A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL HAZARD STEVENS A BRIEF SKETCH OF I, THE LIFE OF GENERAL HAZARD STEVENS BOSTON Geo. H. ELLIs^Co., Printers, 272 Congress Street 1908 \- 1 MAY 16 191ft To the Electors of the Tenth Congressional District : The undersigned recommend the voters of the Tenth Con- gressional District, irrespective of party, to elect General Hazard Stevens our representative in Congress, as a protest against the burden of the tariff, and as the most effective movement for removing that burden yet offered. The plat- forms of the political parties on this the most important issue before the country are vague generalities. He alone declares a specific measure of relief, — a measure so reasonable and moderate that probably nine-tenths of the people approve it; namely, the abohtion of duties on food, raw materials, and goods the like of which are made in this country and sold abroad cheaper than at home, and the re- duction of duties by one-half on other goods. If a Massachusetts district ratifies this measure by sending him to Congress to demand it, the moral effect upon that body and the country will be great, and will exert a marked influence towards securing a substantial reform of the tariff, for even inveterate protectionists would reaHze that the peo- ple were becoming aroused. General Stevens's wide knowledge of the whole country and of public questions, his ripe experience, ability, and force of character, eminently fit him to represent the district in Con- gress. During his long and varied career he has always proved himself able, efficient, patriotic, and brave, a man of honor and integrity, and true to every duty intrusted to him, as the story of his life amply proves. (Signed) William H. Turner, 1 Everton Street, Dorchester. William Bellamy, Bowdoin Avenue, Dorchester. William J. Ladd, Adams Street, Milton. John Lindsley, Adams Street, Milton. Samuel Brazier, 127 P Street, South Boston.' Calvin G. Hutchinson, 14 Wales Street, Dorchester. A. C. Kendall, Bowdoin Avenue, Dorchester. Nathaniel S. Hunting, Quincy. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL HAZARD STEVENS He was born in Newport, R.I., June 9, 1842, the son of the late Major-general Isaac I. Stevens and his wife, born Margaret Hazard, the daughter of an eminent lawyer of that city and the grand-daughter of Colonel Daniel Lyman of the Revolu- tion. In his native town and on his uncle's farm in Narragan- sett, the old homestead of the Hazards, he early learned to swim, sail a boat, drive oxen, and do the chores on the farm, but the most exciting and beneficial experiences of his boy- hood in developing self-reliance and hardihood were when he accompanied his father, then governor of Washington Terri- tory, upon his expeditions to hold councils and make treaties with the Indians of the Pacific North-west. On one of these trips the party of only twenty-five white men, on horseback and with pack mules, traversed the wild unsettled Indian country from Puget Sound to the Missouri River, held six councils with many thousands of Indians, at times in immi- nent peril of massacre, crossed the Rocky Mountains twice, the last time in midwinter, forced their way through hostile tribes, rescued a party of miners, and reached the border settlement on the Columbia in safety after an absence of nine months and a journey of 2,000 miles. On this trip on one occasion the lad, only thirteen years old, rode 150 measured miles in thirty hours to carry an important despatch to the Gros Ventres Indians. He spent three weeks hunting the buffalo with a small party, accompanied by friendly Black- 6 feet Indians, in order to procure meat for the main party, which was almost destitute of provisions. In the Indian War of 1855-6 he bore arms as a volunteer, and has been awarded a pension for that service, although he does not draw it. Needless to say these varied experiences developed his self- reliance, judgment, and courage, and he became a good rider and a good shot. Returning to the East in the winter of 1857, when his father entered Congress, he fitted for college at Chauncy Hall School in Boston, and entered Harvard in 1860 in the class of 1864. He left college at the end of the Freshman year, at the age of nineteen, to enter the army, hke so many brave and patriotic youtlis all over the land, and help put down the great rebellion. His Military Career. He enlisted in the 79th Highlanders, New York Volunteers, of which his father was colonel at the time, and carried a musket in his first engagement near Lewinsville, Va., and his brave conduct and coolness in the skirmish were praised by his commander. Captain David Ireland. A few days later he acted as aide to his father in another engagement af Lewins- ville, and was again commended for good conduct. He was appointed adjutant of his regiment Sept. 26, 1861, and on October 19 was appointed Captain and Assistant Adjutant- general of the First Brigade, commanded by his father, of the combined military and naval expedition under General T. W. Sherman and Commodore Samuel F. Dupont, which captured the forts at Port Royal, S.C. The brigade erected a long line of works at Hilton Head, and then occupied Port Royal and adjacent islands, with headquarters at Beaufort, the chief town. During the winter and spring General 1. I. Stevens put the troops through a stiff course of drill and discipline. Captain Hazard Stevens proved himself a capable officer. He re- peatedly drilled the entire brigade, handling several thousand men, of the three arms, with success. His father writes: "Hazard is very expert both at battahon and brigade drill, and he can drill a brigade much better than any of my colonels. He takes very great interest in everything, is full of life and energy, very industrious, studies carefully his tactics, regula- tions, etc. He is making a very superior officer,- indeed; is a very efficient adjutant-general." The enemy having erected batteries on the Coosaw River which separates Port Royal Island from the mainland, Gen- eral Stevens crossed several miles below the works with his brigade (reinforced b}^ two regiments), defeated a considerable force of the enemy in a sharp action, and took and destroyed the works. The thanks of the government were given in gen- eral orders to General Stevens and his command for this vic- tory, styled the battle of Port Royal Ferry. Captain Stevens's conduct in this engagement was warmly commended. In June, 1862, General H. W. Benham, with 12,000 troops in two divisions and an independent brigade, commanded respectively by Generals Isaac I. Stevens, H. G. Wright, and Robert Williams, entered the Stono River and landed on James Island, which borders Charleston Harbor on the south. The enemy had a strong line of works across the island, which it was necessary to break in order to reach the city. The left flank of this line rested on the harbor, and a strong work, Fort Lamar, was thrown out in advance of this flank and across a narrow neck with deep sloughs on both flanks, so that it could only be attacked in front. Benham, after wasting ten days in vacillation, during which the enemy daily strengthened his lines, at last hastily decided to assault Fort Lamar with General Stevens's division, while Wright and Williams took position to guard against the enemy's sallying from his main line and falling upon the rear of the force attacking the fort. One evening he summoned his generals to the transport in the river, which he made his headquarters, and peremptorily ordered the movement to be made at daylight the next morn- ing, notwithstanding the remonstrances of all three. It was eleven o'clock at night when General Stevens came ashore and ordered Captain Stevens to issue the necessary orders for the movement. At half-past 2 a.m. the division was under arms and on the march, and at the first light of dawn it deliv- ered the assault with the greatest gallantry. The work 8 proved too strong. The column hurled itself upon it in vain. In twenty minutes 600 brave men lay weltering in their blood upon the fa^tal plain in front, while the survivors, broken and scattered, sought shelter behind the high cotton ridges with which it was lined. Captain Stevens rode close up to the fort and brought ofif the troops. Of his gallantry in this action his father writes: "Hazard has worked very hard of late. Did I write you that his conduct on the battlefield was witnessed by the rebels with great admiration? So say the rebel officers whom my officers met under a recent flag of truce. These officers say a great many shots were fired directly at him. Every one in the division knows the officer they refer to, from the description of the officer and his horse, to be Hazard. The boy did most nobly^ and every one speaks in the highest terms of his conduct on the field of battle. Was not his life wonderfully preserved?" Benham was deprived of his command, the troops Were withdrawn, and General Stevens and his division sailed to Newport News, Va., where they were incorporated with Burn- side's troops from North Carolina as the Ninth Corps, forming the First Division. Captain Stevens, as Adjutant-general of this division commanded by his father, went through Pope's campaign, the battles of Second Bull Run and Chantilly. In the latter his father, General Isaac I. Stevens fell, flag in hand, leading the charge of his troops which repulsed Jack- son 's^flank movement and saved the Union Army from dis- aster. Captain Stevens received two severe wounds, one ball passing through the left arm just above the wrist, splintering the bones, and another in the hip. His wounds were hastily bandaged on the field, and he was carried to a neighboring farm-house, filled with wounded, where he lay until two in the morning, drenched to the skin, for the battle was fought in a tremendous thunder-storm. An officer of the division called at the house as the Union troops were falling back, and recog- nized Captain Stevens. He hunted up an ambulance, and had him placed in it and brought to Washington, and thus saved him from falling into the hands of the enemy. Under careful nursing in his native air of Newport, Captain 9 Stevens recovered from his severe wounds in about seven weeks, and returned to the army then in front of Fredericks- burg. He was assigned to the Third Division of the Ninth Corps, commanded by General George W. Getty, as Inspector- general. He took part in the battle of Fredericksburg, where Getty's division made the last charge on the stone wall at the foot of Marye's Heights on the fatal 13th of December, and were repulsed like all the rest, and he was again commended for good conduct. In March, 1863, Getty's division was sent to Suffolk, Va., to reinforce the garrison there under General John J, Peck. The following month General James Longstreet with 30,000 troops descended on the town, which occupies a neck between the Dismal Swamp and the Nansemond River, a branch of the James. Longstreet planned to cross the river below the town, take it in the rear, and capture it with the garrison. The town itself was fortified, but there were no defences along the river. When the enemy appeared. General Peck ordered the few troops watching the line of the river into the town. General Getty was intrusted with the inner line which rested on the stream. With Captain Stevens and a single orderly he went outside the line, and reconnoitred along the river, and dis- covered a force of the enemy erecting ' batteries and making every preparation to force the passage. Despatching the orderly to General Peck with urgent request for troops and guns, the general and his staff officer laid out the lines for trenches and batteries. The troops and artillery arrived at dark and worked all night, and at daylight the enemy's works, were overwhelmed by the concentrated fire of three batteries opposite, above, and below their position. For three weeks an incessant contest went on, the enemy erecting batteries at night, Getty erecting counter-batteries and lining the river bank with intrenchments, until he had completely fortified it for some six miles with works garrisoned by 7,000 troops and fifty guns. In these operations Captain Stevens, as Adju- tant-general and Chief-of-staff, worked night and day. The turning-point of the siege was the capture of Fort Huger, planned and carried out by him, and for which he was awarded 10 the medal of honor. This exploit is best told in General Getty's own words in his application that the medal be conferred upon Captain Stevens: — "I respectfully recommend that a medal of honor be con- ferred upon Hazard Stevens for distinguished gallantry in the field during the war, and particularly for the storming of Fort Huger, on the Nansemond River, ^'irginia, April 19, 1863. "The affair to which I allude occurred as follows: The enemy appeared in heavy force upon the line of the Nanse- mond River, planting batteries at a number of points, threat- ening to force a passage, and compelling a few unarmed gun- boats which assisted in the defence — improvised from ieTTx- boats and the like — to shift their positions continually to avoid destruction. Some five miles below the town the river was narrowed by a salient point on the opposite, or enemy's side, known as Hill's Point. Here was an old earthwork — Fort Huger — erected by them during the first j^ear of the war. They occupied this with a battery of five guns, and all efforts to dislodge or silence them by the fire of the gunboats and artillery from the opposite bank proved abortive. One gun- boat was almost destroyed, being struck over one hundred times by shot and shell, and the others were repulsed. Five small gunboats above the fort were cut off from escape by it, and their destruction became a question of only a few days, or even hours. "Such was the state of affairs when accompanied by Cap- tain Stevens, of my staff, and Lieutenant R. H. Lamson, of the navy, who commanded the gunboats, I rode to that part of my lines opposite Fort Huger in order to ob-erve it more closely. "Captain Stevens and Lieutenant Lamson climbed a tree nearby to obtain a better view, but, the more closely it was scanned, the more formidable and unapproachable the fort appeared. At length Captain Stevens declared that the only way to silence the fort was to cross the river and take it. Lieutenant Lamson responded that he would furnish the 11 boats if General Getty would furnish the troops, whereupon the gallant fellows hastened to lay the suggestion before me. "I adopted it at once. As rapidly as possible detachments of 270 men were embarked on one of the gunboats at a land- ing two miles above the fort. I also went aboard, and accom- panied the expedition in person. A canvas screen was drawn up all around the deck, effectually screening the troops. The boat steamed rapidly down the stream, the enemy, observing her, supposed she was about to try to run past the battery, and waited with double-shotted guns until she should come abreast and within fifty yards of the fort as the channel ran, all ready to blow her out of water. Just above the work the vessel was run into the bank. Captain Stevens was the first man to leap off the deck of the vessel and struggle ashore, waist-deep in mud and water. He was immediately followed by the troops. They struggled ashore, climbed the steep bank, led by Captain Stevens, and made for the fort and stormed it on the run, although the enemy opened a hot fire of musketry, and reversed and fired one of his guns. "The capture of five guns, nine officers, and 130 men, and the rescue of five gunboats, and the occupation of a point of vital importance were the results of one of the most brilliant achievements of the war, accomplished, too, with a loss of only four killed and ten wounded. "I was an eye-witness to Stevens's courage and daring in every battle in which the Divisions I had the honor to com- mand were engaged from Fredericksburg to the closing scene at Appomattox. There is no officer more deserving of a medal of honor than he. At the battle of the Wilderness I remember he was wounded, but never left the field, and remained with the Division and behaved in his usual gallant manner in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac from that great battle to Petersburg." Soon after the loss of this work General Longstreet raised the siege and retreated. The Union forces then evacuated Suffolk, and General Getty with his division fortified a line seven miles in front 12 of Portsmouth, Va., running from the James to the EUza- beth River, a distance of four miles. Captain Steveas did most of the engineering in laying out this line, which con- sisted of a continuous infantry parapet, with stronger works for artillery at intervals and a corduroy road in rear. In June an army of 22,000 men under General Dix was sent up the York and Pamunkey Rivers, and landed at the White House. From this point General Dix advanced a strong detachment to make a demonstration on Richmond, and sent General Getty with his division reinforced by two cavalry regiments up the left bank of the Pamunkey to destroy the railroad bridge across the South Anna River near Hanover Court House. After a slight skirmish, General Getty accomplished his mission, and marched back to the White House. Nothing was accomplished by General Dix, and his army was soon withdrawn and distributed at various posts in his depart- ment of Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. At this very time the great and decisive battle of Gettysburg was fought. Had these troops that General Dix wasted in vain demon- strations been thrown on the line of the Potomac above Harper's Ferry, it is hard to see how Lee could have escaped destruction. General John G. Foster succeeded General Dix. Pie appointed Captain Stevens Colonel of the First Regiment, Loyal Virginians, with authority to raise the regiment from the loyal whites in Eastern Virginia, but after every effort only two companies could be raised. As he could not be mustered into the United States service without a full regi- ment, he applied to be relieved from his command and ordered to the Army of the Potomac, where General Getty now had the command of the Second Division of the Sixth Corps. General Benjamin F. Butler, who had succeeded General Foster, granted the application with a kindly letter to the young officer. On reaching the Army of the Potomac, he was assigned to Getty's Second Division, Sixth Corps, as Inspector-general and Adjutant-general, and took part in the bloody campaign 13 that followed. At the battle of the Wilderness he was wounded by a shrapnel ball on the right leg below the knee, but, after his wound was dressed and bandaged, returned to the field. His horse was also killed under him by a bullet which pierced its heart. He remained on duty with this division until the end of the war, taking part in every campaign and battle in which the Sixth Corps participated. He was promoted to be Major and Assistant Adjutant-general, United States Volunteers, Oct. 13, 1864; Brevet Lieutenant-colonel, Aug. 1, 1864, "for gallantry and distinguished services in the pres- ent campaign before Richmond, Va."; Brevet Colonel, Oct. 19, 1864, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek." This was Sheridan's noted campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. The Sixth Corps returned to the siege of Petersburg in No- vember, 1864. It struck the decisive blow which forced the evacuation of Richmond and the retreat of Lee's army, when at dawn on April 2, 1865, formed in a sohd wedge, it burst through the rebel lines of Petersburg. For his part in this assault Colonel Stevens was brevetted Brigadier-general, April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va.," the youngest general in the war, being not quite twenty-three. He took part in the pursuit, was at the battle of Sailor's Creek and the surrender at Appomattox. Following this campaign, he took part in the march of the Sixth Corps to Danville, Va., the march thence to Washington, the grand review of the corps, and was mustered out Sept. 30, 1865. At this time General Rufus Ingalls and Senator Nesmith of Oregon, both influential men and warm friends of Grant, offered to secure his appointment as Major in the reg- ular army, but he declined it. In Civil Life. Without an}" jsrofession or business and his mother and sisters dependent upon him in great measure. General Stevens went out again to Washington Territory. He was employed by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company as their agent at 14 Wallula, a steamboat landing on the Columbia River 350 miles above its mouth, and remained at this place a year and a half. During this time he took in for the company for freight and passengers $150,000, nearly all in gold dust. On leaving its service, he received a warm letter of commendation from Captain John C. Ainsworth, the president. While at Wallula he received the appointment of Captain in the 14th Infantry, United States Army, but declined it. His mother and sisters came out from Boston, and he built a house for them in Portland, Ore. In Ma}'', 1868, he was appointed Collector of Intornal Revenue for Washington Territory, and moved to Oh'mpia, where his mother and sisters joined him the following year. He held this position three years, during which he collected for the government $200,000 and returned less than one per cent, of the taxes intrusted to him to collect as uncollectible. While collector, he read law with Hon. Ehvood Evans, dnd was admitted to the bar. In 1870 he was appointed attorney for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and served in that capacity four years. He purchased the right of way for the railroad from Kalama on the Columbia to Tacoma on Puget Sound, purchased land for and laid out town sites along the road, and assisted in securing the site for the terminus at Tacoma. The most important service he rendered the com- pany was the suppression of timber stealing on the public land, which had been almost openly practised since the first settlement of the country. The company by its charter was entitled to half the land within forty miles of its road as soon as the road was built and accepted, so it had a vital interest in the preservation of the timber. Acting for the company and with all expenses paid by it, but in the name and with the authority of the United States Land Office, General Stevens seized every raft of logs cut on pubhc land, and with a power- ful tug towed them to the nearest town. Here they were sold at auction unless the logger would agree to quit trespass- ing on public land, in which case he was allowed to redeem his logs at half the market price, or $2 a thousand feet. Gen- eral Stevens followed this matter up with such energy that by 15 the end of a year illegal logging was completely stopped. It cost the company a little over $10,000, and the receipts from seized timber slightly exceeded that amount, so it really cost the company nothing. After agreeing to run its railroad to Olympia, the Northern Pacific Railroad Company built it far to the eastward, leaving the town fifteen miles away with no communication except a stage-coach, and located its terminus at Tacoma. There was great discouragement in the former town, and a number of families removed to Tacoma, and it seemed almost that the place might die out. General Stevens organized the people of the town in the Olympia Railroad Union for the purpose of building a railroad to connect with the Northern Pacific. He was chosen president of the union, and inspired the people with such hope and courage that they graded the first five miles by working-bees on weekly " field days,' ' when the whole population, from governor and judges to the humblest laborer, worked on the road. Contributions of money, food, land, and labor, were made by the people, and finally, with the aid of $75,000 of county bonds, the road was completed and opened. As there were scarcely 2,000 people in the town, the difficulty of this enterprise may be realized. In 1874 he was appointed by President Grant Commissioner to investigate the claims of British subjects on the San Juan Archipelago, which had been awarded to the United States by the Emperor of Germany after being in dispute between this country and Great Britain for twenty years. After giving public notice, he visited every settlement on the islands in a revenue vessel, prepared with a clerk, etc., to receive and note all claims, only to find that there were none, because all the British subjects had become naturalized American citi- zens and had taken their land under the United States land laws. His report to that effect was the most satisfactory to the President and Secretary of State that could possibly be made. It was in consequence of the representations of the British government as to such claims that President Grant obtained from Congress authority and an appropriation for sending a commissioner to investigate them. 16 Mount Tacoma, or Rainier, the loftiest and noblest in the United States, barring Alaska, 14,500 feet high and snow clad half-way to its base, stands in full view from the prairies back of Olympia, and indeed from the town itself, although sixty miles away. The failure of a gallant officer. General August V. Kautz, in 1857 to reach the summit after an attempt in which he and his party suffered great hardships, led to the general belief that it was insurmountable. General Stevens organized a small party to attempt the ascent, traversed the dense intervening forest, and on Aug. 17, 1870, with a single companion, Mr. P. B. Van Trump, stood upon the very sum- mit, after a climb from the foot of the snow-line of thirteen and one-half hours. It being too late to descend that night the dangerous snow and rock steeps, they took refuge in the crater and were saved from freezing by the steam emitted therefrom. They were seventeen days on the trip. One of the party broke down and was left behind, 'and Mr. Van Trump met with a serious hurt in descending the mountain. General Stevens published a full and interesting account of this ascent in the Atlantic Monthly of November, 1876. His mother and sisters having returned to Boston in 1874 in consequence of the severe illness of one of the latter, the following year General Stevens also went there, and entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1885 he was elected to the General Court from the Dorchester ward as an Inde- pendent, having previously advocated the reform of the city charter in addresses and articles. He organized the Municipal Reform Association in order to bring its influence to bear upon the legislature in favor of the charter reform. Although an Independent and without party support, he soon gained the respect and confidence of the House. He was placed on the Committee on Cities, and the bill to reform the city charter was reported by him for the committee and carried through the House, and became a law. He also drew the bill for limit- ing the rate of taxation and indebtedness, which is now the law. A large number of bills were submitted to the com- mittee bv diflferent lawvers, but his was not onlv more con- 17 else and lucid, but self -executing, so it was preferred. He was again elected to the House the following year. In that year, 1886, he was nominated for Congress by the tariff reformers, and certain assurances were given of the Democratic nomination. But this was given to Hon. Leo- pold Morse, and General Stevens withdrew in his favor. He made many speeches in this State and some in Rhode Island and Connecticut in support of the election of Grover Cleveland as President. At the outbreak of the late Spanish War he was strongly recommended for appointment as Brigadier-general by Gen- eral George W. Getty and General H. G. Wright, commanders of the division and corps in which he served in the Civil War, by General Miles, commanding the army, and General Scofield, the preceding commander, by General James H. Wilson, Gen- eral Thomas W. Hyde, Major Henry L. Higginson, and other prominent officers of the Civil War, and by Senators Wetmore of Rhode Island, Hoar and Lodge of Massachusetts, General Hawley of Connecticut, and by Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, but, as two citizens of Massachusetts had been appointed to that position. President McKinley declined to appoint him. General Stevens was one of the founders of the Massachu- setts Tariff Reform League, and a member of its Executive Committee for years. In 1901 he became Secretary of the League, and continued in that position for three years. Mr. Henry W. Lamb was the president, and rendered the greatest support to the League during these and previous years and his services and direction of its work were invaluable. During; General Stevens's secretaryship the League issued many tariff-trust articles and plate matter for a large number of newspapers, and Free Trade Almanacs in 1902 and 1903. He was instrumental in changing the name of the League to "American Free Trade League," and adopting the motto, "Equal Rights to All, Special Privileges to None." During the coal famine of the winter of 1903-04 he organized the notable Free Coal Meeting in Faneuil Hall, which undoubtedly brought about the suspension of the duty on coal for a year. 18 In 1907 and 1908 he took the leading part in saving the Old State House from the encroachments of the Boston Transit Commission, and drafted and secured the passage of the act placing that historic structure under the joint care of the governor and the mayor of Boston, and prohibiting any com- mercial use thereof. He is the author of the Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, his distinguished father, a work upon which he was engaged in research and preparation twenty-five years, and which was published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., in 1901, in two octavo volumes, containing 1,000 pages. This work has been highly commended both as an interesting biography and as an historical authority, especially of the early history of the Pacific North-west. Its author was made an honorary member of the State Historical Societies of Washington, Ore- gon, and Montana. Harvard College also, in recognition of this work and of his career as a brave soldier in the nation's cause and as a public-spirited citizen, conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. General Stevens is also the author of many papers on Civil War subjects read before the Mil-Historical Society and the Loyal Legion, among which are: "The Battle of Cedar Creek"; "The Storming of the Lines of Petersburg"; "The Sixth Corps in the Wilderness"; "The Battle of Sailor's Creek"; "The Siege of Suffolk"; "The Reform of the Militia System," read before the Reform Club in 1899, the recom- mendations of which have been largely adopted by Congress and the War Department. Although not a club man, he is a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, Loyal Legion, Grand Army, Sons of the Revo- lution, and Massachusetts Mil-Historical Society. In 1880 he built a home on Mount Bowdoin, Dorchester, and has resided there ever since with his mother and sisters. He did much to improve that locality, and with the assistance of the people there founded the Mount Bowdoin Library, now a branch of the Pubhc Library. His interests in the State of Washington requiring much attention, he has withdrawn from active practice of law. With characteristic courage and public spirit he offers him- 19 self as a candidate for Congress, as the most direct and effective way to make the people actually realize the enormous burden of the present tariff upon them, their industries, and their foreign commerce, and to arouse and unite them, regardless of evasive parties and time-serving politicians, in an aggressive effort to throw off that burden by sending to Congress men, like himself, pledged to fight monopoly until they eradicate it. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 069 075 2 i||:l|