Book 'H Zs Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress SPEECH HON. J. M. HOWAED, OF MICHIGAN, ON THE CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY. DELIVERED IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, APRIL 18, 1862 The Senate having under consideration the bill (S. No. 151) to conflgcate the property and free the slaves of rebels, Mt. Howabd said.: Mr. Presfdent: The great purpose of the present bill is easily cotnpreheDded, easily unde f Everything." Tliey gave to France a patriotic soldiery, who carried her conquering' eagles to all thff capitals of Europe. They gave to every Frenchman, however lowly, a home and a) fireside; And they taught the world that nations and law and order and renown cBt» subsist without privilege ; that the only solid foundation of national strength is in the hearts of an industrious, laboring, self-sustaining people;- that liberty and equality are no dream/ and that there is no patriotism so strong as that which arises from' & sentiment of brotheily kinduess, and a consciousness of equality before the law. Sir, the analogies esistiiig between the social condition of France at that frightful period, and that prevailing under the slaveholding oligarchy in a la:^e portion of the insui-gent States, cannot escape the notice of the careful observer. It has plainly not escaped the notice of the' leaders of the insurrection. But had they been wise' in time, had they considered- calmly the difficulty of forever upholding the principle of privilege and all its concomitants in the midst of a people worshipping liberty and equality as their household' gods, this fratricidal war would never have burst forth. But let me tell them 1 bat in their mad attempt to banish these gods from the hearths of their own people, thty will in the end but endear them to their true worshipers; and, like the French noblesse, find themselves driven from the congre- gation. In saying this, I do not ref«r to the black population.- It does not detract from the force of this example that tliere were great an