F 74 .B8 V6 Copy 1 mmsM.MmwM VIEWS OF JSrockton, /Obassacbusetts ■5ft Published by L. H. NELSON COMPANY Portland, Maine Publishers of Nelson's International Series of Souvenir Books Copyright, 1305, by L. H. NELSON COMPANY COURT HOUSE POST OFFICE .FIRST CONdllEGATlONAI, CHURCH Pleasant Street. CATHOLIC CHURCH Main Street. SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH South Main Street. CENTRAI. METHODIST CHIIRCH West Elm Street. WALES HOME FOR AGED WOMEN COMMEUCIAL CLl B ^ ■1 i :| m J NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HADTFORU STATION MAIN STREET, LOOKING SOUTH FROM PLEASANT STREET Showing portion of Times Building. FACTORY OF THE W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE COMPANY RESIDENCE OF W. L. DOUGLAS West Elm Street. ""^ask.. FACTORIES OF THE GEOBGE E. KEITH COMPANY, AND CAMPELLO STATION KESIDENCE OF GEORGE E. KEITH Soutli Main Street. RESIDENCE OF JUDGE REED, SOUTH iMAIN STREET RESIDENCE OF C. A. EATON, BELMONT STREET RESIDENCE OF H. L. TINKHAM, WEST ELM STREET RESIDENCE OF SIDNEY E. PACKARD, SOUTH STREET WEST ELM STREET— RESIDENCE UF C. M. HAUTHAWAY MAIN STREET, FROM CORNER OF SCHOOL AND HIGH (KMER STREET FROM MONTELLO STREET Showing^ portion. of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s factor; This building was the scene of a terrible catastrophe on destroyed the structure. The edifice was crowded with hy many splendid acts of heroism. FACTORY OF R. B. GKOVER ^: CO. March 20, 1905. The explosion of a boiler caused the tlonrs to collapse, and a fire which resulted totally employees at the time, and the loss of life was appalling. The shocking story of the disaster was relieved ■THE GRAND STAND" AT BROCKTON'FAIH Tlif largest ami best I'xiiiliition.ot its kind in New England. \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 110 932 7