PS 3515 .03^536 '^^^ SONGS FOR OUR PILGRIMAGE WORTHIE HARRIS HOLDEN Class _. Copyright N°_/ 9. COPYRIGHT DEPOSm Songs for Our Pilgrimage THE GARDEN OF THE INFINITE 41 Songs for Our Pilgrimage By WORTHIE HARRIS HOLDEN REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. new york, n. y. south bend, ind. 1920 A. ^K^^ COPYRIGHTED, 1920 REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION 0)CI.A604187 NOV 17 1^J20 'wc I Contents Awake, O Israel! 13 Longing - - - - - - - 14 The Constant God - - - - - 15 Give Thanks - - - - - - 16 His Stately Steppings - - - - - 1 7 Our Blessings - - - - - - 18 Life's Conflicts and Conquests - - - 19 My Protector 20 Building for Eternity - - - - 21 The Purifying Process - - - - 22 Sealed ..._.__ 23 Our All-knowing God - - - - 24 A Prince with God - - - - - 25 We Shall Not Pass This Way Again - 26 His Infinitude 27 My Inspiration _____ 28 The Christian - - - - - - 29 The Sacrifice Sublime - - - - 30 The Rest for Aye - - - - - 31 " We Would See Jesus " - - - 32 Alone 33 Filled My Soul with Hope - - - 34 Thou Dost Know - - - - - 35 [7] Our Offering ------ 36 Our Refuge . . - . - _ 37 Calling to Him - . . . - 38 With Me Forever Live - - - - 39 Thou Lovest Me - - - - - 40 Consecration - - - - - - 41 Our Father's Care ----- 42 The Weaving of Life - - - - - 43 The Sabbath ------ 44 Saved to Serve ------ 45 Nearing Home ------ 46 Christian Battle Song - - - - 47 The Deliverer . - - . . 48 Voices of Life - - - - - - 49 The Glory of His Voice - - - - 50 Faultless Before His Presence - - - 51 The Christian's Guerdon - - - 52 " I Touched the Hem " - - - - 53 Yearning for Love ----- 54 The Resurrection Day - - - - 55 Rest in God ------ 56 The Promised Rest - - - - - 57 " Dost Thou Call Me? " - - - 58 My Best Beloved - - - - - 59 That Thou My Love Wilt Own - - 60 Earth Sanctuaries - - - - - 61 [HI Up and Away 62 Lord of the Ages 63 When the Day Is Done - - - - 64 Our High Calling 65 Ring True ------ 66 Love's Tribute ------ 67 Leave Me Not 68 The Miracle 69 On the Other Side - . - - 70 The Mountain Climb with Him - - - 71 Assurance 72 How Much? ._---- 73 The Latter Rain 74 What Thinkest Thou of Me? - - - 75 Because I Am His Own - - - - 76 The Morning Cometh - - - - 77 Sound an Alarm 78 God Is Over All 79 Life's Progression 80 With Jesus - - - - - - - 81 The Better Way 82 Behold, What Love! 83 Thy Strength Shall Be Renewed - - 84 NATURE POEMS When Sin Is Gone ----- 87 Springtime ------ 88 'Neath Nature's Cathedral - - - 89 The Rainbow Pledge - - - - 90 His Bountiful Care - - - - - 91 Beauty for Barrenness - - - - 92 The Song of Spring - - - - - 93 Gardens of Beauty ----- 94 Stars of Our Night - - - - - 95 Eternal Springtime - - - - 96 The Whisper of the Twilight - - - 97 Whiter Than Snow 98 The Joy of May ------ 99 The Glory-land - - - - - 100 Awake, O Earth - - - - - - 101 Benedictions - - - - - - 102 Life Blessings Unnumbered - - - - 103 Stars for Our Guiding - - - - 104 Before the Storm - - - - - 105 The Voices of Spring - - - - 106 FOR THE NEW YEAR Greeting and Good-by - - - - - 109 Come, Lord Jesus! - - - - - 110 The Old — The New - - - - - 111 The Architect's Plan - - - - 112 The Measure of Life - - - - - 113 We Hope in the Beyond - - - - 114 I 101 The Old Year's Retreat; the Advent of THE New - - - - - - 1 1 5 The Old Year and the New - - - 1 16 EARLIER POEMS " Lo, I Am with You Alway " - - - 1 19 " No Room in the Inn " - - - - 120 " I Make All Things New " - - - 121 Not Far Away - - - - - 122 Christ in Me 123 Seeking Rest 124 Fear Not 125 Hope Maketh Not Ashamed! - - - 126 It Is No Myth 127 Too Busy 128 The Coming Dawn - - - - - 129 Joyful in Him - - - - - - 1 30 As Christ Would Do 131 Invocation - - - - - - 1 32 Our Peace 133 The Secret of His Presence - - - 1 34 Reverence for God 135 " He Cometh " 1 36 "Ye Did It Not to Me" - - - - 137 Revelation 22: 20 138 " My Grace Is Sufficient for Thee " - 1 39 Ask Thyself - - - - - - 1 40 III] < a: 00 O a: UJ o z AWAKE, O ISRAEL! Awake, O Israel, and sing! Your praises and your tribute bring In this auspicious day ! The winds of strife blow not in vain. But God his fortress will maintain For those who own his sway. 'Tis death to loiter in the plain; Speed on, and in his ranks remain To keep in step with God. Too late 'twill be another day To join the host in final fray For our almighty Lord. Bestir your souls to bravely stand; The foe surrounds on every hand, The battle now is on. No longer falter in dismay; Thy God his Day-star will display, And night will soon be gone. Arouse! With heart and soul and voice Let every Israelite rejoice And usher Glory-day. The omens thicken m the land. That longed-for triumph is at hand With Victory for aye. IJ HIS INFINITUDE With eloquence must I approach my God, Or offer praise in words embossed with gold? Then must I dwell within the outer court, And never to his ear my prayer unfold. Ah, 'tis a solace sweet for such as I To hear the publican's brief, humble plea. Or list to sinking Peter's fervent call. When seeking for Christ's hand all tremblingly. Sometimes with awe I wonder at God's might, — Infinity is far beyond my ken. Save that his love interprets every mood. The need that ushers e'en the least of men. I am so glad God knows my very thought. That e'en afar he meets the longing soul. And with his word, his touch, or garment's hem. The Saviour's power restores the sinner whole. Soon in effulgent day, when face to face I stand redeemed in glory all his own. May I with rapture magnify his grace In language meet, before my Father's throne. 14 THE CONSTANT GOD Sometimes a radiant glory seems to light my inmost soul When I hear the blessed Saviour speak the virtue-words, Be whole;" And my thankful soul sings praises that he summons even me To a banquet of immortals with the King eternally. Sometimes a mist arises and befogs the path once clear. Though I cannot see his presence, yet I know that he is near: Por ever in the darkness is the Lord my hope and stay, As I hear him gently whisper, " I am with thee all the way." Sometimes I cannot journey, but must wait and just be still. Then beside the living fountain I can feast me, if I will ; For there never is a pasture where he cannot feed his sheep, And through all the lonely watches, God will slumber not nor sleep. Never weary of my seeking, never chiding at my love. Though my feeble strivings render faulty gifts for God above. Like a father, like a mother, like the best of earth is he. With the breadth and depth of heaven, e'er abiding con- stantly. 15 GIVE THANKS If every mercy were a bead For me to number o'er, The string would lengthen out so fast I ne'er could count my store. If every blessing were a star Within the spacious sky. There would be left no lovely blue To set them in on high. Thy care protects by night and day, Thy grace inspires the soul, Thy daily bread sustains the life. Thy power has made me whole. Our little lives are far too short To praise thee for thy love ; O let us sing to endless days Thy faithfulness above! 16 1 HIS STATELY STEPPINGS Do you hear the stately steppings of the blessed King of kings As they press the heavenly highway while the choral cadence rings? Soon shall mortal view behold him, every eye shall clearly see. When he comes to claim his jewels, robed in royal majesty. Have you heard him by the doorway of your fearful, anx- ious heart? How his presence makes foreboding and the awful dread depart! Turns the dirge to cheerful music, sings the life in joyful key, When the door is thrown wide open to his grace and sympathy. Here he walked with weary footsteps, all our righteousness to win ; Here alone he trod the winepress, to redeem from self and sin; Now he walks among his churches, as he pleads with you and me That we love his stately steppings when he comes in majesty. While the tramp of many nations wakes the world for doom and death. How the startled earth beholds them plunging on, with bated breath ! But the saints are looking upward, hear his steps, and raise the cry, " Lo, he comes for whom we waited — comes to take us home on high! " 17] OUR BLESSINGS With the coming of the day, Heaven's mercies throng our way. Breaking through the midnight fear. Pearling every devs'drop tear. Radiant blessings of the morn. Hour-gems of the day adorn ; Hope and courage cheer our way With the coming of the day. With the coming of the night Heaven's promises shine bright. Hushing cares of day to rest, Pillowed on His guidance blest. Stormy, stern anxiety Calms through heaven's ministry; Peace and confidence abide Welcome guests at eventide. Like the many varied flowers Bloom the blessings of the hours. Love-guide of our pilgrim day, Solace of night's weary way. Mercies cherished turn to bliss Frettings of a world like this. Heaping treasure to abide When shall come no eventide. LIFE'S CONFLICTS AND CONQUESTS No roseate path but bears an ugly thorn ; And ever midnight harbingers the morn, When faith from out the blackness of the night Lists with an eager ear — " Let there be Hght! " A siren call makes shipwreck of the true — The love to risk and dare the wrong to do ; The sting of sin must leave its suffering. While faith appropriates an offering. Fevered the brow that bares to rays of hate: Alarm breeds fear — forsaken, desolate; But peace abides with benediction blest To bear an endless fruit of righteousness. Yield not to sin — the mighty and the strong; Wrestle still on, though giant strides the wrong; A little while, and thou henceforth shalt see The prize that wakes for an eternity. 119 MY PROTECTOR For sunshine and shadow I thank thee, my God, For the blast of the storm, and the calm; For all that compels unto thee, blessed Lord, To the covert that knows no alarm. Mid the storm there is peace, for the dark there is light. In the chill there bide warmth and repose; For my Keeper ne'er slumbers nor sleeps in the night. And my sorrow and solace he knows. Oh, how could I live in this dark world alone. Or find other refuge complete? He is strong to defend, for he loves to the end. And his yoke and his burden are sweet. 20 BUILDING FOR ETERNITY Attune thine ear to list for heaven's music. And train thine eye to see Elysian views; Then wake the song that blends with heaven's chorus, And banish picture-thoughts thou wouldst not choose. We grow into the likeness of our vision; We aim, though feebly, at the tune most dear; And, knowing not, the pillars of our mansion Are built unconsciously of thoughts we rear. Our ears are tuned to catch the strains of heaven Which intertwine the melodies of earth; Or, burdened with this vain world's song and ditty. We're gleaning from some sordid strains of mirth. Our hearts bear record of the pure and holy, Nor vibrate to the dull chords of despair. When all our thought on angel wing is wafted To heaven, for the listening Father's care. 1211 THE PURIFYING PROCESS When tortured by relentless thoughts of night. When all is gloom, with not one ray of light, When life seems heartless and our yearning vain. And hope is smothered 'neath the throes of pain. 'Tis sweet to know this comfort from above, — All things together work for good in love. Ah! if we only knew His constant care. Life would be redolent of fragrance rare; The heart would triumph o'er its dreadful rack. The spirit revel in its sense of lack; For God is shaping in a beauteous way A wondrous image for the Courts of Day. Unveiled, we shall behold a visage pure And holy, to forevermore endure ; No peer of intellect shall reach the goal, For God must stamp his image on the soul ; The fiery furnace never will destroy. But only purge from dross and base alloy. [22] SEALED Sealed for heaven! Ah. can it be, A mortal weak and vile like me, Marked with the stamp of God's own name. Which to the ages shall proclaim The might of him who rules for aye. Whose mandates ne'er shall pass away? Sealed for God forevermore! What matters though we here endure The furnace which shall make us free From dross and all iniquity? Oh, now for God his standard bear. And then with heaven its triumph share. Sealed fore'er through Christ the Lord, Sealed to witness to God's word. Sealed, a trophy of his cross Who for man risked death and loss, — Sin alone spurns love like this, — Sealed for an immortal bliss! 23 OUR ALL-KNOWING GOD There is none so poor that he may not own The riches of God's grace, No one so homeless he may not dwell In his secret abiding place; There is none so simple he cannot sense What he who runs may read, And the life of the lowliest feels the touch Of the One who is all our meed. No soul can descend where he does not go. For no depths can his presence hide; No heart feels a pang that he does not know, And no lapse can his care betide; No child bears a sting that he does not feel. Or the least infirmity; And no life has a wound that he cannot heal For our Great Physician he. Thy homage devote to the Master kind Who suffered upon the tree; Thy soul be endued for the work assigned By him who lives for thee; Thy heart for the might of his love aspire. To urge unto service true ; His gracious purpose be thy desire, God's will on earth to do. 24 A PRINCE WITH GOD I WILL not let thee go, except thou bless me! " So Jacob with his Lord and God prevailed ; And Israel, as prince of God, triumphant, Had won the name from him who never failed. Intent to win, until the morn he wrestled. Nor from his purpose swerved he to the end ; And at the break of day he learned in combat The mighty angel was his Lord and Friend. The time of Jacob's trouble fast approaches. Awhile the Israel of God prepare; Unwearied, constant, patiently persisting. They know the secret and the power of prayer ! Bare thou thine arm, O mighty God of battles. Awake thy glory and thy power anew! Shine for the nations, through thy humble people. In righteousness to prove thy promise true. [25 WE SHALL NOT PASS THIS WAY AGAIN We shall not pass this way again. The toilsome road we trod with pain No more beholds the woe and care Our anxious faces mirrored there. Fain would we live some moments o'er To better them — they come no more. Each tear that dropped has borne a flower To cheer another's lonely hour; Each night we breathed a Bethel prayer, Inspired a toil-worn pilgrim there; Each hymn that echoes from afar Allures some eye to hope's bright star. As when we climb a mountain high And gain the heights, we may espy The road that seemed to reach no goal. Where step by step the weary soul Pressed on ; so now with wider view We ken how our horizon grew. Courage, O pilgrim! See, the morn Wakes yonder peak to glory born ! The long, long night is fading fast ; Our pace must quicken at the last. We climb to gain the heights for aye; Hail heaven's glorious triumph day! 26 LONGING Yearning for mercies, but half understood. Wistfully reaching out after the good, Vaguely expressed in a faint, human cry. Rise earthly longings to heaven on high. Plaintively uttered, these voices of night Show that the spirit is yearning for light, Tell what the soul would delight to fulfil. Fully conceiving it must be God's will. Infinite Wisdom, regarding each prayer. Measures heart-longings with omniscient care; Meting reward as achievements were wrought. Graciously granting the blessing it sought. Well was it that in thy heart thou desired," Came to the monarch who fondly aspired Grandly a temple to rear for the Lord, Though to perform was denied by his God. When in the hght of the glorious Day We shall be satisfied fully for aye. Earth-longings treasured or poorly confessed. Reap their fulfilment o'erflowing and blessed. [27] MY INSPIRATION My heart goes singing on its way ; Though the road is long, yet God is strong, And he upholds through all the day. And hears my song. His comfort makes my burden sweet. And woe or pain is ne'er in vain When sitting at the Master's feet His grace to gain. His promise, ringing through the years. Our hopes inspire, and fond desire To work for him till he appears Attunes my lyre. O life, O joy, that Love divine May here fulfil his urgent will. And through our weakness ever shine The world to thrill ! 28 THE CHRISTIAN The Christian has trials. Ah, yes; but the world. With its dire Herculean sorrow. Has only the bitterest night of woe. With never a glad tomorrow. The Christian must mourn, and his tears will flow By the sepulcher's gray stone; But " I am the resurrection " comes From the great white glory-throne. The Christian must hunger and thirst and want. But he " shall be satisfied," While the wide-world famine from sea to sea Exists for souls who denied. The Christian's peace like a river flows On, on to the ocean wide. With a broader span and a greater depth. Till it blends with the heaven-tide. Cling not to the baubles of earthly dross. Whose tinsel must tarnish and cease; But strive for the prize that endures for aye In the glorious kingdom of peace. 29 THE SACRIFICE SUBLIME O Lamb of God, thou sacrifice incarnate. On earth thou sufferedst hunger, and the woe Of weariness, of sorrow, and affliction. Of buffeting, and conflict with the foe! A sacrifice subhme by God is given. An offering where love and grace entwine, A benediction of the heavenly Father When Son of man embraces the Divine! In meekness and humility thou camest, The Lamb for us from earth's foundation slain, Who magnified a wonderful salvation. And glorified the world Redeemer's name. As high as heaven was thy matchless honor. As vast as all the universe thy praise. And yet the rescued tongue of sinful mortals Shall laud thy story unto endless days. Thy vision, O thou blessed Christ our Saviour, Illumines every sacrifice of earth. And sheds o'er humble treasure-gifts to heaven The radiance of a celestial birth! Thou Lamb of God, our own divine Redeemer, Accept the simple tribute love doth bring. And through the wondrous touch of God's compassion Transform it to a holy offering. 30 THE REST FOR AYE When aching limbs or tired heart From weary eyes bid the teardrops start, How swiftly ambitions of earth pass by. And compel not a glance, nor evoke a sigh, But there lingers the vision of rest for aye. When sorrow and pain shall have passed away. 'Tis only a little while to tread Earth's fevered way where our hopes lie dead. 'Tis only a few more paces home — Ah ! only a few more days to roam. Then love and peace and delight for aye — • Not a fleeting bliss that shall pass away. Oh, we cannot measure the life to be. Nor reckon the joys of eternity! Yet the vision lingers to lift us o'er All the bHght of life to that happy shore Where our hopes shall fragrantly bloom for aye In the radiant light of an endless day. Too swiftly the moments speed on apace To finish our course and to end the race. Intent on the vision — our final goal — How it urges our feet and inspires the soul To herald the dawn of eternal day. When undreamed-of pleasures shall bide for aye! [31 "WE WOULD SEE JESUS" We would see Jesus' patient ministry Among the pressing throngs of Galilee; Aweary, yet in great compassion bent To bear the burdens grievous sin had sent, Till midnight found him on the mount apart. That he might work the purpose of his heart. We would see Jesus in Gethsemane And know his hour of bitterest agony; We would behold him mocked and scourged of men, The Son of God with sin's thorn diadem! Then by the cross we fain would still abide Until we cried, " Our Lord, the Crucified! We would see Jesus risen, on the throne As advocate for those he claims his own. The Saviour pleads, and shall he plead in vain? How could we e'er such matchless love disdain? He asks our all. No less we offer Thee, Thou priceless Gift, unveiled on Calvary! 32 ALONE Over the city the sun hangs low, People are hurrying to and fro. Trams are crowded, and autos race To thread where a guardsman assigns a place. All is astir; but whither I, Who have not a nest where I may fly? Out where the street bares its heart of stone. Lost in a crowd, bereft, alone! Banish the world with its gilded mart. Beggared of soul, for an aching heart! Give me the laborer's weary limb. With a face at the window awaiting him; Give me the lowliest, humblest cot. With love and a home for my kingly lot! Lost in a crowd! Though my purse is fair. And signboards are beckoning here and there, Lisdess I scan every passing face, But never a thought of the wanderer trace. Lost in a crowd, as I aimless roam. Earth's treasures nothing, without a home! 33 FILLED MY SOUL WITH HOPE I CAME in a garb bespotted and gray To the Pure One, who took my garment away. And gave me a robe that was fair and bright; Then he told me to keep it pure and white. I came with a burden of care and woe; But this Burden Bearer loved me so That he bore the woe which I could not bear. And bade me to cast on him all care. I came with a mind befogged with doubt, For the mists had driven the sunlight out; When his light came in, with its healing ray. And banished my unbelief for aye. I came with no future to spur me on. Fill he promised a home when earth was gone; And the blessed Saviour lives now with me, Fo provide my feasts to eternity. All I could give was a shriveled soul ; But he filled it full, and has made it whole. Would I could stir many hearts to praise His matchless love, unto endless days! 34 THOU DOST KNOW In the tempests of life. In its stress and its strife, In sorrow or sickness or woe, 'Tis a balm for the soul — The worn spirit made whole — When it hears Thy assurance, " I know." Thou dost know, and thy peace Gives a blessed release From the strife and the thraldom of sin ; Thou dost care, and thy love. Through life-storms, bears above All the fret both without and within. Thou art near to defend And protect to the end. If but, knowing, we open to thee; For our weakness, thy might; For our blindness, thy light; For our dying, thy eternity. 135] OUR OFFERING It is the hour of evening sacrifice. An awful gloom prevails on Calvary's hill. The God-man, anguish-torn, yields his all In offering, redemption to fulfil ; Such agony no mortal e'er can know. But now complete, a radiant, heavenly glow Enshrouds the Cross Triumphant, raised on high; For *' It is finished " is the vict'ry cry. It is the hour of evening sacrifice. For time's long day is waning in the west. Each suppliant a treasure-offering Now brings to prove how earnest is his quest. Hast thou two mites? Thine all is freely given. Then blessed art thou in the gift of heaven. But if from an enriched, abundant store Thou metest out a handful running o'er. What thou hast left attests thy love for thee In balance-scales with God's eternity. Not what I bring, the measure for my King, But what it costs me, is my offering. 36 OUR REFUGE Each tear may claim its rainbow, Each night its polar star, The stream that threads the valley. Its mountain home afar. Each trial may claim a promise. Each need its boon through prayer. And every stone a pillow May find a Bethel there. Why tread the vale of shadows Abandoned to distress? Amid the threatening storm clouds Thy sheltering Rock possess. So, arched by many a rainbow, Uprear thy house of prayer; For angels of His presence Are e'er abiding there. [37 CALLING TO HIM Sparkle, radiant star, and speak Thoughts of God divine; Enter, music of the spheres. And tune this soul of mine ; Sky, his glorious canvas be For beauty-scene each hour; Breezes, blow and breathe to nr.e The Spirit's wondrous power. Symbols of God's grace abound. Lest my thought might stray ; Love its warp and woof provides. Weaving every day. Heart of mme, awake and see. Ere thine eye grow dim ; God is calling oft to thee — Calling thee to him. 38 WITH ME FOREVER LIVE Tune: " Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes." Speak to me, Saviour, sweet and low. And bid on thee recline; Thy great compassion I would know. To make me wholly thine. For life with thee would e'er inspire A thirst for things divine, 'Tis all my fervent heart's desire To claim thy nature mine. My fainting spirit finds repose And solace in thy love; Alway thy faithfulness disclose To lure my thoughts above. Thy grace the hope and joy fulfils No earthly boon can give; Since thy blest presence peace distils. With me forever live. 19 THOU LOVEST ME We love . . . because He first loved us.' Thou lovest me — ■ no other Could die to purge my soul. Nor, infinite in mercy. Declare the sinner whole. Thou lovest me, alluring My truant love to thee; I would be thine forever, And love eternally. Thou lovest me, ennobling My will to be like thine; May I, thy love beholding. Reflect thy light divine. O mighty love, imbuing My soul with power to live. Let me, with love o'erflowing. To others freely give! 40 CONSECRATION O GREAT and mighty God! we cannot sense Redemption's plan, nor all the consequence Of sin's mad strife; But in our small arena, day by day. O'er sin's audacious power make known thy sway Within our life. No grander service ever thrilled man's breast; O may thy love each throbbing heart possess To work thy will! Thy Spirit only can our strength maintain ; We wait on thee, on whom none wait in vain. For mercy still. Teach us in greater latitude to pray. To know God's chariots are near each day. And boldly dare; No service is too small, no strife too great. To thee our little all we consecrate, Thy grace to share. 41 OUR FATHER'S CARE 'TiS passing wonderful, our Father's care To bless each life and hear its feeblest prayer. No flower too tiny for a beauteous dress, No weed so rank but heaven's dewdrops bless; No wave too boisterous for his " Peace, be still! Since wind and storm his mandate must fulfil. God bids the blossoms bloom that strew our way ; He offers living bread to us each day. A stony pillow marks a radiant dream. To show a ladder bright where least 'twould seem. The grievous trial a halo blest is given; When, anguish-torn, the rent is seamed by heaven. The gifts denied are later found but thorns; For wrestling won, a princely name adorns. Our night reveals the stars of promise bright. Our day is beaming with our Life and Light. Our toil for him a crown enduring waits, And angel guards escort to heaven's gates. O, ne'er by searching could we fathom Love That gave his all to treasure us above! 42 THE WEAVING OF LIFE Sometimes when the day seems a failure. As I muse at the setting of sun, I weep o'er the poor, bhghted pattern In the weaving so shabbily done. Methmks that my motives were loyal. Though my service so poor for my King; But even my heart may deceive me When it seeks some excuses to bring. Perhaps if each day brought successes, I might gloat o'er my triumph with pride; It may be he humbles my spirit To keep me fore'er by his side. I am glad that he knows just the reason. That he honors the love that will try ; And some day on a loom in his heaven I shall perfectly weave by and by. MM THE SABBATH Again the evening hours draw on, And srx days of the week are gone; Perplexities are tucked away To sleep through all the Sabbath day. The wheels of daily toiling cease In reverence for this day of peace. And thoughts unfettered soar above To view the greatness of God's love. The chorus of the universe Their great Creator's power rehearse; For all the seraphs of the sky Their " Holy, holy, holy," cry; And dwellers of the planets laud The glory of the mighty God, While saints of earth their voices raise In solemn prayer and hymns of praise. Now Israel afar and near United in his courts appear. To learn new truths at Jesus' feet. And bow before the mercy-seat; Then 'neath her vaulted canopy They witness nature's ecstasy. So golden hours find sweet employ In Sabbath rest and sacred joy. Sublime the holy Sabbath day ! Too swift its moments pass away ! Its weekly benediction blest Imparts a glimpse of heaven's rest; For all who from their works refrain. The blessed rest of God obtain. And still the earth renewed shall see The Sabbath kept eternally. 44 SAVED TO SERVE Rescued from the foaming wave? Rescued when a captive slave? Rescued from the culprit's death. Pardon read with bated breath? These and more did Christ for me, — Pardoned, saved, and set me free! Saved to seek some sinking soul ; Saved to tell, " Christ makes me whole; Saved to live eternally For the One who died for me! Word or deed can ne'er repay What I owe to Christ for aye. O, 'tis joy with Christ to live! Naught of bliss hath earth to give. Love unbounded, life and light Mid the world's cold, cheerless night,- More than these is Christ to me, Now and to eternity! 145] WEARING HOME What matters that the waves in fury lash The rock whereon we stand? What matters that the clanging saber clash Resounds through all the land? The wild beasts prowling in the thicket nigh Cannot affright us, nor the ommous sky Awake our fears. Across the flood betwixt us and our home, The city bright descry; Its light gleams out upon the water's foam From glittering turrets high. The waves will part, and we in triumph tread The firm, dry rock upon the river bed; So banish tears. Sing hallelujah for God's wonder-grace, And never murmur more; Rejoice in victory that rides apace, — We tread the final shore ! No Pisgah would we change for Israel's view; Faith yields to sight, and fainting hopes renew, For home appears. 46 CHRISTIAN BATTLE SONG Go forth with our army, O God, To strengthen our bar^ds for the fray; Bestir us to heed thy commands For triumph and conquest today. Our foes are both vaHant and strong. Their number like sands of the sea; But thou art the King of all kmgs, And vict'ry belongeth to thee. Unknown are the hours with their needs. Unseen is the enemy's plan; Yet thou seest all, and wilt guard Thy children from plottings of man; And Satan, o'erpowered, must flee And leave us unscarred to possess The land of thy choice and delight. Which thou with thy presence shalt bless. 47 THE DELIVERER I'm weary of the waiting here For what mine eye shall see When the King in glory shall appear To reign eternally. He comes to claim me as his own. And take me home on high, To join redeemed ones round the throne In anthems of the sky. I'm longing that you, too, may bear His cross and comfort now. That you may there with rapture wear A crown upon your brow. He soon will come! I hear the sound That heralds he is near. Haste to proclaim the tidings round So every soul may hear! 48 VOICES OF LIFE There are voices of sorrow and voices of pain. There are voices that laugh like the sun after rain; But the voice that we welcome and cherish as best Is the voice telling always of peace and of rest. Rest in the conflict that causes the pain, Peace when the storm clouds are pregnant with rain : Constant in spirit, no matter the weather, Mingling of faith, love, and courage together. Voices spring forth from the life of the heart. Telling the sources from which they depart ; Cleanse well the stream by protecting the spring. Wall it by prayer from each poisonous thing. Voices of nature speak oft to the soul; So will the life when God's graces control. Luring the weary to heaven and rest. Uttering things that the heart loves the best. 49] THE GLORY OF HIS VOICE I AM waiting just to listen To the glory of his voice, And my cup o'erflows with gladness. Making all my soul rejoice. He is coming for his people, He shall voice their liberty. And the friends asleep shall hear it And awake in ecstasy. I am leanmg forth to hearken To the glory of his voice. And the wondrous words he utters All bestir me to rejoice. He proclaims a ransom given. He has paid my penalty. And my cause is pledged by heaven Through my Saviour's ministry. So I strain my ear to listen. For he soon will call for me; And beholding him descending, I shall all his beauty see. But the rapture, O the rapture. When my soul redeemed shall sing Mid the heavenly light effulgent. In the presence of my King! 50 FAULTLESS BEFORE HIS PRESENCE Faultless before His presence. I, For grievous sin condemned to die, In garments pure and white arrayed. Nor by his Majesty dismayed. Who all my ransom paid. Faultless before his throne! O, now No tainted thought should mark my brow. No treasured sin defile his name Of priceless purity I claim. Nor act defraud his fame! Tis for my joy; his standard high I ne'er could reach, howe'er I try; So round my will he hastes to wreathe His grace divine, and in me breathe A purpose to believe. Faultless through Jesus' power and might. Spotless since he will purge me white. Cleansed in his healing fount each day. Armed by his Word for every fray, I conquer all the way. 51 THE CHRISTIAN'S GUERDON Hope is the Christian's guerdon, steadfast, sure. That cannot fail; It pierces through earth's mists to anchor fast Within the veil. And pledges e'en the throne and majesty Of God in heaven. For thoughts of peace and blest security To mortals given. Hope yields the sunshine for the darksome day When life is sad; It lifts the burdens of the toilsome way And bids, " Be glad! " Hope wreathes the mourner with a hallowed calm To quell his grief; It binds the wounded, bleeding heart And brings relief. Thou Hope incarnate, born of heaven, imbued In finite man, Thy power hath waged its battle 'gainst despair Since sin began. O, urge us ever onward, till we reach The kingdom given, Pull ushered to immortal bliss and joy Of home and heaven ! 52 "I TOUCHED THE HEM" Lost in a crowd, mid a great, motley throng Eagerly pressing and urging along, Jostled by many, but cared for by rone, Who there discerneth the suffering one? Ah, in the midst of that vast, surging crowd, Moveth the Master, 'mong humble and proud. His is a heart of divine sympathy — ' Whence hath faith's touch taken virtue from me? Love seeking witness from her who received. Grants benediction because she believed. Kneeling all trembling, she seeks not in vain. I touched the hem of thy garment, to gain Healing and cleansing, and lo, I am whole! " Daughter, be comforted. Peace to thy soul ! Who, m the midst of earth's throng and its press. Hath not felt loneliness, want, or distress? Nobody cares," cries the soul sick and weak; Nobody aids — none even will speak." Knowest thou not that the Master is near. Thy great Physician? O soul, do not fear! Touch thou his garment and haste to confess. He in his tender compassion will bless. Healing affliction and sorrow and sin. Thy heart's devotion and service to win. 153 YEARNING FOR LOVE O FOR the love that imbues the soul And makes it compassionate, pure, and whole! O for the touch that the stranger hand Of an alien may understand! Such that may enter the Beautiful Gate, And give to the beggar who there may wait, A holier gift than silver and gold To bring him healed to the Shepherd's fold. So shall the desert and barren field Their blossoms of Sharon roses yield. And out of the rock will a fountain flow To quicken the thirsty land below. Soul, from thy searching for love like this Comes benediction of hallowed bliss; For love sublime in effulgent light Seeks temples within earth's darkest night. And yearns to dwell in your heart and mine With balm of grace divine. He there will only abide alone; No other monarch can share his throne. So cherished, he will not e'er depart. But banishing self, will rule thy heart; Ennobling, this holy presence will stay, — The love theme of ages, thy King for aye. 54 THE RESURRECTION DAY They come, they come, the vast unnumbered throng, Prom caverns where the ocean-sighs prolong, hrom mountain peaks and vales both far and near. The great unsepulchered array appear, Forth summoned by the mighty clarion call Of Him before whom all his creatures fall. Attended by the host of angels white, In threefold glory of effulgent light. The King, in vestment clad of majesty. Proclaims death conquered, and the captive free. In twinkling of an eye the living rise Immortalized, triumphant, to the skies; While souls who spurned Love's gift, despairing, call That rocks and mountains be their burial pall. 55 REST IN GOD My Father, let me rest — With thy compassion blest — As might a weary child From transient care beguiled. Thy love I only claim Through thy redeeming name; Thy tender care I own Through daily mercies shown. Rest here is sweetly calm, Where nothing can alarm; Confiding in thy care Brings peace to quell despair. Fold me still closer. Lord, When urgent comes the word To rest in thee care free Till thou shalt call for me. 56] THE PROMISED REST Thank God for quiet days, when all the fervor Of combat or of constant toil may cease, When calm repose may close the weary eyelids To dream of heaven's bliss and thoughts of peace. So musing on that rest and joy eternal. With grateful thoughts uplift to God in prayer. The ills of life transform to streams of pleasure. Which urge our bark more swiftly by his care. Praise God, in days of gloom or dark foreboding. When earth and sky seem pregnant with their woe. There is a peace that passeth understanding For heaven's children in this world below; Nor height, nor depth, nor present tribulation. Nor powers of demons, can our rights dethrone. Since he who met the marshaled hosts of evil Will e'er defend and conquer for his own. Shout in the heat of battle, " Hallelujah! The charge is brief, the fight will soon be o'er; Each fray but brings us nearer to the homeland. And Christ as general makes the vict'ry sure; For in each life come cloudless days and stormy. Come weary marching and the battle's roar ; Yet heaven grants perpetual benediction If to the end we steadfasdy endure. [57 " DOST THOU CALL ME? " P ROM 1 hy fold the sheep are straying. And upon the mountains bare Many stranger sheep are wandering Who have never known thy care. Very nigh the wolves are prowling For the lambkins of the flock. And the storm clouds dark are low'ring Round the peaks of ragged rock. Dost thou call for me to journey Far away upon the wold, To bring back some straying wand'rer 1 o thy warm aad sheltered fold? Of thy love, O tender Shepherd, I must have a portion blest. Else I cannot lure the stray one To thy blessed care and rest. For the path so lone and dreary Now I gain my strength Irom thee. While I sing because thou sendest F/en the humble ones like me. 58) MY BEST BELOVLD Sing to me of Sharon's roses, Redolent of perfume sweet; Sing the lilys famed glory, Purity and beauty meet ; Waft, ye winds, with incense laden. Myrrh and spices from afar; Shine, O sparkling gem of morning. Heaven's radiant earnest-star; Gather from the land and ocean All its teeming treasure rare, But earth's fulness rich can never With my Best Beloved con.pare. O the priceless wealth-bestowal On the people of his choice; Wake, my soul, to laud his praises; Sing, ye saved, with heart and voice. 159] THAT THOU MY LOVE WILT OWN Long patience hast thou, Lord, with such as I, Not meet to serve as friend nor be close by ; Still let my flowing tears anoint thy feet. Or grant within thy gate some lowly seat. Surpassing strange that thou, the King of kings. Art satisfied with finite offerings; That love which sought, redeemed, and set us free. Rejoices in our grateful ecstasy. So glad am I that thou my love wilt own. That thou wilt hear me from thy glory-throne. But happier still my ransomed soul shall be To dwell in heaven forevermore with thee. 60 EARTH SANCTUARIES There are temples whose domes are resplendent in beauty, O'erlaid with the finest of marble or gold; There are shrines on which sculptors excelled what was duty. And altars bejeweled whose wealth is untold. Within, where 'tis hidden from survey of mortal. Are stones all roughhewn, or an unsightly beam; Beneath shining grandeur of structure or portal Man seeks but support in the places unseen. But God for his temple requires a dwelling All-glorious within for his presence to bide. Whose scarlet and purple and gold are entwining Where veil-folds their visions embroidered can hide. Terrestrial abodes by the flesh are encumbered ; Without, the tent-temples no beauty can boast; By angel accountants the dwellings are numbered Where God is enshrined with the might of his host. Unfamed and unknown are the holiest places; The world counts no treasures that heaven can own ; These earth-sanctuaries, enhanced by his graces Arranged in their order, will circle his throne. 61 UP AND AWAY Up and away ! The day is far spent. Its lingering ray Few moments hath lent; Sheaves he ungarnered — Canst thou not see? God's last call soundeth, Summoning thee! Up and away ! The night hastens on; The work of the day Soon must be done. What hast thou treasured Safely above? What canst thou render Our God of love? Up and away! No moment must fail ; Speed, then, today To balance thy scale. Sacrifice pleasure. Brook no delay. Heaven's thy treasure — Up and away! 62 LORD OF THE AGES O Lord of the Ages, unfailing in power. Upholding creation's dominion each hour. Eternity's circle thy dwelling surrounds. Where dazzling glory effulgent abounds; Exceeding all vision that mortal hath known. Majestic thy being, exalted thy throne. Thou, Lord of the Ages, stooped low to our earth To lighten and quicken each soul that hath birth ; We laud thy compassion and infinite thought. Amazed at the wonder redemption hath wrought, - Thy great condescension, thy marvelous love. Thy mercy unbounded, all knowledge above. How shall we our hearts' adoration confess? How can we, thy creatures, divinity bless? We bow in contrition and humbly present The lives thou to us hast so graciously lent. O Lord of the Ages, our hope and our song. Soon may we in heaven thy praises prolong! 63 WHEN THE DAY IS DONE When the day is done and the reaping Has ended forevermore. Shall you wish you'd wrought less for the Master As you reckon your labors o'er? Shall you sigh for earth-pleasures denied you As you toiled for him early and late, Or rejoice in the " Well done " recorded And the welcome you have at the gate? When the day is done! Can you dream it? Forever our Jesus to see, — As one 'mong the chosen beloved To follow wherever he be? O let us at evening and morning Be zealous, courageous, and true To work with a heart that is willing And anxious his bidding to do. [64 OUR HIGH CALLING Chisel not marble that wayfarers read, Speak thou today in some virtuous deed. Write in the living affections of men. Waken their hearts' noblest strivings again. Rise to endeavor both valiant and true, Prove the commission vouchsafed unto you; Thou hast a message no angel may speak, — Lift up the fallen and strengthen the weak. Haste, for Jehovah soon ushers the day; For his majestic tread prepare thou the way. Cast up a highway, make level each hill, — So thy Commander's instructions fulfil. Thou art elected to serve by his throne. Claim now the might he bestows on his own All heaven waits God's best gifts to bestow. Tarry no longer! He calleth thee. Co! [65] RING TRUE Ring true, O heart of mine! And if the dross and tin to purge Thy great Refiner still must urge The furnace fire, sing no dirge, But laud his power divine. Ring true, O heart of mine! For in these days of stress and strife The base and vile are ever rife. And sordid touch defiles each life That God does not refine. Ring true, O heart of mine! None but the pure can enter there To dwell within the city fair. And citizens must here prepare. Ring true while life is thine. 66 LOVE'S TRIBUTE No eulogy or eloquent appeal Can echo and re-echo in the heart, As when some trusting child your hand will steal, And softly say, " I love you," then depart. It thrills your soul to be accounted dear. To know your labor was not spent in vain. And breathes an incense and a holy cheer Like morning's sunshine after summer rain. So can my Saviour's love be glorified. E'en when my feeble, stammering tongue may say With heart sincere, " I love my Christ who died, And seek his hand to guide me through the day." O Love divine, so infinite and strong. My heart delights thy wondrous gift to praise! I would my life could utter all day long A nobler tribute to thy matchless ways. 67 LEAVE ME NOT Leave me not, O blessed Saviour! Cleanse me from impurity. Fill me with thy gracious presence, That I may be all like thee. Thou alone art my Desire, Thou alone canst free from sin ; Burst the chains that bar and hinder, That thy power may dwell within. Then endued by thy blest Spirit, I may haste to service sweet. Bringing off'rings of thanksgiving Meet to lay at Jesus' feet. Leave me not, for thou art Wisdom, Thou my Righteousness and Light; Now thou grantest thine anointing To fulfil thy word of might. 68 THE MIRACLE Dying, we live through Jesus; Weeping with him, we joy ; Giving, we lay up treasure; Tempted, no trials annoy. Fearing because we love him, Seeking the One who sought, Justified though unholy, — ■ Such is the wonder wrought. Marvel of worlds beholding, Miracle, saved by grace; Here let us kneel, adoring. Soon shall we see his face. 69 ON THE OTHER SIDE 'Twill seem so brief on the other side, This storm and wind and the changing tide. For love must measure by gain, not loss; And crowns will outweigh every irksome cross When safe in the harbor we ride. Twill seem too little, our toilsome care To search far and wide for jewels rare. For close to those pierced hands and feet Each sacrifice will be deemed most sweet To lay at His footstool there. Twill seem such bliss when we hear his voice — Just the thought makes my ardent soul rejoice; The many earth-voices that lead astray. Can never molest us nor cause dismay If we ever make him our choice. O, to dream of the better land is rest! But the thought that delights my heart the best Is that Christ will lead us forevermore To pleasures unknown, on that happy shore. The far-away land of the blest. 70 THE MOUNTAIN CLIMB WITH HIM Not blindly do I grope through misty years, But with my hand in His to vanquish fears. Up through the mists I see diffused, though dim, The halo of the glory circling him. I know he leads me o'er the rocky way Up to the light-crowned heights of endless day; And oft I seem to hear, close passing by, I he wings of guardian angels ever nigh. Sometimes the lightnings flash and thunders peal, Then closer do I cling his strength to feel ; Sometimes the mists have almost cleared away. That I might catch a glimmer of his day. I cannot falter, for I trust my Guide, And death awaits me if I leave his side; He bids me haste to hear the angels sing Their hallelujahs to the coming King. 71 ASSURANCE The day is dreary, and my path befogged; I almost doubt the way; But this I know : Thou art my guard and guide Until the perfect day. Life seems a tangle. I can claim no star 1 o crown my diadem, Yet still I know he led me from afar, — My Star of Bethlehem. At times when subtle sorrow shrouds my soul, I dare not e'er repine. For earthly loss can never be but gain. Since Jesus Christ is mine. Then quiet peace my faintmg spirit lifts To rise the clouds above; I thank him for my Sun of Righteousness, And praise my Father's love. 72 HOW MUCH? How much is it worth to be ready And watching for Israel's King? How much should you strive for your trophies As his loyal soldiers to bring? How much do you value a mansion Awaiting your coming on high? How much would you give to escort him In triumph ascending the sky? If just for a moment in vision You stood by the river of life When sin and its author were banished, With all of earth's treasures and strife; How then would you value the honor. The pleasures, and wealth of today. When crumbled and burned into ashes. Or rusted and gone to decay? O Lord, in thy glorious heaven * Excellmg in majesty, Look down on thy children in mercy, So wearily groping for thee. And open their eyes till, beholding Thy beauty, they haste with delight To measure the claims of thy kingdom And treasure their wealth in thy light. 173 THE LATTER RAIN Like the dew of early morning. And the rain upon the field. The crescendo of the dawning. And the power the wind doth wield. Is the Holy Spirit's moving On the heart renewed by grace, While in tenderness reproving All the sin-blight to efface. 'Tis a day of mighty blessing For the Israel of God, That, his glorious name confessing. We may walk the path he trod; Tis the hour of God's appointing For a quick work to be wrought. Bare thy soul for his anointing. Gleaning sheaves the Master bought. 74 WHAT THINKEST THOU OF ME? Tonight I ask thee. Lord, alone. What thinkest thou of me> My friends I know, their love I own; But what am I to thee? Have I thy talents sown abroad. Reaping the increase due? Called by thy name, am I, O God, Faithful and meek and true? Search all the corners of my heart. Purge me till I am pure; Let me not e'er from thee depart. But to the end endure. Would that I had some sheaf to bring Humbly, O Christ, to thee! My blest Redeemer and my King, Thine I would truly be! 175 BECAUSE I AM HIS OWN God knows; and though all others planned But ill for me, my Father's hand Would overrule their vilest deed. And through its mire my footsteps lead To heights before unknown. God cares; and though all friends may flee, His love protects me constantly; As Father, Brother, Saviour, Friend, He guards and keeps me to the end. To bring me to his throne. God saves; and though some force of might Or demon powers flood my sight. He snatches me from sin and strife. And meets my weakness with his life, Because I am his own. So great God's power and majesty. Yet he delights to think of me; So high his thought and vast design. Still he inspires this soul of mine Fo live for him alone! 76 THE MORNING COMETH How large the hill beside you! How small the mount afar! The thistle by the wayside Seems greater than a star. The woods of trial surrounding Obstruct the broader view, But 'twixt the barred branches God's sunlight glimmers through. Today's most grievous sorrow — A tempest unto man — Is but a cloudy moment In God's eternal plan; E'en through the woods a vista, And from the mount a view; For faith has e'er a Pisgah Of glory-land for you. Grieve not, though sore afflicted, For sorrow dwells with hope; Behold the stars of promise Through God's great telescope. 177 SOUND AN ALARM Stealthily the night approaches While the sun is sinking low ; All unheard the shadows lengthen, All unseen the day-beams go ; For the world knows not its danger, As the shades of night fall fast. It is sleeping, fondly dreaming That all dire alarm is past. 'Tis the lull of earthly treasure. And the hope of power or fame. That are lullabies for conscience Lest it fear its Maker's name. And the souls at ease in Zion, Half asleep as night draws nigh. In the drowse of selfish stupor. Fail to give the watchman's cry. Wake! Arouse! Gird swift thine armor. Thou shah perish ere thou know ! Soon the hosts of sin will triumph. Bringing thee eternal woe. Cry alarm, and look not backward. Lest thou, lingering, seal thy doom! Speed, ere sets the day of mercy For earth's night of endless gloom! 78 GOD IS OVER ALL Above the clouds the stars shine on. And God is over all ; No life escapes his watchful eye, Nor any sparrow's fall. Though mists obscure his loving face And loud the thunders roll. No might can sever from his care The humble, trusting soul. O when we rest upon his love And know his faithfulness. No storm can bid us doubt his grace, Nor grievous ill distress! Beyond the clouds the stars shine on, Upheld eternally By him who ruleth them and thee With loving constancy. 79 LIFE'S PROGRESSION There is more to sin than sinning; By each act we forge a link Which more firmly, surely draws us Toward the quicksands, there to sink. There is more to life than living; Each day, if a stepping-stone. Brings us nearer to the shore line Of our long-desired home. There is more to love than loving. Since our God, the source of love. Radiates, through hearts that own him. Power to work for Christ above. For the will that e'er is willing There is knowledge all divine. And the souls that rescue sinners Like the stars eternal shine. In his wisdom hath our Father Made each law and each decree; Far beyond thy thought or asking He hath meted out to thee. In the infinite of heaven Thou shalt ever search in vain For the limits of his mercy And the triumphs of his name. 80 WITH JESUS Has Jesus a place at your table. When you lay care aside for the night? If friends " happen in " or are bidden, Do you witness for Jesus aright? He waits by your dwelling to enter. He stands by your counter to bless; Is your ledger accounting with Jesus? Does your daybook his entries attest? His great heart of love is still yearning A blessing unknown to bestow ; Would we live with our Jesus in heaven, We must welcome his presence below. " THE BETTER WAY Of the ruts in the road are you teUing, The thistles beside the way. The weeds that contend for the garden. And the clouds that obscure the day? If the road can be traveled, be thankful; Thorns and briers soon vanish for aye; The weeds we may banish with labor, And the clouds veil the heat of the day. Each life that we meet hath its highway, Hath its thorn-griefs and briers of pain; There are flowers 'mong the weeds in the garden. And its clouds are not sun-kissed in vain. Could we joy in the good of our pathways. Could we know for each thorn there's a rose, How much sweeter the toil in life s garden ! How much blessmg our clouds would disclose! In the paths that we cross in life's journey We may see more to charm and delight; For we find what we seek as we travel, And the mind holds the key of our sight. Not a highway nor trail on life's mountain. Not a dark day unknown to our God; And no labor that's wrought for the Master Will fail of its harvest-reward. 82 BEHOLD. WHAT LOVE! Amazed, I view the cross of shame. The cruel crown of thorns. The Uncondemned there glorified, — h or grief the Gift adorns Again I gaze in wonderment. And hear my Saviour's plea; His pierced hands, the blood he shed. Now intercede for me. Behold, what love our Lord bestows To call us sons of God! Our triumph is his sacrifice; Our life, the path he trod. Our altar is his cross to bear; Our joy to own his shame; Our hope, till Christ in glory comes, To laud his matchless name. 83] THY STRENGTH SHALL BE RENEWED Thy strength shall be renewed — no moan or sigh For youth that vanished as the years rolled by; No smothered groan from pain's relentless rack; No hunger-cry for feasts thy soul shall lack. Then shall the visions thou hast yearned to see Dawn in undreamed-of bliss eternally. Thy strength shall be renewed — thy feeble grasp To hold the prize, perform the arduous task ; Thy faltering step shall measure to his pace; Thy visage beam with radiance of his face; Then shalt thou run and never weary be. Strong in his matchless might eternally. Thy strength shall be renewed — for earthly meed Christ is sufficient in thy hour of need. Too little prize we his abounding store. Too faint and seldom beggared souls implore. In feebleness we stumble o'er life's way. Unmindful he is strong in might for aye. 84 Nature Poems ©U. & U., N. Y. 861 •CONSIDER THE LILIES WHEN SIN IS GONE There is beauty in the morning blush Caressing vale and hills, 'Mong the willow and the stately rush That listen to the rills, In the feathered songsters warbling forth From choir lofts in the tree. In the flowers bearing perfume rare To nature's harmony. O, the world is wondrous beautiful And fair, on every hand. In a marvelous variety. For joy throughout the land ; And I wonder what our earth can be When the scourge of sin is o'er. What blissful sounds of ecstasy That vibrate heaven's shore. Paint the beauty words depict as rare In books of earthly lore. Dream of wondrous music passing sweet All voices heard before. Yet no artist ever visioned scenes That wait for you and me When amid angelic heavenly hosts We join God's symphony. 87 SPRINGTIME 'TiS the morning of the year, Hark to springtime's chanticleer, Robin notes afar and near Chirping oft, " ' Fis here! Tis here!' Crocus buds and daffodils. Snows that melt to flowing rills. Velvet green upon the mead, Strive within spring's van to lead, — Buoyant spring with laughing mirth, Joy and hope, to waking earth. Sometime — sooner than we know — Sin will vanish like the snow. Morn of resurrection day Then will dawn to bide for aye. Thrills of joy, delight supreme, Hopes fulfilled beyond our dream. Buried loves beneath the sod Waking at the call of God, — These amid heaven's glory-light Shall dispel earth's gloom and blight. Hasten, morning, to appear, Springtime of eternal cheer! [88] •NEATH NATURE'S CATHEDRAL 'Neath the steeple of the fir trees When the wind is whispering low, And the sky is summer-clouded, Strewn with fleece and bars of snow. Watch the shadows as they flicker 'Mong the sun-kissed turrets there; Hear the feathered singers warble From the choir loft or the stair; First a solo bids, "Be thankful," Then responses, "Sing today," And the breezes gently murmur, Pause awhile to praise and pray." So in many a cathedral Nature rears, both small and grand, We are bidden to be happy In the blessings close at hand, To adore our blest Creator For his temples 'neath the blue. For our shadows, swiftly passing. And the sunlight gleaming through. [89 THE RAINBOW PLEDGE The drifted gold of the sunset, The morning's roseate hue, The purple haze in the distance. The high arched dome of blue, Are bits from the scattered rainbow That circles the earth for you. And yonder the golden city With rainbow foundation stands. And spanning his throne the Almighty A beauteous rainbow commands, — A pledge that continual mercy Is tendered to you from his hands. 190] HIS BOUNTIFUL CARE The stars looking down from the heights of the night Whisper ever of God's constant power and might. The sun riding forth with the strength of the day Declares the Creator is mindful for aye. The trees with their spires pointing always above. While the birds in their branches are warbling God's love, And the wonderwork daily in meadow and field Allures to continual thanks for their yield. So full to o'erflowmg, so fresh every morn, — How can we, God's children, be sad and forlorn? Wherever I look, countless blessings I see, And they beckon my thoughts to our Lord's constancy. 'Tis omnipotent power, with a Father's great love. That so graciously wings our affections above. Ah, we cannot keep silent, for mighty our King, And our hearts' adoration the offering we bring. Though the seraphs give homage forever on high. Still he yearns for our song from his throne in the sky ; And his quick ear discerns when one voice ceases praise For his bountiful care that encircles our days. 91 BEAUTY FOR BARRENNESS Mountains, and rill, and the valley between, Nestling a lake, with its silvery sheen, Orchards bloom-scented, the blue dome above, Speak of the Father's omnipotent love. Nigh this the desert so gray and so drear ■ — - Surely the curse has full sovereignty here. Thither brmg water, and swift will arise Verdure m fruitful and fragrant surprise. Lord, may thy Spirit our barrenness steal, Making each earth-born woe turn to our weal. Yielding abundantly beauty for thee. Meet for thy treasure house eternally. 92 THE SONG OF SPRING 'Tis joy to be near the heart of Spring, To feel its pulse, and to hear it sing. O the heart of Spring is the heart of youth. And the song it sings, resurrection's truth! It calls to flow'rets asleep to wake; It bids the brooks' icy fetters to break. It breathes its hope to the wood and the mead, Inspiring life in each slumbering seed. It beckons birds to return and sing, And thrills the morn with their anthem-ring. It whispers peace for the tears of grief, — A balm of Gilead for relief. For he who trusts in the King of life Knows here his might o'er our wintry strife; And soon, enthroned, Christ will call his dead To wake and rise from their earthly bed. O the song of Spring is an earnest given, — • A pledge to us of the power of heaven ! [93 GARDENS OF BEAUTY There's a garden of beauty over the way Clad in the vernal garb of May, And e'er from my window I have it m view; Its trees and its shrubs of emerald hue Bring joy to my vision and keenest delight From earliest morning till veiled by the night. What matters that I have no garden at all, That my little domain is inclosed by a wall? I possess and delight in the beautiful view Of this garden, enrobed in its emerald hue. And I wonder sometimes if the owner can glean Half the pleasure and joy that is mine from the scene. O the wide world is full of such visions for me As this beautiful garden that daily I see! There are beautiful lives wherever I seek That in mansion or cottage often I meet: There are many more gardens like mine o'er the way For our joy and rejoicing every hour and day. 94 STARS OF OUR NIGHT Out in the night when the stars are bright, And the air is calm and still, The sky is so clear that heaven seems near Its covenant to fulfil. Return to the glare of the city's dense air And the beacons appear but a few. For its gilded charms seek with the lights of the street To bedim all the gems in the blue. Stars of our night are the promises bright With which God has bespangled our sky ; In his atmosphere pure, naught of earth can allure. And we sense that his heaven is nigh. Count the stars if you can, or fathom his plan For his children who dwell in the night! Tis a deep, boundless sea with a star canopy Till the dayspring appears to our sight. 195 ETERNAL SPRINGTIME Spring, with its beauty, its song, and its mirth. Waking the joys of the jubilant earth, Heralds the gladness that awaits us for aye. Dwelling in heaven's all-glorious day. Banished forever this winter of woe. Exiled the chill of its ice and its snow. Free from the sorrow, the sin, and the care, Sprmgtime eternal will bide over there. Heaven holds all that's worth while and is true. Pleasures enduring the long ages through. Work, then, today, for tomorrow ye rest. Bosomed in rapturous joy of the blest. [96] THE WHISPER OF THE TWILIGHT Sweet the quiet calm of evening When the spirit seeks repose, And a gentle hush is weaving Holy thoughts at daylight's close. Mid the crowded morning duties Urged by noontide's hurried feet, Oft we miss the sunny beauties And the floral odors sweet. As the twilight low descending Steals the fret from every brow. Swift the wings of night are lending Upward flight to praises now. God benign bestowed the sunlight. Gave its work of rainbow hue; But the whisper of the twilight Is his tranquil, blest adieu To the labors and the wresding. To the hurried, anxious strides; Then my wearied spirit nestling 'Neath the wing of peace abides. 97 WHITER THAN SNOW Lightly gentle zephyrs blow. Falling eider-down of snow. In their frolic on the way, Mirthfully the livelong day. Whirling flakes make merry round Ere they rest upon the ground. Fir trees brave the wintry storm, Clad in splendid uniform, — Guards unwearied through the night In their proud arrayment white. Keeping watch till daybreak breeze Shakes the fleecy sentry trees. Drear no more the barren clod With its blanket-gift from God ; Ermine fit for king's array Robes the highland and the brae. Like some blitheful errant knight Comes this wonder-working white. Whiter than unsullied snow God transforms my heart, I know. Mantles with his robe divine. Rears within my soul his shrine. Not alone for one brief day. But to prove his grace for aye. 98 THE JOY OF MAY O, THE wood is singing its vernal glee Till the flowers are springing in ecstasy. And the birds re-echo the roundelay In carols attuned to the joy of May! Then my wakened heart sings a psalm of praise For this counterpart of Elysian days. While the world seems throbbing in pure delight. With its ills appeased at the wonder-sight. But I long for scenes of the heavenly land; For no mortal dreams can its charm command. And these joys shall pale by its bliss supreme. Like the starlight dim before noontide's beam. O the glory-land! would some soul could hear And understand all the echoes clear That resound in my listening heart today While the woodland rings with its joy of May. [99] THE GLORY-LAND A MIST lay o'er the valley. And air so damp and chill Pierced through each cozy shelter Of woodland, vale, and hill; While overhead the heavens, Bemantled in cold and gray. Attuned to earth's brown meadows. Proclaimed a wintry day. But on beyond the valley. Beyond the mist hung low. Rose mountains in their splendor Enrobed in sunlit snow. Forgotten was the keenness Of winter's wind and chill ; Entranced, that scene of glory Caused every heart to thrill. So earth's chill love is waning. And colder grows the night, But on beyond arises The glory-land of light! Too dim our mortal vision To see full radiance there. But through the veil flash glimpses Of glorious mountams fair. Though low hang threatening storm clouds. Though earth for us is drear. Our eyes are fixed on Zion, Whose mountain tops appear. Forgotten is the anguish Through watches of the night; We cry aloud, " Hosanna! 'Tis near — our home of light!" 100 AWAKE. O EARTH! Awake, O Earth, in ecstasy With the return of spring! Break forth in joyous melody, I^et loud hosannas ring! Thy verdant banners swift unfurl To greet the balmy days When eager blooms their folds uncurl, And songsters tune their praise. The fragrance is thy incense sweet. The songs a chorus grand, 1 hy verdure is a garment meet, Fresh from thy Maker's hand. For spring's return is earnest blest Of that eternal day When lives and hopes which now must rest Shall wake to bloom for aye. BENEDICTIONS The flower looked up in gratitude For blessings from on high, And soon its cup was filled with dew Descending from the sky. A plant turned toward the sun to thank Its warm and genial light; Anon its blooms burst forth to bless Whoe'er might pass in sight. The spring ran forth with joyfulness To bless the thirsty flowers, And bubbling cheer welled constantly Through all the passing hours. A mortal bears a friend in need Before the throne of grace. And gazing up, reflects indeed. The radiance of His face. For him who often seeks that Heaven On others may bestow, God's benediction will redound. Which else he ne'er might know. I 102 LIFE BLESSINGS UNNUMBERED Drop by drop the rain descending Brightens, livens everything; In the scale of worth 'tis lending Tons of blossoms to the spring. Grain by grain the sands are drifting All unseen beside the sea; And a mount is slowly lifting By the tide of years for me. Sun-kissed clouds adorn each morning. Bowers veil the noontide ray; Evening flaunts its regal warning, Closing the account of day. So unmeted and unnumbered Come life blessings, one by one. Reckoned not till they are sundered At the setting of the sun. Lo, thy cup is overflowing ! See each laden moment bear Treasures, far beyond thy knowing. Tokens of the Father's care. 103 STARS FOR OUR GUIDING The lingering twilight caresses the night With whispering breezes ere taking her flight, Then softly retreats unobserved to her rest, And leaves the domain to the night for his quest. He covers the beauties of day with a shroud. And paints heaven's blue with the mask of a cloud; But piercing this mantle of soberest hue, Forth come one by one tiny stars sparkling through, Till out of the gloom and the blackness of night The sky is aglow with their shimmering light. E'en now 'tis the twilight of earth's ebbing day, Erelong will the darkness of evil have sway, When people and nations are spurred to their doom By him who is prince of both darkness and gloom. He seeks to obscure the world's Comfort and Light, And shrouds with his doubts what was hopeful and bright; His triumphal march leaves but death in its train. And terror runs riot throughout his domain; But lo! through the gloom all God's promises bright Gleam forth with a clearer, unfaltering light. O stars for our guiding ! shine brighter each hour, — An earnest of heaven, sustained by his power Who holds every sun and each planet in space. And Israel keeps by his infinite grace. 104 BEFORE THE STORM The fervent heat of summer's blistering ray Has quaffed the dewdrops that anoint the day; Its subtle spirit hovers o'er the lea In quivering waves of hushed expectancy; The whispering zephyrs drop their drowsy tale. And scarce a leaflet stirs through all the vale; 7 he stifling air has banished labor's zest. And weary toilers seek the shade for rest. A cloud appears, and with no bugle cry Anon its marshaled hosts besiege the sky; In dark array the scouts are hurrying round; Aerial cannon in the distance sound; A lightning flash announces drops of rain, Which thicken fast; and soon the ripened grain, For which the laborers aweary toiled, Is flayed by hail, and by the storm despoiled. So, swift by princely powers of darkness hurled. The final storm will burst upon the world. Look! in distance see the clouds arise; Erelong the pall of blackness veils the skies. O weary reapers, haste to garner all. For soon the devastating rain will fall ; The Master sounds his clarion call today, ' Arise, and reap for heaven while you may! 1 105 THE VOICES OF SPRING The harp of the wildwood, the voices of spring, The glad song of morning, with cheerfulness ring; For hearts that are wakened, and eyes that discern God's thoughts for his children, their message will learn. God colors the flow'ret, though wee and unseen. He weaves for the earth-robe a mantle of green. He rules in the tempest and zephyrs that blow, — The dewdrops of summer, the blanket of snow. A marvel of beauty the blossoms unfold, A wonderful wisdom by leafbuds is told. O hearts that are grieving, refusing to sing. Rejoice while communing with voices of spring! 106 For the New Year iiinij>^iiiiii^e^iiiiiiiiti»iiiiitOfe:::>^iiiii^^:^^ Photo, U. & U., N. Y. "GOOD MORNING, GLAD NEW YEAR" [108] GREETING AND GOOD-BV Good niglu. Old ^'ear! We lay thee down to rest. And fold thy passive hands upon thy breast. Thy brow is furrowed deep with care and pain ; No loss we grieve, nor wish thee back again. For thy dead hopes and for thy love of right We give thee a caress, and say, Good night. Good morning, glad New Year! The dawn of grace. Of courage, hope, and cheer beams m thy face. Few more good mornings lie 'twixt us and heaven, Yet for our good this new delight is given. To greet with joy sincere, thy smile adorning Our simple life of love, and say. Good morning. 109 COME, LORD JESUS! Thou Mighty One of Israel, Exalted King on high, Defender and preserver still. Our helper ever nigh. We laud thee with our humble praise. Our best and truest Friend, And for thy guidance all our days Our grateful prayers ascend. At this the threshold of the year We claim thy might and love. And know thy presence still more dear. All earthly gifts above. Know as the years fly sure and fleet The coming draws apace Of Israel's Mighty One, to greet His children face to face. Speed on more swiftly in thy flight, O years that intervene. Ere faith shall wake to glorious sight Of Israel's Hope unseen! 110] THE OLD — THE NEW One more ship in the harbor With its cargo of gold or of dross; One more pennant declaring The service of sin or the cross; One more ledger completed; And what does the Auditor say — Treasures the past year assembled, Or ruthlessly trifled away? One more ship is departing To sail on the sea of the year; One more pennant lies waitmg A symbol inscribed to uprear; One more ledger is opened. Unwritten, unblemished, and new. Who will your vessel commission. Accounting the ledger for you? n THE ARCHITECT'S PLAN Hail the glad New Year with hope and with cheer! Hasten to swiftly his mansion uprear, Each month a story, and each hour a stone. Graven with thoughts thou must claim as thine own. Twelve stories high, and embellished within, Tablet inscriptions of triumphs o'er sin; Sculptures of art by the Master hand wrought. Themes which the angel host fain would have sought. V^hen soon the King of all glory descends. Palaces crash as earth trembles and rends, Still will thy structure continue for aye. Built for eternity each hour and day. [112] THE MEASURE OF LIFE Sigh not for the years that have vanished, With their sorrows, their joys, and their care; They rest in the garden of Silence, 'Neath its myrrh and its sweet blossoms fair. But up on the housetop, embracing The morning's fresh breath with its dew, Thank God tor the daybreak awaking. And your courage and purpose renew. We live not in years, but in action. For deeds mark the life of the soul; And man lives the most and the longest When heaven-born motives control. So seizing the noli' with its blessings The present seems freighted with cheer; Our spirits breathe fresh inspiration And zeal in the morn of the year. 113 WE HOPE IN THE BEYOND The year is at its morn. Across the sky The rose has flung her blush, while amber hue Is stealthily a-winning its way through. The sun rides forth to master-victory. All's fair and beautiful exultantly ; hor night is vanquished, and the day is here. But hark! A rumble that awakes to fear. The clouds of trouble with the day appear. Be not dismayed. God wakes to hope and light. We shall not fear the thunder of the night If we but know beyond the sky serene, Beyond the threatening clouds that intervene. Reigns One o'er all to glorify and bless. And raise our trusting hope to happiness. The day shall dawn that never knows a night. That wakes to beauty, and shall e'er be bright. 'Tis mirrored in his word through gates of prayer To lure us on, its glorious bliss to share. We live victorious, e'en though clouds arise. And lit us for that day beyond the skies. 14] THE OLD YEAR'S RETREAT; THE ADVENT OF THE NEW The Old Year passes. Were his sheaves All garnered for his God? The night-winds stir hope's seared leaves That strew the path he trod. His form, bent low by grief and toil, Will rest in peace at last Where snowflakes veil the mounds of soil,- God's Acre of the Past. The New Year beckons. Joyfully He greets the radiant morn. And promise-buds abundantly His verdant gifts adorn. Where courage, faith, and love prevail. Of joy and fruitful cheer A royal harvest cannot fail To crown the glad New Year! 115 THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW Crown the Old Year with his laurels. For his strenuous race is run; Let him rest airong the mighty At the setting of the sun. Do thy tears bedew the roses Wreathing all his acts of love? On the tablet of the faithful Is his name enrolled above? Comes the winsome, happy New Year, — Eyes that shine with keen delight Gaze with mingled joy and wonder At each strange and welcome sight; Outstretched hands extend their greeting, Hopes renew, and voices cheer. As we hail the regal bounty Brought us by the glad New Year. 116 Earlier Poems LO. I AM WITH YOU ALWAY ' Sometimes, while standing on the rock, His glory passes by ; Sometimes his presence floods my soul. Though tears bedim my eye ; Sometimes the fog, so damp and cold. Banks closely round my heart; But God, I know, is light and love. And ne'er from me will part. Nor principalities nor powers Can sever from his love. Nor height nor depth can isolate From that great power above; And though so small, so weak, so vile, I naught on him impose By loving him who first loved me. And all my frailty knows. Ah, when the night winds shriek and howl I know he's very nigh. As when the glory-clouds reflect His shining in the sky: And when earth's storms are overpast. Eternal morn awakes, My Jesus still will be my all, He never me forsakes. 119] " NO ROOM IN THE INN " No room in the inn," its keeper said; No place where the Christ-child might lay his head. The throng knew not, though of David's line. They might have made room for a King divine, And sped as heralds to first proclaim That the Prince of Peace had come to reign. No room in the inn " for the lowly birth. While all heaven beheld its gift to earth. No room in the inn." Tis often heard, Tis not the place to declare his word," And travelers meet, converse, and away, But find no room his name to say. No room in the inn " for the Christ to bide. How oft our allegiance to him we hide! Though accounting ourselves of the royal line. We prove we know not the King divine. Oh, let us make room in our hearts for aye That each morn may witness his natal day. And Christ as our Saviour be born anew To abide in our hearts the whole day through. 120] "I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW" "Not be renn"ml)pi'e(l, nor come into mind." Isa. 65: 17. Not e'en remembered — the toil and the cross; Exiled the heartaches, the pain, and the loss; Sorrow and sighing are banished for aye, Lost in the radiant, effulgent day. Naught can molest thee nor cause thee to fear. Never will sadness evoke e'en a tear; Dwelling forever in glorious light. How couldst thou think of the gloom and the night? Visions of glory as earnest are given, Granting a glimpse of the beauties of heaven; Through the bright portal the Saviour I see Fitting a place and a mansion for thee; Forth from the throne flows the river of life, — Why dost thou brood o'er earth trials or strife? Only as pilgrims we dwell here below, Shod with our sandals, impatient to go. Leaving behind but the tinsel and tin. Meet for the burning, and tarnished by sin: Girded we wait, with our staff in our hand. Wait for the call to Immanuel's land. 121 NOT FAR AWAY First dawns for thee redemption's day, When in the silence of the soul God speaks thee pardon, makes thee whole. There's hope within, and all is bright; For God is love, and God is light, And heaven is not far away. Erelong betides a cloudy day. When earth friends fail or prostrate lie; All hopes are vanished neath the sky. Then comes the Comforter to thee To hallow thy humility, And heaven is not far away. Sometimes a glad and sunny day, When God's world seems both bright and fair. The birds are singing everywhere; The fragrant woods and perfumed meads Exhale the balm thy spirit needs. And heaven is not far away. To thee must come the dread, dark day When thou art called the vale to tread. And mid the shadows leave thy dead. Then speaks the Christ, who is the life, I vanquish sin and death and strife;" And heaven is not far away. Ah, heaven is not far away ! 'Tis e'en within you, till that day When, radiant, brighter than the sun, Thy home descends, and God will come To dwell with thee on earth for aye! 122] CHRIST IN ME Spring eternal, endless day. Life immortal and for aye. By him guided all the time. These await this soul of mine. Hope secure and peace serene. Faith that views the yet Unseen, Love unfailing, grace divine. Strengthen now this soul of mine. Guide unerring. Saviour true. Who redeemed my birthright, too, Christ my Lord, and Friend divine, Dwelleth in this soul of mine. Through him strengthened for the fray. By him guided all the way, With him waiting for the day, Liveth on, this soul of mine. 123] SEEKING REST List to the voices in the wildwood, And to whispers in the dell. To the murmurs in the forest. And the story that they tell. Is it joy and verdant gladness, Is it praise and wistful prayer, That within our hearts give echo While we listen to them there? Where all nature holds thanksgiving With its cadences of peace, From the world apart, in quiet. Seek thy burdened soul's release. Ah, when life is all a tangle With its knots of grief and care, Find a nook in God's great temple. And unravel them in prayer ! 124 FEAR NOT Fl'.AK nol, for God omnipotenl Upholds thee by his power; His mighty love and stretched-out arm Support thee every hour. Fear not; for God omniscient rules 1 he universe and thee, — Each unseen flower, each blazing sun In heaven's canopy. Fear not; for omnipresent dwells God's Spirit in his world; For thee his power will e'er avert The darts by Satan hurled. More mighty than we know is sin. More strong to lure and slay ; But mightier than all, our God, Who is thy strength and stay. Thy choice, to work God's will on earth; Thy joy, to be his son ; Thy call, to arm for victory. To laud thy King, when won. 125 HOPE MAKETH NOT ASHAMED! Hope maketh not ashamed! Thrice blessed hope! It opes for us the gates of glory, where Celestial beauty waits, beyond compare; AH radiant appears that city fair In vision through faith's mighty telescope. Hope maketh not ashamed! The King enthroned Doth for his Son a banquet now prepare. And we are chosen guests to enter there. Arrayed in royal garb, — a vestment rare. Meet for the children he hath borne and owned. Hope maketh not ashamed! Haste to proclaim Allegiance to the King of kings on high; Unfurl a loyal banner to the sky. Bearing aloft his seal and signet nigh. In honor to thine own redemption's name. Ah, if thou find still lurking in thy breast One jot or tittle of a nameless dread To show thy colors, or to pass unsaid One chance lo own thy Lord, O pray instead That God in mercy spare thee to confess! Know then the joy of grievous sin forgiven, Yearning with ardent hope his face to see Whose gracious love is not ashamed of thee. And afterward the glorious ecstasy To be exalted to the bliss of heaven. 126] IT IS NO MYTH It is no myth, but 'tis a mystery, How Christ, the Son of God, could die for me; How love so infinite and so divine Could stoop to lift a sordid life like mine. God gave so much for something less than naught. Can e'er I praise redemption as I ought? It is no myth, but 'tis a mystery, That I might dwell with Christ eternally, — Companion with the Maker of our earth. Whose word omniscient gave all beings birth. God plans so great for mortals such as we. That heaven alone can tune our ecstasy! It is no myth, but 'tis a mystery. That God omnipotent should bide with me. Each day and hour he is my strength and stay, My guide and my protector on life's way. What should life's loyal, loving service be To prove my gratitude s sincerity? I am too small to comprehend his grace; But this I know, that when I see his face, Compassionate, yet glorified, serene, 'Twill be the One whom I have loved supreme; In whom I found life's meaning; who inspires And satisfies my ardent soul-desires. 127 TOO BUSY Too busy are we midst the whirl and the stress Of our life as the days come and go. Too busy to water with prayers and with tears The seed we abundantly sow. Too busy with working for Jesus to pause And sit at his footstool of prayer; Too busy commanding and guarding his field To learn what his orders are there. Too busy with routme of cares m the home To seek him alone through the day; Too busy in striving to faithfully serve To listen to him and to pray. How Satan doth gloat o'er his subtle decoy Of winding our life in this coil ! He knows when too busy to watch unto prayer Our triumph at last he will foil. O guard us from whirlpools that threaten to wreck Our bark, heavenly Pilot, we pray! And teach us the blessing of walking with God Through holy communion each day. 128 THE COMING DAWN Aweary of groping in darkness. In the midnight of hopeless despair, We herald the glad morrow dawning. And find that our Day-star is there. We could not behold thy great glory With vision accustomed to night, So the light on the path of the righteous. Like the dawn, shineth bright and more bright. There is light for each soul — e'en the heathen; There is dawn when the lost turn to God; And the sun m effulgence and splendor Shineth bright o'er the path Jesus trod. Thus the road leads from darkness of midnight To God's glorious noontide above: Need we fear, then, the threatening storm clouds When the sui shining through them is Love? 129 JOYFUL IN HIM There's a whisper in the treetops. There is music by the sea, There's a murmur, mid the rushes. Of the brook across the lea ; There's a voice from winged flowers, — Hum of hopper and of bee, — And a myriad-throated warble h rom the feathered minstrelsy. Oh, the night is one sonata. And the day a chorus grand ; And our life a glorious anthem When our Master has command! For the minor chords, though plaintive. Lend enchantment to the strain. And the final hallelujah Shall in joy engulf all pain. Tune thy heart to sense the m.easure; Train thine ear to hear each chord ; Every day conclude some measure All harmonious to thy Lord. 130 AS CHRIST WOULD DO lo be patient, but not slothful; To be guarded, and still true; 1 o be zealous, yet sagacious, With a will to dare and do; To be thoughtful, unobtrusive Toward neighbor, friend, or guest; To be hopeful, faith-inspiring. Well assured His way is best; To be loyal to thy Master; To be constant in thy might; To believe, but be discerning. Knowing faith is more than sight; 1 o commit thine all to Jesus, Yet to strive unto the end With a firm, enduring purpose So to prove thy God thy friend, — This thine earthly call and mission. Always to thy Lord be true. Ever faithfully and fully Do as Christ himself would do. 131 INVOCATION Breathe, breath of God, upon my soul tonight! Dispel the mists of doubt which veil my sight. And to the spangled heaven of promise bright Make clear my view. Attune mme ear to thine own harmony. That nature, with her varied melody. May but inspire the rapturous psalmody My heart would raise. May heavenly fragrance from sweet Sharon's Rose Its gracious perfume unto me disclose. Pervading all my life, while I repose Close by thy side. To thee, whence virtue with a touch divine Recalled to health, restore this soul of mine; And grant my life may minister, like thine, A healing balm. O purify my whole desire for good. That I may long still more for heavenly food, — That life thou gavest on the holy rood For such as I. A new creation. Lord, make thou of me. And shape my heart a dwelling fit for thee, A sanctuary for eternity. Sustaining Love! 132 OUR PEACE Hk is our Peace; and mid the waves Of strife and care and sin. The calm of this assurance breathes A quietness within. He IS our Peace. A barrier Estranged me from my Lord ; But he hath taken it away And brought me back to God. He is our Peace; and needful toil, Made easy by his might. Gives us, though heavy laden, rest 'Neath burdens now made light. O Prince of Peace, thy heralds sang Good will and peace to men ; For Satan, vanquished, yields the right To thee alone to reign. The strife doth cease when thou dost come As King in power enthroned The earnest of whose reign on earth Rules hearts thy love hath owned. 1 133 THE SECRET OF HIS PRESENCE He that dwelleth in the secret of the presence of the Lord, That abideth 'neath the covert of his vine-protecting word. Shall not fear destruction's tempest, doth not dread the tempter's snare; For his trust is firmly anchored in his heavenly Father's care. Tis a secret place that none doth know save he who thus abides; For the peace of dwelling there secure is known to him who hides When the enemy assails him, with his armor and his sword. All the hosts are backward driven, conquered by the potent word. Cease, O soul, that, vainly striving, seeks to bring thyself repose ; List! the voice of thy Redeemer doth thy liberty disclose: Come to me, thou heavy laden, I will grant thee rest from strife ; When thou seekest me as refuge, thou dost enter into life. " : !34] REVERENCE FOR GOD Amid angelic hosts the name of God Doth, when exclaimed, bear down their wings on high. That so, with faces veiled, they may proclaim Full reverence for him who rules the sky; The courts of heaven laud his majesty. Jehovah midst the train of seraphim Gives voice to mandates, ruhng all his realm. The while the universe doth answer him; Yet mortal man his great Creator spurns. Or carelessly his name in utterance gives. For not alone in crowd or darksome den But e'en in prayer to him by whom he lives. In daj's of old, when patriarchs perceived That angels had to them a message borne. Because they came as heralds from the King, They feared such presence did their death forewarn. Shall we, who know the precious boon is ours To tabernacle in a contrite heart The presence of the high and lofty One, Forget the glory that it will impart? Be slow Shekinah's brightness to perceive. Or strive to mingle holy and profane? O heed, my soul, and mayest thou still aspire From humble heart true praises to proclaim. Anoint our eyes, O Lord, that we may see And know the radiance of thy majesty. 135 " HE COMETH " Above the strains and murmurs That daily reach my ear, Methinks I hear a chorus Proclaiming, " Christ is near! " 'Tis sung by many voices. The childish lips join in, And oft they lead their elders, \^ho soon their parts begin. Where'er I roam, I listen. As louder swells the strain. To hear the glorious anthem. He Cometh back to reign! " It cheereth those in sadness As balm for grief or loss. 'Tis comfort for the laborer Who bears a heavy cross. This song that now is sounding Erelong will ended be; When Christ doth come in glory, 'Twill close with " Victory!" Those who while here uniting, Have raised their voice to sing. Will join the song triumphant. In presence of their King. I 136 "YE DID IT NOT TO ML" FIe passed by on the other side; 'Twas not his kin that lay All wounded on the cold, bare earth Of Judah's road that day. He passed by on the other side; " And proved his priestly line Belonged to other brotherhood Than sons of God divine. But passing on the other side, He to the temple sped. To minister unto his Lord, Who on the roadside bled ; For suffering with his lonely ones, Our Saviour makes his own Their sorrows and their griefs, and bids Them welcome to his home. Thy soul was wounded, and the Christ Knew well thou lovedst him not; He crossed from o'er the other side To lift thee from the spot. He healed thee, paid thy debt, and gave His life thine own to save; For in thy stead he suffered death, — With sinners made his grave. O pass not on the other side! But henceforth ever prove Thou art within the fellowship Of Heaven's gracious love. I 137 REVELATION 22:20 Fain would I flee, when by some grief oppressed. To be at peace upon my Saviour's breast; Fain would I leave this world of sin and strife, And be with him throughout an endless life. Precious the thought, his coming draweth nigh. When as a king, descending from the sky. He will appear to claim the ransomed his; Then, like my Lord, I'll see him as he is. Though now he tarries, I may herald be. And at his coming his salvation see: Brighter the hope each day that passeth by. The Lord will come, redemption draweth nigh ! 138 " M^' GRACt: IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE" (2 Corinthians 12: !)) 1 HOU hast no sorrow that He hath not borne for thee. Thou hast no grief too small for his great sympathy, Nor hast thou trials that his love hath never weighed And meted out the needed strength, thy soul to save. O could we sense his gift, our faith would never pale; O could we know his might, our strength would never fail ; Could we but love his love, in adoration sweet. Life would be music while we knelt at Jesus' feet. Fears now like mountains would swift remove away, Doubts like the mists of morn would melt to cloudless day; Hope, dove of peace, would then encircle and abide, While through the storms of life our bark would safely glide. 139 ASK THYSELF If tonight the angel bade thee Lay aside thy robe of care, With the girdle of thy toiling. What would be thy farewell prayer? Shouldst thou leave the exit portal Of all worldly things tonight. Would the glittering earthly dazzle Linger on thy mortal sight? Couldst thou know the bliss of heaven And the joy of trophies there, Wouldst thou ever leave the vineyard, Or neglect the hour of prayer? O for visions of our heaven, That our hearts may sense aright What our life is, while we tarry Through the vigils of the night! For it may be thou shalt tarry. Or it may be thou shalt sleep. Till thy sheaves the angels garner When the Master comes to reap. 140] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS