,V9a mm p^lHiS- Sdmroe^^^esonr Class. Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. li»lir'^'li!ill|i:ii-B^^^^ i III i; li 'WMMMiAiMi^mlJXkim ''\i&i<:i EXCURSION GUIDE OF THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND RAILWAl' THE SHORT-LINE THROUGH-CAR ROUTE BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH. THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA -H AM) I- NORTH GEORGIA SUMMER RESORTS. JJ. 0J I %!/ ISSUED UV ^ - THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND RAILWAY. 1882. Copyright, 18S2, by the \'irginia Midland Railway. CONTENTS. Officers df the Virginia Midland Railway. ... vi Preface vii-x Washington City i Midland Virginia 2 Alexandria 3 On to Manassas 4 Manassas Village 5 The Manassas Division 6 Front Royal 7 The Switzerland of Virginia S Riverton and the Luray Caverns 10 Strasburg 11 Inducements to Immigrants 12 Return to the Main Stem, etc 13 Warrenton 13 The FaiKiiiier White Sulphur Springs 14 Culpepper 15 Mitchell's and Rapidan i6 Water Power along the Virgin:;! 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M bb : bp U ; ^ ]^ • : i i'^o — in C/3 & ■r. be ■ )^ S o s 'u c •X, 4 •a -c c« t • 1 'f 1 ; i^H t/5 O CO UJ < ■z. X c *u C b d I X c7 1 5 c 5 c 4. a 1 5: 3 E c c c c c 1 < c7 1 = -sis "b :2-3b 3 1. i ! g J J-, jj ^ b/3 ,'^. ^ ■' k'i ^ 0) 5 4 1-^ ^ 1 .-^ ^1 5 S^o fi ^ rt 1) «=; "^ "^3 ►^ c k «5 ^^ ^, >< S ?^r «3 ■^< <: u S -^ « UlcS K ^, rt >*- 53 ^> ^ Ji ^b s Si ^ ^ U ^ 51 ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO THE SITJ^JKJSR (JlE SORTS UPON THE LINE OF OR REACHED BY THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND RAILWAY, FOR THE SEASON OF 1882. Tickets placed on sale June ist, 1882 ; good to Return until October Jisty 1882, inelnsi^'c. Tohe zvitJidraivn from sale October loth, 1882. NAME OF SPRINGS. ON LINE OF Afton, Va Abingdon, Va Asheville, N. C Bath Alum, Va Big Tunnel, Va , Bedford Alum Springs, Va Blue Ridge, Va Buffalo Lythia, Va Capon Springs, Va Cold Sulphur Springs, Va Covington, Va Christiansburg, V^a , Coyners, Va Daggers Springs, Va Deer Park, Md Fauquier White Sulplir Spr'gs. Va Goshen, Va Glade Springs, Va *Glenwood, Va Healing Springs, V'a Hot Springs, Va Jordan's Springs, Va . Kanawha Falls, Va Liberty, Va Luray, Va Millboro', Va Millboro' Springs, Va Morehead City, N. C Mountain Lake, INId Natural Bridge, Va New River, Va Oakland, Md Orkney Springs, Va Rawley Springs, Va Rockbridge Baths, Va Rock Enon, Va Rocking Mineral, Va Rockbridge Alum, Va Red Sulphur, Va Roanoke, Va Rural Retreat, Va Salt Sulphur Springs, Va Salem, Va Shenandoah Alum Springs, Va. . . . Staunton, Va Striblings Springs, Va Sweet Springs, W. Va Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va.. .. Shawsville, Va Warrenton, Va Warm Springs, N. C M'arm Springs, Va White Sulphur Springs, W. Va Wytheville, Va ♦Station for Natural Bridge. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. . . . . Norfolk & AVestern Railroad Western North Carolina Railroad Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Norfolk & Western Railroad Virginia Midland Railway Norfolk & Western Railroad Richmond & Danville Railroad.. Valley Branch Bait. & Ohio R. R. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Norfolk & Western Railroad. Richmond & Alleghany Railroad Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Virginia Midland Railway Chesapeake & Ohio Railvvay Norfolk & Western Railroad. . . . Shenandoah ^'alley Railway. . . " Limited 5 days... . Chesapeake & Ohio Railway $19 75 30 80 34 40 26 15 25 40 23 5& 23 75 27 85 23 65 24 75 25 65 23 95 25 90 $15 75 26 8 30 40 22 15 21 40 19 50 "9 75 23 85 19 65 20 75 21 65 19 95 21 90 Valley Branch Halt. & Ohio R. R Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. . . . Norfolk & Western Railroad. . . . Shenandoah Valley Railroad " Limited 5 days.. . . . Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Midland North Carolina Railroad Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Richmond & Alleghany Railroad Norfolk & Western Railroad Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Valley Branch Bait. & Ohio R. R Richmond & Alleghanv Railroad. \'allev Branch Balt.&Ohio R. R. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Norfolk & Western Railroad. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. . . . Norfolk & Western Railroad Valley Branch Bait. & Ohio R. R. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Norfolk & Western Railroad Virginia Midland Railway Western North Carolina Railroad Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. . . . Norfolk & AVestern Railroad. . . . 22 85 22 45 29 15 29 22 75 18 90 18 60 23 15 24 40 32 45 23 60 26 25 21 70 23 95 25 35 23 95 24 IS 30 00 24 35 28 65 27 90 24 85 21 70 20 75 24 75 26 75 26 75 25 20 16 00 35 50 29 15 24 00 28 oo; 18 65 26 18 85 •8 45 25 IS 25 15 |io 15 21 20 26 80 16 55 15 80 13 90 14 15 14 05 15 15 16 05 14 35 16 30 I 7 75 18 80 24 80 14 15 13 40 II 50 II 75 24 75 18 75 14 90 14 6c 19 15 20 40 28 45 19 6, 17 70 19 95 21 35 19 95 20 15 26 00 23 90 20 85 17 70 i6 75 20 7^ 22 75 22 75 21 20 12 00 31 50 25 IS 20 00 24 00 7 13 20 55 19 55 19 55 19 '3 IS 9 30 9 00 13 55 14 80 22 85 14 00 16 65 12 10 14 35 15 75 14 35 14 55 22 40 14 75 19 05 18 30 15 25 12 10 II 15 15 15 17 15 17 15 15 60 6 40 25 9° 19 55 14 40 18 40 11 65 12 75 13 65 II 95 13 90 10 65 18 15 10 85 10 45 17 15 17 16 75 10 75 6 90 6 60 11 IS 12 40 20 45 9 70 II 95 13 35 11 95 12 15 18 00 12 35 16 65 15 90 12 85 9 70 8 75 12 75 14 75 14 75 13 20 4 00 23 50 17 15 12 00 16 00 12 45 18 40 7 05 5 00 7 30 5 60 7 55 15 15 4 15 45 10 go 9 25 15 30 8 40 9 50 I 7 75 12 70 14 15 7 30 5 65 II 80 9 60 4 40 9 20 8 90 19 IS 65 5 25 7 90 15 65 II 35 13 60 7 00 13 10 13 60 6 00 10 30 6 50 II 35 6 8s 3 80 20 25 7 7 40 13 90 13 90 12 60 13 50 12 15 11 85 7 90 9 15 17 00 18 60 16 10 16 60 8 90 14 75 12 45 14 35 9 50 9 50 II 50 II 50 6 75 17 30 13 90 9 50 18 60 11 65 12 75 7 55 5 85 7 80 21 65 11 00 10 65 12 05 17 IS 17 IS 15 90 16 7S 4 65 15 4" 15 10 11 15 12 40 21 90 5 50 8 15 21 90 I- 65 19 90 7 25 19 40 19 90 12 15 18 00 6 25 10 55 15 75 6 75 17 65 8 75 12 75 14 75 14 75 7 10 10 00 17 IS 12 75 9 90 tRates from Alexandria, Va., f i.oo less than Washington. 52 CONDENSED SCHEDULE — AND- THROUGH CAR SERVICE. Via Charlottesville & C. & 0. R.R. *No. 54. No. 52. Via ■ Lynchburg or Danville. *No.50. + No. 52. Lve New York via Pa. R. R.. . " Philadelphia " " Baltimore via B & P Arr Washington '• 12 3 6 8 00 night 55 A.M. 50 '■ 15 ' 3.40 P. M. 5-55 8.55 " 10.15 " Lve New York via Pa. R.R,t.. " Philadelphia " t.. '' Baltimore via B.&P.RRt.. .\rr Washington " $.. 9.00 p. M. 12.30 A.M. 4.20 " 6.00 " 3.40 P. M. 5-55 " 8.55 " 10.15 " Lve Wash'ton via Va. Mid Ry. " Alexandria " Arr Charlottesville " Lve Charl'tsville via C. & O. R. 8 8 12 12 I I I 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 10 I 20 A.M. 45 " 00 M. 05 P. M. 00 " 28 " 30 " 00 " 18 " 35 " 15 " 51 " 32 " 45 ' 45 " 25 " 40 " 35 A.M. *io.35 P. M. 11.00 " 2.45 A.M. 3.10 " 4.08 " 4.17 " 4 20 " 5.00 " 6.20 " 6.37 " 7.20 8.17 " 9.05 " q.20 " 10.41 " 11.05 " 2.15 P. M. 6.00 " Lve Wash"gton via Va.Mid.RyJ " Alexandria •' j " Charlottesville " Arr Lynchburg " 7.00 A.M. 7-35 " 12.05 P- M- 2.25 " *io.35 p. M. 11.00 "■ 2.55 A.M. 4-55 " Arr Alton " Blue Ridge " Waynesboro " Staunton via C. & O. Ry. . " Goshen " Millboro " " Clifton Forge " Covington " " AUeghanv " " White Sulphur " " Alderson " " Lowell " Lve Lynchb'g viaN.& W.R.R. Arr Liberty " •• Blue Ridge " (oyners " " Roanoke " " Salem " " Christiansburg '" " Wytheville " " Abingdon " 2.40 P. M. 3-33 " 4.15 " 4-25 " 4.40 " 4-55 " 6.00 " 8.05 " 10.15 " Lve Lynchb'g via R. & A.R.R. . Att Glenvvood " " Natural Bridge " *2.40 p. M. 4-15 " 4.20 " Huntington " Lve Lynchb'g via Va. Mid. Ry . . Arr Danville '" Lve Danville via R. & D. R.R. . Arr Greensboro' " Salisbury " Lve Salisbury via W.N.C.R R. . Arr Hickory " " Henry " " Asheville " " Warm Springs ♦2.50 P. M. 6.05 " 6.35 " 8.55 : II. 12 *ii.45 " 3.30 A.M. 7.06 " 9.42 " 1.08 P. M. *5.oo A.M. 7.20 " 7-43 '■ 9.30 • Via Manassas Branch of Virginia Midland R. R. + No. 12. Lve Alexandria via Va. Mid R\ Arr River Station " 7.45 A.M. 11.55 " Lve Riverton via S. V. R. R 2.25 p. M. 3-45 " 6.30 " 7.40 " Lve Greensboro' via R. & D. R. R Arr Raleigh " " Goldsboro' " ♦9.30 A.M. 1.40 P. M. "■ Staunton " Lve River Station via Va. Mid. Ry 12.00 M. 12.22 P M. 1.36 - 2.52 ' 3-56 " 5.00 3-50 " Arr Strasburg " Lve Strasburg via V. Bch. B. & Arr Mount Jackson " Harrisonburg " " Staunton " 0. R. r!'.!. LveGoldsboro' via Mid. N. C. R. R i Arr Morehead City " 4.00 P. M. 9.00 " * Daily. t Daily, except Sunday, between New York and Washington. Daily south of Washington. i Passengers from Washington and points north thereof, if desirable, can leave New York at 12.00 night ; Philadelphia, 3.55 a.m.; Baltimore, 6.50 a.m., and Washington, 8.20 a. m., and overtake Train No. 50 at Charlottes- ville, connecting with through Sleeper to Atlanta, Ga., without change, via Lynchburg, Danville and Charlotte. PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR AND SOLID TRAIN SERVICE. On No. 54, via C. & O. Railway, Ptillman Sleeper Washington to Louisville, without change, and solid train Washington to Louisville. On No. 52, via C. & O. Railway, Pullman Sleeper Baltimore to White Sulphur Springs. On No. 50, via Lynchburg and Bristol, Pullman Sleeper Washington to New Orleans without change. On No. 50, via Lynchburg, Danville and Charlotte, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car New York to Atlanta without change, and Pullman Sleeper Greensboro' to Henry's Station (breakfast house) for accommodation of pas.sengers for Asheville, Warm Springs and points on W. N. C. R. R. On No. 53, Pullman Sleeper between Greensboro', N. C, and White Sulphur, via Charlottesville. N. McDANIEL, J. L. WALDROP, JNO. A. JONES, Agent, Passenger Agent, , Passenger Agent, 601 Penn. Avenue, Washington, D. C. 5 West Union Square, N. Y. Baltimore, Md 53 ROUTES. FROINI SAVANNAH, GA. Tickets from Jacksonville and Fernandina, Fla., via Same Route. To Vir;^inia Springs on C. ami O. R. R. No. I. Via Auijusla, Columbia, Charlotte, Dan- ville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville and C. and O. Railway ; returning same route. No. 2. Via Macon, Atlanta, Charlotte, Danville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville and C. and O. Railroad ; returning same route. To Virginia Springs on N. and W. R. R. No. 3. Same as route No. i to Lynchburg, thence N. and W. Railroad ; returning same route. No. 4, Same as route No. 2 to Lynchburg, thence N. and W. Railroad ; returning same route. FROM CHARLESTON, S. C. To Virginia Springs on C. and O. R. R. No. 5. Via Columbia, thence as per route No. i. To Virginia Springs mt N, and W. R. R. No. 6. Via Columbia, thence same as No. 3. FROM AUOUSTA, GA., AND COLUMBIA, S. C. Tickets from Macon, Ga., via Same Routes. To Virginia Springs on C. and O. R. R. No. 7. Same as route No. i. FROM ATLANTA, GA. The routes from Atlanta to the various Summer jioints herein named are equally applicable from Macon, Columbus, Montgomery, Mobile, Pensa- cola, Selma, New Orleans and all Texas points, for all of which places the route via Atlanta and Charlotte is many miles the shortest. To J'irginia Springs on C. and O. R. R. No. 8. Via Charlotte, Danville, Charlottesville and C. and O. Railroad ; returning same route. ROUTES FROM To AsJuT'illc and Westt-rn Nor/h Carolina Points on IV. N. C. R. R. No. ia. Fron^ Washington, via Lvnchburg, Dan- ville, Salisbury and W. N. C. R. R. ; returning same route. No. 2 A. Same as No. ia to Salisbury, thence via Charlotte, Spartanburg and A. and S. R. R. (stage between Hendersonville and Asheville) ; returning same routes. To White SulpJiitr a\id Other Springs on C. and O. R. R. No. 3A. From Washington, same as route No. EASTERN CITIES. I A to Charlottesville, thence by C. and O. R. R. To Alontgotnery, IVhite and Other Springs on N. and IV. R. R. No. 4A. From Washington, same as route No. I A to Lynchburg, thence by N. and W. R. R. To Natural Bridge and Otlier Points on R. attd A. R. R. No. 5A. Same as No. lA to Lynchburg, thence by R. and A. R. R. dp 54 DIRECTORY OF AGENCIES WHERE THROUGH TICKETS ARE SOLD, INFORMATION GIVEN, TIME CARDS FURNISHED AND SLEEPING-CAR BERTHS AND SECTIONS RESERVED TO ALL POINTS IN OR VIA THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND RAILWAY. NORTHERN. In Boston — At Office, 306 Washington Street (adjoining Old Soutli Cliurch) ; 205, 211, 214 and 232 Washington Street ; 3 Old State House ; at offices of all New York lines, and all the principal railroad ticket offices in the East. In Nkw York — At Offices, 5 West Union Square and 229 Broadway (opposite New Post Office) ; 849 and 315 Broadway ; No. I Astor House ; at the office of the New York Transfer Com- pany, 944 Broadway ; and at the offices of the Pennsylvania R. R. Company, foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets. In Brooklyn — At Dodd's Express, No. 4 Court Street, and Brooklyn Anne.x Depot, foot of Fulton Street. In Jersey City — At Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. In Philadelphia — At 838, iioo and 1348 Chestnut Street, and at Pennsylvania Rail- road Depot, Broad Street. In Baltimore — At Office, northeast and south- east corner Baltimore and Calvert Streets ; Depot Baltimore and Potomac Railroad ; also at Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Canandaigua, Syracuse, Elmira and all intermediate points on Northern Central Railroad. In Washington — At Office, 601 Pennsylvania Avenue ; corner Sixth Street and Pennsyl- vania Avenue ; Thirteenth Street and Penn- sylvania Avenue ; Depot Alexandria &nd Fredericksburg Railway. In Richmond— At Depot Richmond and Dan- ville Railroad ; or at Garber & Co.'s, 1000 Main Street, and Exchange Hotel. And at Coupon Ticket Offices of all prominent Northwestern, Middle and Eastern States railways. SOUTHERN. In San Antonio, Texas — At Galveston, Har- risburg and San Antonio Railroad Depot and Ticket Office. In Galveston, Texas — At Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad Depot and Ticket Office, and Morgan Line Steamers Office. In Houston, Texas — At Texas and New Orleans Railroad Depot and Ticket Office. In New Orleans, La. — Ticket Agent New Or- leans and Mobile Railroad Office, corner Camp and Common Streets, opposite City Hotel ; also Office of R. and D. Line, 146 Common Street, and at Depot of N. O. and M. Railroad. In Mobile, Ala. — Mobile and Montgomery Rail- road Office, Battle House, and M. and M. Railroad Depot. In Vjcksburg — At Depot Vicksburg and Mer- idian Railroad. In Selma, Ala. — At Selma and Montgomery Railroad Depot. In Montgomery, .A.la. — At Western Railroad Depot. In CoLfMBUS, Ga. — At Depot Southwestern Railroad and Western Railroad of Alabama. In Atlanta, Ga.- — At Richmond and Danville Railroad and Georgia Railroad Ticket Offices, Union Depot. In Macon, (Va. — At Depot of Georgia Central and Macon and Augusta Railroads, and Union Ticket Office, Mulberry Street. In St. Augustine, Fla. — At Railroad Ticket Office ; F. J. Ballard, St. George Street. In Jacksonville, Fla. — At Ticket Offices Savan- nah, Florida and Western Railway. In Athens, Ga. — At Georgia Railroad Depot, and Depot Northeastern Railroad of Georgia. In Savannah, Ga. — Wm. Bren, 22 Bull Street, Special Ticket Agent ; H. L. Schreiner, Agent, Congress Street (opposite Johnson Scjuare) ; Depot of Georgia Central Railroad, and Ticket Office Charleston and Savannah Railway, S. F. & W. Railway Depot. In Augusta, Ga. — At Ticket Office, Union Depot. In Aiken, S. C— At Ticket Office, Highland Park Hotel. In Columbia, S. C. — At Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Depot. In Charleston, S. C. — At Office, 109 East Bay Street ; Asa Butterfield, Charleston Hotel : and Depot South Carolina Railroad. In Charlotte, N. C. — At Depot of Richmond and Danville Railroad. In Raleigh, N. C. — At Depot of Richmond and Danville Railroad. In Goldsboro, N. C. — At Depot of Richmond and Danville Railroad. A>id all principal Railroad Stations and Ticket Offices in the South. .1 : -a: -a