COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES "^ ILLUSTRATED BY CAMERA AND PEN Chas. W. Barrett, Architect RALEIGH, N. C. iTHE LiBfla,n and design has been t-arefully studied, both in the preliminary sketches and tlie complete working drawings, so that nothing has bt'cn overlooked that could possibly add to the completeness and eonvenienec of the home. Second, because in all the piiblicalinus of this character heretofoi'e, none of them have been com- piled with a view to the needs and re([uirements of the modern Southern Home. It has been my pleasure, and J have made it my . liiiiiov, Kalciii-li, N. C. C'liAS. W. Baurett, Airhiirrt. Views ill Main Hall, KeyideiiCL' uf K. B. Kaiiev. Chas. W. Bakrett, ArcJilted. COLONIAL SOUTHERX HOMES 25 Residence of R. B. Raiiey, Raleigh, N. C. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. First Floor Flan. ' •^^ I • « Second Floor Flan. Flooi- Plans, Uosideiire of K. B. Kaney. Chas. W. Barrett, ArcJiitpd. ( ' () L () N I A L S U T 11 K K N 11 C) A[ K S 27 Oak Koi)H.t. Home of the Author, C'has. W. Barrett, Raleigh, N. C. Ghas. W. Bakkett, Architect. Floor Plan. RCAW PO&ch FRONT PORCH Recond Floor Plan. Floor Plans, Re.siilence of W. H. Hughes, Jr. First Fk>or Plan. Chas. ^\^ Bakkett, Architect. C I. <^ N T A L S r T II E K K H ( ) M K S 29 tfsideiice of W. II. IIuuIk^s, Jv., UaleiP'h, N. ('. Uost abov^t 12,850.00. Chas. W. Bakhett, Architect. PORCH Mj- — M- First Floor I Ma Second Floor I'laii. Floor Plans, ivcsidencc of \\'illiani B. (Jrimes. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. CO I. () X I A I. S i; T H K R X H ( ) M E S 31 Hesidence of William l>. Grimes, PJaleiti-h, X. ('. Cost about 15,000.00. Chas. W. Bahkett, Architect. Second Ploor Plan. Floor I'laiis, RfsitU'iice of Will Kobbiiis. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Bakrett, Aixhited. C" I. N I A L S IT T H E R N H M E S 33 l\',e of Will INililjiiis, Raleigh, N. ( '. Cost about $4,8G0 00. Char. W. Barrett, Architect Second P'loor Plan Floor Plans, Residence of Adolph Oettinger. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 35 Residence of Adolpli Oettinger, Goldsboro, N. C. Cost about $6,875.00. Chas. W. Barkett, Architect. Second Floor Plan. Floor Plans, Residence of E. M. Fulton. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 37 AVintor Residence of Iv M. Fulton, of New Yoik, at Southern J'ines, N. C. Cost about $6,000.00. Ghas. W. Barrett, Architect., First Floor Plan. Second I'loor Plan Floor Plans, Cottage for ^\'alter D. Hay. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. r. N T A I. S r T H E R N HOMES 39 A neat building for renting purposes. Cottage Erected for Walter D. Hay, Raleigh, N. C. Cost about 13,000.00. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Second Floor Plan. Floor Plans, Residence of T. B. Fuller. First Floor Plan. Chas, W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 41 Residence of T. 11 Kiiller, Durham, X. G. Cost about 16,150.00. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Second Floor Plan. Floor Plans, Residence of Judge A. W. Graham. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Bakrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 43 Residence of Judge A. W. Gniliain, Oxford, N. G. Cost about $12,000.00. Chas. W; Barrett, Architect. SocoikI Fldor I'liiii Floor Plans, Eesidence of W. C. Powell. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 45 Residence erected at Wake Forest, N. C, for W. 0. Powell, of Savannah, Ga. Cost about $8,000.00. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Interior of Main Hall, Kesfidenee of W. C. Powell. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 47 irm¥ „ Second Flnov Plan. A beautiful residence design in frame. An excellent plan also. First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. First Floor Plan. Second Fjoor Plan. Floor Plans, Stone and Cement Residence. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 49 Residence Design in Stone and Cement. Cost about flO.UOO.OO. Chas. W. Barkktt, Architect. Second Floor Plan. Floor Plans, KesiJenec uf (ien. B. S. Kuyster First Floor Plan. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 51 licsidc'iice uf (ien. B. S. Royster, Oxford, N. 0. Cost about $7,S()O.0n. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. First Floor Plan. Second Floor Plan. Floor Plans, Cottage Erected for K. B. Raney. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 53 An excellent building for renting purposes. Cottage Erected for R. B. Raney, Raleigh, N. C. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Cost about 12,500.00. Another neat building for renting purposes. Cost about $2,100.00. Flooi' Plan. Chas. \X. Barrktt, Architect. C O r. N T A L S O U T H E R X H O M E S 55 Some Homes liecently Erected in Wilson, N. C. Chas. ^V. Barrett, Architect. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 57 Episcopal Oliurcli at Louisliurg, N. C. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Cost about $3,500.00. ISalfdiiv I'lan. Flodi- I'lans i'oi' Baptisl (imivli. Auditiii-iiiiu FloDT ]'] C'jiAs. W. |;ai;i;ett, Airliihrl. (' () I. O N T A L S O r T II E R X IK ) M !■: S 59 Ijciptit^t Cliuivli at LouLsliurg, N. ('. C'j-IAS. ^V. liAlunCTT, Arcliifrrf. Cost about |1(),(HI().(.)0 Design for Frame Cliureli of Moderate ■e ( 'ost. Cha8. W. Barrett, Arrln'/n G T. N 1 A L S r T H E R N H M E S 61 An Elegant Design for a Church in Brick and Stone. C'has. W. Barrett, Aivliitcd. Design for Small Suluirbiin Lihrarv. ('has. \V. HaUKETT, Airlulrrf. cor. ON r AT. S()rTITET!X HO^rES I)('si,i;ii fur l''i-:iiiic Si'IiokI ISnililiii.n'. Sec l'"|(i()i' I'hinsdii iMilldwiiii;- l'nrifk Scliool J Bnililin^. A Perfect Floor Arrans-ement and a Beautifnl Design. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. C O L X I A L S O U T H E R N H O .\[ E S 67 Carolina Trust Bi;ilding on Fayetteville Street. Watauga Hall, at the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Some Buildings at Raleigh, N. C. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. Eighty Room Dormitoi-y Building, Erected for tlie Jjewishurg Femalf C'ullege, Lewisburg, W. Va. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. COLONIAL SOUTHERN HOMES 69 Main Building, Erected for the Lewisburg Female College, Lewisburg, W. Va. Chas. W. Barrktt, Architect. Wilson County Court-House, at ^\'ilson, N. C. Chas. W. Barrett, Architect. ,_, „M < (<< Portable Shower shown herein ■ihe 5tattaard costs bnt*15.00 complete. SANITARY ENAMELED BATHS AND SANITARY WARE f TNITE daintiness and durability, and their installation insures a dainty, modern bath- room at a reasonable cost. 'Standard" one- piece lavatories are made in many beautiful patterns, each cast in one piece without cracks or plaster paris joints, and are therefore abso- lutely sanitary. You take no risk when equipping your bath- room with "^XavdavSi' fixtures, as every piece bears one of the ' ' Green and Gold ' ' guarantee labels of the manufacturer. We stand by the guarantee. We have samples of '^tattdard" Ware and the 'Standard" Portable Shower orn display in our show-room, and will be pleased to show them to you if you will call. YOUNG &> HUGHES Plumbing and Heating Contractors %.XX^XX Raleigh, North Carolina THE PECK-HAMMOND CO. Manutactukkrs of H IGH-GRADE..... EATING APPARATUS When Installed by us, According to the Latest Engineering Prac= tice, Results are Guaranteed. Write for Catalogue and Prices THE PECK-HAMMOND COMPANY D. E. OAKES SALES AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH, N. C. CINCINNATI, OHIO JOHN T. JONES MANUF~ACXURreR OF- Metal Cornices, Sky-lights, Ventilators, Finials, Cresting, and all manner of sheet-metal work for buildings. Also Slate, Tin and Iron Roofing. IF YOU ARE CONITEMF'LAXING XHE ERECTION OF A BUILOING OF ANY KIND You will do well to get my prices before placing order elsewhere. MV min-TTn C^ °°'^ Material with Will Give a Written Guarantee Against Inferior Material and Vjood Workmanship at Reasonable Prices. Workmanship if you Desire it. JOHN r. JONES Raleigh ^j^j^^j''^^ North Carolina DID YOU EVER REALIZE T^HAT your windows are the index of your house — the center of attraction ? It is they that distinguish between the palace and the prison, both outside and in. You will want something to regulate the sun's rays and to keep out the mosquitoes and flies, but that is just where you can spoil a lot of good appearance. Let us show you how to do it practically and yet artistically. WILLER MANUFACTURING CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Catalogue A — Window and Door Screens Catalogue B— Inside Sliding Blinds irf it iQ mii}b'-(3vnbc Movh l^ou are ♦♦Xoohino tox.^ YO U have no further to go. Just stop and write McClamkocii ManTKlCo., Greensboro, N. C, for information. They are the Mantel people of the South. Tliey are also jobbers of all kinds of iMrephicc Trimmings. Write for catalogue B. J 11 < i 1 I -< i U A I > McCLAMROCH MANTEL COMPANY, GREENSBORO, N. C, 211 SOUTH lil.M STREET THE SIGN OF GOOD PAINT ^ d^ ^ LOWE BROTHERS ^ High Standard Liquid Paint It is the Best and Most Economical Because I. It spreads furthest, covers best and wears longest. 2. It has a broad guarantee — Satisfaction. 3. It saves Time, Money, and Reputation. 4. It is recommended by Chas. W. Barrett, Architect, Raleigh. N. C. Ask us for Attractive Homes and How to Make Them. Also color cards and practical pamphlets ; they are free. For Sale by YOUNG HARDWARE CO« DEALEE.S IN Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes REPRESENTATIVES OF Lowe Brothers Paint Co. ^ Dayton, Ohio HILDRUP WOOD VULCANIZING AND FIREPROOFING COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina New York Office, 40 Wall Street A RE furnishing Vulcanized Cross- ties, Telegraph and Telephone Poles, Cross-arms, Pins and Brack- ets, Car Roofing guaranteed not to leak. Car Siding and Flooring, Shingles, and all manner of ex- posed finishing lumber that will not SHRINK, SWELL OR DECAY Building material and all kinds of mill work supplied from stock, and Architect's designs made NON-COMBUSTIBLE BY FIRE Manufacture Fireproof Portable and Permanent Machine-made Houses, Storage Warehouses, Tab- ernacles and Railway Stations. FIREPROOF SHINGLES A SPECIALTY PILING AND DOCK TIMBERS ARE MADE TEREDO PROOF Fireproofing capacity, 1,000,000 feet per month Vulcanizing capacity, 2,000,000 feet per month HOMESTEAD BOILER Steam oi- Wairr ■ •• TO* k 1 1^ Radiators Direct and Indirect Catalogue mailed upon request Factories, Westtield, Mass. THE H. B. SMITH COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANt'FArTlTKEHS (II''. HEATING APPARATUS BOILERS, RADIATORS Other Boilers MERCER COTTAGE MILLS AND O. K. Established 1857 .^tiieHcm^ ^km(i i >a=- ^^^,^Trrf>^7g3^ g^te_-^^=^^ Kactory ANn Office i t> South ^vf... Battle Creek, jNIich:. WE GUARANTEE all our work to be absolutely perfect in material, construction and workman- ship. Many of the elegant residences illustrated in this publication are equip- ped with our columns. Making colonial columns has been our specialty for more than 15 years; this work is under the personal supervision of our Mr. F. R. Angell, who is recognized authority on all matters pertaining to colonial architecture. Among the larger contracts for this sea.son, we have furni.shed columns for the follow- ing magnificent homes : R. B. Raney, Raleigh, N. C, 14 immense columns ; U. S. Senator Talleferrio, Jacksonville, Fla., 29 columns; J. F. Keath, Beaumont, Texas, 6 large Corin- thian columns; Mrs. M. B. Gallegher, Bloomfield, N. Y., 35 large columns, pedestals, rail, balu.sters, newels, etc. Two car-loads large columns shipped to D. C. Hill, Contrac- tor, Raleigh, N. C. Send bill of what you need and let us submit a delivered price. We ship anywhere. r^OLUMNS r^OLUMNS ANY STYLE ! ^ ANY SIZE ! P'OLUMNS p'OLUMNS v^ FOR INTERIOR! ^ FOR EXTERIOR ! DEC 19 1903 Lb 10 HK2U0-78 Issm 1