diss Cj^D^I Rook :M^ jCj 0^ THE ALOIS RAiVlIL,V OF DEDHAM, WRENTHAM, ROXBURY AND FRANKLIN, MASSACHUSETTS, 1640-1800. By Frederick H. Whitin, {Member of Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York ; an Aldis Descendant in the Ninth Generation through 77 vi^ (The Compiler would be pleased to hear from those interested, regarding problems here presented. Address, New York City or Whitinsville, Mass.) . , Reprint from Dedham Historical Register. Volume XIV. dedham: Transcript I»ress. 1905. c f%4'i>\ ^'\.- ' <^^ 0- r THE ALDIS FAMILY OF Dedham, Wrentham, Roxbury and Franklin, Massachusetts. The founder of this family was Nathan Aldis, of Dedham. In the eight generations here presented, there are but nineteen males, of whom nine died young or with- out issue ; while today the perpetuation of the surname is dependent upon two individuals — ofthe tenth generation. The name is by no means a rare one in England. It appears five times on the Hundred Rolls, 1273, and is one of the class of old personal names which have survived as surnames. In Norfolk, it has been particularly strong, "both in its fontal and patronymic character" (Bardsley: Diet of English and Welsh Surnames, 1901). As far as known,the family seems to have been of the EasternCoun- ties, exclusively. This fact would point to a possible Dan- ish origin of the name, which opinion is strengthened by its occurrence in the Icelandic Saga, called by William Morris " The Story of Grettir the Strong." In it, Aldis of Barra, though a woman, is a prominent character. The name was spelled " Aldus " very frequently, on the records,both in England and America. This might well be characterized as a Latin form; indeed the name so written, is well-known to all lovers of old books as that of " The Prince of Italian Typographers," Aldus Manutius of Venice, in the fifteenth century. A feminine form is given by D'Annunzio in his recent thirteenth century tragedy ; he calls a woman of Francesca da Rimini, " Alda." Of the English ancestry of the American family noth- ing is known. The earliest American record of Nathan Aldis, the Emigrant, is his admission to the Dedham Church on February 11, 1639-40 (IL 22).* Mary, wife of *Authority, unless otherwise stated, Hill's Dedhain Eecords. "brother Alldys," was admitted March ii, 1640-41 (II. 24.) He was chosen one of the first deacons of the Church on June 23, 1650 (II. 35). He became a freeman on May 13, 1640 (Mass. Col. Rec. I. 377). Nathan Aldis first appears in town affairs as a "viewer of fences," April 17, 1640 (III. 67). He was selectman for the years 1641, 1642 and 1644 (III. 75-100). This proves incorrect the statement of Paige (History of Cambridge, p. 479) that in 1642, Nathan Aldus occupied land near what is now Harvard Square and Dunster Street. As a Dedham proprietor, Nathan Aldis signed the Dedham Covenant,as did also his only son, John. As such, he received various grants of land, but always in small quantities (III. 95, 108, iii, 211). This is explained by the small number of cow-commons, the unit of proprie- torship, which he held. The number varied, being seven- teen in 1666 (IV. 126), decreasing to eleven in 1669 (IV. 174), out of a total of 335 at that time. John Aldis, the son, had the last number in 1685 (V. 170), while seven appear in the inventory of the estate of DanieP Aldis (No. 7). In August, 1642, Nathan Aldis acquired a sixth in- terest in the water mill on East Brook. Seven years later he, with John Allin (the pastor) and John Dwight, sold his interest to Nathaniel Whiting, the fourth partner (Suffolk Deeds, IV. 285). Nathan Aldis acted as appraiser in a number of pro- bate cases, and in two of these the original papers are preserved. His signature of the date of 1642 has been reproduced (III. 89) from certain town papers. All show a similarity of writing, but not of spelling ; it being " Alldis " in town affairs, " Aldous " in Suffolk Probate case. No. 2,3, (1642) and "Aldis " in case No. 531 of the year 1670. This later indicates greater familiarity with a pen, if firmer characters are any criterion. The Emigrant did not prosper greatly in this world's goods in the later years, judging from the proportion of taxes he paid, and the comparative assessed valuation of his house. This latter was ^20 (III. 183) in 1651, rang- ing afterwards from ^15 (IV. 178) to ^30 (IV. 77). His public acts were chiefly in connection with the meeting-house and pastor's salary, he being a committee on both. His last appearance on the town records was on November 29, 1675 (V. 36),when he was assessed is. 3d. for the general tax. John Aldis, the only son of the Emigrant, was admitted " Townseman "on January i, 1650-51 (III. 132). He was a constable in 1660 (IV. 26), and in. 1663 was returned for the Jury of Trials of Suffolk County ; going two years later, to the Grand Jury (IV. 292). He was a selectman for twelve years from 1675 (Mann's Annals, 80), and as a Deputy to the General Court in 1683 (Mass. Col. Rec. V. 420) he was paid by the town over five pounds (V. 148, 152) for his time and expenses. The date of the election of John Aldis as Deacon is unobtainable, but on September 2>o, 1675 C^- 38), he was directed to sit in the third deacons' seat. Previously his wife had " desired to sit in the seat of the middle row," but it was decided that " she was to sit upon the gallery in the fore row for the present." The signature of John Aldis is reproduced (III. 221). He was more materially successful than his father, and soon exceeded him in the tax list. His property was assessed generally at about ^120, of which the valuation of the house was a continually increasing part. His share of the taxes for King Philip's War amounted to ^8.11.8. (V. 34, 41). The last appearance of Deacon John Aldis on the Selectmen's Records was November 11, 1700 (V. 283) . The name of John Aldis appears on the Dorchester Records of 165 1, there being a dispute as the cutting of timber (Boston Rec. Com. IV. 84J. John Aldis is called 6 "Ser" in the Records of July 14, 1675 (V. 32), his son John^ (No. 5) having come of age ; the references to "Pet [or Peter] Aldus " (V. 60, 182) can be shown from their import to be intended for John^. The town of Dedham paid John Aldis ^2.8. for ser- vices in King Philip's War (Bodge's Soldiers, 1896, 368)- It does not appear whether it was father or son ; known circumstances indicate the young man, just come of age and as yet unmarried, rather than the Deacon and Select- man. The oath of allegiance, 1678, was taken by Deacon John Aldis (No 3), John, Jr. (No. 5) and Daniel (No. 7) (Bost. Rec. Com. XXIX. 126). It cannot be said that the direct male descendants of Nathan Aldis took any part in the Revolutionary War. Of the two men then living, Ebenezer^ Aldis (No. 23), 1742-1802, does not appear on the State Records as fight- ing for the patriot cause. His brother, Nathan (No. 21), was accused by his fellow townsmen of being a tory (Blake's Franklin, 141), and he is called "absentee" in his probate papers, having died in Boston between the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. But if the men failed their State, a woman did not. Mary (Aldis^-Allen) Draper (No. 17) of Roxbury played an active part in the struggle, and her memory is perpet- uated in the name of the Roxbury Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution. The Revolutionary service of two of the men who married into the family is known ; John Mayo, husband of Mary^ Allen (No. 17, iii.), and Jotham Woods, husband of Mehitable^ Aldis (N0.22). At the time of the Civil War, the only direct male descendant, Asa Owen^ Aldis (No. 27, 11.) was Chief Justice of Vermont. Two men of the name, sons of later emi- grants are known to have given their lives for the Union cause: (i) Henry Alldis, 48th New York Volunteers, killed in front of Petersburgh, Va., was a son of Thomas J. Alldis, who came to America in 1853 ; (2) William Aldis, killed at Port Hudson, June 14, 1863, was a son of William Henry Aldis, and was born at Chatham, Eng- land, in 1830 ; father and son both appear in the New York City directories of '50's. Charles Aldis, a clergyman, took the master's degree at Columbia College in 1837, but no connection can be found with the Dedham family. 1. Nathan Aldis, emigrant, was born in England about 1596 (Suffolk Court Files, No. 966, a deposition), and died at Dedham, Mass., March 15, 1675-6 (I. 15). Mary, his wife, died at Dedham on January i, 1676-7 (1. 15). Administration on his estate was granted on April 25, 1676 "to Mary Aldis, his relict and John Aldis, their Sonne." The inventory amounted to ^112, including the house lot valued at ^40. (Suffolk Prob. V. 338). Issue, born in England : — 2. L Mary^. 3, II, JOHN^, Mary would seem to have been the elder since she was married seven years before her brother, who probably married young, since he was not admitted " Townsman " till the year after that event. It is possible, but not probable, that the Lydia, who married (i) Samuel Oliver and (2) Joshua Fisher, was a daughter of Nathan Aldis. In her will (Suffolk Prob. IV. 413) she refers to "my brother Dea. Aldis." He was, at least, her husband's brother-in-law by his first marriage. In that instrument, she is not always strictly accurate in her statements of relationship. 2. Mary^ Aldis {Natkan^~) died at Dedham on Sep- tember 3, 1653. She married there on March 15, 1643 (I. 126), Joshua Fisher*, son of Joshua Fisher, baptised at -*Greneral reference, Fisher Genealogy, 1898. This and the Kegisteb both give Mary Aldis as being a daughter of Nathaniel Aldis, an error which Savage does not make. Syleham, England, on April 2, 1621, died at Dedham on August ID, 1672. Issue, recorded at Dedham : — I. MARY^ b. March 23, 1644; m. Nov. 10, 1662, Thomas Clap. II. Joshua^, b. Oct. 30, 1645 ; d. Jan. 14, 1646. III. HANNAH^ b. Feb. 14, 1647; d. Sept. 4, 1648. IV. ABIGAIL^ b. Feb. 29, 1649 ; m. at Dedham, March 1, 1667 John Houlton of Dedham. V. JosHUA^ b. Jan. 9, 1651 ; m. Esther, (1654-1710), dau. of Elder John and Margaret (Smith) Wiswell. VI. JoHN^, b. Feb. 18, 1652; m. March 6, 1674, Hannah Adams. VII. Hannah^ b. Jan. 19, 1653 ; m. William (.?) Burroughs. - 3. JoHN^ Aldis {Nathaii}-) died at Dedham on December 21, 1700 (I. 28). He married there on Septem- ber 27, 1650 (I. 126), Sarah Eliot, a daughter of Col. Philip Eliot, of Roxbury. She was baptised at Nazing, England, on January 25, 1629 (New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. VIII. 281, XXVIII. 145), and died at Dedham on April 17, 171 1 (I. 37)*. John Aldis and Sarah, his wife> were admitted to the Church, December 29, 1650 (III. 32). By deed dated June 15, 1661 (Suffolk Deeds, VII. 323), they join the other heirs in disposing of the Roxbury lands of " Deacon Philip Eliot." By a deed of gift, July 18, 1695 (Suffolk Deeds, XX. 118), John Aldis, Senior, of Dedham, Yeoman, gives unto his son, Daniel Aldis of Dedham, yeoman, sundry Dedham lands in consideration of filial duty, etc., unto him and " Sarah, his wife, mother of said Daniel Aldis." Administration " of the estate of his father" was granted to John Aldis, June 26, 1702 (Suffolk Prob. XIV. 358). The property was inventoried at ;^223.5.6, including house and land near bridge, ^38 ; and Vine Rock land, ^58. John Farnsworth and (^ershom *Savage (I. 24) is in error in assigninsf the date 1686 for the death of Sarah (Eliot) Aldis, which was that of Sarah* (Damei^), proof of which is in deed of gift cited. 9 Hobart (Hubbard), of Groton, Nathaniel Richards and Daniel Aldis, of Dedharri, heirs to the estate of Deacon John Aldis, give quit claim unto "our brother John Aldis, administrator," September 5, 1703 (Suffolk Deeds, XXI. 383, 384). Issue, recorded in Dedham : — 4. I. SARAH^ b. June 9, 1652 (I. 5). 5. II. JoHN^ b. Feb. 12, 1655 (I. 6.) 6. III. MaryS, b. Nov. 29, 1657 (I. 7). IV. NATHANIEL^ b. Aug. 1, 1659 (I. 7) ; d. Feb. 7, 1661 (I. 8). 7. V. DANIEL^ b. Aug. 3, 1661 (I. 8). VI. Nathaniel^ b. March 6, 1664 (I. 9); d. Aug. 5, 1683 (I. 20). 8. VII. HANNAH^ b. July 4, 1666 (I. 10.) 4. Sarah^ Aldis {Johf^, Nathan^) bapt. Dedham, June 12, 1653 (I. 33); died Groton, Mass., April 14, 1712 ; married at Dedham, April 26, 1675 (I- ^4) Gershom Hub-Zfo^o-v-f bard, son of the Rev. Peter Hubbard, of Hingham, born Hingham (.?), December, 1675, died Groton, December 19, 1707. Graduate of Harvard, 1667. See One Thous- and Years of Hubbard History (1896), page 155. Issue: — I. Gershom.* II. Shebuel.* III. Rebecca.* IV. Nehemiah.* V. Joanna.* VI. Peter*. 5. JoHN^ Aldis {Johir', Natmii}-) was baptised at Dedham, February 18, 1654-5 (II. 24), and died at Rox- bury, March 18, 1736 (Town Records). He married at Wrentham, May 23, 1682, Mary Winchester (Town Records; New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. IV. 85). She was probably the widow of the Jonathan^ Winchester (Jokn^), who joined the Roxbury Church, 1677, and died there 1679. Mary, Widow Winchester, was received into full communion, 1681 (Boston Rec. Com. VI. 93, 95, 183). Hannah, the third child of John and Mary (Winchester) 10 Aldis, was baptised at the Roxbury Church, August 30, 1687 (pagre 142). John^ as the eldest son, probably received the land at Wrentham, which had come to his father as a Dedham proprietor. He remained at Wrentham but five years after his marriage when he removed to Roxbury, settling in that part which was close to the Dedham line (Suffolk Deeds, XXI. 381), so while called "of Roxbury," the births of the younger children are recorded at Dedham, to which town he also paid taxes. The James Draper family were sim ilarly situaied and so probably neighbors, which would account for the intermarriages. By a deed signed December 30, 1701, John Helledis of Roxbury, husbandman, tranferred the eightieth lot " being his father — John Alldess,'' and the seventieth lot " being his grandfather's, ^2i\h2in Alldess'' signed "John Alldis (Suffolk Deeds, XXXIX. 143). By a deed of gift dated March 10, 1721 (Suffolk Deeds, XXXV. 269), John Aldis "in consideration of natural love and fatherly affection " gave " unto my well beloved only son, Nathan Aldis, of Roxbury, Husband- man," various lands. Nathan Aldis executed a bond for ^500 of the same date (Suffolk Deeds, XXXVIII. 171), in connection therewith, by which he was " firmly bound unto John Aldis, of Roxbury, my father," and " upon the death of Mary Aldis, the mother," to pay unto Hannah Man and Abigail Draper, daughters of John Aldis, unto James Draper his son-in-law, and unto Ebenezer Perry and John Perry, grandsons. " Between said Nathan Aldis, Hannah Man & Abigail Draper, the brother, the two sisters," etc. Issue : — 9. I. Sarah*, recorded, Wrentham, b. Feb. 26, 1683. 10. II. Nathan*,* do. b. May 11, 1685. *Nathan is recorded "Ethan " on the Wrentham Records, the capital letter being very distinct, hence was so copied. See New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. IV. 83, and Dedham Hist. Reg. IV. 86. 11. III. 12. IV. 13. V. VI. 11 Hannah*. do. b. Feb. 19, lfi87. Rachal*, recorded, Dedham, b. March 15, 1690 (I. 23). Abigail* (no birth record found). Ruth*, recorded Dedham, b. Aug. 14, 1695 (I. 26), probably died unmarried before 1721, for neither she nor grand- children that might have been her children, are mentioned in the deed of gift. 6. Mary^ Alois {John^, Nathan^) died after 1727. She married at Dedham, February 21, 1679 (I. 17) Nathaniel Richards, son of Edward and Susan (Hunting) Richards, born, Dedham, January 25, 1648; died, Dedham, February 15, 1727. See Morse's Gen. Register (1861), III. 123. Issue, recorded at Dedham : — I. Nathaniel*, b. Nov. 2, 1679 ; d. Oct. 25, 1747. ' n. Jeremiah*, b. March 30, 1681 ; m. Hannah Fisher. III. James*, b. Feb. 24, 1683 ; m. Hannah Metcalf. IV. Edward*, b. Sept. 18, 1684; m. Sarah Wheeler. V. William*, b. Dec. 16, 1687 ; d. Jan. 8, 1702. VI. Mary*, b. Feb. 28, 1691 ; m. John Totman. VII. Dorcas*, b. April 21, 1696 ; d. Jan. 19, 1702. VIII. Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 3, 1699. 7. Daniel^ Aldis (Jokn\ Nathan^) died at Dedham, January 21, 1718 (I. 44); married there November 23, 1685 (I. 21), Sarah Paine, dau. of Stephen and Ann (Chicker- ing) Paine, born at Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1666, died at Ded- ham, December 16, 1733 (I. 59). Daniel Aldis was " deacon " as were his father and grandfather, — the date of election is unobtainable. He was elected constable, 1695 (V. 230). In his will dated January 19, 1718, he gives unto " my beloved wife Sarah Aldis," " my son-in-law William Bacon," " my daughter Anna, wife of Jonathan Onion of the Clapboard Tree Lands in Dedham, husbandman," " my grandson William Bacon son of the before named William Bacon " (Suffolk Probate XX. 332). The inven- tory of the real estate " of Deacon Daniel Aldis" (XXX. 177) amounted to about ^1200, including the house lot valued at^355. Issue, recorded in Dedham :— 12 I. Sarah*, b. Oct. 16, 1686 (I. 22); d. Nov. 12, 1686 (I. 20). II. Daniel*, b. Dec. 2, 1687 (I. 22) ; d. March 8, 1688 (I. 21). 14. III. Ann*, b. Aug. 21, 1692 (I. 24). 15. IV. Sarah*, b. Aug. 27, 1695 (I. 26). The date of death of Sarah (Paine) Aldis does not agree with that given by Savage. His error is now clear. He also gives Sarah Paine as probably a dau. of Moses of Braintree. The Paine Records give her parentage as above, which is confirmed by a receipt signed by Daniel Aldis of Dedham, Sept. 26, 1700, for a legacy in which he is called brother-in-law of Benjamin Paine, late of Bristol, dec'd (Bristol Prob. Rec. II. 26). See Paine Family Records (1880), pages 21 and 124, chart i. 8. Hannah^ Aldis {JoIit^, Nathmi^) married Decem- ber 8, 1686, at [ ], John Farnsworth, son of Matthia Farnsworth, b. 165 1-2, died at Groton, October 17, 1729. Will dated October 13, 1729. See Farnsworth Memorial (1897), pa&e 118. Issue, born at Groton : — i.^ Abigail*, Oct. 17, 1687 ; m. April 10, 1713, Ephraim Saw- tell, of Concord. II. John*, Dec. 1, 1689 ; d. Sept. 19, 1703. III. Daniel*, May 11, 1692 ; m. Nov. 20, 1725, Widow Abigail Shedd. IV. Nathan*, March 13, 1696 ; d. Aug. 4, 1753. v. Joseph*, Feb. 26, 1698; m. at Concord, May 5, 1727, Rebecca Gibson, of Sudbury. VI. Jeremiah*, March 24, 1701 ; m. Sarah Gilson. vn. Hannah*, July 21, 1702 ; m. May 29, 1721, Ebenezer Prescott. VIII. Rachel*, Dec. 8, 1704; m. Aug. 24, 1728, Ebenezer Hartwell, of Concord. IX. Sarah*, Nov. 20, 1707 ; m. 1728, Samuel Hartwell. 9. Sarah* Aldis {Johi^ [s\Jo^^^^, Nathan^) died at Roxbury (.?) March 10, 1716. She married at Roxbury, May 30, 1710 (Town Records), Thomas Perry, son of Samuel and Sarah (Stedman) Perry, born Sept. i, 1680. 13 See " Memoranda of Descendants of Perry," etc. (Cincin- nati), 1878. Issue:— I. Ebenezer^, II. Nathaniel^. III. JOHN^. IV. Oliver*. V. Joseph*. 10. Nathan* Aldis (Jo/m^ [5], Jokn'^, Nathan^) died at Roxbury, February 10, 1750 (Town Records). He married, first, June 24, 1708, at Roxbury, Eunice Draper, daughter of James and Abigail (Whiting) Draper, born June 5, 1689, died June 13, 1714, at Roxbury (" Drapers in America," page 23). He married, secondly, at Dedham, April 19, 1715 (I. 37), Mary Chickering, daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia (Fisher) Chickering, born at Ded- ham, Oct. 15, 1680 (I. 20), died after 1745 (Dedham Hist. Reg. III. 118). The will of Nathan Aldis (Suffolk Probate, No. 9561, 1750)5 dated March 12, 1745, mentions wife Mary, daugh- ters Rachel and Ruth, daughter Mary Draper and "only son John." By deed of gift, of a value of ^250, dated January 19, 1750 (Suffolk Deeds, 77-254), Nathan Aldis of Roxbury, Husbandman, gives " unto my only & well-beloved son, John Aldis, of Wrentham." By a deed dated November, 175 1 (Suffolk Deeds, 107-17), " Moses Draper of Roxbury, Husbandman, & Mary, his wife, & Ruth Aldis of Roxbury, Spinster," exchange land "of our late father Mr. Nathan Aldis, deceased" with " our sister Rachel Aldis of Roxbury, Spinster." Later (Suffolk Deeds, 120-252) Rachel Aldis and Ruth Aldis transfer " unto our brother Moses Draper & sister Mary Draper." Issue, recorded at Roxbury : — IG. I. (1) John*, b May 8, 1711. II. Nathan*, b. May 3, 1714 ; died Aug. 14, 1715, 14 III. (2) MARY^* b. December 4, 1716 ; died Dec. 29, 1716. 17. IV. MARY^ b. April 4, 1719. V. NATHANIEL^ b. Sept. 25, 1722; died June 10, 1736. 18. VI. Rachel^ b. Feb. 6, 1724-5. 19. VII. RuTH^ b. Feb. 10, 1726-7. 1 1. Hannah* Aldis {Joh^ [5], Joh?^, Nathan^) died at Wrentham, Oct. 27, 1756. She married, Nov. 27, 1709, at Wrentham (Town Records), Thomas Mann, son of Rev. Samuel and Esther (Ware) Mann, born Oct. 24, 1682, d. Wrentham Sept. 10, 1756. He settled 1719 in that part of Wrentham which was set off as Franklin, 1770. Issue, recorded at Wrentham: — 1. Hannah^ b. March 3, 1711 ; married May 20, 1736, Eleazer Ware. II. Esther^ b. Aug. 19, 1712; married May 1, 1736, Robert Ware. III. RACHEL^ b. July 17, 1714. IV. NATHAN^b. Oct. 15, 1716 ; married Esther ? ; by his son Thomas, who married Mary Stanley, was a grandfather of Horace Mann, the educator, b. Franklin 1796. V. RuTH^ b, Jany 15, 1720 ; married June 5, 1745, Benjamin Rockwood. VI. HEPZIBAH^ b. May 7, 1722 ; married, Jan. 14, 1742, Peletiah Metcalf. VII. MARY^ b. July 15, 1725 ; married Dec. 16, 1746, Jazeb Ware. Special Reference: N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. XIII., p. 326, Ware Gen., 1901. 12. Rachel* Aldis (Jokn^ \.S\^Johi^, Nathaii}) died at Roxbury, March 16, 1717. She married May 2, 1716, at Roxbury (Town Records), James Draper, son James and Abigail (Whiting) Draper, born Roxbury, 1691 ; died Apr. 24, 1768. Issue, recorded at Roxbury : — *The records are in error in citing Mary (iii.) as a daughter of Nathaniel Aldis, a common error with the name of Nathan and easily disproved in this case. Likewise they give year of birth of Eachel (vi.) as 1722. an impossibility, nor does it agree with her baptismal date, which preserves the sequence of years. 15 JoHN^ b. Jany. 29, 1717, d. March 10, 1717. Special Reference ; " Drapers in America," 1892. 13. Abigail* Aldis {Johi^ Ij^.Johi^, Nathan^) mar- ried April 22, 1713, at Roxbury (Town Records), Gideon Draper, son of James and Abigail (Whiting) Draper, born Roxbury, 1694. Issue (first seven recorded Dedham): — I. Abigail^, b. May 26, 1714 ; d. Dec. 4, 1729. II. James^, b. Sept. 29, 1715 ; d. Jan. 7, 1719. III. JoHN^ b. July 29, 1717. IV. RuTH^ b. Nov. 29, 1718. V. GIDEON^ b. Aug. 25, 1722 ; d. Dover, N, Y., 1778. VI. Nathaniel^, b. Feb. 17, 1724; Major in Revolution. VII. Nathan^ b. April 9, 1725. viii. William^ b. Feb. 10, 1727. IX. Caesar^ b. Feb. 14, 1729. X. MARY^ b. Nov. 30, 1731. Special reference : " Drapers in America," 1892. 14. Ann* Aldis (DajiieP [8], John'^, Nathan'^) died at Dedham, Jan. 26, 1772 (I. 108). She married at Ded- ham, March 5, 1712 (I. 36), Jonathan Onion, son of Ben- jamin and Deborah (Woodstock, I. 17) Onion, born Dedham, March 7, 1687-8 (I. 22), died Dedham, Aug. 3, 1758(1.90). The entry calls him "Deacon." Issue, re- corded at Dedham : — I. HANNAH^ b. Dec. 17, 1712 (I. 39). II. SARAH^ b. Sept. 11, 1714 (I. 41). III. MARY^ b. Oct. 27, 1718 (I. 45). IV. JoNATHAN^ b. Oct. 9, 1720 (I. 47), married July 24, 1744, Sarah May (I. 74). V. DANIEL^ b. Jan. 2, 1723 (I. 49) ; d. Nov. 22, 1737 (I. 64). VI. BENJAMIN^ ) b. March 20, 1726 j d. April, 1726 (I. 52). VII. JosEPH^ \ (I. 52), Twins, ( d. March 20, 1726(1. 52). 15. Sarah* Aldis (Daniel^ [8], Jokn'^, Nathan^) died before 1717 (see below). She married at Dedham, March 21, 1716 (I. 37), William Bacon, son of DanieP (Jokft^, Michael^) Bacon and Elizabeth Martin. He was born 16 Dedham, Oct. 8, 1694 (I- 26), and died at Stoughton. Suffolk Probate, 30, 133; Jany. 15, 1733; William Bacon of about 17 years, grandson of Daniel Aldis of Dedham, appeals for the appointment of his honored father William Bacon of Stoughton as his guardian. Issue, recorded at Dedham : — I. William^, b. June 24, 1716 (I. 42); died May 21, 1761 (I, 96) : married Nov. 17, 1737, Abigail Dean (I. 65). Had ten children, was Captain of company raised for Crown Point Expedition. Sarah (Aldis) Bacon died between the birth of her child and the making of her father's will, in which she is not mentioned. William Bacon married again, the first child of that marriage being recorded Oct. 6, 1721. Special Reference : N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. LVI., p. 2>7?,' 16. JoHN^ Aldis (Nathan'^ [10], John^''^, Nathan^) died at Wrentham, April 29, 1750, se 39 (Town Records). He married at Dedham, May 15, 1733 (I. 60), Mehitable Hawes, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Newell) Hawes, born Dedham, Nov. 3, 1703, (I. 31), died Wrentham, Feb. 26, 1785. 36 81. Widow Mehitable (Hawes) Aldis, married Wrentham, Sept. 28, 1762 (Town Records), Ichabod Pond (Daniel Pond and his descendants, 1873, p. 27). John Aldis was received into the Dedham church, March 18, 1733 (II. 81), and with wife Mehitable was dis- missed to Second Church at Wrentham, Sept. 11, 1748 (II. 90). He was received by that church, now the First Congregational Church in Franklin, the following month. The record gives the reception of Mehitable Aldis as from Needham. John Aldis died intestate (Suffolk Probate, Vol. 44, p. 94) ; his widow declined the administration, which was granted to Caleb Philips, of Bellingham, June 5, 1750. 20. I. 21. II. III. 22. IV. 23. V. 24. VI. 17 The real estate appraisement total was ^579 ; the prin- cipal items being Home-place, part in Wrentham and part in Bellingham — 100 acres — house and barn, part in Roxbury and part in Dedham — 35 acres. John Goldberry of Wrentham was appointed guardian for Nathan and John Aldis, aged upwards of 14 years, and the mother, Mehitable Aldis, for Mehitable, aged 13, Ebenezer, aged 9, and Eunice, aged 7 (Suffolk Probate, Vol. 47, p. 31 : 1752). Issue :— JoHN^ recorded Roxbury; born Feb. 19, 1734. Nathan®, do. ;born Aug. 17, 1735. Nathaniel^ recorded Wrentham ; born April 15, 1737 ; died Wrentham, Nov. 20, 1741 (Town Records). Mehitable®, recorded Wrentham ; b. Aug. 8, 1739. Ebenezer®, do. ; b. Nov. 26, 1742. Eunice®, do. ; b. Feb. 23, 1745. 17. Mary^ Aldis {Nathan^ [10], John^'\ Nathaji^) died at Roxbury, Nov. 20, 1810. She married first, at Boston, March 26, 1739 (Boston Records Com., Vol. 28, p. 206), Abe] Allen, son of Abel and Sarah ( ) Allen, born at Weston, April 19, 1714; and died Roxbury, spring of 1742. She married, secondly, Nov. 26, 1743, at Boston (op. cit. p. 276), Moses Draper, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Jackson) Draper, born Roxbury, Aug. 11, 1721, died Jan. 21, 1775. Administration in the case of Abel Allen was granted to his widow May 27, 1742. He was promised of "awright in a new township near Northfield, County of Hampshire, value at ^31/io/x. In the will of Abel Allen, Sr. (1750), are mentioned grand-daughters Abigail and Mary, but not David^, so that he probably died young. No mention of him is made by his mother in her will, nor of any who might be his descendants. In the settlement of the estate of Moses Draper 1775 (Suffolk Probate, No. 15,741), mention is made of i8 Widow Mary and children, Moses, Samuel, Jonathan, Sarah, Nathaniel, Nathan and David. This is the only reference found of Nathan^ so he probably died young. The will of Mary (Aldis-Allen) Draper made June 17, 1809; proved Jany. i, 181 1 (Norfolk Probate, No. 5821), mentions " my daughter Abigail, wife of Edmond Gook- in," "the six children of my said daughter Gookin," "my daughter Sarah, wife of James Prentice," "my son Samuel Draper, Jonathan Draper, Nathaniel Draper and David Draper," " my grandson Moses Draper," " grand- daughter Mary Billings." Bequests are also made but without statement of relationship, if any, to John Mayo, William Mayo and Mary, wife of Elias Cook. The six children of Abigail (Allen) Gookin were Bethia, Edmond, Squire, Daniel, Abigail and Walter. " Grand-daughter Mary Billings " was also a daughter of hers, b. Nov. 4, 1765, married ist Joseph Billings. Moses*^ Draper was appointed, 1784 and '86, guardian for Abel, John, William and Mary Mayo (Suffolk Probate, No. 18,213 and No. 18,681). They were probably the children of his half-sister, Mary (Allen) Mayo. He had previously been appointed guardian for his own nephew, Paul Whiting (Suffolk Probate, 80-823). Mary Mayo married at Roxbury, June 27, 1793, Elias Cook of Belling- ham. Grandson Moses^ Draper, son of Moses^, was born July 24, 1774. His father died February 11, 1798. Issue, recorded at Roxbury : — I. (1) David^ b. June 3, 1739; bapt. Dedham, Nov. 11, 1739 (II. 51). II. Abigail^ b. Nov. 14, 1740; d. Canton, Mass., April 22, 1832 ; married 17G2, Edmond Gookin, son of Richard and Margaret (Morse) Gookin. III. Mary*', b. Sept. 28, 1742 (posthumous); bapt. Dedham, Oct. 17, 1742, "daughter of Widow Mary Allen" (II. 53). She married at Trinity Church, Boston, April 28, 17fi2 (Records p. 33), John Mayo, son of Thomas aiid Eliza 19 (Farley) Mayo. He was killed March 4, 1776 by a British cannon-ball on the march to Dorchester Heights. Drake : History of Roxbury. Mass. Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. X, p. 406, ascribes John Mayo to Warwick. On the records of that town appear : Elizabeth, daughter to John and Mary Mayo, b. 28 Novr. 1762 : John Mayo b. 6 April 1765; Abel b. 1 Aug. 1766. April 9, 1768 the house of John Mayo and Mary, his wife, was burnt. John Mayo, their son, was burnt. IV. (2) MosES«, b. Aug. 26, 1744; married April 21, 1770, Grace Hyde. V. Samuel^ b. Nov. 5, 1746 ; married (1) Sarah Hyde ; (2) Nancy Miles. VI. SARAH°,b. June 5,1748 ; d. Northbridge,Mass.,Dec. 8,1831 ; married, first, at Trinity Church, Boston, Sept. 23, 1767, Nathaniel Whiting, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Lyon) Whiting. He died Roxbury, June 21, 1769. She married secondly, Dec. 21, 1770, James Prentice of Sutton, son of Samuel and Phoebe ( ) Prentice. (Nathaniel Whit- ing Genealogy and Prentice Genealogy), VII. Jonathan", b. Dec. 7, 1750 ; married Silence Copeland. VIII. Nathaniel*^, b. (unrecorded) ; married July 3, 1785, Anna Jones. IX. Nathan®, b. (unrecorded) ; died without issue between 1775 and 1810. X. David^ b. June 3, 1762 ; married May 17, 1785, Rebecca Healey. (The Allen and Draper families of Mary^ Aldis are now clearly shown and the date of her second marriag-e correctly ascribed. The statement that John Mayo mar- ried Lucy Richards (Am. Ancestry, V., 28), and not Mary (ill) Allen is without stated authority. Likewise that Sarah (vi) Draper "married Prentice of Newton." James Prentice was of the Newton Branch of that family.) Special Reference : " Widow Mary Draper," Ded- ham Historical Register, Vol. VIL, p. 5; "Draper Family in America," p. 181 ; " Lewis Allen of Weston," p. 6. 20 18. Rachel*^ Aldis {Nathan^ [lo], John^''^, Nathan^), was baptised at Dedham, Feb. 14, 1725 (II. 40). She mar- ried at Dedham, Nov. 13, 1775 (I. 125), Josiah Briggs, so that she was over fifty years of age at that time. This date is confirmed by the fact that she signed deeds as late as 1769 as "spinster." She was received into the Dedham Church, June 4, 1758 (II. 84). 19. RuTH^ Aldis {Nathan^ [10], John^''^, Nathan^) was baptised at Dedham, Feb. 26, 1727 (II. 42), and died there March 3, 1803. She married at Dedham, Jan. 13, 1764 (II. 120), Joseph Metcalf, son of Joseph and Mehit- able (Savells) Metcalf, born at Dedham, May 10, 17 10, died Feby. 25, 1785. Ruth Aldis is called "of Roxbury" on the marriage record. She signed a deed in 1759 in which she is called " Spinster." Issue recorded in Dedham : — I. Joseph^ b. May 20, 1765 ; m. Rebecca Fairbanks. II. Nathan®, b July 15, 1767 ; m. Olive Estabrook. III. JoHN^ b. May 7, 1769 ; m. Kezia Reed, ly. Thomas®, b. Jany, 16, 1771 ; m. Sally Chase. Special reference : N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. Vol. VI., P- 175- 20. JoHN^ Aldis {JoJnv' [16], Nathan^, Jsihu^'"^, Nathan^) was baptised Dedham, Feb. 24, 1734 (II. 47) ; was received by the Second Church of Wrentham, Aug. 26, 1753; and died Wrentham (T. R.) (Franklin T. R., p. 143) July 4, 1773 (Gravestone, Franklin Cemetery " in the 40th year of his age "). He married at Wrentham, June 19, 1770 (T. R.), Esther Wright, daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca (Wilson) Wright of Wrentham. She was born at Wrentham, April 5, 1743 (T. R.), and died, Franklin, June 16, 1824 (T. R. p. 153 and gravestone). John Aldis of Wrentham gave quit claim of his interest in the estate of " my Hond. Father, John Aldis, late of Wrentham, deed.," consisting of lands in Wrentham, Roxbury, Dedham and Bellingham for ;^I02 to Nathan Aldis (Suffolk Deeds, 90,229). 21 Nathan Aldis *' of Wrentham, Gentleman, " was ad- mitted administrator of estate of John Aldis of Wren- tham, Sept. 3, 1773 (Suffolk Probate, Vol. 72>^ p. 180). The distribution, amounting to ^242.8.11, was made Dec. 3, 1782, to Widow Esther and children Mehitible, Eunice and Sarah by Elisha Burr, of Bellingham, adm'r, Stephen Metcalf being deceased (Vol. 80, p. 792; 82, p. 131). On the same date, John Crooks of Franklin was appointed guardian for Hitty, Eunice and Sarah Aldis, minors under 14 years, children of John Aldis of Franklin. He was succeeded, 1787, by John Metcalf of Franklin (Vol. 81, p. 687 ; 82, p. 77). Issue (Franklin T. R., p. 10) : — I. Mehitable^* b. July 28, 1770; bapt. Franklin, Dec. 23, 1770 (Ch. Rec). 25. II. EuNICE^ b. Sept. 24, 1771. 26. III. Sarah', b. xMarch 3, 1773, 21. NATHAN^t Aldis (Jokn^ [16], Natkan\ John^'\ Nathan)-) was baptised at Dedham, Aug. 17, 1735 (II. 49), and died at Boston, May 25, 1775. He married at Wren- tham, Sept. 23, 1762 (T. R.), Sarah Metcalf, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah Metcalf, born, Wrentham, Sept. 12, 1739; died there May 6, 1773 (T. R.). Daniel Pond, of Medway, was appointed April 2, 1779, guardian for Asa Aldis, aged under 14 years, son of Nathan Aldis, late of Wrentham, yeoman, deceased. (Suffolk Probate, Vol. 75, p. 130). *The date of birth of Mehitable^ is recorded as 1760, which is proved an error by guardianship papers, which are confirmed by date of baptism. No record of marriage or death of Mebitable appears, nor does the cor- respondent mentioned below recollect her, while remembering perfectly her sisters, " Cousin Eunice Ware," of Franklin, and " Cousin Sarah Blackinton," of Attleboro; conclusion, died young. tFor an interesting account of Nathan® Aldis, see Blake's " History of Franklin," 1879, p. 140. Franklin was set off from Wrentham, 1778. From the description of his property, it would seem as if John* Aldis settled close to the western boundary of the land of the Dedham proprietors, for his " home place " was partly in Bellingham (Mendon Grant), so the family became identified with Franklin, Asa' always considering that town his birth-place. 22 An inventory of the "estate of Nathan Aldis, an absentee, deceased, late of Wrentham, Gentleman," taken Jan. 15, 1782, gives:— Personal Property, ;^89. Real Estate, 1350. Debts, 587. These latter included To Esther Aldis & heirs of John Aldis [the executor's account], .^240. To Mehitable Woods [a sister], 39. To Ebenezer Aldis [a brother], 8. Final statement was made Jan., 1794, with "Asa Aldis, the only heir of the deceased " (Vol. 81, p. 94; 81, 106; 93, no). Issue (recorded at Wrentham): — I. SARAH^ b. Jan. 30, 1764 ; d. Wrentham, Feb. 7, 1767. II. JoHN^, b. April 9, 1766; ) died before 1776 for no III. Nathan^ b, Feb. 28, 1768 ; ) guardian was appointed. 27. IV. AsA^, b. April 14, 1770. 22. Mehitable^ Aldis (/o/m^ [16], Nathan'', Jo hn^''^, Nathaii}) married at Lancaster, Mass., Aug. 19, 1773 (T. R. p. 104), Jotham Woods, son of Joseph and Hannah (White) Woods, born at Lancaster, ]VIarch 18, 1740 (p. 68), and died there Dec. 9, 1799 (p. 193). He served through most of the northern campaigns of the Revolution, finally enlisting for three years, IMarch 18, 1781, when he was described as " age 40, — height, 5 ft. 4 ins., — dark complexioned, — a farmer" (IMilitary History of Lancaster, p. 188; IVIanual, 1899, R. L Soc. S. R., p. 128). Issue, (recorded Lancaster T. R. p. 117) : — I. Sarah^ b. Sept. 24, 1774. This child was very early adopted by her maternal uncle Ebenezer® Aldis and was called " Sarah Woods Aldis." She married June 17, 1802, Capt. Samuel Allen, had four children, and died at Newburyport, Aug. 15, 1812. One of her sons, Aldis S.^ Allen, graduated Yale, 1827. To her ''\ ; L.©fG. 23 daughter, Mrs. Abigail Maxey^ (Allen) Hiller (b. 1809), now (1905) living in New Haven, Conn., the compiler is indebted for many facts and clues in connection with this branch of the family. See also History of Medway (1886), p. 451 ; reference to Mehit- able Woods in probate case of Nathan^ Aldis (No. 21) and to Sally, wife of Capt. Samuel Allen, in probate case of Mrs. Hannah (Penni- man) Aldis (below) ; Descendants of John White, Vol. II, p. 22. 23. Ebenezer^ Aldis {Johv" [i6], Nathan^, John^''^, Nathan^) died at Franklin Oct. 2, 1802 (Church Records). He married at Mendon June 5, 1771 (T. R. p. 154) Han- nah Penniman, daughter of Joseph and Ann (Farnum) Penniman. She died at Mendon, 1826. Ebenezer Aldis is called " of Wrentham " on the marriage record and " of Franklin" Sept. 29, 1795, when Jesse Penniman, of Ux- bridge, was appointed his guardian, he being non compos. Guardian released a year later. Hannah (Penniman) Aldis of Mendon made her will 182 1, which was allowed May 26, 1826 (Worcester Co. Probate No. 686) ; in it, she names " my beloved nephew Asa Aldis, Esq., of St. Albans, Vt." [No. 27], " neice Eu- nice Allen " [No. 24, iii.], " unto Eunice Ware, the wife of Amariah Ware of Franklin " [No. 25], " unto Hannah Aldis Ware, daughter of Amariah Ware " [No. 25, iv.], " unto the children of Capt. Samuel Allen and Sally, his late wife " [No. 22 i.] ; " unto Dr. Daniel Thurber," he was the husband of Olive, a daughter of John Penniman and so a nephew by marriage of Hannah (Penniman) Aldis (See Ballou, History of Milford, p. 1065). The bequests of the will justify the statement that there was "no issue " of this marriage — and none appear on record. Jesse Penniman, who was appointed guardian, was a brother of Hannah (Penniman) Aldis. He named a son " Aldis Penniman," who in turn had " George Aldis Penniman " (See Paine Family, Vol. I, p. 185). 24 24. Eunice^ Aldis {John^ [i6], Nathan^, Jokn^''^, Nathan^) was baptised February 24, 1745 (Church Rec- ords). She married at Wrentham December 3, 1767, (T. R.) Asa Haven, son of Daniel and Mehitable (Haven) Haven, born at Framingham, May 27, 1742; died at Ded- ham, April, 1777. Issue, recorded at Wrentham (?): — I. Mehitable', b. Sept. 7, 1768 ; married Paul Sawyer of Boston. II. John Aldis'', b, April 25, 1771 ; married (1) January 1, 1797, Julitta Richards of Dedham (Dedham Hist. Reg. Vol. IV. p. 90) ; married (2) December 29, 1807, Susanna Hooper of Charlestown. III. Eunice', b. March 17, 1773; married George Allen (Blake. Hist, of Franklin). IV. Polly', b. December 15, 1776; married Rev. John Bower Preston. Special Reference : Genealogy of Richard Haven of Lynn (Boston), 1849. 25. Eunice^ Aldis {John^ [20], Johw"^ Nathan^^ Jokn^'"^, Nathait}-) died at Franklin Sept. 15, 1848, aged 77. She married at Franklin, Nov. 7, 1703, Amariah Ware, son of Jesse and Keziah (Mills) Ware ; born at Wren- tham, Dec. 27, 1764; died at Franklin Oct. 19, 1842. Issue (Franklin) : — I. John Aldis«, b. May 1, 1795 ; died Dec. 20, 1795. II. Frederick Aldis\ b. June 29, 1798; died Franklin, Sept. 13, 1875 ; married (1) Sarah Morse ; (2) Mrs. Eliza Morse ; (3) Mrs. Ann Maria Bent Pond. III. Esthers b. Dec. 8, 1800. IV. Hannah AldisS b. Feb. 28, 1805. v. NathanS b. Dec. 27, 1807 ; died at Natick, April 5, 1866 ; married Dec. 2, 1841, Elvira Hawes. Special Reference : Ware Genealogy (1901) p. 148. This makes the error of giving Eunice' Aldis as Eunice " Ald^;^ " and so indexing it, despite the fact that the names of the children is given '* Ald/j ". For further confirmation see will of Mrs. Hannah Aldis (No. 23). 25 26. S ARAH^ Aldis {Joliii^ [2o] , JoJiiv', Nathan^, John^''^ Nathan^) was baptised May 9, 1773 (Cli. Recs). She married at Franklin, May 4, 1795 (T.R. p. 93), Aaron Black- inton of Attleboro, son ot Oliver and Mary (Whipple) Blackinton, born at Attleboro, March 28, 1774 ; died there Dec. 2, 1802. Issue (recorded Attleboro) :— I. Esther^, b. Dec. 9, 1798 ; married July 4, 1819, Abijah Hall, Jr. II Caroline*, b. May 20, 1801, married May 28, 1818, Leonard Blackinton. 27. AsA^ Aldis (Nathan^ [21], Jokn^, Nathan'^, Joh7t^'\ Nathan'^) died at St. Albans, Vt, Oct. 16, 1847. He married at Glocester, R. I., Sept 14, 1802 (Town Rec- ords, Vol. I, p. 139), Amey Owen, daughter of Lieut.-Gov. Daniel and Hannah (Angell) Owen and widow of William Gadcomb (died Oct. 30, 1800). Asa Aldis graduated from Brown College, 1796, adopting the law as his profession. His father-in-law being a grantee of Vermont lands, he invested his wife's property there, moving there himself shortly afterwards. He served as Chief Justice of Vermont for one term (1815), declining re-election. Issue: — I. MIRANDA^ b. St. Albans, Vt,, married Judge L. C. Kellogg ; died without issue. II. Asa OwenS b. St. Albans, Vt., died Washington, D. C. He was Chief Justice of Vermont at the time of the Civil War, and was later a member of the French Claims and Southern Commissions. He had two sons and six daughters.* Special Reference : Brief History of Glocester, R. I., E. A. Perry, 1886; BlaKe, History of Franklin; History of Norfolk Co.* Mass. ; Vermont Historical Register, Vol. II, p. 322. *The sons reside (1905) in Chicago. INDEX. Adams, 8. Alden, 24. Aldis. . . . Abigail, 11, 15. Ann, 12, 15. Asa, 21, 22, 23, 25. Asa Owen, 6, 25, Charles, 7. -— - Daniel, 4, 6. 8, 9, 11, 12. Ebenezer, 6, 17, 22, 23. Esther, 21, 22. Eunice, 17, 21, 24. Hannah, 9, 11, 12, 14, 23. John. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17 20 21 22. Mary, 3, 6, 7,' 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19. Mehitable, 6, 16, 17, 21, 22. Miranda, 25, Nathan, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23. Nathaniel, 9. 14, 17. Peter 6. Kachel, 11, 13, 14, 20. Euth, 11, 13, 14, 20. Sarah, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25. Thomas J., 7. William, 7. William H. 7. Aldous, 4. Aldus, 3, 4, 6. Alldis, 4, 6. Allen, 6, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24. Allin. 4. Angell, 25. Attleboro, 21, 25. Bacon. 11, 15. 16. Bellingham, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21. Billings, 18. Blackmton, 21, 25. Boston, 6, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24. Braintree, 12. Briggs, 20. Bristol, 12. Brown College, 25. Burr, 21. Burroughs, 8. Cambridge, 4. Canton, 18. Chase, 20. Charlestown, 24. Chicago, 25. Chickering, 11, 13. Clap, 8. Columbia College, 7. Concord, 12. Cook, 18. Copeland, 19. Crooks, 21. Dean, 16. Dedham, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24. Dorchester, 5, 19. Dover, N. Y., 15. Draper, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19. D wight, 4. Eliot, 8. Estabrook, 20. Fairbanks, 20. Farley, 19. Farnsworth, 8, 12. Farnum, 23. Fisher, 7, 8, 11. 13. Framingham, 24. Franklin 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25. Gadcomb, 25. Gibson, 12. Gilson, 12. Gloucester, R. I., 25, Goldberry, 17. Gookin, 18. Groton, Mass., 9, 12. Hall, 25. Harvard College, 9. Hartwell, 12. Haven, 24. Hawes, 16, 24. Healey, 19. Hiller, 23. Hingham, 9. Hobart, 9 Hooper, 24 Hoialton, S. Hubbard, 9 Hunting, 11 Hyde, 19. 6-v-f JUL 24 1005 28 Jackson, 17. Jones. 19. Kellogg, 25. Lancaster, 22. Lyon, 19. Mann, 10, 14. Martin, 15. May, 15. Mayo, 6, 18, 19, Medway, 21, 23. Mendon, 21, 23. Metcalf, 11, 14, 20, 21 Miles, 19. Mills, 24. Morse, 18, 24. Natick, 24. Needham, 16. Newburyport, 22. Newell, 16. New Haven, Conn., 23. Newton, 19. New Y ork City, 7. Northbridge, 19. Northfield, 17. Oliver, 7. Onion, 11, 15. Owen, 25. Paine, 11, 12. Penniman, 23. Perry, 10, 12, 13. Philips, 16. Pond, 16, 21, 24. Prentice, 18, 19. Prescott, 12. Preston, 24. Eehoboth, 11. Keed, 20. Richards. 9, 11, 19, 24. Rockwood, 14. Roxbury, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20. St. Albans, Vt., 23, 25. Savells, 20. Sawtell, 12. Sawyer, 24. Shedd, 12. Smith, 8. Stanley, 14. Stedman, 12. Stoughton, 16. Sudbury, 12. Sutton, 19. Thurber, 23. Totman, 11. Trinity Church, Boston, 18, 19. Uxbridge, 23. Ware, 14, 21, 23, 24. Warwick, 19. Washington, D. C, 25. Weston, 17. Wheeler, 11. Whipple. 25. White, 22, 23. Whiting, 4, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19. Wilson, 20. Winchester, 9. Wiswell, 8. Wrentham, 9. 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Wright, 20. Woodstock, 15. Woods, 6, 22, 23. Yale College, 22. THE AUDIS FAMILY iisr AMERICA 1640-1800. FREDERICK H. WHITIN, Compiler. DEDHAM TRANSCRIPT FRESS. 1905.