i m « ■i i ii mn «>ii n iii>i il l iinW>MWMIII|MI««W I I| fi l ilM*ini»i l l l l»n i i l lI |in il illlllllMltiinBWMMMtilllMltil!llli»^ l't{ TH /-*! /^ T"^ Y"} i'^'^ f"" 'f '' ^ '" T'' '''7 \ND FARM Ai Book lSlS1_ ()opyrightN^.__. COPYRIGHT DEPOSre n TEACHER'S REFERENCE BOOK TO ACCOMPANY PRINCIPLES OF BOOKKEEPING AND FARM ACCOUNTS BY J. A. BEXELL AND F. G. NICHOLS SCRIPT ILLUSTRATIONS BY E. C. MILLS Copyrk;ht, 19T4, Bv J. A. BEXELL AND F. G. NICHOLS. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO 5567 .B58 TO THE TEACHER 1. Preparation for Teaching. — In bookkeeping, as in any other sub- ject, the most important thing for the teacher at the outset is to acquire a clear conception of the course as a whole, and to master the details before attempting to present them to the class. Whenever the teacher can spare time, it will be of the greatest assistance to write out the exercises, or check all the entries with the reference book, before they are assigned to the class, even if they appear very elementary. With the assistance of the reference book, it should not require more than half an hour per lesson for the teacher to write up the exercises. 2. Aim of the Text. — In preparing Principles of Bookkeeping and Farm Accounts, it was the aim of the authors to present the elements of bookkeeping in general, and the practical application of these principles to the farm in the simplest and most practical, as well as in the most pedagogical, form. 3. Complete Course. — Students who have had no bookkeeping instruc- tion should complete every lesson in the book and in the order in. which they are given. If this book is thoroughly covered, the student should have a sufficient knowledge of the principles of double entry bookkeeping to enable him to take charge of a simple set of books, or to become an assistant on a more elaborate set. He 3hould be able to adapt these principles to the require- ments of the farm whether large or small. He should have an understanding of cost accounts that will enable him to ascertain to a cent what it costs to produce a bushel of wheat, or a unit of any other farm product. He will also possess a fund of valuable information regarding business forms, banking from the depositor's viewpoint, business correspondence, filing, etc. Properly taught, this course has very great disciplinary value. The review questions, and others prepared by the teacher, should be given careful attention. The student must be able to tell in recitation what he knows about the subject as well as to write up the transactions in accordance with models. If any portion of the text is omitted oji account of lack of time, lessons 21, 23, 24, 55, and 56 may be omitted, .especially in classes where there are no students who are interested in mercantile bookkeeping. Lessons 30 to 35 inclusive may or may not take much time, according to the conditions that govern in each school. It must be remembered that drill is necessary in any utilitarian subject like bookkeeping. There is no' needless repetition, but much drill and review. 2 APR 29 1914 0CI,AJni599 TEACHER'S REFERENCE BOOK 3 The thorough teacher will add to, rather than subtract from, the number of exercises required in this text. 4. Special Farm Course. — Students who have had a good training in double entry bookkeeping and business practice should begin at page 91, and complete Farm Sets i and 2. Lessons 3 and 4 will be of value to any student, and may be given before beginning the farm sets in this course. Special attention should be given to the work on cost bookkeeping as applied to farming contained in Farm Set 2. This course should include discussions on topics pertaining to farm manage- ment. Agricultural bulletins, state and national, should be used, and many reading lessons*may be assigned from them. 5. Definite Assignments. — It may appear unnecessary to make daily assignments by announcing the lesson, but the reading of the introductory paragraphs to each lesson will be found of very great value and help to the student. It is very important that both the beginning and advanced students be required to read every word in the text, and that each step and exercise be completed before proceeding to the next. A large share of both the teacher's and pupil's time is often wasted because this is not observed. Long lessons should not be assigned, but something definite in the way of outside work should be required of each student daily. The lesson divisions need not be observed strictly if experience shows that it is better to break them up into smaller assignments. The best results will he obtained by follozving the directions in the text and reference hook in every detail. 6. The Recitation. — The following is a suggestive program for recita- tion : 1. Assignment of the next lesson. 2. General review. 3. Checking home work. 4. Report on original work when required. 5. The remainder of the period may be used for regular written work. 7. Class or Individual Work. — The best results have been obtained by combining the class and the individual methods of instruction wherever that plan can be adopted. When possible, the exercises and questions should be prepared at home, to be checked and recited upon in class. 8. Checking Results. — The teacher will be greatly assisted, and interest will be sustained, if the class is required to check its work at the beginning of each recitation. Let one pupil read his results while the others check theirs. This will give an opportunity to detect errors and to discuss special features of each lesson. 4 TEACHER'S REFERENCE BOCK Absolute accuracy should be required, as bookkeeping that is inaccurate is worthless. Neatness and dispatch in performing all work are of inestimable importance in this course. Better work will be secured by using the blanks especially prepared for all e.xercises in the text. Great care should be taken when the student rules his own forms. 9. Original Home Work. — The girls should be encouraged to keep their home household accounts, and the boys should be asked to bring in a complete inventory of, and to develop a system of accounts for, the home farm whenever possible. This should be read to the class and some time may be spent in discussion. 10. Reward and Incentive. — Proper inducements shouKd be offered for special work. Promise of being excused from final examination for bringing in a complete personal account book durmg the course, or for a complete 'inventory of the home farm, has been found an excellent incentive. Public mention of excellent work ; special credit for home work ; organization of a club or a committee for special investigation; exhibit at fairs of exceptional work attained, — are valuable incentives for good work. 11. How TO USE the Reference Book. — The reference book should 7iever be left in the hands of the student. However, while it is designed as a help to the teacher rather than to the pupil, care should be taken not to dis- courage the pupil by failing to help him over difficulties by judicious use of the reference book. Nothing will be gained by trying to conceal the fact that a reference book is used. It is a perfectly legitimate help to a busy teacher. 12. Textbook Errata. — A few errors appear in the first printing (indi- cated by " w. p. I " on copyright page) of the textbook, and these should be corrected with the pen so that the results will agree with those given in the reference book. Instruct the students to make the corrections in their books as follows: Page 94, 26th line — strike out "Less salary"; page loi, July 10 — change "crops" to "Horses and Cattle"; page 102, 19th line, — change third " ^20 " to " $ ? " ; same page, 21st and 22d lines — change "County Development League" to " E. B. King"; page 105, 3d line — strike out "(above salary)"; same page, 21st line — add "office desk, ^50"; page 106, between lines 31 and 32 — insert "Interest on investment, 6% on ^8533 "; page 107, under 4th line — write "Less interest on invest- ment," and below this write "Net profit"; page 116, next to last line — change " 2 " to " 4 " ; page 137,6th line — change "150" to "15"; page 143, 3d line from bottom — change "$130.90" to "$128.40"; same page, last line — change " $40" to " $20 "; page 154, 23d line — change " $333.25 " to " $330.75 " ; page 1 58, 7th type line — change " $20 " to " $60." CASH ACCOUNT ITEMS n • /"^ '-" ClOIHING SCHOOL Relr,il,m..l, sl™iM SUNDRIES «'A, ^i: ^c? /?' /fl ^0 , O'.'Pivixt v5 RECEIPTS For »h»i Month of „.cuss „„„„. ™w„.. BALANCi TOTAL D»Tt ITEMS ,rj '/r ^, ¥r ?-r ^^O /? /' AMOUNT FORWARDED /re 'PP ?v ?..? ?-■!- {//,£/ C/-<,<^/. oc : /y.^>^^U A 2-.nr> -.^/i^^l^^ r^^^ . i.r / c /■r - u' '^'^ ^^(?^.^^,^^y2-JJ-: 7/7^ O.l^ /.,7r, 3 o lyfr^,t^^,^y^^r4^^-iy.^y}-'^.'>-'^j'y(/r?r>,7Jz i-r; r.^^y-A^^r^.//> i/ p,^C£,^/.„^: ^^^Jt7'^j- 2-.ra ■ ^.^^^ ,f^.^,^7T^ y. T„n .;(- .■T 7 r /■/^■rr^-At/A f^^^^.r^ : 2^7?? ry. /7 /.^„ //> Sr // /? / /// /■'T //< /r /f'^ // ^0 ^/ ? ?- ,2-^ 24^ /?^^^^f^^ . ^d> ; .^^^1^ .^fiy) ^^^ ^^^ /, ^ /? Z,f U, /o %/f "Mht^J!^^ 2i--p>^^^/..r/y ;i>/f^^^^^^£^ /. oc /,J £b \-0 5 4 ^ "(■ = :i',i 2jL V.tJSOW !> , Vi^vt\«, \b — — — ^19. PAYMEN- rs ,n,« '::r c>or„,». 4 lOllET Tubes' Tsu^, ..,.„„ «"i"",'s«" IBAVEl DOCTOR S MED. i BEBEV ,WT, .«„os UNClfcSS f. - ^- Co , ^ , ^ _ ^4 ^rl Cf, 1 / r^ ^ V -f l^ -■S- ^ Z , , I 5 ^ 1 r ^ zj- ,, ? <- 3J- ^ f ; ■-^ Xi? / r -1< /■r ^, f"^ r.. / AT ~? ^£2. /O /J r /O / ^r / rr ? r c- ?r / / 7 •( / O '■ r ^ p 2^ ,5 , ^ .? z.< •Tr ^r X ■Tri •Tr / .?,< •:-< z ?,f 7.^ •Tr' Tr / . /(> 2 •7 < , 2jr ^ 7 ■J- ■ X T^ -, ^^ _, ■'-r J r / ',* U- "(? /j3 ., , .Y ^, , rp J' /"-J ff ^ ^■T i A^ ^r ^^ ' 1 1 11 1 rn ■ HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS "A^^^ir^. -•7^ ???.^r->^y:J; Af /7//r>-rjrr^^y7^.^^:..d^i^c-a-ayi^/.ca;-'^zt^C'ryi^/./. t>//r7W--. r,j^ ^ ^^^, ^'5r-7p//,^^.^{g'/ .3J'^ i^^lJ^^i^^^^.^ ..r^y : r^yr-yj^n^^^^ / . 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',-7^ ^€-;>r- ~'^...d^r?-7^^^^,^^,^^-^ r.., ,j T^ a^-i^^ -^7->7.^ -^^-^^-T^^^ /?,< ^,n<7ry^^^^ ay-t7^r/-^J!/^^^^^^^^r7j:^^ />ry-Z-g!'-<^ k2ZiJ ^7^ i^>£ --^^^■^-Tg^/ ^-y^-^-^-^ y/7/7-i,^?^^i^^..-rjL^^ Z?^-'^ ^^^-rT-^yTtJy^ ■ 'Pf^;ti^7<,^.A<^J-^i^^y-^ V.c?^^ ^ ^itg-n . ':>g?^->^ ^^ i£^ ZZ^iO^ './:?ry -7 -J <■ ;? ti & '^>:>, Vevo,tj \00-VOH U9 -# '>-,^i-^^^^A r. ^ .-T!^^ (i>..^d^.r!:£y ^o ^ @. ■^ ^,\ /^y^-ryTT^ -y^r-V-^ n?-'^j!:h~f^^ (^.- ia i r-^4^^ f^y y /^n-^!^^^ r-//^^^^ ,g■^-^7^/7;^^?^, r-X^^ 'f^^^')^--r aJ/ ^X/f^o. y^ ^.^A, / ■'2^^. 7^^-^ t^^^^ / ^f^y X? /?-r^^^ r>~7y-e^^ 2- ^^-^ ra^,\f/iOri 3 c o r^)0,r'J>-^^ ^r-?A-^^^ / ^^y. (g?/ ^y-^- IJ^. ■7^j'^y / ^Y^y. (Sp. Jan ^.jyy y^n-^j^ /'^ac p^.jy^. j- _M^ /^^^i^i^,^Y!-r^. >^^^/f^^-^ (g^y A^ ■'V,^>?7V^07. '^•^ /::ry-f^y>r^^^M-'f^yy7.yy^y .Sn. jUL'_ AJ^^C^y^^y— ^7? Cr ^^^y Ad Aji. -^^^-i'y.^j>^^ • iA^^i^^^^ ybyit?-r^^ j'^^^Jif, J^fa^a^n- ^y l^^r-Ky/^J AJI JJL. yj^^. .JJL jA y-^- ^,-ry..^y ^y _2^. y^^TTt^Ty-A^^^.-^^-r::^^^- /// ^•j^.^ v^6 - J^',^??:?^-^^ .^^^. 7^/7:1 .-^ ^y s^'^fr-TT-r^^ ^yy^yf^i ^ y..d-yL— ^L jj^ /--n-i^^y^.^ ^ f?-r^../:^^f/c>/3 ) ■/•^n-^^gy y .'^^^^i^TTT-r^V-^ 50 Receipts V.t5io\\ '^'6, Vtuy VOX CASH z^/ - ^ / la-d^^ . v-tI^ t' ii^.Jjr!^ y>j'^j^^fryj-t'f^ 1 2^n 7^ir^-'-^y->"'', ^-y-/f<^ CT //? /^,y^y^y^y-^i,r^,->-,^^y>^^ r^^y^^^ l^^j i^^ .. 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CROPS roT«i OArt ITEHS /<- /a/ 4/-^,^ - //an ^Ti 2r^/(^ ro -/3->,,>^.-r^^..Jn.^.c^^yf^y 'Ga./a-TT^C^fJ/. fC -^^ • ,. J^7i>>j'yJ-m^y^/'7CO(^^.^'^^-^r,-/^i^y /,r .U.f - .-fZ-r - ^-^ C?/^^y,rnn-i^^y.^2^,>^jih-f^J^,t:>sd' -l^^^^^y -7. 9y -r- -ti7,->yi^Ji?^^^^^^ /r7/7 0/7 :^^^.^^r>-^^A l,r.l>0 ^^ /77^iW^^^,''C^^l^^y>^.A-,-^^./t>-a^y^^^ ■ft ' "i^d-r^y^^o^^yy /ffn . Oo '^r ^ ni^'^ /hA^^t, y^^'-W^ J /nn-^^^ />«|^ ^ -<^-i^.^jy«^JV /.-r ?-r< ,/, /'/^^^^y -^ Q-rJ- /Z-n-,^ ^^^.^^-^^^ /.^lO .r:n ' ir» • J~ = -A^^^^j-y JC. u-j- fZ^ , ,^ ,. '^>?-/\^ .Cly^/.-r^Jl^^')^^ ^£?-^i^J'yr!^^.^J>y^/^l-r^-ry>^ /J7' /.-Tn ?^f ^„^. \ -£^^^^^ 7^,^ /;5^^^^^^:« , 7s-.^n ' ti>: J-. /jj re -Xjay^^i^^^y /'^ a.r- ^^^ ? /,rrrM-yt^ Lvyd,^X^^^,r^yl-^^ /.fh no / /• r- /r r ?-A- ?.// ^-^ u}:/^ ^ .j^' JpSifiy:>y^^^y^^^ y /y^ yi~^y . f- ^^^ / / r ■^'^ 'o.K'' /•/"// /l? 2^¥^ A^ay^^->^.^^y /J^^^^ ^^.f.^^J^ T^Uc ■ ^r V»es&ov\ C>fr, Vcxrt^t vox BOOK 53 PaymenU lom CROPS H09SES » C«IIt! POUURV RtAt ESUIE ~ ''"izi" E«PtNS! R£p*rfiS „«.SE„„. PERSO.. SUNDRIES /0,^i^ ^.0 /(?J ^^ /CJ / oc ^,f /, "If (^n /o -Tr^ ^^no ' i/OC ^'T UO uo f(. »0 '' " uno ,^00 /oo / 7.J - /ac zr y(- , / ■j. • r . '■" ' ,7^ ^r 7 a 2-U- / C /rn 1 -, UA 4A^ ■ /.fc ^c 3 c /,^ /.^ ' ' ' ■y c " f] <■< /S - ' ^ / o / '^r /(?/ <-n ■^^ u.< ^^! ' r - /So on 3 C /'./' /■•c ^-fr/ rj .r/C, '1? s-.s ■ /^< ^rc t'CC /.rV- ^i>- '/■-i >?'=? (-C /ao .^^ 44/^ jiH ar^ ~ s^ Z^Vr ^r • 5H V»t£SOV\ 'ift.Wxcsf \0»\ {(^>7:^^^^ ^^^^..-■^^^7-?.^^i<>^^..<>^--^C^-iL^^ i^^y.j/r> /f/2-^ '~1^.^^^^.^t^^-'f^yr^^ f7-7^^i^,^y^,W^/Ayi>^ / (fin,t^^u^^^/(Zy!!il ^^. I Zil ' Tyjyf^rr^/L^^ /LL JL^ -:^a/-!7^^^^ /y-^.-^^T^l^-Z^^^vV, :i£: r>i7-r^.^/^^^ ^^2^^==^^ 7,^ At-??^-'/^^ J:£Zi .^T^ /^^. ^^.^^,^i>» ^^ V-'i^? ^^-^ ~^V-r>-'/^^-^ ^^.^^:r7/^~~t%,^?^;ft:?t^^ ¥^.J7U^. ^^^^ Ot-'?-?^ v',^-^ :7^-^ >^W-? ^^.^^ (^.-JK^^^. '^l. flf^.^^^^^^ L^ -^: ??--^^^ /^^■^^- ^^,..^^-^,^^^^ y ^-^/>^> .^■ X-g t-e /-?7-^^.^ il^An. 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C^ LL'2.. £^ /^77-i?^-'/^^ ZL' f ^ 'l>,/?-r^^:it;^y^.yf^^^^^ (^2±yi^y!^>h!:;^.-i(- /y^rr-Z^^f^ r^^5^,^g-,y^^yC/ ,7^ ^^^ ///yt^Sft^n^r^^^^Jrl^.'r^-T'Jcd^^y/j'^C^^ ■^'nk >^/?. //y'>7..^^i-^^ '^^ -?^r:^-r/^^^^^ 2..J- AvT y7?^ '^^^..ytr!.^^y-r^ sp^ /yf?-^>n^y ^^-A^fT-fyf^^^^^ U.1 .J c. n...y-j^y^^^.y H ' ^ i?^ ifo-^j'^y^y # - J */7 ^ " ^!-o I n 7/'':SrT:t,'--}'2^'/k^-'C^-V-!r^^ -C^.J^-^J^^^^^ ^ i'L /^-^ A^--^^-^^ ^ 'A-.S-'rT-r?-'^ AyfifT-TT-C i^^.^'f^^^J o VP / , ( yLf^^^ -■-^J'^^\^ 'rf^ i/ / ,i '/ ^ v.r 'C ,. #■ ZJL/: p "■?vX57.,^^i^ _^££ £rL ^CLl'- ( ^-^-J^^^^rsy,^ ^^^,^ /2^^^^J "i^^-7?y,^0^ ^^Tn J^-^-^ -^^■^/T-j^ y2^y JLL^ ■^ ; 7^^ Z^-'O-T?-^^ -ZtL ^-:A^?->? J-j^^yi^^ ^^ = f2j2^_ -J- ^^^'n -^^,- ^ ^ f--?^-'7-^ytr'fy' ^A^.^f7-r^.^^^ /C/.-d-^i-'^^^^^^f-rry?^^ ■^^t:!^^^^^.^^ /?-i-7. ■ ^,.^y>^^ J-O. fe9 ^^.-<^,^->^i^-»?^^/- "-^O^. . J/ /^/ :? ^ /^x^^'i^^>->v ^-i^^y ^ ^^-^'/^. /. /^' 1 ' ~yt^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^-TT-^y^^ J^ '.y>^^^/,'T^--^,^^ a^^-^.^ ^.-r:? ^^^^-, , ±1. '\^..^^^^i^^,y z:^^^,.^^' ^r^..^^^^,^ 2iL ^^, ^ j^ ^/.^ ^<^^,', ^y^,.-r?-r> ^^ 'r>r?-f^^J^^ Jk^T^-TT-T^^ .^^^^,^y ^f'j-r7~r^jfl^^ _2: = \—V-->->y'yy> J"^^ — /,'f?~7!^yy l^ '■:=(^^yT yhy. 2^^ V^ y/^- 7 7! ^ ^ '/ ^<±-' JUL. ->-%>>»7^^-'--7?,/^ J^^^^iy^"/ ,-/-^- -£!i^^ //7^/-^^y L:^,--T^.^ ^y \" RECEIPTS, 1912 .u.n ■ "" "I'-' r,« c'r'o" ... -"'• Sy-D.ui / - / ^^, z^r-? ^„ / r /- ^rU,^^^/'^^>c^^ ./.r / JT /^ ^/ SCO # -'^■>rrti:!^t:r?~e,A^ .r. / ^,- ( h ,^'< / f 4- ^ /J- ^T/ rt # -/r^;7Sfc>-^&z,^ ..-J .-, ^7-P o ^< - ^^ Z,i A- : r / f) n^fWU^.^tjU^ .i-r :^c ■ ^ -^ "(^ Su-r: r*- -^J^ '- i t^^ /''» '^U ^i- ' ' /./ 1" 1 " ' ■ : - 7 ,r^ *'rJiy^Jf'^^^^^ ., r -, ^, _ A-^i^^-^^^ r^- / r /r p c - , . / /^C ir / r,^^ 1-/7 ^^^r>^::i^^ ' ,/.r.-r ^ y T ^/ ^ A:i-n^^i',.rjyv-'. i ;,/ -' - V--/ ;«r /S X c-iT-a^ 2-^.^-f-^ itCk/-' /JC.Cc - /^ z<,^ i-? /-/^^:Z.^^ ^f.^. %cc Jo (c / * 'ff^.<,^^.'!'-j^^ .2~S ^^ ■r-1 .in ^- /{ji!7..y^,^^>'^.r/'i". a' r /• • ' ' u V S ' ' * rf?-i^i.,.'-T:u7Wy-/j^J'-r:i^.r^y. •r/'J» z ' '.ncT .'"ir _v-y '^ii -_^; ^^•^ ''r ^~~ PAYMENTS. 1912 ^V roi.i .CCOU.IS OCSITtO ""' """ m ■:« .0. sio» lABO. l.lf.,»,»G SU.DHIIS /-Z •i/i,^ ^^: T^:S,- / i? ^^ iAS ^'^ - .>' ,^7/- y'yW^^r-fnrr-. ■? 2-^ ^} - /^O u.f --''■ ■' r.-JA^^ ^ /. ^ ^ 2i/ ^A/ ^'Z Qf-?iU'^ ^'j^^ ri^tr: / /44' ' /^^ ^1/ - . > ;- " // /^-/^^Jc, J,^ ^.f ^. Sc ? ^^t^M^i^..^^^ i7 ^^ Sc '( "/■ '/'/ Oo-/:.^.yLrr-,^^ ^r' .5"<^ <^ /! y ^ ._c^ ; ^ // '^i ' • ^2- 'c ^ ,/V- ■ ~^'' / u^ /r / r /^ ^;^^/^..^)t^. / 3 •'r _- .J /^ 7/^r U:r - p- rf. //L/r'-^:.,iy^J'.^?^y /jT Sr r-. ^f ■d:f-.ir;,^^^J- / ^- ■> •^>J ^ c^ J'/<^ !^/,?^^^-I^ /./^^^^*>f7.^^.->-^{lly^. ■-„'..-^ ^'^^ '' ' ' :^r >^ / r /c J r 'jr?^ ^.^.JA-^^ cA ^r ^r / ? -aikiy,-^^^ ^, Sc 9 3 ^^ Sc ^ r /^; zSf 4, ',:^'^JJ:^'' 4r. . ^^-V /z- "^0 /u- ~c ^ -/ - ^ V' V^ - / IPf.^CrjJZ'^' Z^^^c? ^ - / 7'*c / •_ ^r ? Sn JT '' P- ^ /i. '^,..-> rfy/J.;!^^^:^^^ ^^ u ^,-1 ij- ' r ^n ^'-y^^^AJA-^ .^'r. rp So oi^^^^^j- ^r Sr ^ c ffj So .;c -A-^^t^^??? r^^'^'^ ,, : ^r ^r J c X^ '/yC?^^yJ}??rT^^Jl ~i^ ', r \ /f ^0 .f% Dhr^^.y <7. ^r7- ,/ ^ /"^?^-!--l>^ ^ ^t>!^.f^^y Z-c i-/ .rr,n ^^t^-.-ry^^.-l'i^^^^J^ .OS - ?^< - 7-f-, r< - :.a r; ,-„ rr •->, /2U,^'r7^7^^J^//Z7~, ' ' f 1- ^ " ? "^ *" ^ I J-. # > ■7-3 _ _ a,', , /^7,yJ4^.^ y , i.^ ^Sr ^-J^^S^.^T^^ ^ .-, (Ti j. vf -^ r r.'P _, <- 3/ cy ,p- ^ j>^ "•* ■'-^ ' r-j- ,, '^r /a ?r - „ /a ^:, i-n Un '■.• * -/^-I^^^J.'.f^^yr J^ . CJ ■'■r ^r Sc o * -^,-f^.t7tf^r' -^tJ- 'io / r-^ ,^^ J c / C. n ^..fr^^ ^-r^-f^ i r^ ^V Jo 3Z / r,-£r>-7j-f^y // „„ '.^? 5^- A>a./^^y7,rfy/7:.Z US -7'.' ?^ ■■' ■ " "' '-' '"'"'■ ""-^ ■ .'■■ i_r^ ' ' a-2- /n /.(- , <^ r ^n /??^yjr^ a^>n^y Mj'^.-^y . -2-7 Ci^l? #-?4-r::?t7'^.-T>- jSn^^ ..? o /g>Z x- ■^^ "f f / - '■'f- -J -- 3o /irU^.-st^^'-Z^aJ-^a^^z-ci^ /.fcr.ao <,,~^ .fc, :'/'. n--^ ^ ■C~r rr.' r-r ^•r-7 -i^^r' r! tl PAYMENTS. 1912 V — ~ ini.i o,n P.VEt .';, s'.oc'k UBO» «CP..»,«G fJJ"*! su.o.its V-.ir /J^-l^ -i^^^.^77 ^ ^ ^_^ ••ii- „, / / ,' ■A< - ?^ u^i ."P fS i£ilZ ?/! s-v 1^ /(^. /kr^^^jj^^ ■;-? / ,if^ /^ (£^7>^t7..w^Z ^r /^ Ju^/^^^^^ ,-?^ / ^.T J ^ — r' ?,f i/,Q l&JJ'^^,rf^ir^^ ar - ^ J / '-i'v^p??,^3^.yy.^^ ,^' ,fh / c^f.y^^^j'..^ ^ 4^^ > ■f- 2.U Of^^.^^r^. V , -, f :f^^^^^^^-^^ ^-f /P< ^r /^< ■r-. ir /V'^^'Si^ .^ J^^ ^^ ^n • ^r ^.^r? .rr ^0 ,V ^r T'!' •7- / ^X,^, ^:^ 7^. ,-- , '"? ^r ' *• " ■'■' i ' J- a " ' ■' ' "%" ;^'' /J TJ ^r ^r <^ , ? /,< <"f ', ^ ^, , r -^ ^^^^..'r^. < ''<~r fT- V ^^yp?^3^^-JA-^^ <--7 Tr Sr 1 ( -r^ So ^r 1/ T??7 C^^^-r^. ^r r- f /SA^'^'^/^ /S^.tj^ V'- ,_, ^ -^. ._, 'f- V/" '/ '^y^j5^.>y:.^y < ;^ ?/„ r^ ^ r ^.^ '/ - ? .-r. r. ^^ rV?? y.7-/.^ ^,^<-i.^ ,' ^, c- ^^ d" ?/''^^'^^,.^J < ^ •> ) '^^ ^. „ f-S /:/ '"■"'^ "?? " ' ' y-o i '''" o J- J-' J i ' 2. if ,^ _ ^v* ?- f^r /U -., ^f ^'^'/-'i^^^^iCf^ ^ /.-^ ,/ , /// ,'r -^^7^J^.yy.^.^ '^r rr 'r ,^, j^ -7- ■^r f„ J ' r,—?^.,.-^-^,^ Wi?' -V ^Y? '~r , "'. t 0.--1. 'f'^ 'fl/./. JJL. IV, ^ .^x S/J l£. :^c \^ RECEIPTS, 1912 ACCOVM^ l-PEEMTtD O.T[ ITC.S c'«'op"s ^^^ Tn'ocs .... SU.O.ICS / -^ v ;f/r^ ^ i/^j ^ ■/T-'' , y^^^ . Sr /-, /_ 2-/ /'■r ' ^rr ¥ i/ -^-r-^.^^ .--6»?^ ^ /.2^ ,-., ,^- XS i^ r..^^:-7,^^ /.r.ro /, ^ ^•C Xa (^Sc * ^—yi:ftt7^^-'^^!z^ .Jc r'S /^^ J c 'AT^-t:/^^^ ^,r;Z-^.X" ¥^' /y />" A^r^jCryy^^-f^u-o-yT.. ?; i-.'js //-/Z y,f _r 7.*" 7,* - /T- .=i U /^Z ^r ,.-y: V ' /2r>j!4' -^^^rr^^^y ^?;^ Jo , ^"^T. ~A /,•:- /^«/ <'o 'vC-^ ''0 '^;^/ /Si' ,-< S,J ^1^ ^(C '0-1- 7,' j- JP^JCh/'j'^ /^7^.^.^'Ly. -7// 7X40 i^ ?- ^X,^ TTA ^^ 7-^ .? ^0 ? 5-n .'/ '^7?7j5^yJ/^:.i^! -f- So .ro V £>Jy!:,^.<^^^ Jo ~^o '-- 'f'9?7 Q^^ ^.^-^^y ■^f Sn Sr /- J P7^''y^.w,.r^:,rr. '^a Z< ' ° / ^^^■jyy^^ ^0 / -,_^ -, .:?/' ''-M^;7.-:^.yj.^^ ^/ .fr Sc V £>/jt-^^^.-^i^^ r:- ,r^ Sr V 9'7?7 jl^i-,...^,^^ rj •i?^ J~c /?• ' (>fj^j'y-' '/'y}..^yf7^ . <^^ t-cif' CJ I^-^ UiOOO <■ ^^ t - e Y' v^ '7^?^.JJ. ^^ ^ ~ J . ''jr9??J^.JAj.^ /•- ■ ^r SO ,'/ ^^ .ro So ?' / 3?" C^7-4-^.A.^!-7^/y ^^ fo So ,?/ 'S'^ S' f~r So / r^ ,■»/ ^ / /To /So ;!/ ■/■ '?r /?-r 4^ Vui 'il SW -J '¥■: /q^u re '/JS- fo ,<,?,• /•f^ r^ i'>''^ iiiA f.'^f -r^f ' 1 1 ^6 V.cssow UOc\,Vcn LABOR REPORT ^^ .J/J^jS^yJAU,^ ^^^X ■ I- ......s '"" -^C- /-/i^^'y^^^/^xfe'^^^^ / Z V /: ., ? 9 / i- r-^^k^^i,. z 2 4^'' ■^A^^.-^? L / / / ^ /^2rr^V^;,^^ Z "i" .i t^A;-;'/ -h^>^rr-7.^.-f-^^^^ ;^i /\]'-h^^'^ ^ >^ 5^£i ^ ^^.i^ /^ 'CtM^^J- ^ 7 7 ^ ^^^ ^ » « -TV /J J /6j L^^^^r^^^Y-y^y/Wj:^!^ ^ i i ,<" /^ t^'t? ^ -? .7 ^7p ? 7 7 _?' ^ 7 - T l'^'^ I FEED RECORD, 1912 '\\ CA w^ ni SLS nijiis EEP PllUltB< OUANI '""' OUANI VAiliE QUANI VAIUI OUANI VUANI VAIUE -TTTVld ' H-aJt^ u, '■ ■ J-/Z. Vr ¥0 J/Z "^r ^c ' , r /3^y!jL:^, rn / ~r. fJ ^>> ''( .rLs ' ?2- ^jTt* //U,^^^ T/n. r, r ^^ l/r,C /3At- Alf U iji ^r: tn-r^.-^^^ T. , ^ r //T' 'tf /J/ /'AT /C ^ u^ rf^ie^ r ^ ^n ^O 7Lr--^^' /T-r>^^ ^/?7 y>^ J yl^^^o^ ^ .'/j'y^^ y^^ ' y,^^.'^^ V,-/^^7^?-7 ^ ^ .fn^j^^l^ _L£_ /%-?g^>7^-Y^-x^ J. i?n ^^^^ /^^^ ^y j'C j'^^y!^T^ ^ .3/2-10 -?Cy.^ ,-y-?rtJt^ (aj v^^ = /^oU. nn g^^^. (■€) f.:?V e>LA,f^ ,rr3^^ .J^. /uWy Jit:/!— r^n^^W^-f y J^lJL. -ih^C-'t-ri^^^ ■^P^ ■tJ^f^y ±JL A. -7^?fe'-;'-- ^-L;. '.Tf f -f^ l ^ l-h / b P^W ^ -^^ C^ , :>->, ^^7^ . fkx t^ / -^.^/^ n ^ ■Z--^^J?-^ ^ /.^l^. .^ ^^-TT-Z^Z-r-T^-Z-^ -TV^yy^rr-r^.^.--^ ^»7 -fe-^^-V ^^, 1-i (^^t-A^OT^^ -rA-r}^^^^^ T^ 22L. /if-^ /^^^^-z--?-?-,^^ 7 A -i^ A^ . //.y-r-^^^ /g, jr(z^ /-tfy -^^^ ^ -^ w y,^ -'i'n-^^yr/-!:^,')^ P ■^.-ri^^y^-<^-r>^^^^-n^.^^ ■^^^-^e^ '^rip<,^^ j'^.^/3^^^ ^jj^y? j!^^.^^. 7-^.,^ t^ ^!^^ (Zl. J.nn- /f>^- r^y^,'^^ ^ / / S'.f --i~ryr ^ -^yfy. (g, ..?'"^^^.-w^ Z^J-Q. ^ ZZ£Z<±3Si22.s2i:22r2£2, 'S7tr?- /// t;./^ ej2 7/4- /7g ^■>^^^ '^ o ^ ~^ ..£_ Z^---/?^ /^^Tj.^Tr/ yr^^-^ .^.^t^-<. ^^ Zr4^y -7^d?T^^ ^::^-<.-. -^^. ^^ -r^T^^ ^. 22L^ /t^r. / rz^^^^y-i^.^^ -gy^^-^^^ ^;< , -A-i^^-r-vy, /^ -/i7:>^-r~y- (g>. ^.^i ^^^^^^y '^^,^y ^^^^f-(Zj/Z. 2^: /.rk^^.x-.^.^.tV/^/ 1^ J x-?-a',-(^ '-^ ^. @. ^< / J'c. ^^ ,^j' y/-^-}^yr^^r:r^,rr-y7^ i^ ;.^=:z. < ^-^-^ . j. /? ^ ^-j'^^ ^. •fc,^. ^^y!^-*-,^ // 7.,^?-!^^^ /J.r. i-.-. "St^^ ^ i^ ^ ^i^^^. Jj^ /^/ lJ. ^ J^. cA^^^^>C^^?-7 ^ .£^. V>?,/-7^^^ ^ / 2-/7 ^J>^^-^^^ ££L /^.-^.^To^ y -.LZ- C^^^^. r-r^y .i^ /•J-nJ^ C^^^^^^r7 / 'r? 7 @ /r^; .J^. /y> j-y^ ^y>^^ ^j>j2yi^yr^^n^yr7-?- }^(^, ^„.fn^^ -A\ -M-. /??,^.y>^^^y>^y^. J.oo -j^^^ /If- . -.^^..^^fiiJ J '^^^yy?yi>y, y ,Sr, f~-4l^J^y r^,2-.So .ij.i.n f^-C^.4r^ ^f^ i^ U. r^^ 'f^-r.'-^^ Adi^,^>7^, T-"^ ^■>7 ^^^>-r-^ ~C^^^^,^^^-!r}J^^fy-f^ ^ 2u. 2U. ZUl-:d^ij(3^ ^^^<^-y -A^^^^^^'T^ ^ fiJLiU.- /C/.-.€/^, 7^- ■^^ ^ '^n^'j^ ^ r-tn^ ■> ^J'yl^-Ji^ (J3l. JLjl £ji 'j'.^n^i'On ^ @/..^^ ^ -2^ i:>£j'^^ r.^i^^^^fi^ ) Z.yo^^^^^^yl 'i^.} ■^. 2-^ /^^ ^^ -^<^>->- -f^->^.^^->^^^(-& / JS,o .■f>n-r^^.<,~ >y!.-o^Jiy.^^ >^J ^- ^^i^Jj'^J'^^ /7,o^^ ^j'Y^y/^^^-^^/tf.^ry-^yt^, L ^D -^^Z^. /Y?,^^^^^^j^(^^. i. on .-jk^^^ /y. ^^^y!^ i>^ ^ _ ^U. / ^.-■0^.^Ul^,^r7^^y(Syy.^ J-Q z^a ^n .J^. rfgkr :.1Z /^g an dA^ /?^^->7^^/— /dv->,^^ / ^/ ^^yy^ A r-:--r!-n-r^ z^ iil J^ UJ::, li^^ -^V ^: ^y>y^r7-7^.^^i^ "■^ /^-■urxyn^. Jji.. LCbL. /^^. J2. ^H^UaL Jl£_ ^id^Jj'y ! j'y^ ^,-T^^ ^j^/2^y^^.^f:^^^ ,6:.Shj^^'^ j:jl 22L. ,^ >.^ ^^, .=) .^n -^j'^y 33 / .;^g- ..<-LJii j' J' y}^ A:y^f>-^^^ 2-2.0 -^- f-7-Q i-^Q. 89 J=_ /^/ i- A £A '.rr-r^'^^-^, ^ r^V^ yf^.<^-tA^^/^^ Z^ -y^ ^^^^<^^ T/^.w.^.^^'^y!^ fA) ~C^/^^^.^r^^ /Y7.^.o^^ -/.^ ,A-r>-T (7^ T-r) ^A-f^^^^^ .12^ £lL /-^^^.-^n-i y ^ .2J. ^:i'-y-?J^^j^^/^^>^^ ^j'^j^^^^^^yy>>7^ir3y>^^^^J^-rrr>^(a) 2^n ^^^ — f7yfjif^y>^^ r^,^r7.; ^^^' ^y/- r^^r^yr' /yrr- --J^yn-^ ..^^^^^ a^^^i^ '. '■^^J^ /2.a A^ ^.y/^y /Z^-yr^ ^^ / ^ /^ryf^y />r. y!j. ■ A £A C-n-f^^^^^yy .^ .. u. ^^ ^^ y)^^c>--ry^.yT^ ^ ^^.yjy^^ /::^yf^y^,^^ '>T:fyT^i^<^y^'i^^ '■J.. 2^ ■ ■'Or3../-n->^(^, }^o y'j^y>^^,y!y JJ£. /-^..■^f^^^i^yy y .J^L. .m 2^ ^^^^-fx-f-^ ^ f-^ )_ '^ t^o ■ -yt-^^^ ^-n-gyty . I/- So '!::i/y,^j-y?j'yiy^ ,yy>-,^ .ri/^yf-^^^^.^ J^.trT^y (gP./, Sn^j^ ^ . Xi: 2h y ^>--^x ^. 3o 'J^yyfyl^, y -^j^^yj^y! /■yr-yj^y)^,^^ yth-^,.-r>yyl(S)^,r^rr7-iy>-~ /^,^7^ ^.'-^^.-y ,:f,^^' /::^^i^^^ j^ 63 J'o /y^^^^^^ ^ '^:?'^^x-g-^,^g^i?-^/ ^,j;Sfe r^^?^^r7 ^-^^A -^.r.jl ■Y^y7^ -^r^^ /?'/,^^y?^ -/Ui^S-r^-T^r^/ 2-^ ^ ^^^^^ y /^>r:7.'y>^ y .^O .2^^ :J-T^,^'L^.^ yf^/^.^oJ,j,^yf^ ."&^^^^^. .^O ,'>f7-?^^ /^.-TTTrT^/^jV-nn^ . ?2-n ^^--^^ ^y^ A^.,iyfc O:'.^-^^^ -fj-r^rl^^ /7,o^^r/ - ^^,-77-0-7/ -^^- ■'/r-r>-7^ ^ ^^^rr-Cr:/^ :s ^j'j'yh ^A->7 ^y/lf^^ j^y JlQ.. 1l ^/^■^.^v- o?,);^?-^^ ^^J - <^2Z •rC. •^^(^-yL^ Ajl. Uj.. Al^ fZIr/T-^r /^^^^ L^ LaiA.£^L,£^^ jM^y. 1^^2=i^3&2Z,i^2r2^ /.:r^ /^^WrT^ ^■^ .J£. 7¥'rfyf^>^tT-7.,^-f.^>^ ^ .UA. -/hr.A^^ ^ -Lo^ytJ:^.^^ ■7^ -^S-r ^r^^l^ ^. ^ .Ji. pf-^i^y^^ yyf^')-^^ Jjl. /ys 7 J _ '2^^Y>i'C^-^?-?, ■^ J"g /l^.^^,^^ ^^ ■^ ^_ ^ -CaJ^-r^-r (g , ■ 2v7 ^.->'y!^^^^ ^- '^^7^y>0-,^ .^o ^i'^t Lq 2j2. (^y^^^^^^^it^ y>^>^,^^^^,~r7^ / !^y .^j:^ ^^/7 .yl ^^^^ (^ j .^S' ^^ I 'iU-^,^^ ^ yh,rr^^^^^r>-f^^ Au. ■>:~l^^^^.,^i^-^^^>7 ^ /:z^y/^>',<^^^^^,^7y7,-^.-tyr^ y^ (5^ ,J.on .-^i^^y/^ J^. /p.yS-^xi'^?? ^ / f/7/7 -i^yiy. (^//y,n ^gf?, t'C ^.. r/.f .-.yU'^^ i'^c/ 2.0 :-A^r:r:y,^^,-^,^ryr/^^.^^ 2,f.r Jj. JLQ- /^-^g ^^^ ^ ,^/ i. M. HRS. 4RS. oa CR. /^ ?-v /■f 2-fr —&^^ J!^^/-r> ^ ^'n-7^ ^-' f.^ r^a ?-,-r ly ■ / ^0 >o IT /,?^ .f?- .?^ /P7^r3^>^^.'^^Ji-r>-r- /:>^ 2-rt ^^^^-^^^ ¥n^ ^/7 ro ^7 /7 ¥r Ofj'j'^^ r>,'T^^ ^-hJC^.'i^J^^ f^ ) ^ ^0 7.^ /Ci-f!-:?-.-^ ^ ^..-T^^^-a-r^^^^ ^-f^ ) 2-t 7a /^^^^-^ j^ /^ ,-T^ ^ .yh-'TP ^ j>y>y ( ir, ) ,r 2-n <7i7 -~¥-y7^^ J^^ ^y>^^ r^Jyh^ J^^ ^r^jtl^rr-?^ y 7^ /Ty^/ir^^^yv y^ /.f~n -ly-rrr^^^ /:fj2yiJif^l^//.nn /. ^/l.r>n So „ .^^.-^^ ^^ (^ / / . 1-n Co.oe V n o -iiiC^ .^iZ^^^^^-ti-f^^^ 'y ^faJ , n. r .■i.'Tno r).1.yS ■7r. nr? •'^ 4^J -7^ .? ?.? i-.r- rl/tH>-T^-^-J'^-r>-/^y^-' A^y ^^ A,. ?/ ^^ 2.SS ^,-r ^Sl7 -7.r -/^.r^yj^ Znu f.O ' u.ra 7-J ^i^ci. 7^, ■ ' fc5 T^ -^.^?-7,.7^^h-^^ A.Z<^il. /'j'^^ ^^^..r>^^ UAal 4^. -^-^ 2^.f"^0'^-^^- ^.(a^'.Xn £.La. yJ/'^/^^^.^y^..^^^^^^}-! ^ /-t^y /7t&<>-7'tJH'y?.^i^^^ y7/:^-t,/-^.M^.^^ /y/.^i.afo^ ^f i^^ ^ h:^^ .7^^ /aay7 ^^r^/^?^ ^^ij£L -yy7y^:j-y?^.^^.^:?^,-fT-7^^ g^7^ /7i^^^^^^ ^.-o-^^,^!^^^. /^n ^OfTC^(a)/.ZS--^2.ey>^r^^ ^ //Z^^L^Tn^ y. 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I.Z.: -7- iLa. ^£^ 2a£^ '.Li'Mi. 2^Li IJJL 2^l~s.„ 'J'C yZ^^.J^, o^^v ^ "^-(^^ ■!,7tr7-1>^ ~7=~ -/ Z' 2-S - K:^^.^^ ^^^.^7-^^y %(^L.^.^ ^^.-C-^y/^/)fyn'1^(^, 2, f^-/'-^ r^^^-^ _^iL 6>oo^^^ (^/ .2-0 /■ 2J-, (3^^/^ ^Z_ "y^^> _i^j:e ^/^^^^±^^ Af/p -i^. nJ?^^^^.<>^^^-i;^ /./r _^2. JiiiS. /no .-'O'^^C^^^^ 7.^y. /r.r. 2-.9S- '.^!pC-f7-^, ^,-1^^^.^ 2-^-J- i^i-T^^ 7-/ n a .^C r. . ¥ o -, -2.r ■■ ■ Zo .. .Zn ... - -2^^ .2^- _^^_ _£1 J.JL .^C :^ r/.^^y?^^^. '^^ -'f^^^y-T^^^y ■I±. So I n /^ '/S4^r:^^^..-i:i-^^----f--r7-^^yy'-^^.^^ .,, 7 V , y.-P / 7^ ^,;r / -r - -o yj- r%-u- ^^ . / 1??..r>-7/-'. Co.. . .. 4A5- ' -7 U.h-^.y. / / ^ ,. .. ,. ,so fj' rlU-r7'T^ y^ ^^ ^^^ (l^^:?^^^)^^:^^ ] 2^n ^..yt7..(S^,.2^ f' O f /.r/j-^ rJ7^^^y^^('l^ , .Af 7 2 So /y06^,^7 ^^^; ^^ / ■ 5- Jh^.. 3/ >A^-ry7^/~e^^S^O-rT-1^yr / •/ ^.? 7.r f 7 7,;/- / ^(' f2^,r r::y}..-ir-£^l^ ;^^ ^■J- ^y / ^^ ^^;,f / r?-- Cz 2-.r // „ X^.^^^^^^ LfYx^^y. / N-^7>7.<-A-<>^,-zi«'-:^.^^^ ?; i^ /if.^.^^ ^ >'^.ri-?7-^.--i^' 2- ?^' ,^J^.^i^-n-T^ ^ ^^.^TT-^^y /no-^.y>y (^y..2-'>'^^ (^^ /. /^ ^t^ y r 'Z::i^ j'j'^ j'.,-^^ rr-y?'^ 3 ■J.-O nn (a^, C'^^ 7 2^ rC^^y-TT-z^-^^ii^,^-?^^^ (^ 'Z /T-f^y , f/7. nn ■ ^ (p/^zJ^ . Cu^ X^ ^y^-r?-r>-A' (© .:^^ / 2 -? ^^ .A.^j'j-Jy^ r^) J .i.^n 2^ ^o 2- .- .. .Vno / Q xV^Z-TT-T-T^ j^y^^ y^y 7- ^^^^^^ (^5- ^' "^ ^ " I f^ .. %r^ ,7/ td^^>-,e-^^ yf:rT-^^y ■U ^ ^ r,.^,.'~^^,.'<^,^ ,^Y ,<^. -^^0 / , -^^^■y^ '> / tJ^O ^.. '^ en ^ ^(' ftft CROP COST SUMMARY. 1912 , CROP '0... .CCOU..S ctmito on LA8 R ^ L«"o" 1 -° M^.r* '""" 1«x -fj^?,^^ J- /Z :^. 'iV f'r' 1-^ /,o /,' }-n ?-f ,?,f Lj ao Z/f 3o 7-,USn aa If ^< ff /7.{ 74 fp « /OS ■i.i Pi-1 So //J A ?-^ vr, /?■/ .?v /ff ^,f s/ ?n /(''T /rf ^/-r*-, ^^J.y ^ ?<^ii ffp /// '/O ,^7 'H~ ? ici /if ^/ -Qj^O-^-^'^^ 7 ^7 '^0 73 ■V iTP ?^ ^| (.0 i/J So 2-/ / /f^/^^ // 1^ ?•< ^/ f,p // (cO 2 f;< 7/ so JJ ^ C/^^^^^^n-^j^^ / ^ /(^^ ^^ fo i,? '^P (.^ Jo It- 13 -V?'CrT^^-f.,'}^ -'h-in -.^t-^^^-e^ ^l^ "(i A"^ ?- ^0 // >i/ /m (T-'^ / O iT(, ■^ CA Xo /^ Po u ^<> '/i-o C.i 1 Jo J/ />,-,<'.^ iLl. 'T::^-ftryjtY9-i'^^ /y.f yo J2^ ^ ( M^^^^^^ r-!^y>^j:^. , i^HA UL '^m u Aji ILLi'd. 'A^ V;^?-^.^ 3/af fo VLiJj^ }/{.,s _ LIVE STOCK RETURNS SUMMARY, 1912 STOCK =^^= .CCOl,»Tt OIBIIID OR C.SM .„. Z^k ,oss M.I. T-e, * ■' ^i ^ ^JO -7 7 S/o 2^,fc /Of 7 /-^ ^^^^ , ■ ^^ '¥?{, ,,,, ,^n c?r Z,72J 1^0 TO r-'^^f-r-r^^^- -T^- ■r^ ,,-„ T?, -To /-fc S^<> .{-(,., io ,.■'•. -P ifZ .^p /.f /Ki 7J ¥^9 fl o/^j'^^^ ^-t' ■ r ,f^,r tS£ow 5S,Vo>.^«, VfeO y^^^j^^^^'T-?^^,.^. C^^-'T'T^^y?^. 'Ma e^^-^>;^^^:70e. uy . . 9 / . /(?/;^ ~A^.^'^'^'^^2^^ 'X^./^^^.^^^^^-y7^-p?^r7^^^ JJ/y^f^y. / //:?/Z- f "?^^^^^^^-^ r^-'T^-^^z^-^ .=lnn/ Jo Cy-T^^^rj y?^ /:j^7^^ a^^^^.^-^,^ .??^ /h^fr-r7--7/^^^^ ^-■^2yr>^,JZ^ 2-^-7 /yr?-^!^J> r^.^r>^^^ i.££2 i/'j^r^f^y^Z?!^'^ c?y>^^f:( y^rTJ-^^^f-^y Z}Lc?f-.,n -1^^ ^ ^^^^ '^a.r. ri^/^f:^-^-^ / 7-^° ■ £.y^ _J. ^^ A^^y^^ /yrr<^^^..-F!^r?-r-y^/:)y2^^ ^,^yy?y!y :l^j^ ^Z ijji. 'Kih^Tt^yf^.-.-iyf— .^ /^7^^^V> ".^ ^£Z; 'fS- '^Z^y^y^^T-^^^yy? ^yy^y^^ y:^ -Q^Z^>-r,^fe^ ^y^ ^ ^yj:?yfy^^ ■^-l ^ 22^ ^.^>^A.yL^ .. f^l^f 7^ ^-/^.y^-r^^ ^^r-fiy^Jly^. '>yrf-^/-^y'?-7-7^y7^/. ■'^--^^ L3 ^-(^yU'y ^^y^>^^y?-> ■^^ Z^Li^tSo A^yhyr:?. 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( - V7^ -^^r7^^^^ ■ ■Tg .r7, ^^ ? .P/ 7 ^ 7^ 9H 7^^.^^ d-^at '^^^. ^, - i<> r/r ^T^f^y,.^i^^^^^^^^i^><:zCf^^^^ -AZ lj::o. ^'^r.-r^.:^hyA L^ ^_ J:'A>r.^r?-^--.-rL^^jKa^,^d^rr-^^ _^_ A^^^-c/L-t^ '^^^^^.^-a^/>^..^ i/^ 0^^ ^;^.^--^??^<<^^ / r -fy'-T^.J^-r^^-'— L^z2_ .r" ■-^r^^^^-v^- ^-^ _AZ. »<^.-^ ^^^-^ ■ J^^^::^^^y>7 y^y~Ph^.^/i^ .o-T^ j'^o^ ^-■A^n JA£~_ 'A^.-r^y^ /^^yi,'^^/-^^ yCj^^-ry^^ ^ /r>^^^^y'-r7. .£^_ ^ ^-x:^.^gy^ "^^ O-^^^,^ yf^y ^i _ / ^/J. r^jj.^.^.^-^A^JA. _zj:z_ ^/^Jfy^^ n yy-/?-^. .lA^ r»^^,-^^ 12:^. '^-3^^y^^ 7^^.;i-^.-'i>-r^ / ^.^^^^/-TTf -^^■'1^ J>^ ,^J\ vJl^^ ^..^r^^^i7--r--- ^r Tt.' i^^-^U- at..^ 95 ^ r^^.^^..^^^.-JA. ^.^-JOn^-^^i^^ _^ # / ^^^>?^7L>^-^., Of-^JJ^^^^i^^^ yy ^ , _2^i. an^a^^y-,^..^^ irj^.^-r>^^^ J'^'T:^^^/ -^^-^^ ^^^, 2-7 -^^^ '<-^ <^ .^^,-'^:^-tgV^^.^ .££_ 2-<^ [l/Ci^^-T^, ^^ .tf:''^^.^,-^-- '2^ '/..-W-d-f^ -xh^^ ^ ^^s^ ^ ^ ^ ^-i^ ^ - ^ Z±- y-Tl/l-'/^-^^^.^T^^?^^ , ?^ /f/.}. ^ y/^-A^ ^.^ i/?-^ ^^^ -2=il. >/^^^-,e-»7-^4^sk!:^^-^^^ /■^ _^ ^ ^^^?^ ^..-TT-T^, ^ ^^^ _Si2. o^"^-^ ^ ?.^iyc.-^^y7/^^.,^d-'r?-7^^ ^^ -Jl >/^- '-<±-^.y. -fh^ C-^^:v^^^J>-<^^ O-^ _/.£, 96 PURCHASE BOOK y,TZ,a fOLIO ACCOUNT TO BE CREDITED TEAMS oisci Ptmoo DUf AMOUNT WNEK eiio &r^y ■J- >;: (i>^^^^.A^^r^.-^- /.yrrTT-S \r> cr-. j~/ 7- / !-A^^- '-^^ r J ^ ^/ .. ^ ^ / '/^^L^.'fT^^^^ ^•d-r^^-^LJlJ.,-!^ t^.^ ?/- p- r ,, - ,, ,/» -, *'y?^J!-'^ay^..-7^A:J^:>^,-6. r^-.^'r ;i^/.T^ ::7^ ^p -^ ^ 2^ //Z^sl,d^^.J^2=!'::.y^iii^^<,!^-Aa^i^^ .^"-c .'V ^-^^ / V ^..^.^,^1 ^^w^'y^:^ Ae'/j-^/c ',' '-^A / / ^ ^;^ // /■^ -, ^f'/?^^^^^^^ -r-.- '7.^ / 2- r ■' p- % r^-*v^i^, Xol^^^ l^-k^^-r,- . 3 Z :^:f . ''^ "/^■f^^l -r,,-r^^!^?.' r I / ^'ji- ?- ^^ / -»^ r' ,' "i /-' p 2r ;^^ -^ / ?- r -r ^ r,^ if i^" ^;? (? ^ 7/1-!, r /fe'^'^ -^^.^-rr^^:?^^ .r ^ ? ?- 'A '/ 'J. " -7-7^ ^^, ^^^ . 2 a ; f'^;" n'^" ^^,-y^. y 7 ^ / '< «.S£Ov\ 55,VaG,t.£ V^^i^v^S r?./ 2.^ -^ ?- // -o 7r ^ , '■ i- ^^ ■7JX-r}^£r?.^>^^^.^ '.r ' /^ J^ ^ / ^ -O /^ , ' i' /'/7^,-^^ ■- / /^i-r^,-ir^'r3.->7^r jt — i *3' / 1^' -o^^. ^^ i/^^>^ ^ ;- -^ 2- "'o -?;/ ir t:rr7?^.^-,^-<>v.,-Z^»9-ii-2/ / f ^ n ,^ 7- ■i" ^r ^^^:j^7:>^^^ ?^ Oi^' Cf ^ 1- / . -1 Co .■r 7^ ' € .■To /•^ ■ ?-- -n .?/ 2- 70 ^.^ / 2-, 7 f ' C f / 2. 7 O ^ X ' (J // C J-o /r 7- / n 7-7.^A~^.'^>o ^^-rr^^^T^ / Cn /- ^ , . -fc^^^. ■}^ ' ^i2 '. '? ^y V-^ / - S?Z7^ y) ^^^ (?r. ■ / a / ^ il=S :>J-. ^C^^^^TT? ,.>^ ^,-rz-^^' , *" . ^, -4.. ,i~ ^ *^ ^j> -'S :f/? 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'7??^^^^ j ^y^^^ ^ /7^y/-->f^^f^^.-i.^'^^ l.'-±l 02^ Z^£ ^ ii. ^^..^ jyk^.--r?-i.^ 49 Lesson 38 50-5S Lesson 39 . . . .48, 49, 55-57 Lesson 40 S8, 59 Lesson 41 60-62 Lesson 44 63-66 Lesson 46 67, 70-75 Lesson 47 . . . .68, 69, 74, 75 Lesson 48 63-66 Lesson 49 76, 77 Lesson 50 78-84 Lesson 51 85-87 Lesson 52 88, 89 Lesson 53 90, 91 Lesson 55 92-103 ELDRIDGE'S BUSINESS SPELLER, ;^0.25 By EDWARD H. ELDRIDGE, Ph. D., Head of the Department of Secretarial Studies, Simmons College. THIS book is intended for commercial and shorthand classes in both business and high schools. It teaches the spelling, pronunciation, syllabication, and defini- tion of all words commonly used in the thief kinds of business. And it does this easily and effectively. The vocabulary is unusually complete, the definitions full and precise. ELDRIDGE'S SHORTHAND DICTATION EXERCISES ^0.65 SIX EDITIONS. Benn Pitman, Isaac Pitman, Gregg, Graham, Munson, and edition without shorthand outlines. 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