- 1 .N429 Copy 1 NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Incorporated 1845 SOCIETY'S BUILDING 18 Somerset Street, Boston 1906 Statibopc press F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U. S. A. Gitt Tbe Society '06 New England Historic Genealogical Society. HISTORY. The New England Historic Genealogical Society was formed in 1844, "for the purpose of collecting, preserving, and publishing genealogical and histor- ical matter relating to New England families., and for the establishment and maintenance of a cabinet." Few genealogical books were printed in America prior to the founding of the Society. Since its incorporation, almost every genealogical work of consequence in America is traceable, either directly or indirectly, to the influence of the Society, which is the most important genealogical society in America. MEMBERSHIP. The Society consists of Honorary, Corresponding, Life, and. Resident Members. Resident Members pay five dollars on admission, and five dollars annually on the ist of January, and receive the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Membership is not limited to residents of New England, and is open to women. 3 4 NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC Any member may become a Life Member and receive the Register, by the payment of fifty dollars at one time. Engraved certificates of membership are furnished if desired. Application for member- ship should be made through some Life or Resident IMember. In order to increase the number of Life and Resident Members, blank forms for nomina- tions will be furnished upon application to the Corresponding Secretary. MEETINGS. Stated meetings of the Society are held at i8 Somerset Street, Boston, on the first Wednesday of every month, except from June to September inclusive. At these meetings original papers and essays are read. NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register is pubhshed by the Society quarterly in January, April, July, and October of each year. Each number contains ninety-six or more octavo pages of valuable and interesting matter concerning the History, Antiquities, Genealogy, and Biography of America, vdtha portrait of some deceased member. Commenced in 1847, it is the oldest historical and genealogical periodical now published in this GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 5 country; and its contributors comprise a list of the most eminent and competent writers on gen- ealogy in New England, with many in other States and foreign countries. Terms of Subscription, three ($3.00) dollars per annum, in advance, commencing January; free to Resident Members paying five ($5.00) dollars an- nually, and to Life Members who have paid fifty ($50.00) dollars at one time into the Life Member- ship Fund, A full set of the magazine sells at more than double the original subscription cost. OTHER PUBLICATIONS. At the present time the Society is publishing: — I. The Vital Records (Births, Marriages, and Deaths) of Massachusetts towns, from the date of incorporation to the end of the year 1849. These are printed by a fund of $20,000 set apart from the bequest of Robert Henry Eddy to the Society, and are sold to members and others, if ordered in advance of pubh cation, at the rate of one cent per printed page. Only a hmited number of copies is printed. The type is then distributed, and the extra copies held on sale at a considerable advance on the sub- scription price. The Vital Records of Montgomery, Pelham, Walpole, Peru, Alford, Hinsdale, Medfield, Lee, 6 NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC Becket, Sudbury, Tyringham, Bedford, >