GERMANE and GERMANE 'injiiMiiiitiii (| , Glass I 3/ ^^J. -^f COPYRIGHT DEPOSm Silent Reading A Handbook for Teachers CHARLES E. GERMANE, Ph. D. Dean of the College of EDucATioisr Des Moines University EDITH GAYTON GERMANE, M. A. Teacher of Reading Des Moines Public Schools CHICAGO NEW YORK EOW, PETEESON AND COMPANY r- C COPYRIGHT 1922 ROW, PETERSON AND COMPANY Of C -9 \222 ©C1A690529 TO ERNEST HORN IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OUR INDEBTEDNESS TO HIM PEEFACE Much experience in high-school, normal-college, and university classrooms has convinced the authors that the following statements may be verified in any school: 1. The chief cause of failure among first and sec- ond-year students is their inability to employ ef- fective methods of study. 2. By using proper methods of training it is pos- sible to improve the study habits of many such students within a short time. During the last few" years there has been much in- vestigation designed to discover the best method of read- ing effectively, because the ability to do that lies at the bottom of how to study. Such investigations have been concerned with the physiological and psychological aspects of the problem, as well as with the pedagogical principles. As a result of this increased interest in the subject, administrative officers in city school sys- tems are more closely supervising the methods employed to teach reading, and they are also more closely scru- tinizing the results obtained. Reading circle boards are also interesting themselves in literature that treats of the teaching of reading. Because the reports of experiments in this field of education are usuall}^ only to be found in widely scat- 5 6 PREFACE tered sources, and when found prove to be of a highly technical nature, largely statistical, it is difficult for the average teacher to obtain or to use the conclusions of investigators. To remedy this situation by summa- rizing all that is best and most practical in the many modern investigations, and to make the findings avail- able to teachers everywhere, has prompted the authors to undertake this work. The authors are especially indebted to Dr. Ernest Horn, Professor of Education and Director of the Ele- mentary Experimental School at the State University of Iowa for the classification of silent-reading prob- lems under four headings: Speed, Comprehension, Or- ganization, and Eetention. It was his vision of the scope of the field of reading, and his enthusiasm and encouragement that made this book a possibility. They are also indebted to Dr. Gerald A. Yoakam, Director of Teacher Training in the State Normal School at Kearney, Nebraska, for the use of some of his data, and to Miss Kate Kelly, Primary Supervisor of the Des Moines Public Schools, for reading the manuscript and offering constructive criticisms. To many heads of school systems in Iowa who permitted the carrying out of experiments the authors are grate- ful, and especially so to Misses Post, Swemm, and Starr, principals of schools in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Des Moines University ^' ^- ^• Des Moines, Iowa E. G. G. October 22, 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE CHAPTER PAGE I. Silent or Oral Reading 11 II. Speed in Reading 27 III. Developing the Ability to Comprehend 45 IV. Developing the Ability to Organize 68 V. Retention 86 VI. Questionable Methods of Teaching Reading 100 VII. Remedial Work in Reading 115 VIII. Remedial Work in Reading (Continued) 143 IX. Measuring Comprehension and Retention 165 X. Material for Silent-Reading Purposes 186 PART TWO XI. Silent Reading in Grades I and II 205 XII. Supplementary Exercises for Grades I and II.... 234 XIII. Silent Reading in Grades III and IV 259 XIV. Silent Reading in Grades V and VI 280 XV. Silent Reading in Grades VII and VIII 297 XVI. Motivation of Drill Work in Reading 333 Appendix A. Pamphlets Suitable for Use as Reading Material 357 B. Books Suggested for Use in Grades I, II, AND III 858 C. Books Suggested for Use in Grades IV and V 363 D. Supplementary Reading Material for Grades IV TO VIII 369 E. Literary Selections: For Boys and Girls FROM 10 TO 15 Years of Age 373 F. List of Publishers 376 Index 379 PART ONE CHAPTER I SILENT OR ORAL READING Importance of silent reading. The importance of teaching pupils to read effectively can scarcely be over- estimated, since reading is the key to all subject-mat- ter. The pupil's progress in school depends largely upon the speed and accuracy with which he can get the thought from the printed page. We say that he is good in geography, history, science, or mathematics if he can quickly grasp the important ideas from a mass of details, and if he can organize and retain those essentials. Judging from the time allotment accorded reading in the grades, it is evident that the importance of this subject has been recognized. In fact, an examination of courses of study shows that in the primary grades approximately 70 per cent of the time has been devoted to the teaching of reading. However, very little training in silent reading has been given even in the intermediate and grammar grades, notwithstanding the fact that the subject-mat- ter is becoming more informational and definitely or- ganized, and that success in its mastery demands speci- fic training in how to study. Until recently the work 11 12 SILENT READING of the teacher has "Qsually focused on oral rather than on silent reading; on expression rather than on get- ting, organizing, and retaining ideas. The question naturally arises, can this emphasis on oral reading be justified ? Drawbacks of the oral-reading method. Speed in reading necessitates wide perception-units, that is, seeing groups of words instead of single words. Much oral reading for beginners tends to make the child word conscious and consequently develops motor habits of narrow eye-span. Dr. Schmidt says "the rate of oral reading, although subject to considerable variation, is confined within relatively narrow limxits because of its dependence upon the physiological mechanism involved in vocalization."^ A pupil's ability to read may well be measured by the number of thought units which he is able to recog- nize in a given time. Hence, flash-card exercises and other silent-reading devices which emphasize getting the idea are really of intrinsic value. They tend to develop good motor habits as well as attentive, pur- poseful reading habits. We have too long been read- ing ''from the nose down" rather than ''from the nose up." Those who maintain that oral reading is the natural method for beginners believe that the lip-movements and inner speech of silent reading are reflex actions, 'Schmidt, W. A. "An experimental study in the psychology of reading-." Supplementary Educational Monograph, Vol. 1, No. 2, University of Chicag-o Press, Chicago, 1917. SILENT OR ORAL READING 13 the physiological tendency to which is inherited. Qnantz believes that inner speech or articulation is an inherited tendency. He says ''it is not second nature, but inherently first nature ; not something to be unlearned, but to be outgrown."^ Other investigators maintain that the lip-movements and articulation of silent reading are acquired. In O'Brien's judgment, the explanation of the tendenc}^ to articulate when reading is to be found ''not in the list of inherited tendencies or connate reflexes, but in the acquired habits of the individual."^ According to him, the tendency to lip-movement and vocalization is built up by the methods of teaching reading. Pintner does not believe that articulation is neces- sary, even though it may be a universal habit. As a result of one of his experiments he concludes "that articulation during the reading process is a habit which is not necessary for that purpose, that reading with- out articulation sacrifices nothing in the process of thought-getting," and "that practice in reading with- out articulation tends to reduce the time involved in the process."^ Schmidt further confirms the opinion of Pintner when he says : It is quite possible, too, that if training in oral read- ing were discontinued at an early stage, and training ^Quantz, J. O. "ProT^lems in the psychology of reading." Psy- chological Revieio: Monograph Sum^leonent, Vol. 2, No. 1, (Decem- ber) 1897. ^O'Brien, John A. SUent Reading. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1921. ' ^Pintner, Rudolph. "Inner speech during silent reading." -Psi/- chological Revieio, Vol. 20, (January) 1915. 14 SILENT READING in rapid silent reading were stressed, the tendencies toward inner speech might be greatly reduced and vis- ualization cultivated, at least in part. As a matter of fact, we appear to have the ability to take in all kinds of situations visually without speech accompaniments/ The problem for the learner. Thus it seems that the vital problem for the learner is to recognize the symbol and immediately to associate it with that for which it stands. For example, the teacher writes the word *'run" on the blackboard. Her chief concern is that the child may associate the symbol **run** with the activity; the word need not be spoken. "Why should it be, since speaking it requires time and is an unnecessary step? The child is capable of recog- nizing many situations both in and out of school to which he makes no vocal response. But why should 90 per cent of the teacher's time in the reading period be spent in teaching children to read orally, when 90 per cent of their reading must necessarily be silent both in school and out? Is it fair to have the child acquire attitudes toward a sub- ject and to form habits and develop skill for which he will have little use either in school or out of it? The habits formed in oral reading may be a positive hindrance to the acquirement of speed and compre- hension in silent reading. This contention is con- firmed by Dearborn, who says that ^*the effect of articulating is to decrease ordinarily the span of ^Schmidt, W. A. "An experimental study in the psycholog-y of reading." Supplementary Educational Monograph, Vol. 1, No. 2, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1917. SILENT OR ORAL READING 15 attention,"^ and consequently retard the rate of read- ing. In general we have eliminated oral spelling from the school program, not only for psychological reasons but also for sociological ones. We say it does not function in life's activities. "Why then should we dis- criminate in favor of oral reading and retain it, unless there is a need for it as such. Values of oral reading. One should not infer, however, that oral reading has no place on the school program. It is certainly of importance. Few arts are more prized than that of being able to read and to speak with clear enunciation, distinct articulation, correct pronunciation, and pleasing cadence. But would not courses in literature, oral English, public speaking and dramatics offer ideal opportunities for training in this art? And why should we not stress training in pronunciation, enunciation, articulation, and the other factors of good speech, in all schoolroom activities? It is not enough to drill on these things for twenty minutes a day in one class, and neglect them in all others. Oral rendition of literature. Good oral rendition greatly enhances the charm of certain poems and prose passages and also gives them greater depth of meaning. Indeed, one does not recognize the aesthetic appeal and the emotional significance of much choice literature until one reads it aloud. Such values as ^Dearborn, W. F. "The psychology of reading-." Columhia University Contributions to Philosophy and Bsychology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1906. IQ SILENT READING are inherent in word imagery, euphony, meter, and tone cannot have the fullest significance nor be fully appreciated unless the selections are read well orally, as the following selections^ show. He clasps the crag with hooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, King'd with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls. And like a thunderbolt he falls. Tennyson: The Eagle. For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride, In her sepulchre there by the sea — In her tomb by the side of the sea. PoE: Annabel Lee. On Linden, when the sun was low. All bloodless lay the untrodden snow, And dark as winter was the flow Of Iser, rolling rapidly. But Linden saw another sight, "When the drum beat, at dead of night, Commanding fires of death to light The darkness of her scenery. SILENT OR ORAL READING I7 By torch and trumpet fast array 'd, Each horseman drew his battle blade, And furious every charger neigh 'd To join the dreadful revelry. Then shook the hills, with thunder riven, Then rushed the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven Far flashed the red artillery. Campbell : Hohenlinden. I impeach Warren Hastings of high crimes and misdemeanors. I impeach him in the name of the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, whose parliamentary trust he has betrayed. I impeach him in the name of all the Commons of Great Britain, whose national character he has dishonored. I im- peach him in the name of the people of India, whose laws, rights, and liberties he has subverted, whose properties he has destroyed, whose country he has laid waste and desolate, I impeach him in the name and by virtue of those eternal law^s of justice which he has violated. I impeach him in the name of human nature itself, which he has cruelly outraged, injured, and oppressed in both sexes, in every age, rank, situ- ation, and condition of life. Burke : Impeachment of Warren Hastings. It is evident that the ability to read well orally has an important value that should be made available to every child. Any plan or method which gives train- ing in correct pronunciation, distinct articulation, clear enunciation, and the pleasing, effective use of one's language certainly performs a valuable service. 18 SILENT READING To be appreciated, the best literature must be read well orally. Rhythm and word imagery demand it, as the above selections show. The famous passages of literature must be rendered orally if one is to feel the passion of the author or appreciate the grandeur of his ideas. The oral reading of such selections gives the child a keen sense of enjoyment, it enables him to express his aesthetic emotions. Training the voice to express man's finer feelings is an important aim of work in oral reading. Although most of the reading period is devoted to oral reading, the great majority of pupils who graduate from the elementary and high schools cannot read well orally because they have not learned to think and feel with the author. Methods of teaching oral reading". The chief cause of this unsatisfactory condition is undoubtedly the method of presenting the reading material. At pres- ent there are two outstanding methods of teaching oral reading, the principles of which are diametrically opposed. Adherents of the old school believe that an appreciation of poetry is best developed by the detailed analysis of a few choice poems. They argue that such treatment gives the student a working method and thus develops an interpretative and appreciative attitude toward good literature. Adhe- rents of the new school strongly condemn such pro- cedure. They argue that the appreciation of poetry comes from extensive reading carried on as a leisure activity for the mere joy to be found in it. SILENT OR ORAL READING 19 In the first instance, we find that in order to insure comprehension a poem is studied line by line, ana- lyzed, and dissected until its unity is destroyed and the selection is robbed of all its beauty. As a conse- quence pupils often come to dislike poetry and seldom read it either orally or silently except as a required task. In the second instance, the radical opponents of the former method claim that appreciation comes not from the intensive study of a few poems, but from reading much poetry. They take for granted that pupils are capable of comprehending a poem and in- terpreting it without other study than that furnished by a leisurely oral reading. A combination method. Possibly these methods are extreme. Critics agree that the first requires overanalysis, that the second does not require suf- ficient study to insure apprehension, comprehension, and appreciation. It is therefore likely that the best results might be obtained by combining the commend- able features of both. The teacher should use her judgment in selecting suitable methods. Although it would not be desirable to impose an extreme form of the first method upon the pupils, yet poetry must be understood to be enjoyed, and conse- quently some analysis is necessary. It is surely pos- sible to ask such questions about a poem as will aid in understanding it, and at the same time enhance its beauty for the reader. Take, for example, the little stanza : 20 SILENT READING Oh, the sunshine told the bluebird, And the bluebird told the brook, That the dandelions were peeping In the woodland's sheltered nook. Have the pupils read this stanza and try to answer the question: *'What season of the year is implied by these lines?" The answers will indicate whether or not the pupils understand what they have read. Surely such a question does not rob the poem of its beauty ! Would the beauty of the following stanza be at all marred by asking the pupils to read it silently and then try to answer the question, **What is the name of the prettiest bridge^" There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please; But the bow that bridges heaven. And overtops the trees, And builds a road from earth to sky. Is prettier far than these. Have the pupils silently read the following poem, *^The Secret," then try to answer these questions. What was the secret? How do you suppose the tree told it? We have a secret, just we three, The robin and I and the sweet cherry tree; The bird told the tree, and the tree told me. And nobody knows it but just we three. SILENT OR ORAL READING 21 But of course the robin knows it best, Because lie built, — ^I shan't tell the rest; And laid the four little — ^somethings — in it. I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute. The teacher's aim should be to test the children's comprehension of a poem, not by having them give a detailed analysis of it, but by requiring answers to carefully worded questions that demand an under- standing and appreciation of the chief thoughts and sentiments expressed in the selection. Other reasons for teaching oral reading. Other arguments for emphasizing oral reading have been advanced, but they are hardly justified by recent scientific investigations. For example, some teachers claim that since so many pupils are of the auditory- image type it is absolutely necessary that they read aloud in order to insure a high degree of comprehen- sion. However, recent and thoroughgoing scientific experiments make such assertions untenable. Bryan^ subjected more than 600 school children to forty-one different tests in an effort to determine the type of imagery most dominant. After carefully interpreting his results, he decided that only five or ten of the pupils tested showed extreme eye-mindedness or ear- mindedness. Even such extreme cases are not handi- capped by the kind of presentation, whether it be to the eye or to the ear, because each pupil quickly shifts to his particular image type. iBryan, W. L. "Eye and ear-mindedness." Proceedings of the National Education Associationj 1893. 22 SILENT READING Betts, who has made one of the most thorough in- vestigations of both voluntary and spontaneous use of imagery in thinking, concludes : We shall have to insist that imagery, apart from inner speech, not only does not constitute the major part of the thought stream, but also that the thought stream may and does go on efficiently at times without any imagery whatever in it. And this absence of imag- ery does not mean mental poverty, but only mental selec- tion. At this point, as at all others, the mind is but following the fundamental law of economy, and using the elements which will most efficiently do its work with the least effort/ Many teachers insist that one of the best means of testing a pupil's comprehension of a paragraph is to have him read it orally. They contend that the child's oral expression is a reliable index of his ability to interpret the thought. However, such statements can- not go unchallenged. As a matter of fact, some pupils read with considerable fluency and nearly perfect expression, but fail decidedly when tested for inter- pretation. This is shown not only in the grades, but even in colleges where students often fluently read passages in some foreign language, the content of which they are unable to to translate. Criticism of reading methods. At present there are several outstanding criticisms of the methods of teaching reading now most generally used. There has been no clear-cut idea of what should be included in ^Betts, Georgre H. "The distribution and function of mental imag-ery." Columbia University Contributions to Education, No. 26. 1909. SILENT OR ORAL READING 23 the subject; consequently, definition of aim lias not been possible. We have too long suffered overlapping and confusion of subject-matter. An analysis of courses of study shows that the following subjects are included under the heading ** reading": Literature, oral English, speech defects, elocution, dramatization, pageantry, oral reading, and silent reading. We can- not expect large returns to reward our efforts in teaching reading until we realize that each of the above subjects has its own definite objectives and methods upon which we must focus attention. We have failed distinctly to recognize the fields of oral and silent reading, and we have been unaware that training for efficiency in oral reading may not develop efficiency in silent reading. A sugg'ested improvement. The authors maintain that silent reading is not a new study to be added to the curriculum, necessarily requiring the reading of some particular type of material. Bather, they believe it is a means by which pupils may be taught how to study. Correct methods should be applied to every lesson which the pupil is required to read silently. The possibilities of silent reading are important enough to warrant its being given an emphasis equal to that laid upon oral reading. A pupil who can give the main ideas of a selection in a well-organized form, after a single reading of it, is a good reader; the silent-reading period should aim to develop exactly this power in studying. However, if this skill is to 24 SILENT READING be acquired, the teacher must keep in mind the four fundamental aims of silent reading — speed, compre- hension, organization, and retention. Chief aims of silent reading". The slow reader is continually handicapped. Every year increases the reading demands made on school children and adults. If the rate of silent reading can be increased, while the degree of comprehension remains the same, what a tremendous advantage will be gained! The ability to comprehend what one reads is more, important, however, than the ability to read rapidly. The ability to cover many pages or to see many words in a short time profits the reader but little unless he understands the content. Comprehension is funda- mental to all study; to the degree a pupil compre- hends, to that degree he makes progress. All work, whether in oral or silent reading, should stress ' com- prehension. The ability to organize what one reads is the third aim in developing a method of teaching silent reading. It is of great importance. A pupil who can dis- tinguish between points of major and minor im- portance, who has acquired the ability to organize the material he reads, who can outline and sum- marize efficiently, has mastered one of the essential qualifications demanded of a good reader. Helping pupils acquire the ability to retain what they read is also of the utmost importance, because much of the knowledge acquired today in school is SILENT OR ORAL READING 25 of value only in the future. In fact, the ability to think soundly and to reason depends on how well one can retain certain fundamental ideas. During the silent-reading exercises teachers should stress or- ganization, association, routine reviews, and all other factors that aid in developing a good memory. SUMMARY 1. Efficient training in silent reading is of the utmost importance because most of the reading done in daily life is silent. 2. Oral reading is important because it can be used to teach pronunciation, articulation, and enunciation, as well as the effective rendition of the finer thoughts and feelings of the race as expressed in literature. It also aids in the appreciation of poetry and prose mas- terpieces. 3. The methods used for teaching oral reading have gen- erally failed to obtain the desired results. Compre- hension should be tested by carefully worded questions, the answers to which require an understanding and appreciation of the thought and feeling which the selec- tion conveys. 4. Teachers have overlooked the importance of silent read- ing as a means of training pupils how to study. 5. If a method of study is to be developed by silent read- ing, the fundamental factors — speed, comprehension, or- ganization, and retention, — must be emphasized daily. 6. Teachers have failed to get the greatest results from their teaching of reading because their energy has been dissipated by the inclusion of oral English, dramatiza- tion, literature, and other subjects under the heading reading. They have failed to recognize the two dis- tinct fields of reading, oral and silent. They have as- sumed that training pupils to read orally is equivalent 26 SILENT READING to training them to read silently, althougli in many respects the two methods of instruction and the respec- tive aims are distinctly opposed to each other. 7. Silent reading is not a new subject to be added to the curriculum, rather a means of teaching a method of study. 8. Silent reading should receive at least as much emphasis as oral reading. SUGGESTED READINGS Bassett, Lee Emerson. A Hand'book in Oral Reading. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1917. Briggs, T. H. and Coffman, L. D. Reading in PuMic Bcliools. Row, Peterson and Company, Chicago, 1911. Gray, W. S. "Principles of method in teaching reading, derived from scientific investigations." The Eighteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Educa- tion: Part II. Public School Publishing Company, Bloom- ington, Illinois, 1919. Huey, Edmund B. The History and Pedagogy of Reading. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1915. Judd, Charles H. Reading: Its Nature and Development. Supplementary Educational Monographs, Vol. 2, No. 4, (July) 1918. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Klapper, Paul. Teaching Children to Read. D. Appleton and Company, New York City, 1914. O'Brien, John A. Silent Reading. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1921. Pintner, Rudolf and Gilliland, A. R. "Oral and silent read- ing." Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 7, (April) 1915. CHAPTER II SPEED IN READING The importance of speed. Training for speed in reading is directly related to teaching pupils how to study effectively. The ability to read an assignment rapidly, and at the same time get the main points, is an essential factor in developing the habit of economical study. The slow reader, in school and out, is handicapped. Courses of study are continually being made richer and broader; this demands more reading and greater discrimination. In life outside of school the demands made on the average person as a citizen and social being are increasing each year. In fact, success and happiness in life may depend largely upon the kind and scope of one's reading. Inability of pupils to read rapidly. Students in normal schools and colleges are also working under a handicap because the length of the assignments is increasing, although little is done to increase their rate of reading. The authors vividly recall an ex- perience which illustrates this variation in reading rates. The students in three elementary psychology classes in a certain normal school felt that an assign- 27 28 SILENT READING ment of from thirty to thirty-five pages was far too long. These mature men and women, former teachers, who were spending an average of three hours on each assignment, brought the matter to our notice in a friendly way. We thought it best to inquire into their habits of study. Since the three classes were in a study auditorium for the first two hours each morning, the instructor and three or four assistants undertook to measure the approximate reading rates of the students in an unobtrusive manner. The investigators found that although a few students read at the rate of a page per* minute, some spent as much as eight and three-fourths minutes on each page, and the majority of the class read at the rate of a page every four and one-fourth minutes. The reading rate of these adults was twelve to fourteen pages an hour, although it should have been at least forty pages an hour, considering the simplicity of the subject-matter. The discouraging feature of the outcome of this investigation was that even when those students did try to increase their rate of reading, they succeeded in doing so materially only when they were timing themselves. As soon as they failed to observe the time element of the experiment they relapsed into their usual rate, to which they had been accustomed since childhood. Wide variation in reading" rates. The wide varia- tion in the reading rates of pupils makes the task SPEED IN READING 29 of increasing speed a very complex problem. Any teacher in any grade who will ask her pupils to read a given selection for a period of even three to five minutes can obtain sufficient data to demonstrate the wide variation in their reading rates. She will find that when measured for speed alone, pupils tend to fall into three groups, the noticeably slow readers, the medium-rate readers, and the very rapid readers. The following figures, which designate the number of words read per minute by a group of sixth-grade pupils, strikingly illustrate the sort of condition that one generally finds when making such an investiga- tion: 374, 374, 362, 238, 197, 188, 181, 174, 170, 152, 145, 125, 121, 113, 98. In many cases this variation in reading rate ac- counts for the assignment being too easy for some, too difficult for others, but nearly right for one-third to one-half of the class. Drill exercises, instead of placing the pupils on a more nearly even footing by decreasing the amount of difference between the rates of various groups, tends to increase it. Suggestions for economically handling a class which contains these three types of readers may be found in Chapter XV. Monroe's experiments. Monroe gives the following statement of his conclusions regarding the probability of increasing the rate of silent reading: The average silent-reading rate of eighth-grade pupils is approximately 240 words per minute for continuous 30 SILENT READING material. Scientific investigation is revealing that this rate may be greatly increased by the application of appropriate methods. On the basis of data already se- cured, it is conservative to say that this rate could be increased 25 per cent. As a matter of fact, it is even conservative to say that it could be increased 50 per cent. Silent reading is used as a tool in practically all subjects studied in the high school or in college. The pupil who is equipped to read at the rate of 300 words per minute has a decided advantage over the pupil who is equipped to read only 240 words per minute. It means that the pupil who reads more slowly either must spend more hours upon his work or do less work. Of two pupils who spend an equal number of hours upon their work in high school, the one who reads at the rate of 300 words per minute will accomplish one- fourth more than the pupil who reads at the rate of 240 words per minute. This will mean that in the course of four years this pupil will do 25 per cent more work, which approximates the equivalent of an extra year of schooling. The data which we have at hand not only show that the rate may be increased, but also that the degree of comprehension can be materially increased, perhaps to an equal extent. Therefore, not only may pupils be trained to read more rapidly, but at the same time they may be trained to read with increased understand- ing. Thus, the pupil who has been trained to read at the rate of 300 words per minute not only will gain an extra year's schooling during his high-school course, but if his training has been of the right sort, he will actually do a better quality of work.^ Danger in speed drills. One of the fundamental aims of silent reading is that of training each child ^Monroe, W. S. "Value of standardized silent-reading tests." Journal of Educational Research, Vol, 1, (February) 1920. SPEED IN READING 31 to attain his highest level of achievement in speed without lowering his rate of comprehension. Al- though rapid reading, even ''skimming," is of great importance, yet one would hesitate to increase the speed of reading if training in thought-getting would be sacrificed in doing so. Many teachers have the idea that the one great value of silent reading is that it trains for speed. The authors have visited several of the leading city school systems and noted the great effort that teachers are making to help pupils acquire speed in reading. Some of them conduct reading classes in which the only direction given to the children is, ''Read this lesson through once as rapidly as pos- sible.'' The teacher keeps a careful time check on each pupil. These time records are daily charted on the blackboard as an incentive to greater speed, not only for the individual but for the class as a whole. Many teachers have a three to five-minute time limit in their speed drills. They then count the number of lines or words read. These results are then placed on the blackboard as a means of motivating pupils to increase their speed. There are many other devices used to secure speed in reading, but the two men- tioned are typical of all. The methods described are pernicious, as are all schemes that have as their sole objective an increase of speed in reading. These devices develop slovenly, careless readers. The inborn desire to outdo others 32 SILENT READING seizes the child, and since the teacher takes no ac- count of what the pupil comprehends or the amount of content which he retains, the result is reckless ^'skimming," seeing words, and for many pupils, see- ing only lines. Value of effective speed drills. It is entirely pos- sible, however, to train the pupils of every grade to a high degree of efficiency in speed, and at the same time to increase their ability to get the main points or thoughts in the lesson. The methods for securing speed discussed above were condemned be- cause comprehension or thought-getting was entirely neglected. Had the teacher who used these devices for the purpose of training in getting speed also given the pupils a test to d^ermine how well they had got the thought of the lesson, then carefully charted those results, the ideal and habit of reading for thought would have been equally developed. Teachers who give daily drills for speed and com- prehension find that many students tend to read at great speed but with little comprehension. A cor- rective device for this evil consists in determining each pupil's class standing by the sum of his ranks in both speed and comprehension. An example of the conditions which that plan often reveals is shown in the case of a boy who usually ranked first in speed in a class of twenty-four, but twenty-second in comprehension. This speedy but careless reader had a total score of twenty-three which ranked him much SPEED IN READING 33 lower than one of his classmates who was third in speed bnt first in thought-getting. It is an axiom that every speed drill in reading should be followed by a test of thought-getting. The results of Miss Green's experiment, presented in Chapter III, substantiate the claim that both speed and comprehension in silent reading may be greatly improved in a relatively short time. Gilliland's expenmem;.^ This investigation was an attempt to answer the questions: Can a reader speed up his reading rate without lowering his capacity to reproduce what he has read? What is the effect of different speeds of silent reading upon ability to recall what has been read? Two sets of six paragraphs each were chosen for the experiment. One set was for use with high-school and college students, the other for use with pupils of the fourth and seventh grades. The paragraphs in a set were relatively equal in difficulty but differed widely in content. Each paragraph included ten distinct ideas and contained fifty words. A paragraph chosen from each of the two sets is given below. Each paragraph was printed on a separate card. The Amazon is the longest river in the world. It drains most of the northern half of South America. Its mouth is along the equator. The rubber tree grows in this valley and the few iQilliland, A. R. "The effect of rate of silent reading on abil- ity to recall." Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 11, (No- vember) 1920. 34 SILENT READING people that live there spend most of their time making gum. {Selected from the material for grade pupils.) In person, William of Orange was above middle height. His eyes and complexion were brown. His head was small, portraying the alertness of a soldier. He was more than any- thing else religious. He went through life bear- ing the people's sorrows upon his shoulders with a smiling face. (Selected from the material for MgTirSChool and college students.) Each subject read at three different rates of speed, his normal rate, his maximum speed as controlled by the knowledge that he would be called upon to re- produce what he had read, and a rate of about half normal speed. As a rule this last speed was actually not nearly so slow as the subject was di- rected to read, but it was definitely slower than his normal rate. TABLE I Comprehension Scores Fourth - GRADE Pupils Seatbnth- GRADE Pupils High- school Students College Students Slow Normal Fast 8.3 8.25 9.57 11.1 10.3 11.04 10.5 8.56 8.54 10.6 10.7 9.75 The above table indicates that fourth-grade pupils scored 8.3 ideas on the two paragraphs when read- SPEED IN READING 35 ing slowly, 8.25 ideas when reading at normal rate, and 9.57 ideas when reading rapidly. Thus it is evident that changing the rate of reading did not materially affect the comprehension. The table is to be interpreted in the same manner for the other groups. Generally the readers seemed to get about the same number of ideas whether they read rapidly, slowly, or at the normal rate. If there was an advantage, it seemed to be in favor of rapid reading for the chil- dren and slow reading for the older students. When v/e consider the time required to read the paragraphs, in relation to the amount of material gained from the reading, we see the great advantage of rapid reading as compared with slow or normal reading. There were 20 per cent fewer ideas gained per second in slow reading than in reading at the normal rate, and 26 per cent more ideas gained per second in rapid reading than in reading at the normal rate. This superiority of rapid reading is shown by each of the four groups of subjects tested. TABLE II Ideas Gained Per Second Fourth - GRADE Pupils Seventh - GRADE Pupils High- school Students College Students Slow Normal Fast .134 .183 .256 .234 .266 .293 .195 .251 .329 .242 .416 .566 36 SILENT READING The figures given in Table II clearly set forth the value of rapid reading. For instance, .134 ideas were gained per second when these fourth-grade pupils read slowly, and .256 ideas, nearly twice as many, were gained when the pupils read rapidly. Since the pupils obtained practically the same num- ber of ideas from each of the two paragraphs (as shown by Table I), whether they read at a slow, normal, or fast rate, the advantage and importance of reading these paragraphs rapidly (or in almost half the time required when the pupils read slowly) is significant. For example, fourth-grade pupils when reading slowly required 61.6 seconds to read the two paragraphs; they scored only 8.3 ideas. Dividing the comprehension score by the time gives .134 ideas per second. Pupils of this same grade, when requested to read rapidly, used only 37 seconds in reading the two paragraphs; they then obtained 9.57 ideas. Using the method of computation sug- gested above gives .256 ideas per second. It is of course understood that pupils should not be urged to read so speedily that they exceed the rate at which one may expect them to comprehend the material read. , While there are unquestionably speed limits be- yond which we should not go, there seems little doubt that almost any one can materially increase his read- ing rate without perceptibly reducing the percentage of ideas which he can reproduce. If this is true, the SPEED IN READING 37 teacher of reading who insists upon accurate, rapid, silent reading would be able to reduce not only the time required by pupils for preparing their lessons, but also greatly increase their efficiency in life, which is a matter of still greater importance. Physiological factors affecting speed. Perhaps no other institution has done as much research in an attempt to determine the physiological factors af- fecting reading as has the University of Chicago. By -z 3 G [when Denny had regained consciousness, anp prything possible for his corifort and for me ai- Figure 1^ means of very delicate and extensive laboratory equip- ment and a group of trained experimenters it has been possible to gather many scientific data on the eye-movements of children and adults of various mental capacities when using different types of read- ing material. By means of photographic registrations Dearborn found that movements of the eye when reading are interrupted by distinct pauses or fixations. The sis pauses in the first line and the five in the second line of Figure 1 were made by an adult when reading. ^After Charles H. Judd's "Reading: Its Nature and Development (p. 18). Supplementary Educational Monograph, Vol. 2, No. 4, (July) 1918. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 38 SILENT READING /o I % There was X 9 ^ s '3 IS /Q ancth9r bird in i\w room, 6 /3 a // ho\revep. % I 3 4- wLo kne /8 w \^hat gi'asshoppers v^ere good for. He 8 /8 1% IS to /o /? "F'lK. 2. Silent reading- by a poor reader in the fifth grade. X indicates that it was impossible to determine with precision the leng'th of the pause. X5 snatched a citlass from i\ 2o e pile, and someone, ♦I at th(! same time s: latching another, gave me a cut %o /o // iS Fig. 3. Silent reading by a rapid reader in the seventh grade. Each vertical line indicates one pause. The top number indi- cates the number .of the pause, the bottom number its duration in fiftieths of a second. After Samuel Chester Parker's figure in the Elementary School Journal, December, 1921. SPEED IN READING 39 The number of pauses per line varies with different readers as shown by Figures 2 and 3 on page 38. From a physiological point of view, the main char- acteristics of slow reading are, many pauses or fixation- points, a considerable duration of time at each point, and a number of regressive movements or backward sweeps. As one should expect, the characteristics of rapid reading are, fewer pauses, a very short time duration at each pause, and a decrease in the number of regres- sive movements. Dearborn's conclusions. After much experimenting, Dearborn declares that each person has formed '''motor habits" in reading which are evidenced by a rhythmical series of the same number of pauses per line, and by a uniform time distribution at each fixa- tion-point. He also declares that the amount read in a sweep is seldom equal to the extent of the field of perception. In other words, at one ''eyeful'* pupils do not take in all the syllables and words that they are really able to see. Hence, speed in reading can be materially increased by enlarging the percep- tion-span. Exercises in which phrase cards are flashed are an effective^ means of lengthening the child's per- ception-unit. From such data any wide-awake teacher of reading may properly deduce the following conclusions : All methods or devices should tax the eye-span to the limit; that is, each child should be trained to see 40 SILENT READING as many words as possible at each of his pauses or fixa- tion-points. All methods or devices used in the grades should aim to reduce the frequency of pauses or fixations. Since most of the reading time per line is consumed at the fixation-points, the teacher should use only those devices which lessen the time spent at each pause. Since one's rate of reading becomes a fixed motor habit, as difficult to change as is any other habit, great stress should be laid throughout the grades on forming motor habits of speed, ac- curacy, and stability because it is likely that by the time the pupils reach the seventh grade it will be difficult to change their motor habits in reading. The old ABC method, our present overemphasis of word and phonic methods, and the undue emphasis placed on oral reading in the lower grades, are some of the outstanding causes of the present slow rate of reading. The evil effects of these methods are fully treated in later chapters. The particular methods and devices one should use to insure the functioning of the above principles are fully discussed and demon- strated by sample lessons for each grade in Part II. Any method which does not to a marked degree tax the child's ability in speed and comprehension should be discarded. Hygienic factors affecting speed. The print of the page is of great importance because the length of line afi^ects the motor habits, and because the length of line and size of type may produce eyestrain and SPEED IN READING 41 fatigue. Experiments have proven that the lines in our textbooks are usually too long. Dearborn favors 'a line about one-third longer than that usually used in a newspaper. That length enables the reader to get concurrent impressions from the lines immediately above and below the one being read, with which they are often closely related in thought. Long lines of reading matter distract because the concurrent im- pressions received from the lines immediately above and below the one being read are unrelated to the object of immediate attention. When the lines are too long, they give no opportunity for a wide span of attention; the peripheral perceptions from the ends of a line arc too different and confused to aid the reader in inferring the general nature of the linens content. Since the number of pauses per line and the time spent at each pause affect the speed of reading, short lines make it possible for the reader to gather a general notion of the thought in the w^hole line at the initial fixation. This in turn makes the fol- lowing pauses in the line few in number, and the dura- tion of each pause much less. In short, we guess much in our reading, or read *'out of the tail of the eye,'* so to speak. It is well to remark that reading familiar subject-matter helps pupils to establish wider perception-units. Size of type is often regarded as an important factor affecting the speed of reading. Judd states, 42 SILENT READING however, that there is only a slight change in the number of words recognized at each fixation when the size of the type is doubled. When the size is reduced by half, the character of the eye-move- ments undergoes only a slight change. The effect of irregular indentation or of breaks in a line, such as often occur around illustrations, is detrimental to speed Avhen reading and often causes early fatigue. The occasional change of muscular motor adjustment and angular displacement slows up the rate of reading by causing longer pauses at fixations and by causing many cases of refixation, that is, coming back over the word. This muscular readjustment soon causes fatigue which may result in serious eyestrain, if reading is long continued. For that reason those primers with the open-page appearance, large type, good spacing, and words grouped in natural phrases are to be highly recom- mended, because such an arrangement of material promotes word grouping. Other factors affecting speed. The psychological and environmental factors that affect speed and com- prehension properly belong to the next chapter. The child's rate of reading depends largely on his ability quickly to comprehend new situations, and this in turn may be influenced by the range of his experi- ences. Quick word recognition depends upon the physiological and mechanical factors discussed, and upon the psychological as well. SPEED IN READING 43 SUMMARY 1. Silent reading is a means of training pupils in effec- tive methods of study; hence, the silent-reading period should be used to develop that skill. 2. Speed in reading is one of the requisites which an economical method of study demands. 3. Experiments indicate that pupils and adults are far below their possible achievements in rate of reading, and that the speed, and comprehension abilities of pupils may be increased at the same time. 4. Physiological factors, viz., eye-span and duration at the fixation-points, are important factors that must be seri- ously considered and taken into account in all methods of teaching reading. 5. Mechanical factors, viz., length of line and size of type, help to determine the rate of speed and fatigue. 6. Teachers should discard all methods of teaching silent reading which do not encourage a pupil to read as rapidly as possible without detriment to thought-getting. SUGGESTED READINGS Abell, Adelaide. "Rapid reading: Advantages and method." Educational Revieto, Vol. 8 (October) 1894. Bowden, Josephine. "Learning to read." (An unpublished master's dissertation offered to the University of Chicago in 1911.) Dearborn, Walter F. "The psychology of reading." Colunv- Ma University Contributions to PMlosophy and Psy- chology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1906. Gray, Clarence T. Types of Reading AHlity as ExMMted Through Tests and Laboratory Experiments. Supplemen- tary Educational Monographs, Vol. 1, No. 5, (August) 1917. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Judd, Charles H. Reading: Its Nature and Development. Supplementary Educational Monographs, Vol. 2, No. 4, (July) 1918. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 44 SILENT READING O'Brien, John A. Silent Reading. The Macmillan Com- pany, New York City, 1921. Peters, Charles C. "The influence of speed drills upon the rate and effectiveness of silent reading." Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1907. Quantz, J. O. "Problems in the psychology of reading." Psychological Review: Monograph Supplement, Vol. 2, No. 1, (December) 1897. Ruediger, William C. "The field of distinct vision." Co- lumMa University Contributions to Philosophy and Psy- chology, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1907. Schmidt, William A. An Experimental Study in the Psy- chology of Reading. Supplementary Educational Mono- graphs, Vol. 1, No. 2, (April) 1917. University of Chi- cago Press, Chicago. Whipple, G. M. and Curtis, Josephine. "Preliminary in- vestigation of 'skimming' in reading," Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, Vol. 8, (June) 1917. CHAPTER III DEVELOPING THE ABILITY TO COMPREHEND The importance of comprehension. On the pre- ceding pages we have repeatedly emphasized the fact that the silent-reading period should nearly all be devoted to teaching pupils right methods of study. The good student is one who rapidly reads his lesson through once, and at the same time is able to com- prehend the content of what he reads. Developing skill in thought-getting, as well as training in increas- ing speed, is absolutely essential in teaching pupils how to study. Training in quick apprehension and in comprehen- sion is the important task, because it is the basis of the pupil's possible progress in all subjects. Failure to solve arithmetic problems is often due to inability accurately to read the conditions set forth. Whether the subject-matter is geography, history, grammar, or hygiene, the pupil's success depends largely upon his ability to get the meaning from the printed page. This ability is almost entirely a product of training ; the logical and ideal time to give specific drill in de- veloping it is during the silent-reading period. Comprehension neg-lected. Training children to 45 46 niLENT READING comprehend has been and is now the most neglected factor in teaching reading. Horace Mann, in his Second Annual Report as the Secretary of the Massa- chusetts Board of Education, in 1838 wrote as follows: I have devoted especial pains to learn, with some de- gree of numerical accuracy, how far the reading in our schools is an exercise of the mind in thinking and feeling, and how far it is a barren action of the organs of speech upon the atmosphere. My information is de- rived, principally, from the written statements of the school committees of the respective towns — gentlemen who are certainly exempt from all temptation to dis- parage the schools they superintend. The result is, that more than eleven-twelfths of all the children in read- ing classes, in our schools, do not understand the mean- ing of the words they read; that they do not master the sense of the reading lessons, and that the ideas and feelings intended by the author to be conveyed to, and excited in, the reader's mind, still rest in the au- thor's intention, never having yet reached the place of their destination. And by this it is not meant that the scholars do not obtain such a full comprehension of the reading lessons in its various relations and bear- ings, as a scientific or erudite reader would do, but that they do nX)t acquire a reasonable and practicable understanding of them. It would hardly seem that the combined efforts of all persons engaged could have accomplished more in defeating the true objects of read- ing. We have made great progress in teaching reading, especially in the primary grades, since the time of Horace Mann, but we have scarcely begun to do the work right. Thousands of teachers continue the traditional method of hearing the children read COMPREHENSION 47 throughout the whole recitation period. They ask very few, if any, questions about the content. Most of the questions pertain to enunciation, inflection, and the omission, insertion, or mispronunciation of words. The pupils sit listlessly in their seats, waiting only for their turn to drawl through, or possibly to declaim, a paragraph or two. The idea of testing the pupil's comprehension of what he reads and his ability to retain the main points of each paragraph seems foreign to teachers of reading in many schools. A typical lesson. The following is part of the stenographic report of a sixth-grade reading lesson observed in a city school. The report records verbatim every question asked and every suggestion that re- sembled a question, except in two instances when a few pupils talked among themselves so inaudibly that _one could not hear distinctly. The title of the lesson was *' Henry Hudson." Teacher: Open your books to the lesson. What is the title of the lesson? Who was Henry Hudson? Then folloAved a dispute as to whether Hudson was an Englishman or a Dutchman. Teacher: Let us proceed with our reading now. Had you read this lesson carefully you would have known Hudson was no Dutch- man. Metha, you may begin. The pupil read the first paragraph. While she was reading, eleven of the twenty-three pupils were looking about the room apparently wool gathering. 48 SILENT READING The name of this bold sailor will be learned by every boy or girl who studies geography. Most of us know of the beautiful Hudson River, the finest stream of water in the great Empire State, New York. A noted strait and bay are named also for this hardy captain of the sea. Teacher: Did any of you see any mistakes? Pupil: Please, teacher, she did not say ''geo- graphy" right. Teacher: How should it be pronounced? (The pupil then articulated the word.) Any other sug- gestions ? Pupil: She didn't stop or even raise her voice be- tween "Empire State" and "New York." Teacher: That's right. Remember, children, these commas and periods mean something. Next, Sarah, you read. The pupil read the second paragraph very well. One boy was quietly sharpening his pencil, two others were whispering, another was whirling his knife, and a girl was adjusting a ribbon. Hudson was English born and English bred. He sailed on the great Atlantic Ocean first in an English ship, to find a passage to far-away China. He sailed to the northwest in the hope that he would find a way open to the Pacific across the North Pole, or not far below it. The brave captain saw mountains of ice, and he went nearer the North Pole than any one had ever done before, but he could not find the passage he was looking for. Teacher: Any corrections? Pupil: No, but which way and about how far is China from here? The teacher gave a fair answer. Two pupils then asked questions relative to the meaning of "English COMPREHENSION 49 bred" and ''ice mountains," which seemed to be an- swered by two others near the questioner. Teacher: Robert we'll have you read. Maybe you will forget playing with your knife awhile. The pupil read very plainly and rather flippantly, much to the disgust of some and to the joy of others in the class. The Dutch people in Holland heard of Hudson's voy- age, and a company of merchants of that country hired . Captain Hudson to see if he could find a. passage from Amsterdam in a vessel called the Half Moon. He sailed and sailed, a long distance, until at last the sailors became so tired of seeing nothing but fog and ice, that they refused to go any farther. Teacher: What corrections have you to make? Robert: (Ignoring her question.) I'd like to know why they tried to get through the northeast and northwest. Why didn't they go around South America ? Teacher: That is not my question. Pupils, have you any suggestions about Robert's reading 1 Pupil: He read so fast, and didn't stop at periods, and put in words. Teacher: Anything else? Another Pupil: Yes, he left out ''so" and "that." Teacher: You are right. Now Catherine, you may read the next two paragraphs. Robert, you please see if there is any difference between your reading and Catherine's. The pupil read with ease and good expression. Then he turned his ship toward the coast of North America. He did this because his friend. Captain John Smith, had sent him a letter, with a map, which made him think that such a passage might be found. Hudson reached Chesapeake Bay, but the weather was so stormy 50 SILENT READING that he did not think it safe to enter it. He sailed, instead, northward along the coast. In September, 1609, he came to a beautiful bay formed by the spreading out of a noble river. At that point the stream is more than a mile in width, and he called it the "Great River," Not far from its mouth, and on the eastern side, is a long narrow island. The Indians called it "Manhattan Island." Hudson soon noticed that the Great River had hardly any current, and that the tide from the ocean moved with great force into the river. This made him think it was a salt river. Perhaps he had at last found the passage he was seeking, the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Teacher: Wouldn't you call that good reading 1 Have yon any questions? Pupil: What is meant by a '*tide"1 Teacher: It is the rise and fall of water every now and then. Pupil: I don't see how it could go up a river. Teacher: We will take that up in our geography lesson some day. Benjamin, you may read. The pupil read fairly well. Not more than five of the twenty-three pupils paid attention to the one read- ing or to their books. Hudson was greatly pleased with all he saw, and he said, "This is as beautiful a land as one can tread upon." He soon began to sail up the stream, wondering what he should see, and v/hether he should find the Pacific Ocean. First he passed the Palisades, a great natural wall of rock, from four to six hundred feet high. This extends for nearly twenty miles along the western shore of the river. Then, higher up, where the stream breaks through great forest-covered hills, he came to a place "which we call the Highlands. Teacher: Was that all risfht? COMPREHENSION 51 Pupil: Too slow. Do you suppose the Indians built the Palisades? Teacher: Why, no; they were always there. Pupil: Is a ''natural wall" a stone wall? As the teacher seemed not to appreciate the pupil's difficulty, she shook her head and smiled. Failure to utilize the pupil's interests. It has not seemed worth while to report the remainder of the lesson, because the teacher asked the same type of ques- tions at the close of every paragraph. We may remark, however, that this teacher heard almost the whole les- son without asking a question that would test the pupil's comprehension, arouse his interest, or stimulate his appreciation. She missed an opportunity to in- crease the children's geographical and historical knowl- edge of the Hudson River, Hudson Bay, England, Hol- land, China, the Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, the Highlands, and Amsterdam. It is evident that the terms ''English bred," "natural wall," "mountains of ice," "tide," and "salt water" were not understood. But the teacher 's greatest error was in ignoring the boy's question as to why Hudson was trying for a northwest passage to Asia. Had this question been thoroughly discussed and answered by the pupils, they would have comprehended, as never before, the lack of geographical knowledge during the seventeenth century, and certainly they could have been led to a keen appre- ciation of the progress made in that field of knowledge since then. Besides, the answer to that question would 52 SILENT READING have made clear the motive force that drove Hudson on and on, even to his tragic death. The teacher over- looked all siach possibilities; she emphasized neither speed nor comprehension in reading. The tragedy of the whole situation is that such teaching is today not the exception but the rule in many of the best school systems. What may it be, then, in many of the villages and rural districts? The teacher's problem. The preceding report is indicative of what happens daily during the reading period in many of our schools. Time so spent is worse than wasted, for the pupils are not only failing to learn anything of value, but they are forming habits of slothful, careless thinking which will accompany them through life. Teachers who accept such lessons fail to use an opportunity to stimulate and train the minds of pupils; they fail to see the problem of how best to train pupils to the highest possible level of achievement in getting the substance of an article at a single rapid reading. To do that should be the aim of every teacher during the silent-reading period. If teachers are to realize that aim they must create a desire in the pupil for rapid and thoughtful reading, and use only those methods and devices which will tend to make speedy and purposeful reading a habit. In conjunction with creating wholesome reading at- titudes and habits in the child, methods and devices must be used to increase his vocabulary, stimulate his interests, and widen his experience so that he will COMPREHENSION ' 53 be able to apprehend new situations more accurately. Methods of developing skill in thought-getting are dis- cussed in Chapter IV, and many sample lessons demon- strating how this may be secured economically appear in Part II. In every lesson the child should be given a thorough test as a means of discovering his difficulties and noting his progress. Yoakam's experiment.^ Professor Gerald A. Yoakam recently demonstrated by experiment that comprehen- sion or thought-getting is badly neglected in some schools. His problem was the determination of the value of a single reading. Yoakam used six selections: *'The Admiralty Is- landers," ''Tuberculosis," "Medieval Castles," ''Pea- nuts," "Chasing a Rainbow," and "The Government of Switzerland," which included examples of narration, description, and- exposition. He decided that this wide range of subject-matter used with a large number of cases would insure a reasonably accurate measure of the value of a single reading and also indicate the type of material that pupils most readily comprehend. The experiment was conducted in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades; the results represent the scores made by more than 500 pupils. An initial test was given in order to determine how much the pupils already knew about the subject-matter, so that the value of a single iToakam, Gerald A. "The effect of a single reading-." (An excerpt from an unpublished doctor's dissertation offered to the State University of Iowa in 1920.) Tioentieth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education: Part II. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1921, 54 SILENT READING reading might be isolated. The pupils were asked to read the article through once, and were then subjected to a thorough written test. The results of a single reading of *'The Admiralty Islanders" by pupils in each of the grades is given here in terms of the average scores of each grade. Grade VIII VII VI V IV 20.9% 19% 16.6% 14.6% 7.5% The results obtained when the pupils read the other five articles once and were immediatel}^ given a written test are further evidence of their inability to grasp the main points of a lesson at a single reading. The fol- lowing figures are the average scores made by pupils of the sixth-grade class after reading the articles in- dicated. The results were obtained by subtracting the score made on the initial test from that made on the immediate-recall test. It may be observed that the average score made by pupils who read the simplest narrative material, "Chasing a Rainbow," was only one-third of the possible score. Article Tuberculosis Medieval Castles Peanuts Government of Switzerland Chasing a Rainbow Average Score 16.8% 21.1% 25.6%, 23.9%, 33.2% Grermane's experiments.^ Additional data which corroborate the trustworthiness of Yoakam's findings ■^Germane, Edith G. "Relationship between speed and compre- hension in silent reading." (An unpublished master's dissertation offered to the State University of Iowa in 1920.) COMPREHENSION 55 are contained in a study by Edith G. Germane, in which she determined the valne of a single reading, plus what the pupils might have already known about the subject. She conducted her experiment in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of two schools in a repre- sentative Iowa city. The 286 pupils who took part in the study were asked to read carefully a nine-page article on "Peanuts." After a single reading they were given a test on the material read. The results of this experiment are summarized below. TABLE III (Possible score 58 points.) Grade VI VII VIII Range 0-30 3-38 6-38 Average in points 11.2 15.4 19.8 Average in per cent 18.3 26.5 34.1 The table shows that the number of correct answers made by the pupils in the sixth grade ranged from to 30. Some pupils were unable to answer a single question at the end of a single reading; the highest score was 30 points out of a possible 58. The average score of the pupils in this grade was 11.2 points or 18.3 per cent of the possible score. A careful analysis of these data shoAvs that there are wide individual differences among pupils of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades and that the result of a single reading by those pupils is on an average comparatively low. Germane 's stud^^ shows a higher score of percentage value for the pupils who read the article through once 56 SILENT READING than does Yoakam's study. It must be borne in mind, however, that these percentages include not only the gain made b}^ a single reading, but they also represent the value of a single reading plus whatever knowledge of the subject the pupil may have had before reading. Both studies show conclusively that when one considers the present reading ability of children, it is apparent that a single reading does not by any means furnish sufficient preparation for a lesson. Nevertheless, the ideal for which we should strive is to have pupils show a relatively high degree of ability to comprehend and retain what they read, even after a single reading. We believe that ideal can be attained by systema^tic training in methods of study. Some, teachers may say that the use of'^a single read- ing to measure children's ability to comprehend is unfair and impractical. They maintain that if the pupils had been given an opportunity to read the les- son at least three times, the scores would have shown that they have much thought-getting ability. That contention is refuted by data obtained in an experi- ment performed by the authors. It consisted of three tests given 450 pupils. The tests were based on the articles ^'Immigration," "Peanuts," and "Tubercu- losis." In each experiment the pupils were asked to read one of the articles through as many times as possible in a thirty-minute period. They were informed that at the conclusion of the period they w^ould be given a thorough written test on the article read. The COMPREHENSION 57 findings indicated below have been accepted as trust- wortby. TABLE IV Results Based ox Reading the Article "Peanuts" (Possible score 58 points.) Grade VI Average Readings 3 Average Score IN Points 18 Average Score in Per Cent 31% VII 4 20 34% VIII 4 26 45% - Results Based on Reading the Article "Immigration" (Possible score 65 points.) Grade VI Average Readings 2 Average Score IN Points 14 Average Score IN Per Cent 21% VII 3 17 26% VIII 3 25 38% The low scores reported are conclusive proof that pupils have little ability to comprehend. Some people maintain that a single reading of an assignment is not sufficient preparation. The fact that sixth-grade pupils answered only 25.6 per cent of the questions after reading the article ''Peanuts" once confirms such a contention. But does frequent re-reading materially increase the number of thought units which a pupil is likely to gain? The data given above indicate a negative answer. For example, sixth-grade pupils who read the lesson an average of three times answered only 31 per cent of the questions, although pupils of an- other sixth grade who were of the same educational status, as determined by tests, answered 25.6 per cent of the questions after only a single reading. 58 SILENT READING Although these comparisons are crude, they suggest that it is not the number of readings which insures comprehension and retention, but rather the ability of pupils to concentrate and understand. The in- ability of pupils to understand the questions asked is shown by their ludicrous answers, some of which we have reproduced in following paragraphs. Since good reading is measured largely by the number of thought units or ideas which one is able to comprehend in a given time, instead of by the number of lines read, the problem of the teacher is to develop skill in thought- getting. Exercises in oral and silent reading should meet this important need. In fact, the teacher should emphasize comprehension during both the study hour and the recitation period. A comparison of these scores with those made by pupils of like grades in another city school system who read the article only once, shows that the results that accrue from a re-reading are not commensurate with the extra expenditure of time. The results ob- tained by testing those who read the article on "Tu- berculosis" were correspondingly low. Thus there is evidence to show that the average pupil does not read efficiently, or, in other words, that he does not know how to study. In order to acquaint the reader with the kind of questions used in the experiment just described, and to show what kind of answers some pupils gave to those questions, we give the following excerpts from COMPREHENSION 59 the material used. It should be borne in mind that the answer to each question was to be found in the assignment, and that usually an entire paragraph was devoted to it. QUESTIONS BASED ON THE ARTICLE '' PEANUTS " 1. How long are peanut vines left on the ground before stacking? Correct answer': 3 or 4 hours. Among the answers given by 6.4 per cent of the pupils Avere the following : 3 or 4 feet ; 18 inches ; 2 feet ; 3 or 4 weeks. 2. When should peanuts be planted"] Correct answer: In the spring, a trifle later than beans and corn. Among the answers given by 5.1 per cent of the pupils were the following: In the fall; before the late frosts; in July. 3. What should be the distance between the rows? Correct ansicer: 36 inches. Among the answers given by 6.2 per cent of the pupils were the following: 36 feet; 6 inches; 18 inches. 4. What effect does the peanut have on the soil? Correct answer: It restores nitrogen. Among the answers given by 9.3 per cent of the pupils were the following : Hard on the soil ; takes nitrogen out of the soil; runs do^vn the soil. 5. What soil is best suited to raising peanuts? Correct ansirer: A sandy loam, light in color. Among the answers given by 8.1 per cent of the pupils were the following: Clay; clay-loam, 60 SILENT READING black mulch; good soil; brownish clay; Iowa soil. QUESTIONS BASED ON THE ARTICLE '' IMMIGRATION " 1. Name five nationalities that came from northern Europe by thousands immediately after the Civil War and made use of the Homestead Act. Correct ansiver: Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Ger- mans, and Irish. Among the answers given by 7.7 per cent of the pupils were the following: Italians, Serbians, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarians, and Turks. 2. To which of these nationalities does the author give special praise? Correct answer: To the Scandinavians, because they became thrifty farmers and built churches and schools. The following answers were given by 11.3 per cent of the pupils : To the Jews, because they are good cloth makers ; to the Turks, because, they peddled stuif cheaply; to the Hungarians and Serbians, because they worked on railroads; to the Irish, because they engaged in politics; to the Chinese, because they cheapened laundry; to the Italians, because they have fruit stores. QUESTIONS BASED ON THE ARTICLE '' TUBERCULOSIS " 1. What effect has a healthy body on the growth of the tuberculosis germ? Correct answer: Because of the resistance which it offers, it is an unfavorable place for their development. The following answers were given by 13.3 per cent COMPREHENSION 61 of the pupils: Eich food for the germ; body is good food when healthy. 2. What is the effect of sunlight on the tubercle bacillus "I Correct ansiver: Kills the germ. The following answers were given by 10.6 per cent of the pupils : Makes them grow ; a fine thing for germs; all germs need heat and sun- light; causes them to multiply rapidly. The above answers would serve for amusement did they not indicate the reading comprehension ability of a large number of pupils. If the data in this chapter do not convince one that school children have little ability to comprehend what they read, one should make an assignment of factual reading material, then sub- ject the pupils to a reasonable test. The results may surprise both teacher and pupils. No one factor in reading so handicaps a pupil in life as his inability to comprehend what he reads. Comprehension may be improved. The responsi- bility for promoting improvement in the ability to comprehend rests almost entirely with the teacher, since efficiency in speed and comprehension is largely the result of training. Miss Mabel Green, third-grade teacher in the experimental school of the State Uni- versity of Iowa, conducted an experiment^ in one of her classes which shows that teachers can increase the pupils' ability to read rapidly and to comprehend. ^Green, Mabel. "The effect of specific drill exercises in silent reading-." (An unpublished study prepared at the State Uni- versity of Iowa in 1918.) 62 SILENT READING At the beginning of the month the teacher gave the pupils a storj^ to read. From that she determined their reading rate; she measured their comprehension ability by means of a written test. During the rest of the month the teacher daily gave special drill exercises emphasizing speed and comprehension, and used mod- ern devices and lessons to keep the pupils working at their highest level of achievement. At the end of the month she again tested the pupils for speed and com- prehension. The result of a month's specialized drill was indeed encouraging. At the beginning of the month the aver- age rate of reading was 180 words 'per minute. On the second test, at the end of the month, the rate was 240 words per minute, an average gain of 33 per cent. The gain in comprehension was even more striking. At the beginning of the month the average score was .18, at the end 29, a gain of 61 per cent. The most astonishing fact which the experiment re- vealed is that the gain in comprehension was much greater than the gain in speed. In fact, it was almost twice as great. One should expect a gain in both, but to have so great an increase in comprehension is certainly encouraging to teachers. However, it is not to be assumed that such progress can be made monthly in this grade or any other. Miss Green is a teacher of rare ability w^ho worked under ideal conditions. Stone and Colvin's experiment.^ This investigation ^Stone, C. W., and Colvin. Carl. "How to study as a source of motive in educational psycholog-y." Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 11, (September) 1920. COMPREHENSION" 63 showed that when one employs a correct method and uses the factor of interest, speed and comprehension in silent reading may be greatly increased in a relatively short time. The studj^ extended over a period of eighteen weeks and was made on forty-five subjects, undergraduate students of educational psychology in the University of Illinois. The motive and chief topic of interest in the course was the subject ''How to Study." Having been asked to list the factors which they thought most affect the efficiency of study, the students unanimously agreed that increasing the ability to read silently affords most help in improving study habits. Two plans were used to obtain the desired help: (1) Controlled practice, i. e., reading for a specific purpose when under time pressure, (2) a study of the psychology of the silent-reading process. The chief topics of study were : Reading as a tool of study. The relation of rate to comprehension. The importance of adequate motivation. ■ The relation of reading to language instinct. The element of habit in reading. The perception of meaning. Eye-movements. The effect of articulation. The neurone-sjraapse-bond hypothesis. The work curve. The controlled practice consisted of reading (1) works on educational psychology for thirty fifty-minute periods, (2) such material as usually appears on the 64 SILENT READING first page of ''The Outlook" for an additional five periods. Abont twenty units of the time used for read- ing works on educational psychology were spent on comparatively easy books such as Kirkpatrick's Indi- viduals in the Making, Strayer and Norsworthy's How to Study, and Seashore's Psychology in Daily Life. The remaining ten units of practice in reading educa- tional psychology were spent on Thorndike's Briefer Course in Psychology. Results of the experiment. As measured by a test on the reading of educational psychology, the mem- bers of the class increased their capabilities by more than one-half. As measured by Monroe's Standardized Silent-reading Test with Stone's Extensions, the aver- age score in rate of reading after practice and study was 74 per cent greater than the score made before. The score in comprehension after practice and study was 84 per cent greater than that made before. These students gained almost three times as much in rate of speed, and fully three and one-half times as much in rate of comprehension, as those members of a check class who did not receive the special practice and training in silent reading. At the conclusion of the experiment, the average student who did the practice and study had 180 per cent of the rate ability of a group of 405 students who did not re- ceive the special training. Some students made gains of more than 190 per cent in comprehension and 160 per cent in speed. COMPREHENSION ^5 Contrary to the usual experience, the students with the lowest initial scores made the greatest gains, a phenomenon that the authors are unable to account for. The reports of students who took part in this experiment show that some benefited from one fea- ture of it, others benefited from other features. This was to be expected because of the different features included in the experiment. The adage, ''Nothing succeeds like success," found a counterpart in the new one, *' Nothing aids reading like reading." One factor responsible for the successful outcome of the undertaking was the reguirement that each student read a certain piece of material for a definite length of time. Under the stimulus of this exercise the students did more reading in educational psychology than they ordinarily would have done. That helped to increase reading ability. Following a definite program and exerting an effort to concentrate while reading seemed to be the causes chiefly responsible for the increased rate of speed and the increasd ability to comprehend what was read. The experiment in the high school. A similar ex- ercise conducted with a class of high-school boys seems to prove the same fact. Apparently unable to concentrate, the boys were reading their lessons several times in an effort to master the content, but nevertheless they continued unable to get satisfactory results. After a few weeks of directed practice these 66 SILENT READING high-school students were able to get the thought from the text in much less time than formerly, and their rate of speed also increased noticeably. The students themselves, at first believing that the slower readers got more from the text than did the faster ones, changed their opinions at the conclusion of the experiment. SUMMARY 1. It is of the utmost importance to train pupils to read purposefully and with a high degree of comprehension. 2. Developing the ability to get thought, and skill in doing so, have been neglected. This is shown by Horace Mann's Reijort as well as by scientific data. 3. Some of the present methods of teaching reading are responsible for the inability of pupils to comprehend, since many reading periods are devoted only to hearing pupils read without any attempt to test comprehension. 4. The teachers' problem is twofold: The development of an attitude or desire for purposeful, thoughtful read- ing. The discovery of methods and devices that will most efficiently develop the ability to comprehend. 5. The value of a single reading as an aid to comprehen- sion and memory is low. On one occasion even the reading of the assignment three times did not yield results commensurate wath the time and effort spent. 6. The ridiculous answers given by many pupils clearly demonstrate their low comprehension power. 7. Rate of reading and the ability to comprehend can be greatly increased in a short time. 8. The chief function of silent reading is to teach pupils how to study effectively. SUGGESTED READINGS Fordyce, Charles. "Testing efficiency in reading." Addresses and Proceedings of the National Education Association, Vol. 55, pp. 818-21, (July) 1917. COMPREHENSION" 07 Gray, Clarence T. Types of Reading AtiUty as Exhibited Through Tests and Laboratory Experiments. Supplemen- tary Educational Monographs, Vol. 1, No. 5, (August) 1917. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Gray, William S. "Principles of method in teaching read- ing, derived from scientific investigations." The Eighteenth Year'book of the "National Society for the Study of Edu- cation: Part II. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1919. Huey, Edmund B. The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1916. Judd, Charles H. Measuring the Work of the Public Schools. Publication of the Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916. Oberholtzer, E. E. "Testing the efficiency of reading in the grades." Elementary School Journal, Vol. 15, (February) 1915. Peters, Charles C. "The influence of speed drills upon the rate and effectiveness of silent reading." Journal of Edu- cational Psychology, Vol. 8, (June) 1917. Thorndike, Edward L. "Reading as reasoning: A study of mistakes in paragraph reading." Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, Vol. 8, (June) 1917. , >' CHAPTER IV DEVELOPING THE ABILITY TO ORGANIZE The importance of organization. It has been pointed out in the preceding chapters that the silent-reading period should be used to develop speed and thought- getting^ if pupils are to learn how to study effectively. The superior student is one who has acquired a third important skill, namely, the ability quickly and effec- tively to organize the subject-matter read. The term organization, as here used, includes making outlines and summaries and having pupils prepare lists of questions which they consider leading ones. The importance of developing the ability of pupils to organize can scarcely be overemphasized. McMur- ry's Hoiv to Biiidy devotes forty-nine pages to the discussion of organization. Psychologists have done much, valuable research in the field of the higher men- tal processes. The results of their investigations include the establishment of many basic principles in the science and art of organization. The psychological point of view. From a psycho- logical point of view, training in the organization of subject-matter is urged because it requires the pupil to analyze, select, and synthesize. It requires much 68 ORGANIZATION 69 concentration, judgment, evaluation, and association and is considered one good test of general intelligence. Organization is a great aid to memory or retention. To the degree that a lesson or discussion is well organized, to that degree each minor point is seen in its proper relation to the major idea, and each major thought in its relation to the whole. The love of rhythm is said to be instinctive, and for that reason applied psj^chology urges the organization of a lecture or lesson in the most logical manner so that the pre- ferred paths may function. The sociological point of view. Nor is the ability to organize of secondary importance when considered from the sociological point of view. How many men and women are failing in their several vocations every day, not so much because of some defect in person- ality, but because organization is sadly lacking in every proposition which they set forth ^ The fundamental principle in public speaking is organization. Because organization is of great consequence in life, both in and out of school, one feels justified in testing pupils to see how much organizing ability they have, and how that ability may be developed. Present lack of ability to organize. The inability of many grade pupils to organize the main points of a lesson under headings and subheadings is very notice- able in many schools. Teachers do not seem to realize that training pupils and developing in them an appre- ciation of the worth of orc^anization is one effective 70 SILENT READING method of building up good study habits. Too often pupils are not made to feel that they are expected to organize, weigh, and discriminate in their reading. The usual assignment, ''Take the next four pages of the chapter," does not even suggest the possibility that many of the statements may be of minor importance and a few of major importance. Making a problem assignment stimulates the child to see for himself what sentences in the lesson are most worth while. Some teachers make a specific assignment of three or four questions. These questions act as guides to the pupil's reading; they form the topics for discussion in the next recitation period. Pupils thus learn to discriminate between points having little or much bear- ing on the question before them. After a few weeks of such training, summaries can be made at the close of a recitation period. The teacher and pupils to- gether sum up the main points in the lesson that were brought out or that should be discussed. Having one section of a class prepare the questions for another section to evaluate is an effective device. Organization can best be taught in connection with some class prob- lem or project in which each pupil gathers a definite amount of data and sifts much reading material for points bearing specifically on his phase of the problem. Although this chapter makes the point that the ability to discriminate and to organize the material read is of prime importance, we have reserved the discussion of teaching lesson organization until later. ORGANIZATION 71 Often, neither assignment nor recitation period is util- ized to help the pupil acquire this important skill. Germane 's experiment.^ Data obtained by means of two quite elaborate experiments seem to prove con- clusively that grade pupils deplorably lack the ability to organize what they read. One of these was con- ducted in grades five to nine, inclusive, of the elemen- tary and junior-high schools of the State University of Iowa, with this problem in mind: What is the value of making a summary-outline of an article as compared with the results to be obtained by re-reading, the article. The pupils in the grades mentioned were divided into two groups on the basis of their intelli- gence quotients. Each section was given a nine-page article on hygiene to study for thirty minutes. One section was asked to read the article through once, then to make a summary-outline of the main points. The pupils were allowed to refer to the article as often as necessary when making their outlines. The other section was asked to re-read the article as many times as possible during the thirty-minute period. At the conclusion of the period both sections were given the same quiz for fifteen minutes. Because this experiment was conducted in only one school and with only one kind of subject-matter, too much emphasis should not be placed on the results. It is interesting to note that the group which re-read ^Germane, Charles E. "The value of summarizing' as a method of study." (An unpublished doctor's dissertation offered to the State University of Iowa in 1920.) 72 SILENT READING the article showed a superiority of from 4.4 per cent to 20.4 per cent over the other pnpils. Papers of the pupils who wrote summary-outlines revealed a failure to discriminate between points of major and minor importance, and a waste of time in writing verbose statements where a word or phrase would have sufficed. Another experiment in which practically the same method was used gave similar results. During this experiment 784 pupils were tested on three types of material. The data obtained by this experiment also indicate that making written summary-outlines as a preparation for the lesson is not an economical method of study for pupils who have not been trained in organization. However, as shown by reliable data reported elsewhere in this chapter, organization can be taught even to fourth-grade pupils; when that is done summarizing becomes a valuable aid to study after the child acquires the method. Finch's experiment/ This was conducted in a junior high school in Rochester, New York. It orig- inated in an attempt to aid the pupils in making "the most effective use of the time for study provided by the longer periods and the lengthened school day." Four tests were given, each based on a regular text- book, thus providing for future tests of similar char- acter by means of which the progress of each pupil may be traced. The reasons for giving these tests to pupils entering the junior high school were (a) to make them ^Finch, Charles E. "Junior hig-h-school study tests." School Review, Vol. 28, (March) 1920. ORGANIZATION 73 aware of certain tilings that they onght to know about studying, (Z>) to create a desire for instruction in the' best way of studying, (c) to suggest to teachers the needs of the class and of individuals as a basis for possible and desirable kinds of instruction. Because only one of the four tests dealt specifically with the problem of organization, only that part of the experi- ment is reported here. The fourth test was planned to bring out the fol- lowing points: (a) Ability to select the important things told in a paragraph; (&) ability to write intelli- gent questions about a paragraph; (c) ability to collect the information suggested by a simple outline. In order to show the nature of the test and the method of using it, the following specimen is taken verbatim from the material used for the experiment. Textbook used: Woodburn and Moran's Introduction to American History. Directions I. Open your book and follow the directions given. II. 1. State in your own words three important things told in the paragraph on the Phoeni- cians, found on page 11. 3 credits 2. Write three questions that you would ask a pupil if you wanted to find out whether he knew the important facts in the first para- graph on the Egyptians, on page 4. 3 credits 3. On pages 8 and 9 find the information called for in the following outline, and state it in your own words: 74 SILENT READING Chaldeans a) Location of their eo-nntry 1 credit h) Occupations of the people 1 credit c) The ruler and his gardens 1 credit d) Some things the Chaldeans did 1 credit The following summary gives an idea of how the ability to follow these simple directions for organizing varied among seventh-grade pupils. It is evident that the pupils were lacking in the ability to discriminate between points of major and minor importance, and to make a summary-outline of them. Eight classes which included 256 pupils took part in the experi- ment. The average score of lowest achievement for any one class was 20 per cent. The average score of highest achievement for any one class was 80 per cent. The average score made by the eight classes was 60 per cent. Following an examination of the papers and a study of the results obtained, the experimenter reached the following conclusions : Pupils must be con- vinced that getting the author's meaning from a printed page is quite different from repeating expressions found there. They must be taught to eliminate material of minor importance from their consideration, and to give important matter proper attention. The ability to formulate intelligent questions is an indication that the student has some knowledge of the related and essential facts in the material under consideration. Making a simple outline after having discovered the essential facts is a great help in memorizing desirable ORGANIZATION 75 information. Much valuable time can be saved if pupils have an adequate knowledge of how to use textbooks. Keal progress is the result of wisely directed individual effort. Pupils must be convinced that it pays to give careful attention to all directions given by the teacher. Teachers should help pupils realize that studying effectively is quite different from study- ing anxiously. It is easy to think through a lesson if a carefully prepared outline is followed. Making satisfactory notes helps to summarize, to select essen- tial material, and to gain the ability to reproduce it. After the results of the tests had been carefully studied by the teachers, they suggested the following remedial measures which have proved effective in rais- ing the efficiency of the study habits of these pupils: (1) Pupils' questions should be discussed by the class and those of minor importance rejected. (2) Drill should be given in the use of chapter, section, and paragraph headings. (3) Frequent use should be made of co-operative outlines to enable pupils to summarize their thoughts and select important facts. (4) Pupils should be given definite references to paragraphs and sections that they are asked to read, and they should be asked to list the important facts that furnished the desired information. (5) Much more attention should be given to determining whether or not pupils under- stand adult expressions used in textbooks. (6) Pupils should be required to prove their statements by refer- ence to the textbook. This helps secure accuracy of 76 SILENT READING statement, and forces children to acknowledge their mistakes when made. (7) Practice should be given in using the textbook to find definite information sug- gested by a carefullj^ prepared outline. One teacher indicates that the tests helped her to remember that the assignment should serve to state the requirements of the new lesson, and to suggest the best ways of studying it. They also help her to keep in mind points that ought to be emphasized in silent study, to modify the content of lesson plans, to supervise silent study more successfully because of having more clearly in mind some of the things that ought to be observed while a class is studying, and to analyze the oral responses of the pupils more effectively because they seem to reflect study habits. College students cannot org^anize their lessons. A cursory examination of high-school and college stu- dents ' notebooks reveals the lack of ability to organize a lesson to an extent commensurate with one's expec- tations. The authors have conducted classes in education and psj^chology in which they required many individual reports. Each student was told that he should sum- marize his assignment under two or three leading headings. Often, however, much to the disappoint- ment of all, the student used most of the next recita- tion period to give a long report, in which he em- phasized a dozen or more main points, as he thought. Such experiences are not uncommon, even in the best ORGANIZATION 77 colleges. The most encouraging; feature of the whole matter is that the power to organize can be taught; it is largely a product of training. It is surprising what large dividends will accrue from spending a few minutes daily for a few weeks helping pupils to organize their lessons. Many teachers who have gone into schools of good scholastic standards have felt that the emphasis on organization for the first three or four weeks was time well s^ent, because the pupils rapidly acquire the method, and the acquirement of the method helps to master the lesson. Teaching how to organize. That organization can be taught c[uickly, and that such teaching aaqU yield fruitful results, is shown by an experiment conducted in the elementary school of the State University of Iowa in which sixteen seventh and eighth-grade pupils participated. By means of three preliminary tests the sixteen pupils were divided into two groups nearly equal in ability to organize the reading lesson and to comprehend it. Three thirty-minute periods were used weekly for three weeks to teach one group organiza- tion and the method of summarizing. The other group did not receive such special training. At the end of that time three new assignments were used to test the pupils' ability to organize and comprehend. It was found that the pupils who had been drilled in organi- zation not only made much neater and more condensed summaries, but also answered an average of 21.3 per cent more questions on the written tests. Organi- 78 SILENT READING zation is a third necessary skill, which, combined with speed and comprehension, aids in making the finished product in study. Earhart's experiment.^ The problem of this experi- ment was to find out if pupils in the fourth grade, i. e., in the fourth school year, can be trained to study a lesson independently. The class selected consisted of twenty pupils of average ability. Sixteen lessons were given, each lasting from twenty-five to thirty minutes. There was no separate period for the study of the lesson. The problem raised the following questions: Can pupils state aims for themselves in reading? Can they find the relatively important parts of the subject- matter read? Can they question the validity of state- ments and form independent judgments? For three weeks previous to this experiment the class had been reading Lida B. McMurry's Story oj Vlysses. The use of the text was continued during this experiment because it seemed suitable for the purpose in mind. The first lesson was based on the story of Ulysses and the Phseacians. After some pre- liminary conversation about the needs of Ulysses and the experiences he had previously had among strange peoples, the teacher stated the aim thus: ''We shall find out in this book how the Ph^acians treated Ulysses. ' ' The children read silently for a few min- utes. They used a marked list of words in their books to determine the correct pronunciation of proper names. ^Earhart, Lida B. "An experiment in teaching children to study." Education. Vol. 30 (pp. 236-42). 1909-10. ORGANIZATION 79 Other proper names, and words which the pupils could not pronounce without assistance, were written on the blackboard and divided into syllables by the teacher. The teacher then asked the children which part of the story they would tell first, if they were asked to relate it. Several pupils attempted to answer but could not do so satisfactorily. One child said, "Ulysses made a bed of leaves." Another suggested as the topic to be told first, "What Ulysses did in the Phseacian land." In response to the teacher's query as to what should be told next, some pupils tried to tell the story in- stead of giving a topic. Finally, one child gave for the second point, "Ulysses awakes." The fourth topic suggested was, "What the king's daughter did for Ulysses. ' ' The pupils then read the selection aloud. At inter- vals they were allowed to ask questions about the story. These are the questions asked: "Why did Nausicaa take her maids to wash clothes?" "Why did she not go alone?" "Why did the king's daughter go at all?" "Why did the maidens walk?" "There was no room for the maidens, but why did Nausicaa work and drive mules?" The spontaneity of the responses to the questions in the first lesson indicated clearly that the pupils were intensely interested in the subject-matter, but were unable to organize the other parts of the lesson in sequence. It was evident that training in evaluating go SILENT READING and organizing were necessary. The following lessons emphasized this factor. After the pupils had read the eight-page booklet, entitled Penelope and Telemachus During Ulysses' Absence, they were asked to name, in order, the things they would talk about if they were telling the story to some one at home. They gave the following outline very promptly: The princes wish to marry Penelope. Penelope deceives the princes. Telemachus holds a council. Telemachus goes to inquire about Ulysses. Telemachus visits Nestor. Telemachus visits Menelaus. ^ The suitors make ready to kill Telemachus. Penelope hears of Telemachus' absence. This exercise occurred toward the close of the series of lessons. Both the nature of the topics and the readiness with which they were given were evidence of the pupils' gain in ability to discover and express the important thoughts of the subject-matter. It will be recalled that when the first lesson was given, the teacher stated the aim for the class. When the last booklet of the story was taken up there was time for but one lesson with the class, so the lesson had to be somewhat hurried. The pupils had already stated the questions to be answered, and these constituted the aims in' reading this section. They w^ere told to read the entire eight-page booklet ORGANIZATION gl silently, tlien to make a list of important subjects in it, to write any questions which they wanted answered, and any w^ords in place of which they would like to have other words used. These papers were written by the pupils with no help whatever, except in regard to spelling, the use of capital letters, and punctuation. The following exercise, given just as it was prepared, shows the progress made from the time the first lesson was taught: Ulysses awakes. Ulysses and the swineherd. Ulysses meets Telemachus again. Penelope and Telemachus. Penelope and the beggar. The nurse recognizes Ulysses. Penelope gives a contest. Ulj^sses tries the bow. The death of the suitors. Ulysses rules over Ithaca again. Why did Ulysses go to the swineherd? Why did Ulysses beg for his bread? Why didn't Ulysses tell Penelope that he was her husband? Why did Telemachus go to the house of Laertes? This series of lessons showed plainly that pupils in the fourth grade are capable of finding problems for themselves, of organizing the lesson, of asking intelli- gent questions, of forming sensible hypotheses, of ex- ercising judgment as to the statements made by the author, of mastering formal difficulties for themselves, S2 SILENT READING and of exercising initiative wisely and profitably. It showed, too, that when pupils work in such a way they work with zeal, and accomplish much more than when they spend time upon useless details and mechan- ical methods of working. As to their using the factors of proper study habit- ually, the time was too short to permit one to reach final conclusions. To test the matter thoroughly, the class should be trained to study geography, history, and other textbook lessons in this way from day to day throughout a number of months. By so doing, syste- matic study of the different subjects would be intro- duced gradually, and the work in each class would be strengthened by what is done in the others. Teaching pupils to organize. In the third and fourth grades, stories and short expositions may be used as drill in making outlines. Pupils in those grades enjoy being called upon to state the main points made by the teacher in her talk on some phase of nature study, hygiene, or home geography. In fact, class summaries made with the teacher's guid- ance are economical ways to clinch the main points made during recitation periods. By the time the pupils are well advanced in the fifth and sixth grades they should show considerable skill in outlining and summarizing lessons in nearly all their studies. The authors have often promoted a keen interest in the organization of lessons by dividing the class into two sections and having one section pre- ORGANIZATION 83 pare a summary-outline for the other to criticize. Pupils at this age enjoy thinking of any lesson or lecture as having just one central idea, comparable to the hub of a wheel, and considering all the points grouped under this central idea as so many spokes in the wheel. This clever device has been used suc- cessfully in high-school classes, in which the teacher of English, history or science requested the students to state what they considered the hub and spokes of the assignment. A diagram on the blackboard lends interest to such a plan. Having the pupils use the last five minutes of a recitation period to sum up the main points brought out in the recitation is another very valuable practice. Notes taken in this way for a few weeks, known as a class summary, greatly aid the majority of pupils. Calling for an oral summary of the previous day's assignment is another means of teaching organization and providing a comprehensive review for all. The preparation of summaries. One of the funda- mental aims of teachers in charge of seventh and eighth grades, and even of high-school classes, should be to train pupils in making outlines and in writing concise summaries of lessons and lectures. A knowledge of many facts without the ability to classify, organize, and use them makes such knowledge practically worth- less. The school work of the pupils in the upper grades is so varied and so informational that no teacher should find it difficult to formulate a method 84 SILENT READING for teaching organization and summarizing, or to create a favorable attitude toward such work among her pupils. Some of the devices described in Chapter XIV for use with pupils in the fifth and sixth grades may be used very successfully in the higher grades. Another very interesting method is to take a part of each class period for finding what may be called the ''signpost paragraph," that is, the paragraph which states the problem or trend of discussion which the author has in mind. Pupils soon learn how to find the signpost or key to the lesson. The next point of interest is to discover a way to determine most quickly the author's conclusions and his answers to the problem discussed. Students will soon learn that reading the first sentence or two of a paragraph, possibly also the last one, is sufficient. It is not within the province of this chapter to elaborate on methods of teaching organization, since that will be done by presenting specimen lessons in Part II. The aim here is only to point out the possibility of teaching organi- zation. SUMMARY 1. The importance of organization and summarizing, the third essential factor in teaching silent reading, has not received sufficient consideration by teachers. 2. This valuable skill is lacking among college students and grade pupils. 3. The results of the experiments show that the prepara- tion of a lesson by means of a summary-outline is not economical unless the pupil has been trained to organize. ORGANIZATION 85 4. Several devices useful for teaching pupils to organize lesson material have been suggested. The authors have found those very useful in actual trial. 5. The results of a study made on sixteen pupils in the experimental school of the State University of Iowa and of studies made by Earhart and by Finch suggest that one can effectively teach pupils to organize their lessons. SUGGESTED READINGS Dearborn, G. V. N. Hoio to Learn Easily: A Book for Students, Teachers and Parents. Little, Brown and Com- pany, Boston, 1916. Dewey, John. How We Think, D. C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1910. Earhart, Lida B. Teaching Children to Study. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1909. Foster, William T. Should Students Study? Harper and Brothers, New York City, 1917. Hall-Quest, A. L, Supervised Study. The Macmillan Com- pany, New York City, 1920. Holley, Charles E. The Teacher's Technique. The Century Company, New York City, 1922. Huey, Edmund B. The Psychology and Pedagogy of Read- ing. The Macmillan Company, 1916. Klapper, Paul. Teaching Children to Read. D. Appleton and Company, New York City, 1914. McMurry, Frank M. How to Study and Teaching How to Study. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1909. Parker, S. C. Methods of Teaching in High Schools. Ginn and Company, Chicago, 1915. Ruediger, W. C. "Teaching pupils to study." Education, Vol. 29, 1909. Sandwick, R. L. How to Study and What to Study. D. C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1915. Whipple, G. M. How to Study Effectively. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1916. CHAPTER V RETENTION The importance of retention. The value of speed, comprehension, and organization as fundamental fac- tors of a method of study has been treated in the three previous chapters. There is still another factor, namely, retention, which is of equal importance. In fact, it is the ability to retain and recall the main points of the material read which makes the acquisition and application of knowledge possible. Time and effort spent in developing skill in rapid reading and in organization are wasted unless the essential ideas are retained. Experimental studies in retention. Ebbinghaus has done much experimenting to determine the ability to retain nonsense syllables, and his rate of forgetting for this type of material has been many times verified. He found that when a series of those syllables, such as ^'taz," *^nmt," and others were learned to the threshold of immediate recall, 50 per cent were for- gotten within twenty-four hours, 66% per cent within eight days, and 80 per cent within one month. But the application of this law to logical, factual mate- rial is unscientific, because nonsense material does not 86 RETENTION 87 lend itself readily to the laws of interest and associa- tion. Peterson's experiment.^ This attempt to determine the effect of attitude on immediate and delayed recall is significant in any discussion of retention. In brief, the problem was, "What difference will it make in later reproduction whether a person knows or does not know, while reading a list of words, that he will be asked to reproduce the words.'' Peterson's method of conducting this experiment was in the main as follows : The students in his psychology class were asked to copy twenty words as he read them. No other directions were given. After a few minutes those students were asked to copy another list of twenty words, equally as difficult as the previous list. This time the class was informed that each would be ranked according to the number of words he was able to recall. The result of the experiment showed that in the second case the students recalled an average of 50 per cent more words than in the first. Peterson attri- butes this gain to the '^mental set" of his students who knew they would be called upon to remember as many words as possible. Ebert and Meumann also found that the attitude of the learner, his "will to learn," exercises an im- portant influence over his whole memory result. iPeterson, Joseph. "The effect of attitude on immediate and delayed reproduction: A class experiment." Journal of Edu- cational Psychology, Vol. 7, (October) 1916. 88 SILENT READING These studies reveal one outstanding pedagogical principle which every teacher should apply : The pupil reads most effectively when he realizes that he is expected to recall the main points of the material read. This necessitates testing on the assignments by means of either short, brisk, oral reviews or written quizzes. If the subject-matter read is of sufficient importance to be studied, the recall of its fundamental facts should be assured. Yoakam's experiment. Probably the most elaborate recent experiment that can be cited in this discussion * of retention is Yoakam's stud}^, "The Effect of a Single Reading."^ Yoakam has attempted to deter- mine scientifically the relative values of certain fac- tors of study on recall or memory. This experiment was conducted in grades four to eight inclusive, and represents the results of more than 500 cases. Reading tests were used to classify the pupils of each grade into groups of equal comprehension ability in silent reading. One group read the assignment through once rapidly, but very carefully, and then w^as immediately subjected to a test on the content. The other group read the same article through once, rapidly and very carefully, but no test was given until twenty days later, when this group took the test that had been taken by the other section. Neither iToakam, Gerald A. "The effect of a single reading-." (An excerpt from an unpublished doctor's dissertation offered to the State University of Iowa in 1920.) Tiventieth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education: Part II. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington. Illinois. 1921. RETENTION 89 group knew that a test would be given. The scores made by these two groups ought to be an approximate measure, at least, of the value of a single reading on an immediate recall, and on a recall delayed twenty days. Immediate recall. The amount the several grades were able to recall immediately, after the single read- ing of an article entitled '*The Admiralty Islanders," is as follows: Grade VIII VII VI V IV 20.9% 19% 16.6% 14.6% 7.5% If these figures are to be accepted at their face value, then at least two conclusions may be drawn: (1) A single reading is not sufficient preparation for a lesson. (2) Pupils lack the ability to recall any considerable portion of the material read. It is the opinion of the authors, however, that a single reading would suffice if pupils were trained in methods and devices which insure retention. Delayed recall. One should keep in mind that the other group of pupils also read the article ''The Ad- miralty Islanders" through once, but that the children were not tested until twenty days later. It was thought that this procedure would give an approximate measure of the amount of an assignment that pupils usually remember when it has been read once, and on which no oral or written test has been given. The follow- ing is a summary of the scores made by pupils of the five grades after a lapse of twenty days: 90 SILENT READING Grade VIII VII VI V IV 1.3% 0.7% 2.7% 3.8% 5.1% Just why the pupils of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades were able to recall more than those of the seventh and eighth grades is a matter of conjecture. It has been suggested that the material had a com- pelling interest for pupils of the lower grades which it did not have for those of the seventh and eighth grades. One thing, at least, is certain: The ability of the pupils in these grades to recall and to remember any considerable portion of the material read is deplor- ably small. This inability to study a lesson with an attitude and method that insures remembering the main points may account to some extent for the poor showing made by pupils on almost any unexpected quiz or test to which they are subjected. Since it is possible to develop skill in retention, teachers are urged to emphasize this fourth factor not only in the silent-reading periods, but in all classroom work. Testing before reading". Professor Yoakam also at- tempted to determine the effect on immediate recall if pupils are tested on a lesson before they read it. In this same experiment a third group of children was given a written quiz on the lesson before reading it. Then the assignment was read through once carefully, and again they were subjected to the same questions. The scores made by this group on the second test were much higher than the scores made by the other RETENTION 91 two groups of pupils who liad read the same article and taken the same test. Hence, one is justified in believing that some important factor operated to cause the difference. Yoakam's conclusion is that the pupils of the third group, who took the test before reading, were motivated in their reading; that is, they read purposefully and with the idea of finding the answers to the questions submitted to them in the initial test. That such an inference is entirely justifiable is ap- parent when we observe that the grades in this group excelled each of the grades in the other two groups by the following scores : Grade VIII VII VI V IV 14.6% 13.6% 9.5% 5.8% 4.7% The above scores represent the amounts by which the pupils in the third group excelled the pupils in the other two groups when all were asked to take a test after a single reading. For example, the eighth- grade pupils in the third group were tested before reading the article and also immediately afterwards. After subtracting whatever knowledge they showed on the first test, it was found that the third group ex- celled by 14.6 per cent. This difference in the amount recalled was probably due to the fact that the third group concentrated on the questions missed in the first test. The following outstanding suggestions derived from Yoakam^s experiment may be applied to school- room procedure with the best results. Teachers should make use of them. 92 SILENT READING 1. Give pupils a test before they read the lesson. That makes them read purposefully and with concentration and discrimination. 2. An initial test tends to increase their retention, as shown by both Yoakam's and Peterson's ex- periment. 3. After pupils read the lesson over once carefully, give them the initial test a second time. Pupils can then see how much they gain from a single reading. This is pupil-motivation. They will be interested in seeing themselves grow from week to week. Many teachers who are now using the initial test as a means of stimulating purposeful reading believe it increases the amount recalled. The combined effects of giving tests before reading and immediately after reading, and the value of a single reading upon the amount recalled in tv/enty days, were tentatively worked out by Professor Yoakam. His comments are: The use of the above figures in this way is at the most rather speculative, but the general significance of the results was that the effect of a single reading as a means of insuring delayed recall of the type of mate- rial here represented, is apparently almost negligible. The motivations caused by the initial test and the effect of the repetition of the tests apparently far outweigh in importance the single brief contact with the material as a means of insuring retention of the ideas. Or, to put it more clearly, if the motivation caused by the testing and practice due to the repetition of the test had not taken place, the result of the single reading. RETENTION 93 as shown by the scores of the third group, womld prob- ably have been very, very small. We may draw four conclusions from Yoakam's study: (1) The amount of material retained after one reading without testing or motivation is almost nothing. (2) Submitting the test questions before reading motivates the reader by helping him focus his attention on the main points; it is also a power- ful aid to permanent retention. (3) Giving a test immediately after reading the material is another equally potent factor in aiding retention. (4) Fre- quent tests are absolutely necessary if retention of even the most important facts of school work is to be secured. The small amount of material retained by pupils in the grades may thus be explained, if the figures and conclusions of Yoakam's study are ac- cepted. In conclusion we may say that daily, weekly, and monthly testing on all assignments is the surest guarantee that a high degree of comprehension and retention will be secured. Crermane's experiment. Further to substantiate the data given in Yoakam's table, another experiment was conducted by four other teachers in another city school system. Four hundred pupils in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades took part in this experiment. Two different types of reading material were used, a nine- page article on '* Peanuts'* and another on *^ Immi- gration." The pupils were asked to read each article through carefully as often as they could in thirty 94 SILENT READING minutes. They were then subjected to a fifteen-minute test on the material they had read. Fifty-eight days later a recall test, based on the set of questions used in the immediate-recall test, was given. A summary of the results is presented in the table below. Test Based on the Article "Peanuts" (Possible score 58 points.) Grade VI Average Times Read 3 Immediate Recall 30.1% Recall After 58 DATS 9.8% VII 3.5 34.6% 12.7% VIII 4 45.1% 21.3% The table is read thus: Pupils in the sixth grade read the article on "Peanuts" an average of three times, answered 30.1 per cent of the questions on immediate testing and 9.8 per cent of the questions fifty-eight days later. Test Based on the Article "Immigration" (Possible score 65 points.) Grade VI aveirage Times Read 3 Immediate Recall 18.5% Delated Recall After 58 DATS 4.9% VII 3.5 23.1% 7.8% VIII 4 41.2% 16.7% The table is read thus : Pupils in the fourth grade read the article on ''Immigration" an average of three times, answered 18.5 per cent of the questions on immediate testing, and 4.9 per cent of the questions fifty-eight days later. The reader's attention is called to the following RETENTION 95 facts relative to the above study: (1) The two arti- cles read were well adapted to the grades in which they were used. (2) The pupils read for thirty min- utes with greater zest than they probably would have had under normal conditions, because they knew a test would be given. (3) The fifteen-minute written test was a severe one which held all to their tasks. Forty-five minutes was spent on each article. In view of these facts the scores show that the amount retained after a lapse of fifty-eight days varied from 4.9 per cent to 16.7 per cent of the total possible score. Bird's experiment.^ One hundred normal-school students in educational psychology were asked to read a chapter entitled ''The Nervous System as the Organ of Behavior." Although the assignment contained many facts of psychology and physiology with which these students had little if any acquaintance, no ex- planation or directions were given concerning the material set for study. The students were told merely to study the assigned lesson in preparation for a written test. The following semester the same lesson was assigned to another group of a hundred students having the same general ability and preparation. This time the assignment was preceded by careful explanations of all different parts of the chapter; the explanations were supplemented by demonstrations with the model ^Bird, Grace E. "An experiment in 'focalization.' " School arid Society, Vol. 8, (November) 1918. 9G SILENT READING of a brain and a preserved human brain. The super- vised study period of half an hour was designed to arouse interest in the topic. At the next recitation period the students were given a test similar to that previously used for the first group. It consisted of twenty questions each of which could be answered in a few words. The correctness of the answer depended on the student's knowledge of facts, rather than upon his ability to apply and use those facts. Two ques-' tions were : ' ' The point of contact between neurones is called a . " The name of neurones which convey stimulation to the muscles is . " It is scarcely necessary to remark that the general results of the second test were of a higher grade than those of the first one. The measured differences show that the half hour of preparation focalized and moti- vated the w^ork to the extent of raising the average grade from 54.15 per cent to 74.1 per cent, and the median grade from 51.1 per cent to 73.95 per cent. The range of the extremes resulting from the un- focalized assignment was 5 to 90, of the other from 49 to 100. The absurdity of the assignment made to the first hundred students is obvious. Nevertheless, that type of assignment is still used in many class- rooms. The results of this experiment indicate the import- ance of a careful specific assignment as an aid to retention, the possibility of catching the attention and arousing genuine interest in a lesson by carefully ex- RETENTION 97 plaining its difficult parts, the probability of increasing the achievements of the students in the quantity and quality of work accomplished, and the advantage of minimizing the initiation of incorrect habits and ob- viating the waste of unlearning them. How to increase retentioii. The following methods and devices may be used to develop skill in immediate recall, as well as permanency of retention. (1) Let the pupils know that they are to be tested on the material read. Do not fail to test them. (2) Give a test over the assignment before reading. As has been shown, that greatly increases the amount immediately recalled and permanently retained. (3) Give a second test after the pupils have taken the preliminary test and read the lesson through once. That appeals to most pupils since it gives them an opportunity to see the gain made in a single reading. (4) Have short, brisk, daily reviews of the outstanding features of the pre- vious day's discussion or lesson. (5) Provide weekly and monthly reviews of the work covered. (6) Have pupils prepare a list of questions, the answers to which cover the main points in the work of the week or the month. (7) Let the test consist chiefly of these ques- tions. Have the papers graded in class by pupils and teacher, who are also to decide what constitutes a complete answer. (8) See that the papers are at once returned to the pupils, thus giving each a chance to review his own and to protest if he thinks it has been improperly valued. 98 SILENT READING Tests conducted according to the suggestions offered insure four reviews of the main points: {a) When the pupils prepare the test; (h) when they write it; (c) when each corrects another's paper; (d) when each looks over his own paper for possible errors in valuing. Outlining and summarizing also help one to retain. To remember well one must establish logical associations. Hence, organization of the main points in a lesson under the proper headings and subheadings is a powerful aid to logical association. Organization also appeals to one's innate love of rhythm. Thorn- dike urges the importance of interest, attention, and play as dynamic factors affecting ready recall. It is surely the common experience of every teacher that to the degree to which the pupils attend, are inter- ested, and enjoy certain .situations in their school work, to that degree do those situations remain fixed and tend to recur. It is a basic law of human psychology that one responds to situations of interest and pleasure more frequently than to their opposites. Thorndike's laws of readiness, exercise, and effect, together with the more specific law^s of recency, frequency, intensity, and duration, should be understood and the principles applied, if permanency of recall is to function. The importance of focalizing the pupil's attention upon the main points in the next assignment should not be overlooked. That practice is of particular value in classes of immature pupils who cannot readily dis- tinguish among major and minor topics. RETENTION 99 SUMMARY 1. Retention is an important factor of effective study. 2. Experiments have proven the inability of the average pupil to recall immediately any considerable portion of what he reads. 8. Experiments show that of 450 pupils who read an article two or more times, not one could answer 50 per cent of the questions submitted immediately after the read- ing. 4. The amount which pupils are able to retain after inter- vals of twenty and fifty-eight days is almost negligible. 5. Teachers are urged to use methods and devices which help to insure retention. 6. The teacher of silent reading and of other subjects should make adequate provision for daily, weekly, and monthly reviews of the minimal essentials. SUGGESTED READINGS Colvin, Stephen S. An Introduction to High-School Teaching. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1921. Dearborn, G. V. N. Hoiv to Learn Easily. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1916. Gray, William S. Studies of Elementary School Reading Through Standardized Tests. Supplementary Educational Monographs, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1917. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Heck, W. H. Mental Discipline and Educational Value. The John Lane Company, Boston, 1911. Lukens, H. T. Thought and Memory. D. C. Heath and Company, Boston, 1896. Seashore, Carl E. Psychology in Daily Life, D. Appleton and Company, New York City, 1913. Thorndike, Edward L. Educational Psychology: Briefer Course. (Chapters 6, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19.) Columbia Uni- versity Press, New York City, 1914. Thorndike, Edward L. Elements of Psychology. (Chapters 13 to 18.) 2nd ed., A. G. Seller, New York City, 1913. CHAPTER VI QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING READING A consideration of reading methods. The four pre- ceding' chapters were devoted to an intensive discus- sion of the larger problems of silent reading, viz., speed, comprehension, organization, and retention. In each chapter an attempt was made to set forth the im- portance of the problem under discussion, in its rela- tion to teaching pupils how to study. The results of several investigations of methods of study reveal the deplorable status of reading common to our schools. In view of these facts, this chapter deals with two problems: (1) Some reading methods and their out- standing defects. (2) Some suggested remedies. Since the most effective time to discuss a remedy is in con- junction with the defect itself, these two themes will be treated throughout the chapter in conjunction with each other. The ABC method. One of the most glaring defects in teaching reading is the use of the old ABC method still in vogue in many of the backward sections of our country. Human ingenuity could scarcely have devised a scheme more unnatural and bewildering to 100 QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING IQI the child. Reading is at best an artificial process which involves the use of symbols. The child comes to school thinking in terms of thought units; therefore, the psychological and natural approach is by means of the sentence method, or possibly through a modification of the word method. The first five or six years of the child's life have been crowded full of experience of all kinds. Thou- sands of questions and the memory of thousands of experiences are in his mind waiting to be expressed. And yet, since the days of the Greeks, we have im- posed upon the immature minds of children twenty- six letters usually presented in three forms. The con- fusion arising in the mind of an eighth-grade pupil if a complex formula in trigonometry were presented, could scarcely equal the mental disturbance caused children by beginning reading with the ABC method. Defects of the ABO method. But aside from this evil, the most outstanding objection to the ABC method is that it retards the development of speed and comprehension in reading. The movements of the eye in reading a line are interrupted by a succession of distinct pauses or fixations. Speed in reading con- sists in forming motor habits with few pauses or fixation-points to the line, and with a minimum time at each fixation period. Pupils whose first years in school are spent in fix- ing their attention daily upon a letter or syllable, form habits of narrow eye-span, that is, small perception- 102 SILENT READING units. It is believed by many that the concentration of attention in noting the peculiarities of certain let- ters, or the phonetic group to which syllables belong, forms a motor habit of taking in narrow perception- units and making fixations of long duration at each pause. In all probability the child never can become a fast reader because he has formed these motor habits. The reading exercises of the primary grades should be such as to enlarge the pupil's perceptual span. Con- sequently, phrase-flashing exercises, which necessitate the pupil's recognizing a group of words in a very short time-exposure should be frequent in order to. offset the danger of the pupil's seeing and reading only one word at a glance instead of taking in an "eyeful." A photographic registration of all slow readers' eye- movements would probably show eight or nine fixa- tions to the line, instead of only the necessary three or four, as well as many regressive movements or re- fixations. Moreover, the duration of attention at each fixation would be from one-half to three times as long as that of a rapid reader. Increasing the comprehension of pupils is hindered by the use of the ABC method, because in compre- hension the attention must be focused on the thought, not on the letter or sound. Slow readers do not develop a wide attention-span. Their peripheral im- pressions are so limited that no general impression of the line can come from a single fixation. The phonetic method. The phonetic method is open QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING 103 to the same criticism as the ABC method, although its evil effects may not be as bad. AVhen reading is tanght by this method, the attention of the pupil is focused not upon the thought or sentence unit, but upon the letters and syllables of a word. Hence, the pupil forms motor habits in reading which result in very short ej^e-span and fixations of long duration. The chief value of the phonetic method is that the pupil is no longer dependent on the teacher for learn- ing new words. It should be used in the word-drill study period, never in the silent-reading period. All the special phonetic methods greatly overemphasize the value of that training, give it too large a place in the early work in reading, and pursue it long after its essential values have been obtained. The word method. The w^ord method, if abused, is also detrimental to speed and comprehension. In fact, many of the evils that are inherent in the ABC and the phonetic methods are present in the word method, although to a less degree. Many teachers begin with the word method and never get awaj^ from it. They begin to teach read- ing from a chart on which a half dozen words appear. Then the pupils are asked to read short sentences, either individually or in concert, while the teacher slowly times or isolates each word with a pointer or ruler. If the primer is used, each child is asked to read a line or so, and to point to each word. The highest 104 SILENT READING ambition of some teachers seems to be to have the pupil "keep his finger on the place," whether he is reading or following the reading of some one else. A none too gentle rap on a delinquent's finger tends to enforce the rule until he forms the habit of pointing to each word as it is read. Thus the child's attention is focused on words instead of phrases or whole sen- tences. While reading, pupils should not be allowed to point to single words. When the teacher points to work on the blackboard she should indicate phrases or sentences with a sweep of the pointer. Criticisms of the word method. Is it any wonder that pupils taught by such methods form motor habits of narrow perception-units and exceedingly long time distribution at each pause? Boiler charts are now to be had on which appear phrases and short sentences for beginners. These are flashed before the pupil one line at a time for one or more seconds. He thus forms a habit of seeing and comprehending a whole thought unit at one or two fixations. Some teachers make use of the blackboard, flash cards, and games for the first half year until habits conducive to speed and comprehension are formed. For example, the teacher writes the entire reading lesson on the blackboard be- fore the recitation period. It is then covered. When the time comes to read, only one sentence is exposed at a time. The exposure is brief lest the pupils form slow 'motor habits of reading syllables and words in- stead of phrases and sentences at a glance. QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING 105 Until recently educators have accepted tlie theory that the word-unit method is the natural and most economical waj^ of teaching reading to beginners. They declared that because the child comes to school with a word vocabulary he consequently thinks in words, and they insisted that his field of perception is very limited. Regarding the latter claim, Dearborn states that the amount read per fixation is seldom equal to the field of perception. For digits or nonsense syllables the attention-span may be rather limited, because such material offers scant opportunity for the alws of asso- ciation to function. However, when the letters form words, sixteen or twenty can be caught in one sweep, and in reading ordinary prose four to six words are often so included. Note the width of the perception- unit of a high-school student as reported by Schmidt in the following sentence : The stranger who wjould form a coijrect opinion of the English charaoter must not confine his observations to the metropolis. The vertical lines indicate the fixation-points, show- ing that the perception-unit may be wider than three or four letters, as many advocates of the word method would have us believe. If we accept the above state- ments of scientific investigators as being trustworthy, 106 - SILENT READING it is evident that the word method does not tax the field of perception to the limit. This defect, together with the extended time distribution on each word, makes the method very questionable. Successful teach- ers of reading, who claim to use the word method, suc- ceed with it because they use flash cards, blackboard work, and other devices in which phrases and short sentences really become the perception-units. Oral reading. Overemphasis of oral reading was another factor which contributed to the deplorable status of reading set forth in the preceding chapters. The public has a right to ask its teachers, "Why should 90 per cent of the classroom reading be oral, if 99 per cent of the reading in adult life is silent? Why build up a set of motor habits in childhood that handicap one in adult life?" Oral reading has been emphasized in the lower grades because it is said to be the most natural, being an expression of irrepressible, psychic tendencies. Those who advocate oral reading in those grades do so be- cause certain psj^chological factors are involved. Unless one is of the extreme visual-image type, the problem of inner speech in reading is ever present. There is usually an inseparable association between a word and its sound so that when the visual image of a word is recognized the auditory image of ^the word arises. That results in the verbal-motor expression of the word. In reading, the auditory and motor centers are active; purely visual reading is not normal. Lip- QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING 107 reading in children is a perfectly natural tendency, especially if their minds are of the motor or auditory type. The fact that oral reading is natural to the child does not at all justify encouraging the practice. Many babies naturally want to suck their thumbs, but no mother is justified in encouraging that. The truth is that oral reading greatly hinders both speed and comprehension because it depends on the physiological mechanism of vocalization. Dr. Schmidt's table^ shows that the average number of pauses per line made by the forty-five subjects of his experiment when reading silently was 6.5, and the average number of pauses made when they read orally was 8.2. The average duration of pauses in silent reading was .3882 seconds; the average duration in oral reading was .3808. Oral reading required 28 per cent more pauses to the line, and 24 per cent more time at each pause, than did silent reading. This dif- ference is explained by the fact that oral reading is controlled by speech units rather than divided into units of visual perception. Method of training* primary pupils. Since oral reading retards speed at least 25 per cent, according to Schmidt's data, and since it is almost impossible to modify those motor habits after they are formed, one is justified in making the greatest possible use of ^Schmidt, "VV. A. "An experimental study in the psycholog-y of reading-." SuppJementary Educational Monograph, Vol, 1, No. 2, University of Chicag-o Press, Chicag-o, 1917. (Consult Tables VII and VIII. p. 43.) 108 SILENT READING silent reading even in the first grade. One experi- menter has pointed out that if the training in oral reading were discontinued at a very early stage, and training in rapid silent reading stressed, the tendency toward inner speech might be greatly reduced and visualization cultivated. The fact is that children do have the ability to take in all kinds of situations visually without speech accompaniment, and that it is unnecessary for them to articulate, even inaudibly, when they read symbols. This may be demonstrated in any primary-grade read- ing class by having the pupils do the thing the symbol suggests. For example, the teacher writes on the black- board, "Who will bring me the bean bag?" "Let the boys play the girls today, ' ' etc. The responses to these written symbols are acted out by the children. The whole game is played, the score recorded, and the material put away by the children without a word being spoken by either teacher or pupils. Judd reports^ in one of his monographs that the tendency to inner speech which oral reading encourages may be almost overcome by great effort even in adult life. He cites the case of a man who was a lip-reader and also an excellent oral reader. His average rate of silent reading was very slow, only 2.3 words per second. Realizing his handicap, he practiced daily for four weeks on easy and familiar material. A conscious iJudd, Charles H. "Reading- : Its nature and development." Supplementary Educational Monograph, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 159, 160, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. QUESTIONABLE METHODS OP TEACHING 109 effort to suppress articulation, to increase eye-span, and to see phrases instead of words was a part of the daily exercise. His reward was an ability to read 4.7 words and in some cases 6.2 words per second. Further training has made him a rapid silent reader. Lip-reading". We naturally ask, Why should we any longer stress oral reading and thus retard our speed and comprehension for life? It has been pointed out that lip-reading is natural, being evidence of inner speech. Many are of the opinion that it is encouraged by emphasizing oral reading in the early grades. Re- gardless of what may be the causes, the evils of lip- reading are so outstanding that some mention of them should be made at this time. Quantz^ found that among the subjects of his ex- periment the ten pronounced lip-readers were those who read 4.1 words per second. Ten who showed least move- ment of the lips read 5.6 words per second. In terms of percentage, the non-lipreaders read 36 per cent more rapidly than the lip-readers did. In percentage of thought reproduced, the lip-readers made a score of 14.9, the non-lipreaders 24.4. In quality, the lip-read- ers made a score of 48, the non-lipreaders, 73.3. G-ermane's experiment. Further to substantiate the findings of Quantz, attention is called to a more recent study^ of lip-reading made by Edith Gr. Germane. This ^Quantz, J. O. "Problems in the psychology of reading." Psy- chological Reviem: Monograph Sup%>lem&nt, Vol. 2, No. 1, (De- cember) 1897. ^Germane, Edith G. "Relationship betv/een speed and compre- hension in silent reading-." (An unpublished master's disserta- tion offered to the State University of Iowa in 1920.) 110 SILENT READING experiment was performed on 450 pupils of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The articles used were •those on '' Peanuts" and on "Tuberculosis," already mentioned. The pupils were asked to read the article through once as they ordinarily do a story. The time was marked on the blackboard at five-second intervals; as soon as a pupil finished reading he looked up, then noted and recorded his time. Then he took up the list of questions and immediately answered as many as possible. While the pupils were reading, three teachers recorded the names of those who read with decided lip-movement. The rate of speed and the per- centage of comprehension of both types of pupils were tabulated separately and compared. The lip-readers who read the article "Peanuts" were handicapped in both speed and comprehension. Sixth-grade lip-readers read an average of 161 words per minute. Pupils of that grade who were not lip-readers read an average of 169 words. In the comprehension test, the average score for lip-readers was nine points, eleven points for those who were not lip-readers. Seventh-grade lip- readers averaged only 156 words per minute and made a comprehension score of fifteen points. Those who were not lip-readers read 180 words per minute and made a comprehension score of fifteen points. Eighth- grade lip-readers read an average of 174 words per minute and made an average comprehension score of sixteen points. Members of that grade who were not lip-readers averaged reading 205 words per minute QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING m and made an average comprehension score of eighteen points. The results obtained by having the pupils read the article "Tuberculosis" showed similar relationships. Pupils of the three grades who read that article were handicapped in both speed and comprehension. The figures here presented probably do not ade- quately indicate the seriousness of the handicap. Let us look at them from another point of view. In the eighth grade the average rate for non-lipreaders who read the article "Peanuts" was 205 per minute, and for lip-readers it was 174 words per minute, an aver- age difference of 31 words per minute or 1,860 words per hour. The pamphlet read had about 340 words to a page. Hence, the non-lipreaders in the eighth grade read an average of five pages more per hour than did the lip-readers. If the comprehension of the lip-readers had been superior, this handicap in rate would not be so serious, but as a matter of fact the non-lipreaders made an average score of eighteen points in comprehension as compared with the sixteen points made by the lip-readers. They excelled the lip-readers by practically 13 per cent. Suggested treatment for lip-reading". The data pre- sented in these two studies convince one of the evils inherent in lip-reading. It is difficult to suggest a remedy, especially for a child of pronounced motor type. It would seem advisable, however, to minimize oral reading and stress silent reading with pupils who have formed this habit. The tendency toward 112 SILENT READING motor response could be taken care of in primary- grades by having the pupil do what the word, phrase, or sentence says. Many teachers get excellent re- sults by drawing the attention of the pupils to adult lip-readers, pointing out how foolish it looks, and explaining just how it handicaps the reader. Then by some artificial means, such as an honor roll, the teacher encourages the pupils to inhibit this tendency. Placing the finger on the lips often aids in inhibiting lip-movement. It seems that lip-reading may be partially checked by presenting all drill exercises very rapidly. For instance, in a phrase-flashing exercise, make the ex- posure of such a group of words as *^ under the table" so short that the pupils have not time to whisper it word by word. It is well to separate pupils into at least tw^o groups (three is better) ac- cording to their rate of reading. Lip-readers should also receive special drill designed to break the habit. Much patience on the part of teacher and pupils is necessary if this habit is to be overcome. With training, the phrase rather than the word will even- tually become the unit. Need of speed and comprehension drills. Perhaps the greatest cause of poor reading is the teacher's failure to make provision for daily training in speed and comprehension. No pride in rapid and thoughtful reading is developed, and no provision is made in the daily schedule which insures practice in speed and QUESTIONABLE METHODS OF TEACHING II3 comprehension. We seem to be concerned with the child's getting knowledge rather than with develop- ing his ability to acquire knowledge. Part II of this book will attempt to show how speed and comprehen- sion drills may be made a part of the daily lesson. Teaching pupils to organize. Emphasis should also be placed on organization. It is surprising how soon pupils can be taught to tell when a new paragraph begins and ends. Their oral and written outlines would often put much older pupils to shame. Teaching pupils to retain. The value of daily re- views and drills, and of a schedule for general re- views, can not be overemphasized. The vital point is not how much a child learns, but the method he em- ploys to learn. Choice of subject-matter. If pupils are to become efficient readers, they must have access to an abun- dance of material. The contents of the readers most widely used are good. Story-books, too, are of value, but for purposes of training in getting and organizing information, the training must be applied in reading such subjects as history, geography, and science. SUMMARY 1. The use of the old ABC method in teaching beginning reading does not facilitate the formation of good reading habits. 2. Overemphasis of the phonetic or word methods is un- favorable to the development of speed and comprehen- sion. 3. About 90 per cent of the reading period has been de- 114 SILENT READING voted to oral reading; training in the best methods of silent reading has been neglected. 4. Experiments seem to prove that lip-reading is a handi- cap that affects both speed and comprehension. 5. Drill exercises that emphasize speed, comprehension, organization, and retention are necessary. 6. Various kinds of subject-matter should be used. 7., All defects should be met with proper remedial meas- ures. SUGGESTED READINGS Anderson, C. F.- and Merton, Elda. "Remedial work in silent reading." Elementary School Journal, Vol. 21, (January) 1921. Dearborn, W. F. "The psychology of reading." Columbia University Contrihutions to Philosophy and Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1906. Gray, William S. "The diagnostic study of an individual case in reading," Elementary School Journal, Vol. 21, (April) 1921. Judd, Charles H. Reading: Its Nature and Development. Supplementary Educational Monographs, Vol. 2, No. 4, .aiv 45. .a. W •?¥• "JP W TT W •fS' The newcomers had to settle in cities. The Rus- sian Jews entered the ready-made garment trade in the great centers like New York, Rochester, and Chi- cago. Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, and Poles took up heavy tasks like mining and iron working, which called for more physical strength. Immigrants dur- ing this period built the railroads, developed the mines, manned the coke ovens and blast furnaces, made clothing, and, in fact, furnished the labor for most of the country. Questions 1. What two nationalities composed the first marked invasion of immigrants^ 2. Where did those immigrants settle? 3. What was the cause of the lull in immigration? 4. Why did the *' Homestead Act" induce foreign- ers to come to this country? 5. Name five nationalities that came from northern Europe immediately after the Civil War? 6. What change was there in the second era? 7. Where did these immigrants settle? 8. Name four evil effects which the low rates of steamship companies and their false advertis- ing in Europe have on the United States? There are several other good plans for studying the history assignment, each quite as effective as the one we have outlined in detail. Pupils may be asked to ''skim" the material so as to find answers to particular questions. That exercise tends to form good motor habits in reading, broad eye-span, and short duration 318 SILENT READING of fixation. They may be asked to prepare questions for class discussion after reading this and similar sub- ject-matter once, or they may read the assignment once, guided by three or four questions written on the black- board. Forming good study habits. Many students fre- quently reach the eighth grade with few desirable study habits. They are unable to concentrate on what they read, to read closely, or to comprehend rapidly and sat- isfactorily. Such pupils believe they are "studying hard when they are only marking time. A detailed test which requires the recall of data contained in the assignment often shocks these pupils out of their indifference by showing them how loosely and undiscriminatingly they really do read. The lesson plan outlined below was successfully used in an eighth-grade class whose mem- bers made an average score of only 50 per cent before the plan was adopted. The test included in this method caused pupils to realize how superficially they read and made them want to use a part of each recitation period for learning how to read. Type Study: A Geography Lesson Towards the close of a geography lesson suggest that pupils spend the remainder of the period reading a part of the next day's assignment. Determine how many paragraphs shall be read, and instruct pupils to close their books when they read the material once, as a sign that they have finished. Note each pupil's time GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 319 and rank him as to rate. AYhen all have finished, test the class with a list of questions which thoroughly cover the assignment. The following lesson assignment^ is typical of the amount of material that should be used for this exer- cise. The questions indicate the type that should be used. Chicago's Commercial Advantages For a long time there was much rivalry between St. Louis and Chicago to see which should outgrow the other. Now Chicago is three and a half times as large as St. Louis, and surpasses all other cities in the North Central States much as New York sur- passes those in the Northeastern States. What has led to such remarkable grovnh"? There are three facts about its location that give Chicago a great advantage for trade in farm products. First, it is much nearer the center of this remark- ably productive region than is St. Louis. The lead- ing wheat region lies to the northwest, the Corn Belt is close at hand, and the dairy section is very near. Second, the railroads connecting our northwestern states with the northeastern group must pass around the southern end of Lake Michigan. There is no route farther north that they can easily take. Also, goods bound for the East from districts west and south- west of Chicago can most easily go by way of the same city. Thus Chicago is a natural meeting place for routes connecting the East and the "West and has become the greatest railroad center in the world. There are now more than thirty important railroads ^The material on whicTi this assis:nment is based is taken from MeMurry and Parkins' Advanced Geography (pp. 79, 80) published by The Macmillan Company, New Tork City. 320 SILENT READING that have their terminals in that city. Yet no rail- road passes through the city, though the Pennsylvania Railroad trains pass directly through New York, a much larger city, on their way from Washington and Pittsburgh to Boston. How must this fact affect the handling of freight in Chicago? With these advantages, it is not strange that Chi- cago has more trade in farm products than any of the other cities of this section. While Minneapolis is the greatest wheat market, Chicago is the greatest grain market, its trade in corn, oats, and other grains besides wheat being very extensive. It receives three times as much live stock as St. Louis, and sends forth more meat products than any other city in the world. The Union Stockyards, where the cattle, sheep, and hogs are received and where the meat is packed, sur- pass anything else of the kind in the world. The yards and factories are so complete an organization that they resemble a city in themselves ; and that section of Chicago has come to be known as Packing- town. It is worth a day's visit. Over 60,000 men are employed there, and the products have an annual value of nearly a billion dollars. Questions 1. How much larger is Chicago than St. Louis ^ 2. How may Chicago be compared to New York City? 3. Give three reasons why Chicago is larger than St. Louis. 4. How may you contrast Chicago with Minneapo- lis? 5. Compare the amount of live stock sent to Chi- cago with that sent to St. Louis. 6. What and where is Packingtown? GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 32I 7. How many thousand men are employed in Pack- ingtown ? 8. What is the value of the annual output of the packing" industries of Chicago? Reading arithmetic problems. It is well known that many pupils who can give a coherent reproduction of the situations recounted and described in four or five pages of narrative material are often unable to state the conditions set forth in the four or five lines of an arithmetic problem. Many teachers, believing that a pupil's inability to solve arithmetic problems is due to his failure to understand what he reads, try to over- come the difficulty by asking pupils to ^'read the prob- lem carefully. ' ' That usually results in reading a prob- lem a second time or in reading it orally; neither prac- tice remedies the difficulty. It seems likely that pupils are unable to read problems accurately because they have not been trained to ''get the story" of a problem. This view is largely supported by the results of experi- ments which seem to prove that the successful reading of different kinds of material demands different read- ing abilities, which, in turn, must be developed by dif- ferent sorts of training. A recent study^ describes the condition that exists and suggests a method of devising means to remedy it. Problems in books so often read: ''If a man . . . , etc.," ''Find the cost when . . . , etc.," or "At 6 cents for 25, what will 3 dozen articles cost?" ^Wilson, Estaline. "Improving- the ability to read arithmetic problems." Elementary School Journal, Vol. 22, (January) 1922. 322 SILENT READING This flat, impersonal form of expression has no doubt grown out of providing enough problems in a book to supply the needed drill; but it works disaster in the training of pupils. Once we become aware of the dull and meaningless character of arithmetic read- ing, we realize that we are confronted with two im- portant questions: (a) To what extent can we aid pupils to comprehend the real situation which is in- volved in the problem? (&) To what extent can fluent and correct reading contribute to the actual solving of the problem? Making the problem real. The first step in teaching pupils to read problem material is to make the story in the problem so real and so vivid that they will realize the situation set forth. Some methods of doing this, successfully used by a group of Cincinnati teachers, are described in the following paragraphs. The teachers first of all had the pupils study the problems assigned, just as they ordinarily studied other reading lessons — in this instance, however, for the pur- pose of getting the thought of the text without regard to the data of the problem. To that end the teacher placed such questions on the blackboard as would aid pupils to ascertain the meaning of the problems. Some- times the pupils suggested questions. An example of this device is shown by the following problem and the accompanying questions based on it. James sold 36 copies of the Saturday Evening Post at 5 cents each. He kept % of the money. With the remainder he bought daily papers at % cents each. How many papers did he buy? GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 323 1. How could yon find ont how mnch James wonld have after he sold his copies of the Post? 2. What part of his money did he spend for daily papers ? 3. What part did he keep ? Wliat did he probably do with his money? 4. Why do yon think he did not spend it all for daily papers? 5. How did the cost of a daily paper compare with the cost of a Post ? 6. If yon know how mnch money he spent for daily papers, and the cost of each one, how will yon find ont how many he bonght? Another plan was the nse of the facts of a problem as the plot of a story. When doing this sort of work, the pupils read between the lines and supplied details that made the problems real. The dull facts of buying and selling were made the basis of imaginary experi- ences. Such a problem as ''What was the cost of 6 pounds of sugar at 8 cents a pound, 6 cans of milk at 5 cents a can, and 2 dozen eggs at 30 cents a dozen?" becomes for Louise a shopping situation. Her mother, surprised by unexpected guests, wants to make a cake. Louise has to make a hurried trip to the grocery to obtain the three necessary articles — eggs, sugar, milk. She keeps repeating the names of the articles so as not to forget the items. The grocer quotes prices as she buys each article: "Eggs are 30 cents today; sugar is down to 8 cents a pound, etc." She returns home, reports her total expenditure to her mother, and the latter, in turn, 324 SILENT READING counts up the cost again to see if Louise has figured correctly. The same figures suggest quite a different situation to another pupil. The Boy Scout troop plans a hike. Fred's share of the necessary eats for the crowd con- sists of sugar and milk for the cocoa, and eggs to fry over the camp fire. Since each scout is to present his bill in order that all may share equally in the total expense, Fred carefully figures the cost of the sugar, eggs, and milk, and presents his bill in a business-like manner to the scout master. In another class the teacher asked the pupils to devise a plan for dramatizing the story of the problems. The few minutes allowed for preparing work of this sort usually resulted in a realistic portrayal of many strik- ing situations. One scene depicted an automobile show. An enthusiastic salesman greeted Farmer Jones and his family, showed them various cars, quoted the discounts, and rapidly computed the amounts to be saved by avail- ing oneself of the various percentages of discount. An- other effective scene depicted a millinery shop where customers called to inquire the prices of hats they had seen advertised. The value of the method. The methods described were used by teachers who sought to measure their effi- cacy in terms of data showing improved ability to solve problems. One teacher's report of the results obtained in a sixth-grade class is substantially as follows. The pupils were first tested with the Stone Standardized GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 325 Reasoning Test in Arithmetic. Three ten-minute periods per week for five weeks were then devoted to reading problems by using the question method already de- scribed; following that, Stone's test was again given and the two sets of results were compared. The teacher reports that "the resulting improvement of a large per- centage of the pupils and the raising of the class aver- ages from below standard to above seem satisfactory returns for the time spent in problem-reading work." Another teacher, whose class had developed consider- able ability to make stories from the problems, tried to evaluate the time spent in this preliminary problem reading in terms of increased ability to solve the prob- lems. She first placed a series of problems on the blackboard and asked the class to solve them without doing the preliminary reading and story making. On the following day the pupils were allowed to construct stories based on the same problems. Following that, they solved the problems. In comparing the results of the two days ' work, the class medians showed an increase of 14 per cent in rate and 30 per cent in accuracy. Obviously the pupils were at an advantage when they solved the problems the second time; they had profited to some extent by the first reading, although no help had been given at that time. It would seem, however, that inasmuch as the class gained 30 per cent in ability to read, although only one period was used for that work, that the time was well spent. Further evidence of the effectiveness of this method is shown by the high 326 SILENT READING score which the group made when tested by the Monroe Standard Reasoning Test in Arithmetic after they had been working on this plan for some time. Their score on "correct principle" was 32, the standard being only 17 ; for ' ' correct answers ' ' the class scored 17, the stand- ard being 9.7. A third plan, which included storj^-telling and drama- tization, was used in an "opportunity class" of twenty children. Nineteen of this group had been given intelli- gence tests. Of those, eight had I. Q.'s ranging from 90 to 80, six ranging from 80 to 70, five ranging from 70 to 60. Before giving any training in problem read- ing the pupils were tested with Peet and Dearborn's Progress Test in Arithmetic. After six weeks of train- ing, during which the pupils spent approximately ninety minutes weekly in solving problems after carefully read- ing them, the group was again tested with the same test, no mention being made of its previous use. The second test showed a median score of 72, as compared with a median score of 28 made on the first test. Although the attempts to evaluate methods of teach- ing pupils to read arithmetic problems have not yet been made extensively enough to warrant the findings as conclusive, nevertheless the efi'orts that we have de- scribed include several pieces of splendid pioneer work in this field. Experiments already made have served their purpose well, if they have done nothing other than prove the feasibility of such work to investigators who may later make more extensive studies by using more GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 327 elaborate methods. But the experiments already eon- ducted have actually accomplished another thing. They have demonstrated that when pupils once catch the spirit of reading interesting situations into the number facts of their arithmetic problems, they undertake their work with more enthusiasm and with increased chances of success. Pupils show great interest in ''making up stories, ' ' in dealing with problems in this fashion. That such is true need not appear unreasonable; it is very likely that pupils have long been doing this very thing although teachers were not aware of it. The really surprising fact is that there are some children who cannot do the work at all — pupils to whom figures are something quite apart from any imagined situation. Dramatizations and school pageants. Pageants, projects, and dramatizations are now generally recog- nized as effective pedagogic devices, and as a consequence they are rapidly coming into favor as teaching agencies. This is in keeping with the trend of modern pedagogy, which insists that good citizenship and morality can not be taught to the child; he must live them. Knowl- edge is not virtue or power except to the degree that it functions in life. Thus, the teacher's problem is that of establishing wholesome reactions, habits, and atti- tudes in the minds of her pupils. Many now believe that this problem can best be solved by making the activities of daily life the subject-matter of instruction, and focusing the child's interest and efforts upon a solution of the difficulties which daily life presents. 328 SILENT READING This method of instruction gives the child opportunity to think and to act independently, thus establishing habits and attitudes conducive to successful living. The advantage of making daily activities the basis of class projects may readily be determined by plan- ning a series of lessons on health, food, sleep, home making, city planning, fire prevention, or similar topics. A typical project of this kind, based on fire prevention, was worked out by an eighth-grade class as described below. A lesson on *'fire prevention." For three weeks teacher and pupils spent the daily twenty-five minute period discussing fire loss and fire prevention, gathering data, and reaching conclusions. They finally embodied the results of their work in concrete form, evidence of their own grasp of the subject and instructive to others who had had no share in the work. The first day was spent discussing how best to attack the .problem of fire prevention. The pupils agreed upon three objectives which should guide them in their read- ing and search for information : ( 1 ) How serious is the problem of fire prevention in the state and nation, as indicated by the destruction of life and property during the past year? (2) What are the chief causes of fires? (3) What can be done to prevent fires? With those topics in mind, the pupils began reading material gathered from newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets furnished by the fire insurance companies. State and federal publications were also used. At the GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 329 conclusion of three weeks of study the pupils agreed that although destructive fires are in general due to carelessness, which seems to be an American trait, the specific causes of most of them are the following: The careless handling of kerosene, gasoline, gas, and matches ; lack of attention to bonfires and burning rubbish; care- less disposition of lighted cigars and cigarettes; de- fective chimneys and electrical wiring; spontaneous combustion ; lightning. Presenting" the pageant. Having gathered the ma- terial, evaluated and organized it, and reached certain conclusions, the pupils desired to present their findings in some way which would effectively inform the other pupils and the public about the danger of fires and ways to prevent them. Accordingly, the class decided to present a pageant which should make the audience realize that carelessness is the principal cause of the unnecessary destruction of life and property by fire. The pageant was arranged to represent a mock trial portrayed by pupils who played the parts of judge, jury, lawyers, and eleven culprits, each of whom im- personated one of the chief causes of fires. Each of the culprits was appropriately dressed and placarded; for instance, Mr. Kerosene was clad in a large kerosene can made of cardboard and properly labeled. Each culprit was called before judge and jury, there to be charged with his alleged crimes ; each, in turn, defended himself in a three-minute speech. When all the culprits had been heard, the lawyers summed up their state- 330 SILENT READING ments and finally the judge acquitted them. The sheriff then brought ''Carelessness" before the court, where he was tried, found guilty, and sentenced. The value of the pageant. The four hundred par- ents and pupils who saw this pageant were benefited by the forceful presentation of facts, as were also the pupils who worked out the material. The latter, of course, received the greatest benefit because they had actually lived the work. They learned the value of magazines and pamphlets as sources of material bearing on their projects. They learned to _xead rapidly and well, because they had to collect a large amount of data in a comparatively short time. They learned to com - prehend, because each pupil had to read with a purpose in order to make his contribution to the class project. The value of the entire exercise as a means of teach- ing pnpils to organize was noteworthy. Each child had to evaluate what he read in order to sift out of his material some sound arguments with which to sup- port his plea of ''not guilty." The teacher's demand for daily two-minute reports throughout the discussion of the project gave constant practice in organization. Eetention was secured not only because pupils were required to read purposefully and to organize what they read, but also because they had to prepare what they read for use in the future. Speed and comprehension drills conducted under time pressure added to the value of all this work. It was a simple matter to make use of those because of the GRADES SEVEN AND EIGHT 331 many questions raised in class, the answers to whicli might be fonnd in the material being used. The chief value of the entire project was that it taught pupils how to read rapidly and effectively with a mini- mum expenditure of time and effort, and moreover it kept the entire class highly interested because all were working toward a definite objective. SUMMARY 1. The importance of developing good stnd;^ habits should be emphasized in all seventh and eighth-grade classes. 2. Not only should reading be taught as such, but every lesson in every subject should be used to develop the pupils ability to read rapidly and to comprehend, or- ganize, and retain what he reads. 3. The teacher can arouse the pupils' interest in acquiring economical methods of study by testing and charting the results of pupils' achievements from time to time, and by using the last ten or fifteen minutes of certain recitation periods for training in effective reading habits. 4. Effective methods of economical study have been worked out in experiments. 5. Correct study habits may be developed by means of the material usually studied in arithmetic, history, geography, and English classes. 6. Pamphlets are good sources of supplementary reading material. 7. Pageants are a valuable means of presenting the facts of civics. SUGGESTED READINGS Gray. W. S. "The relation between study and reading." Addresses and Proceedings of the National Education Association, Vol. 57, 1919. 332 " SILENT READING Horn, Ernest. "A constructive program in silent reading." Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, (May) 1921. Sandwick, R. L. Hoiv to Study and What to Study. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1915. Smith, Bertha M. "Efficiency in assimilating reading." School Review, Vol. 25, (November) 1917. Theisen, W. W. "Provision for individual differences in the teaching of reading." Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 2, (September) 1920. Whipple, G. M. Hoiv to Study Effectively. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1916. CHAPTER XVI MOTIVATION OF DRILL WORK IN READING Why drill work is necessary. If the child is to ac- quire effective study habits from his various reading experiences, it will be necessary to provide situations that enable him definitely to focus his attention upon that aim. In general, wholesome study habits result from a rich course of study, an ample and well-selected library, definite lesson assignments, broad reading, and good methods applied to the recitation. However, there is yet another factor: Interesting drill work is abso- lutely necessary if effective study habits are to be ac- quired economically. Can interest in drill work be maintained? Children may be forced through a series of physical gymnastics with little skill as a result. Likewise, uninteresting reading exercises are practically useless. A mass of evidence accumulated by experiment proves that accur- acy and speed in reading may often be greatly increased by means of interesting drill exercises. An experiment- cited in Chapter III showed how a few minutes of con- centrated drill each day for one month appreciably af- fected the reading rate and accuracy of the pupils. 333 334 SILENT READING Drill work is psychologically sound. Children in- stinctively love rhythm. They enjoy doing certain men- tal and physical exercises even for a considerable time after perfection has been reached. This fact prevents drill work from being a monotonous grind. Learning is a process of neural connecting and permanence of connections. Other things being equal, those nerve paths which are most frequently exercised become stronger. But if the exercise of neural paths is not accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction, — a ''mental set" of ap- proval, desire, and readiness to act, — little will be ac- complished by the drill or exercise. It is evident, then, that interest is absolutely necessary if achievement is to be at all commensurate with the effort expended. Regardless of the fact that there is an innate tend- ency to enjoy drill because of the factors we have mentioned, pupils tire of the intensive exercises sug- gested in previous chapters, unless those are properly administered. O'Brien^ found that the best results in reading drills are secured when the reading stretch is from two to four minutes in length. The length of drill should, of course, vary in the different grades. Since the element of fatigue quickly sets in when pupils are forced to concentrate on reading done under time pressure, it is well to allow a minute or two for rest between the intensive reading stretches. This rest period may be devoted entirely to relaxation. The time can be more profitably used, however, by asking a ques- ^O'Brien, J. A. Silent . Reading. The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1921. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 335 tion or two about the material just read. This exer- cise can be varied by calling upon some of the pupils for an oral reproduction. Motivating drill work. In so far as possible, all drill work should be pupil-motivated ; that is, the mo- tive or desire to do the thing should come from the pupil. The teacher should be careful to point out the many advantages of rapid, purposeful, and thorough reading habits. Their own records of slowness in rate and inefficiency in thought-getting, as revealed by stand- ard tests, may awaken pupils to a serious consideration of their reading problems. The use of individual and group charts as a stimulus to better reading often proves an effective device. In brief, pupils should be made to feel that they will reap results to the degree that they earnestly and enthusiastically enter upon the un- dertaking. Often a child who tries to read a very interesting story finds that his lack of familiarity with certain important words and phrases handicaps him badly. This may be made a motivation for word drill of some sort. The child feels the necessity for such drill, and consequently attacks the words with the proper mental set because he, knows that a mastery of them assures him greater enjoyment. Such evidence shows that word drills should follow the reading study period. Motivation by the teacher. Occasionally the teacher will find it necessary to create a motive for study and drill work by taking the initiative. This is called 336 SILENT READING teacher-motivation. Such is likely to be the case when the course of study is limited in scope and in its appeal to the experiences of the child. Not infrequently there is a dearth of supplementary reading material in a school. The scholastic ideals of the school and com- munity may be below average. Under such circum- stances, pupils may see little or no value in the drills or subject-matter presented. However, the enthusiasm of the teacher for the subject in hand, her knowledge of its scope and application to life, together with her ability to arouse an enthusiastic response in her pupils often saves the situation until adjustments can be made by obtaining more material which has an inherent ap- peal to the life experiences of the child. Even under the most adverse circumstances, however, pupil-moti- vation should be emphasized, because, after all, it is largely through self-expression that self-realization is possible. The value of instinctive tendencies. *'Our behavior consists largely of intelligent actions which rest on an instinctive basis. The instinctive tendencies persist and develop along intelligent lines. "^ However, the child does not learn the names and meanings of new words and numbers by means of his instincts, which repre- sent neural connections formed before birth. Learning to read and cipher are acquired by forming new neural connections, — connections which have no immediate motor expression. ^Warren, H. C. Elements of Human Psychology (p. 245). Houghton Mifflin Company-, Boston, 1921. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 337 "What, then, is tlie value of these instinctive traits as a means of education, if the child does not acquire knowledge by means of them? Possibly the greatest value of instincts and instinctive tendencies in the learn- ing process is that they exert a ^'motivating, energiz- ing, and driving" influence upon the neural system. Often a child might despair of learning a new word list did he not have an inborn tendency to emulate, to rival, and to win social approval. These tendencies act as an impelling influence which keeps him at work even when he sees little immediate value in a drill. The teacher's failure to use these inborn tendencies is a failure to aid the child in the realization of himself. Some of the instinctive tendencies which the teacher should utilize in reading work, especially in drill exer- cises, are imitation, play, emulation, and rivalry. The tendency to imitate. The imitative tendency is much stronger and more extensive among human beings than among the other species. The vast system of connections between the various centers in the human brain makes it possible for the child, when reading, to imitate good vocal expression, good gestures, and good acting in dramatization. The value of this imitative tendency must not be overlooked. Poor oral readers are often stimulated to better reading by hearing the good readers give an excellent oral rendition of some lesson. The teacher should never allow a literary masterpiece to be read poorly. The standard should be excellence, not only for the sake of doing justice to the master- 338 SILENT READING piece, but also that the poor readers may catch the spirit of doing their work well and naturally. The value of the imitative tendency in silent reading, especially in drills, is evident. If it is possible to create a "fashion of thoroughness and rapidity in read- ing" among the majority of pupils, it affords a very potent stimulus for raising the standards of all the others. Children in the primary and intermediate grades at least, are likely to enter very enthusiastically into any "fashion" or "popular school activity." The tendency to play. Play is an instinctive tend- ency or impulse which is very strong in children. It finds its greatest expression in organized games. It is through play that the child learns social adaptation, much of his language, and the meaning of many things. Play in the form of games affords him a natural out- let for his physical and mental energies. His native impulses, freedom of action, and spontaneity of verbal response are too often inhibited by the artificial environ- ment of the schoolroom. Since the school should take up the work of education where nature leaves off, it is reasonable to infer that the work in the early grades should be presented in such a way that this native tendency to play may function most effectively. For example, the "Animal Lesson" described below is keenly enjoyed by children and habituates them to rapid, concentrated, and purposeful reading. The "Animal Lesson." After the children have learned to recognize the pictures of several animals. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 339 prepare flash cards bearing sentences that mention characteristics of each animal. The following are typ- ical: Chases kitty up a tree. Eats hickory nuts. Makes sweet honey. Has a long neck. Has a long trunk. Has pink eje&. Gives sweet milk. The necessary pictures of animals may be cut from magazines, or the children may make silhouettes. Stand the pictures on the blackboard ledge. Flash the cards describing the animals in rapid succession. Let the pupils reach quickly for the pictures as the phrase cards are flashed. For example, when the teacher flashes the card bearing the phrase, ' ' eats hickory nuts, ' ' the pupils rush for the picture of a squirrel. When the pictures are all taken, the pupil who has the greatest number is declared the winner. The tendency to emulate. The impulse of emula- tion is exhibited by the child in his expressions, "Watch me," "See me do it." He instinctively likes to show his prowess, his mastery over things. Nor is this trait confined to grade pupils only. High-school and col- lege students are often not modest in announcing their achievements. The cardinal virtue of emulation is that the child strives to excel or to master a situation be- cause of the satisfaction derived from the activity or 340 SILENT READING conquest itself. He strives to reach some goal, to sur- pass his own record. Rivalry with one's own record of growth is a commendable attitude. The practical application of this instinctive tendency to emulate is seen when the pupil tabulates and charts his daily or weekly records made in the speed and accuracy drills and tests in reading. Charting his daily progress may be an artificial incentive. However, it often stimulates the pupil to greater effort, as well as to an inquiry as to why he suffered lapses in some of the records. The impulse to excel the achievements of others in one's own class or in other grades is known as rivalry. Rivalry is social; it requires competitors. Often the speed and accuracy in reading of pupils in a certain grade is equal or superior to that of those in the grade immediately above. The authors recall having a sixth-grade class that often made a higher class average in speed and comprehension than did the seventh-grade rivals. Again, there is such great over- lapping in the reading abilities of pupils in the grades that it is not unusual for the brighter third of a fourth- grade class to excel the lower third or average pupils of the fifth grade. Comparing the scores made by pupils within a grade, or comparing the scores of those in consecutive grades, will often appreciably motivate an interest in reading. Rivalry should always be kept within reasonable limits. When ill-feeling or unfair tactics develop among the pupils, the use of rivalry as an incentive is to be condemned. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 341 Devices based on inherent traits. Focusing the pupil's attention upon reading, especially upon the drill exercises, is absolutely imperative if economical results are to be achieved. The supplementary reading exer- cises suggested in Chapter XII will yield returns largely to the degree that pupil focalization is secured. But how can this group consciousness be assured 1 Possibly one of the most effective devices is to arouse a spirit of competition by dividing the class into two groups, of as nearly equal reading ability as possible. A class division in which the girls are pitted against the boys usually stimulates every member to greater effort. In all drills and tests, however, only one or two of the better pupils on each side will have a chance to score, unless some system of weighted points is used. If there is a class of ten or more, the first four who get the answer right should receive credit for their sides. For example, the one who first holds up his hand scores four points for his side (providing he is right) ; the second, three points ; the third, two points ; the fourth, one point. Such weighting of scores insures almost undivided attention and 100 per cent participation. Arousing" competition by using* tests. Keen compe- tition in reading may be aroused by comparing aver- age scores in rate and comprehension made by classes of the same grade throughout the whole school system. Many supervisors give reading tests at stated intervals, then record and chart the results for each grade throughout the system. Mimeographed reports show- 342 SILENT READING ing comparative rankings are then sent to all grades concerned. Such, reports show the average class score compared with the reading standard for the grade and with the score of other classes. When the spirit of fair play and sympathetic co-operation are present, such scientific methods of supervision and standardization are Yery valuable. In one-room schools and small-town schools having but one class in each grade, it usually produces an exhilarating effect to compare not only the class aver- ages of one grade with those of the grade immediately above, but to compare the scores of pupils in one grade with those of pupils in the next one or two grades above. Often a few of the better pupils in the fourth grade make a score in rate and comprehension higher than that of some of the poorer pupils in the eighth grade who are tested over the same reading material. When such friendly comparisons are made, the question often becomes that of determining how rapidly and well the pupils of the respective grades really should read. Standards of achievement. In this chapter we have emphasized the necessity of having the child focus on what he attempts to do. But upon what particular thing shall he focus? Have we any accurate scientific instrument which will demonstrate to the pupil in what school achievements he is deficient? If such a measur- ing rod could be devised, would it not be of intrinsic value to pupil and teacher? They could then co-operate in making a drive upon the objectives not yet realized. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 343 The standardized test as a measure of achievement. Standardized tests are based on the principle of defi- niteness. They are instruments for definitely and re- liably measuring certain skills and abilities that the pupil has acquired. If a pupil wishes to know whether his rate of reading and his ability to comprehend are up to standard, he may determine this reasonably well by taking the examinations provided by a few reading tests and scales. He may thus discover for himself what detrimental factors operate to lower his score. By means of the standardized test he takes stock of his assets and liabilities. Focalization upon specific aims now becomes possible. The principle of maximum reward for minimum effort is able to function. This attitude of scientific approach to all problems and the careful appraisal of them are of inestimable value to the pupil during his school life and in later years. "We may well ask what values accrue to the teacher from a use of standardized tests. Not so long ago her rating was largely determined by the whims or personal opinions of her supervisors. If, when an official visit was made to her room, the pupils seemed very much interested in their work, the room cheerful, and the teacher artfully gracious, she might reasonably expect a mark of ''good" or *' superior" in the superintend- ent's estimation. The fact that she was superior in teaching skill, that she helped pupils discover their diffi- culties, and then scientifically remedied their shortcom- ings, was no factor in the appraisal of her ability. 344 SILENT READING The determination of gfoals. Research in the field of education is making it possible to determine by means of standardized tests of intelligence and achievement, the probable goals or limits that each pupil should real- ize in each subject for any particular year. When- ever this theory comes to determine practice, then teacher, parent, and pupil will definitely know at the beginning of the year what achievements should be forthcoming. The pupil's integrity of effort and the teaching skill of the teacher will thus be measured in terms of results produced, instead of in terms of opin- ionated statements. Monroe says :^ The teacher is a manufacturer. The raw material is the children. Textbooks, school buildings, equipment, libraries, and methods and devices of teaching are the "machines" or instruments which he uses to change this raw material into the finished product or educated boys and girls who are prepared to do their part in the life of the community, state, and nation. With- out definite aims the teacher cannot plan his work effec- tively. He does not know, except in an indefinite or general way, what he is to do. If he has definite aims, but no instruments for measuring his results accurately, he cannot learn when he has attained his aims. Thus he is compelled to work in the dark. If he makes in- accurate measurements, but considers them accurate, he is in a still more serious situation. His efforts are almost certain to be expended unwisely. The teacher-made tests. There are not enough re- liable standardized tests in any subject even to consider iMonroe, W. S. Measurincf fhe Results of Teaching. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston', 1918. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 345 their taking the place of the teacher's quizzes and tests. Standardized tests should be used to supplement, but never to supplant the teacher's examinations. Good testing is good teaching. If a thing is worth teaching it is worth testing. Children live in the pres- ent. Often some of the essentials in a certain subject become distasteful to the pupil. The business of the school is to see that he becomes educated, even in spite of himself. However, it is possible to create in most pupils a desire to be tested. If the child sees that the test is his means of determining accurately how much he has achieved on his problem, and just what part of the job is yet to be done, he will be convinced that this frequent test or inventory is his ally instead of his foe. He will often demand a test over an assign- ment before he reads it, so as to know definitely where to direct his attack. "Whether he plans to save time and energy, or to acquire as much information as pos- sible with minimum effort, the test is his most reliable and scientific method of approach. He will learn to regard it as a challenge to his preparation. It often is the spirit in which the test is given, rather than the test itself, that brings discord and makes some test- ing of doubtful value. The value of both the stand- ardized and teacher-made tests as sources of motivating power is apparent. These tests show the pupils where they are weak, and develop the mental set necessary for intensive drill exercises. In previous chapters we have said that interest must 346 SILENT READING be present in drill work if it is to be effective. "We are now ready for the other half of the truth, namely, that one must know definitely where the drill is needed and how much of it is necessary. Too much energy of both pupils and teachers has too long been dissi- pated in drill work, not so much because interest was wanting, but because there was no focus upon the spe- cific needs of the individual child. Often children are annoyed with reading, spelling, and arithmetic exercises which they have known for days. It is through the test that teacher and pupil get a correct estimate of the values and aims not yet accomplished. The value of charting results. Too often both stand- ardized and teacher-made tests are given without mak- ing results known to the pupils. The inspiration and interest which these tests would naturally foster is lost. *' After testing, what?'* is a very searching question now being asked by school men, and especially by mem- bers of finance boards that must arrange to pay the bills. It is not within the province of this chapter to attempt an answer to this question which has occa- sioned the writing of some splendid books. Invariably, a close analysis of the results of these tests suggests a change or broadening of the course of study to meet individual needs, as well as a revaluation of several elements both spiritual and material within the school. But there is yet another inherent virtue that may evolve from the testing of pupils, namely, the awaken- ing and sustaining of a genuine interest for greater MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 347 achievement. This may be realized in several ways, but the one to be discussed here considers briefly the efficiency of tabulating and charting the results of tests. Most pupils are keenly interested in knowing just where they stand with reference to some standardized test for their grade, or how their standing compares with that of other pupils in their class. Graphing the scores or achievements of pupils as an incentive to ex- cellence is psj^chologically sound practice. It appeals to the impulses of rivalry, emulation, and social ap- proval. Many of the large mercantile houses send weekly reports to their salesmen in the form of graphs, which are only comparative scores of sales made. Now and then there may be a pupil who is not af- fected by a daily comparison of his scores with those of his classmates, but there is rarely one who is not more or less interested in charting and studying his own progress from day to day, once he makes the start and becomes interested. Having the scores of the whole class charted weekly and compared with the standard for that grade enables the teacher to measure the suc- cess of her own efforts. It is at least one scientific de- vice which she can employ to measure the probable effectiveness of her methods. The charts are silent re- minders to pupils and teachers of standards yet to be attained. Perhaps no better argument can be urged for charting pupils' scores than that each child can see his own daily progress, can watch himself grow. It is good practice to have each student record and 348 SILENT READING chart his own achievement from time to time. His impulse to excel then centers on surpassing his previous daily or weekly record, rather than excelling that of some classmate. Methods of charting. Two methods of charting are advised. (1) Making records and charts for the class as a whole, (2) recording and charting each pupil's scores. The latter work should be done by the pupil himself so that he may study his own progress and become interested in diagnosing his own difficulties. Charting class progress. The group chart shows the achievements or scores of the whole class in com- parison with the universal standard for that particular grade. Pupils can see at a glance what portion of their class is up to average or above. This chart also enables them to make comparisons of the work of indi- viduals. Names of pupils should not appear on the chart because those who have low scores may be need- lessly humiliated by such publicity. Each child should be designated by a number, known only to teacher and pupil, as shown in Fig. 5, The chart shown on the opposite page indicates the comprehension scores made by a class of seventh-grade pupils in a consolidated school who were measured by the Thorndike-McCall Reading Scale: Form 6. As shown by the vertical bars, three pupils are below the standard for the fifth grade, eight below that for the sixth grade, twelve below that for the seventh grade, and one is above the seventh-grade standard. MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 349 58 SI 5b 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 llllllllll 37 Pupils Number -» I 2 3 4 S fe 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Figure 5. (See the explanation on page 348.) 350 SILENT READING Making a group chart once a week is often enough in most schools. Paper is not necessary. Often better results are obtained if a conspicuous place on the black- board is set aside for showing the weekly class stand- ing. The use of colored crayons gives such a chart or record a tone that is worth while. Pupils should draw the scale and help construct the diagram. Such work is a valuable experience for them and motivates an interest in the test. At least two charts should be made for every group. One should show the rate of reading and the other the comprehension scores. Standardized tests may be used to determine progress, but if those are not avail- able the teacher may select an appropriate lesson and have the pupils read it through once, keeping check on their time. The teacher should give a test on the content and take the class average as a standard. Individual progress during a given period may be shown as the chart (Fig. 6) on the opposite page in- dicates. This chart shows the comprehension scores made by a class of seventh-grade pupils measured by the Thorn dike-McCall Reading Scale: Form 7. The vertical black bars are the same as those shown in Fig. 5. The open bars represent the increased reading ability of the pupils. In addition to the regular as- signments these pupils were given specific drill exer- cises ten minutes daily for twenty days. Thought- getting drills were also emphasized. If paper is used for the chart it is best to rule it MOTIVATINa DRILL WORK 351 I o s o > o o 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 iS4 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 = 39 nnniHHi «■■■■■■■ ■nnnii ■■■■■ ■■ ■■mnii ■■■■■ m ■■man ■■■HI ■"■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■-; ■■ ■■■■■■ i T= 11 ■■■H a 1 1 1 ■ ■■■■1 1 " ■ ■■■■ 1 ■ ■■■1 ■■ i ~ ''B ■ B •:■- -r - ''-: ^^' '' - f ■^:^ :^' I B - 1:B IB 38 37 fiifiU Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 Figure 6. (See the explanation on page 350.) 352 SILENT READING off into one-inch squares. Show the points, scores, or per cent of achievement of the pupils on the vertical axis; place the numbers representing the names on the horizontal axis. The universal standard to which the grade should attain should be indicated by a very heavy horizontal line near the top of the chart. (See Figs. 5 and 6.) Charting individual progress. The individual chart should have as many squares on the horizontal axis as there are school days in the month, if the pupil is to plot his daily progress. The vertical length of the chart will be determined by the number of points, scores, or per cent allowed to each square. The chart should usually be long enough to show the daily gains or losses rather conspicuously. As already noted, each pupil becomes more interested in his OA^Ti progress than that of his classmates. This gives its value to the individual chart. Often, in the rural school, there is only one pupil in a grade. In such cases, rivalry within the class is obviously im- possible. However, if the pupil becomes interested in tabulating and graphing his reading scores in speed, and comprehension, he will be watching himself grow. He will occasionally be annoyed that his records vary from day to day, that he even fails to equal the achieve- ments of the preceding week. Often a spirit of genuine inquiry is stimulated by the pupil's attempt to account for these plateaus, peaks, and valleys in his reading curve. Although class rivalry may be lacking because MOTIVATING DRILL WORK 353 3 c S V CL 5 380 370 3tO 350 340 330 310 310 300 190 280 L70 2.U} iSD ^W 230 220 210 ZOO 190 180 170 lUD I5D 140 130 110 tlO Pay5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 11 13 14 IS" l(* H 18 19 20 Figure 7. An individual chart. Tlie scores indicated repre- sent the progress made in reading- rate during a period of twenty days in which speed drills were given for ten minutes per day. 354 SILENT READING of lack of numbers, the most wholesome kind of rivalry, — ' an attempt to beat one 's own record, — may never- theless operate. Thus the results that obtain from using standardized tests in rural schools are quite as valu- able as those that accrue when those tests are used in town and city schools. SUMMARY 1. A rich course of study, a good library, definite assign- ments, broad reading, scientific methods, and drill exer- cises produce effective study habits. 2. Pupils must be genuinely interested and they must know where their attention should be focused. 3. Psychological doctrine gives a basis for drill work. 4. Pupil-motivation should be emphasized in all drills. 5. The teacher must not overlook the value of instinctive tendencies in drill work. 6. Teachers should use devices based on inherent traits. 7. Focalization upon specific needs arouses the child's in- terest. 8. Teacher-made tests, which are valuable and necessary, are not second in importance to standardized tests. 9. Charting results creates interest in reading and serves as a diagnostic device for both teacher and pupils. SUGGESTED READINGS Alexander, Carter. School Statistics and Publicity. Silver, Burdett and Company, Chicago, 1919. Colvin, S; S. and Bagley, W. C. Human Behavior. (Chap- ters 3 io 11.) The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1918. Colvin, S. S. The Learning Process. (Chapters 3, 4, 17, 18, 19.) The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1920. Dewey, John. Interest and Effort in Education. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1913. Dewey, John and Evelyn. Schools of Tomorroiv. E. P. Dut- ton and Company, New York City. APPENDIX A. PAMPHLETS SUITABLE FOR USE AS READING MATERIAL The following pamphlets are suitable for use as reading material as outlined in the plans given on pages 246-249. In asking for a supply of this material teachers should write directly to the sources indicated. Publications of the United States Government may be obtained by addressing the Superintendent of Documents, United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Farm Bulletins (Issued by the United States Department of Agriculture.) No. 535 Sugar and Its Value as Food 565 Corn Meal as a Food: Ways of Using It 567 Sugar-beet Growing Under Irrigation 602 The Production of Clean Milk 606 The Collection and Preservation of Insects and Other Material in the Study of Agriculture 607 The Farm Kitchen as a Workshop 609 Bird Houses and How to Build Them 630 Common Birds Useful to the Farmer 637 The Grasshopper Problem and Alfalfa Culture 653 Honey and Its Use in the Home 660 Weeds. How to Control Them 670 Field Mice as Farm and Orchard Pests 691 Grasshoppers — Sugar Beets and Truck Crops 697 Duck Raising 702 Rabbits in Relation to Trees and Crops 712 School Lunches 734 Fly Traps and Their Operation 744 The Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers 747 Grasshoppers and Their Control 808 How to Select Foods: I. What the Body Needs 357 '358 SILENT READING 817 How to Select Foods: II. Cereal Foods 824 Foods Rich in Protein Bulletins of the Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor No. 8 Infant Care (Care of Childre7i Series No. 2.) Baby-saving Campaigns (Infant Mortality Series No. 1.) 35 Milk: Indispensable for Children (Care of Children Series No. 4-) 36 Save 100,000 Babies: Get a Square Deal for Children 47 The Public Health Nurse: How She Helps to Keep Babies Well Bulletins of the Connecticut State Department of Health (Hartford, Connecticut) How to Avoid Tuberculosis Diphtheria Scarlet Fever Bulletins of the Virginia State Department of Health (Richmond, Virginia) No. 5 The Sanitary School 6 Bluebird Day 7 First Aid 19 Fresh Air 27 The Best Weapon Against Flies 36 The Drinking Cup Bulletins of the International Harvester Company's Agricultural Extension Department (Chicago) Humus: The Life of the Soil Helps for Wash Day Cold-pack Canning We Must Feed Ourselves The Story of Bread B. BOOKS SUGGESTED FOR USE IN GRADES I, II, AND HI The following list of titles was made by members of a APPENDIX 359 class in the College of Education at Des Moines University, who were working on the problem, "Appropriate Reading Material for the Primary Grades." Although the list is not, of course, exhaustive, it includes such titles as are recom- mended for a place in the reading library of the first, second, and third grades. Teachers will find that the books mentioned contain interesting, wholesome, and practical ma- terial suitable for the ordinary library. In several instances a title appears in more than one list because the subject- matter of the book is suitable for use in several grades. The numbers in parentheses following the titles correspond to those appearing on pages 376-378, and indicate the names and addresses of the publishing firms from which the respec- tive books may be obtained. GRADE 1 Alexander, Georgia: Child Classics (9) Baker and Thorndike: Every Day Classics (34) Brooke, Leslie L. : Jolmny Croiv's Party (62) Johnny Croiv's Garden (62) Burchill, Georgine: Story Steps (51) Progressive Road to Reading (51) Caldecott, R. : Panjandrum Picture Book (62) Hey Diddle Picture Book (62) Coe and Christy: Story Hour Reader (2) Story Hour Primer (2) Craik, G. M.: Bow-Boio and Mew-Meic (35) So-Fat and Mew-Mew (35) Dressel, H. and others: The New Barnes Readers (6) Dyer and Brady: The Merrill Primer (35) Merrill First Reader (35) Edson and Laing: Edson-Laing Primer (^7) Edson-Laing First Reader (^7) Elson and Runkel: The Elson Primer (48) 'The Elson First Reader (4S) Field, W. T.: The Field Primer (21) Firman and Maltby: The Winstoii Primer (59) The Winston First Reader (59) 360 SILENT READING Fox, F. M.: Indian Primer (20) Mother Goose Primer {1^2) Adventures of Bonny Bear (43) Free and Tread well: Reading-Literature Primer (46) Reading-Literature First Reader (46) Greenway, K.: Marigold Garden (62) Under the Window (62) Grover and Chutter: Art-Literature (4) McManus and Haaren: Natural-Method Readers: Primer (49) Natural-Method Readers: First Reader (49) Potter, Beatrix: Tales of Peter Ra'bUt (57) Little Black Samho (44) Raymond, MacDonald, and Alden: Why the Chimes Rang (9) Searson and Martin: Primer (55) First Reader (55) Serl and Evans: Work-a-day Doings (51) Work-a-day Doings on the Farm (51) Silvester and Peters: Happy Hour Stories (2) Young and Field: Literary Readers (21) GRADE II Adelberg, Otilla: Clean Peter (29) Bannermann, Helen: Little Black Samho (44) Bayliss, Clara: Lolami, the Little Cliff Dweller (41) Bigham, Madge A.: Mother Goose Tillage (43) Merry Animal Tales (28) Blaisdell, M. F.: Tommy Tinker's Book (28) Brown, A. F.: The Lonesomest Doll (25) Burchill, Georgine: Progressive Road to Reading: Book II (51) Burgess, Thornton: Old Mother West Wind (28) Grandfather's Frog (28) Johnny Chuck (28) Coe and Christy: Story Hour Reader (2) Deming, T. 0.: Little Indian Folk (53) Little Red People (53) Dopp, K: The Tree Dwellers (43) Early Cave Men (43) APPENDIX 361 Dressel, H. and others: TJie Netv Barnes Readers (6) Edson and Laing: Edson-Laing Second Reader (47). Faulkner, Georgene: Italian Fairy Tales (13) Old Russian Tales {13) Firman and Maltby: The Winston Readers (59) Free and Tread well: Reading-Literature Second Reader (46) Greenway, Kate: Marigold Garden (62) Pied Piper (62) Grover, Eulalie: Kittens and Cats (25) The Overall Boys in Switzerland (43) The Sunhonnet BaMes in Holland (43) Hall, Jennie: Weavers and other Workers (43) Lang, A.: The Princess on the Glass Hill (29) Jack the Giant Killer (29) Jack and the Bean Stalk (29) Lefevre, Felicite: The Cock, the Mouse, and the Hen (1) Lucia, Rose: Peter and Polly in Summer (2) McManus and Haaren: Natural-Method Readers: Book II (49) Morcomb, Margaret: Red Feather Stories (31) Perkins, Lucy F.: The Eskimo Tioins (25) The Japanese Ticins (25) Potter, Beatrix: Talcs of Peter RalMt (57) Pyle, K: In the Green Forest (28) Careless Jane (17) Seachrest, E.: Greek Photo Plays (43) Searson and Martin: Second Reader (55) Serl, Emma: In Fal)leland (51) Weimer, Teresa: Chats in the Zoo (43) White, E. O.: Brothers in Fur (25) Williston, T. P.: Japafiese Fairy Tales (43) Young and Field: Literary Reader: Book II (21) GRADE irc Bailey, Carolyn S.: For the Children's Hour (15) Baldwin, J.: Fifty Famous Stories Retold (2) Hero Tales Told in School (49) Fairy Stories and Fahles (2) Baum, Frank: The Wizard of Oz (44) 362 SILENT READING Bigham, Madge A.: Merry Animal Tales (28) Blaisdell, M. F.: Polly .and Dolly (28) Brooks, D.: Stories of the Red Children (19) Brown, A. F.: The Christmas Angel (25) The Lonesomest Doll (25) Bryce, Catherine: That's Why Stories (37) Burgess, Thornton: Grandfather's Frog (28) Adventures of Reddy Fox (28) Adventures of Paddy the Beaver (28) Adventures of Old Mr. Toad (28) Bedtime Story-hook (28) Mother West Wind's Why Stories (28) Mrs. Peter RahUt (28) Old Mother West Wind (28) Old Mother West Wind's Animal Stories (28) Old Mother West Wind's Neighbors (28) Carpenter, F. G. : Around the World with the Children (2) Stories Pictures Tell: Books II and III (43) Carroll, Lewis: Through the Looking Glass (1) Coe and Christy: Story Hour Reader (2) Davidson and Anderson: Lincoln Third Reader (26) Doheny, M. A.: A Dramatic Reader for the Third School Year (28) Dutton, M. B.: In Field and Pasture (2) Eggleston, E.: Great Americans for Little Americans (2) Faulkner, Georgene: Old English Nursery Tales Retold (13) Christmas Stories (13) Firman and Maltby: Winston Third Reader (59) Free and Treadwell: Reading-Literature Series: Book III (46) Grimm, J. K. and W. K.: Fairy Tales (1) Hardy, M. E.: Nature's Wonder Lore (43) Husted, Mary H.: Stories of Indian Children (41) Ingelow, Jean: Mopsa the Fairy (17) Kipling, Rudyard: Just-So Stories (16) Lang, A.: Princess on the Glass Hill (29) The Sleeping B canity (29) Pretty Goldilocks (29) The Snoio Man (29) APPENDIX 353 Lucia, Rose: Peter and Polly in Autumn {2) Peter and Polly in Spring {2) Peter and Polly in Summer {2) Peter and Polly i7i Winter (2) McManus and Haaren: Natural-Method Reader: Book III (49) McMurry, L. B.: Classic Stories for Little Ones (41) Malory, Sir Thomas: Story of King Arthur's Knights (34) Morcomb, Margaret: Red Feather Stories (31) Miiller, Mary: Little People of Japan (20) Mullock, Maud: The Little Lame Prince (27) The Adventures of a Broivnie (27) Olmstead, E. G.i Ned and Nan in Holland (46) Peary, J. B.: Children of the Arctic (53) Perkins, Lucy F.: The Snow Bady (25) The Japanese Ttuins (25) The Eskimo Twins (25) ' The Puritan Twins (25) Pyle, K.: The Christmas Angel (28) As the Goose Flies (28) The Counterpane Fairy (17) Ruskin, John: The King of the Golden River (21) Scudder, H. E.: Fables a7id Folk Stories (25) George Washington (25) Seachrest, E.: Gi'eek Photo Plays (43) Egyptian Photo Plays (43) Searson and Martin: Third Reader (55) Shillig, E. E.: The Four Wonders: Cotton, Wool, Linen, Silk (43) Smith, M. E.: Holland Stories (43) ' Stevenson, R. L.: Child's Garden of Verses (49) Terry, A. G.: Tales from Far and Near (46) C. BOOKS SUGGESTED FOR USE IN GRADES IV AND V The following list of titles, compiled by Mary L. Perham, appeared in the December (1921) number of the Elementary School Journal. Some titles which originally appeared in this list have been included in other lists of this Appendix 364 SILENT READING and are consequently omitted here. Concerning this list the compiler says: The following lists of books are the result of an attempt during the past two years to discover the worth-while books that children of the fourth and fifth grades actually enjoy reading. Each list provides for the difference in taste and age found in the average group of forty or fifty children of the grades for which they are indicated. Only those books which the children themselves have expressed pleasure in reading are included. GEADE IV Bailey, Margery: Seven Peas in tJie Pod {28) Beson, Henry: Firelight Fairy Book (5) Blaisdell, A. F. : American History for Little Folks (28) Brown, A. F. : Star Jewels (25) Brown and Bell: Tales of the Red Children (3) Bryce, Catherine T.: Folklore from Foreign Lands (37) FaUes from Afar (37) Bryce, Marion: Nancy in the Woods (61) Carpenter, F. G.: Around the World with the Children (2) Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (34) Through the Lookifig Glass (34) Chambers, R. H.: Hide and Seek in Forest Land (3) Colum, Padraic: Boy Who Kneiv What the Birds Said (34) Craik, Mrs. D. M.: Little Lame Prince (24) Curtin, Jeremiah: Fairy Tales of Eastern Europe (32) Dickinson, A. D.: Children's Book of Thanksgiving Stories (16) Dunton, Larkin: Glimpses of the World (51) Farmer, Florence V.: Boy and Girl Heroes (34) Ghosh, Prince: Wonders of the Jungle (24) Gibson, C. C. : In Eastern Wonderlands (28) Hall, Jennie: Viking Tales (43) Hallock, E. B.: In Those Days (34) Hopkins, W. J.: Sand Man: His Farm Stories (39) Sand Man: His Sea Stories (39) Howells, W. D.: Christmas Every Day (23) Jacobs, J. (Editor) : Celtic Fairy Tales (42) English Fairy Tales (42) APPENDIX 365 Johnson, Clifton: Oak-tree Fairy Book (28) Birch-tree Fairy Book (28) Elm-tree Fairy Book (28) Judd, Mary C: Classic Myths (43) Jusdon, K. B.: Old Crow Stories (28) Lagerlof, Selma: Wonderful Adventures of Nils (16) Lucia, Rose: Stories of American Discoverers (2) Mace, W. H.: Primary History (^3) Martin and Davis: Firebrands (28) McDonald and Dalrymple: IJne San in Japan (28) Marta in Holland (28) Joseph in Spain (28) Hassan in Egypt (28) Betty in Canada (28) Donald in Scotland (28) Gerda in Siveden (28) McMurrj^ and Cook: Songs of Tree-top and Meadow (41) Morley, M. W.: Little Mitchell (33) Moseley, M. W.: Donkey John of the Toy Valley (33) Mulets, Lenore: Sunshine Lands of Europe (60) Nixon-Roulet, M. F. : Our Australian Cousin (39) Otis, James: Mary of Plymouth (2) Page, Thomas Nelson: Captured Santa Claus (49) Perkins, F. O. (Editor) : Peter Pan (51) Porter, B. C: Wonder Oak (18) Pratt, M. L.: Legends of the Red Children (2) Pyle, Howard: Ttuilight Land (23) Garden Behind the Moon (49) Pyle, Katherine: In the Green Forest (28) Christmas Angel (28) Counterpane Fairy (17) Richards, L. E.: Pig Brother (28) Scandlin, Christiana: Hans the Eskimo (51) Schwartz, J. A.: Little Star Gazers (53) Sherman, F. D. : Little Folk Jjyrics (25) Shillig, Elnora E.: Four Wonders (43) Shute and Dunton: Land of Song: Book I (51) Smith, E. Boyd: Farm Book (25) 366 SILENT READING Smith and Hazeltine: Christmas in Legend and Story (30) Snell, Roy J.: Little White Fox (28) Stone and Fickett: Days and Deeds a Hundred Years Ago (24) Everyday Life in the Colonies (24) Usher, R. G.: Stories of the Pilgrims for Children (34) Wade, Mary H.: Our Nortvegian Cousin (39) Coming of the White Men (58) White, E. O.: Little Girl of Long Ago (25) Wiggins and Smith: Posy Ring (16) Magic Casements (16) Wilmot-Buxton, E. M.: Stories of Norse Heroes (12) GRADE V Aanrud, Hans: Lisheth Long frock (21) Alden, R. M.: Why the Chimes Bang (9) Asbjornsen, P. C: Fairy Tales of the Far North (67) Baldwin, James: The Old Northwest (2) Blaisdell and Ball: Story of American History (21) Pioneers of America (28) Heroic Deeds of American Sailors (28) Branch, M. L. B.: Guld, the Cavern King (50) Brooks, E. S.: True Story of Benjamin Franklin (30) True Story of Lincoln (30) Brown, Frances: The Wonderful Chair (24) Browne, G. W.: Two American Boys in Hatvaii (71) Bryant, S. C: I am an American (25) Bullen, F. T.: Cruise of the Cachalot (66) Burgess, Thornton: Burgess Animal Book (28) Bird Book for Children (28) Burnett, F. H.: Little Lord Fauntleroy (49) Little Princess (49) Burt, M. E.: Poems Every Child Should Knoiv (16) Chamberlain, J. F. and A. H.: Africa (34) Europe (34) North America (34) South America (34) Coe, F. E.: Makers of the Nation (2) Founders of Our Country (2) APPENDIX 3g7 Colum, Padraic: Adventures of Odysseus and the Fall of Troy {3Ji.) Curtis, Alice T.: Little Maid of Bunker Hill {40) Little Maid of Massachusetts Colony (40) Little Maid of Narragansett Bay (40) Little Maid of Old Philadelphia (40) Little Maid of Provincetown (40) Davis, J. W. (Editor) : Pinocchio Under the Sea (34) Deming and Bemis: Stories of Patriotism (25) Dickinson, H. W. and A. D.: Children's Book of Patriotic Stories (16) Eastman, C. A. and E. G. : Smoky Day's Wigwam Evenings (28) Eastman, E. G.: Indian Legends Retold (28) French, Allen: Heroes of Iceland (28) Story of Rolf (28) Ghosh, Prince: Wonders of the Jungle: Books I and II (24) Gordy, W. F.: American Leaders and Heroes (49) Grenfell, W. T.: Adrift on the Ice (25) Griffith, A. M.: Stars and Their Stories (63) Haaren and Poland: Famous Men of Modern Times (2) Hallock, E. B.: In Those Days (34) Hancock, M. S.: Children in History (Early Times) (28) Hawkins, C. J.: Little Red Doe (28) Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Wonder Book (25) Hudson, W. H.: Little Boy Lost (70) Hyde, L. S.: Favorite Greek Myths (24) Johnson, Clifton: Fir-tree Fairy Book (28) Kaler, J. O.: The Life Savers (17) Lang, A.: Green Fairy Book (29) Blue Fairy Book (29) Larkin, Shute, and Duncan: Land of Song: Book II (51) Lefferts, Walter: American Leaders: Books I and II (27) Lofting, Hugh: Story of Dr. Doolittle (53) Martin and Davis: Firebrands (28) McFee, Inez: Boys and Girls of Many Lands (12) McMurry, C. A.: Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley (34) Mills, E. A.: Story of a Thousand Year Pine (25) 368 SILENT READING Molesworth, M. L. S.: Cuckoo Clock (27) Christmas Tree Land (5^) Carrots (34) Nixon-Roulet, M. F.: Our Brazilian Cousin (39) Olcott, F. J.: Arabian Nights (63) Story-telling Poems (25) Ouida: Moufflon (21) A Dog of Flanders (21) Page, T. N.: Two Little Confederates^ (49) Paine, Albert B.: Arkansaw Bear (1) Parkman, M. R.: Heroes of Today (11) Perkins, L. F.: Mexican Twins (25) French Twins (25) Perkins, F. O. (Editor) : Children's Bluebird (51) Pyle, Howard: The Wonderful Clock (23) Riis, Jacob: Hero Tales of the Far North (34) Schultz, J. W.: Sinopah, the Indian Boy (25) Quest of the Fish-dog Skin (25) Schwartz, Julia: Wilderness Babies (28) Seton-Thompson, E. : Wild Animals I Have Known (49) Sewell, Anna: Black Beauty (64) Sherman, F. D.: Little Folk Lyrics (25) Sidney, Margaret: Five Little Peppers (30) ■Smith, M. P. W.: Stories of Old Deerfield (28) Jolly Good Times on a Farm (28) Jolly Good Times at Hackmatack (28) Boy Captive in Canada (28) Spyri, Johanna: Moni, the Goat Boy (21) Heimatlos (21) Stein, Evaleen: Gabriel and the Hour Book (39) Stimpson, M. S.: Child's Book of American Biography (28) Stocking, J. T.: The City That Never Was Reached (65) Stone and Fickett: Everyday Life in the Colonies (24) Days and Deeds a Hundred Years Ago (24) Tappan, E. M.: Robin Hood: His Book (28) Little Book of the Flag (25) American Hero Stories (25) Tileston, Mary W.: Child's Harvest of Verse (28) APPENDIX 369 Wade, Mary: Twin Travelers in South America (53) Leaders to Liberty (28) Wesselhoeft, L. F.: Jack, the Fire Dog (28) Laddie, the House Dog (28) White, S. E.: Magic Forest (34) Whittier, J. G.: Child Life (25) Yard, T. S.: Top of the Continent (49) D. SUPPLEMENTARY READING MATERIAL FOR GRADES IV TO VIII The following titles are suggestive of a type of reading material which gives much information on several of the content subjects usually studied in grades four to eight, inclusive. This list is part of a bibliography prepared by a group of superintendents and grade principals who were working with the authors on the problem, "Supplementary Reading Materials for the Intermediate and Upper Grades." Many valuable suggestions were derived from Bobbitt's article, "Reading in the Elementary Schools of Indianapolis: Part V. — The Reading Materials"^ and from Hartman's book. The Child and His School? HISTORY AND CIVICS Austin, 0. P.: Vncle Sam's Secrets (3) Baldwin, James: Old Stories of the East (2) Fifty Famous Stories Retold (2) Old Greek Stories Retold (2) Bayliss, C. H.: Lolami, the Little Cliff Dweller (41) Beard and Bagley: History of American People (34) Chase, A.: Children of the Wigiuam (19) Church, A. J.: Stories of the Old World (21) ' Coffin, C. C: Old Times in the Colonies (23) Button, M. B.: Little Stories of Germany (2) Eastman, C. A.: Indian Boyhood (16) Indian Child Life (28) Wigioam Evenings (28) ^Bobbitt, Franklin. "Reading- in the elementary schools of In- dianapolis : Part V. — The reading- materials." Elementary School Journal, Vol. 19, (May) 1919. 2Hartman, Gertrude. The Child and His School. E. P. Dutton and Company, New York City, 1922. 370 SILENT READING Eggleston, E.: Stories of American Life and Adventure (2) Finnemore, A. J.: Story of RoMn Hood and His Merry Men (34) Frye, Jane: Tfie Young American Readers (59) Gordy, W. F.: Stories of American Explorers (49) American Beginnings in Europe (49) GrifHs, W, E.: Young People's History of Holland (25) Guerber, H. A.: Story of the Chosen People (2) Story of the Thirteen Colonies (2) Story of the English (2) Story of France (2) Hall, J.: Men of Old Greece (28) Hart, A. B. : Colonial Children (34) Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Grandfather's Chair (25^ Johnson and Spencer: Ireland's Story (25) Kingsley, Charles: The Heroes (17) Lang, Andrew: True Story-hook (29) Red True Story-hook (29) Longfellow, H. W.: Miles Standish (12) Evangeline (9) Mclntyre, M. A.: The Cave Boy of the Age of Stone (3) McMurry, C. A.: Pioneer History Series (34) Moore, C. W. : Life of Ahraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls (25) Morris, Charles: Historical Tales: Greek (27) Historical Tales: Roman (27) Historical Tales: Russian (27) Heroes of Progress in America (27) Home Life in All Lands: Vol. II (27) Parkman, Francis: Montcalm and Wolfe (28) Oregon Trail (34) Rivals for America (28) Reynolds, M. J.: How Man Conquered Nature (34) Roosevelt, Theodore: Winning of the West (42) Tappan, Eva M.: Story of the Roman People (25) American Hero Stories (25) Terry, A. G. (Editor) : History Stories of Other Lands, 6 Vols. (46) APPENDIX 371 Waterloo, S.: The Story of Ah (16) Wilson and Driggs: T7ie White Indian Bop (,60) GEOGRAPHY Allen, N. B.: Geographical and Industrial Studies: South America {21) Bishop and Keller; Commercial and Industrial Geography (21) Blaich, Lydia R. : Three Industrial Nations (2) Brigham, A. P.: From Trail to Raihcay (21) Bullen, F.: Cruise of the Cachalot (3) Butler, E. C: Our Little Mexican Cousin (2) Carpenter, F. G.: Hoiv the World Is Clothed (2) Hotc the World Is Housed (2) Hoiu the World Is Fed (2) Chamberlain, J. F.: How We Are Clothed (Sit) Ho 10 We Are Fed (34) HoiD We Are Sheltered (34) Hoiv We Trade (34) Darwin, C. R. : Voyage of the Beagle (3) Dasent, G-. W.: East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon (42) Dodge, M. M.: The Land of Pluck (11) Doubleday, R.: Year in a Yawl (16) Finnemore, John: Peeps at Many Lands: England (34) Peeps at Many Lands: Switzerland (34) Peeps at Many Lands: Japan (34) Jonckheere, R.: When I teas a Boy in Belgium (30) Jungman, B.: Peeps at Many Lands: Holland (34) Krout, M. H.: Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands (2) McDonald and Dalrymple: Little People Everyichere Series (28) Mitchell, A. F.: Pas and Patio (6d)- Muller, M.: Elsdeth: A Story of German Home Life (17) Peary, J.: Children of the Arctic (53) Price, O. W.: The Land We Live In (52) Rocheleau, W. F.: Geography of Commerce and Industry (19) Schwatka, F.: Children of the Cold (19) Shaw, R. E.: Big and Little People of Other Lands (2) 372 SILENT READING Spyri, Johanna: Heidi (2) Stockton, F. R.: Personally Conducted (49) Thomson, M. P.: Peeps at Many Lands: Denmark (34) COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Allen, N. B.: Industrial Studies: Europe (21) Bassett, S. W.: The Story of Sugar (40) The Story of Wool (40) The Story of Porcelain (40) The Story of Glass (40) Bogart, Ernest: Economic History of the United States (29) Bolton, Sarah K.: Lives of Oirls Who Became Famous (12) Lives of Poor Boys Who Beca^ne Famous (12) Famous Men of Science (12) Burns, E. E.: Story of Great Inventions (23) Butler, F. 0.: The Story of Paper Making (10) Bond, Alexander R.: With Men Who Do Things (36) Brooks, E. C: The Story of Cotton (43) Carpenter, F. 0.: Foods and Their Uses (49) Casson, H, N.: History of the Telephone (33) Chase and Clow: Stories of Industry: Vol. II (19) Cooke, A. 0.: A Day with Leather Workers (38) A Visit to a Cotton Mill (38) A Visit to a Coal Mine (38) A Day in a Shipyard (38) Doubleday, Russel: Stories of Inventors (16) Dunham, E.: Jogging Around the World (53) DuPuy, W. A.: Uncle /Sam's Modern Miracles (53) Forman, S. E.: Stories of Useful Inventions (11) Grey, Z.: The Young Forester (23) Hall, G. S.: The Story of a Sand Pile (6) Howe, W. D.: Making a Capital in the Wilderness (9) Keller and Bishop: Commercial and Industrial Geography (21) Kinne and Cooley: Shelter and Clothing (34) Kipling, Rudyard: Captains Courageous (16) Kirby, M. and E.: Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard (19) Lane, M. A.: Industries of Today (21) Laut, A. C: The Story of the Trapper (3) APPENDIX 373 Martin, E. A.: The Story of a Piece of Coal (3) Morgan, J. H.: Boy Electrician (27) Mowry, A. M.: Captains of Industry (51) Parker, E. P.: Petroleum and Its Uses (Series G 1918) (68) Rocheleau, W. F.: Great American Industries: Vol. II (20) Geography of Commerce and Industry (19) Samuel, I.: The Story of Iron (40) The Story of Gold and Silver (40) Smith, J. R.: Iron and Steel (Series C) (68) Tappan, E. M.: Makers of Many Things (25) Travellers and Travelings (25) Diggers in the Earth (25) The Farmer and His Friends (25) Towne, E. C: The Story of Money (14) Tower, W. S.: The Story of Oil (3) Warman, C. Y.: The Story of the Railroad (3) E. LITERARY SELECTIONS: FOR BOYS AND GIRLS FROM 10 TO 15 YEARS OF AGE It is believed that the books listed on this and the fol- lowing pages will be found as interesting to boys and girls as the vicious dime novel and at the same time afford them clean, inspiring, and wholesome reading material. The list was selected from Books for Older Boys and Girls edited by Ruth G. Hopkins, Head of Children's Department, Bridgeport (Connecticut) Public Library. The authors are deeply indebted to Miss Linn Jones, Head of the Childrens' Library of the city of Des Moines, for her co-operation in selecting those books which are most in demand by the boys and girls of that city. This list is suggestive of the type of reading material that is safe and wholesome for older children to read. Teachers and parents who wish to add interesting selections to the children's library can obtain wholesome information by consulting The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls, published by R. R. Bowker, New York City, and by reading Clara Whitehill Hunt's book, What Shall We Read to the Children, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 374 SILENT READING Alcott, Louisa May: Jach and Jill (28) Little Women (28) Aldrich, T. B.: Story of a Bad Boy (25) Altsheler, J. A.: The Horsemen of the Plains (66) The Last of the Chiefs (66) Ames, J. B.: Torrance from Texas (11) Amers, J. B.: The Mystery of Bam Island (11) Under Boy Scout Colors (66) Ashmun, M. E.: Heart of Isabel Carleton (SJt) Isabel Carleton at Home (5^) Baker, Olaf: Shasta of the Wolves (69) Barbour, R. H.: For the Honor of the School (66) Bates, K. L.: In Sunny Spain (17) Bond, A. R.: Pick, Shovel, and Pluck (36) Brooks, E. S.: Master of the Strong Hearts (17) Brooks, Noah: The Boy Emigrants (49) Brown, A. F.: In the Days of Giants (25) Brown, Helen D.: Two College Girls (25) Brown, Edna A.: When Maw Cam^e (30) Brownell, Agnes: Thankful Spicers (49) Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain) : Prince and the Pauper (23) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (23) Collins, A. P.: The Book of Stars (3) Colum, Padraic: Children of Odin (34) Adventures of Odysseus and Tales of Troy (34) Coolidge, Susan: What Katy Did at School (28) Cooper, J. F.: The Spy (42) Daulton, Agnes: From Sioux to Susan (11) Deland, E. D.: Oakleigh (23) Dix, Beulah M.: Betty-Bide-At-Home (63) Doubleday, R.: Cattle Ranch to College (66) Drysdale, William: The Fast Mail (58) DuChaillu, Paul: Wild Life under the Equator (23) Eggleston, G. C: Long Knives (30) Bale Marked Circle X (30) French, H. W.: Lance of Kanana (30) French, Allen: Story of Rolf and the Viking's Boiv (28) Gaines, Ruth: Treasure Floioer (17) APPENDIX 375 Gregor, Elmer R.: Red Arrow {23) Running Fox (3) Hagedorn, H.: Boys' Lije of Roosevelt (23) Hale, Lucretia: Peterkin Papers {25) Hale, Edward E.: Man Witliout a Country (28) Hall, A.: Carpentry and MecTianics for Boys (30) Hawes, C. B.: The Mutineers (5) Heyliger, Wm.: Don Strong of the Wolf Patrol (66) Off Side (3) High Benton (3) Hill, F. T.: On the Trail of Washington (3) On the Trail of Grant and Lee (3) Hurd, Marian K., and Jean B. Wilson: When She Came Home from- College (25) Inman, Col. H.: The Ranch on the Oxhide (66) Jackson, Helen H.: Nelh/'s Silver Mine (28) Jacobs, C. D.: Texas Blue Bonnet (39) Keeler, Harriet: Our Native Trees and Hoiv to Identify Them (49) Macdonald, G.: At the Back of the North Wind (27) Macdonald, G. : Princess and the Goblin (27) Princess and Cur die (27) Masefield, J.: Martin Hyde (28) Meadowcroft, Wm.: Boys' Life of Edison (23) Meigs, Cornelia: Fool of Stars (34) Miller, O. T.: The First Book of Birds (25) The Second Book of Birds (25) Moffett, C: Careers of Danger and Daring (11) Montgomery, L. M. : Anne of Green GaMes (39) Morgan, A. P.: Boys' Book of Science and Construction (30) Page, T. N.: Two Little Confederates (49) Paine, A. B.: Boys' Life of Mark Tivain (23) Perkins, L. F.: Cornelia (25) Pyle, Howard: Garden Behind the Moon (49) Jack Ballister's Fortunes (11) Men of Iron (23) Otto of the Silver Hand (49) Merry Adventures of RoMn Hood (49) 376 SILENT READING Rankin, C. W.: Dandelion Cottage (63) Rogers, J. E.: The Tree Guide (16) Rold-Smith, N. G.: Faerie Queen (17) Rolt-Wheeter, F.: The Boy icith the V. S. Foresters (30) Roosevelt, Theodore: Stories of the Great West (11) Sabin, E. L.: Buffalo Bill and the Overland Trail (21) Schiiltz, J. W.: The War Trail Fort (25) Schultz, J. W.: Running Eagle, the Warrior Girl (25) Lone Bull's Mistake (66) ■ Rising Wolf, the White Blackfoot (25) With the Indians i7i the Rockies (25) Shafer, D. C. : Harper's Beginning Electricity (23) Stevenson, B. E.: Tommy Remington's Battle (66) Stevenson, R. L.: Treasure Island (3) Tolman, A. W.: Jim Sjmrling, Fisherman (23) Tomlison, E. T.: Scouting ivith Daniel Boone (66) Scouting with Kit Carson (66) Vaile, Charlotte: Orciitt Girls (58) Wallace, Dillon: Ungava Bod (66) Troop One of the Labrador (45) Washington, B. T.: Up from Slavery (67) Zwilgmeyer, Dikken: What Happened to Inger Johanne (30) F. LIST OF PUBLISHERS Books mentioned in the bibliographies on the preceding pages may be obtained from the publishers listed below. Teachers can obtain full information regarding any title by asking for a catalogue and descriptive literature which publishers are always glad to supply. A perusal of pub- lishers' catalogues is a good means of acquainting oneself with the annual production of books for children. 1. Henry Altemus and Company Philadelphia 2. American Book Company New York City 3. D. Appleton and Company New York City 4. Atkinson, Mentzer and Company Chicago 5. Atlantic Monthly Press Boston 6. A. S. Barnes and Company New York City APPENDIX 377 7. The Beckley-Cardy Company 8. Bloch Publishing Company 9. The Bobbs-Merrill Company 10. Butler Paper Company 11. The Century Company 12. T. Y. Crowell and Company 13. Daughaday and Company 14. Dillingham and Company 15. M. A. Donohue and Company 16. Doubleday, Page and Company 17. E. P. Dutton and Company 18. Eaton and Mains (Abingdon Press) 19. Educational Publishing Company 20. A. Flanagan and Company 21. Ginn and Company 22. Griffith and Rowland Press (Ameri- can Baptist Publication Society) 23. Harper and Brothers 24. D. C. Heath and Company 25. Houghton Mifflin Company 26. Laurel Book Company 27. J. B. Lippincott and Company 28. Little, Brown and Company 29. Longmans, Green and Company 30. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company 31. Lyons and Carnahan 32. Robt. M. McBride and Company 33. A. C. McClurg and Company 34. The Macmillan Company 35. Chas. E. Merrill and Company 36. Munn and Company 37. Newson and Company 38. Oxford University Press (American Branch) 39. The Page Company 40. Penn Publishing Company 41. Public School Publishing Company 42. G. P. Putnam's Sons Chicago New York City Indianapolis Chicago New York City New York City Chicago New York City Chicago harden City, N. Y New York City Chicago Boston Chicago Boston Philadelphia New York City Boston Boston Chicago Philadelphia Boston New York City Boston Chicago New York City Chicago New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City Boston Philadelphia Bloomington, 111. New York City 378 SILENT READING 43. Rand, McNally and Company 44. The Reilly and Lee Company 45. F. H. Revell and Company 46. Row, Peterson and Company 47. Benj. H. Sanborn and Company 48. Scott, Foresman and Company 49. Chas. Scribner's Sons 50. Sherman, French and Company 51. Silver, Burdett and Company 52. Small, Maynard and Company 53. Frederick A. Stokes and Company 54. E. Thompson and Company 55. University Publishing Company 56. Frederick Warne and C mpany 57. Albert Whitman and Company 58. W. A. Wilde and Company 59. J. C. Winston and Company 60. World Book Company 61. John Lane Company 62. Frederick K. Warne and Company 63. Henry Holt and Company 64. George W. Jacobs and Company 65. Pilgrim Press 66. Grosset and Diinlap 67. A. L. Bnrt and Company 68. United States Bureau of Education 69. Dodd, Mead, and Company 70. Alfred A. Knopf 71. Dana Estes Company Chicago Chicago New York City Chicago Chicago Chicago New York City Boston Chicago Boston New York City Northport, N. Y. Lincoln, Nebraska New York City Chicago Boston Philadelphia Yonkers, N. Y. New York City New York Ci'ty New York City Philadelphia Boston New York City New York City Washington, D. C. New York City New York City Boston INDEX {The numhe^'s refer to pages.) ABC method, 40, 100; de- fects of, 101. Action method, 209; value of, 210; defects of, 210. Adenoids, effect of, on read- ing ability, 130. Aims of silent reading, 23. Anderson, C. J., cited, 117, 122, 136, 137; experiment, 151. Arithmetic, clarified, 321-7. Articulation in reading, 12, 13, 14. Assignment, importance of, for retention, 96, 288. Attention-span, 105. Betts, G. H., quoted, 22. Bird, G. E., experiment, 95. Brown, H. A., cited, 211; quoted, 227. Bryan, W. L,., cited, 21. Buckingham, R. B., quoted, 176. Burgeas, M. A., cited, 125, 150. Buswell, G. T., cited, 144. Carelessness and carefulness, 150; how overcome, 165. Charting, results of compre- hension tests, 274-6, 340; value of, 346-8; methods of, 349; class progress, 349; in- dividual progress, 351. Charts, use of, 216, 335. Class standards, devising, 120. Colvin, C, cited, 62. 379 Combination method, 19. Competition, 341, 353. Completion tests, 172. Comprehension, test of, 22; importance of, 24, 45; neg- lect of student, 45; average, 57; repetition in, 58; evi- dence regarding, 61; im- provement in, 61-6; effect of lip-reading on, 110; drills in, for poor readers, 112; value of measurement of, 165; measuring, 165-71; methods of measurement of, 171. Controlled practice, 63. Currier, L. B., cited, 225. Dearborn, W. F., quoted, 14, 39; cited, 37, 41, 105, 145. Delayed recal], 89. Devices for classroom work : Reading between lines, 312; filling in, 313. Dramatization, value of, 243, 32 7-31. Drills, need for word, 234; conducting, 234; action- word, 236; preposition, 236: object, 237; opposites, 238: sign drills, 238; familiar combination, 239; speed, 240; action-phrase, 240; ac- tion-sentence, 241; games as, 242; dramatization, 243; excursion, 244; anissing- 380 INBEX word, 245; true-false, 246; current topic, 247; hygiene lesson, 248; children's diet, 249; riddle, 250; nursery- rhyme, 252; phrase and sen- tence, 253; picture-answer, 254; construction work, 255; bulletin board, 257; ex- ercise, 289-95; psychological view of, 334; pupil-motiva- tion of, 335; teacher-moti- vation of, 336. Duguid, O. C, cited, 225. Earhart, iL. B., experiment, 78- 81. Ebert and Neumann, cited, 87. Ebbinghaus, cited, 86. Emulation, 339. Environmental factors 1 n .speed, 42. Errors, common in reading, . 117-9. Experiments in comprehen- sion, 53, 54, 62, 65; in or- ganization, 71, 72, 77; in re- tention, 86-7. Eyesight defects 129. Eye-span, 39, 101. Eye-voice span, 145. Feeble-minded children, 135. Pinch, C E., experiment, 72; cited, 149, Fixation-points, 37, 41, 101-5. Flash-card exercises, 136. Focalization, secured, 341, 343. Folk-tale lessons, 220-4. Foreign children, 146. Gates, A. I., experiment on true-false tests, 182. Germane (C E. and E. G.), experiments on thought- getting, 54; on organization, 71; on testing and recall, 93; in lip-reading and speed, 109. Gilliland, A. H., cited, 33. Gist, A. iS., quoted 172. y ^ Gray, W. iS., cited, 115, 124, 137,^ 139, 154; oral-reading test, 117,"" 138; experiment for speed in reading, 154. '^^ Green, iM. G., experiment, 61-2. Hawley, W. E., cited, 134. Hearing defects, 130. Horn, Ernest, cited, 134. Hub-and-spoke device, 303. Hygiene in speed, 40. Imagery in reading, 21. Imitation, 337. Immediate recall, 89. Judd, C. H., cited, 42, 108. Kerfoot, J. B., quoted, 158. Key paragraph, 301. Key sentence, 299. Klapper, Paul, quoted, 148. Lesson assignment and or- ganization, 70. Library books, 133, 198. Line length in textbooks, 41. Liip-reading, 109; experiment on, 110; suggested treat- ment of. 111; overcoming, 108. Lyman, R. L., cited, 157, 160: plan for silent reading, 307. Malnutrition, effect of, 130. Mann, Horace, quoted, 46. Marker, use of, 143, 222. Material for silent readinsr, 186, 195, 201, 206, 262, 269. 280; use of, '280; advanced, 315. McCall, W. A., quoted, 181. Mendenhall, W. L., cited, 177. INDEX 381 Merton, E., cited, 117, 122, 136, 137, 151. Methods of teaching reading, 100. iMonroe, W. S., quoted, 29, 348; reading scale of, 187; Standardised Silent - reading Test, 64, 166. Motor habits in reading, 39, 104. Nursery rhymes in beginning reading, 215-20; value of, 220; defects in use, 220. O'iBrren, J. A., cited, 13, 145, 334. Oral reading, drawback to method, 11; value of, 15-18; method of teaching, 18; combined "with silent read- ing, 19, 20; reasons for teaching, 21; overemphasis of, 106-144; psychology of, 106; tests of (Gray), 117; habits in, 127. Organization, importance of, 24, 68, 69, 113; psychological view of, 68; sociological view of, 69; inability in, 69; hoiw to teach, 77, 82, 113; value of, 77; retention through, 98; lesson on, 271. Outlines in organization, 69, 71, 72, 73, 82. Pageants, 327; fire-preven- tion. 328-31. Pamphlets for silent reading, 200. Parker, S, C, quoted, 156. Peet and Dearborn Progress Test in Arithmetic, 326. Perception-unit, 105, 145. Permanency of retention se- cured, 97. Peterson, J., experiment of, 87. Phonics, method for, 102; value of, 136, 137; overem- phasis of, 139; method in beginning reading, 225; time for introduction of, 226; deferred training in, 229. Physical defects, 128-30. Physical inspection of school children, 129. Physiological factors in speed, 37. Pintner, Rudolph, cited, 13. Play instinct utilized, 338. Pointing to words, 143. Presentation o f beginning reading, 208; methods of, 211-25. Pressey, S. L. and L. C, ex- periment of, 126; cited, 15G. 186. Problem of the reading teacher, 52. Project method for beginning readers, 211-3; value and defects of, 2il4. Psychological factors in speed, 42. Psychology of oral reading, 106-7. Pupil-motivation, 92, 335. Pupil organization, 82. Quantz, J. O., quoted, 13; cited, 109. Question method for measure- ment, 174; for drill, 273. Rapid reading, value of, 36. Reading, abilities compared, 156, 261, 298; attitudes, 156; defects, 128-40, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 151; reading difficulties, 116; illustration of lesson in, 47. Reading rate, variation of, 28. 382 INDEX Recall value, 88. Recog-nition tests, 173. Reference work, importance of, 147-9. Remedial work, for bad study habits, 75; importance of, 115; examples of, 116; prep- aration for, 117; planning, 122; tests for, 123-8; in vo- cabulary enlargement, 132; for subnormal children, 134; for word recognition, 136; for comprehension, 140; for word pointing, 143; for nar- row perception-unit, 146; to extend use of reference books, 147; for careless reading, 150; in oral read- ing, 151; to overcome bad study habits, 159; explained, 163. Repetitions, 151. Reproduction method, 171. Retention, importance of, 24, 86; experiments in, 86, 88, 97; increased, 97; teaching pupils, 113; measurement, importance of, 165; training for, 278. Sandwick, R. L., cited, 128. Scales, 124-6. Schmidt, W. A., quoted, 12, 13, 105, 107; cited, 145. "Signpost paragraph," 84. Silent reading, aims of, 23; importance of, 11; method of training primary pupils in, 107; test-s, how made, 122; controlled, 231; prin- ciples observed in teaching, 260; individual training in, 261; material for, 262, 269. 2S0. 315; class discussion of, 263; drill in, by question method, 27'3; project work for, 1273; in intermediate grades, 280; illustrative les- sons in, -282-6; English class work and, 306; Lyman's plan for, 307; outline for seventh - grade, 308 - 10; arithmetic for, 322. Single reading, results of, 55. Skillful reading accomplish- ments, 160. Smith, Bertha M., cited, 124. Speed in reading, importance of, 27, 35, 36; physiological factors in, 37; hygienic fac- tors in, 40; psychological factors in, 4)2; environ- mental factors in, 42; meth- ods of obtaining, 299-305. Speed drill, dangers of, 30; values of, 32; for poor read- ers, 112. •Standardization, 120. "Standardized tests, 117; Stone's extension, -64; rea- soning test in arithmetic, 324; as measure of achieve- ment, 343. Stone, C. W., and Colvin, C, experiment, 62. (Story method for beginning readers, '214. 'Study efficiency, 63. 'Study habits, 159, 259, 297, 298, 318. Subnormal children, 134. Subject-matter . o f readers, 113. Substitution, 151. Summaries in organization, 83. Summary-outline, 71. Teacher-made tests, 119, 344. Teacher-motivation, 335. Teeth, defects of, 130. Testing before reading, 90-3. Tests, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 6i2, 64, 72, 75, 97, 117, 119, 120; INDEX 383 how to make silent-read- ing, 122, 123, 127, 136; value of, 166; nature of, 166; com- pletion, 172; recognition, 173; question method, 174, 176; scoring- of, 180, 178; true-false, 178, 181; reading tests, 288; adaptation of, 289, 305; Stone's tests in arithmetic, 375, 326; compe- titive, 343; standardized, 343; teacher-made, 344. Theisen, W. W., cited, 127. Thorndike, E. L., experiment of, 161-3. Thought-getting, 45, 58. True-false test for compre- hension, 178, 181; advan- tages of, 183. Type, size of, 41, Vocabulary limit, effects of, on reading, 126, 130. Waldman, Bessie F., cited, 174. Waldo, C. D., cited, 124. W-atkins, E., cited, 226. Wils'on, E., experiment of, 18-9-93; results of, 193. Word, importance of analysis of, 131; Importance of building of, 131; focus, 144; method, 103-5; criticism of method, 105; recognition value, 135. Yoakam, G. A., experiment cf, 53, 88, 90; cited, 53, 54, 88, 90; quoted, 92. Zirbes, Laura, cited, 137; re- port, 18'9.