dl Brig.-Genl. ROBERT COWDIN, U. S. V. Col. First Regt Mass. Vol. Infantry. First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Veteran Association. Bo.s'r()>f, Mass., February, 1911. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ROSTER. Roster of Comrades known to be living, and of those whose whereabouts is unknown; many of the latter are undoubtedly deceased, but we never cross off a comrade as dead, unless we have dehnite information of the dale, and place of his decease; we have had several instances of comrades being found after jo to 40 years since last heard from; the addresses of some on this roster we had quite recently, but last circular has been returned marked by the post office officials as "moved," "not known, etc." You are hereby appointed special detectives, without pay, to help search out the miss- ing ones of your own company, or any others you may happen to know of; don't leave such work entirely to your committee; send the Secretary any straw of information, or your suggestions, as they may lead to striking the right trail. Get into correspondence with those comrades you used to be intimate with, exchange views with them about the 50th Anniversary, so as to punch a little enthusiasm into each other. Any information as to probable loca- tion of comrades, or their relatives, will be greatly appreciated. ALBERT S. AUSTIN, Secretary. ISAAC P. GRAGG, President. 1.375 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Note. — In accordance with the By-Laws of (liti ^Association, only the r.^nk held in the Regiment is given. . 5 COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Asst.-Surgeon, Samuel A. Green, 1154 Boylston St., Boston. 1st Lt & Q. M., Albert S Austin, 1375 Commornvoalth Ave., Boston. 1st Lt., Frank Thomas 2 Prescott Ave., Chelsea, Mass. 1st Lt., Joseph H. Dalton, 1st Lt., William H. Fletcher, 106 White St., East Boston. 934 13th St., Denver, Colorado. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Sergt.-Maj., James W. Hall, Sergt.-Maj., Edwin C. McFarland, Sergt.-Maj., Frank W. Marshall, Q. M. Sergt., Hiram A. Wright, Com.-Sergt., William F. Thayer, Prin.-Mus., Charles C. Cook, Prin.-Mus., Lorenzo B. Hall, 264 4t)th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bowdoinham, Maine. Nat. Soldiers Home, Togus, Me. U. S. Custom House, Boston, Mass. Cohasset, Mass. Leominster, Mass. Centre Sandwich, N. H. N. C. S.— Unknown. Com.-Sergt., John B. Gibbs. Prin.-Mus., James W. Lewis. Prin.-Mus., Edward C. Carroll. ^:^v^^/^,./7^, /c^^ fS^r, c^ No S7 <;? ^^ James E. Brown, Wooster F. Dodge, Joseph (J. Eaton, William Putnam, Andrew Tisdale, George E. Tisdale, BAND. 7 Picket St., Marblehead, Maes. 124 Central St., Leominster, Mas.s. 611 Main St., Wakelield, Mass. 39 Cross St., Gardner, Mass. Leominster, Mass. 137 Central St., Leominster, Mass. BAND— Unknown. Hippolite P. Brothers, la^t .xidi-fen, x^y^^.^Ac^^^^^'^.'^^-'^-^ ^' ^"'^^^^'^ George B. Moody, lt*rt addrcas, Now Torfc-etty.-^^W >^- /fy. J'yd^t^^*^- o (i^ c^ COMPANY A. Sergt, William T. Damon, Sergt., James Myles, Corpl., Edward S. Daniels, Corpl , George W. Singer, Corpl., James A. Munroe, Corpl., Abner Blackburn, Mus., George W. Allen, Danvers, Mass. //2 A*X^^^.^^ ., Brooklyn, N. Y. 50 Spring St., Somerville, Mass. 50 Monument St., Charlestown, Mass. 6 Chester St., No. Cambridge, Mass. 23 Holbrook St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine, Thomas Archer, 25 2nd St., Woodside, Long Island, N. Y. George A. Bailey, Benjamin ¥. Baxter, George W. Conant, A John Donahu e , Kingston, Mass. Cypr ass ijt ., Brooklino , Mfttw . ISEllery St., Cambridge, Mass. 100 Cb B titnut Avo ., G a rdaor , Maee . William Emerson, Jacob A. Ferris, John R. Heywood, 1914 Pennsylvania Ave., Wash., D- C. Crest Ave , Winthrop, Mass- rear 305 Dudley St., Roxbury, Mass. 2 6 MuuUuu St., ObarlPBtown, Maoo i Martin Hogan, H.Jewell, ' y // 112Pacific Ave , Brooklyn, ? William Emerson W. Law, John Lynch, Samuel W. C. Stevens, Fergus B. Turner, William Washburn, Jr., John C. Withington, N. Y. 2 Nutting PI., Cambridge, Mass. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine. 761 Tremont St., Boston. 69 Grorbam Ave., Brook line, Mass. Sharon, Pa. 50tb Ave., Highland Pk , Los Angeles, California. CO., A — Unknown. Mus, Henry Mingle, last address, Philadelphia. us., John H. Whitt^,^UW, , ,-p /.' y Mus., John H. Whit John Brown, Michael Callahan ^^ x^^. ^r Charles j^. Cates, Samuel E. Day, last address, South Carolina Daniel L. Flagg, Luther H. C'^^'^^^.^^^-^^aZyA.U^^- Ac'^<-^^ Charles Green, D q Martin Harvey, Lysander K. Johnson Thomas Kelly ^ A^cL^^t/^^ ^/^3 cPt Jia^^^^ , . c^.^-l i t i i ii i Hn m o, DaBv i U crHh^ Samuel C. Wellock, 114 Cleveland St., Everett, Mass. William Wiley, Soldiers' Home, Yountsville, California. COMPANY C— Unknown William J. Bell, formerly in Reg. Army Lt. Battery, 1867.-,*-^y.y/' -^ Charles S. Brigham, Caleb Bryant, Robert B. Coblentz, ^^P^^/W-^^k^^ Ac^t^ , ^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^-^/^-^'^^^ , Isaac Cross, also in 11th Mass. Vols. Michael Cunningham, John Donahue, John Dorran^^^.^ S^^^^r^^A-^^ i^" V^^ ot /^^ '^/C ^^^^^^^^' Timothy Holland, last address, 39 Ellery St., So. Boston, 1901. Eben Horn, 7 / ^ / -/ James Kelley, formerly of Soldiers' Home.Togus, Me. Christian A. Landgreen, la ct addroG o, 35 So. H tres e l l St., BOslon, 18 89. Gordon P. Mclnnis, John McLaughlin, /^^ Samuel B. Reading, v^ A^ '';^^ -^ /^^^ ^ ' deorge W. Swain, la st a ddro oo y fi a? B a ot Bt ., S o. Doa toirrttm. C'ornelius L. Tilt/n, -^r^^ ^ ,t.^.^^^^ jf^-^ ■ ^^' ^ / <^ Leroy T. Tilt/n, Elijah Tuells, Uat a JdrfiRH, 66 Shawmut St., Chelsea, Mass. k- f James N. Waters, Benjamin White, Thomas F. Williams, COMPANY D. Sergt., Edward Riedel, Soldiers' Home, Yoiintsville, California. Sergt., Frank T. Palmer, 125 Es.sex St., Melrose, Mass. Sergt , Alfred Hocking, P. O., Melrose, Mass. Corpl., Albert G. Packer, Phoebus, Elizabeth City, Va. Corpl., Isaac P. Gragg, 26 Maple Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Mus , Charles W. Bardeen, 405 So. Franklin St., Syracuse, N. Y. John H. Baldwin, 21 Gayland St., Roxbury, Mass. George N. Bennett, Pierce City, Mo. William H. Benjamin, 183 Main St., Watertown, Mass. Charles W, Burlingame, 68 Winter St , Fitchburg, Mass. George H. Butler, 212 Union St., Providence, R. I. Zebedee M. Cushman, Kennebetk, .Maine. Frank H. Dove, 136 Bowdoin St., Dorchester, Mass. Charles H. Downes, 22 Sachem St., Revere, Mass. John W. P'airbanks, Charles A. Feyhl, Samuel A. Fillebrown, William J. Fleming, Joseph A. Foster, Parker Goodwin, Solomon H. Hutchinson, Joseph Kyle, James E. Mansur, Charles W. C. Rhoades, Charles M. Sampson, Nelson Taylor, William H. H. Whall, William P. Wilder. 2 Central Block, Westboro, Mass. 60 Pemberton Square, Boston. 15 Buckingham St., Somerville, Mass. 268 West 131st St., New York City. 7 Mather St., Dorchester, Mass. Austin, Minn. Needham, Mass. 910 Pine St., San Francisco, California. The Warren, Roxbury, Mass. U. S. Custom House, Boston. Antonito, Colorado. West Medford, Mass. 81 Bristol St., Boston. 169 Summer St., Fitchburg, Mass. COMPANY D. — Unknown. Sergt., John E. Hickey, last heard of out West, 1808. Mus., Joseph VV. Phillips, last known, Supt. Pottery Co., Ohio. Wag., George M. Jordan, last address with Ringling Bros. Circus. (Jeorge W. Abbott, Michael Barnes, Charles F. Batchelder. -^^ ^^JY^^ ^ /^^ . -^^^^ ^ ^C,./^. .^ -^4 ^t^ ^^/}^ John Brooks, real name, John Hornbrook, l-ast-a dttr g sa 200 IIbuij i Hi ., New York City. James A. Clark, l aat- ct ddrmitf, i juldicis' Il o m e , Togus, M ^. • Gridley B. Coburn, l aot addrocc , M u u lpo li e i, Vl ^^ ^^J JA^^f^^-c^^ tj^^-^^~ffr ^ William H. Donley, laU-adjice&s, No. Plymouth, Mass. ,^flk4, (2lc^: /"^-y/o ^ William R. Ford, -^AxJUH ClL^ctr ^y y o^ycr^t^^*^ ^ (^U^ Noves Gardner, Imt u d drrni. rharlr nl ii ini , H ii-f ^^^Aq^.M^^^^^^ ^^ c.^^h2.^o^^*-^<^- John Gilbert, George M. Haslam, also in 61st Mass. Vols. Alonzo Hodges, George E. Litchfield, jP/? < / / Joseph W. Parks, last address, 2815 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo., 1903. Preserved B. Phillips, -^X^^^ ^ ^V^J t^J^^Ji^o^^ f^^'^ Samuel Bassett, ^2.^ ^Cc^/ ^,-'iL^A«--^«- - '^' ^J^^^c^ lidward Carey, last address Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine James S. Clapp, also in llth Mass. Vols. Charles Clark, William H. Clark, ^/^^^^l^O'-^^.o^ (LlJL- ~ /^t^u,c<^ Cyj^u.Mj- Thomas Cumming's, Moses C. Emerson, was Lieut, in ;;7th u. S. C. T.>%<^:^r//^jL«i^i^^ Ihaj, Fritz Hatchky, .^Jl^ Ccic^t/f/ 1^'aJ^ /^c,..t..f~a. . . •.; .. -, -, llenjamin F. Willey. out West. COMPANY F. Sergt., William J. Loheed, .-^BS Main St., Everett. Mass. Sergt. William IL Foss, Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine. Corpl. Job Dobson, Ostervilie, Mass. Corpl Luke R. Laiidy, 8 Armandine St., Dorchester, Mass. Corpl James Armstrong^, 150 Smith St. Providence, R. I. Corpl Geors:e W. W. Foss, 34 Bennington St., Quincy Adams, Mass. Corpl. Samuel H. Morris, Yacht Club, B. H., Chelsea Bridge, Charlestown, Mass. Mus., Joseph E. Adams, ll Brickett Ave., Lowell, Mass. Francis B racket t, Cvr^'<7" *^ Corning, California. Elijah Ci. Drury, lohn A. Eac^an, llionias P. Frost, Edward G. Hall, Charles R. ITanimett, P.en iamin W. Jewell, [ames F. Kendall, John Kiley, Marion, Sims County, Iowa. Nat. Soldiers' Home, Danville, 111. 50 Eutaw St., r^awrence, Mass. 132 Lowell St., Peabody, Mass. 15 Lee St., Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. W. O. W. Building, Omaha. Neb. Concordville, Pa. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine. Charles H. Knox, 402 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. Warren L. Lord, 21 Guild St., Roxbury, Mass. Tames F. McKenzie, 398 Columbia Road, Dorchester, Mass. Edward O. Paul/, J>^ Sherborn, Mass. -^9^^. ^ /o?^ i' Toseph M. Pool, Nat. Soldiers' Home, Santa Monica, California. Eleazer Tandy, (7^ 4^ Providence, R. I. Charl-es L. Weymouth, "V^ insane Hospital, Worcester, Mass. COMPANY F. — Unknown. Mus., Georgfe W. Mingle, --ftx^ i?^. ''^^ c^ /^^^.^.^usifiJ^ ^. Tothan W. Clark, last address Chicago, 111. ifenrv B. Colson, - /i>r^^Z<.^,c^..^~ /4. A> William Crowley, Eiihraim H. Hall, l aot addrouc 1 8 i 8 No . 31 St., Oiualia rNeb., 190^. A\illiam A. Knig-hts, v^ 7 V • >/'' > Charles K. Liticoln, l aot a e l c LriLsa New Orleans, La., ISOt. (^^^^Xi^ /-^t^-e-*^ '2.3/aj- Uy George H. MilkM7<./ti^/-^ ^^T^^cJz/^'^M:^^^^ . ^*^r^, r'-:^^//*^ /octroi --d^-c-^ /to:^ ''^j- ^ V/WutA^cr^.^^^ Icce--^. Tames Nelson, -A^Ki^ct ^^'^*^ ^j^ ^^^ ^v-a^^.^ ^ /^^t^-^c^^ lames A. Norwood, last address 11 Blossom St., Boston. lames H. Prmce. Mace . Corpl., William H. Hous^hton, Mus., Georsre T. DeiBing-, also in nth Mass. Vols. Watj., James Elms, Tohn A. Boole. /hl^J/^J^ ^^^ ^ ^oM^-*^ . k*^>^, Henry I. Bowers, Wyman P. Burnham, j -^ jjj /i Michael Carliri', Tames P. C^s^€,\,JzlcL^'^^/^^'''^^'^^^ "^Peter Clautie, . Tohn A. Forbes, /7 t ^ Charles G. Fuller, ---^>iiL^ A^ 7^-7 ^/^>«x;^-V<^, '^*/7' Stephen R. Garland, James F. Gifford, last address 7 Roxbury St., Roxbury, Mass. Charles H. Goodwin, --■*<^ti2-«^ ^-^^^^^ "'^^j <>^ >^Zi.<^,!i^ 2'^*-eL^^- William W. Graves, \ James E. Gribben, -^ci"^ -'T^ , /^/ c^tX/AJia^^^^^^^ At ft, Walter I. Hines, ^ 6j~' Daniel K. Hobart, A^^-^ ^^-^^.^Oy^/ Joseph F. Holt, John F. Hooper, /. n /} y rhomas Lathrop, l a&t ftddi'oaa Waltbam, Ma ss -^ - -' /^ - - - -v.y / Elihu Madden, ^ . Cornelius McCarty, last known at So. End, Boston. yy Joseph W. Pierce, James Roswell, /i / ^^ Z' •? ? Charles T. Russell, last address Cambridgeport, Mass. ^ ^_, Edward Sears, ^^ ^^t-^^^-^^<<^ Geor.sre G. Spear, Ci ^'fo~<4i.,<,^y7rv^ r X^"?JZ-^ . <-c^ S^^ Ac^hJC^ o.^^ Thomas Wilkinson. COMPANY H. Ser^t., James R. Gerrish, 18 Tremont St., Room 124, Boston. Corpl., Georg-e O. Jewett, 81 Blossom St., Chelsea, Mass. Corpl., Georg^e B. Miller, 13 Winston St., Worcester, Mass. Corpl., Charles A. Lord, 21 Wait St., Maplewood, Mass. Corpl., Henry Wilson, Ames, Iowa. Corpl., William D. Grover, ^9 Heard St., Chelsea, Mass. Wa?., Charles H. Chaffee, 28 Pond St., j.yn.n, Mass. Ezra A. Ratchelder, 162 Vine St., Everett, Mass. Georsfe W. Campbell, 7 Fowler St., Dorchester, Mass. Oliver C. Cooper, Dundee, Yates County, New York. Charles S Rverdeen 105 Bradstreet Ave., Beachmont, Mass. Wilbur F. Everdeen, 159 Bloomingdale St., Chelsea, Mass. Charles O. Fellows, 1? n08 M'est /Jth St., New York City. William Grantman, 118 chestnut St., Chelsea, Mass. Amaziah Grover, 33 Woodlawn St., Everett, Mass. Fitzroy Grover, Police Station, Chelsea, Mass. William C. Hallgreeii', Framingham, Mass. Edward F. Hassatt, Westdale, Mass. Leverett D. Holden, City Hall, Maiden, Mass. Nathaniel E. Mason. Soldiers' Home, Togus, Maine. Francis O. Moody, 95 Upham St., Maiden, Mass. Georg:e H. Sands, P. O. Box 436, Mansfield, Mass. William W. Smith, Vineyard Haven, Mass. William R. Souther, P. O. Box 73, Ipswich, N. H. Daniel H. Spofford, Amesbury Road, Haverhill, Mass. Geor.s^e L. Stoddard, 447 Washington Ave., Chelsea, Mass. John Q. A. Toppan, Miiton, N. H. William A. P. Totten, Rock Island Arsenal, 111. Abner G. Whitaker, 242 Ivierriam Ave., Leominster, Mass. COMPANY H.- Unknown. Mus., Horatio N. Williams, Benianiin Blanchard. l aot add>^ Soldiers' riome, Cheslea, Mass., 1897. William E. Bridges, William G. Ciishin.g, A^U .<5-e«.. y^-^ c^ ^k^j^c^^^^^ ^ ^'^'*-^'^^. Thomas Doneg^an, last address 8 Hooten Ct., East Boston. Nathaniel P. Emerson, wuui," Lu Wtil luaitiL.. ^p / / Thomas Florence, Gcoi /jv-a-d^^ Charles A. Jackson, Ift ot addrcoo 070 Wcot 111 St ., New York City. John A. Luke, la at t w idrooo 19 Bvulyn at., Matlapanj^ass . ■ William Morgan, last address care B. & A. R. R., AUston, Mass. Edward M. Peabody, Calvin Perkins, ; / i /) /) T Tames H Savijle, '. (T ^^^^J^if^, ^.x^-X^ ''^'^^'-^'^'^'■-^'^ ^ Corpl. William F. Durloo, <^ /f^o-Cij.^rru^ , 2^^-,^,^, Corpl. John E. Granf; l a a t nddra^ia 10 Elleij St., Sc r BuBtrni. Corpl. Charles D>iil.njUt, ^^>^ ^^Vk:^^^^^ U..^^, Corpl. Alexander Qr2.xi\.,Arj^ k^^^^/^^- ^Jc<^,jfi,^^^;^^ ATiis. John McCabe, last ariflrpsc Donvc/, Ool. Mus., John J. Priest, x.'vU. '^^. '/^z 1 11 ram Bacon, John Barton, Jacob Bohnant, also in nth Mass. Vols. -^M. - A^VT '*^/^o i>tlA^^^*-^^'^^^ f ^^^^-^^ Gardner A. Kimball, 1st Lt. U. S. C. T., la st addroco S oldioi'o' Ilomo, ^^^^T"^ f GUolCKJu, Masb. 1890t Isaac Lang:land,<.v. California. 1 homas Livermore, ^H^ha-^gH g-iTlt^iftrf' Hnmn, Tng"». M" , Apr". IQQft. Mark Lynch, Eucjene McClare, M-a^eA^ 7kJL ^y^^ ,^ ^^fo^aJuJ^'^<-<^ ^ ^Q, ^ James McGuire, <:ftJLU^9^c.<-<'^e. ^J~c^ ^T^^Vr:--^^ -- ^ J. Nelson W. Mclntire, last address EmiJ-.<^*..'<^'~<^<^ /f' ^ John T. Mm\)hy,'~^'^-^^'^^^^'^/^ c^ ip c^-cA^-Ji^'d^ ^ /-U.4--U^ '^VilHam A. M. Nerland, formerly Capt. U. S. C. T. Micajah Newhall,.^^2a^ ^u^^- /(ri ci:t-jfi^.^jtxJ cx^^*-A.-t*^ r /^^ William A. M. Miles, ^ ^ /f^TLt'o^^^ . ^i-o^ w ~/!hM_ Oc^ ^^A^ jeorsfe A. Payne, ^/i-(k^tj(r'^4*^C~'t^^:<^^ < U^^-^y Robert W. Peterson, l aet ad rl rpss ino nhannnfty St . , RoHton, 1901 . Herbert Rooney, ' jfnnbargni frnm^nldiarB' RnmC^ hflU"'^, Ma«w.^-4^Q Maynard Russell, — -^S^c^-^^^^-v^x^-j^^^^l^^^x.t^v^ , '^^^.^j-tt^ ^ ■ William B. Ruth. „,.; .,,..^ .. Delancey Starr, ^ , (y a ' John Sweeney, Augustine Towle, 4a«t,a4dm »» O J il i Mu i ia, Cal. '^ 'b (^a t naditas 8 3 Vafeutmn S H ., Roxbury, Mass. George G. Fuller,^ %^^t.^,,^/^>.c^/Z^ -;^^t4.M2^ Joseph Garbel, r / j i/- / ^ cJiu^ . ^^"^ ^f-^ ^^"^ x/ iam H. Weptworth, ^ , 2 fe-/ _^ J. ^kjxLu^^ ■ ^"^^ 7y ^^^^ / y