F 129 .B8 H6 Copy 1 I.MI-.NTS Oh- jO., H. MARSHALL. No. TOO Main Sthkkt, 1 r.m-'M.d BUFFALO CEMETERIES AN ACCOUNT OF THE BURIAL-PLACES OF BUFFALO, f FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES. READ BEFORE Vtrt; BUFFA LO HI STORICAL SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 4, 187^! BY WILLIAM HODGE. 1! U F F A L O : I'KINTED AM) I'UKI.ISHED IJY bi(;klo\v brothers, 62 & 64 pearl street, VOK. THI", SOCIKTY. (0 BUFFALO CEMETERIES AN ACCOUNT OK THE BURIAL-PLACES OF BUFFALO, KROM THE EARLIEST TIMES READ BEFORE THE BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY FEBRUARY 4, 1S79. BY WILLIAM HODGE, B V F F A L O : Printed a.nt) PLnii.isnicn in' HICELOW I'.ROTHERS, (,2 & 64 ITvARl, STRIlE'l', I-OK I'lIK SoriETV. ^ L (o q CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BURIAL PLACES. No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 13 14 15 lb 17 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 ^5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 NAME. DATE.* The Mound Unknown. Johnston's 1802 ?-i8ii Franklin Square i8o4?-i836 Cold Spring rSio -1815 Bidwell Farm 1811 -1825 Soldiers' 1812 -1814 1. Terrace 2. Sandy Town 3. Conjockety Creek. . 4. Black Rock 5 . Park M eado w , 6. VVilliamsville Reservation (old Indian) ii82o?- Black Rock... '. :i820 -i860 Poorhouse Potter's Field :i82g -1851 Old St. Louis i 1830 -1832 Delaware and North Street J1830 -t86o New St. Louis Potter's Field (city) Mathews and Wilcox - Old St. Mary's Jacobson Bethel (old) St. Francis Xavier St. Joseph's Forest Lawn Holy Cross St. John Concordia (union) 1. German Evangelical St. Peter's. . . 2. German Evangelical St. Stephen's. 3. First German Lutheran Trinity... Holy Rest United German and French. Zion Church Howard F'ree Bethel (new) Beth Zion Mount Hope Temple Beth Zion. . Fort Porter (soldiers') German Methodist St. Mathew's Correct'n, Correct'n, Page. 14 3 4 6 [10 |i4 1^5 >5 16 16 17 18 24 S s 21 7 21 7 II 21 22 22 21 21 II 21 23 23 24 24 24 23 22 23 23 22 23 23 23 20 24 24 * As far as number 13, the dates are mainly api)roximate, not absolute. INDKX OF INCIDENTAL MATTERS. Allen, Lewis ¥ Angels, Church of Holy. Atkins, Mrs. Rudolph.'. "Avenue," The Bidwell, Cen Bigelow, Rev. '\lbert Bird, Col. Wm. A Bishop, Col Bliss, Col. John Buffalo Cemetery Association . Buffalo City Cemetery .Ass^i.. Caskey, Mr Cattaraugus Reservation (note) Chapin, Doctor C, (note). . . . Chapin, Dr. Daniel Chapin, Col. Wm. \V "Circle,"' The Clark, Charles E Clary, Joseph Cochrane, John Collins, John Conjockely Creek Cotton, Capl. Rowland Cotton, Mrs. Ward Deforest, Cyrus H. Dox, Capt Eleven Mile Creek Ellicott, Joseph, (note). . . . Elysville Episcopal Ch'ch Ch'ty Fund Episcopal Ch'ch, service of.. Evans, John B Farmer's Brother (note). Fay, Col Flint Hill Fort Erie Frazer, Maj. Dojiald . . Page. 13 8 14 I, 20 8. 16 (6 19 1 1 12 9 12 7 5 13 12, &c 17 13 ro 10 19 IV. & 5 21 9 13 19 14 15, 17 19 9 Granger, Judge Erastus 13 Granger, Rev. J.N I2 Granger, Seth 6 Granger, Warren 12 Gridley, Frederick o Guide Board Road lO Crulf Road, (correction) iv. & 10 Haskel, John.. . . Heyvvood, R. H. Hodge Family.. . Page. Hodge, lienjamin, Sen Hodge, Benjamin, Jun Hodge, Wm., Sen 13, Holland Land Co Hopkins, Hon. T. A lloysington, Job Hoyt, Joseph D . . . . Huil, Capt Jewelt, Elam R Johnston, Jack Johnston, Capl. Wm "Jubilee Spring," (note) i3 13 17 5 19 6 4 6 18 4 3 Lacy, [ohn T. g Lay, John, Jr., 12 ivc. Lecouteulx, Mr 21 Limestone Flill. ... 2T, 22 Ludlow, Ethan 10 Normal School Building 6 "Old Homestead," The. Ottenot, Nicholas, Esq. ParK, The Parrish, Jasper Peacock, Judge Pierce, Loring Pine Hill "Plains," The Pomeroy, Oliver Porter, Gen. Peter B. Potter, Heman B. . . . Pratt, Capt. (note). . . Pratt, Hiram 14 20 12 &C. 4 5 13 20, 22 5,17.21 4 10 7 Red Jacket, (note) iv. & 24 Rough, Capt. James (note). . . iv. & 9 Saunders, Capt 16 Sheldon, Alex. J., (Preface). . i Sheldon Place 3 Shelton, Rev. Dr [3 Sher'v'ood Family, (correction) iv. & 13 Spaulding, Hon. E. G 14 Smyth, Gen 17 St. John, Gamaliel 5 St. Joseph's College 15 Storrs, Juba & Co 18 Storrs, Gen. Lucius 3 Webster, George B Wilkeson, Hon. Samuel. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. Note, page 4, Franklin Square Cemetery. — Capt. Pratt went, the first year of his arrival here (1804) with Dr. CyreniusChapin, to Batavia. and obtained, by "land contract " from the Holland Land Co., the " Franklin Square " lot for a village buiying ground. Note, page ^j. — To the account of interments in Franklin Square Cemetery, it is interesting to add that in March. 1815, the noble and estimable Indian Chief, Farmer's Brother, was buried here, with military honors. When the bodies were removed to Forest Lawn, a tablet, with his initials formed by brass nails, was found ; but like Job Hoysington's skull (p. 6) disappeared in the process of removal. Note, page 5. — Mr. Ellicott's '" verbal consent " must have been given considerably prior to 1804. Note, page 9. — The last two lines of the epitaph on Rougli are from Burns' epi- taph on Gavin Hamilton. Note, page 24, Reservation Cemetery. — Red Jacket, contrary to his own decidedly expressed will, was buried with Christian rites ; his wife being a Christian wo- man. Only his grave, however, is now in this Cemetery, for his remains were removed to the Cattaraugus Reservation, in 1852, and the exact place where they lie is known only to his own descendants. It is to be hoped that before long, as all objections on the part of his people have been removed, a suitable place will be furnished for their reception in Forest Lawn. CORRECTIONS. On account of conflict of authorities, discovered too late for changes in the text before printing, the following corrections are required, viz: — Correction, page 10, near the bottom. — After " the creek bed," instead of " or gulf," read "'while, westward, it crossed a deep ravine or gulf formed by a stream flowing from the 'Jubilee ' spring." Correction, page 16. — Second paragraph: for "1849" read " 1844." Correction, page 19. — For "August 14" read "August 15.' Correction, pp. 13-J4. — It is ascertained that the Sherwood family buried in a pri- vate j^w;<«(/ on the farm. Here the vault was built, but it has never been used for burials. Numbers of persons from the neighborhood were also interred in this ground, all of whom have been removed. Correction, page 22, Jewish Cemeteiies. — First paragraph : for " 1839" read" 1847 ;" for "about 1844," read "in 1849;" fo'' "William" r.ad ".Sycamore." Read the second paragraph tlius : " The yacobson Society \\2idL previously been formed, though imperfectly organized ; and had obtained the use of the above named lot, it being then private property, for burial purposes. The first person interred here was Mrs. Elias Bernheimer, wife of the owner." In the third paragraph, for "between 1862 and 1865." read "in 1861 ?" I' R E F A C R. In early summer of 1875 1 received a note from the late Alexan- der J. Sheldon, reciuesting me to write an account of the burying grounds of Buffalo, and especially of the soldiers' graves within and near our city. He i)romised to do what he could to aid me, and I finally consented to prepare the sketch, relying on his help to put it into shape for publication as an addition to tlie local history of Buffalo. Mr. Sheldon, however, died before we had half the sketch pre- pared. Since his death I have finished it, and now submit it to the public as a plain statement of facts concerning the burial places of the dead in this region, especially in early times. I am indebted to Mr. Sheldon for some of the first pages, partic- ularly those concerning the burials on the Johnston lot; and for some subsequent ideas and expressions. I am also indebted to Rev. Albert Bigelow for valuable assistance in preparing the whole paper for the press. In a conversation with Mr. Sheldon, I learned that he intended to ask Congress for an appropriation of money to* erect a monument to the memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the war of 1S12. But though this worthy object should not now be accomplished, 1 trust that these pages may nevertheless help to remind this and other generations of the fact that here, in perilous times, many of our brave defenders lost their lives, and found their final resting place. \VM. HODGE. BUFFALO CEMETERIES. The formation of a burial-place is generally one of the later things attended to in a new settlement, inasmuch as the utmost effort is needed to supjjort the living and carry on the necessary im- provements ; and unless there should be death from accidental causes, there are no particular reasons to induce the pioneers to bear in mind the fact that any of them will be cut off from their labors, and become the silent tenants of the tomb. Like other settlements in Western New York, Buffalo was lax in attending to the necessity of providing a resting place for the dead ; and churches were organized and school houses erected ere it seemed to be noticed that death was as likely to invade here as elsewhere. But, as was even then so certain to be the case, the time for these duly arrived. I'HE JOHNSTON BURYING GROUND. Captain William Johnston, a British officer, retired on half pay, once owned a tract of about forty acres of land in vvhat is now the business center of Buffalo. It was bounded on the north by Seneca street, west by W^ishington street, south by Little Buffalo Creek, and east by a line which would include the forty acres ; the said line running parallel with Washington street. As this place, even then, was the center of business attraction, residents meeting there for conversation, very naturally the settle- ment increased about Johnston's ; and finally he laid out a small burial ground a few rods square on his homestead, at the corner of Crow (now Exchange) and Washington streets. The place was afterwards owned by the late Gen. Lucius Storrs, and since known as the " Sheldon place ;" and when the Washing- ton Block was built in 1873-4, several skeletons were dug up by the laborers excavating for cellars. The street is now a number of feet below the original surface of the soil ; and the removal of the earth for cellars rendered it necessary to excavate below the bottom of the deepest graves. 3 4 BUFFALO CEMFTERIES. As these skeletons were found on the east side, of the Sheldon lot, there is every reason to believe (and tradition deepens the impres- sion) that more are interred on the next lot east, which is now occu- pied by the paint shop of J. Josephs. The house was built by Mr. Joseph D. Hoyt, and afterwards passed into the hands of Mr. Waters, formerly of the firm of Kimberly & Waters, ship chandlers, &c. But there has been an ever-changing tide of occupants in the house. People of every color and nation- ality have lived here ; and some of such bad repute that it would not be surprising in the least if the original tenants of this ossuary had their numbers increased by the sudden taking off of unsuspect- ing persons decoyed there for purposes of plunder and murder. When the building is removed, and the lot excavated for larger cel- lars, it will not be unexpected if a dozen or more skeletons of different sizes are found on the north end of that and the adjacent lot, now occupied by the old cabinet shop of Oliver Pomeroy, which was erected in 1832. It is understood that Capt. Johnston was buried in his own ceme- tery in 1807. The first tenant was an infant son of the Captain ; and burials did not cease there till several years after the establish- ment of a village burial place on lots 108, 109, iii, 112, since called Franklin Square, where now stands the massive city and county building. THE FR.4NKL1N SQU.ARE CEMETERY. The reasons for this change, which was made at a very early day, were, first : the title to the Johnston place was yet in the dower, and if it was not deeded to the village, there might be trouble in after years from a change of owners. This proved to be the case ; for John (or Jack) Johnston (son of the old Captain) who inherited the property, incumbered it by a mortgage to Jasper Parrish as agent and trustee of the Cayuga Nation ; and this mortgage not being paid, was duly foreclosed, and the place sold in 181 1. And second : this site was deemed to be too near the center of a population numbering but a few score, BUFFALO CEAfETERIES. 5 This "Franklin S([iKirc " lot was a central portion of the then beautiful Terrace, on whose grassy surface the Indians used to re- cline, and view the lake in all its pristine beauty ; a scene which Judge Peacock described when he first came on the spot (being then nine- teen years of age), saying " It is one of the most beautiful views I ever put my eyes u])on." In the new cemetery the first interment was that of John Coch- rane, a traveler from Connecticut, who died at liarker's tavern, a log house facing south, standing on the Terrace near the corner and west of Main street. As a verbal consent had been given by Mr. EUicott to use the lots, the man from "the land of steady habits," was there buried; and from that time most, if not all, burials ceased in the Wash- ington street place, except those of Johnston's family or relatives there- of. Tradition says that a very tall Indian, from his altitude termed the " Infant," was the second silent inhabitant of the village ceme- tery, and it soon became the recognized place for burials ; though with the usual carelessness of early settlers, the title to it was not obtained from the Holland Land Company until 1821. This can easily be accounted for, as there was no village corpora- tion to hold the gift ; and after it had been in use some years, it was believed that the village had a right by possession. There was no individual ownership of the lots ; but persons, on application, had family or single lots assigned them by the trustees, until 1832, when burials as a general thing were discontinued there. The last was in 1836, being that of the wife of Hon. Samuel Wilkeson, a daughter of Gamaliel St. John ; and a special permit was granted for this purpose. The old burying ground was remote from the \illage ])roper, and was covered with a growth of bushes and scrub oak, with a few larger trees. A part of it was used at one time as a site for a small wooden building, in which was kept an infant school. In addition to the villagers, those who resided even as far out as the " Plains," (with the exception of a few families who buried on their own premises), brought their dead to the general gathering place. This irregular proceeding was stopped as far as the city au- thority extended in 1832, when the advent of the cholera caused very stringent sanitary measures to be taken, 6 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. THE COLD SPRING BURYING GROUND. T.ong prior to that time, on the hill opposite "Cold Spring," on farm lot number 59, now the southwest corner of Delaware and Ferry streets, there was a grave-yard like that of Captain Johnston. I well remember being present at burials there when a boy. One was that of a child of Mr. Seth Granger, who lived on the farm ; another a child of a Mr. Caskey. These took place before the war of 1812. Hither afterwards, gallant Job Hoysington's mutilated remains were brought, when the fervid suns of the spring after the burning of Buffalo melted the snowy shroud by which he was first covered. The death of Hoysington occurred as follows : On the morning of December 30, 1813, he took his rifle and went to meet the British as they came marching up the river near the Grand Battery. He, with Capt. Hull's Buffalonians, stood their ground well ; but the three thousand and odd of new levies fled precipitately and left a few hundred to face as many Indians, and over a thousand disci- plined British regulars. For a brief period they contested the field ; but, seeing they were flanked, they retreated. Hoysington lingered, withdrew a little, stopped, and said : " I will have one more shot at them," and that was the last that was known of him till the following spring, when his remains were found beside a log not far from the late Frederick Gridley's residence on North street, one or two blocks west of the Normal school building. A bullet had perforated, and a tomahawk had cleft, his skull ; while his scalp was torn from his bleeding head as a trophy of savage con([uest, and token of Brit- ish inhumanity. His faithful rifle lay empty by his side, and no doubt his death was avenged ere it occurred. His remains were interred in this rural cemetery, and there they remained till 1850, when most of the bones of the nearly one hundred persons buried there, were exhumed, placed in boxes, and removed to a se- cure place in " Forest Lawn." Among these relics, the skull of the mighty marksman was at once recognized by the injuries it had received, and many noticed it ; but during the confusion incident to a removal, some one surreptitiously carried off this relic of Job Hoysington. It is doubtless in the possession of some curiosity monger of the city, but " who has it ? " has often been asked in vain. BUFFALO CEMETERIES. " 7 This ground was never formally granted for a cemetery, but by the consent of the owner was used for that purpose by the few families residing in the neighborhood. In the grading and widening of Ferry street, in 1876, at the corner we are speaking of, there were some bones, but no entire skeletons, plowed up. Having learned that there was no one appointed by the proper authorities of our city to look after these relics of early settlers and soldiers, who seem to have had none on the face of the earth to care for them, I took pains to collect from time to time all that were found, carried them to Forest Lawn, and had them buried with the others that had been taken there. DELAWARE AND NORTH STREET P.URVTNf, CROUND. About the year 1830, Hon. Lewis F. Allen boXight of Judge Eben- ezer Walden on his own account, five acres situated on the south- west corner of Delaware and North streets, and east of Bowery street. He then formed an association consisting of the following persons, viz.: Lewis F. Allen, George B. Webster, Russell H. Hey- wood, Heman B. Potter and Hiram Pratt, as trustees, and had it surveyed into lots by Joseph Clary, Esq. A considerable number of lots were sold ; but the smallness of the plot and the fact that the southern part was full of springs, prevented many improvements ; and most of the bodies deposited there have been removed to Forest Lawn, and the property is now held by the Forest Lawn Associa- tion. It is not at all likely that any more burials will ever take place there, as they are prohibited by a law of the state, and the lots around are occupied by beautiful residences. THE potter's field. In 1832, in anticipation of the cholera visiting Buffalo, which had just put on "city airs," burials in the old village (Franklin Square) cemetery having been prohibited, except by special permission of the council, it was deemed desirable to obtain another and more remote situation to be ready in case any sudden pestilence should demand increased room for the dead. Accordingly I sold to the city five acres of farm lot No. 30, lying between North and Best streets, and west of Prospect street, for a " Potter's Field," or common burial place ; and a 8 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. portion of it was set apart for the Roman Catholics so that it could be consecrated according to their belief and form. THE BLACK ROCK BURYING GROUND. When the lands comprising the South Village of Black Rock were surveyed in 1804 or 1805, there were two blocks, Nos. 41 and 42, ap- propriated by the state for burial purposes. These, however, were found to be too low, and hence not suitable ; many, therefore carried their dead even to the " Franklin Square " ground ; and when Black Rock village was incorporated. Col. William A. Bird, in behalf of the corporation, procured the exchange of those two lots for one situated on higher ground ; being lot No. 88 on North street, since known as the Black Rock Burying Ground. This lot was bounded by Jer- sey, Pennsylvania^ and Fourteenth streets, and the mile strip or what is now "The Avenue." When the "Guide Board Road" (now North street) was worked through, this lot was cut in twain, and a small triangle was left on the south side, in the old limits of Buffalo City. This small lot, by an arrangement with the Black Rock authorities, was used as a Pot- ter's field for the unfortunates who died at the Poor-house ; this building being a little to the west of it, next to the church of the Holy Angels, and now used for the Parish School. In this little spot of ground have been doubtless laid without a pitying eye to weep over their wreck, or a friendly hand to raise a tablet to their memory, as noble persons as have ever existed ; but poverty and misfortune blighted their prospects, and they became dependents on the bounty of their fellow-creatures. Many a time have I pondered over the unmarked hillocks here and thought what tales could be revealed were the history of the un- known and unnoted dead under my feet made up into a living record. But they were not permitted to rest in peace. The City of Buf- falo a few years since fenced in the lot, and desecrated the spot by using it as a public pound. Could no other vacant place be found, that even a pauper might not be allowed to rest here without having his last hold on earth made the stamping place for vagrant cattle ? The main lot was used for years by the inhabitants of Black Rock ; but burials having been discontinued for some time, the land was BUFFALO CEMETERIES. g conveyed to that noble institution the Charity Foundation of the Episcopal Church. As in the Franklin Square and North Street Public Cemeteries there were no private lots here, but places were assigned by the authorities. When the Forest Lawn Cemetery was established, in 1850, many families bought lots and removed their dead from this ground. Since then, in grading Rogers street many graves were dug up, and the bones collected and removed to Forest Lawn. And within the last few years, in grading "The Circle " which takes in most of this old burying ground, many more have been dug out and deposited there. More still remain which should l)e properly taken care of. Although I ever disapprove of the practice of our city rulers in dis- turbing and removing the bones from our old burying grounds, yet in this case it seems to be a matter of public necessity ; and as part have been removed they may as well all be. One grave in this spot was that of Capt. James Rough, a man of some note in early days, but now nearly forgotten, who was buried here in 1828. This noble-hearted man was one of the captains who early sailed on our lakes. I believe he had no relatives in this country, but many true-hearted friends, who, after his checkered life was ended, buried his body with becoming honor and respect. One, a country- man of his, a Scotchman, the eccentric Major Donald Frazer, to ex- press the esteem in which he was held by all, placed a stone at the head of his grave, on which was cut the f6llowing inscription and quaint epitaph : Here lies the body of CAPT. JAMES ROUGH, A Son of Auld Scotia, who died Dec. 4th, 1828, aged 60. A Highland man's son placed this stone in Remembrance of his Friend. Here, moored beneath this willow tree, Lies Honor. Worth, and Integrity, More 1 might add. but 'tis enough; 'Twas centered all in Honest Rough, With such as he where e'er he be, May I be saved or damn'd. Capt. Rough's remains were removed by our honored townsman John T. Lacy, April 26th, 1869, to the lot in Forest Lawn, where those from the old burying ground of Franklin Scpiare were placed. lo BUFFALO CEMETERIES. They now lie near the large monument in the center of this lot, by the side of Captain Dox, an officer in the United States Army dur- ing the war of 1812, and who was some years after (in 1822 I be- lieve) appointed Collector of the Port of Buffalo. The exact time when burials began in this Black Rock burying ground, on North street, is not now certainly known. There were two families at least at Black Rock who buried on their own prem- ises, those of (ien. Peter B. Porter and Ethan Ludlow. The bodies of Gen. Porter's family were subsequently removed to Niagara Falls. The bodies of the family of Mr. Ludlow, were removed to the " Mathews and Wilcox " burying ground on the hill, (see below, page II,) and subsequently to Forest Lawn. By some it is thought that burials began there soon after the war of 181 2-15 ; others as late as 1826. But from what I can learn, the most reason- able conclusion is that there were some burials there as early as 1820 or soon after. Col. William A. Bird says, "probably as early as 1825 at least." Cyrus H. DeForest says, "I helped to bury a friend there in 1827, and there were quite a large number of graves there before that time." THE BIDWKLI. FARM BURYINC; GROUND. There was a place on what was known as the " Bidwell Farm " where the dead were buried before the " Guide Board Road " (or North street) ground above mentioned was opened. It will be of interest to say, just here, that the " Guide Board Road " spoken of above and on page 8, was in the early days, the only wagon approach to Black Rock from the eastward ; communication with Buffalo be- ing mostly by the way of the beach of the lake, until Niagara street was opened, about the year 1809 ; a guide post stood for many years at the southwest corner of Main street and this road, pointing the traveler's way to the aspiring village of Black Rock ; hence the name of the road. The Bidwell farm was situated on the old " Gulf Road," answering to what is now^ Delevan avenue. This road crossed Main street just south of the bridge over Conjockety creek, and passing east, in a few rods crossed the creek bed, or gulf, and from this circumstance obtained its name. The farm lay quite a distance west of Main street, back of the village of Black Rock, BUFFAF.O CEMETERIES. w and in the burial i)laro here set apart, interments were made from 1811 to 1825. THE MATHKWS AM) WII.COX GR(JUN1)S. Another private cemetery enterprise was set on foot by General Sylvester Mathews and Birdseye Wilcox, about 1833 or 1834. They laid out twelve acres for the purpose, on farm lot No. 30, next to the five acres which the city had purchased in 1832 for the Potter's Field. This twelve acre field was improved, and lots sold to different individuals ; and as the land was more desirable than that on the corner of Delaware and North streets, there w^as considerable atten- tion paid to decorations and monuments, until Forest Lawn was for- mally established ; and then for a time but little interest appeared to be taken in this. I am happy, however, to state that a better feeling now prevails ; that the grounds are carefully tended, and do not look so deserted and comfortless as they did a score of years ago. The Hodge family purchased two lots in this place, and paid for them by furnishing and planting yellow locust trees along the outer edge of the whole, and on each side of the walks and carriage ways. Before that, this burying ground having been originally used for agri- cultural purposes, was of a barren appearance, being entirely destitute of trees and shrubbery. I'hose locust trees were therefore at that time thought to be a very desirable acquisition, as they grew quickly They yet remain as specimens of the taste of a former generation ; yet we cannot but think what a magnificent grove the place would now have been, if graceful elms had been chosen for planting. In 1853, the lot owners, finding that Mathews and Wilcox neglected to care for the property, opened negotiations for the purchase of the remaining rights, which was duly effected by the lot owners raising a subscription therefor ; and in 1854, an association was incorporated under the name of the " Buffalo Cemetery Association." The new company paid the old i)roprietors the sum of $5,000 for all their in- terest therein, and since that a steady imi)rovement, as has been mentioned, has been noticeable. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. Forest Lawn Cemetery is unquestionably the finest in this section , of the state, and under the new organization will doubtless always T2 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. be a permanent one. It was first laid out under the name above given, by Charles E. Clarke, Esq., in 1849, who purchased, for the purpose, of Rev. James N. Granger, and his brother Warren Gran- ger, about 80 acres of land at $150 per acre. The grounds were planned by Mr. Clarke on a most liberal scale, and with all modern improvements. But it having been deemed desirable that the citizens should more generally be interested in it and that its many interests and rights should not be committed to the care of one individual no matter how trustworthy, an organization was effected in 1864, under the title of the " Buffalo City Cemetery Association," which pur- chased the rights and privileges of Mr. Clarke, with all the unsold lots, so as to enlarge it to its present size, about 240 acres, being all that will be required for generations. The beautiful name, " Forest Lawn " is therefore now not its legal, but its popular designation — which, however, it will doubtless retain for all time to come. As is well known, this cemetery is located on the Conjockety Creek about two and a half miles from the court house square, or the center of the business part of the city, and between Delaware and Main streets, each of which gives a noble approach. The grounds are divided about equally into forest aid lawn, table and broken land, and a succession of knolls running parallel with the creek from southeast to northwest ; giving a variety of approach that is not often found in similar places. It is truly by nature a lovely spot ; and is exceedingly beautiful since laid out and occu- pied. And the extensive as well as costly improvements that have been and will be made in its vicinity, have rendered its surroundings correspondingly beautiful. The great park adjoins it, and next are the extensive grounds of the Insane Asylum ; so that a large portion of the territory drained by the Coniockety, from Main street to near the state dam, across the creek, is, and always will be, public ground. The first interment in Forest Lawn was that of John Lay, Jr., who died on the tenth day of July, 1850, aged 60 years. He was a most worthy citizen, who had been at one time distinguished for his great mercantile ability ; but he went down in the crash of fortunes of 1836, and ever after lived a retired life. Early in the » BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 13 inception of the improvements at Forest Lawn, he visited the place, and pointed out a certain knoll where he wished to be interred when he should die ; when that event occurred, the liberal-hearted pro- prietor donated that spot to the family. And so it came about that late one summer afternoon, July 12, 1850, thec^uietof the place was broken by the entrance of the first funeral train, and at the going down of the sun. as the earth closed over the mortal remains of John Lay, Jr., the peopling commenced of this new Necropolis of the city of the lakes. On that occasion were heard for the first time in this cemetery, the words of the lofty and imjjressive burial ser- vice of the Episcopal church, as Mr. Lay was consigned to his final resting place, under the direc-tion of him who had performed this office for two generations of his fellow citizens ; I mean the late Mr. Loring Pierce, so many years our "City Sexton." ' Since then, how rapidly has been fulfilled the saying of the good and venerable rec- tor of St. Paul's Cathedral, who officiated at that time, and, as he surveyed the jjlace, bethinking him of its intended purpose, exclaim- ed, "What a flood of grief will here be poured out ;" for a contin- ual tide of departed citizens has set thitherward. It is worthy of remark that those who first deemed it too remote and unfavorable a location, are now foremost in beautifying it, and making it a place of attraction, rather than of dread. It is the cemetery of Buffalo ; and is especially so for all those who are not attached to the Romish or Jewish faith. To this beautiful spot, the bodies of those interred in the village burying ground on Franklin street, were removed ; many by the hands of loving kindred were laid beside others of their families ; while those who were unrecognized, and had none to care for them, were interred in a place apart, and a suitable monument erected over them. Some families have removed their dead from the Mathews and Wilcox and the Delaware and North street grounds, to Forest Lawn ; also some who buried on their own lands between the city and the Plains. Of those who interred originally on their own premises, and have had the bodies removed, I mention Col. William W. Chapin, Judge Erastus Granger, John Collins, William Hodge, Benjamin Hodge, Sr., Benjamin Hodge, Jr., and Mrs. Ward Cotton. Neither the Sherwoods nor Mrs. Rudolph Atkins' family have removed their 14 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. dead ; those of the latter rest at the " Old Homestead " on the Plains ; of the former in a stone vault on the Sherwood farm oppo- site. Forest Lawn contains a number of public remembrancers of the dead, as well as many private monuments and mausoleums. Among the former is a plain obelisk, erected in the center of a large square of ground containing those of the early dead who were removed from Franklin square. On it is a suitable inscription to their mem- ory. A beautiful shaft has also been erected to commemorate our firemen in the new part of the ground near the head of Linwood avenue. In the old part there is a monument for Colonel Fay, an officer prominent in military affairs some thirty years ago ; and another to General Bidwell, an officer killed during the civil war. Not far from them there is a memorial erected by our patriotic townsman Hon. Elbridge G. Spaulding, commemorating heroes of the Revolutionary war. These various structures are rich in mate- rial, and fine specimens of the elaborate work of the architect and sculptor. THE MOUND A MYSTERY. On the high ground of the Granger farm between Forest Lawn proper, and the old homestead of that farm, there was formerly a circular mound that contained many human bones. Here, when a boy, sixty years ago, I used to pick up bits of bones. There were then no entire ones, but a large quantity of small pieces that had been plowed over and over again. When buried, they must have had but a slight covering of earth. Among the pieces were found some entire sound teeth. Tradition said at that time that there had been a battle fought near there, by a race of people inhabiting this country, very many years since, and long before the Senecas pos- sessed it ; as they have no knowledge of this race of people, and know nothing about how those bones came there. soldiers' burial places. It is in the memory of some yet living that the American bank of Niagara River at Black Rock and the banks of Conjockety Creek adjacent, were the grounds of several hard contested battles in which many were killed and afterwards buried on the battle-field. Many BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 15 also were buried here who died of sickness in the barracks of our (irand Battery and in the barracks on the bank of Conjockety Creek. There is no doubt that .hundreds of unknown soldiers are buried here, and as these grounds have been plowed over and over again it is impossible to detect their individual resting places until excavations are made. There ought certainly to be some provision for reinterring them when found. The remains of many are also scattered along the line of Main street from Flint Hill to the Ter- race. All these grounds are thickly strewn with the relics of a for- mer war. Bones of soldiers have been exhumed within the last few years at the junction of Lafayette and Washington streets. They also have been found on the Terrace near St. Joseph's College and on the bank of the river at Black Rock, and in various places on Main street, and have been thrown about as playthings for " Peter- kin and Wilhelmine " as mentioned by Southey in his poem of " The Battle of Blenheim." Time and the march of improvement alone can bring to light the bones of the majority of our dead soldiers, as the government was not so careful of them formei-ly as now. It would of course be impossible for me to identify all the places in this region where our nation's dead have been buried. I may, however, point out some of the most prominent ones. The Terrace. — During the war of 181 2, or as it was for a long time generally styled, the " Last War," there were many soldiers, and doubtless some military attaches of the army, buried in and about the Terrace. There was a battery erected on the Terrace to defend the water approach by the channel of the creek near the opening about the foot of Genesee street. By this approach, the wounded in the various contests of 18 14 were brought to the hospi- tal on the Terrace, and the dead of the hospital were buried near it. I well remember, that when Church and Delaware streets were graded, many skeletons were dug up during the progress of the work ; and one was in a coffin, and had military trappings on, that indicated the wearer to have been a lieutenant in the army. Sandy To7vn. — In 1814, when our army held Fort Erie, the ferry- ing place across the river was near Sandy Town, which was quite a noted place. A number of wooden houses had been built in rear 1 6 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. of the beach behind the immense sand hills that existed in the early part of the century. Some of them were used as hospitals for the sick and wounded as they were brought from Canada, and the dead were buried in the sand banks adjacent. Many bodies were washed out into the lake in after years. I have often seen them lying there exposed to the gaze of the passer by, and human bones were even tossed carelessly about with gibes and sneers by those engaged in carting sand to Buffalo. As late as 1830, it was a common thing for the school boys to go there on a Saturday afternoon and dig for relics, — buttons, bullets, &c.; and often they exhumed the bones perhaps of those to whom these belonged, and frequently portions of muskets, grape-shot, and other war-like materials were dug up ; but the great storm of October, 1849, washed everything away down to the soil, and there were plainly to be seen the traces of the line of huts, the founda- tions of the chimneys, officers' quarters, &c. All now is changed, and we doubt if a single relic of the war could be found there. Conjockefv Creek. — While our Kentucky Riflemen were stationed on the south bank of Conjockety Creek, in 18 14, there were many graves made near by for those who sickened and died, and also for those that were killed in the battle that took place there in that year, the firing of guns in which battle, I distinctly remember hearing. There were some killed both of the British and our own men, and their bodies were buried there. Those soldier graves have all since been leveled. No mark is left to designate them. Black Rock. — Many graves were on or near the premises of Col. William A. Bird, Sr. In the battle of July nth, 1813, at Black Rock, in which Col. Bishop was killed, and Capt. Saunders was wounded and taken prisoner by our men, there were eight British and three American soldiers killed ; and they were buried on the brow of the river bank back of Col. Bird's house. From his resi- dence, south as far as Albany street, there were at the close of the war many grave-mounds, which since that time have all been leveled. In fact I am informed by those who were there at the close of the war, that there were very few vacant lots in Black Rock, between BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 1 7 Conjockety Creek and what is now Fort Porter that did not con- tain some soldiers' graves. The Grave in the ''''Park Afeadcnu." — Gen. Smyth's Regulars were encamped in the fall and winter of 181 2, on " Flint Hill." This hill, already mentioned, (page 15) is a rise of ground over which Main street passes, from the crossing of the Parkway north to Chapin street. Its name was derived from the fact that the rock here and in the region round about comes very near to the surface, and even frequently crops out above it. Including and beyond it northeastward were the Buffalo Plains mentioned herein (page 5 and elsewhere.) The troops of General Smyth remained at Flint Hill until the follow- ing spring. During this time, there ])revailed among them a typhoid epidemic. Deprived as they were of comfortable hospitals, and a sufficient supply of medical agents, it carried off about three hundred of them. They were put into plain pine board coffins, furnishd by William Hodge, Sr., and temporarily buried near the south line of the Chapin place ; but the rock came so near to the surface that their graves could not be more than about a foot in depth. The ensuing spring they were removed some dis- tance, to the north side of the farm, where the ground was a sandy loam and easily dug. Leave to bury them there being given by the respective owners of the farms, Capt. Rowland Cotton, and Doctor Daniel Chapin, they were deposited directly on the dividing line be- tween these farms, in one common grave. Doctor Chapin planted two yellow willows, one at each end of the grave, which have be- come large trees, and are yet growing ; the grave itself remaining undisturbed to this day. The Government ought to erect a handsome monument to their memory ; and while this would commemorate these unknown sol- diers who gave up their lives in a more horrible manner than on the ensanguined battle-field, it would ornament the Park, in which en- closure they are ; the grave being about eighty rods north-north-west from the Park stone quarry, not far from the middle of the Park Meadow. Dr. Chapin's place was owned and occupied by the Chapin family, from a very early day until not many years since, when it was sold i8 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. to the present owner, Elam R. Jewett, Esq. The people of this city are much indebted to the Doctor, who was one of the pioneers of Buffalo, for the good taste and judgment exercised in clearing up his farm. Coming on to it in 1806, and ever having an eye to the beauty of native scenery and landscape, he left and always pre- served with care, groups and scattered trees of various sizes and kinds, where it would add to its beauty ; and we in our park enjoy the benefit of his sentiment and forbearance. He was imbued with the idea of the poet who says, "Woodman, spare that tree;" and when he could, he always had trees left untouched by the ruthless axe, in order that man and beast should benefit by their shade, and they with their primitive grace ornament his beautiful farm. His son, the late Col. William W. Chapin, always protected and preserved those trees with truly reverential and pious care, in memory of and respect for his honored father, who left the inheritance of the whole farm to him on his decease. Without that inherited taste, he, like most of the early settlers, would have denuded the land of every tree ; and that portion of our park would have been a barren ex- panse of mere farming land ; for a large portion of this old farm now constitutes the most interesting part of our beautiful park. As one rides through it, especially that portion I speak of, he cannot help noticing those groups of trees and scattered monarchs of the forest within and on the borders of the extensive Park Meadow ; beautiful reminders of those thoughtful and tasteful former proprie- tors. In this connection it would not be right to omit a notice of the soldiers' burial place at Williamsville. — About six thousand of our army raised during the first year of the war of 1812-15 and sent on to protect our fron- tier at Buffalo, went into winter quarters at Williamsville village, eleven miles north of Buffalo. Their encampment at that place was just north of the main road, and contiguous to the village, on the ex- tensive premises then owned by the enterprising merchant and milling firm of Juba Storrs & Co. This ground continued to be oc- cupied by our soldiers more or less during the war. Sickness as is usual in camp prevailed among them ; and some two or three hun- BUFFALO CEMETERIES. ig dred died and were buried on the grounds adjacent. Since then the village has spread, covering the ground where they were buried, and long since not a vestige of a grave was left to be seen. There has been no one to look after or care for their bones when e.\humed, as they often were, in excavating cellars or making improvements such as are necessary in a growing village. There were quite extensive barracks built on the bank of the Eleven Mile Creek, a very healthy, eligible place ; it being retired from the immediate scenes of conflict and about one mile above the village. It continued to be our General Hospital for sick and wounded soldiers during this war. During the three years of the conflict, many of our soldiers died, and were buried at the side of a field near by. The ground that contains their remains comprises about half an acre, lying on the southwesterly side of a public road ; the Eleven Mile Creek running parallel and adjoining. Two of our townsmen. Col. John Bliss and John B. Evans, feeling an interest that this ground should never be disturbed or encroached upon, procured the title by a warranty deed from the owners, John Haskel and wife, to themselves, dated August 6th, 185 1, and duly recorded. They have both since deceased, leaving the title in their heirs. The number of our own soldiers buried on this ground is supposed to be three hundred or more ; and in one retired corner lie nearly one hundred of our enemies who were wounded, taken pris- oners and died. Many of the latter were captured at the desperate sortie the British made on Fort Erie August 14, 1814, and the blowing up of the magazine. There were several hundred prisoners taken at this encounter ; many of them were wounded most horribly, having been blown up when the magazine exploded. On the second day after the sortie, I saw a number of wagon loads of those blackened and maimed British soldiers as they stopped in front of my father's house on their way to the hospital. Recently with one of the oldest residents of the tovvn, Hon. T. A. Hopkins, I visited this burying place. There was not a slab or monument of any kind to be seen to designate the graves. Only the uneven hillocks marked the spot that contains the bones of our unhonored dead. 20 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. This ground is a little elevated from the surrounding land and road adjoining. On the border of two sides stand ten sugar maple trees, from one and one-fourth to two feet in diameter ; all but one in a fine healthy condition. I have no doubt they were planted there by the comrades of those whose bones now occupy this ground. The tenth tree is in a state of decay, and like many of the human race is beginning to die at the top. It is known only to a few living witnesses that this spot of ground contains the graves of some of our dead soldiers. Our Government ought to erect at this beautiful retired place a suitable monument to their memory and provide for removing thither the skeletons of others, when found in excavating in the village. Fort Porter. — There is a burying ground for United States soldiers dying while stationed at Buffalo. The first interment was made in 1867. Up to February, 1878, there had been sixteen burials, all at the north corner of the ground. It was my original intention to include in this account only the burial places which belong to the early history of our city ; having especially in mind the spots where our dead soldiers have been in- terred. I might therefore here conclude this paper. But I have decided to make it answer more perfectly to its title, by adding such information as I could gather concerning all the burial places hither- to and now existing here, and in the immediate neighborhood, even though I might be able to give little if anything more, in some in- stances, then the name. For the information thus embodied, I am in a large measure in- debted to our fellow citizen, Mr. Nicholas Ottenot, the extremely painstaking and accurate Secretary of the German and French Catholic Cemetery at Pine Hill, and to the careful inquiries of Rev. Albert Bigelow. ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERIES. Of these there have been and are quite a number. I mention these in order of the times of opening for use. BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 21 Old St. Louis. — This was situated in Edward street, near Main. Burials commenced here in 1830, in ground given by Mr. Lecouteulx for the purpose. But in 1832, the city authorities prohibited them, as they had done in other cases, and the use of this ground was dis- continued. The bodies were, so far as they could be discovered, removed to the then new grounds next below mentioned ; and the place became the site of the priest's house. New St. Louis. — Thus it is proper to distinguish the lot referred to (page 8, above) as set off from the city Potter's Field. It is situ- ated between North and Best streets, having 88 feet front on each ; being a strip taken from the west part of the original five acres. It contains perhaps an acre of ground, more or less. It was o])ened in 1832, and closed in 1,859. Old St. Marys. — This is situated on the southeast corner of John- son and North streets. It was opened in 1S45, and closed in i860. It contains about one and one-half acres. Many bodies have been removed to the new ground at Pine Hill ; though the place has not been devoted to any other purpose, and bodies are yet lying there. St. Francis Xavier. — This ground is at North Buffalo (Lower Black Rock). It was opened about 1850, and is still in use. It is situated near the crossing of Bird street by the Falls branch of the New York Central Railroad, and contains about two acres. St. John's church. North Buffalo, has also use in common of this ground. St. JosepJis. — This ground is situated at Elysville on Buffalo Plains, just south of the Poor-house — about five miles from the Buffalo post- office. It was opened in 1850, and is still used. It contains about six acres. Lloly Cross. — This cemetery is at Limestone Hill, South Buffalo, about four miles from the postoffice. It was opened in 1855, and contains about eighty acres. It is distinguished as being the Bishop's cemetery, as the title is solely in him. In this it is different from all the other Roman Cath- olic grounds, which are either under the state law incorporated and held by trustees, or are owned by the various parishes whose names they bear. 22 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. This cemetery is also peculiar in that it is used exclusively for the burial of those of Irish birth. United German and French. — This is used for the burial of Roman Catholics of these two nationalities, as the Holy Cross is for Irish persons. It is also a corporation under trustees, as noted in the pre- ceding article. Besides this, it should be specially stated that some- what as Forest Lawn has become the chief Protestant and general cemetery, into that just named have been merged all the Roman Catholic cemeteries which were within the city limits, except that at Limestone Hill. Of it, the original fourteen acres purchased in 1858 and opened in 1859 for burial purposes are now entirely filled with graves, and the twenty-eight acres purchased nine years ago are rapidly filling up. The grounds are laid out with much skill and taste ; and by a system of records of great minuteness and accuracy, fol- lowed for twenty years, the Secretary is able to give in a moment the exact place of burial, and numerous chief descriptive and iden- tifying facts concerning every person buried within this cemetery, in that time. It contains in all 42 acres. Pine Hill, where this and several other cemeteries below men- tioned are located, is on the direct Batavia road (New Genesee street) about a mile beyond the present city limits. It is, on the whole, a very favorable location for cemetery purposes. JEWISH CEMETERIES. Bethel Cemetery, (Polish.) — The Bethel Society, organized in 1839, purchased about 1844 a burial place fronting on what is now Fill- more avenue, between Batavia and William streets. The whole lot contains three and one-half acres. They opened a portion of it only for burials. The Jacobson Society (German), was some years afterwards organ- ized, and another and smaller portion of the above lot conveyed to them as a burying place. The Bethel Society, after the opening of the Pine Hill cemeteries, obtained a lot there, about two and a half acres in extent, and between 1862 and 1865, opened the ground which is now known by their name, in close proximity to the German and French cemetery. BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 23 The Jacobson Society was succeeded by the Beth Zion, which also purchased a burying ground at Pine Hill, and when afterwards the Temple Society was formed, and united with Beth Zion as Temple Beth Zion, this ground became the property of the united societies and is known as Temple Beth Zion Cemetery.— Thh contains an area bounded by 60 feet front and 450 deep, and can hardly be deemed adequate to the wants and ability of our Jewish population. The old cemetery lot on Fillmore avenue has been sold to private parties, with express provision that the burial places shall always be kept well fenced and guarded, according to the excellent Jewish saying, "Let the dead rest." MISCELLANEOUS CEMETERIES. Cemetery of St. John, (Pine Hill.)— This ground belongs to Luth- erans. It is located on a corner of the Pine Hill and Pine Ridge roads. It contains several acres, bought in 1858. The first inter- ment took place July 6, 1859. Holy Rest or Old German Lutheran Trinity Cemetery, (Pine Hill.) — This contains three acres, and was opened in 1859. Zion Church Cemetery, (Pine Hill.)— This belongs to the congrega- tion known as the German Evangelical Reformed Zion Church. It contains four acres, and was opened about 1859. The Salem Evangelical Mission oi Zion church, also occupies a part of this ground. Mount Hope Cemetery, (Pine Hill.)— This ground is the property of Mr. Rapin, and is appropriated to burials without respect to nationality or form of religion. Hotvard Free Cemetery, (Pine Hill.)— This is a private ground, de- voted exclusively however to burials from the country beyond. It is not like the rest, a city burial place. Concordia Cemetery.— -This as its name imports, is in fact a union ground. It is situated on Genesee street, between the New York Central and Erie Railway (Niagara Falls) crossings. It comprises fifteen acres, bought in 1858, and opened for use in 1859. The grounds are appropriated as follows : 24 BUFFALO CEMETERIES. 1. The German Evangelical St Peter s congregation use 5 acres. 2. The German Evangelical St. Stephen s congregation, 5 acres. 3. The First German Lutherati Trinity congregation, 3 acres. 4. The keeper's premises occupy the remaining 2 acres. St. Mathcius United Church Cemetery. — This is located on Clinton street, near the Sulphur Springs Orphan Asylum. It is pleasantly situated, having a creek on its northern side, diversifying the view ; and the ground is well laid out and kept, being planted with fir and shade trees. It contains ten acres ; and was opened in 1875. German Methodist Cemetery. — This belongs to the Black Rock German Evangelical M. E. Church, North Buffalo. It is situated on Bird street, and contains about 51-4 acres. It was opened in 1870. Reservation Cemetery. — This is the old Indian Church burying ground on the continuation of Seneca street, and has within the general inclosure of which it forms a part, the grave of the cele- brated Indian Chief Red Jacket. As, now, in conclusion, we glance over the past seventy-frve years, and sweep the eye around our present city, within the circuit of five or six miles from the postoffice, what strange thoughts are awakened ! In that time nearly three generations have passed away ; and while now 150,000 people dwell upon the surface, we may almost literally say that the ground occupied by these busy multitudes is, or has been, well nigh everywhere, a burial place for the dead. How true become to ug, and how' impressive the lessons which they suggest, the words of Solomon, " One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever." And as we turn ffom our visit to the great city of the dead, let us the more reverently cherish their memory, and, emulating their vir- tues while avoiding their errors, seek to be ready so that when " our summons comes," we may each -approach the grave As one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." /' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 220 719 9