.SE1 NO.! J \u Class ^. ^ ^^ ;et. I®© C- COPVRIGHT DEPOSIT s. ®^f MOST APPROVED KINDS. PEA FOWL FLY DRIVERS, WIRE DISH COVERS, All Sizes, Round and Oblong, Nest of Five for $1.00. LUNCH BASKETS, WM '^ From $1.00 to $15.00. Nursery Refrigerators, Chinese Ham^nocl^s, I luting Machines, China, Griassware, Plated ¥are ') 1 AND EVEKY VAIUETY OP ON THE MOST UEASONABLE TERMS. J. SETH HOPKINS & C$, STOEK & WEI&HT, FINE STATIONERS, TEAM POWER PRINTERS B LANK a / BOOK Manufacturers. OVER 130 VARIETIES OF FINE IMPORTED PAPERS. MONOGRAMS, CRESTS and COATS OF ARMS executed by our own Artists. 161 ^V^. BA.3L.TT1MORE ST. Opposite Adams Express Office. THE WILLCOX & GIBBS, SILENT! SIMPLE! RAPID! DURABLE! BREAKS NO NEEDIiES. ALWAYS IN ORUER. THE ONLY STANDARD APPROVED BY THE Medical Faculty as Fit for Family Use. This Machine doubles and twists the thread, sewing a three-thread seam from one spool only, the strongest and most elastic seam in the world, when properly made. JACOB H. ATTLL, General Agent, 46 Lexington Street, Baltimore. J. HOLYLAND'S Nos. 229 and 231 W, Baltimore Street, CORNER OF CHARLES STREET. Great Pains taken in Copying Old Pictures of Deceased Friends. PORTRAITS IN Oil, Pastel and Crayon. PHOTOGRAPHS IN Water Colors, India Ink, &c. POKCELAIN MINIATURES and all kinds ol' Fin& Artistic Wopk. Please call and see our Specimens of Work before Koinff elsewhere. Having one of tlie most extensive and well appointed Galleries in the country, I can guarantee work that cannot be excelled Everv Nei,'ative is finally and artistically RE-TOUC'HED, producing great delicacy of complexion. WE iiVARANTHE SATISFACTIOX. *9^2;-:::s.A large stock of FRAMES constantly on liand at LOW PRICES. lB>««3E~^TWO MAMMOTH SKY-LIGHTS, one specially kept for taking groups. M. wMmmmm « French Calf, Stitched, HAA'D MADE, TO ORDER, $7.50. All Styles, own make, for Gents, IN STORE. J. S. LEWIS, 4i fa^^tt© St®©©t® (One door west of North.) THE imAl[#ll.i #1IM MJI^Ii^^l^ si TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, GIVING THE LOCATION OF PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, BANKS, CITY OFFICES, CHUECHES, CEMETERIES, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES, FREIGHT OFFICES, FOREIGN CONSULS, HOS- PITALS AND ASYLUMS, HOTELS, SOCIETIES, NEWSPAPER OFFICES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARKS, RAILWAY DEPOTS, TELEGRAPH OFFICES, TICKET OFFICES, TRANSPORTATION LINES, HACK ORDINANCE, U. S. OFFICES, etc. ALSO, A COMPLETE km RELIABLE DIRECTORY TO THE TOGETHER WITH U. S. POST OFFICE REGULATIONS, RATES OF POSTAGE, SYNOPSIS OF THE COLLECTION LAWS FOR STATE OF MARYLAND, etc. VAN ARSDALE & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. J. D. EULEIIS BALTIMORE: V^>3"r^^^^-" & Co., Engraving and Printing House, 87 Second Street, near South. 1875. Enteked, according to Act of Cougross, iu the year 1875, by Van Arsuale & Company, lu the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. U^^ 7?/.^.Pv THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. CONTENTS PAGE. Amusements 47 Asylums 79 Banks 39 Baltimohe Business Directory 113 Baltimore City Street Guide 100 Cemeteries 81 Churches 96 Collection Laws of Maryland 51-63 Courts 75 Difference of Time between Washington and Principal Cities 63 Educational Institutions 93 Express Offices 23 Foreign Consuls 37 Fire Alarm Telegraph 43 Foreign Mail Regulations 67 Hotels 25-27 Libraries 19 Markets 47 Newspapers 23 Passenger Depots 21 Public Parks and Squares 19 Post Office 11 Public Buildings 87 Public Halls 91 Railroad Ticket Offices 21 Rates of Fare for Public Hacks 37 Register of City Officials 9 Secret Societies, (Masonic) 33 Secret Societies, (Odd Fellows) 35 Steamers, (Ocean, Bay amd Coastwise) 77 Street Railway Lines and Routes 29 Stage Lines 47 Table of Population, Distances and Fares 15-17 Telegraph Offices... 11 Transportation Lines 79 United States Mail Regulations 65 United States Officials 11 Wharves, (Location of) 71 NEW YORK ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 184 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BRANCH OF ROQERS, PEET & CO. 487 Broadway, New York, Maijufaoturers, Wholesale and Eetailers of The latest Novelties always to be found on our Counters. OUR MOTTO IS Good Goods at Lowest Prices! One Price Asked — No Other Taken. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 9 lUgistcr 0f Citji dicids. Mayor Hon. Joshua Vansant. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. CITY REGISTER, JOHN A. ROBB. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. CITY COMPTROLLER, . . . SAMUEL MACCUBBIN. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. CITY COUNSELLOR, . . . L NEVETT STEELE. OFFICE, 29 LEXINGTON STREET. CITY SOLICITOR, ALBERT RITCHIE. OFFICE, 25 LEXINGTON STREET. CITY COMMISSIONER, . . . JOHN H. TEGMEYER. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. CITY COLLECTOR, . . . JAMES M. ANDERSON. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, JAS. A. STEUART, M.T).,Comndsdoncr. ISAAC W. MOHLER, . . . Secretary. OFFICE, NEW CITY HALL. FIRE DEPARTMENT, . HENRY SPILMAN, Chief Enrjineer. OFFICE, 26 NORTH STREET. POLICE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE, S. E. COR. CALVERT AND LEXINGTON STREETS. WM. H. FUSSELBAUGH, President. JOHN T. GRAY, Marshal. J. Edwakd Biud. Peyton L. McCakty. Joseph A. Bird. I mWAM BIED & CO. Importers, Jobbers and Retailers of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, And Manufacturers of m^^ Ij^OMMM, ^© Ifo. 213 WEST BALTIIOEE STREET, B A LT I M O R E. Retail Department— 1st Floor. "Wholesale Department— 2d and 3d Floors, THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. II THE POST OFFICE. The Post Office is located in the Government Building, bounded by Second, Gay and Lombard Streets. The Office is open for the delivery of letters and sale of stamps from 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. Registered Letter and Money Order Departments from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Post Master's Room from 8 A. M. to 3 p. M. Office is open on Sunday from 8.30 a. m. to 10 a. m. Revenue Stamps of all denominations for sale at the Stamp Window. Four deliveries are made daily, (except Sunday,) by Letter Carriers, at 8 and 10.30 a. m. and 2.15 and 4.30 p. m. Three Collections are made daily from the street letter-boxes, as follows : 7 to 8.30 a. m., 13 to 1.45 p. m., and 7 to 8.45 p. M. On Sunday but one collection is made, from 4 to 8 p. m. Letters are also collected and delivered at the principal hotels. UNITED STATES OFFICIALS. Collector of Customs — Washington Booth, Post Office Building. Registers in Bankruptcy — 3d District, Orlando F. Bump, Office 17 St. Paul Street 4th District, R. Stockett Matthews, 46 Lexington Street. United States Marshal — E. Y. GoldsborougH: Office U. S. Court House, Fayette and North Streets. Collectors of Internal Hevenue — 1st District, James McIntire. 2d District, R. M. Proud, Office, Post Office Building. United States Commissioners — Isaac Brooks, Jr , Office 37 Lexington St. R. Lyon Rogers,, Office 54 W. Fayette Street. Postmaster — Gen. A. W. Denison, Post Office Building, U. S. Assistant Treasurer- -Fetkr Negley, Post Office Building. Pension ^^fen^— Harrison Adreon, Post Office Building. Commissary U. S. Army — Col. J. McL. Taylor, 51 S. Sharp Street. Quarter-Master U. S Army — Gen. V. P. Van Antwerp, 51 S. Sharp St. Commandant Military Post, Fort McHenry — Gen. Wm. H. French, U. S. A. o xn o HN P, RIf V J n Importer and Retailer O F o IP O CartAvright and W^arner's HOSIERY & OTDEE-WEAE GEORGE BRETTEL'S ALL SILK HOSIERY & UNDER-WEAE. Smyth's Real Irish Balbriggan Hosiery. TIGHTS, TRUNKS AND SHIRTS. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods in variety. KID (jLOVESin every variety of best goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY OF FANCY HOSIERY. JOHN P. RINGGOLD, ^'o. 17 S W. BALTIMOBE STBEET, Under the Caiuiollton Hotel, and J^o. ^W JV. CHARLES STREET, Above Lexinoton. CITY HALL, North, Fayette, Holliday and Lexington Streets. f^Uffil^l %t^' >^' il-lldi* i e f^. A FULL STOCK OF Druggists' Fancy Articles, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC And all Descriptions of Complete Outfits for Drug Stores furnished at shortest notice and at most reasonable prices. SAMPLE BOTTLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. F. F. DREXEL & CO. CORNER SHARP AND GERMAN STREETS. Proprietors of the Celebrated THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 15 Population and Table of Distances and Fares to Principal Cities in the United States. Distances compiled from Official Railroad Time Tables, and Eates of Fare furnished by General Ticket Agents. Where there are several routes running to one place, the shortest has been chosen. BALTIMORE TO Albany, N. Y Augusta, Ga Atlantic City, N. J.. Augusta, Me Atlanta, Ga Bangor, Me Boston, Mass Baffalo, N. Y Columbus, O Cleveland, O Chattanooga, Tenn. , Cincinnati, O Cape May, N. J Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 , Cumberland, Md Cambridge, Md Culpeper, Va Detroit, Mich , Denver, Col , Dubuque, Iowa Elmira, N. Y Frederick, Md Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas Grand Rapids, Mich Hagerstown, Md Harrisburg, Pa Hartford, Conn Indianapolis, Ind Knoxville, Tenn Louisville, Ky Lynchburg, Va Little Rock, Ark La Crosse, Wis Leavenworth, Kan . . Population. 69,423 15,389 1,043 7,808 21,789 18,289 292,499 117,714 81,274 98,829 6,093 216,229 1,248 48,956 850,977 8,056 1,642 1.800 79;757 4,759 18,434 15,863 8,526 17,718 5,396 18,818 16,507 5,779 23,104 37,180 48,244 8,682 100,753 6,825 12,380 7,785 17,878 Miles. 380 709 157 598 768 667 420 431 509 583 664 589 179 600 830 178 181 105 689 1,968 1,004 256 61 654 712 1,714 400 103 85 298 704 552 696 218 1,057 1,758 1,277 Fare. $10.05 22.00 5.90 17.45 23.00 19.45 12.95 12.00 18.50 12.90 28.00 16.00 6.40 21.00 19.00 5.50 4.70 4.50 16.00 74.00 26.25 9.00 175 15.50 20.60 58.75 18.65 2.50 8.10 9.95 17.00 20 00 20.00 8.70 39.80 27.85 84.00 EMM^^ -f & Qa "^^Tley, HOUSE Churches, Halls, Public Buildings, AND Private Mansions PAINTED AND DECORATED IN WATER, OIL AND ENCAUSTIC FRESCO. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Designs, Figures, Eniblenis, Fruits, Flowers, &c. IN THE ANCIENT AND MODERN STYLES. KALSOIYIINING OF WALLS AND CEILINGS. Imitations of Plain aucl Faiu,'y Woods and Stone, Parti-tints, Ivory Finish, Gloss White and every description of House Paintin;)- Sign Painting, Gilding on Glass, Banners, Flags, &e., — (Camden Station) Howard, Camden and Eutaw Streets. Northern Central— {CaXvexi Station) Corner Calvert and Franklin Streets. Baltimore and P (/) CO ■ - if) If) r 5h 0) h «T2 O O ^ H » -3 (yj =1- m 50 CD 3« ^ sr (/) 5« i^ aS > =■ r o r ^ s "r1 > o Dd pa sc 'X »"-— c^- ^7" ^^ o = ^ C/) « i p MAOMIirK STITCHES HEAVY CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARNESS, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, etc. MAKES the LOCK STITCH WITHOUT the USE of a SHUTTLE. Received the Gold Medal for Progress at American Institute Fair 1875 THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARDED TO SEWING MACHINES BY THE INSTITUTE FOR MANY YEARS. REPORTED BY THE .lUDGES TO BE " A Machine which by the proof submitted, we are satisfied, must eventually supersede all others now known with which it comes in competition." SOLD ON EASY TERMS. BALTIMORE OFFICE, 58 LEXINGTON STREET, (Two doors West of Charles.) C. R. DEACON, General Agent. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 29 STREET RAILWAY LINES AND ROUTES. Madison Avenue and Broadway Z^■;^e.— Runs from Thames Street, East Bal- timore, to station on North Avenue. Cars leave the stations every 4 minutes. Pennsylvania Avenue and Albemarle Street Line. — Runs from city limits, on Pennsylvania Avenue, to Philadelphia Depot. Cars run at intervals of 9 minutes. Franklin Square and Oay Street Line. — Runs from west end of Baltimore Street to Baltimore Cemetery. Cars leave stations every 5 minutes. North and South Baltimore LJne. — Cars run at intervals of 9 minutes from terminus on Ijight Street, to end of Charles Street, at North Boundary Avenue. Eutaw Street and Camden Depot. — This line runs from Baltimore Street, along Eutaw, to Camden Depot. Canton Line. — Runs from North Avenue to Toone Street, C^anton, at inter- vals of 15 minutes. Citizen's Railway Company. — Runs Irom Druid Hill Park to Patterson Park. Connects with Western Maryland Railroad Depot, and Druid Hill Park Railway to Mansion House. Run every 6 minutes, from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. Baltimore, Calverton and Powhatan Railway. — Leave Baltimore at 7, 8, 9 and 11 A. M. and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 p. m. The cars of this Company connect with the Red Line of the Baltimore City Company. Baltimore and Hairs Springs Railwag — Leave City Hall and North Street every 15 minutes, from 6.45 a. m. to 11.30 p. m., for Darley Park, Harford Road, via Fayette, Aisquith and Madison Streets and Central Avenue* and connecting at Darley Park with Cars for Homestead and Hall's Springs at 3 and 5 p. m. Catonsville Railway. — Leave Baltimore every hour from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. and 11.30 P.M. daily, (except Sundays.) On Sundays, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. York Road Raihcay. — Leave Baltimore for Towsontown at half past each hour from 7.30 a. m. to 8.30 p. m., and 10 to 11 p. m. Leave Baltimore for Govanstown at 7 and 8 a. m., and at each hour from 2 to 7 p. m. ESTABLISHED 1820. JAS. D. MASON & CO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF BISCUITS, CRACKERS & EANCT CAKES, No. 149 "West Pratt Street, Opposite tlic 9Ialtl>y House. Oil iiiui after July Ist we will oc('iii)y the above buiklinir, where we shall be pleased to see ail our friends* and patroue, until which time we mav be found at our old Establish- nient, 112 and 114 W. I'uatt Stre?;t. Parties ordering j^oods tlirough their Coiinuissiou Iloust^s will please specify our make. Rfe^ai,!' Rea^* IGREAT DISCOVERY! ^Pf^y NEW JERSEY Liquid Enamel Paint Comp'y, Manufacturers of "BRADLEY'S PATENT." Made from Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil and Zinc. Mixed ready for use. Can be applied by any one. One gallon covers twenty square yards two coats. Read the following Testimonials: ffotti D. J. YOT/KY, Esq., of tin- /inn of D. .T. Folci/, Jiro. ct <'o. Baltimore, February 19, 1875. Mr. C. P. Knight, No. i)8 W. Lombard Street. Dear Sir : la reply to yonr enquiry relative to the merits of j^our "Liquid Enamel Paint," (Bradley's Patent,) I will say it has been nearlj' two years since I purchased the Paint from you, and so far as I am able to judge, it looks equally as well as when first applied, and I cheerfully can recommend it to those who need painting done. Yours truly, D. J. Foley. Portsmouth, Va., March 6, 1875. Mr. C. P. Knight, Sole Gen'l Af/cnt, l);j W. Lombard St., Baltimore. Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry of the 4th inst., wishing to know how I like the Liquid Enamel Paint, (Bradley's Patent,) manufactured by the New Jersey Liquid Enamel Paint Co., at Raritan, I will say the first of the several invoices sent me was in April, 1873, which is quite two years, and it is very gratifying for me to state that it was applied as soon as it arrived and still looks admirably; and I freely lend my name with many others to endorse all you claim for it — namely. Beauty, Durability and Economy. Very respectfully, &c., Rich'd Mules. IFrota Gen. IC. S. Tl'J^JCM, Autei-iriin Strtiin Stiff Comiiiiiii/. Baltimore, December 21, 1874. Mr. C. P. Knight, 93 W. Lombard St., Baltimore. Sir : In the spring of 1873 I painted my house, stable and outbuildings with the Lk^uid Enamel Paint, (Bradley's Patent,) purchased from you, and so far it has proven to be all you claim for it, and entirely satisfactory to me. It is certainly a durable and glossy Paint, when put on properly. My buildings were painted with your Paint by G. J. Roche, who applied it as per directions, and it retains its gloss admirably; and I take pleasure in recommending it. Very respectfully, E. B. Ttler. eeimen Cards furnished gratis. Liberal Inducements offered to the Trade. C. p. KNIGHT, Sole General Agent, 93 W. Lombard Street, - - - BALTIMORE. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 33 SECRET SOCIETIES. KIVIOHTS TEMPI^AR. Maryland Gommandery, No. 1— Meets the 2nd and 4tb Friday. Baltimore Commandery, No. 2— Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday. Monumental Commandery, No. 3— Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Crusade Commandery, No. 5— Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday. CHAPTERS, R. A. M. Concordia Chapter, No. 1— Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Plmnix Chapter, No. 7— Meets the 2nd and 4th Friday. Jerusalem Chapter, No. 9— Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday. St. John's Chapter, No. 19— Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Adoniram Chapter, No. 21— Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday. BlilJE LODGES, F. ANW A. M. WasMngto7i, No. 3— Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday. Concordia, No. 13— Meets the 1st and 3rd Friday. Amicable, No. 25— Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday. St. John's, No. 34— Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Cassia, No. 45— Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday. Warren, No. 51— Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Union, No. 60— Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday. King David's, No. 68— Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Adlierence, No. 88— Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday. Corinthian, No. 93— Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Monumental, No. 96— Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Ben Franklin, No. 97— Meets the 1st and 3rd Friday. Hiram, No. 107— Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Centre, No. 108— Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday. Mystic Circle, No. 109 — Arcana, No. 110— Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Lafayette, No. Ill— Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday. Maryland, No. 120— Meets the 2nd and 4th Friday. Pythagoras, No. 123— JMeets the 2nd and 4th Thursday. Doric, No. 124— Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Landmark, No. 127— Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Jojipa, No. 132— Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Fidelity, No. 136— Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Phcenix, No. 139— Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Mount Vernon, No. 151— Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday. Oriental, No. 158— Meets the 1st and 3rd Saturday. Star of Bethlehem, IT. i>.— Meets 2nd and 4th Monday. Excelsior, U. D.— Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday. Kedron—'KwA?, the 1st and 3rd Friday. Germania—'KQQ\& the 2nd and 4th Friday. ^~A11 the atove regular Masonic bodies of the City of Baltimore meet at MASONIC TEMPLE, North CHASLES STBEET, near Saratoga. MANUFACTURERS OF SOAP S, ADAMANTINE AND TALLOW CANDLES, Corner Holliday and Pleasant Streets, BALTIMORE. W. & H. SPILCKER, 136 TV, Balthnore Street, B A-T^TIMORE, MD. DEALERS 1 N Oils, Candles, Lamps, Lanterns, AND LAMP TRIMMINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. .A-G-EISTTS FOPl PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 35 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. ENCAMPMENTS. Jerusalem, No. 1 — Meets every Friday. Salem, 3 — Meets every Wednesday. Hebron, 3 — Meets every Tuesday. Scfiiller, 12 — Meets every Thursday. Mount Ararat, 13 — Meets every Tuesday at Pacific Hall, corner Baltimore and Paca Streets. PMlanthropMc, 16 — Meets every Monday. Sharon, 28— Meets every Tuesday. LODGES. Washmgton, Franklin, Columbia, William Tell, Oratitude, Harmony, FriendsJiij), Marion, Jefferson, Corinthian, Maryland, Monumental, Mechanics, Union, MEETS EVERY No. 1— Monday. 3— Thursday. 3— Wednesday. 4 — Tuesday. 5 — Monday. fi — Wednesday. 7— Thursday. 8— Tuesday. 9— Thursday. 10— Tuesday, 11 — Monday. 14 — Thursday. 15 — Monday. 16— Monday. Thomas Wildey, 44 — Wednesday, at Wildey Hall, 202 E. Pratt St. Gemania, No. 47 — Tuesday. Iris, 48 — Wednesday. Oriental, 52— Tuesday. Schiller, 55— Friday. MEETS EVERY Baltimore City, 57 — Wednesday. Oolden Rule, 58 — Wednesday. Pacific Lodge, 63 — Thursday, at Pacific Hall, cor. Baltimore and Paca Streets. Jackson, Warren, Atlantic, Independence, Mountain, Liberty, Madison, Eureka. Escaville, Marley, Vansant, Patapsco, Beacon Light, 65 — Monday. 71— Friday. 72— Monday. 77 — Tuesday. 84— Thursday. 93— Monday. 98 — Wednesday, 10 1 — Wednesday. 106— Tuesday. 107— Thursday, 119 — Monday. 120— Wednesday. 121 — j\[onday, cor. Howard and Lexington. All the regular bodies of the above Order meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, North Gay Street, excepting those otherwise located. 8 H.CAIOIIY. N W.CAIGHY. NOAH WALKER d£ CO. >A^ASHINGTON BUILDINGS, THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 37 FOREIGN CONSULS. Great Britain— Dennis Donihoe, oiBce over Exchange Reading Rooms. France— Count de Montcabrier, 54 Franklin Street. Spain— C. D. de Rafart, Vice Consul, N. E. cor. Saratoga and Courtland Sts. German Empire— 'W . Dressel, 37 S. Gay Street. Belgium— Gr. O. Gorlor, 3 Howell Block, cor. Camden and Sharp Streets. Bussia—C Nitze, Acting Vice-Consul, Office No. 7 South Street, Italy— IE,, de Merolla, 33 S. Gay Street. Netlierlands — Class Vocke, 100 S. Charles Street. Sweede7i and Norway— J. Alex. Solberg, 65 S. Gay Street. Denmark— W. Erichson, Vice-Consul, 65 S. Gay Street. Oriental Bepublic of Uraguay — P. de Murguiondo. Argentine Republic — C. Morton Stewart, 42 S. Gay Street. Brazil— C. Oliver O'Donnell, 52 S. Gay Street. Portugal — Robert Lehr, over 29 S. Charles Street. Nicaragtia—B^&W Wagner, 25 S. Gay Street. Chili and Pcni— Washington Booth, Acting Consul, 6 S. Gay Street. Austria— 3. D. Kremelberg, 37 S. Gay Street. Agent for the Underwriters at Bremen— Y. W. Brune & Sons, 89 and 91 Smith's Wharf. Agent for the British, French, German and Neic York Unde7'wr iters— J axnes Carey Coale, 56 Exchange Place. RATES OF FARE FOR HACKS. Established by the Police Commissioners. Steamboats and Railroad Stations. — To or from any steamboat or railroad station, to any hotel or private house in any part of the city— one pas- senger, 75 cents. For each additional passenger, 25 cents. For each trunk, box or bag sufficiently large to be strapped on, 15 cents. No charge for small parcels put in the carriage. C%— From any one point within the city limits to another— one passenger, 75 cents. For each additional passenger, 25 cents. Time—YoT one hour, $1.50. For each additional hour, $1.00. Same rates for all fractions of an hour, but no charge for less than a quarter of an hour. Evening and Night — For Hacks taken from the stand to any part of the city, as follows : from 1st May to 3d September, inclusive, after 8 o'clock, p.m., for a single passenger, 75 cents. If more than one, each 50 cents. Like sum for returning. From the 1st October to 30th April, inclusivCj after 7 o'clock, p. M., the same. No charge for baggage. General Rules. — 1. An additional allowance for carriages only when sent from the stand, 25 cents. 2 Children over ten years, half price; under ten, no charge. The Police are strictly enjoined to enforce these rules CHARLES G. SMITH, imttpcturiujg ;:||hanuHci!jt lo. 52 South Sharp Street, B A LTTMORE, AID. MANUFACTURER OF STANDIIRD CHfMICIlL iND PHIlRMiCfUTICIlL FRUIT JUICES a Specialty, Warranted Pure. PRICE LISTS AND CIRCULARS SENT ON APPLICATION, AND Special Quotations given when desired, THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 39 BANKS. All Banks are Open Daily, prom 10 A. M. to 3 P.M., except Sundays AND Legal Hollidays. Bank of Commerce — No. 26 South Street. Broadway Savings Bank — 63 South Broadway. Beneficial Savings Fund Society of Baltimore — N. E. corner Lexington and Calvert Streets. Citizens National Bank — Corner Hanover and Pratt Streets. Chesapeake Bank — Corner North and Fayette Streets. Commercial and Farmers National Bank — Cor Howard and German Sts. Central National Bank of Baltimore — 5 South Street. Central Savings Bank of Baltimore — S. E cor. Charles and Lexington Streets. Drovers and Mechanics Bank of Baltimore — Cor. Baltimore and Carey Sts. Eutaw Savings Bank — S. E. corner Eutaw and Fayette Streets. Franklin Bank — 15 South Street, opposite German. First National Bank of Baltimore — 8 S. Gay Street. Farmers and Merchants National Bank — Cor. Lombard and South Streets. German Bank of Baltimore — N. E. corner Holliday and Baltimore Streets. German- American Bank — 173 S. Broadway. German Central Bank — Raine's Building, Baltimore St. and Postoffice Ave. Howard Bank — N. W. corner Howard and Fayette Streets. Merchants National Bank — S. W. corner Gay and Second Streets. Marine Bank — N. E. corner Gay and Second Streets. Monumental Savings Bank — Over No. 9 Pleasant Street. National Bank of Baltimore- -N. E. corner Baltimore and St. Paul Streets. National Union Bank of Maryland — Fayette Street, East of Charles. National Mechanics Bank — Corner Calvert and Fayette Streets. National Farmers and Planters Bank — Corner South and German Streets. National Exchange Bank — 2 S. Sharp Street. People's Bank — Corner Baltimore and Paca Streets. Peabody Savings Institution — S. W. corner Monument and Aisquith Streets. Second National Bank of Baltimore — 147 S. Broadway. Savings Bank of Baltimore — N. W. corner Gay and Second Streets. Traders National Bank — N. W. corner German and Light Streets. 2' hird National Bank of Baltimore — 31 South Street. The Old Town Bank — S. E. corner of Gay and Exeter Streets. United German Bank — S. E. cor. Baltimore Street and Postoffice Avenue. Western National Bank — Eutaw Street, North of Eutaw House. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN lis' Also, MANUFACTURER OF SHIRTS. No. 163 BILTIIOUE STREET, Above Calver-t Street, A&lSM@Sa, GEO. W. TAYLOR & CO. IMPOETERS AND DEALERS IN '^ TAMBOUR AND NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, ¥imO¥ SHADES AO EIXTURES, JVo. 11 JV. Charles Street, (Marblk Building,) BALTIMORE. NE\A^ "BALTIMORE AMERICAN" BUILDINO. S. W. CORNER BALTIMORE AND SOUTH STREETS. If. sKi:n. A M. EMOKY. SEIM & EMORY, Maryland Window < > O I O m oL m] ■^7 O §S o o Pi t^] -^ '*^i • — 1 |5I PS' o ©> No. 112 W. LOMBARD STREET, SEIM & EMORY3 nVCA.3SrXJF.A.CTXJPlEPlS imm fte ©) lii©.ai! f THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 43 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH STATIONS. For Fire Alarm, Police Purposes and for Recoverj of liOSt Children. Keys are left with the occupants of buildings in the vicinity of each Fire Alarm Box. The members of the Police force also possess keys. Box. LOCATION. 1 Central, Station, HoUiday Street. 2 Calvert and Lombard Streets. 8 Baltimore and Hanover Streets. 4 Pratt and Gay Streets. 5 Hook and Ladder Truck House, Harrison Street. 6 Charles and Camden Streets 7 Howard and German Streets. 8 Pratt Street Bridge. 9 Mulberry and Charles Streets. 12 No. 3 Engine House, Lombard Street. 13 No. 2 Engine House, Barre Street. 14 No. 2 Truck House, Paca Street, near Fayette. 15 No. 6 Engine House, Gay and Ensor Streets. 16 Aisquith and Douglas Streets. 17 No. 7 Engine House, Eutaw and Ross Streets. 18 Western Police Station, Greene Street. 19 Penn and Lombard Streets. 21 Bank and Exeter Streets. 23 William and Montgomery Streets. 24 Caroline and Lombard Streets. 25 Bond and Jefferson Streets. 26 Light and Cross Streets. 27 Eastern Police Station, Bank Street. 28 St. Paul and Fayette Streets. ' 29 Eutaw and Cross Streets. 31 Fremont and Columbia. Streets. 32 Franklin and Chatsworth Streets. 34 Belair and Central Avenues. 35 Richmond Market House. 36 Southern Police Station. 37 Eager Street and Morton Alley. 38 North and Monument Streets. 39 EUicott and Chesapeake Streets, Canton. 41 Harford Avenue and Eager Streets. 42 Drawbridge, foot of Falls. 43 Fremont and Lexington Streets. 45 Pratt and Poppleton Streets. 46 Front and Hillen Streets. 47 Locust Point. 48 Pearl and Saratoga Streets. 49 Calverton and Frederick Roads. 51 No. 5 Engine House, Ann Street. 52 Pennsylvania Avenue and Dolphin Street. 53 Baltimore and Republican Streets. 54 Canton Avenue and Chester Street. 56 Intersection of Fremont St. and Pennsylvania Ave. 57 Baltimore Street and Frederick Road. 58 Bel Air Avenue. 59 Charles and Lombard Streets. EST-A-BLISKCEID 18S5. . THOS. J. FLAGK & SONS, ^^INES ^ND LIQUORS, oV SOITH STllEET, BALTIWIOliE, ESTABLISHED 1870. FL^OK BROTHERS, Distillers of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, (Swcel and Sour Masli,) OFFICE, 52 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 45 FiKE Alaem Telegeaph Stations — Continued. Box. LOCATION. 61 Carey Street and Edmondson Avenue. 63 Madison and Forrest Streets. 63 Broadway and Thames Streets. 64 Lexington and Strieker Streets. 65 Cathedral and Hofifman Streets. 67 Corner Ann and Orleans Streets. 68 Pratt Street and Central Avenue 69 Cross and Covington Streets. 71 Pratt and Eutavir Streets. 72 Clay and Park Streets. 78 Monument Street and Plover Alley. 74 Gay Street and Broadway. 75 Light and Heath Streets. 76 Corner Northern and Madison Avenues. 78 Pennsylvania Avenue and MeMechin Street. 7U Patterson Avenue and Strieker Street. 81 Eutaw Place and Dolphin Street. 82 Canton Avenue and Caroline Street. 88 Baltimore and Wolfe Streets. 84 Corner Gilmor and McHenry Streets. 85 Fayette Street and Broadway. 86 Druid Hill Avenue and Preston Street. 87 Eager and Constitution Streets. 89 Aisquith and Jefferson Streets. 91 Central and Harford Avenues. 92 Corner Oregon and Townsend Streets. 93 Corner Monument and Castle Streets. 94 President Street and Canton Avenue. 95 Baltimore and Poppleton Streets. 96 Barre and Warner Streets. 97 Ann Street and Canton Avenue. 98 Bank and Washington Streets. 121 Eden and Chase Streets. 123 No. 8 Engine House, Mulberry Street. 124 Madison Avenue and MeMechin Streets. 125 Fort Avenue and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 126 Pratt and Gist Streets. 127 North and Greenmount Avenues. 128 North Avenue and John Street. 129 No. 9 Engine House, Eist Madison Street. 132 Light and Lee Streets. 134 Leadenhall and Stockholm Streets. 135 Calvert and Pleasant Streets. 136 Fayette and Exeter Streets. 187 No. 10 Engine House, Columbia Street. 188 No. 4 Engine House, North Street. 141 Fayette and Choptank Streets. 142 Baltimore and Pine Streets. 143 No. 11 Engine House, Cor. Eastern and Patterson Park Aves. 145 No. 12 Engine House, Fort Avenue and Johnson Street. 146 No. 13 Engine House, Fremont Street, Cor. Myrtle Avenue 147 N. E. Police Station, Chew Street. 148 Hughes and Covington Streets. 152 Franklin and Greene Streets. SPENCER'S. Established in 1866. The only House in the City making a SPECIALTY AND KEEPING A FuLL LiNE OF UDIES' EN -< V ^ r\ LJ ^F mi Linen, Camtiric and Cotton Chemises, NIGHT DRESSES, DRAWERS, SKIRTS, Camasoles, Corset Covers, Aprons, &c. &c. CHILDREN'S DliESSES, CLOAKS, CORSETS, APRONS, BONNETS, CHEMISES, DRA WERS, SKIRTS AND NIGHT DRESSES. INFANTS' NAINSOOK ROBES, DRESSES, SLIPS, FRENCH APRONS, LACE, MERINO and SILK HATS and CAPS, MERINO SACQUES, KNIT SACQUES, SHIRTS, SOCKS, CAPS AND TURBANS, BASKETS, EMBROIDERED MERINO AND FLANNEL SHA WLS. OF LADIES' OWN MATERIAL, MADE UP TO ORDER, IK 24 HOURS, At Popular Pi-ices, and in the Latest Styles. E. N. SPENCEK, IST o. 6 9 Ijexington Street, (6 DOORS WEST OF CHARLES ST.) BALTIMORE, MD. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 47 AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music — Howard Street, between Franklin and Monument Sts. Ford's Grand Opera House — Corner of Fayette and Eutaw Streets. Front Street Theatre — (Variety and Drama) — Front Street, near Gay. HolUday Street Theatre— B.o\\\dL&Y Street, betw. Fayette and Lexington Sts. MARKETS. Belair J/ar/oe^— Forrest Street, from Hillen to Orleans. Tuesday and Friday, and Saturday evenings. Canton Market — From Patapsco Street to Potomac, North of Elliott. Centre Market — From Baltimore Street to Pratt, West of Jones Falls. Mon- day, Wednesday and Saturday. Cross Street Market — From Light Street to Charles, between Cross and West. FelVs Point Market — Broadway, from Canton Avenue to Thames Street. Tuesday and Friday, and Saturday evenings. Hanover Market — Northwest corner Hanover and Camden Streets. Monday and Thursday, and Saturday evenings. Hollins Market — Hollins Street, South of Baltimore. Tuesday and Friday and Saturday evenings. Lafayette Market — Patterson Avenue, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Fre- mont Street. Monday and Thursday, and Saturday evenings. Lexington Market — Lexington Street, from Eutaw to Pearl. Tuesday and Friday, and Saturday evenings. Richmond Market — From Howard Street to Biddle. Monday and Thursday, and Saturday evenings. STAGE LINES. Anderson's Stage to Belair — Leaves Brown's Hotel, 119 N. High Street, Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock, a. m. JCeUcille and Franklinville, via ICingsviUe. — Leaves Rising Sun Hotel, 74 N. High Street, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, (and daily during Summer,) at 1 o'clock, p. m. Long Oreen, Harford Road Stage. — Leaves Star Hotel, corner Front and Low Streets, every afternoon at 21 o'clock, and Sun Office at 3 o'clock. Franklin, Wetherdsville and PowJiatan Stages. — Leave General Wayne Hotel daily, at 3.30 p. m. Pikesville Stage. — Leaves Hand Tavern, Paca Street, daily, at 3 o'clock, p. m. Liberty Road Stage. — Leaves Gibbons' Hotel, corner Saratoga and Howard Streets, daily, at 2 o'clock, p. m. in Winter, and 3 o'clock in Summer. COFFEES, TEAS, AND GROUND SPICES. BARKLE Y& HASSON, 50 S. CHARLES STREET, BALTiyVlORE, MANUFACTURERS OP The "Enterprise" Brand of v^ ,JSOi i^iiti THE ''ENTERPRISE," PLANTATION, SAN DOMINGO, and DANDELION GROUND COFFEES, GROUND SPICES. DEALERS IN GREEN COFFEES & TEAS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BALTIMORE. (NORTU HOWARD STREET.) The Publishers acknowledge the courtesy of the Baltimore Gazette for use of the above cut. 332 W. Baltimore St. WM. H. HENNEGEN & CO. AND WHOLESALE JEWELERS. V/HOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE American Watch and Clock Companies, 220 West Baltimore Street, (SECOND FLOOR,) THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 51 LAV/S OF MARYLAND RELATIVE TO THE COLLECTION OF DEBTS. rREPARED EXPRESSLY FOB THIS WORK. Actions.— The distinctive nature of actions at common law arising ex contractu remains, thout^h simpler forms are used. Anv declaration containing a plain statement ot facts necessary to constitute a ground of action is sufficient, and any ple Baltimore, Light and German Streets. This new and beautiful Hotel is now open to the Public. Located on the site of the "Old Fountain Hotel," extended by an elegant fuont on Bal- timore Street, it is convenient alike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only Hotel in Baltimore of the new style, embracing Elevators, Suites of Rooms with Baths and all conveniences; perfect ventilation and light throughout; and was planned and built as a Hotel, new from its foundation. Its WITH TELEGRAPH, etc., will at all times be at the service of the Merchants and citizens of Baltimore, its builders. The location of the Ladies' Entrance on Baltimore Street, and the beautiful Drawing Rooms connected therewith, will give to Families more than the usual degree of quiet and seclusion. To accommodate Merchants and others who visit Baltimore, the Pro- prietor will charge !^3 per day for the Rooms on the Fourth and Fifth Floors, making the difference on account of the elevation Ordinary Transient Kates for Lower Floors, 5b» 4 per diem. Guests of the House desiring to take advantage of the above rates, will please notify the Clerk before Rooms are assigned. An Improved Elevator for the use of Guests is running constantly, from f) A. M. to 12 p. m., thus rendering the upper stories accessible without fatigue. The undersigned refers to his career of over thirty years as a Hotel Mana- ger, in New York and Baltimore, confident that with a new and modern house, he can give entire satisfaction to his guests. R. B. OOLEMA^lSr. Proprietor. Baltimore, Mrt. 1875. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 67 FOREIGN MAILS. Letters per single rate of 15 grammes (>^oz)or frac- tion thereof. Newspapers, — if not over 4 oz Pre - pay- ment compul- sory. Books, Pack'ts, Prints, per 4 oz. Pre- pay- ment compul- sory. « 5l PaU'ns& Samps of Merchandise iuclud'g Seeds and Grain, per 4 oz. Pre-pay't compulsory. COUNTRIES. .j_3 O _ OS-C a t5 pq — so 0-? PAID PAID 5-? *Great Britain and Ireland *Gerni!in Empire (iuclud'g Austria and Hungary). . GTS. 6 6 7 10 10 10 8 14 10 6 '3 9 CTS. 7 10 9 10 12 10 15 10 8 10 9 CENTS. 2 each. 3 6 8 6 C 3 9 7 3 '3 CENTS. 4 7 9 7 7 4 10 4 4 4 '3 CENTS. a G 10 11 !t 9 (i 12 10 6 C CENTS. 8 12 13 11 11 8 14 8 8 8 6 CENTS. a (j 10 11 9 9 6 12 9 6 'e cents. 8 12 13 11 11 8 14 *italy 11 8 ♦Holland or Netherlands. . *tCanada 8 6 ! a.— Book Packets and Patterns, under 1 oz. in weight. 2 cents ; over 1 and under 2 oz., 4 cts • over 2 and under 4 oz., cts.; and G cents for each additional 4 oz. or fraction thereof. No Book Packets must exceed two feet in length, or one foot in width or depth, nor exceed twenty-four ounces in weight. , , ^ , , 1 ■, -^ * indicates that pre-payment on Letters is optional; but Letters forwarded w?y;«id or insvMcienUy paid are subject to a fine at the office of delivery, and will be charged about double the original postage required. Printed matter must be fully prepaid in all cases. Postal Cards will be forwarded to Germany, Austria and Switzerland only, \i an ordi- nary one-cent stamp is affixed in addition to the stamp printed on the card. *t Domestic Kates. EUROPEAN MAIL, via Ne^A^ York, Closes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, of eacli "week, at 9 p. m. SOUTH AMERICA and WEST INDIES. Mails for South America and the "West Indies, via New Yorlc and St. Thomas, close at Baltimore Post Office on the 22d of each month at 9 P. M. Postage by this route to Brazil is 15 cents ; Papers, 3 cents. Montevideo, Urugay, and all the West Indies, 18 cents; Papers 4 cents, except to St. Thomas, to which Island the postage is 10 cents. Papers 2 cents, and must be fully prepaid. Mails for Peru, Chili, via Aspinwall and Panama, are forwarded per Steamers sailing twice or three times each month, and are to be fully pre- paid, as follows: Peru, 22 cents; Ecuador, 20 cents; Panama, Aspinwall, 10 cents, on Letters, and 4 respectively ; 2 cents on Newspapers. Havana Mails, via New York, close on Monday and Wednesday of each week at 9 p. m. Postage 10 cents on Letters, and 2 cents for each Paper. MAILS via SAN FRANCISCO. Correspondence for China, Australia, Fijee Islands, etc., marked "via San Francisco," will be forwarded at 10 cents per half ounce on Letters, and 2 cents for each Newspaper. New Zealand, New South Wales, at 12 cents half ounce, and 2 cents for each Newspaper. Sandwich Islands, Van Couver's Island and British Columbia, 3 cents on Letters and 2 cents on Papers, and should be mailed not later than the 8th and 22d of each month, to reach the Steamers sailing from San Francisco on or about the 1st and 16th of each month. The Postage to Japan is 15 cents. JONES the CLOTHIEE, m 1 [In the "German Correspondent" Building,] KEEPS A CHOICE STOCK OF Fashionable Clothing OF ALL GRADES, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. The Latest JYew York Styles received every Week. PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH! Goods Thokodghly Shrunk. Garments Fasuionably Cut, Taste- fully Trimmed and Substantially Made. JONES the CLOTHIER, (Correspondent Building,) 87 W. BALTIMORE STREET. BALTIMORE CARRIAGE CO. Manufacturers of If) (1) Oi (/) CO u X >. >3 rO rO W U X No. 30 N. HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Twin and Invalid Carriages made to order. GERMAN CORRESPONDENT" BUILDING, S. W. COH. BALTIMORE STREET AND POSTOFFICE AYE. See Advertisement of JONES the CLOTHIER, on opposite page. GEO. N. MACKENZIE & Co. Imforters and FactorB Agents for DDLEI[Y HJip No. i8 S. Charles Street, BALTIMORE. Jt^"BiTs, Bdcklp:s, Saddle Tuees, Gig Saddles, TraceChains, AVeb, Shoe TiiuEADS. Stage Traces, Wooden Stir- rups, Iron and Wooden Hames, Curry Combs, Brushes. Ii^^Enameled and Gum Canvas; En- ameled and Collar Leather ; Sheep Skins; Harness and Skirting Leather; VACUUM OIL; ENGLISH CROWN SOAP; WHITNEY'S NEATS FOOT HARNESS SOAP. We are Agents for one of the /JV THE UJflTED STATES. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SOUTH OF K D. WILSON & GO'S LEATHER SAYEE, An American Water- Proof Harness Oil. WE ONLY ASK A TRIAL. IT WILL SPEAK FOR ITSELF. ALSO PEALEBiS | Nj Iron, Nails, Steel, Horse-Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails, Anvils, Vices, Rubber Goods, Rubber and Leather Belting, Sa^A's, Chains & Heavy Hardware generally. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 71 LOCATION OF V/HARVES. Abraham's — Thames Street, foot of S. Caroline Street. Artesian — (Watering and Ballast Wharf,) foot of Hughes Street. Atlantic — foot of Patapsco Street, Canton. BeWs — Fell Street, south of Thames Street. Bowly's — Pratt Street, between South and Calvert Streets. i?osfo /I— (Steamship,) foot of McElderry's Wharf, Basin. Bro'wn's — from 57 Thames Street. Buchanan's — from 37 W. Pratt Street. Burke's — foot of Broadway. Chase's — from 1 Thames Street. City — Intersection of Lancaster and Caroline Streets. Commercial— from 97 Thames Street. Coo2)e)''s— foot of Wills Street. Corner's — foot of Ann Street. County— foot of Broadway. DonneVs — foot of Fell Street, West side. Z>m/'s— from 37 Fell Street. Dugaii's — from 27 W. Pratt Street, Fardy's — foot of Covington Street. Fenhy & Aulfs — foot of Jackson Street. Flanigan's — foot of Mill Street. Gardner's — foot of Chester Street. Gibson's — from 43 Fell Street. Green's — foot of Broadway. Goodwin's — foot of Point Street. Gray's — foot of Great Montgomery Street. Henderson's — from 55 Fell Street. Hooper's — foot of Wolfe Street. Howell's — Thames Street, between Broadway and Ann Street. Hughes' Quay — East end of Lee Street. Jackson' s— foot of Bond Street. Jenkins' — South side of Phil pot Street. Kerr's — from 47 Thames Street. Lee Street — from Light to Johnson Streets. Light Street — South from Pratt Street. Long Dock — from Pratt, between Dugan's and McElderry's Wharves. Mason's — foot of Bethel Street, South of Thames Street. McClure's — between Commerce and South Streets. McElderry's — Pratt Street, west of Mill Street. Mohler's—fvom. 23 Fell Street. O'BonneWs — from 35 west Pratt Street. Patterson's — between Patterson and Commerce Streets. Pratt Street — foot of S. Calvert Street. Pratt's — (Iron) Boston Street, Canton. Public — foot of Wills Street. Ramsay's — from 17 Thames Street Ramstead's — foot of Bush Street. Robb's — foot of Thames Street. Shepherd' s— foot of Broadway. Smith's— foot of Gay Street. Spear's — from 43 W. Pratt Street. Spring G.arden — foot of Eutaw Street. Swann's — corner Fell and Wolfe Steeets. Waters'— corner Fell and Wolfe Streets. Wells' — foot of Warren Street. C. W. Bentlet, John E. Bentlet. C. W. Bentlet, Jr. C.W.BENTLEY&SONS, No. 25 SontJt I^ront Street, Near Baltimore Street Bridge, B-A.LTIIwa:OIiE, IsKlD. Mnhc a Specitilfi/ of Oil Tanks, Lard Kettles, B^Aw WAWB, BmmAm w^MMm, BATH BOILERS, STORAGE TANKS, GAS HOLDERS, AND EVERY VARIETY OF PLATE IRON WORK. Our Works have recently been fitted with new and very expensive Machinery, whereby a GREAT IMPROVEMENT is ejfected in the manufacture of BOILERS, TANKS, &c., producing more close and perfect workmanship with greater rapidity and less cost. All plates are PLANED to the proper bevel for caulking, so that the objectionable practice of splitting the edges of plates to save the expense of chipping the bevel by hand is avoided, and LESS PRESSURE is required in caulk- ing to make the work tight. THE PUNCHING is done so perfectly exact as not to require the use of Drift-pin or Reamer, consequently the seams of Boilers are less liable to crack by use and greater safety and durability is obtained. The process of Chipping although much better than that of Splitting, is also objectionable. It is dij/icult to bevel the edge of a plate of boiler-iron and carry the chisel so nicely as not to cut or injure the lower plate more or less. In this way a Channel is often cut entirely through the Skin of the Iron, which renders the Plate weak at the point of the greatest strain. Experiments show that a slight channel cut across a Bar or Plate of Iron greatly weakens it. This objection we have also done away with by the introduction of our Plate-Planer. The only one in Baltimore except at the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Shops for private use. Particular attention paid to the construction of Cylinder, Return Flue, Loco- motive and Vertical Tubular Boilers. Our Senior Partner having introduced the Upright Tubular Boiler to the public in its present form, and been its almost exclusive manufacturer for more than thirty years, until quite recently, deems it but just to say that our facilities and experience in the manufacture or use of these Boilers are unequalled by any other makers. All kinds of Steam Fittings, Wrouglit Iron Pipe, Steam and Water Ganges, Gauge Cocks, Steam Valves, Safety Valves, &c., furnished at the lowest market prices. Will contract to furnish Steam Engines, Shafting, Pulleys, &c., and will furnish Drawings and Estimates at short noti(-e. Persons in want of work in our line are invited to call and examine for themselves the advantages we oiler. NEW and SECOND-HAND BOILERS always on hand. Particu- lar attention will be paid to orders for repairing old work. Castings of every description furnished at the lowest market rates. Send for Circular. P. O. Box 737. FiiANK E. Davis, Architect, Koom Nu. 1, S. E. cor. Cbark-s aud Fayette Street* STATE NORMAL, SCHOOL, N. W. Cor. Carrolltoii and Lafayette Avenues. 10 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 75 THE COURTS. U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Fourth Judicial Circuit. Circuit Court-Tevms, first Mondays in April and November. Hon. Hugh L. Bond, Circuit Judge; Hon. William Fell Giles, District Judge ; James W. Chew, Clerk; Auchibald Stirling, Jr., Esq, U. S. Dis- trict Attorney ; A. M.Rogers, Assistant; Edward Y. Goldsborough, U S Mar&hal ; Isaac Brooks and R. Lyon Rogers, Esq'rs, U. S. Com- missioners. Court room, new U. S. Court House, corner North and Fayette Streets. District Court-Terms, first Tuesdays in March, June, September and Decem- ber Hon. William Fell GiLes, District Judge. The officers of this Court are the same as the officers of the Circuit Court. Court room, new U. S. Court House, corner North and Fayette Streets. THE CIRCUIT COURTS OF MARYLAND. Eighth Judicial Circuit— Baltimore City. Superior Court— Turms, Second Mondays in January, May and October. Hon. George W. Dobbin, Judge; George Robinson, Clerk. Court of Common Pleas-Tevms, Second Mondays in January, May and October. Hon. Henry F. Garey, Judge; I. Freeman Rasin, Clerk; John M. Young, Commissioner of Insolvent Debtors. Circuit Court-Terms, Second Mondays in January, March, May, September and November. Return Day, second Monday in July. Hon. Camp- bell Whyte Pinkney, Judge; James R. Brewer, Clerk. Criminal Court-Terms, sepond Mondays in January, May and October. Hon. Robert Gilmor, Jr., Judge; William F. McKewen, Clerk ; Augustus Albert, Sheriff; A. Leo. Knott, Esq., States' Attorney; W. N. C. Carr, Deputy States' Attorney. City Court-Terms, Second Mondays in .January, May and October Hon. George Wm. Brown. Judge; Nathaniel C. Robertson, Clerk. Orphans' Court-The Orphans' Court is in session every day (Sundays ex- cepted) from 11 a.m. to 1 p. m. Hon. John A. Inglis, Chief Judge; Hons. George W. Bishop and George W. Lindsay, Associate Judges; J. Harman Brown, Register of Wills. ROSENFELD BROS. THE RELIABLE Extensive Manufacturers of FINE CLOTHING, OCCUPYING FIVE SA.LESROOMS. AT SMALL PRICES, MADE EQUAL TO CUSTOM WORK. V C/ liij ^ %:^ iui C/ Ji U^A S iS 'fe i^ TO FIT A.lL.Ti. SIZES. FAVOR US WITH A CALL. Cor. Baltimore St. and Market Space. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 77 PUBLIC HALLS. Masonic Temple, N. Charles Street, convenient to all the lines of City cars. Temperance Temple, N. Gay Street, near Baltimore St. New Assembly Rooms, corner Hanover and Lombard Streets. China Hall, "W. Baltimore Street, near Fremont. Lehmann's Hall, N. Howard Street, near Richmond Market. Lyceum Hall, No. 90 W. Baltimore Street. Knabe's Hall, corner Baltimore and Eutaw Streets. Monumental Assembly Rooms, corner St. Paul and Centre Streets. Saratoga Hall, corner Pratt and Bond Streets. Raine's Hall, corner Baltimore Street and Postoffice Avenue. Broadway Institute Hall, Broadway Market, Broadway and Canton Ave. Maryland Institute Hall, W. Baltimore Street, near the bridge. Turn Hall, No. 82 W. Baltimore Street. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Baltimore Manual Labor School, between Washington and Frederick roads, about two miles from the city. Baltimore Female College, St. Paul Street, near Saratoga. Notre Dame, (Convent) Aisquith Street, between Chew and Eager. McKim Free School, corner Baltimore and Aisquith Streets. Colvin Institute for Girls, No. 39 Courtland Street. St. Mary's College, (Catholic Theological Institute,) corner Pennsylvania Avenue and Franklin Street. Loyola College, (Catholic) corner Madison and Calvert Streets. Baltimore City College, N. Howard Street, adjoining Academy cf Music. Eastern Female High School, Aisquith and Orleans Streets. Western Female High School, Fayette and Paca Streets. University of Maryland, (Medical) corner Green and Lombard Streets. Washington University, (Medical) corner Calvert and Saratoga Streets. College of Physicians and Surgeons, corner Hanover and Lombard Streets. College of Pharmacy, corner Baltimore and Harrison Streets. Baltimore Dental College, N. Green Street, near Baltimore St. Maryland Dental College, N. Calvert Street, betw. Lexington and Saratoga. Bryant, Stratton & Sadler Business College, No. 8 N. Charles Street. Baltimore Actual Business College, corner Baltimore and Charles Streets. State Department of Labor and Agriculture, Baltimore St. and Postoffice av. State Board of Education, No. 35 Franklin Street. State Normal School, " " " St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, (Catholic) situated on the "Maiden's Choice" road, near CarroUton, SJ miles from the city. ARl im D r\ n n A rn r\ ± KJ 1. -< V Importers and Maiiutactiirers, J Ky 237 AND 239 W. Baltimore St. BALTIMORE, 3ID. W'f iiii¥'ij'' LADIES' AND MISSES' Straw Groods and Millinery &enerally. ALSO, WMITM GeOBB. Linens, Laces, Embroideries, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 79 TRANSPORTATION LINES. AtlanP'c Coast Line—'W. H. Fitzgerald, Agent, 9 German Street. Baltimore and Neirbern Line — Andrews & Co., Agents, 73 Smith's "Wliarf. Boston Steamship Line — A. S. Higgins, Agent, foot Long Dock. Ckarkston Line—Bd. Fitzgerald, Agent, 50 South Street. Empire Line— George W. Cross, Agent, 199 North Street. Piedmont Air Line — Sol. Haas, Agent, 13 German Street. Powhatan Line—'W. Sealden, Agent, 90 Light Street Wharf. Richmond and Tork River Line—R. Foster, Agent, 144 Light Street Wharf. Savannah Line—Jsis. B. Andrews, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf. Virginia and Tennes! TO M < Q o <1 > ►3 1^ 2! 03 O H ►Tl O H ^ :^ l>» W o H W f Qeo. Norbury MacKenzie, Jr. Boiling W. Hasall, Jr. D. Barton Marshall. MacKenzie,Haxall & Marshall, Importers and factors' c^gents 8ADDLERY lARDWAllE, No. 8 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE. Hames, Buckles, Curry Combs, Leather, CHAINS, BEUSHES, SADDLE TEEES, Harness Oils, Soaps and Blacking, GIG SADDLES, STIRRUPS, COLLARS, Hogskins, Tacks, GIRTH AND REIN WEBS, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brass, Tinned and Japanned MOUNTINGS. NEW CENTRAL OFFICE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. NORTHWEST CORNER BALTIHOEB AND CALVERT STREETS. RiCHAKD Cromwell. Frank B. Sloan. Write for Prices and Samples naming Articles wanted. C. SIDNEY NORRIS & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of FURNITURE HARDWARE. ALSO A FINE LINE OF UNDERTAKERS* TRIMMINGS OF EVERY STYLE AND PRICE. PAWTUCKET HAIR CLOTH, AlVIERICAN SCREWS, EAGLE LOCKS, Ac. <&(•. INCLUDING EVERY THING USED BY THE TRADE. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 87 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Athenmum — Corner St. Paul and Saratoga Streets. Board of Trade— Of^ce, Merchants' Exchange Building, Second Street. City Hall — North Holliday Street, between Fayette and Lexington. City Jail — East Madison Street, east of Jones Falls. Cor7i and Flour Exchange — South Street, corner of Wood. Court House ( United States) — West Fayette Street, corner of North. Court House, (City)— St. Paul Street, between Fayette and Lexington. Court House, {County)— Corner Lexington Street and Monument Square. Custom House — Corner Gay and Lombard Streets. Washington Booth, Collector, office hours from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Gas Light Company of Baltimore — Offices 10 South Street. Oas Light Company, {Portable) — 7 South Gay Street. Oas Works, {Maryland) — 8 North Liberty Street. Qas Company, {People's) — No. 162 West Fayette Street. LaiD Buildings — S. W. Corner Lexington and St. Paul Streets. Maryland Academy of Art — 34 Mulberry Street, near Charles. Maryland Bible Society — North Charles Street. Maryland Institute, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts — Baltimore Street, near the Bridge School for Oirls, {school of reform) — On the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. Maryland Penetentiauy — Square bounded by Madison, Forrest, Truxton Sts. and Jones' Falls. Masonic Temple — North Charles Street, between Lexington and Saratoga. Merchants' Exchange — Second Street, adjoining Post Office. Odd Fellows' BaK— North Gay Street, above Baltimore. Old City Hall — Holliday Street, near Saratoga. Peabody Institute — South East Corner Monument and Charles Streets. Record Office— South East Corner St. Paul and Lexington Streets. Temperance Temple — Gay Street, north of Baltimore Street. Weather Observatory — Over 33 Second Street. Young Men's Christian Association — N. W. cor. Charles and Saratoga Sts. [continued on page !)1.] THE mw "AIEEICAF' ilWIM © MACHllf ®, SIMPLE, DURABLE, NOISELESS, LIGHT RUNNING. The Most Complete Sewing Machine in the world. The simple manner in which the Machine is threaded, makes it easy of accomplishment Ij the most inexperienced, there being KO HOLES to thread, either ahove or in the Shuttle. The Shuttle requires no threading, heing ready to work as soon as the Bobbin is placed in it. It runs lightly and easily, requiring very little outlay of strength, and SEWINa with great speed on ANY MATERIAL. The American does EVERY VARIETY OF WORK, with GREATER EASE and PERFECTION, than ANY OTHER MACHINE. The AlEEICAI SEWING- lACHIKES AEE U ADVAIf CE of all competitors. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED IN ALL PARTS OF THE SOUTH, TO WHOM VALUABLE TERRITORY WILL BE GIVEN. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS: BALTIMORE, MD. J. S. DOVEY, - - - Manager. HALF CABINET STYLE Celebrated ^'American" Sewing lachine. [See Auvektisbment Oitosite Page.] 13 i«j -* T SUCCESSORS OF THOS. KENSETT & CO. PACKBirs OF Oysters, Fruits, Ac 122 VS^. Falls Avenue, T. H. Kensett. !^-N-7^^- BALTIMORE. J. R. Kensett. BURNS & SLOAN, No. 132 Light Street Wharf, ba.ltim:ore. Building and Hard-Wood LUMBER, SHINGLES, PALES, Doors, Sash and Bricks, AT LOWEST RATES in LOTS TO SUIT. Ocean Steamship Lines and Offices. Allan Line— A. Schumacher & Co., Agents, 9 South Charles Street. American Line— Wm. SchnaufiFer, Agent, 1 North Holliday Street. Anchor Line—W. Taylor Hall, Agent, 95i W. Lombard Street. Canard Linc—K. D. Keener, Agent, Adams' Express Co., 164 Baltimore St. Ilamhurg— American Line— Wm. SchnaufiFer, Agent, 1 N. HoUiday Street. Inman Line— A. D. Keener, Agent, Adams' Express Office, 164 Baltimore St. National Line— Wm. Schnauffer, Agent, 1 North Holliday Street. North German Lloyd Line— A. Schumacher & Co., Agents, 9 S. Charles St. New York— Rotterdam Line— Wm. Schnauffer, Agent, 1 N. Holliday Street. Bed Star Line-Wm. Schnauffer, Agent, 1 N. Holliday Street. State Line—A. D. Keener, Agent, Adams' Express Office, 164 Baltimore St. White Star Line-MaMhevf Robson, Agent, 87 Second Street Bay and Coastwise Steamers. Atlantic Coast Line—'E. K. Burgess, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf. Baltimore and Fredericksburg Line— 11. W. Corner, Agent, 118 Spear's AVhf. Baltimore and Savannah Line— Jas. B. Andrews, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf. Baltimore and Newbern Zme— Andrews & Co., Agents, 73 Smith's Wharf. Baltimore and Havana ime— Mordecai & Co., Agents, 45 S. Gay Street Boston Line— A. L. Huggins, Agent, foot of Long Dock. Baltimore and Philadelphia Line—i. Alex. Shriver, Agent, 3 Light-St. Whf. Baltimore and Susquehanna Line— J. J. Taylor, Agent, 212 W. Falls Ave. Chester River Line—R. A. Brainard, Agent, Pier 7 Light-Street Wharf. Charleston ime— Mordecai & Co., Agents, 45 S. Gay Street. Eastern Shore Line—V. R. Clark, Agent, 105 South Street. Lower Potomac Zme— 138 Light-Street Wharf Maryland Steamboat Company's Line—B.. B. Ensign, Agent, 98 Light Street. Richmond and York River Line—B. Foster, Agent, 90 Light-Street Wharf. ESTABLISHED 1834. CANFIELD, BRO. &. CO. Corner Baltimore and Charles Sts. DEALERS IJV .dJVI) IMPORTERS OF AVATCHES, Diamonds^ Pearls, Rich Jewelry, TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WARE, GILT, BRONZE AND MARBLE CLOCKS; GILT AND BRONZE FIGURES AND ORNAMENTS; BISQUE AND PARIAN FIGURES; RICH PORCELAINE VASES; GILT AND LEATHER VIENNA GOODS ; OPERA GLASSES, FANS, MUSIC BOXES and FANCY GOODS. American Watclies a Specialty. MEDALS AND BADGES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Communion Ware for Churches. '^ BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, NEAR BALTIMORE. ILION, NEW YORK. Branch Office, 47 N. CHARLES STREET, (MASONIC TEMPLE.) BALTIMORE. REMINGTON SEWING MACHINES! FIRE ARMS! Agricultural Implements! The REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE hae sprung rapidly into favor as possessing the best combinatiou of good qualities, namely: Light running— smooth— noiseless — RAPID— DURABLE— with PEKFECT LOCK STITCH. It is a Suuttle Machine, with automatic drop feed. Design beautiful, and construction the very best. The REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE has received Premiums at many Fairs throughout the United Statef , and without eftort tooli the Grand Medal of Progress, the highest order of medal that was awarded at the late Vienna Exposition. The Remington Works also manufacture the new DOUBLE-BARRELED BREECH- LOADING SHOT-GUN, snap and positive action, with patent Joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish and cheapness; and the celebrated REMINGTON RIFLES— adopted by nine difterent (iovernments- and renowned throughout the world for Military, Hunting and Target purposes— all kinds of PISTOLS; Rifle Canes, Metallic Cartridges, etc. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.— Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Steel Hoes, Cultivators, Road Scrapers, Patent Excavators, Hat Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, etc. A MACHINE TO SUPERSEDE THE PEN for MANUSCRIPT WRITING. The greatest invention of modern civilization. Specially adapted to the use of Report- ers, Lawyers, Editors, Authors, Copyists, etc. Correspondence can be executed twice as fast, THREE times as easily, and five times as well on the TYPE-WRITER as by the irksome method of Pen writing. Atldreas, Eemington Sewing Machine Co. W. H. TYLER, 47 N. Charles Street, Manager. BAI.TIMORE, HID. O F JOHN A. HAMBLETON <& CO. No. 20 SOUTH STREET, BALTUIOllE, TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. RECEIVE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS. BANKERS, CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS, and ALLOW INTEREST ON BALANCES. NEGOTIATE LOANS, and make Advances on approved Collaterals. BUY and SELL, on Commission, all descriptions of Stocks, Bonds and Securities. MAKE COLLECTIONS and remit promptly on day of payment. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 97 CHURCHES. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Right Rev. W. R. Whittingham, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Maryland. Right Rev. Wm. Pinkney, D. D., Assistant Bishop. St. Paul's, corner of Saratoga and Charles Streets. St. Peter's, corner of Druid Hill Avenue and Lanvale Street. Christ, corner of St. Paul and Chase Streets. Church of the Messiah, corner of Gay and Fayette Streets. St. Andrew's, High Street, north of Lombard. Church of the Ascension, corner Oregon street and Lafayette Square. Grace Church, corner Park and Monument streets. Mount Calvary, corner Eutaw and Madison streets. St. Mark's, Lombard street, west of Fremont. Church of our Saviour, corner Broadway and McElderry st. Trinity, corner Broadway and Pratt street. St. Stephen's, Hanover street, corner Welcome alley. St. Luke's, Franklin Square, Carey street. Emanuel, corner Read and Cathedral streets. St. Barnabas, Biddle street, north of George. Church of St. John the Baptist, Barre street, west of Little Greene. Holy Innocents, northwest corner Chase and Eden streets. Memorial, corner Townsend and Bolton streets. St. Matthew's, Bank street, east of Bond. All Saints, corner Baltimore and Gilmor streets. Wyatt Memorial Chapel, Saratoga street, east of Pine. Advent Mission Chapel, Battery avenue, south of West. St. James, Colored, corner North and Saratoga streets. St. Luke's Colored Mission, west of St. Luke's Church, near Calhoun street. St. Bartholomew, North avenue, between Madison av. and McCulloh St. St. Mary the Virgin, Colored, Orchard street, near Madison avenue. Chapel of the Evangelist, 71 Elliott street. Canton. Chapel of Church Home, North Broadway, near Fayette street. Chapel Good Shepherd, Colored, corner Spring and MuUikin streets. Howard Chapel, Colored, Park avenue, near Lanvale street. PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian, corner Madison and Park streets. Second Presbyterian, corner Baltimore and Lloyd streets. Franklin Square Church, south side of FrankUn Square. Central Presbyterian, Eutaw Place, near Dolphin street. Brown Memorial, corner Park avenue and Townsend street. Aisquith Street Church, corner Aisquith and Edward streets. Broadway Church, corner Broadway and Gough street. Dolphin Street Church, corner Dolphin and Etting streets. Franklin Street Church, corner Franklin and Cathedral streets. Westminister Church, corner Fayette and Greene streets. Twelfth Presbyterian, Franklin street, between Mjrtle ave. and Fremont st. 13 98 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. South Presbyterian, (Tjight-St. Church now) Light street, near Montgomery. Associate Reformed Church, Fayette street, between Liberty and Charles. First Constitutional, (Green-St. Church now) corner Greene and German sts. First United Presbyterian, corner Madison and Biddle streets. Madison-Street Presbyterian, Colored, Madison street, near Park. Reformed Presbyterian, Harford avenue, junction Aisquith. First Congregational Church, Eutaw street, between Hoffman and Dolphin. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Most Rev. J. R. Bayley, Archbishop of Baltimore. Cathedral, corner Cathedral and Mulberry streets. St. Alphonsus, German, corner Park and Saratoga streets. St. Bridget's, Canton. St. Patrick's, corner Broadway and Bank street. St. Vincent de Paul's, 23 North Front street. St. Mary's Chapel, St. Mary's Seminary, Pennsylvania avenue. Carmelite Chapel, corner Biddle and Caroline streets. St. Ignatius, corner Calvert and Madison streets. St. Agnes Chapel, St Agnes Hospital. St. James, German, Aisquith street, corner Eager. St. Frances Chapel and Colored Sisters Prov., Chase and Constitution sts. St. Francis Xavier, Colored, corner Calvert and Pleasant streets. St. Joseph's, corner Barre and Howard streets. St. Peter's, corner Poppleton and Hollins streets. St. John's, corner Eager and Valley streets. St. Michael's, German, corner Lombard and Wolfe streets. St. Martin's, corner Fulton and Fayette streets. Immaculate Conception, corner Mosher street and Druid Hill avenue. Chapel of Visitation Convent, corner Park and Centre streets. Church of the Holy Cross, West street. Federal Hill. Mount Hope Institution, Gibson street near Mosher. St. Lawrence, Fort road. St. Mary's Star of the Sea, corner Johnson and Clement streets. Fourteen Holy Martyrs, Mount street near Pratt. Sacred Heart (St. Wenceslaus Institute), Central avenue near Fayette street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Eutaw Street, Eutaw street, above Mulberry. Madison Avenue Church, corner Madison av and Townsend st. Wesley Chapel, corner Sharp and Barre streets. Exeter Street, Exeter street east of Gay. Monument Street, corner Monument and Stirhng streets. Madison Square, corner Caroline and Eager streets. Harford Avenue, Harford avenue and Biddle streets. Shaffer Chapel, Gough street east of Washington. Patterson Chapel and Highland Avenue, corner Chester and Orleans streets. Broadway Church, Broadway south of Pratt street. Eastern Avenue, Eastern avenue east of Bond. Fell's Point Chapel, corner Eastern avenue and Star alley. Burke Street Chapel, Burke street. Canton Church, Canton avenue extended. Cross Street Chapel, corner Cross and Warner streets. Grace Church, corner Townsend and Republican streets. Causeway Chapel, Eastern avenue. First German, Broadway. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 99 Second German, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Mosher street. Third German, Light street near Ostend. Fourth German, Harford avenue near Aisquith. Caroline Street, Caroline south of Baltimore street. Jackson Square Church, opposite Jackson square. Fayette Street, Fayette east of Fremont street. Union Square, corner Lombard and Calhoun streets. Parlett Chapel and Mount Olivet Chapel, Frederick avenue. Franklin Street, corner Franklin and Poppleton streets. WilUam Street, corner William and Little Church street. Whatcoat, corner Strieker and Presstman streets. Emory Church, Pennsylvania avenue north of Hoffman street. High Street, corner High and Stiles streets. Charles Street Church, corner Charles and Fayette streets. Mount Vernon Place, corner Washington and Mount Vernon place. Columbia Street, Columbia east of Fremont. Strawberry Church, corner Biddle and Linden avenue. Jefferson Street Church, S. E. corner Jefferson and Bond streets. Sailors' City Bethel, Hill street near Charles. Seamen's Union Bethel, corner Aliceanna and Bethel streets. Hanover Street Church, Hanover street. Mount Vernon Church, Mount Vernon Factory. Huntingdon Avenue Church, Huntingdon avenue. Dallas Street Church, colored, Dallas north of Aliceanna street. Sharp Street Church John Wesley Church, Asbury " Orchard " Western Chapel, " Sharp north of Pratt. Sharp near Montgomery, corner east and Douglas streets. Orchard street, near Druid Hill avenue. Saratoga street, near Republican. METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH. East Baltimore Church, Bond north of Baltimore street. Central Church, building on Edmondson avenue and Strieker street. Holland Street Church, Holland near Aisquith street. Frederick Avenue Chapel, Frederick avenue near tollgate. Trinity Church, Madison and Preston streets. St. Paul's Church, west Fayette near Republican. Emanuel, Mosher street near Myrtle avenue. Mount Calvary, Hill street near Hanover. Tabernacle, corner Caroline and John streets. METHODIST INDEPENDENT. Chatsworth Church, corner Pine and Franklin streets. Bethany Church, corner Lexington and Calhoun streets. METHODIST PROTESTANT. Broadway Mission, corner Broadway and Monument streets. Lexington Street Mission, Lexington st. between Republican and Schroeder. West Baltimore, corner Lombard and Greene streets. East Baltimore, corner Aisquith and Fayette streets. South Baltimore, Light street south of West. Washington Street Station, corner Washington and Lombard streets. St. John's [Independent,] Liberty street north of Fayette. Starr Church, corner Poppleton and Lemmon streets. 100 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. REFOEMED CHUECH. First, Calvert near Read streets. Third, corner Paca and Saratoga streets. S. Johannes [German,] Calvert street near Saratoga. Emanuel [German,] corner Saratoga and Schroeder streets. Fifth [German,] Canton avenue east of Broadway. CHEISTIAN CHUECH. Meeting [Church,] corner Paca and Lombard streets. BAPTIST. First, Sharp street co'-ner Lombard. Franklin Square Church, Franklin Square. High Street, between Fayette and Low streets. Lee Street, between Hanover and Sharp streets. Second, Broadway, near Pratt street. Seventh, Saratoga street, corner Paca. First [colored,] Thomson corner Young. Huntingdon, York road. Union [colored,] North street, near Lexington. Eutaw Place, corner Eutaw and Dolphin streets. Leadenhall [colored,] Leadenhall st. near West. Bethany, Eager street, near Broadway. EVANGELICAL LUTHEEAN. First English, corner Fremont and Lanvale streets. Second, Lombard street west of Greene. Third, Monument street near Aisquith. St. Marks, Eutaw street, bet. Mulberry and Saratoga. Lutheran Chapel, Canton. Trinity [German, ]Trinity street east of High. St. John's [German] Bid'dle st. north of Pennsylvania av. St. Stephen's [German,] corner Hanover and Hamburg. St. Matthew's Fayette street near Central avenue. St. Jacob's, corner George and Ogston street. St. John's, near Western Cemetery, Baltimore Co. St. Peter's, Bond street near Eastern avenue. St. Marcus, [German,] Broadway and Jackson Square avenue. St. Luke's, Henrietta street near Eutaw. St. Martin's, corner Sharp and Henrietta streets. St. Paul's, corner Saratoga and Fremont streets. Emanuel, Caroline street south of Baltimore. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. First Evangelical Church, corner Greene street and Cider alley. Second " " corner McElderry and Short streets. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 101 INDEPENDENT CHURCHES. Zion German Church, Gay street south of Saratoga. United Evangelical Church, between 234 and 236 Eastern avenue. SEAMAN'S UNION BETHEL. Corner Aliceanna and Bethel streets. FEIENDS. Orthdox, corner Eutaw and Monument streets. Eastern District, corner Aisquith and Fayette sts. Western District, Lombard street, east of Eutaw. UNIVEESALIST. East Baltimore Church, Baltimore street, near Central avenue. UNITARIAN. First Independent Church, corner Franklin and Charles streets. SWEDENBORGIAN. First New Jerusalem Church, 66 North Exeter street. German New Jerusalem, Lombard street near Central avenue. JEWISH SYNAGOGUES. First, corner Lloyd and Watson streets. Second, Eden street north of Lombard. Third, Lexington street, between Pearl and Pine. Fourth, Hanover st. between Lombard and Pratt Fifth, Howard street. Sixth, over People's Bank. Seventh, over Eutaw Savings Bank. Eighth, Hill street near Hanover. Polish, Exeter street north of Fayette. UNITED BRETHREN. Rev. D, Edwards, Bishop, 145 Scott Street. Otterbein Church, Conway street, near Sharp. Otterbein Chapel of the United Brethren in Christ, Scott and St Peter sts. Third Church, corner Fulton and Lombard streets. Salem Mission, corner Retreat and Francis sts., terminus of Citizen's R. R. Fifth Church, corner George and Brune streets. Bethlehem Green [Welsh Independent] Toone street east of Clinton, Canton. First Spiritualist Congregation, Law Building, Lexington and St. Paul sts. AFRICAN METHODIST. Rev. J. B. Campell, Bishop. Tessier Street Chapel, Tessier st. Mt. Zion, Saratoga near Republican. Allen's Mission, Stockton al nr Balto. Bethel, Saratoga street west of Gay. Ebenezer, Montgomery E of Hanover Union Bethel, Wolfe south of Pratt. Waters' Chapel, Spring street, between Jeiferson and McElderry 102 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. STREET DIRECTORY. In the arrangement of the Avenues, Streets, etc., will be found a new fea- ture in directory compilation, [original with the "STRANGERS GUIDE"] by which the Avenues, Streets, Alleys, &c., are placed in alphabetical order under their respective headings. ABREVIATIONS. E— East; W— West; N— North; S— South ; PI— Place ; Al— Alley; Av— Aveuuc ; Ct— Court; La— Laue; Sq— Square; St— Street. AVENUES. Arlington — N. from 515 Lexington Street. Battery— (formerly Lincoln) S. from 99 Cross Street. Belair — From Central Avenue N. of Monument Street. Camp — W. from York Road, N. of North Avenue. Canton— E. from Jones Falls to East Avenue. Cemetery— E. from 292 N. Bond Street. Central— (N.) N. from 154 E. Baltimore Street to HofiTman Street. Central — (S.) S. from 157 E. Baltimore Street to Lancaster Street. Clinton — N. from George Street to Myrtle Avenue. Druid Hill— N. W. from 168 N. Eutaw Street to North Avenue. East Falls— S. from 1 East Pratt Street. East — Eastern boundary of City limits. Eastern— E. from Mill Street, S. of Bowly Street to East Avenue. Edmondson — W. from Oregon Street, N. of Franklin Street. Frederick — S. W. from Gilmor Street. Fort — E. from Sharp Street, S. of Ciement Street. Greenmount— N. from intersection of Forrest Street and Harford Avenue. Harford — From intersection of Forrest Street and Greenmount Avenue. Harlem — N. from Trappe Road, E. of Clinton Street, Canton. Harlem— W. from Fremont St., between Edmondson Ave. and Lanvale St. Huntingdon— From Charles Street Avenue, N. of Sumwalt Street. Jackson Square— E. from Broadway, N. of Baltimore Street Lafayette— Continuation of Townsend Street from Fremont Street. Linden— N. from 87 W. Biddle Street to North Avenue. Loudon — N. from ]\Iilliugton Lane. Madison— [W. Madison Street continued] to North Avenue. Maryland — N. from 24 Chase Street. Myrtle — N. from Lexington Street, W. of Pine Street. Myers— From Webster Street, S. of Fort Avenue. North — Northern boundary of City limits. Ohio — From Conway Street, W. of Howard Street. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 103 Oxford— E. from York Road, N. of Huntingdon Avenue. Park— N. from 21 W. Biddle Street. Patapsco— From Hill Street, W. of Sharp Street. Patterson Park— N. and S. from Baltimore Street. , , , „ Pennsylvania— N. W. from 177i Franklin Street to Cumberland Street. Post Office— From 79 W. Baltimore Street to Second Street. Raynor— W. from Lanvale Street. Remington— N. E. from Huntingdon Avenue. Reservoir— S. from Bank Street. Spring Garden— From York Street, W. of Sharp Street. Washington— S. from Cross Street West Falls— S. from Lombard Street to Block Street. Wilkens— W. from Monroe Street. STREETS. Abbot— E from Schroeder, N of Baltimore. A.bbot— Bond to Broadway, N of Chew. Abe— From Hamburg S to Cross, E of Light. Abraham— From Harford Avenue, N of Monument. Addison— From High, N of Hillen. Aisquith— N from 118 E Baltimore to North Avenue. Albemarle— S from 11 Plowman. Allen— S from Beason, E of Burrough. Aliceanna— From East Falls Avenue to East. Av. Alluvion— E from Ridgely, S of Ostend. Amity (N)— From 702 W Baltimore. Amity (S)— From 679 W Baltimore. Andre- S-from Nicholson, E of Towson. Ann (N)— N from 332 E Baltimore to North Avenue. Ann (S)— From 343 E Baltimore to Thames. Anthony— From Eden to Caroline, S of Eager. Arch— From 464 W Baltimore. j^rcher— From Columbia, W of Scott. Arlington PI— Lanvale, between Oregon and Fremont. ArmisteadLa— From Johnson to Light, S of York. ^^ ^ , Armory PI- S side of Richmond Market from Howard to Garden. Back La— From S Charles S of West. Baker- From North Avenue going W. Baker La— From N Calhoun N ot Gold. Baltimore (W)— W from Jones Falls to Calvcrton road. Baltimore (E)— E from Jones Falls to East Avenue. Balderston— From Grant to Charles S of Lombard. Bank— E from 92 S Exeter to East Avenue. Bank La— W from 8 N Calvert. Barclay, Little— From Truxton. Barnes— From Bond to Broadway S of Eager. Barnet— W from 52 N Charles. Barney— E from Spring Gardens S of Heath. Barre— W from 154 Light-st. wharf to Fremont. Barton— N from Jail wall to Eager. Bayard— From James S. of Wooster. Beams La— From Franklin W of Poppleton. Beason— E from Ludlow S of Cuba. Beaufort— W from 42 N Calvert. Beck La— From Frederick av nr Wilkens. Belvidere— N from W Biddle to Greenmount av 104 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. Benjamin — N from Beason E of Prosser. Bentalou— S from Hollins W of Smallwood. Bennett— S from 129 Hudson. Bethel (N)— N from 20(5 E Baltimore to Madison. Bethel (S) — From 271 E Baltimore to Shakspear. Bevan — From 80 Henrietta Biddle (W)— W from Jones Falls to George. Biddle (E) — E from Jones Falls to East av. Binney — N from Denmead's whf to Hudson E of Patapsco Birckhead — W from Light S of Gittings. Block — From Drawbridge to Thames. Bloom — From Carey N of Presstman. Bloomingdale Road — From Frederick av to Windsor Mill road. Bloomsberry — E from Light S of Heath. Bolton— Ftom 53 W Biddle. Bond (N)— N from 240 E Baltimore to North av Bond (S)— Sfrom 251 E Baltimore to Thames. Booth — From Oregon to Callendar al S of Baltimore. Boston — S E from Chester to East av. Bounty La — E from Spring S of Baltimore. Bowly — From McElderry's wharf S of Pratt. Boyd — From Fremont S of Hollins. Boyer — E from 7 Choptank to Patterson Park av. Boyle — S from Clement E of Webster. Broadway (N) — N from 286 E Baltimore to North av Broadway (S) — S from 297 E Baltimore to Thames. Broadway, Little — From Lombard E ot Broadway. Brown — From Charles-st. av N. of Denmead. Brown — N of Frederick road W of city limits. Brown La— From Charles S of Cross. Bruce — N. from Baltimore W of Mount. Brune — from 327 Franklin. Buren — N from Front N of Centre. Burke — N and S from Baltimore E of Patterson Park av. Burrough — S from Fort av E of railroad. Bush — From James S of Bayard. Butcher Row — Pennsylvania av extended. Butler — N from 254 Montgomery. Byrd — S from Randall W of Johnson. Cable — From Spear's wharf to Commerce S of Pratt Calhoun (N)— N from 858 W Baltimore. Calhoun (S)— S from 859 W Baltimore Calvert (N)- N from 150 W Baltimore to Eager. Calvert (S)— S from 149 W Baltimore to Pratt. Calverton Mills— Near Old Almshouse. Calverlon Road — From Frederick av. Cambridge— S E from Canton av. Camden — W from Light-st wharf to Paca. Camden La — From Camden E of Sharp. Canby PI— Lexington from Carey to Calhoun. Cannon — N and S from Baltimore E of Burke. Canton — N and S from Baltimore E of Potomac. Carey (N)— N from 826 AV Baltimore. Carey (S)— S from 827 W Baltimore. Carlton— From 539 W Fayette to Baltimore. Caroline (N)— N from 240 E Baltimore to North av. Caroline (S)— S from 221 E Baltimore to Thames. Carroll — S from Cross W of Nanticoke. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 105 Castle — N and S from Baltimore E of Washington. Cathedral — N from Mulberry to North av. Cecil — from 144 Lee. Cemetery La — W from Monroe N from Frederick. Centre, W — W from Jones Falls to Howard. Centre, E— E from Jones Falls S of Monument to Front. Centre Market Space — S from 19 W Baltimore. Chapel — N and S from Baltimore E of Wolfe. Chappell — from 578 Pennsylvania av extended. Charles, N— N from 228 W Baltimore to North av. Charles, S— S from 220 W Baltimore to river. Chase, E — E from Jones Falls to Broadway. Chase, W— W from Jones Falls S of Biddle. Chauncey — S from Battery Square. Cheapside — S from Water. Chepultepec — E from Eutaw S of West. Chesapeake — N and S from Baltimore E of Patapsco. Chesnut— from 68 E Fayette. Chester, N— N from E Baltimore E of Castle. Chester, S — S from E Baltimore to Aliceanna. Chew — E from Hartford av to East av. China — S from Little Greene. Choptank— N from 472 E Baltimore and S from 475 E Baltimore. Church, Little — from Light S of Montgomery. City Block — foot of West Falls av. Claggett — E of Ludlow S of Clemm. Clare — from James S of Elk. Clarke — W from Brune N of George. Clay— from 58 N Liberty, Clement — E from Montgomery S of Beason. Clemm — E from Boyle S of Fort av. Clifton— E from Pennsylvania av. near Druid Hill Park. Clinton — N from Lazaret Furnace E of City Limits. Clipper Mills Village — 3^ miles on Falls road. Cole — from Parrish S of Ramsay. Columbia— W from S Paca to Cross. Comet — from Aisquith N of Fayette. Commerce — S from 75 Exchange place. Concord— S from Fish Market space. , Concord — N from Truxton E of Jones Falls. Concord— From Boston E of Leakin, Canton. Constitution, Little— from Penitentiary wall to Eager E of Falls. Constitution — from 62 Front N Foundry to Penitentiary wall. Conway — W from Light street wharf to Fremont. Cooke — now Patterson av. Cooksie— S from the Basin, between Hull and Towson. Cottage Ct— from Mulberry to L. Pleasant. Cotton Row — from Clinton S of Boston. Courthouse La— from Calvert to St. Paul, S front of Courthouse. Court Row — W of Pennsylvania av and N of Biddle. Courtland — N from 29 Lexington. Covington — S from Water line E of Henry. Cox — from Jones S of Water front. Crooked La — from Fayette W of Charles. Cross— W from Basin S of Hamburg. Cuba — E from Hull N of Beason. Cumberland — from N Calhoun N of Baker. Curley — from Lancaster E of Patuxent. 14 Dallas, N— N from 220 E Baltimore to North av. Dallas, S— from 235 E Baltimore to Lancaster. Dark La — from St. Paul N of Lexington. Davis— N from 13 Lexington. Decatur— S from Cox E of Lowman. Decker, now Maryland Av — N from 24 W Chase. Denmcad — from Chester-st av N of North av. Diamond—from 203 w Fayette. Dillon — E of Patapsco S of Hudson. Division— N from Hoffman W of Druid Hill av. Dolphin— S W from Cathedral to Fremont. Douglass — from Chesnut to Aisquith N of Fayette. Dover — W from Hanover S of Pratt. Druiil Hill Park — Madison av extended. Druid Hill Village — 4 miles on Falls road. Durham, S — S from 357 E Baltimore to Lancaster. Durham, N— N from 848 E Baltimore. Eager, E — E from .Jones Falls to East av. Eager, W — W from Jones Falls. East — from E Baltimore to N Front. Eden, N— N from 164 E Baltimore to North av. Eden, S — S from 177 E Baltimore to Lancaster. Edward — from Aisquith S of Gay. Elbow La — from Paca to Fremont S of Pratt. Eislein — from Sterret S of Pratt. Elk — from James S of Gunpowder. Ellins— from 116 W Hoffma'n. Ellicott— S of Water E of Light. Elliott — E from corner Boston and Patapsco. Elm — from Townsend N of Oliver. Elizabeth La — from Cross E of Charles. Emory— S from 377 W Pratt. Ensor — N from Chesnut and Gay. Essex — from Canton av to Burke. Etna La — W from 52 Harrison. Etting— from Townsend E of Pennsylvania av. Eutaw, N— N from 362 W Baltimore to North av. Eutaw, S-S from 363 W Baltimore to Ostend. Eutaw Place— Eutaw street N of Dolphin. Exchange Place— from South to Gay in Lombard. Exeter, N — N from 60 E Baltimore to Front. Exeter, S — S from 69 E Baltimore to Canton av. Fall — from Jones Falls to Constitution, S of Monument. Falls Road — Cathedral extended. Fawn — E from East Falls avenue. Fayette, W — W from Jonas Falls to Calverton rd. Fayette, E — E from Jones Falls to Eastern av. Federal — E and W from Jones Falls N of Oliver. Fell— S from 127 Thames. Fifth La — from Johnson to Basin. Fish Market Space— from Jones Falls to Centre Market space, N of Hawk. Forrest— from Halfmoon al E of East, Forrest Place — Forrest ext, between Eager and Chase. Foundry — W from Front, N of Pleasant. Fountain — E from 292 S Washington. Fourth — S from Fifth, nr Powder House. Francis— S of Madison av, E of Pennsylvania av. Franklin — W from Jones Falls to Calverton rd. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 107 Franklin La — S from 9 Weter. Frederick, N — N from 50 W Baltimore. Frederick, S— S from 41 W Baltimore. Fremont, N — N from 570 W Baltimore to Penna av. Fremont, S— S from 559 W Baltimore to Eutaw. French La — from Charles N of Lombard. Friendship — from Thomsen E of Belair market. Frisby La— S E from St. Paul. Front, N— N from Foundry to Forrest. Front, S— S from 13 E Baltimore. Fulton- -N and S from W Baltimore, W of Mount. Garden — N from 106 W Baltimore to Linden av. Garden, Little— from Druid Hill av W of Howard. Garrison La — from Frederick av to Calverton road. Gates — S from 48 Hamburg. Gay, N — N from 68 W Baltimore to Broadway. Gay, S — S from 61 W Baltimore to Pratt. George — W from 20 Pennsylvania av. German — W from 14 South to Fremont. Gilmor, N — from 904 W Baltimore. Gilmor, S— S from Baltimore W of Strieker. Gist — now Patterson Park av. Gittings — W from William S of Ostend. Gold— from N Carey N of Bloom. Goodwin — from Harford av. Gough— S and E from 53 Granby to East av. Gough, Little — from Granby E of Exeter. Gould La — from James W of Light. Granby — E from Jones Falls to Central av. Grant— S from 169 W Baltimore. Graves — from 54 E Monument. Greek — from Hamburg to Cross, between Leadenhall and Hanover. Greene, N— N from 426 W Baltimore to Franklin. Greene, S — S from 425 W Baltimore to Columbia. Greene, Little — from Columbia to Lee. Greenwillow — from Myrtle av. to Pennsylvania av, N. of Biddle. Greenwood— from Belair av near Baltimore Cemetery. Grindall — E of William S of Montgomery. Gunpowder — from James S of Bush. Guilford — from 52 South to Franklin la. Gwynn — from Boston to Essex, Canton. Gwynn La — from Lanvale. Haines — S E from Ridgely between Bayard and Bush. Hamburg — from Basin S of Henrietta Hamilton — W from Hargrove al N of Franklin. Hamilton Terrace — E Eutaw, bet. Madison and Biddle. Hampden Village— 31 miles on Falls road. Hampstead — E from Central av N of Baltimore. Hanover — S from 263 W Baltimore to Kelso. Hare — from Lancaster E of Potomac. Harper— S from Marriott E of Stuart. Harris Creek — N from Northwest Branch. Harrison — N from 20 W Baltimore. Harrison, Canton — from Canton av E of Chester. Haubert — S from Cox E of Decatur. Haw — from Fremont to Emory N of Columbia. Hawk— from Jones Falls to Centre Market space N of Lombard. Heath — E from Sharp S of Randall. 108 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. Henrietta — "W from Light S of Montgomery. Henry — S from water line E of Johnson. High, N— N from 42 E Baltimore to Front. High, S— S from 43 E Baltimore to Eastern av. High— W from 281 Light to Howard. Hillen — E from Jones Falls to Ensor. Hoffman, W — W from Jones Falls to Myrtle av. Holi'man, E — E from .Tones Falls N of John. Holland — E from 21 Aisquith to Caroline. Holliday, N — N from 100 W Baltimore to Monument. HoUiday, S — S from 99 w Baltimore. HoUingsworth — S from Water W of Calvert. Hollins — W from Fremont to Frederick av. Hope — from Point la E of Aisquith. Horn — W from Washington N of Chase. Howard, N — N from 236 w Baltimore to Cathedral. Howard, S — S from 327 w Baltimore to Ostcnd. Hudson — E from corner Boston and Burke. Hugh — from Locust W of Union Dock. Hughes — W from Basin N of Montgomery. Hughes, Little — W from Jackson S of Montgomery. Hull — S from Nicholson between Towson and Haubert. Humes — from High to Exeter N of Hillen. Irvine Place — N from Baltimore E of Broadway. Jackson, F. H. — S from water line E of Covington. Jackson — E from Aisquith N of Fayette. James— S from Cross W of Battery av. Jefferson — E from 81 Aisquith to East av. Jefferson Place — Charles-st extended. John, E— E from Jones Falls N of Biddle. John, W — W from Jones falls S of Belvidere bridge. Johnson — S from 108 Hughes. Jones— S from Cox E of Reese. Josephine — W from 69 Arch. Kent — from James S of Manokin. King— W from 49 S Howard. Lancaster— E from East Falls av, S of Aliceauna. Lambert — N E from 235 Penna av. Lanvale, E — E from Jones Falls, S of Townsend. Lanvale, W — W from Jones Falls. Laurel — from East to Aisquith, N of Baltimore. Laurens— from Walsh N of Wilson. Lawrence — S from Clement, E of Boyle. Leadenhall — from 262 Montgomery. Leakin — from Boston to Essex, Canton. Lee— from 190 Light street wharf Lemmon — from Schroeder to Poppleton, N of Pratt and W of Carey. Lewis — from 32 Holland. Lexington — W from 30 North to Calverton road. Liberty, N — N from 300 W Baltimore to Saratoga. Liberty, S — S from 301 W Baltimore to Howard. Light — from 185 W Baltimore to Ferry Bar. Lloyd— S from 101 E Baltimore. Locust — from McElderry's wharf to Union dock. Lombard, E — E from Jones Falls to East av. Lombard, W — W from Jones Falls to Frederick av. Lorenza— from Pennsylvania av to Fremont N of Smith. Lorman — from Fremont N of Columbia. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 109 Low — from Jones Falls to Aisquith. Lowman— S from Cox E of Jones. Loyola PI— E side Calvert, bet. Monument and Madison. Ludlow — S from Beason E of Lawrence. Luzerne — N and S from Baltimore E of Cannon. Maccubbin — from Regester N of Orleans. Madison, E— E from Jones Falls to East av. Madison, W — W from Jones Falls to Garden. Manokin— from James S of Putnam. Marion— W from 28 N Liberty. Marriott — from Allen S of Nicholson. Marshall— S from Fort av W of Byrd. Martin — S from Beason E of Benjamin. Mary — from North av E of Penna av Matthews — from Calvert S of Lombard. May — from 43 Cantral av N of Holland. May, Little— E from 37 N Spring. McClellan— from 282 W Baltimore. McCulloh— from 151 W Biddle to Wilson. McDonogh — N from Monument E of Broadway. McElderry — from 123 Aisquith to East av. McElderry, Little— E from 123 Forrest. McHenry— W from 77 S Fremont McKim — from 94 E Madison. McMechin— from 374 Pennsylvania av. Mercer — Calvert to Light, S of Baltimore. Mill— S from Pratt, E of McElderry's wharf Milliman — from Caroline to Broadway, N of Monument. Miller— from Bond, N of Madison. Monroe — N and S from Baltimore, W of Fulton. Montgomery — W from Basin to Ohio av. Montgomery, Little — W from Jackson, S of Montgomery. Monument E— E from Jones Falls to East av. Monument W — W from Jones Falls to Eutaw. Monument, Little— from 174 N Eutaw. Monument Square— Calvert between Lexington and Fayette. Mosher— S W from Cathedral N of Townsend. Mott— from 242 N Gay. Mound — from McMechin to Cathedral extended. Mount — N and S from Baltimore W of Gilmor. Mount Royal— from McMechin to Cathedral extencfed. Mount Vernon Place — from St. Paul to Cathedral N of Centre. Mulberry — W from 90 N Calvert to Calverton road. MuUikin — E from 41 Aisquith to Ann. Nanticoke — S from Cross W of Sassafras. Neale— South from Marriott E of Harper. Neighbor — from McKim to Harford av N of Madison. New— W from 142 N Eutaw. Newington Place — Pennsylvania av N of North av. New Wilson — E from Penna. av N of N McMechin. Nicholson — from Porter S of Cox. Nicholson, Little — from Aisquith S of Jackson. North— N from 118 W Baltimore to North A v. Northwest— from Calhoun N of Presbury. Oak — N from North av W of Maryland av. O'Donnell — E from Boston N of Elliott, Canton. Ogston — N from Mulberry W of Myrtle av. Oliver — W from Greenmount av N of Hoffman. Orchard— "W from 179 Madison av. Oregon, N — from 515 Lexington to Fremont. Oregon, S— from 739 w Baltimore. Orleans, S— from Fc^rrest to East av. Ostend— W from William S of West. Oxford— from Druid Hill av to Pennsylvania av N of Preston. Oxford Village — York road. Paca, N— N from Baltimore to Druid Hill av. Paca, S— S from 391 w Baltimore to Putnam. Paca, Little— from 71 Paca. S of Camden. Paca PI — from Paca N of Franklin. Park — N from 12 N Liberty to Richmond. Parkin — from 57 Hoi 1 ins. Parrish — S from Pratt W of Strieker Patapsco— S from Hamburg E of Charles. Patapsco, F.P — N and S from E Baltimore E of Luzerne. Patterson— S from 51 W Pratt. Patterson av — W from Penna. av N of Winchester. Patterson Park — E of Patterson av between Baltimore and Gough. Patuxent — N and S from E Baltimore E of Patapsco. Payson — N and S from W Baltimore W of Monroe. Pearl — N from 440 W Baltimore to Pennsylvania av. Peirce — W from 164 Pearl. Penn — from 163 German. Perry— W from 110 Charles. Philpot— from Basin to Thames S of Block. Pine, N — from 510 W Baltimore to George. Pine, S — from 505 W Baltimore. Pleasant— W from Jones falls to Charles. Pleasant, Little — from N Charles to Park N of Saratoga. Plowman — from Jones falls to High S of Baltimore. Point— from 1 Thames. Poppleton, N— N from 678 W Baltimore to Franklin. Poppleton, S— S from 657 W Baltimore to Columbia. Port — from Aliceanna to Canton av between Cannon and Burke. Porter— S from Nicholson E of Stevenson. Portland — W from intersection of Greene and Columbia Potomoc — N and S from Baltimore E of Patuxent. Poultney — W from Light, S of Hamburg. Pratt, E— E from Jones falls to East av. Pratt, W — W from Jones falls to Frederick av. Presbury— from N Calhoun N of Baker. President— S from 17 E Pratt. Presstman — W from Linden av N of Robert. Preston — W from Cathedral to Pennsylvania av. Prosser— S from Marriott E of Neale. Pulaski— N and S from W Baltimore W of Payson. Putnam — from James S of Clare. Raborg— W from N Greene to Stockton al. Race— S from Cross W of Hanover. Ramsay — W from corner Columbia and Fremont. Randall — E from Sharp, S of Fort av. Read— W from Jones Falls N of Madison. Reese— S from Nicholson E of Porter. Register, N— N from 314 E Baltimore to Monument. Regester, S— S from 321 E Baltimore to Lancaster. Republican, N— N from 80C W Baltimore to Cathedral Cemetery. Republican, S— S from 783 W Baltimore. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. Ill Retreat — E from Pennsylvania av to Druid Hill av. Rice — N of Lancaster W of Luzerne. Richard — from Lancaster E of Broadway. Richmond — from 86 Cathedral. Ridgely— from 190 S Fremont. Robert — from Pennsylvania av N of Laurens. Robinson— from Elliott W of East av. Rock — from 337 Lexington. Rose — E from Madison av, between Preston and Biddie. Ross — from Howard to Eutaw S of Monument. Rue— N from Lancaster W of Luzerne. Rupard— S from Montgomery, west of water line. Russell— from 218 S Fremont. Ryan— from Parkin to Amity S of McHenry. Sarah Ann— W from 136 Pearl. Saratoga— W from 78 N Gay to Mount. Sassafras— S from Cross W of Wicomico. Schroeder, N — from 722 W Baltimore to Lanvale. Schroeder, S— from 705 W Baltimore to Pratt. Scott— from 355 W Lombard. Second, W— from Centre Market Space, S of Baltimore, to South. Second, E — from Jones Falls N of Lombard. Second, Little— S from Fifth. Seldner— W from Clarkson al S of Cross. Seventh — S from Water, near Powder House. Severn — S from Cross W of S Paca. Shakspear— from Bond to Broadway N of Thames. Sharp, N— from 292 W Baltimore. Sharp, S— from 289 W Baltimore to water edge. Shirk— from Jones Falls N of North av. Short — N from 52 Orleans. Shuter— N from 228 Chew. Sixth— from Fourth. Small wood — N and S from Baltimore, W of Pulaski. Smith — from Fremont to Pennsylvania av N of Mosher. Somerset— from 280 E Madison. South— S from 115 W Baltimore. Spring, N — N from 186 E Baltimore to Lanvale. Spring S — from 199 E. Baltimore to Lancaster. State — N from 133 Saratoga. Sterrett — S from McHenry W of Fremont. Stevenson— S from Beason E of Marriott. Stiles— E from 24 East Falls avenue. Stirling— from 17 Mott. Stockholm — W from Leadenhall N of Ostend. Stockton — N from Patterson av W of Fremont. Strieker N— N from 866 W Baltimore. Strieker S— S from Baltimore W of Calhoun. Stuart— from Nicholson E of Andre. St. James— from Central av N of Madison. St. Mary— W 163 Madison av. St. Paul— N from 186 W Baltmore to North avenue. St. Peter— from S Paca to Parkin S of Columbia. Sumwalt — from Maryland av N of Shirk. Swan— from Jones Falls to Centre Market Space S of Baltimore. Telegraph (now Oxford)— from 176 Druid Hillav to Penna av N of Preston. Tenant — W from Fremont N of Mosher. Tessier— N from 106 St. Mary. Thames— E from Philpot S of Lancaster. Thompson (now Edmondsoa av)— W from Fremont, between George and Harlem avenue. Thomsen— from Forrest to Aisquith, N of Orleans. Toone— E from Boston S of Elliott. Townsend— E and W from Jones Falls N of Lanvale. Towson— S from Cox E of Hull. Trinity— E from 78 Albemarle. Tyson— going north from 123 Saratoga. Union— from 109 Pennsylvania avenue. Upton— from Townsend E of Fremont. Upton Park— from George between Myrtle av and Fremont. Valley— from 33 Neighbor W of Harford av. Vicker— S of Chew between Harford av and McKim. Vincent— N fronl Baltimore E of Mount. Vine— W from Arch S of Lexington. Vine Little— from Carlton N of Fayette. Waesche— from Saratoga E of Fremont. Walker— from 240 Columbia. Walker— from Bond S of McElderry. Wall— from Dugan's whf S of Pratt. Walsh— N from 260 W Biddle. Warner— from 81 Elbow la. Warren — S of Russell. Warren— from Light S of Little Church. Washington, N— from Baltimore of Chapel. Washington, S— from Baltimore to Aliceanna. Washington PI— from Centre to Madison W of St. Paul. Water— from South to Light N of Lombard. Watson— from High to Central av S of Baltimore. Waverly Terrace— Carey from Fayette to Lexington. Wayne— E from 132 S Eutaw. Webb— from Ensor N of Chew. West— W from Basin S of Cross. Whatcoat— N from Patterson av W of Carey. Wilcox— N from Eager W of Harford av. William— S from 23 York. Willow— from 52 Harford av. Wilson— from 431 Pennsylvania av. Windsor— from Boston to Cambridge S of Canton av. \'rolfe— N and S from 364 E Baltimore. Wood— from South to Bowly's whf S of Pratt. York-W of Basin S of Lee. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 113 (juide to the Leading Business Houses. Boots and Shoes— Retail. LEWIS, J. S., 48 West Fayette Street, [see advertisement page 4.] BookseUers and Stationers. DULANY, WM. J. C. & CO., 332 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 50.] TURNBULL BROTHEKS, 8 N. Charles Street, [see adv't page 18.] Blank Books, Stationery and Printing. MILLER, JOHN M. & CO., 325 W. Baltimore St.[see adv't inside back cover] STORK & WRIGHT, 161 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 3.] Builders' Supplies. STEVENS, GEO. O. & CO., Corner Fayette and Front Streets, [see page opposite inside back cover.] Business College. BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLER-W. H. Sadler, President— G and 8 N. Charles Street, [see adv't outside front cover.] Chemical Paint. R. & W. H. CATHCART, 113 Thames Street, [see adv't page 54.] Children's Carriages— Manufacturers. BALTIMORE CARRIAGE CO., 30 N. Howard St., [see adv't page 68.] Clothing— Wholesale and Retail, NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE, 184 W. Baltimore St., [see adv't p. 8.] WALKER, NOAH & CO., 165 and 167 W. Baltimore St., [see adv't p. 36.] Clothing— Retail and Custom Made. JONES THE CLOTHIER, 87 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 68.] Coffees, Teas and Spices— Wholesale.^ BARKLEY & IIASSON, 50 S. Charles Street, [see adv't page 48.] Coal Tar Products. BALTIMORE COAL TAR AND MANUFACTURING CO., 33 Camden Street, [see adv't page 54.] 114 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. Distillery. r.LOBE DISTILLERY, Canton— Flack Bros., Proprietors. Office 52 South Street, [see adv't page 44.] Druggists' Sundries— Wholesale. DREXEL, F. F. & CO., Corner Sharp and German Sts., (see adv't page 14.] Dyeing Drugs and Chemicals— Wholesale and Retail. BAKER, R. J. & CO., 36 and 38 S. Charles Street, [see adv't page 24.| Dry Goods— Wholesale and Retail. BIRD, J. EDWARD & CO., 21:5 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 10.] Engravers on Wood. EIILERS, J. D. & CO., 87 Second Street, [see inset opposite page 16.] Engineers and Machinists. GRIFFITH & MARQUETTE, 6 W. Falls Avenue, [see adv't page 60.] Furniture. PLUMMER, F. W., 49 Hanover Street, [see adv't page 20.] STEVENS, CHARLES P., 3 S. Charles Street, [see adv't page 6.] Furnishing Goods— Ladies' and Gents'. RINGGOLD, JOHN P., 175 W. Baltimore and 39 N. Charles Streets, [see adv't page 12 ] Glass Manufacturers. SEIM & EMORY, 112 W. Lombard Street, [see adv't page 42.] Hardware, Furniture— Wholesale. NORRIS, C. SIDNEY & CO., 36 Hanover Street, [see adv't page 86.] Hardware, Saddlery— Wholesale. MACKENZIE, GEO. N. & CO., 18 S. Charles Street, [see adv't page 70.] MACKENZIE, IIAXALL & MARSHALL, 8 S. Charles St. [see adv. p. 84] Hotels. BARNUM'S CITY HOTEL, S. W. Corner Calvert and Fayette Streets. CARROLLTON, lialtimore. Light and German Streets, [see adv't page 66.] GUY'S MONUMENT HOUSE, N E. Corner Calvert and Fayette Streets. HOWARD HOUSE, Baltimore and Howard Streets. LELAND'S EUTAW HOUSE, Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. [see adv't p. 62.] MALTBY HOUSE, 180-184 W. Pratt Street. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, 81 W. Monument Street. THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 115 RENNERT HOUSE, 45 W. Fayette Street. ST CLAIR HOTEL, N. Calvert Street, between Fayette and Lexington. ULERY'S GOVANSTON FIOTEL, [see adv't pages 82 and 83 ] House-Furnishing Goods. HOPKINS, J. SETH & CO., 210 W. Baltimore St. [see ad. inside front cover.] Human Hair Goods. HANEY, J., 33 North Charles Street, [see adv't page GO.] Jewelers— Wholesale. HENNEGEN, WJM. H. & CO, 220 W. Baltimore St., [see adv't page 50 ] Ladies' and Children's Outfits. SPENCER, E. N., 69 Lexington Street, [see adVt page 46.] Linen Goods. MILLHvIN, R. H., 163 Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 40 ] Lithographers. HOEN, A. & CO., 73 and '75 Second Street, [see inset opposite page 17.] Lumber Dealers. BURNS & SLOAN, 132 Light-Street Wharf, [see adv't page 76.] Marble and Statuary— Manufacturers of SISSON, HUGH, 140 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 22.] Marble and Ohio Sandstone— Contractors. SISSON & PACKIE, office No. 9 N. Calvert Street, [sec adv't page 52.] Oil— Refiners and Manufacturers. CARSWELL & SONS, Cor. North and Eager Streets, [see adv't page 52.] Oils, Lamps, Lanterns, &c.— Dealers. W. & H. SPILKER, 136 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 34.] Paints— Liquid Enamel. KNIGHT, C. P., Sole Agt Bradley's Patent, 93 W. Lombard St. [see ad. p.32.] Painters— House, Sign, Fresco, &c. EMMART & QUARTLEY, 276 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 16.] 116 THE STRANGERS GUIDE TO THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. Perfumery. DREXEL. F. F. & CO., Manufacturers Vienna Bell Cologne, corner Sharp and (lerman Streets, [see adv't page 11.] Pharmacist— Manufacturing. SMITH, CHARLES G., 52 S. Sharp Street, [see adv't page 38.] Photographer. HOLYLAND, J., 231 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 4.] Pleasure Resort. ULERY'S GOVANSTOWN HOTEL, [see adv't and illusfn pp. S2 and 83.] Printers— Book and Job. EHLERS, J. D. & CO., 87 Second Street, [see inset opposite page 16.] Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA R.R. CO., Office cor.Baltimore and Calvert Sts. [see p.5G.] Sash, Blinds and Doors. STEVENS, GEO. O. & CO., Cor. Front and Fayette Streets, [see page 118.] Sewing Machines. AMERICAN S. M. CO., J. S. D(wey, ]\ran'gr, Park and Lexington, [see p 88.] REMINGTON S. M. CO., W. H. Tyler. Mang'r, 41 N Charles St. [see p. 94.] WHEELER ct WILSON. C.R. Deacon. Gen. Agt.,58 Lexington St [see p.28.] WILLCOX & GIBBS, J. H. Aull, Gen. Agent, 4G Lexington St. [see p. 3.] Shirts— Manufacturers of IRVING. T. J. & CO., 1G8 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't page 64.] MILLIKIN, R. H., 163 W. Baltimore Street, [see adv't .page 40.] Steam Bakery. MASON, JAS. D. & CO., 149 W. Pratt Street [see adv't page 30.] Steam Engines, Boilers, etc.— Manufacturers. POOLE & HUNT, Office 7 German Street, [.=ee adv't page 22.] BENTLEY, C. & SONS, 25 S. Front Street, [see adv't page 72.] Steam Laundry. SEARCH, N. C. & CO., 13 and 15 N. Front Street, [see adv't page 58 ] Telegraph— A. D. T. AMER. DISTRICT TEL. CO., Office cor. South and Water Sts. [see p. 26.] Telegraph and Electrical Instruments— Manf's of. WATTS & CO. [see adv't page 26.] Upholstery Goods. TAYLOR, GEO. W. & CO., 11 N. Charles Street, [see adv't page 40.] BALTIIORE CITY Roasted Coifee A.1ST1D D n ^ i iui^ mi jjji Roast Pure Coffee, and Packed in the "Hermetically Sealed" & "Amazon Mills" OJY£ FOUJVn PAPERS. JESSE LAZEAR & CO. No. 11 COMMERCE STREET. LORD & ROBINSON, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Cedar ¥are, Brooms, Brushes, CORDAGE, WILLOW WARE, MATCHES, &c. AND IMPORTERS OF Demijolins, Wine Bottles, Percussion Caps & Belgium Baskets. Nos. 88 and 90 LOMBARD ST., BALTIMORE. SI^ECI^LTIES. Our Patent ""^Excelsior^^ Carjyet Broonif Patent J^f/f/ Carriers^ Patent Egg Beaters, Three 3Linute Liglitning Churns, FeatJier Dusters, everg variety ^ Cedar Moth Chests. MANUFAOTUKEES OP EVEE7 VAEIET7 OF SHOE J^ISIID WHITE -W-A-SKC Eli-CJSHES. ROBINSON. LORD & CO. 147 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. m &00D WOEK! L0¥ PEICES!! ^-5 GEO.O. STKVETVS & CO.^ wmm i.,A»^^ «i f^ J^TSilD Best Assortment in the City, GIVE US A CALIi. J., M. MILLER & CO. ;fAfl u s= OS < hi o ^ ^ (fj CO I— O0 Bl5l5et5l5et5tll5ll5l5eeeO:i5l5f ail )@@ r APER, StATIONEI\Y, SfC, Any book published, or any article in our business promptly furnishd at publishers' lowest prices. J. M. MILLER & CO.