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CHICAGO: DONOHUE & HeNNEBERRY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1888. ■^ 7 SO V R E F ACE. IN presenting the history of Eeaver county to its pati'ons, a few state- ments are here sul)mitte(l, that may enable the I'eader to judge more intelligently of the work as a whole. 1. Those who were the prime movers in the settlement of the county having all paid the linal debt of mortality, and in rare instances, only, left any record of the acts of their lifetime, great difficulty was experienced in obtaining such information as would justly celebrate their merits. The neglect to preserve the eai'ly newspapers, the great conservators of local history and jiublic morals, has been keenly felt. True, tlie kind generosity of Daniel Reisingei', of Beaver, has put at the command of tiie general iiistorian of the work, the l)roken files of the Bcaivr Aiyns from 1827, tiirough the period of the Civil War. For the courtesy thus sliown, the value of wiiich will be manifested in the following pages, the publishers are authorized to extend to Mr. Reisinger, with their hearty endorsement, tiie earnest thanks of the general historian. 2. The history of tb.e county, eml)i'acing the subject matter from Chapter I to XXV, inclusive, except Chapter II, was prepared by Prof. J. Fraise Eichard, aided in some of the work by liis son. Levy •S. Richard. Chapter II was prepared by Maj. Thomas Henry, of Fallston. The intention has been to preserve, as far as possible, the facts of local history, and to give, whenever possible, the names of the leaders in all general movements, with the dates of the transactions, which will make the work valuable for reference purposes. IV PRKFACK. 3. Tlie hiogi-aphical sketches were prepared chiefly from notes collected by the solicitors, and a copy of each biograpliy was mailed to the subject, or his immediate representative, for correction, before printing. They have lieen arranged alphabetic;) Ih' under the respect- ive divisions of the county, in the latter part of tlie volume. This arrangement has been adopteil as the best means of affortling conven- ience of reference, and relieving the narrative portion of tedious digres- sion. The large number of these sketches has necessitated as brief treatment as the circumstances would warrant, and no pains liave been spared to make accurate this department, which will increase in value and interest with the lapse of years. 4. The publishers are desired to acknowledge tlie favors and kind cooperation of the following : The press of the county, the county officials and their assistants ; Hon. Daniel Agnew, whose recollection of the early members of the bar, as well as of otlier inipiniaiit matters fast fading out, was invaluable; Hons. M. S. Qua}^ W. S. Shallen- berger, and Oscai' L. Jackson, all of whom rendered special aid ; Dr. John C. Levis, Rev. W. G. Taylor, Frank S. Eeader, Jolm M. Buchanan, Jacob Weyand, Michael Weyand, Samuel B. Wilson, liobert Harsha, Ira F. Mansfield and John M. Scott, who gave special aid by furnishing valuable books, papers aiul memoranda ; Dr. W. H. Egle, State librarian; the pastors and leading officials of various churches in the county; the recording and presiding officers of various societies, and, in a word, to ail who have, in any manner, conti'ibuted to tlie furtherance of the enterjn'ise. ThK PlTBMSUEKS. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introductory. —ITirst Settlers Alonjf the Delaware— Williaiu Penn— His Early Dilli- culties—DissiMisidiis in the Colony— Penn's Second Visit tn tin- Province— Accession of Governiii- Kcitli — French and Indian War- I'ninklinV Mission to England— The BoundarN I.ini- StniLinle for Indepen- dence— Cnnvi-ntion of nsT— C'onstitntion of 1790— Wliiskv 1 iisurrectiou— Stone Coal — Conveuticm (.1 is:j7— Pennsylvania in the Warof till- lielR'llion _.. 11-511 CHAPTER I— PnvsiCAi, Features.— Lo- cation — Boundaries-Drainage— Raccoon and Lake— View of the County by Town- ships — Geological Features — Climate — Vegetation t)0-«6 CHAPTERII.— Early Struggles of the Ohio and Big Beaver REf;iONS.~Map of 1731— Indians of the Ohio Valley -The Walking Purchase— Early Indian Names —The French Claim to the (_>hio Valley — The Claim of the English— The Ohi' I!enraTEI!X\1 II. -KoiHEsTER Borough. — Location -- Railroad Facilities — Early Names-Harris' r)eseri|ition of P'airport- Im-ornoi-ation — Busines.s in 1841— Boat Ituildiiiu- Early Citizens- Manufacturing and Business -•Vetivity— Hotels— Banks- lias Companies — Cemeteries — Orphans' Home— Public Schools- Borough OHicials —Postmasters— Churches— Societies.. . .47fi-5U2 CH-\PTEB XIX. — Bridgewater Bor- ough. — Location — Origin of Sharon - Maior Kohert Darragh — Aaron Uurr's lioat Building -Sharon in 1837— In 1841 — Incori-ioration of Bridgewater — La.ving Out of tlie Town— Beaver Pouit— Bridge- water in 1841— Manufacturers - Hotels— Schools— Societies— Churches .503-513 CHAPTER XX. — PHiLLii'.siiURG Bou- OUGH.— Location— Site Sold to Count de Leon -Named New Philadcipliia -Disso- lution of the Society- Incnrporafion — llusiness Condition in 1841 Soldiers' Or- phan ScluJol- Manufactures — Societies — Churches — Schools- Postmjisters — Popu- lation 514-525 p.\(;e. cll.VI"ri)U .V.XI. BoRuuGHSoK Freedom, ST- Clair -vnd Baden.— Frtri/niyi— Loca- tion— Founding of the Town— Boat Build- ing — Tncoriioration — Condition in 1841— Present Business Interest's- Postma.stei-s — Education — Societies — Churches — .S7. Clair -Location — Incorporation - -Postof- flce — Church — Baden — Lf)cation— Desta'ip- tion—Postofflce— School and Churches , 526-533 CHAPTER XXII.— Boroughs of Dar- lington AND Glasgow.— /)ar(iny(im— Location--Settlement— Laying out ot the Town Derivalionof Name llusiness In- terests-Incorporation I'ostotlice and Postmasters Oreersburg Acailemy- So- cietit-s -Churches (ila.-80 CONTltNTS. Vll ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTIiAlTS. 1M(!F. ' Aguew, Daniel +"> Bradfoni, B. R li^Jil Buchanan, John M 2811 I Buchanan, Joseph K H!) Chamberlin, B. B 10!) • Cooper, H 399 ' Cunningham, J. H 379 Dravo, John F 379 Elder, Matthew 36!) Emerson, J. E 33!) Kry,H. C 429 fMlliland, William, Sr 469 Harbison, Robert 479 Harrah, J. R 389 ■ Harrold, Simon 571 ' Hartman, H W 329 Henry, William 309 hetchie, Tobias 499 Hice, Henry 16!) Hoopes, Edward 139 Hurst, A. C 349 ■ Jolly, A. J 359 ■Jolly,A.M sm .Tolly, J. K .opposite 604 Keitl'er, Jacob 489 219 M)9 409 PAGE. ' Lacock, Abner. ... - Lacock, A, P ' Lawrence, Milton 'Littell, J. S • Mansfield, I. F - Marks, James 41!) ^ Marijuis, D. S ..439 ■ Myer.s,H. M 249 Nicholson, Thomas 189 ' Quay, M. S 119 Reeves, H.T 139 ■-Rose, Walter A 459 '•Scott, John .339 Shall. iih.-i-er.W. S 369 Speiui', Ivhvard 517 Stuwe, Edwin H 179 ■- Strobridge, Turner 44!) ' Taylor, W. G 299 '- Thomson, A. R 19!) Townsend, R 31!) Wallace, Joseph 2m ' Whan, Wiliiam opposite 5SS Wilson, S. li 6:i ■- Wisener Mark, Sr i>fi3 MISOELLANEOirs. Outline Map of Beaver County 9 View of Fort Mcintosh 82 ROC K \PO I N T P.O. $POE P.O. \ ( V o ■^r oO^L''^^ '^'^...o 18ft (I .mTRODUCTORY. FiEST Setti.ers aloni; the Dei.awake — William Penn — IIis Eakly DiFFicuLTiES — Dissensions in the Colony — Penn's Second Visit TO the Province — Accession of Goveknok Keith — French and Indian Wak — Feanklin's Mission to England — The Boundaev LiNE — Struggle for Independence — Convention of 1787 ^Con- stitution OF 1790 — Whisky Insurrection — Stone Coal — Con- vention of 1837 — Pennsylvania in the Wae of the Eebellion. THE region •which is now known as Pennsylvania Avas, prior to the coming of Europeans, a vast forest, inhabited by its native Indians. The uncertain traditions which tliese people have preserved of them- selves have often been recorded, and tlieir sad history since the advent of the wliite man, who practically assumed that the}' liad no rights which Christians were l)ound to respect, is well known. Early in the seventeentli century the region watered by the Dela- ware river was visitetl b\' Dutch traders. Such was their success that posts were established and trade was kept up during some years. They did 7iot seek to establish colonies for the cultivation of the soil, but limited themselves to the profitable exchange of commodities with the natives. They were followed by the Swedes, who established settlements along the river, and brought hither the habits of industry and thrift in which they had been reared at home. Between the Swedes and the Dutch arose conflicts of authority and hostilities which finally resulted in the subjugation of the former. Tiie Dutch were in turn dispossessed by the diplomacy and arms of the aggressive English, who became masters of tlie territory along the Delaware in 1664. William Penn became a trustee, and finally a part owner, of West jSTew Jersey, which was colonized by Quakers in 1675. To his father, Admiral Penn, was due, at his death, the sum of sixteen thousand pounds, for services rendered the English government. The son petitioned to Charles II. to grant him, in licjuidatiou of this debt, a 3 o 12 HISTOKY OK HEAVKK COUNTY. tract of land in Aiiicfica, lyiiiy iiortli of Maryland, bouiuled east by the Delaware river, on the west limited as Maryland, and nortlnvaril to extend as far as i)lantal)le. The eliarter of King Charles II. was dated A])im1 2, It'iSl, and other grants to lands sonth from the territoi'v originally conveyed were })ro- cured in ItiSi. Not being in readiness to go to hisi>rovince during the first year, he dispatched three ship-loads of settlers, and with them sent his cousin, "William Markhani, to take formal possession of the country' and act as de]iuty-governor. It is hardly necessary to say that these settlers were of the then pi'oscribed sect of Quakers. Having made the necessary preparations and settled his affairs in England, Penn embarked on the shij) "Welcome," in August, 1(182, in company with a hundred planters, and set his prow toward the new world. He arrived at New Castle in October, and on the site of Phil- adelphia in November of that year. The arrival of Markham and Penn, with their colonists, on the west bank of the Delawai'e was the inauguration of a new regime there; that of the people who had never before enjoyed such a measure of self government. By reason of ignorance of the geography of this country the language of royal grants was often ambiguous, and sometimes the descriptions covered tei'ritory that had been pi'eviously granted. Conflicts of claims then arose that were sometimes ditiicult of settle- ment. Soon after his arrival Penn learned of such a conflict in the claims of himself and Lord Baltimore, ami he visited the latter to adjust the matter if possible. In this he was not successful. Subse- quent attempts to negotiate also failed, and finally Penn proposed to pay Lord Baltimore for territory which he had already jnirchased from the crown. This Lord Baltimore refused, and soon afterward made forcible entry on the lands claimed, and drove off those who had ])ur- chased from Penn. The latter also learned that secret and ex-parte representations of the case had been made to the lords of the com- mittee of plantations in England, and he decided to return and defend his imperiled interests. He accordingly empowered the provincial council, of. which Thomas Lloyd was |)resident, to act in his stead; commissioned Nicholas Moore, Wilham Welch, William Wood, Kobert Turner and John Eckley provincial judges for two years; appointed Thomas Lloyd, James Claypole and Robert Turner to sign land patents and warrants, and William Clark as justice of the peace for all the counties, and on PENNSYLVANIA. 13 the fith of June, liiS-t, sailed fur Englaiul, u'here his efforts were suc- cessful, though the houn(hii-y Hue was not definitely fixed till 176(3. In his absence the affairs of his province exhibitetl the great need of his strong guiding hand to check abuses and direct the course of legislation in ])r()iier channels. lie had labored to ])lace the government in the fjands of the ]ieople, an idea most attractive in the alistract, and one which, were the entire ]io]iulati(>n wise and just, would result fortunately; yet, in practice, he found to his sorrow the results most vexatious. The pro- prietor had not long been g(jne before troubles arose between the two houses of the legislature relative to promulgating the laws as not being in accordance with the reijuirements of the charter. Nicholas Moore» the cliief justice, was impeached for irregularities in im[)osing fines and in other ways abusing his high trust. But though formally arraigned and directed to desist from exercising his functions, he successfully resisted the proceedings, and a final judgment was never obtained. Patrick Robinson, clerk of the court, for refusing to produce the records in the trial of Moore, was voted a jniblic enemy. These troubles in the government were the occasion of much grief to Penn, who wrote, naming a number of the most influential men in the colony, and beseeching them to unite in an endeavor to check further irregularities, declaring that they disgraced the province, "that their conduct had struck Imck hundreds, and was ten thousand jiounds out of his way, and one hundred thousand pounds out of the counti'v." In the latter part of the year 168G, seeing that the whole council was too unwieldy a body to exercise executive power, Penn determined to contract the nunilter, and accordingly appointed Thomas Lloyd, Nicholas Moore, James Clay pole, Robert Turner and John Eckley, any three of whom should constitute a quorum, to be commissioners of state to act for the proprietor. In place of Moore and Claypole, Arthur Cook and Jolm Simcock were ajijiointed. They were to com- pel the attendance of the council; see that tlie two houses admit of no parley; to abrogate all laws except the fundamentals; to dismiss the assembly and call anew one; and finally he solemnly admonishes them: "Be most just, as in the sight of the all-seeing, all-searching God." In a letter to these commissioners, he says : " Three things occur to me eminently: First that you be watchful that none abuse the king, etc.; secondly, that you get the custom act revived as being the equalest and least offensive way to support the government ; thirdly, that you retrieve the dignity of courts and sessions." 14 HISTOHY OF BEAVKK COIXTV. Thomas Lloyd acted as president of tlie council aftci' the depai'- ture of Tenn. At his own recjuest he was relieved, and Samuel Car- penter was appointed in his jilace, with Thomas Ellis as alternate. July 27, 1688, Fenn commissioned Jt>hn Tjlackwell, who was at that time in New England, and who possessed his esteem and con- fidence, to l)e lieutenant-governor. With the commission, the proprietor sent full instructions, chiefly by way of caution, the last one being: "Rule the meek meekly ; and those that will not be ruled, rule with authority." Though Lloyd had been relieved of power, he still remained in the council, probably because neithei' of the persons designated was willing to serve. ILiving seen the evils of a many-headed executive, he had recommended the appointment of one person to exercise executive authority. It was in conformity with this advice that Blackwell was appointed. He met the assembly in March, 1689; but either his conceptions of business were arbitrary and imperious, or the assembly had become accustomed to great latitude and lax discipline; for the business had not proceeded far before the several branches of the government were at variance. Lloyd refused to give up the great seal, alleging that it had been given liim for life. The governor, arbitrarily and without warrant of law, impi'isoned officers of high rank, denied the validity of all laws passed by the assembly previous to his administration, and set on foot a pro- ject for organizing and equipping the militia, under the plea of threatened hostility of France. The assembly atteni])ted to arrest his ju'oceedings, but he shrewdly evaded |heir intents i)y organizing a party among the memljers, who persistently absented themselves. His reign was short, for in Jannaiy, IGOO, he left the colony and sailed away for England, whereupon the government again devolved upon the council, Thomas Lloyd, president. Penn had a high estimation of the talents and integrity of Blackwell, and adds, '" He is in England and Ireland of great repute for ability, integrity and virtue." Penn's favor at court during the reign of James II. caused him to be susi)ected of disloyalty to the government when "William and Mary had come to the throne. He was three times arraigned before the lords of the council, but^ was each time acquitted. He organized a large })arty of settlers for his colony, but a great accusation comj)eIk'd him to abandon the vo^'age, and induced him to go into i-etirement for two or three years. His personal grievances in England were the least which he suf- fered. For lack of guiding influence, bitter dissensions had sprung up I'K.NNSYLVANIA. ^'^ in his colony, wlm-h threatened thelnss of all Desinng to secure peace he had commissioned Thomas Lloyd, deputy-governor ot the province, and William ^[arkham, deputy-governor of the lower counties. Penns o-rief on account of tliis division is disclosed m a letter to a friend in the province : " I left it to them to choose either the govern- ment of the council, five commissi..ners or a deputy. What could be tenderer « Now I perceive Thomas Llovd is chosen by the three upper, but not the three lower counties, and sitsdnwn with tliis broken choice This has grieved and wounded me and mine, I fear to the hazard ot all! - * * for else the governor of New York IS like to have all, if he has it not already." , . But the troul)lesof Penn in America were not conhned to civU affairs His religious society Avas torn with dissension. George Keith, a man of considerable power in argumentation, but of over-weaning self-conceit, attacked the Friends for the laxity of their discipline, and drew off some followers. So venomous did he liecome that on the tOth of April, leen a, soldier, he knew nothing of the crooked ways of professed i)oliticians, and must I'ely on a straightforward manner of transacting tiie duties devolving upon him. George 1. died in June, 1727, and the assembly at its meeting in October prepared and forwarded a congratulatory address to his successor. George II. By the decision of the court in chancery in 1727, Hannah Penn's authoritv over the colony was at an end. the ]n-oprietary interest having descended to John, IJichard and Thomas Penn, the only sur- viving^ sons of William Penn, Sr. This period, from the death of Penn°in 1718, to 1727, one of the most prosperous in the history of the colony, was familiarly known as the " Reign of Hannah and theP.oys." In 17.32 Thomas Penn, the youngest son, and two years later, John Penn, the eldest, and the only American born, arrived in the ])rovince, and were received with every mark of respect and satisfaction. 8oon after the arrival of the latter, news was brought that Lord Baltimore had made application to have the provinces transferred to his colony. A vigorous ju-otest was nuide against this by Quakers m England, headed bv Itichard Penn; but lest this protest might prove inetfectual, John Penn very soon went to England to defend the proprietary rights at court, and never again rctui-ned, he having died a bachelor in 1716. In Amnist, r7S(i, Governor (iordou died, deejdy lamented as an honest, uprigld. and straightforwaril executive, a character which he expressed the hope he would be able to maintain when he assumed authority. His term had been one of prosperity, and the colony had grown rap- idly in nundjers, trade, commerce and nuinufactures, ship-buildmg especially having assumed extensive proportions. James Logan was president of the council, and in effect governor during the two years which elapsed between the death of Goi'doii ami the arrival of his successor. During this period troubles broke out on the Maryland border, west of the Sus(iuehanna. The idity of movement forestall ample preparation. But Braddock had but one way of soldiering, and where roads did not exist for wagons he stopped to fell theforest and con- struct bridges over streams. The French, who were kej)t ad vised of every movement, made ample preparations to receive him. In the meantime Washington fell sick ; but intent on being up for the battle, he hastened forward as soon as sufficiently recovered, and only joined the army on the day before the fatal engagement. He had never seen much of the pomp and circumstance of war. and, when on the morning of the 9th of July, the army of Braddock marched on across the Monongahela, I'ENNSVLVANIA. 25 with ""iv colors Hvino- aiid iiiartiaJ music awakcniiiii' the echoes of the forest, he was accustomed in after years to speak of it as the "most mag-niticent spectacle" that he had ever beheld. But the gay pageant was destined to be of short duration; for the army had only marched a little distance before it fell into an ambuscade skillfully laid liy tlie French and Indians, and the forest resounded with the uneai-thly whoop of the Indians, and the continuous roar of musketry. The advance was checked and thrown into confusion by the French from their \v('ll-chosen position, and every tree upon the flanks of the long di'awn out line concealed a murderous foe, who with unerring aini jiicked off the officers. A resolute defense was made and the Ijattle raged witli great fury for three houi-s ; but the fire of the English was ineffectual because directed against an invisible foe. Finally, the mounted officers having all fallen, killed or wounded, except "Washing- ton, the survivors, heini;- left without leadei's, were seized with a ]»aiiic, and " they ran," says Washington, " before the French and Indians like sheep before dogs." Governor MoriMs made an earnest apjieiil to the assemblv for money to ward off the impending enemy and protect the settlei's, in response to which the assembly voted £50,000; Init having no exemp- tion of the proi)rietor's estates, it was rejected by the governoi-, in accordance with his original instructions. Expeditions undertaken against Nova Scoti;i and at Crown Point were more fortunate than that before Du Quesne, and the assembly voted £15,000 in Ijills of credit to aid in defraying the expense. The proprietors sent £5,0U0 as a gratuity, not as any part of expense that could of right be claimed of them. In this pressing emergency, while the governor and assembly were waging a fruitless war of words over mone\^ bills, the pen of Franklin was busy in infusing a wholesome sentiment in the minds of the people. In a pamiihlet that he issued, which he put in the familiar form of a dialogue, he answered the objectirms whicli had l)een urged to a legalized militia, and willing to show his tievotion by deeds as well as words, he accepted the command upon the frontier. Bv his exertions a respectable force was raised, and, though in the dead of winter, he commenced the erection of a line of forts and block-houses along the whole range of the Kittatinny hills, from the Delaware to the Potomac, and had them comj)leted and gari'isoned with a bodv sufficient to withstand any foi'ce not provided with artillery. In the spring he turned over the commanil to Col. Clapham, and returning ta 26 IIISTOIiV OF BEAVER COINTV. Pliihi(k']pliia took his seat in the assembly. Tlie governor now dechired war against the Indians, who had established their head- quarters thirty miles above Harris' Ferry, on the Susquehanna, and were bus\' in their work of robbery and devastation, having secured the greater portion of the crops of the previous season of the settlers whom they had killed or driven out. The peace party strongly objected to the course of the governor, and voluntarily going among the Indians induced them to bury the hatchet. The assembly which met in May, 1756, prepared a bill with the old clause for taxing the proprietors, as any other citizens, which the governor was forbidden to approve by his instructions, " and the two parties were sharpening their wits for another wrangle over it," when Governor Morris was superseded by William Denny, who ai'rived in the colon}- and assumed authority on the 2()th of August, 1750. He was joyfulh' and cordially received, escorted through the streets by the regiments of I'ranklin and Duclu", and royally feasted at the State House. But the promise of efficient legislation was broken by an exhibi- tion of the new governor's instructions, which provided that every bill for the emission of money must place the proceeds at the joint disposal of the governor and assembly ; paper currency could not be issued in excess of £'40,OuO, nor could existing issues be confirmed unless pro- prietary rents were jmid in sterling money ; proprietary lands were permitted to be taxed which had been actually' leased, provided that the taxes were paid out of the rents, but the tax could not become a lien upon the land. In the first assembly, the contention became as acrimonious as ever. The finances of the colon}', on account of the rejieated failures of the money bills, were in a deplorable condition. Military operations could not be carried on, and vigorous campaigns prosecuted, without ready money. According!}', in the first meeting of the assembly after the arrival of the new governor, a bill was passed levying £100,000 on all property alike, real and personal, private and j)roprie- tarv. This Governor Denny vetoed. Seeing that money must be liad, the assembly finally passed a bill exempting the proprietary estates, but deternined to lay their grievances before the crown. To this end, two commissioners were appointed, Isaac Norris and Benja- min Franklin, to jiroceed to England and beg the interference of the royal government in their behalf. Failing health and business engage- ments of Norris ])revented his acce])tance, and Franklin proceeded idone. He had so often defended the assembly in public, and in draw- ing remonstrances, that tlie whole subject was at his fingers' ends. A3BM1SR ILACCOCUSo r^ PENNSYLVANIA. 29 Fraiikiin, upon Ids arrival in En^'laiul, presented the grievances before the |)i'oprietors, and, that lie might get his case before the royal advisers and tlie Britisli pid)lic, wrote frequent articles for the press, and issued a pamphlet entitled " Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania." The dispute was adroitly man aged by Franklin before the privy council, and was finally decided substantially in the interest of the assembly. It was provided that the proprietors' estates should be taxed, but that their located unculti- vated lands should be assessed as low as the lowest uncultivated lands of the settlers; that bills issued by the assembly should be receiv- able in payment of quit-rents, and that the deputy governor should have a voice in disposing of the revenues. Thus was a vexed question of long standing finally put to rest. So successfully had Franklin managed this controversy that the colonies of Massachusetts, Mary- land and Georgia appointed him their agent in England. In October, 1759, James Hamilton was again appointed governor, in place of Governor Denny, who had by stress of circumstances tran- scended his instructions. The British government, considering that the colonies had borne more than their pro]iortionate expense in carry- ing on the war against tlie French and Indians, voted £200,000 for five years, to be divided among the colonies, the share falling to Penn- sylvania l)eing £2fi,000. The boumlary line between Alarvland and Pennsylvania had lono- been in dispute, and had occasioned serious disturbances among the set- tlers in the lifetime of Penn, and repeatedly since. It was not definitely settled until 1760, when a beginning was made of a final adjustment, though so intricate were the conditions that the work was prosecuted for seven years by a large force of surveyoi's, as men and pioneers. Finally, the proprietors, Thomas and Richard Penn, and Frederick, Lord Baltimore, entered into an agreement for the execut- ing of the survey, and John Lukens and Archibald McLean on the part of the Penns, and Thomas Garnett and Jonathan Hall on the part of Lord Baltimore, were appointed with a suitable corps of assistants to lay off the lines. After these surveyors had been three years at work, the proprietors in England, thinking that there was not enough energy and pr'actical and scientific knowledge manifested by these sur- veyors, appointed Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, two mathema- ticians and surveyors, to proceed to America to take charge of the work. They brought with them the most perfect and best constructed instruments known to science, arriving in Philadelphia on the 15th of 3 30 HISTOKV OF BKAVKK COUNTY. November, 1763, and, assisted by some of the old survej'ors, entered upon their work. I)}' the -ith of June, 1760, they had I'eached tlie sunnnil of the Little Allegheny, when the Indians began to be trouble- some. They looked with an evil eye on the mathematical and astro- nomical instruments, and felt a secret dread and fear of the conse- <|uences of the frequent and long-continued jjeering into the heavens. The Six Kations were understood to be inimical to the further progi'ess of the survey. But thrtnigh the influence of Sir AVilliam Johnson a treaty was concluded, ])ruviding foi' the prosecution of the work unmolested, and a numbei- of chieftains was sent to accompany the surveying jjaity. IMason and Dixon now had with them thirty surveyors, fifteen axnien, and fifteen Indians of consequence. Again the attitude of the Indians gave cause of fear, and, on the 29th of September, twenty-six of the surveyors abandoned the expedition and returned to Philadelphia. Having reached a point two hundred and twenty-four miles from the Delaware, and within thirty-six miles of the western limit of the state, in the bottom of a dee]), dark valley they came upon a well-worn Indian path, and here the Indians gave notice that it was the will of the Six Nations that this survey proceed no further. There was no questioning this authority, and no means at command for resisting, and accordingly the party broke up and returned to Philadelj)liia. And this was the end of the labors of Mason and Dixon upon this l)i)undar}\ The line was marked by stones which were (juarried and engraved in England, on one side having the arms of Penn, and on the opposite those of Lord Paltimore. These stones were tirndy set every five miles. At the end of each intermed- iate mile a smaller stone was placed, having on one sid*; engraved the letter P., and on the opposite the letter M. The remainder of the line was finished and marked in 1782-84: by other surveyors. A vista was cut through the forest eight yards in width the whole distance. In 1819 the stone at the northeast corner of Maryland having been removed, a re-survey of the line was ordered, and surveyors were appointed by the three states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Mary- land, who called to their aid James D. Graham. Some few errors were discovered in the old survey, but in the main it was found to be accurate. John Penn, one son of Richard, and grandson of the founder, had come to the colon}' in 1753, and having acted as presitlent of the cuncil,"was, in 1763, commissioned governor in place of Hamilton. A ditfercncc havinc,' arisen between the o-nvernoi- and assemblv on PENNSY LVAXI A . 3 L the vexed question ut' levying- money, tlie asseiuljly passed a series of I'esolutions advocating tliat tlie " ]io\vers of government ought to be sepai'ated from the ]io\ver attending the immense proprietary property, and lodged in the hands of the king." After an interval of fifty days — that time for reflection and discussion might be given — the assembly again convened, and adopted a petition praying the king to assume the direct government of the province, though this policy was strongly opposed by some of the ablest members, as Isaac Norris and Jolm Dickinson. The Quaker element was generally in favor of the change. The great struggle for the independence of the colonies of the British crown was now close at hand, and the first sounds of the con- troversy were beginning to l)e heard. Sir William Keith, that enter- prising governor whose head seemed to have been full of new ]irojects, as early as 1739 had proposed to lay a uniform tax on stamped i)a])er in all the colonies, to realize funds for the common defense. Acting upon this hint, Grenville, the British Minister, notified the colonists in 1763 of his purpose to im])ose such a tax. Against this they remon- strated. Instead of this, a tax on impoi'ts, to be paid in coin, was adopted. This was even more distasteful. The assembly of Bhode Island, in October, 1705, submitted a paper to all the colonial assem blies, with a view to uniting in a common y)etition to the king against parliamentary taxation. This was favorably acted on by the assembly of Pennsylvania, and Franklin was a])pointed agent to represent their cause before the British parliament. The stamp act had been passed on the 22d of March, 1705. Its passage excited l)itter opposition, and a resolution, asserting that the colonial assemblies had the exclusive right to levy taxes, was passed ])y the Virginia assembly, and concurred in by all the others. The Massachusetts assembly proposed a meeting of delegates in i^ew York on the second Tuesday of October, 1765, to con- fer upon the subject. The Pennsylvania assembly adopted the sug- gestion, and appointed Messrs. Fox, Morton, Bryan and Dickinson as delegates. This congress met according to the call and adopted a respectful petition to the king, and a memorial to parliament, which were signed by all the members and forwarded for presentation by the colonial agents in England. The stamp act was to go into effect on the 1st of November. On the last day of October, the newspapers were dressed in mourning, and suspended publication. The publishers agreed not to use the stamped paper. The people, as with one mind, determined to dress in homespun, resoh^ed not to use imported goods, and to stimulate the production of wool the colonists covenanted not to 32 HISTORY OE BEAVER COUKTY. eat lamb for the space of one year. 'I'lie result of this |ioliey was soon felt 1)\' JJi-itish iiianufacturers, who became clamoi'ous for repeal of the obnoxious measure, and it was accordingly repealed on the ISth of March, 1766. Determined in some form to draw a revenue from the colonies, an act was passed in 1767 to la}' a duty on tea, paper, printers' colors and glass. Tlie assembly of Pennsylvania jmssed a resolution on the 20tli of February, 1768, instructing its agent in London to urge its repeal, and at the session in May received and entered upon its minutes a circular letter from the Massachusetts assembly, setting forth the grounds on which objection to the act should be urged. This circular occasioned hostile feeling among the ministry, and the secretary for foreign affairs wrote to Governor Penn to urge the assembly to take no notice of it; but if they approved its sentiments, to prorogue their sittings. This letter was transmitted to the assembly, and soon after one from the Virginia assemljl)- was presented, iirging union of all the colonies in opposing the several schemes of taxation. This recommendation was adopted, and committees ajipointed to draw a ]>etiti()n to the king and to each (jf the houses of jiarliament. To lead pulilic sentiment, and have it well grounded in the arguments used against taxation, John Dickinson, one of the alilest of the Pcnnsvlvania legislators, at this time published a number of articles purporting to come from a plain farmer, under the title of " Farmer's Letters," which became popular, the idea that they were the work of one in huml)le life helping to swell the tide of popularity. They were republished in all the colonies, and xerted a commanding influence. Alarmed at the iinanimityof feelings against the proposed schemes, and supposing that it was the amount of the tax that gave offense, parliament reduced the rate of 1769 to one-sixth of the original sum, and in 1770 abolished it altogether, except threepence a pound on tea. But it was the principle and not the amount that was objected to, and at the next session of the assembly in Pennsylvania, their agent in London was directed to urge its repeal alto- gether. Ilichard Penn, son of the founder, died in 1771, whereupon Gover- nor John Penn returned to England, leaving the president of the coun- cil, James Hamilton, at the head of the government. John Penn, eld- est son of Pichard, succeeded to the proprietary interests of his father, which he held in conjunction with his uncle, Thomas, and in October of the same year, Pichard, the second son, was commissioned governor. He held the office Ijut about two years, and in that time won the confi- PENNSYLVANIA. 33 dence and esteem of the people, and so much attached was lie to the popular cause, that upon his return to England, in 1775, he was intrusted bv congress with the last petition of the colonies ever presented to the kino'. In August, 1773, John Penn returned with the commission of governor, sujiersediug his brother Richard. To encourage the sale of tea in the colonies, and establish the prin- ciple of taxation, the expoit tluty was removed. The colonies took the alarm. At a j)uijlic meeting called in Philadelphia to consider the sub- ject, on the 18th of October, 1773, resolutions were adojited in which it was declared: "That the dis)iosal of their own property is the inherent right of fi-eenien ; that tliere can be no property in that which another can, of right, take from us without our consent; that the claim of pai'liament to tax America is, in other words, a claim of I'ight to levv contriijutions on us at pleasure." The East India Company now made preparations for sending lai-ge importations of tea into the colonies. The ships destined for Philadelphia and New York, ou approaching port, and being advised of the exasperated state of public feeling, returned to England wdth their cargoes. Those sent to Boston came into the harbor ; but at night a jiarty disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded the vessels, and breaking open the packages, emptied three hundred. chests into the sea. The ministry, on being apprised of this act, closed the port of Boston, and subverted the colonial charter. Early in the .year, committees of correspondence had been established in all the colonies by means of which the temper and feeling in each were well understood by the others, and concert of action was secured. The hard conditions imposed on the tow^n of Boston and the colony of Massachussetts Bay, aroused the sympathy of all ; '' for," they ai'gued, " we know not how soon tlie heavy liand of oppression may be felt by any of us." At a meeting held in Philadelphia on the 18th of June, 177-t, at which nearly eight thousand people were convened, it was decided that a continental congress ought to be hekl, and appointed a com- mittee of correspondence to communicate with similar committees in the several counties of Pennsylvania, and in the several colonies. On the 15th of July, 1774, delegates from all the counties, summoned by this committee, assembled in Philadelphia, and declared that there existed an absolutenecessity for a colonial congress. They accordingly recommended that the assembly a[)point delegates to such a congress, to represent Pennsylvania, and Jose])li Galloway, Samuel Rhoads, George Ross, Edward Biddle, John Dickinson, Charles Humphries and Thomas Mifflin were appointed. 34 msTOKY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. On the 4tli of September', 1774, tlje first continental cong-ress as- sembled in Philadelphia. Peyton Randolph, of Virginia, was called to preside, and Charles Thomson, of Pennsylvania was appointed secretary. It was resolved that no more goods be imported from Eng- land, and that, unless a pacification was efifected previously, no more colonial ])i'oduce of the soil be exported thither after September 10. 1775. A declaration of rights was adopted, and addresses to the king, the ])eo])le of Great Britain ;ind of British America were agreed to, after which the congress adjourned to meet again on the 10th of Miiy, 1775. In January, 1775, another meeting of the county delegates was lield in Philadelphia, at whicli the action of the colonial congress was approved, and, while a restoration of harmony with the mother coun- try was desired, yet if the arbitrary acts of parliament were persisted in, they would at every hazard defend the "rights and liberties of America." The delegates appointed to represent the colony in the second congress were Mifflin, Humphries, Biddle, Dickinson, Morton, Franklin, Wilson and Willing. The government of Great Britain had determined with a strong hand to compel obedience to its behests. On the 19th of April, 1775, was fought the battle of Lexington, a blow that was felt alike through all the colonies. The cause of one was the cause of all. A public meeting was held in Philadelphia, at which it was resolved to (organ- ize military companies in all the counties. The assembly heartily sec- onded these views, and engaged to provide for the pay of the militia wliile in service. Tlie second congress, which met in May, provided for organizing a Continental armj', fixing the quota for Pennsylvania at 4.300 men. The assemlily adopted the recommendation of con- gress, provided for arming, disciplining and paying the militia, recom- mended the organizing of minutemen for service in an emergency, made appropriations for the defense of the city, and offei'eire the multitude with awe and reverence: " His Excellency, Thomas Whart on- Junior, E.squire, President of the Supreme Executive Council of Penn- sylvania, Captain General and Commander-in-Chief in and over the same." Early in A]n'il great activity was observed among the shipping in New York harbor, and Washington communicated to congress his opinion that I^liiladelphia was the object against which the blow would be aimed. This announcement of probalde pei-il induced the council to issue a proclanuition urging enlistments, and congress oi'dered the opening of a camp for drilling recruits in Pennsylvania, and Benedict Arnold, who was at this time a trusted general, was aj)i)ointed to the command of it. Somany new vessels and transports of all classes had been discovered to have come into New York harbor, probably forwarded from England, that Washington sent General Mifflin, on the lOth of June, to congress, bearing a letter in which he expressed the settled conviction that the enemy meditated an immedi- ate descent upon some part of Pennsylvania. General Mifflin pro- ceeded to examine the defensive w'orks of the city which had been • begun on the previous advance of the British, and recommended such changes and new works as seemed best adapted for its ])rotection. The preparations for defense were vigorouslv prosecuted. The militia were called out and placed in two camps, one at Chester and the other at Downington. Fire-ships W'ere held in readiness to be used against vessels attempting the asceet of the river. Lord Howe, being determined not to move until ample prepara- tions were completed, allowed the greater part of the summer to wear away before he advanced. Finally, having embarked his force on a fleet of transports, he sailed southward. Washington promptlv made a corresponding march overland, passing through Philadel]ihia on the 24th of August. Howe, suspecting that pre[)arati()ns would I)e made PENNSYLVANIA. '^^ for impeding tl>e passage of the Delaware, sailed past its inoutl. and movini- up the Chesapeake instea.l, debarked fifty-four mdes from Philadelphia, and commenced the march nortlnvar.l. Great activity was nou- manifested in the city. The waterspouts were melted to furnish hullets, fair hands were busied in rolling cartridges, powertui chevaux-de-f rise were planted to impede the navigation of the riveis and tiie last division of the militia of the city, which had been divided into three classes, was caile.l out. Washington, who bad crossed the Brandvwine, soon confronted the advance of Howe, and brisk skir- mishing at once opened. Seeing that he was likely to have the right of his position at Red Clay Creek, where he had intended to give bat- tle, turned by the largely superior force of the enemy, under cover or darkness on the night of the 8th of September, he withdrew across the Brandvwine at Chad's Ford, and p..sting Armstrong with the militia upon the left, at Pyle's Ford, where the banks were rugged andi.reciiV.tous, and Sullivan, who was second in command, upon the rio-ht at Brinton's Ford, under cover of forest, he himself took post wi^h three divisions, Sterling's, Stephen's and his own, m front of the main avenue of approach at Chad's. Discovering the strong position ^vhich the American army occupied, the British general began a move- ment to turn it by a Hank movement. Washington, always on the alert, promptly divined the enemy's intentions, and ordered (Teneral Sullivan to counteract the movement by flanking the Hankers, while he held his immediate command ready to attack the mam force wlule m confusion. The plan was ruined, however, by Sullivan's failure to obev orders, and Washington had no alternative but to remain m po- sition and make the best disposition that time would permit. His main V^odv with the force of Sullivan took position along the brow of the hill on which stands the Birmingham meeting-house, and the bat- tle opened and was pushe.l with vigor the whole day. Overborne by numbers, and weakened by losses, Washington was obliged to retire, leaving the eneinv in possession of the Held. Cono-ress remaine.l in Philadelphia while these military opera- tions were going on at its very doors; but on the 18th of September adiourned to meet at Lancaster, though subsequently, on the .Oth, removed across the Susquehanna to York, where it remained m session till after the evacuation in the following summer. The council remained until two days before the fall of the city, when, having dis- patched the records of the loan oltice and the more valuable papers to Easton, it adjourned to Lancaster. On the 26th tlie British army ^'^ HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. entereclthe city. Deborah Logan in lier memoir savs : "Tliearmy marclied iii and toolc jiossession of the city in tlie' morning. We were upstaii's and saw tiiem pass the State House. They looked \vell, clean and well-clad, and the contrast between them and onro\vn iioor^ bare-footed, ragged troops was very great, and caused a feelino- of despair. * * * * Early in the afternoon Lord Cornwallis' suite arrived and took possession of my mother's house." The army of Washington, after being recruited and i)ut in lio-lit marching order, was led to Germantown, where on the m.,rning of the 3d of October, the enemy was met. A Jieavy fog that morning liad obscured friend and foe alike, occasioning confusion in the ranks^ and tiiough the opening promised well, and some progress was made, yet the enemy was too strong to be moved, and the American leader was forced to retire to his camp at White Marsh. Though tJie river had now I)een opened and the city was thorougiily fortified for resisting attack, yet Howe felt not quite easy in having the American army quartered in so close striking distance, and accordingly, on the 4th of December, with nearly his entire army, moved out. intending to take Washington at White JMarsh, sixteen miles away, by surprise, and by rapidity of action gain an easy victory. But b/ the heroism and fidel- ity of Lydia Darrah, wjio, as she had often done before, passed the guards to go to the mill for flour, the news of the coming of Howe was communicated to Washington, wiio was prepared to receive him. Finding that he could eifect nothing, Howe returned to the city, having hail tiie wearisome march at this wintry season without effect. Washington now crossed the Schuylkill, and went into winter quarters at Valley Forge. The cold of 'that winter was intense : the troops, half-clad and indifferently fed, suffered severely, tlie \mnts of their naked feet in frost and snow being often tinted with patriot blood. Grown impatient of the small results from the immensely expensive campaigns carried on across the ocean, the ministry relieved Lord Howe, and appointed Sir Henry Clinton to the chief command. The^commissioners whom congress had sent to France early in the fall of 1770, Franklin, Dean and Lee, had been inisy in making intei'est for the united colonies at the French court, and so successful were they that arms and ammunition and loans of money were procured from time to time. Finally, a convention was concluded, by wiiich France agreed to use the royal army and navy as faithful allies of the ximeri- cans against the English. Accordingly, a fleet of four powerful frigates and twelve sliips were dispatched under commaml of tlie PENNSYLVANIA. 'H Count D'Estaing to shut up the British tieet in the Delaware. The plan was ino-enious. i)articuhxrly worthy of the long head of Franklin. But. by some means, intelligence of the sailing of the French tieet reached the English cabinet, who immediately ordered the evacuation of the Delaware, whereupon the Admiral weighed anchor and sailed away with his entire fleet to New York, and D'Estaing, upon his arrival at the mouth of the Delaware, found that the bird had flown. Clinton evacuated Philadelphia, and moved across New Jersey in the direction of New York. AVashington closely followed, and came up with the enemy on the plains of Monmouth, on the 2Sth of June, 1778, where a sanguinary battle was fought which lasted the whole day, resulting in the triumph of tiie American arms, and Pennsylvania was rid of British troops. The enemy was no sooner well away from the city than congress returned from New York and resumed its sittings in its former quarters, June 24, 1778, and on the following da.y the colonial legislature returned from Lancaster. General Arnold, who was disabled by a wound received at Saratoga, from field duty, was given command in tlie city, and marched in with a regiment on the day following the evacuation. On the 23d of May, 1778, President Wharton died suddenly of quinsy, while in attendance upon the council at Lancaster, when George Bryan, the vice-president, became the acting president. Bryan was a philan- thropist in deed as well as in word. Up to this time African slavery had been tolerated in the colony. In his message of the 9th of November, he said : " This or some better scheme would tend to abrogate slavery, the opprobrium of America, from among us. * * * In divesting the state of slaves, you will equally serve the cause of humanity and policy, and offer to God one of the most proper and best returns of gratitude for His great deliverance of us and our posterity from thral- dom ; you will also set your character for justice and benevolence in the true point of view to Europe, who are astonished to see a people eager for liberty holding negroes in bondage." He perfected a bill for the extinguishment of claims to slaves, which was jmssed by the assembly ,°March 1, 1780, by a vote of thirty -four to eighteen, provid- ing that no child of slave parents born after that date should be a slave, bift a servant till the age of twenty-eight years, when all claim for service should end. Thus l)y simple enactment, resolutely pressed l)y Bryan, was slavery forever rooted out of Pennsylvania. At the election held for president, the choice fell upon Joseph Reed, with George Bryan vice-president, subsequently Matthew Smith. ^-^ HISTORY OF KKAVKK C'Ol'.NTV. and liiially William Moore. Reed wasan erudite lawyer, and iuid lield tlie position of private secretary to Wasliington, and sul)sequently adjutant-general of the army. He was inaugurated on the 1st of December, 1778. AViJliani Moore was elected president to succeed Joseph Heed, fi'om November 14, 1781, but held the office less than one year, the term (,f three years for which he Jiad been a councilman having expired, which was the- limit of service. James Potter was chosen vice-president. In the state election of 1782, contested with great violence, John Dickinson was chosen pi-esident, and James Ewing vice-president. On tlie 12th of March, 1783, intelligence was hrst received of the signing of the preliminary treatv in which independ- ence was acknowledged, and on the 11th of April" congress sent forth the joyful proclamation or.leringa cessation of hostilities. The soldiers of Burgoyne, who had been confined in the pi'ison-camp at Lancaster, were put upon the march for New York, passing through Philadelphia on the way. Everywhere was joy unspeakable. The obstructions were removed from the Delaware, and the white wings of commerce again came fluttering on every breeze. In Se])tember, 1785, after a long absence in the service of his country abroad, perfecting treaties, and otherwise establishing just relations with other nations, the venerable Benjamin Franklim then nearly eighty years old, feeling the infirmities of age coming upon him, asked to be relieved of the duties of minister at the court of France^ and returned to Philadelphia. Soon after his arrival he was elected president of the council. Charles Biddle was elected vice-president. In May, 1787, a convention to frame a constitution for the United States met in Philadelphia. The delegation from Pennsylvania was Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, Thomas MifHin, George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson and Gouverneur Morris. Upon the completion of their work, the instrument was sub- mitted to the several states for adoption. A convention was called in Pennsylvania, which met on the 21st of November, and though encountering resolute ojiposition, it was finally ado])ted on the 12th of December. On the following day the convention, the supreme council, and officers of the state and city government, moved in procession to the old court house, Avhere the adoption of the constitution Avas form- ally proclaimed amitlst the booming of cannon and the rinorate a company for the improvement of the Schuylkill, urging as an inducement the importance it would have for transporting coal; whereupon, the senator from that district, in his place, with an air of knowledge, asserted that''thei'e was nij coal there, that there was a kintl of JiUirl- stone which was called coal, but that it would not i)urn." White k Hazard procured a cart-load ot Lehigii coal tliat cost them $1 a bushel, which was all wasted in a vain attem])t to make it ignite. Another cart-loatl was obtained, and a> whole night spent in endeavoring to make a fire in the furnace, when the hands shut the furnace door and left the mill in despair. "Fortunately one of them left his jacket in tiie mill, and returning for it in about half an hour, noticed that the door was red hot, and upon opening it, was surprised at finding the whole furnace at a glowino: white heat. The other liands were summoned, and four separate parcels of iron were heated and rolled by the same fire before it required renewing. The furnace was i-eplenished, and as letting it alone had succeeded so well, it was concluded to try it again, and the experiment was repeated with the same result. The Lehigh N;ivigation Company and the Lehigh Coal Company were incorporated in 1818, wliich companies became the basis of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, inc(ir])(_)rated in 1822. In 1820. coal was sent to Philadelphia Ijy artificial navigation, but three hnndi'ed and sixty-five tons glutted the market." In 1825, there were brouu'lit Ijv tiie Schuvliall ^\\q. thousand thi'ee hundred and 50 , IIlSTdRV OF 15EAVEK COi:NTY. seveiitv-eii^iit tons. In 182*!. l)y tlie Scliuylkill. sixteen tlionsnnd two hun(ln>(l and sixty-five tons, anil by the J^ehigh tiiirty-one thousand two hunih'ed and eighty tons. The stage of water being insutticieiit, dams and shiiees were constructed near JMaueli Cluink, in 1810, by which the navigation was improved. Tlie coal boats used were great square arks, sixteen to eighteen feet wide, and twenty to twenty-five feet long. At first, two of these were joined together by hinges, to allow them to yield uj) and down in passing over the dams. Finally as the boatmen became skilled in the navigation, several were joined, attaining a length of one hundred and eighty feet. After reacliing Philadelphia, these boats were taken to ])ieces, the plank sold and the liinges sent back for constructing others. Such were the crude methods adopted in the early days for bringing coal to a market. In 1827, a railroad was commenced, which was completed in three months, nine miles in length. This, with the exception of one at Ciuincy, Mass., of foui' miles, built in 1826, was the first constructed in the United States. The descent was one hundred feet per mile, and the coal descended by gravity in a half hour, and the cars were drawn back by mules, wliich rode down with the coal. I'ituminous coal Avas discovered and its qualities utili/.ed not much earlier than the anthra- cite. A tract of coal land was taken up in Clearfield county in 178,'). by Mr. S. Boyd, and in ISOi he sent an ark down the Susquehanna to Columbia. During the administrations of George Wolf, elected in 1829, and Joseph IJitncr, elected in 1835, a measure of great beneficence to tiie state was ])assed ami brought into a good degree of successful oper- ation — nothing less than a broad system of public education. Schools bad been early established in Philadelphia, and parochial schools in the more ])opulous portions of the? state from the time of early settle, ment. In 17-i9, through the inflnence of Dr. Franklin, a charter was obtained for a "'college, academy, and charity school of Pennsylvania," and from this time to the beginning of the present century, the friends of education were earnest in establishing colleges, the colonial govern- ment, and afterward the legislature, making liberal grants from the revenues accruing from the sale of lands for their su()port. the univer. sitv of Pennsylvania being chartered in 1752, Dickinson college in 1783, Fianklin and ^Marshall college in 1787, and Jefferson college in 1802. Commencing near the beginning of this century, and continuing for over a period of thirty years, vigorous exertions were put forth to establish countv ac-ademies. Charters were granted for these institu- I'KXNSYLVAXIA. 51 tions ;it the county seats of forty-one counties, and ap]iro]iriations were made of money, varyiiii;- fi'om two thousand to six tiiousand dollars, and in several instances of quite extensive land grants. In 1809, an act was passed for the education of the ''poor, gratis." The assessors in their annual rounds were to make a record of all such as were indigent, and pay for their education in the most convenient schools. But few were found among the spirited inhabitants of the commonwealth willing to admit that they were so ])0(ir as to be objects of charity. By the act of April 1, 1834, a, general system of education by common schools was established. Unfortunately it was complex and unwieldy. At the next session an attempt was made to rejieal it, and sui)stitute the old law of 18li9, for eilucating the "poor, gratis," the repeal having been carried in the Senate. But through the appeals of Thaddeus Stevens, a mati always in tlie van in every movement for the elevation of mankind, this was defeated. At the next session, 1836, an entirely new liill, discarding the olijectionable features of the old one, was prepared by Dr George Smith, of Delaware county, and adopted, and from this time forward it has been in efficient operation. In 1854, the system was improved by engrafting upon it the featui'e of the county superintendency, and in 1859 by providing for the establish- ment of twelve normal schools in as many districts into which the state was divided, for the professional training of teachers. In 1837, a convention assembled in Harrisburg, and subsequently in Philadelphia, for revising the constitution, which revision was adopted by a vote of the people. One of the chief objects of tlie change was the breaking up of what was knoAvn as "omnibus legis- lation." each bill being required to have but one distinct subject, to be definitely stated in the title. Much of the patronage of the governor was taken from him, and he was allowed but two terms of three years in any nine years. The senator's term was fixed at three years. The terms of supreme court judges were limited to fifteen vears, common pleas judges to ten, and associate judges to five. A step backward was taken in limiting suffrage to white male citizens twenty-one years old, it having ]ireviously been extended to citizens irres)iective of color. Amemlments could bi- pi-opcised once in five years, and if adopted b\' two successive legislatvires, and approved by a vote of the people, they became a part of the organic law. At the opening of the gubernatorial tei-m of David li. Porter, who was chosen in Octobei", 1838, a civil commotion occurred known as 52 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY. the Buckshot War. \Yhich at one time thi'eatened a sanguinary i-esiilt. Fraud in the election returns was alleged, and finally the opposing factions armed for tlie maintenance of their claims. Some of them Avere supplied with hucl-nhot cartridges, hence the name which was given to the contest. It ended without bloodshed. Francis R. Shunk was chosen governor in 1845, and dui'ing his term of office the war with Mexico occuri-ed. Two volunteer regi- ments, one under command of Col. Wynkoop, and the. other under Col. Koberts, subsequently Col. Jur- chasing them for the sum of seven million five hundred thousand dollars. In the administration of Gov. Packer, petroleum was first dis- covered in quantities in this country by boring into the bowels of the earth. From the earliest settlement of the country it was known to exist, and it hiid i>een gathered in small (juantities and utili/.ed for various purposes. In 1859, Mr. E. L. Drake, at first representing a conii)any in Xew York, commenced drilling near a spot where there were surface indi- cations; and when the company would give him no more money, he strained his own resources and Ins credit with his friends almost to the breaking point, and when about to give uj) in despaii' iiiially struck a powerful current of ]mre oil. From this time forward, the teri'itory down the valley of Oil Creek and up all its trilnitaries was rapidly actpiired and developed for oil land. In some places th(^ oil was sent u]) with immense force, at the rate of thousands of barrels each day, and great trouble was experienced in bringing it under control and storing it. PENNSYLVANIA. 53 In some eases, the force of the gas was so powiTfiil nii l)eing arciden- tally tired, as to defy all approacii for iiKiiiy days, and lighted np the forests at night with billows of light. Tije oil lias been found in })a3'ing ciuantities in IMeKean, Warren, Forest, Ci'awford, Venango, Clarion, Butler and Armstrong counties, chiefly along the upper waters of the Allegheny r'iver and its tribu- tary, the Oil creek. Its transportation has come to be effecteil by forcing it through great pipe lines, which extend to the great lakes and the seaboard. Its production has grown to be enonnons. Since 1859, a grand total of more than three hundred millions of barrels liave been produced m the Pennsylvania oil fields. In the fall of ISOO, Andrew G. Curtin was elected governor of Pennsylvania, and Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. The war of the great rebellion followed, and in tlie spring of 1861, Pennsylvania was called on for sixteen regiments; her quota of the 75,000 volunteers that were summoned by proclamation of the Presi- dent. Instead of sixteen, twenty-five regiments were organized for the three months' service from Pennsvlvania. Judging from the threaten ingattitude assumed by the rebels across the Potomac that the soutliern frontier would be constantly menaced. Gov. Curtin sought permission to organize a select corps, to consist of thirteen regiments of infantry, one of cavalry, and one of artillery, and to be known as the Pennsyl- vania reserve corps, which the legislature, in special session, grantetl. This corps of fifteen thousand men was speedily raised, and the inten- tion of the state authorities was to keep this body permanently within the limits of the commonwealth for defense. But at the time of the first Bull Run disaster in July, 1861, the national government found itself without troops to even defend the capital, the time of the three months' men being now, about to expire, and at its urgent call this tine body was sent forward and never again returned for the execution (if the duty for which it was formed, having borne the brunt of the Hglit- ing on manv a hai'd-fought field during the three vears of its service. In addition to the volunteer troops furnislied in response to the several calls of the President, upon the occasion of the reliel invasion of Maryland in September, 1862, Gov. Curtin called fifty thousand men for the emergency, and though the time was very brief, twenty-five thousand came, were organized under command of Gen. John F. Reynolds, and were marched to the border. lUit the battle of Antietam, fought on the 1 7th of Septemijer, caused the enemy to beat a hast\' retreat 54 IIISTOUY OK BEAVER COINTY. and the border was relieved, when the enieroency troops were disbanded and returned to their liomes. On the 19th of October, Gen. J. E. B. Stewart, of the rebel army, with 1,S00 horsemen under command of Hampton, Lee and Jones, crossed the Potomac and made directly for Chambersburg, arriving after dark. Not waiting for morning to attack, he sent in a Hag of truce demanding the surrender of the town. There were two hundred and seventy-live union soldiers in hospital, wliom he paroled. During the night, the troopers were busy picking up horses — swapping horses ])erhaps it should be called — and the morning saw them early on the move. The rear guard gave notice before leaving to remove all families from the neighborhood of the pui)lic buildings, as they intended to tire them. There was a large amount of fixed ammunition ill tliem, which had been captured from Longstreet's train, besides government stores of shoes, clothing and muskets. At 11 o'clock the station house, roundhouse, railroad machine shops ami warehouses were fired and consigned to destruction. The fire department was promptly out; but it was dangerous toaii])roach the burning buildings on account of the ammunition, and all perished. The year 1S62 was one of intense excitement and activity. From about the 1st of May, 1801, to the end of 18(32, there were recruited in the state of Pennsylvania one hundred and eleven regiments, including eleven of cavahy and three of artillery, for three years' service ; twenty-five regiments for three months; seventeen for nine months; fifteen of drafted militia, and twenty-five called out for the emergency; an aggregate of one hundred and ninet3--three regiments — a grand total of over two hundred thousand men — a great army in itself. In June, 1863, Gen. Tlobert E. Lee, with his entire army of North- ern Virginia, invaded Pennsylvania. The Army of the Potomac, under Gen. Josejih Hooker, followed. The latter was superseded on the 2>itli of June by Gen. George G. Meade. The vanguards of the army met a mile or so out of Gettysburg on the Chambersburg pike on the morn ing of the 1st of July. Hill's corps of the rebel army was held in check by the sturdy fighting of a small division of cavalry under Gen. Buford until 10 o'clock, when Gen. Beynolds came to his relief with the first corps. While bringing his forces into action, Reynolds was killed, and tlie command devolved on Gen. Abner Doubleday, and the fighting became terrible, the union forces beino' oreativ outnumbered. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the eleventh corps. Gen. O. O. Howard, came to the support of the first. I3ut now the corps of Ewell had joined hands with Hill, and a full two-thirds of the entire rebel army was on PENN*SYLVA2^IA. the iiekl. op|i(>sed hy only the two weak union corps, in an inferior position. A sturdy tiglit was however maintaineil until 5 o'clock, when the union forces withdrew thi'ougii tlie town, and took position upon rising ground covering tiie Ilaltiniore pike. During the night the entire union army came uj). witli tlie exception of the sixth corps, and took position, and at 2 o'clock in tiie morning (-ren. Meade and staff came on the field. During tiie morning hours, and until -t o'clock in the afternoon, the two armies were getting into position for the desper- ate strtiggle. The third corps. -Gen. Sickles, occupied tiie extreme left, his corps abutting on the Little Round Top at the Devil's Den, and reaching, en echelon, through the rugged ground to the Peach Orchard, and thence along the Emmitsburg pike, where it joined tlie second corps, Gen. Hancock, reaching over Cemetery Hill, the eleventh corps, Gen. Howard, the tirst, Gen. Doubleday. and the twelfth, Gen. Slocura, reaching across Gulp's Hill — the wliole crescent shape. To this forma- tion the rebel arm\" conformed. Longstreet opposite the union left. Hill op]iosite the center, and Ewell o})posite the union right. At 4- r. ii. the battle was opened by Longstreet. on the extreme left of Sickles, and the fighting became terrific, the i-eliels making strenuous efforts to gain Little liound Top. But at the opportune moment a part of the fifth corps. Gen. Svkes, was brought upon that key position, and it was saved to the union side. Tlie shuigliter in fi'ont of Round Top at the wheat-field and the Peach Orchard was fearful. The third corps was driven back from its advanced jiosition. and its commander. Gen. Sickles, was wounded, losing a leg. In a more contracted position, the union line was made secure, where it rested for the night. Just at dusk, the Louisiana Tigers, some 1.800 men. made a desperate charge on C'enietery Hill, emerging suddenly from a hillock just back of the town. The struggle was desperate, but the Tigers being weakened by the fire of the artiller\',, and by the infantiy crouching behind the stone wall, the onset was checked, and Cari-oH's brigade, of the second corps, coming to the rescue, tiiev were finallv beaten back, terriblv decimated. At about the same time, a portion of Ewell's corps made an advance on the extreme union right, at a point where tlie troops had been with- drawn to send to the support of Sickles, and, unoi)posed, gamed the extremity of Gulp's Hill, ])usliing through nearly to the Baltimore pike, in dangerous proximity to the reserve ai'tillery and trains, and even the headquarters of the union commander. But in their attempt to roll up the union right tliey were met by Green's brigade of the twelfth ■corps, and liy desjierate figiiting their further jn-ogress was stayetl. 56 JIISTOKY OF UKAVKK CorNTY. Tims ended the battle of the second day. Tiie union left ;ind right had been sorely jammed and pnshed back. At 4 o'clock on the morninii- of the 3d of .luly, Gen. Geary, wiio had been ordcrd away to the support of Sickles, having returned during the night and taken a position on the right of Gi'een, opened the battle for the recovery of his lost bi'eastworks on the right of Gulp's Hill. Until 10 o'clock the battle raged with unabated fury. The heat was intolerable, and the sulpliurous vai)or liung like a pall over the com- batants, shutting out the light of day. The lighting was in the nndst of the forest, and the echoes resounded with fearful distinctness. The twelfth corps was supported by poilions of the sixth, which had now come up. At length the enemy, weakened and finding themselves- overborne on all sides, gave way, and the union breastworks were reoccupied and the union right made entirely secure. Comparative quiet now reigned on either side until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in the meantime both sides bringing up fresh troops and repairing dam- ages. The rebel leader having brought liis best available artdlerv in upon his right center, suddenly opened with one hundred and tifty |)ieces a concentric tire upon the devoted union left center, where stood the troo[>s of Hancock-, Doubleday and Sickles. The shock was ter- rible, liarely has such a cannonade been known on any field. For nearly two hours it was continueil. Thiidcing that the union line had been bi'oken and denu)raliz('d by this tire. Longstreet brought out a fi-esh coi'psof some fourteen thousand men. under Pickett, anil chai'ged fidl upon the point which had been the mark for the cannonade. As- soon as this charging column came into view, the union artillerv opened ui)on it from right ami left and center, and rent it with fearful ell'ect. When come within musket range, the union troops, who had been crouching behind slight pits and a low stone wall, poured in a nu:)st murderous fire. Still the rebels pushed forward with a bold face, and actually crossed the union lines and had their hands on the union guns. Ihit the slaughter was too terrible to withstand. The killed and wounded lay scattered over all the plain. ]\[any wei-e gathered in as prisoners. Finally the remnant staggered back, and the battle of Gettysburg was at an end. So soon as indications pointed to a possible invasion of the Xorth by the rebel army under Gen. Lee. the state of Pennsylvania was organized in two military departments, that of the Susarley was in ju-ogress, hats, caps, b(;ots, \va,tches, clothing and valuables were unceremoniously ajjpropriated, and purses demanded at the point of the ijayonet. As money was not in hand to meet so unexpected a draft, the torch was lighted. In less than a quarter of an hour fi-om the time the first match was applied, the whole business j)art of the town was in flames. Burning parties were sent into each quartei- of the town, which made thorough worlc. With the exception of a few houses U])on 58 UlSTdHV OF BEAVEE COUNTY. the outskirts, tlie wliole was laid in ruins. Tletiring- i'a))idly,tlie entu'e rebel rommand I'ocrossod the Potomac before any adequate force could be iiuthert'd to check its iiroijress. Tlic wiiole iuinil)er of soldiers recruited under the various calls for troops from the state of Pennsylvania was three hundred and sixty- six thousand. In May, 1861, the Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, an <)r<;-anization of the officei's of the KevolutionaiT war and their ilescend- ants, donated five hundred dollars toward arming and equipping troops. By order of the legishiture the sum was devoted to procuring flags for the regiments, and each organization tha^ went forth was provided with one emblazoned with the arms of the commonwealth. These flag's, seamed and battle-stained, were returned at the close of the war, and are now preserved in a room devoted to the pur])ose in the state capitol — precious emblems of the daring and suffering of that great army that went forth to uphold and maintain the integrity of the nation. When the war was over, the state undertook the charge of pro- viding for all soldiers' orphans in schools located in ditferent parts of the territory, furnished food, clothing, instruction and cai'e, until they should be grown to manhood and womanhood. The number thus o-athered and cared for has been some seven thousand five lumdred annually, for a period of nineteen years, at an average annual expense of some six hundred thousand dollars. At the election in ISOG, John W. Geary, a veteran general of the late war, was chosen governor. Durinof his administration, settlements were made with the general government, extraordinarv debts incurred during the war were paid, and a large reduction of the old debt of f-iO, 000,000 inherited from the construction of the canals, was made. A convention for a revision of the constitution was ordered by Act of April 11, 1872. This convention assembled inHarrisburg November 13, and adjourned to meet in Philadelphia, where it convened on the 7th of January, 1873, and the instrument framed was adopted on the ISth of December, 1873. By its provisions the number of senators was increased from thirty-three to fifty, and representatives from 100 to 201, subject to further increase in proportion to increase of popular tion ; biennial, in place of annual sessions ; making the term of supreme court judges twenty-one in place of fifteen years; remanding- a large class of legislation to the action of the courts; making the term of governor four years in place of three, and |)r()iiibitings]iecial legislation, were some of the changes provided for. PENNSYLVANIA. 5& 111 .laiuKii'v, 1873. John F. ilartranft beciiine^'overnor, and at the election in 1S7S, Henry F. Hoyt was chosen governor, both soldiers of the late war. In the summer of 1877, by concert of action of the emjiloyes on the several lines of railway in the state, trains were sto|)ped and travel and trailic were interrupted for several days together. At Pittsburgh, ccjuHictsoccurred between the railroad men and the militia, and ii vast amount of property was destroyed. The opposition to tiie local militai'v was too powerful to be conti'olled, and the national government was a.p})ealed to for aid. A force of regulars was prom])tly ordered out, and the rioters finally quelled. Unfortunately, Governor Hartranft was absent from the state at the time of the trouljles. At the election in 18S2 Eobert E. Fattison was chosen governor The legislature which met at the oj)ening of 1883, having adjourned after a session of 1.5() days, without passing a congressional apportion- ment bill, as was I'equired, was immediately reconvened in extra session by the governor, and remained in session until near the close of the year, from June 1 to December 5, without comingto an agreement upon a bill, and linally adjourned without having passed one. This pro- tracted sitting is in marked contrast to the session of that early assem- bly in which an entire constitution and laws of the province were framed and adopted in the space of three days. Novemijer 2, ISSfi. James A. Beaver was elected y-overnor. CHAPTER 1. PHYSICAL FEATUIJES. Location — Boundaries — Drainage — Raccoon and Lake — View of the County by To\vnships — GKoi.or.iCAi, Features — Climate — Yegk- TATION. BEA^'ER county is located in the western part of tlie state along the Ohio line. At the date of its formation, March 12, 1800, its boundaries were: North bv Mercer county, east l)y Butler, south- east by Allegheny, south by Washington, and west by the states of Yirginia and Ohio. Then its tlimensions were: Length ?A miles breadth 19, area 646 square miles, or 413,440 acres. Since the formation of Lawrence county the northern boundary has been changed to Lawrence, and since the exigencies of war divided Yirginia, one of Beaver county's western neighbors is known as "West Yirginia, or the "Pan Handle." Its area has been reduced to 452 square miles, with an acreage of 289,280. The drainage of the county is of the most perfect character. With the Ohio, Za Belle Hiviere, " the beautiful river, "' and its trii)utaries, no more complete system could be conceived. With two mighty arms, the Ohio reaches out at right angles at Pittsburgh into different regions of the state, and collects both clear and muddy water, filled with rich materials, and, with generous intent, hastens to bear them with valuable accessions at every ])oint to the bosom of the mighty Father of Waters, who distributes them generously on his pathway to the sea. Ai)Out once every two decades this Ijeautiful river feels strong enough to become majestic, and to remind man of his dependence upon the kindly offices of the ever on-flowing stream. Such periods become seasons of as much terror, as the shallow current in summer and autumnbecomestiie occasion of serious complaint by those who depend upon the deposits of the carboniferous age for light and heat during the appi'oaching winter. 60 ijkavp:r c'orNTY. 61 Tlie (Jliio is not a, seltisli sti-eaiii. Froiii tlic " south side" Haceooii •creek, named in lionor of tin' t-nnnini;- animal u-jio at an eai-lv date infested tlie b;inks of the stream, poiii's a volume of water that is not to be despised. It is n stream which attracted the attention of the Father of His f'onntry in 177<' l)ecause of the fertile lands which it drains. Farther down. Mill creek, with its sevei'al branches, makes a yeiiei"(jus ■donation. Dn the noi'tli side. P)ig Beaver river, burdened witli histoi'ic asso- ciations an i)rospects of a hapity old age. • '-^<^ CHAPTER IL EARLY STRUGGLES FOR THE OHIO AND ];I(t JiEAVER REGIONS. Map of IT'Jl — Lndians of tiik Ohio Valley — Tmc Walking Purchase — Early Indian Names — The French Claim to the Ohio Valley • — The Claim of the English — The Ohio Company — Expedition OF Celeron — Treaties with the Indians — Journey of Christian Frederick Post — Indian Council at Salt Spring — Siege of Fort Pitt — Defeat of the Indians at Bushy Run. IN 1721, a very innocent looking map was published in London, Eiig., combining and exliil)iting the results of the French explo- rations in America. Harmless in a])i)earance as it was it ulti- mately, by its claims and pretensions, inaugurated a contest, involving the supreme question, whether the Norman or Saxon should con- trol the destiny of this country; for the nation or power that could seize and hold the valley of the Mississippi, was master of the con- inent, and no man in a later day was more keenly alive to this fact than Aaron Burr. The publication purported to be a map of Louis- iana, upon which the Ohio and Missouri were properly placed, and the Mississippi occupietl the center, described l)v the striking meta- phor as having its head in the lakes, its feet in the gulf, and with either arm grasping the AUegiieny and Rocky mountains. LTpon the ridges of these mountains, as marking his domain, the Frenchman proposed to erect the g(jd Terminus, never to be thrown down, and including a scope of country that in the life-time of men now living, will contain one hundred million of people. At tlie time of tiie publicati(jn of this maj). the valley of tlie Upper Ohio was but spai'sely settled by Indians ; I'emnants of the Allegewi and Massawama, were scattered up and down the river, aiul a number of Shawanese had settled on Montour's Island in 1698, having diverged from the main body of the tribe in its migration fi'om South Carolina to the Susquehanna. The country was well watered and 67 68 IIISTOKV OF BKAVEK COUNTY. pleasant. The streams swarmecl with tish and lur-l)earing animals while immense herds of elk, deer and biitfalo traversed the forest and roamed over the plains and meadows. The range of this last animal extended from the eastern end of Lake Ei'ie to the Ohio, and as far south as the Tennessee. Small game was exceedingly adundant, and the country afterward became the paradise of the Indian hunter. Between the years 1727-44, many Indians had reached the Ohio, from the eastern aiid centi'al parts of Pennsylvania. The Shawanese were quietly living at tlie mouth of Yellow Breeches ci-eek. For some offense, real or fancied, they were ])eremptorily oi'dereil to vacate their village and hunting-grounds hy the Iroquois or Six Nations Indians, and return toward the Ohio from whence they came. They did not wait for a second order. They crossed the mountains and descending the Conemaugh and Kiskiminitas, some of tlieni huilt villages along these str'eams, but the main body came to the Ohio, some settling at Tarentum, others at Beaver creek, and in three towns between the latter place and where Pittsburgh now stands. The Asswikales, a remnant of a tribe from South Carolina, who lived near, came with tiieni. and settled in a small village at the mouth of Sewickley creek. Ill 1735 the celebrated purchase, known as the "Walking Pur- chase," was consummated. The Delaware Indians, living between Tohiccon creek and the Lehigh, having been deprived or rather ciieated of their lands by the subtilty of this purchase, made frequent and loud complaints. To appease them they were invited to attend a great council in Philadelphia, in 1742. They attended under Sassoonan, their chief. The chiefs of tiie Six Nations were also present. The Dela- wares, through their speaker, " The Beaver," stated their grievances, and clainu'd tliat William Penn had guaranteed to them theii' hunting- grounds forever. At the request of the governor, Canassatego. •' The AVord," the su|n'eme councillor of the Six Nations, responded in a sjieech of great harshness, anil, without allowing them time to think about it, onlered them at once to remove from the lanil, and leave the council; assisting in the latter by taking Sassoonan by his long hair, and leading him to the council door, rudely thrust him forth, remain- ing at the door until the rest of the trembling Delawares followed. This stoical Indian philosopher returned to the council, and resumed his s])eecli as if nothing had happened. Tlie Delawares turned their faces to the setting sun, and coming to the Ohio, some settled at Kittan- ning, previously settled by some of this tribe; but the great mass of them located alou"- the Benver and Mahoning; their villages on the ISEAVER COUNTY. 69 latter stream extending to the Salt (Spring, near Youngstown, Ohio. Tlie tract of land on which tliese Indians settled had been generously given to them by the Wyandots, and was bounded by the Beaver, Mahoning, Cuyahoga, Sandusky, the Hocking and the Ohio, With these Delaware Indians came three famous brothers : Amockwi or ''The Beaver," Shingass and Peasquetuman, and they raised their lodge-pole upon the present site of the town of Beaver. The Dela- ware name of the place was Saucon, but on a map attached to Peter Kalm's Travels, published in Sweden in 1756, the i)lace is marked '• Shingoe's Town," and this name is retained on the "Historical Map of Pennsylvania." The place was known to the French as Chiningue, and somewhat later it was called Mcintosh. Heckewekler, in his Indian JVames, delines Saucon, " where a smaller stream empties into a larger one" — "the outlet of tlie Big Beaver into the Ohio; a jioint well known to all Indians; to warriors of different and most distant trii)es; their rendezvous in the French wars; their tiioroughfare and place of ti'ansit; a jioint of observation, ami the scene of frequent contests and ijloodslied, was the best known of the many Saucons in the Indian countr3\" Amockwi, or as he was more frequently called " King Beaver," was the chief councillor of the Delawares on the Ohio; and Shingass was the chief warrioi'. From the time Beaver settled at Saucon, he appears to have attended every treaty with the whites; his last appearance being at Lancaster in 17fi2. Pi'ior to this year he had moved to the Muskingum with his tribe. At the Lancaster treaty he made a marked impression in the following words: " I want to acknowledge I know nothing of land att'airs on the Delaware, and I have no concern with lands on that river. We know nothing of Teed- yuscung's claim to them. 1 have no claim myself, nor any of my people. As to what you and Teedyuscung have done, if j'ou are ]ileased with it, so am I. As for my part I want to say nothing about land affairs. What I have at heart, and what I came down about, is to conlirm our friendship and make a lasting peace, so that our children and grand-children may live together in everlasting peace, after we are dead." He returned to the Muskingum, where he died a few years after, and was buried with great ceremony and lamentation, near where the Tuscarawas trail crossed that stream. Of Shingass, IleckeweldcM' says: "Were his war exploits all on record, they would form an interesting document, tliough a shflching one! The settlements along the frontier felt his strong arm suffi- 70 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. cientlv ; that he was a bloody wai'i'ior ; ci'uel, his treatment, and relentless, his hwy. His person was small, but in point of courage, activity, and savage prowess, he was said to have never been excelled by any one." He was the same Indian that, after Braddock's defeat, in which he participated on the side of the French, led his band aci'oss the country, into the Cumberland Valley, and raided it from one end to the other; killing and scalping every one in liis pathway. He attacked Reading and Bethlehem, and threatened to destroy Easton on the Delaware. This raid createtl more consternation throughout the province tiiiin even the defeat of Braddock. Shingass returned to the Ohio with one hundred captives, and many horses loaded with i>lunder. The deceit and fraud of the ''Walking ))ui'chase" had been amply avenged. Beaver creek, being a great Indian thoroughfare, had received many names. It was known as the Aniockwi-sipu, the Chiniugue- Kaskaskia-sipu, Kuskusky and Canniangj}', Conequenissing. In some of the old records it is mentioned as the Conequenissing, or the Beaver. The word Conequenissing is a corruption of Gu-nack-que-ni-sink, signi- fying " a long way straight," a very appropriate description of the Beaver, but altogether inapplicable to the stream now known by that name. In the Iroquois language the Beaver was called " Onguia- arha," the Niagria. or the River of the Neutrals. Conrad Weiser, who was at Logstown in 1748, mentions in his journal that ten war- riors came to town, by water, from Niagria. That ]>art of the country on the Beaver, between the Neshannock and Mahoning, was called by the Iroquois, " Teyconnotlarago," the Meeting of the Waters. Mahon- ing is a corruption of Maliunink, "where there is a lick;" while Neshannock signifies " two or both creeks." Chiningue Shenango, or Chenango, tlilferent spelling of a Tuscaroi'a word, is said to mean " beautiful flowing water." Kaskaskia and Cushcushkung were two large Indian towns. The first located on the ^Mahoning, about six miles from its mouth, near the present site of Edenburg, iii Lawi'ence county. It was a central point, and trails diverged from it in all direc- tions. The second was situated on the east side of the Beavci'. near Moravia. Here lived Bakanke, the chief of the wolf tribe of the l)ela- ■wai'es, with Glickhiccon, "the foremost sight on a gun-barrel," as his chief councillor. It was to this town that the Moravian Indians inider the lead of Zeisberger, passing up the Beaver, came in May, 1770, and where they intended to build their settlement. They, however, soon crossed to the /re-'it side of the Beaver, and Iniilt a town aliout a mile BEAVER (OINTY. Yl below the luoiitli o( the Mahoning, calling it Languntoutenvink, or the Town of Peace. The policy of the Frencii in dealing with the Indians was to quietly seciu'e their trade, rather than settle on or colonize their hunt- ing-grounds. In coni])liance with this policy, the authorities at Montreal ap])ointed Joncaire, or John Coeur, a French officer, to take charge of the Oliio, from its source to the mouth of the Wabash. He was on the Ohio as early as 1727, and came annually thereaftei', bring- ino- with hiui other Frenchmen, includins' a blacksmith, to mend the guns and tonuthawks of the Indians, gratis ; and on his I'eturn he fre- quently carried the leading chiefs with him to Montreal. He had been adopted as a son into the Seneca Nation, and was known among them as Kahicktodo. He gained great influence over them by his courage, his affability ;uid kindness, and, as was said, to the culture of the Frenchman he added the fluent eloquence of an Iroquois warrior. The French claim to the territory jilaeed in charge of Joncaire, was based on the well-known principle tliaf. the discoverer of a river was entitled to all lands watered by it or its tributaries ; and France having succeeded to all the i-ights of Spain, in the ownership of the month of the Mississippi, jiroposed to enforce the docthne to its full extent. The Englisli, while confessing the fact of discovery, sought to avoid the effect of it, by strenuously urging that a great part of the territory thus claimed was in possession of inde))endent nations of Indians, who luul formed themselves into a powerful confederacy, and were in firm league and fi'iendship with the English, and under the protection of the crown. The easy, quiet and pacific policy of the French in dealing with the ( )hio Indians was by a simple act changed into intense activity and energy. This sudden change was caused bv an English land grant. As earlv as 174:8, if not earlier, George Croghan had a trading-house at Saucon ; and as long as there was no attempt at colonizing the territory, Croghan, Le Tort, Lowry and Cartlidge with Joncaire, La Force and other French and English trailers, got along well together. Croghan was an Irish- man, from Dublin, very illiterate, but of great force of character. He had been in the Indian ti-ade many years, and was ]3erfectly familiar with all the peculiar phases of Indian character. After the defeat of Braddock, he became dei)uty to Sir William Johnston, in the manage- ment of Indian affairs f)n the Ohio. The most of this trade was in the hands of the Pennsylvaiiians, ;ind as they had a shorter carriage, they were enabled to undersell the Frencii, and iiy this means were gradually 72 HISTORY OF liEAVEli COUNTY. weakening the French iiiHuence over the Indians on tlie ()liio. wliicii created great jealonsy at Montreal ; and tlie liist niutterings of the old French war were heard on territory now included in Beaver county. In November, 1747, despite the cliill and siu'ly Ijlasts of the season, ten Indian warriors left Logstown, and took u]) their silent march througli the gloom of the forest, for Philadelphiii, and I'eaclied that place in the latter part of the month. Their leatler aiid sj^eaker was Canackquasy, who was a son of the Indian queen Alliqui])])i, and l>oth were firm friends of the English. The queen lived on the southeast of the Ohio, not far, ])erhiq)s, from the present railway station bearing her name. Chartiers in early days was known as Alliquippi's creek. She held the same mysterious sway ovei' the Ohio Indians as that exercised by Queen Catherine Montour over the Indians of Tioga Point and Seneca Lake. She was present with her husband, AUeniykoppy, or Great Hill, at the departure of William Penn in 1701, at New Castle, Delaware, Avhen she presented Canackquasy, then a child, in order that he might receive Penn's blessing. In 1753 she was living at the mouth of the Youghiogiieny, where Washington jiaid her- a visit, but she afterwards removed to liaysto'wu, now Bedford, where she died in December 1754. Canackquasy, in his interview with the governor, informed him of the true state of affairs on the Ohio, and the real designs of the French were set forth. This was the fii-st official notice the Pennsylvania authorities had of the intention of the French to unite Canada and Louisiana, by way of the Ohio river. These Indians were su})plied ^vith arms and ammunition, and a considerable present given them. The Virginians, seeing the great profit in the Indian tratle, ])ro- posed to embark in the enterprise. In 1748, Thomas Lee, of 'N'irginia, formed the design of makino' settlements on the wild lands west of the Allegheny mountains. A conqiany was formed, and a land grant of five hundred thousand acres was ])rocured from tlie king of England, to l)e selected along the Ohio, between the Monongahela and Kanawha. It was known as the " Ohio Company." Two hundred thousand acres were to be selected immecHately, on condition that the C(jnqiany, at its own expense, seat one hundred families on tiie land in seven years. The Pennsylvanians, alarmed at tiie threatened destruction of a profitable trade, prcjiared a large ])reseiit of goods, including powder and leail, and placetl it in charge of Com-ad Weiser, with instructions that he deliver it to the Indians at Logstown. Weiser assumed the task, and with the assistance of Croghan and his }>ack-horses, reached BKAVER CorNTY. iO Lo"-sto\vii, Auo'ust 27, 1T4S, ami was received witli <;'reat joy Ijv the many hundred hulians present, consisting of Mohawks, Senecas, Oneidas, Delawares, Shawanese and Wyandots. S])eeches were made on behalf of the proyince, by Weiser and Anch'ew Monte )ur, and respondeil to by the Indian oratoi's at great length. The present was delivered nnd divided, and the Indians departed wonderfully pleased. Uut the French in the meantime were not inactive. In 174'.* an expedition was fitted out at Montreal, under Captain Elainyille de Cel- eron, with a force of two liuiKb'cd and forty-six, composed of soldiere, Canadians and Indians, with ordeis to descend the Ohio, and take possession of the country in the name of the French king. As tliis force passed Oswego in tiieir canoes, Sir William Johnston disjiatched a runner to Goyernor Hamilton, and informed him of the French design. Hamilton at once sent Croghan and Andrew Montoui' to the Oliio ; the former went directly to Beaver creek, and the latter making a toiu' of observation to Lake Erie, afterward joined Croghan at the princi])al Indian town. Tlie French expedition reached Wai'ren on the Alle- gheny, July 2'.>, and here Celeron (Salarone) buried a leaden plate, and made a. record of it. Passing down the Allegheny, toucliing at several points and passing where Pittsburg now stands, without mention, Cel- eron came to Allicpiip])i's Town. August 7, and tlie record says "all the inhabitants tied in alai'm to Chiningue, except three Iroipiois and an old wonnin, wlu.> was regai'ded as a (pieen, and devoted to the English ; this place is one of the most lieautil'ul I have seen up to the |)resent time, on the Peautiful river. I ilecam])ed and ])assed the night three leagues lower down." The Fi'ench league was two and one-half miles. Cel- eron says: " As I was oidy two leagues froin Chiningue, I ordered the detachment to brush themselves uj) as well as possible, so as to give them a l)etter apjiearance; and I arranged everything for repairing to the village in good order, as I considered this one of the most considerable villages of the Beautiful river." Celeron reached the village near the mouth of Beaver creek, on the Sth of August, and called it Chiningue. because of its ])roximity to the stream of that name. Some hostile demonstration being made to his landing^ he fixetl his camp securely near the village and made it a])pear as strong as possible. These ])recautions ])revented an attack from the Indians, which they had fully I'esoived to make. The viUage, by esti- mate of Bonnechamjis, Avho was the mathenuitician and sailing-master of the ex]iedition, consisted of eighty large caljins, built of stpiared logs, and haelt of Wampum," at IJeaver; Ctmagackreesera, or "Broken Kettle." at Kaskaskia : tmd Guviishuta, or " The Bi"- Cross." at Venango, all tidmir- able points for observation iind communication. " The Half King" was a Mohawk, living at Logstown, but litiving a hunting-cabin on Little Beaver. He accompiinied AVashington to Venango in the winter of 1753. The value and importance of this Ind- ian may be judged from the zealous efforts of the French ofticers, on that occasion, to shake liis friendship for the English, in which they completely failed. He died and was buried at Ilarrisburg in 17r)l. " The Belt of Wampum." ;ind " Great Arrow." p'articijjated in Brad- dock's defeat, and fought with great spirit and bravery. The first was a Seneca Indian. ;mtl the most famous warrior of the Six Nations, a reputation not easily acquireil timong those Romans of Aiu erica, as they were fitly styled by Volney. After the battle, chagrined at^ the treatment he and his warriors had received from liraddock, he gathered his peo]ile together and retired to the Juniata. " Great Arrow " was an Oneida Indian ; he was both a warrior and councilor, and became the successor of " Hal r King," on the death of the latter. After the 76 HISIORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. battle lie made a journev to Philadelphia, and in the state house he spoke with great animation and vehemence to a large concourse of peo])le, urging bold, bloody and decisive war. It was a spectacle, indeed, of a jirovince of 300,000 of a population, with 30,000 cajiable of bearing arms, leaning, and leaning confidently, u]X)n this Indian as a pillar of strength, and earnestly looking to him I'oi' advice and guidance in their dire distress. He made a journey to Onondaga, at the request of the governor, to remind the Six Nation of their treaty stipulations, and enlist them in the English interest. lie was inloinied by those wily councilors that he was too late ; that half of I!radd<>ek's army had thrown down their guns, without tiring- a shot ; that the Shawanese and Delawares on the Ohio wei'e then wholly in the Fi'ench interest ; that the Six Nations were themselves divided, the French having many adherents among them, and that it Avould be very im])olitic for them to take sides with the Englisli in such an emergency. On Monday, May 18, 1751, George Croghan, with many merchants and traders, reached Logstown with a large present for the Indians, from the province of Pennsylvania. He was received by the great concourse of Iiulians in the most complaisant manner. Two days later Joncaire and another French officer, with forty warriors of the Six Nations, arrived at Logstown, from the head of the Ohio, in canoes. This was the first official meeting of the French and English represent- atives on the Ohio. They both came Avitli gifts in their hands, to solicit and enlist the red man in the interest of their nations. Joncaire at once proceeded to business, calling a cf)uncil, and demanding of the Indians that they discharge the English traders, and forbid them to come among them again. One of the Iiulians, in severe and liaisli language, informed him that the land belonged to the Indians, and not to the French, and that they would trade exclusively with the English, as the French demanded an exorbitant pi-ice fen- their goods. Croghan, having the largest present, had gained a temporary advantage over the F'rench- nian. Joncaire droppetl down the river to lieaver creek, where he addressed the following letter to Governor Hamilton : De Chiningue. June 6. 1751. MoNSiEUU: The Marquis de la .lonquiere, goveruor of Ihe whole of New Fiauce, having honored me with his orders, to watch that tlie English should make no treaty ill the continent of Belle Riviere, I have directed the traders cjf the L'overnorto withdraw. You are not ignorant, sir, tliat all the lands of this continent liave always helonged to the King of France, and that the English have no right to come there to trade. My general has ordered me to apprise j'ou of what I have done, in order that you may not pretend ignorance of the reasons of it, and he has given me this order witli so much the BKAVER COUNTY. ( i more reason, siucr it is now two years since IMonsieur Celeron, by order of M. Gallisso- niere. then connuanilant-gencral, warned many Englisli traders, wlio were treating with the .savages of Belle Kiviere, against what they were doing, and the}' promised him not to return again to treat on Iheir lands, as M. de Celeron wrote to you, lest anything might happen. In the siiinnier of 1752, Colonel Joshua Fi-y, Luneford Lomax and James Patton. on the ])art of Virginia ;ind Christopiier Gt'ust, of the Ohio Coiiipatiy, lifought a large quantity of merchandise to the Ohio, and held a treaty with the Indians at Logstown. At this treaty the Inilians granted the Virginians the privilege of settling a. fixed trtide, and gave them permission to erect two forts. The Ohio company built a stone stoi'ehouse on the southeast side of the ()hio, near the town of Alliquippi, and goods as well as arms and ammunition were stored in it, and they were committed to the care of Geust, Trent and Montour, to distribute to the Indians, as occasion and beliavaor should require. The company hiteuded to erect a fort on the same side of the river, about two miles below Daundaga, " The Forks," the present site of Pitts- burgh. Wiishington, in a letter dated May 3, 1T54-, speaks of this stone house as still sttinding, and that it would serve as a receptacle for arms and ammunition. The tretity with the Virginians was concluded June 13, 1752. In January, 1753, a liirge French force left Montreal and were dis- embarking to take possession of the Ohio Vtilley. " Great Arrow " having been aii]>oiiited by the Logstown council, visited the command- ant of these troops ;it Lake Erie, and asked him why he came with such an army, and warned him of the consequences of entering ujxm the the lands of the Si.\ Nations. The Frenchman replied: "Child, to make my children i>n the (.)hi() quite easy aljoiit this matter, I declare to you that I am determined to go down the Ohio, to the very mouth of it, and legions of devils shall not prcxeiit inc. 1 am commanded to build fom" strong houses, viz: at Weningo, Moliongialo Forks, Logstown and Heavei' ('reek, and this I will do. I will desceiul the < )hio smoothly to Moliong alo. and build a house there, and make it very strong. After this I shall become heavier, and by niyown weight be carried down the stream to Kuskusky or Canniangoy." How well this line was chosen, for the ])tn'])ose of controlling the western country, may be judged from the fact that to-day nine-tenths of the trtivel and traffic, east and west in the United States, ])asses Itetween Pittsburgh and Lake Erie. The journey of Washington to Venango ; the surrender of Ensign Ward : the death of Joinonville ; the capitiihition at Fort Necessity, and ,lb HISTORY OF BKAVKK COITNTY. the defeat of liraddock. are themes familiar to all. The eifect of this last revei"se was to embolden the Frencli and consolidate their power. The Indians in the EngUsh interest disappeared, and the tribes near and far became the allies of the French. So crushing was this defeat that no Englishman|\entured near " The Forks " for several yeai-s ; the dead remained unburied. food for wolves and \iiltures. It is true Armstrong attacked Kittanning, titty miles above, and psu'tiaUy destroyetl the town: liut the venture was almost as disastrous to him as it was to the Indians. Tiie Delawares on the Ohio, however, after this all removed to Beaver creek. The only man that conkl be prevailed upon to carry a messaae to the western Indians was an honest, unassuming German, a Moravian minister, Christian Frederick Post. He left rhiladel])hia Julv 15. 1758, ami reached Cushcushkung Atigust 12. and was met by Shingass and King Beaver, who showed him a large house in which to lodge. The town consisted of ninetv houses, and two hundreil able warriors. A coimcil was ap})ointed at Simeon : and Post, in company with twenty-hve horeenien, aneuver creek, ami passiiin' n|> that strtnnii, retireil to Kaskaskia, on tlie Mahoning-, wliere tiicy iniiit magazines an(i stored tliera witli arms and ammunition. In 17layed a consfticuous, thougii subtle, ])ai't in the French war. Tlie Iro(juois were exceedingly jealous of him, while tlie Delawares of the Beaver regarded iiim with great suspicion. He was a. large, lusty, raw-boned man, haughty and im])erious, and veiy desirous of respect and command. To his other abilities, he added the rare accom])lish- ment of lieing able to drink three quarts or a gallon of rum in a. day, without losing his head. In 1Teaver ; a volley of nnisket-halls sliowered ii])on them; eleven fell dead, and Calhoun and two others made their escape. In a few weeks the ti'ails leading to Ivaskaskia, Saucon and Fort Pitt swarmed with warriors, and early in the morning of June 22 the latter place was assaulted witli gre;it fury. The settlers tied in alarm, and fourteen liuiidicd of them I'etii'ed as far as Shippensburg. Tliesiegeat Fort Pitt was kei)t u]) many days, and an incessant tire of musketry and fiery arrows fell upon it. Jiouquet hurried to its succor, hut he was com])elle(h before reaching that point, to measure strength with these stern and vindictive savages; yet he overthrew them in a great battle at ijushy Run, and tliis great Indian wave rolled bade westward, broken, (lisa])pointed and sullen, and coming to the Beaver, their ancient rendezvous, tiiese Indians encamped for a breathing sjtell on the beau- tiful ])lain where Beaver now stands, but finally retired to the solitudes of the forest west of the Muskingum. To carry out this expedition, Pontiac issued notes and bills, made of I)ark. on which an otter was carved, tlie totem or insignia of his nation, and all these, unlike some modern financiers, he afterward fully and I'cligiously I'etleemed. In October of this year, a band of Iroquois surrounded the cabin of Tee- dyuscung, at midnight, and setting fire to it, the unsusjiecting chief and veteran passetl away in the flames. Tlie contest between F' ranee and England, for the possession of America, was terminated this year by the celebrated Treaty of Paris. By its terms and stipulations England gained undisj)uted jiossession of the territory extending from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and frcnn Hudson's Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. It was perha])s the largest I'eal estate transaction recorded in history. It was in contemplating this vast change and acquisition of territory, that I)aniel Webster, standing upon the fortress at Quebec listening to the reveille, was seized with the inspiration that he afterwards uttered in the Senate, in these words: " On this question of princii)le. while actual suffering was yet far off, they (the colonists) raised tlieir flag against a power to which, for ])ur- poses of foreign conquest and subjugation, Borne, in the height of her glory, is not to be compared ; a power which has dotted over the sur- face of the whole globe, with her possessions and military posts ; whose morning drum-beat, following the sun, and kee]nng company with the hours, circles the earth daily with one continuous and unbroken strain of the martial airs of England."' N^ /^ ■^ - — — t-' 'U-- -c . _ (^ .^. "cT' — ~* .^ : " ■*- rz n * — - - o :? r: = u. ■«- i- U c; =.2 ■-*; " V 2 % 'i !-'-§ ^-l • - "w U •J •J ^\ - _ -^ -Tl '^ t- = 2 -• ~ "J r** :: r ^ JD X '-' 'Jl u -^ " ~ T ^ J V ■ - - C rt _: ' 1 ^ ;: -^ \ mun - ■ '- Z n — - >kJ1 ~ .-i - 2 =- >.= X -,^ 5 5 i i-5 ^ V i=^Z-: ^'J-^ X \^ ":: - _ »-S *" o --<._« ^ '>^ w - a -f ■- ■s : .? ; S H s ■£ Cv a M u ~ .= u t; -a "S H; = .- « * <.= .: - ^- t _ u < :; = ^ •- i - r --• b 5.i ? f = r.o § 56 r o c — i = i* I? L_ - H = =" 5: u rs V 4- ^:h " M F--= X - a; fe r 5 « B CHAPTER 111. PIONEERS AND PIONEER SETTLEMENTS. Causes of Migkation — Character of the Early Settlers — Primitive Cabins and their Surroundin(;s — Means of Defense — Fort Mc- Intosh — First Settlers — Lists f)F Taxables — Mortuary List. TIDES are of several kiiuls. The aij^uatic pulse of old ocean, impelled by the attractive power of both sun and moon, beats every six hours. The vital tide, causetl jirimarily by the inclination of the earth's axis twenty-three and a lialf degrees toward tlie phme of its orbit, the daily rotation of tlie eartli ujjon said axis, and the annu.il revoluti( )n of t he planet around a central orb — the sun — ebbs and flows twice a year. The vertical rays of the sun, the harbingers of light and heat, move to and fro across the tropical belt like a faitliful soldier upon his beat. Their northward niovenient, beginning at the winter solstice (21st December), reaching the equator at the vernrd equinox (21st March), and ceasing at the summer solstice (21st June), is always preceded l)y an active stream of animal and vegetable life wliicli reaches far toward the polar I'cgion. TJie reti'ograde movement presents sim- ilar phenomena. The migration of plants nud animals, or more strictly speaking, the life and death of plants, which do not vohmtarilv change their habitat, and the migration of animals to escape death, may all l)e clearly underst(.iod when the sun is accepted as the great fountain of life. Still anothei' tide may be considered, dependent largely ujxin the existence of the other two — we mean the " tide in the aifairs of men." Man has, since tlie dawn of historic life, been disj)osed to face and to fol- low the setting sun. While the earth ui)on its axis rotates from west to east, man inclines to roam from east to west. His movements have, since the flrst people began to leave the cradle of tlie race, been along the par- allels and not along the meridians, conforming somewhat to isothermal lines. This migratory movement has resulted from various causes : 1. Curiosity to see new flelds and scenes in(hicengnacious race," Inxt, in the language of Judge George Chambers, "men wlio laid broad and deep the foundations of a great province, and who, with a master's hand, erected a structure of government that was stable, ca.[)a-cious and elevated ; whose prosperity and greatness command ailmiration, and which by jjublic accord, con- stitutes the great key -stone of the ])olitical arch of the American Union." \Tribute,p. 17.] Tliey were nearly all Presbyterian in their faith ; hence the rapid- ity with which Presbyterian congregations were organized in the jiioneer settlements. The three divisions, Presbyterians, Associate and Associate-Reformed (the latter two now comltined into the United Presbyterian), had almost a monopoly of religious instruction among the ])rimitive inhabitants. Sid(^ by side stood church and sc1k)o1, the two potent factors of an enligiitened and ])rogressive civih/.ation. Settlements occur in gi'ou])s for social l)enetits and mutual ])ro- tection. The early settlers were ]»aitial to supplies of good water. Si>i'ings, thei'efore, afforded strong inducements to locate, watercourses determined the lines of cabins erected, and likewise the directions of the first roads. Along these they built theii- i)lain log-cabins with cla])- board njof held down by heavy weight poles; door-way filled u]) with a quilt, or possibly a jilaindoor swinging on wooden hinges, and opened by means of a leather string that lifted a wooden latch; an outside chimney made of stone or sticks and j)lastered with mud, the inside of the chimney being so wide-thi'oated ;is to receive long wooden back- logs, around which the winter flajnes lapped their fiei\v tongues to attract the attention of, and give warmth to. the new occu])ant of the humble home. In these i>lain cabins, on the round joists overhead, were fastened two little wooden forks in which rested the trusty rifle or musket with fiint lock, while near it were the accompanying pouch and ])owderhorn. The table outfit wassimjile. Pewter plates, iron knives and forks with bone handles, cups and saucers of colored ware, spoons made of pewter or gernian silver — these assisted the new family to eat the frugal meal that was pre]mred in the fire-place by means of skillets, Ijaker's and iJutcli ovens. Such was the interior of the house occupied by the new comers. On the exterior was wildness. Forest trees were so close that, falling, their branches could easily ilestroy the cabin. The hooting of 8fi HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. owls, the screaming ol' wildcats ami catamounts, the howling of wolves, the barking of foxes, and the yells of Indians were not alwa^'s pleasing to the ear. The uncertainty that attended the attacks of the red man was a source of constant dread. And yet with all the dangers attending those i)ioneer settlements, there were springs of happiness not reached by modern so-called fashionable society. Common dangers and hardships, the absence of false classes or castes in society, and common aims, developetl a genuine fellowship ami sincere friendship that compensated for other losses. The oneness of sympathy enabled them to enjoy one another's society ; hence the log-rollings, the raisings, the quiltings, the hustings and the evening socials were sources and occasions of real enjoyment, the memory of which is pVecious to the ])ioneer. Eetracing our steps, it may be proper to give, in addition to the trusty ritle that always found a jilace in every pioneer cabin, some of the means by which the first settlers defended themselves against the bloody attacks of the Indians, other than the voluntary companies or associations for self protection; these means were block-houses and forts. Block-houses were built at convenient places as rallying points for neighborhoods. In them families were sheltered, and by them men defended these families against assault by the lurking foe. In 171'3 there was built, at the Sewicldey bottom, on the north side of the Ohio, a block-house which belonged to John Wolf, father of John Wolf who removed to the vicinity of Beaver in 1795 or 1790. Another stood betAveen PhiUipsburg and the Logstown bottom, perhaps near the present site of Woodlawn. It is not known who built it; but it was occupied in 1791 liy Jonathan Hill, and in 179-t by Isaac Lawrence. About twf) miles from it ran Broadliead's trail, on tlie (ilade I'oad as it was sometimes called. Another block-house stood on tlie east bank of Big Beaver, two miles from its moutli, at tiie present town of New Brighton. It was built in 1780 by Colonel Josiah Ilarmar while his troops lay at Fort Mcintosh. While still an ensign, Lieutenant McDowell was in com- ]nand in 1787-88, and asa lieutenant in 1789-90. Ilehad aiioiit a dozen men. ^IcDowell was succeeded by Captain Stevenson wlio remained till A])ril, 179o. Between the occii])ancv by McDowell an2, his son Tliomas Dawson erected one on tlie opjwsite side near the jjresent Smith Hotel. Levi Dungan had erected a ])lock-house near his home in the vicinity of Frankfort, on tlie old state road leading from Georgetown to Wash- ington, about twelve miles from the former ]ilace. About five miles east of Dungan's block-house, stood Tliomas Dillow's. a foitress which was (juite famous in its day as a place of refuge for the ])eople of the neighl)oi-hood. Whentliese were l)uiit is not known, l)ut it must have •occurred as early as 178(t. Fcjrt Mcintosh was built in tlie year 1778 on tiie north bank of the Oiii(), about half a mile below the mouth of Big Beaver on the i)resent site (jf Beaver, (xeneral Mclntosli,* by whom it was constructed and * Lachlin Mcintosh (or Lach'n Mcintosh as he himself wrote it) was born near Inver- ness, Scotland, in the year 1727. He came, in 1736, with his father and General Ogle- thorpe, to Georgia. His father being taken prisoner and sent to St. Augustine, Lachlin was, at the age of thirteen, left to maternal care. His early educational advantages were limited, bvit diligent application compensated for this loss. Having spent some lime as a clerk in Charleston, he returned to his friends on the Altamaha, married and engaged in the duties of land surveyor. He also studied military tactics, and when the revolution broke out he took sides with his adopted country. He was first appointed colonel, and then brigadier-general, which position he lield till the close of the war. In 1784 he was elected to Congress, and in 178.T was chosen one of the commissioners to treat with the Southern Indians. In the early part of 1777 a duel was fought between him and Button Guinnett, a signer of the declaration of independence, and a rival by whom he was persecuted. Guinnett was jealous of Mcintosh's rising power, and did everything to nrresl it. Jlcln- tosh finally denounced him as a "scoundrel." A duel was the residt. Both were •wounded in the thigh. Mcintosh recovered, but Guinnett died. Mcintosh was. at the instance of Guinnett's friends, tried for murder, but was accjuitted. The local agitation jiroduced by this tragedy threatened the existence of the repub- lican party in the state. To allay this feeling, Mclnto.sh consented to accept an appoint- ment at the North tendered him by General Washington. He was appointed command- er-in-chief of the AVestern Department, with headquarters at Pittsburgh {or Fort Pitt as it was then called). During Ids .stay at Fort Pitt he built Fort Mcintosh, and projected the campaign against Detroit. Having completed Fort l\IcIntosli, he marched toward the Sandusky towns in Ohio with one thousand men. When he reached the Tuscarawas, the .season was so far gone tliat further advance was deemed unwise. There he binlt a fort which, in honor of the president of congress, he called Fort Laurens. Supplying it 88 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. after Avhom it was named, s;iys in a letter from Fort Pitt, December 29, 1778: " I erected a good strong fort, for the reception and security of prisoners and stores, upon the Indian side of the Oliio, below Beaver creek, with barracks for a regiment." The best description of the fort is that given by Arthur Lee, one of the commissioners wlio visited the place in December, 178-i, to make a treaty with the Indians. He says: "It is biiilt of well hewn logs, with four bastions ; its figure is an irregular square [mathematicians would call it a trapezoid. Ed.], the face to the river being longer than the side to the land. It is about equal to a square of iifty yards. It is well Ituilt. and strong against musketrv." It contained within its enclosure, marks of which are yet visible on the banks of the river, about one half-acre of ground. The greater portion of this space is now in the street, while the remainder, which contained tlie officers' C(uarters, lies in a lot owned by Senator M. S. Quay. Supplies of water were I'cached by an underground passage to the river. In addition, a large spring in the hills north of the fort, and since used as a public water su]iply for Beaver, was then available. Supplies of provisions came fi-oni For-t Pitt, eithei" down the I'iver, or across the country, by what is known as the Eroadiiead road to the opposite side from which they were crossed by ferry. Considerable criticism was made both as to the necessity and the construction of tliis fort. Colonel Daniel Broadhead, the successor of General Mcintosh, as commander of the Western Department, in a letter to Major-General Armstrong, dated April 16, 1779, relative to an incursion into Indian territory to capture Detroit, one of Mcintosh's pet schemes, says : " General Mcintosh was more ambitious. He swore that nothing less than Detroit was his object, and he would have it in the winter season. In vain was the nakedness of the men — the scanty sujiplies worn out — starved horses — leanness of the cattle, and total want of forage — difficulty, under such circumstances, of .suj)])ort- with a garrison of one hundi-ed and fifty men, under the command of Colonel John Gib- son, he returned ^\-ith the remainder to Fort Pitt, destitute of the laurels with which he expected his Indian expedition to crown him. He returned to Georgia in ITTi), iind participated in the siege of Savannah. lie was made a prisoner at Charleston. After being released, he went with his family to Virginia, and remained until the close of the war. Returning to Georsria, he found his property wasted and liimself reduced to want. In this condition he lived at Savannah until the time of his deatli, wliich occurred 30th February, 1806, in his eightieth year. In youth, Mcintosh was considered the handsomest man in Georgia. The follow- ing was Washington's estimate of him : "Old and inactive — supposed to be hon- est and brave. Not much known in the Union, and therefore wotdd not obtain much confidence, or command much respect either in the community or the army," BEAVEK Cdl'NTY. 89 illy posts at so great distaiK-e in the enemies" cciuntry, and other consid- erations urged. * * * And it was owing to the General's determin- ation to take Detroit, tliat the very romantic hidhliny. called Fort 3lc7n- tosh, was bnilt by tiie liaiids of hnmh'eds wlio wonkl ratlier have fought than wrought." [J'ena. Arch. Vol. XI L p. 110.'] Again, in a letter to Gen. Washington dated June 5, 1789, he says of it: "There is neither meadow, garden, pasture nor spring water con- venient to that post." In July, 17S0, thirty AVyandot Indians crossed the Ohio five miles, below Fort Mcintosh, and killed four out of five men who were reaping in a field, taking the fifth a prisoner. Captain Mclntyre's com])any from the fort pursued and attacked the Indians, killing and wounding many, and recapturing the ]irisoner. They also seciu-ed several canoes containing guns, blankets, tomahawks, paint bags, etc., etc. In the autumn of 1781, Brig. General AVilliam Irvine relieved Colonel Broadhead in command of the department. On the 23d of September, 1783, he gives written instructions to AVilliam Lee and John McClure " to take immediate charge of the fort, iaiildings and public property now remaining at the post of Mcintosh for and in behalf of the state of Pennsylvania, (except twij pieces of iron cannon and some water casks, tiie ])roperty of the United States), and three thousand acres of land reserved for the use of said State.". He gives them direc- tions to take entire control of tiie j)roperty, t(_) cultivate a certain amount of land, and to protect the timber which belonged to tlie tract. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Josiaii Ilarmar seems to have been in command in 1785^ a montlily return of the troo])s under his control being dated February 8th. In a letter accompanying the report, he urged the supreme exec- utive council to a]i])oint some one to take charge of the fort upon his leaving it. On the 27tli of April the council " ordered that General Neville be authorized, u]ion his return to Washington county, to- place some fit person in the possession of the liuildings at Fort Mcin- tosh, with directions to keep them and the jiublic timber upon the adjoining lands in a state of as much preservation as possible." {^Col. Rec. Vol.XIV.p.US.'] Fort Mcintosh was a.handoneil in the winter of 1700-91, and never subsequently occujiied. Its houses antl fortifications were used there- after only as a shelter for spies, rangers and hunters. In 1795 it had reached such a state of decay that the roofs of the several buildings had given way, and but one wing, the western, was still standing. Joim AVolf and Smiuicl .lohiiston. whiicame in tiie summer of that vear 90 HISTORY OK BE.WEK COUNTY. to liiiild houses upon the Beaver Coiniuons, erected poh's to uiatcli the height of the logs in this wing, and covered them witii l)i-usii to jn'otect them against the niglit dews. Under tliis temporary shelter they slept at night. A very interesting question, and one that excites a warm discus- sion is: Wlio was the first permanent settler in Beaver county '. For a long time Geoi'ge Baker, ^vhose family Avas captured l)y the Indians on Kaccoon creek was supposed to have been the fii-st. Later and fui'ther investigations show that Levi Dungan was a resident of the county at an earlier date. A brief account of him and his family is in ordei'. Levi Dungan was born and reared on a fai'm about nine miles from Philadelphia. liucks county, adjoining, is well supjjlied with Dungans, the original membei"s of whom were pioneer settlers and some of them quite prominent citizens. In the s]iring of 1772, Levi located a tract of one thousand acres purchased from a man named Stephens, on the head w;iters of King's creek, in what is now Hanover township, on the edge of which tract the village of Frankfort is located, lie Ijrought Avith him a slave by the name of Lynn, and began at the spring which subseiiuently fed Stejihenson's steam mill, an impi-ove- ment which consisted in buikling a cal)in, clearing some land and jjlaut- ing it with corn, ])otatoes and other vegetables. In the autumn of the same year he returned to Philadelphia to get iiis family. His wife was JVIary Davis, a small wonuui of AVelsh tlescent who had been reared in the family of the celebrated Dr. Benjamin Rush. AVhether she was a relative of the doctor is not known; but she had read his medical books, and brouoht some of them with her to the new count r v. In the year 1789, Mary Dungan journeyed on horsetiack to Phila- (lel|)hia in company with some of her neighbors who went mainly to secure supplies of salt for the new country, their roads lieing mere paths through forests infested by hostile Indians. Mrs. Dungan took with her the money necessary to enter the tract of land selected and "blazed" out in 1772, and returned in safety, bringing her patents for the land dated September 1, 17S'.i. One of Dimgan's near neighbors, for a time was ilr. Blazier. He settled on a farm about two miles south of Dungan's. Such was the beginning of a pioneer settlement in Beaver county. There were no mills, no shops, no stores, no churches, no physicians, none of the con- veniences of civilized life. ]Mr. Dungan erected the first horse mill in the county. C'ajjtain John Braden stated subse(piently that when he was a bov he had yone with his father from the mouth of Rac- liEAVEE COUNTY. 91 coon creek to this mill, ;i distance of aljout twenty miles, and luul not seen any trace of a I'oad. Another neighbor at a later date was William l^anofit, who was distant about six miles. On one occasion he and a neighbor by the name of Isaac Wiseman were down on King's creek to get some corn ground. ( )n their return home they were fired n]ion by Indians. Wiseman was killed, Langfit was badly womided through the body, but falling forward, he clasped his horse around the neck. The animal ran to the home of Levi Dungan where the wounded man was taken in entirely unconscious. The nearest regular surgeon was at Fort Du Quesne, twenty-five miles distant, the way to wliich, if any messenger had been available, was guarded by liostile Indians. Mrs. Dungan's medical knowledge was now put to a practical test. Having examined the body carefully, she discovered that it was perforated with bullets, and exhausted by the loss of blood. Tearing a silk handker- chief into stri]is, and improvising a probe, she drew the stri])s through the wounds, and by the use of lint and bandages staunched tlie flow of I)1o(.k1. Then knowledge was ]iower. Another dittieulty was encountered. The patient in his weakness could take no nourishment. This emergency was met by allowing the wounded man to share with her infant child the noui'ishment afforded by her own breast. Langtit I'ecovered. and to the day of his death accorded to his deliverer a homage closely ajiproaching worshi]). He died ill Hanover township, August 23, 1831, aged 95 years. Mr. Dun- gan lived to be SO years old. The second family that contests with the Dungans for the honor of being the first settlers of the county is, as has been stated, that of George Baker. He was born three miles east of Strasburg, Germany, in 1730-35, and came to America in 1750. Landing on the eastern coast, he married within the first three months a small, handsome and intelligent English girl. Her wedding dress, the finest quality of silk, a piece of which, more than 135 years old, is now in the ]K)ssession of George Baker, of New Sheffield, was purchased in England. With his newly wedded wife, Mr. Baker began his western journey, and finally located in what is now Moon townshij), building a block-house on Rac- coon creek It is thought the settlement occuri-ed in 1771, two years later than that of Dungan. For a number of years he and his family lived peaceably amid the dangers and difficulties surrounding them. Finally, amid the darkness of night, being restless he sprang from his bed and opened the strongly barred door of the eiihin. No sooner was 92 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. this doiK" tliaii a tall, fierce Indian s])ranjj;- iijinii liim with a lai'ge knife. Wresting it from tlie Indian, he thrust the blade through the heart of the savage, and despatched him ; but he was immediately seized by a number of warriors and overpowere(h Ransacldng the house, and lay- ing hold of ^Irs. Baker and her three children, they had decided to destroy all at one fell blow, when the recollection of Baker's daring act struck awe into their hearts. Im]>re.ssed with his warlike cjualities, they decided to spare her on account of her relationship to this newly acquired warrior, l>ut to slaughter the jioor. innocent children. The sobbing of the mother and the intercessions of the father touched their savage hearts, and they concluded to s]>a)'e even the children, pro- vided their parents woukl carry them in their enfoix-ed marches. This condition was acce})ted. Tlie father took two and the mother one. Submissively the captives followed to their Indian ])rison on Lake Erie, and finally l)ecame great favorites of their dusky masters, and were given the liberties of the camp. Gaining by degrees the full confidence of the Indians, they ultimately took advantage of a favoral)le oppor- tunity to escape, and returned to their old home in Moon townshij), where lie lived many years. Ilis death occurred the 17th day of April. 1>S(I2. Another of the early settlers whose history is fraught with great interest was (ieorge Foulkes. On the second Sunday in March. ITSd, a party of Indians attacked a sugar camp on Eaccoon creek. They killed five men and took three boys and three girls prisonei-s. Among- the latter were George Foulkes, aged eleven years, and his sister, Eliza- beth, aged nine. A brother, aged eighteen, was killed and scalped. Among the prisoners, too, was a lad by the name of Samuel Whitaker. Thomas Dillow was taken in June following in com])any with his father and mother, both of whom were cruelly slaughtered. Elizabeth Foulkes grew up anujug the Indians, and subsequently married Samuel Wiiitaker, a fellow captive, and then located on the Sanilusky river, in Oiiio. George was ]irisoner eleven years, during which time he became so thoroughly acquainted with Indian character as to be fully (|ualitied for the hazardous and importiint work he sub- sequently ])erfoi'med — that of an Indian scout. lie was the sjtecial friend and [lartner of Captain Sanmcl Ih'ady. (_)n his i-eturn from captivity he married Miss Catherine Uilery. who lived on the Ohio river. After peace was restored, they removed to a farm (^17'Jt!-!t7) about four miles from Darlington, where he died about 1840. His descendants have been honest citizens of the countv. BEATER COUNTY. 9$ About the year 1779 Imliaiis came to Kaccooij creek where Will- iam Amierson, grandfather of Davitl Anderson of later years, was engaged in building a calf ])en, Mud shot him through the left breast. Stunned for the moment, and insensiljle to his surroundings, he finally recovered sufficiently to start on a direct line for Heeler's block-house,, distant several miles, bleeiling co])i()Usly en, rouU\ Meantime, his wife hearing the report, started with her infant child into tlie corntields which surrounded the house, to make her escajie. The savages mounted the fence and looked for her, but did not discover her. She had lain down in the high grass with hei- child. It fell aslee]>; and her small dog, usually disposed to bark, appreciated the gravity of the position and remained jierfectly quiet. She saw the Intiians near her several times, but was not discovered. Under cover of nightfall she repaired to the fortress where she found her husband much enfeebled from the loss of blood. In running to the fortress, his shirt became so saturated with blood that he was forced to remove it. A silk handkerchief was used upon the wound with the desired effect. Mr. Anderson recovered^ and with his heroic wife lived to a good old age, leaving a, numerous and respectable ])rogeny to revere their memory. The Indians tired the cabin and carried off two boys, step brothers. They remained with the Indians for five years or more. Logan returned to Fort Mcintosh, and, subsequently marrying in Beaver, went west ta grow up with the country. The other, unwilling to leave, married a half-breed French woman near Detroit, and had two sons who became ' chiefs among the Indians. The Poes, Andrew and Adam, were conspicuous men in the early settlement of the south side. The fierce encounter of the former with Bitr-Foot, the giant Indian cliief, and another Indian on the banks of the river, is so Avell known tliiit the particulars need not be recounted here. When it is remendjered tiiat Big-Focjt is said to have been seven feet in height and pro])ortionately formed, it can not seem otherwise than strange that Andrew was delighted with the pros]iect of measur- ing strength with such an Ajax of the forest. But iiiniself a nu'ghty man of valor became out of thectmtest terribly wounded, from which he never fully recovered. In conversatitm with his neighbors, he often passed through the memoiy of the fight, his dilated pu[)il, quivering- and contracted muscles and foaming saliva indicating to the by-stander the vividness with which the tragic scenes were recalled to the pioneer's mind. lie lived idiout a mile from Ilookstown until IS-'n, when he died 94 IIISTOKV OF BEAVER COU>fTY. uj>\var(ls of eighty yeai'sof age. His ln'otiiei' Adam, younger by about five years than Andrew, removed to Ohio about 182(», and lived there until 1S4-0 when he was taken to a great Harrison mass meeting at Massillon, to see the old general. He was taken ill and died within two weeks. He \vas ninety -five years of age. Many descendants of the Poes are yet living in and around Georgetown and scattered throughout the west. A daughtei' of Adam is still living at Congress, Ohio, ninety-seven years of age. Though not a ])ermanent settler, Ca})tain Samuel Brady deserves a bi'ief notice. He was liorn at Shi])]>enslnirg, Cumljerland County, Fa., in 175(5. When the Revolution broke out. Samuel joined a vohmteer company. He was offered a commission, but his father objected on account of his youthfulness, suggesting very wisely : " First let him learn the tluties of a soldier, and then he will better know how to act as an officer." He did learn. His brother and father were both cruelly murdered by the In- dians in 1778-79. This prompted him to swear vengeance against the whole Indian race. How faithfully he kept his vow is attested by the acts with which he ]>unished them in Beaver county and the West. As a scout and an Indian fighter he could not be excelled. He knew the enemy thoroughly, and was a tower of strength and confidence to the defenseless settlers of the Ohio and Beaver regions. In the Bench and Bar chapter mention is made of the fact that William Foulkes is supposed to liave been the first permanent settler north of the Ohio river, within the limits of the county. Within five or six years, that is by 1797-98, the region was quite fully filled up. It is not known to the Avriter who was the first settler noi'th of the Ohio ami east of the Big Beavei'. That region was settled, however, about the same time as the district to the west of it, that is from 179-t to 18(10. The tiifficidty in securing laud titles on the '•Intlian side of the river,'" as the north was called, prevented settlements being made as early as on the south side. As showing who were eai'Iy residents of the county, we luive secured the lists of taxables in the three great regions of the county. (1) the South mle, (2) the JS^orth .iide west of Big Beaver, and (3) the North side east of Big Beaver. The lists on the south side are for the yeai' 18()2. The townshi]) did not exist at that date, it seems, its teri'itory being included in other townships. BEAVEE COUNTY. 95 Anderson, William Applegate, Obadiah Applegate, David Allison, Samuel Adams, William Brierly, Kobert Bell, Hugh Boyd, John Bacer, James Beel, George Beel, David Brown, Henry Burdoo, Nathaniel Blair, Robert Bell, William Carolhers, James (county surveyor) Carolhers, William Carothers, Samuel Cameron, William Carson, Alexander Closs, Michael Campbell, John Counkle, Henry Chambers, James Calhoon, Johnston Coleman, John Cain, John Dungan, Levi Dungan, Isaiah Doak, Kobert Ewing, James Ewing, James Jr. Ferrell, James Glasgow, Samuel Gordon, David Sr. Gordon, David Gilliland, John Gilliland, James Harper, Samuel Leejier, John Laughlin, William (hatter) Laughlin, Samuel Hanian, James Leeper, Robert (tanner) LIST OF TAXABLES. HANOVER TOWNSHIP. Hammon, William Hartford, .lames Hartford, William Henderson, Robert Harvut, Jonathan Harsey, Andrew Hayes, James Hutton, John Hutchinson. John Hackathorn, Jacob Hackathorn, Daniel Hoge, John Irvin, John Jarrard, Samuel Jenkins, Joseph .lamison, William Jenkins, William Kennedy, Robert Karr, David Laughlin, William Leeper, James Langfit, William Laughlin, Alexander Lewis, Stephen Law, (widow) Lance, Peter McCauley, Andrew McCauley, John McCollough, Alexander McC'ollough. George ^leCaskey, Matthew Martin, (widow) Miller, James Miller, Hugh Murray, Charles Miller, Col. Robert Moore, Thomas McDowell, Matthew Alorlatt, Joseph McCready, Katherine Single Freemen. Woods, AVilliam Anderson. Robert Swearingen, Samuel Scott, William Hutchinson, James, McCready, Hugh McHarg, William Miller, James Sr. Miller, James Jr. McCarty, George Neilson, Matthew Neilson, .James Patton, David (from Va.) Parks, Thomas Peekard. John Pepper, Edward Ralston, Archibald Ramsey, John Ramsey, William Russell, Henry Reed, James Reed, James Sr. Ritchie. John Reed, John Reed, Alexander Swearingen, Samuel Swearingen, Thomas Sheever, Andrew Stephens, Isaac Scott, Catron Singleton, Henrj' Scott, Rev. George Skillen. Mary Stephens, Thomas Taylor, John Tarbit, Nathaniel Vinage, Adam Wallace, Robert AVoods. Archibald Whitehill, George Whitehill. James Wilson, William Wilson, Andrew Willoviffhbv. Charles Henderson, IMaltliew Langfit, William Langfit, John McCready, Daniel Hershey, John M HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Single Freemen — Continued. Ilarsha, Tliomas Law, Allen Wilson, John Marlatt, Joseph McHai's, Robert Wallace, Hezekiah Law, John Park, Thomas Ewing, James, assessor ; Patton, David, and Leeper, James, assistants. FIRST MOON TOWNSHIP— 1802. McCauley, George Bell, Thomas Whitehill, John Murray, Joseph Ater, Aaron Allison, Jolin Anderson, Thomas Ater, Tliomas Ashcraft, Edward Agnew, Robert Barnes, Thomas Bryan, Henry Beer, Robert •Bonam, Malachi Beals, John Brunton, John Baker, John Baker, Anthonj- Baker, George Sr. Baker, Michael Baker, Henry Baker, George Jr. Burke. Charles Braden's Heirs, Bousnian's Heirs, Brown's Heirs, Cooly, Jos. (chair maker) Oooley, William ■Cassidy, William (tailor) Oonnelly, (widow) Cliftord, John Crunk, John Chambers, William ■Cox, Josiali •Cooper, Matthias Cooper, Jolin ■Crawford, George Crawford, James Dodge, John DoweU. Nero Enslow, John Eager, Joseph Ellison, Samuel Feigley, Jonas J"eigley, Zachariah Wdsou, Saml. French, Robert Funkhouzer, Abraham Finney, Robert Gibb, Ale.xander Guthrie, John Guthrie, John Jr. Hood, Robert Hart, Micliael Hart, John Jr. Hart, John Sr Hutchinson, Jas. Johnson, James Justice, Isaac Justice. Putnam Jordan, James Jordan, Jolin Johnson. Andrew Knox, James Kerr, Joseph Lowrj', James Lowry, Robert Leonard. Nalhan Lenox, Charles McGee, William McGee, John McCormick, James McLaughlin, James McHenry, John McHenry, George McCollough, James McCoy, David McClelland, George McClelland, James !Myers, Jacob Miller, Jacob Montgomery, Hugh McConaughcy, Thomas Moore, Thomas McDonald, William McClelland, Francis Nelson, Robert assessor, a int. of val. 147.11 Norton. Jacob Nichol, Samuel Parkinson, William Patton. David Parkinson, John Ramsey, John Reddick, Jolin Riddle, Geors^e Rutherford, John Rambeau, AVilliam Reed, David Rabb, Andrew Rainey, John Scott, David _ Scott, James ^ Sturgeon, John Smith, John Short, Hugh Studam, Zachariah Stoops, Edward Stoops, William Showalter, Josiah Speers, Alexander Simms, Charles Steelman, John Thompson, William Twiford, James Thompson, Wm. (Iri.sh) Veasey, Elisha Veasey, Elijah Vance, Wiliani Vigle, Daniel Jr. Vigle, John Vigle, Daniel Sr. Wallace, William White, John White, Thomas Wilson, Samuel Winkle, John tax |167 HEAVER COUNTV. 97 SECOND MOON TOWNSHIP— 1802. This extended to the Ohio river, emlirai'in^ wliat in isil was called Greene township. Auderson, Rev. Jolm D. I). 30 acre.5 valued at |9G 1 horse " " 30 1 cow " " 13 Total $138 Tax 43 Alspagh, Henry Anderson, James Anderson, Benj. Brady, James Bevers, William Boyd, Jolin Bever, John (Georgetown) Bryan, John Body, Peter Blackmore. Dawson Connor, William Caldwell, Joseph, Esq. Cunningham, Thos. Carnagey, Wm. (Georgetown; Crail. John Craig, James Conley, Nicholas Campbell, William Calhoon, John Calhoon, Samuel Chrisler, Michael Cook, John Cooney, Neil (on Wra. Laughlin's laud) Chrisler, Samuel Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Benoni Sr. 354 acres, .")0 cleared, with shingled house. $1,050 Gristmill 450 Two horses 60 Four cattle 48 One j'oke oxen. 30 Total $1,638 Davidson, Robert Davis, David Ducomb, Philip (tavern ke'pr) Dungan, Robert Davis, Jonas Ewing, Ale.\auder Elliott, Elias Eaton, James Eaton, John Faulkner, James (on land of Geo. McElheny) Foster, Thos. (wheelwright) Frazier, Wm. Gilmore, John Gordon, Chris, (hatter) Glendy, William Goe, Samuel Gray, Alexander Gray, Robert Gordon, Charles Hartlc, Michael Harslia, William Hayle, Hugh Hook, Matthias (founder of Hookstown) Hall, James (distiller, of Georgetown) Hook. Henry Hood. Robert Hutton, Joseph Ingle, Henry Imbrie. James Ingles, James Kayris, Frederick Kain, .John Sr. Kain, John Jr. Kain, George Kennedy, Samuel Kerr, David Kimberh-. Wollaston Latham, William Little, John (now spelled Littell) Little, Wiu. Esq. Laughlin, Thomas Laughlin, Samuel Laughlin, William (owned a gri,stmill, a sawmill and a distillery; also 300 acres). Laughlin, Roliert ( had 400 acres of land and a distillery) Laughlin, Jaiues (tanner) Lyon, Samuel (innkeejier, Georgetown) McCormick, James Morri.son, Wm. (tavern keeper) McElbcuy, George (farmer and distiller) Moore, Jolm McCollough, John Moore, Thomas McCalli.ster (widow, in Georgetown) Matthew, James Morrison, John McCollough, .Tames McCoy, Alexander Monteith, (widow) McCallister, David Mercer, John Matthews, Thomas McCaskey, Daniel (at month of Mill creek) Neilson, James NeiLson, Samuel Neilson, John Nash, Joshua Potts, Jonas Peak. George (distiller) Patton, David Poe, Andrew (457 acres — 95 cleared) Potts, Thomas (on David Kerr's land) Parks, Robert Reed, William Riley, (widow) Rainey, John Ritchie, John (on Hook's land) Reeves, Manasseh Russell, Wm. (on Charles Simm'sland) Reed, William) on Arthur Garner's land) Smith, Thomas Shannon, Robert (on C Sim's land) TIISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Stanford, James Stanford, John Swaney, (widow) Searight, Samuel Shane, Timothy Swearengen, Wm. Todd, James SECOND MOON TOWNSHIP- Taylor, Sarah Todd, Joliu Thompson, Danitl Thompson, Benjamin Thomas, Enos Thompson, John Thompson, James Single Fkeemen. Continued. Thompson, Arcliibald Vance, Wm. Whitalier. Samuel (hatter, Georgetown) Wilson, Samuel Wilkinson, Enos (joiner, Georgetown) Brady. John ('rail, Edward DarragU, Robert J>awson, George Davidson, James (George town] Gray, Andrew Imrie, David Lyons, Abram (George- Moore, Thomas town) Patton, Robert McClure, Andrew (Cald- Parks, Samuel well's Mill) Reed, John McCoy, Nathaniel Swaney, Thomas McKissock, Andrew Swaney, James McBride, Isaac Smith, Penny McCoy, John (George- Wilhrow, John town) Wilson, Henry This valuation was cei'tified 17th March, 1802, by John lirvan, Benoni Dawson, and John McCollough. Tliey reconunendetl David Kerr as tax collector, the amount being $168.55. BEAVER TOWNSHIP— 1803-1806. Adams, David Aikin, John Sr. Beer, Joshua Adams, John Aikin. Samuel Barr, Stophel Aiken, John Bruce, John Bell, Ephraim Adams, Alex. s Blair, Samuel Bell, Isaac Ackles. Arthur Blair. Joshua Bell, John Alford, Martha Baker. Henry (farmer) s Blackmore, Mary Applegale, William Baker. William Blackmore, Thos. s Altman, George Boyd, Robert Blackmore, Mary (Ohio Adams, Dr. Samuel (Up- Baker, Daniel township) per Falls) Burton, Thomas Bigsby, Benjamin Andrews, Samuel s Bo wen, Samuel Bevington, Thomas Anderson, William Browster, Robert s Btvington, John s Anderson, Alexander Browster, John s Bowles, Thomas Alcorn, James s Beaeoni, William Bevinnton, Henry Aughenbaugh, Philip Btatty, Thomas Burns, James Andrew, Robert Beatty, Jonathan s Beer, John (innkeeper) AUi-son, Isabella Beatty, William s Baird, John Alexander, John Baird, George (North Byland, Aaron Alexander, James Beaver) Beaver, .John (sawmill) Arbuckle, Joseph Britton, Jeremiah Brown, Alexander Atchinson, David Baker, Robert Bevard, Robert Amnion, George Brook.s, Matthew Barns, John Amnion, Jacob Boies, John Black, John Aikin, James Boies, James Bowl, James Aikin, John Butcher, John Bradley. John s <::^^^fe2^(^S ^Ji<^^enoni Dawson, Michael Davis, William (black- smith) Davis, David Dawson, Thomas (tanner) Earl, .John Earl, Edward Evans, Thomas s Elliott, Thomas Evans, Eli (nailer) Edgar. Robert English, Thomas English, Andrew s Ewing, Samuel Elder, John Estep, Nathan (carpenter) Esp_v, William .sawmill) Falkner, .John Firestone, Matthias Fulks, .Jacob s Franks, .John Freed, .John Fanata, Daniel Frew, James Fulks, George Fanata. James Fields, Samuel Fullerton, Alex. Fowler. James I-'ullerton, James Fowler, Robert Frew, John Fulks, William Findley, Henry Findley, Thomas s Findley. David s Fulton, John s Fox. Ronham Forbes, William Frew, Alexander (wheel- wright) Gutlin, Eunion Graham, James (joiner) Gordon, John s Grove, Joseph Guynn, Thomas Guynn, John Galley, John Galley, AVilliam Groscost, Alex, (ireer. George s Goodwin, Samuel Guthrie, John (carpenter) Guin, John Grove, Wendell Greer, Guion (distiller) Gaston, Hugh Gillmore, Joseph Groscost, Daniel Groscost, John Gibson, James Garvin, Hugh Groscost, Jacob Garrel, .James Green, Charles Gulky, Franci.s Graham. Hugh Grant. .Jonathan Gibson. Henry Hunt, George Hyatt, [Hight] Anthony HufE.'Stator, James Hannah, Thomas Holmau, Martin Hutson, Isaac Hutson, AVilliam Hoge, William Hill, Jonathan Hill, John Hillis, Thomas Harvey, James Hannah, Allen (carpenter) Hannah, Jean Homes. Saml (blacksmith) Hunter, .John (innkeeper) Hunter, David Hartshorn. Jonathan Hartshorn, Joshua s Hartshorn, Thomas Hatfield, Margaret Ilenning, Conrad Hannah, Alex, (carpenter) Hampton, Moses Hunter, Robert (farmer) Hudson, Matthew Hughes, John Hughes, Thomas Hines, Jacob Hooper, John Hughes, Rev. Thomas Ilalliday, Hezekiali Harbison, Robert Harbison, jNIatthew Hamilton, Thomas Hampton, Moses Herron, Robert Hart, Jes.se (innkeeper) Hayes, David, Esq. (atty.) Hays, Adam (blacksmith) Hayes, John Hemphill, Joseph Henry, AVilliam s Harmon, Conrad Hunt, William Heath, Richard Hamilton, James Ilackathorn, .John Hendrickson, Cornelius Ilynor, Saml Hendrickson, Thomas Henry, James ' Hamilton. Thomas (near State Hue) Hamilton. William Hoops, Townsend, Wilson & Co Hoops, Josejih (sawmill) Hoops, Adam Hatcher, William Hoop, James Hale, Nathan (mill) Hayncs, Daniel Hyatt [Hight], Thomas Ilackathorn. Henry BEAVER COtNTY. 103 BEAVER TOWNSHIP— Continued. Hackatliorn, Jacob Hunter, Margaret HerroD, James Hyatt [night], Peter Hook, Daniel Hammill, Joliu Hill, Elizabeth Hall, Kobert Hagert}', Hugh (store) Houck, John Harris, Prudence Inraan, Henry Indledo, William Ingles, Henr3- Johnson, Edward s Johnson, Andrew Jolinson, David s Jones, William s Justice, AVilliam s Johnson, Robert Jackson, Thomas Johnson, Francis Johnson, William Johnson, James Johnston, Ilance Jackson, Hugh Johnson, Charles Johnson, James (Little Beaver) Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Johnson, James s Johnson, Curtis Johnson, John (store) James, Benjamin Johnson, Robert (Georgetown roadi .Johnson, Samuel (innkeeper) Johnson, Robert Jr. Jones, John Jones, William (shoemkr.) Jones, David s Jackson, Thomas Johnson, James (Georgetown) Johnson,. Samuel Sr. Jackman, William Justice, Jacob Justice, David Jamison, Samuel Killdoo [Caldoo or Kiddo] George William Kirk, William (innkeeper) Kelso, [Kelsey] John (millwright) Kelson, John Jr. s King, John s King, Patrick (blacksmith) King, Thomas Kimberl}', Nathaniel (tailor) Kinney. Peter Kirkendall [or Kuyken- dall], Henry Kirkendall, Christopher Keel, Peter Kuhn, George (tanner) Kuykendall, [Kirkendall] Benjamin Kuykendall, Ezekiel Kirkpatrick, Daniel Kennedy, James (grist and saw-mill) Kenneaniel Sr. Martin, William McCoy, Thomas McMinn, Robert Mercer, William McGehan, Briee (innkeeper) McKeag, Mary McCollough, Prudence Mitchell, Oliver McCanley, John Martin. Eleanor Mitchell, George >IcClure, Denny (innkeeper) Mclvinzie, Joseph McNairy, David May, Michael s Martin, John McClure, John McClure, Sanmel McCottery, Samuel Jloore, Samuel Moore, Josejih Mosman, John McCunnel, James McConnel, James Sr. Martin, Edward Milligan, John :McElroy, Matthew ^Matthews, William Matthews, George Morrison, Francis Mercy, Ctesar Moore, John (Ohio river) Myler, Elias Mason, George McKinley, James McGatfick, Benjamin IMcCo}', Catherine McCaskey, William McLaughlin, Neal McGehou, Brice McGehon, .John s Nixon, .John Niblock, William Noble, Thomas s Nixon, William Nevill, Edward s Nevill, Sarah Nevill, Thomas Oliver, Allen (distillery) Parks, James Parks, Samuel s Powers, Abraham (millwright) Powers. .James s Powers, John Powers, Abraham Powers, Samuel Phillips, William Pedau, Robert Plummer, William, Esq. Pugh, Evan Pugh, John Pounds, Samuel Parshall, Samuel Porter, Francis Potter, David Powell, Eleazer Parsons, Matthias Porter, Thomas s Patterson, Thomas Partridge, John Phillis, Charles Phillis, Jacob Quigley, James Robinson, James Robinson, William liogers, George Rush, Jacob s Rusell, James Russell, Thomas Rainey, Charles (distillery) RalclilT, John lieed, John (distillery) Rogers, Thomas liogers, Jeremiah Robb, Alexander Robb. Sam'l liamsey, Margaret Reed, Ruel Ross, Thomas Realy, Robert Rowe, .James Reed, Alexander Reed, William (blacksmith) Rail, Noble Sharp, John Sample, Wm. Servers, Jacob Sharpless, Benj. (blacksmith) Stevenson. Thomas Stockman. John (sawmill) Summ^rland, .John Summcrland, William Sample, Robert s Stevenson, William Satton. Thomas Sutton, John Sprott. Thomas Sample, James Severs. John Slieppard, Benjamin Stephenson, .Joseph Stevenson, James Sprott, John, Esq. (gristmill) Smith, Joseph Scott, James (wheelwright) BKAVEK COUNTY. 105 BEA.VEK TOWNSHIP— CoNTiNiED. Shoiise, John Small, Boston (farmer) Smith, Thomas Smith, John Sprott, Samuel Smart, James (blind) Stough, Henry s Shough, John Shields, James (distillery) Stough, Jacob Snyder, Abraham Snyder, Jiichacl Simerel, John Sampson, John Smith, John Shaner, Slatthias Small, John Small, Jacob (blacksmith) Starrett, Samuel Shaner, David Small, John (blacksmith) Scott, Wra. (tanner) Stevens, Amos Sherer, Timothj' Shivers, John Stevens, John Sample, Caldwell Smith, Jesse (saw-mill) Thompson, Joseph (distillery) Thomas, Elam Taylor, John • Thomas, .lohn Thatcher, John Townseud, David (saw-mill) Townsend, Benjamin (black.smith) John Sharp, assessor Arbuckle, Samuel Atchinson, David Arbuckle, Joseph Boies, David Bail, George Beatty, Benjamin Buchanan, John Bell, James Townsend, Joseph (store) Townsend, Sharpless & Pugh, grist and saw- mills. Tedrow, Peter Taylor, .Jean Taylor, Thomas Thompson, Samuel Thompson, William Todd, Samuel Trover, George Tremains, ,Iobn Turk, .Jacob Ulry, Henry Vanhorn, Barnet Wiley, Samuel (grist and sawmill) Wiley, Robert Wilson, William Woods, Hugh White, Hugh s Wliite, John s Williams, William Wells, .Joseph Wellington, Abraham Willis, Geoi-ge Wilson, James Welch, James Wilson, William (Ijittle Beaver) Wil.sou, Alexander Walker, Andrew AVoodruff, Joab White, Joseph s(distillery) AVhite, Joseph Sr. Whitaker, James (hatter) Waruock, Mary Welsh, Felix Samuel Caughey, James Boies, BOROUGH OF BEAVER Baird, Joseph Beem, Samuel Coulter, .Jonathan, Esq. Caldwell, Robert Dickey, .John Evans, Thomas Greer, Guioii Hannah, John s Wilson, .Jo.sepb s Wilson, .John (di.stillery Wilson, James, (State line) Wilson, Thomas White, John Watson, William Wallace, Patrick Wilson, Rcbert Willis, Martin Witherspoon, David Walton, Richard Williams, Thomas Watson, David (tanyard) Watson, Robert Wilson, James (merchant) Watt, John Wolf, .John Walton, Thomas Wiseley, Andrew s Wilson, David Watson, Jo.seph Wiley, William Walters, David Withrow, David Watson, James Wilson, John, (Mile Run; Wright, Alexander AVilliams, Euion (grist and sawmill) Young, John Young, Ephriiim s Young, Peter Young, James Young, William Young, Philip assistants. March iU, 1802. Hemphill, .Joseph Henry, William Hayes, David Hart, Jesse Hoops, Joseph Holdship, George Johnson, Samuel Had seven and one-half 106 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. BOROUGH OF BEAVER— Continued. acres, a horse-ferry, and one slave — all valued, if-MT 00 A horse and four cows 30 00 Occupation 50 00 |327 00 Jones, Levi (tailor) Irwin, Joseph Light, John Lawrence, J. Esq., (brewery) Lyon. .lames Lacoek, Abiier Lawrence, Samuel McDowell, James s McClure. Denny McKinley, Robert Pearson, Matthias Porter, .Varon Keno, Francis Raily, John Rhodes, Joseph Small. John Sprott, .Tames Small, Jacob Sprolt, Samuel Shannon, William s Watson, David (lanyard)' Watson, David Jr. s Wilson, James s Watts, John AValton. Gabriel Wier, Hugh SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP. TAXAJBLES IN SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP FOK 1802-3. The territoiy embraced all that part of the count}' lying east of Big Beaver river and north of the Ohio from the Allegheny line to the north line of the present county limits. Atkinson, Alexander Allibone, Benjamin Altmau, .Vndrew Allen, George Allen, Daniel Allen, Ananias Allen, John Akins, James Aikin, Jolui s Aikin, William Aikin. Alex. s Brannon, Jlichael Biers, Ebenezer Black, John Black, William Borlan, John Biggs, Benjamin Bell, James (Ohio) Bayard. Thomas Book, Peter Boston. Michael Brandeberry, Jacob Bond, Hugh Bell, Jesse Bell, Aaron Brown, Abraham Barclay, Thomas Boyle, John Custard, John Clark, JIark Clark, JIark s Clark, John s Clark, Wm. s Carl, Elijah Cross, Noah Conley, John Crowl. John Caldwell. James Caldwell. Sam'l Carpenter, Robert Conner. William Cunningham, AVm. Cunningham, Baruett s Daugherty, William Daugherty. Edward Dunbar, Sanuiel s Dougherty. John Doty. Timothy Dobbs, Charles Davis. Basil Eaton, Samuel Elliott, William Foster. John Frampton. John Flower, James Flower, James s French, AVm. Fra/.er, Henry Flauts, Tobias Francis, Robert Foster, Wm. Foster. James Freed, James Fuukhouser, Jacob Gardner. Wm. Gordon. John Grant, Peter Graham, .lames Gongaway, Joseph Gallagher, Louis Hart, Madison Hart, • (widow) Hendrickson. Wm. Haines, Benjamin s Hall, Jonathan Hazen, Nathaniel s Hazen. Isaac Hanen, Abel Hanen, Joseph llouk, Philip Henry, William BEAVER COUNTY. 107 SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP.— CoNTiNiTED. Hill, Isaac nines, John nines, Peter, Hunter, Ephraim Hunter, Wm. Jones, James, .Tones, E/.ekiel Jones, Daniel Jones, Oliver Jones, Thomas Kester, Noah Kester, John Kester, Arnold Kennedy, James Kennedy, Matthew Kester, Paul Kirkendall, Henry Kirkcnilall, Wm. s Kirkendall, Daniel Kelley, ^Matthew Kelley, Majimey Kester, .Tames Kikendall, Lewis Kikendall, John s Kikendall, Abraham Kikendall, Sam'l Lawrence, Daniel Lawrence. Isaac Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, Philip s Lawrence, (widow) Lovejoy, (widow) McGuire, .Tames Mitchell, Robert Merriman, Earl McCo}', Alexander McCrary, James McCoUom, Moses Morton, William Morton, John McGregor, Duncan Miller, Peter (blacksmith) Miller, Conrod Main, Philip JIcKinley, Robert Mcintosh, Andrew McLean, John JIurray, ilatthew Miller, Peter Nye, Andrew Noble, Thomas s Orr, William Oliver, .loscph Oldham, Edward Petlit, Nath.aniel Piersol, Sampson Picrsol, Jacob Power, Richard Power, Sam'l s Peppard, Jonathan Reno, Francis Rev. Reno, Robert Runj'an, Stephen Runyan, Abner Robinson, Joseph Ramsey, Samuel Robinson, .Tohn s Rough, Jacob Robinson, Joseph Robinson, John Shepherd, Gabriel Showalter, Christopher Simmons, Thomas Swager, Henry Starr, Noble Starr, John Smith, John Stewart, Lewis Sloan, Thomas Smiley, Hugh Smith, Aaron Stewart, John Semple, William Sprott, .Tames Thompson, Moses Tucker, Allen Thomas, William Traver, I^eonard Vangordon, Jacob Wolf, Adam Woods, Robert Woods, William Waller, Richard "Wade, Samuel Will, William Wolf, John Warner, Arnold AVarner, Jacob Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Hugh Welch, Valentine White, Robert White, Samuel White, .Tames Welch, William s Wilson, John Walker, Robert William, Enon ' Yoho, Jacob Litton, Sarah Leet, Jonathan Lukens, Thomas Lesley, Samuel McQuiston, John Magaw, James Moore, James Ananias Allen, assessor ; Jonathan Peppard, Stephen Runyan, assistants. In the foregoing townsliip was embraced the tract of 8,5(50 acres belonging to Benjamin Chew, of Phihidelphia, and generally known as the " Chew Tract." SHENANGO TOWNSHIP. MST OF TAXABLES IN SIIKNANGO TOWNSHIP IN 1805. In December, 1S37, the townsliip was sidxlivided into Shenango 108 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. SHENANGO TOWNSHIP— Continued. and Slipperyrock. The territory was, in 1849, detaclied and joined to Lawrence county. These inhabitants all dwelt east of Big Beaven and north of the territory given as Sewickley Townsliip in the fore" going list. Aiken, Robert Applegate, AYilliam Black, Samuel Black, John Bell, John Book, Jacob Butcher, John Chambers, Alexander Cairns, William Cook, Rev. Alexander Cunningham, Benjamin Cunningham, William Copper, Jcseph Cubbison, Archibald Conner, Jacob Conner, John Caniday, Dennis Copper, Alexander Copper, Ralph Clines, Henry s Caniday, Miller Englisli, Samuel English, Andrew Frew, James Frew, Alexander s Fisher, George Fulton, John Frew, John Frew. Alexander Jr. Gastin, Hugh s Heth, Richard M. Houck, John Harpsh, George Hendrickson, Cornelius Johnson, James Jack, Andrew Johnson, David Jackson, Samuel Jackson, William *Kuj-kendall, Benjamin *Kuykendall, Ezekiel Keldoo, George Lotton, Charles Lewi.s, Jehu Martin, William Morrow, Thomas McComb, AVilliam Miller, John McCandless, James Mackey, John Moore, William Miller, John Jr. Martin, John Moore, John McClure, Samuel Morrow, Charles Morrison, Francis McKee, James JIatthewson, .John McClelland, Thomas s Mercer, C'jcsar Parks, William s Pollock, Samuel Pol lock, 'Dr. Joseph (saw mill) Pollock, James Eigby, Seth Stewart, John C. Stewart, Robert Siftin, Edward Stewart, Samuel Springer, Samuel (black smith) Sharp, Paul Sample, Robert Squire, James Squire, William Squire, Nathaniel Stickle, Samuel Scott, William Stewart, James Scott, .lohn Templeton, Thomas (wheelwright) Tiltou, John Tyndall, William Taylor, Samuel Townsend, Josh Vigall, Abraham Vance, James Wilkinson, William Whaun, Samuel Wilson, James YouuLS Robert The following is a mortuary list of aged persons and persons of pi'ominence in various parts of tlie count3^ The facts were gathered from imperfect files of newspapers, and hence do not reijresent all the years fully. It is the best that could be done under the circumstances. 1817. 23 December, George McKee, aged 47 years. 1819. Aug\ist, John Small, aged 72 years. 1821. 29 October, David Hays, aged .53 years and 7 days. ^Probably Kirkendall, as in Sewickley. % »* ^h /■^ ./(^^C^i-^i^i Vj BEAVEE COUNTY. Ill 1833. 16 July. Tliomas Hunter, born 11 Februiiry, 1784. 1825. 10 .\ugiist, Edward Waggoner, aged 50 years. 1838. William Wray, aged 85 years. * 182!). 18 December, Isabella Wray, aged 85 years. 1830. 37 August, Elizabeth, wife of Gen. Samuel Power, aged .52 years. 1831. 10 May, in ISeaver, Mrs. Catherine Reisinger, aged 71 years. 33 August, in Hanover township, William Langfltt, aged 95 years — an old revolutionary veteran. 7 September, in North Beaver township, Jeremiah Bannon, a revolutiouaiy veteran, aged 84 years. 16 October, James S. Stevenson, deceased was an ex-member of Congress, and liad in a long public career made many warm political friends, and as many enemies on account of his partisan.ship. 30 October, at residence of son-in-law, He/.ekiah Wallace, in Hanover township, Alexander McCuIlough, aged 86 years. He was a native of Scotland, and came to this country in 178C, settling in Hanover township where he resided to the time of his death. He was, during all this residence in the township, a Christian man, and took a prominent part in the organization of the Mill Creek congre- gation, of which he was a ruling elder for overforty years. 15 December, in Jloon town- ship, Henry Alcorn, aged 90 years. 13 August, at his residence, in Ohio township, David Drennan, one of the associate judges of Beaver coiuity, about 70 years of age. 1833. 31 January, in New Sewickley township, James Moore, an old revolutionary soldier, aged 80 years. 4 March, in Little Beaver township, Daniel Campbell, aged 85 years. He came to America about the comm'!ncen\ent of the Revolutionary War. in which he participated for American independence. He was a lineal descendant of John, Duke of Argyle, 8 April, William Leet, born 4 August, 17.58. 3 May, Susanna, wife of William Leet, born 23 July, 1764. 1834. 29 Jlarch, in Moon township, John Boyd. 1 April, in North Beaver town ship, William Mevay, aged 73 years. 4 April, in Brighton township, John Light, Sr., ged 80 years. 12 April, in South Beaver township, Mrs. Prudence McMillen, aged 77 years. 20 JEay, Hon. Jos. Hemphill, aged 62 years, 5 months. 24 June, in Economy, Frederick Rapp, aged 50 years. 3 September, Jane, wife of Felix Mulvanon, Sr., born in County Antrim, Ireland, aged 64 years. 26 December, in North Beaver township, Henry Dinsmore, aged 77 years. 1835. 11 April, in Little Beaver township, Jonathan Hartshorn, aged 77 years. 9 ■October, in Beaver, Thomas Hoops, aged 70 j'ears. 1836. 28 February, in North Beaver township, Robert Lusk, aged 75 years. 5 March, in North Beaver town.ship, Joseph Wilson, aged 70 years. 11 April, in North Sewickley township, James Caldwell, aged 80 years. 37 April, in Green township, Mat- thias Hook, the founder of Hook.stown, aged 89 years, 36 June, near Hookstown, John Thompson, aged 77 years. He had been an earnest temperance reformer, and also a ruling elder in the Jlill Creek Presbyterian church. 13 August, Rev. Francis Reno, born 7 February, 1759, ordained a minister of the Protestant Episcopal church, 8 October, 1793. 10 October in Ohio township, Mary Hartan, aged 95 years. 39 October, in Ohio township, James Hartan, husband of preceding, aged 95 years. 1837. 6 March, David Johnson, aged 90 i^ears. He was the first prothonotary of Beaver county. 31 May, in Bridgewater, Mrs. Mary Reno, aged 79 years. 9 December, in Beaver, David Boies aged 60 years. He was a resident of the county over forty years, and had been a prominent and worthy citizen. 1838. 3 April, in Raccoon township, John Crail, aged 93 years and 4 months. He was one of tlie earliest settlers of Allegheny county, but removed to Beaver county about forty years prior to his death. He was an active and devoted' member of the M. E. church. 16 May, in Big Beaver township, Samuel Bowan, a revolutionary soldier, aged 112 HISTOKY OF liEAVEK COUNTY. 100 years and 3 months. 23 December, in New Sewickley township, Ilugli Jackson, aged TO years. 18;i9. Oclolier, in Borougli township. Feli.x Mulvanon, Sr., a.^ed 75 years. He was born in county Aulrini. Ireland. 3 December, in Xew Brighton, Dr. Wm. 3IcCul- lough, formerly of Georgetown, aged 71 years. 1!S40. 13 January, James Agnew, M.D.. aged G3 years. 31 jAIarch, in Little Beaver township, Enoch Marvin, aged 60 years. He was a great wool grower. His amiable disposition and benevolence endeared him to all the people, and his liberality and public spirit were displayed on all proper occasions. His means were never withheld from a laudable unilertaking, or to relieve the distress of his neighbors. 30 June, in Hopewell townshi]!, David Jl'Crtllistcr, Sr., aged 72 years. He had l)een a resident of the coimty for nearly tifty years, and sustained a high character for virtue and integrity. 12 July, in North Sewickley township, JIatthew Kennedy, aged 75 years. He had long been a resident of tlie county, and bore an exemplary character. 22 August, in Beaver, Gen. Samuel Power, aged 06 years. He was one of the earliest settlers in the county, having lived in it about forty years. He was prominently identilicd with its publicenter- prise, and bore a reputation for probity and integrity. 10 December, in New Brighton, Joseph Hoops, aged 71 years. 1841, 16 April, James W. Hemphill, born 24 July, 1801. 1 May, near Freedom, Mrs. Hannah, wife of Gen. Abner Lacock, aged 70 years. 5 June, in Freedom, Dr. William Schraid, aged 63 years. 13 December, in Borough townsliip, James ilcCreery, aged 73 years. 1>*42. 23 February, in Chewton, George Lightner, aged 94 years. 8 !March, in North Beaver township. Mrs. Estlier Leonard, aged 81 years. 2 October, William Vicary, aged 71 years. 1843. 31 January, John Boles, aged 55 years. 21 Februar_v, in North Sewickley township, Mrs. Hebecca Runyan, aged 86 years. 7 April, in North Beaver township. Rev. James Wright, aged 60 years. For thirty-eight years he was a zealous minister to the Westfield Presbj'terian congregation. 2 June, in Green township, Robert JIcHarg, aged 02 years. 20 September, in Raccoon township, John Kerr, aged 84 years. 12 October, in Freedom, Robert Hall, aged 71 years. 10 November, in North Beaver town- ship, Henry Weyand, aged 50 years. 34 November, in Freedom, James Freedom, aged 73 yeans. 2 December, in Hanover, Andrew McC'auHey, aged 90 yeai's. Deceased had been a resident for nearly 50 years. 1844. 2 April, in Rochester township. Hugh McLean, aged 60 years. 6 April, in New Brighton, Nathaniel Coburn, an aged soldier of the Revohition. 10 April, in Rac- coon township, Arthur Campbell, aged 50 years. He had held many olHces in the county, being county commissioner at time of death. 26 May, in Little Beaver town- ship. Gen. John A. Scroggs, aged 68 years. He came from Cumberland county aT>out thirty years priorto his death and purchased the farm on which he subsequently lived and died. He was a prominent official, both of state and church, and an exemplar}' citizen. 28 August, in Chippewa township, Jeremiah Britton, aged 70 years. 30 September, in Clarksville, Johnson County, Ark., Rev. Wm. JIclA'an, aged 55 years. He was an Englishman by birth, and after coming to this country, served for a time as pa.stor of the Beaver Presbyterian church. 1845. 27 February, in North Beaver township, JIartin Shaffer, aged 77 years. 14 March, in Beaver county, John Walker, aged 81 years. He was born in Ireland, but came witli his parents to America at an early age. He was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church. 3 .Tune, in Shenango township, Sebastian Jleshamer, aged 90 years. He served during the whole of tlie Revolution. 29 Julv, in North Beaver town BEAVER COUNTV. 113 ship, Mrs. Hannah Shearer, aged 80 years. 2 -Inly, in Beaver, William Clarke, aged 75- years. lie was born in Chadsford, Del., but early removed to Oanonsljurg, Washington county, "where, in 1798, he was appointed by Gov. MitHin a ju.stice of the peace. After the organization of Beaver county he removed to Beaver in 1804, wheie lie lived till the time of his death, holding the office of justice for a period of thirty-six years. He was a member of the Presbyterian church in Beaver from its organization, and died in its faith. 24 August, in Beaver, Mrs. Jane Hemphill, widow of Judge Hemphill, aged 78 years. She was born near Mercersburg, Franklin county. Pa., and removed witli her brother the late David Hoyes.to Beaver, about 1797, and was married in 1800. 17 September, in Borougli township, James Ueed, aged 100 years, 1 month and 4 days. He was a rcfolutionary veteran. 29 October, in Chippewa township, Thomas Warner, aged 74 years. 4 November, in Beaver, Mrs. Margaret Eakin, consort of David Eakin, aged 73 years. 20 December, in Ohio township, John Hunter, aged 88 years. For nearly half a century he was a respected resident of Beaver county. 1846. 80 January, in North Sewickley township, Andrew .Jackson, aged 79 years. 9 April, in Hopewell townsbip. Rev. Andrew McDonald, aged 08 years. He graduated at Jefferson College 27 October. 1803. After .studying theology under Rev. John' McMillen, D. D., he was licensed to preach in 1806. and was installed pastor of the Mt. Carmel and Sharon congregations (then known as White Oak Flats and Flaugherty) 24 August, 1809, continuing in this relation for 13 years with great success; but owing to mental derangement, the connections were severed. A few months prior to his death, however, he recovered his reason, and was able to write a letter to his family, mente snna. 18 April, in North Sewickley town,ship, Abner Runyon, aged 70 years. 24 April, in North Sewickley township, Mrs. Prudence Wilsou, aged 78 years. 5 May, in Green township, George Heckathorn, aged 95 years. 1.") June, in Slippery Rock township. Rev. Alexander Murray, aged 72 years. 12 July, Elizabeth, relict of Edward Waggoner, aged 73 years. 13 July, in Moon township, James Todd, Sr., aged 86 years. 18 August, Dr. Milo Adams, born 31 January, 1791. 30 August, in Chippewa township, Thomas Stratton, a revolutionary soldier, aged 88 years. 26 September, in Hopewell township,. John Spaulding, aged 78 years. He was a native of Scotland; but at the time of liis death he had been a resident of Beaver county nearly twenty-eiglit years. He was a member of the Associate Reformed church, and a man of sterling merit. 3 October, James McCown, aged 77 years; and three hours later, his wife, jNIargaret McCown, aged 69 years. 20 October, in Brighton township, William Gibson, aged 79 years. 16 November, Archibald Stewart, aged 47 years, 11 months. 1847. 28 January, in Big Beaver townshiii, Capt. Alexander Wright, aged 88 years. 28 January, in Big Beaver township, Jonathan Beatty, aged 76 years. 31 January, in Brighton township, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, aged 60 years. 19 February, in Hanover town.ship, jNIrs. Margaret Moore, aged 84 years. 27 JIarch, in Old Brighton, Mrs. Margaret Baker, aged 80 years. She was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian church. 6 August, in Big Beaver townsliip, Joseph S. Line, aged 88 years, 6 months and 21 days. He entered the revolutionary army at the age of 17, and served at Lexing- ton, Bunker Hill, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Trenton, (lowpens, and at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. lie was held a prisoner in New York by the British for fifteen months. He married in 1787, and lived happily with his wife for 52 years. In 1823 he removed to his residence in Big Beaver township. 15 August, in Green township. Rev. George Scott, aged 88 years. He was the faithful pa.stor of the Mill Creek congregation for over forty years. 15 August, in Rochester, Atlas E. Lacock, aged .54 3'ears. 16 August, in North Beaver township, John Coleman, aged 99 years. He was a revolutionary soldier, and was buried with military honors. 31 August, James 114 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Eakin, aged (it years. 11 September, in North Sewicklcy township, James ICaster, and on 27 July, Ruth, his wife, both aged 72 years. 25 September, in Brighton township, Andrew Watterson, aged 72 years. 20 December, in North Beaver township, James Pullertou, Sr., aged 73 years. IS-llS. 23 January, in Beaver, Jlrs. Jane Allison, wife of James Allison, aged 72 years. She liad Ijeen a resident of the borough nearly fifty years. 22 Feliruary, in Borough townsliip, ^Irs. Jane Kelley, aged 81 years. Slie had been, during life, a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. 20 February, in North Beaver township, James AUsworth, aged 88 years. He was a native of Franlilin county, but had lived in Beaver count}' during the forty-four years preceding his death. For sixty-four years he had been a member of the Presbyterian church. 20 March, in Chippewa township, William Niblock, aged 82 years. 19 Jlarch, in Little Beaver township. JIajor Jolin Sharp, aged 75 years. 15 August, James Logan, aged 74 years, 5 mouths. 1849. 13 March, in Perry township, Andrew Elliott, aged 71 years. 14 April, in Little Beaver township, Thomas Moore, aged 71 years. 11 May, in South Beaver town- ship, George Barclay, aged 94 years. He had been an honorable and respected resident of the county for over half a centurj'. 2 May, in Brighton township, Sauuiel Law, aged 77 years. 26 Jlay, in Shenango township, Capt. .lames Cubbison, aged 07 years. 4 Jul_y, in Moon township, Adam Stone, aged 75 years. 13 July, in Perry township, John Swick, a revolutionary soldier, aged 87 years. 20 July, Thomas Henry, born 10 May, 1781. 3 August, in Bridgewater, Gen. John Mitchell, aged 69 years. He was a native of Cumberland county, but early removed to Center county, of which he was twice elected sheriff. He also served two terms in Congress. In 1842, he removed to Beaver county, and was appointed superintendent of the Erie E.xtension Canal. Honest and industrious, he died poor, but left to his children " That aood fame Without which Glory's but a taxei-n sons." 12 August, in Big Beaver township. James Powers, aged 70 years. 1850. 17 February, in Green township, .Joseph McFerran, aged 80 years. He was both a civil and religious officer for many j'ears. 23 JIarch, in Green township, Mrs, Elizabeth ^IcFerran, widow of preceding, aged 83 years. 24 March, in South Beaver township, Andrew John.ston, aged 88 years. He had resided on his farm in that town- ship for fifty-thi'ee years. 13 May, in Beaver, James M. Power. 30 May, in Franklin township, William McQuiston, aged 70 j'ears. 14 July, Agnes S., relict of William Clarke, aged 74 years. 1 August, Mary, wife of William Vicary, born 5 December, 1783. 10 August, David Somers, aged 57 years, 10 months. 20 August, in North Sewickley township, William Clark, aged 74 years. 29 August, Sarah, wife of David Brotherton, aged 50 years, 10 months. 14 September, in Georgetown, Thomas Foster, aged 70 years, 21 October, in New Brighton, Mrs. Ellen Hoops, aged 82 years. 1851. 27 April, in Ohio township, George ^lason, a,gcd 77 j-ears. 21 Jlay, in Ohio township, Jlrs. Catherine Mason, widow of preceding, aged 79 years. 8 July, Jlary. wife of Samuel Schley, aged 70 years. 20 September, Thomas Scott, born in Ireland, 12 May, 1795. 1852. 10 January, in New Brigliton, Lsaac Wilson, an early settler of the coVinty, aged 84 years. 10 March, in Slipperyrock township, Hon. James Henry, one of the associate judges of Lawrence county, aged 63 years. He was born in Westmoreland county, and in 1797 removed to what was afterwards Beaver county. Subsequently, however, he made Lawrence county his home. 25 March, Esther, wife of John Wolf, aged 70 years 8 months. 29 July, in Moon township. Daniel Weigle, a resident for over fifty-five years of the township in which be died, aged 75 years. 19 Sejitember, BEAVER COUNTY. 115- James Jackson, aged 70 years. 31 October, in Brighton township, ITajor James Kennedy, aged TO years. 11 November, in Ilookstown, Mrs. Anne, wife of Rev. Geo. Scott, aged 79 years. 185;-!. 14 March, in P.eavcr, Hon. John Dickey. lie represented the county credit- ably in the State Senate; was elected to Congress two successive terms; and atthe time of his death was marshal of the western district of Pennsylvania. 7 April, in Economy township, John Minis, aged G9 years 5 April in New Brighton, Mrs. Parmela Town- send, aged 83 3'ears. 29 July, in Beaver, James Lyon, aged 78 years. He was born in Westmoreland county in the first year of the Revolutionary War. When he was six years old, the Delaware Indians made an a.ssault upon his father's house, killing the father and carrying James and an elder In'other away as prisoners. (See sketch elsewliere.) At fourteen years of age Mr. Lyon took .service with the prothonotary of Allegheny county, writing in his office for several years. On 26 July, 1800, Mr. Lyon located in Beaver, and wasaresident until the time of his death. He brought with him a stock of merchandise, and continued in the mercantile business for about thirtj'-tive years, grad- ually acciuiring a competence. In 1821 Mr. Lyon was elected sheriff, and subsequently occupied other official positions, all of which he honored. He died at a good old age, leaving a worthy example to his race. (> September, Ann Catherine, wife of David Jolinson, aged 89 years. 1854. 21 March, in Bridgewater, Mrs. Esther Small, aged 73 years. 24 October, David Porter, born in 1794. 31 October, in Bridgewater, Col. David Boies, aged 49 years. 1856. 25 January, in North Scwickley township, Mrs. Mary Kenned}', aged 90 years. 25 February, in Frankfort, Mi.ss Ruth Roberts, aged 72 years. 25 April, in Inde- pendence township, John McConnell, aged 81 years. 1 August, in Brighton township. Col. Henrj' Small, aged ti2 years. 28 September, Mrs. Mary Reisinger, aged 59 years. 3 October, in New Castle, Dr. Joseph Pollock, aged 68 years. 3 October, in Economy townsliip, Mrs. Mary Minis, aged 74 years. 26 December, in Inde|iendcnce township, Peter Shields, aged 76 years. 29 DeceTnber, aged 84 years, Mr. John Staid, one of the oldest members of the Harmony Society. 1857. 31 January, in Brighton township, Johtf Wolf, aged 80 years. 6 April, in Beaver, James Wilson, aged S3 years. He was the father of S. B. and Marmaduke Wil- son. 11 April, in Raccoon township, Archibald Harvey, aged 70 years. 13 May, in Brighton township, Samuel Cross, aged 70 years. 8 June, near Darlington, Robert McMinn, aged 92 years. 28 June, near Darlington, Robert Dilworth, Sr., aged 71 years. 6 September, in North Bridgewater, William McMillin, a .soldier of 1812, aged 77 years. 15 September, Mary Braden, aged 76. She had been a consistent member of the M. E. church. 21 September, in Sewickley township, David Shields, aeed 77 years. 1858. 10 April — tombstone inscription : "General William JIarks, born in Ches- ter county, Pennsylvania, in 1778. With his parents he cros.?cd the mountains in 1783, and endured all tlie perils and hardships of an early pioneer life. For thirty years he served his country in various offices ; for twelve years he was Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylvania, for si.x years a member of the Senate of the United States. In every rela- tion of life he was above reproach. The friend of all — the benefactor of the poor — a peacemaker, he left the world without an enemy, and, followed by the tears and bless- ings of many, died in Beaver, 10 April, 1858. Long a member and elder of the A. R. Presbyterian church, he died in the full hope of the everlasting Gospel, and welcomed the grave as the gate of Heaven." 12 April, in Green township, Richard McClurc, aged 82 years. 22 June, in Brighton township, Jacob Noss, aged 85 years. 15 September, 11»'> niSTORV OF BEAVER COrNTV. in Pittsbiirgb, Dr. Tliomes Fry, aged 78 years. lie was formerly of Georgetown, Pa. 26 October, Sarah H., wife of Thomas Henry, born 30 August, 1T86. 1859. 16 April, Xaac}', relict of David Porter, aged .51 years. 12 Jlay, James, son of General Samuel Power, born 5 October, 1810. 10 September, in Vanport, Elea- nor M. , daugliter of Felix Mulvanon, Sr., born in County Antrim in April, 1802. 14 November, John Mulvanon, born in County Antrim, Ireland, aged 67 years. 1860. 4 February, John II. Shannon, born 11 October, 1784. (See sljetch in chap- ter on Bench and Bar.) 4 August, Dr. Richard Butler Barker, born 23 November, 18( 3. 8 August, Mrs. Jlary, relict of Archibald Stewart, aged 66 years. 18 December, John Carothers, born 11 March, 1793. 181)1. 7 February, in Vanport, Adam Mulvanon, aged 66 years. He was born in County Antrim, Ireland. 1862. 16 January, in Beaver, Mrs. Sarah Anderson, aged 71 years. 10 April, in Rochester, John Reno, aged 77 years. He was the son of Rev. Francis Reno, and had been one of the early settlers of the county. 11 September, Lieut. Wm. J. Marks, aged 47 years. He died from a wound received on the battlefield in defense of his country. 1863. 15 January, Jolin Hurst, aged 80 year.s. 16 January, Hannah "\Vray, born 9 August, 1789. 6 February, in Beaver, Jlrs. Dorcas C. wife of James Allison, aged 62 years. 13 Fel>ruary, in Pulaski township, Samuel Ba.xter, aged 67 years. 14 April, in Rochester, Mrs. Sarah Bloss, aged 75 years. 15 April, in Rochester, Mrs. Delilah Pol- lock, aged 94 years. 25 July, in Marion town.shi]), Joseph Phillis, aged 76 years. 30 July, in Beaver, Mrs. Hannah Shannon, aged 80 years. 2 September, Jlrs. Elizabelli Dunlap, aged 88 years. She was for about forty-five years a member of the Presb}'- terian Church. 1864. 19 April, in South Beaver towu.ship, George C. Bradshaw, late treasurer of Beaver county, aged 34 years. 25 May, in Chippewa township, John Braden, Sr., aged 84 years. 21 June, in Big Beaver township, John Irabrie, aged 71 years. 11 September, Nancy, wife of Wm. Scott, aged 64 years. 17 September, Lieut. Jolm D. Stokes, born 13 April, 1820. AVas fir.st lieutenant Company F., 140 Pennsylvania Volunteers ; wounded at Gettysburg, and died from effects of wound. 9 December, in Brighton township, at residence of his lirother in-law, Joseph AVray, Samuel J. Uea, a well-known Ilarrisburg correspondtnt. 29 December, in Chippewa townsliip, Andrew Welsh, aged 71 years. 1865. 1 P^bruary. in Bridgewater. ilrs. 3Iargaret E. Ankeuy, aged 74 years. 5 March, in New Brighton, Thomas Devinney, coroner of the county, aged 62 years. He had been for forty years a prominent member of the j\[. E. church 23 April, Mrs. Jane, wife of John Small Sr. , aged 79 years. 2 May, Charlotta, wife of John Shane, aged 79 years. 29 September, Thomas Cunningham, born 21 February. 1811. 20 April, in Vanport. Feli.x Mulvanon, Jr., born in County Antrim. Ireland, in 1809. 1866. 12 January, in Brighton township, Richard Ayres, aged 92 years. ■ 9 Janu- ary, in Beaver, James McCullough, aged 80 years. 12 February, in Freedom, Mrs. Isabella Hall, aged 90 years. Her husband, Robert Hall, having died some twenty years previous, she lived with her daughter and son-in-law. She was married in 1795, at the age of 18, and was the mother of twelve children, six of whom survived her. At the time of her deatli her progeny consisted, in addition to those already mentioned, of forty-seven grandchildren, thirty-four great-grandchildren, and two great-great grand- cliildren. She was a pious woman, having been a member of the Church of Christ for over si.xty years. 23 March. Mrs. Marj' Ann, relict of Dr. Wm. McCullough, aged 90 years. 25 March, in Bridgewater, Mrs. Mary Proudly, aged 60 years. 17 September, in Industry BEAVER COI'NTV. IIT township, George Engle, aged 77 years. 14 November, in Beaver, Samuel Bess, aged 76 years. 27 November, Wm. Scott, aged 71 years. 1S67. 27 January, Peter Small, aged 72 years. 28 January, at rniouville, Mr.s. Sarah A. Welsh, aged 93 years. She had been a resident of the county for fifty-five years. 31 January, in South Beaver town.ihip, Mrs. Jane Johnston, aged about 100 years. 6 February, in Beaver, Capt. John May, aged 65 years. 2 February, in Roch- ester, Jane, wife of Ovid Pinuey, aged 76 years. 4 April, in Moon township, John Douds, aged H9 years. 5 May, in Beaver, Mrs. Catherine, wife of Rev. Jo.shua Monroe, aged 80 years. 13 May. in Independence township, Mrs. Staiidi.sh, mother of Thomas Standish, Esq., aged 103 years. 24 JIny, in l{oches1er, Sylvester Dunham, Esq., aged 74 years. 4 June, in Beaver, Hon. Benjamin Adams siged 81 years. He was an old and worthy citizen. As a public officer, he was highly esteemed for his impartiality. As a Christian, he was loved and prized for his positive, uncompromising religious influ- ence, and for his benevolence, which always responded to a worthy cause. He was proverbial for his veracity and honesty in the transaction of business. 24 June, Jolm Small. Sr., aged 81 years 8 months. 24 Augu.st, in New Brighton, Mrs. Lydia T. Men- denball, aged 89 years. For nearl}' .seventy years she lived in that region, being all the time a consistent member of the Society of Friends. 1 C)ctober, in New Brighton, Robert Townsend, aged 77 years. 1868. 1 March, Rev. Win. Stevens, aged 80 years. 3 March, in Oliio township, Thomas Hunter, aged 68 years. 23 May, in Darlington. Robert Dunlap, aged 70 years. 10 June, near Frankfort Springs, Wm. Hice, aged 76 years. 24 September, John Shane, aged 85 years. 29 September, Margaret, wife of Satuuel Black, aged 70 years 9 Oionths. She was a native of County Antrim, Ireland. 6 October, Samuel Black, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, aged 77 years. 1869. 7 January, in South Beaver town.ship, William McClinton. aged 79 years. 8 March, in Beaver, William Dunlap, aged 79 years. 7 March, in Bridgewaler, Dr. S. Smith, aged 66 years. 6 March, at Brush Creek, Mrs. Jlargaret Edwards, aged 85 years. 3 April, Sarah, wife of David Bosie, aged 83 years. 19 April, in Bridgewater, John Moffett, aged 89 years. 12 July, in Moon township, Daniel Springer, aged 78 years. 17 August, in Beaver, John Shively, aged 74 years. 23 August, in Brighton township, Jennetta Anderson, relict of the late Josiah Laird, aged 80 years. 29 August, in Indus- try, flenry Engle, aged 83 years. 13 August, in Hookstown, James Trimble, aged 89 years. He became a resident of Beaver county in 1817. 17 November, in Jloon town- ship, William Elliott, aged 82 years. l.T November, in Raccoon township, John Cavit, aged SOyears. 18 December, in Beaver, Mrs. Elizabeth Workman, aged S3 years. 1870. 3 January, in Beaver Falls, Isaac Warren, aged 79 years, l.'i January, in Bridgewater. Samuel Alli.son, aged 72 years. ,— January, in Chippewa township, James Kennedy, e.xsheriff of Beaver county, aged 67 years. 1 February, in Darling- ton, James Caughey, aged 90 years 6 months. He served in the War of 1812. and was a higbly respected citizen. 13 March, in Raccoon township. Henry Ewiug, aged 86 years. 10 JIarch, in Darlington, John McClymonds, aged 92 years. He was born in Lancaster county, June 3, 1778, and removed to Beaver about 1865, where he spent two years. With some friends he visited the men engaged by Aaron Burr in making boats for his -conspiracy, near the present town of Sharon. From Beaver Mr. ^McClynuinds removed to Darlington, where he spent the remainder of his life. 5 June, in Rocliesler, Lewis Reno, aged 79 years. He was the son of Rev. Francis Reno. 20 Seiitember, in Beaver, Jacob Jones, aged 98 years. 29 November in Beaver, Mrs. Margaret Geyer, aged 83 years. 118 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. 1871. 31 May, Sarah Cliffonl, born 23 Jlay, 1T88. 28 July, James Ramsey, born 14 February, 1799. 1873. 13 January, Geo. B. Swager, aged 84 years. 21 February, in Big Beaver town- ship, Mrs. Margaret Wallace, relict of Robert Wallace, aged 73 years. 23 February, in Industry, Charles H. Hayes, aged 76 years. 11 April, in Bridgewater, Mrs. Margaret Ueed, aged 81 years and 6 months. 3 June, in Franklin township, Ferdinand Auten- reith. aged 76 years. 21 July, in Bridgewater, Major Robert Darragh, aged 96 years and a months. He was born in Darraghtown, County of Fermanagh. Ireland, 23 February, 1776. While quite young he came to this country and settled in Beaver county, where he passed the remainder of his life. In 1803 he married Jtiss Deborah, davighter of John Hart, of New Jersey, with whom he lived over sixty years, until her death. Major Darragh tilled many positions of honor and credit, and, in everj' case, tilled them well. His title of Jlajor was obtained from militia service. He was also the representative of the state senatorial district in which he lived for a number of years. In his religious views the Major was an active member of the M. E. church, and he labored earnestly and unceasingly for the advancement of the cause of the Jlaster. 4 August, in Brighton township, William Giver, aged 81 years. In August, 1873, AYm. Graham, of Homewood, reached liis 97th birthday, thus being at the time the oldest man in the county. 7 October, in North Sewickley township. Smith IfcDaniel, aged 78 years. 9 October, in Beaver, Henr}' Stuck, aged 8.5 years. 24 December, in Raccoon township, Jacob Fronk, aged 70 years. 28 December, in Brighton township, Joseph Wray Sr., aged 89 years. 30 December, in Green township, James Mood}', aged 80 vears. 28 December, in Beaver, Joseph May, aged 90 years. 1873. 9 May, in Bridgewater, Ann McClure, aged 94 years. 19 May, in Raccoon township, James Christy, Sr., aged 73 years. 11 May, in North Sewickley township, Christiana C. Tuts, aged 75 years and 9 months. 11 June, in Rochester, George Lehmer, aged 91 years. 13 June, in Rochester, Mrs. Maria C. Speyerer, widow of Capt. F. C. Speyerer, aged 80 years. 22 September, in Bridgewater, Henry Briggs, aged 84 years. 31 September, in Fallston, Capt. J. P. Johnston, aged 70 years. 14 October, in Raccoon township. S. M. Crail, aged 7.") years. 1874. 34 March, David Brothertou. aged 74 years. 1876. 4 June. David Hall, born IS July, 1793. 1877. 30 September, Mahlon T. Stokes, born 3 March, 1793. 1878. 4 January, Sarah, wife of Rev. Wm. Stevens, aged 85 years. 1880. 18 ilay, Isabella Donehoo, aged 80 years. 33 August, Sarah JlcCabe, born 6 October, 1799. 29 September, Martha, relict of Henry Small, aged 80 years and 6 months. 1883. , Patrick M. JIulvanon, son of Felix J[ulvai>ou, Sr., born in County Antrim, Ireland, in 1804. 1884. 16 ^[arch, David Marquis, aged 91 years. 1885. 30 March, Jacob Kuhn, aged 85 years. 1886. 30 March, Mary, wife of David Somers, aged 93 years and 4 months. CHAPTER IT. OEGANIZATION AND ADMINISTEATION. EeECTION and IJUUKDAKIES — TjIK C.'OUNTY SeAT LeGAL ORGANIZATION — First Prothonotary and Register and Recorder — First Grand Jury— First Constables — First Innkeepers — Justice Districts and Early Justices — First Deed and Will — First Township Officers — Public Buildings — Official Roster. BEAVER county was erected March 12, 1800, from parts of Alle- gheny and Washington counties, the greater portion from the former. The act erecting it gave the following boundaries : '' Begin- ning at the mouth of Big Sewickley creek, on the Ohio river; thence up the said creek to the west line of Alexander's district depreciation lands ; thence northerly along the said line, and continuing the same course to the north line of the first donation district to the western boundary of the state ; thence southerly along the said boundary across the Ohio river, at a point in the said boundary, from which a line to be run at a right angle easterly will strike AVhite's mill on Raccoon creek, and from such point along the said easterly line to the said mill, leaving the said mill in the county of Beaver ; thence on a straight hue to the mouth of Big Sewickley creek, the place of beginning." Jonathan Coulter, Joseph Hemphill and Denny McClure were designated to erect the necessary public buildings, and Beavertown was fixed upon as the county seat. The.se matters wei-e all specified in the act of assembly forming the new county. The county was organized for judicial purjioses April 2, 1803 ; but the first court (Hdnot commence until the (ith of February, 18t>4, being held in tlie house of Abner Lacock on Tliird street, a portion of which still remains and is used as a barber shop. I'^or many years John Clark conducted it as a hotel. lion. Jesse Moore was resident judge of tlie sixtli cii-cuit, embrac- ing the counties of Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Mercer and Eric. His associates were Abner Lacock, John II. Reddick and Joseph Cald- well. Mr. Lacock resigning, his place was taken by David Drennan 121 122 HISTORY OF BEAVER COIJNTY. February 5, 1805. At tlie February term of court, 180-1, were admitted the following distinguisiied attorneys, some of whom subsecjuently achieved a merited state reputation : Alexander Addison, Tiiomas fyoUins, Steele Semple, A. W. Foster, J. Bannister Gibson, Sampson S. King, Obediah Jennings, William Wilkins. Henry Ilaslet, James Allison, Jr., John Simonson, David Eeddick, Parker Campbell, David Hayes, C. S. Sam])le, Thomas (1. Johnston, Henr^^ Baldwin, Isaac Kerr, James ]\[ountain, Robert ^Mooi'e and William Avers. [Foi- further infor- mation concerning these gentlemen, see chajiter on Jjencli and I5ar.] It was exceedingly fortunate that so higlily educated and compe- tent a man as David Joiiiisou was secured to open the record books of the new county. Through tlie influence of some of tlie leading attor- neys, he was induced to leave his educational work in AVashington county and come to Beaver. Tiie eai'ly records of the county show his skill and intelligence. An examination of the official roster will •show that he was the first prothonotary and first register and recorder, the two positions being then combined in one person. Tiie increase of business necessarily divorced them. In the other offices were the following incumbents: First sheriff', William Henry,* brother of Judge Thomas Henry ; fii'st treasurer, Guion Greer; first prosecuting attornej^, James Allison, .Ir. ; first coroner, Ezekiel Jones. Tiie first grand in(|uest (jury) at the February session of 1804 embraced tlie following gentlemen: Jolm Lawrence (foreman), David Drennan, Robert White, Samuel Arbuckle, Guion Greer, Thomas Evans, George Holdship, James McDowell, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph Iloopes, Nathan Stockman, Joiin IJaird, John Christ- mas, John Beaver. John Boyd. Escj., John Sharj), Mattliew Brooks, David Townsend and William Orr. The list of constables appointed at the sani'^ 'session was : George l]ail, borough of Beaver; Samuel Allison, First Moon township; Thomas Dawson, Second Moon; Archibald Woods, Hanover ; Robert Johnson, South Beaver; Conrad Ilenning, Little Beaver; Thomas Lewis, Big Beaver; Andrew WilsoirK North Sewickley ; Richard Waller, New Sewickley. *The commissions for couuty officers at the orsrauization of the county were issued by Governor Thomas JIcKian, countersigned by his secretary, F. M. Thompson. The bond of William Ilenry, slieriff, was placed at !fir),000, and was signed by David Drennan, .John Lawrence, .James Alexander. .lames Moore and Guion Greer. John Hannah and Samuel Arl)uckle were sureties for Ezekiel .Tones, coroner, in the sum eaver townshiii : Mattison Hart, New Sewickley townslu]); Jonathan Harvut and Jonathan Guthrie, Hanover townshi)); Samuel Johnson. Benjamin Beatty and Abner Lacock, borough of ]5eaver. On the loth of August, 1803, John McCullough, James Boies and James Alexander, commissioners, in comjJiance with an act of the general assembly, laid out the county into districts for justices as fol- lows: The First and Second districts were located south of the Ohio river — First with 210 inhabitants, and David Scott, justice ; Second, 291 inhabitants, with Samuel Glasgow and William Little, justices; the Tliird disti'ict embraced half of the covmty west of Big Beaver river and north of the Ohio — population 433, with John Law- rence and Jonathan Coulter, justices ; the Fourth district, the north half, west of Big Beaver — inhabitants 24-6, with John Sprott, justice ; the Fifth district, north of the Connoquenessing and east of Big- Beaver — po]mlation 116, with William Conner and Sampson Piersol, justices; Sixth district, all south of No. 5 to the southern line of the •county — po])ulation 113, with no justice ap])oiiited. Total ]to])uhition 1383." The following- were early justices in the county, as will be seen from the dates of their commissions: John B)Ovd, ci^mmission from (Governor Thomas Mclvean, dated at Lancaster, Pa., April 2, 1801. for District No. 2, took oath before David Johnsiin. May 7, 1801,— William Ilarsha, District No. 2, April 2, 1804; George iloldshi]), District No. 3, April 2, 1804; Martin Hol- man. District No. 4, April 2, lso4 ; William Leet, District No. C, April 2, 1804; William Clarke, District No. 3, April 1, 1805 ; David Potter, District No. 4, April 1. 1805; William Forbes, District No. 4, April 1, 1805; John Watts. District No. 3, April 1, 1806; Samuel Johnston, District No. 3, July 4, 1806; John lohnston. District No. 4* Ajiril 1, 1807; Thomas Foster, District No. 2, July 4, 1S07; David Joiinson, District No. 3, April 1, 1806; David Patton. Jr., District No. 1, Sep- 124 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. teinber 30, ISOS ; Jacob Woodruff, District No. 4, September 30, ISOS ; ThoBis Henry, District No. 3, December 24, 1808 ; Thomas Wilson, District No. 6, March 29, 1808; AVilliam Lowry, District No. 4, March 31,1809; Michael Baker, District No. 1, March 31, 1S09; Daniel Christy, District No. 1, April 8, 1809 ; Samuel Jackson, District No. 3, December 21. 1809 ; Nicholas Venemon, District No. 5, April 5, 1810; John Clark, District No. 4, June T, 1810. Samuel Glasgow, Hanover township, commission by Gov. Thomas McKean, P'ebruary 23, 1801, recorded November 30,' 1810,— Stanton Shoals, District No. 6, April 1, 1811 ; James Cochran, District No. 4, August 27, 1812 ; David Findley, District No. 3, March 18, 1813 ; William Ileno, District No. 6, September 8, 1813; James Logan, District No. 3. December 15, 1814; Thomas Taylor, District No. 3, March 8, 1815; Charles S. Reno, Dis- trict No. 3, May 10, 1815 ; John Edgar, District No. 4, May 9, 1815 ; John A. Scroggs, District No. 4, Sejitember 25. 1815 ; John Harshe, District No. 2,°January 26, 1816 ; James Lake, District No. 2, Jan- uary 26, 1816; David Gordon, District No. 2, January 26, 1816; James Bell, District No. 6, April 22, 1816. The first deed on record is a conveyance to Joseph Pentecost and his wife Mary, on the 19th of August, 1803, of lot No. 74 in " Mcintosh at the mouth of Big Beaver creek formerly in Allegheny county, but now in Beaver county," to Wilson, Porter and Fulton, merchants or traders in Beaver. The consideration was one hundred and fifty dol- lars, a moderate price for a lot on 3d street, with a frontage of one hundred and twentv feet and depth of three hundred feet. Pentecost had obtained it from Andrew Johnston of the County Fermanagh in the kingdom of Ireland. February 13, 1799. The instrument was recorded November IS, 1803. The first will recorded in the county is one made March IS, 1803, by George Riddle. The witnesses to the instrument were Absalom S(5verns, Ezekiel Jones and Jacob Myers. The executors designated were Mary Riddle and George Brown. With great complacency the testator avers that weak in body but sound in mind, he commends his soul to God, but his body to be assigned to dust; and after his just debts are paid, his estate is to be left to his wife until the voungest child attains legal age. The justices mentioned in a preceding part of this chapter were appointed bv the governor of the state. The ensuing is the list of townsiiip ottfcers elected from 1805 to 1809, inclusive. On their efforts their several territories depended the etticiency of the county in organization. BEAVER COUNTY. 125 At tlie May session, 1S05, the following township officers were represented as filling their places: South 1>kavek : Condahh — AViUiaui Mercer; Sitpernkor/i — Thonias McCoy and Hugh Graham ; Overseers of Poor — -Heniy Kirli- endall and Benjamin Sharpless; Auditors — John Martin, Thomas Kennedy, Samuel Johnston and Francis Porter; ^1^ >/>/'« /wr.y — Isaac l>ell and Thomas Hamilton. North Bkavkk : Constohle — William Espy ; Si/jwrtusors — Edward "Wright and William Carson; Overseers — William Ritchie and Ben- jamin Wells; Auditors — George Baird and Thomas Leonard; Appraisers — James Hope and James Fullerton. Lrrn.E Beaver: Constable — Henry Ulery ; Stqjervisors — Thomas Stewart and Thomas Russel ; Overseers — Robert Bevard and David Clark; Auditors — John Levain, Conrad Hennery and William David- son ; Appraisers — George JMcKain and James MoElhenny. Big Bkavek : Constable — Hugh Woods; Supervisors — Alexander Wright, Isaac Ilutson ; Overseers — Peter Young, David Clark ; Audi- tors — James Ilufstetter, Hugh Marshall, Robert Crawford, John Stockman. First Moon: Constable — James Jordan; Supervisors — John Baker, James McClelland; Overseers — Alexander Culberson, Daniel Weigle; Auditors — David Scott, George Bruce, Jonas Feigiey, Daniel Christy; Appraisers — William McGee, William Thompson. North Sewickley : Constable — William Thomas; Supervisors — William Henry, John Morton ; Overseers — Abner Runyan, Jesse BeU; Auditors — James Jones, William French, Jonathan Peppard, James Kennedy ; Aptpraisers — Andrew Altman, Lewis Gallagher. Shenango: Constable — A. Chambers; Supervisors — William Cairns, Josejili Pollock; Overseers — Thomas Morrow, Benjamin Cun- nigham : Auditors — Samuel Whaun. William Martin, William Wil- kinson, Thomas McClelland. New Sewicki.ey : Constable — William Woods; Supervisors — John Cheney. James Moore; Overseers — John Conley, William Woods; Auditors — Williani Leet, Isaac L. Montou, Robert Mitchell, Ebenezer Byers. Hanover: Coustahle — William Wilson; Supervisors — William Ilarman, Johnston Calhoon; Overseers — James Ferl, David Beel; Auditors — Thomas Stephens, John Boyd, Hugh Miller, David Patton ; Ap>p)ra.isers — Henry Singleton, John Ramsey. Second Moon: Constable — John Tliom])son ; Supervisors — Ben- 126 IlISTOliY OF IJEAVKR COUNTY. oni Diiwson, James Craig; Overseers — Thomas Dawson, Samuel Swiglit; Auditors — Jolin Cain, Michael Baker, Itobert J.aughlin, James Eaton; Appraisers — John Nelson, Andrew Poe. Borough of Bkaver: Constahle — Thomas Hewey ; Sxi^p)ervisors — Tiionias Evans, Jolm Uannaii ; Auditors — James Allison, Esq., James Lyon, John B. Gibson, Esq., William Clarke, Esq. , 1806. Ohio : Constable — Alexander Reed ; Supervisors — Hugh Graham, John Suiall, Sr. ; Overseers lr — Thomas ]\[oore; Sujiervisors — Samuel Ca- rothers, William Lougidin; Auditors — John Whitehill, Samuel Har- per, David Patton, Wni. Ramsay; Overseers — Wm. Langflt, James Chambers; Appraisers — Obadiah Applegate, Isaac Stephens. North Sewickley: Constable — Michael Nye; Supe/'viso/'s — John Morton, Jacob Yoho. South (New) Sewickley: Constahle — Robert ]\Iitchell ; Sujier- visors— IsdidiC L. Morelove, Wm. Leet; Auditors — John Irwin, Noble 128 HISTORY OF beavp:r county. Stairs, Joseph Oliver, Thomas Coffieki ; Overseers — Alexander Atkin- son, James Bell. Shenango: Constable — John Fi-ew. 1808. Ohio: Cmutahle — Henr}" Ku^'kendall : Sxtpervisors — Samuel Ew- ing, James Johnson ; Auditors — James Kennedy. John Pugh, John Shivers, David Finday ; Overseers — Jacob L\'on, Hugh Montgomery; Appraisers — James Cotton, Thomas Erannan. South Beaver : Constahle — Robert Johnston ; Supervisoi's — Thom- as Ross, "William Fullv ; Anditors — John Martin, Joseph Hoopes, Samuel Johnston, N. Stockman; Overseers — Thomas Stratton, James Gorrell. Little Beaver : Constahle — Joseph Smith ; Supervisors — E. Carey, John Sharp; Auditors — J. Johnson, J. Sprott, Matthew Hart, William Scott; Overseers — John Hannah, George Dihvorth; Appraisers — John Hughes, Brice McGeehan. Big Beaver: Constahle — David Clark; Supervisors — Thomas Beatty, William Espy ; ^li/r/^Vw.s- — John Moore, Robert Boyd, David Clark; Overseers — Daniel Kirkpatrick, Joseph Chapman. North Beaver: Constahle — Da\id Titball; Supervisors — William Wilson, AVilliam Moorehead; Auditors — William Woods, John Nes- bitt, Richard Sherer, James Hope; Overseers — James Fullerton, James McGowan ; Appraisers — Leonard Dobbins, Ed. Wright. Sh ENANGO : Con stahle — Samuel Sj^ringer ; Supervisors — William Cairn, Thomas Keldoc. North Sewickley : Constahle — ■ Ezekiel Jones. New Sewickley : Constahle — David Moore ; Supervisor's — • John Irwin, Isaac Morton; Auditors — Thomas Lukens, William Reno, A. Atkinson, Noble Stairs; Overseers — Joseph Irwin, Tobias Plants. First Moox : Constahle — Robert Hood ; Supervisors — James McClelland, Robt. Graham ; Auditors — Samuel Kennedy. David Smith, Michael Baker, Wade Barnes ; Overseers — Wm. Connor, Edward Crail ; Appraisers — James Ewing, David Gordon. Second Moon : Constahle — Noah Potts ; Supervisors — Thos. Daw- son, Samuel Wilson. Hanover: Constahle — James Hayes; Supervisors — John Reed, Joseph Jenkins; Auditors — John AVhitehill, Wm. Ramsay, David Patton, John Boyd; Overseers — Wm. Wilson, James Gilleland ; Appraisers — James Ewing, David Gordon. Borough of Beaver: Constahle — Wm. Shannon; Supervisors — C*£2i<^/Zt-/Q /V< ^o/ifU>- BEAVKR UOUXTY. 131 Kobert Darragh, Thomas Henry; Aniliturs — James [,yoii, George Holdship, Samuel Lawrence. 1809. Hanover: Consfnh/i': James IIa3'es; Sujk'i-r/.^of-s — Joseph Jen- kins, Eobt. Wi-iglit ; Audltoi's — James Dungan, Jose])h McCready, David Gordon, Jolmson Calhoon ; Ovi't'scprs — James Ewing, John Koberts ; Appraisers — Robt. Leeper, Wm. Leathern. First JNIuon : Consfaljle — Robert Hood; Sujierviso/s — James McGleUand, Robert Graliam ; Auditors — David Ration, David Scott, Samuel Law, Samuel Graham ; Orerseers — James Hutchinson, David McCoy. Second Moon: Coiistahli' — Nathaniel Rlackmore ; Siq>cr visors — Samuel Wilson, Thomas Dawson ; ^1 uditors — Samuel Kennedy, David Smith, AVm. Little, Samuel Searight ; Overseers — John Nelson, Mathias Hooke ; Ajjpraisers- — Andrew Roe, James Eaton. North Be.wer: GonstaUe — James Scott; Siqjervisors — David Justice, James Hope; Auditors — Joseph (!arson, Benjamin Wells, Hugh McKibben, Wm. Woods; Overseers — Leonard Dobbin, James Alworth ; Ajpraisers — Thomas Leonard, Wm. Carson. South Beaver: Constable — John Steen ; Sujjervisors — Samuel Jackson, Isaac AVarrick; Auditors — Samuel Johnson, Noble Rayl, John Martin. Joseph Hoopes ; Overseers — Thomas Stratton. AVm. De Haven. Big Beaver: Constable — AVm. Lowry ; Supervixors — Alex. Wright, John Moore. LiTfLE Beavee : Constcd)le — Brice McGeehan ; Supervisors — Joseph Dilworth, Samuel Sjirott ; Auditors — John Beer, Andrew Moore, Mattison Hart, John Sprott ; Overseers — Elnathan Coney, John Sever; Appraisers — David Clark, David lN)tter. BEAVfiR BoR(iU(;ii : Constahle — Hugh AVilson : Sup>ervisors — Jos- eph Hemphill, Thomas Henry. Shenango: Constahle — Samuel Taylor. Ohio: Constable — Rhilip Mason ; S'uj>ervisors — Samuel Ewing, James Johnson; Overseers — Jacob Lyon, Robert Herron; Appraisers — James Cotton, Thomas Brannon. North Sewickley : Constahle — Ezekiel Jones. New Sewicki.ey: Constahle — David Mooi'e ; Supervisors — Isaac Morton, Jno. Irwin ; Auditors — Wm. Renno, Thomas Caulfield, Noble Stairs, Wm. Boke ; Overseers — James Moore, AA^m. Garner. In a previous part of this chapter reference was made to the 132 IIISTOKY (IK BKAVKK COUNTY. ai)|)ointment of tliree commissioners for tlie location of the county buildings. The locations selected were two of the reserved squai-es. 'i'he first building erected was the jail. It stood on the square imme- diately south of the present law ortice of 8. B. AVilson, Esq. The sec- ond story was fitted u]) for a courtroom, and was used for that pur- |)ose until 1810. In 1810 the first courthouse was completed. It stood on the same lot as the present one, but east toward the old jail. In 1840 an eastern wing was built to the structure. In November, 1848, the county commissioners re])oi'ted that they had, to meet a public neces- sity, erected certain new public offices at the west side of the court- house for the purpose of preserving the official records. The contract was let to Messrs. Dickson ct Miller, of Allegheny, for $2,175. Thomas Benn V, William Leaf and Ellis How were appointed committee to view the building and report. This they did January 18, 1849, dechu'ing the " work done in strict conformity to contract." The present beautiful courthouse was dedicated May 1, 1877, lion. Daniel Agnew delivering the address on the occasion. The contract was given July 1, 1875, to William M. Keyser, contractor; and the building completed February 28, 1877 at a cost of $129,655.50. The ai'chitect was Thomas Boyd, who ix-ceived .$2,580.11 additional as his coni|)ensation. The present jail and sherill"s I'esidence was built by Timothy B. White, the contract being made June 23, 1856, and the iiuilding c(jm- pleted in 1858 or 1850. The cost of the building was $28,852.95. The architect was J. AV. Kerr, who received $1,013.85 additional for his lal)or. In 1882-3 the jail was remodeled by John B. Cochran & Co., assisted by Simon Ilarrold, architect, at an aggregate expense of $21,124.36. The county treasury has been i"ol)bed twice — first, during the administration of M. R. Adams, 15th November, 1866. The amount is not known. Next, in the autumn of 1881, during office of W. F. Dawson ; amount, $17,000. The erection of a county poorhouse was agitated as early as 1831, a meeting at the courthouse having been called for that purpose. In 1844 a, vote was taken to delude the same question. The result stood ; J^o/\ 1,533 ; tfi/ain.st, 2,366. The vote against the measure was largely in that poi'tion subsequently detached to form Lawrence county. At the general election held (October 14, 1851, the question was again sub- mitted to vote, the success being better than in 1844. The vote stood : 1*0/', 1,855 votes ; eaver, 1853-'55 ; Ramsey Miller, Raccoon township, lS55-'57 ; Smith Cunningham, Beaver, lS57-*63; James Elliott, Moon, 1863-'67; Pressley Kerr, Raccoon, 1867-84 ; John Bryan, Moon, 1884-85; J. II. Ramsey, Bridgewater, 1885. The farm embraces 130 acres l)Ought of George Stone at §50 per acre. The location is a good one. The iirst person received was John ^rui'phy of New Brighton, April 14, 1853, then in his 21st year. He is still an inmate of the home. In thirty-four j^ears 218 deaths have occurred. Beaver county has furnished two United States Se)uito/\s, viz : Gen, Abner Lacock, and Col. M. S. Quay, 1888-1894. Meinhers ()f Cvngress: Abner Lacock; Janies Allison, 1823-'25 ; Thomas Henry, 1837-43; John Dickey, 1843-45, 1847-4:9; John Allison ; William S. Shallenberger. Resaleiit Judges: Jesse Moore, 1804; Samuel Roberts, "William Wilkins, C?harles Shalei', .John liredin, Daniel Agnew, 1852-'62 ; L. L. McGuffin.B. B. Chamberlin, A. W. Acheson,"IIenry Ilice, 1874; John J. Wickham, 1884. Associate Judges : Abnei" Lacock, John II. Reddick, Joseph Cald- well, David Drennan, Thomas Henry, Josepli Hemphill, John Nesbitt, Benjamin Adams, J(jiin Carothers, Josepli Irvin, AVilliam Cairns, John Scott, M. Lawrence, Agnew Duff, Joseph C. Wilson, Robt. Rotter. Sherlfs : William Henry, 1803-6; Jonathan Coulter, 1806-9, 1812-'15 ;"samuel J^)\ver, 1809-'12 ; William Cairns, 1815-'18, 1833-36 ; James Lyon, 1818-'21; Thomas Henry, 1821-24; John Dickey, * Prior to tlie passage of the act of April 9, 1874, Beaver county was joined with Washington in ;i juilioial distriot. Since that time it has constituted a district in itself. 134: HISTORY OF BKAVEK COUNTY. 1S24~'27 ; David Porter, 182r-'30 ; J. A. Sholes, 1830-'3;:! : .Mattliew T. Kennedy. lS36-'39: David Somers, 1S39-42; Milo Adams. lS42-'4.5; James Kennedy, Jr., 1S4.')-"4S; Ilobert Wallace, 1S4S-'.")1 ; (ieorge Robinson, 1851-'54 ; James Darragli. 18.")4-'.")T ; William W. Irwin, 1857- (30; John IJoberts, 1800- «!3 ; Joseph Sedlie. 18ti3-'t)6; J. 8. Little (now written Littell), 186(J-'(!9 ; John Graebing, 1869-72; Chamberlin White, 1872-'75 ; J. P. Martin, 1875-78 ; Mark Wisener, 1878-81; Henry E. Cook, 1881-'84; John D. Irons, 1884-'S7. Treasurers: Guion Greer, 1803-'07 ; John Lawrence, 1807-'09; Robert Moore, 1809-11 ; James Allison, 1811-15 ; James Alexan- der, 1815-17; James Dennis, * 1817-20 ; David Hays, 1820-22; Samuel McClure, 1822-24; Joseph Hemphill, 18l'4-''28; Thomas Henry, 1828-'32; Benjamin Adams, 1832-34; John English, 1834-'35 ; David Porter, 1835-'36 ; Henderson C. Hall, 1836-'38 ; John Barclay, 1838-39, lS43-'4:5 ; Dr. Oliver Cuningham, 1839-41 ; David Eakin, 184:l-"43 ; Dr. Smith Guningham, 1845-47 ; Alfred R. Moore, 1847-49 ; Moses B. Welsh, 1849-51 ; Lawrence Whitesell, 1851-'53; Richard H. Agnew, 1853-'55 ; H. B. Anderson, 1855-'57 ; William Henry, 1857-59; John S. Darragh, 1859-61 ; George C. Bradshaw, 18til-'63 ; John Caughey, 1863-65; M. R. Adams, 1865-67; Elijah Barnes, 1867-69 ; Eben Allison. 1S;69-'71 ; C. P. Wallace, 1871-'73 ; James H. Mann, 1873-75; John R. Eakin, 1875-78; Wm. E. Dawson, 1878-81; John McGown, 1881-'84; John F. Miner, 1884-'87. Prothonotiiries: David Johnson, lS03-'09; Samuel Lawrence, 1809-'15; Thomas Henry, 1815-21; John Dickey, 1821-24; John Clark, 1824r-'30 ; James Logan, 1830-'36 ; John A. "Scroggs, 1836-'39 ; Samuel W. Sprott, 1839 ; Milton Lawrence, 1839-48 ; John Collins, 1848-54; A. R. Thompson, 1854-'56; M. S. Quay, 1856-61; Michael Weyand, 1861-'67 ; John Caughey, 1867-73 ; Oscar A. Small, 1873-'79 ; Stephen P. Stone, 1879-85 ; Dan. II. Stone, 1885-88. Refjisters and liecm-ders : David Johnson, 1803-36 ; T. ^L John- son, 1836-39; Samuel McClure,* 1839; T. M. Johnson, 1839-48; William McCallister, 1848-'54 ; S B. Wilson, 1854-'60; Alfred R. Moore, 1860-66 ; Darius Singleton, 1866-'72 ; 11. M. Donehoo, 1872-78 ; Wm. H. Ricker, 1878-'S4. Clerks of Court : William McCallister. 1839-42 : W. K. Boden, 1842-'57; A. G. McCreery, 1857-63; John A. Frazier, 1863-69; John C. Hart, 1869-78; Chas. A. Griffin, 1878-84; John M. Scott, 1884-'S7. * Samuel McClure was appointed in February, 1839. and was succeeded in the same year by the election of T. JI. Johnson. BEAVEK COUNTY. 135 Commissiovers: Jonathan Coulter, 18u3-0-t; Joseph Hempliill, 1804-05; Denny McClure, 1805-00; John McCulIough, 1806-07; Sanuiel Lawrence, 1807-'0S ; William Harsha, 1808-09 ; James Ken- nedy, 1809-'10; Williani Cairns, 1810-11; Thomas Kennedy, 1811-12; John Sharp, 1812-13 ; John Martin 1813-1-1 ; James Dennis, 181J^'15 ; John Roberts, 1815-'lt> ; John Morton. 1816-17 ; John A. Scroggs, 1817-'18: Thomas Kennedy, 18ls-'lii ; David Christy, 1819-20; David Boies, 1820-21 ; (xeorge Dilworth, 1821-22; Alexander Thomp- son, 1822-23; David Eakin, 1823-24; James Logan, 1824-"25 ; Daniel Christy, 1825-'26 ; David Eakin. 1826-'27 ; John Sharp, 1827-'28 ; Daniel Christy, 1828-29 ; Benjamm Adams, 1829-'30 ; John Bryan, 1830-31; Sampson Piersal, 1831-32; Joseph Vera, 1832-33; John Harsha. 1833-'34 ; Solomon Bennett, 1834-'35. ; David Somers, 1835-'36 ; James Scott, 1836-37 ; Jas. D. Eakin, 1837-38; AVm. Rayl, 1838-'39 ; James Mackall, 1839- 4(i ; Joseph ]\[oi-ehead, 1840-41; James Harper, 1841-'42 ; John Hull. 1842-43; Thomas Cairns, 1843-'44; Arthur Campbell, 1844-45; Samuel Hamilton, Wm. Carothers, 1845-'46 ; David Warnock, 1846-47; Robert IVIcFerren, 1847-'48 ; Samuel B. Wilson, 1848-'49: Archibald McMillan, 1849-'50 ; Robert Potter,*. 1850-'51 ; W. C. Plants, f 1851-52 ; James A. Sholes, 1852-'53 ; James C. Ritchey, 1853-'54 ; David Kennedy, 1854-'55; William P. Phillips, 1855-'56;" Philip Cooper, 1856-'57 ; Hugh Sutherland, 1857-58 ; Abner Morton, lS58-'59 ; William Shi'odes, 1859-'60 ; Samuel Lawrence, 1860-61; James Wilson, 1861-62; Daniel B. Short, 1862-63; Wil- liam Barnes, 1863-'64; John H. Beighley, 1864-'65 ; Joseph Irons, 1865-66; John Wilson, 1866-67; James AVarnock, 1867-'68 ; Wil- liam Ewing, 1868-69; David W.Scott, 1869-'70; Joseph Brittain,- 1870-'71 ; Samuel Torrence, 1871-72; II. J. Marshall, 1872-73; Daniel Neely, 1873 -'74; David Patten, lS74-'75. G. W. Shroads, John C. Calhoun and Andrew Carothers, were elected in 1875, for the term of three years each; Samuel Nelson, Levi Fish, J. C. Ritchie, 1878-'81; Daniel Ileisinger, Robert A. Smith, 1881-84; David Johnson, John C. Boyle, W. H. Partington, 1884-87; D'lxtrlrt Attormys: James Allison, 1803-"(-)9 ; J. R. Shannon, 1809-'24; U. P. Fetterman, 1824-27; II. M. Watts, 1827-30; Williain B.Clark, 1830-'33, 1836-'39; Simeon Meredith, 1833-'36 ; Thomas *Appointed by .Judge .Idlin Breedin to till vacancy caused by death of Robert Mc- Perren. f In September, 1853, \V. C. Plants left the county. His vacancy was supplied by the choice of .Moses Welsh, the act being done by J. A. Sholes, J. C. Ritchie and the Court of Quarter Sessions. 136 HISTOKT OF BEAVER COUNTY. Cunningham, 1839-'45; Lewis Taylor, 1845-'48; B. B. Chamberlin, 1848-'49; Richard P. Roberts, 1849-53; Joseph Wilson, 1853-'56; Moses B. Welsh, 18."iC-r>l ; John B. Young, 1801-62; James S. Rutan, 1862-'68; Joseph R. llarragh, 1868-71; J. M. McCreery, 1871-74; J. M. Ilnchanan, 1874-80; Alfred S. Uoore. 18S0-'S3 : James Rankin Martin, L8s;3-'86. Coroners: Ezekiel Jones, 1S04; Sainuel Power. 1807 ; James Con- lin, 1818-22; James Moore, 1S22-34; James Mackall, 1834-'36 ; AVil- liam Hales, 1836-39; David Marquis, 1839-42; John Sutherland, 1842-'45 ; James H. Douds, 1845-'46 ; William Shrodes, 1846-'47 ; Jacob J. Noss, 1847-'50; James A. Sholes, 1850-51; Thomas W. Ayres, 1851-53; Eli Reed, lS53-'o6, 1860-63; John B. Early, lS56-'57; Nathan P. Couch, 1857-'60; Thomas Devinney, 1863-'65; Thomas McCoy, 1865-'68 ; William Barnes, 1868-'69 ; Daniel Corbus, 1869-'75 ; R. F. Mcllvaine, 1875-'78; Joseph IT. Reed, 1S78-'S1; Wm. Raymer, 1881-84; Henry C. AVatson, 1884-'87. Cottnty Survfii/ors: James Carothers, 1800-'15 ; Hugh McCullough, 1815-'24; William Law, 1824-27; Henry Davis. 1827-'3(); John Bryan, 1830-35; John Martin. lS35-'3"6; AViliiam McCallister, 1836-39; J. A. Vezey, 1839-'42; William Minis. Jr., 1842-'45 ; Samson S. Nye, 1845-50; A. Wynn, 1850-53, 1856-'59. 1862-'71; Hugh Cun- ning, 1853-'56; James Harper, 1859-'()2; Samuel A. Dickey. 18(;9-''71 ; D. M. Daugherty, lS71-'74; James Harper, 1874-"77; James J. Power, 1877-83; James Harper, 1883-86. Couuft/ SujM'r'nifendenU : Thomas Nicholson, 1855; George Cope, 1855-56; S. 11. Piersol, 1856-'57; R. Is'. Avery, 18o7-'58; Thomas Carothers, 1858-63; J. I. Reed, 186:!- 67; James Wliitliam, 1867-69; G. M. Fields, 1869-'72; M. L. Knight, 1872-75; Benjamin Franklin, 1875-81 ; J. S. Briggs, 1881-'84 ; re-elected iA- May 1884. but resigned September 1, 1881; J. M. Reed, appointed to fill out unexj)iretl term, and elected May, 1887. All the supei'intendents except Thomas Nicholson and J. I. Reed are still li\ing. I'oorhouse Directors: Joseph Dauthett. Plnli|) Cooper, David Shanor, 1832; David Shanor, 1853-55; Robert Potter, 1855-56; William Barnes, 18o6-'57; James Sterling. 1857-'58; Henry Goehr- ing, 1858-'59, 1861-62; Samuel Mooi'liead, 1859-'60; John AVhite, 1860-'61; Samuel AVdson, 1 862-63 ; John K. Potter, 1863-'64; Samuel McManamy, 1864-'65, 1867-68, 1873-74; Sainuel (iibson, 1865- 66, 1871-'72; John Potter, 1866-67; John Sleutz, 1868-69; Robert •Cooper, 1869-70; Hiram Peed. 1S70-"71: John White. 1872-73; BEAVER COUNTY. 137 Samuel AValton, 18T4-'75 ; Samuel IJoots, William M. Heed, lS75-'7»), lS7()-77; Thomas Ramsey, 1877-78; AVilliam M. Reed, 1878-'79; Samuel Boots, Socrates A. Dickey, lS7!)-'80; Joseph W. Appleton, 18SO-'81; 1883-84; Robert S.Newton, 1881-'82; Philip V. Cooper, 1882-81:; Thomas Reece, 1884-'8C; Samuel Gibson, 188f!-'S7. Trustees of Acarlemii : Joseph Hemphill, Samuel Johnston, James Alexander, John L;i\vr(!nce, Cluion Greer, -lonathan Coulter, Robert Moore, James Allison, Samuel Power, James Dennis, James Lyon, Samuel Lawrence, David Hayes, William McLean, Thomas Henry, Samuel McClure, Abner Lacock, .lohn R. Shannon, Robert Darragh, James Logan, Milo Adams, -lames Potter, Daniel Agnew, Smith Cun- ningham, Atlas E. Lacock, Hiram Stowe, Oliver Cunningiiam, .Fohn Barclay, B. B. Cliamberlin, Hugli Sutherland, Daniel Agnew, I!. (J. Critclilow, A. T. Shallenljerger, John L Stokes, Charles AVeaver, Ben- jamin AVilde, Isaac Cook, Joseph Irvin, James P)arnes, John Mulva- non, Thomas McCreerv, Joim A. A[c(4ill, T. J. Power, Thomas Cun- ningham, John Pugli, Oliver Cunningham, James D. Ray. Joshua Monroe, AVilliam AlcCallister, David IMinis, Daniel Agnew, Robeit Dilworth, Smith (Umningham. Hugh Anderson, Stephen Todd, Wil- liam Allison, Oliver Cunning-ham, John Barclay, James Allison, ILioh Andei'son, J. II. Dickson, J. II. Whisle, R. G. McGregor, AVilliam Davidson, C. B. McClay, John Murray, ]\I. T. Kennedy, Samuel Moor- head, D. S. ]\Iarquis, John B. A'oung, J. A. ]McGill, D. A. Cunningham, David Ramsey, Thomas Allison, A. T. Shallenberger, D. II. A. McLean, James Allison, Henry Ilice, D. A. Cunningham, AVilliam Oi'r, A. R. JMoore, J. C. AVilson, A. T. Shallenberger, Rev. D. P. Low- ar3% John Murra}', David Stanton, S. J. Cross, John Barclay, Samuel Magaw, Richey Eakin, D. P. Lowray, J. M. Smith, B. C. Critcidow, M. Darragh, John Murray, Henry Ilice, D. McKmney Jr , Samuel Moorhead, R. S. Imbrie, P. S. Grim, J. R. Ilarrah, John Caughey, D. L. Dempsey, J. M. Pessender, James Scroggs, II. R. IVIoor'e, D. Sin- gleton, D. J. Satterfield, A. G. Wallace, AV. (L Taylor. Aiiditors: James McDowell, Hugh McCidlough, James Davidson, David Findlev, James Davidson, John G. Johnston, Stewart Boyd, Josiah Laird, William Johnston, Andi-ew Jenkins, ]\tatthew Kennedy, Joseph Niblock, John Shane, John Keelin, P. G. \'icary, P. L. Gi-im, P. L. Grim, David Wliite, AV. H. Frazier, Rezin R. (4amble, William C. Hunter, Findlev Anderson, James Allison Jr., John Chiistmas, Joseph Pollock, Stephen Ruiiyon, Daniel Christy, James Eakin, James Freed, Adam Poe, James Scott, Ilenrv Davis, David (lordon, Ai-chi- 138 iriSTOKV OF BEAVER COUNTY. l)alcl Harvey, Thomas Xicholson, Koljert McFerren, John B. Early, J. C. Wilson, J. C. liichey, William Barnes, James M. Pander, Samuel Mitchell, James Morrison, John Stewart, John Bryan, John Clark, Stewart Kowan, John Morton, James Leslie. Hugh McCuUough, John G. Johnston, James Davidson, John Hull, William Jlorton, James Henry, J. S. Allswortli, Itobert Dunlap, William T. Davidson, Henry Brj'^an, Charles McCurdy, Samuel Bigger, Thomas Eussell, Thomas Boggs, John R. Eakin, Thomas C. Cochran, William Cheney, James McClure, J. H. Cooper, G. K. Shannon, llalpli Covert, Charles A. Hoon, II. Cooper, J. E. Ilarton, David E. McCallister, James Whit- ham, William Thomas, James II. Christv, Smith Curtis, C. C. Kii;:"s, F. Anderson, A. L. Mclvibben, James I. Douds, Hugh J. Marshall, J. F. McMillen, W. II. Lukens, W. C. Hunter, A. P. Sickman, J. F. Cul- bertson, Hugh Davis, C. C. Ilazen. State Senators: From ISdl to 1817 the district consisted of the counties of Allegheny, Beaver and Butler. The Senators were; 1801-5, Thomas Morton; 1805-8, James Martin; 1808-9, Abner Lacock, of Beaver; 1809-11, Francis McClure; 1S11-'13, Thomas Baird ; 1813-'17, Walter Lowrie. From 1817 to 1823, the district consisted of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler and Armstrong counties. 181 7-'19, Walter Lowrie; 1819-"21, Samuel Power ; 1821-23, William Marks. From 1823 to 1831 the district known as the Twenty-lirst, com- ])rised Allegheny, Beaver and Butler counties again. 1823-25, Wil- liam Marks, Jr. ; 1825-27, Samuel Powers ; 1827-29, Moses Sullivan ; 1829-'31, John Brown. From 1831 to 1835 the district was known as the Twenty-fifth, the counties remaining the same. 1831-33, Moses Sullivan. Frcjm 1835 to 1838 the district was known as the Twenty-first, and comprised Beaver and Butler counties. lS35-'37, John Dickey. Vyow\ 183s until 1845 the district was known as the Twentieth, and from 1S45 until 184s, as the Twenty-fifth, each time comprising Beaver and Mercer counties. 1838-41, John J. Pearson, of Mercer; 1842-'1844,WiIliam Stewait; lS45-'47, liobert Darragli, of Beaver. From 1848 until 1851, the district was known as the Twenty- fifth, comprising Mercer, Beaver and Lawrence counties. 1848-'50, David Sankey. P'rom 1851 until ISCiO, the district was known as the Twenty -firet, and consisted of Butler, Beaver and Lawrence counties. 1851-52, William Hoslea, elected from Allegheny and Butler counties in 1849; BEAVEE COUNTY. 141 lS52-'53, Archibald Eobertson ; ISo-Jr-'SC, John Ferguson; 1S57-59, John R. Harris. From 1860 until 1804, the district was numljered Twentv-tifth. and com]3rised Beaver and Eutler counties. 1860-'G2, D. L. Imbrie; ISeS-'til, Charles McCandless. From 1804 until 1873, the district was known as the Twentv-sixth, and comprised AVashington and Beaver counties. 18ti4-'(i6, William Hopkins; 1807-09, Alexander W. Taylor; ls7(i-'72, James S. Rutan. From 1873 until 1870, the district still known as the Twenty- sixth comprised Beaver, Butler and Washington counties. 1873-7.5, James S. Rutan. Since 1870, the district is known as the Forty-sixth, and includes Beaver and Washington counties. 1x70-78, George V. Lawrence; 1879-80, George V. Lawrence; 1S81-82, George V. Lawrence; 1883-'84 and 1S8.5-'8G, F. FI. Agnew; 1887-88, Jos. R. McLain. Represi'idaiiwii: Fi'om Is(i2 to 18(is, Allegiieny, Beaver and Butler counties were joined, and sent tiiree representatives as follows: 1802-3, Samuel EwaJt, John McMasters and Abner Lacock ; 1803-'4, George Robinson. .lohn McBride and Joiin Wilson; 1804-'."> George Robinson, Aljner Lacock and Jacob Alechling; 1805- 0. Jacob Mech- ling, Abner Lacock and Francis ilcClure; lS00-'7, Jacob Mechling, Abner Lacock and Francis McGhire: 1807- '8, Jacob Mechling, Abner Lacock and Francis McClure. From 1808 to 1829, Beaver sent Ijut one representative, and acted independently. 1808- 9-'lni;li ndniinally owned by tlie Penn propi'ietarysliip, weresnliject to certain reasonable claims by the Indian tribes occnpyino' tlieni. These Indian claims conkl not be ignored. The cnmnKunvcaltli, pursuing the ])o]icy inaugurated by William Penn, decided to secure its Indian titles Ijy purchase. In ])ursuance of this purpose a treaty, made in Octoljei", 1784, at Fort Stanwi.x; nrnw Rome), New York, with the Six Nations, sectired the extinguishment of all their title to the lands included within the following boundaries: " Beginning at the south side of the Ohio river where the western boundary of the State of Pennsylvania crosses the said river, near Shingho's old town, at the mouth of Beaver creelc, and thence bv a due north line to the end of the fortv-second and the beain- ning of the forty-third degrees of north latitude, to the east side of the east branch of the River Susquehanna, and thence by the bounds of the purchase of ITOS,* to the place of beginning." But there were rival claims among the Indians ; consequently, in January, 1785, by the treaty at Fort Mcintosh with the chiefs of the Delawares and the Wyandottes, a purchase from them released their title to all the lands included within the same boundaries. This relieved all difficulty so fai' as Indian titles were concerned. Another difficulty, however, existed. The commonwealth, as the sole proprietor of its lands, antici]iating tlie results of these pui'chases,, decided by an act of ^larch 12, 1'S'^. to appropriate a large ])art of the purchases of 178-4 and 1785 for a double purpose : * The treaty of .~)tli Novemlier, t7(is, nuide also at. Fort Stanwix, lietnccn the Penns and the Six Xalions. extiniiuishid llie liuliuii title to that porlion of tlie state lyiiij; on the east side of a boundary bi-irinning at tlic intersection of the north slate line and the north braneh of the Susquehanna river, and nmninfj eircuitously along the west branch of that river to the Ohio (Allegheny) at Kittanning: thence along that river to tlie inter- section of the west line and the main Ohio. Fnaii this point, the line ran southward and eastward by the western and southern boundaries of the state, to the east side of the Allegheny mountains. 143 14-i IIISTOKV OK BEAVER COUNTY. Firnt — To redeem tlie certificates of depreciation issued to officers and soldiers of tlie Pennsylvania line |nirsuant to the act of December 18, 17S0, which provided that the certificates siiould be equal to gold or silver, in payment of unlocated lands, if the holder desired to make such a purchase. Second — To fulfill a solemn promise of the state, contained in a resolution of March 7. 1780, (juaranteeinfj to the officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania line certain ilonations of land, according to their rank in the service. These promises of the state, made at that dark period of the I'evo- lution, when enlistments were expiring and the eneniv were overrun- ning her territory, secured valiant men to defend her soil and perpetu- ate her honor. Slie was ilisposed to keep her promises. In liannony with lier pledges, this territory was, by the act of March 12, 1783, sep- arated by a due west line running from MoguUnightiton creek, on the AUeyhenv I'iver, above Kittannino-, to the western bonndarv of the state. This line runs about seven or eight miles south of the ])resent city of New Ciistle. Lanil l3'ing south of this line was devoted to theredeni]ition of the depreciation certificates, and became known as "Depreciation Lands."' The state reserved from this section two tracts of 3,OiiO acres each ; one at the mouth of the Allegheny river, the site of the city of Allegheny; the other at and including lioth sides of the mouth of Big Beaver river. The second tract embraced the site of Fort Mcintosh, or the present town of Beaver. The land lying north of the heretofore described line was set apait for donations to the soldiers of the Pennsylvania line, and is known as " Donation Lands." The " Depreciation Lanils" were finally surveyed ami sub-divided. The territoiw was cut into five ]n-incipal districts, extending from the Ohio northward, and numl)ering from west to east; District IS'o. 1, assigned to Alexander MeClean. dej)uty surveyor, lay along tlie western boundary of the state; No. 2 was assigned to Daniel Leet and Eichie ; No. 3 was assigned to William Alexander, Samuel Nicholson, Ephraim Douglass and Samuel Jones, aiul is usually Iciiown as Braden's district; No. 1 was assigned to James Cunningham: and No. 5 to Joshua Elder antl John IMorris. Other obstacles had to be overc(nTie. Unimpaired titles to lands were difficult to secure. Many daring spirits had, before Indian diffi- culties and claims were fully adjusted, crossed tiie Allegheny mountains BEAVER COUNTY. 145 and located upon lands lying in this region. The hostilities of the Indians prevented their complying with the terms which would complete their titles. They were compelled to abandon their improvements and retire beyond the river. In consequence, very perplexing questions finally arose as to the rightful ownership of the lands they had claimed. The difficulties thus started were increased greatly by the opera- tions of large land companies, organized to secure valuable tracts in the new territory. The most conspicuous of these com]5anies were the North American Land Company, the Pennsylvania Population Com- pany, and the Holland Land Company. The last two secui'ed immense tracts of land in this region, the terms of the purcliase being those stip- ulated in the law — the payment of seven pounds ten shillings ])er hundred acres, and the niakin<;-. or caaisiny to be made, of a lej-'al settle- ment on eacii tract covered by a warrant. To induce settlements on their lanils. they ])roposed to grant, in fee simple, to every settler complying with tiie ])rovisions of the law, one hundred and fifty acres, while they W((uld modestly take two hundi'ed and fifty acres as their lion's share. This plan prevented the accomplish- ment of the purposes of the companies. Settlers preferred to take their own chances, and hence began to make improvements for them- selves, on four-hundred-acre tracts — sometimes on lands claimed by these companies. The inevitable result was suits of ejectment against those encroaching upon the lands to which no i)erfect title had yet been secured. Fruitless and expensive litigation was the bane of the region, preventing rapid and permanent improvements and com- pelling the free migration to Ohio and other portions of the North- Avest territory just opening up to settlers. The laying out of roads early attracted the attention of set- tlers. At first these were simply blazed paths, winding hither and thither to accommodate the people. As the settlements were more dense these paths became wideneil so that conveyances could pass with- out difficulty. One of the earliest roads in the county was the military highway known as the Bnxidhead road, cut from Fort Pitt througii the country on the " South Side," to supply provisions and other stores for Fort Mcintosh. Its line is distinctly traceable yet. At the first court in Beaver, Felnuary, 1804, seven petitions were presented for the establishing of roads, the majority of which, on account of irregularity in foi'm, or on account of remonstrances filed, were rejected. One, under the latter class, was a petition for a road 140 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. from Beaver town to Youngstown. The viewers, Henry Alery, John Sharpe, James Boies, John Savers, Thomas Hannah and Eobert Clarke, reported at the May session, but the court reserved decision until August, when the petition was refused. The records show persistence in tliese petitions. Sul)sequentlj^ they were more successful. State and county I'oads were established, ■which necessitated the erection of l)ridges. At first these were )>lain wooden structures. In course of time they were supplanteil l)y iron structures of great strength and beauty — all of which indicates the march of ]irogress. A jieculiar form of roadway in the early day was that known as the turnpike — sometimes corduroyed with timber and branches, some- times made of plank, and sometimes of sand, gravel or stone. Two important institutions — adjuncts — were required to complete this thoroughfare, the toll-gate and the inn. The latter was the merry place at which the heart of the weary traveler was made glad as he enjoyed the rich fare of the table, the tempting drink of the bar, the strains of enchanting music in the evening, and the companionship of others wending their weary way along the same track. The six-horse team, each animal wearing heavy howson and strongly built harness ; the lead horse guided with a line held firmly by the teamster, sitting on one of the rear pair of aninuils, drew a large conestoga wagon, with crescent-shaped box, filled to its utmost capacity with househeld goods or merchandise. Drivers of these teams requii'ed the stimulus of good entertainment ; and this they received at the country inns, which were planted every mile or two along tliese turnpikes. The memory of those good old days is vividly recalled in the fol- lowing stanzas : THE OLD TURNPIKE. We hear no more the clanking hoof. And the stage-coach rattling by; For the steam-king rules the traveled world, And the old pike's left to die. The grass creeps o'er the tlintv path. And the stealthy daisies steal Where once the stage-horse, day by day, Lifted his iron heel. No more the weary sta.ger dreads Tlie toil of the coming morn; No longer the bustling landlord runs At the sound of the echoing horn; BEAVKR OOUNTV. 147 For the dust lies still upnu the road, And bright-eyed children play Where once the clattering hoof and wheel Hattled along the waj'. No more we hear the cracking whip. Or the strong wheel's rumbling sound ; And ah ! the water drives us on, And an iron horse is found ! The coach stands rusting in the yard, And the horse has sought the plough; We have spanned the world witli an iron rail, And the steam-king rules us now ! The old turnpike is a pike no more; Wide open stands the gate ; We have made us a road for our horses to stride, Which we ride at a tlying rate; We have filled the valleys and leveled the hills, And tunnelled the mountain side ; And round the rough crag's dizzy verge Fearlessly now we ride ! On — on — on — with a haughty front ! A puff, a shriek and a bound ; While the tardy echoes wake too late To liabl)le back the sound. And the old pike road is lefl alone. And the stagers seek the plough ; ' We have circled the world with an iron rail, And the steam-king rules us now. A second means of internal conmierce was the canal. In April, 1831, John Dickey, superintendent of tiie Beaver division of the Penn- sylvania canal, announces that lie will receive proposals at his office, in Beaver, until July 2(ith, for making u canal or slack water naviga- tion the whole distance from the mouth of Big Beaver to New Castle. On the 2!»th of the same month, a meeting was called b_y Thomas Henr\% Abner Lacock, Charles Shaler, Jonathan Sloane and John Dickey, to be held at the Beaver courthouse the 7th of June to open books for stock in the Pennsylvania & Ohio canal. Prior to these steps, however. General Samuel Power had suc- ■ceeded, against much opposition, in securing the passage of a bill making a])propriations for the canal by the Pennsylvania legislature, of which he was a member. For his faithful services in their behalf, he was justly entitled to, and received, the gratitude of Beaver county people. 148 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTT. The canal thus begun was completed in process of time, and for many years was a means of life and genuine thrift to Beaver valley. It served its ]iurpose until more rapid means of communication, pre- dicted by those wise-seeing pioneers,* Abner Lacock, Dr. Joseph Pol- lock, M. T. C. Gould and others, made its existence unprofitable and unnecessary, and then peacefully departed to the realm of by-gone enterprises. The Harmony Society finally became the owner of its franchises from the lower end of Xew Brighton to the mouth of the Connoquenessing creek. Xow, instead of the tardy canal boat on only one side of Big Beaver, propelled by horses whose stinuilus was the whip and the not too excessively religious commands of the driver, may be heard on both sides the shrill and sonorous shrieks of the iron horse as he plunges along, drawing his immense burden of life and property. Truly, who dares lament the demise of the old canal ? About 1S36, another canal, the Sandy A: Beaver, was projected, and one or two small boats succeedeil in reaching the Ohio at the mouth of Little Beaver, near Glasgow. It failed to realize the antici- pations of its projectors and "died a-bornin." The first intimation of active interest in railroad matters is shown by the fact that a meeting was hehl at the courthouse in Beaver, February 12, 1S35, to appoint a committee to cooperate with citizens in Ohio, relative to the construction of a railroad from Conneaut, Ohio, to the mouth of Big Beaver, the charter of which had been recently granted by the legislature of Ohio. The officers on the occasion wei'e : President — Hon. Thomas Henry; vice-presidents — Ovid Pinne\% Dr. Jolin Winter; secretaries — W. H. Denny, J. P. Johnston. The proposed road was indorsed heartily, and a committee of cooperation appointed. For many years, there was in contemplation the building of a road occupying the line of the present Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne ct Chicago railway. Finally, on the 21th of February, 1818, was incorporated by act of the Ohio Legislature, the Ohio Division of the Ohio eaver county, through its commissioners, invested $100,000 in this enterprise in June, 185:;?, the date of the beginning of its con- struction. On the 14th of Septembei', 185S, Samuel Foljauibe, sec- retary of the company, issued a circular from Cleveland, announcing that the second installment of stock foi' the consti-uction of the Beaver extension would re(piire to be ])ai(l in by the 1st of the ensuing November. This road, entering Beavt^r county at Glasgow, follows the north bank of the Ohio, and joins the P., Ft. W. & ( '. road at Kocliester, and uses its track to Pittsburgh. The road seems to have done a good business from the tii'st; for in .Inly. Is5."i. it declared a dividend of seven per cent. The next to be constructed is what is now known as tiie Ei'ie & Pittsburgh Railway. As early as June IS, 1851, a meeting was held at New Castle for the purjHjse of deliberating on and devising the most efficient means for the early commencement and final completion of the Pittsburgh & Erie Railroad. The road, however, was not oper- ated by this name, but under tlie designation of New Castle & Beaver Viilley Railroad Company was chartered in 18()2, and in October of the following year was opened lor tralKc. In 18fi5. it was leased for a period of ninety -nine yeai's Ijy the P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. Co., and is now operated in connection with their I'oad, known as the Erie tt Pitts- burgh. The present board of directors comjirises A. L. Crawford, ]ires- ident; Pi. W. Cunningham. William Patterson, W. L. Scott, of Erie, William Harl)augh aiul John L. ('ra\vford. chosen in ])lace of William Crawford. The route extending from llomewood to Wam]iiiiu is called the New Brighton iV New Castle road. The Pittsbui'gh, Marion i^; (liicaiio Railmad Company was organ- ized and incorporated March •".. 1852, under the title of the "Dar- lington Cannel Coal Com[)any." The subscribers to its capital stock 15-2 HISTOET OF BEAVER COUNTY. wei'e John White, Matthew Elder, John McCowen, WilUam R. Ster- ling. Edwin ]\Iorse, Thompson & Ta.iigert. D. H. WaUace. "W. A. N. Eakin, Martin Atchison, George AValter, James McGowan, Thomas J. McGowan, Thomas F. Ekler, James M. Hartford. T). P. Hartford, Samuel Eakin. "William Eakin and James AV. Burns. The corporators iind tirst board of tlirectors were John White, president; Matthew Elder, John McCowen. Martin Atchison and Edwin Morse. The road continued under this management three years, when Mr. M. B. Fetterman, of Pittsburgh, became president. Troubles arose in the management, the purpose of the road was changed from a mere local coal road to a line competing with the great trunk lines running from New York to Chicago, the projiertv was mortgaged, foreclosed, and finally operated by the Economy Society for a number of years, until, in 1882, it passed into the present management. The present ■officers are John Holly, president; C. DeClark, general manager; G. W. Dickson, superintendent, and H. T. Hanna, general freight and pa.ssenger agent. The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie is a comparatively new road travers- ing tlie west bank of the Ohio and Big Beaver rivers through Beaver county. Ai'ticles of association under the general laws of Penn- sylvania were granted to the company, May 11. 1875, and a charter ^■ranted one week later. The route began in Pittsburgh. In A])ril, 1S77, the Youngstown »fc Pittsburgh road was chartered. It represented the Ohio portion of the system fi-om the state line to Youngstown. The same year the capital stock was increased to $2,000,(»0i'. In 1S7S. the Youngstown eV- Pittsburgh (Ohio organi- zation) was consolidated. On the 21st of Septeml)er of this year, the first locomotive crossed the Ohio River bridge. Tiiis magnificent iron structure, let it be noted, is between Phillipsburg and Beaver. It is 2,550 feet long, and 90 feet above low water. The Ohio river has been noted for its occasional sprees. Tiien the heautifiil river is converted into the majestic, and carries destruction and tei'ror along its course. The first of these great swells of which we have any reliable account is the " Punkin Flood"' of isiu. At Pittsburgh the water measured thirty -two feet. The next was that of 1832, when the depth was thirty-five feet. It occurred Friday and Saturday, February 10 and 11. The water at the mouth of the Big Beaver is said to have been deeper than was ever known l)efore. Bridgewater. Sharon and Fallston were all inundated, as well as tlie buiklings up and down the river. Stephen BEAVER t;OUNTY. 153 Stone estimated his loss at the Point at !?10,n(»0. General Lacock's valuable library was destroyeil, the water I'eaciiing the ceiling of his residence. David ^[inis and II. J. Wasson were heavy sufferers, tiie latter losing his house, which was carrieil otf. At Sharon, the fcnindry of Darragh & Stow was torn a.way. At Fallston, the scythe factory of D. S. Stone was destroyed. Another severe flood occurred in 1852, whose depth reached thirty- one feet and nine inches. On the 18tli of March, 1865, occurred another of the same depth. The cause was the disajipeai-ance of snow by rain along tlie Allegheny. Trains wei'e sto]iped on the Fort Wayne road. On Monday, the l'2th of August, 1S61, a rise in Big Beaver swej't away the C. tt P. railroad bridge at Rochester, desti'oying even the piers. The loss of property at New Brighton and Fallston was above $10,01 >0. The greatest Hood of all was that of Februarv 5, (> and 7, 1881. Jesse Smith, at Smith's Ferry, kept a record in his hotel register. February 5, watei' was nine feet. February 6, rained all niglit, water twenty-five feet and rising twelve inclies per hour. February 7, river four feet in the house, and three feet and ten inches higlier than in 1852, fifteen inches higher than in 1832, and five feet higher than in 1810. The rush in Big Beaver swejit away the Fallston In-idge, which, lodging against the old wooden bridge at Bridgewater, carried it down. Both swept against tiie railroad liridge of the G. & P. line, and the three then crashed against the P. it L. E. P. K. bridge, tearing out a number of tiie iron spans. The ])resent rajiid mail facihties and cheajt ])ostage are very unlike those of pioneer times. Tiien envelopes were not used; hut foolsca]^ or other paper served botii for the message and wrajtper. Tlie sheet was folded with a clear side exposed, on which was ])l;iced the super- scription. Tlie message was sealed by means of red wafers. Tlie rates of postage were as follows: Single letters by land conveyed not over -fO miles, S cents; 40 to 90 miles, lo cents; 90 to 150 miles, 127|- cents; 150 to 300 miles, 17 cents; 800 to 500 miles, 20 cents; over 500 miles, 25 cents. It may not generally be known that slavery at one time existed within the limits of Beaver county. Such was the case. In 1800 there were four slaves; in 1810 there were eight; in 1820 there were five; in 1830 none, all having been liberated by law. Of these early slaves, James Nicholson, a farmer in ISig Beaver, 154 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTV. ouikhI three, viz: Pompey Frazier, Tamar Frazier and Bett}' Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, by deed dated May v Early Bench and Bar — Sketches OF Resident Judges — Associate Judges — Prominent Attorneys — Early^ Attorney' Fees — Cf;lef.ratkd Causes — Associations' — List OF Attorneys. ' A LEAI)I]S"y high authority, to he a i-ule of action, protect- ing and encouriiging the good, ami restraining and pum'shing the evil. Its origin, then, is found in strict right and justice. Its purpose, prop- erly apprehended, is the pi'otection and amelioration of human society. The fi-equent perversions witnessed in its a[ipIication to practical life are not chargeable to the science itself, l>ut to the ignorance or corrupt hearts of its exponents. Divorced from the inordinate desire of petty pelf or selfish fame, its advocates are true conservators of private and ])ublic morals. Those who desire to attain elevated positions in the temple of justice are reminded by the Goddess of Justice to remove the shoes from their feet, as the interim' is l}()ly and sacred, and not to Ije defiled by unregenerate humanity. The law has always been regarded as affording a superior field, not only for the social and financial standing of its members in their chosen calling, but for preferment and advancement in other departments to which it may be considered contributory. Hence sta- tistics show clearly that a large per cent of those given ])ositions in legislative or executive work has been selected from the legal ranks. Too fi'cfpiently, however, young attorneys make the mistake of enteiing political lil'e Ijefore tliey have l)ecome imliued with the true cluiracter of the law, or accumulated sufficient means to lead independent lives. The i-esult is a low degree of statesmanship, which manifests itself in all forms of ti'ickery and demagogy. Justice Stanley Matthews refused all political offices until he had accumulated wealth sufficient 155 156 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. to meet his demands in life. Tiie n^sult was a life-long position in the highest court of the nation. The early court and bai* of Beavei* county was represented by men of no ordinarj' ability. " There were giants in those da3's." Manr of them were itinerant l)arristers, their residences being in Pittsbui-gh, Washington. Butlei', jMercer and "\Ieadvilie. Their influence on tiie bar of the new count}' was good. Men of learning and ability, they stimulated others to put forth their best efforts for growth and success. The effect was visible, in due time, in bTiilding up in I'eaver county a bar that would not suffer by comparison with that of any other county in Western Pennsylvania. At the iirst court held in Peaver in February, 18u4, the president judge was lion. ,lesse Moore. His district was No. 6, embracing the counties of Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Mercer and p]rie. Hon. Jesse Moore was a native of Montgomery county, Pennsyl- vania. While practicing law at Sunbury, Pennsylvania, he was appointed judge of the Sixth district, his commission bearing date April 5, 181)8. He removed at once to Meadville, to assume the duties of the new position, which he discharged efficiently. He died Decem- ber 21, 1824, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. He was well educated, a diligent student and a good lawyer. He was upright and impartial in his decisions, and sustained, at all times, the honor and dignity of his profession. The next judge was Hon. Samuel Poberts. lie was born in Phil- adelphia, Se])tember S, lTt)3, and was educated and read law in the same city, lie was admitted to the l)ar in ITl'o. The same year he married Maria Heath, of Yoi-k. and soon afterwai'd removed to Lancaster and thence to Sunbui-y. He was ap])ointed from that place as judge. He was a y-ood hiwyer and an exein|ilai'y man. He gained the resj)ect of the bar. but was somewhat indulgent to attorneys, thus sacriticing the vim and dispatch of the court. He died in Pittsburgh, Deceml)er 13, 1S2(). Judge William AVilkins was a]>])ointed by (Governor William Findlay as the successor of Judge Roberts. Thea])])ointment occurred only a few hours prior to the expiration of Findlay's term, a special messenger having j^een dis])atclied to Ilarrisburgh to make announce- ment of Roberts' death. The messenser arrived just in time, having been favored along the line with fresh horses to facilitate his speed. William AYilkins was born December 20. 1779. He was educated at Dickinson colletre, and read law with Judge Watt, of Carlisle. Ilis- BEAVER COUNTY. 157 father liaving- removed to Pittsburgh in IT.^G, he was admitted to the bar in that cit}' in ISOl. He was a})pointed president judge December 18, 1820, and resigned May 25, 1824, when he was appointed judge of the district court of Western Penns^'lvania. In 182S he was elected member of congress, but resigned the place because lie was unable, financially, to sacrifice the judgeship for congressional honors. In 1831 he was elected to the United States senate for six years. He resigned his judicial office to accept. In ISSi he was appointed minister to Russia. This position and the rise in real estate enabled him to pay his pressing debts and to save some money. He was again elected to congress in 184:2, and in 1S4J-, a vacancy occurring in Tyler's cal^inet, he was appointed secretary of war. In 1855 he was elected to the state senate for one term. During the war of the rebellion he was intensely loyal thougii a Democrat. He died June 2?), lSr>5, in his 86th year. Judge Charles Shaler, successor of Judge Wilkins, was born in Connecticut in 1788, and was educated at Yale. His fathei" was one of the commissionei's to lay off the Western Keservc in (_)hio, and liought a large tract of land near Ravenna, now called ShaJersville. (Toing to Ivavenna to superintend these lands, he was admitted to the bar there in 18(>'.t, and afterward was admitted at Tittsburgh in 1813. He was recorder of the JMayor's court fi-om isls to 1821. He was com- missioned common pleas judge June 5, 1S24-. He occu])ied the place until May 4, 183.5. when he resigned. May <>, 1841, he was ciiosen assistant judge of the district court, and held the position three years. In 1853 President Pierce a])pointed him United States ilistrict attorney for the western district of Pennsylvania. In early life he was a Federalist, but for the last fifty years a strong- Democrat. He had fine legal abilities; was a close stutlent, an early riser, had a fiery tem])er, but was the soul of honor. Though he had a lucrative jiractice, he did not become wealthy. His generosity was active. He died at Newark, N. J., ]\Iarch 5. 1S09, in his eighty-fii-st year. Hon. .Iiihn liredin, for twenty years president judge of the Seven- teenth judicial district, died May 21, 1857. His home was at Butler, Pennsylvania, and it has been said of him that he was "an able and upright judge, who lai)ored earnestly to discharge the duties of his high station." All the counties in his district had recommended him ta the Democratic state convention for nomination for the HU])reme bench. A meeting of the bench and bar at Peaver occurred May 24, 1851, / r 158 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. to take appropriate action on liis death. The chairman chosen was Hon. James f'arothers, and Tiiomas Cimningliam fulfilled the duties of -secretary. A committee of five, consisting of William J>. Clarke, Dan- iel Agnew, John Allison, 1!. J!. Ohamberlin and K. B. Eoberts reported a series of resolutions, of which the following are given: Resolved, That in this attlictive dispensation of Divine Providence, tlie bench, tlie bar and the people of this district have to deplore the loss of a distinguished judge of great judicial experience, of talents of a high order of extensive legal learning, and unbending integrit}-. Resoleed, That .Judge Bredin, whose loss we sodeeply deplore, possessed in an emi- nent degree the entire confidence of all classes and parties of the people, not only in this district, but through the state; all respected him for those sterling qualities which he possessed, whicli did honor to the state and gave dignity to the bench. Resolved, That Judge Bredin, as a man, was truly patriotic in all his views and feelings; a fast, lirm friend of the institutions of our country; and in the high judicial position which he so long and so honorably held gave evidence not only of legal learn- ing and abilities of high order, but of strict, stern and determined purpose in the dis- charge of all his official duties. Whilst doing e([ual justice to all, he was kind, com'teous and gentlemanly in all his various relations with the bench, the bar and the people of the district, Hon, Daniel Aguew is ;i Ponn.sylvanian otilv l)V ;idoption and life- long residence. He \v;is Ikh'ii in Ti-ent<>n, X. .1,, January 5, 1809. Daniel Agnew was educated at tlie Western University, in Pitts- burgh, and studietl hiw under Henry Baldwin ;ind W. W. i''etterm;ui, two di.stinguished attorneys of that city. In the .s])ring of 1829 he was admitted to tlie bar, and at once opened an office in tiie city. His success not satisfying his expectations, he repaired to Beaver in the .summer of the same year, and soon Imilt tiji a lucrative practice from which it was impossible as a young tittorney to break away. Mr. Agnew gave special attention, in his practice, to the matter of land titles, and soon acquired both reput;ition and ])atronage in that line. His recent publication, "Settlements and Land Titles of Northwest Pennsylvania," is the legitimate outgrowtli of that study and priictice. He was an active and efficient member of the constitutional con- vention in 1837, and drew up the amendment offered by his coadjutor, ■John Dickey, known as the Dickey amendment, regulating the appoint- ment and tenure of the judiciary. In June, 1851, he was a])pointed president judge of the Seventeenth district, embracing Beaver, JJut- ler, Lawrence and Mercer counties. In the following October the peojJe ratified the choice by electing him for a term of ten years. h\ 18S to ISld he was editor of several papers at Fallston and Xew Brighton. In 1853- olr-"55, he represented Beaver county in the legislature, being chairman, during the last year, of the judiciary com- mittee. In 18G6 he was ajipointed judge of the Twenty-seventh judicial district (Washington and Beaver counties), but failed of election in the autumn of 1800. Politically he has been Anti-Mason, Whig and Reiniblican. At present he lives retired at New Bi'igiiton, taking no part in politics. He was reared a Presbyterian, but is now an Episcopalian. He was never married. Hon. A. W. Acheson was the successor of Judge ("hamlterlin in 1866. He was a])pointetl from AVashington county, where his family have always occupied a jn-ominent jiositioii and influence. Wiien W^ashington and Beaver counties were judicially divorceil in 1874. he remained judge in Washington county, and Henry Hice was chosen in Beaver. Hon. Henry II ice was admitted to tlie bar in 1859. He is a native of the •• South Side," and one of the enterpi'ising business men of Beaver county. He married a daughter of Judge Agnew. His term as president judge began in 1874-, the first under the operation of the judiciary act of A])ril 9 of that year, by which Beaver county was made a judicial district by itself. For a number of years he has been the legal adviser of the Harmony Society, as well as the leader in many of the pujjiic movements of the day. [For further details see sketcii in the biographical department]. Hon. John .1. Wickham, president judge since the ex})iration of Judge Hice's term, in issl, was born in Ireland. May 11, 1S44-. He came to America with his parents in 1S5(I, and located with them in Beaver county. His education was acquired in the jiublic schools and BEAVER COUNTY. 163 Beaver acadeiw. In lS(iT he l)egim the study of law with S. P. Wil- son, Esq., the Gamaliel of ]>eaver county, and was admitted to the bar March 15, 1869. lie first oi)ened an office in Des Moines, Iowa. After five months he returned to Beaver county, where he built uj) a large and successful practice, wliich he licld until his election to the ]iositi()n of president judge. Tlie associate judges of the early times were not ])i'actieal attor- neys. They were men of strong minds and positive convictions, and as a rule characterized by the ])ossession of more tlum a modicum of good sense. On the Ijencli they represented the plebeians — the honest yeomanry of the land. As will be seen by reference to the otKcial roster of the county in the chapter on organization and administration, the following gentle- men served as associate judges: Abner Lacock, John H. Reddick, Jose])h Caldwell, Thomas Henry, Josei)h Hemphill, John Nesbitt, Benjamin Adams, David Drennan, John t!arothers, Joseph Irvin, Will- iam Cairns, John Scott, Milton Lawrence, Agnew DutT, Josejdi C. Wilson and Robert Potter. Of this number, Lacock, Reddick and Caldwell were mendjers of the first court, held in February, 1804. Lacock [concerning whom a full sketch will be found elsewhere] hav- ing resigned, David Drennan, of Ohio township, was chosen in his stead, Fel.)ruary, 180.5. Judge Caldwell having died, his place was not supplied, the law, meantime, liiidting the number of associates to two. This condition requii'ed Reddick and Drennan to act together until the early ]iart of 1830, when the former died, and Thomas Henry [see sketch] was comndssioned May 19 of same year to fill Ins place. Judge Drennan died in 18?.l. and the vacancy was filled by the com- ndssioningof Joseph Hemphill by the governor, August 19. Judge Reddick was eccentric, and skejiticai in his religious con- victions. It is said that he stipulated in his will that he should be buried directly on the state line separating Pennsylvania from Yir- ffinia. In conformitv therewith, his boilv was interred on the site he selected, his head resting on West N'irginia soil, his face toward the rising sun, and his feet extending into Pennsylvania. A heavy vault of cut stone encloses his grave to ])rotect it from the "ghoulish glee" of medical colleges. This strange bui-ial-jilace is in a dense wood on the "South Side," on what was foi'uierly the Bartholomew place. David Drennan was a large land owner in Ohi(^ townshi[). For some years he was the assessor. He hekl various ]iublic positions. Pie died at his residence, in Ohiotownshiii, August !■_', 1831, at u]iwards of 164 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. sevent}' years of age. Of his successor, Joseph Hemphill, one of the early settlers of Beaver, the Argus of September 2d said: " We are well pleased with the appointment of Mr. Hemphill, who is a thor- ough and decided anti-Jacksonian, and who, we believe, will make a erood officer." He was an extensive land owner, and held many official positions, which he filled with credit. He died May 20, 1834, aged sixty-two years and five months. John Nesbit was a resident of North Beaver township, where his father, Francis Nesbit, a native of Cumberland county, located in April, 1802, on Hickory Creek, south of Mt. Jackson. John was the eldest of five sons and two daughters. The family were useful and influential in the community. Benjamin Adams was a prominent man in Beaver county history. In 1829 he was chosen commissioner, and in 1S32 treasurer of the county. He was impartial in his work, and proverbial for his veracity and honesty in business. He died in Beaver, June 4, 1867, aged eighty-one years. John Carothers was born March 11, 1793, and died December 18, 1860. . . . Joseph Irvin was trustee of the academy in 1850. William Cairns was probably the son of William Cairns, the first settler of Shenango township. The original William located there in 1796, having come thither from Westmoreland county, and, remotely, from Ireland. His daughter Kachel was the first white child born in the township. For two years after their settlement Mrs. Cairns was the only white woman within the boundary of the township. Mr. Cairns became popular, and was chosen constable and justice of the peace, holding the latter office more than forty years. He was sheriff of Beavej- county in 1815-18. He was a progressive farmer, and intro- duced agricultural implements as they appeared. He died in 1854, at the age of ninety. Dr. Milton Lawrence was one of the prominent ])hysicians and politicians of the county. He Avas a resident of Iloopestown and the father of Dr. Joseph Lawrence, who died in the summer of 1887. Dr. Milton Lawrence was prothonotary of the county for a number of terms, and discharged the duties of that office, and every otliei- lie was called upon to fill, with credit to liimself and profit to his constituents. Robert Potter, a worthy citizen of Raccoon township, whose biog- raphy occurs elsewhere; Agnew Dulf, a popular man, as shown by his reelection to the office, and Joseph C. Wilson, the last associate judge on the bench, all aided creditably in discharging the onerous duties of the position. BEAVER COUNTY. 165 in the records of the court at Beaver is tlie original, of which the following paper is a copy: The subscribers, practicing attorneys in tbe Fifth Circuit, desire that tliey may be admitted attorneys of tlie court of Beaver county: Alex. Addison, Thos. Collins, Steel Semple, A. W. Foster, .John B. Gibson, Sam. Y. King, Obadiah Jennings, Wm, Wilkins, H. Haslet, James Allison, Jr. John Simonsou, David Keddick, Parker C^ampbell, David Hayes, C. S. Semple, Thos. G. Johnston, Henry Baldwin, Isaac Kerr, James Mountain, R. Moore, Wm. Ay res. This insti'ument was dated February C, ISO-i. At the same time, William C. Larwiil presented certificates of being a practicing attorney in the states of Maryland and Ohio, which were adjudged satisfactory evidence of his legal standing; and he too was adtnitted. Alexaniler Addison was born in Scotland, in 1759, educated at Edinburgii, and authorized to. preach. In early life he came to Penn- sylvania, and for a time jireached at "Washington; l)ut having read law, he was admitted to the bar in 1787. He was a man of great learning, and thorougldy imbued witii a love for the highest good of society. This j)hilanthropic aspect of his character is exhibited in his letters, essays, lectures, public addresses and charges to juries. Patriotic and conscientious, he was not tlie man to cater to sham sentimentality. He was a Federalist in politics; a warm supporter of the adminis- trations of Washington and Adams. His bold and fearless course in su])pnrting the government during the whisky troubles secured for him many bitter personal enemies, among whom were H. H. Bracken- ridge. As .soon as Jefferson's administration was inaugurated, John B. C. Lucas was appointed associate judge of Allegheny county, July 17, 1800. He was a Frenchman, and bitterly hostile to his chief, Judge Addison. He did everything in his power to annoy and harass him. He sometimes charged juries contrary to the instructions of his chief. When Judge Addison reminded the jury that they need not heed the instructions of his associate, the latter took occasion to attempt his impeachment. The plan failed in the courts, as a legal farce, but was taken to the legislature, where the house ordered the impeachment, and the senate convicted him. The charges were two: 1. When Lucas charged the petit jury, Judge Addison told them the}^ need not regard what was said, as it had no relevancy to the case; 2. I're venting Lucas from giving the cliarge as indicated. Partisan feeling prevailed, and the sentite passed sentence Janu- ary 27, 1803, removing him as president judge from the Fifth Jiulicial District, and declaring him forever disqualified for holding a judicial 166 IIISTOKY OF BEAA'ER COUNTY. oiRce in the state. This unjust sentence, which slioiiid have been revoked long ago, still stands upon the records as a blot upon the character of one of the best jurists in Western Pennsylvania, awaiting the courage of some Keystone Thomas 11. Benton to move an expunction act. Public sentiment has long since done so. From this blow Judge Addison never recovered. He died in Pittsburgh, November 27, 1807. Died in Beaver, June 17, 1814, in the eighty-tliird year of his age, James Allison, LL.D. James Allison, Esq., long filled a wide space in this community. He was born in Cecil county, Maryland, on the 4th of October, 1773. Col. James Allison, his father, was one of the early settlers of tlie West. He removed from Maryland, in 1773. With his family and company he wintered at the "Forks of Yough," as the confluence of the Youghiogheny and Monongahela was then called. He made his first settlement in 1774, in the territory which in 1781 became Washington county, and was familiar with all the privations, hardships, adventures and perils of a frontier cr border life. Col. Alli- son was a man of great moral worth, comliiniug true personal courage, so necessary in those trying times, with the ennobling Christian virtues. Of Scotch descent, and a Pres- byterian, he was one of the late Dr. McMillin's first ruling elders. Immediately after the revolutionary war, and for several years, he represented Washington county in the state legislature, taking an active part in procuring the abolishment of slavery, and voting for the final act of 1788. A certificate of membership, under its seal, in tlie incorporated society for the abolilion of slavery in this state, dated at Philadelphia, in 1793, is still preserved in the family. During a long life he was honored and venerated by his fellow citizens. At his death, which took place at the ripe age of seventy seven, he was an associate judge of the courts, a jiost which he had held for many }'ears. James Allison, Jr., was the eldest of seven sons. When at the age of seventeen his father conceived the thought of educating him for the bar, and he became one of the number who formed the first Latin grammar class west of the Alleghenies, taught by the late David Johnson, Esq., of Beaver, whose school was opened in 1788-'89. He con- tinued with Mr. John.son until he had acquired a good education in the common branches, and a competent knowledge of the Jjatin and Greek languages. Indian depredations in 1793-'93 becoming so frequent and bold that all able to bear arms were called into service to protect the settlements, he left his studies to serve a term at the block-house opposite Yellow creek. After that he entered upon the study of the law in the office of his uncle, David Bradford, Esq., a distinguished lawj'er and orator of Washington, and, after practicing in Washington a few years, removed to Beaver in 1808. Here he commenced the practice of his profession. He practiced also in the counties of Craw- ford, Mercer and Butler, until 1833, when he was elected to congress, and was reelected in 1824. A distaste for political life, a great love of home and a desire to be with his fam- ily, induced him to resign his seat in congress before he entered on the duties of the second term. In politics, he was of the Wasbingtonian school; later in life giving his support to those measures with which the national Republican and Whig parties were identified, and which he earnestly contended were the offspring of the pure principles of the fathers of 1776. Since his return from congress, in 1830, he lias seldom been absent from his own family circle, unless it was when on a visit to his " old homestead " in W^ashington county. A few years ago the Jefferson College at Cannonsburg con- ferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws, an honor well deserved, Init which his native modesty and retiring disposition withheld so much from public notice tliat it might almost be said to be concealed. BEAVEK COrXTY. 167 Mr. Allison had the advantage of au early and strict religious education, which throughout his long and useful career, exerted its influence upon his principles and his conduct; but he did not make a profession of faith until late in life. The death of his son William in 1S4-1 — his partner in bu.siuess, and who well filled his place, relieving him of much of his labor — was a severe stroke upon him ; but the loss of his wife, in 184S. who for more than half a century had journeyed the rugged pathway with him, sharing its pleasures and its toils, prostrated him. After that time he withdrew very much from societj' , retiring into the privacy of his own family, and has been as one who had lost all his associates, and was waiting only to (ill out his appointed time. Though belonging to a family of remarkable longevity, his father being seventy-seven when he died, and his grandmother over one hundred, yet he did not wish to survive the loss of his facul- ties and the bodily strength to serve himself. As a lawyer he was sound and well versed in every branch, including the now but little studied science of special pleading, whose rules he knew well how to handle with skill and danger to his adversary. This was the result of severe study before and after his admission to the bar. Possessing a profound knowledge of his profession, a clear mind and discriminating judgment, he took high rank with these men of the past generation whose names have descended to us as prodigies at the bar. Some of us can well remember that, even in the evening of his days, he wi.s an opponent greatly to be feared by all, and an over-match for many. But these qualities of intellect were more than equaled by those of the heart. Emphatically a genlleman of the olden school, he bore himself with great courtesy to his fellow members, and with marked respect to the court. Kind and encouraging to the younger members of the profession, his assistance to their early efforts is remembered with gratitude. But all these personal qualities, as well as those of his intellect, were far surpassed by that higher and nobler trait— his stern, unbending integrity — which shone brightly throughout his life and won for him the title which he bore when the writer tirsi heard him named and before he knew him, of the " honest lawyer." A strong proof of the reality of this character is found in the fact that, though for years enjoying a large practice, he accumulated no extraordinary wealth. Whilst he had enough to raise a nunierovis family in comfort, affording them the solid advantages of education, and some slight assistance in their early beginnings, he possessed merely what made declining ye.ars comfortable, and yet offered to those he has left behind no temptation to a career of idleness or prodigality. His life offers an example all worthy of imitation, proving how clearly happiness, honor and solid com- fort follow a course of virtue, usefulness and good conduct.* Thomas Collins was a Pittsburgh attorncv, \vi](j suijsuqiiently removed to Butler county, where he died. He was connected with Beaver county courts tni many occasions, whei'e he was recognized as a good scholar and a man of marlied ability. Two of his daughters became the wives of Judges McClure and McCandless, respectivel}'. Steel Senij^le was a noted attorney of Pittsburgh. He was gen- erally considered a man of stupendous genius, and although addicted to the use of intoxicating drinks, wliich impaired to some extent his abilities, was recognized liy his contemjwraries as a prodigy of elo- quence and learning. * Extract from a tribute by Daniel Agnew in the Argvs of June 21, 1854. 168 HISTORY OF BEATEK COrXTY. Alexander AV. Foster was a prominent and able lawyer,* formerly located at Greensburg. His nephew. lion. Henry D. Foster, was at one time member of congress fi'oin that district. He removed to Pitts- burgh, where he became famous for his success in matters pertaining to real estate, and where he ultimately died. Obadiah Jennings came from Wasliington to practice in Ueaver county. He was a man of average ability. . . . John Simonson also came from Washington. He was respected for his ability and character. . . . David Reddiclc was an early attorney of admitted power, but his practice was materially affected b\' his atlieistic belief, to which he never hesitated to give utterance. Parker Campbell was a resident of "Wasliington county. He was one of the finest attorneys in the west, being particularly eloquent and forcible in his address to the jury. He continued to practice in Beaver until his deatli in 1823. . . . David Hays, an attorney of moder- ate attainments, resided in Beaver until his death, which occurred on his farm in Xorth Beaver township, October 29, 1821, in tiie fifty-fourth year of his age. He was a plain man of limited education, but of good standing in the community. He was a brother-in-law of Judge J(Keph Hemphill, the latter having married his sister. Henry Baldwin came originally fi'om New. England. His early professional studies were prosecuted in the office of Alex. J. Dallas in Philadelphia. At an early date he came to Pittsburgh and practiced there a number of years. He possessed fine natural abilities, was thoroughly educated, and was a lawyer of the first rank. About 1818-20 he was elected to congress from the Allegheny district, where he became prominent as an advocate of domestic manufactures and high tariff, engaging in many of the discussions on the floor of the house. He was engaged in the iron business, in which he failed, owing to the depression produced by the war of 1812. He took a prominent part in the presidential election of 1S2S, being an ardent Jackson sup- porter. Upon the hitter's election Mr. Baldwin applied for the secre- taryship of the treasur}', l)ut was appointed instead one of the judges of the United States supreme court. While on the bench he published a volume of reports, containing his own decisions in the cir- cuit of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. As a jurist Judge Baldwin was admitted to have few superiors. His career in politics was equally * In 1804 he and Roger Alden were the principals in the only duel ever fought in Crawford county. The meeting took place on the liank of French creek, about a mile and a half below Jleadville, and Maj. Alden was wounded in the encounter. kA/^7^^^^ A/^< cu^ BEAVER COUNTY. 171 brilliant to that on the bench. In business he was less foi'tunate, meet- ing with numerous reverses. I'ersoiiall y he was a remarkable example of well-developed manhood, standing six feet, and he impressed himself upon his audience. The last years of his life were passed in Mead- ville, Pa. lie died in 181-t, while attending court in Philadelphia. James Mountain was an eminent attoriiey of Pittsburgh, who practiced to souie extent in Beaver courts. He was moderately well educated, and was a very pleasing speaker. He died early, leaving a son, Algernon S., who subsequently became a noted attorney in the same city. William Ayrcs was a resident of liutlei' county. As a lawyer he was alile and witty. He took an active part in the suits of Butler county for ejectment. He was elected a member of the constitutional refo'rm convention of 1S37, and sat in its deliberations Imtli in Hai-rislmi'g and Pittsburgh. Personally he was a large, tine-looking man, a bachelor ; temperate antl modest. He lived to an old age. "Gen. Robert Moore, attorney and counselor at law, ilied Friday morning, January 11-, Is:-)!, aged fifty- four years," is the notice a]ipear- ing in the Argiii< of January 21, ISMl. (Tcnei'al Moore became a resi- dent of Beaver in 1803. He was an exem])lary citizen, filling several important trusts with honor to himself and credit to the public. "As a public servant he was vigilant, able and successful; as an attorney he was learned, faithful and honest; as a citizen, he was upright, sociable and esteemed; as a neighbor he was obliging, attentive and much beloved ; as a husband and parent he was kind, affectionate and indul- gent; and last, though not least, the latter years of his life were those of the Christian, and his death was the death of the righteous." He was a member of the Methodist Episcoi)al church. At a meet- ing of the bar, of which James Allison was chairman, and William Clarke, secretary, api)ro])riate resolutieavei', at winch ])hice he residetl until 1849, when he i-emoved to Pittsl)urgh. June 2C>. 183o, he formed a law part- nership with S.Meredith. He was a- leading mend)er at the bar in the counties of Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Lawrence, his strong comj)eti- tors l)eing Judge Agnew and John ,\. Pearson, subsecpiently judge at Harrisburg. In 1849 he established a law partnershij) in Pittsburgh with his nephew. G. L. B. Fetterman, which became a strong and lead- ing firm. Prior to the war Mr. Fetterman was a strong memi)er of thedem- *Heisthegrandfatherof Nina Van Zandt who is reputed to have married, by pio.xy, August Spies, executed as an anarcliisi in Chicago^ IS'ovenilier 11, 18S7. 174 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. ocratic ])arty, ami took a {)roiniiient part in its campaigns. He l)ecanie, however, a strong sui)porter of the union cause during the rebellii m. and gave two sons as members of the One Hundred and First Pennsylvania vohmteers. He was married December 2S, 1S2S, to Miss Anna M. Dillon, of Bedford, from wiiicli union spi-ang eight children. He was a fine orator, an indefatigal)le worker, and a skillful attoi'ney. He died in 1877. Colonel Richai'd P. Roberts was born near Frankfort Springs, Pa., in June, 1820. He was educated at an academy in Frank- fort taught by Rev. James Sloan and Thomas Nicholson. He read law under N. P. Fetterman at Beaver; was married May 1, 1851, to Miss Caroline Henry, daughter of Hon. Thomas Henry. Fie had three children, of whom the only surviving one is a daughter, Emma R., now the wife of Mr. Isaac Harter, of Canton, Ohio. He was an attorney of great ability, and a citizen of sterling worth. He espoused the cause of the union with great fervor during the war of the rebellion. He was the gallant colonel of the One Hundred and Fortieth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, which he was leading when he was killed on the 2d of July. 18fi;>, in the terrific battle of Gettys- burg. At a meeting of the bench and bar of Beaver county, held Julv 10, 1863, presided over by Judge Daniel Agnew, with I). L. Imbrie and J. S. Rutan as secretaries, a committee on resolutions, consisting of "William n. Clai'ke, Thomas Cunningham and B. B. Chamberlin, made an elaborate i'e}ioi't, from which the following extract isniatle: Jicsuli'id, That ia all the relatious of life, whether pviblio or priviite, social or official, as a gentleman of sterling integrity and .abilit}'. Colonel Hoherts has secured for himself the contidence and esteem of his fellow citizens, and held a high position as a brave, eloquent, energetic, generous and kind-hearted man. Isaac Jones Avas born in Halifax, Dauphin county, about the year 181)0. When a boy he went to Ilarrisburg, and served an apj)rentice- ship as a hatter. For a time he conducted the same business in Hali- fax, but, unable to endure the trade, he followed clerking and teaching for a time. In 1830 he removed to Lewisburg, Union county, where he spent much time in teaching writing, surveying, (lerinan, etc. He took out a notary's commission, studied law undei- James IJnn, and was admitted to the bar in 1833. In 1837 he moved his family to Beaver, wiiere he engaged in the practice of his ]>rofession until his wledo-ed leailer, and the state an honest and worthy citizen. 176 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. On Friday, Se})teniber 29, 1865, the bench and bar held a meeting to p:iy api)ropriate honors to his memory. Of tills asseml)lage B. B. ■Chamberlin was chairman, and A. Frazier secretary. A committee, consisting of "W. B. Clarke, Henr\- Ilice and Joiin B. Young, ]ii'epared a series of resolutions, from which two excerpts are made: Resolved, That in the death of our friend, .Judge Cunningham, the legal profession has lost a member eminent for his great legal learning and unsurpassed abilil_y. His sterling and unbending integrity, his energy and faithfulness in the discharge of every •duty, whether public or private, and his manly virtues, rendered him an object of respect and admiration, not only at home and amongst hisinimediate friends and acquaintances, but throughout the state. Resolved, That in his firm and manly support of the principles of human liberty and right in his untiring and eloquent efforts to sustain the national authoiities in their determination to maintain our free iustiuuions and the integrity of the republic, he took a hiiih, manly and independent position which endeared him to the great mass of the people, and established for him a brilliant reputation as a patriot and statesman, of which he and his friends had just reason to feel proud. Hon. Jiilm Allison, tlic son of James Allison, was liorn In l]eaver, August 5, 1812. In ins native town he received a common-school edu- cation. His early aml)ltion was to become a military hero. Failing to get an appointment Xo West Point, he was apjirenticed to the hatting Hrm of ^IcKee egan the study of law. The death of his brother William prevented an expected jiartnership In tlie ])ractice of ills profession. He continued tiie study, however, tindci' his father, und was admitted to tiie bar In 1S40. In tlie same year he was elected to the assenilily by the Whigs, and was reelected one year later, and again in 1849. In It he took hlo-h rank as a forcible debater. In 18.Jt) he was elected to the United States congress ; two years later he was defeated for a second term by a ■small majority, but wms rcC'lccted triumphantly in ls.-i4. He was Ijltterly opposeil. In his career as mitlonal legislator, to the extension of slavery. He was one of the organizers of the republlciin })arty, and re|)resented Pennsylvania on the conimittt'e on pl;itfoi-m, at the convention In Piltsbnrgii, Fel)ruary 22, 1856. In the following May he was chosen chairman of the state repul)llcan central committee. In 18()U he was a delegate to the national convention at Ciiicago. and was instructed to vote for W. II. Seward. In 1857, he engaged for a tinn^ in the lumbering business at BEAYEE COUNTY. 177 Keokuk, Io\Ya, but the financial depression compelled him to return to his native state. In 1801 lie entered the Union service as paymaster, in which capacity he continueti until the close of the war. After leav- ino- the armv, he resided for a time in Mercer countv, cultivating- the .soil. He took an active part in the cam])aign of 1808, and on A\m\ 1, 1809, was appointed by President Grant register of the treasury. He was man-icd in 1830, to Miss L. A. Adams, daughter of Dv. Milo Adams. Samuel Kingston, a Pittsburgh attoi'uey, was admitted A])ril 8, 1822. He was Imrned to death in the great Pittsburgh fii'e of April 10, 181.->. . . . Walter- H. Lowrie, also a Pittsburgli lawyer, was admitted June .">, 1832. He was the son of Mattliew B. Lowrie, judge ■of the district coui't of Allegheny county, and was judge of the sujireme couit of Pennsylvania, elected in 1857. After his commission expired, Mr. Lowrie was elected judge nf the common pleas c3. From Beaver, Mr. Welsh removed to New Castle, Lawrence county. ... J. W. F. White, originally a citizen of Washington, Pa., where for a number of years he edited the Wasliington Hejiorter, came to Pittsburgh, and was admitted to practice in Beaver county% March 19, 18;")!). He was elected judge of Court No. 2, in Pittsburgh — a position to which he lias since been I'ei'lected. George AV. Smith, a Butler ct)unty attorney, was admitted in Bea- ver. June 3, 1838. He subsequently removed to Kansas during the border troubles, and became prominent in that state. . . . S. W. Sample was admitted to practice at the bar of Beaver county, March 7, 18?)8. . . . Gustavus A. Scroggs was at one time a member of the bar of Beaver county, where he was admitted to practice June 4, 1845. His father, John A. Scroggs, was pi'othonotary of the county about 183()-'39. Gustavus removed to Buffalo, N. Y., shortly after his admission, and died there m 188.5. He had accumulated considerable wealth before his death. Edmund Snowden, son of John M. Snowden, of Pittsburgh, was admitted in Beavei', September 13, 1854. He was a prominent attor- ney in Pittsljurgh. . . . Bradford E. Todd, son of Rev. William Todd, at one time instructor in the Beaver Academy, was admitted to tlie Beaver county bar, September 8, 1841. He remained in Beaver only a few years, when he removed to Pittsburgh, and continued his practice there. . . . Alexander AV. Thompson, a physician and lawyer of IIo[)ewell townsliij), Beaver county, was admitted September 9, 1869. He was prothonotary of the countv in 1854-'55, and was chosen member of the assemlily in 1884. Charles \'on lionliorst, a Pittsburgh attorney, was admitted to practice l)efoi'e Beaver county courts, July 23, 1824. He claimed to be a German nobleman of high rank. His son, Sidney F. A"on Bon- horst, was a prominent musician of Pittsburgh, and was at one time one of its aldermen rosejih Weigley was admitted to prac- tice in Beaver county, July 7, 1S(I4. , . . fUiarles AVilkins, a Pitts- burgh lawyer, was admitted November 8, 1808. He was a brother of 11 1S2 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Hon. William Wilkins, once United States senator. . . . James Wills was admitted to practice in Beaver county. July 4. 1S12. Warren 8. Dungan was born at Frankfort Springs. Beaver county, Pa., September 12, 1822. He was educated at Frankford academy, and commenced his professional studies in the law office of Col. Calvin Miller, of Bamola, Miss. He subsequently spent a year in the office of Roberts & May, in Beaver, at which place he was admitted to the bar, March 12, 1856. He immediately went to Cliariton, Iowa, and commenced the practice of his profession, where he still con- tinues. Being an active Eepublican, Col. Dungan was elected to the state senate in 1861, for a term of four years; but after serving in the regular winter session of 1861-'62, and in an extra session called to pro- vide a method of taking the votes of Iowa soldiers in the field, he resigned, enlisted in the army as a private soldier, recruited a company, of which he was unanimously chosen captain, and took the field. At the organization of the Thirty -fourth Iowa Infantry, he was com- missioned lieutenant-colonel of that regiment, and was afterwards breveted colonel United States Volunteers for gallant conduct in the vicinity of Mobile, Alabama. In 1872 he was chosen delegate to the republican national con- vention that nominated General Grant for a second term; and in the following election was a presidential elector. He was elected to the Iowa legislatui-e in the fall of 1879, and reelected to the next regular session of the house. In the Xineteeenth general assembly, he was chairman of the judiciary committee of the house. Being a j)rominent member and elder of the Presbyterian chm'ch. Col. Dungan was twice chosen as a delegate to the general assembly of that church, which met in 1875, at Toledo, Ohio, and in 1SS5 at Cincinnati, Ohio. He was elected state senator in Iowa at the fall election of 1887. James S. Putan was born in Carroll county, Ohio. May 29, 1838, being the son of Alexander A. Rutan, an influential farmer. His edu- cation was obtained in Richmond college, Ohio, and at Beaver academy. Having taught school for a year, he studied law in the office of the lamented Colonel R. P. Roberts, and was .subsequently admit- ted to the bar. He began his practice at Beaver, where he continued till September, 1861, when he entered the anuy as first lieutenant of a company in the One Hundred and First Pennsylvania regiment, and served till August, 1862, when, owing to ill health, he was discharged. Returning home, he was elected district attorney of Beaver count}', which ])Osition he held six years. In 1868 he was chosen as the repre- BEAVER COUNTY. 183 seiitative of the state to cany the electoral count to tlie national capital. In 1809 he was elected to the state senate, and was speaker of that body in 1872. On May 2, 18('i5, he was married to a daugh- ter of Eev. Dr. Cox, of Beaver, Pa. At present he resides in Pitts- burgh. Attorneys did not accumulate wealth ra})idly in the prinutive days. Fees were small, and paid often in other ways than by jmssing over gold and silver, as will be attested l)y the following note found by the author of this history in the papers of AVilliam Clarke, long a justice of the peace in Beaver: Three months after date, I promise to pay David Hayes, or order, two dollars in merchantable wheat, rye or other trade, as will suit said David, for attending to a ca.se of habeas corpus in which Charles Take, imprisoned, was discharged. July 4, 1811. Job Mase. The following case shows that, while J. Bannister Gibson did not make either money or reputation in Jieaver, he was not wholly without business: Elias Milor ) Issue summons wherefore with force and arm. he, the said w. r James !Magaw, on the said Elias Milor an assault did make at the James Magaw. ) county aforesaid, and him did there beat, wound and evilly treat and other wrongs to him did, to the great damage of the said Elias and against the peace. Elias Milor. To David Johnson, Proth: The bearer says he has not money about him to pay for the writ, but if you don't think proper to trust him, I will be accountable for the price of it. (Signed) John B. Gibson. "Whether the future chief justice was compelled to pay the price of the writ is not known; but it is a matter of record that the said Elias Milor, a resident of Ohio township, did within a year or two — viz., April 20, ISOfi — commit suicide by hanging himself near the fence of Thomas Nevil. in said township. A coroner's jury, summoned by David Drennan, and consisting of Samuel Johnston, John Cotton, Will- iam Foulkes, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander Reed, Oliver Mitchell, George Foulkes, Noble Rayl, William Duncan, Samuel Robb, David Calhoon and David Findley, found verdict in harmony with the fore- going; fact. The first trial for murder in the county originated thus: William Foulkes, who is reported to have been the first ]iermanent white settler in the county north of the Ohio river, lived in what is now Ohio town- ship between what was known as the Salem meeting-house and the Lit- tle Beaver. lie located in 1791, and had made an improvement ])rior to April 11, 1792, on a tract which at that time was granted by war- 184 lllslci|;i- (IF liK.W Kl{ CCirXTV. I'iLiit, :iii(l subjc'cl lo ;\11 tlic pri'dicanients iiieiitiinied in llii> cli;i[)tei' on internal affairs undci' the head of land titles, lie was somewhat noted. He hrou^-lit tiie lirst suit in tiie Febrnai'v tei'ni of court, 1S(I4. in an action for slantler. On Wedne.sday, Sc|)tenii)ei- liM, Is^T. William 1!. Ii-ish, dei)uty United States marshal, accompanied by Eunion Williams, George lioldship and James Hamilton, went to eject a number of actual settlers, among whom was AVilliani Foulkes, who had occupied his land nearly seventeen years and had paid the price required by law. His im}n'ovements — eighty acres cleared, fenced and cultivated, a two- story house and a double barn — were valuable. After ejecting, under recent decisions of the supreme court of the United States, all those against whom writs were held the party proceeded to the house of foulkes to execute a writ of haherJ facias pofisci'ts/oncni in the case of the Pennsylvania l^opulation Company r.y. William Foulkes. Eunion Williams was the agent of the Pennsylvania Population Com- pany in Peaver county, James Hamilton an active and zealous par- tisan of the company and a settler under them ; George Holdship was a justice of the peace, and summoned by Irish as an assistant. The marshal and his party had reached the lane leading to the house of Foulkes, when the\' were fired upon by persons concealed in a thicket of brushes on the roadside. Three or four reports of guns were heard, and James Hamilton called out," Sheriff, I am gone!" and instantly fell from his horse to the ground, and expired in a few minutes. The marshal laid Hamilton on his back on the ground, a7id, placing his hat over his face, got on horseback and rode back in com- pany with the survivors with all speed to Greersburg, and made oath as to the facts before John Johnston, Esq. On the 29th of September, 1807, William Foulkes, on oath of Eun- ion Williams, was taken before William Clarke, justice of the peace, on wan-ant charging that he thought his life in danger from Foulkes, who, it a{>pears, had said that, if Williams should come to his house to dis- possess him, he would break one of his legs or thighs. Sevei-al gentle- men who were present offered to go bail ff)r Foulkes, among whom was Abner Lacock. Justice Clarke fixed the Ijail at $2,000, and Lacock was accepted as bail for that amount. At the court of (piartcr sessions, November 4, Pobert Mooi'e, Esq., moved to have Foulkes and iiisbail discharged from their I'ecognizance. This was opposed by James Allison, attorney for the Population Com- pany, and the matter was postponed by the court. On Saturday morn- ISEAVEK COUNTY. 185 iiig at tivo ." It was rendered Se])- tember 18. The next day, N. P. Fetterman moved for a new ti'ial on the following grounds: 1. Two horse-shoes not given in evitlence were, without the knowledge or consent of the defendant, sent out with the jury when they retired to form verdict. 2. Verdict not sustained by law and evidence. 3. The discovery of new and material evidence. 4. James C. Ferguson, juror, while in the box was asleep. The motion for new trial was overruled bv the court. Judge BKAVER COUNTY 187 Daniel Agnew presiding. The prisoner was sentenced to 1)0 lianged. On the 22d of October, the convict, through the assistance of the turn- key, Daniel Dunbarington, escaju-d from the jail. Sheriff John Rolv erts offered a reward of $500 for his a,i)preliension, and sent desci'iptive circulars everywhere. Dunbarington was arrested and confined in jail. Thomas Cunninghani and others frightened him by asserting that he would be compelled to share the fate of the prisoner whom he had per- mitted to escape. lie linally infoiMued the sheriff, that he could go to the place of Slieets' concealme.it. He escorted the sheriff, assisted by a posse, to the house of Mrs. Dr. R. B. Barker, near the river's bank, where he was foimd concealed under a bed. He was rearrested, and finally executed on Friday, April 10, 1863. On the 20th of April, 1876, was chartered the " Law Association of Beaver County," whose purpose was thus expressed: (1) To advance learning in tlic law and to provide and maintain a library. (2) To promote integrity and decorum in the legal profe.ssion, and to take measures for the e.xclusion from the bar of unworthy members thereof. (3) To use all proper means for enforcing obedience to the law bj' those concerned in the administration of the business of our judicial tribunals and the ollicers having charge of our public records. (4) To enforce among our members courtesy and the observance of proper professional rules. (5) To make efforts to improve the law and its administration and to protect it from dangerous innovations. (6) To guard the bar and judicial tribunals, their officers and members, from the invasion of their rights and privileges, and to maintain their proper influence. (7) To promote kind and useful intercourse among those concerned in the administration of justice. (S) To m.aintain the character and influence of the bar of Beaver county. The minimum terms of initiation were fixed thus: (1) Two-thirds vote of charter members (2) The jniyment of ten dollars. The names of charter members are Brown B. Chamberlin, Samuel Jlagaw, Joseph LedHe, J. II. Ilarrah, Frank Wilson, G. L. Eberhart, Alfred S. Moore, F. 11. Agnew, S. B. Wilson, AV. S. Morlan, E. P,. Daugherty, J. J, Wickhani, Thomas Ilenry, 11. R. Moore, James K. Piersol, John M. Buchanan, O. A. Smtill. X. C. "Shwt'm tind W. S. Moore. A fee bill w;ts established and published which, it is jn'oper to state, does designate " merchantable whetit, rye or other trade '" as an acceptable legal tender for services rendered. In the spring of 1887, the bar of the county rendered " The Mer- chant of Venice " with fine effect at Bridgewater and Beaver Falls. This success prom])ted the forming in June of the same year of the Beaver Dramatic Association for rendering other Shakspearean plays in the future. The officers chosen were — President, J. II. Cunning- 188 HISTORY OF HKAVKK COINTV. liain; vice-president, J. ISliai'p Wilson ; recording secretary, Miss Maine Stone; corresponding secretary, W. TI. S. Thompson, Esq. Following is a list of attorneys admitted to practice in the courts of Beaver county from its organization to the present time, witii dates of admission. Many of them were non-ri sidents of the county. Of man}', character or biogra])hical sketches will be found in this chai)ter under the part relating to the Bench or the Bar; and of many of the living representatives fuller accounts will be noticed in the biographical portion of the volume. Addison, Alexander, 6 Feb., 1804. Allison, James, 6 Feb., 1804. Ayers, William, 6 Feb., 1804. Agnew, Daniel, 24 August, 1839. Alli.son. William, 4 Dec, 1833. Alexander, .Tames, 6 June, 1837. Ayers, Jonathan, 4 Dec. 1844. Allison, John, 26 Nov., 1845. Alden, T. Fox, 10 June, 1847. Appleton, Geo. E., 23 March, 1849. Adams, Capt. Samuel, 8 June, 1853. Austin. Walter F., 14 June, 1869. Agnew, Franklin H., 2 Sept., 1872. Ambler, J. A., 6 .June, 1876. Acheson, Marcus W , 8 April, 1878. Baldwin, Henry, fi Feb., 1804. Blockson, Fisher A., 11 May, 1805. Burke, Robert, 38 August, 1826. Beall, Thomas E., 10 Sept., 1835. Buchanan. James W., 11 July, 1843. Boyd, J K., 28 Nov., 1843. " Barton, John, 4 June, 1845. Budd, — ., 10 March, 1846. Bradford, Charles S., 15 Jan., 1848. Black. Samuel W., U.Ian., 18.50. Brady, Jasper E., 19 March, 18.50. Bliss, James G., 14 Sept., 1853. Bakewell, William, 5 June, 1865. Brady, Freeman, Jr., 5 June, 1865. Braden, J. D., 5 June, 1865. Buchanan, John M., 2 Sept., 1872. Bowman, C. O., 12 June, 1874. Barrett, .James A., 6 Dec, 1875. Bigger, Ellis N., 2 June, 1879. Black, Samuel James, 9 Oct., 1882. Campbell, Parker, 6 Feb., 1804. Campbell, Henry, 7 August, 1815. Craff, James S., 9 April, 1821: Clarke, William B.. 21 3Iay, 1827. Chew, Joseph T., 12 April, 1830. Cunningham, Thomas, 4 jNIarch, 1835. Chamberlin, B. B., 5 June, 1837. Cunningham, Nathaniel, 7 March, 1838. Cunningham, James M., 5 JIarch, 1839. Cormyn, Bernard, 11 July, 1843. Callan, James, 29 Nov., 1843. Cossett, David C, 10 June, 1847. Cormyn, Paul, 8 July, 1847. Conwaj', James, 6 Sept., 1848. Clarke, Joseph B,, 9 June, 1849. Coyle, John, 8 3Iay, 1850. Caughey, Silas W. W., 14 March, 1853. Cuthbertson. John. 35 Nov., 1853. Cochran, John T., 2S Dec, 1853. Cunning, Hugh, 10 March, 18.56. Cunningham, .Joseph H., 1 May, 1861. Crumrine, Boyd, 5 June, 1866. Cameron, James, 16 June, 1868. Cochran, George R., 18 Jan., 1871. Cunningham, James H., 31 July, 1872. Clarke, Albert H., 6 June, 1873. Carnahan, Robert B., 8 April, 1878. Coulter, J. D., 11 March, 1879. Campbell, .James O., " Registered." Cope, Roger, 5 Dec, 1881. Cornelius, Charles E., 5 Oct.. 1885. Crown, Joseph, 21 Nov., 1885. Cuthbertson, Wm. B., 6 June, 1887. Dunlap, .Tames, 6 Nov., 1805. Douglass, Samuel, 7 August, 1811. Dunham, Sylvester, 2 .June, 1817. Dallas, Trevanion B., 10 Jan., 182.5. Denney, William II., 1 April, 18-35. Dickey, Oliver J., 26 Nov., 1,845. Dana, Samuel W., 3 June, 18.56. Daugherty, Edward B., 4 June, 1860. Jl!^.^^ ^/^^^^^Z^ HEAVER COIXTY. 191 LIST OF ATTORNEYS— CoNTiNiED. Davenport, Samuel, 24 Feb., 1S()4. Davis, Jacob S., 18 Nov., ISOit. Dunlap, Joseph F., 25 Jlarch, 1872. Dalzell, John. 18 Feb., 18H4. Eyster, Christian S., 1 July, 1858. Swing, Thomas, 27 April, 1865. Eberhart, Gilbert L., 14 June, 1870. Eakin, John, 6 June, 1873. Emery, J. A., 16 March, 1881. Poster. Alexander W., 6 Feb., 1804. Findlay, Kobert, 24 Sept., ISIO. Foster, Samuel B., 26 March. 1811. Forward, Walter, n April. 1821. Fetterman, W. W.,12 April, 1824. Fettermau, N. P., 6 June, 18;il. Foster, John B., 1 June, 1840. Flanegan, F. C, 23 Nov., 1853. Forward. Ross, 3 Sept., 1866. Gibson, John Bannister, Feb.. 1804. Gilmore, John, 7 Jlay, 1804. Gorniley, Samuel, 24 Augu.st, 182!). Grimshaw, AVilliam. 10 Sept., 1835. Gaither, Samuel, s March, 1852. Gibson, Robert 51 , 5 June, 1866. Geyer, Stephen II., 8 April, 1878. Grim, Louis Edward. 2 Jan., 1882. Hayes, David, 6 Feb., 1804. Hazlett, Henry, 6 Feb., 1804. Hopkins, John H., 21 Oct., 1822. Horton, V. B., 11 April. 1831. Hicko.x, Silas II., 7 March, 1833. Henry, Evan J., 3 .Sept., 1839. Henry, Thomas J., 9 :March, 1844. Heidelberg. E., 3 Sept., 1849. Hampton, John It., 7 June, 1858. Hasbrouck, Cicero, 27 Jan., 1857. Hice, Henry, 6 June, 1859. Harper, Joseph P., 10 Sept., 1860. Harrah, Joseph R., 27 March, 1866. Hart, George S., 5 June, 1860. Henry, Thomas, 8 March, 1867. Hart, Alphonso, 6 March, 1.S68. Herron, D. S., 27 March, 1870. Hazen, Aaron L., 5 June, 1870. Hayes, JohnB., 4 Sept., 1871. Houseman, Moses 11., 8 April, 1878. Henry, Thomas M., 15 May, 1882. Imbrie, De Lorma, 25 Nov., 18.53. Imbrie, Addison JI., 2 Sept., 1878. Jennings. Obadiah, 6 Feb., 1804. Johnston. Thomas U.. 6 Feb., 1804. Jones, Lsaac, 5 June, 1837. Johnston, James W., 36 Jan., 1857. Johnston, Smith N., ISMarch, 1869. Jackson, Oscar L., 9 Nov., 1869. Johnston. Lawrence, 13 June, 1885. Kerr, Isaac, 6 Feb., 1801. King, Sampson S., 6 Feb.. 1804. Kingston, Samuel, 8 April, 1822. Kaine, Daniel, 20 Nov., 1855. Kurtz, David B.. 19 March, 1866. Kuhn, E. P., 27 March, 1868. Larwell, William C, 6 Feb., 1804. Leet, Isaac. 28 August, 1826. Lowrie, Walter H., 15 June, 1832. Lowry, Matthew S., 2 Dec , 1834. Loomis, A. W.. 29 May, 1843. Lancaster, C, 6 Sept., 1843. Large, John R., 8 Nov., 1850. Lamberton, Henry W., 26 Jan., 18.53. Long, Odell S., 5 June, 1862. Little, L. W., 5 June, 1866. Ledlie, Joseph, 11 Nov., 1867. Leibiuick, J. J., 8 Sept., 1868. Leister, Cornelius R., 13 Sept., 1873. Leonard. David H., 14 Sept., 1864. Lowrie, James A., 16 March, 1874. Laird. Frank H., 18 June, 1883. Moore. Robert, 6 Feb., 1804. Mountain, James, 6 Eel)., 1804. Marshall, John. 2 August. 1808. Marshall, James C. 28 August, 1828. Mountain, A. S , 28 August, 1838. Meredith, Simon, 28 Oct., 1830. Mahon, J. D., 4 Sept., 1834. Musser, Joseph B., 11 July, 1843. Maxwell, William, 15 March, 1850. Magaw, Samuel, 4 June, 1855. Marshall. Thomas M., 29 Nov., 1855. Morlan, AVilliam S., 14 Sept., 1857. Marshall, Kennedy. 21 Nov., 1859. Mason, Samuel R.. 4 Jan., 1865. Montgomery, William, 5 June, 1866. Morris, D. S., 20 JIarch. 1867. Moore, Henry R., 18 Nov., 1869. Moore. A. S., 4 Sept., 1871. 192 llISrOKV OF BEAVER COUNTY. LIST OF ATTORNEYS— CoNTiNi'Ei). Martin, W. C, 1 Sept., 1873. Moorhead. John W., T June, 1875. Jloore. Winfield S., 1") March, 1876. Marshall, A. P., 28 April. 1876. Mueller. John H., , 1872. M'Connell, John G., 8 April, 1878. Martin, James Hankin, 6 Feb.. 1882. Mellon, William Joseph, lo May, 1882. Moreland. William C, 18 Feb., 1884. M'Donakl, John, 8 Jan., 1808. M'Liuighlin, William, 12 Jan., 1829. JNI'Luuifhlin, James, 13 Jan., 1829. M'Candless, Wilson. 6 Dec, 1831. M'Clowry, John X., 11 March, 1846. M'Guflin, L. 1,., M'Neill, .John, 2 Sept., 1S61. M'Elrath, Archibald, 18 Oct., 18")3. M'Combs, John C, 12 June, 1866. M'Creery, James H.. 27 April, 1870, M'Conaghey, John G., 9 June, 1875. M'Coy, Ale-xander W., 10 June. 1878. M'Kenna. Cliarles Francis, 16 Jlay, 1882. M'Combs, HobertB., 26 June. 1886. Nicholson, Thomas C, 20 March, 1861. Otis, W. C. S., 5 June, 1865. Oliphant, E. P., , Pentecost, Joseph, 8 May, 1804. Pickens, Israel, 8 Nov., 1804. Picknoll, Hugh, 8 August, 1810. Purviance, Samuel A , 28 Oct., 1828. Pentland, E., 11 April, 1831. Purviance, John N.. 2 Sept., IS.")]. Power, Samuel A.. 2 August. 1859. Piersol, Benj. K., 10 Sept., 1862. Patterson. David T., 5 June, 1866. Pusey, William B.. Jr., 27 April, 1870. Piersol, James K., 13 June, 1870. Patterson, George E., 3 Nov , 1879. Pier, William S., 18 Feb., 1884. Quay, Matthew S., 13 Oct., 1854. Keddick, David, 6 Feb., 1804. Hoberts, Horatio N.. 5 Sept., 1831. l{ol)ert.s, Hichard P., 15 March, 1848. Uutan, James Smith, 16 Jan., 1861. Kuple, Charles S., 5 June, 1866, Heed, Bernard M., 17 May. 1868. Iteeves, Wilbur A., 2 March, 1875. Reed, John F., 14 Sept.. 1877. Sample, C. S., 6 Feb.. 1804. Semple, Steel, 6 Feb., 1804. Simonson, John, 6 Feb., 1804. Shannon, John H., 3 Oct., 1808. Shaw, George, 29 August, 1827. Shields, Thomas L.. 5 Sept., 1831. Sullivan, Charles C, 5 June, 1832. Stewart, James II., 8 April, 1833. Smith, George W., 3 June, 1833. Sample, S. N, 7 March, 1838. Scroggs, Gustavus A., 4 June, 1845. Stowe, Edwin II., 14 March, 1850. Snowden, Edmund, 13 Sept., 1854. Sweitzer, J. B., 12 June, 1859. Selden, George S., 31 Nov., 1860. Schoyer, Solomon, 31 Oct., 1861. Shinn, Thorlon A., 5 June, 1865. Sabmeck, J. J., 8 Sept., 1868. Stoner, James^ 15 March, 1869. Stevenson, John H., 29 Dec, 1869. Small, Oscar A., 10 Oct., 1872. Sterrett. James P., 8 April, 1878. Shiras, George, Jr., 8 April, 1878, Slagle, Jacob F., 18 Feb., 1884. Todd, Bradford E., 8 Sept., 1841. Taylor, Lewis, 4 Sept., 1843. Thomson, Alex. R., 14 Sept., 1857. Taylor, Alexander W., 9 Sept., 1869. Thomson, W. H. S., 5 Dec, 1881. Twiford, Daniel M., Reg. 1 Sept., 1882. Von Bonhorst, Charles, 23 August, 1824. Veou, J. H., 3 Sept 1866, Vo.sler, John W., 5 June, 1876. Wilkins, William, 6 Feb., 1804, Weigley, Joseph, 7 August, 1804. White, John, 2 August, 1808. Wilkins, Charles, 2 Nov., 1808. Watts, Henry M., AVills, James, 4 August, 1812. Walker, A. S.. 22 August, 1822. Watson, George, 25 August, 1823. Waugh, John A., 27 Oct., 1828. Wallace. John B., 13 Jan., 1829. Williamson, John, 5 June, 1843. Wilson, Joseph II., 5 June, 1850. Wilson, Samuel B., 18 Nov., 1850. Weir, Hugh W., 8 March, 1852. Williams Thomas, 6 June, 1852. HKAVER t'OUNTY. 193 LIST OF ATTORNEYS— Continued. Welsh, Moses B., 14 March, 1853. AVhite, J. W. F., 1!) March, 1859. Way, Andrew, 4 May, 1864. Wilson, Frank, 27 March, 1866. Wilson, David S., 5 June, 1866. Whitsell. Jacob, 6 Sept., 1867. Wilson, John S., 10 Sept., 1867. Young, John B. Wickham, John J., 15 March, 1869. Wintcrnil/., B. A., 18 Sept., 1874. Wynn, Addison, 15 Jul)', 1875. Wood, Uobert, 10 Sept., 1877. Wilson, George S., 4 March, 1878. Watson, David T., 8 April, 1878. Wallace, William D., 7 June, 1886. 26 Jan., 1858. CHAPTER \^ir. MEDICAL. I.Ml'lun'ANCK OK I'orUI.AR EuUCA'llON IIeATII Kri.MCSS OF 1jKA\ER County — Ei'iukmic Diseases — -Skktches ok Prominent Piiysi- t'lANS — Medical Societv — List or I'hysicians. '^ ~Y'7~ NOW tlivsclf,"' is tlie foniuihi in which the (J reck iihnd cdiu'hcd r\ thoqiiintessence of humiui kiiowledi^'e coiicei'iiiii^i;' man. " Do thyself no liai'iii," is the in junction witli wiiich an ins])ire(l apostle deterred a la\\-;d)idin,ii' otKciai from inHictinj:- upoii himself bodily injurv. " Tiie proper stiid\ ol mankind is man,"" exchiinis En<;iand's great jioct, who "lisped in numhcrs." •• M/y;^>/v'"" ("A strong mind in it sound bodv'"), sang the Latin hard of Mantua. ^'Natura est vera ■ined'icatri.1-'' ("Natui-c is the true physician""). Tiiese maxims, which ai'e the civam of human thought on the sub- ject, indicate the jirogressive ti'end of enlightene(l sentiment relative to tiie perfectal)ility of human beings. That man is accountable I'oi' the develo])ment and ju'eservation of his ])hysieal organization is clearly indicated by the coi'tainty and severity with -whicii the penalties of vio- lated piivsical law are inflicted. At evei'y tui'ii in the pathway of life stand clierul)im witii Haming swords to deter, ])erchance to ])unisli, those who would cori'u])! or desti-oy iiuman hap])iness. The teachings of revelation, interpreled bv tiic eiecti-ic hght of modern science, jirove conclusively that •• the | physiologically | wicked shall not live out half their da\'s."" The fundauK^ntal truth: " Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also I'ea]),'" draw n bv inspiration from the domain of physical nature, is emphasi/cd by every ache and pain, by every blighted con- stitution, bv everv fiagile step, by every bleared countenance seen on the great ocean of humanity. The remedy for physical weakness and milia])piness lies in the edu- cation of the |)eople. Old anil young need to be taught the inevitable connection between cause and effect, and the impartiality with w-hich Dame Nature ])unish(>s those who buin false tire upon her ;iltars. Ignor- !',I4 UKAVKK COUNTY. 195 aiice of liyo-ienic laws neithei- expin)its nor (wcuses any «>ii<' liniii the pains tliat invarial)ly accompany tlicii- violation. The wag wiio had tried lioth allopathy and iionieo])athy, and jii'oposed to estahlisii a new school of practice to he called S(!nseo]iath\\ expressed himself in the following stanzas: T;ike the open air — The more you take tlie better; FoIUjw nature's laws To the very letter. Let tlie doctors go To the Bay of Biscay; Let alone what they give, The brandy and the whisky. Freely exercise, Keep your spirits cheerful; Let no dread of sickness Make 3'ou over-fc;irful. Eat the simplest food, Drink the pure cold water; Then you will be well, Or, at least, you ought 'er. Beaver county is, all things considered, a remarkably healthful region. AVhether from climatic conditions, or inherently strong con- stitutions; whether from strict observ^ance of the laws of health, or from skillful medical ])ractice, is not material; but the fact remains, as will be evinced by the mortuary list in this volume, as well as In' the records of tombstones, that Beaver coiuity has produced more cases of longevity than almost any other eipial teri-itory or jiojiulation in tlie land. The Ohio river, affording by its drainage a certain ])i'otection against disease, has been the thoroughfare along which certain contagi- ous diseases have crejit from the infected districts on the lower Missis- sippi. Notably was the scourge by cholera of lS.3-f. The disease began in July. The first case was that of Samuel IIoo])er, who bi'f)nght it from Louisville on the steamboat Byron. He died shortly after reaching Freedom. The next was that of Captain Ephraiin Knowles, of the steamboat Eclipse. The boat was run ashoi'e near the mouth of jjig Beaver, and medical aid summoned, but in vain. The victim died in five hours after taking ill. In August it raged with great destruction in Fallston. Dr. E. K. Chamberlain was in charge of the ])atieiits. The village was nearly 190 . IIISTOEY OF BPJAVER COUNTY. depopulated during- tlu> scourge, only ten families having i-emained. Fi'om a report made August S, by Di: Ciiamberlaiu, the following deaths occuiTed from cholera asphyxia under his observjition: James Mcllrov, Marv Smith, Marv Worcester. Eobert JMcCreai-v, Doujrlas Mellroy, Mrs. Baxter, Thomas Sloane, Richard Baxter and John Collier. These all died in tiie village. Two others died elsewheVe, viz: William Fowler, at New Castle, and James Alexander, at Hemy Small's, near Beaver. Several deaths not mentioned in the forecroinsr list occurred in the county: Mre. Yenatta, Mrs. Dean, Mi's. Gormle^', John Murphy. Alexander iVluri)hy, James Fowler and James Court- right. Early in the spring of 1849 the cholera began to creej) up along the Mississippi and Ohio rivere, scourging all the large cities and towns in its path. The fii-st cases in Beaver county were those of Aaron Dout, of Yanport, recently returned from New Orleans, and James Hart, of Bochester, engineer on the steamer Beaver. Tlic Argvs of Mav 16 reported them as recovering. On the 9th of July, Itobert McFerran, county commissioner, living near HookstoAvn, died, aged fifty veal's. Emanuel B. Schly, of Beaver, was attacked in the harvest field, and died July 11. aged about forty. On the same day two men died at Baden — John Watterhouse and a Mr. Hill. About the same time a Mr. Dunbar died on the steamboat Genessee, and was buried at Georgetown. Ilichard and James Partington, brothers, and the father and uncle, respectively, of the present county commissioner, were victims of the epidemic, their deaths occurring on the 9th and 16th of September, just one week apart. The attacks of cholera in 1851-52 were slight. In 1851, John Anderson, a shoemaker, twenty-three years of age, died beyond Brady's Run. On the 4th of July, 1852, Michael Waterhouse, a river man, died at Baden; James McKee, of Freedom, was severely attacked, but recovered. Dr. D. S. Marquis was the attending jjhysician in both cases. In March, 1845, broke out a disease which was currently known as the •• Ilookstown fever,"' because of its severe prevalence in the region of tiiat village. Its origin ma}' be traced to Anderson & Shillito's mill (afterward called Bock's mill\ on Raccoon creek, two miles from Inde- pandence. The mill and distillery connected with it ])roduced the disease whose first victim was Matthew Anderson. He recovered. Following him were Benjamin Anderson. George Shillito iliiisband of Mrs. Elizabeth Shillito, now of Beaver, born April 11, 1803), John UKAVER COUNTY. 197 Anderson and wife, Alice Marv Sliillito. Mrs. Elizabeth Shillito, IJenja- min, John and llo])ert Sliillito. The last one dietl. From the mill tlie disease spread, finally reachino- Hookstnwn. It created such a panic in the place that even Dr. Robinson, preaclier at tiie Mill Creek chui'ch, was afraid to come to town to liiirv the deaxh lieferi'ini^' to its out- break in Hookstown and iMimediati! vicinity, Dr. Frank D. Kerr, resi- dent physician at lloukstowii, in a pcrsimal letter, dated June IT, 1S87, says: This epidemic commeuced about tlie middle of June, 1X4."), and lasted about seven montlis in Hookstown, causing unprecedented distress and alarm because of its virulence and fatality. There was a period of inculiation or developing of llie disease of about two weeks. The disease then set in slowly and stealthily; the sufferer felt uneasy all tlie lime, and wanted to be in some other place or other position than the one in which he existed; he felt as tliough he simply existed without any purpose of his existence. He was an.xious about himself and about his friends. He ached behind his ears and in the back of his neck. Constipation of the bowels was a marked feature in some cases, whilst in othei' cases the opposite was the condition. Where there was constipation the stools were light; where there was diarrhcea the stools were as black as tar, and patients thus affected were subject to alarming hemorrhages. David Kerr, in his illness, was constipated in the bowels all the time. He was so low in the fever he was at one time thought to be dead, in the third week. Thomas Wright was troubled with a persistent diarrhcea, with black stools and hemorrhages, and at the end of the second week was thought at one time to have died, he being so reduced with the disease. These both are living to-day. After several days there was headache in the back of the head, with chills, thirst, loss of appetite, brownish-coated tongue, which eventually became black as the disease advanced. In some cases the pul.se was slow and feeble; in others, it was frequent and irregular. There was a sensation of great weight in the chest and abdo- men. In the case of Mr. Kerr, he desired a knife with which to "remove an anvil, tongs and hammer," and other blacksmith tools from his chest. Mr. Wright felt as though he was sat upon by as many men as could use him for a seal, and they were no " light weights," either. Mr. William Miller's experience was, that he was laid ujion the floor whilst Israel Palmer, an old colored man (dead lately), tramjied upon him from head to foot, and Israel pressed down well willi his head against the ceiling. This sensation of weight was extremely distressing to the patieiils. The urine was small in quantity, high colored and, most of the time, caused great pain in voiding. The use of the catheter was at times necessary. The lips became parched and sore, the tongue dry and black; and after the second week, or in less time, there was mental confusion and delirium, ringing in the ears, pinched appearance of features, with hectic flush on the cheeks and bleeding at the nose. The temperature of the body varied, being highest in the evening. Active symptoms in some cases lasted thirty or forty daj's, and ultimate recovery did not take place until a lapse of .six or seven months, in many cases. When death was caused by the fever, it generally occurred about the third week of the disease. There were three hundred and fifty inhabitants in Hookstown, and every family in the village was attacked Ijy the disease, save three, which escaped with- out having any case amongst them. There were, in all. eighty-six cases of the disease. Eight deaths occurred from the fever directly, whilst a number of deaths were ha.stened by it, but attributed to other causes as being more immediate. 198 msroHY of hkavek corNTY. The followiug are the names of those who died from the disease: Dr. Samuel Wallace, Dr. Alexander Coburn. Mrs. Sarah Miller, Mrs. Martha Witherspoon, Mrs. Althea Cross. Miss Isabella Eaton, Mr. William Freasure, Mr. Samuel Carrothers. No prevailing disease similar to this has ever visited Beaver countj*. Tilt' tiiird physician of the place, Dr. "William Smith, was also talvcn ill. hut recovered. Dr. D. S. Manjuis, now of Rochester, formed a ))artiiei'siiip with Dr. Smith in liis ilhiess, and continued to jjractice at Hookstown for three \'ears. It is much to be regretted that some record was not Icejrt of all tiie early physicians. The old iKnvspaper files have assisted in recalling some of these pioneers in the medical ranks. In some cases brief sketches are given. Dr. Geo. W. Allison was Itorn in Washington, Pa., in Ai)i'il, 1803, being the third son (jf Hon. James Allison. He graduated from AVash- ington college and began the stixdy of medicine under Di'. i\Iilo Adams, of Beaver, to which place he had removed when ([uite young. In 1828 lie attended a course of lectures in the medical dejjartment of the Uni- versity of Maryland. The year following he commenced the pi'actice of his profession in Beaver, at which place he continued until his tleath. In his practice he was conscientious, honest and successful. In 1841 he married Sarah, daughter of James Lyon, Esq., with -whom he lived hap]tily. Dr. Allison was considered a physician of great skill, and rep- resented his, county in the State Medical Society, of which he was at one time vice-president. He died December 7. 1803, being sixty -one years of age. Dr. Smith Cunningiiam was born in Lancaster county. Pa., January 10, 1804. In 1813. he removed witli his father's family to Ohio. While in his minority, he left home to achieve his own fortune. After accpiiring a liberal education, he began his medical studies under direc- tion of Dr. James Speer, of Pittsburgh. After completing his profes- sional ])reparation and traveling somewhat extensively, he located at Petersbiii'g, Ohio, in 1829. He remained there Init a .short time, when he located in Beaver, in which place he practiced, all told, over a third of a century, a hirge portion of the time with Di". Oliver Cunningham. He was one of the founders and a ])rominent meml)er of the Beaver County Medical Society, and repr<'seiited it in several meetings of the State Medical Society, at one of which he was chosen president of the ))ody. In his practice Dr. Cunningham achieved success. As a citizen he was generous, patriotic and public-spirited; a man of highly-cixltivated I / /i i? -?v'«. Q^ 6'-'''' liEAVEK COUNTY. 201 mind, refined taste and rare c(jnversational powers, he always inii)arted to tlie social circle in which he moved a hieh de£rree of l)leasure and profit by liis general and varied intelligence and his pleasing and genial manners. In tlie room and at tlie liedside of his patients, he always gave comfort by his kindly manner and clieerful and instructive conversation. He died October 25, 1863, beiTig sixty years of age. Dr. James Cochran was born August l*i, 1780, in Adams county, wiiere he s])ent his early years in a course of education }>repai"itory to the study of medicine. Having completed his professional preparation, he settled in the year 18n(), at Caimonsburg, where he]>racticed several years. In 1S(>8 he followed the tide of migration westwai'd to J'eaver county, wliicli was tlien little better than a wilderness. The difficulty of riding in a new country and a gi'owing distaste for his jirofession induced him to I'elinquish its practice and engage in other more con- genial pursuits. He acquired such a competence as enabled him to retire frtnu business a,bout ten years prior to his death. He was for a long time a justice of the jieace, and was noted for the fact that he discouraged litigation at all times. He was an early friend and patron of Greersburg academy, and bestowed upon the Free Churcli of Darlino'ton, of which he was a member, the grounds on which their house stands. He died in Darlington. Auiiust Ifi, 18.51, Ijeinc seventy-one years of age. Dr. Bernard Dustin was lioi'u in New Hampshire, March 16, 1781. He studied medicine in Utica, N. Y., and after completing his work there started westward, arriving in Darlington, Beaver county July 1, 1807, wliere he commenced the practice of his chosen profession. Being the only pliysician in the comnmnity, he soon built up an exten- sive and lucrative practice. His charges were moderate, his forbearance with the ])oor very marked, and he rarely resorted to legal stejis for the collection of his debts. He accuuudated considerable property, and lived a life of usefulness and iuHuence for good. He died in Darlington. February 21, ISU. Dr. William H. 11. t'haiul)erlin was born in Liteiitield, Conn., June 22, 1810. After umcii effort he succeeded in securing an elementary education, and subse(|uently, in 1831, graduated from the College of Physicians and iSui'geons of New York city. In the same year lie removed to New I'.rigiiton, where he formed a- partnership with his brother, ])i'. E. K. ('Iiamliei'lin, which continued until the latter went 12 202 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. to Cincinnati, 0., in 1S42. Dr. William H. H. Chamberlin died Docem- ber 21, IS-tT, in New Brighton, of t_v])lms fever. Dr. E. K. Chaml)erlin, hrotlier of preceding, at one time a resident of New Brighton, dieil in the winter of 1852-53, while on his way from Panama to San Francisco. In 1842 he had removed from Beaver county to Cincinnati. At the breaking out of the Mexican war he enlisted as a surgeon of Ohio troops, and ^vas assigned to duty in Taylor's army. So pojiular did he Ijecome, Ijy his kindness and humane acts, that he was jxtpularly known as "Old Medicine." lie was afterward in the survey of the Mexican linuiulary. Subsequently he took up his abode in California, where he \\ as elected to the state senate, of which body he was chosen president. Dr. Samuel Wallace, a native of Beaver county, graduated from Jefferson Medical College, and commenced the practice of his profession in Ilookstown, where he was cut off in early manhood Ijy an attack of congestive fever. He died September 27, 1845, aged thirty-two yeara. His loss was keenly felt. Dr. Alexander Young Coburn tlicd in Ilookstown, of congestive fever, in November, 1845, aged twenty five years. His co-partner, Dr. Samuel Wallace, having been removed Ijut a few weeks before by the same fatal malady, Dr. Coburn undertook to attend to a large portion of a deeply afflicted community; and to his exertions and exposure while in discharge of his professional duties his early death may be attributed. While endeavoring to save the lives of others he lost his own. He was a young man of good character. Dr. Milo Adams was born in Westmoreland county, and in early life moved with his father. Dr. Samuel Adams, to the falls of Big Beaver. He studied medicine with Dr. Phillip Mowry, formerly of Pittsburgh, and commenced jiracticing at the age of twenty-one. On November 15, 1831, he associated himself with Dr. E. Adams Wilson. He was at one time sheriff of the county, and was for manj^ years a prominent memljer of the Methodist Protestant church. He died in its faith, August 18, 184fi, at his residence in Sluu'on. Dr. Samuel Adams was born in Westmoi'eland county in 1761. He removed when quite a young man to Beaver county, of which he was a long-time resident, beloved and respected by all, and in Chippewa township he died March 6, 1831, being seventy years of age. Dr. James Dawson died in Ohioville, September 21, 1847, aged forty-two years. Ten days previous to his death he suffered the ampu- tation of his leg, and never recovered from the exhaustion incident BEARER COrXTV. 203 to tlie operation. lie left a wife and six childi'en to mourn his loss. Dr. Charles Weaver died in New I'rio'hton, January 27, 18.52, aged thirty-six years. . . . Dr. Robert T. Hunter, formerly of Beaver, died at Mt. Jackson, April 2, 1849, aged thirty years. . . . Dr. II. Hard, a graduate of the Reformed "Medical College of '\^estern Pennsylvania, tendered his services through the ^4; y/v^? of March 14, 1834, to "the inhabitants of East Brighton as iihysician, siu'geon and accouclunir. He made no use of metallic minerals, mercury, zinc, etc., as internal remedies." Dr. J. P. Scroggs, " late of Clint(jn, Allegheny Co., a graduate of the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati, is taken into partnership by Dr. J. Clark, of Ohioville," according to the Argus of Octoljer 1, 1834. . . . Dr. David Stanton is announced February 13, 1852, as a physician and surgeon of NeAV Brighton. . . . Dr. Milton Law- rence was a politician and physician of Ilookstown some tifty years ago. He served as prothonotarj' and associate judge, and was quite noted as a physician. . . . Dr. J. J. Ikert announces himself as a practicing physician and surgeon to the people of Rochester in 1834. . . . Dr. R. S. Bronson was a practicing i)hysician in Bridgewater, May 12, 1852. . . . Dr. J. A. Blanchard, a homeopathic physician announces himself to the peojileof Bridgewater ApHl 14, 1852. . . . Dr. C. T. Sell, of Rochester, first pul)lislied a card otfering his services as physician to the public March 6, 1850. . . . Dr. A. L. S. Morand, late assistant hospital surgeon United States army, aimounces himself ready to cure the ills of flesh in Freedom, January 4, 1805. . . . Dr. T. L. Harper, formerly of New Castle, removed to Beaver, and practiced there in April, 1850. . . . Dr. R. C. Tuttlepracticedas an Indian ])hysiciau at New Brighton in Xovember, 1850. . . . Dr. W. J. Wilson made his fii'st appearance in New Brighton, as a practicing ])liysician, August 29, 1849. . . . Dr. Joseph Cam])l)ell ju-acticed in Hookstown and vicinity after July 3, 1819, when his name first appeared to the public. Dr. I. Christopher Muller, homeopathic ])hysician, Bridgewater, announces, October 5, 1838, that his "doses are small, agreeable and palatable; and that he ins])ects patient's \\'ater as a basis of successful prognosis of the case." Dr. M. Wilson ap])eared in Greersburg as early as August 23, 1814, "practicing medicine and selling same." . . . Dr. A. P. Dutcher appears in the Argus as an author of articles on his specialties of physi- ology and phrenology, in ls43. He was a resident of New Brighton, and was a prominent member of the Beaver County Medical Society, 204 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. being at one time its president. . . . Dr. R. C. "Wier, of Phillipsburg, announces in a card published June 6, 18-I-9, his intention of remaining in that locality for several years. He adopts the laudable motto of "No cure, no pay." Beaver Vonntij Med'ical Soelefij. — The (organization of this society is tluis descril)ed in its, minutes: BEAVKit. November 23, 1855. Pursuant to a call made through the county papers, a number of physicians met at the ottice of O. & S. Cunningham, for the ptirpose of organizing a Heaver county medical society . After the usual preliminaries the society was permanently organized by the election of the following officers: President, O. Cunningham; vice-presidents, George W. Allison and Joseph Linnenbrink; recording secretary, David Minis Jr.; corre- sponding secretar}', David Stanton; treasurer, Smith Cunningham; censors, George W. Allison, David Stanton and David Minis Jr. A committee on constitution was appointed, consisting of Doctors S. Cunningham, Dickson and Stanton, which, on December 29, 1855, reported and had ado})ted the present constitution of the society. The first meetings of the society were held in the hotels of the county, and alternated with more or less regularity between Beaver, jS'ew Brighton, Eochester and Economy. The first delegates from this society to the state medical convention \vere Doctors O. Cunningham and D. S. Marquis; to the national medical convention, the first dele- gate was Dr. David Stanton. Following will be found a list of the successive officers of the society, with mention of important events in its history: Second officers: President. Geo. W. Allison; vice-presidents, D. S. Marquis and John E. Miller; recording secretary, D. ]\Iinus Jr.; C()rres])onding seci-etary, Wm. Stanton; treasurer, S. Cunningham. Tlnnl (fficerfc President, Joseph Linnenbrinlv; vice-presidents, John R. Miller and Isaac Minis; recording secretary, D. Minis Jr.; corresponding secretary, D. Stanton; treasurer, S. Cunningham. Fourth officers, elected January fo, 1S61: President, D. S. Marquis; vice-])residcnts, Joseph Linnenbrink and Dr. Hezles; secretary, 1). Stanton; treasurer, S. Cunningiiam. Juf/h offi-cers, elected January 9. 1862: I^-esident, Geo. AV. Allison; vice- presidents, P. M. Iverr and A. P. Dutcher; secretary, Isaac Winans; treasiu'er, S. Cunningham. Si.rf/t officers, elected January 8, 1863: President, A. P. Dutcher; vice-presidents, S. P. Cummings and D. S. Marquis; secretary, Isaac Winans; treasurer, S. Cunningham. Seventh officers, elected January li, 1S61: President, W. W. Simpson; vice- presidents, P. M. Kerr and Thomas Donehoo; secretary, Isaac Winans; treasurer, D. S. Manpiis. EUjhth officers, elected January 12, 1865: President, S. P. Cummings; vice-presidents, D. McKinney and E. S. BEAVKR COUNTY. 205 Winans; secretary, Isaac AYinans; treasurer, I). !S. JNIarquis. JV/'iit/i officers, elected January 12, 18(50: President, S. M. Eoss; vice-presi- dents, I. E. Jackson and A. L. S. Morand; secretary, Isaac Winans; treasurer, Benjamin Feiclit. Te/i//i ajjicrrs, elected January 10, 1867: President, David Stanton; vice-presidents, "W. J. Langfitt and L. M. Cummins; secretary, J. E. Jackson; treasurer, Benjamin Feicht. Eleventh officers, elected January 9, 1868: President, W. J. Langtitt; vice-presidents, Isaac Winans and T. G. McPherson; secretaiy, J. E. Jackson; treasurer, Benjamin Feielit. Ticelfth officers, elected January 14, 1869: President, 1). JMcKinney; vice-presidents, W. C. Sluirlock and J. S. Elliot; secretary, J. E. Jackson; treasurer, Benjamin Feiclit. Thirteenth officers, elected January 13, 1870: President, James E. Jackson; vice-presidents, T. G. McPherson and I). S. Marquis; secre- tary, D. Stanton; treasurer, Isaac AVinans. Fourteenth officers, elected Jiinuary 12, 1871: President. G. W. Langfitt; vice-])resi(lents, D. S. Maripiis and G. Y. Boal; secretary, I). Stanton; treasure!', Isaac Win- ans. Fifteenth officers, elected January 11, 1872: President, B. F. Feicht; vice-presidents, D. S. Marquis and Charles Foerstige; secre- tary, J. S. Elliot; ti'easurer, Isaac Winans. Sixteenth officers, elected January 9, 1873; President, Charles Foerstige; vice-presidents, D. McKinney and G. Y. Boal; secretary and treasurer, Isaac Winans. Secenteenth officers, elected January 8, 187-t: President, D. S. Marquis; viceqn'esidents, Jose])li Lawrence and Joseph Langfitt; secretary and ti'easurer, Isaac Winans. Eighteenth officers, elected April S, 1875: President, W. J. Langtitt; vice-presidents, D. McKinney and G. Y. Boal; secretary and treasurer, Isaac Winans. Nineteenth officers, elected January 13, 1876: President, J. S. Elliot; vice-j)residents, I). S. Mar- quis and Benjamin Feicht; secretary and treasurer, Isaac Winans. Twentieth officers, elected January 11, 1877: President, D. McKinney; vice-presidents, G. Y. Boal and J. C. Temple; secretary, Isaac Winans; treasurer, D. S. Marquis; delegate to American Medical Association, W. J. Langfitt. Tcenty-first efficers, elected January 9, 1879: Presi- dent, W. J. Langtitt; vice-president, II. S. McConnel; secretary, S. A. Craig; treasurer, D. S. Marquis; delegates to state medical society, H. S. McConnel and Dr. Ban-. Ttcenty-second officers, elected January 8, 1880 : President, H. S. McConnell ; vice-president, J. 11. Wilson; secre- tary, S. A. Craig; treasurer, D. S. Marquis. Twenty-thinl officers, elected January 13, 1881: President, J. C. Temple; vice-presidents, B. Feicht and G. Y. Boal; secretary, J. H. Wilson; treasurer, D. S. Marquis.* * On October l:), tlie constitution was amended so as to allow the society to meet monthly instead of quarterly, as heretofore. 206 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUXTT. Ticenty fourth officers, elected Januai-y 12. 1882: President. W. H. Grim: vice-presidents, C. T. Gale and "W. S. Eamsey: secretary. Theo. P. Simpson; treasurer, D. S. Marquis. Ticeniy-jiflh officers, elected January 11, 1883: President, S. A. Craig: vice-presidents, J. H. Wil- son and Theixlore P. Simpson ; secretary. "VT. S. Ramsey: treasurer, D. S. Marquis. Tventy-sieth officers, elected January 10, 1884: President, J. H. Wilson; vice-presidents, "W". C. Simpson and H. S. McConnel; secretary, J. K. White; treasurer. D. S. Marquis. Tirentt/seventh offi- cers, elected January 10, 1885: President, Theodore P. Simpson; vice- presidents.W. H. Grim and Joseph D. McCarter; secretary. T. C. Gale; treasurer, D. S. Marquis. Twenty-eighth officers, elected January 14, 1886: President, W. C. Simpson; vice-presidents. C. T. Gale and W. J, Langfitt; secretary, C. E. Jackson; treasurer. D. S. ilarquis. Ticenty- ninth officers, elected January 13, 1887: President. D. S. Marquis; vice-presidents. H. S. McConnel and J. K. White; secretary. J. D. McCarter : treasurer. T. P. Simpson : censors : J, H. Wilson, W. C. Simpson and G. Y. Boal; auditoi-s: J. K. White and C. E. Jack- son; intelligence committee: T. P. Simpson. W. C. Simpson. H. S. McConnel, J. H. Wilson and W. J. Langfitt; delegates to state medi- cal society: D. S. Mai-quis and T. P. Simpson. Following is a list of all the membere of the society up to 1884, with dates of their admission: Oliver Cunningham. . Xov. 2:3, 1855, David S . Marquis . . . •" " Smith Cunningham. . " " Isaac Winans " " David Minis .Jr •' " Geo. W. Allison .... " " David Stanton •' " Joseph Linnen brink. " Joseph H. Dickson.. •' " Wm. Stanton • April 10, 1856. John R. Miller July 10, •> David Elder Jan. 13, 1859. P. B. Young April 12, 1860. P. M. Kerr Jan. 10. 1861. W. J. Langlitt .July 11, " A. P. Dutcber Julv 11. ■' S. P. Cummins Julv 10 1862. S. M. Ross Jan.U. 1864. W. W. Simpson •' Thomas Donehoo . . . (( I. S. AVinans ■* D. McKinnev •• A. M. Anderson . . Jan. 14, J. E. Jackson Oct. 13, Frank F. Davis July 13, A. C. Barlow Oct. 12, Benjamin Feicht .... " A. L. S. Morand G. W. Lsingfitt Feb. S, O. S. Cunningham.. .1. M. Cummings April 12, W. L. Morrow May 10, J.S.Elliot June 14, W. C. Shurlock Jan. 10, T. G. McPherson. . . . A. W. Acheson July 11. Hiram Xye Xov. 14, G. T. Boal July 9, Charles Foerstige March 11, Joseph Lawrence.... April 10, E. A. Hepburn Sept. 11, James Temple July 13, John Venn Oct. 11. H. S. McConnel 1864, 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1873. 1876. 1877. BEAVER COUNTY. 207 MEMBERS OF MEDICAL SOCIETY— Continued. Stephen A. Craig... July 11, 1878. W.C.Simpson luly 14, 1881. JamesA. Barr Jan.!), 1879. C. T. Gale James McPheters . . . " " W. II. Grim " " J.H.Wilson April 10, " W. S. Ramsey W. J. Riggs ()ct. 9, " James Scroggs, Jr... " " T. P. Simpson Jan. 13, 1881. J. K. White Oct. 13, Tlie present member.s of the society are as follows : G. Y. Boal, C. T. Gale, S. A. Craig, W. H. Grim, B. Feicht, W. J. Langfitt, D. S. Marquis, J. D. JlcCarter, B. A. Vance, H. S. McConnell, J. K. White, W. C. Simpson, J. H. Wilson, J.B. Crombie, T.P.Simpson, U. S. Strouss, C. E. Jackson, G. Warburton, H. M. Sheelenberger. The following is a list of physicians in Beaver county, who have registered in the office of the county prothonotary, in the order of record. The law requires a number of facts to be stated. In the fol- lowing list, the order })ursued is, the name of the ])hysician, date of registration, place of nativity, residence, degrees, (1) medical, (2) other, place of continuous ]iractice since 1S71, and. if deceased, date of death. Joseph Lawrence, June 30, 1881; Ilookstowni, Beaver county'. Pa.; Beaver; M. D. from University Pennsylvania, March li, 1872; Beaver county, died April 8, 1887, in Pittsburgh. AVilliam J. Ptiggs, Jnly 1, 1881; AVashington county. Pa.; M. D. from Jetierson JMedical College, Philadelphia, March, 1872; served as Assistant Surgeon in United States Navy; removed to Allegheny, April. 1882. Jefferson 11. Wilson, July 11, ISSl; Beavei-, Pa.; Beaver; M. D. from Bellevue Hos}Mtal Medical College, New York, 1876; certificate from Medical Board, Philadelphia Hospital, 1873-74; Beaver county, since 187*5. Christian I. Wendt, July 15, 1881; Pittsburgh, Pa.; New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from St. Louis College Homeopathic Physicians and Sur- geons, March 1, 1871. Joseph W. Miller, August 18, 1871; Finleyville, Washington county. Pa.; Beaver, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson -Medical College, Phila- delphia, March 9, 1867; A. B. from Jefferson College. Pennsylvania, August 29, 1861; Allegheny county, Mercer county, Beiiver county, since 1873. John N. Calhoun, July 26, 18S1; Georgetown, Beaver county; 208 HISTOKV OF BEAVEK COl'NTY. Roclipster, Pa.; M. D. from "Western Ueserve College, Cleveland, Ohio, March 6, 1S76; Fairfield, Ohio, 1874-75, Elkton, 187(5-81, Itochester, Pa. E. A. Moon, July 28, 1881; Eensselaer county. X. Y.; Beaver Falls, Pa., Beaver county, since autumn 1845. J. Hob. Lockhart, July 30. 1881; Hanover township, Beaver county; Freedom, Pa.; M. D. from Cincinnati College Medicine and Surgery, June 30, 1870; Fi'eedom, Beaver county. James Scroggs. Jr., August 1, 1881; Franklin township, Allegheny county; Beaver, Pa.; M. I), from Cincinnati College Medicine and Sur- gery, June 23, 1872; Beaver count}' since June 23, 1872. H. H. Dandson, August 2, 1881; Beaver county; New Scottsville, Hopewell township; M. D. from Western Reserve Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1, 1876; New Scottsville since July 1, 1876. David C. Jordan, August 2. 1881; Allegheny county; New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. January 26, 1875; "Westmoreland count}' up to 1880; since, in New Brighton. D. H. Hillman. April 3, 1882; Ohio: Rochester. Pa.; M. D. from Kentucky School of Medicine, June 28, 1881; certificate by Dean Jeffei- son Medical College, Philadelphia, indorsing diploma, March 29, 1882. P. D. Liscomb, August 9, 1881; iiurtland, Vt.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Homeopathic College, Cleveland. Ohio. September. 1867. John C. Levis. August 13, 1881; Butler county. Pa.; Bridgewater, Pa.; M. D. from Medical Department "Western Reserve College. Cleve- land, Ohio, 1851-2; Beavei- county, for twenty-tive years. exce]>t four years service as Surgeon U. S. A.; died July 5i6. 1886. in Bridgewater. George S. Boyd, August 13, 1881; Beaver county. Pa.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Cleveland Homeo])athic College. February. 1880; Beaver Falls, since April 12, 188(i. William Curtis Simpson, August 17. 1881; Wyandotte. Ohio; New Brighton. Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, March 1. 1873; New Brighton, since April 1, ls7;i AV. H. Gi'im. August 17, 1881; New Sewickley township, Beaver count}-; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. March 12. 1869; M. D. on ISIedical Staff United States army and navy; Beaver Falls, since autumn, 1869. Theodore Parker Simpson, August 17, 1881; New Brighton, Pa.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, March 1, 1877; Beaver Falls, since June, 1877. David Stewart Marquis. August 18, 1S81; Beaver. Pa.; Rochester, Pa.; M. D. fi-om Ohio Medical College, March 0, 1845; Beaver countv. '-^ y. ujtt^zc BEAVFR CXirXTY. 211 James Craig Temple, August IS, ISSl; Beaver county; Phillips- burg, Pa.; M. I), from Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Oliio, Mav 7, 1878; studied surgery in Mansfield, Ohio, attended Medical Department Western Reserve College, and graduated fi'om Western Eeserve University with dijiloma indorsed by Faculty Medical Depart- ment, March 28, 1883; Phillipslmrg, since July, 1878. Hiram S. McConnell. August 19, 1881; Freedom, Pa.; Kew Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, March 1, 1875; New Brighton, since March, 1875. Matilda Fishier, August 10, 1881; Germany; Rochester township; Beaver Falls and Bolesville, Rochester township. J. S. Elliott, August 20, 1881; Trumbull county, Ohio; Beaver Falls. Pa.; attended Starling Medical College, Columlius, Ohio; Beaver county, since spring of 1852. C. T. Gale, August 2o, 1881; Washington county. Ohio; New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, March 12, 1878; Parkersburg, W. Va., Missouri, Beaver county, since December, 1S8(>. James G. Thompson, August 22, 1881; Allegheny City, New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Hahnemann ]\[edical College, Philadel])hia, March 2, 1872; Allegheny county. Pa.; Columbiana county, Ohio; Bea- ver coimty, since April 1, 1881. Thomas G. Boyd, August 28, 1881; Marion county, Ohio; Black Hawk, Pa. William S. Ramsey, August 25, 1881; Frankfort Springs, Beaver county, Bridgewater, Pa.; Western Reserve College, f-leveland, Ohio, September 21, 1877; Allegheny county; Beaver county, from June, 1879 to April, 1885; Middleton, Allegheny county, since. A. J. Pyle, August 2*;, 1881; Salem county, N. J.; New Galilee, Pa.; Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Lawrence county. Armstrong county, since in Beaver county, in all, over thirty years. Ferguson Elliott, August 2C>, 1881; Washington county, Pa.; Ohio township. Beaver county: Butler county, 1848-75, Beaver county since. Henry A. Burns, August 29. 1881; Washington county. Pa.; Frank- fort Springs, Beaver county; M. D. from Medical Dej^artment Univer- sity, city of New York, February. 1880; Frankfort Springs, since April, 1880. S. James Ilindman, August 29, 1881; Brooke county, W. Ya.; I'rankfort Si)rings, l^i.; M. D. from College Physicians and Surgeons, 212 HISTORY OF BEAVER COLXTY. Baltimore, Md.. March 1, 1881; Frankfort Springs since June 1, 1881. Samuel T. Hamilton. August L^9, 1881; Calcutta, Ohio; George- town. Pa.: Western Reserve College. Department Medicine. 18i9-50. WiDiam D. McFheeters, August 29, 1881; Hanover township, Beaver county: Huokstown, Beaver county; "Western Reserve College, Cleveland, Ohio, February 1, 1S70; llookstown, since April IT, 1872. John Bryan, August 29, 1881; Washington county, Pa., January 1, 1828: Moon townshi]), Beaver county: M. D. from Homeopathic Col- lege, Cleveland, Ohio, February', 1860; Beaver county, since Februarv, 1866. William Raymer, August 29. 1881; New Brighton. Pa.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Homeopathic College, Cleveland, Ohio, Febru- ary, 1878; Beaver Falls, since graduation. T. G. McPherson, August 31, 1881: Allegheny county. Pa.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Cleveland Med icaf College, 1863-04; Baden, Beaver county, Allegheny county, Enon Valley, Lawrence county, Charleston, W. Ya.; Beaver Falls, since October, 1866. Stephen A. Craig, August 31, 1881; Freedom, Pa.; Freedom, Pa.; M. D. from Cincinnati College Medicine and Surgery, June 20, 1877; Freedom since. G. M. Xippert. September 2, 1881: Giirs, France: New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Homeopathic Medical College, St. Louis, March 3, 1873. James H. Ramsey, September 3, 1881; Beaver county, Pa.; Bridge- water, Pa.: Western Reserve College, Februarv, 1871; Beaver county since: physician to County Home. William A. Sawyer, September 3, 1881: Washington county. Pa.; Darlington, Pa.: University Wooster, Cleveland. Ohio. February 29, 1872; Beaver county since. David K. Noss, September 0, 1881; Beaver county; Glasgow, Bea- ver county; Western Reserve College, Cleveland, ()hio. February, 1880; Beaver county since. Benjamin Alexander Vance, September 7, 1881; Columbiana county, Ohio; Darlington, Pa.: M. D. from Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1879; Darlington since. AVilliam A. McGeehorn, September 8, 1881; Beaver county, New Galilee, Pa.; University Wooster, Cleveland, Ohio, February 27, 1873. James K. AVhite, September S, 1881; Allegheny county; New Brighton, Pa.: University St. Louis, March 1, 1877; attended Cleveland Medical College, 1875-6; Washington county, 1877-80; Beaver county since. HEAVER COUNTY. 213 Ulysses S. Strouss, September 12, 1881; Beaver county; Fairview, Ohio township; M. D. from Medical Department "Western Reserve Col- lege, Cleveland, Ohio. February, 1ST3: Beaver county since graduation; now lives in Beaver, Pa. Solomon Frease, September 22, 1881; Somerset county. Pa.; New Brighton, Pa.; M. D. from Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, February, 1854; New Brighton since 187Y. George Y. Boal. Se])tember 28, 1881: Venango county. Pa.; Baden, Beaver county; M. D. from Cincinnati College of Medicine and Sur- gery, July, 1870; Baden, since 186fi. Henderson J. Neely, October 10, 1881; Allegheny county; Union- ville. Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, March 13, 1881; Penn township, Butler county, since May, 1881. James Thomas Sawyer, October 11, 1881; Darlington, Pa.; Dar- lington; University AVooster, Cleveland, Ohio, March 11, 1881; Dar- lington, since graduation. David McKinney, Jr., October 14, 1881; Center county, Pa.; New Brighton, Pa., M. D. from Jefferst)n Medical College, Philadelphia, spring of 1800. John S. Boyd, November 7, 1881; Beaver county; New Sheffield, Beaver county; M. D. from Homeopathic Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, February 11, 1874. A. M. Anderson, November 10, 1881; Beaver county; Hookstown; "Washington county and Beaver coi;nty. Franklin D. Kerr, November 22, 1881; Hookstown, Pa.; Hooks- town; "Western Reserve College, Cleveland, Ohio, 1878; Green town- ship, since 1878. Alfred S. McCaskey, November 28, 1881; New Lisbon. Ohio; New Galilee, Pa,; M. D. Eclectic Medical Institute. Ciiuiniiati. Ohio, June 7, 1881; New Galilee since March Ki. 1881. John D. Coffin, December 2, 1881; Newbury port, ^fass.; Home- wood, Pa. Judson M. Hazen. December 7, 1881: North Sewickley township, Beaver county; North Sewickley township; "Western Reserve College, Cleveland, Ohio, Fcbrnary 7, 1871. "William J.innenlirink, December 24, 1881; Beaver county; "Wall Rose, Beaver county; M. D. from ]\Iedical Department, Hudson Col- lege, February 29, 1873; Beaver county, since 1873. Jaines Scrojigs, Sr., March 11, 1882: "Washington countv. Pa.; Bea- ver. Pa.; l^nivei-sity of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1848; Pennsylvania, various parts, for over thirty-live years. 214 HISTORY OF liEAVEK COLXTV. Aaron T. Shallenberger, March l-t, 1S82; Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; Eoch- ester, Pa.; M. D. from Jeffei'son Medical College, Philadelphia, March 24:, 1846; Rochester. James Barnes, March 14, 1882; Ohio townsliip, Peaver country; Bridgewater, Pa.; Washington University, Baltimore, Md., March, 1849; attended Jefferson College. Bridgewater, since 18.")0. Horace M. Shallenberger, ]\[arch 14, 1882; Rochester, Pa.; Roches- ter; M. D. fi'om Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1876; Roches- ter since. Walter A. Rose, March l.">. 1882; St. Thomas, Ontai'io; Rochester, Pa.; University of Buffalo, JS^. Y., February 26, 1867; Rochester and sur- rounding towns. Cyrus McConnell, March 20, 1882; Washington county. Pa.; Serv- ice, Pa.; Beaver count}', since 1868. P. M. Kerr, March 20, 1882; Beaver county: Rochester township; had practiced twenty-two years before registration; has since died. James B. Sliaw, March 20, 1882; Beaver county; Service, I5eaver county; Pennsylvania, in various ]>arts, since 1868. Luther Marcpiis. March 29, 1882; Washington county. Pa.; Van- port, Pa.; Commissariat Hospital Steward at Washington, D. C, Septem- ber 20, 1864; discharged October 21, 186.5; Pensylvania, since 1872. R. Stoinfield, March 29, 1882; Kossen, Europe; Xew Brighton, Pa.; Pennsylvania, various parts, since 1854. Richard J. Brittain. March 30, 1882; Beaver county; New Galilee, Pa.; M. I), from Jefferson Medical College. Philadel))l)ia, March 10, 1863. James Uptegraft, March 31, 1882; Allegheny county. Pa.: Bridge- water, Pa.; practiced since 1866. Joseph Scroggs, Aprill, 1882; Allegheny county Pa.; Beaver, Pa.; M. D. from Medical Department University of Pennsylvania, March 12, 1877; Beaver county, since. James S. Louthan, April 29, 1882; Beaver county; Fairview, Pa.; M. D. from Medical Department Western Reserve College, Cleveland, Ohio, March 15, 1882; diploma indorsed by Secretary of University Pennsylvania, March 29, 1882. Joseph S. Howe, May 4, 1882; Allegheny county. Pa.; Industrv, Beaver county; M. D. from Philadel]iliia University of Medicine, Februai'v 25, 1868; Allegheny, Armstrong and Beaver counties. Mays S. Davis, May 2o, 1882, Moon township, Beaver county, Shippingport, Pa.; M. D. from Rush Medical College. Chicago, Febru- BEAVEK COrXTV. 215 ary 21, 1882; certiiieate from Jefferson Medical f'ollege, Pliil;i(l('l|iliia, May 8, 1882. Henry C. AVatson, May 23, 1882; Alleglieny county. Pa.; Beaver- Falls, Pa.; M. I), from Medical Department Western Peserve Univer- sity, Cleveland, Ohio, March 1,"), 1S82; indorsed by iSecretaiy Medical Department University, of Pennsylvania, April 20, 1882. Silas E. Post, May 31, 1882; Washington, Pa.; New Brighton, Pa.: M. U. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, March, 1882. Geo. H. Smith, -Tune (>, 1882; Mercer county. Pa.; Ilochester, Pa. M. D. from Homeopathic Hosj)ital, Cleveland, Ohio, March 8, 1882; indorsed by Dean Hahnemann Medical College, Philadeliihla, March 20, 1882. Alva L. Chapman, Se]itember 12, 1882; Ligonier, AVestmoreland county: Homewood, Pa.; M. D. from College of Ph\'sicians and Sur- geons, lialtimore, Md., March 4, 1879; practiced Ajjril, isT'.t — August, 1882. Ed. S. Franks. Se]itember 30, 1882; Manchester, England; Beaver Falls, Pa.; American University, Pennsylvania, April 27, 18(18; had practiced thirty-five years up to registration. AVilliam F. Sawhill, October 2(i, 1882; I'laysville, Washington county; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Phil- adelphia, March 30, 1882. Archibald B. Tem])le, Api'il 7, 1883; Beaver county; Phillii)sl)nrg; M. D. from Medical Department Western Kesei've University, Cleve- land, Ohio, February 28, 1883; indorsed by Faculty Medical ['Uiver- sity, of Pennsylvania, JMarch 28, 1883. Joseph D. McCarter, Ma\' 11, 1883; Beaver county; Cliipi)e\va township, Beaver county; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia, April 2, 1883: has since removed to Beaver Falls, Pa. Granville Warburton, May 23, 1883; Canada; Phillipsburg, Pa.; M. I), from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, Mai'ch 14, 1883; indorsed bj' Dean Jeffer.son Medical College, Philadelphia, ]\Ia,y 19, 1883. L. Brown ]\[eans, July G, 1883; Allegheny county. Pa.; Sewickley, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, April 2, 1883. James E. Montgomery, August 6, 1883; Butler county. Pa.; Indus- try township, Beaver county; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Piiiladelphia. March 12, 1879. A. S. Moon, March 15, 1884; Ilookstown, Beaver county; Beaver Falls, Pa.; Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, February 27, 216 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. 1884; indorsed b}' Secretary Medical University, of Pennsylvania, March 10, 1884. Samuel D. Sturgeon, Marcli 17, 1884; Noblestown, Allegheny county, Pa.; Beaver Falls, I^a.; M. D. from Medical Department West- ern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, February 27, 1884. David Mowry, April 19, 1884; near Dayton, Oliio; New Brighton, Pa.; Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, March, 1884 ; was Professor of Anatomy in Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn., 1880-84. John B. Crombie,"july L>2. 1884; Allegheny City; New Slieliield, Pa.; University of Maryland, March 15, 1883; indorsed Ijy .Tetferson Medical College. Philadelphia, May 22. 1884. Andrew B. Mercer, November 25, 1884; Hancock county, W. A"a.; Phillipsburg, Pa.; University of Michigan, June 26, 1884; indorsed by Dean Jefferson Medical (College, Philadel})hia. Octol)er 2(). 1884. H. C. Iseman, Februuiy 26, 1885; Westmoreland county. Pa.; Beaver, Pa.; had practiced up to registration more than ten years. F. AV. Johnson, April 14, 1885: Uam]iton, A'a.; Rochester, Pa.; had practiced in Philadelphia. Charles Elmer Jackson, May 2, 1885; Failston, Beaver county; Beaver, Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, March 9, 1885; indorsed by Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, April 24, 1885. Samuel H. Anderson, May 4, 1885; near St. Louis, Mo.; Beaver, Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, March 9, 1885; indorsed b}' Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, April 24, 1885. Samuel Logan AlcCulhnigh, May 18, 1885; Washington county, Pa.; Frankfort Springs, Pa.; University of City of New Yoi-k, July, 1883; indorsed b}^ Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, September, 1, 1883. Marshall Hartshorn, Octol^er 24, 1885; Darlington township, Bea- ver county; Bridgewater, Pa.; Beaver county. J. McGinnis Baiph, November 12, 1885; Butler county. Pa.; Bea- ver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from College of Medicine and Surgery, Cincin- nati, Ohio, June 21, 1877. John J. AVickham, November 12, 1885; Rochester, Pa.; Rochester; M. D. from Ohio Aledical College, March 25, 1885. Ferdinand Venn, Sr., March 6, 1886; Drieburg, Germany; Bridge- water, Pa.; was educated in Berlin; practiced in Pittsburgh; retired. John S. Jackson. A]iril 13, 1886; No)'th Sewickley, Beaver county; BEATER COUNTY. 217 North Sewickle^-; Baltimore University, March -i, 1SS6; indorsed by Medical Chir. College, Philadelphia. Samuel H. Matherson, April 15, 1885; llimover townsiiip, Beaver county; Hookstown, Pa.; Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, 1850-51; Butler county, 1851-70; Oakland county, Mich.; 1870-82; authorized by special order of court to practice in Beaver county. Henry J. Coyle, April 16, 1886; Pulaski township, Beaver county; Pulaski township; M. D. from .Totferson ]\re;6. Charles L. Campbell, May 4. 1886; Cross Creek township, Wash- ington county. Pa.; Frankfort, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, April 2, 1886. Everett W. Sheets, May 12, 1886; East Palestine, CloJumbiana county, Ohio; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, April 2, 1885. Kobert James Marshall, October 7, 1886; Big Beaver township, Beaver county; Ohioville, Pa.: AVestern Peserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio, Marcii 3, 1886; indorsed by Dean West, Pennsylvania Medical College; Darlington, with Dr. W. A. Sawyer. George W. J>eane, Februar}^ 16, 1887; Wellsville, Oiiio; Beaver Falls, Pa.; M. D. from Bellevue Hospital Metlical College, New York, March 14, 1883; Pittsburgh, after graduation. CHAPTER A' [11. EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS. Necessity of Educatioi? — Primitive Schools — The Common - School System of 1834 — Text Books^Teachees' Conventions — Early . Teachers — County Sdi'eeintendency — Teachers' Institutes — Colleges — Moravian Missionaries — Presbyterians — Episcopal- ians — Methodists — Lutherans — Baptists — United Brethren — Catholics — German Lltherans — Evangelical Association — Metikidist Protestants — Reformed , Presbyterians — Church of God — Christian Churcu^-Colored Churches. "TTXE must educate or we must perish, is a saying tliat has met the V V a])pi"oval of intelligent citizens everywhere. Schools well su|)poi'te(l and properly conducted are the cheap defense of nations. IIap])y is the land whose Hiarks show that the school-master is abroad. The education of the whole man, body, soul and spirit, is the panacea for most of the ills that afflict the cpnimonwealth. This truth was recognized- by the early inhabitants of Beaver county. The three structures that received their early care were a caliin for the family, a cabin for the church and a cabin for the school. In immy cases one structure answered all pur})oses for a time ; then the same answered for school and church. As time advanced the style of architecture improved, anti the equipments and conveniences were greatly multi])lied. Time and space forbid our drawing a picture of the old log school-house with wide-throated chimney, puncheon floor, slab seats and desks, greased j)aper for windows; occupied by a master with brawn}' muscle, his principal occupation being making pens out of (piills, " doing Av/w;.y," a[)plying the rod which stood ready in the corner ; the pupils, the hearty boys and girls of the neighborhood, dressed in plainest homespun, ;ind carrying their corn bread in little ijaskets, to be eaten at the noon hour; the textbooks consisting of Dillworth's or Webster's spelling book, the Bible, the Catechism, the English reader, the Columbian orator, the arithmetics of (4ough or Jess, or perchance 218 BKAVEK COUNTY. 221 Daboll's or Pike's, Murray's, or Kirkliain's graniinar. Those days, however, produced strong men and women. The graduates of those log colleges mastered their lessons well, and bequeathed rich legacies to posterity. Let their memories be revered for what tiiey did botli for tiiemselves and for future generations. Tlie order of advance was first the private pay school ; then the public pay school ; then tlie academy or seminai-y, and histly the public free school. It toolc time, and nujney, and patience, and more — earnest t-ffort to reacii the last. Oppositiim had to be encountered. Those not liberally educated themselves were averse to being taxed for the education of others. The efforts of General Lacock, Dr. Pollock and others of like character were required to convince the people that the public-school sj'stem was not only the best, but the cheapest for all classes. It equalized the Inirdens of society, and was the true safe- guard of republican institutions. Progress, of course, was made slowly. The victory, however, was won at last; and school-houses of an improved character, occupied with better furniture and more intelli- gent and efficient teachers, sprang up in every neighborhood. Fortunately we have lieen al)le to find a few reports in the public press to show liow these results were reached. The act of the assem- bly establishing the free schools of the commonwealth was approved by the governor Ajiril 1, 1834. Under its provisions the first election for school directors in each district was held on the third Friday of September following; and on the first Tuesday of November was appointed a joint meeting in each county of a delegate from the several boards of school dii-ectors and the county commissioners, for the pur- pose of deciding whether lirst regular county teachers' association of which any record was found was called by S. L. Coulter and Hugh Anderson, to meet at the Academy Hall in licaver. Novemlier '.>, 1.S44. It was jireliminary to the formation of a regular organization. Dr. A. P. Dutclier, of New Brighton, delivered an address. At the next meeting hekl in Beaver, January 4, 1S4.'), with ^Yilliam Reed as secretary, the following text-books were ado[)ted and recom- mended for use : Davies' Aiithmetics ; Mitchell's Geographies ; Ros- well C. Smith's (irammar: Cobb's Xew Speller; "Willard's United States History, and Parley's Commom School History. How long this organization maintained its vitality does not ajjjiear. It was transient, however, for on the fith of April, 18.50, a meeting of teachers was held in theijublic school-house in llocliester to organize a county teachers' association. H. B. Anderson was chosen chairman, and J. McGowan secretary. Two things were done : 1. A temporary organization was effected. 2. Tlie Pennsylvairia 7eac/ie):s^ ^lagazine, published by IJev. J. J. Buchanan, was commended as a valuable auxil- iary in the cause of education, and urged upon teachers. On tlie 20tli of April following, the association' met at Beaver academy and formed a ))ornianent organization with appropriate con- stitution and b_y-laws. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, P. L. Grim ; vice-president, H. ]!. Anderson ; recording secretary, J. McGowan; corresponding secretary, Z. Bliss; treasurer, J. McElrath; executive committee, W. Y. ibown, A. H. Lackey, J. P. Reed, P. L. Grim and J. G. Bliss. The next report of a meeting represents the society in a session at New Brighton, January 10, 1852, as taking advance grounds. Its members discussed with considerable ardor tlie two following proposi- tions : (1) Itesoleed, That uii I'ducalion that dues tiol cinbrace the full developmeut of the moral as well as the physk-al and intellectual powers, is unworthy of the support of a Christian community. (2) Itesolred, That the Bible should be read daily in all our schools, and the pupils instructed in the general principles of Christianity. It is to be regretted tiiat no record has been kejit of the early teachers in the county — those faithful workers whose sacrifices joined hand in iiand with the early land picmeers and early preachers. From BEATER COUNTY. 225 various sources a few facts have been gathered relative to some of them. David Johnson, as will be seen by reference to the sketcli of Beaver borough, was one of the earliest teachers in the county, and probably one of the most highly educated in his time. His im))ress was made upon Beaver academy, and througii it upon many of the leading citizens of the community. He died in J3eaver, March 6, 1837, ageil ninetv vears. His dust slumbers in the old Beaver g-ravevard, but his memory remains green in the lives of those whom he instructed. In the same cha})ter already referred to occurs a brief account of one of the early and faithful lady teachers, Helen Catlett. Eev. Thomas E. Hughes, the projector of Greersburg academy, was a pioneer teacher in Beaver county. His molding stamp was left upon that institution of learning which has turned out many prominent men and women, among wlioni was Dr. W. H. iMcGuffey, the author of the most i)opular series of readers ever published in America. On the south side, Eev. George Scott, of the Mill Creek church, was a teacher in various capacities, who influenced and fashioned public sentiment upon religious, educational and reformatory (piestions. John Harshe, subsequently a public official of note, was as early as ISIO a prominent guide of the young in his region round nbout the present village of Harshaville. In the same vicinity lived anil taught an Englishmen by the name of Mulholland, who was considered a superior instructor. Mrs. Elizabeth Shillito. of Beaver, now in her eiglity-fifth year, has in her possession a picture of four liirds executed by Mr. Mulholland witli his skillful goose-quill pen, and presented to her as a prize for good spelling, on Christmas day, 1S12. James Pollock, a year or two later, performed pedagogical duties also in the same field. In what was Little Beaver township, John Boyles taught as early as 1800. In ISOS Joshua Hartshorn, a popular bachelor, taught in the southwest part of the township. He taught the alphabet by means of sticks — one cut in the shape of '• d " would, by changing it in various ways, represent b, p, and (j. He was succeeded by Joshua Newell and Sampson Dilworth. Richard Johnston was one of the first teachers in Big Beaver. Eol)ert Grandyand Robert Laughlin were teachers in 1815-20 in what is now Wayne township, Lawrence county, then a ])art of Beavei-. In 1805 an Irishman, named John Kerr, taught near the present Beaver county line, in Perry townshij). He, too, was then a Beaver pedagogue. He was a good-heai'ted man, but not ]M)])ular. His pro- 226 7IISIOKY OF 15EAVEK COrXTV. miiu-iiitioii was faulty. In the same re<,n()ii, Andi-ew Elliott tanght, about 1S12. in a iiouse built on land owned by himself. The location was decided by choosing between two sites, the successful one to have the most children. Robert Ailcen decided the matter by jiromising to send live to the Elliott ])lace. Children were then dressed in blue lin- sey, and were known as the "Eight-tract IMues." Samuel Sterrett, (known as " Master Sterrett,") an Irishman, James II. Van Gorder and John nines were also early teacliers in that ])art of the county. In North r>eaver, three ])romiiient teachers, about lSor>-7, were James Leslie, Peter Boss and Tliomas iMc^Fillan. Shenango townshi]) was represented in its ])riniitive days by Cor- nelius Stafford, an Englisinnan, who seems to have taught all over Beaver county. He was quick-tempered, and noted for the omission of the letter "h" in ])rononucing words. Other teachers in those early days (1805-1.")) wei'e John Gibson, James Leslie, James McCallaherand William Arnold. In Slippery rock, Jehu Lewis, a Virginian, taught l)etween ISOS and 1812, about three miles from the present town oi Princeton. "Will- iam Wigton taught as early as 1815. In what is now Pattei-son township two quaker ladies, Mary Townsend and Mary Reeves, taught successfully as early as 1806. In 1839 Lemuel G. Olnistead. A. M., was princijial of what was called the lirighton Institute. In 1850, S. A. Curtis was princip.il of the New Brighton Female Seminary. Both these gent liMuen are represented as having been efficient instructors. One of the efficient steps in })romoting educational progress, not only in the county but in the state, was the establishment of county supei'vision in 1^54. It is in harmony with the sound doctrine that all enterprises, business, social, educational or governnuMital. need direc- tion — a governing ])ower. The peo|)le iiave seen these benetits, and would lie unwilling now to sacrihce or imjiair the system. As the direct result of the establishment of county supervi- sion, sprang u}) the second gi'eat agency of etlucational rei'oi'm, the Annual Teachers' Institute. Everywhere its value is recognized as an agency in stimulating educational enthusiasm and fostering a profes- sional s])irit. "While much has l)een done, much renuiins to be done to place the teacher's calling where it rightfully belongs — an honored and Avell-])aid profession whose ranks are filled with good men and women who have chosen teaching as their life work. Superadded to these humbler agencies, the influence of the acade- BEAVER COUNTY. 227 mies and colleges in the county, sketches of which are given under the boroughs to which they l)elong, must be recognized as stimulating a desire for the higher planes of learning and usefulness. Tiie three active ones of tliis class at jiresent iire Darlington Academy, Beaver Female College and Geneva College — all deserving and popular insti- tutions. Tlie lirst effort toward the establishment of religious worsliip, or the fonnding of religious congregations within the limits of the county, was made by the Monivian missionaries in 1770, a Ijody of men sent out by the United ])it't]n*en churcli to christianizx' the Indians in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio. George H. Loskiel has given a his- tory of their movements, and his work is referred to for fuller particu- lars than can be furnished in this sketch. Witii sixteen canoes, the congregation of Lawunakhannek, broken up A]jril 17, 1770, descended the Ohio past Pittsburgh to the mouth of the Big Beaver river. Proceeding up the stream to the falls, they were compelled to unload, and transport l)oth canoes and goods by land to their destination. After wearisome and distressing traveling, they finally located near New Castle and formed a settlement which was called Languntoutenuenk, or Freidenstadt, the " Town of Peace." The Indi- ans were actively engaged on tlieir plantations, and dwelt in l)ark huts. A large hut was built for religious meetings. Here the first congrega- tion was established, and on the 12th of June, 1770, the first baptism was performed, it being that of the wife of tlie blind Indian Chief, Solomon. The white men who were the leaders in this missionary Avork were Rev. David Zeisl)erger and Rev. John Ettwein. They were ably assisted Ijy the Rev. Jolin lleckewelder, whose interesting narrative is a source of valuable and reliable information. He gives the rules of the congregation, Avliicii we take great pleasure in transcribing. They show that those early Indians were placed under sahitary restraints, which might be imposed at tiie present day with valuable results upon wliite con<);re";ations: (1) We will know of no other God, nor worship any other but Him who has cre- ated us, and redeemed us with His most precious l)lood. (2) We will rest from all labor on Sundays, and attend the usual meetings on that day for divine service. (H) We will honor father and mother, and support them in age and distress. (4) No one shall be permitted to dwell with us, without the consent of our teachers. (")) No thieves, murderers, drunkards, adulterers, and whoremongers shall be suffered among us . 228 IIISTOKY OF BEAVEK COVNTY. (6) No one that attendeth dances, sacrifices, or heathenisli festivals, can live among us. (7) No one using Trcltnppieh (or viitchcrafl) in hunting shall be sutfered among us. (8) We will renounce all .luggles, lies, and deceits of Satan. (9) We will be obedient to our teachers, and to the helpers (national assistants) who are appointed to see that good order be kept, both in and out of town . (10) We will not be idle and lazy, nor tell lies on one another, nor strike each other We will live peaceably together. (11) Whoever does any harm to another's cattle, goods or elTects, etc., shall pay the damages. (12) A man shall have only one wife, love her and provide for her and the chil- dren. Likewise a woman shall have but one husband, and be obedient to him; she shall also take care of the children, and be cleanly in all things. (18) We will not permit any rum or spirituous liquor to be brought into our towns. If strangers or ti'aders happen to bring any, the helpers (national assistants) are to take it into their pos.session, and take care not to deliver it to them until they set off again. (14) None of the inhabitants shall run in debt with traders, nor receive goods on commission for traders, without the consent of the national assistants . (15) No one is to go on a journey or long lumt, without informing the minister or steward of it. (16) Young people are not to marry without the consent of their parents, and taking their advice. (17) If the stewards or helpers apply to the inhabitants for assistance, in doing work for the benefit of the place, such as building meeting and school houses, clearing and fencing lands, etc., they are to be obedient. (18) All necessary contributions for the public ought cheerfully to be attended to. The foregoing were all adopted prior to the Revolution. Six years afterward, however (that is, during the war), wlien some of the Dela- ware concluded to join in the conflict, these rules were passed : (19) No man inclining to war, which is the shedding of blood, can remain among us. (30) Whosoever purchases goods or articles of warriors, knowing at the time that such have been stolen or plundered, must leave us. We look upon this as giving encour- agement to murder and theft. Heckewelder's Narrative, pp. l.l2-l..'Jf. The earlv settlers of Beaver county being almost exclusively Scotch and Scotch-Irish, the prevailing religious sentiment was necessarily Presbyterian. Hence we are justified in expecting Presbyterianism to be the first phase of religious faith introduced into the new county. The oldest congregation in the county is the one known as the Mill Creek Presbyterian Church, the records of which carry us back to 1785 clearly. It is not im])robal)le that some of its members were residents and professed Christians ten or twelve years earlier. Its history is given elsewhere, as also the history of other congregations of that denomination. The two original denominations, which in 1S5S united to form the ISEAVEK COUNTY. 231 United Presl)yterian Church, were the Associate and the Associate Reformed. These two organizations, it seems, were second to occupy the field, and began operations almost simultaneously. Their history is found in connection with the United Presbyterian Church, whose congregations, in the main, have absorbed the former. Eudolpha Hall, or Service Theological Seminary, will be found described in connection with the Service church. Episcopalianism was first introduced into Beaver county about 1799, b\'^ Rev. Francis Reno, who was the first Episcopal clergyman west of the Alleghenv mountains. He was born near Richmond. Va., February 7., 1757, and died in Rochester, Pa., August 12, 1S3B, in his eightieth year. He was ordained in Philadelphia by Bishop White in 1791, and located near what is now Rochester in 1799. He preached all over the county, in log cabins, barns, groves, etc., as occasion pre- sented; and for a long time did nuich of the marrying except that done by justices of the ])eace. He left eleven children : John, Elizabeth, Charles S., Lewis, William, Henry, Jane, Thomas, Francis, Susanna and Jesse, to advocate his faith. Individual E])iscopal congregations will lie found elsewhere described. Methodism, usually an aggressive organization, was slow to secure a foothold in the county. Its introduction dates to about 1822-25, when Beaver and Sharon were first made preaching points. By refer- ence to the sketches of the congregations at Beaver, Bridgewater and New Brighton, it will be seen that some controversy exists as to the .senioritv of congreoations. One difficulty has been experienced in giving the history' of Meth- odist congregations: absence of complete records, such as are found in Presbyterian and United Presbyterian churches. Frequent changes of preachers in ]\[ethodist congregations have had the etfect to beget care- lessness in keeping records, and indifference on the part of many preach- ers as to the gathering up of material for historic sketches. Lutheranism is of comparatively recent origin. The sketches of churches in the vai'ious boroughs and villages will show the order of growth. Baptist churches had some difficulty in securing a strong foothold. Several of them died, and left no traces of their work. Rochester, Beaver Falls and New Brighton have each good congregations that have " come to stay." The United Brethi'en have made a number of ineffectual attempts to establisii their plea. 232 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Catholicism secured a foothold in about 1835, when the little con- gregation in Beaver was organized. Since then churches have sprung up in manul'acturing and mining centers of the county. Several German Lutlieran congregations have been established and are now in flourishing condition. The same remark may be made rela- tive to the Evangelical asscjciatiou. Its work, however, began quite recently. Two congregations of Methodist Protestants represent the strength of that organization, one eacli at Beaver Falls and New Brighton. The establishment of Geneva College by the Eeformed Presby- terian denomination led to the organization of one or two congrega- tions, the origin of which does date far back. The Church of God has one congregation at New Brighton, the history of which is given in connection with that borough. The Christian Church, with its plea for the Bible only as the basis of Christian union and success, lias but one congregation, Beaver Falls. Its introduction, too, is recent. There is a number of colored churches in the county, at Bridge- water and New Brighton, etc. The people of the county certainly have opportunities to worship God witiiout let or hindi-ance, this vast array of denominations being sufficiently numerous to meet the demands of all shades of belief. CHAPTER IX. POPULAE AGITATIONS AND PHILANTHROPIC REFORMS. Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces — Radicalism and Conservatism ' — Politics — Temperance — Slavery — Anti-Masonic Excitement — The Fajiine in Ireland — Visit of Kossuth — Bible Society — Sunday-school Association. THE analogy existing between the forces of mattei' and. those of mind is accepted by all true pliilosophers. He who fashioned the piiysical universe is the same Being who created the elements and laws tliol(l in Beaver county. Tlie con- flicts between the federalists and the anti-federalists, the national republicans and democrats, the whigs and democrats, and the repulj- licans and democrats of modern days Jiave been occasionally quite flerce. At times special issues gave intensity to the struggles; as for instance, in 1S2S and later anti-masonry was so bitter as to curd the milk of human kindness. The spirit of it may be seen by reference to the Hanover meeting in another part of this chapter. In 18.54 the body politic was greatly agitated by know-nothingism with its ominous ques- tion: "Have yoii seen Sam?" The action of the abolitionists had a tendency to disconcert both of tiie great parties, and to intensifv the rancor of partisan feeling. During Jackson's administration, 1829-37, his fi-iends espoused his cause warmly, and his opponents fought him Avith equal bitterness. Tickets were labeled anti-Jackson, to siiow the convictions of their sup- porters. A feeling of a caustic ciiaracter existed between CTcneral Jackson anil General Abner Lacock in consequence of the condemna- tory report made by the latter on the former's conduct in the Seminole war. It is said that Jackson threatened to cut Lacock's eai's off. It was never done, though ample opportunity, it is churned, was afforded. In the autumn of 1829, the convention wiiich met to nominate can- didates for the genei'al assembly, and whicii finally selected Moses Sul- livan for tlie state senate, and Abner Lacock and liobert Moore for the state assembly, wishing to determine the exact position of tlieii- candi- dates upon the great and burning questions of the day, appointed a committee consisting of Sylvester Dunham, Thomas Henry and John Clarke to secure from tliem their "unltiased sentiments on the e-i-eat question that has divided the Southern, Xorthern and Western states respecting carrying on a general system of internal improvements, and atfoi'ding protection to domestic manufactures." The replv, dated September 2, 1829, and signed by Lacock and Moore, contained the following quite novel and suggestive remarks: 236 HISTORY OF BEA.VEK COrNTY. On the subject of internal impiovenients aud the protection of domestic manufact- ures, we think there should be but one opinion entertained among us, and that should be favorable to the policy — and those who manifest adverse sentiments must found them in error, or be influenced by personal motives hostile to our primary interests. A nation is but an enlarged family or community, associated for the general ben- elit, and the same policy that vpould be beneficial in our families will apply with equal or greater force to a nation. Every family among us, governed by a wise policy, manufact- ures all their common wearing apparel, and purchasesas few foreign articles as possil)le; thus keeping out of debt, maintaining their independence; and this course should be pur- sued liy the United States. A nation who [which] has the raw material and will not manufacture not only the articles of the first necessity, but those of ornament and luxury, within the compass of their mechanical skill, but depends on foreign nations for their sup- ply — that nation will soon find itself involved in debt, with constant complaints of the scarcity of money, frequent bankruptcies and much distress among her citizens, followed ultimately, perhaps, by a total loss of her independence. Intimatelj' connected with this subject, and forming a part of what is emphatic- ally called tlie Atitp.ricnii System, are increased facilities of intercourse, by means of roads and canals. These, practicall}' speaking, overcome space, and bring distant sec- tions of our country in close and intimate connection. By them the nmtual wants of society are supplied, prejudices destroyed, good feelings, charitable seniiments and mu- tual friendship, with wealth, comfort and national prosperity produced, cherished and consummated. Repeal the Tariff of 1823, and check the progress of internal improvement, and in effect we cancel the Declaration of Independence, and shall revert back to a state of colonial dependence on Great Britain. She will enjoy (without the expense of governing us) all our trade, receive all our money, and place her as to the United States in a better condi- tion than before the Revolution. "We siiall be allowed to enjoy a nominal but not an actual independence. These, gentlemen, are our uubia.sed but decided opinions on tlie general subject; and we firmly believe that the future prosperitj- and liappiness of not only Pennsylvania, but the Union, depends upon the maintenance and vigorous prosecution of this system. And when we find this protective system in danger from secret enemies at home orabroad, ■we feel it a duty we owe to you, gentlemen, to ourselves and to the public, to declare our entire conviction tliat however we may esteem men [who hold different sentiments] for their private virtues, still they are unworthy of public confidence as statesmen. In Sejiteiuber, 1831, the anti-Jackson and nationtil republican com- mittee of Beaver county, signed by Oliver Cunningham, Abner Lacock, David Eakin, Rol)ert Ilerron and William McCallister, ]niblishod an address to the i^eople, urging them to support, in the ensuing October election, John Clarke, Esq., of North Beaver, and William McCune, of IMoon, for the legislature, rather than Samuel Power and John R. Shan- non, who were ardent su])])orters of Jackson. McCune became alarmed at the ])rospects, and withdrew, whei\ Thomas Foster, of Georgetown^ was substituted. Tiie result of the heated fight was the election of Power and Shannon, the vote standing: Power, 1,178: Shannon. 1,175: Clarke. 873, and Foster, 751. The ])i'esidential camj)aign of 184o was oiu^ of the most exciting BEAVEE COUNTY. 237 this couiiti'v ever passed thi'ou^'li. It -was designated the "Log Cabin" campaign, the "Hard Cider" campaign, etc., to sliow the^rustic feature of the chief's earl\'^ life, and to touch the popular heart. As a specimen of the campaign songs of those early days, we reproduce one of this i)eriod. It is entitled MATTY VAN. Good morning, Mattj' Van, I hope I find you hearty, I have a word or two to say About the next election day And our little party, Jlatty V-A-N. Our Arao.s, like a rat, Has left a ship that's sinking. And now with Rives & Blair goes snacks, But they will all have to make tracks, By the 4th of ]\[arch, I'm thinking, Malt_v Van. The British Tory "Whigs, With Harrison and Tyler. Will keep that ball a rolling o'er, Much faster than it rolled before. Until they burst your biler, Matty Van. We office holders love Fine dinners & good trimmings, But the Whigs have got the longest poles. The warmest hearts and biggest souls. They'll knock down all the 'simmons, Matty Van. They say in Indiana, Your case is no go, sir, They've got but one Van Buren man. They'll keep from turning if they can. And make of him a show, .sir, Matty Van. In old Virginia, too, Where once you lived in clover. The things began to look quite blue, They'll go for Tip & Tyler, too, I fear you are done over, JIatty Van. Ohio and Kentuck, Will go for Tip and Ty. sir. And it fs just as sure as fate. They'll beat you in your native state. And that will cost you die, sir, JMatty Van . We thought that all you did To our party would no harm be, But you woke up the wrong passage. And got the wrong sow by the ear, With Poinsett's standing army. Malty Van. You area cunning man, Who knows you that will doubt, sir. You thought that you were very .sly, But the dear people say j'ou lie. And they will turn you out, sir, Matty Van . It was a dirty trick, You can't deny the fact, sir. But we think it was bad policy, To sign a bill you did not see, And then deny the act. sir, Jlatty Van, The Devil is to pay. We see the storm a brewing. The Army & Sub-Treasury Bill, You'll find will be a bitter pill, And be the party's ruin, 3Iatty Van. Your measures and their fruits, The people cannot stomach, [true, Your Imttles fought with blood-hounds And negro suffrage will not do. On this side the Potomac, Matty Van. 238 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. MATTY VAN— Continued. We think about next IMarch, Ami neillier will tliey take, Your friends will bc' uneasy, The Guunil's iyisic dixit, They'll be en(|uiring all about, Kor he that follows in liis wake If your anxious mother knows you're out Going in & out just like a snake, And that's the way they'll tease you. No way that you can flx it, ilatty Van. Malty Van. The Tennesseeans, too, Down in the state of Maine, Will make the breach still wider, 'Tis true as line and plummit. They say they'll have no more to do. They put their finger on their nose, With such a slippery elm as you. Crying, here she goes, and there she goes. But go in for hard cider. But judge, you cannot come it. and Tippecanoe. !Matty Van. Now Matty Van, adieu,' We leave you to your fate, sir, You're going off all in a trice. To follow after Billy Price, And Samuel Swartwout too, sir. Matty, Adieu. Harrison's majority over Van Eiiren in Beavfer county was 1,-1:33. Tlie president elect passed Beaver, going up the Ohio river onlFriday, January 2<7,jl6il, en^roui&'tor WiMiingUm. A delegtition ot 343 men from Pittslrtirgh went bh^ tli'e steamer " Fnlton " to Wheeling, and escorted liim on the steainer",Bep Frankhn " to their city, where he was gx-eeted by thousand^ of people-' lie -remained a,t the Pittsburgh liotel until Mondtiy, wlien lie left for Hrownsvillo, on the stetimbotit '• Lo^'allumna," and thence Itv stage along the national road to the seat of government. The campaign of IS-tl: between James Knox Polk'and Henry Clay was a vigorous one. Both leaders had been long in public life, and "were po}mlar Avith their own people. The people of the country, con- vinced that Dallas and Polk, Will make a good yoke, accorded the ]ialni of victory to the democratic candidates. On ^Mondav, ^March 27, 1848, Henry Cla}' reached Beaver Point on the Steamer "Monongahela" (Captain Stone). He was escorted at once to the mansion of Stephen and Sherlock Stone, wliere he was received with a ne;it little address by Major Joshua Logan. The response was V)rief but touching. He paid a high coinpliment to Beaver county, declaring he had long ktiown it through representatives in congress. Said lie: "I remember well Abner Lacock, who stood shoulder to ^m r BEAVER COUNTY. 241 shoulder with me iind others before and (Uii-ing the late war with Great Britain, than whom Pennsylvania has never produced a better and very few abler men." The campaign of 184S, while not so exciting as that of 1840, had in it the halo of military glory. Cass was popular because (jf his suc- cess in the^war of 1812. General Zachary Taylor had but recently returned from his successful campaigns in Mexico, and was envelojjed with the glory that encircles the martial hero. The whigs were suc- cessful, and Taylor and Fillmore went to Washington, to fill their respective offices. In August, 1819, President Taylor and Governor Johnston nuidea trip to Western Pennsylvania, examining the condition and resources of the state as they passed along. From the Allegheny county line, which they reachetl Tuesday, August 21, they were escorted to Econ- omy, whei'e they were liospital)]y entertained by the society. After dinner, the }:)rocession, uiidei' I he guidance of Maj. Joshua Logan, was then formed and moved along in good order through Rochester, over the bridge and thi'ough IJridgewater to Shepherd's Point hotel, which had been selected as the place of lodging. The committee of reception was in waiting, as were also representatives from all parts of the county without distinction of jmrty, to do ap])ro])riate honors to the state and national executives. A lengthy imt appropriate address of welcome was delivered by U. P. Fetterman, Esq., who exjiatiated in eloquent terms upon the growth and general prosperity of the region visited, and paid a glowing tribute to the military achievements of '•Old Uonu'li and Ready." In rcsjiunse President Taylor said: I cannot liiul woixls adi-qiiate to express my lieartft-lt gratitude for tbe kind and cordial reception given me by tlie citizens of Beaver county. I have come here to meet tlie people in a plain and social way, without ostentation, as befits the Presideni of this great repnblic; and lo examine and become acquainted, in detail, with tlieir agricult- ural, ci)m[ucrcial and manufacturing resources. The subject is one of great importance to the wliole Union, and especially to the state of Pennsylvania; and .so far as is proper in the Executive to interfere, I shall co-operate with the Xalional Legislature in all measures best calculated to develop and su.stain her prosperity. So far as internal improvements are concerned, I am .strongly in favor of a sys- tem by which we shall have good harbors and navigable rivers ; and will do everything proper to produce a result so desirable, In regard to my military service.', I can only say that forty years of my life have been spent in the service of my country, principally in the field; and it cannot therefore be expected that I should possess the same facility in addres.-ing such a large and respectable audience as many of your citizens doubtless do. The credit is due for the success of the operations in Jlexico to the officers and soldiers, 1) ith re^'tdars and volunteers, more than lo myself; but glorious as those victories were, they have left many a pang behind The wife who loses a husband — the parent 14 242 HISTOKY OF BEAVKR COUNTY. who loses a cbild — finds but poor consolation in the fact that a victory was achieved. We arc a nation of soldiers, from Maine to Texas; and the great thing to ho feared Is that we may encourage too much a warlike spirit at the expense of the Arts of Peace. Peace is the true policy of the country, and although we cannot but sympathi/e with the struggling nations of Europe, we should remember the axiom of Washington, and avoid all "entangling alliances;" still, if war comes, as it sometimes must, I am in favor of carrying it on with all the force and vigor we possess. In the Argus of July 25, 1855, appears an address to the citizens of Beaver county signed by several hundred prominent gentlemen, designating the 29th of August as a time for tlie selection of county oflttcial candidates. It is the date of the organization of the republiciin party in tiie county. The signers ?ay : "Believing that the recent and continued aggressions of slavery have rendered necessary the dis- bandment of all existing ])olitical organizations, and a close and inti- uiate union of those who think resistance to eacli and every aggression of slavery paramount to every other political issue, earnestly invite all Avho are in favor of resistance to each and every aggression of slavery, and in favor of freedom and free labor, and of the restoration of free- dom to the territories of Kansas and Nebraska," to engage in such measures as will accomplish the purposes sought. The campaign of 1860 was, like the one of 1840, an animated one. The democratic party had two candidates: John C. Breckenridge rep- resenting t)ne wing, and Stephen A. Douglas the other. Abraham Lincoln was the standard-bearei' of the republican party. John Bell re|)resented a conservative, compromise iiarty. Mr. Lincoln was electetl. The issues and divisions of the campaign were carried into the opening of the civil war that ensued, and must be recognized to understruid ])roi)erly that fearful conflict. President Lincoln passed through Rochester on the ti'ain at 4 p.m. of Thursday, Februai-y 14, 1801. Long before the arrival of the train the depot and platforms were crowded with persons of both sexes and of all ages, anxious to see the celebrated " rail splitter" and first repub- lican president. Music, flags and cannon announced the interest of the people in the occasion. At length the sjiecial train arrived, and tarried twenty minutes. Mr. Lincoln, in res])onse to the cheers and repeated calls of the multi- tude, appeareil on the ])latforin of the rear car, and iiowed i-ecognition to the assembled tiirong. He declared that he had no sj)eecii to make to them, but was -"/; roKte for Washington, where he woidd have some- thing to say to all, (in the 4th of March. At tiiis jioint a voice cried : " What will vou do with the secessionists then V Turning in the direc- BEAVER COUNTY. 243 tion of the voice, ^Ii". Lincoln said, "My friend, that is a matter wliich I have under very grave consideration." An amusing incident occurred at the time, which illustrates a peculiar ])hase of western character. Mr. Henry Dillon, now a resident of Beaver Falls, a very enthusiastic republican, and a man whose height is about six feet and four inches, cried out to Mr. Lincoln : " Mr. Presi- dent, I am taller than you are." " Let us see about that,'" responded "Old Abe," reaching out his hand to Mr. Dillon, who in a moment was by his side. Turning their backs to each other, Mr. Lincoln said, " Now, stand fail' and no clieating." Then i-eaching his hand up and patting Mr. Dillon's bald head, Mr. Lincoln said, "All, my friend, I can lick salt from your heatl I" to which sally the crowd responded with vocif- erous cheering. Shortlj' after the nomination of (Teneral Garfield, in 18S0, to the presidency, he was passing through the county. The train stopping at Beaver Falls, he appeared on the platform of the rear car, clad in a lono- linen duster ami felt hat. No arrangements had l)een made to I'eceive him. He stood gazing at the audience m silence, when an impudent urchin broke the monotony by exclaiming: "For God's sake, take him in. He'll never be President, anyhow." The (General smiled, which called out three rousing cheers for the presidential candi- date. The train departed, relieving both parties of a painful embar- rassment. Within eighteen months from the occurrence of this humorous incident, two sad events occurred near the same place. As the result of the assassin's aim. President Garfield died September 19, 1881. Earlj' on Saturday morning, on the 24:th of the same month, his body, accompanied by a special train of relatives and distinguished friends and officials, passed through Rochester and Beaver on the C. & P. R. R., en route for Cleveland, to be buried. Simultaneously a special train of newspaper reporters was passing over the P. & L. E. R. R., to reach Cleveland in time to make necessary arrangements to report the pro- ceedings of the funeral. The fast train came dashing over the iron bridge across the Ohio, and, running at the rate of fifty or sixty miles per hour, struck a hand- car on the bridge across Brad\''s run. It contained nine men, car])en- ters, who had just left Beaver station and expected to reach their destination before the train appeared. In this they miscalculated. In the mist of the morning, the car was hurled from the track, and six men killed instantly, viz : Richard D. Brown, of Beaver ; Stephen 244 msTDKV OK HKAVER COUNTY. Foster and James Carney, of Ilomewood ; George \:m Kirk, of Kia- sola ; James Robinson, foreman, of West Bridgewater. and James Ikldwin, of Phillipsburg. Three men, by leaping anil catciiingon the trestle or falling to the i-oclcy surface thirty feet below, were saved, viz: M. D. Erwin, of Beaver (since killed in autumn of 1SS7, at AUeghenv, by a train on the P. Ft. "W. ct ('. 11. K.), andAViiliamL. Graham and Jerome Peterson, of West Bridgewater. The railroad company paid the families of the victims $l,(l()0 each, and the newspapers of the East made hberal contributions also for their relief. TEMPERANCE. The question of temperance, whicii of late years lias assumed such an importance, i-eceived the attention of Bea\-er county's citizens more than fifty-tive years ago.* According to a previous announce- ment, a meeting was held at the courthouse. January 4, 1833, to discuss the subject and to take measures for the organization of a county temperance society. lion. Tiiomas Henry was chosen presitlent, Edward Wright, vice-president, and John Clarke, secretary. A com- mittee, consisting of Dr. Joseph Pollock, Benjamin Adams and John Clarke, was appointed to draft resolutions to be])resented to a meeting held the following evening. Of this assemblage lion. John Bredin was chairman, Hon. Thomas Henry, vice-president, and Enoch Marvin and John Clarke, secretaries. The committee reported as follows : Whereas, The common and excessive use of ardent spirits and other intoxicating drinks has prevailed to an alarming extent, in our free and happy country, threatening corruption of the morals, destruction of the peace, and prostration of Ihe physical ener- gies of the people ; and W/iere(is, A continuance of this state of things has a direct and inevitable lending to anarchy and confusion in the state, by vitiating the people, the source of its power, incapaciatinji man for the true discharge of all his duties to his God, his country, his family and himself, and sinking him in the scale of created beings, from the eminence of the first rank, to a level of tlic most brutish of God's creation; Therefore, liesulred , 1. That in the opinion of this meeting it is the high and imperious duty of every citizen, by precept and example, to discountenance and discourage the improper and e.xcessive use of all intoxicating drinks. 2. That, whereas, in the opinion of this meeting, the temperate, conunon and pro- miscuous use of such drinks are the common and ordinary means by whicli temperate men become intemperate, the sober learn to become drunken, the high-minded, intelligent and respectable become debased, stupid and disreputable: therefore such means as shall be *As early as Januarj' 3, 1S81 record is found of a temperance society, at a meeting of which, held at the Mill Creek meeting-house on the dale mentioned, an able and stir- ring ai'peal for total abstinence was maile by Kev. George Scott. BEATER COUNTV. 245 found most effectual to check the cause alluded to must have a direct tendency to arrest the evil of intemperance and lessen all the ills of life, with which it is justly chargeable. 3. That in the opinion of this meeting the organization of temperance societies, by uniting the energies of its friends, and demonstrating the practicability and utility of total abstinence, enlisting public o]nuion against intemperance, and all means by which it is etigetidered and perpetuated, have done much, and are calculated to do much more, to remedy existing evils and prevent their prevalence in all time to come. 4. As the sense of this meeting, a county teraperancesociety ought to be organized in this place, and that a committee of five persons, viz: Dr. Joseph Pollock, Rev. AV. Maclean, William Morton, Benjamin Adams and John Clarke, be now appointed to draft a constitution and bj'-laws for its government, to report to a public meeting to be held in this place on Wednesday evening of the next September court. Short and ;ip]ii'0]iriate aildi'esses were then made bj' Hon. Wilh'ara Wilkins and Walter Forward, of Pittslturgh. Other meetings speedily followed, one announced to lie held at the residence of Widow Law- rence, of South Beaver towiishij), April 24, 1833 ; another, the one mentioned above, in September, at which the constitution of the Beaver County Temperance Society was adopted, and organization perfected; and manv others in different parts of the county. The next record found of the county society is dated November 2!>, 1S37, at which time a meeting was held at the Presbyterian church, in Beaver, with lion. John ISTesbit, president, and William Allison, secretary. Among the various items of business transacted was the ])assing of the following resolution, which demonstrates that the tem])erance cause, even in its early days, enlisted the co-operation of prominent men in the county : Resolved. That the following committee for the ditferent districts in this county be appointed to visit tlio.se respective di-stricts for the purpose of reviving and encouraging temperance societies, where they already exist, and of establishing them whereverprac- ticable where they do not exist, to-wit : For Beaver City — Revs. J. D. Ray, Sloaiie, Thorne and Scott, of Darlington. For Darlington^ Rev. A. O. Patterson and William B. Clarke, Esq. For Ohio township —Rev. J. Ray and B. B. Chamberlin, Esq. For Little Beaver township — Rev. J. Wright and Hon. J. Ncsbit. For Shenaugo and Xorth Sewickley townships — Rev. A. Williams, John Winter, Rev. ilurray, Mr. Bloss, and Mr. Ethan A. Stewart. For South Beaver — Rev. Z. H. Costin and William Allison, Esq. For New Sewickley — Rev, Jackson and Milo A. Townsend. For North Beaver — Rev. Dilworth, Rev. A. O. Patterson and Jas. Patterson, Esq. For Economy — Rev. Henderson, Rev. J. Ray and Richard H. Agnew. For Moon — Rev. Mr. Hamlet and Rev. Sloane. For Hopewell — Dr. Andrew Harshe and Rev. Thorne. For Greene— Rev. J. D. Ray, Mr. Elliott and Rev. Williams. For Raccoon — Rev. Scott, Rev. Adderly. For Hanover — William JlcIIarg, Henry H. Singleton, Rev. Costin, and J. L. Nye. For Big Beaver — Rev. i\[r. Imbrie and John Carothers, Es(i. For Chippewa — John Winter, Enoch Marven and C. C. Gzow.ski, Esqs. 246 HISTOUY OF HE AVER COUNTY. Perhaps the first sokition offered to the vexing ([uestion of intem- perance was found in the crusacU' of total abstinence, inaugurated at the earliest period of the agitation. The following circular, addressed to the " Total Abstinence Temperance societies " of Beaver county, October 22, 184.5, will explain the condition of the movemt'iit in the county at that time : At a meeting of the Total Abstinence Temperance Society of Bridgewater and vicinity, lield ou tlie SOtli iust., it was Besolced, That for tlie purpose of effecting a more united action in tlie temperance reformation, a county temperance society be organized, composed of one or more dele- gates from each society, to meet in the borough of Beaver, on the evening of the first Monday of each court, the first meeting to be held in the Methodist church on the 17th of November next. The undersigned delegates appointed under the above resolution, would respect- fully submit the proposition to the several societies for their immediate action. Among the objects to be accomplished are the collection of statistical facts — the progress or declension of the cause in the county — the dissemination of information, and above all to bring to the cause that strength ever attendant on union. (Signed) Joshua Logan, .J.\CKS0N Slo.\n, o. cunningiia^[, James Porteu, S. B. Wii.soN. When prohibition became a phase of the temperance work, it found many ardent supporters. In 1854 the people of Pennsylvania were permitted to vote on a prohibitory law. It lacked but about 5,000 votes of being carried. The Argus of September 20, 1854, intlorsed the measure in the following words : " It is undoubtedly the policy of wisdom for the temperance men to make an energetic effort at the present time, as the question has not yet assumed so deep a political hue as to be a test of party oi'tliodoxy. * * * Then let there be such action taken immediately as will bring to the polls every friend of prohibition in the county." The October election showed the vote in Bea-ver county to stand 1,1)55 for prohibi- tion, to 1,089 against, thus making a majority in its favor of 866. Sr.AVKKV. In the heated and at times violent discussions growing out of fhe troublesome question of African slavery, Beaver county took a promi- nent part. Thoitgh at first the sentiment in favor of abolition was weak and in much disfaA'or,* the most opjirobrious epithets being hurled at * Illustrative of the intense feeling exhibited by the prominent Southerners, is the following incident concerning Hon. James JI. Mason, senator from Virginia, and the Mason of Mason and Slidell fame: BEAVER COUNTY. 24Y one who was suspected guilty of the lieinous crime of being an"ah()li- tionist," yet tliis did not deter men from avowing tlieir opposition to slavery, and from declaring the practice to he a crime against humanity and against God. These opinions, at the beginning expressed only in private, soon acquired believers in sufficient number to warrant their pubhc proclamation. Meetings tliroughout the county were held, in which the questions, Ijearing on slavery were discussed, sometimes with great hesitancy and moderation, at others with fraid^ness and decision. A gathering of the ktter class was Iield on the 28th of January, 1836, at the academy, in Darhngton, according to an announcement made jireviously in tlie county papers, of which meeting Colonel James Sprott was chosen chairman, and Dr. Josepli Frazier secretary. A committee on j-esolutions was appointed, which reported the following: Resolved, 1. That the right of free discussion is the birthright of men — guaran- teed to every American citizen b}' the constitutiou of his country — consequently, it can- not be talien from Inm, or abridged by any power wliatsoever. f. That as the United States mail and postofRce were established for the good of the wliole nation, therefore the abolitionists have the same right as any other body of men to the use of it. Let them be dealt with according to lntr, but let the right remain sacred. 3. That we view with alarm the impunity with which officers high in trust have violated the law of our country, in wresting from innocent citizens riglits which are secured to them by government — thus undermining the security and confidence of the people in our republican iustitutions. 4. That every man who joins a mob is a traitor to his country, and by so doing lends his influence to the introduction of anarchy and the demolition of our federal con- stitution. 5. That aliweholders are agitators, and i/tfjV doctrines incendiary, producing mobs, lawless violence, destruction of property by lire, judgment and death without trial by jury, and alarm by offering rewards for the abduction of American citizens who liave broken no law and are convicted of no crime. 6. That cliarges made against alwlitionists by the President of the United States and governors of different states are entirely unsupported Ijy evidence, consequently we look upon the abolitionists as an innocent, injured and persecuted class of citizens, and feel called upon to aid in maintaining their rights, and vindicating their character before the 'nation and tlie world. 7. That as liberty and slavery cannot exist in the same country, without the de- struction of the one or the other, we therefore feel called upon as friends of lil)erty to give our united testimony in her favor, and also to embody our influence against oppres- sion by forming an Anti-Slavery Society. He had been appointed administrator of tlie Chew estate, a few montlis before the War. and, in company with Edward lloopes, Esq., of New Brighton, w'as driving out along the slippery rock, when they became belated and were forced to seek quarters for the night in tlie nearest farmhouse. Their h ndlord, James Stewart, was an ardent abo- litionist, and his house was a station of the U. G. K. R. Colonel Mason did not liecome aware of this until he had departeil in the iiKirning, and when informed of the fact remarked to his companion; " If 1 had known that it was an abolition den, I would not have lieen caught tliere." 248 HISTUKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. An aiiti-slaverv constitution with a lengthy preamljle, and eight articles, was then adojjted. The following otficers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Ilev. David Inibrie; vice-presidents, Dr. Joseph Frazier and Dr. James Cochran; secretary. Rev. George Scott; treasurer, Col. James Sprott; and board of managei-s, William Adair, Joseph Taylor, James Cook, Thomas Silliman, John Steel, Robert Rus- sel antl "William Scott. Altliougli no further report of this })articular oi'ganization has been found, the agitation continued with increasing excitement. The ])as- safl'e of the fuijitive slave law, in 1S50, rendered more violent than ever before the discussions upon slavery. On the 0th of December, 18.50, a meeting was called at New ]!righton to express the ])opular sentiment relative to the new law. Joseph M. Alexander was called to the chair; Charles Coale was elected secretary, and a committee, consisting of Dr. Isaac Winans, T. B. White, Dr. Charles Weaver and James Ervin was appointed to ilraft appropriate resolutions. They reported as follows: Whereas, At the late session of congress, a law was passed, makinp It obligatory on all citizens to assist in restoring the fugitive slave to his master, wo. a few of the citi- zens of Beaver county. Pa., deem it our duty to peaceabl}- assemble and declare the fol- lowing sentiments: RenolTcd, That we believe in the self-evident truths set forth in the Declaration of Independence, that " all men are born free and equal, and endowed with certain inal- ienable rights, amongst which are life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness." Resolved, That the first being true, this government, which derives all its authority from the governed, has no power to enslave a humau being guilty of no crime. liesidfed. That therefore all laws enslaving a portion of the humau family, who have no voice in making them, is coutr.ary to the principles of this government. Resolved, That any law that makes it obligatory upon us to enslave a human being, is not binding on us, and we will treat all such laws with contempt, as we cannot become instrumental in enforcing them. Resolved, That we will hold up to public contempt any man that will accept the office of commissioner, marshal or deputy marshal, or in any way aid in the return of fugitives from slavery. At the saiue meeting it was decided to send the following petition: To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates : We, the undersigned, citizens of Beaver county, Penn., believing the Fugitive Slave Bill 'o be unjust, and in violation of the constitution, do ask its immediate repeal. A most e.xciting case tinder the operation of tiie fugitive slave tict was the return to bondage of Richard Gardner, alias Richartl Wood- son, a resident of Reaver. Formerly, the said Gardner had been a slave belonging to Rhoda R. R^'ers. of Louisville, Ky., l)ut had in some luanner arrived on free soil, and for over two j'ears ]irevious to his 1^ BEAVKR t'orNTV. 251 arrest had lieen ])reacliing to a congregation of colored Methodists, in the vicinity of Heaver. He liad a wife and two children, ami was just on the ])oint of occupying a new liouse which he lia.d recently erected on a lot purchased for the purpose, when he was arrested March 14, 18d1, under tiie authority of a warrant issued by J. V,. Sweitzer, com- missioner of the Western District of Pennsylvania, dated Pittsburgh, March 11, 1S51, anil addressed to P>enjaniin S. Rust, agent for his owner His wife liad been in the hal.)it of sending him to one of the hotels, near the steamboat landing, for linen which she laundried. Under the pretense that the hoarders there had washing for her to do, Gardner was decoyed to the place, and suddenly seized l)y the agent, who, with the assistance of one or two residents of l>eaver, manacled and carried him into a small boat, which was rowed out upon the river and anchoi-ed until the arrival of the steamer " Nelson." He was then placed aboard it, taken to Pittsburgh, given a trial before Judge Thomas Irwin, w^ho ordered him to be surrendered to his mistress, and at last returned to captivity. A fund was at once raised by the peo]ile of Beaver and vicinity to buy Gardner's freedom. Over !?(!00 was required to secure his release, and he returned to Peavei' on tlie 9th of April, 18.51.* Anotlier ])liase of the slavery question was shown in a meeting of citizens of the county, held at the M. E. church, Peaver, Novend)er 30, 18S7, of which assuml)ly Enoch Marvin was chosen chairman, and L. P. Williams secretary. The pur])ose was the organization of the Pea- ver county colonization society', whose aim was to l)e, as set forth in its preliminary announcement, '" to aiil the Pennsylvania Colonization Society in its benevolent attenqit to benefit the colored race, and es]ie- cially to aid in diffusing its publications, anil ol)taining for it pecuniary aid." A constitution was adopted, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: James Allison, ])resident; Enoch Marvin, Esq., Rev. A. O. Patterson and lion. J. Xesbit, vice-presidents; L. B. Williams, secretary; William Allison, treasurer; Rev. Z. H. Costin, S. Todd, David Minis, P. 15. Chamberlin, J. R. Shannon, A. Logan, T. M. Johnston, H. Stow and Rev. .1. Munroe, managers. A N'TI- >r AS0^' IC F L'R( >R. Jt is curious to a reader of present political discussions to veiiect * About the year 1876, after an extended tour in Ohio preacliing and conducting religious exercises. Gardner decided to return to Rochester. lie concluded to steal a ride over the P. F. W. it C. K. U., which he did by sitting on the trucks under the car, but when he reached the station he was .so badly crushed that even his physician, Dr. Levis, could do nothing for him, and he soon died. 252 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. hoAV easily the sentiment of public indignation was aroused in former days. An example is found in the movement against the Masonic order incited by the alleged abduction and murder of Wilham Morgan, com- mitted, it was supposed, by its members. In this movement Beaver county for a time participated. A meeting of citizens of Hanover and Greene townships, opposed to Free Masonry, was held at the house of Thomas McGuire, in Hanover township, August 15, 1829. John Lee- per was ap]3ointed chairman and John Harshe. secretary. A committee consisting of Rev. George Scott, Hugh Miller, William Harshe, William R. Hammond and Major James Harper, appointed to draft resolutions, reported as follows: Resolved, That we view with disgust and indignation any attempt to violate or invade in any manner, however plausible it may be pretented, our civil or religious liberties, which, we consider, is completely done in a most dangerous and hidden way by Masonic institutions, if we can put credit in the accounts given it by men of lirst-rate character in our country who formerly have passed as full members through the principal degrees of Free Masonry and have seceded therefrom; and we fully approve of the proceedings of the Anti-Masonic convention which met in Harrisburg in June last. Resolved, That we lament the abduction and assassination of Capt. AVm. Morgan by lawless banditti of Free Masons, and that the conduct of Free Jlasons in regard to Morgan's case, as well as the attestations of seceding Free Masons, fully prove the truth of Morgan's publications; therefore, Renolved, That we will not vote for a Free Mason, knowing him to be such, for any civil office, unless he renounces membership. Resolred.thaX we recommend to the citizens of the different townships in the county to meet in their several townships and express their sentiments on tliis subject and correspond with us. Resolved, That Matthew Nelson, William Harshe and Major Harper be a standing committee to correspond willi other townships in the county on this subject. Resolved, That if there should be an Anti-Masonic press set up in Beaver, we will give it all the encouragemsn' in our power. ke:lief for Ireland. The great famine in Ireland, in 184-7, caused generous hearts and liberal hands to respond in all parts of our country to the cry for aid that arose in that suffering land. In this response Beaver county was not last. A pul)lic meeting was hold February 2H, tlie same year, in the courthouse, witli John B. Siiannon as chairnum, tmd Benjamin Wilde, H. Small, Edward Hoopes and Joshua Logan, secretaries. A committee, consisting of Hon. John Dickey, Dr. B. B. Barker, John Collins, Edward Hoopes, William Henry, John Irons and John Mulvannon, was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Their report revealed, briefly, the suffering condition of the Irisli people in their native land, and appealed in elocpient terms to all classes of BEAVER COUNTY. 253 citizens to contribnte liberally for their relief. A central committee to supervise the contributions from Beaver county was aj.pointed, consist- ing of Hon. Thomas Henry, Benjamin Wilde, Hon. John Dickey, Dr. R. B. Barker and Edward Hoo]ies. This met at Beaver on the 24tli, and appointed Hon. Tiiomas Henry chairman, and Benjamin "Wilde secretary. The following named gentlemen were appointed sub-committees for the several election districts in the county, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions of breadstuff s and money — to be forwarded under the direction of the central committee, to an eastei'u port, for sliipment to Ireland: Ilo/-oui//i — David Minis, Hugh Anderson, Joseph French, Patrick Mulvannon, J. R. Blaine, William Davidson. BrhjlitDn Toumship — James D. Eakin, Richey Eakin, Wm. Edgar, James Potter, Jas. Jackson, Jr , Henry Small. Ohio — George Dawson, James Harper, Benoni Dawson, Benjamin Todd, Jr., Thos. Hunter, John Henderson. South Beaver — .lames J>adders, Esq., Miijor John McMillen, James Cook, Jos. Lawrence, Andrew McCloy, Wm. Barclay. Darlington — M. Elder, Samuel Dunlap, Wm. Eakin, Tliomas McKinley, Col. Robert McMinn, H. Veon. Little Beaver — James T. Robinson, William Adaii', Archibald Reed, Thomas Dungan, Esq., George JMcTvean, Wm. Tayloi-. North Beaver — John Clarke, Capt. AVilliam Chambers, Dr. R. McClelland, Maj. E. Wright, John Ferguson, Esq., David Forbes, Col. Jas. Miller, Jacob Bear. Big Beaver — Robert Wallace, Andrew Calhoun, Hugh ilcCready, Samuel Jackson, Esq., John Davidson, P. M.. Wm. H. Powers. Chiji/ieiea — Robert Doutliitt, .Tohn White, Jr., Joseph Niblock, John Duff, Wnr. Scott, Wm. Bredin. Patterson — Hon. J. Foster; corresponding secretary, Joshua Logan; treas- urer, Samuel Todd. The next officers recorded are those of 1845, who were — president, Ilev. ~R. Hopkins; vice-presidents, Hon. Thomas Henry, Rev. William Stewart and Ilev. A. Bowere; secretary, Joshua Logan; treasurer, Andrew Stewart. No furtlier notice is found of this society. Its successor, bearing the same name, was organized at the United Presbyterian church in Beaver, Monday evening, A])ril 2, 1866. The first officer's consisted of — president, Rev. James M. Smith; vice-presi- dent, Joseph C. Wilson, Esq.; secretary, John R. Slentz ; treasurer, Robert Imbrie; executive committee consisting of t^'O members from each church, — Presbyterian, Rev. D. P.Lovvary and Hon. Henry Hice; United Presbyterian, Joseph Anderson and John R. Slentz; Methodist, Rev. R. T. Taylor and Rev. James S. Bracken; Episcojjal, Rev. J. T. Prothren and Thomas Franklin; Ba]itist, James Porter and John Wea- ver ; Protestant IVfethodist, Rev. William Reeves and George Alex- ander ; Reformed Presbyterian, Samuel Gibson and Isaac Shane ; Lutheran. Rev. Henry Reck. A constitution, embracing thirteen sections, was adopted. T/ie Beaver Covhiy Sinulai/school Associdfion was organized at Beaver May 2, 1867. Mr. J. E. Gilbert, of Buffalo, X. Y., editor of the Sundav-schooi Standard, was present and delivered an address on the historv of the Sunday-school movement. A constitution was adopted, and a ])ermanent oi"g;inization, with the following officers, was effected: President. John F. Dravo; recording secretary, Geoi-ge M. F. Fields; cori'es|)on(lingsecretai'y. Rev. D. P. Lowary; treasurer, Walter Dunla]). Tiie successor of this association was organized in Kew Brighton, in 1874, bv representatives fi-om thirteen Sunday-schools, embracing the minister, superintendent and one delegate from each school, with a purpose of mutual instruction, exchange of views, and discussion of new and successful features in the work. The officers at present are I. F. Mansfield, president ; F. S. Reader and M. B. Sloan, secretaries; D. Singleton, ti'casurer. In the year closing April 30, 1887, there were enrolled in the society's books 84 schools, witli over 200 delegates to tiie annual convention. The con- dition of the society is excellent, the work proceeding with harmony BEAVEK COUNTY. 257 and satisfaction. It is estimated tiiat twenty-one per cent of the count}' population attend Sunday-scliool; and of tlie members of the sciiools represented in the association, over 300 united witla the churcli durino- the last year. CHAPTER X. THE IXDUSTPJES ()V THE COUNTY. MiNEKAL Resources — Oil — Natural Gas — Agricultuke and Agei- cv. LTUK AL Societies — M anufactu EiNt;. IT is a doetn'iu' of jxilitical economy tliat there are tliree great sources of wealth: Firnf: Tliose materials whicli are (hig from the earth in the foi'm of ores, rock, oils, gases, etc. Seomd : Tliose which grow from the the eartli in the form of herbs, shrubs aiul trees. Third : Those which are made, by the 'industry and ingenuity of man, from tliese two products. The mineral resources of the county have always been acknowl- edged to be good. To say nothing of the quarries of stone, coal in abundance aWd of the best quality has been dug. The Cannelton coal mines, near Darlington, were opened in 1838, and iiave been in o})era- tion continuousl\' ever since. The shi])uients for the past twenty-two years have averaged 1."), view of e.xamininii- this interestine: country." He desceniled the Oiiio, stoi)ping at various points in Beaver county. At C-ieorgetown he nuule a series of e-xpei'iments. which he subsequently published at Eondon in three volumes. He thus recoi'iis his observations : '■ (Tcorgetown is a small but rtourishing place, just above tiie mouth of Mill creelc. It is ])leasantly situated on a very high bank. ■■■' * * 258 7 oCc-^ BEAVER CdlNTY. 261 '• Nearly opposite Georgetown, and a- few yards from the shore, a spring rises from the bottom of the river, which produces an oil nearly similar to Seneca oil. I conjecture that this must proceed from a long bed of mineral coal in tlie vicinity of the spring." He took a gourd full of tliis water covered with oil, and submitted it to the best tests at his commaiul, and decided that oil in vast quantities would some time be discovei'ed. For a time the inhabitants immersed woolen blankets in th(5 water, thus saturated with oil, and ringing them, secured from two to tlirec gallons of oil per da\', which was worth from one to two dollars per gallon. The prophecies of Ashe were fully vei'itied. About the opening of t!ie late war. borings for oil in the region of Smith's ferry and (Tlasgow revealed immense siijijilies of crude oil. such as Ashe attempted to analyze. The lieaver division of the great Pennsylvania oil lieid, embracing Smith's ferry, Oiiiovilie and Slipperyrock. commenced producing in December, 1860, oil at a distance of 18U feet. Tlie products for the various years were as follows: 1801, 2(»,0(X» barrels; 1862,30.000: 1863, 20,000; 1864,15,000; 1865, 20,000; 1866,25,000; 1867,20,000; 1868,20,000; 186'.t, 20,000 ; 1870, 20,000; 1871,20,000; 1872,25,000; 1873,30,000; 1874,30,000; 1875,35,000; 1876,35,000; 1877,62,000; 1878,92,000; 1879,82,000; 1880, 1(13,000; 1881, 100,000; 1882, 80,000— total, 904,000 barrels. The products of the years subsequent to 1882, as well as the prod- ucts of other fiekls like those of Economy, Shannopin.etc , we are unable to give. They W(;uld have been, doubtless, very satisfactory, showing that this source of wealth exists in abundance in the county. The discovery, within the last few years, of natural gas in various })arts of the county, Baden, New Sheffield. Woodlawn, etc., has greatly increased the means of furnishing clieap heating and illumination for domestic and manufacturing purposes. In the procuring of this gas, as well as in its manifold ap|ilications to economic purposes, extensive outlays of labor and capital have been employed, producing new thrift everywhere. Not only is Beaver county given to mining, but to the less exciting but no less honorable pursuits of farming. Her toilers in the field have been an integral p;irt of her population, disposed to keep pace with the steady march of events. Improvements in farming have characterized iier])('ople. Within the memory <.if some still living has tlie wooden mold-board given way to the left-handed Oliver chilletl ])low, or even the steam plow. The transition from the clumsy hand sickle that cut ir, 2C2 IIISTOEY OF BEAVKU COINTV. twenty-five dozen of wlieat ]>or day to that of tlie oi'dinary cradle whicli, skillt'ulh' lianiUed, would cut one hundred dozen, was no greater than that from the cradle to the seli-hindiuo- reaper that economizes both time and lalior. From the ninil)le Hail tn the improved steam thresher is a ciiange of great niagnilude to he made in less than h;df a century. The fertilizing and underdraining of soil are comparatively modern practices, whose necessity is being appreciated more and more by the progressive farmei'. Farm journals and other species of litera- ture adapted especially to the needs of this worthy class of citizens are taking their rightful place among tiie agencies that will enrich and beautify rural homes. As showing the line of progress in agricultural knowledge, a few miscellaneous facts may be stated : John Martin, oi South Beaver to\vnslii[). announced through the papers in 1831 that he had pui'chased the right to sell Joel Duey's ])atent threshing-nnichine. He sold town- ship and indiviilual rights, and ap])ende(l a certificate liy [)rominent citi- zens to the effect that they had seen the machine in operation and that it had threshed twenty-six dozen of damp wheat in less than an hour, thi'owing the grain out of the straw. It is claimed by A. 1!. AVolf, aged seventy-three years, that the first reaping nnichine in the county was employed on the farm of his father, John AVolf, in 1S50. It was known as the Ilussey reaper. It was, at the time, regarded with much curiosity aiul no small anujunt of suspi- cion. 1)ei no- considered an innovatiou on thecuri'ent method of cuttiu"' grain. liiiliemian oats swindling is, byname, a modern ])ractice; and yet the princi|)le has been in existence since the first settlement of the country. People, even the honest yeomanry of the land, are often swindled. For a time they are bitter in their denunciation of all schemes that look towai'd the improvement of their lauds, or im])le- ments or products. AVliile frauds are sometimes perpetrated at the e.xpense of the unsus])ecting, stock dealers, fruit-tree agents, booksellei-s, etc., have all been im|i()rtant factors in the general improvement of society. They have been benefactors whose memory should be held in grateful regard. The cure for the ills to which farmers will ever be subject is to be fouinl in intelligence. The county paper, the fai'ui jour- nal, scientific bocjks, literary and other associations will serve as pro- tection. The ])eople ofteu perish for lack of knowledge. In lS.'5t>. the Jfont.s multicauJin, a sjjecies of Chinese mnlberi'v. was introduced iuto Heavei' countv. Silkworms and silkoft!u> linest BEAVER COCNTY. 263 quality were to be I'aised. A " boom '' in real estate began. An excite- ment akin to that ]irodaced l)_v modern coal oil or stock speculation seized the jjeople. Lantl was sold at fabulous prices, laid out in lots, and the plant was extensively set. The result was a failure to realize wliat was expected. Lots bought at enormous pi'ices Avere sold by the siieriff at a mere nominal sum. The wealth of Croesus which some fondly hoped to possess Avas never realized, but was supplanted by poverty and mortification instead. Combined with the financial crash of 1837, the Moras nmlticaulis scheme produced pressing times to 1841. The sheriff monopolized the public press with notices of forced sales. David Somers coined money in this manner. William Henry, in the Argils of February 3, ISil, saiil : " Our columns are monopolized to a great extent by the shei-iff, with his sales and Jiens, to the exclusion of almost ever^'thing in the way of news. It affords us no pleasure to have our columns thus tilled, exhibiting as it does the pressure that j'et prevails among the people, and which must continue, to some extent, until the heavy debt lianging over us is liquidated." Sheriff sales are usually accepted by editors and officials as fat things; but an honest editor could not rejoice over the misfortunes of the masses. AGKICULTUIi.\.I, SOCIETIES. The organization of the Beaver County Agricultural Society was due to a general agitation of the subject, carried on in the county papers for a perioil of nearly ten years before decisive action was taken. The first meeting called for the purpose of discussing the mat- ter was foreshadowed in the Argus dated February 28, 1844, in which the following announcement appeared : A(;iticri,TUR.\L Meeting. Tlie farmers of Beaver county are requested to meet at the courthouse, in Beaver, ou Monday evening, 4th day of March next (court week) for the purpose of forming an agricultural society for Beaver county. Farmer. Whether the meeting was well attended, or what action was taken, does not appear, as the files of the paper do not contain the next issue. The subject was not dropjted, liowever, as the following from the Argus, dated May 22, 1844, will ])rove : A meeting of the Beaver County Agricidtural Society will be held at the court- house, in Beaver, on Monday evening, the 'Sd da}' of June ne.xt, at which time a consti- tution will be submitted, and an election for officers held . The township committees appointed for obtaining subscribers will be expected to report May 20. 264 HISTORY OF heavkr county. In the same issue of tlic ])ai)er appears the foUowing : The adjourned meeting at the couitlioiise was organized by the appointment of the following officers : t'hainnan, William Morton, Esq. I Thomas Disg.^k. Vice-presidents, ]J^--^;--^; [Tiio.MAS Nicholson. o . ■ \ RohertMcFerrin. Secretane.s, -^ j^^^,,^ ,j, jjo,,^^,,,,^,^,. Treasurer, David Minis. The constitution submitted by the committee, of which Col. Adam Hau.sman was chairman, was adopted. It consisted of nine articles, defining the duties of officers and rights of members. Meeting adjourned to meet in November next. No further notice of tiie al)ove meeting ever appeared. However, in 1845, the following announcement was made in the county pa])ers: AlJIlICULTURAL ]\IeETING. In accordance wMth a public notice given in the newspapers, a meeting of the Bea- ver County Agricultural Society was held at the courthouse in Beaver, on Tuesday evening, March 18. for the purpose of electing officers for the society, pro tern., until the annual meeting on the first Wednesday in November ne.\t. The meeting was organized by appointing William Morton president, and Adam Bausman secretary. On motion of D. Minis, the society proceeded to the election of officers, whereupon .John Wolf was unanimously elected president; A. Bausman, recording secretary; Kob- ert MeFerren, Esq,, corresponding secretary; David Minis, treasuier. The following gentlemen were duly elected vice-presidents of the society, and together with the above named officers will compose the executive committee : Hugh Anderson, Borough township; Jamas Sterling, James Harper, Hanover; Ovid Finney, Joseph Irwin, Rochester; John Sutherland, Brighton; Hon. John Nes- bit, John ClarUe, North Beaver; James T. Robinson, Samuel Jack.son, Little Beaver; William Jlorton, Joseph Jlorton, Perry; Jon. L. Leet, Evan Townsend, Culbertson Clow, North Sewickley; Thomas Cairns, Slienango; Thos. Thorniley, Fallston; A. W. Townsend, New Brighton; R. L. Baker, John Neely, Esq., Economy; Philip Vieary, David Slianer, Henry Wolf and B. R. Bradford, New Sewickley; David Scott, Jr., Hopewell; D. Minesiuger. Greene; Hon. John Carothers, Patterson; William Elliott, Esq., Moon; Samp. Kerr, Raccoon; George Dawson, James Scott, Thomas Moore, Samuel Duncan, Ohio; John McMillen, Matthew Elder, South Beaver; Azariah Ininan, Joseph Niblock, Chippewa; Thomas Alford, Slipperyrock ; Robert Wallace, John Imbrie, Big Beaver; Joseph Phillis, Marion; Benj. Cunningham, AVayne. On motion, liesolved. That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the news. papers of the county. AVilliam AIoron, President. A. Bausman, Secretary. Although the publication of ihe al>ove notice would seem to indi- cate considerable vitality on Ihc p;irt of this society, yet its duration was short. .lust what was accom])lished hy this organization heyond BEAVER COUNTV 265 the stimulus it gave to tlie efforts of its inemljers toward a jiermanent agricultural society, is not known. Its direct results never manifested themselves; and no further record of its existence has been found. But it is evident that public sentiment was aroused, and that the citi- zens of the county were fully aware of the benefits to be derived from such co-operation. Ts^otices appeared quite frequently in the papers that serve to demonstrate tlie truth of tiiis statement. In the ,l/Y/"s of February 20, lS5o, is a communication signed " Flnmen Pomonalis," ui-ging in very strong terms the formation of an Aji'riculturai. Iloi'ticultui'nl and Pomological Societv. On December 20, 1852, Mr. Michael Weyaiul. present editor of the Beaver Times, came out in tlie Aiyus with a,n editorial in whicli the subject was again revived in very em[)hatic language, and in the same issue of the paper appeared a. call from an unknown cori-espond- ent for a meeting to organize such a society. All these many expressions of public interest were not in vain; their fruit was about to be gathered. A meeting was held at the courthouse Wednesday evening, January 20, 1853, which was to effect the tinal organization of the long-wished-for society. Of this meeting- Judge Joseph Irwin was chairman. Thomas McKee and Thomas McKinley were vice presidents, and the secretary was William Henry. At a previous meeting a committee on constitution had been appointed. Their report, which was now adopted without amendment, embraced eleven articles in the constitution and nine in the bj'-laws. It pro- vided that the name should be Beaver Countij Agricultural Society, and designated that the ]3urpose of this organization should be "to encourage and foster among the population of Beaver county the spirit of improvement in agriculture, horticulture and the mechanic arts." The first exhibition held liy the new society occurred September 20 and 21, 1853, under the management of Hugh Anderson, president and superintendent, and William K. Boden. secretary. Annual exhibitions were held every year thereafter, excepting in 1862, when, owing to the excitement of the war and the financial depression of the country, it was deemed best to have none. A charter was granted to this society by the court, on motion of James G. Bliss, Esq., September 8, 1856. Following is a list of the officers, ]);ist iind jiresent, of the organiza- tion, as complete as could be obtained : 1862, President, J. C. Wilson ; recording secretary, A. G. McCreary ; treasurer, Williiim K. lioden. 266 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTV. 1863, President, Andrew Curothers; recording secretary, A. G. McCreary ; treasurer, William K. Boden, 1864:, President, Eobert Nelson ; recoi-ding secretary, J. P. Young treasurer, J. C. Wilson. 1865, President, Pobert H. Barchw ; recording secretary, J. L. Anderson ; corresponding secretary, De Lorma Indirie ; treasurer, J. C. Wilson. 1866, President, William Shrodes; recording secretary, William S. Barclay; corresponding secretary, De Lorma Imbrie ; treasurer, J. C. Wilsoii. 1867, President, Hugh Anderson ; recording secretary, J. R. Ilar- ragh ; corresponding secretary, Joseph Ledlie; treasurer, J. C. Wilson. 1869, President, Hugh Anderson ; recording secretary, PI, li. Moore ; cori-esponding secretary, Dr. D. McKinney ; treasurer, James Allison. 1870, President, James Darragh ; recording secretary, II. li. Moore; corresponding secretary, W. S. Barclay ; treasurer, I. N. Atkins. 1871, President, James Darragh ; recording secretary, Thomas O. Anshutz ; corresponding secretary', W. S. Barclay ; treasurer, I. N. Atkins. 1872, President, James Darragh ; recording secretary, Thomas O. Anshutz ; corresponding secretary', W. S. Barclay ; treasurer, I. N. Atkins. 1873, President, James Darragh; recording secretary, B. M. Ewing ; corresponding secretary, James Cameron ; treasurer, li. II. Cooper. 1874, President, D. M. Donehoo ; recording secretary, II. R. Moore; corresponding secretary, James Camei'on ; treasui'er, R H. Cooper. 1875, President, William II. ilarshall ; recording secretary, II. R. Moore; corresponding secretary, ; treasurer, R. II Cooper. 1876, President, James Darragh ; recording secretary, W. J. David- son; corresponding secretary, ; treasurer, Milton Reeil. 1877, President, D. O. C. Patterson ; recording secretary, A. W. McCoy ; corresponding secretary, ; treasurer, ]\Iilton Reed. 1878, President, Nicholas Todd, recording secretary, John Grae- bing, Jr.; corresponding secretary, ; treasurer, Jos. Ledlie. 1879, President, Dr. D. McKinney; recording secretary, John Graebmg, Jr.; corresponding secretary ,^ ; treasurer, Joseph Ledlie. 1880, President, James Darragh ; recording secretary, John C. Hart; corresponding secretary, J. W. Hankins ; treasurer, J. R. Eakin. 1881, I'resident, W. H. Marshall ; recording secretary, Milton liEAVER COUNTY. 267 Reed; corresiionding secretary, William I'atton ; treasurer, Edward J. Allison. 1882, President. P. McLaughlin ; recording secretary, Samuel Moody ; corresponding secretary, Jolm W. Ilankins ; treasurer. E. J. Allison. 1883, President, P. McLaughlin; recording secretary, Samuel Moody ; coi-responding secretary, John W. Ilankins ; tre:isnrer, E. J. Allison. 1SS4, President, Geo. E. Smith ; recording secretary, J. G. Mitchell ; corresponding secretary, ; treasurer, Henry Martsolf. 188.5. President, Geo. E. Smith ; recording secretary, J. G. Mitchell ; corresponding secretary, J. P. Edgar; treasurer, J. IL Martsolf. 1886, Pi'esident, George E. Smith; recording secretary, Edward S. Weyand ; correspor.ding secretary, John P. Edgar; treasurer, John A. Shiilito. 1887, "President, George E. Sn;itli ; recording secretary, Edward S. Wevand ; corres])onding secretary, Joiin P. Edgar; treasurer. Jolm A. Shiilito. MANUFACTDEING. Beaver county lias, by vii'tue of its location, l)een given largely to manufacturing pursuits. The excellent water power affordetl l)y the Big Beaver and its tributaries early attracted the attention of men skilled in this important branch of human intlustry. Sawmills, flouring mills, cotton factories, woolen mills, distilleries, furniture estaljlish- ments, bucket and tub factories, tanneries, gun shops, cutlery establish- ments, steel works, agricultural works, car shops, glass factoi'ies, pottery and tile works, etc., s]irang up as if controlled by the magical power of Aladdin's lamp. When to the natural power of water was added that of steam generated by coal or natural gas, the influence was almost incalculable. Shielded by the protective policy of a government which seeks not only the development of its own inherent resources, but the employment of its immense stock of brain and muscle, furnaces and workshops and factories pre-empted the eligible sites on hillside and in ravine, and began to supply the world with the most perfect products to be found anywhere. The sand, the clay, the crude iron ore, the rough lumber, the unpolished rock, went forth as the embodiment of trained muscle and skilled intellect to bless and make happy humanity throughout the world. It is not our purpose to speak of these establishments in detail here. They will be found described in connection with the several boroughs and townships in other portions of tins work. OHAPTERXr. THE PRESS. The Aet Preservative— First Newspaper- in America — The Argus — Beaver Republican — Beaver River Gazette — Democratic Watchman — The Aurora — The Star— Globe and Star — Beaver Times — The Fallston and Brichiton Gazette — Beaver Valley News — The Tribune. ONE of the ricli legacies from the 15th century is tiie art of print- ing. True, the germ of the art existed in Egypt tliirty centuries before, when its people engraved raised characters and symbols upon tiles and cylinders which were subsequently impressed upon soft clay tablets that were baked and hardened. By means of these hieroglyph- ics, the annals of one of the oldest and wisest peoples of antiquity were imperfectly preserved from the destroying effects of the ruthless tyrant —Time. Who is to be accredited with the honor of inventing wooden types is not definitely settled; but John Gutenberg, of Mentz, is regarded as the first to cut type from metal. Shortly afterward he cut matrices in which movable types were cast. Though a man of some means, he soon became bankrupt by his numerous experiments, and was induced to associate with him a wealthy citizen named John Faust. Subse- quently, Peter Schaeffer, a scribe, was taken into this primitive printing company. About 1455, the firm issued the famous "Mazarine Bible." Gutenberg died in 146T, penniless and unhonored: but ])osterity, richly rewarded, will yet do him honor. His labors were not in vain. This highly -useful and revolutionary art spread, and was introducetl into the various cities of Europe, as follows: Paris, 1470; I'lorence, 1471; Antwerp, 1470; Geneva, 1478; AHenna. 1482; Stockholm. 1483; Copenhagen, 1493; Cracow, Munich and Amsterdam, 1500; iulinlmrgh, 1507; and Dublin, 1551. In 1630 the fii'st printing-press in the American colonies was set up in Cambridge, Mass. It was procured b}' subscription from Anistei'- 268 BKAVEE COUNTY. 271 dam, Rev. Jesse Glover acting as agent, and was donated to Harvard college with a font of type of forty-nine pounds. The first impression from this pioneer press was the "Freeman's Oath." In 1()C>S Avas printed, on this press, the first edition of "Elliott's Indian Bible," which was set wholly by an Indian, and required three years to go tlirough tlie press. Tiiis was the tii-st Bible printed in America. The first newspajier in America, entitled "Public Occurrences, Both Forreign and Domestick," was issued in Boston, Thursday, Sep- tember 25, 1690, by Benjamin Harris, the printing being done by R. Pierce. A copy is still preserved in the colonial state paper office in London. It is printed on the first tiiree sides of a folded sheet, two columns to a page, and each page about seven inches by eleven in size. In his announcement, the publisher said : " It is designed that the countrey shall l)e furnished once a. moneth (or if anv Glut of occur- rences happen oftener) with an Account of such considerable things as have arrived unto our Notion. "In order here unto, the Publisher will take what ]iains he can to obtain a Faitiiful Relation of all such things; and will ]«irticularly make himself beholden to such Persons in Boston wIkiui ho Icnows to have been foi- their own use the diligent oliservers of such matters. "That which is herein proposed is, First, That Memorable Occur- rents of Divine Providence may not be neglected ov forgotten, as they too often are. Secondly, That people eveiywhere mav better under- staiul the Cii'cumstances of Publique Afi'airs, both abroad and at home; which may nut only direct their thoughts at all times. Init at some times also assist their Business and Neg(jtiations. Thirdly, Tliat some- thing may be done towards tiie Curing nr at least the charming of that Spirit of Lying, wliich prevails among us, wherefore nothing shall be entered, but what we have reason to believe is true, re]iairing to the best fountains foi' our Information. And when there appears to be any material mistake in auytliing that is collected, it shall be corrected in the next.' This pioneer paper, projected on so lol'ty a plane, was not destined to live. The legislative autiiorities, four days after its issue, spoke of it as a pamphlet issueil contrary to law and containing "reflections of a very high nature." In their jealousy for the common Aveal they positively forbade "anything in jtrint without license first obtained from those appointed by the government to grant the same." Thus the first attempt to establish a journal in America "died a bornin." Many subsecjuent attempts have met a similar fate. 272 I1IST2 to !t^l.50 per year, payable in advance. This jiartnership continued till November 26, 1851, when Michael AVeyand liouglit the interest of AVilliara Henry. The firm name became M. AYeyand and A. (t. Henry. In June, 1853, the iiame of the paper was again changed from Bea/oer Aryus to Beaoer Countii Anjiitt. The next change in tlie management occurred June 28, 185-1, when Jacob AVeyand bought A. G. Henry's interest, and the pa,j)er continued under the business and editorial management of the two brothers, Michael and Jacob AVeyand. The issue of June 28, 1854, contained the first allusion to the Know-Nothings, an organization which, for a time, crea,ted consternation in the ranks of both Democrats and Whigs. Of the efficient work done by these knights of the quill for the cause of human freedom and true government, the peo])le of Beaver county Icnow full well. Both wielded then, and do yet, caustic ])ens that dash off vigorous English whose meaning is always clear as crystal. On the 16th of December, 1857, Jacob sold to his brother Michael all interest in the Argus, and retired from the editorial ranks for a time. Michael continued to preside gracefully over the destinies of the paper till the dark days of secession and rebellion began to dawn, when (December, 1859,) he sold out to Samuel Davenport, l)y whom the jKiper was conducted till January 1, 1862, when T. C. Nicholson assumed edi- toriiil charge. In the issue of Wednesday, September 17, 1862 (the day of the Antietam battle), occurs the following paragraph : " The editor of the paper, T. C. Nicliolson, enlisted in ('a]>tain Dari'aglfs company of three years' men [he was given the position of fifth sergeant — II.], and is now with his regiment. The acting etlitors, Ilutan and Anderson, both vol- unteered under the late call of the governor, and left for Harrisburg on Monday. AVe are, therefore, left without sufficient force to carry on the ])a]3er j^roperly. We hope our readers will bear with us a short time 276 JIISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTV. till tliey return. We will trif and do the best we can under the circum- stances — ' angels can do no more.' The country seems to require all ahle-hodied men, and the next call may leave the Argus without even •ThhDeviiJ" In the issue of February 11, 1863, D. L. Im I )rie announces the pur- chase by him of the interest of T. C. Nicholson, and assumption of editorial control. By him it was managed till November 9, 186:1:, Avhen I). W. Scott, Jr., assumed business and editorial management of the paper. In the issue of August 31, 1864, Mr. Imbrie makes this frank acknowledgment: "We are coinpelled to issue a half sheet this week. Mr. John Tallon, one of our hands, volunteered last week, and we are left "without sufficient force t(j issue a full sheet." Failures based on such loyalty are always pardonable. When Mr. Scott, a woi'thy young man, took tlie editorial chaii", he issued a salutatory so full of good sense that we give an extract : "There is a temptation for an editor to abuse the power tiiat lies in his pen. It is so easy to do lirilliant tilting in the editorial lists by slashing away at both the oifending anil the ofl'ended. Abuse is the easiest, as coui'tesy is the most difficult kind of writing to make readable; and. as it is a relief for the smooth-faced gaml)ler to vent, before he sleeps, his ])ent up malice on his wife ; so a heart naturally ill-willed makes a bile-si)igot of a pen — relieved when the venom is spit, no matter upon what. But there is so seldom good cause to l>e ill-natured in print that it would be safe always when I'eading ill-natured remarks to smell ' the rat ' of a bad heart near by." At the close of 186i Mr. Hcott sold his interest to M. S. Quay and J. S. Itutan, who, with the opening of 1865, became its proprietors and editors. On the 6th of April, 1865, Mr. Scott died of consumption in Hopewell township. He had been a student, for a time, of Beaver academy, and subse(|uently of Jefferson college, of which he was a graduate. His intention was to enter the Christian ministry, but fail- ing health induced him to enter the field of journaUsm, with the hope that it would be conducive to his recovery. Not so, however. Messi-s. (^Liay and Kutan advanced the subscription price from $1.50 to $2 per year, payable in advance. On the isth of October, 1865, Mr. llutan bought Mr. Quay's interest, and took ]\Ir. J. L. Anderson as an associate, the firm name being J. S. Butan it Co. This lirni contiiuied till July, 1866, when Jacob Weyand again became sole proprietoi' and editor of the paper. In Novend)er, 1868, Colonel M. S. C^uay estab- lished tin; Iiiidleal, which became a spirited competitor with the time- BEAVER COUNTY. ' 277 honored Argus. With genuine ])lucl<: and enterprise ls\\\ Weyand greatly enlai'ged his jiaper, and pusiied its claims to ]iatronage, increas- ing its circulation. In this capacity he continued till the fall of 1S73, when the RadicaK under the management ol' James S. Kutan, by whom it had been purchased the previous year from Mr. Quay, was consoli- dated with the Argus under the name Argus and Radical. The consolidated pa])er was pultlished under the firm name of The Beaver Printing Company, of whicli Mr. J. Weyand became the business man- ager, and James S. Rutan pohtical editor. In December, 1879, kSmith Cui'tis, who had been associated with Mr. liutau as manager and editor of the Radiral, bought Mr. Kutan's half interest in the Radical mid Argus, and W. I. Heed bought Mr. Weyand's interest, Curtis becoming political editor and Reed business manager. September 1, 1885, W. F. Bliss and brother Ijonght Mr. Reed's interest, and the paj^er still continues under the management of Curtis & Bliss. The Rochester Daily Argus, a scion of the Wcckl y Argus, xewtwvQA to take its place on the turbulent waters of journalism in tlie month of May, 1883. It has doubled its size in four ycai's, and demonstrated its right to life, liberty and the pursuit of ha]i]iiness. Its destinies are guided by Curtis & Bliss, tlie pro]irietors of the old Argus, Howard Bliss being business manager, and ('has. R. Fraidc h.ical recording angel. A few general observations relative to tlie Argus mav not l)e impro]ier. 1. While it has been Protean iji form and chanieleoii in color, it has always maintained a. vigorous ami consistent advocacv of the prin- ples of government as understootl by the ])arty to which it belonged. 2. It has done more, ])erliaps, to mold piililic sentiment in Beaver county ill the direction of protection to home industries, and of unswerving loyalty to the state and general government than any other agency in the county. It has been the text-book in jiolitics and gen- eral economy for a wide and long-continued constituency. > 3. It has numbered in its ranks as editors and contributors some of the brightest minds, not only of the county but of the state. 4. Its pages from the first to the present embrace, sulistantially, the history of the state and national govei-nnient for three-cpiartiM-s of a century. That the pa|irr may, with iis huiuh'ed eyes for seeing the good tilings of life ratlier than the evil, cc^iitinue to behold the roots of things, in short, i)e a radical Argus, is the heartiest wish of its numerous friends. 278 • IIISTUKY OF BExVVEK CUUNTY. Tlie Bearer RepiiUlenn is tlie title of a tive-column four-page sheet, piihlislied b\' Logan A: Englisli. Tlie first numher seen is Iso. 1, of ^^^l. IV, Ijearing tlate June 3, 1S:50. From this it would seem to have ccjmmenced in June, lS::^(i. It was an advocate of the Jacksonian Democracv. In the issue of ]\Iay 5, 1881, Vol. iv, Ko. 48, A. Logan is editor and ])i'opriet6r. It floats the name of Andrew Jackson as the L)emocratic-Iiepublican candidate for the presidency. The Beaver River Gazette^ Vol. I, No. 5, bears date !March i;j, 1834. It starteil as a six-column four-page sheet, at two dollars per year, the {tilots and proprietors being Dr. E. P.. I^arker and E. ('. Flee- son. In their preliminary announcement they declare that their " course in politics shall be decidedly Democratic." An attempt was made by the managers of the River Gazette to secure the RepuhJivaii. I'nder date of March 13, 1834, they intimate this as follows: "On the Tith inst. Mr. Logan entered into a written contract with Barker and Fleeson for the sale of the Repuhlican estab- lishment, wliioli he had for some time previous been anxious to dispose Q^ -A -X- ■::- 'Wijy he witiidrew from his contract we cannot guess, unless it be that some of his advisers thought the Rejp%iblican would not suit them in other hands." What became of these two partners in tlie Kilkenny cat fight is not revealed in either copy seen. We soon iind a new competitor for pubhc favor, known as the Democratv- Watchinan. This is tlie title of a four-page, six-cohimn paper, whose prospectus was datet! April 25, 1835. It was published in Beaver, every Friday, by J. Leeson, at two dollars per year, payalJe half-yearly in advance. It was gotten up in neat order; the copy seen. No. 14, of Vol. I. dated Septeinl)er 18, 1835, supported Martin Van Buren, of New York, anil Richard ;\1. Johnson, of Kentucky, for president and vice-president, respectively. For governor, it advocated George Wolf. Its county ticket embraced Samuel Power and Milo Adams, for the assembly; Samuel Jackson for commissioner; James Jackson for auditor; and James Ray and Elihu T. Pugli as trustees of Beaver academy. Like its predecessors and successors, the WatchnKHi had to yield to the mevitalile. Its departure reminds an unsympathetic world that newspai)ers, like persons, are remembered only for what they have done. ' "■ About the same time with tiie Watrlmiaii, a new weekly, called the Aurora, was iliscovered to the gaze of the political world, by James Plioto.iTyAiiiVecht.. liKAVKK COUNTY. 281 Logan & Co. The copy we li;ive been permitted to see is No. 22, of V(j1. Ill, (lilted September 13, 1838. From this it will be seen to have broken througii tiie cold darkness in tiie early part of (March) 1835. It, too, espoused the cause of primitive and unadulterated democracy'. Its flashes occurred from Beaver at the i-ite of t w<( dollars per annum, ])ay- able half-yearly in advance. The Star, or the Western Star, as it was then designatetl, was founded by Wasliington Biglerand William Denlinger in tlie autumn of 1813. It was started as a four-page, six-column sheet, neatly printeil and ably edited. Mr. Bigler was the youngest of three brothers, the othei' two, William ;ind .lolin, having been elected on the same day as governors of Pennsylvania and California, respectively. The suljscription price was !B2.()t> pel- annum in advance, or $2.50 if paid within the yeai'. It was a strong advocate of the principles of the Ueniocratic partv. In the oldest copy seen b}' the writer. No. 31, Vol. I, dated July 17, 1844, occurs a j)oem from which a single stanza is extracted. It expresses tlie sentiments of the party during the exciting Polk-Clay campaign : OUR FLAG. Our flag is there, our flag is tliere; Ildw swells our hearts to see it wave: It sweeps o'er freemen's moulii'ring boues, liiit frowns upon the traitor's grave. That Hag was raised in freedom's cause, When hearts and hands did well agree, We swear we will defend our laws, In spite of British Whiggery. Then let our tlag, then let our Hag, Upon the breeze triumphant play; We go for true Democracy — Let Whiggies worship Henry Clay. For the facts contained in the subsequent portion of this sketch of the Star, and tlie changes through which it passed, the writer is indebted to the courtesy of Dr. Robert S. Kennedy, late proprietor and editor, and to S. B. Wilson, Esq. Finally Mr. Bigler retired from the ])aper, leaving Mr. Denlin<'er m sole control. The latter continued the ]iublication for a number of years, when he was succeeded by Dr. 11. B. Barker and P. B. Conn, the latter now of the Steubenville Jlcrald. At this stage a conflict of authority arises. According to S. B. Wilson. Esq., the interest of Dr. Parker w;is secured by David P. Work. The next change was the sab' of the paper to Samuel Gaither Hi 282 lIISniKY OF BKAVER COUNTY. iiiul A. C. Cdnley. Gaitlior retiriii;L:\ \l. Gi-coor McGregor Ijeciiiiie an associate of Coriley under the name of Conleyaml McGregor. Accord- ing to Dr. Kennedy's investigations, the Star passed from the iiandsof Barker and Conn directly to Joim Irons, wlio was in time succeeded by II. (Tfegoi' McGregoi'. From McGregor, according to tlie same autiiority, it passed tiiroiigli tiie hands of Samuel Gaithei- to A. C. and N. C I'arclay, who jiublished it for several years, and were succeeded bv O. S. y.ong, now of A\'heelini;', AV. Ya. After the lapse of a few years. Mr. Long r'etired and Mr. R. Gregor McGregor again assumed charge in connection with S. li. Alex- ander. These gentlemen discontinucHl the publication; and after a short interval a Democratic pa]ier of the most radical tvpe called T/w Zoca/, and published by J. H. Odell, late of Omaha, Nebraslca, was founded as a successor to the •S'to/-, and pushed with great vigor. Mr, Odell was of an aggressive disjwsition, and engendered much opposition fi'om those whom he antagonized. He was indicted several times for crimi- nal libel and simdar offenses, and once, at least, served a short sentence in jail. Finalh', Mr. Odell sold his paper to Thompson Burton, now of Xew York city, and li. W. Williams, who published it under the firm name of Burton and AYilliams. Later the ])ublication was continued Ijy Mr. IJurton alone. Subsequently^ he sold to a Mr. Schwart/,. by whom, after a lirief ]ieriod, it was permitted to enter a state of iiniociKiiis deanefutli'. John liigler, now of ('olonido, next revived the St((r as a successor to the Local, and continued the same for a time, when it fell into the tender hands of E. 15. AVilliams, who changed the title to that of The Conservafire. After a time it fell into a state of sus|>en(l('(l animation, from which, after the lapse of a considei'able ])eriod. it was aroused by the tender administrations of R. L. Treiberand ]\L .1. AVhite. After a short time Mr. White withdi'ew, leaving the management of the ])aj)er in the hands of Mi'. Ti'eiber alone for several yeai's. Untler his super- vision it entered a second time into a comatose state. About the year 187ti John S. IIoopes,of New Brighton, began the jmblication of the Beaver County Post as a successor to the Deinorrat. After a few months, he transferred all right and title to the Post to J. ]\r. Bhillis and M. J. White, who conducted it for less than a year, and ])ermitted it to depart in peace antl seek a home among its nuniei-ous pi'edecessors. On the first of Octoljer, ls77. The Comuioner was fouiuled by W. S. KciukmIv as a successor to the Poxt. Two vears later the name was BEAVER COUNTY. 283 again changed to Tht Star. Five years later (1884) Mr. Kennedy sold an interest in the pajier to C. F. AVhisler. For nearly a year the pub- lication was conducted by the tirni of Kennedy and AVhisler. At the end of this perioil, the paper was jiublished for ten weeks by C. F. Wliisler and L. W. Reed, after which Air. Kennedy I'esumed sole control and puldished the Star alone until September, 1887, when he sold it to John A. Mellon, of Beaver Falls, who consolidated the Star with the liMver Falls Gloh', and now continues the publicati(.)n in Tleaver' as The Glohe a)id Star. Thus the celestial and the terrestrial have been brought into close union; and the future histoi-ian will chronicle the results upon the destiny of Heaver count_v. The Globe and Star. — The Glohe was started at Beaver Falls in August, 1875, as a weekly i)a]>ei', its outfit consisting of material col- lected from various sources. It soon acquired a large circulation, and built up a good job ])rinting business. In September, 1887, its pro- prietor, ]\Ir. Mellon, bought out the Star of Beaver, and the two papers were consolidated under tlie title of Glohe and Star, becoming the Democratic paper of the county. Tlie pa,per, published weekly at Beaver, is edited by G. W. Penn, fnrmerly connected with similar woi-k in both New Castle and Beaver Falls. The Beaver Times. — This paper, a thirty-six column, four-page sheet, began its career on the first of Aj)ril, 1874, under the business and editorial manngement (if Aiichael Weyand, the Nestor of the Beaver county [iress, and one of the oldest active Bepublican editors of "Western Pennsylvania. It started. ai)out the time of the consolidation ot X\\Q Radical \\\i\\ the ^\rlisliing, in connection with the weekly Trilnme, a vigorous and healthy daily. <(5C (?!> CHAPTER XII. MILITARY. War of 1812 — Roster of Troops — Thk Mexican War-^Texas Admit- ted AS A State — Deci.aratiox of War and the Raising of Troops — David A. Mrn 111:1.1,. THE war of 1812-15 found in Beaver county an earnest supporter in General Abner Lacock. His speeches in congress advocated a vigorous prosecution of the contest for the maintenance of Americ;in rigiits and Iionor. Tiie resj)onse from Beaver was in accord witli liis sentiments. Tiioronghly aroused, iier people have always indicated tiieir sympathy witii the government of tlieir fatiiers, and made cor- responding sacrifices for its maintenance. Tiie first two years of the war did not call out any troops from the county; but when the lake frontier was threatenetl in 181-1, her sons responded nol)ly, as will l)e seen by tiie roster of troops appended. These militiamen went to Erie. Major Samuel Bowers was inspector of the second brigade, six- teenth division of militia in the march to Meadville, under orders of the governor dated September 5, 1812. llis salary was $.")0 per month. His account against the state, covering pay, rations and forage for a period of 22 days, amounted to $57.20. A second account was a state- ment of the expedition against Erie, January and February, 1814, the bill for services, etc., aggregating $273.32. The pay to soldiers in the campaign against Erie in 1814 Wiis not sufficient to inflate them with the expectation of becoming suddenly wealthy. It ran thus : Captain, $40 per month; lieutenant, $30; ensign, $20; sergeant, $12; corporal, $11; and private, $10. Two regiments of militia were represented, the 138th and the 26th. All the companies except two belonged to the former. Appended is the roster of troops in the war, as obtained ])ersonally from. the records in the Auditor-General's office at ilari'isburg : Captain Duvid Knowles' company, liJStli regiment, Peunsjivania militia, coramandfd 28G IIISTOHV OF BKAVER COUNTY. by Lieut.-Col. TJolicrt Miller, iiuder order of Major-General Mead, dated .Tanuary 1, 1814, service comnienciiig January 12 aud ending February 22, 1814 : Captain, David Knovrles; lieutenant, James Withrow; ensign, William Cannon; sergeants, William Hunter, Alexander Johnson, Samuel Cross, Samuel Blackmore; corporals, George Crowe, Ethan Thomas, Joseph Wilson, David Anderson; privates, Anders-on, David; Anderson, James; Blackmore, Samuel; Brittain, Jeremiah; Bevington, Samuel; Cline, John; Cline, Joseph; Cannon, William; Calvin, Robert; Crowl, George; Cross, Samuel; Cunningham. James; Crowe, Henry; Cotton, James; Donald, Stacy; Dearinger, Joseph; Dickson, John; Eakin, William; Gibson, Samuel; Graham, Hugh; Grosscost, David; Gurrol, James; Hamilton, James; Henry, James; Hull, Gairham; Johnson, John; John- son, James; Johnson, Alexander; Johnson, Fergus; Kennedy, Thomas; Jjowry, Hugh; Louthan, George: Loutban, Moses; Moore, Thomas; McConnel, John; Mier, George; Mitchell, Hugh; Martin, William; McCague, Daniel; McGuffiee, Andrew; Moore, William; Martin, John; Phezzle, George; Porter, David; Pumphrey, William; Reed, Samuel; Ramsey, David; Ilayl, William; Sheerer, William; Stratton, Daniel; Seabrook, Archi- bald; Smith, Jesse; Thompson, Thomas; Wilson, Joseph; Wilson, James; Wolf, John; Wolf, Isaac; AV right, Richard. Captain David Clark's company of the same regiment, and for the same period, was recruited in the portion north of the (.)liio and west of the Big Beaver rivers, head- quarters at Darlington : Captain. David Clark; lieutenant. James Dunlap; ensign, Archibald Stewart; sergeants, James Davidson, John McCandles, John Imbre, Andrew Reed; corporals, David Tidball, Francis Johnson. John Edgar. John Curr}-; privates, Asa, Adams; AUsworth, Benj.; Aughenbaugh, P. ;Boal. Daniel; Bond, Jas;, Beer, John; Boies, David; Clelland, John; Carson. John; Cannon, Michael; Campbell, Matthew; Crum, Isaac; Courtney, Jacob; Chambers, John; Caldwell, William ;Cooglar, Benjamin; Dixon, William; Duff, William; Dunlap, John; Elder, John; Pilland, Thomas; Hog, William; Ilatlield, Adam; Hannah, Samuel; Hughes, John; Hunter, James; Hope, Adam; Hopper, Robert; Kagler. Henry; liOsier, Stophel; Losier, Peter: Lanphlin. James; Leslie, James; Leslie, George; Morrison, James; McMinn, Thomas; Malone, Emley; Miller, Samuel; Jloore, William, Sr.. McCoUough, James; McCready, Hugh; Moore. Andrew; Moore. William; Miller. Robert; McCready, Daniel; McCarler, James; McCaskey. William: Marquis. James: Marquis, Robert: McCaskey, Jobn;!Moore, John; McKibben, James; McKeeban, John; Marshall, J.; Nesbit, Francis; Parks, Samuel; Pitcher, Mitchell; Ruggle, Jacob; Reed, William; Reed, Robert; Reeve, Archibald: Ross, James; Ru.ssel, Robert; Reed, John; Shingledecker. Michael; Swaggers, George; Stacey, John, Stephenson, D.; Suman, John; Stinginger, George: Stephen.son, John; Severs, Charles; Sample. John; Truesdale. James; Vance, John; Woods. Andrew: \Vhitp. John; White, Nicholas; White, Nathaniel: Wickershaw, Adam; Wilson, William; AVarncr, Henry; Witherspoon. John; Young. Phillip: Young, William. Captain Wilson Caldoo's (since Kildoo or Kiddoo) company, recruited cast of Big Beaver and mainly in Sbenango, Slipperyrook and North Sewickley townships, now I^awrence county: Captain, AVilson Caldoo; lieutenant, Alexander Clemens; ensign, Robert Catty; sergeants, Thomas Caldoo, David Sadder, William McMurray, Thomas Walton; corporals, John Tidball, Adam Marshinner, John Whan, William McKim; privates, Brown, John;Blair, Samuel; Brittain, ,Iobn; Baldwin, Samuel; Custard, Joseph; Clark, David; Connor, John; Carothers, William; Cline, Henry; Davidson, Patrick; Davidson, Andrew; Egbert, Isaac; Foster, Thomas; Flynn. Thomas; Frew, James; Fox. Michael; Grass. Robert; Harris. Samuel; Henry. .Tames; Thomas. Hannah: Jackson, William; Jackson, James; Jolley, Levan; Joseph, Patrick: Lackey, Robert; Moore, John; McKey, Wm; Miller, Wm; Jlattocks. Wm; ]Miller. John; Jlller. AVm.; :McDowell. bb:aver county. 287 William; Newton, Sabine; Pollock, Samuel; IJegley, Setli; Robinson, .To.sepli; Seward, Abner; StacUman. James; Sample, Sumnel; Vingder, Elias; Wilson. William; White, John; Whaun, Ephraim; Wright, Samuel; AVard, William; AVall, Jesse; Wallace, John; Wallace, Samuel. Captain Robert Lieper's company, 138th regiment. It was recruited on the "South Side." Captain, Robert Lieper; lieutenant, John Warnick; ensign, Joseph Calhoun; sergeants, David Wilson, Henry Davis, Noah Potts, Erastus Rudd; corporals, Joseph Brown, Aaron Sutton, Thomas Barnes, Thomas Potts; privates. Allen, Solomon; Apple- gate. David; Bruntou, Thomas; Barnes. Thomas; Brown. George; Butler, George; Beals, William; Creegthon, John; Grain, Adonijah; Douglas, Nathaniel; Ferguson, Hans; Grimes, James; Gilliland. John; Hamilton, James; Hannah. Alex.; Hovington, Zenas; Henr}-. Ha}-*; Hamilton, James; Latter. William; Lewis. John; Liper, William, McElheny, Robert; McCray, James; McHenry, Charles; McCune, William; Moore, Robert; McCure. Thomas; Nelson, John; Odell, John; Parkinson, James; Patterson, Guy; Reed, William; Reed, Alex.; Richmond, John; Seeley, Samuel; Stone, Jackson; Smith, Jr. John; Smilh, John; Shane. Cornelius; Santel, Alpha; Smith, James; Shive- ly, Jacob; Thomasburg, John; Veasey, Elisha; Vincent, Thomas; Wilhrow, Thomas; Wsiod, Silas; WiLson, James. The roll of this company is certified b}' William McCune, lieutenant; and yet no record exists of his promotion from private to lieutenant. In the receipt roll for the period from February 23 to March 23, he is reported as lieutenant. Captain William Calhoun's comiiany, 138th regiment. Recruited on the " South Side"; Captain, William Calhoun; lietitenant, Thomas Hartford; ensign, Benjamin Laughlin; .sergeants, Thomas Sevane}', Daniel Heckathorn, Adam Gibb, Robt. Neilson, Patrick Caughey; corporals, Jonathan Grimstaw, Andrew Hayes. William McCullough, James Allison; privates, Allison, James; Bear, Charles; Butler, Abiah; Baker, George; Carson, William; Clear, George: Cunnington, Clifford; Caughey, Patrick; Douglass, John; Decker, Daidel; Farrat, William; Foush, Michael; Ford, Eli; Hodge, William; Hall, James; Hartford, Thomas; Hight, Aaron; Hamilton, John; Jamison, William; Justice, Joseph; Kinners, James; Lockhart, Hiram; Lockhart, Allen; Laughlin, Wil- son; Laird, AVilliam; I^aird, John; Laughlin. Benjaunn; Langtit, James; Mercer, Not- tingham; McCaulej', Hugh; Miller, Samuel; JlcCuUough, Wm.; Jlyers, George; Neil- son, Robert; Neilson, William; Patten, Robert; Patten, James; Patten, William; Skil- len. Hugh; Sevauey, John; Snyder, Jacob S ; Shafer, Anthony; Sands, Andrew; Swaney, Thomas; Swany, Thomas; Thomp.son, Benj.; Thompson. James; Woods, William; Weitzell, Henry; Willoughby, Charles; Wilson, Wm. It will be seen that Thomas Hartford was promoted from private to be lieutenant: Patrick Caughey to be sergeant, and James Allison to be corporal, after the first month's service. Captain Thomas Henry's company, 138th regiment, recruited in and around Beaver. Service began January 12, 1814, and contiiuied until about 31st of March: Captain, Thomas Henry; lieutenant, Samuel Ramsey; ensign, James MclMilton: sergeants, Wm. Joseph, David Warnock, John Minnis, Gasper Snooks; corporals, Ahiman Stibes, John Bell, Solomon !Mains, .John Shanks; privates, Alexander, John; Alexander, William; Bennet, Robert; Bennet, Solomon: Borin, James; Bond, Hugh; Bradley, John; Beam, .lacob; Beggs, John; Caldwell, John; Craig, Archibald; Champion, George: Champion, Joseph; Davis, Samuel; Davis, John; Daugherty, Edward ; Dunbar, Samuel: Davidson, John; Daugherty, Daniel; Everhart, John; Embrie, Robert; Freed, Jacob; Ferguson, Robert; Ferguson, James; Feree, John; Feree, Jesse; Gardner, William; Gardner, Thomas; Grim, Michael; Graham, Wm.; Imbrie, Robert; King, John; Kennedy', Mat- 288 in.sTOKY OF heavek county. thew; Lacock, Atlas E.; Maratta, Caleb; McConanghey, Edward; McGarvey, James; Moor, James; McMillan, John; Oldtrain, Absalom; Ridcllc, James; Riddle, James, Jr.; Reno, Benj.; Reno, Lewis; Ramsey, Samuel; Smith, William; Sloan, James; Small. Thomas; Scott, Isaac; Scott, John; Stairs, John; Slairs, Rol)ert; Thompson, John: Trash, Rufus; Wolf, John. Captain Armstrong Drennan'.s company, 1st Battalion 26th Regiment. Service from February l(i to March 22, 1814. Formed from all parts of the countrj- north of Ohio; Captain, Armstrong Drennan; lieutenant, Jacob Cline; ensign, Stephen Clark; sergeants, John Johnston, James Fowler, Robert Johnston, Michael Kyc, corporals, David Drennan. James Hamilton, John JlcConnel, George Sanford; privates, Andcr.son, Robert; Aughenbaugli, George; Adams, David; Adam, Alexander; Aughenbaugh, John; Allsworth, John S.; Bridgeman, John; Bales, Charles; Boggs, Robert; Boylen, Aaron; Cox, John; Courtney, Nicholas; Cheney, John; Cobren,John; Cannon, Joshua; Coleman, John; Cook, Benjamin; Cook, John; Downing, Samuel; Dickson, Matthew; Daugherty, Edward; Douglass. John; Daw.son, Thomas; Early, William; Freed, Peter; Graham, Christopher; Graham, Frederick; Hamilton, Hugh; Harkin, William; Har- binson, James; Hageman, Stephen; Herron. William; Hamill, John; Inman, Basil; Jackson, James; Justice, John; Jackson. Matthew; Justice, Ross; Justice, Matthew; Lippy, William; Lippy, Joseph; Murphy. John; INtcFarland. John; McFarland, Rol)t. ; McClelland, William; Jliller. James; Marshall, John; McCarter. Daniel; McCready, John; McCollough, James; McCollougb, William; McCaskcy. Andrew; McCalla.John; McGowen, Robert; McCaughty, Robert; McMinn, RobL'rt; Nihlock, Joseph; NiclioLson, Francis; Ness, William; Ne-bit, John; Pierce, John; Powell, Samuel; Percival, Jacob; Pedan, James; Pedan, Hugh; Rayl, Nathaniel; Robinson, Joseph; Regal, Abraham; Reed, Joseph; Smith, George; Scott, William; Sleut, Philip; Sheerer, John; Swagers, John; Sterret, George; Steen, Matthew T. ; Stewart, George; Vankirk, William; Vauata, James; Vanata, Thomas; Welsh, Andrew; W^ebster, Samuel; Wiley, William; Warnock, James; Wallace, Benjamin; Wells, .John; AVhittenberger, Adam; Whitten- berger, George; Wile.y. John. Captain Robert Imbrie's company, being 2d Company, 1st Battalion, 20th regi- ment, Pennsylvania Militia; commanded by Major Andrew Jenkins; served at Erie from 15 February to 23 March, 1814; Captain, Robert Imbrie; lieutenant, James Henry; ensign, James Veasey; .sergeants; A. M'Kinnon, William Moore, John M'Cormick: cor- porals, William Roland, James Ferrel, John M'Coy, William Hammond; privates, Anderson, Thomas; Bottomfelt, Samuel; Bolliner, Simon; Bell, John, Jr. ; Bell, John; Bower, Samuel; Boyd, William; Boyd. Andrew; Brown. John; Cristler. George; Ca.ston, William; CaUloo, Jarae^; Clark, James; Cochran, James; Cyphey, David; Dermon, John; Daugherty, Richard; Daugherty, George; Eckles, Thomas; Eckles, John; Fisner, John; Fowler, Archibald; Fegans, John; Holmes, Joseph; Hutchinson, William; Hickey, John; Harvey, James; Hawk, John; Hawk, Jonathan; Hawk. Benjamin; Hinds, John; Harper, David; Imbrie, James; Irvin, James: Junkins, Samuel; Johnson, John; Jack, Thomas; Laughlin, Samuel; Little, William; Little, James; Leonard, Hull, Jladisou, Samuel; Matthews, Duncan; McDowell, John; McDevit, Henry; Miller, Joseph; Mauon, James; McMurray, James; Miller, Moses; Moore, James; McNeal, James; McBride, Samuel; McGowan, Ebenezer; Melony, Henry; Newton, John; Naymen, Daniel; Parks. Thomas; Park, David; Pollock, James; Pollock, Samuel; Roger, Jacob; Reed, Matthew; Scott, Thomas; Semple, Robert; Sharp. John: Shaffer. .Jacob; Summerwcll, John; Smith, Andrew; Simpson. William; Shaffer, Peter; Scott, George; Smith, Benjamin; Slater, Jacob; Vancokle, Richard; White, Samuel. a c-^t'O^-?^ a-'PT^: BKAVER COUNTY. 291 This company, it is claimed, rendezvoused at Darlington (then Greersburg). Cap- tain Koliert Imlirie, it will be noted, had been a private in Captain Thomas Henij's com- pany. He was the brother of Jolin and .Tames Imbre. both of whom were in the war of 1812. John was the father of DeLorma Imbrie, now a resident of Beaver. :MK.\ir.\x A\AR. Texas, otu' of the ui'igiiial states of tlie new-fledged repiifilic of Mexico, liad. in ISSfi, declared lief independence of the mother re})ul>- hc. Such independence was fecogiiizetl in 1S37 by tlie govei'iiinent of the United States. In 1843-4-1, at the suggestion of President Tyler, she became a cjtndichite for tidmission into the Federal repiil>lic. The (jnestion of her admission afl'orded the principal issne in tiie spirited political campaign of 1844, in which James K. Pollc was elected presi- dent over Henry Clay. The final admission of Texas (July 4, 1845.) as a sister state of the great repidjlic was distasteful to Mexico. Repeated aggressions upon the territory and pro])erty of United States citizens had been made by Mexicans. For the consequent damage, the Federal govern- ment demtinded six millions of dollars. Two days after the inaugura- tion of President Pollc, General Almonte, the Mexican minister at "Washington, requested and received his passport to return to his own nation, thus severing diplomatic relations between the two only repub- lics on the American continent. The ])resitlent (jf Mexico, Ilerrera, issued a ])roclamiition to the effect that the tinncxiition of Texas in no wise interfered witi; Mexican rights, and fiiat his government would maintain its claims by force of arms. Both countries prepared for war. General Zachary Ttiylor w;is ordered by President Polk to go with his troops to Texas, and take a position as near the Rio Grande its prudence would wiirrant. His force, Icnown as the "Army of Occupation," was small, but miller liis skillful management defeated the Mexicans in several engagements on Texan soil, and finally invaded undispiiteil Mexican territory. In a reconnoitering expedition, sent out under Captain Thornton, Lieutenant Mason was killed on the 24th of April, 1846; the first hlood shed in the irar with Mexico. Thougii hostilities had tictuiilly existed for some time, it was not until the 1.3tli of May, 1847. that congress, then in session, declared, that '• by act of the Repuljlic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that government and the Unitetl States." The ])resident w;is author- ized to accept fifty thousiind volunteers, and ten million dollars were appropriated for prosecuting the contest. 292 IIISTOHV VV liKAVKK COUNTY. Upon tlie necessity and results of the war. political parties wei-e tiivided. the Democrats, as a nde, favoring it, aniltlie Whigs ojiposing. Beaver county then was largely Whig in sentiment. The townships which a few years later were detached to aid in forming the new county of Lawrence, were the str(jngholds of that decaying party. From them no such response could be expected as was received during the war of 1S12, when her sons poured forth, company after company, to drive the British from Amei'ican soil. No companies or other organizations went from Beaver county to Mexico. A few individuals enlisted in companies formed at Pittsburgh and elsewhere, and aitled heroicallv in defending- the flag of their country on the bloody field of carnage. One of these cases will be given somewhat in detad, because of the interest attached to it. The facts, as obtained from Mrs. Dr. Nancy H. Dickson, a sister of tiic soldiej- in question, are substantially as follows: David A. Mitchell, son of General John Mitchell, was born at Bellefonte, Centre county, Pa., January 20, 1818. He enlisted from Beaver county in Company K., l.st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. His company, known as the " Blues," was com- manded by Captain Alexander Hays, and the refriment by Colonel Wynkoop, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Samuel Black, a Pittsburgh attorney, being in charge during much of its term of service. David was mustered into the United States service at Pittsburgh, December 25, 1846, and went at once with his command to Mexico. In the capture of Vera Cruz, he was wounded in the ankle, but went on toward Mexico with his regiment. Many of the soldiers were afHicted with diarrhcea, and were compelled to be left at Perote in the ho.s- pital. David, one of the victims of this terrible army affliction, was discharged from the .service, and with others was started homeward. Having no ambulances, they started for the coast on foot, and reached .Jalapa, but could go no farther. Owing to the lack of accommodations there, they returned to Perote where David died .Tune 0, 1847. The day prior to his death he wrote to his father a letter which, however, was not received till the following November, when it arrived, enclo.sed in one from the surgeon of the regiment. Dr. I{e3'nolds. Nothing further concerning him could reasonably be expected until the war was over and the soldiers returned. In June, 1848, General Mitchell, then superintendent of the Beaver division of the canal on which David had had contracts for work, and along which both were well- known, received a letter from an inkeeper at Conneautville, saying that his .son David was at the inn. The general did not accredit the story, and wrote for particulars. In reply came a letter signed "Your son, D. A. Mitchell." It pronounced the death in Mexico a mistake, and stated further that he (David) was ashamed to return to his father's house in consequence of recent hard drinking, — a practice to which he was known to be addicted. The handwriting so thoroughly resembled David's that there could not be anj' mistake in the matter. The father was convinced that his lost bo}- was yet alive. Though not given to weeping, he sat down and shed tears of joy. That evening, he and his daughter Nancy (now Mrs. Dr. Dickson), left on the canal boat for Conneautviile, Dr. Dickson accompanying. When they reached the place, they learned that the supposed son had gone to Linesville, leaving his board bill vinsettled. Paying this (a point in which the liEAVEK COUNTY. 293 innkeeper was deeply interested, and wliicli made liim believe tliat the personage was David), tlie general proceeded witli hi.s party in a carriage through a pouring rain across the country, seven or eight miles, to Linesville, where his son David had left some of his receipts and account books. These had been carefuUj' .scanned and studied b_y tlie sup" posed son as affording a clue to the contractor's system of penmanship. The Linesville innkeeper pronounced his guest the veritable David Jlitchell, and said he was lying asleep on a settee. Going to the room and shaking him, tlie general said: ''My son, wake up." Looking up, the sleeper said : " Father, is it you ? " In her aocouut of this meeting Mrs. Dickson says ; " That [question] was enough for father ; but he would not let me see him. The man did not want to see me until he was shaved and bad his clean clothes on. Father got a buggy and drove him to the canal. We had to wait till night for the boat. They fixed him up and put him to bed ; and when father went out to buj- him some clothes, I went in. He looked like Dave, but his hair was lighter and thinner, and his beard black— Dave's was red. He had moles on his cheek like David's. On his hand be bad a scar exactly like Dave's, where he had cut his hand when a boy. He kept his mouth covered (some one had told him his mouth was not like David's). He said it was sore — he was salivated. I took the handkerchief off and made him open his mouth, I was so frightened; I knew it was not Dave's teeth nor mouth. I ran down stairs and screamed for father. He and the Doctor came, and father was very angry, saying I must not go near him again until I could treat liim as my brother, and never say again that he was not David. The Doctor said it was David. " I saw him on the boat, and I did try to believe it was mj' brotlier. I was afraid to speak of it to any one. Father was devoted to him, and I was kept busy working and waiting on him. Mattison Darragh and .some other friends of David sat up with him. He was sicli in bed ; I think he had delirium tremens. Sir. Darragh told the next day that he was not David, and that gave me some confidence." Strange to say, nearly every mark on David Mitchell was found to have its counter- part on this impostor. When Nancy suggested to him one day that her brother's hair was not so thin and light, he replied : " If your hair had been combed with cannon balls, it would be thin too." He gave out that his teeth had all been extracted in Mexico, and a Mexican's teeth inserted. So completely did he succeed in deceiving the people that the majority at first decided him to be the ab.sent son. It was for several weeks the absorbing topic of conversation in the community. At length the Mexican soldiers began to return to their homes, passing up the Ohio in boats. Some fears were entertained tliat violence would be used by them upon this man, should they learn what kind of a role he was playing. He was now stopping at the National hotel in Beaver, having been taken thither by General Mitchell. Colonel Black, commander of the 1st regiment, went up to take a look at the man. Wlten he came down he was heard to remark : " David Mitchel' had an honest countenance ; that man has the countenance of a sheep-thief." One soldier who .saw Mitchell die was in the company. He went before a magistrate and made an affidavit that he was a witness of Mitchell's death. On the next boat that came was a man who then had on the trousers which Mitchell wore at the time of his death. These facts became convincing. The man was arrested and placed in jail ; but no criminal action was brought against bini. and he was released and induced to tiee the country. The name of the impostor was Samuel H. Davitt. He was about ten years older than .Mitcliell, and was a shrewd, intelligent man — a teacher by profes.sion. AVlien he first appeared in Bridgewater at the hotel afterwards known as the " Bed Onion," he rep- resented himself as Richard John Lee, of Washington county. He was passionately 29i HISTORY OF BEAVER COrXTY. fond of toddy ; and hence when he passed along the canal and was so frequently accosted as David Mitchell, he deemed it a favorable time to live sumptuously on the reputation of the deceased contractor and soldier. He succeeded admirably until over- whelming evidence of the imposture laid bare his claims, and compelled his flight. His subsequent career is unknown. In tlie old gravevard at Beaver is buried ;i soldier of the INFexican war, who died on the boat coming up tlie river. lie was interred with the honors of war. His name was William Thomas, a member of Captain Joseph IlilFs company (D), 1st Pennsylvania volunteers. His company roll, at Harrisburg represent him as mustered in January 4, 1848, and deceased July 12, 184-8, " from disease contracted in service." Some time after the funeral a comrade came to Beavei and enlisted the people of the borough in taking up a subscription to raise funds for the erection of a suitable slab. Tlie necessary funds were secured, and a stone whose top is broken off obliquely, to indicate the premature death of the soldier, was erected. On it is this inscription: "William Thomas, native of Philadelphia, and a member of 1st Penn. Vols., died on his return from Mexico, and buried here with militaiy honors in August [mistake : should be July — ^Ed.], 1848."' CHAPTER XIII. MILITARY— Continued. The Conflict OF lS(!l-"65 — "The People's Meeting" — The Meeting OF Ai'RiL 23 — The Home Guards — The Jackson Grays — Loyalty OF the Ladies — Military Officers — Regiments Represented by Bbavee County Men — Roster of Troops. THE American contliet from ISfil to 18t;.5 was, on the iiekl (jf liattle, an attempt to settle by arms a controversy wliicli bad existed for more than two centuries, and wbicii luid h'itherto resulted in com- promises. The contest called out live millions of soldiers, sacrificed half a. million of lives, and incurred a debt, direct and indirect, of six billions of dollars. The irrepressible conflict had to be decided. It was de- cided by every unconditional surrender from Fort Donelson to Appo- mattox. At the beginning of the war there existed a want of appreciation of the magnitude of the struggle that had been inaugu- rated. Both sections underestimated and falsely estimated their adver- saries. The government considered the struggle as l)Ut a "breakfast job," and toyed witli the matter by calling out 75,000 men _/(*/■ three ■months. The confederates were sanguine that their o|)i)onents could finally be defeated, and were deadly in earnest from the l)eginiiing of the conflict. A year or two of mutual death struggle began U> correct these false notions. Before the firing on Fort Sumter, and even befoi-e the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, evidences of strong feeling and intense interest existed in Beaver county. On the -ith of February, ISlU, a convention called "The People's Meeting" was held at the coui'thouse in Beaver. It was i)i'ol)a,bly the most exciting meeting of any kind ever held in the county, and but for the i-esti'aining sentiments of cool-headed men, might have been easily converted into a scene of indiscriminate bloodshed. The purpose, it seems, was to secure in advance an expression of sentiment from the people of the county relative to the scenes that had 295 296 HISTORY OF BEAVKI4 COUXTY. been ti'anspiring at Wasliington and in the South since the presidential election of the preceding November. The policy of the outgoing- administration was either to be commended or condemned. Its friends, it w.is claimsd, would endeavor to have passed at the "People's Meeting" a series of resolutions opposed to the coercion of the seceding states. This is indicated in the sut)joined note from Colonel M. S. (^uay to a Itepubliean at Yanpoi-t. which was pulilished in the Sfo/- of Febi'uarv 7: Dii.vR Siu; Turn out to the meeting at one o'clock this afleriiooii if you possilily can, and bring every Republican from Vanport with you if possible. They intend passing Looofoco resolutions, and sending thera out to the state as the expiession of the peopleof Beaver county. It should be prevented if possible. Great activity was manifested by the advocates of the two parties to secure a large attendance of their adherents. The Democrats had the advaiitage in that they secured the organization of the meeting, they having had the president, all the vice-])residents l)ut two, and both the secretaries. Hon. Joseph Irwin was chairman; James AVallace, Henry Alcorn, Thomas Conway, Boston Grove, Ephraim Jones, Levi Barnes, Jacob Wagner, John Graham, William Leaf, William F. Latferty. Hobert Ivussell, Elwooil Thomas and David Stanton — the last two Republicans — \vere vice-presidents, and Robert Potter and X. C. Barclay were secretaries. Lewis TaA'lor and N. P. Fetterman, both Democrats, had been selected to address the meeting. These being l)oth absent, S. B. Wilson, Esq., was chosen to perform tiiat duty, which he did in his usual forcil)le manner. The R(>publicans having meantime assembled in vast nundjers, Richard P. Roberts, one of their number, was loudly called to make a speech, and responded in an address of an hour and a half. A series (^f resolutions was i-ead by S. B. AVilson, Esq., and voted upon, against the ])rotests of the Republicans. They were anti coercion anti-abolition, anti-war, etc. After they were passed the Democratic officials withdrew, leaving tlie Rejiublicans to reorganize, and pass a series of resolutions, which are thus rejiorted in the Aiyv.s: liesoloed. That it is the duty of the Federal government to protect the Federal prop- erty, and execute the Federal laws, and for these purposes to employ all means at its disposal. Resolved, That the imposition of the institution of slavery upon the people of a territory against their will, or without consent, whether by congres.sional legislation, or constitutional enactment, is in direct conflict with the spirit and purpose of a republican form of government. liEAVEK COUNTY. 297 ResoUed, That any statute of any state which conflicts with the constitution or laws of the United States should be repealed. Resolved. That we are opposed to any interference with the institution of slavery in the states where it now exists, or by which it may hereafter be legalized, either by the federal congress or by the free states, or by illeg-al individual enterprise, such as was exemplified in the murderous fray of John Brown against Virginia. Resolved, That the thanks of the nation are due to our President, James Buchanan, for the promptness with which he extricated Iiimself from the ruinous policy into which he had been misled by traitors; for purging his cabinet of their presence, and for sur- rounding himself by su^h patriotic and competent advisers as Holt, Scott, Dix and Stanton, in whose statesmanship and fidelity to the Union all parties can confide. lii'sohed. That, since the purchase of Florida and Louisiana territories by the gov- ernment of the United States was to secure unmolested commerce in the Gulf, atd the free navigation of the Mississippi and its tributaries as transits to the ocean, and .since their maintenance as territories and states has been .secured onlj' by the lavish expendi- ture of the blood and treasure of the whole nation, the recent revolutionary acts of levying war, and l)y coercion seizing and holding the forts and arsenals, hospitals and treasury of the United States, forcibly driving the United States troops from the other pi'operty of the United States, dishonoring the national flag in the eyes of the world, is trea.sonable in character and in violation of the equality, fraternity and common rights of all the .states, and thus imposes the patriotic duty of the people of all the states, as citizens of the United Stales, to rally to the common defen.se of our common Union and the con.stitution. The records of the period n,re not complete; but in the Wi'f^fen) Star of A\)v\\ 26, IStU, thirteen days after the tiring on Fort Sumter, we tiiid an account of the great meeting iield at P.eaver. on tlie 22d of A])ril. to meet tlie imperative demands of tlie hour. The meeting was oi'gauized bv electing the folio wino- officers: President — Hon. Daniel Agnew. Vice presidents — Hon. Joseph Irvin, Hon. Will- iam Cairns, Major Thomas McC'reery. Jloses Doak, Dr. John McCarrolI, Archibald Robertson, Isaac Covert, Daniel Dawson, liobert Douthett, Moses Hesdrickson, Hon. John Scott, Andrew Watterson, B Wilde, Dr. M. Lawrence, John (Jraebing, IJobert Wallace, William D. Eakin, Major R. Darragh, Major David Warnock, Thomas McClure, Thornton Shinn, Dr. Parmer. Secretaiies — Henry Hice. P. L Grim, W. B. Lemon, S. Davenport, J. Trimble. A committee of seven, namely, B. H. ( 'handierlin, Jno. Allison, Thos. :\rc('lure, II. P. Roberts, S. B. Wilson, Archibald Kobertson and P. L. Grim, was appointed to prejiare business for the meeting, and then adjourned. On reassembling, David Critchiow sang that patriotic and soul-stiiTing song, the Marseillaise hymn, after which the committee su!)mitt(Hl the following report, which was unanimously adopted : WFrETiF;AS, The government under which we live, and which has secured to our fathers and to us the rights guaranteed by the constitution adopted by the patriots of the revolution, under the genial protection of which the American people have enjoyed a greater amount of happiness and a higlier degree of personal liberty and pros-jerily 298 HISTuKY OF liEAVEK COfXTV. than has ever been vouchsafed to any nation upon earth, is now assailed by an organized band of traitors, who threaten its destruction and the subversion of the constitution; and whereas, an army of rebels from the Southern states is now marching upon the national capital for the purpose of usurping the powers of government, it therefore becomes the duty of every citizen who loves his country, and whose heart beats with patriotic emotion, to manifest his patriotism by promptly uniiing with our fellow-citizens of other states and communities, in sustaining the constitution and laws of our country, and in every legal and constitutional manner vindicate the authority and majesty of the government, either by taking up arms in its defense, or by aiding such of our patriotic citizens who may volunteer to serve in the armies of the Republic: therefore Resolved, That a general county committee of safety composed of one hundred men be appointed, for the purpose of considering the duties devolving upon all loyal citizens, in any emergency that may arise during the civil war now raging between the constituted authorities of the nation and the aggressive and rebellious states; and that also the organization of local committees be recommended In dlffer'Mit localities of the county. Resolred, Tliat a home military orgauization be recommended in every locality of tlie county, and that in view of the emergencies now arising, all encouragement l)e extended to the formation of volimteer corps, to act on requisition of the general and state authorities. Resolved, That a committee of si.\ persons be appointed In each election district of the county to see that the families of our noble, brave and patriotic citizens who may volunteer to serve our common country be properly cared for and protected during the absence of their natural protectors, and that we unitedly pledge our sacred honors and fortunes to enable said committee to carry this resolution into effect. Resolred, That the president of this meeting appoint and announce the above com- mittees at his earliest convenience. IIoii. Thomas Cuniiiiigliaiii was then, on motion of Iv. J'. Kobei'ts, called ti])on to acUli'ess the meeting, and responded in a most aijle, elo- quent and ])ati'iotic speech, tracing the progress of treason and rebellion in the South from its rise to the present time, showing this scheme for the dissolution and destruction of the government had long been cher- ished by the leading men of that section now most active in waging this fratricidal and unholy war; that all pretexts of inequality in the national territories, running away of slaves, the election of Abraham liincoln to the presidency, etc., were but miserable subterf tiges by which they sought to cover up their wicked purpose; that in furtherance of their traitorous scheme they iirsl bi<)k(j up the Democratic party, by their actions at the Clharleston convention in 1860, and thus deliber- ately and intentionally brottght about the very state of things they now coni|)laiii of and assign as the cause foi- and the justilitNition of their attiick up(jn the government. And, in closing a s|)eech rf])lete with patriotism and ilevotit>n to his country, he urged u[)on all the necessity and diitv of responding pi-()iii|)tl\' to tin' c;iU of their country in this her hour of ilanoer. I ,^ ^4^/^x BEAVER COUNTV. 301 a. i'. Roberts, Esq., was then called upon and lirielly res[)onded in a stirring and patriotic appeal to all to put forth their efforts now to crush out treason, and to rally to the defense of our glorious flag. lie also announced that a committee from the Harmony Society at Econ- omy were in attendance, with an offer of means necessary for the defense of their country. Rev. Dr. McClain, Rev. 8. K. Kane, Rev. S. Patterson, Rev. B. C. Critchlow, Eev. D. A. Cunningham, and Rev. J. M. Smith being called for, each addressed the meeting in brief but fervent and patriotic speeches, deprecating ttie necessity for war, but asserting that the war now forced upon us must Ije met in the true spirit of holy and devoted patriotism; that oui' position in tlie present struggle was in accordance with the true principles of religion and humanity, and that relying upon the God of battles, we must surely succeed in su]5pressing treason and rebellion. S. B. Wilson, Esq., was then called upon and addressed the meet- ing. Hon. John Allison, and Cajitain Kagarice, a soldier of the Mexi- can war, and Thornton Sliinn, Esq., late of Kansas, each made a few pertinent, patriotic and soul-stii'ring remarks. Names of the committee t)f one hundred ap[)ointed in pursuance of the first of the above resolutions : Hon. Tlionuis Cunuinghani, R. P. Roberts, B. B. Chainberliu, Edward Hoops, William Henry. Dr. .Tames E. .Taek.son, Dr. .John Murray, .James Arbuckle, Dr. D. S. Marquis, Hon. .Joseph Irvin. Captain G. Pendleton, Thomas G. Kerr, Henry Bryan, < George Shiras, Thornton Shinn, George Neely. Samuel Ilendrickson, Henry Gochring, John Chaney, Elwduil Thomas. William Wallace, i>. C. Clow, Hugh Bennett 17 William Barclay, Robert Graham, Captain D. Dawson, Captain Samuel Smith, Hon. William C'airns, .John Wilson, Andrew Walterson, .Jesse Carotliers, Archibald Robertson, Thomas B. Wells, Hon. .John Scott, .Joseph Wallace, William M. Reed, Benjamin Butler, .Jo.seph Nevin. Philip Cooper, .James Smith, J)avid Ivennedy, Dr. M. Jjawrence, Charles Calhoun, Andrew R. Jliller, Jtobert Patton. Dr. .John .Metlarnill. Samuel Davenport, Rev. D. A. Cunningham, Thomas McCreerj', General .J. H. Wilson, William 15. Clarke, H. B. Beisel, Silas Merrick, .Jason Hanna, George W. Glass, Hon. .John Allison, Matthew Gilliland, George S. Barker, Benjamin Wilde, James Wilson, M. T. Kennedy, George W. Fulton, Isaac Covert, Sylvester Hunter, Rev. B. C. Critchlow, John Stiles, Robert Jackson, Lewis Reno, William D. Johnston, 302 ' iiistdky of beaver county. Committee of One IIundkkd — Continueu. George Hartzell, William 11. Frazier, Agnew Duff, E. N. Boots, Francis Le Qoullon, James Duncan, Henry Metz, Jacob Shaffer, Andrew Jackson, Francis S. Wilson, Rev. M'Abee, R. D. Cooper, George M. Young, Rev. D. H. A. McLean, William K. Boden, Robert Shannon, Dr. S. Cunningham, Captain Charles Stone, David Dunlap, P. L. Grim, Rev. R. T. Taylor, Robert Douthitt. Hiram Stowe, Ricbey Eakin, John White, James Darragh, Joseph C. Wilson, Rev. S. Patterson, John Roberts, Robert McCreery. District committee apjiointed by the chairman in jun-siiance with the third resolution above : RocJiester Boro. and Toionship — Joseph Irvin, G. C. Speyerer, John II. AYhisler, William Porter, Robert Jackson, Gilbert Pendleton, James A. Sholes, A. P. Lacock, William Wallace. Bndgewater — Thomas Campbell, Samuel Davidson, James Arbuekle, Thomas Allison, James Pqrter, J. Murray, Rev, William F. Lauck, Samuel Moorhead. Borough Tp. — Dr. S. Cunningham, Thomas M'Creery, Daniel Thurston, Jonathan M'Kinzie, James Darragh, Hugh B. Anderson, Isaac N. Atkins, M. Weyand Dirliiiglon Tp. — Dr. Ross, Martin White, John A. Frazier, John Cain, Robert A. Cochran, J. P. Martin. Chippeton Ip — John McCarter, Joseph Brittain, James Kennedy, Robert Dunlap, Thomas White. Jonathan Rhodes, Robert Douthett. Patterson Tp. — lesse Williams, Archibald Robertson, John R. Iloopes, William Carothers, John Sims. Eiyiniiiny Tp. — George Neely, Patterson Jlitchell, Samuel McManamy, William Mars, Jacob Breiteustein, John II. Beighley, Robert Gray (big). Pulaski Tp. — James Wallace, Ephraim Smith, John Baxter, Henry Phillis, Thomas Ferguson, Thomas Hays. Marion Tp. — Nicholas Boots, George Hartzell, Joseph Phillis, Austin Thomas, George Scheene. Fi-anklin Tp. — Henry Jletz, Alexander Fombell. Conrad Fisher, .lohn II. Wilson, Francis S. Wilson, James W. Pander. Fallston Boro. — David Johnston, William Henry, K. D, Cooper, Dr. James E. Jackson, James Duncan, Samuel Kennedy. Raccoon Tp. — Robert Moflit, James Smith, R. R. Gamble, Alexander Ewing, Samuel Kennedy, James Hall. Freedom Boro. and Dist. — W. W. Kerr, Jonathan Paul, Ileni-y Bryan, Thomas H. Cooper, Erasmus Gripp, Charles H. Bentel, I-Jobert McCaskey, James Stoops, Charles Haller, W. Brown. New Semckley Tp. — Henry Goehring, George Geyer, George Rouser, Abraham Hunter, George Teets, Edward Reeder, John Cheney, Samuel Piersol. Neic Brighton Boro. — Hon. John Allison, Isaac Covert, William Kennedy, II. B. Beisel, Benjamin Wilde, Edward Hoops, M. T. Kennedy, Sylvester Hunter. PhiUipsbnrg — Francis Le GouUon, G. Trompeter. John j\I. Shrodes, Lawrence F. Schaffer, Joseph Bentel, Peter Markey. Sovth Bearer Tp. — Jlichael Conkle, Sr., Joseph McMillin, Robert Graham. E.sq., Reuben Watt, Dixon Reed, Peter Crowl, Thomas F. Elder. BEAVER COUNTY. 303 Big Beaver— ^Y. H. Powers, Dr. llazlep, Thomas McClure, Robert Wallace, Will- iam H. Foster, Samuel Blair, George Young, Fergus jMcClelland. North Sewickley — Hugh Bennett, Hugh Wallace. James J. Hazen, S. C. Clow, Ben- jamin Whisler, James Warnock, Thomas Kamsey, Alexander Caven. Industry — John Wilson, Samuel Iloyt, Dr. J. P. Curamings, John Michaels, Hon. William Cairns, Richard Walton, J. M. Phillis, Joseph Ewing. Oreene Tp. — Charles Calhoun, Dr. M. Lawrence, James H. Trimble, James Bryan, David Kerr, Jr., James Mackall, Samuel McGlaughlin, James Cameron, John Vance, Samuel Leeper, Jackson Swearengen. Frankfort Dist. — Dr. Bingham, Dr. John McCarroll, R. A. Cooley, Captain S. Swearengen, Samuel Bigger, Moses Doak. McGuire's Dist. — John A. Gibb, Robert Ilarsha, Henry Keifer, Joseph K. Bucha- nan, Eli Ramsey, George Littell. Ohio Tp. — Captain D. Dawson, R. Laughlin, James Scroggs, Matthew Johnston, S. B. Briggs, William Ravi. John Ilendenson, Robert McGafflck. Hopewell — Robert Duncan. Robert C. Scott, James Irons, G. K. Shannon, Thomas McKee, John R.McCune, William A. Thomson, James Jordan. Independence Tp. — James Sterling, Henry Reed, Dr. A. R. Thomson, William Reed, Alexander Gibb, Benjamin Butler, William M'Coy, Thomas Standish. Moon Tp.—D. B. Short, John Davis, Daniel Figley, Mile Reed, Hill Douds, Robert Cooper, Henry Alcorn, William McBriar. Brighton Tp. — Andrew Watterson, George Barclay, William Scott, Jr., Richey Eakin, Jesse Carothers, Robert Gilmore. This committee of safety became the great medimn of helping on enhstments, and aiding in the caring for the families of those who went into the service. At a meeting of the committee in Beaver, May lY, 1861, it was moved by W. B. Clarke that each member of the committee of safety take the following oath or athrmation, to be administered by competent authority : " You ;ind each of you do swear liy Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts (or affirm) that you will support tlie constitution of the United States, and the constitution of Penns\'l- vania. and that you will mainttiin, su])port and defend the government of tiie United States against treason and rebellion." In addition to the regular companies sent to the field, the roster of which is given in a subsetjiieiit ])ortion of tiiis chapter, a number of Home Guards was enlisted in various ]iarts of the county for such service as the exigencies of war miglit demand. As early as May 17, 1861, the. following companies were reported: Galilee — Capt. William If. Power, 60 men. Economy town- shi]i — Ca|)t. James Conway, Ol men. riiiilipsburgh — Cajit. Andrew Simon. 60 men. North Sewickley townshij) — Capt. J. J. Hazen, 50 men. South Beaver — Capt. A. J. Lawrence, 45 men. Eaccoon — Capt. Jas. Sinitli, 45 men. Most of the men, however, were without arms. Tin's number of Home Guards, all wearing the blue when on drill, was sub- sequently greatly increased. 304r niSTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Another organization was formed in and around Beaver, known as the Jaclison Grays. From taste or for some other reason, its members wore the gray miiform. It would be improper to omit the mention of the loyal ladies who, in all parts of the county, aided in suppressing the rebellion. Aid societies were establislied for procuring and sending forward supplies to the field. Mention is made of one of tliese societies in Ohio town- ship of which Mrs. Daniel Dawson was president, and Mrs. S. W. W. Coughey was secretary, that had forwarded to the army in December, 1861, a box of supplies amounting to $128.62. This was just one of numerous instances of a similar kind. The aid through the sanitaiy commission ; through faithful services as nurses in hospital and camp ; through letters, delicacies, words of encouragement in various ways; and through heroic endurance at home while loved ones were far away on weary marches or engaged in deadly conflict, can never be fully estimated nor adequately repaid. The loyal ladies of the country were an important factor in crushing the rebellion. The following classified list of military officers in Beaver county, taken from the Beaver Argus of July 24, 1867, is said to be a complete list of those who went from tiie county as commissioned officers during the war of the reliellion : COLONELS. John S. Littell, 76tli Reg't. M. S. Quay, 134th Reg't. Jos. II. Wilsou, 101st " R. P. Roberts, 140th '• J. Q. Anderson, 17th Cavalry. LIEUTENANT-COLONELS. John S. Littell, 76tli Reg't. J. Q. Anderson, 17th Cavalry. Alex. W. Taylor, 101st " Jason R. Ilanna, 6th Jlilitia, 1863. MAJORS. T. J. Hamilton. 100th Reg't. Thomas Henry, 140th Reg't. Bavid Critchlow, " " J. Q. Anderson, 17 Cavalry. Alex. W. Taylor, 101st " Geo. M. Irwin, 5th .Vrtillery. SUEGEONS. David Stanton, 1st Pa. Cavalry. Wra. B. Hezlep, 80th Rog't. David Minis Jr., 48th Reg't. J. M. Cummins, 114th W. C. Shurlock, 51st Reg't. ASSISTANT SURGEONS. W. B. Hezlep, 3d Cavalry. Presley M. Kerr, 121st Reg't. John C. Levis, 85th Reg't. Francis F. Davis, " W. C. Shurlock, 100th " Francis F. Davis, lG8th " P. B. Younsr, 136th Res;'t. BEAVEK COUNTY. 305 List op Militaky Okficeus — Continued. CAPTAINS. John Cuthbertson, Jacol) Winans, Milo K. Adams, Joseph M. Reed, Abner Lacock, Samuel Miller, John L. Moore, Alex. M. Gilkey, Jason K. Hanna, Chas. W. Taylor, George Weaver, John S. Little, David Critchlow, Wm. K. Shurlock, T. J. Hamilton. Alvin M. Reed, Wm. F. Lyon, Moses B. Welsh, Wm. Lowrey, Charles W. May, W. F. Daveson, Thos. B. Dawson, David M. Ramsy, Alex. W. Taylor. J. Adams Vera, John W. Hague, David Jones, Co. H. 9th Res. " F, 1 0th " K, " C, 63d Ucg't. " K, " C, •■ D, L, 76th 100th James Conway, R. P. Roberts, Thomas Henry, Marcus Orraond, Samuel Campbell, Samuel S. Kerr, James Darragh, Wm. MeCallister, 1). M. Donehoo, J. <4- Anderson, P. A. English, Henry M. Donehoo, Geo. M. Irwin, Charles D. Rhodes, George S. Barker, Samuel R. Patterson, " C, 101st " S. M. Lawrence, " F, '■ •■ " " " " Robert Gilmore. " " George S. Barkei H, " E. 134th •• .lames S. Rutan, 1. CIIAl'I.AINS. 102d Reg't, Marcus Ormond, R. S. Morton, 17th Cavalry. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Co. H, 139th Reg't. '• F, 140th •' " H, •■ " A, 17th Cav'ry. ■ B, '• ' B, .5th Artil'y. ' C. 56th 90 days" Militia. E, 56th 90 days' Militia. n,56tli 90 days' Militia. I, ,56th 90 days' Militia. • C, 6th Militia, 1862. F, 14th Militia, 1.S02. 140tli Resr't. John F. Price, Co. H, 9th Res. liobert Darragh, Co. C, 63d Re, Jacob S. Winans, " " ., ]\Iilo M. Boyle, " " C. K. Chamberlin, " " .. Jas. S. Wilson. " " " ' M. S. Quay, " F. 10th " Robert F. Mcllvaine, " K, 76th ' John L. Moore, .. David Critchlow, " »-", 100th ■ E. P. Stewart, " " " Jas. Calhoun, •■ D, " Abner Lacock, " " '• Alvin M. Reed, .. .. George E. Lehmer, " " " John C. Hurst, .. .. ■ M. Hartshorn, " K, " James S. Rutan, " F, 101st • John L. Moore, " " " Wm. F. Dawson, " " " ' Wm. J. Carson, " " " Wm. B. Dawson, " " " G. Y. Edwards, " " " " David M. Ramsey, ,< ■< (( ( James S. Powers, " B, 6 id Reg't. Wm. H. Sutherland, " " . Joseph Schonlon, " 0, " James B. Kirk, " H " Henry Hurst, " " " R. G. Warden, " 0, 105th ' 306 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Militaky Okficehs — Continued. Samuel R. Patterson, Hugh Barnes, James II. Mountain, James Conway. John I). Stokes, Andrew jV[. Purdy, Darius Singleton, Austin Miller, John B. Vance, Addison Lance, Wm. McCallister, Thomas C. Nicholson, Louis R. Darragh, .J. Q. Anderson, .Tohn Sweny, Co. E, 134th Reg't. " I, " " ■' H, 139th" " F, 140th " H, .lames Potter, B. S. Uam.sy, Samuel Lawrence, John F. PiAc, .T. B. Parkinson. James McChire, " " " Charles A. Griffin, I, " '■ John F. Price, A, 17thCav. J. A. Schonlon, Ohas. C. Townsend, William H. Powers, Gilbert L. Eberhart, ADJUTANTS. 1st Pa. Cavalry. Wm. S. Shallenberger, 100th Reg't. John S. Bryan, Jason R. Hanna, .'iGth, 90 days' Militia. QUARTERMASTERS. 8th Reserves. David M. Ranisy, John Reeves, .'56th Reg't, 90 days' Militia. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Co. A. 17th Cav. " II, .")th Art'y. " C, o6th, 90 days' Militia. ■• E, .56th, 90 days' Militia. " H, 56th, 90 days' Militia. " H, 56th, 90 days' Militia. " C, 6th Mili- tia, 1862. " F, 14th Mili- tia, 1862. 140th Reg't. 101.9t Reg't. Samuels. Taylor, Co. H, 101st Reg't. D. G. Bruce, Co. A. 17th Cav. John S. Anderson, " E, 134th " Thomas Fish, " B, 5th Art'y. James H. Calkins, •• " " Edmund R. Boots, " ■' " " James H. Mountain, " I, " " Samuel Lawrence, ■' H, << ,, Oliver P. Swisher, ■■ " " Wm. Uhhj. " " .. ., Thomas Henry, .. p UOtli •' Wm. II. Bruce, " c. Ind. Bat. Alex. H. Calvert, " '• " Frank A. Merrick, " F, " " Andrew M. Purdy, " ■' " C. K. Chamberlin, " II, 9th Res. Carman M. Nelson, " " " D. Riley Hawkins, '■ ■' " •■ Samuel Campl)ell, '■ H , " Alfred T. Cairns, " F, 10th " John B. Vance, " •' " Thomas L. Darragli, " " " Samuel S. Kerr, ,, ., " " George E. Lehmer, .. .. ., .. W. M. Ijawrence, ,. ,, " " Wm. J. Carson. " K, .. « G. A. Shallenberger, " 1, " G. L. Edwards, Co. K. 10th Reg't. T. C. Nicholson, *' " " " Jas. S. Powers, " B, 63d Reg't. Louis R. Darragh, " " ,1 (( Charles W. Taylor, " c. " " W. A. McMilen, ■' " " George Weaver, " " " " B. F. Townsend, " B, 14th Cav. Geo. W. Kettenburg, " " .. .< Ebeu Allison, " A, 15th " Robert F. Mcllvaine, " K, 76th " John Sweny, " ■' 17th " Silas F. Vera, " B, 77th " P. A. English, " " " John F. Price, " E, " '■ B. S. Ramsy, *' " 1. Alex. B. Langley, " •' 83d ■■ BKAVEK COUNTY. 307 Aaron Sullivan. ■■ " 92d '• Ralph Covert, Co. C, 56tb, 90 David Critclilow, " c, lOOtb •■ days' Militia. James Caugbey, " n, " H. C. Patterson. " E, netb, !)() Daniel Frazier, " " " days' Militia. Alvin M. Reed, .. .. " H. W. Nelson, " H, 56th, 90 Robert J. Doutbett. " " .. days' Militia. William F. Dawson. ., p^ 101st ■■ D. D. Jobn,ston, ■• I, .56th, 90 James A. Johnston, .. days' Militia. David M. Raras}'. .. C. Hoidette, " C, 6th Mili- Joseph F. AVarrick, •' tia, 1862, B. W. Smith. .. ,. " S. H. Darragh, " F, t4tb Mili- Samuel Lawrence. " a, " tia, 1863. James B. Kirk. " II, " No attempt i.s iiiailc in this clia})ter to g'ive a sketch of the cam- paigns in which the troops from Eeaver county participated. It is sufficient to say she sent forth a large number of brave men for the various arms of tlie service, and tliat most of them operated in the eastern armies. The engagements will api>ear in the table of remarks appended to each company whose roster is presented, it being the desire to give as much of the history of the ])rivate soldier as ])ossiijle. Other troojis went from tiic county which are not reported in this volume. They were blended witli organizations from other counties and portions of the state, and hence could not be distinguished in the reports. The following regiments were re]>resented by Beaver county men. The 3sth Ilegiinent, itth Reserves, thi-ee years, was organized at Camp Wright, near Pittsburgh, under Colonel Conrad F. Jackson. It <)])erated with the army of the Potomac. Only one company, II, was fi'om Beaver county. The 39th Regiment, loth Reserves, three years, was organized at Camp Wilkins. near Pittsburgh, under Colonel John S. McCalmont. It operated with the army of the Potomac. Two companies, F and K, went from Beaver. The me 11, '64. Wilson, John P., June 19, '61; mustered out with companv June II, '64. Ward, Patrick, June 19, '61; trans, to 191st Regiment P. V., June 11, 64 ; veteran. VV'aterhouse, J. W., June 19. '61; trans, to western gunboat service Feb. 29, 64. Wilson, James L., June 19, '61; killed at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, '62. Warnock, Daniel C, June 19, '61; killed at Bull Run Aug. 29, '63. Wray, John, June 19, '61; killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62, COMPANY K, 10th RESERVE, 39tH REGIMENT, P. V. Officers and Non-commissioned Officers. Samuel Miller, captain, June 20, '01; died of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads June 30, '62. A. M. Gilkey, captain, June 20. '61; promoted from corporal to 2d lieutenant, Aug. 1, '62, mustered out with company June 11, '64. Marshall Hartshorn, 1st lieutenant, June 27, '61; resigned Oct. 21, '61. John L. ]\Ioore. 1st lieutenant, June 29, '61; promoted from 3d lieutenant of Com- pany F. to 1st lieutenant of Company K., Oct. 30, '61; wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate .Ian. 21, '63. Wm. J. Carson, 1st lieutenant, .lune 20, '61; promoted from 2d lieutenant to 1st lieutenant, Aug. 1, '62, discharged on surgeon's certificate June 20, '63. G. Y. Edwards, 1st lieutenant, .lune 20, '61; promoted from l.st sergeant to 2d lieutenant. May 16. '63. to 1st lieutenant Feb. 6, '64; mu.stcred out with compan}- June 11, 1864. Thos J. McCarter, 2nd lieutenant, June 20, '61; resigned Sept. 30. '61. .lohn F. Powers, 1st sergeant, June 20, '61 ; musteied out with compan\' .lune 1 1 , '64. James A. .Anderson, 1st sergeant, June 20, '61; wounded at Gaine's Mill June 27, '62; discharged Sept. 8, '62. Thomas J. Bartram, .sergeant, June, 20. '61; wounded by guerrillas Feb. 13, '64; absent in hospital at muster out. Richard L. Hudson, sergeant, June 20, '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. James McGeehon, sergeant, June 30, '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. Samuel T. Parks, sergeant, June 20, '61; wounded at Wilderness, May 6, '64; absent at muster out, in hospital. Milton R. Young, sergeant, June 20, '61; captured at Fredricksburg, Dec. 13, '52; died at Richmond, Va. Dec. 2,'), '62. BEAVKR COUNTY. 317 OfI'ICeus and Non Commissioned Officers — Conttnied. Stephen A. Lowry, sergeant. .Tune 20, '61; deserted Sept. 15, '63. George D. Andrews, corporal, .lune 20, '61; wounded in action, May 15, '64 absent in hospital at muster out. William Shannon, corporal, .Tune 20. '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64, Robert Miller, corporal, .Tunc 20, '61; discharged on surgeon's certiticate Sept. 30, '61. .James McClelland, corporal, .Tune 20, '61; wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, •Tune 30, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 27, '62. ,Tacob Kagarise, corporal, .Tune 20, '61; transferred to Company C, 5tli Ignited States Artillery, Nov. 20, '62. Samuel Elder, corporal, .June 20. '61; trans, to veteran reserve corps, .Tuly 1, '63. .Tames "W. Reed, corporal, .June 20, '61; transferred to 191st regiment Pa. Vols. June 1, '64; veteran. 'William H. Anderson, corporal, .lune 20, '61; transferred to Itllst regiment. Pa. Vols. June 1, '64; veteran. Richard W. Baker, corporal, June 20, '61; transferred to 191st regiment, Pa. Vols. June 1, '64; veteran. Charles W. Crawford, corporal, June 20, '61; killed at Gaines' Mill June 27, '62. .Ton. P. McCready. musician, June 20, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 20, '63. Robert J. Cready, musician. June 20, '61; discharged by order of Secretary of War, Aug. 31, '63. Privates. Allen Charles, .Tune 20, 61; transferred to veteran reserve corps Oct. 10, '63. Anderson James A.. June 20, '61; transferred to 191st regiment, P. V., June 1, '64; veteran. Anderson, Albert, June 20. '61 ; transferred to 191st regiment, P. V., Junel, 04. Bannon, Michael, private, June 20, '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. Barnes, Husrh, June 20, '61; discharged on surgeon's certiticate Jlay 5, '62. Bartram, George W., June 20, '61; transferred to Company C, 5th United States Artillery, Nov. 20, '62. Barber, William, Feb. 35, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 14. '63. BusIj, William, Sept. 1, '61; transferred to veteran reserve corps Feb. 11, '64. Barnes, Hugh G., June 20, '61; trans, to 191st regiment. P. V., June 1, '64; veteran. Bartram, And. J., Feb. 35, '62; transferred to 191st regiment, P. V., .Tune 1, '64. Bussinger, Daniel W., June 20, '61; trans, to 191st reg. P. V., June 1. '64; veteran. Boyd, John, July 10, '61; killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, '62. Calvin. Peter Y., June 20, '61; mustered out with company June 1 1, '64. (Jourtuey, M. W., June 30, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 16, '63. Davis, Thomas, July 10, '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. Davidson, Robert, July 5, 61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. Diinaldson, Tlenry, Feb. 27, '64; transferred to 191st regiment, P. V., June 1, '(i4. Fosnaught, Joseph, July 6, '61; mustered out with company June 11, '64. Fosnaught, Barney, Dec. 26, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 29, '(il. Fry, R3ub3n H , June 30, '61; trans, to 191st regiment, P. V., June 1, 64; veteran. Furguson. Clark, June 20, '61; died April 2, '63. Gilkey, Francis W., June 20, '61; wounded at Freig. 12, '65; mastered out with company Sept. 11, '65. William A. Tait. sergeant. Feb. 27. '65; discharged by general order Aug. 11, '65. John G. liranyan, Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal March 2, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Lewis F. Denimler, Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal Jlarch 2, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Wm. F. Brannan. Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal March 2, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Samuel M. Brown, Feb. 25. '65; promoted to corporal March 2, '65; absent, sick at muster out. James Holton. Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal Jlay 27, 1865; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Robert Savage, Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal .July 1, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Joseph Frazier, Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal July 1, '65; mustered out ■with compau}' Sept. 11, '65. John 0. Ashton, Feb. 27, '65; promoted to corporal Aug. 12, '65; mustered out with companj' Sept. 11, '65. James n. Smith, corporal, Feb. 27, '65: discharged by general order May 17, '65. David M. Clark, musician, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept., '65. Edwin Ayers, musician, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order Aug. 7, '65. Pkitates. Ashton, Stephen M., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Aley, Isaiah, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order Sept. 18, '65. 326 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Privates — CoNTrauED. Anderson. David M., Feb. 27, '6.5; discharged by general order Sept. 9, '65. Anderson, John, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Alcorn, Henry II., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11. '65. Anderson, William, Feb. 14, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Armstrong, B. H., Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 8, '65. Arnold, Cyrus, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 12, '65 Bollner, H. P., Feb. 27, '65; absent, sick at muster out. Banford, Thomas, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Blume, Christopher, Feb 27, '65; discharged by general order Sept, 9, '65. Barr, Henry, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Burford, Andrew J., Feb. 14, '65; discharged by general order May 20, '65. Bown, George H., Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 2, '65. Bennet, Lemuel, Feb. 27, '05; died at Nashville, Tenn., July 31, '05. Byres, William, Feb. 27, '65; died at Nashville. Tenn., Aug. 25, '05. Cronan, Dennis K., Feb. 25, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Cams, William, .•\pril 3, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Christman, Frederick, March 17, '05; discharged by general order May 31, '65. Craven, James, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 12, '65. Crawford, William N., Feb. 37, '65; died at Nashville, Tenn., April 15, '65. Cissnia, James A., March 4, '65; died at Nashville, Tenn., April 22, '65. Davis, Calvin, Feb. 27, '65; absent, sick at muster out. Dow, Franklin K., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Deffenbaugh, H. N., ]March 2, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Dougherty, Jno. W., March 6, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Drake, John T., March 2, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Evans, John, Feb. 27. '65; discharged by general order Jlay 23, '65. Fees, John C, Feb. 27, '65; absent, sick at muster out. Frazier, John T., Feb. 27, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Filbert, John, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Foster, Richard L., Feb. 8, '65; absent, by sentence of general court martial at mus- ter out. Fleming, Joseph J., March 23, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Feazel, John, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order May 21, '65. Feazel, George W., Feb; 37, '65; discharged by general order July 20, '65. Frazier, John, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 8, '65. Forbes, J. W., March 15, '65; not on muster-out roll. Hardman, David, Feb. 35, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Hamilton, John, Feb. 38, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Hosey, James, Feb. 26. '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Hoffman, John D., March 18, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Horn, Simon. Feb. 8, '05; discharged by general order May 19. '65. Irwin, William, Feb. 28, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. James, William, Feb. 27, '65, mu-itered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Kirk, Frank D., Feb. 27, '05; mustered our with company Sept. 11, '05. Kirk, George, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Knox, Alexander, Feb. 37, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Linder, Edgar, Feb. 25, '05; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. Luce, John, Feb. 37, '75; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Lynch, George, Feb. 35, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '05. beaver county. 327 IjIST op Privates — Continued. Lloyd, Joseph J., Feb. 25, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Lynch, James, Feb. 25, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Libengood, Henry, March 4, '65; discharged by general order June 3, '65. Laffln, Michael, Feb. 27. '65; discharged on surgeon's certificate June 8, '65. Mars, Benjamin, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Mars, George, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11,65. Merchant. Frederick, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sep. 11, '65. Moses, Adam, Feb, 15, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Meaner, George W., Feb. 27, '65; discharged b}- general order May 27, '65. Milligan, John, March 15, '65; died at Nashville, Tenn., June 2, '65. McClure, Robert S., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. McKee, Thomas, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. McCouah_y, William J., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with companySept.il, '65. McGown, John S , Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65 McGown, Lawrence J., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. McClure, JohnH., April 3, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Xickerson, Jacob, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 12, '65. Peters, Robert, Feb. 27, '65; de.serted March 8, '65. Rudisill, William, Feb. 25, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Sims, William B., Feb. 28, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Smith, William, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11 '65. Shields, Samuel, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Swartzlander, Levi, March 21, 65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Sample, Sidney, March 18, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. ShuU, Alfred L., March 22, '65; mustered out witli company Sept. 11, 65. Swagger, Jesse B., April 3, '65; discharged by gener.al order Sept. 9, '65. Suedeker, Albert E., Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order May 23, '65. Stuchell, William A., March 4, '65; discharged by general order May 23, '65. Smith, Daniel, Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order May 27, '65. Shafer, Lewis C, Sept. 13, '64; discharged by general order June 19, 65. Shafer, Israel, Sept. 13, '64; discharged by general order June 19, '65. Smith, William A., Sept. 13, '64; discharged b^' general order June 19, '65. Tliompson, John L., Feb 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Taylor, Thomas, Feb .27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Thompson, Calvin G., Feb 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Thompson, John, Feb. 20, '65; discharged by general order June 2 '65. Vogel, Philip, March 7, '65; mustered out with company Sept, 11, "65. Wise, Christopher C, Feb. 28, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Walters, Joseph, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Walker, Andrew M., Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept 11, '65. Wilson, John, March 2, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. Wise, John M., Feb. 27, '65 ; discharged by eneral order May 25, '65. Zediker, Levi, Feb. 27, '65; mustered out with company Sept. 11, '65. COMPANY D, IOOtII EEGI.MKNT, P. V. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. William C. Shurlock, captain, Aug. 31, '61; resigned Dec. 16, 1861. 328 HISTOEY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officeks — Continued. Thomas J. Hamilton, captain, A\ig. 81, '61; promoted from 1st lieutenant to captain Dec. 10, '61; to major May 21, '64. John L. Johnston, captain, Aug. iil.'Gl; promoted to sergeant May l.'i, '63; to gd lieutenant June 24, '64; to captain Jan. 27, '6.5; prisoner July 30 to Aug. 23, '64; wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October li), '04; mustered out with ccmipany July 24, '65; veteran. James M. Calhoun, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 31, '61; promoted from 1st .sergeant Dec. 10, '61; resigned IMarch 1, '64. William F. Lyon, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 9, '61; promoted to sergeant Nov. 1,5, '62; to 1st lieutenant May 22, '64; commissioned captain June 15, 64; not mustered: resigned Dec. 12, '64; veteran. John C. Hart, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 31, '61; promoted to sergeant May 15, '63; to l8t lieutenant, Jan. 28, '65; wounded at Petersburg, Va. , JIarch 25, '65; mustered out with company July 24, '65: veteran. James K. Caughey, 2d lieutenant, Aug. 31, '61; resigned Dec. 16, '61. Daniel Frazier, 2d lieutenant. Sept 5, '61 ; promoted to corjioral Nov. '61 ; to 2d lieutenant Dec. IT. '61; resigned July 12, '62. Alvin 51. Reed, Sept. 13, '01; promoted to 2d lieutenant June 14, '62; wounded in action Nov. 18, '63; commissioned ist lieutenant March 10. '64. Robert J. Douthitt, 2d lieutenant, Aug. 31, '61; captain May 2, '64; not mus- tered; resigned June 14, '64; promoted to- corporal May 16, '63; to sergeant Nov. 1, '63; to 2d lieutenant IVIarch 13, 'G5; -wounded in action Nov. '16, '63; mustered out with company .Tuly 24, '65; veteran. Thorap.son Baker, Dec. 26, '61; promoted to 1st sergeant ;\[arch IT. '05; mustered out with companj' July 24, '65; veteran. Ship'n X. Douthitt; 1st sergeant, Aug. 28, '61 ; mustered out Aug. 30, '64; expiration of term. AVm. H. Huffman, sergeant, Sept. 13, '61; pri.'-oiier Aug. 21, '04, to Feb. '65; mus- tered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. Robert D. Dawson, sergeant, Sept. 13, '61; musten-d out with c(mipany July 24, '65; veteran. Parkhurst Sburlock, sergeant, Dec. 20, '01; promoted from corporal 51ar(h IT, '65; mustered out with company July 24, '65 veteran . William S. Dillon, Sept. 16, '61; promoted from corporal Feb. 1, '65; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. John S, Heilman, .sergeant. Sept. 16. '(!1; killed at Boydton plank road, Va , Oct. 2T, '64; buried in Poplar Grove National cemetery, l\'tersburg, division D, section D, grave 2; veteran. .'Andrew Cole, sergeant, Aug. 2N, '01; not on musler-out roll. Samuel S. McClure, sergeant, Aug. 28, '61; not on musler-out roll. Joseph F. Herron, corporal, Dec. 26, '61; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. Robert S. Foster, corporal, Feb. 2T, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Joseph Wible, corporal, Aug. 28, '61; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. Joseph A. Courtney, Aug, 31, '61; promoted to corporal .March IT, 65; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. John B. Rayl, corporal, Sept. 13, '61; discharged ; date unknown; re-enlisted Feb. 26, '64 ; promoted to corporal March IT, '65 ; nuistered out with company. HEAVKR COUNTY. 331 Ofp'iceus and NoN-CoMJiissro?JF.D Okficeks — Continued. Francis Eiiton, forporal, Sept. 16. 'lil ; mustered out with compaii}' July 24. '6!j; veteran. Wni. J. I)avid.son, corporal, Sept. 1<>. '(il ; promottd to corporal .luly 1. 'G.T; mus- tered out witli company July 24, '().''); veteran. John Clarke, corporal. Marcli iill, 'lU; |iromoteil to corporal July 1, '(i."i: nuistered out with compau}' July 24, '65. William IT, Duiilap, coriioral, Auff. 28, '61; mustered out Aua;. :!0, 1864; e.x- piration of term. John Harvey, corporal, Aug. 28, '61 ; mustered out Aug, 80, '64; expiration of term. George S. Dunlap, corporal, .\ug. 28, '61 ; captured at Weldon railroad, Va., Aug. 19, '64; died at Salisljury. N. ('..Jan. 27, '65; death record bears name John S. Dunlap; veteran. Samuel C. Stratton. corporal, Dec. 26, '61; captured .-it Cold llarlior, Va., June 2, '64; died at Florence, S. C, Jan. 27, '65; veteran. John M. .McConnell. corporal, Sept. 16, 1861; kilUil at Weldon r;iilroad, Ya., Aug. 19, '64; veteran. Henry JIcElhany, cor|ioral, Aug. 2S, '01; not on muster out roll. Joseph F. Edgar, corporal, Aug. 28, '61; not cm muster-out roll. George S. Veon, corporal, Aug. 28. '61; not on muster-out roll, William F. Grant, corporal, Aug. 28, '61; not on nuister-out roll. Jo.'seph Veon, corporal, August 28, '01; not on muster-out roll, Julius L. Crans, corporal, Aug. 28, '61; not on nnister-o\it roll. John T. Harve}', musician, Sept. \'.i, '61; mustered out with company .luly 24, '6.">; veteran. Alonzo F. Thomas, musician. Sept, I'.i. '61; not on nuislcr-out roll. l'l{IV.\TF.S. Bowers, Joseph M., Feb. 29, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Bradshaw, Marion, Feb. 27, '64; mustered out with cumpati}' July 24, '65. Beer, HeiuT, Feb. 18, '65; substitute; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Banghart, William, JIarch 6, '65; substitute; discharged by general order June 27, '65. B:ill, William, Jan. -U. '65; substitute; killed at Petersburg, Va,, March 25, '65. Boll, Frank, Jan. 19. '65; substitute; discharged June ;iO, '65. Babel, Joseph, Aug. 21, '61; not on muster-out roll. Boyd, William D. Aug. 21, '61; not on muster out roll. Brown, William B., Aug. 21, '61 ; not on muster nut roll. Cearfass, Adam L., Aug. 28, '61; mustered out with com|)auy July 24, '65; veteran. Cozad, William J., Dec. 28, '65; alxent; sic'k at muster-out; veteran Courlney, John C, Fell. 27, (14; W(iUiKled at AVildcrness, Va., Jlny 6, '(!4; d's- charged .\pril 1, '65. Cearfass, Andrew, Aug. 28, '61; died in Ltiwrence comity. Pa., Jan. 27, '65; veteran. Cearfass, George W., Dec. 28, '68; died June 10 of wounds received; tit Spottsyl- vania C. II., Va , .May 12, '64; buried in National cemeteiy, .\.rIington veteran. Crowd, John, Feb. 12, '64; killed at Wehlon railroad, Va., Aug. 19, '64; liuricd in Poplar Grove cemetery, Petersburg, division A, .section A, grave 9. Co,\, Frederick, not on nmster-out roll; burial record, Jos, F. C!ox, died Louisville, Ky., Aug. 17, '63; buried in National cemetery, section B, range 16, grave 2. Cook, Thomas, .Vug. 28, '61; not on muster out roll. 332 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Privates — Continued. Coddie, John Sept. 5, '61; not on muster-out roll; veteran. Culberson, Kobert, Sept. 13, '61; not on muster-out roll. Cook, .Joseph, ; not on niu.ster-out roll. Dawson, George B., Feb. 20, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Duncan, John J., Feb. 20, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Dillon, Daniel, Feb. 22, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Dougherty, Joseph. Feb 1, '65; .substitute; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Devinney, Thomas, Jan. 11, '65; drafted; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Dawson, Samuel B., Aug. 28, '61; mustered out August 30, 1864; expiration of term. Dawson, James M., Feb. 26, '64; missing in action at Spottsyhauia, C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. Dawson, Benjamin, Feb. 22, '64; died at Washington, D. C, June 6, of wounds received in action ^lay 2S, '64. Daugherty, Frank, Feb. 2'!", '64; died at Washington, D. C, July 28, '64; buried in National cemetery, Arlington, Va. Dunlap, Thomas A., Sept. 16, '61; not onmusler-out roll. Karly, Theodore F., Feb. 27, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Early, James H., Feb. 20, '65; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Eakin, Nathaniel, Feb. 26. '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Early, Henry C, Aug. 31, '61; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran- Elder, Robert B.,Sepf. 13, '61; died at Beaufort, S. C; date unknown. Edward, James, March 11, '65; substitute; deserted May 5, '65. Foster, James F., Feb. 27, '04; died Oct. 6 of wounds received at Poplar Spring church, Va., October 2, 1864. Felger, Gotleib, Feb. 14, '65; substitute; deserted June 30, '65. Finkhouser, Jo.seph C, Sept. 13, '61; not on mu.ster-out roll. Grove, Richard A., Aug. 31, '61; mustered out with company July 24, '65; veteran. Grant, John, March 1, '65; substitute; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Goss, Abraham, Jan. 11, '65; drafted; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Garling, George W., Feb. 22, '65; drafted; mustered outwith company July 24, 65. Gallagher, James, Sept. 13, '61; not on muster out roll. Harvey. AVilliamF., Jan. 8, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '05. Hughey, Anna's C, Feb. 27, '64; mustered out witli company July 24, '65. Heilman, James L , Feb. 16, '04; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Hornbaker, John H., Feb. 22, '65; drafted; muslere5; buried in National cemetery, Arlington, Va. Henderson, James, Feb. lo, '64; captured at Petersburg, Va., Jul}' 30, 64; died Aug. 30, 64; b\iried in National cemetery, division 1, section B, grave 132. Howard, Smith, Jan. 30, '65: substitute; killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, '05. Henry, David, Aug. 14, '62; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, '04; buried in Na- tional cemetery, Louisville, Ky. Hanna, Andrew, Aug. 28, '61; not on muster-out roll. beavee county. 333 List ok Pkivates — Continued. Hamilton, Robert, Sept. 5, '61; uot ou muster-out roll. Jacksou, Ira R., Feb. '30, '64; died March i4, '64: buried iu Xational cemetery, Louis ville, Ivy., section IS, row 8, grave 5S. Johnson, Robert J., Sept. 5, '61; noton muster-out roll. Kessicker, 'William, Jan. 11, '65; drafted; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Kaughman, Samue!, Jan. 11, '65; drafted; mustered out with company July '24, '65. Kelly. William, Aug. 28, '61; absent; sick at muster-out; veteran. Kenard, Daniel, Aug. 38, '61; discharged by special order March 10, '65; veteran. Kelly, John, March 10, '65; substitute; de.serted May 6, '65. King, James, March 11. '65; substitute; deserted May 5, '65. Kennedy, Joseph F., Aug. iSl, '61; not on muster-out roll. Knowles. Archibald. Aug. 28, '61; noton muster-out roll. Keifer, John, Sept. 16, '61; not on muster-out roll. Lyon, Harrison, Sept. 0, '61; mustered out witli company July 24, '65; veteran. Lyon, Jacob J., Feb. 26, '64; killed at Petersburg, Va., March 25, '65. Lyon, James F., Sept. 16, '61; not on muster-out roll. Martin, James M., Aug. 31, '61; discharged; date unknown; refnlisted Feb. 24, '64, mustered out with company July 24, 65. Minner, Robert, Feb. 24, '64; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Miller, John, March 8, '65; substitute; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Miller, William H., Dec. 22, '64; drafted; mustered out with company July 24, '65. Miller, John A., July 19, '64; drafted; mustered ig. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Carney, Garett, Aug. 14, '62; died at Washington, I). C, Sept. 18, '62; Iniried in Military Asyhmi cemetery. Duck, Albert A., Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Dawson, Scroggs L., Aug. 14, 62; wounded at C;hancellor,sville, Va., May 3, '63; m\istered out with company May 26, '63. Freed, George W., Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Fish, Thomas, Aug. 14. '63; uuistered out wilh company May 26, '63. Fountain, Peter, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '(i3. French, Robert M., Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Ferree, Francis L., , Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with compary May 26, '63. Graham, John W., Aug. 14, 62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Gibson, Levi, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Grant, John, Aug. 14, '63; missed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '03. Griffin. Willet, Aug. 14, 62; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Graham, Sam'l C, Aug. 14, '62; wouuded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with compan}' ilay 26, '63. Gallagher, Joseph, Aug. 14, '62; discliargcd on surgeon's certilicate, Feb. 4, '63. Harton, James M., Aug. 14, '62; nnistered out with company May 26, '63. Hays, Samuel, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Hunter, Wm. M., Aug. 14, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 19, '68. Hollenbaugh, J. L., Aug. 14, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 6, '63. Hollenbaugh, W. T., Aug. 14, '62; deserted Nov. 18, 62. Kennedy, James T., Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Keusley, Adam, Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company May 26, '63. King, William R., Aug. 14, .'62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 6, '62. Lias, Feli.x, Aug. 14, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mu,stered out with company May 26, 63. Larimore, Wm. C. , Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Large, Christ. C, Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company !May 36, '63. Loomis, Chamb'n, Aug. 14, '62; died at Frederick, Md., Dec. 21, 62; buried in National cemetery, Antietam, section 26, lot E, grave 488. Marquis, Porter S., Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company 5Iay 26, '63. Morton, William, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Marshall, James, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. BEAVER COUNTY. 337 liisT OF Privates — Continued. Jlitchell, Robert, Aug. 14, '(52; mustered out with company May 26, '63. JIahatfie, Chamb'n, Aug. 14, '62; discharged on surgcou'.s certificate Feb. 17, '63. Muntz, Henry, Aug. 14, '62; wounded at Fredericlisburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; dis- charged on surgeon's certificate, April 18, '63. Metschan, John, Aug. 14, '62; died at Point Looliout, Md., .Jan. 30, 63, of wounds received at Frederick-sburg, Va., Dec. 13, '63. Jlagaw, Wesle}', Aug. 14, '62; died at Washington, D. C, Felj. 16, '63, of wouuds received at Fredericlisburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. McCasliey, Wm. R., Aug. 14. '62; mustered out with company Jlay 36, '63. McLaiu. Hiram, Aug. 14, '62 mustered; out with company May 26, '63. McCabe, Robert A., Aug. 14, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate .Jan. 9, '63. 3[cCrear}'. Alfred S., Aug. 14, '62; di.scharged on surgeon's certificate March;31, '63. ]\[cC'lellan, William, Aug. 14. '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate .Jan. 7, '63. Newman, Casper, Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company May 26, 63. Pettit, John F., Aug. 14, '62; wounded at Fredrickslmrg, Va., Dec. 13, '62;\rau.s- tered out with company Ma_y 36, '63. Read, William J., Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Raricks, John, Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company Mav 26, '63. Rapp, Christ, Aug. 14, '63; discharged on .surgeon's certificate Jlarch 27, '63. Ross, Samuel, Aug. 14, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate .Jan. 14, '63. Shaffer, John, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Sweasy, Wm. H., Aug, 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Stevens, Marcus, Aug. 14, '63; mustered out witli company May 36, '63. Smith, William F., Aug. 14, '63; wounded at Fredrickslmrg Va., Dec. 13, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Sager, Lewis, Sr., Aug. 14, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 4, '63. Sager, Lewis, Jr., Aug. 14, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 16, '63. Scroggs, Elijah N., Aug. 14, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 19, 63. Smith, Stonis, Aug. 14, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 3, '63. Todd, Samuel L., Aug. 14. '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. West, Ansel G., Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Wallace, Wm. H., Aug. 14, '63: mustered out with company May 36, '63. Willard, John G., Aug. 14, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. COMPANY I, l.'>4rn rkgiment, v. v. nine months' service. OKFICERS and NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. John W. Hague, captain, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 18, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. Hugh Barnes. 1st lieutenant, Aug. 32, '62; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '63. James H. Mountain, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 1, '62; promoted from 3d lieutenant Dec. 13, '63; mustered out with company Maj' 26, '63. Oliver P. Swisher, 3d lieutenant, Aug. 19, '62; jiromoted from 1st .sergeant Dec. 14, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. John C. McCleary, 1st sergeant, Aug. 19, '62; promoted from corporal to sergeant Jan. 1, '63; to l.st sergeant March 1, '63; mu.stered out with company May 26, '63. Thomas J. McCarter, 1st sergeant, Aug. 19, '63; promoted from sergeant Jan. 1, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 17, '63. 338 inST(1RY (IF BEAVER COUNTV. Officebs and Non-Commissioned Officers — Continued. John B. Rowe, sergeant, Aug. 19, '62; promoted from corporal Jan. IT, '63; mustei-L'd out with company May 26, '63. William Ilites, sergeant, Aug. li), '62; promoted from corporal March 1,'03; mustered out with company Maj' 26, '63. Isaac Murdock, sergeant, Aug. 19, '62; discharged April 16. '03, for wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, ^'a., Dec. 13, '62. Samuel Howe, sergeant, Aug. 19. '02; discharged on surgeon's certificate. Jan. 10, '03. J. T. W. MoCuue, sergeant, Aug. 22, '02: discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 9, '63. John A. Urabarger, Aug. 2i, '02; promoted to corporal ^March 1, '03; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Joseph McJIillen, corporal, Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. A. M. Cunningham, corporal, Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. William Dickson, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Jan. 26, 03; mustered out with company >[ay 20, '63. Thomas lloward, corporal, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Robert iM(;Clure, corporal, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company Jlay 26, '03. William Brooks, Aug. 19, '02; promoted to corporal Jan. 20, '03; mustered out with company May 26, '63. William McGeehon, corporal. Aug. 19, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate j\Iarch 27, '63. PltlVATES. Adams, Samuel C, Aug. 19. '02; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 5, '63. Bowers, Robert, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Boyd, Alexander S., Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Boyd, Joseph M., Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with company Maj' 26, ' 63. Benson, Samuel, Aug. 19, '02, captured at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '02; mustered out with companj' .May 26. '63. Brown, Richard R., Aug. 19, '02; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with company May 20, '63. Babel, Amos W., Aug. 19, '02; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Best, William C, Aug. 19, '62; died near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 30, '62. Carothers, Robert, Aug. 19, '62 ; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Cook, Benj, F., Aug.l9,'02; mustered out with company Afay 20, '63. Camp, Christian, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Cory, Eleathan A., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 13, '02. Collins, Francis M., Aug. 19, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 23, '63. Carrol, Patrick, Aug 19, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 4, '63. Duncan, Edward, Aug. 19, '02; mustered out with company May 20, *63. Dillworth, John C, Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '03. Dunlap, Joseph F., Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Dillon, j\[iller, Aug. 22. '62; mustered out with company Slay 26, '63. Dillworth. Calvin J., Aug 22, '62; di.scliarged on surgeon's certificate April 10, '63. ^^^ BEAVEE COUNTY. 3-il List of Privates — Continued. Davidson, Reed A., Aug. 19, '02; died at Washington, D. C, Jan. 14, '63, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Davidson, Josepli A., Aug. 19, '62; liilled at Fredericlisburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Degarimo, Jolinston, Aug. 19, '62; died at WasliiDgton,D. C.Jau. 5, '63, of wounds received at Fredericlisburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; buried in Militarj' Asylum cemetery. Edwards, Joseph B., Aug. 32, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Fields, John B , Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Fullis, William, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Furgeson, Robert K., Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Feasel, George, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Feasel, Albert, Aug; 32, '62; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Huston, Jeremiah, Aug. 19. '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 4, '63. luman, Thomas B., Aug. 22, '62; mu.stered out with company May 26, '63. Inman, Nelson, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Jones, Lewis, Aug. 22, '63; mustered out with companj- May 26, '63. Johnston, William L., Aug. 19, '63; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., ]May 3, '63; absent, in hospital, at nuister out. Johnston, James M., Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Johnston, Lycu's J., Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Jenkins, Noah, Aug. 19, '62; killed at Fredericksburg, Va. , Dec.13, '62. Kirkpatrick, Mit'l, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Lusk, James H., Aug. 23, '62; wounded at Frederick.sburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; absent, in hospital, at muster out. Lambright, Jacob, Aug. 19, '62; mustered nut with company May 26. '63. Leslie, George C, Aug. 22, '62; discharged ou stirgeou's certificate Jan. 16, '63. Leslie, George W., Aug. 22, '63; discharged April 9, '63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '63. Minuer, James, Aug. 19, '63; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Martin, John, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Miller, William B., AUg. 33, '63; discharged March29, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '63. Minner, Samuel, Aug. 19, '63; died near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 10, '62. Miller, Henry V., Aug. 19, '63; died near FalmoiUh, Va.,Dec. 3. '62. Miller, Robert, Aug. 19, '63; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '63. Mitchell, William, Aug. 23, '62; died at Acquia Creek, Va., Jan. 31, '63. McCuue, James A., Aug. 22, '63; mustered out with company May 26, '63. McGeehon, Stew't R., Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63; mustered out with company. May 26, '63. McClure, James L.. Aug. 19. '62; mustered out with company May 26, ■()3. McCready, Edwin, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 36, 63. McMillen, Ralston, August 19, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. McMillen, Matt. II., August 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. McAuliss, Wm. W., August 19, '63; mustered out with company May 36, '63. JtcNutt, Smith, August 19, '62; missing in action at Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, '62. ]\IcGinnis, Alviu G., Aug. 19. '63; discharged April 21, '63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. McKim, Samuel, Aug. 19, '(i2; died Dec. 17, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. 19 342 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Prfvates — Continued. Powell, George W., Aug. 19, '62; mu.stcred out with company May 26, '63. Reed, Joseph G., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Royl, Thomas, Aug. 19, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 28, '63. Ramsey, John, Aug. 19, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 28, '63. Reed, James M., Aug. 22, '62; died near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 1, '62. Snyder, PhineasL., Aug. 19, '62; missing in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 13, '62. Swisher, John B., Aug. 22, '62; died at Frederick, Md., Xov. 13, '62. Sinitli, William P., Aug. 19, '62; died at Sharpsburg, Md., Oct. 22, '62. White, William, Aug. 19, '62; mustered out with company May 26, '63. Whitenbarger, Ilir. , Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. , Dec. 13, '62 mustered out with company May 26, '63. Williams, Thos. D., Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 mustered out with company May 26, '63. Woods, William J., Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63 mustered out with company May 26, '63. Young, Walter A., Aug. 19, '62; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 mustered out with company May 26, '63. Young, Henry II., Aug. 19. '62; mustered out with company May 26. '63. Young, .\ddison D., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company Ma)' 26, '63. cosiPANY H, 139th regiment p. v., three years' service. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. John A. Donald, captain, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate. July 25, '63. James J. Conway, captain, Sept. 1, '62; promoted from 1st lieutenant, July 21, '63; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, '64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. John J. Beuitz, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 1, '62; promoted from 1st sergeant to 2d lieu- tenant, April 25, '63; to 1st lieutenant July 23, '63; discharged Sept. 18, '64. Jack.son Boggs, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Salem Heights, May 3, 63; and at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64; promoted from sergeant, Nov. 24 64; mustered out with company, June 21, '65. James Fulton, 2d lieueuant, Sept. 1, '62; discharged JIarch 5, '63. Abraham Brown, 1st sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal, June 12,63; to .sergeant Sept. 10, '64; to 1st sergeant, March 11, '65; mustered out with company June 21, '65. S. E. Holesinger, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal July 4, ' 63; to ser- geant, Oct. 16, '64; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64; mustered out with com- pany, June 21, '65. Ozias Reno, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal, March 12, '64; to sergeant, Sept. 19, '64; mustered out with company, June 21, '65. George W. Painter, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va.,May5, '64; discharged April 19. '65. William II. McDonald, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; tran.sferred to veteran reserve corps, July 9, '63; discharged by general order, June 29, '65. Patrick Finn, sergeant, Sept.l, '62; killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, '63. John Richards, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Fort Stevens, D. C, July 11, '64. George Bentle, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Flint's Hill, Va., Sept. 21, 64. beaver county. 343 Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers — Continued. Henry Holland, sergeant, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, and captured May 8, '64; died at Wilmington, N. C, date unknown; buried in National cemetery, grave 994. Peter Kremple, corporal, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal Dec 15, 63; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. William D. Boots, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal Sept. 10, 64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. William C. Holesinger, Sept 1, '6'^; promoted to corporal Oct. 19, '64; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H. May 12, '64, and at Petersburg, Va.. April 2, '65; discharged by general order June 16, '65. William Vea/.y, Sept. 1, '62; promoted to corporal Nov. 1, '64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. George Anderson, corporal. Sept 1, '62; wounded at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, '64; promoted to corporal Jan 1, '64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. William J. Allen, corporal, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 22, '63. Thomas JlcKee, corporal. Sept 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 4, 63. Frank Hays, corporal, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Spottsylvania C. H. Va., May 12, 64; buried in burial grounds Wildernee.s. Robert L. Richards, corporal, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64. .Joseph F. McDonald, musician, Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with company June 31, '65. Lewis McDonald, musician, Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with company June 21. '65. Privates. Briggs. Sabinas, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64; mustered out with company June 21, '65. Baker Anthony, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, and captured May 8, '64; discharged by general order, June 19, '65. Boyd, Charles, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate date unknown. Boggs, Jo-seph, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, '63, and at Wilderness, Jlay 6, '64; discharged Dec. 29. '64. Brant, Jacob, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 26, '63. Brown. John A., Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '62. Coleman, William, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on writ of habeas corpus, date unknown. Craig, James. Sept. 1, '62; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64. Cottam, Horace B., Sept. 1, '62; died at Stafford C. H., Va., Dec. 3, '62. Carter, William, Sept. 1, '62; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63; died at Andersonville, Ga., May 14, '64, grave 45, Coats, Samuel B., Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, and captured May8, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 1, 64, grave 10,131. Cottam, James L., Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '62. Conley, .lames. Sept. 1, '62; drowned — date unknown. Downs, William. Sept. 1, 62; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, '64; trans- ferred to Company A, 18th regiment, veteran reserve corps, Jan. 28, '65; discharged by general order June 28, '65. Davis, John, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64; transferred to veteran reserve corps, Jan. 28, '65; discharged by general order June 29, '63. Ford, William, Feb. 29, '64; trans, to Co. I, 93d regiment Pa. Vols. June 21, '65. 344 HISTOEY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Privates — Continued. Fraser, William, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '02. Gordon, Smith M., Sept. 1, '62; discharged by general order May 24, '6o. Grow, Lewis, March 4, '64; transferred to Company I 93d regiment Pa. Vol., June 21, '65. Gordon, John, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Salem Heights, \a., May 3, '63. Gross, Samuel, Dec. 12, '63; killed at Opequau, Va., Sept. 19, 04. Gallaher, Philip, Sept. 1, 'G2; deserted Oct. 10, '62. Hill David, Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with compauy June 21, '0.5. Holesinger, John E., Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with company June 21, '65. Harvey, Samuel, Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with company June 21, '65. Harvey. Daniel, Sept 1, '62; mustered out with company June 21, 65. Harvey, George H., Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Spottsylvania, C. H,, Va., May 9, '64; niu.stered out with company June 21, '65. Hays, James, Sept. 1, '62; captured at Spottsylvania, C. H., Va., May 18, '64. Hart, Thomas, Sept. 1, '62; captured at Spottsylvania, C. H., Va., May 18, '64. Hoch, Frederick, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, '63. Hannah, James, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on writ of habeas corpus — date unknown. Headling, Jeffry, Aug. 1, '64; wounded at l^edar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64; trans- ferred to company I, 11th regiment veteran reserve corjjs, date unknown; discharged by general order Aug. 10, '65. Holesinger, Thos. D., Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64; transferred to veteran reserve corps, date unknown; di-schargcd by general order, July 10, '63. Hemphill, James M., Feb. 20, '65; transferred to Compauy I, 93d regiment Pa. Vols. June 21, '65. Harger, Michael, Dec. 14, '63 ; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64. Hill, Alfred, Sept. 1, '62; died at StalTord C. H., Va., Nov. 26, '62. Hendrickson, Samuel, Sept 1, '62; deserted Dee. 16, '62. Keller, Henry, Aug. 15, '64; died at Alexandria, Va., June 21, '65; grave 3,246. Kenly, Michael, Sept. 1, '02; discharged on surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4, '63. Kelley, Robert, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '02. Knight, Thomas, Sept. 1, '62; deserted July 16, '63. Logan, Thomas W., Sept. 1, '62; mustered out with company June 21, '65. Lambert, Charles, Sept. 1, '62; died at Harper's Ferry, Va., March 20, '64. Logan, James, Sept. 1, '62; died at Downsville, Md. Oct. 13, '62; buried in National cemetery, Antietam, .section 26, lot D, grave 40s. ;Muntz, Gottlieb, Feb. 24, '64; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64; trans, to Company I, 93d regiment. Pa. Vols, June 21, '65. Merriman. Samuel, Feb. 20, '04; trans, to Company I, 93d reg. P. V., June 21, '65. Murphy, Patrick, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Petersburg, Va.. June 18, '64. McCloskey, J. R. S., Sept. 1. '62; mu.stered out with company, June 21, '65. McPherson, Marsh, Sept. 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate, Jan. 14, '63. McKee, Thomas F., Feb. 29, '64; trans, to Company I, 93d reg. P. V., June 21, '65. McKinzy, Rienza, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 3, '62. Pierce, John C, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64; mustered out with company June 21, 1865. Richards, William, Sept. 1, '62; wounded at Cold lIarl)or. Va., June3, '04; mus- tered out with company June 21, '65. Rush, Calvin, Sept. 1, '62; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 9, '64. BEATER COUNTY. 345 List of Pjhvates — Contikued. Rentz, Joseph, Sept. 1, '63; deserted July 16, '63. Schnell, Sam'l, Sept. 1, '63; mustered out with company June 31, '65. Smith, William H., Sept. 1, '62; mu-stered oiit with company June 31, '65. Schruni, Harrison, Sept. 1, '63; mustered out with company, June 21, '65. Schrum, Jackson, Sept. 1, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate, March 2, '63. Schrum, Jackson, Dec. 13, '63; discharged — date unknown — for wounds received at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64. Severance, Clark, Sept. 1, '63; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63; died at Danville, Va., date unknown; burial record — C. Severn, died at Andersonville, Ga., May 19, '64, grave 1,216. Shettenger, John, Sept. 1, '63; died at White Oak Church, Va., March 33, '63. Smith, Frederick, Sept 1, '62; deserted Oct. 16, '62. Swank, Joseph, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '62. Trap, John L., Sept. 1, '63; killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, '63. Tilstan, William, Feb. 39. '64; died at Brandy Station, Va., April 30, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Culpeper C. H. block 1, section A, row 3. grave 90. Turner, Benj., Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 12. '62. Thorn, Levi, Sept. 1, '63; deserted Oct. 16, '63. Utley, George, Sept. 1. '62; captured Jlay 8, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., date unknown. Wordeu, William S., Feb 29, '64; trans, to Company I, 93d reg. P. V., June 21, '65. Worden, Sylvester, Feb. 29, '64; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, '64; trans, to Company I, 93d regiment, P. V., June 21, '65. William, Henry, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Sept. 1, '62. Walker, Robert, Sept. 1, '62; deserted Oct. 16, '63. Wickerly, Fred'k, Sept. 1, '63; deserted Nov. 17, '63. Woods. Villiam, Sept. 1, '63; deserted July 19, '63. AVelsh, James, Sept. 1, '63; deserted June 30, '63. Young, John, Sept. 1, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18, '63. Young, William, Sept. 1, '63; deserted Sept. 1, '62. Yeager, Frederick, Sept. 1, 62; deserted Sept. 1, '63. company f, lioth regiment, p. v., three years' service. Officers and Non-Co.mmissioned Officers. Richard P. Roberts, captain, Aug. 21, '62; promoted to colonel Sept, 12, '63. Thomas Henry, captain, Aug. 31, '62; wounded at Culpeper C. H., Va., May '64; promoted from 2d lieutenant Sept. 34, '63; to major. May 1, '65. John I). Stokes, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 21, '62; di.scharged Jan. 5, '64 for wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. Andrew M. Purdy, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted from sergeant to 3d lieu- tenant March 1, '63; to 1st lieutenant March 3, '64; killed at Petersburg, Va. , June 17, '64. Alex. H. Calvert, 3d lieutenant Aug. 31, '63; promoted from sergeant Sept. 15, '63; resigned Feb. 7, '63. Carman M. Nelson, 3d lieutenant, Aug. 21, '63; promoted from corporal to sergeant March 1, 1863; to 2d lieutenant Dec. 10, '64; wounded at Spott-sylvania C. H., Va,, JLay 12, '64; mustered out with companj' Jlay 31, '65. Joseph P. Harrah, 1st .sergeant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted from sergeant July 3, '63; ' mustered out with company May 31, '65. 346 histoky of beaver county. Ofpiceks and Non-Commissioned Officers — Contintjed. W. S. Slialleubergpr, 1st sergeant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted to adjutant Sept. 12, '63. John E. Harsha, l.st sergeant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted from sergeant March 1, '63; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. Darius Singleton, sergeant, Aug. 21, '63; promoted from corporal Sept. 16, '62; commissioned 1st lieutenant Oct. 10, 11^64; not mustered; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64; absent, sicli at muster out. Jos. W. Appleton, sergeant, Aug. 21, '63; promoted from corporal; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63; mustered out with company. May 31, '65. Joseph R. Dunlap, sergeant, Aug 21, '62; promoted from corporal, wounded and captured ; discharged by general order May 20, '65. Robert Kiddle, sergeant, Aug. 31, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; transferred to V. R. C. March 5, '64. Thomas O. Anshutz, sergeant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted to sergeant-major May 15,'65. John Henderson, sergeant, Aug. 21, '62; promoted from corporal July 3, '63; killed at Po River, Va., May 10, '64. Thomas J. Kerr, sergeant, Feb. 29. '64; trans, to 53d regiment P. V. May 30, '65. mustered out with company May 31, '65. Andrew G. White, Aug. 21, '62; promoted to corporal March 1, '63; discharged by general order May 31, '65. James A. Lockhart, Aug. 21, '62; promoted to corporal Feb. 16, '84; A. M. McCaskey. Aug. 21, '62; promoted to corporal Feb. 16, '84; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Thomas Clark, Aug. 31, '63; promoted to corporal; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Madison Risinger, Aug. 31, '62 ; promoted to corporal July 1, '64; mu.stered out with company May 31, '65. Ruel W. Strock, Aug. 31, '63; promoted to corporal; prisoner from July 2 to Sep- tember 23, 1863; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Joseph O. Schcley, Aug. 31, '63; promoted to corporal May 16, '65; prisoner from July 2 to December 27, '63; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Seth W. Strock, Aug. 31, '62 ; promoted to corporal Sept. 3, '62 ; discharged January 4, '64. A. B. McKinzie, corporal, Aug. 31, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63: transferred to the V. R. C, Feb. 15, '64. John B. Clark, corporal, Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, •63; transferred to V. R. C. Feb. 15, '64. George R. Boden, corporal, Aug. 21, '62 ; wounded; transferred to 7th company, 2d battalion, V. R. C, Sept. 1, '63; discharged June 29, '65. Ira Kirker, corporal, Feb. 2, '64; transferred to V. R. C. Jan. 10, '65. Andrew J. Diamond, corporal, Feb. 5, '64 ; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 1, '64; transferred to Company D 53d regiment P. V., date unknown; discharged by gen- eral order Aug. 1, '65. Frank N. Johnston, Aug. 21, '63; promoted to corporal July 3, '63; killed at Spottsylvania C. II., Va., May 13, '64. John B. Douds, Aug. 31, '63; promoted to corporal Feb. 10, '64; killed at Spottsyl- vania C. H., Va., May 13, '64. Thomas M. Anderson, musician, Aug. 31, '62; mustered out with company May 81, '65. Taylor M. Stokes, musician, Aug. 21, '63 ; discharged Dec. 6, '63. BKAVER COUNTY. 347 Privates. Anderson, James, Aug. 21, '62 ; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Anderson, John, Aug. 21, '62 ; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 13, '64. Baker, Jacob A., Aug. 21, '62 ; discharged by general order May 30, '65. Bell, George, Aug. 21, '62 ; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2. '63; prisoner from Aug. 16, '64, to JIarch 3, '65; discharged by general order June 9, '65. Buckley, Benjamin, Aug. 21, '62; mustered out witli company May 31, '65. Barnes, Lewis O., Aug. 21, '62 ; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 20, '63. Brown, Harvey, Aug. 21, '62 ; discharged on surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11, '63. Bonewell, Benjamin A., Aug., 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 26, '63. Bruce, William H., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; trans- ferred to Ind. Bat. C, Pa. Art., Dec. 17, '63. Bruce, William, Aug. 21, '62; transferred to Company D, 11th regiment Vet. Res. Corps. March 15, '64; discharged by general order July 7, '65. Baker, Joseph, Aug. 31, '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63. Bell, John S., Aug. 21, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Brooks, p:iiR., March 27, '65; trans, to Company D, 53d reg. P. V., May 30, '65. Coulter, Samuel C, Feb. 29, '64; captured; transferred to Company D, 53d regiment P. v., date unknown. Cunningham, J. H., Feb. 20, '64; wounded and captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, '64; transferred to Company D, .53d regiment, date unknown. Cooper, Robert H., Aug. 21, '62; transferred to Ind. Bat. C, Pa. Art. Dec. 17, '63. Cooper, Wm. J., Aug. 21, '62; tran.sferred to Ind. Bat. C. Pa. Art. Dec. 17, '63. Carsow, James A., Aug 21, '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63. Cook, Frederick C, Aug. 21, '62; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64. Cooper, George W., Feb. 27, '64; killed at Spottsylvania C. H.,Va., May 12, '64. Crawford, Daniel, Feb. 9, '64; died May 30, of wounds received at Wilderness, Va. , May, '64; buried in National cemetery, Arlington. Dinsmorc, Samuel M., Aug. 21, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Doak, William, Aug. 31, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63; absent, sick at muster out. Davis, Jonathan I., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; trans- ferred to Vet. Res, Corps. May 1, '64; veteran. Douglass, John, Aug. 31, '62; transferred to 95th company 3d liattalion, V. R. C;, Dec. 6, '63; discharged Aug. 31, '65, expiration of term. Dinsmore, Wm. H., Aug. 31, '63; died at York. Pa., Aug. 18, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, '63. Ewing, John S., Aug. 31, '63; mustered out with company Maj' 31, ,65. Edwards, Henry, Aug. 31, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, discharged on certificate of surgeon, October 25. '64. Eckles. Arlliur, Felj. 25, '64; transferred to Company D, 53d regiment Pa. Vols. May 30, '()5. Graham, .loseph, Aug. 31, '63; mustered out with companj-. May 31, '65. Grim, Fr.ancisM., Feb. 37, '64; wounded with loss of leg. at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 13, 1864; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 16, '65. Grim, Thomas D., Feb. 27, '64; trans, to Company D, 53d reg. P. V., May 30, '65. GlUen, Robert N., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63, and at Wilderness, Va. , May, 1864 ; transferred to Company A, 18th regiment Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 11, '65 ; dischaged by general order June 28, '65. 348 history of beavee county. List op Privates — Continued. Greeulee, Alvin L., Aug. 21, '63; died Aug. 3 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Hays, James T., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., and at Spottsylvaiiia C. H, Va.; mustered out with company May 31, '6.5. Hunter, Abel, Aug. 21, '62; wounded at AVilderness, Va., Jlay '64; absent, sick, at muster out. Hoak, Philip, Aug. 21, '62; killedat Tolopotomy, Va., May 31, '64. Hoyt, George M., Aug. 21, '62; died at Potomac Creek, Va., April 2.5, '63. Ilartsough, Amos, ilarch 31, '64; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May, '64, and died Washington, I). C, June 2.5, '64 ; buried in National cemetery, Arlington. Irwin, Seth W., Aug. 21, '62'; mustered out with company May 31, '0.5. Johnston, Samuel L., Aug. 31, '62: wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, '64 ; promoted to lieutenant 29th reg. U. S. C. T., Aug. 18, '64; mustered out Nov. 6, '65. Kerr, Hugh M., Aug. 21, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '6.5. Kerr, iVdam H., Aug. 21, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Knox, James W., Feb. 37, '64; wounded at Wilderness, Va. , Jlay, 64 ; discharged April 7, '65. Kripe, William, Aug. 21, '62; captured; drowned May 3, '65. Lockhart, James R., Feb. 27, '64; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; dis- charged on surgeon's certiticate Dec. 2S, '63. May, Martin W., Aug. 21, '62; mustered out with company May 31. '65. Moore, Madi.s()n, Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Chancellorsville. Va., May 3, '63 ; mus- tered out with company May 31, '65. Moore, John E;, Aug. 21, '63; mustered out with company May 31, 65. Minesinger, J. W., Aug. 31, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. ]\Iiller, Harrison, > Aug. 31, '63; wounded at Gettysburg. Pa., July 3, '63; dis- charged by general order June 5, '65. Jliller. Vincent, Feb. 8, '64; transferred to 53d regiment P. V., Jlay 30, '65. Mason, Michael, Feb. 25, '64; trans, to Company D, 53d reg. P. V., May 30, '65. McGullougb, John, Aug. 31, '65; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.. July 3, '63; prisoner from July 3 to Sept. 3, '63; wounded at C!uld Harl)or, Va., June 1, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. McCuUough, Andrew, Aug. 31. '63; wounded at Gettysburg. Pa., -^Ta\y 2, '63; mustered out with company May 31, '65. McCreery, James L., Aug. 31, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate ]\Iareli 2, '63. McClain, William, Aug. 21, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate May 37, '63. McCabe, William .1. Aug. 21, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 3, '63. McFarland, Joseph, Aug. 21, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate June 30, '63. JIcManamy, John. Aug. 21, '62; killed at Spnttsylvania C. H.. Va., May 12, '64. McDaaiels, Smith. .Tan. 38, '64; wounded at Spolt-iylvauia C. H., Va., May 13, '64; discharged on snrgeon's certiticate Dec. 6, '64. McClaskey, Robert H., Feb. 37, '64; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63, and at Wilderness, Va. , May, '64; captured; transferred to Company D, 53d regiment Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Nevin, George M., Aug. 31. '62; died, July 11, of wounds received at Spottsyl- vania C. H., Va.. May 12, '64. Neville, Enocli, March 27, '65; transferred to Company I), 53d regiment Pa. Vols., date unknown; discharged by general order Aug. 18. '65. Pyle, William, Aug. 21, '63; mustered out with company May 31. '65. ^yf-lsyJii^iA/i JiEAVKK COUNTY. 351 List of Privates — Continued. Robinson, Andrew. Aug. 21, '63; mustered out with coniiiany May 31, '65. Ryan, George, Aug. 21, '62; wounded al Getty.shurg, Pa., July 2, '63, and at Spott- sjivania C. H., Va., May 12. '64; mustered out wilb company May 31, '65. Reed. John S , Aug. 21, '62; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept 1. '63 Stephens, Henry, Aug. 21. '62 ; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Stone. Adam, Aug. 21. '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 11, '63. Sliort, Johu H., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Spottsylvauia C. H., Va., May 12, 64; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov, 4, '64. Shivelay, Christian, Aug; 21. '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate July 15, '64. Swearinger, William, Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. .July 2. '63; pro- moted to 1st lieutenant 32d regiment, U. S. C. T., March 3, '64; to captain July 10, '65; mustered out Aug. 22, '65. Small, Tliomas, Aug. 21. '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa . July 2 '63; trans, ferred to Company A, ISth reg. Vet. Res. Corps., Feb. 11, '65; discharged liy general order June 28, '65. Small, John P., Aug. 21. '62; died Aug. 11. of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 'b3. Sloan. Edwin K., Aug. 21, '62; killed at Spott,sylvania C. H., Va.. May 12. '64. Swearinger. Louis, Aug. 21, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa.. July 2, '63. Strain, Enoch, Aug. 21. 62; deserted July 11, '63. Taylor, Alvin M., Aug. 21, '62; woumied and captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; mustered out with company Ma}' 31, '65. Tiiompson, John G., Feb. 9, '64; wounded at Wilderness, Va.. May, '64; transferred to Company D, .53d reg. P. V., May 30, '65; discharged' by gcneial order July 6, '65 Wagner. Lewis J., Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, '63, and at the Wilderness, May. '64; mustered out witli company May 31, '65. Wilson, >Iichael, Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Spottsylvauia C. IL. Va.. Jlay 12, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Weaver. David II., Aug. 21. '62; wounded at Chancellorsville. Va., May 3, '63; transferred to Company G, ISih regiment. Vet. Res. Corps. , date unknown; discharged by general order June 20, '65. Walton, Richard. Aug. 21, '62; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63; died at Washington. D. C, June 19, '63. White, Ale.xander, Aug. 21. '62; died at Alexandria, Va., June 13. of wounds received at Po River, May 10, '64. Wbite. .lolin S., Aug. 21, '62; died at Alexandria, Va., June 12, of wounds received at Po Rivr, May 10, '64. Wilson. James, Aug. 21, '62; died at Phihidtlphia, I'a., July 20, '63. Cn:\H'AXY H, 140X11 KI'XII.MKXT I". V., THKEE YEAKs' SERVICE. Officehs .\Nn Non-Commissioned Officers. Marcus, Ormond, captain, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to chaplain Oct. 23, '63. Sanuiel Campbell, captain, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from 2d lieutenant ISov. 1, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., Jidy 2, '63; discharged Sept. 18, '64. Samuel Kerr, captain, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from 1st sergeant to 2d lieutenant Nov. 6, '63; to captain, Dec. 10, '64; brevet-major April 7, '65; died May 3 of wounds received at Faimville, Va., April 7, '65. Austin. .Miller, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 22, '62; resigned Aug. 12, 63. 352 history of beaver county. Officehs and Non-Commissioned Officers — Continteu. Jobu B. Vance, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from sergeant to 2d lieutenant Nov. 1, '62; to 1st lieutenant Nov. 6, '63; wounded at Spottsyivania C. H. May 12, '64; discharged by special order Sept. 28, '64. Addison Lance, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from 1st sergeant Dec. 11, '64; vfounded at Spottsyivania C. II., Va., May 12, '64; mustered out with company Mav 31, -60. Walter M. Lawrence, 2d lieutenant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from sergeant Dec. 11, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '6!). William Thornburg, 1st sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from sergeant; mustered out with company. May 31, 6.5. Arthur Shields, 1st sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., .luly 2, '63; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 21, '64. Joseph Moody, sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from corporal Dec. 24, '64; absent at muster out. U. M. Galbraith, sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from corporal; muslcred out with company May 31, '6.5. .lohn C. Kobb, sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; promoted from corporal Feb. 25, '6,5; mustered out with company May 31, '65. .lohu Mickle, sergeant, Aug. 22, '63; trans, to Veteran Reserve Corp, Nov 15, '64. William Ewing, .sergeant, Aug, 22, '62; discharge, date unknown. T. N. Thornburg, sergeant, Aug 22, '62; died July 7th of wounds received at Get tysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. J. M. D. Mitchell, sergeant, Aug. 22, '62; killed at Spottsyivania C. 11., Va., May 12, '64; buried in Burial Grounds, Wilderness. Gibson Hoods, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Oct. 24, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. John Purdy, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Oct. 24, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Joseph Calhoun, Aug. 22, '62: promoted to corporal Dec. 24, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Charles M. McCoy, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Dec. 24, '64; mustered out with company Jlay 31, '65. James Finegan, Aug. 22, '62; jiromoted to corporal Dec. 24, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Geo. Summerville, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Feb. 25, '6f ; mustdcd out with company Jlay 31, '65. John W. Stevens, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to corporal Feb. 25, '65; nuistered out with company May 31, '65. George Fo.x, corporal, Aug. 22, '62; missing in action at Spottsyivania C. H., Va., May 12, '64. Thomas J. Miller, corporal, Aug. 22, '62; transferred to 51st company 2d battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 20, 64; discharged August 21, 65; expiration of teim. Alexander Greer, corporal, Aug. 22, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Richard M. Crouse, corporal, Aug. 22, '62; died Dec. 14, '64. Jolin S. Byran, musician, Aug 22, '62; promoted to principal musician Nov. 1, '63. Timothy Shane, musician, Aug. 22. '02; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Richard Shane, musician, Aug. 22, '62; discharged by general order July 1, '65. Frank I). Kerr, musician, Aug. 22. '62; promoted to 1st lieutenant, 1st regiment, Potomac Home Brigade, Md. Cavalry, Ajiril 14, '64; mustered out June 28, '65. BEAVER COUNTY. 353 Privates. Adams, Hugli Q., Aug. 23. '62; discharged by general order June 12, 65. Adams, John G., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Aug 27. '63. Babb, James B., Aug. 22. 62; discharged on general order June 22 '65. Bryerly, Thomas, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Brunton, Wm. A., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate date unknown. Beal, James A., Aug. 22, '62; missing in actional Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, '63, Byers, Samuel W. E..JIarch 24, '64; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H.,Va., May 12, '64; transferred to Company E, 9th regiment veteran reserve corps; discharged l)y general order July 12, '65. Boyd, James II., starch 24, '64; absent on detached service at muster out. Blackmore, John, March 22, '64; killed .at Gettysburg, Pa.. July 2, '63. Berlin, .Johnston. Aug. 22, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Barnes, Samuel W., Aug. 22, '62; died August 2 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Chapman, Samuel, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Cowan, William G., Aug. 23. '6^; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Cameron. Jame.«, Aug. 22, '62; wounded at North Anna River. Va., May 23. "64; transferred to Company G, 6th regiment veteran reserve corps, date unknown; dis- charged by general order July 14, '65. Calhoun, William, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65 Carothers, William M., Aug. 23, '62; transferred to 2d battalion veteran reseive corps jNIarch 5. '65; discharged by general order June 29, '65. Crisvvell, John. Aug. 22, '62; transferred to Company H, 3d regiment veteran reserve corps March 31, '64; discharged by general order July 8, '65. Crooks, .lames, Aug. 23, '62; transferred to Ind. Battery C, Fenn.'^ylvania artil- lery, date unknown. Custer, William O., Aug. 23, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 27, '63. Cameron, Christ J , Aug. 33, '63; discharged on surgeon's ceitificate June 23, '63. Carothers. And. J., Aug. 33, '63; promoted to hospital steward U. S. A. Feb 12, '64. Coffey. David B., Feb. 39, '64; discharged April 17. '65. Cain, George W., Feb. 39, '64; discharged on surgeon's ceitifieate Jan 18, '(i5. Campbell, Stewart, Aug. 32, '63; died May 39; burial record, June 13, '64, of wounds received in action; buritd in National ccmetciy, Arlington, Va. Coulin, William, Aug. 22, '62; died July 21 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Dornan, James, Aug. 22, '62; discharged by general order May 15, '65. Dever, Shaffer, Feb. 33, '64; trans, to Company G, 53d reg. Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Ewing, Alexander, Aug. 32, '63; died May 35, '64, of wounds received in action. Ewing, Henry, Aug. 22, '63; died July 21 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Fa. , July 2, '63. Flanegan, Alex., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Foster, Thomas J., Feb. 20, '64; discharged on surgeon's certificate Sept. 29, '64. Fleegel, Jacob R., Aug. 22, '62; died Sept. 20; burial record Oct. 7, '64, of wounds received at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, '64; burieil at Philadelphia, Pa. Funkhouscr, Abin, March 1, '64; killed at Farmville, Va , April 7, '65. Green, John M., Aug. 22, 62; mustered out with conqmny May 31 . '65. Gibb, John C, Aug. 22, '62; died Aug. 4 of wounds received at Getty.sburg, Pa., July 2, '63. Hood, James, Aug. 22, '62; absent, sick, at nuister out. 354 history of beaver county. List of Phivates — Contini'kd. Hall. John, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company Jlay 31, '63. Hall, William J3., Aug. 22, '02; transferred to :!7th company 2d battalion veteraD reserve corps; discharged by general order June 28, '65. Hall, Robert, Feb. 22, '64; discharged by general order. lune 30, '63. Hamilton, Frank, Feb. 17. '64; trans, to Company G, 53d reg. Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Hughs, Thomas, Feb. 29, '64; discharged by general order June 5, '65. Herron, Wm. W., Aug, 22, '62; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64; buried in burial grounds. Wilderness. Hutchinson, Kobt., Feb. 25, '64; died at City Point. Va., Aug. 8, '64. Inman. Ezekiel, Aug. 22, '62; discharged b)' general order Jlay 27, '65. Kennedy, William, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Kevan, Samuel, March 81. '64; discharged by general order May 30, '65. Keifer, David, Aug. 22. 62; killed at f^irmville, Va., April 7, '65. Keifer, Henry H., Feb. 22. '64; died July 14, '64, of wounds received in action. Laughlin, Robert, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Lathan, Wilson W., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Lawrence, Jos. W., Aug. 22, '62; promoted to hospital steward Sept. 27, '62. Lockhart, Silas D., Feb. 27, '64; tran.sferred to Company G 53d regiment Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Lutton. James M.. Feb. 2U. '64; discharged on surgeon's certificate 3Iay 6, '65. Martin, William, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Melvin, James H., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Moore, Thomas E., August 22, '62; absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, Andrew li., Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Minesinger, D. M., Aug 22, '62; transferred to Independent Battery Company Pa. Artillery, July 21, '64. Miller, Samuel W., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate May 23, '68. Moore, John H., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 9, '63. Minesinger, Samuel, Feb. 22, '64; transferred to Company G, 53d regiment Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Morrison, William, March 31, '64; transferred to Company H, 53d regiment Pa. Vols., May 30, '65. Mahoney, John, March 24, '64; transfened to Company G, 53d regiment Pa. Vols., May 30. '65. Miller, James, Aug. 22. '62; died Oct. 26, 64, buried in Cypress Hill cemetery, L. L Moore, Thomas, Feb. 23, '62; died at City Point, Va., Jan. 1, '65. Metts, William, March 28, '64; killed at Peter.sburg, Va., June 18, '64. Miller, Gabriel, Feb. 26, '64; not accounted for. McKibban, Ale.x., Aug. 22. '63; absent, sick at muster out. McCready, Thos. 8., Aug. 22, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate JIarch 14, '63. McHenry, Wash'u, .Vug. 22. '63; missed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., .July 2, '63. ■McClure, James M., Mar. 22, '64; transferred to 109tli C'ompany, 2d battalion Vet- eran Reserve Corps Jan. 1, '65; discharged by general order Sept. 19, '65. McCreary, William, Aug. 22, '62; died May 18. '64, of wounds received in action. Phillips, James M., Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Gettysburg. Pa., July 2. '63; absent at muster out. Parks, William J., Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate June 30, '63. Parkinson, Wm., Feb. 27, '64; trans, to Comp'y G, 53d reg. Pa. Vols. May 30, '65. Ramsey, Wm. A., Aug. 22, '62; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps July 1, '63. beaver county. 355 List op Privates — Continued. Robb, John A., August 22, '62: dischargeil on surgeon's certificate: date unlinown. Sliingles, Geo. >[., Aug. 22, '62; woiuided in action Jlay, '64, absent at muster out. Swearinger, Sam'l, Aug. 22, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Swearinger. Jos., Aug. 22, '62; absent on detached service at muster out. Smart, James P., Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Ya., May 12, '64; trans, to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unlinown, discharged by general order July 3, '65. Scott, David G., Aug. 22, '62; vi'ounded at Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 9, '64; discharged by general order Aug. 14, '65. Shannon, Alex. W.. Aug. 22, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 23, '63. Smith, Samuel, Mar. 31, '64; discliarged by special order Oct. 12, 64. Standish, Garret, Feb. 22, '64; trans, to Company G. 53d reg. Pa. Vols. May 30, '65. Summerville, John, Feb. 22, '64; trans, to Comp'y G, 53d reg. Pa. Vols. May 30, '65. Standish, Alfred W., Feb. 8, '65; discharged by general order July 17, '65. Savage, Robert G., Aug. 22. '62; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., IMay 12, '64. Strouss, James M., Aug. 22, (12; died Jan. 24. '65 of vrounds received at Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 9, '64. Swaney, Heze'li \V., Aug. 22, ■02;liillcd at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64. Torrence, Samuel, Feb. 22, '64; wovmded in action with loss of arm; discharged on .surgeon's certificate Jan. 12, '65. Taggart. James A., Aug. 22, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2. '63. Thornburg, Thos. F., Oct. 20. '63; died Dec. 10 of wounds received in action. Uncaper, Wm. H., Aug. 22, '62; died at Baltimore, Jld.. Aug. 12, '63; buried in National cemetery. Louden Park. Whims, Jasper, Aug. 22. '62; discharged — date unknown. Whims, Newton, Aug. 22, '62; promoted to 2d lieutenant 23d reg. U. S. C. T. Oct. 24, '64. Whims, Jo.shua, Aug. 22, '62; wounded at Hatcher's Run. Va., Dec. 9, 64, dis charged on surgeon's certificate May 20, '65. Woodrough, Frank, Feb. 22, '64; trans, to Comp'y H, 53d reg. P. V., RIay30, '65. Wherry, William, Mar. 24, '64; discharged by general order June 2, 65. Whitchill, David R., Aug. 22, '62; killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 9, '64. Yolt(m, William. Aug. 22, '62; discharged by surgeon's certificate — date unknown. Yolton, John, Mar. 29, '64; discharged by general order May 15, '65. COMPANY I, 140th REGIMKNT 1'. v., THREE YEAKs' SERVICE. Officeus ani) Non-Co.mmissioned Officers. James Darragh, captain. Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 28, '63. Wm. McCalli.ster, captain, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from l.st lieutenant Aiiril 11, '63; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; mustered out with company Jlay 31, '65. Thos. C. Nicholson, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from sergeant to 2d lieutenant Dec. 19, '62; to 1st lieutenant April 11, '63; discharged on surgeon's cer- tificate Dec. 13, '63. Louis R. Darragh, 1st lieutenant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from 1st sergeant to 2d lieutenant April 20, '63; to 1st lieutenant Jan. 2. '64; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 17, '64; absent on detached .service at muster out. 6. A. Shallenberger, 2d lieutenant. Aug. 25, '62; promoted to captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols., Nov. 26, 62; mustered out Nov. S, '65. 356 UISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. $ Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers — Continued. .James H. Springer, 1st sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from sergeant April 19, '65; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., ,Iuly 1, '63; wounded at Petersburg .June, '64, and at Farmville, Va., April 7, '65; discharged by general order .June 5, '65. David W. .Scott, 1st sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from sergeant April 20, '63; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., .July 2, '63; dischargeci on surgeon's certificate Feb. 20, '65. Wm. A. McMillen, 1st sergeant, Aug. 25, '02; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; promoted from corporal to sergeant Sept. 18, '63; to 1st sergeant .July 1, '64; to 2d lieutenant Co. E, April 18, '65. Wm. C. Smith, 1st sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from sergeant March 11, '64; killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64. liobert Dickey, sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal Sept. 18, "62; to ser- geant Sept. 1, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. .John E. Harton, sergeant. Aug. 25, '62; promoted from corporal Sept. 1, '64 mustered out with company May 31, '65. Robert AV. Ander.son, sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal April 20, '63, to sergeant .Jan. 1, '65; absent on detached service at muster out. Benj. F. Welsh, sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted from corporal April 21, 63; transferred to Co. B, IHth reg. Veteran Reserve Cor|is Sept. 19tli, '64; discharged by general order July 13, '65. .John D. Irons, sergeant, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal July 1, '64; to ser- geant April 19, '65; mustered out with company May 31, '05. James H. Dowds, corporal, i^-Ug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. William Ussleton, Aug. 25. '02; promoted to corporal .Jan. 1, '65, mustered out with company May 31, '65. .Jacob Seafler, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal Jan. 1, '65, mustered out with company May 31, '65. Samuel Reed. Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal Jan. 1, '65, mustered out with company IMay 31, '65. Christian Jlolter, Aug. 25, '02; promoted to corporal April 19, '65; discharged by general order June 3, '65. Joseph T. Johnston, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal April 19, '65; mustered out with company :May 31, '65. J. Dickson Craig, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal April 19, '05: mustered out with company May 31, '65. liobert Ramsay, corporal, Aug. 25, '02 ; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 3, '03. Thomas B. Hunter, corporal, Aug. 25, '62; wounded at Petersburg. Va., June, '64; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 20, '64. D. E. McCallister, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal July 1, '63; trans, to Co. A, 18th regiment Vet. Res. Corps Dec. 20, '64; discharged by general order June 28, '65. A. W. McClintock, corporal, Feb. 19, '64; wounded at Farmville, Va., April 7, '65; discharged by general order June 19, '65. William M. Agnew, corporal, Aug. 25, '62; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July, '63; died at Richmond, Va. , Sept. 13, '63; buried in National Cemetery, section C, division 1, grave 192; burial record Sept. 15, '63, at Salisbury, N. C. Samuel Erwin, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to corporal Dec. 10, '63; killed at Spottsyl- vania C. H., Va., May 12, "64. Wash. D. Tallon, musician, Aug. 25, 02; mustered out with company May 31, '65. beavee gountv. 357 Officers akd Non-Commissioned Officers — Continued. Henry 0. Johnson, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to musician May '63; mustered out with company Jlay 31, '05. Henry R. Moore, musician, Aug. 25, '63; discharged on surgeon's certiticate March 13, '63. Privates. Baker, Robert, Aug. 25, '62; captured at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. U. '63; absent at muster out, Baldwin, .John, Aug. 25, '63; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Border, John, Aug. 25, '63; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Brooks, George M., Aug. 25, '62; discharged by general order June 31, '65. Brown, Daniel, Aug. 35, '63; discharged on surgeon's certificate Sept. 24, '63. Bruce, John T., Aug. 25, '63; transferred to Company E, 19th regiment V. R. C, Oct. 29, '63; discharged by general order July 13, '65. Bailey. George S., Aug. 25, 't)2; died April 13, '64. Black, John, Aug. 25, '62; died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 34, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa. , July 2, '63. Bamford, Joseph. Aug. 25, '62; died at New York Aug. 27, '64; burial recorded Oct. 27, '64; buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. Brown, Samuel, Aug. 35, '63; died at Falmouth, Va., May 18, '63. Brennard, David D., Aug. 35, '62; deserted July 18, '63. Coleman, John B., Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Cain, John A., Aug. 35, '63; mastered out with company May 31, '65. Champion, Jos. H., Aug. 25, '63; transferred to Company G, 6th regiment V. R. C, Aug. 10, '64; discharged by general order July 14, '65. Chambers, M. V. B., Aug. 35, '62; tran.sferred to Company C, 22d regiment V. R. C, May 15, '05; discharged by general order July 3, '65. Camp, John, Jan. 18, '64; died at Washington, D. C, July 3, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, '64. Dailey, George, Aug. 35, '62; deserted Dec. 17, '63. Dailey, Kelsey, Aug. 35, '62; deserted Dec. 17, '63. Ewing, "Wm. H. H., Aug. 25, '62; wounded at Getty.sburg, Pa., July 3, '63; dis- charged on surgeon's certificate Dec, 26, '.63. Eaton, George, Feb. 3, '64; wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., :May 12, '64; trans- ferred to Company H, 53d regiment, May 30, '63. Fisher, Jacob, Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Frazier, William, Aug. 26, '62; wounded at Sailor Creek, Va., April 6, '65; absent at muster out. Faucett, James B., Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, Furguson, Israel, Aug. 25, '63; killed at Spott.sylvania C. H , Va., buried in Burial Grounds, Wilderness. Gillin, John S., Aug. 25, '62; wounded at Spottsyvlvania C. H., Va.^ absent at muster out. Gilmore, Alexander, Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Gilmore, Joseph, Aug. 25, '62; transferred to Company C, 6th regiment V. R. C; date unknown; dischared by general order July 7, '65. Gibson, William P., Aug. 25, '62; died at East Liverpool, Ohio, Oct. 18, '63. Garland, Samuel, Aug. 25, '63; deserted July 7, '63. 05. May 13, '64 May 12, '64 •358 history of beavek county. List of Privates — Continued, Hammond, James, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 27, '63 Hammond, Samuel, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 19, '63. Hays, John R., Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Harvey, Daniel, March 31, '64; vfouuded at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, '64; ■discharged b}' general order May 13, '65. Hamilton, Levi, March 28, '64; transferred to Company IL 53d regiment P. V., May 30, '65. Hamilton, George, Aug. 25, '62; wounded at Sjiott-sylvania C. H., Va., Jlay 12, '64; transferred to V. R. C. Dec. 20, '64. Hedding, Joseph, Jan. 30, '64; died at Washington, D. C, Aug. 24, of wounds received at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Johnson, James, Aug. 25, '62; discharged by general order June 28, '65. Johnson, Wm. J., Aug. 25, 'b2; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 28, '63. Johnson, William, Aug. 25, '62; transferred to V. R. 0. Nov. 14, '64. Johnson, Marshall T., Aug. 25, '62; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; died at Annapolis, Md.. Aug. 26, '63; buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery. Jones, James L., Aug. 25, '62; killed at Tolopotomy, Va., May 31, '64. Kerr, LeonardC, Aug. 25, '62; wounded at Petersburg. Va.. June, '64; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Mitchell, John, Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company ]\Iay 31, '65. Maginus, Luther, Aug. 25, '62; promoted to hospital steward United States Army Sept. 17, '64. Moltcr, Henry, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate May 16, '63. Minor, Isaac, Aug. 25, '62; transferred to V. R. C. Sept. 2, '64. Miller, James, Aug. 25, '62; transferred to Ind. Battery C, Pa. Art., Dec. 17, '63. Main, Enoch M., Aug. 25, '62; died July 3, '63. Miller, Louis, March 2, '64; died at Brandy Station, Va., April 5, '64; buritd in National Cemetery, Culpeper C. H., block 1, section A, row 4, grave 112. Marks, George, Aug. 25, '62; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; died at Richmond, Va. Sept. 10, '63., Marshall, Andrew, April 5, '64; deserted — date unknown. McCoy, Thomas, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 13, '64. McCoy, Milo, Aug. 25, '62; killed at Todds' Tavern, Va., May 8, '64. McMahon, Edward, Aug. 25, '62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; buried in National Cemetery, section D, grave 83. Neville, Lemuel, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate Aug. 31, '64. Orr, James \V., Aug. 25, '62; died of wounds received at Po River, Va., May 10,64. Phillips, Theo. C, Aug. 25, '62; captured at Cliancellorsville, Va., May 1, '63; wounded and captured at Todds' Tavern. May 8, '64; died at Lynchburg, July 15, '64; .buried in Poplar Grove Nat'l Cemetery, Petersburg, division E, section E, grave 155. Prilible. William A., Aug. 25, '62; transferred to V. R. G. March 2,'64. Rabb, Henry S., Aug. 25, '62; discharged by general order June 5, '65. Rambo, Thomas, Aug. 25, 't)2; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Rodenbaugh, Jos., Aug. 25, '62; transferred to Ind. Battery C, Pa. Art. ; Dec. 17, '63. Rhodes, Levi, Aug. 25, '62; killed at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14, '64. Seely, Ottis, Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Shafer, Daniel, Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with companj' May 31, '65. Soutliwick, John F., Aug. 25, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '05. Stone, Stephen, Aug. 25, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 27, '63. PM07Q BY AUff^lCHT'^ a //-^ BEAVER COUNTY. 361 List op Privates — Continued. Shevlin, Peter, Aug. 25, '62; transferred to Ind. Battery C, Pa. Art., Feb. 15, '64. Sliawness, Thomas, Aug. 25, '62;' captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; died at nichniond.Va., Dec. 9, '63. Sbafer, James W., Aug. 35, '62; died at Potomac Creek, Va., June 6, '63. Todd. John, Aug. 35, '62; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Todd, William L., Aug. 25, '63; discharged on surgeon's certiticate March 37, '63. Welch, William D., Aug. 25, '63; mustered out with company May 31, '65. Watson, Eli, Aug. 25, '63; captured -at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63;' died — date unknown. Wise. James, Aug. 35, '63; wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 5, '64; absent at muster out. Wise, Patrick, Aug. 35, '62; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. Wise, Leroy A., Aug. 35, '62; mustered out with company May 31. '65. Watterson. Andrew, Aug. 25. '62; wounded at Peep Bottom, Ya., Aug. 16, '64; discharged on surgeon's certificate May 19, '65. Watterson, James, Jan. 18, '64; wounded at Petersburg, Ya., June 19. '64; trans- ferred to 53d regiment P. V., May 30, '65. Walton, Howell. Aug. 25, '62; died at Falmouth, Ya., Feb. 14, '63. Zimmerman, J. W., Aug. 25, '63; transferred to V. R. C, — ^date unknown. CO.MI'AXr A, It'i^D KEGIMENT ITtII CAVALRY THREE YEARs' SERVICE. Officers and Non-Commisioned Officers. Daniel M. Donehoo, captain. Sept 18, '63; discharged by special order Dec. 11, '63. James Q. Anderson, captain, Sept. 6, '63; promoted from 1st lieutenant Dec. 11, '62; to major, June 13, '63. Pius A. English, captain, Sept. 6, '63; promoted from 1st sergeant to 3d lieuten- ant Dec. 11, '62; to captain, March 33, '62; wounded at Five Porks, Ya., April 1, '65; mustered out with Company G, 2d regiment Pro. Cavalry, Aug. 7, '65. John Sweeney, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 20. '62; discharged by special order Aug. 15, '63. James Potter. 1st lieutenant, Sept. 0, '63; promoted from sergeant March 22, '64; killed at Shepherdstown, W. Ya., Aug. 25, '64. Brice S. Ramsey, 1st lieutenant, Sept. 6, '63; promoted from sergeant to 2d lieu- tenant Dec. 18, '64; to 1st lieutenant !March 10, '65; discharged by general order June 30, '65. David G. Brvice. 2d lieutenant. Sept. 6. '62; promoted to 3d lieutenant March 10, '65; mustered out with Company F, 3d regiment Pro. Cavalry Aug. 7. '65. John JlcCaskey, 1st sergeant, Sept. 6, '63; promoted to corporal Nov. 1. '63; to commissary .sergeant May 1, '64; to quartermaster sergeant Jan. 1, '65; to 1st sergeant March 10, '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Thomas W. Brooks, quartermaster sergeant, Sept. 6, '63; promoted from corporal to sergeant Jan. 1, '63; to quartermaster .sergeant March 10. '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. David Dunn, quartermaster sergeant. Sept. G, '63; promoted from corporal Nov. 1, '63, to sergeant Nov. 1, 64; to commissary sergeant Jan. 1, '65; to quarterma.ster sergeant — date unknown ; died on board United States transport, March 18, '65. John D. Joues, commissary sergeant, Sept. 6, '63; promoted to corporal Nov., '63; to sergeant .Jan. 1, '65; to commissary sergeant March 18, '65; mustered out with com- pany June 16, '65. 30 362 histoky of beaver county. Officers and Non Commissioned Officers — Continued. Jolin P. Ross, commissary sergeant, Sept. 6. '62; promoted to regimental commis- sary sergeant Nov. 1, '62. Daniel Swearingen. sergeant, Sept. (i, '62; promoted from corporal Nov.], '68; mustered out with company June 16, '65. .Joseph E. McCabe, sergeant, Sept. 6, '62; promoted from corporal Nov. 1, '63; mustered out with compan}' .June 16, '6!i. Samuel Cristler, sergeant, Sept. 6, '62; promoted from private. March 1, '65; mus- tered out with company .June 16, '65. Reed Wallace, sergeant, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to corporal .Jan. 1, '65; to sergeant March 1, '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Thomas S. Javens, sergeant, Sept. 6, '63; discharged Dec. 18, '62. Am'h Ilendrickson, sergeant, Sept. 6, '62; discharged Dec. 10, '63. Israel Watterhouse, sergeant, .Jan. 25, '64; promoted to corporal Jan. 1, '65; to sergeant March 1, '65; mustered out with Company G,2dreg. Pro. Cavalry Aug. 7, '65. Frank M. Donehoo, sergeant, Sept. 6, '62; died at Washington, D. C, Jan. 25, '63; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. John A. Wilson, Sept. 18, '62; promoted to corporal Nov. 1, '6-t, mustered out with company .June 16, '65. John Potts, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to corporal Nov. 1, '64; mustered out with com- pany June 16, '65. Michael Caler. Sept. 6, '62; promoted to corporal Jan. 1, '65; mustered out with company .June 16, '65. M. JlcZimmerman, Sept. 3, '64; promoted to corporal JIarch 1, '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. David M. liruce, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to corporal March 1, '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. John Mowry, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to corporal JIarch 1, '65; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Abram A. Hartford, Feb. 26, '64; promoted to corporal May 1, '64; wounded at Shepherdstown, W. Va., Aug. 25, '64; absent in hcspital at nuister out. Jas. M. Lourimore, Oct. 10, '64; promoted to corporal March 1, '65; nmstered out with Company G, 2d regiment Pro. Cavalry Aug. 7, '65. Milo Cane, corporal, Sept. 6, '62; killed on picket Feb. 0, '63. David IJall, corporal, Sept. 6, '62; deserted JIarch 18. '63. John JlcCluskey, bugler, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. William J. Staub, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to bugler March 1, '65; mustered out with comjiauy June 16, '65. Alex. A, Campbell, blacksmith, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Lycur. Richardson, Sept. 6, '62; promoted to blacksmith Jan. 2. '63; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Samuel Robertston, blacksmith, Sept. 6, '64; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 1, '63. Freeman D. Barnes, .saddler, Sept. 6, '63; discharged by general order May 31, '65. Privates. Anderson, Findley. Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16. '65. Anderson, William, Sept. 6, '63; discharged March 15, '63. Bruce, George W.,Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company Jime 16, '65. beaveu county. 3(>s List of Privates — Continued. Boylaud, Michael. Sept. 3, '64; mustered out with company June 10, '65. Beck, William IL, Sept. fi, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Braden, Thomas A., Sept. 6, '62; discharged by general order June 12, '65. Brooks, John M., Sept. 6, '62; absent; wounded at muster out. Baker, Benjamin, Sept. 6, '63; trsnsfcned to Company C. 6th regiment V. R. C. July 20, '64; discharged by general order July 5, '65. Bradley, Ojcar A., March 10, '64; absent; wounded at muster out. Boyd, Edmundson, Jan. 29, '64; mustered out with C^ompany (i. 2d regiment P. C. Aug. 7. '65. Blanchard. H. W., Oct. 27, '64; not on muster out roll. Craig, George, Aug. 31, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Calhoon, John, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Campbell, James, Sept, 6. '62; mustered out with company June 16. '65. Christy, Thomas S.. Sept. 6, '62: mustered out with company June 16, '65. Cooper, William C, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, 'G5. Collins, Elwood A., Sept. 6, '62; discharged on surgeon s certitieate Dec. 29, '62. Corbus, Daniel U. , Oct. 7, '64; mustered out with Company G, 2d regiment P. V., Aug. 7, '65. Crooks, Nath'l K., Sept. 6. '62; captured; died at Salisbury, N. C , Jan. 8, '65. Duck, George W., Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Duck, John H., Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '05. Dolby, John, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Dutrow, Lewis, Aug. 24, '64; mustered out with company, June 16, '65. Donehoo, Henry M., Sept. 6, '62; promoted to conimi.ssary sub. Nov. 19, '02; pro- moted to captain Company H, Dec. 29, '62; woiuidcd at Five Forks. Va.. April 1, '05; in hospital at muster out. English, John A , Sept. 6, '62; promoted to reg. commi.ssary sergeant. May 20, '63. Evving, George, Sept. 6, '02; died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 6, '63. Erwine, Curtis, Sept. 18, '62; deserted Nov. 10, 02. Fritz, Frederick, Sept. 3, '64; mustered out with compary June 16, 65. Frank, Joseph C, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Fish, William W., Dec 29. '64; mustered out with Company G. 2d regiment P. C, Aug. 7, '65. Grove. Jo.seph, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out wth company June 16, '65. Gilbert, George, Jan. 29, '64; al)sent at muster out Glendeniiig, John, Fel). 25, '64; mustered out with Company G, 2d regiment P. C, Aug. 7. '65. Gamble, Harvey, Sept. 6, '62; died at Washington, D. C. July 10, '64. Hamilton, David, Sept. 6, '62; discharged on surgeon's certitieate March 24, '63. Hornor, James, Sept. 29, '62; discharged on surgeon's certitieate Jan. 31, '65. Hazell, William, Sept. 6, '62; discharged Fel)ruary 6, '63. Ilann, George W., March 25, '04; mustered out with Company G, 2d regiment P. C. Aug. 7. '65. Hartford, John A., Feb. 20, '('4; nuistered out with Company D.2d regiment P. C, Aug. 7, '65. Heister, Wm. C, Aug. 23, '64; not on muster-out roll. Kriner, Michael, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Knowles, James S., Sept. 18, '62; discharged by general order June, 7, '65. Kenard, Joseph, Sept. 6, '02; deserted Oct. 10, '62. 364 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. List of Prr^ates — Continued. Lutton, Samuel, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, 'fi.'j. Link, Daniel J., Sept. 6, '62; discharged by general order June 20, '65. Langfitt, James C, Sept. 6, '62; discharged Jan. 19, '63. Lindsey, David G., Sept. 23, '63; drafted; mustered out with Company G, 2d regi- ment Provisional Cavalry, Aug. 7, '6.5. Livers, Francis D., Sept. 3, '64; died at Wincliester, Va., Dec. 24, '64. Morris, John K., Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, 65. Miller, Godfre}', Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. MofHtt, John G., Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Miller, James. Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Mehaffy, Stewart, Aug. 6, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Marratta, James, Sept. 6, '62; discharged by general order June 6, '65. Marlier, Sampson, Sept. 6, '62; di.scharged on surgeon's certificate Marcli 24, '03. Minor, Stephen, Sept. 6, '62; discharged Jan. 25, '64. Morgan, Calvin, Sept. 6, '62; dischargedby general order. Ma}' 31, '65. Miller, Leonard, Sept. 0, '62; killed on picket Feb. 6, '63. Martin, John .\., Sept. IS, '62; killed at White House Landing, Va., June 21, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Yorktown, section A, grave 39. Miller, Michael, Aug. 8, '64; killed at Fisher's Hill, Va. Oct. 1,'64. Marquart, Jacob F., Jan. 26, '64; died June 26, of wounds received near White House Landing, Va., June 21, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Mercer, David, Feb 26, '64; died Aug. 13, of wounds received at Newtown, Va., Aug. 11, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Winchester, Va., lot 10. Matthews, Frank, Oct. 27, '64; not on muster-out roll. McBrier, William, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. McCoy, Hezekiah, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. McCoy, John, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. McGonigal, James, Sept. 3, '64; mustered out with company' June 16, '65. McDowell, William H., Sept. 1, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. McMahon, Joshua C, Sept. 6, '62; discharged by general order June 22, '65. McCullough, John, Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. McCoy, Thomas, Sept. 18, '62; di.scharged Feb. 17, '65. McElhaney, Wm., Sept. 6, '62; discharged by general order May 15, '65. McGrath, Wm., Sept. 28, '64; not on muster-out roll. Nevin, Harper, Sept. 6, '62; nni.stered out with compan}' June 16, '65. Noss, William J., Sept. 6, '62; discharged Sept. 8, '63. Niblo, David H., Sept. 6, '62; died Aug. 12 of wounds received at Newtown, Va., Aug. 11, 1864; buried in National Cemeterj', AVinchester, Va., lot 18. Phillips, Potts, Sept. 3, '6i; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Parker, James G., Sept. 1, '64; mustered out with conipanj- June 16, '65. Parkinson, John T., Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company .lime 16, '65. Purvis, Ale.x. A., Sept. 6, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate July 26, '64. Pauley, George W., Oct. 27, '64; mustered out with Company G, 2d regiment Pro. Cavalry Aug. 7, '65. Potts, Joseph, Sept. 6, '62; died June 9 of wounds received at Cold Harbor May 31, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Va. Peterson, Edward, Oct. 27, '64; not on muster-out roll. Russel, Boston S., Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Risinger, Rich'd. W., Sept. 6, '02; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 24, 'fi4. BEAVER COUNTY. 365 List of Privates — Continued. Heed, William H., Sept. 6, '62; transferred to V. R. C, Sept. 30, '63. Ramsey, Milton G., Feb. 35, '64; captured; died at Salisbury, N. C, Jan. 34, '65. Roemer, Nicholas, March 39, '64; captured; died at Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 29, '64. Smith. George B. , Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Streit, John, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Streit, Benjamin, Sept. 18, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Secrist, Abham, Sept. 3, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Simpson, William, Aug. 30, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Staub, Charles, Aug. 8, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Stone, Philip, Aug. 6, '63; discharged by general order June 31, '65. Slick, Milton J., Aug. 1, '64; discharged by general order June 8, '65. Sands, William, Sept. 6, '63; discharged Feb. 2. '63. Stoops, James W., Feb. 37, '64; wounded at Hanover C. H., Va., May 28, '64; absent in hospital at muster out. Smith, Johu H.. Feb. 37, '64; mustered out with Company G, 3d regiment P. C. Aug. 7, '65. Stone, David, Sept. 6, '63; captured; died; date unknown. Seariglit, Thomas, Feb. 18, '63; died at Acquia Creek, Va., Jan. 10, '63. Searight, Harvey, Sept. 6, '63; died at Acquia Creek, Va., Feb. 28, '63. Stanton, Michael. Nov. 11. '64; not on muster-out roll. Thorn, Jolin, Sept. 18. '63; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Thomas. Henry, Sept. 3. '64; mustered out with company June 16, '05. Tuttle. J. Hill, Sept. 6, '63; mustered out with companj" June 16, '65. Todd, Thomas, Sept. 6, 'H-i: discharged Nov. 38, '63. Wolf. Daniel, Aug. 24, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. White, Arthur W., Sept. 6, '62; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Withrow, Robert, Sept. 18, '63; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Wolf, Jacob, Aug. 10, '64; mustered out with company June 16, '65. Wolf, Frederick J., Aug. 10, '64; mustered out with compan}' June 16, '65. Wet.sel, Samued J., Aug. 24, '64; mustered out witli company June 16, '65. Wilkin.son. Jolin M., Sept. 18, '63; absent in hospital at muster out. Whitehill. Wm. W.. Feb. 37, '64; mustered out with Company G, 3d regiment P. C, Aug. 7, •65. White, Joseph, Sept. 6, '63; captured; died at Richmond. Va , June 33, '64. Whitehill, John, Feb. 27, '64; not on muster-out roll. Ward. Alexander. Oct. 29, '64; not on muster-out roll. COMP.\NY F, lOlsT KEGIMENT PENNSYr,VANI.\ VOLUNTEERS. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Charles W. May, captain, Dec. 30, '61; resigned Jan. 17, '63. Wm. F. Dawson, captain Dec. 30, '61; promoted from 2d to 1st lieutenant July 31, '63; to captain Jan 20, '63; resigned Mar. 1. '63. Thomas B. Dawson, captain, Nov. 9. '61; promoted to 1st sergeant Sept. 1, '63; to 1st lieutenant Jan. 20, '63; to captain Mar. 1, 63; prisoner from Apr. 20 to Dec. '64; discharged .Ian. 7, '65, e.vpiration of term. James S. Kutan, 1st lieutenant, Nov. 9, '61; discharged July 18, '62. David M. Ramsej', 1st lieutenant, Nov. 9, '61; promoted from corporal to sergeant 366 HISTdKV (IK BKAVEK COUNTY. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officehs — Coktinukd. July 15, '62; to 2d lieiiteuant Jan. 21^, 03; to 1st lieutenant Itarfh 1. 63; commissioned captain June 1, '65; not mustered; mustered out with company June 25, '65. James A. Johnson, 2d lieutenant, Nov. 19, '61; promoted from sergeant 1o 2(1 lieu- tenant July 31, '62; to adjutant lT2d reg. Pa. Vols. Dec. 8, '62. Joseph F. Werrick, 2d lieutenant Nov. 9, '61; promoted to 2(1 lieutenanl Jlar, 1, 63; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, 64; discharged April 5, '65; expiration of term . Wm. H. Sutherland, 1st sergeant, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '64; com. 1st lieutenant June 1, '65; not mustered; absent on furlough at m\i.ster out; vet. David D. Johnson, 1st sergeant, Nov. 9, '61; disch'd on surgeon's certif. Aug. 4, '62. Clark A. Hunter, 1st sergeant, Nov. 9 '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate- date unknown. Brunton W. Smith, sergeant, Jan. 1, '62; wounded and captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; commissioned 2d lieutenant June 1, '65; not mustered; absent on fur- lougli at muster out; veteran. John W. AVynn, sergeant, Nov. 5, '01; prisoner from April 20, '04, to April 21, '05 discharged Ma.y 31 to date, May 18, '65. John Sweane3', sergeant, Dec. 18, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate July 14, '63. Wm. S. Moreland, sergeant, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20 lo Dec. 11, '64; mustered out JIarch 8, '05, expiration of term. James U. Bruce, sergeant, Dec. 18, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C. April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 10, '64; grave 8363; veteran. Jacob E. Wench, sergeant, Nov. 19, '61; deserted April 10, '63. James M. Carroll, sergeant, Nov. 9, '01; discharged on surgeon's certificate Aug. 7, '62. Elienezer Springer, corporal, Dec. 18, '61; prisoner from April 20, '64, to Feb. 27, '65; discharged by general order June 22, '65; veteran. Williamll. Toms, corporal, Jan. 1, '62; prisoner from April 20, '04. to Alarch 1, '05; discharged by general order June 28, '05; veteran. Henry E. Cook, corporal Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '04; dis- charged March 21, '05, to date Dec. 18, '04, expiration of term. William P. Deal, corporal, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '04; dis- charged JIarch 21, '65, to date Dec. 18, '64, expiration of term. A. Wesley Leonard, corporal. Nov. 21, '61; discharged, date unknown. Thorn IS McG)ffie, corporal, Nov. 9, '61 ; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. John M. Ramsey, corporal, Nov. 19, '01; discliarged on surgeon's certificate Sept. 24, '63. Thomas Barkley, corporal, Nov. 9, '61; died at Roper's Churcli, Y:\.. .lune 15, '02. John S. McCarroll, corporal, Nov. 9, 01; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. died at Florence, S. C, Nov. 24, '04. Joseph T. Elder, musician, Dec. 18, '61; prisoner from April '.^0, '04, to ,'\Iiiy 5, '05; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran. Bernard Bush, musician, Nov. 9, '01; discharged on surgeon's (ertificate, date unknown. Cyrus C. Leonard, musician, Nov. 21, '01; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Florence, S. C, Mar. 2, '05; veteran. Privates. Allison, Joseph, Nov. 19, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate, date unknown. BEAVER CO0NTV. 367 List of Privates — Continued. Arkwright, Sy'n B., Nov, 9, '61; deserted, date unknown. Barns, Milo, Dec. 18, '61 ; died — date unknown. Brown, Harvey, Nov. 9, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C. April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 20, '64; veteran. Chambers, Samuel W., Dec. 18, '61; wounded at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '64; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran. ('hambers, Benj., Dec. 18, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 15, '64; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran. Cassidaj', George, Nov. 21, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 11, '64; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran. Coulter, Graham, Nov. 31, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dee. 13. '64; absent, sick at muster out; veteran. Calhoun, Nicholas, Nov. 9, '61; |nisoner from April 20, '64, to Feb. 27, '65; mus- tered out with company .June 25, '65; veteran. Cox, Samuel, Feb. 18, '64; mustered out with company June 25, '65. Court, .John, Nov. 9, '61; discharged Aug. 29, for wounds received at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62. Ca.ssidy, John, Nov. 21, '61; died at Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 10, '62. Dailey, Thomas, Nov. 19, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Nov. 6, '64; absent on fur- lough at muster out; veteran. Devine, Thomas, Dec. 80, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Dailey, William, Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate, date unknown. Dailey, Daniel, Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Eaton, M. Luther, Dec. 18, '61; died at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 33, '62. Eakin, John A., Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate July 8, '62. Elliott, Martin W., Nov. 9, '61; discharged — date unknown. French, William, Nov. 9, '61; discharged '64, expiration of term. Grubbs, John, Dec. 30, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 15, '64; veteran. Holsworth, Wm., Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate, date unknown. Hall, William, Nov. 9, '61; discharged Nov. 17, '64, expiration of term. Helm. Samuel, Nov. 9, 61; died at Newport News, Va., April 29, '63. Hunter. George A., Nov. 9, 61; died at Suffolk, Va., Oct. 31, '62. Johnson, Thomas. Nov. 9, '61; promoted from April 20 to Dec. 9, '64; absent on furlough at muster cmt; veteran. Leonard, James, Nov. 9, '61; wounded at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; discharged Jan. 26, '65, expiration of term. Lester, Cornelius, Nov. 19, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Lackey, William, Nov. 19, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Florence. S. C, Oct. 26, '64. Mitchell, Alex., Sept. 19, '64; mustered out with company June 25, '65. Morton, Jacob C, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 30, '64, to April, '65 ; discharged June 3, to date May 18, '65. Moore, Samuel, Nov. 19, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 30, '64; died at Andersonville. Ga., Oct. 24, '64; grave 11,387. Mansfield, George, Nov. 19, 61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 19, '64; grave 11,143; veteran. Mace, Robert H., Dec. 30, '61; discharged on .surgeon's certificate '63. Morgan, Benjamin, Dec. 18, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 22, '62. 368 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. List ok Pur'ates — Continued. Mansfield, James, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20, 'C4, to Feb. 38, '65; discharged Ma3' 8 to date, March 6, '65. Marie, Jackson, Nov. 9. '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 23, '62. Majors, Samuel C, Oct. 19, '61; transferred to Company G Jan. 1, '64; veteran. Morgan, Calvin, Dec. 18, '61; tran.sferred to 162d reg. Pa Vols. '64. Matthews, Wm. S., Nov. 9, '61; not on muster-out roll. McCull, Jackson, Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 23, '62. McElduff, James, Jan 1, '62; discharged on surgeon's certificate, date unknown. McKean. Joseph. Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. McFadden, Wm., Nov. 9, 61; discharged on surgeon's certificate July 14. '62. McKeuzie, Ross, Nov. 9, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Florence, S. C, Nov. 1, '64; veteran. Nash, Thomas S., Nov. 21, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 27, '62. Porter, John M., Dec. 18, '61; prisoner from April 20, 64, to Feb. 22, '65; mustered out with company June 25, '65; veteran. Parks, Thomas, Nov. 9, '61; prisoner from April 20. '64, to Feb. 28, '65; ab-sent on furlough at muster out; veteran. Patterson, Reuben, Nov. 9, '61; not on muster-out roll. Rambo, Peter, Dec. 18, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate June 19, '62. Risinger, .John, Nov. 9. '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Charleston, S.. C, Sept 25, '64; veteran. Swagers, Thomas, Dec. 23, '63; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '64; mustered out with company June 25, '65. Smith, Wm., Jan. 1, '62; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 15, '64; ab,sent on furlough at mu.ster out; veteran. Swagers, Milton. Dec, 18, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 29, '64; grave 6382; veteran. Swagers. Henry, Dec. 30, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Florence, S. C, Oct. 15, '64; veteran. Smith, Wm. B., Dec. 30, '61; died at Portsmouth, Va., date unknown. Sheldrak, Joshua, Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Sting, Joseph T., Dec. 30, '61; deserted, date unknown. Tennis, Samuel, Nov. 9, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate, '63. Wallace, Jesse, Dec. 7, 61; prisoner from April 22, '64, to Feb. 20, '65; discharged May 22, to date April 6, '65. Wynn, Hamlin, Nov. 9, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 4, '64; veteran. Young, Edward, Nov. 9, '61; died at New York Sept. 29, '62; buried in Cypress Hill cemetery, L. I . company h, lolst regiment pennsylvania volrnteers. Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers. Alex. W. Taylor, captain, Dec. 3, '61; promoted to major Nov. 13. '62. William Mays, captain, Nov. 12, '61; promoted from 1st lieutenant Nov. 13, 62; wounded at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; discharged Starch 6. '65, expiration of term. Samuel S. Taylor, 2d lieutenant, Oct. 29, '61; promoted from sergeant Nov. 13, '62; discharged Feb. 15, '65. ( ^-^S*- f^'^v (^y ^^e^P^l^ beaver county. ■ 371 Offickrs and Non-Commissioned Officers — Continued. James B. Kirk, 1st lieutenant, Dec. 3, '61; promoted from 2d lieutenant Nov. 13, '63; mustered out March 13, '65. Eugene K. Fliison, 1st sergeant, Nov. 12, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C , April 20, '64; veteran. James D. Harris, 1st sergeant. Oct. 29, '61; captured; died at Richmond, Va., '62. Alexander Prentice, .sergeant. Oct. 29, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; veteran. John McDannel, sergeant, Oct. 29, '61; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20. '64: ■veteran. Mack .lohnston, sergeant, Nov. 12, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. James Graham, sergeant, Oct. 39, '61; discharged Nov. IT, '64, expiration of term. Edward N. Boots, .sergeant, Oct. 29. '61; promoted to quartermaster-sergeant Nov. 13, '63. John C. Morrow, sergeant, Feb. 21. '02: iiromoted to sergeant-major June, '63. Cyrus W. Webb, sergeant, Nov. 13, '61; captured at Plj'mouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Auder.sonville, Ga., Nov. 23, '64; grave 13,129; veteran. John 11. Svvick, corporal, Oct. 29. '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. Ednumd li. Boots, corporal, Oct. 39, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 5, '63. Robert Manon, corporal, Oct. 29, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62 Addison Sloan, corporal, Oct. 39, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Joseph L. Gibson, corporal, Nov. 12, '61; discharged on surgern's ccrtitit ate 'C3. Hamilton Creamer, corporal, Oct. 29, '61; died at Plymouth, N. C, '63. Byron M. Fisher, corporal, Oct. 39, '61; wounded and captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 30, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 13, '64; grave 3.3.58; veteran. .John W. Barnes, corporal, Nov. 12. '61; wounded ard cnpiuicd at PiMr.onth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 8, '64; grave SO.'il. James C. Kelly, corporal, Nov. 12, '61; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20, '64; ■died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 1.5, '64; grave 8.H.53: veteran. How. S. Morehead. corporal, Oct. 39. 'til; died on board U. S transport Dec. 16, '64; veteran. Sam'l W. Prentice, corporal, Nov. 12, 61; died at Annapolis, Md., March 16, '05. Thomas Robinson, corporal, Oct. 29, '61; not. on muster-out roll. William H. Acher, musician, Oct. 39, '61; prisoner from April 20, '64, to Feb. 24, "65; discharged by general order June 13, '65; veteran. Samuel Myers, musician, Nov. 15. '63; prisoner from April To to Nov. ;W, '64; mustered out with com])any June 25, '65. Privates. Browman, Matthias, Nov. 12, '01; captured at Plymouth, X. ('., April 20, '64; vet. Bond, John C, Nov. 12, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C. April 20. '64. Baxter, Elijah, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Barnes, Wm. C, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Burnet, .John H., Oct. 39, '61; killed at Plymouth, N. C. April 20. '64, veteran. Bale, Jeremiah, '61; drowned in Potomac river April 24, '65; veteran. Brown, Alouzo, Oct. 27, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept 10, '64; grave 8,3.56. Baird, Thomas S., Nov. 12, '61; transferred to signal corps '64. 372 HISTORY OF BEATER COrNTY. List of Privates— Continued. Cole, William, Nov. 12, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '64; mustered out with company June 25, '65; veteran. Cole, James B., Oct. 29, '01; pri.soner from April 20, '64, to Feb. 24. '65; discharged hy general order June 10, '65: veteran. Creese, John, Oct. 29, '61; prisoner from Ajiril 20 to Dec. '64; absent on furlough at muster out; veteran. Coleman, George H., Dec. 3, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Cristy. Daniel, Nov. 12, '61; killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62. Cavin, Robert. Oct. 29, '61; killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62. Carter, Francis W., Oct. 29, '61; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20. '64; died at Florence, S. C, Oct. 14, '64; veteran. Callenbaugh, G. H., Oct. 29, '61; died '68. Cooper, Kobert F., Dec. 3. '62; not on muster-out roll. Dilks. Jonathan J., Nov. 12, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 12, '64; mustered out with company June 25 '65; veteran. Dalzell, Robert, Oct. 29, '61; killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62. Davis. E. Rush, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Eckenroth. John, Dec. 13, '64; mustered out with company June 25, '65. Flceson, William, Nov. 12, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Friday, Soloman D., Oct. 29, '61; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20. '64; died at Andersouville, Ga., June 17, '64; grave 2099. Frida)', Henry J.. Oct. 29, '61; drowned in Potomac river April 24, '65; veteran. Fisher, David, '61; killed at Plymouth. N. C, April 20, '64; veteran. French. James, Sept. 19, '62; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga.. Aug. 25, '64; grave 6890. Goddard, John, Nov. 12, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; veteran. Graham, Thomas. Oct. 29, '61; discharged Aug. 4, '64, expiration of term. Garman, Philip, '61; di.scharged on .surgeon's certificate 'f!3. Graham, Harrison, '61; di.scharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Gear, Alexander, '61; died at Suffolk, Va., '62. Hunter, Clark JI.. Feb, 29. '64; nuistered out with company June 25, '65. Horner, Joseph, Oct. 29, '61; captured !it Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. Horner, David W., Dec. 21. '6'<; captured ;it Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. Hoover, Joseph, Sept. 30, '62; prisoner frtjm April 20. '64, to April 9. '65; dis- charged June 15, to date May 18, '64. Hall. James L., Sept. 19. '62; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. Hunter, William H., Oct. 29, '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec. 13, '64; dis- charged April 4, '65, to date Dec. 19, '64. Hazin, Matthew J.. Dec. 3, '61; caiilured at Plymoutli, N. C, April 20, '64; died at Andersonville. Ga., Aug. 26, '64; grave 7020; veteran. Hazen, Julius M., Dec. 3, '61; died at Fortress Monroe, Va., June 4, '62. Issara, Wm., Jan. 21, '62; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20, '64. Johnson, Oliver, Nov. 12, '61: discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Johnson. Wm., '61; di.scharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Johnson. George, '61; died at Yorktown, Va., May 3, '62. Klepper, William, '61; captured at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62; died at Richmond. '62. Kelly, Lewis, Dec. 3, '61; deserted '62. Milliron, John, Oct. 29, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 5, '63. KEAVKR COUNTY. List of Privates — Continued. 373 Murraj-, Cung'hani, Oct. 29, '61; cnptiirctl at Plymouth, N. C .\pril 20. '64. Matthews. Web. S., Dec. 8, '61; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20, '64; veteran. May, Levi B., Nov. 12, '01; discliarjied '64, expiration of term. Musser, Wm. IL H., Sept. 19, '62; died at Plymouth. N. C, '6:1 Magaw, Wm. C, '61; died at Portsmouth Grove, K. L, .July 27, '62. iMcCleary, Robert. Oct. 29, '61 ; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64; veterau. McDannel, Jas. M., Feb. 29, '64; captured at Plyicouth, N. C, April 20, '64. McCarthy, John C, Dec. 3, '61; di.scharffcd on suriccon's certificate '62. McGill. William. Oct. 29, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Mclvean, .John W., Nov. 12, '61; cajitured; died at Andersonville. Ga., .Inly 17, '64; yrave:54Sl. Nowry. William R.. Dec. 8, '61; prisoner from April 20, '64. to Feb. 20, 'Oo; mu>- tered out wiih company .Tune 2,5, '65; veteran. Neely, Joliu, Oct. 29, '61; discharged Nov. 17, '64, t,\pirati(U of term. Porter. Samuel W., '61; prisoner from April 20 to Dec, '64; ;ibfecut at camp parade, Annapolis. Md., at muster out; veteran. Porter, David, '64; captured at Plymouth. N. C, April 20, '64; died at Ai'dcrsou- ville, Ga., June 28, '64; grave 2590. Porter, Hugh Z., Oct 19, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Porter, John, '61; discharged on surgeon's cerliticaie '62. Patterson, Reuben, Dec. 3, '61; caplurid at Plymculh. N. C, April 20, "64; died at Andersonville. Ga., July 27, '64; grave 4049; veteran. Powell, Charles, Oct. 29, '61; died near Richnujud, Va., May, '62. Rulter. John, Oct. 29, '61; discharged on surgeon's cerlilicatc '02. Robertson, John C, Sept. 19, '62; discharged on surg( on's certificate '63. Robinson, James, Oct. 29, '61; discharged on i-i;rgK n's cer\ifi( ate '63 Rutter. William C, Feb. 11, '62; died at Newbern, N. C, Oct. 4, '64; buried in National cemetery, plat 7, grave 75. Reed, John .\., Dec 3. '61; jirisoner from April 20 to Dec. 10, (U; discharged May 15. '65, to date Dec. 17, '64, expiration of t£rm. Rui)y, Robert F., Oct. 29, '61; died at Newbern, N. C., May 30, '63; buried in National cemetery, plat 7, grave 124. Swick, Daniel W., Feb. 29, '64; mustered out with comiiany June 25, '65. Sloan, Jackson, Oct. 29, '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. Smith, Russell, Nov. 12, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Sand's, Elijah, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '62. Thomas, James, Oct. 29, '61; discharged on surgeon's certificate '63. Vaudvoort, Cyrus, 61; died at New York, Sept. 8, '62. \Vi son, Robert L , Feb. 27, '64: captured at Pljmoulli. N, C, April 20. 64; died at Florence. S ('., Oct. 30, '64. Wagner, John W., Oct. 29. '61; di'd at SufTolk. Va., Dec. 17, '62 Young, Philip S., '61; captured at Plymouth, N. C, April 20, '64. CHAPTER XIT. BEAVER BOROUGH. L(K'ATION AXD OkKUN LaYING OUT THE ToWN IN 17it2 — OwNERS OF OuTLOTs — Sale of Lots in 1806 — Samuel Johnston — Beaver made THE County Seat — Inookpokation— Borough Administration — Bus- iness Condition in 1887 — Education — Banks — Water Works — Cemeteries — Sf:cret Societies — Churches — Public Schools — Post- masters — Popu lation. BEAA'ER, the seat of justice of Beaver county, is situated on an alluvial plateau, on tiie north hank of the Ohio river, aliout three- fourths of a mile from the mouth of the Big I5eavei'. It owes its origin to the fnct that Fort Afclntosh was established in 1778 on its site, and thus attracted early attention to tlie hjcality; though it is asserted by good authority, that on the jjresent site of Beaver, or perhaps'a little lower down the rivec, Hon. M. S. Quay informed the wi-iter. on the David Minis proparty, below the site of Fort Mcintosh, were found reuinants of tiiese old Frenci) structures. There stood in former times a hiKge town, built by tiie F'rench, of square logs, with stone chimneys, for the use of the Shawanees, Dela- ware and Mingo tribes; and that those Indians abandoned the towns in 1758, when their allies, the French, deserted Fort DuQuesne. The same authority asserts that near the fording of Beavei' river (probablv on the site of Bridgew^ater — R.] stood seven houses wiiich were deserted and destroyed after Colonel Bouquet defeated Pontiac's Indians at Bushy Run [Augusts, 170:^.], when they forsook all their settlements in this region. By the act of September 28, 17'.U, the governor of the state, Thomas Mifflin, was authorized to have surveyed, neai' tiir mouth of the Beaver river, an or near where the old French to/r/i xtooil, 2oi) aci'es of land in town lots; and also Jdito acres adjoining and on the uijperside thereof, as nearly square as might be, in outlots of not less tlian five nor more than ten acres each. I'>y the same act 500 acres were granted "aT4 BEAVER BOROUGH. 375 for an academy. The survey of tlie town was made by Daniel Leet in November, 1792, the twelve liundred acres being part of what is known as the Beaver reservation descril)ed thus in the Act of March 12, 1783: "And the furtiier (|uantity of tliree thousand acres on the Oliio and on both si(k>s of tlie moiitli of Jteaver creek, includinp' Fort Mclntosb." Under Leet's survey certain k>ts were sokl, and were purchased by the following owners: David ]5radford No. 1, 11, 27,42; John II. Eed- dick, 2; Absalom Baird. 3, 5, 0, 71, 73, 7<;, 79, 112, 117, 12(», 122; Daniel Leet, 4, 1(», 14, 44, 4!», 50, (id, (j7, 08; Craig Kitchie, 8; Hugh Wilson, 9; Thomas McNeary, 12; Gab Blackney and J. Maishall, 15; George Bryan, 16; Alexander Addison, 17, 31; John Nicholson, 18; Charles Morgan, 19; Alexander Wright. 20; D. Bradford and Alex. Addison, 21, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 123; David Acheson, 22; Robert McKiidey, 23, 8G, 87, (92, 93), 99, 100, KKi, 107; James Heed, 24, 2(i; John Strawbridge, 25; Daniel Acheson, 28; David Mc Neary, 29; Andrew Swearingen, 30, 34, 58^63; George Milligan, 36; John Reed, 39; Mat. Irish, 43, 46; George Baker, 45, St!; John Fisher, 47, 48, 57; John Wolf, 51, 52; Wd- iiam Gny, 54, 55; John McKee, 65, 69, 7tt, 74, 75, 80, 81; Win. Bradford, 88-91. 94-98, 101-105, 108-111, 113-116, 118, 119, 121. In 1806, a second sale of lots, thirty-five in number, Avas matle by commissioners ajipointed for that purpose. The names of purchasers will indicate who were residents of Beaver at that time. The numbers of their lots are omitted: Matthew Steen, Guion Greer, David Johnson, .\bner Lacock, Jonathan Coulter, William Clarke, Robert Davidson, Robert Moore, James Lyon. James Dennis, James Allison, Joseph Davis, James Conlin, Thomas Henry, James Alexander, Joseph Irwin, Jcjhn Lawrence, Joseph Hemphill, James IMcCreery. William Henry, Robert Darragh, James McDowell, Levi Jones, Stewart Rowan Samuel John- ston, Daniel Johnston. One of the early settlers of the ])lace was Sauuiel Jolmston. He came as early as 1796 and kept a tavern on the bank of the river, near Fort Mcintosh. This house all'orded entertainment not only for the tratiickers along the river, but for those who canu^ through the countiy on the "South Side" along the " Broadhead Road" which liad been opened uji many years previous to enable people to reach the fort easily by land from the vicinity of Fort Pitt. By the act of March 12, 1800, establishing the county of Beaver, the town on the site of Mcintosh was designated and fixed as the county seat. At that time, the Beaver plateau was covered with a dense nrjQ lllSliHn- OF liKAVEK COUNTV. gro^vth of shruLs ami saplnigs. presenting no suel. b.Miitiful appear- ''''''''The n^w'Vovvn was leuula.lv inc-o.poiated March !".>. isn-i. and began a legal existence which has been subject to n.any changes since An examination of the records of the borough, measurably well preserved, has I'evealed some matters of general interest. Even as early as 180:^. the question of water supply seems to have attracted attention. Public wells were impracticable. A large spring near the hill nortii of the town was supposed to be the most avadable supplv In the records for this year we tin.l Jac .1. Small presenting a bill against the borough for £1 13s. 3(1. for repairing pipes and pumps. The officers in 1S04 were— Chairman. Samuel Lawrence; treasurer, Thonuis Ilenrv; clerk, Hugh P.cknoU; waterman, Joseph Hemphill. Officers in 1805: Chairman. William Clarke: treasurer, James Lv.m- clerk, Samuel Lawrence; burgess, Jonathan Conltei-; town council, William Clarke, Joseph Hemphill, James Allison, Jr., Thomas Evans, John Hannah. . -r. • , A special election, at which Joseph Hemphill was inspector. T)avid Haves, judge, an.l James Allison, Jr., clerk, was liekl at the courthouse to Hll a vacancv m the office of high constable, on the 10th of July; William Rhodes was elected, having received a majority of votes The following is from the poll-book, the oldest of the kind preserved inthecountvT William Henry. Matthew Steen, Ilobert Moore, John Everhart, Samuel Johnston. Cuion Greer. DavidJ ohnson. Jonathan l:Z. Vohn Light. Abner Lacck, Jacob Small William Shaniuji, Janres Wilson, David Hayes, Joseph Hemplnll. David Bote John Lawrence, James Allison, Jr.. Robert Darragh. Thomas Harvey, fhomas Henry, Samuel Lawrence, Thomas Evans, James Alexander, StesNait Rowan, Jonathan Mendenhall. It will be noticed that this list embraces the prominent men in the subsequent historv of the county. Town council in ISOC: Abner Lac.ck. Sanmel Johnston ami Samuel Lawrence. This partial list, together with an account ot the borouo-h's indebtedness to John Lawrence for tw.. and oneJialt days service in repairing water works, ^i.:^ is all the recor.l preserved. The borough government, in 1807, consisted as follows: Luvgess, James Allison, Jr.; council, Davi.l .l"ln>soi, chainnan; John K Shannon, clerk; James Lyon, treasurer; A\ iHiam Clarke. Lobut Moore Stewart Rowan and John Everhart. Through its burgess, the BEAVER BOROUGH. 377 council agreed witli Iliinli Wilson to l)uild a stone house, 11x13 feet, on the o-rounil and seven feet in height, at the source of the spring which supjjlied the water worlcs; for whieli he was given an order on the treasurer for S^5.n(». Council in lSi>S: David Hayes, cliaii'nian; Guion Greer, John Berry, John Light, James Wilson. Orticers: Jiui'gess, James Allison, Ji'., treas- urer, James Lyon; clerk, Jose])]) W. White; high constable, William Shannon. Council in 1809: David Hayes, chairman; John Light, Guion Greer, James Wilson, John Berry*. Oificers: James Lyon, treasurer; James Allison, Jr., liurgess; Thomas Henry, assessor; Samuel Lawrence and Joseph Hemphill, assistaTits. The assistant assessors received the enor- mous fee of seventy-five cents per day. Council in isid: Rcjbert Moore, chairman; James Wilson, John Light, Thomas Henry, Stewart Ilowan, James Allison, Jr. Officers: William Clarke, Imrgess; David Boies, treasurer; Robert Hamilton, clerk; David Hayes, waterman; James Lyon, assessor; Samuel Law- rence and Joseph Hemphill, assistants; Thonuis Heniy, high constable. On the 5th of May, Thomas Henry received a warrant on the treasurer for $.58. .54 for the erection of market-house. Jolin Berry presented a claim against the cnuncil as follows: For publishing three oriliuauces, 3 squares, $3.00; proposals for liuilding a market- house, 1 square, .fl.OO; total .f4.00. January '.>th it was ind:jrs3 1 : " Held unih^r advisement." News- papers then did not grow fat upon cor|)orations. The election held tiie first Monday in May. 1811, resulted as fol- lows: (Council: James Allison, Jr., chairman; James Lyon, Joseph Hemphill, Robert Moore, Samuel Johnston. Officers: David Boies, treasurer; Hugh Picknoll, clerk ; Thomas HeiiiT, high constable; Will- iam Clarke, l)urgess. Tiie market-Jiouse was ordered sold by the burgess under tiuthoritv of tiie conned. It was a sliort-bved ]iul)lic necessity. Council in 1S12: James Alli:-;on, Jr.. chairman; Jonatiian Coulter, Joseph Hemphill, James Lyon. Robert Moore. Officers: William (Uarke, l)urgess ; David Boies, treasurer; Hugh Picknoll, clerk ; Thomas Henry, high constable. At a meeting of tin- inhabitants, held March Jo, to determine * Was subsequently removed, and Jonathan Coulter, at a special election, was chosen his successor. 378 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. the mode by which the bovouoh luiglit l)e elieved from the difficulty suffered in procuring a sufficient supply of good water, it was resolved: 1. To approve the plan of bringing water to the Center Square, and disposing of it then as might be deemed best. 2. To appoint James Lyon and Stewart Rowan a committee to take subscriptions for secur- ing water works, and to report to the council the various sums loaned for said purpose. The subscriptions were taken in sums varying from $1.00, the low- est to $50, the highest, tlie lattei- sum being given by James Lyon. He also gave $3.20 as a donation. Jacob Small subscribed $20 in logs and blacksmithing. The response was generous. On the Sth of April, the council i)asse(l an ordinance authorizmg two things: (1) The bringing (h.wn to the public square, in wooden pipes, the water flowing from the springs in the reserve lot near John Wolf's; and (2) the borrowing of money at six ]ier cent to defray the expenses attending the same. To meet the demands of the case, the council issued bonds to the subscribers to this fund, a sample of which is given : We the town council of the borough of Beaver, certify that Samuel Power has loaned to' an,l for tlie use of. the borough of Beaver, thirty dollars, to be refunded to ihe said Samuel Power or Ijearer, l)y six annual inslallments, with interest, from 7tl. of .July. '1812, to which payment the Fond of the said horough is hereliy pledged. Done m coun- cil May 8, 1812, Samuel Lawrence, ^^^^^^'- ^ „, ,,, ,.,. Chairman. Hugh Picknoi.i., Town ClciU. Council in 181:3 : James Allison. .Ir.. elKiinnan ; James Lyon, J;is. Wilson. Samuel Lawrence, David Loits. Officers: William Clarke, buro-ess; Hugh ricknoll. clerk; William Y. Smith, high constable. ''(V.i'incil Tn ISU: Samuel Lawrence, chairman : James Allison. Jr., James Lyon, David Boies, James Wilson. Officers : William Clarke, burgess;" Thomas Henry, treasur(>v: Hugh Picknoli, clerk ; William \ . Smith, high constable. By an ordinance passed May 11. members ot the council were voted $1 33^ for each day's necessary attendance upon official duty. Council in 1S15 : Samuel Power, chairman ; David Boies, James Dennis, James Lyon, James Logan Officers : Robert Moore, bur- oess- David Hayes, clerk; Thomas Henry, treasurer. ° \n ordinance was passed November 10, authorizing: (1} Borough notes in the aggregate of $500 in denominations, 6i, 12i, 25 and 50 cents each, to be signed by the treasurer and placed in the hands ot the bur-ess, to be put upon the market. (2) The treasurer to procure paper /^^;^3> ayi^-^y BEAVEK BOROUGH. 381 and have the notes struck Ijy tlie editor of the Beaver Crisis. (3) The highest number of the lowest denomination, and vice versa, be issued. On these notes tlie first borougli seal was used, viz: a stamp with a tree and a fountain, to represent the two important needs of the town. A second ordinance, dated July 17, requires the burgess to charge all traveling shows $."> license for two nights' and the intervening day's exhibitions. Council in 18H): David Hayes, chairman ; Milo Adams, Samuel Power, James Dennis, James Logan. Officers: liobert Moore, bur- gess; A. Logan, clerk; Laughlin Kennedy, high constable. On the 2tith of August, a contract was made with James Dennis to build a market-house for $395, the structure to be completed in work- manlike manner by June 1, 1817. Council in 1S17: David Hayes, chairman; Thomas Henrj^, John Lifi-ht, James Loo-an, Milo Adams. Officers: Samuel Lawrence, Inn- gess ; David Boies, high constable. Council in 1S18 : David Hayes, chairman; John R. Shannon, James Conlin, John IIein})erly, Thomas Hunter. Officers: Samuel Lawrence, burgess; Samuel McChu'e, treasurer; David Boies, high constable. Council in 1819 supposed to be snuie. No report. James Logan was clerk. Council in 18'2(J: David Hayes, cliairma.n ; James Logan, Robert Hamilton, Milo Adams, David Marquis. Officers: Samuel Lawrence, burgess ; ^lilton Lawrence, clerk ; David Boies, high constaUe. The records for 1821 are imperfect, showing only two members of the council : Milo Adams, chairman, and James Logan. The same is true of 1822. David Somers was assessor, and Joseph Hemphill and Iloliert Moore, assistants. Council in 1823 : Thonuis Henry, James Logan, David Marquis, John Barclay, James Lyon. Officers : Joseph Hemphill, burgess; David Boies, high constable. The valuation of the borough as reported by the clerk was $48,003. Council in 1821: James Tjogan, Tlios. Henry, David Marquis, John Barclay, David Somers. Officers : Joseph Hemphill, burgess; Joseph Vera, high constable; David Boies, assessor; John I'auce, waterman. Of the council in 1825 Thomas Henry was chairman, and Joseph S. Moore, clerk. 21 382 HISTOKY OF I5EAVEK COUNTY. Council in 1826 : James Logan, David Somers, David Marquis, John Barclay. Thomas Henry. Joim Chirke, clerk. Council in 1827 : Robert Moore, John Light, John Clarke, David Somers, Joseph Hemphill. John Tower, clerk. Council in 1828 : Samuel Power, James Logan, Thomas McCreery, David Somers, Milo Adams. Oihcers : James AUison, Jr., clerk ; Joseph Vera, constable. Council in 1829-30 : Joseph Hemphill, John Barclay, James Alli- son, James Lyon, Thomas Henry. Officers : William Cairns, burgess ; Jackson Sloan, high constable. The burgess in 18.31 was Jose]ih Hemphill. In 1832: William ^hiclean, chairman of council ; William Allison, clerk ; Thonuis McCreary, treasurer. Burgess in 1833, Jose])h Hemphill ; clerk, James Logan ; high constable, James Eakin, Jr. Burgess in 1834, Joseph ileiiipliill ; high constable, James D. Eakin. Burgess in 1835, Joseph Conrad ; clei'k, Wilham Allison ; treas- urer, John Barclay ; chaiiMuan of council, Daniel Agnew ; constable, Joseph French. Burgess in 1830, Joseph Conrad; chairman of council. Daniel Aernew ; treasurer, John Barclav ; clerk, William Allison; assessor, R. H. Agnew ; high constable, Joseph French. A subscription for a tire engine, dated Sejit. 23, was taken, amounting to $130. The machine was bought for $125. Buro-ess in 1837, W. B. Clarke; chairman of council, Daniel Agnew ; clerk, William Allison ; treasurer, John Barclay ; constable, Joseph French. Buro-ess in 1838, W. B. Clarke: treasurer. John Barclay : clerk, R. H. Agnew; high constable, James D. Eakin. Burgess in 1839, Daniel Agnew: high constable, James D. Eakin; assessor, David Somers ; clerk, R. H. Agnew. Burgess in 1840, Evan J. Henry ; clerk, John B. Foster; assessor, W. B. Clarke; treasurer, James Allison, Jr.; constable, Isaac Jones. No records for 1811. Officers doubtless same as foregoing. Burgess in 1812. Evan J. Henry; treasurer, James Allison, Jr.; clerk, James M. Cunningliam; constable, Adam Gormley. Burgess in 1813, James Eakin; treasurer, James Allison. Jr; high constable, David Eakin, Ji'. BEAVER BOEOUGH. 383 Burgess in 1844, James Eakin; treasurer, "\Y. K. Boden; clerk, Will- iam Reed; constable, Joliu H. Cainp. Burgess in 1845-4(), James Eakin ; constable, Adam (irormley. Burgess in 1S4T, James Eakin ; treasurer, James Allison, Jr ; street commissioner, Hugh Anderson; constable, A. Gormley. Burgess in 1S4S, John Bai'ckiy ; treasurer, Alford TJ. Moore; liigh constable, Hugli Anderson. Burgess in 1849, John liai'chiy; clerk, Thomas McC'reeiy ; treas- urer, S. S. Hamilton; high constable, Hugh Anderson; waterman, Joseph Reisinger. Burgess in 1850, John II. yiiannon ; liigh constable. S. S. Hamilton; assessor, William Reed. Burgess in 1851, John li. Shannon; treasure)", Thomas McCi-eery; high constable, George Robinson. Burgess in 185-2, James Allison, .Ir.; treasurer, Thomas McCreeiy; high constable, Oliver Pui'vis. Burgess in 185M, James Allison, .Ir,; clerk, D. L. Ind>rie ; treasurer, Thomas McCreery ; high constable, J, C. Wilson. Burgess in 1854, AVilliani S. Barclay ; treasurer, Thomas McCreery; clerk, W, Reed; constal)le, James Laird. Ihirgess in 1855, Joseph Strock ; clerk, M. B. AVelsh : ti'easurer, Adam Goi-mley ; high constable, William Beacom. Chairman of Council in 1856, Dr. Oliver Cunningham; treasurer. J. C. Wilson. Burgess in 1857, J. C. Weyand;high constable, James 11. Dungan. Burgess in 1858, Josepli Sti'ock; treasurer. Dr. O. C^unningham; high constable. James II. Dungan. Burgess in 185;i, David Ramsey; clerk, Wm. Reed; treasurer. Dr. O. Cunningham. Burgess in 1860, Samuel Davcn|)ort; clerk, W. S. Barclay; treasurer, Dr. O. Cunningham; high constable, J<.ihn J^. Snowden. j'.usixK.ss CD.N'nrrioN ix 1837. In 18o7 the following l)usiness and professional interests were repi-esented in the town. Many of the persons, it will be seen, were the early settlers of the place, and hence its molding spirits. Mi'rclianU — James Lyon. James Allison, Jr., Jolm Barclav, James Eakin. Thomas McCreery. Rol)ert McCreery, Thomas Henrv. Abrah;im Noss, David iMinis, Benjamin Adams. . . . Bremer — Jose))ii I'. .lohns- ton. . . . Stuhlh'vs — Daniel^larquis. .lohn Douds. J. T.Conii. . . . Tan- 384 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. ner — M. T. Stokes. . . . ShoemaJcers — Stephen Todd, "William Fields, J. French, William Conn, J. H. Kemp, Michael Kemp. . . . Carpen- ters — Jackson Slew, Abraham Sutherland, James Anderson, J. Yarley. Plasterers — Andrew Carson, Samuel Carson. . . . Coopers — Henry Streek, George Streak. . . . Blacksmiths — David Somers, C. Keisinger, Joseph Reisinger, jMorton & Eakin. . . . Tlaiiers — Shively, Allison it Wilson. . . . Stone Masons — Morgan it Maxwell. . . . Tallow Chand- ler — Daniel Eakin. . . . Innkeepers — John Light, David Porter, Mrs. Nancy Moore. Physicians — Oliver Cunningham, Smith CLiniiiiigham, W. P>. Par- ker, George Allison. . . . Attorneys at Law — James Allison, William Allison, Daniel Agnew, J. R. Shannon, AVilham P. Clarke, N. P. Fet- termau, II. Roberts, S. Meredith, P. P. Chamberlin, Isaac Jones, Thomas Cunningham. . . . Ministers of the Oospel — Rev. A. O. Pat- terson and William Maclean, Presbyterian; Callender and Joshua IMun- roe, Methodist. . . . Justices of the Peace — William Clarke, David Poles, James D. Eakin. . . . Editors — William Henry, Argus; Alexan- der Niblaw, Aurora. Officials — Thomas Henry, M. C; Penjan\in Adams, associate judge; James D. Eakin, county commissioner; R. II. Agnew, clerk of commis- sioners; John Parclay, county treasurer; John A. Sci-oggs, prothono- tarj'; Tliompson M. Johnson, register and recorder. , EDUCATIONAL. When Peaver county was organized, David Johnson was invited to open its record books. He was at the time, and had been for a time previous, engaged in educational work. Py some of his former pupils at Cannonsburgh college, James Allison, Robert Moore, Jesse Roberts, William Wilkins, Henry l>aldwin, Ephraim Pentland, he was given every encouragement to locate in Peaver, lieing promised the fees of the several offices filled as well as the patronage of the leading- families in a pi'ivate school, which he was expectetl to establish. Many of the prominent men and women of the town of Peaver and its vicinity owe their educational success to the inspiring guidance of David John- son. Accordaig to the testimony of one of the number (T. J. P.) but three of his male pupils are still living, and they octogenarians. Their names are W. P. Clarke, of Pittsburgh; Thomas J. Power, of Roches- ter, and Robert Potter, of the South Side. Beaver Academy. This institution began with the establishment of the town. In the records of the 14tli of June, 1S06, we find the fcj BEAVEE KOROPGH. 385 following gentlemen present : Joseph Hemjjhill, Samuel Johnston, James Alexander, John Lawrence and Gui(jn Greer. As trustees they passed two resohitions : 1. That two hundred and fifty acres be laid ofP the west side of tlie academy tract, agreeable to the act of assembly in snch case i)rovided [March 21, 1S05], and that Josepli Hemphill survey tlie same. 2. That the sales commence the last Monday of the ensuing July. At this sale, lots were bought by (luion Greer, David Johnson, Jonathan Coulter, AVilliam Clarke, Robert Davidson, Robert Moore, James Lyon, James Dennis, James Allison, Joseph Davis (Raccoon township), James Conlin, Thomas Henry, James Alexander, Joseph Irwin, John Lawrence, Abner Lacock, Joseph Hemphill, Samuel Johnston, James McCreery, William Henry, William Breaden (tailor), Robert Darragh, James AVilson, James McDowell, John Lawrence, Levi Jones, Stewart Rowan and Matthew Steen, all subse(piently prominent men in the history of the town and county. The lots varied in size from five acres and a fraction to ten and a fraction. The price may be 'inferred from the fact that Matthew Steen paid $16:3 for Ko. 1, con- taining 9.47 acres, or $17.22 per acre. , On the 24th of August, ISOO, the trustees, Jonathan Coulter, Joseph llempliill, Guion Greer, James Ale&ander, John Lawrence and Samuel Johnston, appeared before William Clai'ke, J. P., and presented a plat of the grounds of the institution sold containing thirty-five lots aggre- gating 248 acres and 101 perches. The remainder of the five hundred- acre tract was not sold until the 18th of May, 1832. The aggregate sales then amounted to !53,(i92.75, David Minis l)uying eight lots at §10 per acre, amounting to $769.75. Xo building operations, it seems, l)egan till 1812. On the 7th of March of that year, the trustees contracted with Jonathan Mendenhall as principal, and William Smith, Samuel Eakin, John R. Shannon and Jacob Small sureties, to have made and delivered 140 thousand brick, at $4.50 per thousand ; total, $630. On the 20th of July, same year, a contract was made with Persifor Ta^dor to do the carpenter woi'k for $350; and on the 27th, with J(jn- athan Coulter, to do the stone and l)rick work for $498. Grand total, $1,478. Recourse was linally had to the legislature of the state for authority to put the academy upon a, legal i)asis as will Iteseen bv the following passed in 1813 : An act establishing an academy in the Ijorough of Beaver in the county of Beaver. 386 ' HISTOKY OF BKAVER COUNTY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it is bereliy enacted by the authority of the same, that there shall be, and hereby is established, in the borough of Beaver, in the county of Beaver, an academj' or public school, for the education of youth in the useful arts, sciences and literature, by the name and style of " The Beaver Acad- emy." Sec. 8. And be it further enacted by the authorilyaforesaid, that the trustees are hereby authorized to appropriate one thousand dollars of the money, wliich was raised by the sale of one mpiety of the land, granted for the use of an academy or public school, in the tovra of Beaver, in addition to the thousand dollars heretofore appropri- ated, for the purpose of completing the building alread}' commenced, and the procuring of books and other necessary apparatvis ; and they shall have full power and authority to loan, or vest in some safe productive stock, all the residue of the money which has risen or hereafter shall arise, from the sale of the land aforesaid, and apply the proceeds thereof, with the rents, issues, and profits of that molet}' of said tract, which 3'et remains unsold until the whole shall be disposed of. to the payment of the teacher, and other necessary expenditures in, and about, the institution, saving always the said residue or principal, after deducting the two thousand dollars aforesaid, for the support of the said institution. Tlie excitement connected with the war of 1812-15 doubtless retarded building operations, and interfered witii tlie establishment of, the school practically; for no records of any meeting occur until Feb- ruary' 8, 1815, when (Robert Moore, jiresident, and Stimuel Lawrence, secretary) it was resolved: (1) Tht^ a school be opened in the acad- demy, February 9, 1815, under the direction of David Johnson for tlie purpose of teaching the Latin and Greek languages, English gi-ammar, geography, etc. (2) That an Englisli school also be opened in the scliool- house, to be tauglit by an usher under the direction of David Johnson. At the same meeting Jose])ii liem|)hill, James Allison, Dr. Milo Adams, Joseph McFerranand Thomas Henry were appointed toe.xamine one James Stockman as to his fitness to become such a siiiioidinate teticiier. David Joimson was given SriOO per year for the services of himself and the teacher of the English school. The old academy building thus erected in 1812 near the site of the ju'esent Methodist E]iiscopal church, fulfilled its mission, and was torn down. On the 28th of January, 1858, the board purclia.--r(l. fur academy ])urposes, the " Porter House " (now ^National hotel), the stej) having been recommended by M. T. Kennedy, J. II. Wilson, J. H. Dickson, J. A. McGilland and J. Murray, committee ajipointed for inspection and report. In 1863, the " Porter House" was sold, and the fund approj)riated to the erection of a two-story brick structure, David Pamsey being superintendent. The cost, including ])rice of lot, was $2,(!15.()S. BEAVEB BOROUGH. 387 On tlie 10th of December, 18fi7. a committee was appointed to take steps for closing tlie scliool permanently, and, if advisable, sell the property. Nearly ten years later, viz., February 27, 1877, the school property was sold at public auction, there being two bidders. Dr. W. G. Taylor and John J. Wickham, Esq. Dr. Taylor was the successful man, he obtaining the academy grounds and building for |1,800. The whole sum realized from the academy propert}', $6,572.37, was then turned over to the public school fund by John Caugiiey, Esq. Thus terminaftd the Beaver Academy, one of the potent agencies for good in the county. It may be pro])er to give a list of some of the officers and insti'uct- ors of the academ3\ Presidents of the board of tr'ustees: Robert Moore, 1815-32; James Allison, 1832-35; Eev. Wm. Maclean, 1835-30; Daniel Agnew, 1841-13, 1850-52; Dr. Oliver Cunningham, 1843-50; Eev. Isaac M. Cook, 1852-54; Thomas Cunningham, 1854^57; Dr. Smith Cunning- ham, 1857-60; Eev. D. A. Cunningham, 1860-64; Eev. D. H. A. McLean, 1864-67; Eev. D. L. Dempsey, 1867-69, 1879; Eev. Dr. J. Mui'ray, 1869-70; Eev. D. P. Lowary, 1870-75; Samuel Moorehead, 1875-77; Eev. D. J. Satterfield, 1877-79. Secretaries: Samuel Lawrence, 1815-32; William Allison, 1832-33; James Logan, 1833-35, 1843^5; Eobert Darragh, 1835-36; John Pugh, 1836-38; Wm. McCallister. 1838-39, 1840-43; David Minis, 1839-40 Hiram Stow, 1845-49; B. C. Critehlow, 1849-52; Benjamin Wilde, 1852-54; Thomas J. Power, 1854-57; Dr. J. Murray, 1857-60; John E.Young. l860-(;3; Henry Hice, 1863-67; J. C." Wilson, 1867-68; John Barclay, 1868-70; (Interregnum from 1870 to 1875); J. E. Harrah, 1875-77; D. Singleton, 1877-79. Instructors: David Johnson, began February 9, 1815. His con- tinuance is not known; Miss Helen M. Catlett was a successful instructor in the academy 1826-27; Louis B. Williams, salar\' $400 first year; afterwai'ds f'SOO, 1834-38. Eev. A. O. Patterson, princi- pal, 1838; Eev. Lemuel G. Olmstead, teacher 1837-38. A. C. Mc- Clelland, principal, 1839-41, salary $500; Eev. Nathaniel Todd, 1841- 43, principal at $650. S. L. Coulter, principal, began April 1, 1843, at a salary of $500 and continued until 1850. January 19, 1844 the institution was opened for the reception of girls. T. M. Hill was employed as assistant teacher. Wm. Y. Brown, principal, 1850-51. Samuel Jones, chosen principal January S, ls52, and P. L. Grim assistant. Jones' resignation was accepted November 17, 1852, and 388 HISTOEY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Rev. Isaac M. Cook was chosen his successor. Ilis assistants were James Huston, A. M., Eev. Chas. E. Maclay, A. M., and Miss Juliet E. Dook. Mr. Cook's death in 1853 terminated his connection with the academy. Rev. J. A. McGill was principal 1854—58. His assistants from time to time were — Natlianiel McCormack, L. Grim, Miss Ellen Gillis, Miss M. Elliott, J. L. Bitner, Miss Margaret Warnock, A. G. "Wilson, Miss Margaret Ledlie, C. W. Mather, Matthew Duff and Miss E. Moon. C. W. Mateer, principal February 1, 1858, to October of same year. He was succeeded by Simon B. Mercer, principal ft-om that date (October 1858) to 1864. During 1862, he was assisted by S. H. Piersoh In October, 1861, Rev. W. W. Lafferty was authorized to open the " Female Seminary of Beaver Acaileniy," at a salary of $200 per year. Rev. D. II. A. McLean and Rev. I). P. Lowary were appointed associate principals August 29, 1864. This relation did not continue long, for on the 26th of January, 1865, Frank Agnew was chosen principal and M. Gantz,' A. M., associate. In August of the same year, Agnew I'esigned and was succeeosition to be occupied by Prof. Saniui'l l)aven])ort. Di-. J)aker is still living somewliere in Ohio. Prof. Daven])ort occu|)icd the |)resideiitial cliaii' about as long as did J)i'. Baker. He was al one time editor of the ,l/v///.v, as will be seen by reference to the chapter on the Bi'ess. Soon after the war he removed to Indiana, where he died some years ago. The third and present president is Bev. B. T. Taylor, T).I)., under whose earnest and efficient ae ]iiu-chasetl foi' 85,1(00. Their report was accepteil, and the })ropei'ty Ijouglit. At the March term. 18<'>5, the court granted a cliarter of incorporation, the names of the incor[ioi'ators being as follows: SamiU!l B. Freacli, .lolin Miy, I). M, Duielioo, D.iniel Agnew, .]ohn Barclay, .Tames Porter, I. N. Atkius, D L. Imbrie, Thomas McCreery. AVilliam Davidson, Sr., TbomasStolses, A C. Hurbt, James Darragli, Gtorjif W, Hanjillon, D. II. A. jMcLeaii, H. Hice, N. J. Mc(.'oriuifk, ^Villiam Barclay. .1. C. ^Vil.son, Samuel B. Wilson, JI. Dar- ragh, Hu'.ili Anderson, William Davidson, .Tr.. .Tolin Sharp, Hiram Stowe, Scndder H. Darragh, Robert Darragh, .John Murray, William Co.x, Charles B. Hurst, David Minis, Samuel Ecoft, Amelia Blake, William (i. Wolf, James 11. Dunlap. Thomas J. David- son, Benjamin .\.dams, R. T. Taylor. William Henry, Johnson Small. Jolin V. !McDon- ald and James McConnell. The first board of officers elected consisted of Dr. J(jhn Murrav, 394 HISTORY OF BKAVEK COUNTY. president, Henn' Hice, secretary, and (reorge Hamilton, treasurer. It was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies August 15, 1806. SKCKET ANn OTHER SOCIETIES. >St. James Lodge, No. ^57, F. & A. M., was instituted in isTo by James Herdman, president of the Dollar Savings Bank of Pittsburgh, deputy grand master. Its charter members consisted of S. B. Wilson, S. B. French, George W. Hamilton, J. W. Hum and J. Morton Hall. In the election of officers, honors were distributed as follows: S. B. Wilson, W. M.; S. B. French, S. W.; George Hamilton, J. W.; J. W. Hum, treasurer; J. Morton Hall, secretary. The first hall was situated in the Quay building, which was burned to ashes in Marcii, 1874. The large property, including its records, was all destroyed. The records of the original St. James Lodge, established about 1S12, were also destroyed— a loss of great signiticance. Of this ancient lodge, James Allison, James Lyon, John II. Shannon, Samuel McClure, Junatlian Coulter and other leading spirits were members. Of that old lodge, the jewels were deposited with ^Irs. Samuel McClure for safe keeping. About 1S4;», she entrusted them in the kee|)ing of tlie Eochester Lodge, by which they were preserved with the old records until the new St. James Lodge was estaljlished. At that time they were passed over, and were subsequently destroyed in the fire referred to The present corps of officers embi-aees — J. M. Buchanan, W. M; A. W. McCoy. S. A¥; Fowler, J. W; Edward Allison, secretary; Dr. U. S. Sti'ouss, treasurer. The time of meeting is the Thursday evening preceding the full moon of each montli. Its lodge is a good one, in the Quay building. The membership is lifty. Occidental Lodge, No. 720, L. O. 0. F., was chartered August 8, 187U. Its organization to(jk place September 8, 1870, the officers being D. Woodruff, D. D. G. M. The charter members were— A. G. White, Samuel Johnson, S. J. Johnson. Dr. J. S. McNutt, Albert Paissell, J. H. McCreary, James Fogg, David Shumaker, J. S. PiUtan, Dr. David McKinney, Hiram Manor, John E. Ilarton, Adam Stone, \\\\\. Dunn, .lolm Moore, Madison Moore, Fred Merriman, John F. Dravo, Jona- than Dobbs and John Niblo. The Hrst corps of officers end^raced A. G. White, N". G; Samuel Johnson, V. G.; J. H. McCreary, secretary; Albert Russell, assistant secretary; William Dunn, treasurer. In March, 1874. the Quay building was destroyed by fire, by which BEAVER ISdKOCGH. ?)95 tlie lodge sustained the loss of all its fui'iiiture and regalia, and a part ol:' its books. This was a valuable saving, as it preserved the only means of ascertaining the financial standing of the mendiers. A new ciiarter was obtained, and the invitation of Beaver Lodge, No. 30(>, at Bridge- water to use their hall until a new one could be secured, was accejited. The Quay l)lock having been rebuilt, a permanent hall was provided, which is now in use by the lodge. The present corps of officers consists of William J. Bennett, IST. G.; David E. Weyand, V. G.; W. F. P'arr, secretary; David May, assistant secretary; James Fogg, treasurer. The membership at present (August, 1887,) is fifty-five, and is in a- prosperous condition. /leaver Post, JVo. 473, G. A. li., was organized March li>, iss,"), with these charter members — Andrew G. AVhite, Isaac Minor. Henry Edwards, John D. Irons, Jolin McCullough, Moses B. Sloan. Sanmcl Ilanulton, IIe)irv E. Cook, Darius Singleton, Elliott W. McGinnis, John E. Ilarton, Thomas Glark, John Rising, Joseph W. Miller, James Crooks, James Fogg. Geo. W. Johnson, Jaeoi) Weyand, Samuel D. Swanev, Washington D. Tallon. Marciiis C. Ilarton. C^hristie Craner and James IT. Cunningham. First Officers: A. G. White, post commander; Samuel Ibuiiihon, S. \. C; John E. Ilarton, J. V. C; James Crooks, Q. M.; M. B. Sloan, clia plain; J. W. Miller, secretary; Thomas Clark, O. G.; G. W. Johnston, Q. M. S.; John Rising, adjutant; James Fogg, S. M. Present corps: John E. Ilarton, P.O.; Thomas Clark. S.V.C; Isaac ]\nnoi-. J. V. C; Moses B. Sloan, Q. M.; Andrew G. AVhite. sur- geon; Darius Singleton, chaplain; James Fogg, O. D.; MarciusC. liar ton. O. G.; James Irons, S. M.; John Rising, Q. M S. Woman s Christian. Temperance Union was established in Beavei', in November, 1881, the organization having been effected in the Pres- byterian church by Mrs. Frances L. Swift, state president, Alleghenv. Of the sixty-seven members who constituted the organization. Mrs. Rev. D. J. Satterfield was chosen president; she has been succeeded by Mrs. AY. A. Eadie and Mrs. J. L. Anderson. The secretaries have been Miss L. C. Wilson, Miss.E. Allison, and Mrs. A. S. Moore. Mrs. E. M. AVilkinson has served as treasurer. For five years these ladies remon- strated against the granting of license to a certain hotel in a neighbor- ing borough, and finally succeeded in their purpose. The membership at ])resent (1887) is fifty-four. The annual ex])enses amount to $52.39. The condition of the union is favorable. The Young Woman s Christian Temperance Unimi, the outgrowth 39G HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. of tlie preceding, was organized in August, 1SS4-. by Mrs. William Pat- ten, .state siipei'intendeiit. The original members embraced Misses Maggie Gamble, Mattie (Tamljle, Emma Siiaiff'er, Satira Sliaiffer. Car- rie Taylor, Julia Taylor, Anna Shaw, Cordelia Griffin, J.ida Patttn'son, Eva Patterson, Minnie Ackley, Mary E. Scroggs, Rena Singleton, and Mary C. Iiar|)er. Tiie officers are — Presi97 ver ;uul Saleiu, who departed tliis life tlie 23d day of Api'il, 1814, in the 2yth year of his age." In the early days of the congregation, meetings seem to have been held in the gnjve anti at private iiouses till the courthouse was conijileted in isld, when it hecanie a place of ]n'eaching for ail denom- inations. With tiie exception of sup])lies at irregular times, the con- gregation was without a pastor from the death of Mr. Glasgow till the first Sunday in May, 1823. when, accoi'ding to the records, "Ilev. Will- iam Maclean undertook the pastoral charge of the church and congre- gation " At that date tlie mendjerslii]) was tiiirty eight, the ruling elders being James Jackson, Andrew Jackson, David Johnson antl William Anderson. From the time of his call to the time of his installation, which occurred April 6, 1824, the membei'ship was increased by various accessions from thirty-eight to ninety. Jn 1831 the number of communicants is reported to have been 213. During the pastorate of Mr. Maclean, which continued till the l2th of Januiiry, 1836, a house of worship was erected — ])r()baJ)ly in 1825; foi' in i\Iarch, 1824, an act of the legislature authorized the congregation to erect a house of worship on southeast public square, and to enclose a yard not exceeding one fourth of an acre. The walls of that house still stand, but the structure has undergone many changes. In M;iy, 1830, Rev. A. O. Patterson became pastor, and continued in that relation till June, 1839. During this period seventy-six addi- tions were made to the congregation; and dui'ing this jjei'iod (1837) occurred the death of David Johnson, first protlionatory of the county, a prominent teacher, and one of the original elders of the congre- gation. Fixini June, 1839, to November, 184U, the jxistorate was vacant, there l)eing occasional preaching by Rev. D. X. Junkin, Rev. James Sattertield and other's. At the latter date. Rev. A. I!. Quay began his ])asti>i'al ]aliastor was released. From 1856 till May, 18G2, the eliarge was vacant, e.xcejit the supjily furnished by Rev. J. F. Mcl'laren, who preached every other Sunday. September 7, 1862, Rev. Dr. P. Lowary Jjegan a sup])ly work, and through varying successes laboretl as pastor till death removed him from earthly con- flicts, March 31, 1873. On the Sunday following this death. Rev. P. J. Satterfield, preached, and on May 5th, was regularly employed at a salary of $1,000 i)er year. With great acceptance he labored for the congregation till he resigned, June 28, 1885. Method/M Episcopal Churc/t. From Judge Agnew, M. AVeyand, and others the following facts concerning this congregation are gleaned: The tirst effort to establish Methodism in P>(!aA-er county was made by Rev. John Swazey, generally known as "Father Swazey," in the Coulter House, kept by Jonathan Coulter, once sheritt' of the county. This occurred about 1821. The members of the church at that early day were ilrs. Robert Moore, Mrs. Katherine Gibbs, Mrs. Mary Somers, William Adams, Benjamin Adams, Robert Darragh, Dr. ]\[iIo Adams, Joseph Vera, John T. Miller, George Hinds and others. The act of the assembly aixthorizing the erection of a church edifice on the public stjuare is dated A})ril 10, 1826; and tlie names of those empowered to act under it were Benjamin Adams, Robert Darragh, Milo Adams, Joseph Vera and John T. Miller. The first building was erectetl in 1829-30. It was a brick structure, one [story BEAVER BOROUGH. 401 in height, about -iS by 60 feet. It was a plain biiikling as to expense. It served tiie purposes of the congregation till 1S71, when the present structure, a twci-storv brick 60 by So, was erected at a cost of !fr7,000. It was dedicated June 23, 1872, Bishop Matthew Simpson preaching the morning disconi'se, and Dr. Newman, chaplain United .States Senate, delivering the evening discourse, when the remaining debt of $300 was lifted. Among the early preachers were Revs. Charles Cook, D.D. (wlio is said to have organized the congregation about 1825), Holt, George S. Holmes, Samuel Adams, M.D., Josiah Adams, N. Callender and Z. H. Coston. From 1838 to Octol)er, 1887, the list is as follows, the figures refei'ring to number of years' service: Joslnia Monroe. 1; Abner Jackson, 1; Jeremiah Knox, 1; WiUiam Stevens, 2; J. M. Brady. 2; Warner Long, 2; D. L. Dempsey, 2; E. G. Nicholson, 1; J. W. F. Aukl, 1; Hamilton Cree, 2; George S. Holmes, 1; Josiah Dillon, 2; Josiah Gil)son, 1; Thomas McCleery, 2; S. M. Hickman, 1; :\I. L. Weekly, 2; T. Davidson, 1; H. W. Baker, 1; S. Burt, 3; W. H. Locke, 3; J. S. Bracken, 2; James Hollingshead, 1; William Lynch, 3; Hiram Miller, 3; I. A. Pearce, 2; E. B. Mansell, 3; W. B. Watkins, 3. Roman CathoUe Chureh (SS. Peter and Paul) is situated on the line between Beaver and Bridgewater. Concerning its history little could be ascertained beyond what is found in the following announce- ments. Iw ihe l>etiiI. O'Byrnb. y.Buildimi Committee. :M. Bl.EAK, I J. C. Miiu'iiY, J June 20. ISST. United Presbyterian Church* of Becwer. This congregation of relio-iotts worshipers ^vas organized in 1853, through the efforts of Ivcv. J A jMcGill. It was regukirly chartered under the laws of the state oil the mtii June, 1868, tlie following names being attached to the application: J. C. Wilson, James Crawford, W. Myers, T. S.nith Stokes, D L Imbrie, A. M. Mtihan, Jtinies Ramsey, Wdham A\ allace, K. b. Imbrie E M. Thomas and II. R. Ilerford. The present brick edifice was erected in 1861, at an expense of |3,0(.0. It is a pleasant room, favorably situated on Main street. The average pastorate has num- bered about five years. The foUowino- ministers have served in the pastorate: Rev. J. A. McGill. 18.53-60; Rev. I). H. A. McLean, 1861-67; Rev. J. C. Wdson, 1868-71; Rev. J. A. Wilson, 1872-75; Rev. J. D. Sands, 1876-79; Rev. W \ Edie, 1880-87. Tiie last named gentlemen joinetl the Presbyte- rians in 1887, and was at once given a charge. Rev. W. S. Harper is at present acting as the pastor, and will continue to do so, thoitgh not yet reo-ularlv installed. The membership is some two hundred. 1 he congreo;tion is in good working condition. Its growth must be grad- ual, as a matter of course. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. As detailed in a previous part of this ciiapter, Beaver Academy seemed to absorb the greater part of attention on the part of the people of the place. As early as 1835 the Beaver school district was formed, including Beaver, Vanport, Bridgewater and Sharon. The first board of directors was chosen in 1835. In 1837 preparations began to be made lor the erection of two one-story buildings, wliich was done the foUowmg year. Thev were used until replaced by the present large one, which was erected, against a most determined opposition, m 1861. The directors were requested to resign, but they resi^ectfully declined, and completed their building. Now people rise up and call their memory blessed because they did therigMthing^under^hed^ ^ *Facts furnished by D. A. Nelson, Esq., clerk of the church. BEAVER BOROUGH. 403 POSTOFFICE AND POSTMASTERS. The ])i)Stoifice \v;is lirst CHlled Beaver Town, whicli name it main- tained until 1829, when it was elianged to lieaver The postmasters who served Irom the fii'st, with dates of appointment, are eml)raced in the following list: James .Vlexander, January 1, 1802; Joseph HiiinpLill, July 1, 1803; James Alexan. der, April 9, 1804; John C. AVeiser, January 1, 1816; James Alexander, June 11, 1818; Andrew Logan, April 34, 1832; Charles Carter, May 28, 1838; Jaraes Lyon, June 1, 1841; Elvira D. Carter, December 27, 185.j; Miss Margaret J. Anderson, July 23, 1861; Mrs. S. J. MoGafBck, November 1. 1S66; Aliss M. A. McGafflck, January 28, 1867; Mrs. S)pliia C. Iliyes. February 12, 1S68; Miss M. A. JIcGafflck, February 15, 186!); Miss N. B. Imbric, j\Iarch 19, 1875; Mary E. Imbrie, January 29, 1883; Daniel M. Donehoo, Marcli 17, 18S7. MISCELLANEOUS. Tlie ])oj)alation of tlie borough by the census of ISSO was 1278» For sketch of tlie celebrated Fort Mcintosh, see page 87, Cha]iter III CHAPTER XV. BEAVER FALLS BOROUGH. Location and Importance — General Broadhead's Landed Interest — Change of Name — Business Condition in IS-il — Old Brighton Laid Out — Incorporation — Postmasters — Education — Churches — Societies — Manufacturing — Banks — Street Railway. THIS thriftv borough, which the editor of " Hazartrs Register " for September, 1831, predicted would be, in a few years, the Manchester q/" ^»imc«, is comparatively new as a corporation. Its superior loca- tion on the west bank of Big Beaver, about four miles from its mouth; its superior water-power and railroad facilities; and, withal, the active impulse given to its enterprises by its first settlers — which has not been sacrificed by their worthy successors — have made it the metrojiolis of Beaver county, and the mercantile emporium of Beaver valley. As early as the revolutionary war this region attracted the atten- tion of those interested in good sites for residences or manufacturing purposes. Tlie lands on which the borough is located were patented by General Daniel Broadhead, who succeeded General Lachlan Mcintosh in command of the Western Department, with headquarters at Fort Pitt. This occurred in 1779. A resident for a time of Lancaster in the eastern part of the state where water privileges were highly appreci- ated, and located afterward at the foi'ks of the Ohio from which he could readilv investigate the claims of the various landed interests in his re- gion, he was prepared to act intelligently so soon as tiie lands in this region were opened up. On the 12th of March, 1793, the legislature of Pennsylvania jiassed the law opening up for sale and settlement the lands lying north of the Ohio and west of the Allegheny rivers. General Broadhead at once applied for a Avarrant for two tracts of 400 acres each, embracing the " black walnut bottoms," the land upon which the future metropolis Avas laid out. He had this tract regularly entered, surveyed and paid for, and intended to open a settlement. Before this could be consum- 404 BEAVER FALLS BOKOTJGH. 405 mated, the destructive and terrible Indian war in the Northwest broke out, preventing all settlements. The lands lay in their wild state until the close of the war, which was effected by the treaty of Greenville in 1795. The ravages of this war and his advancing age prevented the general from making personal settlement. In August, 1801,* this desirable tract was sold by General Broad- head to David Hoopes, a resident of Chester county, Pa., for the use of the firm of Messrs. Hoopes, Townsend & Co., who intended, at once, to utilize the superior water-jiower afPordetl by the site. At this time there were three general divisions of the Falls of Beaver: The Vppe?- Falls, owned by Dr. Samuel Adams, an early settler and a prominent citizen wiiose descendants were leading spirits in the future developments of the county. Few early enterprises were re- garded assured without the cooperation of his son, Dr. Milo Adams. Dr. Sanuiel Adams owned and managed a sa\\nnill at his site. The Middle Falls, owned by David Hoopes, who, with the aid of Townsend & Co. as partners in the firm of Hoopes, Townsend & Co., erected a sawmill. In a siiort time this was burned down, but a new one. Phoenix-like, sprang from its ashes ; afterwards it was increased by the addition of a flouring mill, the second of the kind in the valley. Not long thereafter the company began the erection of a forge on the river a short distance above the mills ; but before the work was com- pleted, the whole property came into the possession of Isaac Wilson, the transfer being made in 1805. This forge was completed in 1806, and began to be operatetl. Mr. Wilson built also a charcoal furnace, but, prior to its completion, he had sold a half interest in the entire plant to Messrs. Barker & Gregg for $10,000, the sale being consum- mated September 13, 1808, and the new firm being known as Isaac Wilson & Co. Tlie Lower Falls, owned by David Townsend, Benjamin Townsend, Evan & John Pugh, and Benjamin Sharpless, an account of which will be found in connection with tlie borongiis of Fallston and New Brighton. Toward the close of the year 1808 the firm of Wilson, Barker & Gregg had completed their blast furnace, and for several years engaged actively in making pigs, stoves, hcjllow ware, etc. In April, 1812, Messrs. Barker & Gregg purchased from Mr. Wilson the other half interest in the plant for $15,000. Some time after 1812 Frederick Eapp of the Harmony Society endeavored to purchase this entire plant, *Edward Hoopes of New Brighton says : " In 1799 or 1800 David Hoopes located as tlie s\iccessor of the constables who bad laid out a town and named it Brighton in honor of a town of the same name in Enghuxl. 406 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. with the improvements m;nle, for $.32,00ti, but was unsuccessful. It Ciime, liowever, into possession of Oliver Ormsby, of Allegheny county, who continued all the business operations briskly under the supervision of James Glenn and Colonel John Dickey, until 1818. Owing to the general prostration of business, resulting from the war of 1812, these works and the consequent growth of the town were much impaired. Brighton, as the place was then called, showed none of the evidences of thrift which characterize the present active city of Beaver Falls. Timber had become comparatively scarce, and so expensive as to prevent the making of charcoal at a pi'ice which would justify com])etition with the furnaces along the Allegheny river Avhere pine timber was abun- dant. At that early period none of the furnaces had begun to use bitu- minous coal. Under these circumstances l)usiness was depressed, and suspension occurred. Tn 1829 .Tames Pattei-son, of Philadel])liia, 1)ut recently fron\ Eng- land, was making a tour of "Westei'u Pennsylvania with a view to locating for manufacturing j'^^i'poses. Having learned that the Brighton ])roperty was in the market, he visited the place to investi- gate its claims. The same year he made the purchase of Mr. Ormsby of some 1,300 acres, and began at once to rebuild its shattered fortunes. The revival of business was insti'umental in circulating vast sums of money throughout the country in exchange for wdieat, \vool, etc. A coadjutor with Mr. Patterson in giving life to the new town was Archibald Robertson, who in 1831 erected a paper mill which ran suc- cessfully for a number of years, makingan excellent quality of ])rinting and wall paper, and giving employment to a large numljer of hands. Finally a part of the mill was burned, which crip]jled its efficiency sonrewhat. In 18-19 Mr. Robertson estal)lished another paper mill in the up])er portion of the town, which has had a jirosperous existence. It is the one which in 1870 was under the management of Messrs. Frazier, Metzgef & Co. In this connection we desire to let ]\[r. Patter- son tell his own story, which he does in the third person : Mr. Patterson had great difficult)- in consummating tlie purchase with Mr. Ormsby in consequence of he [sic] and the other owners of General Broadhead's title to the land having piled up a bill of |10,000 damages against the General for moneys they had been obliged to pay to those in possession, for wood, ores, land, etc., which they held against the balance due the General for the original purchase from him, he not having given them possession as he was bound to have done. The General's heirs would not make deed with- out this balance being paid to them. Mr. Patterson, to avoid law suits and trouble, agreed tlnally to pay the balance due the heirs of General Broadhead. Xotwitbstanding all this he was destined to contend at law, through many vexatious, costly and damag- ing law suits, to make good his titles and become free from his opponents, who were many and influential. BEAVr:B FALLS BOROUGH. 407 Tlie suits which General Broadhead was compelled to institute in the United States district court in Philadelphia in 1812 to maintain his rights in certain disputes arismg concerning parts of the two tracts sold by him in 1801 to David Hoopes & Co., terminated in his favor, and he was empowered to dispossess the occupants of the lands in ques- tion. The matter, however, was finally detei'mined until ISfiH or 1866, when tlie United States supreme court in banc decided the last of them in favor of James Patterson. "These suits," says Mr. Patterson, "were costly and most vexatious, and very injurious to tlie best inter- ests of the county, and were prosecuted, not by the original settlers or claimants, but In' neighboring proprietors, who, while ini]iroving their own pi'operties, were tempted to disreganl 'party lines ' in doing so owing to the absence and neglect of the owner of the Brighton estate." Mr. Patterson seems to iiave expended much of his means and energy in ])erfecting his title to the property he had secured. This was, as has been intimated, a detriment to the community, the growth and prosperity being necessarily impaired. He was natui'ally desirous to make the most possilile of his possessions, and consequently was con- stantly on the alert for an advantageous disposal of it. AVlien after the destruction of the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, in 1861, the project of establishing a National Armory somewhere in tlie West was con- templated by congress, the claims of Brighton were strongly urged; but to no purjiose. Pock Island, 111., being the favoi'ed spot. Con- tinues Mr. Patterson in the historical sketch from which we have already made sevei-al extracts : " Having failed in his last effort to make sale of the Avliole property to the United States Government for an armory and foundry for big cannon, Mr. Patterson suiTendered the property to the Harmony Society (about 1866), who undertook the task of inducing private parties to buy, by retail, l<.)ts for dwellings, water lots for mills, etc. They revised tlie ])lot of Brighton, very much enlarging it, extending along the Beaver nearly if not quite three miles, over ground reiiiai-kal)ly well suited by nature for a, town or city, and clianged its name from Brighton to that of Beaver Falls. One reason for tiiis change was that the jilace had been known liy the name of Beaver Falls in the county in its earliest days; and a,nother reason that Xew Brigiiton, having under tlie influences of the canal passing through it. and afterwards by llie Ohio & Pennsylvania Ilail- road stopping in it. and ])assing througii its streets and much favoi'ing it, '^V('\v much largei' than ^Brigiiton,' and people were in tin' liabit of dro[)[)ing the '•Netr'' and calling their town ' Brighton," and calling •408 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Brigliton proper ' Old JJcighton.' This made confusion, and people were Avilling to adopt a new name for which tiiei'e could lie no other claimant, at least in the county." "Harris' General Business Director}' " for 1841 gives the following exhibit of the place : The two leading mumifacturing interests, it may well be inferred, were those of Patterson and Robertson . Patterson's flouring mill was capable of turning out 200 barrels of flour per day. The flour was of superior quality, being adjudged in Philadelphia, whither it was principally shipped, equal to the best Gencssce brand. During the nari. gable season three boats were in demand to supply the necessary quantity of wheat. The mill required six hands, and the shops gave employment to sixteen coopers. The cotton mill under Jlr. Patterson's direction employed thirty-five hands, and yielded 3,000 pounds of yarn per week. The steam paper mill owned by .'Vrcliibald Robertson re(|uired four engines. Con- nected with it was a staining establishment, which gave employment to ten families. The school directors of the town were— Robert Calhoun, .John Baker, Thomas D. Wells, James M. Gregg, James Patterson and A. Robertson. The various industries were thus represented : Laliurers — David Ames, Jeremiah Maid, Emory Maloy. . . . Milhrright — James B. Angel. . . . Paper m<(kers — John Baker, James C. Fulton, James Roberts, H. Woods, Jessie Zeiglcr. . . . //(;(to;(';)€7'., 1881, provided tlmt all cit- ies, boroughs or townships, having a po])ulation of ovei'Hve thousand, are entitled to a citv, borough or township superintenileut. In accordance with the ]irovisions of this act, Princi])al M. L. Knight was elected boi'ough su])eriutendeut in ISSl. lie was rei'lectetl in 1S84 and again in 18s7, tilling both of the positions, sujH'i'iiitendcnt and principal, of all the schools of the Ijoi'ough. The s^'stem of parallel grades in all of the buildings in town is one that cannot fail to meet the approval of every thinking man. Pupils moving from one ward or from one school to another sutler no inconvenience whatever, but may enter the same grade in a building in the locality to which they may I'emove. Teachers of these parallel grades meet weekly to arrange plans and work for the following week. A spirit of emulation is thus encouraged, which serves as a constant stimulus to pupils in all grades. In 1877 a course of study was adopted b}' the board of education, comprising the essential liranches necessary to a good English educa- tion, upon the C(.)nip]etion ot which a diploma would be awarded. In accordance with this arrangement, the lirst ccjmmeucement e.\ei'i-is(_!s of a public high school in Beaver county were held May 20, 1S79, at which wasgraduated the first class from tht' hii;h school. Eighty-two gi'adnates have been awarded diplomas from this school by the board of education. The ])ublic schools of I'eaver Falls are regarded liy all who are accpiainted with their .system and llieir \vork as among the very best schools of the state. BEAVKIi FALLS BOROUGH. 413 Geneva College was founded :it Xoi'tlnvood, Oliio, Ajn-il 2ii by li)4 feet. Tt is three stories in height. cap])ed with a. tower and mansard I'oof. The location is a desirable one, being an eminence that ovei-looks the classic Beaver witli its sprightly American Manchester lying along its banks. The institution sustains the usual course of study. Ilev. n. II. George, D.D., a graduate of the institution in Ohio, class of 1853, has been pi-esident of the faculty since 1872. He is suj)- ]i(irtcd by an efficient faculty. CHDECHES. Tlie Fir»t United Preshi/terian Congregation of Beaver Fallt was organized on the 26th of July, ISfii), by the Presbytery of Allegheny, witli a membership of fifty-one. Its eldership from the oi-ganization to the present time has embraced the following members: John Purdy. James II. Fife, N. A. Calvin, A. N. Barber. H. A. Moon, James i!ow- man, Thomas E. Hennon, J. (!. White, II. P.. Ewing, Prof. E. P. Thompson, G. G. Richie and A. W. Glenn. In 1869 its pleasant and commodious brick church edifice was erected at a cost of six tliousand dollars. Its pastorate was filled from January 1, 1871, to Ajiril 10, 1883, by Kev. J. I. Fra/.or. From the hitter date to F('l)iaiary 1, 1S8.".. tiie congregation relied for its s])iritual nourisliment on sup])ly jjrcaching. On February 1, 1885, the jiresent jtastor, Rev. E. N.McEh-ee, l)egan his labors, and has continued them with acce]itable success. The congrega- tion has an enrollmentof about two hundied mendters. The ;ittendance Hi HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. at prayer meetings and public worsliip is good; and the payment of the pastor's salary and other congi-egational expenses is promptly attended to. An active Sunday-school is supported. The Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of Beaver Falls was organized, by authority of the Pittsburgh Presbytery of the Pefornied Presbyterian church, tlie '24th of November, 1874. Its membership then was only twenty-four, with J. D. McAulis, Robert Paisley and John Cook as elders, and James Cook, J. B. Maxwell and John Kirker as deacons. On the 15th of June, 1875, Rev. R. J. George was installed pastor, and has retained the position ever since — a tribute to his efficiency. On the 21 st of April, 187<), J. J. Kennedy, William W. Cook and John Copeland were elected deacons. On the 11th of October, 1878, WilHam R. Sterrett and R. J. Bole were chosen elders. On the 9tii of January, 1882, another election was held, resulting in the choice of William Pearce and R. A. Bole as elders, and D. P. White as deacon. On the 11th of January, 1883, the diaconate was still further increased by the selection of R. M. Downie, S. W. McAulis, C. J. Love and AVilliam T. Anderson. The official board as constituted at jiresent (August, 1887.) consists of elders — J. D. McAulis, clerk; Robert Paisley, John Cook, AVilliam Pearce, R. J. Bole and R. A. Bole. Deacons— D. P. White, R. M. Downie, S. W. McAulis, W. T. Anderson and C. J. Love. When Hrst organized the congregation purchased a valuable lot on Main street, on which it subse(|ucntly erected a tine brick edifice, with lecture-room and Suntlay-school rooms in the basement. It has justly gained the reputation of being an enterprising and liberal congregation. Its memljership is alxnit IfiO, while that of its Sunday- schools numbers about 400. It sustains missions at Fetterman, Fallston and Beaver Falls, paying a regular salary to a preacher for that pur- pose. Valuable aid is derived by the congregation from the ]iresence and cooperation of the students and professors of Geneva College, located in the borough and associated with the denomination. The First Mithodist Protestant Church, began its existence, in organized form, on the 2.3d of May, 1869, its charter members consist- ing of 11 T. Reeves and wife, Charles Taylor and wife, George Zehler and wife, Thomas McCiain and wife, Agnes McClain, Mrs. McClain, Sr., Mrs. Catherine ]\IcClain and Mrs. Howe. The church edifice was erected in 1870; in 1S74 the ])aison;ige was secured, and in 1SS5 the Sun- day-school rooms were added to the increasing onttit of the congrega- tion. A constant growth has characterized the congregation, the BEAVER FALLS BOROUGH. 415 p-esent membership being- 310. The chui'ch has enjoyed the services of the following- ministers: Early part of 1S70, Rev. S. F. Crowtlier and J. Hodgkinson; September, 1870, to September, 1871. W. J. Sliehan; 1871-73, J. F. Dyer; 1873-75, G. G. AYestfall; 1875-76, G. B. Dotson;. 1876-77, E. A. Brindley; 1877-79, M. B. Taylor; 1879-80, J. C. Ber- rien; 1880-82, John Gregory; 1882-87, J. C. Berrien. Fird- Christian Church, Beaver Falls. In the summer of 1881, about ten persons who had been members of the Christian church at various points previous to their coming to Beaver Falls began to hold religious services at the homes of some of the members. They began to urge the organization of a chiirch on the basis of apostolic precept aiul example. Keighboring churches, notably those of Allegheny City and New Castle, looked to Beaver Falls as a point favorable for Chris- tian work. Some effort was made in the early part of 1886 to place the enterjirise on a permanent basis. No progi'ess, however, was made beyond the fact that occasional i)reaching was supplied, the meetings being held in a small room on Seventh avenue. An effort was nuule later in the year to locate a ])astor who should devote a ]iai't of his time to the work at Beaver Falls. In this work Elder William F. Covvden, of Allegheny, and Di-. I. A. Thayer, of New Castle, were active. In October, 1886, Ekler C. G. Brelos, (jf Sharon, was called to this field by the missionary board of the lirst district of Western Pennsylvania. The erection of a suitable house of worship was at once contemplated, and an effort made in that direction by raising sub- scri|3tions. A suital)le lot was secured on the corner of Fourteenth street and Sixth avenue. The church was chartered according to the laws of the state, and the following trustees were elected: Mr. C. A. Barker, of New Brighton, and Messrs. W. P. Barnum, George AV. Cas- ner, F. H. AValkmayer and John Telfoi'd, of Beaver Falls. The charter members number twenty-five. The officers of the church are — AV. H. Hamilton, E. B. O. Alexander and George AV. Casner. The preaching services are at present conducted in the opera house, the former room proving too small for the audiences. A one-story brick edifice, 40 by 55 feet, in process of erection, is expected to be dedicated about No- vember 1, 1887. The church ])i'operty will be valued at about six thousand dollars. The Baptist Church of Beaver Falls dates its organization from 1882, when its members were al)0ut thirty in number. The growth has been steady to the present time, when it enrolls over 110. In 1884 a 416 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. neat brick meeting-house was erected on Seventeenth street; in 1886 a neat chapel for the mission Sunday-school in Barnardstown addition. The first clerk of the congregation was S. J. Bennett. About the close of 1886, owing to ill-iiealth, he resigned, and William S. Humes became his successor. The ti'easurcr is L. McGee; deacons — S. K. Humes, M. Book, L. M. Grey and Hockenl)erry. The first preaching was done by Revs. M. B. Sloan and S. Huston. In tlie spring of 1884 the jiresent pastor. Rev. W. H. IMcKinney, began his labors. Under his watcliful cai'e the congregation has increased, and has now two inter- esting Sunday-schools. *S'i^. Mur'ijs Catholic CJivrch was organized m 1872, and the corner- stone laid on the 4th day of July, the same year, by Bishop Domenec, of Pittsburgh. Tlie fii'st priest was Rev. Julius Kuencer. Following him came Rev. John D. Cwickei't, who remained until Xovember 26, 1876. During his pastorate, service was held but once a month. The church was then taken charge of by the Capuchin order of Lawrence- vilie, who sent one of their number each month until August 24, 1879, when they gave the organization into the hands of the Carmellites of Pittsburgh. In this charge the church continued until the advent of the i)resent priest, Rev. II. J. Freiling, wiio came on the first Sunday in August, 1886. The church when first orgaui/.ed had a, hai'd struggle for existence, but tlirough the efforts of such men as John Paff, John Ebner, Joseph I )aibler, John Anders, John Rebeske and others, it grew steadily in numbers and strength until it now embraces about eighty families, and possesses property consisting of a neat frame cliurch. a tasteful parson- age of brick, and two fine lots centrally located, all of which is valued at about $'.t,U(Ki. The service is conducted in German. A school is contemplated, and exercises are meanwhile held every Saturday and Sunday in German, and catechism by Father Freiling. Metlwdist Ephr(t£)(d Church. All effcnls to obtain infoi'ination concerning the origin of tli is congregation were ineffectual, the records having been destroyed or lost. It was incorporated as the "First ]\feth- odist Episcopal Church of Beaver Falls," on the 19th of September, 1874. Its incorporators were — Henry T. Reeves, Henry M. Myers, William II. H. Jones, Fitz K. Briarly, Daniel C. McCann, Frank F. Briarly, Thomas Leslie, John Snair and Joseph Sponsler. From the minutes of the Pittsburgh annual conference for 1886 the following facts are obtained: Number of members, 345; value of church property, $12,000; value of parsonage, $3,500; number of pujiils in Sunday- school, 200. BEAVER FALLS BOEOUGH. 417 Flrist Presbyterian Church. As usual in the earl}" liistory of churches in the i>eaver Valle}', the first services of this congregation were lield in the old school-house. May 1, 1866, a union Sabbath- school was organized there with thirty scholars. The year following a number of Presbyterian families resident in the neighboriiood apj)lied to the Presbytery for a permanent church organization in Beaver Falls. November 22, 1867, a committee was sent by it, which organized a con- gregation consistingof twenty-three members. Of these, Messrs. William Frazier, A. C. Thorne and W. W. Parkinson were elected ruling elders. Supplies were furnished until the following spring, when the first reg- ular pastor, Rev. Albert Dilworth, was located tliere. In the summer of ISOy a buikling was placed in erection, and completed in 1S7(>, l)eing dedicated April 1-t, the same year. March 11, 1871, the rehitions existing between Rev. Dilworth and his congregation were dissolved. He was followed by Rev. R. R. McjSulty, who acted as supply until January, 1872. On the last Sabbath of that month the present pastor, Rev. J. D. Mooi'head, from whom we oijtain these facts, was installed in his pastorate. Says he, in his anniversary sermon, delivered Jiimiary 30, 1887 : " Of the twenty-tliree that formed our original congregation, all but four are dead. Coming here fifteen years ago, I found our act- ual membership to be 105. Of these, sixty-two are not here, thirty- nine have removed elsewhere, tiie dust of twenty-three mingles with the dust of the dead." The congree'etion now numbers 51() members. Its condition is all that could be wished. The building has been enlarged and improved until it now ranks, in elegance and comfort, with any in the county. Following are the officers of the church, of the Sunday-school, and of the various societies connected with the congregation : Pastor, Rev. J. D. Moorhead; Elders, T. II. Bracken, M. L. Knight, S. D. Hubbard, John Kerr, J. G. Hunter, J. F. Merriman, G. W. Wareham, S. C. Gormley, Dr. R. A. Moon. Deacons, Dr. J. W. May, G. W. Morrison, J. A. B. Patterson, John Douds. Trustees, S. D. IIul)bard, Pres., J. F. Kurtz, Secy., John Reeves, John Corbus, A. D. Long, G. W. Morrison; Treas., Dr. J. M. May; Asst Treas., J. F. Merriman. Sahbath-schuol Officers — Supt., J. A. B. Patter.son; Ass't. Su]it., J. F. Miller; second Ass't. Supt., J. F. Merriman; Secy, and Treas., G. W. Morrison; Ass't. Sec. and Treas., Dr. J. M. May. Lihrarians — J. W. Forbes, J. B. Parkiiison, W. L. Douds, John Ellis. Ladles' llisslonary Society — Pres., Mrs. J. D. Moorhead; Vice-pres., Mrs. T. H. Bracken; Sec. Vice-pres , Mrs. J. C. Gray; Sec, Mrs. 418 HISTORY OF BEAVER COrNTY. D. C. Benliam; Treas., Mrs. S. B. Wilson. Young Ladies' Mis- sionary Society — Pres., Miss Laura kStewart; Yice-pres., Miss Lettie Harrison; second Yice-pres., Miss Eva Vanard; Sec, Miss Lulu N. Knight ; Treas., Miss Bird Morrison. Sahhath-school Mission- ary Society — Pres., Bev. J. D. Moorhead; Yice-pres., J. A. B. Pat- terson ; second Yice-pres., J. F. Miller; Treas., G. W. Morrison ; Sec, Miss Eva Yanard. SOCIETIES. Harmony Chapter^ No. '206., R. A. M., was organized and char- tered in 1870, being one of the oldest societies in the city. Its present officers are — John P. Sherwood, H. P.; S. R. Patterson, K.; W. H. Elverson, scribe; Phillip Martsolf, treas.; Charles Hosmer, sec. The chapter meets on the first Thursday of each month in Masonic hail. Beaver Valley Lodge, No. Jf78, F. cfc ^4. M.. was organized and chartered in the year 1870. Its present officers ai'e — Ernest Mayer, W. M.; H. AY. Nair,"s. W.; Albert D. Long, J. AY.; Rev. J. C. Berrien, sec; James Anderton, treas. The lodge meets in Masonic hall, and has a membership of sixty. Rising Star Encamjiment, No. :Jb%, L 0. 0. K. was organized December 10,, 1883. The charter members were — Thomas Thickett, AV. S. Ilallam, David Ellis, R. B. (Jlark, AY. A. Stone, H. Medley, H. White, Louis Sutter, G. J. Brandt, AV. B. IJaines, C. AY. Reich, S. J. Bennett, Thomas Howe, John Lloyd, AY. H. Iloon, C. White, Joseph Thickett, D Banard, T. J. Thompson, C. F. Potter and Phillip Scharf. The first officers were— H. AA^iite, C. P.; AA". II. Iloon, S. AA^.; John Llovd, J. AV.; H. Medley, H. P.; S. J. Bennett, scribe; Thomas Thickett, treas.; R. B. Clark, I. S.; Louis Sutter, O. S. The present officers are— John Ellis, C. P.; Geo. Smith, S. AY.; C. W. Reich, J. AV.; AV. I. Bartley, H. P.; R. B. Clark, scribe; Louis Sutter, treas.; John Llovd,- O. G.; R. Bagley, I. G. The encampment meets on the first and tiiird Monday evenings of each month in Mechanics' hall. The ])resent membership is forty-seven. Reaver Fulh Lodge, No. 7'.'I,V, /. O. 0. F., was organized March 13, 1871. Its first officers were— George R. Fox, N. G.; A. P. Brj'con, Y. G.; H. C. AA^atson, sec; G. L. Russell, ass't sec; R. S. Newton, treas. The present officers are— J. M. Postewate, N. G.; John Mcln- tosii, A^. G.; J. C. Sennett, sec; J. M. Maratte, ass't sec; J. S. Knowles, treas. The lodge meets every Friday evening in Hanauer's hall, with i\ membership of sixty-nine. LyWje.iAy4^ BKAVER FALLS BOROUGH. 421 Y'Mey Echo Lodge, Ho. 6'22, I. 0. O. F., was chartered Januarj' 25, ISOS. Its charter members were — Daniel Bernard, F. Y. Web- ster, G. White, G. K. Fox, T. E. Houston, Christ Large, C. Whistler, William Kosenberger, William Glenn, William McClain, John Mitchell, Thomas Jones, VVdliam Linton, T. Yates, and y. N. McClain. The first officers were — Henry Howe, N. G.; Abner Whistler, Y. G.; E. P. Yaughn. sec; Thos. McClain, treas. The present officers are — Louis Smith, N. G.; William Tinnemeyer, Y. G.; John Lloyd, sec; J. K. Hill, treas. The loilge numbers 104 members, and meets every Thurs- day evening in Mechanics' hall. Beui\'r Valletj Post, No. 16. '4., G. A. li., Dept. of Penna., was chartered April 8, 18S0. It was the outgrowth of some meetings held about the year ISTs by several old soldiers, who organized themselves into a Yeteran Club. Tliis club met in a small stone house, on Eleventh street, back of the jn'esent postoffice building. It aroused quite an interest among the citizens, and a drum corps was formed of sokliers' sons. When the post was oi'gani/.ed, it was mainly through the efforts of this veteran club. The cliai'ter members were — C'. W. May, William Shannon, David Lloyd, S. R. Patterson, Ebenezer S[)ringer, \l. S. Newton, II. C. Wat- son, N. II. Pangburn, W. O. Snowden, William Merriman, Fred O. Peck, G. C. Hareham. William Nowling, J. P. Parris, II. C. Patterson, Joseph K. Prown, O. II. Mathews, Jolin (4. Moffitt, J. C. Sennett, J. W. Brann, Phillip Crowe, Jesse M. Corbus and W. P. Edwards. The first officers were— C. W. May, P. C; K. S. Newton, S. Y. C; J. (!. Bennett, J. Y. C.; J. Shannon, Q. ^L; C. A. McKinzie, adj.; Wm. Merriman, chaji. The present officers are — J. W. Braner, P. C; Adam Siemon, S. Y. C. II. C. Watson, J. Y. C; William Shannon, Q. M.; ^V. II. McKinney, chap., A. B. McKmzie, adj., W. II. Nowling, O. i).; Thomas Kellv, O. G.; James Douglas, sur.; P. Crowl, sergt.; L. C. Kirker, Q. M.; J. P. Parris, I. G.: H. McMuUin, O. G. The post meets every other Monday evening in the (t. A. II. hall, Wallace block. The present membership is 165. Eneamjjinetd No. J4, f'/u'on Veieruii Lcro., Schneider & Bro. There were eighteen original members. The tirst otticei's were — August \'o]k, president, and William Oberhoff, secretary. The purpose of tiie organization was educational and social improvement. A three-story frame building was erected in 1877 and enlarged in 1SS3, in whicii are held classes in music, athletics and gymnastics. It cost $2,::!(»U. The present condition of the society is prosperous, its mcnibersiiip being eighty. The president is Fr. Birner, and the secretaiy, Geo. W. lleyslerniann. Mijrfl<' Council, JS'o. 121, ISf. U., was chartered January 5. 1885. Its charter niendjers were — T. P. Simpson, Jose])h S. Conor, W. H. C'iiandley, .1. A. Millan, H. S. Searles, Thomas Barber. James Waln- rigiit, J. A. (Ti-ove, Frank Pierson, A. J. JMarshall, (r. II. Gerljcr. A. O. Myers, Jos. AV. Clarke, J. A. Vogel, R. G. Webster, C. H. Miller, J. D." -McCarter, George W. Chandley, A. P. Chalfant, E. E. Miller, E. Edsall. Tiie tirst (officers were as follows : A. J. Marshall, ex jn-es.; W. 11. Chandley, pres.; E. E. Edsall, V.-P.; F. P. Gray, treas.; Thomas Barber, sec; James Wainright, fin. sec.; Dr. T. P. Simpson, med. ex.; A. G. AVebster, chap. Its present corps of officers consists of — J.W. Clarice, pres.; A. G. Webster, V.-P.; Thos. liarber, sec; A. J. Marshall, fin. sec: F. P. Gray, treas.; Dr. J. D. McCarter, med. ex.; E. E. Edsall, chap. The C(nincil is young and numbers but twenty-tliree. Its meet- ings are held at Chalfant's the second Tliuisday of each month. Sehnier Grove, JVo. S, U. A. O. I)., was chartered August 22, 1880. Its charter members were — John Rebeske, Cliinst. W. Reich, M. Steinbrecker, sec; John Jung, Justus Scliirk, Frank Borger. The first officers were — John Rebeske, N. A.; Christ. W. Reich, W. A.; M. Steinbrecker, sec; John Jung, cor. sec; Justus Schirk, J. W.; Henry Wagner, treas. The present officers of the order are — 11. Kopmann, jST. a.; G. Schneider, W. A.; G. II. Gerber, treas.; M. Steinbrecker, sec. The nieml)ershi]i is fifty-two, and the ])lace of meeting is ilechan- ics' Hall, every Wednesday evening. The Fraiernul Mystic Circle was chartered July 21. ISSti. The first mend)ers were — Harry Goldsmith, Christian Schuler. W. A. Cline, William M. Rea, Jolm Lloyd, William II. Bai'chiy, Joseph Walker, E. W. Sheets, M. I)., W.' E. Lloyd, diaries G." Webster, Thomas D. Eldei', William E. Shelldrake, A.B. Evans, John W. Hous- ton, T. J. Hamilton, Joseph jirooks, W. F. D. Smart, George C. Faulk, J. F. Craighead, I. I. Harvey, William Sloane, Jesse J. Ewing, James Home, C. D. Renoff, James F. Merriman, R. E. Zimmerman. W. A. Stone, A. R. Leyda, G. LI. Gerber, Dallas Woods. 424 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. The first officers \vere— C. D. Renoff, W. R.; A. E. Lev da, AV. Y. R.; A. B. Evans, W. P. R.; W. A. Stone, W. rec; W. E."siielpeuing of 1887 |2o8.72 in the treasurv'. This slow accumulation of funds suggested to the managers of the association the necessity of devising some additional means of replenishing the treasury. As a i-esult. an industrial exposition was determined upon, and steps taken to carry out the plan. A magnificent disnhiv of home industries was the result of the labors of the commit- 428 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. tees ai-puiuted fur the purpose. The products of ea<'h of the hirge manufacturing institutions were arranged in various artistic designs, and the success of the exposition was such that, after all its expenses had Ijeen jmid. over $700 remained for the association. The officers continue the same as at organization. MANUFACTDKING. Hm-iman Steel Co.. Limited. Foremost among the industries of Beaver Falls, hoth in point of size and with regard to the value of its products, are the mills of the Ilartman Steel Company, Limited. This eompanv was organized in January, 1883, and in March of the same year the buildings, which had heen l.egun in October the year previous, were occupied, and the wire department placed in operation. The orio-inal works have been greatly enlarged from time to tune, and other deiwirtments added thereto, until the present buiklmgs of brick and iron cover an area of 200,000 square feet, and include the following divisions: Merchant steel mill, wire-rod mill, cold die-rolled steel mill, wiremill, gal- vanizing department, steel letter and sign department, bale tie depart- ment, wire nail factory, wire mat factory, and the steel j.icket fence factory. . , The motive power is furnished by twenty-four engines, chat reciuire thirtv-six steam boilers, and the aggregate daily capacity of all de- partments exceeds tiiree hundred net tons, exclusive of products not fiany consist of wrought-iron, steel and combination bridges, iron sub-structures, buildings, roof-trusses, ])late, box and lattice girders, snd general architectural iron work-. When first established, in a very small way, its outlook ved in the establishment, and their products are shipped thi'oughout the United States, into Canada and occasionally into ilexico. The superintendent, Mr. James M. May, has been connected with the enter])rise since its origin, and has filled his present position since ISSl. Beaver Falls Cnf/er;/ Wo/i's. The wurks owned liy the ]5eaver Falls Cutlery Com]mny, were built in 18<>7, and were put in o])eration one year later. The originators were the Harmony Society, which, through its trustees, Messrs. Ilenrici and Lenz, is now the chief ownei'. The ]M-esideut is Henry T. lleeves, while the duties of secretaiy and treasurer are discliai'ged by .lohn Reeves. The capital stock of the company is $400,000. The grounds a,re two acres in extent, arul the buildinti'S are the laro-est in the citv. The w/hhar bv 120 feet; a mountini>' room. 60 by 130 feet, over wliicli are the car])entering, pattern and storing dejiartments; a two-story warehouse 50 by lOo feet; a cleaning room, 30 \)y urely local, the trade being merchant and exchange. Beaver Falls Planing Mill Company.. Limited, \vas organized in 1878 by Simon Harrold, wlui c(jiiducted a general planing business until 1877, when the establishment passed into the hands of S. N. Douthitt and Simon Ilarrold, who styled themselves the Beaver Falls Blaning-mill Com})any. In April, 1886, Ceorge C. Wareham and Frank Pearson were admitted into partnershi]), and in September, 1887, thecompafiN' became a limited concern, with cfticers as follows: G. C. Wareham, chairman; Frank I'eai'son, sec, and S. N. Douthitt, treas. BEAVER FALLS UOKOUGH. 437 A o-eneral lumber and planing mill Inisiness is carried on, employing about thirty hands. The trade extends from Pittsburgii to New Castle and Youngstown. W/hon d' Brmiy. Tlie lirst lime-kiln opened near Beaver Falls was built in 1806 by Waddle, Wilson & Co., and was situated a few Awards above where the present Fort Wayne Kail Road staticm now is. The first switch laid in the city was one from the railroad track to this kiln. This same firm purchased the first real estate ever sold under the new corporation of Beaver Falls, which was in 1807, and the pui'- pose of the purciiase was to secure a site for the planing mill and lum- ber-vard which they shortly afterward located. In 1871 the present Krni, consisting of Joseph Wilson and F. K. Brierly. was formed, being a i-eorganization of tiie old one. The firm now does a general planing-mill business, in connection with which is run a lumberyard. Its market is quite extensive, shipments being made to immediate and distant parts of the state. Steam Planing Mill Companij was organized June 25, 1887, being the successor of L. F. Pierce, who had managed a private mill for some eighteen months previous. The i)roprietors are Hugh C'unning, Daniel Cunning and Joseph Figley. The Ijusiness consists in manu- facturing sash, doors, Winds, mouldings and siding, and also in dealing in all kinds of rough and jilaned lumber, and in general planing mill products. The com]«iny enii)loy twelve men, and ship to surrounding places. Beaver Falls Chemical Compaiuj was organized in ISS-f, for the ])ui'pose of manufacturing general chemical products. Products — sul- piiur, muriatic acid, sulphate of soda, ammonia, etc. The comjiany is composed of Cleveland men, and the building of its works in Beaver Falls was due to the facilities enjoyed in shipjiing, etc. C. A. Grasselli is president, and Daniel Baihw general manager. Keijstone Chemical Worhs. In February, 1887, Mr. C. C. Beggs engaged in the manufacture of silicate of soda, using the rear of the Mayer pottery building as his works. The management was intrusted to Mr. Abraham Green. The product is used in the manufacture of soaps, also in stiffening prints, and in the latter use is much superior to lime, as it does not injure the fabi'ic. The establishment, which has acquired the appellation of '• Keystone Chemical Works," employs seven men, who turn out 250 barrels daily. The ]n'oduct is shipped to all parts of the country. Maijer PoWiry Compaaij, Limited. This com])any. manufacturers 438 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTV. of ironstone cliina, iinderglazeil printed ware, and enameled ware, was oroanized in ISSl, with Joseph Mayer, chairman; Ernest Mayer, sec- retarv and treasurer. The works cover an area 350 by 100 feet, and the Iniildings are built of brick — the work-shops being three stories hio'h, and the warehouses two stories. In them are employed 100 men, whose annual output is valued at ^1()(»,()(I0. The products are general potterv ware, witli specialties iis follows: " Lustre Band " and " Sprig " ware, and an imitation of coal used in natural gas fires. This latter is nuide of jiorous earthenware, which, at a high temperature, is covered with a, black glazing. There are in the establishment two biscuit, two glost and four decorating kilns. The trade extends throughout the United States. Beaver Falls Art Tile Company, Limited, was organized Feb. ruary 1, 1887, with officers as follows: John Keeves, chairman; F. W. "Walker, Jr., sec. and treas., and L. Roden, supt. The purpose was to ])roduce a superior quality of artistic decorative tile, embracing stove, fire-place and mantel tiles. The woi'ks consist of a large brick struct- ure, fitted with the best apparatus. The company, though yet young, has developed cjuite a market, enibracing nearly every state, and extend- ing' even into Canada. Beaver Falls Water Compamj was organized in 1870, under the management of H. T. Reeves, pres.; George W. Morrison, sec; Thomas R. Eennon, treas.; IT. W. Reeves, manager; and John Ramsey, supt. Its capital stock is $100,000. The town Avas first supplied with water bv a reservoir; afterwards a pump and a cistern were put in at the cut- lery works. Now, however, fnur Holly pumps, I'un by water jiower, iire required, and in addition two steam punqis have recently been located in the upper end of town. The combined capacity is 3,5()O,000 gallons every twenty -four hours, which amount is pumped into a reser- voir, whence the town is su])plicd. No change has been made in the corps of officers. Beaver Falls Gas Compain/ was organized in 1871, with Hon. Henry Ilice, pres.; J. II. (!onway, vice-pres.; Frank S. Reader, sec; George S. Barker, treas., and John Reeves, J. M. Fessenden, W. "VV. Kyser, James Edgar, and M. Naylor, directors. The company began With a capital stock of $75,000, and commenced the manufacture of illuminating gas, using first coal and then the water-gas process. The two cities of New Brighton and Beaver Falls are piped by it, using in the operation over twelve miles of l)iping. The annual output is nearly 5,000,000 cubic feet, while the works have a daily capacity of 140,000. 'riyi-^r/ ^/\Ar^^^ 7^. UEAVEK FAJ-LS BOK()U(iH. 441 Tlie present officers are — Ilcnrv Reeves. ])res.; C. M. Merrick, vice- pres.; John M. Critclilow, sec; George S. Barker, treas.; II. F. Dillon, supt., and Henry Hice, John Reeves. John T. Reeves, Josepii Cently and Charles Barder, directors. Wag7ie?'''s Brewery was established in ISSO by Henry Wagner, and commenced operations in the same yeai-. At first, nothing l^ut ale was brewed. Itnt in six months' time beer was added to the products. The main building whicli is tiiree stories liigli, isal)rick structure 30 liy 3U feet in (bmensions. Hi addition there are the engine-iiouse, 27 by 40 feet, the store-house, 22 by 27 feet, ice-houses, 20 by 40 and 1(3 by 50 feet (capable of holding 450 tons), vaults, V--> \ix !?>, lo by 50 and 12 by 34 feet, and a three-story bi-ick malt-iiouse. 2'i by ."JO J'cet. Tiie ca])acity isal)oat five tliousaud barrels yearly. Spring Wafer BreLrenj was established by James Anderton in 1S()0, in the old building on lirighton street. The business remained at that place until 1S80, when it was removed to the present commodious brick quarters. The i)rotlucts are restricted to pale, cream, bottled and aniV)erale, which are made to the extent of l,0oo l>ai"rols yearly. The brewery is still controlled by James Anderton, although he is aided by his sons. 8ix hands are employed. Bc.aver Falls Paper Coiiqxinij was oi'ganized in 1883, and the works placed under the management of J. C. Reed. The proprietors are Dillworth Brothers, of Pittsburgh, and the mill is merely a ]>i'anch of the New Castle establishment. Products are English glazed hard- ware and rope manilla. The market extends throughout the ccnmtry. ^1. 5. c& li. TT. Hall. The carriage works owned by this firm began operation April 1, 1S74. Since that time the business has con- stantly grown, until now they manufacture all kinds of buggies, phaetons, barouches, buck and spring wagons, and general carriage goods. This is the only establishment of its kind in Heaver Falls. Its market is confined to the state, and chiefly to the territory immedi- ately surrounding the city. Six men are employed. jiANKS, p:tc. Fird National IlanL- was organized in .Itdy, 1885, and was ofRcered as follows: Hon. Henry Hice, ])res.; Joseph Wilson, vice- pres.; P. Robertson, cashier; J. ]M. ]\Iay, John Reeves, Simon llarrold, H. W. lieeves. H. C. Patterson, J. C^ Whitla, J. L. McCartney and tlie president and vice-president, directors. The capital stock is now $50,(100 witli a ]>rospective increase of $50,000 more. Following;- 24 44:2 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. are the changes which have been made in the bank's officers since its organization: J. T. lieeves has superseded P. Robertson as cashier, and G. W. Coates and F. G. Eohrkaste have succeeded J. C. Whitla and J. L. McCartney, respectively, as directors. Exchange Banh was founded m 1880, in the same building now used by the First National. Its officers were— John Reeves, pres., and C. P. Wallace, cashier. In 1SS2 Mr. AVallace purchased the inter- est of Mr. Reeves, removed the bank to its present quarters, on Seventh avenue, No. 712, and is still conducting a general banking business. Economy Savings Institution was established in ]\[a.rch, 1868, Avith Hon. Henry Ilice, pres.; H. T. Reeves, vice-pres.; John Reeves, cashier; George W. Morrison, assistant cashier. The board of directors comprise the officers and the Harmony Society, which acts through its representative, Jacob Henrici. The ca])ital stock at begin- ning was only $20,0OU; but this has been successively increased, until now it amounts to $450,000. The capital is practically unUmited, be- ing measured only by the wealth of the society, which runs up into mUlions. The officers have remained unchanged since the beginning. Beaver Valleij Street Railway Co. was organized September 17, 1884, and was chartered six days later. The first officers were— IM. L. Knight, pres.; Colonel J. Weyand, vice-pres.; J. F. Merriman, sec. and treas.; Hon. Henry Hice, John Reeves, J. Weyand, J. C. Whitla, H. W. Reeves, Joseph Snellenburg and M. L. Knight, directors. No changes have been made in the officers, except that George W. Coates and James M. May have taken the places made vacant by the resigna- tions of J. C. Whitla and Joseph Snellenburg. In the coiLstruction of the road, ground was broken on the 6th of May, 1885, and it was ready for travel on the 3d of Jiily, the same year, in just forty-one working days. Over one liundred men were employed in the laying of the track. The road extends from the Fort Wayne Station, in New Brighton, to the foot of College Hill, in Chippewa township, thus connecting the two cities of New Brighton and Beaver Falls, and joining them at the same time with the College— a total distance of 3.1 miles. The capital stock is $30,000. The building of the company, comprising stables and car sheds, is SO by 100 feet. It is lighted and heated, as are also the offices and boilers, with natural gas. Eighteen men are employed by the company. Eight cars, using thirty- six horses, and running at intervals of ten minutes, are used between the two towns. The present superintendent is Lycurgus Richardson, who has been in that capacity ever since the road's first operation. CHi^PTER XVI. NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH. Location — Eaely Histoky — Bank of the United States — Business Condition in 1837 — Building Operations — Education — Incor- pobation — Postmasters — Societies — Manufacturing — Banks — Water AVorks — Churches. THIS interestiug town is situated on the east bank of the Big' Beaver river, about two and one-half miles from its mouth, immediately opposite and at the foot of the lower falls of said river. It is built on what Avas once known as Tracts 91,92, 93, 94 and 95. No. 91, owned Ijy Mr. Mitchell, embraced that iiortion of the town lying below Block House Run ; No. 92, owned by Thomas Lukens, that part lying Ijelow Broadway. On it was built the old l)lock-house, the • site of whieli was tiie one now occupied by the James W. Tliorniley residence, on Main street. No. 93 lay nortli of No. 92, and included much of what is now Broadway. It was patented in 1786, b}^ tlie su- preme executive council of tlie state, to Elias Boutlinot and Thomas Bradford. At that earl}" date it bore the name of " Roxborough." Tract No. 94, north, was bougiit. in 1 Sol, from Thomas Bradford by Benjamin Sharpless and David Townsend. Tract No. 95 was the prop- erty of Hoopes, Townsend & Co. These tracts extended from Big Beaver river to the limits of the town. Many years prior to the laying out of the town, a Houring mill known as " Wolf's Mill " was erected near Patterson's dam. It is said to have been the first mill of any kind on the east side of the river. To it came, from all directions for thirty miles, men riding on horseback along the single paths blazed through the woods, graded roads being then unknown in the "new country.'' This pioneer miU was in opera- tion as late as 1820, and stood until the construction of the canal compelled it to yield to the progress of civilization. Many an interesting story of pioneer hardship and happiness could its remains furnish if they were intelligently interrogated. 443 444 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. About 1807, a man named Walton made an attempt to establish a shipyard within the present l)()rougii limits, a short distance lielow the M. O. Kennedy residence. His theory was that, owing to the cheapness of raw material, labor, living, etc., boats and ships could be built cheaper in this region than anywhere else. From their place of building lie could, he conjectured, float them easily and readily down the Ohio and Mississippi to the world's marts, not dreaming that both Big Beaver and the Ohio were subject to two barriers equally difficult to overcome, ex- ti^emely low water and destructive floods. He was. perhaps, no wiser — than Tiiomas Jefferson, who built his sawmill on a loft}' hill. Though he had a delightful site, he had never considered how he would get his logs to the mill. Like Jefferson, he abandoned his cherished enterpi'ise, and left the world to conjecture what might have been. The early history of New Brighton is thus related by Mr. Frank S. Eeader, at present editor and proprietor of the Beaver Valle}' jYeu-s. His sketches were published in 1S7<), and gave a fund of valuable information obtained direct from the original settlers of the place. "We give his own language : The occasion of the la3'ing out of this village, and the circumstances that gave rise to it, are briefly related as follows: To meet the demands of a trade then springing into life, it was thought desirable to build a bridge connecting Brighton and these lauds. A charter had been procured for that purpose, providing for the erection of a bridge across the waters of the Beaver, to connect Brighton and the site of New Brighton, stipulating that it should be built in front of Brighton, now Beaver Falls. The parties who had the charter desired to build the bridge so that its eastern terminus would be on wliat is now Bridge street in New Brighton, but were met with the difficulty that in so doing the terminus of the Brighton side would not be in front of Brighton, and hence would vio- late the express terms of their charter. In order to overcome this difliculty, it was decided to lay out an addition to Brighton on the opposite side of the river, and call it East Brighton. By doing this the eastern end of the bridge would be built in front of Brighton (East) and tlie terms of the charter complied with. This is the origin of the town, and trivial as it may seem, it is nevertheless a fact and an interesting one. Joseph Hoopes, of the firm of Hoopes, Townsend & Co., and who owned tract No. 95 adjoining the proposed new town, was employed as surveyor, and ]\Ir. J. W. Wilson was one of the chain carriers Mr. Hoopes also made a plot of the town, which is yet preserved by Mr. Wilson. * * At the time of the survey, a part of the town was a dense wilderness, covered by red oak and a heavy growth of saplings. In order to get through the woods to carry the chain, Mr. Wilson relates that he was compelled to carry a hatchet and chop the saplings out of his way. The compensation for this work, he says, was the first money he ever earned At the conclusion of the survey, when stakes had been placed at the corner of each square, and the field labors over, the proprietors and workmen were returning along Water .street, when Mr. D. Townsend made the company an offer that he would give one hundred dollars for the right to all the soil from Water street to Beaver river, con- NEW BRIGHTON liOROUGH. 4:45 sisting of about twcnty-flve good lots. The proposition was accepted on tlie part of the other proprietors with cheerfulness. The new town was called East Brighton, and after the lapse of a few years came to be known as New Brighton. An amusing incident is related of this surveying at the expense of Mr. J. W. Wilson, which is so very charac- teristic of the times that it will bear telling. It is said of Mr. Wilson — and frankly admitted by himself — that at the time referred to he was a very " queer youth," full of curiosity, and uniformly wanted to know the whys and wherefores of events that were transpiring about him. He was very much interested in the workings of the compass, and had a great desire to understand the mechanism of it. He was standing by the instrument — close by a pine tree which formed the corner of tracts Nos. 94 and 95 — clo.sely examining its various points and fully absorbed in it, when, to his great aston- ishment, he received a stunning blow on the side of the face, which sent him reeling several feet distant. Recovering himself he returned to the tree and found David Town- send standing by the compass. Jlr. Wilson at once inquired why he had been treated in such a summary manner, and, anxious to establish his innocence, added, " Ididn't touch the in.strument," repeating the words two or three times. Mr. Townstnd kept him in suspen.se for some time, and at his leisure turned to Mr. Wilson and asked him if he knew why he had struck him. A negative answer was given and another disclaimer put in that he had done nothing deserving such treatment, when Townsend informed him that he had struck him to fully impress upon his mind the fact, "that that little pine tree was the corner of tracts Nos. 94 and 95." Mr. Wilson has never forgotten, but after an experience of over sixty years, he does not by any means recommend this practice as a means of improving the memory. The bridge connecting the two towns was built, and stood until the year 1818, when it was swept away by the breaking up of the ice. At that time there was not the advantage of dams in breaking up the ice in its progress down stream, and thus be broken to pieces and shorn of its terribly destructive power. Upon this occasion there had been extraordinary heavy snows and hard freezing, and when the spring rains and thaw came, the melting of the snow and the rains swelled the river to an unprecedented fury, and acres of ice were swept down the river in one solid cake, by the resistless current, which, in its onward, mighty, and rapid flow swejit away the piers of the bridge and carried the bridge with it into the whirling rapids below. Tlie bridge was relniilt iii 1S83-84 by William Le Baron, at a cost of .§14,000. It is still standing, and serves to connect the two enter- prising but neighborly corporations of New Brighton and Beaver Falls. Across it run the cars of the street railway company. Little progress was made in East Brighton until about 1830, when the purchase of Okl Brighton by James Patterson gave a genertil im- pulse to business not to l)e confined to one side of Big Beaver river. Property readily commanded better prices, and different kinds of industry sought location in the new town. In 1828 David Townsend built the fine stone mill subsequently known as the " "Wilson Mill," because it shortly passed into the posses- sion of Mr. J. W. Wilson. Hy him it was managed successfully for many j'ears,when it fell into the hamls of Wade Wilson, a successful and enertretic business man. Owiiiij- to the fact that the walls of 446 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. this structure at their base are three feet thick, it has stood one or two destructive fires without injury to its foundation or walls. The building of the canal under the act of 1832 gave an additional stimulus to the business interests of the place; but the greatest " boom" was started when a branch of the United States Bank was established. Under the direction of Hon. John Dickey it was stipulated that the bank might establisli two branch banks in Pennsylvania, " one of wliich must be in Beaver county." Taking advantage of tlie liberty thus con- ceded, the bank did establish the two Ijranches. One of them was first fixed at Beaver, but by action of the board of directors was subse- quently located at New Brighton with the following organization : President — John Pugh ; cashier — Dr. AVilliam II. Denny ; directors — E. Townsend, M. F. Champlin, James Patterson, Ovid Pinney, Dr. E. Iv. Chamberlin, A. W. Townsend and J. P. Johnston, of Beaver county, John B. Pearson, of Mercer county, and John Gribnore, of Butler county. All responsible persons were urged to borrow money, and thus increase the volume of business in the community. The people did so, endorsing for one another in utter forgetfulness of the j^roverb of Sol- omon: " He that hateth suretyship is wise." Money for a time was abundant; but a day of reckoning had to come. Bank obligations had to be met. The mother bank in Phihulelpha failed, and assigned to Philadelphia bank trustees, the indebtedness due to the branch in New Brighton causing rain and distress to fall upon many persons and busi- ness interests throughout the county. Real estate values were greatly depressed, and property was almost without sale. The general inju- rious eff'ects upon the community are said to have been greater than those which succeeded tlie financial crash of the autum of 1ST3. " Under the labor influence and cost of a citizen of the county," says James Patterson, "a very large amount of these debts due in Bea- ver county, approxinuiting $200,000, were compromised and i)aid by the assignments of cash, real estate, bonds, stocks, etc., to the very great benefit of debtor and creditor. By these compromises most of the manufacturers were enabled, at least in a small way, to resume busi- ness, and gradually but slowly confidence and business revived again." A summar\^ view of the place in 1837 may aid in getting a clear idea of the growth of the town. At that time the United States Bank, whose fate has been detailed, was in full blast. The Beaver County Insurance Company — R. Townsend, president, and Edward Hoopes, secretary — with a ca])ital of $400,000, was located in the ])lace. It had NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH. 447 an agency also in Pittsburgh. A ladies' seminary conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Leech, recently from Ilarrisburgh, was in a flourishing condition and the pride of the town. Tiie different religious denominations were represented by houses of worshijj, as follows: One Presbyterian, two Friends (Quakers), one Seceder, one Union and one Methodist. There were nine stores, two flouring mills in operation and two in jn-ocess of erection, two saw- mills, two lath-mills, one woolen factory, one ingrain carpet factory, one patent felt carpet factory (the last three just commencing opera- tions). The different vocations were thus represented: Merchants — John McCombs, Edward Hoopes & Harrison Mendenhall, John Lukens & William Ashton, J. P. Smith & Co., C. & H, Hoopes, Thomas T. Reno, Gowan Dunlap, John Rainbow. Talbot Townsend. . , . Druggists — Chamberlin & Hoopes. . . . Physicians — W. H. H. Chamberlin, J. Owens. . . . Justices of the Peace — David Worcester, Isaac Walker. . . . Attornei/ at Law — Brown B. Chamberlin. Tailors — Thorn & Eastburn, McCreary & Havil, Harri.son Graham, William Wal- lace. , . . Carpenters — John C. Hunter, Isaac Walker, Paul Jones, James Walker, Samuel Vennejian, William- Tanner. M. B. Mason. . . , Brick makers — Peter and Henry Reed, Sanuiel jNIcGowan, Bryan & Sippy. . . . Coach Factory — W. & H. Blanchard. . . . Wagonmaker — James Wilson. . . . Brick-layers — Samuel IVIcGowan & Sou, Mark D. Bradway. . . . Plasterers — James N. Beabout, Samuel Stokes, Sylvester Hunter. . . . Lumliermen — Maj'nard, Hoopes & Mendenhall, M. B. Mason, Benjamin Davis. . . . Painters and OlaHers — Venneman & Garrison. . . . Window- blind Factories — Worcester & Clarke, .1. McKenzie & Co., Melchior Shuster. Blacksmiths — Samuel Funckhouser & Co., Brown & Fleming. . . . Millers — Levi McConnell. Joseph B. Coal. . . . Tanners and Curriers — David A John Hoopes. Shoe-shop — William Brown. . . . Hatter — Samuel Ramsey. . . . Hotel — Jolm Har- baugh. . . . General Land Agent — Marcus T. C. Gould. The buildino; " boom," so far as concerns manufacturing establish- ments, Ijegan in 1837, when Messrs. Townsend erected their mill for flouring purposes, and other persons began to build (jthei- structures. The Townsend mill was subsequentl}' burned, but rebuilt by Alexander & Williams. In 1838 Messrs. Bedison & Co. built a flouring mill, which, with some changes in proprietorship, has been serving the community faith- fully ever since. About the same time F. D. Iloulett and John Camp- bell put up a structure, which for a time they used as a w^agon shop, and then as a woolen mill. About 18 iO it was ntetamorphosed into a sash factory by Thomas Seal and Charles Coale. In 1840, Abel Town- send and others built what was known as the " Felt Factory," wliich was subsequently used by Benjamin and W. Wilde as a woolen factory. In 1844 Charles Coale and Thomas Seal built the " tub and wash- board fiictorv," and beiran to manufacture Inickets in the buildino: 448 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY. formei'ly occupied by the Wildes, tlie latter having meanwhile erected a new brick building for their own use. Coale and Seal were associ- ated in business with John W. Gill, of Wheeling. In 1858 was established an extensive car factory, which began oper- ations in 1859 under the control of Merrick, Hannah & Co. For a period of nearly fifteen years they turned out a superior quality of cars. The company finally suspended, not because their goods were not deserving of being purchased, nor because they lacked skill, energy, business experience or cai)ital, but l^ecause they were not admitted to the inner circle of some railroad ring. The i)roperty stood unoccupietl until the summer of 1SS7, when, under the impetus given to manufactures in the town by the consump- tion of natural gas, the plant was converted into the extensive estab- lishment now operated by the Dithredge Flint Glass Company. New Brighton has always shown commendable zeal in educational matters. JVew Brigldiin Female Seminary. M. T. C. Gould, late of Phila- delphia, principal, July 4, 1833, announces call for patronage, assuring the inhabitants of Beaver and the adjoining counties that ''young- ladies will be thoroughly taught in all the useful branches of modern female education, and in such of the higher and ornamental depart- ments of science, literature and the arts as are usually acquired in the best institutions of the Atlantic states. In addition, untiring attention will be paid to the manners, morals, health and personal comfort of all committed to his care." On the 1st of May, 183T, Richard Leech and his wife, from liar- i'isl)urgii, opened a female academy in which they announced to teach the English branches, French and Latin languages, and higlier mathe- matics. In tlieir preliminary announcement, they stipulated that per- manency would depend upon success. For a time it was deservedly very jjopular and successful. A successor of the Leech academy was the Greenwooil Institute which is yet remembered with pride by many of the cultured ladies of the community as the institution in which their ins})iratious were fostered and their minds developed for the conflicts of life. Two of tlie stu- dents of the institute have achieved national reputation, Anna Dickin- son and Grace Greenwood. The former was simply a pupil, while the latter was both a resident of the place and a, ])U])il. She subsequently married Mr. Lippincott, member of the celebrated pui)lishing house in riiiladelphia. ^l^t/y-^yr^y^ ^y^ 7A NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH. 451 In September, 1S51, the Neio Brighton High School was under the direction of S. L. Coulter, A.M., formerly of the Beaver .academy'. He was a skillful instructor. In 1855 Rev. Josejih P. Taylor, rector of the Episcopal church of the borough, established the Kenwood Boarding-school for boys. It was pleasantly situateil in a grove of oaks, on elevated grounds, in the rear of the town, commanding an admirable view of Beaver Valley. Tiie work begun by Mr. Taylor was efficiently supjilemented by those of Professor Charles Jacobus. The school was discontinued years ago, and the building is now the private jn-operty of Mrs. Scott. The excellent private schools and academies already referred to paved tlie way for the present excellent public schools. Tiiereare two substantial buildings valued at §3.''>,000. The one in the middle ward contains twelve rooms, one of wiiicii is used for high-school purposes. It is a three-story brick structui-e, provided with suitable fire escapes. Tiie second is the north ward liouse, a two-story brick with four rooms. The enrollment is quite one tliousand pupils. The schools are in flour- ishing condition under tiie management of E. C. Lavers, who lias l)een their special guai'dian for al)out six years. New Brighton was incorporated as a bin-ougii by act of tiie legis- lature in 1838. At tlie Ma,rcli session of tiie court of 1855 a petition, signed by J. R. Martin, burgess, and M. T. Kennedy, Joseph T. Pugii, Joseph McConnell, J. S. Winans, Jacob E. Sliarrar, Henry Hippie and T. A. Barker, councilmen, was ])resente(l, asking that the borough be placed under the provisions of tlie act of April 3, 1851. Tlie court granted the recjuest June 7. 1855. Since tiie establishment of the postoffice in the place, mail has l^een distributed to the ]ieoj)le liy tlie following postmasters, wlio were appointed at dates given: I'rown B. Chamberlin, November 12, 1849; Orcn Waters, December 23, 1852; Cliarles II. Ilighy, July 7, 1853; John Glass, April 16, 1857; Isaac Covert, July 12, 185y; John C. Boyle, :Marcli 13, 1861; Mrs. E. B. Cuthbertson, June 2-t, 18(;!); AValter S. Braden, March 1, 1886. SOCIKTIKS AND ASSOCIATIONS. Union Lodge, No. 259, F. cfe A. J/., was instituted November 20, 1851. The charter members were John Sargeant, James Carothers, Robert Townsend, John liMkcr. James Richardson, James Creary, Thompson Bennett. Following ai'c lists of the various officers of the lodge since its organization: 452 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Worshipful Masters: John Sargeant, David Stanton, David Critchlow, R. L. McGowan, F. W. Williams, Joseph Wilson, C. K. Chamberlin, E. H. Alexander, Phillip Martsolf ,1. K. Campbell, Ralph Covert, Matthew Stacey, Robert L. McGowan, Alfred M. Whishr, John P. Sherwood, Joseph J. Snellenburg, William H. Elverson. The lodge meets every first Tuesday of each montli in Merrick's block, corner Broadway and Falls street. The membership is sixty- two, and financial condition good. Evergreen Encampment of Patriarchs, No. IGl, I. 0. 0. E, was instituted by a warrant of dispensation, issued by the Grand Encamp- ment of Pennsylvania, on the 16th of February, 1S67. Tlie first officers of tlie lodge were — P. M. Kane, C. P.; E. J. Evans, H. P.; John McClain, S. W.; Joim Mitchell, J. "W.; George F. Seimon, S., and James Lourimore, T. The Encampment meets on the first and third Satur- days of each month, in Merrick's block, corner Broadway and Falls street. Robertson Lodge, No.Jt',0,1. 0. O.E.. was chartered July IS, 1851. Its first corps of officers embraced the following nienii)ers: William Eichardson, IST. G.; W. I. "Wilson, V. G.; Matthew II. Kobertson, scribe; Alfred R. Townsend, asst. scribe; Samuel McCleery. treas. Its lodge room is in the Merrick block, corner of Broadway and Falls street. The present Noble Grand is G. L. Eberhart. Covert Lodge, No 351, Lv. of P., was instituted May 1, 1ST2. Char- ter members — E. G. Evans, R. Covert, J. S. Mitchell, Jolm Decker, Lewis Graham, J. R. Martin. Aaron "Wolf, J. F. Johnston and William Evans. In August, 1874. the name was changed to Social Lodge- Meetings are held every Friday night. Beaver Valley Lodge, JVo.81,A. 0. U. IT'., was ordained by Grand Lodge September 23, 1874. The charter members were — Philip Mart- solf, P. M. W.; J. C. McDonald, M. W.; Thomas S. Wilson, G. F.j Oliver Motter, O.; E. G. Evans, recorder; W. C. Simpson, financier; James Roney, receiver; William Lloyd, inside watch; John Ashambaugh, outside watch; Frank Langnecker, J. Y. Wimans and W. J. banner, trustees, and O. Moulter, Fraidc S. Reader, R. Houston and M. Mc- Pherson. The present officers are — John H. Williams, P. TVI. A¥.; M. McPherson, M. W.; II. T. Bailcer, F.; J. Hunter. O.; W. J. Kanner, rec; E. G. Evans, fin., G. L. Eberhart, receiver; AVilliam Dixon, G.: O. C. Hatch, I. W.; II. Millei-. O. W.; P. Martsolf, (). I^IouUer and W. K. Dixon, trustees. The lodge meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in their hall, on Broadway. Its membersiiip is sixty- three, and everything is in gootl condition. NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH. 453 The EquitaUe Aid Union was organized February 21, 1S83. The officers at beginning were — G. L. Eberhart, pres.; Alice Edgar, vice- pres.; John P. Edgar, sec; A. Hanauer, treas. The society has been in continuous operation since that time. Its ]ireseut membership is twenty-eight. Meetings are held in tlie G. A. E. Hall. The present officers are — John P. Graham, pres.; Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, vice-pres.; John P. Edgar, sec; A. Hanauer, treas. New Brighton Council, JVo. 123, iV^. IL, \vas organized December 23, 1885, the first president being C. W. Wahli; secretary, J. N. Andre; financial secretary, J. P. Edgar; treasurer, Frank Walker. It lias been in operation since that time, and its memliership is now twenty-tliree. The meetings are held in F. A. Heberline's office. Present officers: John Cook, pres.; J. P. Edgar, sec; F. A. Heberline, fin. sec, and G. L. Eberhart, treas. Ji'. 3L Stanton Post, JSfo. 308, G. A. B., Dejxivtment of Pennsyl- vania, was organized in 1881. Its charter meuibers were — Charles C. Townsend, A. J. Bingham, J. K. Piersoll, Joseph Pollock, Ivan Pugh, Alexander K. Ow, K. B. McDonald, Ira McClain, J. M. Lourimore, Eobert Kennedy, Frank S. Reader, Frank Merrick, W. C. Lourimore, B. F. Pugh. Dr. David McKinney, Jr. The first officei-s were— C. C. Townsend, ('.; J. K. Piersoll, S.' V. C; Ivan Pugh, J. V. C; Robert Kennedy, (). D.; Joseph Van Lear, O. G.; Frank S. Reader, Chap.; Frank Merrick, Adj. The ]iresent officers are — Joseph Van Lear, C.; C. Emmel, S. V. C.; J. M. Lourimore, J. V. C; L. O. Barnes, O. D.; W. C. Lourimore, O. G.; A. G. Harvey, Q. M.; Rev. T. J. Danner, Chap. The present membership is seventy -one. Meetings are held in the G. A. R. Hall, on Broadway, every second and fourth Thursdays. Young Meni's Lihrary Association. In 1850 a few young men and boys began to hold meetings in John Pugh's smoke house, for the pur- pose of exchanging Iwoks and various reading matter. Shortly a regular society, with regular initiation fees, six and one-fourth cents, and weekly dues, one cent, was organized, wliich society has grown until it is now what is known as the Young Men's Library Association. It has afine hall, beautifully carpeted, witli a library numbering upwards of 2,500 volumes, an bv 185 feet in dimensions. Im|)rovements and additions have been made, until now the works embrace a three-story building 40 by 159 feet, two two-story brick ware-houses 32 by Sd and 4n by 80 feet, respectively; store room and ])aint shops IS by 48 feet, a model room 24 by 60 feet, and two frame buildings ;30 bv 112 and 40 1)V 140 feet. The works are situated on the Block House Kuii, and to them runs a railroad switch, thus afford- NKW liKUIUTON I'.OKDl llll. 455 ino' ninplo sliippiiio' I'lUMlitiL's. Tii tlicin arc nine lari;-c kilns, with a ■weekly (•a])i.('ity of 50,(MH( gallmis. Ahoiit 1 li.'i hands are employed, uliose prodnels are line glazed stew pans, milk pans, I'rnit jars, stone ware, green-lionse pots, lawn vases, stove Hues, eliimney tops, imita- tion grate logs for natural gas fires, etc. The oflicei's of the comjiany are — W. II. Klv(n'son, chairman; ('. A. I'.arkci-, sec. and ti'cas,; ,). P. Slierwootl, supt. SJicrii^oixl /j'/VM'.' J'dtlrri/ II cr/'.v, I.niiitid. The business ol' this firm was connnenced in isV'.t hy (J. W. and \\ . I ). Sherwood, in a small I'ranie building having but one kiln witli a weekly ca|)acitv of only 50(1 gallons. Now there are six kilns, with a total we(>kly capac- ity of 4-5,()00 gallons. Their otiier property consists of a. warerooin 40 by 150 feet, a two-story brick, 40 by 40 IVujt, and the nsii,-il nnmliei'of outbuildings. Ovim- lOo men are ein])loyed. and the goods produced by them find mai'l>:el in almost evei'y slate and tei'ritory in tlie Union. Pioneer Poltenj C'omjxinij, Limited. The works operated by this company were built in 1SS;5. and now coniynMse a main building 50 by 150 feet, with (he usual outbuildings aiul storerooms. In the building are three kilns, having a cond)ined weekly product of 15,000 gallons. The products of tlu^ company (-onsist of black and stone ware, and al.so gla/.ed antl salt ware. lUitter pans, mixing bowls, preserve and fruit jars, stew pans, churns, jars, etc., are tin; specific pi'oduct ions of the works; fifty men are employed, and tin; trade (>xtends over the United States; David Osborne is chairman; V. 11. Stuchlield, sec. and treas. and John F. Martin, supt. Pioneev Pottery. The works now owned and opei'ated by 0. W. Taylor and D. C Schotield wei'c established as early as ISdd, and from the fact that they were the lirst maiiuractoi'\' of pottci'N' ware in New Brighton, are sometimes termed the "Pioneer J'ottery." The ])i'odu(^ts of tills firm are limited to tlowei- ])ots and Moral warc^; and in this line every conceivable variety and design is produced. Their trade has in- creased until it m)W extends o\'er a c()nsideraJ)le poi'tion of the United States. Scott Bros.'' I'littcri/. The works of this linn are not at the pi'cscnt writing in operation. One kiln is already built, and another is to be erected as soon as necessary. No buildings are yet ('onstructed ; but it is intended to have everything in active operation soon, when gen- eral pottery and decorative ware will be |)roduccd. A. F. Smith, tfe Co. Tlui brick works owned by this linn, and known as the Globe Fire Prick Woi'ks, were established originally by 456 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Squire Join; Glass in 1845. Since that time the}' have been in con- tinuous operation. There are now two yards, the original one consisting of 40 acres of ground on which are four kilns, two engines and two rolls; a dry-house bU by 100 feet; engine room, two stories, 40 by 40 feet; gi'inding house 40 by 40 feet; stock house, 60 feet long; another grind- ing house and blacksmith house, 40 by 40 feet. The other yard, 30 acres in area, has not been yet filled up with full machinery, but when done will contain drying house, 60 by 120 feet; three kilns, an engine, and engine house, 40 by 40 feet; and other buildings, to be erected as needed. The two yards employ in the aggregate about forty hands. They produce a superior line of fire bricks, grate backs, stove linings and general !)rick ])roducts. The trade of this company extends through the Northern states, from the Hudson west to the Mississippi. Over o,000,(.>00 bricks are turned out yearly. A. F. Smith and Robert Hay are proprietors. Prospect Hill Brick Worlis were organized eleven years ago, and are at present owned by Alfred and A. Kroid Dewhurst. The ])lant covers tlii'ee acres of ground, and the works give employment to about ten hands, who ])i'o(luce nearly 6,000 bricks ()ei' da}'. The prod- ucts are red and pressed bricks, and the market is quite extensive, embracing this and adjoining states. Wihoit^ Bricl- Yards were built in 1882 by T. S. Wilson, the present proprietor. There had, though, been works on the same ground as early as 1826 it is believed. Three kilns are now employed, and over 4,500 bricks are turned out daily. Mount Ephraiiii Brick Yard. The works known by this name were built in 1852. Mr. Joseph Dewhurst is the present proprietor. About 2,000,000 of good bricks are produced annually. Over twelve men are employed, and the plant comi)rises seven acres of land. 7'7.v// Bros.'' Brick Yard. These works are owned by AVilliam and Levi Fish, and were opened several years ago. Four kilns are used, and nearly ;i,(i(»i),()()0 brick are turned out yearly, giving employment to thirty men. Pioneer Ftax Mills. These extensive mills were founded in 1850 by the late A. Bentley, who conducted them until 1802, when the pres- ent firm, consisting of llenr}' Gei'wig, A. Bentley, Jr., Henry Bentley, Joseph Bentley and Nicholas J. Gerwig, was formed. The works cover five acres of ground, and the main building, a two-story brick, is 50 by 300 feet in dimensions. In addition to this are numerous outbuild- ings, the whole forming a large and interesting establishment. Their NEW BRKillTON BOROUGH. 457 product is hemp coi-d, from a thread up to a bed-cord in size. Os'er 150 men are employed, their products being shipped into every state in tiie Union. The president of the firm is Henrj' Gerwig; Jose])h Eentley, sec. and treas., and Abram Eentley, Jr., is supt. Standard Horse Nail Company was established in ISTii, and in- corporated in 1SS6 with a capital stock of $60,000. The orirf'inal firm consisted of Whysall & Merrick, but in 1880 Mr. Whysal! was suc- ceeded by E. E. Pearce. The works were burned in February, 18SG, but are now rebuilt and consist of a lai-ge In-ick building 30 by 158 feet, a machine shop 33 by 60 feet, and a boiler house 20 by 22 feet. Machin- ery of the latest improvements is used, and have a cajiacity of over one ton per day. The nail is made complete, from rod-iron, in one contin- uous ojieration. The oro-anization was effected in March. 188(i, under the followino- management: C. M. Russell, of Massillon, pres.; F. 8. Merrick, sec; C. M. Merrick, treas. ; E. E. Pearce, su]>t. of works. JVoveUy Iron Works. This establishment was opened in LsT-f, and their capacity has been twice doubled since that time. The ])lant covers a tract of ground 150 by 330 feet, which is covered by several buildings. The main one is a frame, and comprises several departments. Over 100 men are employed, and they turn out all sorts of coffee, corn and spice mills, builders' and house furnishing hardware, etc. Tlie proprietors are J. H. Logan and Turner Strorbridge. Daioes &, Myler. The works of this firm are in process of erection. The grounds comjrisefour acres, and the main building, together with the auxiliary structures, cover almost the entire plant. It is intended to manufacture cast-iron enameled hollow ware, plumbers' and .sanitary goods, etc., and although the market is yet prospective, arrangements have been made for the employment of over 150 workmen. New Brighton Glass Company was organized in January, 1886, under the management of C. N. L. Brudewold, and commenced the manufacture of flint, green and amber glass hollow-ware. The grounds cover four acres, and in the works, whicli are supplietl tliroughout with excellent machinery, are used the Armstrong & Thomas patent tank melting furnaces. Their capacity is over 100 tons weekly, and the value of their annual products is estimated at §150,000. Over 130 men are einployed. The organization of the comjiany is as follows : John Ken worthy, pres.; J. S. McClain, sec; F. McPhern, treas.; Ira Thomas, supt. Dithrid^je Flint Glass Company. This company secured possession 458 HISTCIKY OK liEAVER COUNTY. of the plant foiMiievly used l)y the Pittsburgh Cliain C()ni]i:uiy, and previous to that by tiie car works, and coniuienced operations in August, 1887, under the management of E. T). Dithridge, pres.; F. C. Win- ship,' sec, and George W. Dithridge. treas. On another page is given ;i liistory of the car factory, together with an account of the erection of the i)uilding. This hitter is 60 by 450 feet in dimensions, and is of brick,t\vo stories high. A hirge force of men (over 300) is kept running day and night by the company, and the products that tiiey turn out, consisting of every conceivable variety and shape of flint glassware, are ship})ed to every portion of tlie country. Kennedy's Keg Worl-x. The establishment, operated by M. T. & S. Kennedy, was opened several years ago in a small way, but expanding business necessitated increased" facilities, until now the firm controls as large buildings, as large a force of men— numbei-ing nearly 100 — and as Targe a trade as any in the state The specialty is white lead kegs, each one being manufactured from the rough staves into a finished, symmetrical keg, in less than a minute. These are ship])e(l to every portion of the country. The tirm now consists of E. S. Thomas, Will- iam, T. L. and George Kennedy. Star Flouring Jlills. This establishment was opened l)y Douglas & Co. in 1881, being of wood, three stories high, 1:0 liy 54 feet. Excel- lent machinery is supplied, employing live run of buhrs and two sets of roll. Water power furnishes the motive, and over sixty barrels ai-e tui-neroadway. The Churcli of God was organized in the year 1857, through the agency of Elder Abram Rayson, with nine charter members. Its num- bers have increased to one hundred, the limit of the present member- ship. It has a vigorous Sunday-school. About 1S60 a brick school- NEW BKIGHTON BOROUGH. 467 house was bouglit for church purposes, at a cost of about $1,000. In 1881 the house was rebuilt at an expense of $4,000. The official board consists of the pastor, Rev. W. H. McKelveen, who has occupied the place since 1882 ; elder, John Tinsman ; deacon, Henry Armstrong, and treasurer, G. F. Grieb. The annual ex]ienses of the congregation are $800. St. Joseph's Catholic Church. The formal existence of a Catholic congregation in New Brighton may be traced to the 14th day of April, 1863, when a number of resident members purchased of the United Presbyterians, for $500, a jilain brick church erected by them about 1838. The structure was 40 by 50 feet, very simple in appearance. After the purchase, the interior of the house was renewed, and the building was dedicated on the Gth of Dec. 1863, by Bishop Domenec. This cono-rec'ation Avas for a time connected with St. Rose's at O O Cannelton, and its first pastors were Revs. J. A. Shell and Basil Keating, wlio made monthly visits from Pittsburgh. In 1865 the first resident pastor was ajipointed — Rev. J. M. Mitchell. He continued his ministrations during the remainder of the year, when (February 1, 1866,) the bishop appointed Rev. J. C. Bigham to the chai'ge as the suc- cessor of Father Mitchell. This pastorate he continues to hold with great acceptance to his own members and the community generally. Shortly after his settlement in ISTew Brighton, Rev. Bigham purchased a pastoral residence which, including im])rovements, cost $3,529.15. In April, 1866, he ])urchased live acres of land for cemetery purposes. This tract is laid out in lots 8 by 16 feet, affording a desirable resting- place for the bodies of the departed. In April, 1870, a lot 180 feet square, with a brick residence upon it, was secured at a cost of $8,000. The ]iarsonage was sold for $3,100 cash, which sum, added to amounts obtained from fairs, subscriptions, etc., realized $6,000 to be made as an advance payment, leaving $2,000 to be secured by mortgage on the property. On this site the new church was to be erected, the corner-stone of which was laid Xov. 12, 1871. The tiimensions are 103 feet 6 inches by 53 feet 6 inches. In 1872 a temporary building called the " Wigwam" was erected within tlie walls of tlie foundation, with the view of raising funds for the erection of the main building. It served its purpose. The com- pleted basement was dedicated Oct. 17, 1875. The old church, though abandoned for a time, was finally rei)airedas a suitable place in whicli to hold fairs, festivals, etc. In it, too, was kept a cliurch library of some 400 volumes. On the 25th of June, 1876, this structure was 468 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. burned in the absence of the pastor, an incendiary having, at the still hour of midnight, reduced the edifice with its valuable contents to ashes, and thrown next to insurmountable obstacles in the way of com- pleting the new house and organizing a parochipl school. But the edi- fice is now tinished, and is a liandsome brick structure, complete in all its appointments. Wayman Chapel, A. M. E., was organized in 1869, under tiie pas- torate of Rev. Cornelius Asbury. The present organization is a. branch of the Bridgewater A. M. E. church. In 187S the old frame structure formerly occupied by the M. E. church was purchased, repaired at an expense of $5,000, and thoroughly fitted for service. Among tiie first members of the congregation were James Bruen, Sr., Mary Leland, Amelia Jackson, Annie Bruen, John Bruen. The succession of pastors is — Eevs. Cornelius Asbury, served three years; G. C. Sampson, three years ; T. A. Thompson, three years; John E. Russel, three years; G. T. Proser, three months ; J. J. Jones, six months ; Jesse Smith, two years; B. H. Morris, two years, and W. H. Brown, the pi-esent shep- herd, who came in October, 1885. Nearly all of these were graduates of the Western Theological Seminary of Allegheny. The present officers of the church are — Trustees, John Bruen, Dan- iel Sinrons, Harry Dawson, James Bruen and James Webster ; stew- ards, James Webster, John Bruen and Harry Dawson ; stewardesses, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Leland, Mary Simms, Lotta Bruen, Vina Steward, Annie Webb and Amelia Jackson. The church memijership is fifty -si.\ ; that of the Sunday-scliooi, of which James Webster is superintendent, is sixty. Both are in good condition, being out of debt, nnd free from all factional strife. M-yri ypClv /^ o/ CHAPTER XYII. FALLSTON BOROUGH. Location — Early Indian Trials — The First Settler — Location of THE ToWNSENDS -MaNOFACTURERS — EDUCATION PoSTMASTERS — IN- CORPORATION. THE borougli of Fallston is situated at tlie falls of Big Beaver I'ivei', aliout two miles from its mouth, in a region of great natural and historic interest. On the opjjosite or east side of the river is the beautiful and thrifty town of IsTew Brighton, with which it is connected by an iron bridge ; but, stronger yet, by tiie memory of pioneer con- flicts and privations. Proljalily no spot in I'eaver Valley was more noted for thrilling adventures with Indians, in jirimitive times, than the region of Fallston. Its close })roximity to the "Block House" on the opposite side of the river, occupied by troo})s to protect the defenseless inhabitants from the skulking savage, gave it special importance. The rich growth of deep- tangled underl)rush which covered its slopes and ravines afforded a lurking place for the treacherous Indian as he sought the opportunity of inflicting a fatal lilow upon the pale-face whom he regarded as his undying foe, and whose peaceable occupation presaged his own expul- sion from the liunting and fishing grounds of his ancestors. Near the end of the present bridge there is said to have been asmall])ond which was fringed with a heavy growth of briers and alder bushes. Within theii- deep-matted branches sat these dusky hunters awaiting a favor- able op])ortunity to send the fatal shot to the heart of the unwary white man as he pursued the usual vocations of either military or civil life. Not without a struggle did they relinquish these cherished haunts. Near the upper limits of the town is the gulch across whose enclosing hills Captain Brady trailed the Indian in his escape from the Ohio, and over which Colonel Henry Bouquet passed in hisexpedition of 1764. The pen of some gifted muse will \'et celebrate these scenes in appropriate verse. 471 472 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. It would, indeed, be very gratifying to be :ible to speak witli abso- lute certainty concerning the names and characteristics of tlie first set- tlers. They cannot be too highly honored for their heroic daring. But more or less of doubt connects with those early days. The first man to claim this wild region as Iiis own is said to have been John McKee, of McKeesport. The date of his land entry is not known ; but he announces himself as the first being to make any improvements. The first account of any negotations for land in this region is dated March IS, 179(!. In that year he agrees with one Levi B. Stewart, of Moon township, to give the latter " a part of his plantation that lies on the west side of Big Beaver creek opposite the block-house and begin- ning at a stone on Daniel Leet's corner on Big Beaver, then running up said creek about eighty jierclies to a small sugar tree on said bank, then to run a west course to Daniel Hill's line, thence along said line to Daniel Leet's, and so along said line to the place of beginning. This described ])art of said plantation, be it more or less, is to Ije said Stew- art's for living and clearing on his own part what the law requires. Said Levi B. Stewart Innds himself, his heirs, executors ami adminis- trators to live on, or cause some family to live on, the saiil plantation for tlie full term of five years, and to make an imjirovement as the law directs." Jan. 26, 1798, Mr. Stewart legall}' assigned the rights secured under the foregoing title to Joseph Wells, by whom in turn they were transferred, Jan. 2(5, 1799, to David Townsend. This was done to secure to Mr. Townsend a perfect title to some jiroperty bought by him from John McKee June 19, 1799, for the sum of $20u. A short time subsequent to this date a tract of about 100 acres of this land came into possession of a company consisting of David Town- send, Benjamin Townsend and Benjamin Sharpless, who, on the 13th of December, 1802, sold about one-third of it to Evan Pugh and Jolin Pugh, of Chester county. In the agreement between tlie parties, it was stipulated that ten acres of ground were to be cleared, and a pair of mill-stones set to work, the expense to be shared in pioportion to relative interests. In 1806 the Pugh Brothers erected a flouring mill wliich was operated for man v years. The structure was burned to ashes in 1859. About the 3'ear 1800, two years jirior tp the erection of the cliop- j>ing mill by the I'ughs, David Townsend had constructed a saw mill. In 1808 he built a mill for the manufacture of linseed oil, wliich l)ecame quite an important business, and gave merited notoriety to the valley. FALLSTON BOROUGir. 473 The same year (1808) Benjamin Towiiseiul Iniilt a structure for manufacturing and spinning cottons. lie i)rosecuted tlie lousiness vig- orously, uniting a store with his factory. In ISli his business passed into the hands of Tliorniley and Armitage. Subsequently the Pughs became partners. The firni greatly increased and enlarged its Inisi- ness, adding the weaving of cotton checks, etc. In 1809 Septimus Sharpless, having purchased a few shares of water power, established the first woolen factory in tlie valley. He carried on his business quite extensively until ISli, when he was suc- ceeded by Abel Townsend. As an outgrowth of this industry John Douglass erected, in 1812, a. buikling for the manufacture of carding machines. In 1823 Messrs. Marsh a.nd Stone added another important manu- facture to those already established, viz : that of making scythes. In the following year William Blanchard also engaged in the same busi- ness, and prosecuted it with success until 1836. In 1825 a paper mill was jnit iii opera,tion by Messrs. William Eichbaum and R. C'larlc Stockton. The place of Eichl)aum was subse- quently secured Ijv Mr. Johnston, the new firm being Johnston & Stockton. They cari'ied on merchandi/.ing in connection with manu- facturing. The year 1826 was signalized by the estalilishment of the wire and rivet mill, tli(> pi'ojectors being liobei't Townsend, Robert Beer, lieese C. Townsenil, and a ]\Ir. Baird, of Philadelphia. The firm name was R. Townsend & Co. Tiie business is still ])rosecuted under the tirni name of W. P. Townsend A: (Jo., Mr. Townsend being a son of Roljert Townsend. The "Co." part embraces two of the sons of ^V. P. Townsend, viz : E. P. and C. 0. In 1828 John Miner, M. F. Cliani|)lin and Mr. Mathers established a bucket and tub factory, which shortly became a leading industr3^ In a few years Silas Merrick became a partner, when the firm was changed to Miner & Merrick. In 1832 Mattiiew Gilliland began a merchandizing business in the place. The same year C. C. Wolcott, of Steubenville, Ohio, established a cotton factory. In 1836 it was changed to a factory for making jeans. It was pi'osperous, but has passed away. In 1832 Messrs. M. T. and S.Kennedy began the manufacture of cabinet and wheelwright ware. Subsequently tliey changed to the making of lead kegs. This business is still continued in a jn-osperous condition. The original members of the firm are deceased, but the 47-1: HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. new firm embraces representatives of the same name, viz : R. S. Ken- nedy, Thomas Kennedy, William Kennedy, T. L. Kennedy and George Kennedy. In 1835 Charles Lukens and L. Townsend established a sawmill which ran without interruption until 1864, when it was destroyed by fire. A new one took its place. The same year another linseed oil mill was built on the north end of the race by John Tugh A: Co. After a time it was convei'ted into a tub factory. About the same time Messrs. Miner & Co. erected on the former site of the Blanchard scythe factory an establishment for making buckets and tui)s. It was operated for many years, and then discon- tinued. In the year 1S.S7 Richard MoreJand succeeded David Townsend in the manufacture of linseed oil, which business he carried on for a period. He built at the lower end of the race a flouring mill, which was operated for several years by John Edgar, and then sold to Messrs. Sager & Co. In the line of present manufacturing industries maybe mentioned the establishment of M. & S. PI. Darragh, the history of which is given under the Bridge water borough; the flouring mills of S.D.Kennedy & Co.; the handle factory of S. A. Dickie & Sons, established about 1881, and the Fallston woolen mills, ojiened up in 1877 by Thomas Clarkson. The impetus given in the early part of this century to manufact- uring enterprises at the falls of Big Beaver has continued ; and today the addition of natural (ras as a means of furnishiui'- heat and liijlit will greatly increase the original impulse. In 1831 was established the " Fallston Academy.'' It was dedi- cated for school and religious purposes. Within its walls all relig- ious denominations were to have a free home. It met the demands of the village until it was converted into other than academy purposes. Its memories are precious to the parents of the children ^vho still fre- quent its walls. For an account of that important means of public enlightenment the press, the reader is referred to the general chapter on the subject, and for church matters to account of New Brighton borough. THE POSTOFFICE AND POST.MASTERS. The postoffice in Fallston (named so because it is the town at the Falls) was established June 25, 1829, when Hall Wilson was FALLSTON BOROUGH. 475 appointed postmaster. He was succeeded by Dr. E. K. CIiaml)erlin, June 3, 1833; Eliliu T. Puoli. May 8, 18-t6; Alfred G. McCreary Jan. 29, 1842; James Carothers, Nov. 19, 1845; Joseph McCreary, May 15, 1849 ; Andrew Jackson, Feb. 28, 1854; E. B. Thompson, June 10, 1854; Samuel Edgar, IMarch 29, 1855; Robert D. Cooper, June 15, 1857; Alexander G. Devenny, August 7, 1879; William V. Taylor, June 14, 1886; Benjamin Fi'imklin, No.v. 9, 1SS2; Mrs. y. J. Katara, April 15, 1886; Mrs. Katara having failed to qualify. Frederick Katara was appointed April 2, 1886. The office was discontinued June 1, 1857, but reestablished on the 15th of the same month. It was disc(jntinued a second time Nov. 6, 1860, but subsequently renewed. INCORPORATION. Fallston was regularly incorporated in 1829. At the November session of court, 1854, a petition signed by Joseph Thompson, burgess, John Jackson, G. N. Taylor, James Duncan, James Beacon, Samuel Kennedy, Albin Coats and Andrew Jackson, and approved by a num- ber of prominent citizens, was presented, asking that Fallston, in- corporated under the act of March 19, 1829, be incorporated under the act of A])ril 3, 1851, as the borough of Fallston. The decree was granted Nov. 30, 1854. CHAPTER XVITT. ROCIIESTEK I'.OKorGH. Location — Kailkdap FAeiLiriKs — Eaui.y A'amks — IIakkis' Dkscku-tion OF Fairpoet — Incorpokation' — Business in 1S41 — Boat Building — Early Citizens — Manifactiring ano Bisiness Activity — Hotels — Banks — Gas Companies — Cemeteries — Orphans' Home — Bublic SchojLS — Borough Officials— Postmasters — Churches — Societies. THIS Ijeautitul iiiul enterprising town is healtliluUy loeated in the an^-le made by the confluence of J^iji Beaver creek and the Ohio river, being on the east of the former and north of the hitter stream, some twenty-six miles below Pittsburgh. It has an excellent river front which gives shipping facilities by water superior to those of any other town in the county. It is a prominent one of a number of pros- perous towns grouped within a radius of six miles of the mouth of Big Beaver, viz: Freedom. Uochester, Phillipsburg. Beaver. Bridgewater, Sharon, Fallston, New Brighton and Beaver Falls. "Within its corporate limits unite three principal railroads: the Pittsburg. Fort "Wayne iV: Chicago, the Pittsburg vV: Erie, and the Cleve- land iV Pittsburg, affording superior opportunities for transporting freio'ht or uassengei-s to all iiarts of the countrv with ease and dis- patch. Cousitlering its location on the Ohio and Big Beaver, and its close proximitv to the Pittsburg iV- bake Erie Railroad at either Bea- ver or Phillipsbui'g. Iu)chester presents facilities for ingress and egress possessed by few towns in the land. The lofty hills overlooking the beautiful and majestic Ohio. •• l.a Belle Biviere." affording eligible sites for residences whose iniiabitants are ever free from threatening floods while they are regaled witii br(>ezes that guarantee health and long life. Tlie tii-st lots seem to have been laid out along the river, about 1S32, bv J. A. Sholes, near the present wharf. They comprised, all told, about four acres. About tlie same time a sawmill was erected by John M. Lukens, and ran successfully for a time. 476 ROCHESTER HoKOlKill. 477 In 1834 the tirst Ijciat, called "New Castle," began to ply from the landing at what was subsequently called Rochester. To accommodate the trade Mr. Siioles established a wai'ehouse on the bank in front of his residence. Prior to 1835 there were several names applied to what is now known as Rochester. East Bridgewater and Fairport are thus de- scribed by M. T. C. Gould in an article in Ilazzard's '' Register of Penn- sylvania" for that year: "East Bridgewater and Faii'port, quite in their incipient stage, promise soon to attain a respectable rank among their neiglibors. Mr. Ovid Pinney has invested some thirty thousand dol- lars in lands at the above places, and is preparing to build u|) a large town." "East Bridgewater," first applietl to that ])ortion directly oppo- site the present town of Bridgewater, was finally dro[)])ed, and in 1837 the term "Fairport" was applied to the entire collection of houses. In Isaac Harris' famous directory of Pittsburgh and vicinity for 1837, he gives a description of the place, saying : "It is one of the most eli- gible sites on the river. The landing is surpassed by none. In point of population it is in its infancy." lie predicted that Fairport would sometiuie be a place of large commercial, manufacturing and forwai'd- ing business. At that time it contained about two hundred inluiliit- ants. It had two large hotels, kept respectively by James McClain and E. Jackson. William Power had a large general store on the river bank in front of the boat landing. Its business interests were repre- sented by one forwarding and commission house, one lawj'er, one blacksmith, one fire-brick manufactory, one keel-boat yard, two lum- ber yards, one grocery and ten carpenters. A. M. Woodruff erected an e.Ktensive chair establishment that emploj^ed a numljer of hands. This new town was named Rochester by Ovid Pinney, its founder, who had laid out lots on what was known as the "Reserve Tract." Being an Eastern man, he chose to honor the, city in New York from which he came. It was i-egularly incorporated as a borough in 1838, having at the time a population of ai)Out tliree hundred. In 1841 its business interests were thus repi-esented in Hai-ris' Busi- ness Directory : MerchanU — Clarke & Co., William D. .Jdhiisoii, William Alexander, .James Fulton and William Waring. . . . Farmera—'Si. S. Reno, .John Reno, Joseph Irwin, John Davidson, Hugh McClain, James Black, William Moore, Lydia Reno, John Pink, Thomas McNamara, Diivid Trinels, Robert French, J. Kelley, W. Lagona, Mrs. J. Moore, George Hinds and Lewis Reno. . . . Physieians — F. R. Moore, A. F. Snider. . . . Justices of the Peace — Samuel Moore, Josepli Irwin. . . . Hotel Keepers —Jacob Jones, "U. S. Hotel," John Bolles, "Canal Hotel," H. Bauseman, "Fairport 478 HISTOKY OF liKAVEK COUNTY. Hotel." . . . S ikool-teachers — William McGowan and John Jlarshall. . . . Bout Bnild- «»•«— James Porter, Robert French ami John H. Whistler. . . . Canal Boat Captains — Capt. Woods, Thomas Campbell and John Stiles. . . . Steamboat Pilots. — William Hamilton, Francis Reno, William Reno, Crate Reno, A. Fisher and Jes=e Nunny. . . Boatmi-n — John Javens, William Powers, James Murray and J. Crane. . . Engineers and Snrmyors — Abner P. Lacock and Atlas E. Lacock. . . . Blacksmiths — J. Jackson R. Jackson, J. Coo.ster. . . . Shoemakers — A. Fowler, ^Mr. 8nii11i. . . . Car- penters — H. Jackson, S. Powell. S. Keys, J. Hart, J. Umstead and Milo Moore. . . . Chair MakersSamael WoodrulT. .1. Thompson, J. jMcCrum and J. B. Hill. . . .Gar- deners — W. Mclntire and Abraham Hall. . . . Boardincj House — John O'Connor. . . Teamsters — John Wasson, John Inglis, Lawrence Marquis. . . . Laborers — D. Cable, R. Jackson, J. McKeever and J. Parrish. . . . Miscellaneoiis—A . Smith, tailor ; John M. Lukens. clerk; John Webster, locK-keeper canal; Mr. Bailey, miller; C. Geer, liiii l)er- man;Ed. Gillespie, cooper; W. Lief, stonemason: Horatio N. Frazier, gentleman; J. B. Shurtleff , editor Beaver Patriot: Samuel Barnes, firebrick maker. It is claimed that as early as 1825 Samuel Moore, one of the primitive settlers of Beaver Valley, engaged in boat building. He constructed keel boats for use on the Lower Mississippi. Amonir the earlv citizens of Kocliester and its vicinitv were Rev. Francis Eeno, and his sons Lewis and William ; Abner Lacock, George Hinds, William Porter, John Stiles, Samuel Stiles, Sylvester Dunham, John Boles, Wilson Frazer, John M. Lukens, Hamilton Clark, James A. Sholes, Frederick E. H. Speyerer, Samuel Powers and George C. Speyerer. Many of them and tlieir descendants are still living factors of the modern town. The population by the census of ISSO was 2,552. This number is irreatlv increased l)v the enumeration of 1887. MANlTACTUKlNt;, ETC. Rochester is favorably situated for manufacturing pur])oses. (1) It is within easy reach, by rail and river, of extensive coal fields that supply abundant and cheap fuel for domestic and manufacturing pur- poses. (2) It is immediately contiguous to inexhaustible supplies of natural gas, which is furnished by competing coiiipanies at rates so low as to place it within the reach of all. (3) It is on the track of the leading river and railroad lines of communication, affording an expe. (litioiis and reliable means of transporting its products, both crude and manufactured, to all parts of the world. (4) It is blessed with a healthful location that secures advantages of incomparable value alike to the families of capitalists and lal)orers. (5) School, church and societv advantages are all that could be desired in those partieidars. Rochester began earlv to avail herself of these natural advan- tages. Years ago she was fortunate in having the stimulating presence Oi^^^^^Jy^ ^^- KOCIIKSTEE BOEOUCiH. 481 of a most reinark;il)le man, Marcus T. C. Gould. By many he was considered somewhat visionary in liis ideas, and pi-obably he was ; but, ■without personni capital, exce])t a l)Uoyant nature and a disposition to utilize the natural advanta^-es which he beheld in such rich profusion about him, he was instrumental in interesting ca|)ital in the develop- ment of the vai'ious towns of the valley. With his scheme to establish at tlie mouth of l]ig Beaver river a vast city to be known as Beaver City, and embrace ten neigh l)oring- villages, not as wards, but as distinct cor])orations. was the establishment of a mammoth car building establishment under the organization known as the "Roch- ester Manufacturing Com])any," of which he was chairman. Though it failed to meet the expectations of its sanguine founder, it called attention to the manufacturing facilities of the i-egion, and made possible in the future nu)re successful ventures in other directions. Its walls still stand as a reminder of the vast ]ilans which its founder had ])rojected, and may yet i)e utilized in a way to justify more than was ever promised in their Ijehalf. liochester has achieveil a deserved i-epntation as a place for the manufacture of glass. In 1872 was established the leading business interest of the town, the Rocliester Tnmhier TFo/'A'.s-. Five acres of the Lacock propert}' were purchased, and a com])any organized «ith the following stockholders: Jesse IT. Li])j3incott, Henry C!. Fi'v, Samuel Moulds, William Moukls, iSanuicl N. Kane. liichard Welsh, Thomas Cari", William (Jarr, Robert Carr and John Carr. The first otticers elected have never been changed, viz.: Henry C. Fry, pres.; Jesse II. Lippint^ott, sec. and treas., and Samuel N. Kane. mangi\ The shares of stock were originally iS.")Ob, but have under the skill- ful management of the com)iany greatly a])])reciated in value. The i)uildings are good and spacious, covering a large portion of the original tract purchased. The works embrace four large glass furnaces, one of which is said to be the largest in the world, its diameter being thirtv- two feet, ami height to the top of the slack 152 feet. Tlie machinery is all of ihi' most impi'oved kind. The leading ]iroduct is tumblers, the yield being annually about half a million dollars' worth. These proilucts have hitherto been shijiped to all parts of tlie woi'ld : but owing to the development of simihir establishments in England, the sales ar(^ moi-e thoroughly conliiic(l to the ITnited States than formci'ly. To accomplish this vast amount of work i'e(|uires the emjilovment of from .")."iO to r)(io hands of all ages and both sexes, necessitating a 482 HISTORY OF BEAVER COTJNTV. bi-weekly payment of some $7,000. Tliis disbursement twice a month (and it has never failed to occur since the organization of the company) is of great importance to the business prosperity of the town. The Dinlcey Worl's, under the management of Mr. John D. Carter, are one of the business enterprises of importance to the town. Messrs. Irwin & McLaughlin, the proprietors of the plant, leased the premises to Mr. Carter in 1885. With the use of natural gas, and four pots of spacious dimensions, he is actively engaged in manufacturing flasks, brandy bottles and prescription vials, using on an average three tons of glass daily. The Point Bottle Wo)'hs, Limited, began business in 1880; but the present management succeeded in securing control only in 1SS2. The building pro[)er, situated at the confluence of tlie Ohio and Big Beaver rivers, in close proximity to the P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. & P. I'ail- ways, is 75 feet sijuare. The company has also a commodious warehouse and packing room, each 65 liy lUO feet, and an office 2U by 25 feet. The fuel used is natural gas. The annual trade amounts to about $100,000. The products — vials, whisky flasks, beer bottles, fruit jars — have an extensive sale. The president of the company, P. McLaughlin, is an active business citizen of Rochester. In April, 1883, was organized the Love Manufactitring Company. Its purpose was to produce the " Love Sewing and Button-hole Machine." The building used, situated on a plat of ground extending from the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway to the Ohio river, is a brick structure, two stories in height ; the main part being 50 by 180 feet, to which is attached an "L," 50 by 150 feet. The engine-room, contain- ing an engine of eighty horse-power, is 50 feet square. This company, employing a large number of hands constantly, and ])roducing a machine that needs only age to give it a reputation with the standard products of that class in the countrv, is one of the valuable agencies in the growth of the town. The Olive Stove Wools, LJmited, began in 1872, under the guidance of the Herrington Brothers. In 1879 the ownership changed, ami a company consisting of John Conway, president, J. R. Eakin. secretary and treasurer, and S. G. AVoods, superintendent, took possession. The main building is a substantial brick structure, consisting of two stories and a basement, and measuring 48 by 100 feet. It is used for fitting, storage and offices. The molding-room is (J5 by 100 feet, antl the engine-house and cleaning-room 22 by 60 feet. The products embrace cooking and heating stoves of different kinds ROCHESTER BOROUGH. 483 and ranges. The " Boom," the " Improved Bonanza," tlie " Olive" and the "Bonanza" are cooking-stoves to which they have deservedly given a wide reputation. Two varieties of ranges, " Olive A" and " Olive B," fashioned from patterns made by A. S. Vedder & Co., of Troy, N. Y., have given them notoriety in supplying that useful outfit for the large kitchen. This industry gives lucrative employment for some thirty operatives, and sends its wares Avherever good goods are properly appreciated. The firm known as MeK)ii(fht d- Son embraces two partners, J. and AV. J. ]\IcKnight. It occupies a site near the river bank, at the junction of New York and Water streets. The building is 80 by 100 feet, including a spacious casting hall, in which thej^ can reduce and run five tons at a melting. They produce several varieties of cooking-stoves, embracing the "Improved Howard," "Servant A," "Sei-vant B" or " Plain Servant," and the "Star." Employing no traveling salesmen, they yet send their wares extensively through various parts of Penn- svivania and Ohio. The Keystone Planing Mill and Box Factory began in 1869, when AVilliam ]\[nller was associated witii Messrs. Dobson and Trax. In 1875 the two gentlemen last named retired from tlie firm, leaving Mr. Miller sole proprietor, which position he held until 1SS3, when he took his two sons. Joiin A. and George W., into partnership. The firm name of William Miller it Sons has been em])l<)yed since that date. The build- ings occupied haveljeen erected at various times, as necessity demanded. At present they practically cover a lot lit) by 150 feet. In addition, a yard capacity of 20O liy 300 feet meets the demaiuls of business. The manufactui'ed goods consist of sash, dooi's, Hooring, Ijlinds, frames, moldings and boxes. Lumbei", dressed and undressed, is car- ried in vast quantities. The firm carry on building on contract, and ship extensively to adjoining towns and country. L. II. Oatniairs Lnmher-yard and Sash Factory is an old and impor- tant industry of the place. For about thii-ty years the proprietor, L. H. Oatman, has conducted his business. Hebeffiui in 1858 with an eiohteen horse-power engine, which enabled him to cut about 400,000 feet of lumber annually. II is business grew steadily, so that in 1868 the humble shed in which he began was sujiplanted by the present fine structure, three stories high, and measuring 50 by 120 feet. The greater portion of his raw material comes from the Alleghenies. He possesses exten. sive facilities for cutting timber, and preparing all kinds of sash, doors, blinds, and dressed or undressed lumber. 484 HISTORY OF BEAVE1{ COUNTY. The Rochester Planing J/ill was established in ISTd, and lias been steadily growing ever since. The present ownership— J. Wood- ruff and his son, G. E. Woodruff, — dates liack to 1877. The factoiy, situated near the depot, is a three-story structure, 40 by lUU feet. It is well supplied with modern machinery, and run by a thirty hoi'se- power Engine fed by natural gas. The products of the mill, dressed lum- ber, doors, sash, blinds, etc., are eagerly sought by an appreciative public. The American Fire-Brick Workn were established by the late Samuel Barnes, in 1840, and tliey have grown in size and importance ever since. The ground occupied by these works includes six and one-half acres. On this tract are the various buildings as follows: Mill-house, 40 by 100 feet; dry house. 90 by 100 feet; live kilns with a daily capacity of 18,000 to 20,000 brick ; ]inttern shop, 20 by 30, and an office 18 by 35 feet. The ponderous machinery employed is moved by an engine of seventy-tive horse-power. The material used in burn- ino- furnace and mill-brick is obtained from the Alleohenv mountains. The ]iroducts of the works, fire-brick for puddling and heating furnaces, blast furnaces, hearths and boshes, constitute their specialties. These are shipped to all parts of the United States. The present organization of the company controlling these works, since 1884, is as follows: Joseph Bentley, president; James Douglas, fore- man; and A. Whisler, bookkeeper and secretary. In 1807 George Agner secured an acre of ground near the pres- ent tumbler works, and opened a brick yard, at first with capacity for producing only 400,000 bi'ick per 3'ear; in a few years this limit was doubled. In 1880 he secured four acres additional ground, and now produces annually about 2,000,000 brick. Across from the Rochester depot stands a fine four-story brick structure known as the Rochester Flour Mills, the firm name being Karcher & Co. It the only mill of the kind in town, and possesses the capacity of producing one hundred barrels dail}'. Its nnichinery is moved by a si.\ty-five horse-power engine which is fed with gas. G. II. Karcher supervises the office and finances. Captain J. E. Campbell, the selling and shipping, while M. Tinstman, chief miller, attends to the manufacturing processes. The cooperative idea is put to the practical test by the Riverside Carriage Works. Its object is to su])ply the trade with an excellent quality of vehicles. The wood de])artment is managed by B. F. Mc- Caugue; the smith work by N. S. Otto ; trimming liy Frank Feyler, and painting bj' J. Sheidemantel. The works are near the depot. EOCHESTER BOEOUGH. 485 Other industries are well represented : Dry goods stores, drug stores, iiardware stores, grocery stores, millinery establishments, furniture dealers, stove and tinware dealers, livery stables, boot and shoe stores, marble works, meat markets, merchant tailors, liquor stores, real estate agencies, etc., etc. — these are all rej^resented in Rochester. To describe them in detail would be to make a simple director\% which is not our purpose. HOTELS. The town is amply supplied with the modern traveler's home — the hotel. The Doncaster House, a frame structure 60 by 100 feet and four stories high, was erected in 1872. It has thirty-seven sleeping rooms, two public and one [)rivate f)arlor, a commodious dining room, an office and a spacious sample room. It was built by Eichard Don- caster, and at his death beca-me the property of his two daughters, the present proi)rietors. Its manager is J. Newton Dowell. The St. James Hotel is situated near the boat landing, and has a pleasant view of the Ohio river. It is a brick structure, three stories in heiglit, 00 by 60 feet, and was built more than forty years ago. C. H. Clark has been its manager since 1875. The Pavilioib Hotel is locatetl on Water street. Its manager, Michael Camp, has had charge of it since 1862. Prior to that time, from 1851, lie had liad control of the old "Rochester House." BANKS. The oldest of the present banking institutions of Rochester is the house of Jolm Conwaij tfc Co. It was established in 1871. It does a general banking business; receives deposits, grants discounts, makes collections and issues drafts on New York and Pittsburgh. Its build- ing is a pleasant one, 18 by 60 feet in size, and well adapted to the purpose. Beaver Coimty Banhimj and Safe Deposit Association. Such is the name of an institution established in 1873 and located on New York street. Its officers are — L. II. Oatinan, pres.; II. J. Spey- erer, casli.; James G. Mitchell, teller; directors: L. II. Oatman, G. C. Speyerer, Daniel Brenner, A. W. McCoy, A. J. Mink, H. J. Speyerer and James G. Mitchell. It does a general banking business, and makes collections. The First iVational Bank was incorporated in June, 1883, with a capital stock of $50,000, which may at the pleasure of the stock- holders be increased to 0200,000. It does a general business. The 486 HISTORY OF liKAVEK COUNTY. officers are — president, Henry C. Fry ; cashier, W. S. Shallenberger. Its directors, embracing the president and cashier, are : Jesse H. Lip- pincott. I. F, Mansfield, A. C. Hurst, John M. Buchanan and John J. Hoffman. GAS COMPANIES. Rochester has recourse to two comjianies for heating and ilhimin- ating purposes. The first, tlie Bridy November of that year pipes had been laid from its source of supply, the " Henry Zimmerly well," near New Shef- field, to Rochester and adjoining towns, a distance of some seven miles. This supply gave a new impetus to business in this region, being a much cheaper and more desirable fuel than bituminous coal. The company is thus officered: President, Judge Henry Hice, of Beaver; vice-president, F. Fisher, of Pittsburgh; treasurer, A. W. Mellon, of Pittsburgh ; secretary, H. Buchanan, of Pittsburgh ; superintendent, Thomas F. Galey, of Rochester. On the 17th of May, 1887, was incorporated, with a view to still further reduce rates of fuel and light, the Rocltester Heat and Light Compaibij. Its board of incorporators embraced Perry Brown, .John Conway, J. H. Cunningham, W. P. McConnell, Hartford P. Brown, Henry M. Camp and A. W. McCoy. From these the following officers were chosen : President, W. P. McConnell ; secretary, Hartford P. Brown ; treasurer, John Conway ; superintendent, H. M. Camj). The vigorous competition between these companies secures cheap and abundant fuel to the community. CEMETEKIES. The town has two " Cities of the dead," Lacock's and Irwin's cemeteries. The latter is being used more than the other at present. orphans' home. The Rochester Orphans' Home originated about 1851 in the city of Pittsburgh, Dr. W. A. Passavnnt being the chief patron. Wiien parents died from cholera or any other contagious disease, their children were deprived of both home and attention. This necessity prompted the Doctor to establish a home for such as were thus desti- tute. In particular, these children t'anie fi-om Chicago and other places. In 1861 the institution thus begun in Pittsburgh was, removed to Rochester, and permanently located on a l)eautiful hillside ti'act of EOOHESTEIi liOEOUGH. 487 seventy-five acres donated I'm' that ])iii'p()se. It was tirst intended to be a widows' home ; but at tiie suggestion of Dr. Passavant, it was changed to an orphans' lionie. It is intended exclusively for girls; the boys of the church (Lutheran) being accommodated at a similar institution in Zelienople, Butler count}'. The first building was erected in 1863, and the others in 1864, the frame having been standing when the home was founded. It has no endowment, but is supported by voluntai-y contributions. The home o]iened in 1861 with eighteen children; the present number is thirty -four, their ages varying from one to eighteen j'ears. It is regularly incorporated under the laws of the state. Its board of management consists of Eev. W. A. Passavant, president and superin- tendent; Revs. vS. A. Waters and AV. A. Ehode, directors; Miss Eliza- beth Hup))erts, matron. Miss liupperts came from Germany in 1849, to take charge of the institution in Pittsburgh, whence she came to Rochester. PU13LIC SCHOOLS. About forty years ago the citizens of Rochester borough Iniilt, ]iartly bv sul)sei'iption and partly by taxation, a small two-story frame building for the purjiose of holding I'eligious services by all denomina- tions, there being at tliat time no church edifices in the borough; also a one-story Ijuilding for a public school. Such were the only school facilities until 1861, when, proving insutticient, the school board built one-hulf of the present brick school-house in Ward No. 1. In a few years they had to iloulile tlie capacity by building four additional rooms. In 1884, the borough being divided into two wards, a fine two- story brick school-house was built, with four rooms. The enrollment of pupils at present (ISSTj is between six and seven hundred. BOROUGH OB'FICIAI.S. The following were the borough officials for 1886: Town Council — R. A. Purvis, president; G. F. Lukens, Aug. Ileller, Sani'l Kane, li. C Fry, N. F. Hurst; H. M. Levis, clerk. Board of Trade. Directors: Aaron Wilson, C. W. ychi'o[)p, John J. Hofifman, John A. Miller, A. W. McCoy, W. M. Evans, li. J. Spey- erer, B. F. Ellis, Fred Marquart. Olticers— Aaron Wilson, president- John Linnenbrink, treasurer; John A. Miller, vice-president; A. W. McCoy, secretary. Members— W. H. Black, W. M. Evans, W. A. Smith, John J. Iloffniiin. John Sharp, Lewis Schneider, John W. ^gg IIISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Calder James P. Workman. Aaron Wilson, Thomas F. Wilson, T. II. Hodson B. F. Ellis, A. Heller, C. W. Schropp, John A. Miller, Ired Marquart, A. Hartzell, H. J. Speyerer, G. C. Speyerer John Lmnen- brink, A. W. McCoy, J. Woodruff, A. M. Johnson, Kirk & E wing, J. W Hawkins, H. P. Brown, W. H. Hurst, N. F. Hurst, A. Huth, G. Bentel, J. A. Adams, J. W. Dilly, S. R. Lloyd, J. F. Smith. POSTMASTERS. The following- is a complete list of the postmasters of tlie borough from the establishment of the office to the present day, together with the dates of api.ointment: EoUin G. Parks, Oct. 1, 1849; Kobert Smith Feb 25 18,V2: Chester W. Bloss, June 3, 1853; John S. Shepler, July 31, 1861; Thomas M. Taylor, March 19, 18G2; re-appointed Dec. 11, 1872; Williamson Graham, bee. 22,1876; re-appointed Jan. 20, 18(9, and Jan. 29, 1883; William H. Black, Feb. 28, 1887. CHURCHES. The town of Rochester has always had a sufficient number of churches to meet the demands of the various classes of citizens The following records will prove interesting and prolitable to all readers of this volume : ... Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. This organization began under the labors of Rev. W. A. Passavant, D.D., in vhe year of grace 1854 Its initial point was in the " Old Plow Factory." In the list of its charter members were- Mrs. G. C. Speyerer, Mrs. Mary Beener, Paul lleberlin- and wife, Mrs. Bean. Mrs. Rhodes and probably some others whose names cannot be recalled. It will be noticed that the sex of mother Eve was largely represented in the organization ol this new congregation. , , ■ - i It has used four different places of worship. As already intimated its first meetings were held in the '■ Old Plow Factory." Subsequently use was made of the school building of the town for that piu'pose This answered sufficiently till the building known as the - Grave Church" was obtained. The corner-stone of this structure was laid on the 3d of July, 1855. The building was destroyed by fire on the 91st of Deceiiil)er, 1883. The present commodious edihce, the fourth place of worship used by the congregation, cost some $6,000 Its corner- stone was laid June 28, 1885. and the structure was formally .ledicated April 25, 1886. . „r a x. + Its list of pastors has embraced the following : W. A. Passavant, III)., for a period of ten years; J. P. Hentz, a few months; H. Reck, ^al 4/ fij ROCHESTER BOROUfiH. 491 SIX years; II. W. Roth, D.D., eiglit years; C. 11. Hemsotli. five and one-half years; aiul J. AV. Myers, tlie present incuml_)eiit. Tlie church has been sujiplied at various times by II. E. Jacobs, D. D.; L. IIa])pe, R. E. Zimmerman, A. Ramsey, Prof. D. McKee, Prof. Wliitaker and A. N. Bartholomew. It lias a membership of 140, and is enjoying a prosperous growth. Trinity Episcopal Church of Rochester was organizetl in May, 1851, by Rev. W. II. Paddock, missionary of Western Pennsylvania. In its list of chaiter members were the following : John Reno, J. S. Clark, AVilliam Hurst, William B. Owen, Captain Daniel Stone, Francis Reno, Cajitain John M. Cook and D. W. C. Bidvvell. The church edifice was erected the same year under the direction of Rev. Joseph P. Taylor, the first rector. He was then in charge of the congregations at New Brighton and Rochestei', as well as of tlie Kenwood school. The lot on which the house stands was donated by Mai'cus T. C. Grould, then acting as agent for the New York Land Company — he having shown similar generosity to other congregations in the town. The first rector was Rev. J. P. Taylor. He was succeeded by Revs Charles Spaulding, William Ballard, John K. Karcher, Thomas Martin. John London, J. A. Farrar and Tliomas J. Danner, the present incumbent. The ])resent official board emi)races — vestrymen: J. Adams, B. F Scott, Charles Hurst and Josejth Miller; wardens: J. R. Pen- dleton and Samuel Moulds. The church edifice and the rectory, con" sisting of eight rooms, are valued at .^7,. EiMngelical xissoci(itierslii]) nund)ers 375. The Sunday-school, which had an existence in the t(_)wn hall ])rior to the organization (jf the church, has an enroll- ment of 30O. Its su])erintendent is A. AVhisler; assistant superintend- ent, J. R. Niblo. iSt. Paurfi Kvancjelical Lutheran i'Jnirch {(u'nnan). This C(jiii're. F.. was organized Jan. 2-1, 1880. This charter wr.s issued in lieu of one granted Nov. 22, 1871, but subsequently surrendered. The names of the charter ukmu- bers are — S. M. Kane, Fi'ank Robinson, William II. Anderson, Will- iam II. Bair and James Hill. The first officers stood as follows: S. M. Kane, N. G.; Frank Ilobinson, Y. G.; William H. Anderson, secy.; William H. Bair, asst. secy.; James Hill, treas. Since that time Frank Eobinson, AVilliam II. Bair, Samuel B i-own, John Purvis, A. Ease, Z. T. Ringiron, A. C. Brobeck, John A. Spratley, Charles B. Scott, Will- iam Waite, James R. Olcott, William T. McRoberts, John W. Ewing, John R. Cook and Edward Hughes have occupied the chair of noble grand; and William II. Anderson and Charles Olmstead the chair of secretary, the latter having served continuously from the summer of 1881 to the present time. He has kindly furnished the material for this report. The ])resent corps of officers embraces — Edward Hughes, N". G.; J. Mead Patterson, V. G.; Charles Olmstead, sec; William C. Brother- ton, asst. sec; A. B, Miller, treas. The number of members is 13ii. The general condition of the lodge is good, it being possessed of assets to the amount of $5.<>(ih. It owns a fair -amourt of stock in the Rochester opera house, usually known as the Rochester Improvement Comi)anv. Q 'r^i^^^./^^^^ZId ROCHESTER BOROUGH. 501 Junior O. r. A. M. This organization proclaims to the world the Fdllowing objects: First— To maintain and protnole tlie interests of Americans, and shield tlicm from the depressing effects of foreign competition. Second— To assist Americans in obtaining employment. Third — To encourage Americans in business. Fourth— To establish a sick and funeral fund. Fifth— To maintain the public-school system of the United States of America, and to prevent sectarian interference therewith, and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible therein. The objects of this order shall not be altered unless proposed in writiu? at a previ- ous stated meeting, and a copy of the said alteration shall be transmitted to each member of thi^ body, and, if adopted, the alteration shall be submitted to the members of the order for a vote thereon, and if approved by a majority, the aheration shall become part of this constitution. It lias in the borough two councils, as follows: GarfieUl Council. Xo. II4, organized Dec. 31, 1881, by special Dep. Frank T. Rossiter, of Smoky City Council No. 119, Pittsburgh, Pa. First officers: Councilor, John S. Varner; vice-councilor, Jo.seph Brobeck; rec. sec, W. B. Edelblute; as.st. rec! sec.,L.P. Weinman; fln. sec, Joseph I. Reno; treas., Frank Hays; con. , H. L. Morgan; warden, Jas. Varner; I. S., David Aldridge; O. S., Wra. W. Ha.stings; trustees, IL L. Morgan, Al. French, C. H. Lindner Place of meeting. Odd Fellow.s' Hall, s'ochester Council, Ao. UO, organized Saturday evening, November 27, 1886, by State Vice-Coun- cilor Plarry A. Keil, of Bainbridge Council No. 128, Pitlsburgh, Pa. First officers: Co\incilor, J. F. Bi.\by; vice councilor, James M. Hazen; rec. scc.,W.T. McRoberts; asst. rec. sec, S. M. Hervey; fin. sec, W. A. llartzell; treas., W. H. E. Spratley; cond., W. W. Hastings; warden, Wm. Brown; I. S., B, F. Ellis; O. S., Jas. R.' Douglass: junior past councillor, A. W. McCoy; trustees, A. W. McCoy, B.F. Ellis C. W. Schropp; representatives, A. W. McCoy, W. T. McRoberts." ' Number of members Sept. m, 188T, forty-one. Place of meeting. Odd Fellows' Hall. EveniiHj Stl,ir.« of Temperance was organized April 1 T. 1 sT'.i, by M. C. L. Fisher. Its li.'st officers were Samuel M. Kane, S. C; N. G. Welsh, V. C; D. li. IJlaine, P. C; W. Moulds, chap.; W. Peach, fin. sec ; Samuel Brown, treas.; Robert'Les- He, herald ; John Mcllvaine, guard ; Charles K'uuvan, sentinel. The ■order meets in Odd F(>]lows Hall, corner Adams street and Dublic 502 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. square, every second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. The present membership (1887) as reported by H. M. Levis, secretary, is twentv-eight. -r . r. The W. C. T. U. was organized Marcli 23, 1882, by Mrs. J. S. Kutan and Mrs. Eev. SatterfieUl, of Beaver, and Mrs. Eli Reno, of Allegheny City The following ladies were members of the organization: Mrs. J H. Chandler, Mrs. H.C. Fry, Mrs. Thomas Muse, Mrs. Aaron Wilson, Mrs. S. H. Bonsall. Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. A. L. Reno, Mrs. T. S. Hodg- son, Mrs. Gilbert Pendleton, Miss Maggie Nannah and Miss Mary I. Reno The first officers embraced Mrs. J. II. Cliandler, pres.; Mrs. H. C Fry, vice-pres.; Mrs. Thomas Muse, treas.; Miss Maggie Nannah, rec. sec; Mrs. Marv I. Reno, cor. sec. The present corps (1887) consists of Mrs. A. L. Reno, pres.; Mrs. M. Laughlin, vice-pres.; Mrs. T. S. Hoilg- son, treas,; Mrs. Aaron Wilson, sec; membership, twenty -five. The Beaver county W. C. T. U. held its annual session with this union, Auo-ust 25, 1887. Interest in its special work is increasing, resulting in an efficient unity of action. Rochester Post, No. 183, G. A. R., was organized July 7, 1880, witii the following as charter members: J. H. Stewart, H. C. Fry, W. S. Shallenberger, II. J. Chandler, A. Val. WoodrufP, Thomas Mathews, Thomas Carr, William D. Reno, S. A. Craig, S. J. Swager, ^N . J. Ware R. F. Mcllvaine, J. II. Hay, William Moulds, Williamson Graham.^ Of these the following were elected officers: P. C, H. C. Fry; S. Y. C, W S. Shallenberger ; J. V. C, J. H. Stewart; Chap , H. J. Chandler ; Suro-., S. A. Craig ; Q. M., Williamson Graham ; O. D., Thomas Math- ews''- Adj , A. Val. Woodruff, and wei'e reelected Jan. 1881, for the reason that thev onlv held their offices for a fractional part of a term. Januarv 4, 1887, the following officers were installed: P. C, Will- iamson Graham; S. V. C, John Stitham ; J. V. C, R M French; Chap, S. T. Dodd; Surg., Stephen Stone; Q. M., John S. Anderson; O D., Thomas Mathews; O. G., William Keep; Adj., John Ragan. Colonel James II. Stewart, who is now dead, was the first to origmate and agitate the organization of the post here, out of which grew Free- dom Post, Smith's Ferry Post, Ohioville Post and Beaver Post, all of which are in a prosperous condition. CHAPTER XIX. BRIDGEWATER BOROUGH. Locatiox-Okigin of Sharon-Major Robert Darragh-Aaron Burr 8 Boat Building-Sharon in 1837-In 1S41-Incorporation OF Bridgewater-Laying Out the Town-Beaver Point— BrIDGEWATER in lS41-MANnFACTURES-H0TELS-ScH00LS-S0CIE- ties — Churches. TTTIIAT is now Bridgewater is the result of tJie consoUdation in V V 186S, by act of the legislature, of the Uvo towns of Sharon and Lridgewater. It is situated along and on the west side of Big Beaver river, extending from its contfuence with the Ohio back to Fallston borough; and tV.mi Big Beaver to the limits of the town of Beaver. The earliest permanent settlement within the limits of the present town was made, m the Sharon part, probably about 1798 or 1799 The first settler took u,. the lands constituting the triangular fiat made bv the confluence of iirady's Run and Big Beaver river. On this flat was built up a village which was given the beautiful scriptural name of Sharon, indicative <.f the religious character of the primitive inhab- itant. The first building erected in the place was the one used by Maior Robert Darragh, as a place of public entertainment bv the people who visited the Beaver Valley, as well as by the manv people who, crossino- B.g Beaver at its mouth, passed along the road on its western bank to their new homes in Ohio and the far West. It was used too as a boarding place for the managers of the work done for Burr's* exiiedi t ion by Dr. McC ashn^and wife, and the Constable brothers. thing o 'ii7o„" B^u.rzi"^i:^S^^ 503 504 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. A second important building of those primitive times, since known as the " Old Eed Front," was erected in 1803 by Messrs. Iloopes, Town- send & Co. for Isaac Wilson, a native of Baltimoi'e, l)y whom it was used for general merchandising purposes. It was the place at which the settlers of tiie neighborhood secured supplies for their families. Three years sul)secjuent to the l)uilding of the " Old Red Front," (1806), Sharon became famous as the point whei'e Aaron Burr fitted up a portion of the vessels to be used in establishing- his celebrated north- western empire. The site of his boat-building is j'et pointed out by the older inhabitants. The boat-yard was located on the triangular flat already mentioned, and was for a short period the scene of unusual activity. The point was wisely selected, being near the Ohio river down which the expedition was to sail, and in a favorable place on Big Beaver, well supplied with timber, saw mills, laborers, and other necessary requisites. in her councils what Washington saved by his sword and Fabian prudence, was a patriot too incorruptil)le to look coldly on, and see the rise of an viuprincipled spirit whose intel- lectual capacity only equaled his want of principle. To the eye of Hamilton, Burr was in politics what Benedict xVrnold had been in Ihe field, and his opposition to his designs partook of that keen and stern character which ever made Hamilton so lerrible to the enemies of the true rights of his country, [In a letter to Oliver Wolcott, dated New York, December 16, 1800, referring lo a choice between .Jefferson and Burr for the presidency. Hamilton used the following lan- guage: " As to B. there is nothing in his favor. His private character is not defen- sible by his most partial friends. He is bankrupt beyond redemption, except by the plunder of his country. His public principles have no other spring or aim than his own aggrandizement, H he can he certainly will disturli our institutions, to secure himself permanent power, and with it, wealth. He is truly the Catalineof America."] They met at length on the dark and bloody ground, about two miles above Hobo- ken, on the .Jersey shore, opposite New York. Hamilton fell, and as he fell, the earthly prospects of Burr darki'ned into thick-ribbed gloom. Immediately after this catastrophe, the conduct of Burr began to excite attention. He frequently took sudden, rapid and distant jovirneys, disguised .so as not lo be known on the road. One week he would be seen at his oHice in New York, the next in a distant city, as if he had dropped from the clouds. It was at first supposed that he was suffering the agonies of remorse for the murder of Hamilton, but the eye of the government soon detected the jjreparation for .some act of violence. Arms and men had been gathered at different jjoints, either for the division of the United States, or for a descent upon Mexico, or for both objects blended. He was arrested in the remote West and carried in irons for many miles through a country over whose senate he had presided as the .second officer of the government, to the place designated for his trial. He was acquitted of the charge of treason, but the irrevocable sentence of public opinion had gone forth against him. He became a wanderer in foreign lands. Over a few of those vagrant years of his life, a deep obscurity rests. He returned, however, to New York, the scene of his former glory and aspirations. There he .spent his life with liut little honor or distinction, and without any more intiuence over the pul)Iic mind than if he had been frozen into a statue the moment he sent the death shot to the bosom of Hamilton. Sometimes [1833], a little, bowed-down man, with his eyes fastened on the pave- ment, might be seen liurrying along the vicinity of Reed street. New York, his hair, which was once black as the raven's wing, blanclied with the whiteness of snow; and his ej'es, which once shot lightning in their .soul-searching glance, lusterless and dull. This man was Aaron Burr. BRIDGEWATEK BOROUGH. 505 Some of the best and most patriotic citizens of Beaver county, at present, are the descendents of persons who assisted in the building of those vessels, not knowing at the time that they were "aiding and abetting" the enemies of their country. Burr sent to Sharon, as his rep- resentatives, two men, named respectively Tyler and Smith, who were general business managers. All the work connected with the construc- tion of the boats, including- the purchase of timber, employing of hands, paying bills, etc,, was under their general supei'vision. They employed, as the Superintendent of the boat Imilding depart- ment, a gentleman named Amasa Brown, a lineal ancestor of lion. Hartford P. Brown, of Kocliester, present member of legislature, who prepared the boats for their expedition down the river. Brown's work- men occupied a house adjoining the "old red front." These boats were closely covered and were designated " Oi'leans Boats." They were from sixty to seventy feet in length, and had the capacity to hold a large quantity of such goods as were intended to accompany the expedition. Isaac Wilson supplied the lumber, flour, meat and provisions gen- erally, receiving in payment drafts on New York, all of which were honored, as presented, except the last, which was protested; but not until after the flotilla had sailed from Sharon. The employing of so many hands and the paying out of such sums of money for necessary supplies, created a "boom" in the new village, and presaged what has taken place in other jiarts of Beaver valley in later years. Burr visited Sharon once, during tlie progress of the enterprise, to inspect the work and give directions for the future. Sharon wiis tlescribed in 1837 as "pleasantly located on the left bank of the Beaver river, about a short mile from its confluence with the Ohio, and about the same distance from the boroughs of Beaver, Bridgewater and Fallston. The leading road to Ohio passes through the town, and it is the residence of a number of very industrious, deserving citizens." Its directory at that time made the folloAving exhibit: Merchants — Robert Darragb, .John Dickey . . . Tanners — Joseph Moorhead, Samuel Moorliead, .James Darragh . . . /Shoemakers — J. T. Miller, S. Scott . . . Boat Builder — William Davidson . . . Blacksmith — Thomas Jlct^elland . . . Innkeepers — J. Murray, J . Davis . . . Jvstice of the Peace — It. A. Carton . . . Clergyman — Jona- than Davis, Baptist . Four years later, 1841, it had increased to a town of about 300 in- habitants, whose occupations were thus grouped: I'atent tub and bucket maker — Giles Paris . . . Foundry, employing ten hands. 506 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. operated by Robert Darnigh, J. S. Darragli, Mattisou Darragh and S. H. Darragli . . . (rimsmith — A. H. Armstrong . . . Sawyers — George Ashael, David Camp. . . . Car- penters — John Beam, Samuel Ecoff, John Fisher, George Holdship, Hugh McGuire, Charles Rodenbaugh, Reuben Swagger, S. S. Webster, George Wray . . . Founder — Jeremiah Bannon . . . Holder — John Bannon . . . Bookbinder — John Brown . . . Sawyer — David Camp . . . Tailor — R. A. Carlton . . . Boat-builders — John Curry, David JIcGuire, Wm. Davidson . . . Tanner — James Darragh . . . Merchants — Rob- ert Darragh and sons, J. S., Mattison and S. H. . . . Pilot — George Evans . . . Sltoe- makers — J. A. Prazier, Wm. B. Miller, J. T. Miller and Thomsus Scott . . . Teachers — Samuel C. Goss, Miss White . . . Engineer — John Jones . . . Cabinet and windmill makers— 8a.tn\xe\ Jones, S . S . Webster . . . Miller— invemXali Jones . . . Tub and bucket m'fs — S. G. Long & Co., John Long . . . Mason — John Jloffat . . . Blacksmiths — Thomas McClelland, John Noland . . . Bank Cashier — Hiram Stow . . . Teamster — E. White. We turn now from Sharon of the olden time to the history of Bridgewater of to-da\' as embracing the consoUdated to\vns. The borough of Bridgewater was incorporated, agreeably to the provisions of an act of the Assembly dated April 1, 1S34, by a decree of the court of quarter sessions April 2, 1835. Tiie matter, having been previously neglected, the court decreed, March 6, fS40, that the borough elections for that year and subsequently should be held on the last of March. This continued until modified by the state law requir- ing borough elections to be held in P^ebrutiry, As early as 1818, it seems, a part of the town was laid out by Mr. Josepli Hemphill,* who owned the greater portion of the ground on the Big Beaver Hat. By him a store was erected near the end of the bridge, which did a thriving business for years afterward. The growth of the town was necessarily slow, jieojile ]ireferring for residences loca- tions on higher plains. Bridgewater was, at this early date, a part of Beaver, and the lands occupied were known as " Academy out-lots." A very important portion of this tract on the west side of Big Beaver was known first as " Beaver Point," but subsequently as " Stone's Point." Stephen Stone sold a large number of town lots at this site on the 18th of October, 1831, one range fronting on the bayou that cuts across from Big Beaver to the Ohio river, and another fronting on the alley running parallel with Beaver river. He announced that "all the islandf which lies immediately at the junction of Ohio and Big Beaver will also be laid out in small lots and sold." *Plan of West Bridgewater was made by Harrison Mendenhall, and acknowledged by him before J. D. Eakin, J. P., January ;!1, 1844. f The island referred to was, within the recollection of people yet living, a beautiful tract, covered with sycamore and other kinds of timber. It contained e.\celli-nt building sites. Now it is beneath the waters of tlie Ohio river during the greater jiDrtion of autumn, winter and spring, its timber and soil having all been carried down the stream. beidgp:vvatee borough. 507 This point was the scene of great activity, for a time, in the mat- ter of boat building. It was, too, the stopping place for steamboats ])assing up and down tlie river. The wharf was first honored with a landing by the boat " Beaver," in 1833. A hotel kept by Mr. Stone was a place of impoitance in those early days, affording entertainment for the humble and tJie exalted as they journeyed along nature's great thoi'ougiiFai'e. Many a citizen of the neighborhood hastened to the " Point " to see some pei'son of distinction as he halted for an hour or two at tlie landing. Some idea af the eai'ly settiei's and tlieir occupations may be had from tlie subjoined list, whicli represent tlie town in 18il, when it had about six hundred inliabitants : Inn-keepers — Henry Ankeny (" Bridgewater House"); Chester W. Bloss (" Frank- lin House"); George Barnes (" Bridgewater Hotel"). . . . Confectioners and Bakers — Ankeny, Peter & Co., AVilliara Graliani, Daniel Barnes. . . . Tailors — William Adams, Robert Hall, Thomas McCollough. . . . Merchants — William Adams, William Brown, K. McWilliams, C. M. Stewart, . . . Gentlempn—'WWW.&ra K. Bowdeu, John .Javens. . . . Collector of Tolls, P. C. — David Boies. . . . Cooper — Robert Bems. L'thorers — Matthias Beake, Lewis Creamer, Stephen Lindley. . . . Physicians — James Brown (botanic). J. C. Mnllen, J. C. Montague, S. Smith. . . . Steamboat Cap- tains — W. B. Boies, Henry Job. . . . Deidist — Thomas J. Chandler. . . . Cabinet makers — John Calhoun. Robert Gilmore, .John T. Hough, David Johnston, Milton L. Swager, Martin Small. . . . Commission Merchants — Clarke & Co., John S. Dickey, McClure & Dickey. . . . Ministers of the Gospel — N. Callender (M. E.), J. A. Davis (Baptist). William Stevens (M. E.) . . . Grocers — William Eakin, Samuel Engli.sh. Bout builder — George Fisher. . . . Kagiiieer — Joseph French. . . . Stage- drivers — Gilbert Frazer, David Rowan, William Robinson. . . . Steamboat Pilots — John Gordon, Thomas Javan.s, Francis Maratta. . . . Butchers — Henry Gull, John A. Rowan. . . . Painters — Milton Gerew, William T. Lewis. . . . Teacher — Samuel C. Gall. . . . Coach makers — John Hanuen, David Rowan. . . . Stone-mason — William Horner. . . . Potter — William L. Hamilton. . . . Clerk of Orphans' Court — William McCallister. . . . Barber — F. Murrell. . . . Justices of the Peace — William Porter, S. T. Trimble. . . . Tin and Coppersmith — J. M. Norris. . . . Fanning-mill maker — A. Purdy. . . . Carpenters — Thomas Russell, William W. Randolph, Sachuel Stewart, Boston Small. . . . Waffo7i maker — John Stein. . . Collector of toll at brii/ge — Henry H.Smith. . . . Blacksmiths — Archibald Stewart, David Stewart, Johnson .Small. . . . Lumberuian — Andrew Stewart . . . Neicspaper — " Beaver County Patriot ". 'Town Officinls — Burgess, F. J. Clarke; Council, .John Cochran, A. Stewart, John Mullen, .lohn M. Xorris, Milton Swager; William K. Bowden. clerk. M A NU KACTUEERS. Tn 1836 M. Darragli, ;t ])ractical man, started a foundry in what was then known as Sharon. About two years later, his fatiier. Major Robert Darragh. built tlie luiiiuhy now used by the firm of M. and S. II. Darragh, and gave an interest to each of his four sons, John S., 508 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Hart, Mattison and S. II. Dariayli. Tliu t'lvm was tlien known as R. Darragh c^ Sons. It continued witli such organization until 1852, when the present style began. The present premises of M. & S. H. Darragh, founders and machinists, include two structures in Bridgewater, the foundry fiO by 9U feet, and a warehouse Go by 80 feet, made of brick, and two stories in height; also a machine shop and office in Fallston, 35 by 70 feet. M. Darragh supervises the establishment in Bridgewater, and S. H. that in Fallston. HOTELS. The village has at present two hotels, the " St. Cloud," under the management J. W. Hum, Jr., and the "Park," under the management of S. E. Gallagher. The ]Hil)lic schools of the borouffh are reg'ularlv org-anized undei-a board of trustees, and meet the denumds of the educational pui)lic. The building is a two-story bi'ick, to which are attached two wings, affording four rooms in all. In addition, then, the village has what is known as Piersol's academy, a. })rivate institution established in 1875 by its present proprietor and manager, S. M. Piersol, formerly an instructor in the Orphan school at Phillipsburg, and for a time county superintendent of schools. The academy building is a frame structure 30 by 36 feet, and including the Itasenient has two stories. SOCIETIES. Z 0. (). F. — The pioneer lodge of Odd Fellows in Beaver county is Beaver Lodge, No. 366. It was organized in the borough of Poches- ter, August 22, 1849, by District Deputy Grand Master M. S. Johns, in conformity with the grand lodge of tlie state. The chartei- ujcm- bers consisted of J. M. Cook, William S. Crawford, II. JMcKinnie, Daniel Sourbeck and "William Hurst. Of this number the only living rejn-esentative (June, 1887,) is H. McKinnie, a resident of Pittsburgh. The organization occurred in a building which stood on the site of the old plow factory in Rochester. The hall was on the third lloor, the lower floors being occupied by Power & Lacock for general store purposes. The first transaction after the organization was the recep- tion of the final cards of D. H. Boies and G. S. Webster, both of whom were adjudged worthy of membership. The next was tiie elec- tion of officers, the following being the result: Koble Grand, J. M. BKIDGEWATEK BOROUGH. 509 Cook; vice gi'and, W. S. Crawford; secretiirv, William Hurst; treas- urer, Daniel Sourbeck. After due examination they were installed in their various offices by M. S. Johns, D. T). G. M. Following this, H. McKinnie was granted a dispensation to take the -tth and the Sth degree and was then appointed conductor by the Xolile (Trand. G. S. Webster was at the same time appointed warden. The minutes of this opening session -were kept by Henry McCor- niick, grand secretary. On the minute book of Beaver Lodge he left the following inscription, which seemed to have been quite fully real- ized: •' Success to your undertaking. Ih'others of Beaver Lodge, 306."' Tlie lodge having closed as Grand Lodi;-e «hn-ing its day session, adjourned to meet at 7i o'clock of the evening of the same day. After calling the roll, the traveling cai'ds of liobert Crawford and Williivm Johnston, of Hebron Lodge, No. 55, Youngstown, Ohio, and that of M. Lyon, of Western Star, No. 2-t, were examined, and tlieir holders were admitted. The following candidates were balloted for and found wor- thy the first night; John S. Darragh. Robert French, John Tudor, Rob- ert Boyd, William N. Beal, William Bliss, William Craig, Samuel Frea and John Gortloii. All except the last two were initiated the night of organization. Frea was initiated Aug. 28, and Gordon, Sept. 4, 1849. On tlie 4th of Sept., 1849. the first insurance was placed. The lodge property was insured for $1,00<.> in the Delaware Mutual, the ]iremium paid being $G 00. The tii-st traveling card was issued to AVilliam Craig, now of Freedom. In the ])i-imitive days much op])o- sition existed to secret societies of all kinds. The anti-masonic excite- ment ])rodiiced by the abduction and assassination of Morgan in 1826 spread like wikUiiv. aii-e-room of Beaver Lod":e, No. :-iti6. I, (). O. F., would be open to the inspection of visitors on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1849, between the hours of 2 and s )•. m. In a ver\' interesting ])a|)er read some time ago, l)efore the lodge, by Mr. Reed, and to which the compiler of this sketch acknowledges his indebtedness for most of the information it contains, is given a sum- mary of the callings of the memlK^rship of the lodge from the organiz- ation to that date. It stood as follows: Attorneys, 5; agents, 4; artists. 1; lioal Imilders, .5; lioalmen, 18; bakers, 2; butchers, i:^; blacksmitbs, S; brokers, 1 ; bricklayers, 1; brick makers, 2; book-keepers, ]; 510 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. barbers, 1; contractors. 1; civil engineers, 1; captains (river), 8; cabinetmakers, 2; confectioners, 2; coach maliers, 1 ; coopers, 2: cigar raalicrs, '6: carriage makers, 2; clerks, 33-, carpenters, 26; druggists, 5; draymen, 1; dentists, 2; deputy sheriffs, 1; dealers, 1; engineers, 25; editors, 1; farmers, 41; furnace-makers, 1; ferrymen, 2; fisheimcn, 1; glass-blowers, 4; gentlemen, 2; gardeners, 1; grinders (knife), 1; glass-makers, 3; glass- cutters, 1; jewelers, 2; laborers, 30; liverymen, 1; merchants, 24; mates, 4; millers, 7; manufacturers, 4; machinists, 2; marble-cutters,!; ministers, 5; molders, 12; miners, 1; pilots, 17; physicians, 10; painters, 11; peddlers, 2; potters, 6; plasterers, 4; pattern- makers, 1; photographers, 1; printers, 1; quarrymen, 2; railroad managers, 2; Mewaids, 2; shoemakers, 8; ship carpenters, 4; students at law,l; superintendents, 1; saw-makers, 1; tailors, fl; tavern-keepers, (i; teachers, 6; team.sters, (i; tinners, 4; telegraph repairers, 1; tauner.s, 1; wind-mill makers, 1; watchmen, 1. Total, 409. The records Ijeing destroyed or lost, tlie list of officers coidd not be obtained. T/ie Pioneer CJiih of Bridge water is a social organization that began in the autumn of 187(). Its originators were A. Mulheim, J. 11. Eeed, Gu^' Morgan, E. K. Hum and J. C. Woodruft'. It owns a boat which is generally moored under the V. in L. E. bridge across theOiiio. In it are held its ordinary sessions. It usually encamps once a year, generally on a new site. Membership is limited to twenty-tive persons, and costs $1.5 each. Its ^proceedings are regu- lated by constitution and by-laws. The present corps of officers con- sists of: Captain, George Hamilton; lieutenant. .T. C. Woodrutl; secre- tary, A. Mulheim; treasurer, W. F. Walters. Military Coinpan\i. On the 14th of March, 1881. Military Hall, Co. " E," Fifteenth Regiment, N. G.. was incorporated with a capital stock of §1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of §1 each. Its purpose was to ])rovi(le a suitable hall for the military coni])any known as the Q^iay Guardx. The company was disl)amleil, and the property disposed of in 1887. Bridgeivater Buildiny Association. Tliis institution was organized in Bridgewater in October, 1886, by citizens of Rochester, Bridgewater, Beaver and Phillipsburg. The ol)ject of the association is thus expressed in the second article : " Tiie object of this association shall be to enable the members, by their earnings and savings, to procure, in an easy and sure manner, a fund for building or purchasing a house." The original officers were as follows : L. F. Weinman, president ; Henry Eckel, vice president ; William Reich, treas.; W. H. Thomas, sec. Tiie original directors were Harvey Brown, A. C. llursti R. E. Tallon, J. II. Martsolf, John Coleman, Henry Wagner, William Wallace, Ed. K. Hum, J. R. Gasaway, with John M. Buchanan, Esq., solicitor. The board .:|: Its house of worship Avas built in 1839, by Richmond Hart and Jacoi) 01m- stead. The board of trustees at the time consisted of Archibald Ste\v- art, Lewis Reno, Joseph Vera, Ephraim Jones. Thomas J. (^liandler, C. M. Stewart, Benjamin Adams and Rolicrt Darragh. The house is a two-story Ijrick structui'e, no by 60 feet. It was planned by Rev. Z. H.Costin, P. E., and was modeled after one lie had seen in the Western Reserve. The pulpit was in the front, at the entrance, and the floor rose graduallv to a height of 19 inches at the *.Judge Aguew insists tliat Metliodism liegan at Beaver, and not at Sharon. fThis lady suljsequently became a member of the churcli, and when the last repair- ing occurred, in 1S84, gave ifl.OOO. tJolm English, a resident of Bridgewater in 18;i3, left in hi.s will a bequest of $1,000 to Bridgewater M. E. Church, on condition that its members would subscribe a siitticient amount to complete a church. 512 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. rear. In lS6n the house was repaired, during the pastorate of Rev. "W. F. Lauck. at an expense of about $700. In 188i it underwent a second remodeling, at an expense of $1,800, this time under the super- vision of Dr. J. Murniy, wlio leveled the floor witiiout injuring the plastering. The house was re()pened Sept. 9, 1884, He v. Frank S. Deliass, D.D., preaching the iledicatory discourse from Kom. XI: 33. The Presbyterians of the town joined in the service, tlieir pastor having adjourned their own services. Eridgewater congregation liad, prior to 18-15, been connected with Beaver charge. In that year, however, it was set off as a station, with Rev. A. M. Brown in charge. The first quarterly conference was held in the church August 12, 184-5, with Rev. R. Hopkins, P. E., Rev. A. M. Brown, pastor, and Rev. William Adams, local preacher. Tlie class- leaders were William Adams, S. B. Wilson, Andrew Stewart, T. J- Chandler, Samuel T. Trimble and John A. Frazier ; the stewards, Lewis Reno and John Allison. The pastors in ciiarge since 1815 have been the following: Rev. A, M. Brown, lS-45-lt>; Josejili Montgomery, 1847-18 (disaffection existed during his charge, and he was finally removetl by the presiding elder anil his phice given to Rev. John Ansley) ; M. P. Jamison, 1849- 50; J. Murray, 1851-52; Joim Grant, 1853-.54; A.J.Rich, 1855-56; R. Hamilton," 1857; J. D. Cramer, 1858; W. F. Lauck, 1859-til ; J. S. Bracken, 1862-63 (lie was drafted, but his congregation raised $300 and secured a substitute) ; J. D. Kno.x, 1864; W. K. Brown, 18C5; Joseph Horner, 1866; R. Morrow, 1867-68; Joseph Hollingshead, 1869-715 D. L. Dempsey, 1872-74 ; D. A. McCready, 1875-76 ; Robert Hamilton, 1877-78; D.L. Denqjsey, 1879-81; J.H.Henry, 1882-83; Nathan Brown, 1884; J. W. Mclntire, 1885-87. The church has a comfortable brick parsonage, bought during the pastor-ate of Rev. Grant for $500. It was the property of the Bank of Pittsburgh, and needed some re])airs, wliich were made. The organization of tbe church in Rochester in 1866 greatly dimin- ished the P.ridgewater congregation, about one half the old congrega- tion witlidrawing to form the new. The present membershi]) is about 160. Tlie Sunday-sciiool averages al)out 20U. First Presbyterian Church of Bridgewater. This congregation, as will be leained by referring to the history of the Beaver church, was tlie outgrowth of that organization. It was organized by a committee of the Presbytery of Beaver, Januaiy 29, 1845. It consisted of sixty- five mend)ers, four (if whom were chosen I'uling ekk'rs : John Alcorn, nlJinOEWATKR BOROUGH. ' 513 James Jackson, John Cai"otl)ers and David E. Kakin. Tlicy liad all been rulini;- elders in the iieavei'ehui'ch, and hence were sini])l\- installed in their new positions. The first jiastor of the congregation was Eev. Isaac M. Cook. lie began his labors as a stated supply Feli. 2, ls4."i, and on the 17th of December following he entered npon his regulai- pastoral duties, which he (hscharged with fidelity and success up to the time of his death, wliich occui'red Jan. Id, 1854. Dui'ing his hibors tlie chui-ch was increased, by certificate, 150 members; by examination, 232 ; total, 391. The second pastor was liev. .lames Smith, calleil May 7, 1855. His connection with the congregation continued about eighteen months, when he resigued and went to Mount Joy, Pa. On the I6th of July, 1S5T, a unanimous call was given to Rev. David A. Cunningham. He accepted, and was installed October it, 1857, continuingin the pa.storate untd Jan. 1, 18eaver comity may he attrilnitcd the honor of organ i/.iiig, after the civil war, the first soldiers' orpliaii school in the western part of the slate. The uncertainty connected with the meager ai>propriati(ni of tlie state for thesup(>ort of such schools was not calculated to create a great desire on tlie part of educators to take hold of such an enter- prise. Btuldings, grounds, ajiparatus, fin-niture, hooks — all these had to be provideil in advance, requiring the e.xpenditure of a large sum of money, ]n"obably al)out $20,000. At the request of the friends of orphans. Rev. W. G. Taylor, D. D., consented to undertake the enterprise. The superinteiulents of the counties of Beaver, Allegheny and Washington applied to the state school superintendent for his appointtnent. The chief executive of the state, Governor Curtin, was similarly urged by Colonel M. S. Quay. The appeal was successful, and Dr. Taylor was duly commis- sioned. The only indldings available for the jjurpose were those formerly used bv the Water Cure and moi-e recently for a pleasure resort. These were purchased in December, 1865, thoroughly repaired, ami increased subsequently by the addition of new ones twice the size of the old ones. Land was purchased at various times : forty-one acres soon after the establishment of the school in March, l,S(')fl; this amount €SSIS:^:- PHILUPSBURG BOROUGH. 519 was increased in 1S70 to one hundred acres, and in 1873 to two hun- dred and ten acres. Buildings for school, chapel, workshops, farm- house and storehouse were erected as necessity required. The ao'o-re- gate expense of all these outlays and improvements is put by Dr. Taylor at §48,000, and was met by him. As already remarked the school opened in March, 1866. The first orphan received was Walter T. Rathburn, on the 2d of March. He lacked a month of being ten years old. He remained until the 2d of the ensuing October, when he was transferred to Uniontown. During the following spring and summer the number of pupils reached eighty-three. In October, transfers from North Sewickley and the Homes in Pittsl)urgh and Allegheny increased the attendance to one hundred and eighty-eight. This number, however, was soon greatly reduced by transfers to Titusville, Dayton, Uniontown and other places, leaving the average for several yeai's about one hundred and forty. At first much difl[iculty was experienced in securing competent and efficient teachers and other helps. The obstacle was finally over- come by the only rational method, vix : hy training young ladies and gentlemen for their several jmsiti oris. The result \vas gratifying in the extreme. The state had prescribed eight grades as the limit of the edu- cational work. To these Dr. Taylor added four, giving a special train- ing in mathematics and science. In addition, too, there was a system of industrial detail labor which enaljled girls at the age of sixteen to be prepared, by actual training in domestic work, housekeejMng, family sewing and cb-essmaking, to take up the cares of a household with every assurance of success. The physical regulations of the school were most admirable; labor was made a condition of health. Develojnnent of body and mmd and morals sent forth specimens of robust health and symmetrical development. It is a remarkable fact that out of 600 children received into the institution in ten and a half years, one third diseased at the time of entrance, but four tleaths occurred, the remainder being dis- charged with physical soundness. In tliis connection we take the liberty of giving the testimony of Prof. Beamer, lecturer on phrenology, physiology, etc.: In my entire e.xperience and observation as a public lecturer, traveling through the United States, Canada and Europe, I have never seen such a perfect development of the physical organization as there is in the entire mass of the children of the Pliillipsburgh Soldiers' Orphan School, under the care of Dr. Taylor, and as is presented here to-night by the one hundred and fifty orphan boys and girls here present. I have never seen in my entire e.\perience on both continents such perfect discipline and order as is 28 520 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. here shown tonight by these attentive children, whose happy countenances show tliis discipline to be the result of proper government and not fear. As a soldier of the war that made them orphans, I am happy to meet them, and thrice happy in seeing their home, their training, their education, and jireparation and prospects for usefulness. Wlien prepai'atii)iis were making in 1876 for the Centennial Expo- sition at Fhilaiielphia, Hon. J. P. Wickershaiu, state school su})erin- tendent, under date of Feb. 29, writing to Dr. Tayloi", said: "We are specially anxious to make a good show of the induvtrlcs of our orphan schools, and depend ver\' much on 3'ou for s|)ecimens of all sorts of sewing, garments made by the girls, useful anil ornamental needle work, and all else that can be nicel}' shown. If tlie boys mal-e anything, we want specimens also." The following is a list of persons who were otficially connected with the school from its organization to the early part of ISTti: Principal — Rev. W. G. Taylor, D.D. asistant Principal — Mrs. C. T. Taylor. Physicians — D. McKinney, M.D., D. S. Marquis, M. D. Tec^cJiers— Messrs. A. G. Thorne, D. McAllister, J. S. Steele, II. F. Thompson, J. N. Biers, S. M.Piersol and .J. M. Phillis; Misses Lizzie Dever. Lizzie Rollings, M. M. Taylor, Loretta Reynolds, E. S. Taylor, M. M. Chambers, C. E. Taylor and M. E. Kroesen. Superintendent!! of Boys — Messrs. J. Neel, P. Bromwell, P. Aulshouse, Henry Turner, Wm. P. Badders and E. H. Crandall. Matrons — Misses N. W. Thompson and Min- nie Cole. Sewing Super i ntendents — Misses Mary Chambers, Ella Mann, M. McLaren, Mrs. L L. Brown and Mrs. M. J. McGinniss, with Mr. J. Braun, tailor. Superintend- ents of Kitchen — Mrs. M. J. Hoyt, L. Turner and A. M. English; and Misses S. Fenster- macher, Eunice Brown and Julia Eckles. Laundry — Mrs. C. Lloyd and Miss C. Frank. Nurse — Mrs. Mary Eckles. Superintendents of Children — Misses Rachel Wilson, Sue Work and Ada Grandy. General Care-taker — Mrs. Jas. W. Taylor. Farmers and Gar- deners — Benjamin Stute, James Smith, John Hughes, Wm. Kaler, A. Tount and Jo- seph Garrett. Shoemakers — C. Pfancuch and A. Blott. Butcher — C. Erbeck. On the 22(1 of August, 1876, at 11 o'clock a. m., during the tempo- rary absence of Dr. Taylor, the main building accidentally caught tire and was wholly destroyed; loss $25,000, with insurance to the amount of $10,300. Thus after a, period of success for ten and a half years this school closed its career, the pupils being transferred to other similar schools. The attendance at the time of this calamity was about 180. Owing to the heavy expense involved in erecting new buildings and the shortness of time yet to continue under the first contract (about two years and a half), the Phillipsburgh Soldiers' Oi'])han School ceased forever, but not without many regrets on the part of both its friends and its immediate patrons. MANUK.iCTaUES. The Phmnix Glass Company of Phillipsburg began as a corpora- PIIILLIPSBURG liOKOUGH. 521 tioii ill August, lyso. The principal incorporators were Andrew How- ard and W. I. Miller. The capital stock was fixed at $250,000. The officers are — president, Andrew Howard; secretary and treasurei', W. I. Miller. These works manufacture fine art glass in various colors and designs. The goods are placed on the market through a distributing house in New York under the management of Alexander H. Patterson, as well as througii men on the road. They are disposed of in all parts of the United States, and in some foreign countries. The number of hands, including men, boys and girls, is about 450) witii a monthly pay-roll of about $15,000. The entire building was burned in January, 1881, consuming evei-ytliing. The structure was rebuilt in the autumn of the same year. SOCIKTIES. Phillijjshunj Council, No. ;J.^, Junior Order of United American Mechanics was organized by Pliilip Koehline on the 6th of January, 1883. Its purpose will be understood by referring to the account of tlie similar order at Rochester. The present jiresiding officer is John Johnston; secretary, C. M. Wagner. The menibershii) numbers fifty- seven, and is said to be in a flourishing condition. The Equltahle Aid. Union. This protective organization was estab- lished in Phillipsburg, April 18, 1884, by W. S. Purdic. Since its -organization it has been served by J. A. Irons, W. II. Gulliver, Sylvester Johnston, David Kay, James Iluggins and IS'. II. Trumpeter as presi- dents, and by Sylvester Johnston, N. [I. Ti'umpeter and Mrs. Kate M. Wiseman as secretaries. Its place of meeting is in the Georges Hall. CHURCHES. When Count De Leon and his followers established at Phillipsburg, they were not unmindful of their church relations. Separated from the Harmony Society, tlie Count was anxious to perpetuate and dissem- inate the peculiar views which ilistinguished him from George Rapp, wiiom he had antagonized at Economy. The establishment of the New Philadelphia Gemevnde, or New Philadelphia congregation, gave him this opportunity; this occurred in 1832. Poth he and Dr. Goengen preaclied to their people at first, and continued to do so as long as De Leon remained in the place. After lie left. Rev. Daubert came out from Pittsburgh and preached occasionally, in 1834-35. The Gem,ein,de was gradually transformed into a new organization which, under the administration of the next'^ijreacher. Rev. E. F. Winter, assumed the name of the Protestant Eva nmitlis^-'!i&mue\ Coulter. H. C. Brant, R. Wagoner, N. P. Kerr. Distillers — David Sneathen, Jacob Steele. . . . Bohnson (supply), and E. B. Griffin, the [n-esent incumbent. The nominal mem- bership is 175, with a Sunday-school averaging 130. The PreKhyterian Church was regularly organized May 9. 1843, by a committee of the Beaver Presbytery, consisting of the Revs. Benjamin C. Critchlow and Arthur W. iJradfoid, and Elder James Cummings. It had eighteen members, Joseph Hall ami Daniel Miller being the fii'st ruling elders. A brick house of worship was erected soon after the organization, ami still remains. ST. CLAIR BOROUGH. 531 The following is the succession of pastors. Rev. D. C. Reed came in 1847 and remained about two years; John Brown, ISni-fil; I). P. Lowary, 18(33-65; James M. Smith, 1867-72; M. L. Weitman, 1872-80; W. G. Stewart, 1883-87. The following ministers su]iplied the congregation for a time, but were not regarded as regular pastoi's: Rev. John Launitz, 1861-62; William McKinney, 1865-66; E. B. Porter, 1881-82; D. L. Dickey, 1882-83. The The Evangelical Amociation of Freedom was organized about 184:4: by Christian Holland and wife, John Hill and wife, Jacob Hill and wife, George Bentel and wife, John C'inkorn and wife, Ei'asmus Kreps and wife, Martin Circle and wife, and Martin antl wife. Preaching, for a time, was in jn-ivate houses and such otiier places as couM be had. The organization now owns and uses the school building whicli was for a time occupied by the Metiiotlist chui'ch. Its preachei's liave been the same as those serving the Rochester Evangeli- cal church, to wliich the reader is T'eferred. Tlie Evangelical LutJierari Church of Freedom was organized about 1848 or 1850. Some of its original members were John Hartman and wife, Philip Bentel and wife, Conrad Branilt and wife, and this num- ber was soon thereafter increased by the addition of John Menzel, Eliza Menzel and others. A good house of worship was erected about the time of the organization of the church, which is still in use. The changes in the pastorate were quite frequent, embracing such ministers as the Revs. P. Bowern, Hefflinger, Frank Miller and the present incumbent, F. E. C. Lempke, who has been in charge for about nine or ten yeai's. ST. CLAIR. This village is properly an annex to the ijorough of Freedom, being separated by only a small run. It was laid out by Captain William Vicary in March, 1837, and is sometimes calleil " Vicar^' Extension." It was incorporated as a borough by decree of the court Marcii 25, 1867. The first election was held April 20, 1867, Jonathan I\uil acting as judge, and James Reed and James Harkins as inspectors. Its postoffice is Freedom. The p.opulation in 1880 was 289. There is but one church in the place. The Trinity Evangelical Lidheran Church of St. Clair is a child of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Freedom. Owing to certain dis- satisfaction, certain members withdi'cw from the parent congregation, 532 • HISTOKY OF I3KAVKU COUNTY. and organized the new congregation beyond tiie limits of the borough of Freedom, in 1869. Its ch irter members embraced John Minlc, Con- rad Brandt, Jacol> Brandt, John Ilagen, Charles Biscliotfberger and Harry Mink, and their families; also George Moore, Ch.u-les Moore, Peter Klein and Charles Sack. Tlie house — a frame structure erected at time of organization — and the ground cost $2,000. The bell itself cost $iy9.i)lt. The congregati(m has been served by the following pastors: Charles Fraidc, who organized it; Jacol) ^\'illlt■lm, G. J. Miller and Fred Wambsgansz. It has sume fifty members. BADEN. This borough is situated in the western jiartof Economy township, on the Ohio river, along the line of the P. Ft. W. ct C. It. il. It was surveyed May 17, lb38, by William jVIcCallisti^', and the plat regularly recorded April 20, 1839, by the jn'oprietor. Christian Burckhardt. The plan of the town included 104 lots. The names of the streets ])arallel with the Ohio river are — Water, State, Jefferson, Milton and Liberty: at right angles — Phillips. Pinney, Schiller, Rotteck and Lessing. It will lie observed that German, English and American notables are duly honored in the names of thoroughfares. Baden has developed into a productive gas field, a number of wells having been successfully opened within the })ast. The gas thus obtained is piped to neighboring towns ami districts, becoming a source of revenue to the borough. A postoffice was established in April, 1852. The ])ostmasters from that time to the present have been the following : David Ander. son, appointed April 1, 1852; John Nichols, July 29, 18(51; Charles Brown, Feb. 25, 1863; John Y. Marks, Feb. 17. 1864; Isaac Grim, Oct. 5, 1870; Leonard J. Berry, Dec. 9, 187o. The population of Baden in 1880 was 400. The town is supplied with a public school which ])rovides the elements of an education to its patrons. The moral instruction of the people is furnished by two churches. The Mdlwdist Episcopal congregation was establisheil in 1858, largely through the instrumentality and liberality of Mrs. Sallie Logan a widowed member of the Freedom congregation, who died at Free- dom in the autumn of 18S5, u|)wards of seventy years of age. The house of worship, a one-story frame, was erected at the time of the organization at a cost of .$1,000. With the exception of one or two years, its preachers have been the same as those who officiated at Free- dom; for a list of which reference is made to the article on F^reedom BADEN BOROUGH. 533 'borough ill the early part of this clia])ter. Its iiiembei'sliip is about fifty; that of tlie Sunday -sciiool some thirty-five. Christ EvaiKjelical, Lutheran churcli was organized about the year 1859, by Rev. W. A. Passavant, D.D., now of Pittsburgli, wliose name has been referred to so frequently in the chapter on Rochester. He preached for a time in the Methodist house of worship, and then in the school-house. From the date of the organization to July, 1887, he and his son, Ilev. W. A. Passavant, Jr., did all the preaching for the congre- gation. Commencing with his instalhition July 7, 1SS7, a new jiastor. Rev. R. M. Sniitii, has had charge of its spiritual interests. Some of tlie original members of the congregation were — John Kennedy and wife, Mr. Deardorlf and wife, AVilliam Miller, John McKey and family, aiul Mrs. Barbara Xeely. son and his wife, and two -daughters. The house is a one-story frame structure, 30 by 50 feet. It was erected in ISfil by Heri-ing & Forsythe at a cost of |il,5O0. The present membership is fifty-five. The Sunday-school, under the super- intendency of Alexander T. Foi'sythe, has an enrollment of 100. From tliis congregation have S]:)rung three similar organizations: 1. "The House of Prayer," in 1870, at Logstown, across the Ohio river; it is a small congregation. 2. " Rehoboth," in Economy town, ship, four miles from Baden, in 1873, with a jiresent membership of forty; it has a flourishing Sunday-school. 3. " House of Mercy," on ■Crow's Run, New Sewickley township, four miles northeast of Baden, in 1879; it has about fifty memV^ers, with a Sunday-school of eighty pupils under the sujiervision of Alexander T. Forsythe. All these •churches belong to the same charge, and are under the same jiastor. CHAPTER XXII. BOKOITGHS OF DAELINGTON AND GLASGOW. DARLINGTON — Location — Settlement — Laying Out of the Town — Derivation of Name — Business Interests — Incorporation — Post- office AND Postmasters — Greeesburg Academy — Societies — Churches — GLASGOW — Location — Laying Out of the Town — George Dawson — First Houses — Incorpoeation,Etc. — Schools and Churches— Societies — Miscellaneous. DARLINGTON. THE borough of Darlington is located in Darlington townsliij), in the extreme northwestern ])ortion of tiie county. It is situ- ated on Little Beaver creek, ami on tiie line of what used to be the great thoroughfare between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Tiirough it runs the Pittsburgh, Marion & Chicagi^ Pailroad, and from it extend wao-on-roads leading to Beaver, Beaver Falls, New Castle and adjoining towns. Immediately surrounding it are numerous small ranges of hills, rising gi'adually from the valley in whicli Darlington nestles. These hills are covered for the most part witii timber, and the scene presented by them when, clothed in the many-hued garments of autumn foliage, they look down upon the little village at their base, is pleasing and beautiful. The valley in which Darlington is situated was first settled in 1794. shortly after General Wayne's treaty of peace witli the Indians. In that year came Robert McMinn, with his family, who settled on a farm now occupied by A. H. Anderson. Following him arrived Major John Martin, who came from the eastern portion of the state. In due time appeared the S])roats, Boyds, Inibries, McClymonds, Hugheses^ Scroggses, Semples, Dilhvorths, Reeds, Gillilands and many others, who settled in the neighborhood of the present town of Darlington. Within twenty j'ears after the advent of the first white man there had sprung up quite a settlement. Ciuirches were built and regular relig- ious services held. As early as the autumn of 179S the Presbyterians 534 v^. PHOTO dY AUfPeCHT" DAKLINliTOX liOKOUOIt. 537 Ji;id (irgaiiizc'd themselves into the Mt. I'leasaiit congregation. The effects of this cooperation became plainly manifest in the attempts at education which were made. IJev. Thomas Hughes agitated the need of an institution until Greersburg academy was organized. He himself taught the young of the settlement in his private house. Three bi'oth- ers named Heed entered the region and engaged in instructing the chil- dren of the neighboring families. Their efforts were seconded by the Jieads of households, and l)y tiie jiioneer ministers, until a few years found a community well organizetl and well stai-tetl on the pathway toward social content. The town was laid out May 13, 1S04. by General Al)ner Lacock,on land owned by Thomas Sproat, William Martin and John Greer. The plan embraced four blocks square, sixteen blocks in all, with eight lots to the ijlock, thus making a total of 128 lots. The streets were num- bered from First to Fifth, commencing at the west and going east. Counting from north to south were Morris, Market and Plumb. Mar- liet and Third streets are each 55 feet wide, while the others are but 50 feet in width. The lots were (iii by l-i(» feet in dimensions. No copy of the original plat is believed to Ije now in existence. The name by which Darlington was originally known was Gi'eei-s- bui'g. Its derivation is C]uite interesting. The town was laid out, it will be remendjered. on land belonging to three men — William Martin, Thomas iSproat and George Greer. When the question of designating the new village arose, each expressed some desire of exercising that privilege; and it was decided to draw cuts, as being the most speedy and the most imjiartial method of adjusting the matter. This was therefore done, and the honor fell to George Greer, who accordingly ■called it Greersburg. By this name it was known until April C, 1830, when the title was changed by act of assembly to Darlington,* in * The following letter, furnished by Mr. George P. Smith, of Philadelphia, will throw some light on the change of name; Philadelphia, Oct. 18, 1887. Geouge p. Smith, Esq., My Dear Sir: — I am aware of your fondness and taste for historical lore. I will relate a trifling incident which occurred between the years 1817 and 1843, when I was a resident of Pittsb>n-gli, Pa; In or about 1831 I had a customer who bought goods of me regularly and paid promptly, his name being Havid Gilliland. a merchant of Greersburg. Beaver Co.. Pa.; -at the time above he was in the city making purchases, and his business called him home before his invoices could be made or goods shipped. The next day I shipped goods and mailed invoice to his address. " Greersburg, Pa." In a few days I received a letter from him saying his invoice had not reached him. At once I sent him a dujilicate. In a few days I received from him a note not very complimentary to my business standing. I sent him a third duplicate, and there the matter rested until he came in person. On his •entering the store I saluted him cordially, and asked at once if his invoices had reached 39 538 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. honor of a Pittsburgh merchant of that name, who was well known and well liked in the community. The reason for this was that the old designation was greatly confused with that of the town of Greensburg, mail intended for the former place being frequentl^^ sent to the latter. Darlington of to-day is not the Darlington of ])ast times. In the old staging da3's, when tlie entire traffic between Cleveland and Pitts- burgh was carried on backs of pack-horses or in the early, lumbering stage-coach, there was quite a boom in Darlington business. The place was a relay and supply station for all important «tages jiassing from the region about Pittsburgh to the northern portion of Pennsylvania. The inns which had the monopoly of the trade from this source carried on a thriving business. Stores of general merchandise were opened on ever}^ street, and everything bore an air of activity. Among the early business men were David Gilliland, Stewart Boyd and Joseph Quid- ley, general store-keepers; David Prow, mill-keeper; Jacob Striby, clock maker; John McClymonds, tailor, and Stephen Todd, shoemaker; the latter was also postmaster. The arrival of the railroad and the discontinuance of the stages caused a general decline in Darlington's business interests. From this the town lias never rallied. It has now four general mechandise stores, two drug stores, two millinery shops, two hotels, two boot and shoe stores, one telegrajili and expr-ess office, two carriage works, one marble works, several blacksmith shops, one barber shop, one livery stable, one bar, besides transient enterprises, such as notion wagons, photograph galleries, etc. The borough was incorporated March 28, 1820. Its population is now estimated at four hundred. Bj^ the censtis of 1880 it was 247. I'OSTOFFICE AND POSTMASTERS. The postofflce of Darlington was established in 1831. Previous to that time no regular office had been maintained. Mail had been distributed from Beaver by carriers. Following is a list of the various him. " No," he answered rather gruffly. I took him to the counting-room, opened my letter-book, and asked him to read. He at once seemed glad, and exonerated me from any neglect of my duty. A suggestion came to my mind whicli I named to liim. He seemed pleased with the idea. Greersburg and Greensburg are so much alike that I thought the mistake belonged to the postotiice in Pittsburgh . I wrote to Postmaster S. Drum, Greensburg; the next mail brought the missing letters and contents. Mr. Gilli- land, on seeing them, expressed great comfort, because it restored all kindly feelings for myself. I told him that it would be well to change the name of their town, that I knew of no town by the name " Darlington." and that that change might be satisfactory to all interested. He seemed delighted, remarking, '■ I will see what can be done on my return home, and report to yoti . " Some months after (sometime in IH'A'i) I learned of the change " Darlington " for " Greensburg." Very respectfully yours, Samuel P. Darlington. DARLINGTON BOEOUOH. 539 postmasters who have held the office, with date of appointment: Stephen Todd, Feb. 12, 1831; Samuel R. Dunlap. Dec. 28, 1831; Will- iam Dunlap, Feb. 18, 1837; John McClymonds, Dec. 15, 1810; Samuel R. Dunlap. June 14, 1845; John McClymonds, May 15, 1849; John R. Frazier, July, 23, 1861; Alex. McCrawford, ISTov. 4, 1863; Miss Mary J. McMinn, Dec. 28, 1866. GEEEKSBURG ACADEMY. This institution, the oldest one of the kind in tlie county, owes its origin to Rev. Thomas Hughes. At a meeting of the Presb3'tery of Erie, of whicli he was moderator, he brought up the subject of estalilishing an institution for the training of youth, and gave in detail a plan he had long considered for the organization and control of such a school. Tliis meeting was held in the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian church of Greersburg, April 13, 1802, and from its minutes the folloAV ing is copied: Presbytery proceeded to take into consideration the necessity of a seminary of learning being instituted within their bounds, for the education of youth. Resolocd. To give their aid to erect an academy at Greersburg, and to solicit the aid of their respective charges. Proceedings were immediately made for its erection, as the date of 1802 cut in a stone in the wall will show. The legislature of Penn- S3'lvania passed an act Feb. 24, 1806, establishing the new school as Greesburg academy; but the building was not occupied until after this date. Tlie small sum necessary to its erection was very slowly raised. Rev. Hughes made frequent journeys through the countty, at one time proceeding as far as Boston, in search of aid for tlie new enterprise. The first board of trustees was not chosen until 1806 it consisted of Rev. John MePiierrin, Rev. George M. Scott. Rev. Thomas E. Hughes, Rev. William Wick, Rev. James Sheterfield, Rev. Nicholas Pittenger, Caldwell Semple, Alexander Wright, David Potter, Dr. Samuel Adams, John Beer, George Dillworth, William Scott, Joseph Pollock and Hugh Hagarty. During the administration of Rev. Hughes the school was large and flourishing. There Avas no competitor nearer than Cannonsburg. From an old register the following names of pupils attending in the years 1816, 18 17 and 1818 have been obtained: Robert Dillworth, John Hughes, Watson Hughes, John Sterrel, Joseph Harper, Al)ram Bryson, Joseph Reed, Daniel McClain, E. Bleachley, James Floy, John Hunter, Thomas Anderson, Hugh Martin, Robert McKaig, George Calhoon, 540 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. James Caiiij)l)oll, .lames Clark, Joliii Ciiimingliain, Tlmuias Espy. Mor- gan Fulks, William Harra, Isaac Peppard, Samuel lleed, Samuel Sproat, Kobert Felson, Enoch ITeaton, James Hay, and Cliai'les IVfurry. A curious regulation was passed during L)r. Hughes' charge. It related to diet, and was Resolved, That breakfast shall consist of coffee and bread, with butter; lliat dinner shall consist of bread and meat, or potatoes; and supper, of bread and milk. The second principal was Eev. George Scott, D.D., who remained in charge several years. The success of the school afterward varied for a long time, alternating from one extreme to the opposite. In 1SS3 the old building was dis])osed of to the P. M. & C. Railroad, who con- verted it into a station-house. With the money secured li(im this source, together with private contributions, a two-story brick structure was erected, in which the academy has since continued. It is now in charge of the principal, F. A. Judd, who has conducted it with good success. The officers are — Tfev. Samuel Patterson, president of l)oard; Pev. H. N. Potter, sec; S. S. McClure, treas., and members, Hon. I. F. Mansfield, R. G. Cook, A. H. Anderson, A. S. Reed, S. G. Caughey and Rev. George McElheny. The course of study end)races classical, scientific, normal and pre])aratorv departments. The influence which this institution has wielded has not been con- fined to l>eaver county. Although witliiii this limit its effects are beyond com])rehension, yet upc^n the state have they been also felt. Here received their early training such men as Rev. Robert Ddlworth, D.I)., Rev. W. II. McGuffey, D.D., LL.D., author of tlic popular series of readers beai-ing his name; General John W. (ieary, ex-governor of Pennsylvania; John Prown, of Harper's Ferry fame, and numy others of more or less reputation. It has been claimed that the late C. L. Yallandigham, of Ohio, once entered the academy. This is a mistake, as the following from the Beaver Argus will show: It is true that Beaver county has been and is yet the birthplace of " men of mark " and " women of note." Sometimes it occurs, however, that unjust claims are made, as for instance, when it is asserted that among the number of distinguished men who received their primary training at the Greensburg academy was the late Clement L. Vallandigham, of Ohio. To settle this question, the county historian, J. Frai.se Rich- ard, addressed both the son and the brother of Mr. Yallandigham. From the brother. Rev. J. L. Vallandigham, the following decisive answer was received: " Newahk, Dei,., May HI, 1887. " PuoFEssoi! J. FuAiSE RiCHARD — Dear Sir: — Yours of the 30th just received, and in reply I will say that Clement L. Vallandigham received the whole of his prepar- atory training in New Lisbon academy under the instruction of his father and myself. DARLINGTON BOEOUGH. 541 au older brother. He then entererl the junior class at JefEerson college, and there com- pleted his education. Very truly yours, J. L. V.VLLANDICillAM." The immediate results of Greersburg academy upon DiH'lington are found in the reverence and regard manifested by every aged citizen whose early training had been received within the walls of this institu- tion, when mention is made of the fact. The tenderest memories cling about it. recollections of early-formed friendships, and f)f associations never renewed. SOCIETIES. Mer'ulian Lodge, No. 1)11, F. and A. M., was instituted Dec. 27, 1867. Its first members were as follows: Samuel Reed, Thomas P. Marshall, .John I. Paul. .James Fowler, John A. John- son, William Mahan, H. M. Don.ildson, Arthur B. Bradford, Jr., Thomas J. Bartram, James Kane, John C. Lewis, John Whan, Christian Camp, Edward Close, Jacob Marks, William T. Young, William P. Barnes, David A Robertson, David R. Magaw, Samuel M. Lawrence, Robert J. Stinson, Samuel W. Tunkhouser, John Graebing, Sr., Dr. William C. Sherlock. Robert A. Cochrane. David Johnston, Jr., Henry Sechrist, Will- iam J. Kites, Daniel H. Ridgeway, William Brooks, George Youts, Walker C. Dun- lap, William P. Jlitrhell. William T. Sherlock, John McCowen, Amos E. Cole, Prank C. Clarke, Samuel Woody, .John McCleeny, Dr. E. A. Heptburn, Jonah S. Whan, Prancis B. Hodge, James Strock, William E. Logan, .John Graebing, Jr., T. M. White, George W. McCartney, Thomas S. Cook, Joseph Newell, William A. Sawyer, George R. Watt, A.I. Lawrence, Ernest Herwig, George A. Graebing, John Ivane, Robert M. Martin, John Harvey, Samuel R. Dunlap, John Dillan, William T. David- son, George Britton, Thomas M. Bennett, It. A. Steen, Lorenzo D. Dillon. William H. Knight, .lames Hudson. The ])resent officers are as follows: George W. Dickson, W. M.; Frank Wliite, S. W.; Jo.seph Kelso, rec; I. P. Manstield, J. W.; H. S. Delap, S. I).; Edward Grim, J. D.; B. A. Vance, D.; John S. Whan, Sr. M. of C; Hugh Ferguson, ,Jr. M. of C. The first place of meeting was in the Duston building, now occu- pied by Mr. George Youts as a carriage manufactory. The proprietor of this, Mr. Youts, was the first mason installed in Darlington. The meetings are held on the first Friday of every month in Duff's hall. Ban Leasure Post, JVo. Ifi2, G.A.R.,vi2& organized Dec. 20, 1883, under tlie nanie of Darlington post. The present name was adopted Dec. 18, 1886. The charter members of the post were : I. F. Mansfield, James R. Caughey, Thompson McCowen, David Vankirk, Thomas S. Cook, B. A. Vance, Robert Davidson, A. J. Welsh, John Nicely, James H. Scott, Hiram Whittenberger, J. A. Anderson, John Ni.xon, Thomas Watt, Emory 542 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. Swaggers, W. H. Anderson, John C. Dillwortli, William Vankirk, William Little, Stephen Nicely, Joseph T. Steen, Archie Vankirk. The fii'st officers were as follows: I. F. Mansfield, C; A. J. Welsh, 8. V. C; William Little, J. V. C; Thomas S. Cook, chaplain; B. A. Vance, surgeon; J.R.Caughey, Q. M.; Stephen Nicely, O. D.; W. H. Anderson, O. G.; Thomas Watt, adj.; John Nicely, S. M.; Robert David- son, Q. M. S. The present officers are the following: W. H. Anderson. C: Thomas Watt, S. V. C; T. S. Cook, J. V. C; John Nicely, chap.; J A. Anderson, sur.; J. B. Hanna, Q. M.; Samuel Henry, O. D.; J. K. Caughey, O. G.; A. J. Welsh, adj. The place of meeting is in the CI. A. R. hail, and the time is on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Tiie present mend)er.shi[) is thirty-five. In the three townships of Darlington, Big Beaver and South Beaver there were two companies formed — com])any K, 10th Pennsyl- vania Reserves, and company D, lOOthPennsylvaniaVolunteers — which went from Beaver county in 1861. In memory of the fallen heroes of these two companies the post determined to erect a monument. This was undertaken, the money raised, and the dedication accomplished all in one year. The exercises, consisting of an oration by Colonel Ash- worth, of Pittsburgh, music, presentation of a silk flag by the ladies of Darlington, and lecture by Colonel Hazzard, took place Sept. 1, 1887. The statue, representing a volunteer, with musket and knapsack, standing erect u]3on a pedestal of white marble, is of white bronze, and cost $712.50. The total expense of the monument, grounds and exer- cises was over $1,200. The location of the statue is on the public square in front of the depot in Darlington. CHURCHES. Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church. Tiie inception of this congre- gation, the oldest in the county north of the Ohio, it is claimed, dates back to the last six years of the pre\ious century'. The immigration that began to enter as early as 1794, and that increased rapidly during the few years following that date, was composed mostly of Scotch-Irisii families, and among tiiem were numbered m.any of the Presbyterian faith. Says the present ])astor. Rev. H. N". Potter, to whom we are indebted for these facts, in an anniversary sermon delivered July 2, 1870: The war-whoop of the Indian was still heard, and his war-path traced, at the DA.ELINGTON BOROUGH. ' 543 time of their coming. Tliere were a number of pious families in this settlement, and feeling the importance of the regular ministry they applied to Dr. McMillan, and other of the pioneer ministers, to send one of their young men to settle among tliem as their pastor. Dr. William S. Plumer, son of William Plumer, one of the first ruling elders of this church, tells the following facts that were handed down by family traditions : A remarkable revival of religion occurred in this church and community before there was any minister settled in the congregation. It took place in the winter of the year 1798-99, shortly before Mr. Hughes settled here as pastor. It began and was car- ried on without the presence of any minister of the gospel. The meeting was called " Holding Society." The revival was a work of great power; nearly all the young peo- ple in the Presbyterian families were subjects of tliis glorious work, or were much affected by it. Three boys, living at a distance of more than twelve miles, walked through deep snow while it was yet falling that they might see and partake of this great blessing. This church was organized in the autumn of the year 1798 by the Presb3'ter_y of Ohio. Who it was that was instrumental in getting up the petition by which an organi- zation was asked, and who were the committee that organized this church, and why they gave it the name of Mt, Pleasant, we have not been able to learn. Mr. William Plumer, Robert Clark and Robert Bovard were the first ruling elders, and we would suppose were the prime movers in the organization. The first place of preaching was on the banks of the Little Beaver creek, about one mile east of Darlington, then called Greersburg, upon or near the grounds of the present graveyard. The church edifice was built of logs, covered with clapboaads, and seated with logs or puncheons with legs. Such a luxury as a fire was unknown in this primitive church building. The e.xact date of the erection of this structure I have not been able to obtain, but it was not long after the organization. The congregation remained in it .some eight or nine years. It was then determined to erect a new Iniilding-. A location was selected in a grove a sliorfc distitnce east of Darlington, where Jolin McCowen's house now stands. Land to the extent of five acres was donated l)y John Martin. Tlie building was not completed for three years, the services being held during summer in a tent, and during winter in the academy. The structure was a frame -tO l)v CO feet, and was occupied until ISCl, when the present building was erected. Tlie first pastor was Rev. Thomas Edgar Hughes, who was installed Aug. 28, 1799. He was born in York county, Pa., his parents having at an early date immigrated from Wales. About one year after the birth of their son his parents removed to Washington county, where young Thomas was reared amid the religious influences of his pious parents and of Dr. John McMillan, their pastor. It was by the minis- try of the latter that liev. Hughes was converted, July 16, 1787. From that moment he determined to devote his life to the ministry. He placed himself under private instructicm in the elements of an edu- cation, entered the academy at Cannonsburg, graduated from the col- lege of New Jersey in 1797, and after a theological course under his old pastor. Dr. McMillan, was licensed t(j preach Oct. 17, 1798. He mar- 544 • HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. ried Miss Mary Donehe)', May 6, 1799, and entered ii|i(in his pastorate at Darlington or, as it was tlien called, Greersburg, in August of the same 3'ear. In the church he was noted for his grave demeanor, but vpas not severe in his austerity, being kind and loving to those about him. Under his charge the congregation increased in numbers and in religious zeal. Several revivals took place whicii greatly strengtliened the people in their faith, one in particular during the winter of 1801-2, being noted for its good results. In the cause of education Rev. Hughes took an active part. Very early during his stay in Greersburg he debated tiie idea of having some sort of school in the ]ilace, and, it is said, actually opened one himself in an old log cabin. In the year 1802 Kev. Hughes called the attention of the Presbytery to the need of a proper academy for the training of the young, and the action they took in establisiiing the Greei'sburg academy was due chiefly to his efforts. The relations he bore to the church were dissolved Dec. 19,1830, when he removed to "Wellsville, Ohio, where, after serving the church for a few years, he was called forest May 2, 1838, aged si.xty-nine years and twenty-five days. He was followed in Darlington by Rev. William D. Smith, who remained from April 15, 1835, to June 29, 183(;. The succession of pastors thereafter have been as follows: Rev. William J. Gileson, D.D., June, 1838, to Dec, 1888; Arthur 15. Bradfmd, Oct., 3, 1839. to June 23, 1847; R. S.Morton, June 14, 1848, to March 1^, 1851; J. W. Johnston, Jan. 11, 18.53, to April 15,1857; A. W. Boyd, 1860 to 1865; Albert Dill worth, 1.865 to 1870, and Rev. Henry N. Potter, the pre.sent pastor, who was installed Feb. 2, 1871. F(.)Ilest. On the last date mentioned, Rev. Samuel Patterson preached his fii'st )iastoral discourse. At that time itliore (m its rolls some eighty mendjers. It grew gradually until its membership I'eaciied 180. J!y reason of deaths and removals, however, the present membership does not exceed 150. The congregation is in a good healthy working condition, both spiritually and financially. T/w United Preshijterian (Jomj/'cgatlon was organized in ISOO. Its former name was Brusl) Run United J^resbyterian church. Its pastors have been Rev. J. Duncan, 1800^; G. Imbrie, 1806-42; B.F.Sawyer, 1844-60; and II. Sturgeon, the present minister, who began his pastor- ate in 1862. Tile membership is 120. Tlie present edifice, a neat brick structure, was built a, few years ago, succeeding the old fi-ame, which had Ijeen erected in 1848. The Darlington congregation . is the mother of many otfs])rings, who have ta,ken up tlie good work and thus extended the iuHuence of tlie parent congregation. GL.\!SG()\V. Tiiis little borinigh is situated in (Jluo townslnp at the mouth of Little Beaver. It lies wholly on tlie north side of the Ohio liver,, nearly opposite Georgetown, aiul occupies the tract between Smith's Ferry and the Ohio state line. During heavy floods in the river, as in 1884, it is subject to temporary overflows. The town was laid out Oct. 22, 1836, by Sanford C. Hill, sur- veyor, on the land of George Daw.son, tlie founder of the place. Mr- .546 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Dawson owned a tract of some four hundred acres which is now occu- pied 1)V liis oldest son, Benoni, an atied and respected resident of the com- munity. George Dawson had six cliildren, five sons and one daughter, TJz : Benoni, still living on the farm; Nicholas, at present residing in Houston, Texas, to whom $1,100 was bequeathed on condition that he was not in the rebel army during the late war; James and Hawkins, both deceased; William, still living, and Eliza, deceased. He died in 18(J0. The village, laid out on account of the importance then attached to the Sandy and Beaver canal, has streets sixty and alleys twenty feet in width. The names of streets parallel with the Ohio river — Front and Liberty; those at right angles, commencing with the old canal — Main, Custom House, Market and Exchange. The lots, except those around the tliamond, are 50 by 100 feet. The first house built after the town was laid out was that of Job Harvey; the second that of John Bunton, in w'hich he kept a store; and the third that of John McFall, which is still occupied by iiim as a residence. Application was made at the June session, 1853, for incorporation. The matter was taken under consideration, and the cliarter granted Oct. 12, 1854, since which time the place has been legnlly known as tlie "borough (if Glasgow." The first election for borough officers w;is held at the house of Alfred McFall, on the third Saturday of Novem- ber, 1854, Jesse McGraw acting as judge, and John A. Hays and Uriah Smith as inspectors. Subsequent elections were fixed for the third ■Saturday of March in each year. Glasgow has excellent shipping facilities. Though the canal has become defunct, the building of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Eaiiroad has more than compensated for the loss. The Ohio river has given the place connection with the business world in all directions. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. Tlie people early gave attention to schools and churches. The interest in education has been manifested l)y the erection of suitable buildings, in which to give ade<]uate elementary instruction to the youth of the community. The Pri'shijterlai) Chv?x-h was established in Glasgow largely through the instrumentality of George Dawson, who was an elder from the date of its organization in 1849 to the day of his death. He donated the ground on wiiich the structure stands, and contriliuted lib- erally of his means for the erection of the house of worship, which was ■completed in the autumn of 1849 at an expense of some $700. GLASGOW BOROUGH. 547 Some of its early memljers were George Dawson and family, James Thompson and wife, Evan Frazier, David Heed, Matilda Reed, James Logan, Massy Logan, Nancy Marquis, Samuel Stevenson, Nancy Ann Stevenson, Maria C. Reed, James H. Reed, Daniel Cloud, Agnes Cloud, Mary Cloud and Eliza Marcus. The first mention of the congregation anywhere occurs in a petition dated June, 1S49, to the New Lisbon Presbytery, to be organized. The records since then are imperfect, so that but a partial view of what has been done l\v its membership can be given. In the pastorate have been the following preachers — Rev. William Reed, in 1849; how long he continued is not known: Rev. William Gaston occupied tlie pulpit from 1861 to 1800, the period of the civil war; his congregations were not unfrequently disturbed by reports of the approach of the enemy: Rev. R. T. McMahan and Rev. R. S.Mor- ton succeeded him in the work: The present incumbent is Rev. James Swan. The first elders were chosen Jan. 4, 1850, viz : George Dawson, James Thompson, Daniel Cloud and James Logan. The Jret/ior/i.st Ejjiscojml Church of Glasgow belongs, with that of Ohioville, to the Smith's Ferry charge. The charge was organized at Glasgow and Ohioville in 18C7, by Rev. G. A. Lomand. At the time of the organization the Glasgow congregation had onlv twelve members. In this number were John McFall, Jol) Harve}', Alfred McFall, Dr. Grafton and others. For several years services were conducted in the school house. In 1874 a plain wooden structure was erected at a cost of $],2(K) or $1,500. This was replaced in 1884 with a neat frame, 40 by 60 feet, costing $3,500. In 1880 a parsonage was built at an expense of $1,600. It is said to be the neatest in the district, exce])ting those found in the large towns and cities. The excitement connected with the estal)lisliing and iiui-ning of oil refineries and the great flood of February, 1884, have caused spiritual interests to ebb and flow. The congregation has a nominal membership of aljout ninety, and in the language of an ofKcial representative, wlio, perhaps, takes a pessimistic view, is "weak and not prospering." The pastoral guidance of this plant has been maintained bj^ G. A. Lomand, R. Hopkins, F. D. Fast, G. P>. Wallis, D. M. Stafford, J. L. Stiffey, E. M. Wood, L. H. Eaton, G. W. Righter, A. L. Kendall and W. Johnson, the present incumljent. The same pastors, of coui'se, have officiated at Ohioville. 548 HISTOKY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. SOCIETIES. Glasgow has not neglected to cultivate the fraternities. Its orders; are represented as follows : Glasgow Lodge, No. IfSo, A. Y. Jf., was constituted Feb. 2, 1871,. bv V>. II. Henderson, D. D. G. M., with ten charter members. The first corps of officers consisted of — A. J. Pettit, W. M. ; John Morton, S. W. ; W. J. Glenn, J. W. ; John Cegley, treas. ; W. M. Marshall, sec. Since that time the W. M.'s chair has been occupied by I). M. Erwin, Amos Dawson, F. L. Minsinger, Harry J. Boyd, Job Dawson, John W. McFarren, Eeed McFall and John S. Ashbrook ; the treasur- er's chair by William L. Rail, Benjamin Dawson, William D. Williams and Harvey Wallace; the secretary's by William M. Marshall, John Morton, W. C. Chase, A. J. Pettit, Pude McFall. John S. Ashbrook and Ilarrv J. Boyd. The lodge owns a brick building, bought in 1S72 for $1,200. It was l)uilt in 1S?,7. The membership numbers thii'ty-seven. The general condition is one of peace and prosperity. L'ina Maud Lodge, No. Z.f'?, L. 0. 0. K, wan instituted Dec, 2, 1870, bv David AVoodrufF, D. D. G. M., of Beaver county, assisted by Past Grands William Hurst, J. S. Dari'ugh, S. II. Darragh, William Barnes, J. S. Moorberger and ( !. Maston. The cliarter members were — Jolin Morton, Henry Camp, Charles Hade, Frank McCarty and Sam- uel G. Ferren. Of these Morton was N. G.; Camp, V. G.; Ferren, sec; A. J. Keynolds, treas. The lodge meets in Masonic Hall erected in 1,848. It has a mem- bership of twenty-five, and is maintained at an annual expense of sixty dolkrs. Its financial condition is good, some eight hundred dollars being invested in interest-bearing funds. At this time (1887) Frank Wright is N. G.; Joseph Hays, V. G.; J. W. McCormick, sec, and W. D. Williams, treas. Line Island Lodge may properly be called the parent of Safe Harbor, No. 799, Industry; Mill Creek Valley, No. 842, iiookstown, and West Salem, No. 892, Black Hawk. Colonel Eichard L'. liol)erU Pod, No. ^IiJ/,, G. A. Li., was organ- ized May 19, 1882. in Masonic Hall, Glasgow, by A. V. Woodruff, deputy mustering officer. Tlic roll included John S. Ashbrook', Pobert McClelland, George Mackall, Harry J. Boyd, Samuel C. Dauglierty,. Scroggs L. Dawsou, Joseph G. Hayes. Daniel Dillon, Pet erAVolf, Jacob House, James C. Plumber, G. B. Dawson, F. S. Albright, William Wai-- rick, Peter Herbert, H. Lyons, M. Miller, S. Milliron, James Mackall and William Diehl. The officei's from the first have been — Com- manders, John S. Ashbrook, U. McClelland, C. A. Wallover and ,J. S^ GLASGOW BOROUGH. 549 Ashbrook; adjutants, C. A. Walhjver, J. S. Asli'orook and George Mackall; quartermasters, H. Lyons and Harry J. Boyd. The order has a membership of thirty-seven, and meets regularly in Masonic Hall, for which it pays an annual rental of $50. It was named in honor of Colonel R. P. lloberts, of tlie 140th regiment, P. V., wlio was killed at Gettyslmrg, July 2, 1863. For fuller particulars of this brave and pati'iotic man see chapter on Bench and Bar. MISCELL.A.NKOUS. Glasgow has no postoltice of its own, all mail being received at Smith's Ferry. The |)o[>uhition in isso was 573. CHAPTER XXIII. SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. Origin of Beavkk County — Erection op' Townships — Hanover Town- ship — Frankfort Springs — Harshaville — Kendall — Greene Township — Georgetown — Hookstown — Mill Creek Presbyterian Church — Raccoon Township — "Eudolpha Hall" — Moon Town- ship — Hopewell Township — Independence Township. ONE of tlie difficult problems in the writing of the history of Beaver county is the securing of accurate information concerning its townships. This grows out of several facts: 1. The territory from which the county was formed was gathered from several counties whose organizations were equally complex. 2. Subdivisions and boundary changes have occurred (juite frequently since the county was erected. 3. Portions of townships have been stricken off at times to form new townships or the new county of Lawrence. The three original counties of the state were Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks, all formed March 10, 1682. Chester included the western part of the state as then existing. From Chester was formed Lancas- ter May 10,1729; from Lancaster was formed Cumberland Jan. 27, 1750; from Cumberland was formed Bedford March 9,1771; from Bedford was formed Westmoreland Feb. 26, 1773; to this, in 1785, was added a part of the Indian purchase of 1784. From Westmoreland was formed AVashington ifarch 28, 1781 ; from parts of Westmoreland and Washington was formed Allegheny Sept. 24, 1788 ; and from Allegheny and AVashington was formed Beaver March 12, 1800. In the forming of Beaver county, Allegheny furnished all the ter- ritory north of the Ohio on both sides of Big Beaver river, and all on the south side except a triangle lying west of a straight line connecting the southeast corner of the present Hanover township with the point at which the state line crosses the Ohio river below Georgetown. This ti'iangle, it will be seen, embi'aced a portion only of the present town- ships of Hanover anil (ireene. 550 .SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 551 One of the tliirteen origin;il townsliips of Washington county,, formed July 15, 1781, seven years before Allegheny county was organ- ized, was Smith. It lay in the northern part of Washington county, and was bounded on the nortii and east b\' the Ohio river, thus embrac- ing all of what is now called the " South Side " and more. On the 11th of i\rarch, ITSG, Smith townshi]) was divided, and the noi'thern part, witli tlie Oliio river astlie northern and eastern boundaries, was called Han- over. Wiien Beaver was formed Hanover townsiiip was subdivided, and tiie part in each of the counties, Wasliington and Beaver, retained the same name. One of the earliest subdivisions of the county into townshi])s is found in Joseph Scott's "Geographical Description of Pennsylvania," published in Pliiladelphia in 1806. It gives the jjopuiation in Beaver county by townships in 1800. His subdivisions are — Hanover, First Moon and Second Moon ; Nortli Beaver and South Beaver, and Se wick- ley. From this it would appear that Hanover and the two Moons were on the south side; the two Beavers north of the Ohio and west of Big Beaver, and Sewickiey nortli of the Ohio and east of Big Beaver. All of these divisions except Hanover must have come from Allegheny county. From Allegheny county records we learn that in September, 1801, a petition was presented to the court praj'ing for a division of South Beaver township, which, it seems, then included more than the southern half of the district lying north of the river. The ])etition recited that an application iiad been laid Lefore the court to liave tlie townslii)) separated by an east and west line, and that the present petition to have it tlivided by a line parallel to the state line into Field townsiiip on tlie west, and Meadow townsiiip on tlie east, was meant to apply to the territory north of said east and w'est line. These names were never given, but in the following vear, 1S(I2, Little Beaver and Big- Beaver were formed in the same territory. In 1801 New Sewickiey township was formed from Sewickiey township, whose extent was thirty miles, rendering it too large for township purposes. At the August term of the court of quarter sessions at Beaver, in 1804, a petition from citizens in North Beaver was presented for the subdivision of the township. The court granted the petition, di- recting the formation of two townships, the one east of Big Beaver and Shenango to be called Shenango township, and the one on west side to be called North Beaver. At the November session of court, 1804, it was ordered that the .552 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. hoiuuls of the borough of Beaver be made the bouiularv oFa new town- ship to be called Borough townshi]>. At the May session, 1805, the court ordered the division of South Beaver township into South Beaver and Ohio townships. Of the com- mittee appointed at the November session preceding, composed of David Drennan, Henry Kirkendall and Samuel Caughey, tlie liist two were favorable, the last being opposed to the action. At the January term, 1811, a petition was presented asking a new arrann-enient of the townshi])s of the county. The question was con- tinued for furtliei' consideration. At the November term of the same vear, a petition came fi'om those living nf)rth of the Ohio and east of Bio- Beaver, asking that said territory be formed into four townships. James Carothers, Thomas Foster and David Scott, Esq.. were aj)- pointed viewers. It is not known what they recommended; l)ut at the January session, ISliJ, a petition came from the same region requesting a new arrangement of townships. James Whiteliill, John McCollough and Daniel Christy were appointed viewers. Tlieir I'e- port is unknown, but must have had some effect; for on the 29th of October, 1814, the county commissioners, John Sharp, John Martin and James Dennis, in accordance with an act of the assembly passed MaT'cli -tth preceding, prepared a nuxp of Beaver county which is now in the register and I'ecorder's office. It makes the following showing of townships: South Side — Hanover and Greene separated by Eaccoon creek fi-om Hopewell and Moon. Wed Side — Ohio, Boi-ough, South Beaver, Little Beaver, Big Bea- ver and North Beaver. East Side—'Ne\v Sewickley, North Sewickley and Shenango. At the August session of court, IS^:*), a petition for tiie division of Now Sewicklev townslii)) was presented. The viewers were Joseph Hemphill, Stephen Stone and Thomas Henry. Petition granted. At the same court a petition for the division of Brighton township was offered. In spite of renutnstrances, the decree was granted. Thouo-h the records do not so state, the two townshi])sof Economy and Chippewa must have been the ones formed at this session of court. No other mention of them was fouiul, and they appear in the county treasurer's receipts for taxes in 1830, showing their prior existence for a number of years. In 1856, "a petition was ])resented to the court to have Economy townshii) divided. Francis lieno. .lolm H. Whisler and Hugh Jackson SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 555 were appointed to investigate ;iiui repoft. Tliey reconinieiuled tiie oranting of tlie ])etition. A special election was held in the townshij), Oct. 13, 1S57. to test the matter. The result was: For neAV township, 8; against, 141. At the December session, 1S32, a petition was presented for the formation of a new township out of Moon and Greene. The decree was made at the September session 1833, and Raccoon Avas l)orn. At the June session, 1S36, a petition for the division of Shenango townslii]! was presented. The viewers. Major Andrew Jenkins, Ed ward Hoops, and John C. Stamen, reported favorably. Decree was granted Dec. 7, 1S3(). The west division was called Shenango, the east, Slip- peryrock. At the June session, ISIJ:, a ])etitioii was presented from sundry citizens on North Sewickley township, saying that in consequence of the size of their township and the great distances they were compelled to go to attend elections, they desired to have their territory formed into four townships. Dr. Joseph Pollock, Joseph Irvin and David Mai'quis were appointed t(j investigate and report. They recommended the gi'anting of the petition. Feb. «, IS-tS. the court granted the peti- tion, and decreed the forming of four townshi])s, Wayne, Perry, Marion and North Sewickley. This ended a contest that l)egaii in 1825. At the November session, 1840, a petition for the division of Lit- tle Beaver by a line commencing on the Pig Beaver township line near the Rev. (4eorge Scott's church and passing through to the Ohio state line near the house of John Smart, forming two townships, one to retain the r is S90(i. HARSHAVILLE. This is the name of a small village in the northeastern part of Han- over township. Prior to 1859 it was called Hanover, in honor of the United Presbyterian church of that name, whose edifice was the first building in the place. The first dwelling in tlie village was erected by Robert Bell, about 1836. It is no longer in existence. Among the early settlers of the place mention may be made of Robert Bell, Isaac Parkinson, Robert Johnston, William Peters and John Harsha. William Peters kept a store. John Harsha was justice of the peace for aljout twent3'-five *This sketch was prepared from data kindly furnished by John J. Carothers, of Frankfort Springs. 560 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY. years, and represented the county in tlie legislatui-e for tlie three years^ 1836-37-38. Some of the early settlers in this portion of Hanover township, within a radius of four miles, were the following, all of whom were worthy and industrious citizens: John Smith, deacon of the Hanover church; John Leeper, James Harper, father of the present James Har- per, county surveyor; James Bigger, father of E. K. Bigger, attornej^; Adam, John and Alexander Gibbs; Thomas, Charles, David and James Anderson; Thomas and Alexander Adams; John, James and David Little (now spelled Littell), and James JSTeilson now spelled Nel- son). The village was named Harshaville because its postoffice was so named in honor of its first postmaster, Robert Harsha, at present a resident of Beaver. The office was establislied in 1859. The post- masters and the dates of their appointments have been the following: Eobert Harsha, Jan. 19, 1859; David Short, May 16, 1864; John G. Adams, Aug. 15, 1865; Benjamin F. Reed, April 21, 1867; James R. Wilson, July 6, 1869; Martin L. Armstrong, Aug. 28, 1872. The Hanover ZTnited Preshyterimi Church was oi'ganized, accord- ing to the most reliable records, about 1825, by Rev. John Graham. Its first corps of elders consisted of John Smith, William Sterling, John McCormick and Thomas McGuire. Since then the following have served: John Harsha, Thomas Harsha,William Harsha, William Ralston, Samuel Plunket, Robert Gorsuch, Alexander McCoy, James Torrence, William Swearengen, John A. Gibb, Robert Harsha, John Purvis, William Miller and Joseph Mahaifey, the last six named constituting the pres- ent board. The first edifice was a fi'ame, built in 1827. It was sup- planteil by the })resent structure in 1811. The membership numbers 160, and contributes 81,100 annually for all purposes. The following is its list of pastors with tlieir periods of service: Rev. James Priestly, 1837-40; J. J. Buchanan, 1842-44; T. Calahan, 1849-54; W. S. McConnell, 1857-58; W. M. Richey, 1862-65; J. L. Purdy, 1867-81; M. S. Telford, the present incumbent, 1882. KENDALL. Kendall is a beautiful little village in the westei'u part of the township, the postoffice of the ))lace bearing the same name. GREENE TOWNSHIP. This township lies along the western line of the county between Hanover and the Ohio river. It is said to have been n;imed in honor SOUTH SIDE TOWNSIIIl'S. 561 of General Nathaniel Greene, a (listingiiished officer of the American revolntion, and sliould therefore be spelled as he spelled his name. It is called " Second Moon " in the earlier I'eports. Like Hanover, it is a well watered and timbered township, con- taining' excellent land tliat has lieen cnltivated by mdusti'ioas and successful farmers. Its (h'ainage is good. It has two boronghs, George- town and Hookstown. GEOKoETOWN noKouon. This borough is pleasantly situated in tiie north pai't of Greene township, on tiie Ohio I'iver. It is one of the oldest settlements in Beaver county, and was laid out on the 13th of Jan., 1793, by Benoni Dawson, who came from Montgomery connty, Md., about 1780. He died May 16, 1806, aged sixty-four years. His \vife was Rebecca (Mackali) Dawson, who died Oct. 6, 1n16, aged seventy-five years. They are both buried in the old Georgetown cemetery. Thej were members of the Protestant Episcopal church. They liad tliirteen ciiildi'en — nine sons and four daughters. One of his sons, Tliomas, has a grandson, lienoni Dawson, still living in Glas- gow, opposite Georgetown. Anotlier son, Nicholas, has grandchildren living in and ai'ound Georgetown, among whom may l)e mentioned John Dawson and Mrs. Dr. S.T. Hamilton. Still anotlier son, George, married .lane Mackali, by wiiom he had ten children, among wiiom were L5enoni Dawson, George Dawson and R. D. Dawson, whose wife, Mary J. Dawson, and daugiiter ( wife of Edward Spence) now reside in Georgetown. Oi'iginally the name was written as consisting of two distinct parts, George Town. The tendency has been to combine, antl make it appeal- as one. This suggests two theories as to the origin of the name: one that the name was bestowed in honor of George Dawson, son of the original Benoni, who owned a- jiortion of the town plat. A second and more probable theory is that the name was bestowed in honor of the Georgetown adjoining tlie national ca]>ital. Georgetown early became a, ])lace of residence for those engaged in steamboating, and occupies that jiosition at present in the rank of villages. The elevation above the beautiful ( )hi<.> renders it free from all anxiety as to overflow. Some of the early tavern-keepers at Georgetown were Niciiolas Kreld and Philip Ducomb. They botli received license to keep tavern, at the August session of court, ls04. At the May session, 1805, Will- 502 IIISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. iiiiii Carnag'V and Thomas Foster were likewise comiiiissioiied to keep tavern, and continued in tlie business for many years. At the March session, 180S, James Preston, and at the August session, 1809, Joseph Smitii, were given permission to keep houses of puijiic entertainment. Thomas Foster was the first postmaster of the place, his first a])])ointment bearing date April 1,1802. He held tlie position until the 1st of (_)ctoljer, 18i)7, when John Christmas was appointeil. He retained the position until Sept. 10, ls21,, wlien Foster was re-appointed. He continued to discharge its duties untd he was succeeded byZebulon Kinsey, June 2, 1835. Tlie following is the complete list of the post- masters from 1802 to the present time: Thomas Foster, .Tolm ( 'hristmas, Zet)ulon Kinsey, Hugh ^[cCullough, Salah Prudeu, Thomas Fry, ( 'harles Calhoon, George W. Calhoon, Samuel C. Trimble, Henry J. Ki'isey and Mrs. Lydia P. Kinsey, the present officer. That tlie people of the place did not all have angelic dispositions in those primitive times is attestetl liy the accompanying document? which is a specimen both of uniqueness and candor, it was evidently' given to release the holder from the suspicion that the ear-crop was a mark of punishment inflicted In' the authorities of those days: Pennsyi^39or 1840. He continued over a year, (lyiii.i;- Oct. 18. 1841. Salaiy. s500. Rev. David Kobertson acce])te(l a call, and was ordained in .\pril, 18-12. lie continued until Octol)er. 18.54. Salary. s5ii(i. Kev. II. S. ]\Iorton was installed in connection with Ilookstown, April 9, 1855. lie continued until 1S(;5, when he resigned to accept a chaplaincy in the army. Salary, $(!0(». Rev. Graham w'as the next. He was installed Xov. 2n, 18(15, and continued until Oct. 3, 18(10. Salary, !i^(i50. Rev. J. L. Fulton was installed Dec. 11. 18(38. and continued until 187.3. Salary, !? 1.000. The lirst house of worshi|) wasa cabin 18 by 22 feet, located in the burying-ground. It wassupplanted Ijy a double log house 30 by Go feet, which without floor or door, in 17'.t;», was used for preaching. Twelve years later it was ornamented with pews, stoyes and ])ulpit. In 1832 or 1833 this stately structure was rephiced by a brick edifice 50 by (50 feet, with a gallery. Tiie building committee consisted of David Gordon, James McCready, Robert jNIcFerran, Robert Ramsey and Hezekiah Wallace. Robert Taylor contracted for the brickwork at $1,050, and James Carothers the carpenter work, at $1,200. In 18G9 the present structure was built by Harper Ralston, the aggregate cost being $8,191. RACCOON TOWNSHIP. This township was formed in l.s33 from Moon and Greene Town- ships. It is bounded on the north by the Ohio river, which separates SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 569 it IVoHi Industry, lirigliton and liorong'li townships; on the east by Raccoon creek, whicli divides it from Moon; on the south hy Iiidepeud- ence and Hanover, and on the west l:>y (Treene. Its name is derived from the creek, which was. in ]>rimitive times, the haunt of an untold luiuilier of animals of the fur-bearing species. Its drainage is of most excellent ijuahty. On tlie north numerous small rivulets readily seek the Ohio; on tiie east and south Fishpot run antl <.>ther runs, togethei' witli Sarvis creek, give ready drainage. A g0(.)tl qualitv of land is found within its liorders, so much so that when AVashington descended the Ohio, in ITTn, on a, real estate expedition, he called esjiecial attention to the timbered land up Rac- coon creek. In addition to the gootl supply of timber to be found within the township, a l^eneficent Providence has furnished an alnind- ance of coal, oil and natural gas near at hand to prevent poor mortals from perishing from cold or starvation. All these natural agencies have been fully utilized by its industrious and intelligent inhabitants. The United I'reshyterian C(rofessor of the institution read his lectures to his students in a room of his own dwelling, a, log house of modest pretensions. In the same room students were examined upon the sub- ject-matter of the lectures, and likewise delivered their trial discourses. About 1805 a 1)uilding was erected for the use of students. It was plain and humble, being built of hewn timber, and was IS by 30 feet, two stoi'ies in height. It still stands, and was, a few years ago, occu- pied as a private dwelling by Mr. Joshua Hunter and his family. In this modest structure the seminary was conducted with success and acceptance till the year 1818, when it was removed to Cannonsburg, Pa., and subsequently reappeared in the theological seminary at Xenia, Ohio, its legitimate successor. The presiding genius at Service was Hev. John Anderson, D.D.. a highly educated Scotchman of ability and fervent piety. He was born in 1748, and died April 0, 1880, in the eighty-third year of his age. The following- sketcli of this divine will l)e found interesting: When he came to Service he was about fifty-four years of .age. in the posse.ssion of his full mental powers. Like Zacclieus of old, lie was short in stat\ire, being only fivp Q3^ ^■^^-^^-o-*^ //^ SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 573 feet in height, tirmly built, regular features, lofty forehead and dark penelratiug eyes. His general appearance was venerable and diguitied, so much so as to attract attention in a miscellaneous company. Some of liis mental traits and habits were peculiar. He was remarkable for his earnest piety. JIuch of bis time was sjieut in reading, meditation and prayer. His neighbors of every religious faith testified with unifoimity as to this characteristic of the man. Rev. Alexander McLelland, D.D., who about 1813 was a student at Eudolpha, boarding in Dr. Anderson's family, and who subse- quently became a professor in IJickinson College, gave this voluntary testimony: " 1 do believe he was the most godly man in the earth." He was humljle; he never paraded his learning. When he found he had done the least wrong to any one, he would never rest until he had made proper confession: nor did he consider such a course toward a student whom he unjustly reproved in the least degrading, but the reverse, lie was dead to the world. His family, consisting of his wife and himself, subsisted on ij;800 per year. Domestic management he left wholly to his life partner. He was an indefatigable brain-worker, devoting, as a rule, fourteen hours per day to the most intense study. Nor was this mental tax confined to efforts in his library. He studied in going from the saddle to the pulpit, and the pulpit to the saddle. At times he was so absorbed in mental operations that he was entire!}' oblivious to what was going on about him. On one occasion when leaving the pidpit, his mind was so absorbed with his theme that he mounted his neighbor's horse and rode olT, not know- ing what he did. At another time, having spent the night with .James Sterling, one of the elders of King's Creek, he mounted his horse and started for his home, distant some ten miles. Having proceeded some distance he dropped the reins, and pulling a pocket companion, began to read. The horse, being given full liberty, pastured in the fence corners and along the banks of the stream. When the sun was setting, the animal with the studious doctor upon his back, returned to Mr. Sterling's. The doctor recognized the place as the one from which he started in the morning, and tarrying through a second night, renewed his journej' the next morning with better success. Dr. Anderson had a weak voice and slowness of speech. He was a wearisome speaker, man}' of his audience being unable to follow his line of thought because they were unable to hear him distinctly. By some this defect in speech was regarded as a qualification for his work as a professor, inasmuch as it prevented his students from accjuiring any manneri.sms of address as too frequently occurs in such institutions. His thoughts, his instruction, his habits of study and logical processes of thought, were repro- duced in those under his guidance and tuition. As a consequence the students of " Eudolpha Hall" became distinguished ministers in their denomination. The following names are mentioned asshowing this: Kcv. William Wilson, supposed to have been the first student at Eudolpha. He waslicensedin 179.5. His grandson of the same name was a resident subsequenlly of Beaver. Rev. Daniel McLean, father of Dr. A. McLean, lately of Beaver; Rev. Thomas Allison; Rev. .Tames Ramsey, D.D., of Can- uonsburg; Rev. Andrew Herron, D.D., of Ohio; Rev. Alexander McLelland, D.D., formerly professor in Dickinson College; Rev. Joseph Scroggs, D.D., of Ligonier; Rev. Thomas Beveringe, D.D., subsequently professor at Xenia, Ohio; Rev. Abraham Anderson, D.D., professor in Eudolpha Seminary, for a time at Cannonsburg; Rev. Thomas Hanna, D.D., late of Wa.shington county; Revs. John Marshall and James Pringle, of North Carolina, and others. They were all men of ability whose work attested the faithfulness and thoroughness of their instruction at " Eudolpha Hall." 81 5Y4 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. MOON TOWNSHIP. This township is part of one of the original townships in the county. It lies between Eaccoon creek and the Ohio river, into whose ano-le it pushes. It is one of the important townships of the county, having a body of good land, and industrious farmers. In 1843 Joseph Alcorn, a farmer of wealth, willed to the public schools a valuable farm, the proceeds of which were to be distributed among the schools of the township. In 1869 the farm was sold for $10,000, which, properly invested, has yielded $800 annually to the school fund. Phillipsburg jjorough, whose history is given in Chapter XX, is the important place of the township. The population of Moon in 1880 was 1,124. The North Branch Presbyter'ain Church, whose house of wor-ship is located in the northeast part of Moon township, is, by dire necessity, the daughter of the Mount Carmel church. It began thus: Owing to the great distance to be traversed by members and others living in the bend of the Ohio river, the attendance at Mount Carmel was not as regular as desired by its ruling elders and pastor. To remedy the difficulty, the i)astor. Rev. J. I). Ray, came over into the bend to visit, and arouse greater zeal. He was told Ijy Daniel Weigle that the barn of the latter could be had for preaching in wai'in weather, and in cold, his house was available. In addition, the sum of $100 was guaranteed the minister for preaching once every three weeks. The proposition was accepted and the work began. This was in 1833. The attendance and interest were so good that it was determined to erect, in 1834, a house of worship on a site donated for that jmr- pose by Mr. Weigle. With one mind the people of the neighborhood met to erect the new house; some with axes, some with broad-axes, some with planes, and chisels and saws and augers, and others with hammers and adzes. Material was taken green from the stump and put into a frame building 35 by 4.5 feet. This labor was not wholly confined to the male members. While fathers and sons and brothers were engaged in preparing the structure, the good mothers and daugh- ters were engaged in cooking and sending out on horseback rich meals for the artisans. The enterprise was a success. Finally the building was enclosed. Seats wei'e needed. William Irwin and John Ilood went with their teams to Fallston and secured slabs. These were turned with the Hat sides upward. Into the under sides were bored leg-holes in which were fitted suitalJe pins for legs. These improvised seats answered a good purpose for many years, when they were replaced I)}' some of a moi-e modern style. SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 575 In 1837 a congregation was regularly organized by Eev. Kay, the elders of the old congregation assisting the new for a time. In the eldership were John Douds, William McDonald, Henry Eeed and oth- ers. To this numljer were added, shortly, John Care\', father of Dan- iel Carey, now of the M. E. church of Phillipsburg ; George Baker and James Douds, son of John Douds. The membership at that date emljraced John Carey, AVilliam Irwin, his Avife and daughters Mary and Ann; Thomas Hood and wife, John Hood and wife, Daniel "Weigle and wife and son Daniel; Mrs. Thomas Irwin, Mrs. John Weii^le, John and Jacob Londis and their wives, William Elliott and wife, Mrs. Jacolj Baker, Samuel Usilton and wife, Mrs. Philip Baker, Mrs. John Stewart, of Stewart's mill; William Shroad, John McBriar and wife, Mrs. John Braden and others. The growth of the congregatit^n became so rapid that an addition of ten feet to the south end of the house was made about 1850, result- ing in the present dimensions of the structure. The following preach- ers have served the church: Rev. J. D. Ray, its founder, from 1833 to 1842. He was succeeded by Revs. Hare, Henderson, Jr., Henderson, Sr., J. D. Ilazlett, O. H. Rockwell, J. M. Smith, J. P. Cummings, Shafer, Earsman, and Rutherford, the present incumbent. The Mount Olivet Presbyterian Church of Moon township, was organized January 1. 1870, at Gorsuch's School-house, the Revs. J. T. Fredericks, Samuel Forbes and S. A. Hunter (now of China) offici- ating. There were at that time tifty-three members; at present (October. 1887,) eighty-eight. The same year (1876) a conrfortable and commodious frame edifice was erected at a cost of $2,500. The church is maintained at an annual expense of some I-IOO. and is in good condition. The ])astor for the past seven 3'ears has been the i)resent incumbent, Rev. W. H. Hunter. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Hopewell to\vnshi]>, formed about 1817, is doubtless so named because of its connection with Washington county in the by-gone days. It lies along the Ohio, south of Moon. It has developed into an important gas and oil i-egion, the New Sheffield gas being almost inex- haustible in quantity, and incomparable in quality. Shannopin, one of the thrifty villages built up on the P. & L. E. railroad, is richly sup- })lied with the burning fluid. Mount Carmel Prefsbyterian C'hurch,\oca,leA in Hopewell township was originally called "The AVliite Oak Flats," in consequence of its 576 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. being situated in a forest of white oak tiiiilier. Tlie name was subse- quently changed to Mount Carmel, a scriptui'al title it lias l)orne for more than half a century. Tiie precise date of its organization is lost in the shades of the past. For a long time it belonged to the Ohio Presbytery, but latterly to that of Pittsbui-gh. Among its primitive members may be mentioned James lieed, Thomas Barnes, James Hutchinson, Adam Vance, 'Squire Kerr and John Todd. Their faithful wives were also identified with the church. The first house of worshij) was a log building which met current tiemands for a number of years. Finally a frame addition was made. This mixed structui-e was burned in 1837. Subsequently a brick struct- iire was erected on the same site at a cost of $2,000. This, in turn, was supi>lante(_l in 1871 by a frame at a cost of $8,000. The first pastor of the congregation was Rev, Andrew McDonald. His successoi's in order have been: Frazier, Rutlierford, J. D. Pay, W. (t. Taylor, D. D., and P. J. Cummings, the present pastor. The present corps of officers embraces — Trustees: James Davis, Arthur AYhite, Mahlon Douds, Frederick Schwartz, John Zimmerly, and James Temple, M. D.; Bulimj Elders: B. D. Douds, C. H. Douds, William M. Reed, George Baker, John Zimmerl}- and William Smith. The membership at present is about 150, free from debt, and spiritually growing. This congregation is the pioneer of the community. Reference to the sketch of North Branch congregation will reveal the fact that it is a swarm from this primitive hive. It was organized when the inhab- itants were sparsely located, and when the browsing of the deer and the howling of the wolf and catamount within easy range of the log cabin were not unusual to the hardy settlers. The haunts of the deer are now the browsing places of herds of sheep and cattle, and the terrible scream of the wild beast has been sup[)lanted by the songs of Sunday-school children. New Bethlehem United Presbytericm, Chiirch was organized June 19, 1865, at the Rarden Run school-house, by Rev. J. M. Witliersjioon. In its list of original members we find the following: W. G. Miller, Mrs. Mary Miller, James Miller, Mrs. Sarah Miller, Joliu McClester, Mrs. Eliza McClester, Miss Annie E. McClester, Joseph Wallace, Mrs. Rachel Wallace, James M. Wallace, Misses Nan and Rachel Wallace, James Alexander, Mrs. Nancy Alexander, Miss Maggie Alexander, Miss Fanny Alexander, Joseph McConnell, Mrs. Kad. McConnell, Miss Mary McConnell, Mrs. M. McCartney, John Nevin, Mrs. Mary A. Nevin, Miss M. J. Nevin, John E. Nevin, W. G. Neviu, George Sbillito, Mrs. Eliza- SOUTH SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 0( ( betli Shillito, Mrs. Louisa Alexander. Mrs. Susanna Hartford, Mrs. S. McHeury, Misses Rach and M. ilcHenrj', — tbirtytwo in all. The elders of the first session were — ^^John Xevin, George Shillito, James Miller, and John McClester. Since then there have been added Joseph McConnell, A. P. Morrow, Alex. Morrow and William Purdy. The last three ai-e still living and acting. The house of worship, a frame structure, was erected in 1869. Oil has been discovered all around the church property, and developments are still in progress. Joseph Wallace donated to the congregation one acre of ground, in ISS-i, on which the parsonage was built at a cost of $2,000. This lot adjoins the church lot. Rev. David F. Mustard served as pastor fi'om Octoljer, 1S72, to September, 1874; Rev. A. II. Orr, from August, 1876, to September, 1880 ; and Rev. J.A. Shrader, the present pastor, has served since Jan- uary, lii82. The membershi}) is 11.5. Tlie villages of im])ortance are Sliaimopin and Wooillawn, tlie former of wliich has developed I'apidly within the last few years, on account of the great activity in the region in oil and gas. One of tlie great resorts in this region is Aliquipjia, on the P. & L. E. railroad. The population of Hopewell townslii)) in 188u was 1,082. WdODI.AWX. This village is located on the line of the Pittsbm-gh & Lake Erie railroad. It is favorably situated on the south bank of the Oliio river, being nestled among the hills that are fringed witli an abundant growth of native timber. In consequence of its picturesque location it was very approju'iately named Woodlawn by one of the ladies of the place, Mrs. C. I. McDonald. It is in the region of natural gas, its residences and streets being supplied by a well witiiin the limits of the village. Its growtli has occurred since 1877, the lieginning of the railroad enter- ]n"ise. Educational advantages were developed with the growth of the place. On the 7th of April, 1879, was chartered the Wood/awn academi/, the names of the incorporators being James C. Ritchey, C. J. McDonald, O. A. Douds, J. W. Fitch, Dr. AYilliam Woods," D. A. McDonald, Alfred Ritchey, Archy Lawson, Robert Brown, William M. Ritcliey, Elery Douds and Mary W. McDonald. The capital stock consisted of 100 shares of $25 each; total, $2,500. The building erected in 1879 is a two-story frame, which cost $2,500. For a time a school was maintained successfully. Its opera- tions, however, are suspended. The hall has been serving a good pur- 578 HISTORY OF heavee county. pose as a place for churches of all denominations in which to hold ser- vices free of charge, the Presbyterians maintaining afternoon services regularly. The officers of the hoard of trustees consisted of — William Woods, M. D., president; C. I. McDonald, secretary; Robert Brown, treasurer. On the lith of May, 1887, was Organized Neio Sheffield Ccnmcil, No. 153, J. 0. U. A. M., Hai-ry A. Keil, vice counselor, of Pittsburgh, acting as master of ceremonies. The officers chosen consist of — C, W. Scott; V. C, Pt. McMasters; R. S., F. E. Boyd; A. R. S., H. M. Long; F. S., James Calvert; T., Barry Johnston; C, Harper Irons; W., J. P. Todd; I. S.. John Figley; O. S., Madison Cain; J. P. C, Thomas McKee. The council has some thirty -five members, and meets in the AVood- lawn academy building. The following is the list of postmasters since tlie establishment of the office, with dates of appointments: C. I. McDonald, Nov. 13, 1877; Robert AV. Anderson, Oct. 26, 1880; T. A. Florence, March 10, 1882; William M. Ritchie (never qualified), June 8, 1886; James C. Ritchie, June 1-J-, 1886. INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP. This township is the newest one on the South side. It was foi'med in 1848 from the southwest part of Hopewell. It is well drained by Raccoon creek and its liranches, affoi-ding the best quality of tillable land. It is filled up by a class of thrift\' and intelligent farmers who appreciate the valuable lands they are permitted to occupy. The popu- lation of the township in 1880 was 829. In this township is the Mount Olivet congregation of the Presby- terian church. It was regularly chartered Dec. 13, 1876, by T. A. Torrance, William McCally, Cyrus McConnell, James Russell, Thomas Butler, James li. McCoy, William Figley, James McCoy and James Miller. In Independencetownshipisthe postoffice known as "Seventy Six." Its postmasters from the first, and their dates of appointment, have been as follows : William McCallaster, Feb. 9, 1838 ; John Holmes, Oct. 20, 1831 ; James Sterling, Sept. 9, 1836 ; Daniel McCallistcr, July 10, 1841 ; Aaron S. Bryan, Aug. 21, 1852 ; David Held, March 7. 1854; William Orr, Jan. 28. 1862 ; W. F. Johnston, Feb. 17, 1865 ; William C. Shannon, June 5, 1865 ; Joseph Davis, Feb. 11, 1867 ; John S. Todd, Sept. 6, 1872; G. W. Bruce, March 20. 1876; William C. Shannon, March 4, 1878; Alexander McConnell, July 25, 1879. CHAPTER XXIV. WEST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. Brighton Township — Borough Township — Yanport — Industry Town- ship — Tillage of Industry — Ohio Township — Smith's Ferry — South Beaver Township — Chippewa Township — Patterson Town- ship — Big Beaver Township — Homewood — New Galilee Bor- ough — Darlington Township — White Township. BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. THIS townsliij> is situated on tlie northern side of the Oliio, near the center of the county. It is chieHy bounded by Beaver river, by the boroughs of Fallston and Bridge water, and the townships of Ohio, Oiiippewa, Industry and Borough. Its surface is generally hilly, and it is traversed by Brady's run. The township was formed about 1818, and in its limits are located the towns of Beaver, Sharon, Fallston and Bridgewater, all of which are spoken of in previous chapters. Its jiolHiIation in 1880 was 815. Four Mile* United Preshyterkin Church dates its organization in the month of July, 1812, though preaching was demanded by its members of the Presbytery at Greersburg, or Darlington, a year or two earlier. At first, services were held in the woods of George Bar- clay, the preaching being done by Rev. David Imbrie, one of the pioneer ministers of those days. At the date of the organization, July, 1812, Mr. Imbrie was assisted in the services by Rev. John Anderson, of Eudolpha Hall. The elders chosen for the congregation were Hugh Graham, Ilance Johnson and Robert Herron. Who the members were at that date cannot be definitely known, but the following were probably included : The elders just mentioned, Robert Ingles, McLaughlin and others. In 1831 the eldership *Thechurcli edifice is on or near the section of depreciation land, four miles square, which gives name to the congregation. Saj's Rev. Thompson : "This land is called Four Mile Square because it was appropriated, with other pieces of lanil of the same amount in various places, by an act of the legislature, pas.sed in 1777 and again in 1781, to redeem the depreciated certificates of the soldiers of the Revolutionary war." — History of the U. P. eoiiij. of Four Mile, p. ■!. 579 580 HISTORY OF BEAVER COrNTY. embraced Hugh Graham, Robert Herron, William Scott, Barnard Anderson, Robert Barnes, Andrew Ingles, John Hunter and William Vance. In 1S3S the name of John A. Scroggs appears; in 1844 those of James Graham, Jolm Siiane, Alexander Ewing and John S. Herron; in 1S52, those of George Barchiy and William Gailev, and in 1855 that of Jesse ]\[cGaffick. From 1812 to 1820 the congregation was supplied by Presbyter}'. Nov. 1, 1820, Rev. Elijah N. Scroggs was installed as pastor of West Beaver, Wc-^t Union and Four Mile, lie iield his relation with Four Mile for a period of twenty-eight years, six months and twenty- four days, resigning May 25, 1849. The next pastor was Rev. John A. McGili, who began his labors Oct. 7, 1851, and continued them till Nov. 15, 1853, when he resigned. During the latter part of his jsastor- ate he did some preacliing in Beaver, which resulted in the organization of a congregation there. An interregnum now occurred, there being no jmstor till June 11, 1861, when Rev. D. H. A. McLean was installed as pastor of this congregation and that at Beaver. He continued to labor for Four Mile until November, 18(36. He was succeeded by Rev. J. C. Evans, who officiated from Sept. 17, 1867, to June 13, 1871. Rev. J. Thompson, whose centennial sermon, read in November, 1876, is the source of most of this information, was jiastor from 1875 to 1878. In 1880 Rev. J. A. Edie began his laliors and continued tiiem until 1887, since which time a vacancy has existed. At first, ]n'eaching was conducted in the woods; then in a tent 10 by 10 feet, which was occupied by tiie pi'eaclier. Finally a log house was erected, probably about 1822 or 1823. In 1830 or 1833 a brick structure was erected on the J'arm of John Hunter, wiiich served the purpose intended until about 1873, when the present one was erected, at a cost of $4,000. During the late rebellion, tliis congregation was loyal to the general government, and freely sent its sons to the field. The Beaver Natiiral Ilistory Mnncum. — One of the fiuest anti rarest private collec- tions is now on esliibition in the mammoth Centennial show case, at Jlr. Hugo Andries- sen's Beaver drna; store. The beauty of many of the specimens excites the wonder and curiosity of the public, and almost-daily new attractive additions take the lover of nature by surprise. The departments of geolog}- and mineralogy contain one thousand rare minerals, all arranged according to Professor Dana's classification, showing everj' crys- tallized form, all the principal ores, and every known chemical element. This collection is very interesting on account of the number of typical gold, silver, copper, lead and iron ores from all parts of our own country, aad the attention of visitors is especially called to the exquisitely beautiful crystallizations and splendid forma of minerals from New Mexico^a donation from Ma.jor Thomas Henry, who has recently returned from this new Eldorado of gold and silver. There are also to be found in this unique collec- tion valuable and curious fossils which must delight every true Paleontologist; petrified WEST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 581 ferns from the carboniferous age, presented by Hon. ilansfield, from liis famous cannel coal mines near Darlington; a large number of Beaver county birds, which, by the art of the taxidermist, look as natural as ever; while preserved in sjiirits are some horrid and frightful looking reptiles, lizards, devil tish, etc. But even this is not all; for new wonders meet one at another section of the case, which contains stuffed alligators, lob- sters, crabs, corals, shells, sponges and many other ocean curiosities, which are followed by insects, butterflies, moths, etc., and skulls and skeletons of many animals. JVIr. Andriessen has also a very extensive herbarium, containing nearly all the flora of Beaver county, and specimens of the materia medica, which show the crude drugs used in med- icine from all parts of the world. This part of the museum is of great Interest to mem- bers of the medical faculty. This museum also contains an immense marine specimen donated by Elon. M. S. Quay, a tarpon (Megalops thrinsoidis). the largest of its kind ever captured on the coast of Florida, measuring six feet three inches. BOROUGH TOWNSHIP. This township is sitiutted nortli of the Oliio river, in the central part ot' the county. Its boundaries comprise the Ohio river on the soiith, Beaver borough on the northeast, and Brighton township on the north ;ind west. It is small in area, and is hilly and rough in surface. It was formed in November, 1804. The onlv town in its territory is Yanport. Tlie population of the township was, in ISSO, 370. VANPOET. This little village prettily located on the nortii bank of the Ohio river, about two miles below Beaver, was laid out in 1835 by J. J. Noss, he building the first brick house in the place. Its name origi- nated in tliis manner: ifartin Van Buren Avas the democratic candi- date for the presidency in 1830. One evening, a number of the party met to have a political demonstration. Among them were the Mul- vannons. The latter suggested that, as a compliment to their party leader, "Matty Van," the |)lace be called Vanport. It was done, and the cognomen has continued to this day. The ferry across the Ohio at tliis ].)lace was established about the year 1800. The big Ijrick house across from Vanport was built by Mr. Noss in 1816. The village has two church edifices, a Jfi-t/todisf and a B. Boggs, appointed Jan. 16, 1882; Miller Fiocker, Feb. 1, 1882; Baker Reed, Sept. 9, 1S85. The leading industry of the ]ilace is the manufacture of lime. INDUSTRY TOWNSHIP. This township is situated on the northern side of the Ohio river, near the center of the county. It is bounded by the townships of Ohio and Brighton, and by the Ohio river. It was formed Feb. 1, 1856. Its two towns are Industry and Rogers' Ferry, a small place on the north bank of the Ohio. The township is drained by the Six-Mile and Wolfs runs, two small streams that empty into the Ohio near each other. The surface of the townshi]) is quite irregulai* Coal of good quality is mined quite extensively thi-oughout the district, also lime- stone, sandstone and shale. Salt is also manufactured at Industry from the salt water found there, and quarries throughout the toAvnship pro- duce very fair building stone. The papulation of the township in 1880 was 751. VILLAGE OF INDUSTRY. This village is situated in Industry township, on the north l)ank of the Ohio river. It is a sprightly station on the line of the Cleveland &, Pittsburgh railway, and is about seven miles below Beaver. It was sui'veyed by AVilliam McCallistei', on the 11th of Sept., 1830, which marks the origin of the place. The streets parallel with the river were named Lemon, Orange, Canal and Coal; those at right angles, Canton, Huron and AVabash. The i>lat seems to have been lost for a time; but on the 4th of Jan., 1859, Mrs. Eleanor McCallister went before A. R. Mooi'e, justice of the peace, and itlentified the plat as the work of her husband. wp:st side tom'nships. 583 The industries of tlie ])lace have been somewhat marked. Some- time in the fifties a sawmill was established. In 1869 the Baker Bros, acquired tlie pro]ierty and added a flouring- mill. In 1872 George Engle became a partner, and in 1S83 the sole proprietor of the estab- lishment. It has done an extensive business. The Acme Oil Ciympuuij, a joint-stock enterprise, was estal)lislied in 1880, with Robert Monroe of Fittsbui'gh as president, H. Hamilton, secretary, and P. S. Loveridge, manager. With extensive grounds and buildings, they have worked the crude oil obtained at Smith's Ferry and elsewhere into refined products that met a general demand. A good hotel, the " Aber House," has provided temporary homes for weary travelers. The Industry Academy, with fi-ame Iniilding 40 by 50 feet, rein- forced by an " L," 20 by 30, and the public schools, have provided mental pabulum for the youth of the community. Two churches have supplied moral instruction for the community for a number of years, the PreshyUrian and the United Brethren. Other oi'ganizations had an existence, but have passed away. The Industry Presbyterian Church began its existence on the ICth of Oct., 1865, in the old brick church in Industry. It is a daughter of the Betlilehem church across the Ohio river, and was organized with seventeen members by a committee of the Allegheny Presbytery. John Jackman and J. W. Engle have served as elders from the organization; John Jackman was the fii'st treasurer; Levi Barns the present incumbent; J. W. Engle has acted as secretary from tlie first, and kindly sup])lied the facts for this l)rief sketch. In 1870 a frame church edifice, 36 by 50 feet, was erected at a cost of $2,600. In 1868, 187o antl 1875 notable revivals were held in the village, resulting in a large number of accessions to tiie church. Churches under the control of other denominations ceased their exist- ence, but this one has continued steadfast, though at present it strug- gles on without a regular pastor. In addition to certain su])plies, it has been served by the following pastors: Revs. M. L. AVortman, five years; M. A. Parkinson, five years; P. J. Cummings, five years; at present (1887) the congregation is without a, ])astoi'. The expenses of the church average $550 per annum. The official board has embraced the following named gentlemen — Elders: John Jackman and J. W. Engle; treasurers: John Jackman and Levi Barnes. The United Brethren for a time had a Hourishing congregation, embracing such men as Richard Knight, John Knight, Daniel Knight, (584 IIISTOKY OF BEAVER COINTY. John Mason and brotliers. The congregation secured a good IVanie house of worship; but from removals and other causes they liave ceased to meet. A postotRce was estabhshed in 1833, since which time it has been filled by tlie following named postmasters, tlie dates of their appoint- ment beino- also given: Thomas MeCreeiy, April l(i, 1833; William Cairns, May 9, 1836; Jacob Ross, Aug. 1, 1840; Hiram Cornell, July 31, 184o; Jacob Ross, Nov. 8, 1848; Jacob Russell, May37, 1816; Adam Montgomery, Feb. 36, 18.58; Lavinia J. Riley, July 23, 1861; Jane Jack- man, May 31, 1878; Levi Barnes, Nov. 10, 1885. OHIO TOWNSHIP. Ohio townsliij) is situated north of the Ohio river, in the western portion of tiie county, adjoining the townships of South Beaver, Brigh- ton and Industry in Beaver county, those of !St. Clair and Liverpool in Columbiana county, Ohio, and the Ohio river, which forms its southern boundary. Its principal villages are Fairview, (Tlasgow, Ohioville and Smith's Ferry. The township was organized in 1SU5-0, out of South Beaver. The surface is broken, although the soil is very fertile. Oil is found in the southern porti. Population, in 1880, 1,370. Following is a list of the postmasters of the town of Ohioville, with dates of appointments : Joshua Daw.son, July 15, 1838 ; John Clark, April 25, 1839 ; James P. Scroggs, Aug. 31, 1835; Benoni Dawson, May 1, 1843 ; Hvigh Shields, Nov. 36, 1847 ; Henry Siberts, Sept. 5, 1848 ; Phili]i Hill, July 14. 1849 ; Francis Hamilton, March 11, 1872 ; John Jackson, Aug. 16, 1ST2 ; Harrison Ileid, April 14, 1873; Henry Hughes, June 3, 1873 ; Solomon J. Williams, Dec. 6, 1875 ; Eliz. B. Christian, April 8, 1879 ; Francis Hamilton, Oct. 31, 1879. Following are a list and the dates of api)ointiuent of the post- masters of Black Hawk : Peter Ferguson, :March 2, 1837 ; Alfred Lyon, Feb. 10, 1840 ; Henry Briggs, Dec. 27, 1853 ; William McKey, May 5, 1857 ; James Badders, July 27, 1858 ; John Kerr, Oct. 21, 1861 ; N. J. McCormiclj, Dec. 38, 18G6 ; Thomas G. Boyd, Jan. 18, 1870. T. J. Hamilpn Post. No. 338, G. A. Ji., was organized on the 23d of October, 1883, at Ohioville. Its charter members included L. J. Johnston, George W. McGaffick, George W. McKee, Thomas J. .John- ston, Aaron McCoy, Joseph C. Irvin, JohnC. Davis, Ilarvey G. Shafer, Luther Barnes, Daniel Blackford, Solomon ilelbron, Capt. J. JI. Joiiii- ston, Joseph F. Herron. W. T. Warnock and G. B. Dawson. G, B. Dawson, Sanford Almy and Kenneth Davidson have severally occupied 1^ WEST SIDE TOWXSIIIPS. 585 the position of cominaiuler. At present tlie corps of officers stands as follows : Kenneth Davidson, P. C: W. T. Wai-nock, S. V. C; Joseph Green, J. Y. C; T. J. Johnston, Adj't.; S. G. Patterson. Q.M.; Findlej- Cooley, Chap.; Joseph C. Irvin, O. D.; William Carnao'ie, O. G. Tiie present membership is twenty. St. Pat(Vs Jijnseojjal Church at Fairview was oi'ganized at an early day, probably about 1830, to accoinniodato members of the church avIio could not attend at Georgetown. The Masons, Hoges, Dawsons and otliers were instrumental in securing the esta,blishment of tlie congre- gation. The first house of worshi]) was a modest fi-ame wliich stood about two miles fi'om Fairview. It was replaced about 1873 1>y a sfec- ond frame, a neat modern l)U)lding, at a cost of some $2,51)0. Until within the last six years, it lias been sujiplied by the same ministers who have officiated at Georgetown. Tlie present pastor is the Eev. H. Q. Miller, of Beaver Falls. The congregation has a memi)ei'ship of some forty-fi ve. smith's ferry. This is one of the important stations along the Ohio river on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad below Beaver. While the village itself is very small, it is important because of its being the center of one of the first oil fields in the county, and because it has, for two- thirds of a century, been a point for communicating by ferrj^ with the southern pai't of the county through Georgetown. It was named after Jesse Smith, who, about 1790, came from Maryland with his father, Thomas Smith, his bi'others, Samuel, Thomas and Josejih, and three sisters, Pachel, Ann and Sarah The ferry, prior to 1817, was owned by Benjamin Dawson, from whom it was bought at that time by Jesse. Jesse was born June 3, 1773, and died May 18, 1818. The original Thomas Smith was one of the first settlers of Georoetown. The first house in the village was a shanty belonging to James Clark, said to have been one of the first white men killey Bi'ighton town- ship, and on the west by South Beaver townshij). It was formed a few years before 1820, subsecpient to 181-1. The main l)r;inchof Brady's Kun passes across its southwest corner, while thenoi'th branch of the same sti'eam flows south and east throuo-h the township. This is the most broken and uneven district in the whole county. The streams are small and swift, and have worn their way down through the massive sandstone that forms the hills until they have cut vast narrow gorges into which the sunlight scarcely ever enters. The only farming land worth tilling is found high up on the hill-tops, in what are known to the geologist as the barren measures. Deposits of coal are found in the township, but in such limited quantity as to be value- less. Shale and limestone also abound. Traces can be yet found of the great invasion of the noithern glaciers. Strewn here and there over the surface of the to\vnship, on the hill-tops and in the valleys, are to be seen the granite rocks transported by the vast icebergs that swept down from the arctic seas in ])i\st ages, and, melting in the wai'ui waters of the south, left these huge bowlders as rough monuments to their power and glory. The first scliool building erected in the township was built in 18-iO by private subscriptions. It was subsequently donated to tlie public use, and was followed in 1836 by four additional structures, two frame and two log houses. In 1860 tiie log buildings wei-e replaced l:)y better and more commodious ones of frame, and in 1870 another lai'ge, neat house was built; so that now the schools of the townshij) are in line condition and are well supplied with ap]iar;itus, convenient antl tasty homes, and efficient teachers. The p(i[)iilation of the township Avas,, in 1880, y08. 588 HISTORY OK bf;aver COrNTY. PATTERSON TOWNSHIP. This is a small area lying in the narroAv neck between Brady's Run and the Big Beaver. It is bounded bj' the townships of Chippewa, Wliite and Brighton and by the Beaver river, and was formed in 1845 from the township of Brighton. Its only town is Beaver Falls. The sur- face of tlie township is irregular. Coal is foimd in the hills, a layer of the Darlington coal being lietween 15 and 23 inches in thickness. Ferriferous limestone, shale and sandstone are also found in great abundance. The first settlers of Patterson township were mostly Quakers, and among tlieir first achievements was the founding of a good educa- tional system. The first school opened in the townshi]) wms taught in 1S06 by two Quaker ladies. Mary Reeves and Mary Townsenct, and occupied an old log hut near the site of the present Patterson block. The only Iniilding erected by the township was built on the present territory of Beaver Falls, and is a neat frame structure capable of accommodating a large number of students. The population of the township, in ISSO, was 13i). BIG BEAVER TOWNSHIP. Situated in the northern part of the comity, and bountled Ijy Big- Beaver township in Lawrence county, by Beaver river and by Chi]i- pewa, White and Darlington townships, in Beaver county, lies Big- Beaver township, which was formed in 1801-2 from South Beaver township. Its towns are New Galilee, Ilomewood and Rock Point. According to the census of 1 880 the jioimlation of the township was 1,427. Following is the list of postmasters who have had charge of the office at Rock Point: J. D. Ilusted (never quahfied), appointed Dec. 13, ISTt); William ^Y. Hamilton, Dec. 20, 187<'. ; Thomas M. McLucas, Oct. 12, 1877 ; J. B. Kellogg, March 21, 1881 ; Lewis S. Iloyt, March 29, 1881. HOMEWOOD. This is a neat little village of about 300 inhabitants on the P.. Ft. W. & C. Ry. at its junction with the E. & P. R. R. In 1858 James Woods l)uilt the Homewood furnace, and put up a board on which were inscribed the words: " Ilomewood Station.'' The land upon which the town stands is part of a tract of 200 acres, bought in 1831 by Joseph M. Smith from William Grimshaw,* *Tliis gentleman was the autlior of a series of popular histories of the United States, France. England, etc. His works will yet be found in ever3' complete library. '^l // a^J \ WEST SIDE TOWNSFIIPS. 589 tigeiit of tlie Fanners" and Moclianics' Bank of Pliila(k'lj)liia. In 1859, •when the New Castle & Beaver Valley railroaxl was Iniilt, Mr. Smith laid out the village. The first houses erected were those of William Foster, Esq., David Johnston, Adam Carrier, John C. Chapman and Jonathan Grist. The Ohio & Pennsylvania railroad was built through the place in 1852, but the station was not established until 1864r. Prior to the build- ing of the station, the railroad had, for a ])eriod of about nine months, used the bar-room of the Johnston House for ticket office and depot purposes. The postoffice was established in 1S<;2. The postmasters have been the following: William II. Foster, appointed Jan. 28, 1862 ; James C. Evans, Nov. 7, ISCO ; John II. Witherspoon, March 18, 1869; Mrs. Mary Crum, Sept. 21, 1885. The present school liuilding in liomewood was erected in 1870. There is an Odd Fellows' lodge in the village. The merchants are 11. M. Shi])man, J. H. Witherspoon, G. E. McCready and W. II. Wallace. The Methodist Episcopal CJnireh. liomewood, was organized in 1860 by Pev. J. W. Clabaugh. witii the following members — W. H. Foster, David Knowles, J. Ghrist, A. Hunter, P. S. Foster, J. W. Smith, Frederick Graham and Clark Hunter, as the official board. The same year a frame structure, with lecture room on the first floor, was erected at a cost of §3,000. It is 36 by 50 feet. It has lately been reroofed and repainted internally and externally. The mem- bership numbers about 100. The condition of the congregation is good, the annual expenses aggregating some $315. The following pastors have served it: Pevs. M. Ingram, J. J. Jackson, J. G. Gogley, Miller, J. W. Kessler, C. M. Westlake, W. K. Brown, W. F. Lauck, J. L. Deens, O. II. P. Graham and M. S. Kendig. NKW CAI.ILKE BOROUGH. New Galilee is situated in the western part of Big Beaver town- siiij), on the line of tiie Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railway, and is one of the termini oi the Pittsburg, Maiion & Chicago railroad. It is in a district richly supplied with coal and timber, and consequently blessed with manufacturing possibilities. A]>plication was made at the June session of court, 1867, by P. L. Grim, Pobert Porter, J. B. Johnston, W. Thompson, John Acheson W. D. Eakin, John Graebing, II. E. Hudson, Dr. R. J. Brittain, and twenty-two others, for the rigiits of ineorpoi-ation. The case was 33 590 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. referred to the grand jui y, by wliicli it was approved. The decree was granted Januai'v 15, IStiS. Tlie first election was held the third Friday of IVIarcli following, at which J. S. Hudson was judge, and W. D. Eakin and John Acheson were inspectors. It was surveyed and platted June 13 and 14, 1876, by James Harper, C. S. Its northerly streets are Washington avenne and Centennial avenue. The easterly, Jackson, Jefferson, Monroe and Madison. The population by the census of 1880 was 250. but is considerably more at this time. The postoftice of the ])lace has been in existence since lS5ti, and has had the following named incnmlients: William Eakin, appointed Feb. 11. 1856; .James K. AVeir, Oct. 20, 1860; .John S. Hudson, Dec. 3, 1802; John B. Johnston, May 12, ISO.t; William J. Jolinston, Jan. 16, 1880; James Hudson, Nov. 23, 1880; John Graebing, June 8, 1886; George W. Pyle, Oct, 22, 1886. HocX'y Sjrring United Preshi/terian Congregation of Neio Galilee. Of this congregation, Rev. S. Patterson says: The congregation, as near as I can ascertain, was organized about the year 1827 by the Presbytery of Mouongahela, in connection with the Associate Ueformed Presby- terian church. The congregation worshiped at first in a tent, situated about one and a half miles west of the present town of Homewood. A short time afterward a frame church was built about a mile still farther west, in which the congregation worshiped till the spring of 1868, when it entered its new house built the previous year in the town of New Galilee. The cost of the new building when completed and furnished was about $8,000, and compares favorably with modern church buildings. They gave the name Rocky Spring to the church. Its first pastor was Rev. Moses Keer. He, after a short pastorate, was removed by death. Their next pastor was Rev. T. L. Speer. who remained with them till 1843, giving half of his time to them and the other half to the congregation of New Brighton. From that time to the first .Salibath of May, 1840, they remained vacant, receiving supplies of preaching from Presbytery. On that Sabliath I preached to them my first sermon as pastor of the congregation. It had then on its roll about eighty members. It grew gradually till it had a membership of 175 or 180. Its numbers now, from deaths and removals, are reduced to about 1.50. The congregation still continues in a good healthy working condition, both spiritually and financially. The Little Beaver congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian C/nu'vh was organized by Rev. Mathew "Williams, who was ordained and installed by the Pittsburgh Presbytery in 1807. The first church edifice was erected soon after the organization. It was a plain brick structure, and was located about one mile from New Galilee. Among the original members of the congregation were the Youngs, the Cooks, the McCanlises and the McGeorges. The first pastor was succeeded by Rev. Robert Gibson, who was installed in 1817. and retnained nine years. The successive pastors since that time with dates of installation and time of service liave been — Revs. George Scott, 183(», four years; WEST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 591 J. Blackwood, 1834, six years; J. W. Morton, 1815, two years; Samuel Sterrett, 1848, ten years; N. M. Johnston, 1862. Mr. Johnston remained twentj'-three years. For the past two years the congregation has been without a pastor. The jn'esent membership is about one hun- dred. The present brick church in New Galilee was built in 1872. DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP. This township is situated in the extreme northwestern part of the county, and is bounded by Little Beaver township in Lawrence county; Big Beaver and South Beaver townships in Beaver county, and Mid- dleton and LTnity townships in Columbiana county, Ohio. It was formed Oct. 15, 1847, from Little Beaver. Its only town is Darlington. The surface is less abrupt than in the southern portions of the county, and the farming land is without superior anywhere in the northwestern part of the state. The north fork of the Little Beaver flows along its eastern border, and also forms its southern boundary ail the way to the state line. Tiie t(_)wnship is particularly rich in coal and sandstone. One bed, the Darlington cannel and coal bed, has become noted for the superior quality of coal found in it. The layer of cannel varies in thickness from seven to twelve feet, the former being its average thickness. The proiluet from tiiis mine is shipped to Cleveland, where it is utilized in the manufacture of illuminating' yas. Scattered here and there over the surface of the township are found huge granite bowlders, rounded by constant friction with the vast masses of snow, ice and gravel that in past ages must have trans- ported them to their present location, and, overpowered by the warm raj's of tlie southern sun, deposited the freight of rocks and gravel in the fields where they are now found. Not only in the valleys are these bowlders found, but also on the summits of the highest hills, thus affording some evidence of the immensity of the icebergs and glaciers that brought them. The population of the township, according to the census of 1880, was 1,464. WHITE TOWNSHIP. On the 15th of June, 1887, a petition signed by ninety-one inhab- itants of Ciiippewa township was presented to the court of quarter sessions of Beaver county, setting forth as follows: That they labor under great inconvenience by reason of tlie size of said township, and that it will be greatly to their advantage and convenience to divide the said town- ship in the manner following, viz: By a line running from the intersection of Big 592 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Beaver aud Chippewa townships, at a point on Wallace's run, where the lands for- merly owned by Joseph Brittain and Jackson Boyle, Chippewa township, and Robert Wallace's heirs and Hugli Thompson's heirs, in Big Beaver township, corner or join; thence extending in a northerly direction along the line of lands formerly owned by Joseph Brittain, leaving the village of Oakville on the east: thence by farms formerly of AbnerBroden, Samuel Wells and Nathan Brooks to the northwest corner of Patter- son township, where said Patterson township meets or corners with the township of Chippewa. The petitioners, therefore, pray that the said township may be divided in the manner and by the line as aforesaid, etc. Harry T. Barker, David E. Lowry and Levi Fish were ap])oiiited viewers, and on the 15th of Sept., 1SS7, they reported favoi'ably on the petition. On the 8th daj' of Nov., 1887, the election of officers of the townsliip of Chippewa certified that at the election held that day '•one hnndred and forty -three votes were cast 'for' and 'against' the division of said township, of which number there were one hundred and thirty-four votes 'for' said division, and nine votes 'against ' said division.'" On the Sth of Dec, 1887, the return having been laid ])efore the court, it was " Ordered and decreed that the said township be erected agreeably to the lines marked out and returned by the commis- sioners; and it is further ordered and decreed that the name of the new township erected from that portion of the old township east of the division line returned by said commissioners shall be called AVIIITE." This name was conferred in honor of John "White, the first settler in Chipi)ewa township, many of the descendants of whom still reside in Beaver countv. CHAPTER XXV. EAST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. Economy Township — IIakmont Township — Legionville — New Sew- iCKLEY Township — Pulaski Township — North Sewickley Town- ship — Marion Township — Franklin Township. ECONOMY TOWNSHIP. ECONOMY township is situated in tiie southeast corner of the county. It is bounded on the nortli by New Sewickley, east by Butler county, south by Allegheny county and Harmony township, and west by Harmony township and the Ohio river. It was formed about 1825-26, and originally included Economy township and the borough of Baden. No streams of any size enter the Ohio fi-cim this township, but the Big Sewickley touches its southeast limits. The townshi]:>is well sup- plietl with limestone, red clay, sandstone and coal. The jn'incipaltown within its limits is the borough of Baden. liemington and Agneware stations on the P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. In the southeast part of the township is the small village of Wall Rose. It has a German Evan- gelical church, which was incorporated April 5, 1884, by Henry Gross, A. Haag, John Heil, B. Yeager, Andrew Rosenbaum and Philip Eisen- huth. The postoffice at Wall Rose was established in 1803. The post- masters and dates of their a.pjiointinents have been as follows: Jacob Breitenstein, April 27, 1863; Mary Breitenstein, Nov. 2, 1871; J. C. McCorinick, April 5, 1872; C. P. McKee, Sept. 15, 1873; Henry Gross, Nov. 25, 1884. The population of the township in 1880 was 1,021. There is in this township the Concord Preshyterian church. It was incorporated Nov. 2, 1885, by James J. McElhenny, William H; Morgan, Henry Synder, Enos Smith and Robert Baker. HARMONY TOWNSHIP. This township is a small one in the southeastern part of the county, 593 594 HISTOEY OK BEAVER COUNTY. east of the Ohio river. It is bounded by the Ohio river on the west, Efononiy township on the nortli and east, and Allegheny county on the south. It was formed aljout 1849, or 1850, from Economy township, and belongs Avholly to the Ilarmony Society, whose history is given elsewhere. The two points in the township of importance, because tof their historic interest, are Legionville and Economy, the history of which will be given separately. Economy is the village headquarters of tlie Ilannony Society. In it live the elders of the society, and in it are the stores, schools, churcii edifice, hotel, shops, warehouses, etc. It is a beautiful village on the P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., whose people have always been noted for their sobriety, generosity, and patriotic and decorous behavior. It h;is a postofiice which was established in 1826. There have been but three postmasters, appointed as follows : WilHam Smith, Jan. 12, 1826; Romelius L. Baker, April 10, 1832; Jacob Plenrici, April 16, 1868. The Ilarmony Sor,wty. Socialism is the doctrine that society should be reorganized on more harmonious and equital;le principles, communism and cooperation being its chief phases or develo))ments. Plato's ideal republic was to consist of three classes, viz: 1. The educated, or the law-makers and rulers. 2. The common peojile, including agriculturalists and other laborers. 3. The soldiers. Among the early Jews was a sect, the Essenes, who two centuries before Christ had estal)lished socialistic ideas on the western shores of the Dead Sea. They held their property in common. Sir Thomas Moore's "Utopia" was an attenijit to give a description of a commonwealth whose citizens realized the maximum of earthly prosperitv and happi- ness. Of the numerous forms of communistic societies in the United States, Shakerism began in 1780; the Rappists in 1805; the Zoorites in 181Y; the Amana community and the Retliel community in 184-1, and the Oneida Perfectionists in 1848. The fundamental doctrines of cooperation are thus formulated by distinguished authorities: Louis Blanc — "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Moriar — " Cooperation is the child of socialism, rescued by the economist, from the dangerous cus- tody of its ])arents." The Harmony Society, thus far the most successful experiment in religio-cor)])erativc association ever nuule on this continent, if not in the woi'ld, owes its origin to causes which existed in Eui'0]>e du)'ing the latter part of the eighteentii century. Owing to certain restrictions EAST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 595 upon their religious views and jiractiees, nia,n_v of the more conscien- tious determined to seek a home where they might enjoy their religious fellowshi])s Avithout let or hindrance. Their snp[)osed exclusiveness in the fatlierland subjected them to the derisive luiiiie of " Pietists." These views Hnally needed public expounders and defenders. This necessity brought to tiie front two men thoroughly cpialified for the emergency, Michael Ilahn and (4eorge Rapp. They felt the burden of responsi- bility imposed upon them, and discoursed, from time to time, to the vast crowds eager to hear them. Of the two, Ilahn was the more highly cultured, being a man of letters, whereas Rapp was a farmer and a vine ])lanter, possessed of only the rudiments of an education as furnished by the common schools ofhisda^^ Rapp and his coadjutors were denied still further privi- leges, not being permitted to form a settlement in their own country, though it was known they were not only peaceable citizens but thoroughly law-abiding and loyal. At length, in the yeav 1803, George Rapp, with three or four others, came to America to find a location adapted to their colony. After testing a. number of localities, they ultimately purchased a large tract of land near Zelienople, in Butler county. Pa. In tlie autumn of the following year they were reinforced by three ship-loads of colonists, most of whom spent the winter in Philadelphia, Baltimore and other places; while a few came on and assisted Rapp in establishing a town. It is needless to say the latter class experienced rigorous hardships. On the 15th of February, 18( »5, Rajip and his associates having s]ient the winter in making pre])aration. joined with their brethren in an asso- ciation whose prinuil jtrinciple was f/i<' eoniDi unify of goods. All the possessions of ricli and ])oor alike Arere tiirown into a common stock, to be siiared by all as necessity required. Tiiey adopted a simple and uniform style of dress, and made their dwellings of uniform size and appearance. The resulting organization they called the "Harmony Society," and their town, ''Harmony." Accessions were made to their ranks, the uumlier of families reaching 125. George Rapp was chosen their general ami spiritual leader, and his adopted son, Frederick Ra]ip (otherwise Frederick Reichert), was made general external business manager. About two years subsequent to their organization they took what they regarded an advance step toward leading a ])ure and hoi}' life by abjuring mxitrimony . No rending of family ties ensued; but husbands and wives, by mutual agreement, dwelt together as friends simply, be- 596 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. lieving that thus, by self-denial, could they ii])|>i'<)ach more closely to the true standard of Christian life, and hasten the dawn of the cherished millennium in wliich they professed the most implicit faith. This principle of sexual abstinence \vas applied, also, to the use of tobacco and strong- drink, yelf-denial for conscience sake was advo- cated as a cardinal doctrine. In this repect this band of primitive re- formers set an example that might be worthily imitated at a later period by those professing a higher standard of moral obligation. The town of Harmony being located witiun a mile of the older village of Zelienople, a competition arose as to wliich of the villages should secure the postoffice and the postroad then about to be laid out from Pittsburgh to Lake Erie. Tlie opponents of the Harmonists re- ported that the oi'ganization was in a wrangle, and likeh' to be dis- banded at an early date. Harmony Society secured both of the coveted prizes; Imt the reports circulated against them injured their financial standing, as Frederick liajip discovered when he Avent to Pittsburgh to buy supplies, he being refused credit l)y his former friends. The training which these liardships pioduced was a valuable edu- cation. It prepai-ed for the greater conflicts yet in the future, and for the due appreciation of the victories tlestined yet to crown all. The society grew and prospered at Harmony until 181-i, when its members determined to find a new home free from the objection of being twelve miles from navigaton and surrounded by a soil and climate unfitted for the productions they most desired to obtain. They sent a com- missioner to the West to find a home. The position was chosen in the valley of the Wabash, mainly in Posey county, Indiana. There they purchased about 30,000 acres of unimproved government lands, together with some cultivated tracts from farmers. Having meantime disposed ot their Pennsylvania possessions, some 6,000 acres, with all the improvements, for $100,000, they went actively to work to build up their new colony, which likewise they called Harmony. After ten years" effort they became convinced that their new field was not what they needed, and accordingly authorized Eichai'd Flower, an Enghshman residing at Albion, 111., to negotiate the sale of their i)roperty, offering him a commission of $5,000. He proceded to England, and thence to Scotland, where he sold the whole plant to Robert Owen, of Xew Lanark, for $150.000 — a great sacrifice on tiieir part, and a poor investment on his, as the sequel showed, his New Harmony, as Ik; named it, failing to attract the migration he anticipated. EAST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 597 Tlie society returned to I'ennsylvania, })urchased their present beautiful site in Beaver county, and established tiieir third town in 1S25, giving to it tlie significant name of " Economy," but retaining " Har- mony" as the name of the organization. Since their return their growth has been substantial. In October, 1831, a letter was received by George riajjp, from a pompous and widely-heraUleil apostle who signeil himself by various names* — "Count DeLeon," "Divine Messenger," "Broli," etc., — announcing the arrival in New York of forty ]5ersons, and desiring to know whether they could be accommodated with homes at Economy during the winter. Answering afltirmatively, the distinguished person- age came and was received with all the honor due his strongly-heralded greatness. JMr. Kapp iiad prepared his people to expect some marked revelations when Leon came. The strong indorsement which he — l>asing his action upon a commendatory letter pur]iorting to come from Dr. John G. Goentgen, of Germany — gave the self-appointed count laid the foundation for great troul)le in the near future. Planting himself upon this recommendation, and taking advantage of some dissension existing in the society in consequence of the strong restrictions and prohilji- tions thrown about the relationshi]) of the sexes, Leon soon formed a strong party that "was dissatisfied with tlieir lot. This numl)er increased until about 250 persons, embracing many prominent and sul)sequently influential families of Beaver county, were ready to secede from the society, and did so under the leadership of the Gount. For a consider- able period the indications were that the general society would be broken up. Members of tlie same family espoused opposite sides. Strife and contention and bitter feelings for a time usurped tlie place recently occupied by quiet and contentment. The difficulty encountered was how best and soonest to get rid of the disturbing element. Legal jn'ocesses wmild lie expensive and tedious. A compromise was finally resorted to. On tlie Otli of ifa-rch, 1832, the following terms, in substance, were agreed upon : 1. Leon and his adherents were to leave Economy within three months (he within six weeks), taking their personal clotliing, household furniture, etc., but relin([uishing all claims upon company jn'operty, money, real estate, etc. 2. The society was to pay the seceders the sum of $105,000 in three installments within a year, the first third to be paid in hand. The terms \vere readily accepted, Leon and his coadjutors purchasing the village of Phillipsburg and endeavoring to build u]i a community *His real name was Bernard !Miiller. 598 IIISTOUY OF BEAVER COl'NTY. whicli would inoiv tlian eclipse Economy. The history of tiie enter- prise will be found in tlie cliiH)tei' on Phillipsburg. The Harmony Society, true to the name by which it was christ- ened, has never indulged voluntarily in litig-ation. Whenever it has done so it was because its rights were invaded, and self-defense and self- respect reqm'red a dej)arture from its usual peaceful course. The rec- ords of its legal cases show the employment of the best talent in the country, and the adjudication of questions involving the highest rights of persons and property. We can but briefly hint at these cases, which are fully reported in the law books. The first suit was brought by Eugene Mullcr, who witlidrew from the society in 1821-22. iind removed to Pittsburgh. He was not an original member, and hence not in full sympatliy with the organization. His action was brought to recover wages for services rendered while a member. Inasmuch as the articles of association which he signed upon joining renounced all such claims, he was very easily defeated- in the court. The society was represented by such men as James Ross and John H. Hopkins, the latter then an attorney, but .subsequently the senior bishop of the Episcopal church in the United States. The .second case was that of Jacob .Schriber in right of his father, Peter Schriber, who, with his five sons and four daughters, joined the society in ISOC, only one 3'ear after its organization. Peter was formerly a resident of Adams County, Pa., but had removed to Columbiana county, Ohio, where he was met by George Happ in 1803, and induced to sell his estate, which consisted of about a thousand acres, and put the proceeds, about .$8,000, in the Harmonj' Society, of which he became a willing member. All the members of the family indorsed this action of their father and remained faithful members except Jacob, the fourth son Somewhat visionary, he was desirous that the society should be transferred to the land of Palestine to await the second coming of the Messiah. His views meeting with little encouragement, he withdrew from the society, in 1826, and returned to Ohio. Meeting other disaffected members he joined with them in a memorial to the legislature of Pennsylvania asking for an investigation of the affairs of the Harmony Society and a satisfactory redress of grievances. The judiciary committee, to whom the memorial was referred, reported adversel_v to the claims, and .s\iggested that the remedy for pecuniary claims lay in an appeal to the courts of justice. After the death of Peter Schriber, Jacob, as one of the snrviving heirs, took out letters of administration and made demands upon the society for an account of his father's property in their liands. Suit was brought before Judge John Bredin in the court of common pleas of Beaver county, who decided adversely to the claim. An appeal was taken to the supreme court of the state, wliieh affirmed the decision of the lower court. The next exciting case was that of Joshua Nachtrieb, who tiled a bill in e(iuity l)efore the circuit court of the United States for the AVestern District of Pennsylvania, at the November term, 1849. It was charged that the complainant, a memlier of the society, was unjustly excluded and deprived of any participation in the property and benefits of the association, and that he should be given his proportionate share of the property at tlie time of his exchision. The counsel for the complainant embraced such distinguished legal talent as Charles Shaler, Edwin M. Stanton and T. Umbstaetter: for the society, A. W. Lioniis and Wilson McCandless. During 1850-,il a great mass of testi- EAST SIDE ■lOWXSHlPS. 599 mnu}- was taken in various places by commissioners appointed l)y the court, and the case was finally argued in November, 1851, before Judges Grier and Irwin, who, on the 5lh of the following April, decided in favor of the complainant. The trustees of the society, R. L. Baker and Jacob Henrici, were ordered to present a full .showing of the society's business during the twenty-seven years of the complainant's njember.ship, in •order that he niiglit be awarded his proper .share. This involved not only a vast ami unit of labor but an inquisitorial inspection of its bu.sine.ss methods, its possessions in real estate and money, and the merits of the society as a deposit for the possessions of its con- fiding members. As a result of all tliis, the business methods were found to be of the most improved kind and theiufegrit)-of its agents beyond reproach. Judge Grier issued a decree in 1855 awarding the complainant the sum of $8,895. Before the decree could be enforced, however, an appeal was taken b}' the society to the supreme court of the United States. The ca.se was finally decided at the December term. 1850, Justice Campbell pronouncing the judgment of that august body. The decree of the lower court was reversed, and Xachtriel) was unable to realize from the savings of the Har- mony Society what he hoped would make his declining years easy and comfortable. The argument of Loomis before the supreme court is said by competent authority to have been one of the most able, scholarl)' and elociuent efforts ever made before that body. To retrace the current of time a little, we remark tliat a second critical ]3eriod in the history of the society was passed in 1847, the date of George Rapj^s death. All the projierty and means of the society having been held in trust for it l)y him, it was necessary to reorganize. Walter Forward, of Pittsburgh, and Daniel Agnew, of Beaver, were called upon to assist in the reorganization. Articles of association were drawn ii|) and signed by all mendjers, male and female. A form of govei-nment for the regulation of the society in future was drawn up and signed. Two trustees, E. L. Baker and Jacob Hen- rici, were appointed to Imld titles aiul manage the affairs of the society. Henrici was. at first, the religious teaclier and guide, but a change was deemed best, and R. L. Baker was substituted. After the death of Baker, Jan. 11, 1868, Hem-ici resumed his former position and duties. Jonathan Lenz was chosen a co-trustee witli Henrici, which ])(.)sition they still hold. LEGIOXVlr.LE. Legionville of to-day is comparatively imimpoi'tant. It is simply a way station on the Pittsliurg, Ft. Wayne & (I'hicago railway, in the northwestern corner of Ilaiunony township. The place has one house, in which lives the agent, George Brown, with his famih'. He is a Frenchman, who served four years in the civil war as a member of com- pany B, fourth Pennsylvania cavahy. "During the foregoing period .he was a prisoner for fifteen months in the Southern Gehenna, known as Andersonville. 600 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. The iinportance of Legioiivillc is owing to two considerations: 1. It is near the ancient Logstown, tlie most important Indian village on the Ohio river. 2. It was the place selected by Gen. Anthony Wayne for the rendezvous of his army during the winter of 1792-93. Logstown was a Shawanee village whose origin is unknown, but whose importance cannot be overestimated. It is desci-ibed liy Dc Cel- eron, in 1749, as "one of the largest on the river, consisting of fifty cabins of Iroquois. ISliawnees and Loups; also Iroquois from the Sault St. Louis and Lake of the Two ^fountains, with some Nippissinques, Abenekis and Ottawas." Bonnecamps, a chaplain with I)e Celeron^ estimated the number of cabins at eighty. It seems to have been quite a large ])lace, and to have had the features of permanence. In his first expedition in 1753, "Washington invited Shingiss, king of the Delawares, to accompany him to a coun- cil at Logstown. The king acconqianied him. and they "arrived be- tween sun-setting and dark." "As soon as I came into town," says "Washington, — showing that it was a place of sufficient size to be given the title of "town." The (|uestion of location is one of the mooted questions that have been difficult to settle. The writer locates it back of Legion ville on the hills, north of the Oliio river, for the following reasons: 1. It was properly on the Indian side of the ( )liio, wliere it waseasily accessible from the various Indian towns in that region up llie Big Beaver, etc. 3. When Washington, en route for Logstown, came to the forks of the Ohio, he had to cross the Allegheny to reach the place, a fact which would not have been necessary had it been on the south side, as maintained by some. 3. When Frederick Post made his trip, he said: "I, with my companion, came to Logstown, situated on hill. On the east end is a great piece of low land, where the old Logstown used to stand. In the new Logstown, the French have built about thirty houses for the Indians." When we remember that Post having come from the East, via Venango and Big Beaver, was traveling along the north bank of the Ohio, there can be no doubt of the location of Logstown on the same side. Besides, the description given of the place corresponds to the region of Legionville, as the writer himself can testify from personal observations made in August, 1H87. 4. Ilutchins, who gives an accoimt of the expedition of Colonel Henry Bouquet, to the .Muskingum in 1764, says: " We passed through Logstown." He reprtstnts the march of the troops along the north bank of the Ohio. 5. On the oth of September, 1787, Isaac Melcher, of Philadelphia, laid out a town whose history has never been brought to the notice of Beaver coiuity hitherto, and called it Montmorin. Tlie following is his own description of the place: " This town, laid out at the solicitation of several gentlemen, is delightfully sihiated vitli a view to thwarting tlie purposes of the Frencli in tiieir eiforts to connect tlie lalces with the main Oliio by a chain of forts. "Wasliington's mission liad a gi'eater significance tlian the simple presentation to tlie Indians of desiral)leand valuable gifts to secure their continued friendship. It was a tour of observation, whose purpose was to secure such information as woidd enable the English to defeat their European rival in the game then being played to decide whether this countr\' should have an Anglo-Saxon or a Latin civiliza- tion. On his way to J>ogstown, which \)oint he reached "between sun- setting and dark," the twenty-fifth day after he left Williamsburg, at Ghartiers Washington met Shingiss, king of tiie Delawares, whom he induced to attend the council. Immediateh' on his arrival at the place, Washington went to Monacatoocha and acquainted him with his mission, recjuesting him also to send to Little Beaver creek, fifteen miles distant, for Half-King, who was then on a hunting excursion. A conference was then held with the principal men at Washington's tent. About three o'clock the next day Half-King arrived and was invited to Washington's tent, where he gave a full account of his experience with the French, and nia})ped out the best route to take to reach the Frencli forts. Finally, aftei' numerous conferences and delays, Washington, accompanied Ijy Half-King, Jeskakake, White Thunder and the Hunter, started for Venango, distant about sixty miles. The experiences anil results of that expedition do not concern this narrative and need not be detailed here. Christian Frederick Post made another trij) in July and August, 1758, for the same purpose had in view by his predecessors, and fortu- nately has left, for our information, a valuaV)Ie journal of his experi- ences and observations. Reference has already been made to the trip of Colonel Bouquet in 1764, as the im]5ortance of Logstown was passing away, the Indians forsaking it as the capital of their confederacy. A new significance was given to Logstown in 1T1'2-It3, when Gen- eral Anthon}^ W^ayne, recently apj)ointed by Bresident Washington to conduct operations against the successful and haughty Indians of the Northwest, made it tlie rendezvous of his troops. He was particularly instructed by President Washington to discipline his men thoroughly before he led them to battle, in order that the terrible defeat at St. Clair might not be repeated. In harmony with this suggestion, Wayne collected his forces at or near the site of Logstown, and spent the winter p:ast side townships. 603 of 1792-93 in preparing tliem for action. The place lie called Legion- ville, because there he trained Ids troops, and thoninglily inured tliem to the l]ardshi]is which led to his ultimate victory over the Indians, and the treaty of Greenville August 3. 1795, the pi'oper ending of the Kevo- lutionary war. His discij)line was exceedingly rigid, but resulted in a degree of efficiency ne\er before attained in any of the troops which operated against the western Indians. The drinking of intoxicants was absolutely forl)itlden to his soldiers. S(jme of them, however, clan- destinely went to a distillery wliicli stood on Crow's Island, and wliich was run by Jonathan Hill, from whom, against orders, the}' oijtained the obnoxious tiuid iind became intoxicated. As a warning of what would occur if the offense were repeated, Wayne sent a cannon ball crashing tlirough a sycamore tree standing near the distillery. It is needless to say no further li(juor was given to his men. The array left Legionville A])ril 13, 1793, sailing down the Ohio to Fort Washington, from which his future operations were conducted. It is proper to say, in passing, that a Logstown on the opposite side of the Ohio river existed at a very early day. It naturally took its name fi'om the Indian Logstown already described, just as the Bridgewater of to-day has a station on the Rochester side of the Big Beaver, known as Bridgewater. Its name is subsequent to, and the result of, the original Bridgewater on the west side. In the same man- ner, it is easy to see, tlie controversy over the real Logstown originated. The one at Legionville is the original; the other on the opposite side, which is still in existence as a station on the P. & L. E. It. II., is the shadow of the old jierpetuated into the period of certain histoi'v. This is the one described by most modern travelers in their descent of the river. It was tangilile while the original had jiassed awav. Hence the origin of a long and apparent fruitless controversy. NEW SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP, This township is situated in the eastern portion of the countv. and is bounded by the townships of Jackson and Cranberry in P»atler countv, and Marion, North Sewicklcy, Puhiski and Economv in Beaver county. The township was formed in IStH. Brush creek enters it from the east, near the center line, and flows diagonally clear across the townsliiji. leaving it in the northwest cor- ner. Ci'ow's run, a small stream of little importance, drains the south- ern portion. The surface of the townshij) is quite irregular. Big Knob, over 300 feet in height, claimed to be the highest point in the county,. 604 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. is located in tliis district. The v;illev-land is exceedingly I'ertiic and the hills furnish good limestone, sandstone, slate and occasional nodules of iron ore. Coal is found extensively, and is of a very fair quality. The first school-board that met in the township was organized Sept. 27, 1834. On the following year the district was divided into twelve subdistricts, and schools in each one of these subdistricts were put in operation as soon as teachers for them could be secured. Build- ings were erected fi'om time to time, improvements made, apparatus su])plied, until now the schools in this township are inferior to none in the county. Within the limits of the township are located the towns of Union- ville (the postoffice of whicli is known as Brush Creek), Knob, Lovi, Freedom and St. Clair. The ofHce at Brush Creek was established in 1855, discontinued June 1.'), 1871, rei'stablished May 17, 1872, discon- tinued April 14, 1873, and rei'stablished July 21, 1873. Following is a list of the postmasters with dates of appointment: Koliert Porter, Jan. 30, 18.5.5; Abraham Himter, Dec. 13, 18.55; George llnnsclier, Feb. 14, 1866; P. H. Baker, .Julj' 2, 1869; Samuel Burns, .July 21, 1873; Johu Snyder, July 25, 1879. The postmasters of Knob, which was discontinued Jan. 30, 1872, and re-established April 9, 1872, have been as follows: John JlcCormack, Oct. 16, 1871; Robert Snead, April 9, 1872; James A. Camp- bell, April 2, 1873; Andrew McCuUough, Sept. 1, 1879; Mary J. Powell. Nov. 5, 1880; James B. Peirsol, Feb. 13, 1883. The jiostmaster at I.ovi is John Robinson, ;i))pointed June 24, 1881, at the establishment of the office. The population of the town- shi]). according to the census of 1880, is 1,878. Bethel 3IetJiodut EplsQppul Churdi. The inception of this con- gregation lay in the Pleasant Grove Sabbath-school, organized during the spring of 1879 in Steele's school-house. New Sewickley townshi]). At the first meeting of this school, April 14, only thirty-five members were present. But the interest increased until, the following year, there were 150 enrolled. It was thought that if a Sunday-school was so successful, a church might also meet with fair success, and be the agent of much good. Accordingly, the schools purchased a small lot adjoining the school-house, bought the latter from the directors of the township, fitted it up for a church, and removed it to their land. Services were first held by Eev. J. E. Williams, who organized a Methodist class of some sixteen nu-mbers. Upon the completion of iai?!^ '^^r:^ ■ 7(\' 4-/ \c M^ KAST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. 005 the church liuildiiiy, the congregation began regiihir service as the Bethel M. E. church. It has been successfully ministered to by Rev. J. E. "Williams, Kev. Kendall, Rev. R. Jordan, and by the present pas- tor. Rev. J. L. Stiffy, of Beaver. Its present condition is prosperous, and its future l»right. Unlonville Methodist Ephcopal Cliurch. The society of which the present congregation is the offspring, was first organized in what was then New Sewickley, but now Pulaski, township. The first services were held in the house of Allen Tucker, by the first preachers of the congregation, Rev. William Kerr and Rev. Charles Thorn. The first members were — Allen Tucker and Martha, his wife, George and Grace Cham])ion, John Ferguson and wife, and Adam Johnston and wife. Tlie place of preaching was soon changed to Samuel Bui'ns', near Brush creek, in New Sewickley township, and after some time a log-house called Myser's meeting house was ei'ected about one mile south of Unionville. In course of time, about 18-1-2, a second building was put u}>, this one being a frame; but it was destroyed by fire March 4, 18S3. The third and present edifice, also a frame, Avas immediately commenced, tiie corner-stone lieing laid Julv 7, 1883, and the dedica- tion occurring Nov. 25, 1883. Its cost was $2,400. The service was conducted by Rev. Thomas N. Boyle, presiding elder of the Allegheny district. The present pastor of the congregation is Rev. J. L. Stiffy. PULASKI TOWNSHIP. Tiiis township is located in the central part of tlie county, on the north side of the Ohio river and east of the Beaver. It is bounded by Beaver river and by the townships of Rochester, Nortli Sewickley and New Sewickley. The Big Beaver river forms its western boundary, and it encloses the borough of New Brighton, which occupies the banks of the same sti'eam. Blockhouse run is the only stream of any conse- quence which flows through it. This rises in the northeastern part of the township and empties into the Beaver. This district is particularly rich in coal, Avhich is mined extensivel}^, the product being of fair quality, valuable because of its abundance. A very fine grade of under-claj' is found here, which is utilized in the manufacture of pottery and terra-cotta w^are, a business conducted very extensively in this region. Sandstone and limestone also abound. The surface is quite irregular; in the valleys are found the superior clay beds, and among the hills the layers of coal, sandstone and shale. Extensive brick works for the manufacture of firebricks and grate- 33 606 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. backs are locatetl in this township, giving employment to vast numbers of men, and acquiring for the township a distinction ai)ove its fellows for these ])i-oducts. The onl\' town in its limits is Kew Brighton. The township's population in 1880 was 903. NORTH SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP. North Sewickley is situated in tlie extreme northern part of tlie count\% and is boumled by the townships of "Wayne, in Lawrence county, Franklin, Marion, New Sewickley and Pulaski, in Beaver county. Tiie exact date of the formation of the township cannot be ascertained, but it was previous to 1814. Tiie Big Beaver forms its western iioundary, and the Conocjuenessing Hows along its northeastern ])order. Brush creek flows along near the eastern line until within a short distance from where the Conoquenessing enters the township, and then empties into the latter stream about a mile below. Bennett's run is a small stream traversing the southern portion of the township, and empties into the Beaver from the east. The township is mostly highland, with deep drainage all around it, and the surface is consecpiently very much broken. Coal is mined quite extensively in various parts of the township, the product being exceptionalh' })ure, of a black, glossy luster, and remarkably free from pyrites. Very excellent limestone is found in tlie Ijed of Bennett's run, as are also found sandstone and sliale in al)undance. The only town within the limits of the township is Nortii Sewick- ley. The ])opulation of the townsliip in 1880 was, according to the census returns, 971. Tlie postoflice was first established here in 1837, and the name was changed, May 27, 1815, to AViirtemburg; but the old title was reiidopted in 1819. Following is a list of the successive postmasters of the town, with dates of their appointment: Absalom S. Severns, Sr., appointed Dec. 13, 1837; Absalom Severns, Jul}' 19, 1839; Nathaniel Hazen, May 10, 1842; Jonathan L. Leet, Nov. 8, 1849; James W. Taylor, March 19, 1851; Melvin Nye, April 2, 1856; James Patton, Jan. 26, 1860; James M. Bunyan, Feb. 1, 1866; Milton A. Clow, March 7. 1867; Archibald M. Mechlim,May 12, 1869; Millard F. Mecklen, April 9, 1874; Robert C. Criswell, Jan. 7, 1875; Nathan Hazen, June 14, 1875; Edward W. Liebendoefer, Dec. 21, 1882. Concord Methodist Ejiiscopal Church was organized in the house of Thomas B. Elliott, in what is now North Sewickle}' township, about the year 1834. Among the first members the following names are found: Thomas B. Elliott, class leader; Edmund Boats and Eliza his wife, Nancy Elliott, Rev. John Boat and his brother, Bev. Samuel, together with their wives. The first preachers were liev. Richard Armstrong EAST SIDE TOWNSHIPS. (>()7 and Rev. Joshua Monroe. Tlie Hrst, regular luiildiug, a frame 25 by 35 feet, was erected in 1851 through the efforts of Rev. Joseph Alexander, a local preacher of ]S"e\v Brighton. Tliis, becoming too small, was taken down May 30, 1887, and the erection of a new one immediately' begun. The corner-stone of the new structui'e was laid June 10, 1887, the exercises being conducted by Rev. "\V. 15. Watkins, D.D., of Beaver, assisted by Rev. T. N. Eaton, ])residing elder of the Allegheny district: Rev. A. II. Miller, of Beaver FalUrRev. W. F. L:iuck, of Beaver, and the pastor, Rev. J. L. Stiffy. The building, a neat frame structure 32 by -t-t feet, comjilete and substantial in all its equipments, was completed and dedicateil Oct. 2, 1887. Its cost was about $1,500, and the amount necessary t(;) clear the cono-resation fi-om debt was all raised on the day of dedication. Promdence Baptist Chiirch of North Sewickley was incorporated Nov. 1, 1881:. by a board consisting of Joseph llazen, N. U. Hazen, John 0. Johnston, Nathan Hazen and James K. Jones, with a purpose "to worship the Almighty God according to the faith, doc- trines, discipline and usages of the Regular Baptist church." The first trustees were G. G. Hazen, Thomas J. McDonald and E. J. Hazen. :\[.VRION TOWNSHIP. This township is situated in the northeastern part of the county, and is bounded by the townships of Jackson, in Butler county, and Franklin. North Sewickley and New Sewickley, in Beaver county. The Gonocjuenessing forms its northei-n boundary, and Brush creek flows along just within its eastern border. Its remaining streams are small, rising in tlie highlands on its southern border, passing with a rapid descent through the intervening country and emptying into the Conoquenessing. Goal, slate, liineston(^ and sandstone form its geological character- istics. The former is tpiite valuable, being in some portions of the townshi]) of a remarkal)ly jmre (juality, free from sulphur, pyrites and other impurities, so often rendering this product of Beaver county of little value. The township was erected in 1815 out of Nortli Sewickley town- ship. The first school-house within its limits was Ijuilt in 1840, and was opened in the autumn of that year. The first structures were rude and unsupplied with modern apparatus, yet the influence that went out from their doors can never be too highly valued. The popu- lation of the townshi]! was, according to the census of 1880, 350. The 60S HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. only town within the hmits of the townsliip is Barrisville. The follow- ing have had charge of the postofflce at that place: Enoch W. Barris, appointed July 3, 1872; Mrs. Hanna Pliillips, Nov. 3, 1882; John L. Vanai'sdale, March 11, 1884; Eli IT. Daniel, March 2i, 1885. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Franklin townshij) is situated in the extreme northeastern ]iortion of the county, and is bounded by the townships of Perrv, in Lawrence county, Lancaster and Jackson, in Butler county, and Marion and North Sewickley, in Beaver county. The Conocjuenessing creek forms its entire southern and western boundary. Camp run passes through it from Lawrence county, and witli this exception nil tiie streams are small, I'ising within the limits of the township and flowing into the Conoquenessing. Very fine Darlington coal is mined in this district, the product being supei'ior for heating and for gas purposes, owing to its freedom from sulphur and other impurities. Limestone, sandstone, slate and shale are found in portions of the township. The township was erected in 1850. Lillie is the only town in the township, and the following postmasters have had chai'ge of the postoffice at that place: Henry E. Steffler, appointed June 27, 1883, and Matilda M. Steffler. April 23, 1887. The population of the town- ship was, in 1880, accorchng to the census, 739. Tiie United Presbyterian congregation of Camp Bun was incorpo- rated June 8, 1880, by a board consisting of J. C. White, Abraham Thomas, Henry Bradford, William J.Wright and John F. Scott. The church is in a nourishing; condition, and is doing- valiant service for the Master. CHAPTEE XXYI. BIOGRAPHIES— WEST SIDE. O. E. Abeh, merchant, P. O. Industry, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., in 1852. The family came from Germany at an early day. .John Aber, grandfather of O. E., was a native of Allegheny county. Pa., and a farmer. He had twelve children, of whom ,Iolin. the eldest, was born and remained on the farm until he was twenty-four years of age. For a time .John wa.s engaged in school-teaching, and, later, in mercantile business, which he followed until his death. He married Marie Katz, who bore him three sons and three daughters, of whom O. E. is the youngest. Coming to Beaver county in 1861, the father located at Industry, where he became a prominent merchant up to the.day of his death. He was succeeded bj' his eldest son and son-in-law, our sub- ject being engaged as clerk, and finally becoming sole proprietor. He (O. E.);was married in 1878 to Eliza, daughter of Richard Walton, of this county, and one child, Cora Bel! (now deceased), was born to them. Mr. Aber has eighty acres of well cultivated land and thirty-three cows, whose milk is daily shipped to Pittsburgh. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Republican. J. E. AcKrsoN, Jii., dealer in boots and shoes, Beaver Falls, •was born in Washington, Pa., Nov. 25, 1856, and is a son of William and Mary (Knight) Ackison, of Washington county. His paternal grandfather was William Ackison, and maternal grandfather Jo.seph Knight, natives of England and pioneers of Washington county. Our subject was reared in his native county, and at the age of fifteen entered the store of William Semple, of Allegheny City, as an entry clerk, where he was emploj'ed five years. In 1878 he entered the employ of R. Hay, of Pittsl)urgh. and from 1882 until 1885 was with the wholesale shoe tirm of Albree <.t Co., of Pittsburgh. In November, 1885, he embarked in the retail boot and shoe trade at Beaver Falls. He is a gentleman of enterprise and business experience, and is building up a large and lucrative trade. John J. Aggema.n, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, Feb. 7, 1853, and is a son of John and Elizabeth Aggennin. He was reared and educated in his native cit}', where he learned his trade. He located in Beaver Falls in 187!.). and was one of the organizers of the Co(")perative Flint Glass Works, of which he has since been a stock- holder, and was employed there until .June 1, 1887. He served two years as a member of the board of directors of this company. He married, in 1882, Sadie Wright, of Walrose, Pa., by whom he has had three children: Katie A.. John Thomas (deceased) and Eloy J. He is a member of St. Marj''s Catholic church, and the Catholic Jlntual Benefit Associa- tion. Politically he is a Democrat. D.\N1EL Agnew. The outbreak of the rebellion found the suiircme court of the United States, most of the state supreme courts, and by far the larger number of the lower courts, federal and state, in the hands of tho.se whose political training inclined them to excuse, if not to approve, the cause of those who were seeking to betray the Union to its destruction. The Pennsylvania bench was no exception to this rule. The majority of its supreme court was as little able as President Buchanan then seemed to be, to find an}' law or precedent to justify national self-preservation or to authorize the suppression of a gigantic rebellion. One of this majority. Judge George W.Woodward, when the dissolu- tion of the I'uion seemed imminent in 1861, declared, " If the Union is to be divided, I want the line of separation to run north of Penn.sylvania." Later, this same judge was very 609 610 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. properly chosen to formulate the decision of the Democratic major: }■ of the court which disfranchised the Pennsylvania soldiers in the field. These and kindred acts so highly recommentled Judge Woodward to his jiarty that in the critical days of 1803, when the cause of the Union was trembling in the balance, he was selected to contest the re-election of Governor Andrew G. Curtin. Chief-Justice Lowrie, who was in entire accord with his colleague on the bench. Judge AVoodward, and the author of a then recent decision of the state supreme court, declaring the national draft law unconstitutional, was a can- didate for re-election. In selecting a candidate to run against Chief-Justice Lowrie, the Republicans or Union men looked for a jurist of high legal attainments, who was firm in his convictions and of approved loyalty. All this and much more they found in Judge Agnew. of the Seventeenth Judicial District, whose services to the Union cause had made his name well known throughout the state. The ticket thus composed of Andrew G. Curtin for governor and Daniel Agnew for supreme judge proved too strong for the opposition, and carried the state, in October, by 15,000 majority. By virtue of this popular decision Pennsj'lvauia's great War governor was retained in the position he h;vd filled so worthily and well, and the state supreme court received an infu.sion of fresh blood, new thought, inten.se energy, and high patriotic impulse, which at that time it sadly needed. Judge Agnew's accession brought that court into harmony with the Union sentiment of the state and added immediately and in a marked degree to its strength and influence as a judicial body. Judge Agnew is a Pennsylvanian only by adoption and a life long residence He was born in Trenton, N. J., Jan. 5, 1809, and while yet a lad his parents came to Western Pennsylvania, on their way to theetate of ilississippi, and after a brief sojourn in Butler county, .settled in Pittsburgh. There young Daniel lived, increasing in wi.sdom and stature until the dawning period of manhood, when he left the parental roof to go a little farther west and grow up with Beaver county. His father, James Agnew, M D., was a native of Princeton, N. J., and graduated at its college in 1795. He studied medicine with Dr. ^[cLean, the father of President McLean; took his degree in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in 1800, and remained a year in Philadelphia under Dr. Benjamin Rush. His mother, Sarah B. Howell, was the eldest daughter of Governor Richard Howell, of New Jersey, who was a major of the >sew Jersey Continental line in the army of the Revolution. His paternal grandfather, Daniel Agnew, came from the County Antrim, in the north of Ireland, in the year 170-J, and .settled in New Jersey. On his mother's side he belonged to the Howells, of Caerfille, in Wales. The father of the future chief -justice was for a time uncertain where he .should permanently pitch his tent. The century was just opening; a new country was all before him where to choose, and he was embarrassed by this wide range of choice. He first practised his profession for several years in Trenton, New Jersey, and then went to IMi.ssissippi in 1810. lie returned in 1813, riding on horseback all the way from Natchez to Princeton, through the Indian country then known as the "wilderness." In the following October he started on his return journey to Mississippi with his family, intending to remain during the winter at the house of John L. Glaser, the owner of a furnace in Butler county, whose wife was a sister of Mrs. Agnew. But Mrs. Agnew, becoming alarmed at the wildncss of the West and the dangers of navigation, then made in arks or flat-boats, declined to make the voyage down the Ohio and Jlississippi, and the whole party came to a halt in Butler county. It was through this circumstance that Mississippi lost and Pennsylvania gained Daniel Agnew as one of its citizens. The family were not unrepresented in Mississippi, liowever. Mrs. Agnew's brother estab- lished himself there, and her niece, Varina Howell, Judge Agnew's first cousin, is the present wife of the ex-Confederate chieftain, ]\Ir. Jefferson Davis. Daniel Agnew was educated at the Western University, in Pittsburgh, and studied law under Henry Baldwin and W. W. Fettermau, He was admitted to practice in the spring of 1829, and opened an office in Pittsburgh. Not succeeding as he wished, he went to Beaver in the summer of the same year, intending to return in a year or two. He soon created a practice, however, which once gained by a young lawyer is BICGRAI'IIIES WEST SIDE. Oil not lightly to be given up, and this fact, in connection with another, decided him to remain in Beaver permanently. Tlie other potent intluence on his decision was a ]\Iiss Elizabeth Moore, daughter of General Roliert J[oore, a leading lawyer and representa- tive in congress, who had hitely died. Tn the abiindiint leisure afforded by a law prac- tice still in the future, he wooed, won and married in July, 1831, this hidy, who has now shared his joys and sorrows, his honors and his cares, for iifty years, and still lives, no less hale and hearty than the .Judge himself, rejoicing in the more constant companion- ship which the termination of her husband's long engrossing public duties now brings to her. Land titles were unsettled in that we.stern country, and in the extensive litiga- tion growing out of this circumstance, young Agnew earh' hud a chance to show what he was made of, and he was prompt to improve it. He soon gained a high standing as a land lawyer, and with it a large practice. His first service to the state at large was in 1837, as a member of the constitutional convention which in that and the year following sat in Harrisburg and Philadelphia, forming a series of amendments to the constitution of 1700, and which subsequently became a part of it. Mr. Agnew drew up the amend- ment offered by his colleague, .John Dickey, as to the appointment and tenure of the judiciary, known as Dickey's Amendment, afterwards modified by the amendment of 18.50." It is proper to correct here a false charge brought against Judge Agnew by political enemies: that he voted in the convention to insert the word " white " in the article upon elections. On the question of insertion, he voted always against it; but after failing in that, voted for the .section as a whole, on account of other most important amendments intended to prevent fraudulent voting. In June. 18.")1, he was appointed by Governor Johnston President Judge of the Seventeenth District, then composed of lieaver, Butler, Mercer and Lawrence counties. In the following October the peo].ile confirmed the appointment, electing him for a term of ten years. In 1861 he was reflected without opposition at the call of the members of the bar of all parties. He did not. however, consider that his duties as judge super- seded his duties as a citizen, and when the rebellion broke out, he becf.me known at once as an ardent and active supporter of the Union cause. The Viiginia Pan-Hatdle made Beaver a border county, and brought the atmosphere and spirit of secession into its very midst A committee of public safety of one hundred meraljers was appointed, and Judge Agnew made its chairman. Later he was a zealous participant in the forma- tion and maintenance of the Christian Commission. As a judge, all his energies were bent to preserve peace and order, and to check the budding treason which had the temerity to show its head in the Seventeenth Judicial District. Other judges, even such as were in sympathy with the Lincoln adniinistratiou, were in doubt and perplexity as to their proper course in regard to the new issue which was suddenly sprung upon them. Judge Agnew, however, never hesitated. In him sound learning and sound sense went hand in hand : and he found no difticulty in making the eternal principles which underlie all law apply to every time and every emergency. He was the first of the state judges to take cognizance of the aiders and abettors of rebellion around him, and enforce the necessity of obedience and the paramount duty of loyalty (o the government. In May, 1861, more than four years before President .Johnson talked of making treason odious, Judge Agnew, instructed the grand jurors of Lawrence country that treason was a crime, and all who had any part or lot in it were criminals before the law. In this charge he combated with overwhelming conclusiveness the doctrines held by the Northern allies of rebellion, that aid to the enemies of the United States, which the con- .stitution defines to be treason, meant foreign enemies only. He instructed the grand jury that where a body of men were actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force of treasonable purpose, all tho.se who perform a part, however minute or however remote from the scene of action, were actuallj- leagued in the general conspirac)', and were to be considered traitors. These were words fitly spoken and nobly spoken, at a time when treason was noiiiy and aggressive, and our leading public men were still under tlie delusion that it might 612 HISTOET OF BEAVEK COUNTY. be put down by soft words and gentle dalliance. Had Jother Nortbern judges every where displayed the same spirit, the progress of our arms would not have been so often ob-structed and the war prolonged by a di.sheartening and demoralizing fire in the rear. In answer to those who denied the power of the government to maintain itself against domestic assaults, he wrote and delivered a careful and elaborate address on the " National Constitution in its Adaptation to a State of Vfar." This address was .so timely and so strong, breathing such a lofty spirit of patriotism, and evidently drawn from such rich stores of legal knowledge, that it at once invited public attention to its author, whose fame bad been before contined to Western Pennsylvania. ]5y i-pecial request of the members of the Legislature Judge Agnew repeated this address in Harris- burg in February. 1863. Secretary Stanton called for a copy of it, and the Union League, of this city, determined to scatter it free-handed. Two large editions of it were pub- lished by the league, and when C'hief-.Tustice Lowrie's term in the supreme court w-as about to expire, the author of the address, wliile absent in the West, and without an effort on his part, was nominated bv the Republicans to succeed him, and elected in October, 1863. As a member of the sujireme court of Pennsylvania, Judge Agnew was early called to make a practical application of the doctrines, of which, as a citizen and judge of a lower court, be had been a zealous advocate. A majority of the bench, consisting of Chief-Justice Lowrie and Judges Thompson and Woodward, had pronounced against the constitutionality of the draft law. Judges Strong and Keed dissented. The question came up again immediately after Judge Agnew's accession to the bench, and, as the .senior members of the court were evenly divided, it devolved upon this new judge to decide the question, and his tirst opinion as supreme judge was in affirmation of theconstitutiouality of the draft law isee 9th Wright, 306). He thoroughly believed in the right of the gov- ernment to suppress insurrection and to enforce obedience to its laws. Soon after the question of the constitutionality of the draft acts of congress had been decided, an important question of marine insurance came up, involving the tmei is as unanswerable in arg\inient as it was faithful to duty; though at the time of its delivery (in 1S(>T) the progress of public opinion, after the close of the war, led many who were ignorant of the time and circumstances under which the case arose, to suppose he was wrong. Of ail the judges who heard the argument, .Judge Reed alone di.ssented, and .Judge Strong, who was absent at the argument, afterward told Judge Agnew that he agreed with him — that his opinion was right. A great question arose after Judge Agnew became chief-justice, perhaps the most important of the manj' arising during his term of office. A majority of the convention called to propose amendments to the constitution, to be voted upon by the people, con- ceived that its powers were not restricted by the call under which it was convent d; and cl.aiming absolute sovereignty, undertook to displace (he existing election laws in Ihecity of Philadelphia, bj' an ordinance, without anj' previous submission of the new consti- tution to the people, as required by the laws under which the convention was called and authorized. The case came before the supreme court on a proceeding to enjoin the convention appointees from interfering with the lawful election officers. After the hearing an eminent member of the court thought it better to dismiss the billon the ground of want of jurisdiction. But the effect of this would have been to leave the ordinance in force, and to countenance the exercise of an unlimited power rot conferred by the people, and which might in future cases be dangerous to their liberties. Finally, how- ever, the court unanimously agreed to meet the question on its merits, and enjoin the appointees of the convention from interfering. The opinion was written during the night following the argument, and, considering time and circumstances, was perhaps the most able delivered by Judge Agnew during his term. It was supplemented by an opinion in Wood's Appeal by Judge Agnew. in which the claim of absolute sovereignty was discussed upon fundamental principles, and the same conclusion reached. The two cases, Wells vs. Bain and Wood's Appeal, are found in 2.5 P. F. Smith, 40 and 49. The ruling of Judge Cox as to the qualifications of jurors in the Guiteau case, recalls the fact that Judge Agnew was the first judge in Pennsylvania to modify the rule which excluded jurors who had formed opinions in capital cases, and admit them if their opinions were not so fixed but that they could still try the prisoner on the evidence, freed from the influence of previous impiessiors. This he rukd -wlun judge of the Seventeenth District. Afterwards on the supreme bench he rendered several decisions to the s.ame effect. In the Ortwein murder case, decided in Pittsburgh in 1874, Chief-Justice Agnew considered at length the plea of insanity as a defense in murder trials, and laid down some rules which would have been ill-relished by Guiteau, if made to apply in his case In his opinion Judge Agnew said: " The danger to society from acquittals on the ground of a doubt f ul insanity demands a strict rule. IMere doubtful evidence of insanity would fill the land with acquitted criminals. To doubt one's sanity is not necessary to be convinced of his insanity. A person charged with crime must be judged to be a reasonable lieing until a want of reason positively appears. Insanity as a defense must be so great as to have controlled the will and taken away the freedom of moral action. When the killing is admitted, and insanity is alleged as an excuse, the defendant must satisfy the juiy that insanity actually existed at the time of the act; a doubt as to the .sanit}' will not justify the jury in acquitting." BIOGKAPHIES WEST SIDE. 015 To give aii.y adeiiuate idea of the impress wliioh Judge Agnew made tbrougli liis decisions upon the law of Pennsjivannia is beyond the scope of this sketcli. Every Monday morning during the sessions of tlie supreme court brought a full budget of his decisions, aud every day of his vacation was spent in preparing opinions in knotty cases reserved for that time of greater leisure for careful elaboration. Until 1874 the supreme court consisted of but five judges, while it had all the work which was afterward found sufficient for seven. Ill health prevented Judge Williams from assuming his share of the labor of the bench, and disinclination for work was an imjicdiment in other quarters, so that before the reorganization of the court the labor incident to its duties fell almost entirely on two or three of its members. The reports of that period, as well as for the entire fifteen years Judge Agnew was on the bench, bear testimony to his prodigious industry. They show him also to be one of those broad-minded judges who have regard to the meaning and spirit of a law rather than its letter. The whole body of his opinions as therein recorded illustrate at every step the keenness of his intellect, the .soundness of his judgment, and the extent and precision of his legal learning. He became chief-justice in 1873, aud continued until January, 1879. In permitting him to retire from the bench in that year, the state lost from its supreme court one of the strongest members and best judicial minds that body ever possessed. Perhaps the most marked characteristics of his judicial career was his detei mined support of the sacredncss of the fundamental rights of persons, as declared and main- tained in the constitution. Ilis opposition to all infringments upon these rights was constant and unwavering. This may be .seen in man}' opinions and addresses. He held that the maintenance and protection of these rights were the true end of all good gov- ernment, and nothing short of a real public necessity should be permitted to override them. Another leading characteristic is the rapidity with which he writes. Besides the ca.se of Wells rs. Bain, another example may be seen in the contested election cases in 15 P. F. Smith, 20, the opinion being written during the night after the argument. Judge Agnew never was a politician in its ordinary sen.se, and never filled a polit- ical office. He avoided both the legislature and congress, preferring to sit as an inde- pendent judge, acknowledging no political favor, and returning a full equivalent for office by his services on the bench. In early life he was a national republican, sup- porting the American system of Henry Clay, especially the tariff, of which his preceptor. Judge Baldwin, was an eminent advocate. He joined the AYhig party at its formation in 1832-33, and remained a Whig until its extinction in 1854. He advocated on the stump the election of Harrison in 1840, Clay in 1844, and in 1848 he was an elector on the Taylor and Fillmore ticket, and canvassed Western Pennsylvania zealously in its support. After his election to the bench in 1851, he withdrew from active participation in politics, except as events of unusual importance called him out. He openly opposed the Know-Xothing movement in 1.S54, aud two years later he assisted at the formation of the Republican party in the convention in Lafayette Hall, in Pittsburgh. Jud.ffe Agnew's original intention was to retire from the supreme bench at the end of his fifteen years' term. The continued absence from home, which its duties neces- sitated, had all along been exceedingly unwelcomed to his wife. His life, too, had heen a busy and laborious one, and, tliough still in the full vigor of his powers, iie thought that at the age of seventy he was entitled to a rest. He made known to .some of his political friends his intention not to be a candidate for re-election, but was induced by them to remain silent, and was subsequently brought out by them as a candidate, seem- ingly with the intention of using his name to head off other candidates, and then sacri- ficing him in turn. The double dealing and cross purposes of this period are all laid bare in Judge Agnew's open letter, published a few days before the election of 1878, and it is unnecessary to recapitulate them here. It is enough that he changed his purpose and resolved to go into the convention, if he did not have ten votes. In that body, with all the regular party machinery against him, he developed an unexpected strength, but the bosses had decided to put him aside, and from their decree there was no appeal. Representatives of the National party, knowing that Judge Agnew could com- 616 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. mand alar^e personal following independent of any part}', requested permission to pro- pose his name for supreme judge in their convention, but this he refused. Subsequently he was, without his consent, put in nomination by the state committee of the National party. Of the nomination he never received official notification, nor was it designed that he should. He was not in sympathy with the economic teachings of that party. He believed onl}' in a coin currency, or one based on coin, having an undoubted representa- tive value, and his thorough republicanism was unquestioned and unquestionable. This the National leaders knew, but they thought his name would aid their ticket, and they placed it on it without troubling themselves further about his consent. A similar pro- posal, made by the temperance convention of that year. Judge Agnew e.\pre.s.sly declined in a letter to its chairman, on the ground that having been an " ostensible " candidate before the Republican convention, he could not honorablv put himself in the front of another party. He determined to hold him.self free from any entanglement, and it was a fear of such a charge being made after the election which brought out his open letter before it. During the canvass he was offered the attorney-generalship in writing, under the incoming Republican administration, on condition of withdrawing from the National ticket. Through his son he declined this proffer expressly on the ground that he was nominated without Iiis participation, had not accepted, and had nothing to decline. Judge Agnew is still in the full enjoyment of physical health and activity, and of mental vigor. Since his retirement he has lived a quiet aud comparatively' uneventful life among his old friends and neighbors, of Beaver. Great changes have occurred in state and nation since that stripling lawyer went there prospecting for litigation tifty- two years ago, but the essential features of that staid old county-seat remain vmchanged. Six children have been born to Judge and Jlrs. Agnew, two of whom, their eldest son and eldest daughter, are dead. The latter was the \vife of Col. John M. Sullivan, of Allegheny City, and died in 1874. Of the others, there are two sons, 1)oth lawyers; the elder, F. II. Agnew, now in the senate of Pennsylvania, is pra< ticing in Beaver, and the younger, Robert M. Agnew, in Lancaster, Pa. One of his daughters is the wife of Hon. Henry Hice, of Beaver, late President-Judge of the court Judge Agnew formerly presided over. The other daughter is the wife of Rev. Walter Brown, of Cadiz, Ohio, The degree of Doctor of Laws has been twice conferred on Judge Agnew, first by Washington College and then by Dickinson. Occasionally he indulges in writing or speaking on legal and public subjects to keep from ru.sting out. On General Grant's return from his tour around the world, Judge Agnew was selected to deliver the address in Pittsburgh, and in the succeeding canvass for nomination he favored that of General Grantfor the presidency as best calculated to produce national unity. He was employed by Allegheny county in the riot cases, wrote the address to the legislature, and argued the question of the county's liability before the state supreme court. He recently argued the ca.se of Kelly rs. The City of Pittsburgh in the United States .supreme court. His brief is an elaborate statement of the purpose of the fourteenth amendment, and a vin- dication of individual fundamental right, and the jurisdiction of the court in a ca.se of unlawful taxation, infringing upon the right of property without due process of law. In the senatorial contest of last winter Judge Agnew 's name figured somewhat in the scattering vote. The state would do itself a high honor if it .should select such a man to represent it at Washington, or to be ils chief executive. Judge Agnew 's numer- ously published addresses, to which, for lack of space, scarcely any allusion has been made, and his opinions, involving great public questions, as recorded in the state reports, .show that he is no mere lawyer, but has all the grasp of mind and breadth of view of the true .statesman. As United States senator he would lake rank at the outset with the ablest and most intl\iential members of that body; as governor of the Conunonwealth he would Ije a grateful and wholesome relief from the dead level of mediocrity, which has had monopoly of that office for many years. But the Boss is still supreme in Penn- sylvania politics, and such political honors as he does not retain for himself or his lieu- tenants, he takescareto secure for some one of the great anonymous. Under the regime BIOGRAPHIES — WEST SIDE. (ilT the post of honor is the private station, and it is there, with rare exceptions, that we find our men of most distinguished ability and recognized worth. For a short time after Judge Aguew left the Bench, he practiced law. He was en- gaged in several important causes, especially those of the county of Allegheny, growing out of the great riots at the Union Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pittsburgh, in 18T7. He, with his associates, drew up and presented to the legislature the address for legislation to relieve the county from the onerous liabiUty growing out of the act making a few counties liable for injuries done by rioters. He also argued before the sujireme court of Pennsylvania the cases growing out of the same law. to show that the law did not survive the former cou>^titution of the State, and was not continued in force by the schedule of the new constitution. The argu- ment was deemed unanswerable by imjiartial minds, but the great interests of Philadel- phia and the railroad company, the cit_y itself being a large stockholder, carried the case against the county of Allegheny. He also argued before the supreme court of the United States the important question of the power of Pittsljurgh to tax outlying rural districts within the corporate limits, for the special city purposes of police, fire, etc. Finding that professional business was encroaching largely on his time and labor, and curtailing the relief he expected on retiring from the Bench, he, in the course of two or three years ceased to take cases or to be employed professiouallj', though many inviting offers came to him. In the year 18S0, being .strongly impressed with the neces- sity of curbing the evils of drunkenness, from which, as a judge and lawyer, his observation taught him that four-fifths of the crime and pauperism of the state arose, he became the president of the Constitutional Prohiliition Amendment Association, In this work he performed great labor, writing and speaking in mo.st of the principal places in the state. The effect of the efforts of this as.sociation. and others engaged in the temperance cause, was to carry a large majority of prohibitionists into the liouse of representatives in ISSl. The constitutional amendment was carried in the house by a vote of nearly two to one. These efforts continued brought a majority also into the house in the session of 1883. Before this house. .ludge Agnew delivered an elaborate address on prohibition. He contended in that address, and in other arguments, against the doctrine of compensation, a position since fully sustained by the supreme court of the United States. The.se efforts have been crowned with final success by the pas.sage of the proposed amendment liy the a.ssemlily of 1887. His pen has also been employed in other work than legal. He has been called to deliver numerous addresses, in and out of the state, before colleges, seminaries of learn- ing, and public audiences, civil and military. Notably he delivered the address of ■v^l-jime at the convention of the bankers of the United States in Pittsburgh, and an address to them on the general banking law of the nation. In the canvass of 1880. for Garfield's election, he also delivered two very elaborate addresses on the past and present relations of the northern and southern .sections of the United States.* He yet. in 1888. enjoys good health and strength and a vigorous intellect. Hon. Fraxkijn H. Agnew, attorney, P. O.. Beaver, was born in that place April 6, 1843, and is a son of Hon. Daniel Agnew. He was reared in Beaver, and received his earliest education in the old Beaver Academy. He afterwards attended .Jeft'erson C'olle.ge, from which he was graduated in 1862. After his graduation he taught in the Beaver Academy, then in Washington county. Being desirous of obtaining a thorougli knowledge of book-keeping, be attended the Iron City Business College where he took a thorough course, and was afterward a teacher in the same institution. Return- ing to Beaver, he became principal of old Beaver Academy. He then went on the the United States Coast Survey, which he resigned in 1871. In 1873 he began the .study of law in his father's office, and. after his admission to the bar. he formed a partnership with .Tohu M. Buchanan, which continued till 1887. He was elected .state * He flelivereil also the address on tlie completion of tlie Chanoine Dam at Davis Island, six miles below Pittsburgh, in 188.5. 61 S IIISTOKY OF liEAVEK COUNTY. senator in !SS3, and served one term. July Iti, 1885, he was married to Miss Nan K., daughter of Rev. W. H. Lauch. Her parent.s were of Scotch and German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew have one child. Elizabeth. They are members of the Methodist church, in which he is a steward. Politically he is a Republican. Festus Allen, retired. Beaver Falls, was born in county Galway, Ireland, March 7, 1832, and is a son of Richard and Fanny (Kellyj Allen. He was reared in his native county, where he began the trade of shoemaker. He came to America in 18.~)() and worked at his trade as a journeyman in New York and Isew Jersey cities three years. In 18.')3 he located in Pittsburgh and followed his trade there and in Allegheny City up to 1804, when he settled in New Brighton, this county. In 1867 he located in Beaver Falls, where he has since resided, working at his trade until 1885. In the latter year he erected one of the finest brick stores on Seventh Avenue. He married, in 1802, Keziali Good- win, of Somerset, Jefferson county, Ohio, daughter of Jesse Goodwin, a soldier of the Mexican war. B_v this union tliere are five children living; Thomas R., Festus W., Clara, Lizzie and Albert. Jlr. Allen is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. of L. Politically be is a Democrat. Edw.\rd J.\mes Allison, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, at Rochester, Pa., Beaver, was born in Bridgewater, Beaver county, Feb. 8, 1852, and is a son of Thomas and Emily (Logan) Allison, natives of Pennsylvania, of English and Scotch- Irish descent. The father was a merchant. Our .subject is a grandson of the late Hon. James Allison, wlio settled in Beaver county in 1804, and subsequently sei ved two terms as a member of congress. His uncle, the lale Hon. Ji^hn Allison, served two terms in the legislature, and two in congress, and was register of Ijie Uniled States treasury, under General Grant, for si.ic years. Edward J. is the only child of his parents, and has spent his life in Beaver cuunty. Early in life he clerked in a .store. In 1883 he became a clerk in the First National Bank, of Rochester, and after 1886 was assi.stant ca.sl]iir; has resigned his position in the First National Bank of Rochester, Pa., to acc< pt the cashiership of the First National Bank of Beaver, Pa. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, at Beaver, and a trustee. S.\NFORD Almy, oil producer, P. O., Ohioville, son of Pardon and Mary (Cook) Almy, was born, Feb. 17, 1830, at Little C-impton, R. I. His father, a son of Sanford and Lydia (Gray) Almy, was born June 18, 1792, at same place, and ditd in October. 1864. His mother, who was born June 5, 1799, a daughter of Samuel and Lydia Cook, who were of Scotch descent, died in February, 1856. His grandfather was a son of John and Hannali (Cook) Almy, natives of Portsmouth, R. I. His father was a .son of Job and Bridget (Sanford) Almy, also of Porlsmoutli. He in turn was a son of Job Almy, Sr., who was a son of William Almy, who came from England about the jear 1600, and settled in Jersey, but subsequently moved to Rliode Island. Our subject, when about fifteen years of age, moved to New Bedford, Mass., where he clerked in a general furnishing store niglits and mornings, and finished his education at the Ineh school, from which he graduated in 1850. He then continued to clerli in the furnishing store until 1858, when he bought out the establishment and continued the business until 1801, in April of which year he enlisted in the first call for troops, and served as paymaster of the Third liegiment three months. He then enlisted in the Eighteenth jMassachuselts Infantry, as regimental quartermaster, and served until mustered out in August, 1804. He ne.\t embarked in the oil business, at Wellsville, Ohio, where he put down one well; he then moved to his present location at Island Run Oil l^egions. Sept. 4, 1878, Mr. Almy married Catherine J. Wriglit, born Aug, 5, 1840, daughter of Nathan and Eliza (Polts) Wright; and two children have been born to them, Mary E. and Sanford E. .Mr. and Mrs. Almy are members of the Methodist Episcopal Churcli. at Ohioville. He is a Republican, and has served four terms as justice of the peace; was notary public and also school director for some time. Geokoe W. Alts.m.\n, painter, P. O. Beaver Falls, of the firm of Altsman Brothers, was born in Pike county, Ohio, Feb. 20, 18.50, a son of James and Elizabetli (Cave) Altsman, and of English and German descent. His father, a painter b_y trade, settled BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDK. 019 in Beaver Falls iu 1807. where George W. was educated in the public schools, and learned his trade with his father, with wliom he embarked in bu.siness in 18T6, under the firm name of Jas. Allsnian it Son. In ISTS. our subject formed a partnership with his brother William, under the name of Altsman Brothers, which partnership.still exists. They are one of the leading firms in their line in Beaver county, and do an extensive business. George AV. Altsman has l)een twice married; first in 1881, to Belle Hutchin- son, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa., by whom he bad one child. Boy H. ; and, second, Jan. 21, 1886, to Lou A, Blaze, of Pittsburgh, by whom he has one child, Ira B. Mr. Altsman is a member and trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is a member of the Y. M. C. A. In politics he is a Republican. Alex. H. Andehson, farmer, P. (). New Galilee, was born in Hanover town- ship in 1833. His grandfather, AVilliam Anderson, came to America from Ireland at an early day, and settled in Beaver county, where he purchased a tractof land of fouror five hundred acres, part of which is still owned by bis descendants. His early life was full of hardships and dangers, His .son, Thomas Anderson, born in Hanover township in 1782, was a farmer, and died in 1857, By his second wife, Jane Patten, he had three children, of whom Alexander H. is the youngest. Our subject remained at home until 18(50, wheh he bought and removed to a farm in Darlington township, where he now lives. This farm contains 120 acres in a high state of cultivation. 3Ir. Anderson was married in 1862, to Rebecca, daughter of Samuel Reed, Esq., and by her has had seven children, six of whom are living; William T., Jennie E., Madge F., 3Iartie JI , Laura L. and Frank R. jNIr. Anderson has held the positions of school director and tru.stee of Greersburg Academy, and is greatly esteemed in the community. He is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically a Republican. A. T. Andeusox, dealer in real estate, Beaver, was born in Independence town.ship, Beaver county. Pa., July 11, 1842, His parents, Benoni and Jane (Tlionip.son) Ander- son, were natives of this county and of Scotch-Irish descent. His father, who was a merchant in early life and afterward a farmer, had two children; A. T., and Mary E., wife of John J[. Springer, of Ohio. Our subject was reared in Hanover township, and received his education in the common .schi ols. Early in life he was clerk in his father's store, and then embarked in that business for himself. He has bon.a-bt and .sold many stores, has also dealt extensively in real estate, and has succeeded well in bu.siness. In politics he is a Democrat; he is a Master ;Ma.son . Jlr. Anderson was married in Wash- ington county, in 1868, to Sue C, daughter of John Duncan, and of Scotch descent. They have three children: Lillie L.. Harry D. and Laura. Mrs. Anderson is a member of the Presbyterian church. Joseph L. A^DEUs()N, printer, was born in Beaver, Beaver count}', and is a son of Joseph (a farmer), and Mar_y (Eakin) Anderson. His parents were natives of Pennsyl- vania, and of Scotch-Irish origin. His father had four children, of whom Joseph L., the youngest, was reared in Beaver borough, and attended the common schools and the old Beaver Academy. At an early age he entered the office of the old Argus, where he learned printing, a business be followed until be became a partner in the paper. In 1867 he was appointed transcribing clerk in the Pennsylvania Senate, and served two years. At the present time he holds the po.sition of foreman of the Evein'iig ('hroniiie-Telegrdph, of Pittsburgh. He was married in 1861, to Margaret, daughter of Joseph and ]MatiIda (Crooks) Hall, of English and Scotch-Irish origin. Her father was born in Allechenv county in 1807, but has spent most of his life in Beaver county. He was a ship carpen- ter, and spent his early life on the Ohio river working at his trade. Mrs. Anderson's mother now resides in Beaver. !Mr. and ilrs. Anderson have been blcs.sed with three children: James Paul, Stanley and Mary Olive, who graduated in Beaver t^olleo-e in 1886. The boys are iu the railroad business. Mrs. Anderson is president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and of the Children's Aid Society, of Beaver. Samuel Anderson, farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in Beaver county in 1834. His grandfather, James, came to America about 1784, and settled in Washington county, where he was extensively engaged in farming. He had two sous and five 620 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. daughters. Bernard, the eldest son, was born in Ireland, and came with his parents to America when three years of age. James purchased about 130 acres of land in Beaver county in 1808, his son Bernard settling upon same. Bernard married Elizabeth Hill, b}' whom he had si.x sons and three daughters, Samuel being the second youngest. Bernard died in 1860, aged seventy-six years, and his wife in 1865, aged seventy -two years. Samuel was reared on a farm and remained with his father until 1860, when he married Elizabeth, daughter of Wilson and Catherine (Barnes) Elliott, of New York state. 'Phey have had si.\ children (five of whom are living): Virginia Catherine, Wil- son, McClaiu, James Hill, William B. C. (deceased), and Olive Josephine. In 1883 Mr. Anderson purchased his present farm of 56 acres, nearly all of which is under cultiva- tion. He is an elder in the United Presbyterian church; in politics a Republican. James Andehton, brewer, Beaver Falls, was born in Streetbridge, Lancashire, England, June 26, 1830, and is a son of James and Sarah (Morris) Anderton, who came to America in 1856 and settled in Fallston in September of the same year. They had three children; John, James and Joseph, all now residents of Beaver county. James settled in Beaver county in 1856, and in 1867 moved to Beaver Falls where he embarked in the hotel business. In 1869 he commenced the erection of the Spring Water Brewery-, making his first brewing of ale in November of the same year. His business is increas- ing every year. In August, 1853, he married Betty, daughter of Joseph and Mary Greenwood, by whom he has three children living; Jonathan, Mary (^Nlrs. AV. C. Rohr- caste) and William H. Mr. Anderton is a F. and A. M., and a member of the I. O. O. F., K. of P.. and A. O. U. W.; in politics he is a Democrat. HrciO Andriessen, druggist and apothecary, Beaver, was born June 14, 1843, at Steele, on the Ruhr, Rhenish Prussia, Germany. His father, Frederick Andriessen, was born at Crefeld, Prussia, July 19, 1803, and died at Beaver, Pa., Oct. 14, 1869. By his first wife he had a family of live children, of whom one son and two daughters are yet living. After the death of his first wife Frederick married Louise, born at Cologne, Prussia, Oct. 17, 1819, and now a resident of Columbus, Ohio. Their children, living, are Hugo, Arthur, Richaid, Lilly and Rosa; threeare dead. Frederick Andries- sen was a civil engineer by profession, and constructed many railroads in Germany, Austria, Russia and Portugal, including the first railroad which was built in Germany. He was also a very fine landscape painter and a man of many talents. He came to the United States in 1861, and located in Pittsburgh, Pa. Hugo received his education in high schools and gymnasiums in German}' and Austria, and on account of the many positions in ditt'erent countries of Europe which his father filled, he studied many languages. He always had an especial love for the stud}' of natural history After clerking in different prominent drug stores in Pittsburgh, he finally, in October, 1869, settled in Beaver, where he has the b'est equipped anil largest pharmacy in the county, the well-known "Beaver Drug Store." Jlay 13, 1870, Mr. Andriessen married Miss Lou, daughter of Thomas and Harriet McKinley, who formerly lived at Darlington, Beaver county, where she was born Aug. 4, 1847. Their children are Belle, born April 6, 1871; Fritz, born Sept. 7. 1873; Edith, born Sept. 1, 1875. In religion and philosophy Mr. Andriessen Cjuotes Professor Huxley, who says; " Some twenty years ago or thereabouts, I invented the word ' agnostic,' to denote people who, like myself, confess them.selvesto be hopelessly ignorant concerning a variety of matters about which metaphysicians and theologians, both orthodox and heterodox, dogmatize with the utmost confidence. Agnosticism is the essence of science, whether ancient or modern. It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no grounds for professing to know or believe. Agnosticism simply says that we know nothing of what may be beyond plienomena." In politics Mr. Andriessen is a radical. He is a member of the American Pharmaceutical Association and the AVestern Pennsylvania Botanical Society. He is a contributor to several scientific and philosophical journals and German literary publications. [For sketch of ^Mr. Andriessen's museum, .see page 580.] John Aemstrong, formerly oil and hmilier dealer and farmer, P. O. Beaver, was BIOGKAPIIIKS — WEST SIDE. 621 born in this couuty, Aug. 27, 18:jl, and has been an active,' successful business man. He is now living a rctircil life on his handsome and well-improved farm in Brighton township. His parents, John and Nellie (Dillon) Armstrong, were natives of Peun.syl- vania, and of Irish descent, the former of whom was a farmer all his life. The family con.sisted of two sons and three daughters. John, the third child, was reared on the farm, attended the common schoo s, and chose lumbering as a business. He also dealt in oil, and finally engaged in farming. When he first concluded to engage in agricul- tural pursuits he bought 2^5 acres of land. He wa.s married in Warren county, to Belle M., daughter of John and Janet Adams, and their children are — C'ancieA., Nettie N., wife of Prof. John J. Allen, Anna JI.. J. Burt and Vinnie B. The family are mem- bers of the Methodist church, of which Jlr. Armstrong is a trustee. Wii.M.^M Perry B.vdders, teacher, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in South Beaver township in 1847. His great grandfather. George Badders, was a soldier in the British army during the Revolution, and at the close of the war settled in York count}', where he engaged in farming and milling. He married Deborah Huston, of Iri.sh par- entage, by whom he had nine children, seven of whom grew to maturity'. He died in his seventy-seventh year. James, the second son, who came to Beaver count\' about 1816, and was by occupation a distiller, held a commi.ssiou from the government of Ohio as captain of state militia. He settled on the land now owned by William P., his pur- chase consisting of 37.') acres. He married Christiana Frey (by whom were born two daughters and nine sons), and died in January, 1869, aged eighty years. George, the eldest son, born Aug. 18, 18U, married Luciuda, daughter of 13enjamiu Todd, of Maryland, and had four sons and one daughter. William Perry, the eldest son. received his education at the common schools and at Beaver College. In 1876 he mar- ried Olivia, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Shrodes, of Hopewell township, this county. They have four children ; Grace, George, ^laggie and William. Since 1868, with the exception of five years, Jlr. Badders hits been engaged in teaching. He owns a part of the farm purchased by his grandfather. He and his wife arc members of the Methodist church ; politically he is a Democrat, and is strictly temperate in principle and practice. Georce B.\ker. fanner, P. <'). Rock Point, was born in Big Beaver township in 1833. About 17y.j, his father, Rol.iert Baker, at the age of nine years, came to America with his brother-in-law, James McKay, and at the age of eighteen years purchased a tract of 400 acres in Big Beaver township. He married Rachel, daughter of Thomas Williams, and by her had ten children, George being the youngest. Robert Baker died at the age of ninety-five years. George was educated in the common .schools, and in 1844 married Jane, daughter of JIatthew Mitcliell, of Allegheny couhty. The had six children, live of whom are living; Robert A., George H., Jleralda, Eineliue and Sophenia. The mother of these children died in 1866, and in 1873 Jlr. Baker married Elmira, daughter of James McCo_v. Bj' her he has one son, William, jMr. Baker has a valuable farm of 170 acres, which is a part of the tract purchased bj' his father. It is underlaid with rich coal veins and a clay bank nine feet in depth. The clay is valuable for fine potter's work. Mr. Baker is a I)emocrat and a member of the .school board. John B.\t,7,En, glass worker, Beaver Falls, was born in Germany, Dec. 18, 1823, and is a son of Conrad and Clara Balzer. He came to America in 18.'J2 and located in Pittsburgh, where he was employed in the glass works until 1879. He then located in Beaver Falls, and was one of the organizers of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works, of which he is a stockholder, and where he has since been emplo.yed. In 1852 he married Margaretta, daughter of Conrad and Margaretta (Fischer) Balzer, and has five children living; Mary. .lohn, Charles, Andrew and ^Martina. Mr. Blazer and wife are mem- bers of the St. Mary's Catholic church, of Beaver Falls. In politics he is a Democrat. Fji.\NCis L. B.\NKs, foreman hardening room, Western File Works, Beaver Falls, was born in New York City, July 19, 182."), and is a .son of Francis and Maria (Burden) Banks, and of English and German de.sceut. He was reared in New York city, where he learned liis trade of file hardener with Evans, Davidson ct Lound, serving an appren- 34 622 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. ticesbip of seven years. He worked at his trade as a jouriievinan in different sections of the country tliirty-tive years prior to coming to Beaver Falls, wnere lie located in 1869 and bej;an in his present position in the Western File Works. He is a member of the T. of 11., G. T., R. A., and A. O. U. W. He was grand templar, state of Pennsyl- vania in 1SS4. He is a member and one of the vestrymen of tlie Episcopal church of Beaver Falls. In politics he is a Republican. Jere.miah B.\NNOy, a native of Tipperary, Ireland, emigrated to this country at the age of sixteen years. He was a soldier in tlie Revolution, enlisting Nov. 20, 177G, and was di.scharged in April, 1783. His wife's maiden name was Nancy I)aw.son. Tlie couple, after marriage, settled on the Seven mile Island, in the Ohio, near Pittsliurgh, where si-xteen children were born to tlicm. They subsequently removed to the locality of Ml. Jackson, then in Beaver county. Mr. Brannon died in 1833, and was buried in AVesttield cemetery. Harhy T. B.\iiKER, civil engineer, Beaver Falls, was born in New Brighton, Aug. 28, 1849, and is a son of Thomas A. and Eliza (Oakley) Barker. His paternal grand- father was Abner Barker, of England, a pioneer of Pittsburgh. His maternal grand- father was Milton Oakley, a large ship owner of Baltimore, and a pioneer of Butler county. Hiswife was a daughter of Isaac Wilson, a pioneer of Harmony, Butler county, and later of New Brighton. He was one of the original projectors of the iron industry of Beaver county, and his furnaces were located on the ground now occupied by the cutlery works in Beaver Falls. Thomas A. Barker was a native of Pittslnirgh, liut resided in New Brighton many years, where he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, and died in 1859. He had three children: Frank A. (deceased), Harry T. and Nellie (Mrs. Harry Brown), of Pittsburgh. Harry T. was educated in the public schools, and at Myers Academy, Westchester, Pa., and at the Cooper Institute, N. Y., where he was graduated in his profession in 1879. Since then he has been located in Beaver Falls. In 1873 he married Anna, daughter of Capt. George C. and Sarah (Thompson) McLean, of Philadelphia. Petbr Bates, farmer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., Aug. 27, 1835, and is a son of Peter and Elizabeth (Silcoxi Bates, natives of England, and who settled at Pittsburgh in 1828. They had eight children, of whom Peter, the tifth, was reared in Allegheny City, where he received his education. He learned the carpenter and machinist trade, which he followed until he took charge of the water works at Allegheny City as chief engineer, a position be held for nine years. He came to Beaver county in 1875, and has since devoted his time to agricultural pursuits. He was married, in 1857 to Nancy, daughter of Thomas C. and Jane Hall, who were born in Maryland, of English descent. The children of this marriage are Edwin P., clerk in the Valley rail- road office; J. AV. H., at home, farming; Milton B., a bookkeeper in Allegheny City; John E., cashier of a store at Allegheny'^ City. Mr. and :Mrs. Bates and children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican in politics, and has been school director six years. He is a blaster Mason. Ai.iiERT 31. Beaxer, fish and oyster market, Beaver Falls, was born in Bridge- water, March 30, 1849, and is a son of Jo.seph and Mary (Jenkinson) Beauer, of West- moreland county. Pa., who settled in Bridgewater in 1847. His father was a tanner, and carried on his trade many years in this and Westmoreland counties. He had seven children: James, Nancy J. "(Mrs. C. D. Renouf), :Maggie (Mrs. S. G. Bliss), Joseph S., Albert M., .lohn W. and Mary E. C^Irs. Roliert Mitchell). Albert M. is a painter by trade, which he followed for sixteen years. In 1883 he located in Beaver Falls and embarked in his present business. His wife was Elsie A., a daughter of Capt. A. B. Lee, of Sullivan, 111., by whom he has four children : Oris B., Jessie E.. Hattie M. and Joseph C. Mr. Beaner is a member of the 31. E. Church and E. A. U. ; in politics lie is a Republican . Rev. James Beatty, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1818. William Beatty, his father, came from County Tyrone, Ire- land, to America, in ISOG, and worked at his trade, that of a weaver, in the east until bio(;kaphies — west side. C23 1814, when he moved to Columbiana county, Ohio, where he resided until liis death. He married in this country Letticia Orr, also of County Tyrone, Ireland, and they had twelve children, of whom six are living. He eventually became a farmer, purchasing lirst 100 acres, to which he added by subsequent purchases until he owned 480 acres at his death. .James was educated at the common schools, and at the age of thirty-one attended /VUcgheny College, a ^lethodist Theological institution, for one year. He was married in 1849 to Elizabeth A. K., daughter of Isaac and Catherine (Eaton) Garrett, and they had three children: Victoria A. C. A., Antoinette I. Z., Lconidas L. . I. PI. (deceased). The mother died in IS T.j, aged forty-si.x years. After leaving the theological seminary Mr. Beatty became a licensed minister, and since 18.50 has been engaged in this work. He owns 100 acres of land in South Beaver township, Beaver county, Pa., and a farm in Columbiana county, Ohio, of 160 acres. He has always taken an active part in polities, and received the nomination of the Demo- cratic party for the olflce of prothonotary, and trustee of Beaver Academy, but on account of the great Republican majority in the county was defeated . He is a F. it A. M. and a member of the I. 0. O. F. Mr. Beatty adds; " I do not regret the steps I have taken, in the country, in the church, or the orders, to which my name is attached. I only regret mj' unfaithfulness. I am a Democrat from principle, and will remain .sncli while I have a country, a constitution to govern it, the stars and stripes to honor us as an inde- pendent government. Strength in. union, weakness in division." WiLLi.\M Be.\ttt, farmer, P. O. Homewood, was born in Big Beaver township in 1832, and is the only living member of afamilj'of eleven children liorn to .Jonathan and Margaret (McClure) Beattj'. .Jonathan Beattj' came to this county at an early day, with a brother, from Westmoreland county, and took up 400 acres of land, where he remained until his death. AVilliam resides on the homestead farm where he was born and reared, and has always followed farming. He owns 160 acres. He was married, in IS.jS, to Sidney, daughter of Richard Baker, and they have five children living: Richard .James, William George, Phalysta Alice, Laura Emma, and i\Iary Lamia. In close proximity to the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie railroad Mr. Beatty owns a fine and profitable quarry of sandstone. In politics he is a Republican. Louis Bekord, axe-maker, Beaver Falls, was born in the district of Montreal, Can- ada, July 12, 1843, and is a sou of .Joseph and Charlotte (Beausoleli) Berord. He was reared in Canada, where he learned the carpenters trade. In 1862 he located in East Douglass, Mass., where he worked three years at axe-making, and in 186.5 removed to Allegheny City, where he worked six years in the axe factory of Joseph Graff, Esq. In 1871 he came to Beaver Falls, where, with the exception of one year, he has since resided, working at his trade for Joseph Graff and Hubbard & Co., and has accumu- lated a fine property. In 1864 he married Sarah Demess, of the district of Montreal, by whom he has had nine children: Charles (deceased), Harry (deceased), John (deceased), George, Vincent, Charley, Bes.sie, Bella (deceased), and an infant daughter. Mr. Berord is a member of the Catholic church, and A. O. U. W. He is a Democrat. Ch.\rles Bevington (deceased), was born in Beaver county, Pa., in October, 1796. He was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Johnston, who were among the earlie.st set- tlers of Beaver count}'. Our subject's father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, serving three years as a spy, and was also three years in the Indian war. The male members of the family had usually been tillers of the soil. Our subject's parents spent many years of their lives on the farm in Ohio township, where they were married. There Charles was born, reared and lived until he was thirty-six years old, when he moved to Brighton township, Beaver county, Pa., and settled on a farm. He attended the common schools and served six years in wars. He reared a family of eleven children. At his death he had a farm of 126 acres of land, where his two daughters now reside. Ellis N. Bigoek, attorney at law, Beaver, a member of the firm of Bigger it Henry, of Beaver and New Brighton, was born in Hanover township, Washington county. Pa. His parents were Thomas and Mary (Nicholson) Bigger, the latter a daughter of Hon. Thomas Nicholson, who served several terms as a member of the 624- HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. legislature. Thomas Bigger was a farmer all his life. Ellis N. was the eldest of three children, and was reared iu this county, his parents having moved here when he was a child. He attended the common schools and the Frankfort Academy, and engaged in teaching, first in the district schools, and afterward as assistant principal of Frankfort Academj'. He studied law with iS. B. Wilson, was admitted to the bar June 2, 1879, and began practice Nov. 14, 1881, in company with the late Frank Wilson, of the Beaver bar. Since 1883 he has been associated with Thomas 51. Henry, Esq. Mr. Bigger was married, in 1883, to Delia, daughter of .John Caughey, of Scotch-Irish origin, and lliey have had one child, John Caughey. Mrs. Bigger died March 16, 1885. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, to which Mr. Bigger also belongs. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as a member of the council of Beaver borough. Frank R. BtRNEH, tailor, P. O. Beaver Palls, was Ijoru in Hirschberg. Austria, March 3, 1855, son of Rudolph and Elizabeth (Huk) Biruer. He was reared in his native town, where he learned his trade, at which he served an apprenticeship of three years, after which he worked as journeyman in the principal cities of Germany for six years. In 1878 he entered the Austrian army as second lieutenant of his conipan}', and .served three years. In 1881 he was a merchant tailor in Hirschberg. In 1882 he sailed for America, and located in Beaver township where he has since worked at his trade as a journe.yiuan. In 1883 Mr. Birner married Antonia Welzger, a native of ^luuchen- gratz, Austria. He is a member of the Catholic church, Turners and Druids. S.\MUBii Bl.vir, farmer, P. O. Ilomewood, was born where he now resides. Dec. 27, 1826. His grandfather, Samuel, removed from Chartiers to the location our subject now occupies, in 1797. He secured a large parcel of land. His family numbered several children, including only one son, Samuel. The latter married Isabella, daughter of John Stockman, whocame from Chester county. Pa., and settled near Mr. Blair in 1801. The Stockman family, according to tradition, was of Irish and the Blair family of Scotch origin. All were connected with the Presbyterian church as are their des- cendants' to the present day. They never sought political preferment, although they always supported the Republican party. Samuel Blair ilied in 1858, aged si.\ty-five years, and his wife in 1877, being about eighty-one years old. Of their eleven children fvp sons and three daughters grew to maturity. IMoses died at home unmarried; John was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor; Robert resides in New Chillicothe, Kan.; Samuel, our subject; Silas died in hospital from a wound received at the battle of Fair Oaks; Eliza, unmarried, resides in Big Beaver town- ship; Isabella married John F. Hillman, of Big Beaver township, and after her death, the younger sister, Martha Ann, became his wife. Samuel Blair has a farm of 200 acres, and enjoys a tine home. He is also interested in a royalty in a coal bank in Lawrence county. He nuirried Jlargaret, daughter of John and Hester (Cochian) Strat- ton,all of Irish descent. ]\Irs. Blair w.as born in Chippewa townsliip, this county, Dec. 2-1, 1836. She is the mother of ten children, of whom si.\ are living; all at home. Their names in order of birth are as follows; John C., Ilettie, Isabella, Rcsetta, Frank P. and Edmund Bates. J. C. Boyle, county commissioner, P. (). Beaver Falls, was born in what is now Beaver Falls, Nov. 22, 1819, and is a son of David and Rhoda (Hendrickson) Boyle. His paternal grandfather, Henry Boyle, of Irish descent, was a blacksmith by trade, also a furnaceman, and was a veteran of the war of 18l2. He was a pioneer of what is now Beaver Falls, and later removed to Yellow Creek, Ohio, where he died. His children were — Alexander, Henry, John, William, David, Ellen, Nancy, j\lary and Jane. The grandmother was taken a prisoner by the Indians in pioneer times while gathering greens. Her husband went to the rescue and killed one redskin, cut the bands which bound his wife, grabbed his children, and they made their escape. While running away he received three bullets in his body, which he carried to his grave. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Daniel Hendrickson, a pioneer of what is now Lawrence county, in early times a pari of Beaver. David Boyle, father of J. C, was a blacksmith by trade, and worked in the first furnace iu what is now Beaver Falls. In later life he BIOGRAPHIES — WEST SIDE. 625 engaged in farming in Chippewa township, on tlie farm now owned and occupied by our subject, and died there. He was a soldier of the war of 1812, and was on the brig "Niagara" wlien it was disabled by the British on Lake Erie. His children were ten in number: Jackson, John C, Daniel, Milo, Henry, Christopher, Sabiua, Mary, Sarah and Eliza. J. C. was reared in Beaver Falls, where he learned the blacksmith'-s trade, which he followed for several years. He then went on the canal and was one of the first captains to take a boat from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. He followed the canal twelve years, and then engaged with James Wood & Co. as manager of their furnaces in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 1858 he located in New Brighton and was postmaster there nine years. Since 1883 he has lived in Chippewa township. He has been married twice. His first wife was Eleanor Loomis. of Beaver county, by whom he had two children, Milo and David, both of whom were in the war of the rebellion, the former being killed at the battle of Chancellorsville. Mr, Boyle's present wife was Nancy M. Foster. He is one of the prominent substantial citizens of the count}-, and was elected count}- com- missioner in 1884 for a term of three years ; he is a Republican. John R. Buaden, teacher, Beaver Falls, was born in Huntingdon county. Pa.. Oct, 1, 1821. His parents, Joseph and Jlargaret (Rankin) Braden, .settled in Beaver county in 1832, locating in Little Beaver township (now Lawrence county), and lived and died there. Their children were Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas ]\[iddleton), Anna M. (Mrs. John Wilson), Margaret (Mrs. John McCotton), ilatilda (Mrs. Joseph Consolus), Belle (ilrs. Augustus Corey) and John R. The latter began teaching at the age of .six- teen years, which he has followed continuously as a profession since 1837. He is said to be the oldest teacher in Beaver county. He w-as three times wedded; In 1838, he married Jemima Cochran, of Chippewa township, this county. His second wife was Nancy, da\ighter of John B. W'allace, of Alleghany county, and by her he had si.x chil- dren; Wallace (who served three and one-half years in the war of the rebellion, having enlisted in Company E, 14th Pennsylvania Volunteers; was promoted to sergeant and sergeant-major of second battalion, and received an honorable discharge at the expiration of service); "William, Joseph, John, ^Margaret (Mrs. Samuel McQuiston), and James W. Mr. Braden's third wife was Mrs. Jaue Freed. Jlr. Braden is a member of the Pres- byterian church, and the I. O. O. P. In politics he is a Republican. M. M. Braden, liveryman, Beaver Falls, was born in Raccoon townsliip Jan. 24, 1842. and is a son of John A. and Arabella (Elliott) Braden. His paternal grandfather was John Braden, a farmer of Raccoon township and a son of James Braden, of WelsD descent, who at onetime owned 1,(100 acres of land in the southern part of the county, where he settled about ITl)."). He was driven away by the Indians, but returned and spent the rest of his life in Raccoon township. He had one son. John, who also lived in Raccoon township. He had five children: James. John A., William, JIargaret (Mrs. Robert Potter), and Rebecca (Mrs. John Potter). Of these John A. was a farmer, and lived on the homestead farm on the Ohio river. He had five children by his first wife: John, ilargaret (Mrs. William Elliott), Willie, James R., and Montrose J[. By his second wife, Rebecca (Alcom), he had the following children; !Mary A. (Mrs. Joseph Allen), Robert H., Oliver C. and Armida. Mr. Braden's maternal grandfather, "William Elliott, settled in Moon township in 1825. Our subject located in Beaver Falls in October, 1873, and embarked in the livery business with his brotlier, James R. , in which they have been very successful. In 1873 he married Harriet daughter of Reason and Mary J. (Rambo) Barnes, by whom he has two children living: Meda C. and Howard. Arthur B. Bii.\dford, farmer, P. O. Enon Valley, was born in Reading, Pa., March 28, 1810, and is a son of Ebenczer G. and Ruth Bradford. His paternal grand- father was Rev. Ebenezer Bradford, of ^Massachusetts, a descendant in the fifth genera- tion from William Bradford, who came over in the "Mayflower" in 1620. Mr. Bradford was educated at the Northumberland academy, and at the Jlilton academy under the Rev. David Kirkpatrick, receiving the honorary degree of A.^I. from Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. He was married in 1836 to Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Benjamin Wickes, of Philadelphia. The children of ifiis marriage are Oliver B. , Mary 626 HISTORY OF BEAVER COCXTY. Elizabeth, Ruth Anna B., Isabella Graham, Josephine Frazer, Arthur B., Margaret Ann and Samuel Winchester. Mr. Bradford came from New Jersey in 1S3S to Darlington, Beaver county, Pa., in the capacity of a Presbyterian minister, and during the next year became pastor of the church of Jlount Pleasant, near that village. He remained such for sixteen years. In 1S47 he took part with a number of other clergymen of the Old and New School Presbyterian churches, in forming tlie Free Presbyterian church, con- sisting of several Presbyteries, and whose only point of difference from the organiza- tion they left was. that the Free church was decidedlj' anti-slavery in character, and refused to hold churcli communion with slave holders. In 1854 Mr, Bradford removed to New Castle, Pa., and became pastor of the Free Presbyterian cliurch which had been organized in that town, and so continued to be until the civil war broke out. lu 1861 he accepted the appointment, offered him by President Lincoln, of United States consul to the city of Amoy, one of the five open ports of Cliiua; but the climate of that latitude being unfriendly to his health, which had been previously broken down, he returned liome and resumed his pastoral duties at New Castle. After the war ended in the triumph of the Union and the Constitution, and slavery had been abolished by the pro- clamation of the President, the Free church disbanded, and the ministers and congrega- tions which had composed the bod}- found such ecclesiastical connections as the}' pleased . Having, during his voyage and resilience abroad , made the acquaintance of all the five different races into which the human family is divided, and Ijaving discovered that the sentiments of justice, honor, chastity, benevolence, self-respect, etc.. were the .same among the so-called "heathen " as they were among his countrymen at liome, he began to suspect that his religion, which consigned them all to eternal perdition, because, for no fault of their own, tliey were ignorant of the Bible, was a theological .sy.stem deficient in truth, justice and mercy. This suspicion strengthened with further obser- vation and reflection, and finally led to such an examination of the evidences of Chris- tianity as he had never before given the subject, because, when a student enters a theological seminary in this country, as he had done, he takes for granted the truth of C!hri,stianity and of his sectarian creed, and his sole object is, — not to study the subject of religion as a topic in the science of man; and whether Christianity is true and all other religions false, — but to qualify himself to become a preacher in the sect to which he belongs, and in whose creed he has been educated . He only takes, and that necessarily, an e.r parte, or profile view of the subject. This fact explains how it comes to pass that a clergyman, after preaching his religion for years, may undergo a thorough revolution in his opinions without being justly charged with previous hypocrisy in preaching what he did not believe, since he may have been all the time living up to the light he had, entirely ignorant of the meiits of the other side of the question. Hence, a person wonders how his intelligent and good neighbors can be, the one a Catholic, the second a Methodist, the third a Baptist, and the fourth a Unitarian, while each one of them wonders how he can be a Presbyterian. Such antagonisms of opinion are not visible among the students and professors of physical science, because their department is one of inquiry, in which the dogmas of authority have no sway: and this fact shows that in the first case there has been no investigation of both sides of the questions so diametri- cally at issue, but each party holds his creed to be true, because he has been educated to believe so, while tlie scientist accepts nothing but what, after the most careful examina- tion, pro and con., is demonstrated to be true. Mr. Bradford's investigations extended through several years, with his prejudices all the time in favor of his religion; but the force of what appeared to him to be the truth was so great, that it resulted in a radical change of opinion, and he felt it his duty as an honest man to withdraw from the church and ministry entirely. This he accordingly did, and retired to his farm, where he was liviug in the seventy-eighth year of his a.ije at the time of this writing, laboring through the medium of the press to prevent other people from being involved in the same cloud of darkness out of which it had cost him somuoh to emerge. Jacot! S. Bk.\dlky, steamboat steward, P O. Vauport, was born in York county. Pa., Dec. 1, 1826, and is a sou of John and Catherine (Miller) Bradley, of Dutch EIOGRAPirlF;S WEST SIDE. 627 and Irish descent, former by trade a carpenter. The family consisted of five children, of whom Jacob S., the fourth, was reared in Allegheny t'ity, attended school there and has been engaged as steward for many years. He was married at Cincinnati, Ohio, to :May , daughter of Thomas and Mary ( Duffy) liyan, and their children were— John, who died at the age of twenty-two years; Anna, wife of JIatthew Brookmyre, of Vanport; Wil- lie, who died at seven years of age; Joseph, a boatman on the Ohio river; George, al.so a boatman on the Ohio river, and Frank, a telegraph operator on the Lake Erie rail- road. Mr. Bradley is a member of the Catholic church. In politics he is a Democrat. J. PniLi.is Bn.-VDSiiAW, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in 1829, and is the eldest son of Robert Bradshaw, a farmer by occupation, who died in 1874, aged .seventy- five years, his widow is yet living at the age of eighty -five years. Robert Bradshaw, grandfather of our subject, came from Westmoreland county, about 1796, and bought 250 acres of land in South Beaver township. He married .Sarah Wood, who bore him two sons, Thomas and Robert, and four daughters. J. Phillis Bradshaw was reared on the farm and received a common-school education. He was married, in 18r)9, to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) Cuth- bertsiin, and they liave had seven children: Robert, JIaggie, John, Jo.seph, Evalina, William S. and tamar Mabel. The family are members of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Jlr. Bradshaw is a Republican. B. F. Bradsii.\w, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in South Beaver town- ship in 1846, and is a son of Robert and Margaret Bradshaw. He received a common- school education, and has always followed farming. He was married in 1877 to Jennie A., daughter of John Reed, of this county, and they had live children, of whom four are living: John Reed, Sadie Hunter, Jessie Garfield and ]\Iary Ellen Vance. Mr. Bradshaw has always lived in this county, with the exception of six years spent in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas. In 18S8 he purchased his present farm of 123 acres. He and his wife are members of the Reformed Presbyterian church of Darling- ton. He is a Republican. MiLO Bk.\dsii,\w, farmer, P. 0. Darlington, was born in South Beaver town- ship in 1833, and is a grandson of Robert and Sarah (Wood) Bradshaw, who settled in South Beaver township about 1796. The Bradshaws were originally from Ireland. Thomas Bradshaw. father of Jlilo, was born in 1787 and died in 1869. He married, in 1810, JIartha Barclay, who bore him nine children, seven of whom grew to maturity, Milo being the youngest. The mother died in 1875 aged eighty -live years. Milo Brad- shaw was married, in 1861, to Jennie Hunter, born in Ohio township in 1836, daughter of John and Jane (Johnson) Hunter. Five children have been born to this union, as follows: Ella Martha, born in 1863; Minnie Belle, in 1864; Jennie Blanche, in 1868; George C. S., in 1870, and Birdie Viola, in 1875 Mr. Bradshawis a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Politically he is a Republican. WiLi,i.\M H. BmcKER, register and recorder, Beaver, was born in Cumberland county. Pa., Aug. 6, 1837. He is a son of John and Eliza (House) Bricker, natives of Pennsylvania and of Swiss and German descent. His father was a farmer and the father of six children, all of whom were boys, William H. being the second. Our sub- ject grew to manhood in Cuc:berland county, receiving his education in the conmion schools, and cheese farming as a liiisiuess. When the civil war broke out he promptly enlisted in Company H., Third Pennsylvania Volunteer cavalry, was promoted to the office of second lieutenant and assigned to Company B. In that capacity heserved until 1863, when he was captured in Virginia; was a prisoner for sixteen months, eight and a half months of that time in Libby prison. He managed to escape, but after twelve days was re-captured and returned to prison. His regiment was discharged and retiu-ned to Cumberland county five months before his release ; he arrived home on Christmas Eve. He again engaged "in farming, and in 1870 was appointed United States storekeeper, which office he held until 1876, when he resigned and removed to Beaver Falls, where he was engaged in the mercantile trade until 1883. In 1884 he was elected to his present po.sition by 1595 majority. He is a member of Post No. 35. G. A. R. ; in politics he is a 628 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. Republican. :Mr. Bricker married in I8fi8 Frances E., daughter of John and Susannah (Haber) Fishburn, who were of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Brickcr are members of the Presbyterian Church He has held the office of register and recorder for three years, and during that time he has tilled the position with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of the people. In 18ST he was reelected by 1804 majority, whidi led the entire ticket. Fj{.\nk F. Bkiekly, hardware merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in EnfieUi, j\[ass., in February, 1848, and is a son of Samuel and Orilla (Kendrick) Bricrly, who settled in Lawrence county, Pa., in 1849, and in 18.19 located in Xew Brighton, this county, where our subject was reared and educated . He learned the carpenter's trade, which he fol- lowed as an occupation six years. In 1871 he located in Beaver Falls and embarked in the .sreneral hardware business, which he has successfully continutd since. He has occupied the present double store on the corner of Seventh avenue and Sixth street since 1874. The store room is 40 by 7o feet, and an addition in the rear is 20 by 4o. The business comprises hardware, tinware, stoves, lime and cement, paints and oils and gen- eral building material, and is the largest and leading establishment of the kind in the county. Mr. Brierly is one of the stockholders and treasurer of the Cooperative Stove Company. He is also a stockholder in the Beaver Falls Glass Company, and a member of the lirm of Knott, Harker i Co , manufacturers of grates and mantels. He is one of the live, enterprising citizens of Beaver Falls, a member of the Y. M. C. A. and Metho- dist Protestant church: in politics he is a Republican. W. H. BuiCJGS, proprietor of hotel, P. O. Industry. Soon after the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers on the shores of Massachusetts, three families, named respectively Briggs, Goodwin and Austin, came from England and .settled in that state, the Briggs' being blacksmiths by trade. Henry Briggs, a descendant of this pioneer family, and the second sou born to his parents, left his native state with his family in 1838 and took np a quarter-section of land in South Beaver township, this county, where he followed blacksmithing and hotel keeping. Moving to Youngstown, Ohio, he remained there a short timeandthen returned to the farm known then as " Black Hawk Postofhce." He married .Mary Weascott. whose ancestors came from JIassachusetts, and six children were given them. W. H., the eldest son was born in 1823, near the old "Stamping Ground " occupied by his early ancestors. The father died at the sge of eighty-four years, his widow at the age of eighty-nine. Our subject learned the trade of his fore- fathers, which he lias followed, together with other pursuits, to the present time, and for the past thirty years he has been engaged in s-teamboat engineering. During the war he carried supplies for northern soldiers, operating in the south. For the past twenty-two years his present place has been his home, and iu his absence the " River View Hotel " is conducted by Mrs. Briggs. He was married in 1846 to Deborah, daughter of Joseph, and sister of Captain Stockdale, of Allegheny county. Their children are Joseph S., Elizabeth .\.. (now Mrs. Johnson), Flora B. (in Des Moines, Iowa), and George E. Thefanuly aremeinliers of the Christian church. Mr. Briggs is a Republican. R. J. Bkitt.\in, physician, New Galilee, was born iu Beaver (now Lawrence) county, in 1838. James, his father, a farmer by occupation, was born in this county in 1807 and died in 1848; he married Jane McChesney, b_y whom he had four children, our subject being the second son. The grandfather, Jeremiah, who was Scotch-Irish, located in this county in 1797, and purchased land. Dr. Brittain was educated at private schools and at the Darlington and Beaver academies. He was married in 1S()4 to Mary E. daughter of George Grier. He was next married to Kizzie O'Brien, a sister of his first wife, and by her had four children born: Elmer E., in 18G8; Amelia L., in 1871; Estella E. and Cordelia E. (twins), in 1873. Our subject began the study of medicine in 18-54 with Drs. Hezlop and Jleigs. He entered JelTerson Medical Col- lege in 1800. and was graduated in March, 18C3. For two years thereafter he practiced in Philadelphia, and in 1805 came to New Galilee, where he has since remained. He enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice. During llie war he was a member of the BIOGRAPHIKS WEST SIDE. 629 volunteer corps of surgeons. He is a member of tlie Presln'teriau church. In politics an independent Republican. WiLLr.\.M Bro-Man, glass-presser, Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., Aug, 11, 1849. His parents, Henry and Lena (RosafieUl) Bromau, were natives of Alsace, France (now Germany), and came to America about 1810, settling in Allegheny City, where our subject was reared and educated. He began his trade at Pittsburgh in 18")9, and has worked at it ever since. He located in Beaver Falls in 1879, and was one of the organizers and stockholders of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works, where he has since been employed. His wife was Sarah Iseley, of Pittsburgh, by whom he has two children living, Charlie and Sarah. Mr, Bromanis a member of the A. O. U. W. and of the German Lutheran church. In politics he is a Democrat. H.\in'EY Brown. ■ merchant. Bridgewater, was born in Beaver county April 23, 1842, and is a son of John and Margaret (Hart) Brown, natives of Beaver county. His paternal ancestors came from Irelanil. His mother was a descendant of John Hart, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Our subject's grandparents settled on the south side of Beaver county, and followed agricultural pursuits. His father was a boat builder by trade, and in later life was engaged in selling stoves in Allegheny Citj'. His family consisted of live children, four now living. Harvey, the second in the family was reared in Bridgewater, where he was educated in the common schools. He also attended Duff's college, in Pitt.sburgh. In 18(i8 he began clerking forA. S. Harvey, and remained with him until 1S(J7, when he embarked in his present business. He deals in glass, wooden, willow and queen's ware and hardware. In 1862 he enlisted in the Bea- ver Infantry, Company F, l40th Regiment, under Colonel Roberts, and was discharged Feb. (i, 1863. He is a member of the G. A. R., also of the K. of P. and of the I. O. (). F. He is a director of the tirst building association of Rochester, also of West Bridgewater Association, and is a F. & A. JL Mr. Brown was married March 21, 1871, to Jlrs. Martha Elizabeth Ady, a native of Wheeling, W. Va., and of English descent. Their children are Ella and James L. The family are members of the Methodist Ejiis- eopal church. Mr. Brown has been a member and treasurer of the official board for eleven years, and at present is superintendent of the Sabbath-school. John E. Bryer, glass-blower, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsliurgh, Pa., May 11, 1844, and is a son of John and Susan (Gailey) Br}'er. of Pennsylvania. He was reared and educated in his native city, where he learned his trade. He located in Bridgewater in 18()3, and worked at his trade until 1809; then removed to Pittsburgh and was in the employ of Brice Bros, nine years. In 1878 he came to Beaver Falls, and was the pro- jector of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works, of which he is now a stockholder, and where he has since been employed. His wife was Kate, a daughter of Daniel Tor- rance, of Bridgewater, by whom he has three children : William D., Oliver J. and Lillie May. Mr. Bryer is one of the stockholders of the Citizens' Gas Co., is a member of the K. of P.. and the Methodist Protestant church. Politically he is a Republican. John M. Buch.\nan, attorney at law, Beaver, is a son of Thomas C. and Eliza (Mayhew) Buchanan, the former of whom ditd when hisson was but an infant. John JI. (with the e.\ception of the first five years of his life spent in and near Florence, Washington county. Pa., where his forefathers had resided since 1791, and two years spent in Fair- view, W. Va.), was reared in the home of an uncle. Jo.seph K. Buchanan, in Hanover township, Beaver county. Pa. He was prepared for college by the Hon. Thomas Nicholson and Rev. J. P. Moore, chiefly by recitations made during winter evenings, and was graduated at Washington and Jefferson College in the class of 1869. Imme- diately after graduation he was entered as a student of law in the office of the Hon. Samuel B. Wil.son, and reaching the re(iuisile legal age, was admitted to the bar on motion of Edward B. Daugherty, Esq., Sept. 2, 1872, having supported him.'-clf in the meanwhile by teaching. In 1874 he was elected district attorney, as a Democrat, by a majority of 94 and was reOlected in 1877 by 303 majority. Mr. Buchanan very soon after his admission placed himself in point of ability and success among the leading attor- neys of the county, and has since been largely identified with its most imi^ortant litigation. (530 IIISTOKV OF BEAVKK COUNTY. Gkorck BritnENS, glass presser, Heaver Falls, was boru in IlesseCassell, Germany, March 1, IS.")], and is a son of Ewaki and Eli/abelh Bnrhenu, who came to America in 185-1 and settled in Pitlsbiirgli, Pa., where (lie father, who was a nailsmith by trade, resided until his death, (ieorge was reared and educated in I'ittsburiih, and there learned his trade, which he has followed since 1S()2. He located in Beaver Falls in 1879, and was one of the organizers and stockholders of the Coiiperative Flint Glass AVorks. in which he has since been interested. In ISTi) he married Clara, daughter of Christopher Choberl, of Pittsburgh. By her he has four children : Ilcnry, Peter E , John and George H. jNIr. Burhenn is a menit)er of the I. O. (». F., K. of li. and Turner Society. Politically, he is independent. Jacob Bii(irE:sx, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in I'ittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. 8, 18G0, and is a son of Ewald and Elizabeth Burhenn, who came to America in 1854 and settled in Pittsburgh. Pa., where the father, who wasa uailsmith by trade, resided until his death. Jacob was reared, educjited and learned his trade in Pittsburgh. July 1, 1887, he located in Beaver Falls, where he has since been in the eiuploy of the Cooper- ative Flint Glass ^Vorks. July 18, 1880, he married Lizzie, daughter of Jonas Batz, of Pittsburgh, by whom he has one child, Edward. He is a member of the Glass Workers' Union, and in politics is a Republican. John Cmn, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in Lancaster county in 1814, and came to Beaver county in 1841. His father. James Cain, came from Ireland at an early day, locating in .Marietta, Pa., and was by occupation a " nailer." He married Jane, daughter of Sanuiel Getty, also of Ireland. Born to James Cain and his wife were seven children, of whom John is the eldest. He liad but few opportunities in youth for receiving an education, his father having died when he (John) was compara- tively young. Ilis mother came to Allegheny county in 1841, and soon after moved to Darlington township, where since that date he has resided. Mr. Cain has been a farmer since he was thirteen years of age. He followed tanning for three years, but never learned the trade. He was married, in 1836, to Sarah, daughter of James Mahan, of Allegheny county, and thirteen children were born to them. Those living are James, John, Eliza, Franklin, Ella, Harry, William, Ida, Homer and Delight. Mr. Cain has held many township offices, and luis always been regarded, by those who know him. as an upright and honest man, much respected. He is a F. it A. 51 ; in politics, a Democrat. Leandei{ Caiiixs, retired, P. O. New Brighton, was born in this county in 1828, and is a son of William and Edna (Morrow) Cairns (the latter a native of Philadelphia), the parents of nine children, .seven now living, Leander being the only surviving son. The father was born in AVestmoreland coimty. Pa., in 1793, and in 1800 was brought by his parents to Beaver county. Here he followed farming until he was eighteen years of age, and then learned carpentering and cabinet making. He was prominently identified, politically, in Beaver county, and was elected sheriff in 1833, also associate judge, as well as to other positions of trust. For many years he carried on boat-building and the saw- and grist millin.g business. Leander chiefly remained at home, assisting his father in his various industries, and was for some time engaged in the gunboat service on the Mississippi river under Commodore Davis, but was compelled, on account of ill-health, to retire from the same. ilr. Cairns and a sister now make Industry their home, where they live in Quiet retirement. JoH.N H. Caleu, blacksmith, P, O. Fallston, was born in Big Beaver town- ship, Beaver county, in August, 1833, and is a son of Michael Caler and Susanna (Nicolson) Caler, natives of Beaver county and of German and English origin. The father was a riverman, and in later life bought limber land and sold cord wood, also worked a stone quarry on his land. The f.-imih' consisted of nine children. John H., the eldest son. was reared in Big Beaver townshiji, and atlendeii school three months in winter. Earlj' in life he learned the blacksmith's trade, but has preferred to work at the more difficult departiuents of the trade, and is well known in larger cities. Most of his work comes from outside of Beaver county. Since 1861 he has been luanufacturing oil tools. .\lr. Caler was married in Beaver countv to Miss Marv I., daughter of William BIOGRAPHIES — WEST SIDE. 031 Moore, aud their children are William, Ira and John, blacksmitlis, Lewis, Elva and Edith. In politics Mr. Caler is a Republican. He is a member of tlie town council and president of the school board. ]\lrs. t'aler is a member of the Methodist church. Stephen C'.\i,vin, farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in this county in 1807, and is one of the oldest citizens now living in South Beaver township. He is the eldest of thirteen children born to James and Elizabeth (Grosscross) Calvin. James Calvin died in 1835, aged lifty years. He came to Beaver county from Allegheny county about 1794, and with a brother purchased 400 acres of land on Brush Run. He continued farming until his death. Six of his children are living. Stephen has been engaged in various pursuits. In early life he was a carpenter, and was for some time employed in milling. In 183G he purchased his present farm of 100 acres. In 1842 he was married to Jane, daughter of Andrew Graham, and they had ten children, eight of whom are living: James, Robert, .Mary Jane (Jtrs. May). Elizabeth, Stephen, AVilliam L., Eme- line and Martha A. (Mrs. Fuukhouser). The mother died in 1861, aged forty-one years. Mr, Calvin is a Democrat. Wri,Li.\M Campbell (deceased) was born in county Tyrone, Ireland, in 181!), and died in 1885. He came to America about 1843, landing in Philadelphia. In 1848 he moved to Beaver county, and was for four years employed in a woolen factor_y. He then purchased 12.5 acres of land, which he successfully tilled for a numlier of years. At his death he owned 200 acres. He married IMary, daughter of William and ]Margaret (Graham) JIcKey, of this county. She bore him seven children (of whom si.x are living): David, Matilda, Margaret, Annie (Mrs. ]\Ioore, deceased), Jennie P., James A. and Mary E. The mother died in 1881. The surviving children are all living on the homestead, and none are married. They are members of the Presbyterian church. Jesse W. Cakotiikhs, farmer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Patterson town.ship, this count}-, Dec. 20, 1826. He is a son of .John and Xanc.v (White) Carothers, natives of Pennsylvania, the mother of Irish parentage, and the father born in the Cumberland valley. John Carothers, who was a farmer, came to Beaver county in 1814, and settled in Patterson township. His family consisted of nine children, seven of them now in Beaver county. Jesse W., the fourth, was reared in Patterson township, on the farm, attended the district school and chose farming as a business, which he has follow'ed all his life. He was married in Beaver county, in 1851, to Sarah, daughter of Joseph Mitchell, and of Irish descent. They liave three children now living: Anna Agnes (wife of Thomas Piu'dy), Eliza Elma (wife of Frank Dunkin), and Sarah Luella. Sir. and Mrs Carothers are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat, and has served for ten years as school director and four years as justice of the peace. He is the owner of a farm of nearly 200 acres of well-improved land. William Carter (deceased) was born in Westmoreland County, Va. , Dec. 2, 1802, and was a son of Charles and Jane (Anderson) Carter: former, born in the same county in 1700, and latter in Washington county, Md., in 1778. His paternal grand- father was Charles B. Carter, a son of Robert Carter, who was a son of King Charter, a gentleman of immense wealth, who emigrated to Virginia from England in 1704. The family, w-ho are well and favorably known in Virginia, are principally engaged in agri- cultural pursuits, though one or two are connected with the United States navy. Charles B Carter, ijaternal grandfather of our subject, was a large planter in Virginia, and died in Berkeley county in 1.H07. Charles Carter, father of William, was an iron master; he was an otiicer in the Revolutionary war, and was present at the surrender of Cornwall is at Yorktown. He made a settle- ment at what is now Beaver Falls in 1797, remaining but a short time. In 1802 he returned and built a furnace at old Brighton (now Beaver Falls), in which he loi-ged the first piece of iron made in the county. He died near Mount Etna Furnace, Butler county, in 1829. His wife was a niece of Gen. Carlisle, of Revolutionary fame. They had eight children: John (a soldier of the war of 1812), George. William, Charles (a major-general of the Pennsylvania line, who participated in several Indian wars, and 632 IIIS'IOKV OF BEAVER COUNTY. who was iu tlie government service until 18fi1); David A. (in the war of 1812); James A. (wlio served in the ilexican war under Gen. Taylor); Jane ('. (Mrs. Hiram Reed) and Elizabeth (Mrs. Horatio M. Large). William Carter was a teacher by profession, but in later years followed engineering. lie was ju,sti(e of the peace for many years, and died in New Brighton, June 30. 1876. His wife. Valeria, was a daughter of Dan- iel and JIargaret (Stcen) Reeves. They had eight children, four of whom are living: Charles, Addie V. ( Jlrs. John Scott), Margaretta and Elizabeth (Mrs. Lewis Graham). John Ciianey, farmer, P. O. Ohioville, son of William and Elizabeth (Chris- tier) Chaney, was born Jan. 22, 1852, near Ohioville, this county, where he spent the days of his youth and received his education. His father was born Oct. 4, 1821, in Columbiana county, Ohio, and died Oct. ;!, 1880. His mother was born on the old home- stead near Ohioville. John's grandfather, Johnson Chaney, was born at Pittsburgh, Pa., and his father, John, was one of the first settlers at Pitt.sburgh. Mr. Chaney's grandfather, on his mother's side, George Christler's father, immigrated to this country, settled near Shippingport. Pa., and was one of the lirst settlers of this place. Our subject was married Sept. 26, 1876. to Ella .Vmelia Lyan, daughter of Alfred and Ellen (Fowler) Lyan. born Dec. 16, 18o6. near Ohioville, Beaver cotinty. Pa. Four children have been born to thisunion: Raymond C., Xellie, Leroy and Charles W. Mr. and ilrs. Chaney are members of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Mr. Chaney's father was an elder in the same church, and after his death Mr. Chaney assumed the same office. John W. M. Chit.ds, raachinerj' dealer. Smith's Feriy, ason of Lorenzo and Ann Car- oline (Marshall) Childs, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1838. His father was born in Augu.st, 1810, at Vershire, Vl.; his mother was a native of Brooklyn, and died March 20, 1841. Lorenzo Childs spent his youth at the p'ace of his birth, and, when a young man, went to New York City, where he learned the machinery business. He married, April 30, 1833, in the Episcopal church, Jamaica, L. L, and shortly after came to Cleveland and thence moveii to Pittsburgh. Later he moved to Fallston, and subse- quently started a shop for himself at New Brighton, afterward taking in David Mc- Connell as partner, under name of Childs & McConnel. After doing business in New Brighton, as the firm of Childs it JlcConnell, for some time, they removed their machine shop to Fallston, purchased new site with good water power, they then took in new partner. The firm name was then changed to Childs, McConnell it Darragh, doing quite an extensive business up to the time of Mr. Child's selling his interest out of the machine business. About the year 1859 he came to Smith's Ferry, built a mill, which was operated for some time by him and Mr. Smith. The_T afterward closed out the mill and engaged in the oil business. He died at Bridgewater, Aug. 19,1864. The subject of this sketch came to Pennsylvania with his parents about 1843, and received his schooling in Beavercounty. He learned the machinist's trade at his father's shop at New Brighton and at Fallston. In 1859 he came to Smith's Ferry with his father and engaged in setting up machinery; in 1867 he began to sell machinery, and by hard work and attention has been successful; he is the owner of good buildings and a fine residence, and has a large trade in machinery, carrying a heavy stock. Most of his trade, however, is foreign, since the decline of the oil trade here. INIr. Childs mar- ried at Pittsburgh, Sept. 30, 1869. Agnes B., daughter of Ralph and Margaret (Alman) Ecoff, born f.t Rochester, Pa., Jan. 23, 1848. Her father was a carpenleraud ct nliactor, a native of this county, born Sept. 9, 1818, and died of small pox at Rochester, Jan. 14, 1855. Her mother was also a native of this county, born June 15, 1822, and died April 18, 1854. Three girls and one hoy were born to Mr. and Mrs. Childs; John W. 'M., now clerk for his father; Grace Mary, attending .'chool at Beaver; Agnes Gertrude and Blanche Margaret, at home. Mr. Child's family are members of the Presbyterian church. John Co.\i.M-\n came from New Jersey and settled at the mouth of Little Beaver at an early day. In 1803 hemoved near the town of Jit. .lackson. then in Beaver count}-. In 1807 he started on a journey to Philadelphia with saddle and pack-horses, carrying with him $300 worth of furs. After disposing of the above articles he started heme. BIOGRAPHIES — WKST SIDE. ()33 "When about one hundred miles from the eil_v he was beset bj- higbwaymeu. roblied of money and horses, and threatened witli deatli if he attempted to reliirn to Pbiiadelpliia. Thus situated, with nothing but gun and ammunition, he began aweary journey of three hundred miles on foot, living by the way on wild game, roots, etc. He ret\irned safely, however, and ever after lived on his farm, where he died at the age of ninety-nine years. His wife was Mary ^lahen, by whom he had eleven children, eight girls and three boys. John Coleman, blacksmith, Hridgewater, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in .January, 184.3, and is a son of Thomas and Eleanore (Shaw) Coleman. His father, a blacksnuth, came to America in ISGti. living only three weeks after his arrival, and leaving three sons and three daughters. John, the eldest sou, received his education in the old country, where lie also learned the blacksmith's trade w ith his father, and has fol- lowed his trade twenty-four years in Beaver county. He worked for the railroad com- pany before they built the shops. He was married in Ireland, in 18(5'.3, to Mary A. Russell, and their children are Thonuis, a moidd maker; AVilliam, a blacksnnlh; Robert John; Anna R. ; Elenore, and Mary Jane. The mother died March 10, 1SS7, a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Coleman is an elder and trustee of same chuich, and has taught in the Sabbath-school. He is a member of the school board, and in politics is a Republican. James M. Conkle, pattern maker, Beaver Falls, was born in Greene township, this county, Sept. 10, 1833, .sou of John and Catherine (Persley) Conkle. His paternal grandfather was Henry Conkle, a pioneer of Beaver county, and an Indiau scout for a number of years. He was also in the war of 1812, and was a noted hunter and expert shot in his day. He finally settled in Greene township, this county, and engaged in farm- ing, residing there until his death iu aboutl840. His children were John, George, Jacob, Samuel, Sally, Betsey, Ann and Polly. John, the eldest, was a native of Greene town- ship, and lived and died there. He was a carpenter by trade, which he followed in early life, but later engaged in farming. His children were Henry, Mary A., JIargaret, Jacob, John, James 31., Robert. William, Milton and Vincent. James M. was reared in Greene township, this county, where he learned the millwright's trade, whi(h he has followed as a busine.ss. off and on, to the present time. For the past two years he has been engaged principally iu pattern making. He located in Beaver Falls in I8ti7, where he has since resided. In 1806 he married JIary, daughter of Robert and Hannah (Ruth) McKeage, who settled in Beaver county iu 18-17, and by this union there are three children living : Charlie, Walter and Roy. Mr. Conkle is a number of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P. In politics he is a Democrat. Robert Conkel, carpenter, P. O. McCleary. was l>orn in Greene township, this county, Nov. 26. 1834, and is a son of John and Catherine (Perslev) Conkel. His pater- nal grandfather was Henry Coukel, a pioneer of Beaver county, a noted Indian scout and hunter, and a soldier in the war of 1812. He was a farmeiLby occu- pation, and lived and died in Greene township. He had eight children??)!' whom John, the father of our subject, was the eldest. He was a carpenter by trade and was born and reared in Greene township, where he resided until his death. Robert was reared in Greene township, where he learned the carpenter's trade. In 18.54 he located in Missouri and later in Illinois, where he worktd at his trade as a journeyman^ind did consi<]erable business as a contractor and builder. In 18(52 he enlisted in Uft 701 h Illi- nois Infantry, and participated in the siege of Vicksburg, battles of Fort Blakely and Spani.sh Fort, as well as other engagements, and was honorably discharged at Gal- veston, Tex., in August, 1865. In 1860 he located iu Hookstown, this county, and in 1868 in Beaver Falls, remaibing there until 1884, when he removed to Raccoon township, where he now resides. In 1867 Mr. Coukel married Mary J., daughter of David and Mary Glenn, of Greene township, this county, and has nine children : Marilda, Frank, William and Dora (twins). Alma, John A., Thomas, Henry and Emma J. He is a mem- ber of the G. A. R. ; in politics a Republican. Tiio.MAS B. CoswAT, Vanport, was born in New Brighton, this county, Jan. 6, 1831, and is a son of John and Fannie (Barchus) Conway, natives of Pennsylvania and 634 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. of Irish descent. His father liii-d when he was but two years of age. Our subiert attended the commou schools ami acquired a fair education. At the age of seventeen he went forth into the world to do for himself. In 1840 he liad charge of a construction train as conductor, which occupation he followed for nine years; being also a foreman of construction of the Ckn'elam! iV Pittsburgh R. K. when it was Iniilt. He married Marj', daughter of .Tames H. and Margaret (Caldwell) Douds. in the .year ls.56. His wife was liorn in Beaver county, and is of Scotch descent. In the year he was married, became to Vauport, and has made thnt his home since, being the possessor of two resi- dences there. He lias followed the lime business since his marriage, and is well known throughout the county as a manufacturer of the Beaver county gray lime. He has three children living : Fannie B. (wife of W. H. Gordon, a merchant of Vanport), .John I). (a telegraph operator, employed in the master of machinery's department P. itL. E. IJ. R., Cliartiers). May, youngest daughter, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Conway are prominent members of the Presbyterian church, Bridgewater. In politics, he is a staunch Repub- lican, and has held various positions on the school board of this place. George W. Cooiv, ticket and express agent, C. & P. R. K., at Cook station, P. O. Industry, was born in Princeton, N. J., Sept. 13, 1816. His parents, William and Ruthie (Drummons) Cook, were natives of New Jersey, where they were married and died. They had three children. George W., the only survivor, was married March 5, 1839, to Margaret Fuhr, a native of Philadelphia, born in 18^5. a daughter of Major George Fuhr (deceased). To this union liave been born eight children, six now living: William, Amanda, Ernest, Sarah I., Bertha and Clara; Caroline and Deborah are deceased. The mother died Jlay 30, 18T4. Jlr. Cook is by trade a willow-basket maker, which business he was followed since his thirteenth year; has also been ticket agent for the C. tt P. II. R. for a period of twenty-nine years. He has been a resident of Beaver county since 18.53, and own his residence, as well as the ferry which bears his name. He is a Democrat, and has filled several township offices. Henry Copm.\>'X, teamster, Beaver Falls, was born in Hanover, Germany, Oct. 1.5, 1845, and is a son of Fred and Henrietta Copmann, who came to America in 1879, and settled in Allegheny City. Our subject was reared and educated in his native town. Pie came to America in 1866, and located in Beaver Falls in 18T2, where he lias since resided. He embarked in businessthere as atcamster, which vocation he still follows. Beginning without a dollar, he has accumulated a tine property, of which he justly feels proud. He does the hauling and teaming for several of the largest manufacturing concerns in Beaver Falls, besides considerable outside work. ^Ir. Copmann married, in 1869, ^laryWickman, of Allegheny City, by whom he has seven children: John, Mary, Carrie, Emma, Harry, Annie and ^Maggie. He is a member of the German Lutheran church and the Society of Druids; in politics he is a Democrat. John Corbus, superintendent of car works, Beaver Falls, was born in Fallston, this county. Oct. 13. 1831, and is a son of John S. and Eliza (Reeves) Corbus, the former a native of Muskingum county, Ohio, and the latter of Beaver county. Pa. The fatlier came to Beaver county about 18~4, and served an apprenticeship in Fallston at scythe making, which he followed there for several j'ears. He then learned the trade of wire drawer with Robert Townsend, Escj.. in whose employ and that of hisson, AVilliam P. Townsend, he has passed upwards of fifty years. His children were seven in number: Mary J. (Mrs. Hugh Irwin), John, Thankful (Mrs. Dr. Louis .lack), Elizabeth (deceased), Margaret (Mrs. Richard Irwin), Daniel R. and Jesse M. John was reared in Beaver county, and for mauj' years was engaged in merchandising in New Brighton. In 1879 he accepted the po.sition he now holds in the Beaver Falls car works. He has twice mirrieil; first to ^lar.y. daughter of David and Eleanor (Daly) Blair, of Pittsburgh, and by her he had three children: Curtis B., Harold H. and Clarence H. His second wife was Elsie, daughter of Dr. Isaac and Eliza (Sheets) AVinjins. of Mahoning county, Ohio! and by her he had six children: Lila W., Howard L., 3Iay E., Helen and Louis (twins), and Edward T. ilr. Corbus is a member of the Presbyterian church and the Royal Arcanum; he is a R. A. M. ; politically a Republican. biogra]'iiip:s — west side. 635 A. M. Crawford, deak'r in general merchandise, Darlington, Pa., was born in Darlington, this county, Aug, 13, 183'.». His father was John M. Crawford, who, in company with his brother Peter, came from Xew .Jersey to Beaver county, when both were quite young men. He married Jliss Catherine ^filler, of Belmont, Pa,, and to them were born two children, of whom A, ,^1, is the elder. His education wa.s attained at Greersl)urg Academy. He was married in 1864 to Miss JIalissaI\[, RfcJIinu, daugli- ter of Robert Mcilinn, .Jr. , whose grandfather, Robert JIcMinn, Sr,, was one of the oldest residents of the county and who died at nearly one Imndnd years of age. To Mr. and JIrs, Crawford were born tive children: I^ena D,, Nellie A,, Fred C, Ira F. and Alice M, Mr. Crawford has for over thirty years been engaged in business in Darling- ton, and has been identitied in many ways with the interests of the town in wliitKs Ha.milton CcNNiNonAM. attorney, Beaver, is of Scotch and Irish ancestry, and was born Dec. 12, 18-16, in Beaver. Beavercoimty, Pa. At the age of s-even years he became a resident of Industry lownshi]), where much of his early youth was pas-nd as a pupil in the common schools and in farm labor. In 1864 he enlisted in Company F, 140th Uegiment P. V., and served until tlie close of the civil war, participating in the battles of the Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Corbin's Bridge, Spoltsylvania, Kortli Ann, Cold Harbor, and other engagements of less importance. At Cold Harbor he was wounded, captured and confined for six months in tlie prison at Andersonville, Ga., from which he was paroled and subsequently exchanged. Hejoining his regin cnt he participated in all the engagements from JIarch, 1865, to the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomatox. On his return from the service he resumed his studies, receiving private instructions from Prof. M. L. Knight, then, as now, one of the leading teachers of the cotinty. and from others; meanwhile defraying the expenses by farm labor and in teacliing. April 5, 18T0, be ertered the dflice of E. P. Kuhu, of Beaver, then a rising and brilliant young lawyer, and was admitted to the bar July 31, 1872. In the fall of the same year he entered into partnership with his priceptor, and on the death of the latter, the following year, contii tied the practice of his pn fef.siou alone. Mr. Cunnirg- ham, by his energy, and by metlmdical habits of business, soon won success and a patron- age which is yearly increasing in proportion. He has devoted himself assiduously to his profession, and avoided all such diversions as would lead him frcm its legitimate pursuit. May 11. 187r), Mr. Cunningham married Jliss Nellie I., daughter of Captain S. A. Reno, of Rochester. Their children are (Uiarles S., Carrie May, Annie R. and James H., Jr. Diis. Oliver .\nd Smith Cunningham, two physicians, who were cousins, came to Beaver prior to 1832, and established them.selves in the practice of their profession. Oliver had been a skiff builder in Pittsburgh prior to his advent here. Smith and his brotlier came from Ohio. Oliver was two or tliree years the earlier settler, and abo the senior in .age. Dr. Smith Cunningham was followed by bis brothers Robert, Thomas and Nathaniel. Robert studied medicine and jiracticed in North Sewiekley township. Thomas and Nathaniel studied law with John R. Shannon, and the former was admitted to tlie bar of Beaver county about IHM. Nathaniel was admitted afterward, either in Beaver or Mercer county, and subsequently studied medicine with his brother Robert, and practiced for a time in this county. He removed to some place in Ohio, where be died. Drs. Oliver and Smith died in Beaver many years since. Oliver diid childless, but the others, except Natlianiel, left descendants, some of whom are still in the county. Thomas was appointed by President Buchanan governor of one of the Western territories, butaftera brief administration he returned and resumed the practice of liis profession, Thomas was a lawyer of more than ordinary aliilily, and Drs. Oliver, Smith and Robert were considered respectable inaclilioneis. Mii.o CuNNiNUHAM, clerk, P. O. New Galilee, was born in 18r)l). Tlie Cunning- hams are among the oldest families in this township. Archibald came from County Donegal, Ireland, and settled in Beaver township in 1800. He purclia.sed 2.'j0 acres of land, on wliich he lived until bis death. He married Nancy King, who bore him seven children. Of these Archibald was born in 1810 and died April 10, 1887. He was reared a farmer, and at his death owned the land purchased by his father. In 1888 he was married to Isabella, daughter (,f Robert and Margaret (Stephenson) Russell, of Law- rence county. Pa., and by her had ten children, of whom six are living: Alvin, Leander, Milo, James, Alice (Mrs. JNIarshall) and Lizzie (Mrs. Davidson), ililo was reared on the farm and was educated in the common schools. He was married in 1876 to Marj" E., daugliter of Captain Samuel and Celisia (Whan) Miller, of this county, and BIOCiKAPIIIES WKST SIDE. G37 two SOUS, Herbert and Horace, were born to them. Since 1878 Mr. Cunningham has been employed as baggage clerk, by the P. P. W. A- C. R. R. Co. He is a carpenter by trade. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; politically a Republican. Samukl CvNNiNGnAM was born at Squirrel Hill, Allegheny county, Pa., in the year 1784. At the age of eighteen years he came to Beaver county and settled in Chip- pewa township. He became the father of eleven children, six of whom, Mrs. Jlary A. Warren, of Darlington; .JamesCunningbam, of (Uiippewatownship: John Cunningham, of New Brighton; Joseph Cuuningliam, of Edinburgh, Lawrence county; William Cun- ningham, of Darlington, and Wilson Cunningham, of Beaver Falls, are j'et living. He died in JIarch, 18r)7, at the age of seventy-three years. Smith Curtis, 1'. O, Beaver, member of the firm of Curtis & Bliss, editors and publishers of the Rochester Daily Argiif: and liadical, was born in Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1834. His parents were John and Elsie (Jones) Curtis, the former a native of New York and the latter of Connecticut. His father was a miller and a tanner, and was also engaged in tiie manufacture of boots and shoes. His familv consisted of ten children, of whom Snnlh is the tifth. He attended common school in his native county until he was si.xteen years old, worked in the mill and tannery and went to New York, where he clerked in a store two years ; then returned to his native county to prepare for college. He attended an academy in Franklin county one year; then entered Hamilton College, New York, where he spent three j-ears. He then entered Union College, Schenectady county, N. Y., and was graduated in I808 with honor. He was a diligent and successful student and was frequcntlj' chosen as a repre- sentative of the college in literary contests. He received a prize for an e.ssaj' while in Hamilton College. After his graduation he commenced the study of theology and spent one year at the seminary at Princeton, N. J. He then entered the Union Tlieological Seminary at New York, from which in.stitution he was graduated in 1801. He then went to Toledo, Ohio. In 1861 he was ordained a minister, by the Congregational Association, of Ohio, at Columbus, to be elegible to election as chaplain for the 02d Regiment Ohio \'ols. From there he went to Fostoria, in the same state, where he took charge of the Presbyterian church for three years. He then resigned and opened an academy there, which he continued two years, when he was appointed chaplain of a regiment belonging to General Butler's command. The war soon closed, and he did not join his regiment. In 1862 he was elected chaplain of the (i2d Pennsylvania Yolunteers, but through the rascality of the colonel of the regiment he was not permitted to .serve. He came to Peun.sylvania in ISO") and was married JIarch 1, that year, to Isidore, daugh- ter of Capt. Richard and Elizabeth (McCurdy) Calhoun. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, three of whom are now living : John Richard, DoraE. and Eliza- beth J[. Mrs. Curtis is a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Curtis •was principal of the public school of Beaver borough in 1868 and 1860. He is an active member of the Republican party, and served as secretary of the county committee from 1860 till 1872. He .succeeded JI. S. Quay as editor of the Beaver Rudiral, and continued its publication until the consolidation of the paper with the Bearer Argus in the fall of 1873. In 1879 he purchased from the Hon. James S. Rutan a half interest in the con- solidated papers, and has since been connected with it as publisher and editor. ScuDDER H-\UT D.\UR.\GH, manufacturer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Bridge- water, Pa.. Feb. 27, 1817, and isason of Hon. Robert and Deborah (Hart) Darragh. His father was state senator in 1840. His mother was a granddaughter of John Hart, of New Jersej', one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She was born near Trenton, N. J., and was of German origin. His father was born in Ireland, and early in life came to America and settled at Bridgewater, Pa., that place being then called Sharon. He was one of the early hotel keepers of this county. He afterward embarked in the mercantile trade in Sharon, which was then a shipping point, and did a large and successful business. His family consisted of eigUt children, seven of whom grew to maturity, six of them now living, and of whom our subiect is the youngest. Hart died in 1885 from injuries received in the oil works. He was then in his seventy-third year. 35 638 IliSTOKY OF BEAVEU COIXTY. The family are remarkable for longevity. S. H. was reared in Bridgewater. and altended the common school and the Beaver academy. His tirst work was as a clerk in a bank in Beaver. He then went on the river and ran a keel boat and steamboat. In 1849 he moved to California and remained two years. He then returned and continued the machine and foundry business, which he had established before going to California. The books of the machine shops and foundry are kept by S. H. Darragh. The title of the business at Bridgewater is M. i.V S. H. Darragh. The other is at Fallston, wlierc the firm name is ^I. Darragh it Co. Thev are extensively engaged in the manufacture of machinery for wire works, and of iron bridges. They employ fifteen men the year round. Mr. Darragh was married Aug. 23, 1S65, to CJatherine Weyand, daughter of Hon. Daniel AVeyand, e.x-statc senator and attorney, of Somerset, Pa. She is of German and English descent. They have had five children: Susan D., jMary II., Robert W,, Daniel W., and Ileibert S. (deceased). Jlrs. Darragh is a member of the ^lethodist church. Mr. Darragh is a member of the town council, and has been school director; has also been a bank director. In politics he is a Republican. Fred D.vuheu, butcher. Beaver, was born in Baden. Germany, March 20. 1832, and is a son of Jacob and Philipina (Fans) Dauber, natives of Germany. His father was a farmer during his entire life. His family consisted of seven children. Fred, the second, was reared in German}' and attended the common .schools there. He came totbisconntry in 1852. and first settled in Wheeling, W. Va. He then went to Ohio, where be remained three years and learned the butchering business. He came to Beaver in 1858, and has carried on that business here ever .since. He was married, in 18G6, to Nancy, daughter of Archie Sniilli. and of Scotch descent. Their children are Lewis, Minnie, Charles and Anna. Mrs. Dauber is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics Mr. Dauber votes for the man and not for the party. He is energetic and industrious, and has made what lie owns by his own exertions. lie is the owner of real-estate in Beaver. Edward B. D.^ugiiertv, attorney, was born in Kew Sewickley township, in this county, and is a son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Black) Daugherty. His mother was born in Beaver count}' on the farm wiiere she now resides and where she has lived all her life. She is the daughter of John 1 Slack, and was born Jan. 15, 1805. Daniel Daugherty, father of Edward B., was born in Londonderry, Ireland, in 1790; came to America in 1796, locating in Delaware counly. Pa. In 1801 he came to this county with his father, Edward, who settled on a farm in the wilderness, in Kew Sewickley township. He had four children, two of whom are living; Edward B. and a daughter, Jlary, who is the wife of P. H. Coyle, a farmer of this.county. The early life of Edward was spent on the farm with his parents and attending the common schools and Beaver Academy. He studied civil engineering and surveying at which business he worked for a time, and also taught school. Finally choosingthe law as a profession he studied with S. B. Wil- son, was admitted to the bar in 1800. and began practice in New Brighton, where he remained until 1809. since when he has practiced in Beaver. He was married. May 5, 1870, to Mary Cunningham, whose parents were born in Ireland. Their children are Samuel Wilson and Mary. The family are members of the Catholic church. In politics Mr. Daugherty is a Democrat. J.\MES D.wiDsoN. farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in Middleton town- .ship, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1814. His father, James, was a native of Maryland, and in early life a shoemaker, and afterward a farmer. He was one of the first settlers on Little Beaver creek, coming there the year after the state line was run. He was married to Mary Johnson, had ten children, and died in 1828, aged sixty-three. Our subject has resided within a mile and a half of his present place for over seventy-three years, and remembers the time when bears, wolves and deer were numerous. He owns 150 acres of land. He was married in 1838 to Matilda J., daughter of Benjamin Pancake. By her he had eight children, seven of whom are living : Elizabeth, Sarah, Benjamin, George, Amy Ann, JIary and James E. Mr. Davidson owns 320 acres of land in Mis- souri. In politics he is a Repulilican. J. J. D-WiDSON, oil producer, Beaver, is a son of Daniel R. Davidson (deceased), UIOGKAPHIES WEST SIDE. C)39 who was born in Fayette count}', Pa., .Jan. 12, 1820, a son of William and Sarah (Uog- ers) Davidson, natives of Pennsylvania and of Scotch-Irish origin. The father of Daniel R., Hon. AVilliam Davidson, was born in Carlisle, Cumberland county. Feb. 14, ITsa. He served as a member of the State Legislature, also as State Senator and Speaker of the House. Daniel K. was reared in Fayette county and attended the select schools. His business relations were varied and extensive. He dealt largely in coke and coal and owned valuable mines. He was an inHuenlial railroad ofBcial for many years. At the time of his death he was president of the Commercial Xational Bank of Pittsburgh. He was also one of the board of director.^ of the National Bank of Commerce at Pitts- burgli. He was the owner of two plants in coke regions, and was president of the Love Manufacturing Company of Rochester, Pa. In politics he was a Republican. He was married in Fayette county, in lS4(i.to Margaret C, daughter of Alexander .Johnston, and of Scotch-Irish origin. Their children are Charles, Sarah. "William . J., Elizabeth, (xeorge, James .1., Louis and Frederick. Mr. Davidson died March 18, 1884. Amos D.\wson, proprietor of Shady Lane Farm, P. O. Ohioville, is a .son of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Harvy) Dawson, and was born Aug. 21, 1848, in the same house which he now occupies. His parents were natives of JIaryland; his grandfather of Ireland, and his grandmother (one of the first settlers here) of Scotland. Amos was reared on the farm and received his education at home and at Mouit Union, Ohio. Dec. 23, 187.5, he was united in marriage with Marie Harker, daughter of Benj.amin and Susan (Warrick) Harker, of East Liverpool, where .she was born Dec. 2(), 1852. Her mother was also a native of East Liverpool, Ohio. Her father was born at Tipton, Staffordshire, England, came to this country in 1837, and for a short time lived at Pitts- burgh, but in 1839 moved to East Liverpool, Ohio, where he engaged in the pottery business, and only ceased active connection with the same in September before his death, which occurred Dec. 25, 1881. In 1840 Jlr. Harker erected the Etruria Pottery, which he carried on for over forty years. In 187() he retired from the firm of George S. Harker & Co., erected the Wedgewood Pottery under the Arm name of Benjamin Harker i.t Sons, and manufactured the C. C. ware. He was a practical potter, having a knowledge of the ceramic art in all its intricacies and supposed secrets; was possessed of fine business abilit}' and respected b_y all who knew him. To Jlr. and Mrs. Dawson have been born one ciiild, George Anna. Mrs. Dawson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Dawson is a Royal Arch ^lason and a Knight Templar, of Alle- gheny City. He makes a sijecialty of horses and Shetland ponies, and has some regis- tered Jersey catlle. Ben.t.\min D.\wson, farmer. P. O. Smith's Ferry, son of Amos and Rebecca (Dawson) Dawson, was born about one mile from Smith's Feny, July 20, 1825. Ben- jamin was reared on a farm and educated at the schools of Smith's Ferry, and is now a prosperous farmer just across the Little Beaver from that place. He was married Jan. 31, 1860, to Susan Hughs, daughter of Peter and j'\rargaret(Laughlin) Hughs: she was born at Philadelphia June 5, 1837, and emigrated to this place when she was about twelve years old, with her mother and the other children, after her father's death. Mrs. Dawson's mother was born May 3, 1805, and died Feb. 14, 1885. She was the daughter of John and Jlargaret Laughlin, who were born in 1771 and 1773, respectively. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dawson: Jennie, Letitia, Minnie, Amos and Mary, all at home. Robert D. D-4.wson (deceased), one of Ohio township's prominent men and early settlers, was born at Ohioville July 30, 1801: a son of Benoni and Catharine Daw.son. His father was a native of Maryland, and was one of the first settlers of Ohioville. Robert D. was married, Feb. 9, 1826, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Ruel and Mary Ann (Debolt) Reed, who was born Feb. 13, 1803. Ten children blessed this union: Mary Ann, Catharine, Benoni. Ruel Reed, James M., Rebecca, Benjamin, Robert D., Daniel Debolt and William McKennon. Mary Ann and Catharine live at the old homestead; Benoni and Daniel D. live in the west part of the township; Ruel R. in Kansas; Robert D. in Delaware; Rebecca died Oct. 29, 1864; James M., Benjamin and 'William McK. 640 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. arc also dead . Mr. Dawson moved on hi.s farm north of Ohioville in 1839, where he spent a long and useful life. His wife died Oct. 23, 1804, and he followed her to his final resting place Dec. 2, 1882. WrLLi.vM Deiiaven, farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in 1822. It was some time previous to 1774 that one William Dehaven came from JIarj-land (where he had recently landed iu company with two brothers, sailors from England) to Beaver county, Pa., the journey being made in a sledge drawn by o.xen. He was a distiller by trade. Soon after coming to Beaver county, he took up 400 acres of land, on which he erected a house and distiller\', the former of which was still standing a few years since. He mar- ried Catherine Cooper, of Raccoon township, and had six children; Xathan, Abraham and William being the sons. William died in 1829, his widow surviving until 18.59, when she died, aged eighty-nine years. William and Abraham purchased 200 acres of land, which was half of the tract occupied by their father. They afterward made additional purchases, and William, the only surviving brother, now owns 450 acres iu South Beaver and Brighton townships. Abraham died in 1877, aged si-\ty-one. By his own eflforts, Mr. Dehaven has accumulated a great deal of property. He is a member of the Episcopal church; in politics, independent. .John B. Dickey, merchant, Fallston, was born in Armstrong county, Pa., Dec. 30, 1857, and is a son of S. A. and Diana (Wolf ) Dickey, natives of Pennsylvania and of German and Engli.sh descent. His father, who was a civil engineer employed in government works, spent many years of his life in Fallston; his family consisted of eight children, of whom .John B. is the eldest. Our subject was reared in Beaver county, attended the common .schools at Fallston and the academy at Beaver. After a seven years' clerkship in a grocery, he, in company with his brother, bought the Handle Works at Fallston, and they have since conducted them. In April, 1887, he established a general store in Fall.ston. Mr. Dickey was married Nov. 27, 1883, to Miss M. L., daughter of R. G. Phillips, of Beaver. She is a member of the Methodist church. Mr. Dickey is a Republican; a member of the I. O. O. F. William A. Dickey, postmaster at Bridgewater (name of office being West Bridge- water), was born in Bridgewater, Pa., .July 26, 185S, and is a son of .John S. and Sarah (Allison) Dickey. His father was born in Lawrence county. Pa., and his mother in Beaver county. She was a daughter of Hon. .James Allison, and of Scotch-Irish descent. The father was an owner of steamboats, and spent many years on the water; he owned the steamboats "Lake Erie" and "Cleveland." He served nine years as steamboat inspector at Pittsburgh. In later life he sold out all his interest on the river, and engaged in mercantile trade in Bridgewater. He was an active Democrat. His family consisted of eight children, of whom William A., the youngest, was reared in Bridgew.ater. He studied civil engineering, and was first employed on the Pittsburgh & McKeesport and Allegheny railroads, where he spent two and one-half years. He also worked at .surveying in Beaver county. In 1887 he was appointed postmaster at Bridgewater. He is a member of the .Junior Order of American ^lechanics. J.».MES DiLi.ox, farmer, I'. O. New Galilee, was born in Big Beaver township, this county, in 1818. The progenitor of the family in this country came from Ireland some time previous to the Revolutionary war. jMatthew Dillon, a native of New York state, came, in 1796, from Washington county and purchased 300 acres of land in Big Beaver township. He married Mary Cooper, and by her had five .sons and three daugh- ters. Matthew died at the age of eight_y years, and for fifty years previous to his death lie was totally blind. .James, the second child, was born in New Jersey in 1784. and when two years of age came with his parents to Washington county. He married Catherine, daughter of Barnard Naugle, of Germany, who took part in the Revolution. Nine children were born to James and Catherine Dillon, two of whom are now living. The father died in 1865, aged eighty-one, and the mother in 1802, aged seventy-eight years. James, our subject, was born and reared on the farm. He was married in 1846 to Barbara Ann, daughter of Joseph Smith, and they have had thirteen children, of whom are living Catherine (Mrs. Tlioinpson\ Josepli Smith, Price Cooper, James, J. M., biogeaphip:s — west side. 641 Margaret, Beulali Ann, Elizabeth (J[rs. Seclirist), Sarali Luciiula and John Wesley . Sir. Billon has followed farming principally, but like his father is a natural meehanic. lie now owns 100 acres. He is a Republican, and has held several township oftices, includ- ing that of school director. He is a member of the Methodist church. J.VMES P. Dii.LwoRTii. retired, P. O. Enon Valley, Pa., was boru in this county Oct. 15, 1S05. Benjaruiu Dillworth came from Scotland to America at an early date. He was a farmer liy occupation and settled in Westmoreland county, Pa. He married Mary McMinn, who bore him tive .sons and three daughters. Of the.se .sous George was reared in Westmoreland county, and as early as 1796, came to Beaver county, where he purchased 400 acres of land, and remained until his death. His wife, JIargaret (Kees,) of Irish descent, and who died in October, 18:30, aged .seventy-four, bore him eight children, of whom .lames was the youngest. George Dillworth died in 1840, aged seventy-five years. .lames P. was born and reared on the farm where he has always lived. He now owns 300 acres, part of the original tract. He was married, in 1851, to Mary, daughter of Joshua and ^Margaret i Hatfield) Xewell, of Westmoreland county, and four children have been boru to them: Maggie K., born July o, 1852; George H., boru April 5, 1855; Wilbert J., born January 22, 1857; Mary Eunice (deceased), born June 30, 1801, Mr. Dillworth has retired from active business, and the work of the farm is successfully carried on by his sons. He has been a member of the Presbyterian church for many years; politically he is a Republican. John A. Dodds, miller, P. O. New Galilee, was born in Allegheny county in 1831. Among the most prominent flouring mills in Beaver county is the " Upper Ten," owned by John A. Dodds. This mill is a frame structure, three stories high, 35 by 40 feet, with basement, and contains the latest and most improved machinery for the manufacture of flour, feed, etc. An engine of fifty-horse power is used, and ten sets of rolls. John Dodds, grandfather of John A., was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, in 1770, and was reared a farmer. At the age of twenty-two he was ordained an elder in the Secession church for the purpose of holding him in the Secession church. Shortly after, however, he united with the Reformed Presbyterian church. In 1803 he was married to Elizabeth ilcKee. He had ten children, of whom Robert was the oldest. John came to America in 1820, landing at St. John. Xew Brunswick. He went to Philadelphia, and thence to Freeport, Pa. , and thence to Jliddlesex, Butler county. Pa, , where he died in • 1852 at the age of seventy -four. Roliert, father of John A., was for thirty years a merchant, and later in life a farmer. He was born in 1804, and is still living in Allegheny coun- ty. He married Lettie Rowen, and had twelve children. John A. received a liberal education and learned the blacksmith trade, which he followed six years, subsei|uently engaging in mercantile business for ten j'ears. In 18G4 he enlisted in Company D, Sixth P. H. A., and served until the close of the war. In 1867 he began milliug in Butler count}'. In 1875 he purchased a one-half interest in his present mill, and in 1877 bought out the other half. Mr. Dodds was married, in 1852, to Margaret, daughter of Maj. John Fife, of Allegheny county, and by her has had eleven children, ten of whom ai'e living; Elzina Irene (Jlrs. Dr. Balpht, now a missionary in Asia Minor; R. M. J., an engineer; Lettie B. (Mrs. Quay); Miss Willia A. S., also a mi,ssionary in Asia Minor; Margaret B., a teacher; R. T. P., a miller with his father; Mary, a music teacher; Z. Z., a .student at Geneva College; Lizzie B. and Ethan Ira. Mr. Dodds is a ruling elder in the Reformed Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. Hexhy Do.nai.dsox, man\ifacturer of kegs, New Galilee, was born in New York City in 1816, and is a son of Frederick and Mary (Hyatt) Donaldson. Frederick was also a keg manufacturer in New York Cit}'. He had nine children. Henry received a common-school education, and early engaged in manufacturing kegs in New York City. In 1863 he came to New Galilee, where he has since resided. He has been twice mar- ried; first, in 1836, to Mary Ann Bayles, and second, in 1837, to Ann Proctor. By the lat- ter wife he has had five children; Henry ,M., Edwin 31. , William ]M. . Jane A. and Emma F. Mr. Donaldson gives employment to about ten hands, and turns out about one thousand kegs per week. Tliey are mostly sold to the paint works at Pittsburgh. An 642 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY. engine of six-liorse power and the latest and most improved machinery are used. Mr. Donaldson is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically a Repulilican. Captain Daniel M. Donefioo, postmaster at Beaver, was born in Washington county. Pa., March 30, 1825. His parents were John and Isabella (McElheuy) Done- hoo, natives of Pennsylvania and of Scotch-Irish descent. His paternal and maternal ancestors were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania. His grandparents arrived at Fort Pitt, in 1801, and soon afterward moved to Washington county. His father was first a farmer, then during the last thirty years of his life a school teacher. His family con.sisted of ten children, of whom Daniel M. is the third. He grew up in Allegheny county, and early in life learned the trade of a millwright, and engaged in building mills. He followed that business until 1863, when he resolved to enlist in the army. He took an active part in raising the 17th Cavalry, and on the organization of the regiment was elected colonel, but the order was to commis.sion regular soldiers only as colonels of cavalry, so he accepted the rank of captain He was soon afterward injured while try- ing to capture a deserter, and resigned and returned home. He had two brothers in the army: Henry M., now a hotel keeper at New Brighton, and Frank j\I., who died in the army. In 1864 Captain Douehoo engaged in the oil producing business, which he con- tinued until 1866. He was engaged in thecon.struction of railroads for four years. He is a Master Mason, and has always been an active Democrat. He was appointed post- master in 1887. He was the Democratic candidate for the state senate in lx(Vi. and was defeated although he ran largely ahead of his ticket. He was census marshal in Beaver county in 1860, and again in 1880. He has been many times a representative in Demo- cratic state conventions, and once in the national convention. He has been twice mar- ried; first in 1848, and had two children by this marriage: Clara J., wife of Prof. Briggs, of Pittsburgh; and Gertrude, wife of John King, superintendent of the New Brighton waterworks. The children by his second marraige are Cora B., W. Edwin, Lulu A. (wife of Eugene H. Rider, railroad ticket agent at Wheeling, AV. Va.). Claire, Sarah M., Effle and Miriam. Trio.MAS Donovan, farmer, P. (). Black Hawk, was born in South Beaver town- ship, in 1840. His parents, Cornelius and Mary (Hindman) Donovan, had twelve chil- dren, five of whom are now living, Thon)as D. being the seventh child. Cornelius was a farmer and settled on the farm now owned by Thomas and Samuel H. Donovan in 1829, the farm then containing 189 acres. Cornelius died in 1874, aged sixty-eight years. Thomas, grandfather, of our subject, came from Ireland and settled in West Virginia. He had eleven children, of whom Cornelius was the second son. Thomas, our subject, received a good education, and chose agricultural pursuits as an occupation. He was married, in 1807, to Anna E,, daughter of John and Sarah (McCormick) Wylie, and they have liad four children, only one of whom, Laura M., is now living. Mrn. Donovan died in 1873, aged twentj'-seven years. Sir. Donovan now owns ninety-four acres of land purchased by his grandfather, nearly all of which is under cultivation. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church at Four Mile ; politically a Repub- lican. He enlisted in 1803, and served three months in Company I, 56th Pennsylvania Regiment. In 1864 he re-enlisted in Company H, 5th P. H. A., and served until the close of the war. James I. Douds, farmer and stock grower, thresher and sawyer, P. O. Beaver, was born in this county July 19, 1836. His parents, B. D. and Mary (Irons) Douds, were also natives of this country, and of German and Irish descent. His father and grandfather were farmers ; his great grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and was killed in battle. The grandfather was in the war of 1812. He spent his life as a farmer. The father of our subject had five children, of whom four are now liv- ing. The second son was killed in the war of the Union at the battle of Spottsylvania. James was reared on the farm until he was twenty-four years old, attending the common school. He is the owner of eighty-five acres of land where he now resides in Brighton township, and forty in Hopewell township. He was married, in 1863, to Eliza, daughter of Archibald McCoy, and they have five children: Rosanna, wife of BIOGRAPHIES — WEST SIDE. 643 George Barcklej-; Ada M., wife of .lolin Gillespie: ^lary A., Archibald I)., and Jobu W. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church. He is a Republican in politics, and is serving his third year as county auditor. He has been school director for ten years, has also .served as supervisor, and has held all the other township olHces. Joseph Doitthitt was born in 1764. When quite a young man he married Miss Mary Loutzenhiser, by whom he had thirteen children: Thomas, Peter, Barbara. Danie., Robert, Jonathan, Jo.sepli, Duncan, Henry, Anthony, Eliza, Mary l\. antl John, the last two of whom, as also Robert, are still lixinsr. Robert, the father of S. N. Douthitt, one of the proprietors of the Beaver Falls Plaining Mill, is eighty six years old. Joseph Douthitt, Sr., removed- from Carlisle, Pa., in lTf)(i, and settled in Beaver county, thus becoming one of its early pioneers. He died nearly forty-one years ago. Joseph Douthitt. farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in Darlington township, this county, in 1841. This family were among the earliest who .settled in Beaver county. Jonathan Douthitt was born in this county, and married Sarah, daughter of James Can- non, of Lawrence county. Pa. They had ten c'lildren, of whom Joseph is the' second son. Jonathan was a farmer. Joseph received his education at the common scliools in the county, and since early childhood has worked on a farm. In 1873 he piu'cha.sed his present farm of 120 acres, which is beautifully situated, and of rich soil, lie was married, in 1863, to ilary L.. daughter of John and Mary (Black) ilcClure, of Washing ton county, who came to Darlington township and lived there the remainder of their lives. Mr. and >Irs. Douthitt have one son, Harry E., at home. The grandfather, Joseph, a farmer, came from the East to this county at an early period. Our subject is a member of the Presbyterian church; in politics a Democrat. Shipm.vn N. Doi'TiirTT, manufacturer. Beaver Falls, was born in Big Beaver town- ship Jlay 8, 1835, and is a sou of Robert and Phebe (NewkirU) Douthitt. His paternal grandfather was Joseph Douthitt, of Carlisle, Pa., who settled in Chippewa township in 1796. His children were Thomas, Barbara (Jlrs. Heniy Veou), Peter, Robert, Daniel, Eliza (Mrs. Samuel Conn), Duncan, Jonathan, Henry, Anthony, 3Iary (Mrs, Francis Gilkey), and John. His maternal grandfather was Henry Newkirk, a pioneer of Big Beaver township. Robert Diiuthitt was born in ('hippewa township, where he resided for many years. He was a blacksmith: also carried on a farm and kejit tavern in Chip- pewa township. He retired when the Port Wayne railroad was built, and since 1885 has been a resident of fiercer county. He reared a family of live children: Anthony W.. >Iary E. (deceased), Shipman N., Robert J. and Rebecca A. (^Mrs. T. B. Satter- field). Shipman N. was reared in Chippewa township. He enlisted in August, 1861, in Company I), ItOth P. V. I., and was at the battles of James Island, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Fall of Vicksburg, and through the Wilder- ness campaign to Petersburg. He was promoted first sergeant, and honorably dis- charged in September. 1864. He then engaged in farming in Chippewa town.ship until 1870. when he located in Beaver Falls, and for nine months was engaged in llie grocery business. In 1873 he embarked in the lumber business in Michigan and Beaver Falls, in which he is still engaged, and isa member of the Beaver Falls Planing Mill Company, with which he has been identified for twelve 3-ears. Mr. Douthitt was married, in 1864, to Sarah C, daughter of J\Iajor W. H. and Tabiiha (Bowles) Powers, of Big Beaver township, by whom he had one daughter, Carrie (now Jlrs. William Raymer). 3Ir. Douthitt is a member of the I. O. O. F., A. (). U. W.. G. A. R aiid U. V. L. Politically, he is a Democrat Amos Doitt, lime burner, Vanport, was Ixirn in IN'orthumberland county, Pa., July 7, 1817. His parents, John and Catherine (Good) Doutt, were of English and German descent, the former a farmer and ttxnner. Amos, tlie third in a family of seven children, was reared in Harmony township, Butler count}', receiving his education in the common .schools. His father being a man of limited means, Amos was obliged to begin work early in life. He has followed the business of lime burning for many 3'ears. He was married, Nov. 9, 1847, to Sarah McNaughton, of Irish descent, and they have four chil- dren: Irvin W., Henry A., Agnes (wife of Jo.sei)h Courtney), and Katie. Mr. and Mrs. 644 HI8T0EY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. Doutt are members of the Presb\teriau church. In politics lie is a Democrat, and has been school director, supervisor and assessor, and has tilled nearly all the offices ■within the gift of the township. John F. Dravo, member of the legislature from Beaver county, was born in West Newton, Westmoreland county, Pa., Oct. 29, 1819. His parents were Jlichael and Mary (Fleming) Dravo, natives of Pennsylvania and of French and Irish origin, former a coal merchant at ^IcKeesport, Pa. They had ten children, of whom John F. is the eldest. He was reared in Allegheny county, attending schools in his native town and the liigh school in Pittsburgh. He also attended Allegheny College, at Meadville, Pa. He learned the coal business in bis father's office, and embarked in trade for himself about 1845. with a partner. He carried on the business in Pittsburgh until 1880, and met with marked success. In 1864 he bought a handsome place on the banks of the Ohio in the borough of Beaver, and has ever since been identified with the advancement of the borough. He .still retains large business interests in Pittsburgh. From 1868 to 1883 he was interested in an extensi%'e stock company, which dealt largely in coke, and in which he was the principal stockholder. His charities are extensive. Those who know him best say he has given away more than he has lost and more tlian he now owns. He retired from business in 1883. He has held many positions in business and official circles, and was a delegate to the convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in 1860. He was formerly a Whig, and has been an active member of the Republican parly since its formation; has stumped Western Pennsylvania for all presi- dential candidates of his party from Fremont to Blaine, and is a very forcible speaker. In 1887 he had the honor of nominating Hon. 31. S. Quay for the United States senate. He is a strong advocate of temperance, and introduced the constitutional prohibitory amendment, which passed the legislature of 188". He was appointed surveyor of the port of Pittsburgh by President Garfield, May 23, 1881. He served several years as president of the Pittsburgh chamber of commerce, and was one of the charter members; served four years as director and vice-president of the Pennsylvania Reformed School; is a director of the Tradesmen's National Bank of Pittsburgh, and served as general manager of the Pittsburgh Gas, Coal and Coke Company. In educational matters he has also taken a deep interest. He is a trustee of the Allegheny College, and presi- dent of the board of trustees of Beaver College and Musical Institute, to which latter institution he gave at one time $15,000 and at another $;.5,000. 3[r. Dravo was married. Nov. 23, 1843, to Eliza J., daughter of Robert and Margaret Clark, and they have had nine children, five of whom are now living: 3Iargaret, widow of Robert Wilson; Josephine, wife of .1. H. ^IcCreer)'; John S., a merchant in Pittsburgh, in company with his sister, Mrs. AVilson; Lida and Ettie, at home. The family are all members of the Methodist church. Mr. Dravo has been a member of the church since he was eighteen years old. He has been a local preacher for many years, and has been Sabbath-.school superintendent. John C. Duff, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in Little Beaver town.ship in 1823. His ancestors came from Westmoreland county. Pa. James, his father, mar- ried Mary Kennedy, by whom five sons and three daughters were born, John C. being the fourth child. Tbe'father, James Duff, was a blacksmith b)' trade, and after- ward a farmer; he died at the age of seventj'-five years. John C. was born and reared on the farm and received a common school education. He engaged in mercantile busi- ness earh' in life, and followed it for twenty-three years. At one time he had three stores, one each at Darlington, East Palestine and Beaver Falls. Mr. Duff was married, in 1849, to Marie, daughter of Samuel Caughey, of this county. By her he had two sons and two daughters: Agnew Alexander, Samuel Addison, Nancy Jane, and Emma A. (deceased). Mr. Duff has. since his retirement from mercantile pursuits, been act- ively engaged in various business enterprises. For three years he gave his attention to oil drilling. He afterward purchased a 125-acre tract of land, and now owns some 200 acres, nearly all under cultivation, underlaid with ricli veins of coal and iron ore, and containing a superior quality of clay. Mr. Duff has been among the most active spirits KIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 645 in his section of Beaver county, liaving taken a prominent financial part in erecting the United Presbyterian churcli edifice, of whicli the people of Darlington can well feel proud. He is a Republican. S.\MUEL C. Duff, farmer, P. O. East Palestine, Ohio, a descendant of one of the oldest families in this county, was born in 1823. He was married, April 28, 1874. to Emma C, daughter of Robert Wilson, of Muskingum county, Ohio, who bore him three children; William .Tames, Mary .Jane and Esther Anna Olive, all of whom are living. His father, William Duff, was born in Westmoreland county, came to Beaver count}' in 1798, and lived with his father, Oliver, who owned a 408-acre farm in Dar- lington township, until he purchased a farm of 117 acres of his own. William married Esther Caughey. who bore him si.v cliildreu. of whom Samuel C, the only son, is the third. Our subject was given a common-school education, and has, since leaving school, been a farmer, possessing 200 acres of land. He belongs to the United Presb}'- terian church: politically he is a Republican, ilr. Duff has two sisters older than him- self: Sarah Ann, now 3Irs. AVallace, and Eleanor C, now 3Irs. A. ilcXair: and three younger — Mary, E J. and Esther P., the latter of whom resides in Woodson county, Kan., the wife of .J. F. Bayless, and has live children, one sou and four daughters. TnoMAS DuxL.\p, eldest sou of John Dunlap, was born in a tavern in I^ancaster county. Pa. In early life he immigrated to McKeesport. Pa., where he married, Feb. 20, 1T!M, Miss E. Fowler. Early in ilarch, 17!tt), he moved to Chippewa township, Beaver county, where he located on thi.' farm at present owned by his descendants. He served in Wayne's war with the Indians, and received for his services 160 acres of land. He commanded in the blockhouses of Logstow'n, Raccoon, Georgetown and Xew Brighton, under C'apt. .James Sample, at each of which places he had to appear weekly for eighteen months. lie was the father of nine children: John, liobert, James, Nancy, Thomas. Eliza, Joseph, David and Cynthia. He died Feb. 7, 1839, aged seven- ty-live years, eight months and tweuty-si.x days. Wii.Li.\M Ddni,.\p. farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in South Beaver town- ship in 1830. He was educated in the common schools, and later was a student in the Curry Institute at Pittsburgh, during which time he was also engaged in teaching. In 185.5 he married Matilda J., daughter of liol)ert Kennedy, of Allegheny county. She bore him two children, of whom one is living: Annie M. (now Mrs. Groetzin- ger). -Vug. 0, 1862, Mr. Dunlap enlisted in Company F, 139th Regiment, and served un- til the close of the war. He was engaged in many battles, including Bull Run, Antie- tam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Petersburg, and was several times wounded. He was severely wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 186-1:, being first sergeant of Company F at the time. After the war he returned to Allegheny county, and in 1881 came to South Beaver township, where hC purchased eighty acres of land. He now owns 180 acres, the management of which he superintends, having been in ill health since the war. He is a member of and an elder in the Presbyterian church, hav- ing joined the church during the w ar. Politically he is a Republican. Joiix R. E.\KiN is a manufacturer of ranges and stoves at Rochester, Pa. He was born in Beaver borough Jul\- 20, 1829, and is a son of James and Mary (CJuaill) Eakin, the former born in Ireland and the latter in Washington county, Pa., of Scotch-Irish descent. The father came to Beaver in 1823. He was a teacher in early life, having taught school in the old Academy at Beaver, also in Allegheny county, and was after- ward a merchant. He died in 1847. He was justice of the peace and burgess of Beaver borough. The family consisted of seven daughters and two sons. John !{., the eldest son, was reared in Beaver. He went on the Ohio river, first as clerk on a steam- boat and subsequently as captain. He followed the river for twelve years; then clerked in the office of the county commissioner of this county; was also deputy county treas- urer for one term ; then engaged in the manufacture of glass at Beaver Falls for five years. In 187.5 he was elected count}- treasurer, and served one term. In 1879 he embarked in his present business at Rochester, Pa. He has full charge, being secretary, treasurer and general manager. From twenty -five to thirty hands are employed. The 646 HISTORY OF liEAVER COrXTY. success of the business is largely due to the persoual efforts of Mr. Eakin. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Eakin has been liles.sed witli the following named children: Anna, wife of J. Rankin; >Iartia, district attorney of Heaver county; Emma and .Jo.seph M. Mrs. Eakin is a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Eakin is a F. it A. 51.: politically a Republican. Nathak E.\kix, farmer, P. O. Enon Valle)'. was born in 1821, in Columbiana county, Ohio. His father, William, was a native of Ireland, and came to America when but nine years of age. He married Miss 5Iary Patton, who bore him eight children, of whom N.athan is the youngest son. His grandfather (also a native of Erin) and father were both farmers. Nathan received a common-school education and leamed chair making, which he followed for three years. In 1851 he married Elizabeth Edgar, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Edgar, to whom were born ten children, of whom eight are living: Mary E. (now Jlrs. McAllister), Samuel Edgar, "William Patton, Ellen Jane (now Mrs. Newell), Maggie L., Phoebe M., John C'hri.stieand Sarah, Mirilda. Mr. Eakin came to Beaver county in 1843 and settled in Darlington, where he remained in the chair making Inisiness one year; then was engaged in mercantile business nine years; and after that settled upon his 300-acre farm, where he has since remained. He has been school director and supervisor, and has identitied himself with the Republican party. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church of Darlington. RiCHEY Eakin (deceased), one of the honored and respected citizens of Brighton township, was born in Alleghenj- county. Pa., Jan. 22, 1809, son of David and Margaret (Gray) Eakin, who were of Irish descent. His father and grandfather James Eakin were farmers, the latter a man of great force of character. David Eakin moved to Brighton township in 1814. Here Richey was reared attending school in the old log school- house. He was married, in 1833, to Louisa Anderson, born in 1813, daughter of John Anderson, a farmer, and they had twelve children: John, a farmer; David, a teacher; James, William and Joseph, farmers; the rest being deceased. Few men were more highly respected or more missed than Mr. Riche_y Eakin, who departed this life in 1869. He was a successful farmer, and at the time of his death was the owner of 350 acres of good land; in politics he was a Republican. John A. Eakin, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Beaver, was born in Brighton township, this county, July 3, 1834, and is a son of Richc}' and Louisa (Anderson) Eakin. The parents were natives of Penn.sylvania and of Irish descent, the father a farmer. They had fourteen children, John A. being the eldest. He was reartd on the farm and .attended the common schools. He is the owner of a well improved farm, where he now resides, in Brighton township. He has been twice married; first, in 1861, to Miss Delila Richardson, who died in 1881. This union was blessed with eight chil- dren, live of them now living. His present wife is Henrietta, a native of Ireland, daughter of William Noonhan. By her he has two children. Mr. Eakin is a Repub- lican. Gilbert L. Eberiiaut. The ancestors of Mr. Eberhart emigrated from Germany in 1754 and settled in Eastern Pennsylvania, Adam Eberhart, his great grandfather, finally locating in Washington county, in the same state. His son .lohn, born in the latter county ilay 9, 1761 , died Nov. 10, 1831. He had two sons, Andrew and John, the latter of whom was born in Beaver county, where his father was engaged in farming, on the 28th of June 1792, and died Jan. 19, 1838. Much of his life was spent in the above county, either as a cabinet maker or a prosperous merchant. He married Sarah, daughter of Gen. Samuel Power, and had five children: Wilford A. P., Albert Galla- tin, Emeline E.. Eleanor M. and Gill)ert Leander. The last named, and youngest of these children, was born in North Sewickley township. Beaver county, Jan. 15, 1830, and with a brief interval has spent his life in the county of his birth. His education was received at the IMercer Academ_y and Washington t'ollege, in Washington county. Pa. He then enga.a:ed in civil engineering and teaching until the outbreak of the rebellion, when in April, 1861, he entered the armj', and wa.s later made Quartermaster of the 8th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving in 1862 on the staff of Gen. BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 647 George G. Meade. After active service in the field, be received his discharge in Jlay, 1864. In September he was apjiointed by Gen. Sa.xton, superintendent of education for the state of Georgia in connection with the Freedmau's Bureau. He was admitted to the bar of Beaver county in 1870, and lias since that time continued in active praelice. 5Ir. Eberbart was, in 18.T2, married to ^[aria, daughter of Dr. Peter Smith, of San Franciso, and latterly of I^ondon, England. Their only surviving child is a daughter, Georgiana, wife of Dr. H. S. McL'onnel, of New Brighton. Mr. Eberhart, as a Republican has been an influential factor in local politics. He was superintendent of schools for Mercer county in the years 1856-.5T : menilier of the State House of representatives for 1877-78, and has twice been elected mayor of New Brighton. He is an Episcopalian in his religious belief, and a member of the church of that denomination in New Brighton. John Ebnek, general merchant. Beaver Falls, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 19, 1826, and is a son of Peter and Margaret Ebner. He was educated in Bavaria and •served an apprenticeship of eight years at the printer's trade. He came to America in 18r)4, locating- in Pittsburgh, where he worked four years as a printer. He then en- gaged in butchering, which he followed for twenty years, and was also in the grocery business in Braddock three years. In 1868 he came to Beaver Falls, and carried on butchering four years. He then opened a coal bank in Pulaski township, and carried his coal across Big Beaver Creek to Beaver Falls bj- cable. Four j-ears later he went to Braddock and conducted a general store eight years. In 1887 he returned to Beaver Falls and embarked in liis present business. He married Magdalena Carl, bj' whom he has four children: Joseph L., Mary, Louisa and Katie. Mr. Ebner was one of the founders of the German Catholic church of Beaver Falls. Politically heisindcpendent. Elihu Eciclek, owner and builder of tlatboats, Vanport, was ijorn in INIoon township, this county, ilarch 6, IS-'d. a son of John and Nancy (Weigle) Eckler. His mother was born in Moon township, Beaver county. His father was liorn in Lan- caster, Pa., east of the mountains. He was a blacksmith. Elihu, the fourth in a fam- ily of seven children, was reared in ]\Ioon town.ship and attended the common ,schools. The earlj' part of his life was spent on the farm, and when fifteen years old he went on the Ohio river as cook on a steamboat; then he .served as second mate and mate on a pas- senger boat for several years. He is now a dealer in boats. He was married, in 18(12, to Sophia E., the tifth of nine children born to Joseph and Margaret (Small) Conrad. Her father was a steamboat pilot and captain, and in later life a merchant in Beaver, andone of the first settlers of Vanport. He was a large landholder in the town and sur- rounding couutrv. ilrs. Eckler is of German extraction, and has spent just fifty years in this place. Their children are — Frank L., a printer in Knowles & Co. 's decorating shop. East Liverpool, Ohio; Alfred S., a river pilot on coal packets running from Pitts- bourgh to Louisville: Maggie S., James S. Jlr. and Mrs. Eckler and two eldest boys are members of the Presbyterian church at Beaver. He has been school director for fifteen years, and is a Republican; as are also Frank L. and Alfred S. Perry Ecofp, clerk, Bridgewatcr, was born Aug. 2.5, 1867, and is a son of Sam- uel and ^largaret (Arbuckle) Ecoff. The father. Samuel EcofI (now deceased), was born in Maryland, June \3, 181.!, but .spent most of his life in Bridgewater. He learned the carpenter's trade, and made that the main bu.siness of his life. He built many hand- some structures, which are still standing, in Beaver county and elsewhere. His reputa- tion for honest work was well known, and ,secured for him all the contracts he cared to undertake. In later life he dealt largely in real estate in Bridgewater. He was a pro- gressive man. In the spring of 184it he went to California to seek his fortune in the gold mines, and worked there for more than four years, when he returned to his family at Bridgewater and spent the remaining portion of his life here. He was in the grist and saw mill business in Bridgewater in company with Mr. Darragh for a time, and was engaged in various enterprizes, usually with marked success. He was a Whig and a Republican, and was a member of the council of Bridgewater; also tax collector. He was an active member of the Jlethodist Episcopal church, and for mauj' years trustee. He was three times married; first to ^liss .Marth.a Small, and thesecond time to Margaret Arbuckle, both of whom are buried in Beaver cemetery; and third to Margaret May. 648 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. W. J. EisEKBROWN, harness-maker, Beaver Falls, was born in New Sewickley township, this county, July 28, 1864. His parents, Daniel and Barbara (Bown) Eisen- brown, natives of Germany, settled in New Sewickley township about 18")5, where they now reside. W. J. was reared in his native township, and learned his trade in Free- dom. He embarked in business for himself in Beaver Falls in 1884. and gives employ- ment to three hands. He has the only store of the kind in the place, and has a thriv- ing, constantly increasing trade. He is a member of the Lutheran church; politically he is independent. JoriN S. Elder (deceased) was a native of this county, born in 1837. His father, William Elder, came from the "Emerald Isle" in 1835, and soon after located in Beaver county, where he followed milling for a brief period. Subsequently he purchased 150 acres of land and engaged in farming. At his death he owned 6(0 acres of as good land as could be found in South Beaver township. He married Sarah Stewart, who bore him four children. He died in 1862, aged si.\ty-two years; his widow is still liv- ing at the age of eighty-three. John S. was the oldest son. He was a youth of un- usual ability and was educated for the ministry, graduating from AVestminsler College with first honors. On account of ill liealtli he was obliged to give up his studies, and engaged in farming. In 1864 he married Sarah E., daughter of James and Mary (JIc- Kenzie) Stewart, the former a prominent merchant of Wellsville, Ohio. They had fotir children: William S. (deceased), James, Robert Boyd and William Carle. Mrs. Elder is a graduate of Washington Seminary (1860), and a member of the Seceder's church. Mr. Elder died in 1886. M.^TTUEW Eldee (deceased), whose portrait appears elsewhere in this volume, was born in the parish of Finvoy, County Antrim, Ireland, in January, 1788. In 1812 he came to America, and after working as a weaver in a woolen mill at Wilmington, Del., went to Columbiana county, Ohio. On the 15th of September, 1815, he was married, at New Lisbon, to Mary, daughter of Thomas Frederick. The latter was carried off by Indians from Eastern Pennsylvania in childhood, and remained with them until he bad nearly lost all knowledge of the language and customs of the whites. On his return to his home he had some difficulty in establishing his identity, and was only reccgnizid by a scar on the back of his neck, which was familiar to liis mother. At the time of his marriage Mr. Elder was operating a woolen null in New Li-sbon, and so continued un- til the mill was destroyed by lire in 1820. The next j'ear he built a factory on Little Beaver Creek, in Darlington town.ship, two miles below Cannelton; and while the fac- tory was being btnit he ran a set of cards in the mill half a mile above the factory. This was in what was then called Little Beaver township. At that time they had to go to what is now called Old Enon to vote, and the nearest postoftice, Greersburg, was five miles away. The name of the town was changed to Darlington on account of letters addressed to Greersburg going to Greensburg. Then the township was divided and called Darlington, and what was left of Little Beaver township went into Lawrence county when that was formed. Mr. Elder did an extensive business and bought nearly all the wool grown in Beaver, Lawrence and Washington counties. Pa., and Columbi- ana county, Ohio. He possessed a consideraljle tract of land about the mill .at one time. Between the years 1830 and 1840 he owned, remodeled and enlarged the grist mill and oil mill and bought wheat and flaxseed, which was a great advantage to the farmers at that time. Between the years 1841 and 1843 he dug a tail race three-quarters of a mile long, walled the same witlt stone on both sides. It was to gain a fall so that lie could remodel and put in an overshot wheel; the cost of this was $10,000 or over In 1844 lie built a large brick store and dwelling, and in 1845 opened a store of general mer- chandise, which had the most extensive line of custom of any store in the couniry . He was a great admirer of tine horses, a passion which is characteristic of his descendants. His grandsons are now engaged in breeding Clydesdale and coach horses, and also tine cattle and swine. In 1851 !Mr. Elder again suffered from the tire fiend. Ids mill being swept awa}'. He at once rebuilt and continued to operate it until his death, which oc- curred in 1863. His faithful helpmate also passed away during the same year. Jlrs. BIOGRAPIIIKS WEST SIDE. 649 Elder was born Aug. 25, 1797. Jlr. Elder was univer.sall}' regarded as a very useful citizen. He atteuded strictly to his own business which was beneficial to the commu- nity, and gave little attention to public affairs, his only service in that line having been to serve as judge or inspector of election in the township, which he could not avoid; he served as a director of the old United States Bank of Beaver county in New Brighton, before the administration of Andrew Jackson. He adliered, as do his descendants, to the Presbyterian faith. Associate branch, and voted with the Whig party and its Kejiub- lican successor. He was noted for bis benevolence and hospitality, and was a benefac- tor to the poor and laboring. None ever .sought work but got it if possible; if not and had not the means to travel further, he was provided with means. Neither man or beast ever went hungry away. In the busy season the table was rarel)' uncovered from noon until night, and more meals were served and horses fed than at a large majority of tlie liotels. He gave a home iu his family to an old man named John McConncll, a distant relative from the same part of Ireland that Mr. Elder came from, and fed and clothed him for thirty years, and buried liim. He also gave a home to a boy named Jo.seph Green, whom the poor board brought to him; he was of weak intellect, but Mr. Elder kept him also until his death, which occurred a few years before liisown. Of his twelve children eiglit reached maturity . The eldest. John R., now resides in Pulaski county. Mo.; Margaret Ann, widow of John Taggart, resides in Palestine, Ohio; Thomas F., [see sketch below]; Matilda, widow of William Sterling, resides in Leetonia, Ohio; Mary Jane was the wife of Daniel H. Wallace, and died at her home in New Castle. Pa.; Elizalieth Catharine, wife of Walter I). Sprout, died in Darlington township; Hannah died unmarried; Ueliecca, widow of Calvin F. Cham- berlin, resides at Palestine; Jlary, ^Matthew and Henry (iwins) all died in childhood, as did also a son named Matthew Heniy. Thomas F. Elder, farmer, P. O. Canneltoii, is the third child of ^latthew Elder, whose biography and portrait appear in this work, and was born in New Lisbon, Ohio, July 37, 1820. lie assisted his father in the woolen mill, and finished bis education in Greersburg Academy, in Darlington. For three years he kept a store in that borough, and was connected with the operation of the mill until the sale of the latter after his father's death. In 1857 he purchased his present farm of 15(1 acres, in South Beaver, about a mile from the site of the mill. Tlie latter was destroyed by tire after passing into the hands of a stock company. Mr. Elder has a fine brick resideuce and an excel- lent farm, which is underlaid with coal. In 1844 lie married Eupbemia L. Scroggs, daughter of Rev. E. M. and JIargaret Scroggs, of Columbiana county, Ohio. She was the mother of one child. JIargaret Elzarune, who died when about eight months old of brain disease, its mother died six months later. His second wife is 5Iary A., daughter of Richard and Jemima (Pierce) Parrett. Jlrs. Elder was born in Pittsburgh in 1828, and her parents were natives of Ireland and Philadelphia, respectively. In her youth she was engaged in teaching, as is her daughter now. Like bis father, Mr. Elder adhered to the Republican party in politics and has served as town supervisor, judge and inspector of elections, and has also been solicited to run for county offices, but declined . The family is connected with the Associate Presbyterian church, and includes three sous and one daughter: Harry CUitTord and Matthew Richard, at home, extensively engaged in l)reeding line horses and other stock; Thomas Frank, in Atchison, Kan., and Nettie Eupbemia, with her parents. S. R. Ei.DEit, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was bcn'u in 1841, the youngest son of William Folder, who came from Ireland in 1834, and located in Beaver county. He (the father of our subject) was married in 1837 to Sarah, dau.ghter of John and Martha Stewart, and b}' her had four children — three sons, J. S., Robert B. and S. R. Elder, and one daughter, Mattie J. Elder (Creightou). About 1838 he, in connection witli his brother Matthew, built quite a large flouring mill on Little Beaver creek, intending to grind and ship flour east, some lots going as far east as Philadelphia. Not proving a successful enterprise he sold his interest and located on a farm in South Beaver town- ship. At his death, which occurred in 1S(!2, he owned some 600 acres. The subject of 650 IlISTOKV OF BEAVFK rOFNTV, this sketch was born and reared in South Heaver township, and received an academical education. At the age of twenty lie was left in charge of his father's farm of 600 acres, of which he now owns 200 acres, lie is the only living male member of his father's family. A brother enlisted in 1861, in Company D, 100th Kegiment, the famous " Round Head." and died at Beaufort, S. C, in Feliruary, 1862, of coast fever. Mr. Elder was married, in 1863, to Mary, daughter of James and Jan? (McCreery) Cook, by whom he has three children; Jennie K., William B. and James F. S. Mr. Elder resides on the 200 acre farm which was formerly the property of Andrew Johnson. lie is a member of the Seceder's church, and politically a Kepublican. J-\MKS L. EIjI.iott, farmer, P. (). Darlington, was born in Butler county, in 1855. Dr. F. Klliott, now a practicing physician of Ohio township, and a resident of Beaver county for si.xty years, married Catherine Flick, who became the mother of seven chil- dren, two of whom are deceased, James I^. being the eldest son living, lie was reared to farming, an occupation he has followed principally through life, and received a good common-school education. He was married, in 1878, to Annie E., daughter of George and Permelia (McMillin) "Wilson, of this county, and they have three cliildren; George C, Florence Gertrude and Raymond Carlton. ^Ir. and iirs, Elliott are members of the Presb3'terian church. Mr. Elliott is a Democrat. J.v.MES S. Elliott, physician, Beaver Falls, was born in Trnmbull county, Ohio, in 1823, and is a son of William and .Margaret (Patterson) Elliott, who settled in iloon township in 1826. 'I'hey had ten children: Jane (Mrs. Robert Keenan), Nancy (Mrs. William Davidson). Arabella (.Mrs. John A. Braden), Ellen (.Mrs. James Braden). John M., William P., Susan, Rachel (.Mrs. James Johnson), James S. and Thomas. James S. was reared in Moon township, and educated in the schools of Beaver. He began the study of medicine in 1847 with Dr. Cunningham, en'ered Starling Medical College, C'olumbus, Ohio, in 1848, and was gradiuitcd in 1851. From 1S52 until 1869 he practiced in .Moon township, after which he located in Beaver Falls. His eldest son, Washington F., began the study of medicine in 1883, entered Jefferson ^Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1885, and was graduated in 1887. He is now associated with his father. Dr. Elliott was twice married, his tirst wife being Maria, daughter of David and ^lary (Wither- spoon) Ram.sey, of Lawrence county. Pa., by whom he had four children: Washington F., Istie, Charles and Thomas M. His second wife was Jennie, daughter of Samuel aud .Martha (Moody) Witherspoou. of Beaver county, by whom he had four children; Charles .M., Etta, Bertie and Harry. Dr. Elliott is a member of the Beaver County Medical Society. WiLLi-\M Elliott, lumberman, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Cumberland, W. Va., July 17, 1835, a son of John and Rachel (Farnsworth) Elliott, and of Scotch-Irish descent. He was reared and educated in his native county, and in 1857 located in Raccoon township, this county, where he was engaged in farming for seven years. He then located in Greene township, this county, aud embarked in mercantile trade, in which he continued thirteen years. In 1878-79 he was engaged in the manufacture of salt in Raccoon township, after which he embarked in the lumber business, in various parts of the county, in which he is still interested. He married, in 1857, ilargaret P., daughter of John A. and ^lary (Elliott) Braden, of Raccoon township, and of an old pioneer family of Beaver county. By this union he has seven children living: Rebecca (Mrs. George Bisphimi, Arabel (.Mrs. James Ridell), John A., .\da, Charles M , Idona and Jessie. .Mr. Elliott is a member of the Methodist church; in politics a Prohibitionist. James E. Emerson. Ezekiel Emerson, the great grandfather of the subject of this biography, was for a period of thirty years a Congregational preacher in the town of Norridgewock, Me. His son Ezekiel, a native of the above place, was by occupation a farmer aud devoted the winter months to fur-hunting. He married >Iary Chadwick, whose children were three sons, Ezekiel, Luther and Jothan, and three daughters. Ezekiel, the eldest of these, was born at Norridgewock, and left fatherless at tlie early age of eight years. Removing in 1826 to Bangor in the same state, his life was devoted to the labors of a husbandman. He was united in marriage to Amanda, daughter of mor;KA]'iiii:s— WEST sini:. (',51 Davitl r,ccinaii, of Augusta, Me., unci luul uineoliildren: .Innies E., David, Simon, .Jolin ( killed durinj; the late war at Galveston Harbor, Texas), Fliebe, Amanda, .Mary (deceased), Sarah and Hlizaheth. .lames K. Kmcr.son, the elde.st of these children, was born Nov. 2, 1X2:!. in Norridjrewock, and in early youth removed to Hansror. Here lie received such education as the schools of the time afTorded, the winter months being devoted to study and the summer to labor on the farm. Intelligent reading and a thoughtful habit of mind compensated in a measure for the want of early scliolastic training. At the age of t wcnty-one, b dng left free to choose a pursuit in life, he became proficient in the trade of a house carpenter, and continued thus occupied in hi.s native slate until ].S,")8, building, in lM,"il), by contract, the first three blocks of houses in Lewiston Kails. ,Me,, for the Lewiston Falls Water Power Company. He then emigrated to California and cstab- lishe 1 him-ielf as a manufacturing carpenter, introducing machinery to a great extent in the construction of buildings. For five j-ears he carried on an extensive lumbering l)usiness, and while operating a circular saw-mill at Oroville, Cal., invented l)is first inserted tooth circular saw, and placed it in successful operation. Selling the interest in his mill he devoted some time to travel for the purpose of inserting teeth in .saws, and gener.d repairing of the same. .Mr. Emerson later located in Sacramento, where he established a similar business, which was .soon extended to San Francisco. Selling his entire interest in IS.jO to Mr. N. VV^. Spauldiiig, who continued its successful manage- ment, he removed to Trenton, N. J., and during the Civil War manufactured over one hundred thou.sand cavalry sabres for the government,' as also many ofiiceis' swords of fine quality. He at a later period organized the American Saw Company, still in active operation in the l.-itler city. Kelurning from an extended tour in Europe. Mr. Emerson made Beaver Falls his home and establislufl the company of which he is the head, known as the Emer.son Saw Works. He is a recognized authority in his special department of raschanics. and undouljtedly the pioneer inventor of inserted tooth saws. Jlr. Emerson was, in llStT. married to .Mary P. Shepard, of Bangor, and their children are Florence Eldorado (Mrs. Martell, of Beaver Falls), Leanora A. (.Mr.s. Rabe. of Oakland, Cal.), Ilattie L. (Mrs. .Midgley, of Beaver Falls), Alena G.. and Charles M. (located as a saw repairer in Bay City, Mich.). JosEni Knoi.e, fruit-grower. P. O. Industry, was born on the farm where he now resides, in 1837. He is a son of George and Amy (Daiinals) Engle, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of New Jersey. They had nine sons and one daughter: George, Henry, Stacy, Jemima, John, David, W-ishingion, Franklin, Joseph and Enoch. Joseph was educated in the coinmon schools of his native county, and was reared to farm life. In 1S(J0 he married Mary A., daughter of John Cium, and to this union were born three children; Charles, Audie and Eva May. Soon after marriage ilr. Engle moved to near Fostoria, Seneca county, Ohio, where he followed farming for three y-ears; then returned to Beaver county and settled on his present farm, part of the old homestead. He was the first shipper of cultivated fruit (grown on his own place) from this part of the country. He and family are members of the United Brethren church. J. J. EwiNO. gas-fitter, Beaver Falls, is a native of Beaver county, and was born Nov. l(i, IH-M. He is a son of .Joseph E wing, whose ancestors were among the carl v settlers of Industry township, this county. He located in Beaver Falls in 1879, where he has since followed his occupation of gas-tittcr. He married, Nov. 13. If'CG, Alice, daughter of William and Nancy (Irwin) .McDonald, of Moon township, Beaver county. Jlrs. Ewing's paternal grandfather was John McDonald, an old steamboat captain on the Ohio river, and her maternal grandfather was AVilliam Irwin, both prominent citi- zens and pioneers of Beaver county: the former was an early settler of Hopewell town- ship and the latter of Moon town.ship. In 1880 .Mrs. Ewing opened the only exclusive music store in Beaver cotinty at Beaver Falls, dealing only in pianos and organs, and has conducted a large and successful busine.ss since. Jlrs. Ewing is a member of the Methodist Protestant church. Mr. Ewing is a member of the Mystic Circle; in politics he is a Republican. 6.52 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. John F. Ferguson, contractor and ice dealer, Beaver Falls, was born in North Sewickley township Dec. 8, 1850, and is a son of .John and Janiza (Elliott) Ferguson. His paternal j;randfatlier was John Ferguson, of Ireland, who settled in Xorth Sewicli- ley township aliout 1809. His maternal grandfather was Thomas Elliott, a pioneer of .Marion township. John F. was reared in his native town, located in Beaver Falls in 1880 and engaged in livery and teaming business, now running nine teams. He em- barked in the ice business in 18S4, has full control of the business in Beaver Falls and also does a good trade in New Brighton. He has been engaged as a contractor since 1883. Mr. Ferguson is a stirring business man; in politics he is a Democrat. S. W. Fields, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in 1845. in that part of Beaver county now included in Lawrence county. David Fields married Sarah, the first child born to William Kyle (of Ireland) after he came to America. Two children were born to David and his wife, S. W. being the youngest. David was born in Lawrence county and is now seventy years of age. He was a carpenter, but is now retired from business. S. W. has always been a farmer. He came to South Beaver township in 1813. and purchased 186 acres of land, comprising his present farm. He was married in 1875 to Nancy, daughter of Smiley Rhodes, of this county, and they have si.\ children: John F., David S., Otis A., Sarah T., Maggie Jlyrtle and Lydia Laura. Jlr. Fields is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church; politically a Republican. Geohoe Fisuer, farmer, P. O. Ohioville, was born June 6, 183',', in (.'olumbiana county, Ohio, a son of ^Michael and Elizabeth (Dawson) Fi.sher. The former was born Feb. 14, 1801), and died in January, 1885. George spent his early youth at the place of his birth, and received his education at the district school. He assisted his father on the farm until liis marriage, which occurred Dec. 25, 1866, and soon after moved to Ohio- ville, locating upon his present farm of 1.58 acres. Mrs. Fisher was Sarah, daughter of William and Nancy (Reed) George; .she was bom in 1836 in this county, but moved to Iowa with her parents, where all her people reside. Her father was born In Columbiana county, Ohio, in January, 1814. Her mother was born in Beaver county, Nov. 3, 1815, her father being one of the early setllers of the county. William George was a son of Thomas and Sarah (Ganzales) George. His wife, Nancy (Reed), was a daughter of Ruel and Mary xVun (Tebalt) Reed, former of whom was a native of Ohio towns, Ip, born Aug. 4. 1769. Two children have been born to Mr. and Sirs. Fisher: Benjamin P. and Lam'a D., both of whom attended school in the vicinitj'. O. II. Franklin, D.D.S., Beaver Falls, was born in Industry township, Fel). 3, 18.58, and is a son of Benjamin and Jlartha (Reed) Franklin. His father has l)eeu a resident of Beaver county for over thiity-tive years, and was county superintendent of schools, si.x years. His mother Is a daughter of Milo Reed, of Industry township, O. H. Franklin was reared in Fallston, and In 1S78 began the study of dentistry witli Dr. A. M. \Vhisler, of New Brl,ghton. In 1879 he entered the Pennsylvania Dental College, of Philadelphia, and was graduated Feb. 25, 1882. In April he located in New Brighton, where he practiced until April, 1884, when he established hlm.self in Beaver Falls. In 1885 he married Lucy, daughter of John and Martha (Mitchell) Tliornley, of New Brighton. Dr. Franklin Is a successful dentist, a member of the Dental Society of AVestern Pennsylvania. He Ijelongs to the Presbyterian church: in politics he is a Re- publican. John T. Frazier, farmer. P. O. Industry, was born near Wellsvllle. Columbiana county, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1847, and is a son of William and M,ar_v(Burk) Frazier. The father is a native of near Cantield, Ohio, born Aug. 25, 1825, and at jjresent carries on farming In Wood county, W. Va., near Parkersburg. He enli.sted Aug. 2, 1862, in Company I, 140th Regiment. P. V., and participated in several iiard-fought battles, among tliem, Gettysburg (where he was wounded in the left leg. and taken prisoner, though owing to liis injuries he was soon afterward paroled), Chancellorsvllle, AVilder- ncss and Sailor's creek, near Richmond, Va. , where he lost his right leg. He was hon- orably di-scharged June 27, 1865, and on his return home located in Brighton township, this couutj', until 1872, when he removed to his present home. Jolin T. Frazier en- BIOGRArniES — WEST SIDE. 653 listed Feb. 21, 186"., in Company G, 78th P. V. V., stationed at Nashville, Tenn., and was honorably discharged Sept. 11, same year. He married March 28, 1871, Sarah, daughter of William Morrow, and by her has five children, all at home : Mary Bell, William 51., Ida Alice, Sadie Clare and ,Tohn. Mr. Frnzier has resided on his present farm of 123 acres for the past five years. He has held tlie office of .supervisor two years, and is now school director. In politics he is a Kepublican. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Methodist church. Hkrm.\n .7. FuiELiNii, Pastor St. Mary's Catholic church, Beaver prills, w^as born in Hanover, Germany, Sept. 2(i, 1860, and is a son of Henry and Margaret (U.sselman) Frieling. He was reared in his native town of Osnabruck, where he received his early education, and afterward attended school at Ankum, where he studied the higher branches, including Latin. Plebrew and French, for three years. In 1877 he came to America and was a student at St. Vincent's College, Westmoi eland county. Pa., until 1884, when he was ordained and appointed assistant pastor of St. Joseph's church, Pitts- burgh. He remained there until August, 1886, when he was appointed pastor of St. Mary's parish, Beaver Falls. W. S. Fi"LKM.\N, P. O. Beaver Falls. A publication styled Sprai/ of the Kails was establislied in Beaver Falls in September, 1887. It is a seven-column quarto .sheet, con- taining tifty-si.\ well filled columns of reading matlcr well illustrated. The Sjiray is issued the first of each month from No. 803 Seventh Avenue (Mu.sser Building), and from its first appearancs has been well received by the people of Beaver county. It combines several new features in journalis-m, giving to the country readers the advan- tages po.sses.sed by their more fortunate city friends, in the way of an abundant supply of pure, wholesome and interesting selections, general news and home news, all of which is made more attractive by the free u.seof the engraver's art. The Spray, although started as a monthly, is designed to become a weekly journal as it grows older and stronger, and now bids fair to rival its time-honored competitors and settle down into the race for existence as one of the fixed institutions of the valley. Its projector and manager, Wilson Stanlej' Fulkman, is a native of Allegheny county. Pa., having been born on the banks of the Ohio river, nine miles west of Pittsburgh, Dec. 7, 1854. His parents were named Abram S. and Rebecca S. Fulkman, both of whom were na- tives of the United States, the former now residing in Virginia, the latter having died March 20, 1879. W. S. Fulkman located in New Brighton Oct. 1.5, 1879, where he .still resides. Although a practical printer, he did not commence to learn his trade until in his twenty-second year; since locating in Beaver county he has been connected with the press tliereof in numerous capacities, the first work he did in the count}' being for the Beaver Vallri/ Xeics, of New Brighton, as solicitor; he afterward served on the Beaver Falls Globe, and prior to engaging in the publication of The Spray Mr. Fulkman was engaged with the Daily Tribune, of Beaver Falls, for two years, the latter part of his engagement serving as local editor, in which position he proved himself an able and trustworthy new.sgatherer. ]\Ir, Fulkman was married, Dec. 26, 1878, to Ruth Emma McDanel, eldest daughter of Thomas C. and JIargaret A. McDanel, of North Sewickley township, this county. Unto them have been born three children, one .son and two daughters, named, respectively, Ueid. Ethel and Margie. John G-\ston, foreman file cutting department. Western File Works, Beaver Falls, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1855, and is a son of Daniel and Anna (McFarland) Gaston, who came to America in 1868 and located in Beaver Falls. The father was a miller by occupation, and died in 1870. John is a miller and file cutter by trade. He worked at milling two years in his native land, and learned the trade of file cutter in the Western File Works of Beaver Falls, where he worked as a journeyman fifteen years. In 1885 he was appointed foreman of the file cutting department, which position he still occupies. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. ; in politics he is inde- pendent. GEOuciE Henry Geriser, merchant tailor, Beaver Falls, was born in Baden, Ger- many, July 6, 1847. He served four years' apprenticeship at the tailor's trade in his 36 654 HISTORY OF BEAVKK COUNTY. native town, and in 18«6 emigrated to this country, settling in Pittsburgh, where lie worlied as a journeyman for nineteen months. He then came to New Brighton, where he worked seven years as a journeyman and four years as a cutter. In 1879, he came to Beaver Falls, and was in tlie employ of Ilarr}' Goldsmith for five years. .January 1, 1884, lie embarked in business for him.self, and has now a large and successful trade. II.\RKY Goldsmith, clothier, merchant tailor and de.-iler in gents' furnishing goods, Beaver Falls, was born in London, Enghind, in 1840, and came to America in 1863. In 1865 he located in Pittsburgh, where he was engaged in the clothing business until 1872. He then located in Beaver Falls and embarked in his present business, in which he has built up a large trade, occupying three stores, one for each department of his business. He has been a member of the Beaver Falls Building and Loan Association since 1879; is a member of Beaver Valley Lodge. No. 478, A. Y. M.; is Past H. P. of the Royal Arch Chapter, 206; a member of the I. O. O. P., A. O. U. W., K. of P., Boyal Arca- num, Heptasophs, Mystic Circle and Encampment, and is president of the Beaver Falls School Board. He was one of the Executive Committee of Beaver county in the Gar- field campaign, and is at present occupying the same position. Politically he is a Republican. J. M. GORMLY, justice of the peace and engineer, P. O. Industry, was born in Industry township in 1838, and is a son of Samuel and Rachel (JIarker) Gormly. the former a native of tins county, a printer by trade in his youth, but in later life a boat builder. He was a justice of tlie peace in Industry township for ten years, and, from the first opening of tlie Cleveland tV: Pittsburgh Railway till within two years of his death, was ticket agent for that company. Our subject learned steam-boat engireering when about twentj'-one years of age, and has since followed that business, cliieflj' on the ^Missouri and Yellowstone rivers. He was married in 1859 to Maggie, daughter of Joseph Allen, and by her has had five children, two now living: Ivy M. and Josie F. Mr. Gormly was elected in 1885 to the office of justice of the peace. In politics he is a Republican. John Guaebing, retired, P. O. New Galilee, was born near Frankfort, Germany, in .January, 1820, and in 1833 came with his parents, Sigfried and Elizabeth (Haydt) Graebing, to America, landing in Baltimore, Md. Sigfried was a chairniaker, a trade he followed during life. He located permanently in Pittsburgii. and was at one time a captain of militia in that city. He died in 1860, aged eighty-four years. Few cit- izens of Beaver county are better known than John Graebing. lie was educated in the common schools of his n.ative countr}'. In the month of Deceml»er, 1833, with his par- ents and two brothers and two sisters he started on fool from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. That winter was remarkable for cold weather and heavy snows. The family suffered much during the journey, being obliged for a lime to live on frozen apples. Mr. Grae- bing has been engaged in various pursuits. He was twelve years on the canal, two years teaming over the Allegheny mountains, three j-ears butchering, and for a number of years a conductor on the P., Ft. W. <.V C. Ry. In 1857 he purcha.sed the Iiiion Hotel at New Galilee, and until 1882 was its owner and proprietor. He was married in 1841 to Fredericka Hartze, by whom he had the following named children: John, Albert, Christian, William, Henry, Edward and Emma. His wife died in 1881. Mr. Graebing was in 1861 elected to the office of .sheriff by the Democratic party. Alexander Graham, liveryman, Beaver Falls, was born in Venango county. Pa., Dec. 12, 1840. and is ason of John and Sarah (Stevenson) Graham, of English and Irish de.scent. His parents settled in Rochtster, thiscountj-, in 1847, and ditd Iheic. Their children were Robert, Henry, Mary, Alexander, David, Perry and John. Alexander was reared in Rochester and vicinity from seven years of age. He was engaged in various occupations after reaching his majority up to 1871, when he located in Beaver Falls and embarked in the livery business, in which he has been successfully engaged up to the present time. July 2, 1861. he married Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Gehring) Phillips, of an old family of Beaver county, and has four children living: Mary (.Mrs. Robert Todd), John, Wesley and Stella. Mr. Graham is a F. A A. M., a member of the I. O. O. F., A. O. U.W. and K. of P. Politically he is a Democrat. liKlGKAi'IIIES WEST SIDE. C55 W[i-i.i\M (Iraham, farmer, p. O. Black Haw U, was born in Soutli Beaver town- ship in 1^34. Andrew, his father, came to Beaver county at an early age from Ireland and purchased lifty acres of land in Beaver township. He married IMary, daughter of Robert lIcC'lo}', of Beaver count}-. To thi.s couple twelve children were born, three of whom are living. Andrew, at his death in 18C8, owned 157 acres of land; he was eighty years of age. Ilis wife died in 1870 aged eighty-tnve years. William now owns the homestead, where he has always lived. lie is not married. In politics he votes the Democratic ticket. Gray Brothers, merchant tailors, Beaver Falls, are natives of New Brighton, this county, sons of St. Clair and Mary A. (Betont) Gray. Their paternal grandfather was John Gray, a native of Lancaster county. Pa., and a tailor by trade, who settled in New Brighton, this county, about 1813, where he resided until his death. His chihiren were John. Barton, Samuel, Eliza and St. Clair. The latter was a tailor by trade and carried on business in New Brighton for forty year.s. His children were Samuel B., Mary A., Ellen, Franklin P.. Williur F., James S., Frederick (decea.sed), Emma(deceascd), George W. and Pink E. The subjects of this sketch were reared in New Brighton and edu- cated in the public schools. The.y learned the tailor trade in their fatlier's shop, and embarked in business in Beaver Falls in 187o, where they have built up a large and profitable trade. Franklin P., the senior member of the tirm, was born Aug. 8, 18,53, and married, in 1873, Carrie M,, daughter of Hiram Cole, of Alexandria, N. Y. He has four children living: FrankL., Hoy S.. Claude M. and Muriel. The junior mem- ber of the firm, James S., was born Jan. 31, 1850, and married, in 1876, Katie L., •daughter of Phillip Dimond, of Beaver Falls. He has two children; Clara P. and Anna. Both gentlemen are members of the Hoyal Arcanum, and are Republican.s. Tiio.mas Griseni.ee, steamboat captain, P. O. Vanport, is of Scotch-Irish descent, born Oct. 8, 1809, and is a son of Thomas ami Mary (Quinn) Greenlee, natives of Alle- gheny county, former by occupation a farmer. Our suliject was only two years old when his father was killed at the raising of a log building. Thomas was the youngest of eight children. Tliomas and Naucj' (Greenlee) Shane are the only ones now living. He WIS reared in Allegheny county, and attended the common .schools and an academy in Alle,gheny county; he went on the river when quite young, and has fhn R. Large, an attorney at Pittsburgh; Robert, steam-boat pilot, married to F'rances Johnston; Lucinda, wife of James Mitchell; Anna H., wife of Henry Large, Jr.; Virginia E., wife of George W, Johnston; Arininda V. and Alvin L., twins (Arminda V. is the wife ■of James M. C.irnelius. Alvin L. enlisted Aug. 6. 1803, in the 14(lth Regt. Co. F, Col. R. P. Roberts comiuanding; was wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1803; had a limb amputated and died from the effects Aug. y, 1808); Estella J., wife of J. P. Ko.ss. The family belong to the Presbyterian church. In polities Captain Greenlee is a Republican. George H. Grikr, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, was born in Darlington township in 1853, and is a descendant of one of the oldest settlers in this .section. His grand- father laid out the present town of Darlington, and in his honor it was named Greers- burg. George Grier, father of our subject, married JIargaret Holmes. Eight children were born to this couple, George H. being the only son. Gieorge Grier was a pronunent farmer in his day. He died in 1883. George H. was educated in the common schools, and at the death of his father came into possession of the homestead where he now lives. Besides managing the work of the farm he is also engaged in the lumber business. In politics he is a Republican. WiM.iAM H. Gui-M. physician. Beaver Falls, was born in New Sewickley township, Oct. 30, 1833, and is a son of Jlichael and jMarlha (She.-irrer) Grim. His grandfather, Philip L. Grim, of (ierman descent and a native of York cotuity. Pa., moved to Beaver county in 1800, settling in New Sewickly township, where lie cleared and improved a 656 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. farm. He erected a two-story residence, which is now occupied by Sampson Pearsall. He had four sons and four daughters, the sons being Jolin, George, Philip and ^Michael, the last named a soldier of the War of 1813. He cleared and improved a farm in his native town.ship, and died there. His wife was a daughter of John and Mary Shearrer, pioneers of Butler and Beaver counties. They had eight children: Philip L., .John, George, Conrad, David, William H., Joseph and Esther (Mrs. George Hartje). His sec- ond wife was Susan Nye, by whom he had one son, Benjamin. AVilliam H. Grim was reared in Beaver county, taught school for six years, and later studied medicine. He took his first course of lectures in the Jledical College of Ohio at Cincinnati, and was graduated from Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He located in Beaver Falls, where he now has a large practice. He was twice married; first to Lucinda, daughter of ],evi and Leah (Tice) Spangler, of Lebanon county. Pa., by whom he has one son, William Simpson, now a student of medicine. His second wife was Amelia A., daughter of Archibald and Ann R. (Baker) Robertson, of Beaver Falls. Dr. Grim has served ofHcially in the school board of Beaver Falls for many years. He is a member of the Beaver County Medical Society; is a F. lic A. >!., and a member of the A. O. U. W.; politically he is a Jeffersonian Democrat. AiiRAM S. Hall, carriage manufacturer, Beaver Falls, was born in Beaver, Kov. 11, 1840, and is a son of John L. and Eliza (Shockey) Hall. His father was a native of Kittanning, Pa., and with three brothers, David, Solomon and Richard, came to Beaver county about 1817, where he followed the occupation of a tailor for most of his life. His wife was a daughter of Abraham Shockey, formerly of Hollidaysburg, Pa., and a pioneer tailor of Beavercounty. Mr. Hall had ten children who grew to maturity: JIary J., Catherine, Eliza, Matilda, Amelia, Abram S., Richard, Dallas, P^rank and John. Abram S. was reared in Beaver, learned liis trade with C. West & Co. of Pittsburgh, and worked as a journeyman several years. He was in business at New Brighton three years, located in Beaver Falls in 1874, and with his brother Richard embarked in their iiresent business. Thej' are said to be the only carriage manufacturers in Beaver county who have continued successfully in the bu.siness for any length of time. In 1873 Mr. Hall married Ellen Nippert, of New Brighton, by whom he has three children living : Florence, Ellen and Lillie. JoH.\ A. Halleu, contractor and builder, Beaver Falls, was born in Butler county. Pa., July 30, 1852, and is a son of Adam and Elizabeth (^lartsolf) Haller. He was reared in his native county, and learned carpentering in Pittsburgh. In 1877 he located in Beaver Falls, where he worked at his trade until the fall of 1883, when he embarked in business as a contractor and builder with Jacob D. Mart.solf, which partnership expired Jan. 1, 1887, since which time he has been in the same business on his own account. He has built a large number of first-class buildings in Beaver Falls and elsewhere, and his reputation for first-class work is firmly established. He is a member of the Lutheran church, and tlie Royal Arcanum; in politics he is a Democrat. jAJvtES Hamilton and his brother Thomas were both natives of Ireland. The former resided in the territory now known as South Beaver township. He was .shot and killed by men lying in ambush, as he was riding on horseback along with a party of land agents. United States marshals and others, who were dispossessing settlers of their lands. J. Q. Hamflton, station agent and telegraph operator, Beaver, was born in Beaver Nov. 13, 1855. He isa son of G. W. and Eliza Jane (Todd) Hamilton, natives of Pennsyl- vania and of English descent. His father started in life as a steamboat engineer, which occupation he followed for over twenty-five years. During the civil war he was ap- pointed United States revenue collector for Beaver, Lawrence and Washington counties, and held that oflice until his death, which occurred in 1885. He served for several years as a director of the First National Bank of New Brighton. His family consisted of four sons : Samuel T., a captain in the regular army; G. W., a machinist at Rochester; William, a .station agent on the Lake Erie railroad; and J. Q., who was reared in Bea- ver, attended the Beaver Seminary and early in life learned telegraphing. His first position was on the C. P. R. R. as operator from 1872 to 1879. When the Lake Erie BIOGEAPHIES Wp;ST SIDE. 057 railroad was built to Beaver he came to this place and took charge of Beaver station, where he has been ever since. 3Ir. Hamilton was married, in 1881, to Lizzie, daughter of David Patton, and of English descent, Thej- have one child, Mabel Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are members of the Pre.sb3'terian church. In politics he is a Kepublican. William D. H.^milton, farmer and stock grower, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., April 5, 1828, and is a .son of .James and Nancy (Dinsmore) Hamilton, natives of Ireland, who came to America when they were both children. His father grew up in Pittsburgh, learned the machinist's trade and spent most of his life in that occupation: he died in 18.59; his family con.sisted of eight children, William D. being > the youngest and only one now living. His brother, Hon. .lohn S. Hamilton, served two terms in the legislature from Pittsburgh, and also .served a term from Iowa. He was a Democrat, and was elected in districts strongly Republican. William D. was reared in Pittsburgh, attended the graded scliools, and early learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed until became to Brighton township and bought his present farm. He was married in Allegheny county to Miss Amanda Hall, a ladj' of Pennsyl- vanian origin. Her father was a manufacturer of plows. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have five children now living: .lames II., Carrie K., William D., Robert C. and John S. Our subject is a member of the Presb3'terian church. He is a Democrat, and was a member of the council seven j'ears at Pittsburgh. He is a Master Mason. Robert II.\ri!ison (deceased), whose portrait appears elsewhere in this volume, was born in South Beaver township, about 179."). At the time of his death, -in 1887, he was probably tlie oldest native of the county resident in it. His grandfather was a merchant in Belfast, Ireland, of %vhich city our subject's parents were also natives. They came and .settled in South Beaver township two years before the birth of our subject, and reared a family of six sons and five daughters under the teachings of tlie Presbyterian church. Elizabeth married .lames McMillin, and lived and died in South Beaver; Mary married Isaac Warrick, and lived in Ohio township: Robert was the third child; Adam died in [Enon Valley; .Jane married .lohn McMillin, and died at their home in South Beaver; Ann married Ezariah Inman, and lived in Chippewa township; John's home was near Beaver Falls; James dwelt in South Beaver, and died near Newcastle, this state; Sarah married George Powers and dwelt in Big Beaver; Samuel and Matthew remained in South Beaver, and the latter never married. Matthevv- died in 1833, aged si.\ty-tive 3'cars, and his remains were deposited in New Salem cemetery, C)hio township. Robert Harbison had very limited educational privileges, but his native shrewdness made him a ver)- successful man. B}- judicious investments in real estate he realized a competence, and his only loss occurred in the Savings Bank of Allegheny, where he sunk six thousand dollars. He was at one time a stockholder in the P., Ft. W. & C. Ry, whose tracks crossed his farm. When his brethren of the Free Presbyterian church objected to this holding he withdrew from that body, and for a time a.ssociated with the Methodist Episcopal church, but he was not satisfied with this connection, and at the time of his death was a member of the United Presbyterian church. Politically he associated with the Free-Soil party, but afterward joined the Democrats. He was first married when thirty-live years of age, and three times after that. His first wife. Mary Johnson, died in 1847. aged forty-eight years: she bore him one daughter, ]\[ary Eliza, wife of John Glass. His second wife was Jane D., widow of Dr. James W. John.son; shedied in IHU'i, agedthirtyyears; her two children, Robert P. and Andrew died young. Mr. Harbison's third wife was Mrs. J. Anderson, who died without issue in 1883, aged seventy-eight years. His fourth wife was Mrs. Lichan, whom he married in 188.'). She is now living in Beaver Falls. Mary Eliza Harbison was married in 18.58, to John H. Glass, of whom more particular mention is here appropriate. He was born in Ohio township. Nov. 11, 1826. His parents moved to Ohio and afterward .settled at Ossian, Ind., where he was brought up. Here he kept a store for some time and also dealt in live .stock. In 18(11 he moved to Allegheny City and made that place and Pittsburgh his lieadquarters until his death, which occurred on the 27th of July, 1S77. At that time he was a member of the firm of Holmes, LatTcrt v & Co. , extensive dealers in stock, and 058 HISTORY OF liEAVEK COUNTY. enjoj-ed a repulatiou for integrity and fair dcalins;, and a thorough judgment of the merits and value of animals. His son, Kobert Harbison Glass, is a resident of Alle- gheny. .Teanetta Josephine, the tlde.st child, is the wife of B. F. Pyle, whose biogra- phy will be found in this volume. John Drumraond, third ehild of Mv. and ^Irs. Glass, died at the age of eleven years. Mrs. Glass was born in South Beaver Dec. 9, 1838, and died in November, 1882. J.\MEs L. H.\HBisoN, contractor and builder, lieaver Falls, was born in Allegheny City, Sept. 22, 1841, and is a son of Adam and Jane (Lowry) Harbison. He was reared and educated in his native city, where he served an apprenticeship of three years at the bricklayer's trade. He worked as a journe_vman until 186!t, when he located in Beaver Falls, and in 1870 became associated with H. T. Howe as a contractor and builder. He married jMary E., daughter of William and Ellen (Hockenbeny) Graham, of Butler county. Pa. , and has two children — Ida J. and William. He is a member of the I. 'O. (). F.; politically he is a Republican. James H.xrper, county surveyor, P. O. Beaver, was born in Hanover township, this county. June 1, 1828. His parents, James and Elizabeth (Hay) Harper, were natives of this state, his mother being born in Washington county and his father in York county. They were of Scotch descent. His grandfather came from York county to Beaver county in 1800, when his father was only eight years old. and settled in Hanover township. He was a miller and built the Harper Mills in Hanover townsliip. His son, James, was also a miller. His family consisted of eight children, si.K of whom lived to adult age. Our subject is the eldest son, and the oidy surviving member of the family now living in this county. He attended the district schools of Hanover town- ship, Frankfort Academy anc] the academy at Hookstown. He very naturally chose the occupation of liis father and .grandfather, and learned the miller's trade in the old Har- per Alills, which had been in the possession of the family for three generations. He worked at surveying for forty-one years, twenty years of that time in connection with milling in Hanover township. Since 1866 he lias made surveying his only bvisincss. In 1859 he was elected county surveyor, and served one term. He was again elected in 1874, and has held the office ever since except during two years. In politics he was first a Whig and then a Republican. He held many offices in Hanover township, serving nine years as school director. He was married in September, 1850, to Alice Ann, daughter of William Carothers, a member of one of the earliest families of this county. He was of Irish descent. They have had live children ; Mary, James (a machinist), Clementine (deceased), William (a glass cutter), and Elizabeth. They are members of the United Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Harper is an elder. J. R. Ii.\RR.\H. attorney, Beaver, was born in this county Slarch 25, 1848. His parents, William and Eliza (Fleming) Harrah, were natives of Allegheny county and of Scotch-Irish origin. His father was a miller by trade, which he made the business of his life. He had seven sons and four daughters. Our subject, who is the fourth child, was reared on the farm and worked in the mill with his filther. He received his educa- tion in the district school, and early in life began teaching, an occupation he followed until March 9, 1862, when he enlisted in Company F, 14()th Regiment, P. V. I. He served as orderly sergeant until the close of the war, except when he was on detached service. He was in the Fourth Army Corps under General Hancock, and was with his regiment when it stood directl}' in front of Pickett's great charge. He was with his com- pany when they fought over what is now so well know n as the wheat Held at the battle of Gettysburg: also participated in the battle of Chancellorsville. Soon after the battle of Gettysburg he was appointed recruiting officer, and was .sent to Pittsburgh. He was then detailed in the quartermaster's department, subsequently returned to his regiment, and was again put on detached service in the (.Juartermaster General's deimrtment. After the close of the war he be.gan the study of law in the office of S. B. Wilson, of Beaver, and in 1866 began practice in Beaver. He is an active member of the Repub- lican party, and has been one of the prime movers in getting pavements and gas and water works in the borough. He has been a member of the council of Beaver and of BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 659 the school board. As a lawyer >[r. Harrah has bceu successful. lie was married, in 1875, to Mary A., daughter of William B. aud Elizabeth .J. (Kennedy) McGafBck, and is of Irish descent. ^Mr. and Mrs. Harrah have one child: Matthew S. They are members of the Presbyterian church. Simon H.\rrold. The great-great-grandfather of the subject of this biographical sketch was a soldier of the Revolution. His son Peter, who resided in Eastern Pennsyl- vania, was the father of David Ilarrold, one of the pioneer settlers in Ohio. To his wife, formerly Miss Bear, were born twelve children, Samuel, of this number, whose birth occurred Aug. Ifi, 1811!, in Columbiana county, Ohio, still resides in his native couut}'. He married Susanna Crumbaker, al.so descended from Uevolutiouary .stock. Their children were twelve in number, all of whom with one exception survive. Their son, Simon Harrold, was born Nov. 8, 1840, in Clolumbiana county, Ohio, where he remained until his majority was attained. Becoming a pupil of the common and select schools he later spent four years in acquiring a knowledge of the carpenter's and build- er's trade, and in 1866 chose Beaver Falls as a favorable point of settlement. Here an extended field awaited him. Ke erected the second new dwelling in the place, which his faniil}' occupied. He then built a planing mill, and embarked in the business of a lumber merchant and contractor. These departments of industry he .still conducts, aud has during his residence in the town erected most of the factories and important build- ings besides its churches, school-houses and hotels. He has also constructed two court houses in Ohio, and done much important work in other parts ot Pennsylvania. He is a director of the First National Bank of Beaver Falls, and is connected with various manufacturing enterprises. Mr. Harrold was in .January, 1866, married to Louisa, daughter of .Jacob Schauweker, of Columbiana county, Ohio. Their children were : EdvvardR. (deceased), .Julia C, Alberta S., Irvin C., Mary E.,Isadore L., Kath- erine Maud, Alfred E. A staunch Republican, Mr. Harrold has never been aii active worker in the field of politics. He is a member of the Jlethodist Protestant church of Beaver Falls, and connected with Echo Lodge, F. it A. M., that borough. Robert IL\rsh.\, dealer in musical instruments and sewing machines, I5eaver, is a native of this county, born in Hanover township .June 17, 1824. His parents, .John and Mary (Moore) Harsha, were natives of this state and of Irish and German descent. His father started in life as a school-teacher and a surveyor. He was a college graduate, and a man of high literary attainments. He served for a time as justice of the peace, and was a member of the legislature for Beaver county in 1836-37-38. He had eleven children, of whom l^obert, who is the ninth, is the only survivor. He was reared in Hanover township, attended the common schools, and followed farming until 1869, when he came to Beaver and engaged in traveling and .selling farming implements for a time. He then embarked in his pn^sent business, which he has since followed with .success. In this business his .son, J. AV., is a partner. He was married, in 1857, to Miss E. A., daughter of .John aud Nancy (Cliarles) McCauley, natives of Beaver county and of Irish descent, former of whom, a farmer, was born in 1805. Mr. and Mrs. Harsha have had ten children, nine now living. They are members of the United Presbyterian (Ihurch. of which Mr. Harsha has been an elder for twenty years. He also .acted as Sabbath school superintendent for about fifteen years. He held most of the local offices in Hanover township. In politics he is a Republican. Henry Waters H.\htman. Mr, Hartman, owe of the most prominent representa- tives of the manufacturing iiuercsts of the county, is descended from German stock. His grandfather, Peter Hartman, eirigrated from Germany and joined the Revolution- ary army under Gen. Anthony Wayne. Settling after his discharge in Chester county, Pa., he subsequently removed to Perry county in the same stale and engaged in farming. His three children were Benjamin, Frederick, and a daughter who became Mrs. Shoe- maker, the mother of Prof. Shoemaker, Ph. I)., of Blairstown, N. .J. Benjamin Hartman was born in Perry county, afterward resided for twenty years in Huntingdon county, and ultimately removed to Blair county, in the .same state, where he remained until his death; he married Penina M. Wilson, of Huntingdon county, and had children: 660 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. EUion "SV., Henry Waters, Jesse L., Frank R. and Mary E. (Mrs. J. A. MarvinV Henry Waters, the second son, was born Dec. 21, 1850, in Huntingdon county, and in IStlO liecame a resident of Blair county. His education was limited to the common schools, with two additional terms at Academia Academy, in Juniata county. Pa. ; after which he devoted some time to labor on the farm, and later began a more active business carter as clerk in a store at Hollidaysburg, from whence he was promoted to a position in the office of the Hollidaysburg Iron it, Kail Company. Two years after he was placed in charge of the rolling mill and nail factory, and for three years acceptably filled that position. Mr. Hartman then removed to Pottstown, in connection with the Pottstown Iron Company, remaining two years with this company prior to accepting the assistant superintendency of the Gautier Steel Works, at Johnstown, Pa. In 1882, two and a half years later, Mr. Hartman came to Beaver Falls and organized the Hartman Steel C'oiiipauy, limited, of which he is chairman. From small beginnings this com- pany has increased in capacity and importance until it now employs eleven hundred men in the manufacture of steel wire, wire nails of every variety, and many specialties, such as wire mats, picket and woven fence, cold die-rolled steel, etc. Mr. Hartman is also director of the Bridgewater Gas Company, of which the Hartman Steel Comi)any are the principal owners. His business interests engross his entire attention and preclude active participation in matters of more general import. Aside from keeping well informed on the public questions of the day he gives no time to party or political meas- ures. Mr. Hartman was, in October. 18T6, married to Mary, daughter of A. L. Holli- day, of Hollidaysburg, and has two children. John E. H.\rtox, builder, Beaver, was born in Beaver borough in November, 183.5, and is a son of James and Eliza (Elliott) Ilartou, latter a native of Ireland. They were married in Beaver. .James Ilartou, who was of Irish descent, was born in Chester county. Pa.; he was a mason by trade, and resided in Beaver count}' from 18^0 until his death; his family consisted of three sons and five daughters. .John E. attended the common schools in his native town, and early in life learned the mason's trade, at which he worked for a time. After he reached his majority he learned the carpenter's trade, and since 186T has been engaged in contracting; he is a member of the firm of Ilartou & Tallon in Beaver. Mr. Harton was married, in June, 1862, to Mary, daughter of William and Ellen (Edwards) Moore, natives of Beaver county and of German des- cent. Her father was born in 180(i, and died at her home in Beaver in 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Harton have four children; William E., Ella A., Harry M. and Stanford N. In politics Mr. Harton is a Uepublican, and has served as school director and pres- ident of the school board in Beaver for two terms, and one term as county auditor. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge and encampment, and has served two terms as representative of the Grand Lodge. He enlisted in 1862 in the 140th Regiment, P. v.. Company I; was in many battles, including Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and was discharged at the close of the war; he is a member of Post No. 473, G. A. R.; he lias worked at railroad bridge building. John H.\itTSiiORN, retired farmer, P. O. East Palestine, Ohio, was born in Dar- lington township in 1813. This family were among the original settlers of the county. Thomas Hartshorn came from Maryland to Westmoreland county, and from there to Beaver about 1796. He purchased 2(l0 acres of land in Darlington township, where he remained until his death; he died in 1833, aged sixty-five years. He married Jane, daughter of Oliver Duff, also an earl}' settler in this county, and they had five sons and two daughters, .John being the second son. Our subject left home in 1837 and pur- chased 1.50 acres of land, where he has since resided; now owns about 300 acres of valuable farming and timber land. He was married July 20, 1837, to Lucinda, daughter of George McKein, of this county, and they have had four children, two of whom are living: Thomas, and Mary Jane (Mrs. Maginnis). The mother died in 1881, aged si.\- ty-six years. Thomas has always remained on the farm with his father, and is unmar- ried. In 1864 he enlisted in Company H, 20.)th Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of thewar. 3Ir. John Hartshorn has been an industrious farmer. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; politically he is a Kepublican. BIOGRATHIES WEST SIDE. IHU D. W. ITartsiiokn, farmer, P. O. East Palestine, Ohio, is the third son of Tliomas jind .lane (Duff) Hartshorn. He was born in 1815, on the farm he now owns, wliioh is the original tract purchased by his father. Mr. Hartshorn lias always lived on his prcs- •ent farm. He received his education at tlie " old log schoolhouse." He was married, in 1851, to jMartha .Jane, daughter of Williani and Matilda (Robinson) Hasson, and they have seven children; Matilda Jane, Sarah Emma, Mary E., Thomas Wallace, William, Itobert C. and Lucy S. Mr. Hartshorn has for many years been a member of the United Presbyterian church; he is a Republican, and has filled the offices of school director and tax collector, and has held other positions of trust. H.\KKY F. Hawkins, agent Adams E.xpress Company, Beaver Falls, was born in Indiana county. Pa., June 0, 1801. and is a son of S. M. and Margaret A. (Fleming) Hawkins. His paternal grandfather was Matthew Hawkins, a farmer of Westmore- land couuty. Pa., anil his maternal grandfather was Alexander Fleming, of Maryland, a resident of Beaver count}- since 18T0. 8. M. Hawkins was reared in Westmoreland ■county, and settled in Beaver Falls in 18(i7, where he was in business as a merchant tailor for ten years. During the war of the rebellion he served nine months in Com- pany D., 135tli P. V. and was honorably discharged. He was a prominent F, i A. M., and served several years as a member of the Board of Education of Beaver Falls, of which be was treasurer at the time of his death, Jan. 14, 1887. Harry F. Hawkins was reared in Beaver Falls from his seventh year. He was emjiloyed in the saw works of Emerson, Smith & Co. for several years; was mail agent on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wavne and Chicago Railwav for some time, and has held his present position since .July. 1886. JosEru G. Hays, driller of gas and artesian wells, is a son of Charles H. and Margaret (Grove) Hays, and was born at Augusta, Carroll county, Ohio, Oct. 7, 18i57. Charles H. Hays was a native of Ireland, born in 1796. In 1846 he moved bis family from Augu.sta to Industry, Beaver county. Pa., where is wife, Margaret, died in May, 1871, and where only a few months later, in November of the same year, he followed her to his last resting place. At Industr}', the subject of this sketch received his edu- cation and resided until 1872, when he moved to Ohioville, his pret-ent lofatitn. May lb. 1861, be enlisted in Company F, Tenth Regiment, P. R. C, and fought in the bat- tles of Dranesville, Mercersville, Gaines' Mill, White Oak Swamji, Jlalvern Hill, Bull Run, Soiuh Jlountain, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, IMine Run, Wilderness. Bethefda Church and others; was wounded at the Battle of Gaines' Mill in the leg by a ball, which he still carries, and was compelled to enter the hospital, where he remained two months As .soon as the doctor's consent was olitained he again resumed bis place in the field. At Pittsburgh, Pa., June 11, 1864, he was mustered out of service. Mr. Hays was united in marriage, Dec. 6, 1806, with Miss IMargaret, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Stewart) Penebaker, who was born March 29, 1839. Her father died Jan. 17, 1871. Her mother still resides in Greene township. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hays, three of whom are at home, and nearly grown to manhood and womanhood, named respectively— Joseph, Eula and Austin Stanley. George, the youngest, died at the age of eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. Hays and Eula are members •of the Methodist Episcopal church at Ohioville. Mr. Hays is a F. & A. M. ; a member of the G. A. R. Post 328, and of the A. O U. W.; he is a Republican. Tho.mas Henhy was born in Ireland May 16, 1781. William Henry, his father, em- igrated to the United States in the year 1783, about the close of the Revolutionary war, and first settled in Maryland, not far from Havre de Grace. He removed thence to Beaver ( then Allegheny ) county, in the year 1790, and commenced an actual settlement on the easterly side of the Big Beaver. The countrj' was then a wilderness. The treaty of peace, concluded with the Indians by (Jen. Wayne, at Fort Greenville, Aug. 3, 1795, ratified in the following December, having opened the way, the tide of emigration from the back settlements set in in the year 1790. Judge Henry was then in his si.\teenth year. He was therefore identified with all the hardships, privations, interests and feel- ings of the early settlers and pioneers of the county. In the year 1802 he came to the 662 HISTORY (II'' liKAVER COUNTY. town of Beaver to engage in working at liis trade with his elder brother. Possessiug- naturally a vigorous mind and a bold and energetic disposition, he soon began to take part in political atTairs. On the 24th of December. 1808, he was appointed a justice of of the peace by Simon Snj'der ; in 1810 he was elected a county commissioner ; in the fall of 1814 he was elected captain of one of the companies drafted from this county to protect the shores of Lake Erie against an invasion of the British, supposed lo be in- tended to be made during the following winter. He marched with his company and wintered near the lake shore. Here his company suffered much from sickness and the severity of the cold ; and he himself labored under a severe and lingering attack of typhus fever. It was during this campaign Judge Henry laid the foundation of many warm friendships, as lasting as the lives of those who became his friends, and some still are living who will ever remember him with deep regard. In 181.") he was elected a member of the legislature, and in IHU! appointed prothonotary and clerk of the several courts of tlie county, which post he retained until the fall of 1821, when elected .sheriff by the people. In the year 1825 he became the proprietor and editor of the Wextern Arr/iis, a newspaper established originally by James Logan, Esq. He continued in this vocation until the year 1831, when the paper passed into tlie hands of his son, the pres- ent editor, William Henry. [ Sec chapter on the Press.] In 1828 and 1829 he filled the office of treasurer of the county ; in 1831 he was appointed by Gov. Wolf associate judge. This office he filled with much credit and an independence seldom exhibited by associates ; not hesitating on proper occa.sions to maintain his opinions with decision and firmness and with a knowledge and understanding ripened by a familiar acijuaintance willi judicial business. L'pon his nomination to congress, he resigned his judicial com- mission, and in the fall of 1836 was elected to a seat in that body by a handsome majority over a gentleman of acknowledged worth and great popularit}'. He was rti'lectcd in 1838, and again in 1840, in each instance by tlattering majorities, though opposed by popular candidates. With the close of his congressiimal term in 1843, ended the active duties of his pub- lic life ; but he continued to atl'ord useful and often efficient aid to his friends in the political field. As a public officer he performed his dutv with a fidelity, correctness, and honesty of purpose which won Hie confidence of the community. If his firmness was ever supposed to border on obstinacy, it was still characterized by manifest single- ness of heart and desire to be right that obtained the respect of those who might have believed him in error. As a politician, for such it must be conceded he was for most- of his long and useful life, he always occupied open and well-known ground. Never trimming to the popular breeze, his energy of character, fearlessness, boldness of action and independence of thought caused him rather to lead than to follow public opinion. While the prominence of his public life seems naturally to fill the foreground of descrip- tion, the virtues which adorned his private character ( if it may be so distinguished ) can not pass unnoticed. They, too, occupy a large portion of the picture. Pursuing the faith of his forefatliers he became a follower of Christ, and as early perhaps as the year 1816 connected himself with the Presbyterian church. In 1825 he was cho-sen an elder. In this position, as in all others of his life, hee.xerted a marked influence. At his house the minister of God always found a welcome and a home, while his time, his services and his substance were freely devoted to aid the church of his choice and build up the inter- ests of religion. It is true, in ecclesiastical as in secular atTairs, while on one hand holding firmly many fast friends, he was not without his opponents. But it was the result of these traits which secured to him his intluence, to wit : his firmness, his inde- pendence and fearlessness. In this relation his opponents always acknowledged hia upright honesty, while they may have dei)recated his supposed errors. The great and leading trait of his character was honesty of purpose, to which he added excellent judgment and strong common .sense. Hence his counsel and advice- were nuich sought for by his fellow citizens of every portion of the county. Few men enjo3'ed a more extensive acquaintance, or stood higher in the estimation of the public. The same trails of character often led him to be chosen to offices of private trust, iit BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 6G3 wliich the interests committed to his charge were always managed with great success and scrupulous fidelity. He lias left behind him many who remember his serviciswith gratitude and none who can say of liim they suffered from neglected duty, erroneous iudgment. or voluntarj- dereliction. As a neighbor he was obliging and kind, as a friend constant and unwavering, as a citizen u.seful, as a Christian exemplary, and in his domestic relations, the attachment of his family furnishes the strongest proof of how much he was loved and respected. lie died July 30, 184'J. WiLi/iAM Henry, born in the town of Beaver June 28, 1808, was the eldest son of Hon. Thomas Henry. His education was such as the schools of the village afforded. At the age of sixteen he entered his father's printing office as an apprentice, and was connected with the paper, as boy and man, fortwentj'-seven years. At the a.ge of twenty- three he became sole editor and proprietor, bj- purchase of the paper, then known as the Western Argus. He was married, April 18, 18H;3, to Eliza S. Hamilton, and continued as editor of the Argus until Xov. 2(>. is.")!, when in a valedictory, reviewing the moral, political, manufacturing and agricultural condition of the countj-, he took a final leave of the subscribers of the paper. During the time he occupied the editorial chair, ques- tions of great public moment were ably and fully discussed. The Nullification move- ment, U. tS. Bank, Tariff Currenc}', the acquisition of Texas and the Mexican War, the Compromise measure of 18.^0, were subjects upon which the readers of the paper were fully informed. His style of writing was terse, nervous and vigorous, compact and concise and aggressive to the last degree, in political discussions. He was an untiring friend and advocate of any measure tending to improve and develop the resources of the county. The Erie Canal, from the Ohio to Lake Erie, was a subject upon which his pen was earl}' and often employed. The Beaver & Conneaut railroad, of which a survey was made in 183(), starting from " The Point," and goingup the west bank of the Beaver to Conneaut Harbor, was also a favorite enterpri.se, but the crash of 1837 brought everything to a standstill. The ground is now occupied hy the Pitt,sburg et Lake Erie railroad. Mr. Henry was an early and constant advocate of the building of the t)hio ifc Penn.sylvania railroad, now the Ft. Wayne; and in fact every piublic enterprise, found in him a ready, active, and inspiring advocate. He was treasurer of Beaver county in 18.5T-.58, and after leaving the olHce, he was appointed secret agent of the county to buy up the bonds issued in the construction of the Cleveland it Pittsburg railroad: the ^100,00(1 subscription being taken up by the payment of about $71,000. He was amemberof the Legislature in 18lU-l)2-G3. Mr. Henry died July 4, 187r). Samuel Henry, merchant, Darlington, was born in Armstrong county, in 1839. Thirty years later he removed to l?eaver county. His father, Wilson Henry, a native of Westmoreland county, married Eliza Garvin of Armstrong county, and to them were were born eleven children, of whom Samuel is the eldest, AVilson was a farmer by occupation, and is now living in Allegheny county. His grandfather, Samuel, came from Ireland. He was a descendant of the famous Matthew Henry, and was also a farmer. Mr. Henry was married in 1860 to Miss M. A., daughter of Francis Beatty, of Allegheny county, and became the father of .seven children, three of whom, Alice, Fan- nie and Nettie, are yet living. Mr. Henry enlisted at the breaking out of the rebellion in Company B, 63d Regiment, P. V. I., and served in the famous Kearney's division, his term of service being three years. Since the war he has been engaged in general merchandising, having located successfully in Kochester, Cannelton, Beaver county, and in Darlington, in which latter place he is still engaged in business under the firm name of Henry it Mansfield. Jlr. Henry has been prominent in local circles in which he moves; he has been school director; is a prominent member of the G. A. R. and of the U. V. L., and alsoof the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Republican. Thomas M. Henry', attorney, Beaver, of the firm of Bigger it Henry, of Beaver and New Brighton, was born in Beaver, April 22, 18.58, within a few rods of the site of the courthouse; he is the eldest ,son of Evan James and Lucy M. (Rigg) Henry, latter born in Kirkudbrightshirc, Scotland. His father, who is a native of Beaver, of Wel.sh and Irish descent, studied law with Hon Daniel Agnew, and was admitted to the bar "664 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Sept. 3, 1839; be praotict'd here for a time, tlien went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and practiced there for ten j'ears. About 185^ lie retired and lias since lived in Princeton, N. J. Thomas M. fir.st tittended school in Princeton; then went with his parents to Europe, and remained abroad for four years, attending school nio.st of the time while there. After his parents' return to America in 1873, he was under private instructions for two j'ears. In 1875 he entered Princeton College, and was graduated in 187!). He then entered Oohimbia Law School in New York, was graduated in 1881, and admitted to practice in the state of New York. In the following November he came to Beaver, and in 1882 was admitted to the bar in Beaver county. His grandfather. Thomas Henry, was a cap- tain in the war of 1812, and went with his company from Beaver county. Captain Henry's brother. William, was the tirst sherifl' of Beaver county, and was associate judge in Southern Ohio, whence he moved .soon after the war of 1812. The Henry family may truly be called one of the jiioneer families of Beaver county. RoBKKT Heiiuon Settled in Chippewa township in 1798. He was of Scotch-Irish parentage, and was born in York county. Pa., June 17, 17(». In very early boyhood he removed to ('nmberland county. Pa., where he attained his majority. He was married, in 1791, to Miss Agnes Crawford, a native of Lancaster county, and in the following year removed to the "Forts of Yough," two 3'ears later taking up his residence in ■'White Oak Flats," Beaver county. One year later he entered Chippewa township, living for twelve months near what is now known as the Dunlap school district. In 1799 he removed to the farm of which he became owner, and which is yet occupied by his grandchildren. It is located on the south side of the township, near Brady's Bun. Here he resided until his death, Aug. 17, 1838. He held the office of justice of the peace for nineteen consecutive years immediately preceding his decease, and was during the latter part of his life an elder in the Associate Presbyterian Church of Darlington, and afterward in the Four Mile Church. He left four sons and two daughters: William, Joseph C, John S., Margaret, Mary O. and David. All lived, and are identified with the history of Chippewa township. William was a soldier in the war of 1812; Joseph C. was a coroner of the county one term, about 1828; John S. was justice of the peace three years, holding the appointment at time of his death, he was also an elder in the Four Mile Church, and, later, of the United Presbyterian Church, of Beaver Falls; David died in cliildhood; IMargaret became the wife of Joseph Niblock; Mar)' O. is yet residing, an unmarried lady, in Beaver. James Hkuron, an older and unmarried brother of Robert, served as a scout with Capt. Samuel Brady in the Beaver valley and elsewhere, and engaged in numerous hand- to-hand conliicts with the Indians, from which he had many remarkable escapes. He was present at St. Clair's defeat, Nov. 4, 1791; served during the war of 1812, and was present at the battle of New Orleans, under Gen. Jackson. The date of his death is not known. John Heruon, dairyman, Fallston, was born in Chippewa township, this county, April 29, 1824. His parents, William (a farmer) and Sarah (Alcxaiidei) Ilerion, were of Irish origin. The mother was born in Mittlin county, and the father in Alle- gheny county. Their grandparents came from CJounty Down, Ireland. ,Iohn, who is the .seventh in a family of fourteen children, was reared on a farm in Chippewa town- ship and attended the schools of his native township. Earl.y in life he learned the car- penter's trade and followed it for thirty jx-ars. He subsequently worked in a bucket factory at Fallston for a time, then bought the flouring mills at that place, and conducted them for .seventeen 3'ears; he then sold out and embarked in his present business; he was married, in Brighton townshiji, JIarch 27, 1851, to Sarah Ann, daughter of David and Mary (Lawrence) Kennedy, of Irish descent, the father at one time a commissioner of Beaver county. Mr. and I\L's. Herron have had ten children, nine of whom are living: David K., now in Washington Territory; JIary, wife of Henry Moore; William, employed in a keg factory at Fallston; Frank, in a flouring mill here; Sarah, wife of William Moore; Walter and Elmer in the factory; Maggie J . and Clara. The mother died April 5. 18.S2. and Mr. Herron married, in l!-84, Elazan, daughter of Joseph C. BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. GGS" Herron. Mr. and Mrs. Herron are rauraburs nf the United Presbyterian Churcb. of which he lias been deacon and trustee. In politics he is a Republican. Hknuy Hice. Judge Hice is of German parentage; his grandfather, Henry Hice, was one of the pioneers of the Legonier Valley, Indiana county. Pa., and among the ear- liest to till the soil of that region. He was twice married; William, a son by the first union, born in 17!)3, in the above county, having in IS-ia removed to Allegheny county. Pa., where he engaged in the pursuits of a farmer. He married Hannah Eachal, of Beaver county, and liecamc a resident of Hopewell township, in that county, in 1828. His chil- dren were Mary Ann, Catherine, Eliza, Sarah, Hannah, William and Henry, of whom Marj' A. and Catherine are deceased. Henry, of this number, was born in Hopewell township on the 24th of January, 1834, and with the e.xception of two years has .spent his life in the county of his birth. After preliminary instruction at the common schools he received an academic education, and in 1S,")7 began the study of law with the late Col. Richard P. Roberts, of Beaver. Immediately after his admission in June, 1859 he became associated with his preceptor as partner, and continued this relation until the death of the latter, at Gettysburg, during the late war, since which date Judge Hice has continued in the practice of his profession. During the interval between 1871 and 1877 he resided at Beaver Falls, but in the latter year returned to his former home, having been appointed judge of the courts of the olith Judicial District of Pennsylvania, which office he held \uitil January, 188.5. when his practice was resumed. >Vhile evincing a commendable interest in local and pulilic affairs this is the only office he has accepted. Judge Ilice was, on the 3d of April, 180(t. married to Ruth Ann Ralston, granddaughter of John Roberts, of the same county, and has four children. Mrs. Hice died in 1873, and he afterward married, July 2.5, 1877, Mrs. Sarah II. Minis, daughter of Cliief-Jus- tice Agnew. J. F. HiLi.MAN, farmer, P. O. Rock Point, was born in Allegheny county, Sept. 24, 1833. , Frederick Ilillman, his father, was born in Allegheny county, in 1801, removed to Beaver county in 1853, and purchased a farm of 130 acres. He was a well-to-do farmer and died in 1861: his wife Hannah (Wiley) bore him three children, two of whom are living. J. F., the second one, was reared a farmer, and has always followed that busi- ness. He purchased, in 1878, the farm of 135 acres where he lives. He also owns a fine farm in Lawrence county. Mr. Ilillman was married, in 1860, to Isabella, dauoli- ter of Samuel Blair, and they had four children; Ann Eliza (Mrs. Wilson), Jlarlha Jane (Mrs. Hoffman), William F. and Samuel (decea.sed). .Mr. Hillmanisa prosperous farmer, and has an extensive dairy. He Is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically, he- is a Republican. S.vriLEY IIiTEs, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in South Beaver township, in 1818. His father, Anthony Hites, came from Germany, first locating in Washington county, and soon after coming to Beaver county he bought fifty acres of land. He married Hester, daughter of Moses Dillon, and Smiley is the youngest of their eight children. The father died at the age of fifty years. Smiley has always been a farmer. In 1853 he purchased his present farm of fifty acres, all of which is under cultivation. He was married, in 1845, to Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Veon, of this county, and they have had ten children, five of whom are living: Hiram, Milton, Anthony, Robert and Mary Josephine (.Mrs. Neal). Mr. Hites now superintends the work on his farm, Robert,, the youngest son, doing the work. Jlr. Hites is a member of the Methodist church; in politics, a Democrat. TiiOM.vs HoG.\N, farmer and fruit grower. P. O. Beaver, was born in Ireland, in 1827, the eldest of the three children of .Michael Hogan, who was a farmer in Ireland. He was reared on the farm in Ireland, and when eighteen years old came to America. After working on the railroad in Vermont and in Pittsburgh, he came, in 1857, to Beaver county, and was section boss on the railroad until 1870, since when he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. His farm consists of seventy-three acres of land, where he now resides. He was married, in 1855, to Hanora, daughter of John Mullins. She is a native of Ireland. Their children are Anna, Mary, Hannah, John, Thomas, JameSv «>Ir. Ilogan is a Democrat. Wii,i.T.\M II. HooN, till, copper anil sheet iron iiuuuifacturcr, Beaver Falls, was born iu Butler county, Pa.. Oct. iit, 1S43, and is a sou of James and Sarah (Uateinau) Hoon. His paternal grandfather was Pliilip Iloon, of Easton. a pioneer of Beaver Falls; he removed to Jlerctr county and died there; lie reared a family of Iwelve chil- dren; William, John, Samuel, Wesley, Stewart, Hiram, Eliza, Sophronia, .lames, Philip, Margaret and Mary. Of these, .lames was born in Beaver Falls in ISOT. He wasa shoemaker, and worked at his trade for many years at Zelienoplc, Butler county. He was justice of the peace there fifteen years, returned to Beaver Falls in 1872, and died there March 3, 1881 . He had twelve children; John W. , Elizabeth, George ^V., D.ivid H., ThomasJ., Sarah J.. James M., Ellen, William H., ilargaret A., Joseph S., and Charles A. William H. was reared in Butler county, learned bis trade in Peeks- kill, N. Y., and established his present Inisiness in 18(i7. He has secured an extensive trade in this and adjoining counties. In 18(i8 he married Louisa, daughter of Captain Bennett Gilhert, of Pcekskill, N. Y., by whom he has four children; W. Sherman, Lois P., Charles M. and Franklin II. 3Ir. Iloon is a F. & A. M., and a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P. Politically he is a Republican. Cii.\i{i.Es A. HooN, grocer, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Zelieno]ile, Butler cotinly. Pa., Oct. 5, 1850, and is a sou of James and Sarah (Bateman) Hoon. His pa- ternal grandfather was Philip Hoon, a native of Eastern Penn.sylvania and a pioneer of what is now Beaver Falls. He reared a family of twelve children, of whom James, father of our subject, was the ninth child and seventh son. He was a native of Beaver Falls. In early manhood he moved to Butler county. Pa. , and was justice of the peace at Zelienoplc for tifteeu years. He returned to Beaver Falls in 1872, where he died Alarch 3, 1881. He had twelve children, of whom Charles A. is the youngest. Our subject was reared and educated in Butler county. He located in Beaver Fails in 1867, and worked as a tinsmith for twelve years. Oct, 10, 1870, he embarked in the grocery business in Beaver Falls, in which he has since successfully continued, being one of the leadina' grocers of the place. Oct. 6, 1874, he married Mary E. daughter of Thomas and Catherine (Morrison) Leslie, of Beaver Falls, and has two childrc n, Carrie and Howard. He is a member of the Methodist Protestant church ; in politics a Uepublicau. Chaules Hos.mer, D. D. S.. Beaver Falls, is a native of Worcester, Mass , and a sou of Benjamin G. and JIaria (Stearns) Hosirer. of English-Irish descent. He came with his pareuts to Beaver Falls in 1809. and in 1874 began the study of dentistry with Dr. A. JI. Whisler, of New Brighton, with whom he remained two years. He passed the state board of examination in 1878. In 1870 he began the practice of bis profession in Beaver Falls, where he has since been Iccattd, and by his .scientific skill has built up a large and lucrative practice, which is steadily increasing. When Dr. Hosmer located in Beaver Falls there were nine dentists thtre:uow lliereare but five, of whom be is one of the principal, if not the leader iu the profes.sioii. He believes in keeping up with the times, and has all the modern appliances used in his profession, including the new Richel Vulcanizer, for making artificial teeth in one-third less time thau by any other process; and also extracts teeth without pain by any ana's- thetic desired. By strict attention to business. Dr. Hosmer has made many friends in Beaver Falls and vicinity, and is considered one of the leadiug practitioners in Western Pennsylvania. He is an active F. & A. M., member of the I. O. O. F. and Ileptasophs; politically be is a Uepublicau. .1. V. Houiv, hatter, Beaver Falls, was born near Wurtemberg, Lawrence county. Pa., Feb. 20. 1858, and is a son of John C. and Elizabeth (Butler) Houk, who settled in New Brighton in 1807, where they now reside. Mr. Houk was reared and educated in New Brighton from twelve years of age. In 1874 he entered the store of E. Auten- reith as clerk, where he remained four years; then went to Allegheny City and entered the store of E. Semple, where he served in the same capacity until 1880. He tlicn re- turned to Beaver couuty, and for four years was clerk iu the store of Blumenthal & Co. KKXiKAPHlES WEST SIDE. 667 .Jau. 20, 1887, Mr. llouk (•nil)iuktd iu his present biisiiuss, ami tlioiigii cstalilislicd but a short time, lie has a larsc and constantly increasing trade. J. T. Ho\\'.\UTH, proprietor of billiard parlors, Beaver Falls, was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England, .July 2i), IS.'iS. Ilis parents .lames and Martha (Holland) Ilowarth, came to America in 18.5!) and located in Fallston, this connty. Our subject was reared and educated in Beaver county, and for eight years was in the employ of the Western File Works. He has been engaged in his present business four years in Beaver Falls, opening the elegant parlors he now occujiies Sept. 1, 18S7. Henry F. Howie, contractor and builder, Beaver Falls, was born in P^illston Feb. 24, 1837, and is a .son of .loseph and Belle ( Williams) Howe. His paternal grandfather, -John Howe, a native of England and a bricklayer by trade, settled in Beaver Falls in 1830; he had six children: .loseph, Margaret (Mrs. William Horner), Ellis, .Jane (Mrs. John Douthitt), Richard aid Ann (Mrs. James Sculield). Jo.'-eph Howe was also a brickla_ver, and for many years a resident of Fallston and Bridgewater. He erected many of the early brick buildings of Beaver Falls and New Brighton. His children were Henry F., John, ('arrie(Mrs. Henry F. Williams) and Joseph. Henry F. was reared in Fallston, and learned the bricklayer's trade in Cincinnati, Ohio. He worked as a journeyman until the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, when June 7, 1861, be enlisted in Company G, 6th O. V. I.; was promoted to .sergeant and honorably dis- charged June 22, 1864. In l.S(i6 he located in Beaver Falls, where he has since followed his trade. In 1867 he became a contractor and builder, and in 1870 became associated with J. L. Harbison, under the firm name of Howe lV: Harbison. He married Sarah J., daughter of Adam Frazier, and has three children: Charles W., Bichard ('. and Eliza- beth. Mr. Howe is a member of .St. Mary's Episcopal Church, the I. O. O. F,, G. A. R., A. O. U. W, and Veterans' Legion. Politically he is a Democrat. J.\soN IIOYT, farmer and fruit grower, P. (). Industry, was born iu Columbiana ■county, Ohio, April 18. 1835, son of John and Sophia (Stevens) Hoyt. Mrs. Hoyt's father was a native of Maryland, where she also was born, and where her grandfather and great-grandfather were slaveholders. Thomas Hoyt, the paternal grandfather of Jason, was a native of Lancaster count}-, Pa., and moved from there to Beaver county about 1790. He married Mary Fitzsimmons. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyt had thirteen children, three of whom survive: Caroline. Jason and Jasper Jason was educated iu the common schools, and since 1864 has resided on his ])resent farm of seventy acres, where he makes a specialty of growing small fruits. He was married iu 1862 to Lizzie, daughter of Nicholas and Isabel (Jamison) Beighey, and by her had seven children, four now living: Franklin, in Kansas; William, iu Humboldt county, Cal.; Marshall and Flora, at home. Those deceased are Ella, Lizzie and Freeman (hitler died in infancy). Mr. Hoyt has held several township offices, among them those of supervisor, school ■director and assessor. In politics he isa Republican . He and his wife are members of the United Brethren church, present pastor. Rev. Fulton. John Hri.MEs, coal merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Lancashire, England, March 31, 1820, and is a sou of John and Anna (Mort) Hulmes. He came to America in 186!) ami located in Beaver Falls, where he began work as a coal miner iu the mines of H. C. Patterson. He shortly afterward opened a coal bank for White & Shoemaker, which he operated for them until 1873, when he became sole proprietor and operated on bis own account seven years, mining on an average I.'), 000 bushelsper year. Ileojiened since three coal banks in Beaver Falls borough, which he sold in 1884. Mr, Hulmes came to Beaver Falls without a dollar, but by energy and perseverance lias accumulated a competence. He has made lift een voyages across the Atlantic, si.x since 1809. His mother came to this country in 1880, aged eiglity years, and is now a resident of Beaver Falls. His father was killed in England, in a coal pit, Aug. 30, 1873. Mr. Hulmes is a member of the Episcopal Church; was elected a member of the Board of Education in November, 1886; politically he is a Republican. J. Weston Hum, proprietor of the St. Cloud hotel, Bridgewater, was born Feb. 9, 1865, a son of J. W. and Jfargaret (Briggs)Hum. The mother was born in Ma.ssachu- 668 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. setts. Tlie father was boni ia Ohio, and was alone in the world from the lime he was ten years old. He came to Beaver county and soon foiinil steady emiiloyment on a steamboat. He learned the carpenter's trade and was employed at that work on the boat for ten years, following the Ohio until 1849. He then commenced to sell lightning rods, and met with great success. He was the principal mover in forming the North American T^ighluing Rod Company, at Philadelphia, in 1^51. This company, which consists of four members, does all the manufacturing of lightning rods in the country. Our subject's fiither has full charge of the department at Pittsburgh, where he has carried on business for many years. He was married in Heaver count}', and has five sons and two daughters. J. We.ston, the fourth child, was reared in Bridgewater. At the age of fourteen he began to learn the blacksmith's trade, serving a regular apprenticeship, but has never worked at the trade since. He went on the road as foreman of a gang of men in his father's employ in the lightning rod business. In 1887 he bought the St. Cloud hotel. Mr. Hum was inarrieil, Dec. 29, 1,S85, to Tillie, daugh- ter of John Hindman. a prominent farmer of Beaver county, and they have one child,. Ed. In politics Mr. Hum is a Democrat. He is a prominent member of the Bridge- water FLshing Club. F. C. Hum Is the lifth of the seven children of J. W. and Margaret (Briggs) Hum. The former was a native of Ohio, and the latter of Massachusetts. He was born on the 9th of January, 1867, and was reared in Beaver county, where he attended school. He subsequently attended the Beaver High School, then Iron City College, where he graduated in 1885. He is employed as a bookkcper in the city of Pittsburgb, but still makes his home in Beaver county. Wii.i>iAM C. Hunter, farmer and stock grower, P. O. Beaver, was born in Brighton township, this county, Jidy 14, 1881. His parents, William and JIary (Givan) Hunter, were nativesof Ireland. The father was a farmer and one of the early .settlersin Brighton township. He was an orderly sergeant in the war of 1812. William C., the fifth of ten children and the eldest son, was reared on the farm and attended the common schools. His grandfather, John Hunter, Sr. , came to Brighton township about 18C0. Our.'-ubject has made farming his business, and has only been off the farm five years, when he lived in Bridgewater. He is the owner of 100 acres of land, where he now resides. He was- married, in 18t)0, to !Mira, daughter of Joseph Jloorhead. and born in this count}'. They have one child, Edna Dell. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are members of the Presbyterian church, in which he is ruling elder. In politics he is a Republican, and has l)een school director and county auditor. John G. IIi;ntI':ii. merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Brighton townshi]), this county, June 13, 18*!, and is a son of William and Mary ((liven) Hunter. His paternal grandfather was John Hunter, a native of County Down, Ireland, who settled in Ohio township, this county, in 1803, where he lived and died. He had a family of nine children. William, after his marriage, settled in Brighton township, this county, engaged in farming, and resided there until his death. His children were Nancy, Jane, Maria, Lucinda, William C., John G., Thomas B. and Margaret. John G. was reared in Brighton township and resided there until 1869, when he located in Beaver Falls and embarked in the mercantile business, which he has since successfully conducted. July 2, 1863, he married Sarah M., daughter of Joseph and Martha (Johnson) Lawrence, of South Beaver township, this couiUy, and has two children living; Joseph L., a clergy- man of the Presbyterian church, and John R. Mr. Hunter is a member of the Presby- terian church, the Royal Arcanum and A. O. U. W.. and is a staunch Prohibitioni.st. Tuo.MAS B. IIuNTEH, fanner and stock-grower, P. O. Beaver, was born on the farm which he now owns in Brighton, March 22, 1836, and is a son of William and Mary (Given) Hunter. His father was a farmer, and spent most of his life on the farm where Thomas B. now resides. Our subject was reared in Brighton township, attending the common schools. He has made farming his business, and is the owner of 150 acres of land. He was married in 1869, to Sarah J., daughter of John and JIary Ann (Laugh- Ian) Johnston, and they have five children; John C, William P., Mary A., Jennie BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. G69 MauJ and Pi-arl. They are .uembers of the Presbyterian cluirch. Mr. Hunter is a Uepiil)lican in politics, and has held most of the townshiji otflces, he was elected county commissioner in 1887. He enlisted in Company I, 140th Pennsylvania V. I., and became a non-commissioned otticer; was in thirty-one regular battles, including Gettysburg, Spottsylvania. C'hancellorsville and the battle of the Wilderness, and was wounded at Petersburg. He is a member of the G. A. K. CiiAULES B. Hdrst, late insurance agent, had an office at Beaver and one at Roch- ester, Pa. He was born in England, and was a .son of William and Amelia (Parsons) Hurst. His father, who was a merchant, came to America in 1839 and settled in Beaver county, where he spent the remainder of his life. Charles B.. the eldest of seven chil- dren, was reared in Bridgewater and attended boarding schools. His tirst employment was as a clerk in the forwarding commission office at Rochester, where he remained until 1862 when he obtained a positiim as clerk of a steamboat. He was on the water in dif- ferent capacities for twenty-one years, the last eight years as captain of a steamboat. In 1863, he embarked in the insurance business in which he successfully engaged till his death He represented some of the oldest and best known companies in tlie world, such as the -Etna and Phy the Lidians, and was kept in captivity for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst had seven children: Charles, who is now in the insurance business and has an office at Rochester; William; Mary, wife of John Moulds; Henry and Alfred, living, and John and Robert, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were members of the Episcopal clmrcli, of the vestry of which he had been a member. In politics he was a Democrat, and served as a member of the council in Rochester. He was a mem- ber of the I. O. O. F., of the K. of P. and was a Sir Knight Templar. Alfred C. Hurst. ^Villiam Hurst, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch, born Nov. '-7, 1804, emigrated from England in 1840, and located in Bridge- water, Beaver county. Here he established himself as a merchant, and until his death in 1879 was a resident of the place. He married, Dec. 18, 1828, Amelia Parsons, horn Aug. 11, 1807, who resided in the suburbs of London, England, and had children : Charles B., John P., Amelia P. (Mrs. John Blake), Alfred C.. Ellen (deceased), Henry (who was killed during the civil war at the battle of Fair Oaks), N. Fetterman, and Sarah F. Mrs. Hurststill residesin Bridgewater, and in her eightieth year enjoys excep- tional health. Alfred C. Hurst was born Feb. 3, 1838, at Kingswood Hill, near Bris- tol, England, and came with his parents to America at the age of four years. Hiswhole life since that event has been pas.sed in Bridgewater, where he first atlerded the comniou schools of the place, and finished his education at Coulter's Academy, Richmond, Ohio. His first business e.xperience was in connection with a clerkship on the sleameis " Con- voy " and " Rocket," plying between Pittsburgh and other points on ihe Ohio river. Later he entered nis father's store, of which he in 1863 became sole proprietor, and has since that time been extensively engaged in the retail dry goods and carpet trade. He is largely identified with the interests of the county of his residence, and is director of the First National Banks of Rochester and of Beaver, director of the Rochester Pottery (Company, limited; of the LTnion Street Railway Company; iire.sident of Ihe Equitable Building and Loan Association Number Two; director of the Equitable Building and Loan Association Number One; and of the Bridgewater Building Association. j\Ir. Hurst was married, Oct. 23, 1867, to Mary O., daughter of David Greer, of Pittsburgh, and their children were Vida, Alfred C. , Jr., Frank L., Cory May (deceased). Harry H., O'iver, Eugene, Lawrence B. and William R. Mr. Hurst has been for several years school director and councilman, and since 1875 treasurer of the school board of Bridge- water. He is an active Mason and member of Rochester Lodge No. 229 of that order and of Eureka Chapter No. 167, of Rochester. Ja.mes Milton I.MBRIE, son of Rev. David Imbrie, was born near Greersburg, Beaver county, March 9, 1816. His grandfather, James Imbrie, was a native of Glasgow, 37, VlO * ' HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Scotland, and emigrated to America about 1760, lauding in New York. There he re- mained several years ; was married and engaged in business as a merchant in New York and Philadelphia. During the reyolutionary war he was arrested by British spies or otticers for having an American gun or ride among his stock of goods' and was imprisoned. His wife appealed to Gen. Howe, whose sympathies she won, and obtained her husband's release. In 1T87 he returned to his native country. Scot- land, and there remained about ten years. He returned to America and located in Philadelphia, where he was engaged in commercial trade. He was tlien quite wealthy, but the loss of some vessels at sea injured his fortune ; fortunatelj-, however, he had money enough left to continue business. Not being able to compete successfully ■with others after his losses, he sold out and removed to Fayette count}'. Pa., and from there to Frankfort Springs, Beaver county, where he engaged in business as a drover. He died at the age of seventy years, leaving a family of fourteen children. Three of his sons settled in Beaver county, where some of their descendants still remain. David, his eldest .son, was born in New York in 1777, and received a classical education at 'Glasgow University. He studied theology under Dr. John Anderson, of Frankfort Springs, and was licen.sed by the Associate church when twenty-seven years of age. In 1805 he settled in Big Beaver township, then a thinly settled region, covered with dense forests, near the town of Greersburg ( now Darlington ), and here, for forty years, was •engaged in the work of the ministry, lie married Jane Reed, daughter of David Heed, -of t'annousburgh, AYashington count}', Pa. He had three sons and four dmighters. On the 12lh of June, 1843, while on his way to church, he had a stroke of apoplexy, of which he died, aged sixty-flve years. James Jliltou, the youngest son, was born on the farm where he now resides, and, with the exception of three years, has always lived there. He received his education at the Greersburg Academy. Mr. Imbrie has a farm of 100 acres, where he resides, the greater part of which he cleared with his own hands. He also owns one in Darlington township. He has been very successful as a farmer ; starting with nothing, he has by industry and economy accumulated a farmer's fortune. His farms are always kept in good repair. For a number of years he has been engaged in wool growing, and so successful has he been in this, that bis wool is known far and near to be the best grown in that section of country. He married Clarinda, daughter of Samuel Jackson, of Darlington, and he has three children, one daughter and two sons. He gave his family a good education, his sons being both graduates of Washington and Jefferson college. The youngest son, Addison JI., is an attorney at law, a partner of the firm of Marshalls ic Iml)rie, counselors at law, Pittsburgh, Pa. The other, 'William J., is at home assisting his father keeping up the farms and taking care of the sheep. Both sons have the industrious habits of their father, and are well respected by their neighbors. Mr. Imbrie is now in his seventy-second year, and enjoys good health, lie is a member of the Keformed Presbyterian church; in politics a Republican. R. S. Imihiie, real estate and insurance agent, Beaver, was born in Big Beaver town.ship, this county, Aug. 13, 1831, and is a son of John and Nancy (Rankin) Imbrie, natives of Pennsylvania and of Scotch descent, former of whom was a farmer and tan- ner. John Imbrie's family consisted of ten children, six of whom are living, R. S. being the third. Our subject was reared in Big Beaver township, on the farm, and attendtU the Darlington Academy, his earliest life being spent in agricultural pursuits. lie sub- sequently taught school, and afterwards embarked in mercantile business in Frank- lin county. Pa. In 1861 he removed to Darlington, where he remained until 18G.T. when he came to Beaver, where he has since resided. The first twelve years spent in Beaver he was engaged in the sewing machine business, most of the time as a general agent. In this be met with tinaucial success, starting in 1865, when the profits to agents were almost as much as the price of a machine now. He was married in Beaver county in 1850, to Nannie E., daughter of William Scott, and of Scotch-Irish descent. She is a sister of .lohn M. Scott, clerk of the courts of Beaver county. Mr, and Mrs. Imbrie's children are J. Maurice, Nannie S., Nettie, Mabel, Grace and Jessie. Tliey are mem- bers of the United Presbvterian church. Mr. Imbrie has been an elder and assistant BIOGRAPHIES — WEST SIDE. 671 Sabbath-scUool superintendent; is now teacher of tlie Bible class, and is at present superintendent of the Sunday-school in the U. P. church. He is a Repulilican. .loitN' W. Inman, merchant, Cannelton, was born in this county in 1840. His grandfather, Henry Inman, came from ea.stof the Allegheny mountains, and was one of the first to settle west of the Ohio river. He died at the age of ninety 3'ears. He had three sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Abraham, married Elizabeth Thatciier, and by her had seven children, of whom John W. is the eldest son. Abraham was reared to agricultural pursuits, was a cabinet maker by trade, and afterward a farmer. He died on his farm of 175 acres near the headwaters of Brady's run, aged seventy-six years. John W. was reared on the home farm, and remained there until twenty-two years of ao-e. He was married in 1863 to Hannah Y., daughter of William Edwards, and (hey have seven children : William G., Elizabeth, Clyde ilaud, William Henry, Harrie, Ray- mond and Leland. Mr. Inman learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for thirty-two years. Since 1885 he has been a merchant at Cannelton, where he is also postmaster. He is a member of the Baptist church; politically a Democrat. Nelson Inm.\n, carpenter and painter, Fallstou, was born in Chippewa township. His parents, Abraham and Elizabeth (Thacker) Inman, were natives of Beaver county and of English and German origin . The father and grandfather were farmers, the latter a soldier in the war of 1813 in Captain Henry's Company. The family were among the earliest settlers of Beaver county, and were here when the Indians were numerous in the vicinity. Our subject's uncle was killed by the Indians in that township. Nelson, who is the sixth in a family of eight children, wa^, reared in Chippewa township, and early in life learned the carpenter's trade, afterward taking up painting. He now works at both trades and resides in the borough of Fallston, where he has a neat and substantial resi- dence. In 1801 he enlisted in the 134tli Regiment P. V., in Company I. He was in several battles, among them being Fredericksliurg, Chanoellorsville and Antietam, and was honorably discharged at the clo.sc of the war. Returning home he went to the oil regions of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and engaged in drilling wells for six years. For five years he was at Burning Springs, W. Va. Returning to Beaver county he followed farming for a time, and since 1873 has worked at his trade. He was married, in 1867, to Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Ayers) Small. Mr. Inman is a Democrat in politics and has served as school director. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge and encampment. JoitN D. Irons, sheriff, Beaver, was born in Hopewell township, this countv, Feb. 21, 1840, and is a son of William and Hannah (Dickson) Irons, natives of Lowellville, Ohio, and of Scotch Irish descent. The father was born in 1814, is a farmer, and resides in Hopewell township. The grandfather. Solomon Irons, came to Beaver county in 1807, and settled in Hopewell township. He was also a tiller of the soil. John D.," the second in the family, was reared on the farm, received his education in the district school, and chose agriculture as his occupation. Aug. 17, 1862, he enlisted in Com- pany A, Pennsylvania Cavalry, serving as conmiissary sergeant and .sergeant-major for several months; was in the battle of Gettysburg, and served until the clo.se of the war. On his return home he resumed farming, which he continued until 1884, when he was elected sheriff of Beaver county, whicli office he still holds. He was married, in 1861, to Josephine H., daughter of George and p]liza Ann (Harper) Nevin, who are of Scotch- Irish descent. Jlr. and Mrs. Irons have four children: Eva, Georgia JI., William H. and Samuel C. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Irons is a comrade in the G. A. R.; in politics he is a Republican. Wii,IjI.\m J. J.\CKSON, contractor and builder, Beaver Falls, was born in Moon township, April 0, 1851, and is a sou of Thomas and Jlelinda (Alcorn) Jackson. His paternal grandfather, James Jackson, a native of Ireland, settled in Indvistry town.sliip about 1810. He was a farmer by occupation and served in the war of 1813. He resided in North Sewickley township for several years, and died there at the a"-e of eightv- two. His children were Robert, James, Thomas, Orville, Sharp and Mam-aret j. Mr. Jackson's maternal grandfather, William Alcorn, was a farmer of Mcou township. 672 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Thomas Jackson is a farmer, and resides in Moon township. His children are William J., Lizzie.John O. and Thomas 8. William .1. was reared in Moon township, learned the carpenter's trade, and located in Beaver Falls in 1879, where he worked at his trade until 1883, when he commenced his present business. In IS'ii he married IMaggie E., daughter of James and Nellie (Nelson) Stone, of Slipperyrock township, Lawrence county, Pa., and they have four children: Lizzie L., Maggie V., Knbert S. and Mary Adell. Mr. Jackson is a member of the I. O. O. F.; in politics a Democrat . John S. Jackson, physician, Beaver Falls, was born in North Sewickley township, April 15, 1853, and is a son of James and Esther (Aiken) Jackson. His paternal grand- father was James Jackson, a farmer of North Sewickley township, and a son of James Jackson, a pioneer of that township. Mr. Jackson's mother was a native of Ireland, her father being one of the early settlers of North Sewickley. John S. was educated in the North Sewickley Academy, and Mt. Union College, Ohio. He began the study of medicine in 1879 with Dr. Joseph Khodes, of Lawrence county, Pa., entered the medical department of the Baltimore University in 1883, and was graduated in 1886. He passed examination the .same year at Jefferson Medical College and located in Beaver Falls, where he began the practice of his profession. Though but recently established, ne has a large practice. He was married, Jlay 13, 1887, to Zelie, daughter of Henry • Meutz, of Zelienople, Butler county. Pa. Mr. .lackson is a member of the I. O. O. F. D.wiD Johnson, county commissioner, Fallston, was born in Butler county. Pa., April 36, 1819, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Shauor) Johnson, former born in Maryland and latter in Pennsylvania. The father came to Beaver county in 1836. He was a manufacturer and dealer in sawed lumber in Fallston. David is the fourth in a family of eight children. He attended school in his native town and in Fallston, and also .lohn English's select school in Beaver. Early in life he entered a saw mill and worked from 1833 until 184-t; then went into a bucket shop at Fallston as foreman and continued until 1866, from which year till 1883 he was foreman for Miner i Co.'s saw- mill at Fallston, and then was elected county commissioner, which office he has since held. He has been a member of the Republican party since its inception; served as justice of the peace si.x years, has been school director and a member of the council of Fallston. Jlr. .John.son was married. Dee. 33, 1843, to a daughter of Jacob and Sarah Covert, which union lias been blessed with the following named children: Jacob M.; Sarah J., wife of J. H. Dean, of Ohio; Kufus P.; Thomas F. ; Lydia E., wife of J. S. Mitchell, of Beaver Falls; Charles F. ; George Albert; D. H., now in the government printing office at Washington, D. C; H. W., in Ohio; Mary Ida, the wife of John AY. Pontifract, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Edwin L. There has been as yet no death in the family. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is class leader. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and has been through all the chairs, and served as district deputy to the Grand Lodge. He is the oldest member of Lodge 450. ANDitEW Johnson, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in 1834, in the township of South Beaver. Among the earliest settlers of South Beaver township was Andrew Johnson, who came from Westmoreland county. Pa., in 1790. He was extensively engaged in farming and the purchase and sale of land, having at one time 1,000 acres. He married a Calgore, who bore hini ten children. He died in 1849, having lived to a ripe old age. Francis, the fourth child born to Andrew and his wife, died in 1840, aged forty-seven, and his wife in 1879, aged seventy -one. Andrew, our subject, was reared OQ the farm purchased by his grandfather, and has always been a farmer. He purchased his present home in 1850, consisting of 114 acres. He was married, in 1861, to Ruth Newill, daughter of John and Sarah NewiU, of Ohio, and they have had four children: Llewellyn (deceased), E^tella, Ora N. and Minerva. Mr. Johnson has been successful in his cliosen occupation, having one of the finest homes in South Beaver township. He is a Democrat. Cm'T. James H. Johnson, miller, P. O. Ohioville, was born near Ohioville. Beaver county. Pa., Sept. 36, 1840, the fourth of seven children of Matthew and Elizabeth BIOGEArHIES WEST SIDE. 673 (Laughlin) .loliDSoii. His father, a son of James Johnson, who was a native of Penn- sylvania and one of the earl)- settlers of this county, was born in this county, in 1806, where he followed farming and for several years was engaged in .shipbuilding. His mother was a native of Lancaster, Pa., born in 1810. Matthew Johnson was the second eldest of a family of three sons and three daughters, of whom two, Rebecca and John, live in Ohio township, Beaver county; Ann and Samuel live at Meadville, Pa.; Eliza is deceased. He died in 18T9; his widow is still living. The subject of this sketch spent his youth and .school da^-s in Ohio township, and at the age of nineteen went to .Jackson county, Ind., where he taught school until April 18, 1861, at which time he enlisted in Company H, 6th Regiment Indiana Infantry, and was at once engaged in the battles of Laurel Hill and (Warrick's Ford, W. Va. ; was discharged Aug. 13, and re-enlisted Oct. 7, 1861, in Company K, .lOth Regiment Indiana Infantry. Aug. 20, 1863, he was taken prisoner by Gen. Morgan at Gallatin, Tenn.; was exchanged in November, and sent to Jackson, Tenn. Dec. 31, 1862, he was in the l)attle of Parker's Cross Roads. In June, 1863, he was promoted to second lieutenant, and soon after was sent to Helena, Ark., and placed in the Seventh Army Corps under Maj.Gen. Fred Steele. On the 10th of September, 1863, this corps captured Little Hock, Ark., and .soon after went into winter quarters at Louisburg. In the spring of 1.S64 he was in the Red River campaign, and for twenty days, from April 1st, they fought nearly every day; April 26th they made a retreat from Camden, Ark., but were overtaken, and fought the battle of Jenkin's Ferry, where Brig. -Gen. S.A.Rice, the captain of Company K.Richard McCowick and our subject, were among the many woimded. The captain returned home and Mr. John.son remained in charge of the company although imtit to be on duty. Notwith- standing their condition and limited sujiply of food they began the march to Little Rock, and were seven daj's without food. In Decemlier, 1864, Mr. Johnson was pro- moted to captain and assigned to Company C, .lOth Regiment Ind. Veterans; after- warii went to New Orleans, crossed the Gulf of Mexico, and on March 27, 186.5, to April 9, fought day and night at the siege of Spanish Fort. Ala. In May, 186.'5, at Montgom- ery, Ala., the regiment was consolidated with the .")2d Regiment of Veterans; discharged Sept. 10 at Montgomery, Ala., and mustered out Sept. 19, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind., makinga service of over four years and two months, when our subject returned to Beaver county. In the fall of 1869 he went to Mason county, W. Va., where he taught school until the fall of 1879, when he returned to Ohio township, and erected a saw and grist mill, which he has since ojierated. He is also proprietor of the Gas-Light Poultry Yards, where he is engaged in breeding high cla.ssed poultry. While in AVest Virginia, about 1876. he was licensed to preach by the Mission Baptist church, of which he and his wife are members. In May, 1871, he returned to Indiana and married Mary Storey, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Brewer) Storey, born Feb. 19, 18.5.3. Three chil- dren resulted from this union: Elizabeth Jane, Olivia Ann and Charles Matthew, all at home. Jlr. Johnson has been elected by the Republican party to the offices of assessor, constable and collector, and now holds the last named offices. F. A. JuDD, teacher, Darlington, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1849, and is a son of Albert S. and Jennette Pope Judd; his ancestors were of Scotch origin. He was educated at the Rectory school, Camden, C^onn.. and at Clark's Academy. Canau- daigua, N. Y. He was married, in 1870, to Alice, daughter of Thomas C. Floyd, of Cleveland, Ohio, and their children were Albert F.. William P., Thomas E. (deceased), Howard L. and Loui-sa J. Mr. Jndd began tlie study of law with Hon. W. C. McFar- land, of Cleveland. Ohio, in 1867, and was admitted to the bar in 1870. He came to Beaver county in 1872; he has taught in the public schools eight terms. P''rom 1884 to 1.886 he was assistant teacher in the academy, and in December of the latter year he was elected principal. He is a member of the Presbyterian church; in political preference a Republican. Jacoh Kei.i.eis, gla.ss mould maker, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, July 15, 1850, and is a son of Jacob and Dora (Ammon) Keller, who came from Germany in 1843, and settled in Pittsburgh. Jacob was reared in that city, and served an appren- 674: HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. ticeship of four years (1865-1869) at his trade with Andrew Thompson, after which he worke;! forMcKee Bros., for ten years. In 1879 he located in Beaver Fallf, and became one of the founders of the Cooperative Flint Glass Company, where he has since been employed. In 1874 he married ^linnie, daugliterof John Heil, of Pittsburgh, by whom lie has four children: AVilliam, Lillie, Florence and Albert. He is a member of the board of directors of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works Company; politically he is a Democrat. R. S. Kennedy, editor of the Star, Beaver, was born in this county April 7, 1841, a son of AVilliam A. and Rosa (Shannon) Kennedy, natives of Pennsylvania and of Scotch-Irish descent. His fatlier, who is a prominent farmer residing in Independence township, this county, had one son and one daughter, R. S. being the eldest. Our sub- ject was reared on the farm in Independence township, and attended the common schools and Beaver Academy. He studied medicine, graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 18o6, and was engaged in the practice of his profession in Beaver county for ten 3-ear.s. Afterward he carried on the drug business in New Brighton for one year, and Oct. 5, 1877, he engaged in his present business, in which he has been very successful. April 7, 1874, he was married to Mary A., daughter of David Patton, of Engli.sh descent, and two children have been born to them: Owen and Ola. Mrs. Kennedy is a member of the Presbyterian church. In politics Mr. Kennedy is a Democrat. WiLLi.\M W. Kehr, bookkeeper, Beaver Falls, was born in Freedom, this county, June 23, 1883, and is a son of Thomas G. and Orizzy II. (McCurdy) Kerr. His paternal grandfather was Nathaniel Kerr, of Scotch-Irish descent, a soldier of the war of 1813 and a pioneer farme'r of this county; he reared a family of three children: Thomas G., Mary A. (Mrs. Thomas CJrooks), and Nathaniel P. Of these Thomas G., a blacksmith by trade, lived and died in this county. He h.ad three children who grew to maturitj': William W . , Rev. Nathaniel P. and Mary (Mrs. George McCaskey). The maternal grandfather of our subject was William McCurdy, a pioneer of Brighton township, this county. William W. was reared and educated in Freedom, where he learned the trade of ship carpenter, which he followed from 1849 until 1877. Since then he has been a bookkeeper. He located in 1886 in Beaver Falls, where he has since resided. In 1856 he married Nancy J., daughter of Thomas and Abigail Devenney, of New Brighton, this county, and by her has four chihiren: Thomas C, Olive S., Mary M. and Myra E. Mr. Kerr is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; he is a F. it A. M. ; in politics a Republican. John Kikkp.\tkick, farmer and stock grower, was born on the farm where he now re.sides, in Brighton township, Oct. 20, 1838, and is a son of Alexander and Jenney (Noss) Kirkpatrick, former a native of County Antrim, Ireland, latter of Pennsylvania. Alexander Kirkpatrick commenced farming in 1823, when he first came from Ireland, in Maryland, and the next year moved to Beaver county. In earl}' life lie studied en- gineering and surveying. He was married in 1833 in Beaver county, and died in 1838, three months before John was born. John attended the common scliools, and chose farming for his occupation. In early life he taught school for three winters. His .sis- ters, Eliza J., and JIary, are both at home and attend to keeping the house. ]\Ir. Kirk- patrick is a Republican; he has been constable and assessor five years, and township treasurer and clerk nine j-ears. Jacob Klein, dealer in tloiir, feed, and farming implements, Beaver Falls, was born in Marion township, Beaver county, JIarch 9, 1860, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Blinn) Klein, natives of Germany, and residents of Beaver county for over thirty years. They now reside in Pulaski township and have three children: Jacob, Charles, and Mary. Jacob came to Beaver Falls in 1884, and engaged in butchering one year. In 1885 he embarked in his present business, and is having a large and successful trade. In February, l!S86. he married Annie, daughter of Conrad Zahn, of Pulaski, and has one child, Charles Theodore. Mr. Klein is a member of the Junior ( )rdcr United Amer- ican Mechanics; politically he is a Democrat. BIOCxRAI'HIES — WEST SIDE. 675 Amos Knight, farmer, P. O. Industry, was born on tlie farm where he now resides, Feb. 15, 1S2S, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Mason) Knight, natives of Pennsyl- vania, former of whom was a son of John Knight, of German descent. Mrs. Elizabeth Knight's father, George Slason, was a native of Pennsylvania, and he and John Knight were among the first settlers of Beaver county. David and Elizabeth Knight had thir- teen children, six of whom yet survive: Louis (in Industry township). Amos, Emanuel, Cynthia, Elmira and Elizabeth. Amos was married April 30, 1863, to Matilda, daughter of Jlichael and Ella Mason, and they have had five children, three now living: Thomas J., David J,, and Mary V., all at home. Mr. Knight was educated in the common schools of his native township, and has been a succes.sful farmer. He owns 173 acres of well-improved land. In politics he is a Democrat. Mrs. Knight is a member of the United Brethren church. M.iRTiN L. Kmght, superintendent of schools, Beaver Falls, was born in Industry township Sept. 2'3, 1837, and is a son of Richard and Elizabeth (Ewing) Knight, former a native of Adams county, and latter of Huntingdon county, Pa. His paternal grand- ■ father was John Knight, who settled in Industry (then Ohio) township in 1809. His children were ilary (Mrs. Archibald Seabrooks), Jacob, John, Daniel, Kichard, David, Catherine (Mrs. Charles Bevington), Elizabeth (Jlrs. Samuel Diddle), Susan (Jlrs. John McLaugldin) and Rebecca (Mrs. Simeon Mason). Mr Knight's maternal grandfather, Samuel Ewing, a native of Ireland, settled in Industry (then Ohio) township in 1803. Richard Knight was a pioneer of Industry township, where he resided until his death in 1868. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. His wife died in 1879 at Beaver Falls. The children who grew to maturity were Nancy (Jlrs. George Rich), Maria (Mrs. James Alcorn), Lucinda (Mrs. JIason Bevington) and Martin L. The latter was edu- cated in the public: and select schools of his native town and Beaver Academy. From 1836 until 1863 he taught in common schools, and in 1863 was elected principal of the Bridgewater public .school, remaining oneyear. From 1867 until 1873 he taught in the graded school of Industry township, and in 1873 was elected county superintendent of schools for a term of three years. In August. 1877, he located in Beaver Falls, where he has been principal of the public schools until the present time (1888). In 1881 he was elected borough superintendent of schools for a term of three years: re-elected in 1884. and again in 1887. Mr. Knight was married Oct. 1, 1863, to Virginia C, daugh- ter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Faweett) Gardner, of Industry township, and by her he has two children: Lulu N. and Byrd C. Mr. Knight was one of the projectors of the Beaver Valley Street Railway Company, of which he has been President since Sept. 17, 1884. John Koessi.eu, blacksmith, Beaver Falls, was born in France, March 23, 1841, and is a son of John and Catherine Koessler, who came to America in 1844 and settled in Pittsburgh, where John was reared and learned his trade. He has worked in a glass house since he was ten years of age, with the exception of three years that he was in the army. He enlisted in 1861, in Co. L., P. V. I. under Col. Gary, being afterward transferred to the 147th P. V., and was honorably discharged at the expiration of his service. In 1879 he located in Beaver Falls, and was one of the organizers of the Co- operative Glass Company, in which he has since been interested as a stockholder, and served one year on the board of directors. His wife was I^lizabeth, a daughter of Frank Pates of Pittsburgh, by whom he has five sons: John, Edward, George, Henry, and Frank. Mr. Koessler is a member of the Catholic church; in politics he is inde- pendent. Lawrence Konkel and his brother Michael Konkel settled in South Beaver township, Beaver county, in the year 1797, on a 400 acre tract of land, and divided it between them equally. They came from Westmoreland county. Pa,, and were of German descent. A family of children were born to Michael, among the eldest being John, a farmer, who married Mary, daughter of John Cline, of Ohio. Eleven children were born to this couple, Michael being among the yotingest. John died in 1862, aged sixty-seven years. Michael was born and reared on the farm he now owns, and contains 165 acres, nearly 676 ' HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. all of wliich is under cultivation. lie received a common-school education. In 1858 he married Margaret, daughter of Andrew Ferney, of Ohio, and three children were born to them, one only surviving, J. E., who was born on his grandfather's farm and has alwa}'s lived there. He was married in 1879 to Miss M. E. Badders, daughter of George Badders, of this county, and has onechild, William II. Jlichael has always taken a special interest in farming, but has given way to his son, J. E., who successfully super- intends the work. Ife is a member of the Presbyterian church. Philip Kuckekt. glass packer, Beaver Falls, was born in Germany !May 1. 1843, and is a son of Peter and Kate Kuckert, who came to America in 1S46 and .settled in Pittsburgh. Philip was reared in that city, came lo Beaver Falls in 1879, and became one of the organizers of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works, of which he is a stock- holder, and where he has since been employed; his wife was Sarah, daughter of Lewis Wiegel, of Pittsburgh, and by her he has four children; Emma, Laura Albert and Charles. Mr. Kuckert is a member of the A. O. U. W; in politics he is a Republican. Henry Kuutz, iron moulder, Beaver Falls, was born in Germany March 9, 1850, and is a son of Adam and Anna (Bittner) Kurtz, also natives of Germany, who came to America in 1849, locating in Westmoreland county, and later moving to Allegheny county. Pa., where they now reside. Henry was reared and educated in Allegheny City, and learned his trade with Alexander Bradley, of Pittsburgh, where he served an apprenticeship of three years. Since 1869 he has worked as a journeyman in various sections of the country, in the meantime serving as manager of the A. F. Wolf Stove Foundry, Beaver Falls, three years, and manager of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, Stove Works eighteen months. He has been a resident of Beaver Falls since 1880. and is now in the employ of the Howard Stove Company as journeyman iron moulder. He is liberal in religious views, is a member of the Iron Moulder's Union, Royal Arcanum and Improved Order Red Men. In politics he is a Republican. Geneiial Abner Lacock. Concerning a once prominent man in Pennsylvania Charles Lauman.in his Biographical Annahofthe Civil Oovernmcnt of t /le United States, says, in 187(i; "Abner Lacock. Born in Virginia in 1770. Without the advantage of much early education, he rai.sed him.sclf by his talents to eminence as a legislator, statesman and civilian. He filled various public stations for a period of nearly forty years; was a representative in congressfrom Pennsylvania from 1811 to 1813, and United States Senator from 1813 to 1819. He died in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, April 13, 1837." This brief paragraph contains the germ of a biograpliy rich with important les- sons and fraught with hopeful encouragement to the struggling genius of this, a more highly favored age. The subject of this sketch, known in his day as General Abner Lacock, was born on Cub Run, near Alexandria, Va.. .luly 9, 1770, his father being English, his mother French. When Abner was quitp young he removed with his father and settled upon a farm in Washington county. Pa., but in 1796 he became a citizen and one of the early settlers of what is now the town of Beaver. Sept. 19, 1796, he received from Cxovernor Thomas MifHin, a commission as justice of the peace for Pitt township, Allegheny county, and thus was the first justice in what afterward became Beaver county. The signal ability and natural justice, exhibited by him in this office, commended him to his fellow citizens, who, in 1801, elected him the first representative to the state legislature. This position he held until 1803, when he was, at the organization of the county, selected as one of the associate judges.* In this capacity he served but a year when his constit- uents calling him to serve them in the hou.se of representatives of his adopted state for four con.secutive sessions. In 1808 he was cho.sen to represent the counties of Allegheny, Beaver and Butler in the state senate, a position he filled with ability and credit and to the satisfaction of the people. But a higher sphere of usefulness was to open to him. Hon. William Henry in an able article on Gen. Abner Lacock, published in the Western Argus for April 19, 1837, says: ♦The tlrst court held in Beaver county, commencing; Feb. 6, 1804, was held at the house of Abner Lacock, at that time one of the innkeepers of Beaver. BIOGRAPHIES— WEST SIDE. 677 " In 1810 the question of a war with Great Britain agitated the country in every qiiar- ter, and the strong feeling of indignation in the minds of the people against the usurpa- tions of that government, the repeated insults slie had cast upon our flag, impressing our seamen, and crippling our commerce, brouglit many men of high character and talent into the national councils, and among them was Abner Lacock. The people of his dis- trict called him out as the War Candidate, and secured his election by a triumphant majority. His friends were not deceived in their expectations. In congress he took a bold stand for war measures, and in that period of gloom and de.spondency, stood firmly by the Democratic administration of .lames Madison in the noble effort to sustain the character and independence of the l!e]nd)Iic, and the rights of our citizens. While in the house he took part in the proceedings on most questions of public policy, and at all times showed forth with good effect the uatural sound sense and statesmanlike views of his strong and vigorous mind. In that body he possessed great influence, iind with the chief magistrate to an extraordinary degree. So honoralily had he acquitted himself in the house, that in the spring of ISia, the legislature of Pennsylvania, with great unani- mity, elected him a senator of the United States, which .station he filled with credit and ability for six years. During all this time, when not called from h, me in the public service, with true Republican plainness, like Cincinnatus of old, he followed the plow, and tilled the soil witli hdiorious assiduity, attending steadily to all the duties of an American farmer; at the same time endeavoring by observation and extensive reading to make up for the want of an early education." General Lacock served in the National House of Representatives during the Twelfth Congress, and in the National Senate during the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Congresses. His friendship for Alailison and Monroe was as .strong as his dislike for Andrew Jackson was intense. During the closing year of his senatorial career he was a member of the committee which investigated General .Jackson's conduct in the Semi- nole war. and was the autborof the report which severely criticised the hero of Orleans. It is said that General .Jackson felt the reljuke so keenly that he declared be would, the first opportunity he bad, cut Lacvrk's ears of. General Lacock tarried in Washington several days for the purpose of giving the irate Indian fighter an opportunity to execute his tlireat. hut was not disturbed, being permitted to leave with his ears of natural size. General Lacock was a favorite with men of national character. On one occasion Henry Clay called him to occupy the speaker's chair during the discussion of an impor- tant question, a worthy compliment to a "new member." When Mr. Clay was pass- ing down the Ohio in 184T. he stopped at Beaver Point, where he made a brief address in which he stated that be had long known Beaver county through its representatives in Congress. Said he: "I remember well Abner Lacock. who stood shoulder to shoulder with me and others before and during the hite war with Great Britain, than whom Penn- sylvania never produced a better and very few abler men." He was specially active in all movements that looked toward internal improvements. Shortly after bis retirement from the United States senate, he entered actively into a •scheme for joining the waters of the Delaware and the Ohio by a state line of canals and railroads. On the 11th of April, 182."), five commissioners were chosen to make this preliminary survey, consisting of as follovi's; John Sergeant, William Darlington, David Scott, Robert M. Patterson and Abner Lacock. The latter, a member of the Board of Commissioners, was chosen to supervise the construction of the west division of the canal from Pittsburgh to Johnstown. Under his direction, mainly, this division was built, and as a compliment, the first canal boat west of the Allegheny mountains was called the " General Abner Lacock." He was subseiiuently chosen a commissioner to survey and construct the Pcun.sylvania and Ohio Canal, generally known as the " Cross Cut Canal," joining the Erie Division of the Pennsylvania Canal with the Ports- mouth and Ohio Canal, this occurred in 1880, the year prior to his death. General Lacock's devotion to common-school education was .so sincere and earnest, that he is justly ranked as standing on an equal footing as a champion of popular education with Governor Wolf and Thaddeus Stevens. General Lacock was of average height, compactly built and well proportioned. He was was strong and athletic. With brown hair, blue eyes and ruddy complexion, he 678 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTT. was a man who strongly impressed those with whom he mingled. His social life was pleasant and happy, his wife being gifted with strong intelligence and great business tact. She ably managed his affairs in his absence. The death of General Lacock occurred April 12, 1837, at the age of sixty-five years, nine months and three days. He was one of Beaver county's most noted and highly respected citizens, whose impress upon the destiny of the county was most marked. His family was as follows: Bethsheba (Lacock) Pentland, wife of .Judge Ephraim Pent- laud; Atlas E. Lacock; Minerva (Lacock) Reno, a widow in her ninety first year, still living in Rochester and receiving a pension of the war 1812 (she and the widow of Atlas E. Lacock are the only pensionersof tlie war of 1812 receiving their stipends from the government through the office of T. M. Taylor, Esq., Rochester); Caroline (Lacock) Bousman; Adelaide (Lacock) Linton; and Abner P. Lacock, who died April 20, 1888. One of the .sons died a cadet at West Point, on the 15th of October. 1818. W. A. Laird, contractor, P. O. Beaver, was born in Brighton township, this county, JLay 27, 1823. and is a sou of Josiah and Jane (Anderson) Laird, former a native of Washington county, latter of Chester county, and both of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather, William, and father came to Beaver county in 1810, and settled in Brighton. His father died in 18o.5. He had five children, of whom W. A. is the third. Our sub- ject was reared in Beaver borough; his educational advantages being limited, and early m life he began to learn the trade of a house plasterer. He served an apprenticeship of four years. He was then ready to start for himself, but had not a dollar in the world. He took a contract to plaster a house and was to take his pay all out of the store. He made arrangements with the man he was boarding with to take part of the goods, and has followed the business of contracting ever since, sometimes employing twenty and twenty-five men. The college and county house at Beaver arc among the buildings he contracted for. He owns valuable property in Beaver, where he has resided most of his life. He is a Republican in politics, but never held any office except court crier eight years. He was married in 1850 to Nancy, daughter of AVilliam McCallister. She is of Scotch-Irish origin. Her father served as. register and recorder of Beaver county. Their children are .losiah, a merchant at Beaver Falls; William, of Kansas City (he chose his fatlier"s trade and is a contractor); Richard R.. in business in New York City; F. H., a lawyer, who studied with H. Hice, ex-judge of Beaver county, and was admitted to the bar in 1884; Albert G., a clerk in New York City; and Anna G. and Matthew M., at home. Mr. and .Mrs. Laird were formerly members of the United Presbyterian church, of which he was thirty years an elder. In 1887 they moved their membership to the Presbyterian church in Beaver. Josiah Laird, grocer, Beaver Falls, was born in Brighton township, Sept. 21, 1851, and is a son of W. A. aud Eleanor (Green) Laird. His paternal grandparents were Josiah and Jeannettc (Anderson) Laird, pioneers of this county. His maternal graudfather was William McAllister, a pioneer of Bridgewater, where he kept a general store for a time, though he was a surveyor by occupation, and in the early days an official of the county. W. A. Laird is a contractor and plasterer by trade. He has eight children living; Josiah, William M., Richard R., Frank II., Jeannettc A., Anna O.. All)ert N. and Matthew M. Josiah was reared in Beaver, and by trade is a plas- terer, an occupation he followed eight years. Since locating in Beaver Falls in 1883, he has been successfully engaged in the grocery business. Politically he is a Republican. Horatio M. Large (deceased) was born in Philadelphia May 28, ]81(i, and was a son of Daniel and 3Iary Large, of England, former of whom settled in what is now Beaver Falls in 1828, and with James Patterson purchased GOO acres of land. Daniel Large was interested in the first fiour and saw mill in tlie place, and with his brother Christoplier built the first cotton mill in the place. His children were Daniel, Chris- topher, William, Horatio M., Eliza (Mrs. James Patterson), Ann and Ellen (Mrs. Leon- ard Krouse). Horatio M. was reared in Beaver Falls from twelve years of age. He learned the cabinet maker's trade with John Sims, and followed it for several years; then engaged in carpenter work until 1880, when be retired. In 18(i0 he erected a plan- BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. fiTO ing mill, which he conducted about ten jears. He married Elizabeth, daughter if Charles and Jane Carter, pioneers of this county, former of whom was forger in the tirst furnace built in Beaver county, and made the first iron in the county. Seven of the children of Mr. Large are living; Charles, Christopher, Daniel, William, Ella (Mrs. George Liscomb), Elizabeth and Hannah. Milton Lawrence was born in Beaver, Pa., in November, 1801.. He was the eldest child of Samuel Lawrence, for many years prothonotary of Beaver county, and the- cashier of the Bank of Beaver, established in 1816. His early life was spent in his na- tive place, where he was educated. He studied medicine under Dr. Milo Adams, a well' known physician of that day, and in 1826 settled in Hookstov/n in the southern part of the county, where he soon acquired a large practice. He early acquired a taste for poli- tics, as the average boy reared in Beaver does, and in 1839, as a Whig, was elected pro- thonotary of the county over Samuel W. Sprott, the Democratic candidate, by 59 majority. He was reflected in 1842 and again in 1845, holding the oftice until 1848, and was then succeeded by .John Collins. His duties completed in the prothonotary 's oftice he at once returned to Hookstown and resumed the practice of his profession. He was a candidate for congress in 1850, but was beaten by one vote by John Allison, afterwards^ register of the treasurj' of the United States for many years. In the election following Greene town.ship gave a majority of votes for Mr. Allison's opponent, something quite unusual in th.at day and since. Hon. John Scott, one of the associate judges of Beaver county, having deceased, on March 11, 1862, Governor Curtin commissioned Dr. Law- rence to fill the vacancy until the ensuing election when, Oct. 14, 1862, he was elected a Republican, beating that incorruptible and noble old Democrat, Bobert Potter, of Raccoon by 480 votes; on the 8th of October, 1867. he was reelected, and again October 13, 1872, serving continuously till Noveiuber 6, 1877, a period of fifteen vears and eight months, and so well was he acquainted with the duties of his office that in March term, 1873, when Judge Ache.son, who was presiding, was called home suddenly. Judge Lawrence presided during the quarter session.s week with marked ability. In the year 18.54, when Know-Nothingi.sm was sweeping over the county, .Judge Lawrence, with Agnew, Collins and others, was unflinching in his denunciation of its aims and tend- encies. Judge Lawrence was a clear he.aded, bright man, strong in his likes and dislikes, a born politician possessed of unbounded influence throughout Greene and Hanover, and of a strong influence over the county, and although he w.as inclined to reward his friends and punish his enemies, he was kind hearted as a child, even to those who deserved nothing from him. Although he always had a large practice yet he collected so little of his money that he died comparatively a poor man. In 1872 he removed to Beaver. While on a visit to his daughter, Jlrs. Lizzie JIcKi.ssock at Altona. 111., he was taken ill and died on Sabbath, Oct. 2, 18s0. His remains were brought back to Beaver, and laid in their final resting place in the cemetery of that place. There they laid him on a calm October evening, a fit emblem of a peaceful close of a busy, useful life, its working days ended, its Sabbath entered on — the rest that remaineth for the soul. Will H. LEKiii. artist and photographer, Beaver Falls, was born in East Liver- pool, Ohio, June -3, 1856, and is a son of Peter and Emma (Whitton) Leigh, of Derby- shire, England. His father served in the war of the rebellion in the 3d Ohio Battery, and was killed in a railroad accident in Tennessee in 1863, wljile engaged in the line of duty. Mr. Leigh was reared in Beaver county, located in Pittsburgh, and in 1879 en- tered the gallery of H. Bowen as a student in photography, remaining nearly two years.. He then took a course of portrait painting under Henry Wagner, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Leigh located in Beaver Falls in 1883, where he has one of the best arranged photo- graphic art establishments in this section. He is an artist not only in name, but in education; one who understands the art principles of lighting and posing his subjects, wherein lie the true merits of a portrait. Cir.\Ri,ES Levi, liaker and grocer, Beaver Fails, is a native of Wiirtemberg, Ger- many, where he was reared and educated. He came to America in 1866, located ini 680 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Beaver Falls in 1868 and opened a bakery, wliirh, with the exception of two years, he has since continued, being the pioneer baker of Beaver Falls. In 1885 he added a line of grocerie.s in connection with his other interests, and is among the prominent and suc- cessful business men of the place. He is a member of the I. (). O. F. ; in politics a Re- publican. Dr. John C. Levis, in his lifetime one of the well-known and most skillful surgeons and physicians of Beaver county, was born in Zelienople, Butler county, Jan. 3, 1830, and died July 2(5, 1887, at his home in Bridgewater, Beaver county, in his fifty-eighth year. His father was the late Hon. John Levis, who, for several years subsequent to 1848, repre.sented the Allegheny-Butler district in the state senate. Our subject attended school at Harmony, Butler county, where he acquired the rudiments of a classical edu- cation, and his preliminary studies completed, he read medicine with Dr. Lu.sk, of Zelienople, sub.sequently attending lectures at the Western Reserve Medical College at Cleveland, from which he graduated in 1851. His first practice began at Columbiana, Ohio, in April, 1853, and continued at that place one year. Meantime, Nov. 2, 1853, he married Miss Catherine Dehoff, of the .same town. Only one child, a daughter, blessed tills union: she died at the age of two and a half years. In April, 1854, Dr. Levis changed his location to Darlington. Beaver county. Pa., and practiced his pro- fession there until January, 1857, when he removed to Bridgewater, where he resided, e.xcept the interruptions of army life, until the day of his death. AVhen the war of the rebellion broke out, the Doctor's patriotic imjnd.ses con.strained him to enter the army. He was mustered as assistant surgeon of the 85th P. V. on the 23ii of October, 1861, at Uniontown, and .served in the Peninsular campaign of McClellan ; promoted to be surgeon of the 101st Regiment Sept. 15, 1862, but two days prior to the battle of Autietam, having been a.ssigned to the charge of the hospital at Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 25, he was captured by Gen. J. E. B. Stewart, on Oct, 10, and signed the parole of his fellow-pri.soners; ordered to Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 22, and remained on duty until the following June, when he was assigned to duty on the U.S. Hospital steamer, "H. C. Wood," then running between Vicksbvirg and Jlemphis. In this capacity he served during Grant's siege and capture of Vicksburg. In November, 1863, he was ordered to Pittsburgh to be surgeon of the post, and remained about nineteen months. Of his arduous labors there, a city paper said: "Dr. John C. Levis, examining surgeon of this Post, Girard House, during the year ending Dec. 1, 1864, e.vamined 10,964 recruits, and vi.sited 1,024 sick and wounded soldiers at their houses in the two cities and boroughs, besides attending to all who have been able to visit him at his office. The Doctor has also performed a large number of surgical operations with success, some of the latter being of a difficult and complicated character." ^ President Grant, in recognition of the Doctor's services during the war, proffered him a consulship to Mexico. Precarious health, however, forced him to decline the honor. He was a member of Rochester Post. No. 183, G. A. R., and an unswerving advocate of the principles of the Republican party. He was noted for taking an unusual interest in the collection of antiipiated papers and books. He was kind and generous, a foe to sham and mere pretense, and an ardent supporter of every enterprise which looked to the mental elevation and amelioration of the people. He is survived by bis devoted wife, who shared with him many of the trials and inconveniences of army life, and by four brothers: O. D.. Henry M., Robert S. and Isaac N.. and one sister, Miss Elizabeth II. Newton Leyb.^, merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Lancaster county. Pa.. Aug. 29, 1866, and is a son of J. N. and Mary A. (Jeffries) Leyda. He was reared and edu- cated in Allegheny City, and came to Beaver Falls in 1885, where he was a clerk in a shoe store ten months. In October, 1886, he embarked in the boot and shoe business, and by strict attention to liusiness and courteous treatment of all is .securing a large and -growing trade. Frank Lini)em.\n, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born near Berlin, Germany, May , BIOGKAPIUES — WEST SIDE. 681 27, 186i, and is a son of Charles and Emily (Groth) Lindeman. who came to America in 1872. located in Allegheny City, and in 1877 removed to Beaver Falls, where they now reside. His father was a glass worker and a member of the Cooperative Flint Glass Company of Beaver Falls, of which he was one of the organizers in 1879. Air. Linde- man 's mother is an artist in the making of fruit wreaths, and received a medal for the finest display at the Beaver County Fair in 188:-!. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Allegheny City, and graduated from the Iron City Commercial Colleo-e Sept. 13, 1884. lie was in mercantile trade in Beaver Falls in 1884 and 188.5, and is^a stockholder and one of the organizers of the New Brighton Glass Company, established in 1880, where he has since been employed as a glass presser. He is a member of the German Lutheran church, has served one term as county committeeman of the fifth ward, Beaver Falls, and in politics is a Republican. Gen. John Smith Litteli, comes of a martial family, and is the only native of Beaver county wlio rose to the rank of general during the war of the rebellion. His grandfather, William, came to this country from Belfast, Ireland, prior to the Revolu- tion, and served as a clerk in the colonial forces, in which his brother James was a pri- vate. After the close of that struggle William settled in Hanover township, this county. His wife, Elizabeth (Walker) Litteli. often spent the night with her children in treetops to avoid surprises by hostile Indians, and her brother, Robert Walker was killed by the savages near Toledo in 1813. William Litteli died about 1820, and was supposed to be about eight}' years of age at the time. His wife was the daughter of a former sweetheart of his. and must have been many years his junior. They had ten children, nine of whom grew to maturity: James died in ("alcutta, Ohio; BeLsey married John Reed, and died in Pittsburgh; Jane married Joseph Calhoou, and died in Greene township; David lived on the old homestead, which is still in possession of In's heirs- Mary married James Todd, and died at Beaver Falls; Thomas was last heard of in Ore- gon; Alice, wife of William Sharp, died at Mechanicstown. Ohio; Agnes, the youngest of the family (married Bennet Libby, who died in Rochester, this county), now resides in Pittsburgh. William, fourth child of William and Elizabeth Litteli, was born in Hanover township, in 1794, and his wife. Cynthia, daughter of John Smith, of Gettysburg was born near Pittsburgh, in 1801. William was an American soldier durin" the war of 1812. He reared his family under the religious instruction of Rev. John Anderson of the Seceder's church, who founded a theological seminary, probably the first we.st of the Alleghany Mountains, from which grew the present institution located at Xenia Ohio. Cynthia Litteli died in 1853, and her liusband a year later. They had twelve children; Gen. John S.; Eliza (Mrs. G. L. Robertson) resides at Mechanicsburf this county; Rebecca Ann (Mrs. John Calhoun), in Raccoon township; jNIaria (Airs. J. P. Ewing), in Raccoon township; Nancy (Mrs. John Ewing). in Lawrence, Kan.; Cynthia Jane (Mrs. John McHenry), in Riccoon township; Wa.shington. in Creston, Ohio- Will- iam M.,in Corydon, Iowa; David, in Lawrence, Kan.; Jaines M. died at Rolla, Mo. in 1862, from disease contracted in the Union army; and Henry ('., died at Beaver in 1867, from the .same cause; Morgan died when one year old; William M., wliose second name is McElwee, after Rev. Wm. M. jNIcElwee, was a captain in the 23d Iowa Infantry, and James was a private in the same regiment; Washington and Henry .served in the Kith Ohio Infantry. John Smith Litteli was born in Hanover Oct. 22, 1822. and was educated in the common schools. He developed a strong mathematical talent, but "-ave his attention chiefly to agriculture until diverted by military affairs. In 1845 he married Mary (lalhoon, who was born in Raccoon township, in 1821, a daughter of Richard and Sarah (Moffet) Calhoon. the former a native of Beaver county, the latter of Ireland. In 1866 Gen. Litteli was elected sheriff of Beaver county, on the Republican ticket, and made an excellent record in that office. On the expiration of his term in 1869. he retired to the farm which he now occupies, in Big Beaver township, and which he pur- chased in 1867. This property is located three miles south of New Galilee (his postoffice address), and contains 223 acres of valuable land, rich in line clay and coal. All the members of the family attend the United Presbyterian Church, in which the General is ■C82 HISTORY OF UEAVEK COUKTV. an elder. All the seven children reside near the paternal home; Richard yV . served three and one fourth years during the civil war in the 76th Pennsylvania Hegiment, going as a drummer in his father's companj', and is now on the home farm; "William P. served twenty months in the (ith Ohio Cavalry, and is now on a farm in Chippewa town- .ship; Robert C. is a street car conductor in Allegheny City: Isadore S. is the wife of B. B. White, and resides in Cannelton; Harriet Frances, Jaseph M. and Ina Belle reside with their parents. Of the General's military service Bates' Partial Deeds of Pennsyl- eania says; " He early joined a militia company and in 1853 was elected captain, and after- ward brigade inspector of the nineteenth division. He recruited a company for the 7(;th Pennsylvania Regiment, of which he was captain. Soon after its organization it was ordered to the Department of the South, where it was engaged with the enemy at the capture of Fort Pulaski, and in the battles of Pocotaligo, .James Island, Jlorris Island, and in the Brst and .second assaults on Fort AVagner, in all of which he lead his company with a steadiness and devotion which characterized his entire service. At Morris Island, on the 10th of July, he was .slightly wounded, but kept the field. On the following morning he was again hit, receiving a flesh v\ound in the ri.sht arm and side. The assault on Fort Wagner proved very disastrous to the regiment, the loss being nearly half Its entire strength. In the summer of 1864 it was taken to Virginia and attached to the army of the James. On the 31st of May Captain Littell was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and on the following day, in the action of Cold Harbor, received a severe wound, the mi.ssile entering tlie right thigh, tearing quite through both limbs and emerging from the left After lying in the hospital for a time he was taken to hi5 home, but his wound was slow in healing and his recover^' was protracted. On the ITth of August following he was promoted to colonel. In Januar\' he sailed with the expeditions" first under Gens. Butler anil Weilzel, and finally \inder Gen. Terry, for the reduction of Fort Fisher, commanding the approaches to "Wilmington, N. C. Col. Lit- tell was of Peanepacker's brigade, and followed that gallant ofiieer in the desperate assault upon this stronghold. In the midst of the struggle, and while leading on his regiment in the face of a destructive fire he was struck by a minie-ball in the left thigh, wiiich passed through, penetrating a pocket-book containing a roll of bank notes, and finally lodging in the bod}'. It was an ever memorable day for the armies of the Union, and though e.vperiencing intense suffering, he still had spirit to rejoice over the glorious victory achieved. He was removed to Fortress Monroe, after having the ball extracted, and. when sufficiently recovered, to his home. As a merited recognition of his valor on this field upon the recommendation of Gen. Terry, he was breveted brigadier-general." While recovering from the wounds received at Cold Harbor some of Col. Littell's inferior officers tried to secure his discharge thinking to thus make better their own chances of promotion, but he returned to duty while his wounds were yet running, and those who " digged a pit " for him in his absence afterward fell therein. J.\MES Luke, retired farmer, P. O. Enon Vallev, came from Ireland in 1.821 and ■settled in Beaver (now Lawrence) county. David Luke came from Ireland (County Antrim) aliout 1810. Some time after his arrival, or about 181.'). he moved to Beaver county and purchased a farm of fifty acres near where the town of Bridgewater stands. He married Sarah, daughter of Patrick and Elnor Wallace, also of Ireland. Of their three children James is the eldest. He was born and reared on the farm, and resides on the property purchased by his father in 1820, consisting of 100 acres. He died at the age of eighty five years, and his wife at the age of ninety-three. James was married Dec. 28, 18-1(5, to ilargaret, youngest daughter of James and Susannah JIcAnlis, natives of Ireland. They have had ten children, of wliom seven are living: David Wallace, William John, Robert James, Su.san p:iizabeth (Jlrs. Watt), Martin Kirk, Emma (Mrs. Long), and Delmer Johnson. Mr. Luke is a member of the Covenanter church ; in politics a Republican, Joseph E. McC.\iiE, grocer, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Bridgewater, this county, Jan. 0, 1841. His parents, Robert and Jlahala(Lee) McCabe, natives of Wash- ington county. Pa. , and of Scotch descent, .settled in I5ridgewater, this county, about 1.82.'). After the Hood of 1832 Robert, who was a carpenter and boat-builder, rebuilt the first dwelling in that place. He died in 1S40. His children were William, James, BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 683 Leander. Robert, Samuel, JoUu, Eliza (Mrs. Levi Bnotb), Mary A. (deceased), Margaret (deceased) and Joseph E. (lur subject was reared iu Bridgewater, aud followed the river until 1855, first as cabin boy aud afterward as steward. He learned the carriage painter's trade in Ravenna, Ohio, where he remained six years, then spent one year in Wooster, (.)hio, and returned to Beaver county iu 1S62. Sept. 6 of that same year he enlisted as a private in Company A. 17th Cavalry, and participated in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Boonesborough, Brandy Station (three engagements), Rappahannock, Kilpatrick's raid to Richmond, Cold Harbor, Winchester. Appomato.x, Five Forks, aud many other engagements. Nov. 1, 1802, he was promoted to sergeant, and was duty sergeant commanding a scouting party under General Sheridan until theclo.se of the war. He was mustered out .luue Hi, 1865, returned home and shortly after went to St. Louis, Mo., where he remained one year. He then located in Alle- gheny Cit}', Pa., where he was engaged as foreman in the painting department of one of the largest carriage shops iu that city until ISTl. He then came to Bridgewater, this county, where he superintended the erection of several buildings for manufacturing purposes. In 1873 he embarked iu the grocery business in Bridgewater, wliich he con- tinued uutil the fall of 1883, when he was elected a member of the General A.ssemblv by SOI majority over his opponent, in a strong Republican county. In 1883 he came to Beaver Falls and embarked in the grocery business. In 18(i3 he married Tillie, daughter of William Read, of Beaver, l;}- whom he has three daughters: Maggie, Edith and Stella. j\Ir. McCabe is a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F. ; has passed all the chairs of the subordinate lodges of the latter order, has served as inside guardiau of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, also of the Grand Encampment of Pennsjdvania; was elected Grand .Junior Warden, afterward Grand Senior Warden, Grand High Priest and Grand Patriarch of Pennsylvania, the highest branch of the order. During his residence in Bridgewater he served twelve years on the school board. In 1881 he was elected captain of Company E, 10th Regiment N. G., which he resigned in 1886. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; politically he is a Democrat. W. F. McCague, liveryman, Beaver, was born in Independence township, this county, June 17, 1861, son of William and Lucinda(Thom,son) McCague, natives of this county and of Scotch-Irish descent, former of whom is a farmer in Independence town- ship. They have two children, of whom Anna is at home. Our subject attended the common schools, and in 1885 he came to Beaver, where he embarked in the livery busi- ness. His stable is on Third street, in the business center of the borough. He keeps eiglit horses, and tirsf class carriages, and his business is steadily increasing. He was married June 8. 1885, to Ida, daughter of Thomas Brunton, of Salem, 111. She is of Scotch-Irish descent. The}' have one cliild, William Elden. Mrs. McCague is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. In politics Jlr. McCague is a Republican. Joseph D. McC-^kter, physician, Beaver Falls, was born in Chippewa town.ship, Feb. 16, 1856, and is a son of John and Euieline (Douthitt) McCartcr. His paternal "rand- father was Daniel McCarter, of Scotch parentage, a pioneer of Darlington, where he reared a family of eight children: John, Alexander, William, George, Daniel, Eliza- beth (Mrs. John Young), Ann (Mrs. Jloore) and Jane (Mrs. Alexander Andcnson). His maternal grandfather was Jo.seph Douthitt. wiiose father was a pioneer of Beavercountv. His maternal great-grandmother, whose maiden name was McMinn, was said to be the first white woman who crossed the Ohio river at Eeaver. ,Iohn McCarter was a farmer of Chippewa township, and died there in 187.3, aged fifty -two years. He had twelve children: Jo.seph D., Mary J. (Mrs. Robert McCaughtry), an infant son de- ceased, .John E., Roliert M., George C, William W., Frank S., Charles H., Clement B. Laura E. and Olive L. Joseph D. began the study of medicine in 1879 in the office of James Scroggs, Jr., of Beaver; entered Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia in 1881, and was graduated in 1883. He located in Beaver Falls, where he has a laro-e and growing practice. Oct. 38, 1885, he married Anna, daughter of Henry and Sarah Chandley, of Beaver Falls, and has one daughter, Lucy E. John McCaughtry, farmer, P.O. Enon Valley, Pa., was born in Northampton 684 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. county, Pa., in 1808. His parents, .John and Elizabeth (Gabel) McCaughtry, had four children, of whom our subject is tlie only son. The father was a farmer and shoemaker by trade. .John, our subject, who has always been a farmer, purchased his present farm of 92 acres in 1836. He was married in 1848 to Margaret Braden, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Uankin) Braden, and tliey have had ten children, nine of whom are living: William .lohn, Joseph, James Harper, Robert, Mary, Elmer, Elsie, Frank and Floyd. Mr. McCaughtry has retired from active work on the farm, which is suc- cessfully managed by his sons. He joined llie Presbyterian church at the age of eigh- teen; politically he is a Democrat. S. S. McClure, farmer, P. O. Enon Valley, Pa., was born in Beaver county in 1838. This family on account of persecution were compelled to leave their native lard, ircot- land, and came to America in the seventeenth century. William McCIure located in Lan- caster county, Pa., and to this pioneer were born five sons, among whom was one James. He came to Gettysburg, Adams county and engaged in farming. He was married to Elizabeth Lemond, who bore him three sons. John, the youngest, who was born in 1810, was married to JMary Jane Black, of Allegheny county, and to them were born six children. He was a farmer by occupation; came to Beaver county in 1833, where he settled on a farm which he afterward purchased. He died in 1874. Samuel S. McClure, the third child born to John and Mary Jane (Black) McClure. received a liberal education, and was reared on the farm which he now owns. He married, in 1865, Ella, daughter of James McGeorge of this county, and two sons, John Kirk and Everett Lemond, were the result of this union. 5Ir. JlcClure enlisted in 1861 in Company 1), KlOth Kegiment, known as the "Bound Head Kegiment," and was in active service three years. He was wounded, taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison five months. He is a mem- ber of the G. A. K. ; in politics he is a Republican. He has been an elder in the United Presbyterian church for several years. William J.\mes McClure, P. O. New Galilee, was born on the farm where he now resides. His father, William, was a sou of Joliii McClure, who was of Scotch-Irish parentage and resided in Lancaster county, where he died. William came from Lan- caster county to this county in 1822, traveling the entire distance on foot and carrying his possessions in a knapsack. On coming here he purchased 2,')0 acres of land, which he afterward increased to 300 acres. He died in 1877 at the age of eighty-three years; his wife, Mary (McChesney), daughterof Richaid McChesney, of Lancaster county, died at the age of thirty-two years. They had live children; John (deceased). Sarah Jane (deceased), Martha L. (deceased), William James, and Mary Ann (deceased). Our sub- ject was the fourth child and is the only surviving member of the familj'. He was edu- cated at the common-schools, and has always resided on the homestead. He has been engaged in farming and stock dealing and now own.s 400 acres of land, nearly all of which is under cultivation. He attends the L'uited Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. WiLLi.\M McCluiw, retired farmer, P. O. Xew Galilee, was born in Mercer county. Pa., in 1808. His grandfather, John McChirg, came originally from Ireland and pur- cliased a farm in Washington coimty. Pa. His father, James, was born in Jlercercouuty, and bought a farm in Ohio, on which he lived. His mother was Nancy, daughter of William JlcClurg, also a native of Ireland. Our subject is (lie second son and had six brothers and four sisters. He was born and reared on the farm, came to Beaver county in 1828 and married, in *,he following year. Sarah, daughter of Jo.seph and Sarah (Hartshorn) Marshall. To them were born nine children, of whom four are living: Lucy (now Mrs. Raney); Alary (now Mrs, .lames); Eliza (now Jlrs. King); and Nancy (.Mrs. Crawford). Mr. McClurg bought the farm on which he now lives in 18J0. It consi.sts of ninety-six acres, and has been under his cultivation ever since his purchase. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. Two of bi.s sons, James and John, died during the war, the latter in Anilersonville prison. William H. McConnell, carpenter, P. O. Negley. was born in South Beaver town- ship, Beaver county. Pa., in 1855, and istheeldestof four children of William P. and Ellen BIOGKAl'IIIKS WEST SIDE. 685 (McMillin) McConnell, former of wliom ilit-d in 1ST9, aged sixty-six years. Jolin, the grandfather of our subject, came from County Down, Ireland, about 1795, and in 1798 lo- cated in Beaver county, where he purchased 100 acres of land. lie married Dorotha, daughter of ex-Judge Wright, and had ten cliildren. He died in 18.52, aged eighty years. William P. was reared a farmer, and at his death owned 187 acres of land. William 11. has always followed farming \intil the past few years, during which he has been work- ing at carpentering. He was married in 18S2 to Alice, daughter of Isaac Dever, of this county, and they have two children: II. Dever and Ada Clara. Mr. McConnell is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. John JIoCowin (deceased) was born in Beaver county in 1810. His parents, James and Margaret (Allen) McCowin, had ten children. James came to this county in 1798 from iMary land. John received a common-school education, and learned the trade of carpenter and mason. He was married in 1S36 to Jane Wiley. She died, and in 1843 he married Juliet, daughter of Alexander Anderson. He had six children, all of whom are deceased. From 183-t to 188.5 Mr. JlcCowin was prominently engaged in building and contracting. He was one of the principal managers in the building of the Darling- ton it Cannel Coal Railroad; was secretary and superintendent of that road for a time. an(,l also a prominent stockholder. He was a member of the Methodist church; in pol- itics a Republican. Ben.iamin McF.\iu>.\Nn, farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was born in Chippewa town- ship, Beaver county, in 1824. His father, Robert, married Catherine Pence, and had ten children, of whom five are living. Benjamin is the fifth. Robert was a shoemaker by trade and followed that business through life. He came to this county from West moreland In 1812. He died in 1862, aged eighty-four years; his wife died in 1860, aged sixt3'-six years. Benjamin followed the trade of a stone-ma.son for twenty-five years. He came to South Beaver township in 1844, and purcha.sed his present farm of sixty -four acres. He was married, in 1856, to Mary, daughter of Cornelius Donevan. By her he has six children: Mary Ellen, Catherine (Mrs. Porter), John, Arthur Benjamin, Sarah Jane (Mrs. Potter) and Elizabeth, at home. Mrs. McFarland died in 1866, aged thirty- two. Jlr. JIcFarland started in life poor, but by industry and perseverance has achieved success. He is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church; politically, he is a Republican. S.\MUEL S. McFerran, postmaster, Beaver FalLs, was born in Hookstown, Oct. 16, 1829, and is a son of Robert and Mary (Scott) McFerran. His paternal grandfather. Joseph JIcFerran, of Scotch Irish descent, settled in Adams county, and removed to Butkr county, Pa., aljout 1790, and married a lady named Stewart, soon thereafter set- tling in Beaver. He was a teacher, and did the ilerical work for the Harmony Society in the early days of the count}'. He reared four children: Joseph. Robert, Sarah (Mrs. Dr. .Milton Lawrence) and Samuel. The maternal grandfather of Mr. ^McFerran was Rev. George M. Scott, who was born in Bucks county, Nov. 14, 1759, and served in the revolution. In 1787 he began the study of theologj', entered the University of Pennsyl- vania, at Philadelphia, and was graduated in 1793. In 1797 he was licensed to preach by the presbytery of New Brunswick, N. J. May 17, 1798, he married Anna, daughter of Samuel Rea. of Mt. Bethel, and the same year filled vacancies in the presbytery of Washington county. Pa. He was ordained in 1798, at New Brunswick, and in 1799 took charge of the Jlill Creek Congregation, in Beaver county, and the Flatts Congre- gation, of Brooke county, Va. In 1826 he resigned the latter, but continued to preach to the Mill Creek Congregation until 1838. He died at Hookstown in 1847. Robert McFerran, the father of our subject, was a cabinet maker and surveyor. He served as justice of the peace of Greene township for twenty-seven years, and always took an active part in public affairs. He had seven children, who grew to maturity: Sarali (Mrs. Hugh McKissock), George, Samuel S., Jane (Mrs. Joshua Wright), John S.,Mary S. (Mrs. John Munnell) and Milton L. Samuel S. was reared in Beaver county. Ha engaged in mercantile business at Hookstown, which he continued for twenty-three years in various parts of the country. In 1874 he located in Beaver Falls, and was 38 686 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. superintendent of the gas works until 1881. lie was then appointed postmaster of Beaver Falls, which position he still holds. In 1858 he married Louisa, daughter of Samuel and Agnes (Lask) Edgar, of Fallston, by whom he has one daughter, Ada; his son, Percy Edgar, died in 1883. IMr. McFerran is a member of the A. (). V. W.; politically he is a Republican. James McGeouce, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, was born in Darlington township in 1833. His grandfather. William McGcorge, came to America from Scotland about 1700, and soon after his arrival settled in Allegheny county. lie came to Beaver county finally and purchased 400 acres of land, which he owned at the time of his death. William, a son of this pioneer, was born in 1700, and followed farming all his life. He married Nancy Young, of Allegheny county. Pa., and by her had six children, James being the only son. William received from his father 200 acres of the original tract, and died on the farm in 1854. James was born and reared on the same farm; he still owns it. He was educated in the common schools and Greersbiirg Academy. He was married, in 1864, to Fannie, daughter of Thomas and ^Margaret (Gettis) Craig, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and they have had seven children, of whom si.\ are living: ^Margaret Blanche, William Clifton, Minerva Craig, Thomas Hamilton, Bessie and Edward Glenn. The family are members of the Ileformed Presbyterhiu church. Rev. John K. McKai. lip, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Beaver, was born in Westmoreland county, thisstate, Sept. 10, 1847. His parents, Henry K. and Mary (Kcely) McKallip, are natives of Pennsylvania, the father of Scotch-Irish and the mother of Dutch descent. His father was a successful merchant in Shearersburg and Leechburg. Our subject is the seventh of eleven children, and was reared in the counties of Westmoreland and Armstrong. He graduated from Washington and Jelfer.son Col- lege in 1808, and the Western Theological Seminary, at Alleglieny, in 1871. His first charge was at Elizabethtown, Ky., where he remained twoyears. He rtlieved the ecu- gregation of a heavy debt by an Eastern trip in soliciting financial aid. His next set- tlement was at Uhrichsville, Ohio, where he labored for nearly eight years, building up a large congregation. The church edifice was also entirely remodeled . In 1882 he under- took the i)astoral charge of the First church of Bellaire, Ohio, and succeeded in the removal of a large church debt there. In 1887 he accepted a call to the Braver Presby- terian church. His ministry here has already borne a large fruitage, and is full of promise. He is a preacher of no small accomplishments and of great popularity. He was married, in 1871, to Marion, the youngest daughter of the late Rev. Benjamin J. Wal- lace, D.D., and six children blessed this union, three of whom survive : Mary, Harry K. and John K. Mrs. McKallip died in April, 1884. D. A. McKean, farmer, P. O. Enon Valley, was born April 13, 1828, in Beaver county, where he has always lived. His grandfather, George, came from Westmoreland county, and his great-grandfather from Scotland. The latter .settled in Westmoreland county and opened an inn, now known as McKean's hotel. Here George was boin and reared, and took part in the "Whisky Insurrection." He came to Beaver county in 1795, purchased 500 acres of land, tarmed it and afterward built upon it a tannery which he managed for fifty years. He married JIary Johnson, and had six sons and four daughters. His .second wife was Elizabeth Smith, who bore him seven children. . Johnson, father of our subject, was the second son; he worked at tanning until he was twenty-three 3'ears of age, when he was given 100 acres of land, upon which he lived until his death; he died in 1877, at the age of seventy-six years. He was married to ^Margaret Adams, daughter of Daniel and Mary (McCurdy) Adams, former of whom came from Ireland, latter born east of the mountains, in Pennsylvania, and was the father of three sons and seven daughters, six of whom are now living. I). A., the second .son. was reared on the land originally purchased by his grandfather, but now owned by him. He received a common school education, and has since been a farmer. He was married, Jan. 26, 1860. to Mary L., daughter of Joseph and Lizzie (Patterson) Marshall, who bdrehim seven children (six of whom are living): Johnson, William A. .Elizabeth Anna, JohuW. (of Allegheny), Robert (deceased), Emma Clara and Charles Alvin. Mr. McKean in reli- gion is a Presbyterian; in politics a Democrat. lUOGEArHIES WEST SIDE. 687 Lewis and Jons McKim, farmers. P. O. Homewood. are grandsons of James McKim who came from Ireland previous (o the revolutionary war, and settled in Bea- ver county as early as 1801. He married Hannah Lewis, who hoie him nine children. William, his second son, horn in 1791, was a farmer, and at his death in Is.jO owned 160 acres of land. He was twice married, and hy his first wife, Lucretia (Jliller) he had four children; Robert i\L, Hannah, Lewis and .Tames. The mother died in 1828. Lewis, the second son, was born .Jan. 26, 1823, received a common-school education, has always followed farming, and now owns fifty acres of land; he has never married. The second wife of William McKim was JIargaret, daughter of Francis and Mary Gilky; she bore liira five children; F. W., John C. , William A., Mary Jane and Harvey, all of whom are living. John C, the second son, was born in 183.5. He was reared on the farm, and at an early age learned the carpenter's trade, which he has followed for twenty- eight years. In 1864 he married Rufina. datighter of William and IMargaret (Crawford) Miller, and Viy her has one son, William M. Sir. McKim now resides on the farm owned by his father-in-law, Mr. Miller. He served four months in the civil war, in Company E, 18th Regiment. He is a Republican. WiLT.i.\M H. McLaughlin, farmer, P. O. Ohioville, son of WilliaHi and Harriet (Cairns) McLaughlin, was born at Mansfield, Ohio, Kept. 16, 18.'J8. His grandfather, Neal JIcLaughlin, emigrated here from Ireland in 1792, and purchased from the gov- ernment 400 acres of land in what was then called Pittsburgh township, Allegheny county, bnt now Ohio township. He subsequently added 200 acres more to the farm, nearly all of which has always remained in the name of his descendants. He was one of the very earliest settlers of this county, and was married to Isabella Carr, a native of Carlisle, Pa. Si.x children were born to them, viz.; William, Sarah, John, Elizabeth, Thomas and an infant, all of whom are now deceased. Neal ilcLaughlin died Sept. 3, 1838, at the age of si.\ty-seven years. All of his children, e.\cept William, died without having married, and were buried on his farm. John, born in 1806, survived the others, and at his death, Oct. 12, 1886, he left most of the estate to William II. (our subject). Thomas was born .March 31, 1809. and died Jan. 25, 1875. Sarah, born in 1804, died Dec. 9. 1885. The subject of this sketch spent his youth and received his education at ]\Iansfield, Ohio. In 1877 he came to Ohio township. Pa., and has since lived on the JIcLaughlin farm. Of the original farm, 100 acres were sold, 100 acres belong to William's three sisters, and the remainder to him. William H. was married, in 1884, to Lollie B., daughter of George and Martha (Morse) Christian, born Nov. 11, 1859, in Pittsburgh. Her father was born April 4, 1827, in Ireland, and her mother, born Aug. 17, 1830. is a native of Pittsburgh. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin — William II. and Marie. Jlrs. McLaughlin is a memlier of the Jlethodist Episcopal church. Gen. William McLaughlin (deceased), father of tlie above, was born in Ohio township, in February, 1802. He studied law at Beaver, Pa., and in 1827 moved to Mansfield, Ohio. He was a soldier in the Mexican and civil wars, and won consider- able fame. His wife, Mrs. Harriet (Cairns) McLaughlin, is well known in Mansfield, and is one of the oldest residents there. Patriotism was the distinct and distinirnishing attribute of his character and life. He was a soldier naturally, and returning from the service after Bull Run, he was authorized by the president to raise a squadron of cavalry, to be named in honor of himself. With this he again took the tieki, but the physical man gave way, and the senator, speaker and soldier died in August, 1862. Ralston A. McMillin, Su., retired, P. O. Achor, Ohio, is a descendant of Jas. MeMillin, the pioneer of the name, who came from Ireland at an earl}- day with other emigrants, and purchased a large tract of land in Brush Run, Beaver county. He was a farmer, and had daughters and three .sons. John, his oldest son, married Rebecca Arbuckle, who bore him nine children. At his death he owned some 500 acres of land. Ralston A. was born in 1811, the youngest of five sons, was reared on the farm, and has followed agricultural pursuits through life. He was married to Eliza, daughter of William Beatty, of Ohio, and seven children have been born to this union, five of them 688 HISTORY OF HEA.VEK COUNTY. liTing: Matilda M. (Mrs. Howard), John A., Mary Belle (Mrs. .Shepler), .lames, William and Sylvester C. Mr. McOIillin has retired from farmiuji, and has been an invalid since 18S6. He is a member of the Methodist cliurch: politically a Keiniblican. Harbison McMillin, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in South Beaver town- ship in 1839. .Tames McMillin, his father, a farmer by occupation, was the second son of .James, the early pioneer of the family, and married Elizabeth Harbison. Six chil- dren were born to to them, of whom Harbison is the eldest. James McMillin died in 1881, aged ninety-one years. His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1829, aged about tliirty-five years. Harbison was reared on a farm, and received his education at the log school house. At seventeen years of age he began learning the tanner's trade, serving three years. He followed the trade twenty-five years. Retiring from that business he pur- chased some live hundred acres of land, situated in several ditferent tracts, and being mostl}' underlaid with coal. Mr. McMillin is unmarried. In political preference he is a Republican. Ralston P. ^IcMillin, farmer, P. O. Achor, Ohio, w-as boi-n in New Brighton in 1835. His father, "\Yilliam !Mc^Iiliin, who was born and reared in this county, married Martha >[arquis, of Washington county, Pa. She bore him six sons and three daughters, of whom Ralston P. is the fourth son. William was a farmer and owned KiO acres of land. He died in 1869, aged sixt}--six years. His widow is still living at the age of eightj'-five years, Ralston P. purchased his present farm of ninety- three acres in 1875. He was married, in 18(!4, to Ann Jane, daughter of Robert Wilson, a member of one of the oldest families in South Beaver township, Beaver count}'. ^Ir. and Mrs. Mc^Iillin Iiave had live children, of whom three are living : William Wilson, born in 1871 ; Robert Edwin, born in 1878 ; and Howard Clarence, born in 1877. Mr. McMillin, in 1SG3, enlisted in Company I, 134th Regiment. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he has for some time been an elder. Po- litically he is a Republican. Dr. Thos. G. McPiiekson -was born July 16, A. 1). 1838, in Economy township, Beaver county. Pa., beinsj the third one of six children born to Reuben and Elizabeth Jane McPherson (nee Greer), four sons and two daughters, named respectively ; 3Iary Jane, Robert, Thomas Greer, Reuben Henderson, Mannon, Sarah Ann. His paternal ancestors were Scotch, his maternal ancestors Irish. His grandparents came to America early in life, and were among the pioneers of western Pennsylvania. In 18.50 Reuben McPherson, with his family, removed from Beaver county to Sewickley town- ship, Allegheny county, where they resided until 1865, when he came to New Brigh- ton, Beaver county, wliere he still lives (IS.SS), aged seventy -eight years. The subject of this sketcli at an early age manifested a strong desire to secure an education, and at the age of sixteen years was sent to Jlount Union College, in Stark countj', Ohio. Until twenty-one years of age he continued to attend school in the summer and engage in teaching in the winter. In the spring of 1859 he began the study of medicine under the tuition of Dr. Robert McCready, of Sewickley, where he continued his studies for four years. He tlien attended lectures at Cleveland Medical College in 1863-04, since which time he has been constantl}' engaged in tlie practice of his profession with good success. His literary taste and love of knowledge have made him a persistent reader and an attentive student of the various departments of science and literature. For many years he has written for publication numerous articles on a great variety of sub- jects, of general or local interest, writing with clearness and a bold independence of popular opinion. In 18.59 the Doctor was united in marriage with Miss Jane Riley, of Alle- gheny county, Pa., and eight children Iiave been born to them : Robert A., L. Luella, Hattie J., Viola, Orvil R., Thomas C, Frank G. and Mabel G The Doctor inherits the active temperament and sturd}' character of his Scotch-Irish ancestry. He is a man of liberal views and progressive ideas, ever true to his convictions of right, and ready to combat that which he believes to be wrong in society, church and state. He courts not popularity nor fears disfavor ; and lives to improve him.self and benefit others. Having devoted twenty-five years to the practice of his profession, he is now. BIOGEAPHIES — AVEST SIDK. 689 at the age of fiftj- years, in possession of perfect health and vigor of his mental and physical powers, and enjoj's the respect and confidence of those who know him, with prospect of spending 3'et many years of active life. Dr. McPherson became a resident of Beaver Falls in October, isot!. The village was then part of Patterson township, and had about f)ne hundred inhabitants, he being the first phj'siciau to locate in the place, now a thriving town, with a population numbering ten thousand souls, and soon to be one of the leading cities of western Pcnnsj'lvania. J.\MES McT.\GGART, farmer and stock grower, P. O. Vanport, was born in Scotland, May 5, ]834, and is a son of Alexander and Agnes (McC'radey) JNIcTaggart, both natives of Scotland, former of whom was a shepherd in that coimtry and came to America in 1858. where he followed farming. James is the fifth of eleven children. He was a shepherd with his father in Scotland, attended the common schools, and since coming to Ainerica has worked at farming with marked success. He came lo Reaver county in 1870, and settled in Borough township, where he still resides. His farm consists of 22.5 acres, and he is extensivelj' engaged in gardening and .stock raising. Mr. McTaggart was married, in 1866, to May, daughter of Armstrong Jell}', and their children are John, Clara and Thomas E. Mrs. McTaggart is a member of the Presbyterian church. In politics Mr. McTaggart is a Republican. Danip^l M.vddek, farmer, P. O. Enon Valley, was born in this county in 1818. William Madden came from Columbia county. Pa., to Beaver county about 1815. He was twice married, and by his first wife had two children, Joseph and Savilla (Mountain), both of whom are living. His second wife, Elizabeth Flickinger, bore him eleven chil- dren, Daniel being the second son. Our subject received a common school education, and during his lifetime has been principally engaged in farming and coal mining. He was married, in 1853, to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Cohn, of Ohio, and thej' had three sons and three daughters: Samuel, James, Thomas, Mary E., Savilla L. and Ida L. 3Irs. Madden died in 1867, and Mr. Madden then married, in 1873, Anna M., daughter of George A. and Eliza Park, of Allegheny county, Pa. Mr. Madden purchased his present farm of fifty-three acres in 1859. He has retired from the active work of the farm, and in the rounding out of a long career he has been financially successful. He had a sister named Mary, older than himself, and has four full brothers, viz.: William, James, Cliarles and Jloutgomery, and one sister, .Martha. Mr. Madden is a Democrat. J.\MES M.\i)DEN, the fourth son of William and Elizabeth INIadden, was liorn in Little Beaver township, this county, in 1833. He was reared on the farm, and received a good education. For seven years he was engaged in teaching, and afterward was employed as a clerk for twelve years, when, on account of ill-health, he was obliged to give up that occupation in 18.50. He purchased 100 acres of land. The discovery of coal rend- ered this land very valuable. Mr. Madden was married, in 1853, to Nancy, daughter of Esquire Thomas Cunningham, of this county, and they have four sons and four daugh- ters, as follows: Thomas, now in the west; Nora, a graduate of !Mt. Union College, Ohio, now teaching in a seminary in Washington, Kan.; William, now gone to Califor- nia; John, just returned from California; Ellie, married to John McGeorge; Charles, at home; .Vlice, at home, and Jennie. Mr. ^Madden has, by his own untiring industry, .secured for himself in his declining years a comfortable home. Politicall}', he is a Democrat. Joseph Mai.one (deceased), late farmer, was born in 1817. The family came originally from Maryland. Eiuery, father of our subject, came here with his par- ents when a boy. He married Deborah Boen, 'who bore him ten children, five of whom are now living. Emery died Aug. 2, 1835, and his wife Deborah, Oct. 3, 1835. Joseph, in 1856, with Samuel Jackson, i)urchased 100 acres of land, which they owned in partnership for le.ss than one year, Jackson's share being purchased by Mr. Malone. Joseph was married, in 1876, to Caroline, daughter of !MicIuiel Fry. and they have had live children; Jlichael (deceased), Josephine. Frances Caroline, Marj' Elizabeth and Joseph Elmer. Mr. JIalone died in 1887, aged seventy years. The widow witli her children now reside on the homestead. Mr. Malone was a member of the Presbyterian church; Mrs. Malone is a Jlethodist. 690 , HISTORY OF BEAVER CODNTY. Ira F. JIansfield. canncl cnal dealer, P. O. Cannelton, was born in Poland, Ohio, ■Tune 27, 1842, and is a son of Kirtland and Lois JNIansfield. llisgrandfatlier was Captain Jack JIansfield, of Wallingford, Conn., who for " coolness, firmness and punctuality" in storming Kedoubt No, 10, at Yorktown. Va. . was commended and promoted to captain by General Washington. Ira F. attended Poland College until he was fifteen years old, when he was placed to learn the niachi/ie and moulder's trade at Pittsburgh, Pa. He was married, Dec. 11, 1872, to Lucy E., daughter of Dr. E. Mygatt, and their children are Kirtland Mygatt, born Jan. 29, 1874; Mary Lois, born June 2S, 1877; Henry Beauchamp, born April 3. 1880. In August, 1862, Mr. Manstield enlisted in Company H, 105th O. V. I., and was promoted to orderl}- sergeant, second and first lieutenani, and for " conspicuous bravery " at the battles of Lookout Jlountain and Missionary Kidge, was breveted captain, and assigned as A. (.J. M. 14th A. C. He marched with " Sherman down to the sea," up through the Carolines, and took part in the grand review at Wash- ington in May, 1865. He bought out the cannel coal mines in October, 1865, and has operated them succe.ssfuUy every year since. He was justice of the peace and treasurer of Darlington township eighteen years, and representative of Beaver county in the state legislature in 1880 and 1881 . lu politics he is a Republican. He is ruling elder and Sunday-school superintendent in Jit. Pleasant presbjterian chunh. Bf lIowAiiD MAiiKs, farmer and fruit grower, P. O. Beaver, was born in Hancock county, W. Va., June 12, 1854, and is a son of A. J. and Sarah (Hall) IMarks. His father was born in Allegheny county April 5, 1825, and was a son of Samuel anil IMary (Free) Marks, also natives of Pennsylvania and of French and Dutch origin. A. J. fol- lowed farming, but " as also engaged in the manufacture of plows for a year. He came to Beaver county in 1869 from West Virginia, and spent the remaining portion of his life on the farm in Brighton town.ship, where he died in 1884. He married in 1851 Sarah Hall, a native of Washington comity, Pa. . who is of English descent and resides on the farm in Brighton township. Their children now living are Jennie, wife of Charles Summer, and R. Howard. Tlie latter was reared on the farm, received his education in Pitt.sburgh and the old academy at Beaver, and has made farming and fruit growing the business of his life. He married in Beaver covmty, in 1876, Viola, daughter of J. L. McKenzie. She was born in Beaver county, and was of English descent. This union was blessed with one child, Edna. 5Irs. Marks died in 1883, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mr. Marks is also a member. Politically he is a Republican. Alfred P. Maushali,, attorney, a member of the firm of Marshall & McCoy, of Beaver and Rochester, Pa., was born in Lawrence county. Pa.. May 17, 1850, and is a son of Joseph and Delilah (Houk) Marshall, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and Irish descent, former by occupation a farmer. Alfred P. is the fourteenth in a family of twenty children, fifteen of whom grew to maturity, and twelve of whom are still living. He was reared on the farm and attended common schools, and Westminister College, Pa., and Mount Union College, Ohio. Commencing at the age of seventeen he taught .school in winters, and attended school in the summers, for seven years. He tlien began the study of law at Ridgeway, Elk county, Pa., in the office of Hon. John G. Hall, and subsequently came to Beaver, where he completed his studies with S. B. Wilson, He was admitted to the bar in 1876, and has been in active practice ever since. Mr. JIarshall was married, Oct. 18, 1880, to Cora F., daughter of Charles H. and Amanda (Clark) Bentel, natives of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent. Jlrs. Marshall is a member of the Presbyterian church, Mr. Marshall, of the U. P. church; in politics he he is a Republican. John JIarsiiaij,, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, was born on his present farm in 1818. His grandfather, Hugh Marshall, who was the early pioneer of the family in this coun- try, came from Ireland about 1790, and located in Westmoreland county. Pa. In 1796 he settled in Big Beaver township, where he purchased a tract of land containing 400 acres. He married Margaret Jack, who bore him four sons, one dying when young. He remained on this property until his death in 1839, previous to which he divided his BIOGEAPHIES WEST SIDE. 691 land among his three sons, John, Hugh and William, each receiving 100 acres, the father reserving the remaining 100 acres until his death. John, the eldest son, was born in 1788. lie was all his life a farmer, and at his death owned 500 acres. He married Elizabeth, daughter of David Clark, and had four sons and one daughter. He died in 18G3, and his wife in 1865. His son John (our suliject) received a common-school education, and has always been a farmer. lie owns 250 acres of land, 150 of which is a part of the 400-acre tract purchased by his grandfather. In 1808 he married jMary, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Stevenson) Shurlock, and they have four children: Samuel John, Sarali Elizabetli, Margaret and Mary. Mr. Marshall has been an indus- trious farmer, and enjoys the comforts of a pleasant home. Ills wife and children are memliers of the Methodist church. In political preference he is a Republican. M.VRViN M.4.Rsii,\LL, farmer, P. (). New Galilee, is the third son and fourth child of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Marshall. In early childhood he began work on his father's farm, and now owns 'iM acres of the 400 purchased by his grandfather, Hugh. He received a common-school education. April 2. 1863. he was married to JIargaret, daughter of John Dowling, and she dying :March 14, 1804, Mr. Marshall married, Nov. IT, 1870, Sarali, daughter of John and Sophia (Barnes) Garvin. By her he had six children: James Calvin, Marvin Clark, Elizabeth Bell, Edna Clarissa, John Garvin and Sarah Cornelia. In 1871 Mr. JIarsliall came into possession of his present farm, and since that time has resided on it. He owns another farm of 120 acres, besides other lands, and has carried on stock raising extensively and profitably. He and his family are members of the New School Covenanters church; politically he is a Republican. Huoit J. M.^RsnALL, farmer, P. O. New (Jalilee, was born in 1831, the youngest son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Marshall. He was born and reared on the farm and re- ceived a liberal education. In 1853 he married Amanda, daughter of Richard Hudson, and by her had five children: John, ]Mary E. (Mrs. Patterson), Amos, Matilda (Mrs. Crawford) and Robert James, a practicing physician. Mrs. Marshall died in 1870, and in 1871 he married Mary E., daughter of William McCaughtry. By her he had eight children, five of whom are living: Anna Belle, Maggie J., Elmer E., Idella and Ed.sie. Mr. Marshall purchased his present farm of 194 acres in 1857. It is underlaid with limestone and a superior quality of fire-brick clay, and was formerly the property of Shipman Newkirk. Mr. JIar.shall has been a justice of the peace for fifteen years. He was also elected county commissioner by the Republican party. He is an indus- trious and prosperous farmer, highly respected by his neighbors. J. P. M.MiTiN, farmer, P. (). Darlington, was born in Beaver county, in 1828, and has resided there ever since. His grandfather, captain, afterward major, Hugh Martin, came from Ireland to America about the year 1770, and afterward served with dLstirction in the revolution as an Indian .scout and commander of reconnoitering parties, in which capacity he met with many unusual and dangerous experiences. After the w-ar Maj. JIartin purchased 1,500 acres of land in Western Pennsylvania. At his death this was divided between his three sons, one of whom, James, the father of our subject, came to Beaver county in 1798. He settled upon a portion of the estate, which he cultivated until his death. He married Mary, daughter of Capt. Daniel Leisure, a distinguished resident of Westmoreland county, and a soldier of revohitionary renown. To them were born twelve children. James P., the youngest, received his education at Greers- burg Academy, which he left at the age of sixteen, and engaged in farming. He .set- tled ujion his portion of the estate purchased by his grandfather, which now amounts to 160 acres. In 1850 Mr. Martin married Mary, daughter of John Imbrie, of Big Beaver township, and became the father of nine children, one of whom is deceased. They are James Rankin, now district attorney; Nancy Ro.salie, now Jlrs. Dutf; John Imbrie, now deputy sheriff: Hugh Wilmer: Mary India, now Mrs. Hall; De Lorme, Lila J. and Jerry C. Mr. JIartin has been quite prominent in the political councils of the Repub- lican party in Beaver county, having filled all of the township offices, and also having been elected sheriff of the county, in which position he served from Jan. 1, 1876, until 1879, a period of three years. 692 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. J. Rankin Martin, district attorney, Beaver Falls, was born in Darlington town- ship, this county, Jan. 14. isr>2, son of James P. and Mary C. (Imbrie) Slartin. natives of Penn.sylvania and of Scotch-Iri.sh descent. His father, who is a farmer in Darlington township, this county, served one terra as .sheriff of Beaver county . Ilis family consisted of nine children, five sons and three daughters living, J. Rankin being the eldest child. Our subject received his education in the district schools, Darlington Academy and Westminster College. lie remained on the farm until 1876, when he was ajipoiuted dep- uty sheriff under his father, and served in that capacity three 3'ears. In 1879 he began to read law with Agnew ik Buchanan, and was admitted to the bar Feb. fl, 1883. In 1888 he was elected district attorney, and was re-elected in 1886. lie was married in 1880 to Anna, daughter of John R. Eakin, and has two children: Helen and JNIargaret. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are members of the United Presbyterian clnirch; in jioHtics he is a Republican . J. H. Martsolf, druggist, Beaver, was born in New Brighton, Beaver county, Feb, 21, 1854, and is a son of Philip and Sarah (Schramm) Martsolf. His mother was a native of this county and of German descent. His father was born in Alsace, Germany, came to this country with his parents in 18*2, and located first in Jl.-iryland, but in 1838 removed to Pennsvlvania. He learned the trade of a shoe manufacturer. In 1858 he settled in New Brighton, where he carried on the manufacture of boots and shoes. He had seven children, of whom J. II. is the third. Our subject was reared in New Brigh- ton, and in 1870 became a druggist's clerk, in which capacity he continued till 1877. In that year he established a drug store in the Diamond, Rochester. In the autumn of 1879 he removed his store to Beaver, where he is still in business. In 1876 he was mar- ried to Catherine, daughter of the late Daniel Jliller, of Bridgewater, and their children are Stanley sillier, JIargaretta, Sarah Enmia and Clara Blanche. Mr. and Mrs. ^Mart- solf are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Republican in politics. Gottlieb JIaulick, machinist, Beaver Falls, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, April 15, 1832, and is a son of Jacob and Ro,sina (Rukert) ^laulick. He was reared in Lauflfen, on Necker, until fourteen years of age, when he went to Heilbronn, and served an apprenticeship of three years at the locksmith trade. He then traveled through different cities of Europe as a journeyman for four years, and in 1853 landed in New York. He went to Philadelphia, where he worked as a machinist and gunsmith for nine year.s, after which he engaged in business for himself there. In 1861 he located in Trenton, N. J., where he was engaged nine years in the .sword and axe works of Emer- son >.V Silver, after which he went to New York and worked on envelojie machinery eight months. He then returned to Trenton and was there employed in the saw works of Mr. Emerson four and a half 3'ears. In February. 1872, he came to Beaver Falls. Here he was employed in the .saw works of Emerson & Co. si.\ months, and nine years in the Western File Works as a hammerer and machinist. Since 1883 he has conducted a machine shop on his own account. He is a F. A A. M. and member of the A. O. U. W.; in politics a Democrat. Charles W. JIay, Beaver Falls, was liorn near Wilkinsburgh, AIleghen3' count)', April 8, 1827. He married Jliss Mary Anderson, of Pittsburgh, July 27. 1848, and re- sided in Allegheny and Pittsburgh until 1859, when they moved to Beaver. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion he raised a compan)' of soldiers and was com- missioned captain of the same Nov. 13, 1861. The compan3' was assigned to the 101st Regiment, P. V. and known as Company F. They took part in the siege of Yorktown, the engagements at Williamsburgh, Va., Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, the seven days' battle before Richmond, the engagements at Kinston, N. C, Whitehall, N. C. and Goldsboro, N. C., also in the skirmishes at Blackwater, Va., and South West Creek. He had command of the regiment after the battle of Fair Oaks, but resigned Jan. 17, 1863. He then removed to Pittsburgh, being employed as a master and pilot of steam- boats on the Ohio and ^Mississippi rivers, and lived there until 1875, when he moved to Beaver Falls. He was elected to council for the 6th ward Feb. 18, 1879. He estab- lished the hardware .store of May & Co. June 19, 1879, and continued in business until lilCGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 693 September, 1886, when he sold out to Merriman & Dawson, He had only one child , James M., now superintendtnt of Beaver Falls Steel Works, who was born in Pittsburgh, Dec. 25, 1849. .James M. received his education at the old Beaver Academy, and fin- ished at the Pittsburgh Central High School in 18(57. He tlieu read medicine under Dr. •C. Emmerling, of Pittsburgh, and attended JelTerson Medical Cullege of Philadelpbia, and Bellevae Hospital Medical College of New York, where he was graduated in 1870. He practiced in Pittsburgh and St. Louis, Mo., and came to Beaver Falls in 1875. Oct. 2, 1877, he married Hannah, daughter of .John and Cynthia (Jlurphv) Peeves, and they have four children; Charles Reeves, born April 3, 187!(; .John Walton, born Oct. 9, 1880; James Moore, born Oct. 14, 1883. and Arthur Largue, born April 10, 1887. Oct. 1, 1875, James M. May accepted a position in the office of the Beaver Falls Steel Works, then known by the firm name of Abel, Pedder &, Co., and has been superintendent and general manager for the past eight years. He was elected a school director Feb. 18, 1870, was made secretary of the board June 2, 1879, and held the office during his three years' term . He helped to organize and is a director of the First National Bank, Beaver Falls Street Pailway, Beaver Falls Glass Company (Jjimited), Beaver Falls Marginal Railroad, Beaver Falls Art Tile Company, and Beaver Falls Board of Trade, of which he is also secretary. lie is a F. i- A. M., Worshipful Master of Beaver Valley Lodge No. 478 A. Y. M,, Most Excellent H. P. of Harmony Chapter 306 R. A. M.,R. A. ■(Past Regent); politically he is a Republican. William C. Mkgown, contractor and builder, Beaver Falls, was born in Butler county, Pa. Dec. 22, 1828, and is a son of James and Jane (Campbell) Megown, the former a native of County Down, Ireland, and the latter of Westmoreland county, Pa. They located in New Brigliton, this county, in 1830, and in what is now Beaver Falls in 1837, returning in 1830 to New Brighton, where they lived and died, the father in 1864. James Jlegown was a bricklayer liy trade, also a brick manufacturer, and did some business as a contractor and builder. His children were Jane, Samuel R., Rachel, Sabina, James, William C, ^lartha, Robert. John, Elizabeth, Thomas J. and Sarah A. William C. was reared in Beaver county from thirteen years of age, and learned the bricklayer's trade with his father and eldest brother, which business he followed until 185.5. In 1808 he located in Beaver Falls, where he has since been engaged in business as a contractor and builder. He was one of the contractors who built the Central hotel, the Eleventh Street public school, engine house and old File Works of Beaver Falls, and the courthouse at New Lisbon, Ohio. He built the first culvert on the Pittsburg & Erie railroad. He is a F. iV A. M.; has served as a member of" the council of Beaver Falls; in politics he is a Democrat. WiLLi.\M Mellon, miller, Beaver Falls, was born in Westmoreland county Pa., Oct. 28, 1821, and is a son of John and Sarah (Larimer) Mellon. His paternal grand- father was Arcliie Mellon, a linen weaver, who came from Ireland in 1816 and tettled near Greensburg, Pa. lie married Lizzie Armour, by whom he had .seven sons and two daughters; Armour, Thomas. Andrew, .lohn, William, Samuel, Archie, Nancy (Jlrs. Richard Graliam) and Margaret. Mr. Mellon's maternal grandfather was David Lari- mer, of Scotch descent, whose ancestors were pioneers of Westmoreland county. John Mellon was a native of Ireland. Jn 1831 he located in Allegheny county and erected a grist mill in Wilkins township, which heconducted.until 184.5. He then removed to New Sewickley, engaged in farming, and died there Feb. 19, 1868. He reared a family of nine children: William, Thomas, Elizabeth (Mrs. William Gill), Archie. Caroline (Mrs, Christian Hershey), John A., Samuel, Andrew J. and George W. William was reared in Westmoreland and Allegheny counties. In 1849, wiih his brother-in-law, William Gill, he purchased a gristmill in North Sewickley, and in 1874 he bought the Beaver Falls Grist Mill. In 1882 he sold out and opened a feed store, which he carried on until 1885. In 1853 Mr. Mellon married Mary J., daughter of Alexander and Ann (Wiley) -Johnson, of North Sewickley township, by whom he had nine childnn; Alice (Mrs. MacShauer), Caroline, John, William, Anna, Ellen (Mrs. Samuel Miller), Maggie, 'Thomas and George. 094 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Adgustus Meyer, general suixTintcnik'nt and manager of the Beaver Valley Manu- fafturing Co.'s works at Bridgewater, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., April 28, 1850, and isa son of Daniel and Lottie (Fisher) Meyer, natives of Germany. His father, who was a profes.sional gardner, eame to Allegheny C'itj' from Germany in 18li"), and carried on gardening. Ilis family consisted of nine children, three of wliom are now living. Augustus, the seventh child, war reared in Allegheny county. Pa., and attended the- common schools. Early in life he learned the shearman's trade, and after working at same for a time he accepted a position as assistant superintendent of the Hose}' House- Company, Pittsburgh, manufacturers of steel, Vhich he filled for fourteen years. In 1886 he accepted his present position, and the same year moved to Bridgewater. j\[r. Meyer w.is married, in 1872, to Jlary, daughter of .John C. Will, and of German descent. Their children are: Callie, Dora M., .lohnH. and Lottie. jNIr. and Mrs. Meyer are members of the Lutheran church. He is a Republican, and a member of the council of Bridgewater. Wll.T.iAM Meyer, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh April 14, 1853. His parents, George and Clarissa (Miller) Meyer, natives of Germany, came to America about 1842 and settled in Pittsburgh, Pa. William was reared and educated in that city, and there learned bis trade, which same he has followed since 1862. He located in Beaver Falls in 1879. and has since been in the employ of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works Company. In 1887 he invented and secured a patent for a needle- curtain rack, used exclusively for lace curtains, that has already reached an extensive sale. Mr. Meyer married, in 181S1, Mary, daughter of .John Maus, of Beaver Falls, and has three children: Ida, William and Harry. In politics he isa Kepublican. Geohoe B. ilrCHEL, merchant tailor, Beaver Falls, was born in Saxonburg. Butler county, Pa., March 14, 18.56, and is a son of George and Eliza (Seibert) Michel. His father was a native of Germany, and is now a prominent farmer of Butler county. His mother was a native of Lancaster, Pa., and a daughter of Frederick Seibert, a pioneer of Butler county. Mr. _Michel was reared in Saxonburg, and served a three years'" apprenticeship at the tailor's trade in Allegheny City, after which he worked as a ,iour- neyman seven years in Pittsburgh and three years in Beaver Falls. In 1883 he embarked in business for himself in Beaver Falls. He carries a large and complete- stock of goods, and has established an extensive and growing trade. William Miller is one of the oldest citizens in this section of Beaver county. He was born in 1802, in Northamjiton county. Pa., the son of Robert and Catherine (Williams) Miller, who were parents of ten children, of whom William was the fourth child. Robert was a farmer, left his native count}- in 1808 and settled in Washington county; there he remained one year on a rented farm, and in 1809 came to Beaver county and purchased a farm of 200 .acres between Big Beaver creek and Ijittle Beaver- creek, where he passed the remainder of his life. He was accidentally killed, in 1815,. at the age of forty-four yei>,rs, by a falling piece of timber. His widow died in 1846, aged sixty-eight years. William is now the only remaining memberof his family living. Alexander, his grandfather, came from Ireland and settled in Northampton comity. Pa., where he remained and died. He was a farmer, and father of ten children, William, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm, and has always followed agricultural pursuits. In 1827 he married Jlargaret Crawford, daughter of Robert Crawford, and six children was the result of this marriage, one now living: Rutina. Sir, Miller has- retired from farming, but still owns the property, 120 acres, which he purchased in 1833. His wife died in 1867, aged sixty-four years. Jlr. Miller has lived near his present home for seventy eight years. W. I. Miller, secretary and treasurer of the Phoenix Glass Works, Phillip.sburgh, P. O. Beaver, was born in Wellsburg, Brooke county, Va.. Nov. 27, 1843. His par- ents, William and .lane (Blair) Jliller, natives of Virginia and of Scotch and German descent, came to Carlisle, Pa., about 1836. Ilisfalher was a prominent man, and served one term as sheriff of Brooke county. Our subject attended school in his native county and the academy in Washington county two years. He worked at farm work until BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 695 18G1, wlieii he enlisted at Wheeling, Va., iu the First Regiment, V. V. I., Company B, ami served two years. On liis return lie carried on the hardware business for two years at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, 'ille then went to Pittsburgh, where he was emplo.yed as clerk. Then he was assistant auditor of the fast freight line on the Pennsylvania Railroad for four j'ears. He has been engaged in the manufacturing bu.sine.ss since 1877, and was one of the principal movers iu the organization of tlie Phoenix Glass Conipanj', which was organized in 1880. Since then he has been .secretary and treasurer of the company, and the .success of the business is largely due to his personal efforts and energy. Jlr. Miller was married in 1870 to Clara, daughter of (Captain William Dean, of Pittsburgh, and of Scotch descent. This union has been blessed with four children : Jane B., Clara I)., William D. and Stanley B. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Pres- bj'terian church. He is a chairman of the Beaver County Republican Committee, and burgess of Beaver borough. He is a member of the G. A. R. TiioM.\s L.\U(;ui,iN MiNEsiNCER, merchant, P. O. Smith's Ferr}'. son of Godfrey and Sarah (Laughlin) "NUnesinger, natives of this county, was born on the ^Minesinger farm, near Smith's Ferrv, April 13, 1814. His grandfather came from Prussia about 180O, and located near Frankfort Sjirings. Godfrey !Minesinger was a stonemason, and spent a numlier of years in the building business iu Alabama. He took the contracts on the B. iVr (). Railroad, and built one pier of the Wheeling Suspension Bridge. With his sons, Thomas and .John, be bought out the interest of other heirs in the .James Minesinger farm near Smilh's Ferry, and the farm was divided between the sons. Thomas bought out .Tobn's share and subsequently sold it all. Godfrey' was a Whig and afterward a Repulilicac. His wife was a member of the Presbj'terian church. The subject of this sketch received a common-school education, and when sixteen years old served a three years' apprenticeship at lilacksmithing. He followed the river for four years as government engineer. During the war he was on the lower Mississippi river on transport and dispatch boats, and witnessed the engagtment at Memphis and the second one at Fort Donelson. After the war he drilled oil wells with good success, and was also with his brother five years on a garden farm, and supplied the oil field. For ten years he was assistant ticket agent at Smith's Ferry. He then spent one year on the farm, and sub.sequenlly bought out H. .J. Boyd's .store in 1880, which he has since car- ried on, and has become a prosperous merchant. He was also assistant postma.ster at Smith's Ferry for live j'cars. His residence is at Glasgow. Mr. Minesinger was mar- ried, in 1806, to Narcis.sa B., daughter of Jesse Smith, of Ohio township. Three chil- dren have blessed this union : Jesse, a blacksmith at Pittsburgh ; John L., clerk in his father's store, and Eddie, at .school. All are members of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Minesinger died Feb. 4, 1878, and Mr. Minesinger married for his second wife^Iaiy Ecolf, of German descent, who has borne him one child, Thomas, Jr. Our subject is secretary of Glasgow Lodge, No. 485, F. it A. M. Politically he is a Republican. D.wiD JIiNis (deceased) was born in Ireland in 1794, and was a son of John and JIary Minis, wiio came to xVnierica in 1801 and .settled on a farm in Butler co\inty. Pa. They had six .sons and one daughter, wlio grew to maturity, of whom David was the youngest. His earliest schooling was received in Butler county; he also attended school in Econoni}^ township, where he lived witli an elder brother on a farm. Before arriv- ing at his majority he went to Pittsburgh and worked in the woolen mills for several years; then engaged as collector for a hook firm, and afterward embarked in mercantile business in Pittsburgh. In 1825 he came to Beaver and estal)li.shed a general country store, which he carried on until past middle life. He then bous;ht a farm and made agriculture the business of his remaining life. He died Feb. 16, 1875. His wife, whose maiden name was Rachel II. Berry, was born in Maryland. She had two children — Anna and David — and died in 1866. Anna is tlie only living member of the family. Her brother died in the service of his country, in 1862. He was born in Beaver, attended the common schools, was graduated from Jefferson College, studied medicine and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He practiced his profession iu Beaver until 1861, when he enlisted in the 48th Regiment of Cavalry, and was 696 HISTOKY OF BEAVEB COUNTY. appointed surgeon of the regiment. He was on detached service, and was at the battle of Roanoke Island. lie died Feb. 11, 1862, from the effects of exposure while in the service. He was married in Beaver, to Sarah II.. daughter of Hon. Daniel Agnew. Our subject and his wife were members of the ^Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he served as .steward and class leader. He was a Whig, and afterward a Hepublicau. J.\MES Mitchell, farmer and gardener, Vanport, was born in Beaver count)', Sept. 23, 1833, and is a sou of .Joseph and Ann (McCreery) Mitchell, the former born in Ireland and the latter in Pennsylvania, of Irish descent. His father, who was a farmer and merchant, was successful in business, and at the time of his death was the owner of 30(1 acres of land in Borough township. He died in 187T, having been a resident of Borough township since 183H. .lames, who is the third in a family of six children, attended the common schools, and has made farming his business. He is an industrious and liberal man. He was married, in 1858, to the eldest daughter of Captain Thomas Greenlee, of Vanport, and they have three children. Sue Annie, Floretta and Stella. The familj- are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat in politics, and has served tifteen years as school director in Borough township. J. W. Mitchell, undertaker, P. O. New Galilee, was born in Beaver county in IS.IS. His parents. Samuel T. and Xancy, had six children. J. W. being the third son. Samuel T. was a farmer in South Beaver township. .J. W. received a liberal education, and at the age of nineteen years learned the blacksmith's trade, serving an ap|irentice- ship of three years. He was married, in 187T. to Miss Mary B., daughter of .John W. Funkhouscr. of this county, and they have two children, JIary Florence and Pearl B. Mr. Mitchell has for twelve years carried on blaeksmithing at his present place. He is also engaged in undertaking, embalming, etc., and has a lively attached. He is a mem- ber of the Heformed Presbyterian church; politically, a Prohibitionist. Samuel Mitchell, retired, P. O, New Brighton, was born in South Beaver town- ship Jan. 34, 1812. His grandfather, Hugh, came from Ireland about 1789 and .settled in Westmoreland county, Pa. .James, a son of this pioneer, was twelve years of age when his father came to Beaver county. He married Isabella Newell, who bore him three children, of whom Samuel is the eldest. .James died in 1842. aged sixty-three years. He was a farmer and owned 400 acres of land. Samuel received a good educa- tion and taught school ten years. In 1842 he married Eliza, daughter of James Ken- nedy, of this county, and by her had three children: James S. (deceased), Scott and Joseph. Mrs. Mitchell died in 1871, aged sixty-two years. Mr. Mitchell has retired from active business life, and resides with his son Scott, on the homestead. Heis one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the township. His second son, Scott, was born in 184.5, and married, in 1869, M. J. Wilson. Their children are Eliza 31.. Samuel W., Edwin Scott, Ann L.. Frank Stanley, Albert Ross and Eliza Bell. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church; Jlr. Mitchell is a Republican. John G. Moffet, stonemason, Beaver Falls, was born in Raccoon township, this county, April 18, 1883, and is a sou of Robert and Rebecca (Scot t) Moffet, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Scotland. His maternal grandfather was James Scott, a native of Scotland and a pioneer fanner of Ohio township, llns county. Robert Moffet was an early settler in Raccoon township. In early life he followed the river, steamboating between Pittslnirgh and C'ificinnati, and later operated a grist and flouring mill in Raccoon township, near Shippingport, until his death. He had eleven children, of whom seven survive: James. John G., Rebecca (Mrs. William Rambo), Catherine (Mrs. John Weigel), Mary F.. Isaac and Emily (Mrs. Charles 3Ioore). Our subject was reared in Raccoon townsiup and learned the trades of bricklayer, stone- mason and stonecutter in New Brighton, and with the exception of three years that he was in the army he has followed that occ\ipation since 1850. He enlisted .Vug. 25, 1862, in Company A, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, jiarticipated in the battles of Chancellors- ville, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Kilpatrick'sraid to Richmond, AVinchester, and olher engagements, and was mustered out of the service June 16, 1865. In 1867 Mr. iloffet settled in Beaver Falls, where lie has since resided. In 1855 he married ^Matilda, daugh- liloOKAl'IlIKS WEST SIDE. fi'.tT ter of William Knonies, of itaocooii townsliip, and lias five children livincr; Belle (Mrs. Tliomas Moore), Sarah (Mrs. Felix O'Neah, li()l)ert M., Tillaaiul .lohn. Mr. Moffet is a member of the Methodist Protestaut ehureh, llie G. A. R. and K. of L. lie is a F. &, A. 51.; in politics a Kepublican. Joseph Moody, farmer, was born in llookstown, Greene township, this county,, Jan. 4, 18:W. and is a son of John and Margaret (McClure) Moody. His father was born in Northampton county. Pa., and his motlier in Beaver county. His paternal and mater- nal ancestors were of Scotch origin, and have been residents of Pennsylvania for many years. His father came to Beaver county and .settled at Hookstown, in 181!(, on land which is now a part of that villag<'. He died in 1864. Joseph is the second of a family of .seven children, four of whom are now living. He attended the school at Hookstown, and remained on the farm imtil 18()3, when he enlisted in Company H, 14()tli Hcginient, P. V. I., serving as second duty sergeant. He was in the battle of C'hancellorsville and at Gettysburg; was in Hancock's divi-sion in front of Pickett's great charge. About three weeks after the battle of Gettysburg he was detailed by the war department, and served until the close of the war: then returned to Beaver county, and farmed for a time at Hookstown. In 18T.5 he went to Westmoreland count}', where he continued farm- ing and stock rai.sing. In 1884 he sold his farm and retired. He came to Beaver bor- ough and bought seventeen and tliree fourths acres of land with a good brick hou(-e and other improvements, where he now re.sides, the land being worth at least $1,000 per acie. In 18()G he was married to ilartha. daughter of Thomas (a farmer) and Susan (Allen) Withrow. natives of Chester county. Pa., and of Scotch descent. Mr. and Mrs. Moody have one child living, Mina. Tlie parents are both members of tlie Presbyterian church. Mr. Moody was an elder in the church while he lived in Westmoreland county. In politics he is a Republican. Col. S.^muei. Moodv, district passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Company, P. O. Beaver, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1850, and is a son of Henry ami Mary (Foster) Moody. His luother's parents were of English birth, and she left England with an uncle when a few months old. her jiarents having died. His father was born in England in 1804, and came to New York when fourteen years old; he spent tlie rem.iin- ing portion of his life in that state, dying in 1860, at the age of si.\ty-two. He was a manufacturer and dealer in leather and boots and shoes. Samuel was the si.xth in a family of eleven children. He attended private school in Brooklyn, iind wdien he reached his majority came to Beaver count}- and settled in Darlington township, where he established a general country store on a .small scale. In 1877 he sold out, came to Beaver and embarked in the wholesale tobacco business at Rochester, which he followed unti! 188.'), when he obtained a position with the Pennsylvania Company as traveling passenger agent, and Jan. 1, 1887, he was promoted to his present position. Col. Moody was married, Maj' 24, 1871, to Mary K., daughter of ICirtland JIansfield. Her mother's maiden name was Lois Jlorse. Her parents were natives of Connecticut, and of English origin. This union has been blessed with two children, Lucy Bordman and Oliver Beauchamp. In political preferment Col. Moody is a Republican. He served two years as secretary of tlie Beaver County Agricultural Society; has been a member of the town council and is at present a member of the school board . In 1887 he was appointed lieutenant-oolonel on Governor Beaver's staff. R. A. Moox, physician, Beaver Falls, was born in Rensselaer county, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1821, and is a son of .lohn B. and Polly (Briggs) Moon (both natives of the above county), and is of Scotch descent. He was reared and educated in Jamestown, N. Y., from twelve years of age. He began the study of medicine in 1840. and was graduated from the Cleveland Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1844. He located in Hooks- town, this county, in 18J5, wliere he was in the active practice of liis profes.sion for thirty years. In 187.') he came to I5eavcr Falls, where he has had a large and lucrative practice since. In 1884 his .son, Addison S., became associated with him in business. He studied medicine in the office of his father for several years, and was graduated from Western Reserve Medical College in February, 1884: and also took a special course at. 698 HISTORY OF liEAVER COUNTY. the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, iu 1887 and 1888. Our subject was married, in 1846, to Sarah, daughter of William and Jlary (Stewart) Sterling, a pioneer family of Greene township, this county, and tliey have two children: Mary II. (Mrs. Rev. J. Stewart Brandon) and Addison S. Dr. Moon is one of the oldest practitioners in Beaver county. He and his family are active members of the Presbyterian church. Politically he is a Republican. Alfked R. Moohk, justice of the peace, was born in Beaver March 2, 1819, and is a son of lion. Robert and Mary (Stibbs) Moore, natives of Pennsylvania and of English and Irish descent. Ris grandfather, Henry Moore, was a physician and practiced in Washington county, Pa.; Robert, his .second son, was educated at Jefferson College, when it was an academy. In 1802 lie (Roliert) came to Beaver county to practice law, and soon gained for himself a prominent jilace in the county, and was elected a member of the legislature. He represented tliis district in congress when it embraced a consid- erable portion of the state, and served two terms. When the project of building tlie Erie canal was agitated in 1829, the people of Beaver county again turned to him and sent him to the legislature to advocate the construction of the canal, which he did to the satisfaction of his constituents. Alfred R. is one of a family of eight children, of whom four are still living, two in Beaver. His sister, Elizabeth, is the wife of Hon. Daniel Agnew. Squire Moore was brought up in Beaver, attended the old academy and spent two years (1831-32) in Washington College. One of his first business exploits was assisting in the survey of the Erie canal. He afterward went on the river as clerk of a steamboat, and it being abusj* timeout lie river he found it a very congenial place for an ambitious young man. He remained on the water for eighteen years. In 1847 he was elected treasurer of Beaver county ; he then clerked for the county commissioners for four years. In 1860 he was elected register and recorder, and was re-elected in 1863. He served nine years as United States storekeeper. In 1887 he waselected justice of the peace, and still holds the office. He was married in November, 1843, to Jane, daughter of Col. Henry Small, of the war of 1812. Her parents were of Geiman and Scotch- Irish descent. Squire Moore has reared his family in Beaver borough. His eldest sons are graduates of Washington and Jefferson College. Robert, the eldest, now deceased, studied law, and at the time of his death was a partner with H. Hice. Alfred S. and Winfield S. are attorneys. Isaac II. is a physician in Jasper county, Iowa, and has served two years as president of the County Medical Society. The last two sons were graduates of the Millersville State Normal School. Isaac H. completed his medical ed- ucation at the University of Pennsylvania. The Squire and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he has been a Whig and a Republican. Alfred S. JIoore, the senior member of the firm of A. S. & W. S. Moore, attor- neys at law, Beaver, was born in Beaver, Pa., Sept, 13, 1846, and is a son of Alfred R. and Jane (Small) Moore, natives of this county. His mother was of German and Scotcli-Irish origin. His father is of English descent, and has been a well-known citi- zen of B3aver county for many years. He holds the office of justice of the peace in Beaver. In early life he was a clerk on a steamboat, and also served a number of years as a captain. In 1846 he was elected county treasurer. From 1861 till 1867 he was reg- ister and recorder. His family consists of seven children, of whom Alfred S. is the second. He was reared in Beaver, attended tlie common schools and tlie Beaver Acad- emy. Wheu his father was elected register and recorder, he became clerk in his office, and continued till 1864, when he entered Jefferson College, at Cannon.sburg. He was graduated from Washington and Jefferson College with the class of 1867. Immediately upon his graduation he went west, and engaged in railroading, and soon worked up to the positiou of conductor. He resigned in 1869, returned to his native town, studied law under S. B. Wilson, and was admitted to the bar in 1871. He then went to Warren count}', where he practiced for a few months. In March, 1873, he removed to Butler county, where he practiced his profession till the close of 1875. He then returned to Beaver county. In 1880 he was elected district attorney for this county, and served three years. Since then he has been successfully engaged in the practice of Lis profes- lilOGKAPIIIES WEST SIDE. 699 «ion in connection witli his Ijiother. He was married in Wasliingtou county, Pa., Oct. 18, 1882, to Cecelia, daugliterof Ilarri.son Ricliardson. Slie is of Scotcb-Irisli origin. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he i.s a trustee and a teacher in the Sabbatli-school. In politics he i.s a Republican. WrxFiELD S. MooRK, attorney, Beaver, is the junior member of the tirm of A. S. •& W. S. Moore, of Beaver and Beaver Falls. He was born in Brighton township .June 14, 1852, the fourth in a family of eiglit children of Alfred R, and .Jane (Small) 3Ioore. He attended the public schools here and the Beaver Academy, and was graduated from ■tlie MiUersville State Normal School in 1873. lie then accepted a position as principal of the schools at New G;Uilee, where he remained two years. He studied law with the law lirm of Wilson A; Moore, of I?eaver, and was admitted to the bar Marcli 1.5, 1876, «ince which time he has practiced in this county. .June 12. 1879, he was married to Mary, daughter of I. N. Atkins, a merchant of Beaver. Her parents are of English descent. Jlrs. !Moore was born and raised in Beaver, and is a graduate of Beaver Col- lege and Musical Institute. Three cliildreu have been born to Mr. and Mrs. jNIoore: Daniel Agnew (named for our subject's uncle, Hon. Daniel Agnew); Mary Olive, and Maud Atkins. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are meiubers of the jMethodist Episcopal church. He takes an active interest in the Sabbath school, and is now superiutendeut of tlie Beaver M. E. Sunday school. In politics he isa Republican. S.\.«UEL A. MoouE, farmer, P. O. Black Hawk, was horn in this county in 1820. His grandfather. Robert >Ioore. came from Comity Down, Ireland, in 1788, and located in Westmoreland county. Pa. He sulisequently came to Beaver county and bought 100 acres of land near where is now the \illage of Euon Valley. lie married Lsabella Chambers, by whom were born live children, all sons. The father died at the age of eighty-eight years. Robert, t. e second son, was born on the ocean in 1788, and was twelve years old when his family came to Beaver county. He purchased 160 acres of land. lie married Jane, daughter of Samuel Andrews, also of County Down, Ireland, and they had eight children, si.x of whom are living, Samuel A. being the eldest. Robert Moore purchased the farm now owned b_v Samuel A. in 1834, and remained there until his death; he died in 1864, at the age of seventy-five year.s. His wife died in 1877, aged seventy two 3'ears. Samuel A. was educated at the log school house, and remained at home until fortj' years old; then engaged in mercantile business for si.x j-ears. He purchased the old homestead at his father's death, ai.d has since resided there. He was xaarried in 1852 to JIargaret, daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Hunter) McKinzic, of this county, and the}' have_tive_children: Robert !M., a carpenter; Charles F., a farmer; Sherman Andrews, now a school teacher and student at college; Mattie .Jane, now ]\Irs. McClure; and Meribah Lsabella, now Mrs. McMillin. Jlr. !Moore is a highlj- re.'pected farmer and has been successful in his business jiursuits. He is a memljcr of the Presby- terian church; politically a Republican. RoBEUT H. JIoitRis, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh Oct. 9, 1851, and is a .son of Henry R. and Catherine (Williams) Jlorris, of Wales. His paternal grandfather, Robert Jlorris, and his maternal grandfather. Thomas Williams, were natives of Wales and pioneers of Pittsburgh. Robert II. learned his trade with T. McKee & Bros., and worked at it in Pittsburgh from 1860 until 1879. He then located in Beaver falls and became one of the organizers of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works Company, where he has since been employed and is interested as a stockholder. In 1880 he married Agnes, daughter of John and .lane (Nicholson) Bream, of Pittsburgh, and has two children: Robeit and .lohn. Mr. Jlorris is serving his second term as member of the board of directors of the Flint Glass Works Company. lie is a member of the I. O. O. F. ; in politics a Re]niblican. Geouoe W. MoKiiisoN, assistant cashier Economy Savings Bank, Beaver Falls, was born in Frankfort Springs, Feb. 24, 18;{8, and is a son of .James and Mary (Dungan) Morrison. His paternal granilfathcr, .James Morrison, was born in Ireland in 1771, came to America in 1783, and settled in Pittsliurgh. He was its pioneer merchant, and was one of the founders and directors of the Bank of Pittsburgh. He was also engaged in 700 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. fiirmiug in Hanover township, this county, and afterward removedto Mt. Vernon, Ohio,, where he died. His cliildren were Nancy (Mrs. Benjamin Kendrick), Mary (Mrs. William Robb), James and .John. Mr. Morrison's maternal grandfather, .James Dun- gan, Philadelphia, was a Ixiokbinder, and bad the contraet for binding the tirst edition of quarto liibles printed in America, whicli was published by Mathew Carey in lS(t2. In ISOl he married .Johanna Ilollaud. Her grandfather, Thomas Holland, who was- captain of a merchant vessel, left England and settled in J^hiladelphia. Her father, Nathaniel Holland, served his apprenticeship with Benjamin Franklin, and afterward carried on the printing business established by the latter for over two years. In 180.5 .James Dungan and wife settled at Frankfort Springs, and engaged in farming, also keeping hotel there. He gave Frankfort Springs its name, and lived there until his death. His wife died when aged eighty-four years, leaving five children, thirty-tive grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren. .James Morrison, father of George W., was born in 1801, settled at Frankfort Springs in 1S2S, and engaged in mercantile business there. He served as postmaster and county auditor, and died in 1871. His children were Jane (Mrs. Robert Shannon), Nancy (Mrs. Robert fiercer), Johanna H. (Mrs. William fier- cer), James D., George W., Mary R., Alexander ard Lavinia. George W. served as clerk in his father's store until 1869, when he went to Beaver Falls and entered the employ of the Economy Savings Institution, and has been assistant cashier since 1885. He is also secretary and treasurer of the Western File Co., secretary of H. M. Myers i: Co. (Limited) Shovel Works, and treasurer of the Beaver Falls School Board. In 186.> he married Mary E., daughter of Hon. William and .Jane (Hiddell) Sturgeon, of Wash- ington county. Pa., and by her has two children: William S. and Mary R. Mr. Mor- rison and family are members of the Presbyterian church. Alex.vnpkh Moukison, salesman, Beaver Falls, was born in Frankfort Springs^ Nov. 4, 1841, and is a son of James and Mary A. (Dnngan) Jlorrison. His paternal grandfather. James Morrison, a native of Ireland, was a pioneer of Pittsburgh. His maternal grandparents were James and Johanna (Hollanil) Dungan. who settled at Frank- fort Springs in 1805. [See sketch of George W. ilorrison.] Mr. Jlorris-on clerked in liis native town for several years, and also practiced dentistry there and at Steuben- ville, Ohio, ten years. In 18()3 he enlisted in the 84th O. V. I. and was honorably dis- charged after five months' service, and also served as sergeant in Company C. l!)3d P. V, I. for four months in 1864. In 1865 he married Mary J., daughter of .loseph and Phebe (Floyd) Withrow, of Frankfort Springs, b}' whom he had four children: Mary D., Charles W., James M. and Helen. Jlr. jNIorrison located in Beaver Falls in 1884, and has since been in the employ of the Western File Company as traveling salesman. He is a member of the I. O. (). F. and G. A. R., served four years as justice of the peace of Frankfort Springs, and in November, 188T, was elected treasurer of Beaver county. Politically he is a Republican. A. Mii.itEtM, merchant, Bridgewater, of the firm of B. ^lulheim & Son, was born in Bridgewater, Nov. 18, 1855, and is a son of Benjamin and Margaret (Snyder) Mul- heini, both natives of Switzerland. The father learned shoemaking in his native country, and coming to America, settled in Pittsburgh, where he worked at his trade, and in 1854 married, the lady of his choice having come to America the same year that became. March 4, 1855, he removed to Bridgewater, where he continued his trade. AVhen the war broke out he had about twenty men employed, nearly all of whom en- listed in the army. In 1860 be bought a store in company with Mrs. Miller, and three years later he bought his partner's interest. In 1864 he disposed of his interest in the shoe shop to a young man, whom he had reared and taught the trade. Of his live chil- dren, four are now living. Our subject received his education in Beaver Seminary and at Duff College, Pittsburgh, where he graduated. He entered his father's store asclerk.. and since 1880 has been a partner. In 1870 he learned the machinist's trade, "which he followed for ten years. He has three sisters — Mary, Emma, and Bertha. Mr. ^lulheim was married Jan. 8, 1880, to Maud Webster. She is of English dese-ent. Their chil- dren are Gertrude, Charles and Albert. Mrs. Mulheim is a member of the Episcopal ehurch. In ijolitics Jlr. JIulheim is a Republican. iilOGRAl'HIES WEST SIDE. 701 John JIuruay, dentist, P. O. West Bridgewater, was boru in Ireland Nov. 22, ISlo, and came to the United States in August, 1822, wilh liis parents, .Tames and Mary JIurray, wlio settled in Pittsburgb, Pa. His paternal grandfather, M. J. Murray, was a native of County Down, Ireland, and was descended from the Scotch who settled in the northern part of that country. Our subject passed his early youth in Pittsburgh, attended Ihe common schools, also two terms at Alleglieny College, and later pursued his studies at a select scliool in Pittsburgh. He traveled as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for twenty years. In 1855 he asked for a location, and was granted one at the Salem, Ohio, Conference, but still continued to preach where most needed until laid aside by age and infirmity. After retiring from Ihe active ministry he studied dentistry, graduated from the Philadelphia Dental College, and is a successful practi- tioner. He was commissioned a justice of the peace by Gov. P. E. Pattison, but after a short trial, tiuding its duties uncongenial to his tastes and life, he re-signed the office. .Inly ;U, ]8:>8, 3Ir. Murray married r>. A. Gorgas. In politics he has always been a Kepublican; in religion a jNIethodist. Henry M. JIyeks. The Myers family are descended from German ancestry. Henry Myers, the grandfather of the .subject of this biographical sketch, removed from Juniata county. Pa , to Columbiana county, Ohio, in 1780, and remained there until his death. His son, Samuel Myers, born in the latter county in 1806, and for many years a popular and successful physician, married 3Iatilda Montz, of Maryland. Their children are Henry M., Xoah, John, Mary, Sarah, Elmira and JIatilda, of whom all but one aie still living. Dr. Myers first pursued his profession in Ohio, and subsequent Ij,- removed to Elkhart, Ind., where he died in IsOl, in histifty-tifth year. His wife's death occurred in April, 1880. in her si.\ty-uinth year. Henry M. Myers was born in Georgetown, Ohio, June 17, 1831, and at the age of three years removed to Jamestown, Jlercer county. Pa. In 1845 Cohoes Falls, N. Y.. became his home, his father having for a brief time engaged in practice at this point. Here he received instruction at the commt n schools of the place, and became an apprentice to the trade of a.xe-making and that of a blacksmith. In November, 1840, on the completion of his apprenticeship, he came to Pittsburgh, and for eight years was employed as a journeyman, meanwhile increasirg his scanty .stock of learning by such means as the night schools of that city all'orded. Mr. Myers then accepted an advantageous offer from Ncwmyer & Graff, of Allegheny City, and became manager of the axe and shovel works owned by them. After a busi- ness connection of twelve _years a change of tirm rendered his retirement necessary, and in 1809 Beaver Falls became his home, and the jiresent works were organized for the manufacture of shovels, spades, etc., under the firm name of Myers it Armor. In July, 1875, the interest of Mr. Armor was purcha-'ed and the firm became H. M. Jlyers S: Cc, , Limited. Mr. Myers, besides giving much time and thought to his business, has accjuired some reputation as an inventor, and taken out many patents for inveniicjus and im| roved methods in manufacture. Since 1868 he has recorded thirty patents in Ameiica, ten in Canada, and fifteen in various European countries. These inventions are eminent]}- practical, and materially decrease the cost of manufacture of shovels, to which they are specially directed. In connection with these patents he has already realized from $25,000 to 1^50,000, and negotiations are now in progress with reference to the organiza- tion of a company with a capital stock of |1, 000,000 to further develop these inventions. The great saving as a result of their introduction is estimated to exceed $2,000,000 dur- ing the lifetime of the patents, which certainly gives Mr. Jlyers an enviable place on the roll of inventors. He is also with one exception the pioneer in the manufacturing inter- est at Beaver Falls. Mr. Myers was, Oct. 18, 1855, married to 5Iary J., daughter of Thomas Bougher, of Pittsl>urgh. Their children are Charles Henry, George Bennett, Caroline (Mrs. William M. Hamilton), and Amanda (Mrs. Frank M. Wheaton),. Mrs. Myers died Feb. 27, 1864, and on Sept. 14, 1874, he was again married, this time to Ella D.. daughter of Nicholas Jliller, of Genesco, 111. Their children are a daughter, Julia L., anel a son, Frank Simpson. Mr. Myers gives little attention to political ques- tions, and has confined his interest in public measures to such aid as he may render in 39 703 UISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. the promotion of a just and economical municipal government. He is a member of the Second Protestant Metliodist church of Beaver Falls, and one of its trustees. A. O. Myeus, traveling salesman, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., Aug. IT, iy60, and is a son of S. II. and S. J. (Dunu) Myers, who located in Beaver Falls in 1868, where A. O. was reared and educated. In 18T4 our subject engaged as clerk in the store of E. Autenreith, of New Brighton, where he remained four years. In 1879 he commenced business for himself in Beaver Falls (groceries and provisions), which he continued until October, 188.5. In October, 1887, he again embarUed in the same business, having purchased the well-known store of H. C. and S. R. Patterson, but later sold this business, and is now traveling for a Philadelphia house. Mr. Myers is a member of the National Aid Union; politically he is a llepublican. C.M'TAix JoHX J. Nevill, retired farmer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, ilarch 10, 1810, and is a son of John Nevill, a native of Maryland. His mother was Elizal)eth (xrant, a distant relative of President Grant. Her father was a spy under General AVashington. They were of English and .Scolch-Irish origin. His father, who followed farming all his life, came to Beaver county in 17!(0, and in 1809 removed to Wayne county, Ohio, where lie farmed about ten years; then he retired to Beaver county and settled in Oliio township, where he spent the rimaining portion of his life. John J. was reared in this count}', and made farming the business of his life, operaling also a saw-mill. He was married, in 1883, to Sarah, daughter of Edward Nevill, and has been blessed with following named children: Edward, a farmer; Ruth, wife of undrew G. Johnson; and jNIilton. The latter was born and reared in the home where he now resides, and attended the schools of Brighton township. He was married, in 1877. to Maria L., daughter of .Samuel and Catherine (Jleherge) Gibson, and of English and Scotch Irish descent. This union has been blessed with one child, Samuel G. Captain John J. Nevill was a militiaman for many years, and was a good officer. He is still living, at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. In politics he is a Republican. RoREUT S. Newton, grocer, Beaver Falls, was born in Wayne township (formerly Beaver county), Sept. 8, 1840, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Wilson) Newton, botli of this county. His paternal g andfather, John Newton, formerly of New Jer.>-ey, was a pioneer of Wayne township and a soldier of the war of 1812. He reaied a family of twelve children ; Philip, John, Euphemia, Polly, James. William, Isaac, David, Mar- garet, Joseph, Betsey and Jacob. The latter was a farmer of AVayne township, and was born, reared and died there. His children wee si.\ in number ; JIary, Rolurt S., Syl- vester, Charles, Christiana and William. The maternal graudfalher was William Wil- son, captain of a coiupan)' in the war of 1813 and a pioneer of Wayne township, where he died at the age of ninety-seven years Our subject was reared and educated in Wayne township., He enlisted August 28, 1861, in Company A, 76th Keystone Zouaves, and participated in nineteen battles. He lost his right arm at tlie battle of Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, 1864; was then taken prisoner, but made his escape wiiliiii seven hours. He was honorably discharged from the service March 15. 186.T. In IS07 he set- tled in Beaver Falls and embarked in the grocery business, in •which he has since been successfullv engaged. In 186.5 he married Emma, daughter of Adam and Delilah (Daniels) Shoemaker, of Wayne township, and has three children: Sarah, Minnie and Robert, Mr. Newton is a member of the Presbyterian church; of the G. A. II. and Union Veteran Legion, the I O. O. F., and Daughters of RebcL-ca. In politics he is a Democrat. John H. Oii.nsman, manager Beaver Falls Glass Co., Limited. Beaver Falls, was born in Pitl.sbnrgh, ALiy 17, 18.54, and is a son of John and Kosina (Speilh) Ohnsman, of Germany, who settled in Pittsburgh about 1847. John II. learned the trade of glass presser with Doyle it Co., of Pittsburgh, and worked in the ditlereiit glass works of that city from 1866 until 1879. He then located in Beaver Falls, and became one of the organizers of the Co(')perative Glass Works, of which he has since been a stockhokler, and was one of the employes until May 1, 1887. Nov. 8, 1886, with George E. Smith, BKXiRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 703 he orgaoized the Beaver Palls Glass Co., Limited, of which he is the general manager. Plans were made and ground blown for the new works March 14, lyST and the manu- facture of general pressed and blown glass was begun June 22, 18^7. The works are said to have the largest furnace in the United States. In 1S81 Mr. Ohnsman married Mary R., daughter of William and Emcline (Knowle.') Shuster, of Lawrence county, Pd., by whom he has two children living: Nelson J. and Mary G. In IISTO Mr. Ohns- man was one of tlie organizers of the Greenback party in Pittsburgh (South Side), and took an active part in its interest. He is a member of the Jlethodist Protestant church, and has been superintendent of tlie Sabbath-school two years. He is independent in politics, but tends toward the Greenback doctrine. August ()scnM.\N, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in He.sse C'assel, Germany, Nov. 4, 1849, and is a son of William and Christina ( llanrier) Oscliraan, who immigrated to this country in 1854 and settled in Pittsburgh. In 1878 his father removed to West Virginia, and is now engaged in farming there. Mr. Oschmau was reared in Pitts- burgh, and served a three-years' a])prenticesliip at his trade in the glass works of Brice, Walker it Co., after which he worked as a journeyman in that ci'.y sixteen years. In 1879 he came to Beaver Falls and entered the employ of the Cooperative Glass Company, where he is still engaged In 1871 he married Caroline, daughter of .Jacob Kerlie, of Pittsburgh, and by her has three children: Elizabeth, Alfred and Arthur. He has served as a member of the board of directors of the Cooperative Glass Company for three years. Politically he is a Republican. John A. P.vff, tailor, Beaver Falls, was born in Bavaria, Germany, March 10, 1826, and is a son of John and Susan (Hein) Paff. He was reared in Bavaria, where he learned the tailor's trade, and in 1848 came to America. He located in Pitt.sburgli, where he worked ;it his trade and was in business until 1809. He then located in Beaver Falls. In 18">0 be married Caroline, daughter of George and Mary(Rayuor) Fi-scher, of Pitts- burgh, formerly of Bavaria, Germany, and by her lias live children living: John J., Adam. William. I ena (.Mrs. Albert Strub) and Lawrence. Mr. Paff isone of the found- ers of St. M iry's Catholic church of Beaver Falls, and gave liberally toward the erection of the present church edifice. John J. P.\FF, dry goods merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny Citj', Dec. 8, 18r)2, and is a son of John A. and Caroline (Fischer) Paff, whose sketch appears above. His paternal grandparents were Jolin and Susan (Hein) Paff. of Bavaria, Germany; his maternal grandparents were George and Mary (Rayner) Fischer, of Pittsburgh, for- merly of Bavaria, Germany. Mr. Paff came to Beaver ?"alls with his parents in 18(59, and in 1880 embarked in the dry goods business. In 188.5 he began the erection of the store he now occupies, which was completed in 1886. It is a handsome, two-story brick building, witli glass front, 95 by iH) feet, and isone of the most attractive dry goods stores in western Pennsylvania. Mr. Paff was marrieii Sept. 14, 1882, to Theresa Wickenhauser, of Allegheny City, bj' whom he has two children : Clara, born July 4, 1883, and .Vgnes, born Dec. 25, 1885. Mr. Paff is one of the leading merchants of Beaver Falls ; is a member of the ( 'athf)lic church, and was one of the organizers of the C:itholic JIutual Benefit .V^sociation, and its first president. Politically he is a Democrat. WiLLi.\M H. P.MSi.EY, manager ('oiiperative Foundry Association, Beaver Falls, was born in PhiUulelphia, Pa., May 4. 1844, son of Robert and Anna J. Paisley, who settled in Beaver Falls in 1872. William H. was reared in Philadelphia, where he learned the stove molder's trade. He enlisted in the late war of the rebellion in Feb- ruary, 1804, in Company G., 20th P. V. V., and was honorably discharged July 17, 180.5. In 1872 he located in Beaver Falls, and became a stockholder in the ("oiiperative Foundry Association, where he has since been employed, and has hehi the position of manager for five years. In December, 1869, he married ;\Iaggie M. ^lorganstern, of Mirietta, Ohio, by whom he has seven children living : Laura, Fred, William, Bertha, Charles, McCloud, an infant son. .Mr Paisley is a member of llie Reformed Pres- byterian church, and an honorary member of tlie Iron .Moulders' Union. TO-t HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Noah H. Panhbuhn. insurance agent, Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny county, Pa.. Feb. 12, 1840, and is a son of Isaac anil Susan (Hill) Pangburu. His paternal grandfather was Stephen Pangburn, a pioneer of Allegheny co\inty : his maternal grand- father was Samuel Hill, of Lycoming county. His father, who was born in Alle^'heny county in 1794, was a millwright, and built many of the pioneer mills of western Penn- S3ivania. He was in the milling business himself for many years, and died near Elizabeth, Allegheny county, in November, ISlii). Noah H. Pangburn was reared and educated in his native county. Aug. 22, 18(!2, he enlisted in Company E. 1.5.jlh P. V. I., and participated in twentj'-two engagements, among wliich were C'hanccllorsville. Gettysburg, Wilderness, Sjiottsylvauia, Bethesda Church, North Anna Kiver, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Five Forks and Appomattox. He was honorably discharged .lune 2, 186.5, and returning home, engaged in the milling business. In 18G8 he located in Beaver Falls, and commenced the insurance business. He represents the leading com- panies of the world, and his agency extends throughout Bea\( r ( ounly and adjoining territory. i\Ir. Pangburn served as justice of the peace of Beaver Falls for five years, and was also elected burgess for three consecutive terms, 1881-82-83. He is a member of the G. A. R.. Union Veterans' Legion, A, O. U. W., and he is a F. & A. M, Po- litically he is a Republican. Rev. JFichael A Pakkinson, of Industry, Pa., son of Thomas and Mary Parkin- son, was born in Wa.shington county. Pa. His ancestors settled in an early day on the Monongabela river, near Monongahela City, where many of the family yet reside. In 1837 his father removed to Beaver count}', and located on a faim in Raccorn township. Soon after their removal to that county, he began a course of study at Bethel Academy, near Pittsburgh, under Rev. George Marshall, D. D. Afterward he attended Frank- fort Academy, under the supervision of Rev. .lames Sloan, D. D., and Hon. Thrmas Nicholson, and graduated at .lett'erson College, Canntmsburgh, Pa., under the presidency of Rev. Robert . I. Breckenridge, D. D.; studied theology at the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny Cily, and was licensed by the Presbytery of Ohio, now the Presbytery of Pittsburgh. The greater part of his ministry has been spent in Ohio, in the bounds of the Presbytery of Steubenville. He married JIii:s Kate C, daughter of William McClelland, Esij., of Cannonsburgh, Pa. Wii.t.iAM Hu.VTKH P.\RTiN(iTO.N', County commissioner, Beaver Falls, was born in Steubenville, Ohio, March 22. 1840, and is a son of Richard and Ellen (Horner) Parting- ton. His father was a native of England, and a woolen maufacturer, who settled in Chippewa township, Beaver county, in 1840, and died of cholera in 1849. He was a son of Robert Partington, a cotton spinner, who settled in what is now Beaver Falls, in 1830, and kept hotel there. He afterward farmed in Chippewa township, and kept hotel on the stage road between New Brighton and New Castle. His children were James, Nancy (Mrs. James Richards), ^Mary (.Mrs. Wm. Large). Richard and William. Of these, Richard had three children, of whom William II. is the only one living. He was reared in Beaver county, and is a farmer 113- occupation. In Au;;ust, 1862, he mar- ried Margaret, daughter of Jlilo and Ellen (Sweezy) McDonnell, by whom he has four chihlren living; Eleanor, Hattio, Frank and Cora B. Mr. Partington was elected com- mis-iioner of Beaver county in 1884, and re-cleclc(l in 1887. lie is a member of the I. O. O. F.. and politically is a Democrat. John' P-ITTES, farmer and stock grower, P. O. Beaver, was born in Beaver county, Pa , June 3, 1814, and is a son of James and B;-tsy (Green) Patten, former a native of Maryland, latter of Pennsylvania, and both of Scotch-Irish descent. His father was a farmer, and in early life worked at the carpenter's trade. John is the third in a fannly of seven children. He was reared on the farm and attended the district school. At the age of eighteen he went to Alleglieny county, where he lived until 1863. when he returned to Beaver county and continued farming. He is the owner of 124 acres of land, and has dealt in sheep. He spent two years in California Mr. Patten was mar- ried in Allegheny county. Pa., in 18.")4, to Agnes Hartford, who was born in Beaver ciunty, aduighter of Tho:nas Hartford. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Patten has BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. Y05 been blessed with nne child. Almira J. The family are members of the U. P. church. Mr. Patten has been supervisor and asses.sor of Brighton township. D.iNiEL O. C. Patterson, coal merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Beaver Falls Sept. 9, 1832, and is a son of James and Eliza (Large) Patterson. His father came when but si.x years of age from Ireland with his parents, who settled in Albany, N. Y. In early manhood James Patterson located in Philadelphia, where he manufactured tanks for .several years. He then erected a cotton mill at Doe Run, Chester county, and in 1829 settled in what is now Beaver Falls, where at one time he owned 1,300 acres of land, also a tract of 100 acres of cannel coal land in Darlington. He erected a grist mill which turned out ^OO barrels of Hour per day., and Imilt a cotton mill which gave employ- ment to 150 hands. He erected the Mansion House in IboG. In 1854 he sold 400 acres of land to New York parties. Mr. Patterson had large coal interests, and kept the largest general store in the county in the pioneer da3'S, his various interests giving employment to from 200 to 300 people. He was the Srst postmaster of Brighton, and for several years carried a daily mail at his own expense between his own office and Beaver. He was an active politician and a member of the Whig party. He voted for James Buchanan, but at the breaking out of the rebellion united with the Reptdjlican parl_y. He refused the nomination to both houi-es of Congress, also for Governor of Ohio, when for judicial purposes he had gained a residence there in 1834. He was a public-spirited man, and gave liberally toward all public enterprises. His wife was a daughter of Daniel Large, of Chester county. Pa. He had six children who grew to maturity: JIary (Mrs. Daniel Stone). Daniel O. C, Charles W., Harry C, Samuel H. and Sarah. Mr. Patterson died in Septcmlier, 187(5. Our .subject was reared in Beaver county, was actively engaged in farming until 1882, and was the pioneer dairyman of Beaver Falls. He has also been extensively engaged in the coal interests of the county. In 1857 he married Elvira, (laughter of Col. John and Elvira (Adams) Dickey. Her father was a native of Greens- burg, and a pioneer furnaceman of Beaver Falls. He was a sou of Robert Dickej , a prominent citizen of Westmoreland count}-. Elvira, wife of Col. John Dickey, was a daughler of Dr. and Rev. Samuel Adams, of Es.sex county, Mass., a pioneer of Beaver Falls. Mr. and Jlrs. Patterscm have four children living: John D., Grace, James O. C. and Elvira. J.\MES P.iTTERSON, farmer, P. ( >. New Galilee, was born in Mercer county in 1830. In 1822 his grandfather, James Patterson, a farmer by occupation, with his wife and nine children emigrated to America from County Armagh, Ireland, and soon after his arrival settled in Beaver (now Lawrence) county, where he purchased 200 acres of land. He was twice married and h,ad four children by his fir.st wife, and live children by his second wife. He died at the age of eighty-five years. Williaiu, the eldest son by the first wife, purchased a farm in Mercer county soon after the arrival of the family in America, and here remained imtil 1833, when he bought 160 acres of land in Big Beaver township. Here he resided until his death, which occurred in 1S74, at the age of seventy- three years. His wife was Mary, daughter of Thomas Mathers, of Jlercer county, and they had three children: James, Margaret (Mrs. Patterson) and Thomas. William was successfully engaged in canal contracting for many years. James came to Beaver county with his parents when a child, and has since lived here. He was educated in the com- mon schools and Greersburg Academy. In 185s he married Julia Ann, daughter of James ilcGeorge, an early settler in Western Pennsylvania, and they have one son, William J., a student in Genua College, at Beaver Falls. Mr. Patterson owns 120 acres of land, ninety of which his father purchased. Many improvements in the way of buildings, etc., have been made. He is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church; in politics a Republican. Tno.\i.\s Pattekson, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, is the youngest son of William and Mary (Mathers) Patterson, and was born in Big Beaver township in 1834, on the farm he now owns. He was reared on the farm, attended the "old log school-bouse" and the Greersburg Academy, and has followed farming as a business. In 18(52 he was niiirried t) Miss V. C. Irvin, daughter of Mathew and .Mattie Irvin, of Lawrence county, and 706 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. soven cliikircu luive Iieen l)ora to them, of whom five are livinir: Eva A., Ira 15., James E., \Valt;r S. and Alexander Savidge. Mr. Patterson owns ItSO acres of lanil. nearly all of which is umler cultivation. lie has held various township oltices. includinjr school director. He is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Kepublican. Rev. S.\muel P.\tteuson was born June 18, 1820, in County Derry, Ireland, and most of his common education was obtained in his native laud In 1836 he emi- grated to this country and settled in the city of Allegheny where he remained atiout thirteen years. In 1848 he entered the Western University, then under the control of Dr. Bruce and Jlr. Greerson. When they withdrew from that institution aud established Duquesne College, he left the University and graduated at Duquesne College in the fall of 1843. He then entered the theological seminary of the Associate Reformed church iu Allegheny, and having gone through the prescribed course was licensed to preach March 29, 184S. By appointment of General Synod, he was sent that summer to preach for three months to a congregation at Indianapolis, also si.x weeks to Bellefontaine and two weeks to Urbana, Ohio. He then returned to the .seiuinary, and having completed the entire course, be accepted a call from the luiited charge of Rocky Spring and East Palestine, and entered upon his pastoral work on the first Sabbath of May, 1849. He was ordained aud installed Sept. 2."), 1849. He remained the pastor of these two congrega- till the union of the As.sociatc aud Associate Reformed denouiinatious into one body, constituting what is now denominated the United Presbyterian Church of North America. This union took place in 1858. Soon after this he gave up the Palestine branch of his charge, and in a short time afterward all his time was given to Rocky Spring. He is still the pastor of this congregation. Mr. Patterson was married in ISS.") to Miss Eliza Jane, eldest duughter of David and JaneGilliland (deceased). Mrs. Eliza Patterson died in Fel)ruary, 1.S83, leaving a husband and seven children — four sons and three daugh- ters to mourn her loss. Mr. Patterson owns a large farm near Darlington, managed chiefly by his sons. Politically, he is a Republican. Gkokge W. Penn, editor of the Beaver Falls IltruM anil Globe, is a journalist of sixteen years' experience. He is a native of Cadiz, Ohio, is on the shady side of forty, and has assisted in clipping three coupons from the bonds of the matrimony. He was reared a farmer's son and began in business life as a clerk in a general store, after which he was suc- cessively a mail carrier, an engineer of a stationary engine, and a school teacher, spend- ing eight years in latter capacity in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. During the past sixteen years he has been employed as a newspaper writer in Ohio, Minnesota and Penn.S3'lvania. James D. Pekkott, dry goods merchant, Reaver Falls, was born in So\ith Reaver township March 3, 1845, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Edgar) Perrott, former a native of Ireland, who settled in South Beaver township in 1828. He was a woolen manufacturer, and eng.aged in that business in South Beaver and Fallston. He hiid ten children: John R., Nancy (Mrs. Jacob B. Parkinson), Sarah (Mrs. Jacob Ecki), James D., Thomas (deceased), Samuel (deceased), Richard, JIary, Jennie and Clara A. (Mrs. Edward L. Hutchinson). 3Ir. Perrott's maternal grandfather was Samuel Edgar, of Westmoreland county, Pa., a son of John Edgar, a nuijor in the revolution, the latter being of Scotch descent. Samuel Edgar came to this county with his fatker in 1811, and settled in Fallston in 1830, where he engaged in milling until his death in 1872. James D. Perrott was reared aud educated in Fallston. Frfim 1860 until 1873 he was employed as clerk in the store of Duncan it Edgar. Aprill. 1874, heembarked in tlie dry goods business in Beaver Falls with A. Timiliuson, Es(j., aud in 1877 purchased bis part- ners interest. In 18JS4 he erected his present sl(U'e, which is 125 by 30 feet. In 1884 Mr. Perrott, withGawu Ward and J.acob Ecki, purchased the plant of the Howard Stove Com pany. which is among the leading industries of Beaver Falls. In 1875 be married Ma.ggie J., daughter of James and Jlaigaret Jackson, of New Sewickley township, by whom be has live children: Clyde R., Howard D., Frank C, Helen M. and Edward II. ilr. Perrott is a wide-awake business man, and hisextensive trade is evidence of his BIOfJlJAl'HIKS WEST SIDp;. 707 pcipularily. Ho is u F. A- A. JI., ii mcniljor of llie ]- nixville. His (Senator Quay's) grandmother's father was Patrick Anderson, the first white child born in the township. Anderson was a captain in the French and Indian war, and, on the breaking out of the Revolution was, along with Anthony Wayne, a member of the Chester county commitlee. He went into the .service in 1776 as captain of the first company in the Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, and after the battle of Long Island, in which Colonel Atlee was captured and Lieutenant-Colonel Parry killed, he commanded the battalion. In 1778 and 1779 he sat in the Pennsylvania Assembly, and his son, Isaac Anderson, represented (hat district in Congress from 1803 to 1807. Senator Quay's great-grandmoiher, Ann Beaton, was the daughter of Daniel Beaton, and the sis- ter of Colonel John Beaton, who, during the Revolution, was most active in military affairs in Chester county. Patrick Anderson's father, James Ander.son, came from Scot- land in 1713, and afterward married Elizabeth Jerman, daughter of Thomas Jerman, a noted Quaker preacher, who came from Wales with his wife Elizabeth, and settled about 1700 in the Chester valley, where he erected one of the earliest mills in the province. Senator Quay graduated from Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1850, studied law with Penny & Sterrett, in Pittsburgh , and was admitted to the bar of Beaver county in 1854. The following year he was appointed protbonotary of this county, and was elected in 1856, and again in 1859. In 1861 he resigned bis office to accept a lieutenancy in the Tenth Pennsylvania Reserves, and was subsequently made assistant commissary- general of the state, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Afterward he was appointed private secretary to Gov. Andrew G. Curtin, and, in August, 1863, was commissioned colonel of the 134th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was mustered out, owing to ill-health, Dec. 7, 1862, but participated in the assault on Marye's Heights, Dec. 13, 1863, as a volunteer. He was subsequently appointed state agent at Washington, but shortly afterward was recalled by the legislature to fill the oflice of military secretary, created by that body. lie was elected to the legislature in 1864, and again in 1865 and 1860. In the latter year he was secretary of the Republican state committee, of which he was chairman in 1878. In 1869 he established and edited the Beaver liadiral. In 1873-78 he was secretary of the commonwealth, resigning to accept the appointment of recorder of Philadelphia. This office he resigned in January, 1879, when he was again appointed secretary of the commonwealth, filling that post until October, 1883, when he resigned. In November, 1885, he was elected state treasurer by Ihe largest vote ever given to a candidate for that office. He resigned in Septendier, 1887. On Jan. 18, 1887, he was elected United States .senator for the term ending March 3, 1893. He is a mem- ber of the following senate committees — Manufactures, Pensions, Public Buildings and Grounds, Post Offices and Post Roads, and Claims; and chairman of the committee to examine the several branches of the civil service. Senator Quay was married, in 1855, to Agnes Barclay, daughter of John Barclay, by his wife Elizabeth Shannon. Her parents were natives of Penn.sj'lvania, and were of Scotch-Irish descent. The children of this marriage, all of whom were l)orn at Beaver, are Richard Roberts, Andrew Gregg Curtin, Mary Agnew, Coral, and Susan Willard. The eldest son is a student at law, while the .second is a 2nd lieutenant, U. S. army, having graduated from West Point June 11, 1888. James H. Ramsey was born near Frankfort Springs, Beaver county, Pa., son of John and INIay Hay Harper Ramse_y; parents both formerly married; only child by last marriage; of Scotch Irish descent; father a farmer. He received his collegiate edu- cation at Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Washington county. Pa. ; graduated at West- ern Reserve Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio; commenced practice of medicine in ■710 mSTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Virginia. He mnrried Agnes S., daiigliterof AVilliam and Nanc.v Stewart, Hookstown, Beaver county, Pa., in 1856. He was reginieulal surgeon of the 17th West Virginia Infantry, anil part of the time on detached service with the 8th Ohio Cavalry. After llie war he practiced his profession sixteen years in Frankfort Springs, Pa.: located in Bridiiewaterin 1881, and engaged in the drug business and his profession: has had charge of the medical department of the Beaver County Alms House for some years. He has seven children; AVilliam S., M. D., a physician and surgeon: Lizzie M., Nina A., Mrs. Laura O. Wineman, ^MyraB., ,T. Edgar and Hallie Ethel. John W. K.\msey, superintendent water works, Beaver Falls, was born in North Sewickley township, Oct. G, 1848, and is a .son of Thomas and Sarah (White) Kam.sey . His paternal grandfather, Samuel Ramsey, a native of Eastern Pennsylvania, and a pioneer of North Sewickley township, had ten children: Milton, Samuel, James, Thomas, Silas, Matthew, Robert, John, Elizabeth and Mary A. Of these Thomas was a iironnnent farmer of North Sewickley township, and held several township otlices. and served one term as director of the County Poor House. He was accideutly killed on the P. it L. E. R. K. at Brady's Run, in 1880. His children were Clorinda, Kli/.a, Lycurgus, Edith, John W., Harrison, JIary, Jennie and Anna. John W., in early life, learned the carpenter, machinist and blacksmith trades. In 1801 he endiarked in the oil business in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and operated and drilled a large number of wells. He drilled the largest gas well in the United States at that time (1870) (12-inch bore— 2,430 feet deep), for the Economy Society of tliis county. Since 187G he has been superintendent of tlie Beaver Falls Water Works. He has seven valu!d)le patents of his own invention, viz.: — the Rani.scy and Corbus tire plug, and automatic natural gas regulating valve, fruit jar cover, furnace for melting pig iron by natural gas, wire nail machine, compression coupling for cold rolled shafting, used by the Hartman Steel Co., of this city, e.xclusively. In 1870 Mr. Ramsey married Mary, liavisjhter of William and jMargarct (Corson) Stafford, of Beaver Falls, and by her has si.K children: William, Ida. >laud, Ellie, JMabel and Beatrice. Mr. Ramsey is a mem- ber of the A. O. U. W. Politically he is independent. In 1888 he was elected one of the school directors for White township, for three years, by the entire vote of the township. B. S. R.\N«EU, merchant, was born in Franklin county, Mass., Nov. 18, 1812. His parents, Moses and Jane (Smith) Ranger, were natives of Massachusetts, and of Scotch- Irish and English descent, former a farmer. B. S. is the eldest in a family of si.x chil- dren. He taught school in early life, and in 1847 he came to Pennsylvania, locating in Johnstown, where he worked in a furnace as a.ssistant manager. In 1852 he accepted a position as railroad overseer, and was sent to Beaver, remaining in the employ of the railroad company for five years. His early life as a school teacher had given him a bet- ter insight into human nature than many men who were older had. In 1801 he came to Bridgewater and embarked in the mercantile trade. For many years he has done a large and successful business, and by judicious investments and careful management has succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. He is largely interested in real estate, and is the owner of one entire block in Bridgewater. In politics Mr. Ranger is a Republican. Iu.\ R.vNsoM, Sr., was born in Trenton, Oneida county, N. T., July 19, 1813, and is a son of Daniel and .Mary (Peirce) Ransom. In 1834 he located in Beaver Falls, where he was the contractor for the Eric extension of the Pennsylvania Canal. In 1840 he entered the employ of James Patterson, of Beaver Falls, as a grain buyer. In 184i( he engaged in building railroads, and constructed eight miles of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wavne & Chicago Railway, by contract. In 1852 he removed to Youngstown, (_)hio, where be resided until 1869, and during his residence there assisted in building several railroads by contract, among them the Baltimore & Ohio, the Central Ohio (now the Panhandle), and the Steubenvillc it Indiana. In 1809 he returned to Beaver Falls, and engaged in the flour and feed business for seven years, conducting also the Beaver Falls Flouring Jlills two years. In 1877 he built a section of the Pittsburgh ic Lake Erie Railroad, Moravia. Mr. Ransom erected the first brick residence in Beaver Falls. In liIiverpool jMarch IT), 1856, is Annie, a daughter of Thomas and Eliza Smith, of Penn.sylvania. !Mr. and Mrs. Reed have three ehildun living, vi/..: Thomas Anthony, Ethel Mainland Earl Smith. The second child. Hatlie. died at the age of nine years. 3Ir. Reed's parents were Anthony and Sophie (Ca} wo( d) Reed, natives of Ohio, as was probably his grandfather, Anthony. BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 713 John and Henry Taylor Rkeves. The Reeves familj' are of Welsh extraction. Joseph Reeves, the great-grandfather of the subjects of this biograpliical sketch, resided at Mount Holly, and is buried in the cemetery of the Episcopal church of that village. Among his cliildren was a son Joseph, also a resident of Jlount Holly, who who married Elizabeth Toy, born July .'i, 1758. Their children were sons Daniel and Jo.seph, and daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Jane, !JIarlha and Hannah. Dainel, the eldest of these, was born in 1785, and died Dec. 1, 1837. Removing to Beaver Falls in 1805, he followed the trades of cabinet-maker and carpenter until his death. By his marriage with jMargaret, daughter of Matthew Steen, of Washington county, Pa., were born cliildren: Eliza (Mrs. Samuel Corbus), Mary Jane (Mrs. David Whitla), Balleria (Jlrs. William Carter), Esther (Mrs. Henry Hippie) Joseph, Matthew, Juhnand Henry T, of whom but three survive. John Reeves was born Feb. 9, 1825. in Beaver Falls, and received a limited common English education at the subscription schools of the day, traveling a distance of two miles on foot to enjoy but meagre advantages. At the ao-e of nine 3-ears the.se opportunities ceased, and Mr. Ree%'es, by habits of close observation, and reflection, made amends in a great degree for the want of thorough Irainin^ in youth. His father having died when the lad was but twelve years of age, he at once sought emplo}'meut with a farmer in the neighborhood, and for three years thus aided in the support of the family. Subsequently becoming a driver on the Pittsburgh & Erie fi'snal. he soon found himself the owner of boats, and continued this life of com- parative adventure until 1b52. He then accepted the position of conductor on the Pennsylvania it Ohio Railroad, and at the e-\piratiou of the fourth year embarked in mercantile pursuits at New Brighton under the tirm name of H. T. it J. Reeves. Dis- posing of their business in 18115, the brothers engaged in real estate operations, the pur- chase and sale of which as agents has occupied much of their time until the present. In addition to this, Mr. Reeves became in 18(l"i one of the projectors and the cashier of the Economy Saving Institution. He is also director of the Beaver Valley Street Rail- way; of the Pittsburgh, Chart iers it Youghiogheny Railroad; director of the Beaver Falls Bridge Company; of the Art Tile Company; of the Pittsburgh it Charliers Block Coal Com| any; director of the First National Bank of B«rver Falls; president of the First Nalicjnal Bank of New Brii;liton and of the Brighton Bridge Company. To these varied enterprises he gives his personal attention, and has by his trained haljils of Ijusi- ness and mature judgment contriliuteil largely to their success. Mr. Reeves was, on the 25th of March, 1847, married to Cynthia, daugliter of John Murplij-, of Beaver Falls. Their children were Daniel F. (dL-ceased); Mary Ann (wife of James F. Merrin;au; Ada (married to W. H. Nair), Hannah (wife of James M. Jlay), William (deceased), J. Charles F. (deceased), Jessie Benton, Grace (wife of George W. Coats), and Jacob Hen- rici (deceased). Mr. Reeves is in his political preferences a Republican, but is no sense a politician. Being liberally endowed with juililic s|iiril and ambitious for the advance- ment of his native town, he has at various times accepted local offices, bui uo others. His religious sympathies are with the Presbyterian church, of which he is both a trustee and member. Henry Taylor Reeves, the brother and business partner of John Reeves, was born Oct. 14, 1827, in. Beaver Falls, then known as I5iighton, in which locality the years of his active life have been passed. The old school house of Beaver i-alls afforded him the only opportunities for education he enjoyed, alter « hich he sought employment in a Cotton factory, and at the age of twenty hccnnie a clerk in a general coiuitiy store. Here his business aptness and tidelily to his employ( r's interests K-on won him a partmr- ship with Samuel McCleary, which contiiuKil tor a period (jf four years. He then formed a copartner.ship with his brother John, which lousiness association hascontii U( d uninterruptedly ar.d harmoniously until the prisent. Mr. Reeves has done much to develop the resources of his native count}', and aided many successful enterpri.ns by his influence and capital. He is prtsident of the Beaver Falls and New Brighton Illumin- ating Gas Company; president of the Heaver Falls Water Works; pre.sident of the Beaver Falls Cutlery Company; one of the managers of the Economy S.ivin^s Instiiu- 714 HISTORY OF BEAVKK COUNTY. lion, and has been director and a leading spirit in various olbtr projects, Beaver Falls and New Brighton being especially indebted to his energy for their rapid growth. Mr. Keeves was. on the 29th of October, 1857, mairied to Sarah Jane, danghler of William and Jane Haines, of Mount Holly, N. J. Their children were Harry AV., Jlartha Jane, Walter F. (deceased), Uoinelius L. B., Albert (deceased). Arthur (deceased), and Orville (deceased). >[r. Ileeves has been, since early manliood, an earnest member of the >telhodist Protestant church at Beaver Falls and largelj' instr\imental in building churches, both at Beaver Falls and Xew Urighton . The pros]X'rity of this denomination has ever been dear to his heart, and enlisted his earnest prayers and most substantial aid. The various church ottices, both spiritiud and temporal, lie has been called upon from time to time to fill. Mr. Iteeves has been, since the or.i;anizalion of the party, a Repub- lican, and was formerly a pronounc'ed Abolitionist . He is now one of the most earnest advocates of the Prohibition movement in the county, and a fearless exponent of the cause of temperance, as of every project having for its purpose the welfare of humanity. Otiier than that of school director and councilman, he lias refused all iiroil'ers of office. Having in a measure relinquislied the cares of business, much of his time for some years has been devoted to recreation and travel. John B. Reeves, foreman Beaver Falls Steel AVorks, was born in New Briglilon June T), 1851, a sou of Joseph and Sarah (McGachey) Reeves. His paternal grandfather, Daniel lieeves, settled in what is now Braver Falls in 1804, and was a son of Jo'-eph Reeves, of Wales, who settled at Mt. Holly, N. J., in 17")4. His nuitcrnal grandfather was Robert JNIcGachey, a farmer and pioneer of Beaver Falls. Joseph Reeves was born and reared in Beaver Falls, was a cabinet maker hy trade, and luid charge of tlie wood work department on bridge work for the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway for several years. He ran the first train on tlie road, and was conductor of the same nearly twenty-five years. He died .June 2, 1810, the father (jf five childicn: John B., James J., Mary (Mrs. Thomas JIarshall), Eliza (.Mrs. C. L. Paikei)and Margaret (Mrs. A. Siemoii). .John B. wa-* reared in New Brighton, where he learned tlie carpenter's trade, which he followed fourteen years, but since 18'i9 has lield his present position. April 18, 1877, he married Mary, daughter of Andrew and Alice \Vharnd)y, of Alle- gheny county, and has two childieii: Josejili L. and Grace. Bith he hnd liis wife are memliers of, the Presbyterian cliurcli. He is a mendx r of the I. O. (). F.. and I'quit- able Aid Union; politically he is a Dcmoeral. WiLi.rA.M Reich, Ju., merchant tailor, Bridge«ater, was born Sipt. 18, lt-44. and is a S)n of Louis and Amelia (Shaup) Reich. His father, who was a professional gar- dener in Germany, had seven children, of whom William is the elde^l. Our .subject was reared in Germany, and received his education in that country. Early in life he began to learn tailoring, and served as an apprentice seven years. When he rcaclitd his maj irity he immigrated to the United Slates, and settled in Bridgewatcr, where l.e W(irk(d at his trade three years. His parents came from Gernmny in lirClJ and settled in R Chester, wlieie his father has been engageel as a garelenc r ever slice. William emijarked in the merchant tailor business on his e)wn accemnt in 18(59, and lias met with marked success. He senels consielerable work to Pittsl.urjih anel other towns, ai d car- ries an e.\Len»ive slock of fine gooels. Mr. Reicli was tirst mairiid in 18fi9 to Elizabeth Rup|i, and liy her had three children: Chiistian, Elizabelli and Harry. Mrs. Reich ilyiiig in 18^7, Mr. Reich married for his second wife, in j877. .Matilda Winteis. and by her has two ebihlieu; \Villi;un, Jr., aiul Leiiora. Mr. and Mrs. Reich aremembeisof the German Lutheran ehurcli. He is a member of the I. O. <). F. leidge and the encampment. JeisKiMi W. IvllODKS, farmer, P. O, Aehor, Columbiana county, ( )hio. was born in this county in 18r)4. His graiidfatlier, William, whe) came from Ireland, had seven children, among whom was William, who was a farmer by oceniiation and owned 140 acres of lauel in Cliipiiewii le)wnshi]). Ibis eeainly, w hie li was fe rn.erlj' the preipeil}' of his father, William. William .1. married, for his second wife, Kliza, ilaughter (f Jelin Me.VIillln (,i major in the war of !SI2l. and Joseph is the only .'■on born to this couple. iiIO(iKAl'HIKS WE8T SIDE. 715 AVilliam ditd in 1883, and liis wife in 1855. Josepli was reared ou tiie farm and now owns 100 acres, wliicli was tlie property of liis mother. He was married, in 1815. to Magirie, dauglner of .Joseph and Jane (Warrick) Moore. Thej' have had six children, tiveof whomare living: Vincent Orrin, William Fisher, HidoJIoore, Mar)- .lane and Ida Potter. Mr. Rhodes is a member of the Presbyterian church; in politics a Uepublican. Lycurhus RiniARDso.N, superintendent ISeaver Falls Street Railway, Beaver Falls, was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, March 23, 1843, and is a son of Knoch and JIary (Burl) Richardson. Ills paternal grandfather was Samuel Richardson, and paternal grandfather, William Burt, pioneeis of Columbiana county. Mr. Richard- son's parents settled in this county in 1851, where his father engaged in farming luitil his death in February, 1885. His children are .Jason, Delilah (deceased), I^ycurgns, ilargaret E. (Mrs. J. C. I'lummer, now deceased), Hiram U., David (deceased) and Samuel (deceased). Our subject was educated in the common schools of Ohio tow nship. From 1858 until 1859 he was engaged as a ferryman at Smith's Ferry, this comity; then served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade at Fairview. In Augu'-t, IStii, he enlisted in Company A. 17th Pa. Cav., and participated in the battles of Chancellors- ville. Fredericksburg, the Wilderness and Gettysburg. He was with Sheridan in the raid through the Shenandoah Valley, and at the surrender at Appomatlo.x in 18(55, and was hiinorably discharged in June, 1865. He returned to Beaver count}' and was mar- ried toEliza.J. Hamilton, daughter of David and Serephina Hamilton; then located at Smith's Ferry, Pa , and worked at his trade until his wife died ; then, in 1873, located in Pittsburgh, Alleghenj' county, I^a. ; worked there until June, 1874, wlien he returned to Bsaver county, locating at Industry, where he worked until 187G, when he married Anna F. Appleton, daughter of Jo-eph and Sarah Appletou. He then located at Fair- view, Beaver county, Pa., and worked there until March, 1883; then removed to East Liverpool, Ohio, and worked there until June, 1884, when he removed to Industiy and conducted a shop there until June. 1885, when he removed to Beaver Falls and accepted the position of superintendent of Beaver Falls Street Radn ay, .operating the road until Nov. 1, i887. Resigning at that time, he acccp'ed a position as superintendent of McKeesport Street Railwaj', in Allegheny county. Pa., where he is at present located. Mr. Richardson has one son by his first wife — Harry II. Richardson (who is a machinist at the Hartman machine shop. Beaver Falls, Pa.); also two children by his present wife — Oakley A. and Anna F. Richardson. Politically Mr. Richardson is a Republican. J. E. RisiNGER. blacksmith, Beaver, was born May 13, 1852, in Beaver. His parents, Daniel and Mary Jane (Eiikin) Risinger, were natives of this county and of (ieinian ai;d Irish descent. His fatherand grandfather were blacksmiths. It is related of his grand- father that when lie carried on liusiness here his patrons thought he was almost a per- fect workman. AVIien asked if he cfudd do anything his answer usually v a': "Yes," eir " All right, just leave it." When one of his re'gular patrons brought him a elarning neeelle, which his wife hael broken the eye of, anel asked him if he could me'nel it, he teilel him to " have if." J. L. is tlie elder of the tv\e) e'hildren. His sifter. Minnie M., resieles at he me. He learned his traele with his father. He is the owner of vahial le real esiate in Beaver, and in connectiem with his father is eleiing a geioel business. Aug. '24, 1876, he was inir ied to N'annie, elaugliter of A. P. Morrow, anel beirn in Beaver co;iiity, anel of Irish d.'seent. Tliey have hael live children; Atha May, Ora V , Jemies (deceiseel , D.tniel M. anel Nina Clair. Mrs Risinger is a member of the United Pres- byterian Chiir.-h In peilit'.cs, Jlr. RisiiiLier is a Republican. Fkeu G. Roiirkaste, P. O. Beaver Falls, was beirn near Hanover. Germany, Oct. 31, 1831, anel is a sem eif Freile-rick anel M iry i WiggralJer) Rohrkaste, who came to .\nierie-a in 18(50, located in Pittsburgh ami lesieled tlie-re until their deaths. Our sulijee't c rue' to .\m rca in 1853, locaieel in Pittsburgh, and in 1855 embarke el in Ihegreiceiy trade in thit city, in which he was engiiged until 1869. He then removeel te) Beaver Flails, anel engaired in the same business lliere until 1879, when he purchaseel tlie Ceitral hote-l, erne of the principal hostelries of the place, which he successfullv cemeUicte el until New Year's, 18s'8, when he retiieel ai el ne w lei-iele.s in New Bn'iiliiein. In IS'KI l;e 716 HISTORY (IF liKAVKR CorXTV. Imill till' Beaver distillery, which he (ipcriitcd tliree years. A corupany, of whieh ^Ir. KoUrl^aste is a stockholder, is now .starting the champion saw worlds in the distillery. He married, in 18.56, Ernstine Stolte. born near Hanover, Germany, and has seven children living: Charles, Emma, Anna. Albert, Otto, Fred and Dora. Mr. l{ohrka.ste is a member of the German Lutheran church; in politics he is a Republican. Charles RuiiE, glass engraver, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 13, 1858. He is a son of Charles and Caroline (liinne) Kuhe, natives of Brunwick, Germany, who came to Americain 1848 and settled in Pittsburgh. Hisfatlier, who was a glass-cutter, engraver and general glass worker, sellletl in Btaver Falls in 1879. and w.as one of the organizers and stockholders of the Coiiperative Flint Glass Works, [is. Sawyer died in 1881, aged sixty-eight years. William A. was educated at Greersburg Ac idemy, and left that institution when eighteen years old. In 1875 lie married Ella, d uigliter of J. C. Thompson, and their children are Benjamin Clark, Georgiana and X mcy C. The doctor commenced the study of medicine when twenty-one years old, D ■. S. M. Ro.ss, of Altoona, Pa., being his preceptor. He graduated from the Western R i-ierve Jledical College in Februaiy, 18G9, and commenced practice in Ohioville, r;:n lining there three years. In 1873 he located at Darlington, where he has since prac- ticed. In ))olilics he is a Republican. Pini.ii" -icii.vRFF, foreman of the Coiiperative Glass Works, Beaver Foils, was born in fittsburuli, July IG, 1847, and is a son of Conrad and Wilhelmina (Rupple) Scharff. natives of Heition. In 1871 he married Catlieriae, daughter of Henry and Agnes (Sehuz) Gernert, of Pittsburgh, by whom he li IS six children: Hirry, William Agnes. Minnie, Edward and Bessie. Jlr. Scharii is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W.; in politics he is a Democrat. Wii,i.i.\M Scn.\RFK, glass-blower, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, April 15, 1S5). and is a s >n of C iiirad C. and Mena (Rinple) Scharff. of Germany, who settled in Pittsburgh in 1839. He was reared in tliat city, an I learn^'d his trade with JIcKee Bros, and Bakewall i.t Co., and worked in Pitlsburgh from 18i9 until 1873. He then erabiirked in the hotel business in Pittsburgh (South SifU). In 1879 he located in Beaver Falls, and was one of the organizers of the Coiiperaiive Flint Glass Works, where he has since been employed, and is interested as a stockholder. In 1872 he married ^lary, (l,iu.;hter of Henry and .Mirgaret Zell. of Pittsburgh, and has six children: Lillie Catherine, Emma, David. William and Phili|). In 1875 Mr. Scharff was the champion o;irs nm of America. He is an active member of the A. O. U. W. and Red ^len (Pitts- burgh Lodge). Politically he is a Democrat. HKXiKAl'IIIES WEST SIDE. 717 Wn.LiAM ScHEPFi.EK, glass presser, Beaver Falls, was born in Prussia, Jan. 32, 1836, and is asonof Henry and Eva C. ScliefHer, who eniigrated to America in 1844 and settled in Pittsburgh. Their children were George, Conrad, William and Dorothea. William learned his trade with F. it J. McKee A Co., of Pittsburgh, and was in their employ from 1854 until 18G7, when he located in Columbiana county, Ohio, where he was engaged in farming si.\ years, working at his trade occasionalh* in Pittsburgh. lu 1878 he located in that city permanently, and worked for Doyle it Co. until 1878. In 18T0 he came to Beaver Falls, and became one of the founders of the Cooperative Flint Glass Works, where he has since been employed. June 5, 1859, he married Cath- erine, daughter of John Weyand, of Pittsburgh, by whom he has seven children living; William II., Katie M., Lizzie E., Anna D., Cora'c., Charles E. and Albert T. Mr. ScliefHer has been a member of the board of directors of the glass works for si.\ years, and since Jliy 1, 1886, has heeu its chairman. He is a member of the German Luth- eran church, the A. O. LT. W., and in politics is a Republican. AuGU.ST ScHWALLEK, ghiss blovver, Beaver Falls, was born in Alsace-Lorraine, June 6, 1858, and is a son of Joseph and Anna (Veitlech)Schwaller. He came to Amer- ica in 18T3, and located in Wayne county. Pa., remaining there seventeen months. He then located in Pittsburgh, where he was in the employ of McKee Bros, until the glass strike of 1878. In 1879 he came to Beaver Falls, and became one of the organizers of the Cooperative Flint Gla.ss Works, where he has since been employed, and is also a stockholder, In 1876 he marrieil Mar}' A., daughter of John Evans, by whom he has five children living: Kate, Annie. Andrew, Maggie and Magdalena. He is a member of the German Catholic church: in politics a Democrat. John M. Scott, clerk of courts, Beaver, was born in Brighton township, this county, April 11, 1842, and is a son of William and Nancy (JIcKee) Scott, the former a native of Beaver country and the latter of Franklin. His father was engaged in the tanning busin-'ss in early life, and in farming in later life, until his death, which occurred in Brighton. His family consisted of three sons and live daughters (two deceased), of whom John M. is tlie youngest living. He was reared on the farm, and attended the common school and the Beaver Academy. He taught school for nineteen winters, and farmed during the rest of each year. He began teaching at the age of eighteen. In 1885 he was elected clerk of the courts of Beaver county, wliich position he has since occupied. He is well adapted to the position he holds, and has a practical knowledge of the details of the office. He is a member of the United Presl)yterian church: in politics he is a Republican. G. A. ScROGGS, physicianand surgeon, P. O. Beaver, wasbornin New Castle, Law- rence county. Pa., March 23, 1K55, and is a son of John A. and JIar_y J. (Thompson) Scroggs, former a native of Darlington, this county, latter of Columbiana county, Ohio, of Scotch-Irish descent. The Scroggs family were among the early settlers of Beaver county. The grandfather of (jur subject was Gen. John Alexander Scroggs, who was a general in the war of 1812: he was prothonotary of B'aver county two terms, begin- ning in 1832. The Scroggs family are descendants of the lord Chief-Justice of the King's High Bench, Sir William Scroggs. The father of G. A. was a dentist, and practiced in Galena, 111., for many years. He had four children, of whom G. A. is the second. Our subject was reared in Galena, 111., where he received his earliest educa- tion, and he subsequently attended Ihe Hopedale Normal School, in Ohio. He chose medicine as his profession, and studied at East Liverpool, Ohio, first with Dr. Benjamin Ogden, and afterward with Dr Daniel Leasure. of Allegheny City, Pa. He then entered Jefferson Medical Collef;e, at PhiladeliJiia, in 1876, where he was graduated in 1879. He began practice at East Liverpool, Ohio, and remained there three yeais, tlu n went to Hazlewood, and in 18SJ4 came to Beaver. He was married, in 1870, to AIe.\ii-a C, daughter of Alexander C. Galzmer, of Philadelphia, I'a., e.f Fiussian defcerl. The doctor is a Republican in poliiics. Ja.mes Scroggs, Jr. plij'sician and surgeon, P, O. Beaver, was born in Allegheny coumy. Pa., July 19, 1850, a sein of James and Emily (Seaton) Scroggs, the former eif 40 718 HISTORY OF BEAVFR COTX'! Y. Scotch :uk1 the latter of English descent, and both natives of Pcunsjlvania. His father was for many years a practicing phjsician in JJeaver borough. He is still a resident of Beaver, but is not in active practice, and is perhaps the oldest physician in the county. He spent the most of his professional life in Pittsburgh, where his family grew up. His two sons are physicians. Our subject, who is the eldest of five children, attended the schools of Pittsburgh, then went to Ann Arbor, Mich., and first attended the literary department of Michigan University, subsequently entering the medical department of the same institution, where he remained one year. He then returned toFairview, the home of his father, and continued his studies at hone until the opening of the Cincin- nati College of Medicine and Surgery, which he then entered and from which he was graduated in 1872. He came to Beaver county and commenced the practice of his cho.sen profession at Fairview. The doctor always speaks of his father in terms of the highest praise. His father first attended to the education of his children and gave them the advantages of the best schools, and then expected them to make their own way. When our subject returned from college his father said to him; "James, I will not buy you anything more than hor.se and saddle; then 3'ou musthoe your own row." He then for the first time in his life felt that he was a man, and must l)attle with the world single handed. He practiced one year in Fairview, and then came to Beaver where he soon obtained a good practice. He is earnestly devoted to his profession, seldom allow- ing his time to be taken up with anything else, and takes much intcres-t in the Beavir C^ountj' Medical Society. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as a member of the .school board for ten years in Beaver borough. He is physician tfiihe Beaver County Home, physician to Heaver county jail, also county physician. The Doctor was married, in 1873, to Anna, daughter of .John Aber, who was a merchant, and they have had tour children; Anna Emily, Joseph J., Hall E. and Fred J. Mrs. Scroggs is a member of the United Presbyterian church, of Beaver. The doctor is a member of the I. O. O. F. Henrv Seciirist, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, was born in Cambria county, Pa., in 1840. His great-grand fat her came froiu Germany and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. William, a son of this pioneer, and a native of York countv. Pa., married Esther Saddler, and had si.\ sons and five daughters. He was a farmer, and died at tlie age of si.xty years. Henry, his fourth child, born in 1806 in York county, married in 1834, Nanc}', daughter of Frederick and 'Marj F'linchbaugh, and eight children (si.x now living) were born to them, our subject being the fourth. The father came to Beaver county in 1860 and purchased the property now owned by his son and namesake. He died in 1872 aged sixty-six years. Henry, our sul)ject, was reared a farmer, and has always followed that occupation. At the death of his father he purchased his farm. He was married, in 1887, to Lizzie, daughter of James Dillon, He is quite extensively engaged in dairying, owns twenty cows, and ships his produce to Pittsburgh daily. John C. Sennktt, moulder, Beaver Falls, was born in Lake coimty, Ohio, June 12, 1835, and is a son of Albert and Olive (Cokly) Sennett. He was reared in Erie county, Pa., and Cinciimati, Ohio, and at the latter place served an apprenticeship of four years at the stove-molder's trade, which he followed until 188"). He was in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting Aug. 11, 1862, in Company I, 145th P. V. L He participated in the battles of Fredericksburg. Chancelh.isville, Getly.'-bnrg, the Wilder- ness campaign, Petersburg and other engagements, and was honorably discharged Jlay 31, 1865. In January, 1871, he heated in Beaver Falls, where he has since lesidcd. He is a member of the G. A. R.. Union Veteran Legion, 1. 0. O. F. and Iron Molder's Union; in politics, he is independent. JosRPii Sk.\nnon, farmer, P. O. Homewood, is a descendant of an early settler in Pennsylvania, a farmer by occupation, who was born on the River Shannon, Ireland, and was the parent of sixteen children. Robert, his .son, settled in Westmoreland county about 1820, where he remained luitil 1830, when he moved to Beaver county and purchased 100 acres of land. He married Nellie, daughter of Robert Miller, and bv her had ten children, seven of whom are living. Robert was a farmer during his v. hole life. He died in 1868, aged sixty eight years. His wife died in 1875, aged seventy-seven mOGRAI'HIES WEST SIDE. 710 years. .Joseph was born in IS'ifi. and is now tlie oldest living son. lie was lil)er:illy educated, and was a student at Greersliurir acadeni}-. He was reared on a farm and is by occupation a farmer. In 184!) he married Eliza .Jane, daughter of .lolin Beatty, and they have four children: Ann Mary (Mrs. ]\IcC'aughlry), John 15.. Nellie Jane (Mrs. Wallace), and U. Emma (JNlrs. IJeard). In 184!) 3Ir. Shannon moved on the present farm of l.")0 acres, which was the homestead of his wife's father. He is an adherent of the United Presbyterian church; in politics a I?epnblican. Wii.i.i.vM Sir.^NXON, farmer, I^. O. New Galilee, the youngest sou of Hobert and Nellie (Miller) Shannon, was horn in Big Beaver town.ship on the farm where he now lives, in 1840. He was married in 18GT to Mary Alloway. of Blair count}-. Pa. Eight children have bles.sed this union: liobert A.. Aaron M., James B., Elmer E , Nellie J., Royal G., William S, and Annie JI. Mr. Shannon received a good common-school ed- ucation. He enlisted in 1861 in Company K, 10th Pennsylvania Reserves, and served three }'ears, being engaged in the battles of Meehanicsville, Gaines' Mill, JIalverii Hill, Second Bull Run, South ^Mountain, Antielam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburgh, The Wild- erness and Spottsylvania. He was taken prisoner at Fredericksburg, was taken lo Richmond and to Libl)y prison, and was in prison for twenty-eight days. He owns 2!)0 acres of land, nearlj- all of which is under cultivation. He has always been a hard worker and is a successful farmeft He is a Democrat. Everett W. Sheets, physician, Beaver Falls,was born in East Palestine, Columbiana county, Ohio, Dec. 25, 18(50, and is a son of Abrabam and JIary A. (Dustin) Sheets. Hi.s father was a graduate of Jefferson ^ledical College, Philadelphia, and was for many years a practicing physician in Columbiana count}-, Ohio, Beaver county and New Castle, Pa., where he died in 1871. Mr. Sheets' paternal grandfather was Fredeiick Sheets, a pioneer of East Palestine, and his maternal grandfather, Dr. Barnard Dustin, of Massachusetts, a pioneer physician of Darlington township. He had two sons. Barnard and Nathaniel, both of them physicians of distinction liverelt W. Sheets was reared in New Castle. He studied medicine in his father's office, and with his sister, Eugenia C, now Mrs. Dr. Mercer, and later with Dr. JVIontgoiuery Linville. He entered Jefferson ^Medical College in 1883, and was graduated in April, 1885. He was then ajv pointed assistant-surgeon of Lancaster County Hospital. In February, 1886, he located in Beaver Falls, where he has a large and successful practice. John S. Siiei'I.ei!, proprietor of Hotel Summit, in Bridgewater. was born in Alle- gheny county. Pa., Nov. 3, 1818, and is a son of Philip and ^lary (Hill) Shepler. His mother is still living at the age of eighty. His father was a farmer, and later in life a hotel keeper in Pittsburgh. He was a soldier in the War of 1813, and lived to the age of seventy-si.x. His grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and served under George Washington. He, with some others, made a trip in an open flat boat from the headwaters of the Monongahela river to Louisville, then called the Falls of the (.)liio. They ran only by night, hiding from the Indians among the willows by day. He died here at the age of ninety, and his wife at ninety-four. Philip had thirteen children, of whom seven are nowliving. Of these John S. isthe eldest. Hewas reared near Pittsburgh, and attended the common schools. He remained on the farm with his parents till he reached his majority, then he worked in Pittsburgh as a pattern maker and mill-wright. He after- ward purcha.sed a flouring mill in Washington county, which be conducted a few years, when it was wai-hed away by a tlood . He then purchased property in ^Monongahela City, and in company with Henry Shearer built a mill there. He sold his interest in this mill, and became part owner of the steamboat Bell, and on that and other boats he was, during a number of years, an engineer. His health failing, he leased, in New Brighton, a liotel which he conducted about four years, after which he removed to Beaver and kept the National Hotel there a few years. He then engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements, sold out and biult the hotel which he now occupies. On the 4th of iNIarch, 1S40, he was married to Mary J., daughter of John Slegown. She was born in Pitts- burgh, and is of scotch descent. They have had eleven children, of whom seven are now living: Philip L., an engineer and merchant; AlbertG., Samuel H. and Charley C, 720 HISTORY OF BEAVEU COUXXy. steamboat engineers on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; Anna Eliza, wife of Oliver K. McKeage, an engineer on tlio Ohio river; Joseiihine, at home; and Abbie, wife of J. B. Shumaker, a druggist in Bridgewater. In politics Mr. Shepler is a Republican. John A. Siiillito, merchant, P. O. Beaver, of the firm of Shillito & Brother, was born in Independence township, this county, Nov. S, 1832, son of George and Elizabeth (Anderson) Shillito, former of wliom died in 1869; latter is still living at the age of eighty-tive. They were both natives of Penn.'*ylvania, of Scotch Irish lineage. Our subject's grandfather (George) and father came to Beaver county in 1800. and were till- ers of the soil. Samuel Shillito, an uncle of John A., was in the War of 1812, and emi- grated west from Beaver county. Our subject is one of a familj- of six children, three of whom are living: John A. and his partner, R. C, and George M., a prominent ph)'- sician in Allegheu}' Citj'. John A. was reared on the farm, attended school in Inde- pendence township, and at the age of sixteen went to Clinton, in Allegheny couniy, where he clerked for one year. Then he moved to Florence. Washington county, and clerked there three years. In April, 18")."), he went to California, where he remained thirteen years, and during this time he was employed as salesman in a store, except three years he was mining in Nevada. Jan. 8, 1868, he returned home and embarked in his present business. Both members of the tirm have been for many years residents of Beaver county, and John A. has had thirty-seven year^ experience in l)usiness. Oct. 4, 1871, he was married to Mary G., daughter of John Swearigen. and born and reared in Allegheny county, where she was married. They have one child, N. G. L. Mr. and Mrs. Shillito are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is trustee and treas- urer. Theodore P. Simpson, physician, Beaver Falls, was born in New Brighton, this county, JIarch 19, 18.56, and is a son of W. W. and Lavina (Rogers) Simpson. He was reared in New Brighton, began the study of medicine in the (ffice of his falher in 18T4, and was graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, in 1877. In June of the same year he located in Beaver Falls, where he has built up a lucrative and extensive practice. Dauuis Sinki.eton, lumber dealer and justice of the peace, was born in this county Jan. 9, 1829, and is a son of Henry H. and Rebecca (Maginnis) Singleton, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Iri.sh and English descent. His father came to this county %\ith his parents when a child, spent most of his life here as a farmer, and died in 1867. He had live sons and three daughters, Darius being the youngest son. Our subject was reared on a farm in Greene township, this coimty, and his early education was received in the common schools in liis native count}', and at the Twinsl)iirg IiisliixUe. Ohio. His business education was obtained at Duff's Conunercial College, in Pitlsburgh. where he was graduated in 1866. Before the War of the Kebellion he was engaged in the manu- facture of lumber, anil also in the oil business In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, HOth Volunteer Infantry, and was in eleven engagements. He was promoted fronj private to sergeant and lieutenant, successively. At Ihe bailie of f potti-yhania he rcteivid lhi< e wounds, one in the left shoulder and arm, which caused him to lose six inches of Ihe bone. At the close of the war he returned to Beaver, and in 1868 embarked in the lum- ber business. He was appointed justice of the peace in 1876, being elected the next year, and has held the position ever since. In polities he is a Republican, He is a member of the G. A. R., and chai)lain of Post No. 47H. Mr. Singleton was married, in IS.iii, to Sarah T., daughter of Sathelius M. and Sarah (Guthrie) Crail, natives of fiercer county, Pa., and of English descent. The living children of this marriage are E. H., Lorenal.LawrenceG., Estella and Dickson Let. Those deceased are Luenza S., Lenda and Knox. ilrs. Singleton is a member of the Jlethodist Epi'copal church. Mr Sin- gleton is a Presbyterian, an elder in the church and a teacher in the Bible class. J.VMES Smart, Sr., (decea.sed). The original member bearing this name in Western Pennsylvania was John Smart, who came to Westmoreland county from Philadelphia in the early history of Western Penn.sylvania. A son, James, was l)orn to this pione( r in Westmorelatid, where he was reared, and in 1796 came to Benver county and settled on BIUGRAPHIKS WEST 8IDE. 21 400 acres of land on the Ohio line in Pennsylvania. After remaining on this tract for some years James was forced to relinquish his claim by depopulation agents, who claimed the right of property. He married Lucy Hartshorn, to whom were born seven children. .J.iines, the fourtli son, was born in 1802, and was a brother to John Smart, a wealthy bachelor in Darliug;ton township, and one of its most prominent citizeu.s. He was an engineer, having followed steamboat engineering for a number of years. He accan ilated cousiderable weiltli and purchased .some 400 acres of land, which was part of the original tract settled by his father, James. James Smart, our subject, was born and reiued on a farm, and through life followed agricultural pursuits. He was married, in 1831, to Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Dutf) Hartshorn, of this county. They had no children. Lawrence Smart, an adopted son, was born in 18.")3, and was, in 1873, married to Anna M., daughter of John Roberts, e.\-sheriff. Four children were born to them, three of whom are living: Lulu, Ettie and Nannie. James Smart, Sr., the subject of this mem he entered the office of tlie late .Judge Hampton, then a member of Congress from Allegheny county, as a student of law. lie was admitted to the bar in 1849, and soon after opened an oftice as an attorney at law. Of a retiring dis- position he formed few acquaintances outside the profession, but upon tlie students and members of the bar he made a favorable impression. His progress was at first slow and discouraging; indeed, .so much so, that, at times, he bitterly regretted his choice of a profession. But there was no retreat without disgrace, and he resolved bj* patience and a.ssiduous study to prepare for better days. In 1855 he entered into partnership with John H. Hampton, Esq., a former schoolmate and the .son of his preceptor. Soon busi- ness came with unstinted measure to the new firm, and the success of Stowe iV Hampton was assured. In 18:9 Judge Stowe's name was first mentioned for a judicial position among the members of the bar, and in 1863 he was nominated by the Republican party and elected judge of the Common Pleas Court of Allegheny county. It required l)ut a brief time to gain the confidence of the public as a judge both " competent and honest." In 1864 Judge Stowe married Miss Emma Vick, youngest daughter of Charles Vick, Esq., an Engli.sh gentleman of culture and means, who came to this couutrj- and settled in Allegheny City. Their three sous were Charles II.. who died iu 1881 in his fifteenth year; Edwin Walford and Percy Van Deusen, born in 1870 and 1874, respectively. In 187'3 Judge Stowe was unanimously reelected a judge of the Common Pleas Court, and in 1882 the same flattering distinction was shown him. His e.\perience on the bench for twenty-five years has e.xtended through all branches of criminal and civil law, and his judicial career has met with public approval. One of the leading Pittsburgh journals thus speaks of him: A number of the most important cases recently tried in our courts have been tried before him In the majority of these, of course, the most delicate questions were of a charac^ter to be appreciated only by those learned in the law. A few of these are ineresting even to a lay mind, however. In the famous Clarke-McCully "Bond of Friendship" case, his ruling that Clarke was a competent witness, afterward upon re argument affirmed by the supreme court, by a divided court, won the case for him. That is known as the " Rising Main Case" is a leading case on the power of the city councils to dis- criminate between l)id(lers for public work, and award a contract to a bidder other than tlie lowest. In the Ortwein murder case, which was tried before Judge Stowe, the doctrine was laid down for the first time in this stale, that where the defense of insanity was set up against the charge of murder, the insanity must be proved to the satisfaction of the jury. It was not sufficient to merely raise a reasonable doubt in their minds. In this he was sustained by the supreme court, and it is as now settled law. He also presided at the trial of Laiie, the poisoner, and Leukner, who murdered his partner. Jlore recently be has held the scales in the contest of the river men with the IListetter Smithfield Bridge Company, the protracted Oak Alley church wrangle, and the Lawreuceville graveyard case. To these may be added the case against James Nutt for the murder of Dukes, who had killed Nutl's father shortly before, and been acquitted by a jury, and in retaliation for which Nutt killed him, sent from Fayette county, and in which " impulsive insanity" was relied upon as a defense; and the Commonwealth t:i. Riddle et al, president and diiectorof the Penn Bank, of Pittsburgh, for embezzlement. Eli.jaii Sti!.\tton, farmer, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Chippewa township in 1835, a son of John and Hester (Cochran) Strattu. His father, who was formerly of Kew Jersej', settled in Chippewa township, this county, about 1825. where he cleared and improved a farm, on which he lived and died. His children were Samuel {decea.sed), John W., Elijsdi, Margaret and Sarah A. Elijah was reared iu Chippewa township, nioGRAPiiiKs — w?:sT side. lao -and spent fifteen _ycars of his <'arl_y manliood in Illinois. In ISfii he enlisted in Com- pany ('. 8-tth Illinois Volunteers, and participated in the battles of Stone River and Perrysville, Cliickamanga. Lookout Mountain, the siege of Atlanta, Franklin. Nash- ville and other engagements, and was honorably discharged in 18(ir). He returned to Chippewa township, this county, in 1S74. where he has since resided and been engaged in farming. He has been married twice, His first wife was Jane Craethbaum. by whom he had one son, Charles. His second wife was Emeline B., daughter of Charli s and Esther (Hite) ilcllillan, early settlers of Chippewa township. Mr Stratlon is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a stanch advocate of prohibition. L'l.yssEs S. Stuouss, physician, was born in Hanover township, this county, June 5, 1848, and is a son of David and Emily (Woodrough) Strouss, who were of Englisli and Gerinan origin. The father was a farmer and tanner, and had eleven children. Our subject was reared on the farm, and attended the district school and the academy at Mansfield, Pa. He studied medicine with Dr. Walker, of ^Mansfield, Pa., and after- ward with Dr. Moon, at Hookstown. He tlien entered the medical department of the Western Ueserve College at Cleveland, Ohio, wliere he was graduated in 1872. He began practice at Hookstown, where he remained until 1874, when he went to Ohioville. and ten years later came to Beaver, where he has since been in active practice. He is very attentive to his professional duties, and courteous to rich and poor alike. He is a member of the Beaver County Medical Society. The Doctor was married, in 1871, to Esther, daughter of James M. Hatford, and of Irish descent. Their children are Jennie and JIartha. Mrs. Strouss is a member of the Presbyterian church. The Doctor is a Democrat; he is a blaster Mason. Ali!EI!T Strub. glass mould maker, Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny City, March 31, 18"i3, a .son of Morau and Magdalena (Altenbaugh) Strub, natives of Alsace, Cxermany. His father settled in Allegheny Citj' about 1847, and has resided in Beaver Falls since 1*^8^. He has eight children living: Jo.seph, Albert, Louisa, Victoria, Leon- ard, Caroline, William and Titus, Albert learned the trade of glass mould making in Pittsliurgh, and followed it in Alle.gheny county five years. He came to Beaver Falls in 1,874, and for seven years worked as a machinist in the Beaver Falls Cutlery W^orks and Hartman Nail jMill. Since 1884 he basworked as aglassmoidd niakerin Beaver county. April 11, 1877, he married Mary M., daughter of John A. and Caroline (Fischer) PaflF, by whom he has two children: John M. and Agues. Mr. Strub is a member of the Catholic chinch and the Catholic JIutual Benefit Association. Politically he is a Dem- ocrat . LEON.yiiD STRUii, furniture dealer, Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., Nov. 23, 1847, and is a son of Leonard and Catherine (Krepps; Strub, both natives of Alsace. His father came to .\merica in 1832, and was employed in New York City for several years, after which he located in Allegheny City, Pa., where he became a suc- cessful and prominent starch man\ifacturer, and was engaged in tliat business for up- wards of forty years. His wife was a daughter of Joseph Krepps, Sr., of Lorraine, and a pioneer of Alleghenj' City. Leonard Strub was reared and educated in his native city. In 1868 he embarked in business as a photographer in Allegheny City, having by hard study and indomitable per.severance mastered the art without any instruction fiom others. He continued in business in Allegheny City and Pittsburgh, until 1885. He has been a resident of Beaver Falls since 1882, and from tlie spring of 188.") until Februaiy, 188(5, condticted a photograjjh gallery in that borough. In May, 188(>, he en)barked in the furniture business, in which he has since been successfully engaged. He carries tlie largest .stock in Beaver county; liis stores, Nos. S()5, 80.')i.£ and 807, Seventh Ave,, now occupy about 6,000 square feet of storeroom, and if his business still increases as it has done he will have to add as much more room. He married, in 1871 , Lena, daughter of Peter and Mary Lena Saladin, of Allegheny county, formerly of Switzerland. By this union there are six children: Francis L., Emma U., Tressa JI., Carrie A., Stella M., and Walter R. Mr. Strub's residence is on corner of Eighth street and Church avenue. Henry StubeI!, farmer and milkman, P.O., lieavcr Falls, isanativeofthiscounty. 720 HISTOKY OF JiEAVEK COUNTY. aud was born June 22, 1801. He is a snn of Jacob and Kate (Miller) Stuber. Jacob is a native of Germany, but lias l)ecn a resident of Beaver county upward of thirty years. He is a .shoemaker by trade, but of late has been engaged in farming, and is now a resi- dent of Pulaski township. He has three children living: Henry, Catherine and John, Henry was reared in Beaver county, married .Mary, daughter of .Jacob and Lizzie Klein, of Pulaski township, and has one (laughter, Lizzie. He is a prominent dairyman and farmer of Chippewa township. He is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically a Democrat. R. E. T.\LLON, contractor, Beaver, of the firm of Harton & Tallon. contractors and builders, was born June 18, 1S4!), and is a son of Robert and Eliza (Daniels) Tallon, former a native of Ireland and latter of Beaver county. Iler father was IStacy Daniels, one of the early settlers of this county. Our subject's grandfather came fn m Ireland and settled in Pittsburgh in 1824. He soon moved to Westmoreland county, Pa., where he died. Robert, the father of R. E , grew to manhood on the farm, and engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes. In 1!S47 be came to Beaver county , ai d is still in business in Xew Brighton. He had twelve children, nine .sons and thr(e daughters, of whom nine arc living, all in Beaver county, R. E., being the fourth S( n. He was reared in Beaver borough, attended public school and the academy, and early in life learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked as a journeyman for a time. The firm of Harton it Tallon was formed in 1872, and since then they have done a large part of thd building and contracting of Beaver cotmty. At present they have under way ten contracts, one of them for a church in Ohio, which is to cost $35,000. They employ about si.\ty men. In ISOS Mr. Tallon was married to Emma Jones, which union has been bles.sed with five children: Effle, Josie, Fred, Maud and Sadie. Jlr. and >Irs. Tallon are members of the ^lethodist church; in politics he is a Republican. Islr. Tal- lon served through the Indian war in the Indian Territory, in 18(58, with Gen. Cusler. K. T. T-WLOR, college president, Beaver, was born in Otse,go county, N. Y., June 29, 1826, and is a son of Epaphro and Caroline (Morse) Taylor, who were of English descent, the father a native of Connecticut and a farmer, the mollu r of Mas.'-a chusetts. Their family consisted of nine children, of whom R. T. is the second Our subject was reared on the farm, attended .select school in his native county, and at the age or seventeen commenced teaching school. He taught in winter and worked on the farm in summer until he reached his twentieth year, when he entered the Cazenovia Seminary, in Madison county, N. Y.. to prepare for college. He remained there three years, then again engaged in teaching. He was principal of the Brookville Academy for two years; then entered the sophomore class at the Wesleyan University, at Middletown, Conn., in the regular classical course. He was graduated in 1854, and was elected a member of the " Phi Beta Kappa Society." He accepted a professorship in the Ritlen- house Academy, Washington, D. C, where he remained two years. He subsequently taught in a college at Pittsburgh ; also taught in a high school in Ohio, his success as a teacher placing him in the front rank of his profession. He came to Beaver in 185!) as principal of the Beaver Female Seminary, and has been at the head of the iustitulitjn throusfli its various changes ever since. In 1872 it was chartered as the Beaver College and Musical Institute, and ^Ir. Taylor was elected president. The growth of the college is largely due to his e.xertions. The degree of A. M. was conferred on him by his Alma Mater, and that of D. D. by Allegheny College, in 1871. He was married July 29, 1850, to Amelia, daughter of Julius and Julia (Berry) Spencer. This onion has been blessed with three children: Edmonia, wife of S. A. Hill, who is a professor in Muir College, in India; Caroline A. and Julia E., at home. All are members of the Methodist Church. President Taylor has been a member of the church ever since he was fourteen years old. He was licensed to preach in 1851:!, joined the Pittsburgh Conference in 1858, and is (-till a member. He served twenty five years as superintendent of the Beaver Sabbaih school. J. H. Telkokd, publisher Daily Tribune. Beaver Falls, was born in Allegheny City, Aug. 8, 1847, and is a son of James and Sarah (Hamil) Telford, and of Scotch Irish lilCGRAIMIIES WEST SIDK. 727 descent. He gnulualed fmm the public schools of his native city, iind served an appren- ticeship of four years in Pittsbnruli, at the printina; trade, after which he held several positionsof resjionsibilily in that line of business. He was in tlie employ of the Chris- tian. Adiiocate of Pittsburgh, for eight years, W\e Mithodist Rtenrder, eigliteen months, and was foreman in the job office of Moore it Ne.sliit, of Pittsburgh, for four years. He has always been an ardent Rep\iblican and strong piirty man. In December, 1887, he located in Beaver Falls, and purchased of .Jacob Weyand a half interest in the Weddy THhinie. A year later he bought his mariner's interest, and has since conducted the business, which has more than trebled itself under his management. In August, 1884, Mr. Telford started the Dnilii Tnbuiic. which takes front rank among the country dailies of the state, and is quite a factor in county politics. AVhile holding to his own views, Jlr. Telford bars none who oppose them from the use of the columns of his paper. \Vii.Li.\M TiioM.\s, farmer, P. (). Beaver Falls, was born in Chippewa township, Sept. 14, 1821, a son of Ethan and Elizabeth (Eads) Thomas, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Virginia. They were pioneers of Beaver county, who first located in Patterson township, and later in Chippewa. They had eight children; Isaiah, John, James, David, William, Daniel, .Mary A, CMrs. Jeremiah Britton) and Lena (Mrs. Daniel Daniels). William was reared in Chippewa township, and svicceeded to the homestead wliere he has always resided, with the exception of six years, three of which he was engaged in mercantile Imsiness in Beaver, and three spent in New Brighton in private life. In ISoO he married Mary A., daughter of Jacob and Susan Young, of Columbiana county, Ohio. Mr. Thomas is a prominent citizen of Cbippewa township, and has served as county auditor for one term, and justice of the peace several terms. He is a member of the Baptist church; politically he is a Republican. W. H. .S. Thomson, attorney, Beaver, a member of the firm of Tliorason it "Martin, was born in Independence town.ship, this county, Nov. 10, ls,"i6. He is of Scotch descent, a son of Alexander H. and Hannah (Charles) Thom.son, the former of whom was born in Beaver county, and the latter in Allegheny county. His father was a physician, and also studied law, but his health failed and he moved to a farm in Independence township, where he became one of the influential farmers of the county. In 1888 he was elected a member of the legislature. He was twice married, and had four children by his first wife, and one by his second, W. H. S. being the youngest child by the first wife. Our subject was reared here and in the South (where his father used to spend his winters), attended Washington and Jefferson College, and studied civil engineering, thinking to make that his profession; but ids father prevailed on him to study law. He was admitted to the bar in 1S80, in Cabell county, VV. Va. ; was admitted here in 1881, and has been in active practice ever since. In politics he is a Democrat, and served two years as chairman of the Democratic committee. "Six. Thomson was married, ]\Iay 12, 1887, to Mary E., daughter of Hon. I). L. Imbrie, who has been a member of the legis- lature from Beaver county, and also state senator, Mrs. Thomson is a member of the United Presbj'terian church, of Beaver. NicnoL.\s Todd, farmer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Ohio township, this county, April 20, 1828. His parents, Alexander and Sarah (Stephens) Todd, were natives of Payette county, and of English and Iri.sh descent. His grandfather. John Slei'hens, was a soldier in the revolutionary war. The Todd family have us\ially been farmers. Nicholas is the youngest of sixteen children, and after attending the old-fashioned log school-house in Ohio township, he early in life embarked in farming, has met with suc- cess, and owns the old home farm of 170 acres. He has served as vice-president and president of the agricultural society, and has also served as school director. He married, in 1844, Jeudma, daughter of George and Anna (Daniels) Ingles, Her parents were German and t:nglish. The children of Mr. and .Mrs. Todd now living are P. P., Thomas J., A. J. and II.'s. Mr. Todd is a F. it A. JI. Politically he is a Democrat. William Todd, A.M., profes.sorof mathematics and natural science in BeaverCol- lege and JIusical Institute, was born June 8, 1889. His parents, George and Hannah (Hodgson) Todd, natives of England, came to this country with their parents when they T2S HISTORY OF BKAVEK COUNTY. W(M-c ohildron. Hntli were roared in this state, and tlieir fathers were fiirniers. They were married in Allegheny tounty and moved to Armstrong ( (umty wl.cn AVillii.m was about two years old, settlinjr on a farm where our suhject grew almost to manhood. His early education was received in South Buffalo township, near Freep( rt, Armstiong county. He applied himself so diligently to his studies that at an early age he was able to teach a country school. He was engaged in that occupation when he enlisted, in lf?(i2, in Company L, 14tli Hegiment, P. X. C, being afterward [iromoied to regimental stew- ard. He served three years and was honorably discharged at the close of the war, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in August, lyO"). He returned to Armstrong county and soon afterward entered Allegheny College, at Jlcadville. Pa., from which institution he was .grams River (N. J.,) school. He was then professor of lualhemalics for two years at Wyoming Semi- nary, Kingston, Pa., and subsequently principal of the public school at Suulhtield, Ohio, for two years, after which he accepted a position as principal of the Cairier Seminary, at Clarion, Pa., wdiere he remained three years. In 1877 he was elected by the board of trustees of Beaver College to his present position. He has been a student all his life. He has lectured on educational subjects, but since coming to Beaver has devoted his time to his iirofession. When he assumed the responsibility of an instiuctor he did it with a firm determination to succeed, and being blessed with good health he has been able to continue his studies while teaching. ^Ir. Todd was married, in Butler county, in 1H70, to Belle A., daughter of James and Mary (MeCafleity) Hunter, who were of Irish origin. Mr. and ^Irs. Todd have had three children: Cljde, Pearl and Clarence. Professor Todd and his wife are members of the ilelhodist cIiukIi, and he is assistant superintendent of the Sabbalhschool. In politics he is a Republican. J. A. ToMLt.Nsox, oil and gas operator, Beaver, was born in Canada. .March ii. 184o, sr)ii of Robert and ^lary (Harris"n)Tomlinson, who were of English origin. The father, who was a farmer, came to New York State in 18i31, and settled on a farm there. He spent part of his life in Canada, where he also owned properly. He had seven sons and three daughters. .J. A., the second son, was reared in Canada on the farm, and attended the common school. Early in life he embarked in the oil business. He came to Beaver county in 188ri, being interested in the first gas well here, anil has sunk .several aas and oil wells. He was married, in 1870, to Amelia, daughter of Nicholas and Diana (Sprague) Bennett, natives of Canada, and of English descent. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson are Leora, Jessie, Gilbeit, Lee and Everett. Mr. Tomlinson is a Republi- c:in. 3Irs. Tomlinson is a member of the Jlethodist church. Seis.\sti-\n Thess, glass mi.xer, Beaver Falls, was born in Wtirtemberg, Germany, Jan. 20, 1827, and is a son of xVnton and Faronika (.Mantz) Tress. He came to America in 1804, stopping in Allegheny county two montlis: then went to Clarion county. Pa. , where he remained until 1858, in which year he located in Natrona, Allegheny county, where he worked in a black ash furnace six years. In 1804 he removed to Pittsburgh and entered the employ of a glass firm, where he learned the trade of gla.ss-mixer. which he has since followed. He settled in Beaver Falls in 1879, and became one of the organ- izers of the Coiiperative Flint Glass Works, of which he is a .stockholder. He was twice married; his first wife being Crasin Eck, by whom he has six children living: Frances, Isaac, Anton, Frank, John and Joseph. His second wife was Eva Smith. Jlr. Tress is a member of the German Catholic church. In piolitics he is a Democrat . B. A. V.\NCE, physician, Darlington, was born in Colunil)iana county, Ohio, in 1844. and is the fourth son born to Samuel R. and Marie (Gilfillian) Vance, the latter a daughter of Dr. Alex. Gilfillian, of Law-rence county, Pa. Dr. Vance received in youth an academic education and after%vard attended New "Wellington College. At the age of twenty-eight years he began the study of medicine. Dr. Robinson being his preceptor, and graduated at Jliami Medical College, Cincinnati, in 1874. He was mar- ried, in 1878, to Ella, daughter of Rev. Evatron Johnson, of New York. They have no children. In 1877 the Doctor located in Darlington, and since that date has been engaged in a large and lucrative practice. He has a very extensive and valuable medical library. IKilitics he is a Democrat. BIOGRAPHIES WEST SIDE. 729 Henry Veon (deceased) was born June 13, 1T94. His father was a German soldier who had, during the revolution, been forced into the service of the English cause by his native ruler, and wlio, after being captured in the battle of Trenton, espoused the cause of the Americans, which he knew to be the cause of liberty and justice. After the war he removed to Beaver county, where his son was born. Henry, being poor, learned the trade af blacksmithing, and continued at it until 1830, when lie married, ])urchased a farm, and moved thereon, where he lived until Dec. 27, 18S3. His eldest son, ,Iohn, a farmer, of Darlington, was Ijorn in 1831 in Beaver county, being one of thirteen chil- dren born to his mother, Barbara Douthitt. He was married to Eliza .Jane Christy, by whom he had thirteen children, seven of wliom are living. They are Walter Scott, Mary Jane, Alice Matilda, James Henry, John Franklin, Je.sse Fremont and Albert Logan. Mr. Veon has held .several township offices, and is a Kepublican in politics. The youni^est son, George S. Veon, was born in 1838, on the farm which he now resides on and owns. He was married in 1804 to Ella, daughter of Jacolj and Ellenora Court- ney, liy whom he had live children, four living, named: M. H., William S., George C. and Charles Edward. In 18fil Mr. Veon enlisted in Company D, lOOth KegimeutP. V., known as the " Koundheail " regiment, and was in active service two years, from which he received an honorable discharge. He has been school director; is a member of the G. A. K , and of the Presbyterian church. He is a Republican. GEOiiGE W. Veknek, glass blower, Beaver Falls, was horn in Pittsburgh, and is a son of William and Priscilla Verner. He was reared in Pittsburgh, and learned his trade in (Uiicago with John and George Wheeler, assisted by Philip Scharff and John W. Carr. He was in the employ of Hogan A- Chandler, of Pittsburgh, for five years. In 1879 he located in Beaver Falls, and became one of the organizeis of the C(.<)pera- tive Flint Glass Works, of which he is a stockholder, and has since been employed there. He came to Beaver Falls with few pecuniary advantages, but by industry and economy has accumulated a fine property. He has served one term asmeniber of council for the borough of Beaver Falls. In politics he is a Democrat. CiUKLEs C. VoGELEY, Secretary and treasurer of the Cooperative Glass W'orks, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, Oct. 18, 1842, and is a son of Conrad and Cath- erine (Snyder) Vogeley. His father was a native of Germany, shoemaker by trade, and an early settler of Pittsburgh, where he died Sept. 32, 1884. Our subject was reared and educated in Pittsburgh, and acted as traveling salesman for the Atlantic Glass (^ompany and other firms of that city, from 1.87,') until 1879. Hetlien located in Beaver Falls and served as sliipping clerk for the Cooperative Glass Company for two years. He was then electeil chairman, serving three yi ars, .since \\hich time he has held his pres' nt pnsilion. He was m:iriied, May 4, 1883, to Laura E., daugh'er of Philip and Helena (Duer) Metsehen, of PhUlipsburg, and by her he has two children ; Helen and Albert. Mr. Vogeley is a member of the Lutheran church : in politics a Repuljlican. John Voi.k (deceased) was born April 31, 18.53, in AVittenl)erg, Germany, where he was reared and educated, and learned the brewer and cooper trades. He came to America in 187,5. and settled in Beaver Falls. In 1870 lie purchased the Volk Brewery, established in 1809 by August Volk and W. Leil)old, and successfully conducted it un- til his death, in October, 1883. It has since been successfully carried on by his widow, Frances Volk. She is a daughter of John Uebeske, of Beaver Falls. She has two children : .-Mma A. and Alfred H. Mr. Volk was an energetic business man ; a mem- ber of the German Catholic church. Lewis J. W.^gneh, brewer, Beaver Falls, was born in Germany in 1.S4.J, a son of Henry and W'illielinina Wagner, who came to the United States in 1849, and in 18.58 settled in Chiiipewa township and engaged in farming. In f880 Henry built the brewery in Beaver Falls now managid by Lewis J., which he conducted niuil his death, Jlay ■>. 1884. He left seven children ; Lewis J., Henry, Caroline, Lena, Charles, Sf phia and August. Lewis J. has been the manager of the brewery since its election. He married Cornelia, daughter of Ephraini and Margaret Herriott, of Bnchestir, Pa., and by her he lias si.\ childrc-n living: Gertrude, Ufibert, Harry, Eiiliraim, .Mari'artt ai d 730 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Bertha. Mr. Wagner enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, in Company F, 140th P. V. I., and par- ticipated in the battles of Chaucellor.sville, Gettysburg, Wilderness and in other engage- ments; was wounded in the hip at the battle of Bristow Station, and honorably dis- cliarged at Washington May 31 . 1805. He is a member of the G. A. K. and the Druids. Politically he is a Democrat. Ch.vki.es p. W.\li,.\ce, banker, Beaver Falls, was born in Big Beaver township JIarch 1, 1836, and is a son of Robert and Margaret (Ilendrickson) Wallace. Ilisgrand- father was John Wallace, who in 1770, with three brothers, emigrated from Londonder- ry, Ireland. William located in Goshen, N. Y., and many of his descendants, a number of whom occupy prominent positions, still reside in that city and New York. James settled in Philadelphia, and from hini spring many of the Wallace families in the east- ern p;irt of the state. Hugh went to Ss through life. For thirty two years he has resided on his present farm of ninety-one acres, where he has comliined agriculture with his trade. He has been a successful liee-keeper, having had as many as lOO hives at a lime. He was married in 1843, to Eliza, daughter of William McElhaney, of this county, and seven children have blessed them: Jane (now Jlrs. Swager), Lydia (now Mrs. JIunn), R. T., William JL, Eliza (now Mrs. AbniM). Flora B. and Lou E. Walton, jj, r. Walton in early life took active part in the pijlilics of the county, and to-day is the only man living in the township -nho served lilOGEAPIlIES — WEST SIDE. ioi "Bred Notices" under a law in early times for imprisoning for debt. He and his fam- ily are members of the United Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Hepublicau. In 1887 he was elected one of the directors of the alms-house of the county, and Jan. 1, 1888, was elected president of the board of directors. Being a great and successful hunter he gained the title of "Colonel of the Far Company," Thompson Warnock, farmer, P. O. Darlington, was born in North Sewickley township in 1837. His parents, David anil Jane (Thompson) Warnock, had a family of four sons and four daughters, Thompson being the third son. David was a soldier in the War of 1813, and was always a farmer. Thompson was reared on the farm, the pur- suits of which have been his principal occupation, although for twenty years he was engaged in mercantile business. He received a common-school education, and in 1858 was married to Nancy Jane, daughter of James Wilson, of this county. Their children are Frank jNforton (a druggist), Ellen Jane, James T and Margaret. Jlrs. Warnock died in 1883, aged forty-four years. Air. Warnock came to South Beaver township in 1.873, and purchased his present farm of 160 acres. He is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically a Kepublican. J. MooKE W.^RRICK, farmer, P. O. Rowe, is a grandson of Isaac Warrick, who set- tled in Beaver county in 1804. He (Isaac) came from England, and settled in New Jer- sey, where he married Mary Tliatcher, whose parents came from England. In 1797 he moved to Gettysburg, and in 1800 settled in Washington county, whence in 1804 he came to this county. He located where the town of Beaver Falls now .stands, and remained there until 1807, when he came to South Beaver township, where he purchased 200 acres of laud. He had seven sons and three daughters; he died in 1838, aged eighty- four yeans. Jesse, the .second eldest son, was born in 1787. He was reared a farmer, and in 1810 purchased the farm now owned by our subject. He married Nancy, daugh- ter of William Moore, of Delaware, and had nine children. Je.sse died in 1875, aged eighty eight 3'ears, and his wife in 1803. aged seventy-tjve. Our subject, .J. Moore, has never married. He is assisted in the work of the farm bj' his nephew, Silas N. Warrick, wlio is also a teacher. The house occupied liy Mr. Warrick was built by his father in 1815. and is in a irood state of preservation. Our subject is a Republican, and has manifested onsiderable interest in political matters. J.wriis II. W.\TEiis, farmer and gardener, P. O. Beaver, is a native of Ireland and a son of John and Susan (Green Waters, former of whom was a farmer. Our subject, who is the sc-cond in a family of live children, was reared in Ireland, receiving his educa- tion in the common .schools, and has worked at farming all his life. He came to America in 1848, locating in Allegheny county; thence came to Beaver county in 1853, and set- tled in Borough township, where he has since resided. By industry and economy he has achieved success. He was married, in 1840, to Sarah, daughter of Hariy and Belle (.McLirnen) Kennedy, natives of Ireland, and their children were Elizabeth ( wife of Samuel Black); Sarah (deceased); John (an iron boiler or puddler in Pittsburgh, married to Belle Douds); Mary (wife of L. McCullough), and James, a glass packer at Pittsburgh. .Mr. and Mrs. Waters are members of the Presbyterian church. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. AVii.LiA.M B. Watkins, D. D., pastor of the ^lethodist Episcopal Church, P. (>. Beaver. Pa., was born in Brid.gcwater, Ohio, May 2, 1834, and is a son of John and Saudi (Hunter) Watkin.". His mother was the fouith white child born in Steubenville. Ohio. His fatlier was born in Jetferson county, Ohio, and vvas for many years a pilot on the Ohio and J\li.s>.i.ssip|)i rivers. He had si.v (hildn n. two ol v Ik m lo.'-t tliiir lives in the scrvce of their ciiiintry: John B., a quartermaster sirgeant, and Daniel Z , alituttnant. Our subject's jiarents moved to Wheeling. W. Va., when he was a child, ard he received his earliest eilucatiou tliere, attending the lirst public free schools established in that place. He also attended the IJndsley Institute, and afteiwaid beciimc assistant teacher in the high .'■chool in Wheeling, devoting nuich of his Uisuie time to the study of class- ics. He afterward served three years as jirincipal of a graded school. In 1854 he began the study of law, but liefore be finished his course he was elected a member of the 732 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. Pittsburgh Conference, accepting his first charge in 1856. Tlie first five years of liis ministerial life were spent in Oliio. In ISGl, he was in WelUburg, and in ltC2 he came to New Brighton. He has been in Pennsylvania ever sipce, except four years spent in Ohio as presiding elder of Steubenville District. Nine years of his lift as a minister have been spent in Pittsburgh, In 1S84, at theclosc of alhree years' service at the Pitts- burgh, Smithficld Street Church, he was sent to his present charge. He is the author of the McGiitfey Spelling Book, and the Alternate. He also assisted in revising Web- ster's Dictionary, He is a popular speaker, and has lectured in many states. He lias at present an extensive work under preparation: The Etymological Dictionary of American Geographical Names, He has visited sixteen different Euiopciin countries. He was married in Allegheny county, Oct. 0, 180s, to Rebecca, daughter of Rev, James Mills, and has four children: Annie, a teacher in Ohio; Lucy, who took the first prize at the Beaver High School contest in 1887; Ella and Cora. The family are all members of the Methodist church. J.^MEs Watt, P. O, Obioville, was born in Ireland in August, 1823, where his father, James Watt, died. His mother, Isabella Watt, then removed with her family to America, in 1802, and located at Pittsburgh, where she died in 1858. There James was employed for twenty years asapuddler in an iron furnace. His sister. Eliza, widow of Moses Parks, still dwells there; a brother, Samuel, resides in Darlington township, and another brother lives in Ireland. In 1860 Mr. Watt purchas-ed the farm of twenty- eight acres on which he resides near Oliioville, and settled thereon. He also owns 150 acres in Darlington township, and has been quite successful as an agriculturist and oil producer. Believing in the principles of the Republicans, he adheres to that party. In 185(; he was united in marriage wiih Marv Ann Aibuthnot, who was born in Ireland, and has been her husbands faithful helpmate and companion through the years of patient toil that have made Ibeir pleasant home. She is the mother of eight living chil- dren, as follows; Isabella (^Irs. Jt.hn Polls), in Piltsbuigh; Jei.n (wife of Get rge Dun- can), in Darlington; ^lary and JIargaret, with their parents; James, a carpenter at Pitts- burgh; Rachel and Joseiihiue, teachers, and AVilliam at home. Reiiien \V.\tt, farmer and now mill owner, P, O, Cannelton, was born in County Derry. Ireland Jan. 1, 1812, and is the fifth child of Robert (a farmer) and Isabella (Donohue) Watt, who came to America with their family in 1828, Shortly afterward they came to South Beaver township, where the father purchased a farm of 125 acres, and died in 18:^!), aged sixty-three years, Reuben received his education at the old log school-house, anil is the onl)' member of the family now living in this county. He was married in 1838 to Sarah Ann, daughter of Capt, Thomas and Sarah ((,'ameron) Elmer, of Upper Canada. Her father was a captain in the war of 1812, and fought against General Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Watt have had ten children, six of whom are living; Isabella (Mrs. Gilclirisl), Tlioinas, who was a member of the fauTius "Round Head " regiment, and was wounded at Petersburg, .lune 17. 1804; James, a miller by trade; Maggie: George now in Arizona, and Samuel Ebner. now in New Mexico. Mr. Watt carried on raillin" in c mnictioi with farming. Me has retired from active labor, and for a num- ber of years has devoted his time lo settling es'ates, eti . He has lieeu a justice of the peace for twenty five years, having been first elected in 1847; also president, seven yeais, and secretary of the school board, eighteen years. He has held many ollu r po.<-iiions i { trust in the linvnsliip. and is highly respected. He is a mendxr and elder of the Associate Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. .\Ni) iKW \V.\T1'KRS0.\, farmer, P. O. Beaver, was born in Scotland, Jan. i:>. IMll), and is a son of Andrew and Isabella (Black) Watlerson. His father was a weaver, and came to America in 1830; his family came in 1832. Andrew is the third in a family of ^"■111 children that grew to iiaturity. He was reared in Scotland, where he learned the carpmter's tratle, after attending the common sch lols for a short time. When he reached his m ijority he came to Beaver county and worked at his trade. In 1830 he bought a farm in company with his brother, consisting of 300 acies, of which he still owns 200, lie was married in Beaver count} , in 183!), to Mi,'-s Elizabeth Scctl, of HIOGUAPIIIES WEST SIDE. Y33 Scotcb-Irish descent, and they have had six children: Alexander (deceased) was a soldier in Company M, Sixth U. S. Cavalry; W. S. (deceased); Elizabeth, wife of B. F. McCi.iffie: An Irjw, f.irai'r, on th; home farm; Isabella, wife of Tliomas Blackwood, 31. I).; Rabecca .J. (deceased). J[r. and Mrs. Watterson are members of the Associate Presbyterian church. He is a Republican, and has served as justice of the peace since 1853." William Weil, dealer in dry goods, Beaver Falls, was horn in Pesth, Hungary, April 11, 1858, and is a son of Gen. Herman and Hannah (Houpt) Weil. Hi.s maternal grandparents, John and Lena Uiupt, were imprisoned for political reasons during the revolution of 1848. Gen. Weil came to America with Kossuth in 1848, and was a refugee from the Austria-Hungary rebellion. In 1851, with others, he was grantid amnesty, and returned to his native land to recover property that had been confiscated, but failed. He returned to the United States in 1864, located in Cleveland, Ohio, and engaged in the commission business until his death, which occurred Feb. 4, 1881. Will- iam Weil was reared in Cleveland, and in 18<)l) was sent to Pesth, IIung;u\y, where he attended the State University for three years. He returned to Cleveland in 1809, and graliiated from the public schools in that citj' in 1873. He then studied telelegraphy two years, after which he was engaged in newspaper work on the Reno (N"ev.) Onzette, the leading paper of that state. In 1879 be embarked in mercantile business in Lead- ville. Col., remaining there one year; then located in Wooster, Ohio, where he was engaged in business five years. In Septemlier, 1887, he embarked in the dry goods business in Beaver Falls, and his establishment is one of the retail trade attractions of this community . L. F. WI. A' C. Railioad ('(nifauy, at Darlington. He was elected sheriff of Beaver county by the Republican party, iu 1887.. MiciiAK.t, Weyakd, editor and publisher, P. (). Beaver, was born in Somerset, Pa., June 11, 182r). and is a sou of Henry and Magdalene (Ginder) Weyand, both natives of Somerset county, and of German descent. He removed with liis parents when a year old to a farm in Xorth Beaver township, then in Beaver and now in Lawrence county. The father was a school teacher and a farmer, teaching in winlir time both the English and German languages, and he resided on the same farm imtil his death; he died in October, 1843, aged tifty-four years. The mother died iu August, 1862, aged seventy- three years. There were tive brothers and sisters; the elder brother died in October, 1843, aged twenty-four; the other brother. Col. Jacob, resides in Beaver, and is in the real estate business; the elder sister is married, and resides near Mt. Jackson; the younger sister is married and lives in Beaver. The subject of this sketch was put to the printing business in the New Castle liitelligencer office when but twelve years old, and served as " printer's devil " for one year; then in the spring of 1838, came to the Arf/vn ittice in Beaver; served an apprenticeship of four and one half ytars; then for a time played journeyman; and in November, 1851, purchased Hon. William Henry's half interest in the Argus, and from tliat time vintil the close of 1859 was joint, and for several years, sole editor of that journal; being connected therewith as apprentice, journeyman and editor for nearly a quarterof aceutury. He was married in November, 1851, to Amanda, daughter of David and Maiy Somers, of Beaver; Mr. 8omers being countv ci n mis- sioner in 1833-34. and high sheriff iu 1839-42. He was a native of Washington (ounly and died in August, 1850. aged fifty seven years. His widow, a native of Cape May, N. J., died a year ago, aged nearl}' niuetj' four years. The fnnts of the marriage first above alluded to were two sons and two daughters, all living in Beaver. The eldest, Henry S., nuirried, and is foreman of the 7Vm(".« office; one daughter married Dr. J. H. Wilson; and a son and daughter, David and Julia, are at home. After a rest of a few years the Beaver Timex was founded in April, 1874, by Mr. Weyand, and he is still connected therewith as editor and proprietor, having had with him from the start, his sons as assistants. The paper is republican in iiolitics; has always been independent in tone and action, and is at present the only non-patent journal in the county. He has been connected with the public press in some capacity for over fifty years, and is doidit- lessthe oldest republican editor now in harness in Western Pennsylvania; and next to " Uncle " Jake Zeigler of the lititkr Herald, perliaps the oldest in service in this section of the State. During his long career as journalist he has had many bitter and exciting controveries, but has always sought to avoid offensive personalities as long as such avoidance was possible. He has been a life long Whig and Republican; a protectionist of the Henry Clay school ; he was inflexibly opposed to the extension of slavery, resisted the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and the introduction of slavery into the terri- tories of Kansas and Nebra.'-ka, editorially and on the stump, with all the earnestness and ability he was master of. He held the olfice of prothonotary of Beaver county six and one-half years, including the time of the late war, one half year bj' appointment _ and six years by election. He was a candidate for presidential elector in 1884 and, with his twenty-nine Republican colleagues was elected with an average majoritj' of about 80,- 000. When be came to Beaver fifty years ago he was a lad of delicate health, audit was predicted that he would not live the year out; and yet lie has outlived many scores of those who gave much greater promise of long life, and at this writing there are but si.T male citizens iu the town of Beaver w ho were here when le came. niOGKAPIUES — WEST SIOE. 735 Jacob Weyand. the subject of this notice, was born in Lawrence coimtj-, near Mount Jackson, ^larcli 29, 182S. He worked on a farm until he attainetl his majority, after which he attended school in Beaver for a short time. In 18")4 he became part owner of the Ari/nx, and assisted in editing and publishing that jiaper until the winter of 185T-.58, when be disposed of bis interest in the ArgtiK and bought the Free Press at Carrolltou, Ohio. Here be was when the war broke out. Catching the martial spirit of the times he sold the Free Press, raised a company of volunteers, was elected its captain, and marched it to t'amp Mingo, near Steubenville, Ohio, and was at once attached to the 126th O. V. I. and mustered into the United States service. For sturdy courage and coolness in the midst of great danger he bad no peers in the army. He was twice wounded in battle, and participated in nearly all of the bloody battles in which the army of the Potomac took a part. In the battle at ]\louocacy, Md., July !), 181)4, he was put in command of his regiment; and an officer on the staff of the commanding general that day, in writing a history of the battle, made use of the following language: Captain Weyand, who was commanding the 120th Ohio Vols, was on the extreme right of the line, with the right 'of his regiment resting near theMonocacy bridge. After the battle bad progres.sed a short time be was directed by General Wallace to set fire to the bridge, then face his regiment to the left, double quick it to the e.xtreme left of the line, throw it across the pike and hold the position as long as he coidd. The bridge was fired, and the regiment started off on its perilous mission. It had almost reached its destination, when, as it cameabreast of the left of the line of the one-hundred-day men, it met a most unexpected obstruction. Immediately in their front was a farm ditch, about si.\ feet wide and the same in depth, through which a sluggish, shallow stream of water was running. A few feet further was a board fence some five or si.x feet high, and both running at right angles with the line fif battle. Just beyond the ditch and fence was the AVashington Pike. The ditch was literallj' alive with one-lumdred-day men, who, all unused to the sort of treatment they were receiving at the hands of the enemy, had taken shelter there from the raking tire which the Confederates had opened upon the Pike with the view of keeping that thoroughfare open. The enemy were in line of battle on an elevation about four hundred yards in our front and every missile known to savage warfare seemed to be coming down that hard and dusty road. Plowingshot, screaming shell, hurling grape and canister, trimmed out with whistling, zipping, rattling volleys of ni\isketry, falling everywhere, and send- ing up putfs of dust, or tearing great rifts in the almost impenetrable highway, produced a veritable "pandemonium let loose," and no one who could command calmness enough to considerately behold the scene can ever forget it. Language is not lurid enough, nor is Vermillion red enough to catch the scene. IJut it must be done 1 The general had ordered the One Hundred and Twentysi.xth to form across that road. " Tlieirs not to malte reply, Tlieirs not to reason why, Ttieirs but to tie and die." To go is death to many; to stay is di.shonor and defeat to all. Orders are useless amid this awful din ! Example is everything ! As a woman who hesitates is lost, so a soldier who falters at the breach is undone. Captain We3'and leaped the ditcn, climbed to the top of the fence and pointed " Forward!" In an instant every file was moving after him, and led by the gallant (!apiain JlcPeek, the indcuuitahle Captain Iloge, and that sturdy patriot, Lieutenant Crooks, the regiment sprang across the ditch, demolished the fence and wheeled across the road, dres.sed their line as if on parade, and stubbornly maintained their position. Under the galling tire the men were falling like leaves bef(>re an aiuumn storm, and realizing the dreadful havoc that was being made in the ranks. Captain Weyand broke the battle line and hurriedly moved the regiment soiue sevent.y- five yards forward, where an abrupt rise in the ground partially sheltered the men from the merciless storm through which they had just passed. In this movement toward the enemy in the face of a withering fire, the brave men marched with touching elbows and with as regular tread as they ever did in battalion drill or going out on dress parade. All this occurred within the brief period of aljout fiifteen minutes, and yet within that time every fourth man in the regiment that day was either killed, wounded or mis.sing. The saying went tmdenied then and since that " every officer of the regiment came out of the conflict bleeding; and that ereri/ man in the line that was not hit had his clothes 736 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. riddled with bullets. In the eleven preceding battles in which the regiment had borne an honorable part, its splendid discipline and fitflitinii qualities had never shown to greater advantage than on this field. lis brilliant conduct was the theme of ollicers and men wno had no connection with it. and Chptain Weyand, who had already been com- plimented highly by his superior officers for gallantry at Cold Harbor, was now honored with recommendations to the Secretary of War for brevet promotions as major and lieu- tenant-colonel. The story of ]\ronocacy is that of a battle lo.st, a victory won. Many other battles were greater in point of numbers engaged and the natural casualties of war; few were greater in results as compared with the luiinbers engaged; none were greater than the heroism displayed by those engaged.* Monocacy saved Washington. After the war was over he returned to Beaver, bought the Argus again, and con- tinued to be its editor and proprietor until 1S74, when it and the Kadiral were con- solidated and published for four years by Weyand it Uulan. He was married in 1857 to Victoria Adams, dau.ghter of the late Dr. Jlilo Adams, for many years a leading ph3"sician in the count)'. He has four children living, viz.: Emma, married to Harry W. Ueeves, of Baaver Falls; Edwin, who is registered as a law student; Blanche and Paul, who are still living with their parents. Mr. AVeyand is considered among the best business men of tlie Beaver Valley. AVbcn the McCreerj- Bank failed, in 1883, he was selected as assignee, and settled the complicated business of that instiuitiou to the satis- faction of all parties interested. He resides now on a small farm near Beaver, and spend.s mucli of his time in beautifying and improving his possessions. WiLi-i.\M Whan (deceased), whose portrait appears elsewhere in this vol- ume, was born Dec. 24, 1814, in Big Beaver, Lawrence county, Pa., and was reared upon a farm there, his educational opportunities being somewhat limited. He was po.s.se.ssed of sound sense, and attended to his own affairs with success and no ostentation. He sought no public distinction, but was called upon by liis fellow-citizens in Darling- ton town.ship, irrespective of part)', to serve them for thirty successive years as justice ■of the peace. This he did with impartial faithfulness. Politically his affiliations were with the Democratic party. In 183!) he married Miss Margaret Marshall, a sister of Marvin, John and H. J. Marshall, whose biographies will be found in this book. Mrs. Whan was born in Big Beaver, this county, Dec. 5, 1821, and now resides with her daughter at East Palestine, Ohio. Immediately after their marriage this couple settled on the farm in Darlington townsliip, wliieh Mr. Whan had purchased, and there re- mained until his death, which occurred Nov. 30, lyTT. Both were life-long members of the United Presbyterian church. Their children, who grew to maturity, are liere named, with their residences ; Elizabeth, widow of Robert Mitchell, Darlington town- ship ; ^lary, wife of Jolin Harvey, Darlington borough ; W'illiam John, .same ; Alice (Mrs. Uobert Young), East Palestine, Ohio ; Jonah S., on homestead farm in Darling- ton ; Robert Emmett, East Palestine ; James Finley, Negley, Ohio ; Ida D., wife of John Sturgeon, Bucyrus, Ohio. The grandfather of our subject, William W^han, emi- grated from Ireland and was one of the earliest .settlers in what was then Beaver county, now the township of Big Beaver, Lawrence county. He was married twice, and reared a large family. His son John (born March 3"), 1701,) married JIary Stinson, who was born in New Jersey Oct. 14, 1T95. The former died July 13, 18(i8, and the latter Dec. 11, 1887. They lived on a farm adjoining the original homestead, and reared ten chil- dren to maturity. Their names follow : William, whose name heads this sketch ; Thomas, who now occupies his grandfather's homestead ; Robert, who lives at Gait, Mo.; James, who died at home ; Margaret, widow of Thomas Stevenson, in Bulgers, Washington county, Pa.; Hannah, married John Beatly, and died near Wampum, Pa.; Mary Jane, widow of William Rhodes, resides at Enon Valley ; Elizabeth Celi- cia (Mrs. Peter Overlander), same ; Isabel, unmarried ; Nancy Adaliue, married Capt. Alexander Gilkey and dwells near Blue Mound, Kans. Jonah S. AVhan, son of Wm. and Slargaret Whan, was born in Darlington township, Beaver county, Aug. 29, 1853. He was educated at Mount Nebo, and has followed farming and coal mining, and is at present a coal operator. He married, Dec. 25, 1873, Sarah 51. Billingsley, of Colum- Wrana county, Ohio. They have four clnldren, two boys and two girls. lilOGRAPHIKS WKST SIDK. (37 William John Whan, liotel keeper, Darliiigtoii borough, was born in Darlington township, Aug. ">, 1844. lie remained on tlie home farm until of age, after wliich he followed various occupations. For seven years he was engaged in weighing tlie out- put of coal mines, and for three years was employed in the mauufaetureof lamp oil from cannel coal. After farming for five years in Darlington township and in Ohio, he bought, in 1885, the hotel, which he still conducts. He is extensively engaged in breeding Percheron-Xornian horses, and is the owner of a farm of 116 acres adjoining the Ohio line. Mr. Wliau is iiast-ma.ster of Meridian Lodge. No. 411, F. & A. M.,of which he has been twenty years a member ; he has served the township three _vears as justice of the peace. Like his father he is a life-long Democrat. In 1870 he married Alice, daughter of Samuel and .Mary Eleanor Stickel, and their two children, Lena Gertrude and Edwin Marshall, exceptionally bright young people, are at home. Mr. Whan is an expert shot, and takes a great interest in all sporting matters. Xo boister- ous or unbecoming behavior is tolerated about his hotel. Andrew (t. White, paper hanger, Beaver, was born in Economy township, Beaver county, :May 18, 1841. He is a son of Joseph and Margaret (Walton) White, former born in Willsburg, W. Va. , and the latter in Beaver county; her paternal and maternal ancestors were among the early settlers of Beaver county. Joseph White was a farmer, and was of Irish descent, lie had five children, Andrew G. being the fourth. Our subject was reared in Beaver county, and attended the common schools. He learned the trade of plasterer, and made that his business until ISGi, when he enlisted in Com- pany F, 140th Regiment P. V., and became a non-commissioned officer. He was in several .severe engagements, was taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, and suf- fered the horrors of Libby and Andersouville prisons for .seven months. He served until the close of the war, and returning home be resumed his trade, finally working into paper-hanging, which he has since made his business. Mr. White was married Nov. 29. 1805, to Margaret, daughter of Socrates and Jane (Williams) Johnson, of Ger- man and Irish descent, and tlieir children are Harry L. and Charles F. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which .Mr. White is a trustee. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. John White, retired, P. O. Cannelton, was born in Allegheny county. Pa., in 1802. His parents, Thomas and Jane (Jlartin) White, had four sons and three daughters, John being the second son. Jane (Martin) White was the daughter of E.squire JIartin, who was major in the Revolutionary War. Thomas White came from Ireland about 1770, and soon afterward purchased 400 acres of land in Allegheny count}-, where he engaged extensively in farming and stock raising. Early in life he was engaged as a "trader," an occupation extensively carried on in the early hisfoiw of Penn.sylvania. Thomas died in 1816, his wife in 1827. John White was reared in Allegheny county, and at eighteen years of age left school to engage in farming. He remained at home with his mother and brother till twenty-five years of age. In 1826 he married Polly, daughter of John and Jane (Crooks) Burns. Her father came from Scotland. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. White: Thomas M.; John Burns; Mary, Mrs. What- tenburg, of New York City, (deceased); James (deceased); and Alexander Duncan (de- ceased). Mr. White, in 1850, sold his homestead farm in Allegheny county, and came to Darlington and purchased ot)0 acres of farming land, having previous to that period purchased 800 acres of coal laud in the same township. For twenty years he was act- ively engaged on bis farm and in superintending his coal lands. In 1852 the Darlington Cannel Coal Railroad Company was incorjiorated with Mr. White as president, a posi- tion he held for eight years. The road is now in a prosperous condition, and known as N. Y. P. tt C. R. R. Mr. ^Vhite was for ten years a justice of the peace in Alle- gheny county, and has held other jiositioiis of trust. Four years ago he retired from active business life and is succeeded by his two sons. He is a strong, intelligent, good- hearted Democrat. CiiAMi!K]0, to Sarah J., daughter of David and Rhoda (llendrickson) Boyle, of Beaver Falls, and a granddaughter of Henry Boyle and Daniel llendrickson, pioneers of Beaver county. By this union there are seven chil- dren; Eleanor, David. McClellan, Thomas, IMalvina, Daniel and Bertha. Mr. AVhiteis a member of the I. O. O. F., and K. of P.; in politics he is a Democrat. Capt. Henry Whitfield, retired steamboat owner and captain, Beaver, was born in England, .Vug. 2.5, 1809. His father, also named Henry, was a merchant and a lilOciUAI'IllKS WEST SIDK. 739 farmer. Our subjert, whu is tlic only living lucmber of the family iu tliis country, was reared and educated in England, and came to America in IfSO. He went to Pittsburgh, where he learned the nailer's trade and worked at it for a time, lie afterward sludied enffineering', and ran an engine on the river several years. He invested in steamboat prop Tty. and was at different times interested in many steamboats. He built lioats for a time, and was also a captain f(n' many years. In 1864 he bought a farm and retired ; lived on the farm until 1882, and then removed to Beaver. He was married, July 'M. 1835, to Margaret Adams, of Wheeling, W, Va. Her mother's maiden name was Sarah Mar- shall, and she was of Irish origin. Captain and Mrs. Whitfield have had five children, of whom three are living; James, in Kansas; Ann, wife of David Auchiubaugh, a tinner in Braver; and S.irah il., wife of Frank Crawford, who is in the employ of the Adams E.xpress Company, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Captain AVhitfield and his wife are mem'iers of the United Preshyterian church; he has served as elder for more than thirty years. In politics he is a llepublicm. John C. Wiiitl.v. Mr. Wliilla, whose name is largely identified with the business acliievements of Heaver Falls and >;ew Brigliton, is of Scotch de.sccnt. His grand- father William Whitla, who resided near Edinburgh, emigrated to America in 1820 and settled iu Carroll county, Ohio, where he dwelt duiing the remainder of his life, being there engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth McGow'en, also of Scotch extraction, and had seven children, one daughter, Agnes (Mrs. William Young), and six sons: Will- liam, John, James, Hugh, David, and David 2d. The last named and youngest of these was born in Scotland in 1811, and emigrated with bis parents when nine years of age. (.)n attaining his majority he removed to Brighton, Beaver county, and there mar- ried JIary Jane, daughter of David lleeves, of Beaver Falls. Their children are Margaret, William, loseph, Elizabeth, Amanda, John C, Esther, Daniel and Henry. Mr. Whitla returned again to Ohio, but finally located permanently in New Brighton, where he followed his trade as saddler, and died Aug. 11, 1878. His son, John C. Whitla, who was born April 9, 1818, in Salineville, Ohio, removed with his parents when a child to Stark county and later to llaveuua. in the same state. In 18(34 New Brighton, Beaver county. Pa., became his home. The lad received such education as the common schools of Ohio afforded, and on coming to New Brighton entered the store of H. T. & J. Ii;3ves as clerk, caatinuiug this relation with their successors, Messrs. Duff & Thompson, with whom he remained thirteen years. Mr. Whitla, however, was not .satisfied to spend his best years as a clerk, and at the expiration cf this time embarked in the sale of dry goods and carpets at New Brighton, where he remained until 1885. Having become a stockholder in the New Brighton and Beaver Valley Street Bailway he then superintended its construction, and in forty-one days successfully completed the project. He also aided in the organization and con.structed the buildings of the New Brighton Class Works, and was one of the projectors and a director of the First National Bank of Beaver Falls. In 188(5 he established himself in the clothing business in Beaver Falls, and one year later erected the spacious building opposite the Economy Bank, now occupied by liim. In January, 1887, the Beaver Falls Art Tile Company was organized, of which he became a director and is now its president. The same year he with others projected the Whitla Glass Works, Limited, of which he is also president. Mr. Whitla was married Oct. 31, 1869, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of Dr. W. W. Simp- son, of New Brighton, and they have had four children, Theodore, the only survivor, being now at Pottstown, pursuing his studies. Jlr. Whitla is an active member of Union Lodge No. 59, F. it A. M.,.of New Brighton, and connected with Harmony Chapter of Beaver Falls, and A.skalon Coramandery, of Allegheny City, He is identified by mem- bership with the Protestant Methodist church of New Brighton. John Jervis Wickham, president judge of the Thirty-sixth Judiiial District, com- posed of Beaver county, was born May 14, 1844, in County Meath, Ireland. When be- tween five and six years of age he came to the United States with his parents, who set- tled in Beaver. He was educated iu the public schools and Beaver Academy, and about the age of seventeen learned telegraphy. Soon afterward he entered the United 740 HISTORY OK liKAVER COUNTY. States Military Telegrapli Corps. In .Inly, 1^02, while serving as cipher expert ut headquarters of the 23d Brigade, he was captured with the command by the rebel Gen- eral Forrest, in the action at Murfreesboro, Tenn. He was a prisoner of war for a number of months, his last place of contincmenl being Libby prison, Uichmond. After- wards he served in Telegraph Corps, with different conmiands in the army of (ieneral Sherman. He remained as cipher expert on the staff of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas from the clo.se of the war until the fall of 1867, when, having commenced the study of law, he resigned and returned to Beaver, and was prepared for the bar in the ollice of S. B. Wilson, E.sq. He had been recommended previously for commission in rcgulararmy on account of gallantry, etc. [See Plum's History of the Military Telegraph, Vol. I, l)ages .5() and 274, and Vol. H, page 2K2.] In 1869 he was admitted to the bar and practiced a short time in Des Moines, Iowa, tlien returned to Beaver, entered into part- nership with S. B. Wilson. Esq.-, which connection lasted until 1875. He was nomin- ated for the office of president .iudge by the Uepublican party, in 1884, and elected in ibc fall of that year. In 1S74 he was married to Lida J., daughter of Charles I), and Abigail K. Hurlbutt, of Beaver. The i.ssue of this union is four children, two sons and two daughters. John C!. WiE(iEi„ glass cutter, Beaver Falls, was born in Prussia, Feb. 23, 18.")2, and is a son of Carl and Mina Wiegel, who came to America in ISoO and settled in Pittsburgh. Here John C. was reared, learned his trade of glass cutter, and worked as a journeyman seventeen years in the glass works of McKee Bros. In 1879 he located in Beaver Falls, where he has since followed his trade and been foreman of the cutting shop since 18y3. In 1880 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and .Margaret Vet- ter, of Pittsburgh, and they have three children: Albert, Charles and Hilda. Mr Wie- gel is a member of the Beaver Falls Building and Loan Association and of the Co- operative Flint Glass Company, Limited: is a member of Tent No. '>'i, K. O. T. 31.; in politics he is a Democrat. Wilcox Bros., brick manufacturers, P. O., Beaver Falls, are natives of Eng- land, and located in New Brighton, this county, in 1884, where they were contractors engaged in the manufacture of brick for Fish IJrotbers until the spring of 1887. They then embarked in business for themselves in Chippewa township, where they manufact- ure a superior (juality of brick, turning out from 400,000 to 500,000 per annum, giving employment to seven hands, and are the only manufacturers in their line in Chippewa township. I). U. Wilkinson, general manager and superintendent of tlie Western File Works, Beaver Falls, was born in Lawrence county, Pa., July 31, 1853, and is a son of George and Margaret (Ricbey) Wilkinson. He came to Beaver Falls in 1870 and entered the employ of the Western File Works as a clerk: was successively promoted to assistant bookkeeper, bookkeeper and general traveling agent, and in February, 1887, was ap- pointed general manager and superintendent, which position he now occupies. He married in 1873, Mary D., daughter of John Shoemakei-, of Beaver Falls, and by her has two children: Bertha JI. and Florence L. Mr. Wilkinson is a member of the Presbyterian church; be is a F. & A. M., a U. A. M., a member of the A. O. U. W. and American Legion of Honor; in politics he is a Republican. CiiRisTL\N Will, manager of the Star Glass Works, at Newark, Ohio, was born in Allegheny City, Pa., May 24, 1835, and is a son of Philip Will. His grandfather, also named Philip Will, was a soldier eleven years, and served under Napoleon Bonaparte. Our subject's parents were French, and his father, who was a tailor, carried on business in Allegheny City. Christian was reared and secured his schooling in Allegluny City; was removed from school at the age of ten years, and commenced work in the glass works. He proved himself a diligent helper, and has climbed from the bottom of the ladder to the top. In 1877 he bought a valuable farm in Brighton township where his family now reside. He was married in Allegheny City to Miss ilargaretta, daughter of Jacob and Catherine (Swartz) Sommers, who were of German origin. This union was blessed with live children, only one of whom is now living, Harrison T. Will, who has BIOGKAPHIES — WEST SIDE. 7-1:1 charge of the farm. He was born at Brownston, Pa., JIarch 29, 1867, and attendeil tlio graded school at Pittsburgli, and llie high school at Beaver, Pa.; entered l)ufl"s Com- mercial College at Pillshiugli, graduating in 1887. lie was married June 10, 18^^,5, to ]\nss Stella v., daugliterof Marcius Ilarton, of Brigliton township, and of English de- scent. Tliey have one daughter, C^ueenette. Both Harrison T. Will and his father are Republicans. J. H. Wilson, >[. I)., was born in Beaver borough Oct. 10. 18o0, and is a son of Marmathilie and Lucinda (Henry) Wilson. His paternal and maternal ancestors were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania, and were of Irish and Welsh origin. The father is a farmer and resides in Beaver borough, where he owns 3:3 acres of land. His family consisted of ten children, of whom our subject is the sixth. He attended the old academy here and also Dr. jNIcClean's seminary, commenced the study of nudicinein Beaver, and completed the course at New Brighton, with Dr. D. McKinney. His first course of Isotiires w.is at .Jeifer-iou Medical College in 1873-74, and he completed his course at the Bellevue Hospital Jledical College, New York, where he was graduated in Feb- ruary, 1876. He has since been in active practice in his native town. Dr. Wilson was married in 1878. to Eva, daughter of Michael Weyand, editor of the Tiincn, in Beaver, and their children are Fred Bailey, Elizabeth and Juliet. Doctor and jNIrs. Wilson are members of the Presl)yterian church, which he joined in 1867. In politics he is a Dem- ocrat. He is devotedly attached to his profession. He is surgeon for the Pennsj Ivania Kailroad t'ompany at Beaver, and for the P. it L. E. R. R. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Railroad Medical Association; has been an active member of the Beaver t'ounly Medical Association for many years, and has served in all the oflkes. He is an active member of the American Medical Association, and lias been a membersiucel877. He served as jail physician in Beaver in 1884-85. TnoMAS Wii,soN, retired farmer. P. 0. Industry, was born in Ireland In 1808, and is a son of George and Elizabeth (Lind.sey) Wilson, who came to America in 1819 with five children, and soon thereafter purchased 50 acres of land, which tliey failed to hold, owing to invalidity of title. Not long afterward, however, Mr. AVilson purchased 300 acres, which he owned until his death. Thomas was reared to farm life, and has resided on his present farm since 1830. This property now comprises 120 acres, part cultivated and part, wood land. Mr. AVilson was married, in 1833, to Jane Burnsides, also a native of Ireland, daughter of John Burnsides. To this union five children were born, four now living: George L . Margaret (now Mrs. Bowers). John B. and Eliza. The molhcrdied in 1873. Mr. Wilson i.s'a member of the Presb3-terian church; politically a Republican. S.^MUEL B. Wilson. Mr. AVilson, in his ancestry, unites the Iilood of the sturdy Scotch race and that of the Knickerl)ockers. In the early part of the eighteenth cent ury his greatgrandfather. Samuel AVilson, who was of Scotch descent, married Mary Van Wier, a Hollander by birth. They owned and occupied a farm on Alarsh creek, near Gettysburg, Pa. They had Uwo sons, Samuel and Marmaduke, the latter of whom married Susan Beatty in the year 1744. He remained on the homestead until the death of his parents, who are buried in the cemetery at Gettysburg. He then removed to AVestmoreland county. One of his sons, Patrick, who was Ijorn in York (now Adams) county in 1773, went to Mercer (now Lawrence) county in 1801, and engaged for a time in mercantile pursuits. In 1804 he married Reliecca, one of the eight daughters of William .Alorehead, and in 1811 he purchased and removed to a farm (still in pos.session of his descendants) about six miles north of New Castle, Pa., where he continued to reside, until the time of his death, in 1806. On this farm his son, Samuel Beatty AA'ilson, was b )rn. Feb. 20, 1824. After having received a common-.school and academic educa- tion, "Sam B.,"as he was called by his associates, entered Jeffer.son College, at Cau- nonsliurgh. Pa., at which inslitulion he was graduated in June, 1848, standing among the first in his class. His masteiy of the construction of the Englisli, Latin and Greek languages was never questioned by fellow-student or jirofessor. Moreover, he has not only kept up. but greatly increased his knowledge of the ancient classics by daily read- ing and timely reviews. Soon after leaving college, Mr. Wilson was cho.sen iirincijial "742 lllsroUY OF 15EAVKR COUNTY. of llie Darliiigtnn academy, u position wliicli be held until the fall of 1840, when he went to Somerset and became a student of law in the office of Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, then president jiidse of the Sixteenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania. On the 13th of November, Is.'iO, Mr. Wilson was admitted to the bar, and immediately thereafter came to Beaver, where, on the ISth day of November, 1S.")0, he was admitted to practice in the several courts of this county. In due time he aciiuired a lucrative practice. For more than the third of a century he has been engaj^ed in most of the important legal business that has been transacted in Beaver county, and always " with clean hands." His receipts for professional services have perhaps been greater in amovmt than those of -any other resident lawyer that has at any time practiced at the Beaver bar. On the 12th day of April, 185-t, Mr. Wilson murried Elizabeth Robinson, daugh- ter of George Hobinson, who was then slieritf of Beaver county. Ever since their mar- riage ^Irs. Wilson has been her husband's faithful assistant in his office. The many legal papers prepared by her. under the direction of her husband, have always been regarded as models in neatness and accuracy. But in a much higher spIuMe of action, as the mother of four children, vi/.: Sarah (now deceased). Anna (wife of A. R. Whitehill, professor of jihysics in the West A'irginia University), Mary (wife of George Davidson, cashier of the National Bank of New Brighton), and George (a student in his father's office), Mrs. Wilson has also (lerformed her duties noblv. Mr. Wilson ntvtr eigaged in poli- tics. He has decided political opinions, which, on proptr (cca-sii n.';, lie expresses fear- lessly; but the end he aimed at was to become a thorough scholar, and an honest and successful lawyer. Of him it may be said in the words of another: "His learning is suffi- cient to enable him to realize the comparative littleness of all human achievennnts. He has outlived the ambition of display before courts and juries. He loves justice, law, and peace. He has learned to bear criticii-m without irritation: censure witlx ut anger; and calumny without retaliation. He has barred how surely all schemes of evil bring disaster to those who support them; and that the granite shaft of a noble reputation • can not be destroyed by thepoi.soned breath of slander." M.\RK WisENEii. Mr. Wisener is of German e.xtraction and the son of John George Wisener, who, on his emigration from Wi'irlemburg at the age of sixteen. located in Butler, Butler county, Pa., where lie established himself as the first butcher in the borough. Here he remained until his death in Jlay, lS-1!). having married JIargartt Nickolas, also of German descent, who came to America with her parents at the age of fourteen. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Wisener were Elizabeth (Mrs Secger, of Youngstown, (Jhio), Pliilip (who occupies the homestead), >Iark (the subject of this sketch), George and Louis (who reside in Ohio), Anne (Mrs. Spear, of War- ren, Ohio), and Susanna (]\[rs. Elliot). Mark Wisener was born Feb. Jj, 1840, in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., where his youth until his eiirhteentli year was spent. He attended the common schools, and on completing his studies decided upon acquiring a trade. Removing to Pittsburgh for the purpose, liechose that -of a c irriage blacksmith, and continued his apprenticeship until his removal to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1860, where for a brief time he followed this trade. The call for troops then occurred at the lieginning of the civil war, and Mr. Wi.seuer, with patriotic zeal, enrolled his name with the three-montlis' men. On the 9ih of ■May. 1861, he enlisted for three year.?. After some time spent in West 'Virginia his regiment joined otliirs in forming the army of the Cumberland, and participated in most of its important engage ments, among which may be cited the battles of Shiloh. Stone River. Chickamauga, Perryville, Missionary Ridge and all the ercounters connccKd with Sheinian's march to the .sea. He was discharged in July, 1864, at Covington. Kj'.. and at once resumed his trade in Pittsburgh. Three years later he lemoved to New Brighton and (nil aikid in carriage manufacturing. Mr. Wisener continued thus employed until 1869, when he entered the arena of politics, and his name having been iirefcntcd as the Dimociatic candidate for the office of sherifT of I5eaver county, he was elected by a fiattering vote in a district strongly Republican. He filled the office for three years, and not being suc- . ccssf ul in his candidacy for the oflice of county treasurer, engaged for a year in the boot niOGKAI'IlIKS WEST SIIIK. 74;^> and shoe liusiness. He ucxt became the lessee of tlie " Meieliants Hold" in liraver Falls, ami in 18ST erected the " Grand Hotel." a comiiiodimis and elegant stnictiire, of which, assisted by liis sons, he is the popular landlord. Mr. Wisener was, in IHCO, married to Jliss Mary Kraus, of Pittsburgh . Tiieir children are Frank L.. Mark. .Ir., G. Edward. Susan. Anna, f.i//.ie and Maggie. Mr. Wisener was a second time married, in 1878. to Mrs. Tena Foerstege, daughter of John Strack. of Rochester, in the same county, and their onl^' child is a son. named John. Abraham B. Wolk, farmer, P. (). Beaver, was born on the farm he now owns June 4. 1814. His father and grandfather were both named John, llie latter came to what is now Beaver county in 1782, and settled on the south side of the Ohio river, at what was then known as Logstown. He spent the first twelve years here clearing and farming. 0\ir subject still owns the pack saddle his grandfather brought to BeaviT county with him. Tlie Indians stole their horses and drovethem off. AVhen tliisfamil}' came, only the old blockhouse was here to mark the place where the handsome borough is now situated. Our subject's father, who was born in 1771). took this farm where our subject now lives, from the government. He took H/iO acres. He had eleven children, and died in 1857. Abraham B. , who isthe fourth child, and the only surviving menil)er of the family, was educated in the common schools, and has made farming the business of his life. He was married, in 1860. to Sarah B., daughter of James Eakin. of Irish descent, and they have four children: George (i., James E., Nannie V. and Esther Mary. Mrs. Wolf is a member of the Presl)yterian church. In politics Mr. Wolf is a Republican, and has served many years as justice of the peace. William Wolfsiiafeu. contractor and builder, Beaver Falls, was born in Alle- gheny county March 20, IS.")!!, and is ason of Conrad and Dora Wolfshafer. natives of Germany, who settled in Allegheny county about 1840. and came to Beaver Falls in 1884, where they now reside. William was reared in Alleglieny county, and served an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade, which he followed eight years. In ]H8;i he lo- cated in Beaver Falls, where he has since been actively engaged as a contractor and builder. ■ He has erected a large number of buildings in this and adjacent counties, among which are the Jlulberiy school-house in Beaver Falls, the German Lutheran church, the Darlington academy, at Darlington, the twelfth ward sciiool building in Allegheny City, and many others. j\Ir. Wolfshafer is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church, of the I. O. O. F.; in politics he is a Republican. John C. Woodruff, justice of the peace. Bridgewater. was born Xov. 6, 18r)7. and is a son of David and Mary A. (Mulner) Woodruff. His parents were natives of Ohio and of English descent. His father, who was a marble cutter by occu]>ation, came to Bridgewater in 1847, and carried on the marble work in that place for over thirty years. He died Nov. (i, 18H2. He had two sons, the elder. A. V.. being a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. JohnO. was born and reared in Bridgewater, attended the common schools, and worked in his father's marble works. When quite young he went on the river, and worked in various capacities for abotit five years. He then located in Canada, where he remained until 187(). when he returned to his native county and accepted a position as shipping clerk in the Rochester Tumbler Works, where lie remained six years. Then for a time he was employed at the Phoenix Glass Company's Works, at Phillipsburg. He is a Republican in politics, and was elected justice of the peace in 1887. He also does gas-titting work. He is a member of the Republican county committee, and is secretary of the school board. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F,, and oc- cupies the honorable position of deputy grand patriarch of the encampment; has served two terms as state rejiresentative of the Grand Lodge. He is one of the directorsof the Bridgewater Building Association, and is agent for the Merchants' Protective Associa- tion. Shannon R. Work.man. farmer. P. O. Beaver, vpas born in Darlington, this county, Aug. '22, 1820. His parents, James W. and Elizabeth (Shannon) Workman, were natives of Washington county. Pa., where they were married and first settled;'thence tliey moved to this county, residing in the borough of Beaver, where the moiher died; the father 74i HISTORY OK ISEAVKR CODNTY. (lepartcd this life in New Orleans, while on a traveling expedition. They hart three children: Lucinda (died in Washington county. Pa.), Maria (died in Beaver) wife of Martin Lyon), and Shannon K. The last named acquired his education in Beaver Academy, and was married, Jan. 1, 18.")0, to Caroline Powers, who was born in this county June 10, 1830, a daughter of James and Ruth (Pumphrey) Powers, the former a native of Darlington, this county, and the latter of Virginia. They both died in this county, and had ten children, four now living. ^Ir. and Mrs. Workman have nine children: John S., Laura (wife of John Sleight, of ilinnesota), Mary P., James P., George W., Samuel S., William F., Charles W. and Bessie E. Mr. AVorkman carried on mercantile business on his own account for about fifteen years, in Beaver; then, with his family, moved to Minnesota, where he followed farming three years, returning in ISGO to his present farm of 132 acres. In politics he is a Democrat. II[';nry Wdktzel, hardware, stove and tinware merchant, Beaver Falls, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1857. His parents, Nicholas and Elizabeth (Winters) Wurtzel, were natives of Germany and residents of Pitt.sburgh, many years. Henry was reared and educated in Pittsburgh, where he learned the trade of tinsmith. He came to Beaver Falls in 1880. and worked at his trade as a journeyman three years. In 1883 lie embarked in business with L. C. Ross, in which he continued till 1888; then lie established a store 1)3' himself. lie is a prominent business man, a member of the Catliolic church; in politics a Democrat, Edward W. Young, grocer, Beaver Falls, was born in Dubuque, Iowa, Sept, 4, 1859, and is a son of John G. and Anna (Brown) Young, the former of Youngstown, WeUimreland county-, and tlie latter of Greenville, Mercer count)', Pa. They were for many years residents of Bridgewater, and have lived in Beaver Falls since 1S71. Their family consists of five children: Georgia (Mrs. E. D. Powell), Charles R., Edward W., Perry and Russell. Edward W. was reared in Beaver county, and for several years was employed in the planing mill of Wilson & Brierly. He embarked in the flour and feed business in June, ISSS, and in his present business in the spring of 1888. J.\coB Young, farmer and milkman, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Germany Sept. 14, 1846, and is a son of Jacob amd Katrina (Homan) Young. The former emi- grated to America in 1861, settled in Pittsburgh and later removed to Youngstown, Ohio, wliere lie died. Our subject came to America in 1804, and located in Pittsburgh, He settled in Chippewa township in 18T0 and engaged in farming, in which business he has since continued. In 1884 he engaged in the dairy business, keeping twenty-one cows, supplying a milk route to Beaver Falls, and doing a large and successful busi- ness. He attends the German Lutheran church; in politics he is a Republican. John Young (deceased) was born in 1812, and died in 1887. James Young came from Donegal, Ireland, at an early day. and soon after landing upon the free shores of America he came to this county and purchased 100 acres of land in liig Beaver town- sliip, where he lived until his death. He married Esther Wickinson, by whom were born four sons and six daughters, John being tlie third child, James died at the age of eighty-five years. John Young was born on the farm which he owned, and where he died. He married Isabella, daugliter of John Crawford, of tliis county, and they had five children : James K. , Mary E. (deceased), Esther T., AVilliam J. and G. H. Mr. Young was a prosperous farmer, and was the owner of two farms at his death. His widow survives him. James R., who now superintends tlie work on the farm, was married in 1877 to Isabella, daughter of Francis and >Iary (Douthitti Gilky, and has three children: John C, Alary E. and Joseph H. William J. lives with his mother on the homestead, and is unmarried. The family are members of the L^uitcd Presbyterian church. WiLLiA.vi J. Young, farmer, P. O. New Galilee, was liorii in Big Beaver township in 1843, Peter Young, his paternal grandfather, immigrated from Donegal, Ireland, aliout 17!)."), and soon after landing came to Westmoreland county, where lie engaged in farming and remained util 1800. He married Margaret Algeo, of County Armagh, Ireland, who bore him eight children. Peter came to Big Beaver township in 1800, and lilOGRAl'HlKS — EAST SIDE. 7-i5 purchased one hundred acres of land, which was a pari of the population tract taken up by Robert Wylie, and here he remained until his death. He died in 1838, at the age of seventj'-six years. His wife died in 1S80. Uobcrt, the youngest child, and a farmer b}- occupation, married , lane, da\ightcr of James and Su.san (Sleath) McCanlis, also natives of Ireland. Eight children were born to this union, six of whom are living: Margaret. Susan, William, John, Kobert, Hamiiton Algeo and Elizabeth Jane. The father died in ]S62. aged sixty years; the mother is living, at the age of .seventy- eight. "William J., our subject, was married in IfSTo to Hattie J., daughter of John Wallace, and the.v have five children: Wallace Algeo, Knox JlcClaud, Robert McC'anlis, Mary Florence and George Everett. 'Sir. Young now owns fifty-five acres, part of the 100 acres of his grandfather's fartn. He has purchased an additional twenty-seven acres, has erected a new house and made other improvements. He is a Prohiliitionist and a member of the Old School Covenanters. Geouge Youts, wagon maker, was born in Centre cotmty, in 1(^2(3. His father. Henry, was born in 1800. was by occupation a distiller, and came from Lancaster county to Centre county about February, 1820. His wife, Sallie. daughter of Samuel Brel'l- hord, bore nine sons and four daughters, of wliom George is the eldest. Geom-e received a common-school education, and remained with his father until fifteen years old, when he learned the trade of wagon making. In 1846 he came to ISeaver county, and has been engaged in manufacturing wagons, l)uggies, etc., and in repairing. He was married in 1848 to Julia, daughter of Samuel Stricli}', of this county. By her he had six children, three of whom are now living: Sallie (now ^Jlrs. Clute), George, who i.s in Kansas, and ^Maniie (now [Mrs. Esteb). His wife died in 1801), and in the following year he married Jlrs. Frances E. Keller, of Cleveland, Ohio, who bore him three chil- dren, of whom [Nlonte and Fanuie are now living. Jlr. Youts has for the past twelve years been a school director, and is now a iMason and Odd Fellow. In religion he is a Presbyterian; politicallj' a Republican. CHAPTER XXA'II. BIOGRAPIIIES— EAST SIDE. Jamks Agey, farmer, P. O. Rochester, was born in this county Nov. 16, 1830, a son of George and Ellen (ilackey) Agey. They were natives of Pennsylvania, were married in Youngstown, Ohio, settled in Beaver county. Pa., and remained there until their deaths. James was united in marriage Oct. 20, 1853, with Levina Otto, who was horn in Beaver county, ]\Iarch 22, 1835, a daughter of David and Christina (Long) Otto, natives of this state. Her father is deceased, but her motlier is still living in Butler county. Mr. and Mrs. Agey have one child, Angle, wife of David Hendrickson. She was born Feb. 7, 1855. Mr. Agey was reared on the farm, the pursuits of which he has always followed. He and his wife are memlicrs of the United Bretliren church. In politics he is a Democrat. George Agnei:, proprietor of the Agner Brick Works, Rochester, wa.s born in Butler county, Pa., July 1, 1837. His parents, George and Sophia (JIueler) Agner, natives of Darmstadt, Germany, settled in Lehigh county. Pa., in 1833, and in"l834 luoved to Butler county. George, Sr. ,was a farmer, and the father of six children. Of these, George, the fourth child, was educated in the Butler county common schools, and early in life learned the blacksmith's tranlheran cliurch. Heisatius- tee of the church; in politics be is a liepublican. Geoi{<;e H. Altst.\dt, farmer, P. (). Knob, was born in (4ermany Sept. 8, ISJSl. and is a son of John and Elizabetli Altstadt, who died in that country. He imndgrated to America in 1857, resided several years in I'iltsburgh, then came to Beaver county, where he has since remained. He niarritd in Pittsburgh, in IHofl, Elizabeth, daughterof Henry and Elizabeth Peter, who died in (iermany where Mrs. Alstadt was born, March 2'i, lS'.i8. Five children were born to Jlr. and Mrs. Altstadt, four of them living: Mary E., Sophia C, George H. and Minnie E. One daughter, ilargaret, is deceased. Mr. Altstadt is l)y trade a blacksmith, but has been engaged in farming for a number of years, and owns forty-three acres. He .served his country in tlie Civil War in Company G, 5th heav}' artillery and was in several engagements. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. In politics he is a Republican. RoBEKT Bakkk, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Beaver county, Dec. 17, 1822, and is a son of Charles and Elsie Baker, both of whom died in this county. Robert was united in marriage Sept. 25, ]84!(,with Susanna Romigb. She was l)orn.]uly5, 1828, in Washington county, and is a daughter of Elijah and .Mary Romigh. both of whom died in this county. The children of this marriage are Ann, Mary, Charlie, John, Alice, Robert and Elijah. One son, C)liver, is deceased. .Mr. Baker lias been a farmer all his lite and owns about 110 acres of land. He and his wife are members of the Presbyter- ian church. He is a Democrat and has held the oftice of school director. R. G. B-\NivS, grocer, New Brighton, is a native of Butler county, born in 1858, the youngest of the nine children of ^Matbew and Elizabeth (Rogers) Banks, the former of whom was a farmer, engaged also in oil business. R. G. was reared on the farm where he was born, and educated at Washington and JelTerson College, also at Iron City Business College, Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1879 he married Eucretia, daughter of Israel Stephens, of Greene county. Pa., and one child, Luther Ernst, has been bom to them. Mr. Banks came to Beaver county in 1882, and has since been almost contin- uously engaged in the grocery business in New Brighton. In politics he is a Democrat. WtLi-iAM Barton, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Plum township, Allegheny coupty. Pa., July 12, 1822 His parents, George and Isabel (WiLson) Barton, natives of Ireland, came to America about 1818. George was a farmer, and lirst located in Allegheny county, where he remained about four years; thence moved to Allegheny townshij), Westmoreland county, where he died in 1832; his widow died in June, 1882, aged ninety years. They had eight children: Thomas (deceased), George, Richard, William, Sarah Ann, James (deceased), Eliza Jane (deceased) and Lydia, who keeps hou.se for her brothers, William and Richard, who have never married, b\it own to- gether and carry on a farm of 95 acres, where they settled in 1853. Richard was judge of election, and William assessor for one year, also supervisor and school director, and for three years served as treasurer of the board. In politics both are Democrats. Wii.i.iAM W. Beacom. grocer. New Brighton, was born in Brighton township, this county, in 1841. His father, Robert Beacom, was a farmer, and married Elizabeth, daughter of William Wilson, of Lawrence couiitv. Thev had four childrin, of whom BIOGKAPHIES — EAST SIDE. (il William was llic 3'oungest. His grandfatlier, also named William, came from Irelanii, and was a farmer by occupation. He purcliased 106 acres of land in this county, where his son Robert was born and dic.\CK, retired farmer, Rochester, born in Greene township, Franlilin county. Pa.. Aug. 12, 1807, is a son of Daniel and Catherine (Etter) Black, natives of Cumberland county. Pa., and of German and English descent. His father was a farmer and had seven children, of whom Christian is the eldest. He was reared in Franklin qoimty, received his education in the common .schools, and has followed farming all his life. He was marrieei in 18)28 to Elizabeth Black, who was of English descent and died Aug. 31, ]86!», the mother of two children, George and Daniel. Mr. Black came to Beaver county in 182!) and engaged in farming, he retired in 1872, and has since resided in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Black were members of the United Brethren church. He is a Republican, anel has serveel as school director, supervi.sor, town.ship auditor and overseer of the poor. In 1871 he married Jliss Lucinda Ile-sson, who died ^larch 4, 1886. Mr. Black is a eiuiet, unassuming man, anel has met witii markeei success in business. D.\NTEL Bi.ACK, farmer, P. O. Rochester, was born on the farm where he now re- sides, April 16, 1837, a son of Christian and Elizabeth Black, who were natives of Penn- sylvania, and settled after marriage on the farm where Daniel now resides. The mother died in 1869. and the father was afterwards married to a widow Dunlap, wlio' died in Rochester. Christian Black is still living and resides in Rriclicster. Our .subject was married. Oct. 28, 1870, to Sarah V. Hillman, who was bom in Allegheny county. Pa., in March, 1840, and is a daughter of .John Hilhnan (deceased). She is the mother of two children: William H. K. and -John C. Mr. Blacii owns a farm of 200 acres. In poli- tics lie is a Republican. Wii.MAM H. Black, postmaster at Rochester, was born in Vanport, this county, April 23. 1854, and is a son of .John and Mary .Jane Black. Joim Black has spent a great part of his life in Rochester, where he still resides, and has three sons, of wliom AVilliam II. is the youngest. Our subject was reared in Rochester, attended the public schools here, also the seminary anel Beaver Colk'ge, Beaver, Pa. He was clerk in the postolbcc at Rochester two years (1874-75), then clerked in a dry goods store two years. In 1877 he embarked in mercantile trade in this |)lace. He was senior member of the tirm of Black l^ Breckenridge, dealers in general merchandise, from 1879 to 1887. lie was appointed postmaster April 19, 1887. He served tive years as secretary ot Building and Loan Associations of Rochester. Mr. Black was married, Nov. 13, 1879, to Emma, daughter of Dr. T. J. Chandler, of Rochester. Sir, and Mrs. Black are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, where he has been teacher in the Sabbath school for a number of years. He is an Odd Fellow and a Good Templar, and has twice represented the latter order, as a delegate from Pennsylvania, to the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the BIOGRAPHIKS EAST SIDE. 749 workl, in 1882, at Charleston, S. C, anil in 1884, at Washing-ton, P. C. At the age of liveuty-tvvo years lie was elected assessor of Ihe horoiigh of Rochester, and in 1885 116 was mercantile appraiser of Beaver county. In politics he is a Democrat. As post- master Mr. Black is giving universal satisfaction. A. Bl.\tt, shoemaker, Frccrlom, was born in France July 9, 1843. His parents, August F. and Margaret Blatt, immigrated to America in 1848, and settled in Pittsburg], where the_Y remained .several years; then moved to Phillipsburg, this county, where August F. died in 1884; his widow resides on the homestead. They were the parents of ten children, seven living. Our subject, the eldest, was united in marriage, •July 4, 1865, with Naucy J. Bickerstaff, who was bcu'n in Beaver county, in Feliruary, 1843, and is a daughter of AVilliam and Elizabeth Bickerstaff, both living in I'hillips- burg. Pa. Jlr. and Mrs. Blatt have had .seven children, five living. Jlr. Blatt learned the trade of shoemaking in 1853, and iu 1880 lie engaged as a shoe dealer in connection with his trade. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church, and have lived in Freedom twenty years Henry Bi.inn, farmer, P. (). New Brighton, was born in New Sewickley township, this county, in 1833, the second son of Philip and Margaret (Gilbaugh) Blinn. He was born and reared on the farm, and was married, iu 1853, to Elizabeth, daughter of John J^limnier. They have the following named children: Slary Ann (Mrs. Ferguson), William H., Caroline (ilrs. Bi&t), Philip, Emma, Charles, Frank and Eva. 5Ir. IJlinii has bjen engaged in farming for thirty-five years, and purchased his present farm of 100 acres iu 18(ji). He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; he is a Democrat. Caspeu Bi.r.M, farmer, P. O. Bru.sh Creek, was born in Butler county. Pa., Feb. 37, 1854. His parents, John and I.,aura Blum, natives of Germany, immigrated to America in 1S48. .settled in Beaver couuly, and one year later they removed to Butler county, where they remained seven years. They then came to their present .farm of .sixty-eight acres in New Sewickley township, where they have since resided. They have had eight children, si.x of whom are living; Adam, John, Lewis, Barbara, Casper and Lizzie. The deceased are Lewis and Katie. Mr. Blum was married JuneO, 1878, to Christina Getteman. She was born in Butler county. Pa., April 37, 1857, and is a daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Getteman, both living. Mr. and IMrs. Blum have had four children, three of whom are living: Clara, Alfred and Alma; the one deceased was Anna. Mrs. Blum died March 17, 1885. Mr. Blum is a member of the United Presby- terian church, as was also his wife. In politics he is a Democrat. G. Y. Bo.\L, physician, Baden, is a native of Venango county. Pa., and was born in 1840. John Boal, his father, by trade a carpenter, was born in 1804, and married Isa- bella Hney. David, the grandfather of G. Y., came from Ireland in 1800, settled near the present town of Boalsburg, Centre county, Pa., and in his honor the town was named. John settled in Venango county in 1838, where he purcha.sed two hundred acres of land, and where he remained until his death, at the age of eighty-one years. Seven children were born to John and his wife, Isabella. G. Y., the third sou, was educated at the common .schools, being a .student later on in the high school, Cooperstown, and at Edinboro State Normal School, Erie county. Pa. He commenced the study of medicine iu 1863 with Dr. Robert Crawford, of (looperstown. Pa., took a regular course at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, in l.S(j5, and in 18G6 commenced practicing medicine at Baden, graduating in 1H70 at Cincinnati College of 3Iedicine and Surgery. Dr. Boal was married, in 1809, to iMary Emma, daughter of John and Sarah A. (Ander- son) Doyle. Four daughters and two sous are the result of this union: George Fay, Elizabeth Isabella, Sarah Eflie, Clifford Doyle, Mary and Margaret. Dr. Boal has by his own perseverance secured the position he now holds. He was a teacher in the public schools for seven winters, and since 1866 has been engaged in practice at Baden. He has for the past seven years been practicing physician for the Harmony Society. He is a deacon in the Lutheran church; politically he is a Democrat. Cii.Mii.KS BoNzo, retired farmer. I^. O. Brush Creek, was born in Butler county. Pa., iu 1807. Ills i)arents, Lewis and JIargaret Bonzo, natives of France, were married 43 750 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. in their native country; immigrated to America, located lirst in Butler county, Pa., and afterward removed to Beaver county, where Lewis died, and where his widow is still livina;. Charles Bouzo was married, June 14, 1837. to Catherine, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Goehring (both deceased). She was born in Butler county Dec. 2.5, 1820, and is the mother of nine children, six of whom are living: Henry, Sophia, Elizabeth, Charles, John and Harrison. The deceased are George, Peter L. and Lottie C. ]Mr. Bonzo, who has always lived on a farm, owned at one time !)00 acres, most of whicli he has divided among his children, but still owns 3.50 acres. In politics he is a Republican. Mrs Bouzo has been a member of the Lutheran church for many years. Geokge Bonzo (deceased) was a farmer of New Sewickley township, where hewas born Jan. 1.5, 181.5. He was a son of Lewis and .Margaret Bonzo, wlio were natives of France, and came to America after their marriage anil settled in Butler county. Pa., whence they removed to Beaver county, where Lewis died . His widow is still living. George Bonzo was married, Jan. 14, 1840, to ^largaret Rauscher, who was born in Ger- many July 1.5, 1822, and came to America in 183.5 with her parents, George and ]Mar- garet Rauscher, who settled in Beaver county and from there moved to Tennessee, where they died. Mr. and Mrs. Bouzo had six children, two of whom, Andrew and Caroline, are deceased. Those living are John, George, Mary and Wesley E. Mr. Bouzo was a farmer all his life, and at one time owned 300 acres. He was a member of the Luth- eran church, of which his widow is also a member. In politics iMr. Bonzo was a Reiiuljlican. lie died May 6, 1886. Mrs. Bonzo and her son, Wesley E., reside on and manage the homestead. John Bonzo, farmer, P. O. Freedom, was born in New Sewickley township July 14, 1843, and is a son of George and Margaret Bonzo the former deceased. Our subject was married, Nov. 19, 1868, to Martha J . Oliver, who was l)orn in Gallia county, Ohio, May 22, 1850, a daughter of Jlilton Oliver, who resides in New Brighton. Mrs. Bonzo, is the mother of four children: George M., Andrew W., John A. and Clyde W. Mr. Bonzo has been a farmer allhis life, and owns eighty-tive atrts oi ini] Io^ed land, lie and his wife are membersof the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a Republican. Geougb R. Bonzo, farmer, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in New Sewickley town- ship July 8, 1845, and is a son of George and 51argaret Bonzo. He was reared on a farm, the pursuits of which he was always followed. Nov. 1, 1870, he married JIary J., daughter of James and Sarah Feazel, and born in Beaver county Jan. 16, 18.50; she is the mother of six children: Alvira, born Aug. 16, 1871; Cora B., born Oct. 30, 1873; Elton A., born Avig. 27, 1875; Raymond, born July 18, 1877; Eva J., born Aug. 11, 1880, and Wildia M., born March 23, 1883. ]Mr. Bonzo owns eighty -one acres of land. He and his wife are members of the Methodist church. Politically he is a Prohibitionist. Geougb B. Bonzon, blacksmith, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in this county Oct. 9, 18.50, a son of Peter L. and Rebecca (Brooks) Bonzon. the former a native of France, and latter of America. They were married in Allegheny county. Pa., and settled in Beaver county, where they still reside. George B. was united in marriage, May 1, 1877, with Susan A., daughter of Thomas and Eliza J. Fisher, the former deceased. Mrs. Bonzon was born in Beaver county. Sept. 28, 1852, and is the mother of one child. Bertha I., born March 17. 1878. Mr. Bonzon has been engaged in blacksmithing since his youth. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. ; in politics he is a Democrat. Ed.mund Boots, wagon maker, P. O. North Sewickley, was born in Sussex, Eng- land, Oct. 13, 1811, son of Ambrcse and Elizabeth (Bull) Boots, the former of whom, a carpenter by trade, came to America in 1830, and Oct. 13th of the same year settled on Brush creek, North Sewickley township, this county, here remaining until his death. He. had four sons, all born in tlie mother coiintry, three yet living; John is deceased. Edmund was married in 1831 to Eliza, daughterof "William Coleman. She died in 1832, and in 1834 Jlr. Boots married Eliza, daughter of Samuel Caldwell. By this union there are four children; Samuel C, James D., Ambrose and Edmund R. Mr. Boots owns the property, consisting of seventy acres, where he has resided since 1830. He has been secretary of the school board of his township for eight years, and has held the BIOGRAPHIES EAST SIDp:. 751 office of supervisor two terms, lie and Mrs. Boots are memljcr of tbe ]Metliodist Epis- copal cb\ircli; ill politics he is a Republican. Edmund 11. Boots, niercbaut. New Brighton, wa.« born in North Sewickle_v town- ship. Beaver county, Pa., in 1S43, and is the youngest in the family of four children of Edmund and Eliza (Caldwell) lioots, the latter a native of Huntingdon county. Pa. The father, the second .son of Ambro.se and P^lizabetb (Bull) Boots, parents of four chil- dren, came from Sussex, England, when eighteen years ot age, and in 1S33 to Beaver county, where be purchased 160 acres of land, and has since resided. At the age of seventeen years Edmund I>. enli.sted in Company 1 1, lOlst Kcgiment, P. V., serving four years. He participated in the Siege of Yorktown, battles of William.sburg and Fair Oaks, the Seven Days' fight, and other engagements. lie was a commissioned of- ficer in Company B, Fifth Artillery, during the last nine months of the war; returned to Beaver county in 180,5, and the next year engaged in general niercliandise bu.siness in New Brighton. He married, Sept. 20, lS6(i. Alice J., daughter of William Barton, of North Sewickley township and six children have been born to them (five yet living): John S. (assisting his father in the store), E. W., Mary Bell (deceased), Alice E., Frank and llattie C. The mother died Feb. 12, 18«6. Mr. Boots is a member of tlie town council and treasurer of the liorough, and is a Republican in politics. He is an adherent of the Methodist Episcopal churcli. S.\MUEL Boots, carpenter and farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, was born in Sus.cex, England, Jlay So, 1816. His parents, Ambrose and Elizabeth (Bull) Boots, came to America in 1880, and settled in North Sewickley township. The father wasa carpenter until coming to Beaver county, when he carried on farming, with his eldest son, up to his death in 1844: his widow died in 1852. They had four children: Mar}', John, Ed- mund and Samuel. Samuel received a limited education, and served an apprenticeship at the milling business in his native land, but on arriving in this country learned car- psnteriug and cabinet making, which he followed, together with farming, up to his re- tirement from active life. He made the coffin for the first interment (remains of James Magaw) in Grove cemetery. He married, in 183T, Harriet AVild, an English lady, who came to America in 1830. They were both on the ocean at the same time but, were not ac(iuainted with each other until they came to America. They have had eight children, four now living; Elizalieth, !Mary Ann, Amos C. and Nancy Jane. Since coming to this country Mr. Boots has resided in this townthip, where he acted as poor director seven years without missing a single meeting of the board; was school director four 3'ears, and held the office of overseer of the poor in 1847, before the count}' home was built. He is now living a retired life with his son, Amos C, on his farm of 150 acres; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has been trustee for many years; in politics he is a Republican. Mrs. Boots died Jlarch 16, 18T5. Fit.vNiv A. BoswEi.L, grocer. New Brighton, was in Beaver county, Pa., in 1859, and is a .son of William and Julia (McMichael) Boswcll, the parents of twelve children. He received a good public school training, and when nineteen years of age commenced a three years' apprenticeship to the moulding trade, which he followed five years. In 188:! he commenced in the grocery business with his brother in New Brighton, and in 188o formed the present partnership in the same line with Albert G. Harvey, under the firm name of Boswell i\: Harvey. In 1875, Mr. Boswell married Ada Wagner, daughter of Mrs. Melissa Wagner, of this county, and by her has two children, Julia and Bernice. In politics ^Ir. Boswell is a Republican. John Boswei.i.. cigar dealer. New Brighton, is a native of England, born in 1827, .second son in the family of nine children of George Boswell, a farmer. He attended the pul)Iic schools and remained on the farm until fifteen years of age, when he learned blacksmithing, which he followed eight years. In 1840 he came to New Brighton, where he has been engaged in various occupations for the past ten years in the same establishment at his present trade. He married, in 1853, ^lary Ann Liv.sey, also a native of England, who bore him four children, all deceased except one, F. W., at home. ]\Ir. Boswell is a member of the I. O. (). F. and K. of P.; a Republican, po- liticallv. 752 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. John S. Boyd, jiliysiriau. New Brightou, was born in ilooi) township, Beaver county, in 1845. His parents. Samuel and Sarah (Wade) Bo3d, liad four children. John S., the third child, was reared in the towns of Allegheny and Kew Shefiield, at- tending the common schools and an academy, lie taught school for six years during the winter and attended school in summer. In 1871 he commenced the study of medi- cine under Dr. Langford and Dr. Wendt, entered Cleveland HouKvopalhic College, from which he graduated in 18T4, and soon thereafter comiuenced the practice of his profession at his home, removing in 1883 to New Brighton. He was married, in 1877, to Lizzie J., daughter of James W. and ^lary Shannon, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and three children were born to them; two of them are living: Leli^and Faye. Dr. Boyd is a member of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Kepublican. Wii.i.iAM yi. Boyle, proprietor Clyde House, New Brighton, was born in Beaver county in 1800. He was reared on a farm in Chippewa township, this county, and re- ceived a common-school education. At eleven years of age he left the farm and went to Youngstown, Ohio, where he attended .school a short time. He has been engaged in various pursuits, a helper in the oil fields, an oil producer, a manufacturer of cigars, and for eight years was in the upholstery business in New Brighton. He was married, in 1870, to Josephine, daughter of James and Margaret Rager, of this county. They have three children: Annie, Edward and Jaiues. In 1877 Mr. Boyle bought and as- sumed the proprietorship of the Clyde Hotel in New Brighton. He is a luember of the A. O. L'. AV.: politically he is a Democrat. Ciiahles C. BuAcivEN. dealer in stoves and house furnishings, New Brighton, ■was born in 1860, in Butler county. Pa., the eldest of the three children of R. G. and A. J. (Gold) Bracken. He was reared on a farm, received a common-school education, and learned the trade of tinsmith. He came to Beaver county in 1879, and followed his trade until 1887, in which year he purchased his present business in New Brighton. He was married in 1881 to .Jennie, daughter of AVilliam H. Martin, of Butler county, and one child, Charles H., has been born to them. Mr. Bracken is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; politically he is a Republican. Waltek S. BiiADEX, postmaster. New Brighton, was born in Beaver Falls> March 15, 1853, and is the eldest son of A. B. and C. R. (Boyle) Braden, who had nine children. His grandfather, John Braden, came from Ireland about 17!)0 and soon afterward settled in Beaver county, where he was a farmer. He married Catherine Mclnlyre, who bore him twelve children; A. B., the youngest, was a farmer in early life, later engaged in mer- cantile business and is now living a retired life in Beaver Falls. Walter S. attended the common schools, and the Iron City College at Pittsburgh, from wliicli institution he was graduated in 187i. He has been engaged in the mercantile and real estate businesses. He was married in 1879toMissE. E. Goddard, daughter of John Goddard. of this town, and they liave four children: Laura, Edith, Karl and Naomi. >Ir. Braden was appointed postmaster at New Brighton in 1886. He is amemberof the Royal Arcamuu; in politics a Democrat. Ben.iamin Rush Buadfoiu>, The paternal ancestors of Benjamin Rush Bradford •were for live generations among the luost prominent citizens of Philadelphia, and i^( me of thera were distinguished as patriots and statesmen in the history of our country. AVilliam Bradford, his great great-grandfather, born in KiOO in Leicester, Erglard.who died May 22, 1752, came with William Penn to America in 1G82, and was the first printer for the .Middle Provinces as also the lirst to start a paper mill in Pennsylvania. His son Andrew was tlie friend and patron of Benjamin Franklin. He was a nutn of large wealth, a member of common councils and postmaster of Philadelphia. Thomas Brad- ford, the printer, was born Jlay 4, 1745, and died May 7, 1838. He married, Nov. 23, 1768, Mary, daughter ot .Samuel Fisher. His son, Thomas Bradford, LL.l)., was bom April 10, 1780, and died Oct. 25, 1851. Leaving the university of Pennsylvania in his junior j'ear he first learned the art of printing; then engaged in legal studies and became a leading luember of the PhilIrs. Walter Buhl) and William C. (deceased). Thomas was born in Beaver county in 184(i, educated at the Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ; by profes.sion is a civil engineer and was amcmberof the legislature of Pennsylvania for the years 1879-80. During his father's life he ably assisted him in the real estate business, to which he has succeeded . He is a member of the Presbyterian church. J.iCOB P. BuANDT, merchant, P. O. Freedom, w-as born in New Sewickley town- ship, Beaver county. Pa., on the present site of St. Clair borough, Jlay 21, 1842. His father, Conrad Brandt, a native of Ilesse Cassel, Germany, emigrated to America in 18?.7, and settled in Beaver county.- His mother, Christina Walter, a native of Baden, Germany, emigrated with her parents to America in 1.S32. and al.so settled in Beaver county. Conrad and Christina (Walter) Brandt were married. July 4, 1841. and have resided in what is now St. Clair, ever since. They had si.\ children, of whom three are living, viz: Jacob P., John C. and Charles F. Jacob P., the eldest, was married, April 10, 1871, to Christina Bishoffljcrgcr, who was born in Baden, Germany, Aug. 31, 1847. Her parents, George and Kosanna Bishoffberger, were natives of Baden, Germany. George Bishoffberger died in 1847, and his widow came to America in 1868. and settled in Erie, Pa. Our subject, after receiving a common-school education, such as could be had in a country district at that time, learned the blacksmith trade with his father, and followed it for four 3'ears. AV'hen the War of the Kcbellion broke out in 1861 he enlisted in Company H, 139th Regiment, P. V., and .served with his regiment in the army of the Potomac, si.\ months. He was honorably discliargcd on account of disability. He then learned the cooper trade, which he followed for about twelve years. In the spring of ]87."> he engaged in the mercantile business in St. Clair, which he still follows. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. He is a charter member of Post 407, G. A. R., department of Pennsylvania; he was twice elected burge.ss of St. Clair borough, and in March, 1887, he was again appointed burgess of St. Clair by Judge Wickham, of Beaver count}', which position he still holds at this writing. W. II. HitECKESiuDGE, merchant, Rochester, was born in North Washington, But- ler county. Pa., Feb. 28, 18.52, and is a son of J. B. and Sophia (Ehrenfeld) Brecken- ridge, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish and German descent. J. B. is a Lutheran minister, and with his wife came to Beaver county in 18.59, .settling in Roches- 754 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. ter. W. H. is the ninth in a family of eleven children, was educated at the public schools, and earli" in life learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for eight years. In 1878 he embarked in mercantile trade, under the firm name of Black it Breck- enridge, but in 1887 ^Ir. Black was appointed postmaster at Rochester, since which time Jlr. Breckenridge lias continued tlie business alone. He was married, Aug. 20, 1874, to Miss Jennie A. Thorton, a lady of English descent, and they have two children: Helen T. and Ernest S. Jlr. and Mrs. Breckeiiridge are members of the Lutheran churcli. He is a trustee and deacon in the church, and a teacher in the Sabl)athschool. In politics he is a Bepubliean. J.\MEs A. Bkewek, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Allegheny county, in 1820, and came with his parents. Elias and Hannah (Sliay) Brewer, to Beaver county in 1830. IClias was a farmer by occupation, and came originally from Eastern Pennsyl- vania. He had four sons and seven daughters. James A., the second son, started in life without a dollar, and, as a result of his industry and perseverance, now owns 128 acres of land, second in quality to none in Pulaski township, with large and commodious buildings. He was married, in 1842. to Jennie, daughter of Robert Moore. Jlrs. Brewer died in 1866, the mother of ten children, ilr. Brewer is a member of the United Presliyterian church; politically he is a Democrat. F. K. Bkiekly, contractor and jiroprietor of planing mill, etc., Beaver Falls, resi- dence New Brighton, is a native of ^lassachusetts, born in 1846, to Samuel and Orilla (Kendrick; Brierly, parents of five children, three now living, our subject being the .second son. The family is of English origin . Samuel Brierly, who was a wool carder, located in Lawrence county, Pa., in 1848, and in Beaver couuty in bSoS. F. K. received a public-school education, and .since youth has been an active business man. When tweuty-one years of age he became a member of the firm of Waddle, Wilson i.\: Co., con- tractors and builders, the present style being Wilson it Brierly. Mr. Brierly is also partner in a flour mill and foundry at Beaver Falls. In 1868 he married Jennie Thomp- son, who died in 1878, leaving three children; Walter, Ella and Addie. He afterward married Anna Leslie, who has borne him one child, JIabel. Mr. Brierly is a member of the A. O. U. W., and is a Good Templar. He attends the services of the iNIethodlst Protestant church . Hon. H.^ktfoud P. Brown, member of the state legislature, of Rochester, was born in Raccoon township, this county, Aug. 7, 18ol . His parents. Perry and .Mary ( McC'ombs) Brown, were nativesof Bcavercounty and of Scotch-Irish descent. Peiry hasrelirtd from active business life, and is .still living in Rochester. He lias two children: Aniai.da, wife of Samuel R. Campbell, of Beaver Falls, and Hartford P. The family have long been residents of this county. Amasa Brown, grandfather of Hartford P., was the master builder for tlie fleet built here by Aaron Burr in 1806. Hartford P. was reared in Freedom. Pa., attending schoolat Freedom, Rochester and the Beaver Academy. Ilis first business was as bookkeeper and teller in the Second National Bank jit Pittsburgh, where he remained until appointed cadet at West Point Military Academy, but resigned the cadelship during the first year. He then returned to Rochester and formed a jiart- nership with Hon. Samuel J. Cross in mercantile trade. They kept a general store until 187'J, when Jlr. Brown sold out. He then built a .steamboat called the " Carrier," which he managed until 1884, when he bought the wholesale and retail tobacco and cigar business of Samuel ]Moody, which he conducted until 1887. In 1880 he was elected to the legislature. He has served as a member of the school board in Rochester and is president of the M. S. Quay Republican Club of Beaver county. !Mr. Brown was married, June 26. 1873, to Sue T., daughter of Hon. Samuel J. Cross, and they have five children; Hartford P., Jr., Frances, Emma, Sue and Julia. Mrs Brown is a member of the Baptist church at Rochester. Cb-\ki.es N. L. Brudewold, general manager of the New Brighton Glass Com- pany, is a native of Norwaj', born in 184;!, the eldest of the seven children of Canute and Lena (Thom.son) Brudewold. The family came to this country in W't^, and .soon alter settled in Iowa, where Canute was a prominent merchant, but is now retired. Charles BKlGKAl'IIIES EAST SIDE. 755 N. L. is a graduate of tlie Citizens' Latin School, of his native cinindy, and as will he seen was seventeen years old when he arrived in the land of his adoption. From 1863 to 1879 he was engaged in the manufacture of glass at Pittslmrjih, Pa., after wliich he resided in St. Louis, Mo., until 1SS5, when lie came to New Brighton and founded the glassworks, of whicli he has the entire general management. lie married, in 1864, Martha Munson, of ^[issouri, who has borne him two children, Canute and Lena. Jlr. Brudewold is a member of the Methodist church. C.\PTAIN Henry A. Biivax. steamboat pilot, P. O. Baden, was horn in Beaver county, March 11, 1834. John Bryan, the original pioneer of his family, came to America from Wales at an early period; was a soldier and a captain in the revolution, and settled in Chester count}-, Pa. lie married liarbara Boon, in July, 1763. and by her he had one son, William. John died in 1807, his wife in 180."). William was born in 1767 in West Chester, and reared in Easton, Pa., where he engaged in the hotel business. He married Sarah Price in 1792. the result of the union being five sous and one daugliter. William, who was a miller by trade, came to Beaver county in 1811, and engaged in the hotel business, his inn being the general headquarters for the ftticcrs and soldiers during the war of 1812. lie erected a two-story stone building, which is still standing in a good state of preservation, and is owned by his grandson, our subject. He died in 1840. Aaron ]M. was among the oldest sons; was born in ISO'i and died in 1848. He was a farmer, and like his father, was a hotel man. Aaron married Ann, daughter of Hev. Andrew ^McDonald, a Presbyterian minister, who organized the first church at Sewickley, and for many years was minister at that jilace. Born to Aaron and his wife, Ann, were seven children, five of whom are now living: Henry A., Catherine, Sarah, A. Boon and Ann Amanda. Jlrs. Bryan now resides on the farm, and occupies the farm-house purchased by Mr. Bryan. Henry was educated at the common schools, and earl}- engaged in steamboaling, which he has followed nearly all his life, having recently retired. He was married, in 186.5, to Bell, daughter of Thomas Neil!. Since 1879 Mr, Bryan has been engaged in mercantile business. He was one of the original projectors of the Baden Gas Company, and the first well for that company was bored on his farm. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, a F. & A. M.; in politics a Democrat. Jacob F. Bnjuo, farmer, P. O. Barrisville, was born in Lancaster township, But- ler county. Pa., June 11, 1842, a son of Jacob and Margaret (Hohnadle) Buquo, natives of Germany. The father immigrated to America in 1831, and located in Pittsburgh, where he followed blacksmithing for several years, after which he engaged in merchan- dising until 1841. He then removed to Butler county and purchased a 160-acre farm, which he carried on until 1867; then sold out and moved to Houston county, Tenn., where he bought a tract of land, to which he added from time to time until he now owns 700 acres, besides .several pieces of town property. He had Steven children, five now living: Sarah, Jacob F., Henry, Amelia and George. During the rebellion Jacob F. entered the service as teamster, and on his discharge at the close of the war removed to Venango county. Pa., and engaged in the oil Ijusiness for about two years, at the same time following contracting. He then formed a partnership with Jacob lift in leasing land and sinking wells, for some two years more, and in 1868 embarked in the lumbering business in Tennessee. In this he continued three years, after which he moved to North Sewickley and purchased of Daniel Ilaynes his present farm of 108 acres. Mr. Buquo was married in this township, in 1866, to Gertrude, daughter of Peter Ifft, and they hail eight children, seven now living: Anna Margaret, Clara, William Henry, Fer- dinand, Gertrude Amelia, Sadie Eleanora and John Jacob Frederick Dill.sworth. Mr. Buquo was elected supervisor one term; in politics he is a Republican. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian church. Samiiel BuiiNS, farmer, P. O. Bush Creek, was born in this county, Feb. 24, 1816, a son of Samuel and Ellen (Tucker) Burns, natives respectively of Ireland and JIaryland. They were married in Pennsylvania, and settled in Beaver county where they died, tlie parents of twelve cliililren, .seven of whom are living. Samuel our subject married. 756 HISTORY OF BEAVER COl'NTY. Jlnicli 25, 1840, Ruth Sbaner, who was born in New Sewickley township in 1822, and is a daughter of David and Hutli Shaner, botli deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Burns are the parents of seven children, of whom four are living: Chosten, David, James and Mary. The deceased are Emma and John. Mr. Burns was reared on a farm and has been a life-long farmer. He owns about 820 acres of tine laud. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is a Democrat. Ricii.MtD BuTi.Ei!, carppnt.er, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Allegheny county in 1834. His parents Abiah, a farmer, and Jane (Beel) Butler, had fifteen children. Kichard beingone of theyoungest. Richard was born and reared on the farm, received a common-school education, and followed agricultural pursuits for some years. He married, in 1859, Mary E., daughter of Jonathan Hoidi, and three children have blessed their union; Jonathan Abiah, Harriet B. and Kichard. Mr. Butler learned the carpen- ter's trade at twenty years of age, and with the exception of about three years he has made it his life-long occupation. He enlisted in Company E, 25th Wisconsin Regiment, was with Sherman on his celebrated march, and was encaged in many battles, as he was in active service every day for three 3-ears. He is now engaged, besides working at his trade, in the stone quarrying and clay business. He is a member of tlie ^Methodist Epis- copal church, and of the A. O. U. W. He is a Republican politically. J. H. C.\iiM':, merchant, Rochester, was born in Beaver March 17. 1881. a son of John and PhuOie (Goehring) Cable, the latter born in Germany and the former in Penn- sylvania, of German desceut. John was a farmer, and died in Rocliester in 1S49. J. II. is the fourth in a family of twelve children, ten of whom grew to maturity. He was reared in Beaver county, received his education in the common schools, and later learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed until 1862. He then began work with his brotbei-s. who were masons, and with them carried on that trade until 1885, when he established a general grocery store, which he has since managed with success. He was married, in 1852, to Amanda Kellj', of Irish descent. Their children are Amelia, wife of John Spradley; Henry R., a brick-mason; Plxebe, wife of John A. Miller, a prominent manufacturer, of Rochester; Bessie, wife of David Aldrieh; Callie. Joseph and Grace, at home. ilrs. Cable is a member of the Methodist Epi.scopal church. Mr. Cable is a Republican. RoREKT M. C.\Bi,E, merchant, Rocliester, was born in Rochester borough, Dec. IT, 1857. His parents, Charles and Elizabeth (Javens) Cable, were natives of this county, and of Irish and German origin. Robert M. is the third of twelve children, was reared in Rochester and attended the schools here. His first work was with his father at stone contracting, which business the latter followed successfully many years, dying in Roch- ester in 1885. When Robert was nineteen years of age he established himself iu mer- cantile trade, and at the age of twenty-one erected his present store building. He keeps a general grocery store, is polite and courteous, and is a man well calculated for the merc;intile business. He married, in 1887, Marj' J. McKee, of Irish descent, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. .Mr. Cable is a Democrat, and a member of the Junior Order of the United American Jlechauics. John W. Caldeu, merchant, Rochester, was born in Huntingdon county. Pa., Nov. 24, 1858, and is a son of Thomas N. and Pheba (Worrell) ('aider, natives of Penn- sylvania and of English and Scotch origin. Thomas N. is a farmer, an e.xtensive stock dealer andoneof the pronunent men of Huntingdon coiuity. John W. wastlie fourthina family of seven children, of whom four sons and one daughter are living, and at the age of seven years came to live with Lewis Taylor, an attorney at Rochester. He was a great favorite with Mr. Taylor and became greatly attached to him. Mr. Taylor was his teacher, and did not permit him to attend school. He learned the mason's trade, and two years after completing his apprenticeship took a contract amounting to over |75. (ICO, and successfully completed it. The skill and energy displayed in this work attracted the attention of Withrow & Gorden, extensive iron manufacturers at Pittsburgh. He was their general superintendent of construction seven years, and at times had seven or eight hundred men under his charge. In the employ of this company he traveled all KIOGKAPllIES —EAST SIDE. 75r over the United States. He was then engaged with Keider& Conley, of Pitt>l)ur{;li, for two years, at the expiration of whieli time liis old fiiend, Lewis Taylor, w-as taken ill and Mr. Calder resigned his po.sition. eanie to Rochester and nursed him until he died, lie then bought Mr Taylor's old homestead and has since resided in Kochester. In 1H83 he embarked in the dry goods and notion business, which he yet continues. He married Vec. 29. 1886, .Jessie A., daughter of Robert R. Clark, of Beaver Falls. They are mem- bers of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Calder is a Republican and has been a mem- ber of the school board in Rochester, Pa. He is financial secretary of Coimcil No. 140 of the American ^lechanics. and is a Sir Knight Templar. .James Caiu^in, fanner, P. (). Rochester, was born in Ireland in 1820. Dec. 10,. 1849. he left his native land and after a voyage of five weeks and two days, during which time the vessel was wrecked, landed in New York, .Jan. IT, 18.50. There he lay for si.K weeks in the hospital from the effects of exposure during the voyage. After his recovery he went to Kittanaing; thence to jVlIegheny county to his brother. There- he worked on a plank road for some months and subsec|uently hired with a farmer in Butler county for eight dollars per month, and the following summer worked at the carpenter's trade for ten dollars per month. lie and his brother, who had just come out from Ireland, leased thirty acres of ground for six years, in Hanover township. Leav- ing his brother lo manage tiie farm, :Mr. Carlin, in 1854, went to California, where he worked at mining, sending all his spare money to his brother to buy a farm. In 1858- he returned home, took a trip lo Ireland, where he reiuained six weeks and then re- turned to this country, bringing his two sisters with him. Leaving them on the farm with his brother he again went to C^alifornia, and for five years worked as a gardener for from fifty to sixty dollars per month; also worked eight years in a store in J'^ldorado county. AVhile in California Mr. Carlin married Jji/.zie Kelly, daughter of William and Nancy (Cowey) Kelly. He met her when in the old country, wrote for her to meet him in San Francisco, where they were married, and there two of their children were born. .Air. Carlin made three trips to California, leaving there the last time .July 9, 1867, with his family, and after a voyage of thirly-one days, during which time he a,gain suf- fered from shipwreck, the vessel arrived in New York. After remaining in Pitlslurgh for a short time, he went to Ohio, to the home of his father-in law. where bis family rdmiined until the following year, and Mr. Carlin meantime worked at the machine bu.siness until he could get a farm to suit him. Later he purchased his present farm of seventy-three acres, two and one-half miles from Rochester, The third year on this farm, -Mr. Carlin was struck by a locomotive and severely injured, from the elfectsof which he still suffers. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Carlin; Aggie (Mrs. Whitei, William, .John, Thomas. Ella, Clara and J<-nnie. Mr. Carlin has been a hard working man, and by perseverance and the aid of an industrious and saving wife has- secured a good home. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Politi- cally he is a Republican. Wiu.iA.M Cakr, glass finisher, Rochester, was born at Steubenville, Ohfo, Oct, 5, 1848, a son of Robert and :Mary (Hall) Carr, natives of Maryland and of Irish descent. Robert Can- was a glass finisher and in early life a glass blower. He had five sons and three daughters and six of the family are now living, of whom William is the youngest. He was only fourteen montlis old when his father died; was reared in Steubenville and attended tlie district and public schools. He commenced lo learn his trade in Steuben- ville at the age of nine years, and afterward went to Pittsburgh and worked for a num- ber of years. He then came to Rochester with the firm which established the Rochester Tumbler Works, in 1872. and has been an active member of the firm ever since. He was married at Steubenville, Ohio, Dec. ?>0, 18C0, to JIary E., daughter of R. H. Aid- ridge, who was a native of Maryland and of English lineage. They have three chil- dren: Carrie. Eddie and Nellie. .Mr. and >Irs. Carr are members of the I-^piscopal church. Mr. Carr is a prominent F. &. A. M., and has taken thirty-two degrees in that order. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. Dewitt C. Ciiamplin, bank teller, P. O. New Brighton, was bIr. and Mrs. f'onway are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he has been a tru.stee for sixteen years. He is president of the Olive Stove Works and of the Union Street Railway Company of Rochester; i& also a director of the Rochester Heat i Light Company, is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and has laken thirty-two degrees in that order. In politics he is a Democrat. O. II. Coiicii, undertaker and furniture dealer, P O. New Brighton, was born in Alleghenj' county ia 1829, a son of Natlian and Emily (Light) Couch. His father, who was a shoemaker, had si.x children. O. fL, the eldest, was reared in his native county, and received a common-school education. In youth he was employed in a woolen establishment; during the war was engaged at railroad engineering, and afterward was for ten years in the mercantile business. In 18s4 he located at his present place of busi- ness, where he carries a full line of furniture and follows the undertaking business. He was married, in 1851. to Charlotte, daughter of William Dunbar, of Philadelphia, and they have eight children: Esther, John, N;ithan, Eliza, Charlotta, David, Mary Ann and Orlando. Mr. Couch is a Democrat. CiiAiiLEs Covert, dealer in groceries, provisions, notions and tinware, P. O. New Brighton, is a native of Butler county, Pa., born in 1858, second son in the family of nine children (seven of whom grew to maturity), of Rufus P. and Susan (Radenbough) Covert. The father was a school teacher and raauufacttirer of tubs. Charles Covert came to this county when three years of age with his jiarents, and here received a com- mon-school education. When eleven he commenced learning tub making; worked at that until the busine.ss was discontinued, then was employed in the manufacture of cutler}', and other business, and afterward, for several years, followed the trade of a carpenter. In 1883, with no previous experience, he eml)arked in his present successful business in New Brighton. He was married, in 18TT, to Margaret, daughter of Madison Phillis, of this county, and by her has four children: Margaret, Rufus P., Allen and Elsie. Mr. Covert is a member of tlie K. of P. and R. A. In politics he is a Democrat. P. H. CoYi.E, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Allegheny county in 1830, and came to Beaver county in 1853. Edward, his father, by trade a plumber, came from Ireland about 1829, settled in Pittsburgh, married Ann McSwiggin, of County Tyrone, Ireland, who bore him three children, P. H. being the eldest. Edward Coyle returned to his native land, where he died. His widow survived him and came to this country with her children in 1853. P. H. was educated in the ciraimon schools, and at the age of eighteen years began to learn the glass-blowing trade, which he followed until 1869. He married, in 1859, Mary Ann, daughter of Daniel and sister of E. B. Dougherty, of this county. They have two sons and two daugliters: Elizabeth, at home; Daniel, a druggist; Ilarry, a practicing physician; and Alice, at home. Mr. Coyle purcha.sed his present farm in 18(59, and, with the exception of three 3ears. has since devoted his time to agricultural pursuits. He is a Democrat, and has been Justice of the peace for twelve years, besides holding other townshi|) offices. He is a member of the Catholic church. B. F. Cii.\io. ship carpenter. Freedom, was born in Beaver county. Pa., Nov. 22, 1829, a sod of Joseph and Elizabeth (Manor) Craig, natives of Pennsylvania, and who died in Beaver county. Joseph, after the death of his wife Elizabeth, tnar- ried Eliza Stoops, who is still living. He was the father of seventeen children, of whom ten are living. B. F. is the eldest child, and was united in marriage. May 9, 1850, with Catherine Lambert, who was born in Beaver count}', a daughter of Moses Lambert (deceased). Two children have been born to them, Harriet (deceased) and Anna L., wife of William Kronk. ^Mrs. Craig died July 31, 1852, and Mr. Craig married Oct. 14, 1856, Jessie Stewart, who was horn in Scotland in 182T, and is a daughter of James and Anna (Craig) Blyth. The former died in Scotland, and the widow and children came to America and settled tir.st in Pittsburgh, and later in Freeilom, where the mother died in 1878. Mr. Craig has followed ship and house building all his life, and settled in Freedom in 1834, where he owns four houses and lots. BIOGRAPHIES —EAST SIDE. 761 SxEniEN A. Craig, physician, Freedom, Wiis born in Freedom borough, ^laroh 4, 1848, a son of William and Augeliue (Rogers) Craig. His parents, natives of Pennsyl- vania, have resided in Freedom since their marriage, and have had ten children, eight now living. Stephen A., the eldest child, was married, Jan. 19, 1872. to Frcdricka Jliller, who was born in Freedom Dec. 81, 18.')4. Her parents, George and lOlizabeth Miller, were natives of Pennsylvania, where they were married, settled and remained. Her mother died in .June, 1884. Dr. and Mrs. ('raig have two children: Gertrude M. and Elizabeth A. He began the study of medicine in ISOli, graduated in 1877, and has continued in jiractice in Freedom, Pa., ever since. His brother, W. H., is as.sooiatcd with him in practice. When the war broke out he enlisted in Battery D, 1st P. L. A., and served one year. He and .Mrs. Craig are meniliers of church. He is a F. A: A. M , and member of the I. (). O. F. NuuoL.\s CiiEss, justice of the peace, P. O. Brown's, is a native of Butler county, and was born in 1888. Henry Cress, his tatlier, married Lizzie Heifer, and by her had ten children, nine of whom are now living. Heuiy came from Germany to America about 1830, was by trade a shoemaker, and died at the age of si,xty-Uiree years. His widow is still living at the age of seventy four years. Nicholas the second son, received in youth a common-school education, and at the age of seventeen learned the trade of black.smith. which he has followed for twentj- five j-ears. He married, in 18G5, Susie S., daughter of Adam Younker. and by her had two children: Lewis L. and George A. Mrs. Cress died Oct. 28, 1878, and Mr. Cress ne.xt married Maggie, daugliter of Nicho- las and Caroline Kieb. Four children are the result of this marriage: Cora Bell, Edward. Daniel and .Jennie Ma}'. He purcliased his present farm, containing .seventy- three acres, in lb76, and also conducted a bl.-icktuiithing shop until 1887, when he dis- continued the latter on account of ill health. He was elected justice of the peace in 1880 and reelected in 188."). He enlisted in 1862 in Company B, 12th P. C, and served his country three years and two months. Among the battles in which he took an active part were Bull Hun, Antietam and Cedar Creek; and was in numerous raids through Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. CuAiiLES CuNMNG, farmer. P. O. Brush Creek, was born in Allegheny county. Pa., Oct. 8, 1842. IHs parents, Patrick and Elizabeth Cunning, natives of Ireland, were married in Pennsylvania, and settled in Allegheny county. They afterward moved to Beaver county, where they died. Charles was reared on a farm, and when starting out in life for himself engaged in merchandising in New Jirighton, after which he engaged in farming, and now owns 140 acres of tine land. He was married in Septem- ber, 18(57, to Sarah, daughter of .John and .Jane Schvista, the latter deceased. Jlrs. Cun- ning was born in Washington county, l-'a., in 1840, and is the mother of .seven children: .John, Samuel, .Jane, Elizalieth, Mary, Anna and George. Jlr. Cunning and his wife are members of the Catholic church. In politics he is a Democrat. A. .1. Daniels, farmer, was born in New Sewickley township, April 21, 1858. a son of William and .Jane Daniels. William was a native of Wales, and died in Beaver count}'; his wife was born in Pennsylvania, and is still living. A. .J. Daniels was reared a farmer, and has followed that business through life on the old homestead. Aug. 9, 1882, our subject was married to Mary, daugliter of Benjamin and Emeline Piersol. The former died in this county Aug. 80, 188."); his widow is still living on the old home- stead. Mrs. Daniels was Ijorn Feb. 20, 18()2. Mr. Daniels is a Uepublican; a inenUjer of the Baptist church. !Ma.joh .John S. Dahkaoii, retired merchnnt, P. O. Kochcster. is a descendant of one of . the early settlers of this cotmly, where he was born, .July 16, 1804, a sou of IJobert and Deborah (Hart) Darragh. Mrs. Deborah Darragh was a native of New .Jer- sey, a daughter of Jesse Hart and a granddaughter of John Hart, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Robert Darragh was born in Ireland, came to America in 1798, and to Beaver county in 1808. He taught school at Sharon (now called Bridgewater). and subsequently kept a hotel and general store. Sharon was then the best business point in Beaver county. He was successful in bu.siness and succeeded 762 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. in accimmlatinji a handsome fortune. The Major is the eldest of a family of eijrht children, was reared in Beaver county, where he ohtained his schooling, and early in life worked in his father's store and also carried on Ijusiness for himself for abouttwenty years, as a merchant. From IKUi to 1837 he was collector for the canal company. He then embarked in business in company with his brothers and conducted a general store at Sharon; also erected a foundry and machine shop. In 18-14 he sold out his entire in- terest to his l)rothers, and built a steamboat called the " Gondolier." The boat was run with a good profit to the owner until lH-t8, when she sunk. He was then appointed mail agent on the Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, having been the first mail agent appointed on that lailroad, and was afterward assistant treasurer for all express transfer at Pittsburgli. He next went on a steamboat as clerk, for eighteen months. In 1S60 he was elected county treasurer and served one term. He served two years in the pension department at Wa.shington. He has been for many years president of the Big Beaver Bridge C'ompan}'; is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. and a Hepublican. He served seven years as major of militia. He was mar- ried, in 1827, to JIary, daughter of James Lyon. Her mother's maiden name was Electa Suntii; she was of English descent. Her grandfather was killed b}' the Indians^ in Allegheny county, Pa. Her father and his brother were taken, when children, by the Indians, and carried to Ohio, where they were afterward exchanged, Major I)ar- ragh and wife have had eight children; James and liobert, mechanical engineers, the latter a first lieutenant in the late war; Thomas, a clerk; Jesse, who was one of the body guard of General Ander.son: George; (the two last named died within a few days of each other, in 1887, of typhoid pneumonia;) Anna, wife of Captain Charles B. Hurst, of Ko- chester; Louisa and Martha. Jlr. Darragh has bten a member of the Methodist Episco- pal cliurch for more than half a century. S.\MUEi, De.^n, farmer, F. O. Freedom, was born in Ireland Jan. !), 1823. His paren'.s, Samuel and ilary Dean, came to America in 1833 and settled in Beaver county, where they died Samuel was married, June 24, 1847, to Ann Hunter, also a native of Ireland, who died in lS(i6, the mother of five children, of whom four arc living. Mr. D_'an next married, Dec. 10, 18li8, Catharine J. Miller, who was born in Allegheny county. Pa., March, 1(>, 1839. Her parents, Philip and Jane Miller, were natives of PeuMsylvauia and died in Butler countj-. To Mr. and ^Irs. Dean two children have bgea birn, S imuel C. aid Jennie A. Mr. Dean has been a farmer most of his life, and owns about 150 acres of land. He and his wife are members of the United Presby- terian church. Fhit/. DEiiNiiR, draftsman, P. O. New Brighton, was born in North Germany in 1854. and came to America in 1883. His parents, Carl and Bertha (Eichler) Degner, liad a family of eleven children. Fritz, the tenth child, wasedueated in the gymua.sium schools of German)', and at twenty years of age served one year as a soldier. For four and a half _years he was a student of civil engineering, taking a thorough course in that branch of study and graduating at Berlin in 1881. He married, in 1883, Anna, daugh- ter of Fritz Frnndt, also of Germany, and to them has been born one son, Carl. Jlr. Degner came to New Brighton in 1884, and since that date has been head draftsman for the Penn Bridge ('ompanj' of Beaver Falls. F. A. Deitiuck, locomotive engineer. New Brighton, was born in 1842 in JIarion township, this county, the youngest of the five children of Frederick and Dorothy (F'lugh) Deilrick. Frederick came from ALsace, France (now Germany), to this country in 1S28, located on a farm in Butler county. Pa., in 182!), but afterward moved to this county. F. A. remained on the home farm until bis tifleenth year, then learned black- smithing, which he followed for some time; and later carried on a boot and shoe busi- ne.ss in Pittsburgh for three yeais. In i862 he enlisted in Company A, 123d Uegiment, P. v., and during a nine month's service participated in the battles of Antieiiini, Fred- ericksburg and Chancellorsville. Keturning from the army in 1802 he commenced rail- roading in Allegheny City and has lieen an engineer for twenty-two years. He married in 18(i7_ Fjouisa, daughter of .lolin .McKnight. and seven children have blessed their lilOGRAririES EAST SIDE. 703 uninn: Florence, Robert, Miuy, Frederick. Edilb, Lula and Ethel. Mr. Deitiick is a memlier of the G. A. R. and of the United Brotlierliood of Locomotive Engineers. In politics he is a Democrat. .losEPii Drwhihst. Ijriik manufacturer, Xew Brighton, was Ixirn in England in 1843; came to America in isfi.") and soon afterward located in New Brighton. His par- ents were Richard and JIary Dcwhirst. to whom were born seven children, Joseph being the eldest son . He received a good cdncalion and left schcol at the age of seventeen. He was marriid, in 1S()6, to Hannah, daughter of Thomas Dewhirst, who was also from England. Five children have been horn to this marriage; JNlary Ann, Amy, Joe De- main, Faith and Fred. Jlr. Dewhirst began to learn the carptntir's liade at ihe age of seventeen, and served an apprentieeshiii of tliree years. He followed his trade six years, hut in ISGO began the manufacture of ictl brick, which he still continues, and turns out one million of brick per year, giving employment to from nine to fifteen men. .John H. Dippoi d, Jr., steamboat captain, P. O. Baden, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., in 1847. His grandfather, Clements Dippold, was a soldier under Bona- parte for si.x years, and was in the cavahy at the great battle of Waterloo, His wife was Margaret Cemmets, by whom he had nine children. He died in 1817, and his widow in 1829. C'aptain John Dippold, Sr., their j-oungest child, was born in Bavaria in 1S16. He left school at the age of fifteen years and learned the trade of a stonecutter aud mason. In 1841 he came to this country, landing in Baltimore in November of tliat year. In lst'2 he came to Pittsburgh, and soon afterw.-ird to Baden, this county, where he has since resided. From 184'i to 1859 he wasexteiisively engaged in contract- ing, and built the largest bridges for the Pittsburg & Ft. Wayne, and the Cleveland & Pittsburg railroads, and over tliirty bridges for the Pan Handle road . In 1859 he gave up bridge contracting and engaged in steamboatingand the coal business; has owned sev- eral boats, but retired from business in 1878. He married, in 1840, Anna, daughter of .John and Catharine Hofifman, and to them were born eight children, seven of whom are living ; Frederick, Barbara, John H., Martin, Catherine, Jacob aud George. Mr. and Mrs. Dippold are now living retired on a small farm. They are members of the Lutheran church, and politically he is a Democrat, John H. receiveda common-school education, and at the age of twelve years went on a steamboat with his father, and has followed the river ever since, having filled the position cf pilot and captain on a steam- boat. He was married, in ISOO, to Isaliella J,, daughter of Price Bryan, of this county. They have one daughter, Annie B. The captain resides in Baden, where he has a com- fortable home. He isa F. & A. il . , a memberof the I. O. (). F. and K. of P. He is a member of the Lutheran church . Politically he is a Democrat. Rkv. S. T. Dodd, M. D., p. O. IJochester, was born in Marshall county, Va.,"Sept, 26, 1830, a son of Dr. George aud Mary ( Jlenon) Dodd, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Pennsylvania. They were of English and Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather, Rev. F. S. Dodd, was educated for a Catliolic priest in Dublin. Dr. George Dodd was a physician and practiced in Washington county, Pa., and in Vir- ginia for miny years; was also a farmer and woolgrower. Our subject attended common school in Virginia and the normal school and academy in Washington county, Pa., and studied medicine with his father. In 18G(i he graduated at Jlount Auburn col- lege, Cincinnati, Ohio, having previously taught school and practiced medicine. He then went to the Cleveland, Ohio. ]\Iedical College, where he graduated in 18G7, and practiced for fifteen years. In 1863 he enlisted in the '22d Pa. Cavalry, was appointed hospital steward, and was discharged at Ihe chxse of the -war. During the last year and a half of service he was acting a.ssistant-surgeon of the regiment. At the close of the war he continued his practice at West Middletown, Pa,, until 1871. He then removed to Wellsburg, W. Va., and commenced preaching, and was ordained in 1878 as minister in the Disciple church of which he has been a member since he was fifteen years old, and was employed in missionary work in Kansas for live years. He is the author of several works, annng which are "The History of the Christian Church," " Sunday School Manual," " The Pastor " an 1 numerous tracts. He was married, in 1806, to Virginia (;. , "^Tli IIISTOUY OF BEAVfcK COIIN'I V. diuightcr of William Miirlatt. .Mrs. Doild was of French descent, and was the mother of fovir children: William ]M., Charles S. , James C and George L. She died in Wells- buri; in 1S74. Mr. Dodd afterward married Ilettie A., a daiigliter of Squire .lolin Engle, of Industry, this county. She lived but three years after their marriage. He married his present wife at Deersville. Harrison county, Ohio. By her he had one child now living, Francis Merit. Mr. Todd is a Master ^lason, a member of the I. (). O. F. and K. of P., of the Good Templars and of the G. A. K. He came to Kochesterin 18!;6 and bought what is called the Dee-- Lane property, formerly owned by John .Javens. He or- ganized a society at Beaver Falls in ISSO known as the First Christian churdi. lie now preaches at several points on Lord's days, and spends his week days at home in recuper- ation, on account of broken health from overta.\ in former years. RiC'iiAKD DoNCASTEK (deceased) was born in England, Feb. 2, ISOl. His father, D.miel Doncaster, died when Kichard was only three years old, and the latter was reareii by an Episcopal minister, receiving a good education. In 1800 he came from EugUind to Pennsylvania and engaged at the mUler's trade, which he had learned in England. He owned and operated a mill in Westmoreland county for more than twenty years, but in later life made hotel-keeping his business. He kept hotel for twelve years in Butler county. Pa., but in ISISo he came to Rochester and carried on the same business until his death, in 1882. In politics he was a Democrat. He married, in 1826, Ann, daughter of Richard North. Mrs. Doncaster was of Engli.sh descent, and the mother of eleven children, of whom four daughters and one son are living. The daughters have managed the hotel since the death of their father. The mother died in 1871. The liv- ing members of the family are Daniel, a millwright in Jefferson county, Pa.; Sarah, Anna, Elizabeth and Jemima, at tlieir old home, the Doncaster hotel. James Doitglas is superintendent of the American Fire Brick Clay and Blast Fur- nace Linings Works of S. Barnes i.t Co., Limited. This business was established in 1840 by S. Barnes, and to him may be attributed a large amount of the success of the com- pany. When he first started here he did all the work himself; was a natural mechanic and co\dd turn his hand to almost anything. He died in 188"). and since then the busi- ness has been superintended by James Douglas, who has been in the employ of Jlr. Barnes and this company for over a quarter of a century. jMr. Douglas was born in Antrim, Ireland, Aug. 7, 1839, a son of Robert and Mary (Black) Douglas, who cameto America in 18")."), and settled in Beaver county. He is the third in a fiiniily of four chil- dren, two sons and two daughters; was reared on a farm in Ireland and attended the common school there. Since 1861 he has been at work at lire brick manufacturing. He was married, in 1861J, to Louise Wi.gley, who was born in Beaver county, of English -descent. (Jf their twelve children eight are now living: Anna, Maggie, Emma, Laura, Nettie, Arthur, Gertrude and Fred. Jlr. and Mrs. Douglas are members of the Presby- terian church, of which he is a trustee. He is a Democrat, and has served as school- director for seventeen years. A. J. Dot;ish Creek, was b»rn in Beaver county, Feb. 13, 1812. His parents, John and Jane (Stewart) Fe/.ell, were natives of Wauhington county, Pa., and after marriage settled in Beaver county, where they died. Tlicy had nine children, six of whom are living, James being the eldest. He was married, in January, 768 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. 1843, to Sarah Goelirins^ who was boru in Butler couuty, Pa., Sept. 4, 1817, a daughter of Adam and Mary Goehring, who died in Butler county. After his first marriage Mr. Fezell settled on the farm where he now resides, lie has had ten children, of whom seven are living: William 11., John C, James T., Mary J., Matilda, Sarah H. and Charles F. Those deceased are George W.. Emraa A. and Elmer. Mr. Fezell has been a farmer all his life, and owns about 2o0 acres of land. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Baptist church. Jonx Fekgusox (deceased) was born April 1, 1814, on the farm where he died. He was a son of John and Elizabeth (Urandeth) Ferguson, the former born near Cole- raine, Ireland, and the latter in Xew Jersey. They had four sons and one daughter. The father, wlio was a farmer, came to North Sewickley township in 1809, and bought the farm on which his son John always lived, now comprising 150 acres. John was married, in 1848, to Janiza Elliott, born in Alleghen}- county, Pa., and who, at the age of twelve years, came with her parents to Beaver county. To Sir. and 31rs. Ferguson were born five children: Agi\es, wife of Henry Sloan, in New Brighton; Sarah Jane, in Beaver Falls; Mary E., wife of Abram Berry; John F. and Thomas B. Mr. Fergu- son served as school director three years and supervisor one year. He was a member of the Methodist church, to which his widow also belongs; politically a Republican. Thomas Feroison, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was horn in Pulaski township in 1822. His father, James, came from County Antrim, Ireland, about 1707, locating in Beaver county, where he purchased 500 acres of land and died at the age of eighty- six years. His wife was Catherine Beer, who bore him nine children. Thomas, the second son, received a common-scliool education. His father left him 150 acres of land, which was part of the original 500 acres. Thomas has purchased 100 acres more, and now owns 250 acres of as good land as there is in Pulaski township. He married, in 1848, Eliza Ann, daughter of Robert Jackson, of this county, and ten children have been born to them: Emmet, Mary Jane (Mrs. Longenecker), James i\I., Thomas B., Ann (Mrs. Thomas), Xorraau. Courtney, Charley, Kate and Bertha Grant. Three of these .sons are now engaged in fanuing in Washington Territory. Sir. Ferguson has retired from active work, but still superintends the farming. He lias spent some part of his life traveling through thestatesof Ohio. Indiana. Sli^souri, Illinois, Colorado and Iowa. He is a member of the Methodist church; in politics a Reptiblican. Wii.i.i.\M Fish, stone-mason and contractor. P. O. New Brighton, was boru in England in 183(i, and came with his parents. James and Ann Fish, to Xew Jersey in 1889. He was educated in the common schools and academy, and at the age of seven- teen was employed as a clerk in a country store, an occupation which he followed two years. After that he engaged with his father in stone-mason and contracting work. He married, in 1875, Miua. daughter of Eewis Friday, of Lawrence county. Pa. They have four children: Jennie, at home, Edward, Henry and William. Jlr. Fish and his brother own extensive and valuable stone quarries, and are now engaged in contracting. He is also engaged in farming. He passed three months in the Civil War in Company C, 6th Regiment. He is a Republican. Levi Fisn, stone contractor. New Brighton, is a native of England, born in 1837, fourth son in the family of eight children of James and Ann (BrindleliFish, who came to these shores with their family in 1839. .James Fish was a stone contractor, and located in New .Jersey, where he remained until 1848, then moved to this couuty. Levi received a good public-school training, and since the age of eighteen he has been engaged, more or less extensively, in his present business, owning large quarries of valuable Innlding stone, also in manufacturing brick and farming, giving employment to from twenty-tive to fifty hands. He was imited in marriage, in 18ti0, with E. E., daughter of .John Hays, of this county, and by her had five children, four yet living: James C, N^ellie I., John M. and Thomas M. Mr. Fish served one term (from 1878) as coiuity commis- sioner, and has been school director. He is a F. & A. JI., and a member of the A. O. U. W.: h6\ds membership in the i\Iethodist Protestant church, of the Sunday school of which he is superintendent. In politics he is a Republican. BIOGRAPHIES EAST SIDE. 769 RonEKT FrsiiEii, fanner, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in Beaver count}-, Sept. 16, 1844. His parents, Thomas and Eliza (Bradley) Fisher, were natives of Pennsj Ivania, and settled in Beaver county. Thomas died in 1S70 ; his widow is still living, and makes her home with her children. Robert was married, Sept. 24, 1868, loEliza, daughter of .James and Isaljella Gray, both deceased. She was born in Allegheny county in 1846, and is the mother of two children: Dollie E. (born .July 20, 1869) and Lillic B. (born .July 30, 1876). Mr. Fisher was reared on the farm wliere he and his family reside, and has been engaged in farming all liis lite. In politics he is a Demo- crat; he holds the otlice of .school director. Ad.\m Flinner, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in .Jackson township, Butler county. Pa., in 18.il. His parents, John and Eve (Jliller) Flinner, natives of Germany, now reside in I5utler county. ^Mr. Flinner was born and reared on the farm, and received a good common-school education. He was married, in 1873, to ]Mary, daughter of Casper Schaffer, of Beaver county. They have seven children: Henry .J., Frank E., Clara Emma. .John, Harry George, Ira Arthur and Ada Pearl. Mr. Flinner purchased his present farm of tifty -seven acres in 1874. He has since that time made great improvements in the way of buildings. He is a member of St. .John's church of New Sewickley township; in politics he is a Democrat. C.\PT. S.\MUEL Fowi.Kii, pilot, Baden, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa.. (South Side), in 184!). Capt. Thomas W., his father, was born in Mahoning county. Pa., in 1813. and died in 1883. He married Sarah Ann Vanhook, and by her bad three sons and four daughters, of whom Samuel is the second sou. Thomas was a ship carpenter, which trade be followed for a number of years, after which he was a captain on the Ohio river for thirty-five years, and lived nearly all his life in Birmingham, now known as South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel left Allegheny county with liis people when he was ten years of age, and has lived nearly ever since that age in Beaver county. He was edu- cated at the common schools, and was a student at Duffs college for eight months. He has followed steamboat piloting for eighteen years. He was married, in 1871, to Mattie .1., daughter of Capt. .John JIcDonald, of Ho|)ewell township. Three children have been born to this union- Pearl E., Edwin Vanhook and Thomas Quay. Mr. Fowler now lives in the town of Baden, Pa. , and is caiitaiu and pilot of steamboats ph'ing between Pittsburgh and Louisville, Ivy. He and his wife are members of the ^Methodist church. Politically he is a Republican. .Jou.v Fresiicorn, farmer, P. O. Knoli, was born in Germany Dec. '27, 1881. His parents, Daniel and Catherine Freshcorn, immigrated to America about 1837, and settled in New Sewickley township, where they died. .John was married March 31, 18.55, to Caroline Jlink, who was born in Pittsburgh .July 18, 1837. Her parents, .John and Catherine Mink, natives of Germany, were married in their native covintry, came to America about 1834, and settled in l^itt.sburgh, where the}' remained about ten years; then moved to New Sewickley township, where they died. Mr. and Jlrs. Freshcorn are the parents of twelve children: ]Mary, Caroline, AVilliam, Lewis J., Henry N., Katie A. , Liz/.ie A., .Jacob .!., Tillie E., George A. , Harvey W. and B. Frank. Mr. Freshcorn has been engaged in farming all bis life, and owns about 130 acres. He and his wife are members of the German Reformed church. He has filled the ollices of supervisor and school director. Michael Freshcorn, farmer, I-". O. Knob, was born in Beaver county May 10, 1837. His parents, Daniel and Catherine Freshcorn, came from Germany and settled in Beaver county, where they remained until their deaths. Michael was married, Aug. 9, 18.58, to Amelia, daughter of William and I-jlizabetb Graham, who died in Butlercounty. Mrs. Freshcorn was born Nov. 17, 1841, and is the mother of thirteen children, ten of whom are living: John, Sarah J., William Fr, Hulda J., Henry N., Charlie F., Joseph M., Mary E., James L. and Lillie M. Mr. Freshcorn has been a farmer all his life and owns 110 acres of improved land. He and his wife are members of the German Reformed church. In politics he is a Democrat. WlT.M.\M Freshcorn, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Gernuuiy Sept. '20, 183.5, 770 HISTORY OF BEAVKR COUNTY. son of Daniel and Eva C. Freshcorn, -who came to America in 1837 and settled in Beaver county, where they died. William was married. Dec. 26, 1860, to Sarah, daughter of John and Fannie Deemer, who died in Butler county. Mrs. Fresheoru was born in Beaver county Jul}- 1, 18S2. and is the mother of six children, five of whom are living: Edwin U., Andrew C, Auna J., Addie L. and Harry L. A daughter, Uzzie A., is deceased. They have also an adopted child, Nellie >[. Mr. Freshcorn ownsabout 156 acres of land. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. J. G. FiUEiJERiCK, saddler, New Brighton, was born in Butler county. Pa., in 1853, to Fredrick and Elizabeth Barber (Diehl) Friederick. He is the third son of ten children, was reared on the farm and received a common-school education. He was married, in 1878, toMar}', daughter of 'Williara Thomson, of this county, and three chil- dren have been born to them; Lewis Wilber, Edith Amelia and Blanche Elizabeth. Mr. Friederick came to New Brighton in 1839, and was engaged in various employments, until 1877, when he took up his present occupation. 1 le has now one of the finest stores in the town. In politics he is a liepublican. Henry C. Fitv. Two brothers, John and William Fry, emigrated from Dublin, Ireland, after the close of the Revolutionary War, and landed in New York, of whom Williara was the paternal grandfather of the subject of this biography. They were educated young men and descended from a well-to-do and highly respectable family of tradesmen. Both were married, and while tarrying in New York a .son was born to William and christened Thomas C, who became the father of Henry C. Fry. The other children of William Fry were William and Eliza. The brothers above mentioned settled in Wilkesbarre, Pa., and became prosperous in business. The children of Wil- liam were left orphans at an early age, the eldest two removed to Cadiz, Ohio, where they died at an advanced age, highly esteemed by all who knew them. Thomas C, the j'ounger settled in Washington county. Pa., married there, became deputy sheriff of the county, and later removed to Pittsljurgh, were he was actively engaged in the glass business, in the still remembered firm of Curling Kobin'^on A: Co. John Fry, theelder, lost his wife aliout the year 1800, and was afterward married to Elizabeth Sliller, a Scotch lady, in 1803. Their only child, Charlotte, born in 1806, became a wotnan of much personal beauty and charm of character, and was the mother of the subject of this sketch. John Fry soon after that event moved to Lexington, Ky., and, pos.sessing ample means, purcha.scd an extensive tract and erected an attractive home near that city. His estate included a part of the present city of Lexington and the cemetery, where repose the remains of the distinguished statesman, Henry Clay, of wliom Mr. Fry was a warm friend and political supporter. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fry lived honored and beloved in their Kentucky home until their deaths, and are buried side by side in the Lexington Cemetery in sight of the beautiful home, which still remainsin possession of the family. Mr. Fry, whose death occurred in 1835. was interred with Masonic honors. In 1837, Thomas C. Fry married his cousin, Charlotte, then a widow with one child. Their eldest son, Henry C. Fry, was born Sept. 17, 1840, near Lexington, Ky., and received in his native town a common-school education. In April, 1857, being desirous for a more extended field of activity than was opened to him at home, he repaired to Pittsburgh, being well fortified with introductory letters from his father to former Pittsburgh friends. Here he entered the glass manufacturing works of William Phillips io Co., as assistant shipping and time clerk, and remained imtil 1862, having filled the various positions in the works, preliminary to those of manager and head salesman. In August, 1862, leaving his business, he enlisted as a private in the loth Kegimeut, Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and served until mustered out in 1864, having particijiated in all the engagements of the army of the Cumberland. Peturning to Pittsburgh he embarked in the manufacture of glass under the firm name of Lippcncott, Fry iV Co. .who were succeeded by Fry & Scott, and they by Fry, Semple A- Ueynolds. Ketiring from the last named firm in 1869, he accepted a lucrative position as general manager of the busi- ness of James B. Lyon A- Co., of Pittsburgh, and conducted this establishment with great success. In 1872 Mr. Fry removed to Rochester, and organized the Rochester ISIOOKAl'HIKS EAST SIDE. 771 Tuml)lerCo., meantime superiuUnding personally tlie entire construction of the works, of which he has since been the president, undouhtcdly the largest of their kind in the world. Tumblers are made a specialty; five hundred men are employed, and a product valued at $500,000 is disposed of annually, a market for which is found in all parts of the world. Mr. Fry was, in the spring of 188:!, the principal factor in the organization of the First National Bank of Rochester, and has been since that lime its president. He was also one of the projectors, and is a prominent director of the IJridgewater Gas C'ompau)'. J[r. Fry was married, in 1802, to Miss Emma Matthews, of Pittsburgh, and their children are Harry C. Gertrtide E., Clara B., Jes.se Howard and Mabel M. The death of Mrs. Fry, a lady possessing many attractive qualities of mind and heart which rendered her greatly beloved, occurred in 1884. Mr. Fry is an active member of of the First Baptist church of Rochester, and has been since its organization superin- tendent of the Sunday-school. C. T. G.\LE. physician. New Brighton, is a native of Washington county, Ohio, born in 1850, eighth in the family of twelve children of Dr. G. W. and Catherine A. (Wells) Gale, of Newport, Ohio. He was educated at tlje public schools and St. Thomas Seminary, after which he commenced the stud.y of medicine under his father in 1870; entered Jefferson Jledical College, Philadelphia, in 1876, and was graduated in 1878. He commenced the jiractice of liis profes.sion in 1878 at Parkersburg, AV. Va., and in 1880 moved to New Brighton. He married, in 1879, Lucy L., daughter of Hon. James M. Stephenson of Parkersburg, W. Va. Dr. Gale is a member of the Roman Catholic church; politically he is a Democrat. T. F. G.^LEv, superintendent of the Bridgewater Gas Company, P. O. Rochester, was born in Clarion county. Pa., of German and Irish parentage. His father was a farmer and oil producer, and his family consisted of eight sons and two daughters. T. P., the second child, attended the public schools and the high school in Clarion county. His first business was dealing in sheep, but later he embarked in oil producing in Ve- nango county, where he met with marked success. In 1885 ho was induced to accept the verj' important trust of superintendent of the Bridgewater Gas Company, of which Judge Henry Hice is president. Jlr. .Galey takes an active interest in schools, and served three years as school director in Clarion county. He was married in Warren, Ohio, in 1871, to Olive, a daughter of David Tingling, and a native of Clarion county, Pa., of German origin. They have two children: Jessie A. and Clara. Mr. and Mrs. Galey are members of the ^Methodist church. He is a F. ct A. M.; politically a Demo- crat. A. D. GiLi.ii.ANii, dealer in dry goods. New Brighton, was born in 1838, in Darling- ton township, this coimty, the third of ten children born to Samuel and Lois (Dunlap) Gilliland, the former of whom followed farming all his life. The paternal grandfather, William Gilliland, also a farmer, emigrated from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1829. A. D. was reared on the farm where he was born, and between the ages of twelve and fifteen attended the high .school. In 1852 he commenced the dry goods business, in which he has ever since been actively engaged. He was tnanied, in 1861, to Emma, daughter of Charles M. Stewart, of New Brighton, and by her he has live children: Charles A., Carrie A., Louis A., Lavira B. and May Ella, Mr. Gilliland is a member of the L'nited Presbyterian church; politically a Republican. John Godard, retired, New Brighton, was born in Beaver county. Pa., in 1822, the eldest son in the family of fourteen children of James and Mary (Godard) Godard, the latter a daughter of John Godard, of Kentucky, James Godard was a son of James and Elizabeth (Dawson) Godard. the former a revolutionary soldier. John attended the common .schools and was reared on a farm, where he remained until twenty-two years of age. For fifteen years he was engaged in the coal business, and later fin- six years carried on merchandising, but since coming to New Brighton has lived retired. In 18-17 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sanuiel and Margaret Elliott, of Lancaster county, Pa., and four children have blessed them: Rebecca (Mrs. Stratton), JIary Virginia (Mrs. Ryan), Laura (Mrs. Dr. Jordan) and Edith (Mrs. Bradeu). Mr. Goilard has been 772 HISTORV OF BEAVER COUNTY. a member of tbe town council, tax collector and assessor twelve years, besides bolding otber offices of trust. He bas been affiliated willi tbe I. O. O. F. for tbirty years; is a member of tbe Presbyterian cburcb; in politics a Kepublican. CiiiusTiAN H. GoEUKiNO, farmer, P.O. Freedom, was born in Butler county, Marcb 20, iy:j4. His parents, Cbristian and Elizabetb Goebring, came Irf m Germany and settled in Butler county, Pa., wbere tbe fatber died. Tbe motber is still living, and is tbe wife of William Fabl. Cbristian H. married, April 10, 1857, Margaret iletz, wbo was born in New Sewickley townsbip, Beaver county, Pa., in January, 1836. Her parents, George and C'bristina Jletz, imoigrated to America and settled in Beaver county, wbere tbe}- died. Mr. and ;\Irs. Goebring bave bad eigbt cbildren, of wbom tive are living: Adam, Elizabetb, Cliurles, William and Henry. Tbe deceased are Tillie, Emma and an infant. Mr. Goebring bas been engaged in farming all bis life and owns fifty acres of improved land. Wben tbe war broke out be enlisted in Com- pany D, 2d Pa. Heavy Artillery, and was wounjed in front of Petersburg, June 17, 1864. He and ]\[rs. Goebring are members of tbe EnglisbLutberan cburcb. He bas filled tbe offices of supervisor and assessor, and bas been collector tbree times. John GoEiiniNft, farmer, was born Dec. 20, 1846, in New Sewicklej- townsbip, a son of William and ^lagdalena (Dambaeker) Goebrine. natives of Germany. Hisgrand- fatber, Jobn Goebring, settled in New Sewickley townsbip about sevent)' years ago. Our subject received bis scbooling in Marion townsbip, and at twenty-lbree years of age began farming willi bis fatber, wbo died Dec. 16, 1872. He was married. May 3, 1870, to Caroline PHug, wbo was born Feb. 20, 1849. Si.x cbildren bave blessed tbis union, viz.: William Henry, now at scbool at Edinburgh, Pa.; EmmaM , Henry Daniel, Charles John. GUbjrt Jac )b and Hirvey L. Mr. and Mrs. Goebring are members of St. John's cburcb in New Sewickley. Zeno 6oEnuiNf4, farmer, P.O. Zelieuople, Butler county. Pa., was born in New Sewickley township, July 9, 1861, a son of Henry and Sophia Goebring, the former a native of Penn.S}lvania and the latter of Germany. Henry Goebring died in tbis county, Aug. 18, 1884, and bis widow resides in Butler county. Zeno was married, Sept. 21, 1883, to Amelia Ruby, wbo was born in Butler county, Jan. 8, 1863, and is a daughter of Andrew and Catherine Rubv, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter born in German}-. Andrew Kuby died in 1879 ; his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Goebring bave two cbildren: Alma H., born Jan. 9, 1884, and Harvey .J., born Dec. 21, 1883. Mr Goebring owns 100 acres of improved land, and is a successful farmer. He and his wife are members of the Engli.sb Lutheran church. In politics he is a Kepublican. He is a member of tbe Junior Order United A^merican Mechanics. Marcus T. C. Golt.d. Tbis distinguished gentleman was born at Rome, N. Y.. in 1792. He was educated in an academy in bis native state, graduating at tbe age of eigh- teen, and delivering tbe leading oration on the occasion. For a time be engaged in busi- ness in New York, but, failing,- he went to Philadelphia and began tbe publication of certain works for tbe Friends or Quakers. He published for them a paper called " The Friend or Advocate of Truth,' which bad an extensive circulation. Some difficulties arising in tbe denomination, he came westward in 1831, and stopped for a time at Steubenville, Ohio, to report the sermons of Ellas Hicks, tbe founder of tbe branch of the Quakers usually called tbe Hicksites. On his return to Pbiladelpliia, be was charmed with the beauty and grandeur of Beaver Valley and its superior advantages for manufacturing purposes. This was in 1832. He at once closed his business in Philadelphia, and gave the energies of his ardent soul to the building up of the valley. Being a cousin of Zachary Taylor, he was induced to go to Kentucky to aid in the sale of some real estate. For a time be was very successful, but the prevalence of cholera in that region broke up bis resort, and be returned to Beaver Valley. He established a Boys' Scbool in New Brighton, and was successful in arousing an educational interest. Not in the educational field did be achieve most fame. The best energies of Ids life were given to the development of tlie material resources of the valley. Unselfishly he labored for tbe interests of others, content to sec his eflforts successful tbouub he did BIOGRAl'HIES EAST SIDE. 773 not share the fruits thereof. Like General Lacock, Mr. Gould predicted the building of railroads along the valley. Though regarded visionary at the time, his predic- tions were fully realized, and his children are permitted to see the steam horse speed- ing by on either side of Big Beaver. Ilis greatest project, perhaps, was the eifort to con- .solidate and build up a large city at the mouth of Big Beaver, to be known as Beaver City, and to embrace all the towns within a radius of five or six miles. His hopes may yet be realized. Mr. Gould was a keen writer and a vigorous, fascinating talker, who readily enlisted his audience in his enterprises. lie wasa superior short-hand reporter, and frequently was called upon to take down the speeches of Webster, Clay and other distinguished orators. He had two children, lioth daughters, one of whom, Sirs. Har- vey Jlendenhall, is still a resident of New Brighton, where Jlr. Gould resided the greater part of his Pennsylvania life. He died in Rochester in October, ISlid, just after the state election; his wife in 1873. David A. Graham, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in North Sewicklcy township Feb. 9, 18.57, and is a son of David and Sarah (Moffit) Graham, natives of Pennsylvania, the latter of Irisli origin. David was born in 1807, was reared on the farm where David A. now lives, and liad a family of eight children, seven now living: Mary, wife of Henry Fink, of Rochester; Thomas W., a merchant in Braddock, Pa.; William Nelson; Sarah, wife of Neil Love, in Pittsburgh; Agnes, wife of Charles C. Wilson, in Lawrence county. Pa.; David X., andEmmett, a merchant in New Brighton. David A. was educated in the common scliools and began life as a cari'iage painter, a business he followed two years; he then took up farming and now owns 110 acres. He married, in 1879, Mrs. Caroline (.Snj'der) Bunzo, a widow, whose first hu.sband, An- drew Bunzo, of Fi'ench descent, died in 187o, leaving one child, Anda Ella. Mrs. Graham is a daughter of .John Snyder, of German origin, who came to this county when young; his wife was Anna Eliza Bolland, also of German birth, who came to this country when eighteen years of age. Mr. and Jlrs. Graham have one child, Edna Idel- letta. They are members of the United Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Re- publican. Williamson Gijaham, ex postmaster of Rochester, Pa., was born in Phillipsburg, Pa., Nov. 2.5, 1839, and is a son of Capt. .Vvery W. and Margaret (Moore) Graham, natives of Beaver county, and of English and Irish descent. His father was a captain and pilot on the river, which business he followed during many years. He was a staunch Republican and a good citizen. AVilliamson is the eldest of six children. He was reared in Beaver county, was educated in the English branches in the common and select schools, and was two years under the instruction of the late Rev. Dr. Winter. Early in life lie learned from his father the river business, and studied mechanical engin- eering. At the age of nineteen he became chief engineer of the steamboat " Princeton " and afterward ot the " Porter." In April. ISUI, he enlisted iu the " Curlin Ritles," and served his country valiantly during the AVar of the Rebellion, passing through the battles of Drainsville, the seven days' light on the Peninsula, second Bull Run, Soutli Mountain, Antielam and Fredericksburg. After two years of faithful service he was honorably discharged for disability. He recovered his health, in a measure, and during several years was engaged onthe river In April, 18(14, he married Philie M., youngest daugh- ter of William and Sophia (Evans) Reno, of French and Englfsh descent They were among the pioneers of this region. Her grandfather, Rev. Francis Reno, was the iirst ordained Episcopal clergyman west of the Allegheny Mountains. Her motlicr was the daughter of Eli Evans, an early settler here. Her father built and commanded the first steamboat on the Western rivers, ilr. Graham became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church in Bridgewater, in 18G5. His wife had been a member of the same church from the age of twelve. In 18()7,when the Rochester M.E. church was organized, both were constituent members. They have been active members, and Mr. Graham has, from time to time, tilled positions of trust and respoiusibility in the society. Both he and Ids wife have been active workers in the Sunday -school. He has tilled all the chairs iu the lodge and encampment of the I. O. <). F., he is a member of the A. O. U. W.. and 774 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNfY. an ex-post commander in the G. A. R. He has been a life-long Republican, and a strict temperance man. In 1874 be invented, and patented, an excellent strainer for st&rch, fruits, etc. He was made postmaster of Uocbester in 1877, and held the office by suc- cessive reiippointments till 1887. During bis administration be did mucb to promote tbe efficiency of tbe postal service in Uocbester, tbough at a sacriticc, to some extent, of his pecuniary interest. From tbe first his wife was bis able assistant. He has always been genial, courteous and kind, and has never incurred tbe suspicion of compromising principle for expediency. He is now engaged in tbe insurance business. Ft{.\NCis M. Grim, postmaster at Freedom, was born in Glasgow, this county, Aug. 5, 1846, and is tbe third son of Charles and Catherine S. (Wiseman) Grim, both natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. After they were married in Freed(un, Pa., they settled and remained in Beaver county until 1855, then moved to Augusta, Ga., and resirled for five years. They returned to Beaver county, where Charles remained until 1879; then removed to Pitt.sburgb, wliere he died in 1879. His widow resides in Freedom. They had thirteen children, eight living. Francis jM. was married, Nov. 4, 1808, to Maggie J. Davis, who was born in Allegheny county Feb. 7, 1850, a daughter of Basil W. and IMargaret J. Davis. To Jlr. and Mrs. Grim have been born six cliildren, four living: Lillie B., M. Pearl, Alberta F. and Francis M. Those deceased are Maggie L. afld Lizzie M. Mr. Grim is a steamboat builder by trade. In 1864 he enlisted and entered the ranks for his country in Company F, 14(Jlb regiment, under Capt. Thomas Henry. On the 18th of June he was wounded by a ilinie ball in front of Petersburg, causing tbe loss of his left leg near tbe hip joint. He was then sent to tbe bosijital in Philadelphia, from there transferred to tbe Pittsburgh hospital, and discharged March 16. 18(55. July 13, 1805, before the wound was healed, be had to have a second operation performed. After coming out of the army be taught school for a short time, then began making cigars, which he followed until bis appointment as postmaster of Freedom borough JIarcb 1, 1886. He and Mrs. Grim are members of tbe Methodist Episcopal church; be is a member of the G. A. !{.; in politics a Democrat. William H. Ghoss.man, farmer, P. O. Rochester, was born in Beaver county in 1838. His father, John Grossman, came from Germany about 1833 and purchased thirty-five acres of land in this county. He married Ziporab Stiles, by whom were born two children. William H., the j'oungest, was born and reared on a farm, where he has always remained, and now owns 1'35 acres of land, most of which is under cultivation. He was married in 1859 to Christena, daughter of Thomas Elliott, from Washington county. Pa. Six children have been born to them, four of whom are living: Emily A., John S., Nettie W. and W. H. Mr. Grossman has been enga.ged in steamboating. He has been school director for several terms. He is a Democrat, and has been auditor of the township eighteen years. Michael Gutekmuth, farmer, P. O. Brush Creek, w-as born in Germany, Feb. 24, 1831. His parents, Nicholas and Anna A. Gutermuth, emigrated to America in 1833, and settled in New Sewickley township, where tbe mother died many years ago, and the father was afterward married to Caroline Dcitricb. Michael was united in mar- riage, Oct. 12. 1856, with Sarah Dcitricb, She was born in Jieaver county. Pa., JIarch 24, 1830, and is a daughter of Frederick and DoUie Deitrich, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Gutermuth are the parents of eight children, seven living: Nicholas. F'rederick, Anna, Mary, John, Joseph and Gaorge; William is deceased. Mr. Gutermuth has been engageil in farming all his life. He and bis wife are members of St. John's church. In politics be is a Democrat. P. D. Hall, retired. New Brighton, was born in Pittsburgh in 1832, the only child of Alexander and Mary A. (Devcnny) Hall (both deceased), who came to Beaver county in 1831. Tbe father came from Ireland, and carried on silk manufacturing east of tbe Allegbanies. When nineteen years of age, P. 1). commenced railroading, wliich he followed for thirty-three jears in tbe employ of tbe .same company, part of tbe time in charge of their freight department at Pittsburgh. In 1885 he retired from active life, and purchased his present home in New Brighton. Mr. Hall was united in mar- BIOGKAPHIES — EAST SIDE. ( (0 riage, in 1868, with Mrs. E. C. Bonbriglit. lie is a F. it A. j\[.; politically a Re- publican. O. .J. Hamilton, ship builder. Frowiom. was born in Beaver county, April 4, 1825, a .sou of .James and Elizabeth llamiltou. natives of Beaver county, where they resided all their lives. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton died May 7, 1866, and her husband Oct. 13, 1870. They were the parents of ten children, five living. (). J. was united in marriage jMarch 1, 1849, with Lovina Manor, who was born in Beaver county, Se))t. 29, 1820, a daughter of .James Manor (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton had four chil- dren, only one of whom is living, .James O. The deceased are Deloss, Adam h. and Nancy J. Mrs. Hamilton died Aug. 15, 1855. Jan. 5, 1857, Mr. Hamilton married Mary J. Calvert, who was born in Allegheny county, .July 18, 1837. a daughter of .lames Calvert (deceased). To this union seven children have been born, of whom six are living; John C, William D., Jlilo J., Frank S., Alexander O. and Thomas A. Lizzie L. is deceased. Mr. Hamilton learned the trade of ship carpenter, and has followed that and house building since 1849. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal church, and have lived in Freedom since 1853. A. Hanauer, millinery. New Brighton, was born in "Wiirteniberg, Germany, in 18-11 His parents, Sampson and Fannie Hanauer, had a family of four sons and two daughters, of whom our subject is the eldest. Sampson Han.auer was a merchant and farmer. A. Hanauer was educated at the public schools, and at the age of fourteen came to America. Soon after his arrival he located in Kochester, N. Y., where he car- ried on the millinery business for nine years, He came to New Brighton in 1867, where he has since remained . In 1884 he started a branch establishment at Beaver Falls, wliich has grown to great proportions. He was married in 1865, to Hannah, daughter of Raph- ael Steinfleld, of tliis county, and two sons have been born to them, Sampson and Raphael, both living. Mr. Hanauer is a member of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P. He is of the Jewi.sh faith; politically a Democrat. William G. H.-vniiEii, manufacturer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in this county in 1851. His parents, William and Mary A. (Peatling) Ilarker, had seven children, William G. being the eldest son. He was born and reared on the farm, received a com- mon-school education, and at the age of eighteen years learned the trade of a moulder, which he has since followed. He married in 1875, Irene, daughter of Joseph and Isa- bella (Sillaman) Wil.son, and to them have been born three children, only one of whom is living. Herbert Cl.yde. For eight years previous to engaging in his present business, Mr. Harker was employed by the Beaver Falls Car Works Company in the capacity of foreman. In 1883 the present firm. Novelty AVorks, Knott, Harker & Co., Limited, was established. The business is yearly increasing and to-day ranks first of its kind in the county. The concern is known as the "Beaver Falls Novelty Works". ]Mr. Hark- er is a member of the K. of P. ; politically he is a Republican . John C. H.^kt, furniture dealer and undertaker, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Butler county. Pa., in 1840, the elder of the two children of John and Nancy (Nixon) Hart. He was reared on the farm where he was born, until his eighth year, when he came with his mother to Beaver county, and here remained, receiving a common-school education, till 1861, in which year. August 28, he enlisted in Company P, 100th Regi- ment, P. V. He served three years and eleven months, and participated in the following named battles: Secessionville, Second Bull Run, Chautilly, South Mountain, Antictam, Fredericksburg, siege of Vicksburg, Blue Springs, Campbell's Station, siege of Knox- ville, Wilderness, Spott.sylvania Court House. North Anna River, Cold Harbor, at Petersburg, June r7th, .July 30th (mine explosion), Aug. 19th, Aug. 21st, and Oct. 27th, the general siege of Petersburg and the battle of Fort Steadman, 1865. Mr. Hart was married. May 24. 1870, toSarab.'daugliter of William Johnson, of JIahoning county, Ohio, and to this union were born four children, only one of whom. Frank Donald, is living Our .subject was elected clerk of the court of Beaver county in 1869, serving until 1879, having been elected for three successive terms. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F., K. of P., G. A. R. and U. V. L. In politics he is a Rejiulilican. 776 HISTORY OF liKAVER COUNTV. John Hahtzell. farmer, was born in Marion township, in 1818, a son of George and Catherine (Krohn) llartzell, of Eastern Pennsylvania. He lioiiglit a pait of his present farm in 1841, and his father also gave him a part, lie married, in 18:i0, Dora- thea Knautl', who was born in German)' in 1821, a daughter of Michael and Margaret Knauff. Mrs. Hartzell died in 1869, the mother of nine children, as follows; George, in Butler county; IMichael, in Lawrence county; John, in Marion towrship; Henry and . William Andrew, in the furniture business in Rochester; Herman, in ^Marion township; Jacob, who conducts his father's farm; Catherine, married to Frederick Wolf mow deceased), and Margaret, wife of Ilenr}- Keterrer, of Marion township. Mr llartzell is a member of the German United Presliyterian church, and has held several township offices. His son, Jacob, was born in 1858, and Sept. 29, 1881, married Catherine, daugh- ter of John and Catherine Beuller, natives of Germany. She was born 1850, and died Oct. 21, 1887, the mother of three children: Alma, Edna and Eftie. Heum.vn H.vrtzei.i,, farmer, was born Jlarch 3.5, 1851, on the farm of his father, John Hartzell, in Alarion town.ship. He married, in 1876, Elizabeth Kaufman, who was born in 1857, in tTew Sewickley township, a daughter of Austin and Mary Freshcorn, natives of Germany. Four children have been born to them, as follows: xVgnes Matilda, Birdie M.,i Amanda, and Mollie (who died in August, 1883). ^Ir. and JIrs, Hartzell are members of St. John's church . Alhert G. H.\RVEy, grocer. New Brighton, was born in lUitlcr county. Pa., in 1846, eldest son of Andrew (a carpenter) and JIargaret (Glass) Harvey, parents of eleven children. The Harveys came originally from Ireland. Albert G. received a common- school education, and at the age of fourteen commenced the battle of life. After trying various occupations he linally served a three years' apprenticeship to the machinist's trade, wldch he followed nineteen years. In 1804 he enlisted in Company B, 5th Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of the war. Mr. Harvey married, in 1869, Caroline, daughter of William B^swell, of New Brighton, and seven children were born to them, si.\ yetliving: Wdbur, Edward, Fred Lewis, Ilattie, Howard and Walter. In 1885 Mr. Karvey formed a partnership with Frank A. Boswell, under the firm name of Bnswell it Harvey, in their present grocery business at New Brighton. Mr. Harvey is a niem'uer of the G. A. R.; in politics a Republican. .J .\MES Hastings, merchant, P. O. Freedom, was born in Allegheny county. Pa., Sept. 8, 1845, and isa son of Xasbet and ilary (Meredith) Hastings, who werenatives of Pennsylvania and were married in Allegheny county. After marriage they lived in that county for a time, then moved to West Virginia and from there to Ohio, and finally returned to Allegheny City, where they now reside. James Hastings was united in marriage July 10, 1869, with Sarah J., daughter of Richard and Nancj' A. Holsinger, natives of Pennsylvania (lioth deceased). She was born in Allegheny county, June 2, 1852, and is the mother of seven children: Amanda, Frank, Nannie, W^alter, Perlie, Myrtle and Fred J. After marriage Mr. Hastings settled in St. Clair borough, where he has remained ever since. He was engaged in quarrying stone for about twenty years. In 1884 he established his present business in St. Clair. He owns live houses and lots in the borough, and has filled several borough olHces. Isaac Hazen, farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, is a son of James and Jerusha (Run- yan) Hazen, natives of New .lersey, who came to Beaver county at an early day and settled in North Sewickley township; but since the division of the township they have been in Franklin. They had thirteen children, eight yet living: James, Ann (widow of Hugh Thompson), Isaac, Jerenuah, Jlaria (widow of Hugh Bennett), Amariah, Loriug and Absalom. The father was a gunsmith, a trade he followed through life, at the same time superintending his farm. Isaac was married, in 1843. to Mary Jane, daughter of ^lathew Kelly, and five children have blessed them; Mathew (deceased), Rachel, wife of John Rossnberg, in West Virginia; Jerusha Ann (deceased), James and Adoniron. The mother died in 1854, and Mr. Hazen afterward married Jlary. daughter of I.saac Eolinger, a native of Armstronir county. Pa. By this union there were eight children: John P. (deceased), Amarirdi, William R., Laura (wife of Samuel Thompson), Jennetta, BIOGRAPHIES EAST SIDE. T ( I Violetta, Elizabeth and Howard. Matliew. the eldest son bj- the first wife, was a sol- dier in the Civil War, serving in Companj- II, 101st Kegiment P. V.; be was taken pris- oner at Plymouth, X. C, and died in Andersonville prison. Mr. Ilazen was reared, educated and has continually resided in North Sewickley township. He has been judge of election one term. In politics he is a Democrat. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Baptist church. Nathaniel \V. Hazen, farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, was born Dec. 5, 1810, in Franklin township, the eldest son of Samuel and Eliza (McDannel) Hazen, who were born Aug. 27, 1791, and 1798, respectively, on Peters Creek, Washington (now Alle- gheny) county. His father was tbe}'Oungest of eleven children born to Nathaniel and JlaryiBell) Hazen, who came to Washington county from New Jersey, and shortly after to Tranklin township. The patent issued from the government to the eldest son of Nathaniel Hazen, Sr., bears date 17110 for the old homestead where Smith Hazen now resides. Samuel Hazen died Sept. 7, 1855, and his wife in 1847. At the age of twenty- three years Nathaniel W. began farming his father's farm on shares; later on he bought 100 acres known as the " Severance farm," and with his faithful wife labored to clear the place from debt; and just as their earnest work was about to bring its reward, Mrs. Hazen died, after a few days' illness, in 1S51. She was Reljecca, daughter of Joseph and ^lary (Runyan) Morton; her grandfather was one of the early settlers of this place. To her and her husband two children were born, Ezra (whose sketch appears below) and Elzena, married to Andrew Jackson, who died two years later, and she now resides with her father. 'Sir. Hazen after about eight years on the Severance farm exchanged it for his present place, where he as built up a beautiful home and has lived a useful life. He married his second wife. Nancy ,M. Dobl)S, in 1854. She was born Feb. 22, 1835, a daughter of James and Isabella Doljbs. and has borne her husband four children: Mag- gie 1)., wife of John W. Irwin, of Franklin township; Elmer E. and Clara Bell, at home, andEliza Jane who died at the age of fifteen years. All the family, except the youngest son, are members of the North Sewickley Baptist church. IMr. Hazen is a Republican; he has been school director about thirteen j'ears, and has also held other township offices. Ezra Hazen, farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, the eldest son of Nathaniel W. Hazen, was born on the Severance farm, in Franklin township, fcept. 7. 1842. He attended the schools of this township and North Sewickley Academy, and after reach- ing his twenty-first year worked bis father's farm on shares for six years, and taught scliool four winters. After that he bought a part of his father's farm, erected a fine dwelling, and has a pleasant home. lie married, ^larch 31. 1808. Rebecca S. Knox, who was born Nov, 21, 1844, in Butler county, a daugliter of Obed and Sarah (Dunn) Knox, natives of Butler county, and both now deceased. Her mother was born Jiarch 14, 1S14, and died July 27, 1880. Two cliildren have been born to ^Mr. and Mrs. Ilazen: Gilbert Nathaniel and Charles L.. both at home. Mr. Hazen is a Republican, and with his wife and eldest son is a member of the North Sewickley Baptist church. Nathan Hazen, farmer, P. (). North Sewickley, was born in Franklin township, this county, Dec. 15, 1829, a son of Samuel and Eliza (McDannel) Ilazen, also natives of this county, and parents of eight children, all of whom lived to maturity; Nathaniel; Margaret, widow of JohnTliompson, residingin New Brighton, this county ; Mary Ann, deceased wife of II. R. Alter (Mr. iVKer had been three times married, and his third wife, together with the youngest three daughters, w^as killed at the railway accident which occurred at or near Chatsworth. 111., Aug. 11, 1887); Rebecca, who was twice married, first to William Mortain, and at his decease to Alexander Cavin, died in 1883; Hannah, deceased wife of James C. Thompson, also deceased; Nathan; Samuel, who died at the age of twenty-two; and Smith, in Franklin township, this county. The father of this family died Sept. 7. 1855. at the age of sixty-four years. Nathaniel Hazen, grandfather of our subject, a native of Nevi- Jersey, and a farmer, came to this county at a very early day; the maternal grandfather, Jethro ^IcDannel, was also a farmer. Nathan Hazen was educated in the common schools of his native coiuity, and has fol- 778 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. lowed farming pursuits all his life, in connection with which he carried on mercantile pursuits for eight years in North Sewickley. He was married, March 4, 1851, to Judith, daughter of Abraham Zeigler, a native of tliis county, whose father, Christopher, a far- mer and cabinet maker, was among the earliest settlers of Franklin township, and died in Mahoning county, Ohio, about ISijS, at tlie age of ninety-seven years. Jlr. and Mrs. Ilazen have six children: Christopher; O. T.; Elizabeth, wife of Stewart Thompson, a merchant in New Castle, Pa.; Mary, wife of Dr. W. H. Morrison, in Struther, Ohio; Ida and Lillie, at home. Mr. Hazen has held the office of supervisor, and served on the lioard of electors several terms; in politics he is a Republican. The family are members of the Baptist church, excepting the married daughters, who have joined the churches of their respective husbands. S-MiTH ]M. H.\ZEN, farmer, P. O. Frisco, was born on his present farm in 1835, youngest son of Samuel and Eliza (McDannel) Hazen. Samuel was the youngest of eleven children born to Nathaniel and Mary (Bell) Hazen, who settled here in 1T90. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Smith M . received his education in the old log school- house, and after his father's death took the farm. He married, March 5, 1857, ^lary Ann Nye, who was born in 1835, in North Sewickley township, a daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Seth) Nye, whose grandfather, also named Andrew, settled here about 1790. Seven children have resulted from this union, as follows; Edwin P., a dentist, at Fort Madison, Iowa; Elwiu S., a farmer, in Missouri; Ira R., at home; Austin Pierce, a farmer, in Franklin township, this county; Ora E , who died in 1869; Samuel Grant and Bertha, at home. Mr. Hazen is a Republican, and all but one of his family are mem- bers of the North Sewickley Baptist church. Philip H. Herr.maxx, farmer, was liorn INIay 4, 1839, in Alsace, France (now Germany), a son of Philip and Kate Zeliner, who were born May 1, 1809, and March 12, 1812, in Germany. They located in 1852 in Marion township, Beaver county, where the father died March 25, 1888. The paternal grandfather of Philip H. was Philip Herr- mann; his maternal grandfather was Henry Zehner, and both died in Germany. Philip H. received some schooling in the old country, attended school one month here, and learned the English letters, but by his own individual study he is now able to read English well. When he was twenty-six years old he married Margaret, a daughter of Frederick and Margaret (Smett) Danbacher, and born .July 1, 1846. Following named children were born to this union: Maggie C; John Adam; Kattie, who died in 1874; Clara; Sophia, who died in 1883; Albert and Emma. Mr. Herrmann bought his present farm four 3'ears after he was married. He has served in several township offices, and is now tilling his third term as town assessor. He is a member of the United Presby- terian church. John Heuzog, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany, Feb. 7, 1829. His parents, John and Mary Herzog, immigrated to America in 1849. and in 1850 returned to Germany, where the father died. The mother afterward came to this country, and again returned to Germany, where she died. Our suliject came to America in 1848, and was married in Pittsburgh, Aug. 16, 1848, to Margaret Heid, who was born in Germany March 20, 1826. Her parents, .John and Catherine Held, started for America in 1852. The mother died at sea, and the father in Baltimore soon after landing. 3Ir. and 3Irs. Herzog have had nine children, eight now living: William, Anna 51., JIary E., Sevilla, Mary B., John, Emma M. and Eva B. Marj' A. is deceased. The family have lived in 15eaver county since 1865. Mr. Herzog owns ninety-five acres of improved land. He has held tbeofflces of supervisor and assistant asse.s.sor in New Sewickle}' township. ToHi.vs Hetciiie (decea.sed), whose portrait appears elsewhere in this work was a native of Freedom borough, where he passed all his life. He was born Oct. 4, 1846, and p.assed awa.y on the day he was thirtj'-nine and one-half years old. His parents, John and Anna Mary (Schmidt) Httchie, were natives of Germany, and were among the early residents of Freedom. Mrs. Hetchie survived her liusband several year.«. dying at the age of seventy-four. Tobias Hetchie was a notary public and conveyancer, and transacted a great deal of business for other people. He never sought political prefer- BIOGEAPHIES EAST SIDE. 779 ment, and the only society with ■which he was ever connected was the local Loan Asso- ciation, of which he was president at the time of his demise. In 1867 he was wedded to Miss Anna M.V., daughter of Thomas Freeman and Hannah (Vickery) Kobinson, natives of Beaver and Allegheny counties, respectively. Mr. Kobinson received a medical degree, but gave his attention to his farm at Freedom, where ]\Irs. Hetchie was born. He died in 1876, aged sixty-three years, and ^Mrs. Kobinson passed away ft.ur years later, at the age of tifty-.six. Captain AVilliam Vickery, father of the latter, was a son of John Vickery, an English seaman, and came from Philadelphia to Allegheny county about the beginning of the present century. In 1836, he began the erection of the fine stone mansion in Freedom, now occupied by Mrs. Hetchie, and moved in with his family two years later. He lived to the age of seventy years, and was highly respected. Mr. Hetchie is succeeded bj' a son, christiened Willliam Vickery, now .seven 3-ears old. J. G. Hii^LMAN, teacher, P. O. Freedom, was born in Lebanon, Pa., a son of Rob- ert T. and JIary (Shalk) Hillmau, the former a native of New Jersey, born in 1811, and the latter a native of Lebanon, Pa., born in 1812. They were married in Columbiana count}', <-)hio, where tliey remained until the death of Koliert T., wliich occurred in 1872. His widow resides on the old homestead near New Lisbon. Ohio. They were the parents of ten children, six living. .1. G., the eldest, was united in marriage March 18, 1874, with Sarah A. Niekum, who was born in Freedom, a daughter of John and Lydia (Cooper) Niekum, both natives of Beaver county. Pa. Jlrs. Niekum died in October, 1875; Mr. Niekum is still living. They were the parents of six children, of whom Mrs. Hillman is the only one living. To Mr. and Mrs. llillman have been born three chil- dren, two living ; Nellie L. and John A. The one deceased is Robert C. Prof. Hillman acquired his education in New Lisbon, Oliio, and has engaged in teaching all his life. AVhen the war broke out he enlisted in Company K, 104th O. V. I., and served his country three years. He has resided in Freedom for seventeen years. Geoiuje HiNKSiL, ho\ise plasterer, P. O. Rochester, was born in Germany May 19, 1820, a son of John and Barbara (Miller) Iliukel. His father, who was a farmer all his life, had nine children. George was reared in Germany and came to America when twenty-three years old. He learned his trade in Pittsburgh, serving seven years, and has worked at it since, first as a hand, then as boss, for one year. Since 1846 he has been in business for himself as a contractor. He has met with success; is the owner of the farm where he resides in Rochester township, and has made his own way in tlie world. He married in Allegheny county. Pa., Jliss Margaret Kress, who was born in Germany. Of their ten children, only four are living: Nicholas, Mary, Anna and John. The family are members of the Catholic church. Mr. Hinkel is a Democrat in politics. \Vii,Li.\M H. Hooi'ER. merchant and engineer. Freedom, is a member of the firm of Dambach it Hooper, merchants, of Freedom, Pa. He was born in Pittsburgh, Jan. 17, 1831, a son of Philip and Margaret Hooper. Philip was born in Allegheny county. Pa., June 10, 1805, and his wife in Beaver county Feb. 23, 1807. They were married in Pittsburgh, where they settled and remained about five years, when the father died. They were the parents of two children; Jane, the wife of Thomas Dripps, of Freedom, and William H. After Philiji's death the family moved to Freedom, where tlie mother died Aug. 17, 1834. William II. was united in marriage Nov. 21, 1850, with Merle Benner, who was born in Butler county. Pa., April 19, 1831, daughter of John and Sarah Benner, the former deceased, the latter 3-et living. After William H. was married he settled in Freedom, Pa , has been a resident of the town for fifty years, and has been a steamboat man all his life. He has one child living, Olive E. born April 8, 1864, and married June 29, 1883, to Charles Damliach, a member of the firm of Dambach it Hooper. C'harles Dambach was born in Butler coiinty. Pa., Oct. 13, 1860. His parents, Nicholas and Catherine Dambach, natives of Geimany, emi- grated to this country and have resided in Butler count}'. They are the parents of three children, two living, Charles, and Tillie (wife of W. A. Goeliring). Edw.\kd Hooi'S. Jo.shua Hoops, the progenitor of the Hoops family in America came with William Penn in 1682, and located in Bucks county. Pa. His .son 7S(I HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Daniel married Jane Worrellow, of Bucks county, in 1696. and soon after removed to Chester county. They were blessed with seventeen children, most of whom attained a great age. Among them was Thomas, whose two sons were Thomas and David. The latter was by trade a tanner. lie married, in 1766, Esther, daughter of Joseph and Lydia Townsend, of East Bradford, Chester county, in the same state, and in 1802 removed to New Brighton. Their children were Thomas, Josejjh, Susanna, Jesse and Lydia. Josejih, of this number, born Oct. 28, 1770, mairicd, April 5, 1798, Ellon, daughter of J. and Rachel V. Hamilttin. of "Wilmington. Del. His death occurred Dec. 10, 1840, and that of his wife Oct. 4, 1850. Their children are Francis, Edward, Francis 2d, Charles, "William, Mary, Charles 2d and Hamilton, of whom four died in infancy. Edward Hoops, the subject of this biography, was Ijoru Dec. 18, 1800, in "Wilmington, Del., and removed with his parents when but two years of age to Beaver county, where he has since, with the exception of a brief interval, resided. He was for a few months, only, a pupil in a Quaker school, and at the age of twelve entered a store as clerk, acting in that capacity until 1818. Returning home, he embarked with his brother in the coach making business in Brighton, and continued this relation until 1830. He then became a merchant at the same point, and gave his exclusive attention to this department of in- dustrj' until 1840. Mr. Hoops has .since that date been variously employed, confining himself to no special branch of business. He was for a period secretary of an insurance company, and agent for the collection of claims for the tru.stees of the branch of the United States Bank, located at Now Brighton. In 18."")7 he was made cashier of the Bank of Beaver Count}' at the latter point, and continued agent for the lands belonging to the Chew estate, in Beaver and Lawrence counties. He also engaged in private real estate operations, but has recently devoted his attention exclusively to the management of his own property. Mr. Hoops was, in 1826, married to Cynthia, da\ighter of Benja- min and Pamelia Townsend, and their children were "William P. (deceased), Henry (deceased), Henry 2d, Ellen, Pamelia and Edward, who lo.st his life in the battle of Fredericksburg. The death of Jlrs. Hoops occjirred in 1878. Mr. Hoops was reared in the faith of the Society of Friends, to which he still adheres. IL N. "W. HovT, insurance agent and dealer in real estate. New Brighton, is a native of the state of Maine, and was born in 1842. His father, Benjamin G. Iloyt, a native of England, was for ten years a professor in and president of Beech Grove Seminary, Tennessee, where he died. il. N. W. Hoyt graduated from Baden College, Brunswick, Maine, and soon thereafter removed to Ohio, where for eight years, he was superintend- ent of schools. Coming to Beaver county, in 1875, he was appointed by the board of school directors superintendent of the county schools, and later on was for .some years prin- cipal of the publicschools of Now Brighton. Mr. Hoyt is now engaged in insurance and real estate business. He is a memberof the Presl)yterian church; in politicsa Democrat. Ei.i.\8 Hunter, baggage master, P , Ft. AV. & C. Ky., New Brighton, was born in that town in 1838, the fourth son and youngest child in the family of seven children of John C. and Jane (Moore) Hunter. The paternal grandfather, William H., came from Ire- land at an early date, and purchased a farm in this county. Elias was educated at the public schools of his native town, and early in life commenced railroading, having now served some twenty-five years, twenty as baggage master. He was fora time conductor for the same company, lie married in 1808, Josephine, daughter of John and Sarah (Fo\tlz) Sheets, and to this union have been born two children, Edward C. and Lewis S. Mr. Hunter is a member of the K. of P. and A. O. U. W., and of the Methodi-st Episco- pal church. In politics he is a Republican. N. F. Hurst, proprietor of real estate and loan a,gency office, Mansfield block, Rochester aveniie, Rochester, was born in Bridgewater, this county, Dec. 19, 1850, a son of William and Amanda (Parsons) Hurst. His parents were natives of England, and settled in Bridgewater in 1832. His father learned mercantile business in England, for which privilege his parents paid five hundred pounds. In Bridgewater he carried on a dry goods store and grocery until his death in 1879. He had five children, of whom N. F. is the fourth. He attended the public school in his native town, and the school which BICGEAPHIES — EAST SIDE. 781 afterward became Beaver College, in Beaver, Pa. He went into his father's store as a clerk, and was a diligent and successful salesman. After his father's death lie continued mercantile trade as clerk for his brother, A. C. Hur.st, in Bridgewater, until 1884, when he embarked in his present business in company with Samuel 5Ioodj\ Mr. Moody retired from the firm in 188.5. since which time Mr. Hurst has continued the business alone. He was married in 1881, to Lillian, daughter of .John Conway. Mr. Hurst is a brother to Capt. Charles 13. Hurst, of Kochester, and A. C. Hunst, a merchant at Bridge- water. Pie is a Democrat in politics, and is a member of the council of Kochester. He has two children: .John C'onway and Edwin Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Hur.st arc niemljcrs of the Presbj'terian church, of which he is a trustee. He is a Sir Knight Templar. John C. Irvin, farmer, Rochester, was born in Rochester township, this county, Oct. 8, 1821. His parents were Joseph and Ellen (C'arlen) Irvin, the former a native of Ireland, the latter born in Pennsylvania, and of Irish descent. Joseph Irvin. a prom- inent farmer, served for several j'ears as associate judge of Beaver county, where he located in 1803 with his parents. He died in Rochester township in 1884, in his eighty- seventh year. He reared a family of seventeen children, thirteen of whom grew to maturity, and ten are now living. Thirteen of the children were sons; eight of them still survive. John C. is the smallest of the sons, and his weight is about 224 pounds. Our subject's great-grandfather, Joseph Irvin, was a prominent man, and was compelled to leave Ireland in 1790, during the rebellion. He came to the United States, settled in Pennsylvania, and carried on farming. His son, John Irvin. grandfather of John C, was also a farmer, and spent a part of his life on the farm in Rochester township, John C. received a common-school education, and has been a farmer, contractor and successful trader all his life. He is interested in almost every enterprise of importance in Roches- ter, and is the owner of more real estate than any five men in Rochester. He is popu- larly known as " Uncle Jack," except by some of the colored people, who call him " Grandpap." In politics he is a Democrat. He is a prominent F. i. A. 51., and has taken thirty-two degrees in that order. He was married Dec. 25, 1844, in Darlington, Beaver county. Pa. , to Miss Martha JIann, of English descent. Their living children, are Edward, James C. and Joseph B., and those deceased are William L., Martha, Mil- ton, Jesse and Mary L. Mrs. Irvin died Aug. 14, 1871. J.\MES Iitvi.N, farmer, P. O. Rochester, was born in this county in 183.">, a son of Joseph and Ellen ^Carlin) Irvin. who were also the parents of twelve other children, James being the tenth. Joseph was a farmer by occupation. He came from Scotland to America about 1802, and purchased 300 or 400 acres of land in Beaver county. James was educated atthe common schools in Rochester, and has alwa3'S lived on a farm. He married, in 18.58, Isabella, daughter of Jessie Jsannah, of this count}'. They have had nine children, of wliom eight are now living: Hugh, Blanche (Mrs. Brewer), Jessie, Jo.sei)h, Edith. Clyde. Martha and Clarence. Mr. Irvin purchased his present farm of ninety-two acres in 186.5. It is beautifully located and on it are erected good buildings, etc. He is a Democrat, politically. Joseph Irvin, farmer, P. (). Rochester, was born on the farm where he now lives April 9, 1843. His parents, Joseph and Nellie Irvin, are both deceased. Joseph, Sr., served as associate judge, was a farmer and among the early settlers of Beaver county. Our subject attended school here, and chose farming as a business. Jan. 9, 1800, he married Maria Sample, of Butler county. She was born July 26, 1840, and is a' daughter of James and .Susannah Sample. They have had three children, of whom t%vo are living : Richard and Walter. A daughter, Nellie, is deceased. Mr. Irvin owns eighty acres of land. Mr. and JMrs. Irvin are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat. TnOM.\s J. Irwin, farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, was born in Plum township, Allegheny county, Pa., July 17, 1822. His parents, Joseph and Lydia Ann (AVilson) Irwin, natives of Ireland, came to this country in 1818, first locating in Allegheny county. They had nine children: Sarah (deceased), Alexander (deceased). Wilson, Thomas .!., Eliza Jane, Samuel, Isabella and two (unnamed) who died in infancy. 44 782 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Josoph was a farmer, and died in 1802. Tliomas J. was educated partly in tlie subscrip- tion schools of Allegheny ccmty and partly in the common schools. He engaged in farming iu early life in Allegheny county, then moved to this township, where he bought his present farm of 180 acres. He was married, jMarch 13, 1801, to Elizabeth J., daughter of Frederick Hillman, and by her had eleven children; Joseph F., in Deailwood, Dak.; Ann Jennie, wife of Dr. Judson Ilazen, of >s'.jrth Sewickley ; Alex- ander (deceased). John W., Rachel (deceased), William A., Carrie 1. . Mary Loretta, Sarah E.. Harry and Walter M, Mr. Irwin is a Democrat, and has held the offices of school director three years, supervisor one year, assessor one year, and was .iudge of election for several years. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church, of whicli he has been elder for thirty years. Charles E. Jackson, physician, New Brighton, was born in Beaver county iu 1803. James Jackson, the first member of this family in America, came from Ireland when eighteen years of age, and soon after his arrival here located in Allegheny county, where he remained only a few years, settling finally in Beaver county, where he pur- chased a farm containing seventy-five acres. He married Jane Jackson, who was also from Ireland, and to whom were born eight children Dr. James E. (deceased) being the youngest. He was born in 1818, and died in 1S75. He received in youth an academic education, and at the age of nineteen learned the blacksmithing trade, which he followed for a number of years, during which time he took >ip the study of medicine. He graduated from Cleveland Medical College, and for twenty-nine years practiced his profession at Fallston, where he died. He married, in 1801, Pamelia, daughter of John and JIargaret (Hazen) Thomas, also of this county. Thej- had two childi'en, Charles Elmer and John Thomas. Charles E. was educated at the high school iu New Brighton, and at Geneva College, and in 1885 commenced the study of medicine with Dr. W. C. Simpson. He entered Bellevue Hospital 3Iedical College, New York, in 1882. and graduated in 1885. After graduating he practiced at Fallston for one year, and is now located at New Brighton, where he has a lucrative practice. He is a member of the Beaver County Medical Society; politically he is a Democrat. James Jackson, farmer, P. O. North Sewickley, was born Feb. 14, 1812, in North Sewickley township. His parents, Andrew and Agnes (Robisou) Jackson, had nine children: Martha. Mary. Robinson, Jane, Robert, Ann, James, Agnes and Andrew. Four of these are yet living; Mary and Jane residcntsof Indianapolis, Ind.. aged respec- tively, eighty and eighty-four years; Ann, now seventy-eight years, living in Allegheny City, and .James aged seventy-six. Andrev* Jackson was born in Ireland, and came to America in 1798, first settling in Sewickley Bottom, this count}', where he lived for several years. In 1808 he bought the farm where James Smith now resides, in the extreme southeast corner of North Sewickley township, and there died in 1846. In his native country he learned to lie a farmer, which he followed in this country. He was a cou.sin of President Andrew Jackson, and was one of the first elders elected in the Presbyterian church in Beavertown. Rev. William Jlcl.cnn, pa.stor. His wife was born in Newark, N. J., her parents coming from England in the latter part of the last century and settling in Newark, where thej' remained until 1790, then removed to North Sewickley township, where they died. James received a common-school education and learned the trade of stone cutter, which he followed for five }'ears, then purchased the farm adjoining the one on which he now resides, and, in 1849, bought his present property consisting of over 200 acres, to which he subsequently removed, and where he has since resided. He was married, in 1838, to Esther Akin, and they had eight children, (six living): Kate Agnes, Jane (deceased), James A., Andrew (deceased), Sarah Ann (wife of Harry Potter, of Franklin township, this county), Henderson, John and Robert. Mr. and Mrs Jackson are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In state or national elections he votes for the nominee of the Democratic party, but in county elections, for the man who, in his judgment, is best suited for the particular office. He is an honored citizen, highly respected by all who know him. Samuel F. J.\ckson, superintendent of Peun Bridge Works, New Brighton, was BIOGKAPIIIKS KAST SIDE. 783 born in this county in ISol . Ilis fatlier, Hugh Jackson, a boat-buihler, married Ann Ferguson, who bore liim eight children, of whom Samuel F. is the tifth. He was edu- cated in the common schools, and at the age of eighteen commenced to learn the cutlery trade, serving an apiirenticeship of three years. He followed that business until 1S81. He was married, in IST.'i, to .Jennie, daughter of Samuel Dunbar of this town, and two children, Annie and Eva, have been born to this couple. Since 1881 ilr. .Jackson has been in the employ of the Peun Bridge Works, and since July, 1886, has held the posi- tion of superintecdent. In 188T he was elected to the town council by the Ucpublican party, and in 1880 was a delegate to the Republican state convention. " He is a F. it A. M., and a member of the K. of P. TnoM.\s H. Javens, druggist, Rochester, was born in Bridgewater, Pa. . April 21, 1850, a sou of John and ]\Iary (Cro.ssgrave) Javen.s. John Javens was born in Bea- ver county, a son of Henry Javens and grandson of John Javens, who came to Beaver in 1800. He went from this county to the war of 1812. He reared a family of thirteen children, but most of his descendants have gone into the Western states. " Mrs. Mary Javens was a native of ^Maryland, and the family have been residents of ^laryland for several generations. Our subject's father was of French descent, and a stone mason and contractor. His family consisted of live children, three now living: Thomas H. and two daughters. Thomas H. was reared in I\ochester. attended the schools of his native town and spent one year at the University of ^Michigan. He was in the medical department of the University, which eminently (lualilied him for the bu.siness he was destined to follow. He had selected the drug business and has worked at it most of the time since he was fourteen years old . He was in business in Mercer county for a time, but in 1881 came to Rochester and embarked in the drug business in company with C. A. Danals. This partnership continued until ISSO. when ]Mr. Danals retired from the tirm. Mr. Javens was married, in 1877, to Olive Hunter, and to them have been horn four children: Fred, Cyrus, John and an infant, ilr. Javens is a Democrat. A. M. Johnson, real estate agent, Rochester, was born in this county June 11, 1858. His parents, Samuel and jNIary (Guiceler) Johnson, were natives of Allegheny county and of German origin. His father was a coal miner by occupation. Of his twelve children, ten grew to maturity, of whom A. 51. is the fifth. He was reared in Beaver county, where his parents had resided for nearly one-half a century. His father was baggage agent for the-Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and subsequently kept a hotel. When he retired our subject took up that business and kept the " Point Hotel" for four years. The present real estate agency was established in 1,S81. When first started !Mr. Johnson was in company with others, but since 1885 he has been alone. He lately issued the Beaeer (Minty Real Estate Journal, a handsome volume contain- ing nearly forty pages, which he circulates to all parties .sending their names and address. He is also ticket agent in Rochester for the Pittsburgh Lake Erie Railroad, and is an agent for fire insurance. He was married, in 1880, to Anna, daughter of Peter Shupbert, a weaver by trade. Her parents were of German descent. The children of ]\Ir. and Mrs. Johnson are Howard and Nellie. The parents are members of the Lutheran church. In politics !Mr. Johnson is a Democrat. He is a member of the Royal Arcau\un . AViLi.iA.M Davis Joii.vson (deceased) was a merchant in Rochester at the time of his death in 1881. He was born in Connecticut in April, 1808, a son of John Johnson, and of English descent. He was reared in Connecticut, attended the common schools, and early in life learned the mason's trade. In 1821) he settled at Rochester, and worked at liis trade for a few years. He then embarked in mercantile trade and met with success in business. He was a highly respected citizen, and had many warm friends. He was married in Rochester, in 1829. to Jemima, daughter of John and Jane (Wicr) Irvin, natives of Ireland. Mrs. Jemima Johnson was born in Rochester township, Sept. 10, 1807, a sister of Joseph Irvin who was associate judge of Beaver county. She hiis resided in Rochester for over fifty years. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson was blessed with one sou George J. who was reared in Rochester married and died there. 784 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. leaving one child, George, who is now in California. Mr. Johnson was a professor of religion, but did not unite with any churcli. He was a Republican in politics. Mrs. Johnson is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian church. CiiAKi.Es ^V. Katz, retired, Ne%v Brighton, was born in Germany in 1811. His parents were Christian and Caroline Katz, the former a manufacturer of paper in Ger- many. Thej' had si.\ children, of whom Charles W., the youngest, came to America with his parents about 1S30, and for several years worked at his trade, that of a paper- maker, in 1870 he came to Beaver county, and during five years worked in a paper-mill at Fallston. He also passed five years at the same business in West Newton, West moreland county, Pa. In 1854 he purchased a farm in Patterson township, Beaver county, on which be remained seventeen years. He then removed to New Rrigliton, where he has since resided. He was married, in 1843, to Louisa Gilboch, who bore him three children: Louis H. (deceased), Amanda and Caroline. Mi'. Katz is a member of the German Reformed church; in politics a Republican. John Kettlewood (deceased), late of Rochester, was born in England in 1820, and died in 1880. At the age of nine years he came with his father to America and located in Wellington, removing thence to Bridgewater, Pa. lie was married, in 1847, to Amy Gardner, who bore him seven children, four of whom are living, viz.; John, George, Frank and Mary (Mrs. Murray). Mr. Kettlewood followed his trade, that of black- smithing, for twenty-five years. The farm he owned at his death was purcha.sed and settled by his father-in-law in 1802. 3[rs. Kettlewood and her son Frank reside on the farm, wliich is beautifully located and under good cultivation. The family are mem- bers of the ^Methodist church. Jo)(N KiRCiiXEn, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany Dec. 27, 1822. His parents, Jlichael and Eiizalieth Kirehner, came to America in 1833, and settled in Beaver county, where they died. John was married, Sept. 2, 1855, to Catherine Sticbling, who was born in Baden, Germany, April 22, 1832, a daughter of Everhart and Catbciine Sticbling, natives of Germany, and wlio immigrated to America in 1841, settling in Beaver county on the farm where onr subject now resides. ^Ir. and Mrs. Kirehner have five children: Jacob, JIargaret, Henry, Sophia and Mary. Mr. Kirehner has been a farmer most of his life, and owns sixt)' acres of land. He and his wife are members of the German Evangelical church; politically he is a Democrat. J.\coi5 Klein, farmer and dairyman, P. O. Beaver Falls, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1832, and came to America in 1852. His parents were Pliilip, a farmer, and Caroline (Kei.ser) Klein, who had five children, of whom Jacob is the third. Soon after his arrival in this country ]\Ir. Klein locattd in Beaver county (in 1853), purchased 250 acres of land, and also engaged in the butchering business. He came to Pulaski township in 1875 and purchased his present fariu, containing 100 acres, including 25 acres of woodland. He was married, in 1858, to Elizabeth, daughter of Philip and JIargarct (Gilbaugli) Blinn. They have three children; Jacob, Charles and Mary. Mr. Klein has made great improvements on his farm in this township. He is engaged in dairying, keeping sixteen cows. He is a Democrat, and has held the offices of super- visor and school director. He is a member of the Presbyterian church. John H. Knott, superintendent of flouring mill, Beaver Falls, residence in New Brighton, was born in this county March Ui, 1851, tldrd son of Moses and Ann (Wlute- worth) Knott, the latter a daughter of Henry and Sallie Whiteworth, natives of England. They had si.x children. Moses Knott came from England in 1849, and first located in Jlercer coimty, Pa., for three years; then in 1853 settled at New Brighton; he is by trade a woolen manufacturer. John H. was educated at the public schools, and when eighteen was apprenticed to the carpenter's trade, which he followed eight years; then entereel Iron City College, at Pittsburgh, after leaving which he was engaged for two years as shipping clerk, and in 1882 accepted his present position. He was married, in 1883, to Mary E., daughterof John Edgar, of Fallston, this county, and one child, John Edgar, was born to them. Mr. Knott is a member of the Jlystic Circle, R. A.,at Beaver Falls, ami of the Methodist Protestant church. In politics he is a Republican. BIOGRAPIlIKf^ EAST SIDE. 785 Frederick Kornmann, fanner. P. (.). Freedom, wa.s born in German}-, Nov. 22, 183^1 His parents. Frederick and Anna G. (Brandt) Kornmann. Avere natives of Ger- many, and died there. Frederitli came to America in 18.")3, and settled in Freedom, Pa., wliere he learned the blacksmith's trade. He was married in Pittsburgh, in 1856, to Barbara Sohnessler, who was born in Germany, May 1, 1831. a daughter of George Schuessler (deceased). The fruits of this marriage are nine children: Mary A., Jeannette, Frederick, Adam, Catherine. George, Charles, Maggie and John. Mr. Korn- mann followed blacksmithing twelve years, then engaged in farming. He and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church. In politics he is a Den)ocrat. Joseph Kreus (deceased) was Iwrn in Butler countj^ Pa., in 1819. and was a sou of John H. and Barbara Krebs, who died in Butler count)'. .Joseph was married, in 18.^7, to jMatilda, daughter of William anIr. Lloyd enlisted in Battery B, 1st P. A., and served until the close of the war. He is a Hepublicau and has been twice elected to the town council, in 1883 and 1886. He is a memberof the G. A. R. and of the A. O. U. W. J. K. LocKii.vRT, physician. Freedom, was born in this county Aug. 22, 1842. His parents were .Teptha and Edilh (Applegate) Lockhart, the former born in New Jersey and the latter in AVest Virginia. They were married in West Virginia, settled in this county and remained here until their deaths. They had five children, fourliving, our subject being the third. He was married Dec. 1, 187.5, to Frances JI. llcCaskey, who was born in Freedom, Pa., a daughter of Robert and Frances McCaskey, natives of Pennsylvania, wbo .settled in Freedom, and there remained until his death; ids widow is still living. Our subject began the study of medicine in 186."), graduated in Cincin- nati, Ohio, in 18T0, and has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Freedom ever since. The doctor and his wife are members of the Jlelhodist church; he is a F. & A. jr. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted in Company F, 140th Regiment, P. V. I., and remained in the service eighteen months. D. E. LowRY, retired merchant, P. O. Freedom, was born in Bridgeport, Ohio, May 1.5, 188T. His parents, John and Sarah (Waggoner) Lowry, natives of Pennsyl- vania, were married in Beaver county, and from there moved to Bridgeport, Ohio, and thence to Allegheny county. Pa., where they lived until 1856, when they removed to Beaver, and here remained until their deaths. Our subject is the eldest of the family. He was first married, in 1868, to :\[ary A., daughter of Jacob Coas, and born in P.eaver county. Slie died in 1875, and Feb. 20, 1878, .Mr. Lowry married M. Jennie Dillworth, who was born in Beaver county Sept. 24, 1855, a daughter of Rev. Robert and Eliza J. (Slom) Dillworth, the former of whom died in 18.58 and the latter in 1868. Two chil- dren have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Lowry; Mabel, born Xov. 25. 1878, died Jan. 8, 1881; and Annie, born ^tay 18, 1884. Mr. Lowry was a merchant in Freedom from 1854 to 1875, retiring in the latter year. He and his wife are members of the Presby- terian church, of which he is a trustee. He is a F. & A. ;M. George F. Lukens, forwarding and commission merchant, Rochester, was born in Sharon, Pa., Nov. 23, 1827, and is a son of John M, and ilary (Jones) Lukens, the father a native of Beaver county, and the mother of England. His father was a mer- chant in early life, and later a forwarding coxnmission merchant . When the canal was built through Beaver county he contracted to build bridges for it. In liis later years he resided in Rochester, where he died in 1863. The grandfather of George F. (Thomas H. Lukensl was among the earliest permanent settlers in Beaver county. He was born in Chambersburg, Franklin county. Pa., and was a merchant. George F. is the eldest of .seven children, and attended .school at New Brighton. Tlie first business he did for himself was keeping a store boat on the Ohio river, which he followed for one year. He has been on tlie Ohio since 1846, and owned and operated the wharf boat at Roch- ester until 1863. He is a Republican in politics. In 1861 he enlisted in Company E, 134th P. v., was a non-commissioned officer, and was discharged in 1862. He is a mem- ber of the Royal Arcanum, the I. O. O. F. and encampment, and has been a Mason for years, having taken thirty-two degrees. He is also memberof Post 183, G. A. R. WiLi-i.-vM McCvGUE, treasurer of the Point Bottle Works, Rochester, was born in Franklin township, Westmoreland county, Pa., and was brought to Allegheny county when five years old. His parents were natives of Westmoreland county. Pa., and of Scotch-Irish descent. His father, who was a farmer, was killed by an Indian in the war of 1812; his mother's maiden name was Jane Crookshanks. AVilliaraand hissister.the only children of their parents, were left orphans when he w as only si.x years old. He iniXiKAl'lIIES — EAST SIDE. t McDonald, jiilot, Freedom, was born in this county, June 2, 1834. His parents were Andrew and Katy (Riddle) ^McDonald, natives of Washington county, Pa., where they were married. They moved to Hopewell township, this county, in 1810, and here remained until their death. Andrew JIcDonald came to Beaver county as a missionary, before he was married. He was a minister of the Presbyterian church, and preached a great many years. He and his wife were the parents of eight children, four living, Abram being the youngest. Abram was imited in marriage the first time. May 6, 1856, with Pho'be .McDonald, who was born in Hopewell township, and was a daughter BIOGEArillES EAST SIDE. 789 of John W. McDonald. She died in 18")7, and Xov. 3, 18."i!», ;Mi-. McDonald married Sarah J. Noss. She was horn in Moon township, this connty, Oct. 5, 1835, and is a daughter of Jacob J. and Ann (Irwin) Noss. the former born in Jlittlin county. Pa., March 8, 1810. the latter in Moon townshi]), Feb. 16. 1817. They were married and set- tled in Beaver county, and reniiuncd nntil lier death, which occurred May 27. ISCO; Mr. Noss now resides with his son-in-law, Mr. .McDonald, and is in his seventy-eighth year. Our subjIcDonald was born in Ashtabula, N. Y., where she and her husband were married. After marriage thej' set- tled in Columbiana county, and remained there until their deaths. The family con- sisted of three children, all living: Thomas,!., Kleanor and Matilda. Thomas J. was united In marriage in Allegheny county, .July 16, 1849, with Sarah A. Cjliver. who was born in Beaver county Feb. 15, 1832, daughter of Joseph Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have had three children, two living: Elizabeth, wife of Charles AV. Coffer, and KUa, wife of Captain George "Whitefield. A .son. James, came to his death by drowning, in 1857. ilr. McDonald has been steamboating all his life, and has been a pilot for thirty years. He owns a nice property, where he and family reside. He has lived in Freedom since 1861, and has filled various borough otHces. W. H. McDonald (deceased) was born in Warren county. Pa., in 1839, and was a son of William R. and Kebecca (Magee) McDonald, the former of whom carried on lumbering in this county. They were the parents of eleven children, W. H. being the third son. When two years of age our subject was brought by liis parents to Beaver county, wliere lie received his education at the conuuon schools, and remained nearly all his life, dying in 1886. In 1862 he enlisted in the 139th Regiment, P. V.. and served three years. He received a sunstroke, from the effects of which he suffered to the day of his death. Mr. JIcDonald returned home in 1865, and soon afterward embarked in the grocery business in New Brighton, which he carried on up to his decease. He married, in 1868, Hannah, daughter of John and Cornelia Ervin, and b}' her had three children; .Tohn W., Lizzie and William II. iNIr. McDonald was a mendjer of the Methodist Episcopal church; a member of the K. of P. and the G. A. R.; he was a F. & A. M. ; in politics a Republican . R. L. McGowEV, retired, P. O. New Brighton, was bora in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1823, and is a son of Samuel and Jane (Strain) McGowen, natives of Belfast, Ireland. He received a common-school education, and in youth learned black.smithing; then for six years manufactured brick. In 1854 he became foreman of a railmad machine shop, a position he held until 1885, when he retired from active labor and located at his pres- ent home. jNIr. McGowen married, in 1848. Rebecca Jane, daughter of Edward Old- ham, and by Iier has three children: JIarion C. (now Mrs. Magaw), jNIary J. (now Mrs. Kin.sley) and R. F. (in Pittsburgh). j\Ir, McGowen is a F. it A. M.; and politi- cally he is a Republican jAMiiS McGuiuic, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in this county in 1816, son of Hugh and ^lary (Dougherty) McGuire, latter a daughter of Edward Dougherty. They had si.x'teen children, of whom James is the fourth child, and the eldest now liv- ing. James McCruire, grandfather of our subject, came from Ireland in 1789, and located in Chester county. Pa., where lie remained ten year.s. Coming to Beaver county in 1799, he purchased 400 acres of land in New Sewickley township, where he resided until his death. James, our subject, was born and reared on the faruL receiving his eilucation in the common .s<'hool :uid academy, and at the age of eighteen he left 790 HISTOK\' OF BEAVKR COUNTY. school to engage in business. After three years spent in clerking he turned his atten- tion to agriculture and purchased his present farm, which is a part of the tract origin- ally bo\ight hj- his granclfather. He owns 120 acres, including some mineral lands. Mr. AIcGuire married, in 1S40. Al)by, daughter of Michael and Jlary (O'Brien) Con- wa,y, and they had si.\ children, five of whom are living: Hugh C, Michael, Joanna, Eliza Ann and Abby Alice. The mother died in 1883. Mr. JIcGuire has always been a prominent Democrat; he is a member of the Catholic church. W. J. ilcIvEE. dealer in staple and fancy groceries. New Brighton, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., in 184S, being the eldest of the three children of William and Jane (Ilea) McKee. He received a common-school education, and during boyhood learned the grocery business. From 18o7 to 1874 he was engaged in railroading (in 1868 and the following si.x years in Beaver county), and then embarked in his present busi- ness in New Brighton. He was married, in 1868, to Myra, daughter of J. E. Sharrer, of New Brighton, and four children have blessed them: Nettie, William, Nellie and Hazel, all at home. Mr. JIcKee is a F. & A. M. and a member of the K. of P.; he is an adherent of the United Presbyterian church; in politics a Republican. Fbank W. McKim, farmer. P. O. North Sewickley, was born in Big Beaver town- ship, this county, Feb 28, 1834, a son of William and Margaret Gilkey, natives of Bur- gettstown, Pa., and of Beaver county, and born in May, lT97,and Sept. 6, 1806. respect- ively. His grandfather, James McKim, a native of Ireland, came to America before the revolution, and with his brother John, served seven years and tliree months in that struggle, being members of Washington's body guard. Our subject received his educa- tion in Big Beaver township, and remained at home until his father's death, July 5, 18.")8. He married. Sept. 28, 18o9, JIartha ^Miller, who was born in Big Beaver township, Jan. 25, 1884, a daughter of William and JIargaret (Crawford) Miller. >Irs. McKim died JIarch ."), IHtiO. and Nov. 17, 1864, our subject was united in marriage with >largaret Cami>bell, a native of Big Beaver township, born Jan. 29, 1848, a daughter of James and K'>becc,i (Morrow) Campbell, also natives of Lawrence county. Pa. After his father's death, his mother made her home with him until her death, Sept. 15, 1878. By his second marriage, Mr. McKim is the father of eleven children: Ella Rebecca, William J., Mattie Jane, C"iiarles M.. Robert I.., John G., Frank C, Mary A., Samuel P., Wil- bert Calvin and Margaret Madessa (twins), all at home, also Maggie S. !McKim, whom they have reared since she was two years old . In January, 1865, ilr. !McKim bought his present farm and moved thereon in March following, but Aug. 2, 1871, his house ■was burned with half its contents. He is a Rep\iblican, and has served as school direc- tor and assessor. He has been general appraiser for the Brush Creek Protective Associa- tion since January, 1881, and has secured $400,00(1 worlh of property for the Associa- tien. He and ilrs. ^IcKim are members of the United Piesbyterian church. Joseph McKnioht, of the firm of J. McKnight & Son, Rochester Foundry, manu- facturers of the improved Howard, Servant, Prize. Star and Veto cook stoves, hollow- ware and castings, was born in Washington county, Fel). 5, 1826. His parents, Robert 3IcKnight, who was all his life a farmer, and Sarah (Willison) >IcKnight, were natives of Pennsylvania and of English and Irish descent. Joseph was reared on the farm, at- tended the common schools, and learned the miller's trade, which he followed for over thirty years. He ccjndueted a mill at New Galilee, Beaver county, for eleven years; in 1876 he .sold out and farmed until 1880, when he sold his farm. In 1888 he embarked in his present business. He was married, in 1855, to >Iary, daughter of James Clark, of Irish descent, and their children are Kate, wife of James Freed; W. J., in business with his father: Anna, wife of John Sparks; ^laggie, wife of James Gaston; Nettie and 31yrtle. ilr. McKnight is a Democrat in politics. lie enlisted in 1862, in Company C, 104th O. V. I., and was under General Sherman. Rev. D. H. A. McLe.\n, D.D., Rochester, was born in Crawford county. Pa., April 5, 1816. and is a son of Rev, Daniel and Mary (Glover) McLean. His father was an Associate Presbyterian minister, and preached for over half a century in Crawford county. Pa. He died June 5, 1855, in the same county where he had labored .so long and BIOGKAPIIIES —EAST SIDE. 791 SO well. His wklow died five years later, in Erie count}'. Of tlieir family of nine chil- dren four are now living. Our subject entered tbe ministiy early in life. ^May 12, 1S42, he was nnarried to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Eliza (Brown) Patterson, and born Dec. 9, 1831, in Jlercer. Mercer county, Pa. Their children are Dr. E. P., a practicing physician in Virginia; JIary E., wife of Dr. J. E. Libbey, of Pittsburgh; Daniel B.; Ella I.; and ^[argaretta G., wife of A. S. Lewis, of near Xenia, Ohio. Our subject graduated from .Jellersou College in 1836. He also took a regular theological course, and received his first licen.se to preach in 1840, and took charge of the Mercer and Greenville congregations in 184I, whicli he served jointly four years, remaining in charge of the Greenville congregation for eleven years. In 18">2 be accepted a professor- ship in Westminster College, Lawrence county. Pa. In 18o6 he was elected principal of Pittsburgh High School, and resigned in the fall of 1859. In 1858 he became joint proprietor and editor of the United Pnxbyterian, of Pittsburgh, and four years after sold his interest in that paper. In 18(U he was pastor of Beaver and Four ^Ule congre- gations, and continued as pastor of Beaver congregation until 1868. In 1867 he took charge of Beaver Ladies' Seminary, continuing the charge over six ytars. Since then he has resided for several years in AUegbenj- county, teaching and preaching. In 1882 he came to Koehester township. Beaver county. Pa, He still continues to preach in vacant congregations, under appointment of his Presbytery. R. H. JIcPiiETisoN, contractor and builder. New Brighton, is of Scotch-Iiisb ex- traction, born in this county in 1839, third son of Reuben (a farmer) and Elizabeth (Greer) JlcPherson, parents of six cliihiren. He was reared on the farm until his eighteenth year, and then taught school and studied at Mount Union College. In 1862 he enlisted in Battery G lYounir's), Pittsburgh Artillery, stationed at Ft. Delaware, and served until the close of 1865. On his return hoine he took up carpentering, which he had partially learned before enlisting, and forten years was engaged in the planing mill business under tbe tirni name of ."McPberson & ^IcLeau, but has since been a contractor and bnilder. Mr. .McPherson married, in 1865, Margaretta J., daughter of Mathew H. and Harriet Ilumilton, and by her has six children; Lizzie Greer, Anna JMay, Haltie Gertrude, Elmer Elsworth, Ira Hamilton and Winnie Leona. Mr. JlcPherson is a member of the A. O. U. W . , K. of P . and E. A. U. He is a member of the .Methodist Episcopal church; in politics a Republican. J. C. McWiLLiAMS, butcher, Rochester, was born in Washington county, Ohio, May 23, 1838, a son of James and Deborah (Caldwell) JlcWillianis, natives of Fayette county. Pa., and of Scotch-Irish descent. .lames iMcWilliaras. a dealer in leaf tobacco for many years, was twice married, and became the father of eight children. J. C, the eldest child b}' the second marriage, was reared in Washington county, Ohio, attended the schools of his native district, and early in life learned the butchering trade, to which he has since given his attention . For a short time after completing his trade he worked for other parties, but in 1872 established himself in Imsiness in Washington county, Ohio. In 1874 he came to Rochester, and established his present business. He was married, Aug. 7, 1860. in Washington county. Ohio, to ^liss S. A. Vansant, a native of that county, and of German descent. They have six children; Eva L., Lillie, Sarah, Edith, JIary and Ross Vansant. Jlr. and :Mrs. ^IcWilliams are members of the Pres- byterian church, and lie is chairman of the board of trustees. In politics he is a Democrat. David Magaw, owner and proprietor of the "Park Hotel," New Brighton, was born in North Sewickley township, this county, in 1820. and is the youngest surviving child of James and Eunice (Dye) Magaw, parents of twelve children (seven sons and five daughters), two now living. James was a shoemaker, and later in life followed farming. David was reared on the home farm until he was twenty-one; he received a good school training, and for fourteen years was engaged in teaching, chittly during winters. In 1850 he embarked in a general merchandise busines-s in New Brighton, which he carried on three years; then for six years was in tbe lumber business, and the following two years, was railrr)ad division superintendent. In 1862 he took charge of 792 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. tlie hotel tlien known as the " Keystone Hotel " but later as " Park Hotel." Hemarricd, in 1S->G, Klvira D., daughter of John Braden, of this county, and three children were born to tliem; James A.. Jolm M. and David. The mother and two ."^ons, James A. and David, died in 1860. !Mr. Magawbas been a member of the town council several years. In politics be is a Republican. Std.\ist M.\<:;ee, merchant. New Brighton, was born in Ireland iu 1S27, and came to America in 1873. His parents were George and Jane INIagee, to whom ten children were born, Stuart being the fourth cliild. His grandparents were Stuart and Nancy (Jackson) !Magee, who had nine children, George being the second son. Our subicct received a common-school education, and at fourteen years of age joined hi.s father in the bleaching of linen. He was married, in 1876, to Lizzie, daughter of William Hardy, also a native of Ireland. For five years picvious to Mr. Magee's emigration to Ameiica he served in the Royal Irish Constabulary. Soon after coming to Ibis country he lo- cated in this town and during four years was employed in manufactories here and in Pittsburgh. In 1886 be started his present business. He is a member of the I'nited Presbyterian church; politically a Prohibitionist. Abneu M.\.ions, truckman and farmer, P. O. New Brigliton. was born in this county, in 1837, to George and Martha (Mercer) JIajors, who had six children, Abner being the eklest. His grandfather, Samuel, married Abigail West, and became the father of seven children, of whom George, the eldest, was a fainier. Abnerwas born and reared on a farm, and for sixteen years has been engaged in farming and trucking. He married in 1857 Mary Ann, daughter of David Pane, and ten children were born to them, of whom eight are living: John. Henry, Emma (Mrs. Brewer), Alfred, Harley, Hugh, Cedar and Benjamin. Mv. Majors has 1.50 acres of land, and on this farm are four large fi.sh ponds stocked with Geiman carp. He finds a ready market for bis pro- eluce at Beaver Falls and New Brighton. In politics he is a Democrat. Geougk W. >[.\jors (deceased) was born in New Sewickley township, Beaver county, Pa., Nov. 29, IH'j'i. His parents, Samuel and Ella Majors, were natives of Pennsyl- vania, and lived in Pulaski township. Beaver county, si.vteen years; then moved to New Sewickley township, where Samuel died Dec. 30, 1883. His w idow is still living. George W. was reared on a farm, was always engaged in agricultural jiursuits, and owned forty acres of improved land. He aceiuired a common-school education in his native town- ship, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and of the 1. O. O. F. In politics he was a Democrat . James H. Mann, dealer in boots and shoes, New Brighton, was born in Mercer county, Pa., in 1840, and is the youngest survivor of the five children of James (a farmer) and Rebecca (Lindsay) Mann. James H. was brought up on a farm, on which he remained until eighteen years of age. He attended public school, and studied at Mt. Union College, Ohio, for several years. From 1864 to 181)5 he served in the 6lh Regi- ment, Pa.. Heavy Artillery, and coming to New Brighton in the latter j-ear fouuel emplo\'ment for one year as bookkeeper, then served as i)rincipal of North Sewickley Soldiers' Orphan School si.\- mouths ; after which be established a boot and shoe business under a partnership, which was dissolved in the fall of 1878. Mr. ]\[ann was then elected county treasurer, and at the e.\piratiou of his term embarked in the hardware business, continuing four years. During the ne.xt four years he was employed as book- keeper for Sherwood Bros., manufacturers of pottery, after which he began his present business. He married, in 1873. Sallie A., daughter of AVilliam II. Bebout. and six children were born to them, five now living: William Horace. Rol)ert Stanley IJuay, James Howard, Eirl CliH'ord, and an infant daughter. !Mr. Mann is a member of the I. O. O. F., the K. of P. and the A. O. U. W., and of the :Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is a Republican, James Manoi:, carpenter, P. O. Freedom, was born in Virginia, Sept. 22, 1820, a son of James and Elizabeth Manor, natives of Pennsylvania, anel who departed this life in Beaver county, Jlr. Manor in 1848, and his widow in 1863. They were the parents of eight children, four living. James Manor, our .subject, was married twice: first in BIOGRAPHIES EAST SIDE. 793 ISoG to Khoda R. Phillips, daughter of William Pliillips. She became the mother of three children, and died Sept. 21, 1802, two of her children dying the same year. After her death he married Annie .1. Sloan, who was born in Beaver county in 1826, a daugh- ter of Jack.son Sloan. Alice A., only daughter of Jlr. Manor, is the wife of Albin II. Baldwin. Mr. JIanor learned the .ship carpenter's trade, and followed that and hou.se building thirty-five years. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he has been an elder twenty years. D.wiD S. JI.\ii(juis, M. D. David >Iarquis, the grandfather of Dr. JIarquis, was at an early day one of the representative farmers of Washington county. Pa. He was the father of nine children, as follows: Joseph, William, Kobcrt, Samuel, John, David, Ellen, Martha and Eliza. David, of this number, was born in Washington county, and on becoming a master of the saddler's trade, removed to Beaver, and resided in that bor- ough until 1842, when the vicinity of Brighton became his home. There he spent the remainder of bis life. He married Mary, daughter of James Moore, a lieutenant in the War of the Revolution. Their cluldren were James (who died in the service during the Mexican war), Lydia (deceased wife of Dr. Chapman), David S., Milton ^I., Edwin (who fell a victim to the horrors of Andersonville prison during the Civil War), Albert, Addison, and JIary E. (deceased). David S. Marquis was born April 14, 1821, in Beaver, Beaver county, and received an academic education; after which he began the study of medicine witli Drs. Oliver and Smith Cunningham, of Beaver, meanwhile atten Jing two courses of lectures at the < >hio Jledical College in Cincinnati, from which institution he was graduated in the class of IS4r)-4(). He made Hook.stown, Beaver county, the scene of his fir.st professional labors, and three and a half years later removed to Freedom, in the same county, where he continued for ten years in practice. In 1859 Dr. Manpiis came to Rochester, wliere he soon established himself as one of the suc- cessful physicians of the borough, with a correspondingly extended field of operations. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Slate Medical Society; of the American Medical Association; and of the Beaver County ^Medical Socie'.y, of which he is the president and the only surviving charter member. Apart from his membership in the Presbyteiian church of Rochester, the Doctor is connected with no other organizations. Dr. Marquis was in Maj-, 1847, married to Miss Emeline S., daughter of Jacob Jones, of Sharon, Pa. Their children were Benjamin Franklin (deceased), Addison (deceased), Mary Eliza (.Mrs. A. M. Whistler, of New Brighton), Elizabeth A. (]\Irs. AVilliam Bentley, of Parkersburg, W. Va.), and Lorena JI. (Jlrs. H. L. Unistead, of Indianapolis. Ind.). WiLl.i.Mi II. Marsii.\li, was born in Brownsville, Pa., Oct. 4, 1830. His parents, Henry and Mary (Rathmill) Marshall, came from Yorkshire, England, and settled in Brownsville, Pa., about 1830. W. H. Marshall is the third of a family of six sons, and spent his early life in Brownsville until he was about seventeen years of age, when he removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., and worked at the marble trade until he located in the mirblc business in R)chester, at which he is still engaged. He was married. March 8, 1858, to Asenath J., daughter of Robert and Jane Wallace, of Pulaski township, Beaver county, and they have five sons and one daughter. John F. Maiitin, foreman of the Enterprise Pottery, New Brighton, was born in that town in 1860, to Ephraim and Mary (Collins) Martin, also of New Brighton and of American parentage. He received a common-school education, and from his seven- teenth year has been engaged in the pottery business, four years with the |irm of which he is now foreman. He mirried in IS'i.'), Violet, daughter of Joseph Knott, of this count}'. In politics Jlr. Martin is a Democrat. J. I). Maktsolk, contractor and builder. New Brighton, was bom in Butler county. Pa., in 1856. the fourth of nine children born to Frederick and Margaret (Miller) Martsolf. He received a common-scliool education, and at the age of eigliteen learned the trade of a carpenter in the town of Butler, serving a three years' appren- ticeship, and working at the trade two years afterward. He came to Beaver county in 1878, and in 1SS2 formed a partnership with .Tohn Hatter, under the firm name of Martsolf iV Hitter. In .lanuary, 1887, this partnership was dissolved, and the firm of ro-i msTOKY OF BEAVKR COUNTY. Martsolf & Bro., consisting of J. D. and Joliii Jlartsolf, was fornieil. He was mar- ried in 187!) to Annie, daugliter of David Miller, of Beaver county, and by lier bad four children, one. David, now living. Mr. Martsolf purchased bis present residence in New Brighton in 188G. lie is a member of the K. of P., and of the Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. W. G.Masten. station agent, Hoehester, was born in this county, Feb. 8. 18o4, a son of Cornelius and Ilattie (Adams) ^lasten. His mother was born in Beaver county, and his father in Kingston, N. Y.. and are of Scotch and Englisli descent, (.'ornelius was a telegraph operator in Rochester, and for many years clerk on a steamboat, but at present is a clerk in the Pennsylvania Railroad freight office at Rochester. W. G. is the eldest of eight children, and was reared in Brid.gewater. Early in life he entered the employ of the Penn.sylvania Railroad t'onipany as a clerk, and has been with that company ever since. Since 1883 he has served as 'ticket and freight agent, and b}- care and prudence has eminently ciualitied him.self for the railroad business. He mar- ried, in 1879, Miss Anna E. Xeely, a lady of German descent, and they have three chil- dren: Rial, John and Hattie. Mr. and Jlrs. Masten are members of the Lutheran church at Rochester. In politics he is a Democrat; he is a F. A A. JI.. a menil)er of the I. O. O. F., and for five years has been collector for the Royal Arcanum. M.'V.THtAS S. ]Mecki,em, contractor and builder. Rochester, was born in Clarion town- ship, this county, !May 8, 1840, a son of William and Nancy (Strockl -Mecklem, natives of Beaver county, the former born in 1808. Jlis paternal and maternal grandfathers, Samuel Mecklem and !Mathias Strock. who came to Beaver county about 180(3, were both farmers, and were among the early German and Scotch settlers of Beaver county. JIathias S.. the eldest of a family of seven children, attended tlie district school, and was with his parents on the farm until he reached his nineteenth year. He then learned the carpenter's trade, serving an apprenticeship of three years with Henry Alleman. and worked by the day for two years, but in 1»()4 commenced contracting and building. He married. JIarch 7, 1862, ^lary E., daughter of John and Ella (Wine) Hunter, who were early settlers here, of German and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Mecklem have seven children; Nancy, wife of Charles !Musser: Eliza, wife of Joseph Ecolf; William, Joseph and Sarah, twins; Rachel and Lester. Mr. Mecklem is a Democrat in politics; a member of the L O. O. F. and of the K. of P. Mri,ij.\RD F. Mecklem, attorney, Rochester, was born in Pittsburgh. Pa., Oct. 15. ISTl, a Sim of ArcUil)ald and Margaret (Thompson) .Mecklem, natives of Penn- sylvania and of Scotch-Irish origin. His father was a merchant, and carried on business in Pittsburgh until 185(5. when he came to Darlington, this county, and remained until 18(59. whence he moved to North Sewickley township, w'here he died in 1874. He had two daughters and three sons. Jlillarl F., the second child and eldest son, was reared in Darlington, attending the common schools and the North Sewickley Acadeni}', while the latter was yet under the principalshi]i of Rev. Henry Webber. He taught school .several terms, and then studied law in New Brighton, in the office of ex-president Judge Chamberlin and Mr. Pearsol. He was admitted to the Beaver county bar March 10, 1882, and has been engaged in the active jiractice of his profession since 1883, in Roch- ester. In politics lie is a Republican, and in 1880 served as chairman of the Beaver county Republican committee. He was elected burgess of Rochester in 1883, and Las been five times re elected to that office. He is a member and a trustee of the Rochester Baptist church. He was married, in 1881, to Ella, daughter of Robert and Eliza (Thompson) Jackson. She too is of Scotch-Irish origin. Her grandfather Jackson was a cousin to President Andrew Jackson. He settled njion a faim near Beaver Falls, whence her father went, in about 1841, to North Sewickley township where she was born. Her grandfather and father were Democrats. She is a member of the Presby- terian church. Thciir children are Erie ILimer, Norman Jackson, Ella and Marguerite. E. D. Mem.on, oil refiner, P. O. Freedom, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., July 0, 1856, a son of Patrick and Sarah J. (Ivnox) Mellon, natives of Ireland, who came to America and were married in Pittsburgh, where they located until 1868, when they BIOGKAI'HIES KA^T ^1IDE. 795 moved to Beaver county and here have since resided. They were the parents of seven children, five living, E. D. married, Sept. IT, 11?81. Nettie W. C'nnimiug, who was born in Beaver county, March 3, ISCyi. Her parents, David and Sarah A. Gumming, were natives of Pennsylvania, and settled in Beaver county after they were married. David is deceased ; his widow is still living in Freedom. Mr. and Mrs. Mellon have had three children: Eugenia and Grace, living, and Helen, deceased. Mr. Mellon has been engaged in the oil business most of his life, and has filled several borough oflices. John Mexgel, farmer, P. O. Freedom, was born in Germany, Aug. '>, 1830, a son of Peter and Elizabeth ( Wagner) Mengel, who died in Germany. 'Ihey were the parents of si.\ children, all living. John, the third child, immigriited to America in 1848; remained three months in New York, and then came to Freedom and has resided there and in New Sewickley township ever since. ITe was united in marriage. May 8, 1856, with Catherine E., daughter of John Ilartmann (deceased). She was born" in Pitts- burgh July 8, 18r!8, and is the mother of ten cliildren, nine living: Maggie A. "\Y., John A., Edward H.. Lillie L., George F., Cora A., Elmer J., Laura M. and Euretta C. :\Ir. Mengel learned the trade of shoemaking. which he followed twenty years in Freedom. He afterward bought seventy acres of land in New Sewickley townsiup, where he now resides. The family are members of the German Lutheran church. Henry J. Metz, retired. New Brighton, was born in Wiirtemberg, Germany, in 1811. to George M. and ilargaret (Olnhausen) Metz, the former of whom was a farmer and for many years a justice of the peace. Henry J. was reared on the farm, and received a common-school education. He came to this country when twenty-one years of age, and shortly afterward located in Pittsburgh, where he followed butclieiingunlil 18r)0, in which year he came to Beaver county, and purchased 1-12 acres of land, which he farmed for fifteen years. In 1872 he moved to New Brighton, where he has since lived retired. He married, in 1839, Amelia, daughter of John Stann, of this county, and by her had thirteen children, seven yet living: Herman, George, Richard, Frank, Christ, Edward and Augustus. Our subject is a member of the town council; an adhe- rent of the Presbyterian church; in politics a Republican. William JIillek, of the firm of Miller & Sons, proprietors of the Keystone plan- ing mill and box factory, and manufacturers and dealers in rough and dressed lumber, packing bo.\es, sash, doors, mouldings, etc., scroll .sawing and turning, Rochester, was born in Beaver county, Feb. 19, 183.5. His parents, John and Elizabeth Gripp) sillier, were natives of Germany, and came to America in 1834, settling in Beaver count v. His father was a cooper by trade, but became a farmer after he came to Beaver county. William is the third in a family of six children. He was reared on a farm, attended the common scho'ols in winter, and in his eighteenth _\ ear went to New Brighton and learned the carpenter's trade. After working as a journeyman fortwo yearshe engaged in con- tracting and building; came to Rochester in ]8r),'), and in 1870 established liis jiresent business, employing abovit twenty men. He married. May 26, !857, Catherine Holler- mann, who was born in Butler county, Pii., of German descent. They have seven chil- dren; John A., George W., Charles M., W. L., H. J., Maggie E. and Emma J, The eldest two sons are partners in the fiim of Jliller A- Sons. John, the eldest son. is taking an active interest in the new Pottery Works at Rochester. All the boys work in the Keystone factory. The family are members of the German Lutheran church, of which ilr. Miller has been a trustee. In politics he is a Republican. He is a charter member of the A. O. U. W. at Rochester. John A. Milleu, secretary of the Rochesti rPolteiy Cf mpary, was born in Rcche.s- ter, March 20, ]S,")8, the eldest son o:' William and Catherine ^liller. He was reared in Rochester, receiving his schooling there and at Dulls Commercial College at Pitts- burgh, where he graduated in 1876. He worked in his father's planing mill, where an extensive business in contracting and nianufictuiing woi dwoik, ard dealing in lumber, is done, from 1883 until August, 1887. and has been a partner with his lather. When the pottery company was organized ht .vas elected secretar_v. He is a Republican in politics. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraleriniy, having taken thirlv-two > 796 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. degrees iu tliat order. He married, in 1880, Plirebe Cable, born in Rochester, of Ger- man descent, daughter of J. H. Cable, a merchant. They have one child, Olive. George II. Miller, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Xew Sewickley township, this county, Oct. 24, 1839, a son of John and Elizabeth Miller, natives of Germany. They came with their parents to America, settled in Beaver county and died .t Co. He was born in Beaver county, Dec. 11, 1840, a son of John R. and Sarah X. >[ohler, natives of Pennsylvania, where they were married, and have remained all their lives. They are the parents of ten children, five living. William T. was luiited in marriage, March 27, 1878. with IMaggie E. Epple, wlio was born in Freedom, Pa., Dec. 28, 1844, a daughter of Lewis Epple (deceased). Mr. jMohler is a ship carpenter liy trade, and engaged in lumbering in 1883. He and his wife are the parents of five children, two living: Elvernia ]M. and Ross C. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. Oi^iVEii MoLTER, proprietor of livery. New Brighton, was born in Beaver county. Pa., in 1S41, the fourth son in the family of thirteen children born to J. C. and Fanny (Camp) Molter, the former a miner and brick maker. Oliver received a liberal educa- tion at public school and academy, finishing in his fifteenth 3'ear. In August, 1864, he enlisted iu ('om|iany B, 204th regiment P. V. He has been twice married; on first occasion, in 18.J9, to Margaret Brown, who bore him four children — William, Frank, Nora and Ida — and died in 1871. The following year Mr. Molter married Ada Laney, by whom he has five children: James, Grace, Bird, Herbert and Ralph. From early age Jlr. .Molter was engaged in the coal business, and since 1865 has owned and operated coal mines. In 1878 he commenced his present livery business. He has been town councillor, school director and assessor, and president of the Beaver County Agricultural Society; he is a member of the A. O. U. W., K. of P. and G. A. R. ; he is a Keiiublican 45 798 HISTOEY OF BEAVER COUSTY. A. G. Moore, farmer, P. O. Rochester, was born in Pulaski township in ISoD. There is probably not a more widely known family in Beaver county than thai of the Moores. Samuel Moore came from Westmoreland counly to Beaver county at an early day; was a boat builder by trade, and married Xancy Keno, who bore him four chil- dren. His tirst wife dying, he married Hannah McCleary. to whom were born seven children. Alfred, a son of the tirst wife, was educated in the public schools, and, fol- lowing the ambitions of his father, from early life engaged in boating, and for many years was captain of several steamboat lines. He was thus engaged until 18o5, when he purchased 150 acres of land in Pulaski township, where he lived until hi.s death in ISTH. He married Elizabeth R., daughter of .Tames and Elizabeth Porter, of this county, and became the father of eightchildren, six of whom are now living. Alfred G., Uie third son and si.xth child, was reared on the old farm, receiving a liberal education. In 1875 he went to California, where he remained until the following year. In 1881 he was mar- ried to Deborah, daughter of Oliver and Patience Houlette. of New Brighton, this county, and three children have been born to them: Linnie Z., Oliver H. and Mabel. The mother of our subject resides at Rochester, and is in her sixty-si.\th year. The fam- ily are members of the M. E. and Episcopal churches. In politics Jlr. Jloore is a Repub- lican. DcNLOP Moore, D.D., pastor of the First Prcsb3-terian church. New Brighton, was born in Lurgan, County Armagh, Ireland, July 25. 1830, and is a son of Dimlop and JIargaret Moore. He studied at Edinburgh and Belfast, and graduated in 1854. He was missionary of the Irish Presbyterian church to Gujurat, India, in 1855-67, and to the Jews in Vienna. Austria, in 1809-74. Since 1875 he has occupied his present pastojal position. He assisted in translating the Scriptures into the Gujurati language, composed treatises on Jlohammedanism and .Jainism, and edited a monthly periodical. The (jnynn- dipaka, in the same tongue. He also translated, with Dr. S. T., Lowrie, Niigelsbach's commentary on Isaiah in the American Lange series, and has contributed articles to vari- ous reviews The degree'of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on him Ijy Washington and .Tefferson College in 1877. He was married "to Rosetta Anne Luis, in Hamburg, Ger- many, Aug. 20, 1870. Their children are Dunlop, .John, Luis, William Hermann, Rosetta Anne and Alfred Kerr. .James Mooke, retired, P. O. Baden, was born MarcU 18, 1812, at Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ireland. His father, .James, came to this country from County Derry" Ireland, in 1815, and landed in Baltimore, Md., where he remainul three iiears in the furniture business, having learned the trade of a cabinet maker in London. After the war of 1812, business became so dull that he, imbued with the spirit that still rules, was prompted to "Go West," in the hope of greater success. He sold out his business and came to Pittsburgh in 1818, only to tind trade as stagnant as he had experienced it in the East. No money being in circulation he was compelled to trade his wares for country produce and orders on stores for the necessities of life. The first actual silver money he received was for making the coffin for Commodore Barney, about one year after he removed from Baltimore. Tiring of this unsatisfactory and pr< fitless way, he purchased in 182i, from Mrs. McKeau Buchanan, through Hon. Trevauion B. Dallas, a tract of 407 acres of land on the Ohio river, and now included within the boundaries of Baden borough, with the intention of engaging in agricultural pursuits, paying therefor $950.00, $500.00 of which sum was in furniture for .Judge Dallas' wedding outfit. He finally, in 1826, closed out his business and removed to his farm. In 1787 he married Mar- garet, daughter of James Porteu.s, also of County Fermanagh, Ireland, and by her had ten children. He died at the age of ninety years and his wife at eighty -seven. James Moore, our subject, is the only child now living of this union, and is nuni- l)ered among the oldest and mo.st respected citizens of Baden, or neighboring portion of the county. He was educated in the common pay schools of the period in Pittsburgh, and at the age of sixteen years began to work at the p:ittern making trade, which he followed for thirty years as an exceptionally skilled snd careful workman. With large idealitvand constructiveness, he manifested from early childhood considerable mechani- BIOGEAPIIIES KAST SIDE. 799 cal and invc-utivc genius, as his models of various creations of liis brain, in Hie patent office, testify. When ten years old he made a paper row boat large enough to carry him, by pasting and varnishing successive layers of strips of paper over wooden ribs and keel, an idea only recently patented and advantageously used b_y jirominent scullers. When twelve years old, he made the patterns for the variou.s parts, and completely titled and set up a small brass steam engine and boiler, with only the limited inspection allowed a boy of the half dozen very crude steam engines then in Pittslnirgh, as his guide or instructor in its conslruclion. In 18;54-35 lie designed and made the patterns and shapes for the first locomotive built west of the Allegheny mountains, " The Moun- taineer," for use on tlie levels between the inclines in couueclion with the Pennsylvania canal ; and with the aid of Joseph Bridges and James Boustead, both now dead, fully and successfully constructed it. He married, in ItSoT, Harriett, daughter of !~!iimuel Pierce, of England, who established the first steam marble cutting worl[rs. Nannah are the parents of four children: Elcctia ^l . Ada A. and Joe 51., living, and Frank S., deceased. Jlr. Nannah was a pilot on the Ohio river about thirty-live yeais, but left the river in 1877, and since that time has been farming. Jlrs, Nannah is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics Mr. Nannah is a Democrat. W. J. Nannah, undertaker, P. O. New Brighton, was born in this county in 1837, the second child and eldest son of Jesse and Catherine (Javens) Nannah. Reese Nannah, father of Je.sse, and a native of Scotland, came to the United States with a brother in early times, and soon after arriving located in Beaver county. W. J. Nan- nah attended the common schools, and at the age of si.xteeu joined his father who was a pilot on the Ohio river and followed that vocation until 186-1. He al.'o learned the painter's trade, which he carried on twelve years, aud iu 1881 embarked in his present business. He married, in 186:3, Alice, daughter of Rolert JacVfcn, of ^(^^(l (CMly, and to them have been born two children: Fred J. and Lula C. Mr. Nannah is a mem- ber of the I. O. O. F., K. of P. and A. O. U. W. He attends the service of the Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Democrat. H. J. Nbelt, physician, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., Oct. 24, 1851, a son of William and Margaret M. R. (Brewerman) Ne.ely, natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Margaret Neely died in 186G, and Jlr. Neely afterward married Mary A. Philips. H. J. Neely was married. Jlay 11, 1882, to Frances M. Philips, born in Butier county. Pa., Nov. 11, 1860, a daughter of John and Sarah (Miller) Philips, natives of Pennsylvania, the former deceased. Mrs. Neely is the mother of one child, Sebertius O.. born April 9, 1883. Mr. Neely began the study of medicine in 1878, and was graduated from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadel|ibia, in 1881. He located in Unionville, Beaver countj-. Pa., where he has been engaged in practice ever .since. He and his wife are membersof theBaptist church, lie is a member of the I. O. O. F.; in politics he is a Democrat. Joseph A. Nelson, tax collector. Rochester, was born in "West Greenville, Mercer county. Pa., Feb. 22, 1839, a son of John and Nancy (Carman) Nelson, natives of Penn- sylvania and Delaware, respectively, the father of Scotch descent. John Nel.'on, who was a silver.smith, came to Rochester in 18.52, and carried on busine.'S there until his death. Joseph A. learned the silversmith's trade in Rochester, where he was reared and attended the common schools and the Academy at Beaver. He then went to the Ohio river as steward on a steamboat, where he remained for twelve years, and sub.'cquently engaged for a time in packing medicine for Dr. Shallenberger, of Rochester. He enlisted Aug. 21, 1861, in Company C, 68d P. V. I., and .served tliree years. He is a Republican, and served three terms as a.ssefsor; also several terms as ta.\ collector. He was married, iu 1879, to Catherine Marsh, a native of New York state. She is a member of the Jletbodist Episcopal church. He is a Baptist, and is secretary and treasurer of the Sabljath-school. He is a member of the G. A. R. John R Niblo, liookkeeper and general manager for L. H. Oatraan, lumber mer- chant and m.anufactiu-er of woodwork. Rochester, was born in Beaver county, Sept. 8, 1840, a son of John R. and Mary (Small) Niblo. His maternal grandfather, John Small, who came to Beaver county abo\it 1800, was a farmer, and served in the war of 1812. His paternal grandfather, John R. Niblo, came from Ireland to Beaver county, and was a farmer in Brighton township. His two sons, our subject's father and his brother, Alexander R. Nil)lo, were printers by trade, and among the first to publish a paper in Beaver county. Pa., called the Auroni. Their circulation was very limited, for the county was sparsely settled. Onv subject's father died in 1842. He had three children. John R. , the second child, was reared in Vanport, Pa., attended the district school and the old academy at Beaver. His first business was teaching school, which he followed for twelve .years. He has held his present position since 1883. He married, in 1861, Millicent J., daughter of James Worrick, a prominent farmer in Beaver county. She is 802 HISTORY OF BKAVEK COUNTY. of English descent. Tliey have one child, Lizzie. Jtr. and Mrs. Niblo are members of the Methodist Episcoiial church, in whicli he has served as trustee, steward and class leader, and assistant Sahbalh school superintendent. lie has .served eight years as sec- retary of the K. of P., and a member of the A. M. and the T. of 11. John Noonen, farmer, P. O Rochester, was born on the farm where he novp resides, in New SiwicUley town.ship, :\Iarch G, 1838. His parents, :Martin and Mary (Kline) Noonen. were natives of New York, where they were married and tirst located. They afterward moved to Erie, Pa , thence to Rochester, and finally located on the farm where their son John now resides. The latter was married, April 16, 1874, to Margaret Musgrave, who was born in Beaver county, Pa., Oct. 19, 1843, and is a daugh- ter of James and JEirgaret (Ilendrickson) JIusgrave, the former born in England, and the latter in Ara;rica. They were nurried in Pennsylvania, and settled in Beaver county. Tlie mother is deceased. 3Ir. and Mrs. Noonen have one child, Charles E , born Feb. 9, 1875. Mr. Noonen learned the blacksmith's trade, which he has followed twenty-eight years, being also engaged in farming. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is a Democrat. Mrcii.VEL PiERsor- Nye, civil engineer, P. O.. Fombell, was born in January, 1830, at Unionville, Pa., a sou of Samson S. and Ruth (Picrsol) Nye, natives of Ohio and of Marion town.ship, this county. He began teaching in 1853, and has taught every winter but two since, having received his education at North Sewickley Academy and at a branch of Pennsylvania University at Zeliwioplc, and was a classmate of the presi- dent of Tliiel College at Greenville, Pa. From 1857 to 1860 he was principal of Web- ster High School at Portsmouth, Ohio. In 1862 he married Hattie Hartzcl, daughter of George and Charlotte (Stamm) Hartzel, who were natives of Bucks county, Pa, Nine children have been the fruits of this union, as follows; Ruth (now Mrs. Frederick Twentier), Charlotte, King, George, Benjamin, Fred, Joseph, Richard and Peiie. L. H. O.vr.MAN, dealer in and manufacturer of lumber and all kinds of woodwork, also contractor and builder, P. O. Rochester, was born June 26, 1826. His parents, Arnold and Abigail (Hays) Oatman,were natives of Vermont and Connecticut, respect- ively, and of P^nglish and German descent. His father, a carpenter, cortraclor and millwright, had a family of six children, of whom L. H. is the tifth, and the only son living. He was reared in Connecticut, worked in a sawmill in early life, and at the age of twenty set out for himself. He took up the painter's trade, and worked at house and sign piiinting for ten years. He then built a sawmill in Beaver count}-, which he conducted for three years. In 1861 he embarked in his present business at Rochester, and has met with uniform success. He married, in 1844, Eliza, daughter of Martin Noonen, and born in the State of New York, of German-origin. They have three chil- dren: Lewis, Arnold and, Jlinnie. They attend the Epi-'copal church. In politics Mr. Oatman is a Democrat, and has served as a member of the council of Rochester. He has traveled extensively in the United States. In 1885 he built the Ellis Hotel at Conneaut Lake, Crawford count}-. Pa., of which he is still the owner. Charles W. Pal.mer, real estate agent, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Fayette county in 1847, a son of Rev. Henry Palmer, now aminisler in Beaver Falls. Mr. Palm- er received a liberal education in youth, and has since early life led an active business career. He married, in 1837, Mig^ie, daughter of William and Elizabet i Geddes. of Scotland. They have had five children, only two of whom are now living; William and Charles. Mr. Palmer w-as for many years employed as baggage master of the Pitts- burgh & Fort Wayne Railroad. He served in the Civil War in Company B, oSth Regi- ment, P. V. I., and enlisted in the 112lli or 2d Cavalry. He was actively engaged in the battles of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor. He is a member of the Jlethodist church; in politics he is a Republican. J.\coB Panner, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany, Dec. 12, 1825. His parents, Henry J. and Elizabeth Panner, immigrated to America in 1837, and settled in Pittsburgh, where they lived m;iny years. The father die25. and is the mother of nine children, eight of whom are living: Louisa, .Tames B., Caroline, William O., Lizzie M.. David F., Alice and Jacob C. One daughter, Nettie A., is deceased. Mr. Romigh has followed farming all his life and owns about eighty one acres. He and Mrs Romigh are mcmbeis of the Presbyterian church. James Roney, grocer, and agent for Adams E.xpress Company, New Brighton, was born in Rochester, this county, in 1837. being the eldest of the three children of Arthur and Jane Roney. He received a public school training in his native town, and from ten years of age followed boating on the Erie Canal e.\len.sion, until it was closed up. For the past si.xteen years lie luis been engaged in bis present groceiy bui-incss. He was married in 18.58 to Matilda McDonald, wlio bore him one child, Charles W. Mr. Roney is a member of the I. O. O. F.; politically a Democrat. W.\T/rER A. Rose. M. D. Walter Rose, the grandfather of Dr. Rose, who emi- grated from Scotland to the province of Canada, settled in Elgin county, Ontario, where his death occurred at the age of one hundred and three years. His children were five sons and one daughter, of wliom Alexander, the father of Dr. Walter A. Rose, also a native of Scotland, re-siiied in Elgin county, where be was a manufacturer of various implements of wood. He was m.irried to Catherine Monroe, wbo.se children were Isa- bella, wife of John Warburton; Jennelta (deceased wife of Elihu Moore); Catherine (wife of Colin McDougall); Margaret, (wife of Edward Cap.sey); Rachel (deceased) and Waller A. The last named cliild was born in tlie county of Elgin, Ontario. April 17, 1843, and received bis education at the common schools of his native town and the graded schools at St. Thomas, near his home. In the year 1863 he began the study of medicine with Dr. Robert Lyon Sanderson, of Sparta, Ontario, and in 1863 and 1804 attended two courses of lectures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, together with two additional courses at the Jlcdical University of Buffalo, N. Y., where be was graduated in 1867. Dr. Rose at once chose Rochester as a favorable point in which to begin his professional career, and has since that time found no occasion for seeking a change of locality. During the years 1875 and 1876 be also maintained an r ihce in Allegheny City. His practice, which is of a general character, has been large and suc- cessful, and has given him an enviable rank among the leading physicians of the county. Dr. Rose has, since Rochester became his residence, identified himself with the growth and advancement of the borough, and done much to promote its prosperity. He is one of the incorporators of the Rochester & Beaver Street Railway, and director in the Second and Third National Building Associations of Rochester. He is a member and examining surgeon of the A. O. U. W., and prominently identified with the ]\Iasonic order as a member of Rochester Lodge No. 32il. F. it A. M. ; nu-mber of Oskalon C.jmmandery, Knights Templar, of Allegheny City, and of Peiuisylvania Sovereign Grand Consistory, of Pittsburgh. He is also connected with Syria Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Lewes RosENMUNi). farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in the city of Basel, Switzerland, in 1833, .and came to America in 184."). Ilis parents, John and Catherine (Gysin) Ro.senmuud, had fifteen children, and the nine surviving ones came with their parents to America, locating in Pittsburgh. Allegheny county. iMr. Rosenmiind came to Beaver county in 1874 and imrchased fifty acres of land, where he now resides He was married, in 1863, to Wiihelniina, daughter of John Flinner, of Zelicnople, Butler county. Pa. They have had six children, three of whom are living: ;Mary Louise, Emma Catharine and Charles Henry. The family are mendjers of the United Presby- terian church. 808 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. NicHALiES RosENBERGBR, farmer, p. O. Brush Creek, was born in Germany, April 3, 1836, a son of John and Margaret Rosenberger, natives of Germany. After the death of his wife. John emignitcd to America and settled in Beaver county, where he died. He was the father of three children, two living. Our subject was united in mar- riage, Jan. !t, 1848, with Catherine Strutt, who was born in Germany, May 18, 1824, a daughter of Henry and Catherine Strutt, both of whom died in Germany. Mr, and Mrs. Rosenberger are the parents of nine children, sLv living, viz.: Catherine, Casper, George, William, Lizzie and JIary. Those deceased are Lizzie, John and Henry. Mr. Resenberger came to America in 1846. He was employed several years in digging coal, and then engaged in farming. He owns 318 acres of improved land. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. John Ruckert, farmer, P. O. Freedom, was born in Germany, Feb. 38, 1831, a .son of John and Christine E. Ruckert, who died in Germany. John came to America in 1850, and remained in Pittsliurgh three years, then moved to Freedom. He nuirried, in October, 1854, Lucinda. daugliter of Casper and JIagdelena Coffraan. She wjis horn in Butler county. Pa., in 1830, and is the mother of fourteen children, ten of wliom are living: John, Mary. Henry, Elizabeth. Emma, Margaret, Ida, Amelia, George and Charlie. The deceased are >Iatilda, William, Jacob and Anna. Mr. Ruckert learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed about twenty-five years, and .since that time has been farming. He owns ICO acres of land. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. In politics he is a Democrat. Joseph Sants, designer, New Brighton, was born in Bath, England, in 1834, the eldest child of Joseph and Sarah (Gritlith) Sants, who were parents of fourteen chil- dren. He was educated at college in his native country, left school at the age of six- teen years and served eight years in the English navy. From early childhood Mr. Sants has made designing and modeling his special .study, and to-day ranks among the most skillful in the profession. He came to this country' in 1859, from South America, landing in Baltimore. He has been through Australia and India, and was engaged in the Crimean War. For tlie past twenty years he has been enllllo^ ed by diffeient firms in New Brighton, having but recently permanently located here. He is now employed in the large potterj' establishment of Elverson. Sherwood & Barker, and is the designer and modeler for all goods manufactured by that firm. He was married in 1S65 to Maggie, daughter of Martin Kappler, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and they had one child that died. i\Ir. Sants enlisted in 1863 in Company B, 133d Regiment, P. V. I,, for nine months, and at tlie expiration of that tiiue enlisted in the 50th Regiment, in which he remained until it was disbanded. He then enlisted in the Construction Corps, in Ten- nessee, Company B, 1st Regiment. 2d Battalion. He is a Republican, a member of the 6. A. R,, and a F. r. I. Wilson Wishart, and signed by all the officers of the regiment. HospiT.\i. 1st Div. 2d. Coup A. of P. Sept. 17, 1864. Adjutant Shallenberger, in response lo the call for volunteers in 1862, enlisted as a private, .-ind contributed hugely by his influence and personal eilorts to the formation of the 14l)th Regiment, P. V. Upon the organization of the regiment he was apiiointed adjutant, and has served in that capacity until the present time. At the battle of Chan- ceilorsville, the first in wiiicli the regiment was engaged, he received a slight wound, whicli, however, did not require him to leave the field. At the battle of Gettysburg he was severely wounded in Ihe kg, but rejoined the regiment at ilciirisville, \a.. before his wound was healed, anil participated with his comrades in all the marches and fight- ing of the f.ill canq)aign Just recovering from a severe attack of illness he started upon the campaign of 1864. when scarceh able to keep the saddle; was in the battle of the Wilderness and at the fight of Corbiii's Bri., Emma C, Bertha and an infant. Jlrs. Smith is a member of the Episcopal church: in politics he is a Repub- lican . J-VMES S-MtTii, farmer, P. O. Bniver Falls, was born in Lancashire, England, in 1834, a son of James and Grace Smith, natives of England, and the parents of thirteen chil- dren. James, the seventh child, came to this countr3' in 1842, locating first at Lowell, Mass., where he resided until the spring of 1868; then came to New Brighton, this county, where he was engaged as foreman of the carding department of Wild i.t Co.'s Keystone Woolen 3Iills until 1872, in which year be bought and moved to his present farm of fifty-.seven acres in North Sevvickley township. He has two coal banks on his place, which he operates with profit. He was married, in 1857, to Sarah Turner, of New Brigliton, by whom he had si.v children, three now living; Joseph, Anna and Ires. The mother dving in 1867, .Mr. Smith married, the same year, Ann Taylor, and by her has three children: Sarah, Frank and Grace, all at home. Mr. Smith was .school direc- tor for three years in North Sewickley township: in politics he is a Republican. ^Irs. Smith is a member of the Episcopal church. W. A. Smith, merchant, Rochester, was born in Monroe county. 111., March 16, 1844, and is a son of J. B. and Eliza I Ramey) Smith. His mother was born in Illinois, anil his father in Ohio. J. B. Smith was a merchant and a photographer; of his four children by his first wife, W. A. is the only son. After seven years of age, our sub- ject was reared in Greenville, Mercer county. Pa., and attended the public .schools and academy. He chose law as a profession, went to Liverpool, Ohio, and contemplated taking a regular law course, but financial matters prevented. He learned the business of photographing with his father, and in 1867 moved to Beaver, and embarked in mer- cantile trade. Since 1868 he has carried on business in the .same line in Rochester. Mr. Smith was married, Dec. 20, 1870, in Zanesville, Ohio, to Miss Katie Ilibbard, of St. Clair, Mo. 3Ir. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he served for fourteen years as a Sal)balh-school superintendent. He is president of the Equitable Aid Union Life Insurance Company of Rochester, a beneficiary society for both sexes, also president of the Grand Union, E. A. U., of the state of Pennsyl- vania, an annual meeting of delegates from 240 Subordinate Unions in that state. WiLi.i.\M H. Smith, stone mason and contractor, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Perry county, in 1840. the eldest son of seven children of S. C. and Matilda (Page) Smith. His fatlier is a stone mason by trade, and came to Beaver county in 1858. Will- iam H. received a common-school education and learned the trade of his father, which 46 814 HISTORY OF BEAVER COtrNTY. he has followed all his life. He was married in 1866 to Marie, daughter of John and Mary (Beets) Tiusman. of Butler county, Pa. They have seven children: Mary A. (Mrs. Fisher). Miles C. Maud, Lois C, Kate, Mark S. and Elizal)eth Grace. Mr. Smith has resided at his present home for tweuty-five years. In 1864 he enlisted in the 50th Regiment, Ileav}- Artillery, and served until the close of the war. He is a member of the G. A. K., politically he is a Republican. John Snyder, merchant and farmer, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in New Sewick- ley township, Beaver county, Dec. 3, 1846, a son of John and Anna E. (Bolland) Snyder, natives of Germany. They were married in this country and settled in Beaver covmty, where they remained until their deaths. Our subject was married, July 15, 1869, to Mary, daughter of George and Margaret Bonzo, the former a native of America, the latter of Germany. George Bonzo died in 1880; his widow resides in New Sewickley township. Jlr. and Mrs. Snyder are the parents of seven children, five living: Wesley H., Jacob AV.. Mollie N , Carrie D. and John E. The deceased are George H. and Bertha A. Mr. Snyder was reared on a farm, engaged in merchandising in 1873, and handles everything from a spool of thread to a steam saw-mill. He owns 273 acres of fine land. He and his wife are mcmliers of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. George C. Speyerer. Mr. Speyerer is of German ancestry and the grandson of a manufacturer living in Frankenthal on-the-Rliine, from whence he removed on the invasion of Napoleon's army to Heidelberg. His son, Frederick C, was born in Frank- enthal, and was a soldier in the army that fought against the French invader, after which he retired to civil life and liecame a successful farmer. He was twice married, his wife by the second union being Cliristine ]\Iaria Stezel, of Schweinfurt, in Bavaria. Their children are two daughters: Justinia Maria (Jlrs. Ebel) and Christine W. (Mrs. Buhl), and one son, George C, the subject of this biographical sketch. He was born Dec. 6, 1818, near Heidelberg, in B:iden, and on his immigration to America in 1828, settled in Butler county. Pa. He became a pupil of the common schools during the winter months and devoted the remainder of liis time to labor on the farm. His health failing, a trip to Europe proved advantageous, after which, on his return, he made Rochester his home and embarked in mercantile ventures. With the exception of a brief interval in the service of the German Manufacturing Company, he has for forty years been engaged in business at the same point. Since his advent in the town, Roch- ester has grown materially and become one of the most prosperous boroughs of the county. In all movements tending to its prosperity Mr. Speyerer has been a leading spirit and has unhesitatingly contributed both influence and capital to many worthy projects. He founded And is the president of tlie Beaver County Banking and Safe Deposit Associ- ation of Rochester. Mr. Speyerer was, in 1842, married to Anna Eliza, daugliter of Henry Krebs. of Butler county. Pa., and their children were Henry Frederick (de- ceased); Herman J. (cashier of the Beaver County Banking and Safe Deposit Associa- tion); and William J. (who died, leaving the following named children: Frederick G., Maud, Anna Eliza and Mace, orphans, and residing with their paternal grandparents). Mr. Speyerer is a leading member of the Lutheran church at Rochester, of which he is a trustee. Herm.^n J. Speyerer, cashier of the Beaver County Banking and Safe Deposit Association, Rochester, was born Sept. 4, 1845, the only sou of George C. Speyerer. He was reared in Rochester, where his parents have resided since he was one year old. He received his education in Rochester and at the Beaver College. Early in life he embarked in mercantile trade, and was in his father's store until he reached his majority, when he became a partner. He remained with his father until 1874, then carried on a banking business till 1881, then mercantile business alone for two years. In the spring of 1885 he was elected to his present position. He was married in Butler county, Pa., May 25, 1876, to Sadie E., daughter of Dr. Adam Endres, and born in Beaver county, of German descent. The fruits of this union are three children; Elizabeth, Harrah and William. Mr. and Mrs. Speyerer are members of the Lutheran church. He is a BIOGRAPHIES EAST SIDE. 815 Republican iu politics, and has served as a member of the council of Kochester borough for three terms. He is a F. & A. M., and a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. Pnri.ip Stkinhacii, farmer, P. O. Zelienoplc, Butler county. Pa., was born in New Sewickley township, Sept. 8, 1843. His parents, John A. and Dora Steinbach, natives of Germany, were married in Allegheny county, and settled in Beaver county, where they died. They had four children, of whom only Philip is living. He was married, Marcli 23, 1860, to JIary A., daughter of Daniel and Charlotte Brenner, both living in New Sewickley township. She was born Feb. 7, 1843, and is the mother of five chil- dren; Emma D., Sophia E., .John D., Charlotte A. and Henry P. Mr. Steinbach owns 180 acres of improved land . He and his wife are members of St. John's church . E. P. Stewart, railroad clerk, P. O. Freedom, was born in Allegheny county, Aug. 13, 1836. His father, James H. Stewart, was a prominent attorney and died in 1838 at an early age. His mother was Anna Pentland, daughter of Ephraira Pentland, ex- judge of Allegheny county and editor of the first paper in that county. She died in 1844, leaving two children, of whom E. P. is the elder. With his brother he was placed in the care of his granduncle, Abner P. Lacock, an old and prominent citizen of Beaver county. E. P. received a common-school education, and commenced bu.siness life at the age of eighteen years. In 1861 he euli.sted in Company F, 10th Pennsylvania Regi- ment, and served until 1863. He returned to this county, and remained here until 1868, when he located in Ohio and engaged in the railroad business. In 1881 he moved from Sewickley, this county, to New Brighton, where he remained until Feb. 'Z'i, 1888, when he removed to Roche.ster. In 1866 he was married to Susan E., daughter of M. S. and Charlotte (Eckert) Johns, and tliey have four children living: Susan E., Charlotta, Anna and Charles. Mr. Stewart is a member of the Knights of Honor of Sewickley, and Post No. 308, G. A. R., of New Brighton; politically he is a Republican. Turner Stkobridc4e. William Strobridge, who was of Scotch lineage and born in 1687, married Margaret Henry. His .son James was the father of William Stro- bridge, a native of Saratoga county, N. Y., who married Hannah Tuttle on the 10th of October, 1784. Their children were E. Hinds, Phedoras, Tulley, Meroe, Parnel, Turner, James, Susanna, William, Oliver and Hannali. 3Ir. Strobridge ultimately removed to Barnet, Vt., where he engaged in farming. His son, Turner, who also resided in the latter place, first as a farmer and latterly as a successful merchant, married Eliza, daughter of Capt. Edward Clark, a sr Idier of the Revolution, wounded at the battleof Yorktovvn, whose home was in Peacham, Caledonia county, Vt. Their children were Lydia (who died in chililhood), LaFayette and Turner. The last named and youngest of this number and the subject of this biography, was born July 9, 1836, and left fath- erless at the early age of ten months. He was, during his infancy, adopted by L. R. Livingston, of Pittsburgh, Pa., the latter city then becoming his residence. His educa- tion was received at the common schools in Vermont, and the public schools of Pitts- burgh, with a supplementary career at the AVestern University in the latter city. He then entered the Pittsburgh Novelty Works, of which his benefactor was owner, and mas- tered the intricacies of the business with such readiness as to warrant his management of the foundry department of the works at the age of eighteen. He was afterward admitted to a partnership and remained thus engaged until the establishment was de- stroyed by fire when, discerning a more favorable field in New Brighton, he removed thither and built the New Brighton Novelty Works, of which he is the present head. He is here engaged in the manufacture of novelty goods and domestic hardware, a market for which is readily found iu the United States and South America. Mr. Stro- bridge also devotes some attention to farming, and resides upon his farm adjacent to the borough. He was. in August, 1847, married to Elizabeth, daughter of George Irvine, of Pittsburgh, and their children were Emma, Livingston R., Frank (deceased), and Turner, Jr. .Mrs. Strobridge died in May, 1884, and our subject was a second time married, in the fall of 1884, to Mrs. Jane Robingson, daughter of Gen. Charles Carter, of Beaver. C. W. Taylor, traveling salesman. New Brighton, was born in that place in 1853. 816 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. His father, C. W. Taylor, who was justice of the peace for many years in tliis county, married Mar}-, daughter of W. W. Willis, of New Brighton, and they had eight chil- dren, C. W. being the eldest. Joseph Taylor, grandfather of our subject, came to America from England. C. W. attended public school in New Brighton until he was fifteen years of age; was then employed on the railroad and some time afterward en- gaged in potter}' business. For a number of years he was employed as a salesman, and held other positions in connection with potteries. lie was married, in IbSO, to Jennie, daughter of John Rupert and grand-daughter of Casper Weitzell. They have two children : Annie and Lila. Thomas M. Taylok, merchant, justice of the peace and notary public, Rochester, was born in this county March ai, 1K18, a son of William and Ann (Wilson) Taylor, the latter born in Pennsylvania, of German descent, and the former born in Ireland. Will- iam came to America in 1708, and to Pennsylvania when a mere lad, soon afterward locating in Darlington, this county. He served in the War of 1812, and was a farmer all his life; his faraih' consisted of eleven children, all of whom grew to maturity, and were all married before a death occurred in the familj-. Our subject's eldest brother, John Taylor, who was born in Northumberland county, in 1802, now resides on a farm in Iowa. Thomas M., who is the youngest of five brothers, was reared in Beaver county, attending the pulilic schools and the Greersburg Academy, at Darlington. He clerked in a store and on a steamboat in early life, and subsequentlj' embarked in mer- cantile trade at Rochester, at wliich place he was appointed postmaster in 18G2, serving fifteen years. Since then he has been justice of the peace and notary public. He also carries on the Ijoot and shoe trade in Rochester. He was married, in 1845, to JIargaret, daughter of Daniel Skillenger, and a native of Beaver coimty; her parents were born in the New England States. jMr. and Mrs. Taylor's only son, Eugene AV. , now deceased, was a physician in practice in Venango county. Pa., at the time of his deatli. He was married and left two children; William and Thomas. Mr. Taylor is a Republican. Ho has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for thirty-six years. Charles Tea, contractor and builder, also dealer in sand used for building pur- poses. New Brighton, was born in Beaver county. Pa., in 1847, and is the elder of the two children of Richard and Margaret (Hunter) Tea, the former of whom was the second son in the family of six children of Josiah and Hannah (Luther) Tea. The family are descended on the mother's side from Daniel Boone. Charles received a pub- lic-school training, and at the age of sixteen enlisted in Company B, 205th Regiment, P. v., serving one year as orderlj' sergeant. In his eighteenth 3'ear he commenced to learn carpentering of his father, and is now a successful contractor and l)uilder, employing from ten to fifteen men. Mr. Tea married, in 1806, Mary M., daughter of Eugene Fleesou, of Irish parentage, and by her had five children, three now living: Amelia N., Eugene F. and Sarah Floretta. Politically our subject is a Republican. He is a member of the K. of P. and G. A. R. George L. Teets, farmer, P. O. Zelieuople, Pa., was born in New Sewickley township, Aug. 22, 1852, a son of Lewis and Caroline Teets, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of France. After their marriage the}' settled in Beaver county, where they have since resided. They have four children: Adam, George L., Lottie C. and Mollie. Lottie C. was married, Oct. 27, 1881, to W. H. Ifft, a merchant at Zelienople; Mollie was married May 5, 1881, to W. H. Stockey, a hotel keeper at Evans City, Butler county. George L. married Jan. 26, 1881, Emma, daughter of Henry and Magdelena Zehner, and born in Butler county, Pa., Aug. 4, 1862. She is the mother of three children: Clara P., Mary and Carrie. Mr. Teets owns 118 acres of improved land. In politics he is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian church. They live in the old home where Mr. Teets' father and motlier have resided for thirty-seven years. John Teets, farmer, P. O. Zelienople, Pa., was born on the farm which he now owns and where he resided, in ^ew Sewickley township, Aug. 8, 1848. His parents, George and Margaret Teets, were natives of this count}' and died here. John was mar- BIOGEAPHIES — EAST SIDE. 817 ried March 14, 1883, to Ann C. Gudekunst, who was born in Butler count}-, Pa., June 11, 1860, a daughter of Jacob F. and Charlotte Gudekunst, botli living in Butler county. Three children are tlie result of this marriage; Clill'ord A., Vesta A. and May E. Mr. and Mrs. Teets are memliers of the English Lutheran church. In politics he is a Repub- lican. He owns seventy-five acres of land where he resides. Ethan H. Thomas, retired, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Beaver county. Pa., in 1856. to John and Margaret (Ilazen) Thomas, the former a farmer, and the latter a daughter of Samuel Hazen, of this county. They were the parents of ten children, three yet living. Ethan H., wheu fourteen years old, was brought by his mother to Kew Brighton, and here attended the high school. After finishing his education he was employed in the drug business for five years, then carried on a feed store three j'ears. In"l878 he married Ella, daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Riley) Kirkpatrick, and by her has had three children: Edith and Edna (twins, the former deceased), and Clara. Jlr. Thomas was a member of the town council and of the Baptist church. In politics he is a Republican. J. W. Thomas, baggage master. P., Ft. W. i: C. Ry., New Brighton, was born in Butler county. Pa., in 1843, to Austin (a carpenter), and Sarah (West) Thomas, parents of five children. J. "\V., the second child, and first son, attended the common schools and remained on the home farm until lie was sixteen years of age, after which he was employed in a .store and factory for a few years. In 1869 he commenced railroading, and for the past ten years has held his present position. He married, in 18G6, JIary, daughter of James Rowland, and by her had five children: Agues (deceased), Andrew M., George W., Lewis W. and Bertha B. Mr. Thomas is a member of the I. O. O. P.; in politics a Democrat. R. H. Thomas, .superintendent New Brighton Glass Company, was born in Alle- gheny county in 18.51, only child of James (an iron-worker) and Ella (Winton) Thonias. He was educated at the public schools, and has been connected with glass manufacturing ever .since he was eleven years of age. For several years he was with Bryer it Bros., Pittsburgh; was a stockholder in the Co<'>perative Glass Works, at Beaver Falls: two years foreman for A. B. Mills, at Chartiers, on Lake Erie; and after that was appointed to his present position. He is the patentee of a new glass tank, which, though yet in its infancy, has proved one of the most complete of the kind ever introduced for use in the manufacture of cheap glass. He resides with his mother at New Brighton. In politics he is a Republican . James K. Thompson, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in this county, Jlay 31, 1814, the eldest child of James and Margaret (l\:ennedy) Thompson. His grand- parents were Moses and Jtargaret ( Whittaker) Thompson. James, father of our sub- ject, was a wheelwright, and later in life a farmer. James K. was reared on the farm and'received a common school education. In 1807 he bought his present farm of 100 acres. He was married in 1840, to Margaret, daughter of James and Sarah (Welch) McCleary, and they have had nine children, five of whom are living; Sarah (Mrs. Wal- lace), Margaret (Mrs. Davidson). Dwight, Grant and Eva (Mrs. Philli.s;. Mr. Thomp- son is a Republican, and has been school director. He is a member of the United Pres- byterian church. J\MEsW. Thorniley, retired machinist. New Brighton, was born May 20, 1819, the second son of Thomas and ^Margaret (Wiley) Thorniley, parents of eight children The father came from p:ngland when four years of age (about 1790), and in 1813 settled in Beaver county, where he carried on cotton manufacturing. Caleb Thorniley, the pater- nal grandfather, was a farmer in Ohio. Our subject was reared in his native town, where, with the exception of a few years, he has always remained. He left school when nineteen, learned his father's trade, that of machinist, and for twenty-two years carried on a foundry and machine shop. lie is now retired from active business, residing near the spot where once stood Braden Ijlock-house, a noted resort during the early period of this county. Mr. Thorniley married, in 1849, Sarah, daughter of Jacol) and Eliza Wiands, of Ohio . He is a F . it A. M . , and has been a member of the I . O . () . F. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of the Presbyterian church. 818 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Robert Townsend was boru in "Washington county, Pa., April 9, 1790, his father havinij removed asiiort time previous to that date from Chester county. Pa. When sis- teen years of age he repaired to Baltimore, Md., and there learned the trade of wire working, establishing himself, in 1816, in Pittsburgh, in that business. In 1828 he removed to Fallston, Beaver county, and erected a factory for the manufacture of iron wire, continuing this enterprise, as well as that in Pittsburgh, until 1861, when, owing to failing health, he retired from active business. Ilis eldest son, William Penn Town- send, became a.ssociated with him in 1840, and he, with his two sons. Charles C. and Edward P. Townsend, now continue the business, to which has been added the manu- facture of iron rivets, and recently of steel wire nails. Robert Townsend is a descend- ant of Richard Townsend, who came with AVilliam Penn to America in the ship " Wel- come," in 1G83. J.\C0B TiiAX, merchant, Rochester, born in Allegheny county. Pa., Sept. 7, 1824, is a son of Lewis Trax. His parents came from Al-sace, France, in 1817, and settled at Pittsburgh, where his father worked for a while at the weaver's business, having learned the trade in the old countrj'. Lewis was a farmer, and had thirteen children. Jacob, the youngest, was reared in Allegheny county and educated in the public schools. He learned the cabinet maker's trade, which he followed for several years. In IS.iO he came to Beaver county, and in 1877 he moved to the eastern shore and bought a farm of 200 acres, near Baltimore. He returned in 1886 and engaged in different kinds of l)usi- ness until he built his present store. He is an extensive owner of real estate in Rochester. Mr. Trax was married in Allegheny City, in 1847, to Catherine, daughter of Henry Knomeshu, and of German descent. Their children are Catherine, wife of D. A. Sleiner; George H.; Emma, wife of Harry Hawkins, of Beaver Falls; .lohnT.; Henry C; Lydia Ann, wife of E. B. Furnace, and Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Trax are members of the Jlcthodist Episcopal church, and lie has been steward, class leader, trustee and Sabbath-school teacher. In politics he is a Democrat. J. Jacob Wacsoner, farmer, P. O, Knob, was born in Germany, Feb. 21, 1809. a son of George P. and Christina E. Wagoner. He was married in Germany in June, 1825, to Eva, daughter of Henry Jlassenhold; came to America in 1839. and in 1840 settled on the farm where he still resides. They had nine children, eight of whom are living: Elizabeth, Conrad, Eva C, Jacob, Elnora, Margaretta, Caroline and George. Mr. AVagoner is a painter by trade, but has been engaged in farming all his life, and owns fifty acres of improved laud. He and his wife were members of the Geriuan Re- formed church. In politics he is a Democrat. Mrs. AVagoner died Jan. 8, 1870, and since that time Mr. AVagoner and liis son George have been living together. The latter married a daughter of Christian AVahl. George AVahl, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany, Jan. 1"), 1810, and is a son of John and Soloma AVahl, who died in Germany. George was married in Germany, in January, 18 38. to Christina, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Burg, and born Sept. 1, 1819. Mr. AVahl and his wife came to America in 1846, and settled in Beaver count}', where they have since lived. They have had ten children, seven of whom are living: Jacob, Elizabeth, Caroline, George, Sophia, Alargaret and Emma. Those deceased are Henry, John and Maltilda. Mr. AVabl is a tailor by trade, but has been engaged in farming since coming to America. He owns sixty acres of improved land. He and his wife and children are consistent members of the Lutheran church, CitRisT Waul, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany, Alay 18, 1812, a son of John and Sallie AVahl, who died in Germany. He immigrated, in 1838, to America, settled in Beaver county, and was married Jan. 28, 1842, to Charlotte Geier, who was born in Cierraany, Dec. 13, 1819, a davighter of Nicholas and Cliarlotte Geier, who came to America in 1840, and settled in Beaver county, where they died. Mr. and ]Mrs. Wahl have had nine children, two of whom, George and Charlotte, are decea.sed. Those living are Soplua, Elizabeth, Catherine, Christina, Caroline, Alary and Christ. jNIr. Wahl is a .shoemaker by trade, but has been engaged in farming all his life. He owns about ninety-four acres of laud. He and his wife belonged to the Lutheran church. Mrs. AVahl died March 30, 1883. BIOGRAPHIES KAST SIDE. 819 Michael Waul, retired farmer, P. O. Brush Creek, was born in Germany, March 14, 1825, a son of John and Sarah Wahl, both of whom died in Germany. Michael married, Marcli 10, 1S55, Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Magdelena Martzolf, botli deceased. Mrs. AVahl was born in Pennsylvania, Oct. 6. 1830, and has six children liv- ing; Mary, Charles, Jacob, Henry, Caroline and Emma. One davighter, Amelia, is deceased. Mr. Wahl was engaged in hlacksmitliing about twenty-five years. He owns 24fi acres of tine land. He came to America in 1853, and has resided in Beaver county about thirty j'ears. He and his wife are members of the German United Presbyterian church. Pr-\nk WalIjACe, farmer, P. O. New Brighton, was born in Pulaski township, this county, in 1837. William Wallace, witli his wife. Mar}', came from Ireland in 1790, and located at Sheffield. Pa., where he engaged in farming and the timber busi- ness. He had four sons and four daughters. James, his eldest child and father of our subject, was nine weeks old when he landed in America with his parents. William Wallace came to Beaver county and purclia.sed 300 acres of laud in Pulaski township. James was a wagon-maker, ami purchased part of the "JOO-acre tract at the death of his father. He married Eleanor McClelland, who bore him nine children. Two daughters and three sons are now living, of whom Frank is tlie yo\mgest. James Wallace served in the War of 1813. He died in his seventy -eighth year, and his wife in her eighty-sixth year. Frank was born and reared on the farm which he now owns, and which is part of the original tract purchased liy his grandfather. He was educated at the public schools. In 1865 he married Euphemia. daugliter of Henry Alcorn, of Pulaski town- ship, this county; the}' have no children. Mr. AYaUace has held various township oHices, and is a Democrat. He is a member of the Associate church. James D. Wallis, dealer in groceries and provisions. New Brigliton, was born in Allegheny county in 1857, and is the eldest son in the family of seven children of David B. and Nancy A. (Carroll) Wallis, the former a carpr'nter. James spent his boyhood in his native county until eleven years of age, and then came with his parents to New Brighton, where for nearly sixteen years he was .t Co. (F. K. Bricrly becoming one of the firm), and 822 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. the business was removed to Beaver Falls, where it has siuce been conducted. The tirni is now Wilson it Brierly. At the time of the removal to Beaver Falls many busi- ness men had no faith in the success of the enterprise. The lirm persevered, however, and the results have demonstrated their superior judgment. When success was assured those who had been skeptical invested in the undertaking, and by so doing achieved fortunes. Mr. Wilson has aUo been idcnlitiid. .'-ince ]^'(:fJ, with various other business en- terprises. He is president of the Knott, Marker & Co. ITovelty Works, of the John II. Knott Ir. Wooster BIOGEAPHIES EAST SIDE. _^ 823 held the offices of school director, supervisor and township auditor one term each. In politics he is a Prohiliitionist. He and his wife are memljers of the Methodist Epi-scopal church. Mr. Wooster is the owner of a beautifvil home and farm of 211 acres highly cultivated. jACOii Young. .Jr., fanner. P. O. New Brighton, is a son of Jacob and Catherine Young, both of whom reside in this county. lie was born in Deichweiler, in the county of Khinefalz Baerer, Germany, Feb. 20, 1838; came to America in 1.S47 and settled in this count}-. He was married. Sept. 13, 1863, to Sophia Goehring, who was born in New Sewicliley township .July 10, 1842. Her parents, John and Margaret Goehring, were born in Germany, and came to this country when quite young. They were married and set- tled in Lawrence coimty. Pa., but afterward moved to Beaver county, where they resided for a number of years. They are at present living in Lawrence count}'. Mr. and Mrs. Young have ten children living: Katie M., Lizzie M., Emma V., Anna S., Bertha, Charles, Albert P., Mollie G. , Amanda K. and John W. One son, Walter, is deceased. Mr. Young owns 150 acres of improved land. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian church. John II. Young, oil refiner, P. O. Freedom, was born in Beaver county, Pa., Jan. 30, 18,52, and is a sou of William and Jeanette Young, natives of Scotland. Soon after their marriage they came to America and settled in Beaver county, where they remained until the father's death, which took place in 18(3.'5. His widow .survives him. They were the parents of six children, two living. John H. was married. Dec. 28, 1870, to Agnes M., daughter of Capt. T. W. and Sarah A, Fowler (now deceased). They have two children ; Edith Fern and Myrtle A. Mr. Young was elected to the office of justice of the peace, and has held three commissions He was engaged in the drug business eight years, and has been in the oil business four years. John Y. Zekgler, farmer, was born Dec. 3, 1830, at Harmony, Butler county. Pa., a son of Andrew H. and Mary (Yotter) Zergler, natives of Northampton county. Pa., and of Ohio, respectively. His father was a tanner, carrying on that business at Har- mony about thirty-seven years, and then traded for a farm in Butler county. About 1846 he bought the farm where our subject now resides, and the latter moved on to this place in 18.51, having been m.irried, Jan. 12, of tliat year, to Hannah Wise. She was born in the next house west of Mr. Zergler's farm, March 10, 1828, a daughter of John and Mollie (Funk) Wise. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Zergler: Andrew, (a druggist in Pittsburgh), Sarah (now Mrs. John Liebendorfe), John W., (a carpenter in Kansas), Caroline, (now :Mrs. John Curry, of Lawrence county), Emmet, Elmer, Harvey H. and Ferdinand at home. George ZiNKir.vN, farmer, P. O. Knob, was born in Germany Feb. 16, 1826. His parents, John and Mary Zinkban, came to America in 1845 and settled in New Sewickley township, this county, where they died. George was married, Nov. 13, 18.50, to Mary, daughter of Martin and Margaret Zinkhan. She was born in Germany, July 15, 1830, and the same year her parents came to America and settled in Beaver county, where they died. ^ivs. Zinkhan is the mother of eleven children, nine of whom are living: William, Caroline, George, Charles, Henry, Nicholas, Albert, Edwin and Anna. Those deceased are John and Lizzie. Mr. Zinkhan has been a farmer all his life, and owns forty-five acres of improved land. He and his wife ar6 members of the Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Democrat. W. H. ZoitTMAN, farmer, P. O. Freedom, was born in Butler county, Pa., Jan. 17, 1819, and is a son of Henry and Margaret Zortman, natives of Pennsylvania. They lived some years in Butler county, then moved to Adams county, Ohio, where they died. Our subject was married. Nov. 25.1841, to Hannah Wallice. She was born in Alle- gheny county, April 4, 1821, and is a daughter of George and Jane Wallice, who died in Allegheny county. :\Ir. and Mrs. Zortman have had ten children, of whom eight are living: George, James, William, David. Margaret J., Lida, Albert and Nannie. Those deceased are John and Lewis. Mr. Zortman lias been a farmer all his life, and owns sixty acres of improved land. He and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. CHAPTEPv XXA'III. BIOGRAPHIES— SOUTH SIDE. AiiCimjAi.n AoNEW, farmer, P. O. ShefTield, was born July 4, 1823, on a part of the old McCoy place, where his father then resided. His grandfather, Robert Agnew, was a native of Ireland, came to America, joined the continental army, and became one of the heroes of the revohuion. He was captured, and taken to IJuebec and confined on an English prison .ship three months. After the war he went to Cannonsburi;. Pa., and from there to the wilderness of Beaver county. He settled on llaredon's Run, lived here about fifty years, and died at the home of his sou. William, aged eighty-live years. He was a member of the Old Seceder's church. His wife was ^Margaret C'ornagy, who died young. They had three sons and three daughters. Of the sons William married Jane, daughter of David and Nancy (Shearer) yicCoy. They had eight children, four of whom are deceased: John, Agnes, Esther and William. The last mentioned died in Libby Prison. Tliose living are Archibald, David, Jane and Samuel. William Agnew died at the age of seventy-eight years. He was a memlicr of the United Presbyterian church; in politics a Democrat. Archibald Agnew, subject of this sketch, married Mary J., daughter of John Purdy. Three children have blessed this union: James P. (died young), John C. and Margaret, the latter wife of John Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew are active members of the United Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat and has held various township offices. Joseph Ale.x.vnder, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Si.x, is a grandson of Robert Alexander, of Scotch descent, wtio came to Beaver county at an early day and settled near Seventy- Si.x, then in Hopewell totvnship, and died there. His wife was Nancy Phillis, and they had nine children: David, Joseph, James, Alice, Nancy, Rebecca and Margaret reached maturity; ilice (Mrs. Gilbrethl and Rebecca (Jlrs. Glaspey) are yet living. David married Mary, daughter of Jacob Phillis. David Alexander was a man well known throughout the country, was born Feb. 14, 180(), and died on the old homestead, July 20, 1869. His widow was born in 1804, and is yet living, lie was a Democrat and held the office of constable for twelve years or more. He was the father of six children, Margaret A. (Mrs. Johnston), Jacob P., Jo.seph, Eliza A., James 31. and David S. Of the.se Jo.seph married Lo\iisa, daughter of James S. Alexander. They have two chil- dren: James Ray and David A. Of these James Ray is married to Anna Newingham, and his two children: Joseph S. and William. Mr. Alexander is a Democrat, and has served sixteen years as constable and a.sse.ssor of Independence township. He owns a farm of eighty-two acres. Joseph Ai.i.EN, farmer, P. O. Industry, is a native of Washington county. Pa., born in 1817, of Scotch-Irish descent. Eli Allen, a farmer and a native of the same county, married Sarah Griffith, by whom he had three sons and two daughters, the eld- est of whom, Joseph, father of our subject, al.so born in Washington county, was a farmer and boat builder. He married Annie Thompson, of Fayette county. Pa., and she bore iiim five children. Joseph, the third child, remained in his native county until 1866, wlu'n he came to Beaver county. He received a common-school education, and in early youth learned carpentering, which he afterward followed in connection with ship- building. For thirty-live years he was engaged on the river in various kinds of work on steamboats, as mate, engineer and captain. Retiring in 1878 he purchased the prop- 824 BIOGRAPHIES — SOUTH SIDE. S25 erty where lie uow resides, and devotes his attention to farming. He was married, in 1837, to UebeccaJane, dauftiiter of Robert and Elenor Lyons, of Irisli extraction, and tliey have tive children: Ruth Ann (now Mrs. Keed), Florilla, (uow Gallagher). ,"\Iarga- ret ;\Iarie (now Mrs. Gormley). Joseph, at home, and Sarah .Jane (now Mrs. Siirles). Mr. Allen and family are memljers of the Presbyterian church; he is a Democrat. Ben.iamin Anderson, farmer, P.O. Murdocksviile, Washington county, is a grand- son of Ben.iamin Anderson, of .Scotch descent, but a native of Irehuul. He first settled in Washington count}', and later moved to Hanover township, Beaver count}-, where he died, aged about fifty-eight years. His wife was a Miss Campbell of an old Scotch family. They had eleven cliildren, all born in Hanover township, of whom two are now living: .Mrs. Betsey Shillito, of Beaver, and Mathew Anderson, of Hookstown. The others were .John, Ella, Nellie. Mary, .James, Edward. Benjamin, Itobert and Benoni. Of these .John moved to what is now Bockstown. then known as "Anderson Still House," and carried on distilling and milling until about 1848, when he removed to Independence and continued milling for a few years, and then went to California, wJierehe died in 1857, aged fifty-eight years. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of David Jliller, and died young, leaving six chihlren: Elizabetli. Benjamin. David M., Jlary E.. John and Samuel. Of these Benjamin and David Jl. accompanied their father to California. David lived awJiile in Chili. South America, rettu'ned to I5eaver coun- ty, studied medicine, and settled in Washington county. He was a surgeon in the late war. Benjamin left California and went to Honda, United Slates of Columbia, where be was superintendent of mining for an English syndicate. He remained for five years, sujier- intending from 100 to 1.50 natives, none of whom could speak iMiglisli. He returned to Beaver county in 1877. crossing tlie Gulf of Mexico in a small boat. He owns 284 acres of land in Beaver county. In 1883 he went to Colorado in the interest of the Comstock Jlining Company of Beaver, for whom he has made several trips. His wife is Orrie Burretta, daughter of David P. and Elizabeth (McDonald) Scott. J.\.Mi?s R. Anderson, farmer, P. O. JIurdocksville. was born Aug. 30, 1830, on the old Anderson homestead settleIr. Boyce is a Republican . Aaron Boyd, farmer, P. O. Har.shaville, was born July 1, 1823, on the farm where he was reared and educated and where he now resides, containing 340 acres. His grand- BICGRArillES — SiiUTH SIDE. 829' father, John Boj-d, who was of Irish descent, settled near Frankfort, in Hanover town- ship, Beaver county, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sallie Moore. lie was a farmer, and had a hirge family. His son, John Boyd, was born .Tuly 20, 1782, and died April 2, 1870, at the home of his son, Aaron. He was married, in October, 1807, to Agnes, daughter of Thomas Moore, who came here when the Indians were still in the county, and a blockhouse stood near where Mrs. Eliza Moore now resides. Jlrs. Boyd was born Dec. 15. 1789, and died Aug. 13, 18(19. She was the mother of twelve chil- dren; Margaret, Jlartha, Mary, Thomas, Sarah, Eliza, Samuel, Aaron, Eleanor, Agnes, John and Esther. Aaron married, Feb. 2, 1871, Martha, daughter of James Plotts, a bugler, who was killed in the Civil War. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd: Harvey, Ava, James, liobert A. (died at the age of seven years), I (ally, Mitchell and Maud. Mr. Boyd is a thorough-going business man ; in politics a Democrat. James Bbaden (deceased) was a native of Raccoon township, Beaver county, Pa., born in 1812. His ancestors were among the pioneers of this count}-, whose experi- ences in the wilderness and among the Indians are recorded in history. He was a son of John and Mary (Phillips) Braden; who were the parents of tive children, he being the second son, born and reared on the home farm. At the death of his father he inherited the property, consisting of -122 acres, .subsequently reduced to SOO acres. Mr. Braden married, in 1830. Ellen, daughter of William and ^largaret (Patterson) Elliott, of Jefferson county. Pa., and to this union were born eleven children, six yet living: John, Thomas (married), Isabella and Beckie J., at home, Margaret and Rachel, mar- ried, >Ir. Braden died in 180(i. a life-long farmer; in politics a Republican. His •widow is a member of the United Presbyterian clnirch, as are her children, with the exception of John and Isabella, who are Metliodists. William Bruce, farmer, P. (). Shafer's, was born on the old Bruce homestead in Hopewell township, Jan. 21, 1829, His great-grandfather, Charles Bruce, was liorn in Scotland, came to this country in youth, and is buried on the old homestead in Moon township, and his son, George, lived ard died on the above place, where he liad a large tract of land, which was divided among his sons. He (George) married Hannah Gun, whose second husband. Joseph Rambo, lived on Raccoon creek. George Bruce bad seven children: Charles. Abraham. Jacob, John, William, Peggie and Jane. ()f these Charles married Margaret, daughter of Daniel Christy, a native of Ireland, and a well- known man who held the office of cniuity commissioner and auditor. Charles Bruce and wife died near the old homestead. Their children were George, Daniel C, David, William, Joseph R.. J. Rodgers, Robert, Rebecca and Hannah. J. Rodgers died in Andersonville prison. William Bruce owns a farm of 13.5 acres. He has been married twice. His first wife was Malinda Baker, whose grandfather was captured by the Indi- ans. She died, leaving three children: Margaret J., Elmer and Ida. Jlr. Bruce's present wife is Elizabeth, daughter of ]\[ichael Mateer, Sr. She has tive children: Caroline, Louisa, Elizabeth, William J. and Charles R. IliMEit Brvav. farmer, P. (). Shafer's, was born in Jlechanicsburg, this county, Nov. 14, 18.57. His great-grandfather, John Bryan, a native of Ireland, came to .\mer- ica when a young man, and died in Beaver county. He had nineteen children. His son Thomas, was a doctor, and practiced under the old school twenty-five years; then adopted the Homeopathic system, which he followed twenty-five years. He died in Shefiield, in September, 1877, aged about seventy-eight years. His wife was Jane P . , daughter of Samuel Xichols, and died in July, 1877, aged seventy-eight years. Her children were, Mary S., Samuel N., Jane P., John and Margaret, who are living: and George, who was killed at the battle of Gaines' .Mill, and Henry, who was drowned in Raccoon creek. John Bryan read medicine with his father and Dr. .1. F. Cooper, and in 18()() was graduated from the Cleveland Homeopathic College. He resides in Jloon township, where he owns a farm of 140 acres. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James Reed. Their .son. Homer, was married, in Beaver Falls. JIarch 2s, 1(SS3, to Ida Hryan, adopted daughter of Anderson and Rebecca (Alcorn) Braden, She was born Feb. 14, 1857. They have one son, John Bryan, Jr., born May 13, 1884. .Mr. and .Mrs. Bryan are members of the North Branch Presbyterian church. 47 €30 HISTOET OF BEAVEE COUNTY. lioHKKT Bryaki.y, farmer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born Feb. 14, 1805, on the old I5r_varly homestead in Hanover township, where his grandfather, Patrick Scott, ■entered 420 acres of land in February, ITS."), besides several other large farms in the ineighborhood. This was about the time old Thomas Armour and James Hartford first •settled in this county, llobert Br\'arly was named after his father, who was born in Maryland, of Scotch-Irish descent. He married Sarah, daughter of Patrick Scott, near Little York, Pa. The young couple came west about 1796, and settled on one-half of the original 420 acres mentioned above. They had six children: Su.sannah. John, James, Patrick S., Robert and Mrs. Nancy Smith, of Iowa. Kt'bert Bryarly, Sr. , was born Oct. 16, 1772, was married Oct. 14, 1792, and died March 29, 1842. His wife was born May 11, 1774, and died April 18, 1827. Our subject is a farmer, and Iiolils 118 acres, a part ■of the old homestead . He married, April 22, 1828, Elizabeth Smith, who was born June 18, 1800, at Saw Mill I{\in, seven miles west of Pittsburgh, and died Aug. 10, 1.S84. Her children were Jane, Sarah, William C, Elizabeth, Margaret and Robert S. The family are all members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Bryarly is a Republi- can. His son, William C, works the home farm. Joseph Kerk Buoit.^NAN, farmer, P. O. Kendall, was born in Hancock county, W. Va., near Chapman's Landing, and is a son of John and Margaret I Chambers) Buchanan. His father died when Joseph was three months old, and, at the age of three years he was left an orphan by the death of his mother. He had three brothers, James, Thomas and .John. James went to Nebraska, and from there enlisted in the arn\y where he suffered severe hardships, which eventually caused his death. Tliomas started for California in thespringof 1852, and died on the Platte river. John, a mute, is a carpenter at Hannibal, jMo. Joseph at the age of four years, was bound out to Aaron Jloore, whose parents, Thomas ami Margaret (Hutchinson) Moore, came from Lancaster county. Pa. They were ■classed among the wealthy people of Beaver county and owned over 1,000 acres of land. Aaron !Moore married Polly, daughter of David and Nancy (Kennedy) Stevens. The latter's mother was captured by the Indians. Aaron Moore was a miller on the west branch of Little Traverse, and also owned 100 acres of land. He died childless, Feb. 17, 1879, and his wife died Feb. 27, 1874. They "were members of the Mill Creek Pres- byterian church. In the article of indenture it was stipulated that .Joseph K. Buihanan should be bound to Mr. Moore until age of seventeen; should receive board and clothing, and be sent to school till he could learn to read and write and cipher " till the single rule of three." He was treated as a son by Mr. and Mrs. Moore. At the age of four- teen he went into the mill, asthma having prevented Mr, Moore's active life there, and he continued to operate the mill until after he was seventeen years old, and helped to pay off a debt incurred liy Jlr. Moore in building a house. Feb. 16. 1855, he was mar- ried to Martha T., daughter of James Bigger. She was born Apiil 19, 1880. They have two .sons: Rev. Aaron M.. of Morgantown. W. Va., and James B. Jlr. and ^Irs. Buchanan are members of the Mill Creek Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Dem- ocrat. He is the largest land holder in the township, owning 700 acres. James Burneson, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born May 29, 1824, a son of Samuel and Mary Ann (Cochran) Burneson, natives, respectively, of County .\rmagh, Ireland, and Scotland. They came to America about 1815, and located in Pittsburgh. About 1821 they moved into Moon township. Samuel Burneson was a farther, and died 3Iarch 3, 1863, aged eighty-two years. His wife died ^May 27, 1837, aged forty-three years. They had eleven children: William, Agnes, Jane, Samuel, Thomas, James, Mary A., Isabella, John, Margaret and --Vndrew. The parents were members of the Associate church; the father was a Democrat , and he filled several township offices. James was educated here, and owns a farm of 100 acres, a part of the old homestead. He is married to Rebecca J. Thompson, and had nine children: ISIartha A,, Mary J., Rebecca J., Robert S., Maggie E., Sarah JI., James T., Thomas A. and Fannie J. Mary J. and "Maggie E. are deceased. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church; Mr. Burneson is a Republican. Tiio.MAs Bdtleu, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Six, is a grandson of Simon Butler, who BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 831 settled in Beaver county about the beginniDg of this century. He was of Wel.'^li descent and came here from the eastern part of the .state. He had six cliildreu: Eliza. Benjamin, iSimon, Sarali, Peter and .lohn. Benjamin was born here and married .Jane, daughter of Tliomas and Catherine jMcEllianey, and now resides in AInliania. Hi.s wife died in Beaver country. Tlieir sun, Tlioma.s, subject of this slictcli, lias lived all his life in Beaver county with the exception of a short time .spent in California. He ■owns 230 acres. He is married to Surah A., daughter of Samuel Jiorgan. They have had seven children; Enuna J., Benjamin, Samuel M., .John T., Charles II. and Clara K., living, and ^Nlary E., who died at tlie age of fourteen. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are m;iii'jir-i of M )ant Olivjt Presbyterian church, of which he is a trustee. Politically he is a Democrat. J. W. BuTz, wagon maker, P. 0. Frankfort Springs, is of German descent. His grandfather, Nicholas Butz, was born in Germanj', and was mariied there to Maria Migdalena Younker. They located in Northampton count}'. Pa. , but later came to Mercer count}', where the father died; the mother died in Wayne county; both were •over eighty -five years of age. They had five children; of these David, born .Tan. 29, ISOl, came to Ginger Hill, Washington county, and from there went to Beallsville, where he learned the shoemaker's trade. He married, .luh' 21, 1824, Aniy, daughter of Job P3'le. She was a native of AVa.shington county, and died .July i;^, 1871, aged sixty- four 3'ears. David Butz resided at Beallsville from date of settling there until 1884. when he made his home with his son Joe W., where he died Sept. 22, 1887. They had eight children: Eli, Emily, David, .John, Joe W., Job, Mary A. and Sarah C. Our ■subject was born March 11, 1831, in Beallsville, Washington county. Pa. He learned the cabinet maker's trade in Washington, Pa., and followed it for .some time. He went west live times, vi.siting twelve states. Later he began work as a wagon maker, and although he never learned tluat trade, he has been very successful. He was married, in Frankfort Springs, Pa., to Kate, daughter of J. S. Campbell, and they have had two children, onh' one of whom is living — Mrs. EllaM McKenzie. In July, 1863, Mr. Butz enlisted in Company E, Olst P. V., Capt. AVilliam Glenn, and participated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and in tlie battles in front of Petersburg. Politically he is a Republican. Mrs. Kate I5utz' mother was Rosannah Teel. The lat- ter was a daughter of John Teel who fought in the Revolution, and afterward settled in Hanover township; he was captured by the Indians, but escaped from them at night, :and while being pursued, he ran around a tree followed liy a big Indian; then suddenly wheeling. Mr. Teel sank the Indian's own tomahawk into his pursuer's head; then .scalped him and escaped, Milton C.^i.iioon, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born in Greene town.ship, Feb. 13, 1818. His grandfather, Willi.am Calhoon, a native of Ireland, came to Beaver ■county at an earl}' day, and finally .settled near Shippingport, in Greene township, where he died. He was a prosperous man and a large landholder. He had nine chil- dren, of whom William, a farmer by occupation, was born in Greene township, and •died there at the age of sixty-two years. His brothers, John and James, were tanners in Hookstown; Richard died in Raccoon township, aged fourscore years; Samuel lived near Smith's Ferry, and died in Ohio, aged eighty-.seven years. William Calhoon mar- ried pjlizabeth, daughter of James Hutchi.son, an old pioneer on the Raccoon creek. Mr. Hutchison was a grand old man, honest and upright. Besides his own family of four children, he brought from Scotland four poor children, who lived and died with him. Elizabeth Calhoon died at the age of eighty-five years; she had ten children; •John, James, Richard, Robert, Milton, George, Thomas, Joseph, Elizabeth and ]Mary. Milton Calhoon has been a successful farmer. Beginning life poor, by industrj' and good management he has succeeded in accummulating a competence. He owns three farms containing altogether about 3(i0 acres. He married Plio'be, daughter of James and Poll}' (Foster) 5Iackall. Mrs. Mackall's father was Thomas Foster, a leading man in Georgetown in his day, !Mr. and >Irs. Calhoon are members of the Presbyterian •church. They have seven children; JIary. James, Thomas, Walter, Ida, Samuel and 832 HISTORY OF BEAVER OOUNTY. Hamilton. Mr. Calhoon is a Republican. Five of his brothers were captains and four were owners of vessels. His son Walter is general agent for the State of Missouri for the German Insurance Company. TiiOM.\s S. Calkoon, steamboat captain, Georgetown, was born Aug. 15, 1834. His grandfather, William Calhoon, was a farmer in Greene township, and died young; his wife, Elizabeth (Hutchison) survived him many years, and was the mother of nine children: John, Richard, James, Thomas, Joseph, Elizabeth, :Mary, !Millon and George. Of these, John was born on the home farm near Georgetown; he was a river captain, and was drowned in the ( )hio river. Elizabeth died young. Slary is the wife of Captain Stockdale, of Allegheny City. All the boys were captains. John married Nancy, daughter of Thomas Stephenson; .she died a few years after her husband, the mother 01 seven children, and those living are Thomas S., Mrs. Hattie Kelson, Jlrs. Elmira Smith, and William. Thomas S. began life on the river at an early age, and when twelve years old he made a trip to Kashville on the " Caledonia." He has been a captain since 1862, and is now in command of the " Katie Stockdale," plying between Cincinnati and Pittsburgli. He was married, Jan. 8, 1867, to Amanda, daughter of Charles Calhoun, and they have two children: Harriet, at Beaver College, and Mary E. Captain Calhoun is a Democrat. Johnston Calhoun, of Hookstown, Greene township, was born Sept. 19, 1812. The progenitor of this family was Gloud or Thaddeus Calhoun, of Ireland, who married a sister of Lord Blaney, at Blaney's Castle fnow called Blarney). His son William mar- ried a Miss Sprowl, a daughter of Jane Johnston, who escaped the siege of Derry by hiding in a potato furrow. Since her time Johnston has been a family name among her descendants. AVilliam had a son Johnston and a daughter Jane. Jane married a dis- tant relation in Ireland, named Samuel Calhoun. They came to America and .settled in South Carolina. The great statesman, John C. Calhoun, was their son. Johnslon also came to America in 1790, in the brig " Cunningham," and landed in Philadelphia. He lived three years in Kennigojig, Pa., Ihen went to Washington county and rented a farm where the Washington County Home now stands. He sold provisions to the government troops commanded by George Washington, when he was sent to quell the whisky insurrection. In 1800 he bought over 300 acres of land at Mill Creek, where he died Dec. 10, 1835, aged eighty-two years. His wife, Jane Donnehay, died in 1833, aged eighty-two years. Their children were William, Joseph. Robert, George and Ann (Mrs. Littell). Joseph married Jane, daughter of William Littell, Esq. He and his wife both died at Mill Creek, the former June 30, 18-Io, aged fifty-eight years, the latter Xov. 21, 1863, aged seventy-one years. They had six daughters and two sons: Johnston, Jlary, Ann, Eliza, Alice, Lovina, Joseph and Agnes. Johnston, the subject of this sketch, carried on farming and sheep rai.sing successfully till 1872, since which tiniehe haslived a life of retirement, for some years in Beaver, this county, and for the last few years in Hookstown. His first wife died leaving eleven children: Jane (now Jlrs. Isaac I). Sib- ley, of Colorado), Mary (now Jlrs. John Gallaspie, of Colorado), Isabella A. (now :Mrs. Fleck, of Wyoming), .Joseph (now pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Indian- ola, Iowa), John and Henry D. (Iioth now of Colorado), Eliza (now wife of Rev. M. M. Carleton, both missionaries in India), Johnston C. (now a minister in Viola, 111,, United Presbyterian church), George N. (now of Washington Territory), Enuna (now Mrs. Andrew Hunter, of Colorado), and Samuel (who died in Huntsville, Ala., al)out '/866). His second wife, Sarah Shirts, died leaving one child, Alice, now ]\Irs. Frank Pittenger, of Ohio. His present wife is Maggie A. Calhoun, daughter of Sanuiel Cal- houn, of Bellaire. Ohio. He has been from time to time called to fill positions of trust and responsibility, and has never failed to give full satisfaction. He was elected a school director, and served as such for a numberof years; also as justice of the peace of Beaver county. Was a delegate of the Christian Commission twice during the war; first, to the Potomac army at Washington City, and sent from there to Virginia; second, to Cumber- land army in Tennessee and Alabaiua. He organized and taught a Bible class in each army, over and above the duties devolving upon him as a delegate, and was presented by tiiem with a written testimonial of tlieir esteem and regard of him as a Bible teacher. BIOGRArHIES SOUTH SIDE. 833 James S. Calvert, farmer. P. O. New Sheffield, was born in Allegheny City, May 1, 1833. The history of the Calvert family may be traced back to three brothers of the name, who fled from Scotland on account of political troubles, and settled in three different coauties in the Xorth of Ireland. The descendants of these brothers are scat tered throughout the Uaited States. The progenitor of the Beaver county Calvert.s was Ale.vander, a native of County Down, Ireland. His son. .lames, was married in Ireland, to Ann Small, and coming to this coimtry settled in Pittsliurgli, where James worked at ropemaking. In 183.5 he came to Moon township and bought llfi acres of laud, on which he died in 1859, aged si.\ty-si-\ years. His widow died in ISSO, aged eighty-two years. Tliey had seven children, all of whom are living. James and Ann Calvert were active members of the United Presbyterian church. He was a Democrat. His sou, James S., was reared on the homestead, on which he now resides. During the gold e.xcitemL'ut he went to C.iliforuia by the Vanderbilt route, via Nicaragua and Co.sta Rica. He engaged in mining and prospecting there with varied success, and was for a time foreman of the Kodgers ijuarlz mill, near Virginia City, Nev, He had many thrilling adventures with the Indians. At one time his party of twelve was surrounded by 300 Indians, but escaped liy making a bold rush. He is unmarried and his sister Kate keeps house for him. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church at Raccoon; in pol- itics a Republican, and has been justice of the peace tifteeu years, and jury commis- sioner, one term. William M. Calvi.ht, merchant. New Shettield, was born April 2, 1839, in Moon township. His grandfather, Richard Calvert, was born in the highlands of Scotland, -n'here his two uncles fought under Sir William Wallace. After his defeat the family were banished and went to County Down, Ireland, where James, father of William JI., was born. James Calvert was married in Ireland to Ann, daughter of James Small. The latter participated in the great Irish rebellion, was taken prisoner and died soon after his release. James Calvert came to America and settled in Baltimore, Md., in 1815: thence he came by wagon across the mountains to Pittsburgh, and followed his trade of rope making in Allegheny county until 1832; then came to Jloon township, Bea- ver county, and bought a farm of Robert Potts. He died at the age of sixty -six years, liis "wife at the age of eighty-three years. They had seven children, all of whom are now living; Bella, Mary, Alice, James, Catharine, Rev. A. H. Calvert, of the United Presbyterian church, and William M. The last named was educated in Beaver county, and began his mercantile career in November, 1803, in New Sheffield, where he bought out David Patton. He started with little capital, and has been .successful. He was burned out Jan. 31, 1887, and in six weeks from that time he had erected a handsome two-story store and resumed business. He buys and sells large quantities of wool, and owns a farm of sL\ty-tive acres, on which is the largest gas wells in the county. His wife is Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Wallace, and they have ten children; Jo.seph, James, Bella, Charles, Anna, Vallie, Bessie, Willie, Guy and Alice. Mr, and 3Irs. Calvert are members of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. William Campbell was born of Scotch parentage. and while young was indentured to a Mr. Henry Craig to learn the weaving trade in the State of ^laryland. Soon afterward this Henry Craig moved to Penn.sylvania, and located at the head waters of Service Creek, now Greene township, Beaver county (but what Mr, Craig supposed was Virginia). In 1778 Mr. Craig purchased 200 acres of land, agreeing to give William Campbell 100 acres of this land in lievi of his trade, if he wotddstay with and work for him until his indentures were out; which he did, and received his deed for the 100 acres of land William Camp- bell was marrieil in 178(i to >Iiss Nancy Vance, and by this union were born four sons and two daughters; Henry, William, Margaret, Nancy, Arthur and James, Said Henry Campbell, after condng to years of maturity, purcha.sed the old Craig farm, and with his sister .Margaret lived on said farm until tlieir deaths. They lived until a good old age, and neither of them was married; Nancy died in about her twentieth year. James, the youngest son. bought out the heirs of the Campbell farm and lived on same until his death at a good (dd age. This James had but one son, William, who now owns both 834 HISTORY OF BEATER COUNTY. the old Craie and Campbell farms. Arthur Campbell was born in 1708; was married to Miss Sarah Mercer in 18"22. and liy her had foursons and four daughters: Xanej', Joseph, William, Comfort, Maiy, Marshall, Louisa and .James. Arthur Campbell and his brother William bought a farm n(;arthe old Campbell farm in 182:2, and lived on said farm until 1831; they then sold it and bought 400 acres of land on Service Creek, four miles below the old home farm, and moved on to the same in 1832, dividing it equally' between them. They both lived and die. is deceased. The mother dying in 1868, Mr. Christy married, in 18T0, Annie, daughter of Samuel W. and Elizabeth iLeggett) Moore. Mr. Christy and wife are members of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. J.\MKS Chiustv. farmer, P. O. Shippingport, is a native of Allegheny county. Pa., third son of Abraham and Hannah (Bricker) Christy. He was married, in 1871, to Annie, daughter of Rev. J. M. Smith, of Butler county. Pa., and seven children were born to them, five now living: Daniel. Smith, Clarence, Margaretta and Florence, all at home. Mr. Chri.sty has been a .successful farmer, and now owns 140 acres of the old homestead, which originally contained 150 acres. He is a member of the Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. T. A. Clifton, farmer, P. (). McCleary, was born in 1850 in Raccoon township, the eldest son of John and Rachel (McHenry) Clifton; the latter, a daughter of Charles McHenry, of this county, died in 1872. John and Rachel were married, in 1846, and had six children, three living: T. A., S. G. and D. L. Thomas Clifton, the grand- father of our subject, came from Wa.shington county. Pa., to this county, aud married a Mrs. Hunter, who bore him five sons and three daughters, John being the youngest. He (John) and his brother, Thomas, bought in this county 100 acres of land, and soon after a third brother joined them, purchasing seventy-five acres. This piece of land was deeded to an unmarried sister, who held it until 1875, when it was bought by John Clifton's sons. John bought his brother's fifty acres, which he owned up to the timeof BIOGRAPHIES —SOUTH SIDE. 837 bis death; he left 100 acres of land to his three sons. Our subject purchased from his brothers their interest in the 175 acres, and is now sole proprietor of the farm. He received a good common-school education, working on the farm during vacations. He married, in 1S79, Jennie, daughter of James and ^Margaret JSterliug, natives of Ireland, and by her has two sons: C'orj' and Carlton. Mr. Clifton is a member of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. Henry Conkle, farmer, P. 0. Hookstown, was born on the homestead which he now owns, Nov. 23, 1831. His father, Henry Conkle, Sr., was born in German}-, and ■was Ijrousht to America when but six months old by his parents. The}' .settled in Washington county. Henry and his fatlier came to Crreene township wlien the former was twenty-one years old, and linught a farm of 212 acres, where Henry, Sr. , lived and died. He was twice married; his first wife, M irgaret, was the mother of eight children. His second wife, Christine Shafer, hiid four children; Henry and itartba (twin.s), Will- iam and Margaret. Heury Conkle, 8r., was eighty years old when be died, and his father was ninety-eight years. Henry, our subject, married Catharine, daughter of Adam Metts. She bore him eight chihlren; Uobert P , a physician at Coraopolis, Pa.; Anna M., Samuel IM , AUiliue A., Sarah M.. John S., George E. and Harriet A. Mr. and Mrs. Conkle and children are members of the Mill Creek church. Politically !Mr. Conkle is a Democrat. Scott A. Connei.i,. farmer, P. O. Clinton, was born in Independence township, Nov. 6, 1862. His grandfather, John Connell, was a native of Ireland and of Scotch descent. He came to America about 181i^, and settled on the farm where Scott A. now resides. He was a carpenter by trade. His children were Nancy, Betse}', Martha, Joseph and Jaue. Joseph was born in Ireland, and was married here to Luciuda Gilli- land, who is .still living. Their children are John, James, Jane, Frank, Mattie, Mary E. and Scott A. Scott A. received a common-school education, and has been a farmer all his life. He was married. Dec. 7, 1886, to iMattie L. Fergu.son. Mr. and Mrs. Con- nell are members of the Hebron Presbyterian church. He was formerly a Democrat, but is now a tirm advocate of the principles of the Prohibition party. He owns a farm of 18.5 acres. Wii.i.i.\M Cook, ferryman, P. O. Shippingport, was born Aug. 20, 1842, in West- moreland county, Pa. His grandfather, George Cook, lived and died in Trenton, N. J., where his son, George W., was born. The latter was married in Kingessing, Philadel- phia, Pa., to Margaret A., daughter of George Fuhr, a basket maker, and landlord of the •' Blue Bell Tavern." bhe died May 80, 1874, aged fifty-two years, the mother of eight children; Caroline V., Wdliam, Deborah A., Amanda, Sarah J , Ernest A., Bertha and Clara C. Geoige W., in youth, was bound out to a basket maker, but, disliking his master, left him and finished the trade with George Fuhr. He resided in Westmoreland county. Pa., for lifleen years, and in 1853 came to Phi Hi psburg, this county, where he farmed and worked at his trade. In 1858 he came to Shippingport and bought the ferry, also became ticket agent for the C. & P. K. R. Co., which posi- tion he still holds. He and his son William are both Democrats. The hitter has been connected with the ferry over thirty years, and never has bad an accid( nt. He was mar- ried July 3, 1S66, to Harriet, daughler'of Andrew Swaney. an old .settler. She is the mother of .seven children: Harry F., Ernest G., Ella V., Claude R., Albert M.. Thomas 31. and Sarah I. Mr. and Mrs. Cook are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder. Joseph Cooley, farmer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born Jlay 19, 1848. His grandfather, Robert Cooley, came to Hanover township, this county, from Pittsburgh, where he had followed the blaeksnutbing trade. He was married there to Jeiniie Smith, and then came here shortly afterward, and they had a farm of 160 acres. Both were members of the Presbyterian church of which JNIr. Cooley was an elder. In politics he was a Republican. He had a family of nine children. His son, Joseph, married Matilda Anderson, and lioth died on the farm, aged si.iity-two and thirty-two years, respectively. He was also an elder in the Presbyterian church. They had six children who grew to 838 HISTORY OF BEAVHR COUNTY. maturity: Anna, Elizabelb. Kobert, Latitia, .Tosei'li and Matilda. Jr.stpb.our s-iilijecl, was reared by his grand]iarents from the time lie was three weeks old. He has a farm of 2:iO acres, which includes lii.s grandfather's farm. He was married, Xov. 12, 1873, to Lizzie, daughter of Benjamin Chambers, and five children liave been born to tlum: Laura, Cliambers K., Lizzie E., Joseph I), and Leola ;M. .Mr. and Mrs. Cooley are memljcrs of the Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. J. F. Cooper, physician, P. O. New Sheltield, was born in East Liverpool, Colum- biana county, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1822. His great-grandfatlier, Philip Cooper, a native of Germany, came to this country at the age of four years, lived in Jlonmouth county, N. J., nine miles from the old battle ground, and died in 1798, aged ninety-four years. His son, Gasper, was educated in Europe and became a teacher in New Jersey. At the breaking out of the lievolution he accepted a commission in tlie army. He died in New Jersey. Another son, Jacoli. was decoyed from home at the age of fifteen years, and served three years in the British army. He was wounded and taken prisoner at the l)attle of Tren- ton, and after several months' confinement was sent home, %vhere he remained until after the war. He became an iron manufacturer, and while superintendent of TurnbuH's work in Penn.sylvania was thrown from a liorse and killed. A daugliter of Philip Cooper married a Tory, and moved to Canada. David Cooper, son of Philip, removed to William.sport. in 179G. and two years later went to Chippewa township. Beaver county, and engaged in farming. His wife died there, the mother of six children. From Chippewa David Cooper removed to Ohio, and died in 1809 near Ashtabula. His son, Philip Cooper, was born in New Jersey in 1792. He learned the trade of a carpen- ter, and followed it for many years. He returned to Beaver county in 1841, and became a farmer. He died in Moon township, July 7, 1879. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Hamilton, and died in May, 1884. She had nine children, five of whom are living. Dr. J. F. Cooper, subject of this sketch, attended the common schools in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 1843 he engaged in teaching at the same time pursuing his stud- ies. Two years later he was compelled to give up his studies on account of poor health. After three years he resumed his studies and graduated from the Homeopathic Jledical College of Pennsylvania in 1853, in the class with Prof. Hclmouth, and other distin- guished men. He remained with his preceptor. Dr. C. Bayer, of Allegheny City, two years after grar. learned tlie milling trade, whicli he has since followed, having purchased the mill of his father. The power used in operating the mill is steam, and a large business is done. ^Ir. Cotter was married, in 18T0, to Mary, born in Wa.shington county, a daughterof David Wilson, of Washington county, Pa., and the result of this union is three children; .Tohn P.,. James W. and Lizzie. The mother dying in 1870. Mr. Cotter married, .June 19, 1878, Maggie, daughter of Benjamin Chambers, of this county. Politically Mr. Colter is a Democrat. Henry Cow.\n, f.armer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born in Hanover township, Washington county. Pa., Sept. 'id. 1830. His gr.andfalher, Henry Cowan, a native of Ireland, of Scotch descent, came to America when young, and raised a family in Alle- gheny county, where he died at Half Crown Run. He had five sons and three daugh- ters. Of the sons, Henry married Sarah A., daugliter of James and Margaret Stewart,. who came to Fort Pitt, where he was otTerel. Crail came to this, county from .Maryland at an early day, and served three years in the Revolutionary War. L. L. H. is the second son in a family of five children (two now deceased), and was born and reared on the farm he now owns and lives on, consisting of 160 acres of the original tract of 245 acres. He received a good public-school education, and studied at Pitts- burgh Business College, graduating from the same in 18.5-1. For several winters he was engaged in teaching school, saw-milling and faiming in the summer, -nhich latter pur- suits he still follows successfully. Our subject was married, in 1857, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Cristler, of this county, and by her has five children: Alfaratia, Ida May (now Mrs. Ewing). Atlas Omar, Clara Emma and Ernst Jan.sen. ^Ir. Crail has been school director for .six years, also township auditor. He is a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal church. In politics he is a Republican. His graudfatl)er. John Crail, was one of the first M. E. church adherents in Raccoon township, and his house the first place where Methodist preaching was held. Rev. P. J. CrMMiSGS. P. O. New Sheffield, was born in Coshocton. Ohio. Nov. 23, 1834. His grandfather, George Cummiugs. was a native of Scotland, and is supposed to liave come to this country previous to the Revolution. He settled in Fauquier county, Va., and moved thence to Coshocton, Ohio, where he died at the age of eighty-three years. He was an Episcopalian in religion, and politically a Democrat. He married a Miss Tullus, and they had five children who reached maturity; Eli, Maria, K. Bruce, Susan and Ludwell. Of these K. Bruce Cummings was born in Virginia, Dec. 5. 1803. and still resides in Ohio. He married Harriet Humphrey, of Rhode Island Her father was a sea captain, and afterward a farmer. She was born in June. 1815, and had five ■children; Abraham J., Philander J., George M., William W. and Francis 31. Philan- der J. attended the common schools and the Millwood Academy, after which he taught school several years. He entered Washington College in 1859. and was graduated in 1863. He then attended the Western Tlieological Seminary at Allegheny City, finish- ing his course there in 1866. In October of the same year he was installed pastor of Mount Carmel church at New Sheffield, and there remained until the .spring of 1882. He then took charge of the church at Industry until April 1, 1887, when he returned to Tiis first charge at New Shefiield. He was married in Allegheny county, to Hattie C. daughter of John and Elizabeth (Ferguson) Jliller. They have two children: William H. and S. Florence. jMr. Cummings w.as the first principal of Woodlawn Academy, a position he filled for several years. He was afterward principal of the academy at Industry for two vears. J.\MEs D.wis. farmer and justice of the peace. P. O. Seventy-Six, was born Aug. 30. 1846, on the old Davis homestead in Independence township. At a very early age he moved with his father, John Davis, to iloon township, where the latter bought the BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 841 old Campbell farm, but afterward the Edwards farm, where his widow Jlargaret Davis, now resides. lie was a member of the Presbyteriau t-hurch. He was iu the boatyard in Elizabethtown in early life. His ancestors are supposed to have been of Welsh ori- gin. His widow, Margaret, is a daughter of Francis Flannegan, who was an attorney of Pittsburgh. She is the mother of twelve children, eleven of whom are living: F. F. Davis, M. D., of Oil City, Pa.; William, a preacher in Iowa; John, }Ienry, .James, Sarah (Mrs. Wilson), Margaret (Mrs. Usleton), Hugh, Elizabeth (Mrs. Tucker), Emma (Mrs. Hicks), and M. S. Davis, a physician of Shippingport. Of the sous, James was educated in his native cotmty and at Edinboro, Pa. He taught school two winters, and then engaged in farming. He owns 14.") acres, a part of the old Davis homestead. His wife is Susan (.'..daughter of Stacy and .Mary (Kobinson; Engle, and they have five chil- dren; John, Francis F., Henry, Maggie and Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of >Iount Carmel Preshyterian church, of which he is a trustee. He is a Republican; has been school director live years, and is auditor and justice of the peace. HuGFi H. D.wisoN, physician, P. O. New Sheffield, was born Jan, 21, ISol, in this county, and is a son of Robert Davison. The latter was married to Margaret J., dauu'h- ter of Hugh and Sarah (Veazey) Hamilton. Sarah Veazey was a daughter of Elilui Veazey. He located here after the clo.se of the Revolutionary War, on or between 1780 and 1790, on 400 acres of land, and his descendants have filled many positions of trust aad honor. Hugh H. Davi.son was educated in this county and at Clinton, Pa. In 1S71 he bega'i the study of medicine under Dr. R. S. Kennedy, who was then located at New Scottsville. Three years later he entered the Medical School at Cleveland. Ohio, and was graduated in 187G. He is engaged in practice in Hopewell township, and resides on a part of the old Veazey homestead. In political preference he is a Republioan. Rev. James L. Deens, P. O. Bellowsville, was born in County Armagh, Ireland, Jan. 3, 1820. His parents, James and Margaret (Graham) Deens, were natives of Ireland and of Scotch descent. The father died in Ireland, and the mother came to America and settled in Pittsburgh when James L. was an infant. She married John Lompre, and both died in Pittsburgh; only one daughter, Jlrs. Eliza Irwin, a widow, survives. James L. was educated in Pittsburgh, and there joined the Jlethodist Episcopal church while clerking for E. Day, and entered the Western University. That institution burning down, he continued his studies with Rev. AVesley Kenney. He entered the Pittsburgh Conference in 1847, and in 1885 he became a supernumerary minister. He now resides in Moon township, Beaver county, on a farm of seventy acres. He married Mary, daughterof Samuel McKinley, well known in Western Pennsylvania, one of the most prominent members of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Deens have six children; Margaret. Minnie, Anna, Charles, James and John. Anna is a member of the high .school of faculty of Pittsburgh, in the Normal department. Jacob H. Diehl, farmer, P. O. Georgetown, was born in Lancaster county. Pa , Jan. 29, 1820. His grandfather, Henry Diehl, w.as a native of Germany, who came to this country at an early age, ami whose father died the day before the family- landed in Phila- delphia. They settled in Heading, Pa., where Henry was abluedytrfor mai\vj'tars. In old age he walked twenty-five miles bej'ond Le.xingtnn, Kj'.. where he died at the home of his son, William. Of his children, Jacob was a chairmaker, and worked at his trade in various places. His wife was Mary Peterman, and they raised a family of seven children; CUiarles, Henry, George, .lacol) H., Rosannah, Mary A. and Sophia. Of these Jacob H., the subject of this sketch, was also achairmaker. In November, 1837, he came to Georgetown, where he worked at chairmakiug with his father. The latter died on the Ohio river, of heart disease, aged sixty-four years. Jacob 11. then engaged in mercantile business with James Todd, continued for Ihirty-six years, and gained the esteem of all by his just business transactions. He finally gave up mercantile life, and engaged in farming, and now owns 230 acres. He married Anna, daughter of Samuel Smith, a Quaker, and a prosperous farmer, who came here from Maryland . Mrs. Diehl is the mother of three children: Rachel L., wife of Rev. J. E. Wright; Jlrs. Anna Jones and RosaL. -Mr. and Mrs. Diehl are members of the ^Methodist church; in jioli- :'842 HISTORY OF liKAVER COUNTY. tics he is a Republican. He started in life with |IO0 capilal, and by his own efforts has accumulated a comfortable competeucy. He received only twelve weeks' schooling, and learned the English lauguage after he was eighteen years old. William P. Diehl. gardener and fruit grower, P. O. Georgetown, was born, raised and educated in Georgetown. His grandfather, Jacob Diehl, came liere from Lebanon county. Pa., but lived for a time in Cincinnati, Covington and Pittsburgh. He was a painter and chairmaker, and died in Georgetown. He was a liberal, open- handed man, a member of the Lutheran church, and of German descent. His son, Charles, who was also a painter, died here, aged .sevcntj'-four j'ears. William P., our sul)ject. was in early life a farmer, and at the age of twenty-one, in the fall of 1861, enlisted in Company F, 101st Regiment, 1*. V., .serving three and one-half years. He participated in many engagements, including the siege and battles of Yorktown, Will- iamsburg, Fair Oaks, Suffolk, Va., the three skirmishes at Blackwater, Va., Kingston, Goldsboro and Washington, N. C. At the battle of Plymouth, N. C, he was taken pri.soner, and held eight months at Andcrsonville, Ga. , Charleston and Florence, S. C, (of tliirty prisoners from Company F, only sixteen came home alive). Since the war he has lived in Georgetown and vicinitj', making specialties of gardening and fruit grow- ing. Mr. Diehl married Lucy, daughter of John and JIary A. Winch, and they have three children: Elsie M., Jacob J. and Mary E. GisoRGE DocKTER, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Alsace, Germany, Jan. 28, 1835. His parents. Christian and Caroline (Sturm) Dockter came to America in 1875, with the following named children: ilartin. Christian, George, Catharine, Caro- line and Salome. They settled in Butler county. Pa., where the parents ilied. George was educated in Germany, and there learned the carpenter's trade. After coming to this country be worked in a Ijrickyard in IVaver county, then farmed in Rntler county nine years. At the expiration of that time he sold out and went to Michigan, where lie farmed one year, and then returned to Beaver county and bought a farm of 100 acres, where he now resides He has added to his possessions by purchase till he now owns 530 acres adjoining Phillipsburg. on which he has built a flue residence, all of which be has accumulated liy his own industry and perseverance. Mr. Dockter married Eliza- beth, daughter of Conrad Ebert, and she has borne him six children: Frederick, George, Christian, Charles, Caroline and Henry. The pareuts are members of the Lutheran church. In politics Mr. Dockter is a Republican. John Douds was born about six miles from Carlisle, Pa., on what is called Yellow Breeches Creek. Oct. 29, 1T78, the only son of an Englishman, Robert Douds, who had immigrated to America previous to the outbreak of the Revolution, and who was killed in the colonial service in 17T7. His mother (before marriage Mi.ss Elizabeth Dawson) was a resident of Carlisle, her parents being of German origin. For the first three and a half years of his life young John remained in the locality of his birth. At the expira- tion of this period, in company with James Braden, with whom he lived until attaining his majority, he removed to Pittsburgh, remained there during the following winter and in the succeeding spring, John and his foster parent removed to the region of Raccoon Creek, Beaver county. Tlie first abode they entered consisted of a small log hut, about twelve feet square, so low that one could not stand erect within it. In this house the family lived for over three years, Jlr. 15raden, meanwhile, clearing away the adjoining timber, and preparing for future improvements. At length a larger house became necessary, aiui a log one, 18 Ijy 24 feet in dimensions, was "raised," with the assistance of neighbors, and occupied shortly afterwards. In this structure, surrounded on every lumd by forest and wilderness, young John was reared. The territory in which he lived was the theatre of many an Indian outrage and massacre; and it is related that John was so much thrown into Indian society that he became acquainted with the savage language, and could converse quite readily in it. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Douds decided to embark upon the sea of matrimony, and Oct. 18, 170SI, was united in wedlock to Jliss Mary Hutchison, daughter of James and Elizalieth Hutchison, the ceremony being .performed by Rev. Reno, of Beaver. Immediately afterward the new couple removed DIOGEAPIIIES — SOUTH SIDE. 843 to the farm, on which they passed tlie remainder of their lives. Their housekeeping equipments consisted of two chairs, a few stools made out of puncheons, a table con- .strucled in the same mauuer, pewter dishes and other utensils of a like primitive nature. The implements witli which the husband began cultivating his farm were also novel. His horse-collars were platted corn husks, sewed together by a wooden needle with a flax cord; his trace chains and bridle were made out of home-twined rope; back bands of double tow linen; and lianies of wood, with two auger holes through it, and ropes jiut through them so as to lengthen or shorten, as might be required. The plows were wooden, the shares and coulter were of iron, wliile the harrow had wooden teeth. Kot- withstauding these inconveniences, it is related that the Douds' farm was kept in a condi- tion that would cause envy among many of the farmers of to-day. Ilis wife, Mary Hiuchison, was born .JuQe 23, 1783, at Kilrea, county Derry, Ireland, emigrated to America in June, 1789. in company with her parents; located first at Brandywine, lateral Middletown, in Allegheny county. Pa., and afterwards in Moon township, Beaver county. Shortly after her murriage she joined the White Oak Flats Presbyterian church, and by the indueuce of her Christian life secured her husband's entrance into the fold of the same congregation, of which, under its later name of Mount C'armel church, he became a leading and honored member. The union of these worthy pioneers was blessed with eleven children: Agnes, born ,Iuly 2.5, 1800, and married, Aug. 28, 1817, to JIahlon T. Stokes: Robert, died in infancy; .James H., born .Jan. 1.5, 1805, mar- ried, Aug. 16. 1827, to Margaret Cahhvell, died Sept. 7, 1856: .John, born ^March 17, 1807, married, Dec, 1832, to ilary McDonald; Benoni D., born Aue. 23, 1809, married in ^Alarch, 1833, to Mary Irons; Eliza, born Jan. 30, 1813, married, Nov. 7, 1883, to James Moore; Marv Ann, born Nov. 6, 1815; William McC, bornFeb. 19, 1818, married. May 6, 1841, to Ilebecca Wyant; Edward Hill, bornJuly 27, 1830, married, April 39, 1845, to Maria Fronk; Margaret II., Iiorn Oct. 11. 1822, married, April 8, 1841, to Joseph Irons; and JIahlon S., born Dec. 9, 1834. married, April 33, 1850, to Uebecca Brotlierton. B. D. Douds, farmer, P. 0. Green Garden, was born in Moon township, this county, on the old Douds liomestead, where his grandfather, James Hutchison, first settled. The latter was a native of Ireland, and of Scotch descent. Robert Douds, o-randfather of B. D., was a light horseman, and was shot from his horse during war. The quarter section of land, which his family were entitled to was never obtained, though it lies in the limits of Beaver county. John Douds, son of Robert, was born near Carlisle, Pa., and at the age of two years was bound to James Braden, who lived at the mouth of Raccoon creek, and was engaged in carrying salt from Carlisle to Beaver county. John Douds was married at the age of twenty-one years to Mary, daughter of .lames Ilutchi.son and both died in Moon township, he, April 4, 1867, aged nearly eighty-eight years, and she, March 34, 1868. aged nearly eighty-si.\ years. They had the following named children who reached maturity; Agnes (Mrs. Stokes), John, Benoni Dawson (our subject), Edward H., Margaret (Jlrs. Irons) and Mahlon S., living, and James H., Elizabeth and William M., deceased. B. D. came to Hopewell township in 1852, and bought the John R. and ]Mary A. McCune farm. He sold a part of it, retaining sixty-one acres. He also owns a farm of eight-seven acres across the (.)hio river. He was married March 16, 1833. to JIary, daughter of Solomon Irons. She died April 29, 1887, aged nearly eighty years. She had five children that reached maturity; Mary (Mrs. Orr), James I., John 13. (killed at Spottsylvania, May, 12, 1864), Robert ('. and Agnes A. The latter is tlie wife of AVilliam Bruuton Smitii, and has three children; Mary I., AVilliam J. and Dawson D. Mr. Douds is an elder in the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Rei)ul)lican. McAi.i.isTEii DuNL.\p, farmer, P. O. Murdocksville, was born in Westmoreland county, Pa. , Feb. 22, 1819. His grandfather, Thomas Dunlap, was of Scotch-lrisli descent. John Dunlap, father of McAllister, was born in Westmoreland county, and tnarried Jane, daughter of John McClure. They came to Beaver county, afterward lived a short time in Washington county, but returned to Beaver county, and bought the old John 2HcComb farm. They were members of the Presliyterian church, Tlieir 8i4r HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. children were John, William, Alexander, Lucetta J., McAllister and Violet (twins) and James, who died at the age of sixteen. McAllister Dunlaii married Margaret, daughter oi Robert Coolej' . The}' are active members of the Presbyterian church. Mr, Dnnlap has a farm of 107 acres, where lie resides, and another farm of sixty-five acres. lie is a Democart, and takes an active interest in local and national affairs. John C. Dunn, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born near Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 14, 1843. His parents, Walter and Ellen (Brownlee) Dunn came to America with nine children: William \icol (a son of the mother by a former marriage), Jessie, Catha- rine, Jeanette, David, Walter, John C, Mary and Ellen. They had two children, Robert and James, born in this country. In 1852 the family settled in Heaver county, where the father died at the age of seventy-two years. John C. was a pit boss at the coal mines of Melvecsport for about twenty-five years. In 1882 he came to Beaver county, where he has a farm of sixty -seven acres, apart of the homestead of his father-in-law. His wife is Jlartha B., daughter of William Sliroads. They have six children living: Nettie, John. Ellen, Samuel, James and Alice N. The parents are members of the North Branch Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Dunn is a trustee. In politics he is a Republican. Cii.\iiLEs Eaciiel, oil producer, P. O. Ethel Landing, was born in Allegheny county. Pa,, Oct. 23, 1844, His grandfather, Andrew Eachel, was of German descent, and came from Redstone, Pa., east of the mountains. He settled in Hopewell township in 1810, and died there at the age of ninety-three. His wife, Mary Ann, also died in Hopewell township. His son, Samuel, bought the homestead of his father, and died Feb. 9, 1884, at the age of seventy-six years, a member of the United Presbyterian church. He was a weaver by trade, and lived for many \earsin Alleghen}- county, hav- ing held office there. He was a Democrat. Ills wife was Isabelle Johnston, who died at the age of sixt3'-six years. Of their children seven lived to maturity ; ]\Iary Ann, Mar- garet J., Matilda, Verlinda, Louisa E., Elizabeth and Charles. The latter was educated in this county, and here followed farming until the oil business opened a new field of industry. As an oil producer he has been successful. His wife is Sarah J., daughter of Thomas Brunton. Their children are Vinnie L., Charles E., Edna Laura, Edith Lilian and Gertie, The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Eachel has six wells on his farm of loG acres, all of which is leased, except five acres, which he operates himself. John H, Eckeut, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Baden, Germany. Jan. 16, 1828. His parents, John H, and Jlargaret (Rei(henl) Eckert. came to Ameiica in 1843, bringing seven children, viz.: Peter, Jacob, John H., Charles, Margaret, Rosa and Adam, William, the eldest son, having come three years before the rest. They settled in Economy' township, Beaver county, whtre the father died at the age of seventy-tw-o. John H. was engaged in butchtring in Allegheny Cily for many years, having learned the tradein Germany. He came to Jloon town.sliipin 1868, and engaged in farming and dairying, in which he has been successful. He owns nearly 170 acres, which he has greatly improved. I lis wife, Charlotte Koener, was born March 16. 1834, in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany. They have had eight children: Albert, Emma, Ferdinand, Henry, William, Ernest, Charles and Theodore. The parents are members of the Evangelical Protestant church. Mr. Eckert is a Democrat, and has held several town- ship offices. William P. Elliott, farmer, P. O. Bellowsville, was born in Hulibard township, Trumbull county, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1817. His father. William Elliott, Esq., a native of Ireland, came to this country with his brother James, who settled in Carlisle, Pa,, and whose (U'cendants live in Pitt.sbnrgh . William settled in Jefler.son county. Pa., and sub- sequently went to Trumbull county, Ohio, with his uncle. Dr. John Mitcheltree. He sold his farm there, and in 1824 came to Moon township and bought the farm where George Sohn now lives. His wife was Margaret Patterson. Their children are Jane, Nancy, Arabella, Ellen. Susan, Rachel, John, William P.. James and Thomas. The father died at the age of eighty-three, a member of the Presbyterian church, and the BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 845 mother at the age of eii;hty-live years, a member of the Methodist cluirch . William P. was educaled in this couut y. and owns a farm of eighty -two acres. His wife is Adeline, daughter of George Nicknm, and their children are Margaret, Karcissa S., Oliver B., James, Washington and Eli/abeth. James and Washington are stockmen in Oregon. The family are members of the North Branch Presbyterian church, of which Oliver B. is an elder. The father and sons ate Republicans. CiiiiisTiAN Ekheck, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, is a son of Ballhasar Erbeck, who was a farmer in Kiirle, Cur Hesse, Germany, where he died when Christian was fifteen years old. His wife, Mary Miller, also died there. She had four children: Wilhelm and Mary (deceased), Anna M. and Christian, living. Christian learned the saddlery and upholstery l>nsiness in Germany, and at the age of nineteen came to America, and fol- lowed his trade in Pittsburgh and Rochester, where he worked in the car shops, and where he afterward had a siiop of his own for two years and a half. He was success- ful, but was compelled to give up the business on account of ill health . He removed to- Moon township, where he followed farming and butchering about twenty years; theU' ceased butchering, and devoted his whole attention to faimiiig; he still owns a farm of 109 acres. He married Phillipine, daughter of Jacob Wagner. Tbey have four chil- dren: Ernest. AValter, Frank and Clara. The family are members of the Lutheran church. Mr. Erbeck is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a Democrat, has been mem- ber of the council several times and member of the school board for lifteen j-ears. David Ewing, farmer, P. O. McCleary, was Ijorn in Raccoon township, Beaver county. Pa., in 1S18, of .Scotch-Irish descent. Five brothers by the name of Ewing came to America at a period anterior to Penn's arrival in the country, and Alexander Ewing, a descendant of the.sc. born in Delaware county. Pa., came to this county in. 178S. .John, a son of bis, married Jane, daughter of David McAllister, also a native of Ireland, and the\' had seven sons and four daughters, of whom David is the eldest son and third child. Our .subject worked on tlie home farm until his thirtieth year. He received a good common-school education, and at the age of twenty-two learned coopering, a trade he followed ten years. He married, in IS'u, Elizabeth, daughter of David Ken- nedy. She dying, Mr. Ewing was united in wedlock with Sarah Ann, daughter of Elishi and Xancy (Brintou, Thornsbnrg, of this county, and by her there were four sons and two daughters: R. S.,at home,; Stanton F.,in Kansas; Ellis and W'illis (twins, latter deceased): Lizzie and Jennie, at home. Mr. Ewing bought, in 1847, his present farm, consisting of 1.50 acres. He has held many positions of trust in the county, and was for twenty-one years a justice of the peace; he is a school director, etc. In politics he is a Republican. He and the family are members of the United Presbyterian church. James A[. Ewr.\G, farmer, P. O. Holt, was born in 1827, in Raccoon township, the tifth son of John and Jane (McAllister) Ewing, and a descendant of Ale.xander Ewing referred to in the sketch of David Ewing above. James Jt. was born and reared on a farm, and for thirty years was a school teacher in his district during the winter months, attending to his farm duties in summer, He is the oldest school teacher in the county south of the river. He was married in 1851 to Nancy Robertson, who bore him five sons and onedaughter: Wellington ideceased), William M., Samuel L. (in Illinois), Frank (in Iowa), I.izzie Jane (now Mrs. Rogers) and Alva A. (in Illinois). The mother died in 180."). and Mr. Ewing subsequently married Nancy, daughter of Thomas Purdy, of Allegheny county. Mr. Ewing has been .school director, judge and clerk of elections and township auditor. He is a member of Session of Service United Presbyterian church. Politically he is a Republican. J. H. Ewing, merchant, Shippingport, was born in Raccoon township, this comity, in 1834, youngest son of John and Jane (McAllister) Ewing. He remained on a fai:m while a young man, receiving a common-school education, and his first venture in mer- cantile life began in 1868. when he engaged in the wholesale grain trade in Pittsburgh, continuing tlirec and a half years. Coming to Shippingport in 1871, lie embarked in his present general mercliandise business. Mr. Ewing was married, in 1804, to Nannie, daughter of James and Jennie (Wallace) Nelson, and by her has three sons: William H.. 48 84G HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. J. Wallace and Johu LeMont. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Ewing is a Uepublican. James P. Ewing. farmer, P. O. Holt, was born on the farm he now owns, in Rac- coon township, in 1830. Henry Ewing. the eldest child born to Alexander and Mar- garet (McCounell) Ewing, was brought, when a child, from Lancaster county to Allegheny county, Pa., in 1786, and four years later they moved to Beaver county. The journey was made on horseback, and when crossing the Susiiuehanna river, tlie boy slipped from his mother's lap into the water, and but for the timely assistance of the father, who rescued him, would have been drowned. Arriving at maturity, this Henry, with his brother, .lames, purchased a tract of land known as "Panther Grove," part of llie ^lartin survey, and containing 337 acre.s, 207 of which are now owned by the subject of this sketch. Henry Ewing married Jane Purdy, of Allegheny county, and three children were born to tliem; James P., the youngest, secured a common-school education. In 18.53 he married Frances, daughter of Samuel Kennedy, and by her had two child- ren: Samuel (deceased) and Caroline, now Mrs. A. A. Christy. The mollier dying, Mr. Ewing married Marie, daughter of William Littell, of this county. Nine children blessed this union, five sons and two daughters yet living: Alice Jane, AVilliam L., Cyrus Alexander, Mary Frances, Randal! Ross, Oliver Sheridan and Horace Wairen. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church. Politically Mr. Ewing is a Republican. WiLi,i.\M Ewing, farmer, P. O. McCleary, was born in Raccoon township, in 182.5, was reared on the farm, and received a good common-school education. During the early part of his life he traveled through dift'erent parts of the West, .and in 1802 he en- listed in Company H, 140tli Regiment, P.V., serving nearly three years. He participated in the battles of Gettysburg and Spottsylvania, receiving at the latter a wound which incapacitated him from duty for six months, and at the close of the war he returned home. On the death of his father he purchased 100 acres of land — part of the original tract bought by his father. He was elected county commissioner in 1867. He is a mem- ber of the United Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Republican and a Prohibi- tionist. William Ewing, farmer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, wa^ born in Frankfort Feb. 5, 1833, and is a son of John Ewing, a native of Allegheny county, His ancestors were natives of Chester county, and of Scotch descent. John was a tanner by trade, and carried on business in Frankfort many years. He was a popular man in the township and filled the office of justice of the peace for many years. He died in 1863 aged si.vty- three years. His wife was Sarah, daughter of John Furgeson, and their children were Jane (deceased), Ellen, Sarah A., Eliza. James (deceased) William and John. William was educated at Frankfort Springs, and has been a farmer all his life. He was married, Nov. 13, 18.56, to JIargaret, daughter of Jacob Kcifer, and she is the mother of seven children: John B., William K., Jacob G., Charles S., Margaret, Horace G. and Sarah A., who died .at the age of nine years and seven months. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing are members of the Frankfort Springs Presbyterian church, of wliich he has been a trus- tee. He is a Repul)lican, and has been elected school director. Daniel B. Fiolev, farmer, P. O. Shafer's, was born on the old Figle}' homestead in Hopewell township, Dec. .5, 1827. His grandfather was one of the pioneers of West- ern Pennsylvania. He was of German descent and had five children: Jacnl), Hannah, William, Margaret and Elizabeth. William married Nancy, daughter of Daniel Baker, anil they had nine children: ^Margaret, Zachariah, Daniel B., Mary, William, Hnnnah, Jacob, Sarah and John. The parents were members of Mount Carmel Presbyterian church. They died on the old homestead. Daniel B. married Mar^', daughter of James McCaliister, and they have four children: William, David, Nancy and Daniel. Mr. and Mrs, Figley are members of Mount Carmel Presbyterian church. He is a Republican, and has held various township offices. William Flockeu (deceased) was born in Darien, Conn., May 22, 1830, and was a son of Cornelius Flocker, a native of New York. At the age of nineteen years. Cornel- BIOGRAPHIES — SOUTH SIDE. 847 ius Flocker was on the brig " Geueral Armstrong" in the war of 1812. This vessel was scuttled and sunk at New Orleans. William Flooker went to Alleghenj' C'itj- when a boy. and there learued the trade of rope maker. He married Eliza Snider Miller, who was born Feb. 32. 1831. in Lewistown. Pa. and who is the fifth descendant from the Duchess of Holland, who came with a colony from Amsterdam in the seventeenth cent- ury, and settled near the jircsent site of New York, which they called New Amster- dam. She is the mother of six children: Miller, George ('., Frank .1., Thomas M., William H. and Washington W. Mr. Flocker came to Bellowsville. Beaver county, in 1873, and in 1870 was killed liy a railroad train near Glendale. He kept a store, which has been continued by his widow, who is now postmistress. Three of the sons, George C, W'illiam II. and Washington, are engaged in butchering. Mrs. Flocker is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Flocker served in the War of the Uebellion in the 40th Regiment O. V. Mr.s. Flocker's parents were Peter and Susan (Young) Miller; the former was a soldier in the War of 1813, a son of Adam and Mary (Ensminger) Jliller, who lived at Little York during the Revolution. General W'ash- ington was a frequent visitor at their house. MtLi.EK Fi.ocKEii, merchant, Bellow.sville P. O., was born in Steubenvillc, Ohio, April 38, 1853, and is a son of William and Eliza Snider (Miller) Flocker, natives respectively of Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and of English and German origin. Hi.s maternal grandfather, Peter sillier, was a soldier in 1813, as was also his paternal grandfather. His father was a rojie maker, and came to Beaver county from Allegheny in 1871, and died in 187(5. Miller is the eldest of the family. He traveled consider- ably in early life in Canada, Michigan and Ohio, lie worked at his father's tr.ade, com- mencing when be was ten years old, and followed it until he w-as twenty. In 1881 he embarked in the mercantile trade, and at present is running a general store at Vanport, and also one at Bellowsville. He has made his own wa\' in the world and has met with success. He was married April 11, 1878. to Julia Ramsey, of Pittsburgh, and daugh- ter of Samuel and Rebecca (Agnew) Rain.sey, natives of Allegheny county and of Scotcb-Iri.sh origin. Mr. and Mrs. Flocker, are members of the Jlethodist Episcopal church. He has been superintendent of the Sabbath .school. In politics he is a Prohi- bitionist. .J.\MEs A. FoRSYTHE, farmer, P. <). Shafer's, was born in Hopewell township, .Jan. 27, 1843. His paternal grandfather came from Ireland and settled in Beaver county at an early day. His son Alexander, father of .James A., was a farmer most of bis life, but followed the river in youth. He was born in Hopewell township, and died there at the age of .seventy-six years. He married Aleyan jNIcGary, who is yet living, and had seven children that lived to maturity; Mary J.. .lames A., Rachel A., Agnes, Benja- min, Margaret E. and William II. The latter was drowned in the Ohio river, below Louisville, at the age of eighteen years. James A. was educated in Hopewell town- ship; followed the river for about eighteen years, beginning at the age of eighteen, and was mate of aiuimberof steamers. He now resides on a farm of 106 acres, which he has greatly improved. He was married, in Beaver county, to Caroline, daughter of Michael Mateer, and Ihey have three children: Margaret A., Claia and Harry E. Mr. and Mrs. For.sythe and daughter are members of the North Branch Presbyterian church; politically he is a Democrat. John N. Fi{.\zer, farmer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born July 27, 1836, in HanoTer township. Washington county, Pa. His grandfather, Thomas Fra/.er, was a native of County Down, Ireland, and of Scotch descent. His wife died in Ireland, and he came to America with his son, William H., when the latter was eleven years of age. They came to Hookstown, this county, where William H. was left with his uncle, William Frazer. His father revisited Ireland, but afterward returned to Beaver county. AVilliain H. was a miller in early life, then a carpenter and then a merchant; he was engaged in merchantile business in Frankfort about thirty years, and was a popular man, greatly esteemed. He was a Whig, later a Republican, tilled many township olHces, and was once a candidate for associate judge of Beaver county. He was for many years an 848 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. elder in the United Presbyterian church of Frankfort. His wife was Mary, daughter of John Nelson, one of the pioneers of Greene township. She had seven children: John N., James T., Thomas S., William M., Mary E., Margaret J. and Robert L. John M. was educated in this county, and married Elizalieth, daughter of Robert Bryarly. They havetliree children: Robert B.. James T. and Lizzie J. Mr. Frazcr, hiswifeand family are members of the United Presbyterian church. He served in the Civil War. being orderly .sergeant of Company G, 168th regiment. His brothers, James T. and Thomas S , served in Company F, 46th regiment. Mr. Frazer owns two farms containing eighty- four and forty acres, respectively. He is a Republican, and has filled nearly all the township offices. Solomon Fronk, farmer,P.O.Hookstown,wasbornin Allegheny county, Pa., May 24, 1816. His gre:it-graud father came f roni Germany. His grandfather,JacobFronk, was born in Eastern Pennsylvania, and afterward came to Beaver county, where he died. His son, George, came with him to this county, and was a farmer in Raccoon township. He finally moved to Ohio, where he died at the age of seventy-five years. His wife was Rebecca, daughter of Casper Jletts, and died in Ohio, aged over seventyyears. They had nine children: Solomon, Lavina, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Maria, Sarah, Elmira, George and John. Solomon moved to this county with his parents, in 1828. He has been a success- ful farmer, and owns 118 acres of land in Greene township. He married Rosannah, daughter of John Cristler, whose father, Michael was one of the pioneers of Beaver county. She was born in Ohio in 1»20, and they have four children: John, Rebecca, Sarah and Elizabeth. The parents are members of the Episcopal church; in politics Mr. Fronk is a Democrat. Fredekick Fdciis. farmer and gardener, P. O. AVater Cure, was born in Sausen- heim. Canton Frankentlial Phaltz, Germany, Sept. 29, 1817, and is a .son of Adam and Eve (Xcushafer) Fuchs, both of whom died in Germany. The^' had seven children. One of the two sons, Henry, spent a short time in this country', and returned to Germany. Frederick was educated in German}' and learned his trade there. He came to America in 1848, returned to Germany in 1849, and in IS'iO came again to America, bringing with him the Hartenbach family. In the latter year he married Fredericka Hartenbach, who bore him four children: Katie, Daniel, Adam and Emma. Daniel and Katie (ilrs. Niemes) live in Cincinnati. Mr. Fuchs owns a farm of 100 acres, which his son manages. His second wife was Mrs. Anna C. AValter, nee Schailer. He is a member of the Evan- gelical church. John S. Ginr., farmer, P. O. Clinton, is a great-grandson of Alexander Gibb, a native of Botriphnie. Scotland, who was born Nov. 11, 1T.51, and coming to thiscountry settled on the farm where John S. now resides, in the year 1794. and died there. The place was first entered hj a Mr. JIaxwell, who sold to George ]McElhaney, and lie to Alexander Gibb. His wife, .Jane Innes, was born in Botriphnie, Scotland, in May, 17.57. Thej' had eight children: Anna, Adam, Margaret, John, Alexander. Martha, Mary and Jean. Alexander Gibb owned four farms at his death which he left by will, one farm to Adam, one to John, one to Alexander and the homestead to Anna and Margaret; the rest of the heirs receiving their shares in money. Adam Gibb, son of Alexander Gibb, was born in Piqua, Scotland, in October, 1785, and died Sept. 27, 180.5. His wife, Susannah Duncan, was born Oct. 10, 1781, and died May 10. 1849; both were members of the Seceder's church of Service, of which he was an elder for many years. Their children were Alexander, John A. and Jane. Alexander, grand- son of Alexander Gibb, came into possession of the homestead. He married Ruth Tagert, who was born .about 1820, and died July 10, 1884. He was born iMarch 11, 1812, in Hanover township, and died March 24, 1882. They had no children. The homestead, called " Prosperity," finally descended to .Tohn S., its present owner, who has 207 acres. John A., father of John S., was born in this county July 16, 1814, and died Jan. 30, 1888. He was a machinist, and built many of the old fashioned threshing machines. He married Sarah, daughter of John Shaffer. She was born in 1821, and died July 2.5, 1874. She had four children who lived to maturity: Susannah (Mrs. BIOGRAPHIES — SOUTH SIDE. 849 Elder), Sarah E. (married to William Whiston). Emma (died at the age of eighteen) and Johns. The latter moved to the old Gibb homestead in 1879. He was married in Cambridge, Ohio, and afterward lived four and a half years in Noble county, Ohio. His wife is Jane, daughter of James and Margaret Geary. They are both members of the United Presbyterian church of Clinton. They have two sons: Wilbert C. and and Willis G. Mr. Gibb is a Republican. John A. Gibb, Esq., farmer, P. 0. Harshaville, was born July IG, 1S14, in Han- over township, a sou of Adam Gibb. The hitter, a uative of Scotland, came to this country with his parents, Alexander and Jane (lunes) Gibb, both natives of Scotland and members of the old Secedcr's church. They were weavers by occupation, and came to America in 1787 or 1788, settling on Peter's creek, in Washington county, Pa. They afterward came to Independence township and settled on Prosperity farm, where they remained until their deaths. They had eight children; Anna, Adam, Margaret, John, Alexander, Martha and .Mary (twins) and Jean. Adam was born in October, 178"), in Piqua, Scotland, settled in Hanover township in 1811, and died there Sejit. 27, 1855. He was married, May 13, 1811, to Susannah, daughter of Jolin Duncan, and born Oct. 10, 1781, died May 10, 1849. She had three children: Alexander, John A. and Jane. John A., who is the only son living, is a well-educated and well-informed man. He has been twice married: first to Sarah, daughter of John and Mary (Geary) Shafer. She left three children, now living: Mrs. Susannah Elder, John S. and Jlrs. Sarah E. Whiston. Mr. Gibb's present wife, Ann, is a daughter of Samuel Bigger (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. Gibb are members of the United Presbyterian church, and he isa member of Ses- sion. He is a Kepublican, and has been justice of the peace fifteen years. AViLLi.vM GiLLii..\Ni), farmer, P. O. Comettsburgh. was born June 6, 1823, in Han- over township, Washington county. His grandfather, James Gilliland, was of Scotch- Irish descent. He had three children; John, James and Margaret. Of these James married Jennie Anderson, a native of York county. Pa., and they lived in the vicinity of Frankfort after they came to Western Pennsj'lvania. The father died in 1802 at the age of si.xty, in Beaver county, and the mother died in Washington county ten years hUer, at the same age. They were both church members. Their children were Mar- garet. Archibalil, Elizabeth, David, Eleanor, James, Jane, Lucinda, AVilliam and George B. William was put to work at an early age. and for this reason his education was lim- ited . He was the chief support of his mother after his father's death, the other children all marrying. He was married, Nov. 11, 1817, to Elizabeth, daughter of Josluia and- Jane (Hooper) Witherspoon, early pioneers of Washington county. She is the mother of eight children: Jane L., James W., Mary E. (died at the age of twenty-one years), Lizzie A., William O., Lucy L., Maggie E. and flattie B. Mrs. Gilliland died Oct. 20, 1877, aged tiftv years. She was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian church, as are all the family. Jlr. Gilliland has been an elder in three different churches. He is a Kepublican. As a farmer and business man he has been successful, for he started poor and now owns two farms, one of 138 acres and the other of seventy acres. JosiJPif GiLMOHE, farmer, P. O. Shou.stown, isa son of Archibald and Jane (Bigham) Gilmore. Archibald Gilmore is a native of Ireland, and of Scotch descent. He came lo this country in 1829, and first .settled near Pittsburgh. His wife is a daughter of Jo-sejih Bigham, who settled here about 1812. They are members or the United Presbyteriim church. They have had three sons and one daughter; James, Joseph, Alexander, and Sarah, who died young. Jo.seph and Alexander enlisted Aug. 15, 1802, in Company I, 140th Rciriment, P. V., and served until the close of the war, and were in many battles. Joseph was taken pri.soner at Gettysburg and suffered the horrors of prison life at Belle Isle and other Southern prisons until exchanged. After the war he returned hcime and has followed farming ever since. He is a Kepublican. DoiisEY K. Gi..\ss, farmer, P. O. Ilookstown. was born Oct. 30, 1838. His grand- father, Robert Glass, was born in Washington county. Pa., and was of Irish descent; and his son, John, a fanner by occupation, was al.so born in Washington county. He was taken to West Virginia by his father when quite young, and died in Hancock county, aged 850 IlISTOEY OF BEAVER COUNTV. seventy-two years. He married Racliel. daughter of Isaac and Mar}- (Pentecost) Kinney. She is still living at the age of seventy-one years, and is the mother of seven children: Malinda, Dorsey K., Eliza J., Racliel II., John T., Andrew J., and Lawrence W. Dorsey K. worked for his father until he was twenty-five years old, and received a horse and cow as his reward. lie has been a successful farmer, and owns 115 acres. He married Elizabeth A., daughter of Ebenezer Langtitt, and born in IKIiO, in Hancock county, W. Va. She lias one son, Harry G. L., born Sept. 18, 1868. Mr. Glass is a Democrat. WrLLi.\M C. GoLL, farmer, P. O. Shafer's, was born in Knittlingen, Wiirtem- berg, Germany, Oct. 25, 1839. His parents, Jacob F. and Anna C. (Burk)Goll, died in Germany. They had four children, all of whom came to this country. Their names were William C, Jacob F., John T. and Christina. William C. came to this country in 1858, and settled in Philadelphia, where he learned the shoemaker's trade. He removed to Econoni}', Beaver county, in 1855, and followed his trade there. He subsequently went to Pittsburgh, and carried on coopering for one year; then engaged in business in Freedom, where lie remained eighteen years, and at the exiiiration of that time came to Moon township, purchased the Daniel IBaker farm of ninety-three and a quarter acres, and has siuce been engaged in farming. He was married, in Pittsburgh, to Caroline Bayha, a native of Wi'irtemberg, and thej' have the following-named children: Emma (wife of Otto Kind). Catharine. Maggie, Louis H. and Jacob. The parents are members of the Evangelical church. Mr. GoU is president of the school board; politically he is a Democrat. KoBEKT GoRSUCH, farmer, P. O. Service, was born Jan. 19, 18~5. His grand- father, John Gorsuch, was a native of Ireland, but of Scolcli extraction. The family were Protestants, and strict adherents of the old Covenanters church. John came to America when a .young man and settled in Maryland, wliere Robert Gorsuch, Sr. , was born. Robert came across the mountains at the age of six years, in 1798, wilh his father, when the Indians were numerous in Pennsylvania. He settled in Washington county, and at one time, when pursued b}' the Indians, swam the Ohio river with his son Robert on his back. John Gorsuch died near Paris, Pa., in 1828. His wife, Nanc3' McClelland, was a native of Scotland, and became the mother of six children: Robert, David, Thomas, John, Sarah and Rebecca. Robert Gorsuch, Sr. , married Eliz- abeth, daughter of James McCoy, and by her bad four children: John, James, Robert and Rachel. By his .second wife he had five children. His third wife was Nancy Cooper, who had no issue. Robert Gorsuch. Sr. , was a farmer and died in 1871. Robert, Jr., owns the farm of 230 acrts where he lives, and two of 160 acres each in Hanover township, where his sons Robert A. and John M. reside. Our subject married Maria, daughter of Richard Cooper. She is the mother of three children: Robert A.. John M. and Nancy J. All the family are members of the United Presbyterian church, and Mr. Gorsuch is an elder in the Hanover church. He is a Republican in politics, and a warm advocate of the principles of prohibition. S.VMUEL GoKsiTCii, farmer, P. O. Service, is a son of Robert and Nancy (Sea- right) Gorsuch, who had five children: Eliza J., Margaret, Samuel, Martha and Mary Ann. Samuel was reared and educated in this county, and has been a successful farmer and stockman. He owns 156 acres which he and his father have greatl}' improved, the land lying in a wilderness when the latter first settled on it. Samuel Gorsuch mar- ried Martlia J. , daughter of John and Mary (Anderson) Bruntou. By her he has two children: JIary A. and Robert Wilson. The parents are members of Mount Olivet Presbyterian church. Mr. Gorsuch is a Republican; has been justice of the peace for nine years, and has held other township offices. Roheut Greene, farmer, P. O. New Sheffield, was born in Hopewell township, July G. 186-1 His grandfather, William Greene, settled here in 1790, and married Mary Boyd for his second wife. They had four children. Their son, William Greene, married Sarah E., daughter of Robert McCartney. She was born July 27, 1840, and died March 30, 1872. She had four children: Ilobert, Mary (deceased), Jennie and BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 851 LilHe. William Greene owns a farm of 120 acres. Robert Greene owns a farm of sixty-nine acres. lie was married Dec. 2, 1886, to Belle B., daughter of James Marks (deceased). All the members of the Greene familj- belong to the United Presbyterian church. Geouge N. H.\i,l, farmer, P. O. New Sheffield, was born in Raccoon township, this county, Dec. 9, 1836, a .'son of James F. Hall, who came to Raccoon township where his father bought 400 acres of land, of which James F. got 100 acres. The Hall family were early settlers in Beaver county. George N. was educated in his native county, and became a tiller of the soil. In 1861 he came to Hopewell townsliip, where he owns a farm of 112 acres. He married Lizzie, daughter of James McCormick; she is the mother of four children: Mrs. Nettie Mercer, James K., Adda B. and George Mc. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are members of the Raccoon United Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Republican. J. R. H.\i,i,, merchant. P. O. Shippingport. is a grandson of Robert Hall, who was a farmer of Chartiers, Allegheny county, and died in Freedom. His ancestors were English and Scotch. His son James, father of J. R., wasa well-known boat-builder on the Ohio, and is still living at the age of eighty-six years. He married Isabella, daughter of George Baker, who was taken prisoner by the Indians. She died in this county, the mother of nine children, who are all living. J. R. was educated in Beaver county, and followed boat building for fourteen years. He then farmed one year, and has since been in mercantile business. He has been in business in Shippingport for sixteen years; be also deals in grain and wool. He married Lizzie A., daughter of David Gilliland, and they have three children: William G.. Sarah B. and Lina. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are members of the Presbyterian church; politically he is a Republican. David Gilliland was a foreman in the laboratory at the Pittsburgh arsenal, where, at the age fifty-three years, he was killed in the fatal explosion. Zacii.\iii.\ii Hai.l, farmer, P. O. New Sheffield, was born Sept. 11, 1833, in Free- dom, Beaver county. Pa. His grandfather, Robert Hall, was born in Lancaster county. Pa., of Scotch descent. He owned 400 acres of land in Raccoon township, and after- ward removed to Freedom, where died. His wife was Isabella Fowler, who died at the age of ninety-three years. They had twelve children. Two of his sons. Benjamin and James, came tirstto Raccoon township, where they built a cabin and remained until spring, when the family came on. The sons built a large distillery on their father's farm, and Benjamin conducted the distillery when whisky sold for twenty five cents a gallon in the barrel. He finally removed to Freedom, where he followed the trade of ship car- penter, and later came to Hopewell township, where he resided until his death. He was eighty-three years old June 17. 1887, and died Sept. 3, 1887. His wife, who was Kliza- betb, daughter of Zachariah Figley , died aged about seventy-six years. She had four chil- dren; Isabella, Margaret and Nancy (twins) and Zachariah, the latter of whom was reared and educated in this county. Mr. Hall has been constable, supervisor, election judge and inspector, and is jiostmaster at New Sheffield. He owns a farm of 104 acres, and bis father owned erne of about 118 acres. His wife was Ellen, daughter of Charles Barry. She died of consumption, Jan. 16, 1864, aged twenty-seven years. She left two children: J. P. and Eleanor J. (Mrs. Bruce). J. P. received his education in the schools and academies of Beaver county. He was admitted at the university of Ann Arbor as a law student in the fall of 1885, and got his diploma from the university in July, 1887. He was admitted to the bar at Ann Arbor, Mich., at the Common Pleas Court, and shortly afterward at the Supreme Court in Lansing, Mich.; was adiuitted to the bar in Pitts- burgh, Allegheny county, in September, 1887, and is now practicing law in Pittsburgh: office, 408 Grant street. He taught school in Beaver county four years. The Hall family are members of the United Presbyterian church. Adam Haktenhach, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Rhein Baiern, Ger- many, Dec. 19. 1832, a son of Conrad and Fredericka (Hamman) Ilartenbach, both natives of Germany. They came to America in 18.52, with the following named chil- dren : Catharine Schlupp (daughter of .Mrs. Hartenbacli by a former husband) ; 852 HISTOEY OF BKAVEU COUNTY. Barbara, now tlie wife of J. Vogt; Fredericka, now tlie wife of F. Fuclis; Elizabeth (now deceased); Jacob, of Ohio, Christopher and Adam. The last named was edu- cated in Germany, where he learned the blacksmith's trade with his father. Tlie family settled in Moon township, and the father died there Dec. 'ii. 1871, aged seventy-two years. The mother died Oct. 10, 1884, aged eighty-eight years. Tljey were both mem- bers of the German United Evangelical Protestant church of Phillipsburgh . Adam was married here, March lo, 1803, to Rosa Eckert, and they have two children: Henry C. and Kosa F. The parents are members of the above mentioned church, of which Mr. Hartenbach lias been a trustee for fourteen years. He owns the homestead of l('(l acres. He is a Democrat, and has been .school director six years. WiLi.i.\M Hahtporu, farmer, P. O. JIurdocksville, was born in Hanover town- ship, Beaver county, Pa. His great-grandparents, James and Nancy (Armor) Hartford were born in Ireland, of Scotch descent, and were among the very lirst settlers in Han- over township, locating on what is known as the ^NlcClung farm, now owned by Joseph Cooley. Their children were William. James, Thomas, John, Abraham. Peggy, Polly (or Mary), Julia, Nancy, Uachel and Mrs. Valina Smith. Of these William married twice; by his lirst wife, Margaret Morrison, he had four children; James, John, Jane and Matilda. His second wife, Nancy Caughey, had no children. James, father ofr our subject, and a farmer by occupation, married Sarah, daughter of David and !Mary (McGeehen) Elder. She died Feb. 20, 1886, aged eighty-four years, and James Hart- ford died March 14, 1878, aged seventy-.six years: both were members of the Presby- terian church. Their children were Mary, William and Elder D. The latter served during the Civil War, as one of the Burdan sharp-shooters. Company A, Second Regi- ment, U. S. A. He participated in many engagements including Bull Run, South Moun- tain, Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He died in Wisconsin from the efl'ects of a wound in the ankle. William and 3Iary have the farm of 305 acres. He also owns another farm of 14(i acres. Polilicaliy he is a Democrat. MiLO A. Holmes, farmer, P. O. Shafer's, was born in Independence township, this count)', May 17, 1827. His parents, Jo.seph and Jennie (McComes) Holmes, natives of Ireland, .settled in Independence township and died there. They had ten children: John, Maria, Lazarus, Rachel, Joseph, George, James, Jane, Leander and Milo A., all of whom lived to maturity. Milo A. was raised on a farm, the pursuits of which he followed all his life. He owns a farm of 140 acres in Independence township. He has been twice married. His first wife, Nancy, daughter of William McElhaney, died at the age of twenty-seven years, leaving three children: William, Joseph and George. His second wife, Margaret A., daughter of John Short, died Jan. 25, 1880. She had one child, Elizabeth S. ^Ir. Holmes is an elder of the North Branch Presbyterian church. He is a Republican, politically. WiLi,i.\xr Hunter, foreman, P. O. Water Cure, was born Feb. 28, 18."]0. His great-grandfather, Enoch Hunter, was born in Ireland, and was of Scotch descent. He came to America and settled in New Jer.sey, wliere his son, Enoch, was born, and at the age of nineteen years, settled on Brush Creek, in New Sewickley township, Beaver county, Pa., where he was engaged in farming. He died at the age of ninety-three years, his wife, Jlarj' (]\Iusser), at tlie age of eighty-nine. They had eleven children; Abraham, C^aroline, John, Abel, Margaret. Samuel, William, Mary, Thomas, Kate (deceased) and Nancy. Of these, John is a farmer near the old homestead. His wife, Ellen Wines, of Washington county, Pa., died in 1880, of cancer. They had .seven children; Sarah, George, Lizzie, Bob (deceased), Albert (deceased). jNIary and William. William left home at the age of nine years. He worked at farming three years, then on a canal one summer, and afterward learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed until 1880. In that year he took a contract to build the Plia>nix Glass Works, with which he iias ever since been connected. After the burning of the original building in 1883, he erected the present structure, and he is foreman of the etching deparliiient. He is married to Barbara Bloom, and they have eight children: Clara. John, Lester, Elmer, Willie, Olive, Leo and Clyde. Mr. Hunter is a Democrat. lUdliRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 853 James A. Ingles, farmer, P. O. JlcClcary, was born in Raccoon township, Beaver •count_v, Pa., in 1S4(), son of .James ami Nancy Inscles. parents of four cliiklroD, James A. beinj; tiie tbird. Mrs. Nancy Ingles had been previously married to a Jlr. Purdy. James Ingles, grandfather of our subject, came from Scotland to America, and soon after his ai rival located in this county. His children ■ncre Andrew. John, Isabella, James, Nathaniel. Eliza. Our subject was reared on the farm where he was born, and received a common-school education. He mairied, Julj' 1, 1869, Lizzie, , daughter of John McClester. of this county, and live children were born to them: John A., Clara B.. Nathaniel W., William Leroy and Nannie Ella. Mr. Ingles now owns the farm, part of the original tract purchased by his grandfather. He has been school director; is a member of the United Presbyterian church: in politics a Kepubli- -can. Mr. Ingles has one sister living. Mrs. N. J. Kerr. James A. Irons, justice of the peace, P. (). Water Cure, was born Jan. 12. 1837, in Ho]iewell townsbiii, on the river bank, the site being washed away by the flood. John Irons, father of J.imes A. . was born in the old Irons homestead, and married Ann, daughter of Joseph Moore. He died March 11, 18ol, aged forty two years, and his wife died jMarch 18, same J'ear, both being victims of the Hookstown fever. He was a ruling elder in the United Presbyterian church, had accumulated considerable Jirop- erty. and stood high in the community. In politics he was a Whig. He had .seven children: Joseph, James A., Elizabeth A., Rachel J., Rosannah, John D. and jNIar- garet A. James A. was a blacksmith before and during the war. He was assistant engineer and blacksmith on the lyiississipjii (iotilla, on the ram, " Lioness," rjiisting on the lower jMississi]ipi. After the destr\iction of the rebel Heet at Memphis the town was surrendered to Captain John JL Shrodes, of the ram " Lioness." After the war, Mr. Irons returned to Phillipsbiirg where he followed bis trade at times, but has been engaged principally in the real estate business. He has been justice of the peace since 1883, and is tilling bis second term of office as burgess. He was married in Jloon township to Margaretta Quinn. Her grandfather, William Quinn, n adc the coidfge for Commodore Perry's Heet on Lake Erie, and his descendants became noted men in Northern Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Irons have bad four children: John E., Anna E. "(deceased at the age of eighteen), James Clyde and Will. Bert . Mr. Irons is a member of the Equitable Aid Union, and of Rochester Post G. A. R. In ISIO, while in Vir- ginia, he was a local minister of the Methodist church, a position he filled tliree years. While in Washington, in 1873, he was a sub-contractor on the James Creek Canal, where he was engaged six months. William W. Irons, farmer, P. O. Woodlawn, was born Jan. 9. 1814. on the old Irons homestead in Hopewell township. His grandfather. James Irons, lived and died in Ireland. He had six children, of whom Joseph first came to America and settled in Washington county. Pa., where be died. His son John, better known as Major John Irons, kept public-house in Washington county and Pittsburgh. His son Joseph was educated at West Point, and served in the !Me.\ican war under Gen. Scott. He became a colonel, and distinguished himself at the storming of Chajiultcpec. Samuel and Solo- mon Irons, sons of John, came to America and settled near Noblestown, Pa. Solomon married Rachel Di.xon, removed to Hopewell township in 1807, and with bis father-in- law bought 300 acres of land, of which he retained 200 acres. He died in 184.') aged seventy-one years. He and his family were members of the Seceder's church. His wife died in 1829, aged forty-seven years. They bad twelve children: James, Rachel, Rosannah , Mary, George, John , William W. , Elizabeth (died at the age of fourteen years), -Joseph. Andrew la United Presbyterian minister, who had charge of two congregations, Portersville and Jlountville. Lawrence county, Samuel and Agnes (died at the age of si.v years). William W. and Joseph are the only ones living. William W. received a ■common-school education, attending fourteen different schools. He has been a success- ful farmer and owns about 2.j0 acres of land. !)esides Crow's Island. His first wife was Hannah Di.xon. She died here at she age of forty-three years. She was the mother of <;ight children, three of whom are dead: Rachel, Leander and Agnes. The living are 854 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Sarah, John D. (sheriff of Beaver county), Martha, James and Davison. The latter i^ a minister of the United Presbyterian churcli of Barlow, Ohio. Mr. Irons' present wife is Sarah J., daughter of Archibald Harper, and by her he has two sons, Harper and Joseph. He has been an elder in the United Presbyterian church since 18.')2. He was formerly a Whig, and is now a Republican. Joseph Irons, farmer, P. C). Woodlawn, was born May H, IHIS, on the old Irons homestead, where his father, Solomon Irons, settled in 1808. The latter, a son of James Irons, and a native of Ireland, came to this country at the age of fifteen years and finally settled in Allegheny county, where he married Rachel, daughter of George Dixon, one of the pioneers of Allegheny county. She died in June, 1838, aged forty-seven years. She had .seven sons and five daughters. Solomon Irons came to Hopewell town.ship and bought 100 acres of laud, t> which he added by subsequent purchase. He died here in 1847, aged seventy-one years. He w.as a prominent member of the Seceder's church. His son .Joseph followed the river for twelve years, beginning at the age of sixteen years, then returned to the farm, and owns 115 acres. His wife is Margaret H., daugh- ter of John Douds. Their children arc Rev. John 1)., president of Muskingum College, Ohio; Rachel I)., Rev. William D., pastor United Presbyterian congregation, of McDon- ald, Pa.; Joseph M., Mary A., Elizabeth J. and James H., a bookkeeper in Pittsburgh. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian congregation of Ohio, of which Mr. Irons has been ruling elder for fifteen years. He was formerly a Whig, and is now a Republican. His fir.st vote was cast for General Harrison for president. He has been supervisor and county commissioner. Wii,Li.\ji Johnson (deceased) was a farmer of Hopewell township. He died of consumption, May 4, 1877. He was twice m.arried: first to Jane Barry, by whom he had two sons Michael B. and J. Preston. His second marriage was with Sarah A. Neely, who survives him. She was born in Moon township, Allegheny county, on the old Neely homestead, settled by her grandfather, who at one time owned 1,000 acres. Her parents were Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Boyd) Neely, the former of whom died at the age of eighty years, and the latter at the age of seventy-two. The.y had eight chil- dren: George, Lelitia and Esther (deceased), and Matilda (Mrs. Thompson), Samuel, Sarah A., Nancy and Jame^, living, the last two residing on the old homestead. Sarah A. was married to William Johnson, Dec. 10, 1868. She has no children. She is a member of the United Presbyterian church, and resides on the farm of 250 acres belong- ing to her late husband's sons. The Jolly family. The representatives of the Jolly family resident in Beaver county are descended from revolutionary stock, their progenitor having been Colonel Henry Jolly, a brave officer during that eventful struggle, who afterward settled in M irlelta, Ohio, became a distinguished citizen, and presided as Judge over the first court held in that state. His wife, formerly a ]\Iiss Ghreist, was no less distinguished as the victim of Indian atrocities. She was scalped and tomahawked, and though the wound never healed, she survived this barbarity for forty-three years, and died at an advanced age. The children of Colonel and Mrs. Jolly were William, Kenzie. Albert and Siddy, wife of Vashel Dickerson. Kenzie Jolly was born in 1778 in Washington county, Ohio, where his life was devoted to the pursuits of a farmer. He married Eliz- abeth, daughter of Thomas Dickerson, born in 1795, and still living in her native co\inty. Their children are Rachel (Mrs. John Ankrim, of New Orleans); Rebecca (Mrs. Abner JIartin, of Washington county, Ohio,); Siddy (Mrs. Charles Hutchison, of Phillipsburg); Henry (of Washington county); Dickerson and Andrew Jackson, residing in Phillipsburg; Alpheus B., who removed to Keokuk, Iowa; William ^I.. who died in infancy; Electa M. (wife of James Hutchison, of Washington county); and Owen F., of Dayton, Ky. Andrew Jackson Jolly was born May '23, 1828, in Washington county,. Ohio, where he resided until 1844, availing himself during his boyhood of such advant- ages of education as the primitive schools of the day afforded. At the age of sixteen he came to Pittsburgh and embarked as a boatman on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers,_ beginning as a deck hand and advancing through various grades until he became cap- BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 865 tain of a steamer. This was coulinued until ISOii, when he engaged in prospecting and drilling for oil in Beaver county, a venture in which his accumulated savings were speedily absorbed without a corresponding return. He then resumed the life of a boat- man, and continued this pursuit until ].s72, when the bu.siness in which lie is at present engaged had its lieginning in the furnishing of stone for large buildings, and cobble stones for street paving. Like many great enterprises, the business of A. J. Jolly & Sons, Limited, hasdeveloped from small beginnings, and is theoutgrowth of hard labor, perseverance and indomitable energy. It is unnecessary to detail here the olistacles overcome, the severe toil necessary to secure cobble stones from the river banks, and finally the opposition met from older firms in the same business. These have been hap- pily overcome, and the subjects of this sketch now rank among the most successful con- tractors in the state. The first contract was awarded tliem by tlie Pittsburgh it Lake Erie Uailroad Company, .'ince which time they have been largely engaged in furidshing stone and masonry for this road and otlier railroads in various portions of this country. The firm supplied the stone for the Pittsburgh courthou.se and custom house; built a bridge one and a half miles long and 103 feet high on the Ohio Uiver Railroad at Point Pleasant, W. Va.; erected the bridge at Parker.sburg in the same state, furnishe[., Henry B., Robert S., Samuel, Margaret, Anna, William and John C. Anna married R. M. Bigger, who died Oct. i), 1862. She afterwards married John Martin, a native of Virginia, and he died April 27, 1885. John C. was killed during the war. Mr. KeifTer has been a successful farmer. He is a true Christian member of the Presbyterian church, and has been a member of Session. Politically he is a Republican, and has held many respOD.sible offices, including supervisor, assessor, etc. William C. Kelley, oil producer, P. O. Ethel's Landing, was born May 7, 18r)7, in Pittsburgh, where he was reared and educated. He is a son of Amer and Elizabeth (Vandergrift) Kelley, of Irish and Scotch descent. Amer Kelley was a merchant in Pittsburgh, and enlisted in Company D, 13th Regiment, and died of fever while in the arm_y. His widow is still living in Allegheny . The children now living are Sophia. Ellen. Harriet, Carrie, William C. and Jacob V. William C. has been in various occu- pations, having assisted in the support of the family since he was twelve years old. At the age of fifteen he removed with his mother to Cleveland, and four years later he went to Butler counly, Pa., where he worked as jnimper on an oil well. He soon sent for his brother and they worked there si.v years; then went to Byrank Center, where they drilled the first well on their own account. A ye.ar later, William C. went to McKean county, and operated there three years. He then went to Garfield, in Warren county, and operated there two years, coming from there to Beaver county. In 1884he bored a gas well on Raccoon Creek, on John Zimmerly's farm. He has extended opera- tions in all directions and at the present time hassi.xty-five wells in operation. In March, 1886, he formed the Raccoon Oil Company, consi-sting of the Kelley brothers, Henry Cooperand E. H. Jennings. The company employs about forty-two men, and produces about 2,000 barrels of oil per day. Mr. Kelley was married, Nov. 14, 1883, to Miss Martha A. Kohl, and they have one son, Howard B. William Kelly, glass packer, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Counly Down, Ireland, Feb. 21, liS41. His fatlicr. William Kelly, died in Ireland, at the age of si.xty- five years. Our subject followed fanning in his native country until 1S6!I. when he came to America and settled in Pittsburgh. He worked in a glass factory until 187.5, when he came to Moon township, where he bought a small faruL lie sold the faim in 858 HISTORY OF BEAVEE COUNTY. 1883, and came to Phillipsburg, where he is employed by the Phoenix Glass Company. He was married, in Ireland, to .Jane E., daughter of Arthur Brady, and they have tive children: Mary A., William, .lohn B., Rebecca .J. and George A. The parents and the eldest daughter are members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Kelly is a Kepublican. Ale.\.\ndeh Kennedy, farmer and merchant, P. O. Shoustown, was born in Inde- pendence township, this couLty, July 14, 183!). His grandfather. Ambroi-e Kennedy, was a native of Ireland and of Scotch descent. He married Dnicilla Inman, and Ihey came to this country and settled in Allegheny county. Pa. Their sou, Alexander Kennedy, Sr., was born in Allegheny county, was a farmer, and died there at the age of forty -five years. He was married to Emeline, daughter of John and Agnes (Shiprean) McMurtrie. She was born near Philadelphia, and came to Allegheny county when four years old. She is the mother of four sons and three daughters. Of the .sons, only our subject is living. He was educated here, and married JIary ,J., daughter of A. P. Mor- row. They have five children: Alexander M., AunaZ., Hugh, isarah A. and Laura May. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Kennedy was formerly a Democrat, but is now independent in politics. He has held the office of supervisor, is an extensive farmer, and keeps a general store. Henry Kennedy, farmer, P. O. Holt, is a native of Allegheny county. Pa., born March 6. 1818, second .son in the family of eight children, four boys and four girls, of Alexander and Elizabeth (Myers) Kennedy, former of whom, a twin sou of Ambrose Kennedy, was a farmer and blacksmith, which trade he followed up to his death. Ambrose Kennedy, who came from Ireland to America in an early day, had three chil- dren. Henry learned his father's trade at home, and in 183G came to this county, where he has followed agriculture. He was married, in 1841, to Isabella, born Oct. 35, 1817, a daughter of Hugh Orr, of this county, and the result of this union has been four chil- dren: Martha Jane, born Sept, 3, 1H43 ; Alexander and an infant (deceased), twins, born March 37, 1844, Elizabeth Ann, born July 34, 1846, died June 18, 1801. :Mrs. Kennedy died Jan. (5, 1888, a member of the Presbyterian church, of which Jlr. Kennedy is also a member. In politics he is a Democrat. Wu.i.tA-M A. Kennedy, farmer, P. O. Green Garden, was born in Findlaj' town- ship, Allegheny county, Aug. 19, 1815. He is a grandson of William A. Kennedy, who left Ireland on account of religious intolerance, and settled in Butler county, Pa., dying at the a.ge of ninety years in Steubenville, Ohio. His children were Alexander and William A. (twins), and Mrs. Stei>hcnson. Of these William A. was four years old when the family came from Ireland. He died in Jackson county, Ohio, aged sixty- five years. His wife. Drnzilla (Inman), was of Scotch descent, and died in Jackson county, Ohio, aged seventy-one years. Their children were Ezekiel, Alexander and William A. and John (twins). William A., subject of this sketch, was educated in Allegheny county, where he learned the cooper's trade, and followed it for ten years. In April, 1841, he came to Inde[)endence township; he owns a farm of 160 acres, that township, and another of 143 acres in Raccoon township. In 1878 he went to New Brighton, where his son, Dr. Robert S., kept a drug store. Two years later he moved to Beaver, where he was in partnership with his .'■on in the(fficeof the tSlar. After seven years he returned to the farm, where he has since remained. He was married to RosaB., daughter of Robert Shannon. She died in 1(^81, aged sixty-seven years. Two children are now living: Dr. Robert S. and Mary D. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the United Presbyterian church; in politics a Democrat. In early life he was a lieu- tenant of a militia company . FR.\NKr,iN D. Kkur, physician, P. O. Hookstown, was born in Hookstown Aug. 16, 1844. His father, grandfather and greatgrandfather were each named David. The great-grandfather was a native of County Antrim, Ireland, and his wife was Jane Black. He settled near Frankfort Springs while the Indians were still about. He raised a good crop of corn the first summer, with his family safely housed for weeks at a time in Dungan fort. He died on the homestead which he settled. He had five children: David, Mary, Jane, Sallie and Margaret. Of these David married Rachel, daughter of Thomas BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 859 and Nuiicy (Phillis) Moore, and liad five children: Thomas, David, Samuel, Mar_v A. and Agnes. The father died in Hookstown, aged eighty-seven years. The mother died in Greene township, aged ninety years, having had her thigh broken three weeks previ, farmer, P. O. Service, was born Jan. 24, 1825. AVilliam, grand- father of the present Littell family was a native of Ireland, and with his brother James came to this country during the Revolutionary struggle; they both entered the army. Durius James' thirteenth battle, AVilliam. who was a staff officer, was taken prisoner and held at Philadelphia, but was finally exchanged. He married Elizabeth Walter, and settled on a farm in Hanover township, Beaver county. Pa., where he died. He was one of the first members of Service Congregation; he was a justice of the peace, and for a time the only one from Pittsburgh to Georgetown. His children, all of whom were born on the old homestead, were Betsy, Jane, Mary, Alice, Agnes, James, Will- iam. David and Thomas. David, who remained on the old farm, was born in 1801, he married Jane, daughter of George and Nancy (Miller) Shillito; he died July 8, 1865, and she died Oct. 10,1885. They had eight children: Belinda, Elizabeth, Agnes, George, James, William, David S. and John R., all of whom united with the Congregation of Service. James and William emigrated to Iowa in 1855; David S. is now pastor of the Second United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. George, the eldest, and J. R., the youngest, divided the old home farm of near 400 acres. George married M. A. Leeper, and their family consists of eight children: Joseph A., Hugh F., James H., David W., William A., John D., Robert R. and Ella J., all of whom are members of the United Presbyterian church. Joseph A. married Clara, daughter of Judge Munger, of Xenia, Ohio, and is pastor of the First United Presbyterian church of Albany, N. Y. They have unanimously voted the Republican ticket. 864 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. William McCague, farmer, P. 0. Service, was born Aug. 24, 1817. His grand- father, James McCague, was a native of County Down, Ireland, and a tiller of tbe soil. He was of Scotcli descent, and married Jeanette Cochrain, a native of Scotland. They came to this country with two children: William and Jane, the latter of whom married first a "Sir. Laugan, and afterward James Logan. James McCague settled on Peter's creek, Washington county, Pa., and became a succe.ssful farmer there. He was a mem- 3er of tlie United Presbyterian church. Both he and his wife died at an advanced age. Their children born in this country were Thomas, John, James, JIary. Martha and Ann. William McCague, Sr., came to Beaver county in 1807, and settled on the farm of ISO acres, where his son. William, now lives. He died in 1866, aged eighty-five years. He was a member of the old Seceder's church. His wife was Mary, daughter of John and Hannah Reed, old .settlers of Allegheny county, and they had eight chil- dren: Hannah, Jane, Mary, Tabitha, William, Elizabeth, Martha and John. Of these William was educated in this count}', and has been a successful farmer on the old home- stead. He married Luciuda, daughter of Alexander and Jane (McElhaney) Thompson, and by her liad three children: Jane M., who died at the age of seven years; William r., of Beaver, Pa., and Anna Cora, at home. The parents are members of Mount Olive Presbyterian church; Mr. McCague is a Republican. Wti-LUM C. McCoLi>ou(iii, farmer, P. 0. Frankfort Springs, was born in Han- over township, Washington county. Pa., Aug. 25, 1820. His grandfather, George McCoIIough, was born in Scotland. He came to America, and with his brothers, Alex- ander and William, and two half brothers, settled at the head of Big Traverse in Han- over township, this count}-. Alexander and George were farmers. William started the salt works, and became wealthy. His son, .John X., is a prominent railroad man. George JlcCollough died at the old homestead. He had seven children, of whom George, Jr., was born in 179.J, and died in ^Missouri in 1843. He married Jane, daugh- ter of William and Margaret (Clag.ston) Carotbers. She was born in October, 1797, and died Dec, 4, 1871. Her children were Elizabeth, William C, John, Peggie Ann, George, David, Mary and Alseta. William C. was rai.sed in this county, and has lived here all his life, except three years spent in Missouri. lie is a farmer and carpenter, started in life poor, and, as the result of his own labor and industry, now owns 196 acres of land. He and liis brotlier John supported their mother and her family. He married Eliza, daughter of Henry and Mary A. (Smith) Keifer. She is the mother of seven children: George H., David K., Jennie N., Anna Mary. Amanda, Sarah E. and Alsetta. Mr. and Mrs. !McCollough and their family are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is a ruling elder. Politically he is a Democrat. John McCollougii, farmer, P. O, Frankfort Springs, is a son of George McCoI- Iough. He was born in Frankfort Springs borough Jan. 4, 1823, and at the age of ten years moved with his parents to Ilalliday Cove, in Brooke county, AV. Va. From there they went to Missouri and settled in Adair county, where the father died. The family came to this county in 1845, and John came six months later. He was a house carpen- ter and joiner, having learned his trade in Paris, Pa., and Steubenville, Ohio, and fol- lowed his trade in this county about five years. He married Sarah A., daughter of John Ewing, and entered into partnerslnp with his father-in-law. They carried on the tan- nery business for five years, and for about twenty years Mr. McCollougii followed the business on his own account, working first in Beaver and then in Washington county. When his father-in-law gave up business, he retiu-ned to Frankfort Springs and remained in business until 1873. He then moved to a farm of 100 acres, which he purchased. He now owns 350 acres of land in Beaver and Washington counties. He has three children: John E., Frank and Sarah F. He is a Democrat. He now resides in the house he helped to build while he was working for seventy -five cents a day, in order to help pay for a home for his mother in Frankfort Springs. AVhile in ^lissouri he gave all his money to help the family at home. Cyrus McConnell, physician, P. O. Service, is a native of Washington county, Pa., born in 1836, the fourth of the ten children (six sons and four daughters) of John 1 BIOGRAPHIES SOnTII SIDE. 865 D. anil Sarali (Jlorrisou) Jlct'onnell. The fatber was boru in 1^02, on the farm of his father, at whose deatli he came into possession of the property by purcliasing hia broth- ers' and sisters' shares; lie was a son of Daniel JlcC'onnell, who had four sons and six daughters, John n. being the eldest son. Daniel was a native of ]\Iaryland, came to Washington county. Pa., when a young man. and followed blacksmithing for a con- siderable period, afterward purchasing and operatingafarm of 200 acres. Cyrus received a good common-scliool education, studied at Florence Academy, Washington county, for si.x years, and at the age of twenty-five commenced the study of medicine with Dr. James McOarell, then of Washington county, now of Allegheny City; entered college at Ann Arbor in 1863, from which he graduated, commencing the practice of his pro- fession in 1S68 at his present location. He was married, in 1872, to M. H., daughter of Samuel Heed, of Greene township, this county. The doctor and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church . Joira B. McCoNNELL, farmer, P. O, Seventy-Six, was born :\Iarch 18, 1831, on the old homestead, where his father. Jo.seph, .settled after his marriage with Elizaljcth, daugh- ter of James Wallace. Joseph and Elizabeth jMcConnell had seven children: Nancy, Susannah, Rachel, Alice M., James, John B. and Joseph. The mother died young, but the father lived to the age of eighty-two years, and both were devoted members of the United Presbyterian church. John B. McConuell. father of Joseph, came from the vicinity of Philadelphia to Beaver county at an early day. John B., our subject, mar- ried Mary, daughter of Joseph McCorkle, and a native of jyiahoning county, Ohio. She is the mother of two children: Harry S. and Elizabeth I., wife of A. Allen, of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are members of the United Presliyterian church, of which he has been trustee and treasurer. He has been a farmer all his life, and owns 107 acres of land, on which there is an oil well. Politically he is a Democrat. Ai,EX.\NDER L. :McCot, farmer, P. O. Service, was born Feb. Ifi, 1814, in Alle- gheny county. Pa. His grandfather, James McCoy, was a farmer in Allegheny county, and of Scotch-Irish descent, and his son, James, Jr., (father of our subject) was born and married in Allegheny county; was a farmer and came to Raccoon township at an early day. He finally bought laud wliere his grandson, J. E. McCoy, now resides, and died there at the age of fifty-six years. He married Elizabeth Bridewell, who lived to be over eighty years of age, and had .six children: William, Alexander L., James, Mary, JIartha and John. Alexander L. married Margaret McCoy (not a relative), who was born in 1814. They have nine children: James E.. John L., Alexander. Samantha, Jlartha, Jlelis.sa, Roberta, Seymour and Edwin. Mr. JlcCoy is a self-made man and a successful farmer; he owns 128 acres of land. He is a Republican. David McCoy was born in Scotland, and came to this country at an early day. He purchased in 1772, the old homestead in Beaver county, where his granddaughter, Agnes S. McCoy, now resides. He was one of the heroes of the Revolution, and was discharged in 177'J. In April, 1783, David JlcCoy, of Chartiers, was married to Nancy Shearer, of Path valley, Cumberland county. Pa. She died in 1820, leaving four chil dren: Jlrs. Polly Craig, Mrs. Jane Agnew. Mrs. Nancy Eachel and Archibald. David McCoy and wife were members of the old Seceder's church, and were married by Rev. Samuel Dougal. Mr. McCoy used to spell his name in the old Scotch way " McKeay." He owned a farm of 000 acres. He died in December, 1831, aged cighty-.seven years. His son, Archibald, was born July 24, 1803, and died Sept. 15, 1883. lie was a farmer on the old homestead, and married Jane, daughter of Daniel Leitch, of an old pioneer family. She was born on the old Leitch homestead, and is the mother of .six children: Agnes S., Elizabeth (!Mrs. Douds), David, Mary J. (deceased), Hannah (Mrs. Creese), and Rosa Ann, who died at the age of nine years. Archibald McCoy was a quiet man, greatly esteemed and respected. In politics he was a Wliig and a Republican. He was a member of a militia company. The family have a letter written .Iul\' 1, 1788, by Sally Shearer to Nancy JlcCoy. and an old gun and sword found under a log by Mr. McCoy. These arms undoubtedly belonged to a French olticcr. Cut in an old tree on the farm is the picture of a hunter with liis gun on his shoulder, and a turkey in his hand, and 866 HISTORY OF BEAVER COrNTT. underneath the words " Aurgaurst, 1772," supposed to have been executed by one of the French hunters. An old Indian trail crosses the farm from southwest to northeast. James E. McCoy, farmer, P. O. Service, was born June 26, 1887, on the old home- stead where he now resides, and which was settled by his grandfather, .James JloCoy. He was raised and educated in this county, and was married, Oct. 25, 1860, to Ann, daughter of Alexander JMcCoy. She was boru Jan. f!, 1887, and has three children; Laura C, .Jennie M. and Albine R. Mr. McCoy lived four years with his uncle before he was married, and after marriage went to Richland county, (_>hio, where he settled sixteen miles northeast of Mansfield, and engaged in farming three years. He then bought a farm in Hanover township, this county, and remained there until 1881. He now owns the old homestead; has 230 acres and has been financially prosperous in life. His parents had nine children, all of whom are living, and eight are married and have children. James H. McCoy, farmer and stockman, P. O. Clinton, was born Sept. 19, 1820, in Greene township, Beaver county. His grandfather, James McCoy, a weaver by trade, and a native of Ireland, lived in Allegheny county, Pa., where he died at an old age. He had seven children; William, James, Alexander, Hugh, Isaac, Betsey and Polly. Hugh married Rachel, daughter of William Schooler, and died at the age of seventy-nine. He was an active member of the Baptist church. His wife died in In- dependence township at the age of sixty-.seven years. Her children were Polly, Ann, Elizabeth, James H., Rachel, William, Isaac A., Sarah .J. and I^ucinda. James H. received a common-school education, and at the age of ten years began farming, which he chose as his occupation. Gradually, with pluck and perseverance, he made his way in the world. He bought his first land while a young man, and went in debt for it, but now owns 178 acres. He married Martha, daughter of William McCague, and they had six children: John, Lucinda, Mary Ann, IMartha J.. William Frank and Thomas. Lucinda died at the age of fourteen years. John is a merchant in Bocktowu, and Will- iam F. in Gringo. Mr. McCoy is a Democrat, and has been school director. He has dealt extensively and successfully in stock. JouN R. McCoy (deceased) was born Jan. 22, 1828, on the old McCoy homestead, in Greene township. He was in early life a farmer, later a stockman, and purchased the old homestead of 260 acres, to which he added eighty-four acres, and on which his widow now resides. He was a member of the Presbyterian church; politicalh- he was a Republican. He married, June 20, IS.IO, ^lartha, daughter of Alexander and Mary (Wood) McCoy, and born Nov. 27, 1830, in Service. Jlr. McCoy was a good business man, esteemed for his many excellent qualities of head and heart. His early education was limited, but he was a well-read and intelligent man. He died June 22, 1881, mourned by a large circle of friends. John B. SIcCready, Hookstown, was born on the old McCready homestead, Aug, 5, 1837. His great-grandfather, .Joseph McCready, was a native of Ireland, and settled in Greene township while the Indians were still living in the neighborhood. He took up 400 acres of land, receiving patent dated 1784, and died in 1798. His wife was Katy Laughlin, and they had five daughters, who became Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Ralston, !Mrs. Bay, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. McClure, respectively, and tuo sons. Joseph and John, the latter of whom was a doctor at New Bedford, where he died. Josejih, born July 9, 1786, married. May 14, 1805, Elizabeth Ewing, and died Oct. 3, 1862. His wife was a daugh- ter of .James Ewing. and died March 22. 1846. He was a man of most remarkably strong mind and clear judgment, an earnest Christian and staunch Presbyterian. He had four sons, James, .Joseph, .John B. and W. E., and four daughters, Catharine, Jane. Eliza A. and Isabel. James was born 3Iay 10, 1806, and died Sept. 30, 1872. He married JIary A. Reed, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (King) Reed. She was born Sept. 11, 1801, in Cumberland county, and died in Hookstown, Jidy 3, 1882. They had five children, two sons and three daughters; Joseph J., John B., Sarah E., Elizabeth I. and Mary ,Jane. Three are deceased and two living, John B. and Mary Jane. John B. came to Hooks- town in 1873, built a mill, has carried on a successful business, and still owns 120 acres, BrOGKAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 867 a part of the old liomestead. He manied, April 3."), 1S61, Sarah A., daughter of Henry and Sarah A. Cowan, and they have two children living: James H. and Frank, the for- mer of whom is married to Mary E. Stewart, and has one child, Kdith B. The family have l)een members of. the Presbyterian church for many generations. Mr. McCready is a llepublican. Cviifs ilcCuB.^RY, harness-maker, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born Jlay 11, 1818, in Columbiana count j-. Olxio, in the village of FairtieUl. I lis grand father ^McCreary, who died at Gettysburg. Pa. , was of Scotch-Irish descent. His son, Henry B., was born in Adams countv, and was a harness-maker by trade. He came to Beaver county at an early day, and married Anna Carothers, who died here. She had eight children, five of whom lived to mature age. Henry B. followed his trade in Frankfort Springs in the shop now occupied by his son, Cyrus, and died at the as;e of eighty-three. Cyrus McCreary married, Oct. 3, 1883, Laura E., daughter of Alexander and ^Margaret (Wil- coxon) JlcConnell. Mr. and Mrs. JlcCrearj' are both active members of the Presby- terian church. ^Ir. McCreary is a Democrat, and has tilled the offices of burgess and councilman of Frankfort Springs. He is greatly esteemed and respected by his fellow- citizens. S. L. jMcCui.i.ofGii, JI. D., Frankfort Springs, was born June 27, 1853, near Buffalo, Washington county. Pa., a son of John L. and Julia A. (Logan) McCullough, the former a native of Ireland of Scotch descent, and the latter a native of Lancaster county. Pa., and still living. Her children are Jacob L.,John L., Nathaniel G., Joseph E., Matthew ^Y., S. L., Mattie and Julia A. The fir.st four served in the Civil War in Company A, 100th Regiment, and were all wounded. John died at home; Nathaniel is still living, and the other two died on the battle-field. Matthew W. enlisted, but was rejected. S. L. received his education at the California State Normal SchIcElhaney is a Democrat, and has held several township oftices, including that of school director. Wii.i.TAM McEi.u.\NEV, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Six. is a grandson of George and a son of William McEIhaney. He was educated in this county, chose the occupation of farming, and owns 104 acres. He was married iu Hopewell township to Eliza, daugh- ter of John and Margaret (Davis) Johnston, of an old pioneer family. This union has lieen blessed with seven children living; Jlargaret JI,, Fiancis II., Charles B., David S., Martha, Ida J. and Elva N. The mother is a member of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. McEIhaney has held a number of township offices, including supervisor, for several years. BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 869 John H. McElhaney, fariiicv, P. O. Service, is a grandson of William, and a son of George J[cEllianey. The latter was born Jul}' 7, 18il, in this count}', has been a life-long farmer, and owns 300 acres. After his marriage he settled near his father's residence, and lived there si.xteen years. He then purchased 199 acres, and by subse- quent purchase has accumulated his present property. lie was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac ^IcCoy, and they have four children living; Lydia (ilrs. JIateer), William .!., John H. and Isaac JI. The mother and daughter are members of Mount Olive Presbyterian church. John H. was born in Independence township, and is a successful farmer and business man, owning about 200 acres. He married Maria, diiughter of Thomas Wilson, and their children are George, Alexander G., Sarah E. and Nora B. ^Iv. >IcElhaney is a Republican. WiLLT.\M J. ]SicELii.\XEY. farmer, P. U. Seventy-Six, was born on the place where he now resides, Jan. 27, 1845. His grandfather, William JIcElhaney, was born in Beaver county, where his father, George McElhaney, owned a large tract of land. William .1., is a son of George and Elizabeth (JlcCoy) McElhaney, and was reared and educated in Beaver county, where he is a prosperous farmer. He was married, Oct. 24, 1S(J7, to ^lary E., daughter of H\igh Jliller, and they have five children: Jane A., Mar- garet E., George AV. , Hugh Calvin and an infant daughter. Mr. JIcElhaney is a Re- publican. John McHenry, retired farmer. P. O. Service, was born in Hopewell township, this county, in 1818, and is the eldest son and second of the six children (four yet liv- ing) of Charles and Martha (Devine) ]\IcHenry,botli of Irish parentage. John McHenry, grandfather of our subject, with his wife and children, came from Ireland to these shores, locating soon after arrival in Washington county. Pa. , and afterward removed to Beaver county. He had five children, the eldest of whom, Charles, born in 1785, was a hatter for several years. In 1820 he came to Raccoon township, purchased 130 acres of land, and .settled down to farm life. He married Sarah .McCracken, who bore him one .son. Dr. William ilcllenry. This wife dying, Mr. McHenry married Martha Divine, as above. Hi held the office of justice of the peace for fifteen years. John was reared on the farm, receiving a good education. He married, in 1861, (lynthia, youngest ilaughterof AVilliam Littell, and sister to Gen. John S. Littell, the family being one of the oldest in the countv. Seven children, three now living, have blessed this union; .Vgnes (graduate of Edinlioro College), Jennie Estellc and John Edgar, at home. Mr. ^McHenry was a school director for fifteen years, and held many other positions of trust. He and family are members of the United Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican. Wii^LiAM E. McKee, farmer, P. O. Woodlawn, was born in Birmingham, now Pittsburgh (South Side), May 5, 1835. His grandfather, James McKee, a native of Ireland, settled in Cumberland county. Pa., and finally removed to Pittsliurgh, where he died. His sou. John ^IcKee, father of William E., was born in Cumberland county, Aug. 19, 1798, and was reared in Pittsburgh. He was a prominent man in his day, was well known throughout the country, and was justice of the peace for twenty-five years; al.so served as borough treasurer and poorhouse director of Allegheny coimty. He died July 11, 1S63 His wife was Charlotte, daughter of Henry Wendt, one of the first glass manufaclurers of Pittsburgh. She was born in Pitlsburgli (South Side) Sept. 11, 1808, and died Jan. 5. 1870. John JIcKee was class leader in the .Methodist church for many years. Politically he was a Whig and afterward a Republican. His brothers, James, Samuel and Thoiuas, were prominent glass manufacturers in Pittsburgh. William E. McKee, our .subject, had two brothers, John and Henry, and one sister, Sarah, who lived to maturity. John is a member of the Board of Health of Pittsburgh. William E. was educated in Pittsburgh, and learned the trade of glass-cutting; enlisted Aug. 5, 1861, in Company B, fi2d Regiment, P. V., and served until Xovember, 1802. He par- ticipated in the battles of Hanover Court House, Gaines' Mill, Antietam and South Jlountain. and at G;uucs' Mill he received a woiuid, on accoimt of which be was dis- charged. After the war he came to iloon township, where he has a farm of 100 acres. 870 HISTORY OF BEAYEE COUNTY. He wa? married iu Pittsburi;li, to ^lary, daughter of George and Catliarine (Roth) Haas, and the}' liave five cliildren living: Thomas, Sarali, John, AVilliam and Charles. John R. McKenzte, fanner, P, O. Har.shaville, was born in Washington county. Pa., Nov. 23, 1827. His grandfather, Kenneth !McKenzie, was born near Fort George, Scotland, and came to America between 1780 and r7!IO, settling in ^Maryland, where he was married to Jane Clark. They moved to Bevington ilill, Wasliington county. Pa., and iu 1812 came to Hanover township, this county, where Mr. JIcKenzie died April 25, 1814. His wifedied Sept. 22, 183f). They had si.xchildren; John, >[ary, Jane, William, Collin and Sarah A. William, who was a farmer and tanner, was born in Washington county Jan. 10, 1803, and died Sept. 3, 1835: his wife, Isabella Ralston, was born in 1803 and died in 1886. They were members of the United Presbyterian church. They had three children; John R , James and Jane C. John R. was married to Eliza- beth, daughter of David Stronss, and they have five children living: Nettie, David, William J., John and Joseph. Mr. and !Mrs. ^McKenzie are members of tlie United Presbyterian church; politically he is a Democrat. He owns 200 acres of land. Of his sons, David and William J. are farmers; Johii teach&s schoolin winter, and farms through the summer. Mrs. Isabella McKenzie was a daughter of John Ralston, whose father was assisted and partly carried to Fort Frankfort in one of the early Indian alarms. He died at Youngstown, Ohio, aged 104 years. Alex.^ndeh and J. B, McKiBiiiN, farmers, P. O. Green Garden, are sons of .Vlex- ander McKibbin, who came to the United States from Ireland about 1835, and shortly after his arrival located in Pittsburgh, where for seven years he followed liis trade, that of stone mason. He then moved to Beaver county, purchased 125 acres of land, commenced farm life, and managed successfully a country store. He married a JIi.ss Gregg, sister of the well-known wholesale dry goods merchant of Pittsburgh. Two children were born to this union: John T.. of Kansas, and Ellen (now Mrs.Campbell), of Perrysville, Allegheny count"-. Pa. The mother of these dying, ^Mr. JIcKibbin mar- ried Nancy ]5ryson, who l.>ore him seven children, five of them now living, Alexander McKibbin, the second .son born to the last marriage, was reared on the homestead, and received a good education, graduating from the Commercial College at Pittsburgh, in 1868. He enlisted in 1862, in Company^II, 140th Regiment, P. V., served three years, and participated in many decisive battles. In 1871 he bought 1(0 acres of land, all under cultivation, and the same year married Tillie J., daughter of William Irwin. By her he has four children: Ella May, Mattie Jane, Amie Mary and Alvin Stewart. Mr. JIcKibbin has been a member of the county and state board of agricul- ture for six years, serving his second term as member of state board of agriculture; is school director and secretary (third term); was county auditor from 1876 to 1879. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; in politics a Re] ublican. J. B. !McKil)bin, also a sou of Alexanderand Nancy (Bryson)5IcKibbin, is a native of Allegheny county. Pa., born in 1S40. and was reared on the farm purchased by his father, at whose death he inherited the property. He married, iu 1865, IJzzie Ellen, daughter of James White, and to this union were born three children; Aggie, Jane and Bessie. ]Mr. McKilibin is a member of the United Presbyterian church: politically a Republican. WiLLUM MrKiii.\H.\N, minister, Hookstown, was born Feb. 25, 1845, in Belmont county, Ohio. The genealogy of the family dates back to the days of religious perse- cution in Scotland, when all the family were killed, save two brothers, who fled to Ire- land, wiiere one ivas killed by the Catholics on landing. The other one escaped and .settled in the North of Ireland, where many of his descendants still reside. Samuel McKirahan, grauilt'ather of William, came to America in 1790, in the Brig "Cunningham." He settled near Hickory, Washington county, Pa., and died in Belmont county, Ohio. He married a Miss Gamble, who was the mother of nine children, five sons and four (laughters. Of these children, Joseph was a minister. John was born in Washington county, Pa., in 1806, and is still living in Logan county, Ohio, and is a farmer by occu- pation. He married Elizabeth Porterfield, who is the mother of nine sons and three BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 871 daughters. Five sons were soldiers in the Civil AVar. William vi-as graduated from Eastman's Business College, Poughskeepsie, N. Y.. received his literary diploma from AVest Geneva College, his theological education in Allegheny Seminary, and has a cer- tificate from Dr. Harper of Yale College, professor of the Semitic languages, where he studied Hebrew. lie is now studying the As.syrian and Aralnc languages. He received the first appointment in Indiana county, Pa. , where he remained si.\ years, and Oct. 14, 1883, came to Hookstown. where he has charge of the United Presbyterian church. He was married in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 4, 1876, to Ida L., daughter of Hev. J. M. Johnston, and they have one sou living, Ralph, born May 30, 1878. Joseph AIcL.\un, merchant and postmaster at Murdock-sville, was born in Findlcy township, Allegheny county Pa., in April, 1815. He is a .son of Hugh McLarn, a native of Ireland, who oanie to America when a young man in company with his brother, Rob- ert, and settled in Mercer county, Pa. He afterward moved to Findley township, where he carried on the business of farming, and died in August, 1825, aged fifty-eight j'ears. He was a Whig, and a member of the Seceder's church. He married, Jennie, daughter of John Harper, an old settler of Allegheny county. She bore him eight children. Joseph was educated in his native county, and was in early life a farmer. At the age of twenty five he started a store in IMoon township, Allegheny county; opened his store in Murdocksville in 1840, and has been very succes.sful. He owns 150 acres of land in this county, and twenty acres in Washington county. Dec. 11, 1849, he was married to Alary Ann Donaldson, who is the mother of four children: Joseph H.; Jennie M., wife of Rev. J. L. Leeper, of Reading, Pa.; Anna M.. widow of Dr. Henry Burns ; and Esther. Mr. and Jlrs. JIcLarn are memliers of the United Presbyterian church of Robinson. Mr. McLarn has been postmaster since 1841. and is a Republican. He is a thorough-going successful business man. John McMuHTitiE, farmer, P. (). Clinton, Allegheny count)', was born Dec. 10, 1809, in Sussex county. N. J. His grandfather, John Jlq^Inrtrie. was a native of Sus- sex county, of which he was the oldest justice, and died there. His son, John, father of the subject of this sketch, was also born in Sussex county, but died in Clinton, Pa. He was a farmer, and married Ann. daughter of Joseph Shippen, and granddaughter of Dr. Shippen, of Philadelphia, from whom she received an annuity as long as she lived. She died in Clinton, Pa., leaving six children: William, Nancy, John, Emeline, Angeline and Horace. Of these John, oursuljject, came west at the age of four years. He farmed until he was twenty years old, then worked on the road to Philadelphia as a broker and dealer in stock, lie purchased land in Beaver county in 1840, and now owns 143 acres. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Connel, and she has borne him five children: Jane, Ann, Elizabeth, Nancy M. and Joseiih. Mr. JlcJIurtrie has been a Democrat all his life. Ad-VM Manou, farmer, P. O. Bellowsville, is a native of Allegheny county. Pa. , born in 1812. His parents were James and Elizabeth (Graham) Manor, the former of whom came to Western Pennsylvania from east of tlie Alleghanies at an early day. Tliey had seven children, four now living, Adam being among the eldest. Our sul)ject was reared on a farm, and in 1830 came to Beaver county, where he purchased, in 1862, his present farm of fifty-four acres, in Raccoon township, whereon he has since resided. He was united in marriage, in 1842, with Elizabeth S., daughter of Peter Lance, of this county, and eight children have blessed them. Jlrs. Manor died in 1871, and in 1872 our subject wedded lilmeline Lance, sister to his first wife, and she has liorne him one daughter, Dora. The mother dying, Mr. Manor married Mrs. Ralston, of AVashington county. Pa., the mother of four children by her first husband. Mr. Alanor is a meudier of the Pres- byterian church. In politics he is a Democrat. J-\MES JI.\nKs (deceased), son of John Jlarks, was born in Allegheny county, Pa., Dec. 25, 1812, and died Dec. 19, 1884, of cancer of the stomach. His father, John Marks, was a fuller by trade, and came here froiii over the moimtains. He first .settled on Montour's Run, Allegheny county, where his descendants became honored members of the community in which they lived. Our subject liccame a member of the A.ssociate 872 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. Reformed church at the age of sixteen 3'ear8. In 1S38 he moved within the bounds of tlie Raccoon church, in the same year was installed ruling elder of the congregation, and remained for about forty years in the discharge of his duties as an otficer of the church. In 1877 he changed his membership to the Xew Bethlehem church. The memory of his true, Christian life will ever be cherished by those who were privileged to know him. He was married three times. His third wife, whom he married Dec. 26, 1861, and who survives him, and was faithful and devoted to him, was ^Margaret, daughter of Samuel Eachel, and she became the mother of two children: Isabella, wife of Robert Green; and Ulysses Grant, a student at the We.stern University of Pennsylvania. Mr. ]\Iarks was a Republican. Of his children, three sons and four daughters are yet living, one son having given up his life in the service of his country. The Marks farm contains ninety-si.\ acres, on which are three oil wells. ilicii.^Ei. ^r.\TEER, farmer, P. O. Shafer's, was born July 14, 1839, in iloon town- ship, to which place his father. Michael Mateer, Sr. , had moved the previous spring. The latter was born at Alsace, Germany, and was married in Pittsburgh, to JIargaret Rook. He died Oct. 13. 1882; his widow died Nov. 23, 1887, aged eighty-two years. She was the mother of seven children: JIargarct, Mary A. (deceased), Elizabeth, Midiael, Caroline, George and Louise. >Iichael, our subject, followed llietiadeof carpenter for twenty years. He owns a farm of 105 acres, part of the old Baker home- stead, and which contains probably the oldest orchard in the county. Mr. !Mateer mar- ried Lydia A., daughter of George McElhaney, and she has borne him five children: Elizabeth A., Anna ]\I., JIargarct L., Thomas F. and Albert M. Jlr. and ilrs. Mateer are members of the North Branch Presbyterian church, of which he is a trustee. He is a Democrat, and has been .school director, treasurer, auditor and collector. Samuel Maxwell, farmer, P. O. Bellowsville, was born Aug. 17, 1833, in Findley, Washington county, where his father lived from 1815 to 1833. The parents died in AUcghenj- county, the father at the age of seventy-six, and the mother at the age of eighty-three years. .lames Maxwell was l)orn in Scotland, and had fourteen children, of whom nine reached maturity: Jane J., JIary, Fanny, Isabella, Ann, Rachel, James A., Joseph B. and Samuel. The last named was educated in Allegheny City, and learned several trades. Firrt he learned the iron moulder's trade, and then the blacksmith's bellows trade, from which occupation the village of Bellowsville received its name. In Alleglieny he was in partnership with his brotlier, Joseph B., who died in Bellowsville. Samuel came here and bought land Aug. 17, 1870, and now owns fifty-six acres. When Mr. Maxwell and his brotlier came here they erected a sub.stantial ferryboat, which plies between Bellowsville and Vanport, and kejit the ferry about ten years. During the war they had a large factory and forge, and filled many government contracts. Samuel Maxwell married Eliza, daughter of William ^lorrison. Esq., and they have three children: Harriet J., Rachel A. and Ella E. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. ^Maxwell is a Prohibitionist. Joseph !Meii\ffey, farmer, P. O. Hirshaville, was born in Cumberland county, Pa., Sept. 6, 1815. His father, also named Joseph, and a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, came to America at the age of twenty-one years, and settled in Cumberland county. Pa., where he carried on farming. He married Jane Patterson, who was also a native of Ireland, and who came with her parents to this countrj- when she was two years old. After marriage, Mr. and jMrs. Jlehaffey settled in Washington count}', where they died. They had nine children. Joseph, our subject, was married in Washington county, to Jane, daughter of William Chapman, and six children have been born to them: John L.. AVilliam Alexander, Joseph H., Elizabeth J. (died at the age of eleven years), Sarah E. and Emma A. Mr. ilehaffey and wife are members of the United Presbyterian church of Hanover, of which he is an elder. He came to Beaver county in 1844. and has since been successfully engaged in farming here, owning 140 acres. He is a Democrat, and has held several township offices. J. II. JIehaffey, merchant, P. O. Service, was born in 1837, in Beaver county. Pa. His grandfather, Joseph Mehaffey, came from Ireland and settled in Washington BICGRAPHIES —SOUTH SIDE. 873 county, Pa. Of his family of three sons and five daughters, Joseph, the eldest son, came to this county in 1842, and purchased the farm on which he died; he married Jane Chap- man, by whom he had six children, live yet living, J. II. being the youngest. Our sub- ject was reared on the farm, where he remained until his twenty-fourth year, then engaged in huckstering, Pittsburgh being his shipping port; and for thirteen years he has been engaged in general mercantile business, the past eight years at his present place. He was married, in 1870, to Sarah, daughter of Allison Robertson, of this county, and two children have been born to them: Lillie Dickson and Fred Ardeu. Mr. MehafTe}' is a member of the United Presbyterian church; he is a Democrat. Justice Mekkel, blacksmith, P. O. Water Cure, was boru j\Iay 3, 1824, in Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, in the village of Swingenberg. His father, Joliannes Merkel, was a blacksmith in the German army, was with Napoleon Bonaparte in the war with Russia, and received three medals for bravery, lie died in Be.ssengen, Hesse-DarmstadI, aged ninety-three years. His wife was Elizabeth Merkel, who died in Germany, aged eighty-three years. They had ten children, seven of whom are living. Justice learned his trade with his father, and was with him in the arnn' at the age of fourteen years. He traveled seven years in German}' and came to America Oct. 1, 1847, and worked a while in the carriage shops at Albany. N. Y.. and then went to Philadelphia, where he worked two years in the horse-slioe shops. After this he worked two j-ears in Pittsliurgh, and then two years in Steward.stown. In October, 1804, he came to Phillipsburg, where he has since carried on his trade. He was married here to Margaretha, daughter of Michael and Margaret JIatter, and now supports his aged mother-in-law. James Mili.ek, farmer. P. O. Clinton, Allegheny county, was born in County Derry, Ireland, Jan. 18. 1822, is a son of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Jliller. James came to this country with his mother, at the age of twenty -two years, and in 184.5 he bought from John Hice the place where his brother John S. now lives. There the family settled, and from there the children started out for themselves and became good and useful citizens. James married Sarah, daughterof Hiram Loekhart. and Ihey have eight children living; John, Joseph, Archibald. Robert, 'William. Elizabeth M., Mar- garet Ann and Sarah. Mr. Miller and wife are members of the United Presbyterian church, and he is an elder in the New Bethel church. He owns the farm of 134 acres ■where he lives, and about 200 acres in the neighborhood. He is a Democrat. John S. Miller, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Six, was born IMarch 26. 1830, in County Derry, Ireland, and is a son of Jobs and Elizabeth iScolt) Miller. The father died in Ireland, and the mother in this country, in 1869, aged sixty-nine years. She had nine children: Sirs. JIary Sherrard, (who died in the old country), Mrs. jNIargaret McGar- vey, Mrs. Jane Thompson, Mrs. JIartha McGarvey. Mrs. Eliza A. McAllister, James, Archie (deceased), Josepluof Kansas) and John S. The mother showed great courage in leaving her friends in Ireland, and bringing her family to this country. John S. has followed farming alibis life, except nine years spent in mining in California. He owns 125 acres. His wife was Jane, daughter of John and Sarah (Carr) Mateer. She died, leaving .six children: Sarah, i;iiza A.. Mary J., ilartha, John S. and Andrew. jMr. Miller i,s a member of the New Bethlehem church, of which he has been a trustee. In politics he is a Democrat. John Montgomery, farmer, P. O. Ilookstown, is a grand.son of James Jlontgom- ery, of Irish descent, who was a farmer and millwright for many years in Washington county. Pa., and Columbiana county, Ohio, where he died. He raised eleven children, of whom James was a tanner by trade, and worked many years near Frankfort with John Ewing, who taught him the trade. He finally bought a farm of 2.50 acres in Greene township, where his son John now resides. He died Aug. 14, 1800, aged lifty- six years. He was a Presbyterian, and took a deej) interest in church and .school affairs. Politically he was a Republican, as is his son. His wife was Sarah, daughter of John Stevenson, who built the hlevenson mill in Allegheny county. She died July ], 1881, aged seventy-two years. She had twochildren, John and Nancy J., who farm the home place. They are memliers of the .Mill Creek church. 874 HISTOKY OF BE AVER COUNTY. Alexander Mooke. farmer, P. O. Service, was liorii in Allegheny cniintj', Pa., April 18. 1826. His patcrnul grandparents were .lohn and Letitia (Watt) iloore, of Scotnh-Irisli Presbyterian stork, llis father, Samuel W. Moore, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and was the eldest of si.x children. He was born in October, 1T9T, came to America at the age of twenty, and died Feb. 14, 1873. He tirst landed in Philadel|)hia. where he worked about a year, and then came to Pittslnirgh, and worked for a time on the abutment of tlie old Alleghenj- bridge. In 1831 he bought 30O acres of land, and in the fall of that year moved to the farm. His wife was Klizabeth, daughter of Alexander Liggett. She died Sept. 17, 1875, aged seventy-nine years. They were meraliers of the United Presbyterian church of Service. Their children were Isabella, .lohn L., Alexander, Letitia, Ann, Hugh, Eliza .J. and Samuel N. Alex- ander has been a farmer all his life, and owns a farm. He has been a successful farmer, and has accumulated a competence. .I.\MEs Moore, farmer, P. O. Hookstown. wasborn Feb. 16, 1817. His grandfather, Thomas Moore, was born near Easton, Pa., and married Margaret Hutchison, a Scotch lady. They settled in Washington county, but soon afterward came to Hanover town- ship, and purchased 400 acres of land, where our subject now resides. Thomas Moore was one of the wealthy men of Beaver county, and owned about 1,000 acres of land. He had seven children: James, Nancy, Mary, Samuel, Aaron, Andrew and Margaret. Of these, James married Sarah, daughter of John and ]\Iartha (Mahan) Boyd. James Moore died at the age of eighty-tour years, and his wife at the age of sixtj'-two. They were members of the United Presbyterian church: in politicshe was a Democrat. Their children were .John, Thomas, James, Margaret, ilartha, Aaron and Sarah. Of these, James, the subject of this sketch, is the only one living. He married Rachel, datighter of Samuel Lindsey. The\' have tliree children: ^larthaA. (Jlrs. Ewing). Mary A. and James E. Mr. and Jlrs. Moore .are connected with the Tomlinsou Run United Presby- terian church; politically he is a Democrat. Samitel W. MooRnEAD, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born July 30, 1817. The progenitor of the family in this country was Samuel Jloorehead, a native of Scotland, and supposed to have been a descendant of the old Moore family of that country. He came to America, and tirst located in Wilmington, but soon afterward left his tools and an unfinished cellar to investigate lands further west. He settled in Washington county, and died there at an old age. His wife, Elizabeth Sproul, died at the residence of her son John, aged nearly 100 years, having been blind for seven years before her death. She had live children: .Tohn, James, David, Robert and Elizabeth (Mrs. McLaughlin). Of these John was a ma.son by trade, and owned a farm in Washington county, where he died, aged over seventy years. He married Sarah, daughter of John Buchanan. She died young, leaving five children: Samuel W., John, William, George, and Eliza J., who died young. Samuel W. followed farming in Washington and Allegheny coun- ties, and in 1872 came to Greene township, where he has a farm of 101 acres. In 1843 he married Ellen Wilson, granddaughter of old Rev. Dr. Wilson. They had four chil- dren, only one of whom, Mrs. Sadie Campbell, is living. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Moorhead are members of the United Presbj-teriau church. lie is a Prohibitionist. David Moiuiis, farmer, P. O. Service, wasborn " east of the mountains," Jan. 19, 1818. Isaac Jlorris, his grandfather, was born in Ireland, of Scotch descent: his wife was Mary Lockhart, and they lived in Bucks coimty, Pa., whence they moved to Allegheny county. They had eighteen children. Of these, Thomas settled in Greene town.ship, Beaver county, and died there; his wife was Mar_v E. Benwood,and tliej- had nine children, of whom David, the subject of this biography, lived in Greene township until he was tweuty-one years old. He then lived two summers in Washington county. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Schuler, and they have six children, John, George, AVilliam, Levi F., James A. and Eliza Ann. The parents are members of the Presbyterian church of Mount Olivet, which Mr. Jlorris helped to build, and in which he has been an elder. He has been a life-long Republican. Thomas J. Morris, pilot, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Wood county, W. Va., niOCRArHIKS SdlTlI SIDK. 876 Oct. !), 18)30. His iiaiTiit.s wiix- Thomas ami Xaucy (French) Jlon-is, the t'oirncr of Eiiu'lish ami the latter of Scotch descent, and both died in West Virginia. Tliey had tliree children: AVilliam, Thoma.s J. and Isabella. Thomas J., the only survivor, was educated in his native county, and at the age of si.\teen made a trip to New Orleans with produce. On his return he commenced to learn the business of pilotini: in Pitts- burgh, and has followed that occupation since 1840. His usual run is from Pittsburgh to Louisville, Ivy. He was married in Kochester to 3Iary. daughter of S;imii('l .Moore The latter erected the third house in Rochester, which is .still standing, and died in 1884, aged uinely-six years. His father, James Moore, cut a road across the mountains, and settled near New Brighton. The children had to be taken to the blockhouse at night to avoid a massacre by the Indians. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Morris have seven children: James II., CharlesT., AlfredL., Clinton II., Frank U., George S. and Carrie A. ilr. and Mr.s. 3[orris and daughter are members of the Presbyterian church of Phillipsburg. Mr. JForris is a Democrat. His maternal grandfather, William French, located at the pres- ent site of Williamsport, Pa., which was destroyed by fire by the Indians, the family being saved by a friendly Indian. Of Mr. Morris' children, James H. is engaged in the coal and steam business at Alleghenj' City and Pittsbtu'gh. He is married to Ilebecca Shires, and has three children: Shires, i[ax and Lillie. ALEX.iNDER Morrow, farmer, P. 0. Seventy-Six, was born Sept. 4, lS4t'i, on the old Morrow homestead, in Hopewell township, Beaver county. His father, Alexander P. Morrow, was also born there. They are descendants of Hugh and Sarah (Ilerdman) Morrow, natives of Ireland, and probably of Scotch descent. Our subject was edu- cated in the schools of his native county, and has been a successful farmer. He owns about 100 acres of land, besides a gristmill, which was formerly operated by the Ander- son aud Bock families. 3Ir. .Morrow married Mary J., daughter of Robert JlcBride, and they have had nine children, ei.ght of whom are living: Ida M., Sadie, Minnie, Lulu W., Lizzie B , John Lee, Charley B. and ilyrtle Pearl; Alexander H. died Jan. 17, 1881. Mr. Morrow is a Democrat, and has held township oflices. AVii^Li.\M JIoRuow, farmer and stockmau, P. (I. Seventy-Six, is a grandson of Hugh ilorrow aud a sou of Alexander P. , one of the large landholders of Beaver county. William was born on the old ^[orrow homestead, in Hopewell township, Aug. 14, 1849, and was educated in his native county. He worked for his father until six months after he reached his majority, then began for himself. He was married, Dec. 29, 1873, to Miss Alelvine Jane, daughter of Henry Twiford, of West Virginia. She was born in Independence township Jan. 12, 1851; was educated in Raccoon township, and resided with her grandparents until her marriage. They have seven children now living; Laura B., Sadie A., Alexander P., William Wilson, Mary J-. Seth AV. and I'hoebe A. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church of New Bethlehem, aud Mr. Morrow has been teaching in the Sabbath-school for seven years. Politically he is a Democrat, has held the office of school director, and has been ref'lected for three years more. JoitN Morrow, farmer, P. O. Ethel Landing, was born in Hopewell township Jlay 21, 1844. His grandfather, Hugh Morrow, was born in the North of Ireland, of Scotch descent, came to this country when a j-ouug man and settled on the old Morrow home- stead, in Hopewell township. John Morrow was educated in the county aud became a farmer. He married Fannie, daughter of James Alexander, and their children arc J. Alexander, AVilliam J., John, Hugh, Nancy J., Mary and Edith L. iirs, Alorrow died Nov. 17, 1880, aged thirt.y-uine years. She was a member of the United Presby- terian church. Jlr. Morrow is a Democrat, and has held the offices of supervisor aud school director. James Mullen, glass worker, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Philadelphia May 6, 1832. His parents, George and Catherine (JIcLaughlin) Mullen, were both natives of County Derry, Ireland. They came lo America in 1818. and settled in Philadeliihia where they lived many years. In 183.3 they removed to Pittsburgh, where the father followed the blacksmith trade, and died at I he age of seventy-two years. The mother 876 HISTORY OF BEAVEK COUNTY. dieii 3'oung. They Imd seven children. James began labor in the Fort Pitt Glass Works, and has followed the business in different places for forty-fovir years, becom- ing one of the finest glass blowers in Western Pennsylvania. He was in the employ of Bakewell, Pierce & Co., for twenty-nine years, and was one or the originators and stockholders of the Pha>nix Glass Company in 1880. Since 1883 lie has been employed by George A. HIcBeth &Co., in the Keystone Glass Works, at Pittsburgh. He mar- ried Mary Milligan, who died in 18T1. Three children are the result of this union, all living: EllaE., a well-known singer in Pittsburgh, now married to W. J. Mellon, a prominent attorney of Beaver, Pa.; George V. and Agnes B. Mr. Mullen politically is a Democrat. James Nelson was born May 4, 1804. The first of the family to settle in this country was William Xelson, who was born in Ireland and came to America with five children: John, Matthew, James, Anna and ^Margaret. The mother died on the voyage. William Nelson settled in Beaver county, four miles northwest of Service. The first Seceder's congregation of Service was formed at his house, and he was a prominent member. His son Matthew married Hannah Hunter, and both died in Greene town- ship. They had ten children: John, William, David, Mary, Esther, James, Ale.\ander, Margaret, Samuel and Nancy. James Nelson married Jane, daughter of Hezekiah and and Nancy (McCullough) Wallace. She was born April 20, 1811, and is the mother of nine children: John, Hezekiah W., Jlrs. Hannah Ewiiig, ^latthew, Jlrs. Nancy Ewing, Mrs. 3Iartha Swearingen, Susan M, (wife of Dr. F. D. Kerr, of Hookstown), David A. and Esther J. Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson are members of the United Presljyterian church, of which he was for forty years an elder. Politically he was formerly a AVhig, but is now a Uepublican. During the anti slavery excitement he aided and sheltered fugitive slaves. Hezekiah AV. Nelson was reared and educated in Beaver couut\' and Pittsburgh. He was lieutenant of Company H, 53d Regiment State Troops, in the Civil War, and served three months. He was .sent to relieve General Kellj' at New Creek, W. Va., and afterward spent much time in recruiting, and in the Christian commission. Politically he is a Republican. The old family name was spelled Nielson. John Nelson, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born ]May 23, 1830, on the old home- .steail, where he remained only one 3'ear, when his father removed to Greene township, where he lived until nine years of age, then lived on a farm near Service twelve years. In 1851 he returned to the homestead, then owned by the heirs of his grandfather, Hezekiah Wallace. After living there ten years he was married March 31. 18()1. and then settled on a farm of fifty acres, which was a part of the homestead. In the spring of 1867 he bought a farm on Service creek, where he resided until 1880, when he purchased a farm of 160 acres near Hookstown; he also owns another farm of 135 acres. His wife was Mary .J., daughter of Thomas and Susan (Allen) Withrow, both natives of Chester county. Pa., and of Scotch-Irish descent. This union has been blessed with tw'o chil- dren: Susan E. (wife of George R. Stewart, who has one son, Clyde N.) and Flora J. (now at school in Beaver). jNIr. and Mrs. Nelson are members of the United Presbj-- terian church, of which he is an elder. He is a Republican. Early iu life he taught school and conducted a saw-mill. He has also done much work as a surveyor. Matthew' Nelson, farmer, P. O. Harshaville, was born Dec. 4, 1839, on Service creek, in Greene township, where his parents, James and Jane Nelson, resided for about twelve years. He was reared and educated in this county, and has been a farmer all his life, with the exception of the time spent in the army. He enlisted Aug. 22. 1861, in Company F, 46th Regiment, and served over three years, being honorably discharged in September, 1864. He was in General Banks' campaign in the Shenaniloah Valley: was with General Pope on his retreat from Cedar ilountain: was captured at Chancellors- ville, and taken to Libby prison. He was shortlj' afterward paroled, and when excliangcd, joined the regiment in Tennessee. He was in the engagement at Buzzard K')ost, Resaca, Kenesaw Alountain, Dallas and Peach Tree Creek, South Mountain and Antietam, and his brigade was the first to enter Atlanta. He had typhoid fever at the time of the battle of Gettysburg. 5Ir. Nelson was married, Sept. 21, 1865, to Hattie, BIOGKAl'lIIES— SOUTH SIDE. ^77 dausfbter of John C;tllio>in, aud sister of Captain Thomast'albouu. Tliis union lias been blessed with tbree children; Rosella J., Frank E., and Ernest J., who died Jan. 16, 1881. ilr. and Mrs. Nelson are members of the United Presbyterian church. lie is a Republican. James Nelsox, mechanic, P. (). New Sheffield, was born Aug. 11, 1814, on the banks of the Ohio river, in Beaver county. Ilis grandfather, John Nelson, a native of Ireland and of Scotch descent, a farmer by occupation, died in Pittsburgh. His son, John Nelson, was a farmer and died in Pittsburgh, aged ninety-tive years. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Conly, who was a soldier iu the Revolution, serving all through the war. JIrs Elizabeth Nelson died on the farm where James Nelson now resides, in 1884, aged eighty-si.\ years. She had two children; James and Slary (Mrs. JIaratta). She was one of a family of twenty children, who lived to maturity. Johii Nelson was a well-read man, and had the most extensive library in the neighborhood. He fought in the War of 1812, and received injuries from which he suffered concussion of the brain. James Nelson attended the common schools, and at the age of fourteen began learning the trade of steam engine building. He served an apprenticeship of .seven years, at the close of which he went into partnership with his enrployers, Samuel Stackhouse and James Thomson. The firm eventually became James Nelson it Co., and continued until 18(')2, when Jlr. Nelson went to St. Louis, where lie built two coast- ing monitors for the U. S. navy, the "Etlah," and the " Shiloh." After the war he returned to Pittsburgh, and again engaged in engine building till 187f), when he removed to Hopewell township where he owns a farm of 14(> acres. In 1850 he was elected to tlie executive department of the water works in Pittsburgh, and tilled the office with ability for twelve years. He was one of the founders of the Mercantile Library Asso- ciation, formerly the Merchants and Mechanics Institute. His life has been one of great activity and usefulness. He has never married. He was formerly a Whig, and is now a Republican. Samuel Nelson, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born in August. 1815, on the homestead where he now resides. His father, Matliew Nelson, was a native of County Armagh, Ireland, and when four years old came to this country with his father, Will- iam. JIatliew Nelson married Hannah Hunter, who died on the farm now owned by Samuel. They were members of the United Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Nel- son was an elder for many years. He was a fluent speaker, and was identified with the old AVhig party. Samuel was reared and educated in this county. He was the young- est son, and retained the homestead farm, which he has greatly improved. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church; politically he was formerly a AVhig, and is now a Republican. He has been township auditor for several j'ears, and ju.stice of the peace ten years . In 1878 he was elected county commissioner, and served three years . TnoMAS Nicholson (deceased), whose portrait appears elsewhere in this work, was the first superintendent of schools for Beaver county. He was emphatically a self-made man, having had no early educational advantages, and was compelled to support him- self from a very youthful age. His parents, John and Margaret (Hays) Nicholson, were natives of Ireland, and lived in J^aucaster county. Pa., where our subject was born on Aug. 26 of that year. From early childhood until 1833 he lived in Washington county, and removed in the last named year to Hanover township, this county. At first he taught a subscription school, and afterward opened an academy at Frankfort in com- pany with Rev. James Sloan. Nearly all the time of his residence here he filled the olBceof justice of the peace. In 1844 he was elected to the legislature on the Whig ticket, and served three terms; in 1867 he was again elected to the .same position, which he held two terms. For the last three years of his legislative .service he was a member of the committee of ways and means. Wliilc an ardent champion of the Republican party, he was fair to his opponents, and was influential in debate. A faithful laborer in the cause of free education, temperance and the abolition of .slavery, he was resjiected alike by his allies and opponents. He knew when to say a word in time, and killed a bill to proliibit 50 878 HISTOKY OF BEAVER COUNTY. the free range of cattle with these words: " Great God ! What will you do with the poor woman's cow? " Resigning the office of assemblj-man at the close of the last session to which he was elected, Jlr. Nicholson accepted the position of cashier of the state treasury, which he held under four preceding treasurers, being often left in entire charge, and without giving bond. During the last term of such service, under treasurer Mackey, he was obliged to resign on account of ill health, and returned to Frankfort, where a long life of usefulness was brought to a close Jan. 14, 1872. During his judicial service he labored to prevent litigation among his fellow citizens, and was known in the legisla- ture as the uncompromising foe of extravagance with public funds. For a helpmeet Mr. Nicholson espoused Reb^'ca, daughter of David and Marj- Stewart, of Ireland. She was a native of Washington county. Pa., and died at Frankfort Springs Dec. 13, 1887, in her eighty-first }'ear. ]\Ir. and Wrs. Nicholson were communicants in the Methodist Episcopal church. Their only children now living are Mary T., wife of Thomas Bigger, of Frankfort Springs, and Thomas C, of Altoona, Pa. The latter was for some time editor of the Argus, in Beaver, where he subsequently studied law. He practiced for some time in Paola, Kas., and served as lieutenant in the 140lh Regiment, P. V. I. .John H., the eldest child of Thomas Nicholson, died at Macomb, 111. David S. died at Fairview, W. Va. Margaret, wife of Dr. J. A. Bingham, died in Frankfort Springs. Eliza Jane died at the age of six years. Alexander Nicki.e, farmer, P. O. Kendall, was born Nov. 18, 1824, in Washing- ton count)-, near Frankfort Springs, where his parents, David and Mary (Murre}') Nickle resided. The hitter's mother, jMary Murrey, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Kevau, aged eighty years. Our subject's parents were of Scotch origin. The father died aged seventy-seven, and the mother aged seventy-one years. They belonged to the Associate church, of which he was an elder. They had eight children: James, George, William, David, Elizabeth, Mathew, Alexander and Margaret. Alexander was reared and educated in this count)', became a farmer and owns 124 acres. He was married, in October, 1860, to Mrs. Minerva A. Stevenson, nee Evans. They have had three children: John C. C, James E. and Mary V. Mr. and Mrs. Nickle are members of the United Presbyterian church of Hookstown, in which he has been an elder ever since the war. He is a Democrat, and has been supervisor eleven years. M.^TTHEW NicivLE. farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born July 7, 1822, and was raised and educated in this count)'. His father, David Nickle, was born in 1781, near Edin- burgh. Scotland, and was a merchant in his native country. His wife was JIary Mor- row. They had five children born in Scotland; James, George, William, David and Elizabeth. They came to this country in 1820, and settled near Frankfort Springs, where the old Dr. McE'wee place now is. They were members of the old King's Creek Seceder's church under Dr. John Anderson's charge. They subsequently moved to the northwestern part of the township, where the father died in 1847, aged eighty-six years. The mother died at the home of her .son, Alexander. They had three children born in this country: Matthew, Alexander and Margaret. Matthew married, Aug. 7, 1847, Margaret Patte"Son, of Carroll county, Ohio. She died, leaving seven children: John B., Thomas M., Alexander M., James, Mary (who died at the age of sixteen years), Margaret R. and William P., the adopted son of Alexander and Mary Scott, of Carroll county, Ohio. Mr. Nickle was married, on second occasion, to Mrs. Jane Hall, (hmgh- ter of .James Bigger. Mr. and Mrs. Nickle are members of the Tomlinson Run I nited Presbyterian church, of which he has been an elder for fifteen years. He has been a hard working, successful business man, and has accumulated a property of 450 acres. He is a Democrat, and has filled several township offices. D.wiD Nickle, farmer, P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born Nov. 13, 1834, in Hanover township. His grandfather, David Nickle, was a native of Scotland, and was married there to Mary Murray. He came to America when his son .James was twelve years old. He had eight children: James, George, William, David, Matthew, Alexander, Eliza and Margaret. The grandfather settled in Hanover township, where he died . He was an elder in the Seceder's church. In politics he was a Democrat. James Nickle BIOGRAPHIES SOL'TII .SIDE. 879 man-itd .Jane Doliliin, from "West Virginia, ami Ijotli lived and died in tliis townsliip. They were members of the United Presbyterian church. Their children were Mary, Jane, David, Leonard. .James, John. IMathew, Margaret and Ann. Da^■id married Eliza A., daughter of James Bigger, and they have one son. Robert J., born Dec. 18, 1861. Mr. and Mrs. Nickle are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder. Politically he is a Democrat. John Nickle, farmer, P, O. Ivendall, was l)nrn May 7,1.840. His grandfather, David, and his father, James, came from Scotland when the latter was eight years old, and both died in this county. James Nickle luarried Jaue, daughter of James and Jane Dobbin, natives of Ireland, and ten children were born to this couple; Mary, Jane, David, Leonard, James. John, JIatthew, Margaret, Charles D. and Anna. John was born on the homestead, and followed farming until the war. He enlisted Aug. 22, 18(52, in Company H, 1-tOth Regiment, and participated in many engagements, among which were the AVilderness, Cold Harbor. Spottsylvania and Chancellorsville. He was at Mine Run, near Petersburg, and lost his right leg. He afterward returned home, has since followed farming, and now owns 138 acres. July 9, 1879, he married Belle, daughter of Andrew and Eliza (McCready) Jloore. They have one child, Anna Orra Ethel, born Nov. 23, 188G. Jlr. and ^[rs. Nickle are membersof the Mill C'l'eek Presbyterian church; in politics he is a Republican . Ch.\kles Obnev. farmer, I^. (). Service, was born at Montour's liun, Allegheny county. Pa. When he was but fourteen years old he came to Beaver county, and lived in Independence township for ten years, on the farm where Robert Gorsuch now resides. At the age of eighteen years he commenced working out for other people. He married Mary, daughter of John Ralston. She was born on King's creek, Washington county, and died Oct. 14, 188.5, leaving two children now living: John R. and William A. Of these John R, married Elizabeth Bell, and had seven children: Charles C, Alice Bell, !Mary I., Emma 1., Cora E., Annette O. and James C. Charles Obuey married for his second wife Eliza J . Shillito, who was born at Service, Beaver county. Both are mem- bers of the L^nited Presbyterian church of Service, and take a deep interest in church affairs. Politically Mr. Obney is a Republican. He has been supervisor, and is now school director. Joseph P.\lmer, decorator, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Falkeunau-bei-IIeide, Bohemia, Fel). 18, 184.5. His father, Joseph Palmer, Sr., was an expert decorator on ♦flass. and early in life our subject evinced a love for the profession, in which he has since proven himself so proticient. He learned his trade with his vmcie, August l^almer, whose son, William, is now in a factory in New York City. Joseph Palmer was in business in Germany for twenty years, having twenty employes under him. He came to America in 1883. and after remaining in New York City three years, in 1.886 came to Phillipsburg, w'here he is engaged in the Plnenix Glass Works. He has been twice married; his Inrst wife Helene Paid, died in Germanj-, leaving two sons, Joseph and liichard, who are employed in the glass works. His present wife, Caroline Budelmeyer, is a native of German}' and the mother of one child. Capt.\in a. H. P.\kr. p. O. Georgetown, is a .son of Abraliam S. Parr, who was a blacksmith, and died in Georgetown, Dec. 30, 1839, in his thirty-ninth year. His wife was Mary A. Hague, who was born near Hagerstown, Pa., and died Oct. 9, 1806, aged seventy-five years. She was the mother of five children by her first Inisband, Frede- rick Ebbert, viz.; Capt. George W., Theodore, Harrison, Mary A. and Susan. By her second husband, Mr. Parr, she had eight children; Sarah M., William .]., Partho- nia, Myrtilla, Andrew H., Lucinda B., Jessie S. and John (J. A. Andrew H. was born Jan. 14, 1831, in Georgetown, and at the age of fourteen became cabin boy on the river, and has worked his way to his present position. He has been with J. C. Risher <.V Co. for sixiceu years, and is now running on the tow boat '• Smoky City " between l^itts- burgh and Louisville. He married Lizzie II., daughter of James Calhoon. They have nine children living: Mary A., J. Frank, Flora B., Quincy A., Parthenia C, Jackman T. S., Myrtilla M., Lizzie R. and Homer S. K. The family are members of the Metho- 880 HISTORY or BEAVER COUNTY. dist church. Captain Parr is a Kepublican. During tlic war lie was for a time on tlie government boat, steamer "Melnotte," on the C'uniberlaml an14, and was educated in his native country. He came to this country when a young man, and tirst settled in Pittsburgh, where he was employed in a wholesale grocery about si.\ years. In 1844 he came to Hanover town- ship. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of Samuel Kelley, who .settled here in 1809. She was born in 1828, and is the mother of eleven children: Samuel, John, Sarah, Mary, Agnes, "William, (H'ntha, Alia, Jlinnie, Nettie and James. The parents are members of the Presbyterian ehtirch of llookstown. Mr. Peters began life without means, and by industry and perseverance has accumulated a good home and properly, owning over 400 acres of land . In politics he is a Republican. John R. Peteks, civil, mechanical and mining engineer, P. O. Georgetown, was born in New York City, June 19, 1818. The first of the family came to England with William the Conqueror. They came to New England at an early day, and settled in New Hampshire. Ab.salom, grandfather of John R., was aide-de-camp to General Bailey in the Revolutionary War. He was best known as Gen. A. Peters. His father was a nail maker in New Hampshire wlicn slaves were employed to make them. John R., Sr., son of Gen. A. Peters, was a wholesale cotton merchant in New York, and sent the first vessels to Mobile to bring cotton to the North He was familiarly known as " Alderman Peters," having served as alderman several years. He died in New York City, in 1858, aged seventy-four years. His wife was Abbey Covil, of Providence, R. I., and they had nine children. John R., our subject, was educated in New York City, and was in mercantile business a number of years; then entered the University of the City of New York, where he took a course in mathematics, Spanish and other languages, paying special attention to engineering. He was one of a corps of engineers in Allegheny county, N. Y., under Cnief Major Brown, who died in Russia. In 1843 he was attached to the first emljassy to China under President Tyler's administration. Fletcher Webster being secretary of legation, and Dr. E. K. Kane, the arctic explorer, the surgeon. In 184.') he returned to America, and brought with him the Chinese collec- tion which was exhiliited in Boston and New York, and at the Philadelphia Exposi- tion. In 18G.5 he went to West Virginia to prospect for oil for a New Y'ork firm. He finally came to Beaver count)', where he developed several wells in Greene township, near Georgetown. He left here in 186(5, and spent twelve years in Morris county, N. J., directing mining operations. He returned to this county in 18T8. He was married to Susau M., daughter of Ca\n. Richard Calhoon, and they have three children: Lizzie, Ilarrie and Grace. S.vMUEi, Plunket (deceased) was a .son of Isaac and Lydia (Hannah) Plunket. The father died when Sanuiel was fourteen years old, and the mother died about eleven years later. Samuel was the second eldest child, and the burden of raising the rest of the family fell princiiially on him. He remained with them until they were grown up. He had two sisters, JIary and Bettie, and four brothers, John, James, William and Robert. The boys all learned trades except \Villiam, who died young. John was edu- cated for a United Prcsljyteriau minister; Samuel worked for several years by the month, then learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for a time in Pittsburgh. He then bought 151 acres where he resided until his death JIarch 13, 1888. By other purchases he increased his property to 341 acres. His widow is ^largaret, daughter of John Spence, a native of Ireland, who lived to be nearly 100 years old. Of Mr. Plun- kel's children, five are living; John S., Isaac, Thomas, Amanda J. and Ida S. The parents were members of the United Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Plunket was an elder. He was a Republican and had been assessor and supervisor of his township. BIOGEAI'HIKS SOUTH SIDE. 881 The Poes. Of the early settlers along the Ohio river, no better examples of strong- physical form and development, together with heroic daring, were to be found than those of Adam and Andrew Poe, two brothers who were born near the present city of Frederick, Md., and who migrated to the West in the year 1T74, settling in what was then West- moreland, but subsequently Washington, county. Later, in life, they were residents respectively of the vicinity of llookstown and Georgetown. The contest which the,se stalwarts had with liig-fool, the mighty In[axwell. She was born March 25, 18.50, in Holmes county, Ohio. Mr. Ramsey has spent considerable time in the West, was for some time engaged in the drug business in Davenport, and also followed farming for a while. He now occupies the home farm of 212 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey are members of the Hookstown Presbyterian church, and he is a fifth degree member of the I. O. O. F. in Iowa, and a Master Work- BIOGRAPHIES — SOUTH SIDE. 883 man in tlie A. 0. U. AV. . Davenport, Iowa. They have six children: Jennie E.. William M.,LottieM., Blanche A., John W. and Nellie M. Mr. Ramsey is e.xteusively engaged in the fruit business. His brother, Watson J., was an able, well-informed man, an elder in the Presbyterian church, and died Oct. 28, 1879, aged thirty-seven years. Jlr. Ram- sey's grandfathers, Robert Ramsey and W^illiam Ewing, were elders in the church at Mill Creek. The first api)le trees in this section were planted by his great-grandmother Ew- ing, who brought apple seed with her from east of the mountains. Some of these trees _yet remain on the farm where our subject resides. One-half mile distant from his farm was a blockhouse, where his great-grandparents and their neighbors took refuge from the Indians. David Reed, farmer, P. O. Poe, was born in Hanover township Jan. 17, 1887. His grandfather, Adams Reed, was a native of Ireland, and settled in the eastern part of the United States. He was twice married. 1 lis son, Adams Reed, came to Beaver county with his father in 1813, and when he was sixteen years old his father purchased 100 acres of land from James .Miller, the patentee. The grandfather died at the age of ninety-four. Adams Reed, father of David, married Susannah, daughter of David and Isabella (Adams) Beal. who were Quakers, and came from Westmoreland county. Adams Reed and his wife died on the old homestead: he at the age of ninety-two. They had seven children: William, Isabella, David, Margaret J., Jlartha Ann, Agnes and Rachel. William married Jane Ralston; Agnes married Joseph Bell; Rachel married William Strauss. David and .Mrs. Rachel Strauss are the onlj' ones now living. David inher- ited the home farm. He was married, June 38, 1800, to Ilattie E. Durliin, who bore him tive children; Anna, Joseph B., Agnes Bell, Minnie and Elizabeth. Mrs. Reed is a Methodist. Mr. Reed, politically, is a Republican. T. Jefferson Rked, farmer, P. O. Service, is a grandson of Andrew Reed, who came to Western Pennsylvania from the vicinity of Philadelphia at an early day. He had ten children: William, James, Moses, John, Andrew, Isabella, Mary, Dorcas, Samuel and Hannah. >Ioses was a thrifty farmer, and owned 100 acres of land. He married JIary A., daughter of Robert Toland, anil had seven children: Andrew M., Thomas Jefferson, Susannah, Sarah J., Elizabeth, Matilda and Julia A., who died at the age of thirty years. The boys sold the old farm, and bouglit another of 300 acres, where they now reside. The farm is longer east and west, and the 4.)th degree line of the gas belt passes through the center of the place. There are now three gas wells on the place, each well of greater capacity than the first one drilled. Jloses Reed was a Whig, and his sons are Democrats. Mr. Reed has in his pos.session an old music book, written one hundred and twenty -seven years ago by his grandfather's uncle. It was all done by his pen, and it is said to be as tine a piece of penmanship as can be produced to-day; some of the verses are written in Latin and translated into English. It is highly prized by music teachers to-day. He was a good scholar. His name was John. Washixgto.n B. Reed, farmer, P. O. Holt, is a native of Beaver county. Pa., born .Ian. 14, 183.5, a son of James and .\gnes (Baker) Reed; former a farmer, latter a daugh- ter of Michael Baker, of this county. They were the parents of eleven children, Wash- ington B. being the eldest son. He remained on the home farm until twenty -one years of age, receiving a common-school education, and in 18.-)1 married Eliza, daughter of Sampson and Ajrnes Kerr, of this county. To this union have been born seven children, all now living: Lizzie Alice. John Allen, Lewis Washington, Cornelius Wcygnantd, Sampson Kerr, Harriet Isabella and Agnes Marie. With the exception of twelve years our subject has always lived on the farm which he now owns, originally consisting of 300 acres, now of 150, of which 100 are under high cultivation. Mr. l!eed is a member of the Presbyterian church. All his life he has been one of the leading Democrats of the county, though never aspiring lo any political ottice, but has served his township by filling several township oltices to which he had been elected. David Reid, farmer, P O. Seventy-Si.x, was born in Hopewell township, Beaver county.March 31,1830. His paternal grandfather was born on the ocean while his parents were crossing to this country. The family came from the North of Ireland, but were of 884 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTT. Scotch ancestry, and the name was formerly spelled Reed. The grandfather married a Miss Finnley. and settled in Fayette county, Pa., whence he removed to Allegheny county, and died near Clinton. He was a farmer and had eight children; Andrew, Samuel, William, James, Moses, Isabella, Mary and Dorcas. Of the.se Samuel was a farmer, and married Agnes, daughter of David Scott. They removed to Independence township, thence to Hopewell, and settled near what is now the village of Independence, where they both died. He died April 10,3840, aged sixty-three years, and she at about the same age. They were members of the Associate church at Scott.sville, known as the Ohio congregation, of which Samuel Scott was an elder from the age of nineteen years. They had six children: Jane, William, David, Maria, Samuel and Agnes. David received a common-school education, and adopted the business of farming, in which he has been successful, owning 100 acres. His wife is Mary, daughter of Thomas W. McKee, born in Ireland of Scotch ancestry, and came to America at the age of five years. They have four children: Agnes (JMrs. Purdy), Samuel, Elmer A\'. and Valeria A. The parents are members of the old Ohio congregation, and Jlr. Reid is an elder. In poli- ties lie is a Republican. WiLLi.\M Rendall, miller. P. O. Frankfort Springs, was born March 2S, 1831, in Seavington, Somersetshire, England, and is a son of Simon Rendall, who was a mem- ber of one of the oldest families in his native county. AVilliam was educated in his native country, and served a three years' apprenticeship at the milling busine.ss. He came to this country in 1853, and for four years worked at the " Black Rock" mill, near Buffalo. N. Y.; then six years in the "Pearl" mill in Allegheny City, and from 1863 to ISOfi worked in various places; in September of the latter year he bought the Frankfort steam mill. He has made great improvements in the property, and has established a lucrative business. The capacity of the mill is fifty barrels per day. He was married, Sept. .j. 1861, to Eliza, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Lawhead) Anderson, pioneers of Pine township. Allegheny county. Three children have been born to them: Asenath S., Walter A. and John S. James C. Ritchie, farmer, P. O. AVoodlawn, was born in Hopewell township March 10, 1824. The Ritchie family came from Center county, Pa., and is probably of Scotch descent. Robert, father of J. ('., became an orphan in early childhood, and was rai.sed by his uncle and aunt, Jonas and Jeanette Davis. They settled in Hopewell township in 1796. Robert was eighteen years old, and as they had no children he inherited the homestead, where he died at the age of eighty-four years. He was an industrious farmer, and member of the Presbyterian church of IMount Carmel. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William and granddaughter of Alexander Thomson, who came from Scotland, and .settled near Chambersburg. Pa. Elizabeth Ritchie died in 1839. aged fifty-two years. She had eight children; Jane, Frances. Alexander, William, Robert, James C, Elizabeth and Jonas D. James C. was educated in his native county, and became a farmer. He was married, IMay 15, 1851, to Margaret, daughter of William and Phoelie (AVilliams) McDonald. Their children are William, Maltie, Robert and Phoebe. Robert was graduated in 1886 from Washington and Jef- fcr.son College, and is now a law student. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie are members of Mount Carmel Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat, and was elected county auditor. In 1840 he was elected county commissioner, in 1853 and again in 1878, being the first man elected to that office a second term. He has been a school director over twenty years. Jamks RrssELi,, farmer, P. O. Service, is a grandson of William and a son of James Hussell. The latter was a farmer in Washington county, Pa., and died there. He married a Miss Scott, and they had eight children: Abraham, Jane, Samuel, Sarah, Jjimes, JIary, William and ilargaret. Of these James was educated in Washington county, and was married there to Martha, daughter of James Dunlap. They have two children now living: Finley J. and Franklin. The latter is married, has two children, and is farming his father's place of 155 acres in Hanover town.ship. Mr. and Mrs. James Russell are members of Mount Olivet church, of which he i.> a trustee. In politics he is a Democrat . He owns 235 acres of land, and is a successful farmer. BIOGRAPHIES —SOUTH SIDE. 885 William J. Salisbury, farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was bore in Sligo, near Pitts- burgh, Sept. 2, 1835. His grandfather Salislnny died in Wheeling, W. Va., and was descended from an old English family. His son, James Salisbur}', is yet living in Pitts- burgh, where he was a glass blower and a manufacturer for some years. He was mar- ried to Lydia Gallagher, who is also living, and is the mother of six children who lived to maturity. Mar}' Ann, Elizabeth, William .1., .John, David and Henrietta. The parents celebrated, some years ago, their golden wedding, on which occasion the minister who united them, the Kev. Mr. AVilliams, was present. AVilliam .1. Salisliury was educated in Pittsburgh, where he learned and followed the glass blower's trade. He went to California in 1803, and followed his trade there until 1ST3, when he returned to Pitts- burgh. The next year he bought a farm of 100 acres of land in Moon township, where lie now re.iides. He was married, in California, to Margaret J. Fuller, wliowas born in Nantucket, Mass.. March 3, 184.5. Mr. Salisbury is a Republican. Michael Schade, farmer and dairyman, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Gruenijerg, Saxony, Germany. March 2, 1822, and is a son of Melchior and Rosina (Schmidt I Schade, both of whom died in Germany. They had twelve children, only .six of whom reached maturity. Jlichael learned the trade of .shoemaker in Gcrman_v. He came to this country in 1850, and followed his trade two years in Butlalo, N. Y. In 18-52 he came to Inde- pendence township, and ojiened a small shop, where he carried on his trade until 1856. He then removed to New Scottsville. where he was postmaster, besides carrying on his trade until 1863, when he purchased a farm of sixt_v acres, to which he has added forty acres mire, and owns two houses in Phillipsburg. He was married in Buffalo, to Miss Justine Klotz who was born April 6, 1826, in the same town that lier husband was born in. Slie liad eight children, five living: Emma. Agnes, Rosa. Frank and Louis. ^Irs. Schade died Dec. 19, 1880, a member of the Lutheran church. Mr. Schade has been school director six years, and also held the office of supervisor for one year. Henry G. Scumoutz. farmer, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Wurteml)erg, Ger- many, Aug. 31, 1837. His parents, Gotlieb and Christine (Kapphahn) Schmoutz. came to America in 1840 and settled in Pittsburgh, where the father was a gardener. They had five children who lived to maturity: Caroline, Rachel, Henry G., IMary and Cath- arine. Henry G. worked in the glass works of McKee Brothers, in Pittslnirgh, for twenty-four years. He came to Moon township in 1886, and bought of John Wilhelm the farm of 112 acres where he now resides. He was mai-ried in Pittsburgh to Caro- line Shaffer. They have four children: William, Thomas, John and Flora. Mr. Schmoutz is a Republican. David Scott, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, was educated when a boy for a merchant's profession, and, after attaining manhood, wss sent to Philadelphia in the interests of a Liverpool firm, whose employment he entered at the time. He had Veen prepared for his new position by being made Ihorovighly conversant in the French lan- guage, owing to the fact that the trade of his firm was conducted largely with Frenchmen as well as Americans. Xot long after hisarri\al in Philadelphia he espoused the patriot cause, and entered the army of Gen. Anthony Wayne, serving in the capacity of quarter- master. While his division was stationed at Fort Duquesne, now Pittsb\.rgh, yoting David was sent with a company of men to Legionville, a short distance below Economy, on the Ohio, to aid in erecting a temporary fort. While engaged in its construction he met with the accident of having his right leg broken, which so disabled him that when he recovered the war was over. In corapen.sation for this ndsfortune he was sul)se- quently given by the government a .5(X)-acre tract of land lying across the river from Legionville, about one mile from Economy, which he retained in his possession until the time of his death. Outside the learned professions, few men of his day obtained as lib- eral an education as he possessed, or as much general information. His legal advice was much sought by his neighbors, and, when given, was received with confidence. It passed into a general saying among his friends and associates tliat "if old Davy Scott said that was ^(/w, there was i)Ositively no use in consulting a lawyer." While .Air. Scott. never sought any ottice, he received (under the old law) a life appointment as ju.'slice of 886 HISTORY OF BKAVER COUNTY. the peace, "a position which, it is needless to say, he filled with honor and credit. It was his custom, while occupying this official position, to hold court in his private residence every Saturday; and upon that day it was not an uncommon thing to see from twenty to fifty horses tied in front of the justice's door. When quite a young man he married Miss Jane^McLellan, a native of Armagh, Ireland, although of Scotch parentage. Miss McLellan crossed the Atlantic in an ordinary sailing vessel, the trip being made in 105 days. The ceremony of marriage was performed in this country. They became the parents of a largejfamily, many of whom arrived at distinction in later years, and nobly upheld tlie credit of the family name, which, upon the side of David, was rendered illustrious by its having once numbered royalty within its ranks, the ancestor thus noted being Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, to whom the line of descent could be clearly traced. John Scott, farmer, P. 0. Holt. John Scott, the grandfather of the subject of this biography, "married Margaret Steward, daughter of Elisha Robinson, of Maryland. He emigrated from Ireland to America, and became a resident of Washington county. Pa. His son AVilliamJScott, the eldest of seven children, married Frances Robinson, Jolin Scott, the second sou in a family of seven children, was born in 1809, in Washington county. Pa. The farm, and its varied labors, occupied his attention until his twentieth year, when he chose to become independent by mastering a trade, and for eighteen years thereafter was a successful cooper. In 1852 he purcha.sed 180 acres of land, and at a later date 2a0 iu addition, giving him the ownership of -iOO acres, on which he and three sons reside, Mr. Scott married, in 1833, Nancy Gilmore, whose three children are William, David and Samuel. He married, for his second wife, Ellen, daughter of Elisha Stansbury, of West Virginia, whose children are Mclvendre il., .loseph L., L. H., E. S. and Charles W. All these sons have chosen the vocation of their father, and are industrious farmers. Mr. Scott and his family are members of the MethcdLst Epis- copal church, he being its only survivor of the congregation of fifty-one years ago. He has been for thirty years one of its officers; for twenty years a steward; in 1850 as.si.sted in building the Green Valley M. E. church, and in 1872 aided in the erection of the Mount Zion church of the same denomination; in politics he is a Republican, and has held positions of trust. His son David manifested his patriotism by joining the 140th P. V. I., and serving for three years during the t^ivinVar. He was wounded in both feet by the same ball at Hackett's Run, and was also in the battle of Gettysburg. He died in December, 1880, in his thirty-seventh year. M. M. Scott, farmer, P. O. Holt, was horn in Raccoon township, Beaver coimty. Pa., in 1854, the eldest son of -.John and Ellen (Stansbury) Scott. He was reared on the farm where he was born, and received a good common-school education. In 1879 Mr. Scott visited Colorado to improve his health, and while there engaged in mining, but returned after one year. In 1885 he married Lynda M., daughter of John Springer, of Raccoon township, and two children were born to them: Catherine E. and John W. Mr. Scott is a member of the Methodist church. In politics he is a Republican. J. L. Scott, farmer, P. O. Holt, was born in Raccoon township, Beaver county. Pa., in 1856, the .second eldest son of John and Ellen (Stansbury) Scott. He received a .good common-school education, and was reared to agricultural pursuits on the farm where he was born. He has bought a farm in the same township, and now lives on it. He was married, in 1881, to Lizzie A., daughter of John L. and Jane (Adams) Moore. He is a member of the Methodi.st church, and his wife of the United Presbyterian. Politically Mr. Scott is a Republican. L. H, Scott, farmer, P. O. Holt, was born, in 1859, on the farm where he has always lived, in Raccoon township, Beaver county. Pa. He is the third son of .John and Ellen (Stansbury) Scott, and was In-ought up to agricultural pursuits. In 1880 he married Jessie, daughter of William and .Mary (Wallace) Barnes, by which union have been born two children; Mary Ellen and Alice lona. Mr. and Mrs. Scott attend the services of the Methodist church. In politics he is a Republican. WrLi,i.\M Scott, farmer, P. U. Murdocksville, was born in Hanover township. BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 887 Washington county, Pa,, Oct. 26, 1833. His grandfather, .Josepli Scott, was lioru in the eastern part Pennsylvania, and was of Scotch descent. He was one of the early .set- tlers of Washington county, and died there aged ninety-six years. He was a farmer. Both lie and his wife. Martha Paden. were niemljers of the Cross Roads Presbyterian church. They had five children: Benjamin S.. .lane. Martha, Bet.sey and .losepli. Of these .Joseph was born on the old homestead in ITilO. and died there in 1873. He was a farmer, and married Isabelle, daughter of Sam\iel Nelson, a native of Hookstown, Beaver county. Pa. She bore him live children: Louisa, William, Margaret A., Elizabeth and Joseph. The parents were members of the Presbyterian church. William, our subject, was a farmer in Washington county until 18.j8, when he came to this county. Jan. 23, 1801, he married Agnes H., daughter of David Moreland She was born .June 7, 1836, in Robinson township, Washington county% and is the mother of six children: Mary Bell, J)avid i\[.. James A., Jennie I^., Ada Eobertine and Leona A. Mrs. Scott is a member of the Hebron Presbyterian church. 3Ir. Scott is a successful farmer, and owns 163 acres, which he has greatly improved. In politics he is a Democrat. Samuel Shafer, blacksmith, P. O. Shafer's, is a son of Daniel Shafer, and was born in !Moon township Jan. 16, 1829. He was reared and educated in Moon township, and learned his trade in the village of Scottsville with George Denny. He has a farm of ninety acres. His wife is Agnes, daughter of James McC'allister, and they have seven children: Jlary E., James JI.. Ann E.. Emma R., William M., Daniel P. and Nancy J. The parents arc active members of the Raccoon United I'resbyterian church . Mr. Shafer has been a chorister about thirty-seven years, and Sunday-school superinten- dent two and one-half years. Jle lakes a deep interest in all things pertaining to the welfare of the community. He has been a Republican ever since the inception of that party, having previously been a Whig. John Siiafeu, farmer, P. O. Shafer's. was born on the old homestead, in Moon township, June 9, 1831. His father, Daniel, was born in Pennsylvania east of the mountains, and settled on liaccoon creek in Independence township, but subsequently came to INIoon township, where he died. His wife was Mary, daughter of Samuel Wade, and they had nine children: Sarah A., William, Eliza J., Sanmel, John, Daniel, James, Mary and Joanna. John Shafer is by trade a wagon maker, which businesshe followed in New Scottsville from 1854 to 186.5. He then returned to Moon township, where he owns a farm of 147 acres. He married Esther, daughter of John McClester. They have seven children: Lizzie (Mrs. Bell), Anna M., Frank E. (in Missouri), :M.atlie J., Ella A., John M. and James A. J. B. Shane, M. D., P. O. Service, is a native of Raccoon township, lhisco\inty, born in 1833. a sen of Cornelius and Mary (Bryan) Shane (parents of nine sons and three daughters), the latter a daughter of John Bryan. Cornelius Shane, also a native of this township, by occupation a farmer, was the second son of Timothy Shane. The latter came from Ireland to America at an early day, took part in the Revolution- ary War; he was the father of five sons and two daughters. J. B. was reared on the farm where he Wiis born, and for some time followed school-teaching; then commenced the study of medicine with his brother. Dr. S. ('. Shane, and attended college at Cleve- land; following which he located in K,accoon township, and has since practiced his profes- sion here. He was married, in 1857, to Lizzie, daughter of James Craig, and eight chil- dren were born to them, six now living: JMaggie (now Mrs. George), Mary P.ell (at home), William P., Joseph W., Ernest Elmor and Thomas N. The entire family are members of the United Presbyterian church. In politics the Doctor is a Republican. RoBEUT Shannon (deceased) was a son of Roliert Shannon, Sr., and grandson of Robert Shannon, a nanve of Ireland who came to America before the Revolution, and settled in Independence township. He took up a tract of .several hundred acres, and died here in 1831, aged seventy-four years. His wife Isabella died in 18-13. also aged seventy-four years. They had five sons and five daughters. Of Ihesons, Robert, father of our subject, a farmer by occupation, was born in Independence townshi]), Beaver county. Pa., where he also died, aged about forty years. His wife was ^Mary, daughter 888 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. of William Thomson, and their children were William, Thomson, Robert, Lindsay, and Rosa Bell (deceased in 1881.) who married William A Kenned3'. Robert, our subject, was a farmer, went to California in 1853, and remained five years. He drove a pair of mules over the jilains with a company from Pittsburjrh, and worked in the gold mines. His health failing he returned to the old homestead, and there died Nov. 4. 1871. He was married, in IS.iO. to Kuncy A., daughter of Alexander Thomson, and she is the mother of two children; Alexander Thomson (deceased) and Jennie M. (wife of Edward Snyder). Mrs. Shannon is a member of Raccoon church. She owns a valuable prop- erty of 313 acres, including the old homestead. George SiiiLi.tTO was born in Ireland, and brought to America at the age of eleven years. His parents settled near Germantown, Pa. George served in the Revo- lution, and at the termination of that contest married Miss Nancy ^Miller, of Robinson's Run, Washington county. Pa., and settled in Raccoon township in April, 1812. He became the father of seven children: Samuel, John, Elizabeth, .Jane, James, Mary and Ebenezer. He died at the age of eighty-four years, on the old homestead: and his wife, in Hanover town.ship, at the age of ninety-one years. W. W. Shilt^ito, retired farmer, P. O. Service, was born in Raccoon township, Beaver county. Pa., in 1831, eldest .son of James and Violet (Smith) Shillito, who were married in 1.S30, and had eight children, seven of whom are yet living. James, at the age of nineteen, learned the trade of tanner and currier, which he carried on in addition to farming, having received from his father, in 1838, fifty acres of land. George Shillito, grandfather of W. W., came to this county from Allegheny county, about 1812, and here purcliased 434 acres of land near where Service church now stands. He married Nancy Jliller, who became the mother of eight children, James being the fourth sop. Our subject has always lived on the old homestead and followed agricultural pursuits, liaving also learned the trade of tanner and currier. He married, in 1858, Jane, daugliter of Samuel and Elizabetli (Thompson) Reed. Mr. Shillito has been assessor of his township, was on the board of election, and filled otlier positions of trust. Mr. and Mrs. Shillito are members of tlie United Presbyterian church; he is a Republican. Daniel B. Shout, farmer, P. G. Water Cure, was born in Moon township, this county, June IG, 183(5, and is a son of Jolin Short. The latter was born on the ocean, while his parents Hugh and Ann Short were coming to this country from Ireland. They lived for a short time in Little York, Pa., then came to Irons Ridge, Beaver county. John Short maiTied Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Baker, whose father, George Baker, was captured by the Indians. Mrs. Elizabeth Short died Dec. 9, 1867, aged nearly sixty-eight years. She had three children: Daniel B., John II. and Mar- garet. Daniel B. received his education in a log school-house. He married Jane JlcCallister. of Hopewell township, and she has borne him seven children: Lizzie, Nancy, James j\I., John B.. Reuel R., Jane I. and Margaret E. Mr. Short owns two farms containing 194 and seventy-two acres, respectively. By hisown energetic efforts he has achieved success. He worked at brickmaking six years, receiving onlj- eight and ten dollars per month. In politics he is a Republican. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. Geo. W. Shkoads. farmer, P. O. Bellowsville, was born in Jloon township Oct. 3, 1831. His great-grandfather, Jacob Shroads, a native of Germany, located in Pitts- burgh when that place was a borougli, and removed to Moon township, Allegheny county, where he farmed. He was accidentally killed while crossing a pair of bar.s. He weighed about 3.')0 pounds. He had five sons. George was a farmer first in Allegheny count)', and afterward in Ohio and Virginia. In 1834 he came to Beaver county and ferried at what is now Vanport ferry. He died in Moon township at the age of sixty- seven years. His wife, Mary, was a daughter of James ilinor, and died here at the age of sixty-tive years. She had six children: Jacob, William, Samuel, Margaret, Eliza and John. William was a fanner and a man of local prominence. He tilled the office of county commissioner, and was steward of the county home for thirteen years; also held many township otlices, including constable, fifteen years, and justice of the peace, BiofiEArniEs — SOUTH SIDE. ■ 889 tliirty years. He was iiu auctioneer for tifly years. And was a major of militia. His wife taugbt him how to wrile. He died .lune U, 1885, aged seventy eight years. His wife JIargaret was a daugliter of .Viitlmny IJalier. wlio came from Virginia and set- tled here about ISOO. She died March 2-i. fssi. aged seventy years. Her^'liildren were George W.. .Mary (deceased wife of Dr. David :Muller), JEargaret (deceased wife of .lolin B.Potter, of Pliillipsburg), Martha (.Mrs. Dunn),Viannali, Lo.ssan (Mrs. Baddcrs)and Wil- liam James E. George W. received a cimuuon school education, and lias made farm- ing the business of his life. He was county commissioner in 1S7G-79, and has also tilled township offices. He is a ]{epublican. He was school director many years. His wife is Jane, daughter of Moses Rambo, and granddaughter of William Rambo, one of the early ]iioneers. Mr. and Jlrs. Shroads have eight children living: George W., Jr,, John :M., James M., David, Porter, Zoa, Stanley Quay and Edwin Forrest^ The parents are members of the Presbyterian church. J.\MES B. Simpson, glass blower, P. 0. Water Cure, is a son of William Simpson a, native of Ireland, and of Scotch descent. When a young man, William Simpson came to this country with his wife. They settled in Lancaster county. Pa., and he became a gardener and florist, having learned the business in his native country. He was a leader among the Orangemen, and a member of the United Presbyterian church. He finally removed to St. Louis, where he died, and was buried with great ceremony by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a prominent member. His widow, Susannah E. Simpson, now resides in Pittsburgh. She has .seven children, all living: John, Harr3^ George, James B., Emma (.Mrs. McDonald), Virginia (Mrs. Allen) and Cora A. James B. was educated and learned liis trade in Pittsburgh. In 18S1 he removed to Phillipsbiirg, and became a stockholder in the Phomi.x Glass Company. He worked there until the fall of 1887, when he became a stockholder in the New Brighton Glass Company. He is president of the school board, and takes a deep interest in educational matters. John E. S.MiTir, retired, Georgetown, was born March 38, 1828. His great-great- grandfather left Scotland during the religious revolution, and his great-grandfather John was born in New Jersej'. William Smith, the grandfather of our subject, married a daughter of Joseph Smith, but rot a relative. He (William) died on Terre Haute Prairie, Ind., in 1818, being one of tlie pioneers of that locality; his wife died the same year, land they left ten children: Sarah, John. Joseph, James, William, Steel, Robert, Washington. Smiley and Rebecca. All except John lived to a good old age, and all returned to Belmont county, Ohio, where the parents had formerly lived. The sons were all millers by occupation, as was the father. John was born in 1801, in Washington county. Pa., and died in Belmont county, Ohio, in 1848. He married Martha, daughter of John and ilary (Stewart) Kirkwood. She died JIarch 10, 1887, in her eight3'-second year. She had ten children: William S., John Edie, Mary E., Rebecca .J., Jo.seph W., Sarah A., ^Martha E., JIargaret A., James S, and Campbell K. John E. was a miller and farmer luitil he was nineteen years old. He then went on the river, followed engineering eighteen years, and was a captain three years. He then carried on mercantile Inisiness at Smith's Ferry and Glasgow. While at the latter place, he lost his two sons, William S. and James K., aged eleven and thirteen years respec- tively. This lo.ss caused him to leave the place and remove to Georgetown, where he bought " Rose Point," which he has greatl}' improved and beautified. His wife was Emil}', daughter of James and .Mary Boyles Kelsey. She Iiad five children, all deceased except Callie K., wife of T. Stephen Laugldin. The family are members of the Presbyterian church. In politics Mr. Smith is a Republican. JuLi-VN J. Smyth, farmer, P. O. Service, was l»rn in Wellsville, Ohio, March 2, 1847. His grandfather, John Smyth, who was born of Irish descent, came to Beaver county about the close of tlie War of 1812, from Adams county. Pa., bought land and settled in Hanover township, where he died at the age of seventy-two years. His wife was Nancy, daughter of John McClure, and they had eiglit children: Jauu-s, John, Cynthia, William, Eli/.a J., Violet, Nancy and Washington K. The last named was born near Cannonsburg, Pa., and was a mere lioy when he came to this county. Early 890 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. in life he was a tanner and harness-maker, but later became a farmer; was also a mer- chant for several years, and a hotel-keeper. He died July 33, 186(). aged lifty-six years. His wife was Melvina D . , daughter of John M. Jenkins, an attorney at law at AVellsville, Ohio. She died Dec. 2G, liSSl, aged sixty years. Washington R. Smyth was a Demo- crat, and a jiromineut man in his day. He was brigadier-general of state militia imder Governor iJigler. He had three children: Wellington W., Julian J. and Clarence C. The latter is chief clerk for the master mechanic of the Bee Line Railroad; Wellington W. is an engineer on the 1. iV St. L. Railroad; Julian J. married Elizabeth, daughlerof John Mc^Iurtiy, and they have seven children: Frank H., Blanche F., Mortimer C, Bessie M., Ralph W., Libbie D., and Lillian. Jlr. Julian J. Smyth is a Democrat. He owns a farm of 230 acres. John L. Snyder (deceased) was boi-n Nov. 2~. 1!S29, in Allegheny City, Pa. His father, Martin Snyder, was born on the Rhine, in Germany, came to Pittsburgh when a young man and kept a dairy. He died in Wall Rose, Beaver county, where he owned a farm, which is yet in the po.>ise.ssion of his widow. JIaiT (Black; .Snyder. Martin Snyder had eleven children, including two pairsof twins. Only six are living. John L. was educated in his native town, where he lived until a young man, when he moved with his father to Economy township, Beaver county. There he was married, Feb. 22, 185.5, to Susan, daughter of Thomas and Isabella (Porter) Neill, both of whcmi died in Beaver county, heat the age of ninety, and she at the age of seventy one, years and eleven months. The Neill family came from near Belfast, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder had eight children, who are now living: Alfred L , Thomas 31., Isabella A., Mary A. (deceased). Edward R., Callie M., Clara E. and Anna L. Jlr. Snyder was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church. He was in the dairy business, which liis widow has continued successfully in spite of many discouragements. She has erected new buildings, and made great improvements on the farm generall}'. Valentine Sohn, farmer. P. O. Woodlawn, was born in Gross Karlbach, Rhein- Baieru, Germany, Dec. 22, 1819. Hisgrandparents were Heinrich and Catharine Sohn. The former died at the age of seventy-seven years, and the latter at the age of nine ty-six. His parents were John G. and Ann Maria Sohn, former of whom died at the age of forty-two years, and the latter at the age of eighty-four. They had eleven chil- dren. Valentine came to this country at the age of nineteen, in 1S38, reaching Pitts- burgh on Aug. 20. He worked as a gardener and florist, six \ears, and after his marriage followed gardening on his own account, five years. He then purchased a farm of fifty- five acres in Hopewell township, and to this he subsequently added thirty-three acres. He owns two other farms, containing respectively seventy-tv\o and 1(10 acres. He is a member of the Protestant church at Phillipsburg; in politics a Republican. He married Louise Eirich, who has borne him nine children; Maria L., Sarah, George J., Will- iam. Heinrich, Louise, Carl, Emma (deceased at the age of twenty-two j'ears) and Elizabeth Gertrude. George J. Sohn, farmer, P. O. Shafer's, was born in East Liberty, Allegheny county. Pa., June 14, 1851, a son of Valentine Sohn. He was educated in Beaver county, and has been a farmer all his life. He married. JIarch 31. 1880. Mi.ss Lizzie Wilhelm who was born July .5, 1854, in Moon township. Her father. John Wilhelm, a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, came to America in 1852, and settled near Pitts- burgh. One year later he went to Huntingdon county, where he worked in the woods; thence came to Quincy, 111., and one year later returned to Allegheny county, where he was married, in 1844, to Gertrude, daughter of Conrad Ilert, and who died April 23, 1883. She had three children: John, in Allegheny City; Heinrich, living in the South on account of ill health, and Lizzie. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn have two children ; Elmer, born Dec. 19, 1881, and Gilbert, born Feb. 15, 1886. In 1880 Mr. Sohn came to Moon town- ship, where he has a farm 1C5 acres, equipped with the finest farm buildings and machinery in the township. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church at Phillipsburg. W. H. Sohn, farmer, P. O. Woodlawn. was born March 20, 1853, in Hopewell BIOGKAPHIES iSOUTH SIDE. 891 township. Hcisasonof Valentine Sohn, who settled iu Beaver county, in February. 1853. W. H. received a common-school education, and adopted the business of farm- ing, in which he has been successful. He was married, hlept. 22, 1881, to Alice, daughter of William McDonald, and they have one chihl. Bessie, born July 4,1884. Mr. Sohn is a Repiiblican. Hon. Edw.\rd Spence. justice of the peace, Georgetown, is a son of Edward Spence, a native of Ireland, of Scotch descent. The father married Ann Smythe, whose four nephews were Presbyterian ministers, and one of whom was a member of parliament. Mr. and Jlrs. Spence came to America with two children, Richard and Samuel, and settled iu Rhode Island. They afterward lived in ^Massachusetts, and later came to Alleshcuy county, Pa., where the father engaged in farming and garden- ing. They tiually came to Georgetown, where tlie father and niotlier died, aged, respectively, eighty one and eighty two years, both members of the Baptist church. They had four children born in America: Mary, Edward, .John and Margaret. Edward was born in Pawtucket, Mass., April 9, 1829, and was educated in Allegheny county. He has been a fanner and merchant, and engaged in produciug petroleum oil. He Was married .Jan. 2, 1879, to Jennie, daughter of R. D. Dawson. Jlr. Spence has lieen a Re- publican ever since the inception of that party. He was in Kansas during the border troubles, and took an active part in'making it a free state. When the war broke out, being iu AVest Virginia during the formation of the state, he received a commission as second lieutenant from Gov. Pierpont. He has filled the office of burgess fora number of years, and has been justice of the peace for five years. In 188U the people showed their appreciation of his sterling worth by electing him representative, which office he tilled with honor and ability. MiCH.\EL Spkinger, retired farmer, merchant and po.stmaster. Green Garden, is a native of Beaver county, born in 1819. His paternal great-grandfather came from Switzerland. His grandfather, Michael Springer, a farmer, born in Eastern Pennsyl- vania, married Susan Sunderland, who became the mother of five sons and si.\ daughters. Daniel, the eldest son, was born in Allegheny county, and remained on the home farm until a j'oung man; then came to Moon townshiji, this county, where he purchased a farm on Raccoon Creek. He married Rebecca Meaner, who bore him eight children. Michael, the second son, remained on his father's farm until his twenty -.second year; married Elizabeth, daughter of John Cooper, and by her had si.\ children, five now living: Elizabetli Susan (now Mrs. Ewing), John C, Chri.stina Maggie (now Mrs. White), Mary R. and James E. When Mr. Springer arrived at nuiturity his father gave him sixty-three acres of land, and .soon afterward he purchased seventy-five more, and is now the owner of 140 acres. In addition to farming he has followed mercantile business for twenty-two years. He has been postmaster at Green Garden .since 18G7, and has also been mercantile appraiser and school director. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church. In iwlitics he is a Repuldican . Henry Springer, farmer. P. (). Clinton, Allegheny coimty, was born in Allegheny county, Oct. 11. 183.5. His grandfather, Mathias Springer, was born at the forks of Yah on the Allegheny river, and was a farmer there. He came to Allegheny county in 1785, was a soldier in the Revolution, and participated in the battles around Lake Erie. His son, Joseph, was born in Findley town.ship, Allegheny county, and died on the old Springer homestead there, aged si.vty-six years. He was a farmer, in politics a Democrat; a member of the United Presbyterian church at Clinton under Rev. William Wilson, then called the Seceder's church. His wife was Nancy .Me.Murlric, and they had ten children. Of these Henry came to Beaver county in 1860, and settled on the old Bier farm owned by his father. He still owns the farm which contains 175 acres. His wife is Rebecca, daughter of John and Sarah (Carr) Mateer, and they have .seven chil- dren now living: Nancy E., Sarah M. (Mrs. Doughty of Beaver Falls), I'lysses A. , Joseph H., Lillie M., Martha J. and John M. Mr. and Mrs. Springer are active members of the Hebron church, and he is one of the trustees. He is a Democrat, and has held various town.ship offices, serving si.\ years as school director. 892 HISTOKY OF BKAVER COUNTY. Hon. Robert L. Sterling, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Six, was born in tlie village of " Inflependence, Nov. 14, 1^3.5. His grand father, Tioberl Sterling, wa.s born in Ireland, of Scotch descent, and came to America in 1S37. James Sterling, father of Rolieil L., came to this country in IS'29, being twenty-nine years old at the time. He -noikid for some time in Pittsburgh in the rolling mills, and as a salesman. He married jMargaret Ebbernethy, and came to Bocktowu, where be opened a store. He next moved to Sev- enty-Six, where be was the tir.st postmaster, and was a merchant there seven years; then went to nioomlield, Hanover township, and eighteen months later removed to the farm in IndejiendencG township, where be died at the age of seventy-eight. His widow sur- vived him two years, dying in 1880. They were the parents of live children; Robert L., Margaret, Elizabeth, William (who died in the army) and ilartha .J. Robert L. was educated in his native county, and at the Iron Cit\' Jlercantile College. He ownsa farm of 112 acres, on which were a saw and grist mill. He rebuilt the sawmill in 18.")9, and the gristmill in 1863. His wife is Elizabeth M., daughter of .James Shillito. They are members of the United Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder. He is a Repub- lican, and has held many township otlices, including justice of the peace thirteen years. In 1885 he was elected a member of the legislature. ANniiEW Stevensox, farmer, Frankfort Springs, was born Dec. H, 1822, in Jloon township, Allegheny county. Pa., a son of .John Stevenson, who was born in Pigeon Creek, Alleghen}' county. He (.John), married and settleil in Moon township, where he died at the age of seventy-two years. His wife, Nancy, a daughter of Philip Hooper, died, aged sixty-two 3'ears. SUe raised nine children. At the age of twenty-tive, Andrew came to Frankfort Springs, Hanover towushij), and engaged in milling in i)art- nersbip with his brother John, to whom he sold out two }ears later. He then returned to Washington county, where he carried on agriculture five years; then came back to Beaver county, where he farmed and kept stt-re at Frankfort Springs two years. He owns two farms in Beaver county, one of 170 acres and the other of 2U0 acres, and also one of 191 acres in Washington county. His wife, Ann Maria, was a granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Dungan, and daughter of John Roberts, an old pioneer, who was born Aug. 13, 1780, and died at the age of ninety-live years, and whose son, Colonel R. P. Roberts, fell at Gettysburg. Mrs. Stevenson is the mother of four childi'en: John, Richard I^., Mrs. Agues M. Bryte and Samuel JI. Mr. and Stevenson are members of the Presb}'- lerian church. He is a Republican. W. S- Stevenson, farmer, P. O. Hookstown. was born Dec. 30, 1851, on the farm where lie now resides. His great-greatgrandfather was born in Scotland, and emi- o-rated to Ireland. His great grandfather, James Stevenson, was born in Ireland, emi- grated to America, was an orderly sergeant in the Revolutionary army, was captured by the British, contined in Philadelphia nine months, and exchanged at New York. He lived after the war in Chester county. Pa., was coUectorof tines far that county, and was twice married. His first wife was Hannah Bull, sister of Colonel Bull, of the Revolu- tii>narv army. Slie bore him seven daughters and three sons. His second wife was Catharine !Nloore, who bore him eight sons and one daughter. In 1808 he moved to Poland, Ohio, and lived on a farm which he cleared, dying in the eighty -fifth year of his age. Two sons by his second marriage survive him; Silas, of New Castle, Pa., and McCurdy, of New Bedford, Lawrence county. Pa., the latter now in his eighty second year. Thomas Stevenson, a son of James Stevenson by his first marriage, was born Aug. 25, 1788, was a farmer and owned the farm now occupied by W. S. Stevenson and on which he died Jul}' 17, 1847. He was a Democrat, and an adherent of the O. S. Presbyterian church. He was married, Dec. 19, 1811, to .Jane Smith, who was born July 23, 1783, and died Oct. 27, 1853. Their children, all of whom are dead, were Nancy, Esther, James, Jonathan, Thomas and Elizabeth (twins), ^lartlia, Andrew, Samp- son and Mary J. Of these, Sampson was born Sept. S, 1824, and died Aug. 28, 1880. He was a farmer, a member of the United Presbyterian church, and politically a Republican. He was twice married, first to Rachel Stewart, who was born Feb. 27, 1828, and died June 2, 1854, and whose only surviving child is our subject, a younger child, Laura E., BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 893 dying iu infancy. His second wife, Rebecca Manor, survives liira. W. S. Stevenson was married, April 33. 1879, to Mary A., daughter of Robert N. Graham. Three children have blessed this union: 8. Percy, Willis R. and Samuel N. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Stevenson, politically, is a Republican. Ricii.\RD D. Stewaist, undertaker, llookstown, was born .June .5, 1838. His grand- father Stewart, one of the first settlers of Findley township, Allegheny county, bought 1,000 acres on Potato Garden Rim, a small part of which was cleared, probably by the Indians. He afterward sold 200 acres for what he had paid for the whole tract, and died on the property. His widow died in 1842, aged eighty-four years. They had eleven children; Jane, .lohn, James, Richard, Joseph, Thomas, Ann, Ellen, Polly, Sarah and Peggie. Of these Richard was married, April 12, 1821, to Mary Stuard, who died Feb. 19, 1872, aged seventy-four years. He died Jan. 2, 1860, aged sixty-two years. Tliey were members of the Presbyterian church of Hopewell, of which he was an elder many years. Their children were James, Catherine, John B., Margaret, Mary, Joseph, James R. and Richard I). John B. is a Presbyterian minister at River- side, Cal. Ricliard I), was born on the old homestead, which be farmed until 1876, when he .sold out and moved to Hanover, this county, where he bought 170 acres of land. He afterward sold out and came to Hookstown, where he has since been engaged in the undertaking business. He married Matilda, daughter of Russel Moore, and they had six children: JIary E , wife of James McCready; Margaret J.. Nancy 51., John M., Frank and Harry. The parents are members of the Hookstown Presbyterian church, of which the father is trustee and deacon. Politically he is a Republican. RoBKRT W. Stew.\kt, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born Sept. 15, 1819, and is of Scotch de-sceiit. His grandfather Stewart was a colonel in the army in his native country; he had a large family, his sons in America receiving a dowry from him many years ago. Ofhissons, Benjamin lived in Westmoreland county. Pa. Heremoved to Vir- ginia when a young man, and was nuirried in West Virginia to Rebecca Cochran. They sold their farm in Virginia, and came to Greene township, where Robert W. now lives, and where they died. They had seven children; Charles, Mary, Susan, Rebecca, Robert W., Samuel Elihu and Margaret J. Robert W. has l)een twice married. His first wife, Isabella Ewing, died, leaving three children; Mary J., Sarali and John, all married. His present wife was Mrs Jane Stevenson, ne<- Ramsey. His children by her are Oliver. Laura, Anna, Harriet and George. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are members of the Presbyterian church of Hookstown, of which he is an elder. He was formerly an elder in tin; Mill Creek church, lis has taken much interest in cliurch and school work. Politically he is a Republican. WiiAi.\M Stew.\rt, plumlier, P. O. Water Cure, was born and educated in this county. His father, Samuel Stewart, was born in Scotland, and came with his parents to this country when a mere youth. He settled in the northeastern part of West Vir- ginia, and became a farmer. He lived for a while in Bridgewater. tins county, but fin- ally returned to the old homestead, where he died at the age of si.xty-four years. His wife, nei- Elizabeth Grim, died at the same age. She was of German descent, and had two children: Josephine and William. William married Louisa Brady, a native of Cas- .sel, Germany, whodied Jan. 1, 18S1, aged forty-si.\ years. She had lour children who are now living; Feli.x, William, Albert and Clara L. In early life, Mr. Stewart was a shoemaker. For si.xteen years be worked for the Gray Iron Line of boats, but for the last five years has been employea Ijy the Phcenix Glass Company, of Phillipsburg. James Stoueu, farmer, P. O. Holt, is a native of Washington county, Pa., born in 1858, son of Richard and Mary Jane (Cooper) Storer, latter a daughter of David Cooper'. Richard Storer was for many years a boat-builder in Pittsburgh, Pa., but for the past thirty years has carried on farming in Allegheny county. He had thirteen children, nine of them yet living, James being tlie youngest son. Our subject worked on his fathers farm uotil twenty-two years of age; then commenced on his own account, and in 1884. came to this county, where he settled on his pntsent farm . He married, in 1880, Phebe Ann, daughter of David and Mary (Gibson) Mcilillin, and by her has tliree 51 894 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. children: Mary Elva, Richard William and Harper Beacom. Mr. Storer and family are members of the United Presbyterian cluirch at Mt. Pleasant; in politics he is a Republican. Davtd M. Strouss, farmer, P. O. Harshaville. was born May 9, 1857, on the Strouss homestead, and is a son of David Strouss. He was reared and educated in this county, and has been a successful farmer. He has a portion of the old homestead, con- sisting of 134 acres. He married Aug. 13, 1879, Delia F., daughter of James and Jane (Leeper) Patterson. By her he has three children: Junius M., James C. and Charles A. Mr. Strouss and wife are members of the Olivet Presbyterian church, of which he is trustee and treasurer. Politically he is identified with the Democratic party. Henry Strouss, farmer, P. O. Clinton, Allegheny county, was born Jan. 28, 1807, in Northampton county. Pa. His grandfather, David Strouss, was born in (Jermany, and died in Pennsylvania; and his father, Henry, was born in New York City, in 1768, married Barbara Roucli, and died in 18G1. He bought 100 acres of land in Independence township, His son Henry, the subject of this sketch, yet owns ninety-three acres of this land, which he has greatly improved. He has been twice married. His tirst wife was Nancy Bolger, and his present wife is Sarah, daughter of Joseph CTunnett, a millwright by trade, who died in this county, aged seventy-four years. Mrs. Strouss is a member of the Hebron church. Mr. Strouss has been a hardworking, industrious man, and all the buildings on his farm have been erected by himself. William J. Strouss, farmer, P. O. Harshaville, was born March 1, 1837, in Alle- gheny county. Pa. His grandfather, John Strouss, was born in Germany, came to Lancaster county. Pa., when eight years old, was l)y trade a millwright, and died near Clinton, Allegheny county, at the age of ninety years. He was the founder of the Hopewell Presbvterian church of Allegheny county, was a plain, straightforward nian^ a strong Presbyterian and an elder in the church. He built the Potato Garden Mill, still known as the Strou.ss Mill, and hauled the buhrs from Philadelphia. These French stones are now in the Hookstown mill. He was married three times, and reared a large family. His first wife, Mrs. Mary (Rauch) Strouss, had eight children: John, Jonas,. David, Simon, Mary, Betsey, Hannah and Martha. Of these David, born in Allegheny county, was a tanner by trade, came to Beaver county in 1847, and engaged in farming. His death occurred when he was sixty-five years old. He was examining a loaded gun, when the contents were discharged in his head. His wife Emily, daughter of Josiah and Elizabeth (McCleary) Woodrow, was born Sept. 6, 1813, and is still living. Her children were John (deceased), Josiah (deceased), William J., Junius M. (deceased), Ulysses S., David M., Elizabeth, Martha (deceased), Melissa J. and IMary A. Of these William J. came into this country at the age of ten years. He has been a farmer all his life, and owns 161 acres. He married Rachel, who was born near Frankfort Springs, Beaver county, a daughter of Adam Reed, and they have three children: Anna, Emily E. and Mary A. Mr. and Mrs. Strouss are members of the United Presbyterian church of Hanover. He is a Democrat. Jehiel B. Swaney, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born March 17, 1850, on the homestead. His great-grandfather, James Swaney, was born in Ireland, of Scotch parentage. He was one of four brothers, who all came to America and settled in dif- ferent states. Thomas .settled in Beaver county, while the Indians were still here. His son, James, was a farmer, and died on the old mansion farm near Hookstown. He was father of seven children: Thomas, Andy, Benjamin, Mary, John, Robert and William. Of the sons, John, the father of Jehiel B. was born on the homestead June 1, 1815, and died May 20, 1876. He was well-known and highly esteemed. He was married, Sept. 19, 1839, to Sarah, daughter of Hezekiah and Nancy (McCollough) Wallace, of Scotch descent. She was born Dec. 18, 1818, and reared eight children: Hezekiah, Cynthia, James, Jehiel B., Anna, Robert, Homer and Emmet. Jehiel B. was married, Sept. 15, 1874, to Eva, daughter of William and Anna (Gibb) Trimble, and they have one child, Jerome J., born in 1875. Mr. Swaney is a Republican. Basil Swearingen, farmer, P. O. Poe, was born Feb. 23, 1835, in Hanover town- BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 895 ship. His father, Zachariah Swearingen, also a native of this county, was born on the old homestead, and died May 31, 1867. aged eighty-one years. He was a siiotessful farmer, and at the time of his death owned about 910 acres of land, which was divided among his children. He was a man of large physical proportions, and industrious habits, was firm and decisive in all his dealings, yet never sued nor was sued. He was twice married; his first wife, Elizabeth, or Ruth Wilcoxon, died June 13, 1830, aged thirty-eight years, the mother of five children: Thomas, Samuel, Garret, Catharine and Zachariah. His second wife was Malinda Swearingen, and her children were Leonard, Basil, Mary (Mrs. Duncan), John, Captain William, Henry and Kezin. Henry died in the army. Basil was raised and educated in his native county . He owns a farm of 320 acres, which he has greatly improved. He married AIeli.ssa J., daughter of David Strauss, and they have five children: Mary O., Mattie V., David S., Zachariah and Nina E. Mr. Swearingen is a Uepulilican, and has been .school director for many years. Duncan SwE.\RiN(iBN, farmer, P. O. Poe, was born Dec. 5, 1820, in Hanover town- ship, this county, and is a son of Bazel and Sarah (Wilcoxen) Swearingen. He was reared in the county, and has been a successful farmer, owning 218 acres. He was mar- ried April 28, 1842, to Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Jane (Reed) Iloge. She was born Jul}' 15, 1819. Her grandfather, John Hoge, served in the Revolution, was taken prisoner, and afterward drew a pension. He took up 400 acres of land in Hanover town- ship in an early day. Mrs. Swearingen is the mother of ten children: Marj' M., Wash- ington (deceased at twenty years), Amanda .J., Sarah A., Basil D., Jonathan D., Jolin C, Samuel D., Martha M. and Arnet Swearingen. Mr. Swearingen and his sons are Republicans. ,IonN A. S\VE.\RrNfiEN, farmer, P. O. Kendall, was born in Hanover township, Oct. 3. 18."il. His grandfather, Basil Swearingen, married Sarah Wilcoxen, who bore him ten children. She died at the age of seventy-four, and he at the age of seventy-one years. Their children were Sanuiel, Leathy, Catharine, Mary, Jackson, Ruth, William, Duncan, Elizabeth and Sarah. Of these Samuel married Martha, daughter of Louis Spirey. She bore him seven children: Basil, Louis (killed at Gettysburg July 2, 1863), Leviua, Samuel, William, John A. and A. Jackson. With the exception of Basil the family have been members of the Disciples church. Samuel Swearingen died Dec. 3., 1880, aged seventy-four years, and his widow is still living. John A. was born on the old homestead, and was reared a farmer. He owns the farm where he resides, containing seventy-five acres, and one of ninety-five acres in Greene town.ship. He was married to Melissa J., daughter of James Jliller. They have one child, Albert Myron. Mr. Swearingen is a Republican. John Van Sweauingen, farmer, P. O. Poe, was born Nov. 4, 1816, above Cumber- land, W. Va., where he resided until he was si.x years old. His grandfather, Samuel Swearingen, was born near Bladensburg, Md.; was married there and came to this township in 1779. and settled on the farm now owned by our subject. He took up 400 acres, which was divided among his heirs in 1841, and died at the age of eighty-eight years. His children were William, John V., Thomas, Zachariah, Basil, Samuel and Mrs. Mary Colvin. Of these John V. was seven years old when he came here. He died in 1846, aged seventy-four years. His wife Martha, daughter of George C. Chap- man, died Jan. 4, 1861, aged eighty-one years and eight months. They had thirteen child- ren: George C, Samuel V., Hugh, John V., William V., Catharine, Anna, Jane, Betsey, Lena, Martha, Sarah and Mary. Our subject was married, Jan. 19, 1865, to Sarah, daughter of David Beal. She died Sept. 6, 1873, leaving three children: James H., Hugh E. and Thomas B. James H. married Mary H. Cruikshank, and has one daughter Vernah. Mr. Swearingen owns 138 acres of land, and many of the family are buried on the farm. Politically he is a Kepublican. Cai'tain William H. SwEAiuNdEN, farmer, P. O. Harshaville, is a son of Zacha- riah and Malinda Swearingen, who died on the farm where the Captain now resides. Mrs. Swearingen was a daughter of Thomas Swearingen, of Ohio. Tluy had seven children: Leonard, Basil, Mary, John, William H., Henry C. and Reason W. William 896 HISTOEY OF BEAVER COUNTY. H. and Henry were soldiers in the Civil War. The latter enlisted in the sixty-days' service, in the Pennsylvania militia, and died soon after reaching home. The Captain was born Sept. 5, 1841, on the farm which he now owns, and which contains 230 acres. He was reared and educated in Beaver county, and tauglit school four winters. He enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as a private in Company F, 14()th Regiment. He participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; he was wounded at the latter, and was taken sick and conveyed to Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. After his recovery be was com- missioned tirst lieutenant of Company E, 33d Regiment United States colored troops, was promoted to captain, and served until Aug. 22, 1865. He was married, Dee. 17, 1868, to Mattie, daughter of .James Nelson, and they have four sons: James N., Homer H., John J, and Ernest D. C. Captain and Mrs. Swearingen are members of the United Presbyterian church at Hanover. In politics he is a Republican, and has held several township offices. EiiwARD P. Sweet, cooper, P. O. Water Cure, was born in Scotland, Windham county. Conn., Jan. 9, 1831. His grandfather, James Sweet, who was born in Connecticut of English parents, was a soldier in the War of 1812. David D. Sweet, father of Ed- ward P., has been a farmer, and is yet living; his wife. Alma S. Freeman, died in 1861, aged si.\ty-one years. Edward P. enlisted in May, 1861, in Company B, 5th Connecti- cut Volunteers, for three years. January 3, 1863, he was discharged for disability. He then drove an ambulance for the 3d Eastern Shore Maryland, until after the battle of Gettysburg, and was then transferred to Frederick City, Md. There he married Sophia E., daughter of John Richardson. She is the mother of nine children: Charles D., Fannie A., Mollie A., Maggie, John M., Willie R., George R., Day and Nellie. Mr. Sweet learned his trade in Maryland, and followed it there for some time. In May, 1871, he moved to Pittsburgh, and in October of the same year came to Philiipsburg. He is foreman in the cooper department of the Phu'ni.x Glass Works. He is a Republi- can in politics; a member of the G. A. R. and lioth himself and Mrs. Sweet are members of the Presbyterian church. ZAcn.\iiiAU SwERiNGEN, farmer, P. O. Poe, was Ijorn Jan. 13, 1828; he married Rachel, daugh'er of David A. Gilliland, who was killed at the great explosion of the Pittsburgh garrison in 1862, being foreman of the cartridge factory. Four children have been born to this couple: Erretti^., Clharles G., Sarah L. and Mary L. Mr. and Mrs. Sweringen are members of the United Presbyterian church of Frankfort Spring.s. He owns a farm of 160 acres, and is a stock raiser. On this farm, a. d. 1790, occurred the bloody Indian tragedy, which resulted in the killing of his aunt, Mrs. Colvin, and her child, and the wounding of her husband. Mr. Sweringen takes a deep interest in both local and national affairs, but is no politician. Rev. WiLi.TAM G. Taylor, D. D., was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., March 3, 1820, of pious Scotch-Irisli parents, James and Margaret Taylor. He had nine brothers, six of whom died in infancy, and the others lived to advanced age. One of the three survivors (a half brother) was the distinguished author, Rev. J. B. Walker, D. D., and the remaining two were merchants and manufacturers in Pittsburgh for over forty years. The three sisters lived to advanced age. Dr. Taylor's father was one of the Irish patriots of 1798; w.is a druggist in Pittsburgh, and, designing William for his own busi- ness, commenced to train him while yet in childhood. His father died in August, 1837, leaving tlie training and education of the boy to his mother, a woman of the common education of that day, but of very vigorous natural mind, and good common sense, devoted piety and implicit trust in God. She was a strict disciplinarian; her rules were obedience, and industry, work, study, and play, and no idleness; these rules developed into fired habits the untiring industry and unconquerable energy that characterized Dr. Taylor in his manhood. A prominent physician said of him, " He loves to imder- take things others are afraid to touch, and then with pluck, tact, labor, patience and perseverance, succeeds." Personal Charaoteristies. Dr. O. S. Fowler, of New York, in writing of Dr. Taylor says: " He has one of the best organizations, heads, and temperaments that come under BIOGRAPHIES — SOl'TH SIDE. 897 my hand; his intellectual faculties are uncommonly clear, cogent, forcible and power- ful, reasoning clearly and right to the point, making deep tlioughl so plain that even the unlettered think them simple truths. He is preeminently adapted to reason on moral and religious subjects; he is a natural theologian, minister, Sabbath-school and Bible-class teacher, and expounder of moral truth; and is peculiarly happy in illustration, and a natural educator of the .young. Ilis strongest sentiments are justice, benevolence and the controlling power of conscience; he is no^ a natural bargain driver, but is capable of prompt and instant comprehension and action in business matters of any kind, and is most likely to succeed. He is a good .judge of human nature, and knonsjust how to take men; he can lay plans and think for others, can attend to a great variety of busi- ness at the same time, and in short order, and without confusion. He values money for its use and not for its wealth: he will succeed in any missionary or benevolent work." He was at home alike in the pulpit, .school room or in active business. Literary, Industrial and Bii.iine.iii Education. We have spoken of his industrial home training and habits. During the period between school he was kept in some business house from the time he was nine years old, and always in such houses found ready employment for his .school, college and seminary vacations. Hence the confirm- ing of bis habits of industry and his business training. He graduated at Jeiferson College in 1847, and at the Western Theological Seminary in 1840. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, in April, 1848, and ordained by the same Pres- byter}' in April, 1849, as an Evangelist, as he designed to devote himself to missionary work among the feeble churches. He was married, April 15. 1849. to Miss Charlotte Thompson, daughter of .John and jMary Thompson, of Allegheny City, Pa., who has been his valuable companion and helper. They had six children, all living, viz; Mary M., Charlotte E., .James W.. Ellen S., .John T. and Harry J. Work. Before graduating at the seminary he was invited to become the assistant editor of the Prairie Herald Publishing Coiupany, Chicago; he declined till through seminary. Accepting, he soon became editor-in-chief. This company then had the only power press in Chicago. They published two religiovis weeklies, and worked off on their small power press two dailies, one monthl}', and two quarterly journals. In connection with this company was a bookstore, and in addition Ur. Taylor assisted the pastor of the Third church, who was in feeble health. This intense labor and chill-fever broke down his health, and he sought rest in preaching to a small New England congregation, but the chill-fever compelled his reiurn to Pittsburgh. Ministerial Work Proper. On his return he commenced work on unbroken ground on Mt. Washington, on the hill above S. Pittsburgh in April, 1851. Here was a good Sabbath-school established, and the foundation laid for the now flourishing church. The Presbyterian church of Beaver having declined from 196 to 42 members, he was invited for half term, but gave them all time, as that was necessary to success, as a neighboring church of 300 members, all active and zealous Christian workers, were gathering into their fold all possible members and hearers. Even under these odds, a reaction took place in favor of the old church; it was handsomely repaired, and in four years increased its communion, and the congregation one-half, with a good Sabbath- school and large catechetical classes. The church at Tarentum had been in trouble for several years and needed special labor. There was want of harmony and dilliculty in raising the salary for half lime, the Bull Creek church raising the other half. They made a unanimous call for Dr. Taylor, which was accepted and he entered upon his work. Soon harmonj-was restored, and a missionary point, at Natrona, added to this field. In four and one-half years both of these churches were able to call a pastor all time, and IJull Creek to build a parson- age and Tarentum kept Katrona mission. This closed his labors on this field. Dr. Taylor's next field of labor was Mt. Carmel, Heaver county. This church had been without a pastor for twenty years, and lacked liarinony and ability to support a pastor half the time. He received a unanimous call for half time, Initfelt all time was necessary if the church prospered, and therefore gave them whole time, commencing in May, 1861. Harmony was restored, and the church soon in better condition. In 1865, 898 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY. the pastor of North Branch church leaving, he took that for extra service. He modera- ted a call for Rev. P. J. Cummings, salary fll.OOO, in the united churches; soon Mt. Carmel called him all time at the same salary, and were able to build a fine new church edifice. PfliLLiPSBURfiH Soldiers' Orphan School. A new and different field opened for the labors of Dr. Taylor. The county superintendents of Beaver. Alleghenj', and Washington, and Col. Quay recommended his appointment as principal to open the first and exclusively soldiers' orphan school in Western Pennsylvania. JIany friends of the orphans, knowing his fitness for the work, urged him to accept the appointment that had been made. There were serious difficulties in the way: (1) The State would not provide grounds, building, and furniture. (2) The uncertainty of the continuation of the appropriation. (3) It would require $20,000 cash for thirty acres of ground, buildings, furniture for house and schoolroom, and books and apparatus, (4) The small amount allowed for each orphan (lllo, under ten years of age, and $150.00 over ten to sixteen years of agei for boarding, clothing, schooling, books, doctor and medi- cines, and all expenses. The work for 150 orphans would require twenty assistants to be paid out of this small amount, and these obstacles made considerable risk in the undertaking. Dr. Taylor took the risk, and s^ucceeded. It was difficult to get a suitable location in this congressional district. At last he bought the former Water t'ure, but latterly a summer resort, repaired and furnished it and added a dwelling 34x44, four stories. An additional schoolroom, 27x44, chapel. boys' hall, 24x41, and girls' hall, 20x41, and 210 acres of ground, the whole costing $48,000. All this expense was borne by Dr. Taylor. The next difficulty was to train teachers and help for this new and pecul- iar work. All the buildings were handsomely and tastefully furnished, as taste is essential to culture, the girls' parlor and music rooms being furnished with Brussels carpet, chairs, piano and organ. Education. The State prescribed eight grades as the extent of the educational course. To this Dr. Taylor found he could add four grades of a mathematical and scientific course, and one-fourth of the orphans were able to finish these four grades. The aver- age annual progress of the school was one and five-eighths grades, while one-third made two grades. No one was promoted unless their standing was at least seventy-five. The State examination conducted by State Supt. Dr. Wickersham, and Mrs. Nutter, State inspectress, July, 1874, indicated the average standing (if tfie school to be ninety-three, for several years they reached ninety-five, while a large number were 100. Probably this is the highest average and progress ever reached by any school so far as known. For six years Prof. S. H. Piersol greatly aided in these results. Jlygiene. The laws of health and life were practically understood and carried out by Dr. Taylor, as the results show. Food was given for bone making, muscle, nerve and brain. All clothing fitted and adapted, perfect cleanliness of body, house, school rooms, wash and out houses, light in abundance, thorough ventilation, nine hours reg- ular sleep, ten hours moderate but diligent work on fixed details, boys one hour regular military drill, play morning, noon, evening and recess, unless on a necessary and indis- pen.sable detail duty ; clean, warm, feet, good shoes fitted by Dr. Taylor personally, always long enough and with "commonsense heels," guarding against all violent passions. Six hundred and seventeen orphans were thus cared for, over two hundred of whom required medical attention on being received. Industry. With the aid of his excellent and educated wife, his con.stant and effi- cient helper, and who enjoyed a most remarkable home-training in all domestic work and housekeeping, they were able to originate a system of industrial details of labor, to recite daily, in classes, for thirty days, under competent teachers in each department, by which every girl in the Institution (without losing a recitation in school) acquired an intelligent, systematic and practical knowledge of domestic work, in classes in scrub- bing, washing, ironing, housecleaning, dining-room work (four clas.ses;, dishwashing, cooking, all kinds of baking, mending, darning, plain family sewing, dressmaking, bonnettrimming, house keeping, sweeping, bed making, arranging rocms and parlors. BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 899 all of which was subject to the daih' inspection of Mrs. and Dr. Taylor. Every room, kitchens, and wash-rooms, were open for the inspection of visitors, under the guidance ■of a member of the Institution, every day but Sabbath, from 8 A. M. till .'j p. m.. All the surroundings and trainings in this work were designed to form and confonn halnts of systematic industry, refine the taste and manners, and give beauty and ease to the per- son, which can not be done without regular habits of industry. The results of this <;ulture and training showed itself everywhere, in private, public and in church. Mural, lielirjious and General Instrvction. Dr. Taylor had a Biljle class of all the scholars, employes (no one was employed in the Institution who declined to attend the Sabbath services), and all of his own family. He preached Sabbath afternoon, and generally lectured in the evening on religious biography, Bible history and archa?ology. He also during the week gave each day two table talks, of about ten minutes, on some subject, historical, moral, economical, on society, secrets of success and failures, on gov- ernment, or comments on passing events or incidents that occurred in the school. In .addition teachers read on an average per year seventy-five vohimes; thus iutelligence was increased and the conscience educated to become the guiding and controlling power of their life and conduct. From boyhood Dr. Taylor took strong ground on the temjjerance and anti-slavery questions. He felt a deep interest in the late war, and immediately on the firing on Ft. •Sumter commenced recruiting for the conflict. He was deepl)' interested in the great work of "The Christian Commission" (of ■which Mr. George II. Stewart, of Philadelphia, w-as president), at home and on the field. The Beaver County Commission, of whom .ludge Agnew was chairman, placed Dr. Taylor in charge of the work in Beaver county. Dr. Boardman, the United States Secretary, said Beaver county was the banner county of the United States in proportion to its population and amount raised. The labor was entirely- gratuitous. The enterpri.se, public spirit, courage and foresight of the Doctor prepared him to take the risk of progress and improvement. He was one of the seven who met at the -call of Mi-. Xelson to originate the Beaver County Agricultural Society. He was one of the parlies who organized the Beaver Female Seminary, now College. With Prof. Bliss, he was the first to publicly advocate the necessity for a County Superintendent of Common Schools, and conducted the first Teachers' Institute for Hon. Thos. Nichol- son, County Superintendent. He earnestly pressed the necessity for and the claims of the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad, when securing the right of way and stock subscrip- tions, lie was one of the originators of the street railway- from Freedom to Beaver. He has also helped young men to start in life, and older men to get homes for their fam- ilies. He was also one of the advocates for a Presbyterian church at Rochester and at Phillipsburgh. Dr. Taylor is regarded as a man of w-ealth, all of which has been made in a legiti- mate business way, and not by speculation; principally by foresight in investments in real estate, which he commenced in 1847. He saw causes for increase in values and waited patiently for from five to twenty years, generally realizing more than his expec- tations; hence his present means and the time he has had for the work before noted. His economy always gave him means for any good investment that offered. As a true businessman he minded his own business, and kept his own counsel. For thirty si.x years Dr. Taylor has been an active participant in the interests of Beaver county, and especi- ally in the vicinity of his home. Rev. M. S. Telford, P. O. Harshaville, is of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather. John Telford, came to America when nine years old, and died in May, 1812, at the age of forty-eiglit. His wife, nee Sarah Beamer, of Irish descent, died April 7, 1840, aged seventy years. Stephen Telford, father of our subject, was born in Washington ■county, N. Y., .lune 20. 179.1. He was a thrifty farmer, and died at the age of fifty- two years. His wife was Mary, daughter of Rev. .John Cree. The latter was born in Perth, Scotland, in ll-H: wis griduated at Glasgow, and studied theology in the Theo- logical Hall of the General Assembly Synod; was licensed in 1786, and came to America 900 HISTORY OF liEAVKR COUNTY. in 1790. He supplied tlie Associate church in New York City for a year, and was ordained and installed pastor in 1793. He preached in Rockbridge, Va., until 1^03, tlienin Fairfield and Donegal, Westmoreland county, Pa., where he died April 1, 1806. His life was one of useful and earnest labor. Mrs. Mury Telford was nearly seventy years old when she died, and was the mother of eight children: Agnes. George. Mary J., Sarah, Margaret, Morrison S., David and John. The last named is a United Presby- terian minister, ilorrison S. Telford was born .July 3, 1834; was educated at West- minster College, graduating in 1861; studied theology in Xenia, Ohio, and Allegheny City Pa., graduating at the latter place in 1864. He was licensed to preach in 1863; and had charge of a congregation in Indiana county, Pa. for nine years. He afterward officiated nine years in Jefferson county, and at Beaver Hun and Cherry Kun, where he did good work, and gained the esteem of his people. Since 1883 he has been located at Hanover, this county. He was married, July 8, 1863, to Anna Barr, who wis born Feb. 1, 1839, in Huntingilon county. Pa. She is a daughter of Robert and Jane (McMinn) Barr, and is the mother of three children; Maggie, M. David and Herbert M. Mr. Telford has been a successful minister, and is a strong advocate of the Prohibition party. tj. C. TE.Mri.E, physician, P. O. Water Cure, is a son of Robert Temple, of Hope- well township, and a descendant of one of the pioneer families of the county, both of his grandfathers having resided here prior to and being .soldiers in the War of 1813. He received his primarj' education in liis native county, and read medicine with Drs. Lang- fitt, of Allegheny City, and J. W. Craig, of Mansfield, Ohio; he attended lectures at the Western Reserve Medical College of Cleveland, and at the Eclectic Jledical College of Cincinnati, graduating from the latter institution in 1878. He again attended the Cleveland College, and graduated there also. Obtaining the necessary endorsements from the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, he settled in Phillipsburg, and soon built up a good practice. He spent some time traveling, and then returned to Phillips- burg, where he continues practice. He was married, in Washington, D. C, Oct. 19, 1876, to Anna M., daughter of Paul J. Hinkle, a member of a prominent family in Wetzlar, Germany. They have two children; Edith Emma and Archie Robert, aged respectively si.v and four years. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the E. A. U. and K. of P., and formerly of the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, and also State Medical Society of Ohio. He is assistant surgeon of the P. & L. E. railroad. He is also a prominent member of the Presbyterian church. A. B. Temple, al.so a son of Robert Temple, read medicine with his elder brother, and is a graduate of the Cleveland Medical College in the class of 1883. He located in Phillipsburg, and afterward spent a short time in Allegheny City. Then he settled in a thriving town in Eastern Kansas about three years ago, where he has since acquired an extensive practice. John T. Temple, farmer, P. O. Hookstown, was born in Bullitt county, Ky. , Dec. 25,1816. His grandfather Temple was an Englishman. William Temple, father of John T , was born in Nelson county. Ky., was a farmer, and died in Daviess county, Ky. , aged seventy-five years. He was married to Jane Trimble, a native of Ireland, and died in Bullitt county, Ky. She hail three children; John T., William and Mary J., of whom only .lohn T. is living. In early life he was a farmer and miller. In 1835 he came to Hookstown, and lived with his uncle, James Trimble. He followed carpen- tering several years and then bought a farm of seventy-five acres. He married Jane, daughter of John and Rachel (Whitehill) Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing are active mem- bers of the Mill Creek church, of which he is a member of Session. In politics he is a Republican. Mrs. Temple's grandfather, James Ewing, was one of the old pioneers of Beaver county, settling in Greene township, where his descendants yet reside. He was an Indian scout. Hon. Alexander R. Tho.mson, farmer, P. O. Seventy-Six, is a native of Inde- pendence town-^hip, and was born Feb. 29, 1820. He is a great-grandson of Alexander, the progenitor of the old Thomson family from Scotland, and whose sons, William and John, were Revolutionary soldiers. Alexander Thomson, grandson of the pioneer, and BIOGRAPHIES SOUTH SIDE. 901 fatlierof oxir subject, came to Beaver county in 1800, and settled permanently in 1804, first living in Hopewell townsliip, and moving a few j'cars later to Independence town- sliip, where he died. He was a sickle maker, and followed tliat trade till modern inven- tions and methods rendered it unprofitable. He was a major of militia, and his popu- larity »'as repeatedly attested by bis election to various ofticial positions, including tliat of county commissioner. He was tlie only man in Beaver county, as the record will- show, who voted for Adams in 1824. He died July 8, 184G, aged sixty-five year.s. His wife was Jane, daughter of George and Martha (Stringer) McElhaney. She died in the fall of 1867, aged nearly eighty years. Their children were Elizalieth, ^lartha, Fannie, William, Jane, JIargaret. Alexander R., Nancy, Cynthia fdied at the age of eighteen;, Lucinda and Louisa. Alexander R. was educated in this county, and at Jefferson Col- lege. He studied medicine with Dr. Pollock, then of Clinton, now of Pittsburgh. After practicing seven years, he abandoned the profession on account of ill health, and engaged in farming. He afterward studied law with Samuel B. AVilsoii, Esq.. of Beaver, and was admitted to the bar in 1858. His principal business has been fanning, and he owns iSOO acres. He married Hannah, daughter of John and Elizabelh (Cheney) Charles, of an old pioneer family of Allegheny county. She died, leaving four sons John, William, Alexander F. and William H. S. The lalter was named for Secretary Seward, and is now a lawyer in Beaver. Alexander F. is an attorney in Pittsburgh, and John is a farmer in Oregon. William died in Dakota, Jan. 9, 188G. Mr. Thomson's present wife. Ellen Scott, has one son, Jeremiah Morgan. The old Thomson family were Covenanters. Mr. Thomson has held positions of trust and honor. He was elected prothonotary in December, 1854, and held that position until April, 1856, when he resigned on account of ill health. A staunch adherent of Jeffersonian democracy, he was never a blind follower of party. When the question of slavery was thrust upon the people for solution, he raised bis voice in public speech. against it. He believed that under the Declaration of Independence, tlie proposition was self-evident — that the Amer- ican slave was entitled to his freedom. Nature endowed him witli rare gifts as a public speaker. With an oratorical diction and temperament, a mind clear, logical and in- cisive, an accurate knowledge of national politics and the hi.stor)' of political parties, and with a courage that bid him speak the truth as light was given liim to see it, he became at once a political speaker of rare force and power. In 1882, he was elected a member of the legislature. During the extra session of that body, convened for the purpose of apportioning the state, as re His son, William, born in Washington county, was a miller and followed his trade in various places. He died at Bocktown, Beaver county, at the age of sixty-seven years. Politically he was a Democrat. His wife was Elizabeth .Smith, who died in Clinton, ^Ulegheny county, aged seventy-three years. Mr. and Mrs. Withrow were members of the Presbyterian church. They had nine children. John S., our subject, who was in early life a miller, became a tiller of the soil about six years ago and about two years ago bought the R. Anderson farm of 136 acres, on which he has two fine gas wells, from which he secures a good income, and has his buildings heated and lighted. He has been successful both as a miller and farmer. He married Harriet A. JIcNary, of Washington county, and their children are Lizzie R., Clara B.. Maggie J ., Lee JlcXarj' and Rhoda Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Withrow are members of the United Presbyterian church. Polit- ically he is a Democrat. John H. Zitzman, glass worker, P. O. Water Cure, is a son of George Zilzmau, who died in Germany. His widow, Elizabeth (Rosenberg) Zitzman, immigrated to America with five children, and settled in Pittsburgh, where she reared the family. In 1872 they removed to Moon township, Beaver county, where they farmed, Mrs. Zitzman having previously been married to Michael Ke'oer. John B. Zitzman was- educated in Pittsburgh, and at an early age began working in a gla.ss house. He worked at his trade in Bellaire, Ohio, until 1880, when he became a stockholder in the- ■908 HISTORY OF ISEAVEK COUNTY. Phoenix Glass Company, of Phillipsburg, being one of the founders of the company. He was married to Maggie, daugliter of George Vogel, and by her has four children: Eva, Alice, Jennie and George. Mr. Zitzman has one child, JIary E., by a former marriage with Mary A. Kever, who died in Bellaire, Ohio. In politics Mr. Zitzman is a Republican. \\kl l") Lbi*i/Ui.* ^f> •■' .V °^> •»"'"' aO ^Si, •■' .V^ -^o. -«-&;.>,;• ^o^ : ; ^"-^ ,<^^ , o " o , "^ if" c <> '..»*.&* 0-0. >?^^ "^/ ;::*\'- Vo^' ;;>^'. "■>,/ \,<^ »*^fe'' X/ .'•^l'^'"' \/- «• .-^^^ .0- . , ^^■' % ^^i^'^ ./"^o ^^i^^ .^"S,. ^^=s^'■ y^o ^>^ii^/ .^"^ y .. °^ ''°-°' ^0^ "^-^^ •■■ <^ .. ^ - ^ ^^ O^ ...o' 0' "^'^ ^°-n^ -0' ,0 'V. ^^^f^' ^^^ ^o '^'^^^^ y o, '>>*JS^.- „o .0 -,- ' .-y ^V^V>>V -^^ -^ '^'O V'^ ^°-^<^, ^°-^<^. 'ft •Vf , ^<°^- ^^ ■^ ^^ MANCHESTER. ? 4 o o V t: / q*. '\ 'K'' ^ / - '■. 'y. 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