. -.-^ « r C - "« c^ "■C «r c ''^.C' ' ^ v/ C_ ■'< < < -7- c, , <(_ •, '-■ f. < '< ^ C aC -C Cf c_ CiC r e '.r < - tX-: r c < ' < « <■• C-' «<- f' ■ ^1^ cr -r -<-..■■ re : , < c<- <: "<. 'c <<:' <^««s-: c c c CC: «:< « eccc c c < iritual or constltuti(mal, liberty Redeemer ! Whilst the sword of war divides the national house against itself; nation against nation, and Cain-striking man against his Abel-virtuous 4 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, brother man ! The Ahiiighty, moral-pointed pen of spirit- ual peace, is the mighty living, reformer, law-giver, and peacemaker of the world! AVhilst the sword of Wi\r or- ders a retreating, marching, or a departing back again into the beggarly elements ot war-stained marching, barbarous military despotism, or the savage tribe-you-nail gauntlet of destruction ! Second Axiom. Truth is mighty; yea, more, it is al- mighty ; yes, verily, the most or the highest, supreme, Divine Almiglity power, and will prevail with him, them or the party only which holds out (or on to truth) faithfully to the end, for such only can claim the Divine promise of reward, under the general law! Third Ax-him, Divine, orderly principle ; moral, attrac- tive, sun, soul and material saving, insurance policy, and spiritual, liberty, redeeming practice, giving motion to mat- ter, emotion of mind, and promotion of virtue, should be our rule of action; of peaceful, loving, virtuous action; of sublime, God-like action, creating, governing and regulat- ing all motion, mind and matter. Hence, I shall typically, figuratively or prophetically head, be-head or em-body, as the reader may elect, judge wisely, or condemn, this brief, hasty essay on man, or the laws and governments of man, as the times demand a saving union of the sacred princi- ples, policies and practices of Democracy, vs. sectionalism^ departing passiveism, or all black Republican shades and dark shadows of death-dealing opposition ! Or in other words, white Republicanism against red Republicanism, and black Repub-lie-can-ism ; or in another free, home-spun dress, the national union and constitutional form of white Republican, self-government, as created by our spiritual and political, stately fathers, formed on the trinitorial rock of ages, the family, the church, and the State, whose im- mortal frame-work is the temple of domestic, political and religious liberty; where all uations, tribes or kindred DEMOCUACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SKCTIONALISM. tongues, can worship. As against a foroign, supported, consolidated, church and stately monarchy, or the baser, supported, sectional, military despotism, feeding on M'ar, civil war, or civil, uncivil chronic war of capital over labor, changing the elementary basis of a pure, native American form of white Republican, self-government, founded on the political, moral and statesman-like justice, jiulgment and in- telligence of the people, to the extreme basest, elementary, black Republican form of self-go vermcnt, founded on the foreign, ignorant, servile African race, holding the balance of power built on, supported with, and fed by the violent prejudices and passions of slavish ignorance; and this anti- Republican system of government, perpetuated throngh the vile means of force, fraud and military power over civil law, building up in twelve years' time the greatest dead or departing, masterly, capital, bonded land, labor and monopolizing aristocracy of the age ; thereby establishing the worst form of domestic, moral and political slavery the world ever knew, and this, too, on their own effective, sec- tional, destroying ruins of the best of an equalizing, dis- tributive, life, liberty and property, protective system of Republican self-government this world ever saw; done, too, in the sectional name of higher law-liberty, anti- slavery, philanthropy and may-jest-stick (like Cain over Abel), double cloven-footed, civil war power, as the base means or sectional agent, in this national union and constitu- tional or civil law destruction, and all this by a party claim- ing all the intelligence, morality and decency in the land! Then the greatest problem (of this extreme age) in which domestic, moral and political extremes are meeting as they never met before, and are destroying each other as extremes never destroyed each other before, and are as yet without the hope, plan or worldly means of a peace-creat- ing, union-saving and liberty-redeeming mediator — is to solve, re-solve or re-instate this only one true national form 6 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, of white Republican self-government. Who shall become our political Savior in this second advent in the third resur- rection day of this spiritual government ol our Democratic fathers? Who shall be the first to proclaim this millennium day of peace on earth and good-will to men ? For we must have a domestic, moral and political millennium before we have the Divine, moral and spiritual second advent, millen- nial day or seventh day savior. But where are our moral philosophers, patriotic sages, or this wise statesman of the day? Gone, methinks I hear Horatio say, into land, labor and capital monopolies ! departed into destroying official, sec- tionalism ; or buried in bonded, cuss-Tom-Murphy house, unbounded, general con-tammy-nating political corruption ! Is it not time that all honest men (meaning more es- pecially Democrats) should stop and retrospectively look back at the former state ot pure Democratic peace, union and pros- perity, compared with the present state of black Republi- can desperation, creating only sectional discord, effectively establishing military despotism, and finally resulting in polit- ical slavery, and inquire why has the Democratic scepter departed out of Judah, Israel or the promised land of Canaan ? This I shall answer in due time, place and quan- tity sufficient for the day of political judgment, which is near at hand, when we must or should answer for all the sins done in this body, politically and constitutionally corpor- ate ; or under the Granted anti-habeas-corpus, ku-klux execu- tioner, by the one-man power establishing general military despotism ! The truly wise man will devotedly but respectfully in- quire into this life or death, government or anarchy, liberty or slavery, first creating cause, and reasonably trace it to its mediatorial, union saving or destroying effect, and be satis- fied with nothing more, or surely with nothing less than a full understanding of its final saving or destroying results ! My third edition of the Bible (as I must have my trinity DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 7 in all things material, hiinian or divine), then the book of books, now the Divine revelation of these domestic, moral and civil laws, and also the })hysieal, moral and national con- stitutional laws, through our spiritual moral and political law-givers, and the general plan of domestic, and political salvation says, typically, figuratively and prophetically : Come, let us reason together; now that time prophetically specified in the typical course of figurative, trinitorial events, has evidently arrived. And with the advent of my book, entitled "A Revelation of the Trinitorial Equations of Nature, creating, governing and regulating alj motion, mind and matter," commences this age of reason, judgment and better understanding of these domestic, spiritual and political laws ; also an advancement of all the arts, sciences and inventions of mankind, and likewise, what is of infin- itely more importance to all, a reformation of the family, the church and the State, the trinitorial co-ordinance, pri- mary branches of all governments founded on this terres- trial rock of ages, commencing the Reformation in our own first successful, national experiment of self-government, and then transforming, conforming and reforming crowned kingdoms and empires into stately, and national, united republics like our own, under Democratic reconstruction, first over an united stately Europe, or united states of Asia, and even a you-knight-tied states of down-trodden Africa and her cloven-footed isles of the ocean ! And but for the damnable heresy, in our land of jeal- ousy, envy and hypocrisy, the besetting sins of man, the devil personified or embodied in human flesh, as the des- troying angel of death eating up our substance, destroying our liberties, and enslaving honest poverty, favoring, pro- tecting, and exalting the rich, but financially enslaving, humiliating, and bowing down the poor. Hence, my humil- iating, financial poor apology for the non-appearance of my book, which I promised to have before the people last % 8 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, month (May), and might, would and should have had it ready over one year ago but for the want of a little financial backing to put it on its feet, so that it can run its course, and travel to all nations of the earth, establishing in each its henceforth crown of glory, which is Divine peace on earth and good-will to men. But this book still lies in the beggar's press instead of in the printer's press; but the press of typical, spiritual and political events demand that this greit reformation must commence with this sectional grant-tied, un-stable government, as the eventful, pressing one thing needful. For without good municipal, stately and national, political governments, there is no peaceful, pure engagement of domestic, political and religious liberty; no equalizing protection of life, liberty and property, and no assurance of the general blessings resulting from the guaranteed freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. Then I shall lay down my broad universal, trinitorial platform, founded on the everlasting rock of ages, and whose unlimited frame exists throughout all the trinitorial equations of nature. Firstly in tlie higher positive, first cause, legitimate or illegitimate father, or creating extreme, a lower negative legitimate, illegiti- mate or passive may-jest-stick, persecuting, enslaving or destroying extreme, with a mediatorial (sun) son— soul and material saving mediator between these positive, creating and negative destroying extremes; and on this platform is founded the divine, moral and spiritual plan of domestic, spiritual and political, or material salvation, creating, governing and regulating all motion, mind and matter ! Then in this first successful, national experiment, our democratic fathers were the positive first cause, legitimate fathers, or national, union and constitutional creators of this self-government. And all negative, bully, tory, sec- tional, hooking opposition are, were, and always will be, (if endorsed), the ill-lee-get-i-mate destroyer of this self-same DEMOCRACY V9. PASSIVEISM AND Si;* TIOXALISM. 9 domestic, moral and political self-governments, eve-een under the first man Adam, in the devilish, disturbing, alien and sedition laws, in partaking of the forbidden fruit, or this apple of sectional discord, from off the proscribed tree oi life, liberty or knowledge, thus causing the fall of man, the fall of parties, and the downfall of nations. And also by the second man Adam, who sowed the first official, sec- tional executive seeds of this sectional anti-slavery apple of discord, and thus produced the first cause or first fruits of dis- obedience to the national laws, thereby bringing effectively the first sin ot disunion into this hitherto peaceful, political Garden of Eden, resulting in the most damnable, double cloven-footed, civil war, and spiritual, political, constitutional death, or a departure into the worst form of domestic, moral and political slavery the world ever knew ; whilst the sec- tional-departing, third man Adam, is knocking at the sec- tional door of this political, corrupted Garden of Eden, want- ing to become the executive judge of politically departed, quick and dead ; but when he came to his own, his own re- ceived him not; whilst in its place, even passive and departing Democrats are bowing the cringing suppliant knee to the white-croM'ned, white-coated, white-end sepulchre or tribune- al, of passive or sectional, deep-parted, political judgment, as promising, in the sectional benefits of land, labor and capital monopoly, perpetuating the same state of domestic, moral and political slavery as his Granted, military, reign- ing-time brother, floundering around, baptised and buried in the same fountain of general con-tammy-nated, sectional, p(jlitieal corruption. Whilst the departed, not dend, but peacefully sleeping principles, policies and practices of the only one true national union and constitutional Democratic party are the mediatorial, divine, peace creating head, moral union saving body, and spiritual liberty redeeming understanding as the only true mediator, or the only true saving means of political salvation between the positive 10 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, legitimate fatherly creator, and the negative, illegitimate destroyer of self-government, changing a government of free, sovereign choice into one of slavish, military force, forcibly exchanging general, national and stately, domestic, political and religious liberty for sectional, protected and capital, mastered, domestic, moral and political slavery, en- forced, winked at and sanctioned by the black Republican, sectional, family, church and State. Here then is the whole Gospel, the law and the {pro-fiid) prophets. Here, likewise, is the Democratic, wise plan of divine, worldly, and national. Democratic, peace creating, moral, fatherly, brotherly and spiritual union-saving, and spiritual constitution-obeying, and liberty redeeming, politi- cal salvation, against the black Republican, sectional, passive or departing plan of devilish, worldly, national and domes- tic, war-creating, im-moral, fatherly, brotherly and spiritual enslaving, condemnation, through the means ot protected, capital, corruption and land, labor and capital monopoly, spiritually reigning a pan-de-monium of military despot- ism, with the blasting, bated breath of Democratic, stately church, canon-Lzed, held-fire and brimstone dam-nation, and political destruction of all the principles of self-govern- ment, leading to a capital-mastered, labor-enslaved mon- archy, or foreign military despotism, determined to destroy this first worldly, successful experiment (in Democratic hands) or national form of self-government, unless nipped in the sectional, passive or departed pre-mature buds of promise before they burst into the hypocritical, cloven-footed, e-goat-is- tickle flowers of eloquence, and before the yield of another four years', sectional, passive or downward, de- parting crop of the apples of discord or the forbidden fruit from the proscribed, hcclional garden tree of life, liberty or knowledge, which not only caused the fall of man individu- ally, collectively or generally, but also of all the domestic, moral and civil governments of men. PEMOORACY VS. VASSIYICISM AND SECTIONALISM. 11 Then we have but two plans of political salvation laid down in our strait hickory, ruling log book of political events. One is Democratic and national ; the other is black Republican [rightly named) and sectional. The for- mer is the positive, national-creating or constitutional, union-saving plan or legitimate means of political salvation, leading to the greatest divine blessings of peace, union and prosperity which this world can give ! whilst the latter is a sectional or passive departure, having no positive plan of union-saving virtue or legitimate means of political salva- tion, and all its negative principles, policies and practices, lead only and in-evitably, no matter which crooked light- ning fork of the down- ward road you take into the same swamping fountain of political corruption, ending in the political slavery, unconstitutional, foreign monarchy, or im- ported, may-jest-stick livery-covered bully, tory or sectional hooking, military despotism ! Choose then this day, O ye honest, conscientious, patriotic men of this nation, whom you will serve. If this sectional God of mammon, God of slavery, God of war, be your God, then serve Him. But it the national union and constitu- tional saving God ot divine worldly, national and domestic peace, moral fatherly, brotherly and spiritual love, and sjiiritual, domestic, moral and political, redeeming virtue, be your God, serve Him faithfully ; for herein you shall speedily have your sure reward ! Or if you choose either of the three sectional, passive or departing heads of legal- ized labor reform, of try-bunal, tare-iff reform (with tare- iff reform left out of the sovereign crown of the rising sun- flower, double-cabbaged head or fresh opening morning glory), or the General Grant-tied military, enforcing civil service reform by one General Granted man who has done more relatively, proximate and re-mote to de-form the civil service than the other heroic, executive, military, civil and uncivil executioners since the fall of the first man Adam. 12 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, And great has been the Granted Niagara, executive, politi- cal fiill, my countrymen ! Tliese are three of the chief sectional, passive or depart- ing heads of the hydra-headed or seven headed and ten horned, bloody and fiery red war drag-on monster sectional- ism ; all departing towards or silently stealing a march on the Democracy, by feloniously appropriating the prolific principles, policies and practices of the great national. Dem- ocratic egg, to their foul, sectional, hatching nest of treason, stratagem and spoils, more especially the latter spoiling, Granted nest egg. But the illegitimate, polly-game-us, may-home-maid of sectionalism, must come to the national union and constitu- tional saving mountain of Democracy, or the elevating hill of science, civilization and Christianity, and mark on our national field notes, their errors of latitude and departure from this straight and narrow path, into heathenism, bar- barism, and even into savage life. There is no other plan whereby the laboring man, his self-creating rights to his own servant capital, and all general right to an equalizing, distributive, protective form of self-government can be saved. In other words the Democracy is the only true national labor reform party, saving revenue tar-iflf reform party, or effective, civil service reform party, in this land of the free, home of the brave and soup-peer-i-eer freedom ot the slave ! We should learn to judge men by their works or deeds, not by their empty, soph-is-tickle, soft-sap-soap-it-all and e-goat-tis-tickle, deceptive buds of promise pre-may -tour-lie and ex-p>lo-sive-lye bursting into hard, ironical, protected flowers of language, pro-duce-ing in season and out of sea- son, and all the time this pro-lific, sectional apple of discord, conij)ulslvely compelling each and all to i)artake of this forbidden fruit, which first brought disobedience, sin and DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SF.CTIONALISM. 13 death into the world, as also into this national, political Eden or first self-governing paradise ot man ! I say right here (on my own responsibility, and shall so proclaim it, and defend that proclamation before the world) that this positive, divine, national, creating or peace mak- ing, moral nnion saving and spiritual liberty i-cdeeming Democratic party is the best, the steadfast and the only poor man's friend ! To prove this assertion, let facts be submitted to a suffer- ing, enslaved people, and also to a candid world. Before the general devastation by civil war in our land, caused by the sectional demon of jealousy, envy and hypocrisy, the consolidated, besetting sins of man, representing the devil personified or embodied in the swinish, grassy flesh. I say before this civil, uncivil war, we had but one great united nation, one domestic, moral and political house (as it were), with one united, prosperous and happy national family, with none very rich, none very poor, but all were in me- dium, happy circumstances ; consequently all were con- tented, happy and independent ; and when contentment was a fortune to all honest, temperate, m-dus-try-us men ; ■when happiness created a domestic heaven on earth, and that, too, under the best national union and constitutional government of the world. Then independence was a na- tional or general necessary accomplishment of all conditions in life ! Now, we have two reversing, extreme, sectional classes, separated far apart, and acting as coolly toward each other as the poles of the earth. The rich being the positive, capital-creating, aristocratic or longest pole, which knocks all our bonded, high interest bearing, rich, golden purse- sim-ons ; whilst the poor are compelled to take the shorter, antagonistic pole of adversity, of pauper labor, the short negative pole of positive life, with which they stir up this den of devouring, roaring lions ; these aristocratic show- 14 PRINCIPI-E, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, cages of unclean beasts also stirring up and feeding this carry-van of human hyenas, who are spiritually digging up the graves of our political fathers, virtually eating up the substance of, and howling for the skeleton Bony-part-remains of their children, thereby cutting out and destroying the happy, contented laboring heart of this nation. Now independence is a sectional luxury, enjoyed only by the aristocratic slave-holding bond-holder; the political power accumulating, national banker; and the political, corrupted, protected, monopolizing capitalist. This former state of peace, union and prosperity, was under our Democratic constitutional, life creating, union saving, national equalizing, life, liberty and propei'ty sys- tem, the place, and the only place where impartial equality, liberty and protection can come in, and do justice to all parties, instead of as now doing injustice to all parties. Then black Republican " equality before the law," is a may- jest-stick, hypocritical mis-nomer (not she of fee-male suf- frage no-to-riety) which should more appropriately read '* sectional extremes." The law, or rather sectional extremes, are their general rule, and equality before the law, the pro-scribed exception ; excepting always that we can all equally read our masterly capital, title clear to law-enforced domestic, moral and political slavery, enforced equally be- fore the law, over all white, red and black Republicans alike (except the official, protected, land, labor and capital monopolizing masters) over a Maine head of Massa-choosits own sectional yankee ringmasters. I say they have typi- cally, figuratively and prophetically enforced political sla- very equally over the balance of us poor interest paying, tar-iff rented, taxed to death, political sinners, alike with- out regard to figurative race, typical color or prophetic, previous condition of servitude, of God, man or the devil! And now we can prophetically call the national role of our wliiLe as well as red and dough-mess-stick black slaves, un- DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AKD SECTIONALISM. 15 der the sainted shadow of Bunker Hill Monument. Also, this viis-no-more ot mortified, deep-parted, black Republieau sectional equality before the national law, means a two-faced government, with a black-faced master, slave ruler over their reversed white-fiiced slave master in the South, and a white, brassy-faced, greenback ruler in the North, equalli/ protect- ing land, labor and capital monopoly as the General Grant- tied capital master, through unequalled military power, before civil law, or equally consolidating all the Granted powers, of official protective tare-iff, leg-is-la-tied, General Bond and slaveholding, and Granted national banking powers of polit- ical corruption, forcibly, officially, imp-peer-i-ally, crowning, capital the supreme master, and foolscapping labor its sovereign supporting slave. Thus by these reversing ex- tremes of sectionalism (miss-named equality before the law), or a long way behind Democratic law, which means not only equality before the law, but also behind the law, above and below, to the right hand and the left, and all around the law ! I say these reversing extremes (before law) have reversed, revolutionized and overturned all civil law, and under this magic, sectional trans-formation, trans-sub-stan- ti-ation, and trans-fig-your-ration, capital, the former legiti- mate child and obedient servant of labor, has now become the illegitimate, but official government protected master over its own creator ! Under the same sectional reversing extremes before C([ual national law, our former law givers, or chosen sei'vants, who freely executed their sovereign mas- ter's will, have now become the granted imp-peer-i-all soup- preme masters of the capital and military, climax crowning situation, and we the sovereign people have become the humble, domestic, moral and political slaves. But as we have thus humbled ourselves, even so, according to Divine promise, shall we soon be exalted. This double extreme cloven-footed, sectional, reversing rule and equal law excep- tion, by changing the entire order of things in the Southern 16 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, conquered military district under our military before civil law, Stately reconstructed, now foreign carpet-bag and African colonial governments, where tiie ignorant soup-her- dish-us slave of yesterday has ])ecome the wise statesman, learned law-giver and sovereign supreme financial ruler of to-day, forcing, swapping and sovereignly reversing, with his former master, or freely and supremely ex- changing hue-milly-ating relations, situations or reversed conditions with his own acknowledged former chattel property, under the Divine moral and spiritual consti- tutional law, but where this same former master be- comes the first military-conquered white servant, in this seven years jubilee of pro-found peace, under Granted sec- tional equality before law, in this land of the free, home of the brave, and supreme freedom of the imp-ported slave! whilst his former slave has become his present sovereign master, supreme law-giver, and corrupt and stately financial agent, thus changing the form of this first pure white Re- publican self-government as established by our patriotic, political fathers, first to an unconstitutional, sectional, mili- tary, know-nothing rule, native Indian, bloody and fiery red war dragon, red Republican form, then to a black Re- publican, unconstitutional, unlimited and unlicensed mon- archy, or Granted one Mnssa-choos-its stately, or now a one man General Granted, military despotism, or black Republican, imp-ported form of self-government. Thus basely changing the entire sovereign base of this pure and only successful white Republican form of national, stately and domestic self-government from the native white creating head or throne of political judgment, to the black Republi- can, foreign African element holding the sectional balance of power, determined to hold in that downward scale the Grant-tied balance of power, whether for good or bad, for the nght or wrong, for the salvation of a part or the damna- tion of all, it matters not to them. The sovereign die is DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. I^y cast, the bloody Rubicon has been crossed, and this govern- ment of our fathers is no more, neither indeed can it be resurrected under the destroying effects of sectionalism. This black sed-e-meut-ary balance of power has lately been weighed in the De-moek-rye-toe- passive Greeley scales, and found wanting, Grant dictating also to the true Demo- cratic, National Union servants, the positive, legitimate creators of this self-same government, whose principles, pcilicies and practices are the only practical peace making and Union saving means of this great political salvation. I say this base balance of power is dictating to our positive, Divine government creators, moral Union saviors, and spir- itual liberty redeemer, under what sectional Grant- tied mas- ter they must, should and shall serve ! My trinitorial theories are entirely original — new and true, even to me — and by way of apology, as a typical, allegorical, figurative, historical, or pen-pointed, prophetic, prosey or rhyming scribbler, I am just entering on my third year. As a reve- lator, ex-ponnder, or delineator of the natural, scientific and systematic trinitorial laws, just entering on my second year; and as a political writer, scribing, trans-cribing and de-scribing the application of these trinitorial laws to domestic, moral and civil*, or political governments, I have not as yet completed my first year. Hence these theories being newly true (not allegory, novelty or fiction), they need a great amount of explanation in their general application, with the end in view of a better understanding of domestic, moral and civil governments, and only through their appli- cation can we give any good, sensible or correct reason wliy we have three races of men, distinguished by their three national colors, and three degrees of civilization, Evc-'cen when coming from the same domestic tree of life — liberty, or knowledge — of which Adam was the root, Noah the body, and Shem, Ham and Japheth the trinitorial branches of this prolific tree of life. Now, ray trinitorial platform is as 18 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, broad, as high and as deep as the whole un-cir-cum-scribed, uii-bounded, un-limited universe; and in taking a general survey of this universe by the compass of the human mind, by using the three odd links in the endless chain of time, measuring and marking trinitorial events, connecting nature through the Mediatorial Son-soul and material life-saving link, up with nature's God; taking our solar meridian bear- ings, with the celestial north polar pointed needle of eternity, measuring and marking on the terrestrial field notes of the world, the human errors of latitude and departure of these three races of men, from this straight and narrow path of science, civilization and Christianity, under the general law of the w^estward march of kingdoms, empires and republics, re-marking that Ham, in violation of this general law, de- parted South, first from civilization into heathenism, barbar- ism, and eventually into savage life, and for the violation of this general law he was punished with slavery under the trinitorial curse of Canaan, and was spiritually weather- beaten with many raw-hide tannings, bearing the black raw-hide, earth-marks of slavery even to this day ! The tribe of Japheth departed eastward, also into heathenism, barbarism and wild Indian savageism, and for the violation of this general law was likewise tanned or punished by the red-tanned, raw-hide sun marks, or the elderly Cain drawn, Abel brotherly envious blood-marks, or the wild, brassy, Indian face marks, all showing war to this day, of this second trinitorial Ishmaelitish curse of Canaan, or pie-us father Abraham's typical, il-li-get-i-mate, Ishmaelitish wild woods colt of the wilderness, the barbarous Arab and wild Indian, whose bloody-red right hand should be against every man, and every man's hand against him. Here, then, in this divine plan of domestic salvation Shem is the mediatorial, positive, government and peace creating; moral. Union saving, and spiritual, liberty redeeming ; do- mestic, moral and political mediator ; between the extreme DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 19 erring and departing curse of Islunael or Japhcth on his right hand, with the wild and domestic sheep, and also the extreme erring and departing curse of Canaan on his left hand, with the departed goats and the accompanying field of black, stray sheep ! Thus I have given a brief pen sketch, skeleton or outline view of the divine plan of domes- tic salvation, as -svell as of spiritual and political salvation, under my new theoretical application of the trinitorial laws, but further and better illustrated, perhaps, by showing that we have a domestic trinity, where the father, the mother and the children, all acting in different spheres, revolving around the same fatherly, celestial head of government, yet all three composing but one family. Here is found the tirst common school where we should first learn self-government; and here, too, is where this great worldly reformation must commence, and self-government is the first lesson ; and un- less we learn to govern our own evil passions, intemperate habits, or unlicensed lessons of extravagance, wo are not qualified to become as sound timber in the supporting columns, stately pillars, or platform frame-work either in the churchly or stately building. Second: The spiritual trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, all acting in different spheres, yet one in spirit, or governed by one head, called the Godhead, and the divine plan of spirit:ial salva- tion is through the mediatorial (Sun) son soul and material saving mediator between God the divine creator, and man the spiritual creature. Third: The political trinity — the three departments of government — the legislative, executive and judiciary, where the judiciary is the head of justice, judgment and mercy. The legislative is the mediatorial saving body, of life unto life or death unto death, according to its relative executive understanding, or where all primary government is derived from the consent of the governed, where the people are the sovereign, positive or legitimate fatherly creators of government, and the Union, national 20 PRINCIPLK, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, constitution is the legitimate child, the general servant, or the younger obedient creature of its own sovereign creator; whilst the reserved stately elder brothers are the mediato- rial (Sun) son- (soul) sole government — saving mediators be- tween the sovereign creators and their national, law-serving creature. This, then, is the positive plan of political salvation, and if it is all-important that we should do our Heavenly Father's will, and understand his divine plan of domestic and spiritual salvation, is it not also important that we spiritually do our political earthly father's will, and under- stand and carry into practical execution their positive plan of political salvation — especially when that plan has been practically tested, tasted and tried for seventy years, and was found to yield the largest amount of national peace, union and prosperity that this world of departing extremes ever knew? Then, if the consent of the governed is the basis of self-government, the majority should rule. The Democratic party are to day, always were, and always will be, as far as correct principle, policy and practice is con- cerned, in the majority, but not in the ruling ascendency, because directly, of some of their national sins of owe-mis- sion, com-mission and dis-mission, by the sacrifice of prin- ciple inconsistently for the sake of the uncertain promises of hypocritical expediency, and indirectly by sectionalism, selling out national Union principles for sectional, anti- slavery, disunion and civil war expediency, forcing the whole people into effective, double cloven-footed, sectional- ism, disunion and civil war, resulting in hatching out the full fledged sectional nest of treason, strat-a-gem and spoils, by these sectional political war scribes, great Phar-I-sees and little Sad-u-sees arresting, arraigning and crucifying or condemning to the death on the cross, before Pilot's nullifi- cation bar of northern sectional, anti-slavery opinion, crying in their wrath, Away with him, crucify him — no compromise DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 21 with slavery, even for saving the life of our Union savior; dec'Kiring that thisUni^)n should not live one half slave and one half free, and finally resulting in the last .sanguinary plea of a long standing civil war declaration that without a little blood-letting this Union savior was not worth a cur.se! Thus typically, figuratively and prophetically sacrificing our Democratic, national, constitutional, Union savior on the cross of the Northern compromising and Western uncom- promising, stately Missouri line! Thus this was a Northern (Liiik'd-on) Lincoln .sectional, aggressive, anti-slavery, and a Southern (Broken-ridge) Breckenridge defensive, pro- slavery, civil war of their own seeking, from whose primary, sectional first cau.se, secondary disunion effect, and final civil war results, the great Douglas Democratic national, consti- tutional Union party are as innocent as the babe unborn, and on whose skirts cannot be found one drop of their General Cain slaughtered Abel brother's blood. They faith- fully to the end preached peace, union and compromise, and protested again.st the treasonable rebellion of both war-ring factions, and are therefore not responsible for the devilish, treasonable, sectional, first cause, the rebellious, double cloven-footed, disunion effect, and most damnable, disastrous civil war results. The Democratic party came not to con- demn, but to fulfill, obey and magnify and make honorable the law of our political fathers, s])iritual grand fiither.s, or divine great-grandfather, the great Creator, governor and regulator of all motion, mind and matter, wiiilst spiritual mother country representative, bully, tory, hooking section- alism came only to condemn the law, to destroy our govern- ment, or divide this great national Democratic Union hou.se against itself, .so that sectionalism might establish on the ruins thereof the greatest, fiistest and most progressive bonded or unbonded aristocratic monarchy, official protected system of political slavery, or relative, capital corrupt, granted mili- tary despotism of the world! Then Ave shall arrest and 22 PRINCIPLE, POLICV AND PRACTICE; OR, arraign, and impartial history will hold this sectional reign- ing die-nasty as responsible for he'mg the first cause of slavery, the first cause of sectionalism, the first cause of dis- union and holding human chattel property; thus becoming the secondary legitimate effect of slavery, of sectionalism, and oi disunion, and this antagonistic meeting of this aggressive, offensive first cause, and its resisting, defensive effect, the positive, illegitimate creator and its negative legitimate creature, the thieving original transgressor and his guilty but less sinful partaker, resulting finally in the most disastrous, ungodly, savage civil war that ever dis- graced any section, tribe or nation. Then if this groat national Union and constitutional Democratic party were not partakers in this first sectional cause of this national Union government, betraying, treason, rebellion and revo- lution, why should they attempt to betray their party and rebel against this peace-making. Union-saving and liberty- redeeming government of their fathers and embrace this sectional, official treason for the sake of revelling in the bloody right-handed war results of stratagem and spoils, thus betraying into the hands of our self-conquered enemies, rebelling against and dividing our Union forces, and thereby sj)oiling the government of our fathers, and virtually de- stroying, undermining, or at least departing from our only earthly means of national, political salvation? Are the Democratic party the cause of Ku-Klux-ism in the South ? If so, why so, wherein, or through \vhat agency, directly or indirectly, is this effect brought about? The Democrats are, always were, and always will be op- posed to all secret, political societies, both North and South, as well as treasonable, sectionalism both North and South, and also to all rebellious war parties both North and South. But rather than bear this blame any longer, we will trans- fer it to where the first aggravating cause belongs — to the General Granted head quarters at Washington City, U. S., DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISAI AND SECTIONALISM. 23 D. C. and Ku-Klnx-ism is but the secondary effect of tins ausrraviitino; first cause. Here we need the aid of our union savior, the national physician, who wisely traces the dis- turbing effect back to its aggravating, first cause, and uj)- plies the remedy to the seat of the disease, removes the cause, and the effect will depart. So with all the primary, first cause and secondary effects of sectionalism ; two wrongs can not make one right, however good either wrong may profess to be. It is not the whole that need the physician, but the sick, constitutional, consumptive patient, the erup- tive, disruptive or the corrupted of blood from excessive, intemperate and head-sick bathing in the fountain of po- litical corruption. Sectionalism is not only the effective States' rights, nullification of the national, figurative slave law, and the general government repudiation through the devilish, destroying agency of disunion and civil war, but it is also the effective cause of the national, constitutional, consumptive and black tongue, and military plague diseases, affecting the whole national, constitutional body politic. The Democracy is our great national union and constitu- tional physician, and the only one that can make this nation whole, and the only physician that can, must and will re- move the aggravating cause of sectionalism, by a heavy purgative double scraped dose of emetic and cty;hartic but- ternut physic, removing the debilitating, demoralizing Gen- eral Granted effect, and the constitutional disease will be removed from the whole body politic ! God is our great physician ; Christ our good union sav- ing Samaritan who found us by the way-side stri])pecl, dis- abled and plundered by professional thieves; but who poured into our wounds the oil of joy for mourning, and the spirit of love, peace and the patience ot virtue for ollicious heaviness, and this same spirit is the powi'r behind the throne greater than the thrones of all kingdoms, empires and black Republics, which maketh the wrath of man 2-4 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, to serve him; but these reversing extremes of sectionalism must serve the demoniac spirit of war, not being satisfied with either of the three peaceful ways of abolishing slavery, which I have in my reforming, law-giving and peace-mak- ing book of the world pointed out. As without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (but blood should have flowed only from the original transgressor and his sinful partaker), thus washing in the sacrifice of human blood, slavery, our domestic curse, sec- tional vice, or last national disturbing element, which is the beginning of the end of slavery throughout the world, pre- paring the way, or putting our domestic churchly and stately house in order for the near coming millennium day of peace, seventh day of rest or second advent day of our Lord and loving Master, for the second time practically preaching and teaching peace on earth and good-will to men. Then is it not time that we stop and inquire : Is there no sectional mortal plague in Israel ? Is there no political balm in Gilead ? and is there no union physician there? All this treason, rebellion and revolution originated with this one-third minoiity, outlawed, sectional, accidental party, which had effectually and forcibly, according to their own , programme, caused these triuitorial sectional division of parties, they representing but a faction of the northern half of this nation, standing in aggressive, offen- sive, declared battle array against the legal constitutional, domestic institutions in the Southern half of this union, where this national destroying sectional party had no repre- sentation whatever. A plain case (of their own seeking too) of a military, professed higher law, bivt practical lower law power, usurping the prerogative of a free government, by forcing one-half of the nation to submit to the rule of an aggressive, offensive foreign power, without the consent of the governed ! DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 25 lIcMice, I say it was merely one sectional, aggressive, oilcnsive, ontlawed party, compelling; or like-begetting, like, or dislike, and forcing into existence effectively a sec- ondary defensive sectional outlawed party, but both cloven- tooted children of the same bloody and fiery red war-drag- on hydra-headed monster sectionalism. And these two illegitimate outlawed sectional children have become the first destroying angels of death in our second Eden Garden spot ol the new world or in this Democratic political para- dise of peace, union and prosperity, and this, too, against the positive solemn warnings, predictions and protests of the national union Democratic party, the creator, successful gardener and chief ruler in this garden, protesting against this national suicide or equally against both the primary first sectional cause and the secondary result of this double cloven-footed sectionalism, disunion and civil war! The Democrats preached peace, union and compromise to both war-ring-factions, and were tauntingly called peace dough face, butternut union savers, and mealy mouthed slavery compromisers, typical of the three measures of meal, figurative of the union Democratic leaven which shall leaven the whole national lump, and prophetic of this Democratic peace dough-faced political bread of life which feed all peaceful, liberty and freedom hungry nations of the world. Cast your bread ol life, liberty and knowledge on the troubled waters of the little Indian, greater Atlantic and greatest Pay-cific peaceful Ocean, and it shall be gathered and nationally garnered up after many days! We, the Democracy, have meekly been humbled as the peace-makers, and have been persecuted for righteousness' sake. We will go up higher and claim the Divine promises. We shall inherit the earth ; be exalted as the children of this God-ess ot Liberty, and become heirs and law-givers in this "political kingdom ot heaven on earth !" Then let him, them or the sectional party beware (in the 26 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, hands of their potter) from whence this great sectional offense first conieth. I here declare that bkick Republican- ism is, was and will continue to be the first cause of sec- tionalism, disunion and civil war, and if the only one true great national union and constitutional Democratic party sell out to sectionalism (or start a passive Greeley opposi- tion sectional gift lottery to the established General Granted relative gifted scheme), they must become res])onsible for its inheritable effects, and be satisfied with its political en- slaving. General con-tammy -nating, national destroying civil war results. Then let him, them or the parties be- ware also from whence this great national offense first Cometh ! These political Judases have sold out and betrayed into the hands of his enemies our Democratic national constitu- tional savior, into sectionalism or deep-parted passiveism for thirty pieces of greasy paper rags, in the place of their re- tired (with rags) gold or silver. They have rebelled, and through voluntary treason betrayed for the first time, since the government was formed, the whole Union and only national Democratic army over three millions strong into the divided, demoralized and de-parted sectional camp. Is it, then, a mark, a Biz-mark, or rather not a miss-mark of war, peace, or even of ring-policy generalship, when we see our own national, coiihtitutional peace array united on the peace-creating. Union-saving and liberty-redeeming princi- ples of our Democratic revolutionary fathers who created this government, and whose principles are the only means or saving plan of political salvation, and the enemy are divided in their principles, demoralized by their policies, and departing into sectional divisions. I say, or rather ask and repeat the question. Is it good generalship, under these circumstances, to out-flank this divided army, surrounding, by the legions of truth, under the bannered army of the Prince of Feace, taking into detail each grand division, DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. _( striking deep with the sharp principle sword of the right, into the principle corruj^t shielding of wrong? Meeting with the divine union policy of peace, the demoralized legions, upholding the policy of war, thus capturing in de- tail the Union detached ; practical sectional deserters, of tariff, labor and civil service reform, back as new recruits into the Democratic camp, where they naturally belong ; or, seeing generally, the national sharp-pen-ned point, that the Democratic party is thus united, but sectionalism is divided against itself, departing and generally demoralized ; or would it not be or show better generalship according to the late bargain and sale programme for the only national, con- stitutional union army of Democracy to desert (with a boun- tiful Union victory in view), into the antagonistic, divided, d'jarted and demoralized ranks of sectionalism? "Why should we sacrifice national principle for the doubtful sake of stratagem, spoiling, sectional, departed expediency, whilst sacred principle, successful expediency and national honor are all found only in the exact opposite direction ? Or even admitting this doubtful expediency may be crowned with more doubtful success, should we sell out our national union and constitutional birthright for a doubtful, sickening, un- healthy mess of jealous, green, Greeley tare-iff raised, sec- tional, passive, deep-parted pottage, and also be cheated out of our father Isaac's national blessing, merely for the sake ot hypocritically beating the envious Jacob-eyes'd Grant? beaten, too, by the elder Cain-drawn blood of our Abel younger brother ! Let others do as they will or think best, but as for me and my house, I will have no sectionalism, passiveism, or dei)arting, military despotism, enforcing polit- ical slavery in mine. If I cannot vote for my chosen Dem- ocratic national union savior, I will not be compelhHl to choose between two evils, and to vote for either the gciu*ral Granted devil nor yet for old Belzebub, the Granted prince of devils! If the Bawled-tim-more Convention confirms 28 PniNCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, the sectional, bargain and sale, the her-maphrodite bas-tird whole-lie ghost, they will have to contend against the united world, the anti Greeley flesh and the Grant- tied devil! We were all forced into sectionalism during the war, but if we sell out, and depart from grace by forcibly putting a sectional dead-head on the national living Democratic body, and passively submit as a party to be baptized in the departed Dead Sea fountain of political corruption, we become equal partakers with this first cause of sectionalism, disunion and war, in partaking freely (through this Granted promising, snake in the grass Greeley) of the forbidden fruit plucked forcibly from the Democratic tree of life, liberty and know- ledge, called the sectional apple of discord, also of eating treasonable, rebellious, repudiated dirt with this accursed, fallen, black serpent, becoming effectively responsible for this anti-republican, imp ported form of foreign monarchy, political slavery, and military despotism, the greatest crime of the age, resulting in a disobedience of the general law of our national, union and constitutional salvation, the unpar- donable sin before the grave spirit of our departed fathers who created this national government, bringing only sec- tional, departed political death ! Sectionalism, whether in the active Granted or passive Greeley form, is very promising in its nature — promising all things to all men, but performing nothing for the general good ; promising peace before the war, for the sake of get- ting the national government in their own hands, but deter- mined on this anti-slay ery and pro-slavery war from the very birth of sectionalism, and after creating civil war according to the first illegitimate cause and original design of these secession, reserved stately, national slave law nulli- fying, disunion and sectionalism creators; promising, hypo- critically, not to interfere with slavery for the sake of obtaining soldiers to fight these disunion battles of their own seeking, but pre-determined in their own hearts to wash DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 29 out slavery through their higher hiw. Jealous, pie-us, elderly Cain-drawing Abel-innocent brotherly blood ; and after ereating this civil war, through envy of the more acceptable Abel offering of this shepherd sacrifice of the lamb of .slavery, effectively washing out slavery according to the original programme, but for the sake of still revel- ing in the official element of their own hatched and now fool-fledged treason, stratagem and spoils ; promising not to establish negro equality, but still having this original de- sign, or sectional jirogramme, or this united churchly and stately effort, first, to create civil war; second, abolish slavery; and third, to establish in this Southern conquered military district, claiming to be held under the province of the Northern sectional government, held as so many stately African, colonial, or carpet-bag governments, forcibly held under military power (or military equality before civil law), forcibly reconstructing through the vile means of Stately, negro equality, or sovereign slave supremacy over his former master, thereby forcibly changing the white base of self- government from the native element, holding as essential and sacred the intelligence, qualification, property, represen- tation and the free consent of the governed to the baser, black African, foreign elementary form of self government, where the basest mother wit tincture or essential oil of igno- rance, spiritual essence of poverty, or flavoring extract of slavery is the sovereign rule (in this forced equality ring before law), or where the ignorant, servile slave of yesterday has been forcibly exalted without the consent of the gov- erned, as the wise statesman, sovereign dictator, and supreme law-giver of to-day, holding the Grant-tied downward scale in the military balancing power of government in the North- ern .sovereign as well as in the Southern law-making, sover- eign, supreme scale of corrupt, military supporting and strategetic, treason, spoiling government. Thus all the promises of sectionalism, black Kepublicanism or opposition 30 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE ; OR, to the Democratic party, in their whole catalogue of promises from the first man Adam clown to their last Graut-ed Moses, who is now taking his last sea-side view, or last (Mt. Oreb) mounted Arab and lighted cigar spiritual view of the prom- ised land — have reversed every promise made before the people, whether considered at the time either as sacred, jest, or profanity. This same promising opposition fellow, sec- tionalism, has also reversed every principle of self-govern- ment which our Democratic fathers, the legitimate positive creators of self-government held sacred, which I have shown fully in my great book comparing the positive principles, policies and practices of the Democratic national creators of government, with the negative principles, policies and prac- tices of all bully, tory and sectional, hooking, cloven-footed opposition, or sectional destroyers of self-government. Then if our Democratic fathers, and we, their legitimate political and spiritual sons of liberty inheritors, were right in our national, constitutional and union-saving plan of political salvation, and have an abundance of practical, blood-bought and liberty-recorded evidence to prove that undoubted, in- disputable, in-estimable right, then is sectionalism wrong, and through these revolutionary, over-turning or reversing extremes of sectionalism, this government to-day is virtually standing on its head, and it is my mission, and should be the mission of the whole Democratic party, to assist, as they only can, in putting it on its feet again ; whilst passiveism is but a back-set into the jaok-ass seat, or like tlie balky mule taking the dead-head, body and four legs back-set when he should pull evenly ahead in the old running-gear traces; or standing passively like the butcher's block on its cross-cut, but, waiting for the slaughter to commence of the innocent, passive Democratic sheep, which are ready to lick the sectional butcher's hand, ready now to shed and sacrifice their devoted national blood. And shall it be said of our union-saviors that they were willingly led like the innocent DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 31 lambs to their shiughter, or like the ohl umvashed sheep before their bh\('k-wool shearers, they were dumb ami opened not their mouth, and breathed not one baited breath against their shorn liberties? I suppose that the black Republican party innocently think that even through the destroying means of war they have accomplished a vast amount ot good by forcibly abol- ishing slavery, and establishing negro suffrage, (which is not a natural, but a granted political right of the free man), and forcibly reconstructing stately African colonial governments over the conquered ruins of the South. But the end (foreign monarchy, political slavery and military despotism) cannot justify the means of force, fraud, and the military power over civil law, to accomplisii that end, to say nothing of their mountainous national debt of responsibility, as well as of greenbacks, for the rivers of innocent blood shed, and political wounds on the great national body politic which no sectional medicine can practically heal. In other words, sec- tionalism, passiveism, or any departure from the saving spirit of our political fathers cannot legislate to suit a free people, much less in this land of freedom, or first political paradise of domestic, political and religious liberty, where we have had a foretaste of the obedient Shemite fruits of peace, union and national prosperity, under our former union plan of political salvation which the world ever knew, and which it can never know under black Republican rule, for they have changed the key note from the government scale of harmonious choice into a devilish discord of military force, or of may -jest-stick, livery-covered, lower law power, over the equalizing, protective, justice, judgment and mercy of civil law ! Then this sectionalism, passiveism, or wholc- lie-ghost of departure should be honorably named the prom- ising, reversing, forcing party, or the promising hypocritical deceiver, with the double cloven-footed understanding of these reversiug extremes of sectionalism ; enforcing all their 32 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, despotic decrees through tlic military power over civil law, with a reckless, devil-may-care for the consent of the gov- erned ! It was no departure of the Democratic party acknowl- edging the sovereign law, no matter how bad it may be, or how unjust the means used for accomplishing that end; they are not responsible for what they cannot prevent, especially after entering their protest against that wrong, any more than it is a wrong and a departure for the Christian to acknowledge the power and demoralizing laws of the spiritual devil, (the demon of jealousy, envy and hypocrisy, the be- setting sins of men, the devil typically personified in the flesh, and governing, more or less, every fallen son of Adam), after protesting against his infernal lower-region, sectional, destroying laws. But it is a great departure when we sell out, betray, or turn our back on our only national and con- stitutional union savior, and be-head (or as the saying is), put a sectional head on our national body, force a sectional, departed heart into that warm, palpitating union body, adding a departed, cloven-footed understanding, burying in granted political corruption this whole constitutional body politic, then we become responsible for illegitimate first head cause of sectionalism, the damnable effects of disunion and the destroying results of civil war. I will here venture the bold assertion, on my own individual responsibility, without the fear of a successful contradiction, that this devilish, spiritual trinity (mentioned above), is the first cause of the downfall of man, the downfall of parties, and the downfall of nations, not only of republics, but also of kingdoms and empires, throughout the whole world. Then why should we sell out our union principles to this death-dealing, nation- destroying evil spirit of sectionalism, and bow doAvn and worship their domestic, churchly and stately heathen god of slavery, god of mammon, and god of war? AVe have already sold ourselves out unwittingly to this heathen trin- DKMOCUACY VS. PASSIVKISM AND SKCTIONAI.ISM. i>3 ity, and have been serving him patiently and faithfully, hut not understandingly, for the last twelve years. First, then, in the year A. D. 1860 — most memorable, historical and event- ful year of American history, in the trinitorial, political warfare of that year, leaving out in the cold the stray bell- weather, or wild native American Indian or red Republican, from the camp of the black Rej)ublican sheep. Then we had only the one true national, Douglas Democratic party, with a positive, legitimate, national head; a moral, mediato- rial, union- saving body, and a spiritual, constitutional un- derstanding, whilst the black Republican co-horts were represented by a sectional, illegitimate, war-creating head, and immoral, union-destroying body, and a sj)iritual^ antag- onistic, cloven-footed, Link-on, anti-slavery and Broken- ridge, pro-slavery understanding, of civil war. Then we had this personified, devilish, green-eyed monster, jealousy, of the head, red-hearted envy of the body, and with a bhudc, cloven-footed understanding of hypocrisy, or the one-third bodily man, with the two-thirds beastly extremities, putting an aggressive, anti-slavery head and offensive, cloven-footed understanding on this black Republican body; and as like begets like or dislike, even so this black Republican body begat its sectional, but antagonistic counterpart, and put a defensive (not political) but pro-slavery head, and a dis- union, cloven-footed understanding, of this black Brack- enridge pro-slavery body ; but both cloven-footed sections united hand, heart and body, and the devil took the lead of these two foremost j)arties in sectionalism, dis-union and civil war, leaving the great national union, Douglas Demo- cratic party behind, preaching peiee. But here on this broad, black, flat-footed platform we were spiritually sold out for the first time by our chief Butlers, Bro ken-ridges, and Linked-ons to the god of slavery; and after being forced into the v'wW (uncivil) war to fight this double trea- son, rebellion and revolution against all our peace, union, 34 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OK, compromise protests, we hasten on to the next four years' Presidential term, when by the means of a mistaken fore- sight in the Democratic party, by their inconsistent, double- dealing, equivocal platform, declaring the war a failure, but at the same time putting on that war-played-out platform (although a very good man), our strongest general, McClel- lan, and war candid-ate for President, and through this means (innocently, of course), selling out by their own act the whole Democratic party the second time, virtually or spiritually, to the heathen god of war! Then after four years more of forced service, under a chronic sectional war of capital over labor, and through the corrupt mire of political pestilence and financial famine, and again the Dem- ocratic hosts assemble in national convention to nominate another candidate for President, and then and there, even in this New York head center of general con-tammy-nated financial corruption they constructed one of the most just, wise and good, able, bodily platforms, spiritually, politically and practically, leading us back into our former national Democratic paradise of peace, union and prosperity ; but beheading that living body with a dead-head of bonded and general con-tammy-nated financial corruption, facing, work- ing, and marching in the opposite direction from this plat- form, and thereby unwittingly, but freely, through green- eyed jealousy of the head and black hypocrisy of the western understanding, for the third time defeating, disappointing and selling out our national Democratic union savior to the god of mammon ; second, to the god of war ; and first, to the god of slavery. The first shall be last, and the last first! Here, then, we can see in this hasty general review some of our own free, sovereign, conventional sins of owe- niission, as well as forcible general granted sins of com-rais- sion ; as well as the sectional, passive and de-parting sins of self-governing, African dis-mission. Now we hasten to DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND 8ECTIOXALI8M. o5 the foreshadowed crisis of political events at the sectional, Ilain-might, whole- iiog, Cincinnati conventional slanghter- house, where there was as nnich bi-pcdal bargain and sale in that jwlitieal packing season, as there is quad-ruc-pedal bargain and sale in the pork packing season. Here, then, in the hog slaughter-ring, political and pork-packing hub of the universe, the centrifugal center of these United States, or at the warm palpitating heart of the body of this natioL, or where the pure heart ought to be on the 5th day of Jnnc, 1872, by the afore-said Cincinnati convention, and the same passive or sectional Grant-tied, departed party, is the time when, the place wdiere, and the manner how, this great national, constitutional and union-saving Democratic party was for the first time freely offered up as a national sacrifice on the civil war, burning and bloody altar of sectionalism to appease the granted wmth. or sectional vengeance by bowing down freely to this Democratic Co. and sectional- show, of this double cabbage-headed pliilosopher, Greeley, and (soul-ly) (sole-ly) and sold-ly worshipping this heathen god of mammon, of slavery, and of war; or rather serving the devilish spirit of jealousy, envy and hypocrisy, the be- setting sins which caused the downfall of men, of parties, and of nations, by putting a sectional head (forcibly, with- out the free consent of the governed, or by the slavish con- sent of the party ring leaders), I say by putting a sectional head on this national union Democratic body, which was the first cause of domestic churchly and stately secession, and sectional and stately nullification of the general law, thereby making this national union body responsible for the dis- union effect of this first cause, and at the same time virtual, guilty advocates of the destroying civil war results of this first illegitimate cause and sectional effects of disunion, yielding the first fnri)ii'iiuary campaign reformer, law-giver and peace-maker 48 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICE; OR, of the nations, and this reformed, re-united and re-estab- lished national government is to become the model State's right, national right and free patent right republic for an exemplary, national republican. United States of Europe, next an United States of Asia, and finally a you-knight- tied States of Africa, and her cloven-footed isles of the ocean; and ii my book, which advocates the cause of our national, constitutional, union savior, as the only moral plan of political salvation is to be condemned like our moral Savior, who was the human embodiment of the Divine plan of spiritual salvation, who came to his own and his own re- ceived him not, yet the time is coming, and even now draws nigh, when this book and its greater successor will be re- ceived not only by its own party, but by this nation, and by the whole world! And whether this sectional bargain and passive sale of the only national, constitutional and union party into the forcible, departed, treason, stratagem and spoils of sectionalism or not ; yet they cannot destroy our good name, organization, or legislative body, the (soul) (sole) now sold, plan of political salvation ; and although every other man depart into this political treason, or depart spirit- ually from this straight and narrow path of our Democratic fathers, or depart virtually from this domestic and moral plan of political salvation, yet will not I ; for it is not only my mission and privilege, but also a duty I owe to the world to stand up for the rights of all men from the wrongful op- pressions of their fellow-men ; to aid and advocate truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in dispelling error, to stand by the principles, policies and practices of our fathers as the only safe and sure road leading to our former haven of national peace, union and prosiierity, instead of sacrificing principle for sectional, war-departed expediency ; but I must do this through the pen of peace, which is more mighty than the sword of war. I am not an orator, a public speaker, or even a good ora- DKMOfUACV VS. PAS;>IVKISM AND slU TION AI.I> M. 40 tor, because of the remaining core of tlie A-daniic apple of discord, which when excited rises up and chokes me down, reminding me of the general fall of man ; also, lacking the firm, brassy cheek, and being troubled with absent-minded- ness in forgetting little, but important names, words and sentences in reaching for great ideas, and trinitorial theories in tlie scientific joint work in building my universal temple of liberty, but Samson-like pulling down that magnificent temple and burying alike names, words, theories and myself also in the general ruins. I have written six letters to a Cincinnati editor, and also two more to a New York editor, protesting against this gene- ral sacrifice of national union princii)les for sectional, ex- treme departing expediency, and departing into land, labor and capital, or railroad my-nopoly, resulting effectively (as like cause produces like effect) in political slavery. But all these earnest communications and solemn protests have been treated with silent contempt. I have also written four letters to a Cineinnatus-like legal gentlenu\n, notifying him as the chosen hero of my crowning work, as the next gene- ral peace candidate for Presidential honors, or the next suc- cessive heir apparent to the relative granted throne ; and also one letter to another Cincinnatus branch limb of law,, two weeks before the May-just-stick, Pork-op-pole-is mass meat-ing of the Sin-sin-naty Con-vent-shun-all slaughter- house, protesting against this sectional bargain and passive sale of the Cincinnati and Baltimore political packing, pre- paratory for the fall pork-packing, fall delivery season ; but the answers to these communications have been neither yea, yea, or nay, neigh, but like all the others treated with silent contempt. Then, under these deep-pressing circumstances, what should a poor mortal do, who is disinterestedly trying to write up the world, but condemned without a hearing be- fore his own political judges in this near coming day of political judgment, when a whole nation will be weighed iu 50 PRINCIPLE, POLICY AND PRACTICR ; Oil, the worldly, sectional scales, and may be found wanting in justice, judgment, and a charitable understanding of these general laws, which are the only legitimate means, or only wise, domestic, moral and political plan of national salva- tion? Hence the hasty necessity for this pro-scribed or pre pro- tested but protesting book, commenced June 3d, 1872, and notwithstanding the loss of time writing letters, tending my one cent notion trade, and three days of distracted sick head ache, yet it will be ready for the press gang under these pressing circumstances, if not condemned by a free or paid press, by the 20th of this same month, same year, and same age of political extremes. But I anticipate I will be taunt- ingly called a spiritual writing medium, as I profess to write as the spirit moves me, or with the spirit and understanding also; or like the second modern political Daniel, tri-umph- ant-ly called the Ind-i-aua Tall Syc-him-more of the Wa- bash. I may providentially be likewise jestingly called the third Daniel come to domestic, moral and political judgment, or a second Daniel typically cast into this worldly den of human lions, political, grave-digging hyenas, or ravenous ■wolves dressed in black sheep's clothing, howling and growl- ing, and not satisfied with their heavy pound of sectional flesh, but determined to have the whole corrupt national carcass ; or like roaring lions going about seeking Avhat innocent, passive Democratic lamb they may devour, howl- ing. Peace, peace, let us have peace, when there is no peace, neither indeed can there be whilst sectionalism rules ; yet I care for none of these. Let the dogs of war bark their domestic, stately and church-canonized held-fire and brim- stone con-dem-nation. Let the political lions growl and the black-sheepish wolves howl and destroy, yet are the present signs pro-pitious of a near-coming extreme (in this age of extremes) domestic and political millennium, when the wild, unwashed, southern African lie-on and northern do-mess- DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEI8M ANP SECTIONALISM. 51 stick passive lamb can lie down together, and a little child ot niias-lbrtune and mist-err-cxtreme adversity shall lead them. After the death and burial of dead issues, saith departing Democracy, (without fear of embracing Granted living issues,) then comes the political judgment. There is no hell on earth like the guilty man's conscience, burned and seared by the held-fires of his own wrath kindled against the just bar ot judgment ; and there is no devil on earth to stir up that held kindled, searing fire like the demoniac spirit of jealousy, envy and hypocrisy, the beset- ting sins of man, the forbidden fruit of this sectional apple of discord, forcibly plucked in disobedience to the general divine law, from the first A-damic deep-parture, causing the downfall of men, of parties and of nations to the present day. Thus, like legitimate or illegitimate causes produce like corresponding saving or departing effects, and also like redeeming or destroying final results. Then let this nation, these parties, and this jieople beware; the day of political judgment is at hand, when every man should be judged, not by their empty, gassy, sap-si)ringing words, or beautiful but deceptive buds of promise, bursting into egotistical flowers of eloquence and ri[)ening into the forbidden fruits of this sectional apple of discord, but judged by their works, their actions, or the deeds done in the body, the body physical, corporate and politic; for by their fruits only can we know them. What we sow we shall also reap. If we sow to the gassy windpipe, we must surely reap the whirlwind; if we sow to corruptible flesh, we must reap relative Granted cor- ru])tion ; if we sow to the spirit of our political fathers, avc shall reap of that spirit a national garner of peace, union and pros])erity which sectionalism can never give, and the crowned world can never take away, but add to, copy from and glory in throughout all future ages. Then the estab- lishment of truth, priuci})lc and justice is my mission and present calling and election sure. I had much rather be 52 rniNcipi.E, PuLicv and practice; or, right on this broad, uuivcrsal platform of divine, worldly, national and domestic peace : moral, fatherly, brotherly and spiritual love, and spiritual, domestic, moral and political virtue, than be the titled, military, crowned, Granted Pres- ident of to-day ! I am humbly and diligently, but care- fully, searching for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and finding it all along tliis prophetic, straight and narrow path of science, civilization and Christianity. Let God be true, although every man might become a liar. " Let the truth be told though the heavens may fall, and earth be shrouded with death''s funeral pall." Per-haps mourning over dead issues as the departing or passive poli- tician would decide. But they are determined to use this passive Democratic monkey as the sectional cat's-paw to pull out the Greeley roasted Chappe-qua chest-nut out of the Granted held-fire of living, sectional, political issues — of civil war; all else are prejudged dead issues; principles are dead ; peace has departed, and even the sectional club to beat Grant (and " anything to beat Grant," is the cry,) is a dead-head issue over a living national body of Democracy with an equivocal, cloven-footed understanding of a tare-iff reform, or tare-iflf' not reform, double -planked platform. But how stand the problematic figures on the national polit- ical black-bored2 The black figures have Granted not to go for Greeley to a man ! One million of white Democrats in the country — men who stand on principle, and stand also on their own ground as bread raisers, laborers, or men who work out their own salvation with fear, labor and tremb- ling, and are the most interested in a good government, and know the importance of it and how to keep it when they can once get it back pure as it once was, and they want it no other way. These men will vote to stay at home, like myself, and let the election go by default, or to de-darkey rather than be partakers in this greatest national crime of bargain and sale of principles, or in other words, where DEMOCRACY VS. PASSIVEISM AND SECTIONALISM. 5" Greeley Avill draw off one Republican, "walking in tlie bro;i. ^.> >>•,'- »> > ^ > 3*' "' •j)j J > ■gg^ ' ■» >>> ->^>"^^ ?o ■:& ^> > > >' ?>-'^^^t^>2^2J>-^__ ,»:i^.rs» ;:> , i 'i.Vj.'-V^iJrsj* ^ ■ )• ■'i » .» ■>.»■ .•;>> >■ i .» » » >j»> j»- > ^ > , -> X> >» 1^, ■> » > » - »> ■> ,» >> '» . >i» ■ > > >> >"» ) - >.' s» ^ > •> . > > ■ > ■■/ *_> > • ■>.*' .- •V » >^ > ." > >• > - . > ■> ^ •■> > ./ ' > '"' . ■;»; V >-> >J»- -> • )> >> > , ' V ~> "> ^>^ > . 'v> ■> :?^? •■>?>:•:: ^' p ^> j>y> rjm .J > >,?. "^»>. >^^ > >' ~>J^^ :»' > • ■ :» »■ > >^> ji> > > > J) > o ,>> ■ > -^ .-»> :> . »>> >j> > ■%.~.y ■;:>:>■■ yjm^ >> -w >. > ^l y >.>> .> > J^'»» ■ - I > ^ i ) 1 > -. -> > > > . . i ^