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They all come from the original Anglo-Sax- on word "hal" which means the state of body or mind opposed to disease, and characterized by the integrity or soundness ot all the parts and functions which constitute a living being. In the restricted sense we have referred chiefly to the condition of the body. By health we mean the harmonious activity of all the functions — mental and physical — which permits a man to entirely manifest his Spiritual Individuality. The Spiritual Self is always whole, alwaj T s perfect- ly sound and well. It is the Christ of every man, and 2 HEALING THOUGHTS. is the Perfect Pattern which the mentality must attain to in this life. The business of the Living Soul is to manifest the Spiritual Self — the self that is the image of God. Three steps are necessary before it can reach the perfect plane of the Ego or Divine Self: — It must overcome the world, prove its dominion over flesh, and annihilate the Doctrine of Difference. In order to overcome the world we must reject or deny every temptation it offers that would cause us to err, and at the same time let our light so shine that the world seeing our good works will also glorify the One Good. To overcome the flesh we must find our Real Self — the Christ within — and live and act from that standard. We must have dominion over our mental desires and control them. Living Soul must be subservient to the God like Self. The doctrine of Difference and its results must be entirely removed from the mentality. The adversary is made up of the opinions of people who theorize about evil powers, and opposing powers. The Living Soul must learn there is no adversary, since there is but One Power. If we imagine an adverse power, that which the im- agination images will appear. But Soul must learn that such appearances are like the mirage of the desert and HEALING THOUGHTS. 6 will melt into nothingness under the sunlight of Truth. "My word is Truth." Healing Thoughts are words of Truth. Many of our subscribers to The Life express themselves as hav- ing found in them the Words of Living Truth, and we respond to the request that comes from many loving hearts, to have the "Healing Thoughts," of past num- bers, bound into convenient booklet form. Herein may be found the way in which Living Soul attains to the altitude of its Higher Self. The Living Soul must ever aspire, must grow in grace and the beauty of wholeness, or oneness with its Spiritual Nature. The Word is the Power of God, and its judicious use, as set forth in these Thoughts, will lift the Soul above the difficulties of its environments, — make it su- perior to the claims of carnal sense, — free mentality from the concept of Difference, and imbue it with spir- itual understanding, which brings Regeneration. Regeneration is the recognition of the Unity of God and man. It is Health and Peace to the Soul. It brings with it that even growth in grace which ultimates in the Perfect stature — the full manhood in Christ. Healing Thoughts* <£ CHAPTER L HEALING is a science and a fine art. To heal is to turn the mentality of the patient from the error of its way of thinking unto the truth of Being and the right way of thinking. The word science is from the Latin scientia, which means knowledge. Science as generally used means knowledge that has been reduced to a system so that its principles are eternally accurate and always applica- ble. 'Art", is from the Latin ars, artis, skill in fitting or joining. The principles of science practically carried out, is art. So healing is the practical carrying out of a systematized knowledge of what is true, and which, when carried out, obliterates all preconceived and tra- 2 HEALING THOUGHTS. ditional error, making it of no further effect in the ma- chine-shop of the patient's mentality. Healing is a metaphysical science and art. Mind is the most volatile and the most powerful healing agent known. Mind is Spirit acting as the Word; and as such it has been called a sword, — sharp and piercing — pene- trating everywhere, so that ther r e is no creature that is not thoroughly manifest and tfpenly known before it. Mind moves without resistance, because it has only its own universal medium to meet in all its course. Mind is subject to nothing. It is here and there — in the home and in distant Alcyone — unfolding the Lily's chalice and moving the stellar worlds — always, everywhere, the very substance of the universe. While vocal words are framing speech for their medium, and materia medica in the schools is concocting plans of experiment for the future that will bridge its chasms of failures in the past, Mind holds remedy more potent than all, a healing for every ill, an immaterial balm for every woe. Metaphysicians do not apply treatments to bodily appearances directly. All ills are the outpicturing of mental condition, and to heal those ills the mental at- titude of the patient must be changed from wrong be- liefs and wrong thoughts to right understanding of his relation to the Principle of his being. A complete change of heart is needed for the pa- HEALING THOUGHTS. 3 tient who has been imbued with the idea of viciousness, in whatever way. It is the duty of the healer to arouse the sleeping- mentality that has believed in evil as an entity in God, and inform him of the truth that good is all, and that since there is but one substance, and that substance good, the cause of his trouble can be removed only by forsaking false ideas as vaia and unreal, and looking only to that which is true, faithful and right. He must be told what is true about himself. All a man has to do in this world is to come unto, and manifest, his Spir itual Self. This Spiritual self is perfect and can have no wayward tendencies. The living soul will always be subject to temptations so long as it believes in limi- tation and separateness from its cause, or Spirit. The soul does not like to be bound, and desperately antago- nizes restrictions. ''Thus far shalt thou go", is but a tantalizer, a spur to defy and put the command to the test. That is what "Thou shalt not" was said for: To start the investigating spirit of the young soul, — to stimulate to growth. But the soul must think, must choose wisdom's or reason's way of growth, which is the spiritual way, and avoid the places where fools rush in, and where wise men fear to tread. The healer speaks to the Real, Spiritual Self of the patient, which the living soul had forgotten or remem- bered but vaguely, and the man turns at once from the error of his way, mentally, to the truth of his being and 4 HEALING THOUGHTS. is healed. For the body reflects the acts and attitudes of mind as readilj as does the mirror objects that pass before it. The reason why some people cannot yet be healed is that they do not believe, — they think living- soul is all there is of them, and they thus refuse to be awakened out of sleep. The whole process is metaphysical. You might as well talk of polishing off the reflections upon the surface of the mirror with material appliance as to think of removing disease from the body by the applica- tion of drugs. It is the thought that goes along with the drug, a belief in its power, that sometimes palliates, or cures. A man once told me he was cured of rheuma- tism by carrying a potato in his coat pocket! Belief is good. It is better to believe than to disbelieve. But belief in the Right is important. Healing and uplifting belong to the list of works that in themselves are their own exceeding great re- wards. CHAPTER II. ANY chronic diseases arise from self-condemnation. @i When one has sinned (''sin" means a falling short of the true mark,) and has repented sufficiently to turn forever from the error so that he would never again commit such things, then he should banish it from his M HEALING THOUGHTS 5 remembrance. It has served its purpose, driven him into wiser ways, and can be of no more benefit to him. He should be attending" to better things, thinking- bet- ter thoughts and helping his brethren to cross the gulf of error he stumbled at, without falling into it. Chronic difficulties of long standing are removed by fasting and prayer. ''Fasting and prayer" means conse- cration to Perfect Principle. It means desertion of all outward forms and ceremonies and giving undivided at- tention to the Source of Power and of Health. Fasting does not always mean going without food. But if one is very alimentive it may be necessary to ob- serve the outer form of fasting also, in order to reach the plane of higher understanding where perfect heal- ing is possible. But the genuine kind of fasting con- sists in reaching such a lofty state that the body is sus- tained by spiritual manna, and does not hunger. Faith in Health always heals. Most people have to do something, or have something done for them, before they can have perfect faith. Elisha knew that proud Naaman would not have healing faith unless he required him to perform some humble office. So he chose for him the fulfillment, or outer sign of inward cleansing, when he sent word to him, \*1X/. V A *.#&•* <*\-5s£k\ c^.^fc-% . : * ^ v^HR: ^°* \ >+"% •«' ^^ ••