SHAKESPEARE FOR THE UNSOPHISTICATED JI»-^^-^^-^»'--^^-^^ Brought up to date and Illustrated by s s s yl POOR MAN s s s Author of -' -f ■< ^ time nuDierous tales at various s on divers subjects s s s s BLISHEKS' PRINTING COS PYRIGHT, 1899, BV THE A r3 Hf^v4/^^j / The author reserves the right to reject all copies of this book offered to him for a Xtfias present. PREFACE The advantage this hook has over previous editions of Shakespeare is that a majority of the famous author" s plays are condensed into lO pa^es^ all reading /natter is eliminated^ 'which of course makes it useless to //linisters, old //laids^ and students^ while on the other hand it will be readily understood by people of all nations. CONTENTS The Tempest As Tou hike It Midsumme?-s Night Dream Richard jd Twelfth Night Pericles, Pri?ice of Tyre Measure for Measure Much Ado About Nothing A Winter s Tale "Julius Caesar TU T^TT^-p^^ A^^ o\.\- l,u ;-lr" ■/v)^;cl 5 u.m^T'oe. .PY v^ Aj.^lpi ivea.x^p "R^iaOAVcL -S' Tv^eLj+t> T?'S^+ levicLci^, _Lv»-pce QT \, u \e_ A\e/=v^uv(i io>: r^^^^ XCi •/v/\ocK ^duc a\^o^v4 y<^^y^y% /\ VNl.-r>"+^^^ T^l-e_' Jlvlto^ Ccx<^3d.\ 115 9^ HECKMAN l±|] "ii \/^ /^fe^ ^•<^ BINDERY INC. p| '^/ ^\ ^^K/ ^ V