^^.^ j>^ ^^^'^%'/^J' '^^o^.'-'^^v^ ^"''^^•'V^ % ^i-;^^\ o°^^a:;;^r>o /y-^^x <^^/M^% a^ Union Calendar No. 193. 61st Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J Report 2d Session. \ \ No. 1000. COMMISSION ON NATIONAL HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS. April IS, 1910. — Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. U-S- Mr. McCall, from the Committee on the Library, submitted the following REPORT. [To accompany H. R. 15428.] The Committee on the Librar}-, to whom was referred the bill i\l. R. 15428) to establish a commission on national historical publications, submit the following- report: Amend the bill by striking out all after the enacting clause and sub- .stituting therefor the following: That a permanent commission on national historical publications is hereby created, to be composed of nine per.-i(ms of the liighest standing for scholarship and judgment in the field of United States history, who shall be appointed by the President and shall serve for a period of four years each, and until their successors are appointed and qnaliiied. The President shall have power to fill all vacancies. That before the preparation of any historical publication shall be begun by any department, or by any bureau in any department, or by any committee of the Senate or House of Representatives, the head of such department shall, and the chairman of such committee of the Senate or House of Representatives may, require the opin- ion in writing of the said commission on national historical publications as to the advisability, scope, plan, and method of preparation of such publication. That the said commission shall annually in the month of November report to the President, for transmission to Congress, its proceedings during the 'year preceding, ami such recommendations as it may deem advisable concerning national historical publications. That when the recommendation of the said commission, advising the preparation, or publication, of any volume, or series of volumes of historical material, shall have been followed by an appropriation to pay the expenses thereof, the v^'ork shall be done under the direction and control of the said commission. That said commission shall have a secretary, who shall be appointed by the com- mission, and who shall be paid at the rate of $2,000 a year, and such other assistance as the President may authorize, au0 ^^_^ */ ^oV" ^^^^^ ^<^ ^0^ .<^^^ .,0- .O-* 'V * TV** *^^ *.-i^>v .o^..-^.v ,^^\c--