PS 2789 S& .S6 Copy 1 A Coronal of Sonnets ^■^ BY Rev. H. E. SCHNEIDER, Ph D., A. M. Dedicated to Rev. J. F. COOK, LL, D., President of LaGrange College. PR/IOB, lO OB2JTTS. Lfi GRilNEE, LEWIS CDUNTY, MISSOURI; C. V. Howe, Publisher. Copyright 1884, for Rev, H. E. SCHNEIDER. 1. Hymn forth the Praise of God, glad heart of mine. His breath of being through all nature sings, His word the law 'round which the wide world swings. Through Him we live in growth and in decline. Oh man, how deeply lost by guilt of thine, Almighty God sends grace on gospel wings; He leads thy thirsting soul to water springs, Thy heart becomes a dwelling place divine. If Heaven's Paraclete will move thy heart, Light streams flow out across the face of night, And joy and peace within thy bosom start; There bloom before thee worlds of glory bright. The fluttering soul exclaims: " Let me depart! " Oh, sing to God, who is both love and might! 1 [2 J His breath of being through all nature sings, ' And worlds on worlds are ]>idden rise and be, /Z' v They move in silence through an ether sea, Until again His word through chaos rings; Seraphic choir a praise of incense brings. Created angels fall in worship free. The circle of the world — a mystery — Light-giving, restless, silent, ever swings. On island stars the light-waves gently fall. Their distant music sings the power of God. In atoms and in worlds the all in all; Through greatest and through least a pathway trod, By His pure wisdom leads; He bids us call On Him, who frees the soul from tja'ant's rod. 3. His word, the law, round which the wide world swings, The wheeling body, washed by waves of life. Breaks into bloom; a sweet harmonious strife Of field and flower, to praise the King of kings; The wondrous chain of being ever flings Its charm, now noiseless, now where voices rife. And world's of beauty rise like Adam's wife. Present from past and both for future things. Forms sink in change, the substance still remains, Organic creatures rise, and live and die, The soul moves on in life that never wanes; The feeling in thy heart that feeds a sigh. The whispering sob: cleanse me from secret stains! Plants peace on earth that bears full fruit on high. [B] 4. Through Him we live in growth and in decline. Through gates of pearl a blessed vision streams, And Heaven's mid-day writes in golden beams Glad words for faith, that will forever shine. Alas! the fires of earth do not refine. The tempter as a white-robed angel seems. Till thou betrayest thy Lord; then o'er thee gleams The nightbrow of his wrath — the guilt was thine. Oh, heavy hearted one, there is relief, A blessed Saviour was for sinners born; There is in Gilead a balm for grief. The shepherd sought his sheep 'mid briar and thorn, Fear dies in love and love becomes belief; Oh, come to him, who death for thee has borne. 5. Oh, man, how deeply lost hj guilt of thine Do not deny thy heart to calls of love. From Satan's thralls to blessed worlds above, With angels fair thy ransomed soul shall shine. Live in His life as branches in the vine. To heaven flies thy prayers, winged dove. And what has humbled thee to gloomy grove, Makes earth our school, the teacher, grace divine. God's purpose shines through sorrow and through sin, Man, leaving God becomes a blessed means Of showing how love wooes, how love can win. The trail of blood lay o'er man's brightest dreams, 'Gainst gates of hell Christ warred; oh, think of Him, Tearing from devil's brow thy crown of beams. [41 6. Almighty God sends grace on gospel wings, Wilt thou against Him raise the rebel's arm, Reject His hand that tolls a true alarm, When Satan's net in closer meshes clings; Oh, do it not — in thine own heart there springs A voice for Him: do to thyself no harm, Though law has drawn her sword, and every charm Seems floating into night from men and things. To penitence and spirit crushed there lies A place of peace — its words: trust, pardon, joy, Will show the opening path to paradise. Art thou pressed sore by fear the shades employ, Armour of light put on, sword of the skies. Win mothless robes and gold without alloy. 7. He leads thy thirsting soul to water springs, Where hate has reigned now rules sound-eyed love, Deep in thy bosom rests the heavenly dove. A thought-choir tuned by God within thee sings. Regeneration's greatest wonder, brings Peace, joy and mercy to thy gloomy grove; And what around thee night and darkness wove, It binds thee nobly to the King of kings. Blessed is the man who faints and hopes in Christ, In such an one breaks hope in fairest flower, It is the fluttering bliss afar thou tryest. True to thy Lord in dark and gloomy hour. Walk firmly though thy cheek by fear be iced. Glad with the smile of God> strong in His power. [51 8. Thy heart becomes a dwelling place divine. Build up thy body into temple halls, From every sense a tongue to Heaven calls, And answering angels' faces round thee shine. Sing songs of Hallelujah, brother mine, Let hymns of praise go up from rising walls, Shun evil snares in which the sinner falls. And never wilt thou murmur or repine. As sun reflected in the quiet wave, So God's own beauty builds itself in thee. Past night and cloud He comes to bless and save. ' His still small voice sets joy and gladness free, Finds home for good in us, for ill a grave. And whispers gently: Rise and follow me. 9. If Heaven's Paraclete will move thy heart. The strong wind and the tempest of thy pride, Shall die in long loud moanings, and the tide Of grace inflowing cover every part. The love-filled soul looks up with lips apart, My heart is longing as a new made bride. Oh, my beloved, come, with me abide. And in converse of souls with joy impart. Here hast thou joy, peace in thy direst need, Christ blessing thee through spirit, inwrought faith Plants in thy pains of future fruit the seed, For all things work for good, the scripture saith. To them who love their God in word and deed. And never, never gospel truth betrayeth. [6J 10. Light Streams flow out across the face of night, 'Mid seas of darkness swim light breatiiing stars, x\.nd tell through Venus pale and fiery Mars, God's loving help for every child of light. Men sleep, their closed eyes God's care invite, The blaze of loveless toil their spirit chars, They chafe their idle powers 'gainst prison bars, But cell and slave are in His presence bright. Oh, think of Him, whose shadow is thy shade, Whose loving touch clothes in immortal youth, Whose whisper is: "Who shall make me afraid?" Thus rises in the soul strong love of truth, And conscience, like a holy priest arrayed Brings sacrifice of prayer to God in sooths. 11. And joy and peace within thy bosom start, Thy thought and courage given to the Lord, Thy life obedience to His holy word, To feed the altar flame within thy heart. The evil thoughts, the evil sorrows part, In harmony dissolved is sin's discord, To plough-shares beaten be the warrior's sword,. Not to destruction more be misused art. Praise to the Lord, thrice holy, three in one, Who makes thy soul a place of water springs, Whence faith and love and hope together run. Love for the Father, grace and mercy brings. Faith in the Christ, who cried for thee: 'tis done. Hope in the Holy Ghost who in thee sings. 1 7] 13. There Ibloom before thee worlds of glory bright. More wonderful than wondrous worlds above, Is a pure human heart's new godly love, Moving in silent joy part tears and night. Though all creation disappears from sight, '■ That cloth of Godhead, which our senses wove, Christ lives beyond the dark, the deep, above, And fills the soul with wonderful delight. Be watchful then, lest darkful shades of doubt, Or many folded clouds of earthly care These shining worlds from thy weak sight shut out. Beyond the night-wind breezes morning air, •Christ rose 'mid paling stars, and angels shout, With Him eternal life and joy we share. 13. The fluttering soul exclaims : " Let me depart ! " For far off music charms the ravished ear, And every well-known sigh and bitter tear In that pure Lethe die that kills sin's smart; As from the vine the buds and branches start, So from the life of Christ our lives appear. Without Him souls like leaves fall dead and sear, With Him we forge a sword from death's last dart. Oh, God of glory veil Thy glance and see How weak and stammering are the cries w^e raise, Eut from the heart mounts up the song to Thee. A sigh can tell Thee more than poet's lays, Yet on the wings of sweet necessity Our wondering soul must rise to sing Thy praise. LIBRARV OF COW^^^f^. [8] 14. Oh, sing to God, who is both lo?e and might. His promises to our belief are sealed, His power to the humble is revealed, We keep Him childlike in the Christmas-night; The victory is sure in raging fight, By Heaven's grace Thy bloody wounds are healed. By Him, whose hands have on the cross ordealed, Thou art His armour-bearer. Heaven's Knight. Faith is the substance of the hoped things, The evidence of things unseen, a way To that dear country, touched by gospel wings. Salvation's son gilds with its glorious ray Christianity— the Godhead's blessing brings Security in latest judgment's day. 15. Hymn forth the Praise of God, glad heart of mine, His breath of being through all nature sings. His word, the law, round which the wide world swings. Through Him we live in growth and in decline; Oh, man, how deeply lost by guilt of thine. Almighty God sends grace on gospel wings, He leads thy thirsting soul to water springs. Thy heart becomes a dwelling place divine. If Heaven's Paraclete will move thy heart, Light Streams flow out across the face of night. And joy and peace within thy bosom start. There bloom before thee worlds of glory bright. The fluttering soul exclaims: " Let me depart! " Oh, sing to God, who is both love and might.