Class _£Sis:2q_ 11 n CoKiigteS". COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Calmly I turned and looked into \)Our face (Page 23; 50NB5 of ■HOPE,- BY HAROLD SPEAKMAN DECORATIONS 6y i/ie AUThOR THOMAS Y. CROWtLL COMPANY NEW YORK Copyright. 1917, by THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY f 0^ JUL -9 1917 ©CI..A470187 r ^ ^^4. ^ a-^ TO LOIS WAKEFIELD The author thanks the publishers of The Churchman, Greenwich Village, The Christian Herald, The Comet and Christian Work for their courteous permission to reprint the following verses. CONTENTS Grieve Not 9 Toward Freedom / / Truth 13 To a Garden 15 Sight 19 I Look l^nto the Hills 21 To Pain 23 Rhythm 24 The Lamps of God 25 Man-o'-War 29 ^ou then — Interpreter and Friend. i 4 I I $ I RHYTHM 4 I 4 Oh, I he chant of a wind-swung I tree § And the great voice of the sea I • I And the rhythmic beat of march- ing feet I Bring joy to the heart of me. •1 / I^now the song of the rain And the call of the wood and the plain f « i i t « J And- I ♦ I I Teach me that symphony of foys I and Fears I The thund'ring Rhythm of the I passing Years. I I I THE LAMPS OF GOD Out in the silent vastness of the night Foot-free I wander, musing on the wide Star-studded portals and the time- less light Of stars, which in the gates of Heaven, tide The mighty shock, of each millennium With steadfast glow, and light the age to come. Shine on — thou Lamps of God that bring to me Unceasing promise of eternity. Out in the silent Vastness of the night c; ^ MAN-O'-WAR The tossing \^ears have swept me far astray. Bleached out the Colours and ejffaced m\) name. Lost me in mist, seared me in battle flame, But now I fear not, thou I feel the blame — For I have learned to pra^. /^/^/7^ fasZ v^ "<^^ V TSrabv of conuhess 'SI 018 4079537