E382 .H67 Copy 2 ^o r/.^*"=^^ /.yiC^.'/X ,"^ .' •, ^-^ .^' r>^'' *•"' ^' \..^^ ■i^^ • ,^q. q, **Tr,'* aO ♦ <•. c-» ^->..i^ ^^'^'^^ v-o^ y .. 'V'^.Tr-'y' "o^^^*^**/ V-^-'y A HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OP MAJOR GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON. IMFARTIALLI COMPILED FHOM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. ^ 1828. A L^^ 'V AN IMPARTIAL AND TRUE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON. Andruw Jackson, now a candidate for the office of President of the United States, was the youngest of three sons of an Irish emigrant, who came to this country in the year 1765, and " shortly afterwards purchased a tract of land in what was then called the Waxsan settlement, about forty-five miles above Cam- den," in South Carolina. (1) While he was yet very young he had the misfortune to lose his father; and his mother intending him for the ministry, sent hira to an academy held in the VVaxsau meeting-house. (2) Here he continued until the ravages of war interrupted the opportunities of education. " A state of neutrality or quiet" became quite unattainable in South Carolina. (3) The measures of Lord Cornwallis " were calculated to admit of no neutrality among the people." (4) " The licentiousness of a soldiery, spread through a rich and feeble country, can seldom be restrained: in South Carolina it was scarcely attempted. The spirit of plunder seems rather to have been countenanced;" (5) and Wassau was the scene of one of (he most bloody and disastrous conflicts, where " no quarter was given" (6) by the British under Tarleton, when a corps of American cavalry were almost entirely destroyed. At about this juncture — the precise time is not specified by the biographer — Andrew Jackson, with one of his brothers, joined a party of militia, retreating from the advance of the enemy, and accompanied them " into the interior of North Carolina," (7) to which part of the country the disturbances had not then extended. It is not stated by Major Rcid or Mr. Eaton, whether their mother went with them; but it seems scarcely probable she could have safely remained behind, considering the disturbed condition of the country, the licen- tiousness of the invaders, and that her place of residence had already been the scene of a bloody and cruel massacre. Her eldest son had previously joined the army, and lost his life at the time of the " battle of Stouo," in consequence of fatigue and the heat of the weather. (8) " When Lord Cornwallis crossed the Yadkin," in North Carolina, these fugi- tives ventured to I'cturn " in small detachments" to their own state.(9) " They found Camden in possession of Lord Rawdon, and the surrounding country in a state of desolation. "(10) Soon afterwards, a number of the Waxsau settlers were surprised at the meeting-house by a party of tories and British, and were obliged to make a rapid flight.( 11 j Andrew Jackson and his brother Robert were there — whether as spectators or otherwise is not stated — and escaped into the woods; but being pressed with 1 The authority for this fact, as well as for many that follow, is the well known work entitled " The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the service of the United Statss, &c.; commenced by John Reid, Brevet Major, U. S. Army. Completed by John Henry Eaton. Published at Philadelphia, 1817.'' And (he second edition of (he same, " by John Henry Katon, S€na(or of the United States," published in 1&24. (2) lb. page 10. (3) Mai- shall'sLifc of Washington, v. 4, p. 162. (4) lb. J65. (5) lb. 16«. (6) lb. 160.(7) Eaton's Life, p, 10. (8) lb. p. 11. (9) lb. (10) lb. (11) lb. 12. A 2 Life of huQger, came out, and were taken into custody along with several of the ael- tlers.(l) They were treated with much unkindness aud seventy while they remained in the power of the British; until a few days after the battle of Camden, in Aug-ust, 1780, when they were released. (2) The eldest brother had recently died; Robert died soon after his release in consequence of disease contracted and ill usage received during his captivity; (3) their mother also died about this period, and Andrew found himself the sole survivor of the family, and the uncontrolled master of his actions and his properly. " He entered upon the enjoyment of hisestate, which, though small, would have been sufficient, under prudent management, to have completed his educa- tion on the liberal scale which his mother had designed. Unfortunately, how- ever," according to Mr. Eaton, " like too many voung men, sacrificing future prospects to present gratification, he expended it with rather too profuse a hand. (4) He continued this course of self-indulgence and unworthy "■ gratifications" through the three last years of the war, during which, the utmost excitement generally prevailed among the youths of Carolina. Though master of his pro- perty, it is not said that he devoted (he least particle of it to the cause of freedom^ and while uncontrolled in his own actions, he avoided, during the splendid cam- paigns of Green, Lee, and Marion, any further exposure to the perils of military service. When he was eighteen years of age, or more, (5) he " abandoned the pulpit for the bar," (6) ancT commenced law student at Salisbury, in North Carolina, where he was licensed as an attorney, in 1786. (7) In 1788 he removed " through the wilderness" to Nashville, where but one lawyer had previously resided. (8) Here he settled, and soon after obtained the appointment of District Attorney for the territory of Tennessee. (9) In 1796 he was a member of the convention which met to form a constitutioQ aind state government, under the act of congress, permitting Tennessee to come into the Union(lO) as a state. 1 Eaton's Life, 12. (2) lb. l.S. f3; lb. (4) lb. 13, 14. (5) His age— the pre- cise period of bis birth, and consequently the place of his nativity, seem involved in some obscurity. It should not be considered any disparagement to him to say he was born in Ireland, if such were the fact. But bis biographer, who is als/) his friend, — Mr. Senator Eaton, — falls into inconsistencies tliat cannot but raise a suspicion of a design to conceal the whole truth. The 15th of March, 1767, is named by Mr. Eaton as the day of his birth. But it is said, that " at the age oC fourteen he joined the American camp," — and this was a long time previous to the battle of Camden, which occurred on the 16th of August, 17S0. But if there is truth in Arithmetic, there cannot be fourteen years between March 15th, 1767, and August 16th, 1780, independent of the months or weeks to be allowed for the retreat into North Carolina, the stay there, the cautious return, the residence at home, the cap- ture, and the long and distressful captivity. The statement of Mr. Eaton is therefore wrong, somehoio, beyond question. But it is stated lie was admitted to the bar in 17S6. If of legal age at that time, as must be pre- sumed, he could not have been born later than 1765; — in part of which year his parents were residing in Ireland. Further it is said, that in 1780 he entered upon the " manage- ment" and " enjoyment" of his patrimonial estate; and " squandered" it in personal " gra- tifications." This can hardly be said of a "young man" of less than sixteen years old. The personal " gratifications" of the idlest boy of thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen, could scarcely require so ruinous an expenditure. If even sixteen when he thus ' squandered' his estate, he must have been born in 1764, a year before his parents left Ireland. There is a niystery about this vvbich may never be explained. To have been born in Ireland implies no reproach. Bui, if lie was of an age to bear arms, it is difficult to excuse his voluntary absence from Eutaw springs and the Cowpens. 6 Eaton, p. 14. (7) lb. S Eaton, p. 15. Second edition, 16. (9) lb. 15. (10) lb. 16. First edition. Act uf congress, June 1st, 1796. Andrew Jackson. S la this assembly he arrajed himself on the anti-republican side, and opposed the democratic principles of universal suffrage and equal rights. He joined in establishing the rule which allows the rich man to vote in evety county where he has land; but confines the poor man to one vote where he resides. And he also approved and advocated the exclusiou of all men from a seat in the legisla- ture, except those who possessed two hundred acres of land in their own right. The following extract from the "Journal of the Tennessee Convention," shows the part which he took in support of these distinctions: " Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1796. On motion of Mr. Robertson, resolved that there be appointed * a committee of two members from each county, to draft a consti- tution, <^c.' and Messrs. M'Nairy and JACKSON were appointed on said committee for the county of Davidson." [See p. C, of the Journal.] ' " Wednesday, Jan. 27. The committee reported a draft of a constitution." — [See p. 12.] Sec. 1. ".4/Z freemen of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, jjossessing afreehold in the county vihere they may offer to vote, and being iniiabitants of this state; and all freemen who have been inhabitants of any one county, within the state, six months immediately preceding (he day of election, shall be entitled to a vote for members of the General Assembly, for the county in which they shall respectively reside." — [See Journal of Convention, page m. ] " Wednesday, Feb, 3, 1796. Mr. Cocke moved, and was seconded by Mr. JACK -ON— " Tluit no person shall be eligible to a seat in the General Assembly unless he has resided three years in the state and one in the county, immediately pre- ceding the election, and shall possess i?i his own right in the county which he represents, not less than two hundred acres of land, and shall have attained the age of twenty-one years." Which was agreed to. — [See p. 29.] It must be observed also, as indicative of his sentiments, that in the same convention he moved to expunge the article providing, that '' No person who publicly denies the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punish ments, shall hold any office in the civil department of the state." In the same year he was chosen a member of congressj and took his seat in time to vote with Mr. Giles, and against Mr. Madison, on the subject of a re- spectful address to Washington, who was then about to retire from the Presi- dency.(l) It was customary at that period for cougress to reply to the President's com- munications. A committee, of whicli Mr. .Madison was a member, reported, on the 12th of December, an address, which contained these words, " for our country's sake, for the sake of republican liberty, it is our earnest wish that your example may be the guide of your successors, and thus, after being the ornament and safeguard of the present age, become the patrimony of our de- scendants." Mr. Giles moved to expunge all such expressions; and said, " as to those parts of the address which speak of the wisdom and firmness of the President he must object to them; he was one who did not think so much of (he President as some others do; he wished him to retire, and that the moment of his tetiringhad come." Mr. Giles did not succeed in ^his motion. — Madison, Gallatin, and other leaders of the republicans, voting, as well as the federalists, in favour of so just a tribute fo the virtues of Washington. Jackson voted with Giles, and a very few others, to insult that great and good man, by striking out all that was re- spectful in the address. Except thus recording his enmity against Wasliington, General Jackson took little part in the business of the session, and did not afterwards resume his seat in the House of Representatives. (2) The session closed on the 3d of March, but owing to the urgency of public business a session was held a few weeks after, commencing on the 15th of May, 1797. 1 See the Journals of Congress of the Session, commencing Dec. 5th, 1796, nnd ending March Sd, 1797. 2Eaton'«rjf(», p. 18. 4 Life of He did fiot attend this session, although he still held his membership. It was not a time for politicians or patriots to be absent from their posts; but he threw away the opportunity of opposing the celebrated slamp act, which was passedduring this summer session. At the session of 1797-8, he appeared as a member of the Senate, and remained until the 12th of April, 1798, when he obtained leave of absence and went home. Mr. Senator Eaton states that, * ' On the alien law, and the effort to repeal the stamp act, he was present, voting in the minority," &c. But this is manifestly untrue, for the Journal shows that he took leave of ab- sence on the 1 2th of April, and Senator Eaton says that " about the middle of April business of an important and private nature imposed on him the necessity of ask- ing leave of absence and returning home."[l] It is also certain, that the first suggestion of the alien law was not until April 25th — the bill was reported and read for the first time. May 4th, and passed the senate on the 8th of .June- went through the other house on the 22d, and was approved by the president on the twenty-fifth. The only vote which Mr. Eaton could mean to refer to, was on the 8th of January, 1798, when Mr. Anderson asked leave to bring in a bill to repeal the stamp act of the preceding summer. On this occasion the vote stood eleven to fifteen and the motion was lost. General Jackson voted in the minority. Among the eleven who voted to give Mr Anderson the leave he asked for, were Mr. Green and Mr. Foster of Rhode Island, and Mr Livermore of New Hampshire — all decided and unwavering federalists. Nearly all the important measures of the party then in power— ^the measures which caused the fall of Mr. Adams' administration — were carried through Con- gress during the latter part of this session, after General Jackson had gone home. The act for raising a provisional army which was said to be urged particularly by Hamilton and his friends against the judgment of the President — was passed in May. The alien law was passed in June; the act authorising the capture of French vessels, and the sedition law in July. At the time of the passage oi all these bills General Jackson was a member of Congress but did not attend in his place to oppose any one of them. He resigned his seat in the Senate according to Senator Eaton, in 1799. But it is certain that he never attended after April I2lh, 1798. He took leave, ou this occasion, of political life " for the intrigues of which," says Mr Eaton "he declared himself unfit. "(2) It is difficult to comprehend what ' intrigues' General Jackson would have been obliged to carry on, if he had remained in the senate ; but perhaps the station re- quired qualities of mind and temper of which he felt himself destitute; or possi- bly he had not yet made up his mind as to those strong measures which charac- terised the then existing administration. At least he could not have disapproved of those enactments very earnestly or he would not have stayed away, and lost the opportunity to vote against them. About this time he became a major general of militia, and was appointed a judge; but, aware of the mischief his incompetency might create, [3] he shortly resigned the judical station, and retired to a plantation ten miles from Nashville, where ho has since resided. [4] In 1806, he killed a young gentleman, named Charles Dickinson, with circum- stances of peculiar vindictiveness. A particular account of the duel was published in the National Journal, on the authority of a respectable citizen who received it from Dr. Catlett, one of the seconds. The other second, Mr. Overton, has not contradicted it. It seems they both had race horses and quarrelled about foul play in a race which Gen. Jackson won. Jackson challenged. Dickinson's ball grazed Jack- son's breast, slightly touching the skin; Jackson's pistol went to half cock. He nodded to tho seconds, re cocked his pistol, took deliberate aim, and killed Dickinson. The Nashville paper, called the " Impartial Review and Cumberland Reposi- 1 Eaton, p. IS. (2) lb. [3] lb, p. 19. [4] lb. p, 17. * ~ Andrew Jackson. 5 tory," of June 7th, 1806, also contains an account of the duel; and a note from Gen. Jackson to the editor to prevent his putting the paper in mourning, as a tribute of respect to Dickenson's memory, and a consolation to his widow and child. The latter part of 180G, and the following year were marked by the agitations caused by the discovery — so far as K was discovered — of Burr's conspiracy. Burr was an intimate friend of Gen. Jackson, and the intimacy continued after his projects were well known to be treasonable.[l] in 1812, when the war commenced, Gen. Jp.ckson's division of militia raised a volunteer force of 2500 men, with which he descended the Mississippi toNat- chez.(2) But as there was no enemy in tiiat quarter, he was directed to dismiss the men. He disobeyed, and marched them back to Tennessee. (3) In the following summer, be had a quarrel with Colonel Benton, of the army, now senator from Missouri, which led to an attempt, on his part, to commit a deliberate murder. The statement published by Colonel Benton, relative to this transaction, has not been controverted by General Jackson — It was dated at Franklin, in Tennessee, September 10th, 1G13,— as follows, viz: " A difference which had been for some months brewing between Gen. Jack- son and myself, produced, on Saturday the 4t.h instant, in the town of Nashville, the most outrageous atlray ever witnessed in a civilized country. In communi- cating this affair to my friends and fellow-citizens, I limit myself to the statement of a few leading facts, the truth of which I am ready to establish by judicial proofs : '* 1. That myself and my brother Jesse Benton, arrived at Nashville on the morning of the affray, and knowing of General Jackson's threats, went and took our lodgings in a difl'ereut house from the one in which he staid, on purpose to avoid him. "2. That the General and some of his friends came to the house where we had put up, commenced the attack by levelling a pistol at me, when I had no weapon drawn, and advancing upon me at quick pace, without giving me time to draw one. " 3. That seeing this, my brother fired upon Gen. Jackson, when he had got within eight or ten feet of me. "4. That four other pistols were fired in quick succession: one by Gen. Jackson at me, two by me at the Gcncr.il, and one by Colonel Coffee at me. In the course of this firing. General Jackson was brought to the ground, but I received no hurt. " 5. That daggers were then drawn. Col. Coffee and Mr. Alexander Don- aldson made at me and gave me five slight wounds. Captain Hammond and Mr. Stukely Hays engaged my brotiier, who being still weak from the effect of a severe wound he had lately recieved in a duel, was not able to resist two men. They got him down, and while Capt. Hammond beat him on the head to make him lay still, Mr. Hays attempted to stab him, and wounded him in both arms as be lay on his back, parrying his thrusts with his naked hands. From this situa- tion, a generous hearted citizen of Nashville, Mr. Summer, relieved him. Be- fore he came to the ground, my brother clapped a loaded pistol to the breast of Mr. Hays, to blow him through, but it missed fire. 1 The Richmond Enquirer of January 20th 1807, contains the following extract from (he Tennessee Gazette published at Nashville, viz: "Col. Burr arrived on Sunday evening last, at Gen. Jackson's about 9 miles from this town; and has been in this place several times this week. He appears to be preparing for some movement, we know not where. Should be attempt any hostile movement, we will make it known." General Adair of Kentucky in an address to the public several years since openly tmmled Gen. Jackson with having organized troops, superintended (he building of boats, &c. for Col. Burr. 2 Eaton's I.ifc, p. 22. (3) lb. 22. " He lost no time in making known to the secretary of war, (he resolution be had adopted to disregard the order he had given," &c. Eaton, p. 22, 27. 6 Life of " 6. My own and my brother's pistols carried two balU each; for it was our intention, if driven to arms, to have no child's play. The pistols fired at me were so near, that the blaze of the muzzle of one of them burnt the sleeve of my coat, and the other aimed at my head, at a little more than an arm's length from it. " 7. Captain Carroll was to have taken part in the affray, but was absent by the permission of General Jackson, as he has since proved by the General's cer- tificate: a certificate which reflects less honour, I know not whether upon the General, or upon the Captain. " 8. Thai' this attack was made upon me in the house where the judge of the district, Mr. Searcy, had his lodgings! So little are the laws and its ministers respected! Nor has the civil authority yet taken cognizance of (his horrible out- rage. THOMAS HART BENTON, Lieut. Col. 39th Infantry." The assassin like charater of this transaction, must be considered far from honorable to the spirit of assailants. Murder in a duel is redeemed from shame by the display of courage and the generous provision for equal danger. But the deliber'ate attack by five armed men upon only two — the suddenness of the onset, the firing on Col. Benton before he had a weapon drawn, and this within ten feet, — all this was plainly murderous in intention without being brave. No notice of this outrage was taken by the police or magistracy. While Gen. Jackson was still suffering with the fracture of his arm, received in this afrray,(l) he was obliged to take the field against the Creek Indians. His former expedition, as we have seen, had been entirely ineffectual, when he descended the river to Natchez, and returned without seeing an enemy. Other commanders had been more lucky. Col. Newman, with a party of Georgia militia, had made a successful inroad, and killed about fifty of the war- riors .(2) Colonel Williams also had led a body of volunteers from East Tennessee, had fought three battles with the Indians, killed thirty-eight and wounded many more, besides taking a large number of prisoners; had burnt several towns, de- stroyed the corn, and brought off a rich booty, consisting of four hundred horses and an equal number of cattle. (3) These successes had been gained during the period of Gen. Jackson's fruit- less expedition to Natchez; and so much had the Indians been beaten, that " it was the opinion of Col. Hawkins, (the agent) and also of Gen. Hampton, who passed through the Creek country during these transactions, that they might safely rely on the peaceful conduct &nA friendship of all the Creeks, excepting only the Seminoles."(4) In 1813, the massacre at Fort Mims showed that, though the strength of the Indians was impaired, their spirit was not subdued. It was in consequence of this calamity the legislature of Tennessee ordered a force of 3,o00men to be embodied, of which Gen. Jackson took the command, in October, 1813.(5) Early in November, he reached the Ten Islands on the Coosa river. He de- tached Gen. Coffee with nine hundred men to destroy the Talluschatche town; which service was effectually performed. Every min in the town was killed; and some of the women and children, unavoidably, perhaps, in the midst of such shocking butchery of their husbands and; fathers, and " in consequence of the men flying to their houses and mixing with their families."(6) Gen. Jackson had thus been preceded by several other commanders in this work of destruction against the miserable Creeks; a iew days afterwards, how- ever, at a place called Talladega, he had an opportunity to emulate their ex- ploits. Coming up with a body of Indians, which he completely surrounded, a massacre took place not at all inferior to those which had gone before. " In their 1 Mr. Walsh's Biography, in the American Monthly Magazine, p. 73. Eaton's Life, first edition, p. 36. Eaton omits all description of the fight in which it had been injured. 2 M'Affee's History, p. 466. (3) lb. (4) lb. (5) Eaton, p. 31, 36. 6 Gen. Coffee's ofBcial report. M'Afee's History, 7, p. 466. Andrew Jackson. f flight, the Indians were met at every turn, and pursued in every (lirection."fl) "It was the opinion of the General, that if he had not been compelled to dis- mount his reserve, scarcely any of the enemy could have escaped c}estrudion.''\2) " Probably ybtfl escaped unhurt. "(3) The loss of the Indians, as stated by them- selves, was not less than six hundred. The residue of the campaign was marked by a series of disputes between the General and the militia, such as have never occurred in any other part of the military service of this country. The zeal of Gen. Jackson was unquestionable; his desire to punish the Creeks, to emulate the successes of Col. Williams, and to push the war boldly towards the Florida frontier, perhaps, led him into errone- ous views of his own power, and into too contemptuous an opinion of the rights of the militiamen. After some difficulties, arising from the extreme want of provisions, tbe ap- proach of the day when their term of service expired, gave to the volunteers an occasion to claim their right to return. They had volunteered for one year, from December 10th, 1812. But when the 10th December, 1813, arrived, Gen. Jack- son claimed to hold them longer; alleging that the Act of congress contemplated an actual service of three hundred and sixty-five days; and as they had been discharged by the war department, and by him in the preceding spring, and now called out again, they were not entitled to go till they had served much longer. (4) Col. Martin, who commanded one of the regiments, addressed a respectful letter to the General, setting forth their determination to remain only till the 10th, and assured him " that all had thought themselves finally discharged on the 20th of April last, until they saw the order of September 24lh," requiring them to rendezvous at Fayetteville on the 4th of October; and that the officers assured them their services would terminate on the 10th of December. "(5y General Jackson called them mutineers and deserters if they attempted to leave him as they intended. (6) And on the 10th, the " artiller}- with two field pieces, and the militia under the command of Col. Wynne, on the eminences, in advance, were ordered to prevent the departure of the volunteers." (7) He want as far as to order " the artillerist to prepare the match. "(8) The officers, it seems, desirous to avoid bloodshed, agreed to remain a few days longer. An at- tempt was made to persuade them to continue, by an address, in which they were threatened with ' disgrace,' &c. But " this appeal failed of the desired efrect,"(9) and they went home. Gen. Coffee's brigade was the next to give trouble. They had been called out for three months, in September, 1813; — their three months had expired, but it was said their officers had agreed for them to continue through the winter. This they protested against as being done, if at all, without authority from them, and they insisted on going home. (10) General Jackson insisted on the Act of Feb- ruary 6th, 1812.(11) Not adverting to its repeal eight months previous to their being drafted; told them that " patriotism was not to be measured by months and weeks and days,"( 12) — called them deserters,(V3) but could not prevent their going home. The brigade of West Tennessee militia also claimed their right to go home at 1 M'Aflee's History, p. 46S. (2) lb. 3 Eaton, p. 57, first edition. (4) The Act of congress which Gen. Jackson cited, was thatof February, 6th, 1812. [Eaton, p. 29] This Act, Sec. 2d, provided that the volun- teers, if accepted by the president, " shall be bound to continue in service for the term of twelve months after they shall have arrived at the place of rendezvous, unless sooner discharged," Laws of the U. S. v. 4, p. 375. These volunteers tendered their services ia November, and rendezvoused on the 10th Dec, 1812, from which day, for twelve months, they were bound to do military duty, if ordered, unless discharged; but their discharge was ordered by the government on the 5th of January, 1813, [Eaton's Life, first edition, p. 19,] The Act of congress was repealed on the 29th of January, 1813, [Laws of the U. S. v. 4, p. 444,] And were "dismissed from service'' in the spring. [Eaton, p, 23, first ed.] It is unaccounts^jle that Gen- Jackson should have relied on such a foundation foi his claim to detain these men. (5) lb. 77, 78. (6) lb. 84. (7) lb. (8) lb. 85. (9) lb. 89. (10) lb. 90, [11] lb. 94. [13] lb. 96. [13] lb, 93. 8 Life of the expiration of their three months. Gen. Jacksou conteniled that as they were called out for the purpose of subduing the Indians, and that object was not yet attained, they were not entitled to leave the service. (1) As this rule would have subjected them to an indefinite term of duty, they would not submit to it. Gov. Blount told them they were entitled to go home. (2) But Gen. Jacksou "believing it to be his duty to keep them," on the day their term of service expired by law, " issued an order, commanding all persons in the service of the United States, under his command, not to leave the encampment without his written permission, under the penalties annexed to the crime of t7eservere presumed to have been executed, a detachment of the 3d regiment of militia, consisting of eight white men and a sergeant, two mulattoes and one negro were sent by Major Viliere to the vil- lage of the Spanish fishermen on the left bank of the bayou Bienvenu, a mile and a half from its entrance into Lake Borgne, for the purpose of discovering whether the enemy might try to penetrate that way, and to give notice of such attempt. "(5] That Gov. Claiborne was censurable for not'having executed the orders re- ceived three weeks before, and that Major Viliere, a militia officer, was equally remiss in sending such a guard to an outpost so important, and removed not less than six miles fro?n his station, — is equally clear. But it is difficult to explain why Gen. Jackson — with his numerous staff, his regulars, his fine cavalry, and his own character for activity, should only have "presumed" the bayou had been obstructed, without examining it himself, and should have suffered so im- portant an approach to be watched, at such a crisis, — two days after he had declared he expected the enemy, — by no cavalry, no regulars, no staff officer, no officer at all, indeed, and thus allow the British to be on shore twelve hours, within a few miles o/JSTew Orleans, without liis knowing of their having landed!!! So it happened however. The sergeants' guard, of e/eren men, were sur- prised and captured in the night of the 22d.[6] The British landed in considera- ble numbers, moved across the country from the creek to the river, about six o'clock to Mr. Villere's plantation, where they surprised and captured a company in broad daylight, after ten o'clock in the morning of the 23d. [7J And Gen. Jackson, who was only six miles ofT— in the city — knew nothing of it till after one o'clock. [8J Even then he must have been very imperfectly informed; for he at first " was 1 Latour, p. 65. (2) National Intelligencer of January 9th, 1815. Letter from New Orleans, dated December 16th. " Intelligence was received last Monday of the arrival of a fleet off Cat Island, with 6,000 men on board, &c." (3) Latour, p. 69. [4] lb. p. 64. [6] lb. 77. [6] lb. 84. [7] lb. 86. [8] lb. 88. Jlndrew Jackson. 15 • of opinion tbey were a mere plundering partj', and fears were cnlerlaioed lest they should retreat to their boats and escape. "[1] And Col. Hayne, the In- spectorGcueral, after rccounoitring, reported the enemy lobe only two hundred men. [2] The Britis-h had landed above two thousand men; and as they were at Viilere's plantation within six miles from New Orleans, with no intervening obstructions, three hours before Gen. Jackson heard of their landing, and his force was scattered in every direction, it cannot be doubted that if Gen. Keane the Brilisli commander, had pushed on, he would have taken the city of New Orleans with perfect ease and certainty. [3] Gen. Jackson took measures to collect his troops — but it occupied him six hours, from half past one till half past seven, to get them ready and march them six miles from the city, to the neighbourhood of the British. The numbers on the British side engaged in the skirmish which followed, are not easily ascertained with precision. [4] The number of men that Gen. Jackson took into the skirmish is also uncer- tain. (5) He left a large part of his force behind, and giving Gen. Coffee com- mand of the Tennessee mounted men and some volunteers, besides the Missis- sippi dragoons, sent him to take post on the north of the British. The river runs eastwardly from New Orleans. He directed, as he says, [or requested, as the Commodore says,] Com. Patterson to attack the enemy with his sloops of war. The Carolina accordingly moved down, and at half past seven opened a destructive fire on the British, which threw them into confusion. [6] Gen. Jackson, with the right division, moved down the river road, but his troops got into confusion in the march in consequence of being marched in line over ground much obstructed. [7] Coffee was obliged to abandon his horses, — and leave the Mississippi dragoons behind;[8] he advanced gallantly on foot to- wards the British from, the direction in which they had come in the morning, and met a large number of them retreating from the fire of the ship. There was 1 National Intelligencer, February 4th, 1815. Letter from J. H. Johnson, Esq. of New Orleans, dated December -SOth, 1814. [2] Latour, 90. This blundering report of Col. Hayne, which was made, it seems, late in the afternoon, shows strikingly how miser- ably the patrolling, videtiing, and reconnoitring service must have been arranged. 3 Gen. Morgan, with the Louisiana drafted militia, was at the • English turn,' several miles further from New Orleans, down the river, and was thus ml off. Latour, p. 101. The volunteer uniform companies were at Bayou -St. John, several miles to the north, lb. 87. The Tennessee troops and Mississippi dragoons were encamped four miles above the city. lb. The regulars were in the city. 4 Gen. Jackson says 3,000, in his official letter to the secretary of war. National In- telligencer, January SOth, 1815. Latour's Appendix, p. 16. The ' principal engineer' and historian. Major Latour, who was there, and received Gen. Jackson's compliments for his good conduct, says, Ihcy amounted to 2,250 — being the halfof Keane's division, — the other half arriving in the course of the night. The impression at New Orleans, at the time, was, that this sffair was a mere skirmish of the advance guards. Thus a letter dated at New Orleans, December 23d, at midnight, to the Post-Master general — published in the Intelligencer of January 2lst, 1815, states, that" an engagement took place last evening between the advance guards, in which the enemy was repulsed; — the General has taken a position three miles in tlie rear," &c. And Gov. Claiborne, who was in the fight, wrote to a senator, December 30lh: "To- wards dark (on the 23d) the vanguard of our army had a brisk engagement with the ene- my, in whicii we had several killed, many wounded, and some missing," &c. Intelligencer of January SOth. 5 Major Latour says — p. 105. — the right, commanded by Gen. Jackson, consislcd of 1,500 men; the left, under Gen. Coffee, had 732. Gen. Jackson, in his official report, said, they did not all exceed 1,500. Latour's Appendix, p. 14.— Mr. Eaton says 2167. p. 327. 6 Official report of Com. Patterson to the secretary of the navy. Also, Gen. Jackson's official letter. And letter of Mr. Johnson, National Intelligencer of February 4th, 1815, Also, Eaton, p, 312, 7 "The consequence was an early introduction of confusion into the ranks, whereby he was prevented from the important design of uniting the (no divisions," Eaton, p, 316. " The centre became confused and was foi;ccd into the rear." lb. This " checked the rapidity of his advance," &c. lb. 322. 8 The ground was not suitable for cavalry, yet all the mounted men were in this divi- sion, Eaton, 312. 16 Life of ♦ not much order, but a great deal of gallant fighting;— the city rifle company were brave even to rashness, and suffered severely.[J] Gen. Jackson's wing having got into confusion very "ear/?/," never ap- proached nearer than about 1,200 yards ot the British main body.[2J They had an engagement with an advance guard which they drove in. They then retired leaving the dead on the ground, [3] at half past eight— after an hour's skirmishing; but whether they were taken at once to the place where an entrenchment was afterwards made, or remained inactive in the dark, close by the enemy, is diflS- cult to state. [4] The events of this day and night can scarcely, on an impartial review of them, be considered as adding to the military reputation of the General. The British army, long expected and looked for, reached Viilere's plantation early in the morning, and were on land all day without being molested, till an hour or more after sunset. Tliey were all this time within " two leagues"[5] of New Orleans, where Gen. Jackson was in command of not less than 5000 men well equipped, [6] whom he had scattered so as to be unable to concentrate them for five hours after he knew the British were at hand. He had also the co-operation of two well armed sloops of war, that could reach the enemy with their cannon balls and grape shot. The Carolina threw the enemy into confusion by an unexpect- ed and destructive fire, [7] and with this favourable opportunit} for attack, with all the advantage of superior numbers, fine artillery, and superior knowledge of the ground, he left the killed, as a trophy of victory in the hands of the enemy. Instead of concentrating his force upon a weak point, or any one point, of the enemy's line — as was the well known practice of Bonaparte — and the obvious policy of the attacking army — he spindled them out into utter feebleness — so that " an express" had to inform the commander of 2167 men, what his right wing was doing. [8] Carroll's Tennesseans were purposely left out of action till late at night; the Mississippi cavalry were sent where they could not act at all — [g] Morgan's brigade was cut off, and knew nothing of the landing of the enemy till they heard the firing.[l0] And his own wing was arrayed in line, long before they came near the enemy, [1 1] while Coffee's 600 armed only with 1 " CaptaiD Beeler's company penetrated into the very camp of the enemy," &c. La- tour, p. 99. 2 The diagram, or map, accoinpanying Major Latour's History 'of this affair, shows this fact. The Tennesseeans were much nearer. 3 Mr. Johnson's letter. National Intelligencer of February 4th, 1825. The loss in this action is not stated by Gen. Jackson's official despatches. A letter from New Orleans, dated December 30th, states the killed, wounded, and missing at 250. National Intelli- gencer, February 4th, 1815. Eaton says, 24 killed, 115 wounded, 74 made prisoners, p. 328. 4 Letter from the Lieutenant of Beale's Rifle Company. National Intelligencer of January 21st, 1815, dated December 23d, at midnight: " An engagement took place last evening between the advance guards, &c,; the general has taken an advaatageous position three miles in the rear, where he is entrenching, &c." And Gen. Jackson says in his first official despatch, — " The heavy smoke occasioned by an excessive fire, rendered it necessary that I should drmo off" my troops, after a severe conflict of upwards of an hour," &c. Latour's Appendix, 44. But in a subsequent despatch dated the next day, the ' heavy smoke' is changed into a ' thick fog,' — and he says, " I contented myself with lying on the field that night, and at four in the morning assumed a stronger position two miles nearer the city." lb. 45. 5 General Jackson's official despatch. 6 Eaton says there were 2167 in the skirmish — Morgan's brigade were further down the river, and Carroll's brigade and the city militia were left behind on the Gentilly road. See also a letter from an officer of the United States army dated New Orleans, December 16. [Before the arrival of Coffee and Carroll.] " We are weak here at present, say 1200 regulars and 2000 militia. We expect Coflfee with 2000 in a day or two,' &c. Nat. Int. January l4th, 1815. And another letter " from one of the most respectable inhabitants," dated December 22d. " Yesterday Generals Collee and Carroll arrived with 2000 Ten- nesseans," Nat. hit January 21st. Of the 2000 Tennesseans only 600 were in the action. 7 Com. Patterson's o^cial despatch to the secretary of the navy. 8 " The express despatched to Gen. Jackson /row the leftwing,^' ^c. Eatoo, p. 319. 9 Eaton, 323. [10] Latour. [11] Eaton, 316. Oetieral Jacksov. 17 rilles, were allowcJ uiisuppoilcd, to make a rash attack on a I'orcc estimated by tlie General at three thousand. It is manifest tliat if the British had pressed forward ag^aiiist Gen. Jackson's feeble line while "in confusion," as described b}' Mr. Eaton, and too remote from Cofleo to derive any assistance from him, — the Americans with whatever bra- very they might have fought, must have been overwhelmed and beaten in de- tail. Fifteen hundred men m confusion never could stand against three thousand — or even 2250 equally well armed and in military order. i3ut happily Geu. Keane who commanded this British division, was not com- petent to take advantage of his antagonist's error. The consequence was, as inigiit have been anticipated, an unnecessary waste of lives in skirmishing with advanced guards without making any impression on the main body, and finall}- leaving the enemy in possession of many prisoners and of ou»- dead — a circumstance very irreconcilable to the boast of victory. General Jackson having lost the opportunity to destroy the 2250 British, by attacking them with his whole force — land and naval, in day-light — went to woric to throw up a strong embankment two miles nearer the city, behind which his army was from this time posted, in considerable strength and apparent safety. The British received reinforcements, and so did the Americans. It cannot be ascertained with precision how many men either army compris- ed. The numbers were probably about equal. [1] And it is clear that if the regu- lars had all been brought from Mobile, the British might have been attacked with every probability of their l)eing totally destroj'ed or captured. The British having resumed tlie offensive, several cannouadings from a dis- tance took place without any elTect. During this period Gen. Jackson having heard an intimation that the legislature were disposed to capitulate, [2] sent an aid to the governor v/ith orders to investigate the charge and if true to blow Ihcm up into the air. The aid or the governor without any investigation intro- duced an armed force into the hall of the legislature and turned them out at the point of the bayonet. This was not directed by the General: but he afterwards justified and sanc- tioned it. Except occasional and distant cannonading, the opposing armies remained quiet— the Americans behind the embankment that every day was made more perfect, until the 8th of January, the day of the final attack. The armies lay on the left or east side of the river, the Americans four or five miles below iVcw Orleans. The other side of the river had been neglected, 1 Letter from Govcniui- Claiborne of Louisiana, to one of the senators, dated Decem- ber 30th, 1814. National Intelligencer, January 30th, 1815. " The force of General Jackson before the enemy, is from six to seven thousand men, and is drawn up in lines behind a high and strong entrenchment impenetrable to musketry and the shot of small cannon. In front is a wet ditch along its whole length; the right flank is covered by the liver, die left by an impenetrable swamp, and the whole front is defend- ed with several pieces of cannon of various calibres," [32, 24, 12, and 6 pounders] None, even the most timid, entertain any apprehension of tiie enemy's ability to force our lines" The same letter slates that the " enemy have not less than four and not more than TOGO men, and of this number 1000 or 1500 are blacks." Governor Ciai«ofne counted tlie British from 4000 to 7000 at this time, and the Americans from GOOO to 7000. Another letter, (Nat. Int. of Januaiy 30th, 1816,) states the American force at 7500 before the arrival of the Keutucky troops — and adds that the " greatest confidence prevailed." A letter from the camp dated January 6th, published in the Intelligencer of the SOth, says, " all deserters from the enemy agree thai their force is from 7000 to 9000, but wc gentially suppose it to be about 6000." And that the Kentucky troops, near 3000 had ar- rived, mal;ii>g " our force better than SOOO." Another letter mentions the mrival of the Kentnckians on (he 2i" li of December, and estimates the elfeetive force at 10,000. And the Intelligencer declaies, January 30th, 1815, that many other letters corroborate these. 2 Eaton, 303. This charge the members of the lcj;islature always treated as a calum- ny, and their conduct certainly gave no colour to it. The French parly predon)iimted, and the insinuition came from Abner L- Duncan, who was politically oppose d to them. (' 18 Life of [1] and on the nigiitof tlie 7tli, Geu. Jackson, to repair the error, ordered *i smaJJ detachment ol" Kentuclcians [about five hundred,of whom only two hundred ac- tually went,] to he posted there, near the Louisiana regiment, already behind a redoubt on that side. [2] On the 8th the enemy attempted to scale the embank- ment — advancing in close columns, sixty men in front, and offering a mark for the gunnery of the Americans that could not be missed They were shot down as fast as they came near, till having lost 1,500, two of their three generals, and a large number of officers, and having killed but thirteen of the Americans, they gave up the attempt and retired. [3] Never was a victory more easily gained. No change of position was necessary on our side — to load and fire was all the men had to do, and that in almost per- fect safety. What part General Jackson took in the affair is not mentioned by any Historian of the transaction;[4] — in fact the General officers had little or nothing to do, but to stand quietly as spectators. Gen. Adair in a letter dated October 27th, 1817, republished in Niles' Regis- ter for November 25th, 1826, declared that he marehed his Kentucky brigade without orders to that part of the line where the attack was made, and that he has ever been of opinion it was owing to this circumstance the enemy were repulsed. Latour states, p. 244, " The battalions of Plauche, Daquin, Lacoste, with tliree-fourths of the 44th regiment, that is to say, our whole centre, did not fire a single shot. The majority of the troops under Gen. Coffee did not fire at all, so that but one-half ol' our line was engaged. This is a fact for the truth of which I appeal to the individual testimony of every man in the army,"&c. On the opposite side of the river, the omission to provide fortifications or men to defend the passage, had well nigh proved of fatal importance; and nothing but the corresponding neglect of the enemy, a second time, saved New Orleans from being cn;jlured.[5] Two hundred Kentuckians, of whom thirty were quickly killed or wounded, wore posted to defend a line of three hundred yards in extent; without any pro- teclioji ia front or flank. They were driven in by a British regiment, which, if it had pressed on, might have reached the city, while the armies were engaged with each other, five miles below. (6] These Kentuckians deserved no censure for giving way before 1,000 British regulars, advancing in solid column. ^7) But they were charged by Com. Pat- terson, with having run away, in a " most shnmeful and dastardly manper,"- Aod Gen. Jackson, adopting Patterson's prejudice, accused them of cowardice, in his official despatch, 1 Latour states, that on that side Gen. Moi'gan was posted with only 550 men; that he began a breastwork 200 yards in length, leaving a large space " on the right of the 200 yards, where (he breastwork had been begun, without any other defence than a ditch, and exposed to be turned." p. 166. Some of Morgan's militia were not armed. lb. 2 " In the evening of the 7th, Gen. Jackson ordered Gen. Adair to send a detach- ment of 500 men to reinforce Morgan's camp." Latour, p, 169, Of these 600, only one- fourth had arms, and only 200 arrived at Morgan's line at four in the morning, " spent with fatigue and faint for want of food." lb. 170. 3 Latour, 156, Latour's description of this affair is clear and satisfactory. He was jirescnf, and the officers had leisure to see all that passed. •1 Gen. Jnckson was not at the place where the most vigorous assault was made, and uhcre Col. liannce with a few Uritish soldiers, actually entered the redoubt; but being informed of this event, he sent a reinforcement, previous to the arrival of which, the Bri- tish had oeen driven back, and Cul. Rannec killed. Eaton, 369. 5 It appears in Com. Patterson's official despatch, that he notified Gen. Jackson on the 7th of the preparations making by the British to throw a force across the river. Na- tional Intelligencer, February 14th, 1815. (6J Latour, 174. 7 Eaton, 377, palls tJeneral Jackson's accusation " a censure they did not merit.'' And Gen. Ailair in a letter to Gov. Shelby, January 13lh, 1815, National Intelligencer, February 1 ttli, declared " they have been cahimnialed.'^ \ court of incjuiry being held they were acquitted of all blame, and the facts were es- tablished that they were spread along a line of 300 yards, and unprotected, while the Louisiana militia, 500 strong, stood behind a breastwork only 200 yards long. Nat. In(slli» i^cncer, .•\pnl IJth, 1S15, Andrew Jackson. 19 General Adair of Kentucky, insisted on a retraction of this charge, and after a court of inquiry had been held, General Jackson expressed his satisfaction that they liad been " acquitted of any conduct deserving of ccnsure."(l) This matter was, sometime after, the subject of a very angry correspondence between the two Generals, in which accusations oi falsehood were freely interchanged. General Jackson, through the tenaciousness of military pride, never could be induced to do justice to the injured men, and finally he returned to the original charge in its most aggravated shape, and declared that they " fled in a most shameful and dastardly manner. ''[2J So the matter has rested since, and tlicse Kentuckians remain branded by General Jackson, as cowards and ' dasta7-ds.'\2] The British did not renew the attack. On the right or east bank of the river there was nothing to prevent the Britisli force of 1000 men under Col. Thorn- ton, from moving up till they should be opposite the town. But happily they did not know our weakness in that quarter. When General Lambert of the British army proposed a temporary suspension of hostilities for the purpose of burying the dead. Gen. Jackson stipulated that the truce should not extend to the right bank; — the British commander either deceived by this io.to a belief that his detachment on that side of the river was in danger, or else being resolved against any renewal of the attack, withdrew those troops — and measures were then taken by Gen. Jackson to repair the omission which had left the right bank unprotected. On the 19th of January, the enemy had entirely disappeared, and reimharked in the vessels off the Florida coast. And on the 20th and 21st, Gen. Jacksonded his army back to New Orleans.[4] At this time arrived the 3d regiment of U. S. infantry 000 strong from Mo- bile, where they had remained during all the preceding month, at a distance from the scene of danger but within easy call. Their arrival now only excited anew the wonder that they had not been brought in time to co-operate in the affair of the 23d of December, when with their aid the whole of Keane's division might have been captured. The return of the army at the end of the campaign, was hailed with joy in New Orleans.[5] The people had not been inspired with any confidence by General Jackson. His repeated declaration, that they were not themselves to be trusted, had weakened their mutual confidence: and they liad dreaded not only the enemy, but the destruction with which ho had menaced the city, in case he should be obliged to retreat. [6] A little intoxication of spirits, is excusable on such an occasion ; yet the re- publican and the christian cannot fail to regret, that the authorities of the city should have chosen to offer, or the General to accept, such inappropriate modes 1 GeneralJackson's letter to Gen. Adair, April 2, 1815. 2 Gen. Jackson's letter to the Editors of the Kentucky Reporter, April 11, 1817. In the Kentucky Legislature, on the 3d Feb. 1816, Mr. Rowan, now a Senator of the United States, offered a resolution approving the conduct of Gen. Adair, for " vindicating a respectable portion of the troops of Kentucky from the inajifro-finate imputation of cowar- dice." [Journals of the H. of R. session 1815—16, p. 258, &c.] The same sentiment was expressed in the same body on the 8th January, 1818, and Jan. 7, 1824. One of the regular toasts at a dinner given to Gen. Adair, at which Gov. Shelby was pre- lent, was " our distinguished gueat; in the hour of peril, his country's shield — in the day of sionder, an advocate for the soldier's honour." 3 This is not the only insta-ace of injustice in the official reports. The gallant Major Carraick of the Marines had his horse shot under him, his Ihum shot off, a bullet in iiis arm, another in bis head, and several balls perforated his hat [Letter from N». Orleans, Nat. In- telligencer Feb. 2, 1816] yet he never was mentioned in general orders, although almost every other officer present was complimented. It is known that he was personally not on good terms with the General; but on such an occasion private differences ought not to in- terfere with the justice due from a commander to the brave officers who fight and bleed to exal t his name. 4Latour, 197. EatOD,89€. [6] Eaton, 396, 397. [6] Ibid, 344. 20 Life of of doing him honour as were adopted. lie was publicly crowncil,[l} and going- to the principal Catholic Church in full military pomp — not to worship, but to be worshipped, — ' he was conducted in and seated near the altar' — a' wreath of laurel' was presented to him by the Priest — ' children dressed in white were employed in strewing the way with flowers— and a flattering ode produced for the occasion saluted his ears. '[2] At the time of these proceedings the conclusion of the court martial at Mo- bile, held by Gen. Jackson's orders for the trial of the 180 Tennessee militia, was heard of. Six had been condemned to die, the rest to have their heads shaved. Gen. Jackson, on the 22nd January, — after his triumphal entry, and when all was joy and festivity around him [3] issued tlie order for shooting the six in four days after the arrival of the order at Mobile [4] The /ads of the case as laid open in the evidence taken before the court martial, do not seem to have called for such severity. [5] It is certain that the men believed their term of service had expired. It is also certain that they were so informed by officers who had better opportuni- ties of knowing than they had. (6) It is certain, too, that this error was their only offence, their conduct up to the time when they thought their military obligations had terminated, having been as correct as that of militia in a detached camp, not in the vicinity of an enemy, generally has been. (7) 1 M'Afec's History, p. 525. " Tbey crowned their adored General with laurels." The ceremony was attended by a numerous concourse of people, and conducted in a very splendid manner. " There were many citizens of New Orleans, however, and still more, in many other parts of the Union, who condemned i\\K regal ■pomp, as inconsistent with that republican simplicity which ought always to be preserveii in our country, and as tending to corrupt the minds of our citizens, and inspiring them with sentiments of false glory, and sinister schemes of ambition." [Ibid. p. 526.] " A fritimpbal arch was erected opposite the principal entrance to the cathedral. Under the arch weretwoyoungchildren— 'he received the crown,' kc. Latour, p. 200. 2 Eaton's life, p. 398, 399. 3 On the 20th of January, Gen. Jackson entered ISew Orleans in triumph — 'a scene well calculated,' says his biographer, ' to excite the tenderest emotions.' — Ealon^s Life, &c. p. 396. [4] ' Mjuianl General's Office, J^eio Orleans, January 22, 1825. ' Major General Jackson approves the proceedings and sentences of the Court, and or- ders them to be carried into effect. With respect to those: sentenced to the punishment of DEATH, their sentence will be carried into execution /owr days after the promulgation of this order at Mobile. ' 5 In the official accounts lately published by congress. 6 Extract from the official record of the trial of John Harris, one of the sullerers, The prisoner staled, in his defence, ' that he was totally unacquainted with the nature of the militia service, that he had frequently heard bis officers say that tbey knew of no law compelling militia to remain longer than three months, and from the opinion of other men of respectability and infoimalion conceived his time of service had expired — returned his gun to his captain under that impresssion, took up the receipt he had given for it, and departed from fort Jackson, conscious of HAvrNG discharged his duty.' On the trial of captain Strotlier the charge was « Exciting Mutiny.' Specification' ' In this — that on the march between FortDeposite and Fort Jackson, between the 4lh of July and 31st of the same, he stated in presence of some of the troops, there was no law to compel them to serve longer than t/i)ve months, am] unless he was shown a better law than he had seen, he would march his company home at the end of that time.' Capt. Strother was convicted and broke, and so was a lieutenant, for giving this opinion. In the course of the evidence in the trial of Harris, as appears from the record: — ' James Nelson, a private in Capt. Mebane's company, testified that he heard General Worthington of Tennessee, say, that he did not know whether the men were ordered out for a tour of three or six months — (hat he had wrote to the Governor, but had received no answer to his letter on the subject.' 7 The evidence as detailed in the document recently published shows that all those condemned to die were acquitted of every charge implying disorderly conduct — and found guilty only of going away — And that one of them — David Morrow was regularly received Andrew Jackson. 21 AuJ it is certain tliat the severity of their execution was quite unprcccdcnt cd. [1] As to the le^al question whether they were lawfully bound to serve six months or three, opinions mayperhaps differ. It seems clear that the Acts of congress and Laws ol' Tennessee limited the term to three months. [2] But it is enough that the question had difficulties. [3] If they were mistaken they suffered for an innocent mistake in a difficult question of law. And then it was cruel to put them to death; — if they were right in their ' law opinion,' it was not only cruel but murderous to take their lives. It cannot, in either case, be considered honourable to Gen. Jackson; and so he must have thought, wken he subsequently published an earnest denial of all participation in the matter, and shifted the responsibility entirely upon Gen. VVinchester. [4] back and pardoned by Gen. Taylor; after which in violation of Gen. Taylor'a pledge of safety he was shot. 1 The instances of the execution of Jeseriers to the enemy have been cited in extenuation of this massacre, but the difTcrcncc is manifest. In deserting to the enemy a crime is commit- ted with the worst motives, and no mistake is made; in going home, when the tour of duty is believed to be faithfully performed, the intent is certainly innocent. Without evil inten- tion there can be no crime. 2 The Act of Congress, of Feb. 25, 1796, sec. iv. (Laws of the U. S. v. 2. p. 480,) pro- vides that ' no officer, non-commissioned or private of the militia, shall be compelled to serve more than three months after his arrival at the place of rendezvous, in anyone year, nor more than in due rotation with every other able bodied man of the same rank in the battalion to which he belongs.' Under no other law than this could militia men have been drafted. Another Act of Congress, passed April 18, 1814, [Laws of the U. S, vol. 4. p. 703.] pro- vides that ' the mihtia when called into service of the United States by virtue of the be- fore recited act [Feb. 28, 1795,] may, if iji the opinion of the President of the United States the pubZtc interest require it, be compelled to serve for a term not exceeding six months af- ter their arrival at the place of rendezvous, in any one year.' No subsequent order of the President prolonging the term of duty has been shown, and the records of the war department comprise no mention of any such. Gen. Armstrong, Sec. at war, wrote to Gen. Blount Jan. 3, 1814. " The militia may be considered as having been called out under the law of 1795 which limits their service to three months." [Documents lately published by congress.] The militia referred to here are those drafted in 1813, whom Gen. Jackson, in Dec. 1813, pronounced " deserters" because they insisted on going home at the end of three months as the Sec. of war said they had a right to do. It is curious that six men should be shot for acting on the construction of their military duties as given by the Sec. at war. Of the militia thus to be considered [ as the law provided] in service for three months. Gov. Blount was authorized to augment the number — by letter from the Sec. at war Janua- ry 11, 1814— [ Document No. 2] The question then rose whether he might also enlarge the time as to which he had no war- rant in the law? 3 It appears in the Documents that Gov. Blount wrote to the Sec. of war for his opinion, — that capt. Strother applied to Col. Pipkin for his opinion — and also ensign Martin — that Gen. Washington of Tennessee had written to Gov. Blount for his opinion — that captain Earp, Col. Cbetham and Gen. Johnston were all of the same opinion with those who were shot, S(c. 4 Gen. Jackson's fast letter on the subject, dated Sept. 4, 1826, and published originally at Baltimore, contains these words: ' The case you allude to, [viz. the death of the Ten- nessee militia men,] might as iceW be ascribed to the President of the United States, as commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces, as to me.' ' The ringleaders, Harris at their head, were after some time apprehended and brought to Mobile in irons, after 1 had left there for New Orleans, and had charged Gen. VVinches- ter with the cummand of that section of the country.' ' They were tried by a court-martial and condemned to die; five were shot, and (he ba- lance pardoned. There is not one word in this letter which betrays the fact that he ordered the court-mar- tial, and he ordered the men to be shot to death; — but the blame is tDdcavoured to be shif- ted upon Gen. Winchester. 2^ Life of The severity of Gen. Jackson towards the Tennessee militia, however un- justifiable under the circumstances of the case, was not of such terrible con- sequence as that which he exercised towards the Louisiana volunteers, and Kentucky militia. We have seen that a dispute had occurred between him and some of the New Orleans volunteers, as to their right to limit their service to the time du- ring which the enemy should be actually present. (1) The Kentuckians had also been much discontented with the tardy and imper- fect justice done to their ' calumniated' (2) companions. These men were punished with excessive rigour. When the army returned to New Orleans the Kentucky militia and a Louisiana regiment were still kept in the mud, (3) on the plantations, while the regulars, even those freshly arrived from Mobile were quartered in the city. (4) For a few weeks the uncertaintj' of the enemy's movements furnished an apparent reason for keeping up a station so destructive to the lives of the mili- tia, although no such encampment had been thought necessary, up to the period of the actual landing of the British, and when the enemy had been just where he now was. This indulgence of the regulars in the luxuries of the town, while the town militia and Kentuckians were obliged to keep the field, had a strange appear- ance. But soon the motive became obvious. They were kept there in a condition of extreme sufferiug, long after all idea of further hostilities had passed away. Fevers and dysenteries, the natural result of such exposure, among men wholly unused to a soldier's fare, — made dreadful havoc among them; before they were allowed to come into the town and share the accommodations of tiie regular soldiers, not less than five hundred were thus unnecessarily, and, it must be added, unfeelingly sacrificed. (5) The sicklj condition of these men did not move the General's compassion even after the news of peace. The British had departed on the 19th of January. The news of peace was brought by Col. Livingston from the British fleet on the 10th of February. (6) 1 Eaton, p. 300 2 Gen. Adair's language in his letter to Gov. Shelby, dated Jan. 13, [ Nat. Intelligencer of February 14, 1815.] It was not till the 19tb of February the general order was published acquitting the Ken- tuckians of cowardice. 3 " Immediately after the departure of the English troops from the shores of the Missis- sippi, a body of the Kentucky militia was encamped on the plantation of Dupre, and the re- mainder on the right bank of the river." [Latour, 224.] On the 20th of January, the 2d Regiment of Militia was ordered to encamp oa Villere's plantation. [Ibid. 197.] 4 " On the 21st of January, General Jackson entered New Orleans, at the head of a long suffering and victorious army. [Eaton, p. 395.) " The Kentucky and Louisiana militia, — occupied their posts [on the plantation] until the disbanding of the army. [ March 13th,] ib. 3 "The hardships they were obliged to endure, added to the unhealthiness of a con- stanlly wet soil, caused them to contract pernicious fevers and dysenteries, which soon be- came epidemical. The effect of these disorders was speedily seen and terribly felt; in the space of one month 500 men perished in this way." [Latour, p. 225.] The nature of their accommodations after the return of the regulars to the city is not precisely described by the historians, except that the encampment was upon a " constantly wet soil" — But the following is Major Latour's account of the sufferings of the Kentuc- kians in common with tbe Tennesseeans previously to the 20th of January. " The ground was so low and difficult to be drained that the troops were literally encamped in the water, walking knee deep in mud; and the several tents were pitched on small iles or hillocks sur- rounded with water or mud." " Those who have not seen the ground cannot form an idea of the deplorable condition of the troops," &c. " Those brave men supported all their hard- ships with resignation, and even with alacrity," ^c. p. 149. 6 Eaton 400, and Latour 216. But perhaps it should be the 19th, see Latour's Ap- pendix 84. That was the date of the order announcing it. Jndrew Jackson. *S A general order was issued, dated "February 19lli," by General Jackson, announcing that the " flag vessel has returned, and brings intelligence of peace," &c.(i; The Louisiana militia on the wet plantation being very sickly, and being in Mr. Eaton's language " owners of the soil, men who had families anxiously con- cerned for their safety, and whose happiness depended on their return" 2) be- came very impatient; and the newspapers began to criticise the unnecessary waste of valuable lives. Between the 16th and the 24th of February, General Jackson imposed a re- striction on the newspapers, which entirely destroyed the freedom of the press; and established a censorship equal to that which despotism has restored in France — but which in no other instance was ever attempted in America. A general-order — which like the ukase oi the Russian autocrat now was the substitute for law, directed that no publication relating to, or aflecting the army, was to be published in any newspaper without first obtaining permission. How far this arbitrary and oppressive edict which was certainly not necessary as a measure of defence against the enemy, was provoked, by the expression of public opinion through its natural organs, the newspapers, can now be only con- jectured. (^3) The legislature had continued to meet, notwithstanding their forcible expul- sion from the hall by armed men, and the establishment of military government in the city. Indeed the performance of their functions was necessary, for the purpose of voting assistance to the sick, wounded, and destitute, among the militia. On the 2d of February, they passed a vote of thanks to the brave citizen soldiers, the subaltern officers, and the Generals; omitting all notice of General Jackson. At such a time the legislative body would not have cast so strong an implied censure on the conduct of the General, unless they were backed and supported by public opinion. It seems to have been for the purpose of smothering the ex- pression oi such opinions that the muzzle was put upon the press. It is remarkable that although the vote of thanks passed on the 2d of February, [4J it was not communicated to the officers who were complimented in it, till the 25th of that month. [5] 1 Latour's Appendix 90. And Nat. Intelligencer of March 26, 1815. 2 Eaton p. 408. 3 General Jackson had before this written to the secretary of war, " there is little doubt that the last exertions of the enemy have been made in this quarter for the pre- sent season." National Intelligencer of February 13th, 1815. Latour's appendix, 57. He had announced the news of peace, and he had written to Admiral Cochrane to " reciprocate his congratulations on that event.'' Latour's appendix, 86. He had published an address to the mayor of the city e.Tpressing his ' exalted sense' of the ' unanimity' and * patriotic zeal,' ' love of order' and ' attachment to the princi- ples of the constitution' — ' courage,' ' fortitude,' ' humanity,' ' liberality,' &c. of the people of New Orleans, his ' admiration,' ' thanks,' &c. &c. Latour, appendix 84. Yet he would not restore the laws or constitution to which he praised them for being attached. A people deserving these praises surely might be trusted with liberty of speech. 4 Latour, 205. 6 Latour's appendix, 25, &c. Governor Claiborne's letters to Generals Thomas, Car- roll, Adair, Coffee, and Colonel Hinds, all of that date. No one of these officers in reply mentioned the omission to thank General Jackson, except Coffee. The legislature did not act without provocation in this maik of disrespect. The in- sult which they had received, in being violently expelled from their hall; and the insin- uations made against the patriotism of their citizens, in the General's orders declaring martial law — insinuations which had been amply refuted by the good conduct of the whole population, and yet had not been withdrawn, seemed to them to require apolo- 24 Life of Whether the power or the influence of Gen. Jackson occasioned its suppres- sion, for so long a period as three weeks, is not known. Among the Frenchmen that had volunteered and had fought bravely, and con- ducted themselves in all respects so well, there were many who were still detain- ed in the mud on the open fields. They became utterly disgusted with the op- pression so needlessly exercised, after a treaty of peace had been known to be concluded. To save their lives from the " dysenteries and fevers" which were sweeping off such numbers in the camp where they had been cruelly confined, while the more hardy regulars did not share the exposure, they claimed their rights as subjects of France. A new UKASE or edict, exceeding in arbitrariness all that had gone before, banished the French citizens to a distance of one hundred and twenty miles from New Orleans.(l) It is diflicult to find an apology for this proceeding. The class of people on whom this heavy sentence fell, comprised a large portion of the gallant comba- tants in the battles of the 23d December and 8th of January. The French ar- tillery corps had been eminently useful. The gallantry with which they had behaved, had been emphatically declared by the General himself. (2) If there was still danger of a renewed invasion — two weeks after the news of peace — New Orleans was by this order deprived of an efficient portion of its de- fenders — If no further occasion for their services was apprehended, the prolong- ed detention of their compatriots in the pestilential fields was without excuse, and a just cause of murmur. Mr. Louallier, a member of the legislature — distinguished for his patriotism, [3J wrote, in one of the public papers, somfe remarks on this order, and on the unnecessary continuance of military despotism, while all other parts of the United States were in the uninterrupted enjoyment of laws and republican in- stitutions. General Jackson immediately scut Mr. Louallier to prison under a military arrest. [4 j This was on the 4th day of March. gy and explanation. They were displeased with the ill-timed introduction of the press- gang system, when all were so willing to serve without being pressed. They thought such a severity calculated only to create the disaffection, which they did not believe existed at the time of General Jackson's asserting it. They disapproved of the injus- tice of keeping their citizens of the drafted militia — the householders of New Orleans — still in a sickly camp, when the more hardy regulars were allowed to lounge idly in the streets and taverns of New Orleans. They disliked also the crorujiing', and other excessive honours paid to, and accepted by General Jackson to the exclusion of all others, as if he alone deserved praise, and the gallant Coffee, Adair, Carroll, &c. meri- ted no compliment. They wished to show especially their sense of the merits of those officers and their troops, to whom there had been yet no honours or acknowledgments awarded. 1 Nat. Intelligencer of April 18, 1815. Eaton, 406. [an imperfect relation of this transaction.] 2 In an address to the Mayor of New Orleans, Jan. 27, 1814. Latour, Appendix, 73. Also ia the official despatches and general orders. 3 Latour 141. " Louallier a member of the house of representatives obtained from the legislature the sum of iff;(iOOO which was put at the disposition of a committee for the relief of the Kentucky troops who arrived in a ' deplorable condition.' " Iffc. " Though the gratitude of their fellow citizens S{c. be to Mr. Louallier and to Messrs Uulieys and Soubie, who co-operated with him in his honourable exertions a sufficient reward, yet I must be allowed to pay those gentlemen the tribute of applause so justly due to them." Major Latour adds: " with pleasure I take this opportunity to do justice to the patriot- ic and highly praiseworthy conduct of the legislature not only on this occasion, (the extension of the pay of the wounded and other charitable and patriotic provisions) ' but during the whole session." &c. It is to be observed that Major Latour was the ' principal engineer' and his book is dedicated to Gen. Jackson as a ' tribute to hit merits, and with an assurance of ' res- pect and devotion." 4 Ealon, 410. Andrew Jackson. 35 Mr. Louallier applied for the benefit of tliat remedy, Ihe wi]l of habeas corpus, which the legislature had refused to suspend. Judge Hall, to whom the applica- tion WHS made, was officially bound to ^rant it. The writ commanded the sheriff, in the name of the commonwcallh of Louisiana, to call on General Jackson for the reasons of Mr. Louallier's confinement. On the 5th of March, in ihe evening. General Jackbon bent judge Hall to the same prison. Either the same day or early the next day, an express arrived at New Or- leans with intelligence of the ratification of the treaty of peace.(l) Every person supposed that all arbitrary proceedings would now cease — the press be unmuzzled, the laws restored, and the suffering Kentuckians relieved immediately from their exposure in the sickly encampment. But their hopes were disajjpointed. Gen. Jackson still kept Judge Hall in confinement as well as Mr. Louallicr. The Judge applied to Judge Lewis, for a Habeas Corpus. The General or- dered Judge Lewis and also the attorney, l\Ir. Dick, who acted for Hall, to be arrested. (2) On the 8Lh of March, a general order was issued reciting an application from Major Planche's battalion and Major Lacoste and Daquin for a suspension of the order of Feb. SHth banishing the Frenchmen; and announcing that this petition had been granted as a matter of favour merely to the petitioners, and that from the suspension Major Tousard was excepted. (3) The same day the " levy en masse" of the Louisiana militia was discharged by a general order. [4) On the eleventh of March Judge Hall was banished; and Mr. Louallier was still detained/or trial.' (5) Mr. Louallier, whose patriotism had been jn'oved, was brought before a court martial subsequently to all these occurrences — and there " tried" on charges involving life and death, by the general's command. The charges were 1. Mutiny, '-'. Exciting to Mutiny, 3. General Misconduct, 4. Being a Spy, 5. Disobedience to orders. 6. Writing a wilful and corrupt libel, 7. Unsold lerly conduct. The specification was the same on each charge, namely the publication in the newspaper on the 3d of March. (6) 1 Latour's appendix 94. Gen. Jackson's letter to Gen. Lambert .announcing the news, dated March 6, 1815. Also General Carroll's letter of the same date to Governor Blount " an express has arrived with intelligence of the ratification of peace." National Intelligencer, May 6, 1815. 2 Mr. Louallier's statement. 3 National Intelligencer, April 18, 1815. Major Tousard was then French consul. He had served in our army in the revolutionary war and lost an arm 4 National Intelligencer of same date as above. Latour, appendix 99. 5 " On the 11th of the month sent him [the Judge] from the city," &c. Eaton 411. 6 The publication which General Jackson sought to punish by the death of Mr. Louallier, commenced thus: " Mr. Editor, to remain silent on this late general order, directing all Frenchmen who now reside in New Orleans to leave it within three days, and to keep at a distance of 120 miles of it, would be an act of cowardice which ought not to be expected from a citizen of a free country; and when every one laments such an abuse of authority, the press ought to denounce it to the public." It then proceeds to argue from the treaty of cession, th.Tt Fitnrhmen are entitled to all the privileges of Americans— and that the Frenchmen had behaved gallantly in the late battle— and that they ask no other reward than to be permitted peaceably to enjoy the rights secured.by the treaty and the laws, of the United States, and that if the French were to choose to abjure their native country, they could not at once be made Ameri- CBB citizens. " It is therefore better to remain a iaithful Ffenchman, than to be scar- D 26 Life of Mr. Louallier was cctiaitily not ameuable to such a tribunaJ, (1) but the court martial acquitted him ot" all the charges; General Jackson disapproved the acquittal, and still kept him in confinement until the 13th of March. [2) Mr. Eaton says that Mr. Louallier was prosecuted under 2nd section of the rules and articles of war and that the section was published by order, for the information of all concerned. It is to be hoped this is a mistake, for certainly there could not have been a grosser perversion of military power than an at- tempt to take the life of a citizen residing at home and a member of the legisla- ture attending its sittings, for any publication — by pretext of that section, which provides that all persons, not citizens of or owing allegience to the U. S., who shall be found lurking (is spies in or about the fortifications or encampments of the armies of the United States, shall suffer death, &c. (Laws of the U. S. Vol. 4. p. 23.) It is more probable that the true motive for the harsh and angry proceedings against Mr. Louallier and the French volunteers, is to be found in the avowal made by the General in his reasons for disapproving the acquittal of M. Loual- lier, — namely that his i-eksonal dignity was implicated. [3] On the 13th of March, having received orders from the war department to discharge the militia, ho revoked the order relating to martial law, [4] and the next day the militia were ordered to be marched home to be discharged. [5] The Kentucky troops were now, but not until now, relieved from their encampment in the mud, where they had been continued a week after the ex- press arrived with intelligence of the ratification of the treaty of peace — three days after the levy en 77iassc of the Louisiana militia were discharged — about one month after the news of the signing of tlie treaty and nearly two months af- ter the General had declared his confierlure as to cabinet appointments more intelligibly than by a ' nod.' Amos Kendall, a writer of some distinction on General Jackson's si(le, in a bitter attack on the presiilciit,Sic. published in the Richmond Enquirer of October 26th, 1827, mentions, as an unfloubied fact, that Mr. Buchnnan assured some of the Kentucky members, that if Genernl Jackson were elected he would offer the department of state to Mr. Clay. 2 In his letter to Swartout, (Niles' Register, vol. 28, p. 20.) apd his 'Address to the public,' July 18th, 1827. 3 This letter, dated September 4th, 1826, was published extensively, throughout the United States. It contains an explicit, but uncandid denial, viz: " The r.nse you allude to, might as well be ascribed to the president of the United Stales, as commander in chief of the land and naval forces, as to me; but as you ask for a statement of the facts, I send them in a concise form." The narrative which follows, is full of gross and unaccounta- ble misstatements. 4 His letter to Mr. Owens, " Kentucky Gazette" of August 2d, 1827. S6 Life of censure, that he knew his conduct admitted of no justification. This denial being proved untrue, the general seemed determined to direct public attention towards a new object, and accordingly, early ia the spring of 1827, he tluew off all re- serve, and made a distinct cliarge against the ser-retary of slate, of having, be- fore the election, made a corrupt olfer to vote for him, on certain improper con- ditions. [I] This was soon spread abroad, and at length as it found its way to the newspa- pers, and Mr. Clay having declared it to be totally false, the Mr. Beverly, who had first repeated the general's assertion, called on him to support it. Having thus made the opportunity, he published a letter to Mr. Beverly, de- scribing a conversation, held in January, l.'i25, with a member of congress, af- terwards named as Mr. Buchanan, in which the suggestion of a corrupt arrange- ment was made to him, which he believed came from Mr. Clay. [2] To this, Mr. Clay gave a prompt and indignant denial, so far as it affected him; and the general then issued an address to the public, dated July 18, 1827, giving up the name of Mr. Buchanan, as the bearer of the supposed proposition, and maintaining still the belief, that he acted by authority from Mr, Clay. [3] The disclosure of Mr. Buchanan's name, brought out that gentleman's state- raent,[4] which wliolly failed to support the general's charge, and entirely ac- quitted Mr. Clay. It is difficult to excuse the conduct of general Jackson in this affair by taking any possible view of it, consistent with the facts. He has declared that, from the frst, he looked on Mr. Buchanan as the bearer of a corrupt proposal. Then it is impossible to justify his willingly listening to it. Every man of honour feels that an attempt to corrupt him is an insult; which if not repelled and resented is a dis- grace. But he not only listened patiently to a scheme of villainy, as he at the time considered it, but encouraged it by the most friendly reception of the sup- posed messenger of corruption, and by giving him exactly an answer " such as was expecled,^^ with a "■privilege" to use that answer for the purpose of injluenc- ing, if not corrupting, votes. This seems so totally irreconcilable to the rules of honour and virtue, that he has written the severest condemnation of himself in merely stating that such was his understanding. Omitting Mr. Buchanan's testimony, yet the general is not acquitted. His own statement shows the most friendly reception of that gentleman, and his pur- pose. His subsequent betrayal, therefore, of that " efficient friend and support- er" whom he has held up to public view as a willing pandar of corruption, and whose prospects and political character he has sought to sacrifice for the sake of endeavouring to implicate Mr. Clay, — this treachery alone is sulBcient to fix an indelible stain on the reputation of General Jackson. Since the defeat of this attack ou the reputation of Mr. Clay, General Jackson has remained quietly at his plantation, except a visit to New Orleans, whither he lately went for the purpose of joining in the annual commemoration of the battle of the 8th of January. He is now before the public as a candidate for the presidency, and of course, as a politician; but of his present politics it is difficult to speak with certainty. On the 4th of July he permitted an orator, in his presence, to claim as his sup- porters the " federalists of the Hamilton school. [5] 1 Carter Beverly's Btatement, dated March 8, 18-27, of genera! Jackson's declaration at his house, before " a large company" published in most of the ncwspaiiers. 2 Letter to Mr. Beverly, June 6, 1827. S " Address to the Public," July 18, 18-27. In this extraordinary paper, general Jack- son, although he still maintains that Mr. Buchanan was Mr. Clay's agent; ["so I still think," is the expression,] and though he declares tlie " origin, the beginning of this char:;e, was at his own house and fireside," — yet declares, he is not the public, nor the responsible accuser of Mr. Clay. Between the condition of a public, and that of a private accuser, men of honour never prefer the latter. That he was an accuser — and the accusation heavy, no man could doubt. 4 Published at Lancaster. The amount of his statement is given above, pages 34, &c. 3 See the account of his attending the oration of Andrew Hays, Esq. and the oration itself in the ' National Banner and Nashville Whig,' of July 7, 1827. Andrew Jackson. General Hamilton's political principles were distinguished from those of other federalists, chiefly, by his proposing in the convention of 1707, that the president should hold his office for life.[1] But no party now approves of such a scheme. General Jackson is now the only man of any political prominence, in the whole nation, whose principles are not known as to the great questions respecting in- ternal improvements and the encouragement of agriculture and manufactures by protecting duties. As he maintains a guarded silence on these subjects, his principles can only be judged of by those professed by his most distinguished friends and partizansj and THEv in South Carohna, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Pennsylvania, are generally distinguished for their vehement opposition to internal improve- ments and to American manufactures. [2] It must be concluded therefore that HE has changed his principles, and is also now an enemy of the policy which has been called the AMERrcAN system. Before the commission of this last error, he had given so many proofs of anti- republican principles, — of disregard or ignorance of laws and constitutions — of vindictiveness and cruelty — of tyranny in the exercise of power — of contempt of the people's rights — of exclusive confidence in military men — of inconsistency and insincerity — and of a total want of talent or acquirements, suitable for civil office — that we cannot wonder at the strong expression of opinion uttered by flie venerable Jefferson, when he said, " one might as well make a sailor of a cock, or a soldier of a goose, as a president of Andrew J ackson.[3] 1 The Georgia senate have, apparently, adopted the principles of this school, if there be any such. For they solemnly resolved, December 21st, 1827, that they would not only " advance by all honorable means the election of General Jackson" — But also that they will " think of no other person" (as president, or candidate,) " so long as he shall be blessed with his usual bodily and mental energies." — Georgia Journal, published at Milledgeville, January 14th, 1828. 2 The South Carolina legislature, devoted to general Jackson, declare by solemn reso- lutions that the protecting duties provided in 1824, 1S22, and 1816, must all be rescinded; and recently in the senate of the United States, Mr. Smith of South Carolina, presented the resolution of the legislature instructing the members from that state to oppose every ap- propriation for internal improvements. — (See the report of proceedings on Friday, January 11, 185:8. The Georgia legislature have adopted the report of a committee containing similar senti- ments. In Virginia, the message of governor Giles is quite explicit. In Tennessee the de- bates of the legislature November 9th, 1827, show the state of feeling there. The chief justice of Pennsylvania, whose name is at the head of the Jackson electoral ticket, has declared in presence of several gentlemen, that his objection against the present administration is founded on their policy in respect to the encouragement of manufactures. The Pennsylvania delegation in congress comprises three very active friends of General Jackson; Messrs. Ingham, Kremer, and Stevenson. They all have voted against every re- cent measure proposed for the promotion of manufactures or improvements. In the session of 1826-27, on the tariff or woollens bill, which Mr. M'Duffie called " em- phatically an administration measure"^from Virginia only one, from Tennessee only one, from South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, nol 07ie member voted for it. Yet it was passed by the representatives of the people, and sent to the senate where it was killed by the votes of General Jackson's friends from Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor- gia, Tennessee, &c. and the casting vote of the vice-president. See Journal of the house of representatives, 2d session, 19 congress, p. 282, and of the senate; same session, p. 245; and see also a similar note on the Illinois and Indiana canals, in the house; same journal, p. 374. Likewise on the Cumberland road, p 314, and senate journal p. 285. And very lately, that on Internal Improvements. — J^''ational Intelligencer oC Mmch 10th, 1828. 3 See the letters of governor Coles of Illinois, formerly private secretary to president Ma- dison, and of Thomas VV. Gilmer, Esq. of Charlotteville, Virginia: published in December, 1827, and testifying explicitly to Mr. Jefferson's having uttered these very words. 82 ,0' ,^ - 'o V V*, -A ^--^^ < ^ ' ' . . • V ^-.>,^' • o. ■0* » ^- -J i^;!i=J/jr N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 <^9^ ^^•n^. V