THE HISTORY OF GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. SALLIE W. STOCKARD, A. B. (1897, Guilford College), A. B. (1898, University of North Carolina), A, M. (1900, University of North Carolina.) "O would that my enemy might write a book." -Job. Knoxville, Tenn.: Gaut-Oguen Co., Printers and Book Binders. 1!)02. LIBRARY of OONQRESS TwCoDies Rece^ed li/IAY 9 1906 (7 copyright Entry 'cuss CL xXc No, 37 2/^ J cofy^b/ j To Col. James Turner Morehead, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mclver, Col. and Airs. W. H. Oshorn. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Lyndon Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wyatt Armfield. Major and Airs. Joseph M. Alorehead, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore Scales, Mrs McAdoo-King and her children, Prof. P. P. Claxton and Prof. J. Y. Joyncr. To Guilford County, her historic lore, her glorious past, and her wealth of promise for the future. Copyright, 1902, by SALUE W. STOCKAKD. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GuiLi'OKD County, Its Establish ment ii CPIAPTER II. The Settlement 13 CHAPTER III. Prerevolutionaky Land Grants 20 CHAPTER IV. The Part of Guilford in the Revolution. 24 CHAPTER V. "Minute Packet/' I/Sj-'SS 33 CHAPTER VI. Notes from the Minute Docket, 1796-1811 40 CHAPTER VII. The Slavery Question 46 CHAPTER VIII. The Part ok Guilford in the Civil War. . . 52 CHAPTER IX. Industrial Development 55 CHAPTER X. History of Education in Guilford 77 CHAPTER XL History of Religion in Guilford 114 CHAPTER XII. The Towns of Guilford and History of Families 132 'Rejoice wc arc allied To That which doth pro\ide And not partake, effect and not receive! A spark disturbs our clod ; Nearer we hold of God Who gives, than of His tribe that takes, I must believe. Tlicn, welcome each rebuff That turns earth's smoothness rough. Each sting that bids not sit nor stand, but go ! Be our joys three parts pain! Strive, and hold cheap the strain ; Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe. JOHN M. MORKTIliAD, INTERNA!, IMPROVKMKNT GOVERNOR OE NORTH CAKOI.INA. PREFACE. History relates the rise and progress of the human spirit. History is the story of what has been done. It shows the free play of reason, and is mind objectified into strenuous, potential, fruitful activity. Guilford County is the heart of Piedmont North Carolina. Once it was the hunting-ground over which the Catawba Indian chased the bufifalo and built his wigwam fires by the many whis- pering streams. By right of discovery the Spanish claimed pos-~ session until England assumed her place as mistress of the seas. In 1776 the British Colonies of America declared their power of self-government. Old Mecklenburg of North Carolina was the first to raise the flag of Independence. In 1861 North Carolina withdrew from the United States to become one of the Confederate States of America, and the star of destiny shone red above her. In five years the Old North State was again admitted into the Union. In the galaxy of nations the United States of America takes her place as the honored of all the world. Guilford County is midway between the mountains and the sea. Greensboro, the County seat, is a city of twenty-two thou- sand inhabitants, situated a thousand feet above sea level, midway in the state from Raleigh and Charlotte, Asheville and Wilming- ton. High Point is twelve miles south of Greensboro. Guilford is the typical Piedmont region. From her broad- backed ridges many creeks and rivers rise. Near the swell of land, Oak Ridge, two of the largest rivers of the state have their origin. Here the upper waters of the Dan of the Roanoke, and 6 . PREFACE. of Deep River and Haw River of the Cape Fear, almost inter- mingle in the loving gambols of childlike springs. The Great Alamance, the Little Alamance and the Stinking Quarter Creeks also have their source in this County. These waters turn more cotton-mill wheels than any other in North Carolina. Guilford County has an almost uniform soil and forest growth. Oak, hickory, walnut, persimmon and maple abound. The soil of the wide ridges is of yellow, sandy, gravelly loam underlaid by a yellow and red clay. The southern part of the County belongs to the cotton zone ; the western part to the tobacco zone. Guilford is the wheat- growing and fruit-raising County of the State. Before the War mining was carried on profitably. Gold and copper are found on the south side of the Southern Railway, which bisects the County, and iron on the north side. Guilford County is rectangular, 28 miles east and west, 24 miles north and south. There are eighteen townships, namely : Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Center Grove, Monroe, Madison, Wash- ington, Deep River, Friendship, Morehead, Gilmer, Jefferson, Rock Creek, High Point, Jamestown, Sumner, Fentress, Clay and Green. In regard to the people of this County succeeding chapters will show. How really to know them is by experience. In no way does one come closer to understanding them than by writing the history of their county. In the history of Guilford County only four dates have any- thing like a general value. These are: 1750, when the first settle- ment was made; 1774, when the Quakers freed their slaves and began to agitate the slavery question ; 1840, when the Whig idea attained supremacy and the internal improvement and educational wave began to break over the country; and 1865, the close of the Civil War. Around these dates each of these ideas has hovered like a shadow with a penumbra fainter and fainter in effect. PREFACE. 7 However absurd and unpatriotic it may seem to some rich people, I undertook this work as a business enterprise and I hoped to earn some money out of it. I hope this work will awaken in the young people a deeper interest in the land they live in. I wish to see a building, commo- dious and imposing, erected at the State Normal College for the purpose of preserving the history of North Carolina, the relics which show the life and the development of the people of this state. The State Historical Society, the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Daughters of the Con- federacy and other historical organizations would be interested in having such a building, fire-proof and secure, as a receptacle for this objective teaching of history. A hall for this purpose will be erected somewhere soon or late. The portraits of Governor John M. Morehead, Judge Gil- mer, Governor Scales, Judge R. P. Dick, Dr. Calvin H. Wiley, Dr. J. Henry Smith and some others would be an adornment for the Greensboro Public Library. A statue of John M. More- head will perhaps some time be erected near the depot of the Southern Railway in Greensboro, to commemorate the name of him who did more for the North Carolina Railroad than any other, and thus hastened industrial activity in the state. It would beautify the square on which the courthouse is situated if walks were laid off, grass plots and flower beds were made, over which beautiful fountains played. The fine old Roman roads in Eng- land were the beginning of her civilization and prosperity. Such macadam roads as lead out from Summer Avenue in Greensboro, if they were all through the County, would be a credit to any people. It would be an honor to Guilford if every school-house in her borders was made attractive without and within. Plorti- culture should be taught in the public schools. The Audubon Society, organized through the interest and energy of Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson, of the State Normal College, for the study and preservation of birds, is an advance both indus- 8 PREFACE. trially and educationally ; birds affect agriculture and the natural products of a country ; this society creates the love and study of natural history. The organization of the Society for the Improvement and Beautifying the Public Schools in North Carolina, during the spring term of 1902 at the State Normal College, is an advance- ment to the cause of education. Miss Laura Kirby, of Goldsboro, is its president. The plan of the society is to organize the women throughout the State in this movement. The Southern Education Board, of which Mr. Robert C. Ogden is chairman, has inaugurated the greatest philanthropic movement this country has probably known in its history. The Civil War left the South impoverished. This body of men of both North and South have come together for the sake of humanity to do what can be done for the education of the Southern youth for the development and salvation of America. The History of Guilford County was undertaken at the sug- gestion of several prominent men of this County. Its accomplish- ment is largely due to Mr. Victor Clay McAdoo. My thanks are due Col. James T. Morehead, Dr. Charles D. Mclver, Mr. A. M. Scales and Mr. V. C. McAdoo for presenting the interests of this book before the County Board of Trustees. Upon their request the Board granted one hundred dollars. To. Col. Morehead, Mr. Scales, Prof. J. Y. Joyner, Prof. W. C. Smith, Mrs. L. L. Hobbs and others I wish to make grateful acknowledgment for reading various parts of the manuscript. The excellent library of the Greensboro Female College has been of service to me. Prof. P. P. Claxton has given some very helpful suggestions. To Hon. W. H. Ragan, as Chairman of the County Board of Trustees, and to Col. W. H. Osborn, as Mayor of Greensboro, I express my thanks. This book may be severely criticised. A chapter from the Kingdom of Glory would be distasteful to some folks. The writ- ing of this history, the collection of the data, and getting up the subscriptions, has indeed been hard work. This has been no child's PREFACE. 9 play. The writing of local history is truly arduous. It is hard to write history, hardest of all to write local history. Advice has not been wanting. May all the good live immortal and all the bad be buried. SalIvIe; Walker Stockard. Greensboro, N. C, 1902. JUDGE JOHN A. Cn iri the twenty- seventh year of the reign of George II. of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., Henry Beddingfield sold William Mebane six hundred acres on the North Buffalo Creek for the sum of forty-five pounds, current money of Virginia. To this indenture Alexander Mebane and John Thompson were witnesses. In 1753 Granville granted Robert Rankin a tract of four hundred and eighty acres for three shillings proclamation money. In 1753 Granville sold John Cunningham a grant of six hundred and forty acres of land on Reedy Fork Creek for three shillings. In 1754 George Jordenjur sold to Jonathan White three hundred and twenty acres of land on the south side of Hogin's Pond, south of Haw River. To this indenture Daniel Weldon, Blake Baker and Edward Under- bill were witnesses. In 1754 Granville granted Alexander Mebane a tract of six hundred and forty acres of land on the upper branches of the Great Alamance. A yearly rent of twenty-five shillings was agreed upon. In 1755 Henry Ballinger sold David Renolds, for five shillings, a tract of land on South PJIecat Creek. "A yearly rent of one pepper corn" was agreed upon, "if the same be demanded." In May of that year Gran- ville sold Henry Ballinger a tract of land on the same stream. In 1755 Granville's agents granted Robert Thompson a tract of four hundred and sixt3''-four acres on the north side of Reedy Fork. Robert Thompson was the first man killed in the Battle of Alamance, 1771. In 1755 Robert Rankin and his wife, Rebekah, sold William Denny six hundred and forty acres of land in Rowan County. In 1755 Granville sold George Finley a tract om the north side of the Reedy Fork, in Orange County. In 1755 Robert Jones sold John Blair, of Virginia, land on the Dan River. In 1755 Granville sold Anthony Hoggett, for three shillings proclama- tion money, four hundred and eighty acres on Deep River. Granville also 22 GUILFORD COUNTY, in the same year granted Philip Hoggett four hundred and twenty acres on Deep Creek. In 1756, November the ninth, Granville granted John McNight that tract of land on both sides of Nix's Creek, a branch of the Reedy Fork of Haw River. To this indenture the signature of Peter Henley, Chief Justice of Rowan County, is affixed. Mordecai Mendenhall came to this territory at or before this time. He owned many hundred acres of land on Deep River. In 1756 Granville granted John Kirkpatrick a tract of land embracing three hundred acres in the Parish of St. Luke, on the Buffalo Creek. In the same year Granville granted John Rhodes, for ten shillings, a tract joining Robert Harris's land on the north fork of Haw River. In 1750 Granville granted Joseph Ozburn 640 acres of land on the Reedy Fork of Haw River. In 1757 Zebulon Guantt, wheelwright, sold John Hiat six hundred and thirty acres of land on the north of Deep River. William Shepperd and his wife, Martha, sold Isaac Beason four hundred and eighty acres of land on the Deep River. In 1757 Christopher Nation and his wife, Elizabeth, sold Benjamin Cox a tract of land on Polecat Creek. In 1757 Henry Ballinger and Thomas Hunt bought of Richard Wil- liams fifty acres of land for five shillings. This tract the deed declares to be "for the use, benefit, privilege and convenience of a Meeting House which is already erected, and bears the name New Garden, for the Chris- tian people called Quakers to meet in for publick worship of Almighty God, and also the ground to bury their dead in." In 1758 Mordecai Mendenhall and his wife. Charity, of Rowan County, sold Nathan Dick four hundred and fifty acres on Horsepen Creek. That year Uriah Woolman, merchant of "Philadelphia, and Joseph Miller, yeoman of Chester County, Pennsylvania, bought of William Buis a tract of land on the Deep River. To this indenture Moses and John Mendenhall were witnesses. In 175Q Granville granted William Mebane six hundred and thirty- six acres in St. Luke's Parish on South Buffalo, beginning at Kimbrough Corner and running along John McAdoo's line. In that year Granville granted John Boyd four hundred and sixty-seven acres on Reedy Fork. In 1760 Thomas Donnell sold James Donnell three hundred and twenty acres of land on the North Buffalo for five shillings. In 1762 Granville granted William Armfield five hundred and forty acres of land in St. Luke's Parish for ten shillings, or two dollars and a half. He also granted James Mendenhall for the same amount two hun- NORTH CAROLINA. . 23 dred and four acres of land joining Richard Beason's land on Deep River; and William Millican, six hundred and twenty acres of land on the same stream. In 176.3 John Nicks sold James Denny, of Pennsylvania, six hundred and fifty acres of land on the North Buffalo. In 1764 Thomas Donnell sold Alexander McKnight land on the North Buffalo. In that year Robert Tate sold William Trousdale land on the North Buffalo. In 1765 Henry Eustice McCulloh sold Robert Sloan two hundred and eight acres on Pott's Creek. In 1766 Thomas Donnell sold Francis Cummings, for five shillings, four hundred acres of land on a branch of the South Buffalo. In 1766 James Mathew, Sr., sold James Mathews, Jr., for one hun-' dred pounds proclamation money, five hundred acres of land on the x\lamance Creek. In 1767 John Hodge sold Alexander Penny, for five shillings, three hundred and twenty-six acres of land on the Buffalo Creek, this being a part of a tract granted John Gillespie by Granville in 1762. In 1768 Adam Mitchell sold John McKnight and William Anderson, as trustees for the Presbyterian Congregation and their successors, one acre of land on the waters of the North Buffalo, for twenty shillings. This land the deed affirms to be for the use of a Presbyterian Meeting House for those that are members of the Synod of Philadelphia and New York, and is "for that use forever, including the meeting house and the study house." In 1769 Benjamin and Elizabeth Beason gave land on the Polecat Creek to their sons, William, Richard, Benjamin and Isaac Beason. In T770 Robert Forbis sold Welcome W. Hodge land on Joseph's Creek. In 1770 Joseph Scales owned land on the Dan River. In 1770 John Fraizer and Abigal, his wife, sold Thomas Buller land on the Deep River. In 1770 James Graham, of Rowan, sold John McGee, of Orange, a tract on the Great Alamance. This was a part of the land sold by Her- man Husbands to James Graham in 1766. 24 GUILFORD COUNTY, CHAPTER IV. THE PART OF GUILFORD IN THE REVOLUTION. • The life of David Caldwell, by Dr. Eli Caruthers, gives the history of the society in North Carolina called the "Regulators." This society was organized about 1764. Dr. David Caldwell was the most prominent man then living in the heart of the territory in which the Regulation movement had its greatest strength. (See prefatory notes to the Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. 8.) The Regulators were the first company of men banded together in the interest of home rule, or government by the American people in matters relating to their own business, and opposed to Great Britain. Hence their movement was the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Dr. Caruthers, the successor of Dr. Caldwell as both pastor and teacher, a biographer and historian, certainly regarded the movement of the Regulators as the beginning of the Revolution. As early as 1760 Igrievances were made to the king, among others, because "illegal and arbitrary pecuniary claims were in- forced for the use of the governor and secretary." The land agents, ^deputy surveyors, entry takers and other officers of in- ferior grade in that department, encouraged by the example of their leaders, soon became as much adepts in the practice of chicane and extortion. Sfhis state of things continued, and perhaps be- came much worse, at least in the lower grades of office, until the people, unwilling to bear it any longer, undertook to regulate mat- ters themselves ; so assumed the name Regulators. -iWhen all Note: 1 See (2) Colonial Records Vol. 7, pag'e 159. See Lite of David Caldwell, page 98, 185. 2 Life of David Caldwell, page 99. 3 " " page 102. 4 " " page 107. NORTH CAROLINA. 25 legal means of redress had failed, they had recourse to an expres- sion of public sentiment by holding meetings in different parts of the country for the purpose ; then they refused to pay illegal taxes or fees, and this brought about an open rupture with the govern- ment. A large proportion of the men in Dr. Caldwell's congregations were Regulators. 5 Herman Husbands. James Hunter, Rednap Howell, all of them Guilford County men, were guiding spirits in the movement. In April, 1771, Governor Tryon marched up toward the Regulation section with an army to enforce the authority of his officials. He met several hundred Regulators, probably eleven hundred, just over the Guilford County line, on the banks of the Great Alamance Creek. Dr. David Caldwell was there to present resolutions of the Regulators and to ask for peace. Many mem- bers of his congregation were there, and others, to demand redress. A battle occurred, in which Tryon was victorious. But the Regu- lators thus made the first open resistance to British authority. Colonial Records of N. C, Vol. 8, shows that Tryon and his army then marched through the territory of the Regulators, "destroying everything that was in his power to destroy by fire and sword." On May 30, 1771, the Superior Court of Oyer and Terminer, for the trial of the Regulators in the '"back country," began at Hillsboro, N. C. Twelve men v/ere tried and condemned for high treason. "A PROCLAMATION.— Whereas, I am informed that many Persons who have been concerned in the late Rebellion are desirous of submitting themselves to (Government I do therefore give notice that every Person who will come in either to mine or General Waddell's Camp, lay down their arms, take the oath of allegiance, and promise to pay all taxes that are now or may hereafter become due by them respectively, and submit to the Laws of this Country, shall have His Majesty's most gracious and free pardon for all Treasons, Insurrections and Rebellions done or committed on or before the i6th Inst., provided they make their submission on or before the loth of June next. The following persons are however excepted 5 Their graves may be seen at Alamance and Buffalo graveyards. 26 GUILFORD COUNTY, from the Benefit of this Proclamation, Viz. All the Outlaws, the persons in Camp, and the under named persons, Samuel Jones, Joshua Teague, Samuel Wagones, Simon Dunn, Jr., Wilkerson, Sr., Edward Smith, John Bumpass, Joseph Boring, William Rankin, William Robeson, John Wink- ler, and John Wilcox. Wm. Tryon." "31 May, 1771." vSee Col. Rec, Vol VITL, page 613. The spirit of the Regulation movement was the same North CaroHna love of liberty which in 1766 resisted the Stamp Act in Wilmington, when the British sloop-of-war Diligence arrived in the Cape Fear River, laden with stamps, and was peremptorily refused permission to land them. The Regulators were fired with the same zeal for liberty which actuated the men of Mecklenburg in 1775 when they declared independence. This love of liberty is found today in every North Carolinian. "James Hunter, The Regulator," by Major Joseph M. More- head,, gives conclusive evidence that the Regulators made the be- ginning of America's great struggle for freedom from Great Britain. All revolutions have begun in this way. ''North Carolina in 1780-81," by Judge David Schenck, has shown the history of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, when Greene so crippled Cornwallis and his army that they were forced to leave the state. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse was the beginning of the last act of the Revolution, which ended at York- town by the surrender of Cornwallis. The beginning of the Revolution was in Guilford County, because of unjust taxation ; so it was permitted her to strike the last great blow at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Dr. Eli Caruthers and Judge David Schenck have exhausted the subject of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. To get a full view of the battle, its causes and its effects, read them. Also visit the battleground and see the various imposing monuments that tell the story of the part of Guilford in the Revolutionary War. NORTH CAROLINA. 27 In March, 1781, the forces of the American Revolution under the command of General Green met the forces of Great Britain under Lord Cornwallis on the field near Guilford Courthouse, then at old Martinsville. Cornwallis had been attracted too far from his supplies. It seemed at first that he had won the battle, but Greene had so weakened his force as to compel him to retire to Wilmington, North Carolina. Thence he went to Yorktown, Virginia, and surrendered. Many American and English soldiers died on the battlefield of Guilford Courthouse and in the county surrounding. New Garden Meetinghouse was used as a hospital for the British. In the graveyard there are large square graves, under a great oak tree, containing the last of British soldiery on this territory. CREENK AND CORNWALLIS. Between Cornvvallis and Greene there seems to have been a difference similar to that between America and England. They were representative men, each of his own country. Cornwallis was a member of the House of Lords, born at London, educated at the famous Eton College. City-bred men are different from those of the country. So Cornwallis was true to his birth and his training when, at Brandywine, he evinced much coolness and bravery. He could fight gallantly and show kindness too. In his encampment at Jamestown he pressed the mill into service, took all the meal, flour, meat, wheat ; took the cow, the mother's last chance for feeding her children. Mrs. Judith Gardner Mendenhall demanded her cow of the General, saying that she needed it and must have it for the support of her children. Cornwallis had the cow re- turned and ordered the soldiers to let her alone. "He was an accomplished soldier. While he did not himself commit acts of cruelty, he allowed his subordinates to do so without rebuke." Marching from the Battle of Guilford Courthouse through the state, he found disappointment instead of supplies awaiting him 28 GUILFORD COUNTY, at Wilmington. He moved to Yorktown, where he was obliged to surrender. From Yorktown he was sent, in 1786, to the East Indies, as governor and commander-in-chief. He fought gallantl}' the Sultan of Mysore. Upon his return to England he was ap- pointed master-general of Ireland. Later he was minister pleni- potentiary to France. In 1800 he received the appointment of governor-general of India, where he died, in 1805. So England regarded him as a brave soldier and a diplomat. He must have felt himself to be superior to the backwoodsmen and their rustic Rhode Island commander. Nathaniel Greene had no special lordship to sustain. It re- quired great energy and wit on the part of Greene to meet an English earl and general with his well-trained body of soldiers, famous for their record — the best in the world at the time. They had fought with Wolf, with Wolf had scaled the Heights of Abraham. Greene knew that fight he must, and think as well as fight — something Cornwallis had done beforehand, so probably packed away his thinking cap. Greene and Cornwallis were about equally matched, except in this respect: Greene did the thinking, Cornwallis relied upon training. Those daily readings of Greene, in his Rhode Island home, on the subject of m.ilitary tactics, served to entertain and occupy his youth, like that of Napoleon on the Island of Corsica. But the real benefit came later v/hen, in the flower of his life, this fund of resourceful reading was like a mine of gold to America. Greene and Cornv/allis had been ordered South by their respective governments ; chance pitted them against each other. They resembled each other physically. Neither was over medium height, both broad-shouldered. Cornwallis was forty-three, Greene thirty-nine. An eye of each was impaired. One was America, fresh, resourceful, self-dependent, a maker, or shifter, of circum- stances. One was England, proud, sure of herself. Both had been at the Battle of Brandywine. ' Greene was born May 26th, 1742. His father was a miller, an anchor-smith, and a Quaker preacher. In early life he followed the plow NORTH CAROLINA. 29 and worked at the forge. He had no educational advantages in his youth, was bori> and reared in obscurity. But Jie is an example of what good principles, native sense, industrious habits and careful improvement of time can accomplish. A British officer said, 'Greene is as dangerous as Washington; he is vigilant, enterprising and full of resources. With but little hope of gaining any advantage over him. I never feel secure when encamped in his neighborhood.'" (Garden's Anecdotes, p 76.) Battle is the game of chess nations play at. Had Greene lost this one, the populatioti of Guilford County and of North Carolina would probably be today entirely different, for the ancestors of her people would have been mutilated or destroyed by Tories, dogs and scavengers of war. "Cornwallis led a country dance; The like was never seen, sir; Much retrograde and much advance, And all with General Greene, sir. They rambled up and rambled down, Joined hands and off they ran, sir; Our General Grebne to old Charlestown And the Earl to Wilmington, sir." In Guilford and her neighbors the strife was kept well stirred. There were loyalists here true to the kingdom of Great Britain. These had property and did not like to see a change in government. There were also "Tories," rapacious, wicked, who hated all Whigs and the American cause. Their leader was David Fannen, a scrawny, raw-boned man with the scaldhead, bitter, spiteful, re- vengeful with the soul of an Indian. His band of Tories was almost omnipresent in its cruelty to Whigs. The novel, "Ala- mance," by Dr. C. H. Wiley, gives a good idea of what the Tories were in Guilford County. Dr. Caruthers gives a good history of this period in his books, "The Old Xorth State," first and second series. ALEXANDER ^lARTIN. (Extracts from Judge Douglas's Speech.) Alexander Martin, one of Guilford's first great leaders, and her first governor of North Carolina, was of Scotch-Irish descent, 30 GUILFORD COUNTY, his father being a Presbyterian minister. He was born in 1740, graduated at Princeton University in 1756. In J 772 he settled at Guilford Courthouse, then situated near the battleground, and was later named Martinsville in his honor. When the Battle of Guilford Courthouse occurred he was a member of the Council Extraordinary; and in company with Dr. David Caldwell was present at the Battle of Alamance. In 1774-75 he was a member of the Colonial Assembly from Guilford County. He was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Regiment from this State in the Continental line on September the first, 1775, and was promoted to the Colonelcy in 1776. He, with his regiment, was present at the Battle of Brandywine, 1775, where Lafayette was wounded, and was near him. In the attack of Washington on the British at Ger- mantown, he was present. His General, Francis Nash, was killed. in 1779 he was elected state senator from Guilford County, serving for a number of years. In 1780 he was speaker of the Senate. Upon the capture of Governor Burke by David Fannen, Alexander Martin suc- ceeded to the governorship. He was elected Governor of North Carolina in 1786 and 1783. In 17S6 he was elected by joint ballot of the two houses of the General Assembly one of the five delegates to the Federal Convention, called to meet in Philadelphia to frame the Constitytion of the United States. The convention met May 25, 1787, and among the delegates from North Carolina Alexander Martin's name appears first. Six times Governor of his State, once by succession and five times by direct election, Alexander ^lartin has left a record that has never been equaled. In 1793 Governor Alartin was elected to the Senate of the United States. He was a staunch Federalist and a friend of Washington. At the general meeting of delegates at Newbern, on April 3rd, 1775, Alexander Martin was the delegate from Guilford. At the meting at Hills- borough, August 2ist, 1775, Alexander Martin, Ransom Southerland, Samuel Parke Farley, Thomas Henderson, William Dent, George Cortner and Nathaniel Williams were delegates. On April 4, 1776, at the meeting which placed the State in military organization, the Guilford delegates were Ransom Southerland, William Dent and Ralph Gorrell. The officers appointed for Guilford were : James Martin, Colonel ; John Paisley, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Thomas Owens, First Major; Thomas Blair, Second Major. NORTH CAROLINA. 31 At the meeting at Halifax, November I2th, 1776, which formed the Constitution, the delegates from Guilford were: David Caldwell, Joseph Hinds, Ralph Gorrell, Charles Bruce and Isham Browder. GUILFORD BATTLEGROUND. The originator of the Guilford Battleground Company was Judge David Schenck, who, in 1882, came to Greensboro from Lincolnton, N. C. He was a brilliant man, interested in the devel- opment and up-building of North Carolina, and for years worked ceaselessly toward that end. To him was due the early establish- ment of the Greensboro graded schools. In 1886, October, he purchased the grounds on which this great decisive battle of the Revolutionary War occurred ; to Judge Schenck is due the honor of rescuing the battleground and its history from oblivion. He taught the history of the conflict of 1780 and '81 in North Caro- lina effectively, both by his pen and his redemption of the Guilford Battleground. Until he came this battleground, blessed by the blood of patriotism, was an old sedge-field of pines and briars, a tangled wilderness. Today everyone knows of the great Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The imposing monuments there will tell the youth for many a generation the history of North Carolina patriotis"m. A charter from the Legislature of North Carolina was pro- cured at its session in 1887 and on the 6th of May, 1887, Friday, J. W. Scott, David Schenck, Julius A. Gray, D. W. C. Benbow and Thomas B. Keogh met in Greensboro and organized "The Guilford Battleground Company." Judge D. Schenck was elected president ; J. W. Scott, treasurer, and Thomas B. Keogh, secretary. Citizens of Greensboro responded liberally. Mrs. McAdoo-King was the only lady stockholder. In 1889 the Legislature appropriated two hundred dollars annually to the support of the Guilford Battleground. The first monument, given by McGalliard and Huske, quarrymen of Ker- nersville, N. C, was erected in honor of Captain Arthur Forbis, 32 GUILFORD COUNTY, who was wounded and died on the field of battle, a brave soldier of Guilford County. Governor A. M. Scales had prepared granite blocks, begin- ning with a base of five feet square and running up to two feet, in form pyramidal. This was erected "with joy" in the centre of the battlefield, near the railway, where all travelers might read: "Guilford Bat-tle Ground, Thursday, March the 15TH, 178 1 " — the Battle A'lonument. Two natural springs of cool water on the grounds were de- veloped and beautified bv the Northern gentlemen, who were one with us in the great American cause — Mr. William P. Clyde, of New York, for whom Clyde Spring is named, and Mr. Leonidas W. Springs, of Philadelphia, for whom the twin, "Leonidas Springs," is named. In 1 89 1 the remains of Brigadier-General Jethro Sumner were re-interred in this hallowed mould of the Guilford Battle. That year a museum was built on the grounds, which has gathered many relics of the Revolution. In 1892 Maryland Monument was erected, in memory of the Maryland Regimentals. In 1893 The Holt Monument was erected by Governor Thomas LI. Holt. The Oak Ridge students have erected a monument to the Bugler Boy of Light Horse Harry's Troops, who was killed near Oak Ridge Institute. In 1900, James Hunter Monument was built (through the efforts of Hon. Joseph M. Morehead), and the history of the Regulators established as the first patriots of American liberty. There are many other monuments. The Fourth of July is cele- brated each year. Thousands of people visit annually this scene of the Revolutionarv War. NORTH CAROLINA. 33 CHAPTER V. MINUTE PACKET OF THE COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS. 17S2-1788. The County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions was a con- tinuation of the EngHsh form of government. It met quarterly, in February, in May, in August and in November. Three, five or more Justices of the Peace sat on the bench. Besides rendering judgment, tliey appointed county officers, to be confirmed by the governor, deeds were probated and wills were proven in their court. It was a quarterly meeting of the Magistrates' Court. (Nov., 1782. Book I in Clerk's office at the County Seat of Guil- ford.) This court, in time, became the Board of County Commis- sioners, which meets the first Monday in each month, and some- times in the middle of the month, composed of three citizens. The County tax is laid by the Court to one shilling on every hundred pounds taxable property in the County. ( Book in Clerk's office at Greensboro. Nov 18, 1782.) Qrdered that each constable who warned the inhabitants to give a list of taxable property for the years 1781 and '82 be allowed forty shil- lings. Also each assessor be allowed the same. (17 Feb., 1783.) Ordered that Col. John Peasly, Col. John Gillespie, John Forbes, William Kerr, Thomas Wiley, John Foster, Thomas Landwith, Moses Craner, Andrew Wilson and John McAdoo be a Jury to lay out a road from the Highrock ford on Haw River to the County line at Elisha Alendenhall's Mill. Daniel Allen, who was brought before the Court for speaking defama- tory words against the State, was fined twenty pounds — (not paid). At a Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Alex Caldwell, William Dent, George Peay, Esquires, present: "William Dick is allowed £s, 4s, 4d for his attendance as Juror at Salisbury Superior Court, March term, 1780. (May 20, 1783.) 34 GUILFORD COUNTY, Sprow Macay, Esq.. is appointed attorney to act in behalf of the State in the County of Guilford. For each district a constable and assessor were appointed. David Peebles is appointed in Mr. Bruce's district for the present year and Justin Knott constable for the same year. (David Peebles' son, Lewis, had a daughter, Patsey, who married Col. Walter McConnell, who was the father-in-law of C. N. McAdoo.) At a Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County of Guilford, the third Monday in August, 1783; Present, Charles Bruce, William Goudy, James Brown, Esquires. The last will and testament of James Mendenhall is recorded. Also an inventory of the estate of James Hunter, deceased, was returned in open court and recorded. Ordered that Allen Unthank's tax for the year 1782 be remitted, it being proved to the satisfaction of the court that he was a balloted man to serve in the Continental service nine months and had paid his tax regularly until that year. John Williams, Esq.. is appointed attorney in behalf of the State for the County of Guilford. Ordered chat John Wiley be allowed the sum of 40 shillings for his services in warning the inhabitants of Mr. Larkin's district to give a list of their taxable property for the year 1779. John Gillespie, Esq., produced a commission from his Excellency, the Governor, appointing him Sheriff of this County of Guilford, and qualified as such by taking the necessary oaths prescribed by law for the qualification of Public officers and gave bond with security for the faithful discharge of his duty. Ordered that the Collectors receive no more than a two-fold tax from those Quakers who are above fifty years of age and not exceeding four- fold from those under that age that have not given in a list of their taxable property. Ordered that Alex. Caldwell and George Peay, Esq., be appointed a committee to settle with James Brown, Esq., former Sheriff of this County, who reported that they had done the same and that by the several vouchers produced there appeared to be a balance due the said Brown from the County £582, 8s, 3d, as per and filed. The same persons also settled with the said Brown for taxes. Ordered that the following persons, to wit, Elijah Oliver, Thomas Cook, William Allen, William Stephens, Robert Coleman, Jeremiah Morris, John Nix, William Peay, Eli Surry, Derby Hoppen, David Walker and Jeremiah Johnson, be appointed patrolers in their several districts. NORTH CAROLINA. 35 Ordered that the sherifY or collector pay Thomas Blear one pound fifteen shillings for his attendance as Juror at Salisbury Court in June, 1775. Present Wm. Gowdy, Wm. Dent. Robert M. Kamie, Alex. Caldwell, Adam Larkie. (Nov., 1783.) Ordered that Thomas Henderson have leave to remove the House, called the store house, that is now on the lot of James Buchanan to his own lot for the purpose of keeping the Records and other papers belonging to the clerk's office of said county. The county tax is laid to one shilling for the present year. Ordered that the Sheriff agree with some person to repair the Court house, erect a Barr and make report to next court. Col. John Gillaspie, high sheriff of Guilford County, came into Court and excepted against the Jail. Ordered that Thomas Henderson, clerk of Guilford County, be allowed 40 pounds for two years. The county is in arrear's to. him for extra services, and 20 pounds for present year. Ordered that Robert Wiley be allowed £s, 17s, 8d, for his attendance at Salisbury Superior Court which met in March 1784. (May, 1784.) Jesse Benton, Esq., produced a license to practice law from their honors the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity. (Minute Bk. Court of P. & Q., 1781-83.) James Hunter, Esq., being elected sheriff of this county, ordered that he be recommended to his Excellency the Governor to be commissioned for that purpose. Jacob Brown, Wm. Crawford, Wm. Fathom and John McNary, Esqs., produced each a license with testimonial annexed agreeable to law from the honorable the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, and were admitted to practice in this Court as attorneys at law. Ordered that the sheriff summon all the Constables within this county to give their attendance with proper staffs, as wands, during the sittings of the County Courts to be held for this County during Term time, to do their duty in office or otherwise be subject to the pains and penalties of the law. Thomas Archer, indicted for retailing liquors, came into Court and .submitted and was fined. License is granted William Reed to keep a Tavern at his own dwell- ing house, Francis McNary, his security. (May, 1784.) In 1784 Thomas Henderson was Clerk of the Court. At a County Court of P. & Q., present the worshipful Alex. Cald- well, Wm. Gowdy and William Dent. Agreeable to the petitions of Sundry Inhabitants, ordered that Peter Oneal have leave to build a Grist Mill over Prewit's fork of Hogan's Creek. 36 GUILFORD COUNTY. On motion of John Williams., Esq., ordered that an instrument of writing or Duplicate of the last Will and Testament of Daniel M. Collom, Dec'd, be recorded (the original being destroyed by the British), which was proved in the open Court by the oath of Thomas Wratherford. Ordered that Jehu Morton be fined 15 pounds for three profane oaths by him sworn in the presence of the Court and that he should be com- mitted till fine and fees be paid. Ordered by the Court that Jehu Morton be committed to stocks for two hours and that the Sherifif summon a guard sufficient for that purpose and that any convenient fence be deemed stocks for that purpose or any other place of confinement. Thomas Brown is appointed Overseer of the road from the Court House to the middle of Horsepen Creek and that he with the hands of Francis McNary, Widow Foster, John Hamilton, Nathan Brown and Capt. Wm. Dent keep the same in good repair agreeable to law. "Ordered that in future each sheriff attend this court with a Wand of tough wood eight feet in length and one inch in diameter, and that each constable attend the courts with staffs neatly shaved 6^ ft. in length and i^ in. in diameter painted black on the head for 8 inches." James Hunter, High Sheriff. (August, 1788.) Chas. Bruce and Wiliam Dent, Esqs., are appointed to superintend the next election for members for Legislature for this County. Wm. Gowdy. Ralph Gorrell and William Dent were present at the term of Court. John Stokes, Esq., produced a license with a testimonial annexed from their honors the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and l^quity and was admitted to practice law accordingly. Ralph Gorrell, Esq., is by the Court elected Register of the County of Guilford. (Nov. 1784, Court of P. & Q.) Ordered that the sheriff or some of the collectors pay James Brown £20, 6s, Sd, which appear to be due him from the settlement of his amount as former sheriff of this county. (Nov. 1784.) Ordered that the County tax for the year 1784 be laid to one shilling on every poll tax and the same on every 300 acres of land. Andrew John- ston being of a proper age came into court and made choice of Henry Ross, William Gowdy, Esq., his security in the sum of 200 pounds for the faithful discharge of his duty. (Feb. 1785.) "Charles Galloway records his mark, to wit, 'a crop and slit in each year.' " (Each farmer had his stock marked.) The Esquires present at this court of P. & Q. were Wm. Gowdy, George Peay and Adam Lackey. Hunter is unanimously elected Sheriff of this County for the present year. (May 1785.) couKTiicrsi': of (;rii,i*oRi) county. NORTH CAROLINA. 37 On the petition of Sundry of the inhabitants of the two Buffalos, it is: Ordered that a road be laid off from Ralph Gorrell, Esq., to Elijah Stan- ley's Mill and from thence to the Cape Fear Road and that the following- Jury, to wit, Daniel Gillaspie, John Foster, John McAdoo, John Mebane, David McAdoo, James McAdoo, Francis Cummings, John Holt, John Orr, George Parks, Samuel Martin and James Butler, be a jury to view and lay off said road and make report thereof to next Court. Nichlas McCubbin is appointed Overseer of the road from the Sorrow Town to Quaqua Creek ; James McCollum from thence to the County line of Caswell ; John Odell from the County line of Caswell on the Iron Works Road to William Bethel's Muster Ground; Natty Jordan from thence to the roads at Browder's Executor's ; William Hickman overseer of Hen- derson's Road from Samuel Bethel's to Cantrel's Meeting House; Lawrence Bagston from thence to the Governor's Road ; David Suttles from Manleave Tarrant's to Hugh Reeds'; and Hugh Reeds from his own house to Thomas Gray's, Jacob Williams' road. Nathaniel Scales is appointed Overseer of the road from Smythe's River to Dry Creek and the road from the Saura Town ford to the Vir- ginia line. A deed of sales from James Buckhannon and wife to James McQuis- ton for 60 acres of land was proved in open court by the oaths of James Dunlap and ordered registered. Ordered that the sheriff, or collector, pay Ralph Gorrell, Esq., £5, 6s, for his attendance as a Juror at Salisbury Court of Oyer and Terminer, etc., held for the district first of June, 1775. Ordered that the Sheriff or collector pay Ralph Gorrell, Esq., ii, 12s, for blank books furnished his office as register. Ordered that the Sheriff or collector pay Robert jNIcKamie, Esq., £g, 3s, 4d, for his service done as Crowner of his county. John Duke was sworn in as Juryman with Henry Whitesel, Thomas Green, George Glass. (Nov. 1785.) Agreeable to an act of the assembly for appointing an inspection of tobacco at the Court house of Guilford Co., Wm. Dent, Esq., and Alex. McCain are appointed inspectors of the same. Court house repaired. Ordered that the said Commission (William Dent, John Hamilton, William Duke) also engage with said workman who undertake the Court house to build a pillory and stocks for the use of the County. On the resignation of Thomas Henderson as Clerk of Guilford County, five members being present, Leary is unanimously elected, into bond with William Dent and Thomas Henderson in the sum of two thousand pounds for the faithful discharge of his duty, etc. 38 GUILFORD COUNTY, Hance Kamiltoii was by the Court elected Sheriflf and that he be recommended to his Excellency the Governor to be confirmed. Accord- ingly the said Hance Hamilton Produced a commission from the Governor appointing him sheriff. Bond, £5000. (May 1786.) James Buckanon submits to the court and is fined 40s for selling liquor above the rates. Ordered that Abner Willis, orphan of Richard Willis, dec'd, aged 14 years, be bound to Edward Ryan until he arrives at full age, to learn the art and mystery of weaving, and the said Ryan engages to give the said orphan one horse to the value of 10 pounds, and learn him to read, write and cypher as far as the five Common rules in Arithmetic. Ordered that the Sheriff or some Collectors pay Thomas Hamilton 48 shillings for his service in making the line between this county and Randolph County. (Laid off in 1779.) "I do hereby certify that John Stockard appeared before me within the space of two. or three months after Isham Lett had entered a Bay Gild- ing on the Stray Book in or about the year 1784 and the said John Stockard made oath that the said Gilding was his property." Given under my hand Feb. 24, 1787, Wm. Gowdy. It is ordered that an issue to each Justice be made '"that at the time of taking tax list they likewise take a list as law requires of the number of inhabitants m each district." The county tax is levied at 2s, 6d, for the year 17S6 on each poll and the same on every 300 acres of land. Joseph Hoskins. Constable, enters into bond with the Court in the sum of 250 pounds for the faithful discharge of his duty, George Denny, his security. (May 1787.) Ordered that John Hamilton and William Dent, Esqs., be allowed the sum of 16 pounds for running the dividing line between Rockingham and Guilford Counties, and that Richard Burton be allowed the sum of 40s for his services in carrying the chain in ruiming the line between the Counties of Guilford and Rockingham. (Rockingham formed from Guilford in 1785-) Rockingham being made for the Election of a sheriff for the year 1787 Hance Hamilton offered himself a candidate for the same who was unani- mously elected, five members being present. Ordered that William Dent and Ralph Gorrell, Esqs., be appointed to settle with James Hunter, sheriff of said County, for the County tax for the years 1784- 1785. Hance Hamilton produced a commission from his Excellency, Richard Caswell, Esq., appointing himself Sheriff of Guilford County, who took the NORTH CAROLINA. 39 oatli agreeable to Law — who at the same time protested against the goal of the County. Joseph Hoskins and John Spruce qualified as deputy sheriffs for the County of Guilford. Ordered that Thomas Smith, who was a continental soldier in the line of the state, be allowed the sum of 15 pounds, it appearing that he lost one of his legs in the Battle at Utaws (Eutaw Springs?). Aged 28 years, left eye out. Capt. Porter Shaw repaired the Court House for 400 pounds. "Andrew Jackson produced a license from the Judges of the Superior Court of Law and Equity to practice Law and was admitted an attorney of his Court." (Nov. 1787.) (Andrew Jackson was born at Waxhaw, N. C. He removed to Guil- ford County, N. C, read law at the home of Charles Bruce, at Summer- field, Guilford County, N. C, became constable in Guilford County, went to Tennessee with Judge McNairy, and afterward became President of the United .States, and the head and shoulders of the Democrat Party. While in Guilford he is said to have enjoyed the sports of cock-fighting and horse-racing. His old race paths are at Summerfield.) Hance Hamilton re-elected sherift. (May 1788.) Ordered that Capt. Patrick Shaw be allowed to keep a tavern in his own dwelling at Martinsville. 40 GUILFORD COUNTY, CHAPTER VI. NOTES FROM THE MINUTE DOCKET. I796-181I. On petition of Alexander ]\IcKeen, Trustee of the Publick Buildings, ordered that the following repairs be made, viz, the goal to be weather- boarded and the doors made secure and a pair of steps 'made to ascend to the upper door; further that the window shutters of the Courthouse be repaired and the glass repaired that is broken out. Also that the steps of the Courthouse be repaired and the floor of the stocks new planked, the gullies by the goal to be stopped by a stone wall to be made low in the middle, and the Barr in the Courthouse to be made some longer and ele- vated about 18 in., with a step at each end and a platform from the middle to extend to the Bench on which the Clerk's seat and desk, or table is to be placed near to the Bench and a Jury box to be fixed on each side of said platform, between the Barr and the Bench to hold twelve Jurors, at least, with convenience, and the Banister or railing of the Bench are to be repaired. (November 1796, page 5. See Minute Docket in Clerk's office in Greensboro, N. C.) In November, 1796, there were summoned for the next term of court sixty-four Jurors. At this court twenty-nine deeds were acknowledged. (Page 7.) Hance Hamilton and George Bruce, Esqrs., who were appointed at the last General Assembly Justices of the Peace for the County of Guilford, produced a commission from the Governor for the time being to that pur- port and took the necessary oath of office in open court, and took their seats accordingly. (P'eb. 1797, page 11.) For the year 1796 county tax was one shilling for one poll and one shilling for every 300 acres of land. (Page 13.) Ordered that the clerk give Public Notice for the inhabitants of this County to attend on the first day of next Court and every succeeding Court in order to do all kinds of County Business of a special nature as the Court will attend hereafter for that purpose and those that do not, nted not expect to have such business done at any other period in the term. (Page 15.) Ordered that the Sheriff hold an election for Wardens for the Poor on Easter Monday next, agreeable to Law or within the limits. (Page 15.) I NORTH CAROLINA. 41 Z. D. Brasher was sheriff for 1795. At the February 1797 Term of Court 81 deeds were announced in open Court and ordered recorded. (Page 15.) Abner Weatherly was electd sheriff for 1797. He received six votes, a majority; seven votes were cast. Ordered that the sheriff be directed to advertise for an election for Wardens of the poor held at the same time of next annual election. (May 1797, page 27.) Ordered that the Clerk be allowed the sum of 20 pounds for services in 1796. Ordered that the Sheriff be allowed 20 pounds for 1796. Ordered that the following Justices be appointed to take the lists of Taxables for the present year in the following manner and districts : "Adam Stevor for his own and Alexander Gray and Thomas Dick to take in said Gray's and George Wilson's districts and north of Reedy Fork from the lower end of the County up to Samuel Thompson's Bridge, then along Dixes ferry road to where Isham Coffee formerly lived; Hubbard Peoples from Samuel Thompson's Bridge up to Reedy Fork to Scott's Mill, thence along the old road to Joseph Erwin's, thence down to said Coft'ee; Robert McKime, Hance Hamilton and Benjamine Beason to take in from said Leatt's Mill up including Jean's District and that of Lindsey's north of the old Salis- bury road. Thirty-seven deeds were proven in open court this term. Abner Weatherly, sheriff, came into open court and protested against the goal of this County, the same being insufficient in his opinion. (August I797rpage .3-1.) John McMurray is appointed trustee for the year 1796 who gave bond in the sum of 500 pounds. (Page 35.) Ordered that the following insolvents be allowed to John Henley, Sheriff' for 1796. by the oath of Joseph Hoskins, deputy sheriff in Hubbard Peeple's District. Fifty-three deeds at this term of Court. (Page 2>7-) Also "the certificate of a procession made for William and Andrew Jackson on the 8th day of June, 1797, all of which are filed with the petitions of the Court, (fees not being paid). Gottlieb Shober, Esq., produced a license from their honorables, the Judges of the Superior Courts of this state, licensing him as an attorney in the County Courts of this state who it appeared had taken the oaths prescribed by law and was admitted accordingly." (Page 41.) At the November Court of 1797 one hundred and twenty-one deeds were proven in open court and thirty-seven deeds the following February. (Page 48.) 42 GUILFORD COUNTY, Abner Weatlierly was re-elected Sheriff and allowed 30 pounds for year's service. Ordered that the clerk be allowed 22 pounds for his ex- officio services for 1797. (May 1798, page 65.) John Hamilton proved a power of attorney from William Bridges to Andrew Jackson impowering him to make a title to David Dawson, Jr. Andrew Jackson proved release from Robin Weeden and Wife to Christian Full. (Page 69.) Andrew Jackson, attorney for William Bridges, acknowleded a Deed from Daniel Daeson for 74 acres of land. At this court one hundred deeds were proven. Present at this term of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Samuel Lindsay, William Armfield, Matthew Cunningham. Abner Weatherly, Esq., (elected Sheriff by the Court) produced his commission from Gov. Saml. Ashe appointing him as Sheriff of Guilford County. Ordered that it be entered on record that John Goodrich came into open court and acknowledged that he expected that some time ago in a quarrel he deprived John Wright, son of Francis Wright, of a small piece of his right ear. William Farrington ^ Charged with passing base metal as money in gj-g^p / the similitude of a Spanish milled dollar. William Farrington was bound over to Salisbury Superior Court. He gave bail of 100 pounds. Forty-six deeds were reported at this court. In November Court thirty-seven deeds reported. Ordered that Duncan Cameron be appointed attorney to act for the State during this court. (August 1798.) At this court were present Hance McCain, Hubbard Peebles, George Mcndinghall, John Howel and Jonathan Parker. (Feb. 1799.) Abner Weatherly was re-elected Sheriff unanimously at the May Court. William Armfield was appointed Trustee for Guilford County. Ordered that George Rankin be appointed to procure and keep a proper standard of weights and measures for this county. (]\Iay 1799, page 102.) John Howel was appointed entritaker for Guilford. His duty was to keep ihe public and confiscated lands, and to sell them. His bond was 2,000 pounds. (Page 103. Page 113.) Ordered that James Loumer, a wounded soldier in the services of the ^^JLJrfffed States, one of the militia of his state, wounded in 1779 in Ashe's Defeat in Georgia, being shot through the body and right arm, which was broken, rendering him incapable of pursuing his business as a blacksmith, be allowed the sum of 17 pounds 10 shillings per year and the certificate NORTH CAROLINA. 43 of same be made known to the General Assembly of North Carolina. (Nov. i/QQ, page r2i.) Abner Weatherly was unanimously elected Sheriff by the Court. Ordered that George Bruce, Samuel Lindsay and John Hamilton be appointed to judge the paper currency in the county agreeable to the Assembly. William Armfield was appointed trustee for county. Ordered that Charles Bruce, John Howel and John Hamilton be appointed a committee to establish a standard of weights and measures for this county which shall be a guide for the person appointed to regulate the same. (Feb. 1800.) At an extra session of this court held in February, 1801, there were present (jeorge Bruce, John Moore. Jester Knott, Zaza Brasher, David Price. Robert Bell and William Armfield. Court called to try a negro charged with rape, sentenced to be hanged. (Page 156.) At the May court, 1801, Abner Weatherly was elected Sheriff, receiv- ing twelve votes out of sixteen cast. The following Jury : Andrew Jackson, William Dick, John Wheeler, Thomas Rose, George Waggoner, George Starbuck, James Thompson, John Swicher, Zeal Shepherd, John White, Isaac Hiatt. (Page 168.) Ordered that the seven sets of the Acts of Congress (i Vol. lacking) furnished this county be distributed as follows : One set left in the office and the remainder to each three Justices, it appearing that there are seven- teen Justices in the county, and the broken set to go to the class of Justices that contains two. Justices are to be classed as follows: Ralph Gorrell, Roddy Hannah, Jonathan Parker; David Price, George Bruce, John Moore; James McNearry, Alex. Gray, Samuel Lindsay; John Howell, George Men- denhall, William Armfield; William Gilchrist, John Cummings, Zaza D. Brasher; Jestin Knott, Robert Bell. For 1801 the county tax was two shillings to the poll and eight pence for every 100 A. George Bruce, David Price, Jestin Knott presided. Archibald ]\Iurphy, Esq., produced license from the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity authorizing him to plead and practice law in the different Courts, on his taking the oaths by law he is admitted to practice in tliis Court. (May 1802, page 202.) Andrew Jackson is appointed road overseer from Reedy Fork Bridge to the Widow Flack's branch. (Page 218.) Ordered that Abner Weatherly, sheriff', be fined for swearing. ( Page 234-) Agreeable to an order of Court, the sheriff summoned a jury to inquire into the sanity of David Coble's mind, it being suggested to the 44 GUILFORD COUNTY, court by Barnabas Troxlow that the said David was of mind, wasting his estate. Twelve good men duly summoned in behalf find the said David Coble to be of sound mind and that he is not wasting his estate. (May 1803.) On petition of Elizabeth Wheeler, widow, the owner of a slave called Saul, who has performed divers meritorious services, of fair and good character, it is ordered that the said negro Saul be let free and that he be called by the name Saul Wheeler forever hereafter. (Aug. 1804.) Two indictments for retailing spirituous liquors by the small without license. Sixty-three deeds recorded. (August 1805.) A bill of sale from Andrew Jackson to Latham Donnell of one negro woman slave was proven. (November 1805.) (The word dollar is used instead of pound. Feb. 1806.) Administration on the estate of Andrew Jackson, dec'd, is granted John Starrat and Edward Gran. (Aug. 1806, page 387.) Martinsville was the first county seat of Guilford, known in history as the scene of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The wealth of the town was, in 1806, as follows : John Adam's lot 150 pounds John Hamilton's lot 250 pounds John Hamilton's lot. where he dwells 525 pounds Charles Bruce's lot 200 pounds Saul Cummings' lot 175 pounds Robert Lindsay's lot 325 pounds David Brice s lot 125 pounds Smith Moore's lot 275 pounds James Cannon's lot 375 pounds Robert Lindsay's dwelling lot 400 pounds John Hamilton's lot 40 pounds 10 Alexander ]\Iartin's lot 275 pounds David Price's lot 43 pounds 10 Town lots 25 pounds The Commissioners to appraise the property of Martinsville were John Cunningham, George Nicks, Geogre Swain. (Page 392.) Thomas Dick, Williajn Ryan and Abner Weatherly, Esqrs., are ap- pointed a committee to arrange and prepare a list of persons qualified to serve as Jurors in the Superior Court of Law hereafter to be held for this county and that they make report of proceedings at present term of this court. (Feb. 1807, page 398.) Ordered that Thomas Dick, William Lease, William Ryan, Charles Bruce and Joseph Davis, Esqrs., be appointed commissioners for the build- NORTH CAROLINA. 45 ing of a itew Courthouse and jail, by plans agreed upon by commissioners. A sufficient tax was levied for 1807-8-Q-10. (Page 398.) Elections were held at Martinsville, Jamestown and Findley Stuart's. (Page 407.) At a "County Court" for Guilford. At the May term for 1808 a plan of a town at New Courthouse was discussed. (November 1807, page 437.) At this term Abner Weatherly, who had been sheriff ten years, re- signed and James Dunning was elected for nine months. (August 1808.) At the term of Court held May, 1809, at Martinsville it was an- nounced "the new courthouse in Greensboro now ready for reception of court. The court adjourned from the town of Martinsville to the town of Greensboro (which was the centre of the county)" to meet at ten o'clock tomorrow, Friday, 19 May, 1809. (Page 465.) The esquires present at the first term of Court held in Greensboro were John Starrat, Jonathan Parker. Joseph Gullet, George Swain, John McAdoo, Ephraim Burrow. This court was interested in laying off new roads, appointing road overseers, patrollers, constables, binding out children, acknowledging deeds, electing county officers, levying taxes. They had only poll and land taxes. 46 GUILFORD COUNTY, CHAPTER VII. THE SLAVERY QUESTION. Slavery, an institution bequeathed to us like the church, the state or other forms of medieval life, was the embryo of a parasite growing from the roots of our republic. In Europe this principle had the form of feudalism ; in America, that of negro slavery. Through this system in the south, negroes from African jungles were trained into a class of men with some degree of civilization. In its day, in the South, slavery was the greatest of blessings to the blacks. Though the institution of slavery had a much stronger hold on industrial life in Warren, Halifax and other eastern counties, still there were many slaveholders in the eastern half of Guilford County. Among the files of the Greensboro Patriot may be found advertisements like the following, offering a reward of ten dollars for a "Runaway negro man named Dutchman, formerly called Caesar. About forty years old, five feet, eight inches tall, long head, and stooped shoulders, has a down look and 'zacly,' or 'zack- ly, sar," is a common word with him. He took different kinds of clothing, old suit of blue jeans, and striped pants, some coarse suhimer cloths, two hats and a cap." A reward of fifty dollars was offered by another subscriber for a runaway negro from his master in Washington Count}-, \'ir- ginia : "On Sunday a negro named Mack, sometimes called Wil- liam, jet black, very free spoken, twenty-four years old, about five feet, eight or ten inches, he wears a blue j'eans frock coat, tow- linen pantaloons and straw hat. It is probable he may have pro- cured a pass and aims to get to a free state or to North Carolina. The said negro can write a little. I will pay the abo\ e reward for NORTH CAROLINA. 47 the delivery of said slave to me in Washington County, or half the amount, if secured so that I may get him again." Patriot of 1845 • "I" ])ursuance to a decree issued from the Court of Equity, we shall expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, on the credit of 9 months, at the late residence of William Bayles, dec'd, on 25th day of July next, the following LOT OF NECtWES: ''Ben, Jim, Logan, Alsy, and Dicey, (two men, two women and one boy), all young and lively. The purchaser will be re- quired to give note and approved security. "William A. Lash, "John Banner, "Admr. of Wm. Boyles." Now, there were those in Guilford County having decided conscientious scruples against all this business. The western part of Guilford County w^as peopled by Quakers, Englishmen coming by way of Pennsylvania, and another type not so mild — the Nan- tucket Quaker, who came to this western part of Guilford about the time of the first brew^ings of the Revolutionary War. This section was, and is today, the centre of Quaker element in the state. For some reason, or impulse, the Friends, or Quakers, re- garded the freeing of the slaves as their own peculiar mission. In their yearly meeting as early as 1772, according to Stephen B. Weeks, Friends were discussing slavery and the sin of it ; and in 1774 they freed their own slaves. The North Carolina yearly meeting of Friends chartered a ship, called The Sally Aim, for the purpose of sending slaves to Hayti, where they might be free. Captain Swain, of Guilford County, was the skipper of the boat. Slaves were bought and sent to Hayti. (Mrs. ]\I. M. Hobbs.) Even earlier than TJie SaHy Ann, soon after the Revolutionary War, societies were formed all over North Carolina to protect and restore to freedom those negroes kidnapped and sold into slavery. In the tirst decade of the ninetenth century a society was organized in Guilford County, called the "Manumission Society of North 48 GUILFORD COUNTY, Carolina." Its meetings were held in the Deep River section, and others besides Friends were members, among them many slave- holders, who eagerly discussed the question of slavery. There was at this time in Washington City a society for the colonization of "free people of color." The Manumission Society of North Carolina sought to put an end to the slave traffic by allowing no more to be brought into North Carolina ; by allowing no slave to be exchanged from one master to another ; and by allowing all negroes born after a certain date to be free. By this means they would gradually promote emancipation, thus averting the disastrous consequences of releas- ing suddenly upon North Carolina civilization about 205,170 slaves (See Census of 1820-1830), of half-savage negroes. The representative members of the Manumission Society were the Coffins, the Worths, James and Richard Mendenhall. The active members numbered several hundred, many prominent slave- holders being members. A large per cent, of the people of North Carolina at that time were philosophizing about some scheme for the emancipation of slaves. What to do with slaves when freed was a question. Emigra- tion to Hayti was encouraged. Many of this Society preferred that the negroes be kept in slavery to having them remain in the state when freed. They were all, however, abolitionists. (This information was given by Mrs. M. M. Hobbs.) The Underground Railway, though in reality an outgrowth of the jManumission Society, was not connected with it. This was a secret organization, begotten in the ingenious brain of the Coffins, by which slaves were sent to the Northwest. The scheme remained a secret for a quarter of a century, in which time many a slave- holder found his number of slaves greatly diminished, and his negroes skipped and gone. Note: Friends did not receive negroes into their denomination as did Presbyterians, Baptists and others. W^ho ever saw a negro who was a Quaker? 1 have several times heard Addison Coffin talk of the Underground Railway and how it was operated. S. W. S. NORTH CAROLINA. 49 Tlie first ".lepot" of this "railroad" was in southwest Guil- ford County, not many miles from the Randolph County line. The negro escaped from his master by night, went to one of these "agents," was concealed by day in the hiproof of his house; by night he was sent to the next "agent's" home, and so to free territory. A system of nails driven in trees along the way marked which fork of the road to take. Slaveholders themselves indulged in "heavy threats," which intimidated many non-slaveholders who knew nothing whatever of the "Underground Railroad." Though these were innocent, they could not endure the sentiment. They, too, went to the Northwest. Whole counties in Indiana and Ohio were peopled by Guilford County stock and their homes were left vacant. What was the primary cause of this? Slavery. For forty years before the Civil War, slavery was a pretty hot subject in Guilford County, North Carolina. It was the conjunction of the "Nantucketers" and the Scotch-Irish. The Census of 1850 brought out the fact that nearly one- third of the population of Indiana was from North Carolina, whde Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas each had a large number of Carolinians. In 1835 the region in the far Northwest was opened for settlement and Carolinians were among the first to enter the new territory. In 1849 ^^''^ .^o^tl fever excitement in California attracted "Carolinians who became the first to blaze the way." Far up in North Dakota, near Devil Lake, Addison Cofifin found a colony of young men located and holding their claims. Their parents were from Guilford County, North Carolina. The first emigrants went west by horseback, with pack horses, foUovv'ing the butifalo trails. These animals, now extinct, came to Guilford to feed on the great peavine pastures in the winter. In the spring they went again to the northward, fording the Buffalo Creek, the Haw River, the Dan River, at the best fords. Bufifalo See Guilford Colleeian,.Vol. 4, published at Guilford Colleg^e. Paper by Addison Coffin and Stephen B. Weeks on "Southern Quakers and blavery. 60 GUILFORD COUNTY, trails and buffalo fords were an advantage to those seeking outlet westward. Many places in the west, in Indiana especially, were named for those places left in Guilford County. Knightstown, Ind., was named for a family of Kni.ghts living in west Guilford ; Greens- boro, Ind., was named for Greensboro, N. C., it is settled by Guil- ford people; Center and New Garden townships were laid off in Indiana. (See Steven B. Week's "Southern Quakers and Slav- ery.") Whole families and monthly meetings went west from Guilford. Deep River Monthly Meeting, Dover Monthly Meeting, Springfield Monthly Meeting, New Garden Monthly Meeting were impoverished by the constant drain of migration. The town of Florence, in Guilford, went west almost bodily. Men living remember w' hen Florence was a thriving little towm ; now it is a deserted village. Jamestown and Friendship have been depopulated in a similar way. Gardners, Dillons, Winslows, Hills, left almost all of them. About 1830, four hundred families wQwt west from Guilford County. The efficient cause w^as slavery, the old, old story of the time. Though Guilford was drained by migration to the west, she probably lost less wealth, and suffered less because of slavery than any other county in North Carolina. Look at her enterprise, her industrial development, her educational system. Compare her towns with those of Warren County, Halifax County, Edgecombe County and others that had an immense wealth in slaves. Though these counties are drowsily waking up, by the demands of the tobacco and peanut markets, still they have no such industrial foundation as Guilford. Why? Their industrial life received the greater paralysis at the loss of so much wealth. With Guil- ford it was not so. Guilford had not, in the first place, so much wealth in slaves to lose. Guilford men were already hardened to labor. Guilford was not "aristocratic." Guilford men had long ago learned to be self-reliant. Guilford had the crafts of New England firmly fixed in her industrial organism by the "Nan- NORTH CAROLINA. 51 tiicketers." Though there has been contending and clashing, it was the conflict of ideas which always develops education. The wrangling was not w'rangling destructive ; it was the throbbing of , lusty life. This chapter directly altects our industrial and educational developement. Though Guilford County lost a great many people before and since the Civil War because of the slavery question, still the foundation of her industrial life remained. Addison Coffin, one of the leaders of the "Underground Rail- road," was also emigration agent from Guilford County to the Northwest. In 1866, once each month he was in Greensboro, N. C, for the purpose of conducting emigrants. Thousands of white people left this County under his guidance until he, in 1872, went out of the business. In May, 1866, he conducted over three hundred ; in June of the same year, he conducted a troop of emi- grants, of which 300 were twelve years old and younger, 100 were three }ears old and under. The data for this chapter has been collected here and there; from Addison Coffin's Life, from sketches in the Guilford Col- h\i^ian, from the complete file of the Greensboro Patriot in the library of the Greensboro Female College, and from conversing with many people, Mrs. Mary Mendenhall Hobbs, Mrs. P. B. Hackney ; and Addison Coffin's talks to the students at Guilford Colleg"e. 52 GUILFORD COUNTY, CHAPTER VIII. THE PART OF GUILFORD IN THE CIVIL WAR. To Governor Ellis's call to arms in 1861 the Guilford Grays at once responded. Of these, fifty men went into the Battle of Bristow Station, in the fall of 1863, seven men came out alive, and only three of these were unhurt. (Per Mr. Wm. Rankin.) From the Roster of North Carolina troops in the war between the States during the years 1861 and 1865 it is learned that the following commanding officers and companies were from Guilford County and there were other soldiers besides these from Guilford County : TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY B. — OEEICERS. Jolin Sloan, Captain; cm April 20, 1861 ; p Lieutenant-Colonel September 28, 1861. William Adams, Captain; cm September 28, 1861 ; pr from ist Lieutenant; killed at Sharpsburg. John A. Gilmer, Captain; cm April i, 1862, p from 2d Lieutenant. J. A. Sloan, Captain. Wm. Adams, ist Lieutenant, cm April 20, 1861. J. T. I\Iorehead, ist Lieutenant, cm October 5, 1861 ; p Captain 45th Cal. 53d. John A. Gilmer, ist Lieutenant, cm January 6, 1862. Rufus E* Gibson, ist Lieutenant. Rufus B. Gibson, 2nd Lieutenant, p. James T. Mcrehead, Jr., 2nd Lieutenant, April 20, 1861, promoted. John A. Gilmer, 2nd Lieutenant, April 20, 1861, pr — TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, COMPANY E. Columbus C. Cole, Captain, cm May 23, 1861, p Major June 13, 1862. Charles E. Harper, Captain, cm May 2^,, 1861, k June 30, 1862 at Frazier's Farm; p from ist Lieutenant. Joseph A. Hooper, Captain, cm, — , w — at Seven Pines ; r April 20, 1863 ; p from 2nd Lieutenant. Cm — Commissioned. K — Killed. R — Retired. P— Promoted. W— Wounded. Dt— Detailed. ALFRED MOORE SCALES, CENKRAL IN THE CONFEDERATE ARMY IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA, GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA, ELDER IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GREENSBORO. LAWYER-STATESMAN. NORTH CAROLINA. B3 M. M. Wolf, Captain, cm June 30, 1862, w August 30, 1862, at Manassas ; r Sept. 15, 1863; p from ist Lieutenant. R. W. Cole, Captain, cm Sept. 15, 1863, w at Chancellorsville. * Charles D. Harper, ist Lieut., cm May 23, 1861, w and k. Martin M. Wolf, ist Lieut., cm, p and w. A. J. Busick, 1st Lieut., cm Sept. 15, 1863, p from Sergeant. R. W. Cole, 1st Lieut., cm, p and w. W. H. Faucett, 2d Lieut., May 23, 1861, dt to Comm. James M. Hanner, 2nd Lieut., cm May 23, 1861 ; r July 21, 1861. John N. Nelson, 2nd Lieut., cm July 30, 1861, d November, 1861 ; p from Sergeant. Joseph A. Hooper, 2nd Lieut. R. W. Cole, 2nd Lieut., cm June 3. O. C. Wheeler, 2nd Lieut., cm ; r Jan. 26, 1864. TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, COMPANY M. William L. Scott, Captain, cm June 4, 1861 ; p Lieut.-Colonel Feb. i, 1862. William S. Rankin, Captain, cm April 26, 1862; p Major, August 28, 1862. John E. Gilmer, Captain, cm August 28, 1862; w at Fredericksburg. William S. Rankin, ist Lieut., cm June 4, 1861. Wilson S. Hill, ist Lieut., cm John E. Gilmer, ist Lieut., cm April 26, 1862. John S. Dick, ist Lieut., cm Aug. 25, 1862; w at Fredericksburg. John Doggett, 2nd Lieut., cm June 4, 1861. Andrew Summers, 2nd Lieut., w June 4, 1861. J. A. Cobb., 2nd Lieut., w at Winchester and Gettysburg. S. F. Stewart, 2nd Lieut., cm NINETEENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY F. Barzillai F. Cole, Captain, cm June 4, 1861. P. A. Tatum, Captain, p from ist Lieut; cm June 4, 1861. N. C. Tucker, ist Lieut., cm June 4, 1861 ; p from 2nd Lieut; w. J. A. Hooper, 2nd Lieut. ; cm June 4, 1861. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY — FIELD AND STAFF. John Henry Morehead, Colonel, cm Sept. 2, 1862; p from Lieutenant- Colonel ; d at Martinsburg, Virginia, June 25, 1863 ; p from Captain of Company E, Second Regiment. Charles E. Shober, Major, cm June 26, 1862; p from Captain of Company B ; p Lieut.-Colonel of Second Battalion. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, COMPANY B. Charles E. Shober, Captain, cm Feb. 15, 1862; p Major Sept. i, 1862; Lieut.- Colonel of Second Battalion. 54 GUILFORD COUNTY. Samuel C. Rankin, Captain, cm September i, 1862; p from ist Lieut; w July, 1865, at Gettysburg. S .C. Rankiti, ist Lieut., cm Feb. 15, 1862; p and w. James M. Wharton, ist Lieut, (cm Feb. 15, 1862), cm Sept. i, p from 2nd Lieut. Charles W. Woolen, 2nd Lieut., cm Feb. 15, 1862. Henry C. Willis, 2nd Lieut., cm June 29, 1862, vv. R. R. Sanders, 2nd Lieut. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, COMPANY C. James F. Morehead, p Captain, cm Feb. 15, 1862, p Lieut.-Colonel of 53d Regiment, p Colonel. Peter P. Scales, Captain, cm May 8, 1862, Virginia ; d of w received at Gettysburg. Robert C. Donnell, Captain, cm Sept. i, 1862. Robert L. Morehead, ist Lieut., cm May 8, 1862; r Sept. 1863; p from 2nd Lieut. Joseph Henry Scales, ist Lieut., cm Sept. i, 1863; p from 3rd Lieut., Vir- ginia. FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT, INFANTRY — FIELD AND STAFF. James T. Morehead, Jr., Lieut.-Colonel, cm May 6, 1862, p from Captain of Company D, p Colonel. FfFTY-THIRD REGIMENT, COMPANY' D. David Scott, Jr., Captain, cm March i, 1862. Peter F. Daub, 2nd Lieut., cm March i, 1862. (This Company from For- syth, Stokes, Surry and Guilford.) FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, COMPANY' F. Rufus L. Hooper, Captain, cm Feb. 14, 1863. Joseph S. Ragsdale, ist Lieut., cm Feb. 14, 1863. Charles W. Ogburn, 2nd Lieut., cm Dec. i, 1862. Wm. H. Young, 2nd. Lieut., cm Aug. 13, 1863, p 1863. (The above from Vols. H. and HL of N. C. Roster.) Johnson and his army for days and days poured in one steady stream into Greensboro, where he surrendered. Wheeler's Cavalry, Dibble's Divi- sion, was in Guilford also. The last meeting of the Cabinet of Jefferson Davis was held in Greensboro. Note: Wars of mediajval Europe were fought along the lines of race or religion: Wars of modern history are industrial problems wrought out under restraint and com- pulsion. The Civil War was fought along the lines of Southern institutions. That was the great problem of institulionalism vcisus individualism. The verdict of the western world is that the individual is above and better than all sorts of institutions. But the lives of men like Morehead, Gen Scales, Col. J. I. Scales, Gilmer, Gorrell, Vance, Maftatt, Lee and Jackson, and many another, will forever give the Southern cause and the South- ern army glory and dignity in the world. It is sweet and beautiful to die for one's country. CCL. T. I. SCALES. EMINENT SOLDIER, LAWYER AND STATESMAN DURINO THE DARK DAYS OE THE SOUTH, A PATRIOT WITH HONOR TRIED. NORTH CAROLINA. '''? ' 6B CHAPTER IX. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Guilford County, lying near the middle of the plateau region of North Carolina, is twenty-four by twenty-eight miles, rectangu- lar. This is the watershed county of the State ; Haw River and Deep River rise from the Oak Ridge elevation, but join in Chat- ham County, flowing to the ocean as the noble Cape Fear. The Dan may be called a Guilford river, because this land was once Guilford's. Draining part of Guilford's territory, the beautiful Dan flows north, joining at length the great Roanoke. The aver- age elevation of Guilford County is between 800 and 1,000 feet above tide. The mean temperature is 50 degrees. Roses bloom out of doors nine months in the year. Guilford County is almost a square. Her eighteen townships are rectangular. Fifteen of these are penetrated by one hundred and eleven miles of railway. Guilford has always been a great public highway. Before railroads, the Salisbury and Petersburg stage coach line passed through Guilford, as did also the Salisbury and Fayetteville road. And before these, the same roads were the great Trading Paths of the Indians. The Five Nations on the north ; the Tuscaroras, in their Kehukee and Toisnot rendezvous, on the east ; the Catawbas on the south ; and the Cherokees on the west, passed over the Trading Path in their commerce with each other, or with the whites. But the road was not original with them. They held it by right of conquest from the bufifalos, which fed all winter on the tall peavines growing luxuriantly and abundantly in Guilford. These early lords of the savannahs of Guilford left their name writ in the waters of the North and South Buftalo Creeks. Peavines grew here tall enough to reach the shoulder of a 66 GUILFORD COUNTY, man on horseback. (Col. J. T. Morehead.) Hawks, Swain and Graham say that: "Between the Yadkin and the Catawba were immense grazing grounds. The Reedy Fork was bordered by cane brake, within which game abounded." McAdoo's Woods was a resort for bear, deer, wolf and panther. C. H. Wiley and Addison Coffin agree in saying that there were all kinds of game and fish in abundance. The Address on Alamance Church, by Dr, Wiley, shows "that shad came up the Buffalo." At one time the crows and blackbirds were so numerous and destructive a law was ■ passed that each should kill so many. (Life of Caldwell, also Addison Coffin in Guilford Collegian, Col. Rec, Vol. 8.) A bonus was given for their skins. Before 1850 chestnuts were so plentiful that hogs were fattened on them. The ground where Greensboro is situated was, when the site was chosen, an unbroken forest with a thick undergrowth of huckleberry bushes, that bore a finely flavored fruit. Dr. Wiley, in his Address on Alamance Church, says : "That a scientific Englishman, who was in the Van Buren exploring expedition around the world, thought that he found more kinds of wild flowers in Guilford and the adjoining region than he had ever seen elsewhere." There were only a few scattered oaks in Guilford previous to the Revolutionary War. (Col. J. T. Morehead and others.) These rolling plains, with fertile soil and temperate climate, fur- nished a good foundation for the earliest occupation of the Pioneer • Settler. With the present staples, wheat, corn and tobacco, they cultivated flax, indigo, hemp, and made large quantities of butter and honey. Agriculture, mining, manufacturing and many of the occupations known to men have been followed here. On many of the old plantations were made most of the things of common use. vSalt, and on rare occasions, a pound of coffee, were bought. Guilford has been a leading section in the South in the culti- vation of fruit. The early settlers brought with them from across the "Big Waters" seeds of the different kinds of fruits. To a Quaker woman is due the honor of bringing the first varieties of NORTH CAROLINA. 57 fruits and garden seeds here. In 1790, says Addison Coffin in the Guilford Collegian (Vol. 3, page 175), Ann Jessop, a minister of Friends, went to England and returned two years later bringing grafts of the standard fruits. Abijah Pinson, an expert in graft- ing, did the work of successfully grafting her seedling trees in the spring of 1793. These varieties of apples were the "Father Abraham,"' "Red Pippin," "June-eating," "Yellow Pippin," "Eng- lish Russett," "Horse Apple," "Pearmain," "Vandever." While enduring hardships, the early settlers of Guilford were working out great problems that would reach far into the next century. There are now about forty nurseries in the state. Four of these are around Greensboro — Pomona Hill, John A. Young, Lego, and Vandalia Nurseries. At the first railroad meeting in Greensboro, July 4, , Mr. Joshua Lindley came up from Chat- ham County bringing a crate of the first ripe peaches. They were considered very early, but at the present his son, Mr. J. Van Lindley, has developed the culture of that fruit so that peaches may be gathered from the trees in Guilford from June to Novem- ber. In the cultivation of fruits the name Lindley has stood for much. Joshua Lindley was the pioneer in the business in Indiana, (His son, J. \'an Lindley, Pomona Hill, N. C.) In 1850 he came to Guilford County. Pomona Hill is a continuation of his "New Garden Nurseries" and the "Mendenhall and Westbrook Nur- series," three miles west of Greensboro. In the last twenty-five years the old-fashioned pears have been replaced by the Oriental varieties, and the quantity greatly increased. Japanese plums have been introduced, which are more delicious and productive than the old. Guilford is the mother of the peach orchards of Georgia. Though the soil of Guilford is well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, the old people say that their fathers and mothers rarely saw wheat bread except on Sunday. This was due largely to the want of a good thresher. The history of how the early Guilford people worked out the problem of threshing wheat is a good index to their power of industrial development. They at first spread the 58 GUILFORD COUNTY, wheat on the barn floor and the horses were driven around to tread it out. Elihu Coffin made an improvement on this method by having his barn loft made with holes all over the floor for the wheat to drop through. So the horses were led upstairs to tread the wheat, the straw being left above, the wheat falling on the floor below. Dr. Swain had a means of threshing by rolling a big log over and over the scattered sheaves. John Ballinger j^un the first thresher. It was called the "chaflP piler." The sheaves were run through it, the straw and wheat coming out together. The next improvement separated them by means of a trough, which carried the straw oflf, this being an invention of Addison Boren. (All these improvements were thought out by Guilford men.) The wheat was harvested with a reap hook until in 1840 cradles were introduced. Matthew H. Osborn, a Guilford man who went to Kansas City, invented the reaper. Madison Osborn invented a thresher in 1842, called the "Osborn Thresher," or the "ground-hog." He lived about six miles west of Greensboro. Before the war of i860, three hundred bushels was an unusually large crop of wheat. In the vicinity of Deep River and James- town a thousand bushels is now raised by many farmers. On Mr. Ragan's farm near High Point, one of the best wheat farms in the state, forty-seven and one-half bushels has been raised to the acre. The farm yields three thousand bushels of wheat annually. the: CRAt^TS. The industrial development of Guilford resembles that of New England. Whittier might have written his "Songs of Labor" for these people as well as for those of Massachusetts. The "Nan- tucketers" brought with them the handicrafts, and the idea of apprenticeship. New England ideas, transplanted from Old Eng- land. (See the Chapter on the Settlement of Guilford County.) Western Guilford is Yankee North Carolina. The old records show (see Chapters V. and VI. above), that the boys, and girls too, were trained in industrial pursuits, i. e., NORTH CAROLINA. ,59 "to learn the art and mystery" of weaver, tanner, hatter, plow or gunmaker. Guilford was the county of gunmakers, plowmakers, hatters, tanners, woodworkmen and other industries. In the section of country between Guilford College and High Point were many gunmakers. Though this was vmder Quaker influence, a people opposed to war, still they seemed to think it the right thing to make guns. Ther-j were the Wrights, the Armfields, the Lambs, the Ledbetters, the Stephens, the Couches, Dixons and Johnsons who made guns for the Regulators and Tories of the adjoining counties. The soldiers of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse used guns of home manufacture. Many rifles were made here. About the first guns with percussion locks were made by these people. "The Guilford Rifle" was known in the other States. The plows of Guilford attracted public attention. The metal, or cast-iron mould-board, succeeding the wooden mould-board, was invented in 1830 in Guilford by Eli Pugh, near Jamestown. The output of plows from his shop was about three dozen per week. The manufacture of plows was a regular business for years ; they were sold directly to farmers, being hauled by agents in wagons for many miles. I have seen an old hatmaker living a few miles from Greens- boro. He said that the making of hats in this county was once a fine business. It was usual to get six, eight or ten dollars in those days for hats. The hatters used the hides of rabbits, squir- rels, opossums, coons, foxes and sheep. The fur was trimmed v/ith a knife made for that purpose. A liquid was used on the fur. That mixture, just as fine as silk, was "bowed out on a big hurl," like a counter. A linen cloth was used to raise it from the hurl. A rough, awkward hajid could not touch it without breaking it all to pieces. With the linen cloth the fur was moulded into the shape of the letter V. It was sized over the fire in a boiling pot. "It would felt up fast, sometimes too fast." In a few moments it was tough as sole leather and could not be torn. These hats held 60 GUILFORD COUNTY, water like a bucket. A ten-dollar hat lasted ten years, a two-dol- lar hat was made to last the purchaser two years. The Mendenhall tanyard, as old as the county, is still doing business. The greatest auger-maker in the State was M. C. Iddings. His augers and gimlets have been in use over seventy-five years. The Swains were chair and bedstead makers. The beds were made with high posts, with curtains around the top, to be grace- fully looped back. The "Valance," or foot-curtains, were strung around the bottom. Westbrook, the tailor, employed several hands in making suits for Guilford and neighboring counties. Spinning wheels were made by Col. James Neeley. His flax wheels sold for four dollars, his cotton wheels for three dollars. Ballard's soap yard and Beard's hat shop were industrial enterprises until the slavery question drove their proprietors west. A notable example of old-time industries carried on by slave labor was at Jamestown. From 1820 to 1845 George C. Menden- hall had a large system of industrial labor on his farm. His slaves were all special workmen. Being taught a trade they worked at it, not running around from one thing to another. He introduced the system that prevailed among the white people. In his store a negro clerk sold and bought goods. His harness shop was kept by a slave, a set of whose harness before the War took first premium at the State Fair. His carpenter helped to build the capitol at Raleigh, N. C. His caterer was sent to wait on President Buchanan when he visited the University of North Carolina. George Mendenhall had a shoe shop ; a work shop in which were made plows, rakes, hoes, etc. ; a large flouring mill, cotton gin, tanyard and farm, all worked by specially skilled negro slaves. MINERALS OF GUILFORD. The mining interests in this county have in the past been worked to some profit. In north Guilford is the iron zone. The MR. J. \'AN I.INlM.l'.Yj I'DMONA, K. C. I NORTH CAROLINA. 61 old iron works existed in the days of Greene and Cornwallis. In south Guilford is the £?old zone. It is said that no gold has been found north of the railroad in Guilford, but south of it gold and copper ore are found. Tradition says that the Indians had some knowledge of gold in this section. The following is a copy of a letter written by Robert W. Hod- son and placed in my hands through the kindness of Mr. Phillip Horney Hodson. Plainfield, Indiana, 5 mo., 24th, 1879. P. H. Hodson, Dear Cousin : Thy letter reached in due time, but from various causes, has not been replied to earlier. I have been from home and otherwise engaged. I have recently returned from Philadelphia, Pa., as well as some shorter visits nearer home. My health is pretty good for a person of my age (in my 83rd year). As to thy inquiries relative to the gold mines in N. C. The mine where I worked was in my brother Jeremiah's land, I was only privileged to work on a certain part of it under a lease to my father, James Kersey, and myself. ] think in the year 1825 my brother Jeremiah and I in prospecting along a branch found some particles of gold by washing the sand in a pan (a little previous I think some particles had been found on John Teague's land near by on another branch, perhaps by a Wm. Jessup, which was afterwards known as the Horney mine). From some knowledge of the Geological stratas of the earth we coursed the vein over the high land to the next branch, thence up the hill some distance, where a ledge of quartz jetted out, not more than a foot thick, leading S. S. W., the gen- eral course of ledges of rock in that section of the country. We found some particles of gold in quartz. After harvest that summer my brother and I commenced sinking a pit on the hill, went perhaps 15 or 18 feet deep, looking for larger pieces of gold than are generally found in the veins, but finding none then gave up the pursuit till next summer. In the meantime I applied my mind closely to gain a knowledge of Geology, Mineralogy, and Metallurgy from the best books, papers and men, &c., in my reach — the manner of gathering and working metals in Peru and elsewhere. Then we commenced work with a little better understanding of the manner of gathering gold in other countries by following the vein of quartz only, gathering the ore, crushing it in mortars, grinding it, &c., and 62 GUILFORD COUNTY, washing with Mercury. We washed the ore first, then crushed and ground the residue. The gold in the ore was pure, but there was sulphates of various metals combined in the ore. When we succeeded in the work it produced a wonderful excitement. Men came from far and near, went to work sinking shafts at random and getting no pay. The Horney mine was soon opened and worked with some success ; and subsequently many other places in Guilford and Randolph Counties were worked for gold, though copper abounded in some of those mines. I think gold was first found in Cabarrus County, in the southwest part of the State, in alluvial beds in larger pieces, some of those pieces very large. We worked more or less of the time about four years in the mine. The value of the ore by the ton varied so much that I can make no satis- factory estimate of it. There were small beds in the veins very rich ; we called them pockets. My brother-in-law and myself worked together, one dug ore, one hauled to the washing place and the other washed. Some days not make more than $i.oo to the hand, other days much more. The largest day's work we ever done, was to dig out the ore, haul it to the washing place and wash out a little over $90.00, or $30.00 to the hand. We only went a little over fifty feet deep while I worked the vein. The vein thickened from near a foot on the surface to near five feet in the bottom. We sold out, I think, in the spring of 1831 to Andrew Lindsay, James Robbins and Jesse Shelly. Perhaps I need not say more at present. If we were together, we might speak of many things transpiring betwen '25 and '31 when I left Carolina for Indiana. I am so nervous it is difficult to write. In love, thy cousin, Robert W. Hodson. Among the older mines of Guilford County lying from six to twelve miles sotith and southwest from Greensboro, that were, previous to the Civil War or at one time, sticcessfully operated for gold and copper, are "The North Carolina or Fentress Mine," "The Hodgin Hill," "The Fisher and Millis Hill Mine," "The Gardner Hill Mine," "The McCulloch or North State Mine," "The Lindsay Mine," "The Deep River Mine," "The Guilford Mine," "The Twin Mine," and some twelve to twenty miles north and east, "The Melvin Mine" and "The Gibson Hill Mine." These mines were worked to depths varying from fifty to three hundred NORTH CAROLINA. 63 and fiftv feet, the quartz veins varying in width from one foot to twelve feet or more. They produced free milHng gold ores run- ning from $2 to $ioo per ton or more, and even a better average grade of iron pyrites gold ores from which they were unable to extract the gold with the methods then known and used. HISTORY OF COTTON MANUFACTURING. North Carolina is the pioneer of the Southern States in the manufacturing of cotton. Feeble beginnings were made in Lin- coln and Edgecombe Counties, but these were unsuccessful. By these failures the cause was hindered rather than established. Henry Humphreys, a citizen of Greensboro, was the first to demonstrate that cotton manufacturing might be carried on profit- ably in the South. He built and completed the Mount Hecla Steam Cotton Mill, in 1832. To build a cotton factory then was a great undertaking. The machinery had to be hauled in wagons either from Petersburg, \'irgi;iia, or from Wilmington, North Carolina. Postage on letters was twenty-five cents. Mr. James Dan forth came down from Paterson, New Jersey, to set up the machinery, and spent a year or so teaching the people how to run it. The hands were white people from the neighborhood. A bill of lading for Mr. Humphreys' machinery says that "seventeen boxes had been shipped on the Schooner Planet whereof Capt. I. Cole is master for this present voyage now lying in the port of New York harbor and bound for Petersburg, Va. Goods to be delivered in good order and well conditioned at the port of Petersburg, Va. (the danger of the seas only is excepted). Freight for said machinery is eight cents per cubic foot. These goods were insured, marine insurance, policy costing $1.25." Another letter bears date of August 5, 1835, Paterson, N. J. : To 'Sir. Henry Humphreys : Wages with mechanics have advanced in a much greater ratio and there is a scarcity of workmen. Besides the Trades Unions have created throughout all the whole Northern and Eastern section of the country much insubordination. Workmen have struck in many places for a reduc- tion of the hours of labor. The cotton mill hands have been standing out for eleven hours per day for more than four weeks. •64 GUILFORD COUNTY, We trust the reasons stated are sufficient to justify the increased price of the 120 spindle frames. Rogers, Ketchen & Grownor. The mill was built of brick and contained four stories, with a basement. It was one hundred and fifty feet long by fifty feet broad. Twenty-five hundred spindles and seventy-five looms were run. Sheeting, shirting and osnaburgs were woven, and also cot- ton yarn, which was put up in five-pound packages and sold throughout the country roijnd to be woven on old-fashioned looms. When the mill was first established the yarns were so popular that people from the country camped all around the fac- tory, waiting for the yarns to come off the machinery. Other products of the factory were hauled in large wagons to Virginia, Tennesseee, Kentucky and vv^estern North Carolina. This, the first cotton mill in this State, stood on the corner of Bell Meade and Green Streets, in Greensboro, N. C. Edwin M. Holt, who became the leading cotton mill owner in the State and in the South, learned the cotton manufacturing business from Henry Humphreys. (See a letter of Governor Thos. M. Holt's in the "History of Alamance.") Currency was issued by Mr. Humphreys. This bore a picture of Mount Hecla Steam Cotton Mills. Fifty-cent bills, dollar bills and three-dollar bills were issued in 1837. Many of these were made payable to Thomas R, Tate, his son-in-law. At present Gi eensboro is the home of one of the great cotton manufacturing plants in the State. Western Greensboro is a manufacturing city in itself. The Proximity Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of colored cotton goods, was organized in 1895. Its officers are: C.\ESAR Conk, President. P). N. Duke, Vice-President. J. W. Cone, Secretary and Treasurer. R. G. Campbeij,, Superintendent. This mill began operations in the latter part of 1896, with about 240 looms, and now has 985 looms. The company employs NORTH CAROLINA. 65 about iioo people. The village immediately surrounding the mill contains about 300 residences and a population of about 2,500. In the village there are three churches of various denominations, and also a public graded school. Hucomuga Mills, manufacturers of colored cotton goods, was organized in 1895 and began operations the same year. Its of- ficers are : J. W. Cone, President, t G. O. Coble, Vice-President. Clarence N. Cone, Secretary and Treasurer. J. H. Denny.. Superintendent. This mill contains 144 looms. The Revolution Cotton Mills, manufacturers of cotton flan- nels, organized in 1899, began operations in 1900. The officers are: E. Sternberger, President. S. Frank, Vice-President. H. Sternberger, Secretary and Treasurer. J. W. Holt, Superintendent. This mill contains 374 looms. The Coulter & Lowry Co. Finishing Works are also situated at Greensboro. The Van De\ enter Carpet Co. operates the only carpet fac- tory in the State. The Minneola Manufacturing Company, of Gibsonville, began business in 1886 as a private company, of which B. and J. A. Davidson were the proprietors. In 1888 the company was incor- porated, with Mr. B. Davidson as president and J. A. Davidson as secretary and treasurer. In 1862 Oakdale Cotton Mills were moved from Petersburg, Va., to Jamestown, in Guilford County, where they occupy the site of the old gun shops. In 1892 the original stockholders, ex- cept Mr. J. A. Davidson, retired, and Lawrence Holt became the president. Mr. Plolt was succeeded in 1894 by Csesar Cone, and 66 GUILFORD COUNTY, he in 1896 by B. Frank Mebane, of New York. The mill is equipped with a 200-horse power Corliss engine, 181 looms, 2,000 ipindles, and employs 150 hands. THE CIVIL WAR. "After the War," men said, "fashions came and destroyed our peace." B'actoi y-made cloth and calico put an end to home- spun dresses. After the war cotton was per pound sixty cents in gold. A suit of clothes was worth a thousand dollars in Confed- erate money. Th^ soldiers turned farmers and wore out their army clothing in the cornfield. Men wore homespun hats and shoes with wooden soles. People practiced all sorts of economy. The wom.en of North Carolina, God's women, thought, planned and worked, during the War and while its darkest clouds were pass- ing over, they held the country together. During the Civil War Guilford County was continually ilooded with soldiers. Wheeler's Cavalry, Johnson's Army, Sher- man's, marched thiough. In 1865 the commissary stores at Mc- Leansville were destroyed for fear the Yankees would appropriate these supplies. A carload of shells was exploded, barrels and barrels of molasses and of whiskey were burst open. Hungry women dipped up molasses from the gutters in buckets. Hopeless men lapped up the liquor like dogs. Though Guilford's life-blood was freely given to feed the awful fury of war, still her industrial life was not choked alto- gether. Her people did not have the greater portion of their wealth invested in slaves. Of course there were some large slave- holders here ; many were content with a dozen or so. One-third of the population was non-slaveholding, the western half of Guil- ford being largely Quaker. In Warren, Halifax and other eastern counties, many slaveholders owned one or two hundred slaves. When the crash came they suffered most. The remarkable occurrences of nature affect industrial life. On the night of the thirtenth of September, 1833, "the stars fell." NORTH CAROLINA. 67 The shower of meteors beg-an about three o'clock in the morning and lasted until day. Thousands of shooting lights fell to the earth, "just like the snow" coming softly down. The "big snows" came in 1854 and 1857. Ten-rail fences were covered out of sight. The snow in the roads reached the side of a horse. In 1857 it began snov/ing before Christmas, on Saturday, and for five Saturdays it snowed. August 7, 1869, there was a total eclipse of the sun. WOOD WORKMANSHIP. In 1867 a barrel of shuttle-blocks made of persimmon wood, as an experiment, was shipped from Greensboro to Lowell, Massa- chusetts. Prior to this all shuttle-blocks had been made of apple trees, very costly since apple trees must be planted and allowed to grow. To Captain W. H. Snow belongs the honor of the dis- covery that persimmon and dogwood and some other North Caro- lina timber might be used for the manufacture of shuttle-blocks. The discovery meant thousands of dollars to the State as well as to this County, great industrial activity and enterprise and more wholesome living. Captain Snow demonstrated to Guilford people the way to utilize the unbounded but hitherto untouched resources of their forests. In 1872 he went to High Point and touched the corpse of industry and it sprang into life. (See Chapter XII. on the Towns of Gudford.) NEWSPAPERS. The newspaper, as invented in London by the scholarly Addi- son, was a factor in literature in which the drama, the theatre and society figured largely. But, according to American sentiment, the new-spaper belongs to industrial development. The Greensboro Patriot through fourscore years has been a factor in the life of Guilford County. 1821 was its birthyear and it has since been continuously published. Its circulation is large ; many homes in Piedmont Carolina would feel lost without its weekly visits. The Greensboro Patriot may be found in almost 68 GUILFCRD COUNTY, complete file in the library of the Greensboro Female College^ This paper was originated by C. N. V. Evans and Clancey, who were succeeded by William Swaim, whose successors were Lyndon Swaim and M. S. Sherwood. Col. James A. Long, of Randolph, was at one time connected with it ; also Hon. D. F. Caldwell and A. W. Ingold. About 1867 James W. and Robert H. Albright, who had been publishing the Times on West Market Street, secured control of the Patriot and consolidated the two publications under the name of the Patriot and Times. One year later R. H. Albright sold his interest to J. W. Albright, who took Major P. F. Duffy, now political editor of the Wilmington Star, as an associate. The latter became sole proprietor about 1876 and remained so until 1880, when he was succeeded by R. G. Fulghum, who began a daily in connection with the weekly. The former lasted but six months. Mr. Fulghum died in 1885, but had been succeeded in 1882 by John B. Hussey, then librarian of Congress. In 1890 the paper became the property of Messrs. Bethel, Scales and Cobb. A daily edition was issued from May to November, 1890. Wallace N. Scales, who was one of the publishers, moved to Idaho and became county judge in that State. Mr. Bethel retired from the firm in March, 1890. and the remaining members continued to conduct the publication until 1891, when J. R. Wharton succeeded them. Among others who at some time were connected with the Patriot were Whitehead & Hemby. In 1893 the present owners, W. M. Barber & Co., became proprietors, and under their man- agement the Patriot has fully maintained its honorable record of the past and broadened its field of usefulness. It is a paper of the people, which is read at the hearthstones of Guilford County and goes to other counties and states to tell those who are bound by ties of consanguinuity and social or business connections of the weekly happenings in the County of Guilford. The stafif is: W. M. Barber, editor; Wm. I. Underwood, local editor; and Wil- liam P. Turner, foreman. The Daily Record was launched on the journalistic sea CAl'T. V;. II. SNOW, HIGH POINT, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 69 November 17, 1890, with Messrs. H. J. Elam and J. M. Reece as editors. It is a popular paper, originally five columns, but its size has been increased at various times. At present it is an eight- page, six-column evening daily. The Evening Telegram was established in July, 1897, by the Telegram Publishing Company, with Mr. C. G. Wright, president. It was a six-column folio at first, but was enlarged in 1898 to a seven-column folio. It is a lively, up-to-date publication, gener- ously supported. INTERNxA.!. IMPROVEMENTvS IN THE STATE INAUGURATED BY GUIEFORD MEN. "Even as late as 1833, a committee of an internal improve- ment convention, in their address, say, 'We have nothing that de- serves the name of maufactures. No process for changing the values of the raw materials are in use among us, except those eft'ected by manual labor, or by machinery of the very simplest and commonest construction.' " — Dr. Wiley's North Carolina Reader, page 341. About this time internal improvements was the line of cleav- age in politics ; the Whigs represented the progressive policy, the Democrats were conservative. Among the names connected with this era in the industrial history of the State that deserve to be remembered are John M. Morehead, John A. Gilmer — both father and son — Calvin Hender- son Wiley and Nereus Mendenhall, all of them sons of Guilford. That period from 1830 to 1840 was like a great storage bat- tery in the history of Guilford County and North Carolina, not only, but of the world as well. In 1833 slavery in all the English Colonies was abolished. In 1830 the first railroad was run. It went from Liverpool to Manchester. In this decade (telegraph <^ lines were first stretchedjand the first steamship crossed the Atlan- tic. In this decade Tennyson, the Brownings, Thackeray, Dickens and Ruskin became famous. They were unknown before. Ameri- 70 GUILFORD COUNTY, can literature was born in this period. Before it, Washington Trying had been the only one supreme writer in this country. But in this ten years Bryant, Holmes, Whittier, Longfellow and Lowell came into prominence. It was in this decade that the "Internal Improyement" and "General Education" policies thrilled the souls of people in North Carolina. Goyernor Morehead kept in close touch with the indus- trial deyelopment and studied English newspapers and English im- proyement. About this time there first began to be in North Caro- lina, railroads, the public school system, colleges, asylums for the insane, the deaf and dumb and the blind, the penitentiary, cotton factories, banks, good roads and generosity. The Legislatures of 1840 and 1848 deserye also to be com- memorated — the first for an act to establish common schools, always indicatiye of industrial and healthful feeling; and the other for an act for the charters of the North Carolina Railroad, the Fayetteyille and Western Plankroad, "The Slack water Nayi- gation of the Cape Fear and Deep Riyers, and prospectiyely of the Yadkin, with a portage railroad connection with Deep Riyer." In those days the impulse for more efifectiye transportation was so great that the project for making the riyers nayigable was entered upon with enthusiasm. The Dan Riyer eyen was one on which was expended much means and labor without any adequate returns. Goyernor John M. Morehead, in his last message to the Legis- lature of North Carolina, urged upon that body the demands of philanthropy and statesmanship for the establishment of a state asylum for the insane, which had before been housed in jails. John A. Gilmer's speech in the Senate of North Carolina was a most earnest appeal in behalf of these unfortunates. That noble and praiseworthy woman, jMiss Dorothea L. Dix, of New York, had by her personal appeals succeeded in inducing the Legislatures of many states to make proyision for the insane. It was through her efforts also that the asylums were built. The Home for the Aged NORTH CAROLINA. 71 and Infirm of Guilford County was planned by no others than Dorothea Dix and Governor Morehead. Dr. Nereus Mendenhall helped in a great measure toward the founding and erection of the Insane Asylum at Morganton, probably the best institution of the kind in the South. JOHN M. MOREHEAD. Governor John IMotley I\Iorehead was a man of action and of great afifairs. State institutions, railroads and factories were intro- duced into North Carolina by his creative hand. Our educational and industrial life received an im.pulse from this man that can never be lost. John M. Morehead was born the fourth of July, 1796, the birthyear of the University of North Carolina, from which, in 1817, he was graduated, with John Y. Mason and James K. Polk. For one year he was tutor and later a trustee of his Alma Mater. Far more than is usual in this State, he was familiar with belle lettres, history, arts and science. In practical surveying he was an expert. On mechanics and architecture he was well informed. With Archibald D. Murphy he studied law and in 1819 he was licensed to practice. His contemporaries were Murphy, Ruffin, Settle and Yancey, an array of intellect sure to bring out the best in man, and soon, in the face of competition, he had built up a fine practice, with his brother, the Honorable James T. Morehead. In 1821, John M. Morehead was elected to the House of Commons from Rockingham County. In 1827 he represented Guilford in the Legislature. In 1840 he was the Whig candidate for governor of North Carolina, in competition with General R. M. Saunders, Democrat. They made the first canvass of the State for that office. In 1842 Governor Morehead was elected to a second term of office as Governor of North Carolina, this time in opposition to Hon. L. D. Henry. In 1848 John M. Morehead was president of the convention which nominated General Taylor for President of the United 72 GUILFORD COUNTY, States. In those days the South had great men in the public Hfe of the nation. Henry Clay was a personal friend of Governor Morehead. In the General Assembly of North Carolina of 1858- 59, Governor Morehead fought the fight for the railroad system of this State, a fight of giants about a real subject. In the Peace Congress which met in Washington City in February, 1861, Gov- ernor Morehead, together with Judge Ruffin, Governor Reid, George Davis and Daniel M. Barringer, represented North Caro- lina. Governor Morehead went opposed to separation of the States, but he returned in favor of it, taking the cause of his native land. At a meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Rail- road, held in 1855, in Greensboro, Governor Morehead said, in his farewell address as president of the company : "Living, I have ?pent five years of the best portion of my life in the service of the North Carolina Railroad ; dying, my sincerest prayers will be offered up for its prosperit}^ and its success ; dead, I wish to be buried alongside of it in the bosom of my own beloved Carolina." After the War, broken in spirits and with fortune impaired, Governor Morehead died, twenty-seventh of August, 1866, a man who had lived a hundred years ahead of his time. He was buried in Greensboro, where a beautiful monument should be erected to his memory. "When Spring with icy fingers cold Returns to deck her hallowed mould, She there shall press a sweeter sod Than Fancy's feet have ever trod." The Piedmont Railroad Company, at a meeting of its Board of Directors held in 1866 in Richmond, Virginia, adopted the following resolutions : "Resolved, That as a testimonial of our appreciation of the exalted talents and eminent services of the Honorable John M. Morehead, of North Carolina, in the con- struction of many of the most important railroads in his own state, but specially for the liberal views and unceasing efforts for the NORTH CAROLINA. 73 past fifteen years to obtain the charter from the Legislature of his native state for the construction of this Road, the depot nearest Greensboro, North Carohna, and known as Sepinan, shall here- after be known and designated by the Company as 'Morehead Depot.' " Governor Morehead was the friend of education. His earnest support was given to the efforts made for the public school sys- tem. Out of his own means he built Edgeworth Seminary for voung ladies and gave it his personal attention. This was a school much in advance of the time in scholarship. In his young man- hood he, with his brother, James T. Morehead, gave to his father- less brothers and sisters a liberal education. With John M. Morehead's advent into the gubernatorial chair, the idea of internal improvements reached its high-water mark in North Carolina. The public school system was set upon its feet through the personal efforts of Dr. C. H. Wiley. Asylums were built for the insane and for the deaf and bumb and blind. Governor Morehead, John A. Gilmer, Miss Dorothea Dix and others combined their zeal for a Hospital for the Insane of the state, who had up to this time lain in jails without medical atten- tion, without care. The speeches of Governor Morehead and John A. Gilmer, two sons of Guilford, before the Legislature, are classic, equal to Cicero. Governor Morehead was a man of action and business capacity. "The City of Jackson," in Rockingham County, showed liis eft'orts at city-building. This would have been a great success had nature, too, done her part. In 1842 people were discussing whether or not North Caro- lina should a penitentiary. In his message Governor More- head directed the attention of the General Assembly to this sub- ject. John M. Morehead was the great industrial magnet of the state. Ah ! this man was a man with a head, heart, hand- One of the simple, great ones gone Forever and ever by. 74 GUILFORD COUNTY, He owned cotton mills, had many slaves, which was a payings business ; was a large farmer, great lawyer ; but his great work for the state was better transportation, good roads, railroads. The work of building the railroad, beginning at Raleigh and Charlotte and working toward a common centre, met in January, 1856, near Greensboro. It was a gala day in the little city when the first train came in. The young ladies from Edgeworth Seminary had special privileges to go down and ride in on the first train. The people came from far and near to see carriages without horses. Prior to this the mail arrangements were as follows : Eastern, daily; southwestern, daily; western, three times a week; Danville mail, three times a week. When the railroad was completed to Raleigh in 1840, the news was brought to Greensboro by a stage- coach driver. Fifty years ago it was thought dangerous to ride faster than ten miles an hour. Today Greensboro is probably the most accessible city of the state. The North Carolina Railroad, the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad, the main line of the Southern Railway, and the Atlantic and Yadkin Valley Railway meet at Greensboro. Forty or more trains come daily. CORPORATIONS IN GUILFORD COUNTY. Capital Stock. American Lumber Co $ 20,000- Brooks Manufacturing Co 5,ooo Central Carolina Fair Association 3. 500 Cape Fear Manufacturing Co 10,700 Chisholm, Stroud, Crawford, Rees 15,000 Carolina Mfg Co 6,000 Cone Export and Commission Co tax 400 Eagle Furniture Co 35,000 Greensboro Lumber Co 15.000 Gate City Furniture Co 6,850 Greensboro 1 ce and Coal Co 10,000 Greensboro Furniture Mlg. Co 20,000 Gibsonville Store Co 3,500 Globe Furniture Co 40,000 Goose Grease Liniment Co la NORTH CAROLINA. 76 Guilford Lumber ]Mfg. Co 27,400 Hucomuga Mills 7.500 Hunter Mfg. Co 50,000 Harry-Belk Brothers 10,000 Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Co 20,000 High Point Milling Co 2,000 High Point Hardware Co 6,000 High Point Coffin and Casket Co 16,000 High Point Mantel and Table Co 15.000 High Point Clothing Co 7.500 High Point Trunk and Excelsior Mfg. Co 4,100 High Point Metallic Bed Co 10,000 High Point Shirt Mfg. Co 10,000 Home Furniture Co 45,ooo High Point Chair Co 10,000 Johnson Bros. & Co 4,000 Julian Milling Co 5,300 Lindsay Chair Co 24,000 Van Lindley Nursery Co 40,000 Merchants' Grocery Co 18,000 Mount Pleasant Mfg. Co 37.200 Mineola Mfg Co 40,000 North State Bobbin Co 3.050 Odell Hardware Co 49,500 Oakdale Cotton Mills 50,000 Piedmont Cotton Co 5,000 Pomona Terra Cotta Co 25,000 Proximity Mfg. Co 150,000 Piedmont Shuttle Works 5,000 Piedmont Table Co 12,400 Revolution Cotton Mills 300,000 L. Richardson Drug Co 22,000 Summerfield Gun Club 300 J. W. Scott Co 30,000 Sherwood Bobbin Mfg. Co 6,000 Simpson-Shields Shoe Co 18,000 Snow Lumber Co 75,ooo Snow Basket Co 3.500 Southern Chair Co 20,000 Tucker & Irwin 2 000 Tate Furniture Co 48,000 76 GUILFORD COUNTY, Tomlinson Chair Co 9,000 Vanstory Clothing Co 18,000 Victor Chair Co 1,250 West End Land Co 2,400 Ward Shoe Co 3,000 Wakefield Hardware Co 12,100 Welch Furniture Co 15,000 NORTH CAROLINA. 11 CHAPTER X. HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN GUILFORD COUNTY. Prior to the Revolutionary War the classical school of Dr. David Caldwell was the centre of educational work in the state and in the south. The early settlers brought with them love of culture. The education of the orphan children was cared for by law and manual training given them. The old Minute Books of Pleas and Quarter Sessions have many in- stances of children being bound out to a master, who would give thenii a certain number of months at school and "to learn them the art and mystery of weaving,'' or farming, or coopering, etc., and give them freedom dues, a set of tools and a suit of clothes. The masters agreed "to find them suf- ficient dyet and lodging and give them learning as the law directs." One record shows the boy should get "one suit on and off when free" and "learn the art and mystery of a tanner." In the Minute Book of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of 1784, page 82, in the office of the clerk at Greensboro, N. C, is shown that Mary Carnaham, aged ten years, was bound to Andrew Carnaham until she arrive at the age of eighteen years. Pier guardian promised then to give her a cow and calf and spinning wheel, also he promised to give her a year's schooling as soon as possible. In November, 1784, it is ordered that William Millon, orphan, aged thirteen years the fifteenth of February next, be bound to John McBride until he arrive at the age of twenty-one years, to learn the art of a cooper, and the said John McBride doth here agree to learn or caused to be learned the said apprentice, Wm. Millon, to read, write and cipher as far as the rule of three, before he is free, and at the time of his freedom to give him one good suit of clothes and a set of tools." Minute book of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May, 1799: "Ordered that Abigal Perry, aged eight years, an orphan, be bound to Capt. Patrick Shaw until she arrive at the age of maturity agreeable to law, at and before which time he is to learn her to read the Bible and also the different arts of a spinster and to give her a full suit of clothes, when free, exclusive of her common apparel and also a new flax wheel." 78 GUILFORD COUNTY, Minute Book, August, 1804, page 300 : "Ordered that a child of color, aged six years, named Hannah, free born, be bound to James Dicks until she arrives at the full age of eighteen years. He is to teach her to read and to give her freedom dues." From Colonial days Guilford County has been foremost in educational work in North Carolina. Presbyterian and Quaker have been alike zealous in the cause. Soon after building homes in the pioneer country, churches and schools were erected. As in the Old Country, Church and State had been united, so in this New Country Religion and Education were at first closely allied. The preacher was most often teacher as well. In 1766 or '67 Dr. David Caldwell established his classical school in Guilford County, at that time the northeastern part of Rowan County, about three miles from the present site of Greensboro. This became the most noted school of the South. For m.any years "his log cabin college served for North Carolina as an academy, a college, and a theological seminary." An able Presbyterian divine, the Rev. E. B. Currie, says that "Dr. Caldwell, as a teacher, was probably more useful to the church than any one man in the United States."* "Five of his scholars became governors of different states; many more became members of Congress ; and a much greater number became lawyers, judges, physicians and ministers of the gospel. It would have been a credit to any man to have been the instructor of such men as Judge Murphy, Judge McCoy, John M. Morehead and others." The most illustrious names in the educational history of North Carolina are the names of David Caldwell, from 1766 to 1824; Dr. Calvin Henderson Wiley, from 1840; and Dr. Charles D. Mclver in later years, upon whom the sacred mantle has descended. DR. DAVID CALDWELL. David Caldwell, the son of a Scotch-Irish farmer, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, March the twenty-second, * See the Hist of Education in N. C, by Charles Lee Smith, page 2". NORTH CAROLINA. T9 1725. After receiving the rudiments of an education, he began hfe as a carpenter, working at this trade until his twenty-sixth vear. Deciding to become a minister, his first steps were to obtain a classical education. For some time he studied in eastern Penn- sylvania at the school of Rev. Robert Smith, the father of John B. Smith, president of Hampden-Sydney College, and of Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D. D., at one time president of Princeton College. Before entering college David Caldwell taught school one or more years. At the time he entered Princeton, "candidates for admission into the lowest class must be capable of composing grammatical Latin, translating Virgil, Cicero's Orations, and the four Evan- gelists in Greek." His biographer. Dr. Caruthers, relates that: "An elderly gentleman of good standing in one of Dr. Caldwell's congregations stated to me * * * that when a young man Dr. Caldwell was spending a night at his father's one summer about harvest, and while they were all sitting out in the open air after supper * * * Dr. Caldwell observed that, so far as his own experience had gone, there was nothing unwholesome in the night air; for while he was in college, he usually studied in it and slept in it, during the warm weather, as it was his practice to study at a table by the window, with the sash raised, until a late hour, then cross his arms on the table, lay his head down and sleep there until morning. This was not very far behind the most inveterate students of the seventeenth century, * * * and a man who had strength of constitution to pursue such a course of application, though of moderate abilities, could hardly fail to become a scholar." See Caruther's Caldwell, page 20. In 1761 he graduated at Princeton. For a year he taught at Cape May, then took a graduate course and acted as tutor in languages as well at Princeton. At a meeting of the Presbytery held at Princeton, 1762, David Cald- well was received as a candidate for the ministry. In 1763 he was licensed to preach; in 1764 he labored as a missionary in North Carolina, returning to New Jersey in 1765, being ordained to the full work of the ministry, he immediately returned to North Carolina, where he labored as missionary, until March 3, 1768, he was installed as pastor of the Buffalo and Alamance congregations, of Guilford County. Dr. Caldwell was one of the first Presbyterian ministers to 80 GUILFORD COUNTY, make the state his permanent home. His history is identified with the rehg-ious and educational history of the state more than is that of any other one man of the eighteenth century. Dr. Caldwell was one of the first Presbyterian ministers to make the State his permanent home. His history is identified with the religious and educational history of the State more than is that of any other one man of the eighteenth century. In 1766 he married the daughter of the Rev. Alexander Craighead, and as the salary from his churches was not sufficient for the support of a family, it became necessary for him to increase his fortune. He established the first institution for the higher education that achieved more than local fame. The average attendance of students was from fifty to sixty, a large number for the time and the country. The school was not interrupted by the war until 1781, the students being in the American army. The number was small until peace. Judge Archibald D. IMurphy, in an address before the literary societies of the University of North Carolina in 1827, referring to the facilities for higher education before the opening of the University in 1795, said : "That the most prominent and useful of these schools was that of Dr. David Cald- well, of Guilford County. The usefulness of Dr. Caldwell to North Caro- lina will never be sufficiently appreciated. The facilities of the school were limited. His students were supplied with a few Greek and Latin classics. The students had no books on history or miscellaneous literature. There were indeed very few books in the State, except in the libraries of lawyers who lived in the commercial towns." "I well remember that after completing my course of studies under Dr. Caldwell I spent nearly two years without finding any books to read, except on theological subjects. * * * Few of Dr. Caldwell's students had better opportunities of get- ting books than myself. At this day, 1827, when libraries are established in all our towns, when every man has a collection of books, it is difficult to conceive the inconveniences under which young men labored thirty or forty years ago." During the Revolution, Dr. Caldwell was in the prime of manhood and his service to the state was of great value. Hated alike by Tories and British, he was driven from home and to escape his enemies was forced to spend many nights in the forest. His library and many valuable papers which he had prepared were destroyed. They tried to seduce him with British gold, but NORTH CAROLINA. 81 neither persecution nor money could shake his loyalty to the cause of America. "Dr. Caldwell was a member of the State Convention of 1776, which drew up the 'Bill of Rights' and framed the Con- stitution. He was a member of the convention to consider the Constitution of the United States, in 1778, where he took a decided stand as an advocate of states' rights." When the University of North Carolina was erected he was urged to accept the presidency. In 1 810 the institution conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Dr. Caldv/ell died the twenty-fifth of August, 1824. It is said that "time-worn veterans in the service of their country, men who have stood firm against the intrigues of ambition, who have fought the battles of freedom and maintained the rights of the people in the halls of our National Legislature, year after year, until they had grown gray in the service, have been known to shed tears at the mention of his name, when passing in public convey- ance by the place where his remains lie buried, and by the church" in which they had heard him preach. (Caruthers' Caldwell, p. 36.) The work of Dr. Caldwell had carried the educational devel- opment near the beginning of Dr. C. H. Wiley's work for the state. Now let us go back to bring forward another thread in the educational growth in this County. During the last decades of the eighteenth century Richard Mendenhall was demonstrating Quaker patriotism by teaching at night for sixteen years in his store at Jamestown, furnishing books and tuition free of charge. Young men, old men and boys, busy struggling with the problem of existence, were taught the rudiments of education. Richard Mendenhall, himself a classical and mathematical scholar of ability, inspired a love of culture. A monthly paper. The Public School Journal, published by him, was probably the first paper in the South in the interest of education. From 1820 to 1830 George C. Mendenhall was the most prominent man in this section of the state — lawyer, farmer, wealthy slave-owner and teacher. On his farm the negroes were 82 GUILFORD COUNTY, trained as special workmen ; carpentry, harnessmaking, shoemak- ing, tailoring, cooking, agriculture, reached a high state of per- fection. The problem of the education of the negro was solved. "Tellmont," the law school of George C. Mendenhall (for white students), was situated on a beautiful knoll on his farm at Jamestown. Long cedar avenues leading up to it were terraced and the grounds rendered otherwise attractive. Some of the State's eminent lawyers here received instruction for their life- work, Judge Dick, Judge Armfield, Mr. Simmons of Montgomery County, and others. About 1830 Horace Cannon taught in "the little brick school house" at New Garden. His school w^as largely attended. He ^ave instruction in philosophy and Brown's English Grammar. (His son, Joseph G. Cannon, is a leading Republican in Congress from Illinois.) In 1833 a classical school for males was founded as Greens- boro by the Orange Presbytery, called Caldwell Institute. Rev. Dr. Alexander Wilson, a man of high scholarship from Ireland, became principal, with Rev. Silas C. Lindsay as assistant. After two years Rev. John A. Gretter was added to the faculty. In 1844 Prof. Ralph H. Graves succeeded him. About this time the school was moved from Greensboro to Hillsboro, N. C. The Greensboro High School was chartered to take its place, with John M. Morehead, John M. Dick, John A. Gilmer and others as trustees. Its principal, Rev. Dr. Eli W. Caruthers, was, like Dr. David Caldwell, a graduate of Princeton, and the pastor of Buffalo and Alamance churches. He wrote a life of Dr. Caldwell and history of the "Old North State," valuable contributions to the North Carolina literature. In no small way did he serve the people of the state. A classical school at Old Ala- mance church was taught by him. The decade from 1830 to 1840 in North Carolina was full of effort and enthusiasm for education. In this period Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and Friends each resolved that educa- NORTH CAROLINA. 83 tion was the question of paramount importance, and the demoni- national colleges of the State were founded ; Wake Forest, in 1832 ; Trinitv College, in 1838; Davidson College, in 1836; New Garden Boarding School, in 1837; Greensboro Female College, in 1837. Of these five denominational colleges in the state, two were in Guilford County — New Garden Boarding School and Greensboro Female College. New Garden Boarding School became, in 1888, GUILFORD COLLEGE. Six miles west of Greensboro, on a beautiful, undulating plateau, is located Guilford College, or New Garden Boarding School of Friends. For a hundred years the Yearly Meeting, the highest authority of the Society of Friends in the State, was held here. (Since 1881, High Point has been the seat of that assembly.) Guilford College had its origin in a deep religious concern for the education of the members of the North Carolina Yearly Meet- ing and for the promotion of the Society of Friends. Nothing less powerful than religion could have sustained the worthy men and women in their struggle against poverty and indifference for the establishment and maintenance of this school for their own children and for future generations. Steps prelimmary to its erection were taken at the Yearly Meeting of 1830. Subordinate meetings were asked to report the following year upon the charac- ter of the schools attended by the children of Friends, of Friends', children of school age, and the number of these not in school. The subordinate meetings reported that : "There is not a school in the limits of the Yearly Meeting under the care of a committee either of monthly or preparative meetings. The teachers of Friends' children are mostly not members of the Society and the schools are in a mixed state ; which brought the Meeting under exercise for a better plan of education, and Dougan Clark, Jeremiah Hub- bard, Nathan Mendenhall, Joshua Stanley and David White were appointed to prepare an address to the subordinate meetings on the subject of schools." 84 GUILFORD COUNTY, That address contained the following high estimate which Friends have in regard to education : "We believe that the Chris- tian and literary education of our children, consistent with the simplicity of our profession, is a subject of very deep interest, if not of paramount importance, in supporting the various testi- monies that we profess to bear to the world, and even the very existence and continuance of the Society." A committee was appointed to receive subscriptions for the establishment of a boarding school, and $370.55 was received that year. Another committee was appointed later to digest a plan relative to buying a farm on which to locate the school. In 1832 Si 200 was subscribed, and a plan of operation was proposed. This plan was that a small farm be bought, buildings erected for the accommodation of fifty boarding pupils. The institution should be near a meeting house, "somewhere within the limits of New Garden, Deep River, Western, or Southern Quarterly Meetings." The farm was not to be located on a public road, it was to be provided with an orchard to furnish fruit for the students, and a pasture for cattle for the convenience of the institution ; the farm was to be in a healthful neighborhood and watered by a con- stantly running stream. The farm, the orchard, the dairy, the running brooks and the healthful environment have always been marked features of this school. A committee, appointed by the Yearly Meeting, consisting of two men and two women from each of the Quarterly Meetings, decided upon the location, appointed the superintendent and teachers. This was probably the first time it was ever seriously proposed to appoint women for such duties in North Carolina. Each monthly meeting within the limits of the Yearly Meet- ing was to select one man or woman who would be willing, when sufficiently educated, to teach in the primary or monthly meeting schools. These were to be educated at the expense of the monthly meeting, or from the general fund of the Yearly Meeting, if the parent or gviardian were unable to pay. NORTH CAROLINA. 86 In 1833 the school was located at New Garden. A charter from the General Assembly was obtained through George C. Men- denhall, that year a member of the Senate of North Carolina. In 1834 Elihu Coflin donated a tract of seventy acres of land, adja- cent to that first bought. Interest in the school was not confined to the North Carolina Yearly Meeting. Interest in education was the chord of vibration between North Carolina Friends and those of England, Philadelphia and elsewhere. In 1834 English Friends had given $2000 for buildings; in 1837 Joseph John Gurney, of England, gave $500, one-half of which was to be used as the trustees saw fit, the other half in aiding the children of Friends unable to meet the expenses of their education. Through the gifts of English Friends "early provision was made to defray the expenses, wholly or in part, of ten children at the school. This assistance was given for several years at a period in the history of the school when, but for this aid, "the attendance would have been discouragingly small.'' George Rowland, of New England Yearly Meeting; Roland Green, of Rhode Island; Francis T. King, a noble philanthropist of Baltimore; New York Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia Friends and others have given large contributions. At present the school is well endowed. "Of the members of North Carolina Yearly Meeting," said President Plobbs in his address on August 23, 1883, before a students' reunion, "no one. perhaps, exerted a greater influence for the school at hom.e and abroad than Nathan Hunt. An emi- nent minister of the gospel, he used his extraordinary eloquence to aid the effort which was being made for the establishment of a higher institution of learning." Destined not to close its doors though Civil War raged wild, and the slavery question drove m.any from this high and quiet place, though Poverty howled about it like a hungry wolf. New Garderi Boarding School was opened ist of August, 1837. Fifty students were in attendance the first day — twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls — second in the United States in regard to co- education, Oberlin College being first in that respect. 86 GUILFORD COUNTY, Dougan and Asenath Clark, two well-known and accom- plished Friends, were the first superintendents. The first teachers were Jonathan L. vSlocum, of Providence, R. I., governor of the boys' school; Catherine Cornell, governess of the girls' school; Harriet Peck and Nathan B. Hill. The various buildings of Gudford College are Founders' Hall, King Hall named for Francis T. King; Archdale, for Governor John Archdale, our Colonial Quaker Governor; the Y. M. C. A. Hall, and Memorial Hall, built by Messrs. B. N. and J. B. Duke, in memory of their sister, Mary Elizabeth Lyon. For a decade before the Civil War the school was harrassed by financial matters. In i860 the sale of the property was pro- posed. Friends. North and South, rallied to its support. New Garden Boarding School was the only school of its grade in this State to withstand the Civil War without the loss of a day, con- tinued without interruption on a gold basis. Isham Cox was a great friend of the school, helping to relieve it of debt. Jonathan E. Cox, for many years, was interested in disbursing the debt. JONATHAN U. cox. Born in the County of historic Panquotank, inheriting the equanimity and spiritual life of a Quaker ancestry, Jonathan E. Cox was born twenty-first of January, 1818, the son of a widowed motlier. While a boy on the farm he was an industrious worker, and accumtdated with his own hands a comfortable living. He had great strength and endurance, his physical manhood he regarded as holy and he was a man in the happy union of constitu- tional harmony. When he was forty-one years of age he was elected superintendent of New Garden Boarding School and re- moved with his wife and four children to Guilford County for the purpose of educating his children. Seeing the oncoming cloud of war, he hoped to remove to the Western States. But in two years the Civil War broke upon the South, the darkest day for the Quakers of North Carolina. Jonathan Cox was determined NORTH CAROLINA. 87 to emigrate with his family when men Hke Francis T. King said to him that in view of the $18,000 debt on the school and the war, the institution would have to be" sold, unless Jonathan Cox would take the school upon his own responsibility. A hasty council was held. Nereus Mendenhall, Isham Cox and Jonathan Harris were found willing to stand by the school, and Jonathan Cox assumed the whole responsibility of maintaining the institution. Jonathan E. Cox did what no other man in North Carolina could do — he preserved a high-grade school during the Civil War without the loss of a day. This was due no less to his business ability than to his tact and smooth temper. With his means he helped many a youth in this State to an education. He gave away his fortune in the support of the school where for fourteen years he was superintendent. For this cause he gave away the best of his life. In 1888 the school was chartered as Guilford .College. Three courses of study are given : Classical, Scientific and Latin-Scien- tific. The bachelor's degree in Arts and in Science is conferrecf after a course of four years. Guilford College was the first and only school in the State for many years offering women the advan- tage of Greek culture and higher mathematics. Among the best friends of the institution have been the Men- denhall family, the Cox family, Jesse M. Bundy, Dr. Joseph Moore, Francis T. King, Dr. J. C. Thomas, Jeremiah Hubbard v/ and many others. Representative students of this school are: Dr. A. Marshall Elliott of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Nereus Mendenhall, Dr. Dougan Clark of Indiana, Judge Blair of California, Mr. B. G. Worth, Captain James N. Williamson, Mr. L. Banks Holt, ex- Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds and others. LEWIS LYNDON HOBBS. The first president of New Garden Boarding School after becoming Guilford College, in 1888, was Lewis Lyndon Hobbs. 88 GUILFORD COUNTY, He was born in Guilford County, the youngest son of Lewis and Phoebe Hobbs. He was prepared for college at New Garden. In 1872 he entered the Freshman class at Haver ford College, Penn- sylvania. At Haverford he received the degree of Bachelor in Arts, and later. Master in Arts. In 1876 he returned to New Gar- den Boarding School as Professor of Greek and Mathematics. In 1885 Dr. Joseph Moore, of Indiana, became president of the school, and Prof. Hobbs taught Latin and Greek. Not only has President Hobbs been president of Guilford College since the trustees secured the charter raising the standard for higher education m the State, but he has also been clerk of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends. Clerk of this body corresponds to the office of Speaker of the Senate in the Legisla- ture. President Hobbs is most thoroughly conversant with his church, its needs and its members. His work on educational mat- ters, however, has been felt beyond the limits of the Yearly Meet- ing. After the death of Dr. Nereus Mendenhall he filled the vacancy caused thereby in the County Board of Education ; he also was for four years a member of the State Board of Examiners. President Hobbs is a young man, quiet, unassuming, but a close thinker and an unceasing, effective worker for education, standing among the foremost in North Carolina in the warfare for culture,, education, strength and beauty of character. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. (See "History of Church and Private Schools" by Prof. Raper of the University of North CaroUna, pages 202-210.) The year 1837 marks an epoch in education in Guilford County. Not only was New Garden Boarding School opened for students, but also steps were taken for the erection of Greens- boro Female College. The members of the Methodist Episcopal Church sent a petition (See Hist, of Education in N. C. by C. L. Smith, p 120) to the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, asking that a college, under the auspices of the denomination, be established at Greensboro. This year the Nortli NORTR CAROLINA. 89 Carolina Conference began its separate existence. Greensboro Female College is of the same age as the Conference. In 1838 the North Carolina Conference secured a charter for the institu- tion from the State Legislature, so this school has the honor of being the first chartered college for women in North Carolina, and with the exception of the Wesleyan Female College at Macon, Georgia, the first south of the Potomac. The Church bought two hundred and ten acres of land in the western limits of Greensboro, and in the centre of a beautiful park on West Market Street the school was erected. The intelli- gence and social refinement of the people of Greensboro determined the location. In April, 1846, the College was opened, with Rev. Solomon Lea as its president. His successors have been : Rev. William Albert Micajah Shipp, Rev. Dr. Charles F. Deems, Rev. F. M. Jones, Dr. B. F. Dixon, Dr. B. L. Reid, Dr. Dred Peacock, Mrs. Lucy Roberson. Among the best friends of the institution have been the great and good Dr. C. F. Deems, J. S. Carr, T. M. Jones, J. A. Odell, Dr. Sidell, Mrs. Susan Mendenhall and Mrs. Ann Bumpass. The alumnje from 1848 to 1863 numbered 191 ; from 1863 to 1873, 51 : from 1873 to 1897, 428. These graduates are to be found all over the South, many in the North and West. At commencement, 1902, Mrs. Lucy H. Roberson, having been unanimously chosen by the trustees of the College, was inaugurated as president to succeed Dr. Dred Peacock. The alumna; and friends of the institution hailed with enthusiasm President Roberson's inauguration. Woman as president of a college in North Carolina is a new departure, opening a wider field and new incentive to woman's work in behalf of education. The library of this College is considered the best collection of books and papers on North Carolina history. EDGEWORTH SEMINARY. In 1840 Edgeworth Fem-\i.e Seminary was established by Governor Morehead. On a centrally located site he erected a four- 90 GUILFORD COUNTY. story brick building. Miss Ann Hodge was chosen principal. Among the teachers were Misses Emily Hubbard and Eliza Rose, Misses Nash and Kollock, Rev. Mr. John A. Gretter. Professors Breite and Brandt were instructors in music. Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Wier succeeded Miss Hodge. After them came Rev. Gilbert Morgan and wife, who introduced the collegiate plan with four classes and preparatory department to train young girls to enter the lowest classes. The expenses for board and tuition were $150: wax- works, $20; shell-work, $20; silk and worsted work, $10. In the first collegiate year were taught Arith- metic, English, Latin, and Greek Grammars ; Spelling, analysis and dictionary ; Geography, History of United States, Book of Commerce, Mythology, Jewish Antiquities, Watts on the Mead. French, Latin or Greek lyanguages, wjth one ornamental branch, and lectures on Self Knowledge and Self Culture. Some of the women of the best intellectual culture of the State have matricu- lated at Edgeworth, who in their old age were women of marked scholarship. They enjoyed mathematics and even worked prob- lems in Calculus for pleasure. A gold medal for especial excel- lence through a four years' course at Edgeworth Seminary is pre- served at the State Normal College, a relic of the thorough edu- cation of young women in Guilford County before the days of railroads. In 1850 Prof. Richard Sterling succeeded Mr. Morgan at Edgeworth Seminary. The school was closed in 1862 by reason of the War. In 1868 Rev. J. M. M. Caldwell, grandson of Dr. David Caldwell, conducted Edgeworth Seminary until 1871, when Edgeworth died and passed into history. NORMAL SCIIOOL AT HIGH POINT. In 1880 Major William Bingham Lynch founded an excellent School at High Point. A brick house was provided, 100 feet long by 47 feet wide, four stories, capable of accommodating 125 board- ing pupils. It was destroyed by the War. Note: For much of the above information see Educational Report for North Caro- ina, by C. H. Mebane, for 1896-'97-'9S. NORTH CAROLINA. 91 In 1880 Major William Bingham Lynch founded an excellent military school at High Point, but it soon closed. The Common Schgoi, System of North Carolina went into operation in 1840 with the administration of Governor John M. Morehead, who was much interested in educational development. This was the era of internal improvements. Dr. Nereus Menden- hall, a Guilford man, was also one of the architects of our public school system. But Dr. C. H. Wiley was the main spirit and became the first Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina. Dr. Wiley was born in the neighborhood of old Alamance Church. The Rankin and Wharton families of Guilford County arc his relatives. Dr. Calvin H. Wiley was a Presbyterian minis- ter, statesman and educator. The present system of public educa- tion in this State was organized by his efforts. Before the days of railroads he visited every county in the State from sea to mountains in the mteresl of schools. The First Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Common Schools of North Carolina, by Calvin Henderson Wiley (the year 1854, page 8), states these facts : The Common School System went into opera- tion in 1840. The Literary Board was made the chief executive head until 1854, from which Board not a single report or an official statistic appeared. The whole income of the public schools of the United States, in 1850, aside from that raised by taxation or donations, was two millions, five hundred thousand dollars. The income of the Pub- lic Fund of North Carolina, aside from swamp lands and county taxes, was equal to one-twentieth of the whole. The Legislature, by granting of lotteries and corporate privileges, was the only substantial aid to the cause of general instruction. Judge A. D. Murphy, in 18 19, made report for education, but it passed soon from public mind. Dr. Wiley says: "I felt, too, — not a pleasant reflection to a sensitive mind— that while I was spending freely in books, in postage, in travels and 92 ' GUILFORD COUNTY, neglecting more profitable sources of revenue, and not saving much of my salary, some were thinking I was growing rich on the public money, and robbing the schools which had lost many thousands for the want of a more efficient organi/.er, and which contributed to my salary about 50 cents each, or in the ratio of three-fourths of one cent to the child, while I was trying to save twenty times that amount to each on the single small item of books alone." '"Such was the prospect on one side, on the other were tempting pecuniary inducements to resign. Very strong financial considerations had to be sacrificed by my continuance in office. I felt that to resign would at once create confusion and a want of confidence in the system, and that the eyes of many were turned to me in hope while those who elevated me to office had reason to expect my best exertions to the last and under all temp- tation." The popular will is represented in the District Committees selected by the people ; these Committees chose the teachers, while, at the same time, they are limited in their choice. A County Com- mittee of Examination is appointed to pass on the merits of all teachers, and only those having the certificates of the committee are allowed to draw public monies. A tolerably wide margin is allowed this Committee to discriminate as to the merits of teachers so as to suit all classes. From this method good results are ex- pected. The certificate shows on its face whether the holder takes the lowest or the highest or an intermediate place. (By R. D. W. Connor, Superintendent Oxford Graded Schools.) "The work of Calvin H. Wiley was essentially that of an originator and organizer. Beginning with practically nothing except opposition as a foundation, he built up by his own power, often unassisted, a flourishing system of efficient schools. Although the strain of the terrible days follow- ing the war broke down the system he had founded, so strongly had he laid the foundation, so well had he builded, so deeply had he instilled into the minds of the people the common school idea, that it proved but a temporary suspension. With the rescue of the State from the hordes which were, sucking her life-blood, came the opportunity to redevelop her resources. Far-sighted statesmen and leaders clearly foresaw that the first essential for development was universal education. Upon the apparent ruins of Wiley's system, they founded our present growing, influential public school system, with many of the improvements which Wiley himself would have adopted had he held the helm." » PRESIMENT L. L. IIOBHS. NORTH CAROLINA. 93 "When Dr. Wiley took charge of the educational interests of the State he clearly perceived two important things, heretofore passed by with- out notice; first, that before a system of schools could be successfully established the adult population must be educated to believe in public educa- tion and to act upon that belief; second, that he must educate, train and equip a full supply of efficient teachers. These two things done, then it would be time to consider the details of the system. He bent all his energies toward accomplishing these ends." "He resorted to every conceivable method of reaching the great mass of the people. Personal visits, newspapers, circulars, private and public letters, ringmg and eloquent speeches — all were brought to his use in edu- cating the people. He succeeded beyond his fondest hopes. Nothing better emphasizes the success of his labors than the fact that with every nerve strained to meet the demands of war, the people were willing to strain a little further in order to continue the operation of their schools." "In the training of a sufficient force of teachers Dr. Wiley adopted as his motto, 'Scatter judiciously over the State good copies of any good work on education and it will create a revolution.' He began his work with less than a thousand old-field teachers, whose ideas of teaching were that the teacher must be merely a recitation-hearer and a thrasher of boys. Besides fitting this force to be used in the work he was compelled to furnish a supply of two thousand new ones. His plan for doing this cannot be ex- plained here. It is sufficient to say that after five years of labor he supplied to the State more than three thousand well-equipped, trained, enthusiastic instructors. What a powerful influence this force had on the development of the State it is impossible to estimate, no little part of that quality which made our State 'First at Bethel ; last at Appomattox,' was due to this trained army of devoted workers. When we think of the work done by Calvin H. Wiley and his splendid school system, it does not seem strange that North Carolina rallied so soon after a destructive war in which she had spent her life-blood freely, and has had such marvelous success in building up her resources. Back of all her wonderful development in other matters as well as in school aftairs, lies the solid foundation of Dr. Wiley's 3,488 schools and his trained force of teachers." "Our people are just beginning to awaken to a knowledge of Dr. Wiley's greatness and of his wonderful work. Our educators have long been working under his influence without knowing it. When they fully realize what his labors have meant in the past to their work, his influence will spread as it ought to do and continue to grow until it pervades the rank and file of all who are interested actively in our material, intellectual and moral welfare." 94 GUILFORD COUNTY, • "In this great educational campaign now arousing our people to a full sense of their educational duties and responsibilities, it would be a fitting time for the teachers to whom it properly .falls to start a movement for the erection of a monument to Dr. Wiley as a testimonial of their recognition and appreciation of his great efforts and results. A resolution looking to this end will probably be introduced in the meeting of the Teachers' Assem- bly and it is to be hoped that it will receive the earnest and active support of that body — such a movement would do much for the cause of education by showing to the people that teachers honor their educational heroes and demand the same from others. No North Carolinian better deserves such honor than Calvin H. Wiley, for no man has better served his State." In 1853, Guilford County had seventy-two Districts; five thousand, nine hundred and eighty-nine children reported ; three thousand, five hundred and forty-five children taught ; average time, four and one-half months; average salary, for men, $17.00, for women, $14.00. The number of teachers licensed was fifty- seven males and nineteen females. Guilford County has at present about ninety public schools for white children and thirty for colored. The salary of teachers; and the length of the school years is about the same as it was in 1854. In May, 1874, Greensboro voted a special tax for the support of its public schools. So much in sympathy with the movement were the people that only eight votes were cast against the tax. The first graded school in the state was established in Greens- boro in 1875. Mr. J. R. Wharton was the first superintendent until elected County Supervisor of Schools. Prof. J. A. Grimsley served the graded schools as superintendent for ten years. His successor is Mr. Edgar D. Broadhurst. The number of children enrolled in the three schools for whites under his supervision ex- ceeds the number of children reported in Guilford County in 1854. Guilford County is not only the first in the State to establish graded schools in the larger towns but also the first to establish rural graded schools. In the neighborhood of New Garden in NORTH CAROLINA. 9& 1901 a tax was voted for the New Garden graded schools. At Summerfield and Brown's Summit a similar plan is in progress. In April, 1902, a meeting held in the interest of education at Greensboro donated $8,050, in addition to the tax money, for rural pulilic schools. The Board of Aldermen and the Chairman of the School Committee of Greensboro were interested in getting a more suit- able school building and in 1887 the handsome building on Lind- say Street was completed. In May, 1891, the corporate limits of Greensboro were extended, and in that year graded schools were provided for both white and colored children. In May, 1893, Ashboro Street School was built. The graded schools enrolled during the first year, 1875, one hundred students. In 1897 there were enrolled 1,096 white chil- dren and 452 colored. Ninety-five per cent, of white children between the ages of six and sixteen are in school. The High Point graded school was established the first Mon- day in May, 1897, when the citizens of High Point voted $10,000 for the erection of buildings and equipments. It opened the 20th of September, 1897. 1'^''*^ following is a brief history of its growth : Its enrollment the first day was 386, which increased during the year to 476. It began the second year with 479 pupils and ended with 562 ; the third year, with 568 and ended with 598 ; the fourth year, with 559 and ended with 662 ; the fifth year with 670, and will end with about 725. The increase the first year was 90 pupils ; the second, 83 ; the third, 30; the fourth, 103 ; the fifth, 55. and a real increase for the four years of 339. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. In 185 1. Jesse Benbow, Allen Lowery, Dr. John Saunders, Jas. B. Clark, Thomas J. Benbow and Samuel Donnell, of Oak Ridge; Archibald Bevil, of Hillsdale; Wyat Bowman, of High Point, feeling the need for a preparatory school for young men, founded Oak Ridge Institute. By a majority of one, the present 96 GUILFORD COUNTY. beautiful location was selected. From this knoll, with its majestic oaks, the peaks of the Blue Ridge mountains may be seen. From this knoll as a watershed the Haw River and the Deep River rise and, windino^ each its separate way, they unite in lovinq- embrace and flow to the sea as our noble Cape Fear River. This is one channel by which the heart of Piedmont Carolina reaches the East. The natural beauty of Oak Ridge is fine, probably the most pleas- ing- in the County of Guilford. Dr. Saunders was the first chairman of the Board of Trustees ; Dr. Charles F. Deems was chairman ex-officio, then president of the Greensboro Female College, a man who did much for edu- cation in North Carolina, and became pastor of the Church of Strangers of New York City. Oak Ridge Institute first opened its doors to students in Feb- ruary, 1852, with Prof. John M. Davis as principal. Fifty students greeted him. Among them were Mr. Rufus Benbow, of Oak Ridge, and Dr. Morris, of Forsvth County. Although students came from North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina. Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, the school was not a financial success. At the outbreak of the Civil War the students numbered about one hundred. Hon. John A. Gilmer, Sr., addressed the people of Oak Ridge on the coming storm of war. All but three students volun- teered. Tn 1866 Prof. O. C. Hamilton, a graduate of Trinity College, was chosen principal. He found the building burned, probably by an incendiary, before reaching his charge. Obstacles did not daunt the courage of Oak Ridge. The new trustees added to the old board were Messrs. W. O. Donnell, J. F. Holt, C. R. Benbow, Charles Case, A. J. Rolling, Thomas Graham, Charles Wilson, J. S. Brown, John King, R. A. Blaylock and Thos. J. Benbow. They erected a new building. In 1869 Prof. Pendleton King, a graduate of Haverford Col- lege, librarian of the State Department at Washington City, was principal of Oak Ridge. After him the school declined until NORTH CAROLINA. 97 1875, when Prof. J. A. Holt brought energy to it and the influence of Mark Hopkins, his teacher and friend. In 1879 Prof. M. H. Holt became junior principal. As the school grew year by year, new and more spacious buildings were erected, wood giving place to brick. In 1891 a large, three-story building, containing a Y. M. C. A. hall, library, gymnasium and class rooms, was built and christened "Holt Hall." B'or twenty years this institution, under the present manage- ment, has been giving young men thorough commercial training. It is this training which has made a place for Oak Ridge Institu- tion. This influence is felt in every trade centre in this State. Her graduates are everywhere. To Professor J. Allen Holt and his brother, Prof. Martin H. Holt, is due the credit of contributing to North Carolina the Rugby of the State. This is a business age ; everything seems to turn on the pivot of the dollar, even religion, etiquette, good prin- ciples, Death and the Grave have to do with money, the one great basis. Therefore a business education, to know not only the classics but also to understand people in business and how to clinch a bargain is of great importance. With a keen eye Oak Ridge has seen the point of contact between the scholar and the world. Therefore they seek to unite in their students what is best in the old idea of culture together with business ability. The Holts come of a race remarkable for business capacity. They were born in Alamance County, near the battleground of the Regulators. In Colonial days Michael Holt, their forefather, lived here, a farmer, innkeeper, large land-owner, man of wealth and of affairs in the State. His descendants have made of Ala- mance County and the State a great manufacturing centre. "Isaac Holt, the son of Michael Holt, married Lettie Scott. Their son, Thomas Scott Holt, married Sallie Foust. She was the niece of George Foust, who married Maria Holt, sister of Isaac Holt. John Foust Holt, of Alamance County, married Louise Williams, of Rockingham County." This is the direct line of descent of the 98 GUILFORD COUNTY, professors of Oak Ridge, showing- who they are and at the same time giving an index of the success of the school. Prof. J. A. Holt was born in 1852. For many years he has been chairman of the Board of Education of Guilford County. His name was prominently before the people for State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction at the last convention. He Avas president of the Teachers' Assembly in 1901. Prof. M. H. Holt was born in 1855. When a member of the Legislature in 1893 he served as chairman of the Committee on Education. From 1893 to 1897 ^^ wgs a trustee of the State University. He has been for some time director of the North Carolina School for the Deaf and Dumb, at Morganton. For years he has been on the township board and public school com- mittee. In 1875 and 1878 Professors J. A. and M. H. Holt came to Oak Ridge. Fifty years ago Oak Ridge Institute was founded. This year, 1902, its year of jubilee is celebrated. WHITSETT INSTITUTE. Thirtv'-eight years ago there was established a school which became later, Whitsett Institute. Located in Southeast Guilford, on a beautiful plateau eight hundred feet high, the institution was built, looking toward the southeast over a beautiful expanse of open country, like a rolling savannah. About the buildings and westward are great oaks of nature's own, a reinforcement against the tumultuous world beyond. The landscape offers philosophic repose and sweet peace. Nature has contributed her advantages luring youth to health, to beauty and to thoughtfulness. Two or three miles away the lonesome whistle of the train blows at Gib- sonville. the nearest station. The village of Whitsett without the student is deserted, like an oasis without the songs of birds or merry antics of animals. Nothing there tempts the youth to waste his time. To study is the natural way at Whitsett. Toward the south is Southern Pines ; toward the west is NORTH CAROLINA. 99 Asheville. The soil of Whitsett is loam, not red clay. Flowers bloom and the grass grows tall. Country life reduces the expenses of the student away at school. Courses for business, teaching or college are offered both boy and girl, young men and young women. In 1900 the student bodv numbered 329, with room for more. Still a beautiful new building is being erected, 80 by 100 feet, furnishing every modern convenience for school work, library, chapel, reading room, society halls, gymnasimu and music rooms. At the State Fair, held in Raleigh, this school was awarded two elegant diplomas, one for "Best General Display by School" and another for "Best Com- mercial Display." Rev. Brantley York, D. D., "the founder of Trinity College," and Charles H. Mebane. one of North Carolina's best Superin- tendents of Public Instruction, and of Guilford County by birth, have helped by years of teaching and superintending to build up this institution. William Thornton Whitsett is a native of Guilford County, North Carolina. He attended the public schools of his native county and was prepared for college by private tutors. He was educated at North Carolina College and the University of North Carolina. He has been president of Whitsett Institute since 1888, is a trustee of the University of North Carolina ; member of the Southern Historical Association, Washington, D. C. ; secretary of the North Carolina Association of Acadamies ; member of the American Authors" Guild, New York; member of the School Directors of Guilford County ; member of the American Academy of Social and Political Science, Philadelphia. For three years he was secretary of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly. THE AGRICULTURAL. AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OI? GREENSBORO. The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race was established by an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, ratified 9th of March, 1891. The financial support of 100 GUILFORD COUNTY, the school is derived from the United States, under an act of Congress known as the "Morrill Act," passed August 20, 1890. The citizens of Greensboro donated twenty-five acres of land and eigfht thousand dollars to be used in the construction of buildings. In 1893 the General Assembly appropriated ten thousand dollars. Substantial buildings have been erected. They have about two hundred students. Its president is James B. Dudley, A. M. of Shaw University, A. M. of Livingston College, teacher in public schools 1 876- 1 880, principal of Peabody graded school 1880- 1896. He is a blessing to his race. Fully 80 per cent, of the colored people in this State live in the country and subsist on agriculture. The future of the colored race in the South depends upon the ownership of farm lands and their intelligent and skillful treatment by colored farmers. This field is free from competition and race feeling. Owners of large tracts of land now yielding nothing are only too glad to rent them to the skilled farmers who graduate from an agricultural college, and also provide him with stock and implements of husbandry. The young man who leaves this college with honor, a good charac- ter and a well-trained mind, who is familiar with science and art relating to his calling in agriculture, mechanics or any of the trades, will not be compelled to canvass the country seeking em- ployment. Capital will be looking for him to place him in charge of land and stocks, to handle machiner.v and direct unskilled labor. Wherever skilled labor is found among producers, turning the wheels of industry that increase the wealth of the world, there will be found graduates of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. The reputation of the Agricultural and Mechanical College is extending over wider fields. Immediately following the infor- mation that the College had received notice of the awarding of a silver medal on the account of its exhibit at the Paris Exposition, comes information from another remote section, showing the rec- ognition of this institution elsewhere. "President Pulido, of San Chez, Mira, Philippine Islands, JONATHAN E. COX. NORTH CAROLINA. 101 writes that he intends to have his son enter the 'famous college of Greensboro' about the first of April. He will make arrange- ments for his son to remain here until graduation," Bennett Coi,lege was opened in the city of Greensboro in 1873 by the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, North, one of forty-six such in- stitutions founded and sustained by that church. About 1876 the institution became a boarding school in a large four-story brick building, and chartered under the laws of North Carolina. It is situated on the outskirts of Greensboro. Its president is Rev. J. D. Chavis, a negro man reared in Guilford County. The classics and mathematics are taught. It is co-educational. Near Bennett College is the Kent Industrial Home for Colored Girls, under the support of the Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, North, Troy, N. Y., Conference. This Home was dedicated May 2, 1887. Industrial training for sixteen girls is yearly given. The superintendent is a white woman from the North, Miss Carrie L. Crowell. They have also a teacher of sewing and a primary teacher. The building erected for this home is of brick, neat and convenient. A new and larger house will be erected soon. Servants from this home are well recommended. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. When the South began to recuperate after the paralysis of Civil War and of slavery and her people had a little easy leisure in which to think, they gave their attention to education. Thought- fully and with great earnestness a few men in the State studied the great plan of education, as developed in other lands. They soon came to the conclusion that teachers should understand their profession before being allowed to practice, that the minds of chil- dren were just as sacred as their bodies. The quack physician had long ago been relegated to the dark corners. Institutes were held for the training of teachers in the court- houses in manv counties in the State. These institutes were usu- 1(12 GUILFORD COUNTY, ally in session for two weeks in July and August. During the years 1889 and 1890 the Board of Education sent out two men as Institute conductors to visit every county in the State and hold in each an institute lasting one week. The two men sent by this Board were Dr. Chas. D. Mclver and Dr. E. A. Alderman. They aroused a love for learning and a desire for reading and study among the teachers. Page's "Theory and Practice" and other books on pedagogics were placed in the hands of teachers, many of whom had never seen a book on teaching, though they were "duty-loving and duty-doing men and women." To quote from the report of Prof. J. Y. Joyner to the Super- intendent of Public Instruction (See report 1897-98, p. 964), he says : "To one who, for the past fifteen years, has been engaged in this educational work, and who, during each year, has mingled much and talked much, publicly and privately, with all classes of our people in the interest of public education, there is noticeable a very marked and hopeful change in their attitude toward the public schools. This change has come about so gradually that many whose work has not kept them in touch with the educational sentiment of the State are not conscious of the extent of it." Out of these institutes for teachers the feeling grew and there arose a demand for a State Normal and Industrial College for the education of young women, giving them thorough training in the science of teaching, and instead of a few weeks of training in their profession, to give them four years of instruction at much less than cost, at prices within their reach. At the Teachers' Assembly, which was the congregation of the Teachers' Institutes, the first formal step was taken toward the establishment of a Normal College. The teachers passed reso- lutions, in 1886, asking for this institution, and they appointed a committee to memorialize the General Assembly. Meanwhile, Dr. Chas. D. Mclver, the propelling spirit of the movement, was studying the system of the education of women. His determinative wisdom and zeal fought the fight before the NORTH CAROLINA. 103 General Assembly for the higher and better education of her women by the State. By his persistent energy and logic the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College was estab- lished in 1 89 1. The time was hastened throughout the whole State by the teachers, the King's Daughters, the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union and the Farmer's Alliance. Dr. J. L. M. Curry made a strong appeal for the cause. The citizens of Greensboro gave $30,000 for its location. Mr. R. S. Pullen and Mr. R. T. Gray, of Raleigh, and others donated the land — ten acres. During the ten years of its existence hundreds of young women who could not have gone elsewhere have been sent out into this State and everywhere as most efficient teachers and as cultured women in every walk of life. The course of study has been arranged for meeting the needs of young women in North Carolina and it embraces the Normal Department, the Commercial Department and the Department of Domestic Science. At the comencement of 1902 of the State Normal and Indus- trial College at Greensboro, President Mclver presented the fol- lowing report, which embodies the history and the wonderfully successful career of that great school : "Ten years ago on this hill, then a bleak and barren ten-acre lot— the gift of Mr. R. S. Pullen, Mr. R. T. Gray, Mr. E. P. Wharton and others, with $30,000 voted unanimously by the far- sighted citizens of Greensboro to secure the location of the institu- tion, and with an annual appropriation of $10,000, voted by the General Assembly of 1891 to aid in the employment of a faculty, the State Normal and Industrial College began its work. "In 1886 the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, then in session at Black Mountain, passed resolutions asking for the establishment of a normal college and appointed a committee to memorialize the General Assembly. Each succeeding Teachers' Assembly for five years passed similar resolutions and appointed similar committees to present the question to our law makers. In his biennial report to the General Assembly the late Hon. S. M. 104 GUILFORD COUNTY, Finger, then Superintendent of Public Instruction, urged the im- portance of establishing the institution. But it was at the session of 1889 that the question really came before the General Assembly for serious consideration for the first time. A committee from the Teachers' Assembly, consisting of Charles D. Mclver, chair- man ; E. G. Harrell, E. P. Moses, E. A. Alderman, Geo. T. Win- ston, D. Matt. Thompson and Mrs. J. A. McDonald, presented in person and urged the adoption of a bill establishing a training school for teachers, and this bill, in spite of active and intense opposition, passed the Senate by a large majority, and failed in the House by only a few votes. Had this bill become a law the institution would be co-educational. "Before the meeting of the next General Assembly in Janu- ary, 1 89 1, Governor Fowle had in his message urged the establish- ment of the institution. In the meantime, the King's Daughters had petitioned the Legislature to establish an indusrial school for girls. The North Carolina Farmers' Alliance, in 1890, at its annual meeting at Asheville, had passed strong resolutions asking the State to aid in the higher education of girls and women of the white race as it was already aiding in the education of white men, negro men and negro women. Hon. J. L. M. Curry, agent of the Peabody Fund, appeared before the General Assembly and made an earnest and powerful plea for the establishment of a normal college, and through him the Peabody Fund has always given substantial aid to this institution. "By 1891 the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly had decided that it was wise to eliminate the co-educational feature, and in- structed its committee to that effect. This committee suggested the establishment of a normal college with industrial features, whereupon the act establishing the State Normal and Industrial College was passed and an annual appropriation made for its maintenance. FACUI.TY. "In choosing the Faculty of the College the- Board of Direc- tors has selected those who in their judgment could best carry NORTH CAROLINA. 105 out its policies. Neither geographical, nor political, nor denomina- tional influences have decided their selection of teachers. "The charter Faculty of the College numbered twelve, besides the assistants. Of these twelve, eight — Misses Boddie, Bryant, Fort, Kirkland and Mendenhall, and Messrs. Forney, Brown and Mclver — are members of the present faculty. Three other mem- bers of the present faculty — Misses Allen, Jamison and Lee — answered to the first roll-call of students in 1892. The college now has a faculty and executive corps numbering thirty-six. Its teachers have come from all sections of the country. Four-fifths of them are Southern people, most of these having received train- ing in both Southern and Northern colleges, and more than one- half of them have been native North Carolinians. It has been a young company of aggressive workers, representing in their train- ing several State Universities, the leading normal colleges of the country, and such institutions as Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Welles- ley, Bryn Mawr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and sev- eral European universities. The Governor has recently called I\Ir. James Y. Joyner, Professor of English in the State Normal and Industrial College, to the State Superintendency. ' STUDENTS. "For the past nine years the average number of students in the college has been about four hundred and twenty-five. This number will not materially change until more dormitory room shall have been provided. The total matriculation for the past ten years has been about 2,200, about 450 of whom have been in the college this year. Of the 1,750 who have left the college, 68 have died, leaving about 1,700. One thousand and five hundred of these have reported to me during the past two months, and more than 66 2-3 per cent, of them have taught school. I have asked each student to give the number of pupils taught by her. The aggregate number reported is, in round numbers, 130,000. It is natural to suppose that some of these children have been taught 106 GUILFORD COUNTY, at different times by two or more representatives of the college. Deducting, therefore, 30,000 for duplicates, this would mean than 100,000 children have been taught by students. • "As the finances of the institution have justified it the Board of Directors has increased the physical equipment. Beginning in 1892 with dormitory capacity for less than one hundred and fifty boarders, with only fifteen recitation rooms in the college building, including the chapel, the president's office and the physician's office; with a teaching force of fifteen, including assistants, and Avith an enrollment of two hundred and twenty-three students, the college has steadily developed until at the end of its tenth year it has dormitory accommodations for three hundred boarders, twenty-five recitation rooms and offices in the college building and fourteen rooms in a practice and observation school building, a teaching force and executive corps of thirty-six, and an enroll- ment of about four hundred and fifty regular students, besides about three hundred pupils in the practice and observation school. Instead of ten acres of land the college now owns one hundred and thirty acres, and instead of five buildings owned and rented it now uses eleven buildings. Instead of looking upon a bleak hill of clay and briars its students enjoy, to some extent, looking upon growing trees and grass and flowers, and, by the generosity of Mr. George Foster Peabody, we have the immediate prospect of a beautiful park, plans for which have already been made. "Representatives of the college are working in twenty-three of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia. In nearly every leading city from Greensboro to Boston representatives of the State Normal and Industrial College can be found working as teachers, students, stenographers, bookkeepers or trained nurses. "The State Normal Magazine, a self-supporting publication, has been the work of the faculty and students of this college. The best educational journal ever published in the South and now one of the leading educational journals of the country, was established and managed by our Professor of Pedagogy in connection with NORTH CAROLINA. 107 his work here. Several text-books that have received generous recognition throughout the country have been pubHshed by mem- bers of our faculty. The Audubon Society and the Association of North Carolina Women for the Betterment of the Public School Houses of the State are two State organizations which have resulted from the work of the faculty and students of the State Normal and Industrial College. "This college has given some prestige to North Carolina's name beyond the borders of the State, and has had the good for- tune to interest influential people in the educational development of the State which it serves. In the ten years of its existence it has become as strongly entrenched in the regard of the people of North Carolina as if it had an hundred years of history behind it. In this short period it has enrolled 2,500 students, every county in the State has been represented in its matriculates, and ninety per cent .of its graduates have taught or are now teaching in the schools of the State. About every year witnesses an addition to the buildings of this institution, made necessary by its increased attend- ance and its growing usefulness. Only about two months ago the cornerstone was laid for the Curry Building, a practice and observation school, and a new Alumni Building is to be erected during the coming year. BENEFACTORS. "This report would not be complete without some reference to the special benefactors of the institution. "Within the past two years Mr. George Foster Peabody, of New York, donated $11,000 to the State Normal and Industrial College; $5,000 of this is to be used for developing the Peabody Park, named for the great philanthropist, George Peabody, who in 1867 gave to the public schools of the South $3,000,000. "The Students' Building is a gift to the college which means more than any single donation of money. It represents the affec- tion and loyalty of its daughters and those whom thev have been 108 GUILFCRD COUNTY, able to interest in their Alma Mater. The gift of $i,ooo from Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bailey, who lost their only two children while students at this college, was made as a subscription to the Students' Building. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have also established a permanent scholarship to be known as 'The Sarah and Evelyn Bailey Scholar- ship.' "Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buxton in 1893 established the 'Jarvis Buxton Loan Fund' of $100 in memory of their little son. Soon after this Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Daniels established the 'Adelaide Worth Daniels Loan Fund' of $100 in memory of their little daughter. These funds, while small, have aided in the education of several students. In 1896 General and Mrs. Julian S. Carr established the Xida Carr Fellowship Fund,' the income of which is $200 a year. This has made it possible for from two to four people to remain in college each year since that time, who could not otherwise have done so. Much help along this line has been provided by the two literary societies, by the Alumnae Association, and by the Woman's Education Club. Charles Broadway Rouss, of New York, gave one hundred dollars to be used as a loan fund to the daughter of a Confederate soldier. "The State wants this institution to be good enough for any of its citizens, and the expenses low enough for all. The purpose for which the institution was created is clearly stated in section 5 of the act establishing it. It is as follows : "'Section 5. The objects of this institution shall be (i) to ^ive to y6ung women such education as shall fit them for teach- ing; (2) to give instruction to young women in drawing, telegra- phy, typewriting, stenography and such other industrial arts as may be suitable to their sex and conducive to their support and usefulness. Tuition shall be free to those who signify their inten- tion to teach, upon such conditions as may be prescribed bv the Board of Directors.' "It is the general purppse of the institution to give such edu- cation as will add to the efficiency of the average woman's work, -V- Sit J. f 5 2 z*^ w '-^ r: ^ 1-^ --^ s^ b n: o 3 o ■^ .^ f r^ o w NORTH CAROLINA. 109 whatever may be her field of labor. To that end there are three distinct departments in the course of study: the Normal Depart- ment, the Domestic Science Department, the Commercial Depart- ment." It is well to close this chapter with a few facts relating to the Southern Education Board, of which Dr. Chas. D. Mclver is secretary, having the oversight of the work of this Board in North Carolina. The Southern Education Board consists of twelve members. They are Robert C. Ogden, president ; George Foster Peabody, treasurer ; Charles D. Mclver, secretary ; E. A. Alderman, W. H. Baldwin, Jr., Wallace Buttrick, J. L. M. Curry, Charles W. Dab- ney, H. B. Frissell, H. H. Hanna, W. H. Page and Albert Shaw. The Board was created and organized last November in accord- ance with the platform and resolutions adopted at the fourth annual meeting of the Southern Educational Conference at Win- ston-Salem a year ago, April 1901. The work undertaken by this Board is that of agitation and stimulation of all efforts toward universal education in the Southern States. It does not make any gifts to any educational institutions whatever. It has sufficient funds to aid in a campaign for local taxation and for the better- ment of public school facilities in several of the Southern States. ,So far its chief work has been done in Virginia, North Caro- lina and Louisiana. It began to arrange for continuous cam- paigns in these 'States in January. It has also done some work in the State of Georgia, and is planning to aid in public educa- tional campaigns in South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi. All the campaign work of the Southern Education Board is under the immediate direction of the Southern members of the Southern Education Board. The field work is in charge of three district directors, Doctors Alderman, Frissell and Mclver. Dr. Charles W. Dabney is Director of the Bureau of Investigation and Publication. His chief assistant is Professor P. P. Claxton, and he is also aided by Professor J. D. Eggleston and an efficient corps no GUILFORD COUNTY, of clerks. Rev. Edgar Gardner Murphy, of Montgomery, Ala.;, is the executive secretary and personal representative of President Robert C, Ogden, wherever his services may be needed, whether in New York or in visiting the various offices in the South. Dr. F. S. Dickerman and Dr. Booker T. Washington are doing special work for the board as field agents, the latter being the special adviser in regard to educational matters relating to the colored race. Hon. J. L- M. Curry and Messrs. Alderman, Dabney, Frissel and Mclver constitute the general campaign committee, and have direction of all the work of the Southern Education Board. The plan and work of the Southern Education Board is merely an extension of the campaign work that has been done for many years in the towns and cities of the Southern States by the Peabody Board under the guidance of the General Agent, Dr. J. L. M. Curry. Many of these men and those composijig the Southern Edu- cation Board are Southern people ; some of them born here, and some having resided here for several years. Having seen the heavy load we are carrying, especially in maintaining a double system of public schools for two races, and recognizing the neces- sity for continuing this double system, they would like to aid us in carrying that burden, exactly as the Peabody Fund aided nearly every town and city in North Carolina to carry its burden when the latter were establishing their graded schools. * The General Education Board, with headquarters in New York, is composed of ten men, five of whom have lived in the South. Wm. H. Baldwin, Jr., chairman ; George Foster Peabody, treasurer; Wallace Buttrick, secretary and executive officer; J. L. M. Curry, Frederick T. Gates, Daniel C. Gilman, Morris K. Jesup, Robert C. Ogden, Walter H. Page and Albert Shaw compose this board. All except Messrs. Gates, Gilman and Jesup are also mem- bers of the Southern Education Board. Dr. Curry and Dr. Gilman are members of the Peabody Board and the Slater Board, and NORTH CAROLINA. Ill Messrs. Baldwin and George Foster Peabody are members of the Slater Board. The General Education Board will make an effort to co-operate with the Peabody, the Slater Board and the Southern Education Board so as to aid in Southern education, and to pre- vent duplication of effort. The underlying principle of the Association is the recognition of the fact that the people of the Southern States are earnestly engaged in the promotion of public education, and that in this effort they should receive generous aid ; and to this end, and in pursuance of the following named and kindred objects, the Association will. seek gifts, large and small, from those in sympathy with its plans. It is the purpose of the Board : 1. To promote education within the United States of America, with- out distinction of race, sex or creed. 2. To develop the public school system, especially in rural districts. 3. To develop the principle of self-help by urging increased local taxation, local contributions, or by other means. .). To further the establishment of training schools for teachers, especially those designed to educate teachers of industrial and manual training. 5. To co-operate with other organizations interested in educational work, and to simplify and make effective the general work of education, avoiding unnecessary duplication. 6. To aid in the maintenance and improvement of educational insti- titutions already established. 7. To collect full information and statistics in respect to educational matters in the districts covered by the operation of the Board, which shall be kept at a general office. 8. To furnish the public with information, suggestions and counsel, and tor this purpose to act somewhat as a clearing-house for educational statistics and data to be collated by the Board. 9. To educate public opinion in all matters pertaining to the gen- eral cause of education by publication of reports through the daily press and by other means. 10. To promote by all suitable means every form of valuable educa- tional work. Wallace Butterick, Secretary Executive Office. 116 Nassau St., New York, N. Y., May 31, 1902. A few weeks ago Greensboro, N. C, raised $4,000 for the public schools of Guilford County. This amount will be duplicated 112 GUILFORD COUNTY, by the General Education Board, the only condition attached being a special tax levy for schools in each district that receives any of the money raised. "The educational awakening is now on in full force. We are at last realizing that universal education is a necessity for our people, and also that in our higher institutions of learning we must produce the best scholarship and culture. Libraries, labora- tories and great teachers must give scholarship a chance." — Prof. Mimms, of Trinity College. The Outlook, May 17, 1902, has this to say in regard to Southern education : "North Carolina is one of the leading States in this new movement. * * * The first gift of the National Board was one of $4,000 to the public schools in Guilford County, and that gift was made contingent upon the raising of an equal sum by the citizens of the vicinity." This is a real movement of reconstruction. Fifty years from the present the historians will say that Dr. Charles W. Dabney, of the University of Tennessee, was in his day the great educational statesman of the South. They will probably say that he, more than any other, brought learning from the heights of theology and law to the fruitful, pleasant valleys of how-to do things. Manual training, agriculture, school garden- ing he encouraged. He presented the greatest need of the South before the thoughtful men of the Southern Education Board, so that they saw the situation. Dr. Dabney brought about self-reali- zation in the South. He focussed all eyes on the remedy of weak- ness. In science, in art, in literature, his work has been of creative service. "Everything in the South," said he, "'vaits on general education." He organized the Summer School of the South, and gave the teachers there assembled charge of this individual, resourceful de- velopment. Recognized leaders of thought and great teachers came and all were inspired by a new hope. Dr. G. Stanley Hall, the distinguished philosopher, said in regard to the vSummer School of the South : DR. :McIVER, PRESIDENT OF THE STATE NORMAI, COLLEGE, THE LUTHER OF NORTH CAROLINA EDUCATION. NORTH CAROLINA. 113 "It is the biggest one in the world. In numbers and interest it has never been surpassed. From what observation I have been able to give the class work, the character of the work being done is of the best. I think that the greatest impression made upon me, next to the number, is the social quality of the students. You have the advantage over us in the North by far, in the high char- acter, socially, of the ladies, especially, who are the teachers in the schools. Most of our teachers are from the lower walks of life, while yours are from the best. This means more than you can possibly appreciate. This school is sure to have a tremendous influence upon Southern civilization." 114 GUILFORD COUNTY. CHAPTER XL HISTORY OF CHURCHES IN GUILFORD COUNTY. Guilford has been a county of many religious sects, of churches and of ministers. However these people may differ in regard to other beliefs and manners, they all agree in the doctrine of Puritanism. To deviate from the Puritan standard to them is sin. The rigidity of Friends concerning outward show, and the will power of the Presbyterians relating to duty, have each the essence of Puritanism in them. The Presbyterian Church, the Society of Friends, the German Reformed and Lutheran Churches, the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist Protestant Church the Episcopal Church, the Baptist Church and the Roman Catholic Church have had each a share in the moral and religious tone of this section of the State. Li regard to time, influence and number, the Presby- terians and Friends are first. The work of the Societ}- of Friends in this County relating to slavery and to the settling up of the West has touched our national life. The Presbyterians of Guil- ford have been soldiers and architects of state. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Presbyterian Church is and has been since its organiza- tion here a strong and most influential denomination in North Carolina. Her ministers have been men remarkable for allegiance to duty and for leading men. The true worth of many men is largely brought out by the shepherd of the people. Dr. David Caldwell, Dr. Eli W. Caruthers, Dr. Calvin Henderson Wiley, Dr. Jacob Henry Smith and his son, Dr. Egbert W. Smith, have had an influence for good in North Carolina equaled probably by NORTH CAROLINA. '15 no other body of five men. In statecraft, literature, education and the development of character as well as in the building up of the church, the,v have shed an influence of light and glory from the beginning of the history of Piedmont North Carolina. In 1753 the Nottingham Company from Pennsylvania bought 21,120 acres of land on the waters of the North Buffalo and Reedy Fork. Dr. Eli W. Caruthers, in his Life of David Caldwell, pages 24 and 93, says that when these people were making their arrangements to change their residence, which was about the time David Caldwell commenced his education, or soon after, they made a conditional agreement with him that when he obtained license to preach he would come and be their pastor. From 1745 to 1758 the two Synods of Philadelphia and New York appointed missionaries to North Carolina. Book seven in the Register of Deeds office at Salisbury, N. C, contains the indenture to the Synods of Philadelphia and New York for a tract of land on the Buffalo Creek for the use of a church, and "to that use forever, including meeting house and study house." In the life of the Presbyterian Church not only, but in educa- tional work also, perhaps no name stands above that of David Caldwell. In the spring of 1765 he was appointed by the Synod of New York and Pennsylvania to labor at least one year as a missionary in North Carolina. He settled near the present site of Greensboro. In this pioneer settlement he was pastor of both Buffalo and Alamance churches, a practicing physician, and teacher of what was for many years the largest school in North Carolina. He was a good farmer and had much to do with affairs of state. Marked intellectual vigor and physical energy character- ized his work in North Carolina. Buffalo Church, two miles or more north of Greensboro, was organized five or six years before Dr. Caldwell came; and Ala- mance church soon after, or when he was here as a licentiate, in 116 GUILFORD COUNTY, 1764. His installation as pastor took place according to appoint- ment of Presbytery at Buffalo, March 3, 1768. In the graveyard at Buffalo he is buried and his stone bears this inscription : "Sacred to the memory of Rev. David Caldwell, D. D. Graduated at Princeton College, N. J., removed to North Carolina at a period not exactly known. Organized the churches of Buffalo and Alamance, over which he has faithfully sustained the office of pastor for more than sixty years. He departed this life August 28, 1824, aged near one hundred years." The tablets and headstones in the old graveyard at Buffalo reveal the last repose of many brave Revolutionary soldiers. The Gillespies, the Donnells and Rankins there buried fought for the cause of American libert3^ "In memory of Col. Daniel Gillespie, born in Frederick Co., Va., October, 1743. Son of pious and worthy parents, endowed by nature with a mind above ordinary grade, with a strong love of liberty and great decision of character, though without the advantages of a liberal educa- tion, he will nevertheless be ranked by a grateful posterity among the noble band of patriots whose skill and valor in the field of battle during the struggle of national independence, and whose wisdom and integrity in the council chamber where the principles were discussed and the platforms constructed of the happiest government on earth. Having through a long life discharged the duties of husband, father, soldier, statesman, citizen, with uncomon fidelity, he died in a good old age, January, 1829." Alamance church, a few miles east of Greensboro, is the second oldest Presbyterian church in Guilford County. William Cusach gave the land for the church, of which it may be said that prayer was its cornerstone. On a day appointed the people, with their axes, came together. Andrew Finley proposed that they should kneel in prayer for Divine blessing on their undertaking on this consecrated ground. The band of workmen offered solemn supplication to God for the upbuilding of this church in their pioneer country. Soon a log house was built for worship. Henry Patillo, a missionary sent out by the Synod of New York, was present at its organization. The people of Alamance Church were of the New Light NORTH CAROLINA. 117 faith, or believers of the revival doctrine of George Whitfield. Those of Buffalo were conservative Presbyterians. When these classes were formed into one pastorate by Dr. Caldwell, an anti- Whitfieldian, but a man of great piety and prudence, there was a blending of the better elements of both sides and a quiet resist- ance to extreme tendencies either way and a development of an active, conservative, religious life. In 1791 a great revival, ex- tending through several counties, was felt at Alamance. In 1799 new names appear on the list of Orange Presbytery as ordained in the year 1797 or '98. These were Guilford County men: Wil- liam T. Thomas, William Paisley, John Gillespie, Samuel McAdoo and Robert Tate. See Dr. Wiley's Address on Alamance Church. Among the early members of Alamance Church was John Thom, who lived about two and one-half miles from Alamance Church. He came from Maryland. Other members were David, William and John McAdoo, Abram and Samuel Leckey. A sub- scription list of August 23, 1800, shows that Marshall McLean, Robert Shaw, Andrew McGee, David Wiley and William Wiley were trustees of Alamance Church. In 1813 the Synod of the Carolinas was divided into the Synods of North Carolina and of South Carolina. In that year the North Carolina Synod held its first meeting at Alamance Chvirch. In 1825 vSabbath School was established at Alamance Church. Master John Finley was its first superintendent. The school was held all day Sunday, with an intermission for dinner. The "A, B, C Card," the "Blue-backed Speller," the Bible and the Shorter Catechism were the text-books used. In 1829 a revival meeting came, and for days and nights the tents, the church and all the woods resounded with prayer and religion was the absorbing theme. In 1830 there were added to the church one hundred and twenty members. Dr. Eli W. Caruthers succeeded David Caldwell as pastor of both Alamance and Bufifalo churches. His life of David Caldwell, 118 GUILFORD COUNTY, and his histories of the Old North State during the period of the Revolution are foundation stones in North Carolina history. The Presbyterian Church at Greensboro was organized on the third of October, 1824. Rev. John Witherspoon, of Hillsboro, N. C, presided over the meeting and the church was organized with twelve members — two male members, six female members and four negro slaves. Wm. R. D. Lindsay, Justin Field, Mrs. Frances Paisley, Mrs. Ann Mebane, Polly Paisley, Mary Ann Paisley, Elizabeth Caldwell, Mrs. Mary Carson are the names of the original white members ; and the names of the servants were Tony, Milly and Tilly, slaves of Rev. Wm. D. Paisley, and Kezia, slave of Robert Carson. Wm. R. D. Lindsay was unanimously elected to the ofifice of ruling elder. The following persons were elected trustees to attend to the temporal affairs of the church, none of whom, it appears, were at that time communicants : Thomas Caldwell, Robert A. Carson, Dr. John A. Mebane, Christopher Moring, Abraham Geering. In 1831 twenty-six persons were added to the membership — twenty whites and six colored. In 1832 the first house of worship was built. Jesse H. Lind- say donated the lot for it. Four additional ruling elders were elected: Silas C. Lindsay, Christopher Moring, Wm. H. Gumming, Green D. Jordan. The whole membership that year was thirty- eight — twenty-eight whites and ten colored. Green D. Jordan became a member in 1832 and soon became a ruling elder, and with him Silas C. Lindsay, Christopher Moring, Wm. H. Gum- ming also became ruling elders. Rev. Wm. D. Paisley was supply, and preached twice a month. In 1833 the Sabbath School was organized, with W. H. Gumming superintendent. In 1839 Wm. D. Rankin became ruling elder. In 1840 Watson W. Wharton, Dr. David C. Mebane, Dr. David C. Weir were ordained ruling elders. On October 23, 1843, a congregational meeting was held, presided over by Rev. John Witherspoon. A unanimous call was extended to the Rev. John A. Gretter, who accepting the call, was NORTH CAROLINA. 119 duly ordained and installed as the first pastor, October 13, 1849. Ralph Gorrell and Jesse H. Lindsay were elected ruling elders. Mr. Gretter died July 21, 1853, and Rev. John M. Sherwood acted as supply for a year. July 26, 1854, Rev. J. Jones Smythe was called to the pastorate. Until his arrival, January i, 1855, Rev. Martin McQueen acted as supply. On the fifth of February, 1859, a call was made for Rev. J. Henry Smitband he came April 20, 1859. The Civil War had an effect on the Presbyterian Church. In 1868 the colored members withdrew and were organized into a Colored Presbyterian Church. They had sat in the gallery, listened to the same sermons, and partook of the Lord's Supper in the same church with their masters, the sheep of one fold. This had much to do with making the old-time negro the beautiful char- acter that he was. After the War their names were erased from the book of this church. They had their own pastor, officers, Sunday School and about one hundred members. When Dr. Smith came to the church its membership was one hundred and eighty. In 1887 it numbered three hundred and eighty-five. The present membership is seven hundred. April 29, 1863, Richard Sterling, C. G. Yates, J. L Scales, L. Swain and John H. Dillard became ruling elders. In 1879 Robert P. Dick, Samuel C. Smith, John A. Gilmer, became ruling elders. In 1882 Robert M. Sloan, Sr., became ruling elder. In 1887, Dr. Smith's son, Egbert W. Smith, was junior pastor, and in December, 1893, he became pastor with his father, being unanimously elected. In 1879, the session of this church, feeling that the growth of the city was tending toward the depot and south of it, took measures to establish a chapel in that section. In 1882, a lot was bought with a view to building a mission chapel. The Register of Elders of the First Presbyterian Church from October 3, 1824, to March, 1902: Wm. R. D Lindsay Silas C. Lindley Christopher Moring Wm. H. Gumming 120 GUILFORD COUNTY, Green D. Jordan Wm. S. Rankin Watson W. Wharton Dr. David C. Mebane Dr. David P. Weir Ralph Gorrell Jesse H. Lindsay John C. Wharton Prof. Richard SterHng Chas. G. Yates Lyndon Swain Junius L Scales Judge John H. DiUard Judge Robt. P. Dick Prof. Sani'l C. Smith The Register of the Deacons of from November 25, 1849, to March James Sloan Robt. G. Lindsay Andrew Weatherly Milton Rose Fenner M. Walker Chas G. Yates Robt. P. Dick Wm. A. Caldwell Wm. S. Moore Wm. B. Bogart Wm. R. Murray Jas. T. Carson Robt. M. Sloan, Jr. Geo. S. Sergeant Jed H. Lindsay J. Wm. Scott JACOB HENRY John A. Gilmer Robt. M. Sloan, Sr. Dr. Robert F. Robertson William S. Moore Governor Alfred Moore Scales Jas. T. Carson Lunsford Richardson J. William Scott Judge Thomas J. Shaw Alfred M. Scales Rudolph G. Lea William C. McLean Dr. Albert R. Wilson Lee G. Wharton the First Presbyterian Church 25, 1900: Wm. Edmund Bevill Robt. F. Robertson Wm. C. McLean Sam'l A. Kerr Sample S. Brown Neil Ellington James King Hall Robert G. Glenn Robert R. Kingf . William E. Allen Jesse T Abbott Edward M. Hendrix Lee G. Wharton J. Walker Fry Robt. G. Vaughn SMITH. In the history of the Presbyterian Church of North Carohna one character is set reflecting rays of light Hke a diamond. To his city and his country, to civihzation and humanity, his Hfe has Note: I suppose that from the organization (1824) till Nov. 1849, the elders dis- charged duties of deacons. E. W. Smith, (Pastor.) DR. J. HKXRV SMITH, FOR THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS PASTOR OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. 121 been a blessing. Tbe best friend on earth is the wise, true pastor. Thoi\c:h dead, yet Dr. Smith Hves in the Hves of his children and the people of his church. Rev. Jacob Henry Smith was born, in Lexington, Rockbridge County, Virginia. August 13, 1820. He died at his home in Greensboro, N. C, Monday, November 22, 1897. Dr. Smith was the oldest son of Samuel Runckle Smith and Margaret Fuller. His father's parents, Henry Louis Smith and IMargaret Runckle, were of German extraction and spoke only the German language. Jacob Henrv Smith at an early age joined the Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Va., then under the pastorate of Dr George A. Baxter — the church in which Stonewall Jackson was later a deacon. In 1843 ^""^ graduated with high distinction from Wash- ington College, now Washington and Lee University. In 1846 he received his certificate from Union Theological Seminary. From 1850 to 1854 he was principal and professor of Latin and Greek in the Samuel Davies Institute, Va. In 1859 he was called to Charlottesville. In June, 1859, he was received by Orange Presbytery and in July installed over the First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, North Carolina. In 1861 Dr. Smith submitted a paper before Orange Presby- tery on the "Reported Action of the General Assembly in Relation to the Political Crisis in the Country." This was one of the first steps, if not the first, taken toward the organization of the South- ern General Assembly. The Church in Greensboro grew steadily and rapidly and 'Tt became," says Dr. W. W. Moore, "the State's chief nursery of pure and learned lawyers, judges and governors." Dr. Smith was a man of great natural abilities. He possessed a mind of fine grasp, logical, acute, analytic, broad and just. He had an insatiable love of learning and was indefatigable in acqui- sition. He was a scholar-student. He was not content alone to study, but he mastered any department of knowledge bearing on his life-work, which meant not only the building up of a church in 122 GUILFORD COUNTY, reg-ard to numbers and wealth, but the much higher task of making men, developing- the highest type of character in its indi- vidual members. Tenderness, wisdom, strength and firmness, with the courage of an Isaiah, sympathy and love so blended in him as to make the ideal pastor and teacher of a lifetime. In 1870 the General Assembly appointed Dr. Smith chairman of the Committee of Education, and in 1888 chairman of the Committee on Foreign Missions. From 1866 he was director of Union Theological Seminary, Va., and for many years President of that Board and a member of the Board of Directors of David- son College, N. C. In 1872 Hampden-Sidney College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1877 the University of North Carolina gave him again the same degree. His last public duty in the church was as chairman of the General Assembly's committee to prepare a program for the celebration of the two hundred and fiftie+h anniversary of the Westminster Assembly. Dr. Smith was twice married: to Miss Catharine Malvina Miller, who died in 1854; in 1857 to Miss Mary Kelly Watson. His children are: Mrs. L. Richardson, Mrs. R. G. Vaughn; Rev. S. M. Smith, D. D., of the First Presbyterian Church of Colum- bia, S. C. ; Dr. Henry Louis Smith, President of Davidson College ; Rev. Egbert W. Smith, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, N. C. ; Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, Professor of the English Language in the University of North Carolina; Rev. Hay Watson Smith, of the Congregational Church, Park- ville, N. Y. A tablet to the memory of Dr. J. Henry Smith in the Presby- terian Church at Greensboro has inscribed on it the following stanza : Thirty-eight years Down History's tide In the life of this church Fondly side by side Pastor and people floated Gently on, NORTH CAROLINA. 123 Loving and loved, in days That are gone. The billows of time Have borne him away, From the starlit dawn To the golden day. A large and handsome building is being' erected adjoining the Presbyterian Church for the Sunday School department of church work. It will be a memorial to Dr. J. Henry Smith. The idea and the plan is original with Dr. Egbert W. Smith. The school will be carried on with the best means of education of the present day. The Presbyterian Church of Guilford County has had three pastors of remarkable power. Dr. David Caldwell and Dr. Eli W. Caruthers in successive ministry labored here for one hundred years, and Dr. J. Henry Smith for thirty-eight years. These men in a large measure contributed to the civilization of North Caro- lina. They each were men of vital strength of doctrine and their lives would indicate that Presbyterianism is conducive to longevity. (The data for the sketch of the Presbyterian Church in Greensboro were obtained from a sketch of that church by Dr. J. Henry Smith, now in the possession of Dr. Egbert W. Smith. The data for the history of Alamance Church were obtained from a speech delivered at the Centennial of that church by Dr. C. H. Wiley.) THD SOCIETY OF FRIKNDS. The center of the influence and strength of the Society of Friends in North Carolina has been Guilford County. For a hundred and fifty years their Yearly Meeting has been held in this County, first at New Garden, but of late years at High Point, N. C. Friends had first settled in Pasquotank County, this State, and John Archdale was the good Quaker governor long before. But Friends came among the earliest settlers to this section. There is some record that they chartered or traded with the Catawba 124 GUILFORD COUNTY, Indians for lands in the beautiful undulating plains of western Guilford. Guilford College, six miles west of Greensboro, is tliC seat of learning of Friends in the South. This institution was founded, in 1837, as New Garden Boarding School. Friends i-.ave always been great advocates and leaders in regard to education. From the first they seemed to have believed in the equal education of the sexes. Their women have responded in the noblest and most intellectual types of character. The principles of Friends have been laid down by George Fox, whose works are sometimes read fifty or one hundred times by the most consistent Friends. Like the Israelites of old, they have been a "peculiar people." Their opinions in regard to tem- perance, war and slavery have been very decided. Though not great in regard to number, but, united in fidelity, firm in convic- tion, believing in the "inner light" and the "written word," their influence has been felt most strong. Their position before and during the Civil War is better imagined than described. The chapter on the slavery question in this book will show some of their principles at work. In 1774 the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends freed their slaves. Some Friends came to this section from Pennsylvania at the same time the Scotch-Irish and Germans came, having crossed over with William Penn. With this company were the Menden- halls, Hunts, Ballingers, etc. About a score of years later Friends from New England came. These were the "Nantucketers." Again another company came from eastern North Carolina. See the chapter on the "Settlement." Friends came here not as hunters and wanderers, but with civilization and the Christian religion. There is a tradition that the first meeting of Friends in the County was held at "Cobbie," or Concord, an old place near Centre Meeting House. It is said that the first Yearly Meeting in western North Carolina was held here. But from New Garden as a centre the other meetings of Friends have been established. New Garden may be called the NORTH CAROLINA. 125 mother of the society in Guilford County and also of the society in Indiana, where the Friends constitute the prevailing and influential denomination. From the Register's book at Salisbury, N. C, it is learned that "on the 19th of October, 1757, Henry Ballinger and Thomas Hunt bought of Richard Williams fifty acres of land for five shillings, for the use, benefit, privilege and conveniency of a Meet- ing house which is already erected upon the above and bears the name New Garden for the Christian people called Quakers to meet in for publick worship of Almighty God, as also the ground to bury their dead in." The place was called New Garden from their home in Pennsylvania, and that in turn from New Garden in England. In 1 75 1 a meeting for worship was granted Friends at New Garden by Cane Creek Monthly Meeting. For three years the Monthly Meeting circulated between Cane Creek of Orange County and New Garden. (Dr. Weeks' "Southern Quakers and Slavery" is an exhaus- tive treatment of the subject of the early church history of Friends.) Early members of New Garden from Pennsylvania were : Joseph Ogburn, Peter Cox, Abram Elliot. John and Richard Mendenhall and William Reynolds. New Garden is one of the most historic places in Piedmont North Carolina. The church was used as a hospital for British and American soldiers wounded at the Battle of Guilford Court- house. Two large mounds in the graveyard show the last resting place of some of the bravest of Cornwallis's army. In 1757, Friends' Meeting House at Centre was established. The meeting was first held in private homes, then a small house was built which was used for both worship and for school. Dur- ing the Revolutionary War Daniel Worth and James Dix sat at the head of the meeting. Centre is a historic place also for the number of great men who were born there. Three governors of 126 GUILFORD COUNTY, three States were born almost .in a stone's throw of the church. The Nixons, who edit the Inter-Occan, were born here. In the old graveyard are buried members of the Worth family for genera- tions. Deep River has been one of the strongest Monthly Meetings. In 1758 it was established as a Preparative Meeting. In 1778 it became a Monthly Meeting. In 1818 it was made a Quarterly Meeting. The records of Deep River Monthly Meeting show that migration westward began about 181 1 and continued to i860. Many of its members, Mendenhalls, Hills and others, left their home meeting to live in Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio and elsewhere. Beeson, Clark, Cook, Elliot. Beard, Gardner, Harris, Horney, Ham, Henley, Howell, Hubbard, Hiat, Pike, Pegg, Starbuck and others went to Ohio. Deep River Meeting House is situated on a beautiful high plain sloping in all directions toward the horizon. Mighty oaks are back of the large, almost square, brick building. A large graveyard lies in front, the low stones in the centre of which mark a time in the history of Friends when gravestones were not allowed higher than eighteen inches. Around these are more imposing monuments. However quaint the place may be within this hallowed mould, tho^^gh gray and sere, romance and beauty and nobility are laid away with some of earth's .grim secrets. Diversity and individuality may be safely studied in the congregation of the dead. Deep River is a typical Friends' Meet- ing. WEST MARKET STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAIv CHURCH. The first record of Methodism in Piedmont Carolina is that of 1770. when Andrew Yeargan was appointed to Yadkin Circuit, which embraced Guilford County and was a part of Virginia Con- ference. Three years later Guilford Circuit was formed and Samuel Dudley and James Gibbons were put in charge of it. In 1800 this Circuit reported five hundred and fifty-one white mem- bers and thirty-nine colored. A year later the minutes show that the Circuit was a part of the Salisbury District, and James Douthit NORTH CAROLINA. J27 was presiding elder. A list of the pastors of the church from 1800 to the present time is given : rSoo. Wm. Atwood ; iSoi, Josiah Phillips: 1802, John Moose; 1803, Thomas L. Douglas, J. C. Ballew ; 1804, Wm. Hubbard, George Dillard; 1805, John Cox, Natlian Weldon ; 1806, John Gibbon, Richard Owen ; 1807, William Barnes, Chas. Roundtree: 1808, Edmund Henley, J. T. Brockwell; 1809, Chas. Roundtree, John Humphries; 1810, Joel Arrington ; 1811, Ed- ward Cannon, Erasmus Stinson; 1812, Ethelbert Drake; 1813, Joel Arring- ton, John Doyle; 1814, Joel Arrington, Cyrus Christian; 1815, Henry Robertson, Chas. Mosley; 1816, James Hammer, Abraham Frail; 1817, Sam- uel Garrard, James Smith; 1818, John F. Wright, Archibald Robinson; 1819. Samuel Hunter, Benj. Stephens; 1820, Thomas Howard; 1821, James Reid ; 18.73, Thacker Muis ; 1824, Jesse Lee ; 1825, Rufus Wiley ; 1826, Thos. Mann, Jacob Hill ; 1827, Rufus Wiley, Thomas Mann ; 1828, W. N. Abing- ton ; 1829. Richard D. Merriweather, Joshua Jaliff; 1830, Peter Doub ; 1831, John H. Watson, W. W. Albea, helper; 1832-3, Joshua Bethel. In 1834 the record reads: "Greensboro — Samuel Bryant." In 1835, Robert O. Burton ; 1836, B. B. Miles. In 1837 the North Carolina Conference was established by the General Conference. Its first session the following year was held, at which time James Purvis was sent to Greensboro. In 1838 Thomas S. Campbell was pastor; 1839, William Class; 1840, Addison Lea; 1841, Tra T. WA-che ; 1843, Benj. M. Williams; 1844-5, S. S. Bryant; 1846, Joel W. Tucker: 18^7, Peter Doub, Joseph B. Martin; 1848, Samuel M. Frost; 1849, A. S. Andrews; 1850, James P. Simpson; 1851, James Jami- son. S. D. Bumpass; 1852-3, N. H. D. Wilson; 1854-5, W. H. Bobbitt; 1856, Numa F. Reid, Joshua Bethel ; 1857-8, L. S. Burkhead ; 1859-60, L. L- Hendren; 1861-2, H. T. Hudson; 1863-4, Joel W. Tucker; 1865-8, William Barringer ; T869, A. W. Mangum ; 1870-3, J. A. Cunningham; 1874, W. H. Bobbitt ; 1875-7, S. D. Adams ; 1878-80, D. R. Burton, J. C. Thomas, Supt. in '79: 1881-4, L. W. Crawford: 1885-8. J. E. Mann; 1889, L. W. Crawford; 1890-94. S. H. Hilliard; 1894, J. H. Weaver; 1897, Dr. Roe; 1900, S. B. Turrentinc. In 1830 the first regular Methodist Church of Greensboro was built, when Rev. Peter Doub was pastor. In 1850-1 a new site was chosen on West Market Street. Again in 1892 the congregation had grown so large as to demand a more commodious building. Another lot was bought on West Marki;t Street, more elevated and nearer the centre of the city. On April 17, 1893, the Quarterly Conference appointed as a building committee, Messrs. S. L. Alderman, W. G. Balsley, C. H. Dorsett, W. H. Hill, Chas. H. Ireland. B. H. Merrimon, T. M. Pickard, S. L. Trogdon, G. W. Whitsett, 128 GUILFORD COUNTY, G. W. Alley. S. Brown, H. W. Cobb. C. M. Hackett. H. M. Alford, J. A. Odell, H. L. Scott, J. M. Winstead. July 5, 1893, the first brick was laid for the edifice ; the new West Market Church is one of the handsomest churches of any denomination in the State.* Pastor.— Rev. S. B. Turrentine, D. D. Board of Stewards. — J. A. Odell, President; C. H. Ireland, Vice- President; Prof. W. F. Alderman, Treasurer; Dr. J. E. Wyche, Secretary; J. N. Richardson, E. J. Stafford, C. H. Dorsett, C. A. Bray, J. N. Leak. J. W. Landreth, W. W. Wood, Dr. Dred Peacock, A. W. Vickory, Dr. Jno. H. Wheeler, F. C. Boyles, M, S. Sherwood, T. M. Pickard, E. L. Sides, Prof. J. M. Bandy, R. R. Alley, W. P. Hutton, W. T. Smith, O. F. Pearce. Lookout Committee. — C. H. Ireland, Chairman; Dr. J. H. Wheeler, F. C. Boyles, W. W. Wood. W. T. Smith. Finance Committee. — E. L. Sides, Chairman; Dr. Dred Peacock, M. S. Sherwood, J. N. Richardson, T. M. Pickard. Committee on Care of Sick. — C. H. Dorsett, Chairman; E. J. Staf- ford, J. W. Landreth, O. F. Pearce, W. P. Hutton. Committee on Church Property. — C. A. Bray, Chairman; J. N. Leak, A. W. Vickory, R. R. Alley. Prof. J. M. Bandy. Trustees.— G. W. Alley, Chairman ; G. Will Armfield, M. Lamb, J. A. Odell. S. L. Trogdon, W. E. Coffin, J. N. Richardson, W. H. Turner, S. C. Dodson. Ushers.— C. H. Dorsett, Chairman; W. T. Smith, Jos. J. Stone, J. N. Leak, E. J. Stafford, E. A. Brown. R. E. Reeves, G. W. Patterson, M. R. Reeves. O. S. Ball, H. G. Reinicker, A. E. B. Alford, Sidney N. Peters, A. J. Sykes, R. G. Stockton. METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. Early in the nineteenth centnry there was a division in the Methodist Church in regard to church government, and the Metho- cUst Protestant Church was created, beheving that obedience to bishops was inconsistent with a repubhcan people. The first Methodist Protestant church in central and western North Caro- lina was Moriah, in Guilford County, four miles south of Greens- boro. Moriah had once been a Methodist Episcopal church, but under the leadership of Rev. John Coe, Joseph Gilbreath, James Hendricks and William Gilbreath it became Methodist Protestant. * I am indebted for this data to Miss Ruih York, who has an excellent sketch of the Church in Vol. 3, College Message. ROHERT M. SI.OAN, ELDER IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, AGED OVER NINETY. NORTH CAROLINA. 129 This little band of thirty-four men and women planted the Metho- dist Protestant Church in Guilford County. It is said that there are more churches of this denomination in Guilford County than any other, though it is surpassed by others in reg:ard to numbers. About 1840, Tabernacle Church was established. Jonathan Causey donated the first plot of ground. In 1841 they built a commodious house, and a preacher, Rev. Joseph Causey, painted it. The trustees were : John Forbis, Samuel Hunter, Levi Causey, Joseph Alexander and John Hardin. This church has now a membership of three hundred. About 1830, Pleasant Union was built. Rev. Alson Gray, one of the greatest preachers of this denomination, organized the church. In 1842 Peter Julian, Christian Kime and G. W. Bowman vvere appointed trustees. Peter Bowman was first Sunday School superintendent. One special rule in a long list of rules which were read each Sunday was : "That males and females were not to go together, but males by themselves and females by themselves." In 1855 the church numbered twenty-four males and eleven females. Following this time the pastors were : Revs. Jordan Neese, A. W. Lineberry, T. H. Pegram, J. L. Michaux, W. C. Kennett, C. F. Harris, R. R. Michaux, J. H. Page, J. W. Heath, J. W. Ball, R. H. Wills, S. W. Coe, T. F. McCuUoch, J. R. Hutton, W. W. Amick, G. F. Millaway. Bethel, Flat Rock, Ai, are also Methodist Protestant churches, built up by the labors of Revs. Alson Gray and A. W. Lineberry. Grace Methodist Protestant Church was erected in 1892. Its first pastor was Rev. W. F. Ogborn, from Maryland, who was suc- ceeded by Rev. J. S. Williams. Rev. J. F.- McCulloch served one year and was followed by Rev. T. M. Johnson. The erection of this church marked a new era in the life of the Methodist Protes- tant Church in this State, and in a great measure Grace Church determines the thought and progress of the denomination. Many little children attend Grace Church. Seated in a body they are a beautiful group. 130 GUILFORD COUNTY, The Methodist Protestant Church at High Point was begun in 1894. On the fourth Sunday in September, 1895, Rev. F. T. Tagg, D. D., preached the opening sermon, at the close of which a collection was taken sufficient to cover the indebtedness. In the evening Rev. T. J. Ogburn preached the dedicatory sermon and organized the church with thirteen members. At the following conference W. R. Lovv^dermilk was made pastor. The oldest of the German Reformed churches in Guilford County is Lows Church, standing on the old road from Hills- borough to Salisbury, North Carolina. (See Colonial Records, Vol. 8, 1735.) It was a imion Reformed and Lutheran church until dissentions arose in regard to the Regulation war. Upon that the Reformed members moved out to a house of their own, "Brick Church," of which Rev. Samuel Suther was pastor until the close of the war. In these years Ludwig Clapp and Christian Foust were elders. After three years Rev. Bithahm succeeded the Rev. Suther. After this Rev. Andrew Loretz made annual visits for a number of years. The people were accustomed to meeting without a pastor each Sabbath for worship, when the ruling elder or the schoolmaster read a selected sermon. In 1812 Capt. Wil- liam Albright secured the services of a young minister, who was deputed to visit all of the Reformed churches of the South. Rev. James R. Riley came, making the visit on horseback by way of the emigrant route. Under his preaching fifty-seven members were added to this church. 1814 was the most prosperous year of Brick Church. In 1841 Rev. G. William Welker became pastor and served in that capacity this church about fifty years. Frieden's Church was organized soon after Brick Church, probably by the same minister, ten miles northeast, in Guilford County. It was first known as Stahmaker's Church. The Re- formed families here were the Weitzells, Wyricks, Straders, De- Wolds, etc. In 1855 Rev. G. William Welker became their pastor, bringing new life to the church. Gideon DeWald and William Weitzell were chosen elders; John Clapp, Duncan Trosler and NORTH CAROLINA. 131 Joshua Weitzell. deacons. After a tew years St. Mark's Reformed Church was built, at Boon's Station. In 1 85 1 the Reformed Congregation built a church on the old Martinsville road to Fayetteville, on the upper Alamance, and named it Mt. Hope. This congregation after the Civil War grew to be the strongest church numercially, numbering over 425 mem- bers. Rev. G. Wm. Welker was its pastor for forty-six successive years. (It has been impossible to get the history of all the churches.) 132 GUILPGRD COUNTY, CHAPTER XII. THE TOWNS OF GUILFORD. The principal towns of Guilford County are Greensboro and High Point. Those who travel say that in no part of the country, North or West, are there greater signs of growth and industrial development. GREliNSBORO. Greensboro, the County seat of Guilford, has a population of about twenty-two thousand. Situated on a plateau, slightly in- clined toward the sunrise, is Greensboro, Queen of Piedmont Caro- lina. Surrounded by beautiful, undulating fields covered with soft Japanese clover, buffalo grass and abundant wild flowers, she is called the "City of Flowers." Once this section was prairie, it is said, but there are Uow tall oaks, poplars and elms of such strength and size as to suggest the forest primeval. Greensboro, the Gate City, is the open door of transportation between North and South. This advantage alone would have made her strong industrially. Her hotels are famous. Her people are kind, cul- tured and hospitable. Her health is perfect. Greensboro, City of Flowers, Garden of Roses, Abode of the Birds, is the centre of Guilford County. In 1909 Greensboro will see her centennial. One lucky Fri- day morning in May, 1809, the Court of Guilford County was removed from Martinsville to the centre of the county, Greensboro. From the Court Records, 1809, is the following: ■'At a County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County of Guilford at the Courthouse in the town of Martinsville on the third Monday of May, 1809, it being the fifteenth day of the month. COI.. W . II. OSRORN, IIKAD OF KEELEY INSTITUTE IN NORTH CAROLINA, MAYOR OF GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. 133 "The Esquires present were John Starratt, E. Burrow, Roddy Hannar, Jonathan Parker, Obadiah Anthony. "Court adjourned from the town of Alartinsville to the town of Greensboro to meet at lO o'clock Friday. "According to adjournment the court met Friday, 19 May, 1809, at Greensboro, for the first time.'' The Jtulges present at this first cottrt held in Greensboro were John Starratt, Jonathan Parker, Joseph Barnett, John Giil- lett, George Swain, John ]\IcAdoo and E. Burrow. When Greensboro was made the chief town of Guilford County, Raleigh, as the capital of the State, was still very young ; Wilmington was possibly a month's journey distant; Fayetteville, the chief trade centre for Piedmont North Carolina ; and Hills- boro. almost royal in its degree of aristocracy. The great high- way between Salisbury and Hillsboro, leading by the little town of Greensboro, was traversed by the stage coach, not hourly, as the trains pass today, but a lumbering stage coach drawn by six horses. A daily newspaper was something undreamed of, but unconsciously the stage coach driver fulfilled the functions of newsmonger as well as engineer, conductor, baggage master and expounder of the law and Constitution. The University of North Carolina, established in 1796, was not very old when Greensboro became a town. The first degree conferred by that seat of learning was upon a Guilford man. Dr. David Caldwell. Even the United States had not grown old enough to feel its importance in the world. Boston was a town of much beer, rather than much learning. Fulton's first steamboat was only two years old. The spirit of Young America was just arising up. Did the citizen of Greensboro go to Washington then he might see Thomas Jefferson retiring from the President's chair. William Henry Harrison was fighting Tecumseh. The map of the United States looked very different from the map of the same territory at the present. Scientific study was only beginning. Darwin, Tyn- dall and Huxley had not yet begun their wonderful work. In 134 GUILFORD COUNTY, fact, the city of Greensboro began with the beginning of a cen- tury, greatest in the civiHzation of the Germanic race. The People's Savings Bank oi Greensboro, N. C, the first mutual savings hank ever organized in North Carolina, and at present the oldest bank m Greensboro, opened its doors for business on July 2nd, 1887. Its organization w^as effected by many of the leading citizens of the city, to provide a safe and convenient place of deposit and interest for persons of small means, and to aid and encourage the youth and the industrious to save a portion of their earnings for a period of life when through sickness or misfortune or as capital for business they might need it. Its first set of officers was: President, J. M. Winstead; Vice-Presidents, Prof. W. F. Steele, J. A. Odell and J. H. Harris ; Treasurer, Samuel L. Trogdon ; Sec- retary. H. H. Cartland ; Attorney. Robert M. Douglas. At the close of the first year the deposits of the bank had run up to $27,300, since which time they have gradually increased until for the last six months the average deposits have been about $200,000. Among its leading organizers. Judge Robert P. Dick, J. M. Winstead and H. H. Cartland have passed away, but the work is still being carried on by others, as hundreds of its depositors can testify, who have been enabled through its advantages to provide homes for themselves and families. Its depositors now number more than twenty-six hundred, scattered throughout the Piedmont section of the State. Its present officers are : President, J. W. Scott ; Vice-President, J. A. Odell ; Treasurer, J. Ad. Hodgin; Assistant Treasurer, L. M. H. Reynolds; Secre- tary, Samuel L Trogdon ; Attorney, R. D. Douglas. The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company was organized on July 19th, 1899. Following is a list of officers and directors: President, J. W. Fry; Vice-President, J. S. Cox; Secretary and Treasurer, W. E. Allen; Direc- tors, J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox, J. C. Bishop, W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdoo, R. P. Gray; John Gill, Baltimore, Md. ; W. H. Watkins, Ramseur, N. C. ; O. R. Cox, Cedar Falls, N. C. ; W. F. Williams, Red Springs, N. C. ; J. A. Hadley, Mount Airy, N. C. ; S. Bryant. Randleman, N. C. ; J. Ehvood Cox, High Point, N. C. ; J. W. Fry. The company does a general banking business; acts as receiver, t''ustee. guardian, executor and administrator of estates; runs a savings department m which 4 per cent, interest is allowed on deposits remaining three full months ; has a fire- and burglar-proof, steel-lined safe deposit vault, where safe deposit boxes are rented and chests of valuables are kept. The City National Bank was organized January 20, 1899, with a capi- tal of $100,000, and succeeded to the business of the Piedmont Bank, which had been doing business in Greensboro for aliout ten years previous to that MR. W. IT. RACAN, HIGH POINT, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 135 time. The Piedmont Bank was organized bj' ex-Governor A. M. Scales, who was its first president, and served the bank in that capacity until his death, which occurred on February 9, 1892. He was succeeded by Col. J. M. Winstead, who from the organization of the bank and at that time was cashier. The first Board of Directors was composed of ex-Governor Scales, J. A. Odell, J. M. Winstead, Lawrence S. Holt and Samuel L. Trog- don. On August 23, 1894, the bank suffered the loss of its president, Col. Winstead, he having died suddenly, and in the following September J. M. Walker was elected to this position. As stated before, the Piedmont Bank went out of business in January, 1899, and was succeeded by the City National Bank. The new bank commenced growing immediately and in two years had more than doubled its business. The surplus fund of the bank at present is $20,000, all accumulated since the organization of the bank, besides having paid the stockholders over $12,000 in dividends. The present officers of the bank are: President, J. M. Walker; Vice-President, J. Van Lindley; Cashier, Lee H. Battle. The Board of Directors is com- posed of the following well-known business men of Greensboro: J. C. Bishop, president of the Merchant Grocery Co. ; Jas. A. Hodgin, treasurer of the People's Savings Bank ; R. H. Brooks, of the Odell Hardware Co. ; Dr. Dred Peacock, president of the Greensboro Female College; Mr. J. Van Lindley. president of the Lindley Nursery Co., and Mr. J. M. Walker, president of the bank. HIGH POINT. High Point is a thrifty town of six thousand inhabitants, situated on the Raleigh and Charlotte road. Six miles to the west is Thomasville, a smaller town, but large industrially, as if it, too, had caught the spirit of work from its hustling neighbor. Within a few miles of High Point is the Orphanage of the great Mission- ary Baptist denomination of North Carolina. High Point is the centre of the furniture business in North Carolina and the South. It is regarded as second only to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thirty years ago High Point was a little place, as dead industrially as a town could be. Dried fruit was its prin- cipal product. In 1872 the school house at High Point, according to Captain Snow, was a little log hut that cost less than twenty dollars. The seats were made of slab-boards with poles stuck in holes for legs. Shingles were simply laid on the roof and held 136 GUILFORD COUNTY, down by weights. Instead of windows, holes in the wall admitted the light. At present the little city has one of the finest graded schools in the vState, in a beautiful stone building. The popula- tion numbers five thousand, with a factory for every one hundred and thirty-three of its inhabitants. The many northern men who visit this section and Pinehurst regard High Point as an exceed- ingly busy and industrious town, and its development one of the most remarkable anywhere. Her success is due to plain, legiti- mate business. Her people work. High Point has no "dead elephants," no wrangling. A spirit of co-operation pervades the place. To what then is due this remarkable growth ? Given a man of energy and knowledge of industry in the presence of North Carolina resources and much will be accomplished. Captain W. H. Snow may well be regarded as the father of High Point. He is the pioneer in the State in the manufacture of shuttle blocks, spokes and handles. He brought into the State the first Blanchard lathe and band saw operated in North Carolina. The standing timber in Randolph, Davidson and Guilford counties determined Captain Snow's location at High Point. Our people had no idea of the wealth that was before them in sight. Captain Snow called out the latent energy to develop these resources. Captain W. H. Snow was born in Washington County, Ver- mont, in 1825. In response to the call to arms by President Lincoln, Captain Snow responded and arrived in Washington City from New England among the first troops. He was in the first battle of the Civil War with the Sixth Regiment from Massa- chusetts. So when he came to Guilford County at the close of the war the odds were against him. The people regarded with suspicion a Yankee, as if he were seeking his own good at their expense, but at length Captain Snow won the lasting high regard of our people. For seven times he has been elected mavor of High Point, by all the people. His work in industrial life of North Carolina has been an I . i';i,\\ ()(ii) cox, r,H roiNT, N. c. NORTH CAROLINA. 137 important factor. In 1867 he sent a sing'le barrel of persimmon shuttle blocks to Mr. E. A. Thissell, of Lowell, Massachusetts, the first sent from the South, as an experiment. Hitherto shuttle blocks were made of apple trees. Captain Snow discovered that persimmon, dogwood and hickory timber had a commercial value. Men came ten miles to see the man who was such a fool as to pa)- money for dogwood. In 1872 he went to High Point and built its first factory working in wood. Soon this was burned, and he found himself four hundred dollars poorer than wdien he began business. Upon borrowed money without security he began again. Captaui Snow says : "If any man is able to say that a good name is capital, I am the man." For fifteen years he was the busiest man in the country. For some time all the wood business in High Point was under his management. But suddenly the energy of the people "broke loose," and then High Point became one of the greatest examples of industrial workmanship. Captain Snow's son, Mr. E. A. Snow, and his son-in-law, Mr. J. Ehvood Cox, entered work with him ; now in his old age they have taken the burden of his business, which has many times doubled itself. Captain Snow is a remarkable man. He is a genius in indus- trial development. He went to Australia to better his fortune in early life and built the first telegraph system south of the equator for the Colony of Victoria, from Melbourne to Sydney, in Aus- tralia. With his knowledge of people all over the world he says the North Carolina type of character has as high a sense of honor and integrity and perhaps the best of any people on earth. Mr. J. Elwood Cox purchased from Captain Snow the plant for manufacturing spokes and handles, shuttle blocks and bobbins. Gradually the business has increased until these mills are dotted over North Carolina, and the South as well. Mr. Cox received his education at Guilford College', North Carolina, and at Earlham College, Indiana. He is president of the Globe-Home Furniture Manufacturing Company, the largest industry of the kind in the South, having a capital stock of one hundred and fiftv thousand 138 GUILFORD COUNTY, dollars. He sells ninety per cent, of the shuttle blocks of the world. In June, 1891, Mr. Cox was elected president of the Com- mercial National Bank at its org-anization, and still holds that responsible position, lending his energy and business skill to its successful operation. Mr. Cox is connected also with many of the industries of High Point, and is a fine type of North Carolina manhood. He is much interested in the "History of Guilford County." Another one of the best business men of this "Hub of the Furniture and Wood Business in the South" is Mr. W. H. Ragan. Mr. Ragan was born in Randolph County, one of the daughter- counties of Old Mother Guilford. Early in life he came to Guil- ford and began farming and merchandising nine miles southeast of Greensboro, at the age of fourteen. Before the Civil War he went to Franklins ville, N. C, where he learned the cotton manu- facturing business. At the close of the war he returned to Guil- ford, entering into the mercantile business of the firm "Pleasants, Ragan & Co.," afterward the "Ragan, ]\Iillis Co.," of High Point. "Tell something of Mr. Ragan's work in Guilford County, please?" asked the author of a certain book on North Carolina. "Something of Mr. Ragan's work? Well, Fd like to know what line of honorable business he is not engaged in," responded the well-informed business man of Greensboro. Then, more kindly, "Mr. W. H. Ragan is one of the most public spirited county commissioners of this State. I believe he will send a copy of that history of Guilford Covmty to every county commissioner in the State and to every public library in North Carolina. But to tell you, lady, something of his work. He is secretary and treasurer of the Eagle Furniture Company, president of the Oak- dale Cotton ]\Iil! at Jamestown, president of the Southern Chair Company, director in National Bank of High Point ; director in National Bank of Greensboro, director in Wachovia Loan and Trust Company of Winston, treasurer of the High Point NORTH CAROLINA. 139 Hardware Company. He has held important positions in the city of High Point and is an expert in banking business." More than this still I have learned. j\Ir. Ragan is a good Methodist, a man of fine taste and education, exemplifying in life the golden mien. High Point is the head of a triangle made by Deep River. This town is remarkable for its soberness, piety, business and thrift. The city has never had a bar-room or saloon ; only one murder case in all its history, and this was an imported alTair ; everybody works in High Point ; everybody there has a good living and, judging from the beautiful homes and other new build- ings going up, everyone has plenty of money to lay by. To Quaker influence and ancestry this city owes these pronounced character- istics. Morality, soberness, living within one's income, thrift and love of work are Quaker attributes, the inheritance of the youth of High Point, better than grandure, better than gold. The yearly meeting of Friends has been held in this town in August for years, this is the North Carolina city of good-will, of brotherly love. In a town such as this all its citizens are people of beauty and strength of character. When none stands up as a type above his fellows it is a token of special energy. When one writes, it is a duty to tell the truth, the truth creative, which can help some other to lift up his heart and take good courage. The real success of one good man is an inspiration to many another. The real suc- cess of a whole city full is a great inspiration to very many people. I like people who have done something. I like people who do things. For the sake of young people just now struggling, fight- ing life's battles that shall place them firmly, I like to tell of the success of other people, our ov/n kin, they are; and work like theirs will gain recognition at last ; victory is indigenous in every real effort. There is no failure. Failure is like sin, a deformity. Our successful men have all had their struggles. Another one of Guilford County's successful men, and a resident of High Point, is Mr. J. H. Millis. He began life as a salesman for the Worth & Walker Company of Asheboro. Later 140 GUILFORD COUNTY, he came to Greensboro to the firm of Odell, Ragan & Co., where he remained two years. He became afterward a member of the firm of Ragan, Millis & Co., now under the name of W. H, Ragan & Co., of High Point. Mr. jMilHs is largely interested in the furni- ture and wood business in High Point. For ten years he was chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for Guilford County. . Mr. J. A. Lindsay is a citizen of High Point who has gained for himself an honorable name in the business world as an indus- trial leader. The Lindsay Chair Company was organized in May, 1900; this company manufactures rocking chairs, diners, making twenty-five dozen chairs per day. ]\Ir. Lindsay is also president of the Union Furniture Company of High Point, which manu- factures suites beautifully finished in golden oak. The High Point Mantel and Table Company was incorpor- ated March 15, 1900, with Messrs. E. ]\L Armfield, A. M. Rankin, Wescott Ri3berson as incorporators. This company makes hat racks, tables and kitchen safes. These goods find a great market all over the South and Southwestern States. The only complete upholstering business in North Carolina is High Point Upholstering Co., which was organized in 1895 by Me^ssrs. T. T. Wrenn, J.^J. Welch, P. Y. Kirkman. In fact, this is the only establishment South making handsome overstuifed parlor suites and pulpit and lodge furniture. Their Morris chairs are very beautiful and delightfully comfortable. Their leather- bound rockers are especially elegant. They make felt and hair mattresses also. The Southern Chair Company was incorporated in 1896 by W. H. Ragan, J. A. Lnidsay, J. J. Welch, E. A. Snow, R. F. Dal- ton and others, with a capital stock of $24,000. In 1898 Mr. W. H. Ragan resigned as secretary and Mr. S. L. Davis was elected his successor. This company makes arm chairs, rocking chairs and dining chairs. Mr. Davis is a graduate of the Laiiversity ot North Carolina. MR. A. M. SCNLKS, CITV ATTOKNKV 1-OU (.KK I'NSr.ORO, X. C. NORTfl CAROLINA. 141 The Victor Chair Company was organized March 21, 1901, with My. S. L. Davis as president, Mr. W. H. Ragan as vice- president and Mr. Harvey Davis as secretary and treasurer. The name "Victor" was given it by the secretary in honor of his friend, ]\Ir. Victor Clay McAdoo, of Greensboro. The Victor Chair Company makes a specialty of children's chairs, all grades and designs. Mr. Davis is a University of North Carolina student of the class of 1899. The Tomlinson Chair Factory was established in 1900 by ]\Ir. Halstead Tomlinson. The Welch Furniture Company began business in 1900, with Messrs. W. P. Picket, president ; R. B. Strickland, vice-president ; J. W. Harris, secretary and treasurer. They manufacture oak and parlor chamber suites, chiffoniers, odd dressers, folding beds. No other factory in this vState makes folding beds. This very successful business yields an. output of $100,000 yearly. The youngest manufacturer of High Point, the boy manufac- turer of North Carolina, is Mr. Willie E. Snow, who in 1899 took in hand the business of the Snow Basket Company — the only basket factory in the State. He is a grandson of Captain Snow, the father of the furniture manufacturing business in North Caro- lina, and inherits much of his grandfather's genius for work. The Snow baskets are sold to the tobacco men of Wilson, Durham, Henderson, Oxford, Winston, Rocky Mt., Greeneville. Snow baskets are used by the cotton growers of the eastern and southern section : the truckers of Mt. Olive, Faison, Kinston and all along the A. C. L. buy the Snow basket. The oldest furniture plant in High Point was established in 1888 by Mr. Wrenn. The first piece of furniture made in High Point is a desk in the office of the High Point Furniture Company. This company has an average shipment of one carload per day, sending its suites of furniture all over the country. Green logs are brought to High Point from the forests prime- val of Guilford, Davidson, Randolph and elsewhere. This timber 142 GUILFORD COUNTY, is made into the higliest grade of furniture, coffins, chairs, suites, etc., to the finest wood workmanship. SKETCHES OF FAMILIES OF GUILFORD. The; McAdoo Family and their Connections. By Victor Clay McAdoo. Dr. Caruthers, speaking of the Scotch-Irish, says : "Combin- ing the intelligence, orthodoxy and piety of the Scotch with the order and love of liberty peculiar to the Irish, they were the most efficient supporters of the American cause during the struggle for independence ; and they have done more for the support of learn- ing, morality and religion than any other class of people." Along with the first settlers of that noble race in this County came James and John McAdoo, and a little later, their sister, Nellie. They came via Charleston, S. C, and were prompted to leave home because their father, William, had married a second time, against their wishes. Upon their arrival in this section they took up large grants of land near Alamance Church, and settled there and reared large families. Nellie McAdoo married John Ryan and among her children was William Ryan, who took a prominent part in the battles of Raft's Swamp and Wetzel's Mill, and represented Guilford County in the Legislature of 1816-1817- 1818. Dr. Caruthers speaks of him as "one of our most upright and estimable citizens." Nellie McAdoo Ryan died at the age of 105 years, and is buried at Buffalo Church. John McAdoo was granted, in 1759, 640 acres near Alamance Church, and he and his wife, Ellen Nelson McAdoo, had among their children, David McAdoo, Samuel McAdoo, John, William and James McAdoo. Samuel McAdoo, a son of John and Ellen Nelson McAdoo, was born in Guilford County, April 10, 1760, and educated at ]\Iecklenburg College, and married Henrietta Wheatley. He moved with his brother-in-law, John Larkins, and James McAdoo's wife and children to Dickson County, Tennessee, NORTH CAROLINA. 143 vvb.ere John Larkins had been granted, with his brother Hugh, two thousand acres of land by North Carohna for their conspicuous services during the Revohttionary War. Samuel McAdoo became a minister of great distinction, and was one of the founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which was organized by him and associates at his house in Dickson County, in 1810. He died in Illinois, ]\Iarch 30, 1844, leaving two sons and two daughters. Tames McAdoo married Margaret Houston, and their chil- dren were Mary, Sarah, Dorcas and Martha, John, William, David and Ezra. James McAdoo died in 1800, and his wife, with her children, moved to Dickson County, Tennessee. j\Iary AIcAdoo married James Larkins, Sarah married Houston, and Dorcas mar- ried Nesbitt. John xsIcAdoo married Hannah ]\IcNeiley, and was a trustee of Dicki^on County for fourteen years. His brother, David, was sheriff of the county for six years. Among their children were John, Hugh and James A'lcAdoo. James now lives at Waverly, Tenn, and is the oldest elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church there, and one of the largest farmers in that county. John M. McAdoo is the Judge of the County Court at Wav- erly, Tennessee, was a captain in the late war, and several times represented his county in the Legislature, and is now a ruling elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Hugh M. McAdoo was born in Dickson County in 1838, and was educated for a lawyer. He was a captain in the late war, several times member of the Legislature from Humphreys County, and was in 1876 elected to the Senate, being chosen its Speaker. He was a man of great legal ability. He died in 1894. The descendants of James McAdoo in Tennessee are now among the state's foremost citizens, and they are now residing in many of the Western States. Some of those who have attained prominence and are descendants of the McAdoo family are Samuel J. Keith, a banker; Dr. William Morrow, a prominent physician, and Rev. 144 GUILFORD COUNTY, J. H. McNeilly, of Nashville. Tenn., a prominent Presbyterian minister: also the late Prof. William G. McAdoo. of the Universitv of Tennessee, at Knoxville, and Capt. Brantley McAdoo, of Texas. James McAdoo married and had David, Samuel, John, James and William, Margaret and Jean, and granddaughter Ann Boyd. He died in 1802 at 94 years of age, and is buried at Alamance Church. Capt. John iMcAdoo was a reckless fighter during the Revolu- tionary War, and was nicknamed "Devil John." He was killed in the battle of Raft's Swamp, and Caruthers says his death "was greatly lamented as a man of tried firmness and dauntless cour- age.'" William McAdoo fought at Wetzel's Mill, and rode up almost under the guns of the British, and drew his wounded companion, Shaw, across his saddle and carried him off the field. William P^IcAdoo moved to Tennessee, and his children and grandchildren acquired large estates in Gibson Comity, and one of his grand- sons was a captain under the command of General N. B. Forrest in the late war. My great-grandfather, David JMcAdoo, was born December 7, 1760, and married Elizabeth Nicks, a daughter of George and Elizabeth Nicks, of Guilford County. They resided on the old family estate near Alamance Church, and conducted a large farm. Elizabeth Nicks was the daughter of George Nicks, who was one of the largest land owners north of the city, and they lived in excellent style for those days. Their children were: Calvin Nicks, Pleasant, Albert Y., John, Asynath and Elizabeth. Albert Y. McAdoo graduated at the University, and became a practicing physician, and died at thirty-four years of age. May 2S, 1849. Asynath McAdoo died May 27, 1849, at the age of forty-two, never having married. John JMcAdoo lived in Greensboro, and was engaged in business. He never married, and died March 27, 1872, age fifty- four years. NORTH CAROLINA. 145 Pleasant McAdoo married Euphrasia Gilchrist, who was a granddaiig-hter of William Rvan, who married his cousin. Jean McAdoo, and of their chiUlren, Adolphus married Emma Bevill, and died at twenty-three years of age, July i8, 1875, leaving one son, Adolphus McAdoo, who now resides in New York. Ella Dora McAdoo married William E. Bevill and died December 28, 1880. at the age of twenty-five years, leaving one daughter, Dora Bevill. Albert McAdoo married Nannie Summers, and left at his death in 1901 four small children: Brantley McAdoo resides with his mother, and has never married. Elizabeth McAdoo married Col. John ^lilton Cunningham, and resided about five miles north- east of Greensboro, and had three children : Augusta and Lenora, who both died leaving no children, at the age of twenty-two years. James Milton Cunningham married Bettie Jones, a daughter of Harriet Keen and Decanter Jones, of Pittsylvania County, Vir- ginia. He died in 1881, and left five children. He was a very popular man and held in the highest esteem by his friends and was at the time of his death sherift' of this county. Tlie Cunningham family were of the first settlers in this section, and were related to the old Patrick family, who were very large land owners on Haw River. Matthew Cunningham, a member of the family, was for years one of the county justices, and Col. John M. Cunningham was, at the time of his death, a very large land owner and slave holder. John Cunningham, a member of the family, was granted by Lord Granville 640 acres in this county in 1753. Calvin Nicks McAdoo. my grandfather, was born on the old family estate near Alamance Church, October 22, 1809, and at- tended Caldwell Institute in Greensboro, and engaged in the mer- cantile business here after leaving the Institute. He formed a partnership with his cousin, David Scott, and the firm of Scott & McAdoo was one of the first to engage in business here. He was married to Isabella McConnell, the onlv daughter of Col. Walter 146 GUILFORD COUNTY, McConnell and Martha Peeples McConnell, ^larch 7. 1839, the ceremony being performed at the McConnell home, four miles east of Greensboro, by Rev. Eli Carnthers. Col. Walter McCon- nell came to this county from near Harrisburg, Pa., when a young man, and engaged in farming, -and conducted several large tan- yards in this and adjoining counties. He married IMartha, a daughter of Capt. Lewis Peeples and Jane Hicks Peeples. David Peeples, father of Capt. Lewis Peeples, was one of the early settlers in this county, and took up large grants of land on Jacob's Creeek and Haw River, and I judge from the number of grants recorded in this county to him that he must have been among the largest land owners in the county. Capt. Lewis Peeples inherited a great deal of property from his father, and he lived in style and luxury for those days. He was bom December 22, 1760, and died December 29, 1828, and left a son, Col. Allen Peeples, who was a man of prominence in this county for years. He was a member of the Legislature in 1830, 1831, 1832 and 1833, and married Betsy Braziel. Capt. P. A. Peeples, a son of Col. Allen Peeples, was mortally wounded at Gaines' Mills, in 1862. Another son. Dr. Pinkney Peeples, was, at the time of his death, president of the National Bank at Jack- son, Miss. Col. Allen Peeples left here before the War with his family, and went to Mississippi, where his children married, and are prominent people in that State. Col. Walter McConnell had one son, Washington McConnell, who married Mrs. Garvin, of Rhode Island, and they had two children, Dr. Charles McConnell and Lola McConnell ]\lcLeod, who now live in Boston, Mass. Col. AlcConnell built for his son, Washington, the large brick storehouse on West Market Street now owned by Mrs. C. C. Gorrell, and built a home for him, also, on West Market Street, now occupied by Mrs. M. A. Winstead. The store conducted by W^ishington McConnell was, before the War, the principal store in Greensboro, except the store con- ducted on East Market Street by my grandfather, C. N. McAdoo. NORTH CAROLINA. 147 Washington McConnell died in St. Louis, October 21, 1865. My grandfather, Calvin N. McAdoo, and wife. Isabella McConnell McAdoo, resided at their home at the corner of Gorrrell and Ashe- boro Streets, and their children were: Walter David, born Jan- nary 28, 1840; Martha Elizabeth, born May, 1842, died September 29, 1843; ^'ictor Clay, born ]\Iarch 25, 1845, died November 5, 1878: William Calvin, born May 25, 1848, died April 8, 1878. Calvin Nicks McAdoo was for years the most successful merchant in this county, and conducted branch stores at Madison and Graham, his business extending over several surrounding counties. He was one of the organizers of the Greensboro National Bank, and a director in it at the time of his death. He died April 24, 1887, and left one of the largest estates in the county. "For more than half a century he was connected with the active business affairs of Greensboro and Guilford County. He was scrupulously correct in all his dealings and probably had more transactions with his fellow-citizens than any man who has lived here. His strong intellect held to the last. His was a busy life. He was always considerate of the feelings and rights of those in his employ. His loss will be keenly felt throughout the county and many will sincerely mourn his death. One more of the few remaining earl_y settlers of Greensboro has released his grasp on this world and passed over to join the great majority." (*Capt. W. S. Ball in Greensboro iNorfJi State.) My father, Victor Clay McAdoo, was educated at Wilson's School and the University of North Carolina, and joined Company T, Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, Capt. Nathaniel Rankin, Gor- don's Brigade, Stuart's Division, Arniy of Northern Virginia, and Note: The name McAiloo has stood for much in the commercial life of Guilford County. It has been like a business backbone m Greensboro since the founding of the city. No McAdoo ever failed in business, or failed to pav a debt, or to make money. The McAdoos love real estate and know how to hold on to it. The genuine McAdoo has no fibre of stinginess in him, but ''you can't hoodoo a McAdoo." I'hey have a clearer per- ception of justice than some folks, and liave a way of recognizing good in others. Messrs. \'ictor Clay and Thomas J. McAdoo have belived in the South as the great field of future literature. More than one writer of recognition can take off his hat to these men. They love the old North State. The McAdoo family have some pride of race and sense of honor for the name inherited from a noble line. Honor to whom honor is due. Sallie Walker Stockard. 148 GUILFORD COUNTY, was in the battles of Ream's Station, Stoney Creek and Yellow Tavern. He was wounded several times and given his parole in Virginia at the close of the War. He married Nannie Witcher Jones, a member of the families of Jones, Keenes and Witchers, of Virginia. They have three sons, Thomas Jones, Victor Clay and Calvin Nicks. William Calvin McAdoo was educated at Wilson's School, the University of North Carolina and Washington and Lee Uni- versity, Virginia. He was engaged in business in this city and died at thirty years of age, never having married. Walter David McAdoo was educated at Wilson's School and Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. He joined the army at the breaking out of the War and fought bravely till severely wounded at Gettysburg, on which field he was commissioned Major, but never was able to accept the commission. After the close of the War he married Miss Josie A. Moore, of Virginia, and has two children, William and Mary. SKIvTCII OF THE ARMFIELD FAMILY. As far as is known, all the Armfields in America have sprung from the same source, i. e., from English Quakers in the north of England, where the family is still numerous. And although the majority of them have drifted away from the old church, yet they still exhibit many Quaker traits, such as honesty, thrift and sim- plicity. It is believed that they are of Anglo-Saxon stock, judging from the name and from the florid complexion and light hair of the older members of the family in this country. But the name is now common in Sweden, and a Count Von Armfeldt was a brilliant general under the meteoric Charles XH. of Sweden. (See Enc. Britt.) The original John Armfield, from whom all the Armfields of whom we know were descended, was born in the north of England in 1695. He was a strict Quaker and a school-teacher by profes- sion. He and his young wife came with a colony of Quaker emi- J. \V^■ATT ARM FIELD, HIGH rOINT, N. C. i i NORTH CAROLINA. 149 grants to Philadelphia in 1718. Afterward he moved to Bucks bounty, Pennsylvania, where he bought a farm and taught school. He had five sons and three daughters. About 1760 John and his oldest son, William, together with a company of twenty men and thirty horses, came to North Carolina on an exploring expedition. For the greater part of the way they traveled through dense for- ests of unpopulated country and located in Rowan County, now the northern part of Guilford. This proved to be a favored sec- tion, as there were no Indian settlements in this particular locality. This band of adventurers avoided the Indians as much as possible, though the savages did not seem to be very hostile at that time, for they often ran ofif and slipped away from the white men. These emigrants had no sources of living except game, which was found in large quantities, and consisted of bear, deer, bufifalo, wild turkeys and squirrels. Their horses fared sumptu- ously on the grass and pea-vines wdiich covered every spot not covered with leaves. There was no undergrowth at that time, but the whole country was a vast forest of large timber. Their horses were herded in a pen, with one or more men to guard them. This pen was built on a creek which therefore became known as Horse-Pen Creek. The Indians once endeavored to stampede their horses, but failed. However, the emigrants be- came alarmed and moved their camp and settled on Deep River, at a point near the present Coltrane's Mill. Game was not quite so abundant there, but the river furnished quantities of fine fish. Having remained in North Carolina about three years, they packed up, loadmg some of the extra horses with furs, dressed hides and a few relics, and returned to Pennsylvania. In 1765 John Armfield and wife, with their sons, viz., Wil- liam, John, Robert, Isaac and Thomas, and a number of their neighbors, sold their furniture and set out for North Carolina. The three daughters were married, and remained in Pennsylvania. There were about one hundred men, besides women and children, all traveling horseback. John Armfield acted as leader, as he was 160 GUILFORD COUNTY, acquainted with the route. It took nearly two months to make the journey. Several families came from Nantucket, via Penn- sylvania, and John Armfield and others joined them and all came on to North Carolina together. The party reached its destination the last of May, 1765. Upon their arrival in North Carolina, John Armfield and family settled on South BufTalo, about one-quarter of a mile southwest of Pomona or Salem Junction. Their first log-house stood a short distance north of the present railroad track, a little over three miles from Greensboro, on land now owned by J. Van Lindley. The Ballingers settled west of New Garden Meeting House, on land which is still owned by the family. The Iddinges settled on the road which leads from Greensboro to Guilford Col- lege at a place which became later the home of the late Joshua Lindley. The Hodgins settled in what is now South Guilford; the Worths still farther south on Deep River, in the present county of Randolph, and also in South Guilford, near Centre. The Stu- arts built their home near the headwaters of Deep River, in south- west Guilford. The Coffins settled in northwest Guilford, near the Ballingers ; the Mendenhalls on Deep River, which place is now known as Old Jamestown. The Gardners lived east of James- town. The names of other families have become extinct, on ac- count of emigration to the West. As only two of John Armfield's sons, William and Isaac, had families and remained in North Carolina, we will trace each branch separately and mention the other three sons in the proper order. John Armfield, who came from England, had five sons, whose names were given above as follows : William, John, Robert, Isaac and Thomas. William, the oldest son of John, was born in Penn- sylvania in 1720, married Mary Hamilton there about 1745. They had seven sons: William (Little Billy), Robert, Nathan, Solomon, Jonathan, David and John; also three daughters. One daughter married a Fields, another a Macy, and the third a Barnet. Wil- NORTH CAROLINA. 151 Ham moved to the Worth Settlement, in southern Guilford, now Centre, about 1770, and together with his brother-in-law, Hamil- ton, opened a blacksmith and wagon shop. At the beginning of the Revolution, his father, John, being very old, persuaded Wil- liam to sell out and return to the old homestead. This he did, and managed the farm very successfully, and took care of his father until his death in 1792, in his ninety-seventh year. John Armfield, and later his sons William and Isaac, were buried in the New Gar- den graveyard. William was a strict Quaker and took no active part in the War until shortly before the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The Tories made a raid in advance of the armies. They went to his house and took six horses, twenty or thirty head of cattle, all his corn, bacon and such articles of clothing, bedding, etc., as they wanted. William implored the Tories to leave him one favorite black horse, as he had a large family, but they mocked him and went away, leaving him only one poor, sickly calf. At this point William Armfield lost his Quakerism for a time. He shouldered his musket and, pretending tliat he was 'going to hunt, he set out to join the Continental Army. The morning of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, he went to head- « t\M quarters at New Garden Meeting House and said to General ■. ' '" Greene : "General, I have come to help thee out today." The General smiled at his broad-brimmed hat and Quaker coat, but at \\'illiam's urgent rec[uest. he gave him a place in Joe Lovett's company, where he fought all day. Joe Lovett was a private soldier and a great friend of William Armfield. When the latter reached home that night, weary and worn out, his wife asked : "William, where is thy game." He replied: "The game I killed was not worth bringing home." William Armfield married the second time, Mrs. Lydia Fields, the widow of a soldier who was killed in the Battle of King's Mountain. She had ten Fields children and her husband, William Armfield, had eleven children bv his first wife, ]\Iarv Hamilton. 152 ♦ GUILFORD COUNTY, They had two more children after their marriage, which made twenty-three in all. One of the last two died early ; the other was Joseph B., from whom much of this history was obtained. He lived to be ninety-six years old and remembered his grandfather, John Armfield, of England. ]\Iuch of this information was writ- ten down at his dictation about twenty-five years ago by his grandson, G. Will Armfield, of Greensboro. William Jr. (Little Billy), oldest son of William, the firsts married Bettie Greeen, of Jamestown. They had four sons, Jacob, Robert, William and Isaac ; and three daughters. One married John Macy, another Christopher Hiatt, and the other John Un- thank. "Little Billy" lived to be ninety-nine years old. Jacob, oldest son of William Jr., married Ann Stevenson, sister to the wife of his half-uncle, Joseph B. Jacob's sons were as follows : Hiram, Alfred, Tillman, Isaac, Paris and Elam. His daughters were: Jane, Diana and Susan. Hiram married Jane Carmichael. Alfred married Polly Iddings, sister of Meshach Iddings, who was the manufacturer of the celebrated Iddings augers. Diana married Joseph Iddings. The entire family of Jacob went to Indiana in 183 1. This ends all our knowledge of his branch of the family. Robert, William Jr.'s second son, married a Bland. He had five sons, who were: William Nelson, John T., Robert Franklin, Alexander and Morehead. William Nelson married ]\Iiss ]Moon. Their children were: John F., Julius, William E., Mary May, Alice Lee and Sarah. John F., oldest son of Nelson, married Rosa Holmes and went to the West. He has five sons : John, William, Robert, Frederick and Nelson. Julius, second son of Nelson, married Leanna Reich. He died and left a widow and one son, Claud, who lives in Winston. William E., Nelson's third son, married Ella Shore. Their children's names are as follows : Walter, Weldon, Duke, Allen and Ruth. ]\Iary May, Nelson's oldest daughter, married Harper Cummings. Their sons are Cyrus and Charles. Alice Lee, second daughter of Nelson, NORTH CAROLINA. 153 married C. F. Perry. Their children are Alden and Byron. vSarah, youngest danp:hter of Nelson, married Eugene Vaughn, and has two children, Sadie and Nelson. John T., second son of Robert, studied medicine under Dr. Coffin, at Jamestown. He practiced in South Carolina, where he married a Miss Campbell and then moved to Alabama. Both are dead. They left several children, whose names we are unable to give. Robert Franklin, third son of Robert, married a Miss Denny. Their sons are Charles H., Joseph. James and Robert, and there are three daughters. Robert Franklin was the well-known Judge Armfield, of Statesville, who was one of the State's most gifted sons. He served as Colonel in the Confederate Army, as Con- gressman for two term.s, as Lieutenant-Governor of the State, and as Judge of the Superior Court. But he was perhaps greatest as a criminal lawyer. He defended many men in the most noted murder cases in the State, and was successful without exception. His oldest son, Charles H., is bearing his name and wearing his father's mantle worthily. Another son, Joseph, was the bril- liant and admired young Colonel of the First North Carolina Regiment, which served in Cuba during the War with Spain. Alexander, fourth son of Robert, married in Georgia. Robert, second son of William the first, was a soldier in the American Army and died during the Revolution. Nathan, third son of William the first, married Polly Dempsey. They lived near Pleasant Garden Church. Nathan represented Guilford in the State Senate for years. He went South, returned with yellow fever, but recovered. He died in 1839. One of his sons severely cut his foot with an axe and died at the age of sixteen. The other, John, Vk-ent to Tennessee and became a slave-trader, being a mem- ber of the firm of .A.rmfield & Franklin. He amassed a large for- tune. He had an elegant summer home at Beersheba Springs, in the Cumberland ^Mountains, and winter homes in Alexandria, Va., and in New Orleans, where Jie and his wife lived and entertained in princely style. He was one of the original founders and 154 GUILFORD COUNTY, trustees of the University of the South, at Sewanee, Tenn. He left a widow and an adopted daughter, who hve at Belle Air, Md., the latter being the wife of ex-Congressman Archer. Solomon, fourth son of William the first, married Thankful Cummings. Three sons and as many daughters were born to them. Their names were: William Addison, Allen, Calvin, Ma- linda, Elvira and Jane. William Addison, oldest son of Solomon, married and had three sons. They v/ere: Dr. John, Jesse and Solomon. John went to Indiana. He has two sons living at Elwood, Ind., Orla, a law- yer, being one. Jesse and Solomon both went West. Allen, sec- ond son of Solomon, never married. He went to California dur- ing the gold fever, then to Missouri, where he died. Calvin, Solo- mon's third son, married first in eastern North Carolina, again in Indiana, and was living there in 1900. Malinda, oldest daughter of Solomon, married Allen Short. Elvira never married, but Jane married Andrew Kirkman. The following are their chil- dren : Calvin, Alpheus, James and a Mrs. Jarvis. Calvin married Adela Armfield, daughter of Ithamar. Alpheus married a j\Iiss Clifton. Jonathan, fifth son of William the first, went to Indiana and died of cholera during the War of 1812. David, sixth son of William the first, married Betsy Trotter. They had a large family, who were all prominent people in their day. Their names were as follows : Solomon, Jonathan, Needham, Hamilton, Abner, Ensley, Betsy and Jane. Solomon, oldest son of David, married a Miss. Bland. Their children are these: John, Jesse Lee, Solomon, Mary Mag and Asenath, who died unmarried. John, Solomon's oldest son, mar- ried Roxana Patterson. They had two sons and a daughter — Edgar, William Ensley and Clara. His second wife was Belle Wiley. He lives ten miles south of Greensboro. Jesse Lee, second son of Solomon, married Nannie Kirkman. Their children are: Charles, who married Miss Groome; Minnie, now Mrs. Lee NORTH CAROLINA. 155 Groome, who has several children ; and Genevieve, wife of Chas. Covington, of High Point. Jesse Lee and his children, with the exception of the last-named, live near Jamestown. Solomon, third son of Solomon, never married, but lives one mile east of James- town. Mary Mag, daughter of Solomon, married J. jM. Wharton. a merchant of Jamestown. They have no children. Jonathan, second son of David, married Sarah Brown, of Iredell County. They had three children: Matthew, Luther and Lou. Both sons went West. The daughter died recently, un- married. Needham, third son of David, married and moved to Georgia. His son Emsley is now Clerk of the County Court at Monroe, N. C. Emsley married Rachel Phifer, and they have a large and interesting family, whose names are as follows : Ella, Alice. Frank, Davis, Rufus, Wilma, Lina and Emsley. Ella is now Mrs. W. S. Lee, and has six children. Alice married Major W. C. Heath. They have three children. Frank is a prominent young lawyer in Monroe. Rufus married Lola Houston. All live in Monroe. Emsley served in the Civil War. His only brother, Frank, served four years in the Confederate Army and was killed at Appomattox, two days before Lee's surrender and a few months after his mar- riage to Ellen Houston, daughter of the late Hugh Houston, of Monroe. Hamilton, fourth son of David, married Thankful Short. Their sons are Needham, David the Doctor, Jonathan and Allen, and their daughters, Bettie, Emeline, Mary and Corinna. Need- ham, oldest son of Hamilton, married a Ward. Their children are Rhodema, Walter, Nona, Eugenia Mary, John and Emma. Dr. David, second son of Hamilton, married Delia Sapp. Eugene S., Carl and Earl are their sons. Their daughter, Vera, married Dr. Foscue. Jonathan, third son of Hamilton, died at the close of the War from exposure in the service. Allen, fourth son of Hamilton, 156 GUILFORD COUNTY, married Miss Ford and went to Kansas. Bettie, daughter of Hamilton, married a Crow and lives in Randolph County. Mary, second daughter of Hamilton, married Julian Kirkman, and moved to Indiana. Corinna, youngest daughter of Hamilton, married J. M. Moon. Abner. fifth son of David, married Hannah Wilson. They had three children : Wilson, Oliver and Emily, who married Mon- roe Kirkman. Emsley, sixth and youngest son of David, married Jane McGibony. Their only child, Roxie, married Hon. John L. King, and resides in Greensboro. Emsley Armfield was a successful financier. He was Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners for years. Betsy, oldest daughter of David, married Col. James Millis. They had three sons and two daughters, all of whom died young except J. Henry IMillis and Mary. Henry married Cornelia Walker, of Asheboro. He is a prominent manufacturer and busi- ness man of High Point, and served as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for ten years. His children are Albian, Edwin and Sallie, who married William Armfield, son of Wyatt. Henry Millis' older daughter, Mary, died at the age of nineteen. Mary, daughter of James IMillis, married Samuel Walker, of Asheboro. Their children are : James Walker, of High Point ; Emma, n.ow Mrs. C. W. Worth, of Wilmington, and Annie, who is Mrs. James H. Pou, of Raleigh. Jane, David's other daughter, married John Widdows. They had one son and two daughters, all of whom died unmarried. John, seventh and last son of William Armfield by his first wife, married a Miss Avery and went to Tennessee. His oldest son, John, volunteered and went into the War of 1812. He fought in the Battle of New Orleans. It is tradition in the family that he killed the British officer Packingham with his father's rifle, and that that turned the tide of battle in the Americans' favor. All trace of this branch of the family has been lost. This ends the NORTH CAROLINA. 157 history of tlie children of WilHam Armfield by his first wife, Mary Hamilton. A few years after his wife's death William Armfield married Mrs. Lydia Julian Fields, the widow of a Revolutionary soldier who was killed at the Battle of King-'s Mountain. She was the mother of ten children by her first husband. After her marriage to William Armfield she liad two sons. One died young-; the other was Joseph B. Armfield. He was born in 1785 and grew up to be an honorable and upright man. prominent in church afl:'airs and in the county. His wife was Nellie Stevenson, sister of Robert Stevenson, the noted wheelwright and wagon-maker. He made both the large spinning-wheels and the small fiax- wheels which were in use in nearly every household at that time. Joscpli B. remained with his father William at the old home- stead on Bufi'alo. near Pomona, until his father's death. Some- time afterward he sold this original homestead, which was settled by John Armfield, of Pennsylvania and England, and bought a farm on Bull Run Creek, two miles northeast of Jamestown, where he and his faithful wife lived for more than sixty years, until her death in 1875. They were strict Primitive Baptists for half a century and attended church regularly at Abbott's Creek. Joseph B. was a strong Lhiion man before and diunng the War, and a Grant Republican. He voted in every Presidential election from 1806 to and including 1880. He remained at his home until a few weeks before his death, when he went to visit his daughter, Char- lotte Gardner, who lived at the Gardner Hill mine. Although he was perfectly blind, he expressed great regret upon leaving his old home, saying that he feared that he would never be there again. Soon after he was taken sick and died, after an illness of two weeks. His physician said that he was without disease and that his death was entirely due to old age. He was over ninety-five years old. His mind was clear and his memory perfect to the last, and it was from him, as has been said, that the greater part of this history was obtained. He was 158 GUILFORD COUNTY, literally "the last leaf upon the tree," as he was the youngest of the thirteen children of William Armfield, the son of John Arm- field, who came from England. He outlived all his brothers and sisters, many cousins of the same name and all the associates of his early youth. The sons of Joseph B. were the following: Julian, Jesse, Ithamar, Joseph S. and John J. Julian, the oldest, married Han- nah Iddings, and settled on the southeast quarter of his father's farm, now known as the Capt. John Endy place. In 1849, while his children, Isaac, Alpheus and Sarah, were not yet grown, he moved to Indiana, where he died. Isaac, son of Julian, married and moved from Indiana to Iowa, where his children now reside. Alpheus died in Indiana. Sarah married and moved to Kansas. Jesse, second son of Joseph B., died at the age of twenty- five, a bright and promising man. Ithamar, third son of Joseph B., married Martha Gates, and settled north of his birthplace, where he still lives at an advanced age. His children are Albert, Elizabeth and Adela. Albert mar- ried Emily Hassell during the Civil War. He served through the war with his uncle, John Armfield, was captured at Appomattox two days before Lee's surrender and was taken to Point Lookout Prison, where he was kept six months. A few years after the War he died. He had two sons, James and Frank, and several daughters. James married and lives in Pilot jMountain, and Frank lives in High Point. Elizabeth, daughter of Ithamar, married James Ledwell, and died several years ago. Adela married Calvin Kirkman, who is yardmaster for the Southern Railway in Greensboro. They have three sons, Albert, Alexander and Calvin (all train-dispatchers), and two daughters. Joseph S., fourth son of Joseph B., was born in 1823. His wife was Nellie Iddings, daughter of Mark Iddings, and settled near Jamestown. He was an expert gunsmith and was a member of the firm of Lamb & Armfield, who made the famous Lamb Ken- NORTH CAROLINA. 169 tncky rifles. Thev manufactured these guns and sent them in wagons to the various courts throughout western North CaroHna and over into Tennessee and Kentucky. Joseph S. suffered many hardships during the War on account of his strong, outspoken Union principles. He died in 1887 at the age of sixty-four, and was interred in Deep River churchyard. Joseph S. had only two children, George Williamson and Melvina. G. Will married in 1875 Esther Wakefield, daughter of the late Henry Wakefield, who was a native of England and came to Canada and thence to North Carolina. She is also a sister of Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte. G. Will settled in Greensboro, where he engaged in merchandising in the dry goods line, first as salesman with Houston & Causey, succeeded by Houston & Bro. Then he became a member of the firm of Brown & Armfield, but latter carried on a successful business under his own name until 1893, when he closed out to Thacker & Brockman. He has had five sons and two daughters : Joseph, now in Greensboro P. O. ; Mrytle ; Clay, electrician for IMcAdoo Tele- phone Co. ; Hazel, whose tragic accidental death on August 26, 1901, has forever marred the bright and happy home ; Roy, George and Hugh. jMelvina, daughter of Joseph S., married Franklin Frazier, and lives at Gladcsboro. She has no children. John J., youngest son of Joseph B., married Lydia Hill, and settled near his father's home. He was superintendent of the Lamb Armory, which was broken up about six months before the close of the War, when he was conscripted and taken to the army. Two days before Lee's surrender, he was captured, and then placed in Point Lookout Prison, where he died a few days after the assasination of I,incoln. He left a wife, one son and two daughters, ]\Iary L. and Laura, who married Prof. J. M. Weath- erly. She has three sons, Carl, John and Ralph. John J.'s son, Nathan, went to Indiana. Lydia, oldest daughter of Joseph B., married John Bartley. 160 GUILFORD COUNTY, Their sons were R. IMadison and John. The latter went to Indi- ana at the beginning- of the Civil War. R. Madison married a Miss Barker, and settled at Avon, Ind. Their children's names are Erastns, Orla and Nellie, all of whom are married and live in their native State. The daughters of Lydia and John Bartley were Mary. Eleanor and Charlotte. None ever married. Charlotte, second daughter of Joseph B., married John Gard- ner, the original owner of the Gardner Hill mine. She had one son, Jesse, who married Louisa Freeman. He and his one child, Mary, are dead. Lavinia. third daughter of Joseph B., died in 1820, while a school-girl. Patience, the fourth daughter, married Jabez Stepliens, and had ten children, all of whom are dead except Jesse F., who is a Pullman car conductor, and lives in Greensboro. Eleanor, fifth daughter of Joseph B., married William Reece, Jr., of Randolph County. He died while a soldier, in 1864. She has several children. Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Joseph B., married Donnell Burney. This ends the history thus far obtainable of the family of Joseph B. Armfield. John, Jr., second son of the original John Armfield, mar- ried and brought his wife from Pennsylvania, settled southeast of his father, on South Buft'alo, near the present Vandalia. He had a small family, and moved west, probably to Tennessee. We have no further account of him or his family. Robert, third son of the original John Armfield, married in Pennsylvania, just before he came to North Carolina. Pie settled on the lieadwaters of South Bufi^alo. While he was out hunting one day, the Indians killed and scalped his wife and child. He never married again. Although he was a Quaker and therefore exempt from service, he fought through the Revolutionary War, and served as a Regular, fighting the Indians after the War. He died at his brother William's house not long after the Revolu- tion. NORTH CAROLINA. 161 Isaac, fourth son of the original John Armfield, married a Miss Brown, and Hved on a' farm near his father's place on South Buffalo. He fought with the North Carolina militia at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Although he had six sons, there are very few of his descendants, bearing the name, now living in Guilford County. These were his sons : John, William, Robert, Joseph C, Isaac and Jacob. His daughters were Ann and Betsy. John, the oldest son, moved to Shelby County, Tennessee, about 1810. One of his daughters married a Zarecor, and her grandson, J. H, Zarecor, is now a prominent lawyer in Nashville, Tenn. William, second son of Isaac the first, familiarly knov/n as "Sheriff Billy," was a well-known figure in his day and time. He was County Treasurer and Sheriff of Guilford for a number cf years, being Sheriff' at the time the courthouse was move 1 from Martinsville to Greensboro. He married Hannah Greene ruid lived near Pomona. They had a large family, their children being Isaac, Robert, Hans, Joseph, William Cameron, John, Jacob, Hannah, Betsy, Jennie, Sallie and Delilah. Isaac, oldest son of "Sheriff' Billy," married a Miss Hoskins. Their son, Joseph, lives with his family on Deep River, near Free- man's Mill. Robert, second son of "Sheriff Billy," married Miss Lovett. Their son, Boston, died in the Confederate Army, and their daughter married a Hayworth. Hans, "Sheriff Billy's" third son, was educated at Chapel Hill. He built an academy near Jamestown, where he taught school about ten years. Later, he moved to Jackson, Miss., where he practiced law. He was married before leaving this State to Lucinda, daughter of George Gardner. They died in Mississippi, without children. Jose])h, fourth son of "Sheriff Billy," lived near Kernersville. His children were William, Joseph, Tabitha and Mary Ann. William moved to Pennsylvania and Joseph to Texas. Mary Ann married a King, a brother of Hon. John L. King. 162 GUILFORD COUNTY, William Cameron, fifth son of "Sheriff Billy," went to South Carolina and married there. He was a practicing physician for many years. He died there, leaving two or three children. John, sixth son of "Sherifif Billy," lived in Rockingham County, and was never married. Jacob, seventh and youngest son of "Sheriff Billy," also lived in Rockingham. He married Miss Bland, and had one daughter, Rose, who is Mrs. Wooters, artd lives in Richmond, Va. Hannah, daughter of "Sheriff Billy," married Hezekiah John- ston, who was the father of J. Harper Johnston, of High Point. The latter has four daughters, ]\Irs. W. G. Bradshaw, Mrs. O. E. Kearns, Mrs. C. C. Wilson of Florida and Alice. Jennie, another daughter of "Sheriff" Billy," married a Coe, and Sally married a Burton. Betsy died single. Robert, third son of Isaac the first, died young. Joseph C. was the fourth of the six sons of Isaac, who came from Pennsylvania with his father, John. Joseph C. was born January 3, 1776, therefore a subject of George III. He married Elizabeth Beeson. In 1795 he bought a farm on Deep River, near the present town of High Point, where some of his descendants still reside. Joseph C. held positions of trust in the county and in his church. He was coroner for years and deacon of the old Baptist Church at Jamestown. The following were his children: Richard Beeson, Wyatt J., Sallie, Mary, Betsy and Laura. Of these. Richard Beeson was the only one who remained in the State and married. He married Annie Chipman, and lived on Deep River his whole life. He was an upright man, honest and truthful to the core. His was a character without sham or pre- tense, and his long life of toil and saving and simplicity was an open book wherein all true and honest men might read. Wyatt J., only son of Beeson, grew to manhood in the troubled times of the Civil War. He started out in business in 1866 without capital, and now, after thirty-five years of honest endeavor, economy and good judgment, he has accumulated a NORTH CAROLINA. 163 large fortune. He was eng-aged in the nursery business for many years and handled large quantities of fruit and ornamental trees, sending salesmen throughout the country from New York to New Orleans, and as far west as the Mississippi. Later, he went into the banking business, and is now a direc- tor of eight banks in the counties of Guilford, Randolph, David- son, Rockingham, Alamance, ]\Iontgomery and Davie. All these banks are uniformly successful. His first connection with a bank was made in 1876, when he became director of the National Bank of Greensboro. In 1886 he was elected president of the National Rank of High Point, and in 1896 director of the Greensboro National Bank. In 1897 he was made vice-president of tlie Bark of Randolph, Asheboro. He is the largest stockholder in each of the three banks last mentioned. He also invests extensively in stocks, bonds and loans on his personal account, and is considered very fortunate. He assures his friends that he has given only one note and endorsed only one as surety, and never has overdrawn his bank account during his entire business career. In 1868 he married Jennie Britt, daughter of W. O. Britt, of Nashville, Tenn. Their children are as follows. Eugene M., Wil- liam J., Frank, Jesse, Blanche (Mrs. R. T. Pickens, of Lexington) and Lucile.* Eugene M. ,the oldest, has been cashier of the National Bank of High Point since 18S8. He is also president of the Bank of Thomasville and president of the Bank of Alamance, Graham, N. C. He is interested in various manufacturing enterprises in High Point, and is easily one of the ablest and most progressive business men among the young men of the State. He was the leading spirit in the establishment of a chain of banks which covers seven counties. He has a mind wonderful for its breadth of grasp and accuracy of detail, and also an unusual memory. * Songs from the Carolina Hills is a book of poems written by Miss Lucile Armfield. She is a clear and bcaiuiful writer and one of North Carolina's gifted women. 164 GUILFORD COUNTY, Though his time is largely taken up with his business, he is a man of culture and scholarly tastes, and is at all times loyal to his Alma Mater, the University of North Carolina, of which he is a trustee. He has lately established the Armfield Scholarship at the University. William J., second son of Wyatt J., is cashier of the Bank of Randolph, Asheboro, N. C, and president of the Bank of Mont- gomery, Troy, N. C. In February, 1900, he married Sallie Millis, daughter of Henry ]\Iillis, of High Point. They have one son, Britt Millis Armfield. Jesse L., youngest son of Wyatt, has been cashier of the Bank of Thomasville since he was seventeen years old. He is also treasurer of the Thomasville Manufacturing Co., and secretary of the L^ambeth Furniture Co. Mary, daughter of Beeson, married 1. H. White, and has eight children. Wyatt ]., younger son of Joseph C, died in 1843, ^ short time before his nephew and namesake, the present Wyatt J., was born. He was about twenty-five years old and unmarried. Mary, daughter of Joseph C, married John Chipman, and moved to Texas. Betsy married Enoch Stevens ; Sallie, Obed Chipman, and Laura, Albert Dillon. These three, with their hus- bands, moved to Missouri many years ago. Isaac, Jr., fifth son of Isaac the first, lived near the present Vandalia. The following were his children : Martin, Harmon, Mark, Isaac, Jacob, Polly and Jennie. Martin, oldest son of Isaac, Jr., married and had one daughter, Isabella, who died young. Harmon, second son of Isaac, Jr., married Delitha Wilson, in 1837, '^''"^^ went to Tennessee. They had five children, as fol- lows : Jane, Mary, Andrew, William and Jesse. Jane married James Lockman ; her children are : W. W. Lockman, Bolivar, Tenn. ; Mrs. Leona Stewart, Blythesville, Ark. ; A. L. Lockman, Janesville, Ala. ; Mrs. Cora Milstead and Mrs. Mattie Milstead, of Crancsville, Tenn. NORTH CAROLINA. 165 Mary, second daughter of Harmon, married Dr. William Thompson, and they live with their only daughter, Cora, in Bolivar, Tenn. Andrew, oldest son of Harmon, was lost in the Civil War, William, second son of Harmon, died in 1885 at Arkadelphia, Ark., and left two children — James, who lives at Burns, Okla., and Mrs. Cora Hunt, of Little Rock, Ark. Jesse, third son of Harmon, lives at Ardmore, I. T. His children are : Mrs. Ora Citty, Ozan, Ark. ; William, who died in 1900; Annie Lee and Gertrude. Mark, third son of Isaac, Jr., had one son, William, and three daughters, Mrs. Lucy Cunningim and Misses Fannie and Bettie, who have taught in Greensboro College for years. L'^aac, fourth son of Isaac, Jr., married a Miss Hendrix, and moved to Mt. Airy. He died a few years ago at an advanced age. There are now nearly fifty of his descendants living in and near Mt. Airy. His sons are Monroe, Frank, Martin and Marcus ; his daughters, Annie and Jennie, the latter being dead. Monroe, son of Isaac, has three children: John B., Fred and Lelia, who married a Cochran. Frank, Isaac's son, has five boys and a daughter, as follows : James, Isaac, Ester, Elma, Cleveland, Roy and Ora. Martin, son of Isaac, married a Mitchell. These arc their children : Thomas, Walter, Luther, Charles, Loton, George, Florence, Elizabeth. Jeanette and Alice. Marcus, son of Isaac, married a Prather. Their children are : Frank, Edward, James, Thomas, Arthur, Maud, Annie, Ethel and Bert. Frank, oldest son of Marcus, lives in Fayetteville, and has two children, Donald and Dennis. Thomas is married and has two children, Ralph and Louise. ]\Iaud is also married and has two daughters. Bert married Dr. Duncan. Nannie, daughter of Isaac, married John Greenwood, and has six children. Polly, daughter of Isaac. Jr., married Roderick Hendrix, and Jennie married a McClintock. Both went to Tennessee. 166 GUILFORD COUNTY, Jacob, youngest son of Isaac the first, son of the original John, never married. Thomas, fifth and youngest son of the original John, never married. He was always spoken of as "The Bachelor." He was a strong Loyalist during the Revolution, which was quite dififer- ent from all his relatives. This fact made it unpleasant for him to remain in this country, so he returned to Pennsylvania sooii after the close of the war, and died there. This ends the history of the original John Armfield and of his posterity to the present time, January, 1902. He was the only one who ever came from England, and so far we have never met nor ever heard of one of this name who could not be traced to this original ancestor. In apology, we wish to say that we have spared no time or pains in obtaining these facts, and if we have made mistakes or omissions we trust that none will feel slighted or take offense. This has been a much greater task than one would suppose at first thought. These facts were obtained chiefly from G. Will Armfield, who wrote them down about twenty-five years ago at the dictation of his grandfather, Joseph B., and from W. J. Arm- field, who has lived his entire life where his father and grand- father lived, and who heard the story of the family from their lips. BENBOW. In 1 71 8 three Benbow brothers came from Wales to America in a sailing vessel. As they had no money they were, according to custom, sold in Philadelphia to the highest bidder for the short- est length of time, to meet the expenses of the passage on the ship. Charles, then fourteen years old, was bid off by a man by the name of Carver, who resided in Pennsylvania. He afterwards came with the family to Bladen County, North Carolina, and later married one of Carver's daughters. His brother Gresham was taken by a New Jersey man. Later, he and his family went to Bush River, South Carolina, and several of the family moved to NORTH CAROLINA. 167 Indiana. Gresham and his sons, Powell and Richard, were noted for their fondness for fine horses and racing. During the Revolu- tioary War Mr. Carver and Charles Benbow were engaged in the culture of the indigo plant, and later moved to Guilford County and, being Friends, settled at Centre Meeting House, ten miles south of Greensboro. The third brother was sold, but never has been traced. The Benbows are a long-lived people. Charles had five daughters and two sons, Thomas being the ancestor of the family now living in Guilford County and several of the Western States. Thomas married Hannah Stanley, March 24, 1787. They had two daughters and three sons. They settled near the Guilford Battleground and Mr. Benbow owned and operated a tanyard there. He must have owned a blacksmith shop as well, for he made the nails and door-latches for the New Garden Meeting House in 1792. One of his sons, Charles, married Mary Saunders, and they gave issue to four sons and one daughter, the youngest child being Dr. D. W. C. Benbow, of Grensboro, N. C. The Benbow family have worked for the industrial and edu- cational development of Guilford County. Dr. D. W. C. Benbow has taken an active part in the erection and maintenance of the first graded school in this County and the State. Mrs. Priscilla Benbow Hackney, for many years matron at Guilford College, has helped numbers of girls and young women toward an education. For a number of years she occupied the responsible position as clerk in the woman's division of the Yearly Meeting of Friends of North Carolina. Mrs. Hackney certainly holds a high place in North Carolina. Her yearly epistles to the women and to the children of Friends are beautiful expressions of Christian love and fellowship. Dr. Benbow has taken an active interest in the betterment of the road law; he also was interested in the change in the local stock law, which before had required the owners of grain, fruits 168 GUILFORD COUNTY, and vegetables to take care of stock. The Benbow Hotel was made a popular resort by his efforts. GARDNER FAMILY RECORD. "Richeard Gardner was born in England and removed to Salem in New England at or about 1684; from thence to Nan- tucket. He begot a son Richeard, he begot Solomon, he begot Stephen and a number of sons and daughters. Stephen, the anther of this, was born on Nantucket the 10 mo, 11, 1746, and married Abigail Pinkham the 11 mo, 1766; had one daughter Eunice, who diede yong; Abigail born i mo, 20, 1772. In the 11 mo, 21, 1772, removed from Nantucket with my wife and child, father and mother, brothers and sister, to Guilford County, in North Caro- lina. Miriam, born 5 mo, 24, 1774; Stephen Gardner, my oldest son, 6 mo, 10, 1776; Shubal, 6 mo, 20, 1778; Eunice, i mo, 4, 1781 ; Roda, 2 mo, 15, 1783; George, 4 mo, 9, 1785; Abel, 8 mo, i^ 1788." MARRIAGES AND BIRTHS. My daughter Abigail married Zeno Worth — had one son and three daughters. Miriam married Jonathan Gardner — had one son, Stephen. My. daughter Eunice married David Worth — had twelve children, nine of which are living at this time, the 10 mo, 23, 1829. My son, Stephen, married Mary Turner, of New York, and had three sons — John, Franklin and Stephen T. — and four daughters. My son vStephen died in Louisiana. My son Shubal married Mary Brooks, and have now living John and Stephen and three daughters. He died in the State of Indiana in the year 1824. My daughter Roda married Abel Coffin — had four sons and three daughters. My son George married Lidia Coffin — have four sons and four daujrhters. NORTH CAROLINA. 169 My son Abel married Mary Bullock — had one daughter, Aseneth, born 3 mo, 10, 1813; Rachel, 7 mo, 4, 1817; Abigail, 12 mo, 12, 1818: Aleb B., 5 mo, 4, 1820; Mary Marier, 9 mo, 15, 1822; Nathan M., 2 mo, 18, 1824; Miriam P., 8 mo, 15 (faded out) ; Martha Jane, 4 mo, 11, 1832. Stephen Gardner departed this life 20th of 3 month, 1830, aged 83 years and 5 months. Abigail Gardner departed this life 10 mo, 29, 1825, aged yy years and 15 days. Roda Coffin departed this life 2 mo, 2, 1839. Lydia Gardner departed this life the 11 mo, 28, 1833. George Gardner, ser. departed this life the 8 mo, 6, 1836. Jonathan Gardner died 11 mo, 5, 1843. J\Iarv Gardner departed this life March. 17, 1867, aged 76 years, 9 months and 4 days. Abel Gardner departed this life November 26, 1873, aged 85 years. 3 months and 25 days. Eunice Worth departed this life the 17 of August, 1866, aged 86 years, 7 months and 17 days. Nathan M. Gardner died Jan. 16, 1861, aged 2,7 years. RALPH GORRELL. This is a name which has been identified with this County since the Regulation War. The Gorrells, Gillespies and Donnells were soldier-patriots in America's first great struggle for liberty. To know them, read Caruthers' "Old North State." On the fair honor roll of the Colonial Dames and Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution their names still glow with the fire of true patriotism. Hon. Ralph Gorrell, a descendant of Ralph Gorrell of the Revolution, was a distinguished lawyer and statesman of Guilford County during the Civil War period. A biographical sketch of Mr. Gorrell was prepared by Mr. John G. McCormick in the Histori- cal Moiwgral'Ji, published by Mr. James Sprunt for the University 170 GUILPGRD COUNTY, of North Carolina. This monograph gives the personnel of the Convention of 1861, of which Mr. Ralph Gorrell was a member. Mr. Gorrell held many positions of trust. In early manhood he was elected to the General Assembly, and in that capacity he served the State upon many occasions. His devotion to duty, his sound judgment and wisdom made him an honor to his country. The following is a clipping from the Greensboro Patriot : "Ralph Gorrell departed this life Saturday morning last, at 4 o'clock, in the 73rd year of his age. "His death had been expected for some time past, but it is not the less mournfully felt by the community in which he had lived, respected and beloved, for over three score years and ten. He had been confined to his house since last February by disease, which seemed chiefly to affect his lungs, and for the last two months had kept his bed, becoming weaker until the lamp of life gradually went out, yet retaining to the last, in a remarkable degree, his mental faculties. Conscious of his situation, his last faltering words to the loved ones at his bedside were: 'I am dying — good- bye!' "Mr. Gorrell had been distinguished in this community, in professional and public service, since his early manhood. When young, near fifty years ago, he was elected to the General Assem- bly, and has since, on many occasions, been chosen by his fellow- citizens to the Legislature, and has held other places of honor and trust connected with the improvement and progress of the State. In every station he was distinguished by fidelity and the wisdom and sound judgment of his counsels. Devoted to principle and acting on deliberately formed plans of action, he never stooped to the arts of the demagogue to secure popular favor. Hence the solid respect in which he has always been held by his fellow-citi- zens of all parties and classes. "In his profession of the law, Mr. Gorrell furnished an ex- ample to every young member of the bar who would achieve an honorable and desirable reputation. His practice was marked not NORTH CAROLINA. 171 only by high honor in his intercourse with his brethren, but by sterhng honesty with his chents. A laborious student and a con- scientious man, he acquired and maintained, through a long and chequered professional career, the character of a safe counsellor and able advocate. "In addition to losses by the war and frequent suffering from bodily disease in the latter years of his life, Mr. Gorrell endured family afflictions more than usually falling to the lot of man. He had buried one daughter, just blooming into womanhood. Five sons were claimed by the grave — three of them before maturity, one just as he was entering public life with high hope of the future, one on the battlefield at the head of his company, and a son-in-law at the sad conflagration of the Spotswood Hotel, in Richmond." GILMER. About the name of Gilmer clusters much, not only of the history of Guilford County, but also that of the State and Nation. Coming to Guilford County in company with other Scotch-Irish from Ireland, by way of Pennsylvania, they settled near Alamance Church. William Gilmer, an active Whig of the Revolution, be- longed to Capt. Arthur Forbis' Company at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, where they stood their ground, deserted by all the militia of North Carolina ; their leader fell, a martyr patriot to the cause of American liberty. Capt. Robert Shaw Gilmer was the first son of ^\'illiam Gil- mer. His wife's father was Major John Forbis, another hardy Scotch-Irish Presbyterian of the earliest history of Piedmont Carolina civilization. John Adams Gilmer was the son of Capt. Robert Shaw Gil- mer. He was one of the foremost men in the State and in the United States before the Civil War. His service in the Congress of the United States was during the term immediately preceding the Civil War. He exerted all the energy of his powerful will to turn the current which was fast leading to disunion. He was the 172 GUILFORD COUNTY, warm personal friend of President Lincoln, by whom he was offered the place of Secretary of the Interior, Without hesitation he declined, taking part with the South, and soon he was a member of the Confederate Congress at Richmond. "He supported Gov- ernor Vance in preserving for his people civil liberty amid the clash of arms and the desperate resistance of a high-spirited na- tion, overpowered by superior numbers and more abundant wealth." (See Century Magazine, January, 1888.) John Adams Gilmer w-as born November 4, 1805, and died INIay 4, 1868. He was reared on his father's farm, where he was accustomed to the plow-handles. At seventeen years of age, hav- ing acquired a fair English education, he taught school in the neighborhood. He boarded at home and dressed in clothes made by his mother's hands. Aided by means earned in teaching, Mr. Gilmer entered, in 1824, the Grammar School in Greensboro, N. C, taught by Rev. Eli W. Caruthers and Abner Gay. He boarded in the home of Mrs. Mebane, a friend of the cause of education, and a cultured woman. After two well-spent years in this school in closest company with the classics of the great languages and with mathematics — a combination which rarely fails to make great men — Mr. Gilmer, though having the advantage of culture, found himself in debt. He went to South Carolina, where, in Lauren's District, he taught for three years the Mount Vernon Grammar School. In 1829 he returned to Greensboro, where he studied law with Hon. Archibald D. Murphy, a great judge, statesman and scholar of the South. In 1832 John Adams Gilmer was licensed to practice law. In this year he married Julianna Paisley, daughter of the Rev. Wm. D. Paisley, the first preacher in the Presbyterian Church in Greensboro. She was a granddaughter of Col. John Paisley and General Alexander Mebane — soldier-Whigs of the Revolution. Thus reinforced by "Poverty, Patience and Perseverance" and a "good angel whose radiance guided and controlled me in darkest hours,"' John Adams Gilmer came to a bar already crowded NORTH CAROLINA. 173 by a brilliant array of the first men of the State — John M. Morehead. James T. Morehead, Thomas Settle, Frederick- Nash, George C. Mendenhall, and, contemporary with him. Gen. John F. Poindexter. for several years solicitor-general of that circuit; William A. Graham, Secretary of the Navy; Hugh Waddell, Ralph Gorrell, John Kerr, men of the highest order, all of them. Mr. Gilmer built up his professional practice alone, "by individual attention to his business, by • attending promptly to everything committed to him. by hard work and tireless energy." Early in his career he was elected to the ofifice of County Solicitor for Guilford. In getting cases and in gaining them, his career was most successful. By his eloquent advocacy and uncommon power of winning men, he was in the front rank of those who worked for internal improvements in this State, and who induced an economic and unprogressive Legislature to agree to subscribe, for building a great trunk railroad through North Carolina, two million dollars, conditioned on the previous subscription by individuals of one-half that sum. By energetic private work, by strong speeches in public meetings, and by a subscription of his own, he was a great factor in securing the performance of the condition precedent necessary for obtaining the grant of the State. Again in 1854, through his efforts, the State appropriated another million dollars for finishing the railroad. His influence and his vote were given to all the measures entered upon in 1848 — navigation works, railroads, plank and turnpike roads in every section, the inauguration of a progressive public school system, the establishment of schools for the deaf, the dumb and the blind, and for hospitals for the insane, the geological survey of the State, the State Agricultural Society. After the tide of public opinion in North Carolina had turned irresistibly toward Democracy, Mr. Gilmer was chosen to oppose Thomas Bragg for the ofiice of Governor. Gilmer fought for XMiig principles, but the Democratic party prevailed. 174 GUILFORD COUNTY, John Adams Gilmer was a master of oratory. (See his speech for the estabhshment of insane asyhims in North Carohna Third Reader.) John Alexander Gilmer, a son of John Adams Gilmer, was born in Greensboro, N. C., April 22. 1838, and died March 17, i8q2. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina, of the class of 1858. He began the study of law with his father in i860. He had completed his law course at the University of Vir- ginia, when he entered the partnership of his father in the practice of his profession. At the beginning of the War he was a member of the Guilford Grays, which was organized at Fort jMacon, S. C., in April, 1861, into the Ninth and later into the Twenty-seventh Regiment of North Carolina. In 1862 he had been promoted to Major, and was in command at Newbern, N. C. At the Battle of Sharpsburg he was made Lieutenant-Colonel. In the Battle of Fredericksburg he was wounded, and again he was wounded at the Battle of Bristow Station, where the Guilford Grays, all except three men, were either wounded or killed. He was assigned to duty at Salisbury, N. C. In 1864 he returned to Greensboro and resumed his practice of the law. Governor Worth appointed him Adjutant-General of the State. In 1868, in the convention at Raleigh, N. C, he was a delegate, but was counted out by General Canby, at Charleston, S. C. Gilmer was the forlorn hope of the people to battle with Canby and the recently enfranchised blacks and carpetbaggers in the Loyal League. In 1870 he was elected Senator from Alamance and Guilford, receiving a majority, though at the time of "Kirk's cut-throats" undisputed sway. In 1879 he was appointed Judge of the Superior Court of the Fifth District, and to the same office in 1880. He held courts in every county of the State. In 1891 he resigned this judgeship, having served with integrity. Judge Gilmer was a member of the National Convention which met in New York m 1868. Judge Gilmer was a stockholder in the National Bank of Greensboro, the North Carolina Railroad NORTH CAROLINA. 175 Company, and was interested in any movement that promoted the industrial welfare of Greensboro or North Carolina. Full of love for his native land and the advancement of her people, he won a right to their high regard, worthy of his father's son. Judge John Alexander Gilmer was married July 14, 1864, to Miss Sallie L. Lindsay, a daughter of Hon. Jesse H. Lindsay, who was the first president of the National Bank of Greensboro, N. C. I give below some newspaper clippings which show something of the character of John A. Gilmer : (Judge Gilmer for Governor.) HON. JOHN A. GILMKR. Some weeks ago, we hoisted at our mast head the name of this pure and patriotic son of North Carolina as our choice for Governor of this great Commonwealth. We did not wish to name a man whose every energies were in seeking the place ; whose whole aim was to become Gov- ernor of North Carolina. We wanted a man that the office was seeking, who, if left to his choice would nrefer another. We wanted a man who would please the masses. One whom everybody loved and admired for his purity of character, untarnished bv cliques — rings; one whose sole record has been only as Judge of the Superior Court and whose fame is lauded by the humblest citizen. Judge Gilmer is known from Cherokee to Curri- tuck, from \'irginia to South Carolina, as one of the purest, ablest and best men in North Carolina. Sound in his political convictions, willing to swear by what is right and just towards every one; possessing peculiar attractions as a speaker, he would instill such an enthusiasm in the Democratic ranks as no other but the illustrious Vance could do. Nominate him and our victory is assured. He does not seek the office but would prefer to be left alone. — (Paper not known).* "attention ! cookk's brigade, "And all other soldiers and true men of North Carolina. At no distant date you are to nominate a candidate for Governor of North Carolina, and this is to call your attention and ask you to rally to the support of one of our old comrades, a man you all know but to love. One who in all the walks * People who knew him say th:it Jiicisre Gilmer was one of North Carolin.i's gfreatest men. He was brave, and did not shirk his part in the world's work. He was true and lovely in his life, and men loved to honor him. 176 GUILFORD COUNTY, of life has reflected only honor to his name and State. Who as a soldier honored the ofiicers and private soldiers of his command alike so long as they were gentlemen. One who at the battle of Fredericksburg, when shot down on the slope of the hill, and his men lay thick around him, and the storm of battle made many true hearts beat quick with terror, could rise up in his glorious manhood and unselfish devotion to his men, and com- mand the litter bearers, who were anxious to remove their beloved Colonel out of danger, 'To remove these poor fellows first, he could wait, though unable to move.' John A. Gilmer is the man, you all recollect him ; tell your neighbors and friends of other commands about him. There are other good men in North Carolina, but none better. And you know he is a modest man, and will not, like some, push himself forward, and I call on Cooke's N. C. Brigade, his comrades who knew him well, and are composed of men from the cloud-capped hills of the Blue Ridge to the restless, roll- ing breakers of the Atlantic. * * * j ^^\\ qj-, yQ^^ one and all, to go to your county conventions, tell your neighbors and friends of his gentleness in peace, of his valor in war, and come in your mighty strength to the State convention and hand our Democratic Banner to John A. Gilmer and our victory will be sure. — A Voice from the East." {The Farmer and Me- chanic.) (Judge Gilmer would not allow his name to come before the con- vention.) Jeremy Forbis Gilmer, soldier, was born in Guilford County, North Carolina, February 23, 1818. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1839, third in honor of his class. He entered the engineer corps and was engaged in building forts and in making surveys, and in river and harbor improve- ments, until the Civil War, when he resigned his position as Cap- tain of Engineers and entered the Confederate Army. In 1861 he entered the service, and was Chief Engineer on General Albert Sidney Johnston's staff. In the Battle of Shiloh he was severely wounded. Upon recovery he was made Chief of the Engineer Bureau at Richmond. In 1863 he was promoted to Major-Gen- eral and ordered to Charleston to direct, her defenses. After the War he engaged in railroads and other enterprises in Georgia. He was an honorable man. Joseph Whitfield Gilmer was born April 3, 1819, and died March 16, 1887. For many years he was county surveyor, serving NORTH CAROLINA. 177 before and after the Civil War. In 1872 he was elected to the State Legislature, where he served in the lower house for two sessions. He was a ruling elder in Alamance, for thirty-two years Clerk of the Session. HOSKINS. The Hoskins family was among the first settlers of the County. Joseph Hoskins, the pioneer of the family in Guilford, came from Chester County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1773, having obtained from Earl Granville a grant for a large tract of land near Guilford Courthouse, on the waters of Horse Pen Creek. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse was fought on his land. His residence was situated about one-third of a mile westward from the first line of battle, and was taken possession of by the British and used first as Lord Cornwallis's headquarters, and subsequently as the hospital for his wounded. It is interesting to know that the home-place of this tract has never passed out of the ownership and occupancy of some representative of the family. Joseph Hoskins was an ardent Whig and patriot of the Revo- lution, and shared with the Guilford men the hardships, dangers and glory of the great Battle of Guilford Courthouse. In the year 1789 he was made Sheriff of the County, by ap- pointment of Governor Samuel Johnson — the same year that wit- nessed the ratification of the Federal Constitution by the State of North Carolina and the election of Alexander Martin, his friend and neighbor, to the governorship of the State, under the new Constitution. Ellis Hoskins, 1795-1874, was a son of Joseph, and lived and died on the old homestead. He was a courtly. Christian gentle- man of the old school, and a devout member of the Alethodist Episcopal Church, South. He was a soldier in the War of 1812- 14. Notwithstanding his strong Southern sympathies, he had a son who was a distinguished officer in the Union Army — Col. Jesse E. Hoskins, who had settled in Kentucky prior to the conflict. 178 GUILFORD COUNTY, Jesse E. survived the War, and achieved distinction in the legal profession in the State of his adoption. Joseph Hoskins, 1814-1880, was a grandson of the pioneer. He established hiniself at Summerfield in the year 1845, having purchased the Charles Bruce plantation. He was a large land- owner and a pioneer in the manufacture of tobacco in this County. The family has furnished two Sheriffs for the County — the afore-mentioned, and Joseph A. Hoskins, of the present genera- tion, who owns and resides on the old homestead at Summerfield. In the years just preceding the Civil War, many of the family of this name removed to Indiana, Ohio and other Western States. They went along with the steady stream that left this County and State and peopled the great Middle West. The English ancestor of the family came over with William Penn to Philadelphia, in 1682. MAJOR CHARLES MANLY STEDMAN. Major Chas. M. Stedman, president of the North Carolina Bar Association, is a resident of Greensboro. He was born in Chatham County. His father and mother were Nathan and Euphamia Stedman. When twelve years old, the family moved to Fayetteville. At sixteen he entered the University of North Carolina. There he showed brilliancy as a student and orator. When Mr. Buchanan, President of the United States, visited the University in 1859, young Stedman, a member of the Sophomore class, was chosen by the Phi Society as one of the orators for the occasion. In 1861 Mr. Stedman graduated with highest honors. He soon enlisted in the Army of the Confederate States, vol- vmteering as a private in the Fayetteville Independent Light In- fantry. He served that company in the First North Carolina Volunteers at the Battle of Bethel, June 10, 1861. When the Forty-fifth North Carolina Regiment was organized, he was elected First Lieutenant of the Chatham Company (E). The regiment was sent to Virginia, where Major Stedman served under AIA](!R C. -M. STEOMAN, OF (.RKKNSBOKO, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 179 Lee in most of the campaign. He was promoted to Captain of his company, then to be Major of his regiment. As Major he served in command at many battles, never shirking a duty. He has the distinction of being one of the twelve Confederate soldiers who were engaged in the first battle at Bethel and who surren- dered with Lee at Appomattox. After the war. Major Stedman began life anew, entering his profession as a lawyer. He studied law with Hon. John Manning, at Pittsboro, meanwhile teaching school. In 1867 he settled in Wilmington and soon had built up a large and lucrative practice. In 1884 he received the nomination of the Democratic party for Lieutenant-Governor and was elected to that office on the ticket with Governor Scales. When nominated, he resigned the attorneyships which he held for several railway systems, believing that to be his duty upon entering official life. As President of the Senate, he made a brilliant record, and won the encomium of being the best presiding officer in the State. Major Stedman has received many honors in this State. In 1880 he was a delegate to the National Convention which, nominated General Hancock. In 1866 he married Miss Kate DeRossett, daughter of the late Joshua G. Wright, of Wil- mington. TIIO^M FAMILY. This family migrated from Scotland to Ireland, and thence to America. In 1750, Joh.n Thorn entered a plot of land south and east of Guilford, and built his home there. He married Miss Catherine Kerr, of another Scotch-Irish family living near by. They had thirteen children, eleven of whom lived to old age. Nine of these reared large families, from whom are descended many of the first families of Greensboro and Guilford County. At their old homestead, Daniel Thom brought up his large family of chil- dren. The place is still owned by the youngest son of Daniel Thom — Rev. William Francis Thom, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Gulf, N. C. It is interesting and somewhat singular 180 GUILFORD COUNTY, that the family of John Thorn and the famihes of his sons gave each, with one exception, a son to the Presbyterian ministry. For sixty years this family have had a representative in the service of the Church. Many of the male members of the family moved West, so that the name is almost extinct in the County. Still, the descend- ants are numerous. , Rev. James Earnest Thacker, of Norfolk, Virginia, is a great-grandson of the pioneer, John Thom. John Thorn was a strict Presbyterian, thoroughly teaching his children in this doctrine. Many a winter's evening around a glowing fireplace, with dignity and solemnity, he required his children to recite the Shorter Catechism. His oldest child was born in 1771, and his youngest in 1796. During the Revolutionary War he was away from home, fighting for the freedom of America. He was in the regular army, and was consequently not with the militia at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Plis family cared for those wounded soldiers, how- ever. John Thom was a ruling elder in Alamance Church prior to the Revolution. Among the other charter members here were Wiley's, Finlys, McBrides, McGeachys, Stuarts, Donnells, Mc- Ivers, Humphreys. In Church and State they have a record of integrity and heroic patriotism. Amos Ragan was born in Davidson County, February 25, 1824 — was a son of Amos and Elizabeth Ragan. His father died when his son Amos was a mere child. Never went to school but three months in his life. Plad no school advantages. Had to work to support his mother. At fourteen years of age he went to Missouri and spent five years on the ranches, trading in cattle and taking them to St. Louis, Chicago and other large markets, and disposing of them. He then went to Tennessee and spent two years selling machinery in that State, Virginia and Georgia. While still a young man he returned to North Carolina and settled in Guilford County, at what was then called Bloomington, AMCS RAC.AX, HIGH I'OINT. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 181 and engaged in the mercantile business with Clarkson Tomhnson. For several years he did a good business in this Hue, for a small country place. In 1859 he was married to Alartha E. English. Since the Civil War he has devoted his entire time to farm- ing. He has farms in Guilford, Randolph and Davidson Counties. When he first bought the farm at Bloomington where he now lives, the land was so poor that it would not "sprout peas." His farming land is now worth $100 per acre, and yiglds from twenty-five to forty bushels of wheat to the acre. He has raised in one year as much- as three thousand bushels of wheat from this farm. He has a farm of several hundred acres on Deep River, where the fertile bottom lands are very productive to raising corn. He raises from 2,500 to 3,000 bushels of corn every year. While Mr. Ragan has passed the "three score and ten years," yet he is a very active man, having a wonderful constitution. He can do more work now than most of the young people. Hon. Levi M. Scott was born in Rockingham County, North Carolina, June 8, 1827. In early childhood he accompanied his parents to Guilford County, and his preliminary schooling was obtained in the schools of the latter county. Leaving school at the age of twenty, he began his active career as a school-teacher, and at about the same time took up the study of law. In 1850 he was appointed postmaster at Greensboro, N. C, and held that office for about three years. In 1852 he was licensed to practice, and a year later received the election as Clerk of the Superior Court, and held that office until 1856. In the latter year, Mr. Scott was elected to represent his comity in the State Legislature, and served a term of two years. In 1858 he was elected Solicitor of Guilford County, and for two terms of four years each most satisfactorily discharged the duties of the important position. He was appointed as receiver of sequestrated property by the Confederate Governemnt in 1862, and was retained in that capacity until the close of the War, his duties having been to collect all debts owing Northern creditors from Southern debtors, for the benefit of the Confederate -States. 182 GUILFORD COUNTY, After the termination of hostilities between the North and South, Mr. Scott devoted himself exclusively to the practice of his chosen profession at Greensboro, and his indefatigability is illus- trated by the fact that during the long period of fifty years he has practiced at the courts of the Fifth Judicial District he never failed to be in attendance at the various sessions. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the State Penitentiary from 1885 "until 1889. As a lawyer he has won a name of which he may be proud. Dignified and able, his opinions carry weight wherever promid- gated, and his reputation as a man of the most rigid integrity but add to his fame as a distinguished lawyer and citizen. Mr. Scott has been most happy in his domestic relations, hav- ing been united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Weatherly in 1861. Mrs. Scott was a daughter of Mr. Andrew Weatherly, of Greens- boro, N. C. Two children have been born to this blessed union, the surviving one being Mrs. Lily Scott Reynolds, now living in East Orange, N. J. Mr. Scott is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., and in 1866 held the high honor of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina. John D. Scott, his father, was born in Guilford County, N. C, in 1800. He was given a common school education, and then gave his attention to agriculture, and was engaged in plantmg all his life. He served as Colonel in the North Carolina Cavalry for many years, and held his commission until the breaking out of the Civil War, being then sixty-one years of age. In 1824 he married Miss Jane McLean, a daughter of Marshall McLean, of Guilford County, N. C, and three children were the oft'spring of the mar- riage, their names being: Allan H., of Guilford County, N. C. ; Levi ^L. of Greensboro, N. C, and William L. Scott, who died in 1872. The father died in 1880, his wife having preceded him to rest in 1845. ]o\\n D. Scott was the son of Adam Scott, who was a native of Guilford County, N. C, where he was born in 1772. His A. I,E\'I AI. SCOTT, OF GREENSBORO, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 183 demise occurred in 1837. He was a planter all his life. His father was Thomas Scott, a Pennsylvanian, who emigrated to North Carolina in early manhood, and settled in Guilford County. The ancestors of the Hon. Levi M. Scott on the paternal side were from the north of Ireland, and on the maternal side came from Scotland. We think it only right and proper in speaking of those con- ditions that have made Greensboro what it is, to call attention to a few of the men who have been identified with its phenomenal growth, and standing in the front ranks of these, Mr. L. M. Scott holds a most enviable position as one of the leaders of his profes- sion, as "Nestor" of the bar of Guilford County, and a gentleman of the old school Mr. Scott is one whom to know is to admire and respect. W. L. Scott, brother of L. M., was licensed in 1856. Shortly after being admitted to the bar he moved to Georgia and formed a law partnership with Benjamin H. Hill. Their law partnership was cemented by a warm personal friendship which existed be- tween Mr. Scott and the gifted orator and unimpeachable states- man of Georgia, until the death of the former in 1872. Return- ing from Georgia, Mr. Scott formed a co-partnership with his brother, L. M. Scott, under the firm name of Scott & Scott. This was the first instance in the State where relatives of the same surname had used the same jointly when a partnership existed between them. Prior to that time the style was "Richard Doe & Son," or "Richard Doe & Bro.," as the case might be. The ex- ample of Messrs. Scott found many followers, and now the style is in common use. W. L. Scott was a ready debater and very popular with the masses. In 1870 he was a candidate for Congress, but was de- feated by General James Leach, a strong candidate. He served as Colonel in the Twenty-first North Carolina \^olunteers in 1861 and 1863. 184 GUILFORD COUNTY, SKETCH OF THE RANKIN FAMILY OE GUILEORD COUNTY. The Rankins of Guilford County descend from two brothers, John and WilHam, who came from that part of Ireland settled by the Scotch in the reign of James I., and were therefore Scotch- Irish Presbyterians. They first came to Pennsylvania not later than 1760 and possibly as early as 1750. The exact time of their coming to Guilford County is not known, but in 1765, John, the older brother, bought 511 acres of land lying on the waters of North Buffalo, from Alexander McKnight. A descendant of his, Robert Rankin, still living, owns a part of this land, and his title is derived from John, Earl of Granville. In 1772, John sold a part of this land, now known as the Calvin Rankin tract, to his younger brother, William. John Rankin was born in Ulster County, Ireland, in 1736, came to Guilford about 1764, married Hannah Carson, and died March 27, 1814. He was buried by the side of his wife, Hannah, in the northwest corner of Buffalo Church graveyard. The issue of this marriage was eight daughters and three sons, as follows : Rebecca, Jane. Abby, Samuel, Joseph, Hannah, Mary, Margaret, Robert, Ann, Ruth. Rebecca married John Rankin, possibly a distant relative of hers, and moved to Tennessee. Jane married John Paisley. To them were born: Celilah, who married George Donnell; Hannah, who married a Mr. Shaw; Rebecca, who married a Mr. Shaw, and Elizabeth, who married James Gannon. Abby Rankin married Cunningham Smith, and moved to the West. Samuel Rankin married Mary Scott and had issue: John, who married and moved to Cabarrus County ; Rebecca, who mar- ried Calvin McLeon ; Hannah, who married Rankin Donnell; Margaret, who married Dr. Scott, father of J. W. Scott, of Greens- boro; and Nancy, who married Rhoddy Hanna. Joseph, fifth child of John Rankin, married Mary Donnell, NORTH CAROLINA. 185 by whom he had issue as follows : Barzella, who married Robert Woodburn, the father of Mrs. W. S. Moon ; John C, who married Betsy Denny, daughter of Thomas Denny ; Persis, who married Jane Gilmer; James Edmundson, who married and moved West; Rhuhama. who married a Mr. Thom ; Samuel, who married a sister of Rev. C. H. Wiley, by whom he had three children — Joseph, killed in the Civil War; William C, and Alice. By second marriage with Nancy Donnell. he had two chil- dren — Thomas, father of A. L. Rankin, and Mary, who married Washington Wharton. Hannah, sixth child of John Rankin, married Thomas Denny. Issue of this marriage: EH, Samuel, Hannah, Thomas, Bettie, Nancy, John, Peggy, George. Mary, seventh child, married Thomas Donnell. Issue : Ran- kin, Hester, Vinnie. Margaret, eighth child, married John Nelson, to \vhom were born Samuel, Mary, Ann and Melinda. Robert Rankin, ninth child of John Rankin, by marriage with Margaret Scott, had the following children : William S., who mar- ried Elizabeth Paisley ; Hannah, who married Lear Donnell ; John Calvin, who married a daughter of William Rankin, by whom he had four children ; Jane, who married W. P. Wharton ; William, who married Mildred Dick ; John, who married a daughter of Rankin Smith ; and Fannie, unmarried. Adam, fifth child of Robert Rankin, married Louisa Kerr. Thomas Rankin, sixth child of Robert, married a daughter of William Rankin, by whom he had two children — W. H. Rankin and Nannie. By second marriage with Nancy Wharton, he had one son, Alpheus, who married Zula Smith, and three daughters — Eva, who married Cyrus Wharton ; Louisa, who married Lacy Paisley, and Minnie, who married Myrom Newell. Rebecca, sixth child of Robert, married John C. Wharton, of Greensboro. By second marriage, with Margaret Patterson, Robert Ran- 186 GUILFORD COUNTY, kin had three children — Capt. N. P. Rankin, Robert Rankin and Capt. Samuel Rankin, who died in Fayetteville, N. C. These sons by his last marriage all married and have raised families. William Rankin, brother of John Rankin, Sr., was born in Ireland in 1744 and with his brother John emigrated to America between 1750 and 1760, stopping a while in Pennsylvania, and afterwards came with the Scotch-Irish movement into this county about 1764. Both he and his brother John were ardent Whigs and were hated by Governor Tryon and his adherents for their strong Americanism. After the Battle of Alamance, William, who was present, was declared an outlaw by Governor Tryon and, with fif- teen others, had to keep in hiding till Tryon left the State. Just before the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, Lord Cornwallis evinced his hatred by camping on the plantations of John and William Rankin and destroying nearly all that was destructible. In 1873 he married Jane, daughter of Elizabeth and John Chambers. He died February 9, 1804, and was buried along with his wife and wife's father and mother in Buffalo Church grave- yard. To them were born four sons and five daughters- — Betsy, Nancy, Sallie, John, Ann, Thomas, Jane, Robert and William, the last two twins. Betsy married Elam Wharton. Nancy married John School- field, to whom were born Betsy, Sarah (who married Samuel Iiat- rick), Joseph, William, Jane, John, Kancy, Daniel, Samuel. John Chambers, fourth child of William, was born jMarch 29, 1781, married Tabitha Wharton, daughter of Watson Wharton, Sr., and di,ed June 6, 1858. Issue of this marriage: Jesse, Jane, Martha, William (who died young), JMalinda, Watson, John C, Tabitha and Samuel. Ann married Samuel Donnell and had one child, Emslev Don- nell. Thomas, sixth child of William, married Martha McOuistian. Issue of this marriage : Albert, Moses, Elizabeth, Lavina, William, Nancy, Robert, Pollie. NORTH CAROLINA. 187 Jane Rankin, seventh child of William, married EH Smith. Issue : Madison, William Rankin and Nancy. Robert Rankin, eighth child of William, married Sarah Lee. Issue: John C, Jane, William, Emily, Alfred and Greene. William, ninth child of William, Sr., and twin brother of Robert, married Thankful Smith. Issue of this marriage : Hannah and Nancy. The descendants of the brothers, John and William, now found in this county and in three-fourths of the States of the Union, now number over one thousand souls. The immediate descendants of the two brothers, William and John, lived at a period and under conditions that "tried men's souls." They "sought out, wrought out and fought out" their way in the new world, making history but leaving little record of it. On every battlefield from Alamance to Appomattox descendants of these brothers have been found, struggling for what they believed to be right. SKETCH OF THE WHARTON FAMILY OF GUILFORD COUNTY. Watson Wharton, Sr., the progenitor of the Wharton family of this county and of more than a thousand others, who lived or have lived in nearly every Southern State and in many of the Northern States, was born in England, perhaps in the town of Wharton, June 22, 1746. His father, Hinman, and mother, Mary, were born, accord- ing to statistics found in an old family Bible, now scarcely legible, about two hundred years ago, and were married about 1729. Save the names and date of birth, nothing is known of Watson Whar- ton's brothers and sisters. Their names are as follows : Elizabeth Wharton, born September 29, 1731 ; David Whar- ton, born April 27, 1733 ; Mary Wharton, born July 30, 1735 ; Hin- man Wharton, born December 20, 1737; Catherine Wharton, born August 30, 1740; Rhoda Wharton, born January 18, 1742. As there are numerous branches of the Wharton familv in 188 GUILFORD COUNTY, the United States not directly traceable to Hinman or his son Wat- son, it is not improbable that they may have a common origin further back in the twilight of the past. There are families of Whartons living in Virginia, Texas and Tennessee who trace their line back to Lord Thomas Wharton, who in 1622 was Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland. In history he was called ''Veto Tom" and sometimes "Lying Tom." One of his descendants, Phillip Whar- ton, w^as one of Cromwell's generals. It matters little whether Watson Wharton was descended from "Lying Tom" or not. That his descendants, wherever found, have been and are in the main honest, industrious, independent, God-fearing, patriotic citizens, who have made the world better for living in it. is a matter of far greater import than to be able to trace their origin back to a "belted knight," who seems to have been somewhat careless in handling the truth. In the language of Scotland's greatest bard : *"A King can make a belted Knight, A marquis, duke and a' that, But an honest man's aboon his might Gude faith he mauna fa' that — The rank is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that." On attaining his majority, Watson Wharton came to America about 1767 and settled at first in Maryland, where he married a lady whose maiden name the writer of this sketch has been unable to ascertain. The issue of this marriage is as follows : Elam, born 1770; Jesse, born 1771, died in infancy; Elisha, born 1774, died aged nearly 90 years; Tabitha, born 1776, died 1855 ; John, who married a daughter of William Rankin and moved to Tennessee more than sixty years ago; Gideon, born 1781, married Mary Woodburn and moved West; Martha, born 1783, married Arthur Woodburn, had five children — Watson, William, Elam, Emsley, Tabitha. *I wonder a good deal about all these people in this book. I wonder also what are their traits. I will be likely to find out by the time I have sold the last copy. What I know then will be something- of value, perhaps. -MU. E. P. WHARTON. PKP.SIDKNT W)Lri-IERN LOAN AND TKUST CO. OK GREKNSKORO. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA. 189 By a second marriage with Angeletta, nee Evans, he had one son, Evans, born 1785. Soon after the birth of his youngest son, Evans, he moved with his family to Guilford County, 1785 or 1786, and bought from Blackwood a tract of land acceded to him in 1755 by the Earl of Granville. W. P. Wharton, a great-grandson of Watson Wharton, now owns and lives on this same land. Of his personal characteristics, little is known. Mr. David Wharton, a grandson, now in his ninety-ninth year, recalls that he was a man of almost giant proportions, weighing nearly three hundred pounds, that he was somewhat irascible and very much given to having his own way. In politics, he was a staunch Whig, in religion a Presbyterian, as have been nearly all his descendants. That he was a man of considerable means for those days is evi- dent from the large amount of lands purchased and the mortgages made to secure monies loaned by him. He died in 1813, and was buried in Buffalo churchyard. Elam Wharton, his oldest son, married Betsy, oldest daughter of William Rankin, the progenitor of one branch of the Rankin family in this county. Issue of this marriage : Joseph, Jesse, Wil- liam, Lemuel, Robert, Jennie, Isabella, Martha. Robert, fifth child of Elam, married Melinda Nelson and died in 1876, leaving two sons and two daughters. James, his oldest son, a merchant of Jamestown, married Margaret Armfield. Elisha, third son of Watson Wliarton, was born in Maryland in 1774, came with his father to Guilford County when about ten years old, married Elizabeth Schoolfield in 1796, by whom he had the following children : John, James, Nancy, David, Martha, Wat- son, Schoolfield (who died in infancy), Eliza, Milton (who died unmarried). By second marriage with Martha Porter he had four sons and one daughter: Porter, Samuel, Minerva, Paisley and Wash- ington, the last two being twins. John Wharton, oldest son of Elisha Wharton, born 1797, married Rhoda Webb, by whom he had three sons and two daugh- 190 GUILFORD COUNTY, ters : Melinda, who married Levi Foust ; Elizabeth, who married Rankin Smith, and had five children — Nannie, William, Znla, Mary and Lizzie. Green Wharton, third child of John Wharton, married Mal- vina Donnell. To them were born two sons and three daughter? : Watson, John W.. Bettie, Emma and Mary. William P. Wharton, fourth child of John Wharton, Sr., mar- ried Emily Rankin, who died without issue. By second marriage with Jane Rankin he had two sons — Walter and Leslie — and two daughters — Carrie and Lizzie. John W. Wharton, Jr., youngest son of John Wharton, Sr., by first marriage, married Martha Edwards. Issue : Ruth, Roy, Linda, Rhoda. By second marriage with Jane Bennett, John Wharton, Sr., had ten children — C. A. Wharton and Eugenia, who died without issue. John W. Wharton, son of Green Wharton, married Sallie McNairy. They have four children. James, second son of Elisha Wharton, born 1799, married Jane Rankin, daughter of John C. Rankin, died 1822. They had only one son — John C. Wharton, now living in GreensDoro, in his seventy-ninth year. He married Rebecca Rankin, daughter of Robert Rankin, Sr. Lssue of this marriage: James, who died in infancy ; Alice, who married Wm. Ratlifif ; Mary, who married Rev. Wm. Graves ; E. P. Wharton, who married Ida Murray ; Annie, who married Edwin Shaver ; Emma, who married S. C. Smith ; Lizzie, unmarried ; Jesse R., who married a Miss Noves and now lives in Butte City ; William, a merchant, living in the State of Washington. Nancy, third child of Elisha Wharton, married George Find- ley and went to Missouri. Issue of this marriage: Rufus, James, Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha, Angeline, John. David Wharton, fourth child of Elisha Wharton, was born December 18, 1803, and is still living, in his ninety-ninth year. In NORTH CAROLINA. 191 1826 he married Elizabeth Donnell, by whom he had three daugh- ters and two sons, viz : Elizabeth, who married Dr. Jos. A. McLean. To them were born Julia, Cora, Charles, Walter, John, Archibald and Jesse R. Julia Wharton, who m^arried Rev. C. K. Caldwell and died soon after marriage. Mary Wharton, who married John C. Cannon. Issue of this marriage : Julia, Bessie, Ellen, Mary, Howard, Fannie, Emma and John. John Wharton, son of David, married Pattie Cole, daughter of Dr. J. L. Cole. Moved to Texas in 1869, and now lives in Sherman. Issue of this marriage: John, Hattie, Mary, William and Annie. William D. Wharton, youngest son of David Wharton, mar- ried Mary Wharton, daughter of Newton Wharton. Issue : Wal- lace, who married Cordelia Hagan ; Lacy, who married Lizzie Wharton; Charles, who married Daisy Gilmer; Mary, who mar- ried Rev. Samuel Rankin. By second marriage with Jane Gilmer he had two children — Hattie and Gilmer. Martha, tifth child of Elisha Wharton, married Jesse Smith. To them were born the following children : Angelina, John, Lafay- ette, Eli, William, Madison, Adison, Isabella, Rufus and Martha. Watson Wharton, Jr., sixth child of Elisha Wharton, was born 1809, marriad Melinda Rankin and died 1871. Issue of this marriage : Jesse R. and Jane E. Jesse married Mattie Turner and had two children — Minnie, who died in 1876, and Turner A. Wharton, now pastor of a church in Memphis. By a second marriage with Mary Rankin, he had four sons — Henry, who married Nora Graves ; Ernest, Lee and Robert. Jane E. married Dr. J. Rumple, of Salisbury, and had two sons and a daughter — Watson, James and Linda. Porter Wharton, tenth child of Elisha, married Nancy Pat- 192 GUILFORD COUNTY, terson and moved to Missouri. Issue of this marriage: Samuel, ]Martha, Mary, Washington, Minerva, Nancy, James and Mar- garet. vSamuel, eleventh child of Elisha Wharton, married Elizabeth Kerr and had two children — Florence, who died unmarried, and Rebecca, who married Lindsay Stuart. iMinerva. twelfth child of Elisha Wharton, married James Paisley. Children of this marriage : John, Porter, Lacy, Annie. Rev. William Paisley Wharton, thirteenth child of Elisha Wharton and twin brother of Washington Wharton, married and died in 1856, leaving one child. Washington, fourteenth child of Elisha Wharton, married Mary Rankin, by whom he had five children — Martha, Corrinna, Annie, Callie and Cyrus, who married a daughter of Thomas Ran- kin. Evans Wharton, youngest son of Watson Wharton, Sr., was born 1785 ; married Benitha Calk. Issue of this marriage : Lu- cinda, Newton, Angeletta, Clinton, Eliza, Emiline, Rufus, Jane and Francis. Lucinda married Samuel Hattrech. Newton, by first mar- riage with Elinor McMurrav, had two children — Jane and Mary. By second marriage wnth Hannah McLean, he had one daughter — Dora. Angeletta married David Ray. Issue of this marriage : Peter Ray, a deaf mute, who married a Miss Williams, also a mute; Fannie, who married Jas. Bason. Clinton Wharton, son of Evans, married Catherine Conrad. Issue : Albert, John, Ida, Clinton, Eva, Annie. Eliza Wharton married David McLean. Nancy married Thomas Rankin. Issue : W. H. Rankin, Nannie. Rufus Wharton married Mary L. Perry, of Beaufort County. Issue of this marriage : Isabella, Francis, Rufus, Thomas, David. Isabella married John H. Small. NORTH CAROLINA. 193 Wharton married Capt. Nat Rankin. To them were born two sons and two daughters. Tabitha Wharton, fourth child of Watson Wharton, Sr., was born in Maryland in 1776, married John C. Rankin, and died in 1856. Issue of this marriage: Rev. Jesse Rankin, Jane, Martha, William, Melinda, Dr. Watson Rankin, Dr. John C. Rankin of New Jersey, Tabitha and Dr. Samuel Rankin, of Rowan, N. C. THE WORTII FAMILY. William Worth left England in the reign of Charles II. His great-grandson, Daniel Worth, was born in Massachusetts, second month, tenth, 1739; he died in Guilford County, North Carolina, seventh month, tenth, 1830. He was married in Nantucket to Eunice Hussey, a daughter of P-atrf and Sarah Hussey, a descend- ant of Sylvanus Hussey, whose wife was a daughter of Stephen Coram. •QiWw Joseph Worth was also married in Nafitucket to Judith Star- buck. These people were the Nantucket settlers of Guilford County and their descendants have done much for civilization in North Carolina. Jonathan Worth, grandson of Daniel Worth of Nantucket stock, Governor of North Carolina, and Dr. David Worth were men of great influence in their day. Dr. John M. Worth was treasurer of North Carolina. His children were : Shubal G. Worth, Thomas C. Worth, Addie McAllister and Dell Bingham. Governor Jonathan Worth's children have been men and women of integrity and strength — David G. Worth, Roxana j\Ic- , Neil, Lucy J. Jackson, Elvira Moffit, Cora Jackson, Mary Worth and Addie Bagley. Worth Bagley, the young hero of the Cuban War, was the grandson of Governor Worth and therefore a repre- sentative of the Nantucket stock of Guilford County. Daniel Worth, of Guilford County, was a man of afl^airs, a leader in the Society of Friends in the State, trustee of Guilford Collea-e. 194 GUILFORD COUNTY, William Worth was Treasurer of North Carolina for two terms preceding 1901. Cyrus B. Watson, a leading lawyer in the State, is a descend- ant of the Worth family, and therefore a representative of the Nantucket stock in North Carolina. John L. Worth, of Mount Airy, North Carolina, compiled a chart of this family in 1900. The Worth family is representative of the Nantucket in many instances from both father and mother, the Folgers, Gardners, Husseys, Macys, Porters, Starbucks are related by marriage to them. Their religious belie* is that of the Societv of Friends. MEMBERS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senators. Members of House of Commons. 1777 Ralph Gorrell John Collier, Robert Lindsay. 1778 Ralph Gorrell James Hunter, Robert Lindsay. 1789 Alex Martin James Hunter, Danl. Gillespie. 1780 Alex Martin James Hunter, Wm. Gowdy. 1 781 Alex Martin William Gowdy, James Hunter. 1782 Alex Martin William Gowdy, Jones Hunter. 1783 Chas. Bruce Jas. Galloway, John Leak. 1784 Jas. Galloway John Hamilton, John Leak. 1785 Alex Martin John Hamilton, Barzellai Gardner. 1786 Wm. Gowdy John Hamilton, B. Gardner. 1787 Alex Martin B. Gardner, Wm. Gowdy. 1788 Alex Martin John Hamilton, Wm. Gowdy. 17S9 Wm. Gowdy John Hamilton, Daniel Gillespie. 1790 Daniel Gillespie Hance Hamilton, Robert Hannah. 1791 Daniel Gillespie Robert Hannah, B. Gardner. 1792 Daniel Gillespie Robert Hannah, B. Gardner. 1793 Daniel Gillespie Robert Hannah, B. Gardner. 1794 Daniel Gillespie Robert Hannah, B. Gardner. 179.5 Daniel Gillespie Hance Hamilton, Hance I^IcCain. 1796 Ralph Gorrell B. Gardner, Hance Hamilton. 1797 Hance McCain Hance Hamilton, Samuel Lindsay. 1798 Hance McCain Samuel Lindsay, George Bruce. 1799 Hance Hamilton Samuel Lindsay, George Bruce. NORTR CAROLINA. 195 Senators. Members of House of Commons. 1800 Hance Hamilton Samuel Lindsay. Jonathan Parker. 1801 Samuel Lindsay George Bruce, Jonathan Parker. 1802 George Bruce Zaza Brashier, Jonathan Parker. 1803 Saml. Lindsay John Moore, Jonathan Parker. 1804 Saml. Lindsay John Parker, Zaza Brashier. 1805 Hance McCain Z. Brashier, Richard Mendenhall. 1806 Hance McCain Z. Brashier, Richard Mendenhall. 1807 Jonathan Parker Robert Hannah, John Howell. 180S Jonathan Parker Robert Hannah, John Howell. 1809 Jonathan Parker Robert Hannah, John Howell. 1810 Saml. Lindsay Robert Hannah, William Armfield. 181 1 Jonathan Parker Robert Hannah, John Howell. 1812 Jonathan Parker John Howell, Robert Lindsay. 181 3 Jonathan Parker Obed Macey, James Gibson. 1814 Jonathan Parker James Gibson, James McNairy. 1815 Jonathan Parker John Howell, James McNairy. 1816 John Caldwell James McNairy, William Ryan. 1817 John Caldwell Wm. Ryan, Robert Donnell. 1818 John Caldwell James McNairy, William Dickey. 1819 John M. Dick R. Donnell. William Dicke.v. 1820 John W. Caldwell John Rankin, David North. 1821 Jonathan Parker John Gordon, Wm. Adams. 1822 Jonathan Parker Saml. Hunter, David North. 1S23 Jonathan Parker Saml. Hunter, David North. 1824 Jonathan Parker William Unthank, James Neally. 1825 Jonathan Parker F. L. Simpson, William Unthank. 1826 Jonathan Parker F. L. Simpson, John I\L Morehead. 1827 Jonathan Parker F. L. Simpson, John j\L Morehead. 1828 Jonathan Parker F. L. Simpson, Geo. C. Mendenhall. 1829 John M. Dick Geo. C. Mendenhall, F. L. Simpson. 1830 John M. Dick Alien Peeples, Geo. C. Mendenhall. 1830 John M. Dick Amos Weaver, Allen Peeples. 1832 John Parker .A^llen Peeples, David Thomas. 1833 George C. IMendenhall David Thomas, Allen Peeples. 1834 Jonathan Parker Ralph Gorrell, Jesse H. Lindsay. i8.S5 Jas. T. Morehead Jesse H. Lindsay. Ralph Gorrell. 1836 Jas. T. Morehead Jesse H. Lindsay. Peter Adams, F. L. Simpson. 1840 Jas. T. Morehead Jesse H. Lindsay. Wm. Dick, David Thomas. 196 GUILFORD COUNTY, Senators. Members of House of Commons. 1842 Jas. T. Morehead Geo. C. Mendenhall, Wm. Doak, Jas. Brannock. 1842 Jas. T. Morehead Geo. C. Mendenhall, Wm. Doak, Joel ]\IcLean. 1844 Jesse H. Lindsay ; . . William Doak, Joel McLean John A. Smith. 1S46 John A. Gilmer Hunt, E. W. Ogburn, Peter Adams. 1848 John A. Gilmer David . F. Caldwell, Calvin Johnson, Jas. W. Doak. 1850 John A. Gilmer David F. Caldwell, Calvin Henderson Wiley, Peter Adams. 1852 John A. Gilmer C. Johnston, David F. Caldwell, C. H. Wiley. 1854 John A. Gilmer David F. Caldwell, Ralph Gorrell, C. Johnston. 1856 Ralph Gorrell D. F. Caldwell, L. M. Scott, E. W. Ogburn. 1858 Ralph Gorrell John M. Morehead, D. F. Caldwell, A. Clapp. i860 John ^L Morehead C. P. Mendenhall, C. E. Shober, J. L. Gorrell, 1862 Peter Adams S. INI. Sherwood, R. W. Glenn, R. M. Smith. 1S64 R. P. Dick D. F. Caldwell, A. Clapp, A. S. Hol- ton. 1866 Peter Adams Jas. Morehead, Jr., J. S. Houston, W. R. Smith. 1S68 E. Shoffner, J. W. Walker Stephen G. Homey, David Hodgin. 1870 John A. Gilmer, W. A. Smith Jonathan Harris, S. C. Rankin. 1 87 1 Jas. T. Morehead, Wm. J. Murray Joseph Gilmer, William Wiley. Nov. Jas T. Morehead, Jr. 1873 W. J. Murray Joseph Gilmer, William Wiley. 1874 Jas. T. Morehead 1875 A. S. Holton Nereus Mendenhall, John N. Staples. 1876 Thos. M. Holt. 1877 J. L Scales John Staples, Lyndon Swain. NORTH CAROLINA. 197 Senators. IVIembers of House of Commons. 1870 J. I. Scales. D. F. Caldwell J. A. ^IcLean. C. J. Wheeler. 18S1 J. N. Staples. Jan. B. F. Mebane J. A. Picket. J. S. Ragsdale. 1883 J. T. Morehead J. L. King. Jas. W. Forbis. Wealth of Guilford County, taken from the report of the State auditor for 1839-55 • Tn the year 1853, Walter A. Winbourne, as sheriff of Guilford County, presented to the comptroller-general (or State auditor) the following report : Acres of land 277M3, No. Polls 34.504 Valuation of land $1,418,964 Town property $1,794,449 NET TAX. Land $ 800 00 Playing Cards $ 7 05 Town property loi 21 Stores 353 44 Poll 659 95 Pedlars 56 40 Lunatic Asylum 430 92 Taverns 28 20 Interest received 660 26 Circus 47 00 Dividend and profit 23 57 ^lusicians i4 10 Lawyers, etc 93 06 Negro Traders 31 96 Gold Watches 7?, i2 Pistols 14 10 Silver Watches 48 88 Bowie Knives 94 Pianos 22 56 Mortgages 58 32 Plate 5 59 Capital Invested 1 1 37 Pleasure Carriages 128 31 $,^.694 05 The population of Guilford County in 1790 was 7,191; in 1850 it had increased to 19,754. Area of Guilford, 600 square miles; number of acres, 407,214; aver- age value. $5.40. Distance from Raleigh. 82 miles. i I