639 4 P7 py 1 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MILITARY INSTRUCTION AND WAR SERVICE PRELIMINARY REPORT PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MILITARY INSTRUCTION AND WAR SERVICE Preliminary Report OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY December 1917 -y Or ie,d Robm'Davis McDougal, Jr., '.9, American Ambulance Field cSr^L'^r ;iurirr 4"=^!'^---= -- Earl' Dodge Osbom '.S, American Ambulance Field Service. dHStSe=^xSwf^iii:;"ce. 32 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Rees Townsend Scully '09, Section Chief, American Ambulance Field Service, Cross with palms. Henry Dyer Moore Sherrerd '17, American Ambulance Field Service. Henry Burling Thompson, Jr., '20, American Ambulance Field Service. Wounded in action. Edward Davis Townsend '05, American Ambulance Field Service. Herbert Pell Townsend '10, American Ambulance Field Service. John Sylvester Woodbridge '18, American Ambulance Field Service. Cornelius Wynant '18, American Ambulance Field Service. Serbian Red Cross Decoration Ethan Flagg Butler '06, Serbian Relief. DIED IN SERVICE William Rogers Beal '18, killed Sept. 11, 191 7, in France, in an acci- dent on a train to Paris. American Red Cross Ambulance Service. Jesse Benedict Carter '93, died at Cervignano, Italy, July 20, 1917, while making arrangements for an American officers* con- valescent home on the Italian front. Eric Anderson Fowler '19, killed in France, Nov. 26, 191 7, while training in American Aviation Corps. James Wilson Gailey '17, killed in France, July 29, 1917. Member of American Ambulance Field Service in France. William John Hallimond '10, reported missing after the battle of Ypres, 1915, and not heard from since. Lieutenant, 2nd Bat- talion, 1st Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Contingent, Expedi- tionary Force, France. Lawrence Dean La Monte '96, wounded by shrapnel, July i, 1916, in France. Died at the 22nd General Hospital, France, July 13, 1916. Warden McLean '12, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 29, 1917, from injuries caused by fall from his horse. Second Lieuten- ant, R. O. T. C, Fort Oglethorpe. John Verplanck Newlin '19, wounded August 3, 191 7, by a shell; died August 5, 1917. American Ambulance Field Service. Edward Cuthbert Piatt, Jr., '01, killed in action, Nov. 7, 1917, in France. Lieutenant, 244th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. John Prentiss Poe, Jr., '95, killed in action, Sept. 25, 1915, in France. Corporal in the Black Watch, British Expeditionary Force. James Sanford Price '08, killed in action, Sept. 12, 1916, in France. Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. John Van Wicheren Reynders, Jr., '17, killed Nov. 4, 191 7, -by fall from hydroairplane, while training at Naval Aviation Station, Bay Shore, L. I. Donald Neil Campbell Ross '17, died in France, Nov. 30, 1917, from wounds received in action. Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Samuel Graham Wilson '76, died July 2, 1916, at Tabriz, Persia, of fever contracted in relief work.