to every favourable report, in the hope, which himself had in a degree indulged, that an excellent constitution might be assisted by change of weather to shake off the disease. Vain have been our hopes, unavailing our wishes ! Could the prayers of his personal friends, of the friends of religion and science, of the friends of our rising country and of this literary institution have prevailed, long^ would he have continued to be the light of our Eastern Churches, the ornament of our society, the head of our literature, and the fostering father of our noble-minded youth. The President returned to his family much enfeebled. The original disorder had assumed 33 another form, and now threatened a dropsy. He was accompanied in the journey homeward by a medical gentleman,* whose assiduous attentions to him since, the effects not only of professional industry and concern, but of high respectful friendship, secured to him every assistance of the healing art, and left us the melancholy consolation of reflecting, that the powers of medicine were inadequate to his relief. Alas, that they were fruitless ! I have now, as far as the information I have obtained permitted me, followed our late be- loved friend, and revered and honoured Pre- sident, through the several stages of a life filled with duties. If it were barren of strik- ing incidents, let it be imputed, under the Divine Providence, to a temper not easily moved, a calm, dispassionate mind, a regular, persevering diligence, and habits of moral excellence early acquired and stedfastly main- tained. Educated in industry and sobriety as well as religion, of which his father, who bore the title of deacon in the church, was an amiable example, he had from his youth a * Dr. Lincoln of Topsham. While at Beverly he wa,s under the medical care of Dr. Fisher. 34 respect for the genuine simplicity and unas- suming worth, that distinguished other times. A puritan in heart, he was however the gentle- man in manners. His knowledge of the world, and the peculiar sweetness of his disposition rendered him accommodating to all. Though naturally reserved perhaps, he was yet com- municative in confidential intercourse, and in the exercise of his office. A stranger to deceit, his language was ever the expression of his feelings, sincere though guarded, warm and animated, but never extravagant. If I have been able to estimate justly the character of the late Reverend Dr. M'Keen, and surely it is expected of me here that I speak the undisguised sentiments of my heart, since flattery, as it could be no benefit to the dead, and but an injury to the living, would at the same time be equally abhorrent from my duty and habits, I may say, that his pe- culiar excellency seemed to be a sound, dis- criminating judgment. This indeed is by many considered as but the perfection of all the faculties. Notwithstanding however the justness of the remark, it is yet true, that men of equal merit may yet excel in very distinct departments. Some have excited astonish- 35 ment by the brilliancy of their talents ; others have won esteem by the lasting nature of their powers and acquirements. Of the latter de- scription was, if I mistake not, the man, whose loss we deplore ; a loss the more deplorable, because it is rarely the case, that all those talents, which he possessed, and which admira- bly fitted him for presiding with dignity and usefulness over an institution like this, are found united in the same person. You, Gentlemen, who were his associates in the government and instruction of the College, have reason to mourn the removal of one, whom to know intimately was but to admire and love. You were witnesses to his indefati- gable zeal for the interests of science, morality and religion ; to his fatherly tenderness toward your pupils ; to his patience and firmness in the arduous employments of the presidency; and, since the duties of a classical instructor were combined with those cares,* to his * We hope it may not be long before some liberal friend of science, among the opulent Individuals of the Disti-ict or elsewhere, will enlarge the plan of instruction, either by the foundation of a new professorship, or the support of an assistant tutor, that so the time of the principal of the institution may not be necessarily devoted to hearing the ordinary recitations of a class. Certainly no appropriations of wealth can be of greater service to our country, than those, which have for their object t.lie interests of literatm-e and religion. 56 ability in tempering his instructions to the capacity and need of the individuals who received them. But your deepfelt grief is more expressive than any other testimony of esteem and veneration. To the members of the several classes of students gladly would I offer consolation. But the loss of such a friend and father is almost irreparable. You will ever reflect with the strongest emotion on his kindness, conde- scension, affability and love. You will lament him, as a second parent. But I conjure you, by the affection with which you cherish his memory, and by your wish to enjoy through life, and especially at its close, the secret satisfactions, which he experienced, let his instructions be faithfully regarded let them not be merely treasured in your memory, but exhibit them in your conduct. One class alone the President had the pleasure of usher- ing into the manly duties of life. But you will all remember with me the impressive exclamation, which he uttered to them in his parting address ; " God forbid that you should " ever be ashamed to be governed by the " principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ." These were the ruling principles of his own 37 life, and these alone, he well knew, could ensure the usefulness and happiness of your's. Yes, respected youth, your late loved Presi- dent was a man of piety, a Christian, as well ^s a scholar. He was himself a humble pupil of the Redeemer, and his life will rank among the most consistent, simple and impressive examples of its efficacy. Be ye followers then of him, even as he followed Christ. The intimate connexion of the President in his official character with the boards of Trus- tees and Overseers of the College, will cause their members deeply to regret the loss we now sustain. May God, who in his wise and holy providence has deprived us of the man, who seemed to unite all hearts, point out one, qualified by his peculiar excellencies, to oc- cupy his station, and bless him with equal success. But while a successor in these public duties is an attainment within our power, what con- solatory hope shall we offer to the bereaved family of the deceased ? We can but offer our sympathy. We can but commend you to God. We can but implore for you the Divine conso- lations, and express our hearty wish that you may experience them sensibly. He, who now 38 wounds, is able to heal. The hope and ex- pectation of a future state of bliss, and the assurance of a resurrection to eternal life, which we have the firmest grounds to entertain for all who sleep in Jesus ; these are your best treasure. Let me add, you have long had before you one of the most interesting and best examples of the Christian graces. May It teach you resignation, patience, piety and virtue. Then will the separation, which is now so painful, be but transitory, and you will hereafter meet to separate no more ! THE END. 19 y-H-f r I*. \ CO