Book- nh^ LAST LEAYES OF AMERICAN HISTORY: COMPRISING HISTORIES OF THE MEXICAN WAR AND CALIFORNIA BY EMMA V I L L ARD NEW- YORK: aEORGE P. PUTNAM, 155 BROADWAY. LONDON : PUTNAM'S AMERICAN AGENCY, Removed from Paternoster Row to J. Chapman, 142 Strand. 1 849. Ho\l, Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by G. P. PUTNAM, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New- York. ^< PEE FACE. Washington Irving once said in conversation, " Pure truth is as difficult to be obtained as pure water ; though clear in appear- ance, it is ever found by the chemist to contain extraneous sub- stances." In recording the portion of my country's history, here presented to the public, I can only say, that pure truth has been my earnest aim ; for history is truth, and truth is history. I am not conscious of any prejudices or prepossessions, either as it respects individuals, parties, or sects, by means of which, I should incline to error, or be led astray. And I have spared no pains in my power, to make myself acquainted with the state of the facts, concerning which I have written. But doubtless there are mistakes ; for what book ever existed which had none ? There may be errors of the press ; authorities may mislead, — and that mind must be clear indeed, which never misapprehends. But whenever an error is found, of whatever nature, and whether pointed out by a friend to serve, or a foe to injure, that error will be corrected as soon as discovered. No complaint can justly be brought against the historian for omitting the names and acts of persons ; unless it shall appear, that the proper proportional space is not given to the main actors in the 4 PREFACE. • historic drama. The writer of history, like the painter of historic subjects, if he seeks to make every figure of his group conspicuous, and to throw at once the principal light upon several, destroys the effect of his whole picture ; and the observer goes away with his mind filled with " a mass of things, and nothing distinctly." To avoid this, both the painter and the historian must select his main figure, and those next, and keep them in proportional light ; while inferior actors must, for the time, fall into comparative shade. But when, by such pictures, vividly drawn, the attention of the public is fixed on particular scenes, then every one who was an actor in those scenes, becomes a hero within his own circle. Who would not do honor to any man who had fought at Buena Vista, or Con- treras ? My object is not, however, to glorify individuals ; but so to present my country's history, both to her friends and her foes, that it shall make its proper impression. CONTENTS PART I. CHAPTER I. Inauguration and Death of Harrison — Tyler's Administration — Mobs- Disturbance in Rhode Island — Anti-Rentism — Mormonism, &;c. 9 CHAPTER IT. Texas — Mexico — Causes of Annexation and the Mexican War. . .21 CHAPTER III. Mexican War — Army of Occupation — Battles of the Rio Grande — Monterey. 35 CHAPTER IV. Army of the Centre — Gen. Wool's March — Battle of Buena Vista. . 47 CHAPTER V. Army of the West — Conquest of New Mexico and Caliibrnia. . 61 CHAPTER VI. Doniphan's Expedition to Chihuahua — Revolt in New Mexico. . 71 CHAPTER VII. Scott's Invasion — Vera Cruz — Cerro Gordo 77 CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VIII. State of the Army — Its March — Contreras — Cherubusco. . . .83 CHAPTER IX. Armistice — Molinos del Rey — Chapultepec — Mexico taken. . . ,90 CHAPTER X. Pueblo — Huamantla — Treaty of Peace — Conclusion. . . . .97 PART II. CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks — Discovery and Settlement of Old and New Cali- fornia — Establishment of Missions by the Jesuits in Old California, and the Franciscans in New 109 CHAPTER II. The Spanish System of Treatment to the Indians, compared with that of the American Government — Account of Upper California — its Presidios, Missions, &c., in 1822 123 CHAPTER III. Lewis and Clarke's Expedition in the years 1803-4-5 — Fremont's Explo- ration to the South Pass, 1842. . V " " 133 CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER IV. Fremont's Discoveries on his second Expedition in 1843. . . . 140 CHAPTER V. Fremont in California — At Sutei-'s Fort, and in the Valley of the San Joaquin 154 CHAPTER VI. Visit to Upper California of Capt. Wilkes, Commander of the Ex- ploring Expedition, 1841 — The Californian Revolution of 1836, &c 160 CHAPTER VII. Emigration to California begins in 1846 — Mr. Edwin Bryant finds many parties on the road — The horrible suiferings of the belated party — The Mormons 171 CHAPTER VIII. Fremont's third Expedition — Movements tending to place California under British Protection — Bear Revolution — American Possession. . 179 CHAPTER IX. Events of the War from the raising of the American Flag at Monterey — The Californian Battalion — Fremont's March — Capitulation of Cowenga. 192 CHAPTER X. Commodore Stockton's Movements — Gen. Kearny's March — The battle of San Pasqual — Stockton sends relief to Kearny — Their March upon Los Angeles, and the Battle of San Gabriel 202 CONTENTS. FAOE CHAPTER XI. Col. Fremont made Governor, by Com. Stockton — Gen. Kearny's sucess- ful measures to obtain the ascendency — Fremont's Trial. . .211 CHAPTER. Xn. The Gold Mines— Conclusion S27 LAST LEAVES OF AMERICAN HISTORY CHAPTER I. Inauguration and Death of Harrison — Tyler's Administration — Mobs— Disturbance in Riiode Island — Anti-Rentism — Mor- monism, &c. In the presidential election of 1840, a large majority ^Q'*^« was given to William Henry Harrison of Ohio, whose social and public virtues had been rendered con- spicuous by the various official stations of a long and useful life. The good man loved his country, and was pleased that his country loved him in return. On the 4th of March he was inauojurated as president of the ^fa'-ch4. f' *■ Inauguration United States. John Tyler, of Virginia, was made "indTyS? vice-president at the same time. Gen. Harrison's inau- gural speech was characteristic of the uprightness of his THE PROPOSED FISCAL BANK. mind, and the reverential trust with which he reposed himself and his country upon the Great Supreme. From the capitol he went to the presidential mansion. Thou- sands flocked around him with congratulations and prof- fers of service, whose sincerity he was not prone to doubt, for he was himself sincere. The sunshine of public favor thus fell too brightly upon a head, white ifealh tjf ^^^^^ ^^® ^^'^^^^ ^^ ^S®* -^^^ health failed, and he expired just a month from the day of his inauguration. The census of 1840, gave as the number of inhab- itants in the United Slates, 17,038,636. Mr Tyler Mr. Tyler, by the constitution, became president on succeeds. * i ^tt i • the decease of the incumbent. He repaired to Washmg- ton, took the oath of office, and issued an address, as agreeable to the patriotic sentiments of the people, as the May 14. appointment of a day of public fasting, subsequently National tast. made, was to their religious feelings. Monetary affairs were at this period the all exciting topic. The Whig party were opposed to Mr. Van Bu- ren's Independent Treasury, and in favor of a National National _, , ,.^ i , • i j? i Bank. Opin- Bank, — modified, however, to suit the purposes ot the ions of the Whigs, public revenue. They believed that such a bank would be more convenient and more economical to the govern- ment, — and that it would, at the same time, facilitate the business, and promote the prosperity of the country, over which it was the government's duty, as they main- tained, to exercise a parental care ; and they asserted that the attempt to bring back a specie circulation was a dangerous experiment upon the currency. THE PROPOSED FISCAL BANK. H The Democratic party, on the other hand, maintained 1841. that any connection of government with banks, or with ^i^e"'Demo°*' the monetary affairs of individuals, was foreign to its party, purposes, and embarrassing to its operations ; and that experience had shown it to be a fruitful source of bribery and corruption. To avoid these evils, they believed that the government should keep its own money, maintain- saiirfmm' r , , . . , . . ,^ ... New-Yoik, mg Its value, by operatuig with specie itself, not with its the steamer President, representative. ^^'^ pas en- tr gers. Never The majority of the voters at that time adopted the mo,eO views of the Whigs ; and at the presidential election chose Messrs. Harrison and Tyler, with an understand- ing that they would favor a National Bank. General Harrison, aware of the point on which his election had turned, issued, March 17th, his proclamation, calling an extra session of Congress to convene on the 31st of May, May ai. Congress to consider " sundry weighty and important matters, convene, chiefly growing out of the revenue and finances of the country." When this Congress met, Mr. Tyler was ,j^^j g president. He had formerly been opposed to a National to dis/dbu^e proceeds of Bank, but he had professed himself a Whiii, and accepted public lands ' ^ '^ ^ to the several his nomination, knowing the views and expectations of states.) the voters. Congress repealed the Sub-Treasury law on the 6th of August. Three days earlier, the House of Represen- tatives had passed an act, establishing a National Bank for fiscal operations, the scheme of which was under- stood to emanate from Henry Clay, the leader of the Whig party. Mr. Tyler, to the deep chagrin of that 12 THE TARIFF BILL. 1811. party, defeated the measure by the presidential veto. T'lfr^'f first Endeavoring to make a compromise with the president, tfouaiBank. the mortified Whigs got up another scheme for a bank, and passed it through Congress under the name of a g^ ^ g " Fiscal Corporation of the United States." A second '^veto!*" time Mr. Tyler defeated them by his veto. From this period to the close of his administration, he stood in the anomalous position of having the two great political parties both against him. By a third veto, he hindered raake^a third ^j^^ passage of a Tariff bill. A law to modify the existing August 30. Tariff was, however, passed on the 30th of August. A Tariff bill ' ' r b passed. ^pj^g q^\q cabinet selected by Harrison had all remained in office up to the period of the second veto, when all resigned except Mr. Webster, the secretary of state. His country needed him in the office, and remaining, he found occasion to render her essential service. In consequence of the pecuniary distresses of former years, many merchants had been obliged to fail in busi- Augnst 18. ness. Congress now passed a Bankrupt Law, uniform Bankrupt Law. in its action throughout the states, by which, on the surrender of their property to their creditors, bankrupts could be free from the legal disabilities of past debt. This act having served its temporary purpose, and no doubt given rise to many frauds, was afterwards re- pealed. In the unwarrantable stretch of credit which had existed, states over-zealous for internal improvement had participated ; and when the revulsion came, some of these found themselves unable, without direct taxation, NORTH-EASTERN BOUNDARY. 13 (to which the rulers dared not promptly resort,) to meet ^Q^^* their engagements ; and the holders of their bonds, many of whom were foreigners, could not obtain the interest when due. These states were said to have repudiated their bonds, and this repudiation for a time cast great Repudiation, obloquy upon the whole nation. With returning pros- perity, however, these states resume payment ; and it is believed, that no such thing as an actual repudiation of a just debt will be permanently made by any state. The old United States Bank, after having been re- fused a charter by the general government, received one from the state of Pennsylvania. The president, Nicholas ^^^ j^ Biddle, the Napoleon of finance, did m.uch to sustain the the^ow u.°s. Bank. struggling merchants of the cities, by great foreign operations ; but at length going beyond his depth, he and his bank failed. Many banks and commercial houses were involved in the ruin ; and many widows, orphans, and others, lost their whole fortunes. A disagreement between the United States and Eng- land had lonff existed in resjard to the North-Eastern ^„^„ boundary. Much excitement prevailed between the in- ^TreiTty"" habitants of Maine and New Brunswick, — regions ad- th?'united States Sen- joining the disputed line, — and measures were taken on ate, Aug. 20.) each side, which threatened war. Lord Ashburton was sent from Enorland as a special envoy to settle this dis- (in England, Oct. 14.) pute ; and Mr. Webster, with great diplomatic ability, arranged with him the terms of a treaty, by which the important question of a North-Eastern boundary is finally and amicably settled. 14 ALARMING DISORpERS. 1844. Serious riots occurred in the spring of 1844 in Phila- delphia. They grew out of a jealousy on the part of native American Protestants, that the foreign Roman Catholic population intended to gain the control of the common schools, and change the established order of instruction, especially in regai'd to the use of the Scrip- tures. The Native American party attempted to hold a meeting for debate in Kensington, a suburb of Philadel- May 6. phia, inhabited by Irish Catholics. These assaulted the Riot in Pliil- adeiphia. Nativcs with brickbats and other missiles, thus beginning that violation of law, by which eventually they suffered so severely. Law once violated, confusion and anarchy prevailed. Firearms were used on both sides. The governor re- paired to the scene of action, and bodies of the military, with field-pieces, were stationed in the streets. It was 34 buildings not uutil the third day that order was restored. Thirty burned. dwelling-houses, a convent, and three churches were Killed, 14, burned. Fourteen persons had been killed and forty wounded. These disgraceful scenes were renewed on June?, the 7th of June. The governor called out 5,000 of the becond not. ~ ' vvouiided^"50. military, and at this time fifty persons were either killed or wounded. Rhode Island now became the theatre of an attempt to set aside existing authorities. The " suffrage party," by whom it was made, did not, however, regard the matter in this light. They formed, though by illegal assemblies, what they considered a constitution for the state ; and then proceeded to elect under it a governor THE DORR REBELLION. 15 (Mr. Dorr) and members for a legislature. Their op- 1843. ponents, called the " law and order " party, acting under ^.'J''''..^®- existing authorities, elected state officers, Mr. King being "'^''"'i'^- made governor. It was the intention of Mr. Dorr, and his more violent adherents, to get forcible possession of the state build- ings ; and on the 18th of May, he went with an armed force, and took the state arsenal. No lives were lost, as his directions to fire on those who opposed liis progress were not obeyed. Governor King meantime put himself at the head of the military. Several persons were ar- rested, and Dorr fled. He afterwards appeared at Chepachet with some two or three hundred men ; but a Dorr at' Che|)acliet. superior government force being sent, they dispersed. Dorr afterwards returned, was tried, convicted of trea- Dj,.f,e*Io son, and sentenced to the state's prison. Meantime a 'p'iio»^. ^ new constitution was by legal measures adopted. In 1845, Dorr was released from prison, but he was not re- is IS. stored to his civil rights, on account of his refusal to take tlie oath of allegiance to the new constitution. The war steamer Princeton, lying, Feb. 28, 1844, in Is released. E.\|)losioii on tlie Princeton. the Potomac — Capt. Stockton, the commander, having p®'*,^* on board, as invited guests, the president of the United States, heads of department.s, ladies, and others — a wrcught-iron gun, whose great size made it a curiosity, on being fired the third time, burst ; — and the horrible explosion instantly killed Messrs. Upshur and Gilmer, Privates, ^ - ^ killed. 3, secretaries of state and the navy, — three distinguished wounded, 12. 16 THE ANTI-RENTERS. 1341. gentlemen — Com. Kennon, David Gardiner, Esq., and the Hon. Virgil Maxcy, — besides several of the crew. An alarming tendency to anarchy has been expe- rienced in the anti-rent disturbances in the state of New York. In the early history of this state we have seen, that under the Dutch government, certain settlers received patents of considerable portions of land, — of which that (Ren-^seiaer- ^f Van Reusselacr was the most extensive, — compre- "lon's, 28 "" bending the greater part of Albany and Rensselaer broad.) counties. These lands were divided into farms contain- ing from 160 to 100 acres, and leased in perpetuity, on the following conditions. The tenant must each year pay to the landlord a quantity of wheat, from 22^ bushels to 10, with four fat fowls and a day's service with horses and wagon. If the tenant sold his lease, the landlord was entitled to one-quarter of the purchase- money. The " patroon " was also entitled to certain privileges on all water-power, and a right to all mines. In process of time, the tenants began to consider these legal conditions as anti-republican, — a relic of feudal tyranny. The excellent Stephen Van Rensselaer, who came nito possession of the patent in 1785, had, in the kindness of his nature, omitted to exact his legal rights ; and $200,000 back rent had accrued, — which Stephen Van hf^j dying in 1840, appropriated by will. The tenants Rensselaer dies murmured when called on to pay it, and sheriffs, in June 26. r ./ ' ' attempting to execute legal precepts, were forcibly resisted. An ineffectual attempt to put down these THE ANTI-RENTERS. 17 disorders was made on the part of the state authorities, 1841. by a military movement, called in derision " the " "yig^^e'l,^'' Heldeberg war." In the summer of 1844, tlie anti-rent disturbances broke out vvith great violence in the eastern towns of Rensselaer, and on the Livingston manor, in Columbia county. Extensive associations were formed by the Ami-renters disguised as anti-renters to resist the laws. They kept armed and inii'ans. mounted bands, disguised as Indians, scouring the country ; and the traveller as he met them issuing from some dark wood, with their hideous masks and gaudy calicoes, was required, on penalty of insult, to exclaim, " Down with the rent." These lawless rangers forcibly entered houses, took men from their homes, and tarred and feathered, or otherwise maltreated them. In Rens- selaer county, at noonday, a man was killed where about ^'"jj'^^ j^j"^*' 50 " Indians" were present, — some of whom were after- wards arraigned, when they swore that they knew nothing of the murder. Sometimes 1,000 of these disguised anarchists were assembled in one body. Simi- lar disturbances occurred in Delaware county. At length Steele, a deputy-sheriff, was murdered in the 8,^^,^ -^11,^,, execution of his official duty, and his murderers were '° apprehended. Meanwhile Silas Wright was chosen governor of the state. Much does his country owe him for the covemo* , . , , , . Wriijlit's wisdom and firmness oi the measures by which public measures, order was restored. On the 27th of August he pro- claimed the county of Delaware in a state of insurrection. 18 THE MOEMOJNfS. 18 iT. Resolute men were made sheriffs, and competent military sSwrS't ^^^ afforded them. Leading anti-renters were taken, (Aug. brought to trial, and imprisoned. The murderers of Steele Anti-rent outrage ou were condemned to death, — but their punishment was tlie pers in of ^ ^^don?^^ commuted to that of perpetual confinement. On the 27th of Jan. 1847, Gov. Young, the successor of Mr. Wright, by his proclamation, released from the state's prison the whole number, eighteen, who had been committed for anti-rent offences. There has been a fresh outbreak of these troubles in Columbia county. 1845. In congress, March 3d, 1845, an act was passed March 3. Iowa and admittiuor two States into the Union, — Iowa, its western Florida. ° ' ' boundary the river Des Moines, and Florida, comprising the east and west parts, as defined by the treaty of cession. (1805. ^^^ ^^ ^^® ^"""^^^ extraordinary impostures of the age Jo.^smith is that called " Mormonism." The leader, Joseph Smith, born in Sha- ron. Vt., 1815 was an obscure, uneducated man, of New England — removed to / o ^1^^1827— origin. Under pretence of special revelation, he, some- piates, and what after the fashion of Mahomet, produced the stereo- pretends to inspiration, ^j^q plates of the " Book of Mormon," by which he persuaded numbers, that he was the inspired founder of a new religion, which was to give to his followers the same pre-eminence over all other people, as the Jews had over the Gentiles. His peculiar code is as yet ill under- stood, but there is little room to doubt, that it gives his followers liberty to commit every crime. Like the systems of socialism which prevail in France, and have THE MORMONS. 19 1838. been attempted in this country, Mormonism degrades and demoralizes women. Yet such numbers of both sexes were found to join and aid this delusion — throwing their property into common stock — that on their arrival at the Far West in j^^iS^^ons' at Missouri, the Mormons numbered 5,000, of wliom 700 were armed men. Charged with various crimes, among others an attempt to assassinate Gov. Boggs, they were expelled the state by a military force commanded by Gen. Atkinson. They then purchased a large tract of land in Illinois, on the eastern bank of the Mississippi. There, on a beautiful slope, they built " Nauvoo," where, NauJoo.^ amidst their dwellings, arose a pompous temple, deco- rated and furnished according to directions found in the "Book of Mormon." — Robberies and assassinations became frequent in their vicinity ; and although secrecy and mystery accompanied them, the neighboring people were convinced that the Mormons were the perpetrators. Yet so had they spread, — using bribery and intimidation, tha,t, in the county courts, no cause could be obtained aorainst a Mormon. Popular fury was aroused, nor ° . . 1844. could the state authorities restrain its current. The J^jy"^-, Jo. Smith chief of the Mormons, with his brother, had been arrested £ kiiied^'at by Gov. Ford, of Illinois, and lodged in jail at Carthage. A hundred men in disguise broke into their prison and murdered them. — In 1845, so formidable a combination existed against them, that the Mormons sold their pos- sessions in Illinois. Ttheir city, which had contained not less than 10,000 inhabitants, was deserted, and they 20 THE MORMONS. 1845-6. were wending their way to a region beyond the Rocky SvcnTvoo! Mountains. Yet their numbers were still such, that they furnished, in the spring of 1846, 500 volunteers, — who were conducted by Col. Allen and Lieut. Smith to Santa 1846-8. ^^' ^^^ afterwards joined Gen. Kearney. The Mormons CaUtbrnia° are now settled in the great valley of Upper California, near the Salt Lake ; and it is to be hoped that the evils which they have suffered, will lead them to abandon their errors. Theirs is the Anglo-Saxon blood. They claim that their religion has its foundation in Christian- ity ; and they may hereafter be led to examine, and conform to its precepts. CHAPTER II Texas — Mexico — Causes of Annexation and the Mexican War. We have already seen that the French adventurer 1685. La Salle discovered Texas. On account of his discovery, La Saiie dis- covered Tex- the French claimed the country to the Rio Grande, as *^" forming a part of Louisiana. The Spaniards of Mexico remonstrated, and sent thither an armed force, but the French had already dispersed. The first effectual settle- ment in Texas was that of San Antonio de Bexar, made by the Spaniards in 1692. A few missionary stations 1692. were subsequently established. founded. But the Mexican authorities seemed not so desirous to occupy this country, as to keep it a desolate waste, that thus an impassable barrier might be maintained between them and their Anglo-American neighbors. This desire to avoid contact by means of an intervening desert, was so strongly felt by the Mexicans, even in 1847, as to break off negotiations for peace, when Gen. Scott was at the gates of their capital with a victorious army. The aversion thus manifested, the Mexicans at first derived from their mother country. At the time when Mexico was colonized, Spain stood at the head of ^^'" century. 22 MEXICAN HOSTILITY. Roman Catholic countries, — regarding all heretics in exterminating abhorrence, and cutting them off by the 17th century. Inquisitiou and the sword. As the Reformation pro- ceeded, England, the land of our forefathers, took the lead of Protestant nations. But while we, mingling with the world, changed, — Mexico, shut up, retained her na- tive aversions ; and these, coupled with the national pride and jealousy of the Spanish character, may be marked as the first and predisposing cause of the late Mexican war. Tyranny of Moxico as a colouy belonged not so much to the in Mexico. Spanish nation, as to the Spanish kings ; and they go- verned and managed it by their viceroys, regardless of the well-being of the people, — but merely as an estate to bring them money ; yet, not by any methods by which the mother country might be rivalled. Hence, while the mines were industriously wrought, no com- merce was permitted to the Mexicans ; nor might they rear the silkworm, or plant the olive or the vine. But Spain allows ^fj-gj. Spain saw that the EnMish colonies, less oppressed some torei?n r o ^ i i tra e_m ex- ^j^^^ ^^^ own, had rcvoltcd, and were likely to establish their independence, she moderated her rigor, so as to allow some trade with foreign nations, but under severe duties and restrictions. Thus, kept from the means of improvement, Mexico remained unchanged. After Ferdi- 181 0. nand VII had, in 1810, fallen with the Spanish nation Mexico re- r^ tvt i i it • volts. under the power of Napoleon, the Mexicans revolted. 1818. ^^^ ^^^ people were not united ; — and after the bloody war ^^vafi!^^^ of eight years, called the fij'st revolution, the royalists pre- SANTA ANNA STEPHEN F. AUSTIN. 23 vailed. The second revolution was begun in 1821, by 1821-1. the Mexican general Iturbide. Under him the Mexi- (He^^^hoiat cans threw off the Spanish yoke. But he made himself a monarch. The people wished for a republic ; and they deposed Iturbide, banished, and on his return con- demned and executed him. Another leader arose, — Santa Anna, — who has ' ' ^1834:. proved himself one of the most remarkable men of the Federal con- ^ stitution of present day. In 1824, a federal constitution was formed Mexico, under his auspices, by which Mexico, like our republic, was divided into states, with each a legislature, and over the whole a general government. In 1803, the United States, in purchasing Louisiana of France, obtained with it the disputed claim to Texas ; but in 1819, they ceded it by treaty to Spain as a part 1619. of Mexico, Florida being then granted by that power to to Spain, the United States. Two years thereafter, Stephen F. 1821- Anglo-Amer- Austin led a colony from the United States to Texas, ^^^fou^lej^ and made a settlement between the rivers Brazos and Colorado. The Spanish authorities in Mexico, desirous of defence against the destructive incursions of the fierce and hostile Comanches, had, contrary to their or- dinary policy, made laws favoring American immigra- tion, yet only under the condition that the ijnmigrants merged their religion and their language into those of Mexico. MosES Austin, a native of Durham, Connecticut, applied for, and received, in 1819, a grant of land with permission from the Mexican authorities to plant a 24 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN. 1821. colony. He dying, Stephen F. Austin^ his son, accord- ing to his parting request, carried out his plans, and 'thus became the leader of American colonization in Texas. Austin's enterprise being joined by others, who like himself sought to better their fortunes, his colony soon flourished to such an extent, that it attracted the attention of the Mexican clero-y. They found that the Mexican ='•' •' akrmed ^^^^' which required the settlers to make oath that they were Catholics, and to establish Spanish schools, had been regarded by them, but as an unmeaning formality ; and they felt the utmost alarm that a colony of foreign heretics was planted among them, — and of course a de- sire that they should either submit to their national laws or be rooted out. Here were sown the seeds of future war ; for these heretics were the brothers of American citizens, and, though expatriated, they were children- 182T. ^°™ °^ ^^® republic. — Farther jealousies arose from futile attempts at independence, which were made by a few of the settlers in the neighborhood of Nacogdoches, and from propositions made on the part of the United States government to purchase Texas. In whatever was done the Mexicans fancied some plot against them, in which the American nation at large was concerned. They even surmised that the settlers in Texas were sent but as a cover to a concealed purpose of the American authorities to take their territory, and destroy their na- tionality. Texas, under the constitution of 1824, was united in one state with the neighboring province of Coahuila. The "Fiedo nian war." TEXAN REVOLUTION. 3S The Spanish Mexicans of this province outvoted and (t^3», pursued an oppressive policy against the Texans. Ste- Jo,ft^iofooo . 1 • p T\ir - Americans pnen F. Austin was sent by them to the city ot Mexico in Texas at the beginning to petition against these grievances, and for the privilege of Jh«. Revo- of forming Texas into a separate state. The Mexican congress treated him. with neglect. He wrote a letter to the Texans advising them at all events to proceed in forming a separate state government. The party in Texas opposed to Austin, sent back his letter to the Mexican authorities, — who made him prisoner as he was returning, sent him back to Mexico, and threw him "^"Jonel^J^t" Saltillo.) into a dungeon. Meanwhile Santa Anna, ambitious and crafty, though with seeming simplicity, subverted the constitution of 1824, and in the name of liberty, made himself the military tyrant of the Mexicans. They would better bear this, if he employed their force against the Anglo- Americans ; and he sent General Cos into Texas, to place the civil rulers there in subjection to the military. Meantime Austin returned, and was placed at the head of a central committee of safety. Appeals were made Texan Revo- lution begiiif.. through the press to the Texan people, and arrange- ments set on foot to raise men and money. Adventurers from the American states came to their aid. The object of the Texans at this time in preparing for war, was, to join a Mexican party now in arms against the military usurpation of Santa Anna, and thus to maintain the con- stitution of 1824. The Lexington of the Texan revolution, was Gon- 2 26 TEXAN REVOLUTION. 1835. zalez. Mexican forces had been sent to that place to Battle of demand a field-piece. The Texans attacked and drove Me'v^ica^n" them from the ground with loss. Santa Anna now foice 1000, Texan 500. causcd the fortrcsses of Goliad, and the Alamo, or cita- del of Bexar, to be strongly fortified ; the latter being Mexican loss the headquarters of General Gos. The Texans on the lU.i, rev an 1 killed. 18th of October, took Goliad with valuable munitions. On the 28th, they obtained a victory near Bexar. Texan delegates, Novembor 22d, met in convention at San Felipe, and established a provisional government. On the 11th of December, their forces, under General Burleson took, after a bloody siege and a violent struggle, the strong fortress of the Alamo, and the city of Bexar ; General Cos and his army were made prisoners, and not a Mexican in arms remained. But Santa Anna, ever active and alert, was gathering his forces ; and in Feb- ruary, 1836, was approaching with 8,000 men. Unhappily, divisions now prevailed in the Texan counsels, while the small and insuhicient garrison of the 'ifrdi^C Alamo was attacked by this i)owerful army, headed by tiit'Aiamo. a man wlio added to the smoothness of the tiger his Killed 150. fierceness and cruelty. Travis, who commanded, had only 150 men. They fouglit all oac bloody night, until he fell and all his garrison but seven ; — and they were (David Croc- "^ ket was killed glaiu, while Crying for quarter ! Meantime a Texan convention had assembled at Washington, on the Brazos, which, on the 2d of March, March 2. Texans de- d£clared INDEPENDENCE. Thcv had desired, said the dare imle- pendenc«. (-j^^jp^j^^^g^ ^q ynit^ yy\i\^ their Moxicau brethren in sup- Killed 400. T£XAN INDEPENDENCE. 27 port of the constitution of 1824, but in vain. Now 1836. appealing to tiie world for the necessities of their condi- tion, they declared themselves an Independent Repub- lic, and committed their cause to the Supreme Arbiter of nations. Colonel Fanning comm.anded at Goliad. He had besought the Texan authorities to reinforce him ; and he had been directed by them to abandon his post, and save his garrison by retreat.* The Mexicans, by their superior force, overpowered him. He surrendered on condition that he and his men should be treated as pris- oners of war. Santa Anna ordered their execution ; March 27. Massacre at and four hundred unarmed and unresisting men, unsus- „.^o]'ad. picious of harm, were drawn out. One of the fated sol- diers exclamed, " They are going to shoot us ; let us turn, and not be shot in the back." In another instant the fire was given, and the prisoners fell dead. Fanning was shot the next day ; — and his body denied a burial. These men were American-born. Fanning had been an officer in the army of the United States. American hate and sympathy kindled as the shocking massacre was told. Annexation followed in time, and the Mexican war. On the 21st of April, the main Texan army, under General Houston, met the Mexicans, who were double * Of this fact, the writer was recently informed by General, now Senator Houston. Fanning had march -d cut of the fortress, met, and contended with the Mexicans, was taken and carried back, so that the massacre was at GoUad. 28 TEX/j: INDEPENDENCE. 1836. their number, near the San Jacinto. Furiously the Batti'e^of Texans rushed to battle with the cry, " Remember the Mex. force ' Alamo." They fought at less than half-rifle distance, 1600, Tex. 783. ^ud iu Icss than half an hour, wholly routed the Mexi- Mex. 1( Si, ' "^ ^'Te^x! fofs,^' cans, killing and wounding a number greater than the whole Texan force. Among the prisoners taken after the battle, was Santa Anna himself He, the perfect master of dissimulation, now makes the Texans believe that he is so satisfied of their valor and goodness, that he will use his power and influence in their favor. As su- preme ruler of Mexico, he by a treaty, acknowledged their independence, and allowed their western boundary to be the Rio Grande. This treaty was subsequently disavowed by Mexico, it being made while Santa Anna 1 @3 1 March 3.' was a prisoner. Although the United States, England, United States recognize and Other powers acknowledged the independence of En^ilTd% Texas, yet Mexico, through all her changes of rulers ever claimed the country, and occasionally sent troops to renew the war by predatory excursions. The Tex- ans in 1841, sent under McLeod a party of 300, who were partly Americans, to take possession of Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, that city lying on the eastern side of the Rio Grande. These were made prisoners by the Mexicans, and treated with great cruelty. Santa Anna meantime procured himself to be sent by the Texans to the U. States, where he so far gained President Jackson's favor, as to be sent by him to Mexico. Then turning his back upon those he had been deceiving, he paid his court to the Mexicans, by dis- PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1844. 2fO avowing all his treaties and promises, and entering upon 1S12. a course of hostility to Anglo-Americans. Gen. Woll, sent by him to invade Texas, took Bexar. A Texan army having driven him back, were eager to carry the war into Mexico. After various disappoint- ments, and the return of most of their volunteers, a party of 300 crossed the Rio Grande, and proceedintr to Mier, Sept. ii. ^ " The attack on they attacked it ; and although opposed by five times ^^^'' their force, they fought their way into the heart of the place. They killed and wounded double their whole number, when, although they had lost only 35 men, they capitulated.* Although these prisoners were treated badly, yet their romantic history shows that the Mexican character and feelings had somewhat improved since the massacres of the Alamo and Goliad. Texas early made application to be received into the American Union. Gen. Jackson objected, — and after- wards Mr. Van Buren, — on the ground of existing peaceful relations with Mexico, and the unsettled boundary of Texas. Mr. Tyler brought forward the proposition. It was lost in congress. But the mass of the American people were in favor of Annexation, as was made manifest when it became the test question at the presidential election in 1844. The Whig candidates for president and vice-president were Henry Clay and * They were, says Gen. Green, in his Journal of the Expedition, betrayed into the surrender by Fisher, their leader, who had lost his mind by a gunshot wound. Green says this party of 300 killed and wounded 800 of the Mexicans at Mier. 30 i^NNEXATION OF TEXAS. 184:4. Theodore Frelinghuysen, who were opposed to immediate ^lesidenr annexation ; and the Democratic were James K. Polk Tenn.,''vice° and Gcorgc M. Dallas, who were pledged it its favor. uresideiit, G. M. Dallas, of The latter were elected ; and on the 4th March, 1844, they were duly inaugurated. After the election, and March 4* before the inauguration, Texas was annexed ; — Mr. Inaugurated. ry i Calhoun, the secretary of state, and Messrs. Van Zandt and Henderson, on the part of Texas, having previously negotiated the treaty at Washington. Mr. Calhoun was especially moved by fears that England was about to gain control of Texas for the purpose of excluding slavery. Feb 28 On the 28th of February, congress passed the joint tion^amiexing j^ggojufion to aunox Texas, — her authorities and people consenting, and the following conditions observed : 1st. All questions of boundary to be settled by the United States ; 2d. Texas to give up her harbors, magazines, (March 1. &c., but to retain her funds and her debts, and, until It receives th-e Ir'vnatTre^ their discharge, her Unappropriated lands ; 3d. Additional new states, not exceeding four, may be formed, with slavery, if south of lat. 36f , but if north, without. — The Mexican minister at Washington, Senor Almonte, who had before announced that Mexico would declare war if Texas were annexed, now gave notice, that since America had consummated " the most unjust act recorded in history," negotiations were at an end. The Americans had, on their part, cause of complaint against Mexico. She had been an unjust and injurious neighbor. Such had been the unredressed wrongs of ANNEXATION OF TEXAS. 91 pei*son and property to which American citizens had 1^39. been subjected in Mexico, that had she not been a weaker nation and a sistei republic, war would have resulted during Jackson's administration. Mr. Van Buren re- commended measures leading to war ; — when the Mexicans resorted to negotiation. In 1839 a treaty was Mexican made, by which they agreed to pay large indemnities to treaty, American sufferers. This treaty was modified in 1843, n^^^ified but its stipulations the Mexican government had mostly failed to observe. The assent of Texas, by which she became a part of the American Union, was expressed in the ordinance of July 5, 1845. Two days thereafter, a request was 1845- Annexation dispatched to President Polk to send an armed force to completed. protect Texas against the threatened invasion of Mexico. The administration judiciously chose, as commander of the forces to be sent. Col. Zachary Taylor. On the ^^ommander ' at Okee Cho 30th of July he was ordered by the war department to ,„ade a Brig- adier.) proceed to the western frontier, as near the Rio Grande as prudence would dictate. Thereupon he marched, and took post at Corpus Christi, west of the Nueces. He soon received a further order informing him that his forces were to be increased to 4,000, and that he was, in case of emergency, to call immediately on the governors of the adjoining states for volunteers, they being instructed to furnish him. A Mexican force in the meantime had collected on the western bank of the Rio Grande. Although regular pacific negotiations were closed, yet the American executve made overtures for peace ?J2 MR. SLIDELL's mission to MEXICO. 1845. through Mr. Black, the American consul at Mexico. Gen. Herrera, one of the wisest patriots of Mexico, was now at the head of affairs. He was disposed to peace, and through his secretary, Senor Pena y Pefia, he gave private assurances that he would receive a special com- missioner to treat respecting Texas ; but the American government, he said, must first withdraw a fleet with which they menaced Vera Cruz. This was done. The ancient aversion of the Mexicans had been, b] the annexation, wrought into jealousy and fierce revenge; and he who most vilified the Americans, and the loudest blustered for war, was most the popular favorite. Such was Paredes, by whose party Herrera was denounced as a traitor for suspected intercourse with the foes of the nation. He was still struggling for his place, when Mr. „ „ Slidell, sent by Mr. Polk, arrived in Mexico, and de- Dee. Wi ' '' ' "^leje^te?' mandcd to be received. Herrera rejected his mission on the ground that the American government had sent him as an envoy to settle the whole differences between the two nations, and not as a commissioner to consider merely the Texan question. He had brought the Amer- ican account-book, when it had been proposed by the Mexicans to settle such differences only as appearer^ upon their own. Herrera, even with this rejection, wai not found violent enough to please the Mexicans, and they (Jan. 2. displaced him and elevated Paredes. Mr. Slidell re- Paredes made . -i t«* i . i i president.) mamcd at Jalapa until March, when he made, as directed, overtures of peace to Paredes, which were, of course, rejected. The nature of his then unopened in- Dec. 29. (■Revolution in Mexico.) OREGON. structions, since made public, show how little aware was the government of the bitter hostility of the Mexican mind. Mr. Slidell was to offer money for a peaceable boundary on the Rio Grande, and the cession of Cali- fornia. On the 16th of January, 1845, the United States Senate ratified a treaty with China, which had been there negotiated between Mr. Cushing, the American Envoy Extraordinary, and the Commissioner of the Chinese Emperor. Oregon. — While such was the aspect of Mexican affairs, a difficulty arose between the United States and England respecting the northern boundary of Oregon ; tjoth nations claiming the extensive portion of that coun- try north of the Columbia river to the Russian settle- ments. The full statement of the claims on either side, is long and intricate ; but there is no contradiction made to the facts, that the Columbia river and its vicinity, belongs to the Americans by right of the discovery made in 17G2, by Captain Grey of Boston, and by the exploration of Lewis and Clark, in the employ of the American government, made in the years 1804—5. John Jacob Astor of New-York, founded Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia, in 1811. The first house on its waters was, however, established on Lewis river, by the Missouri Fur Company, in 1808. The Rocky moun- tains which divide Oregon from the valley of the Mis- sissippi, although generally continuous and sometimes rising to to the height of 16,000 feet, have yet remark. 2* 1816. (On the^ilst ofMarcli Mr. Slidell re- ceives Ills passpoits ) 1845. Jan. 16. Chinese treaty. 1192. (Capt. Crey. sailing in the Coluniliia, gives to the river he name of his ship.) 34 OREGON. ^^^^* able openings ; the most singular of which is the South Pass, in lat. 42° 30', which Colonel Fremont, who ex- plored it in 1842, describes as being in ascent no steeper than the Capitol Hill at Washington. In consequence of complaints made by American settlers. Congress passed an act, April 16, 1846, that a joint occupation with England of the disputed territory, (t In the formerly agreed to,f must after a year cease. cnnventions *" °* 18-^7 r'^ This difficulty with England became so serious as to threaten war. It was, however, compromised by a treaty negotiated at Washington between Mr. Packen- 1 846. June iH* ham, the British Minister, and Mr. Buchanan, the Treaty of Washington. American Secretary, — which makes the northern bound- ary of Oregon, the line of lat. 49 deg. ; but gives to the British the whole of Vancouver's Island, and rights to the joint navigation of the Columbia river. CHAPTER III. Mexican War — Army of Occupation. Gen. Taylor received an order, January ISth, 1846. 1846, to take post at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Perhaps the Executive, in giving this order, agreed in (t Wee Mr. opinion with Mr. SlidelLf that " the desire of the eovern- siideii's letter ' ' "^ from Mexico ment (for peace) will be taken for timidity. The most "^y^y^J^^^ • 11 , 1 •/ , TIT • Dec.27, 1845.) extravagant pretences will be made, until the Mexican people shall be convinced by hostile demonstrations, that there must be settlement, either by negotiation or the sword." The effect of the order was, however, to preci- pitate the collision of arms, and to give to the Mexicans the advantage of the cry of invasion. Many patriotic ^^^^J[^^/ ^'^^ Americans believed that the Executive, intent on a war riJ, Grande.^ of conquest, directed this movement for the express pur- pose of bringing it on ; his overtures for peace not being made in good faith ; and that in so doing, he violated the constitution, by which congress is the war-making (t Members of power. T Congress had, however, given to the president, con-iress con- the difficult task of defending Texas, without advising baiTJn th^e him of what Texas was, — having received it into the '*"" "'"' Union with a disputed boundary to be afterwards settled. 86 WAR IN PROSPECT. 1816 But as Mexico at. once scornfully refused to negotiate, claiming the whole, — the question then occurred, ought the Executive to take the Mexican account of limits, or that of Texas, now an American state. Besides, if Mexico was resolved not to negotiate, but to take the chances of war, she could not expect other, than that her opponent would make whatever fair advantage she could, from the coming contest. Gen. Taylor moved from Corpus Christi on the 8th of March ; and after toiling ten days through an arid waste, lie reached the Arroya Colorado. Here he was met by a party of mounted Mexican marauders called (March 12. rauchcros. They warned him that he had reached the Seiior Lanzas ^siideii'th^t' iJ'^its of Texas, and that to advance further would be h,iir was regarded by the Mexicans as invasion. On the 25th, given, — noth- ^ " . ing remained the armv reached Point Isabel, a small Mexican seaport, but w.n.) -^ ' ^ ' sometimes called, from the bay on which it stands, Brazos St. laao. The Mexican authorities in leaving this place had set it on fire ; but Taylor with exertion saved most of the buildings. The place was important to him, as, from the nature of the coast, this must be the depot for his stores. Leaving them here, with 450 men under Major Munroe, he advanced, and took post at the mouth of the Rio Grande, opposite to Matamoras. Here March 28. ' rr enc"arr^)t'op- battcrics Were soon erected by the Mexicans, pointing at "m s. his cam'i. This he intrenched, and immediately com- mencQii a fort, whose guns threatened the heart of the city. Yet Gen. Taylor was strictly courteous to all. He had come, in peace, he said, to protect Texas, not tr ACTUAL WAR. 37 invade Mexico; but if attacked, he should know how to 1H46. defend himself. This attack he had hourly reason to expect. Pare- (April 10. des had put in requisition the best troops of Mexico, V°' ^ T' 1 '^ ' ' roue out. tioni headed by her ablest generals, and they were gathering ai'oneTn'i towards the Rio Grande. On both sides of the river, Mexican ran- cheros.) all was warlike action ; here, mounting or relieving guards, and there, planting artillery. Gen. Arista now arrived, and took the command at Matamoras. The Mexican government made a formal declaration of war on the 23d of May. Gen. Arista informed Gen. Taylor by a polite note, dated the 24th, that he regarded hos- tilities as having alreadv commenced ; and on that day „ ^"'i?-^* o ' ' -^ Hostilities the flow of blood really began. Capt. Thornton with 63 '^TTiornton's^ capture. Am. dragoons was sent by Gen. Taylor a few miles up the loss, k. and river to reconnoitre. They fell into an ambuscade, and finding themselves surrounded by a far superior force, they attempted to retreat, cutting their way. But they were obliged to surrender, with the loss of 16 killed and wounded. The American congress and people were astonished and agitated, when Gen. Taylor's dispatch was received. Astonish- Their army was surrounded, and in ^danger, from the anxiety, soldiers who had committed the massacres of Goliad and the Alamo ! A kind of monomania pervaded the nation. The President announced to congress that the Mexicans ^ May 11. had " invaded our territory, and shed the blood of our President's '' ' extra mes- citizens upon our own soil." Congress responded, that ^^°^' " war existed by the act of Mexico," and in two days 38 DECLARED WAR. ^Q"*^* passed a law authorizing 50,000 volunteers to be raised A?tof" con- ^c»r twelve months ; and appropriating towa^'ds the men and Carrying on of the war, ten millions of dollars. Thus money. were the means at once provided. Did the administration calculate on this, and therefore forbear to agitate in con- gress the subject of the war, which, with an army of less than 10,000, it had daily reason to expect ? — or was it one of those providential occurrences, of which this war has been so fruitful, and by which we learn, that Mexico was to be chastised, and that the Almighty made this nation his instrument ? Declared war being upon the hands of the Executive, the plan for its prosecution and results appears to have Plan of the Executive, been. — to take for indemnity and as a permanent acqui- sition, that part of the Mexican territory lying between the old United States and the Pacific ; and so to carry the war into the more vital and richer parts of the enemy's country, that he would be willing to receive peace, and some needful funds, though at the sacrifice of this territory and the relinquishment of Texas to the Rio Grande. The American executive, aided by the head of the war department, and by General Scott, now sketched ^ay 15 & 16. oQt^ in two days', time, a plan of a campaign, exceeding, IcLVw^r!'''' ill the vastness of the spaces, over which it swept by sea and land, any thing of the kind known in history. This passed at once into the orders given by Mr. Marcy, secre- tary of war, and Mr. Bancroft, secretary of the navy. Under these orders vessels were to pass round Cape Horn to the coast of California, to aid those alreadv p. 48.) OPERATIONS ON THE RIO GRANDE. 39 there in conquering that country. An " Army of the 1846. West," was to be assembled at Fort Leavenworth on the Y"*,?' "''''" f Missouri, and under command q{ Gen. Kearney, to take New Mexico, and then proceed westward to the Pacific, to co-operate with the fleet. An " Army of the Centre,'"' to be collected by Gen. Wool, from different and distant parts of the Union, was to rendezvous at San Antonio de Bexar, and thence to invade Coahuila and Chihuahua. These armies were not merely to be ordered forth. They were mostly to be created from the raw material. The existing regular force of the United States, officers and men, did not much exceed nine thousand. Gen. Taylor, whose force was called the " Army of Occupation," on finding that about 8,000 Mexican troops were already collected to oppose him, not only sent dis- patches to the war department for aid, but, as in this case directed, to the governors of the nearest states. The Mexican and ~ American generals on both sides published proclamations ; — Arista ™'^"' '^*'*'^^- calling on the Mexicans to defend their invaded homes and altars, and on the American soldiers to desert, and accept ample rewards ; Taylor exhorting the Mexicans to embrace the opportunity of freeing themselves from tyrants who had subverted their constitution, and left them a prey to the mingled evils of despotism and anarchy ; and who were now seeking to make them believe the Americans to be their foes, — thousands of whom had shed their blood in the defence of Mexico against Spain. Gen. Taylor now received intelligence by Capt. 40 VICTORIES ON THE RIO GRANDE. 1846. Walker that a large Mexican force in his rear, was in- terposed between him and his stores at Point Isabel. Walker had there been stationed by Major Munroe to April 28. keep open the communication ; and he had fought fifteen battle. minutes with his one company of Texan rangers, (armed with revolving pistols,) with 1500 Mexican cavalry, — killed thirty and escaped ; and subsequently he had found his way with six men through the Mexican army to bring this information. May 1. Taylor did not hesitate. Leaving his camp at Mata- Taylor sets •' or "^Sbef"'"* J^oras with a garrison in command of that trusty veteran Major Brown, he marched with the main army, and reached Point Isabel unmolested. The Mexicans affected to believe that he had abandoned his works and fled. They attacked the camp with their batteries soon after he left it ; and Major Brown opened his guns upon the May 3 to 9. ^ity. The firing was anxiously heard by Taylor, and a Fort messenger for aid reached him from Major Brown. The Cannonade of Brown. th, Taylor crarrison at Point Isabel beino; reinforced by 500 men, s Point o & ^ 7 leaves Point Isabel which had been supplied by Commodore Conner from the navy, Gen. Taylor announced to the war department, " I shall march this day with the main body of the army, to open a communication with Major Brown, and throw forward supplies of ordnance and provision. If the enemy opposes my march, in whatever force, I shall fight him." The same evening he marched. The next day at noon he came in full sight of the Mexican army, drawn up in order of battle, and extending a mile across his way. Taylor halted his men, — bade them refresh VICTORIES ON THE EIO GRANDE. 41 themselves at the pools — then formed his line. Col. 1846 Twiggs commanded the right, and Col. Belknap the left. p^J^''^^^ LTO. Mex. force On either wing were batteries with companies of light- g,()0(»^ Am. 2,300. artillery. At two o'clock the Mexicans opened their ,, — - •^ ^ Mex. loss, fire. The light-artillery, commanded by Ringgold and \^ jT^.'^w.' 40. Duncan, did great execution. Ringgold, much lamented, fell mortally wounded. The Mexicans, although with choice of the ground, and more than double numbers, were forced, after five hours, to yield to the Americans the victory of Palo Alto. At two o'clock the next day the army resumed its march. Having advanced about three miles, the Mexi- cans were discovered, skilfully posted, with artillery, at Resaca de la Palma. A shallow ravine crossing the May 9. road, — its margins closely wooded by matted shrubs of a Paima. Mex. force, prickly evergreen, called chaparral, afforded them shel- ^^""^J'-^^o' ter. At four o'clock the Americans came up. The MeTTToss, field was fiercely contested. On account of the irresju- Am. k. & w. •^ ° mortally, 44. larity of the ground, the history of this battle is full of thrilling incident. It was here that Capt. May, with his dragoons, rode up to a Mexican battery, cut down the men, and took Gen. La Vega as he was applying a match to one of the guns. Young Randolph Ridgely and many others here won fame for themselves and their country. The Mexicans were wholly routed. Thoir camp — its stores, equipage, and Gen. Arista's private papers, fell into the hands of the Americans. Two hundred Mexicans lay dead upon the field. The flying 10 THE WAR SPIRIT. 1846. werepuisued; and numbers were drowned in attempt- ing to cross the Rio Grande. On arriving at the camp, Taylor and his victorious army carried joy to the wearied combatants. But the valued commander of the fort had been killed. Gen. Taylor named the place where he fought and fell, Fort Brown. Great were the rejoicings and illuminations in the United States for these victories. Taylor was forthwith made a major-general, and several of his officers pro- moted. Gen. Arista now proposed an armistice, which Gen. Taylor rejected, — not choosing longer to keep his bad position. He intended on the arrival of heavy mortars to attack Matamoras. But the military deserted it ; and May 18 ^^® civil authorities, receiving assurances that private pfiMatamo- rights would be respected, suffered the Americans to ras. take quiet possession. These successes having been obtained, the president of the United States made another attempt to treat for peace. His overtures were not promptly met by Seiior Lanzas, the secretary of Paredes, but referred to a Mex- ican congress to be held in December. While the news of the imminent danger of the army of the Rio Grande thrilled through the heart of the American nation, Gen. Gaines, the commander of the southern division, full of patriotic feeling, called out a large number of volunteers, additional to those asked for by Gen. Tavlor. Every where the vounij men of the THE WAR SPIRIT. 48 nation were ready, nay. in haste, to go forth to defend IQ ^ ^^' tlieir brethren, fight the Mexicans, and push for the " Halls of the Montezumas."* Gen. Taylor was soon embarrassed by the numbers who came. They were ill provided with munitions ; and he not being ready to move, they were but consuming his stores. The war department decided that those of the volunteers, not regularly enlisted, must be dismissed. This caused heart-burnings and delay ; and although great energy pervaded the quartermaster's department, under Gen. Jesup, yet so much was to be provided in this sudden extension of the army, that it was three months before Gen. Taylor could move upon the interior. Meantime, the towns on the lower Rio Grande, were taken and occupied by the Americans. Camargo, made the depot of provisions and stores, was garrisoned with 2,000 men under Gen. Patterson. The army now being 6,000 strong, its first division, under Gen. Worth, began its march on the 20th of August. Gen. Taylor with the rear column soon fol- lowed. On the 5th of September, the several divisions The army at Marin. were concentrated at Marin. Movinsj on, they en- ^th, at Wai- <= ' -^ nut Springs. camped, on the 9th. at Walnut Springs, three miles from Monterey. Here, on the south and west towered the high peaks of the Sierra Madre, — while before them stood the walls of Monterey bristling with cannon, and * Mr. Prescott's very popular " History of the Conquest of Mex- ico," no doubt increased the war spirit so rife at this time. 44 SIEGE OF MONTEREY. 1846. surrounded by fortresses; — and around them an un- known region — an invaded country, with thousands of embittered foes. Most of their troops were untried volunteers. But they had officers, educated either directly or indirectly at West Point, who, in all the complicated acquirements belonging to military science, had no superiors. Especially had they a commander, cool and deliberate, — judicious to plan, and energetic to act. He looked upon the mountains, and perceived towards the southwest, that they were cleft by the small stream of the San Juan, along which, was the road from Saltillo to Monterey. He thought if a new way could be made by which the Saltillo road should be reached, the enemy's line of supplies would be cut, and probably less formidable defences intervene. The skill of the Ameri- can engineers, under Capt. Mansfield, found out such a way ; and Gen. Worth being selected for the important Sept. 20. service, led a column of 650 men on the 20th and 21st, Worth's party leave ^y ^ difficult dotour rouud to the Saltillo road. But they camp at -^ -' noon. ^^j ^^^ g^-^ ^l^jg advantage without loss. On the morn- 21st, Battle ing of the 21st they successfully fought a battle, in which Tss 10?" ^°^' H^ys ^^^ ^^^ Texan rangers were distinguished. The Saltillo road being gained, the first obstacles to Forts FeJera- . , . , . , . lion and Sol- be ovorcome in approaching the city, were two batteries dado carried. on a hill. Up to these, in face of their fire, the soldiers marched. They were taken, and their guns turned on the third and principal battery, — a fortified, unfinished stone building, called the Bishop's Palace, situated on the steep hill Independence. Night came on, and the weary THE TAKING OF MONTEREY. I© and hungry soldiers had to bide the pelting of a storm. ^'*^- At three a party headed by Col. Childs, and conducted I'o'do^k', A M by engineers Saunders and Meade, mounted the hill. Bishop's i'ai- ace stormed. A vigorous sortie from the fort was repelled. The Americans entered it with the flying Mexicans, and it was theirs. After having taken this battery, and turned it against the city, the war-worn troops, now three days from the camp.^ their numbers thinned by death, stood close upon the rear of Monterey. Meantime, Taylor had sought to direct the attention of the enemy from this, his real point of attack, by making a feigned one in front. But so fiercely was this movement conducted by Gen. Butler, Capt. Backus, and others, that the city was entered, though with great sacrifice of life ; for every street was barricadoed, and guns pointed from every wall. The second day, a part of the defences were abandoned by the garrison, the Americans getting within the houses, and breaking through the walls. Gen. Quitman, who headed this Attack on Monterey in party, advanced to the Plaza. On the morning of the front. 23d, the defences of the opposite side were assaulted and carried by the division of Gen. Worth. Gen. Taylor now passed over to Worth's quarters, where he received the Mexican commander. Gen. Ampudia. He came t " Santa with a flag to propose capitulation and an armistice, on ^^,","^'* the ground that peace might shortly be expected, — Jcom'con^ner Paredes beino; displaced, and Gen. Santa Anna now in Arab, in ° ^ which he power. Gen Taylor knewf that in consequence of ^^'^^-^1^,/,^^* President Polk's hone of that wily Mexican's favorable '"''^^ '"^ 46 THE TAKING OF MONTEREY. 1846. disposition, he had given an order to the fleet, which Com. Conner obeying, Santa Anna had passed unmolested on his return from Cuba. Taylor had not men sufficient to guard the Mexican soldiers if he kept them as prisoners ; and his own unsupplied army needed all the provisions to be found in Monterey. Without the parade of compassion, he had its reality, and he wished to spare Sept. 93. especially " non-combatants." With the advice of his tice. officers, he therefore agreed to an armistice of eight weeks, on condition of the approval of the American Its rejection govemmeut. This, on correspondence, was withheld; bv Mr. Polk. mi and the war was renewed ; — not, however, until nearly six weeks had elapsed ; and not sooner would Taylor have oeen prepared to act, had he been at liberty. CHAPTER IV. Army of the centre. — Geu. Wool's march. — Battle of Buena Vista. To Gen. Wool, who had been twenty-five years an 1846. inspector-general in the army, the administration wisely confided the principal share in mustering and preparing for the service, the volunteers, — on whom, for want of regular troops, the military honor and interest of the republic, must in this emergency depend. His orders, dated May 29th, he received at Washing- Mav 29. *^ ^ Gen. Wool's ton. From thence he immediately moved through the °'"^''^ states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi ; — meeting the enlisted volunteers at desig- nated places of rendezvous, and inspecting and admitting them, if suitable men, into the army. These distances were accomplished, and twelve and a half regiments, (two of cavalry,) making about 12,000 men, were o^ooo^i^fies , - . . 11. traversed, mspected, mustered mto service, and sent towards their and 12,000 men mus- destined places, by the 16th of July. About 9,000 of ^«'^^> these recruits, went to the Rio Grande to reinforce the army of Gen. Taylor. Those to form the " Army of the Centre '' were by different routes to rendezvous at Be.xar : — some ooinjr the far circuit of Little Rock, in 48 GEN. wool's march. 1846. Arkansas, and some by sea and through La Vaea. Gen. Wool, after making necessary arrangements in New Orleans for the comfort and efficiency of his troops, August 1. moved to La Vaea on the 1st of Auirust. From thence, Gen. W. at » > '"^rt^orda" after sending his wagon-trains, he accompanied volun- teers to Bexar, whose march for 40 uiles lay through a country submerged four inches by recent rains. At Bexar began that drill and strict discipline of the volun- teers which made Gen. Wool's corps, whether resting or moving, a camp of instruction ; and which, together wiih Gen. w^'s ^^^ great care that every article necessary to health and (unpopular efficiency should always be prepared and ready, gave to with his men at the time.) jt the praise of being "a model army." Gen. Wool's destination was Chihuahua, the heart of one of the richest provinces of Mexico. He began Gen^Mo'i ^^^ march from Bexar on the 20th of September, his fo^PiesidU)^' force amounting to 500 regulars and 2,440 volunteers. At Presidio the troops crossed the Rio Grande on a flying bridge prepared for the purpose. From this fertile spot iSbUaJ^- they marched westward 26 miles, to Nava, over a buildings of 11,1 . , /» t ^ n adobe, or un- dead Icvcl, — without finding a drop of water or a human burnt brick — *" Taii'MexN' habitation. The troops, in crossing the Sierras of San Jose and Santa Rosa, encountered sleep rocky asdents and deep mountain gorges ; and often, before their 300 heavy laden wagons could pass, roads must be repaired or made. In the valley between, they found the unbridged torrent- rivers of Alamos and Sabino ; and at every turn their flesh was wounded by the prickly-pear, or the thorn-leaved agave. Sometimes, as the army GEN. WOOL S MARCH. 49 appeared, the ignorant people of the country, taken by 1846. surprise, believed that the robber-bands of Mexico were * upon them. The shrieking women would run from their houses, and embrace the crosses by the wayside, — pro- bably where some friend had been killed, whose fate they expected to share. But by the better informed, Gen. Wool's approach was hailed with joy. He protected the quiet and the weak against the strong and the lawless. Before crossing the Rio Grande, he had rescued the children of a Mexican family from the Lepan Indians, and restored them to their parents. "His army," says Mr. Mans- field, "were the armed watchmen of Coahuila;" and as he passed on through San Fernando and Santa Rosa, to Monclova, his advance was heralded as that of a friend ; Gen. Wool at Monclova. and he there peacefully unfurled the American flag over the government-house of the province. At Monclova, Gen. Taylor communicated to him the capture and armistice of Monterey. Here also he learned that the projected route to Chihuahua, continuing along the base of the Sierra Madre, was impracticable (Troops un- *" der drill dnr- for his train : and he could only reach that place with i'.'gthearmis- •^ r tice ; they are artillery by a circuitous road leading through Parras. camjfed w'"h- T-iii 1 /-i mi IT 11 . ^"'' '^'^^ cities Jtioth lie and (jren. i aylor believed that it would be un- and villages.) wise thus to withdraw his force from the seat of war ; — since the conquest of New Leon and Coahuila, already achieved, gave to the Americans the command of Chi- huahua. On the 25th of November, Gen. Wool marched upon 50 GEN. WOOL AT PARRAS. ^Q^^* Parras, — Gen. Taylor advising him to establish a post in ^'nee'^^" that fertile region, and collect provisions, of which his Monciova to army were in need, and which the country about Mon- I'arras. terey could not supply. On this march the army en- countered a region of calcareous marl, wiiich, for many miles, was like dry ashes, filling tiieir eyes and covering their garments. At Parras, General Wool was received with all the courtesy due to a distinguished guest. The strictness of his disciplme was not only improving his army, but, by giving the new feeling of security to a people, so long the victims of anarchy, he was winning their affections, and giving them desires for a better government.* Stores came in abundantly, and the necessities of the two armies were fully supplied. In the meantime Gen. Taylor had proceeded to Vic- toria, the capital of Tamaulipas, expecting to co-operate Nov. 14. '^^'^t'l Gen. Patterson and a naval force in the reduction surryudeied. of Tampico. But that place had surrendered to Com- * Already are rumors abroad that this part of Mexico has in- vited an American general to lead them in an attempt to establish an independent government. But as much the same effect has been produced by the American army in other parts of Mexico, we hope no such movement will be made ; but that all Mexico, united by language and religion, will have learned how much better is security than anarchy ; — and also, we hope, that republican America will learn, on her part, from Mexico, how wretched a condition is that of anarchy ; — so that she may avoid it by repressing, while yet in her power, all lawless ©jitrages. THE WOMEN OF PARR AS. 51 modore Conner on the 14th of November. Gen. Butler 1846. was left in command at Monterey. Saltillo, the capital ^"Jtuio ' of Coahuila, of which the Americans had taken peacea- in possession of the states ble possession on the 17th, was garrisoned, and com- of coaimiia, manded by Gen. Worth. ^"'I'S'P The changeful Mexicans having now displaced Pare- des, and given full power to Santa Anna, he had concen- trated a force of 22,000 at San Luis Potosi. Gen. Worth, 60 miles in advance of Monterey, and 200 from Taylor at Victoria, now received the startling intelli- gence, that this army was immediately to be brought down upon him ; — he having but 900 men. He sent a ^^^n^express rapid express, entreating Wool to hasten to his aid with Worth!— Gen. Wool his whole force. In two hours Gen. Wool was in mo- leaves Panas. tion with his whole column, and his long train of wagons ; movemelft. and such was the condition of his soldiers, that only four- teen were unable, on account of ill health, to move. And now the gratitude of the protected people was singularly manifested. The ladies of Parras came forward, and vied with each other in offers to take the charge of these fourteen sick soldiers ! The best mansions of the place received them, the first women were their nurses, and in due time they were all restored.* * The Americans manifested afterwards their gratitude to these kind Mexicans. They applying to Gen. V/ool for aid on an incur- sion of savages, he sent to Donaphan, then in the region and under his command, a request which the troops of that gallant chieftain fulfilled by doing battle with the Camanchcs at El Poso, where Capt. Reid and Lieut. Gordon, with about 30 men, killed and wounded 52 SCOTT SUPERSEDES TAYLOR. ^Q^^* In four days the army marched 120 miles ; — when resting at Agua Nueva, it was twenty-one miles in ad- vance of Saltillo, — interposed between Gen. Worth and Santa Anna. It had now completed a march of 900 miles through an enemy's country, without a gun fired, or a man lost. Gen. Taylor, while at Victoria, learned that the city of Mexico was to be approached by Vera Cruz ; and that Gen. Scott, appointed to conduct this invasion, Scott super- sedes Taylor, would, as his scuior, supersede him in the Mexican com- mand. Nor was tliis all. It was from Taylor's army, that Scott's force was to be drawn. Gen. Scott, there- fore, ordered from Gen. Taylor most of his efficient troops, — leaving him, till more could be sent by govern- (Gen Scott's mcut, " to staud on the defensive." Taylor, whatever letter to ^dTted^Nor' '^ight have been his feelings, promptly obeyed the order ; and dispatched to Vera Cruz the greater part of his (Dec. refijular troops, and volunteers, — with Generals Worth, Lt. Ritchie, ir> 1 ' ' ' paS'^to Patterson, Quitman, Twiggs, and others, who had fought is massacred' SO bravcly by his side. This order reached the forces by the Span- iards, and of Gen. Wool also ; and to his great g-rief deprived him Santa Anna ' S> & r ""Tn^enS" * of most of his efficient staff-officers and regular infantry, those whom he had as soldiers " brought up," and with whom he had thought to win glory, the soldier's meed. But this deprivation proved to the two generals the source of their highest fame. For with the remains of their 40 Indians, — liberated 19 boys and girls, and restored them to their parents at Parras. PERILOUS POSITION. 53 force, they met and bore back the shock of the most isit. formidable army which Mexico had ever sent to the field. Gen. Taylor on the way from Victoria to Monterey learned that Santa Anna, by decided demonstrations, was threatening him. Leaving a small garrison at Monterey, he advanced south with about 300 men to the camp of Wool at Agua Nueva. Their whole force, officers and men, was 4,690, and Santa Anna was Santa Anna a|)proaches. approachincT with more than four times that number, — Great ine- ' ^ ^ ' quality of besides 3,000 regular cavalry under Gen. Mifion, and ^'^'^^' 1,000 under Gen. Urrea, sent in advance, to turn the American position, destroy their stores, and cut off their retreat. This perilous situation became known to their distant country — to the friends and families of these Spartan officers and soldiers. We knew that they would have fought — but could they have conquered ? Were they victors,-~or had they died for their country's honor ? — And were the garrisons of the Rio Grande to be slaughtered, and Scott to be intercepted by a victo- rious foe ? Gen. Wool had remarked that the road from San Luis Potosi, seven miles south of Saltillo, and thirteen north of Agua Nueva, passed through a iTiountain gorge called Angustura, south of the small village of Buena Vista. On the west, a net- work of deep, impassable ra- vines came close to the road, while on the east, the mountain sent offi a succession of spurs, some of which came at this point close to the road. " Here," he said, 54 Washington's bikth-day. 184:T. "is the place which I would select, if obliged to fight a ctSl"'saS ^3-i'ge force with a small one." Gen. Taylor approved. iip"oveiit. The army remained encamped at Agua Nueva until the afternoon of the 21st of February. Santa Anna was approaching. Gen. Miiion had already captured Majors ffCassiusM. Borland and Gaines with a reconnoitering party. f The Clay is of the captured camp at Aiiua Nueva was broken up, and Santa Anna, believing that his foes were flying in dismay, eagerly Santa Anna, i . i deceived, is pursued, till he was drawn to their chosen position. diavvu to a bad position. Gou. Wool was left by Taylor the active commander at Buena Vista ; while he, anxious for his stores menaced by Minon, went to Saltillo. On the morning of the 22d, Gen. Wool drew up the army for battle. The gorge was the key of the position. Feb. 22. Buena Vis- Here was placed Capt. Washington's battery. This was THE BIRTHDAY OF THE GREAT WASHINGTON, and the battlc- cry was to be, " The memory of Washington !" On a height opposite the deep ravines, and contiguous to the gorge, were placed the volunteers of Illinois and Ken- tucky, under Colonels Hardin, Bissell, and M'Kee. Bragg's battery was beyond the ravines on the right ; while on the left, O'Brien's battery, with most of the remaining regiments, were on plateau-elevations between the mountain and the road. From their positions the troops looked out through the gorge to the south, and beheld, issuing from clouds of dust, the long array of the Mexican host, — glittering with burnished arms, and gor- geous with many-colored draperies. As they come nearer, their delicious music charms for a moment even Mexican ar- my appears. BUENA VISTA. 65 the stern car of war! But the shouts of the Americans 18 if. rise louder, — as Gen. Taylor, whom they regard as in- vincible, appears upon the field. At eleven o'clock, Santa Anna sent to Taylor a use- less summons of surrender. About noon the Mexicans ^p^'''^ pushed forward a party to the heights on the east, or (See CaV.'' Carleton's American left. At three o'clock beiijan the battle, b**"'" "J^"- ^ ena Vista ") Volunteer riflemen, under Col. Marshall, met the ad- k.^& w'more vanced Mexicans, i hey made no impression upon the Am. w. 4, American lines, while they suffered loss. Night came. The Americans remained under arms. Santa Anna's arrangements were those of an able com- mander. A strong column, headed by Gen. Mora y Villamil, he directed to attack the gorge defended by Washington's battery. This charge was in the morning made, met, and repulsed. Generals Pacheco and Lom- bardini, with their thousands, were early in the night climbino; the hejojhts on the east. Two hours after mid- night they drove in the American pickets. Major Mans- field discovers their approach, and the watchful CoL Churchill is near to give information to Gen. Lane, then in command of the American loft. Gen. Taylor was 2o'ci(?dc A M not upon the field, for his night had again been spent in Mexi.-ans at- providing for the safety of his stores at Saltillo ; — and ''^'''•,, ^"'"^^ f' Gen. Wool had just left the plateau, and gone to the ton'rpo'-^t at the gor;zc, gorire to see if all was right there. Gen. Lane ordered where they "" ^ '- are repulsed.) forward the battery of O'Brien, with a supporting regi- ment of Indiana volunteers under Col. Bowles. The Mexicans advanced, — their arms and standards glittering 56 BUENA VISTA. ^^ ^'i' gorgeously to the sun. They gain the heights and plant their heavy batteries. Impetuously they now attack the Americans, and with a tenfold force. The volunteers return the fire, and check the enemy, when Col. Bowles orders a retreat. It became a rout which could not bo stopped, though Capt. Lincoln, the aid of Wool, lost his precious life in attempting the rally. O'Brien stood, with Bryan his associate, and checked their pro- gress, until men and horses were killed ; and when he retreated, one gun could not be I'emoved. The Mexicans were gaining ground. Their right was turning the American left. Gen. Taylor arrives. Col. Jefferson Davis, with his Mississippians, comes for- ward, callino; to the retreatino;, to form in the shelter of his column. Col. Bowles, unable to rally his men, seizes the rifle of a private, and enters the ranks. For- ward press the few against the many ; nor pause for Col. Davis dano-er or death, until, close to the foe, their rifles give and the Mis- o ' ' ' => wittfXagg's the unerring fatal fire. A yell and a rush, and the battery, re- i • i i i i cover the voluntcers have crossed a ravine, and stand close to the ground on the left. Mexicans, forcing them to retreat. Thousands of the foe are ready to fill the places of the slain. But the bat- teries of Bragg and Sherman have now arrived. They pour a fire too rapid and deadly to be resisted, and the ground is regained. Meantime, bodies of the Mexican cavalry had passed between the combatants and the mountains, and gone The camp at- towards the rear, where they menaced the camp at tacked and defended. Bucua Yista. Gen. Taylor ordered Col. May, with his BUENA VISTA. 57 184T. dragoons and other cavalry, to follow and attack them Col. Yell of the Arkansas volunteers here fell bravely- fighting. Major Dix, a paymaster, seized the standard of the flying Indianians — called on them to follow, — and never suffer the flag of their state to leave the battle- field but in triumph. Many turned and fought. The tiSmuilSm Mexicans, thus resolutely met, veered about, and bemo; period of the _ battle.) joined by a fresh brigade, they now attempted to gain the road, from whence they might attack from the rear. The Mississippians were drawn up. The Mexican , cavalry came gallantly on. The Mississippians stood and fired not. Surprised, the horsemen check their career — and, for one suicidal moment, they halt. The next — each unerrinsj rifle had brouo;ht down its man. Sherman's battery had arrived, and the foe were unable to rally. Other American troops with artillery pressed closer and closer ; and some thousands of Mexicans are Dishonorable in danger of being cut off from the main body. Santa Santa^Aima in using a flag Anna dispatches a flag of truce to Taylor, desiring to ^o deceive, know what he wants. Gen. Wool, attempting to go with a reply, perceives the treachery of Santa Anna, and declares the truce at an end. The American firing having been suspended by order, the endangered Mexicans escaped ; while, not only did two of the Mexican batteries continue their fire, but Santa Anna used the time to change the position of another, in preparation for his final desperate struggle. This was made against the centre, where Gon. Taylor 58 BUENA VISTA. IS'II'. commanded in person ; — and by Santa Anna himself, wiih his entire reserve. O'Brien with his battery again stood foremost, and Colonels Hardin, Bissell, Clay, and M'Kee were in the hottest of the battle. But the odds against them is over- of the whSie whelming. Again O'Brien, now with Lieut. Thomas, armies, under the two com- stands and checks the foe, till men and horses are slain, manders. and now, as he retreats, he leaves two of his guns. Mexican lancers drive the infantry into a ravine. M'Kee, Hardin, Clay, and many others fall. Bragg and Sherman, straining every nerve, advance with their batteries, and in the face of death, maintain their ground, and save the battle. Washington's battery too, — often attacked through the day, — now by turning on the Mexican lancers, and protecting the American infantry, saved a field, in which, with such disparity of force, there were many chances to lose where there was one to win. Santa Anna was obliged to draw back his much diminished forces. The second night came on. Officers and men were on the alert, and horses in harness. The field was strewed with the lifeless victims of war. The B^Jg^'fyJ"/ American surgeons ^and their assistants administered to the wounded, whether friend or foe. Mexican women were there, to soothe the dying, or wail the dead. The Americans were prepared to renew the contest. Outposts had made astonishing marches, and had reached the camp. Gen. Marshall, with his mounted Kentuck- VICTORY. 59 1S4T. ians, and Capt. Prentiss with liis artillery, had travelled from the Pass of Rinconada, — 35 miles of bad road, — in one day. With the earliest dawn of the morning Gen. Wool, abroad to reconnoitre, discovered that the enemy were Feb. 2.V4. r, T, TT • • I I 1 ^ Santa Anna ui full retreat. Hastenmg with the news to the teni ot retreats. Am. loss, Taylor, they embraced and wept, — while the shouts of '^j^'''^' ^- ^^^^• victory rang over the battle-field. mUsiiT- 4ooo. Presuming that he should conquer, Santa Anna had detached regular forces under Minon and Urrea, to cut off the retreat of the Americans ; while hordes of rancheros were sent to the mountain passes to kill every Santa Anna's pieparaliiins straiTcrler. General Urrea, with 1,000 cavalry, went ^" ^^V^ of ^''^ o& ' ' •> ' whole Amer- into the vicinity of Monterey, where at Ramas a wagon- ^^'^^ ^'^"^^' train was captured, and forty-five wagoners barbarously murdered. Both these generals from the 22d to the 26th menaced the weakened outposts of Taylor's army ; and both Avere attacked and defeated. Gen. Miiion, on the 23d, interposed a body of 1,800 cavalry between Buena Vista and Saltiilo, threatening the rear of the army. Of,t]j lie was gallantly driven away, with the loss of 60 of his AsuaFrio. Mex. loss, men, by Capt. Webster, aided by Lieut Shover. Gen. k. & w. 60. Urrea was defeated by Colonels Morgan and Irvin on the 26th, at Agua Frio, near Monterey. On the 7th of March 7. '" Ceralvo. March, Major Giddings with 260 men, having a train of ^^J-g,*!]'*'®' wagons in convoy, was attacked near Ceralvo by 1,600 "111 Mex. loss, Mexicans; — the party of Urrea combined with that of k. &w. 45, ' ^ -^ Am. 17. Gen. Romera. The Americans bravely defended them- selves, and compelled the enemy to retreat. 60 RETURN OF GEN. TAYLOR. 1841. The victory of Buena Vista, without which the guerilla warfare would have borne a different aspect, left the Americans after these affairs in quiet possession of the northern provinces of Mexico proper. Active operations being here at an end. Gen. Taylor, after a few months, returned to receive high honors from his country ; — and Gen, Wool, " without fear and without reproach," was left at Monterey to govern and protect the conquered region. CHAPTER V. Army of the West — Conquest of New Mexico and California. A FLEET consisting of one frigate and nine smaller 1816. vessels, was already on the coast of California, when the war commenced. Commodore Sloat, the commander, was advised by the navy department, that war with Mexico mif^ht occur;! that he must be careful to ob- (t See Mr. ° ' ' Bancroft's or- serve the relations of peace, unless they were violated ^^1^°^ j^J"^- by the opposing party ; but if this should take place, he was, without further notice, to employ his fleet for hostile purposes. Being led to suppose that war existed, Com. Sloat took Monterey on the 7th of July, 1846 ; and juiy7. Monterey in raised the American flag without opposition. On the ^JJ'^^^j,'*' 9th, Francisco, north of Monterey, was taken by a part ^"'"- '^'°^*- of the squadron, acting under the orders of Com. Mont- gomery. On the 15th, arrived a second frigate under istji^: ^Arrival Com. Stockton. On the 17th, Com. Sloat dispatched a ^Mouterey^* party to the mission of St. John, to recover cannon and other munitions which the enemy had there deposited. At this place the American flag had already been planted by Col. Fremont, — who, with sixty-three men, had been sent out in 1845 by the government with the ostensible mon rations. 62 COL. Fremont's expedition. 184: 2-3. object of making peaceful explorations. He had, as an ^"*t'.ex^'io- officer of the corps of topographical engineers, been employed in the years 1842-3, in exploring the great rivers, valleys, prairies, lakes, and mountain-passes on the grand route to Oregon ; and he had manifested, by his keen observation, his hardy endurance, untiring ac- tivity, courage and conduct among the Indian tribes — the incipient germ of the great military commander. He was opportunely on the ground at the breaking out of the war. The Mexicans menaced him, although he had obtained leave of Gen. Castro, the military commandant, ^laiseTthe* ^0 wintcr near the San Joaquin. f Am. flag, but ^ in*- i -n Castro did not feuDsequentiy all Americans were threatened, rre- attaek. He pait ot Sacramento. They added to his force, and he swept out went, for a Yuout Went and aroused the settlers in the valley of the time, to the -^ uth part o: Oregon.) the Mexican authorities from the northern interior. The (Th^Jflf" of American Californians, July 6th, declared their independ- ant was ° Uie onco, and placcd Fremont at the head of their government. Bear and the Star;" hence A few days after, news came that war existed between they were BeM-Men.'") ^^^® United States and Mexico ; when the Californian colors were joyfully pulled down, and the American hoisted. (Com. Stock- Com. Stockton constituted the 160 men under Fremont, ton, in tuil CoiTsiolt " a navy battalion." This force sailed to San Diego, where, u. s., July united to the marines, their leaders marched upon, and oc- cupied Los Angeles. Here Com. Stockton proclaimed him- (Com. s. self governor, and established civil government. Leaving was at Diego, and Fremont a Small garrison, the commanders went north. In Sep- on his march, KealnJ^ar- tembor, a Mexican force, under Gen. Flores and Don Pico, led in a revolt — retook Angeles, and other places. Stock- VOLUNTEERS OF THE WEST. 60 ton sailed with his marines to San Diego. Fremont in- 18'46. creased his battalion to 428 ; and marched from Monterey south, to co-operate with Stockton in quelling the revolt. (.\rmy ( f the Immediately after the openinp^ of the war. orders vvest— ht ' ^ rejT. under were issued by the Executive for organizing an " Army ^^'^h^IjI^^"' n ^ TTT ■>■! ^ i i i ^ T^ /- Tiifaiitrv H3, 01 the West, to be commanded by Gen. Kearny ; — for Lt. aiti'i. '2:>o, Diai;ooiis the object of takincr, and placingr under American laws, ,. :*"'^- ^ J e' r o ' IG pieces of New Mexico and California. This army was to be com- °""^"''®-'' posed of mounted volunteers from the state of Missouri, with one battalion of infantry, one of light-artillery, and one of dragoons. They began, June 5th, to appear at the rendezvous, which was Fort Leavenworth. The choice of field-offi- cers for the first Missouri regiment was regarded by the volunteers as peculiarly important ; because, in the event of the death of Gen. Kearny, on the colonel of this regiment would devolve the command of the army. The men elected by the volunteers had entered their ranks as privates. Doniphan was chosen colonel ; Ruff, Donfphan lieutenant-colonel ; and Gilpin, major.* All were for twenty days instructed by such of their officers as had been West Point students ; and thus, the military science * There was some difficuhy about officering the volunteers — the government preferring to select the high officers. Subsequently the Executive of the United States appointed Col. Sterling Price to the command of a regiment of volunteers, which were to follow and reinforce Kearny. The volunteer regiment, however, held an elec- tion, in which they very wisely elected Col. Sterling Price, to the place previously assigned him by government. 64 KEARNY S MARCH. 1846. infused into this celebrated school, by Col. Sylvanus ^" Libert^' '°* Thayer and his associates and successors, now became voiuuteeroffi- as rapidly transfused into the quick minds of the volun- cers with flags- teers of the West, as were the military arts into the ""ditro'n ^\T well-formed, active frames of this remarkable body of Hughes.) . ^ recruits.^ General Kearny, having sent forward his baggage, June 20-29. ^^^ taken in convoy the annual train of merchants' iVmarch. wagons, now numbering 414, (going to trade at Santa June 30 p^ ^^^^ Chihuahua,) set out with his army on the last Reaches the ''' •' Kansas. ^^ June. They moved southwesterly across the river July 12. I 1 /> 1 rr 114 1 Reaches the Platte, — the branches or the Kansas, — along the Arkan- Aikansas. sas to Bent's Fort ; — thence south and southwesterly to Santa Fe. A great portion of the region moved over was prairie; — one wide, wild, unmeasured level, or gently undulating field ; — sometimes green, as far as the eye could roach, with tall, rank grass, — and sometimes gay with unnum- bered flowers, — perhaps blushing, far round, with the varieties of the prairie rose, — or tinged orange with the wild lily ; and sometimes showing the pale green and From June to delicate white and red of the moccason flower, the " belle Praidfscenes. of the prairie." Along the Arkansas the troops found * Willard P. Hall was chosen from their ranks, as a member to congress, and received at Santa Fe news of his election. But he proceeded as a private to California, from whence he returned with Kearny by the South Pass, — then went to Washington, and took his seat in congress. Another from the ranks of these volunteers was chosen into the state legislature of Missouri. halt", and af- lerwards to one-third.) Kearny's march. 65 great herds of bufflilo ; and cheerily joined tlie hunt, and ^Q^^« enjoyed the feast. But they had many hardships. The ground was often so soft and spongy, that the wagons sunk ; and the strength of the men must be added to that of the horses to drag them forth. Again chasms must be filled, and torrents bridged ; and sometimes the volun- teers must lie down at night in places infested with serpents, horned-frogs, lizards, and musquitoes. Often they made long marches without water, and sometimes n , m 1 • (t From July with scarcely any food.t Twice occurred amonc]^ their 8— rations •^ -^ ' ^ were cut horses that singular outbreak, called " estampeda." The '^^^^^ '« °»^ first was a few miles below Bent's Fort. Here the ani- mals were turned loose ; and while feeding in the prairie, a few of them took fright at an Indian. The panic was communicated. The keepers tried to stop the flight, July 29 but " a thousand horses were dashing over the plain, Estampeda enraged and driven to madness by the iron pickets and the lariats which goaded and lashed them at every step." About sixty-five of the best were irrecoverably lost.f As Gen. Kearny approached the capital of New Mexico, he heard rumors of a formidable military force which the governor, Don Manual Armijo, had collected to oppose his progress ; and he put his army in battle array to meet them at the caiion or pass of Galisteo, fifteen miles from Santa Fe. But the governor's own heart, or that of his troops, had failed. Kearny peace- fully entered the citv, containinsj 6,000 inhabitants, and, •^ " ' ^ ' Augnst 18. occupying the governor's palace, he planted above it, gnters^S'nu Aucrust the 18th, the standard eagle of Republican near Bent's fort. (t See Hughes' Doniphan.) 66 1846. America. Thus had the anny in fifty days accomplished this desert march of nearly 900 miles. Neither Santa Fe nor the surrounding country, offered any cogent objections to receiving the government, which Gen. Kearny next proceeded to establish ; — according to his understanding of directions, which he had received Heestabiishes from the War department. On the day after his entrance, civil govern- "^^^'^- he proclaimed himself governor of New Mexico. " You are now," said he, " American citizens ; — you no longer owe allegiance to the Mexican government." The principal men then took the oath required ; swearing in the name of the Trinity to bear true allegiance to the laws and government of the United States. Whoever was false to this allegiance, the people were told, would be regarded and punished as a traitor. These measures gave rise to much discussion in the American capitol when they became known ; the question being, whether the administration had or had not transcended its constitutional powers, in thus annexing, without any action of congress, a territory to the American Union. Gen. Kearny having now taken possession of New Mexico, and organized a government, — of which he made Charles Bent the chief executive, — it next Sept. 25. became his duty to proceed to California. He appointed Kearnyleaves „ ,-. i i • Santa Fe. CoL. DoNiPHAN to succecd hmi ui the provmce ; with orders, however, tliat on the arrival of volunteers under Col. Price, Doniphan should leave him in command, Debates in congress. SAN TASCAL. 67 proceed with his regiment and some additional forces to 1846. Chihuahua, and there report to Gen. Wool. Proceeding down the Rio Grande, Kearny was met (tThiswas Kit Carson. by an expressf from Col. Fremont, — by which he learned ^o,°iJ]5''w?n^ that California was already conquered. Selecting 100 meTto Mr" Fitzpatrick, men as his escort, he ordered the return of his main »»'! retain as guide ) force to Santa Fe. Crossing the Rio Grande in latitude 33°, he reached th^ river Gila, at the copper mines, on the 20th of October ; and following its course, he arrived at its mouth on the 22d of November, in lat. 32°. From this point he kept along, or near the Colorado, forty miles ; thence westerly sixty miles, through an arid desert. On the 2d of December, Gen. Kearny reached Wamas' village, the frontier settlement of California. Pursuing his way, he was met on the 5th, near San Diego, by Capt. Gillespie, sent to him with 36 men, by Com. Stockton,! now acting governor of California. A ^'■'s^4qSst" corps of the enemy were near. The next morning the S messen- ger.) general, expecting an encounter, mounted his little party on the jaded beasts they had ridden from Santa F6, 1050 B^ule^of miles, and at day-dawn went forth to San Pascal, — where he engaged 160 mounted Californians. The Americans were victorious ; — but those more northern 11. 1 111 (t7th.— Ams. troops sold victory at a dearer rate, than the southern again drive ^ "^ tliefoe. Mexicans. Kearny was twice wounded. Captains ^J';,'^"^^^ Ty Johnson and Moore and Lieut. Hammond were killed ; — b^u.ged^'n camp. ('ar- — indeed more than half the officers were either killed sonandBeaie go to btoek- or wounded, with 19 of the men.f When the surgeon ^oth--S»o ma- appeared, the commander directed, "first dress the relieve them.) 68 SAN GABRIEL. 1846. wounds of the soldiers ;" and then fell, — fainting with exhaustion. Happily his wounds were not dangerous. He reached San Diego on the 12th of December. On the 29th of that month, by Com. Stockton's re- quest. Gen. Kearny took the command of 500 marines with the land forces ; and marched to the vicinity of Ciudad los. Angeles, to quell a rising of the inhabitants, backed by a Mexican army of 600, under Generals Flores and Pico. These forces were met and defeated Jan. 8 and 9. at Sau Gabriel, on the 8th of January : and on the 9th, Battles of ^ ^ ^ ' fndt^ieMeL^ wcrc again fought and routed at the Mesa. They then about 20.' marched 12 miles past Angeles to Cowenga, where they Mex.loss, 70 or 80. capitulated to Col. Fremont, who, wdth his battalion had now arrived at that place. Com. Stockton, January 16, commissioned Col. Fremont as Governor.* He dis- charged the functions, until the 1st of March ; when Gen. Kearny, according to his orders, assumed the office and style of Governor of California. f Col. Cooke W'ith the Mormon battalion, had, from * It was not until these pages were stereotyped, that docu- ments existed, by which a correct account could be given of the unhappy disagreement between Kearny, Stockton, and Fremont. The reader will now find a circumstantial account, in the accom- panying History of California. t At Fort Leavenworth Gen. Kearny arrested Col. Fremont, who was tried and condemned to lose his commission. The Pre- sident, however, pronounced his pardon ; but Fremont (June, 1848) resigned ; maintaining that he had done no wrong, and desired no clemency. Kearny's return. R9 Santa F6, proceeded down the Del Norte ; then sending ^Q ^^* back his sick to the Arkansas, where were 900 Mormon oct. is. The Mormon families on their way to California, he here took a route, battaii n leaves Santa which deviated to the south from that of Kearny, and led ^^• him through a better road and a more interesting region. By direction of the war department. Gen. Kearny placed Col. Mason in the office of chief magistrate of California ; and, on the 16th day of June, 1847, he took june le' ^ . Kearny leaves his way homeward across the Kocky Mountains, by the CaiUomia. South Pass ; being accompanied by Colonels Fremont and Cooke, — Hon. Willard P. Hall, (who had been elected to congress,) with other officers and privates, to the number of forty. On the 22d of August, the party Aug. 2-2. •^ & ' r .7 At Fort Lea- were at Fort Leavenworth ; when Gen. Kearny imme- ^'e'lworth. diately repaired to Washington, — having twice crossed the continent in little more than a year. CHAPTER VI. Doniphan's Expedition to Chihuahua — Revolt iu New Mexico. 1846. Three days after Gen. Kearny's departure from Sept. 28. Santa Fe, Col. Price arrived with his recruits. Col. Col. Price ar- rives at Santa Doniphau was awaiting this event to commence his Oct. ij. march upon Chihuahua. But on the 11th of October he or- . i n y^ tt- ^ i t dered against rcceivcd au Order from Gen. Kearny, dated " near La the Navajo Indians. Joya," to march with his regiment against the Navajo Indians, — their chiefs not having come to Santa Fe to hold a peace-council with those of other Indian nations, as they had been invited, and as they had promised to do ; — but instead of this, they had made war on " the inhabitants of New Mexico, now forming a part and under the protection of the United States." Winter was approaching, and the abodes of the powerful Navajoes, the " mountain-lords " of unknown (TheNavajos ^ '' se4*li mS- I't^gio^s, extended far to the west. The more thoroughly bn*°nd'tak- to scour their country. Col. Doniphan divided his en captive many women renimeut iuto three parties, — one under Maior Gilpin, to andciiildren.) ^ ^ ' J r 5 take a northern route ; one under Col. Jackson, a southern, while Doniphan himself was to take a central range. All were to meet at Ojo Oso, or the Bear THE NAVAJOES. 71 Springs, — bringing in the chiefs, there to hold a council. 181C. At the same time a detachment under Capt. Walton, went down the Del Norte to Valverde, to convey the train of merchant wacons for the Chihuahua trade. „, . „., . ^ (Major Gilpin Here they were menaced by a Mexican force; but about ^lo c 1 /-I T-1 • 1 /^ niilc's among fortunately 200 men, under Capt. Burgum, whom Gen. the Indians) Kearny had sent back, now came up, and joining the escort, they were too strong to be attacked. The three parties then set forward ; and, after incredible hard- ships, thrilling adventures among strange savages, — in crossing the heights and chasms of unexplored moun- Nov. 2. tains, where one false step would precipitate man and (Coi d. left ^ ^ ^ theDelNuite. horse into unfathomed abysses — after losing several p^ljrnedto lives of their men by frost, poorly clad as they were, among snows and mountain-storms, — they finally ac- complished their object. Capt. Reid, of Jackson's division, with thirty young men, had volunteered to accompany Sandoval, a Navajo chief, five days through mountain-heights, — to a grand gathering of the men and women of the tribe. They were completely in the power of the Indians ; but they won their hearts by gayety and confidence. Most of the five hundred whom they met at the feast, had never seen a white man. Reid and his companions joined the dance, sung their country's songs — and what pleased the Navajocs most, interchanged with them their costume. The head chief, Narbona, though sick and aged, came to the camp of the strangers, — lodged with them, and favored their mission. Thus were the savages persuaded 72 BATTLE OF BRACITO. 1846. to agree to what would please those whom they liked ; (PreJenf at ^Ithough, as spoken by Sarcilla Largo, a Navajo chief, 189 Amerl"" it struck them as very singular, that the Americans, cans, 500 Na- vajoes,; coming to fight the New Mexicans, who had never injured them, should make a point of preventing the Navajoes from doing the same thing, though the New Mexicans had long been their enemies. Nevertheless, if their new friends really did possess New Mexico, they would, they said, cease their depredations. Ac- Nov. 22 cordinMy at Bear Springs, on the 22d of November, a Treaty made. ° -^ f o ' ' treaty was made in form ; and the three parties, Americans, New Mexicans, and Navajoes. were, by its conditions, to live in perpetual peace. Col. Doniphan made the camp at Valverde the place of rendezvous for the troops wiio were to accompany him. Some regulars of the light-artillery, with ten pieces of cannon, were by his direction to be sent from Dec. 14-19. Santa Fe. In the middle of December he moved Doniphan's army move j^ig armv in three divisions south, with his bacj^ffasre- from Val- -' ' ob o ^^^^^' wagons, and merchant-trains in convoy. He now crossed a dreary desert of ninety miles, called the Dec. 22. "Journey of the Dead," where there was little of water. At Donanna, -^ ' ' El' Paso!"" food, or fuel. At Doiianna the army found refreshment. Proceeding in the direction of El Paso — at Bracito, on the Del Norte, they encountered a Mexican force, com- manded by Gen. Ponce de Leon. He dispatched an officer with a hlackftag, demanding of the American commander to appear before him. On refusal, he said in haughty defiance, " We neither ask quarter nor give EL PASO DEL NORTE. 73 it." The Mexicans advanced, firing three rounds. *Qt^' The Missouri ans, falling on their faces, were supposed BaTtie'of to be dead, but suddenly rising, they delivered a fire so Mex. force •^ ° 1,200, fatal that the foe fled in confusion, leaving about 200 , ^f- 'o^^ ' '-' k. about 50, killed and wounded. The Americans had but seven Am.Sce engaged 500, wounded, and none killed. w. '7. k. o. In the delightful valley of El Paso del Norte, the troops were fully recruited ; and they were joined here 184'T» by the artillery companies from Santa Fe, under Clarke (ei Paso noted for deli- and Weightman. Their march from El Paso was forth clous wines.) into unknown hostile regions. And now they had learned that Gen. Wool was not at Chihuahua. No army was there for their defence. Missouri became anxious for the fate of her sons. But fearlessly they pressed on. They encountered as they went from the Del Norte a desert sixty-five miles in extent, in which their sufferings became so intense from thirst, that the whole army were Feb. 8. in danger of perishing. Many animals, and some men Army leave* gave out, and lay down to die. Many officers and sol- diers threw all aside, and were running with their last Great 'distress from thirst. Strength to reach a lake ten miles distant. But that Providence which so often saved our armies during this war, relieved their sufferings by a shower so copious, that the torrent-streams came dashing from the rocks, to refresh and save them. Having at length reached the lake, (Laguna de los Patos,) they remained to recruit, one day only, and on the 18th resumed their march. Col. Doniphan, as he approached Chihuahua, learned that an army of 4,000 men had been raised to oppose 74 THE PASS OF SACRAMENTO. 1847. _ him by Don Angel Trias, governor of the province ; and Bauie^f he met this formidable force strongly posted, and fortified SacRaMEN- . , , ^ n o a • \ TO With heavy ordnance, at the 1 ass oi oacramento, eighteen Mex. force Am'Sce "^^^^s from the capital. No more daring deeds were — done during the war, than those which now distinguished Mex. loss, k 130(1, w. 300. this little army of about a thousand brave men. Capt. Am. loss, "^ k. 1, w. id. i^gi(j's charge, when at the head of the cavalry he out- rode all his fellows in the storming of the enemy's battery, is a specimen of the manner in which the Americans here defeated quadruple numbers of their enemies, — fighting on ground of their own selection, — under the eye of Trias their governor, of Gen. Heredia their military commander, and of Gen. Conde, former minister of war, — a scientific man, who, says Col. Doni- phan, "planned their whole field of defence." Having completely routed the army, the city and pro- vince of Chihuahua were at the mercy of the conqueror. Captains Reid and Weightman, both distinguished in the battle, were sent the following day to take military possession of the capital. Col. Doniphan having col- lected the trophies of his victory, entered the succeeding D^rphaifen- day, March 2d, with the main army ; and planted the tersChiliua- , . hua. colors of his country, over a city contaming forty thou- sand inhabitants, and having in its vicinity some of the richest mines in Mexico. In this salubrious climate, his soldiers enjoyed six weeks of the opening spring ; then May 2-2. Hiarched by Parras to Saltillo, where at length they met Gen. Wool. But Buena Vista was past, and their term of service expired on the last of May. By Comargo and REVOLT IN NEW MEXICO. 75 the Rio Grande, they arrived at New Orleans, on the l^'iT' 15th of June ; having marched 5,000 miles since they left the Mississippi. In the meantime the New Mexicans had secretly conspired to throw off the American yoke. Simultane- ously, on the 19th of January, massacres occurred at Massacre of Gov Bent Fernando de Taos, where were cruelly murdered Gov. ami J8 others. Charles Bent, Sheriff Lee, and four others, — at Arroija Honda, where seven Americans were killed, — at Rio Colorado two, — and at Mora four. Col. Price, the military commander of Santa Fe, received the startling intelligence on the 20th ; when he learned that a force, hourly increasing, approached him. He sent expresses to call in his outposts, and on the 2.3d marched with 350 men, — met the foe on the 24lh, near the small town of Victories of Col. Price. Canada, attacked and defeated him. On the 29th, Col. J^"- -^^ ' Canada. Price, now reinforced by Capt. Burguin from Albuquer- que, again encountered the enemy, — and defeated him at the mountain-£i:oro;e called the Pass of Emhudo. The J^"- '^■ Americans next had a march over the Taos mountain, about i.soo. Am. 479. through snows two feet in depth, with a degree of cold so intense, that many had their limbs frozen. They passed unmolested through Fernando de Taos ; but at Puebla, they met the enemy, stormed his fortifications, Feb. 5. X UEBLA DR and drove him from his position. The valuable lives of '^'*'°^' Capt. Burguin and other officers, were here lost. Capt. Hendley was killed on the 22d of January, in an attack on Mora. That village was destroyed on the 3d of "^jv^or!?.' February, by a detachment under Capt. Morin. The 76 RETURN OF GEN. PRICE. 184:T. loss of the Mexicans in all these engagements is supposed to have been about three hundred killed ; the number of wounded unknown. The Americans lost in killed and wounded about sixty. Fifteen Mexicans were exe- cuted as conspirators. But although the Americans had conquered, they now lived in fear of secret conspiracy. The Indians also, especially the Camanches, showed themselves hos- tile. Along the far line of communication — from the settlements on the Missouri to Santa Fe, California, and Oregon, robberies and murders were committed by savages, on travelling parties. The government there- fore increased the number of troops to be stationed in these regions. One extra battalion has been sent to (Col. Gilpin is in command Ncw Mexico. One is employed on the Santa Fe — and on the Santa ' •' ^Qo\.f'o^2\ one on the Oregon road. Colonel, now General Price, g'>n.) leaving in command Col. Walker, reached Missouri, Return^f ^^P^* 25th; having lost in battle and otherwise, more than four hundred of his men. CHAPTER VII. Scott's Invasion — Vera Cruz— Cerro Gordo. Since Mexico refused to treat for peace, the Ameri- ISie, can Executive determined to strike at her capital through Vera Cruz. Gen. Scott, the first officer in the American army, was properly selected to conduct this perilous enterprise. He was notified by Secretary Marcy of liis appointment, on the 18th of November: and he was Nov. i8. ^ ' (See Marcy'a dii'ected to draw his force chiefly from Taylor ; that 'l""^^*? general having received notice, that troops would, for this invasion, be withdrawn from his army by the war department. On the 25th of November, Gen. Scott gave, with reluctance, the order already noticed, by which the Generals Taylor and Wool were deprived of the greater portion of their armies. With a smaller force than that with which Gen. Scott was furnished, it would have been madness to undertake such an in- vasion ; f nor would the nature of the service brook the ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ T , ^ . . IT.,.. ^ ri-11 field's " Mex- delay oi raismg and disciphnnig new troops. i ne jcau War.") deadly summer climate of Vera Cruz required immediate action. Santa Anna was lying with 22,000 men at San 78 SIEGE OF VERA CRUZ. ^Q^"^' Luis Potosi. It would have seemed probable that he would have turned towards Vera Cruz, and uniting with forces in that vicinity, oppose, as he might have done, with an army of 30,000, the landing of Gen. Scott ; — Feb. 22&23. ^'^ther than to march against Gen. Taylor. But (as Bueiia Vista. Scott learned after landing) Santa Anna chose the latter, and was defeated at Buena Vista. To make the preparations necessary for a foreign siege. Gen. Jesup, the quartermaster- general, proceeded to New Orleans, to arrange with Gen. Scott the details of this important service ; the magnitude of whose operations, appears from the fact that 163 vessels were employed as transports. The general rendezvous of the several corps, which were to compose the invading army, was the island of Lobos, 125 miles from Vera Cruz. Necessary delays, however, occurred ; and it was not until the 7th of March, that Gen. Scott embarked with his troops on board the transporting squadron, which was commanded by Com. Conner. Reaching Vera Cruz on 9th, lands at the 9th, he, with admirable order, debarked his whole Sacrificios. army on the west side of the island of Sacrificios. Hav- ing vainly summoned the garrison to surrender. Gen. Scott, with the aid of his able engineers, of whom Col. Totten was chief, planted his batteries ; and commenced, on the night of the 18th, a tremendous bombardment of the city. The fleet lent its aid, although exposed to the fire of the castle. On the morning of the 26th, Gen. Landera, then in command of Vera Cruz, made over- tures for capitulation. Generals Worth, Pillow, and Col. March 7. ScDtt em- barks his ar- my. IPth, begins the cannon- ade. Scott's march. 79 Totten, arranged with him the articles; — and on the isit. night of the 27th, Vera Cruz, with the strong caslle of ^^'^ecky' San Juan d'Ulloa, — the principal commercial port, and the strongest fortress in Mexico, were surrendered, with 5,000 prisoners, (dismissed on parole,) and 500 pieces of artillery. Two meritorious American officers, Captains Alburtis and Vinton, with ten privates, were killed. Capt. Swift, one of the brightest ornaments of the service, who had organized a company of sappers and miners, — too eager in duty for his impaired health, fainted at the head of his corps, from over-exertion ; and died in the hospital. The discipline of Gen. Scott's army was strict, and no invasion of private rights was permitted. Com. Perry, who succeeded Conner in command of the Gulf squadron, extended his operations after the fall ^^ ^ ' '■ (Capt. Hun- of Vera Cruz. Alvarado on the south, was captured, ^/'but^iilt and Tuspan on the north. The American government su,)eriur. toidc Alvarado.) about this time adopted the policy of drawing a revenue from the conquered ; — lest by too much lenity, in paying for all needed supplies, the war should become a pccu- ijiary advantage to certain classes of the Mexicans, and thus peace be deferred. Having now the best harbors of Mexico in possession, American revenue officers were appointed, and impost duties collected. On the 8th of April, Gen. Scott, leaving a garrison in Vera Cruz, sent forward the advance of his army un- April 8. •^ Atmy leaves dor Gen. Twiggs, on the road to Jalapa. At the base of the grand eastern chain of the Cordilleras, the other divisions of the army came up, and the commander Vera Cruz. 80 CERRO GORDO. ^^^'^* established a camp at Plan del Rio. Then lay before him an arduous and difficult ascent through a mountain- gorge. Across this way, and on the heights which com- manded it, bristled the artillery of the invaded foe, 12,000 strong, commanded by Santa Anna. He had made great efforts to keep up his army ; and here de- clared that he would die fighting rather than "the American hosts should proudly tread the imperial capita! of Azteca." Scott found by reconnoissanee, that the Mexican position was so strongly fortified, and so com- manded by the batteries of the lofty height of Cerro Gordo, that approach in front was impracticable. But, aided by the skill of the engineers, Lee and Beauregard, he turned to the left, causing to be made a new road, by which, ascending along difficult slopes and over deep chasms, his army might reach the rear of the enemy^s camp. After three days of secret labor, the road was made. On the 17th of April, the commander published in a general order the detailed plan of a battle for the next day, — showing how the victory was to be obtained, . ., ,^ — how the flvinw were to be pursued, — and how the April 18. ^ n r ' Cmro^Gor- greatest advantage was to be reaped. All was done as Mex. force hc Commanded. 12,000. Am. 8,500. About noon the steep ascent was gained. The k.&w"Sout heights of Cerro Gordo were stormed by Twiggs' bri- 1 100 pris! 3,000. gade, — and the enemy's camp, by a party led by Col. 430. Harney, Gen. Shields, — (severely wounded,) and by Col. Riley. At two o'clock, P. M., the enemy were put to flight, — more than a thousand had fallen, either killed VICTORY OF CERRO GORDO. 81 or wounded. Santa Anna and a part of his army had i^'il* fled, and the eager pursuit had commenced. Scott in his orders, given before the battle, had directed that the pursuers should each take two days' subsistence, and that wagons with stores should immediately follow, so that they need not return. On the 19th, the pursuing squadrons entered and took possession of Jalapa. On the 20th, they found the strong post of La Hoya aban- doned. On the 22d, havins: now attained the summit of April 22. ° Wortli takes the eastern Cordilleras, General Worth displayed the ^^JJ';'[. ^^Tj! American banner from the unresisting castle of Perote, the strongest fortress in Mexico, next to San Juan d'Ulloa. Thus by vigorously following up this remarkable victory, the enemy were unable to recover in time to make a stand in this, their strongest inland post ; and thus, other battles were saved. Three thousand prisoners were taken at Cerro Gordo, amonij whom were four "-enerals. Gen. Scott dismissed them all upon parole, having neither food to sustain, nor men to guard them. Santa Anna's equipage and papers were secured. Both here and at Perote were captured (54 pieces of many large pieces of bronze artillery. From Perote n^^naJ'^take^ onwards, through that great table valley between the ^' P®'°te.) grand chains of the Cordilleras, called the Terras Frias, or the "cold country," the American army had now no cause to apprehend serious resistance. On the morning of the 25th of May, the advance under Worth entered Puebla, the second city of Mexico, containing 80,000 inhabitants. Eagerly did the Mexican men and women 82 GEN. WORTH ENTERS PUEBLA. 184T. look out from their balconies, and from the roofs of their houses, to see these mighty conquerors. War-worn, and habited in the sober gray of the American army, the Mexicans, accustomed to a gaudy uniform, looked upon them with disappointment ; and could find no reason but one for their success. " Their leaders," said they, " are gray- headed men." CHAPTER VIII. State of the Army — Its March — Contreras — Churubusco. The American army having nov/ overrun the northern 1 81T. portion of the country, and made a successful inroad which threatened the capital, the Executive sent Nicholas P. Trist, as an agent to make the experiment, whether Mexico would now treat for peace. But the olive-branch was again rejected. The interruption of the army's activity caused by these unavailing efforts for peace, was opportune. Its numbers were lessened by sickness ; for the climate though pleasant proved so unhealthly, that hundreds were in hospitals, and many died. The time for which large numbers of the volunteers were enlisted, expired ; and man)^ had deserted. Congress had, however, passed a law, February 11th, 1847, authorizing ten new regiments; and these being raised, reinforcements were ,-,(,9^;^^^^ sent by the way of Vera Cruz; and although not in ^^'e,.'e ^t one^ time in liospi- sufficient numbers to admit of leavinsr such garrisons tai at Puebia, ^ ^ and 1700 de- behind as would keep open his line of supplies. Gen. Scott '^f^^e t"-'-"'° determined to move forward. 84 VALLEY OF MEXICO. ^Q^^* On the 7th of August he marched from Puebla with 10,728 men, leaving more than 3,000 in hospitals, — and as a garrison under Col. Childs. Keeping the several columns into which he had divided the army, within supporting distance, and himself accompanying the van, Gen. Scott moved forth with his little army; — like a second Cortez, to encounter the unknown numbers, which would be brought against him, at the coming death- struggle of an infuriated nation. The march of the Americans was now through a beautiful and cultivated region, whose abundant waters flowed pure and cool. Soon they began to ascend the gradual slope of the great Cordilleras of Anahuac, central between the east and western oceans. On the third day, their toilsome march wound up through steep acclivities. At length they reached the summit ; and three miles beyond Rio Frio, burst upon their gaze, all the glories of the grand valley of Mexico. Spreading far round and beneath, were its mingled lakes, plains, cities, and cloud-capped mountains. The giant peak of Popocatapetl was far to their left ; before them lay lake Tezcuco ; and beyond it, the domes and towers of the city of the Montezumas, which many a brave American, that day, rejoiced to behold — but never reached. The mountain-passes were here unguarded ; and the August 11. army marched on, until, on the 11th, the advance com- Ayotia. manded by Gen. Twiggs, rested at Ayotla, north of lake Chalco, and fifteen miles from the capital. The remain- ing corps were soon concentrated at small distances ; ENERGY AND COURAGE. 85 some on the lake's' eastern border. The first step was ISIT. to learn and consider well the position of the city, and every thing respecting its defences. Its ground plot had formerly been an island. What was once the lake on which it stood, was now an oozy marsh. Long straight causeways, easily raked by artillery, led through this marsh to the several gates, from the great roads by which the city was approached ; and much the longest was that connected with the road from Vera Cruz. But before reaching the causeways was an exterior system of strong defences. A bold reconnoissance was made. By the Vera Cruz road, on which the army were, the city could not be approached, without first encountering the strongest of the exterior fortifications, that of El Penon. " No doubt," says Gen. Scott, " it might have been carried, but at a great and disproportionate loss, and I was anxious to spare the lives of this gallant army for a general battle, which I knew we had to win before capturing the city, or obtaining the great object of the campaign — a just and honorable peace." The commander then moved his troops 27 miles ; they making a new road, directed by the engineers, over such sharp volcanic rocks and deep chasms, as the foe had not dreamed could be passed ,* when, — having turned the lakes Chalco and Jochamilcho, they en- Army marches from camped at St. Augustine, on the Acapulco road, eight ^^r^j^^^^^f*- miles south of Mexico. From the camp, looking towards the city, the first defences on this road were the fortress 83 ENERGY AND COtJnAGE. _2_5^^_ of Antoiiia ; and — a mile and a half farther north — the strongly fortified hill of Churubusco. These could be approached in front only by a dangerous causeway. Thf Armv' ^^ making a detour to the west, where lay yet other to^Coiurems. dangers, they might be reached from the left. Two movements, ordered by the commander, were simulta- neously made. Worth with Harney's cavalry went to menace Antonia in front ; while to the left, Gen. Pil- low's division, consisting of the brigades of Pierce and Cadwallader, conducted by the engineers, Lee, Beaure- gard, and others, made a road through craggy rocks of ancient lava, — whose crevices shot up the thorn-armed maguey, and whose deep chasms were filled with water. To cover and support the working party, was sent Gen. Twiggs' division, made up of the brigades of Riley und / Persifer Smith. In the afternocn of the second day, after accomplish- ing nearly three miles of this difficult road, the troops found themselves within cannon-range of the enemy's Battle begins, fortified camp at Contreras, commanded by Gen. Valen- cia, with 6,000 men, surmounted by 22 heavy guns, and communicating by a good road with Mexico, and also with the main camp of Santa Anna, which was lying two miles nearer. Upon this road they saw the Mexicans hurrying on to the scene of action. Fighting now begins, in which the divisions of generals Twiggs and Pillow, especially Riley's brigade, are engaged. They advance, though suffering from the enemy's fire ; — aided by the small batteries of Magruder and Callen- CONTRERAS. 87 der, which are with difficulty brought into action. About ■^®^2: sunset, the commander, now on the field with fresh troops, gives to Col. Morgan of the regular infantry, an order, which, aided by Gen. Shields of the volunteers, he executes; taking the village of Contreras, or Ansalda,f (fThis vii- , lage is sonie- which lay on the road from the fortified camp, to that of .^""^' oMed J r^ in accounts ot Santa Anna. The enemy's line of reinforcements was contreras,' and some- no W cut. times Ansal- da. See Night, — cold, dark, and rainy — closed in. Comfort- porT^AiJ^ust less was the condition of the troops, remaining without food or sleep, upon the ground. The officers at Ansalda, in their perilous position, — separated as they were from their commander by the almost impassable"|" lava-field, officers sent by Pcott after whose craojs, on account of the rain-flood, were inter- sundown to " ' carry orders, spersed by torrents, — now found resources in their own "cLTed^n*^ , reaching An- genms, courage, and union. Gen. Persifer Smith saida.) proposed to set out at midnight, surprise and storm the camp at Contreras. f rom that moment, dark forebodings passed from the army, and each officer and man, as by spontaneous movement, fell into his proper place. Gen. Shields extending his 600 men into a long line, and keeping up fires, was interposed between the storming party and the camp of Santa Anna, with his 12,000 reserve. One messenger alone — Lee, the engineer, — found liis dark and watery way over the lava-rocks, and carried to the gratified commander the tidings of the gallant attitude of his troops, — and also, a request of Gen. Smith, for co-operation. Gen. Scott complied, by sending with the messengf^r the force under Twiggs, to Augnst. Morning of the 2Uth. S8 CONTRERAS. 1841. Contreras at five in the morning, to aid the stormin< ^^"gj'^,^!^^;'/- party approaching the enemy's rear, by making a gaged, Soo diversion in their front. A little past midnight. Gen. more in sight, Am. ibrceen- Smith scts forward, conducted by eno;ineer Smith, Col. gaged, 4,500. ' Jo ', Riley leading the van. The rain continues to fall in oners HKJ, 88 torrents, and their progress is slow. So profound is the oflBcers,4gen- erais darkuess, that the men must touch each other as they Am. k. & w. ' •' Capt. Han- ^ovo, Icst they divide, and some be lost. At sunrise, brave— was they storm the intrenchments, and precipitate themselves here killed. upon the surprised Mexicans. Dismay and carnage prevail for seventeen minutes ; when the camp is carried. Eighty-eight officers and 3,000 men are made prisoners. Thirty-three pieces of artillery are captured ; among which are found two of those so honorably lost by O'Brien at Buena Vista ; — and they are taken by Capt. Drum with a part of the regiment to which they had in that battle belonged. They are received with shouts of joy by the victors of Contreras ; in which the commander, now present, and proud of his " gallant army," heartily participates. Gen. Scott next directed a grand movement upon Churubusco, to which the victory already achieved, opened the way. Moving northeasterly by the road through St. Angel, he keeps the centre of the extended field, while Gen. Worth on his extreme right, is driving the now terrified garrison from Antonia. Gen. Shields, who at Contreras, had kept for hours the whole army of Santa Anna in check, was in command of the extreme left ; still charged with the dangerous duty of keeping CHIJRUBUSCO. 89 oiF the grand Mexican army from the immediate object iSlt. of attack. In the centre, Gen. Twiggs presses forward ^u.^ust 20. to Churubusco, and entering it from the west, attacks co. one of its two strong defences, the fortified church of San Pablo. In the mean time. Worthy joined by Pillow and Cadwallader, comes in from Antonia, and furiously carrying the stronger fortress, called Pont du THe or Bridge's Plead, he turns its guns upon the citadel-church, which now surrenders. Shields, Pierce, and others, are meantime fighting a bloody battle with Santa Anna, with fearful odds against them. Scott sent successive (t Kearny regiments to their aid. Churubusco was now taken, the arm, ami oth- er officers brave old Gen. Rincon, its commander, having surren- their hves.) dered. Santa Anna abandoned the field. Worth and Shields pursued. Col. Harney wqth his dragoons dashed by them, and one of his officers, Capt. Kearney, not hearing the call to return, followed the flying Mexicans to the very gate of the capital. f CHAPTER IX. Armistice — Moliuos del Rey — Cliapultepec — Mexico. 1847. The commander, following up his victory, might now have entered Mexico. But he was not sent to con- quer the country, but to " conquer a peace," and he believed that the reduction of the capital would delay, rather than accelerate this result. He did not wish to c^eed'in"sof drivc the government away from the city dishonored. Scott. " The army," says Scott in his dispatches, " are willing to leave to this republic something on which to rest her pride, — and they cheerfully sacrifice to patriotism the eclat that would have followed an entrance, sword in hand, into a great capital." August 21. Tacubaya now became the head-quarters of the American army. The general-in-chief occupied the archbishop's palace, with its beautiful gardens. Here 24th. , . 1 . 1 T»r . Armistice he negotiated with Mexican commissioners an armistice, concluded. as a step preparatory to a final peace. On Mr. Trist, the agent of the American executive, it devolved, to settle with the Mexican authorities the terms. They wanted, among other conditions, that regions should be left as desolate wastes between the two republics ; and, MOLINOS DEL REY. 91 humbled as they were, they could not yet brook the re- 184T. linquishment of the territory demanded. Negotiations were broken off, and the spirit of the Mexican govern- ment rose once more to meet a final struggle. They violated the armistice by strengthening their defences. Taking down the bells of their churches, they made a Violated by foundry at the "King's Mills," where they converted the Mexicans, them into cannon. They called on the provinces to come to their aid in mass ; and by fire, or poison, — by any wea- pon, in any manner, to injure and destroy the invader. From Tacubaya, Mexico was in full view — north- east, and distant three miles. North — bearing a little east — distant a mile — rose, in beautiful prospect, the fortified hill of Chapultepec ; its porphyritic rocks ab- ruptly descending on its southern and eastern sides, — while to the west, the hill fell gradually, with a gentle, wooded slope, till it met the fortified building of stone, called El Molinos del Rev, or the King's Mills. A Scott's posi- quarter of a mile west of the fortified mills stood another tionm respect ^ to Mexico stone fortress called Casa Mata. These were the ob- fences. stacles which now barred the way of the Americans to the capital ; and they constituted the supporting points of the Mexican army ranged behind them, headed by Santa Anna, and amounting to fourteen thousand. 14,000. Am. 3,200. The generals, Scott and Worth, went forth in person — ° '■ Max. loss se to reconnoitre, and they sent out their skilful engineers, ^'"k'nown."" Scott then gave the order for an assault on Molinos del 52offieere. Am. loss, Rey, committinor its execution to Worth. A terrible KM*'.^*'^^^' Sept. a. Molinos DEL Rey. battle was fought, — the fortresses of Molinos del Rey including officers. 92 CHAPULTEPEC. t8'*'y« and Casa Mata were taken, and an important victory was won. But the very tone was melancholy, in which the commanding-officer praised the victors, " the gallant dead, the wounded, and the few unscathed. ^^ The com- manders in their reconnoissance before the battle had been somewhat deceived as to the enemy's strength ; they masking their batteries, and concealing their men, which were perhaps fivefold the numbers of their assail- ants. In the heat of the action, Major Wright, assisted by Mason of the engineers, fell upon the enemy's centre, and took his main field-battery ; when so furiously did he charge to regain it, that of fourteen American officers, eleven fell. Among the number were Wright and Ma- son. One brigade lost its three senior officers, — Col. M'Intosh and Major Waite wounded, and Col. Martin Scott killed. Casa Mata was blown up, and El Molinos dismantled. It was at the beautiful hill of Chapultepec, where once arose the veritable " Halls of the Montezumas." Here was now the military school of Mexico, and the last exterior defence of the successors of Cortez, to that capital which he had so iniquitously taken, shedding seas of blood, because " the Spaniards had a disease of the cott's Con- heart, which nothing could assuage but gold."+ The quest of Mex- ^^"^ ) God of battles, who had so signally made the American armies the means of chastising the Spanish Mexicans, for national cruelties early begun and long continued, again led them to victory. On the night of the 11th of September, Gen. Scott BATTLES OF MEXICO. 93 caused to be erected, from the cannon taken in former 1841. victories, four heavy batteries, bearing on Chapultepec. /batteries. Before night, on the 12th, the outworks of that fortress, skilfully assailed by a cannonade directed by the Ameri- can engineers, began to give way. On the 13th was cSpulte- the battle. The officers and men, by whom such an unbroken series of victories had been achieved, were all promptly in the places assigned them, by eight o'clock in the morning. The fortification which they were to storm was a nation's last hope. The roar of the American cannon ceases for a moment. It is the preconcerted signal for the assault. In an instant the assailants are in rapid motion. Gen. Quitman hastens from the south, Gen. The fortreess stormed. Persifer Smith from the southeast, and Gen. Pillow, with Col. Clark, from the wooded slope on the west. The batteries throw shells into the fort over the heads of their friends, as they begin the furious attack. The garrison, though they fought with desperation, were overpowered. Some yield, and others attempt to retire. At the mo- ment of their retreat, the supporting force under Santa Anna, in the rear of Chapultepec, is attacked and de- g ^^ 13 feated by Gen. Worth, who for this purpose had passed Mexico. Max. i\)Tce the batteries. Directed by the commander, he pursues ^^Jj^" the enemy as he flies to the city, pressing forward to "!_1 Mex. loss, the enter, by a circuitous road, the San Cosme sate on the wh^ie army. ° except about northwest. Gen Quitman, in the meantime, follows the ^^Heserted ' flving foe to the city, by a route direct from Chapulte- FepT.' 12-14, k. i3()— 10 pec ; he being instructed to make a feint of storming the ,*'^^?/^: southwestern or Belen gate, near to the formidable ''^'^''^- 04 THE CAPITAL TAKEN. ^^^^* citadel within, — in order to make a diversion from the real point of attack at San Cosme. Gen. Scott meantim.e advanced with Worth into the suburb of San Cosme, where opposing batteries were taken ; but he returned at night to Chapultepec, to look with a father's care to the condition of all, — the living, the wounded, and the dead. Worth, as instructed, remained in the suburb until morning. But Gen. Quitman, accompanied by Shields and Smith, rested that night within the city ; having changed the feint which the commander ordered, into a real attack, by which they entered (though with considerable loss) the Belen gate. They had not yet passed the formidable citadel. At four o'clock on the morning of the 14th, Gen. Scott havincr returned to San Cosme, the Mexican Me\'ico ta- authorities sent him a deputation, desiring of him terms of capitulation ; their army having fled a little (The Am. after midnight. Gen. Scott replied, that the American colors were I'O'fedatT armv would come under no terms, but such as were self- A.M.) •' imposed, and demanded by honor, — by the spirit of the a i i defence against surprise from the wild Indians. But and arrangement — but to Mr. Bryant's translation we are indebted the same as if the quotation were entirely verbatim. PRESIDIOS AND MISSIONS. 127 this cause having ceased they ought to be demolished, as ^^^2* they are daily threatening to become complete ruins ; and from the limited spaces contained in the inclosures, they must be very incommodious. Several private indi- viduals have built comfortable houses without the pre- sidios. Great emulation in building is evinced ; and no doubt but in a short time there will be considerable towns in California. At the distance of one, or, at the most, two miles Military de- fences, from the presidio, and near to the anchoring-ground,* is a fort, which has a few pieces of artillery of small calibre. The battalion of each presidio is made up of eighty or more mounted men, a number of auxiliary troops, and a detachment of artillery. The commandant of each presidio is the captain of its respective company, and he has charge of all thing^s relatino; to the marine department. Missions. — The missions contained in the territory are twenty-one. They were built at different epochs ; that of San Diego, the most southerly, in 1769 ; its distance filst^mlL^on in Up. Cal. from the presidio of the same name, is two leagues, founded. The rest were built successively, according to circum- stances and necessity. The edifices in some of these missions are more extensive than in others, but in form they are all nearly alike. They are all made of mud- bricks (adobe). In all of them may be found commo- * The four presidios previously named, are all sea-ports ; not so the missions. 128 THE INDIAN RJSSTCHERIA. ^^^^* dious habitations for the ministers, storehouses in which Accommoda- ^^ ^^^P their goods^ proportional granaries, offices for soap- makers, weavers, and blacksmiths, — and large gardens, the'3'iiSns^ horse and cattle pens, and independent apartments for Indian youths of each sex. A well-built and much or- namented church forms a part of each mission. Rancherias. — The Indians reside about two hundred yards from the mission building, in a place called the (Some ne- ^^^c^'^^^^- ^^^ ^lost of the missious the rancheria is a fn the'south- confiued structure of adobe, while in others the Indians ern States, are of brick, are allowcd, according? to their primitive custom, to build two stories, a ' o 1 auachid!?^" their village of wigwams ; which being made of sticks, and covered with bulrushes, can easily be destroyed and renewed, which their uncleanly habits make desirable. Opposite the rancherias, and near to the mission, is placed a small garrison, with proportionate rooms, for a b corporal and five soldiers, wdth their families. This d^alTsareVpt Small garrisoH is sufficient to overawe the gentile In- in order. dians,* there having heen some examples made, which causes them to respect this small force. Besides keeping the Indians in subjection, they run post with a monthly correspondence, or with any extraordinary message that may be necessary for government. The Padres. — All the missions in Upper California are under the charge of religious men of the order of The unconverted Indians in California are called gentiles ; an odd application of a term used in Scripture, not for those who are not Christians, but for those who are not Jews. THE FRANCISCAN PADRES. 129 San Francisco. At the present time their number is 1S 22. twenty-seven, most of them of an advanced age. Each mission has one of these fathers for its administrator, and he holds absolute authority. The tilling of the ground, the gathering of the harvest, the slaughtering of the cattle, the weaving, and every thing that concerns the mission, is under the direction of the fathers, without any power of the ladies. other person interfering in any way whatever, so that if one mission has the good fortune to be superintended by an industrious and discreet padre, the Indians have in abundance all the real necessaries of life ; at the same time the nakedness and misery of any one mission are a palpable proof of the inactivity of its director. Extent of the Missions, numbers, &;c. — The mis- sions extend their possessions from one extremity of the territory to the other, and have made the limits of one mission from those of another. Though they do not re- quire all this land for their agriculture and the mainte- nance of their stock, yet they have appropriated the The Priests seek to mono- whole — always strongly opposing any individual who po'ize all the may wish to settle himself or his family on any piece of land between them. But it is to be hoped that the neces- sity of increasing the people of reasoji* and augmenting * It is thus that the white inhabitants are distinguished in Cali- fornia, and it betokens an entire acquiescence in the fact of the innate superiority of the white race — a superiority, which in the po- litical fimily should be, like that of the father in the domestic circle, to seek the means of providing for, making happy, and improving the whole. 130 THE SOURCES OF THEIR WEALTH. ^^^^' private property, M'ill cause the government to take ade- quate measures for the interests of all. Amongst all the missions there are about 21,500 Catholic Indians. Of these, some missions have 3000 or perhaps 4000, whilst The wealth others havo scarcely 400 ; and the riches of the missions oi the Padre thr'nmube? ^^'® ^^ proportion. Besides the Indians already spoken of bis Slaves. /. , . . , • i i i i i t 01, each mission has a considerable number who live chiefly on farms annexed. Character and Condition of the Indians. — The Indians are naturally careless, uncleanly, and of very limited mental capacity. In the small arts they are not indiaiS'in" deficient in ideas of imitation, but they never will be in- ferior race. rr\, • 1 • I f 1 • venters. Iheir true character is that oi being revenge- ful and timid. The education they receive in their infancy is not the proper one to develope their reason, and if it were, they seem not to be capable of. any good impression. All these Indians, are unhealthy and physically feeble ; and the records of births and deaths show ten deaths to one hirth / Such is the assertion of a Spanish authority in 1822, which is a period within the vaunted reign of the old Spanish padres. Productions and Commerce — Agriculture, &c. — The general productions of the country are, the breed of the larger class of cattle and sheep, horses, wheat, maize or Indian corn, beans, peas, and other articles. The grape The vegetables and garden fruits which are produced in and olive. ^ ° the missions more to the south are in great variety. There the grape and the olive grow in abundance. Of all the TRAFFIC WITHOUT MONEY. 131 articles of production, the most lucrative is the large cat- ^^^^' tie, their hides and tallow affording an active commerce. The only articles which foreign vessels seek on Hides and this coast, are hides and tallow ; for which they taiiow the sta- ' -" •' j)le comniodi- barter in the territory. It is well known that at any ^'^^' of these ports there is no possibility of realizing any money, for here it does not circulate. The goods im- ported by foreign vessels are intended to facilitate the purchase of hides and tallow, it being well known that the missions have no interest in money, but desire such goods as are necessary for the Indians. Several persons who have brought goods to sell for nothing but money, have not been able to sell them. 1816. It is now about six years since hides and tallow About tiie time when the were first gathered for commerce. The annual number trade in hides ° began. of hides sold to foreign vessels is about 35,000, and the amount of tallow about twenty-five pounds for each hide. Flax, linen, wine, olive oil, grain, and other agricultural productions might exist in profusion if there were stimu- lants to excite industry ; but this not being the case, there is just grain enough sown and reaped for home con- sumption. Were it not for the want of sufficient land, of which the inhabitants cannot obtain a rightful owner- ship, farming operations would be much more extensive. All the presidial companies are composed of the natives of the country ; but most of them are entirely indo- lent, it being very rare for any individual to strive to augment his fortune. Dancing, horse-riding, and gam- bling occupy all their time. The arts are entirely un- 132 CLIMATE SALUBRIOUS. ^^^^* known, and I am doubtful if there is one individual who exersisfjs any trade ; very few understand the first rudi- ments of letters, and the other sciences are unknown among them. Towns — The White Race. — The towns contained 1822, few and in this district are three, the most populous being that of small. Angeles, containing 1200 inhabitants ; St Joseph's, 600 ; and the village of Branciforte, 200. They are all formed imperfectly and without order, each person having built his own house on the spot he thought most convenient for himself. The whites are in general robust, healthy, and well made. The age of eighty and one hundred has always been common in this climate ; most infirmities are un- Healthfulness of the whites, kuown here, and the freshness and robustness of the people show the beneficial influence of the climate ; the women, in particular, have always the roses blooming on their cheeks. / CHAPTER III. Lewis and Clarke's Expedition in the years 1803-4-5. — Fremont's Exploration to the South Pass, 1842. Having now shown the condition of California while under the Spanish and Mexican governments, we next proceed with some account of the steps by which, among us, attention was called to this country, information ob- tained, and interest excited. This will lead to the con- „. ^ ' Hiitory con- sideration of the various overland routes by which it is that" of Ore- gon, approached, and in this point of view its history is con- nected with that of Oregon. Oregon, as has been stated, became a territory of the it92. United States by means of the discovery of Capt. Grey, Grey's disco- very. which was made in the year 1 792, 2 1 5 years after that of Upper California by Sir Francis Drake. At the beginning of the present century, the vast region containing the head waters of the Missouri and j^^ ^j^^ ^^_ other western affluents of the Mississippi, were as little f9th"clnt.uryt tlie region of known as the interior of Africa. The first exploration the Rocky '■ Mountains made by the government of the United States was set on ""•'"o^n. foot by President Jefferson, shortly after the acquisition of Louisiana ; and conducted by Meriwether Lewis, a 134 OREGON. i^^^' native of Virginia, a man eminently fitted for the bold Lewis and ^^^ ai'duous Undertaking. Lewis was accompanied and by'jefl'er^n, aided by Clarke. In the year 1803, they travelled up make surveys '^m-i-T^ the Missouri to the Great Falls, when leaving that stream, they pursued a westerly course, crossed the Rocky Mountains in about lat. 47°, and soon after struck upon the waters of the Columbia. They examined its main branches, and followed its course to the Pacific Ocean. Thus they became the first explorers of that great river, and by this means, the title of the United States to the region which was watered by the Columbia and its afflu- ents, was confirmed. From the favorable accounts which they gave of the country on their return, a few Ameri- can settlers were led thither. The first permanent establishment made in Oregon was a trading-house of the First settle- ment. Missouri Fur Company established in 1808, on Lewis 1811. river. In 1811 the Pacific Fur Company, under John founS. Jacob Astor, of New-York, founded Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia. In the meantime Great Britain laid claim to Oregon, especially the northern portion ; and the Hudson Bay Fur Company occupied, with their trading-houses, some of the best locations in the country. This joint occupancy of American and British subjects was sanctioned by the Joint occu- treaty of 1818 with sreat Britain, and continued until pancy of Ore- " ^ ^"IoTJ.^^^ the treaty of 1846, when Oregon, with the boundary of 49°, the former extreme northern limit of the Republic, was relinquished to the United States. After the surveys of Lewis and Clarke, little geo- Fremont's first expedition. 135 grapliical light was thrown upon the regions beyond the ^Q^^' Rocky Mountains, and the routes by which they were approached, till 1842. Early in the spring of that year, Fremontsent to explore the Capt. Fremont, an officer of the U. S. Topographical '■o^l^e thmugh Engineers, received orders from the American Execu- ^**" tive, through Col. Abort, the chief of that bureau, to explore, and report upon the country, between the fron- tiers of Missouri and the South Pass, in the Rocky Moun- tains, and on the line of the Kansas and Great Platte rivers. In the early part of June, Capt. Fremont left the June lo, Fre- mont leaves mouth of the Kansas — travelled along its fertile vallev — ■ ^iif mouth of '-' •' the Kansas. then struck off upon the sterile bank of the Platte — fol- lowed its South Fork to St. Vrain's Fort — thence north- erly to Fort Laramie, on the North Fork of the same July 15, at Ft. Laramie. river. Following up from this point, the North Fork, and then its affluent, the Sweet-Water river, he was conducted, by a gentle ascent, to that wonderful gap in the Rocky Mountains, called the South Pass ; which he August 17, the South reached on the 7th of August. Pass. As this great natural gateway between the portions of our Republic, on either side of these formidable moun- tains, has become a point of great importance, we insert Capt. Fremont's description in his own words. " About six miles from our encampment brought us to the sum- mit. The ascent had been so gradual, that with all the intimate knowledge possessed by Carson, who had made descdpt?" of the South this country his home for seventeen years, we were P^^^. obliged to watch very closely to find the place at which 136 THE SOUTH -PASS. 1842. we had reached the culminating point. This was be- tween two low hills, rising on either hand fifty or sixty- feet. When I looked back at them, from the foot of the immediate slope on the western plain, their summits ap- peared to be about one hundred and twenty feet above. From the impression on my mind at this time, and sub- sequently on our return, I should compare the elevation which we surmounted immediately at the Pass, to the as- cent of the Capitol hill from the avenue, at Washington. It is difficult for me to fix positively the breadth of this Pass. ***** It will be seen that it in no manner re- Notamoun- scmbles the places to which the term is commonly ap- tain gorge. plied — nothing of the gorge-like character and winding ascents of the Alleghany passes in America ; nothing of the Great St. Bernard and Simplon passes in Europe. Approaching it from the mouth of the Sweet Water, a sandy plain, 120 miles long, conducts, by a gradual and 7,000 feet regular ascent, to the summit, about 7,000 feet above the the height of ^ ^ai!^^ sea; and the traveller, without being reminded of any change by toilsome ascents, suddenly finds himself on Wonderful ^^® Waters which flow to the Pacific ocean. By the °^^"way^^^^ route we had travelled, the distance from Fort Laramie is 320 miles, or 950 from the mouth of the Kansas. Con- tinuing our march, we reached, in eight miles from the Pass, the Little Sandy, one of the tributaries of the Colo- rado, or Green River, of the Gulf of California." Mr. Edwin Bryant confirms this extraordinary ac- count, and gives further interesting particulars. In his Journal, under date of July 12, 1846, he says, " The gap OREGON EMIGRANTS. 137 in the mountain is many miles in breadth. The ascent 1846. of the Platte and Sweet Water has been so gradual, that . „ , „ , , . Extract from although the elevation or the rass above the sea is, ac- Bryant's Journal, July cording to some observations, between seven and eight, 12, 1846. and others, nine and ten thousand feet, yet from the sur- face we have travelled over, we have been scarcely conscious of rising to the summit of a high ridge of moun- tains. The temperature has given us the strongest admonitions of our position. The Pass, where the emi- grant trail crosses it, is in latitude about 42^° north, and longitude 31-io degrees west from Washington city. The wagon trail, after we reach the summit, passes two or three miles over a level surface, between low sloping elevations composed of sand and clay, and covered with a vegetation now brown and dead, when it descends, by a gentle declivity, to a spring known to emigrants as the " Pacific Spring," the water from which, flows into the Colorado river of the West, and is emptied into the Gulf of California." In examining the accounts of travellers, we notice Emigrants for every thing material concerning emigration. While m Oregon, the valley of the Kansas, (.Tune 17) Capt. Fremont 184 2» learned that a party of emigrants of sixteen families, sixty-four persons, had preceded his party, who were going to the Columbia river, conducted by Dr. White, an agent of the United States government of Oregon Terri- tory. July 2d, Fremont passed near where a party of Oregon emigrants had encamped, and at Fort Laramie met one Oregon party returning. They had proceeded June 17. 138 NO LAND EMIGRANTS TO CALIFORNIA. 1842. be3^ond Fort Hall, when they became, with reason, alarmed at the hostile attitude of the savages. They were, however, led safely, in retracing their perilous route, by Mr. Fitzpatrick (a person often honorably men- tioned by Fremont and others) and were returning under the conduct of Mr. Bridger ; the same, doubtless, whose name is now given to a Fort beyond the South Pass. Although Capt. Fremont saw many parties of Indians, yet this is the amount of what he saw and heard of civ- in 1842 no ilized emigrants, in his solitary route in the summer of tKmi route 1842. All of the few, that he saw or heard of, were for for California. Oregon — not one for California. With the survey of the South Pass was accomplished the duty assigned him for that year, and he returned after completing it. Of the road which he had passed over he says, " From the mouth of the Kansas to the Green River valley, west of the Rocky Mountains, there is no such thing as a mountain road on the line of commu- nication.^^ Among the party who accompanied Fremont was one man too remarkable to be passed over without notice. This was his guide, the hunter, Christopher, or Kit Excellent Cai'son, a name which will be remembered for public character of Kit Carson, servicos, iu connection with great acquisitions to geo- graphical knowledge, and also as the impersonation of many of the best traits of humanity. We ever find Kit Carson, unselfish, faithful, efficient, untiring, quick in action, and full of resources ; — free and fearless as the north wind, yet kind and gentle as the south. Those to KIT CARSON. 139 whom he renders his voluntary service, he inspires with 1842. a loving confidence, which makes the tongue or the pen linger, while they write or speak of him, as though the subject were pleasant. How little, in his innate meek- ness, did Kit Carson suppose, that he was to be a famous man, and have his name in books, and even on maps, — a lake and a river bearing his name. He has probably Kit Carson ^ r ^ one of the been the greatest traveller over the regions extending from ''^'"time^ ^"* the Mississippi to the Pacific, and is the best guide through them, of any man living ; and he has also per- formed acts of genuine heroism, some of which we shall hereafter relate. Fremont's book is open before me, where a little in- cident is so graphically related as to be almost equal to a portrait. This incident also shows the perils of tra- vellers through desolate prairies, and that the American Indian still inspires terror. " The next morning (June 22) we had a specimen of the false alarms to which all parties in these wild regions are subject. A man, who was a short distance in the rear, came spurring up in great haste, shouting, Indians ! Indians ! He had made out twenty-seven. I imme- diately halted ; arms were examined and put in order ; Kit's eques- trian portrait, the usual preparations made ; and Kit Carson, springing upon one of the hunting horses, crossed the river, and galloped off" into the opposite prairies, to obtain some cer- tain intelligence of their movements. Mounted on a fine horse, without a saddle, and scouring bareheaded over the prairies, Carson was one of the finest pictures of a 140 184 2. horseman I have ever seen. A short time enabled him to discover that the Indian war-party of twenty-seven consisted of six elk, who had been gazing curiously at our caravan as it passed by, and were now scampering off at full speed." CHAPTER IV. Fremont's Discoveries on his second Expedition in 1843. So ably had Captain Fremont fulfilled his mission, 1843. that he was sent by the government the following year, ^eTeTon a' on a second expedition, whose objects were to make ex- ^^^ duion!'^^ plorations which should form a connection with his pre- ceding reconnoissance, and with the surveys of Com- mander Wilkes of the Expedition on the Pacific coast, so as to give a connected survey of the interior of our continent. Of the information concerning California elicited by Capt. Wilkes, we shall speak hereafter. Capt. Fremont set out earlier than the preceding year jyjarch 7 and took with him thirty-nine persons, a larger party of the Kansas. than that of 1842, by nearly one half. He also took for ''artJ' 39. protection against hostile savages a brass twelve-pound howitzer and three soldiers to manage it. Capt. Fremont had again an interesting companion in Mr. Preuss, whose drawings illustrate the history of all his expeditions. Mr. Fitzpatrick was guide. Fremont set out on his former track ; but instead of striking from the Kansas to the Platte, he followed the 142 RIDGE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. i^^^'^* Kansas to the junction of the Republican and Smoky Hill Forks, which twp streams together form that river. Pursuing for some days the course of the Republican, he then crossed to the South Fork of the Platte, and was at St. Vraine's Fort on the 4th of July. Here he turned, July 4, ^^^'i^rt.'"^'' and following up for a time the South Fork of the Platte, came upon an affluent of the Arkansas, and pursued it to the parent stream, near the location of the Boilinjr (or July 18, f ' -5 \ *^^^!^.^'^^° effervescing) Springs, whose waters Mr. Preuss (a Ger- man) found to much resemble those of Seltzer. Here Capt. Fremont was likely to meet a great disap- pointment in regard to an expected and much needed recruit of mules, but he had the good fortune to meet and again secure the services of his " reliable friend, Mr. Christopher Carson," whom he immediatlely dis- patched to Bent's Fort to procure the needed supply. St. Vraine's Returning to St. Vraine's, he found the animals collected, Fort. and already at the Fort awaiting his arrival. Capt. Fremont here divided the party. Taking with himself thirteen men, he sent the remainder under Mr. Fitzpatrick, the guide, by the ordinary route to Oregon, through the South Pass, to Fort Hall on Snake River, where he was to meet them ; he then took a north- westerly course and ascended the mountain, following the Cache a la Pondre, one of the head streams of the Platte. The party then travelled at an elevation of seven or eight thousand feet on a high plateau, which forms the dividing ridge, between the two oceans bounding the continent. FREMONT ENTERS CALIFORNIA. 143 On the 21st of August, now exploring the eastern 1843. part of Upper California, Fremont was in the fertile and ^^'^^"'^ V\ * ^ ^ ' Near the Salt picturesque valley of Bear River, and approaching by its Up^ei'ca". course the Great Salt Lake. "We were now," said he, " entering a region which for us possessed a strange and extraordinary interest. We were upon the waters of the famous lake which forms a salient point among the remarkable geographical features of the country, and around which, the vague and superstitious accounts of the trappers had thrown a delightful obscurity, which we anticipated pleasure in dispelling, but which in the mean time, left a crowded field for the exercise of our imagina- tion. " In our occasional conversations with the few old hunters who had visited this region, it had been a sub- ject of frequent speculation, and the wonders which they related were not the less agreeable because they were highly exaggerated and impossible. " Hitherto this lake had been seen only by trappers, who were wandering through the country in search of new beaver streams, caring very little for geography ; its islands had never been visited ; and none were to be Neither found who had entirely made the circuit of its shores ; geographical nor historical and no instrumental observations or geographical survey, *^",,°'^2® of any description, had ever been made any where in the neighboring region. It was generally supposed that it had no visible outlet ; but among the trappers, includ- ing those in my own camp, were many who believed that somewhere on its surface was a terrible whirlpool, &• 144 A TRAVELLING HOME. *Q^3. through which its waters found their way 1o the ocean by some subterranean communication. All these things had made a frequent subject of discussion in our desul- tory conversations around the fires at night ; and my own mind had become tolerably well filled with their in- definite picture, and insensibly colored with their ro- mantic descriptions, which, in the pleasure of excitement, I was well disposed to believe, and half expected to realize. " We continued our road down the river, and at night encanqjed with a family of emigrants — two men, women, A family and scvcral children — who appeared to be bringing up of emigrants for Oregon, the rear of the great caravan. I was struck with the fine appearance of their cattle, some six or eight yoke of oxen, which really looked as well as if they had been all summer at work on some good farm. It was strange to see one small family travelling along through such a country, so remote from civilization. Some nine years since, such a security might have been a fatal one ; but since their disastrous defeats in the country a little north, the Blackfeet have ceased to visit these waters. Indians, however, are very uncertain in their localities ; and the friendly feelings also of those now inhabiting it may be changed. This is the route all the emigrants now travel to Oregon. " Crossing, in the afternoon (of the next day), the point of a narrow spur, we descended into a beautiful bottom, formed by a lateral valley, which presented a picture of home-beauty that went directly to our hearts. A CALIFORNIAN EMIGRANT. 145 The edge of the wood, for several miles along the river, ^^"^3. was dotted with the white covers of emigrant wagons, o,:^j,on"em^- collect«d in groups at different camps, where the smokes " ^vere rising lazily from the fires, around which the women were occupied in preparing the evening meal, and the children playing in the grass ; and herds of cat- tle, grazing about in the bottom, had an air of quiet se- curity, and civilized comfort, that made a rare sight for the traveller in such a remote wilderness. " In common with all the emigration, they had been reposing for several days in this delightful valley, in order to recruit their animals on its luxuriant pasturage after their long journey, and prepare them for the hard trail along the comparatively sterile banks of the Upper Columbia." We make the last quotation to show that American emigrants were in considerable numbers now, 1843, tra- velling over land to Oregon. Fremont has, as yet, found none bound for California, except a Mr. Chiles, his fa- mily and his laborers, who are going from Missouri to settle in the valley of the Sacramento. He is carrying the parts of a mill which he means to set up on that stream. We wish partcularly to call attention to the fact of the rapid improvement in the geographical know- ledge of these regions, by showing how little they were known in 1843. On the 25th Capt. Fremont was at Bear Springs, August 25. whose character is not unlike those of the Boiling Springs at the Arkansas. Wandering among the moun- 7 146 THE SALT -LAKE. *Q^^' tains in search of the Salt Lake, Fremont and his party suffered for want of food. Kit Carson shot off the track, went to Fort Hall, and returned with such a scanty supply, as the Oregon emigrants had left behind them. / Sept. 6, On the 6th of September the party had reached a at the Salt Lake, point, where, says Capt. Fremont, " we beheld at our feet the object of our anxious search — the waters of the Inland Sea, stretching in still and solitary grandeur far beyond the limit of our vision. It was one of the great points of the exploration ; and as we looked eagerly over the lake in the first emotion of excited pleasure, I am Enthusiasm ^oubtful if the followers of Balboa felt more enthusiasm "at'th^e^Tst^ when, from the heights of the Andes, they saw for the view. first time the great western ocean. It was certainly a magnificent object, and a noble terminus to this part of our expedition ; and to travellers so long shut up among mountain ranges, a sudden view over the expanse of silent waters had in it something sublime." The lake Capt. Fremont and his party explored in a small boat and found all superstitious fears to be ground- less. The waters of the lake a mile from the shore were saturated with common salt.* On the islands were in- * Fourteen pints of fine grained salt were obtained by the party from five gallons of the water. Fremont heard of immense beds of rock salt in the vicinity. Truly, Mr. Jefferson's " Salt Mountain," for which in 1803 he was so much ridiculed, has come to light at last. FORT HALL. 147 crustations of salt to a considerable thickness. But we 1^*'^* must leave minute descriptions to the geographer, and trace the progress of discovery and emigration. On the 19th Capt. Fremont was at Fort Hall, where J,';,^*'^/}^" Sept. 19, il lU his whole party were reunited. Here he met Mr. Chiles and his company of whom he had before heard, as American emigrants going to California. Mr. Chiles divided his party at this point ; the largest division, taking the wagons, with mill- saws, &c., were to travel under the conduct of Mr. Joseph Walker, of Missouri ; and a long route lay before them, along the eastern base of the Sierra Nevada, to its Mr. chiies and his com- southern extremity, and thence through '' Walker's ^^"^J^or pass," (that intrepid traveller having discovered it,) into the valley of the San Joaquin. Thence they were to go north to the place of their destination on the Sacramento. This tedious journey they performed ; but we afterwards learn, that before they finally reached the valley of the Sacramento, they suffered much, and lost their wagons and mill-irons. Mr. Chiles himself followed the stream called Lewis's Fork, or Snake River, to the mouth of its affluent, Matthew River ; then following that stream to its source, he found his way over the Sierra into the valley of the Sacramento. His people were among those few American settlers of the Sacramento, who under Fremont made in July, 1846, the " Bear revolution." From Fort H^all Capt. Fremont followed the course of Snake River to Fort Boise ; then crossing the Blue ^Ju^iftrinT Mountains, (their height 5000 feet,) he came upon the 148 THE DAL4ES. 1843. waters of the Walahwalah. Here he found Dr. Whit- man, the first American whom he had met, who had a house, a farm, and a family. From the mouth of iho Walahwalah, the party proceeded to the Dalles or walls at Uirbt'iies °^ ^^^^ Columbia, where, as the river cleaves those basal- Coiumbia. tic rocks, its whole breadth is compressed into fifty yards. At this point Capt. Fremont found a Methodist mission, whose buildings consisted of two adobe dwelling- houses and a large school-house. From the Dalles, Fre- mont with a few of his men embarked and had a pleasant sail to Vancouver, then a mud-built British trading-house. Nov. 10, His orders to connect his surveys with those of the Ex- leaves Van- couver, ploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes being now exe- cuted, he returned to his main camp at the Dalles ; and immediately began his long homeward route by Cali- fornia. On the 10th of December he explored the Hamath Dec. 10, the Hamath Lake, Called also, as is its river, Klamet. The lake was. Lake. at this season, when no melting snows sent waters from the mountains, only " an extensive meadow or lake of grass," with a river running through it, and occasional pools. The Indians in this vicinity were said to be uncommonly treacherous and cruel. The state of geographical know- ledge respecting California will appear from the following extract of Fremont's journal. " From this lake our course was intended to be about southeast, to a reported lake called Mary's, at some days' journey in the Great Basin ; and thence, still on south- east, to the reputed Buenaventura River, which has had a Fremont's imaginary route. THE IMAGINARY BUENAVENTURA. 149 place in so many maps, and countenanced the belief of 1843. the existence of a great river flowing from the Rocky efne!^r\o T4/r • 1 T-» ^ r>i -T-i • -n 1 fi'"i the great Mountains to the Bay oi fean r rancisco. rrom the Buenaven- tura. Buenaventura the next point was intended to be in that section of the Rocky Mountains which includes the heads of Arkansas River, and of the opposite waters of the Californian Gulf; and thence down the Arkansas to Bent's Fort and home. This was our projected line of return — a great part of it absolutely new to geographical, botanical, and geological science — and the subject of re- ports in relation to lakes, rivers, deserts, and savages hardly above the condition of mere wild animals, which inflamed desire to know what this terra incognita valley contained. It was a serious enterprise, at the com- mencement of winter, to undertake the traverse of such a region." We thus see what was at this time the state of geo- graphy in relation to California, and how much that science is indebted to Fremont's surveys. From the vi- cinity of Lake Hamath, where rise three rivers running diversely — the Sacramento, the Klamet, and the Fall- River branch of the Columbia — Capt. Fremont took, as he proposed, a southeast course. But misled by the ima- ginary maps of the country, he was constantly expecting to fall upon the waters of a great river, flowing from the He is misled T-.1TH- • i/-Ni/>/-oi -n • i^y '^^'^^ ideas Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of ban Jb rancisco; and and crosses to the eastern keeping what he conceived the proper course for this ^'''1^°/^^''^ object, he was led a long and dreary way across the Sierra Nevada. On his descending upon the eastern 150 DISCOVERIES. l^'l-4, side, he discovered lakes, to which he gave the names of the^Prylmid Summer and Alert. He was now on the wintry side of the Sierra ; and the commencement of the year 1844 found him and his men in a forlorn condition, but still seeking the imaginary great river. On the 10th of January they discover the Pyramid Lake. Finding here the inlet of a considerable stream, which they named Salmon Trout River, and which rose in the mountains on their right, they became satisfied that the direction of the water-courses was incompatible with the existence of the supposed Buenaventura. Their provisions were The conse- exhausted, their garments tattered, their animals jaded, ^^deEn" and they must recross the Sierra Nevada, or perish in the inhospitable desert. They found a tribe of the natives of apparently more than ordinary sagacity. *' We explained to the Indians," says Fremont, " that we were endeavoring to find a pas- sage across the mountains into the country of the whites, whom we were going to see ; and told them that we wished them to bring us a guide, to whom we would give presents of scarlet cloth, and other articles, which were shown to them. They looked at the reward we offered, and conferred with each other, but pointed to the snow on the mountains, and drew their hands across their count of the necks, and raised them above their heads to show the crossing oi the ' Indian ac- unt of isingof depth ; and signified that it was impossible to get through. They made signs that w^e must go to the southward, over a pass through a lower range, which they pointed out ; there, they said, at the end of one FIRST EXPLORERS. 151 day's travel, we would find people who lived near a pass *^^'^^' in the great mountain ; and to that point they agreed to furnish us a guide. They appeared to have a confused idea, from report, of whites who lived on the other side of the mountain ; and once, they told us, about two years ago, ,a party of twelve men like ourselves had ascended their river, and crossed to the other waters. They pointed out to us where they had crossed ; but then, they said, it was summer time ; but now it was impossible. I believe that this was a party led by Mr. Chiles,f one of former year. the only two men whom I know to have passed through ^^^.j^^ ^^^ the California mountains from the interior of the Basin — oniy^ pfJueer! before Fre- Walker being the other ; and both were engaged up- n>ont. wards of twenty days, in the summer time, in getting over. Chiles' destination was the Bay of San Francisco, to which he descended by the Stanislaus River ; and Walker subsequently informed me that, like myself, de- scending to the southward on a more eastern line, day after day he was searching for the Buenaventura, think- ing that he had found it with every new stream, until like me, he abandoned all idea of its existence, and turning abruptly to the right, crossed the great chain. These were both western men, animated with the spirit of exploratory enterprise which characterizes that peo- ple." We introduce this extract, not only to manifest how entirely in the dark the best informed, such as Fremont himself, were at that period respecting California, but also to show that overland emigration had then madp r\ry 152 ALPINE REftlONS, ^^^^' progress. The great breadth and formidable nature of the chain of the Sierra Nevada* is made apparent from the ignorance of the Indians of what was beyond^ and from the length of time employed in crossing it. It was the leaVefpyra- 16th of January when Fremont left tiie Pyramid Lake, mid Lake. to follow up into the mountains its affluent, the Salmon Trout River ; and it was not until the 6th of March that he struck the waters of the Sacramento. The hardships endured during the many days, which occupied these resolute, uncomplaining men, to cross these Alpine re- gions, were all that they could endure. Indeed, one died and two became insane. Had there been women E:ttreme E'iTcn^fn^a and children of their number, a great proportion must tae Sierra. , • i i have perished. Capt. Fremont, in descending the mountains, fortu- nately came upon a stream which he was told was the River of Americans, and never did the name sound more grateful to an American ear. Its waters led his famished approach company to Suter's Fort, the spot of all others in the valley Sute/'s Fort. where they might expect to find the hospitable relief of good and wholesome food ; which they who had been sub- sisting on the flesh of dogs, and of lean and starved mules, would well know how to appreciate. They came up to the Fort, weak and emaciated, each man leading a horse or mule as weak and emaciated as himself, unable to * On the new map of Fremont's explorations, made by Mr. Preuss, these mountains are laid down opposite the Pyramid Lake, as not less than seventy or eighty mdes in breadth. GOLD AND HUNGER. 153 bear the weight of a rider. They had been obliged to _J^*'*' leave the howitzer ; half their animals had perished in the mountains ; their mules falling with their loads, down Fremont loseg frightful precipices, into eulfs below. Thus were lost Ws botanical " ^ ' ^ specimens. their botanical specimens, and other articles, which could not be replaced. The Fork of the American where they passed, was the same, along which the gold placers were first discov- ered. How little did these sufferers, as they passed, wayworn and hungry, over the desolate wilderness, know that they were treading on gold ; and how little would it have availed to their necessities, if they had at that time, not only known its existence, but possessed The hun^ tread on gold. it ; — and how little did their leader suppose that ere five years should pass, a thronging multitude, not only of his countrymen, but from every part of the earth, would be there ; and he mark the wonderful spot upon his map, as El Dorado, or the Region of Gold ! 1844. Capt. Suter. CHAPTER V. Fremont in California — At Suter's Fort and in the valley of the San Joaquin. Capt. Suter received the famished party with his wonted generous hospitality, gratuitously supplying their immediate necessities. He is by birth a Swiss, and was a lieutenant of the Swiss guards of Charles X, the last of the Bourbons. He continued so during the Revolu- tion of the "three days " in 1830. While the aged exiled monarch fled, and went to reside in old Holyrood, in Edinburgh, John A, Suter emigrated to America, and settled in Missouri. From that State in 1838-9 he removed ; and settled in his present location, near the confluence of the Rio de los Americanos with the Sacra- mento. He owned the Fort and a princely estate adjoining, the title to which he had obtained from the Mexican His eminent position, government.* Himself and his position are now full in * We find it stated by McCuUoch and others, that the Califor- nians had cast off the Mexican authority, and made themselves independent. But we see from this, and similar cases, that land- suter's fort. 155 the eye of public observation. It was by his agent and ^^'t^* on his property that the gold, which is attracting such vast numbers to California, was first found ; and the governor of California was by the latest advices, making Suter's Fort his head-quarters. The fort is built upon a pond-like stream communicating with tlie American River about two miles above an entrance into the Sacramento ; and is a quadrangular adobe structure about five hundred feet in length and a hundred and fifty in breadth. At this time it was garrisoned by forty Indians, whom Capt. Suter at first, according to Fremont, found troublesome and dangerous, but by prudent management and well- timed discipline,* he had reduced them to order and obedience. title from Mexico was alone considered good. If California did not belong to Mexico, why should our republic take it as a Mexican province 1 and why should it be universally conceded, that a cession from the Mexican Republic is valid title to the American 1 * Capt. Wilkes gives us further information concerning this dis- cipline. It was severe to an extent that negro slavery in the United States by no means admits. But we know too little of what that necessity consisted in, to offer any condemnation. The inherent dif- ^ , Inherent ference in different races of human beings, is one of those truths difterenee in ° different which men look away from in theory, but act on in practice. When races, philosophy shall have done her part in settling what is truth con- cerning the kind and degree of these differences, the world will be Itss agitated on some subjects than it is at present. We have not a doubt that the Creator's arrangements are all in perfect wisdom, and it is for man to find out what they are, and conform to them. In order to this, the superior race (that is the race superior in force 156 IQ^^* In the Journal of Fremont's first visit at the Fort, he says that Capt. Suter, " on application to the chief of a village, readily obtained as many (Indian) boys and girls as he has any use for. There were at this time a num- ber of girls at the Fort in training for a future woollen factory, but they were now all busily engaged in water- ing the gardens." Capt. Suter's agricultural operations are on a great 1843-4. scale. He sowed, according to Fremont (in 1848), three Fanninof ope- hundred faucsas* of wheat, expecting the ordinary yield rati(His on a ^ ' r o j j great scale. ^^ ^y^^ country, thirty-fivc fold. The price of wheat at this time, was two dollars and a half per bushel. In 1846. 1846, the wheat crop of Capt. Suter, according to Mr. Increased, giyant, was about 8000 bushels \ his number of Indian laborers, from two to three hundred. In August, 1848, when Gov. Mason visited the Fort on his return from the gold placers, where many had gone and left their crops unharvested, Capt. Suter on the contrary, was carefully gathering his wheat. It was estimated at 40,000 bushels, and power) must hold the superior place in government. In the matter of sex men do it, and sternly maintain their prerogative ; — and sometimes while they quarrel with nature, for differences of race. But while the men of the white race, ought perhaps to maintain the first rank, so far as power is regarded ; they should remember that they are exercising it over the children of God, and are responsible to him, that they exercise for the good of those who are its subjects. * The fanega is 140 pounds. Mr. Bryant says that a fanega of wheat is rather more than two bushels. * 1848. Still increasin" 157 and bore already the enormous price of nearly thirty-six 1 848. dollars per barrel, and was expected soon to fetch twenty more. The site of New Helvetia laid down upon the maps at the junction of the American River with the Sacra- J^ew Heive- •' lia. mento,' was selected and named by Capt. Suter, from the ancient appellation of his native land. But he came an emigrant from the United States, being a naturalized citizen.* We should infer from the followmg expression in Fremont's Journal that he was the first emigrant, as he 1844:. is certainly up to this period the most eminent. " Since proffly^Se' 7. .7 77 ••n» . fi''*'' emigrant his arrival, several other persons, prmcipally Americans, from the u.s. in that region. have established themselves in the valley," We hear of none who were there before him, except a few hunters. Mr. Sinclair, a highly respectable emigrant, was in 1844 settled about two miles from the Fort on the American River, and Mr. Chiles was again met by Fremont at the Mr. Chiies near Suter's Fort, being temporarily located on a farm near the Sacra- Fort, mento, until he could select land for a permanent resi- dence, for which he had secured a grant from the Mexi- can government. On the 22d of March, Capt. Fremont took his de- March 22, Fremont parture with an ample outnt of provisions, animals, &;c., leaves Suter's furnished him at the Fort. To avoid crossing the Sierra, * We hope, as a farther element of Californian history, that we may ere long receive from some source, a complete list of the first American emigrants in the valley of the Sacramento. 158 SPRING m THE JTALLEY. 1844. he ranged southeasterly along its base through the beau- tiful and balmy valley of the San Joaquin, where life itself was enjoyment. Here the party travelled five ^ . . , hundred miles, luxuriatino^ in the loveliness of nature, Spring m the " San^JoaU'in! ^^^^ ^ho delights of Spring. Fresh streams were welling from the dissolving snows of the mountains ; green carpets of tender grass were beneath ; bright and harmonious birds nestled in the branches of the trees, or amidst the splendid array of wild flowers, which sometimes seemed as if arranged in grand natural bouquets, rising to the height of the horseman's head, and stretching to the ex- tent of a New England garden. But on that whole way, not one civilized human being was found, who had as yet made his dwelling in the charming valley. The nearest approach to this was when, on the 13th of April, the day before they began crossing the mountains, a single Christian Indian, habited in the Spanish costume, much to their satisfaction, rode into their camp and accosted them in the Spanish Ian- Fremont's party in the gUagC. Great Basin. This Indian, Fremont took for a guide, as he travelled through Walker's Pass into the Great Basin. The com- pany then moved south westwardly, leaving the Sierra on their right, until they reached the Spanish trail from Los Angeles to Santa Fe. This was followed until it turned to the southeast. Their course was northeast, and led them along the base of the Wahsatch Mountains to the Utah Lake ; and thence, across the Rocky Mountains, to the head-waters of the Arkansas. QUALITIES OF A COMMANDER. 159 These explorations form a constituent part of the his- ^Q^^* tory of Upper California; and the great ability mani- fested by the leader, in bold and daring action, fertility of resource, and capacity of endurance, amidst fatigue and long-continued privation, — power of attaching to his person by watchful care and kindness those whom he led ; — these qualities and others, marked him as a man in sent out agam Fremont Qt out age in 1845. whom the American administration might well place great confidence. In the spirit of such a confidence, he was sent again, the succeeding year, to California ; and history can do no other, than to make him the hero of the American possession of that important country. 1841, CHAPTER VI. Visit to Upper California of Capt. Wilkes, Commander of the Ex- ploring Expedition, 1841 — The Californian Revolution of 1836, &c. The United States Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes, made, from the middle of August to the last of Wilkes and _, „ . , » Fremont sur- September, 1841, a survey of the maritime parts ol veyed difter- v^^ei^c%°^ Upper California ; especially the Bay of San Francisco and its vicinity, — parts of the country which Capt. Fre- mont did not visit in his first explorations. The publica- tion of Capt. Wilkes' researches did not, however, occur until after Capt. Fremont's first and second expeditions, and he was not availed of any geographical knowledge thus elicited. From the short time employed by Capt. Wilkes in his personal survey of California, hearsay necessarily mingled with observation in his accounts : and we find in them some errors, with much that is correct and valuable.* It is, however, in most cases, * Take for example the following passage : " The best route to the United States is to follow the San Joaquin for sixty miles, thence easterly, through a gap in the Snowy Mountains, by a good beaten BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 161 easy to distinguish wliat is drawn from others, from 1841. that which is reliable information, drawn from actual survey. Whan the Commander of the Exploring Squadron entered, August 14th, the Bay of San Francisco, the August i4 ]• • i. J 1 • 1 • • V i Capt. Wilkes country disappomted hnn ; havmg an unmvitmg aspect enters the Bay of San on account of the uncommon drought, which, in 1841, Francisco, prevailed in Upper California. There had been no rain during a year. But the vineyards had produced abun- dantly ; and wherever irrigation had been practised, the earth had yielded a large increase. Capt. Wilkes bears his testimony to the superior excellence of this great harbor. " Upper California," he says, " may boast of road ; thence the course is northeasterly to Mary's River, which flows southeast and has no outlet, but loses itself in a lake ; thence continuing in the same direction, the Portneuf River, in the Upper Shoshone, is reached ; and thence to Fort Hall. According to Dr. Marsh, (an American of much intelligence, resident at the mouth Incorrect reports made of the San Joaquin, to whom we are indebted for much information 1^^^^^" of the country,) there is plenty of fresh water and pasturage all the way, and no proper desert between the California Range and the Colorado." Vol. v. p. 181. From this may be seen the incorrect notions which then pre- vailed of the Great Basin, with its deserts, and of the formidable Sierra Nevada. The course of Humboldt's, or Mary's River, is made southeast instead of southwest — it is incorrectly stated that there is no desert ; and as to Portneuf River in the Upper Shoshone, according to Fremont's map, the Upper Shoshone is far from the river, and off the route to Fort Hall, and the river itself is but a small stream to be crossed just before arriving at that place. 162 VERBA BUINA. 1841. one of the finest, i^ not the very best harbor in the orHie'^haX^ world — that of San Francisco. Few are more exten- cisco. sive, or could be as readily defended ; while the com- bined fleets of all the naval powers of Europe might moor in it." He says, however, that " this is the only really good harbor which the country possesses ; for the others so called, may be frequented only during the fine season, being nothing more than roadsteads, affording little safety and but few supplies to vessels." The progress of immigration, especially the Ameri- can, may be traced by the growth of San 'Francisco. The most frequented anchorage of the bay called Yerba San Fran- Bueua is thus described by Capt. Wilkes : " The town ■ is not calculated to produce a favorable impression on a Stranger. Its b'uildii>gs may be counted, and consist of a large frame building, occupied by the agent of the Hudson Bay Company ; a store, kept by Mr. Spears, an American ; a billiard-room and bar ; a cabin of a ship, occupied as a dwelling by Capt. Hinckley ; a black- smith's shop, and some outbuildings. These, though few in number, are also far between. With these, I must not forget to enumerate an old dilapidated adobe building, which has a conspicuous position on the top of the hill overlooking the anchorage." This was in 1841. When Mr. Edwin Bryant first visited this place in September, 1846, he found it con- taining 200 inhabitants. But when he left it the suc- „. »a ceedinw sprinoj, the number had increased to 1500. Size of San o r o' This was before the gold mania had commenced. Re- RAPID GROWTH. 163 cent advices state that at the close of the year 1848, *Q^1* there were already 15,000 inhabitants. San Francisco Francllln" 1846 and in will therefore probably increase faster than any city ot i848. our fast-growing republic has ever done.* Of all the men found by Capt. Wilkes' party in Cali- fornia, Capt. Suter is made, in his report, the most pro- minent. His grant from Mexico, Capt. Wilkes states, to be conditional, and for thirty leagues square. Besides capt. Suter's eminence and this, which is of itself a principality, he had bought out wealth, the Russians, whose principal stations were Fort Ross and Bodega, on the coast of the Pacific, northwest of the Bay of San Francisco. It was with the guns from Fort Ross, that Capt. Suter garnished his own fort. In the vicinity of the Bay, the next most prominent TheVaiiejo family. persons for business and political consequence were the two brothers Vallejo, of Sonoma. Capt. Wilkes says of Capt. Suter, that he holds, by appointment of the government, the office of adminis- trator, " and has, according to his own belief, supreme ^p^'^wefolTr' . • • J ^'^^ Indians. power in his own district ; condemning, acquitting, and punishing, as well as marrying and burying those who are under him." * Yet will it not be a healthy growth, unless the immigrants take ^j^yj^g^g ^^19 sober, earnest thought, and resolute action ; to suppress vice and dis- "n^'grants. order, and to uphold law, morals, and religion. They must in these things be intrepid and resolute. But we hope they will also be true to the Union. Great disasters would follow in the long run, if they were not. Foreign influences are, in this respect, to be guarded against. 164 SONOMA. ^Q ^'* " Although Capt. Suter is, in general, in the habit of treating the Indians with kindness, yet he related to one caused to be gentleman, instances in which he had been obliged to sliot. fiisilade nine of them ; indeed, he does not seem to stand upon much ceremony with those who oppose him in any way."* Capt. Wilkes shows us what was, at this time, the meagre condition of Sonoma, a place which will here- after be of much consequence, and which has already become celebrated, in the annals of American California, as the spot where the Bear flag was first raised. " On the opposite side," says Capt. Wilkes, " of the Bay of San Pablo, (the northern portion of the Bay of San Fran- cisco,) or to the west, are some of the finest tracts of countriT in California. One of these is that of Sonoma. In Sonoma is situated, in the town of the same name, the condTtion olf residence of General Vallejo, and the mission of San Sonoma. Rafael. Upon paper, Sonoma is a large city, and laid * Of Capt. Suter's farming, Capt. Wilkes says, he " has com- menced extensive operations in farming ; but in the year of our visit, the drought had affected him, as well as others, and ruined all his crops. About forty Indians were at work for him, whom he had taught to make adobes. The agreement for their service is usually made with their chiefs, and in this way, as many as are wanted are readily obtained. These chiefs have far more authority over their tribes than those we had seen to the north ; and in the opinion of an intelligent American, they have more power over, and are more respected by their tribes, than those of any other North American Indians." GENERAL VALLEJO. Ii5 out accorcliiig to the most approved plan. In reality, ^Q^^* however, it consists of only the following buildings : General Vallejo's house, built of adobes, of two stories, which fronts on the public square, and is said to be one of the best houses in California. On the right of this is the residence of the general's brother, Salvadore, and to the left, the barracks for the accommodation of the guard for the general, consisting of about twenty fusileers. Mission- Not far removed is the old dilapidated mission-house of dated. San Francisco Solano, scarcely tenantable, though a small part of it is inhabited still by the Padre Kihas, who continues, notwithstanding the poverty of his mis- sion, to entertain the stranger, and show him all the hos- pitality he can." Besides the buildings just enumerated, there were in the course of construction, in 1841, a neat little chapel, and a small building for a billiard-room. There are also three or four more houses and huts which are tenanted. " General Vallejo," the Captain further says, " was one of those who figured in the revolution of 1836, Gen. Vaiiejo com II andant. and was then appointed Commandant-General of Alta California. He is now the owner of a large estate, and having chosen this part of the country for his residence, he is free from the opposition and broils that are contin- ually growing out of the petty concerns of the custom- house and its duties. He is not over-scrupulous in de- manding duties of the vessels entering the port of San Francisco, and until he has been seen and consulted, a 166 A TERRIIiORY. ^^^^' vessel trading here is liable to an indefinite amount of duties. " I have already spoken of the unceremonious man- ner in which Capt. Suter officiated as administrator of the district to the east of the Sacramento. The anec- dotes related to me of Vallejo, in like manner, show a striking disregard for the lives, as well as for the pro- perty and liberty of the Indians and gente de razon. He is supreme, and acts with the same impunity as all his predecessors, with one or two exceptions, have done before him. As an instance of the lawless acts of the governors, it is said that one of them entertained the idea of training the Indians as soldiers, and a company of them had been brought together, drilled, and made such proficiency in the use of their arms, that his excellencv Great disre- r ./ nmn'^d-hts^n becamc alarmed, and forthwith ordered them all to be '^Tndians. shot ! 7 liavc little douht that this story may he essentially true, for the value of an Indian's Ife, in the eye of the rulers, scarcely exceeds that of one of the wild cattle. The Commandant-General {Vallejo) is frequently said to hunt them, and by his prowess in these eocpeditio7is he has gained some reputation.'' Concerning the affair of 1836, which has been dig- nified with the name of a revolution, it had its origin from the condition into which the country fell after tha second Mexican revolution, which produced the federal 1824. a Mexican republic, and the constitution of 1824. California not "^'^''^' being found at that time sufficiently populous to con- stitute a state, was erected into a territory ; and territorial THE BIISSIONS ABANDONED. 167 officers were sent from Mexico. The a^red spiritual 1^34 fathers who, as heads of the missions, had, with the mili- ^^ •*^* tary under their control, governed the country and kept the Indians in order, were either driven from the mis- sions by the course pursued by Mexican officers placed pathei^Ifriv- over them ; or they voluntarily abandoned their charge, ^Vit^ons.^" rather than take the oath of allegiance to the new gov- ernment. The property which had belonged to them, was taken into possession by the Mexican " adminis- tradores,^^ and often dissipated. The buildings and gardens went to decay ; and often the Indians — no longer allowed to feel that there was a hand to feed them, though poorly, from the common store which their labor had helped to accumulate — grew wild and ferocious. The indians^^row wild. lives and property of the whites became insecure from this cause, as well as from the universal prostration of all law and order. The Mexican authorities wished to renew the reign of the padres, and sent other priests ; but they were, in so many cases, rapacious and dissolute, that their coming only made worse, what was bad before. The best of the Mexican governors was Gen. Figuera. By his influence Mexico sent 200 laborers and agricul- turists, who landed at Monterey. They proved bad inhabitants, and jealousies sprung up between Mexicans and Californians. The governor died in 1835, and his death was* the signal for revolutionary movements ; in which foreigners, who, from different countries, had settled there, took a part. " Among them," says Capt. 1835. Revolution- ary move- 168 TWENTY-FIVE AMERICAN HUNTERS. 1835-6. Wilkes, " were to be found Americans, who had led the lives of hunters and trappers, some of whom had been living in the Rocky Mountains, some on the Columbia River, t No emi- . . grants direct while othcrs Came fro??i Mexico.j These restless spirits from the U. J \ r states. declared that California ought to be a free state, and they encouraged rebellion against the governor, Gutierez. This party took advantage of a dispute between him and Alvarado, inspector of customs, and a popular man. Alvarado thus became the nominal head of the party, Ca'ifornians /-, i r^ • i threaten to which declared the intention of making California mde- make them- Jndent'.''^' pcudcnt, baulshing all Mexicans, and adopting as citi- zens all foreigners then under arms. This armed party drew on their unwilling leader to attack Gutierez at Monterey. " Who they were," says Capt. Wilkes, " is not well known, but the presumption is that various citi- 1836. zens of the United States as well as of England, advised Thf revS'ters ^"<^ g^^^ ^^^^ (Alvarado) promises of aid. On the 2d on erey. ^^ November, he arrived with his force at Monterey ; it consisted of perhaps two hundred, (some say half that number,) of whom twenty -jice were American hunters, the only part of his force which teas efficient . Gutierez shut himself up with sixty soldiers in the Presidio of Monterey, fearing, it is supposed, the far-dreaded rifles of the Americans. The insurgents obtained ammunition in the harbor from American vessels, which seemed to Nov 4. favor their enterprise. On the 4th, they sent Gutierez At the Presi- ^ ' -^ a summons to surrender. While he was long; consultins: with his officers concerning the ceremonial, not doubtinaj it seems, that the thing itself was to be done, an eighteen- REVOLUTION OF '36. |$f pound ball — the only shot fired in the revolution — struck ^^3G the roof of the Presidio. The noise was astounding. Thismi"ht though no one was injured ; and it was immediately fol- mory.^ii'e called the lowed by a flag of truce, and an unconditional surrender, "w^^"" The Mexican flag was then hauled down ; but when it came to the point of hoisting an independent one, the heart of Alvarado and his Californian brethren failed them ; nor could their foreign allies persuade them to the measure ; so they cried " Long live free California !" and hoisted the Mexican flag again. But they turned out the Spanish officers, made Alvarado governor, Gen. A peaceful '■ ° conclu>ion lo Vallejo commandant-general, and Jose Castro, lieu- Revoiuilou. tenant-colonel of the militia. The new government satisfied the foreigners by diminishing the duties one-half, and made their peace with Mexico by acknowledging their allegiance, with the condition that they should choose their own rulers. But the customs were unproductive, and the duties were soon renewed, and other means oppi'essive to for- eigners, were used to obtain money. They thus became disaffected, and put the authorities in such fear that caHf nnJil! to cut otF they secretly determined to cut them off — first con- foreisners. triving a story of their having secretly conspired, and next sending Castro with an armed party of eighteen to assassinate Graham, a resolute trapper of Kentucky. They barbarously wounded him, cast him into prison, and took from him all his goods and estate. Sixty other foreigners were taken and cast into prison, but they were afterwards released. 8 ItU CAPT. WILKES* PROPHECY. ^^^^* Capt. Wilkes thus speaks concerning the future pros- pects of California : " The situation of Upper California will cause its separation from Mexico before many years. The country between it and Mexico can never be any thing but a barren waste, which precludes all inter- Capt. Wilkes' coursc except that by sea, always more or less inter- prophesies tbuof^cd"- i'"P^6^ by the course of the winds, and the unhealthful- "Mexico.*" ness of the lower or seaport towns of Mexico. It is very probable that this country will become united with Ore- 184:1 ^°"' ^^^^^ which it will perhaps form a state that is des- tined to control the destinies of the Pacific. This future state is admirably situated to become a powerful mari- time nation, with two of the finest ports in the world — that within the straits of Juan de Fuca, and San Fran- cisco. These two regions have, in fact, within themselves every thing to make them increase, and keep up an in- tercourse with the whole of Polynesia, as well as the countries of South America on the one side, and China, the Philippines, New Holland, and New Zealand, on the other. Among the latter, before many years, may be Advantages includcd Japan. Such various climates will furnish the of the Ameri- can posses- materials for a beneficial interchange of products, and an sions (in the ^ ^ ^^^ '^' intercourse that must, in time, become immense ; while this western coast, enjoying a climate in many respects superior to any in the Pacific, possessed as it must be by the Anglo-Norman race, and having none to enter into rivalry with it but the indolent inhabitants of warm climates, is evidently destined to fill a large space in the world's future history." 1846. CHAPTER VII. Emigration to California begins in 1846. — Mr. Edwin Bryant finds many parties on the road. — The horrible sufferings of the belated party. — The Mormons. The travels of Mr. Edwin Bryant, in the summer of 1846, throw additional lia;ht on the progress of the settle- May i. ^ ^ * Mr. Bryant ment of Upper California, particularly as resjards Ameri- ^f*^''®* ,^'- ^^• ^^ -" r ./ o dependence. can emigration. June 23. At Ft. Lara- The first part of Mr. Bryant's route was that of the mie, 672 m. ordinary wagon trail — from the mouth of the Kansas, i^'gouii, along that river— -along the Platte — by Fort Laramie — further. "*" to the South Pass ; — and thence to Fort Brid^rer. Mr. J'^'y^i^. ' ° At Fort Bryant was bound for California, and here his route ^"^s®"^- diverged from that of the emigrants to Oregon. It was this year, 1846, that emigration from the United States to Upper California commenced in earnest ; and that to Oregon, greatly increased. This emigration as it respects California, was irrespective of the Ameri- can possession of the country ; for the war with Mexico was not thought of, when the emigrants began their pre- paration j and it was not known — until the rumor of Tay- 172 MR. BRYANT. _J_?1?1_ ^^'"'^ battles on the Rio Grande, reached thorn on their journey. The beauty, salubrity, and advantages of the country, now beginning to be known, must have attracted them to seek it as a home. Mr. Bryant finds, this year, large parties of emigrants, about equally divided, in regard to their destination, be- tween Oregon and California. Most of them travelled OnthePia'tte. with wagous drawn by oxen, containing their furniture, 430 wagons of emigrants, their v/ives and children ; — and so had party after party fallen into the train, that on the I6i\\ of June, on the South Fork of the Platte, the wagons amounted to no less than four hundred and thirty. Indeed so lively, social, and hospitable were these emigrants, though having many hardships to encounter, that it does not seem pos- sible, that this is the solitary desert route, so lately passed over by Capt. Fremont. At Fort Bridger, (a name given to two or three trading-huts of logs,) " we determined," says Mr. Bry- UJes ant, (i. e. himself and a small party of mounted men,) Fort Bridger, 133 m. from " to uikc the new route via the south end of the great Soutii Pass. ® Salt Lake. Mr. Hudspeth, (well known as a guide and ex- plorer,) who with a small party, on Monday, will start in advance of the emigrant companies which intend travel- ling by this route, for the purpose of making some further explorations, has volunteered to guide us as far as the ill foHower Salt Plain — a day's journey west of the Lake. Although such was my own determination, I wrote several letters to my friends among the emigrant parties in the rear, advising them not to take this route, but to keep on the A CHEERFUL SCENE. 1^ old trail, via Fort Hall. Our situation was different from 1^^4-6. theirs. We were mounted on mules, had no families, and could afford to hazard experiments, and make explo- rations. They could not. Durinir the day, I visited , » •^ o J ' ■{• A oorral is several of the emigrant corrah.-\ * * * * 'ontriangeT Messrs. Curry and Holden left us to-day, having deter- shetter or de- fence, mined to go to Oregon instead of California. Circles of white-tented wagons may now be seen in every direc- tion, and the smoke from the camp-fires is curling upwards, morning, noon, and evening. An immense number of oxen and horses are scattered over the entire valley, grazing upon the green grass. Parties of In- dians, hunters, and emigrants are galloping to and fro, g'Jant iik^'"'' and the scene is one of almost holiday liveliness. It is difficult to realize that we are in a wilderness, a thousand miles from civilization." On the 28th, Lieut. Bryant was at the Great Salt AMhJsSt Lake. His party then passed southerly and crossed the from Fort' Bridger. strait which connects the Salt with tlie Utah Lake. They were then, after a day's journey with Mr. Hudspeth, to cross without a guide the Great Salt Desert, where for seventy-five miles they were to find neither water nor food. Such an enterprise it is painful even to con- 1 -, » 1 1 1 ^ ^ 11 T-» ., AugOst 13. template. " About eleven o clock, says Bryant, '' we a great day's travel ; 75 struck a vast white plain, uniformly level, and utterly i^"''es over a destitute of vegetation, or any sign that shrub or plant *^"^ '''^^^''" had ever existed above its snow-like surface. Pausing a few moments to rest our mules, and moisten our mouths and throats from the scant supply of beverage in our 174 THE DEsfeRT. 1846. powder-keg, we entered upon this appalling field of sullen and hoary desolation. It was a scene so entirely new to us, so frightfully forbidding, and unearthly in its aspects, that all of us, I believe, though impressed with its sublimity, felt a slight shudder of apprehension. Our mules seemed to sympathize with us in the pervading sentiment, and moved forward with reluctance, several of them stubbornly setting their faces for a counter- march." The party, however, succeeded in making the dreaded distance in one day. Aug. 9 to 18. Mr. Bryant continued his route along Mary's or els 'on Mary's Humboldt's River, and came to the dreary pool called the River 275 m. "^ ^ g^ ^Q Sink of the River, where the stream entirely disappears in tei'rFoTt,^23 the dry calcareous earth. He then crossed the Sierra m. from the Sink of Ma- Nevada by the Bear River Pass, and reached Suter s ry's River. Fort by the first of September. A history of the first emigrations from the more eastern states, would show many instances of great hard- ship ; but there is one, which in regard to intensity of suffering, stands pre-eminent. Emigrants at .Ft- B"dg«r "w^e have introduced from Mr. Bryant's Journal, an divide to Ore- •' ' gon an ^ • accouut of the pleasant and cheerful camp at Fort Bridger, 133 miles from the South Pass, and where the route to California by the south end of the Salt Lake, leaves the wagon trail, to Oregon. A party of these emigrants, having sixty or more wagons, were bound to Oregon. Most of these finally arrived at their destination, although "Snu^ruftb/ ^^®y suffered greatly ; having lost their wagons and baggage in the Umqua mountains ; but, men having THREE PARTIES. Tf^ been sent to their relief from the valley of the Willa- 1846. math, their lives were preserved. Of this party Mr. Newton of Virginia, whom, with his wife, Mr. Bryant met in the beginning of his route, wa? murdered by Indians for the spoils of his tent. Mrs. Newton escaped. Of the emigrants for California, there were eighty wagons, which were to take the new and yet untrodden route b)^ the south end of the Salt Lake and Humboldt's or Mary's River. This company divided. The advance party, known as Mr. Harlan's, caiifomii. company di- were fortunate in raakinsr their wav speedily through vide Hai- the mountain passes near the Salt Lake ; and they reached "salfew ^ California, in season to insure a safe crossing of the Sierra Nevada. But the rear party, known as that of Messrs. Read and Donner, taking a different and more difficult route, were detained a month longer, in the j^^^^^ ^^^^ vicinity of the Salt Lake ; and did not reach the Sierra ty arrbeLted. until the last day of October, when they should have been there on the first. The snow fell early, and fell deep. Their dangerous plight became known at San Francisco ; and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars was meritoriously subscribed, to hire men to p;o to their -' ' * Generous ef- relief. This showed how well the wintry terrors of the ^^Jhem.^'*^ Sierra were there understood. Capt. Suter, prompt at the call of humanity, sent men and mules at his own cost. A little more than half their number, which was eighty- one, were thus saved ; but thirty-six perished. One of those who escaped, related their sufferings to Mr. Sinclair, who gave the narrative to the press. It is one of the 173 WINTRY TERRORS Of THE SIERRA. '^1?1_ •J^^i'kest pages in the book of human misery. They Fn-en4tyof hecame lost in the mountains ; and not only men and their suffer- „ , , , i -i i jn-s, Avomen of mature strength, but aged persons, children, and delicate girls, were wandering through snows of eight feet deep, without a track to follow, or a guide to lead ; and amidst mountain precipices of unknown depth. Their wagons can no longer be moved. They press for- ward for their lives ; but new mountains rise before them, and they are involved, in yet deeper snows. Unsheltered by night, and unfed by day — the last morsel gone — pinching cold without, and gnawing hunger within, some sink and die ; more happy than those who remain : for who, in the full possession of his faculties, would not choose to die, rather than to eat the frozen body of a dead friend ; perhaps a parent, a bosom companion, or a child ! What physical agonies must first be endured — what mental aberration — what moral oblivion ! Those who 3f) rut of 81 were met and saved, were in body and mind but the wrecks of humanity. Nourishing food and kind care, however, in most cases proved restoratives. Among the distinguished emigrants to California from the United States in 13-16, were Ex-Governor Boggs and Coi. Russell. The latter had been a member of the „ „ Kentucky and the Missouri le"islatures : and subsequently <^ov. Boosts -^ ts y ^ " andc^oi.Rus- u^^ited Statcs Marshal for Missouri. When the travel- ling emigrants, in June, organized for the preservation of order, they chose Col. Russell as tlieir leader. He ar- rived at Suter's Fort in September. This was also the year of the Mormon emigration. THE BIORMONS. 177 Several thousandsf of this sect of Socialists, left Nauvoo 1&46. in Illinois in the spring and summer of 1846.* A bat- saylSuoo talion of 400 of the men enlisted into the army, as has Emigration of tlie Mormons. been related, and followed Gen. Kearny to California under command of Col. Cooke ; while the wagons with the furniture, women, and children, took the ordinary track to the South Pass. The Mormons have now made their abode in the pleasant region, south of the Salt Lake. We understand that the discoverer of the gold placers, Mr. Marshal, is one of their number ; and that they are suc- cessful seekers of the precious metal. But they can- * The writer was al Nauvoo, in June 1846, when the Mormons were just leaving their pleasant abodes, and their pompous temple which had been their pride — their leader slain, and themselves held June 9. , , r< c ^ ■ 11 1 • Mormons m abhorrence, bome oi then- wagons with clean white tops were moving from Nauvoo. moving off toward the west, and some were halting on the western shore of the Mississippi. Bad as their principles are, and as their lives, conformably to them, have doubtless been — from my soul, I pit- ied them. The week before, at St. Louis, I had inquired concerning them, and heard much. Among other things, the commandant of Jefferson barracks told me, that he once called on Jo. Smith at his own home. He was at first denied ; but Smith learning by the movements of this officer that his purpose was not hostile, came forth from his concealment, and himself attended him, and did the honors of the place ; showing the Temple and his troops, and boast- ^'^'' °^^" °^' jug of the military force he could command. In company of this gentleman, whose high, discerning character, the deceiver well knew, he made no pretence of any thing else, than that he played a game for his own aggrandizement ; and was proud that he had played it so shrewdly. licer to Jo. Smith, 178 NO ESCAPING A BAD NAME. '^^Q' not permanently prosper, until they change their princi- ples. The bad name of the Mormons went before them to The bad California. The arrival of the Mormon battalion was ra!n> of" the Mo mons pre- dreaded, and had the whole company attempted to settle ce lea them. r J t in the valley of the Franciscan Bay and waters, there is good reason to believe, that it would have caused a fresh revolt of the Californians.* * On the late trial of Col. Fremont, Lieut. Minor of the U. S. Navy being on the stand as a witness, this question was put by the Court : " You siy that the approach of the Mormons caused a great alarm of the Californians in your district ; what was apprehended by the Californians ? and why "? " To which Lieut. Minor (of course under oath) replied : " Report had preceded them to Califor- T-f. Minor's tesiir.ony nia, that they were a lawless and abandoned set. * * * * * coi.ierning tlum. I allude to the whole tribe of Mormons, not to Col. Cooke's com- mand. A family that had seceded from that religion, threw them- selves on ray protection, and I assigned them their quarters near San Diego. When they heard of the approach of the Mormon battalion ihey became alarmed, and wished me to put them in greater secu- rity ; they wished me to put them on hoard a ship, which I declin- ed doing." — .See also Col. EusselVs testimony, pp. 259 — 60, 6L CHAPTER Yin. Fremont's third Expedition — Movements tending to place California under British Protection — Bear Revolution — American Posses- sion. We have now brought these elements of the history 1845. of California, up to the time of the events, which led to its occupancy by the American government. In the winter of 1845-6, Capt. Fremont with sixty- Snmmer of two men, ostensibly sent by the Executive of the United if^-*.), Fre- ' •' '' mont, and liis States, with the sole object of peaceful explorations, 'toLu°rto^ approached the Pacific valley, by the south end of the Sierra Nevada. At this time the Californians, under the Mexican flao;, had as their civil i^overnor Don Pio , „. T". o' ^ A. Pico, civil Pico. He was of the most wealthy and influential fro';m"iiiu!ry' /-I TP • rn commaiulaiit. family in the southern part of Upper Caliiurnia. i wo others of the family were eminent men. Gov. Pico re- sided in the government house at Los Angeles. Gen. Jos6 Castro, was military commandant, and resided at Monterey. There Wiis a person of much influence still residing in the valley, who appears to have been the agent for placing California under the protection of the British. Mr. Forbes, the Biitish vice consul. 180 SCHEME FOR BRITISH SUFREMACY. 1816 This was Mr. Forbes, who was there at tlie time of Capt. Wilkes' visit, as the factor of a British trading company ; but at this period he was vice-consul of the British government ; and had become, by means of the quicksilver mines, south of the Bay of Francisco, possessed of an estate of great value. His political and business operations, have manifested him to be an able and politic man. Proof, direct and circumstantial, exists, that a plan was A oiitic ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^'^^^j ^vl^ich, had it succeeded, would have ^caiifoinir^ placed California beyond the reach of the United States — nnder British protection, of which Mr. Forbcs was the main agent.* It contem- plated getting — first, a declaration from the Californians of Independence from Mexico — and second, a petition from a convention of Californians to Great Britain, to be taken by her under protection. At the same time, ten thousand of Great Britain's Irish subjects, were to have been trans- ferred to the valley of the San Joaquin, to own and occupy, that most fertile portion of the country. Could Mr. Forbes have succeeded in getting up a convention of leading per- sons, who would first declare California independent, and then vote to place themselves under British protection, Great Britain might have controlled the country — and that, without nominal offence to Mexico, or any other power. The scheme of Irish emigration, was to be the San Joa- * " We have had recent evidence," said Mr. Dix in his speech in quin to be ta- ken with con- the U. S. Senate, March 29, 1848, " of a deliberate design (on the sent of Mex- ico, part of Great Britain,) to obtain possession of the country (California), for the purpose of excluding us." RELIGION MADE A TOOL. 181 wrought with the sanction of Mexico, by appealing to 1845, two of her strongest passions — her love to the Roman Catholic faith, and her jealousy and hatred of America. The agent in this service was a Catholic priest of Ireland, by the name of Macnamara. He went to Mexico as early as the year 1845, and, about the close of that year or the beginning of the next, he made an Macnamara revik-s the application to the supreme power of Mexico, in which Americans to ^^ r r ^j^g Mexican he stated, that the subject of California was then at- government, tracting much public attention, that prompt and efficient measures must be adopted, or Mexico would soon lose that province, by means of the " usurpations of an anti- Catholic and irreligious nation," meaning the United States. That for the hinderance of this, and the advan- tage of his countrymen, and especially the advancement of Catholicism, he asked to be enabled to carry forward a project of planting a colony of his countrymen in MLInTmara' obtains a pa- Upper California. The Mexicans, he said, should lose tent— not per- ^ ^ fected. no time, or otherwise " within a year, California would become a part of the American nation ; be inundated by cruel invaders, and their Catholic institutions the prey of Methodist wolves!" The Mexican government was moved, and made a grant to the Irish priest of 3,000 square leagues, in the rich valley of the San Joaquin.* Yet the patent was not to be perfected, until the Governor of California should have given it his sanction. * His petition also embraced the Bay of San Francisco and the important stations of Monterey and Santa Barbara. 182 A BRITISH FLKET NEAR. 1816. Mr. Forbes, in the meantiino, had a meeting in April, ^,^ij 1846, with Gov. Pico, Gen. Castro, Gen. Vallcjo, and gets'upaVon- others, vvhere the project was entertained of declaring vention. Upper California independent of Mexico, and putting the country under British protection ; and assurances were it is said, ad- here given, that a British naval force would soon appear vocated Biit- isii protection, xipon the coast. A junta was to meet on the 15th of Geu. Vallejo, ^ •' tTeT.'states! Junc, to consult, couceming the perfecting of the Mac- namara grants, and concert final measures. Macnamara, who had resided in the house of a British public functionary at Mexico, was taken from that country in the Juno, a British sloop of war ;' and in June, he was landed at Santa Barbara. There was at this time lying at San Bias, a larger British squadron than had ever before been sent to the Pacific, commanded The British ^^^''^^^ Sas't ^y ^'^^-' ^c^i^i^'^l Sii' George Seymour, his flag-ship being HrJwJod, HO the Collingwood of 80 guns. "I" The Juno, which trans- guns ; a Ra- zee, Fremout.) natlVeS. A Californian messenger on the 9th carried a letter from the judicious consul to Capt. Fremont, at his forti- fied camp. Travelling sixty miles in ten hours, the messenger carried back a letter from Fremont, in which he thus wrote to Mr. Larkin,* (saying that he did so before reading his letter.) '■'■ We have in no wise done wrong to the people, or the authority of the country, and if we are hemmed in and assaulted here, we will die, every man of us, under the flag of our country." Con- cerning the appearance of Fremont, his camp and his men, the Californian messenger on his return to Mon- a Calif!?rnian tcrey Said, that " two thousand of his countrymen would Fremont "and not be Sufficient to compel him to leave the country, his men. though his party was so small," * See Mr. Larkin's letter to the Secretary of State, Apri) 3, 1846. A SPECIAL MESSENGER. 187 It. was on the 9th that Fremont received Mr. Larkin's ^Q^^« letter, of which we know not the contents. But we (|SeeMr. know that within a few hoursf notwithstandinof his wil- tertotheSec. ' ° of State.) lingness to die under his country's flag, Capt. Fremont broke up his encampment, and went north ; declaring it thesoutrpaS to be his object to explore the southern part of Oregon, and survey a new route to the Walahmath by the way of the Hamath Lakes. He was then within Oregon, but on the confines of California ; and the hostility of the savages in that vicinity made it a dangerous loca- tion. On the evening of the 9th of May, two messengers found Capt. Fremont at the north end of the Hamath Lake, who informed him that an officer of the United May 9. States army was in search of him with dispatches, and Fremont •' ^ hears of Gil- that his danger from hostile Indians was imminent. At '^^p'®- dawn of day, Fremont took with him nine men, of whom Kit Carson was one ; four were of the fine old race of Delaware Indians, and one was Basil Lajeunesse, a young Frenchman, of whom Fremont speaks, in his descriptions, with affectionate reliance. Coasting the western shore of Hamath Lake — at night they providen- tially met the party whom they were seeking. The officer was Lieut. Gillespie, who, as before re- marked, was -sent from Washington in November, via Vera Cruz, Mexico, Mazatlan, and Monterey, with strict orders to find Capt. Fremont, and who had now travelled Gillespie has travelled over from Monterey 600 miles for that purpose. He bore a 6oo miles to ^ ^ find !■ remont. letter from the Secretary of State, indirectly accrediting 188 CONFIDENTIAL 'service. 1816. him, leaving the main points of his mission to oral commu- nication. Exactly what this mission was, we know not, but we know the action which, on the part of Fremont, it produced. The administration, not without reason, placed confidence in him. In their service, he fearlessly took responsibility, and faithfully kept counsel. Fremont was excited with hearing from his country and from his family, — one of his letters being from Sena- tor Benton of Missouri, the father of his wife, — and at May 9. Fremont's nio;ht, forjrettino; for an hour his ordinary watch, hostile camp attack- o ' » i^ j ' ders'^cdnunit- Indians stole within the still camp, when all were asleep. diaus. A cry from Carson, and Fremont awoke to hear the death-groan of his favorite Basil Lajeunesse ; and three Indians of his party were killed, before the murderers were subdued. Capt. Fremont forthwith removed his whole party Fremont re- south iuto the Unsettled parts of the Valley of the Sac- turnin^ with „ . i r» Gillespie, is in rameuto. He encamped tor a tmie at the Buttes, near tlie valley of the Sacra- ^q coufluence of that stream v/ith the Rio del Plumas. jnento. Here he learned that the friends of British protection had, as was supposed, excited the Indians against the American settlers. At any rate this dangerous race had assumed a hostile attitude. Gen. Castro had also pub- (t We know lished a proclamation requiring foreigners to leave the not iiow ma- ny, nor who couutrv : and he was, it was believed, collecting an ar- were all •' ' ^ aSnemafe "^7 ^o cuforce his orders. Women as well as men were settlers, but . ^ . iniiir^ fancy the task m a state 01 cxcitoment, and all looked to rremont to of taking down their y.-jj^Q ^^jj}-, x\^^xi^ in their defence. + "There was a good names would ' " "rrduou'sT deal of correspondence," says Capt. Owens, one of Fre- ''THE WAY rm: revolution began." 189 mont's officers, " between the settlers and our camp ; and 184 1 • as the danger seemed near at hand, and there was no Letter of , I, . . f» 11 1 • • Capt. Owens. Other way to get out ot it, it was finally agreed to join showins ti.e way tlie revo- the settlers and fight the Californians. This is the way "^'^'O" ^^s^^"- the revolution began. I do not think the settlers could have been united, without tlie aid and protection of Capt. Fremont. They had not confidence enough in their strength to undertake the war without support. Capt. Fremont's party was strong and well armed, and went together like one man." Fremont's name too, and his position as an American officer, had great influence. Fremont now becoming openly the leader of the re- volted Americans, he soon moved his camp farther south. The first overt act of hostility was on the part of the Americans, in seizing a number of horses, which Gen. j^^g j{, Castro had ordered to be taken from Sonoma to his camp Gen. Castro's horses the first at Santa Clara. They were taken round by Suter's Fort, °][fjjjj^j[^ °^ when a party of twelve American Californians, mostly hunters, Mr. Merritt being their leader, captured them ; and sent word to Gen Castro, that if he wanted his prop- erty he must come and take it. Mr. Merritt's party in- creasing, at length amounted to more than thii'ty. They then took Sonoma, making prisoners, the Vallejos, and other principal persons. But they violated no private (fwetake property. f Don Salvadore Vallejo once having had Mer- fromMr.^B^y- ant, who' ritt in his power, struck him. Merritt now looked fierce- g'^es. as his authority, R ly upon Vallejo, but restraining himself, he said, " You ^^iS or t^e 1 , T -11 M •>> Calilbrnian.) are now my prisoner, but 1 will not strike you. A small garrison was left at Sonoma, commanded by June 14. Capture of Sonoma. 190 *' THE BEAR T?EVOLUTION." *^ ^^* Mr. Ide, who issued a proclamation, inviting all to come to his camp, and aid in forming a Republican government. About this time, two American youno- menf were brutally (tCowieand J n \ J Fowler.) murdered in the neighborhood of Sonoma, and others were taken prisoners, by a party of Californians under one Padilla. Capt. Ford, with a part of the garrison of Mexican Souoma, pursucd Padilla to San Rafael, where he had torce, 86 ; M™^"ioL"'io' ^^^^ joined by Capt. Torre. An engagement look place in which the Americans were victorious, killing eight of their opponents. Cap. Fremont having heard that Cas- tro was approaching with 200 men, joined the camp at So- Fremoiu^t "oma ou the 25th of June. Torre had now gone to the south, and no enemy remained on the north side of the Bay of Francisco. The Californians at Sonoma and the vicinity, seemed well pleased with the American ascen- dency, and offered their property to aid in carrying on the war. Fremont took a number of horses of the Val- lejos and others ; but anxious to fulfil the wishes of the government and conciliate the people, he promised that payment should be made, for whatever was taken. The fourth of July was duly celebrated. On the 5th, the Californian Americans declared their independence, The •• Bear- and organized the Californian battalion; placing Capt. flag" raised. Fremont at its head ; and for its standard emblem, they raised the figure of that unmanageable native of their woods, the grizzly bear. Fremont, now at the head of the 160 men who composed July 6. ^ ler^-^rVrt ^o"r" ^^® Califomian battalion, moved his camp to New Helve- ew^^^eve- ^.^^ From this placc hc scnt to San Francisco a dctach- THE FIRST NEWSPAPER. - 191 ment of ten men, commanded by Robert Semple, Esq., 184 i. who, in the course of the same summer, iecame the Edi- to?' of the Californian, the first neicsimper of the Territo- Sem^ie at New Hel- ry. The party performed the service, making prisoner ^etia. Ridley, the captain of the port, and conveying him for safe keeping to Suter's Fort ; of which Capt. Fremont had taken possession, placing in command Mr. Kern, one of his topographical party.* The day after Capt, Fremont's arrival at Suter's Fort, as he was preparing to follow Gen. Castro to Santa Cla- ra, he received the joyful news that Commodore Sloat had raised the American flag on the 7th, at Monterey, and ]v/o"Jferey that a state of war existed between the United States and Mexico. Instantly all united in pulling down the Cali- fornian bear, and raising the American eagle. * Whether with or without Capt. Suter's consent, we do not learn. He apologized in September to Mr. Bryant that he could not invite him to his fort, as he had not the control of his own prop- erty. A man with so much at stake might naturally seek to avoid collisions with all, and finally be found on the strongest side. We should suppose, however, that his preferences were on the side of the Americans ; and also, that his shrewd, sagacious mind, would not be long in determining, which side would be the strongest. CHAPTER IX. Events of the War from the raising of the American Flag at Mon- terey. — The Californian Battalion. — Fremont's March. — Capitula- tion of Cowenga. ^^ ^^* At San Francisco, Commander Montgomery, having been thus directed by Commodore Sloat, raised the Amer- Juiy p. Montgomery ican flag on the 8th ; and soon after took possession of 6an Francis- gonoma. CO. Summoned by Commodore Sloat, Fremont repaired to Monterey with the Californian battalion of 160 mounted rifles. He, with Lieut. Gillespie, now his second in com- mand, went on board the Commodore's ship. He was somewhat displeased, that they had not reported to him ; JiWy. Am. force but suoposed that Fremont had been actinfr under the or- in the Paci- ' ^ ^ Savannah, ^^^'^ of the government, knowing that Gillespie had been Congress, ,, . , Portsmouth, scnt out, a spccial messenger to hmn. "1 want, said and Cyane. ^ at^Ma^auTn" ^^' " ^° kuow by what authority you are acting. Mr. ^hip ErL!"^at Gillespic has told me nothing. He came to Mazatlan, the Sandwich Islands.) and I sent him to Monterey, but 1 know nothing. I want to know by what authority you are acting ? " When Capt. Fremont told him he was acting on his own re- sponsibility, the Commodore seemed much disturbed. A LITTLE BEFOREHAND. 193 *' I have acted," said he, " upon the faith of your opera- ^'^^<^* lions in the north. I would rather suffer from doing too much than too. little. "f Commodore Sloat's orders from (t Yet rom, Sloat was Mr. Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy, had been peremp- ['^^^"'"'yre'J..^ tory, that in case he learned that a state of war existed, 73""n"afc"nt he should act at once. He had heard, while lying at vity'in not Mazatlan, of warlike movements on the P^io Grande, but ing^-a'ijor.i. ' ' He had liow- 1 c , . . ^ . ever left ihe was not possessed of certaui miormation. station.) The proceedings respecting British protection and Irish emigration, had been, by these prompt measures of Fremont and his party, with the subsequent naval action, entirely disconcerted. The expected meeting on the 15th of June failed ; the Macnamara grants were not perfect- ed ; and when, on the i6th of July, Admiral Sir Georgo July ifi. Admiral "^ir Seymour arrived in the CoUinirwood at the harbor of tJeorge Sev- *' '-' mour conn s Monterey, the American flag was flying from every prom- ffoJnfafn po^' 1 1 /• y--i T^ • TT7. I session 1 if the ment pomt m the northern part of California. What he Americans, might have done, had he been beforehand with Commo- dore Sloat, he could not then do, without a manifest in- terference with the rights of belligerents. He took Mac- (July v.). namara on board his ship, and shortly after left the port. Fremont says Maenamnra His visit proved the crisis, — and his departure put an end "[^ero'iin-'^ to the hopes of the British party ; and for this reason op- ^°° '' erated favorably to the American cause. Commodore Stockton, on board the Congress, at Nor- 1^45, folk, Oct. 1845, was sent to sea with sealed orders ; not to com^'.^'^s^oek be opened until he had passed the capes of Virginia. These u. s for tho Pacific. orders directed him to proceed, first to the Sandwich Isl- ands, then to Monterey, where he was first to deliver dis- 9 194 COM. SLOAT S DILEMMA. 1816. patches to Mr. Larkin, and then report himself to his su- perior officer, Commodore Sloat. He arrived at Monte- rey about the middle of July, and his valorous tempera- ment at once caught the spirit of the war. Commodore May 15. ^ ^ ton'^arrfvS'at Sloat was uot Well, and not, it appears, at ease in his o« erey. ^^^^^ There seemed to him a mystery which he could not fathom. That a special messenger should be sent past him, — nay — he to forward him, to a young officer like Fremont, and he himself an older, and equally faith- ful servant of his country, left in the dark ; this appears to have preyed upon his spirits, and he told Stockton he intended to return. When Fremont and Gillespie brought before Commo- dore Sloat the subject of the Californian battalion, he said it was not his intention to move from Monterey. He had no service for the troops, and would have nothing to do with sfockton™' them.f A day or two after this, Fremont and Gillespie Fremont's Called ou Commodorc Stockton ; and, on consultino; with trial. ' ° him, he thought differently, respecting the battalion. He was shortly to be left with the responsibility of holding and governing a country where many were disaffected. He persuaded Commodore Sloat to give him immedi- ate command on land ; and he invited those officers to take service under him. They consented ; and he re- organized the battalion, and issued his commission to Fremont as Major, and to Gillespie as Captain — of this somewhat anomalous description of force ; of which Fre- mont's original party was the nucleus, and the independ- ent Californians of the " Bear Revolution" made up the COMMODOKE STOCKTON. 195 remaining part, which, now amounting to 160 gallant ^8 tl. men, ranked as an American "navy battalion." Commodore Sloat sailed in the Levant for the United ^ay og. . Com. SI'jat States on the 29th of July, leavmg Stockton in full com- leaves cai. mand. Neither Fremont nor Gillespie could have been thus commanded by Com. Stockton, but by their own con- sent. " The common voice of the people," says Fremont, " called me to the head of affairs, and I obeyed with alacrity. Lieut. Gillespie was of the marines, and was See Fre- besides on special duty by orders of the President. We mom's de- •^ •' "^ fence, p. 375 might have continued our independent position, and ot"^io^uments, carried on the war by land." But they judged it best for their country, to take service under Stockton, and rank as a part of the forces of the naval commander. Commodore Stockton now ordered a movement on Ciudad de Los Angeles, it being understood that Gen. Castro, in conjunction with Don Pico, the civil Governor, Stockton and •' Fremont em- had there 600 men in arms. The Commodore and '^^^jTaJJa,^^" Fremont both embarked with their forces at Monterey, "^° '^^^' the former for San Pedro, the port of Los Angeles, and the latter for San Diego further south. Stockton with his marines first approached the enemy, who decamped at his approach. Fremont soon joined him, and togethei they took quiet possession of Los Angeles, with the co"m"stock- public buildings, the archives, and all the public property. Fremont take possession of On the 17th of August, Commodore Stockton issued his ^^os Angeles. proclamation, in which he informed the people of Cali- fornia, that, at his approach, Jose Castro, Commandant 196 carsOxn's mail. 1^46. General, buried his artillery, abandoned his fortified camp, and fled, as was believed, towards Mexico — that with the sailors, marines, and Californian battalion, they entered the city of Angeles on the 13th of August, and hoisted the North American flag, which was now flying August 17. from every commanding position in the territory — that Com Stock- ton institutes California was now in the possession of the United States, government, '■ tfoZ%u\%- a^^d would soon be provided with a civil government ; but quires an oath .„ , . , .,. , , , . . , of aiiegiacce till then, it was uudcr military law, to be administered from the miH- tary. |3y himself, the commander-in-chief. In the meantime, the people were requested to assemble in their several towns, and choose their officers. Military men who chose to remain, would be required to take an oath to support the existing government. Com. s. ap- Having made this proclamation. Commodore Stock- j)oints Freni't i-^.i- t -in*-- military com- tou, OH the 24th, intending to go to sea, appointed Major mandant,and Gillespie sec- Fremout, military commandant of California, and Lieut. retary. ' '' Gillespie secretary. On the 28th of August, these pro- ceedings were reported to the Navy Department, and Carson dispatched, via Santa Fe, to carry the reports public and private to Washington. Carson had pro- ceeded to the valley of the Del Norte, when he was met ^omi^n-To^ by Gen. Kearny, with 300 men, coming to conquer b merby Kit California. Carson informed him that the work was Carson with news that the already done by Frem.ont and Stockton. Gen. Kearny conijuest is "^ "^ ^''''"^^' then sent back 200 of his soldiers, and proceeded with an escort of 100 dragoons; obliging the reluctant Car- son to relinquish his march, and return to California as a guide. A REVOLT. 197 Carson's mail was sent forward to Washington, by 1816. Mr. Fitzpatriclv. It reached its destination just in time for the President of the United States to use it in his annual message to Congress, and the Secretaries of War and the Navy in their reports to the President. In these ^ ,, Fremont and tliree reports, ihe "gallant oincer, rremont, was most Stockton compliment'd cordially commended, and the bloodless conquest of S^nf^n/set- California by him and the naval officers related with '■®*^"®^- much satisfaction. Some months before this, the Presi- dent had sent forward to Fremont a Colonel's commis- sion, which he I'eceived on the 27th of October. But ere this was known to him, changes were to take place. Early in September, Fremont left Los Angeles, to aid Com. Stockton, in collecting recruits for an ex- pedition, which the valiant Commodore wished to under- take against Mazatlan. Thus occupied — the Commo- dore at San Francisco, and Fremont near Suter's Fort — news reached them from Gillespie, who was left in com- ' September. mand at Angeles, that Castro had returned with a large ^,it^^/°a7aS Mexican force, headed by General Flores, or as he signed himself, Gov. Flores, and that Los Angeles and the adjacent region was in a state of open revolt ; that the American garrison had been expelled, and the marines defeated. The Commodore had now other occupation on his hands, than the conquest of Mazatlan, and Fremont, other than thatof playing governor-in-chicf of California ; it being the plan of Stockton, (forwarded by him to Wash- ington,) to leave Fremont in this office, while he himself went to make conquests in Mexico. By great activity 198 AMERICAN REVERSES. ^^'^^* and energy, Fremont succeeded in increasing his bat- tii'?ri'ncreas- talion to 428 men. Tlie recruits \n ere mostly from the untary action emigrants who, as we have before seen, approached Cali- of the emi grants. fomia this year in considerable numbers. Mr. Bryant informs us, that he being at Suter's, when news arrived from the south, of the disasters which had there occurred to the Americans, he immediately drew up a paper which was signed by himself and four other newly arrived Americans,! by which, with (t Messrs. Reed, Jacob conscut of Mr. Kcm, commander of Fort Suter, they Lippincott, anciGrayson.) offered their scrvices as volunteers, and agreed to make exertions to raise and equip a force of emigrants and Indians. The disastrous news alluded to was the defeat of 400 marines, who landed at San Pedro, under Capt. Mervine, of the Savannah, — by a large force of Californians and Mexicans ; the capitulation of Capt. Gillespie, who was left in command at Los Angeles, and the escape of the garrison of Santa Barbara, under Lieut. Talbot, — from a force too powerful to be resisted. In the new organization of the battalion, Col. Russell became one of the officei's, and Mr. Bryant another. Capt. Suter personally intei'ested himself on this occasion, in procuring horses and provisions for the volunteers, which, with the condition of the country as it then existed, was a matter of great difficulty, and caused indispensable delays. Fremont once embarked to go by sea, but he learned after he had proceeded to Santa Barbara, that such was the hostility of the Californians at the south, thr MR. LARKIN A PRISONER. 199 it would be absolutely impossible to procure horses. He 1846. turned, and procured them in the vicinity of the Bay and i^ifficSfues at Suter's Fort ; and with the resolute battalion, in the ^" ^^'^ inclement season of December^ he was to make a tedious march of 400 miles from Monterey to Los Angeles. While the volunteers were collecting at their two places of rendezvous, San Jose, and the Mission of San Juan, the worthy Mr. Larkin was made prisoner — as he was journeying, in the dangerous region of the marau- ders of the river Stanislaus — by an armed party of sev- enty Californians. They required of him to write an or- der to San Juan, requesting: twenty of his countrymen to ^ ^ -^ -^ Mr. Larkin come to his relief, whom they meant to surprise and kill, "^^^'^arirrre"-' Every threat was used to make him write the order, '^emigrants. " Write " — said the consul. " I shall not — shoot as soon as you please!" When news of his captivity reached Suter's, a band of fifty, most of them the newly arrived emigrants, hasted to his relief, and effected it, though with the loss of two valuable men, Capt. Foster and Capt. Burroughs of St. Louis. Two of the Californi- ans were killed and two wounded. The march of the battalion to San Luis Obispo, be- tween the mountain ran^e and the ocean, was so secret, „p.^" l*^"'* i^J ' ' Obispo taken Dec. 14. ?an Loui: jispo fake that the commandant of that military post was captured y ^"■'P'''**'- by surprise. This was Don Jesus Pico, cousin to the governor, and a man much beloved by his fellow citizens. But he had broken his parole; and he was, in that quar- ter, head of the insurrection. A court martial of Fre- mont's officers tried, and sentenced him to be shot. Fro- 200 A COLD CHRISTMAS. i-^ie. mont, in the spirit of obedience to repeated instructions I'tThis in- °^ ^^® government, given indeed to all American officers ' "ed"i)y Mr. io California, wished to conciliate the inhabitants. A pro- niyant, who V. itnessed the cessiott of vvomcn camc to bee for the life of their belov- Dec. 17. ed townsman. f Fremont freely pardoned him, and from r?oii J. Pico pHrdoned by that moment he and his friends were won. Fie.Tiont, He accompanied Fremont in his onward march. From the papers taken here, the action at San Pasqual was learned ; by which it became known, that a small Dec. 2.^. American force approached, but who was the command- Tlie batlalion encounter a qj. ^yg^g yg^ undisCOVCrcd. st.rm on the •' "^anra^'Ba?- On Christmas-day, amidst chilling winds and driving bara. rain, the patient and hardy battalion struggled over the mountain of Santa Barbara ; although so severe was the storm, that 100 horses and mules perished. At the long maritime Pass of the Rincon or Punta Gorda, where their march was flanked by one of the vessels of the navy, the little army was threatened by mounted horsemen; .Tan. 13. but as they did not attack, Fremont would not allow them Fieinont at i i • the plain of to be molcstcd. In the same manner he restrained his e'o.venga, cah ofnians troops, at the defile of San Fernando. Thus he entered ^'^^hi'n?'.^ ° the plain of Cowenga, where the enemy, as he was in- formed, had a force equal to his own. He sent a sum- mons to surrender. The chiefs desired to hold a parley with the American commander; and Fremont went to them, accompanied only by Don Jesus Pico. The Cal- ifornian officers were, they said, moved by his clemen- cy, and they would capitulate to him, and to none other. By the capitulation, the Californians agreed that their THE CAPITULATION OF COWENGA. 201 entire force should deliver their artillery and public arms 184T. to Col. Fremont — that they would return peaceably to their homes, and conform to the laws of the United capituLuon. States; but that no Californians, until after a treaty should have been made between Mexico and the United States, should be bound to take an oath of allegiance. ThisTapituia- 1 11 . } 1 •^ 1 m ''*'" tlie final All prisoners on botn sides were released. This agree- pacification. ment proved the final pacification of California. 1846, CHAPTER X. Commodore Stockton's Movements. — Gen. Kearny's March. — The Battle of San Pasqual. — Stockton sends Relief to Kearny. — Their March upon Los Angeles, and the Battle of San Gabriel. We now go back in the order of time, following the Fouthein movements of Commodore Stockton and Gen. Kearny. Californians revolt, and After Fremont had left Commodore Stockton, and durinsr the Anjeles re- ^ taken, period in which he was collecting and procuring supplies for his battalion, the Commodore was endeavoring to give aid to the exposed American garrisons at Monterey, and other places on or near the coast. Gillespie was besieg- ed at Los Angeles, capitulated, and went on board the Sa- vannah, then commanded by Capt. Mervine and lying at San Pedro. The Captain had debarked with his sailors and marines, and an affair occurring between him and the Californians, he met with some loss, and returned to the ship. Dec. 3. While Commodore Stockton was at San Diego, await- Com. Stock- ^ ' ^^'Viener* ing the co-operation of Fremont to attack Los Angeles, Kearny. " hc reccivcd ou the 3d of Dec. a letter from Gen. Kear- ny, dated " Warner's Ranche," informing him that he GEN. KEARNY APPROACHES. 203 had taken New Mexico, "annexed it to the United 1846. States," established a civil government there, and was now, by order of the President, on his way to California ; and he requested of Commodore Stockton to send back with Mr. Stokes, the messenger, who lived near Warner's Ranche, a party to open a communication with him, the General havino; learned the revolted and unsettled state '^ Kearny of the country. Commodore Stockton immediately sent ^^on'unlafe^ forward Capt. Gillespie with thirty-six men and a field- Stockton sends an in- sufficient party to re- lieve liim. piece. He sent by him, information to Gen. Kearny, that the enemy, 150 strong, and commanded by Don An- dreas Pico, were in the neighborhood. The march of Gen. Kearny, from Santa Fe by the river Gila — across the Colorado — to the neighborhood of ny's route. San Diego, had occupied the months of October and No- vember. Above the mouth of the Gila, Lieut. Emory, the well-known topographical engineer of the party, had captured a horseman with the Californian mail for Sono- ra. It was by this means that Gen. Kearny learned, that the southern part of California was no longer in the Li^'i^^mory power of the Americans. The letters related with great mau'^and^eu nn)>leasant exultation the affair at San Pedro, where Capt. Mervine "^ws. was, with his marines, prevented from marching to Los Angeles, and turned back to his ship with loss. This, though true, was, by Gen. Kearny and his party, taken for an exaworeration. But thev were a small and travel- ^^"^ " Warner's worn company, and when they arrived at Warner's Ran- ^,'Ji"el'f;om che, about thirty-three m^iles from San Diego, Gen, Kear- '' ^ * ny sent to Com. Stockton, by the neutral Englishman. 204 SAN PASQifAL. 1846. Mr. Stokes, whose ranche was the former Mission of Santa Isabella, with the letter already mentioned. On CaifLGi'iies- the 5th of December, Capt. Gillespie joined Gen. Kear- pie joins Kearny. ny. They learned that a hostile force of mounted Cal- BHt?i7of San ifomians, under Andreas Pico, barred their way. On the morning of the 6th. the combined parties moved for- ward before light, intending to surprise their foe. But they, freshly mounted, were awaiting the Americans ; and they fought with great bravery. The Americans stood their ground ; but it was at the expense of the lives A meiican i.iss-kiiied Qf eisjhteen killed on the field, and thirteen wounded, ]8; wounded, '^ ' ^'" among whom were Gen. Kearny, Captains Gillespie and Gibson, Lieut. Warner, and Mr. Robideau.the interpreter. Among the killed, were Captains Johnson and Moore, and Lieut. Hammond. The camp of the Americans, the night after the bat- Night of the ith. Melancholy j.j,^ tie, presented a scene of which private life affords little scene. room for comparison. Their wounded — where should they procure them comforts ? Their dead — where find them graves, so secret and so profound, that their bodies would not be exhumed and rifled ? Mournfully, by the darkness of the night, the survivors made their resting place, deep beneath a solitary willow ; while wolves howl- ed a discordant requiem. Dec. 7. On the 7th, the Americans were intercepted by the (t One of . . ,. lem St he- encmv. A part of their little force was occupied with the ic deads of "^ ^ ^ tiie war.) ambulauccs of their wounded, as they attempted to move. But they charged, f and drove the Californian horsemen, wounding several. But they had only retired, to return THE HILL OF SAN FERNANDO. 205 in greater numbers. The next day, the 8th, the Ameri- 1816, cans were besieged in their camp, on the hill of San Fer- nando. For the party to move, would be a deed of des- Thel'meri- caus in dan- peration, as it would take half their force to transport the ger— hero- ^ ism ot Carson wounded ; and the enemy, fresh and well-mounted, and ^'"^ ^'''*'^- in superior numbers, were watching them in every di- rection. Fortunately, they found, by digging at the foot of a rock, a little water ; but they were distressed for want of food. Then it was that Carson,* with Lieut. Beale * One of the most eloquent portions of Col. Fremont's defence, is where he speaks of Kit Carson. Wishing to invalidate the testi- mony of Gen. Kearny, Fremont thus alludes to the evidence given by him, that he did not recollect, indeed did not know, the person (who was Kit Carson) that brought him a certain letter, hereafter to be mentioned. Gen. Kearny " For Gen. Kearny," said Fremont, addressing the court, " not to f rgetting Kit Carsim, Fre- know Kit Carson, not to remember him when he brought the letter mont shows Kit's claims on which this prosecution is based ; to swear that he had never seen to be remem- bered, the man, before or since, who brought that letter, when that man was the same express from Commodore Stockton and myself from whom he got the dispatches ; whom he turned back from the con- fines of New Mexico, and made his guide to California ; the man who showed him the way, step by step, in that long and dreary march ; who was with him in the fight of San Fasqual ; with him on the besieged and desolate hill of San Fernando ; who volunteer- ed with Lieut. Beale and the Indians to go to San Diego for relief, and whose application to go was at first refused ' because he could not spare him ; ' who was afterwards the commander of the scouts on the march from San Diego to Los Angeles ; not to know this man who had been his guide for so many months, and whom few see once without remembering, and not only not to know him, but to 20G HEROISM AND SUCCESS. ^^^^* and an Indian, (his name should be told,) heroically vol- unteered to go to Com. Stockton at San Diego, and pro- cure assistance. Most dangerous was the service, and forlorn the hope, that the messengers could escape the "^alTce."' keen-eyed foe— but they did. — On the night of the 10th, the tramp of horses was heard in the melancholy camp, and soon the hearts of the soldiers were gladdened, and their hunger relieved, by their brethren from the Ameri- can ships at San Diego. Not a moment had been lost after Carson and Lieut. Beale had made the condition of the party known to to?f pm?npt Com. Stockton, before measures were taken for their re- lief. Lieut. Grey, with a party of 180 sailors and ma- rines, left San Diego on the night of the 9th. They hid themselves during the day of the 10th, and at night gave to their scarcely expecting countrymen, a joyful surprise. In the surprise, though not in the joy, their enemies par- ticipated ; and forthwith decamped, not even removing their animals. In two days, the party were at San Diego.* Com. swear that he had never seen him before or since ; — this was indeed exhibiting an infirmity of memory, ahnost amounting to no memo- ry at all." * Capt. Emory relates, that as they came upon a hill where they had their first view of the Pacific, one of the men from the interior, who had never seen an ocean, exclaimed, " Lord ! there is a great prairie without a tree ! " — The town of San Diego, says Capt, Em- ory, consists of a few houses of adobe, two or three of which only, have plank floors. The Mission is a fine large building, now deser- ted. (1846. WHO IS GOVERNOR f 207 Stockton, having sent all his horses to Gen. Kearny's relief, walked out to meet him, took him to his quarters ; and all possible attentions were shown by the officers of the navy, to him and his wayworn compaaions. Fremont, now toiling on his long march, did not yet appear, nor was any thing heard of him or his battalion. They were anxious at San Diego for his fate, and Gen. Kearny, not probably relishing his subordinate position, and perhaps desirous to see Fremont before he should see Stockton, offered to go with a party to his relief. Com. Stockton, however, decided himself to move north immediately, with all the force which could be mus- tered. Gen. Kearny was now in a position, anomalous and unpleasant. He was sent to conquer and to govern. But he had by no means entered California as a con- queror ; and how was he to become governor, without an efficient force at his command, when Com. Stockton be- lieved that he was, by right, governor of the country ? Yet he courteously offered to relinquish the command to Gen. Kearny^ and go to Los Angeles as his aid. Gen. Kearny was, in truth, the superior officer, being a brigadier-general ; and — holding the order of the Sec- retary of War to that effect, he was really governor-in- chief. But Com. Stockton having been in the chief command, and having at risk to his own corps, saved that of Kearny — this far-off order of the War Depart- ment, made for one state of things, and now fallen upon another, seemed to him a nullity. There is nothing 184T. Kearny wishes to go and meet Fremont. Stockton de- cides to go himself. Difficulties growing up between Kearny and Stockton re- specting the chief authori- tv. 208 TWO COMMANDERS. 184T. more precarious than the peace which exists between two persons thus situated — no matter how polite each may be. Who wants his right by courtesy ? and besides, he who accepts it thus from the stronger party, may at any moment be displaced. Kearny knew that, at the moment, Stockton commanded more men than he. Fremont was an important man to him, and he (■\ Fremont received four, wrotc him short afFectionatc notes it while he declined before writing ' ''\e?Mrom"'" the courteous offer of Gov. Stockton, to take the " ' chief command of the expedition ; and on his part, proposed to accompany Stockton to Los Angeles as his aid. This service the commodore accepted, and himself took the chief command, notwithstanding the little knowledge of land tactics, which he and his officers possessed. Before setting out, however, Kearny told Stockton that he must command the troops. Stockton agreed that he might, and introduced him to the ma- rines as their commander — yet under him, as governor- in-chief. Dee. 29. They began their march on the 29th of December, begins. with fifty-scven dragoons, officers and men, the remains of Gen. Kearny's escort — four hundred marines, and sixty volunteers. They had six heavy pieces of artillery and eleven heavy wagons. They had provided well against surprise, by organizing a scouting party, with Carson for its leader. Their march was along the coast — across the Solidad — by the deserted mission of San 184T. Jan. 2. At San Luis L^is Rey, and the small town of Flores : thence by a narrow pass between the ocean and a neighboring moun- SAN GABRIEL. 209 tain to another deserted mission — that of San Juan 184T. de Capistrano, now owned by the Pico family. Here At jan Juan had once been a fine cathedral, but a part of it was "^ ''i"* ■'•^'^o- thrown down in 1822 by an earthquake, killing fifty per- sons within, who had fled to it for refuge. On the 6th of January, the troops passed the pleasant stream of the Santa Anna. On the 7th, when near the River San Gabriel, and nine miles distant from Los Angeles, thej found the enemy in force, and prepared to dispute their passage ; and they joined battle. The enemy under Gen. Flores were superior in num- San Gabriel. bers. 1 hey were all mounted, and the best horsemen in Amencans victorious. the world. The great body of the American troops were k.^i'"JTi7 sailors, little skilled in land operations ; and they had two commanders. In two instances, at least, in the course of the battle, what was done by Gen. Kearny's com- mand, was undone by Com. Stockton's,* Yet officers and men bore gallantly on, and won the field. But the enemy were still in force, and while the Americans, now within three miles of Los Angeles, were ^'^Mei^'^^ marching acrcss the Mesa, a plain between the rivers k. 0;*w. 5. San Gabriel and San Fernando, Flores appeared before them, opened his artillery, and deployed in crescent, his line of battle. After some fighting, and a small loss on both sides, the foe drew off. This was the force which (t Except capitulated to Fremont at Cowens^a.f Fiores.wi.o ^ ^ ' escajied to Mexico.) * One was the forming of a square, and the other, the unlim- bering of the guns, as they were about to cross the San Gabriel. (See Fremont's trial.) 210 COL. Russell's mission. 1846. The commanders judiciously forbore to enter the city at evening, lest during the night, excesses should be Jan. 10. committed. The next morning they entered Los Ange- Stockton and Kearny enter Jes without material lujury ; but with unpleasant expres- sions of dislike from the inhabitants. Immediately after the capitulation of Cowenga, Col. Fremont, who had now learned that Gen. Kearny was at Los Angeles, although he knew not in what capacity he had come, sent forward Col. Russell with directions carefully to inquire whether he or Stockton was in chief Col. Russell command, and to make his report of military operations sent Dy r re- ^ * J i: "who is* gov™ accordingly. He bore a letter from Fremont to Gen. Kearny, in answer to his affectionate notes. Col. Rus- sell, personally acquainted with the General, called first on him, and asked him whether he or Stockton was in chief command. Gen. Kearny informed him, that it was the Commodore who was in exercise of that func- tion ; but he claimed that, by his orders, the right to exer- cise it belonged to him. ernor. CHAPTER XI. Col. Fremont made Governor, by Com. Stockton. — Gen. Kearny*s successful measures to obtain the ascendency. Col. Fremont the next day after the capitulation of 1846. Cowenga marched at the head of his battalion ; and j^^ j^ when within five miles of Los Angeles, met his mes- (t The plain of Cowenga is seno;er Col. Russell ; from whom he learned for the first 12 miles from ^ ' Angeles.) time, that Gen. Kearny had been sent from Washington to conquer and to establish a government in California. He had previously been informed — while at the camp of the Willows, near San Barbara, by Capt. Hamlyn, a special messenger sent to him by sea from Stockton, Fremont had r^ T ■ n information while he with Kearny were lying at San Luis Key, on of Keamy's entrance into their way to Angeles — that Kearny had, after a defeat ^'aiifomia. at San Pasqual, been assisted to reach San Diego, by the naval forces sent by Stockton to his rescue. That coming thus, Stockton and himself, who had conquered California, were at once to defer to Kearny, he probably. His choice in the flush 01 success, thought too unreasonable to merit between Sfocitton and much attention. Gen. Kearny, the elegant officer, and, ^^l^^l.!^^f when not moved by anger, the prepossessing man, he "^^"^'"h^a. ^^ ' 212 NEARLY BALANCED. 181'''* appears to have regarded with personal cordiality, as a former acquaintance, and as the friend of those he loved. But every thing had been laid in a train between himself and Com. Stockton ; the latter to go to Mexico, and he to be left Governor-in-chief of California. The 25th of October had been the day appointed ; and the con- summation was only prevented by the insurrection which both had been engaged in quelling. And not only this, Fremont's *^o^r la?/'" ^^^ iheir whole plan had been transmitted to Washing- ton, in the mail sent by Carson, and by Gen. Kearny transferred to Mr. Fitzpatrick ; so that it was without doubt there believed, that he was at the moment actually filling the post of Governor of California. From Col. Russell he further learned, that although the General and Stockton and the Commodorc had met as friends, thev were now each Kearny " oppo>ed to chafed in mind, — each feeling that the other claimed what eacli other. ' o belonged to him. In this juncture Fremont, at the head Fremont in ^ important of 400 efficient troops, was an important man. Which- maii to each. ever side he joined, would be the superior in militaiy strength. Gen. Kearny, in case Fremont acknowledged his authority, would have the whole land force at his command ; but if he united with Stockton, then Kearny's position would, for the time, be mortifying to his pride ; and calculated to awaken his anger. Both he and Stockton, Russell said, offered Fremont the governorship ; though the offer from Kearny was not to take immediate effect. Col. Russell thought, that Kearny was the better friend of the two, to Fremont. Stockton had at first dis- COGITATIONS. 213 approved the capitulation of Cowenga. Kearny had put IH-IT. words into his mouth, wherewith to defend it. But Stockton was, as matter of fact, in chief command. This Kearny acknowledged ; and allowed that he had served under him in the march from San Diego ; but he showed orders from the government, by which he judged himself entitled to the chief command ; and a military tribunal has since decided that he was right. Fremont, Fremont re- however, regarded those orders as obsolete — intended /^s'^orSas for a state of things no longer existing. He regarded Kearny's orders to govern as predicated upon a previous conquest, which himself, rather than Kearny, had made. He thought that his country owed it to his prompt and independent action, that California had not been lost to her, by the scheme of British protection. The fact that to him the American Executive had sent by sea and shore, a special messenger five thousand miles,* doubt- * To continue, not to commence secret confidential inter- course and instructions. Tlie message was verbal, not writ- ten. Capt. Gillespie was a worthy officer of marines, but not a Metternich, to explain, for the iirst time, a course of policy and the reasons for it. Fremont in his defence, uses this expression: *' Knowing well the views of the Cabinet, and satisfied that it was a great national measure to unite California to us as a sister state, by a voluntary expression of the popular will." We cannot but think he was willing, that the crisis should have been met, at the Hawks' Peak. Lieut. Revere, in his " Tour of Duty," an interesting book just issued from the press, speaks thus of the reasons for Fremont's not accepting the offered services of Californian Americans while at » 214 • HONESTY MJtfY MISTAKE. ISi'i' less had its weight ; and if he had successfully ex- ecuted these confidential orders, without betraying the administration to the blame of their opponents, then this might naturally make him presume, that his course, if sanctioned by his own sense of duty, would be sus- tained by the government. But the Executive could not afford to offend the whole army ; and discipline is the rifrht arm of its efficiency, and the sensitive nerve of Jan. 14. => -^ ' tmTngJii" every officer. — Fremont went forward to Angeles ; and was met both by Stockton and Kearny with cordiality. This was soon, in the latter, to be changed to stern un- yielding resentment ; for Gen. Kearny soon found, that it Jan. 16. was to Stocktou, uot to himself, that Fremont would ad- Stockton commissions here. Fremont as governor. rj.j^^ ^^^ l^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^j^^.^, arrival at Los Ange- les, Com. Stockton, then residing at the house of the governors of California, sent to Fremont and Russell, who came a little past noon, and received from him commissions, to act as governor and secretary of the province. At the dusk of the evening, Capt. Emory, the ac- Capt. Emory brings Fre- complishcd adjutant of Gen. Kearny, came to Fremont's mont Gen. r j j i wrUtTn wder. quarters, bearing a copy of the orders of the Secretary that mountain camp. " Knowing, I imagine, that his own party was quite sufficient to compete with any force that Castro could bring against him, fearing perhaps to compromise his countrymen, in person and property, had Castro by any unexpected circumstance proved successful." Mr. Larkin is rich. Bryant says he will proba- bly be the first American millionaire of California. AN ACT WITH CONSEQUENCES. 215 of War, giving to the General, the chief command in 184T. California ; — and a written order, directing Fremont to make no changes in the Californian battalion without Gen. Kearny's sanction. The next morning the General sent him a line of request to come to him on business. Fremont was making his written answer, but he hastened at the sum. mons, leaving his acting secretary, Lieut. Talbot, to copy the letter, and send it after him by Carson, to Gen. Kearny's quarters. Carson soon brought it in, and Fremont signed and handed it to the General. It was the avowal of his de- Fremontre- fuses to obey termination, with his reasons, not, at that time, to change Keamy's ' ' ' ' & order. his military position. " Until you adjust between your- selves," he wrote, " the question of rank, I shall have to report and receive orders, as heretofore, from the Com- modore." Gen. Kearny, on reading the letter, requested Fre- mont to take it back, and destroy it ; and with kindness remonstrated against his course. Fremont persisted ; and the same kindness, he never met again. From that time, Kearny determined to arrest, and bring him to pun- ishment. The next morning, the embittered General took his jan. is to 23. way from Angeles, with his small and diminished escort marches from *" Angeles to of now unmounted dragoons. He retraced his march to ^^° ^'®so. San Diego, to meet the expected Mormon battalion under j^^^ ^^ Col. Cooke. That officer had already reached San Diego, "arrives. * leaving the Mormons in the vicinity. Subsequently they 216 GovER^fOR Fremont. 184 T. were removed to the mission of San Luis Rey, 100 miles from Angeles. — Lieut. Emory was on the 25th sent to Washington with dispatches. Kearny had now a land Jan. 20. force at his command. He next went by sea to com- btockton "^ ^^^''"Ls^""^' mune with the naval authorities at Monterey, leaving He goes to . i r. n , • i ... sea. Cooke m command of all the troops m that vicmity. Com. Stockton meantime left Los x^ngeles two days Kearny sails after Keamy's departure. At San Pedro, he embarked from San Diego for his marines, and sailed, as he had predetermined, to Monterey. ^ make conquests on the coast of Mexico. Fremont now occupied the gubernatorial mansion in Los Angeles, vacated for him by Com. Stockton. He appears to have administered the government with mild- ness, discretion, and dignity. His state papers are few, Jan. and Feb. but such as no American need be ashamed of — in his Fremiint as n • tt • i i governor, owu, or a foreign country. He mmgled, as one among Lives respect- ioved\"thout ^^^ people, having the intimate friendship of influential ^g^aX^ Californians. He sent his battalion for quarters to the deserted mission of San Gabriel, nine miles from Angeles, and kept with him, and in his family, but Col. Russell, the secretary, Capt. Owens, and another ofRcer of the Californian battalion. But these fair and pleasant days were, to Gov. Fremont, soon to be succeeded, by months of darkness. Feb 8 Gen. Kearny, on arriving at Monterey, found Com. ^reacher°^ Shubrick, wlio had arrived in the Independence on the Monterey. 27th of January. Shubrick had orders, originally di- rected to Com. Sloat, but now transferred to him, by which the government of the country seemed vested in GOVERNOR KEARNY. 217 the commanding naval officer ; and although as he wrote l^^^* in answer to a letter from Fremont (stating his course p^i, ,7 Frem nt and his reasons) he was mstructed by the government writes oshu- that Kearny was governor, yet he intimated that he '^J^^e.g^"!"" should not interfere to break up present arrangements, until further orders from Washington. A few days after receiving this letter, Fremont was astounded by public proclamations issued from Monterey. The first of these was signed by Com. Shubrick and joinf'^proL'ia. in alio 11 of Gen. Kearny, jointly : and declared, that the President shubrick and Kearny. of the United States had assigned to the naval com- mander the regulation of the import trade, and all the conditions by which vessels were to enter and leave the harbors ; and to the commanding military officer, the di- rection of the operations on land, and the administrative functions of the government. The second proclamation Gen Kear- ny's ])ro-la- — both of the same date, March 1, — was signed alone „";'5'j°";,f"^ by Gen. Kearny. It set forth, that he, (the under- signed,) having been instructed to take charge of the civil government of California, he entered upon its duties, with every good desire and intention to promote the wel- fare of the people. He guaranteed freedom of con- science and protection of life and property. " It is," he said, " the wish and design of the United States to pro- vide for California, with the least possible delay, a free government, similar to those in her other territories, and the people will soon be called upon to exercise their rights as freemen, in electing their own representatives." But in the meantime, the Mexican laws, when not conflicting 10 annex alioa. .j;q a dangerous experiment. 1841. vvith those of the United States, would be continued, and those persons who held office, continue ; " provided ctThe ca- iluy swear\ to support that constitution, and faithfully per- pitulatioii of cowengahad form their dutv. — The undersigned hereby absolves all provided that -^ & ^ Sil^^Vhouid the inhabitants of California from any further allegiance be deleired till the close to tlw RcpubUc of Mexico, and will consider them as citi- ot'the war.) zens of the United States." Entire annexation was de- clared. The Americans and Californians were now but one people. All difficulties were at an end. " The star- spangled banner floats over California, and as long as the sun continues to shine, so long will it float there." Fremont By this public proclamation, unknown and unex- placed by , _ ., , , i i i Kearny's pro- pectcd to Fremont, until the blow was struck, that young claniHtion in a mUcime"n^t ^"^ high-spintcd officer was held up to the people, after having been their leader and their hero, in a light the most intensely mortifying. And had he no power to sting back again ? Holding the governorship at the old metropolis where the people were Mexican in feeling — having the friendship of the Pico family, the most powerful and influential among them — having the com- mand of 400 men of the Californian battalion, a portion of which were his original party, and another part, those who had made him their independent leader, and who were as hostages from the valley of the Sac- ramento — he might, had he chosen to pursue the dic- tates of natural pride and resentment, have at least manifests true made a civil war, which would have wet the soil of heroi m in de- teminingto California with kindred blood, and porhaps eventually submit. 'II lost that country to the United States. But Fremont FRESH INJUNCTIONS. 219 resolved rather to submit to personal humiliation ; nor 1Q*'?'» had he intended to resist the orders of the government. The change in the course of Com. Shubrick was brought about by orders, dated Nov. 5, 1847, received from Washington, and brought out by Col. Mason, who had been appointed to relieve Gen. Kearny — he having permission to return to the United States. Di- rections were also given, to allow Lieut. Col. Fremont, if he wished — to join his regiment, or pursue his explo- rations. Capt. Turner, sent from Gen. Kearny to Los Anseles, March n. ^ ' '' ^ ' l\e receives arrived on the 11th of March, bearing orders to Fre- orSb^Capt. mont, dated March 1. He brought him also late or- ders of the government, by which he was convinced, for the first time, that Kearny, not himself, would be sustained at Washington. Gen. Kearny also advised Fremont that he had intrusted Col. St. George Cooke ma^iehJ^Ge'li^ with the supervision of the southern military district; tT/ycom-'' mandant. for the protection and defence of which, his Mormon bat- talion would be placed wherever he should deem most eligible. To Fremont, an order was given, as com- mander of the Californian battalion, to muster the men, if not already done, with a view to their regular pay- ment and according to acts of Congress, into the regular TheMormons approach Los service of the United States ; (to remain doubtless with Angeles. the Mormons, under the command of Col. Cooke,) while if there were any, who were unwilling thus to remain, Fremont was ordered to conduct them to San Francisco, via Monterey, to be there discharged. 220 A traveller's reception. 184T. It was at first Fremont's intention to obey these orders, and thus he told Capt. Turner. But difficulties arose. The entire battalion, officers and men, refused to be mustered. Fremont regarded himself as responsi- ble that they should be righted, as to payment for past services ; and he had, in the course of his public acts, become personally responsible in large amounts. He further thought, that the American interest required that ^, , „, , the Californian battalion should not be disbanded. Leav- Blarch 21 to Fremont rides ^^g orders to the officers, that the ordnance and stores horseback 400 , , _ , , .... , , • , miles in 3 d. should remam as they were until his return, he took with 10 h. •' him, his friend, Don Jesus Pico, and one servant ; and on horseback, they rode four hundred miles in three days and ten hours, and arrived on the 25th of February at Monterey. The particular object of Fremont was to discuss with Gen. Kearny the pecuniary liabilities in- curred by himself individually, and as governor; and to devise some means by which they should be so met as to save his honor and that of his country.* He went to the house of the kind Mr. Larkin, and from thence sent a note to Gen. Kearny, desiring to see him on business ; and an hour that evening was ap- pointed. Mr. Larkin accompanied him, but soon with- drew. Col. Mason was present, and when Fremont Acoidrecep- guo-orested that he wished to be alone with Gen. Kearny, tion. C50 he was told by him that he had nothing to hear or to * These pecuniary claims were not provided for, until by a law of Congress, passed in the winter of 1848. UNQUIET TIMES. 221 communicate, to which Col. Mason, who was to succeed ISI'7. him, should not be a party. Thus repelled, Fremont wholly failed in the object of his journey. But when the question was peremptorily put, whether he would obey Kearny, he answered in the affirmative. He then re- ceived an order to send those of the battalion who re- fused to take service, by water to Monterey ; and him- self speedily to repair to that place by land.f Fremont niLtiIn"G'en' and his little party then remounted, and rode back in the Fremont on ^ "^ his telling him same rapid manner as they came, makin-'» ^^^^ ^^^^ country — and whose fearless action, had perhaps reJeT'^red prcscrvcd it to the American Republic. At Fort Leaven- worth, August 22, he was arrested ; and at Fort Monroe, November 3, he appeared before a highly respectable 1848. court-martial, charged with mutiny, disobedience, and Jan. 31. disorderly conduct. After a long trial, the court pro- Found guilty, :md con- nouuccd him guilty, and sentenced him to the loss of flemned to o ./ ? ^^^Lission!""' his commission ; but the majority of his judges, in con- sequence of his professional services, and the peculiarity of his position, arising from the disagreement of his two superiors, recommended him to the clemency of the President. Ti.I?resident "^^ ^^^^® petitions, Mr. PoUv replied, that he was not pardons him. gj^^jg^j^^^^ ^l^^^ ^^le first charge had been proved against CLEMENCY REJECTED. 225 the accused ; but he was of opinion that the second and 1841, third were sustained by proof, and that the conviction on these charges warranted the sentence of the court. The President therefore approved the decision, but on account of the peculiarities of the case, and of his previous meritorious and valuable services, the penalty was re- mitted ; he discharged from arrest, and directed to report for duty. Fremont, in his defence, had manifested an embit- Feb. 19. tered feeling against the administration ; chiefly that the ^jflTlS- charges against him had been sustained, and the prose- '"^"^^' cution ordered. He now refused to accept of clemency, on the ground, that this would be admitting the justice of the sentence. His connection with the army was there- fore at an end. There is no passage in American history which, in -p-gj-^r some respects, compares with the preceding. The three "IfafsagS" Am. history. principal actors were high in station ; and each possessing peculiar characters, and peculiar claims to our admi- ration. They were thrown together, under circum- stances to operate powerfully on human passions ; and the wonder is, that no more tragic consequences ensued. Gen. Kearny doubtless felt, that the dignity and discipline of the army was outraged in his person. His fellow The military officers sympathized in his feelings, and will honor him for the efficiency of the measures by which he established his authority, and brought to trial the second in the offence, since he could not reach the principal. But the common mind will sympathize with Fremont ; and his syni[ tliize with Kearny, tho common mind witli Freiuout. 226 SYMPATHY. 1841. services will be the better remembered, and the more highly appreciated, because they were followed, with humiliation.* * On one occasion Fremont was, it seems, threatened with (t Not by being put in irons.t If, instead of challenging for this threat, he bu'l bv^Gov!' could have actually received irons upon his limbs, and worn le'ed inso- them home, escorted by a Mormon guard — then there would have been a cry of a second Columbus, brought in chains from a new world, which he had discovered and secured, for his country ; and {he meantime guilty of no vice or folly) it might, in coming years, have made him President of the Union. Such is the spirit of the times, and of the people. It is well to take note of it ; for thus, patience may be taught to the vexed, and forbearance to the angry. i 1816. CHAPTER XII. Col. Mason, whom Gen. Kearny left as governor of California, appears, from the result of his admin- istration, to have managed its affairs with great discre- tion. After the incidents, which we have detailed, had passed by, the public mind was, in 1848, occupied with Scott's invasion, and capture of Mexico ; and with the consequent treaty of peace with that Republic. In the month of February, 1848, while the treaty Discove'ry of the gold pla- was yet pending, a private discovery of gold was made c®""^- on the grounds of Capt. Suter. Mr. Marshall, his agent, was sent by him twenty-five miles up the South Fork of the American, to build a saw-mill. He observed gold existing in scales, washed down with dirt, in the mill- race. The discovery became known. The precious metal was found in other localities. The Mormons — other American settlers — and all of every race and na- tion, who heard and could labor, hastened to dig for it, in the upper " placers," or to wash it, from the sands of the river-beds. Rumors of Californian gold reached the Atlantic shores. These were converted to certainty by the message of President Pulk to Congress, at the message/ 228 GOLDEN REALITIES. 1848. opening of the session, December, 1848. Among the documents accompanying the message, was a letter from the governor of California, to the American Execu- tive, from which we draw these remarkable fiacts. Gov. Mason went in person to the gold " diggings " and " washings," called placers. They are also called mines ; but since no gold seemed yet to have been found in its original position, this term is not properly applied. On the 4th of July — while, at Washington, the Presi- dent was proclaiming peace under the new treaty, by ^'''region^'^''^ which California passed from Mexico to the American Republic — the governor of the province was at Suter's Fort on his way to the gold region. As he passed along he found houses deserted, and fields of wheat going to ruin ; their owners having left them to dig for gold. Such had been the quantities already found, that labor, and all the comforts and necessaries of life bore an enor- mous price. Capt. Suter paid his wagon-maker and blacksmith ten dollars per day ; and received 500 dollars per month for the rent of a two-story house within his fort. Gov. Mason next followed the South Fork of the American, to the mill where the discovery was first made, and where two hundred persons were employed in gathering gold. He then pursued the course of the stream further into the mountains, where other parties were similarly engaged. He next crossed over to Weber's Creek, an affluent of the South Fork. Through EXTENSIVE MOVEMENT. 229 all the way, gold was found by the hundreds who were 1818. seeking it; especially in the beds of the streams, and in goi,i found {„ the dry ravines, where water-courses had once existed. In a little gutter two men had found 17,000 dollars worth. Two ounces were an ordinary yield for a day's work. Other public functionaries of California, and private individuals, have given similar, or still more glowing ac- counts. The mint at Philadelphia assayed some of the Over specimens, and found them rich. The ref^ion over which an extensive ^ ° region. this mineral wealth exists, is said to pass over some hundreds of miles. California has therefore become the central point of attraction, both to our own citizens, and to those of other nations. Between the 7th of December, 1848, and the 20th of January, 1849, ninety -nine vessels are said to have left the ports of the United States for California. Of these, eighty went by the way of Cape Horn, fourteen by Chagres and Panama, and the remainder stopped at more northern ports ; the emigrants to pass through Mexico and Texas. Fifty-tw^o of the vessels sailed from New- York, and twenty-nine from the ports of New England. From the newspapers of the day we learn that a number of vessels are now ready to sail. A great many emigrants from the older states, will go the land routet — taking: families, provisions, tools, and furniture, mated that ' ° ^ l(t,(tOO will in large wagons, drawn by oxen. Most of these will ^"'jj" J^f'*' go by the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains — the Mormon settlement at the south end of the Salt Lake 230 SACRED RESPONSIBfLITIES. ^ 1819- — by Humboldt's River, and thence through the Bear ^routLr' P^^^ 0^ ^h® Sierra Nevada. For this journey, ninety days are calculated. Other emigrants will take the southern route by Santa Fe, the Rio del Norte, and the Gila, around the southern extremity of the Sierra Nevada. It is supposed that the emigrants from the Vi^estern states, will exceed in number those from the eastern. Whether this is true or not, it is certain that many of our ablest and most enterprising citizens are now on the wing, of whom numbers are intending to settle in that salubrious clime. God grant that nobler views founders ^^^^ ^^^ mere love of gold, accompany them thither. of a state, jyj^^ ^1^^^. ^^^j^ ^-^j^ ^ ^^^p sense of responsibility, that they are going to lay the foundations of a new and an important state. Let them look back for an ex- ample to their forefathers. Like them, may they be temperate, virtuous, and public-spirited. They will find that trials await them, which will call forth all their fortitude. Let their faces be sternly set against anarchy, the scourge, and too often the destroyer of free govern- ments. To this end, let .them uphold law, found schools, observe the sabbath, and maintain pure Christianity. THE END.