PS 3527 .184 S6 1908 Copy 1 KIM 111 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D00032AT2T1 m ./ .. •■••.• 4 'bK v; k -* • ^ f+tu V » * - * & ^. o , » ,^ ^. " A <> *^rvT* xr ^>, *• • * * A < o • * O « * SONGS A Collection of Church, Home, Nature, Soul and Miscellaneous Songs BY DAVID C. NIMMO 'Press of Frank H. West 'Detroit, JXCich. ARYofCON Two Oopies Recei MAR 20 1908 LASS 0~ XXc. M Copyright, 1908, by David C. Nimmo a • • • • Contents CHURCH SONGS. Crown Him. No. 1 7 A Holy Heart 8 Hail, Sabbath Morn ! 9 Arise, Oh Church ! No. 1 10 Make Me, Oh Jesus ! 12 Missionary. No. 1 13 Fellowship 14 The Bread of Life. No 1 15 The Mercy Seat. No. 1 16 Glorify Thy Name ! 17 God's Presence . .. 18 Conviction 20 Oh for a Faith ! 21 Oh Spirit Help 22 The Banquet 23 Thanksgiving Hymn. No. 1 24 Oh Love of God Come In 26 The Mercy Seat. No. 2 27 Arise, Oh Church 28 Life, Love and Light 29 The Bread of Life. No. 2 30 Soul Refiner 31 Come, Spirit, Come ! 32 Crown Him. No. 2 , 33 NATURE SONGS. The Azure Dome 35 The Rose 43 The Northern Lights 46 A Saucer of Pansies 51 Nature Songs — Continued Hail Spring-time 53 Meteors and Stars 54 The Robin 56 The Song of the Green Tree 60 Summer 64 Night 70 The Bride of the Sun 93 HOME SONGS. A Mother's Dream-Song 99 Children's Bed-Song 101 Influence of Baby 103 Fat Medicine 104 The Rejected' s Faith 106 A Lover's Song 107 A Woman's Way 108 The Anniversary 109 The New Advice 112 Woman 112 The Best Baby 113 The Wish 115 The Baby Show 121 Young Motherhood 125 Because It's You, My Dear 129 Boyhood's Home 132 The Whistling Girl 133 The Wife's Return 135 SOUL SONGS. How Swift ? 139 Driven 139 Our Life 140 An Appeal 140 Peter Taught 147 A Boy Again 149 "Never Suffered" 150 Knowledge 153 Monopoly Christians 154 The Years 161 Soul Songs — Continued A Conflict 162 Weary 170 The Last Journey 170 Progress 171 Deception 172 Fit to Live , 176 Sight 180 Donald's Answer 180 Hell Fire 181 Damn the Police 186 The Departed 191 Need, Greed and Meed 194 A World Sigh 195 Our Day 213 Youth and Age 213 Lost and Found 214 Song and Sigh 215 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS. The Poet's Advice 217 The Dream 224 Time's Immortal 228 God of the United States 229 To the Musician 246 Song of the Art Critic 248 A Poet's Lament 250 A National Song 253 The Fifth String 255 The American Eagle 258 Church songs CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS. No. 1 Crown him with many crowns! Prophet and priest and king, Immortals, splendors and renowns Around his throne now sing! Crown him with many crowns ! Their oceanic voice Is swelling, and all music drowns To blend and co-rejoice. He is the Lord of love! Divine effulgent throne, Father and seraphs ranked above For us he did disown. Down unseen golden stair, By strange incarnate birth, His Godhead veiled yet shining fair He lived and loved on earth. Yonder on Calvary ! Behold yon crimson cross ! Pierced brow, scarred palms, cleft heart Oh see ! And heaven's smile his loss. Black storms around him break, Listen with bated breath ! "My God ! My God ! Why me forsake I" Oh Life! Oh Love! Oh Death! CHURCH SONGS What are the world's renowns? His only dare we sing; His exploits which the morning gowns Dethrones each highest king. What angel in the height Thought in his boldest dream Such love descend to such a night Such sinners to redeem ! Crown him with many crowns ! The brow once crowned with thorn, Let honor that each rival drowns Forever more adorn. Crown him with many crowns ! Oh all that e'er shall be, Place on his brow your bright renowns To all eternity ! A HOLY HEART. Oh holy, holy heart of love ! Thy gifts of grace I see; Promise in hand and face above I plead the best from Thee. A heart as holy as Thy heart; Thy being's central flame; The purest, best of all Thee art Oh place within my frame ! Another fire, white and intense, An instant death to sin; A flaming and thrice glowing sense From Thy heart mine would win. CHURCH SONGS A crystal shining purity And bright as Thy own face ; A mirror where Thy soul can see Thy being's brightest grace. Oh Holiness and Love divine ! This gift my spirit bless; To me Thou givest nought, I pine, If not Thy holiness. HAIL SABBATH MORN! Hail Sabbath morn, hail ! Hail day of delight ! The week's cloudy veil Has passed from our sight. We hail thy soft splendor That on us now plays, Come gladly and tender Our tribute of praise. To thee we return Oh soul of the week ! Our hearts for thee yearn, Thy presence we seek. Thy presence emboldens And promises rest, From love that unfoldens A warm welcome breast. We come sore oppressed, Oh pour in thy balm ! Now breath in each breast Thy silence and calm. The spirits that sicken With toil, sin and strife, Thy presence can quicken With hope, joy and life. 10 CHURCH SONGS Our sorrows we lose In songs of thy praise; Our joys not abuse While walking thy ways. Our six-gathered burden We leave at thy feet, And newly engirden Life's duty can meet. Oh soul the most pure, Come in ! Oh come in ! Thou only canst cure. Our hearts of their sin. Enrobe in thy fashion ! Breathe spirit divine ! Oh bind us with passion To all that is thine ! Thou day of all days, The weeks for thee yearn; On life's weary ways Oh often return ! Thou heaven's best token Dawn often ! Oh dawn ! When life's chain is broken. Be never withdrawn. ARISE OH CHURCH! No. 1. Arise Oh Church ! Arise ! Rise as in ancient days ! Canst thou look back and not more prize Thy place of power and praise? Oh heart and hope of fire ! Oh spirit from the skies ! Amid this fierce and final strife Arise again ! Oh rise ! CHURCH SONGS W Rise with the ancient faith, Scorning all fear and doubt; Mid life and death and lightning scathe Can "Victory!" louder shout; Upon the promise stands Like mountains in repose; Far sweeping hell's dark legion bands And each time stronger grows. Rise with the ancient love, The love from God's own heart; That knows no self, like him above All for the worst will part; Pure, burning, rich and white, Contagious, fierce and strong, In holiness finds her delight While singing Calvary's song. Rise with the ancient truth Of sin and holiness; On manhood, age and thoughtless youth They fall with vast impress; Judgment, eternity, Upon thy lips of fire Shall still the mind, the heart set free, And feed with high desire. Rise with the ancient prayer, The prayer that does prevail; Where faith and love and truth can dare The "Victory !" far to hail. Sin's brazen skies shall rain; The Esau heart be tame; And spirits stablished without stain, Shall prayer and power proclaim. L2 CHURCH SONGS Rise with the ancient Christ Who died and ever lives; Who life and love with gifts unpriced To all with freedom gives; With him throned in thy heart Thy life can never fail; Thy morn shall break, thy night depart, All hail. Oh Church ! All hail ! MAKE ME OH JESUS! Make me, Oh Jesus on my race To meet with Thee above, Unlike I am, full of Thy grace, A spirit of Thy love. A spirit broken and contrite, Tender, and kind and meek; Patient, forgiving and bedight With passions for the weak : Peaceful and trusting, sensitive, Grateful and warm with fire ; A hope, a joy, a light to live, And toward Thee more aspire: Prayerful and singing night and day, Beholding Thy bright face; Heeding Thy word, quick to obey, Praising Thy matchless grace: A faithful witness unto Thee, A thought, a word, a deed; A sorrow on the sin I see, A balm upon its need: A life to image only Thine, Deep, wide, intense and high, That grows in all things more divine While rising toward Thy sky. CHURCH SONGS 13 MISSIONARY. No. 1. On palmy isles of ocean, 'Mong Afric's teeming host, Mid Asia's dark devotion, On mountain, plain and coast, Unfurl the gospel banner ! Her silken-crimson breast Glad heaven will see and fan her North, east and south and west. Brighter than summer morning, Shot through with sunny beams, The blue of heaven adorning, Her crimson light far streams. Green hope and azure gladness, Young strength and truth divine, Soft rainbow balms for sadness From her rich folds out shine. God's grace and life eternal, Spring joys and summer calm, Vast promise, gifts supernal, Bright hope, triumphant psalm; Oh where stream out this story If not on heathen coasts? Where? Where unfurl her glory If not mid heathen hosts ? Where multitudes are dying 'Neath black and starless sky, Where death for hope is sighing Oh lift his banner high ! Her crimson waves kissed golden Fling out! Oh hasten fling! Her sight lost hearts embolden To trust and love the king. CHURCH SONGS Go ! Go unfurl the banner ! Her folds of crimson light, With heaven's joys to fan her Will fill the darkest night. She poureth undreamed graces Upon the heart and eyes, They come to Christ's embraces, And sing on toward the skies. FELLOWSHIP. Saviour who for me died That self and all my pride Might die with Thee, Draw my resisting heart To share in death its part, And join Thee as Thou art On Calvary. Lead through Gethsemane, Up darker Calvary Lead. Jesus, lead ! Though mortal flesh retreat, Crimson each step my feet, Faint I in noonday heat, My cries ne'er heed. My soul with Thine unite ; Death is sin's lawful right And I am sin. May I be crucified, Strength, lust, low love and pride, The life where these abide, Self deep within. CHURCH SONGS 15 Thy thorns be on my brow, My lips Thy cup drink now, Leave not alone ! Thy nails my palms now tear, My heart Thy spear lay bare, Nought, nought of death Oh spare ! But help Thine own. A double death be seen My soul and Thine between Oh Calvary ! The world to me be dead, My heart to it have bled, From each the life have fled Which draws from Thee. Amen. THE BREAD OF LIFE. No. 1. Oh Living Bread! Oh Living Bread! From Thee all beings pure are fed ! All live from Thy heart's rich bestow, To full desire and overflow. The angels round Thy burning throne No other bread have ever known; They feed from Thee and so they grow Like to Thyself in fervent glow. The saints redeemed from self and sin Live by Thy presence deep within; Beneath the flesh, within the heart, The bread of life to them Thou art. 16 CHURCH SONGS Thou finer art than most fine wheat; Than honey from the rock more sweet; Freer than sabbath manna fell, And vital more than life can tell. Thou, Thou Thyself art living bread! Thou, not Thy gifts our lives have fed ! With-hold Thy gifts, Thyself Oh give! And still with boundless life we live. Oh Living Bread ! Oh Living Bread ! Thou still wilt feed as Thou hast fed. 'Tis all Thy glory free to give The bread of life by which we live. THE MERCY SEAT. No. 1. Oh Mercy Seat ! Oh Mercy Seat ! We fall with gladness at thy feet; No place beneath the heightless throne Can so attract and hold thy own. Thy altar is close close beside The cross where Jesus bled and died; There thou art just beneath His throne For cross nor crown e'er each disown. Thou art high heaven's chosen place; Thou art the earth's most royal grace; For there we both in union meet, In vital union rich and sweet. The Spirit's lightning breath is thine; The Son and all his powers divine; The Father and his purity; All, all unto thy faith shall be. CHURCH SONGS 17 Thou, thou canst change wild nature's heart; Thou, thou canst bid the drought depart; Thou travail canst till Christ is born In sinful hearts that all hope scorn. Oh Mercy Seat ! Oh Mercy Seat ! Who would not joy with thee to meet? Unite our hearts till life shall be One living faith, one prayer to thee. OH GLORIFY THY NAME . Oh glorify Thy name ! Most holy high Triune ! Of this vast world and spirit frame To Thee alone we tune. First fount of life and light, Thou dost all hearts inflame : Sings grace returning to Thy height Oh glorify Thy name ! Oh Father most supreme ! The Father of the Son ! The splendors no archangels dream Upon him burst and run. Thou art to all through him, Source, sustenance, and aim; All heaven and earth Thy glories dim, Oh glorify Thy name ! Oh Son ! Incarnate Son ! From heaven Thou earnest down; Thy royal life in streams did run From nail and spear and crown. Thy blood-redeemed hosts now Rejoice with loud acclaim; Spare limb nor life to crown Thy brow, Oh glorify Thy name ! 18 CHURCH SONGS Oh Spirit as divine ! Our sins Thy grace doth burn; Thou dost the saints with Christ invine, Both toward the Father turn. As holy as Thou art Thou spurnest not our frame; Thou art our burning, glowing heart, Oh glorify Thy name! Oh Trinity Thy name Be ever most supreme In place and power, in act and fame, In love and hope and dream ! At each sabbath's commune, All heaven and earth proclaim: Thou matchless, matchless high Triune Oh glorify Thy name! GOD'S PRESENCE. Oh Thou God of gods supremest! Throned upon those azure skies ! Bright as suns Thy promise streamest Thou wilt never us despise. Thy rich promise power is filling; Comes Thy presence from on high; With a sweetness past our willing As no earth friend Thou art nigh. Underneath Thou art sustaining, Breasting us on mighty arms; Singing, Oh such sweet refraining! Shielding us from deadly harms. Overhead Thy skies enkindle Morning and reviving springs, Joy and hope that knows no dwindle, But still mounts and mounting sings. CHURCH SONGS 19 In our rear Thy power is keeping Us from Egypt's backward path; On our foes hot bolts are leaping, Love within and outward wrath. Fronting us Thy cloud is burning Blinding noon and flooding night; Moving on and Thine own turning To the wise and safe and right. Far beyond Thy face is smiling; O'er us are Thy blessing hands; By Thy gifts Thou art beguiling Toward Thy high and sun-kissed lands. Like an atmosphere and flowing, Golden, rich and sweet and deep, Thou art round us, and bestowing Love and joy Thou canst not keep. In us Thou art bursting fountains; Life divine and love and light; Flowing down from heaven's mountains Up Thou bearest to the height. Round life's currents now are winging Hope and joy and purity; Can Thy saints refrain from singing Of Thy presence rich and free ? Still be with us, 'neath and round us, In, above and on before; Though a seven-fold furnace bound us We are safe as those of yore. From and in and to Thee living, Up from sin Thy grace did raise; For Thy presence, rich thanksgiving, Honors, glories, endless praise. 20 CHURCH SONGS CONVICTION. Oh divine and holy Spirit ! Source of perfect purity; Human nature, sin doth sear it, Hope of life is but in Thee. Come- Oh come ! Oh Spirit hover ! Souls of sin and death now cover. Come Oh Holiness all glowing! White and pure and stainless fire ! Thy full nature now be flowing 'Gainst all sin with fierce desire. What soul can touch Thee and not feel Electric shocks from Thee unseal ! Come ! Let Thy burning life unfold Sinners slain and dead in sin ! Thy life and light and truth be rolled On and round them ! Pour it in ! Let burning fire and fiercer heat Pierce, search and find where sin doth seat ! Come ! Be around them glowing Life ! Sin to Thee is most unlike, Awake most fierce the mortal strife, All Thy being on them strike ! Till new and vital piercing pain Shall rend the spirit's heart and brain. In them be heaven and hell at strife; Pain for sin each spirit fill; The agony of death and life, Circle and return, until Contrite, broken, weeping, calling, At Thy cross we see them falling. CHURCH SONGS 21 OH FOR A FAITH. Oh for a faith of granite cast! A bulwark-breasted thing; A passion elemental clasped For life's inspiring spring; One iron-clad and mountain like, Fearing not calm nor storm, Volcanic fire nor sudden strike Of lightnings swift and warm; Which men and devils, death and sin, Earth, hell, allianced hosts, When circled round and centered in, Then trembles not but boasts; A faith created for the night, For battles and dark powers, Seeming defeats and clouded sight, Delay and suffering hours; When all beneath the throne shall fail, For conflict join their bands, Knows God is sure and shall prevail; And shouting "Victory !" stands. Oh king with all victorious dower ! Forever on Thy throne ! Lift faith to equal love and power And trust in Thee alone. 22 CHURCH SONGS OH SPIRIT HELP; Oh Spirit do not leave me ! Oh cast me not away ! This fear doth often grieve me, I weep e'en as I pray. Take not Thy holy presence; Draw not convicting light ; When sins grieve Thy long presence Forgive, nor take Thy flight. My heart is hard, unbroken, Cold, icy, dark and dead; Repentance gives no token, Reign winter frosts instead. I have small sense of Jesus, Of sin or holiness; This worst of all diseases Oh Spirit heal and bless ! Give sense of sins deep hidden ! My heart of unbelief, My filthy rags forbidden, All that may cause Thee grief. Breathe on me grace most holy ; Break down my pride of soul; Oh bend my heart till lowly I yield to Christ's control ! Rebellion grieves Thee often, Remove my heart of stone; Thou only hearts can soften Now give Thy promised own. Give heart for God outreaching; Give love for Christ and Thee; This is my one beseeching; Strive Spirit still with me ! CHURCH SONGS 23 O'er my dark chaos hover; Be Thou in sin's mad strife; My heart Thy warm wings cover ; Create and nourish life; Disordered and resisting, Thou knew ere Thou began; Oh Spirit ne'er desisting Still mould me to Thy plan. Abide with me Oh Spirit! And never, never leave; A sin heart I inherit, I know Thee I shall grieve. Oh cast me not nor leave me ! Shall I exhaust Thy grace? If sins abounding grieve Thee Turn not ! Turn not Thy face ! Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! THE BANQUET. He brought me to the banquet Spread in his royal love; He cast his banner o'er me His trembling turtle dove. Soft music as from heaven My troubled heart did calm; Its peacefulness and sweetness Came down like healing balm. Sweet breezes from the mountains Of od'rous frankincense Refresh my feeble pulses With vigor most intense. I drink from golden chalice Filled at the crystal spring; The draught is life eternal The same as drinks the King. 24 CHURCH SONGS I feast on fruit divinest From heaven's bowers brought, Its sweetness to my spirit Is far surpassing thought. The banquet board is ample With fruit and bread and wine; The Prince Himself waits on me With tenderness divine. The feast is in the Feaster; Christ is the soul of all ; The healing balm of music, And odors sweet that fall. He is the wine celestial And manna from above, The blessing of each blessing The all in all of love. THANKSGIVING HYMN. No. 1 Hail Thou God of gods supremest ! Thou of gods alone doth live ! As the sun his splendors streamest, So Thy nature is to give. Worlds and men and angels brightest Forth Thy soul has brought to birth; Through all ages them Thou lightest With Thy smile of priceless worth. In Thy nature everflowing Thou dost bless till bliss is pain; Flooding heart with rapture glowing, Lifting all from plane to plane; Thou art giving, giving, giving, Unconfined by time or space; Shaming dreams of all things living By Thy gifts to every race. CHURCH SONGS Through our nation wealth unmeasured; Mine and mart and wood and field Have again their gifts untreasured And in these Thy heart revealed. From the mountains to the ocean Have not flowed such streams as Thine. Oh sunlike soul return their motion ! Till they reach their source divine. Friendship, beauty, aspiration, Loves and joys are circled round; Gifts of freedom, thought and station, More and better still are found. Thou hast arched this season's portal With a strong and vast desire; We are marched as though immortal With a heart and hope of fire. Then upon this day of thanking Who dare mention name but Thine? Thought and feeling heaven-ward ranking Praise Thee giver most divine. All our nature is out-reaching; Grateful hearts to Thee we lift; Fails, Oh fails our noblest speeching, Mighty Giver more than gift ! Praise, Oh praise the matchless Giver! Melt our souls in gratitude ! Flow all hearts and as a river Flow toward God with praise bestrewed ! Praise and cease thy praises never ! Never cease doth God's bestow; Hearts and lips and lives forever Flow with praise, forever flow ! 26 CHURCH SONGS OH LOVE OF GOD COME IN! Oh love of God! Oh love of God! The only love that lives In this cold earth, and flows abroad Nought getting, ever gives; Behold the world, its strife and greed, Its babble tongues and din; Thou art its first, last, only need; Oh love of God come in ! All round are hearts of ice and stone, Hard, cold and dead and lost; By life and death for ever thrown, And farther from Thee tossed; Shall these about Thee never dream But still grow worse in sin? That Thou through us on them may stream Oh love of God come in ! If filled with Thee, for them we live As Christ did live for thine; Then we our gifts and self can give, Our lives for theirs resign. No service work love e'er withholds What e'er men are or been; The worse they are the more unfolds Oh love of God come in ! Thou hast for them high heaven's sight; Her time and strength are thine; And since once crucified, the right To make the worst divine. Thou hast the faith that dares to claim; The prayers that always win; The vital message in his name ; Oh love of God come in ! CHURCH SONGS 27 Oh love of God ! Oh love of God ! Spring in our hearts and flow ! Through all the earth be spread abroad And all toward heaven grow ! May thousands by each life be won, Joined more to Thee than kin; To sing the song Thou hast begun, Oh love of God come in! THE MERCY SEAT. No. 2. Oh Mercy Seat! Oh Mercy Seat! We fall with gladness at thy feet; No place beneath the heightless throne Can so attract and hold thy own. Though tempest storms on lightning blast Our heavens above with darkness cast, Though all earth have no sheltering breast Round thee we find eternal rest. The fearful, trembling, sore and faint, Breathe out to thee their dumb complaint; A few short moments doth endower The weakest with world conquering power. Here shines the promises most bright, Like stars upon the face of night; Nor cloud nor mist nor veil are thine For God burns all and full doth shine. Here deepest loss is turned to gain; Here richest joys grow out of pain; Our tears, our shame and even wrong Thou changest into music strong. Oh Mercy Seat! Oh Mercy Seat! Who would not joy with thee to meet? Unite our hearts till life shall be One living faith, one prayer to thee. 28 CHURCH SONGS ARISE OH CHURCH. Arise Oh Church! Arise! Arise out of thy sleep ! These slumbers now Oh instant shake ! Oh shake them to the deep ! Shall sloth and idle rest, Shall dark and worldly dreams This day of days round heart and mind Dance with deceitful gleams? When shall these slumbers wake? Oh hurl them far and deep! Behind black clouds new mornings break Upon yon future's steep; Before that splendor lights One hour with fiercest foes; Up ! Gird you ! Gird you for the fight ! Oh spurn this short repose ! Shall sin and death and time? The world and wealth and power With charm and incantation chime Thy spirit slave this hour? This hour the most supreme Of ages lifts her cries; While visions splendid on thee stream Arise ! Oh Church arise ! Rise with the ancient faith; The first and burning love; The life no loss can kill or scathe; Prayer winged to plead above; Rise with the Christ in heart; The Christ who died and lives; Who saves and keeps and doth impart All grace and himself gives. CHURCH SONGS 29 The trembling times do wait, They wait Oh church for thee ! Though nature, men and gifts are great No hope but fear we see. If thy pure blessing fail More gifts but curse our cries; Hope of the world thou canst prevail ! Arise ! Oh Church arise. LIFE, LOVE AND LIGHT. Thou art the life and light and love Of all that e'er can be; All earth beneath and heaven above Thou feedest rich and free; And Thou art more than life and light Or love with warmest beauties bright. Thou art the life of those that live; From Thee we first begun; But fountains purer Thou dost give That higher rise and run. The lowest blessing of Thy grace Surpass the height of Adam's race. Thou art the light of those that see; All stars and rainbows bright, All summer mornings dawn from Thee, Thou art the noon's delight; If so on earth Thy splendors shine What art Thou in Thy heavens divine? Thou art the love of those that give, The warm impulse to part, The gift of self by which we live, And heart within the heart. To give not get is highest joy, A heaven on earth is Thy employ. 30 CHURCH SONGS Thou art the love and light and life; Yea ! More than heart can dream ! Without Thee all is loss and strife, But with Thee oceans stream. More than the life and light and love, Thou art the heaven of heaven above. THE BREAD OF LIFE. No. 2. Oh Living Bread ! Oh Living Bread ! From Thee all beings pure are fed ! All live from Thy heart's rich bestow, To full desire and overflow. When famine-striken, faint and sore, When life and time had bread no more, Thou fedest with the bread divine Till hunger new for Thee did pine. The deepest hunger of long years, Of sin and loss, of pain and tears, Was more than met and we were fed With Thine own life, with living bread. Apart from Thee the strongest die; With Thee on eagle's wings we fly; Nor earth nor hell nor all they breed Out-wears the strength that Thou dost feed. Thou art a boundless, boundless store Of life, rich life forever more; Faith, love and hope, joy, peace and truth, And ardors of immortal youth. Oh Living Bread ! Oh Living Bread ! Thou still wilt feed as Thou has fed; Tis all Thy glory free to give The bread of life by which we live. CHURCH SONGS 31 SOUL REFINER. Soul Refiner to the fashion Of God's image most divine, Near the furnace of white passion Thou dost purge Thy priestly line: Heat! Oh heat the furnace flaming! Seven-fold hotter than before! What can be my soul's reclaiming But a fire to pierce life's core? Take my soul with sin so ingrained, Lead me to the furnace fire, In its focused flame, white, unstained, Plunge me in is my desire ! Hold me while electric burning Shoots through will and heart and brain; Piercing, searching, finding, spurning, Remnants of my sin's ingrain. Should I struggle in my anguish? Should I question, weep or groan? Should the strength of mortal languish? Spare not, spare nor heed my moan. Hold me in its central glowing! Let the fire be most intense ! Thy thrice holy nature flowing Burn around all pride and sense. Purge me till Thy image shinest In my measure like to Thine; Holiness Thy grace divinest Mirror its pure soul in mine. Till before Thy presence burning And Thy unveiled Spirit's might, I can stand and for it yearning Find it my supreme delight. 32 CHURCH SONGS COME SPIRIT COME. Come Spirit come ! Oh Life of heaven's Triune ! High central heart where Father and where Son Unite in their most blessed mystic commune, And life and love their highest circles run. Spirit of Jesus ! Spirit of love ! Fill ! Fill our bosoms as filled are those above ! Come Spirit come ! Love burning, flaming, glowing ! Passion intense and whitest purity ! Yet soft and warm, Thy fullness gently flowing Fills each high heart that sinks in trust on Thee. Spirit of Jesus ! Spirit of love ! Fill ! Fill our bosoms as filled are those above ! Come Spirit come ! Consume me this desire, Which Thy free grace kindles in my cold heart. An angel bright and warm with Thine own fire My longing soul sends pleading Thy impart. Spirit of Jesus ! Spirit of love ! Fill ! Fill our bosoms as filled are those above ! Come Spirit come ! Oh life of love immortal ! None, none without ! In Thee alone hearts run ; Enclose me now in Thy heart's golden portal To live and love with Father and with Son. Spirit of Jesus ! Spirit of love ! Fill ! Fill our bosoms as filled are those above ! Come Spirit come ! In ever growing measure This Thine own heart for mine has strangely willed ; Be it my life and green hope's gladdest pleasure This empty heart forever filling, filled. Spirit of Jesus ! Spirit of love ! Fill ! Fill our bosoms as filled are those above ! CHURCH SONGS 33 CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS. No. 2. Crown him with many crowns ! The high, creating king! Space, time, and suns, and bright renowns, Beings that love and sing! From worm to seraphim, Each in the hierarch, Creation's strong crescendo hymn Now lift, while he doth hark. Crown him the Lord of might ! A million million suns With splendor, weight, power and delight Around his footstool runs. Of all the central soul, He holds their golden chains In his right hand, and hears them roll Their strong eonic strains. Crown him the Lord of life ! From his own breast was born The being clothing primal strife With beauty's bright adorn. To flowers, birds and men The fountains of his heart, Where'er they dwell, in sun or fen, Its streams of life impart. Crown him the Lord of love ! On his warm, heaving breast The universe below, above, Sleeps like a babe at rest. His love unearned, unsought, Is working with its might, And watching still with mother thought Each birth of noon and night. 34 CHURCH SONGS Crown him the Lord of goals ! He plans most kingly states, His ends each year as time unrolls Are new and culminates The seraph hope's best dream Will stand dumb with surprise, While being in diviner gleam Shall rise and ever rise. Crown him with many crowns ! Round heaven's highest throne The galaxy celestial drowns All songs as him they own. Crown him with many crowns ! Come all creations bright, The splendors of your high renowns Around his brow unite ! NATURE SONGS THE AZURE DOME. Oh the azure dome ! Oh the azure dome ! My first and my last and my noblest home ! The home of my spirit's immortal birth Ere I fell to sin and the sorrow of earth. Around me it lays like a world of dream, And its vital powers ever on me stream, To waken the thought and the sense divine That will beauty see and with it entwine. Through my meteor years it has stretched to view A vision as great as the soul when true. Its fullness and all on the eyes have grown As my nature has with the strife and moan. The blue of the birds, the flowers and the sea, The mountain jewels, or whatever may be By the art of man or his wisdom dyed Are buried in shame in their hour of pride. Unfocus the light ! Could a rainbow tint Such a shade on the curtains of noonday print? Or prism divide such a soul of blue ' From the hidden heart of the white so true? Oh summon the dreams ! all the dreams of delight From the height of day and the depth of night. Could the mingled light of a magic dream Throw a rival hue from her weaver's beam? 36 NATURE SONGS Could the poet soul with the eye divine That can brighter see than the lights that shine, From the worlds of his love and joy and hope Bring a beam like that on the morning slope? All of earth and art and dream were a patch, As a ragged cloud on that breast would match. And though blending near to the matchless blue Oh what is a scrap to the deeps we view! What a life and love when the springtime breath Have the blossoms kissed from their graves of death ! And the rain-washed sky doth embosom the earth As a mother does her beloved birth. Though the waves are bright and the grass is green, More vital than ever the eyes have seen, All the dreamlike earth though we feel it nigh Is lost to the heart when we look on high. What a rest and peace when the summer heat Has pulsed the air to a quivering beat ! And motionless, silent, serene and deep Are the infinite calms that are there asleep. Not a fleecy cloud in the hemisphere; Not a phantom, shadow or nameless fear ; Not a sign of storm or a sound profane On that windless, tideless and landless main. What a pride and power when the autumn's wealth Into all forms press with perfection's health ! And around the ripened and rainbow globe Is the azure deep as a royal robe. A majesty, splendor, pomp and repose On the atmosphere and horizon glows; As a dream they move all in stately march To the land of dreams through the purple arch. NATURE SONGS 37 What a hope and joy on a winter day When a month of clouds has been blown away ! And the sky though pale from the icy air We hail with delight as a vision rare. Though the dark storm clouds and the sworded ice Blast all our dreams of an earth paradise, Despite of the frost they float on our eyes Through the opening rifts of the azure skies. When the morning sun from the deep of night With his countenance of effulgent light, First rose to the earth for his daily race He smiled to behold such a matchless grace. When the noonday sun first became a king And created things did beneath him swing, He enrobed his breast with the morning blue Though he first baptized to a deeper hue. When the evening sun first descended deep That the day, the earth and her babes might sleep, 'Twas the robe of noon but with stars divine He spread on the pain of their aching eyne. When the midnight sun doth his circles fill And leaves us to night in the nurse's skill, He inspires the dreams of the golden skies And with azure hope fills our wak'ning eyes. The sun-born daughters with their rainbow dress, Their splendor, their motions and joyousness, How they rise from earth and to heaven cling Or sail on the blue with an eagle wing ! What a home so fit for their spirits free As the deepless deeps of the sky and sea? Is the blue more soft that the fleecy dress Which their golden sire does upon them bless? 38 NATURE SONGS What a stainless course and how free from noise ! What a changing form and a bird-like poise ! Though they need it not they forever rest As they rise and fall on that passioned breast. How they rise and fall, how they come and go In the azure fields like the isles of snow! All earth's flowing streams with delightful eyes Watch the sun and clouds in the azure skies. That divinest dome and her infinite deep, That heightless height and her boundless sweep, That nature of passion and purity Is a royal nurse of the best we be. The immortal soul with the sense divine That is drugged to sleep with this earthly wine Of the sorrow, sin and the selfish greed That each to himself and to others feed, Awakes with joy and supreme delight From the trances deep of this awful night And enraptured looks with a vast surprise At the beauty throned on the azure skies. Her hue and her height, and her breadth and length, Her victory, splendor and royal strength, Feeds into the soul the immortal sense Till the heart and mind light the countenance. With the glowing heats of a spirit's flame She aspires to rise to the whence she came; So she soars on high with majestic sweep To the native spheres that her virtues keep. Those celestial spirits of purity Are the vital draughts of futurity; And v/hen drinking there we forever soar With eternal life though we pant for more. NATURE SONGS 39 When we live on high, when we drink that life, How our fountains flow ! and our fancies rife Are full as the heart of poetic thought And leaps from the lips of the least untaught. There all that we are and all that we find With enraptured joy for the heart and mind, Are symbols to man from the Holy and High Who is throned on the arch of the pillared sky. What eons as waves have beneath thee rolled The mountains, the seas or the stars ne'er told, For before their birth was spread thy adorn As a mother's love round the babe unborn. What a fresh young life and a new born grace Is mirrored to earth in thy cloudless face ! Old, old as thou art, thou art ever new When we lift our hearts for another view. What a granite strength like the strength of truth When young with the life and the hope of youth ! Though the mountain range long the storms defy It is whirlwind dust to the girdled sky. What an unrobed nature of purity Too pure for the eyes of the most to see, Doth circle us round and on conscience streams Both a silence deep and most solemn dreams ! What a changeless love round a world of stain, Where the moral hopes in their birth are slain ! Over human sin thus so crimson crowned It has never darkened or wrinkling frowned. What a Spirit vast and what matchless grace Both around his breast and upon his face, Must be throned afar and to mortal eyes Thus symbols himself in the azure skies ! 40 NATURE SONGS On what and where is the mortal hour With its boast and pride and its works of power, When the solemn sight of the azure sky Doth attract the flesh and the spirit's eye! Oh what is the strife and the greed of gain With its Cain-like brow of a brother slain, When we look aloft at the solemn sight And silent stand in her floods of light! Oh what is time and her fevered dream Of the mighty hosts that forever stream When we pause and gaze with prophetic look At the symbols spread on that opened book! Oh men of the city ! whose skiey strips The crowd and the noise and the smoke eclipse, With eclipse so dark that the heart and eye Is blind to the earth and the powers on high : In thy day of strength and the greed of gain, In the hour of grief and of loss and pain, Go up to the towers and just take a view Of the hemisphere and the boundless blue. Does the breath of spring and the dew of youth, The rapture of hope and the strength of truth Seem forever fled ? Oh ! the Spirit there But waits with his gifts for the look of prayer. Is day as the night and night as the deep When chaotic storms on her bosom leap? The night shall be day and day be as bright As the heavens above and her seas of light. Has death in his arms bore thy love away And left thee alone to the beasts of prey? There is peace and calm and a higher love To fall in thy heart from the skies above. NATURE SONGS 41 Whatever the sorrows that make thee lean Go forth and stand where the skies are seen; Just stand and behold and the azure towers Shall lift thy heart with divinest powers. For the spirit's home is the azure dome Where e'er in the deserts of earth he roam, As the gardened bowers and their perfumed flowers Is the home of birds and the summer hours. As the bridal isles and their golden smiles Is the lovers' home and their heart beguiles, So the sky above and her purity Is the home of love and her spirits free. 'Tis the home of all, but the poet heart There finds himself and the noblest art; For the art and the artist are undivine Till they lose themselves and in others shine. Oh prophetic soul of celestial birth ! There is nought for thee in the greed of earth, But the earth herself which her sons despise And the heavens above and her azure skies. There the atmosphere can so vitalize, That the heart and mind with a vast surprise Will behold with awe yet delirious mirth The natures divine of poetic birth. For the worlds that swim in that azure dome Mock Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome; This was only made for an infant's time But those to the scale of a manhood's prime. The beauty there that we worship must Of the rainbow cloud and the starry dust, Of the golden suns and the moons of light Will enrobe thy song in their beauty bright. 42 NATURE SONGS And the music there of the crystal spheres That is only heard by immortal peers Will around thee ring, and circle thy verse With harmonies based on the awful curse. Those passioned powers will palpitate Rich into thy heart the extatic state That forms the divine to forever stay When the phantom man and his works decay. Then Oh for the plain and the hemisphere Where the earth is bare and the heavens clear ! With naught on the heart to obscure the view Of pavilioning, deep and redeeming blue. And Oh for the summit of mountain height Where the soul is bathed in the liquid light! And the visions and pleasures and powers intense Are felt in the tissues of mortal sense. And Oh for the days of aerial skill When his cloud-like car he can mount at will ! And at morning, noon and at twilight dim In that ocean deep will delight to swim. And Oh for the days when this mortal chain By a mighty hand will be rent in twain ! And my spirit free as the eagles are Will drink from the noon and the midnight star. And Oh for eternity's lightning wings When the spirit soars and forever sings ! Oh forever soars with eternal rise In the life and the love of the azure skies ! NATURE SONGS 43 THE ROSE. A maiden fair as morning birth And pure as morning snows, In gratitude for truth I taught Placed in my hand a rose. When she gave me her simple gift A tear her eye did wet; The soul that blossomed in her face I never can forget, For she was not like other maids, But deep and glad and true. God's purity still shed on her Its sweet divinest dew. This rose which she had given me I bore it to my room; Its love and light that lonely place Did clear of every gloom. Its beauty was a soul who sent Enchantment through the air, Which by the strength of its pure life Afar did banish care. With such a sight before mine eyes And such an air to drink, I only could give up myself With joy and love to think. This rose was robed in purest white, Just tinging into cream ; And silvered with the early dew Sprinkled from morning stream. The queen of beauty came to her From paradise above, And brought a garment for her child, Rich folds of light and love. Such flow of dress the chosen maid Has wished for in her dream, But never such for happy bride Was ever found I ween. 44 NATURE SONGS The soul of this sweet rose breathed forth A most delicious breath; So calm, so sweet, so rich, so pure, It o'er came envious death; It spread itself around the room And on my dear loved books, The souls of poets travelling on Turned round with wondering looks. That breath was far too strong for me As warmth is for the snow, I felt it pierce through all my frame And to my dead heart go. Because in her pure world of love There is no thought of sin She bared her bosom to the air To fan the love within. Her bodice folds were gently turned And in her heaving breast The soul of beauty was laid bare Most modest and most blest. No blush upon her cheek did burn, But light and love divine; Through all her frame her crystal soul . Upon my soul did shine. That glowing breast a love revealed, A passion most intense; It kindled in my frozen heart A love too strong for sense. The gentle rose did not reject This growing love of mine, But whispered as love only can "I seek that heart of thine." So I drew near this living soul And looked down in her breast; Such love and beauty and delight May never be expressed. NATURE SONGS 45 Her gentle breath upon my cheek Was warm as summer rain; Her presence thus so near to me Was cleansing every stain. Her love had kindled mine so strong My fears passed in eclipse; My head bent down, hers gently rose To meet my offered lips. They meet, and from her soul there flowed A life ne'er known before; It swept me from this world of crime To some enchanted shore. A lover never kissed a maid And through his bosom thrilled, As from thy heart, Oh happy rose ! My empty heart was filled. It seemed as on thy lips most pure Were sprinkled sacred dews, So thee alone of things divine The All in all could choose To send into my empty soul A throb of his own life, And thus through thy sweet purity To calm my mortal strife. So this is why I love the rose, Of flowers the virgin queen; The love that in her bosom glows Is that of the Unseen. His life beats through earth's pulsing frame To touch the human heart; The flower his winning smile of love To draw with him apart. Go gaze upon the rose's art! Go watch her bosom burn! Go place thy soul beside her heart And feel him for thee yearn ! 46 NATURE SONGS THE NORTHERN LIGHTS. Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Spirits pure and bright ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Round a court of light, A host of spirits blest and fairy-like to sight. Where are these dancers gay? Where is the court you spy ? The spirit, elf and fay That on your vision fly, And raise out of your heart this glad extatic cry? Where? Yonder where from olden Time built old winter's throne; Where summer summer golden Is never never known, But Iceland's ancient king rules all the polar zone. Yonder where night's curtain The storms in anger blow; Where never is uncertain Vast field of ice and snow, And clear and frosty nights and furry Eskimo. Yonder where the mountains Pure ices diadem; Where the crystal fountains Mount geyser-like to them; And where the glacier flows and icebergs ocean gem. Yonder on the summit Around the polar star; Climbing up the plummit And coming from afar. See ! See the dancers come in reindeer driven car. NATURE SONGS 47 Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Fairy, elf and sprite ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Phantoms of delight ! Nature's dreams from far in poet robes bedight. These in white enrobe, As if floretted snow From yon pure silver globe Around their forms did blow, To rival and to shame all gowns others bestow. These in blue are clad, As if the azure deep A portion of his plaid Had cast round them to keep, To be in royal style at that extatic leap. That in green is dressed, As if the flowers and grass Nature wove and pressed And gave to some sweet lass, And laughed unto herself that she would all surpass. That in red is tinged, As if the setting sun A straying fleece had singed And sent it on the run To fashion's famous ball and dared to be outdone. Here comes the poet's sons Clad in robes divine; The royal purple ones He sent to lead the line, And knew within himself that none would them outshine. Here comes the maiden's race, Dreams from her heart and mind; Oh the pansy pansy grace That round them has been twined, And brighter beauties still upon their faces kind ! 48 NATURE SONGS ' ' Others rainbow tinted, As stalactites of ice The liquid waters printed With their prismic device And gave a magic robe a joy could never price. Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! What a mazy flight ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! On our mortal sight Every motion, style and grace joy ever dreamt at night Forward with a bound; Backward with a glide; Then turning round and round Till the head does dizzy ride; Then promenading up, and in from side to side. Now hand in hand they go; Now swinging left and right; Now up the center so; Now spinning swift as sight; Oh it is a mazy crowd and drunken with delight ! Fantastic, straight, fair, Sudden, now and then, Yonder, here and there, Unseen and in our ken; Mocking us and all our what and why and when? Rising, high and oft, Frosty, straight and strong, Sinking, silent, soft, Narrow, thin and long, And if our sense could hear Oh singing what a song ! Moving, quick and mad, Crystal, pure and clear, Conical and glad, Enthroned and far and near, Celestial and divine as being can appear. NATURE SONGS 49 Oh round and round and round, Like figures in a dream These poet spirits bound To music like a stream That burst within the heart with an overflowing teem. Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Souls of electric light! Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Essential natures bright ! Bodiless and beautiful as ever met the sight ! How we sluggish mortals Wonder and admire, When these kingdom portals Are opened, and its fire Is flashed upon our sight but dreams of something higher ! How earth and sea and sky Are lifted with delight, When yonder there on high They rise upon the sight; And draws all nature up as moons the ocean bright ! How the stars that sprinkle All the dome of space, Twinkle, brighter twinkle In their nocturnal race, When these celestial beauties are circling in their grace ! How youth and maid on pinions Here hasten with entrance; Flaming sword dominions Nor hinders their advance; Welcome! Welcome! Welcome youth! Come! Mingle in the dance ! How the poet's pleasure Is passing into pain ! His joys like their own measure Is swelling every vein, Inspiring fancy's fairy forms around his heart and brain. 50 NATURE SONGS How ! How his very dreams Grow passionate and faint ! Grow thirsty for new streams To drink away complaint Which these on high inspire and perfect blessing taint ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Upon our visions caught; Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Till we are lost in thought, In brighter dreams divine and higher wisdom taught. What revelry and sports Upon that mountain height ! What carnival that courts Such spirits of delight! Oh what extatic bliss of touch and sound and sight ! That scene it is the joy That filleth nature's heart; And the height of her employ Is without a price to bart Her happiness of life to all that of her art. What divinest glory Before the eye has sailed ? What harmony or story Or prophecy been hailed? What life and love and light and truth have been unveiled ? That beauty does entrance, That love their hearts inflame, That song impel to dance, That hope and starry fame, Which we have seldom felt and never think or claim. Where the souls are purest They dwell above the spheres ; Then freedom is securest, And life exempt from fears, And joy contagious, quick and sweet as that which here appears. NATURE SONGS 51 Where a love is living Tis full and sweet and pure; Rejoicing in its giving And thus is most secure; The heart that gives its all and self forever shall endure. Where the life is deepest Is mountings oft and high ; And as it upward leapest With joy's extatic cry- It finds and lives within the life that fills the azure sky. Where the light is brightest Appears the most divine ; Wherever beauty lightest It is a rainbow sign, That God is seeking thus to draw thy heart with his to twine. Dancing ! Dancing ! Dancing ! Through the live-long night. Entrancing! Oh entrancing With magic magic might ! For mortal and immortal are the dreams of love and light. A SAUCER OF PANSIES. In the spring my mother plants A bed of pansies fine; Then with a gardener's glance She nurses them divine, Until the blossom pants And bursts into the shine. Then every other day A saucerful as bright As beauty ever lay Before the poet's sight, She plucks and bears away My simple room to light. 52 NATURE SONGS When I come home and dress, And call my own an hour, I note the kindliness That placed the rainbow flower, And in it breathed I guess Another heart and dower. To-day the purple deep The yellow beauties fringe; Blue and white to-morrow sleep On a bank of velvet singe; And the very rainbows leap Where there tender edges hinge. Upon the pansies bright I dream and dream and dream, Of visions of delight With which my youth did teem, But life with deadly blight Has flung on autumn's stream. I see the heights divine That are throned above the spheres ; And I pine and pine and pine Mid my sin and grief and fears And my heart bursts in my eyne With the language of our tears. That world upon me flies Which sorrow brings to birth, That is builded in the skies When the self sinks in the earth, And the living God doth rise In the heart that now has worth. Oh flowers of purity ! Oh dreams of life and light ! In the saucer I can see The heaven's heightless height; But shall I ever be Like thy flowers and dreams bedight. NATURE SONGS 53 SPRING HYMN. Hail springtime Oh hail ! Hail soul of the year! Thy cold winter veil Has passed and its fear: Has passed and thy glory Streams bright on the earth, Which cold, weak and hoary, Renews her young birth. The dome of deep blue, With sun on his throne, Rains pure golden dew Which all things now own. The earth doth unfolden Her bosom's warm glow, And life with a golden Reviving doth glow. The flowers doth unfold Their rainbow hearts deep; Birds plumaged with gold Their songs cannot keep ; The forests and oceans, The fountains and fields, Are glad with emotions Thy presence unseals. All nature is green; Her skies are more blue Than mortals have seen Since Eden was new. The beauty of story And heavenly mirths, Now mirror their glory In green singing births. 54 NATURE SONGS Life now is all love And love is all life; Like heaven above It healeth all strife. In love's vital passion Are powers which unfold The lowest in fashion We joy to behold. Hail soul of the spring! Oh breathe thy warm breath ! To breathe, shine and sing Thou wakest all death. Away my heart's sin sense And sorrow's wild wail ! Thy beauty and incense And music all hail ! METEORS AND STARS. A blazing rocket mounting to the air, Leaves in its wake a line of crimson light; Aloft it bursts, and colored streams most fair Play as a fountain 'gainst the dome of night. This sudden, brilliant and fantastic sight Draws every eye, and while its bosom burns Pales the eternal stars; then from its height In that same gaze to earth it quick returns, To splutter, hiss and sink mid ocean's scornful urns. As men are born, so each dynamic life Is winged to mount this firmament of fire; In that majestic peace which mocks our strife Find the bright place for which high hearts aspire. In our quick, mortal, blind and mad desire For yonder vacant thrones, wings of feeble flame Are stricken dumb by storms of jealous ire; And millions fall to darkness when they came, To watch with envious eyes the few swift souls of fame. NATURE SONGS 55 These souls mount up, and as warm dizzy flights Kindles bright dreams within the meteor's trance, So their being burns anew. Golden delights Around them shine, and their celestial dance, Almighty power and solar lightning glance For one short hour dims e'en the light of noon ; Then weakness does each quick, glad, silver lance Of spirit light eclipse, while star and moon Watch their descending flight to some foul dark lagoon. For souls burning from self may burn most bright; Spread heaven's light, and herald earth's late morn; But selfishness, time's deadly coldest blight, The vital spark from seraph souls has torn; From glowing heart and flaming mind has borne The light that clove their dark and natal gloom, And hissing in sin's salty sea of scorn Plunged them down, and gave the vacant room To souls of purer fire bursting from death's last tomb. Those spirits scorched by life's quick fiery scorn Till selfishness is cindered, cold and dead, With an immortal life anew are born, And from the heart of primal fire are fed. Fire soft, pure, sweet, swift and strong as ever sped The electric currents through archangel's wings Is theirs; and since to life and love is wed The high ideal, their inmost being springs From tombs of death to life and thrones that wait their kings. Through mortal night with lightning woven storms, Through thunder crash and elemental wrath, Through swarming hosts of demoniac forms Whose envious hate resists their destined path Skyward, love's pure resistless heart which hath A robe of strength and motion round them flung, Burns with her glowing countenance a swath Through their deep belt of foes ; and all that clung Around their new-born soul before their flight are stung. 56 NATURE SONGS Then as a globe and comet train of fire, In most majestic curves toward heaven's height Sweeps her bright way, and brighter as she higher Mounts the path through constellated night: So souls of love, with splendor, joy and might Pinion aloft to life's awaiting skies; While mid our flames of flickering lurid light, A million hearts wih their sad filmy eyes, Behold their age's sight with hate or glad surprise. From golden, poised and never wearied wings, Upon that mass of helpless death below The spirit's best and purest gift she flings: The light of love upon their selfish woe; The love of light to feed their heart's faint glow; On their dark hearts and shadowed countenance A living dream which beckons them to go, Toward that pure Soul, whose love and gladness dance In these soft saving beams upon their mortal glance. Then far above on heaven's destined thrones, Firm set within the firmament which time Pavilions round this darkness, death and groans, They shine forever bright. From towers sublime They scatter light which neither curse nor crime Can long eclipse, nor if they would, not see. Though age on age like waves each other climb, And selfishness her dark clouds still set free, High throned the lights of love shine to eternity. THE ROBIN. Oh crimson breast ! Oh crimson breast ! Oh crimson crimson heart ! Oh welcome guest ! Oh welcome guest ! Thou dost my fancies start. Inspire and rapture and employ Are born in nature's peace and joy. NATURE SONGS 57 Thy sisterhood of brighter plume And lyric hearted song, Have left the city to its doom And in green forests throng. But city park, and garden trees, Thy human heart doth equal please. What human heart ! What human heart ! After a winter's reign, Has never leaped with joyful start At thy first springtime strain? At thy first note we lift our eyes As after rainbows in the skies. And when at night they all come home From worry, toil and strife, When strength and hope that daily roam At eve join babe and wife, Thy crimson breast our eyes have seen With these pure loves is mixed between. Across our spring and summer light Thy bosom glad we see; We sorrow when the autumn's blight Afar doth banish thee. In winter storms we sometimes yearn For thee to hail the spring's return. Thou hast no strength or speed or skill, No weapon for the fight ; No eagle talon, sworded bill Or war enkindling sight; Thou wast not made for hate or strife, For selfishness or mortal life. But thou art rest and peace and love And close to human heart; Thou dost incarnate from above A small divine impart Of that one love which does divide In all pure loves through time and tide. 53 NATURE SONGS Thou hast no plumage of delight, As sun-kissed clouds on high; As tintings on the flower beds bright, Or iris colored eye; Rich beauties that from heaven shine Are not a heritage of thine. But beauty oft is shining form Without a soul within; Thy life domestic, pure and warm Is far away from sin. The stainless, pure and passioned heart Needs not the rainbow hues of art. Thy soul has no delirious strain That wakes my sleeping dreams, That bears me to a golden plane Of odors, sounds and gleams; No music matchless and divine That fills all hearts till more we pine. Thy one and simple pleasing song Is calm and faith and love; Divorcing from the earthly throng, Uniting us above. All simple loves from ill divide And join with all beyond the tide. Thy cheery song that greets the morn, Thy plaintive evening psalm, Upon a world by sorrow torn It falls as healing balm. Oh what is earth's most peerless song To a pure love on sinful wrong? As is the lay of child or wife, As is the song of home, Unto the measures vast of life, And classic airs of Rome, So is thy music to the heart With something these could never bart. NATURE SONGS 59 Then build beside my crowded home, Thy blue eggs softly nest; The gardens round for forage roam But turn thee to thy nest. To see thee and thy happy mate Is more than earth's high gilded state. Through fever day and dewy night, Extreme of calm and storm, Thy nature with a deep delight Beats through thy bosom warm, The rich pre-natal mother mirth That nourishes thy eggs to birth. A hunger cry and mouths of need, A parent's tireless toil; A ruthless hand, a heart's implead, Though weak, defense in broil; A hundred lessons for the heart Thy actions to the wise impart. The smaller fruits we give to thee ; The grapes and currants win; The larger luscious taste them free Though some would call it sin. Why should'st thou lack thy frugal meal From thy own father's boundless weal? The berry man may call a curse And guard his juicy wealth; The cherry man may rave still worse And shoot thee down by stealth. Woe ! Woe to us ! Who ? Who could live If greater theft none did forgive? With all thy sins, thy depth of breast, Thy bosom's sinless beat, Thy purity and faith and rest I would my heart could greet. There's naught within the world I see Like peace and love and purity. 60 NATURE SONGS For thou and all things like to thee Of nature, man and art A longing of intensity Wakes up within the heart, To be and love and live like thee In that great heart where all are free. SONG OF THE GREEN TREE. My evergreen soul of celestial birth At the dawn of life descended to earth, From the heavens above, where the best is born To mantle the earth with a bright adorn. There the soul divine that is full of life Breathed into me strength for a mortal strife; With the greenest hope of an azure birth For a place and power I came to the earth. A germ with the laws and the rights of life I was planted deep in the midst of strife. The great from the least they have ever grown And round and beneath are the overthrown. Then the vital heart of the world soul sent Such pulse to my own that my soul unpent, And the infant germ sprang swift to the light As a life that grows with a spirit's might. The passionate powers of that first clime Soon nourished the birth to a noble prime; Behold ! in the world now I stand with pride While all other growths are shamed from my side. Both the heavens above and the earth below, And all between, with the overflow Of a generous heart and exhaustless wealth Have poured in me gifts of abounding health. NATURE SONGS . 61 My loom is the darkest and softest kind That ever a soul in the earth did bind ; Around me it lays with a tender press, Protection and warmth of an under dress. The green grass above doth carpet me round With its velvet touch and its murmuring sound; There is always a soft and bright adorn Where the roots and knots of strength are born. My out-reaching roots with a sacred thirst Press into the dark and a way doth burst Till the moisture cool and the water's sound Both quicken and guide where the life is found. Deep rejoicing then at the river's brink Her being so crystal my own doth drink; I drink to the full of immortal life And renew my strengh for the daily strife. The tropical breeze with their laden breath So vital they quicken the winter's death, Their spirit and passion through every pore Flows into my heart to the very core. The temperate winds with their zonal strength Have blown on my breast ; and my breadth and length Have expanded rich as the middle clime Doth the spirits form of the noblest prime. When the Arctic blasts with their fury burst I was roused to strength as their spirits versed; Like a wrestling giant for many an hour I girded my loins and breast with their power. The unkindled sun with his vital heat, His rainbow spirits and his rythmic beat: Is there aught in earth or the heavens above So bright as the smile of his morning love ? Or deep as the calm of his good-night kiss As it falls on my heart with its lingering bliss? 62 NATURE SONGS What a magic strange is the chemic power That changeth all ill to his bright endower ? He taketh the eartb as a sacred birth And feeds her with strength and with azure mirth; And out of the earth with his golden might He has raised me up in my towering height. The radiant beams of his lightning glance Shoot into the heart like a vital lance; And my spirits rise as a dream doth leap Like a breath of life from the land of sleep, And spreads its face to the morning sun And feels that its course has but just begun. When the kingless king has retired to rest And the twilight curtains are round his breast, The night with the moon and her silver spheres Hourly bathe my brow with their dewy tears. Their coolness revives as an icy draught Which the dying day has rejoiced to quaff; Has rejoiced to quaff ere he doth retire To his slumber dreams of to-morrow's fire. So the dewy night and the icy stars From their lucid urns and their crystal jars, Pour upon my head their divinest dew Till the morning dawns on the seas of blue. Oh that azure dome ! Oh that azure dome ! That circles me 'round and afar doth roam; What a fulness of life doth her silence keep For the earth and the stars she enbosoms deep ! To but feel that sense round the spirit roll Is infinite life in the finite soul. Who could live with her in a fresh inspire And wish aught else in his best desire? NATURE SONGS 63 There is room, vast room in the azure height, Vision, gladness, strength and a keen delight, There is victory, song and a mighty glow- To souls that to her in their natures grow, There is life divine in the azure skies That diviner grows as we higher rise; Oh ! my only home is that azure dome And the earth beneath with its sacred loam. I uncrown my head to her liquid light; I out-stretch my arms to enfold her might; I open my all to her rich bestow; As her spirits fall to the height I grow. The covetous clouds from the ocean's breast, From her scooped trough and her white capped crest, From the mountain height and her snowy gleam, And the fountain there and her icy stream, From the sun-crowned morn with her quick distills, And the billowy west with her dewy hills, From the Arctic zone and the south more warm, The spirit so vital in every form They enfold most deep in their fleecy dress And circle around as no mind can guess, Till the niters pure of the upper air Doth embalm the rain as a treasure rare: Then the fanning winds to a marching strain Blow their shadowy sweep o'er the sea and plain, Till they seek me out and at noontide hour Long bathe my soul with reviving power. Then the circling veins and the tissues dry Drink, drink to their full with a thankful sigh; As in me it flows with a pulsing pain I can hear it sing with a joyful strain. 64 NATURE SONGS Then the rib-like mail that is round my breast Feels the strength of life and its joints are pressed By resistless force, and the new expand Forms another rib with a tighter band. Then my knotted roots deeper sink from sight And my brow ascends to a higher height. My arms reach again farther east and west And my branches all are with freshness dressed. Then my joyous leaves in their life of bliss, Like spirits in love with each other kiss, Till my central heart feels a vital glow And a greener gladness to each I throw. Is another form on the mother's breast So sound in heart and with strength so dressed? Is another birth of our mother earth With a greener hope and more glowing mirth? Oh tell to me now sight travelers true Who circle the world and her greatness view: Is there aught in the earth that was ever born Adds more to her pride and her bright adorn ? SUMMER. Oh ! This is the famous Miss Summer I see, Who was mentioned by poets and lovers to me; And mentioned in music and passionate praise As the vision divine in the midst of our days. When hearing thy fame by the hearing of ears, Then a vision arose or came down from the spheres; But spirit and dream must forever more pine For the heart's very presence and eye upon eyne. NATURE SONGS 65 As now unexpected and sudden we meet How my heart gives a bound and a double-quick beat ! My passions like fire in their ardors arise By the kindling sparks that are fed from thy eyes. Thou art flesh, blood and bone, but something more rare Than the fairest of women did ever yet wear; A something that hovers around the ideal Which we never can name but we always can feel. A beauty embodied, a vision divine Are thy physical graces in equipoise fine ; Thy cheeks and thy brow and thy eyes and thy lips Doth the poet's bright song and the lover's eclipse. Thy face is a splendor of golden delight Baptized in the sun when the morning was bright ; No ! Born in the sun and the spirits of gold Were poured in thy frame the divinest of mould. Thy brow like a marble is spotless and white, Unwrinkled, unblemished and circled with light; Adornment for grace or a goddess of art, It is infinite more when enthroned on a heart. Thy cheeks are as soft and as rich as the wealth That has ever yet shined from the fountains of health; No pansy, no violet, no lily, no rose, Could image or add to thy deep vital glows. Thy crimson-fold lips, how they tremble with bliss From the spirit of life and her last burning kiss! Thy spirit I see at those portals doth yearn With a rapture divine for that spirit's return. Thy eyes, Oh thy eyes ! Was there ere such a sight In the gleam and the glance of the stars of the night ! The planet like fires and the lovers' bright eyne Are but the stray beams from the brightness of thine. 66 NATURE SONGS But thy spirit ! Thy spirit ! Thy spirit of grace Is richer by far than the signs of thy face. 'Tis only life's strongest and longest that seal On the physical frame that resists the ideal. Thy love is as golden and full as the sun, Through thy heart and thy veins I can see it now run. A spirit as rich and as free to impart As the sun in the sky is the soul that thou art. In love all the virtues in richness abide, As beautiful dreams in the flowers of a bride. The graces are born and in love ever live, And grow as themselves in their giving they give. Thou lovest all things be they low or be high, From the flowers in the grass to the Soul in the sky. Thine is the true love for thy heart's overflow Gives the given himself and thyself and thy glow. In heart nor in mind has the body of sense Wrought in thee its power or its darkness intense; Thy spirit divine is dominioned in might And its energies rule all the fleshly bedight. Was ever a heart with the passions of love Not pure as the skies and the spirits above? The selfish that hides in the earth's honeyed praise Is not in thy motives, thy words or thy ways. Ideals sublime that are far out of sight Keep pure most the cause of life's blasting and blight. Not the salt savored sea nor the blue azure sky Is as pure as the heart which now feedeth thine eye. Thou art peaceful and calm, soul centered and still, Though the chambers of life are at more than their fill. Thy multiplied gifts are in balance divine, Overflow and at rest in the midst of our pine. NATURE SONGS 67 As gentle and soft and as tenderly kind As the sorrows and wounds of the world ever find ; The sickness and sin and our mortal disease Find a cure in thy hand when no other can ease. So patient, compassioned and sympathied deep, All high spirit hearts in thy virtues are steeped. Domestic, contented and all that endears. To the home loving heart 'mid the turbulent years. How happy thou art ! All our words of delight With their passioned filled souls give no image to sight : A maiden with flowers in her hands and her breast From winter's wild heart would faint symbol thee best. A drunken, delirious and extatic joy Soon intelligence, morals and all will destroy; But happiness, gladness, rejoicing and song, Are sandals and crown and a girdle most strong. As flowers in the field or the birds in the sky, As the mountain-fed streams or the clouds as they fly, As the earth-kissing winds or the innocent heart, So glad and much gladder Miss Summer thou art. Thy virtues in union or each one alone I could sing the whole day with a still rising tone; What thou art and what like, what done and will be Would be songs to my harp till from hence I shall flee. I will tell thee the truth, for the truth ever springs Unto such as thou art with the lightest of wings ; I'll whisper it now, though I buried it deep For in spite of my heart to thy heart it doth leap. In far behind days, in the vision of dream, Then an image arose with thy summer soul gleam; All, all of thy soul in her spirit did shine And like thee in form as the eye is to eyne. 68 NATURE SONGS With passion, delight and the rapture of youth I pledged her myself at the altar of truth ; When waking I said to the phantoms that stream : "I will wait till I meet with the soul of my dream." While waiting for thee then the storms of the north With their night and their winter and fury burst forth; As through the long hours as I waited for morn I was caught and was driven and beaten and torn. I was wounded and scarred and the time-spirit filled Till the image divine in my spirit was killed; I have been baptized in the earth's bloody gores And am now only fit for the service of wars. Now a rock hewn image of winter I stand ; Though a smile has my face and a flower holds my hand, Down deep in my heart is the farthest extremes To the soft summer soul that upon me now beams. So what I once dreamed I will leave now unsaid Though I utter one blessing upon thy fair head : In eastern dominions where suns ever shine May thy soul meet and wed with the heart that is thine ! "My heart with raptures overflow; Thy music does impart A crown that has a crimson glow To both my head and heart. Ere each doth on their journey fare I'll cast from off my mind An image I have treasured there That doth the moment blind." NATURE SONGS 69 "When but a little trippling slip, As bright as sunny May, With April eyes and laughing lip I met thee on my way. Thy arms of strength with tender might Did fold me in thy breast; Did fold me deep, deep out of sight In love and gladness blest." "Then on my ears there fell a song That love sings to the heart ; The murmurs of thy passion strong And echoes ne'er depart. I know ! I know by those warm tears, Those kisses sweet, divine, There's more in thee than winter's years, Or summer's heart of wine." "Before us yonder shines the sun; The morning does invite ; Your journeys to the sunrise run, Oh come ! for my delight Is just to hear thee sing life's songs And those that are to be When life has triumphed o'er all wrongs With love and purity." Oh yes I will go. I can walk, run or fly, And sing thee the songs that can never more die. The hearts that love hearts with no self-seeking pine Find others, themselves and the heart most divine. 70 NATURE SONGS NIGHT. Oh Night ! Oh Night ! Oh most beloved Night ! Presence divine ! Nature of softest power ! Being benign above what noonday's height In any dream conceives ! Oh spirit with endower Of infinite benevolence on our Darkened, doubtful immortality ! Oh soul of vast and altitudinal tower- ing majesty in the wide portality Of heaven ! 'Neath thy resplendent bower Thou seemest like a living personality, Present, near and pure and kind to this mortality. What heart or mind wherever on the earth Has not looked up into the darkness vast, And felt thy spirit of celestial worth Around him? An awful sense is cast O'er nature, and the elements so massed In silence and solemnity creates Above the world thy soul of unsurpassed, Supremest powers; a soul that dominates The starry darkness with divine unclasped Compassions; that softly medicates The silence, strength and calm thy own heart satiates. How could the weary disappointed earth Refuse to rest beneath thy blessed feet When she herself and all she brings to birth Has been but fuel or demon rended meat? On her hot heart and pulses burning heat Thy hand is placed, and potent spells doth cease The torrid storms that through her members beat. Oh what a calm ! Oh what a wonderous peace ! Oh what divine tranquilities replete With heaven's gift! Oh what a rich release Upon the weary world with every day's decease ! NATURE SONGS 71 Nature is like a wearied child the nurse Cast into slumber. She lies down to rest Unmindful of her ancient ancient curse. The azure sky is of its power undressed; The mountains high diminish on earth's breast; The boundless plains unconscious lie asleep ; And the mighty sea forever in unrest Doth rock the earth like a cradle on the deep. Earth, sea and sky, bird, beast and all are blest As they decline into the sacred keep. Oh what a wonderous sense around the world doth creep ! Even the unarticulate creations Are not unresponsive to thy presence. It often seems thy soft adumbrations Wakes another spirit in them. An intense Sacredness robes them round, and a sense Of longing gazes from their uncomplaining sight. Unlanguaged prayer, sacred sorrow and assurance In the world's creating and sustaining might Grows upon them as the darkness grows more dense. 'Tis a solemn view from some commanding height To watch the sinking world lie down beneath the night. Dear ! Dearer far than to the world of sense ! Dearer than to the earth's organic things ! Beloved, divine, devoted and intense Art thou to man, and to the passion springs That burst and flow within him. His spirit flings Itself with keen delight athwart the day, The sense of life within with rapture sings, And hope and strength would bear it far away. But Alas ! Alas ! The sun consumes ; their wings Are shorn; their strength declines; their hopes decay; Till soon they fall to earth and for thy presence pray. 72 NATURE SONGS Worn out and sheer exhausted by the strife And splendors of the day, the mortal host Behold and hail thee as the nurse of life. Turning from time's contentious lists, the ghost Of what they might have been, they seem almost To disrespect the throned and golden sire Of all the world. They to thy presence post To find life's balm, as unfulfilled desire Things such to find on some enchanted coast. As the sun does down the western steep retire, Thou comest as a nurse with passion's best inspire. Even to youth's unvanquishable pride Thou art benign, though veiled unto their eyes. Youth, hope and strength, who have the world defied Soon wears the fierce contentions for life's prize; Like some distempered fevered children, their cries Thou dost hush down at day's declining hour. From nature's unexhaustable supplies Both sense and soul thou dost anew empower With energies that nobly vitalize. Ungrateful both to thee and thy endower Thou givest rest and dreams when day doth them devour. The great host of toilers, the brawny mass Of labor, the sinewy engirded Sons of strength, the blinded and unconscious class That battle for this unsustaining bread, Oh thou art kind beyond what tongue has said ! Thou liftest off the burdens from his back, And strong protects his low unsheltered head. Thou drivest hence the wolves upon his track And vulture dreams that hover round his bed. Within his home thy evening hours unpack Their rich domestic gifts the palaces so lack. NATURE SONGS 73 Still other hosts defeated in the strife, Bleeding and faint from greed's foul murdering mart Return to thee the only hope of life; Thy wines and balsams of celestial art Into and round their wounds thou dost impart. Life's disappointments, like a mighty train Of fugitives stabbed to the very heart And staggering in their black and blinded brain Thou meetest, and without a price doth bart Healing and health. The corpses quick regain Themselves and heart and hope that life before had slain. Another line smaller but more divine Out of the world in silence disappears; Sore battle scarred more than the others sign They mark their path with crimson crimson tears. The sorrows, griefs and anguish of the years Forsake the day, and unto thee Oh night ! They lift their lamentation, and in thy ears Unflood the heart and its unlanguaged blight. Not one ! Not one ! but thy compassion hears, And folds them in, into thy bosom tight. Has thou. Oh night like earth wept blindness on thy sight? A few great souls of genius, virtue And devotion, a mother find in thee. They turn from the noonday's glorious view To think and live and fellowship most free Thy sacred greatness. Spirit of purity ! Parent of the heir that doth arise To climb the universe ! these natures be The earth's immortal mortals and despise All time's achievements to seek society With thee. Mother divine unto their eyes, Thou art enthroned amid the constellated skies. 74 NATURE SONGS Thou to them all are most compassionate, Thou seest them before they turn to thee. Most motherlike, thou dost the hour await When life and time shall bid them turn and flee From that false world where they most blindly see. As one by one, or host by host, the race Turns from their fierce distempers with a plea For any change, they are met in thy embrace With the blessings of thy pure maternity. Thy benediction and resource of grace Is freely opened up and poured upon each face. Some portion of what heaven holds for earth Is in thy heart and from thy hand divine. The atmospheres around thy soul of worth Is like a cup of life restoring wine Which he who drinks for deeper draughts will pine. Thy shadows vast which on this mortal fall Subdue the wilder elements and recombine Life's dissipated energies. Thou dost call Another and a higher soul from the mine Of being deep, and a spirit strong and tall Answers and walks with thee the starry chambered hall. Thou givest gifts that more than life embalms: — A truce to war — an interval of rest — A valley deep — a season of sweet calms When each lies down upon his mother's breast — A voice with sweetest nursery songs addressed To the worn-out, jaded senses — a hand Soft laid upon the burning brain oppressed, To charm the thoughts to an enchanted land. From thy pure heart, emanations blest Enter the soul rebellious and unmanned From that exalted state high heaven for them planned. NATURE SONGS 75 Sleep ! Sleep ! The most mysterious gift to earth, Life's commonest, yet most profoundest change; After our death as it is round our birth, And nightly under, when, where or how we range. 'Tis a celestial anodyne with strange- Est therapeutic virtues — an immersion Of exhausted body in the fresh grange Spirit of the world — a calm reversion To being's primal reservoirs, exchange- Ing loss for life; and a complete insertion In the infinite for to-morrow's high excursion. Sleep ! Sleep ! The most supremest gift to earth, Great nature's touch for body and for mind; Sinking in the deep unconsciousness of birth As thou Oh night! doth with thy magic bind. Upon that breast so infinitely kind Oh mother of this worn humanity ! Thou placest each and drawest soft the blind Unconsciousness upon his wild insanity. Oh where in all the world can mortals find A gift like sleep on time's profanity? And this most blinded strife and still more blind inanity? Upon these restless, restless hours of sleep When vanquished and defenseless as a child, Thou keepest watch above his slumbers deep And wardest off the dangers round him piled. Dost thou not sorrow upon him time defiled? And on his moaning does not thy hand entwined With velvet kindness smooth down his riled And blighted spirits? Should a visit blind With golden visions be on his eyes beguiled And he awake to grasp the promise kind, What nature rich but thine such blessing did unbind ? 76 NATURE SONGS But thy greatest ministrations embrace The soul so sunk in time's unconscious sleep. The mere machine that yokes him to this base Of nature, thou nursest but to reap A thinking spirit out of the thoughtless heap. Thy overshadowing presence, thy speech Of silence like thunder, and the magnetic sweep Of thy soul over his : when they reach The slumberer, he riseth with a leap And blank astonishment that doth impeach The wisdom of the schools and all the day doth teach. Thou art the teacher of the good and wise, And makest books and colleges a scorn To life; a presumptuous contempt to eyes That in time's travailing agonies are born. Who walks with thee after the day has torn Thou teachest what these pedants never dream; And books of lore sublime as is the unworn Volumns of eternity open and gleam Upon the sight like thy starry deep unshorn. From these books and from thine eyes there stream An infinity of thought that strength alone can theme. From thine eyes, from thy maternal heart With infinite penetrations, though between The meshes of the worlds something doth start With high new-conscious sense. His spirit lean Of life, now hungers with desire for the scene That being opes before him. Upon the brink Of matter thou drawest off the screen From the mighty worlds that forever shrink From sight by their effulgent brightness. They wean Him from himself, and as his soul doth drink The vision of the worlds he rises hence to think. NATURE SONGS 77 Thou bringest up this soul to front itself; And fronting self it looks straight in the eyes Of some far higher Soul who projects his wealth Of life in personalities that rise In vast proportions. The soul that lies In slumber bound thou bringest up to feel Its undimensionedness, and strength supplies To front the universe. Oh what unseal Of passion pure that with expansion flies To being's farthest bounds ! The ideal Calls and answers man the reverberating peal. Thou nursest into the immortal mind The ruling concepts of the universe: The indestructible, established kind For which the worlds are void unless they nurse. Thou bringest God and right and law — the curse Of sin and holiness, the mighty poles That swing creation and the ages verse Unto their noblest song. Small circled souls Thou liftest from the deep and dark immerse Of sense to fellowship the life that rolls Through this vast universe unto its distant goals. Thou art the mother of divine inspire ! The anointing horns are in thy sacred keep And free thou art in pouring out their fire. Forth from the earth their mighty passions leap To walk with thee beneath the blazing deep Of heaven. The soul unto its height and reach Is drawn out by the visions thou dost heap Upon the eyes, the rich poetic speech Of lofty conversation and the sweep Of mighty thoughts beyond the starry beach, Which thou and thine to men in solemn silence teach. 78 NATURE SONGS Oh what a sight for lofty contemplation, For intellectual strength, archangel thought, Silence, passion, wonder, admiration, And all the powers of being overfrought. What boundless elements are here together brought To mind destroy, and nobler recreate To something like the infinite. All nought And insignificant is man's estate Of genius-ripe conception, when he is caught Into the starry heavens to contemplate The vast establishments that round him roll in state. Oh what a sight for admiration's eyes Is high enthroned on everlasting stations ! What white intensities within the skies Here radiate their lightning scintillations ! Oh what majesties of light ! Illuminations Of magnificence ! Effulgencies of bright- Est spendor and flashing coruscations Athwart the answering canopy of night ! Oh what radiancies and creations Of solar brightness and incandescence white ! In firmamental poise on all uplifted sight ! Oh thy constellations ! Thy glorious Constellations ! Thy constellations bright, So supremely poised in their victorious Stations on thrones in promenential sight, Upon creation's lofty heightless height. Thy constellations like world divinities Are with such striking majesty bedight, They rise among the vast infinities That crown the universe with an effulgent light. They radiate the high sublimities That more than equipoise all spirit magnanimities. NATURE SONGS 79 In high celestial pagentries, the marches Of these splendors, these majesties and powers O'er the else unpictorial walls and arches Is like the world plans marching amid the hours. The procession of these glorifying dowers Cross the expanse above in their nocturnal Progress, these circles round their annual bowers Where all burst forth in bright hibernal Brilliancy, or pale as summer heat devours, These marches of processional pomp supernal, 'Tis but the universe along its path eternal. Oh thy constalations ! Thy glorious Constellations ! A noble consanguinity And ancient fellowship in victorious Exaltation circling the vast infinity Of being. Ye in your high sublimity Flash recognition to all thy kingly race; Or the esemplastic spirit of affinity, Flaming through all the hemispheral space, Answers each or some enthroned divinity. What incandescent eyes and lightning grace Each has and flaming throws upon each others face ! In yon celestials is the most supremest Reach of beauty in nature's plastic arts ; A perfect vision of the life that streamest Within the deep of her deep heart of hearts. The spirit of sublimest beauty starts Into being here, and round that virtue high Nature cast a fashion that imparts Rich overflowing glories on the sky. The beautifuls in those celestial charts Enchant the strength of life's poetic eye, Sustains her passioned heart as they poise and swing and fly. 80 NATURE SONGS Oh thy constellations ! Thy glorious Constellations ! established on the height Of time and forever more victorious Above the gulf. Oh what a vast delight, Of purposes and prophecies unite To sustain ye on the blank and hungry void As the world's best stability ! Thy bright Illuminations could seem to be destroyed By breath, but this emblazonry of night, So blessed, so beatific and enjoyed Is more than is the world by firm foundations buoyed. What a high sublimity shines there, Of mystery, of wonder and of awe ! And of these breathless contemplations where Time's creations unto their highest draw ! The majesty and sovereignty of law ! The incarnation of almighty power! The transformation from the rude raw Elements of chaos into this bower Of firmamental splendors ! Life saw The garnished heavens and humbled in that hour Loves more thy solemn dome than noonday's golden tower. Oh thy constellations ! Thy glorious Constellations ! in that ideal state Designed for them ere their victorious Emergence from the dark contentious gate Of chaos. Supernity is like a weight Of glory on them, and the immortal Is burning in their exaltations great. In the else black concave they make a courtal Majesty and magnificent estate. What strength conceives a more emblazoned portal Around this travailing earth, around her courses mortal ! NATURE SONGS 81 Yonder the Great Bear prowls around the pole. There Cassiopeia and her family reign. Here Taurus with his brilliant clusters roll. Near Orion's belted strength is a plain Triangle of three glorious stars. The strain Of the Harp and Aquila's boundless flight Behold ! See ! Sagittarius has lain His arrow to the Serpent's heart, and sight The stars when the Centaur treads disdain. The classic symbols dwindle left and right, The poles are scant of stars, the center crowded bright. Right through these monarchies so bright, the moon, An earth-born child adopted by the night, Swift circles like a princess of the noon Though with some veil upon her face of light. That soul of splendor across the bright Concave is to the world a warm desire And forevermore a passion and delight. Oh virgin soul of pure and palest fire ! Sail on thy course, and on earth's lifted sight Thy smile still rain the magic of inspire, And every wax and wane shall make thy presence nigher. Oh what a belt is round the whole concave: — A girdle bright — a silver flowing stream — A milky river but whose path doth pave More mighty suns than telescopes can deem. What bursting showers of glorious meteors gleam Upon the sight and sometimes even daze The earth with a long remembered dream. See the fierce alien comets lighting the ways Of their ellipses, like fiery trains that steam Across the startled heavens ; or yonder gaze Upon that noonday star that sudden forth doth blaze ! 82 NATURE SONGS What undreamed revelations here ! What surprise Of distances and reaches into space ! What stretching out of heart and mind and eyes To the fixed stars as if our strength could trace Infinity! Boundless distances embrace Us round in unimagined measures, which scorn Time's mathematic and astronomic race Of giants. At ninety million miles is born The sun ; at two hundred thousand times the base The nearest star; at twenty thousand unshorn Years of lightning motion the faintest stars forlorn. Oh unconquerable and inconceivable Reaches of the heavens ! The powers of thought Are stunned, staggered, stimulated, full Of drunken inspiration when first are taught These distances so infinitely frought, Beyond all human nature. The awful deep And length and breadth and height, Oh! Is there aught In the wide universe whose pinions sweep The trackless regions which yonder have been wrought? See earth-born genius forth impassioned leap ! See yonder on the moon that soon exhausted heap ! What volumns and inconceivable masses Are floating in yon sky? This granite frame With mountains, forests, seas, land and all, glasses The worlds as a soap bubble in a game Of childhood images the thing we name The earth. Uranus, icy Neptune, Ringed Saturn and Jupiter of belted fame, These magnitudes with whom ourselves commune, Are mighty globes whose shadows mere might shame Our bloated size. Dimensionless the king of noon Could hide the solar system in the spots on his illume. NATURE SONGS 83 This thirteen hundred thousand times the earth Is but a baby world to some of these First seen thousands of years after the birth Of light. The eye of the astronomer sees Traces of such monster worlds. Enormities Of size he knows exists but cannot climb By any strength or dreams that fancy please: Millions of miled diameters, with prime Circumferences broken by the seas, Mountains, land and storms and everything to rhyme The vast gigantic scales where nature works sublime. Omnipotence is but a word elsewhere, But here, here are the infinities of power; The almighty energies that dare From nothingness create this bower Of dynamic wonder crowded suns. Our Little earth confounds our strength and shakes Us into fear by earthquakes that devour Our element defying weakness. Who makes These stupendous lightning motors that drive the tower Of day and night? Omnipotence expiates In infinite infinities of suns and planet mates. A horse-power ! A horse-power must be multiplied A billion times, and then be cast away For a solar unit which doth but hide The almightiness that round us has its sway. These centripitals and centrifugals stay The first archangel's visions and confounds Man's speech, his dreams and figures of display. Nature's reservoiral energies abound - Still unexhausted, and fresh creations dismay The magnitudes that circle here around In constellated march, forever more renowned. 84 NATURE SONGS Equal or past the volumn, power and space, Is the expansion of the sense of time. How contemptuous the periods of our race Unto the age that with the world doth rhyme ! These astronomic ages ! How sublime The mighty roll of these celestial spheres Whose million years upon each other climb As waves climb up the murmuring shores ! The years Before the moon, the earth, the planets prime, As rending thunders strike upon the ears, Pause as with solemn awe and shadow us with fears. How old is the golden vestured king of noon? How vain the symbols in the answer told ! Figures are as empty as a gauze festoon Which on the moon a summer breath has rolled. Twenty million years is estimate not bold, And even this some multiply a score ; But this or that what spirit can it hold? Our sun is young; others have vastly more Of age upon them. Most solemnizing old These flickering stars upon night's purple floor ! Almost to everlasting our spirits onward soar. Thus we are lifted above life and time. A mighty spirit sweeps us o'er the earth, Over time's changes, over nature's prime, And past the hour of her sunlike glorious birth. Intensities of awe and noblest mirth Bear us on to the distant fire creations Of nebulosities of extended girth. Incarnate in the very condensations We slowly live up to the present worth, Through the times, process and differentiations That builds the universe up to its glorious stations. NATURE SONGS 85 We are bound along the mighty evolutions From heterogeneous elements most raw, And see the growth of nature's institutions, Matter, biologies, intelligence and awe. The reach and sweep of everlasting law Inspire and light imagination's eyes To see worlds born, and then sink in the maw Of what might seem annihilation. They rise Through geologic dynasties, though they draw Some of the past entail ; but promise cries A still diviner course along the azure skies. Still onward we are bound by flight benign Though earthquake shocks of conflict round us ring, As the higher powers with victory divine Sloughs off the old that doth around it cling. The earth decays ; a burnt out cinder the king Of noon desolves to nought, and another mass With potentialities more rich doth spring Into its place. The constellations pass Like panoramic scenes, and others fling A brighter splendor and another glory glass Of something more sublime as these the earth surpass. Changes to higher transformation is the line By which the universe doth upward wing. There must be ideals more splendid and divine Than those who lift unto this height did bring. Ends of vast, vaster majesty must king The long ascension, for on each higher plane Eonic and celestial song doth fling Eclipsing visions on the heart and brain. What can exhaust the Infinite? This thing Of earth? or his dreams of selfish gain? A million years of growth or heaven's heightless reign? 86 NATURE SONGS We are lost amid the future contemplations And find ourselves within the distant age, After vast change, amid the new creations The prophet scarce dare tell unto his page. The unaccustomed passions so engage This frail humanity that we are worn With the divine intensity of rage. We calm descend yet feel we are upborne To other thoughts that fit our present stage ; But night lifts up, and spirit strength unshorn Sees starry visions blest the morning sun might scorn. The dumb, unconscious beast beholds thee not, And multitudes of more unconscious men Storm o'er the earth with blindest fevers hot, And through their course of three score years and ten Not once, so much as once lift up the ken To view thy flaming glories. But if the sight Falls on the heart the universe again Brings forth the heir. A new cosmopolite Emerges from the beasts amid the fen; Emerges with his face unto the height, Receives and back reflects the splendors of the light. There is no mechanician in the world But looks with vast astonishment on high. The huge machine by huger forces whirled Intoxicates the true machinist's eye. The revolutions along the azure sky Of circles and ellipses, the rotation Directed and reverse of masses as they fly Undeviating orbits, the inclination Of the axes to the plane and the perfect ply Of every cog throughout the wide creation Is a mechanic's joy and lasting contemplation. NATURE SONGS 87 Physical scientists and philosophers Of mind, men of the noblest sweep and height Of thought, teachers whose intelligence transfers The world from plane to plane, with rich delight, Most solemn awe, and inspirations white, Oft contemplate this galaxy of splendors, These processional majesties, these bright Prodigalities of power and sunlike spenders Of infinite generosity. The height Of passion this vision to earth tenders Gives victory over time and space asunder renders. But most of all, Oh most of all ! the saints Have loved thee Night and thy exalted bowers, So uncontaminated by the taints Of life and time and all that man devours. The Infinite and the Eternal powers Of purity with thee hold habitation, And from thy starry elevations their showers Drench the spirit, till they become incarnations Of his character. Thy solemn hours Are sacred to his Spirit's ministrations, Baptisms in his life and moral exaltations. This plan forever shames all architectural Genius. It dwindles this planet of the sun To a mere vestibule for intellectual Being. The architectonic builders run The temple like construction as to stun All heaven's visions. A vast sublimity Arches our entrance to creation And ushers us to a high infinity Of solar systems. The universe has won, Adopts us, and within a new divinity Awakes and finds and claims kindred and affinity. 88 NATURE SONGS Oh what a spacious, all-sustaining base Is this vast culminating universe For a rich and multitudinous race Of intellect and morals ! Oh who could nurse The thought that moral beings never verse The worlds out of impeachment to intelligence Vast, vast beyond our own ! Is this disburse Of mighty worlds a spectacular pretense And empty vanity ? On this atom what unpurse Of vastest elements? More noble and intense Must be and rule the spheres of such magnificence. There must be others ! Hierarchal reigns Of love and purity, of triumphant power And beauty must exist in those domains Of starry splendor. The immortals tower Yonder in their strength and golden dower; The ripe perfections within the prophet's sense Flower from within and round them. No sins devour Nor light upon them, nor any of the dense And blind idolatries of earth. There shower The infinite eternal hearts intense And all the generations go singing soaring hence. Somewhere amid these starry spheres, Oh night ! Or in the void of unmaterial space The Infinite and the Eternal Right Builds up the world from whence his chosen race Doth rule the universe. Is not the place Most inconceivable in magnificence When its dependencies and physical base Is on the scale of such omnipotence And fronts us with this transcendental grace ! World ! World supreme ! Our spirit passions tense, Are looking up to thee and crowding forward hence. NATURE SONGS 89 Oh astronomy ! Astronomy ! Thou art the queen of sciences. The universe Is thy boundless empire and eternity Thy throne of majesty where thou dost unpurse Power and life's exhaustless fulness, and disburse Thy blessings unto the wide creation. The worlds thou liftest from chaotic curse And round thy everlasting station Spiritlike they congregate. They glorious verse Thy presence, splendor and exaltation Which round the heavens casts sublimest fascination. Thou art the mother of intellectual Being. Thou bringest forth the passioned hour Of intensities in man, and time's usurping spell Destroyest in his heart. Thou art the power Whose expansion recreates with vast endower These faculties, and communicates to soul The transcendental elements that tower On high. The mighty amplitudes that roll Through thy uncircled spirit becomes our Temperamental quality, and to the whole Created universe thou dost our spirits pole. Oh mother of this heaven soaring mind ! Oh mother of this godlike breasted heart ! Oh parent of divine begotten kind Which thee and thine within our beings start! What creations to a shining chart Sublimer than the worlds ! What intensities Of passion which thy spirits free impart ! What expansion beyond the cumberous densities Of earth ! and what idealisms dart Upon us changing time's propensities, As we are face to face with thee and thy immensities ! 90 NATURE SONGS Oh imperial passioned mother of the great! What mean these strange experiences of time? Why are we led to bound this incommensurate Creation? Why are we forced to the prime Battle of being and with the elements sublime Contend until the mastery we gain? Why thus impelled these awful heights to climb? And inspired to understand the strain The systems round, forever on us chime? Why conflict, conquest, triumph and a plane Where these mechanics vast go circling in the brain? What means this most memorial sacrament To life's intelligence? and the significance Of this baptism into the element- Al powers of being? What means this inductance To the vast estates that base the super-sense Abilities? and this domestication Of a child of time in the wide immens- ities of uncircumscribed creation? What means this capacity of imminence And transcendency o'er matter and mutation By the earth-born, mortal and prisoner to his station? Does it not mean there is a living breath And being shaped upon the infinite? Something unkindred to space and time and death, And in its element upon the summit Of creation, drinking in most passionate The splendors of intelligence and power And life and beauty that forever flit Across its bosom. Is not the glorious hour Out of the deep and from the heights of spirit? Does it not prophet-like announce our Certain immortality as fruit foretells the flower? NATURE SONGS 91 Can this being of intensest consciousness? Of length and breadth and height and depth and sweep Beyond all limits that upon us press, Return again into its native deep Of nothingness ! Can the heart and mind that keep The universe within its compass drink Annihilation? Will it not rather leap When it doth come to nature's awful brink, To freedom, power and glory on the steep Of heaven? How impossible to think Creation's crown of life in death can ever sink ! Oh Nature, Night and astronomic Soul ! Oh infinite and most eternal Power That through mankind and all creations roll, The fullness that thy being doth endower! Is not this where ye bring the narrow hour Of our mortality to deep baptize It in eternity? whose spirit doth devour The bondage sense that on the mortal lies. Another consciousness comes up to tower Commandingly upon the azure skies, And round the starry spans cast her imperial eyes. Oh Night! Oh Night! Oh most beloved Night! Mother and nurse of being's powers divine ! Oh cast thy spells of starry magic might Upon our minds and still more make them thine! Under thy constellations, Oh pour the wine Of living thought upon this thirsty mortal And fellowship our low, unworthy line ! Oh lead us through each starry flaming portal And lift us to the height of thy design ! Oh clothe us with thy character so courtal And like thy splendors bright, Oh march us on immortal 92 NATURE SONGS Oh Night ! Oh Night ! Oh most beloved Night ! Mother and nurse and prophet of the child Designed to rise to being's awful height Upon this base thou hast so glorious piled. Oh Magnanimous ! Majestic ! Undented ! The solitude and silence is delight In thy society, and man so time beguiled Becomes with thee the true cosmopolite In the universe that has upon him smiled. Few ! Few are dearer than thou unto our sight ! Oh most beloved Night ! Oh most beloved Night ! THE BRIDE OF THE SUN. Oh hail bright maiden ! Hail ! From thy mortal swoon What spirit rent the veil? What life restored the boon? And sent thy queenly soul to seek thy lover noon? Who nursed thee from the trance? Who broke the shadowed spell That in the hour of dance Upon thy being fell? Who brought thee to the light where starry splendors dwell? Oh hail bright maiden ! Hail ! What life reviving dream O'er thy brain did sail, Upon thy heart did stream, That from thy liquid rest thy soul it should redeem? NATURE SONGS 93 Hast thy mother earth, The mother most divine, Brought thee again to birth And will the infant shine That glowed upon thy face upon that morn benign? In thy soul's eclipse, Did thy death beguile Thy lover to thy lips There to rest awhile? And did his burning kiss awake this rapture smile? Or hast thou been above In thy bower so bright To gaze upon thy love Across the cone of night? And is this smiling life his answering delight? In the evening's hush What breath of love or wine, Upon thy cheeks do flush? And from thy heart divine Like some celestial fire doth through thy being shine? Has now some spirit blest With flowers of sweet perfume Just placed upon thy breast Boquet of rarest bloom? And whispered in thy ear some story of thy groom ? Perhaps delightful music The echoes of the spheres, Doth strike thee to the quick; Is raining on thy ears Sweet fancies, thoughts and dreams of swiftly-coming years. 94 NATURE SONGS Perhaps love's intensity, High as starry height, Deep as is the sea, Warm as summer night, Pure as whitest fire, circles thee like light. But why art thou so cold That thou dost fly apace From hearts that do unfold The fullness of their grace? And ask but in return a smile of thy bright face? The dancing spirits gay Who love thee, in the wood Have left their fairy play And near the edge have stood Have turned from watching thee to hide in solitude. A maiden like to thee A pure and fragile cloud, Who came up from the sea In her soft silver shroud Has gone away to weep, heart-broke by thee so proud. Thy sisters in the sea In face and form and light, Twin spirits like to thee, Are trembling through the night With hope that thou wilt turn and feed this longing sight. Stars and planets pale For thy love do pine ; Their sweet lights do fail For their eyes divine Are wearied with the watch they ever keep on thine. NATURE SONGS 95 Thy presence bright awakes Dreams in the meteor's trance, So glad her sleep she shakes In her swift shining dance, Whose joyous love for thee now kills thy scornful glance. - Like the very queen Of heaven's starry height Crowned in golden sheen, Clad in robes of light, Thou ridest past the earth and all that lifts the sight. Thy faith has no doubt That might make thee miss, His love which streams out Like a celestial kiss To rest upon thy heart, prophetic of thy bliss. The sense of what thou art, Oh beautiful to sight! The passion in thy heart, Oh Empress of the night! Is burning for the hour thy spirits will unite. That best and bridal day Must be drawing near, That such resplendent ray Through the night's dark sphere Should pour such floods of light so gentle, soft and clear. Thy overflowing joy Shoots down a piercing dart On youth and maiden coy, Till thy celestial art Has nourished into life the best within the heart. 96 NATURE SONGS Under thy soft rain Hearts are growing strong, And strength at last they gain To tell what is not wrong, Those sacred thoughts the sweetest, each has wished for long. Beneath thy magic spell The magic word is found; Two fountain spirits well; Two hearts in one are bound And thou has seen and heard, and them with gladness crowned. Through the window light Thou on the sleepers stream; Thy rays of magic might Within their beings teem; A bridegroom and a bride, a dream within a dream. But Oh that passing cloud Upon thy breast and face ! That wraps thee like a shroud As round a mortal race, To disappoint the hope that life and love embrace. Like ours Oh radiant maid ! Hast thy love a moan? Art thou e'er afraid Lest the earth's dark cone, Like death will come between, and leave thee all alone? Fear not ! He an urn has filled With precious golden dew, That has been distilled From his dome of blue To sprinkle on thy heart and thy young life renew. NATURE SONGS 97 He will send thee now Fleecy sandals rare; Stars to gem thy brow; Veils of misty air; And rainbow ribbon bands to bind thy streaming hair, His chariot of the wind, His steeds of swiftest time, Along the zodiac signed With images sublime, Bear thee all heaven's queen while starry echoes chime. Oh snowy breasted maid ! Oh spirit vainly sought ! Though sin and sorrow weighed, On earth may not be bought That purity of thine which in thy face is wrought. Farewell chast bride ! Farewell ! May joy attend thy flight ! My heart songs ne'er can tell Its wish for thy delight When thou hast joined thy love in the bowers of morn- ing bright. HOME SONGS A MOTHER'S DREAM SONG. Oh mother, mother broken hearted! Heaving bosom ! Sobbing breast ! Heart from heart the dearest parted, Better than thine own and best! Weep mother weep ! Flow fountain flow ! Tears heal our grief and make us grow. Weep! Oh weep! Oh broken-hearted! Thy fresh grief Oh now unbind ! Grief is deadly if unparted To the rain and night and wind. In lonely, raven-darkness weep Till slumber seals thy soul with sleep. Sweet thy dreams on thorny pillow ! Angel faces griefs beguile; From beyond the glassy billow On thy heart they brightly smile. And sing on wounded heart and brain A dream to soothe thy surging pain. "Spirit, her whom thou bewailest, Soul of mingled love and light, Softest, dearest, purest, frailest, Do not weep her mortal flight! A seraph bright as golden morn Did visit earth when she was born." LOfC. 100 HOME SONGS "From the heart of hearts divinest Bore to thee his choicest gift; A heart, which as it soft untwinest From the earth thy own did lift, And showed to thee Oh wand'ring heart ! He is as to thy babe thou art." "Through sunny noon and starry night, While thy babe slept in thy breast, Round thee and thine this seraph bright Stood and did no mind has guessed. The fervent fountains of love's heart In thine from hers did often start." "Did thy cradle-angel sicken And her light of life grow pale? Seraph love and care did quicken More than thine o'er her the frail. When broken was the golden bowl Her pure and lily-crystal soul" "With more than tenderest mother love Clasped she in her panting breast; Then through the cone of night above Clove she death though storm oppressed, And oft she looked upon that face Such looks as none have seen for grace." "Arrived at heaven's jasper gates With thy dear now dearer birth, Her bright and burning fervent mates Ask to see this soul of earth. They gaze and smile and speak divine And utter prayer for thee and thine." "Up golden streets on toward the throne, Where the Father's face of light Forever smiles upon his own With a world of sweet delight; On toward this face and burning breast This seraph with thy babe has pressed." HOME SONGS 101 "Those Father arms of love divine, Tender more than tenderest, With eyes no mother love can sign, Folds thy babe into his breast. He folds her in as his own birth And dearer for her stay on earth. "In his heart of hearts divinest, Under grace and love and light, While swift time her course untwinest Groweth up thy baby bright; Thy warmest thought and tenderest care As winter frosts with his compare." "Oh mother then no longer pine; She is his more than thine own; Since in his breast and he divine Hush thy broken-hearted moan. Still trust, Oh trust the heart above ! His act, his thought, his name is love." "While sorrow bows thee in the dust Harken to this golden chime ! Thy babe in his warm bosom trust; By it thou shalt upward climb, And find thy child, thyself and him, And worlds of life no death can dim." CHILDREN'S BED-SONG. The hour is come when I must sleep, So I would sing Thy love; Upon the notes of evening's song Would wing my prayer above. 102 HOME SONGS I love, I love Thee dearest Lord For giving me mama; And just as much my heart would love For such a dear papa. They feed and clothe me, care and love; Their hearts encircle mine; I love thee for they say their hearts Are filled with love from Thine. My mama often to me speaks Of sins and Calvary; And shows Thy cross of shame and death As Thine own love to me. Now Jesus dear as mama does When I my wrongs confess, Kiss Thou my sins from off my mind And with Thy love me bless. My papa oft kneels down beside My cradle as I sleep, And prays that Thou his little lamb Will guide and save and keep. If he should come and kneel to-night Oh hear my papa's prayer ! Were I awake these words of his, To Thee my heart would bear. My prayer is sung to Thee dear Lord. Soon sleep mine eyes will close; Send down with sleep my angel guard To watch my night's repose. HOME SONGS 103 INFLUENCE OF BABY. I've studied my dear baby girl Since heaven gave her to me; When gazes her blue eyes in mine Her little heart I see. I've watched her many an evening hour From play till bed time still, Yet never in her crystal soul Could see a trace of ill. When e'er I hold my little girl Close up against my heart Fountains of warm and sweetest life Within my soul do start. In rapturous joy and tenderness I draw her closer still; There's nought like her upon my breast In this wide world of ill. My tears oft bathe her lilly brow When sleeping on my heart, Since then I feel from her pure soul To mine she does impart A sense of woeful change and loss, Of evil, guilt and shame, As I have soiled the spotless robes In which I hither came. Oh could I be as baby dear! Pure as the driven snow, All that I have and am to-day I gladly would forego. I'd pass through seas of cleansing fire If I might reach the shore Which baby's feet are treading now And I have trod of yore. 104 HOME SONGS Father ! Led by my little girl I turn and sin I flee; Oh make me as in years ago When first I came from Thee ! Oh shed Thy love within my soul, That cleansing fire divine ! Till in my heart again I am Pure as this child of Thine. FAT MEDICINE. Tom has a little girl as frail And fragile as a cloud, What time they through the azure sail As spotless as a shroud. Her mortal frame could hardly claim A spirit mould to be; More like a dream for soul doth seem So bodiless and free. She weakness is and tenderness, Just pallid flesh and bone; A lily-flower of slenderness By child play overthrown. Oft ailing, sick and feeling pain, And always weak and lean; Her mortal race to woman's grace In doubt is often seen. The doctor feeds her appetite With medicines for fat; But they have failed when best applied As worthless this as that. So, as often as she comes to me, Or I to see her pine I go and see and give her free Some medicine of mine. HOME SONGS 105 I fold her in my bosom deep; My kisses on her dart; And with the kiss there is a leap Of something to her heart. I kiss her o'er and o'er and o'er; With every kiss there goes A portion of the crimson store With which love overflows. The pennies, toys and candies sweet Are sandwiched in with kisses; And when our hearts together beat There is a glow of blisses. "Oh honey! this will make you fat; This medicine is fine; Just feed the doctor's to the cat But take a lot of mine." So by the medicine we all Unto her freely give, Just like a flower beside the wall She gathers strength to live. And as to girlhood up she grows She slowly leaves behind The sickness, pain and mortal foes That round her cradle twined. Oh Lovers ! Lovers ! Lovers glad ! No need to tell to you, This medicine has ever had A heart of crimson hue. Ye both have found what doctors miss And wise men often scorn : That love is life and in a kiss Life's strength is often born. 106 HOME SONGS Oh husband bare, behold her there ! Is she not growing lean, Who once was young and fresh and fair As eyes have ever seen? Oh use this medicine of mine ! I'll wager you a hat That she again will grow divine, And you grow green and fat. Of wisdom, age and hoary time ! 'Tis life and love and joy Which kisses sweet but sets to rhyme That saves us from destroy. Your sorrow, greed and hate and scorn, No strength can ever give They never kiss and always miss The strength by which we live. Oh children, maidens, men and all Let us forever love ! Then heaven itself will either fall Or we rise up above. Oh Love ! Oh Love that never dies ! Oh Love that overflows ! Within our bosoms gently rise And feed these infant glows. THE REJECTED'S FAITH. There's just as good fish in the sea As ever yet were taken; There's just as sweet fruit on the tree As ever down was shaken; There's brighter seraphs in the sky Than mortals have beholden; There's dearer maidens by and by; So wait the season golden. HOME SONGS 107 A LOVER'S SONG. The maiden of my summer dreams I met one happy morn, When suns of love were pouring streams And golden joys were born. A nature from the azure skies, A rainbow purity; The spirit in her liquid eyes Soft beamed and smiled on me. That smile it filled me with delight And fed my heart for days; I wished but just another sight That on my vision plays. We met and Oh her voice divine Was music to my ear ! Her words and their sweet soul enshrine Echoed as from a sphere. Again we met, and her soft hand Was friendshipped in my own; I felt some magic spirit band Their influence round had thrown. It thrilled my spirit to the deep; It crimsoned cheek and brow; It woke a thousand thoughts from sleep And vowed the sacred vow. Still deeper, deeper in my heart This angel came with bliss; I gave my best immortal part, Betrothed her with a kiss. I throned her on my spirit's throne, And crowned her with my joy; So finding hope before unknown, Strength, truth and high employ. 108 HOME SONGS When pass again the winter's gloom And yonder azures smile, When birds will sing and flowers will bloom I'll lead her up the aisle When youth and maidens gladness bring And envy me or pine, My heart with raptures new will sing "Mine ! Mine ! Forever mine !" Upon these earthly golden heights Still more and more my own ! When yonder 'mid the starry lights Still mine and mine alone ! Through life and loss and pain and tears Love grows though all decline; Somewhere amid the golden spheres "Mine ! Mine ! Forever mine !" A WOMAN'S WAY. "Oh dear, this daily round I hate ! The same old things, the same ! Oh for a change by any fate ! I'd even change my name !" "All right !" the youth replied, "I'll change, And change it into mine. Oh come ! Together let us range And feed this hungry pine." "You ! You ! Oh such a thing as you ! Such a rag, a scrap, a patch ! The last man on the earth would do Before with you I'd match." Later we passed a cottage neat; A singing soul espied. "Who is that happy heart we greet?" "Oh! That's Miss B. the bride." HOME SONGS 109 THE ANNIVERSARY. What ! To-night the return of the night that was brightest Through years of thy youth and the hopes of thy heart ; When love crowned in blossoms and robed in the whitest Her soul and its trust in thy own did impart. Are the bright forms of memory enchanting and streaming Now thawing thy heart and inspiring thy mind? May the hopes and the joys and the sweetness and dreaming Flow down on thy soul till thy tears do unbind. Behold in yon window are bunches of roses For beauty and music and praise and delight; But hers the divinest that toward thee ne'er closes Has not worn thy rose since that long bridal night. Then pick out the whitest or those that are turning To faintest fine yellow and sprinkled with dew, Or some with red tingeing as if a heart burning With love that was crimson would waken thine new. On branches the greenest now bear home thy roses; Her bosom will lend them a beauty most rare; When flowers of a heart on another reposes They blossom and fragrance as no other where. Oh what is this warming and melting and flowing That circles thy heart like a draught of sweet wine? If dreams of our past have such sweetness and glowing Oh what would love have if it knew no decline? See ! She waits at the window. Is she the same maiden That day filled thy mind and high swelled it with pride ? The warm heart and loving can see a soul laden If but with a thought and though smiles it would hide. 110 HOME SONGS She catches the brightness and soft liquid gleaming That love in the heart flings out through the eyes. Its lightning contagion has waked the old dreaming When every return brought her sweeter surprise. Now bring out the roses ; the roses whose passion Has wide channels been for deep feeling most blest; With manner and motion in true lover fashion Pin them on her heart and her deep heaving breast. Sit down by the fender before the coal burning; Draw her to thy side and deep into thy heart, As a lover long distant and now in returning His loved one enclasps as no more to depart. Free murmur thy heart, for the heart's deep emotion Can find the sweet thoughts and the still sweeter tones; 'Twill be life to her heart to unseal the devotion That deep in thy spirit her spirit enthrones. Tell how the heart fountains afresh have been broken That love from its pledges of truth should decline. That time should engross thee to give no new token Of her that is dearer than all undivine. Ask first to forgive for the heart's hidden sorrow Of love's unexpected and partial eclipse; As each summer sun is surpassed by the morrow Thy heart should grow warmer and flow from thy lips. Thy silence and coldness in coming and going Have cast on her heart, doubt, fear, strife and pain ; But just drop a tear and her heart's overflowing Forgives and rejoices and calls loss a gain. Tell how in thy heart is a mansion most golden, With deep granite base and with high splendored dome; And blessings and beauties no mortals beholden Are centered and queened in who makes it a home. HOME SONGS 111 Tell how thy deep passions oft round her are flowing With foaming and sparkling and murmuring joy; While populous thought's winged, mounting and glowing Look up in her face in thy deepest employ. She should know that her image oft round thee is winging In street and in hall and in gain's busy mart, With sweetness and shining and gladness and singing To the something divine that dwells deep in thy heart. Oh has not that image upon thee cast beauty ! And led out thy mind to the splendors of light! Oh has it not throned and enmajestied duty Supreme and sublime on the dazzling height ! Has it not stemmed the currents that round thee were sweeping Of darkness and power and incitements to crime? Hast thou not felt its strong but mysterious keeping And passed the dark flood to a safe sunny clime? Has not her white presence with power afar banished The dark forms of sense that arose on thy mind? And sanctified manhood when these had all vanished Have virtues beheld of the high heaven's kind. Has it not made thee thoughtful and patient and gentle ! Has it not taught thee kindness to man and to beast ! Has it no visions brought thee of God the parental Who mothers all souls from the first to the least ! Thy heart's alabaster again be unbroken; Its fragrance and sweetness and healing be poured With tones and sweet touch and with heart prompted token, In hers who all sweetness in thine has instored. Oh tell it out free ! for the speech will unburden The tensions of fear and the doubtings of love; Such weakness is strength and thy spirit will girden With powers that descend to thy soul from above. 112 HOME SONGS Her heart into thine will afresh pour its treasure, The divine soul in both will burst forth like a fount, From the height it descends will be the vast measure To which on its bosom both spirits will mount. Then, Oft pick out the roses when home thou art turning The roses of beauty and odor divine; Pin them on her heart and both hearts anew burning Will know what love has when it knows no decline. THE NEW ADVICE. "If you would keep your husband's love And find the fruitful root Of virtues all, below, above, Then feed, just feed the brute." "If you would have a wife divine, A heavenly kingdom rule, The all for which man's heart can pine, Then dress, just dress the fool." WOMAN. A little flash, A little dash, A little cash, And most of women go in smash. HOME SONGS 113 THE BEST BABY. Oh what a sweet celestial birth ! Oh what a babe divine ! Oh what a lovers' blossomed mirth Filling their hearts with wine ! Such holy face and light within Outbursting in a smile; And brow with purity from sin Or faintest trace of guile; Such eyes of soft divinest power For God is in their gaze ; And lips more dear and sweet, than flower Or music-song can praise; Such pansy- velvet flushing cheek; Soft hands and dimpled chin; Oh ye for joy no more may seek For all joy here ye win ! On afternoons in summer hours My heart knows where to stray, I see the nurses with love's flowers Light up life's shadowed way. Though gazing in each baby face I took each part divine, United them with perfect grace It ne'er could match with thine. In dreams I've seen a baby bright And called it, "Mine ! Oh mine !" As dreams fly far when hope takes flight The baby best is thine. "Oh Mr. Nimmo ! My young heart Leaps up with rainbow light; From each sweet golden drop, doth start New joys toward heaven bright. Within my soul angels are singing Almost delirious mirth; 114 HOME SONGS Such echoes dear around me ringing Drowns deep the noise of earth. I knew your words would greet my song; The pure unselfish youth By instinct high is far from wrong And utters only truth, I sing to friends, husband and brother, 'This is the world's best birth, And may around be seen no other Of such beauty, joy and worth,' 'Tis so; no cloud my heart can doubt; With other babes set mine, And every eye will single out A babe as bright as thine. But hold ! Have I not heard you sing With baby in your breast, And as you soared on joyous wing Oft echoed back: 'Best! Best!' When your own Tom and sister Mary Returned home to be blessed, The elfish boy and curly fairy You praised and called each best. Of every babe you say the same; Oh ! May not your heart of youth Be shadowed by a mother's blame; Now tell the honest truth." Calm, calm thy jealous heart my child ! Let love be large, divine ! A mother's heart I ne'er beguiled, The baby best is thine. For babies are like springtime's birth, Or golden summer light; Or those ripe joys of autumn's mirth, Or winter's starry night; Like clouds of richest sunset ray, Or rainbows round the storm; HOME SONGS 115 Or plumed throats' enraptured lay, Or flowers with hearts most warm; Like silver moons in limped lakes, Or music round the sea; Or light from maiden brow that breaks, Or stories of the free; Like beauty in her flushing joy, And all things most divine; Like all whose presence calms annoy, Whose absence makes us pine; These souls possess a magic dower, And each and all are blest; When held within each charming power The last one is the best. A WISH. My Dear! Just read that foolish line. Oh womankind are mad ! The only thing that is divine Is folly fashion clad. From reason's virtues now divorced To folly they are wed; And round her circles ever forced And by her daily fed. They need no character today. Oh anything in pants ! A monkey and a monkey's play And money them entrance. As man by gold, so womanness By nothing now is bought; A nothing in an evening dress And thousands may be caught. 116 HOME SONGS The folly of their fashion's dress, Of idle vanity, Of pleasure, pride and wealthiness Is like insanity. I half believe what Darwin thought; For sure such foolishness, Is just a monkey little taught And togged up in a dress. The old ideal womankind, A helpmate unto man, A helpmate which the heavens find To build their noblest plan, Is shattered now or laughed away, Or lying in the dust; Like and unlike a child at play For folly all is thrust. To make a home was once an art; She mothered true the young, With God and heaven in her heart And gladness on her tongue. The home it was a glory then; The mother crowned with fame; Oh dark the dark eclipses when Her glory is her shame ! Another spirit has the throne; Another has the heart; Whom both the good and wise disown And from her far depart. Oh anything but want of thought And moral earnestness ! Oh anything but want of thought And foolish effervesce! HOME SONGS 117 So when I see as I must see By word and ear and look, I scorn them far and wander free By forest, field or brook; I leave, I leave them far behind, And wander on my way; But here I pause and for my kind My wishing heart obey. Oh is there not a world divine ! A world of men alone ! With woman banished o'er the line, Or better, never known ! How many and many a man in this ! By woman's folly free, Has wished just such a bower of bliss Where starry spaces be. In such a world creation's lord Grows up unto his plan; Unfolding all within him poured, The noble world of man. Oh world of young and happy boys ! Oh bright aspiring youth ! Oh manhood's prime which nought destroys ! Oh hoary sires of truth ! Oh what a world of manhood's height! Oh bright celestial race ! Oh men ! Oh men ! ye rich bedight Thy very things with grace. To think of thee in but a dream Oh how the passions pine ! To feel thy presence on us stream Is sense and hope divine. 118 HOME SONGS If wish can prophecy what is, There must be in the sky- Just such a world, and Oh the bliss To hold it in the eye ! Is that it yonder shining there? I'll spread my eagle wings ! I'll trust the vision shining fair ! I'll follow where it brings ! I'm rising to the world of men; The vision grows more clear; The earth is falling off my ken; And larger grows the sphere. Oh noble world ! Oh noble world Of boys and youth and man ! Of all the worlds around me whirled No brighter do I scan. Ye envy me my noble peers Whom I must leave behind; But I'll remember in the spheres And soon come back you'll find. Oh ! then ye all shall go with me, We'll leave the sisterhood; We hope that they will better be But we'll grow as we should. Let hope now ante-date the day, Our joys they overflow; Oh world of womanhood away ! Away ! Away we go ! Your follies now we free forgive ! Repent ! Repent we pray ! Oh world of men forever live ! Away ! Away ! Away ! HOME SONGS 119 There, there my dear, don't look so glum ; Nor murmur eye or lip; For when I go I'll say "Come ! Come ! Come, join me in my trip." Since we have met not very far From each we've been below; So when I wing to that bright star Beloved thou shalt go. But hold ! Oh hold ! I'll take that back ! That pledge I'll hold in fee ! A gathering cloud around my track Debates and pauses me. There's danger in that happy joy To them and you and me; I'll leave thee here and after cloy Come back again to thee. One woman when the world began Made all our sorrows stream; One woman in the world of man Oh who would dare to dream! Thy spirit new before their eyes Would kindle all aglow. Such envy for a single prize Would more than sorrows sow. Alone among those kingly peers Admired and praised by all; Oh listen with your spirit ears ! Do whispers on them fall? Of woman's sin, her vanity; Of woman's wish, a thrall; Of woman's pride, insanity In those that round her fall? 120 HOME SONGS And I who love thee as my life, And life is more than heart, From that high world to this of strife In silence would depart. When fallen from a golden throne, When broke the eagle's wing, Deserted, wandering and alone, Oh who could soar and sing? No ! No my dear ! When there I go, I'll leave thee here behind. I'll leave thee in the vales I know Where I again can find. I'ld lose a throne and diadem, All stars that gem the blue, The royal spirits crowning them Before I would lose you. Away Oh dream ! Oh come to me ! Thou art my heart's delight! My heart shall ever stay with thee Oh angel of my sight ! Farewell ! Farewell uncertain light ! These scraps of men be thine ! The world pure womanhoods bedight, These worlds and thou be mine ! HOME SONGS 121 THE BABY SHOW. A half a dozen mothers met Upon a summer day; And tender in the shade were set The births that made the day. The babes that made the day for them And made the sun a paltry gem, Were cradled there And each was fair As lovers' eyes could wish or bear. Each baby's praise was said and sung In words of warmest fire; No poet with delirious tongue Could equal their inspire. The lover and the loved one lives Where all is bright superlatives. The mother heart Has love's best art And round her babe does all impart. At last the youngest said and smiled; "Let's have a baby show." I know the thought that her beguiled Though love would hide it low. "Agreed ! Agreed !" the chorus sung, And toward their infants instant sprung. The prize, the prize Was in each eyes Nor dreamed how doubt could here arise. 122 HOME SONGS A maid to me the most divine By chance she came along; I called the mothers to the line And told to her the song. Now she'll be judge and so decide Between your fondness and your pride; For hearts that feel And drunken reel How could they such a claim now seal ? Such looks of hot contempt and flame, And words of sharpest fire, From lips and eyes and faces came, I shook before their ire. But Oh upon my bride divine ! Fell epithets of salted brine; Until we fled But still we said: We'll see the show that love has led. Each promised to impartial be; Each flung away her pride; Each scorned the honor she could see; Each from her hope untied; Truth, truth shall tell what babe is best In looks and health and all the rest Of baby wiles And angel smiles And promises that love beguiles. Each looked into each baby face, Right down into the heart, And every named and nameless grace Fixed on her mental chart. Then here and there, round, to and fro, Compared the points the others show; Life's lightest things On fairy springs Were balanced till the judgment wings. HOME SONGS 123 A silence deep, and then was cast A most momentous note; The solemn truth was written fast For history in a vote: Each mother when the vote was read Wore victory on her flaming head, For just one vote Had every note, No two alike in that same boat. No evidence did bend a vote So much as by a hair, Though every mother thought each note Would her own judgment share. Oh how could any babe outshine The angel of each heart divine? It were a shame Such perfect claims Against each other thus to frame. Oh every mother's babe is best ! None can with it compare; She has a dream and found it blest With all her heart can bear. Though money, fashion, pleasure, power, Fill for the most the mortal hour, The mother true Has visions new Far deeper than we others view. Oh every mother's own is best ! She sees beneath the veil; The eyes of joy and love are blest To see where others fail: That something more is bound in this, A something that the others miss; A vital start From her own heart That never can from her depart. 124 HOME SONGS Say "Love is foolish, deaf and blind ; Young mothers but insane; All these bright fancies rich and kind Around the heart and brain, Are reasonless and but the fruit Of nature's strong unconscious root:" The baby best From all the rest Is just that one upon her breast. 'Tis more than most unbounded wealth ; It scorneth poverty; More priceless than all priceless health, And more if sick it be. In marble dome or cottage home Where ever through the earth we roam Of every birth That wakes our mirth Each mother folds the one of worth. Oh well for mother! Well for child! Oh well for earth oppressed ! That ere we are by sin defiled And wander sore distressed, A heart inlaid with softest love, With something like the heart above, Doth us receive When first we leave The heart alas how few retrieve ! Oh heart of high supremest love ! Oh heart within the heart ! Though high within thy heavens above Before us sure Thou art. For us Thou didst prepare the breast And something from Thy own impressed, But shall Thy heart Now as we art Receive us when we hence depart? HOME SONGS 125 YOUNG MOTHERHOOD. Young Motherhood ! Young Motherhood ! How oft ye cross my way ! Like visits of the high and good Ye fill our common day. Ye float before my spirit's eyes With something of the azure skies, As flowers of earth At springtime's birth Bring dreams of something past their worth. My eyes rejoice when e'er we meet, What be the time or place; Within the home or on the street Thou always art a grace. Through golden noon and starry night Ye are a vision on my sight; But this the best, When on thy breast Thy loved one smiles in slumbers blest. Thou art the very dream we would ! A spirit most divine ! Thou crownest every earthly good And blessings round thee twine. This is rich heaven's royal seal Upon thy nature's high ideal, And her endower Of every power Is focused in thy passioned hour. 126 HOME SONGS Thou art a virtue that doth show The virtues that abide. Oh is there sight in earth below Like heaven's chosen bride ! When such a bride God's loan and gift Into her passioned breast doth lift, The mortal veil Doth off me sail And God the mother heart I hail. And even when not perfect pure There's virtue in thy breast. The sparks divine thou dost secure And feed them with the best. Thy infant is and with it brings Something of heaven and holy things ; And in the fire Of this desire Thy heart must feel the first inspire. A world has passed away from thee; A world of time and sense; Deceptions, shadows, pagentry, Excitements and pretense. That world has passed thee as a dream Swift dancing down a sunny stream; But let it go, What dream can show A living heart with love in flow? Another world has dawned on thee Of love and light within; Another world, eternity Untouched by death and sin. What hosts of dreams and vital hopes Dress kingly life's ascending slopes ! What forms of light In beauty bright Come from thy heart and all bedight ! HOME SONGS 127 Thou art not of this earthly show Of fashion, pleasure, pride; Thou art a glory here below ! A mother, wife and bride ! The Giver of each perfect gift Unto himself our lives would lift; And in thy heart With vital art Reveals his deep divinest part. What sweet content! What sacrifice! What calm and faith and joy! What happiness ! What paradise ! What wisdom and employ ! New virtues now of nobler worth Comes forth in thee with thy young birth; Nor sweeter grows, Nor warmer glows The morning sun or evening rose. Thine eyes are toward the coming years, Thy plans are reaching far, Thy thoughts are climbing golden spheres, Thy purpose to a star. What poetry of magic art Is born within thy dreaming heart, To so create A royal state As round a prince of monarchs great ! Thy ceaseless care and gentle might, To see it full unfold, It is a pleasure to the sight As mortal eyes behold. The softest and the tenderest Doth o'er the weak and slenderest Of spirits frail And features pale With passions deep most gently sail. 128 HOME SONGS How oft upon the summer street My eyes have such beheld; Though passing as a shadow fleet My heart was touched and welled. That tenderness and soft caress, That look divine and gentle press, Through selfish strife With sorrows rife It struck the rock and out flowed life. The nobler men whom thou dost meet Rejoice in thee and thine; They breathe a prayer that passes fleet Straight to the heart divine. "Oh all supreme and mother love ! Protect them from Thy throne above; Surround them with Thy ceaseless care And both upon Thy bosom bear. Most, most from sin, Without, within, Oh shelter them till heaven they win!" And many a man within his breast That sense the same has felt; A hidden something none has guessed His icy bosom melt. When thee and thine their eyes behold The sealed-up heart doth free unfold, Till deeps divine Unbidden pine "Would such were mine ! Mine ! Only mine V Oh empty heart ! Oh empty heart ! For self were none create. And none their best can ere impart Till heart has found its mate; And hearts will never find their mates Till God the heart anew creates; When making new He maketh two Both complements high, pure and true. HOME SONGS 129 Though now alone and far apart, All loves together run; Ye soon shall meet and heart to heart Forever more be one. Soft angels from the crystal spheres Shall bring thee faith and prayer and tears; And round this vine Thy hearts shall twine And grow up in the love divine. BECAUSE MY DEAR IT'S YOU. Oh listen now beloved wife! Anew my harp I string; Oh thou who are my life of life Another song I'll sing! Another song for earth's annoy My spirit doth impart; Oh crimson love ! Oh turtle dove ! Now listen at your heart. When on the summer's golden street I meet a maid divine Whose spirit pure and glad and sweet Doth through her body shine : White crystal soul and liquid voice, Soft eyes and youth's endew, I see and meet her with rejoice, Because my dear it's you. My eagle eye where'er she be Knows when her love awakes; When worlds like sunrise on the sea Within her bosom breaks. The gladness which the dreams above Can never know or near, I hail with joy and share her love, Because it's you my dear. 130 HOME SONGS And when one leads her up the aisle With orange blossoms crowned, When more than summer heavens smile And more than raptures bound, When granite strength and tenderness Are joined forever true, The bride, the bride thy heart can guess Because my dear it's you. When then they form a little home, A paradise divine; And round the queen from yonder dome Soft angel hearts entwine; For these who'd wish a world's domain Though blessed without a tear? I'd barter such and count it gain For you and them my dear. When e'er I hear a kingly man Sing praises of his wife, Extol the Planner and the plan That joined her to his life; Such thought and feeling fill the pause Of life with music new; I echo long the loud applause, Because my dear it's you. And when the poet from his mind A form divine creates, With every virtue rich entwined That sorrow contemplates ; I gaze upon the matchless grace And bless him saint and seer; Then quick my soul doth her embrace Because it's you my dear. HOME SONGS 131 When high before him the throne of light Vast spirits I behold, Arrayed in royal purple bright Or crimson, white or gold; From seraph ranks or from the bride, Whose splendors blind the view, I choose the one just at my side Because my dear it's you. In heaven and earth, through space or time Of all eternity, While being's starry goal I climb I still will dream of thee. When mounting up the golden streets Of each discovered sphere, The best beloved my spirit greets It will be you my dear. All hail redeeming high Triune ! Redeemed from self and sin; With Thee and Thine to rich commune Thy grace has gathered in. The heart that will with Thee envine, Come ! Come Oh soul and see ! Shall find itself and souls divine To all eternity. 132 HOME SONGS BOYHOOD'S HOME. I wish I were a boy again In childhood's happy home ! I see it perfect in my ken, Though far from it I roam. The house stands yonder on the hill, The garden and the flowers, With cosy rooms and love to kill My daily wearied powers. Though poor it had a sweet content, A pleasure, hope and peace, For heaven had "round about it lent Good health with largest lease. Oh home ! Thou art of earth most blest ! Home, thou art nearest heaven ! And more to-day, since this lost heart Beats on through night and levin. I've passed to here from place to place; From house to house depart; But never found the happy grace That makes thee what thou art. For years and years I've wandered round ; I live but have no home ; I seek, but never yet have found The place for which I roam. How often through night's lighted panes Thy image springs on me ! What love ! What peace ! What happy strains ! Who has not longed for thee? I envy not the rich and great Their gifts of power and place; The poor man's more than royal state Of home I would embrace. I wish I were a boy again ! I'm weary with life's roam ! I wish my heart could rest as when It did in boyhood's home ! HOME SONGS 13J THE WHISTLING GIRL. Oh the whistling girl is the girl for me ! So happy, so bright and so charmingly free; With her heart most full and an overflow Like a crystal stream or the winds that blow. A heart that is full of delirious life Will unfold itself in harmonious strife; Be a strange combine of a girl and a boy And them both at once in their wildest joy. The elements rich of the pure and free Like the fountains burst in their gurgling glee; And what a surprise that the heart of life Through the maid should sing as a whistling fife. We will name not now the piccolo notes Which the instrument on the evening floats; And the whistling breath of the artist's lips May the simple play of the maid eclipse. Her notes may not rival the bird that mocks The cage or the branch that her passion rocks; Nor the piping sound of her sisters fair Should we measure now with her artless air. But the bristling pride of the neighbor's boy She will often shame, and her bubbling joy Will cast on the wind an echoing laugh, That is borne away like the flakes of chaff. The mother may fret and the father scold At the tom-boy girl and her nature bold, For the family line with its long uncurl Was never disgraced with a whistling girl. 134 HOME SONGS And the uncles come and they smile or stare, And the aunties come and are bowed with care, And the cousins come when they hear the fame Of the whistling girl who is past all shame. The gossiping few that are always found, Behold her and hear and they gather round; On the lips, the lips, what a burdened sigh? But the heart and eye they are double dry. Oh the whistling girl ! Oh the whistling girl ! How the faded maid and the jilted churl, Turn the heart and ear that her unbefriend, And whisper the story of some "bad end." Oh leave her alone ! Let her childish heart Find a free express in all innocent art. For a sight like that in a world like this Were a parent's joy and a poet's bliss. Oh leave her alone, for the poet said To such blighting souls whom the night had fed : "The girls that whistle like hens that crow Will make their way wherever they go." They will make their way as the birds that sing After winter's blight in the happy spring Make way with a song to our hungry ears And open the fount of our healing tears. They will make their way as the morning lark Doth rise from the vale and the shadows dark, And above the hills in the sun's first rays Unburdens her heart in delirious praise. They will make their way as a few stray notes From a wife or a child or a loved one floats On the heart of man, and the strength of life Is engirded strong for the day of strife. HOME SONGS 135 They will make their way as a sinless child Can enter the heart of the sin denied, And banish the sorrow of long dark years And inspire a hope in the midst of fears. "They will make their way to the woman's years With a grace beloved but seldom appears Both a heart and mind that is poised at rest And in blessing all is the one most blessed. "They will make their way to a noble heart And receiving it will the more impart. Both a hope unknown and a faith divine And a helping life that will upward twine. Oh the whistling girl is the girl for me ! For the kind of fruit in the bud I see. Go ! Go my song and behold the sight ! Then kiss her for me to thy heart's delight. THE WIFE'S RETURN. The wife came home to-night, And with her came the day That shineth round her bright And with her went away. The blossoms, trees and wind And all of nature sighed ; The day grew sudden blind, And starless night did ride Upon my heart and mind When steamed away my bride. 136 HOME SONGS But since she has come home I'm happy as can be. The murmuring wine doth foam With drunken extacy. My brain is all on fire, My heart is full of love, And eyes have their desire. The happy madness of The heavens and inspire Rains on me from above. I'm wrapped in dreams to-night ! I'm in a dream of bliss ! Our courtship at its height A desert were to this ! A dream within a dream ! And the dream divinely blest, For beside me in the gleam A more than bridal guest, That brings a summer stream Into my winter breast. Light up the windows wide ! Throw blinds and curtains back ! And let the brightness ride Into the darkness black. Oh light up every pane And brighten every room ! Let light and gladness reign And banish every gloom ! Let the house be like a fane The souls of light illume. HOME SONGS 137 Oh call the neighbors in ! We'll kill the fatted calf! Call all my kith and kin To see my "better half" ! We'll spill the oldest wine And feast on ripest fruits; Uncork the hearts benign With joy and song that suits; Make this return divine With wedding magic flutes. Oh let the music play ! Call the musicians in ! Give them a place, I pray, Piano, violin ! I'm nimble as the snipes, As swallows on the wing; I could wave the stars and stripes And dance the highland fling; I could play the tartan pipes And in the Gallic sing. I'm richer than a king! I'm larger than a lord ! Thrones and empires I could fling Like pennies from a hoard ! Here is the poet's lyre ! Life's royal robes of might ! Here is the heart of fire, Crown, scepter, jewels bright ! You may take your best desire If you leave my soul's delight. 138 HOME SONGS A man that has a wife, A home that's full of love, He is the king of life, And heir to more above. A man with such a wife His heaven has begun. He is more than king of life And can walk or fly or run. Has his victory in the strife And "a mortgage on the sun." Soul Songs HOW SWIFT OUR LIFE ! How swift! How swift our life is run And we give up this breath ! 'Tis just one circle of the sun And we lie down in death. As full of hope as morn of life We come to front the years; We turn us mangled by the strife And torn by grief and fears. Sweet, soft and calm and innocent We come forth to the light; Most guilty, wretched and misspent We pass on out of sight. How swift! How swift our life is run And we give up this breath ! 'Tis just one circle of the sun And we lie down in death. DRIVEN. 'Tis up and down and o'er the world, Around and here and there, Dark, tempest driven, tossed and whirled From port to port of care: We voyage thus the sea of life Till stormy wind and wave Upon death's shore in mortal strife Doth cast us for the grave. 140 SOUL SONGS OUR LIFE. A little moment's play With simple toys; Dreams, dreams for many a day Songs, hopes and joys. An hour of selfish toil; Work, eat and sleep; Gain, loss and grief and soil In all we reap. Our work and we ere noon Sleep neath the grass; Our names from night and noon As shadows pass. AN APPEAL. "No ! I won't go to hear that man preach again. I've heard enough. Every time I hear the speech Of one of these impassioned, terrifying men, A something strange doth to my spirit reach And shakes my world of hopes to chaos. They preach Against the world and time; or 'gainst the straws Of money, dress or pleasure. With fire they teach Abstract principles, impossible laws, Doubtful ideals, or strange beseech By sacrifice that seems to have no cause, And thrust me in the dark with strange unreasoned awes." SOUL SONGS 141 "Every time I hear one of these men preach, They preach me out of my religion. My hopes Of heaven and the confidence I teach My heart to hold beneath the frowning copes Of time they tear right out of soul that opes To them in spite of me. Beneath their blight My spirit seems swift driven down the slopes Of life, and when I leave them their fiery sight Doth follow me. After, when my blindness gropes For some support their thunders on me light, Or else a mighty flash wakes wide the void of night." "Besides, they fulminate against the churches And slander her with bitter poison stings. Exalted high on their self-righteous perches They think themselves as angels; and us, things Of dirt. They think that no one has the springs Of goodness but their own elected few. Our minister, to whom my reverence clings, Does not espouse these teachings that are new. He said to me: 'Enthusiasm brings The inharmonious, disproportioned true; But better far to hold the 'rounded truth' in view.' " "Oh prophets, priests and poets ! Oh divine And noblest natures that adorn the earth ! Oh spirits high impassioned with a wine Of life far purer than our mortal birth ! Oh oracles on whom the light doth shine The secret truths of high celestial worth ! My spirit doors of sorrow and of mirth I open wide and entrance loud beseech; From base to cope, from centre to the girth Of all my life I urge on ye to preach Your inmost heart to mine in most unvarnished speech." 142 SOUL SONGS "Soft, velvet words may fill your mouths of truth When there is need, but now speak forth your fire Unto my heart. No false or deadly ruth Restrain the strength of your celestial choir Though me it blast as life doth blast our youth. If consciousness unfathoms thy require, If character dishonors thy inspire, If aught there be rebellious to the light, If ill be hid in motive or desire, Oh preach me out of my religion ! Oh blight My hopes forever ! The hopes of my delight Oh quench them as the storms oft quench the stars of night !" "And Thou, Oh Death! Thou Prince and Power of darkness ! Thou Sorrow ! Silence ! Reverence and Repose ! With uncompassioned hand, Oh tear the dress Of time asunder ! this dress of mortal shows. Speak ! Speak to me with the undivided stress Of all Thou art, and all thy kingdom knows Of life and the last change it undergoes. Since untold hosts thy presence undeceives At the last hour, now ere my mortal close Tear the lie from my right hand, although it leaves Defenceless, blind and lost and hell itself receives." "Oh disenthrall and disembody me From all that blinds or warps me from the sense To feel and know what I must shortly be ! Oh pass me through thy last experience Though spirit yet from body is not free ! And plant me face to face before the whence? And why? and what? that underlies this dense Insensibility, and stands blank before Earth's blindness and her vain and proud pretense. Oh unrobe thy naked presence I implore, And by the truth Thou art destroy the false I store !" SOUL SONGS 143 "Both Life and Death and Ministers between There is no exposition of the laws Can be too straight, and no application lean So heavy as to give the least cause Of complaint. Oh preach the truth: life's unseen Alabaster purity, that awes The senseless, blind contaminated flaws Of nature ! Here is my conscience : her enthrone And vitalize to hear ye with applause ! Truth the strongest, straightest, sternest ever known, Oh speak unto her heart that never can disown !" "Oh Angel of the judgement! Thou presidest Over life and death ; over all of man, His word and deed and even what residest In his sub-conscious heart, Oh speak as when In Thy tremendous hour Thou decidest The disentangled issues of this den Of wickedness ! Now unto me as then, Oh speak thy all to my receptive heart By thunder voice, by blinding lightning ken, Or all the awful presence that thou art ! In silence now I wait and merciless impart." "My life resolve into its primal elements, And deepen consciousness until it feels The trifles mere the conscience unpresents, Since of a word the solemn record peals. How earth and time and my false heart dements Me from the truth ! But now my spirit kneels Before the awful presence that reveals The heart unto itself. Oh place me in the fire ! The fire whose strength the inmost soul unseals; The secret heart of motive and desire, Which never till thy hour dreamed they could life inspire." 144 SOUL SONGS "What multitudes from this dark clouded clime With firmest hope went straight unto Thy hour! One blinding glance from eyes of light sublime Striking the conscience did instant disendower Their spirits from the highest thrones of time. When natures of such wide reputed power Are workers of iniquity, Oh tower Of truth ! White indignation against sin ! Glowing shekinah fire ! Come and devour All sin in me ! Burn, burn it out ! Burn in The naked fact I am is all my heart would win." Oh most sublime Eternity ! Thou Altitudinal spirit of the spaces ! Forever great, forever true, so now Thou watchest all in being's mystic races. Within the seed, far, far before the plow Thou seest what the hidden germ embraces, The harvest vast of virtues or disgraces. Ten thousand times thine eyes have seen the law - Of finite life unfold in all its places, So Thou art wise ; thy wisdom, truth and awe Up to thy shadowed form my mortal heart doth draw." "Oh is there aught within the depths of space As close or deeper than this law of right ? In all the boundlessness of time I face Ahead, Oh ! Is there yet a moral height Beyond this sense of duty that doth grace My heart, and her imaginations bright Which conscience quick stings forth into the night? Justice, truth, Tightness and purity Form the earth's foundations, and bedight The wide expansive heavens. Oh can there be Another base and height, sweep and intensity?" SOUL SONGS 145 "All that thou art, art thou not here below This mortal life, the strength of all we be? Can these high natures change when hence we go, When life is now the very life of thee? If there be found after this sense we throw A stronger grip, fiercer intensity In those vast laws that. ever rule the free, That grip, tension and comprehensiveness, Oh bring them now and fix them fast on me ! The passioned heart of all thy laws no less Then their wide circumference deep deep upon me press/* "And Thou, Oh God ! I lift my last appeal To Thee; for Thou art sovereign and supreme O'er life and death, and Thy hand doth unseal The visions from the prophet's land of dream. Deep underneath eternity we fell Thou art; and as the vital airy stream Is round the earth, and all her natures teem With atmospheric life, so Thou art round And penetrateth all creation. The seem Of life deceives by sense and sight and sound; We live and move in Thee; Thou art the spirit's ground." "All powers and laws that are, or ever can be Laid upon this mortal immortality Surround me now forever more in Thee. Speak ! Speak with the unformality Of life, and with an earnestness be free Though it seem to my blind heart brutality. Thou knowest not the self's partiality So what Thou art Thou surely shalt reveal And so make known my own finality. My spirit ears their deafness Oh unseal ! And quicken my dead heart that what it hears to feel. 146 SOUL SONGS "Oh plant the base of this deep universe ! Thy own essential life, Oh plant it right Beneath my soul ! and though it write a curse, Thy perpendicular Oh raise unto the height Of infinite perfection ! and so reverse The moral judgements of this surrounding night Of ignorance and sin. Level, plumb, square and sight My naked spirit by what Thou truly art In Thy high heaven of pure effulgent light ! Since Thy first sense did visit my dark heart I've wished alone for Thee and more of truth's impart/' "Not only of Thy love to me reveal, For well I know my heart can sore abuse This revelation that the virtuous doth seal Unto Thyself. Glowing holiness infuse Into Thy love and so preserve the weal Of both ; but all the former I would choose Before this true self-knowledge I would loose. Be round about me as a seven-fold fire ! Consume my sins ! Harmonize me to the thews Of holiness ! The infinite requires Of Thee and of Thy law is what my soul desires." "Upon this one conviction of my heart Which was and is my spirit's starry pole; That Thou wilt show and lead to what Thou art The sinful life that knows no other goal, My spirit now will rest. The best impart Of life has been from Thee; and the years that roll Their changes on me Thy grace will still control To teach my heart the lessons most divine. - Small was the price although it was my whole I paid to learn what sin I did enshrine; All other price I gladly pay to learn life's larger line." SOUL SONGS 147 PETER TAUGHT. "Before the cock crow this day twice Thou, Peter, shall deny me thrice Before men all; For thou a stranger to thy heart Must first be taught just what thou art By fearful fall." "Though all should Thee in fear deny, I swear before the Lord, not I ! I will be true ! I'll dare man's power and scorn and hate ! My Lord ! My God ! I'll choose my fate, I'll die for you!" "Enough ! Enough ! Wait well the time ! These oaths do but increase thy crime ; But prayers prevail; And after thou art turned again, Oh strengthen thou thy fellow-men Whom sins assail." Oh well we know ! All round the world Has Peter's thrice denial been hurled; But few have learned The living truth of Peter's fall, Though in the hearts and lives of all It must be burned. From nature's state of ignorance, From self and all self confidence, We must awake. The world and all things are combined To quicken the immortal mind And moral make. 148 SOUL SONGS The soul unto itself must come, Or can it be but deaf and dumb Unto another? Self knowledge unto heaven towers, And walks among these mortal powers As life's best brother. We must come up: stand face to face: Measure time's strength, and under base This world of strife. Can promise, power or progress be If we are blind or partial see The truths of life? Far deeper, deeper we must go Until we find the life below; The heart and brain Must strike their root; kick out the ground Until the living rock is found That doth sustain. Brought to ourselves, to life and God ! How few ! How few are wise and awed ! The dragon's tooth, That tears us through these mortal years Of falls, disgraces, shame and tears, Teaches the truth. Then we can come to God and give Ourselves to Him. Then we can live; Be pure and free. Then we can triumph o'er the curse, Then can crown with glorious verse Eternity. Oh wise ! Oh wise ! Divinely wise 'Bove colleges or books, the eyes That lightning scan The nature, powers, motives, and deeps That hide within life's secret keeps, The heart of man. SOUL SONGS 149 A BOY AGAIN. "I wish I were a boy again I" Keeps coming in my mind; The more I live and move with men The more I look behind. A something strange, yet strong and clear, Like echoes from the past, Like love now lost but still more dear Those times upon me cast. Oh times ! Oh times forever flown ! Oh days forever dear ! The farther from me ye are thrown The closer ye come near. Thy memories cast their magic spell Upon my heart and mind, And visions bright as poets tell The mortal hour doth blind. Ye were the angels of the morn With golden raiment clad; Your locks and wings were never shorn, Your hearts and faces glad. Ye were the spirits most divine; Ye made a heaven of earth, And lifted up the sparkling wine To me with beaded mirth. But now as meteors of the sky Ye most are hid from sight, Yet sometimes burst and on the eye Cast splendors swift and bright. Ye now are dreams on golden wings From paradise divine, Which often comes and gently sings: "Come back to me and mine." "Come back! Come back Oh weary worn! Come back Oh wandering child ! Come back to me though heart is torn And hungry and denied !" !50 SOUL SONGS When round me now, unlike of yore, Unbid ye sweep my skies; When through my day and night ye soar A something dims my eyes. A something in my soul doth melt And flows around my heart, Until these walls the moments belt Are sundered far apart. I slip by some divine device From hate and strife and wrong, Back to my childhood paradise Of love and light and song; Back to my childhood paradise Of hope and joy and life, Untouched by earth's contagious vice, Or fear or grief or strife. Dear is the dream and bright the hour, And sweet the song ye sing; But Oh how short ! for time and power Me swiftly back doth bring. I wish I were a boy again ! Oh my departed years ! I wish so much I cannot pen The fountain of my tears. YOU HAVE NEVER SUFFERED. What! "Never suffered!" "Never wept!" I have not known the griefs that kill When gold and health afar are swept, And die the hopes our youth instill ! I have not known the anguish thrill When cradle angels far have flown ! Nor when her soul our own doth fill Is root drawn out with stifled groan And leaves us years and years to moan and moan and moan ! SOUL SONGS 151 Yes ! I have suffered ! I have wept ! Death once my spirit did baptize; Her waves o'er my warm bosom, swept Me deep in losses, fears and cries. In life the deepest pain still lies To love the best but sunken deep In earth to have no strength to rise; To lose the dream and this to reap Is such a state of grief as few of mortals weep. Eclipsed was all my morning light; The silver moons and suns of gold Darted no gleam through day or night, And hope did not a ray unfold. To triple blackness I was sold; The nights of sin and fear and hell Their mantles round my soul did fold; From nature, God and man there fell Egyptian night and plagues no mortal tongue can tell. I oft have prayed for hours and hours Till bone and breast and heart did ache; Through darkest night in lonely bowers The ear of God I tried to wake By calling "Mercy!" "For love's sake!" "Oh Father save !" "Give me a staff !" My groans deep echoes then did wake As if some demons wine did quaff, And mocked me in their drink with mad delirious laugh. I oft have wept, not rainbow tears ; Those mortal wounded hope may bleed; Or deep despair in her last fears. Such drops the lost in hell do feed To slack their conscience burning greed; Tears glowing white and spiked with pain As twisting, tearing bullets speed, Shot from my heart with fearful strain, Through aching aching breast and hand enclasped brain. 152 SOUL SONGS My heart was often like a hell, And feeling like her fiery waves ; Such storms of wrath and darkness fell As round her shores forever raves; The steep washed gulf and deepest caves Were dashed and swept, and I was borne Over the crimson crested graves With hated, vast, majestic scorn, Here and there, around and round and torn and torn and torn. My mind was like a serpent's nest Where beast with beast doth fiercely wrangle; The noblest thoughts with godlike crest The lowest strained and tried to strangle; But these with bright death anger spangle Oft conquered them; and strifeful reigns With all these woes that sins entangle Did sweep across my spirit plains And caused such agony as cannot now have strains. My soul bare nerved has lived for years With sorrow as my only mate; An ancient curse with cloudy fears Doomed o'er me night of blackest fate. Remorseful serpent thoughts with hate- Ful tooth and fangs upon me came; Fire hailing clouds with thunders great, And furies with no mortal name Swift chased my naked soul through hell's white torturing flame. Consigned it seems to demon hate I suffered what their rage may dare; Fiends glad their hearts to satiate, Leaped on my soul with hungry tear; Their red-hot fingers in my bare Breast they thrust, and in delirious glee The nervous cords from life's deep lair They pulled and snapped as elastic free, Till I became unconscious and writhed in agony. SOUL SONGS 153 Yes ! I have suffered ! I have wept Far more than myself can own ! When feeling strong the heart has swept What tongue can reproduce the groan? And if I could I would not moan To weeping, broken-hearted earth; 'Tis sorrow's work to undertone High thoughts and feelings of her birth, And other souls to teach her priceless priceless worth. For sorrow is of gifts the gift When heaven's grace her tears doth bring, To purge, to strengthen, guide and lift, And touch the lips with fire to sing; Her losses and her sharpness sting From self into the soul divine, Whose life and love and light will spring In all the forms which joy can sign, And mingled with the grief the purest joys enshrine. KNOWLEDGE. Wisdom unto her sons, the wise, This virtue free doth give: To know ten thousand truths and lies Though them they do not live. Folly unto her thoughtless own Is their most deadly foe; Through truth and lies with loss and groan They live, but do not know. 154 SOUL SONGS MONOPOLY CHRISTIANS. In these last days intensifying life Doth seek to pass the individual bound. The conscienceness of their resources rife Inspires to work from universal ground. A spirit cosmopolitan has found Our mighty men and poured a lust of gain In all controlling measures; they are bound By the new time-spirit, and the ancient reign With twice millennial strength is scorned and burst in twain. The town, the city and the state no more Form ample field for their ambitious gain; A nation and her continental store Of boundless wealth now fill their heated brain With sordid calculations. Their wish has twain Imperial eyes of selfishness that reach Beyond the old ancestoral dreams; they fain Would gather all and in the mind of each Inspires the widest plans she bodies faint in speech. Their expansive base of operations Has passed the bound of moderate designs; In east and western wak'ning populations They see the mart for which ambition pines. They claim the world; and with protentous signs That solemn word fills dream and speech and plan. The vast round globe and her multitudinous lines Of brotherhood, all, all of earth and man Is but a sphere of gain their eyes delight to scan. SOUL SONGS 155 To quicker reach that heaven of their dreams Their souls and wealth unite; as unions hold A greater power than scattered gold. In streams Their capital in one vast mass is rolled To near the billion mark. Each day is told Of larger combinations that are formed With enterprise enchanting young and old. When the new spirit has their visions warmed The most chaotic state with cosmos skill is stormed. Their accumulated wealth grows with surprise Beyond their own first dreams, and piles of gold Are as a heaven unto their blinded eyes. Yon golden sun whose splendors pure are rolled Free to the hungry void, do they behold Life's image best of man or God divine? A sphere like that with bowels of wealth untold Is all the heaven for which their spirits pine; Is all the heaven or God they wish to on them shine. Beside the mountains and across the land Their towering plants engage all to behold; And by the sea what mighty fabrics stand? The sea itself is conquered or has sold Her ancient strength to their persistence bold. As the night builds up her jeweled splendored cone On the broad circle which the earth has scrolled, Their plans to most colossal works have grown, To towering majesty all fear nor dare disown. But Oh alas ! Earth's largest enterprise From dark foundation to her crowning stone Has nought high pleasing to the Judge's eyes, Or even ought he dare consistent own. From self it came, for self has greater grown, And self is always passioned with a curse. That vilest heart with loud and laboring moan Pulses her life and against her brothers nurse A course of monster crimes that groweth worse and worse. 156 SOUL SONGS They buy the college, the pulpit and the press, And their unprophet priests who sell the race, God and themselves for gain. Their gold doth dress The politician to their needs, and their powers displace The majesties of law that alone can grace An earthly government. They rule all mortal spheres And the golden heights of heaven would embrace, Though the broken heart and helpless crimson tears Of the wide brotherhood they trample without fears. Their concentrated power, wisdom, skill and wealth They fix with hate on each weak, struggling foe; Then in the dark as a murderer by stealth They strike but once with death's unerring blow. Ten thousand men whose spirits once did glow With ambitious hope and ardors of our youth They undermined and sold and thrust below. All love and joy, inspire and hope and truth, From the very heart of life they trample without ruth. Meditated, and so conscious of their end, The wide world's bread they struggle to secure. To the winter's blast their selfishness would send The nation. In earth's vile dens they would immure The immortal sons of God, who endure Worse, far worse than the very dogs of gain. The most stupendous crimes we can be sure Are those in which a mighty heart and brain Though without senses foul the needy's hope has slain. The brow of age can deep be trampled down; The newborn babe inherit but a curse; Our manhood's prime insulted as a clown And hopeful youth vain struggle to reverse Their lot; the coming generation worse, Far worse may be so they increase their store; All heart and mind is from life's need to nurse The state of strife that will augment still more Their blood-stained, stolen wealth, their power and place and lore. SOUL SONGS 157 The images of God upon this earth; Law, justice, truth, reverence and righteousness, Faith, purity and love, which have their birth In God's own heart, and sent from him to dress Themselves in mortal flesh, and in the stress And strain of life to grow unto the height Which welcome shall the courts of blessedness: These images: God's most supreme delight, In others and themselves they slay both day and night. The sacred fountains of the nation's life Is not exempt from their contamination. Ideals and visions with destructions rife And blasphemies against God's high creation They sow upon the nourishing elation Of our youth. Such example on the soil Of selfishness will breed within the nation A savage host whose natures will dispoil Time's noblest crowning work and glory of her toil. And these are members of the living Christ; Among the saints their names are written down; These are the men whose gifts, repeated and unpriced, That bride-elect is wearing as her crown; And to fellowship with them, she doth gown Herself in queen's apparel. This is the race From whom she now receives her best renown, And promenades before high heaven's face Counting their princely gifts as her divinest grace. And the churches sanction this gigantic Selfishness, and lifts their hands in benediction On these purpureal and most titanic Crimes against God's humanity. If conviction With sublimest passion tears the fiction From her hypocritical heart and eyes, That apostate with loud malediction Quick from her congregation soon doth ostracise, Inspires the rabble mob and their death frenzied cries. 158 SOUL SONGS Are these disciples of the love divine? Which throned above those rich eternal skies, Surrounded by bright seraphimic line And hymned supreme by first archangel cries, Through their loud chorus heard our burdened sighs And did divest himself of the endower No soaring dream has dared to faint surmise: Surrendered self, gave God, heaven, friends and power, Entered our mortal line and shared our earthly hour. Follow they that sacrificial love Who standing midst this dark and selfish throng, Emptied a heart as rich as heaven above, And burning thoughts that on their guilty wrong Fell as lightning bolts from heaven on the strong Violators of humanity? and as He died His vast magnanimous soul did song Itself like a flow of heaven's golden tide In rich forgiving strains upon their deicide. Who dreams these image forth that sunlike heart That with triumphant majesty arose; Then with a grace to feed all poet's art His kingdom's gates wide opened to his foes? A forgiveness as the sifted mountain snows; A place beneath a father's lightning eyes; A heart of love that flows and overflows A nature like the sun within the skies; A life that giveth all and giving thus shall rise. Are these disciples of that love divine That rules as king this climbing universe? Who underneath all hierarchs that shine, And peopled worlds of purity or curse Doth plant himself as the one maternal nurse Of all created being? whose vast endower Is not for self but freely doth disburse To all their needs now portions of his power, And lifts them up in love more strong from hour to hour. SOUL SONGS 159 Are these like him whose life and word both taught The everlasting, absolutest right Of those high moral elements that are wrought Into our natures? whose heightless height, Impassionedness and majesty and might Are worth far more in men than a universe Without them? Does not their denial smite All resistance with a cinerating curse, And prophecies a wrath these violations nurse? Have they received his matchless, matchless grace Who gathers all who will around him cling? In his monarchial state there is no place For selfish souls but each is as the king. There the glory of the strong is to fling Themselves at the burdened base or battling gate; While far on high or in sheltered safety sing The new born babes, the low and weak estate Who give more than they take and make the great more great. Oh tell me Truth ! Can a man be a christian man Whose fundamental principle is to give, And a part or sympathetic with the clan Whose fundamental principle is exclusive Of every other? Does this spirit live With his spirit the most divine, who gave Himself to save us most from our destructive Selves of selfishness? And dare presumption crave A portion of that life that died and lives to save? Oh tell me Truth? Can any heart that draws Its life from a sacrifice of such renown, So violate the everlasting laws That base and build, that penetrate and crown The universe? What man could trample down His own divinest essence in the mire? How then the Christ when he again doth gown Himself in flesh destroy his high inspire? And far more than himself, his own eternal sire? 160 SOUL SONGS Shall pride and contumacious selfishness, Far harder to their brother's helpless need Than are the granite rocks to herbs that dress Their desolation, find their spirits freed From self and sin when death's rapacious greed Shall gather them into her hungry deep? Oh who can dream such a disembodied deed On lightning wings to heaven's gates will sweep Where justice, truth and power their thrones eternal keep? Shall this puissant, hardened self of curse That murder has in her strong passioned heart, Murder of self, God and the universe Of living souls, ever find a place and part In that kingdom blest whence lightning thoughts dart Through our darkness? where love is like the sun, And spirits high with all they have and art Of life divine to others freely run, And count alone as gain what self-sacrifice has won? Can thoughts alone of a noble creed? Or professions, church or an honored name? Or words divine and not diviner deed? Or servant acts without the heart of flame? Can splendid gifts of ostentatious fame? Or those confessions death has ever known ? Or sacraments that never find their aim? Or consolations the conscience hard can own? Or flowery praise from priests who sell the same? Can one or all save when the life high heaven doth disown And been a God denying oath to hell's infernal throne ? Away with such delusive dreams ! Away ! Such gigantic and titanic wickedness Before that kingdom stands but for one brief day. If deep repenting change finds not express In nobler deeds, no mind of truth can guess Absorbing souls can rise from whence they fell. None dares to dream that love and holiness Shall never do what both have dared to tell, That whirlwind storms shall of fire shall burst with judg- ments fell. SOUL SONGS 161 The tragedy and human life destruction That follows their career will gather height Until the course its final act shall run; Then the everlasting laws, then the might Of nature, then the infinite delight Of love and righteousness before all ken Shall fiercely hurl through lightning thunder night The age's curse, the wholesale murdering men, Down, down sin's darkest gulf, down where dragons den. Oh spirit of this prophetic universe ! Hear ! Oh Hear ! and tell me now : Is there a fate Conceived for our immortal natures, worse Than to be left alone to satiate Unmolested the powers that rule the state Of life's triumphant selfishness? Oh tell Me now ! Do not the righteous heavens dominate The future? They answer with a judgment knell That prophecies most sure the fact and curse of hell? THE YEARS. I grieve not what the passing years Have touched my mortal frame; That disappointment, lose and fears Doth my swift spirit tame. But Oh I grieve ! I often grieve That as they onward flow, Though they teach wisdom, yet they leave Where they left long ago. 162 SOUL SONGS A CONFLICT. . A seasoned salt on voyages both long And venturesome, on Afric's ivory shore And in Brazilian forests, had seen strong And strangest reptiles, birds and beasts. Unrest bore Him again across the crystal floor Of his loved ocean where ancient cities stand, And ever rise still grander than before; Where life, wider, higher, more intense is planned, And treasures to embellish are brought from every land. Discharged, he goes to some near bright saloon Whose gilded flashing splendors hide the crime And death of life's high boasted state. There soon His stifled thirst with merry jokes and rhyme He satiates. The liquors from each clime He travelled oft now travel through each vein, And rushes, jumps and springs, as if sublime Immortal life was now within his brain And swelling every nerve with joy's ecstatic pain. With conscience seared and reason half dethroned, And all life powers wild waking from the dead; With a delirious sense of strength, as toned For those high deeds our dreams to youth have fed, r "Fit for mighty exploits both of hand and head, If but King Will was stablished on life's throne And pure ideals his spirit onward led; Oh ! all otherwise he goes ; one whom all disown, A ruined god of strength, to be still more o'erthrown. Thus on he swings among the moving crowd, The mass of whom with demoniac smiles "Look round, while some diviner few are bowed With shame and tears. But on his way he wiles, And each ephemeral sight and sound beguiles His steps, until at length he comes where beast And bird are caged from mountain, plain and isles : His heart is fired, his kindling thoughts now feast On memory's distant dreams that swift fly from the east. SOUL SONGS 163 He teases each and joys to see the loud mad Strength upon its bars its fury vainly wage. At length a glassy box the keeper had Left open for a time his eyes engage; On coming there his glad delirious rage A boa finds in torpid slumber rolled; Then like a flash his rope-trained hand did cage Its iron fingers round the serpent cold, Dragged it forth and held it up, a horror to behold. His arm, stiff and strong as a bar of steel, Lifts her high and so uncoils her length. He shakes Her left and right, and up and down, and wheel On wheel, as on the deck his rope he takes And with his hand all skillful motion makes. Swinging aloft from side to side, he found, Since bold success to madness reason breaks, From each bold act to bolder he was bound; The motions all repeat, above, aside and round. Then bending arm and drawing near his face, He turns on her the glad and leaping eyes His fiery heart and brain with brightness grace. His drunken strength doth scornfully despise Her sluggish looks and motions. With glee he tries To make her move. His boastings loud and quick Are farthest from reversal or surprise; His curses fall like poisoned arrows thick, Upon the serpent's head they gather bright and stick. Those iron bands hold in their strongest grasp Her wak'ning strength, while quivering lines of pain Around her neck his circles would unclasp. He smiles in his imperious disdain Of that weak creature's strife and struggling strain For life. He laughs aloud, and dancing, cries For fiendish joy. He spits his spirit's gain Within her jaws and on her growing eyes, And kicks afar the folds that feet to tangle tries. 164 SOUL SONGS Now full aroused, the serpent from her length Doth weakness shake, and its cold, torpid sense Afar doth fling. Now repeated shocks of strength Shoot up and down and harden most intense Her frame. Now her lithe form doth sudden fence Itself with electric surcharged coils. Behold Those fiercely flashing eyes, scorning from hence All former sluggishness ! What lances bold Of anger, pride and strength are shot with hate untold ! Such transformation and electric thrills As gleam and swell the serpent's frame alarms His now suspicious soul and sudden stills Insanity and drink's delirious charms. This lightning sight of death's impending harms Doth instant nourish life. His will and hope, Deep ancient hate, and horrid fear all arms His spirit quick with this new foe to cope, With high resolve and prayer life's door anew to ope. Oh battle high ! Oh conflict most supreme ! Oh strife and strain unknown ! Oh struggle vast And strange beyond what all may seem To sight! In this embrace now lock the past And future as they ne'er before were clasped. The highest now engages with the least; A spirit of divine celestial cast For highest prize now struggles with the least. This from beneath in strength each moment is increased By low and strong but blind material force. This from above, its pure ancestral clime, Draws immortality, whose spirits course The soul and gird as in unvanquished prime. The combat moves in tragedy sublime; All natures from life's antithetic spheres In sympathy watch this historic time. Full oft the snake by subtle secret gears Her coils in narrow space, and when she least appears SOUL SONGS 165 With quick recoil and motions swift expands Her circles, size and length. That sudden might Would burst the grasp of his marmorial hands, But he all wise with superhuman sight Foresaw the move, and grasping still more tight His choking fingers round her neck, did seek To strangle her. But life's tenacious right Time and again forth from her heart would speak, And stronger than before the past would little reak. Repeated times she did surcharge each cell With mad dynamic life, and fresh anoint Her liquid energies with fierce impel To find and strike his one unarmored point. But he, that one sure stroke that would disjoint His spirit from its frame did ever guard, And to each swing a motion did appoint That broke its force, and did react so hard The serpent's frame was stung, and he more ribbed and barred. On each side of his hand her puffed and vast Expanding flanges would she raise; then wind Her lengthy coil around his fist and arm with fast- Est circling speed, till nerves and muscles twined With the cumbrous coils almost unbind From her paralysis. Her mass did weight His strength, and so her warm electric-wined Desire did seek his fingers to unbate, That, being free in head, a mortal she might mate. But his left hand, iron-fingered and sharp-nailed, Swifter and sure than eagle talons wear, So instantly, so furiously assailed The beast, so 'neath her shining scales would tear Into her trembling frame and each time bear Away a handful of her flesh, that such wound And loss of blood no strength would often dare; So swift her length from off his arm unbound, While he relaxed again still tighter grasped her round. 166 SOUL SONGS Then from his horizontal arm so strong Her shining folds in spirals bright would twine Into a pyramidic column. Long Straining from her broad and sliding base, a line Of constant and discharging strength would pine To break the joint of his right-angled arm. She strains to plant her fangs. Her spirits shine Upon her forked tongue and spits its deadly harm; Her electric lightning eyes with her strange nature's charm She pierces in his soul, to fascinate And conquer by her craft and that disguise Which sometimes seems divine. But eye nor hate Unharness him in sudden false surprise. He drags and breaks her base. Her coils arise By his vast lift, or sink beneath his weight. The energy of her expanding size Of anger he meets as with the strength of fate, And on a ragged rock with hopes that rise elate. He smites her head; with curses dark did dash The slippery, intertwisted frame until She was a mangled mass. Her blood did splash His naked arms and breast. But can death still The unvanquished and unextinguishable will? Steaming with foam and fierceness nought could keep She stretches out her length to sure fulfill Her dying hope. Now with resistless leap Her far extending lines in sudden circles sweep Upon her foe, and with tremendous shocks His body strikes. With unremitting toils She ever seeks within her mighty locks And knotted chains and complicated coils To intervolve his frame. But wisdom spoils, And lightning glance and motions quick doth tear Asunder all her advantageous moils. Should lines or links at any point constrict, there His strength so like the sea, puissant, purple, bare, SOUL SONGS 167 Grasps, twists and quick unbinds and breaks Her vast involving length. From his arm or thigh Or feet his iron fingers tears and shakes The dragon with a spirit's granite might. In that sustained and unsuspended fight The sinews of his strength he doth renew; Once more high heaven's first victorious might Is flowing in his spirit to endue; The victory now is won, the conflict now is through. The beast o'ercome or in a moment's faint Was motionless and still. A flowing stream Of crimson and coagulating blood did paint Its path across the spattered grass. The gleam Of life was gone, and the warm pulsating steam Of agony was borne away. The victor strong With spirits new from out the heart of dream Bore it around a trophy to his song; Its mangled form did fascinate; he held and bore it long. Thus his weak pride holds her on high and shows The bleeding mass before the shuddering eyes Of men, whose sympathetic wisdom throws Upon his soul their heaven-appealing cries To cast her far. Alas ! Alas ! Despise Doth victory the warning voice of fears; The angels sent before the soul arise And speak God's truth between their blinding tears; How often, oh how oft they speak but heart ne'er hears ! "Oh cast it far ! That serpent is not slain ! 'Tis but a moment faint with loss. This rest Is gain, and for its last and conquest strain. Yes ! even now is gathering strength that breast From its own pain all felt but deep suppressed ; And from thy heart of low exulting pride Is passing thy best power. Yea ! the angels blest Which guarded thee and hemmed from every side Thy deadly foes unknown now spread their pinions wide. 168 SOUL SONGS "Oh hurl it quick and far ! The gulfs deep Satanic presence, influence, power and fate Are gathering round, and this delusive sleep Will wake. Oh intoxicated pride ! Why wait When heaven and hell with eternity's great Voice is calling now to cast it and be free? Oh fling it far with thy best curse or late, Too late the hour and power to cast will be ! Her long-concealed strength will wake and conquer thee. "This tremendous hour, this concentrated Impassioned and last focussed hour of destiny, Is but a moment poised. When double-weighted With the fate of doubtful immortality, How canst thou trifle with thy curse? Oh free Thyself forever ! Oh turn thy pride to fear, And instant dash this serpent far from thee ! Oh haste ! Oh haste ! for heaven's golden sphere — " Too late ! Too late ! The beast revives and hope doth disappear. Most terrified and wrapped in stormy fear, Which weakens strength to weakness, he renews The courted strife with death's unconquered sphere. Some once or more the many-knotted thews Of her constricting folds he did abuse By his last hope and strength. This strange surprise Into his heart new spirit did infuse, Beneath the dome of final judgment skies To cast his enemy far he oft and vainly tries. Thus intervolved, the white intensities Of vast tremendous strain, as when heaven and hell United in terrific conflict frees Upon the soul of man, so now impel Each other. The unvanquished beast did tell All battle lore, and after other range, In circles new, in solid coils, in bell- Like hammer strokes, in sudden, subtle change, And in new knots of death, mystic, swift and strange. SOUL SONGS 169 New learnings thus her energies increase, And in each move still stronger, hard and sure She wraps his frame, and prophecies the lease Of mortal hope is short. Can he endure That foaming anguish? From whence can life secure More than purpureal strength ? See ! His eyes Are blinded by the blood with which the creature Hath besmeared his brow. Oh more than mortal wise ! Thy blinded conquered foe is now at last thy prize ! Yet once more in desperation's mad And frenzied fury, blind concentrated Power tore off and dashed the beast; but glad And swelling with insanity, the elated Serpent's wiry head and satiated Eyes of lightning strength unfolds her lengthy coil From off his blind and now forever fated Soul. Her high victorious heart aboil With all her enemy's first delirious rage, doth oil Her soul with joy's renewing might. One swing, One lightning leap, one terrific hammer stroke, One all-involving, most entangling thing, Striking this mortal mass, did instant yoke His right arm, neck and frame. Ere he awoke, Or could resist, or think to do or what, In linked folds no mortal hands have broke, Round his left thigh and both his feet, her knot The serpent instant locks and fells him on the spot. Most easy then she quickly wraps her frame Of narrowing circles with triumphantness Around her foe. Her spirit exultant flame Shot through her length as none unbound can guess A vast indrawing strain, that did suppress Life's last and reflex motions, and the groans Of his unconscious or semi-consciousness ; A pause, a few short turns, a few cracked bones; A dying sigh, and silence on a world of strife and moans. 170 SOUL SONGS And I awoke from that intense behold, With deep relief from all that round did press. That hour and power the spirit did enfold As sorrow breaks the bands of selfishness. The high noon sun unseen had grown less; The shadows fell; the cold dank filled the air; My eyes were wet, my heart filled with distress, In seeing borne this victim to her lair In darkness unexplored, but where ? Oh, who knows where ? WEARY. I am not weary with the world, Sea, mountain, moon or sun; With man, nor with the changes hurled Or work that must be done; But I am weary of my heart Its sin and guilt and grief; The passions wide that tear apart, But most, my unbelief. THE LAST JOURNEY. I've travelled up and down the world, Around and here and there, Just like a chip the stream has whirled To where? Oh who cares where? But one more journey I will go, Soon one more journey make, When to the grave I travel slow And of its rest partake. SOUL SONGS 171 PROGRESS. Oh World ! Oh Life ! Oh Time ! Oh trinity that chime The happy bells ! Oh happy bells of birth ! When we descend from heaven's azure clime And enter into earth. Up! Up the future's slope Ye nurture us with hope ! Oh what a host of shining dreams divine Doth blind us blind, as in the light we grope With passions drunk with wine! Oh World ! Oh Time ! Oh Life ! Why with a lightning knife Is that dream world in youth's delighted eyes Like Sodom rained? and ruin, blight and strife Around the journey lies. On ! On ! No stop, but change ! No turn but onward range ! More heavy weights, more pain and blinding tears Affect the heart, till open up most strange Some new discovered spheres. Oh Life ! Oh Time ! Oh World ! Though scorned and wreck-like hurled Ye turn the loss into transcendant gain ; For higher spheres with golden gates impearled Shine on the heart and brain. Out of our grief and fears We look unto the years; Ourselves we know, and know ye mortal three, The friends disguised, for your harsh kindness rears In us eternity. 172 SOUL SONGS Oh World ! Oh Life ! Oh Time ! Oh Trinity sublime ! Ye nurse us first, give and destroy our dreams ; Show the ideal; and build manhood to rhyme With heaven and its themes. Three faithful, faithful friends Working to vastest ends ! Work on ! Work on against this course of crime ! Once ye were cursed ; but curse to blessing bends, Oh World ! Oh Life ! Oh Time ! DECEPTION. "The world converted in this generation !" How dark thrones deception and elation Cast on bright minds though by the ages taught ! Sublimest truths in splendor they enshroud, And rainbow lies gleam from the bannered cloud As to allure the princes of high thought From truth, to sound a vain and moment's boast And with such hopes deceive the sacramental host. Could aught but dream, or night's distempered brain, Or reason tottering on her throne insane, Or dotaged memory, murmuring of her youth, Rave of the church's power to save the world? Could aught but hell's infatuation, whirled On by the falsest spirit of untruth Through some dark night, or solid-coned eclipse, Deny the light of heaven and truth on life's own lips? SOUL SONGS 173 Oh first deceit ! The last and darkest birth Of night's unfathomed gulf has sprung on earth, And blinds the eyes of her high prophet race ! What spirit speaks? What charms of death infernal Thus veil our eyes from life and truth eternal? Oh Thou divine, majestic splendored face ! Oh countenance of pure effulgent light ! Dost Thou still shine on earth before our mortal sight ? Oh holy light ! Oh uneclipsed sun ! To-day undimmed as when life first begun Thou rollest forth a flood of living splendors. One moment in Thy presence, when Thy light Bursts from Thy soul in its effulgence bright, Reveals the dark and all its hid attenders, Then once again descend from heights above, And undeceive the heart with brightest beams of love. But not unto this dark and sinking world Of hoary crime, whose populations, whirled On and blinded by the driving storms of Greed and strife and death, beholdest not Thy face, Oh not to these the splendors of Thy grace Reveal ! for Thy own radiant form of love Was crucified and nailed toward heaven in scorn, And be as once again, again it must be borne. But on this church, whose long delusive dreams Of fitful, phosphorescent paleness, gleams Like morning lights of golden purity Upon their blinded sight, oh now unburst The brightness of Thy being ! It, from all immersed In sleep of sin which pure lights never see, Will drive false dreams, and with a swift surprise Will burn new visions deep upon the spirit's eyes. 174 SOUL SONGS Oh what a sight for heaven's new-opened eyes ! Against Thine azure purities arise A million forms of ebony selfishness. This worst of all disease upon each face Of unimpassioned power doth daily trace Prophetic signs no mortal can suppress. Who can behold these signs which strong men tremble And life and light and truth to his own soul dissemble? Where is the image of heaven's eternal king Of beauty? Where the dazzling lights that wing From faintest sign of his all perfect form ? Where is the faith? Where is the golden speech Of prayer? Where are the flaming songs that reach The broken heart of sorrow? Where the warm Pulsating and all vitalizing love That sacrifices all in acts like his above? Behold those brows ! Tragic, prophetic faces, Where sin and her unconscious guilt entraces Lines to God the most unlike. Behold how pride Lifts up each countenance with scorn ! How hate And lust and greed and pleasure satiate , And cruel ambition, how they all are dyed In mingled blood of their own hearts, no less Than of the murdered heart of murdering selfishness ! Dark discontent, rebellious unbelief, O'ershadowing fear and low consuming grief Dark curtains draw when darker things have play. Hosts of dishonored vows and withering scorns Of truth and love the Christ again enthorns With greater guilt than that dark-annaled day. By deeds, not words, another Calvary Of his and their own souls the prophet eyes can see. SOUL SONGS 175 Beneath these forms what mockery of life ! How cold and still to that eternal strife Grace doth sustain with all the powers of sin ! Oh what celestial poles from love divine, That lives and works with Calvary's glorious sign Of vast unselfishness on hands and heart within ! How strange to life ! How like to death ! What dreams Of doubt and scorn and fear a granite charnel streams ! Behold these lives ! How fair ! but under, leprous And eaten deep, till like an ulcerous Moving mass of worse than putrid death Upon itself and all things that are round Contagion flows; while living germs abound Both near and far. A deadly laden breath Upon this mortal struggling mass is blown, And millions die from those who should the life of life have sown. Can such a church convert the world to Christ? Physician heal thyself ! Heaven's balms unpriced Scorn heathen souls while thou diseased so art : The wise will say : "The world within our day ! Oh convert the church ! The frame must stay Upon a vital rich sustaining heart." The very wise : "A converted church must wait A converted ministry, and that, a professoriate." 176 SOUL SONGS FIT TO LIVE. To-day I stood 'mid the obsequious rites Of one advanced to three score ripest years. His manhood powers had blossomed on the heights Of life, and underneath him were the spheres Of inexperience, of ignorance and tears. The loss and grief around his honored name Not only moved the ties that time endears, But with a strength of sympathy did claim A large community. Death's unrelenting shears Did sever him from all, just as the aim Of all his life was reached and he was crowned with fame. For he was one who filled conspicuous place In the affairs, labor and thought of men ; He was a city's pillar and a grace Before the eyes of aspiration's ken. He rose by long laborious toil and when His place was won the virtue of his days Unfolded like a flower within a pen. Poverty and prosperity did raise His character above this earthly fen But not to God. Jealousy restrained its praise, But the wise were free to sigh in pious thoughtful ways. "How strange it seems that life should be so brief And all is o'er when we have reached the place Where we partake the virtue of our grief, And wear the armor with which age doth lace Our spirit's passions ! Yes ! Just when we can face The battle with self-control and patience: When foresight, wisdom, skill and sacrifice embrace With labor, courage, promptitude, endurance: Just as we are fit to run our mortal race Then that blind hand bereft of living sense Doth strike us to the earth as cold and hard and dense." SOUL SONGS 177 "Man is just fit to live when he must die; The blind impetuosity of youth doth pass Before the soul that cometh from on high; But scarcely has it come, and the magic glass Doth cast its inspiration pictures, when alas ! Alas ! life's hope and at its golden prime Is stricken down to mingle with the grass; Is stricken down and the highest worth of time Sinks sheer from sight in death's unfed crevasse, As to be fit to live were but a crime And those high virtues nought that maketh life to chime.' Hark ! Hark ! Is a man fit to live because The labor virtues of life's selfishness Have triumphed and been organized to laws That rule these earthly elements that press Upon and in us? Do those habits that dress Life's latter years with regularity and Give equipoise to age so passionless? Or those restraining powers that have command Upon us in positions of success? Do these harmonize with yon celestial land And liken us to God in all from heart to hand ? Oh how much that bears the stamp of virtue Is nothing more than gilded selfishness ! What revelations when life's lightnings through And through us pierce, and God's eternities press Into heart and mind ! Dare the blindest guess That virtue lives in hearts motived by self * Though with a famed benevolence they dress? Or that qualities that rule the spheres of pelf Can stand the hour when judgments all express? Such things and more can move the lords of wealth And not so much as touch virtue or spirit health. 178 SOUL SONGS He alone has right, alone is fit to live Who findeth God without and in his heart, And unto him in most unselfish motive As to another his being doth impart. A sense of him that blinds this earthly mart, A trust supreme, a love that is the sire Of most immortal deeds, a magic art That even here can heaven's air inspire And see the lines of his celestial chart; He alone is fit to live, and his desire Shall mount the spheres of life forever rising higher. Plant such a soul in any circumstance Or up or down life's strange unbalanced scale : Take what thou wilt that does the heart entrance And add the ill which strongest mortals pale: Mingle anew the elements that sail Around him, or plant him into any state At either pendulum extreme, nor fail To swiftly change the externalities that mate With virtue and seem her coat of mail : A spirit such is soon adjusted straight And with the life divine is fully satiate. Plant him in the very heart of those vast Immortal splendors, purities and powers That rule the universe, or o'er him cast Some living dream the Infinite endowers : What praise and admiration before those towers Upon the height of life ! What services To greatness would sanctify the hour And situation ! What supersensual bliss Of love and aspiration would devour His passioned heart with white intensities ! And tidal streams of life would pass from all to his ! SOUL SONGS 179 Cast him 'mid hell's chaotic and rebellious Host of blaspheming and crucifying crime Against the Christ within the virtuous: There right before the Devil's throne, what prime And proudest majesty, with sublime Prophetic voice of thunder tone would smite Those powers with condemnation ! That clime Of blackest guilt and sin's unbroken night Would be as when some electric soul of time Doth flash and flash with sheets or bolts of white, The burning purities of love and life and light. See yon chaotic world wide swinging there Upon creation's farthest bound ! What need Of pure self-sacrifice, of faith and prayer And every act that love can ever feed ! Were here he placed his heart would daily bleed Its crimson tears, and fresh celestial might Would rise within as the Divine did breed A world-sustaining love, that did delight To take that globe as its own living seed ; Would take the globe and out of starless night Would nurse it up to God and noonday splendors bright. Or plant him here where these extremest powers Are present, mingled, and with contentious fray Immortal make the evenescent hours : The adoration, self-sacrifice and day- Condemnations of the night display His symmetry and passion rounded heart; One life, one law, one principle has sway With infinite direction and doth impart All energy and harmony. A lay Of blessedness the times could never bart To heaven, earth and hell unvanquished measures start. 180 SOUL SONGS Live on oh soul ! Oh son of faith and God ! For thou alone of all the earth doth live. All else is death, although they be the laud And inheritors of all that time can give. Thou only hast a course with an ascensive Sweep unto the summit of celestial height. Thou shall find the universe preservative Of thee its hope. All its energies of might Both of the underived and the deriv- Ation shall nurse thee with supreme delight, And forever bear thee high beyond the noonday's sight. SIGHT. When I was young ! When I was young ! My soul was always dreaming! Bright airy visions on me sprung, Unreal and summer seeming. Now I am old ! Now I am old ! I have a finer seeing; No more the dreams do I behold, But truth and life and being. DONALD'S ANSWER. I asked: "Do men better grow and rise To higher moral levels?" "Better ! Boys grow men with wicked size And men grow damned old devils." SOUL SONGS 181 HELL FIRE. Oh Thou Spirit of Fire ! Oh Thou Spirit of Fire ! Thou nature of passion and deepest inspire ! Thy essence divine and thy high purity Enchanteth the heart into union with thee. Thou enchanteth the heart and it draweth most near; Thou enchanteth the heart, but it standeth in fear; For fire without law is the swiftest destroy Of the agents or forces that man can employ. But all the destroy, the destroy thou hast done From the center of earth to the height of the sun, Is lost and eclipsed by what thou hast been As a symbol to man of the nature of sin. There, there is a world without orbit or law; Such a one, only one has the system e'er saw; The dark starless void that engirdeth her path Is plowed by her curse and consumed by her wrath. There is fire in her heart, there is fire in her breast, There is fire in her bones and the flesh they have dressed; There is fire in her air and her sky, cloud and wind, Fresh lightning and fire-rain forever unbind. There spirits immortal right out of her bowels Are torn with an anguish and agony's howls; For in them is born such a fearful desire As teareth the soul with the hungers of fire. The spirits there born they are fed on the fire; They draw it from nature and mother and sire; Down, down from their sky and up, up from their earth, Comes the fierce driven blast and the fuel for such birth. 182 SOUL SONGS When they grow to their youth there is hunger and greed For the fire that was theirs and but salted their feed. They reveal what they are and all creatures they eat With the hungers of flame and the ardors of heat. In the height of their strength they yearn for the glow Which the nature of fire and the furnace bestow; Then all that they are and all that they rule And the strong-driven blast is their glad-given fuel. Oft, oft in their age still is hungry desire For baptisms new in new rivers of fire. "Oh deepen the bath and Oh quicken its strength !" Is often the cry of their age's full length. Since men in the symbols of senses must think, And out of these cups all his knowledge first drink, The image now turn for it pictures forth sin, There is no fire without, but all fire is within. Their world is as bright as our splendors of dawn; Their fields are as green as our grass-growing lawn; Their skies are as blue as the deep of our noon; And their night is as rich as our stars and our moon. Sin, sin is the fire, and a nature of fire No sinner or saint can with image attire. It is spark ! It is flame ! It is glow ! It is fuel ! Consuming ourselves and all kingdoms we rule. See the lust of the flesh ! How the blood in us burns ! And the high laws of life and their Giver it spurns. Their youth, strength and beauty with frenzied desire They plunge without thought to the greed of the fire. It burns in the heart and the brain and the eyes; Consuming itself if the other denies; Consuming them both with the swiftest desire As their beings keep feeding the passions of fire. SOUL SONGS 183 It brandeth the brow with the foulest of shame ; It mantles the cheek with a red-hot flame; It filleth the blood and the bones till they burn And a leperous heap is the ash in the urn. See the pride of our life ! What a radiant glow Around and before and beneath them they throw ! A spirit electric with passionate scorn Of all that in heaven and earth may be born. The ambitious fire of the great doth devour Their front, stay and strength; their fame, place and power; * Nought, nought on the earth stays the fierceness of sin Consuming our "might be" as well as "have been." The gifted and great on the pathway to fame, They are more on our night than a splendor of flame; A heart and a mind, where the forces of life In the conflicts of hell are forever at strife. See the pleasures of life, what a furious fire So lawlessly raging for larger require ! Consuming the host, both the old and the young By the instant devour of the fuel to it flung. It consumeth the earth, it mounteth on high ; It casteth its flames on the clouds of the sky; The host, Oh the host and all kingdoms that be, They are feeding the fire as the blindest can see ! A crackle and flash with a moment of flame And a spirit of life has gone out of the game ; Nor cinder nor ash nor even a trace Of a "Fourth of July" can be found in his place. See the anger and hate ! What explosion of wrath, And a lightning swift bolt as they burn out their path ! Strife, anguish and death, and a being insane As the nethermost boils in the heart and the brain. 184 SOUL SONGS Man, woman and child, the strong, feeble and sick Are instantly burned to their spirit's deep quick; And the atmosphere round with contagion is hot, And singeth all life like a black, barren blot. If the spirits are scorched that encircle them round, How more their own soul where these passions abound? What a blasting and blight for the heart and the mind, And dangers ahead from the magazine blind ! See the traffic in drink ! What distilled liquid hell Is made and is licensed and sold where we dwell? A river of fire that all boundary o'erflows, Devouring at once both its friends and its foes. A river of fire to an ocean of flame, It flows and its freight are the nations of shame; And it waters the lives that are ruined and cursed, And its fountain's the votes that the traffic has nursed. What a death-poisoned heart ! What a fire-maddened brain ! What homes and what families and hosts have been slain ! Could man in his curse and his vengeance inspire Such a furnace of wrath? Such a furious fire? See the money-mad greed ! What an infinite fire ! With the passion and strength and the fiercest desire That is born in the heart, in the hunger of gold, And quickly expands till the world cannot hold. Every day we can see on the wide open street The furnace all white with the glow of the heat; And man taketh man like a shovel of coal And shovels him in for the money in toll. And even the women and children like ore Are thrown in the fire if but gold they will pour. Oh God of the heavens and angels behold This fire, fiercest fire from the hunger of gold ! SOUL SONGS 185 Such mingled and deadly and spiritual fire, Is deep in the heart of all sinful desire ; And sinful desire in all mortals doth dwell, The very same fire as in devils in hell. Behold the wide earth ! What a funeral stool ! Where the living are burned by their own given fuel. What ashes and cinders around of consumed ! And what infinite more in the earth is entombed ! Oh hell ! Hungry hell ! All creation doth dwell Before thee with a pause that no silence can tell ! Thy serpents and pain, thy curse, fire and force, Is sin in its triumph and full on its course. Yon, yonder is God 'mid the splendors that blind Both the white glowing heart and more glowing mind ; Though his heart overflows with a mother's desire 'Gainst sin he reacts with an infinite ire. Oh sin is a fire ! Oh sin is a fire ! That burns on the earth and all spirits inspire; All sinful aversion, all sinful desire Makes ourselves and the earth and the universe fire. 'Gainst self and her sin ; Oh, forever 'gainst sin ! Is the universe built both without and within. Her material frame and her spiritual powers Both the sin and the sinner most instant devours. Sin is fire for the mind. Sin is fire for the heart. Sin is fire for the flesh and for all that thou. art. Sin is blasting and curse and consuming desire, Worse, worse than all dreams of the unbridled fire. Sin is fire for thee here. Sin is fire for thee there, Through all space and all time and all states that we share. Sin is fire down in hell from whence we all fly, But a thosuand times more round the Holy and High. 186 SOUL SONGS I was born in the fire. I have lived in the same; I have felt in and round me the merciless flame. Yet Oh God of all grace ! let Thy grace greater reign ! And Thy father heart hear a new prayer in my pain. Oh save me from sin ! Oh save me from sin ! From all that is without but far more from within ! Do just what Thou wilt; nought, nought grace desires, But salvation from sin — sin the soul of all fires. DAMN THE POLICE. When now and then some mighty tragedy Of vast proportioned elements on its heights Of wealth and power and famed society, Shakes the nation's sensibility, smites Her mad insanity for money, rights Her nature's deep irreverence till shame And fear and grief upon the conscience lights Restoring moral reasonings and the blame Of God's eternal judgments swift trembles through her frame : When some fashionable and adulterous Beauty, whose strange enchantments chain mankind Is slain on the unsatiated voluptuous Couch of sensuality, and her blind Paramour in desperation has consigned Himself to violent death and to disgrace, Oh such disgrace time never can unbind ! A dozen families and friends of wide embrace Most sensitive to shame which they must daily face: SOUL SONGS 187 When the instant investigating press Doth asunder most unmercifully tear Society's silken curtains that dress The dark and deed no light could ever dare, And nations with a blank astonishment stare At a thousand shadowy scandals that hide Their trembling frame from the hands that would them bare; From hands that show corruptions sure supplied From hell's congested sewers and the powers that there abide : Then the alien unprophetic souls That usurp the grandest office of all time Awake. As an indignant public rolls Their elemental judgments on its crime They awake and rise to being's most sublime And godlike power and passion. The azure skies Of infinite purity and the prime Effulgent lightnings of the eternal eyes Blaze forth in majesty when in the church they rise. Then speaking like a god of infinite Self-righteousness they scatter judgments through The earth. The times and forces in it, The laws and powers and institutions that do Their service, the impersonals and new Impulsions of the age-spirit, all things But those that nurse these tragedies we view Their passion strikes, and their simulation flings High heaven's lightning bolts on bright and splendored wings. Their full diapason of execration Strikes the police. On their unsheltered heads Sinai uncaps her whitest indignation. Earthquake's subterranean thunders plow their beds In the world's fiery heart. The hungry gulf speds Its unsatiated fierceness after such. Unfaithful guardians of the law it weds With untensity and vengeance over much, And sendeth forth its flames that arm-like it them clutch. 188 SOUL SONGS The preachers as if by preconcerted Action take a golden trumpet from the wall Of Zion and on the God deserted Officers of law they simultaneous call: "Damn the police ! Damn the police ! Oh all Ye powers of heaven and earth and hell, damn the police !" Their echoes fill time's reverberating hall For just a single moment, and release A host of dying whispers which soon forever cease. Then gradually they go to sleep again And society goes on in all its crime. They go to sleep and some dare dream that men Rise up divine and unto heaven climb. They mumble the dead platitudes of time And for the living God within the heart Substitute science, poetic scraps, the chime Of music, the ritual ornaments of art, And the white-washed self, and the gold of mine and mart. Soon another tragedy wakes the world. Another gifted and immortal spirit Is like a meteor from heaven's height hurled To the abyss that is forever near it. Instantly from their slumbers when they hear it They arise and shout their accumulated curse Again upon the undeserved police, For that which their own faithlessness doth nurse, And which while what they are will grow still worse and worse. Yes ! The police are unfaithful to the law : But tell me : Are these moral diletantists Any more faithful to the solemn awe, Truth and ideal that crowd the golden vistas Of eternity and crown the azure palaces Of heaven? Where is the zeal commensurate With the heights and infinite purities That rule the spheres in everlasting state? And what dream they of these while platitudes they prate. SOUL SONGS 189 Unfaithful prophets are the greatest curse That ever strikes a nation. They bear the first Responsibility of that sad reverse Of morals that destroys the sacred thirst For faith and truth. Such men are surely cursed By that great voice that thunders from the towers : "Cursed be he, in death and hell immersed, Who breeds deceit within God's image, and showers The mingled true and false upon man's doubtful hours." This is the point where eternity Breaks into time. When dark and deep immersed In time how can the high supernity Of holiness shine through them and create a thirst In man. Should the Hebrew spirit burst Into the church with but a partial power The guilty self and the one supremely cursed; But from that curse the prophets rise to tower The guardians of all life against monsters that devour. Oh for the sake of coming generations For God's sake and the church's trampled fame Give us a few men ! Oh let the grandest stations On the globe vomit forth in deadly shame These prophets, that bear not now even the name Of a living god ! Oh ye men of fire ! Incarnations robed in consuming flame And breathing forth his infinite inspire ! Come ! Mount again thy place, is the wide world's deep desire ! Preach the inflexibility of right, That would damn the universe ere decline An iota from true perfection's height. There is nought within creation worth a pine But holiness, and only thou in all the line Of history hast ever taught the heart its sin. Thou alone knowest no images can sign In fiercest fire the awful hells within These principles that rule the world without and in. 190 SOUL SONGS But be unite with that self-sacrifice That on the hell-ward side of man has stood Against their suicide; which when it dies Before the infuriated multitude Doth rise with love divine and unsubdued To breast the broad and crowded ways of sin. Have thou the love that o'er the world can brood, For holiness and love can ever win The vilest hearts of hell and God enthrone within. Come ! Ye are the world's most immortal race ! Ye know nought great but greatness of the good; Your base and height and strength is sovereign grace Whose vital voice is not by men withstood. Oh breathe they passion on this dead mortalhood ! Till the divine in man be quickened and arise To front life's "should" and their rebellious "would." Oh breathe thy passion ! until repentant sighs Rise up the darkened night and pierce the promised skies. Oh living God supreme ! Shall this last age, The greatest that has ever swept the course Of time and life, shall it not Thee engage As anciently? Our desperate need doth force The spirit's travailing prayer. Thou art the source Of all salvation exploits and On baptize With pentecost this more than mortal corse Without Thee ! Men of fire, the fire that tries Us like the judgment day, men that unhorse All hell and march in victory to the skies, Such prophets to us send us the wide world's dying cries ! SOUL SONGS 191 THE DEPARTED. Oh Maid! Beloved Maiden! Oh Spirit most divine! Oh heart within the Aiden For you I ever pine! Since thou has far departed And left me here alone, I have been broken hearted And would be with a throne. I pine and weep in sorrow, I suffer and would fain From all around me borrow Some balsam for my pain. But what chalice from the fountain Revives the dying breath? What hope when o'er the mountain Our love has gone with death? The highest hopes of mortals Were gathered up in thee; The future's golden portals Were bright as bright could be; The joys the most divinest That ever filled the heart, Were in thy own enshrinest And all to me did part. Thy spirit pure and stainless Did cleanse me white as snow; In thee secure and chainless I thought to ever grow. Thy love within me burning Did circle round like fire, And kindled daily yearning To all of high desire. 192 SOUL SONGS Thy countenance and fashion Ideals did inspire, And fed them with the passion Of pure celestial fire. In thee was all the beauty For which we mortals thirst When love inspirits duty And into actions burst. But now these hopes have vanished, Those joys forever dead; The love in exile banished Ideals far have fled. The morning has no glory, The springtime has no light, The poet has no story, All is night, the blackest night. As the brightest meteor splendor Dies in a swift eclipse, So died all these my tender On thy cold icy lips. They died when then I kissed thee, Thou soul out of my soul ! And since the hour I missed thee Darkness doth round me roll. They spread for thee the pillow; They covered thee with mould; The murmuring weeping willow New sorrow will unfold. But thy grave it not yonder Where tears the flowers start; Wherever I may wander Thy grave is in my heart. nv~ SOUL SONGS 193 This heart it is the sorest Of stream or wind or trees, Of all that in the forest In sighing seeks for ease. Though sweetest flowers bound it And birds their music fling, The memories that surround it Can nought but sorrow sing. Oh I would love thee maiden While time and tide shall run ! While in thy spirit's Aiden Shall shine on thee the sun ! And when its golden splendor Will fade and die away, Thy memory would be tender And green as is to-day. Thee would I love as fountains Soft silver tinkling sounds; As splintered granite mountains The peace of their surrounds; As soundless, soundless oceans The azure purity; And as the best devotions Of man eternity. But since thou hast departed The strength of life has fled; My hope is broken hearted And bled and bled and bled. I cannot follow after, Nor dream or dare or do, When weakness mocks with laughter All effort to be true. 194 SOUL SONGS I am falling, falling, falling, I am sinking, sinking down; I am calling, calling, calling, Nor answer find but frown. Black, black the clouds that screen us, Spirit of purity: Vast, vast the gulf between us My sinful heart can see. Farewell beloved maiden ! Farewell spirit divine ! Though sin and sorrow laden I would not burden thine. Farewell beloved maiden ! Oh soul out of my soul ! Go on within thy Aiden Though the storms around me roll. NEED, GREED AND MEED. How small our need ! A little dress, A little bread, A little shelter from the weather's stress And life is fed. How large our greed ! Can earth fill all Our selfish dream? Abuse we gifts that God lets fall Yet him blaspheme. What is our meed? A rugged grave, A simple flower, A memory dear some heart doth save For one short hour. SOUL SONGS 195 A WORLD SIGH. Oh Love ! thou art the spirit most divine Of all existing being. Thy presence fills The universe, and is the heart that wills All-life. The green and golden globes that shine And lamp the void are fed with living wine From thy celestial breast and glance. Such motions, majesty and lance Of brightest splendors as forever kills The undevout and prides that stream In man, Oh, who could ever dream Such beauty, power and harmony divine Could be and be sustained by any heart but thine ! But in this world — Oh is it here alone? Of all the million multiplied spheres that hail Thy gifts — thy name and nature are in veil, As if a solid starless night was thrown Across the summer sun, and earth was blown A source of wint'ry selfishness. The elemental natures that dress Her living soul with ocean, sky and vale, And scarce the scars upon her heart Conceal with all their magic art, Bear witness with their murmuring looks and lips Thy heart and countenance, Oh Love ! are in eclipse. Thus veiled from thee the unguardianed earth doth sweep Her path among the constellated spheres As a dishonor among the kingly peers Of heaven's host. To them she is a heap Of most chaotic ruins. Within her deep What titanic elements of life Are locked in their convulsive strife ! What tempest wrath and lightning bolt appears ! What earthquake, volcano and cyclone Her bosom oft has rent and thrown ! What sweeping flood, frost, drought and hungry flame The green-embosomed earth destroy or lasting maim ! 196 SOUL SONGS Some withering blast is on the herbless field; Some unseen ill eats at the forest's core; Some spirit wars in beasts and birds for gore; Some poisons too the fountains have unsealed; All beasts and things announce the unrepealed Curse on the earth. From nature's heart Without the touch and time of art No flower or fruit reach use or beauty's door. Why should the beasts and powers of life Have no high end but warring strife? Earth from her heart to the splintered mountain peaks In polyphonic voice the woes of judgment speaks. Dowered thus she swings along her course And through the void utters her solemn dirge; For all she is, has been and would be, surge Her heart and frame with deep, voluminous force And echoes far away. These thunders hoarse Doth strike her sister wedded spheres, Doth fall on their harmonious ears As sin discords in heaven's song emerge. With silent awe, uncertain fears, Each listens whence the sound appears. Oh what a drawn-out diapason curse To echo from our sphere throughout the universe ! The long generations of her mortal Sons whose destiny is but to find a birth And faith and fellowship above the earth, Then quick to pass beyond the shadowed portal To join the hosts forever more immortal: What glancing eye of heart or mind Beholds that line and is not blind With grief, as when death falls on lover's mirth? To see the loved and best created With sense and sins and shadows mated; To see not faith nor nature's faint belief, Astounds angelic ranks and burdens them with grief. SOUL SONGS 197 Oh our human nature is disorganized From all creation ! It is antithetic To humanity, to the rich prophetic Skies, to nature's fabric, to its God devised Constitution and the idealized Virtues and Divine inspires To wake and feed our best desires . The conscience is dethroned and heretic Sense's dark impulsive power Is rebel to the spirit's dower. All gifts have some lack, fullness or alloy As failures certain makes, embitter and destroy. Yes ! Yes ! In the far ancestral founts of life Some mystery dark was introduced that lives From sire to son, and a field for ruin gives God's workmanship with potencies most rife. This strange mephitic element with strife Has poisoned every heart and brain, And often God's last blessing, pain. Our quintessential essence, the motives, From uncreated virtues bent, And fell in that same steep descent As the primal godlike purities that fell From heaven's right hand thrones to the fire-locked gulfs of hell. Some spirit of that dark, infernal region Seems still at work, and pours satanic power On this descent by which they swift devour The heritage of hope. Diverse and legion The inspiration which she doth endower, So each from his high destined end And from his brother's good doth bend. All reasonless by blind infatuation The human bands and brotherhoods, Are severed and new multitudes Of deadly strifes spring up each day to birth, With power and hate and death to all of right and worth. 198 SOUL SONGS What a field for strife is the human soul ! Though to all eyes and oft to self unknown, Two worlds of life and death have there been thrown For mastery. There in the darkness roll The resistless powers that guard each moral pole Of this dynamic universe. Beings of blessings and of curse Contend there oft, whom man may full disown; But most, self with himself and gifts of power Contend or suffer or devour. Sense and soul, might and right, real and ideal, Sweep his heart with changing woe but never lasting weal. The heart is the first battle field ; the first Instrument of death the thought within the fist; And the first cause is man's high pride when hissed By stronger power or stronger selfish thirst That scorns all laws and to its end has burst. No need of outer worlds to stir The elements of hate and murder, Since all powers within encrouch and all resist. But when another world so like To this doth on her bosom strike, More deadly strifes spring instant up to birth And sweep in frenzied war across anarchic earth. Oh War ! War ! War ! Oh outward and embodied state Of man's own nature ! The unregenerate man Has all the elements of war's infernal ban In his vile heart. His selfishness and hate Sleeps not nor feeds till they annihilate Obstructs of pride and power and greed. Defenceless weak, unarmored need Are gloated o'er with eyes of murderous scan. The armies and the navies often seem, And often seem to be no dream As giant men whom trifles disengage And elemental furies within and round them rage. SOUL SONGS 199 What histories hast thou written on the earth Of fiery force and vengeance, blood and lust ! Oh what destroy from grandeur unto dust Of most men are and all they hold of worth ! Which of the long generations whose birth Was not eclipsed by thee and thine? Which of the years that long untwine Was not with stain, deep, crimson stain out thrust? What nations never pained and bowed When thee and thine together crowd? What nations never loud, jubilant and free When thou in chains were thrust as hell's hound ought to be ? Oh inhuman war ! Oh infernal birth ! Thou transformest earth to hell and revels Man as drunken, mad and thrice damned devils In blood and death, in rapine, fire and lust. The earth Could bear the cost and count it more then worth If thou couldst meet an equal mate And each the foe annihilate. All know beneath life's sun-kissed highland levels Wars have their source and leave their stain On the lust of pride and power and gain. Oh war ! as thou the throat of death has crammed Thy spirit, works and lore forever deep be damned ! Still thou shalt be, for to-day the nations groan Beneath deep marshaled ranks and armaments That public fear alone from broil prevents. These hounds of hell if this frail leash be thrown — Oh restrain ! Restrain ! Too well the truth is known ! Not yet the crimson spear and sword Shall trim the vine and turn the sward. Thy presence we must bear till omnipotence All hostile powers from power disown And change man's heart and love enthrone. Oh deliverance shalt thou ever come, Since faith is often slain and hope is stricken dumb I 200 SOUL SONGS And other fields then the mangled scattered dead Their victims claim of thousand thousands slain. Trade and industries : I know they must remain For human need, but what heart has never bled For boys and girls on hours of labor fed ? The city's heart each morn doth bleed To see them forced by forcing need, And early bound by slavery's iron chain. The home and school, forest and field Should in and round them be unsealed. What a sacrifice for a worthless heap of gold Do the heavens above and the earth beneath behold? From their short youth until their ripest years A hopeless labor is the law of life; For labor without God is but a strife Of selfishness and death, while heaven's spheres Of life and love grow blind and disappears. The law is: "Toil! Toil! Toil, oh slave !" And with no end but for the grave. If one rebels then hunger's ragged knife Doth tear a gash straight to the heart, Which men will see and cold depart. No other passion like the curse of gold Can change the warming heart to polar icy cold. In this intense and concentrated age Of selfishness, the workmanship divine Though deep defaced, bearing the workman's sign, Is cheaper in the mart then what would gage The value of a beast. Horses and kine Command a larger care than men. Machines are under constant ken, And often dogs are tended by a page. Oh human life is more than cheap ! Oft hunted, murdered to the deep. Trade's vast machine turns swifter round and round With nought or light regard for thousands ground and ground. SOUL SONGS 201 Oh what a sorrow sight before the wise ! As they behold at the city's restless heart Ten thousand thousand whose life is but a mart For profitless exchange. Why do men's eyes See not the throned and azure splendored skies ! To buy and sell, to get and gain Is more than all the gifts of pain, Or all the dreams that on her visions dart. Men sell themselves, the god in them, His jewels their birth which diadem. Faith, love and truth, ideals and more are sold By hosts of human kind for worthless heaps of gold. Wealth now is god and life's supremest art Is but to worship her. A golden image Is enthroned on an exalted stage; Her dazzling continental splendors dart From sea to sea. Oh, each remotest part Of this vast nation's host of men Behold ! Does not thy prophet ken Behold the choicest spirits of the age Hearing that sound low prostrate fall To worship her their all in all? The few that scorn the god that hosts desire Are instant thrust again into a sevenfold fire. Another class akin to these exchange All gifts for public place; their all for power And honors bright that fade within an hour. And many more to wisdom still more strange Barter all high kingdoms if they can range Where fashion, wealth and pride aglow, Eat, drink, drive and clothe and show. Most near to these who forfeit equal dower Another class hear pleasure's call And haste to drink her honeyed gall. How many in that swift seducing round Deem trifles but the hour and foolishness there found? 203 SOUL SONGS A very few like travelers in a desert land Do seek the fountains that have ever burst To slake the mind and its consuming thirst For knowledge, and the right to understand What idealists in their high kingdoms planned. Some fewer still who seem insane With some wild fancies of the brain Do ever seek their finite bands to burst And in the Uncreated find A purity for heart and mind. These last, the wisdom, salt and light of earth, Though scorned and trodden down, but find the ends of birth. But, Oh this vast mass ! This helpless seething mass Of unconscious, blind and lost humanity; Without life or hope of being's destiny, What are they and who cares for them ? They pass As mighty herds o'er life's scant pastured grass. No beauty on their eyeballs blind; No kingly thoughts within the mind; No impassioned pulse of eternity; No love divine within the heart; No God doth on their conscience start; Their souls in rounds of labor, grief and greed, Are dead to all high powers that life alone can feed. Far, far from these: How very few of millions Out of the mass as the morning stars do rise With undimmed splendor ! And what a glad surprise To find in the eternal sphere pavilions New firmamental lights ! What postilions Upon fire ! What imperial power In their right arm ! What lightning dower Of spirit blaze from their unconquered eyes ! For each who gain a throne and crown What battling hosts must they tread down ! And Oh how oft ! when on the summit's height Life's gain is found as dross and noon is turned to night. SOUL SONGS 203 Around the golden portal of our birth Congregate young strengths and joys and hopes, Whose passions scorn the rough ascending slopes Of life, for knowledge of rebellious earth Can never pierce the consciousness of mirth But Oh how soon ! how very soon ! Beneath the height and heat of noon The strongest faints and blind in darkness gropes. Oh must this life forever slay us? First a cosmos, then a chaos, First ideals, fiery heart and lightning mind, Then failure nor the good, within, before, behind. Our desecrated and dethroned ideals, Religious faiths and joys and sacred sorrows Unsheltered roam time's unhospitable morrows. As celestial foreigners in earthly fields, Though with ancestoral grace and royal seals, They seek in vain some mortal heart Wherein to dwell and free impart What e'en the first archangel gladly borrows. Oh what a wilderness for them ! Oh with what judgments they condemn ! High heaven's hosts come forth at birth to crown At sunset they are fled or on us darkly frown. Yea worse ! Love travailing in her bondage Dost inspire the poet's soaring mind. These splendors of her new creation are signed In imperishable imagery, and now gage Man's deep descent and his unhallowed rage. These images the most divine, Whose music, power and light shall shine Though ages like the past shall be untwined; These natures pure which recreate Who love and live and contemplate; These kingdoms which the smile of God doth crown - By hosts and hosts and hosts are scorned and trampled down. 204 SOUL SONGS The sons of genius, the celestial powers, The gifts divine, the hierarchs of worth, The splendors rare that should enlight the earth And guide her course to those immortal hours They see and feel in their high spirit dowers : Who weeps not sorrow's sacred tear Upon the dark and ruined bier Of this divorce from such prophetic birth ! Their sunlike gifts, their sunlike light Serves but to read life's line aright. Unbalanced, driven, ruined, ashamed and cursed, None, none but them can know how life is strange reversed. Why is human life so lean? Why failure, Disappointment, loss, despondency, remorse? The spirit's high endowments and the force Of immortality doubtless should insure Men high careers of progress, and should cure The sad disorders of our state. Vast potiencies divine and great And prophecies that through all storms endure Are felt in will and heart and brain, And kindle neath life's stress and strain. Led on by dreams no dream should e'er deceive Ideal worlds pass by and us behind them leave. Why should the individual and the race Be such fiascoes ? What infinite ideal Can justify the earth's dark history, and repeal The waste of human life, the gifts and grace Of billioned souls whom chaos doth embrace? One, only one of all our line Has ever reached the goal divine. His few redeemed were found where ruin reels Helpless to the abysmal deep. All else is failure. Oh the reap Of death ! Oh the harvests vast of sin and hell ! Oh the loss and bitterness ! God, God alone can tell ! SOUL SONGS 205 Oh Love ! two long millenniums have rolled around Since thy high priest with sacrifice divine Burst with effulgent brightness on the line Of selfishness. With tremendous bound Some sinful hearts leaped to his sight and sound. The promise long has been delayed; Hate, greed and strife are still unstayed, But stronger grow as each with others twine. Still evil yet doth reign supreme; All clearly see in the lights that stream The world is unredeemed. The Christ who died Though the world's only hope each day is crucified. The great institution of the church doth shame Her proud pretentions. She is a disgrace To God and a glory to the devil. Place, Power, wealth and numbers, form and fashion's fame Is more than Christ and the Spirit's glowing flame. Without a splendor full unfurled; Within a white washed wrinkled world, A scorn of men whose piercing visions trace One life in strange extremest forms. A church that ne'er disturbs or storms Whatever stands in live's obstructed way, Is the worst restraining power of her divinest day. The high enthroned, purple and crowned transgressors Of position, power, wealth and intelligence, O'er the wide hosts of helpless ignorance Become still more the strong and proud oppressors. The union and new acts of these possessors Upon the new horizon's bound Cast most portentous sight and sound. What dark chaotic dreams will issue hence From want and hunger outraged sleep If once their tempest passions leap? The strife of life intensifies each day, The weak are beasts of burden, the strong are beasts of prey. 206 SOUL SONGS The religious instincts and the deep Intuitional sense of the divine Seems in a strange decay. The darkest sign Of all our time is, that such hosts can sleep With no more God than horses, kine or sheep. No thanksgiving song, or prayer for Help or confessions upward soar. In most no moral nature seems to shine. The fundamental pieties Of nature, state and families, That virtue lent to a less enlightened day Seem dying in the strife and slowly pass away. Atheism, profanity and ignorance, Pride, pleasure, falsehood and dishonesty, Drunkenness and foulest sensuality, Material power and lordly competence, All, all dark ghouls of selfishness and sense Shout: "The earth, the earth is all our own, Nor God nor heaven can us dethrone. This is our royal day of power and we Will blast or bless who bind or free Our reign with more intensity. God, heaven and angels high are overthrown Bulwarked by ages long the earth is all our own." Oh Love all things are calling out for thee ! The voice of earth and all her generations With thunder song of mountain intonations, Is gathering round thy throne of victory In intercession for the liberty From this bondage of corruption Into the glory of the children Of God. Through time's strife and agitations, Though bound with adamantine chain, Though crucified and often slain, All things oft sing with wider echoing tones For thy millennial earth, millennial sons and thrones. SOUL SONGS 20? To men or office dare we longer grope? Since the course of civilization in The history of her leading men has been A curse and loudest blasphemies against the hope The azure skies upon our spirits ope. Our politics are but a crime, A pestilential bed of slime, Sowing on life abortive births of sin. Can honest men? Can men of God? Can men of conscience, truth or laud With any wing hold office, place or power When justice is dethroned and bribery rules the hour? All things now call and call alone for thee. Time like an aged sire wrinkled and white, But with his rich experiences doth slight And scorn all panaceas that would free The social heart from its long leperosy. He has seen every generation With some sure cure its courses run Then leave the world with still more deadly blight. No age has diagnosis sure And if it had, Oh could it cure? No mortal power regenerates the heart And all things without this but more disease impart. The very time's developments of power, Knowledge and conquest over nature debate The enfranchisement of man from this weight Of centenarian ill. Is this endower For selfish ends ? Does it not invite the hour Of disestablishment to throne Thee over all supreme alone, In honor, majesty and sovereign state? The gifts and powers of heaven above Are only safe in hands of love ; In other hands a curse they must untwine, But with thee they are safe and grow still more divine. 208 SOUL SONGS The discords of our unredeemed humanity That strike despair upon our mortal ears Ascend on high; reaching celestial spheres There is a change and a minor harmony Of life's unlanguaged pain is heard by thee. Man's passion-blind and erring play Are not to thee just what they say. When thou translatest earthly hopes and fears A prayer is oft in guilty deed. We know thine eyes with sorrows bleed, And thou can'st hear by sorrow's mystic art The world's travailing pain as prayers unto thy heart. Around the iron guarded gate of death Soon gather those that crowd the portal birth. Broken, torn and sick and robbed of strength and mirth, They come to yield up sorrow's burdened breath. Each generation there this prayer hath solemn saith: "Oh not for me ! Oh not for me ! High kingdom of eternity ! By all I wished but found not here on earth, By life and ruin, loss and pain, By my immortal nature slain, By all thou art and will be in thy day For coming generations Oh haste ! Oh haste, I pray !" The church which thine own Christ has full redeemed; The church which incarnates his personality, Thoughts, passions, principles, immortality, And the ripe fullness which the Father streamed Into his empty form; that church has dreamed With joy sublime of that far age Which promise, power and grace engage To build on earth for lost humanity, That church doth groan ; Oh deeply groan ! Oh is it not thy spirit's moan ! Can these deep sighs which issue from thy breast Be lost in vanity nor ever find their rest? SOUL SONGS 209 Thy first descended sons of pure inspire Whom thou hast sent from thy celestial clime To hold the faith, and with glad songs to chime The golden age feel thy prophetic fire Within their hearts. Each gathers the desire So scattered wide in man and thing And unto thee their sorrows sing. Sing on, Oh poet priests ! Oh be not dumb Unto this age of strife and gold ! Though they hear not nor ye behold, With triumphant joy and deathless faith sum Up the world's travailing cry : "Come ! Come Oh kingdom ! Come !" "Come ! Come, Oh long delayed and golden age ! Age of the world's unlanguaged deep desire ! Age of her travailing pain and the inspire Of high victorious hours ! Age that will gage Itself by the awful curse and darkest page Of earth's yet undeciphered heart. Age of the poet's song ! Age that art The embodiment of all the higher Visioned dreams which the celestial spheres Have rained on pain and love and tears ! Age of divine purpose, fullness and employ, From heaven, Oh descend and build on time's destroy !" "Oh age bend down and lay thy passioned heart Upon the nurseless spirit of the earth ! Her long and wintry courses since her birth Have frozen her forbidding the impart That glorifies with thy celestial art. Come ! Kiss thy infant and caress, And with thy warmth her spirit bless ! Thou crimson life ! Thou pure maternal mirth ! Thou warm divine self-sacrifice ! Oh bid the earth's dead soul arise ! Then through her dense diseased material frame Thy all renewing life will burst forth like a flame." 210 SOUL SONGS "Come thou! Rebuild earth's habitations Where thy unselfish and celestial hosts May dwell ! The cities of our proudest boasts Will form for them the underground foundations. Thy peoples with imperial creations Will build until they cities seem A vision, an architectural dream, Heaven itself upon our earthly coasts With that magnificence no king Has dared to dream. Thou art the spring. Of wealth, of power, of beauty and delight, And givest all thou art to purity and right." Touch thou the earth's unemancipated king, And with the contact of thy immortal heart Oh disenthrall his spirit from the mart Of selfishness ! Oh let his manhood spring From time's long travailing agonies, and wing Unto the infinite ideal Thou dost upon his eyes unseal ! Dethroned, plundered, profaned, enslaved, a part Of groaning nature, unconscious, And trampled down by beasts and sense His hour of disenfranchisement be now, iAnd they investiture upon the morning's brow !" "Thou hast the full resources for this life. Thou canst destroy the hory iniquities Bequeathed to us by the antiquities Of crime. Some few leaders of this strife, Some chiefs, some towers of self, thy lightning knife Must blast and hurl into the dust To stay time's swift contageous lust. O'er the wide host thy soft benignities And arching grace from heaven above, As o'er the sick a mother's love, Can smother down time's heritage of ill And nurse out of the earth a race that thou dost fill." SOUL SONGS 211 "Thou canst destroy the infernal dogs of war, And the politics of hell by which their Course is constant driven. Panic with her bare And hunger bitten hords would fly before, And poverty be exiled from thy shore. The theatre, brothel and saloon Will break their long commune, And sink with curse to each infernal lair. Greed, strife, crime, sorrow and decay; Ignorance, diseases and dismay; All, all of sin, of selfishness and blight Shall fly before thy face as darkness from the light." "Come thou on earth with thy exhaustless heart! Thou hast celestial and supremest powers. Thou hast the azure and immortal dowers Of sun-giving heaven. Thou hast and art The spirit pure that in each angel flowers To splendor, joy and purity. The nature of divinity Is thine alone and thou canst it impart. Sow ! Sow thy potencies of life And from the very heart of strife Another world with beauty and delight With forth from chaos rise toward heaven's golden height." "Come ! Bring the royal institutes of state ! The high, supreme, majestic, honored laws; And kin to these those reverential awes Thy youth and age delight to contemplate As we behold the statues of the great. Virtue, justice, truth and righteousness, Thy nations shall with splendor dress ! Faith, love, hope, joy, magnanimousness, applause, Shall be the ornaments of gold Each brow and heart shall then unfold. Come! Come Oh state! What business, school and home Thy bases shall support, enkindle shall thy dome!" 212 SOUL SONGS "As thy institutions are above the past Bring thou the man that is enthroned on them; The man who is his throne and diadem, And in whom the Infinite has glassed His nature's passions. Oh bring him on the blast And wreckage of this mortal kind ! Oh immortal heart and mind ! Spirit divine ! the world's pinnacle ! the gem Of all creation ! Oh mate Of seraphim ! Oh incarnate Son of God ! the hosts of eternity Are bending from their thrones to look with joy on thee." . "Oh man divine who would not long for thee ! Thou crowning all art with devotion crowned, And from devotion's heart riches supreme abound As blessing from the azure purity. Thy passions with the white intensity Of love fills every welcome birth Of thy uncrowded crowded earth. Oh how the new created heavens resound With universal harmony ! One redeemed humanity ! One human brotherhood ! One family race ! One many passioned heart that one heart does embrace !" "Come ! Come Oh long delayed and golden age ! Age of all passions, purities and powers ! Age of all ideals and sublimest hours Of execution ! Oh age that will gage The heightless height and boundless reach that cage Themselves in frail humanity! Oh age of immortality Which the fountains of the infinite assuage ! Come ! Oh rise on time's foundation stones The splendors of thy everlasting thrones ! Come thou upon the morning's golden pinions And round the feet of God build thou thy last dominions !" SOUL SONGS 213 OUR DAY. A golden springtime morn, With heart as light As flowers that life adorn, And just as bright. The noonday's toil and strength Is full of strife; Toil, sin and grief at length Wears out our life. The sun sinks in the west; The day doth cease; Our hands from labor rest With evening's peace. All earth doth slumber now; Stars throng the deep; A prayer we breathe and bow; And then we sleep. YOUTH AND AGE. When I was young ! When I was young I did not dream of grief. Fear, strife and pain and discord's tongue Were not in my belief. Now I am old ! Now I am old ! Where is the golden dream? Where are the high romances rolled Outshining summer's gleam? 214 SOUL SONGS LOST AND FOUND. I fell beside the way of life, Earth, sky and sea were glad; And in my heart there was no joy But sadness made most sad. The sun of early days had set And drawn his twilight curtain; A dark, dark cloud was overhead, A storm was made most certain. My mind then turned to early days; I wished some strange device Could bear me to my childhood home, My golden paradise. I turned to trace my wayward steps Along this golden cord, When flashing in my very face I saw a flaming sword, My grief at this was so intense My mind turned round and round, Till I no more could bear the strain And fell upon the ground. I dreamt of paradise, and toward It in my dream I crept; When I awoke and found it dream, I wept and wept and wept. But as I wept the burning tears Did purge my blinded sight; And faintly far before there gleamed Another golden light. With streaming eyes and wounded feet, And many a broken heart I struggled on life's thorny way To reach that gate apart. I grew less proud and strong and swift, And broken day by day, The word I heard, the hand I took, And learned again to pray. SOUL SONGS 215 So thus for years I travelled on With paradise in view; As I the truths of life did learn, The more a child I grew. When I the shining step did reach Self's heart again was broke; The flight of her last soul from mine Was my last mortal stroke . A little child I passed the gate, Was fanned by balmy air, The spirit of its life and love Swept back my manhood care. I bared my sore heart to the sun, I drank away my fears, I wandered round among the flowers, And bathed them with my tears. I went into a secret bower With rose leaves newly strewed That I might but relieve my heart Of its full gratitude; When I looked up I saw a face That filled me with surprise; It was the face of long ago With new light in His eyes. And memory then flashed on my mind A truth with glory bossed; I was again in paradise The same as I had lost. SONG AND SIGH. When we are young! When we are young! Our joy can grief defy; So wild is gladness on our tongue We sorrow for a sigh. When we are old! When we are old! And years upon us throng, Amid the griefs around us rolled We sorrow for a song. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS THE POET'S ADVICE. Within my dreams the other night I met a poet old; A poet soul of lofty height From realms of rhyme and gold; Old Homer's brow was on his head, Tense Dante in his heart, And Milton on the lips that led The high poetic art. "I've looked for one for many a year; For one whose soul could take Out of the silence, deep and sphere The truths that music wake. A wealth of most immortal song Rings round all, ever rings; To kindred hearts amid the throng With life's delight it springs." "Thou art descended from a race Of ancient kings of old; The law of life and crowning grace They to the world have told; And I the father of that line From yonder starry height, Unfold the secrets most divine And gird thee with our might." 218 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS "The old mythologies are dead; New science takes its place; A modern world has come instead; Another runs the race; Forget the ancient dreams and deeds; The newer time renown; "Another race and nobler breeds Oh spirit, clothe and crown." "Delivered from the hoary past Look straight unto the years; The present is a spirit vast To climb the newer spheres. The here and now is broader base As truth is more than dream; Gives larger scope, asks better grace, More passion, thought and gleam." "The newer field is larger far, A vaster sweeping plan; Another glory rounds the star; Far richer is the man; The age is deep, intense and high; Life marches right along; Waits empty ear and straining eye The singer and the song." "But ere the soul a song can sing The heart must burning love, Just as before the harp can ring The fire falls from above. Love is the very soul of life, The very soul of song; E'en out of discord's harshest strife She bringeth music strong." MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 219 Love is a fountain that to feed The infinite delights; Such overflow the rivers breed As reaches heaven's heights. And heaven itself, a world of song With singing souls aglow, Is love redeemed from earthly wrong And fed to overflow." "Love has the farthest reach of thought; Rich passions glowing white; The truths that life has ever sought, And victory over night. Her eyes can read the central heart; Her hand can build the sky; The best equipment for thine art Is love divine and high." "Then ever seek to live in love With man and bird and beast; With all divine enthroned above, All down unto the least. The very worm thy kindred is; Love through creation streams; Who lives in it, all things are his, All persons, deeds and dreams." "Live close to nature's mother heart; Thy primal noblest nurse Will give her life, of which a part Is rythmic passioned verse. Her very life flows into song; In music she delights; The singer mid this battling throng, She crowns him on the heights." 220 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS "The great in man is nature's great; From her he comes and goes; The one the many incarnate; Some few she overflows. Songs, songs are in her elements; Song rounds the very curse; Song reigns forever, ever hence And nature is its nurse." "Art lives an hour then life resigns. Can nature e'er expire? Who lives and writes from her, his lines Shall feed the world's desire. Oh mother this thy child baptize In sun and earth and sea ! Within him live, so through him rise Thy world soul's melody." "Just as to nature to the home Be strong and fierce and white; Where e'er thy lightning wings shall roam Return here with the night. This sphere divine the heavens high First planned and formed on earth; Thou hast no poet's heart and eye If blind unto its worth." "Man's better self, the noble wife; The children undefiled; An atmosphere of saving life; A garden mid the wild; A woman's dream; a man's inspire; A childhoods' refuge pure; I tell thee soul, this primal fire Has lived and shall endure." MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 221 "All human elements the best; All hopes and joys and dreams Are bursting here, and he is blest Who deeply drinks its streams. Here songs are rising from life's fount And unto heaven spring; Oh catch and fix them as they mount ! And sing of home, Oh sing !" "Out of the home the course of life Doth drive man to the field, The campus and the battle strife Of helmet, sword and shield; Disdain thou not the soldier's strain; The combatants and fight; Within that host and in a chain Life battles for her right." "Though blindness, greed and death are there, Though man in madness slays, The singer and the saint must dare Time's forces, finds and plays. Surprise and grief and brutal scorn Shall trample, rend and fling; But other songs and saints are born That higher rise and sing." "Then down among the fighting breeds ! Grasp firm the ancient blade ! The poet's arm has nations freed And empire bases laid. Life, soul and song themselves there find; Up scales diviner grow; Right to the front and for thy kind, Go singer ! Forward go !" 222 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS "Yonder is Sinai's splintered peak; White summit's there uncap Deep thunder judgments; terrors speak In many an awful clap. Sin ! Sin in lightning vengeance cursed, Sin, death and hell are free, Like monsters hungry and athirst Swift chase and crunch on thee." "Yonder is Calvary's famous mount; Oh love ! Oh love sublime ! Thy crimson crest and crimson fount Still towers above all time! The Father of the universe Opens his heart of hearts; And life and love upon the curse In fulness free imparts." "Yonder is Beulah's shining plain Which golden splendors steep; The pearly gates and heaven's strain Across her bosom sweep; The highest course upon the earth With circles most divine, There heaven itself in man has birth And life is drunk with wine." "Around and up these mountains three, Clumb ! Climb Oh singer ! Climb ! Nought so can lend intensity To magic, truth and rhyme. The forces of the universe Are all in focus there; And most eternal music nurse No time or space can wear." MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 223 "Into the mind, immortal mind, Plant, plant the seeds of thought ! From sayings of the wise and kind The harvest age is wrought. Oh give the thinker living seed ! Give wheat's divinest kind ! No other can his spirit feed; Plant, plant within the mind!" "Srike human nature's feelings deep! Straight home unto the heart! Strike to the passions, they will keep The fire that thou dost start! Right through the vestments of all life, Right through all tissues thick, Through business, pleasure, pomp and strife, Strike, strike them to the quick !" "Lift up before the eyes of dream The beautifuls of earth; Upon their opening vision stream The splendors round thy birth. Feed fairy fancy's magic power; The necromancy gift Immortal makes the mortal hour, And thou and them shall lift." "Strike! Strike the moral nature strong! Strike! Strike with lightning bolts! The conscience mid this earthly wrong Needs earthquake rending jolts. A solar plexus punch on sin, Oh strike and send him down! Another man will rise within And right his spirit crown." 224 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS "The poet is the uncrowned king; The giver of the law; The nurse that doth the ages bring Of life and love and awe; Revealer of the true ideal, Son of eternity, Unto the truth I solemn seal Oh faithful, faithful be !" So sang the poet from the height Unto my immost breast; His presence and his song of might My being more than blessed. He paused, and when I would have spoke I saw him gently rise, And watched the dying line that broke Along the starry skies. THE DREAM. Dream ! Oh dream ! Oh living dream ! That upon our visions stream Art thou real or only seem? Just an image, word or line, With a breath of life divine, And a robe of rainbow shine. Just a fancy flimsy dressed, Glimpse or gleam of something guessed Vision, flash or brightness blest. Neither flesh nor blood nor bone Just the frailest phantom known, Spirit by the zepher blown Round the world to every zone. But divine celestial thing Thou dost live upon the wing, And forever shine and sing. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 225 Born within a poet's soul When life's distant shining goal On his lifted eye-balls roll. From this chaos mind and sight Brought thee from the void of night Birth of beauty and delight. In his heart as in a fire He immersed thee, and thy sire Gave thy heart his best desire; Then thee kissed thy father nurse, On thy lips he left a verse Sweeter than the larks unpurse. Smiled he beauty on thy face, Like the shadow of that grace Which his passions ever chase. Spirit beautiful to sight! Only feeling form and light Yet a power in day and night. Dwelling in the azure clime, Sun or stary birth of time Thou hast magic most sublime. Shining in the morning hour, Standing on the noonday tower, Walking mid the twilight bower. On the world's immortal heart Like a bride in flowers thou art, Dreams within the dreams that start. Hope and joy and purity Wisdom and her children free See and love and follow thee. 226 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Man though pompous, swift and proud Passes like a flying cloud Wrapped unconscious in his shroud. All his works of fame and power Follow him in just an hour Down time's phantom shadowed bower, Mountains crumble and decay, Seas to vapor pass away, Earth herself grows cold and gray. Even suns of splendor bright Empty in the void their light And like cinders circle night. All is passing or will pass Like the figures in a glass Worlds and men alas ! alas ! But Oh dream thou canst not die ! Thy immortal heart and high Deftest all beneath the sky. Nature with her lightning knife And her elemental strife Cannot even touch thy life. Can the blindness, grief and greed Which to death this human feed Prove contagious to thy breed? Can the times that conquest flings Over ages, empires, kings, Vanquish thee on azure wings? Far above all strife and time Royal, princely, pure and prime, Livest thou with life sublime. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 227 Like an angel in the earth Beautiful as at her birth Radiant and benign in mirth, Thou art flying up and down And all beauties that thee crown Unveilest free to king and clown. Thy rich alabaster heart Breaks with passion to impart All that makes thee what thou art. Kisses sweet, celestial kisses; Blisses pure, unblighting blisses; And the love man ever misses. Heaven's height and matchless grace Shines upon thy glorious face Like an angel to our race. Mother of these dreams divine, Thou dost on our spirits shine Till for higher love we pine. Thou dost light the heart and mind, And our nobler spirits find By the visions that us blind. Thou dost enter, lift and nurse The hope of this vast universe By thy face and heart's unpurse. Worlds within our world is built, Free from sorrow, fear and guilt, Where thou rulest as thou wilt. Thou dost fashion, form and crown With high heaven's royal gown, Virtue, beauty and renown. 228 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Dream ! Oh dream ! Oh living dream That upon our visions stream, Shine ! Oh shine in brighter gleam ! Surely thou art from the heart Whence divinest things all start, Just a smile from Him thou art, Falling on these sightless eyes, Who but mounteth to the skies; By the passions pure that rise? Onward ! Onward we are led Where the dream and deed are wed, And with love forever fed. Still upon our visions gleam Like the face from whence ye stream ! Dream ! Oh dream ! Oh living dream ! TIME'S IMMORTAL: I asked in thunder tones: "Skies, mountains, forests, streams, Man, beast and bird and stones, Schools, cities, temples, dreams : From this eternal change, This endless flowing tide, Of all the world we range What longest shall abide?" 'The most immortal thing That rises in the earth, Is song upon the wing With sorrow mothered mirth. Rich passions in its heart, Ripe beauty on its face, How can it e'er depart With things of time and place ?" MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 229 "Deep planted in our tears, Forever on the sight, Sweet ringing in our ears, And shining on our night; More present after strife, Still young when we are old, A fountain heart of life When all our tales are told." "Time's splendors, pomp and power Of pinnacle and dome, Time's hunger will devour Like Egypt, Greece and Rome, But song with passion's glow Sweet, simple, bright and free Will live and with us go To all eternity." THE GOD OF THE UNITED STATES. A spirit new ascended to the earth With nature vast and superhuman dower, To breathe her life into each coming birth That should arise to rule the passing hour. Her passions and her world creating power Was more than mortal, and so the mortal frame Beneath the gifts and graces she did shower Was vitalized as with the strength of flame, And even round the flesh was something of the same. Her generation came straight from her heart, And her torrential life swept through each vein Until the vestiture in every part Was tensioned with a spirit's growing pain. From such a life unto the lightning brain Her visions bright with promised splendors leap And build themselves upon the springtime plain; Or bosom rich the future's rugged steep, Most scornful of the past that round lies buried deep. 230 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Since vital dreams when wedded to a hand Is mother of the high heroic deed, They quick transform and populate the land To harmonize and supplement their need. Mighty cities, palaces, towers, parks, speed- Trains and autos, wireless phones, electric lights, Air navigations and all arts that feed The mind and ear and beauty's raptured sights, All, all around them spring or shine upon the heights. But man must have a God. No change or power That sense can smother long. Earth's central fire Is hidden deep, and often for an hour Seems to have lost her ancient fierce desire. But soon the dead volcano throats expire Their elemental essences; so conscience Slumbers for a time, but her celestial ire Will rise again, but focused more intense Will sudden burst and burn their darkened calloused sense. Thus and not thus when that apostate race Forgot the pilgrim and ancestral God Of holiness and high redeeming grace. When strength and wealth and pride were strange tin- awed Before the living God, the Life that lawed The universe, that void most undivine And vast was felt so ill, hosts did applaud An image new that from the heights did shine With all their hearts could wish to meet the restless pine. A most gigantic human god of gold Was dreamed for them, and its material brought From sea, mountain, desert isle, poison hold And frozen river. All the earth was sought For full ten thousand men whose gifts had wrought The world famed statuary. They soon were found And for their task were still more highly taught By the wide multitude whose daily sound, "Oh give us such a god as this !" did on their spirits bound. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS S31 Both night and day for near a score of years They toiled and it was done. Nine solid squares In Chicago's surging heart quick disappears For temple space, and the earth's deep rock unbares For its foundations. The surrounding wall wears The panels and reliefs of genius, and are enscrolled With noblest imagery. Vast labor bears The image hence: inventions most untold Erect upon its base this latest god of gold. Behold ! Behold the monumental god ! Where are the gods the pagans hewed from stone And raised before the conscience darkly awed? In all the world is there a classic throne Of adoration that has ever known The faintest sign of this transcendent reach? All, all are mocked by the majesty here shown r And disenthroned forever from our speech; From life's celestial heights that wake, inspire and teach* The hoary forms of ancient superstition, Chiseled from the solid mountains, in a mass Would make for this but merest base position. Nebuchadnezzar's image though it pass In pomp before time's magnifying glass Were but a toy or as a faint forecast Of this idolatry. The images that would class Men as divine are here together clasped, United all in one, forever unsurpassed. Above the all surrounding mass it towered, And dwindled into insignificance The office structures wealth has reared and dowered. Against the azure sky it strikes the sense, As a wearied traveler through a dense And tangled wilderness from a hill beholds That massive dome from yonder city whence His heart is pressing; the image so embolds The skyscape and the works that man around it folds. 232 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS The pedestal did fill that ample court. Round its feet were giant images of art. Its head reached unto heaven and looked athwart The hemisphere. The rampart breasted parts Were most symmetrical and filled the heart's Desire for form. The draperied loins seemed trees On California mountains, with arm out-starts From massive trunk to catch the thunder breeze. It seemed like nature's work, like land and rocks and seas. Her right hand held the scepter of the earth As if long shafts of swift effulgent light, Like those that from the thunder clouds have birth, Were sudden grasped as in a fist of might Omnipotent. Its oblique line was white Across the day; and a diamond had been set Upon its point as if the dome of night Had into one her starry natures let, And that one glorious star its place appointed met. Her left hand held aloft a globe that met The day with incense that the senses steal On high to where its purple curtains fret The azure arch, and richest perfumes deal Their sweetness on the earth. A vast appeal That outstretched arm and lifted face assume Before the day, and a more magnificence unseal Unto the night, for electric lights illume That perfect godlike form and pierce the farthest gloom. Every member of that gigantic frame Was lined and tensioned to the fine repose Of strength and majesty. It seemed the flame Of life was there, and the intensest glows Of elemental nature, and the flows Of its unimpeded fulness had thrown All to a fine expression. Each muscle shows The master power the passions ever loan, All bursting with the might that must have overflown. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 233 But, Oh that face ! That countenance of power ! That expression of a mighty nation's Full united life in its supremest hour ! Oh the embodiment of elations, Energies, purposes, inspirations, Ambitions and devotions ! Oh the lines Of proudest consciousness, exaltions, Supremest powers and selfish vast designs ! All, all are written there with something still that pines. The brow was circled with the lightning lances Of rarest diamond; the elemental light Of sun-kissed jewels did crown the upward glances Of mankind. The bosom was bedight With famous plates, on which each state was bright In high symbolic sign. The robe of kings, Like flowing liquid gold upon the sight Swept to the earth like mighty folded wings, And even round the feet were jeweled flashing rings. From base to crown it was a mass of bright And burnished splendors. The golden sun divine Poured in full streams his radiancy of light Upon that head and every mirrored sign Dazzled the eyes. Its brightness did outshine All human strength. To look at it was like Looking at the sun with unprotected eyne Its effulgence did a blindness instant strike, And bowed man to the earth as stricken by a pike. Upon that proud imperial countenance And all around was far more than the might Of human nature. Such images of sense, Like the poetic natures of delight, Power, majesty and beauty, as their right Soul atmospheres create; so this creates An atmosphere around her presence bright, That reaches to the farthest boundary states, And feeds each coming birth in all their loves and hates. 234 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Often, often the culminating hour Of high heroic action doth vitalize The mortal frame with superhuman dower Until the transcendental energize Is uncontainable. The imperial eyes, Commanding front and every muscled sign Doth overflow, and in the hosts arise New senses from a presence so divine ; Some portions of his life all other lives enshrine. So was it then: the image filled the coasts And her delighted worshippers arose To pay allegiance in most unbounded boasts. There was thunder sounding acclamations, and those Spectaculars the sense forever throws Round its divinity. Its celebration Gathered all the earth, and in that small enclose Was focused fixed the interest of the nation, And their full life expressed as well became their station. The president and senators in white, The judges and the governors of state Were there, and most conspicuous in sight From dais-thrones and draperies ornate. The merchant prince and commerce kings of weight Were honored high, for they the chief expense Had gladly borne. It did rejoice them great To see all ranks with pleasure most intense So gather to the god that rules the nation hence. The army and the navy flashing bright, With shining swords and uniforms that gleam; Representatives and chancellors bedight As one would dress the figures in a dream; The beautiful and fashionhoods supreme; All honor, pride, power, dignity, renown, With the rabble close behind them in a stream Approach the shrine and prostrate cast them down Before the god that now they most supremely crown. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS S35 Upon their face in solemn silence deep, As soul must be when it with God doth meet, An allegiance oath whose obligations sweep All space and time each spirit doth repeat. The universe has but one kingly seat To which appeal and vacancy invite By golden steps the now ascending feet. Silent, alone, intense, inflamed and bright, The spirits bowed but see the God in golden light. Then they arose and in processional Array did rearrange the votive line; In oft advancement or recessional They pledge anew and all to her resign. From silken jeweled banners bright did shine Most high ascriptions, and float unto the wind The rich emblazonery. Soon they combine In solid squares through which a path is lined, And every bannered fold to chosen hands consigned. A hundred daughters of ancestral name, The chosen virgins of the god and shrine, Far whiter than the snows of mountain fame, Took firm the staffs and with a step divine Approached the front, and waved in crescent line The richest flags that ever saw the light. Anon they cease and the flowing banners twine Around the base. Then blushing crimson bright, The consecrating priest anoints them in all sight. Bandmasters and their instrumentalists Of national repute seemed everywhere, And poured the march of proud returning conquests Or breathed the soft pianissimos of prayer. The chorus bands in spotless raiment fair, With fervent heart and gesture of appeal That music strong unto the heights did bear, Until the host look up or sudden kneel Before the passioned praise that maketh so to feel. 236 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Circling once more the oath again is paid By that great host that all together fall ; Heart, mind and will, faith, life and all are laid Down at her feet as thus they on her call: "Oh God of gods ! Oh God enthroned o'er all The earth and crowned the most supreme forever,! Thy splendors and thy majesty enthrall Our hearts, which naught from thine will dare to sever, For thou hast blessed and still will bless our best endeavour." "Thy benediction has been on our toil, And thy benignest gift above our thought Has blessed our work in mountain, sea and soil. Where'er the mind and faithful hand has wrought Success and wealth crown all; and thou hast frought With more than these, for thy own heart's inspire Has fed the soul and subtler wisdom taught, Until the heart cannot contain desire But after thee has gone as life unto the fire." "Thy fame be spread on earth and sea and sky; Thy blessing on the men that honor thee; Thy frown upon thy rival throned on high; Thy curse on those that unreceptive be; Thy welcome to the islands of the sea Who come from far to worship or behold Thy splendors. Thy richest dispensations free On them, until to all the earth is told, Thy majesty and power, dominion and uphold." "The States that breast the fierce Atlantic shocks, And those that bound the soft Pacific sea, With that maternal plain that ever rocks The hope of life are loyal unto thee : The White House and the lowest hut of this free Nation and the hearts within will entertain Thy image on the thrones that vacant be. Reign ! Reign Oh God ! Oh God forever reign ! And bless all worshippers who sing and love the strain." MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 237 Such service o'er they took two mighty casts And set them up at each extremest gate; At New York and San Francisco, the fasts Of east and western life, they sit in state Most reverent and supreme. The multitudes elate With bread and clothes prosperity still crowd Around the shrine with acclamations great; Or prostrate fall with adoration bowed, And there upon the face the vows of life are vowed. Now smaller images for every town And city square are scattered far and wide, So that the idol and her splendors crown Each market place wherever men abide. No haunt of men the hills or valleys hide But she is there and circled daily round. The image and the services allied The inmost heart within the heart has found, Till she as high without within the soul is crowned. Still smaller yet are millions multiplied And its religious craft both day and night Are overwrought before the unsupplied Desire for casts. The idol shining bright Has found a place of honor and delight With every social rank. Her huge demand Has opened marts and doth the shelves bedight With every touch of wisest artist hand, Or plainer common moulds for toilers of the land. Great men of wealth whose deeds did most dethrone The living God most massive temples build For her; and men far worse but famous known For knowledge, from all the earth are tilled For her high priests, and they are found and willed To teach the heart of coming generations, Though all they teach but the best to be instilled, The primal universal heart pulsations, Love, justice, truth and faith, the very life of nations. 238 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS The ministry ordained to teach the truth Of life, conscious or unconsciously have nooks For precious casts, till judgment, right and ruth Are clean suppressed before the golden looks Descending from the niche amid his books. That image from her high exalted tower Has an impassioned fierceness that never brooks The thought, pen or utterance of the power That speaks from Life and Love unto the mortal hour. The parenthood that should enthrone the good Within the first home temple of the earth, Oh how they choose the gods which they would Place before the eyes of their own being's birth ! Behold their type of life's supremest worth, Sought and found for the first and last allegiance Of their immortal offspring ! Behold the sight ! Hosts of idols ! doubt, purchase, bearing hence, Then lifting in the home before first opening sense. The hope, the One hope of the nation's last Deliverance seems gone. The vestal virgins mate With it and earth's noblest temple has unclasped And throned the thing o'er her divine estate Of maiden, wife and mother. Low and prostrate On her face her prayers and vows are told Each night, till being's deep desires create A host of dreams all clad in shining gold Upon her heart and mind and grow because untold. And so the god is high enthroned in empire O'er the nation. From her towering height supreme She spreads the scepter that ever rains inspire On city, state and union. A glorious gleam Straight from her heart kindles the brightest dream Of platform, press and politics. She feeds The hosts and mingles her own life with stream And air and field, and all our loves and greeds, And like the god men serve in them her image breeds. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 239 She is the inspiration and the nurse Of unbelief, that sin so universal That wise professors know not it is the curse — The unadulterated extracts — the fell And uncompounded spirits and the quintessential And infinitely prolific nature Of all sin ; this sin, the first born curse of hell, With all the train that follow her most sure, She plants within the heart and thus would kill the pure. The greatest things a nation brings to birth Are incarnations from the celestial spheres; With such a gift the poorest state on earth Can empires rule through widest stretch of years. The supremacies of thought and love and tears In ever rising dynasties sublime, Must ever rule this world of hopes and fears ; Theirs is the sovereign mastery o'er time Although like all that rule they suffer to their prime. But this new god doth seek to swift devour These most immortal births: the divine births Of conscience with the high endower Of ancient priests and prophets, the new born mirths Of the great nurse of life's poetic arts and worths Of heaven, the infants that entangle With new hope the travailing heart of the earth's Long sorrow she ever seeks to strangle, Or binds them in her chains as slaves that round her dangle. All domestic virtue, all supernal Intuition, all moral aspiration, The infinite ideal, and the eternal Personality that we station Before, above, behind and through creation, Are loud blasphemed when ever they may greet This spirit new enthroned within the nation; The living God and God in man is meet But to be trampled down neath her foundation feet. 240 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS But yet her strong expansive spirit teems In man, and though they created her she More createth them. Her unarterial streams, Dark laden with death's unvitality Flows to each heart to wake and feed the me Of life's diseased consuming selfishness. Her spirit breeds within the nation the Most unmoral types, although she dress The foul deformities in splendors of excess. She touches man and all their mighty forces With hunger feed upon her golden themes. Her magic hand opes nature's hid resources And shows them vast beyond all fondest dreams, With world surprise, invention clad in beams Of splendor like the sun, brings forth to birth A progeny enrobed in her own gleams; The births she brings out of this common earth, Are golden to the heart as golden to the girth. Man's works beneath the dreams of her inspire Are of a most gigantic character. Chaotic earth is grasped with fierce desire And her blind impediments administer All cosmic power and skill, and rich confer The fabled gift of touching all to gold. Gold is their god, their very life, their spur Of action, their sunlike visions bold, Their heaven supreme above and all that it doth hold. The heightless height and boundless reach of powers Designed to climb the courses of the night And throne themselves beyond the sun's endowers Now find the end and the supremest height Of their impassioned fulness in the right Of transitory ownership o'er wealth; Such ownership secured in heaven's sight By vast injustice, falsehood, acts of stealth, Assassin midnight blows and murders upon health. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 241 And the inhumanity of selfishness Is sore intensified, and in the strife This new enthroned inspires, Oh what distress And awful sacrifice of human life ! Souls, living souls, husband and child and wife Are slaughtered here; right here before the fane Our strength is armed as with a butcher's knife. And Oh for what? for this mad thirst of gain, The brotherhood for this and their own souls are slain. The weak and poor are daily trampled here; The sons of God must form her sacrifice; They daily die upon her bloody bier Just at her feet with ghastly unclosed eyes, And who will weep and follow them with sighs? Even the victims seem to have no tears Or sense divine that far above it rise Unto the God or powers that rule the spheres, But like the brutes, plain common brutes they die along the years. And their extreme oppressors, Oh behold! Position, wealth, intelligence and power And almost all the human heart can hold; All, all they have, supremacy, endower, Opportunity and enterprising hour Is all for self, and for some selfish end The human race they heartless do devour. Behold the ideal the heavens unbefriend ! Which is the best and worst what it doth make or rend ? She also feeds the deadliest desire That ever enters, fills and rules the soul Of man, the wish for pleasures ; for pleasures mire In every earthly foolishness the goal Which the Eternal One has set to pole The finite and unto heaven lead. This one desire has in its heart the whole Of hell, and all that hell can ever breed Is in this single sin and soon will be unfreed. 242 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS This deep desire all wealth doth certain find And nourishes to strength. The multitude Enchanted seems, and stricken deaf and blind See but the gold and phantom pleasures strewed Along the way. This passion unsubdued Appalls the wisest minds as they behold This business craft with being dark imbrued Seek to create and in youth to unfold Life's first and strong rebound to pleasures new and bold. Though earth's last need are pleasure's light buffoons They are the first and growing want, and thence The people flock to see and feel the last baboon's Convulsive laughter. The patronage is dense Round lustful shows and dangers so intense They thrill the nerves and hold the senses mute. Though this desire slays every godlike sense And sinks man down, down, down below the brute, This god feeds this desire and nurses forth the fruit. Life's best pleasure and swift destroying blight Is sexual sensuality; and this The chosen god in fierce unbridled might Feeds into man, till cinerating blasphemies Arise against the azure purities Of life and love and slave to fleshly mirth These high and solemn immortalities. Ten thousand souls: Is there a single birth Not born from sensuous lust by motives above earth? This cancer is upon the nation's heart The one disease from which most others swell. Its vile contageous sight and sounds impart Unto the air the potency of hell. The blasting curse with swift destructions fell Before us strike the very hopes of life With loss and grief that will for ages well. It strikes the home, husband and child and wife, And marriage often seems with its fruitions rife. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 243 This god of gold has ever pampered lust And shameless is the chiefest pimp of shame What steaming beds of sensuality must Wealth and fashion dark curtain with her name? Right in her court, before her brows of fame What infinite degradation ! What dragons Of naked and enf renzied passion ! What flame Of hell inspires night's prostitution pens And makes a city's heart at night but dragon fested dens! Every vice grows up beneath her worship, And twine themselves around this ruling three. Is not earth hell when e'er the veil we strip From pleasure, greed and sensuality? This masquerading and infernal trinity Are the chief high priests of life, and minister To the nation, as all may plainly see, What is their meat and drink; yet more from her They draw the deadly life that does their being stir. Thou usurping and embodied inspiration From the monarchy of long rebellious ills, Thou art but another incarnation Of the lost archangel's kingdom ! How fills The earth with such presentations as stills The wisest minds with fear ! What dark portents And evolutions of the self in wills Of demoniac domination ! What intense And internecine strifes thou nursest now and hence ! Even now thou dost divide the nation A mighty cleaverage drives far apart Thy worshippers. Dreams of drunken agitation Spring from the starved and satiated heart, And fly with bloody wings into thy mart Of selfishness. Thou mother of the curse ! Thou nurse of tyrants and rebellion ! thou art The spirit self that poles the universe; Extreme to life and love and all that they impurse. 244 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Oh God ! Thou God of this vast universe ! Thou living God, the azure summit's crown ! Thou God of power and that tremendous curse Which holiness so often raineth down, In lightning indignation with the frown That turneth noonday into night, on the dense And blind idolatries of earth! Oh gown Thyself with zeal ! Thy sword omnipotence Oh gird upon thy thigh, and this nation's god of sense Oh strike ! Strike the blaspheming emanation From the unlocked pit ! This self-centering curse Upon Thy highest image of creation, Strike with the power of all the universe Of life ! With one beheading stroke that doth impurse All promised judgments, Oh decapitate This heaven defying idolatry and nurse It to the dust ! Oh ! right here before the state, Right in the midst of all their acclamations great With one electric, lightning, melting shock Divide, dismember and dissolve this mass As if it were some giant mountain oak Consumed from earth ; or pulverized as glass Oh drive it down into the night's crevasse Before the lightnings of Thy burning eyes ! Before the eternal generations pass, Right now as it defies the azure skies, Right here and now, Oh God in judgment power arise And strike! Oh strike with thine omnipotence This earth-born god that dares thee to thy face! This thing made out of blind material dense And making brutes of the immortal race, Strike ! Oh strike the fascinating grace ! And it destroy before our mortal eyes, Its image from the mirrors we embrace, Its reverence from the heart that underlies, And memory from the young as it is from the skies. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 245 Oh God ! Thou living God of life and light, Of infinite unspotted holiness, Of the inflexibility of right And all the tenderness that can possess The mother of humanity ! Oh press Clean through time sensuousness and rise In sublimest majesty upon the height Of azure purity; that earthly eyes May blind be struck and quake before thy energize. Oh God arise ! that humanity may see That in this vast universe Thou art As if alone Thou wert; as if only Thee. And that holiness that lightning-like doth dart Against all sin out of Thy glowing heart. Oh dwindle to the very dust from whence They sprung the vast establishment of mart ! By Thy exaltation and reverence To the moral powers of man's divine existence* Be Thou enthroned on conscience cleansed divine And at an infinite exalted height Beyond the splendors the archangels shine, But near and real though lost amid the light. Man's spirit is a spacious boundless might, Fashioned upon Thine own infinity, And only Thou canst it redeem, bedight, And fill it with life's passions pure and free, And lift it on its course to fellowship with Thee. Oh be enthroned ! Forever throned supreme O'er conscience and the moral being strong ! Heart, mind and will, hope, joy and faith and dream, The man himself and being's mighty throng Before Thee bow in silence or in song. Descending from heaven's wide portality Oh Thou, the earth's salvation from all wrong, Now lend to him Thy infinite reality And lift and crown his course with starry immortality. 246 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS TO THE MUSICIAN. Oh play ! Oh play ! Oh play ! That sound, Oh that sound and its soul repeat ! For my spirits gray Leapeth up from sleep to the music sweet. 'Tis an angel sent from the azure skies With a magic gift that doth vitalize The dead and divine that within me lies. Oh play! Oh play! Oh play! That measure and passion and power divine Has a mighty sway From the unseen worlds where immortals shine. It falls on my heart that is frozen dead By the sin and sorrow our life has fed Until I arise and the trance is fled. Repeat ! Repeat ! Repeat ! For out of the cold, the darkness and death, At thy murmurs sweet I arise to life with immortal breath. Is it life or death or a world of dream Flows into my heart like a mountain stream Of beauty and blessing and boundless teem ? Repeat ! Repeat ! Repeat ! For the springtide sun, it is soft and bright And around my feet Are the bursting flowers in their rainbow light. Now the grass is green and the skies are blue, Now the winds are sweet and the streams like dew, Now the heavens and earth are created new. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 247 Again ! Again ! Again ! For upon the scales as on golden wings, Far beyond our ken I mount to the plane where the prophet sings, How divine are the powers that can disenrobe And make for the eyes an immortal globe With a spirit and form no sense can probe. Again ! Again ! Again ! For thy nature breeds in the bounding heart What the poet's pen Can only in symbol or word impart. There are women as fair as the morning light, And men as pure as the mountain's height, And children at sport in my joyful sight. Oh play ! Oh play ! Oh play ! That power and passion and vision divine Give a lasting sway And build them up to the prophet's line. Still higher and high let the spirit rise Till the heart and mind and beholding eyes Are wed to the loves in the azure skies. Oh play ! Oh play ! Oh play ! For music and love they are both akin And upon their way O'er the world, the deeds and disease of sin. Play on to the victory of righteousness ! Play on to the worlds unto which we press ! Play on to the dreams that our visions bless ! 248 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS SONG OF THE ART CRITIC. Another course has just begun, Another soul doth rise To orbit round a golden sun Before our mortal eyes. Oh is it genius' sacred sign For yon celestial chart? A culture, taste and sense divine, A hope and heir of art? All things that come most yield to test, For mingle false and true ; And oft the worst is honored best Because it's only new. Dare judgment now desert her throne Or from her right depart ? For human good she must make known The true and false in art. Here is a piece of workmanship; I like it, I confess ; Both spirit when the robes I strip And priestly kingly dress. Its small defects are very few; I praise the better part. But "like" or "praise" unto the new Is oft where is no art. It is with heavy burden frought, As truth itself might sing; Or sent by her and to us taught By some old poet king. It is a life; a spirit mould; A space for mind and heart; An orbit where we hence are rolled ; But is "Truth" always art? MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 249 The thought is noble, pure and strong; It lifts our moral state; Engirdeth right, unarmors wrong; And thrones us with the great. Our best ideals : behold them there ! This impulse will impart. Oh may all reach their station fair ! But is "Good" always art. There's passion here and living fire, It wakes the senses dead; Its ardor and intense desire Brings back our spirits fled. Contageous, elemental, white, Its lightnings through us dart, To tear the slumbers from our night; But yet it is not art. There's beauty here for happy youth; Ripe beauty for old age; Sublimities for granite truth; Solemnities for sage. Since beauty never can decline Though all asunder start, This work must shine, still brighter shine; But Oh ! * It is not art ! This music new and sweet and strong Doth captivate our ear, As if a seraph passed along And echoed full her sphere. Each note is full, round and intense As stars upon the chart. 'Tis life on life's discordant sense; But Oh ! It is not art ! "Tncreasingly hysterical. 250 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 'Tis most original and new, And fresh as ever spring; Like rain to flowers or night to dew, Or balm to sorrow's sting; It strikes my being through and through, It gives another heart. Each time I read it grows more new; But Oh ! Oh ! It is not art ! There's nought above the golden noon, There's nought beneath the night, There's nought between the sun and moon So kindles my delight. All that I have, can do or dream, For this I'd gladly bart; I hold it at a price supreme; But Oh! Oh! Oh! It is not art! Art is the thing, the most divine In heaven above or earth; Of all that breathe or sing or shine, Has had, or will have birth. She lives in self without an aim ; Has all within her heart; The perfect which we cannot name; This, this alone is art. A POET'S LAMENT. Oh my celestial births of joy ! My sorrow, loss and pain ! The music, passion and employ Out of my heart and brain ! Oh azure daughters, sons of fire ! Weep round your broken hearted sire ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 251 Oh my divine begotten race ! My royal blooded births ! My progeny of lightning grace And spirit winged mirths! Ideals, hopes and truths sublime From you celestial realms of rhyme! Old Homer's blood and Virgil's grace, Dante's intensity, The breath of Milton's singing race Is breathing now in ye ! Is glowing in each pulsing vein Though in another style and strain. But though ye are high heaven's sons And virgins most divine, On such descent forever runs The serpent's dark design. 'Tis whispered now that though ye fly Ye to the earth must come and die. Oh never think to mount the sky! Oh never dream of thrones ! Oh weep ! Oh weep ! and let each eye Be drowned in its moans ! The hopes of your immortal fires Must be as light-flies in the mires. The ladies of the avenue, Gents of the street and hall, The papers and the critic's crew Against you loudly call; Because to them I fall not down On you my own they deadly frown. 252 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS The old and milkless withered cows, Young romping heifers wild, And brainless calves and all that browse Where clover has beguiled, Have jumped the breach and fearing me, They vent their angry spleen on ye. Oh what a loud hysteric bawl They sound to ye on high ! Do ye not tremble lest ye fall Upon their lance-like eye ! Do ye not tremble on the height And fear before such loud affright! But more than these the fat-blind steers, The fat-blind steers unfew, That bull-like in the herd appears That follows them so true; The fat-blind steers bowing their horns Would pitch ye high with bellowing scorns. Behold those mad and switching tails ! Oh! if you they should strike, Their anger hot that never fails As slaughtered flies you like. How glad to battle I would go But bulls like these want ye for foe. Though now upon the azure height, I weep, I weep for ye ! My first and last and best delight. Born of eternity ! Oh must ye lie down in the dust As falsehood, hunger, greed and lust ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 253 Why were ye born for such a fate ! My tears forever flow ! Oh progeny from life's estate In exile must ye go! From palaces of ancient kings Now wander forth as beggared things! But go ye forth. The mortal years Oh breast with strength divine ! Let cows and heifers, calves and steers Loud bellow, paw and pine! Upon the azure height shall ye Live ever loving, wise and free. A NATIONAL SONG. Tune: Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. Oh Union, the first of the nations ! Oh States joined with freedom as king! As mountains are strong in their stations Around Thee we stand and will sing. Thy states be forever united ! No star from its splendor e'er pale ! Each sister unblighting, unblighted! Hail ! Hail Mighty Union Oh Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! Mighty Union Oh Hail ! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! Hail! Hail through all time and all tide! 254 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS The pilgrims, their sons and their daughters, With liberty, faith, God and hope, Bold steered through the untraveled waters To build on this rock frowning slope. They conquered with nature's wild passion; An empire with virtue did sow; To their spirit and high kingly fashion Grow ! Grow Mighty Union Oh Grow ! Grow ! Grow ! Mighty Union Oh Grow ! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever ! Grow ! Grow through all time and all tide ! When the mother became the oppressor And gave us the sword not the shield, A Washington rose the redresser, His name on thy forehead is sealed. When slavery again shook the nation, And trembled each pillar and arch, A Lincoln restored thee to station, March ! March Mighty Union Oh March ! March ! March ! Mighty Union Oh March ! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! March ! March through all time and all tide ! Thy brow be encircled with glory ! Thy heart filled with faith, love and truth ! Thy fame be embalmed in our story By manhood, by age and by youth ! A Wisdom ! A Power ! A Defender ! A Wealth giving nations thy gain ! A Virtue ! An Honor ! A Splendor ! Reign ! Reign Mighty Union Oh Reign ! Reign ! Reign ! Mighty Union Oh Reign ! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! Reign ! Reign through all time and all tide ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 255 THE FIFTH STRING. When first the violin was strung To echo forth the heart, The cords were on her bosom flung With most imperfect art; For sometimes there were three or five And sometimes they were seven; And thus the infant art did strive To reach unto her heaven. At length she hit the happy four: G, D and A and E. From that glad hour her spirit more Unfoldeth strong and free. Since then the violin has sway In concert or alone; She leads, the instruments obey; She grows as she has grown. But some have dreamed another string, A fifth string that is blessed; Placed just between the four that sing Or deep within her breast. It has been called by magic names Of more than magic dowers. Who it possess will reach the aims Of his immortal hours. Some call it passion's purest glow Filling the mortal heart; When tensioned feelings overflow There must be noble art. And others name it constant toil With labor day and night, For work can conquer what doth foil Musician's best delight. 256 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Still others christen it inspire From yonder silver sphere, Whose echoes from that lyric choir Make our best music here. But deeper souls will sorrow name, For sorrow sanctified Is mother of the sweetest strain In earthly time and tide. Yet others call it happiness; And some would name it truth, And others call it age no less Than those who call it youth. But we will call it by the name First borrowed from above, And lifting all to whence it came: 'Tis love ! Divinest love ! A love celestial and divine, Of heaven and of earth, To all that breathe or sing or shine, To all of grief and mirth; A love to all that is create, To person, beast and thing, Doth with her passions palpitate This magic mentioned string. The place of this prophetic string Is not within her breast; And not between the four that sing, But where the few have guessed. 'Tis deep within the player's heart Where God and creature meet; So all the riches he doth start Must through her being beat. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 257 All that the violin can shake, All that can move the soul, First from the infinite must break And merely through us roll. And if this fifth doth cross the heart And life's first entrance string, Oh will there not be more than art ! And more than passion's ring ! Oh noble G ! Oh noble G ! Oh sorrow's sonorous sound ! When this string gives her life to thee, The griefs that here abound Can never poison nor destroy, Or ever fully drowned The peace and strength and fountain joy That sorrow's soul has found. Oh manly D ! Oh manly D ! Thou art the string of life: And needest love to dwell in thee To sanctify the strife. The granite strength and iron strain, Life's hunger, need and dross Needs most the fifth string to refrain A hope upon its loss. Oh sweet and soft and velvet A ! A woman's heart is thine; A woman's love doth in thee sway And joy and blessings sign. Oh mother, maiden, wife and child ! Oh home and loves divine ! Ye lift from earth the deep defiled Because the fifth is thine. 258 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Intense, intense impassioned E! Oh soul of living fire ! There is a more intensity, There is a more inspire; The hope and strength, the joy and reach Of spheres beyond all art, The fifth string into thine will teach And all will free impart. Come ! Screw up ! Screw up the fifth string ! Oh keep it well in tune ! Oh live forever! Grow and sing Within the vast commune ! To die is self to isolate ! To live is to commune ! The infinite with all will mate, Oh keep with him in tune ! THE AMERICAN EAGLE. Oh pinioned prince of heaven's wide expanse! Oh citizen of kingdoms in the sky ! Oh dweller mid the solar lightning glance ! Oh spirit winged to soar and never die ! Oh mighty and symbolic soul ! Oh high And emblematic nature ! Oh type divine Of life's impassioned heart when it doth sigh For liberty! Oh prophetic sign Of those regenerated states that lie Within the future, and yet upon us shine The form and spirit life for which the nations pine ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 259 Out of all things is heaven and earth and sea That come to men appealing in their might, This Union when she rose among the free Enfranchised nations of the world caught sight Of thy majestic power and chose thy bright Emancipation to image her desires. The promised hope of man's ancestral right, The strength and heat of liberty's own fires, The generations rising for the fight, And continents of freedom in the sires All fixed themselves on thee to bear their high aspires. And thou hast borne the heart and hope and life, And more than these the rich maternal dream That brings to birth and nourishes through strife With noblest works as patriot prophets deem. And thou dost bear beyond what all may seem To the selfish blind and staggering nations. Yea, virtues more within thy bosom teem To lift beyond time's proud imperial stations Than most of thine own worshippers can theme. In thee is life and ideal state creations Whose scattered fragments lie mid time's mad desecra- tions. Then, who would not pause and feed his restless eye Upon thy form of majesty and power? Thou hast dominion o'er the azure sky And all beneath her rich concaving bower. Thy flight is like a path across the hour Of noonday, and thy descending spirits claim Ascensive souls. Not the sun upon his tower, Nor the inter-swinging worlds, nor any fame Of earthly seas or mountains can cast a lower On thee, for elemental beings flame Within thy mighty heart and overflow thy frame. '260 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Which frame is in the vast proportions Of those mighty things that base the universe; Thee and thy members seem distortions To the standards that measure time's disburse. Thou art like expansive clouds the mountains verse Upon their summits, or some exaltation From the deeps of plumbless ocean. The nurse That brought thee forth to wing the wide creation Spaces made thee a form in which to purse The genius of a most resourceful nation, A most imperial form for most empyreal station. And beauty too as great things always are She cast within thy full and flowing heart, Which whence doth burst the dull material bar And splendors like the morning doth impart. Every line swings out to strength, and scorning art Doth rise into the solemn and sublime Of beauty. All rainbow colors dart From thee their happy transformations, but the prime Armorial robe thou never long canst bart Is the golden, golden radiance of thy clime Which robes thy matchless form as it doth the king of time. Thy head is like the summit of a tower; It rests upon thy cone-like neck as pride Doth poise herself in an immortal hour. Thy unconquerable beak doth deride The service of the shield and hast denied The all protecting helmet. Thy tail So like a fan projecting roof doth guide Or aid thy course wherever thou doth sail. Just underneath thy mighty talons hide Their steel-like prongs which tyrants do bewail, But thou dost never use until thy patience fail. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 261 < What lightning bolts are fixed within thy eyes And seem behind an incandescent fire That all before that deep and distant lies Can see and search without the least desire? What voluminous electric coils doth wire Thy sinuous neck and what potentials rest Within the batteries that never tire Projecting from thy broad and bulwarked breast? Thy massive and torpedic frame doth sire The flying dreams the aeronaut has blessed, And all around with more than iron-clad armor dressed. But Oh thy wings, thy mighty matchless wings That with resistless power strike mortal sight ! When they are folded down on thee each flings A sense of steel resistance and doth bedight Thy electric muscled heart like two bright, Immense and most invulnerable shields. When extended to the width of their delight They seem two fans the morning spirit wields To chase afar the phantoms of the night; Two mighty wings across the azure fields To wake the purer wind to which the spirit yields. But Oh thy wings ! Thy mighty matchless wings ! The wings like which imagination's hour Can give no image but the spirit things Enthroned upon the height of their immortal dower. The cloudy wings that doth bedight high heaven's bower And shade the sun upon his noonday throne, The massive planet wings on which our Own ecliptic souls have ever flown, The all triumphant wings that doth devour The passioned heart that for them ever moan Are bound upon thy soul and bound on thee alone. 262 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS But Oh thy wings ! Thy mighty matchless wings Of resistless omnipotential might ! On which Liberty with perpendicular springs Doth poise herself upon the heightless height. The wings of the world soul that with delight Smite earth's atmospheres with such terrific strife That by the stroke the tyrants of the night Are stricken down as by a lightning knife ! The wings on which the everlasting right With the passions that her fountain heart holds rife Ascends unto her throne to rule the spheres of life ! But Oh thy wings ! Thy mighty matchless wings The wings which bear ten thousand burdened years, And all the host of men and travailing things Who groaned in heart and wept their crimson tears ! The wings on which the patriot's visioned spheres Soar up the steep, resistless heights of heaven And finds a course where never more he fears This selfishness and these dark storms or levin ! The wings on which thy spirit when she hears The cry of new born souls on earth with seven Fold speed descends to them with sure and swift replevin ! But Oh thy wings ! Thy mighty matchless wings ! Of deep and inconceivable delight, On which the patriot lives, the poet sings • And all life's virtues ride upon the height ! The wings that with an all sustaining right Doth bear aloft the state into the skies Intact from time's contagion, and with a flight That draweth forth the world's unfathomed cries ! Oh everlasting wings that sail the bright Noontide dominions and yet doth higher rise Into the altitudes that still more vitalize ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 263 What dominions of immeasureable space are thine ! The celestial and untraveled wide expanse: The unobstructed openness and the divine Immortal reaches beyond all mortal glance : A boundless length and breadth that doth entrance The high desires that worship thee on earth: A heightless and unthinkable advance In the recess of heaven's solemn mirth: A dominion far above this daily dance Of mortal things and all we hold of worth, Infinite, eternal and thine unto its girth. An infinite eternal vast domain Which the golden sun with an effulgence bright Doth fill and flood and ever more sustain With transcendental energies of light What blinding radiant streams pour from the height And steep with an immortal life each space And power of thy possession? Oh what a sight Of new and most majestic splendors grace The broad horizons of morning and of night? What rainbow dreams and golden hopes embrace Their spirits from the sun and through thy kingdoms race? What etherial spirit atmospheres Of elemental essences must feed The youthful heart of thy victorious years? Thy glorious all sustaining azures breed In thee and all that hold thy sacred creed The source and sense of immortality. The eternal powers and infinite that lead The earth upward with lavish impartiality Have through thy kingdom's length and breadth been freed. All things that are in most intense reality Thy kingdom feeds and thee near heaven's wide portality. 264 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS And from the earth hast thou not gathered strength? Though like the type of European power Thy birth and breed was in the breadth and length Of this new continent. Long before our History, circling thy firmamental bower Thou didst drink the elemental energies Of this new world. Thou didst feed thy immortal hour With forests, mountains, plains and all that is From sea to sea. Thy visions strong that tower Above the strife and death of time's abyss Fed thy impassioned heart with far prophetic bliss. In thy young days the world soul's mighty jest Passed into thee with those titanic powers That sweep the earth where nature has expressed Herself in vastest amplitudes. The towers Where thunder storms and lightning bolts fill the bowers Of trembling heaven were thy supreme delight And thou didst breast the fierce tempestuous hours Till they returned disastered from the fight. The cyclones and the blizzard mouthed devours Of Arctic strength did congregate their might, Yet right into their teeth was thy unwearied flight. The rich potentialities of strength From these yet unconfederated states, This protectorate of ample breadth and length That then and now marches to what thy soul creates For it: How oft! How often it elates To passion's most immortal measure ! Thou sawest it before its infant dates And sported with its elements at leisure. Thou sawest growth and struggles with the weights Of tyranny; and Oh thy thrills of pleasure That this new promise held the earth's sublimest treasure ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 265 So on the nation's bright auspicious morn Thou wert in glorious emancipation; And in thy unadopted state hadst borne To earth the patriot's visions of the sun To front the far oppressors, and thus begun The endless strife for man's ancestral right. Thou didst guide the raw colonials the one Enfranchised path the bravest must bedight With life and death. Their crimson blood did run Into the earth before the noonday light But soul rose to the sky and was with thine unite. Upon this young republic, as on a birth Divine and sheltered from aristocratic Pride, as on the one prophetic mirth Of the great earth mother, thy extatic Visions fed themselves even with sabbatic And millennial dreams. As the years nursed The infant and the new world's emphatic Spirit grew up and self consciousness burst Within them, thou didst scorn all ancient Attic Greatness; and hovering above, eyed and versed The democratic child and fed its spirit's thirst. But thy enraptured and delirious hour Was when the North arose and the earth's frame Trembled and convulsed beneath thy looks of power. Then thy presence like an embodied flame Swept the land and kindled in the sires tame Inheritors the fierce resistless fires Of liberty. The low obscurest name Rose up to manhood's high heroic ires, Consumed to death before the darkest shame That hell did ever cast on earth. The sires Rose up again from death with thy new fed desires. 266 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS When forth they went then at their hopeful head Thy lightning form did into action guide, Or down the front thy mighty wings outspread For dearer than thy unforsaken bride Are loyal hearts to thee. Though death did ride Thee down at first thou art unconquerable most When storms and strength thy mighty struggles hide. Again ! Again ! Again ! Against the hell supported boast Thy lightning face burst on them, till terrified They fled from thee by river, plain and coast And left thee torn but proud of thy enfranchised host. And even yet o'er those triumphant fields Thy spirits pause and drink the deep delight Such place and men unto thy nature yields. The consecrated times and spots that light A nation's path through foul engendering night Are ever found where the unselfish fell To bring the freer state. Such place is bright Forever more and there the passions swell Unto the wide distentions of thy might. When there we look into the azure bell Thy form doth on us flash with most immortal spell. Thou with a magnanimity divine Canst look from where thy sons are in their graves, And dost embrace within thy best design The peoples that would build upon the slaves; Though their empire thou didst drive beneath the waves Of darkness, death and curse. Thy kind desire Encompassest the selfish blind, and saves A remnant from their self-destroying ire; And unto these thy spirit ever craves To breathe the best regenerating fire Of thy immortal heart, and may it all inspire ! MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 267 Thou dost sweep the boundaries of the nation, Along the great lakes and forty-ninth line Thou sailest slow with calmest meditation. Down the Pacific coast thy watchful eyne Notes every point with purposes divine. Across the state and gulf of Mexico A heavy weight upon thy spirits pine. But up the strong Atlantic coast the glow Of life in each metropolis like wine Renews thy heart, and there thou dost bestow New portions of thyself in thy soul's overflow. Then straight across with motion calm and slow Thy matchless form doth stately take her way, And close to earth as if it fain would know The trifles mere that on her line doth lay. Thy searching eyes with their incessant play Sees every city, hamlet, field and stream, And every nook that hardly sees the day. From east to west as goes the golden gleam Of heaven and back again unto the Pilgrim's bay, Thy light oft goes, and more than we can dream Is gathered up to feed the hopes that in thee stream. Then from the north, the vital giving north, Where thou dost pause and turn unto the pole As to invite their fury to burst forth ; Then amply to the south but all thy soul Reading the earth unto its heart, and the whole Resourceful fund of that maternal plain And treasures vast of silver, iron and coal The mountain ranges hide in many a vein. From north to south and back again as roll The mighty waters, so thou art often fain To sail and full survey the nation's heart and brain. 268 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Thy circuitous flight oft goes from state to state, And especially where the representatives Are council gathered to deliberate The course and deed which has the high ascensives. Upon some near and mighty throne that gives Thee sun-inspection, thy penetrating eyes Doth more than read the selfishness that lives Behind the veil and in the slim disguise Of freedom. The grains which thy celestial sives Let fall are the nation's hope, nor ever dies Out of their place in earth or place within the skies. But thy common course is in the altitudes Sublime of azure and the golden sun. Upon those heights thy spirit lives and broods Upon the nation; and more since it begun Those circling sweeps of triumph that run Like an ascending cone straight toward the throne Of noonday. What victorious trophies won From time and tyrants thine ! What dreams are shown To thy immortal visions ! What nation Like the nation thy high ideals own ! And histories divine when these have been outgrown! Thou hast nursed the nation to its height; Thou hast purged away the dark dismembering curse ; Thou dost supply the golden vision bright, The far ideals upon us free unpurse. If from such an infancy thou dost nurse The greatness and the majesty that lends This glory unto time and hope and verse, It is not strange thy spirit often rends The remnant of the ancient, ancient curse, And with the great "to be," the present blends, And lifts up all our hearts as thine own wide distends. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 269 This late expansion, prosperity and peace Creates unrest for an earth encircling flight, Beyond thy states that rise in grand increase. Thy victorious citizen which the light Of thine own glorious nature doth bedight In giant stature, strength and character Now travels all the earth. The time is right To circumnavigate the globe and stir To life the slumbering nations of the night; To wake the dead and on the quick confer The blessing more divine than frankincense and myrrh. Then once around and far aloft on high; With one vast sweep of all beholding sight; With one vast tide of feeling that fills thy Faith sustaining being; with one vast might That girds thy frame with omnipotential right, Then in the splendors of the setting sun Thou vanishest from view. But as that soul of light Descends the steps of heaven the watching nation Beholds the west so insupportably bright Some age anew seems gloriously begun Or prophecies sublime of what may yet be won. As thou dost near the Asiatic shore And hoverest o'er the teeming populations Of life's benumbing customs from the hoar Antiquities, divinest agitations Scarcely stir for thy enthroned creations Are strange and far to their uplifted eyes. All that thou art on thy celestial stations Of spirit liberty can only raise A dumb and sightless stare. Even on such nations Some spirit sparks thou rainest from the skies Some unborn hero soul to wake and energize. 270 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS Still sailing west from thy sublime survey Thou beholdest the bulwarked breasted tyrannies Of Europe's far horizon. Thou obscurest day For them, for their deformed indignities On human kind awakes the all that is within Within thy sunlike soul, and thy lightning dashes Strike judgment on the crimson principalities. In the darkness gigantic fear lashes The throne and powers down, down to the abyss. Within the trodden, sparkless, cindered ashes A dream that fell from thee with life electric flashes. But farther west ; Oh what a boundless shout Doth shake the earth ! as the nations that conceived And cradled liberty in many a route By sea and land and mount have now relieved The transendental energies they received By thy supreme and infinite delight ! Their spirits mount to thee as stones are heaved By the titanic, omnipotential might Of the earth's volcanic heart; or as a grieved Liberator beholds the vision bright, Attracted is or flies to thee upon the height. England, the mother of the modern world, The first defense of man's inherent right, The Gibraltar strength that oft has hurled The tyrants and the tyrannies of might Into the gulf, is so shaken by the sight Of thy congenial spirit that her foundations Seem to break from Europe's chain of might. By thy inspire and glorious exaltations Even her dead arise. In armor bright With mighty shouts that shake the elder nations They watched the western flight of thy world ambulations. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 271 Never yet did the morning's opening eyes Behold the sun ascend the restless ocean With gladder heart than when thy sons arise To welcome thee from thy long ceaseless motion That resteth not but with thy heart's devotion. Traffic, pleasure, prosperity and pride Are disenchanted, and every common notion Doth yield its place unto the mighty tide That swelleth up with infinite emotion. What gratitude and admiration ride To meet thee on thy course and follow at thy side ! Then straight to Washington: upon the cloud- Like summit of that renowned Corinthian Pillar raised for thee thy mighty wings are bowed To rest again among thy closest kin. That congregated host which thou dost win Look not to thee with more divine desires Than thou on them and theirs; for not within The whole round earth are better sons and sires, Or freer states though all are touched with sin. Not yet are we to the height of thy aspires Yet here thy bosom feels most kindred to thy fires. If perchance upon a summer night Thou lightest on a metropolitan dome, What hosts of men would pause before the sight, And wives and children leave the unsuppered home To crowd the square as in the days of Rome : What reverence and new allegiance would be shown To thee, while on their spirits thou wouldst tome The world's best lore. If one should thee disown, Or by a word or look would dare uncomb A feather from thy breast, tiger rage full grown Would asunder instant tear the desecration shown. 272 MISCELLANEO US SONGS Nor dost thou disdain the church. Upon her spire That in the nearest thing to heaven on earth, Thou often dost alight. The worshippers choir Thy praise with next to their sublimest mirth, Which thou acceptest well, for the church's birth Disowns thee not but their God-victorious might Has fought thy battles and given both the girth And center of hell's kingdom to thy right. Yea ! When thou seekest strength and weight and worth Thou seekest not in the nation's men of height But in his high born sons whom God makes free and bright. O'er the college thou pausest in thy flight And searchest here for those immortal hopes Which thou canst stir with passion's golden might To lead the state that often blindly gropes Or staggers and is lost upon the slopes Of life. The spirit of intelligence Is close and kin to thee; and ever opes The eyes and feeds the heart with such intense Passionate devotions, that life's envelopes Which ever blind the creatures of the sense Can never blind her sons though storms are dark and dense. Here and there beneath the morning's smile Stand bands of hopes around a virgin face. They search the sky till through a cloud's defile She points a speck, which found they faintly trace Its motions. What shouts of gladness embrace The vision new on life's young infant eyes? But thou descendest, and thy celestial grace Burns to the soul the soul that in thee lies. How oft ! How oft along their mortal race ! They watch the azure splendors of the skies Where though for moments lost thy presence on them flies. MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 273 When two score seasons into music chime And give the soul distentions of the years; With knowledge of the tyrannies of time And gratitude's divine unbidden tears; With service to thy spirit in the spheres And love to all that makes thee what thou art; With faith above whatever now appears They stand again and on the skies they chart Thy presence. Under thee a state rears Itself and feeds from thy divinest heart True spirit liberty and all thou dost impart. Once more they stand with four-score winter snows Upon their heads and lift their eyes to thee, For in their hearts thy vital spirit glows And maketh age the dawn of immortality: Once more before they pass away to be- Come citizens of the cosmopolitan state Of strength and truth and love and purity That somewhere must unbosom wide its gate Among the stars of vast eternity, They solemn pause and their spirits satiate With thy immortal powers no night of death can weight. As once on Gettysburg stood the one great Heroic figure of a hundred years, And round him close his ministers of state And soldier chiefs rejoicing though in tears : Aloft they looked and through a cloud of fears Thy form they then beheld in glorious flight Straight toward the sun, or toward the blinded spheres That brighter shine beyond the noonday's sight. Though blood and death upon their eyes and ears The prophet's eye in vastest lines of light Sought then to map thy course upon the boundless height. 274 MISCELLANEOUS SONGS So would the soul of the regenerated state Which has been born and fed and fired by thee Penetrate into the future and antedate The triumphs and the courses yet to be. But Oh alas ! The sad infirmity Of time's destructive selfishness doth blind And stay the visions of eternity. What is to be is curtained from the mind Of wisdom and all but those who live to see; Still deep desire within a course has signed Of presence, power and rule among our human kind. Drink deep ! Drink deep the radiance of the morn ! Baptize thy soul in the east and western sea ! The north and south pass into thee unshorn ! Within the sun thy flight still nearer be, And circle in the calm eternity ! The elemental essences that free Themselves upon the azure altitudes Oh absorb them all in thrice-fold purity ! Be thou forever throned where liberty broods Upon the times of high futurity ! Scatter golden hopes and dreams in multitudes To singf unto the earth millennial interludes ! Where e'er the sight of the enthroned oppressor In all the earth shall strike thy Mindless eyes : Wherever freedom rises the redressor To sell themselves in glorious sacrifice : Behold ! Behold ! and from thy azure skies Dart like a lightning bolt upon thy foes, And free the accumulated judgment that flies Like an avalanche of wrath and overthrows The purple dynasties. Oh energize The births divine with richest overflows Than they have ever dreamed or strongest mo AlfknoW MISCELLANEOUS SONGS 275 Break thou the barriers that circumscribe Thy territorial lines, and emancipate Thy spirit's domination to every tribe Of the vast and guardianed globe, though their estate Be high or low. The whole terrestrial weight Of empire do thou sustain and be the breast And mighty heart that passion palpitates The citizen of the world. Be thou possessed Of the universal heart and thou it mate With the cosmopolitan kingdom of the blessed, Still leading up the world unto its final rest. Then far aloft within the golden sun, Thy spirit's circles in a course diurnal Around the globe forever more Oh run ! Rain thou upon the host the high maternal Inspirations to write earth's daily journal And nurture up the godlike mind and breast Of immortality. Rain ! Rain the vernal Recreations in and round the race of unoppressed And liberated man. The great supernal Soul of splendor with pure effulgence blest Upon thy world and works forever more will rest. •*>5^@M<^<<-*- *JFttl//?^ , Tax ^ o ^ A C.v' * <& d> %rffi\#* %/*^* 4 V* %J*5B?v* • » o ^ 0*9 ■5"....V*"i/ v °^ _?•»*■