Qass Book- W.i d"^ '/ l^lf- THE NOTABLE COLLECTION OF MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON LITERARY, ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL PROPERTIES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS, MAY 4TH AND 5TH, I 92 I UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY /7'> THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 2 3RD STREET BEGINNING FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH, I 92 I AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE THE NOTABLE COLLECTION OF MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON LITERARY, ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL PROPERTIES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 4TH AND 5TH AT 2:15 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOONS AND 8:00 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES '^-— >< '^h B- '^ C //, ///v^ : — : — 1 /Si/ ' „... PIERRE MARIE ALIX Chambracres, Bonaparte, Lebrun [No. 52] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE NOTABLE COLLECTION OF MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON LITERARY, ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL PROPERTIES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 4TH AND ^TH AT 2:15 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOONS AND 8:00 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers NEW YORK CITY ^t^ 0^ ^ ^■0 i\. // - /V- 3^ PREFATORY NOTE Mr. Reilly's Collection is distinctively a Napoleonic one, and as such ranks as the finest gathering of literary, historical and artistic property relative to the life of Napoleon that has ever been brought together by a Private Collector, and to be ofTered at unrestricted public sale in America. An enthusiastic Collector for many years, Mr. Reilly has shown exceptional skill and intelligence in bringing together some of the more notable and important items relative to, and illustrative of the life and times of the great Emperor from the time of his first appearance as a factor in the military life of France, through the eventful days following, down to the final stage of his career and his death on the Island of St. Helena, May 5, 1821. Among the personages represented by important items in Mr. Reilly's Collection will be found the names — ^not alone of Napoleon and members of the Imperial Family — ^but also those of great rulers, statesmen and famous women identified with his career, as well as nearly all the great Marshals of France and other military men and civil officers whose influence helped to shape the events of the time and which lead to Napoleon's triumphs and ultimate downfall and death. A Collection such as this is would be next to impossible to duplicate. It is therefore of unusual interest and fitting that Mr. Reilly should offer the same at this time- — ^The Anniversary Period of Napoleon's Death. The following are some of the notable features and important items: Engravings: Special attention should be called to this feature of the Collection, as in the selection of the same Mr. Reilly had the choice of the best that was to be had and through his agents was able to procure many of the choice prints from the Latta, Halsey and Crane Collections, thereby bringing together many of the beautiful Color-Prints and Fine Proof Impressions of the Rarer Napoleonic Por- traits and Views, and which include the work of noted French, English, Dutch, German, Austrian and Italian engravers in Mezzotint, Aquatint, Stipple and Line, both in Color-Prints and Black and White. These comprise Portraits of Napoleon, members of the Imperial Family, Companion portraits of Napoleon and the Empress Josephine or of Napoleon and Marie Louise, Portraits of Napoleon's Marshals and other French officers, as well as those of military personages in the ranks of the "Allies;" Engravings of Famous Battle Scenes; Views of St. Helena at the time of Napoleon's residence there and other incidents connected with his life. All the Prints Are in Fine State and Neatly Matted with French Mats. Among them are, — 8 aquatints by Alix, of which 6 are printed in colors, including a fine impression of Chambraces, Bo7iaparte and Lebrun, with autographs of all three; 2 fine stipples by Bartolozzi, including a beautiful impression in colors of the Sitting of the Council of Five Hundred at St. Cloud; stipples in colors by Benoist and by Bertrand of Napoleon and Marie Louise; fine impression of Cardon's engraving of Napoleon and Berthier at the Battle of Marengo, with the original drawing of the same by Boze; 2 fine stipples in colors by Cazenave; 7 mezzotints in colors by Charon; 6 prints by Chataignier of which 5 are in colors, including a fine impression of Bonaparte as Consid; 9 aquatints by Pierre CoQUERET, including the First State, in colors of Buonaparte and a proof of General Pichegru; fine impression of Debucourt's aquatint in colors of Napoleon; also one in colors by Demachy; 3 mezzotints by W. Dickinson, including a proof of Napoleon as First Consul; Rare Early American Engraving of Bonaparte undescribed and the only impression known; stipple in colors by Ebner of Buona- parte; 3 mezzotints by Valentine Green, all in colors, including a fine portrait of the Arch Duke Charles of Austria; 4 mezzotints by Hodges, including a Proof Before Letters of Napoleon; 6 aquatints by Jazet; 3 aquatints by Lupton, one a Proof in First State, in cclors of Buonaparte; Proof in Open Letters of Rafaello Morghen's Napoleon; 2 mezzotints by S. W. Reynolds, one a Proof Before Letters of the Empress Josephine; 4 stipples in colors by Ruotte; Mezzotint Proof Before Letters by J. R. Smith of Buonaparte, also one in colors as First Consul; fine and rare pair of Buonaparte and Madame Buonaparte, stipples by Salvatore Trescan; 9 mezzotints by Charles Turner, including a fine Proof Before All Letters of Napoleon on Board the "Bellerophon" also fine colored prints of Buonaparte and the Duke of Wellington; and others of equal importance. Books, Broadsides and Tracts: Among the literary material will be found many items of rarity and importance, including several of the Fine Colored Plate and Military Costume Books of the period ; First Editions of Important works by French authors; Presentation Copies; Extra-Illustrated Volumes; and works cover- ing every phase of the life of Napoleon from the first important event in his life until his death. Books from Napoleon's Library or presented by him as prizes. Many of the volumes are in the original bindings; others are finely bound with emblematic tooHng. All are in exceptionally fine condition, and with the bookplate of Mr. Reilly. Among some of the more important are, — Orme's Life of Napoleon, with colored plates; Belasis' Views of Saint Helena; Bowyer's Illustrated Record of Important Events, 1812-1815, with colored plates; Turner's beautiful series of aquatint views of the Battlefield of Waterloo; Wathen's colored Views of St. Helena; Large Paper copy of Stack's Emperor Napoleon, with plates in two states; Picton's Battle of Waterloo; John Clark's original watercolor sketches of the Battlefield of Waterloo; Genuine First Edition of Combe's Life of Napoleon; Extra- Illustrated copy of Napoleon et ses Contemporains, 1828, with plates in three states; Detaille's L Armee Franqaise, special copy on Japan paper, for Mme. De Neu- ville; Large Paper copy of Chelminski and Malibran's L Armee du Duche de Varsovie; Charles Dicken's copy of Court and Camp of Napoleon; Hills' Sketches of Flanders, with the original drawings by the artist; Large Paper copy of Hoare's Tour Through the Isle of Elba; Hobhouse's Substance of some Letters by an English Resident at Paris, in a special binding intended for presentation to the Emperor Napoleon; Genuine First Edition with colored plates and 100 extra-illustrations of Ireland's Life of Napoleon, also a copy in original wrappers of the very rare first part of the same; Jones' illustrations to the Battle of Waterloo, with original draw- ings; extra-illustrated copy of Las Cases's Journal; Original log-book of the "Northumberland" during the voyage with Napoleon on board, bound for the Island of St. Helena; fine copy of the original Philadelphia edition of Lorguet's poem on Napoleon; Original edition in parts of Madon's Vie de Napoleon; Mar- shal Ney's copy of Relation de la Bataille de Marengo, with Imperial Arms, pre- sented to him by Napoleon; Unique copy of Laskey's Medals of Napoleon with pencil tracings by Taylor; Talleyrand's copy of an Original Musical Manuscript by Metoyen; Original edition with proof impressions of Meyer's Portraits de tons les Souverains de r Europe; Pascal's CEuvres. 5 vols., bound by Napoleon's order by Bradel, and presented as a prize at the University; Special Large Paper Edition of Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac; Extensively Extra-Illustrated copy of Sloane's Life of Napoleon; one of 3 Large Paper copies of Young's Napoleon in Exile; and others of importance. Autographs and Signed Documents: This section comprises important letters of signed documents by Napoleon, his Marshal, members of his family, French Minister of State, War, Finance and Police; English naval officers; Prussian Generals and Statesmen; Austrian, Swiss and Russian men of note; Architects, Engravers, Sculptors and Painters; including, — a highly important collection of signed documents relative to the conveying of the Isle of Elba to Napoleon, from a descendant of the family of Governor Dalesme; a number of highly important manuscripts or documents signed by Napoleon, including an early signature as Buonaparte, also documents signed, — Napl., Napoleon, and N., among them being a document signed five times by Napoleon and relative to a gift of land; a marriage contract of Count Philippe de Segur and Mile. Antoinette Charlotte de Lucay, and another between Charles F. Meinrade, Hereditary Prince of HohenzoUern and Madame Murat, both signed by Napoleon; important document annotated 43 times in the autograph of Napoleon; manuscript note entirely in the handwriting of Napoleon on letter by the Duke of Pasquier, relative to supplies of flour; account- book kept at St. Helena, with annotations by Napoleon; two important autograph letters by Marshal Berthier, one of which relates to Napoleon's Campaign in Spain ; a number of interesting letters by . members of the Bonaparte family, including 3 by Charles Bonaparte, father of Napoleon, 3 by Letitia the mother of Napoleon, 5 by Hortense the wife of Louis Bonaparte, 3 by Eliza the sister of Napoleon, one by Jerome and 3 by Joseph, brothers of Napoleon; Original manuscript by Lazare Carnot relative to the return of Napoleon from Elba; 3 letters by Marshal Davout, one of which contains the important information of Napoleon's final abdication; a collection of letters by Fouche, Minister of Police, relating to Napoleon's return from Elba; fine letter by Robert Fulton, the American inventor, written at Brest and relative to his Submarine Bomb Experiment in 1801 ; important series of letters by Baron Gourgaud who accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena, and protesting his loyalty to the Emperor; a number of letters signed by the Empress Josephine, including an unusual collection showing her signature in 8 different ways of unusual occurrence; letter by Marshal Lannes relating to the Campaign in Italy, another on the Siege of Saragossa; fine letter by M. Las Cases relating to events at Longwood; 3 by Marshall Lefebvre, one relating to condition in the army during the period of the Directory; collection of 28 original manuscript affidavits relating to the treatment of Napoleon by Sir Hudson Lowe while Governor of St. Helena, and in refutation of charges made by O'Meara; the original manuscript of Lord Eldon addressed to the Prime Minister of England, and giving his opinion on the Surrender of Napoleon and on what grounds the British government could hold him and transport him to St. Helena; letters by Lord Nelson, Talleyrand and others, on the Intended Invasion of Germany. Oil Paintings and Art Objects: Oil paintings by J. Andre Castaigne, Nicholas Toussant Charlet Jean B. E. Detaille, Captain Denzil Ibbertson, Denis A. M. Raffet, and Georges Rouget; Original drawing of Napoleon in Coronation Robe, by Gerard; also original drawings of the Arc de Triomphe by Raymond and Chalgrin; Miniature Portraits on Ivory; Statuettes and Busts of Napoleon, including one in silver by Prince Troubetskoy; silverware used by Napoleon and the Empress Josephine; Sevres Cups and Saucers; Medallion Portraits; and Relics. INDEX OF CONTENTS Miniature Portraits on Ivory, Statuettes, Busts, Medallion Portraits, Silverware, Sevres Cups, Relics OF Napoleon's Death Items, Nos. i- 50 Framed Engravings, Oil Paintings, Drawings .... Items, Nos. 51- 84 Book Cases Items, Nos. 85, 86 Engraved Portraits AND Views Items, Nos. 87-356 Books, Autograph Letters and Documents Items, Nos. 357-1049 Books from Napoleon's Library Items, Nos. 454- 462 Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article oiTered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. Tlie Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for resale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Part Payment by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her narhe and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and resold. 4. Risk After Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. . Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of nine a. m. and one p. m. on sales' days and on other days — except holidays, when no deliveries will be made — between the hours of nine a. m. and five p. m. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the fornoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the Storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of nine and five. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. 6. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. Note: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above require- ments necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its pa- trons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. 7. Shipping. Boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 8. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold "as is" and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 9. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that in the event" of purchases consisting of one or more books for one who has not himself or through his agent been personally at. the exhibition or sale, any book may be re- turned within ten days of the date of sale and will be refunded the purchase money therefore, if the book in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION American Art Galleries Madison Square South New York City At The American Art Galleries MADISON SQUARE SOUTH. NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE, BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY A NOTABLE COLLECTION OF NAPOLEONIC PRINTS, BOOKS, AUTOGRAPHS, MINIATURE PORTRAITS, STATUETTES AND RELICS, BELONGING TO MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON First Session, Numbers 1 to 172, inclusive WEDNESDAY A F T E R N O O N , M A Y 4 th, AT 2:15 O'CLOCK MINIATURES, STATUETTES, RELICS [Numbers 1 to 50, inclusive] MINIATURE PORTRAIT 1. Nelson. In bronze frame. One of the Rare Baxter Prints. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 2. Wellington. In bronze frame. One of the Rare Baxter Prints. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 3. Napoleon. In bronze frame. One of the Rare Baxter Prints. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 4. Head of Napoleon. Line-engraving. Small head in circle of glory. In ornamented brass frame. Rare and Fine. Diameter, i inch. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 5. Bonaparte. Bust profile to right. In Bisqnit. Oval. Height, 2^; width, 1% inches. In gilt bronze frame. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Ijth ORIGINAL DRAWING 6. Conference d' Erfurt. Original drawing by Sandoz. With the engraved plate of the same, engraved by Paul Gerardet, on Verso. Shows Napoleon receiving M. De Vincent, Minister from Austria. Height, 4}4; length, 5}4 inches. In Empire frame. LEMOINE TYPE 7. Napoleon Bonaparte, Premier Consul de la Republique Francaise. Printed in colors. Bust portrait, head to left, in uniform. Taken from the original by Lemoine, painted in 1802. Circular medallion in rectangle. Diameter, 4>^ inches. In Empire frame. One of the impressions specially printed on watermarked paper used by Napoleon. MINIATURE PORTRAIT. 8. Napoleon. Full length. Printed in colors. Framed with Miniature Medals of St. Helena and of the Legion of Honor. BRONZE SEAL 9. Seal, with three high reliefs of Napoleon, — as Consul, as General, and as Emperor with scarf of the Legion of Honor. Length, 3% inches. GOLD RING ID. Enameled Gold Ring, with circular portrait of Napoleon as Emperor. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 11. General Clark. Bisquit bust. In gilt bronze frame. Circular. Inscribed on back, — "Le General Clark ministre de la Guerre sous I'Empire." (1810.) Diameter, 2>^ inches. Of unusual execution. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 12. Napoleon. Embroidery. Bust portrait, embroidered in a cream and light brown colored silk, on a red background. A striking likeness, signed with initials, C. E. G. Finely Executed. Height, 5^; width, 4^ inches. In gilt frame. ENGLISH NAPPE 13. Ante Napoleonic. Chintz fabric, with ten scenes and 4 Portraits. Printed in carmine. "State of Europe December 18 12," pursued by Russia and Sweden appearing to Prussia; surrounded by scenes from Napo- leon's life, and portraits of German Patriots at the corners, with the inscription, in both English and German, under each subject. Printed probably soon after the Battle of Leipzig. Height, 29; length, 35 inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^ih FAN PRESENTED TO NAPOLEON AT THE TIME OF HIS MARRIAGE WITH JOSEPHINE 14. Medallion Portrait of Napoleon, crowned by Victory and Abundance, in center, and allegorical medallions on either side. Drawn by Chau- det, Fontaine and Percier, and engraved in stipple by Godefroy. Printed in brown ink on white paper, the sticks of polished French Walnut. In gold carved wood case. Very Rare. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 15. Napoleon and Josephine. Bisquit. Original busts in Bisquit, by Andrieu, profile facing, to left, on a pinkish colored background. In original brass frame, richly carved with oak leaves, and beaded. Circular. Diameter, 4% inches. MINIATURE BUST 16. Napoleon. Bust, sitver bronze. Signed Chaudet, on gilt bronze base. Height, 4% inches. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 17. Napoleon with Laurel Crown. Circular. Lead medallion, signed Andrieu F. In gilt bronze frame. Diameter, 4% inches. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 18. Napoleon with Laurel Crown. Model of Nast, by Andrieu. Circular. Bisquit, in gilt bronze frame. Diameter, 5% inches. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 19. Napoleon and Marie Louise. Circular medallion. Profiles in wax, colored. Signed, Andrieit. In gilt bronze frame. Diameter, 4% inches. MEDALLION PORTRAIT 20. Napoleon with Laurel Crown. Cameo in bisquit on a green marble back- ground, and in original gilt bronze and wooden frame. Height, i>^; width, J4, inches. Fine. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 21. Napoleon. Three-quarter length, in uniform, with flag as background. Stipple, printed in colors. Height, 4; width, 3 inches. In silver gilt Empire frame. One of the rare Baxter prints. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^th MINIATURE PORTRAIT 22. Napoleon. Bust portrait. Stipple. Engraved by J. B. Longacre. Oval. Height, }4; width, ^ inches. In silver gilt enameled Empire frame. Undescribed and only impression known. MINIATURE ON PORCELAIN 23. Bonaparte. Bust portrait in uniform. Circular on porcelain, signed in ink on back, — F. Cossia pinxt. Veronoe, ijgy. In gilt metal frame. Diameter, 2^8 inches. ORDER OF THE IRON CROWN 24. A reproduction of the Crown of the Kings of Lombardy, with bust por- trait in gold of Napoleon in center, surmounted with imperial eagle with outstretched wings. With inscription around the base of the crown, against blue background, reading (in translation), — God gave it to me, woe unto him who would touch it! Pleight, i^; width, J4. inches. Attached to orange ribbon, bordered in green. The Order of the Iron Crown was founded by Napoleon, June 7, 1805, to commem- orate the founding of the Kingdom of Italy, and to encourage faithful service to the crown, by admitting to the Order those who rendered loyal service in any field whatsoever. There were different degrees of membership, Napoleon himself being the Grand Master of the Order. Only the Kings of Italy could succeed him in this office. The silver medal, like the one above, represented the lowest degree in the order, and was to be worn on the left side. The motto inscribed on the crown are the words uttered by Napoleon at his coronation in Milan, as he placed the crown on his head. An account and reproduction of the medal is to be found in the work by Koechlin "Les Ordres de la Couronne de Fer," [No. 735 in this catalogue] where the same is illustrated on page 3. SILVER MEDAL 25. Order of the Iron Crown. Struck in 1805, commemorating the founding of the Order of the Iron Crown. Illustrated in Koechlin's book "Les Ordies de la Couronne de Fer," page 2. AUSTRIAN ORDER OF THE IRON CROWN 26. Cordon of Austrian Order of the Iron Crown. First Class. Worn by Napoleon during the "Hundred Days," and sent by him to his son at Vienna, who wore it till his death. A band of orange watered silk with green edges, fastened at the ends and quilted. In glazed recepticle, in a blind-tooled morocco case, bearing the Imperial cypher. This is one of the articles catalogued by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, as "from the great uncle of the present owner, General Crockat, who as Captain Crockat was present at Napoleon's death bed. He was a great friend of Lord Panmure, who gave or bequeathed to him these relics." It was obtained from M. Goubaud, to whom it was given by the Emperor Francis on the completion of M. Goubaud's picture of the death of the Duke of Reich- stadt, was exhibited at Saintsbury's "Napoleon Museum" (No. 198), sold at auction at the Egyptian Hall, June 23rd, 1845, and bought for Lord Panmure. MINIATURE PORTRAIT 27. Napoleon. Bust portrait. Stipple. Droz effinxit; S. G. sculpsit. Height, lyi; width, 14, inches. In silver gilt frame. Engraved by S. Grateloupe, the nephew of the great engraver, whose secret process of engraving has become lost. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jf-th MINIATURE PORTRAIT 28. Wellington. Bust portrait. Oval, in uniform, to right, facing front- Original drawing. Signed Isabey. Official painter of Napoleon's por- trait. In gilt bronze Empire frame. Official Prints of Map. ORIGINAL DRAWING 29. Queen Louise of Prussia. Three-quarter length portrait. Original drawing. Signed, A. Tardieu, 1806. With the engraved portrait of the same, 1807, on verso. Height, 7; width, 4% inches. In gilt bronze and wooden frame. Very finely executed and of unusual interest. GOLD REPEATING WATCH 30. Gold Repeating Watch, with beautifully executed portrait of Bonaparte as First Consul, signed Pasquier. . . The movement by lioiirilt et fils. [See Illustration] SNUFF BOX 31. Miniature Portrait of Napoleon. Bust in uniform, on ivory. Signed and dated, — Muneret, 1808. Oval, 2% by i7/i inches. Inset on cover of tortoise shell snuff box, gold lined. Diameter, 3^ inches. [See Illustration] SNUFF BOX 32. Miniature Portrait of Napoleon. Bust in military uniform, on i/ory, signed /. B. (Joseph Bordes) and dated, 1813. Oval, 2}^ by 2 inches. Inset on front cover of tortoise shell box. Diameter, 3^ inches. [See Illustration] MINIATURE ON IVORY 33. Napoleon as Emperor, In Gray Coat. Bust portrait on ivory, by Banche, so signed. In gilt bronze Empire frame. Oval, height, 2}4; width, 2 inches. [See Illustration] CUP AND SAUCER 34. Sevres Cup with miniature portrait of General Kleber, within laurel wreath ; gold bees on red background, gold lined, gold bands. Saucer with gold bees on red background, the center a circle with the Imperial Eagle. Handle of cup repaired. Made at the Royal factory of Sevres, during the reign of Charles Xth. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Ifth CUP AND SAUCER 35. Porcelain Cup, with gold and silver decoration on blue back-ground, and with miniature portrait of the Duchesse d'Angouleme, gold lined, saucer similarly decorated but without portrait. Made at Sevres during the First Empire, with Imperial mark. BUST OF NAPOLEON 36. Napoleon As First Consul. Bisquit. Model by Boizot. Original bust, in Bisquit, with high collar and scarf around neck, showing front, coat buttoned, showing six buttons on breast. The collar and edge of coat, show the richly embroidered de- signs on original. His hair hanging loosely over his forehead and ears, neatly drawn into a queue, in back and tied with a ribbon. On base of same material. Height, 11 inches. Here too we have that interesting profile, on account of the hair being drawn into a queue, in back, as in No. 40. COFFEE URN 37. Coffee Urn. Silver gilt. Standing on three legs, richly engraved, with head of a lady at top of each and with claw feet. Base of ebony, handle ornamented with goat's head, and upper part skillfully designed, mono- gramed in center with J. in wreath, surmounted with crown. This urn was presented to Empress Josephine by her sister-in-law. Queen Caroline of Naples. With hall-mark. Height, 13 inches. SERVIETTE 38. Damask Linen Serviette, with Imperial Eagle and arms woven in. Used by Napoleon at St. Helena. Accompanied by a signed afifidavit by Count Las Cases. 32 by 41^ inches. SILVERWARE OF NAPOLEON 39. Six Silver Handled Steel Knives. Engraved with the Imperial arms of Napoleon, being part of Napoleon's silverware used by him at St. Helena. With Autograph Document, Signed, by Baron Las Cases, Dated, Paris, May, 1908, authenticating the above set of knives. BUST OF NAPOLEON 40. Napoleon As First Consul. Bronze. Bust, with scarf around neck, showing in front, coat with high collar, and lapels turned back. Collar and facing on lapels show the richly em- broidered designs on original. His hair flows loosely over forehead and ears, but is drawn into a queue, in back and tied with a ribbon. On red marble base with brass top. Height, loK^ inches. Drawing the hair into a queue, in back, as portrayed in this bust, makes an unusual and interesting profile. Most portraits of Napoleon have the hair hanging loosely. [See Illustration] >^ « z o o > ►J C ^ CM <1 o :2; m Cm a O P5 m H 5 ^ inches. The original and the only one in silver. Made CvSpecially for Mr. Reilly by Prince Troubetskoy, and so marked by him. [See Illustration] STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON 42. Bonaparte in Egypt. Silver gilt. Full length, in military uniform, hat with feathers and sash around waist, tied on left side over sword. His right hand tucked inside coat. On amethyst base. Height, ii}4. inches. [See Illustration] BRONZE HEAD 43. Hussar of the Guard. Fragment in bronze from the Colonne Vendome. Mounted on wood. Height, 8>^ inches. Rare relique, saved at the time the Colonne Vendome was demolished by the Commune in 1870-1871. STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON 44. The Emperor Napoleon. Full-length, m military uniform. Gilt bronze on marble base. After Seiirre. Height, 151-^ inches. When "La Colonne de la Place Vendome," was first unveiled in 1810, it was sur- mounted with an immense statue of Napoleon as Caesar; but in 18 14, when Napoleon went to Elba, the new government had it taken down, and a flag substituted in its place. However, in 1833, according to a decree issued by Louis Philippe, another statue of Napoleon found its place at the top of the column, of which the above is a contemporary miniature replica. PROFILE MEDALLION 45. Napoleon as Emperor, With Laurel Crown. Life size profile medallion, in bronze. On marble plaque. Height of plaque, 22; width, 16 inches. [See Illustration] IMPERIAL EAGLE 46. The Imperial Eagle. Bronze gilt. Standing, with wings spread, clasping in his right talon a flaming torch, his left is resting on a blue enamel ball. Mounted on a mahogany stand, with brass ornaments at base and with large beads around top. Height, 15 inches; wing-spread, 16 inches. [See Illustration] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J4h COVER FROM NAPOLEON'S CASKET 47. Imperial Eagle within a laurel wreath, woven in gold on heavy purple satin. Edges unfinished. Height, i8>^; width, i6>2 inches. The above piece of satin cloth is a portion of the large ceremonial drapery covering Napoleon's casket as it was borne, with all solemnity, into the Hotel des Inva- lides, on December 15, 1840, for its final interment. CASTIRON URN 48. From the enclosure of Napoleon's Grave at St. Helena. With affidavit one page Svo, dated, Paris, May 19, 1908, and signed, in the autograph of the Count Las Cases. Height, 12 inches. WOOD CARVING 49. Imperial Eagle. Wood carving, gilt. Standing on half section of sphere, at one time surmounted the Harp used by Marie Louise. Height, 9; width, 8 inches. From the Meuville collection. POIGNEES DE PORTE 50. Pair of Bronze Door Knobs. Bronze gilt. Each with large plate, richly ornamented with the Imperial eagle, with wings spread, resting on Oak and Laurel branches, with flowing ribbon. Knobs also ornamented with eagle. Workmanship skilfull}' executed. These plates were taken from the Tuileries during the Commune of 1 870- 1871. Height, 4; length, %}4 inches. Museum pieces. FRAMED ENGRAVINGS, AUTOGRAPHS, OIL PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS [Numbers 51 to 84, inclusive] PIERRE MARIE ALIX French engraver. Born at Honfieur, 1752; died in Paris, 1819. Pupil of Descamps and J. Ph. Le Bas. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 51. Le General Buonaparte. Aquatint, printed in colors. Appiani Pinxt. Half length, in military uniform, with arms folded. Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins. Height, 15; width, 11^4^ inches. Empire frame. Rare and beautiful impression. Medallion in Bronze [No. 45] Imperial Eagle in Bronze [No. 46] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 52. Cambarceres, Bonaparte, Lebrun. (The Three Consuls). Aquatint, printed in colors. Peint par Vengorpe. Bust portraits, in oval, above view of Senate Chamber, "Barthelemy President du Senat Conservateur prese te au ler Consul I'acte Constitutif quifixe le Consulat a Vie." Fine impres- sion with the inscription. Height, 13^; width, t^J/?, inches. Empire frame. Inserted in mat below are the original signatures of the above, each on a separate signed portion of a letter, that of Napoleon, — a three-line inscription in his autograph as First Consul, ordering the Minister to give an act to an officer, and signed Bonaparte. Of Excessive Rarity. [See Frontispiece for Illustration] DRAWINGS OF ARC DE TRIOMPHE ARC DE TRIOMPHE 53. Premiers Dessins pour l'Arc de Triomphe. Original watercolor drawings. I. Dessin par Raymond. J. D. Thierry-planche XXII, No. 4. (9 b}' 8 inches.) 2. Dessin par Chalgrin. J. D. Thierry, planche XXII, No. 3. (8 by 10 inches.) The two framed as one, in Empire carved frame. The first of the above is the original of the second design offered by Raymond, in 1808, and has a two-line approval in the autograph of Napoleon, signed by him as Emperor. The second is the original design for the arch furnished by Chalgrin. By a decree of February 18, 1806, after the Battle of Austerlitz Napoleon ordered the erection of an Arch of Triumph at one of the entrances to Paris, in honor of the French troops. The Minister of the Interior commissioned Raymond and Chal- grin, members of the Institute, to present plans. The plan submitted by Ray- mond contained one less statue than shown in the present plan. But the Chal- grin plan submitted is that shown in the above. [See Illustration] J. ANDRE CASTAIGNE French painter; pupil of Gerome. CASTAIGNE, J. ANDRE 54. Napoleon As A Student. Oil Painting. Signed and dated, — A. Castaigne, '93- Shows Napoleon while at the Military School studying by Candle light. Height, 20; length, 24 inches. Empire frame. NICOLAS TOUSSANT CHARLET French painter and lithographer; born in Paris, 1792; died, 1845. Studied under Lebel and Gros. CHARLET, NICOLAS TOUSSANT 55. Grenadier a Pied. Oil Fainting, signed Charlet, on board. Full-length portrait of a Grenadier. Height, 9K; width, 6>^ inches. In gilt frame. This is the original painting of one of the illustrations in "La Garde Imperiale." [See Illustration] i j 1 1 ni^. 1 1 . 1 ^ r.^mjisT. "T s**' V - ft i ^ t, ,, . ■ ■ T - 't^ JK L ARC DE TRIOMPHE Original Drawings [No. 53J First Ses sion, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jf,th FRANgOIS ANNE DAVID French line-engraver; born in Paris, 1741; died there, 1824. Pupil of Le Bas. DAVID, FRANCOIS ANNE 56. Napoleon (The foundation of the Legion d'Honneur). Line-engraving. Full length, standing, presenting the decoration. Very fine proof with the artist's name only. Margins. Height, 20>^; width, iSyi inches. Framed. DAVID, FRANCOIS ANNE 57. Napoleon. Line-engraving. On Horseback, with sword drawn, ready to enter the battle. Very fine proof, with the artist's name only. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 20; width, 16 inches. Framed. LOUIS AUGUSTIN BOUCHER DESNOYERS French line-engraver; born in Paris, 1779; died, 1856. Pupil of Darcis and Tardieu. DESNOYERS, LOUIS AUGUSTIN BOUCHER 58. Napoleon le Grand. Line-engraviyig. F. Gerard pinxit anno 1805. Full length, standing, in coronation robes. Fine early impression, with the remarque imprint of two heads, in lower margin. Height, 25f^; width, 19 inches. In hand carved gold frame. Very fine early impression with the engraver's stamp. JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE French painter; born in Paris, 1848; Grand Prix at the Universal Exhibition, DETAILLE, JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD 59. Napoleon Bonaparte As First Consul. Oil Painting. Bust portrait, facing front, head to left, in uniform of First Consul. Oval. Height, i^yi; width, I2>^ inches. Empire frame. From the Collection de Madame Valtesse de la Eigne. Accompanying the above is a letter of authentication relative to the painting, the same being an extract from the will of Madame Valtesse de la Bigne, leaving the said portrait to Baron Ch. de Vaux, written by the Notary of the deceased. [See Illustration] NICOLAS TOUSSANT CHARLET Grenadier a Pied [No. 55] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth FRANCOIS FLAMENG Modern French painter and etcher; member of the Legion of Honor. FLAMENG, FRANCOIS 60. C'est Lui! Campagne de France 1814. Photogravure, colored by hand. Peint par Frangois Flameng. Full length, seated in chair, asleep. Im- pression signed by the painter. With inscription, full margins. Height, 13^-^; length, 18^ inches. Empire frame. ALPHONSE FRANCOIS One of the most famous of modern French engravers; born in Paris, 181 1. FRANCOIS, ALPHONSE 61. Napoleon Crossing THE Alps. Line-engraving. After the painting by Delaroche. Mounted, on a mule, in military uniform. Proof before All Letters, and signed in pencil, by the etcher. Margins. Height, 24% ; width, 19^ inches. Empire frame. CHARLES REMY JULES FRANCOIS French engraver; born in Paris, 1809; died in 1861; scholar of Henriquel-Dupont. FRANCOIS, CHARLES REMY JULES 62. Napoleon at Fontainebleu. Line-engraving. After Delaroche. Full length, seated. Fine early proof, before all letters. Margins. Height, 17^; width, i2,yi inches. Empire frame. CHARLES ETIENNE GAUCHER French engraver; born in Paris, 1740; died, 1804. Pupil of Basan and Le Bas. GAUCHER, CHARLES ETIENNE 63. A Bonaparte, Pacificateur, Le premier Consul, refuse de nouvelles palmes qui lui sont offertes par la Victoire, . . . Line-engraving. Dessine et grave sous la Direction de C. E. Gaucher. Full length, statue, on pedestal. Impression with the inscription, margins. Height, i^yi; length, 21^ inches. Empire frame. JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Napoleon Bonaparte [No. 59] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth FRANgOIS PASCAL SIMON GERARD Eminent French historical and portrait painter; born in Rome, 1770; died in Paris, 1836. Created by Napoleon an officer of the Legion of Honor, Cheva- lier of Saint Michael, and a member of the Institute; made a Baron by Louis XVI n. As a painter of portraits he ranked among the greatest European artist of his time. GERARD, FRANCOIS PASCAL SIMON 64. Napoleon in Coronation Robe. Original Charcoal Drawing. Signed Gerard. Oval. Height, 33; width, 25 inches. In original gilt frame. [See Illustration] DENZIL IBBETSON Commissary Ibbetson went out to St. Helena with Napoleon, and at the end of 1817 was promoted to the Longwood "purveyorship." IBBETSON, DENZIL 65. Napoleon and His Companions in Exile. Watercolor. Bust portrait in caricature, of Buonaparte, Gen. Gorgaud, Mareschal Bertrand, Col. Luscasse, and Gen. Montholon. Margins. Height, 5; length, I2>^ inches. Framed. Below the plate is an inset with the following inscription in ink, reading, — "Napoleon &= his Companions in Exile. This is Deputy Cointnissary General Denzil Ibbetson's original Sketch for the 'Five Heads' print published by Hassell on May ist 1817, described in the catalogue of the Trutnan sale as 'probably unique,' and wrongly attributed to George Cruikshank, who may have etched it. Two copies of the print are in my collection, one of them a proof lettered b" initialled 'D. I.' {see 'Napoleon in Caricature' Vol. II. p.p. 21-22 cf Appendix A No. 345 p.-jii) The original Sketch (which cotnpletes ?ny collection of Ibbetson portrait sketches) was discovered by Messrs. Maggs at Brighton, and purchased by me on April 5th igii for 10.10." Signed "A. M. Broadley." IBBETSON, DENZIL 66. Napoleon the First at St. Helena. Oil Painting. A sketch made by the artist at St. Helena, the morning after Napoleon's death, which took place the evening of May 5th, 1821, at sunset. The features had fallen away during his illness, but the fullness in his throat remained, the countenance was very placid, the color of the skin very yellow and there was a redness about the eyes which had the appearance as if the head had been beaten and bruised. On the back is a lithograph of the same, copied by John Gibbs, and lithographed by Day & Son. Height, 18^ ; length, 25 inches. Framed. A picture similar to this sketch was painted by the same person at St. Helena, im- mediately after the sketch was taken, and was given by Sir Hudson Lowe on his return to England after the death of Napoleon to King George IV. This pic- ture is now at Hampton Court, and it appears by a periodical work called the "Act Union" that the performance of it is attributed to Madame Bertrand. FRANgOIS P. S. GERARD Napoleon [No. 64] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Ifth JEAN PIERRE MARIE JAZET French engraver; born in Paris, 1788; died there, 1871. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 67. Coronation of Josephine. Mezzotint. After the painting by David. Proof before All Letters. Margins. Height, 25^; length, 39K inches. Empire frame. * Beautiful impression of David's Masterpiece. Shows Napoleon after having placed the crown on his own head, about to place the same on the head of Josephine who is kneeling before him. Courtiers and court ladies, the clergy and others standing around. ALPHONSE LAMOTTE French painter and engraver; born in 1844. LAMOTTE, ALPHONSE 68. Napoleon (Campaign of Italy). Etching. After Detaille. On horseback. Fine remarque proof, on parchment, with the signatures of both artists. Margins. Height, ijyi; width, 14^ inches. Empire frame. CHARLES FRANgOIS GABRIEL LEVACHEZ French engraver and publisher; flourished at the close of the i8th and commence- ment of the 19th Century. LEVACHEZ, CHARLES F. G. 69. Bonaparte Premier Consul de la Republique Franjaise. Aqiiatint, printed in colors. Boilly, pinxt. Bust portrait, oval. Below, engraving of "Revue du Quintidi." Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins. Height, 15X; width, io>^ inches. Empire frame. One of the most popular of all rare piints. ARISTIDE LOUIS French engraver, 1841. LOUIS, ARISTIDE 70. Napoleon. Line-engraving. After Paul Delaroche, 1838. Three-quarter length, standing, in mili- tary uniform, with left hand behind back, holding "snuff box." Superb impression, with artist's name in Scratched Letters. Margins. Height, I3>^; width, io}i inches. Empire frame. Fine impression of one of the most attractive portraits of Napoleon as Emperor. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Ifth ANTOINE MAURIN French historical painter, born, 1793; died, i860. MAURIN, ANTOINE 71. Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais. Lithograph. Paris, chez J. Bulla et F. Delame . . . Imp. LAmercIer, Bernard et Cie. Half length, in uniform of Emperor, with left hand tucked in waistcoat, circle, surrounded by wreath, which holds 13 medallion por- traits, of his Marshals and Generals, — Moncey, Massena, Lefebvre, Berthier, Ney, Lannes, Eugene, Murat, Bessieres, Mortier, Soult, Suchet and Oudinot. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins. Height, 23; width, 18% inches. Empire frame. ABEL MIGNON Modern French etcher. MIGNON, ABEL 72. Napoleon. Etching. After Meissonier. On horseback, in uniform of Emperor, followed by his staff. Signed remarque proof, on parchment. Height, I7>i; width, 14^ inches. Empire frame. J. B. MORET French engraver of i8th Century. MORET, J. B. 73. Bonaparte Ier Consul. Aquatint, printed in colors. Appiani, Pinxt. Half length, in military uniform, with hat. Superb impression, with the inscription. Margins. Very Rare. Height, 15; width, I ij^ inches. Framed. DENIS AUGUSTE MARIE RAFFET French draughtsman, Hthographer, painter; born at Paris, 1804; died, i860. RAFFET, DENIS AUGUSTE MARIE 74. Italie. 1796. Oil painting. Signed. Bonaparte standing before a camp-fire, with his back turned to the same and facing front, his officers seated or lying down near him. Height, 12^; length, 1 7>^ inches. Empire frame. [See Illustration] RAFFET, DENIS AUGUSTE MARIE 75. Napoleon Reviewing the Old Guard. Lithograph, hand colored. Full length, with arms behind his back, and facing the troops. Height, 5% ; length, 8 inches. Empire frame. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jjth GEORGES ROUGET French painter; born in Paris, 1784; died, 1869; Medal of First Class, 1855. ROUGET, GEORGES 76. J. L. David. Celebrated French Historical Painter. Born in Paris, 1748; died in Brussels, 1825; Member of the French Institute. Oil Painting. Half-length portrait, seated, with blue coat, large white cravat, and medal of the Legion of Honor. Height, 9; width, 7>^ inches. Empire frame. PIAT JOSEPH SAUVAGE French painter; born, 1747; died, 1818. SAUVAGE, PIAT JOSEPH 77. Napoleon. Oil Painting. Bust portrait, profile turned to the right. With dress as First Consul. Beautiful portrait executed in light brown and white on a greyish back- ground. Height, 29; width, 23% inches. eug£ne varin VARIN, EUGENE 78. Vive L'Empereur. Etching. After the painting by Detaille. Signed in pencil, and with a presentation inscription by Detaille to Madame de Neuville. Margins. Height, 21; length, 25 inches. Empire frame. Unusual association item. UNKNOWN ENGRAVERS 79. Napoleon le Premier, Empereur des Frangois; Also, Josephine, Impera- trice des Frangois. Stipple, printed in colors. Two bust portraits, circular, diameter of each 2% inches, each on sheet, 5 by 3K inches. Framed as one. Empire style. MARIE LOUISE, EMPRESS OF FRANCE 80. Document Signed, ip. oblong 4to, on parchment, St. Cloud, May 3, 1812, appointing the Baronne de Meneval to membership in the Maternal Charity Organization, of which the Queen was a Patroness. Signed in the autograph of Marie Louise, and countersigned by Louis, Bishop of Versailles, Secretary -General of the Institute. Letter in Third Person, by the Duchess de Montebello, Lady of Honor to Her Majesty the Empress, informing Madame the Baronne de Meneval that the Empress will grant her an interview during her stay at the Palace of St. Cloud. \_Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, Ma y J^th [No. 80. Marie Louise: Continued] Letter in Third Person, autographed by M. de Beaumont, Chamberlain to the Empress, informing Madame de Meneval, in the name of the Empress, that the latter has received the news of the signing of Peace, October 18, 1809. Autograph Letter Signed, by the Empress Marie Louise, ip. 8vo, January 14, 1816, with mention of M. Meneval, and the illness of the Baronne de Meneval's son. Meneval, Barron de (Secretary to Napoleon). A 14-line poem signed by Meneval, folowed by a 4-line verse by Victor Hugo inspired by a branch of the weeping-willow tree which overshadowed Napoleon's tomb, which was brought back by Meneval. Also, a lock of Napoleon's hair; and a piece of red taffeta, with inscription dated, August 22, 1813, in the handwriting of Baronne de Meneval, stating that "The Empress gave me this piece of red taffeta. . . It touched the shroud of Our Lord." The 5 pieces, mounted and framed as one. On the back is a lithographic portrait of Baron de Meneval. MARIE LOUISE, EMPRESS OF FRANCE 81. Document, Signed, on parchment, ip. folio. May 5, 18 10. Signed in the autograph of Marie Louise, and countersigned by Card. Fesch, Grand Almoner of the Empire, Secretary-General of the Society. With en- graved portraits of the King of Rome and the Empress Marie; also a five-line autograph inscription by the King of Rome to his mother the Empress, relative to his tender, loving sentiments for her. Framed as one piece. Empire style. The document appoints Madame Legoux de St. Sein, nee de Perrigny, Member of the Maternal Charity Organisation, established by Imperial decree of May 5, 1 8 10, and of which Marie Louise was Patroness. In the lower margin is inset a silver coin with the head of the Empress Marie. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE 82. Letter Signed, ip. folio. Saint Cloud, June 16, 1803 "le 27 prairial de I'an II." Signed, — -Bonaparte; countersigned, — Portalis, Councilor of State in Charge of Affairs pertaining to Public Worship. With full- length stipple portrait of Napoleon in the Garden at Malmaison. Matted as one. Height, 12^: length of both pieces, 17 inches. Empire frame. This letter is written to the Gentlemen of the Consistory and relates to the war then waging, the following is a translation, — • Gentlemen of the Consistory of the Cojisistorial Church, Protestant Reformed Church of Paris, all Europe knows the motives impelling us to wage the present war. The bad faith of the King of England who has violated the sanctity of our treaties, by refusing to observe Article 10 of the Treaty of Amiens, who has attacked our cojnmercial vessels without a formal declaration of war, the necessity of a J7ist defence, all force us to have recourse to arms. This letter is being addressed to you in order that prayers tnay be offered up in your church according to your rites, to draw down the blessing of Heaven upon our just enterprise. The proof of your zeal for the good of the State assures me that you will grant my request with pleasure. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^h ORIGINAL DRAWING 83. Napoleon and General Berthier at the Battle of Marengo. Drawing. Full length portraits, in military dress uniform, standing on a hill, over- looking the field of battle. An orderly stands to the left holding the horses. Very beautiful drawing, executed in pencil and wash. A tear in the center has been skilfully repaired. Height, 23^; width, 19^ inches. PRINCE VICTOR NAPOLEON 84. Portrait. Lithograph on India paper, signed in the autograph of Prince Victor Napoleon, — Napoleon. Height, 8>^; width, 7>^ inches. Framed. Prince Victor Napoleon is the present head of the Napoleonic Dynasty. BOOK CASE 85. Book Case. Mahogany. Divided into three sections, with glass door to each section and locks; two end sections 2iyi inches wide, center section iSyi inches; each section having four shelves. Carved wood column at each corner of front, with carved lion's claw as base. Length, 65^ inches; Height, 49 inches; Depth, 13 inches. BOOK CASE 86. BOOK CASE. Same as preceding. With seven shelves 2\yi inches, and four shelves 18^ inches. Length, 65^^ inches; Height, 49 inches; Depth, 13 inches. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS AND VIEWS [ Numbers 87 to 356, inclusive ] ALLEGORICAL 87. Napoleon (Crowned by Victory). Stipple. Full length, standing, being crowned by an angel, representing victory. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 6; width, 4^ inches. Trial-Proof of Great Rarity. From the Soulavie collection. ALLEGORICAL 88. N. Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, presenting peace to the four quarters of the World. Mezzotint, colored by hand. Full length, seated. With the inscription, margins trimmed to the plate- mark. Height, I2f^; width, 9^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Ifth PIERRE MARIE ALIX French engraver; born at Honfleur, 1752; died in Paris, 1819. Pupil of Descamps and J. Ph. Le Bas. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 89. AuGEREAU. Aquatint. Dessine par Hilaire le Dru. Full length, standing, in military uniform. With margins. Height, 20>^; width, 14^^ inches. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 90. Buonaparte. General en Chef de l'Armee d'Italie Ne a Ajaccio en CoRCE le 15 AOUT 1 769. Aquatifit. Fragonard Fils Del. Full length, in uniform, with inscription. Full margin. Height, ijH'y width, 12]4 inches. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 91. Napoleon Ier Empereur des Frangais Roi D'Italie. Aquatint, printed in colors. Garnerey Pinx. Full length, seated, on his throne, in coronation robes. Beautiful impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. Rare. Height, 2i>^; width, ijH inches. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 92. Napoleon Bonaparte Ier Consul. Aquatint, printed in colors. Appiani Pinxt, An II. 1803. Bust portrait, in dress uniform. Fine impression, inlaid. Title done in fac-simile by hand. Height, gys; width, 8}i inches. [See Cover Design for Illustration] ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 93. Eugene Beauharnais. Aquatint, printed in colors. A. Appiani pinxt. Half length, in Court dress. Superb impression. Inlaid, margins have been trimmed to printed surface. Height, 12; width, 8J4 inches. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 94. Kleber. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. A. Boilly pinx. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Fine im- pression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, i8>^; width, I2>^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May I^th ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 95. Pie VII. SouvERAiN Pontife, Ne a Cesene ville de la Romagne le 14, Aout 1742. Elu Pape a Venise le 14 Mars 1800. parti de Rome pour Paris le 3 Novbre. 1804 pour le Sacre de Napoleon Empereur des Frangais. Aquatint, printed in colors. Peint a Rome d'apres nature par J. B. Wicar. Bust portrait, in clerical robes. Fine impression, with inscription. Full margins. Height, iiK; width, 8>^ inches. ALIX, PIERRE MARIE 96. William Pitt. Aquatint, printed in colors. Ant. Hickel pinxt. Bust portrait. Fine impression, with inscription. Full margins. Height, 14H; width, 11^ inches. One of the rarest of this series. FRIEDRICH ARNOLD German engraver; born in Berhn, 1780; died in 1809. ARNOLD, FRIEDRICH 97. Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'ltalie. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. A most attractive German type. H. Dahling del. Full length, standing, in uniform of Emperor. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 13%^; width, 9^ inches. PARFAIT AUGRAND Frencli engraver; born in Joinville, 1782; date of death unknown. AUGRAND, PARFAIT 98. Josephine. Stipple, printed in colors. Augrand fecit. Bust portrait. Impression with monogram / in circle of stars, and with the publication line. Full margins. Height, 2; width, 2 inches. AUGRAND, PARFAIT 99. Josephine. Stipple, printed in colors, and touched by hand. Lafitte del. Bust portrait, in marble, on pedestal. Proof before Title, Full margins. Height, 6}4; width, 5X inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^h JEAN FRANCOIS BADOUREAU French engraver; born in 1789. BADOUREAU, JEAN FRANCOIS 100. La Mission Dangereuse, Dediee a Monsieur le Baron Gourgaud General dArtillerie Commandant de la Legion d'Honneur &c. Stipple and line-engraving, printed in colors and touched by hand. Peint par Giiet. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 15H; width, I2>^ inches. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI Eminent Italian engraver; born in Florence, 1727; died at Lisbon, 1815. Pupil of Joseph Wagner. One of the original members of the Royal Academy, London. BARTOLOZZL FRANCESCO loi. N. Bonaparte. Stipple. A. Appiani pinxt. Half length, in military dress uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 14,^-^; width, 12;^^ inches. Bartolozzi's famous portrait of Bonaparte. BARTOLOZZL FRANCESCO 102. Sitting of the Council of Five Hundred at St. Cloud. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. F. Vieira Portuensis, ino. Inscription in English and French. Height, 19%; length, 25% inches. Rare and Beautiful Impression of this celebrated scene in the turning point in Napoleon's career. [See Illustration] JOHANN CHRISTIAN BENDORP Dutch engraver; born at Antwerp, 1769; died in 1849. BENDORP, JOHANN CHRISTIAN 103. Bonaparte Ier Consul. Stipple. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 6yi; width, 3^ inches. f ^ — ^ — — ^ f?';i ' — -.,.— ^j Hi T 1 ' 1 ' 1^1^^ ■'^i: j ^H^^^^^^^^^ i I iwk i ^p f9|HH hI^9 1 ^^ ^1 1 ^ \^H ■ ! FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI Sitting of the Council of Five Hundred [No. 102] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth J. L. BENOIST French engraver, circa 1800- 1840 BENOIST, J. L. 104. Louis Dix-Huit, Roi de France et de Navarre, Ne a Versailles, le 17, Novembre 1755. Stipple, printed in colors. Benoist del Et Scul. Bust portrait, in military uniform. With inscrip- tion, full margins. Height, 5% ; width, 4^ inches. BENOIST, J. L. 105. Napoleon, Meditation dans I'lsle d'Elbe. Stipple, printed in colors. Geuillon del. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Impression with inscription in French. Full margins. Height, 5^; width, 4^ inches. BENOIST, J. L. 106. Napoleon ler, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'ltalie Protecteur de la Con- federation du Rhin, Mediateur de la Suisse. Stipple, printed in colors. Dessine et grave par Benoist. Half length, superb impression, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, SH ; width, 4^ inches. BENOIST, J. L. 107. Napoleon Premier Empereur et Roi. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Alex. Vigneux, f. Bust, in uniform. With inscription and Coat-of-Arms. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 7^^8; width, 6^ inches. A companion portrait to the portrait following of Marie Louise. BENOIST, J. L. 108. Marie Louise d'Autriche, Imperatrice et Reine. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Alex. Vigneux pinxt. Half length, with inscription. Full margins. Height, 7H', width, 6}4 inches. A companion portrait to the preceding portrait of Napoleon. BENOIT BENOIT, 109. Buonaparte, General en Chef de I'armee d'ltalie. Stipple, printed in colors. Dessine par Texier le Jeune. Full length, standing, in military uniform, circle. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 2^; width, 2^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^th NOEL FRANCOIS BERTRAND French engraver; born at Soisy-sous-Etiolles in 1784; Died at Saint-Ouen in 1852. Pupil of the j'ounger Moreau and of David. BERTRAND, NOEL FRANCOIS no. Napoleon Premier, Empereur des Frangais Roi d'ltalie, Protecteur de la Confederation du Rhin, et mediateur de la Confederation de Suisse. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Feint par P. Gerard. Half length, in uniform. With inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 7>^; width, 6}i inches. Rare. A companion to the portrait of Marie Louise, following. Together they form an attractive pair. BERTRAND, NOEL FRANCOIS 111. Marie Louise, Archiduchesse dAutriche, Imperatrice des Frangais, Reine d'ltalie. Nee le 12 Decembre 1791. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Peint par P. Gerard. Half length, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 7^; width, 6yi inches. Rare. A companion to the preceding portrait of Napoleon. BERTRAND, NOEL FRANCOIS 112. Napoleon le Grand, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'ltalie. Stipple. Printed in colors and touched up with gold. Bust portrait, in uniform of Emperor. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 4% ; width, 4^ inches. A companion portrait to the following portrait of Marie Louise. Rare Pair. BERTRAND, NOEL FRANCOIS 113. Marie Louise. Imperatrice des Frangais, Reine d'ltalie. Stipple, printed in colors and touched up with gold. Bust portrait. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 4% ; width, 4.5/i inches. A companion portrait to the preceding portrait of Napoleon. MAURICE BLOT French line engraver; born in Paris in 1754; died there in 1818. Pupil of Augustin de Saint-Aubin. BLOT, MAURICE 114. J. N. CoRViSART, Premier Medecin de S. M. I'Empereur & Roi, Officier de la Legion d'Honneur, Baron de I'Empire, &c. &c. Line-engraving. Peint par Gerard, an 1809. Bust portrait. Fine impression, with inscrip- tion. Margins on sides trimmed to plate-mark. Height, io>^; width, ypi inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth FRANgOIS BONNEVILLE French engraver, end of i8th century. BONNEVILLE, FRANCOIS 115. Beurnonville. General des Armees de la Rep. Fr . . . Stipple, "prmted in colors. F. Bonneville del Sculp. Bust portrait, in military dress uniform. Im- pression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 4^-^; width, 3^ inches. BONNEVILLE, FRANCOIS 116. Bonaparte. General en Chef des Armees de la Republique Frangais. Stipple. F. Bonneville del et sculp. Bust portrait, in circle, with engraved outer circle. Impression with the inscription, margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, \yi; width, i}4, inches. BONNEVILLE, FRANCOIS 117. Bonaparte, Embrasse dans ses soins et la paix et la guerre. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait oval. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 4>^; width, 2,J/% inches. The harmony of colors in this portrait is unusual. BOSSELMAN French engraver of the early 19th century. BOSSELMAN, 118. Napoleon ier and Louis XVIII. Stipple, printed in colors. Full length, miniature portraits in military dress. Impressions with inscription. Engraved on separate plates and printed on one sheet. Margins. Height, V/i; width, 1% inches. Exceedingly Rare in Undivided State as Above. AUGUSTE G. L. BOUCHER-DESNOYERS One of the most eminent French engravers of his time; born in Paris, 1779; died there 1857. BOUCHER-DESNOYERS, AUGUSTE G. L. 119. Nap-Bonaparte. Line-engraving. Robert Lefevre pinxit. Bust portrait in dress coat. With inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Rare. Height, 9f^; width, 'j^i inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jf-th AUGUSTS BOULARD French etcher and engraver. BOULARD, AUGUSTE 120. S. M. Le Roi de Rome. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, in circle, resting on base and surrounded by emblematic ornaments. Very Fine Proof with the inscription. Margins. Height, loys; width, 6 inches. ANTOINE ACHILLE BOURGEOIS DE LA RICHARDIERE French engraver born at PoUa, in 1777. BOURGEOIS DE LA RICHARDIERE, ANTOINE ACHILLE 121. Alexandre Ier Empereur de Toutes les Russies. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Aug. Desnoyers Delt. Half length, in military dress uniform. Fine im- pression, with inscription. Margins. Height, i2)}i', width, lof^ inches. BOURGEOIS DE LA RICHARDIERE, ANTOINE ACHILLE 122. Napoleon Ier Empereur des Frangais Roi d' Italic. Stipple and line engraving, printed in colors and slightly touched by hand. A. Dumont delt. Bust portrait, in coronation robes and with plumed hat. Beautiful impression, with inscription and coat-of-arms. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, I3>^; width, \o}4 inches. JOSEPH BOZE French portrait and miniature painter; born at Les Martigues, about 1746; died in Paris, 1826. BOZE, JOSEPH 123. Napoleon Accompanied by General Berthier at the Battle of Marengo. Original drawing. Full length, both in military dress uniform, standing, on a hill overlooking the field of battle, to which Napoleon is pointing with his outstretched right arm, to the left in the rear is an orderly holding their horses. Beautiful drawing in pencil and wash. Exquisitely executed. Height, 22,J4,; width, 19^ inches. A stipple engraving was made after this drawing by A. Cardon. See, No. 130. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May J^th W. BRETT Mezzotint engraver of the i8th century. BRETT, W. 124. Napoleon. Mezzotint. Drawn by Charlet. Full length, standing, before bonfire, in uniform of Emperor. Proof Before Letters. Printed on India paper. Beauti- ful impression. Full margins. Height, 5>^; width, 3^^ inches. HENRICUS BUGUET French historical and portrait painter; born at Fresne, 1761; died, 1833; pupil of David. BUGUET, HENRICUS 126. Napoleon Gallorum Primus Imperator, Atque Rex Italiae. Stipple, printed in colors. Paris, chez Bouquet. Bust portrait, in coronation robes. Impression with the inscription, and margins. Engraver unknown. Height, 119^; width, 8^ inches. ANTOINE CARDON .Engraver; born at Brussels, 1772; died, 1813; pupil of his father, Antoine Alex- ander Joseph Cardon. CARDON, ANTOINE 127. Louis Gu'illaume Otto. Ministre Plenipotentiaire de la Republique Frangaise, . . . Stipple, colored by hand. J. Boze, pinxt. Half length, oval. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 5% ; width, 4>^ inches. CARDON, ANTOINE 128. Louis Antoine Henry de Bourbon, Due d'Enghein. Stipple. Painted by Villiers Huet. Bust portrait, in dress uniform, oval border, surrounded by emblematic ornaments. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 9%; width, 7^ inches. CARDON, ANTOINE 129. Napoleon Accompanied by General Berthier at the Battle of Marengo. Stipple. J. Boze, pinx. Open Letter Proof. Height, 24% ; width, 20 inches. ANTOINE CARDON Napoleon and General Berthier at the Battle of Marengo [No. 130] First Ses sion, Wednesday Afternoon, May 4^th CARDON, ANTOINE 130. Napoleon Accompanied by General Berthier at the Battle of Marengo. Stipple, printed in colors. Jh. Boze, pinx. Beautiful impression of this Exceedingly Rare Print. Inscription in French and English. Height, 24K ; width, 20 inches. For the original drawing of this see under Boze, No. 123. [See Illustration] J. F. CAZENAVE French engraver; born in Paris, 1770; date of death not recorded. CAZENAVE, J. F. 131. Napoleon. Stipple and line-engraving. David pinxt. Half length, in coronation robes. Fine Proof before All Letters. Full margins. Height, 24>^; width, 1%% inches. CAZENAVE, J. F. 132. Napoleon. Stipple, line and aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine par Vanderwal. Full length, staiiding, in coronation robes. Fine Proof Before All Letters, but with the coat-of-arms. With margins. Rare in Such Fine Condition. Height, 25; width, 18% inches. ALEXANDRE CHAPONNIER Swiss engraver; born at Geneva, 1753; died about 1824. CHAPONNIER, ALEXANDRE 133. Louis Napoleon, Roi de Hollande, Frere de I'Empereur; Connetable de I'Empire frangs. Stipple, printed in colors. Dessine par Swebach. Three-quarter length, in military uniform. Superb impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 5% ; width, 4^^ inches. JEAN BAPTISTE CHAPUY French engraver; born at Paris, 1760; died there, 1802. Worked with Jansuet; devoted himself especially to engraving in color. CHAPUY, JEAN BAPTISTE 134. Eugene Beauharnais, Prince Archichancelier d'Etat, Vice Roi d'ltalie. Aquatint, in colors. An unusually attractive portrait. Dessine par Nodet. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 20>4 ; width, 14 inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jjih NICOLAS TOUSSANT CHARLET French painter and lithographer; born at Paris, 1792; died there, 1845. CHARLET, NICHOLAS TOUSSAINT 135. Napoleon. Lithograph. Full length, standing, in camp. Proof Before Letters. Margins. Exceedingly Rare Lithograph. Height, 18^; width, I2>^ inches. LOUIS FRANgOIS CHARON Mezzotint and aquatint engraver; born in 1783. CHARON, LOUIS FRANQOIS 136. Bessieres, Bessieres (Jean Baptiste) Due d'Istrie, marechal de France, naquit a Preissac, (dept. du Lot) le 6 Aoflt 1768, . . . Aquatint, colored mostly by hand. Martinet pinxt. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Very fine impression, with the inscription, full margins. Height, I5>2; width, 11% inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 137. Cambrone, Lorsqu' a Waterloo, la mitraille ennemie moissonnait partout nos Braves, le General Cambrone s'etant avance avec quelques uns des siens fut somme de se rendre; La Garde meurt, elle ne se rend pas, repondit il, et ce cri immortel fut repete dans tous les rangs: ils ne pouvaient plus vaincre ils marcherent a la mort. Aquatint, colored by hand. Aubry, pinx. Full length, standing, on the field of battle with sword drawn. Good impression, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, I5>^; width, 11^ inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 138. Eugene Beauharnais. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Aubry, pinx. Full length, ready to attack. Fine impression, with in- scription, margins trimmed inside plate-mark, laid down. Height, 15%; width, II >^ inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 139. General Grouchy. Aquatint. Half length, in military dress uniform, oval, with engraved border. Very Fine Proof Before All Letters. Margins trimmed at sides. Height, 8>^; width, "jyi inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 140. Lasalle. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Aubry pinx. Full length standing, in officer's full dress uniform. Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate mark. Height, I5>^; width, ii>^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jjth CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 141. Napoleon Premier, Empereur des Frangais & Roi d'ltalie. Stipple and line-engraving, colored by hand. Mollet delt. On horseback, in uniform of Emperor. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 13^; width, 10% inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 142. PoNiATOWSKi, En 1813, ce Prince ayant ete charg6 de defendre les Faubourgs de Leipsick. . . . Aquatint, printed in colors. Aubry pinx. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Fine im- pression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 15^^; width, iijA inches. CHARON, LOUIS FRANCOIS 143. Rapp, Lieutenant General de Cavalerie, entra de tres bonheur au service et s'y distingua toujours par sa bravoure et son activite. Aide de camp de Dessaix en 1796, il fit avec lui les campagnes d'Egypte, . . . Aqua- tint, colored by hand. Aubry, pinxit 1805. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate- mark. Height, 15^; width, ii}4 inches. ALEXIS CHATAIGNIER French engraver; born at Nantes, 1772; died, 1817; pupil of Queverdo. CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 144. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Stipple, printed in colors, and touched by hand. Dessine d'apres Nature et Grave par Chataignier. On horseback, in dress uniform. Beautiful Impression, with full margins. Height, 14/^; width, 11 inches. CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 145. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Remeltant I'Epee dans le fourreau apres la Paix Generale. Stipple and line-engraimig, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine et grave par Chataignier. Full length, standing, in military costume. With inscription and full margins. Height, loK ; width, 'dyi inches. The very Rare Plate showing the popular demonstration for Napoleon with the Tuileries in the back-ground. CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 146. Bonaparte, Premier Consul. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, medallion, circle set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 5; width, 2j4, inches. Very Rare, and attractive miniature portrait. r 'j>y APART E ALEXIS CHATAIGNIEll [No. 147] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 147. Consul Bonaparte. Mezzotint, colored by hand. After Chataginier. On horseback, in military dress uniform. Impression with the inscription, with margins. Height, 14^'. width, 10% inches. The Halsey copy, and the only impression of this exceedingly rare plate that has come under our observation. [See Illustration] CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 148. N. Bonaparte Ier Consul, de la Republique Frangaise. Stipple. Appiani, pinxt. Bust portrait, in oval. With inscription, margins trimmed to plate-mark. Rare Impression, printed in brown ink. Height, 8}i; width, 6^ inches. CHATAIGNIER, ALEXIS 149. General Moreau. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine d' apres Nature. On horseback, in military dress uniform. Su- perb impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Rare. Height, I3?i; width, ioj4 inches. DANIEL NICOLAS CHODOWIECKI German engraver; born at Dantzig, 1726; died at Berlin, 1801. CHODOWIECKI, DANIEL NICOLAS 150. Frederique Sophie Wilhelmine, Princesse De Prusse. Etching, finished with the graver. D. Chodowiecki pinx. & fecit. Berolini 1767. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved ornamental border. Impression with the inscription. Mar- gins. Height, 13H; width, iiyi inches. PIERRE PHILIPPE CHOFFARD French draughtsman and engraver; born at Paris, 1731; died, 1809; pupil of Edelinck, Balechon and Cochin. CHOFFARD, PIERRE PHILIPPE 151. Bonaparte Premier Consul de la Republique Franqaise. Line- engraving. (1801.) Bust portrait, medallion, set on pedestal and surrounded by two figures. Proof Before the Inscription. Full margins. Height, 3^; width, 2^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jjth CHOUBARD French engraver of the Empire and Restoration. CHOUBARD, 152. Bernadotte and Desire Clary, Prince and Princess Royal de Suede. Stipple. Dessine par Lafond, Jr. Bust portraits in oval. Impression with the inscription, full margins. Height, iiyi; width, 8^ inches. "CITIZEN L'AUTEUR" "CITIZEN L'AUTEUR" 153. Madame Buonaparte. Mezzotint. Engraved from the original portrait drawn from the life by Citizen I'Auteur at Paris. Impression with the inscription. Superb impression, in per- fect condition. Full margins. Very Rare. [See Illustration] LAMBERTUS ANTONIUS CLAESSENS Belgian engraver; born at Antwerp, 1764; died, 1834; pupil of Bartolozzi. CLAESSENS, LAMBERTUS ANTONIUS 154. Napoleon. Stipple. Bust portrait after Isabey, set in engraved base. Proof Before All Letters. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 5f^; width, 3^ inches. CLAR German mezzotint engraver, end of i8th century. CLAR, — 155. Portraits of Queen Louise, Frederic Guillaume III, Constantin Paulo wiTZ, and Alexandre I. Aquatint, printed in colors, touched by hand. H. Smith delt. Four bust portraits, engraved on one plate. Fine im- pression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, II >2; width, 9^ inches. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jf,th ROBERT COOPER English engraver. COOPER, ROBERT 156. Napoleon Buonaparte. Stipple and line-engraving. Engraved with permission, by Robt. Cooper, from the original whole length picture painted by Mr. David, his chief Painter at Paris. London, Published Jany. 1815 . . . by William Gribb. Fine Open Letter Proof, with engraved border, printed on India paper. Margins. Height, 14^; width, 10^4 inches. COOPER, ROBERT AND SUTHERLAND, T 157. Marquis of Anglesea, G. C. B. To the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers & Privates, of the British Regiment of Cavalry, Engaged at the Ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo, this print of Lieut. General The Marquis of Anglesea, G. C. B., Is with the greatest respect dedi- cated by their most humble servants S. & J. Fuller. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. H. Aiken pinxt. On horseback, in dress uniform of British General. Superb impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate- mark. Height, 14^^; width, 13 inches. PIERRE CHARLES COQUERET French engraver; born at Paris, 1761; date of death unknown; studied under Janinet. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 158. Buonaparte. Aquatint, colored by hand. Dessine par Hiliare Le Dru. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Rare First State. Full margins. Height, 20;^8; width, 14 inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 159. Bonaparte. Aquatint. Dessine par Hilaire le Dru. Full length, standing, in uniform. Head re-engraved by Coqueret, year IX. Second State with changed head. With margins. Height, 20f-8; width, 14^^ inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 160. [Marshal] Duroc. Aquatint. Dessine par Hilaire le Dru. Full length, standing, in military dress uni- form. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 20^; width, 14 inches. From the Royal Windsor collection. "CITIZEN L'AUTEUR" [No. 153] First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, May Jfth COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES i6i. General Pichegru. Aquatint. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Rare Proof Before All Letters. With margins. Height, i8; width, 12K inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 162. JouRDAN. Aquatint. Dessine par Hilaire Le Dru. Grave par Coqueret et Lachaussee. Full length, standing, in uniform. Full margins. Height, 20^; width, I3>'8 inches. From the Royal Windsor collection. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 163. KiLMAiNE. Aquatint. Dessine par Hilaire le Dru. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 20^; width, 13//^ inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 164. Lefevre. Aquatint. Dessine par H. Kolbe. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof. With margins. Height, 20>2 ; width, 13^^ inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 165. Marbot. Aquatint. Dessine par Wicar. Half length, in military uniform. Fine impression, with title. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 10^; width, %y& inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES 166. MoNiER. Genie, de Division. Mezzotint. Dessine par Le Barbier I'aine. Full length, in uniform of a General, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 21;^; width, 15 inches. COQUERET, PIERRE CHARLES ET LACHAUSSEE 167. Massena. Mezzotint. Hilaire [le Dru], del. Coqeret, et Lacheuse Sculp. Full length, standing. Fine Open Letter Proof. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 2oy2\ width, 13^ inches. MBe w aM aa« BeitWiW.2 ; width, 2}i inches. CORONATION PORTRAIT 169. Napoleon le Grand. Stipple, printed in colors. After Gerard. Full length, standing, in coronation robes. Beautiful impression, with engraved border and title. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 5; width, 2)H inches. Fine example of printing in colors. . SAMUEL COUSINS English mezzotint engraver; born at Exeter, 1801; died in London, 1887. COUSINS, SAMUEL 170. Prince Metternich. Mezzotint. Painted by Sir Thos. Lawrence, P. R. A. Principal Painter in Ordinary to his Majesty &c. &c. Three-quarter length, seated. Extremely fine impression of the First State, with the artist's names in Open Letters and before the title. Full margins. Height, isyi; width, 12 inches. C. D. French officer and engraver. D., C. (OFFR. BLESSE A L'ARMEE) 171. Buonaparte, et sa bienaimee Epouse Rose Josephine, nee de la Lagerie. Aquatint. Bust portraits, in oval facing each other, resting on a pedestal. Impres- sion with the inscription. Margins. Height, 8^; length, ()% inches. Unusually attractive portraits of this exquisite plate in the style of eighteenth century French engravers. [See Illustration] J. LOUIS DARCIS French engraver; died in 1801. One of the engravers whose work is most in demand. DARCIS, J. LOUIS 172. Buonaparte, General en Chef de lArmee d'Italie. Stipple. Cles. Vernet del. On horseback, with sword drawn. Fine impression with inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark, Height, io>2; width, 8^ inches. At The American Art Galleries MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE, BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY A NOTABLE COLLECTION OF NAPOLEONIC PRINTS, BOOKS, AUTOGRAPHS, MINIATURE PORTRAITS, STATUETTES AND RELICS, BELONGING TO MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON Second Session, Numbers 173 to 356, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 4th, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK FRANCOIS ANNE DAVID French engraver; born at Paris, 1741; died there, 1824; pupil of Le Bas. DAVID, FRANCOISE ANNE 173. Bonaparte, Premier Consul de la Republique Frangaise. Stipple. Bust portrait, medallion, within laurel wreath. Impression with the in- scription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 2%; width, 2% inches. PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT French painter, engraver in aquatint; born at Paris, 1755; died at Belleville, 1832. One of the greatest French engravers. DEBUCOURT, PHILIBERT LOUIS 174. Napoleon ier. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine et Grave par D. B. 1807. Full length, standing, in uniform of Emperor. Impression with title and publication line. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Scarce. Height, i6yi; width, 12^ inches. DEBUCOURT, PHILIBERT LOUIS 174 a. MoRT DU Prince Joseph Poniatowski. Aquatint, printed in colors, and touched by hand. Peint par H. Vernet. Fine impression with the inscription. Margins. Rare. Height, 22yi; length, 30>^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th PIERRE ANTOINE DEMACHY French painter and engraver; born in 1723; died in 1807. Excellent designer; did fine work. DEMACHY, PIERRE ANTOINE 175. Bonaparte, Pacificateur de I'Europe. Aquatint, printed in colors. Valin del, — ^commence par Demachy, et termine par Villeneuve. Full length on horseback, in dress uniform. Superb Impression, with inscription and full margins. Very Rare. Height, i6>^; width, 12^^ inches. [See Illustration] WILLIAM DICKINSON English engraver; born in London, 1746; died in Paris, 1823. DICKINSON, WILLIAM 176. Napoleon Bonaparte Premier Consul. Mezzotint. Gros, Pinxt. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Proof before title. Full margins. Height, 24%; width, 17 inches. Fine, rare and attractive portrait as First Consul. [See Illustration] DICKINSON, WILLIAM 177. Duchesse de Dino, Princess de Talleyrand. Mezzotint. After F. Gerard. Full length, standing. Very Fine Proof Before All Letters. Margin trimmed at bottom inside plate-mark. Height, 24; width, 17^^ inches. One of the most attractive female portraits of the Empire period. DICKINSON, WILLIAM 178. S. A. R. Charles Jean, Prince Royal de Suede et de Norvege. Mezzo- tint. F. Gerard pinxit. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed to i /16 inch of outside plate-mark. Height, 13^; width, 11^ inches. PIERRE ANTOINE DEMACHY [No. 175] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfth CLAUDE MARIE F. DIEN French engraver and painter; born at Paris, 1787; died there, 1865. Instructed by Reboul and Audoin. DIEN, CLAUDE MARIE F. 179. Napoleon. Stipple. Bust portrait, oval, in Emperor's dress and plumed hat. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 3>^; width, 3 inches. Atrractive impression in warm brown ink. JEAN DUPLESSI-BERTAUX French draughtsman and engraver; born in Paris, 1747; died, 1818 or 1819. DUPLESSI-BERTAUX, J. 180. Napoleon Buonaparte. Stipple and Aquatint, in gold and colors. Dessine et Grave a I'eau forte par J. Duplessi-Bertaux, Termine au Lavis par Levacher. Full length standing, front and back view. With his- torical notes, printed beneath, in French, English and German. Full margins. Height, I9>:+; width, 14^^ inches. An attractive print, and seldom found with the engraved border. FRANZ VALENTIN DURMER Austrian engraver and draughtsman; born at Vienna, 1766; died 1795. DURMER, FRANZ VALENTIN 181. Franciscus I, Austriae Imperator. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand Joh. Ziterer pinxt. Half length, in dress uniform. Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 6f^; width, 5^^ inches. A companion portrait to that of Maria Luigia. For the latter. See, No. 352. EARLY AMERICAN ENGRAVER EARLY AMERICAN ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON 182. Bonaparte Ier Consul. Stipple. Bust portrait in uniform, body to left, facing right. Oval in rectangular engraved border with tablet bearing the inscription. Beautiful Open Letter Proof. Height, I3>2; width, ()}4 inches. Of Excessive Rarity, Unknown to Stauffer and Fielding. A Possibly Unique Impression. The only copy known. Not in the Latta or Halsey Col- lections. [See Illustration] WILLIAM DICKINSON Napoleon Bonaparte Premier Consul [No. 176] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th EARLY ITALIAN PORTRAIT EARLY ITALIAN PORTRAIT 183. Buonaparte. Aquatint. Half length, in military dress uniform. Very fine proof of an early Italian portrait. Full margins. Extremely Rare. Height, iiyi; width, 8}i inches. LUDWIG EBNER German engraver, early 19th century. EBNER, LUDWIG 184. Buonaparte. Stipple, printed in colors, and touched by hand. Dessine par J. Guerin. Full length, standing, in the costume of Consul. Superb impression with the inscription. Deckel edges. Height, 20>^ ; width, 12,H inches. One of the rarest portraits of Napoleon. [See Illustration] S. ARLENT EDWARDS Contemporary mezzotint engraver. Revived the art of color printing done in one printing and without retouching. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 185. Napoleon at Fontainebleau. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Paul Delaroche. Full length, seated in chair, with right arm resting over back. Very fine and early example of Edwards. With remarque, one of twelve printed on India paper, and with full margins. Height, 17; width, I2j4, inches. ISLE OF ELBA VIEWS ELBA 186. Arrivee de l'Empereur Napoleon a l'Ile Elbe. Aquatint and line- engraving, colored by hand. F. P. Ranhold del. Full length, standing, surrounded by a group of officers, before the Council, who are presenting him with the key to the freedom of the Island. Fine impression, with the inscription, in French and German. Margins trimmed to the engraved border. Height, io}4; length, 15^ inches. EARLY AMERICAN ENGRAVING [No. 182] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May JttJi ELBA 187. Napoleon. Stipple. Bust portrait, medallion, with fac-simile signature as Napoleon on one side and fac-simile signature as Chief Consul on the other. On top a map of the Island of Elba, engraved by Davies, colored, and beneath a view of Porto Ferrajo. Aquatint, colored, surrounded by an engraved border. Margins. Height, I3>2; width, 8>^ inches. ELBA 188. Ile d'Elbe. Aqnatifit, printed in colors. View of the Bay, with a French war vessel in the foreground. Impression with the title and publication line. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 4)4; length, 8 inches. ELBA 189. Porto Ferrajo Auf der Insel Elba. Stipple. De Haller, inv. & fecit. View of the Port, engraved on each side are emblematic ornaments, and at the bottom a medallion portrait of Napoleon. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 6% ; length, 9^ inches. ELBA 190. Porto Ferrajo, View of the East Side of the Bay and Watering Place. Aquatint, printed in colors. Drawn by Capt. James Weir. Engraved by F. Jukes. Beautiful impres- sion, with the dedication inscription, to The Right Hon. Earl Spencer. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 8%; length, I4>^ inches. ELBA 191. Bonaparte's Escape From Elba. Feb. 26, 1815. Line-engraving, colored by hand. Drawn by Goubaud. Full length, standing on knoll as troops are passing by. Impression with the inscription. Also a map of Elba, published by J. Gold, Naval Chronical Office, London July 30, 1815. Height, 4>^; length, y}^ inches. Together, 2 pieces. ENGLISH STIPPLE ENGRAVING ENGLISH STIPPLE ENGRAVING 192. Napoleon Buonaparte, General in Chief of the Armies of Italy. Stipple. From an original drawing in the possession of the Revd. J. Thomas, Epsom, London. Bust portrait, very fine impression, printed in brown, with engraved border. Margins trimmed to the printed surface. Height, 8% ; width, 7 inches. w LUDWIG EBNER [No. 184] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J4I1 ENGLISH STIPPLE ENGRAVING 193. N. Bonaparte. Stipple. Bust portrait, oval, in dress uniform. Very fine and brilliant impression, with the name of the personage only. Full margins. Height, 9^ ; width, Syi inches. After the bust by Boizot. ENGLISH STIPPLE ENGRAVING 194. Mademoiselle Duchesnois. Stipple. After Momal. Bust portrait. Very Fine Proof Before All Letters. Full margins. Height, ()}i\ width, jyi inches. FRANZ GABRIEL FIESINGER German engraver and Jesuit; born at Offenburg, 1752; died, 1807; studied without any master, the art of engraving. FIESINGER, FRANZ GABRIEL 195. Buonaparte. Stipple. Dessine par J. Guerin. Bust in oval. With inscription and full margin. Height, 83/^; width, 73-^ inches. Original impression of a portrait copied many times. FIESINGER, FRANZ GABRIEL 196. Desaix. Stipple. Dessine d'apres nature par I. Guerin, et Grave par Feisinger. Bust in oval. Full margins. Height, 8>^; width, 7>^ inches. One of the fine attractive series by Guerin. WILLIAM THOMAS FRY English engraver; born, 1789; died, 1843. FRY AND SUTHERLAND 197. Napoleon and His Staff. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Painted by W. Heath. On horseback, in uniform of Emperor, on his left are three officers of his staff, also mounted. Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 25% ; width, 22>^ inches. HEINRICH FUGER German engraver; born at Heilbron, 1751; died in Vienna, 1818. FUGER, HEINRICH 198. Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'ltalie. Aquatint. Bust portrait, in military uniform, oval. Signed "Fiigel." Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 4; width, 2,H inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May 4th CHARLES ETIENNE GAUCHER French engraver; born in Paris, 1740; died, 1804; pupil of Basan and J. P. Le Bas. GAUCHER, CHARLES ETIENNE 199. MoNNiER. Line-engraving. Dessine par Le Barbier I'Aine. Bust portrait, oval set in engraved base, above subject L'Amite. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 5^; width, 3^ inches. GAUTIER French engraver, worked at "Rue St. Jacques, No. S," Paris. GAUTIER, 200. Antoine Dubois, Professeur a I'Ecole de Medecine de Paris. Aquatint, printed in colors. Boilly pinxt. Bust portrait. Fine impression with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 8>^; width, 6^4 inches. Very Rare. Portrait of the physician who attended the Empress on the birth of the King of Rome. GENTY GENTY, ■ 201. Bertrand. Bataille de Weissenfeld au pont sur la Saale (18 Octobre 1813). Aqtiatint. Genty, Rue St. Jacques, depose. On horseback. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, iijA\ width, 8>^ inches. JEAN GODEFROY French engraver; born in London, 1771; died, 1839. Pupil of J. P. Simon. GODEFROY, JEAN 202. Battle of Austerlitz. Line-engraving. Gerard pinx. Proof before All Letters, and with remarque in lower margin. Very fine impression. Height, 13/^; length, 26:^^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evefiing, May 4th GODEFROY, JEAN 203. Josephine, Impcratrice des Frangaise, Nee le 24 Juin 1768. Stipple, in colors. . . , 1 Aug. Desnoyers delt. Bust portrait, with crown. Impression with the inscription and engraved border. Margins. Also impression of the same, Open Letter Proof, Printed in brown ink. Margins. Height, 5f^; width, 2>H inches. Together, 2 pieces. GODEFROY, JEAN 204. Napoleon. Stipple. Des. par Chaudet. Bust portrait, medallion. Proof before All Let- ters. Margins. Height, 2yi; width, 2)4 inches. Beautiful engraving resembling relief work. GODEFROY, JEAN 205. Napoleon Ier. Aquatint. Bust portrait, in military uniform, circle. Fine impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 2}4; width, 23.4 inches. VALENTINE GREEN English mezzotint engraver; born at Hales Owen, 1739; died in London, 1813. GREEN, VALENTINE 206. Field Marshal Count Souvoroff Rimniskoi, Commander in Chief of the Russian and Austrian Armies in Italy, Knight of the Imperial Order of St. Andrew, and of the military order of St. George, &c. &c. &c. Mezzotint, printed in colors. From an original drawing made at Milan, by Lieut. Fries, of the regi- ment of Karaczay Dragoons, in May, 1799. Half length, in military uniform. Fine impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, I2j4,; width, ()'Ji inches. GREEN, VALENTINE 207. His Royal Highness the Arch Duke Charles of Austria, Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of the Imperial Armies in Italy. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Painted by P. I. Loutherbourg, R. A. Bust portrait, in military dress uniform. Second State, with inscription, part script and open letters. Magnificent impression. Height, 12; width, 10 inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th GREEN, VALENTINE 208. Princess Maria Charlotte Theresa, Daughter of Lewis XVL Born Octr. 19, 1778. From a miniature painting taken at her arrival at Basle Dec. 26, 1795, to be exchanged for the Deputies and French Ministers Prisoners in Germany. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Painted by Charles Dabos. Half length. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 9>^; width, 8^ inches. GUERIN TYPE GUERIN TYPE 209. Napoleon. Stipple. Bust portrait, with Vignette. Proof. Margins trimmed inside plate- mark. Height, 8f^; width, 5^^ inches. From the Soulavie Collection. HENRY HENRY, — 210. Napoleon. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Vignen pinxt. Bust portrait in uniform of Emperor. Proof, with monogram N in circle of stars. "Publisher's line, — A Paris, chez Ostervald I'aine Editeur, Rue de la Parcheminerie, No. 2. Et a Londres, chez Palmer, au Museum Waterloo. Full margins. Height, 7^; width, 6^ inches. HENRY,- 211. Napoleon, ^ii/j^/e, printed in colors and touched by hand. Vignen, pinxt. Bust, in uniform, with arms folded across chest. Proof with the monogram Y in a circle of stars. Publishers line, ■ "A Paris chez Robin Rue Vivienne No. 5." Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 7^; width, 6>^ inches. CHARLES HOWARD HODGES English mezzotint engraver; bornjn 1764; died at Amsterdam, 1837. HODGES, CHARLES HOWARD 212. Napoleon. Mezzotint. Appiani, pinxt. Half length. Proof before All Letters. Brilliant Impression. Margins. Very Rare. Height, i6}i; width, 13^ inches. [See Illustration] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th HODGES, CHARLES HOWARD 213. Brune. General & Chef des Armees Fran 501SE et Batave. Mezzotint. Peint d'apres Nature par C. H. Hodges, et Grave par le meme. Oval bust, in uniform, in rectangular border. Superb Impression, with in- scription. Full margins. Height, i63/^; width, i^yi inches. HODGES, CHARLES HOWARD 214. General Buonaparte. Mezzotint. J. F. Rusca pinxt. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Fine open letter proof. Full margins. Exceedingly Rare. Height, i2)/4,; width, 10^ inches. HODGES, CHARLES HOWARD 215. General Pichegru. Mezzotint. C. H. Hodges, ad virum Pinxit et Fecit. Bust portrait. Fine and brilliant impression, with the inscription. Margins. Height, 12/^; width, 10^ inches. RICHARD HOUSTON Mezzotint engraver; born in Ireland, 1721; died in London, i775; studied under J. Brooks. HOUSTON, RICHARD 216. Pasqual Paoli. Born the 6th April, 1726. Created General of the Cor- sicans in St. Antonio Delia Casablanca, the i6th July, 1755. Mezzotint. Pietro Gherardi, pinxt. 1769. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Fine impression, with the inscription. Height, i8>^; width, 13^ inches. JOHANN JACOBE German mezzotint engraver; born at Vienna, 17331 died there, 1797. JACOBE, JOHANN 217. The Marquis de Gallo. Mezzotint. Painted by H. Fiiger. Andresen No. 7. Magnificent Proof before All Letters. W'ith large margin at top and sides. At the bottom the plate-mark is missing. A small part of the left margin has been torn without injuring the impression. Height, 26>^; width, 173^ inches. CHARLES HOWARD HODGES Napoleon [No. 212] Second Session, Wedne sday Evening, May J^th JEAN PIERRE MARIE JAZET French engraver, especially devoted to aquatint; born at Paris, 1788; died there, 1871. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 218. BuoNPARTE Captif des Anglois. Aquatint, printed in colors. Coeure del. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins. Height, 8^; width, 6^ inches. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 219. Napoleon le Grand, Empereur des Franc^ais. Aquatint. Dessine et grave par Jazet. On horseback, in uniform of Emperor. Fine impression, with inscription and coat-of-arms. Margins trimmed in- side plate-mark. Height, I2>^; width, gf^ inches. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 220. Napoleon. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Full length, on horseback, in uniform of Emperor. Fine impression, title in Open Letters. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 24^; width, igpi inches. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 221. Napoleon a Sainte Helens. Aquatint. Full length, standing, with right hand tucked in his vest. Fine and Brilliant Proof before All Letters. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 25X; width, 20 inches. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 222. Roi DE Rome. Aquatint. On horseback, in military dress uniform. Very Fine Proof, with the monogram N in lower margin. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 2034; width, i6>^ inches. JAZET, JEAN PIERRE MARIE 223. Le Due d'Enghein, Louis Antoine Henry de Bourbon Conde Mort le 21 Mars, Age de 32 ans ne a Chantilly. Aquatint. Bust portrait, in circle, under medallion held by two angels, and below in square, scene of execution. Impression with inscription, margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, io>^; width, 8)4 inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfth FRIEDRICH JOHN German engraver; born at Marienburg, 1769; died at Marburg, 1844; prac- tised in his later years at Vienna. JOHN, FRIEDRICH 224. Madame Barbe Litta, nee Belgiojoso d'Este. Stipple, colored by hand. Three-quarter length, seated. Very fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 13^; width, ioj4 inches. PORTRAIT OF THE KING OF ROME KING OF ROME 225. Roi DE Rome, (In bassinet). Stipple, printed in colors. Grave d'apres le tableau original de Callet, Peintre de la cid-vt. Academie Rle. An infant, in basket on the back of an eagle. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Very Rare, especially in colors. Height, g}i; length, iiyi inches. CAPITANO B. LASINIO LASINIO, CAPITANO B. 226. Napoleone Bonaparte I. Imperatore dei Francesi, Anno 10 del suo Regno 1804. Stipple. Deposto alia Biblioteca Nazi. — Co. Bo. Lo., incise in Milano. Bust in Emperor's robes, oval. With inscription. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. Height, 7|^; width, 6% inches. LASINIO, CAPITANO B. 227. Napoleone il Grande. Stipple. Capitano B. Lasinio, sculp. 1808. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 4; length, 4% inches. JEAN NICOLAS LAUGIER French engraver; born at Toulon, 1785; died, 1875; studied under Girodet. LAUGIER, JEAN NICOLAS 228. Napoleon. Line-engraving. After Louis David. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Beau- tiful Proof before All Letters. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 2i>2; width, 14^^ inches. The celebrated David "Snuff-box" portrait. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfth ROBERT LAURIE .English mezzotint engraver; born in London about 177S; died about 1836. LAURIE. ROBERT 229. General Buonaparte, (About Thirty Years of Age). Commander in Chief of the French Army in Italy. Aquatint. Bust portrait, Impression with the inscription. Margins. With signa- ture in ink, — R. Laurie fecit. Height, 5; width, 4^ inches. DESIRE ACHILLE LEFfiVRE French engraver; born in Paris, 1798; died there, 1864; son and pupil of Sebastien Lefevre. LEFEVRE, DESIRE ACHILLE 230. Roi DE Rome. Line-engraving. P. P. Prudhon, pinx. Remarque Proof, before all letters, printed on India paper. Large margin. Height, 17H; length, 20^ inches. LEFEVRE, DESIRE ACHILLE 231. Marechal Foy. Line-engraving. Hce. Vernet pinxt. Bust portrait, in military dress. Proof with en- graved vignette, artist's name in script. Printed on India paper, with margins. Height, ii:5<8; width, 9^^ inches. AUGUSTIN LEGRAND French engraver, born at Paris, 1765; died about 1808. LEGRAND, AUGUSTIN 232. Louis Ante Henry, de Bourbon Conde, Due d'Enghien. Ne a Chantilly le 2 Aoiit 1772. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine par Desrais. Bust, with ornamented border. Fine impression, with inscription, large margin. Height, 7f^; width, 5^2 inches. J. LE PETIT LE PETIT, J. 233. General Bonaparte. Bringing up a fresh column of Troops which ter- minated the contest of the Battle of Marengo, fought, June i8th, 1800. Mezzotint, printed in colors. On horseback, in military dress uniform. Impression with the inscrip- tion. Margins trimmed to the printed surface. Very Scarce. Height, i8>^; width, 13% inches. 1 1 B' ' '-''rihlf^^WKr^ ■ I ^Bl .'■. '"'^ J^S^KJ^^fBlli^Bi^SH^^wH ^ : 1 H^nH^^^^ii^^BSlHl i ^^■^^^HHP ' '^^WBIIIIIBmi (i 1 ^H^I^^IB^^'' ::^^^p^^^HHBH||^^H| 1 IPi,^^ ^^^^^^^wwwK^^^^pR '^^^^^^^'"^^'-'.^^^^Mi^^B^^^fif^^^^B H :\IAiRlE LDTJSH H i l^H j^" /",,/■- > .'. ■■/rr, ' -i^y/,- /'■^V7/C ^H ffl UHl fl^H tw ^^^H ^ee is^ i.% deccxiibre^x"*oi > H^Hj r 1 HpBi^lHHll 1 LEVACHEZ [No. 239] Second Session, Wednesday Evenin g, May J^h JEAN JACQUES LE QUEU LE QUEU, JEAN JACQUES 234. Reception of the Persian Ambassadors. Water color. Signed in lower right corner, Jn. Jques. Le Queu, inv. et delin, 1809. A beautifully decorated interior, showing large pillars, surmounted by statues, at the end can be seen. Napoleon seated on his throne, and in the foreground the Persian ministers some kneeling and the others standing, in between the pillars are soldiers, guards, and the ladies of the court. . . Height, 18%; length, 21^4. inches. LEVACHEZ— FATHER AND SON French engravers and publishers, who flourished at the close of the i8th and commencement of the 19th century. LEVACHEZ 235. Bonaparte, Premier Consul. Aquatint, printed in colors. Dessine et Grave par Levachez 1801. Bust portrait, in military uniform, in circle. Set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription, but before the publication line. Full margins. Undescribed State and Exceedingly Scarce. Height, 4>^; width, 2}i inches. LEVACHEZ 236. Cambaceres, Second Consul de la Republique Franjaise. Aquatint, printed in colors. Peint par Devouge. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved base. Below portrait is a view of Senate Chambre, showing, Barthelemy, President du Senat Conservateur presente au Premier. . . Superb impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 13^8; width, 9/-^ inches. LEVACHEZ 237. Kleber, General en Chef de I'Armee d'Egypte, Mort au Caire le 25 Priaral. an 8. Aquatint, printed in colors. Grave par Levachez tils. Bust portrait, in circle, set in engraved base. With the inscription, margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Rare and Fine Impression. Height, 4>^; width, 3 inches. LEVACHEZ 238. Victor Moreau, General en Chef de I'Armee du Rhin. Aquatint, printed in colors. Grave par le Vachez fils, en 1802. Bust portrait, in circle, set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Rare. Height, 4% ; width, 3>^ inches. LEVACHEZ [No. 2401 Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May 4th LEVACHEZ 239. Marie Louise, Imperatrice de France, Reine d'ltalie. Nee le 12 decembre, 1 79 1. Aquatint, printed in colors. Levachez sculp. Bust portrait. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 5% ; width, 3% inches. Very Rare, especially in such beautiful condition. Companion portrait to the following portrait of Napoleon. [See Illustration] LEVACHEZ 240. Napoleon le Grand. Empereur des Frangais, Roi d'ltalie, Protecteur de la Confederation du Rhin. Aquatint, printed in colors. Levachez del et sculp. Bust portrait, in military uniform, in circle, set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, sfi ; width, 3% inches. Companion to the above portrait of Marie Louise. [See Illustration] LEVACHEZ 241. Napoleon le Grand Empereur des Franqais. Aquatint, hand colored. Dessine par C. Vernet. Full length, standing, on the field of battle, an orderly is holding his horse, on his left. With inscription, margins trimmed to plate-mark. Very Rare. Height, 15^; width, I2>^ inches. LEVACHEZ 242. Napoleon Premier Empereur des Franks, Ne a Ajaccio, le 14 AoQt 1769, Proclame le 28 Floreal, an 12. et Couronne le 11, Frimaire, An 13. Aquatint, printed in colors. Levachez fils, sculpt. Bust in coronation robes, oval. With inscription and full margins. Height, 7% ; width, 6^ inches. LEVACHEZ 243. "Napoleon." Aquatint. Bust portrait, in coronation robes, in circle, above base on which inscrip- tion, "France libre, tu dois ta gloire et ton bonheur . . . " is en- graved. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 4; width, 4 inches. Undescribed in the Works of Levachez. LEVACHEZ 244. Napoleon Bonaparte. Aquatint, printed in colors, touched by hand. Robert Lefevre, Pinxit. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Fine impression, with inscription in English and French. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 21%; width, 15^ inches. A very scarce portrait printed during the "Hundred Days" and distributed in England. Levachez, afraid of the return of the Bourbons, reversed his name in signing the plate. [See Illustration] LEVACHEZ [No. 244] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Ifth LEVACHEZ 245. Le General le Clerc, Capitaine General des Colonies-Frangaise, A St. Domingue. Aquatint. Bust portrait, circle. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 2}4] width, 2% inches. LEVACHEZ STYLE OF ENGRAVING 246. Buonaparte, (Corse) De Liamone. Aquatint. Bust portrait, medallion, circle set in engraved base. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 3; width, 2% inches. An attractive portrait. ETIENNE FREDERIC LIGNON French engraver; born at Paris, 1779; died there, 1833; studied under Morel. LIGNON, ETIENNE FREDERIC 247. Duke de Bade. Line-engraving. Designed by Lignon. Bust portrait, in uniform. Very Fine Proof, BEFORE All Letters, printed on India paper. Signed in pencil by the artist. With large margins. Height, 8^; width, 7^ inches. CHARLES LOUIS LINGEE French engraver, born at Paris, 1751; died at the beginning of the 19th century. LINGEE, CHARLES LOUIS 248. BuONAPRATE, Adieu Mal Maison!!! Stipple, printed in colors. Dessine par Isabey a Mal Maison. Grave par C.I. Linges et Termine par R. Cooper. Full length, standing, in military uniform and with right hand tucked in waistcoat. Fine impression with engraved border, and inscription. Full margins. Height, i2y&; width, 8^ inches. Exceedingly Rare, and one of the most pleasing portraits of Napoleon. [See Illustration] RARE LITHOGRAPH LITHOGRAPH 249. Imperial Eagle with Olive Branch. Lithograph. Flying over the tomb of St. Helene. In the clouds, to left, can be seen the profile of Napoleon. Fine impression, with margins. Rare. Height, 9; width, 6% inches. lMM i |P l MiiMmiMilMlS«JW'W'ai*^; width, 4^8 inches. The famous "Iron-Crown" portrait. TOMAS LOPEZ ENGUIDANOS Spanish engraver to Spanish Court, 1807. LOPEZ ENGUIDANOS, TOMAS 251. El Serenisimo Senor Principe de la Paz. Line-engraving. Josef RiveUes, Lo invento y dibujo. On horseback, in full dress uniform. Fine impression, with inscription, margins cut inside plate-mark. Height, 2i>^; width, i6}i inches. THOMAS LUPTON English mezzotmt engraver; born at London, 1791; died, 1873. LUPTON, THOMAS 252. Buonaparte. Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. R. Lefevre, pinxt. Full length, standing, in military dress uniform. First State. Proof before All Letters. Full margins. Very Rare. Height, 16; width, loj^ inches. LUPTON, THOMAS 253. Buonaparte. Peint a son retour de Moscow. Aquatint. Peint par R. Lefevre, k Paris, 1813. Full length standing, in military uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof, full margins. Exceedingly Scarce. Height, 16; width, 10^ inches. LUPTON, THOMAS 254. Napoleon Buonaparte. Mezzotint. Painted by Robert Lefevre. Full length, standing, in military uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof. Margins cut inside plate-mark. Beautiful impression. Very Rare. Height, 24%"; width, i6}i inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Ifih GEORGE MAILE English engraver; born about 1800; died about 1842. Worked in Paris. MAILE, GEORGE 255. Napoleon (Two heads In a cloud.) Mezzotint. Fac-simile d'un dessin de Girodet-Trioson, fait d'apres nature a La Cha- pelle de I'Empereur le 8 Mars, 1812. Full face and profile portraits in a cloud. Impression with the inscription, full margins. Height, g}i; width, 7%" inches. JACQUES MARCHAND French engraver; born in Paris, 1769. MARCHAND, JACQUES 256. JouBERT. Aquatint. Desslne par Hilaire le Dru. Full length, standing, with drawn sword, on the field of battle. Fine Early Proof, with full margins. Height, 19^; width, I4>^ Inches. LOUIS FRANgOIS MARIAGE French engraver at beginning of the 19th century. MARIAGE, LOUIS FRANCOIS 257. Rentree de Napoleon le Grand, dans la Capitale de I'EmpIre Frangals, le 15, Aoust 1807. Stipple, printed In colors and touched by hand. Mariage, del. & sculp. On horseback surrounded by allegorical figures. Fine Impression. Height, 23^; width, 17^ inches. J. B. RAPHAEL URBAIN MASSARD French engraver, son of Jean Baptiste Massard, born 1775. MASSARD, J. B. RAPHAEL URBAIN 258. Napoleon, Cui Mens Divinior. Line-engraving. Desslne par Bouillon. Bust in medallion, with ornamented outer circle. Full margins. Height, Gys; width, 6yi inches. MASSARD, J. B. RAPHAEL URBAIN 259. Napoleon. Aquatint. Polne pinxt. Bust portrait, medallion. Proof, with artists' names, and publication line. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 2X; width, 2}^ inches. Attractive profile portrait. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th MASSARD, J. B. RAPHAEL URBAIN 260. Napoleon. Aquatint. Massard del. Half length, oval set in engraved base. Proof with artist's name but before inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 6^; width, 4)4 inches. CHARLES L. VICTOR MAUDUIT MAUDUIT, CHARLES L. VICTOR 261. Napoleon. Ne le 15 Aout 1769 a Ajaccio, (Corse); Mort le 5 Mai 1821, a rile St. Helene, (Afrique). Stipple, printed in colors. Guibert del. Half length, in uniform of Emperor. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 5^; width, 5^ inches. E. MAYER MAYER, E. 262. Marie Louise, Archduchesse d'Autriche, Imperatrice des Frangais, Reine d' Italie, nee Is 12 Decembre 1791. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Peint a Vienne par J. B. Lampe. Half length, standing. Impression with the inscription, full margins. Height, ii>^; width, 8f^ inches. CHRISTIAN DE MECHEL Engraver; born at Basle, Switzerland, 1737; died, 1817. MECHEL, CHRISTIAN DE 263. Le General Buonaparte. Stipple, colored by hand. Bust portrait, with plumed hat, circle, set in engraved base, above statue, Republique Frangaise, Campagne d'ltalie, 1796. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, s}4; width, 3^8 inches. MECHEL TYPE 264. Buonaparte, General en Chef der Republique, Frankreich. . . Stipple and line-engraving. Bust portrait, oval set in rock on engraved ornamented base, with in- scription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 6; width, 4% inches. Rare German engraved portrait. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May ^th ANDRE JOSEPH MECOU French engraver; born in 177 1; pupil of Godefroy and Roger MECOU, ANDRE JOSEPH 265. Bertrand. Stipple. bordes pinxt. Bust portrait, in military uniform, oval. Superb impres- sion, printed on India paper, before the ornamental border, but with the artists' names and publication line. Full margins. Height, 6; width, 4^^ inches. MECOU, ANDRE JOSEPH 266. Napoleon le Grand. Stipple. Peint par J. Isabey 1812. Bust portrait, in military dress uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof, with ornamental border. Margins. Height, 8^; width, 5^ inches. With the stamp of Isabey. MECOU, ANDRE JOSEPH 267. Mme. Talma. Stipple. After a miniature by I. Isabey. Bust portrait, Oval. Proof before All Letters, printed on India paper. Full margins. Height, 4^; width, 2)H inches. MEYER SERIES MEYER, MME. SERIES 268. N. Baron de Sacken, Gal. d'Infanterie au service de S. M. Lempereur de toutes les Russies. . . Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine d'apres nature par Melle. de Noireterre, 18 14. Velyn, sculp. Bust portrait. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 5X ; width, 5>^ inches. MEYER, MME. SERIES 269. Lieutenant General Carnot, Chevalier des Ordres Royal et Militaire. . . . Stipple, printed in colors. Camoir, del. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Fine impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 5>^; width, 5>^ inches. MEYER, MME. SERIES 270. Gerard-Christophe-Michel Duroc, Due de Frioul, Senateur, Grand Marechal du palais, Grand Officer de la Couronne. . . Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, in court dress. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, s}4; width, 5^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May 4th MEYER, MME. SERIES 271. Antoine Drouot. Lieutenant General, Grand Officer de I'Ordre Royal de la Legion d'Honneur. . . Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Meyer, del. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Impression with the inscription, full margins. Height, 53^; width, ^3/i inches. MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT 272. Napoleon I. Mezzotint. Bust portrait, in military uniform, oval with border. An example of German mezzotint portraits of Napoleon. Impression with the in- scription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 7/''^; width, 7 inches. H. S. MINASI MINASI, H. S. 273. The Marquis of Wellington, K. G., Field Marshal, Onorate L'altissimo Campione. Aquatint and etching, printed in colors.and touched by hand. A. Aglio, Etchd., the portrait improved from the bust by P. Turnerelli. On horseback. Very fine and brilliant impression, with the inscription. Large margin. Height, 13^^; width, 12^ inches. MONSALDY French engraver of the Napoleonic period. MONSALDY, — 274. J. B. IsABEY, Peintre. Stipple. Peint par Singry. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Height, 4>2; width, 3^ inches. MONSALDY, 275. Marie Louise, Archiduchesse d'Autriche, Imperatrice Reine et Regente. Stipple, printed in colors. Peint par Isabey. Bust portrait, oval. Fine impression with the in- scription. Full margins. Rare. Height, 53^; width, 3^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfth MONSALDY, 276. Mme. Dugazon. Stipple, printed in colors. Peint par I. Isabey. Bust portrait, oval. Fine impression with the in- scription. Full margins. Very Rare. Height, 5; width, t,^ inches. JEAN MICHEL MOREAU French engraver; born in Paris, 1741; died, 1814; pupil of J. Ph. Le Bas. MOREAU, JEAN MICHEL 277. Bonaparte. Stipple, colored by hand. Peint par David. Bust portrait, in dress uniform, oval. Impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 5jkj^; width, ^yi inches. RAFAELLO MORGHEN One of the most celebrated engravers of his time; born at Florence, 1758; died there, 1833. MORGHEN, RAFAELLO 278. Napoleon. Line-engraving. Steph. Tofanelli delineavit. Bust portrait, in coronation robes. Open Letter Proof. Full margins. Height, 9; width, 6>2 inches. The lace-work on this portrait equals the work of Drevet and Nanteuil. J. B. MORRET French engraver during Napoleonic period. MORRET, J. B. 279. Napoleon. Aquatint, printed in colors. Garnerey Pinxt. 1805. An 13. Bust in Emperor's robes, oval. Proof after inscription was taken ofif. Trimmed inside plate-mark. Very Rare. Height, gH ". width, 8}4 inches. WILLIAM NUTTER English engraver; born, 1754; died, 1802; studied under J. Smith and Bartolozzi. NUTTER, WILLIAM 280. N. Buonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, . . . Stipple. Guerin, pinxt. Bust portrait. Impression with the inscription and engraved border. Full margins. Height, 6]4; width, 5>^ inches. S econd Session, Wednesday Evening, May Mh ORIGINAL DRAWINGS ORIGINAL DRAWING 281. Arc de Triomphe. Drawing. Very fine, original pen-and-ink drawing, with the statues shaded with wash. Height, 16K; length, i8>< inches. ORIGINAL DRAWING 282. Le Roi Jerome. Drawing. Original drawing in black crayon, on brown paper. Height, 4; width, 3>^ inches. ORIGINAL DRAWING 283. Marchand, Valet de I'Empereur Napoleon. Drawing. Original pencil drawing, on brown paper. Height, 4; width, 234 inches. ORIGINAL DRAWING 284. King of Rome. Watercolor. Full length, standing, in Austrian Hussar uniform. With arms in margin. Full margins. Height, 17; width, 11 inches. JEAN LOUIS C. PAUQUET French engraver; born at Paris, 1759; died, about 1820; Instructed by Gauchet. PAUQUET, JEAN LOUIS C. 285. Revue du Gal Bonaparte Per Consul an IX. (1800.) Line-engraving. Dessine par Isabey et Vernet, grave par Pauquet termine par I. Mecou. Full margin, with the stamp of Isabey. Height, 23; length, 37 inches. PAYEN PAYEN, 286. "Bonaparte," La Paix Generale. Stipple, printed in colors. Benoist del. Bust portrait, circle, on a pedestal. Impression with the inscription, and verse. Margins. Height, 2)}i\ width, 2,/i inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May PERDRIEAU PERDRIEAU, — — 287. "Napoleon." Aquatint, printed in colors. Bust portrait, medallion, surrounded by wreath and by emblematic orna- ments. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to plate- mark. Height, 2>H ; width, 2^ inches. LUIGI RADOS DE PARME Italian engraver born at Parma, about 1780. RADOS DE PARME, LUIGI 288. D. Joseph Napoleon Roi des Espagnes et des Indes, Grand electeur de I'Empire Frangais. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. Dessine par J. B. Bosio ancien Profr. de I'Ecole Polytechnique de Paris. Grave a Milan . . . 1810. Full length, standing, in military uniform. With inscription, margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 2/\.}i; width, 17^^ inches. This is the finest and most authentic portrait of Joseph Napoleon. JOSEPH RAUSCHMAYR Engraver; born at Munich, 1758; died, 1815. RAUSCHMAYR, JOSEPH 289. Neapoleon Buonaparte. Stipple. Inv. p. Sim. Oswald. Bust portrait, medallion. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 2X; width, 2}^ inches. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS English mezzotint engraver; born at London, 1773; died, 1835. Learned his art from C. H. Hodges. David Lucas and Samuel Cousins were his pupils. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAM 290. Joseph Bonaparte. Mezzotint. Half length, seated, engraved at the time of his visit to the United States, while at Bordentown. Proof before All Letters. Margins. Rare. Height, 11%; width, 9% inches. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL WILLIAM 291. Madame Grassini, In the Character of Laira. Mezzotint. Painted by Madame LeBrun. Open Letter Proof. Full margins. Height, 18^; width, 14^^ inches. Second S ession, Wednesday Evening, May J^th JOSEPH THEODORE RICHOMME Eminent French engraver; born at Paris, 1785; died, 1849; studied under Regnault the painter; later under J. J. Coiny the engraver. RICHOMME, JOSEPH THEODORE 292. Napoleon. Line-engraving. Half length, in military uniform. Very Fine Proof, before all letters. Full margins. Height, S}4; width, 6^ inches. BARTHELEMY ROGER Engraver born at Lodeve in 1770; pupil of Prud'hon and of Copia. ROGER, BARTHELEMY 293. JoMiNi. Stipple and line-engramng, colored by hand. Muneret, pinxt. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Proof before All Letters. Margins. Height, 4^; width, 3% inches. ROGER, BARTHELEMY 294. Napoleon Ier, Empereur des Frangais, Roi dTtalie. Stipple, printed in colors. Dessine par J. Guerin. Bust in uniform, oval. With inscription and full margins. Height, 7>^; width, 6^ inches. ROY ROY, 295. Napoleon, (Dedicated Au Vainqueur dAusterlitz.) Aquatint, printed in colors. Miniature Circular portrait, showing head and shoulders. Inscribed in the outer circles are the dates of various battles and memorial events Script engraving done by Lachaussee. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, I5>^; width, 16 inches. Exceedingly Scarce portrait engraved in 'manner of Debucourt. Not in Latta or Halsey Collection. [See Illustration] [No. 295] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfih LOUIS CHARLES RUOTTE French engraver; born at Paris, 1754; pupil of Le Mitre; worked under Bartolozzi. RUOTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 296. AuGEREAU. L'Intrepidite frangaise avoit resolu le passage du Pont d Ar- cole, . . . Stipple, printed in colors and tourhed by hand. Aubry, pinx. Full length, standing, with drawn sword in right hand and the colors in his left. Brilliant impression, with the inscription and full margins. Height, 15H; width, 11% inches. RUOTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 297. Eugene Napoleon Vice Roi d'Italie, Dedie et Presente a Sa Majeste Josephine Imperatrice des Frangais Et Reine d'Italie. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. D'apres le Buste de Chinard qui appartient a S. M. Dessine par Gre- gorius. Half length, in dress uniform. Beautiful impression, with inscription and full margins. Height, i2j,4,; width, 10% inches. RUOTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 298. Lasalle. Stipple, printed in colors. F. Gerard pinxit. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Very fine im- pression, without title. With margins. Height, 10;^; width, 8^ inches. RUOTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 299. Louis Napoleon Roi de Hollande, Frere de L'Empereur Connetable de L'Empire Frangais. Stipple, printed in colors and slightly touched by hand. Dessine par Gregorius, d'apres le Buste a Cartellier. Half length, in coronation robes. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 12;^; width, 10^2 inches. ROUTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 300. Mlle. Raucourt. Stipple and line-engraving. D'apres le Portrait peint par Mr. Gros en 1796. Half length. Brilliant impression, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 11^; width, %fi inches. RUOTTE, LOUIS CHARLES 301. Napoleon le Grand Empereur des Frangais Roi d'Italie. Stipple. Robert LeFevre Pinxt. Gregorius delt. Half length, in uniform of Emperor. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 13; width, io>^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, M ay Jfth VIEWS OF SAINT HELENA ST. HELENA 302. Les Obseques de Napoleon a L'Ile de St. Helene, le 5eme May 182 1. Aquatint, colored by hand. Fait librement d'apres Toriginal anglais du capitaine Marryat a St. Helene, par J. L. Rugendas a Augsbourg. Fine Impression, with inscription in French and German. Margins. Height, 14%; length, 21^ inches. ST. HELENA 303. Napoleon at St. Helena. Original drawing. Full length portrait in military uniform, accompanied by Las Cases and talking to the colored gardener. Height, /\.}4\ width, 3>^ inches. Similar to the work of Deveria. ST. HELENA 304. Napoleon at St. Helena, the Exile. Aquatint, colored by hand. A sketch from life at Longwood, April 1820. Published July 24, 1820, by R. Cribb & Son. Full length, standing, by a garden fence. Impression with inscription, and margins. Height, ^ij/i; width, 6>^ inches. ST. HELENA 305. The Island of St. Helena, (A descriptive sketch). Aquatint, printed in colors and touched by hand. Fine impression, printed above two columns of text, including its extent, climate, productions, population, government, means of defence, &c. &c. Published, London Aug. 17th, 1815, by J. & E. Wallis & J. Wallis, Jr. Marine Library, Sidmouth, Devon. Height (including text), 18X; width, 11^ inches. ST. HELENA 306. Mort de Napoleon. Lithograph, colored. Death-bed of Napoleon, family and friends at bedside. Impression with Title in Open Letters. Height, I3>^; length, 17^ inches. AUGUSTE SANDOZ SANDOZ, AUGUSTE 307. Eugene Beauharnais. Origifial Drawing. Original drawing by Sand-oz. On horseback, on field of battle, giving orders to one of his Generals. Beautiful drawing. A copy of an en- graving by Outhwaite, after this drawing, for Thiers' "Histoire de I'Empire," under mat. Height, 5>^; width, 4 inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th SANDOZ, AUGUSTE 308. Pauline Bonaparte. Original pencil drawing. Original drawing by A. Sandoz. Full length, standing. Very fine. Inside the mat will be found animpression from the engraved plate by Pannier of this subject for Thiers', "Histoire du Consulat." Height, 5^; width, T,pi inches. WILLIAM SAY Mezzotint engraver; born at Lakenham, near Norwich, 176S; died, 1834; produced his first plate under the direction of James Ward. SAY, WILLIAM 309. Sir Sidney Smith. Mezzotint. Robert Ker Porter pinxt. Full length standing, in military uniform. Open Letter Proof. Full margins. Slight tears in lower margin repaired. Height, 23>^; width, 16^8 inches. S. NIKOLAS SCHENKER Engraver; born at Genoa, 1760; died at Paris, 1822. SCHENKER, S. NIKOLAS 310. Bonaparte. Stipple, colored by hand. Grave d'apres un Croquis de Carle Vernet, par N. Schenker. On horse- back, in military uniform. Fine impression, with inscription. Margins. Height, 12^; width, ()}4 inches. LUIGI SCHIAVONETTI Engraver; born at Bassano, 1765; died in London, 1810. SCHIAVONETTI, LUIGI 311. Buonaparte. Stipple. F. Cossia pinxt. Veronoe 1797. Bust portrait, in dress coat. Fine im- pression, with inscription. Full margins. Height, 7; width, 5% inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jiih ANTOINE LOUIS FRANCOIS SERGENT Engraver; born at Chartres, 1751; died, blind, 1817. SERGENT, ANTOINE LOUIS FRANCOIS 312. Charles-Louis Archiduc d'Autriche, Feld-Marechal des Armees Imperi- ales, ne a Florence le 5 Septembre 1771. Engraving in gouache manner, printed in colors. Half length, in military dress uniform. Superb impression, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 9; width, 6}4 inches. A very attractive portrait, which on account of the coloring has the appearance of miniature work. SERGENT— MARCEAU 313. Antonio Canova, nato a Possagno nel Trivigiano I'anno 1757. Aq^iatint, printed in colors. N. Cavaliere Appiani dipinse 1806. Bust portrait, with inscription. Lower margin trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 9f^; width, 8^ inches. J. P. SIMON French engraver, circa 1806. SIMON, J. P. 314. Napoleon Ier Empereur des Franjais & Roi d'Italie. Stipple, colored by hand. Dessine a Berlin. Grave J. P. Simon, Paris, 1807. Full length standing, in uniform of Emperor. With inscription. Full margins. Height, Ty&; width, 3^ inches. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH English mezzotint engraver; born at Derby, 1752; died, 1812; according to Whitman, Reynolds was "perhaps the most skilful and accomplished" in the art of mezzotint engraving. SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 315. Buonaparte, First Consul of France. Mezzotint. After A. Appiani. Published Jan. 25th, 1800. Proof before All Letters, and before the inscription on tablet. Cut to the plate-mark. Of Excessive Rarity in This State. Height, 24; width, 18 inches. Original in the possession of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Wycombe. From the Queen Victoria collection. [See Illustration] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May 4th SMITH, JOHN RAPHAEL 316. Buonaparte, First Consul of France. Mezzotint, printed in colors and retouched. After A. Appiani. Published Jan. 25th, 1800. Full margins. Beautiful impression of the Very Rare Second State, with the inscription on shield. Height, 24; width, 18 inches. Original in the possession of the Rt. Hon. the Earl Wycombe. L. DEL SOGLIO SOGLIO, L. DEL 317. Napoleon le Grand, en Uniforme de Grand Officier de la Legion d'Hon- neur. Stipple, printed in colors. Bortignoni des. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Fine impression with inscription. Full margins. Height, 5% ; width, 4% inches. STIPPLE ENGRAVINGS STIPPLE ENGRAVING 318. Marie Louise. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, y}i; width, 5)4, inches. STIPPLE ENGRAVING 319. Napoleon, Marie Louise and the King of Rome. Stipple and line. An allegorical subject, showing the three seated on the back of an eagle, flying through the air. Proof before All Letters, with full margins. Height, 12% ; width, io>^ inches. STIPPLE ENGRAVING 320. Napoleon. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, in uniform of Emperor. Very fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 7; width, =)}4 inches. STIPPLE ENGRAVING 321. Prince Due de Reichstadt. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, sK; width, 4)4 inches. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Buonaparte as First Consul [No. 315] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^t h PIERRE ALEXANDRE TARDIEU French engraver; born at Paris, 1756; died, 1844; pupil of J. N. Tardieu and J. G. Wille. TARDIEU, PIERRE ALEXANDRE 322. Bonaparte, Ir. CI. Line-engraving. Dessine par Isabey. Bust portrait, medallion, circle. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 3; width, 3 inches. TARDIEU, PIERRE ALEXANDRE 323. A Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais. Line-engraving. Isabay Del. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 3; width, 2^ inches. JEAN-JACQUES FRANgOIS TASSAERT Frencli engraver of the Napoleonic era. TASSAERT, J.-J. FRANCOIS 324. Napoleon Ier, Empereur des Fran^ais et Roi d'ltalie. Stipple, printed in colors, touched up in gold. Dessine par Naudet, Grave par J. J. F. Tassaert, et Termine par Cazenave. On horseback, in uniform of Emperor. Margins trimmed inside plate- mark. Height, I9>^; width, i^yi inches. SALVATORE TRESCAN Stipple engraver; worked long at Paris; died in 1815. TRESCAN, SALVATORE 325. Le General Bounaparte. Stipple. Valverde P. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Mar- gins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Height, 3; width, lyi inches. Very Rare early and curious portrait. A companion to the following portrait of Madame Bounaparte. TRESCAN, SALVATORE 326. Madame Bounaparte. Stipple. Valverde P. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 3; width, 2^ inches. Rare. A companion portrait to the preceding portrait of Bounaparte, and like the same a very curious portrait. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, M ay Jf,th TROPHY PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON TROPHY PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON 327. Napoleon. Stipple. Bust portrait, in circle, surrounded by trophies of war. Proof. With margins. Height, 6pi; width, 5^ inches. CHARLES TURNER English mezzotint engraver; born at Woodstoclc, 1773; died, 1857; entered the Academy in 1795; produced many masterpieces. TURNER, CHARLES 328. Bonaparte Reviewing the Consular Guards. Mezzotint. Painted in Paris, by L J. Masquerier. Fine impression, with the inscrip- tion in English and French. Margins cut inside plate-mark. Height, 2i>^; length, 26 inches. TURNER, CHARLES 329. Bonaparte. Mezzotint. David, pinxt. Bust portrait, in military dress uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof, with border. Full margins. Height, is'H', width, gpi inches. TURNER, CHARLES 330. His Serene Highness, The Hereditary Prince of Orange. Mezzotint. I. S. Copley Esqr., R. A. pinxt. Half length, in military uniform. Fine impression, with inscription. Lower margin trimmed inside plate- mark. Height, iiK; width, gyi inches. TURNER, CHARLES 331. Napoleon on the "Bellerophon." Mezzotint. After Chas. Lock Eastlake. Full length standing, at the gangway of the "Bellerophon". Very Fine and Brilliant Proof, before All Let- ters. Margins trimmed to the plate mark. One of the rarest of the English mezzotint portraits of Napoleon. Height, 25%; width, 18^ inches. [See Illustration] TURNER, CHARLES 332. Napoleon. Mezzotint. After David. Half length, in military uniform. Fine impression. Mar- gins trimmed to engraved border. Height, 9; width, 6>^ inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th TURNER, CHARLES 333. Napoleon. Mezzotint. Bust portrait, oval. Margins. Undescribed Proof before All Let- ters. Rare. Height, 8>^; width, 7 inches. TURNER, CHARLES 334. Napoleone Buonaparte, First Consul of France. Born at Calvi in Corsica, Department of the Colo, August 15, 1769. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Painted by L J. Masquerier, Paris, from life. Half length, Fine impres- sion, with inscription. Margins trimmed to plate-mark. Height, 17^; width, 13% inches. One of the Rarest and Most Attractive Portraits of Bonaparte AS First Consul. [See Illustration] TURNER, CHARLES 335. Princesse Marie Therese Charlotte. Mezzotint. H. Villiers, pinxt. Three-quarter length. Magnificent Proof before All Letters, with full margins. Rare. Height, 8^; width, 6% inches. TURNER, CHARLES 336. Wellington. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Painted by Bauzit. Full length, standing. Proof Without Title. Beautiful impression. With margins. Height, 13; width, 9^ inches. UNKNOWN ENGRAVERS UNKNOWN ENGRAVER 337. Buonaparte. Ne A jaccio le 15 Aout 1769. Stipple. At Marengo. On horseback, in military uniform, circle, surrounded by a wreath engraved in outer circle. A "bonbonniere" box. Margins trimmed to printed surface. Height, 3^/^; width, 3^ inches. From the Soulavie Collection. UNKNOWN ENGRAVER 338. Buonaparte, Premier Consul. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, medallion, oval set in engraved border. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 6% ; width, ^yi inches. CHARLES TURNER Napoleon on the "Bellerophon" [No. 331] Second Session, We dnesday Evening, May J/.th UNKNOWN ENGRAVER 339. Napoleon. Stipple and etching. Bust portrait, oval, in coronation robes. Very fine portrait, face and background engraved in stipple, the rest of the plate is etched. Mar- gins trimmed to the printed surface. Extremely Rare. We can find no account or record of this portrait. Height, 16J/2; width, 14 inches. UNKNOWN ENGRAVER 340. JosEPHiCE Imperatrice, des Frangais, Reine d'ltalie, Stipple. Zufinden in Wien, bei Anton Tesearo. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 6}4; width, 5>^ inches. UNKNOWN ENGRAVER 341. Mme. Bonaparte, Epouse du Premier Consul. Line-engraving, in colors. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved border. Impression with the inscrip- tion. Margins trimmed inside plate-mark. Height, 4>^; width, 3>^ inches. Interesting portrait for the costume. P. E. G. VALLARDI Engraver in copper; born at Antwerp, 1752; pupil of Ph. Keminckx, later of Bar- tolozzi; worked in Paris and London as late as 1820. VALLARDI, P. E. G. 342. Massimiliano Giuseppe, Re di Baviera. Stipple, printed in colors. Designed by Vallerdi. Bust in military uniform. Fine brilliant impres- sion, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 5^; width, ^}4 inches. INGNATIUS JOSEPH VAN DEN BERGHE VAN DEN BERGHE, INGNATIUS JOSEPH 343. C. Harbouville, Commandant de la legion d'Honneur et Premier prefet du Departement des deux Nethes. Stipple. Peint par M. I. Van Bree. Bust portrait in military uniform. Very fine impression, with title in open letters, and inscription in script. Full margins. Height, 11^; width, 8^ inches. VERTER VERTER, 344. Buonaparte. Stipple. Vil dis. Publish'd Rotterdam May 10, 1796 by Guerin Strand. Bust portrait, showing ear-rings, in dress uniform. Fine impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 2f^; width, 2 inches. Fine early Holland engraving. A companion portrait to the following portrait of Madame Buonaparte. CHARLES TURNER [No. 334] Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May J^th VERTER, 345. Mad. Buonaparte. Stipple. Vil dis. Publish'd Rotterdam ymbre 10, 1796 by Guerin Strand. Bust portrait, oval. Fine impression with the inscription. Margins. Height, 2^; width, 2yi inches. -Fine early Holland engraving, and a companion to the preceding portrait of Buona- parte. VERTER, 346. Buonaparte. Aquatint. Bust portrait, in military uniform. Circle. Open Letter Proof. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 2}i; width, 2)4 inches. This portrait is similar to the Vil type engraved by Verter. — VIGHI VIGHI, 347. Napoleon Bonaparte, Consul de la Republique Frangaise. Aquatint. Vighi, f. Bust portrait, circle. Impression with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 3; width, 3 inches. A. VILLENEUVE French engraver of the Napoleonic era. VILLENEUVE, A. 348. Buonaparte. Aquatint. Compose et grave par Villeneuve, le portrait dessine d'apres Nature. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved ornamental border and surrounded by engraved emblems. Very fine impression, with inscription, "Boucher National" at top, and below — -"Aux Armees Frangaises." Margins, Height, 8; width, 6 inches. VILLENEUVE, A. 349. JouRDAN. Aquatint. Compose et grave par Villeneuve. Le portrait dessine d'apres Nature. Bust portrait, oval, set in engraved ornamental border and surrounded by engraved emblems. Very fine impression, with the inscription, "Boucher National" above, and "Aux Armees Frangaises," below. Margins. Height, 8; width, 6 inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May 4,th CAROLINE WATSON English engraver, daughter of James Watson; born at London, 1760; died, 1 8 14. WATSCN, CAROLINE 350. Emperor Alexander. Stipple, printed in colors. London. Pubd. June 24, 1814 by R. Ackerman. Bust portrait, in mili- tary uniform, oval. Impression with engraved border and with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the plate-mark. Height, 2^; width, 2^ inches. WATSON, CAROLINE 351. Louise de Bade, Empress of Russia. Stipple. Half length, in oval within engraved border. Very fine and brilliant impression, with the inscription. Full margins. Height, 3; width, 2^ inches. DAVID WEISS Engraver; born at Strigno in Tyrol, 1775; died, 1846. Studied under Fiiger in Vienna. WEISS, DAVID 352. Maria Luigia, Imperatrice d' Austria, Dedicato a S. A. R. L'Arciduchessa Madre, Maria Beatrice D'Este &. &. Stipple, printed in colors and touched by hand. B. Nob. de Guerard pinx. et del. D. Weis, sculp, 1808. Bust in oval, with inscription, and margin showing plate-mark. Height, jys; width, 6 inches. A companion portrait to that of Franciscus I. For which see, No. 181. THOMAS WRIGHT English engraver; born about 1790. WRIGHT, THOMAS 353. Count Bennigsen, Genl. of Cavy. Commander in Chief of the 2nd Army. Stipple. Painted by order of H. I. M. Alexander ist, by G. Dawe Esq. Half length, seated, in military uniform. Fine Open Letter Proof, with inscrip- tion. Margins. Height, li>^; width, g}4 inches. Second Session, Wednesday Evening, May Jfth JOHN YOUNG English mezzotint engraver; born, 1755; died, 1825; pupil of J. R. Smith. YOUNG, JOHN 354. Field Marshal Count Wurmser, Commander in Chief of the Imperial Army in Italy. Mezzotint. Painted by Brand of Vienna. Half length. Fine Open Letter Proof with inscription. Margins. Height, 12; width, 9^ inches. GAETANO ZANCON Italian engraver; born at Verona; died, 1824. ZANCON, GAETANO 355. Buonaparte. Stipple. Verite dis. Pubblicato in Venezia da Giuseppe Sardi li 2. Maggio 1797. Bust portrait, oval. Impression with the inscription. Margins trimmed inside the plate-mark. Rare Early Portrait. Height, 2}4; width, i^ inches. PORTFOLIOS 356. Portfolios. Three print portfolios, with leaves of heavy paper, each leaf hinged and with mounting for prints. Sizes — (l) 37>^ by 24^2 inches; (2) 30 by 23 inches; (3) 25^ by 18 inches. Each bound in canvas. Together, 3 pieces. At The American Art Galleries MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE, BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY A NOTABLE COLLECTION OF NAPOLEONIC PRINTS, BOOKS, AUTOGRAPHS, MINIATURE PORTRAITS, STATUETTES AND RELICS BELONGING TO M R. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON Third Session, Numbers 357 to 659 inclusive THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 5th, AT 2:15 O'CLOCK BOOKS AND AUTOGRAPHS [ Numbers 357 to 1049 inclusive ] 357. Abell (Mrs. Elizabeth). Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon, during the First Three Years of his Captivity on the Island of St. Helena : including the time of his Residence at her Father's House, "The Briars." First Edition. 6 plates. Small 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, uncut, original cloth sides and back bound in, by morrell. London, 1844 358. Abell (Mrs. Elizabeth). Another Copy of the above. 6 plates. Small 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt sides with arms of Napoleon, gilt top, by taffin. London, 1844 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 1 1 portraits. 359. Almanac de Gotha pour I'annee 18 10. Portraits and plates, foldmg genealo- gical table. 32mo, original decorated boards, gilt edges, and part of back strip lacking. Gotha: C. G. Ettinger [18 10] Contains portraits of Joseph Napoleon, Louis Napoleon, Joachim Napoleon [Murat], and Eugene Napoleon [de Beauharnais]. With stamped name, — G. Palomhini, on fly-leaf, and library stamp dated 182 1, on title. 360. Almanach de L'Isle D'Elbe, pour d'An de grace 1815, et le ler de la Seig- neurie de Buonaparte. Woodcut portrait of Napoleon in colors. 32mo, modern green straight-grain morocco, gilt, uncut. A Porto-Ferraio, et se trouve a Paris, Chez Chassaignon, 18 15 Very Rare. Giving an Account of Napoleon's Life during His Exile on THE Isle of Elba. Numbers 17 to 32 are omitted in the pagination, but the volume is complete. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 361. Almanac Historique Genealogique pour I'annee 1808. Portraits and plates, folding genealogical table. 32mo, original decorated boards, gilt edges. Leipsic [Gotha: C. G. Ettinger, 1808] Rare Issue of the Almanack de Gotha, Published at Leipzig, and containing portraits of Napoleon, Joachim Murat, Nelson, and Pitt. 362. Amelot (Charles Pierre — Quarter- Master General of the Army of Italy). D. S., 2pp. small folio, Milan, le 8 nivose, an 7 (December 29, 1798). To Citizen Oubernon, Commissary-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. On official paper, with vignette. Informing the recipient that a certain sum of money has been granted for expenses attended to by him. With a S-line marginal note in another hand-writing (probably by Citizen Oubernon) stating that said sum will enable him to meet expenses. 363. Angouleme (Marie Therese Charlotte de, DucHESse — daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette). L. S., ip. 410, Paris, September 8, 1817. To her cousin. Acknowledges receipt of her cousin's letter and expresses her pleasure at his loyalty to her family. Speaks in cordial terms of her cousin's nephew who delivered the said letter. 364. Antommarchi (Francesco). Memoires du Docteur F. Antommarchi, ou les derniers Momens de Napoleon. First Edition. 2 vols. 8yo, half morocco. Pans, 1825 Genuine Issue with the authentication and author's signature on verso of title. Copies without this are forgeries. 365. Antommarchi (Francesco — Italian anatomist, and physician to Napoleon at St. Helena). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, June 6, 1834. To M. Charles, Prince of Musignano. With wax seal. Three small holes in paper. Relative to a mask of Napoleon I which the Prince wished to have sent to Julie Clary, wife of Joseph Bonaparte, eldest brother of Napoleon I, but for which he had failed to give instructions in a foimer letter. 366. Appiani (Andrea). Fastes de Napoleon ler. Peints par Andrea Appiani, Graves par C. Longhi, M. Bisi, Benaglia, G. & F. Rosapina. Dedies a sa Majeste Napoleon III. Par Pietro Barboglio. A series of 33 plates, 21 heautifully engraved views showing in tableau form scenes connected with the life of Napoleon. Oblong folio, half morocco, giltback and top, uncut. Paris: Firmin Didot, no date Beautiful Large Paper Copy, with the Plates on India Paper. The views include, — Bataille de Montennotte, Passage du Pont de Lodi, Entree des Frangais a Milan, Combat de Lonato, Bataille d'Arcole et Passage de I'Adige, Bataille de Millesimo, Federation de la Republique Cisalpine, Union de la France et de la Lombardie, Vision du General Bonaparte en Egypte, Victoire d'Austerlitz, and other incidents. 367. Arnault (A. V.). Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon. With 134 litho- graphs by C. Hotter, after paintings by prominent painters of the French School, some on India paper. 2 vols, large folio, cloth with Napoleon's coat-of-arms on front covers, in gilt, rebacked with morocco, corners strengthened with cloth, uncut, the margins of two of the plates have been torn but skilfully repaired without injuring the plates. Paris, 1826 Fine Perfect Copy. Rare in This State. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 368. AsHTON (John). English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. With 115 illustrations by the author. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, backs emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt tops, original cloth covers bound in. ^ London, 1884 369. AuGEREAu (Pierre Francois Charles, Duke of Castiglione — Marshal of France). D. S., 6pp. folio, Gironne, March 2, 1810. Relative to the duties of the receivers of contributions in the administrative service 370. AuGUSTE Amelie (Wife of Eugene de Beauharnais, son of Josephine). A. L. S., ip. i2mo, Milan, March 21, 1819. To . . . Signed, — Auguste. A note of sympatliy in the great bereavement he has just sustained. 371 AuGUSTE Amelie (Wife of Eugene de Beauharnais, son of Josephine). A. L. S., Ip. i2mo, Munich, February 20, 1849. To General Zucchi. Signed,- — • Auguste Amelie. Written on her note-paper, with gilt monogram. Thanking the General for the expression of his sentiments in memory of her husband Prince Eugene, and expressing her happiness in knowing him to be with the Holy Father, whose fate distresses her. 372. Austrian Campaign. Empire Frangais. Premier Corps d'Armee de Re- serve. Ordre du Jour. Ouartier-General de Boulogne, le 8 Frimaire an 14 (November 28, 1805). Announcement of the occupation of Vienna by the Troops under Napoleon, with extracts from Official Bulletins, No. 22, le 22 brumaire an 14 (Nov. 12), No. 23, le 23 brumaire (Nov. 13), Order of the Day, le 23 brumaire. Bulletin, No. 24, le 24 brumaire (Nov. 14), and Bulle- tin, No. 25, le 25 brumaire (Nov. 15). The Generals of Divisions and Bri- gades, to make the present order known to the troops under their command. By order of, Monseigneur le Marechal commandant I'Armee. Le Chef de I'Etat-Major-General, Rostollant. With crowned eagle at head of first page. Imperial 8vo, 7pp. folded leaflet, uncut. [Boulogne? 1805] Interesting Leaflet, containing the Official Records of the events in Austria during Napoleon's occupation of Vienna, and immediately preceding the Battle of Austerlitz. Very Rare, and in Fine Condition. 373. Autograph Certificate of Appointment as Assistant-Surgeon in the Army of Spain, issued to L. J. E. Blaquiere. Written on the official paper of the Chief Surgeon of the French Army, with official wax seal, dated "Paris, July 29, 1809," and signed, — Lerey; A. L. S., by "Fonsornelle," (name un- known) one-page, Nancy, April 2, 1836. To "My dear Drouot" (Gen. Drout?), relative to material assistance given to the widow of Gen. Solin- aris. Together, 2 pieces, 4to. 374. Balzac (Honore de). Histoire de I'Empereur raconte dans une Grange par une Vieux Soldat et recueillie. Illustrated with vignettes by Lorentz, and text illustrations by Breviere and Novion. Square i6mo, olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt sides with elaborate border of Greek design, corner floral ornaments; full gilt back, inside green morocco borders with triple gilt fillet bands and corner designs; gilt over rough edges, original wrappers bound in, by joly fils. Enclosed in marbled board case. Paris. 1842 First Edition. Very Rare. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 375. Balzac (Honore de). Histoire de I'Empereur, racontee dans une Grange par un vieux Soldat. Preface de Henry Houssaye. With frontispiece, title vignette, and 13 illustrations in the text, all in colors, engraved by Adolphe Lalauze after the original water color drawings by Alphonse Lalanze, and with a duplicate set of the engravings in black and white, on 15 special plates without text. Small 4to, green crushed French levant morocco, sides with border of gilt fillets and lines of small gilt tools enclosing foliated band in gilt, framing panel with corner designs of foliated scroll-work and festoons connected by lines of dots and tiny geometric tools; backs gilt in similar scroll design; inside border of morocco with heavy gilt design of winged lions supporting a lyre, alternating with a floral scroll design, with band of gilt fillets, dots, and scallops with gilt fringe at inner edge,_gilt top, uncut, with original green wrappers, including back strip, bound in, by pomey. Paris: Henri Leclerc, 1904 Special Edition, Printed on "Papier Velin des Manufactures du Marais," 100 copies only printed, of which this is, No. 56. With the plates and vignettes in two states, one set in First State, delicately colored so as to resemble the original wateicolors; the other set being Proofs of the Second or Finished Engraved plate, in black and white. A fane example of book making and binding. 376. Baraguey D'Hilliers (Louis — French general. Governor of Venice). L. S. ip. folio, Venice, September 17th, 1808. To His Excellence* * * Thanking him for his letter and the enclosed copy of His Majesty's decree appoint- ing him Governor of Venice. 377. Barker (Henry A.). A Short Description of the Island of Elba, and Town of Porto-Ferrajo; Illustrative of the View now exhibiting in Henry Aston Barker's Panorama, Leicester Square. With vignette view of Napoleon's flag at Elba on title-page, and folding plate of the Island of Elba and Porto- Ferrajo, with text. 8vo, marbled boards, margins of title and lower corners of leaves repaired, map rebacked with linen, two small holes repaired. [London] 1815 "Mr. H. A. Barker took the view of Porto-Ferrajo in the latter part of October and the beginning of November, 1814 ... he received permission by an Order from Count Drouot, Governor of the Palace, to take the sketches from any part he thought agreeable." 378. Barras (Paul pRANgois J. N., Comte de— one of the first Five Directors of the French Republic). A. L. S., 2pp. foHo, Rome, September 18, 1813. Requesting the Duke ... to send him pass-ports to enter France, recounting his sufferings and the loss of his health due in part to the climate. He recalls his zeal in and devotion for the cause of his country, and urges that justice be meted him, and that he re-enter France. Of his stay in Italy, he says in part, — and I can no longer be relegated to a place of fanaticism and revenge, where it is not forgotten that I had a hand in the removal of the Pope of France. 379. Barthelemy (Auguste M.). Douze Journees de la Revolution. Poemes. First Edition. 12 plates on India paper by Rajfet, Alfred and Tony Johan- not, after Frilley. 8vo, blue calf, sides tooled with a border in gilt and in blind, inside borders in gilt, gilt back, marbled edges. Paris, 1832 Original Edition. Three of the plates were designed and engraved by Raffet for this work. In a handsome "romantique" binding. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 380. Barthelemy (Auguste M.) and Mery (Joseph). Napoleon en Egypte Waterloo et le Fils de I'Homme. Precedes d'une Notice Litteraire par M. Tissot. Illustrated with lOO woodcuts in the text and ly full-page reproduc- tions on China paper, by Horace Vernet and H. Bellange. Royal 8vo, half dark green morocco, gilt panelled back with the letter N surmounted by a crown, and the bee design, uncut, by durvans. Paris: Ernest Bourdin [1842] First Edition with these Illustrations. Inserted is an extract from the fourth canto of the above poem, consisting of 18 lines, autographed and signed by the author, — A. Barthelemy. 381. Bathurst (Henry — Secretary of the Colonies). A. L. S., 2J4PP- London, Colonial Office, November 22, 1816. To Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe. In English. With typewritten copy of the letter. Interesting letter addressed to the jailer of Bonaparte at St. Helena relative to Bonaparte's request to procure remittances on his own account for defraying the expenses of his establishment with the liberty of carrying on the correspondence necessary to that purpose uncontrolled by any examination of the letters dispatched for that purpose. After considering the possible reasons for that condition stipulated by Napoleon, the writer states (translation), — and it would be desirable to accede to the condition, if it did not in fact do away with one of those regulations which appear to be necessary for the safe custody of his person. . . Unless you can so qualify the con- dition as not to be exposed to such an abuse of the indulgence, it will be fit to persist in the refusal of it. 382. Beatson (Alexander). Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena; written during a residence of five years. First Edition. Illustrated with 6 full- page aquatint views, and a plan and elevation of St. Helena, engraved by William Daniell, from the drawings of Sarmiel Davis. 4to, half red morocco, gilt back ornamented with Napoleonic emblems, gilt top, by ramage. London, 1816 383. Beatson (Alexander). Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena; written during a Residence of Five Years. First Edition. Aquatint views by William Daniell, from drawings of Samuel Davis. 4to, half morocco, gilt back, marbled edges. London, 18 16 384. Beauharnais (Eugene de — son of Josephine and Viceroy of Italy). A. N. S., ip. i2mo, in third person, ce 24 fr[imaire] (Dec. 14), no year [1804]. To M. Mejean, Secretary-General of the Seine Prefecture, Paris. Requesting him to send invitations to Gen. and Mme. Dulauloy and to Gen. and Mme. Kerverjeune. 385. Beauharnais (Eugene de — son of Josephine and Viceroy of Italy). A. L. S., ip. folio, Mouza[y], July 29, 1806. To Napoleon. Sending him a letter for him from Gen. Lauriston which had come in the writer's mail. Informs the Emperor that Gen. Marmont has arrived at Zara, and that Gen. Molitor is ill at Spalatro. 386. Beauharnais (Eugene de — son of Josephine, and Viceroy of Italy). L. S., ip. 4to, Monza, August 18, 1808. To the Minister of W'ar. Acknowledging receipt of the pay due to the soldiers in Italy, and informing the Minister that since these troops have joined the Army of Naples, thej' are to be paid by that kingdom, but that instructions have since been received from His Majesty that these troops are to be paid from the treasury of the Kingdom of Italy. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 387. Beauharnais (Eugene de — ^son of Josephine and Viceroy of Italy). A. L. S., 2pp. folio, Schonbrunn, October 19th, 1809. To Napoleon I ("Sire"). On watermarked paper. An important military letter to the Emperor relative to the Treaty of Vienna which had been concluded five days before, and discussing the movement of the French troops near. A translation follows, — / saw the Prince of Nenchdtel yesterday. The ratifications have not yet arrived. This delay is generally attributed to the Emperor's journey to Baden, where he has been to visit the Empress, who is said to be at the last extrem.ity. This afternoon I shall review the first division of the nth Corps, tomorrow morning the second division of the cavalry. No movements have yet been decided on as it is necessary to wait for the ratification; I have, however, left the Royal Guard to continue and have joined to it a party of my staff, so that I can reach Villach more quickly. . . I shall to-morrow inform your Majesty of the situation of the Army in Italy. 388. Beauharnais (Eugene de — son of the Empress Josephine, and Viceroy of Italy). D. S., 4pp. folio, Munich, November 16, 1818. Signed, — Pee Eugene Due de Leiiehtenberg. With the stamps of 8 different officials, and red wax seal. Procuration extending period of time, signed also by the witnesses, — Dr. Silvestre Jordan, and Jean Baptiste Seibert; countersigned by, — Jean Gaspard Deutinger, Notary; William (of Bavaria); von der Encke, of the Department of Justice; Ninget, of the Department of Justice; Count de la Garde, French Minister Pleni- potentiary in Munich; Prevost, Chancellor; and three others. 389. Beauharnais (Eugene de — son of Josephine and Viceroy of Italy). A. L. S., i>^pp. 4to, Munich, August 10, 1821. To the Count . . , Acknowledging receipt of two letters with their expressions of grief at the death of the ex-Emperor Napoleon, and adding his own to them. He begs his correspondent to furnish him, if possible, with all authentic details regarding the last days of Napoleon. He trusts that his friend's health will improve while in Paris, etc. 390. Beauharnais (Marie Anne Fran^oise Mouchard, Comtesse de — ^aunt of Empress Josephine). A. L. S., ip. 4to, no place, no date. Asking the recipient a favor and thanking him for the same. 391. Beker (Comte — ^French general under Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. 4to, October 25, 1812. To the Minister of War. On imperial water-marked paper. Requesting the Minister's intervention in favor of an officer of the King of Spain (Joseph Bonaparte) made prisoner by the English. 392. Benezech (Pierre — ^Minister of the Interior). D. S., ip. 8vo, Paris, le 3 floreal, an 8 (April 22, 1800). To Citizen Portalis (Minister of State). On official paper, with vignette. Forwarding the recipient tickets to be distributed to the members of his Com- mittee. 393. Bernadotte (J.-B. J. — Marshal of France, and later Charles XII of Sweden), A. L. S., ip. 4to, Nancy, ce 29 fructidor, an 10 (Sept. 15, 1802). To [M. Lallemand.] Cordial letter of thanks to the recipient for the care he gave the Marshal during his illness. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 394. Berthier (Cesar — adjutant commander at headquarters). D. S., ip. 4to, Head-Quarters, Paris, le 19 Germinal, an 9 (April 8, 1801). To Chief- of -Staff, Artillery Division. Sending instructions. On official paper, with vignette. 395. Berthier (Elizabeth, Princess de Neuchatel — wife of Marshal Berthier). A. L. S., I p. i2mo, no place, no date. To Mile de Valence. Written on paper with a neat embossed Empire border. Expressing kindly wishes for a happy journey, and mentioning that the health of the Prince (Marshal Berthier) is improving. 396. Berthier (Louis Alexandre). Relation, des Campagnes du General Bona- parte en Egypte et en Syrie. Svo, red straight-grain contemporary morocco, inside and outside gilt borders, gilt edges, and blue silk end papers. Paris, an vii [1800] First Edition. VeryRare, "Bel Exemplaire en papier velin." 397. Berthier (Louis Alexandre). Relation de la Bataille de Marengo, gagnee le 25 prairial an 8, par Napoleon Bonaparte, Premier Consul, Commandant en Personne I'Armee frangaise de Reserve, sur les Autrichiens, aux Ordres du Lieutenant-General Melas. Engraved frontispiece, view of the battle, map and J plans, folding table. Imperial 4to, half red straight-grain morocco, gilt top, BY THIERRY, some leaves water-stained. Paris: Imprimerie Imperiale, 1806 Large Paper Edition, printed for presentation to the Emperor upon the Fifth Anniversary of the Battle of Marengo, June 13, 1806. The view, map and plans are all double-page engravings, the latter with descriptive text to each plate. 398. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — Marshal of France). A. L. S., 2>^pp. folio. Paris, September 22, 1792. To the National Convention. Important and interesting letter as it gives us an insight into the character of one of the greatest military figures of the Empire, and an outline of his early career. The letter addressed to the National Convention asking that justice be done in his favor tells of the Minister of War's refusal to appoint him as brigade-major to Marshal Luckner, who had requested it, and of the Minister's letter to Gen. Keller- man to see that he (Berthier) be removed from the "Armee du Centre." Partial translation, — I look up arms with my fellow-citizens to serve the great cause we are defending. Once war was declared, I went to the front, and I merited, and I say it that all may know, the esteem of the Army and of Generals Luckner and Kellerman. . . Obedient to all authority, I left the Army with Gen. Kellerman s highest commendation. . . Once in Paris, I called on Mr. de Servan, confident in the patriotism, and uprightness of the Minister of War. . .Ah, Gentlemen, put yourself in my place for one moment and you will understand how hard it was for me to leave my companions in arms when they were fighting . . . but even in my inactivity, I wish to help the cause of Liberty as best I can. Then follows the donation of his military decorations to be sold for the benefit of soldiers' widows. It has been said that I communicated with the enemy, that I had emigrated with plans of the Army. No, Gentlemen, the man who respects himself, the free man and the man worthy of freedom, does not answer such an accusation. He continues to serve his country, and loyal to the nation, to the maintenance of liberty, equality, and the observance of the law, he dies at his post. 399. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — Marshal of France). D. S., ip. 4to, Cairo, le 4 Complemd, an 6 (1798). Receipt for sum received from the National Treasury. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 400. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — Marshal of France). D. S., ip. small folio, le premier Ventose, an 9 (February 19, 1801). Com- mission as captain in the 3rd Regt. of Hussars granted Citizen Steck, at the request of Gen. Moreau. Countersigned. On official paper, with large vignette at heading, engraved by B. Roger. 401. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — Marshal of France). L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, Valladolid, January 17, 1809. To the Duke of Montebello (Marshal Lannes). Signed, — Alexandre. Important Historical Letter relative to Napoleon's campaign in Spain. Napoleon had just been recalled to Paris because of serious conditions throughout Europe, and did not wish to have it known for the time being that he had left the active command of his army in Spain. In a letter to his brother Joseph, he mentions that the army is to be made to believe that he has gone to Saragossa, and that he will return shortly. A detailed account of his secret departure from Spain at this moment is contained in "Correspondance de Napoleon ler. Vol. 18, pp.220 to 228." In this letter by Berthier, the general contents of which are the same as those found in the above reference, the translation, reads in part, as follows, — / am sending yon one of my aides-de-camp, fiom among the officers in His Majesty's service, to inform you that political matters have decided ihe Emperor to return w Paris. His Majesty started out this inorning at 7 A .M. The general staff and the Imperial Guard are to remain at Vallodolid under the command of the Duke of Istria. His Majesty expects to return in March and during his absence the command will be left to his brother. King of Spain. The Emperor's departure is not to be made public. If ihe Guard remaining at Vallo- dolid should be sent to another field, only then is it to be made known that the Emperor has left the command of his artny. His Majesty has ordered ine to remain here . . . to receive the letters of the Dukes of Dalmatia and Istria, until the King has informed them that he is co7nm,anding the army. I shall depart only if nothing new turns up, or if the English reembark; and until I leave Vallodolid, I shall continue to issue orders in His Majesty's name. Then follows instructions for the Duke to send daily reports to Napoleon, and duplicates of the same to him. 402. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. 4to, Headquarters at Dijon, le 2 floreal, an 8 (April 21, 1808). To Citizen Ouvrard. Assuring the recipient he has written to the proper persons for the position desired. 403. Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — ^Marshal of France). L. S., ip. 4to, Thorn (in Prussia), June 5, 1812. To the Duke of Feltre, Minister of War. Requesting him to see that instructions are given to obtain all the necessary data relative to the infantry regiments of the Portuguese legion. 404. Bertrand (Henri Gratien, Comte de — ^French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Headquarters at Boulogne, le 16 fructidor, an 12 (Sept. 2, 1804). To the Chief Inspector General of Engineers. Relative to a plan concerning Winant which he gave to Marshal Soult, and which the Emperor has put off. Mentions the progress of the work done on one of the forts; also that his Majesty refused him a leave of absence. 405. Bertrand (Henri Gratien, Comte de — ^French general, accompanied Napo- leon to St. Helena). Order Signed, ip. folio, Gorice, October 2, 1812. To General Baron Gauthier, Commander at Cattara. Signed as Governor- General. Transferring the Minister of War's order that he fire a salute of 100 guns in honor of the great French victory won by Napoleon over the Russians at Moshua, Sept. 7, 1812. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 406. Bertrand (Henri Gratien, Count — French general; accompanied Napo- leon to St. Helena). L. S., ip. folio, Paris, June 8, 1815. To the Director of the Customs. Small piece in lower corner torn off. On water-marked paper. Asking the director to please give the necessary orders to have some silverware belonging to Napoleon, now at the Customs at Toulon, sent directly to Paris. The vessel landed at Toulon from Elba and disembarked personal belongings of Napoleon. 407. Bertrand (Henri Gratien, Comte de — French general, accompanied Napo- leon to St. Helena). D. S., ip. small 4to, Island of St. Helena, April 11, 1819. To Messrs. Baring Bros. & Co., London. Letter of Exchange, signed by Count Bertrand, and countersigned by Sir Hudson Lowe, British general, jailer of Napoleon at St. Helena. Interesting document relative to Napoleon's life on St. Helena. 408. Bessieres (Jean Baptists, Duke of Istria — distinguished French Marshal). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to, Gonaives (a town of Haiti), le 14 fructidor, I'an 4eme (September i, 1796). To the General in Command. Informs his correspondent of the death of one named Drapeau, and solicits the vacancy of the post formerly held by him for Citizen Huin. Comments on the surprise expressed by the General in a letter to Gen. Toussaint upon learning that he (the writer) was to be replaced by Citizen Trotin. Then follows a report of the work accomplished by him since his appointment in the administration at Gonaives, the debts he has cleared off, the replenishment of the Treasury. 409. Bessieres (Jean B artiste, Duke of Istria — distinguished French Marshal). D. S., ip. folio. Army of England, Toulon, le 20 floreal, an 6 (May 10, 1798). Report of amount due for expenses to the officers named herein. Countersigned by Formier. 410. Bessieres (Madame — Wife of Marshal Bessieres, Duke of Istria). A. L. S. 3pp. 4to, Paris, January 9, 1815. To * * * On imperial water-marked paper. Relative to her income and that of her son derived from their interests in Italy which has been placed on a firm basis, and her wish to have her claims recognized by the Emperor of Austria. 411. Bonaparte (Alexandrine — Second Wife of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Rome, January 30, 1824. To her daughter-in- law Zenaiide. Interesting letter in which she expresses her pleasure in knowing that her daughter- in-law suffered no ill effects from her voyage, and awaits impatiently for further news. 412. Bonaparte (Caroline Maria A. — sister of Napoleon, and wife of Joachim Murat, King of Naples). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Naples, April 3, no year. To her Mother. In which she mentions the state of her own health, which is not very good, asks for the Emperor, stating she has not heard from him for some time, and for the Empress and the baby King of Rome. 413. Bonaparte (Caroline Marie A.' — sister of Napoleon, end wife of Joachim Murat, King of Naples). L. S., i>^pp. 4to, Bains de la Battaglia, August 27, 1823. To Mr. Boruzki Wervalter. Signed as the Countess of Lipona, which title she bore after Napoleon's downfall, in 1815. Relative to her estate at Frohsdorf, Austria, thanking him and the workmen for the care given her estate, and suggesting certain measures to be taken. Con- gratulates the recipient on the birth of a son, and sends her good wishes to his wife. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 414. Bonaparte (Catharine — Second Wife of Jerome, King of Westphalia and youngest brother of Napoleon !.)• A. L. S., SKPP- i2mo, Rome, April 24, 1826. To Mr. Girard. A friendly letter, touching upon many common interests, among others, the writer's inability to visit Austria, too many reasons deterring her, though she would wish to; recalls the happy memories evoked by the mention of Schonau; the fact that her husband, should he go to Austria, would make but a very brief visit; regrets that her friend's estate does not yield the required benefit; touches upon the edu- cational problem confronting her children, for does not our very posilioyi present obstacles in the education of our children She also dwells on the new governess. Mile. Deplantis, a gifted woman, whom she has obtained for her daughter. 415. Bonaparte (Charles — Father of Napoleon I.). Original Manuscript Entirely in the Autograph of Charles Bonaparte. Signed in title, — Bonaparte Carolus. "In secimdum annum Philosophie . . . Liber yus in Metaphysicam: anno Domini 1764." (February 29.) Written in ink on 17 4to pages, about 2500 words. Stitched. Exceedingly Rare. 416. Bonaparte (Charles — Father of Napoleon I.). A. D. S., ip. 4to, Ajaccio, February 13, 1774. Signed, — De Buonaparte. With stamp at head, "Isle de Corse." The first 13 lines are written in Italian and signed by Gio. Batta Forcidi. The other half of the page is written in French, in which part Charles de Buonaparte, lawyer, testifies to the authenticity of the above signature. All written by the same hand, with the exception of the above-mentioned signature. 417. Bonaparte (Charles — Father of Napoleon I.). D. S., ip. 4to, Ajaccio, May 29, 1776. Signed, — Carlo Di Buonaparte, and by 6 others. Inlaid. Paper marked with vignette "Isle de Corse." Rare signature of Napoleon's father. 418. Bonaparte (Charles Lucien J. L., Prince of Canino — son of Lucien, a brother of Napoleon I.; an eminent naturalist). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, no date. To Mrs. Isaak, Worcester. With wax seal. Sending her some silk-worms which he had promised her. 419. Bonaparte (Charlotte — Daughter of Joseph, brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., 3pp. small 4to, Florence, January 15, 1837. To her uncle Louis Bonaparte, Count of St. Leu. Interesting family letter, in the course of which she promises to take an interest in Doctor Allerz, noted for his skill; mentions the interest members of the family take in him; speaks of the health of her mother and aunt, and of a letter lately received from her father, in which he states the amount of worry Caroline (his sister?) as well as his nephews, causes him. 420. Bonaparte (Elisa — Grand Duchess of Tuscany and sister of Napoleon I.). L. S. 4pp. folio, Pisa, November 10, 1813. To the Emperor. With a 4-line autograph note, signed, a translation of which is, — I recomnie^id myself to the powerful protection of Your Majesty. I am with deep respect, Sire, the most devoted and humble sister and subject of your imperial and royal majesty. Elisa. Pisa, Nov. 10, 181 J. Important Letter relative to the situation in Tuscany at this period. Conditions in Italy are bad. Insurrectional outbreaks have taken place in various sections of [^Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 420. Bonaparte (Elisa) — Contimied] Italy, and the Rubicon River has landed a large number of brigands who kill and steal. The writer goes on to say she had written to the Vice-Roy and that he had shown himself indifferent. (Transulation) The French in Tvscany are alarmed; the Croations seek but to unite themselves with the Austrians. One of these battalions has al- ready been sent to the Isle of Elba, and the other is to remain in Livornia; and other military precautions have been taken. Sufficient troops are lacking to protect all the routes leading into the Duchy, viz., — that of Bologna, Modena and Parma, and Rimini, and if the enemy crosses the Po River, it will be impossibleto withstand them. The Kingof Naples promised to aid Southern Italy with his troops upon orders received from the Emperor. The period is a critical one, but hope revives at the return of the Emperor. 421. Bonaparte (Elisa — Grand Duchess of Tuscany and sister of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., I p. 4to, No place, October 2, n.y. To ["my dear Lucien," her bro- ther]. A cordial letter in which she expresses surprise that her letter to her brother in answer to his about the earthquake should have gone astray. All letters destined for Rome and Naples being forwarded through Pisa, inquiry will be made at Pisa for missing letter. Mentions that Jerome (their brother) is now 'recognized; that the Emperor and Empress passed through Mayence on Thursday. Sends her love and that of the children to him and his family. 422. Bonaparte (Elisa — Grand Duchess of Tuscany and sister of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Pitti, 7 A. M., no date. To ["my friend," one of her brothers]. Interesting letter in which she sends her brother news of Napoleon's victory on the Danube, later details to follow through d'Hautmesnil; all is well in the Grand Duchy [Tuscanj'] since the 'bandits' have been routed; promises to send a bulletin of 'this memorable affair' as soon as possible; closes in affectionate terms. 423. Bonaparte (Elizabeth Patterson — first Wife of Jerome, King of West- phalia and youngest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L., 3KPP- 4to, Le Havre, October 12, no year {circa 1821 to 1825). To Madame d'Esmenard, Paris. Unsigned. Tear in first leaf and hole in second, not damaging contents. Full of interesting data and humorous comments. The writer touches upon her stay at Havre, where she visits everybody, and goes everywhere, seeking distractions continually so as to forget the sad past and not think of the future. Compliments her friend upon her young daughters, for their tact and general refinement, which are far rarer qualities than talent, commenting on the fact that in America it is very hard to acciuire a polished manner. She gives her impressions of the English in a few phrases, remarking among other things that they always travel with calomel and Peerage, their most popular book. Upon the works of Byron, and particularly Don Juan, which she has been re- reading, she states that a perfect knowledge of human nature is displayed in the work, commenting, — (translation) They say his wife is in love with a Preacher. I hope he beats her so that she inay have some feeling, at least, physically. I think that that is the only kind of feeling of which such a woman is capable. All the women read Don Juan, but it is improper to say that one reads such a work. 424. Bonaparte (Elizabeth Patterson, — first Wife of Jerome, King of West- phalia and youngest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Geneva, December 17, 1823. To William Patterson, of Baltimore (her father). In English. Signed, — E. P. Second leaf inlaid, and small holes skilfully repaired. Acknowledging receipt of last bill sent for her [son's] expenses, and insisting upon the fact that his expenses are not to exceed $1100.00 annually. 425. Bonaparte. Beauharnais (Hortense de — Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland; mother of Napoleon HI.). D. S., 6pp. small folio, Paris, [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 425. Bonaparte (Hortense) — Continued] July 14, 18 15. Signed, — -hortense diichesse de St. Leu. Ofificially stamped 6 times. Relative to her inheritance. Countersigned by, — M. Noel (Notary) Lemaitre. and Camusat. 426. Bonaparte. Beauharnais (Hortense de — Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland; mother of Napoleon HI.). D. S., 3>^pp. small folio, Constance, May 22, 1816. Signed, — hortense. Stamped ofificially 5 times, each by a separate department, and 2 wax seals. Procuration granted by Hortense authorizing Baron Devaux, to take complete charge of the sale of her house-furnishings of her home in Paris. Countersigned by, — - Hofer, of the Navy Department of the Grand Duchy of Baden; Baron von Hacke, Minister of Foreign Affairs at Paris; Baron de Ferrette; Rayneval, Director of the Chancellery; Baron Devaux, and several others. 427. Bonaparte. Beauharnais (Hortense de — -Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland mother of Napoleon). D. S., 4pp. 4to, Constance, June 23, 1816. With ofificial wax seal and stamps. Relates to her inheritance. Countersigned by L. N. Devau, Gofer, E. Nunez de Taubauday, the Mayor, and other officials. 428. Bonaparte. Beauharnais (Hortense de — Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland; Mother of Napoleon HL). A. L. S., ip. i2mo, Cologne, November 7, 1823. To one of her brothers, expressing her disappointment at not seeing him on her visit. Signed, — -Hortense. Neat specimen. 429. Bonaparte. Beauharnais (Hortense de — Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland; Mother of Napoleon HL). A. L., iKpp. i2mo, [Swit- zerland, Oct. 29] 1832. To Mme. Recamier ("my dear Leonie"). Unsigned. With monogram H stamped at head of paper. Interesting letter written during her exile in Switzerland, in which she mentions the lonesomeness caused by the absence of friends, and the fact that she and sorrow have become companions. Thanks Mme. Recamier for encouraging her to keep up her work in drawing, and discusses a picture of her friend which she has made. 430. Bonaparte (Jerome, King of Westphalia). Memoires et Correspondance du Roi Jerome et de la Reine Catherine. 7 vols. 8vo, marbled boards, blue morocco backs, gilt tops, original wrappers bound in, uncut. Paris, 1861-1866 431. Bonaparte (Jerome, King of Westphalia, ^ — youngest brother of Napoleon L). a. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Schonau, December 2, 1819. To [an author]. Interesting letter, written in cordial terms, thanking the recipient for his letter, and the books not yet received, in which he expresses sentiments, common to both, for the glory and happiness of France, dwelling on the fact that a government to be lasting must work for the people's good and respect the rights of the governed. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 432. Bonaparte (Jerome Napoleon — Son of Jerome and Elizabeth Patterson). A. L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, Cambridge, June 29, 1824. To his Grandfather, William Patterson. With wax seal, second leaf inlaid. Interesting letter, agreeing with his grandfather in the opinion that people judge of a writer from what he has written. He speaks of a prospective visit to Baltimore; of conditions in Cambridge, regarding which he says, — The effort thai was made by some speculative mem,bers of the government, to change the system of education, and convert the college into an university, has, much to my joy proved unsuccessful. 433. Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples). Du Casse (A.). Memoires et Correspondance Politique et Militaire du Roi Joseph. Publics, annotes et mis en ordre par A. Du Casse. 10 vols. 8vo, citron morocco, blind tooled. Paris, 1 854-1 855 434. Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples — eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 11 floreal, an 8 (May i, 1800). To Citizen Saliceti, at Corte, formerly of the Council of Five Hundred, and later Minister of War at Naples under Joseph Bonaparte. Piece torn off second leaf, blank. Acknowledging receipt of his friend's letter, saying that the news of conditions in Corsica do not surprise him. Mentions that the Campaign is on, and that they are awaiting results, and that the First Consul is soon to leave to join the reserves. It was early in May, 1800, that Napoleon set out for Italy. 435. Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples — ^eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Amiens, le 4 Ventose, an 10 (Feb. 22, 1802). To Citizen Mazois, merchant of Bordeaux. Signed, — Bonaparte. A business letter thanking Mazois for a memoir received, and asking him for information on cargo sent abroad. 436. Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples — eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., I p. 4to, Naples, February 20, 1807. Signed, — Joseph. Joseph Bonaparte was King of Naples for two years, from 1806 to 1808. In the above letter, he expresses his wish for the recipient to obtain an interview with the Pope, and lay before him the situation of the Clergy in Naples, and propose in the King's name that a concordat be formed for the benefit of the Neapolitan clergy. 437. Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples — eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., Ip. 4to, Point Breeze, July 30, 18 19. To Messrs. Le Roy Bayard & Co., New York, investing a sum of money with them. Signed, — Joseph Cte. de Survilliers. Small hole worn in second leaf. After the Battle of Waterloo, he emigrated to the United States, styled himself Count de Survilliers, and resided at Bordentown, N. J., with his two daughters, until 1830. 438. Bonaparte (Julie, nee Clary — Wife of Joseph, eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Monfontaine, November 14, 1810. To the Emperor Na- poleon. Signed, — julie. Congratulating him on the announcement of an expected heir, and expressing her sorrow at being unable to hurry to Fontainbleau to be near the Empress, but excusing herself on the grounds of sickness. 439. Bonaparte (Julie, nee Clary — Wife of Joseph, eldest brother of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., Ip. i2mo, Paris, 13 prairial (June i), no year. Thanking him for the recommendation he gave to Mile. Palissot who has just entered her services. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 440. Bonaparte (Letizia Ramolino — Mother of Napoleon I.). N. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 29 Brumaire, an 11 (Nov. 20, 1802). To [Citoyen Cretet, Con- seiller d'Etat]. Recommending Citizen Blanpied for a government engi- neer's post. Signed, — Bonaparte, Mere. With small tear repaired, and piece of wax seal. 441. Bonaparte (Letizia Ramolino — Mother of Napoleon I.). L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 29 thermidor, an onze (August 17, 1803). To Cn. Thibeaudeau, Prefect of the Dept. of Marseilles. Signed, — Bonaparte Mere. Recommending her friend E. Clary and expressing her wish that he be elected to the Senate by the Electoral College of his Department. 442. Bonaparte (Letizia Ramolino — Mother of Napoleon L). L. S., Rome, September 9, 1820. To her daughter, the Princess Napoleon. Signed, — vostra aff . . . ima Madre. A letter of consolation and sympathy for her daughter's great loss. With motherly tenderness she begs her to be resigned in all things to God's will. 443. Bonaparte (Letizia Ramolino — Mother of Napoleon L). L. S., 2pp. 4to, Rome, January 2, 1825. To "Mes chers enfans (My dear Children)." Signed, — Madame. Letter written in affectionate terms, announcing the arrival of Julie and Charlotte, sends her love to Zena'ide (her granddaughter) and baby, expresses her hope of a union between Charlotte and Napoleon, and states that her happiness would be complete were all her beloved ones with her. 444. Bonaparte (Louis — King of Holland and brother of Napoleon L). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 24 Ventose, an 8 (March. 14, 1800). An order for an elastic saddle a la francaise and for four horse blankets. Inlaid. 445. Bonaparte (Louis, King of Holland — brother of Napoleon L). L. S., ip. 4to, St. Amand, ce 30 Thr. an 13 (August 17, 1805). To M. Verninac. Acknowledges receipt of letter from his correspondent and promises that as soon as he has assumed command oT the "Army of England" and can see the Emperor he will speak in his behalf. 446. Bonaparte (Lucien, Prince of Canino — brother of Napoleon L). L. S., ip. 4to, Marathon, ci-devant St. Maximin (in Var), le 26 frimaire, I'an 2 (Dec. 16, 1793). To the Surveillance Committee at Salon, Signed, — Pour le Coniite, Brutus Buonaparte Prend. With wax seal. Interesting Letter of the French Revolutionary Period, stating that every effort had been made to search out the anti-revolutionists signalled to them, but to no avail; that officers of Marseilles and Barjol had been notified to seek them out. Countersigned by Augte. Ricaux, Sre. Adj. During the French Revolution, Lucien Bonaparte showed himself a zealous republican, and acted with much energy and moderation in several instances. A document of the greatest rarity on account of the signature, which is unusual. 447. Bonaparte (Lucien, Prince of Canino — brother of Napoleon L). D. S., I p. l2mo, Paris, le 2 fioreal, I'an 8 (April 21, 1800). Written in the third person to the Committee on Hospitals. Signed, — -Lucien Bonaparte (as Minister of the Interior). With stamp and wax seal. Requesting the prompt admission of Cn. Deduit Dufresne to the Home for Incurables. With marginal note in another hand recommending the case to "Masson." Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 448. Bonaparte (Lucien — son of the Prince of Canino and nephew of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, no place, no date. To his Grandmother [Madame Bonaparte.] Affectionate letter bearing New Year Greetings to his grandmother and Cardinal Fesch. 449. Bonaparte (Pauline, Princess Borghese — a. sister of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, January 2, 1810. To one of her brothers. An affectionate sisterly letter acknowledging his letter and the pleasure it gave her, mentioning that she has spoken to their brother, the Emperor, and that their mother will write him of the results. Sends her love. 450. Bonaparte (Pauline, Princess Borghese — a sister of Napoleon I.). D. S., ip. folio, Paris, December 3, 1810. Approving of the way the funds for charity for the months of October and Novem- ber have been distributed. 451. Bonaparte (Pauline, Princess Borghese — a sister of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., i>^ pp. i2mo. No place, "Villa Paolina," August 12, 1823. To a friend. In Italian. 452. Bonaparte (Pauline, Princess Borghese — a sister of Napoleon I.). Five documents relative to Princess Pauline and her household. (i) Bill for painting done in her household, signed by Mr. Benard, architect, and Mr. Halaux, painter. Paris, April 18, 1809; (2) Receipt for sum of money for paintings, signed by (name illegible). Paris, May 29, 1811; (3) Slip for places at the theatre, signed by the orchestra leader. Feb. 12, 1810; (4) A. L. S. by L. Goubaud, relative to portraits of the Prince and Princess. Paris, April 26, 1813; (S) Portion of letter, ip., unsigned and undated, relative to introductions to the Princess. 453. Bonneville (Fran 501s). Portraits des Personnages Celebres de la Revolu- tion. Avec Tableau Historique et Notices de P. Quenard, I'un des Repre- sentans de la Commune de Paris, en 1789 et 1790. With 4 engraved frontis- pieces, and 200 portraits after drawings by Francois Bonneville. 4 vols. 4to, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back with the 'liberty cap' design, gilt edges, by taffin. Paris: Chez I'Auteur, 1796-1802 Fine Copy of the Original Edition of This Important Work. This set does not include the 16 costume plates, which sometimes appear with the work, and which Vol. 3 evidently calls for, as it states that there are 76 plates in this volume. Each volume contains 51 plates, as called for by each index. Bonneville asserts that he drew the portraits of many of the historical characters who appeared from time to time before the Revolutionary tribunal, Charlotte Corday and Fouquier-Tinville among the number. Others of importance are those of, — Pitt, Fox, Paine, Bonaparte, Francois de Neuf-Chateau, Louis XVI and mem- bers of his family; Washington, Franklin, Lafayette, Beauharnais, Danton, Robes- pierre, Marat, Barras, and many others. In some instances, Bonneville's portraits are the only ones that exist. BOOKS FROM NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY [Numbers 454 to 462] 454. [Lepan (Edouard M. J.).] Histoire de I'Etablissement des Theatres en France; Avec I'etat, de dix en dix ans, depuis 1690 jusqu' ace moment. . . i2mo, contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt borders, with Napoleon's arms in {Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 454. Lepan (Edouard M. J.). — Continued] gilt in center of sides, and crowned "N" on back, marbled edges, small stain on front cover, lower corner of title, containing library stamp, cut away, some ink markings on margins. Paris: Frechet, 1807 Napoleon's Copy, Bound for his Library. 455. La Force (Charlotte Rose Caumont de). Histoire de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. [Publiee par J. B. de La Borde.] 6 vols. i2mo, contemporary red straight-grained morocco, gilt border on sides, backs gilt in small tools and bands, gilt edges, doublures and end-leaves of blue watered silk. Paris: Didot I'aine, 1783 Napoleon's Own Copy, with Stamp, — Cabinet de V Empereur , on each title. The history of these unique volumes is well-known. They are the ones which Barbier, the librarian of Napoleon, offered to him as models of a collection which might be carried with his personal effects in his campaigns. In Addition to the Association Interest Attached to These Volumes, the Work Itself Is an Unusually Fine Copy of This Rare and Valuable History. The volumes are in splendid condition, each with half-title, as issued by the famous press of Didot the Elder, and the bindings are beautiful specimens of late i8th century work, and in fine condition. Altogether a Most Desirable Copy. Books from Napoleon's "Traveling" Library are very rarely found and are exceed- ingly hard to obtain in such splendid condition as the above, as in most cases, after reading the same they were discarded by Napoleon for other volumes. 456. Josephine's Copy. Gail (J. B.). Traite de la Chasse de Xenophon, traduit en frangois par J. B. Gail. Engraved frontispiece by Chandet. i2mo, con- temporary sprinkled calf, gilt border on sides, gilt back, with monogram "PB" (La Pagerie Bonaparte) in gilt, yellow edges, rubbed. Paris: Chez I'Auteur, An IX (1801) Author's Presentation Copy to Napoleon When First Consul, with auto- graph inscription on title-page, — Au premier Consul de la part de VAuteur, and with the Monogram of Josephine on Back of Binding. 457. Pellisson. Lettres Historiques de Monsieur de Pelisson. First Edition. Engraved vignette on each title. 3 vols. i2mo, mottled calf, gilt borders on sides, gilt panelled backs with leather lettered labels and the monogram PB (Pagerie Bonaparte) in gilt, slightly rubbed. Paris, 1729 From the Library at Malmaison, the home of Napoleon and Josephine, with the stamp "Bibliotheque de la Malmaison," on each title-page. With bookplate of "M. le Bon. Vidal de Lery" in each volume. 458. Mallet (P. H.). Histoire des Suisses ou Helvetiens. Engraved title vignettes, folding map. 4 vols. 8vo, contemporary tree calf, gilt, with Napoleon's arms and the name "Malmaison" on sides in gilt, yellow edges, some leaves uncut, bindings slightly cracking at hinges, map repaired in margin. Each volume enclosed in solander case of green straight-grained morocco, with Napoleon's arms in gilt on front, and gilt lettered backs. Geneve: G. J. Manget, 1803 Napoleon's Copy, from His Own Library at Malmaison. With note on fly-leaf of Vol. I, in the autograph of (Marshal) Gourgaud, who accompanied Napo- leon to St. Helena, — Cet Exemplaire faisait parlie de la bibliotheque particuliere de I'Emp. Napoleon. Le. Gl. Gourgaud. With autograph signature of, — G. J. Manget, the publisher, below note of author- ization. [See Illustration] Mi Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 459. Petit (Joseph). Maringo, ou Campagne d'ltalie, par TArmee de Reserve, commandee par le General Bonaparte. Second Edition. Engraved frontispiece, and title printed within engraved border. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, narrow gilt border on sides, and the imperial coat-of-arms, in gilt, in center, with lettering "Rambouillet," beneath on front cover, gilt, back, leather lettered label. Paris, An IX (1801) From Napoleon's Library at the Chateau de Rambouillet. On the upper margin of title-page is written in ink, the following inscription,— au General Gourgaiid — Ste. Helene, 1816. Gourgaud accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena, but did not remain there long. 460. Lacroix (pRANgois Joseph Pamphile, Vicomte). Memoires pour Servir a I'Histoire de la Revolution de Saint-Domingue. Folding map and plan. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, leather backs, green labels, and sprinkled edges. Paris, 1 819 From Napoleon's Library at St. Helena, with the cache stamp on each title and in each volume, "1' Empereur Napoleon," in the autograph of St. Denis. 461. DuPATY (Emmanuel). Les Delateurs ou Trois Annees du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle. Third Edition. 8vo, green polished calf, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt back, leather lettered labels, inner dentelle borders, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF, margins of leaves slightly soiled. Paris, 1820 From Napoleon's Libr.ary at St. Helena, and with the cache stamp, and "L'Emper. Napoleon" in the autograph of St. Denis, on title. An autograph on fly-leaf in a contemporary hand, dated, London, 1822, verifies the statement that this is from Napoleon's Library at St. Helena. 462. Pradt (Abbe Dominique Dufour de). Les Ouatre Concordats, suiyis de Considerations sur le Gouvernement de I'Eglise en general, et sur I'Eglise de France en particular, depuis 1515. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, calf backs, gilt backs, yellow edges, sides stamped in blind with the Imperial arms. Paris, 1818 From the Libr.\ry at St. Helena, and with the cachet stamp, and "L'Empereur Napoleon" in the autograph of St. Denis, on each title-page. 463. Borghese (Camillo, Prince — married Pauline Bonaparte). L. S., ip. folio. No place, October 27, no year. To the Minister of Finance. With official wax seal. A request for the appointment of Jean Joseph Brayer to the post of Inspector, with a report of his previous services given. 464. BoucHET (Henri). La Toilette a la Cour de Napoleon Chiffons et Politique de Grandes Dames (1810-1815) d'apres des Documents Inedits. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back with laurel wreath and "N" surmounted by a crown, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY A. taffin-lefort. Paris [1895] Extra-Illustrated by the Insertion of 20 Portraits, by Hopwood, Lerouge, Fournier, Vallot, Pelee, Wolff, Bosselmann, and others, some on India paper, after paintings by Girardet, Isabey, Sandez, David and others. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 465. BouRRiENNE (M. de). Memoires de M. De Bourrienne, Ministre D'Etate, sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, 1 'Empire et la Restauration. 10 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt decorative backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY A. TAFFIN. Paris, 1829 466. Bourrienne (Fauvelet — -Napoleon's confidential secretary and biographer). Original Autograph Manuscript from his Memoirs, ip. 4to. Unsigned. 467. Breme (Louis Joseph, Marquis de — Minister of the Interior of Italy). A. D. S., Ip. small folio, Milan, November 20, 1806. To Sig. Alessandro Sormani, Director of the Theatres. In Italian. 468. Broadley (A. M.). Napoleon in Caricature, 1795-1812. With an Intro- ductory Essay on Pictorial Satire as a Factor in Napoleonic History by J. H. Rose. With 250 illustrations, 24 in colors. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, fillet borders on covers, gilt panelled backs with the imperial arms, bee and laurel wreath with N in center, original cloth covers bound in at end of each volume. London: John Lane, 1911 469. Broadside. Alexander I, Czar of Russia. Nouvelles de Armees. Les armees alliees ont occupe Paris, le 31 mars, a la suite d'une nouvelle victoire qu'elles ont obtenue le 30 sur le debris des corps de Marmont et de Mortier, entre Bondy et Paris. . . Le general en chef de la grande-armee alliee publia, sous les murs de Paris, une adresse aux Parisiens (A). Dans la nuit du 30 au 3 1 , une capitulation a ete signee pour la remise de Paris (B) . Le 3 1 , une declaration au nom des Puissances alliees a eteaffichee a Paris (C). . . Followed by the text of the three notes here mentioned, and signed for Alexander by his secretary, Comte de Nesselrode. Dated, Paris, 31 mars 1 8 14, trois heures apres midi. Folio, broadside, printed in long lines, edges uncut. [Paris, 18 14] Original Official Broadside Notification of the Occupation of Paris by THE Allied Armies, under Alexander I of Russia. Very Rare, and in Fine Condition. 470. Broadside. Beauharnais (Eugene de). Proclamation de S. A. I. le Prince Vice-Roi d'ltalie. Soldats frangais! . . . Donne a notre Quartier- General, a Mantoue, le 17 Avril 1814. Folio, broadside, printed in long lines. Mantoue, de I'lmprimerie de I'Heriter Pazzoni [1814] Eugene's Farewell to His Brave French Soldiers who Were Returning TO Their Homes after the Abdication of Napoleon. After speaking of France as the beloved mother who is now calling her children back to her sheltering arms, he tells his troops how proud eh would have been to take them home himself and that under any other circumstances he would never have allowed anj'body else to lead back to repose these brave men who had fought so long and valiantly with him. Mentions the uncertainty of his own future movements, and concludes with, "My affection and gratitude, as well as the love and esteem of the Italian people, will follow you whereever you go." 471. Broadside. Beauharnais (Eugene de). Proclamation aux Peuples d'ltalie. Peuples du Royaume d'ltalie, Depuis trois mois nous avons ete assez heureux pour preserver d'une invasion ennemie la plus grande partie de [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 471. Broadside. — Continued] votre territoire. . . Donne a notre Quartier General, a Verone, le ler Fevrier 1814. Eugene Napoleon. Royal folio, broadside, printed in Italian and French in opposite columns, separated by type-ornament line. Verona presso Antonio Tommasi Tipografo Dipartimentale [1814] Very Rare Broadside Proclamation Issued by Napoleon's Step-Son, Eugene Beauharnais (or Eugene Napoleon), to His French and Italian Troops, February i, 18 14. He speaks of the broken promises of the Neapolitans under Murat, who, he says, is united by ties of blood to the "Grand homme" even as he himself, making his defection all the more dishonorable, beseeches his men to rally round him, the "son of your Sovereign," assures them that he will never cease to love and care for them, and concludes the Proclamation with the famous words, — • [Translation] — Italians! In the annals of foreign nations they alone are immorlal who knoiv how to live and die faithful to their sovereign and their country; faithful to their vows and their duly; faithful to gratitude and honor. This Proclamation was issued shortly before Napoleon's downfall in 1814, when the Allies were pressing in from every side, and he was greatly in need of friends and help. 472. Broadside. [Cut of Imperial Arms at head.] Corps d'Observation d'ltalie Etat-Major General. Ordre du Jour. [His Imperial Highness the Prince Vice-Roy Eugene de Beauharnais has received a dispatch from the Emperor, reporting a new Victory over the Allied Armies on the 28th of August last, with a great number of prisoners, artillery etc. taken. Dated] Au Quartier-general a Krainbourg, le 6 Septembre 1813. Le General de division Chef de I'Etat-Major-general Comte de I'Empire Signe Vignolle. Pour ampliation . . . Paolucci. Pour copie conforme. . . R. Des Malets. Oblong royal Svo, broadside, text in French and German in opposite columns, separated by type-ornament line, edges uncut. [Krainburg? 1813] Rare Broadside Issued by Order of Eugene, to the Troops in Carniola (Aus- tria), announcing the Victory by the Imperial troops over the Allied Armies, at Dresden, August 27-28, 1813. 473. Broadside. Nouvelles Ofificielles de Paris. Extrait du Moniteur universel, du Lundi 4. April 1814. [Contains List of Commissioners appointed by the Provisional Government, Records of the Senate and Legislature for April 3, and notice issued by the Court of Appeal of its adherence to the Pro- visional Government.] Folio, broadside, printed in three columns, edges uncut. [Paris, 1814] Very Rare Broadside, containing the records of the deliberations of the Senate on the deposition of Napoelon, during April 3, 1814. Fine Condition. 474. Broadside. Nouvelles Ofificielles de Paris. Extrait du supplement au Moniteur, no. 92, du Samedi 2 avril 18 14. Extrait des registres du Senat conservateur. (Seance du vendredi ler avril 18 14, apres midi.) [Official announcement of the formation of the Provisional Government, at the meeting of the Senate, April ist, 1814; of the Senate's decree of the deposi- tion of Napoleon and his famil}^ April 2d; and an Address to the Army, asking their allegiance to the new government.] Folio, broadside, printed in three columns, edges uncut. [Paris:] De I'lmprimerie de Carion, place d'Armes [1814] Very Rare Official Broadside, Announcing Napoleon's Downfall, the Formation of the Provisional Government, and the Resumption by the Legislative Bodies of Their Functions, Which Had So Long Been Usurped BY Napoleon. In Excellent Condition. Third Sessi on, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th Broadside. Nouvelles Officielles de Paris. Extrait du Moniteur universel, du Mardi 5 Avril 1814. [Official announcement of Acts of the Provisional Government, following the deposition of Napoleon.] Royal folio, broadside, printed in three columns, uncut edges. [Paris, 1 8 14] Rare Broadside, in Fine Condition, Published by ike Provisional Govern- ment Immediately after the Deposition of Napoleon, and containing the Address of the Provisional Government to the People of France relative to the change of government and Na'^oleon's despotism and downfall; announcement of peace, notice to the conscript soldiers to disperse to their homes, orders that all emblems, etc., pertaining to the Empire be suppressed, notice from the Chief of Police assuring the new government of his loyalty to them, and a notice from the Director of the Post announcing that all letters to foreign countries, which had been held in the Department during the war, would immediately be forwarded to their destinations. Broadside. Prefecture du Calvados. [Cut of crowned eagle.] Nouvelles Officielles de la Grande Armee. Paris, le 7 Septembre [1813]. [Contains the Empress Regent Marie Louise's announcements regarding the move- ments of the army in Germany from August 28th to September ist, with detailed account of the battle of Kulm, Bohemia, where General Van- damme, the French commander was killed, and news of the entrance of the Allied Army of Russians, Prussians and Austrians, into Saxony, August 2 1st, and record of the fighting around Dresden, where General Moreau, who had returned from America to fight in the Russian Army against his native country, was killed.] Folio, broadside, with heading, text printed in two columns with type-ornament line between, edges uncut. Caen: chez G. Le Roy, Imprimeur de la Prefecture [1813] Brongniart (Alexandre Theodore — -French architect, sculptor of bust of Josephine). A. L. S., ip. folio, Paris, August 16, 1811. To Mr. Mocrie (?), Superintendent of the furnishings of the imperial apartments. Report on the examination of a clock intended for the imperial apartment. Bruix (Eustache — French admiral, Secretary of the Navy). A. L. S., 2pp. small folio, Paris le 8 Prairial, an 6 (May 28, 1798). To Citizens Bourneuf and L. Amet. Engraved vignette at heading. Relating to supplies furnished by Citizens Bourneuf and L. Amet, and for which the latter are now demanding payment, with certain allowances to be made in their favor. This letter, an answer to their demand, instructs them as to the necessary formalities to undergo before payment can be made. 479. Brune (Guillaume Marie Anne — Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. small folio, no place, August 16, 1793. To General Blair. Most Interesting Letter Relating to the Events of the Time, extolling the talents and virtues of his friend, which are esteemed by all who know him well, especially by the Minister of War, but begging him to be prudent in all things, that his enemies may have no reason for imputing any blame to him. In the course of the letter, Brune informs Gen. Blair, that the trial of Gen. Custine, accused of being a counter-revolutionist by the Jacobins, is going against the con- demned man. [He was executed the same month.] Informs him the decree against the nobles is about to be issued, and that precautionary measures are being taken to have them go away for a few years, because the public realizes that it does not need their services, and they are unwelcome in public life. Third Ses sion, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 480. Brunswick-Oels (William, Duke of — nephw of Frederick the Great; distinguished German general). L. S., 2pp. 4to, April i6, 1811. To the Most Noble Marquis of Wellesley. In English. Interesting letter in which he writes, — "Major Nordenfells is just returned from the Continent. . . His former situation in Gertnany and Sweden gave him the opportunity of conversing with persons of the first rank employed hy their respective Governments . I have therefore thought it my duty to inform your Lordship of his arrival in this Country, and request you to favour him with an interview, in which he can detail many particulars to your Lordship, which, in the present moment, may he interesting to the Government." 481. BiJLOW (Friedrich Wilhelm, Count von — Prussian general, distinguished himself at Waterloo). D. S., ip. small folio, Konigsberg, June 23, 18 12. In German. 482. [Cadoudal (Georges — famous royalist conspirator).] N. S., ip. 4to, London. May 19, 1800. Signed, — Georges, acknowledging receipt of a sum of money, Cadoudal was one of the famous Chouan leaders in 1795 and 1796. In 1803, he formed a conspiracy with Pichefru to assassinate or dethrone Napoleon in 1804, he was arrested and executed^with his accomplices. 483. Caffarelli (Jh. — ^General, Prefect Maritime). L. S., ip. 4to, Brest le 9 juin 1808. To M. le Gen. Durpaire. Addressed on back, — Monsieur le General Durpaire Comnidt la place, Brest, and with official stamps. Pursuant to the orders of the Emperor, the Minister of Marine has asked for a certain number of men, and asks the General to furnish some from the conscripts recently arrived. 484. Cambronne (Pierre Jacques E., Baron de — distinguished French general). D. S., ip. small 4to, Valenciennes, le 30 Ventose, I'an 6 (March 20, 1798). For a quantity of bread received for the troops. Countersigned by the Commissary. 485. Cambronne (Pierre Jacques E., Baron de — distinguished French general). A. L. S., ip. folio, Lille, August 25, 1820. To His Majesty (Louis XVIII). A letter of thanks for position conferred on him, with expressions of obedience and loyalty as a faithful subject. 486. Cambronne (Pierre Jacques E., Baron de — ^distinguished French general). L. S., ip. folio, Lille, September 16, 1822. To Lt. Gen. Marquis de Jumil- hac. Relative to his state of service and asking him to support his request to the Minister of War for his retirement from the army. 487. Campaign in Spain, 1815. Contemporary manuscript record of the British activities during the Campaign in Spain previous to the Battle of W'aterloo and the final downfall of Napoleon. Written in ink with numerous era- sures and corrections, on 45 leaves of narrow royal 8vo paper, gilt edges. First leaves slightly soiled and small chips in edges. Enclosed in narrow royal 8vo green cloth slip-case, morocco back, with inner protecting wrap- per. Circa 181 5 Relates to the British Military operations in the Peninsula and to the political results of British missions. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 488. Campan (Jeanne L. H. Genest, Madame — intimate confidante of Marie Antoinette and eminent teacher). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to, Ecouen, August 14, 1809. To Mile. Boileau. Written on official paper. Acknowledges receipt of a work by Mile. Boileau, and thanks her for the same. Informs her of the intended purchase of three volumes of her Encyclopedia for the school library, and of the needed permission from the Grand Chancellor of the "Maison Imperiale." About 1806, Napoleon founded at Ecouen a school for the daughters and sisters of officers of the Legion of Honor, and chose Madame Campan as Superintendent of the same. 489. Campan (Jeanne L. H. Genest, Madame — -intimate confidante of Marie Antoinette and eminent teacher). A. L. S., 4pp. 4to, [Ecouen] October 30, 1809. To [Her Majesty, Josephine]. Relative to the admission of a protegee of the Empress, whom she welcomes. Thanks their Majesties for all the benefits and happiness they have bestowed on her, saying — (translation)— i/zey have not given her boarders to care for, but children to bring up. 490. Campan (Jeanne L. H. Genest, Madame — -intimate confidante of Marie Antoinette and eminent teacher). A. L. S., 3pp. folio. No place, no date [Ecouen, 1812.] To His Imperial Highness the Prince Viceroy (Prince Eugene). On official paper, with imperial water-mark. Soliciting his aid in behalf of the college of St. Germain in charge of M. Alhoy. 491. Campan (Jeanne L. H. Genest, Madame — intimate confidante of Marie Antoinette and eminent teacher). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to, Ecouen, April 29, 1813. Long and interesting letter touching on several subjects, the most important being her son, about whose career she speaks at length, mentioning that the Emperor has promised that he would be placed. Discusses a work by M. de Lacretelle, a popular French historian, wherein is mentioned the oi'iginal letter of exile sent by Louis XV to his Minister, the Due de Choiseul. 492. Carnot (LazareN. M.). Memoiressur CarnotparsonFils[LazareHippolyte Carnot.] 2 vols. Svo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, BY stikeman & CO. Lacks three leaves (pp. 55-58) in Vol. i. Paris, 1 86 1- 1 863 493. Carnot (Lazare N. M. — ^eminent French statesman and military adminis- trator). Original Manuscript Entirely in the Handwriting of Carnot. On the Return of Napoleon from Elba. Written in ink on 10 4to pages, with numerous corrections and cancellations in the Author's Auto- graph. [18 15] Carnot, an eminent statesman, in 1802 became a member of the Tribunat, and opposed Napoleon's assumption of imperial power. In 1815, during the Hundred Days, Napoleon appointed him Minister of the Interior, because he felt the neces- sity of giving some pledges to the friends of liberty. The above manuscript is evidently the original copy of the address delivered by Carnot to his colleagues, in which later makes known the situation of the Empire on Napoleon's return from Elba, its needs and resources. The following is a translation of part of the address, — • Barely three months have passed since the Emperor left the Rock of his exile, to return and deliver his country from the insupportable yoke of its enemies and those bearing French names. . . His presence alone was enough to dissolve a revengeful and perfidious government . . . and the total collapse of the dynasty occupyijig the throne was proof sufficient as to the wish of the vast majority of the people. [Continued Third Session, Thursday A fternoon, May 5th [No. 493. Carnot (Lazare N. M.) — Continued] When all the pledges made by this family with its old followers who had emigrated with it, are found to be in contradiction with the interests of the 7nass of the people . can we abandon the destiny of our country to these merciless enemies of all generous principles . . . ? no, all will rally about the tricolor standard, all will acknowledge the debt of thanks to him whose misfortunes have been a lesson and who alone can help us: our first thought is for national independence . . . every effort must be made to rid our land of these foreign hordes. H. M. because of his experiences, enlightened on the fatal consequences which result from the spirit of conquest has at last returned with only one wish and hope, to preserve peace, rule justly, and restore to his people their 494. Caroline of Brunswick (Unfortunate Queen of George IV of England). A. L. S., 2KPP- 4to, No place, "Villa d'Esti," 1817. To Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino. On imperial water-marked paper. Long and interesting letter written during her sojourn abroad, and particularly of her visit to Parma, residence of the Ex-Empress Marie Louise, regarding which visit she writes (translation), — - I will therefore only tell you of my reception at Parma. First of all, you must know that Marie Louise is in a very poor state of health. . . Her position is terrible. She is practically a prisoner in her own country . . . the great hero of this Century is never -mentioned by her, and neither a portrait of him is in her room at Parma or at Colonna, nor can be found anywhere the least souvenir of this illustrious husband who has been sacrificed by her family. To tell the truth, this has given 7ne such an itnpression of her character that I do not intend paying a second visit for a long time. She is entirely surrounded by spies. 495. Carra Saint-Cyr (Jean Franqois, Count, — able French general). L. S., i^^pp. Paris, le 4 frimaire, an onze (Nov. 24, 1802). To M. Gaudin, Minis- ter of Finances. A request for a permit to allow some art objects, left in Naples, to be restored, and now on their way to his home, to go through the Customs at Marseilles unopened. 496. Castanos (Francois Xavier de, Duke of Baylen — able Spanish General, defeated the French under Dupont at Baylen). L. S., ip. 8vo, Altrera, June 15, 1808. To Felix Martinez. In Spanish. Relating to permission granted to Luis Bazincourt. 497. Catalogue of a Collection. . . Relating to the Emperor Napoleon and his Family, Collected on the Continent and in England, During the last Fifteen Years. Facsimile MSS. and facsimiles of autographs of Napoleon, 4to, boards, gilt edges. No place, no date 498. Caulaincourt (Armand a. L. de, Duke of Vicenza — French Minister to Russia). L. S., i>2pp. small folio, St. Petersburg, July 24, 1808. To Count of Furstenstein — Charge of Foreign Affairs. On water-marked paper. Acknowledging receipt of instructions to detain certain Westphalian subjects in Russia, and recommending to the recipient's attention and kindness the Count of Kotchubey, former Ambassador to Constantinople, who. now on his way to Paris with his wife, is to stop in Cassel to pay his respects to the King. 499. Ceremonies at the Marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise. Percier (Charles) and Fontaine (P. F. L.). Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le Mariage de S. M. I'Empereur Napoleon avec [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 499. Ceremonies at the Marriage of Napoleon — Continued] S. A. I. Madame I'Archiduchesse Marie-Louise d'Autriche. With 13 en- graved plates, engraved Norman, Bance et Clochard, and others. Folio, boards, uncut. Paris, 18 10 An important work for the architect on account of the detail of architectural construction shown in the plates. 500. Ceremonies of the Empire. Ceremonial de I'Empire Frangais. By L.-I. P* * * With J colored plates — portraits of the Pope, the Emperor, and the Empress, in full ceremonial dress, engraved by De Launay. 8vo, green morocco, double gilt fillet borders on sides with Napoleonic emblems as corner ornaments, gilt back with the same design repeated, wide inside den- telle borders, gilt edges, by l. pouillet. Paris, 1805 An account of the ceremonies attending various functions in the civil, military and ecclesiastical world during the period of the Empire. 501. Chalgrin (Jean Francois Therese — eminent French architect). A. N. S., I p. i2mo. No place, no date. "Ce 7 a midi et demi." To Citizen Duval, at the Beaux Arts, Paris. Making an appointment for that afternoon. Chalgrin, in conjunction with Raymond, were, the first architects of the "Arc de Triomphe," a drawing of which appears in this collection, under catalogue No. 53. 502. Chalgrin (Jean Francois Therese — eminent French architect). A. L. S., 2pp. i2mo, No place, Sept. 2, 1786. To * * *. A business letter. 503. Champagny (Jean-Baptiste Nompere de, Due de Cadore — French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State). A. L. S., ip. 4to, [February] 23, 1807. To His Majesty, Napoleon I. Informing the Emperor he is sending the desired treaty, and also another docu- ment. Champagny succeeded Talleyrand as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1807. 504. Champagny (Jean-Baptiste Nompere de, Due de Cadore — French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Milan, De- cember 20, 1807. To Monsieur le Podestat (of Milan). Thanking him for the honor of an invitation to dine with the Electoral College, and regretting his inability to accept the invitation as he has already invited guests to his own house for that day. 505. Charavay (Jacques). Societe de I'Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise. Les Generaux Morts pour la Patrie, 1792-1871. Notices Biographiques. Par Jacques Charavay. First Series, 1792- 1804. Plates, some in colors. Paris, 1893. J50 copies printed on verge paper, of which this is No. ig8; Charavay (Noel). Les Generaux Morts pour la Patrie. Notices Biogra- phiques. Second series. 1805-1815. Plates {in two states) and vignettes. Furstenberg, 1908. 12 copies printed on Japan paper, of which this is, No. 5. Together, 2 vols in one, royal 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, oricinal wrappers bound in, by taffin. The two series are seldom found together. Paris and Furstenberg, 1893-1908 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 506. Charles, Archduke of Austria. N. S., ip. 4to, Schonbrunn, March 3, 1801. To [a French emigre belonging to the Army of Conde.] Signed, — Votre tres affectionne Charles. Acknowledging his inability to have him placed in the aimy as Major. 507. Chas (J.). Tableau Historique et Politique des Operations Militaires et Civiles de Bonaparte. Portrait by Massard. i2mo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. The portrait has been cut to plate mark on the right margin and hinged in. Paris, an X, l8oi 508. Chautard (J. — Editor). De Sainte-Helene aux Invalides. Souvenirs de Santini, Gardien du Tombeau de I'Empereur Napoleon ler, precedes d'une Lettre De M. Le Comte Emmanuel de Las-Cases. Rediges par J. Chau- tard. Portrait of Santini. 8vo, half green straight-grair morocco, decora- tive gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1853 Presentation Copy, with signed autograph presentation inscription in the autograph of Santini. 509. Claretie (Jules). Le Drapeau. With full -page illustrations on thin Japan paper, proofs before letters. Square i2mo, red crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides with imperial eagle gilt-tooled in corners, emblematically gilt-tooled back, wide inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by lortic freres. Paris, 1886 Edition printed throughout on Japanese vellum, limited to 25 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 16. Inserted is a one-page signed autograph letter by the author. 510. Clark (John). Original Watercolor Views of the Most Important Places Connected with the Battle of Waterloo. 7 watercolor sketches, averaging height, jyi, length, 10% inches, by John Clark, and an original watercolor sketch, height, 7^, length, 10% inches, by F. J. Manskirch, and stipple in colors of the same. Also several manuscript notes regarding the water- colors. Each watercolor and manuscript neatly margined, and hinged. Oblong royal 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Circa 1815 Beautiful Watercolor Drawings by This Famous Artist, called "Waterloo Clark," because of his sketches made around Waterloo immediately after the battle. The present collection includes his views of, — Quatre Bras; Genappe; the Obser- vatory, with descriptive note at bottom and on reverse; La Coste, or "La Belle Alliance;" Ferme de la Haie Saint; Hougoumont; Mont St Jean; and the original watercolor drawing and stipple reproduction of the Death of Major Genl Sir Wm Ponsonby, by Manskirch. 511. Clausewitz (Karl von — distinguished Prussian general). L. S., ip. small folio, Coblenz, March 14, 1816. In German. 512. [CocKBURN (Sir George — British admiral, conveyed Napoleon to St. Helena).] Contemporary Manuscript Copy, Unsigned, entitled "Extract from a Diary of Rear-Admiral Sir George Cockburn with particular refer- ence to Genl. Napoleon Bonaparte on passage from England to St. Helena [^Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon , May 5th [No. 512. CocKBURN (Sir George). — Continued] in 18 1 5 on board H. M. S. Northumberland bearing the Rear- Admiral's flag." Written in ink, on Ii6 small folio pages, in one column covering half of each page. In a note on the last page is written, — The foregoing copy is taken from one found at St. Helena about the Year 1824 or 5 amongst the papers of (blank) who had held an official situation of Admiral's Secretary or Captain's clerk on board the Northumberland on the voyage to St. Helena, where he died and no doubt been employed to make a copy of this Journal for the Admiral either for official purposes or as an object of private curiosity and satisfaction for himself. 513. CoiGNET (Capt. Jean Roch). Les Cahiers du Capitaine Coignet (1776- 1850) publics d'apres le Manuscrit Original par Loredan Larchey. Full- page reproductions and numerous text illustrations by J. Le Blant. Royal 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, full gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1888 Memoirs of Wagram, Marengo, and the Russian Campaign. Inserted is an original watercolor title to work, by Jules Adeline. 514. Colored Plate Book. Nelson (Horatio, Lord). Orme's Graphic History of the Life, Exploits, and Death of Horatio Nelson. Containing Fifteen Engravings; and Intended as an Accompaniment to the Three Celebrated Whole-Sheet Plates of his Lordship's Splendid Victories, viz. The Battles off St. Vincent's, the Nile, and Trafalgar, which are explained by Refer- ences and Keys. The Memoirs by Francis William Blagdon. Frontispiece portrait, engraved by Godby from a marble bust, 4 double-page colored plates, I single-page colored plate, i double-page and j single plates uncolored, 5 vignettes in the text, and a full-page facsimile. Folio, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered, gilt top. London: Edward Orme, 1806 Original Edition, Printed on Watermarked and Dated Whatman Paper (1804). Fine Copy, and Very Rarely Met with Complete, with All the Plates and the Additional Printed Material Here Included. The present copy contains all the plates usually found in the book, including, — England expects every Man to do his Duty, Lord Nelson's Funeral Procession by Water after Turner, and the same by land, the Interment, the four vignettes in the text, and the facsimile. In addition to these are the following. Which Are Not Always Included, — The Flags of all the different Nations encircling an Ode by the Poet Laureat, engraved plate; An Ode by Mr. Fitzgerald, with engraved vignette; and three engraved plates containing Key and Outline of the Heads, etc., in the historical prints of the Battle of St. Vincent, of the Nile, and of Trafalgar. The List of Plates, at end of volume, states that these additional plates and accompanying printed text, may be placed at the beginning or end of the volume, as they are not a part of the work itself, which accounts for them being so often lacking. With bookplate of Clarence S. Bement. 515. Colored Plate Book. Bellasis (George Hutchins). Views of Saint Helena. 6 fine colored aquatint plates engraved by Robert Havell after the original draw- ings by Bellasis. Oblong small folio, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original front wrapper bound in, by c. Walters. London, 1815 Fine Copy, each plate with good margins. The views include, — St. Helena, taken from the Sea, The Roads, Scene from Castle Terrace, Plantation House, Friar Rock, The Column Lot. 516. Colored Plate Book [Bowyer (R.).] An Illustrated Record of Important Events in Europe, 18 12 to 18 15. . . Together with a History of those \_Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 516. Colored Plate Book. Bowyer — Continued] Momentous Transactions. Illustrated with ig full and double-page colored aquatints, a map, and a plate of facsimile autographs. 1815; [Also] The Campaign of Waterloo. . . A History of the Campaign, Compiled from Official Documents and other Authentic Sources. [With Biographical No- tices of the Sovereigns, Warriors and Statesmen.] Illustrated with 6 colored aquatint views, plan and three plates containing about go vignette portraits of sovereigns, warriors and statesmen. 1816. 2 vols, bound in one, folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London: By T. Bensley for R. Bowyer, 1815-1816 Fine Copy, with All the Colored Aquatint Views from Drawings Made ON the Spot. Among the illustrations are views of Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance, Berlin, the Kremlin, Moscow, Dresden, Village of Waterloo, Ceremony of Te Deum by the Allied Armies on the Square of Louis XV, at Paris, Grand Entry of the Allied Sovereigns into Leipsic, View from Mont St. Jean of The Battle of Waterloo, and others. Two of the plates are skilfully repaired. 517. Colored Plates. Turner (C- — Engraver). Rare Series of Aquatint Views of Waterloo. 7 aquatints by C. Turner after the watercolor sketches by Captain Jones, averaging, height, 10, length, 12 to 14 inches. Each plate has edge neatly reinforced on under side, and is hinged to oblong royal 8vo sheet of mat paper. Manuscript title page hinged in. Oblong royal 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: C. Turner & J. Booth, 1816 Fine Impressions of These Be.^utiful Views, the Colors Brilliant, the Plates All in Excellent Condition. The views consist of, — Waterloo, with Wellington Tree in right foreground; Hougomont; Hougomont and Waterloo from distance; Duke of Wellington's Head Quarters in the Village; View of the plain; La Belle Alliance; View of La Haye Sainte, Planchmoit, La Belle Alliance and the Observatory. , . 518. Colored Plate Book. Wathen (James). A Series of Views Illustrative of the Island of St. Helena. Frontispiece portrait of the author {Private Plate), title vignette and g plates {one folding) in colors. 4to, half calf, uncut, binding rubbed. London: T. Clay, 1821 Large Copy. The plates are engraved in aquatint by I. Clark after the designs of James Wathen. Owing to the fact that many copies of this work have been broken up for extra-illustrating, the work is seldom found perfect. With bookplates of Henry Barrett Lennard and Rev. J. L. White, the first imposed over the second. 519. Colored Plate Book. Wathen (James). A Series of (9) Views lUustative of the Island of St. Helena. With g plates, one folding, including title, richly colored, arranged by E. W., after James Wathen. 4to, half olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt lettering on back, gilt top, by c. Walters. London, September, 1821 520. Colored Plate Book. Series of Views in the Island of Saint Helena. Dedi- cated by Permission to Lady Lowe; Engraved by Robert Havell and Son, from drawings taken on the spot. 6 finely printed lithographic views in colors. Folio, roan, gilt. London: Colnaghi [1821] A Fine Series of Views, including, — Plantation House of the Governor; The Road Near Major Harrisons; View from the First Range of Hills below Sandy Bay Ridge; New House at Longwood; Funeral Procession; Tomb of Bonaparte as completed in 1821. \_Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 520. Colored Plate Book — Continued] Bound in is an original watercolor drawing of Napoleon's Tomb at Saint Helena, with a five stanza poem in manuscript, signed "I. K. T.;" there is also an engraved plate showing the tomb and Napoleon lying in state, engraved by H. Meyer, after Rubidge. 521. Colored Plate Book. Stack (F. R.). The Emperor Napoleon. Consisting of Six Drawings made in the Island of Saint Helena. . . Drawn from Nature by Lieutenant F. R. Stack and Lithographed by Charles Haghe. With Descriptive Letter-Press by Mrs. Ward. 6 plates, all except frontis- piece being in two states, one set toned lithographs, the other set printed in oil colors and mounted on plate paper. Folio, half morocco, gilt back, gilt top. London: E. Gambart & Co. [1851?] Large Paper, with Five Plates in Duplicate, the Duplicate Set Printed IN Colors and Mounted on Heavy Plate Paper. Very Rare with These Colored Plates. The Preface is dated 1851, but the frontispiece bears date of 1858, the other plates being undated. The lithographs bear imprint of Day & Son London. The views include, — James Toron, St. Helena; The "Briars;" The Old House at Longwood; Interior of Room in which Napoleon Died; The New House at Long- wood; Plantation House, the Residence of the Governor; Tomb of Napoleon at St. Helena. Each plate neatly hinged. Text in French and English. 522. Colored Plate Book. Picton (G. W.). The Battle of Waterloo: or, A General History of the Events Connected with that important Era; from the period of Bonaparte's Escape from Elba, to his Arrival at St. Helena. Colored aquatint views, portraits, folding plans and map. Title within illus- trated border. Small 8vo, red crushed French levant morocco, front cover with arms of Wellington in laurel wreath and initial "W" in centre, with emblems of the British arms in corners, all in gilt; back cover, with Napo- leon's eagle and emblems in gilt in similar designs; back gilt, gilt edges, with beautiful fore-edge painting of the British troops advancing at Water- loo, and arms of Wellington and Napoleon, by sangorski & sutcliffe, a few small tears in one leaf and in plans, skilfully repaired. Enclosed in red cloth folding case. London, no date Fine Copy of This Work, the Colored Plates in Excellent Condition, Beautifl'lly Bound. 523. [Combe (William).] The Life of Napoleon, a Hudabrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax. With jo colored plates, including engraved title, by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, with broad gilt border in scroll and foliated designs on sides, with the bee emblem in corners, back gilt, gilt top, uncut, by taffin. London: T. Tegg, 1815 First Edition. Fine Copy, Exceptionally Clean, and with All the Colored Plates, as Issued. Tall, Uncut. Copies Are Very Rare, This Copy Measuring 9>i X 6 inches. [See Illustration] 524. Cont AMINE (Theodore, Vicomte de — French general). A. L. S., 2>^pp. No place, no date. To Mr. Meslier. Relative to a personal business matter with which he is not pleased. 525. Contemporaries of Napoleon I. Napoleon et ses Contemporains. Suite de gravures representant des traits d'heroisme, de clemence, de generosite, de popularite, avec texte, publiee par Auguste de Chambure. With 45 \Coniinued Thi rd Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 525. Contemporaries of Napoleon I. — Continued] plates engraved on India paper, the frontispiece portrait and first plate following being in three states, unfinished proof, proof before letters, and proof after letters. Imperial 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, sides with border of Napoleonic emblems in gilt between gilt bands in Greek key design, with Napoleon's coat-of-arms in centre, back with emblematic tooling, gilt inside border in Greek key design, gilt top, uncut, by taffin. Paris: Jules Renouard, 1828 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 47 engraved plates, one colored, showing various incidents in Napoleon's life, portraits, several Military Plates by Charlet, and other rare and valuable engravings. Rarely found with the plates in three states as above. 526. Coronation of Napoleon. Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le couronnement de leurs Majestes Napoleon, Empereur des Fran^'ais et Roi d'ltalie, et Josephine, son Auguste Epouse. Receuil de Decorations exeutees dans I'Eglise de Notre-Dame de Paris et au Champ de Mars, d'apres les dessins et sous la conduite de C. Percier et P. F. L. Fon- taine, Architectes de I'Empereur. 12 plates Large folio, cloth, morocco back, with center N and crown of Napoleon III., gilt, rebacked with morocco and bee designs, uncut. Paris, 1807 The architectural detail shown in the plates is exceptionally fine. 527. Corvisart-Desmarets (Jean Nicolas, Baron — chief physician to Napo- leon). Autograph Prescription Signed, ip. i2mo. No place, no date, 528. Costumes of the French Army. Detaille (Edouard). L'Armee Frangaise. Types et Uniforms. Texte par Jules Richard. With a large number of full- page and text illustrations, the full-page plates being printed in colors or tints, with a duplicate set of all the illustrations. 4 vols, folio, full red levant moroc- co, with elaborate gilt fillet borders in architectural design and festoons of oak tree branches with acorns and leaves on covers; gilt panelled backs with oak tree branches; lettered on backs; doublures of blue crushed levant morocco; fly-leaves of red faille silk; gilt tops, uncut, BY pomey for MADAME A. DE NEUViLLE. Each volume in board slip case with edges bound in red crushed levant morocco, inside lined with chamois. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1885-1889 Special Copy on Japan Paper Printed for Mme. A. de Neuville. It is seldom that this sumptuous publication (the most important of its kind that has been published) is offered for public sale, and special copies on Japan paper are uncommon. The full-page plates are All Proofs in Two States, one in black and white, the other in colors. All the illustrations in the text, including the small vignettes have a Proof of the same on a full-size leaf of Japan paper. An Item of Unusual Association Interest, in a Handsome Binding. 529. Costumes of the French Army. Chelminski (Jan V.) and Malibran (A.). L'Armee du Duche de Varsovie. Texte par le Commandant A. Malibran, ancien chef d'escadron d'artillerie. With, a series of 48 finely colored plates depicting the military dress of the various branches of the army, also some un- colored plates each containing several portraits of officers. Thick royal 4to, green crushed French levant morocco, fillet borders, with centre ornament of a cluster of flags in gilt, floral designs and eagle corner ornaments on [^Continued WILLIAM COMBE [No. 523] Tkird Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 529. Costumes of the French Army. — Continued] covers, elaborately gilt tooled back, eagle as center ornament, gilt tooled inside border, gilt top, uncut. Original wrappers bound in, by a. taffin. Paris: J. Leroy et Cie, 1913 Large Paper, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is No. 59, signed Jan V. Chelminski, also signed Jan V. Chelminski on half-title. A sumptuous publication, and in a handsome binding, the elaborate group flags on the sides of which are from designs by Raffet. 530. Costumes of the French Militaire. Petit Museum Militaire; Galerie Militaire. A series of 125 engraved plates in colors, some heightened with gold and silver, showing the military costumes of the French Army in the early part of the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols, royal 8vo, contemporary half straight- grain morocco, backs emblematically tooled in gilt, some edges uncut, bind- ings rubbed. [Paris: Chez Martinet, 1807-18 16] Very Rare Series of Miliiary Pl.ates, comprising both cavalry and infantry, Marshal of France, Fusilier of the Royal Guard, Drum-Major, Grenadiers, Fencing- Master, Artillery Officer on horseback. Hussars, Lancers, Dragoons, Cuirassiers, Chasseurs of the Parisian National Guard, and many others. Each plate bears the imprint of Martinet, and some are dated, with running head-line "Troupes Fran- gaises." There are no title-pages. 531. Costumes of the French Militaire. Charlet ( — Artist). Collection of 30 lithographs, by F. Delpech after designs by Charlet, depicting the uniforms of the Imperial Guard during the First Empire, jo engraved plates (2 colored by hand), and 2 pencil sketches duplicating the colored plates. To- gether, 32 plates in one volume, folio, half roan, new cloth corners, some plates foxed, three trimmed to plate and mounted. [Paris, circa 1820] Interesting Collection of these Fine Military Pl.a.tes by the Famous French Artist, Ch.\rlet, whose drawings of Napoleon and the French Soldiers are justly prized by the collector. Each plate is stamped with the monogram "FC" in lower margin. There is no title-page, but some of the plates are dated, 1820. 532. Costumes of the French Militaire. Fieffe (Eugene). Napoleon ler et la Garde Imperiale. With frontispiece, title vignette on India paper, and 20 colored plates, by Raffet. Imperial 4to, half cloth, uncut and unopened, with original wrappers bound in, by durvand. Paris: Furne fils, 1859 Fine Copy, Entirely Uncut and Unopened. The wrapper bears imprint of Adolphe Delahays, i860. The military plates are exceedingly interesting historically, showing the uniforms of the various regiments of the Imperial Guard in their original colors, and including a fine engraving of Napoleon in uniform on horse-back. 533. Costumes of the Imperial Guard. L'Empereur et la Garde Imperiale. Par Charlet. Avec un precis Historique sur la Garde et une Notice sur les Ofihciers Generau.x et Superieurs qui en ont fait partie par M. Adrien Pas- cal. Vignette on title, and 45 lithographs in colors showing the various cos- tumes during the French Revolution and the Empire, and seven of which are portraits of Napoleon at various ages, by Charlet. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges, binding rubbed. Paris, 1853 Origin.\l Issue and a splendid copy. Very, especially with the large margins which appear in this copy. 534. Daru (Pierre Antoine, Count — French statesman and author). L. S., ip. St. Cloud, May I, 181 1. To Admiral Lacrosse. On imperial water-marked paper. Thanking him, as well as the Emperor, for his marks of esteem and good-will towards the writer. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 535. Daumesnil (Pierre — brave French general and Governor of Vincennes). L. S., ip. folio, Vincennes, May 25, 1825. Recommending his brother-in-law for the post of Captain- Adjutant in the National Guard. 536. D'AuRE (Hector — ^Attendant of Pauline Bonaparte). A. L. S., iKpP- 8vo, No place, du 19 Brumaire (November 10), no year. To the Princess Bor- ghese (Napoleon's sister Pauline). Relative to payment of money. 537. David (pRANgois Anne — eminent French engraver). Printed Circular Letter Addressed and Signed in the autograph of David, ip. 4to, 30 floreal, an XI (May 19, 1803). To Citizen Michallet, Receiver-General for the Dept. of Ain. With printed descriptive circular. Together, 2 pieces. Circular letter inviting the recipient to subscribe to an engraved portrait of the First Consul engraved by him, David, and descriptive prospectus of the same. 538. David (Francois Anne — eminent French engraver). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, 5 messidor, an XI (June 23, 1803). To Citizen Roustagneng, Marine Commissary at Cherbourg. Relative to an engraved portrait of the First Consul; and to a money-order for 10 francs. 539. Davout (Louis Nicolas, Duke of Auerstadt). Operations du 3e Corps. 1806-1807. Rapport du Marechal Davout. Publie par son Neveu le Gene- ral Davout. Portraits and maps. 8vo, boards, leather back. Paris, 1896 540. Davout (Louis Nicolas, Duke of Auerstadt, Prince of Eckmuhl^ Marshal of France). L. S., i>^pp. folio, Paris, May 31, 1815. To Major- Gen. Gruyer, of the Dept. of the Haute-Saone. Signed, — p Deckmuhl (as Minister of War during the Hundred Days). Acknowledging receipt of letter and in answer thereto states that the Emperor has forbidden the admission of line-soldiers in the formation of the two battalions, now under the command of the Count of Marmier, as well as in the formation of any elite battalions of the National Guard. 541. Davout (Louis Nicolas, Duke of Auerstadt, Prince of Eckmuhl — Marshal of France). L. S., 2pp. folio, Paris. June 3, 1815. To Lieut. Gen. Count Hulin, Commandant of Paris. Signed, — M p Deckmuhl (as Minister of War during the Hundred Days). Announcing the Emperor's bestowal of the additional sum of 5 francs for each day spent at the "Champ de Mai" (annual meeting of the officers on May ist) for captains, lieutenants and second-lieutenants, during their visit. 542. Davout (Louis Nicolas, Duke of Auerstadt, Prince of Eckmuhl — • Marshal of France). L. S., i/^pp. folio, Paris, June 22 (and 23), 1815. To the Lieutenant General commanding the First Division. Signed, — Deckmuhl (Minister of War during the Hundred Days). With typewritten copies of the original and the translation of the same in English. Extremely Important Letter Written Immediately after the Battle of Waterloo, Announcing Napoleon's Final Abdication, and the espousal of his son as his successor, by the Chamber of Representatives. Exceedingly Rare. {^Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 542. Davout (Louis Nicolas). — Continued] Davout, who was Minister of War during the Hundred Days, and General-in- Chief of the French Armies after Waterloo, from which command he retired during the same year, writes in part, as follows, the translation, — Whilst our brave armies watch over the well-being of the empire and her independence, their August Chief, wishing to do all in his power to restore peace to our country, has just terminated his long undertakings by the most heroic sacrifice. He renounces his supreme rank and thus forces the enemies to show tvhether they are sincere in their declaration, and if it is really against his person alone that they have declared war. . If Europe is willing to have peace France will owe it to Napoleon; if our enemies have been false in their proclamations , if they continue an unjust war, without reason, then brave warriors, present an impassible barrier to their efforts. A great nation defending her independence cannot be subjugated. Let every one rally round that Eagle which has so often led you to victory. Napoleon is doing everything that depends on him, he is sacrificing hifnself to the hatred of his enejnies to spare the shedding of your blood; be always ready to shed it for your country." "June 23rd. P. S. You will find attached hereto a resolution of the Chamber of Representatives, of this day, which maintains Napoleon II in the rights which devolve on him through the abdication of his father. This resolution was similarly adopted by the Chamber of Peers. 543. Dayot (Armand). Napoleon raconte par I'lmage d'apres les Sculpteurs, les Graveurs et les Peintres. Plates and numerous portraits and views throughout the text. Royal 4to, green crushed French levant morocco, with Napoleon's arms in gilt on sides, inside dentelle borders in gilt, gilt top, uncut, with original wrappers, including back strip, bound in, by popelin. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1895 Edition Limited to 20 copies on China paper, of which this is. No. 16. Scarce AND Out of Print. 544. Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer. Minister of Marine). D. S., I p. folio, St. Cloud, September 21, 1808. Relative to the seizure of Spanish vessels. 545. Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer. Minister of War). A. L. S., i/^PP-i folio, Paris, 7h %", ler floreal (April 20), no year. To "Sire (the Emperor)." Informing him that his squadron has joined that of the King of Spain, and for- warding him letters addressed to him by the Consul, the King, and the Admiral. 546. Defontaine (Henri). Les Gardes d'Honneur du Calvados, 1808-18 14. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1906 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 547. Dejoux (Claude — eminent French sculptor, Member of the Institute). Autograph Oath Signed, ip. 4to, Paris, November, 1807. An oath of allegiance to the Empire and Emperor. Very Rare. Desaix (Louis Charles A. — distinguished French general). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Headquarters at Strasbourg, le 15 Germinal, an 5 (April 5, 1797). With engraved vignette. Official recommendation in favor of Brigadier General Fremont. Rare. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 549. Dickens' (Charles) Copy. The Court and Camp of Buonparte. Engraved portraits, folding genealogical table. i6mo, original half morocco, marbled edges, binding slightly rubbed, one plate stained. Enclosed in dark green crushed levant morocco solander case, with Dickens' crest and initials in gilt on medallion of brown morocco, onlaid on front, gilt lettered back, with inner wrapper of green watered silk, by sangorski & sutcliffe. London: John Murray, 1831 Charles Dickens' Copy, with His Bookplate and Book-Label, — "From the Library of Charles Dickens, Gadshill Place, June, 1870," on inside of cover. Name, C. Samnelson, stamped on back of frontispiece. 550. Dillon (Arthur, Count — French general, guillotined in 1794). A. D. S., ip. 4to, Paris, August 13, 1792. Relative to the anger of the People against the conduct of the Swiss Guards which may prove unfavorable to other Swiss regiments and instructing the recipient to take proper measures that the Swiss regiments be not molested. 551. Drouot (Antoine, Count — ^distinguished French general of artillery). A. L. S., i>^pp. 4to, Chavignon (?), March 8, 1814. To General [Ornano.] With typewritten copy of the letter. Transmitting the Emperor's orders for the retaining of the 600 men in his service, to make a report of his cavalry division on the 12th, and in the meanwhile to use it as a reserve body in Paris; to form a division of infantry, asking for certain supplies from the Minister of War. Also, further instructions for Generals Lefebvre-Des- nouettes and Lion, and for the troops to be used in Paris. It was but a short period later, on March 31, 18 14, after the most extraordinary display on the part of Napoleon of courage, promptitude, and military skill, that the Allies entered and took possession of Paris. 552. Dubois (Antoine — eminent French surgeon and physician; attended Marie Louise). A. L. S., ip. i2mo, no place, July 14, 1812. To Mr. Dubois. A request to Mr. Dubois to glance through the (enclosed) Memoir of Mequignon, and give him his opinion of the same. 553. Dubois de Crance (Edmond Louis A.^ — French Jacobin general, Minister of War). D. S., ip. folio, Paris, le 24 Vendemiaire, an 8 (October 16, 1799). To the Members of the Administration of the Dept. of Meurthe, Nancy. On official paper, with engraved vignette. Announcing the arrival of prisoners of war taken in the attack in which Massena put to rout the army of the great Russian general Suwarrow, recommending that these prisoners be treated with all due consideration, and stating that he will do his best to effect an exchange of prisoners. 554. DuHESME (Philippe Guillaume, Count— noted French general; murdered the night of Waterloo). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Emmendingen, ce 26 Vend(emi- aire) (October 18), no year. [1796] To General Taponnier. Informing him that the sound of cannon he had heard the night before was the sound of an attack made by the enemy on the front-guard of Gen. Beaupuy's men, on the road between Emmendingen and Kenzingen. He also requests the recipient to let him know of the whereabouts of his light infantry. On the reverse, is a 9-line note, in another hand, giving the required information. 555. Dumas (Alexandre). Napoleon Bonaparte, ou Trente Ans de I'Histoire de France. Drame en Six Actes. 8vo, contemporary boards, calf back, rubbed, leaves slightly foxed. Enclosed in red crushed levant morocco solander case, gilt. Paris: Chez Tournachon-Molin, 1831 First Edition. With Autograph Presentation Inscription, Signed by Dumas. Rare. Third Session, Thursday Afteimoon, May 5t h 556. Dumas (Mathieu, Count — French general and historian). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 26 Brumaire, an 10 (Nov. 10, 1801). To Gen. Alexandre Berthier, Minister of War. With vignette. Signed as Councillor of State. Forwarding a letter by (Count de) Segur, a mutual friend, to the Minister, con- taining a request, and seconded by the writer, for the post of lieutenant now vacant in one of the regiments, for Segur's son Philippe, at the time, aide-de-camp to Gen. Macdonald. 557. Dumas (Mathieu, Count — French general and historian). L. S., 2pp. folio, Francfort sur I'Oder, February 5, 1813. To the Baroness Desgenettes, Paris. Signed as the Intendant-General. Relative to the Baroness' husband, the eminent physician serving in Napoleon's army, who was made prisoner by the Russians in the retreat of the Grand Army. 558. Dupont [(Pierre — French general).] A. L. S., ip. folio, Paris, November 6, 1807. To the Emperor Napoleon I. A letter of thanks for his appointment to the post of commander in the Gironde Department. 559. DuRET (Francisque — eminent French sculptor, 1805-1865, Member of the Institute). A. N. S., ip. i6mo. No place, no date. A pass admitting Mr. Larry and his Society to visit the tomb of Napoleon. Of unusual interest, and Rare. 560. DuROC (Gerard CM., Duke of Friuli — favorite ofificer of the camp and court of Napoleon). A. D. S., 4pp. folio, [Paris] May 15, 1811. Interesting official order for the Guard Imperial relative to the itinerary of a voyage to be made bj^ Napoleon and Marie Louise, several weeks after the birth of Napoleon II. Starting from Rambouillet, the imperial couple were to pass through Caen, thence on the Cherbourg, to Alencon, to Argentan, and return to Rambouillet by way of Chartres. Then follows the names of the various commanders left in charge of the local troops by Napoleon; and instructions to various officers to have everything in readiness for the trip, and the inspection of the troops in the different places to be visited by Napoleon and Marie Louise. 561. DuROC (Gerard CM., Duke of Friuli — favorite officer of the camp and court of Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, Sept. 7, no year. To M. Fontaine (Pierre F. L. Fontaine, first architect of Napoleon I). Letter informing Mr. Fontaine that the Emperor wishes to see him on the following day at Rambouillet, and to bring with him any plans he may have ready. 562. Early Years of Napoleon. Some Account of the Early Years of Buona- parte, at the Military School of Brienne, and of his Conduct at the Com- mencement of the French Revolution. By Mr. C H. one of his School- fellows. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut,ynner margin of title remargined. London, 1797 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 563. Eldon (Sir John ScoTT, Earl of). Twiss (Horace). The Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with Selections from his Correspondence. Second Edition. Engraved portraits by Ficken, and lithographic views by A. Picken. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1844 564. Eldon (Sir John Scott, Earl of— Lord Chancellor of England). Napoleon L Legal Opinion by Lord Chancellor Eldon as to affixing the Great Seal to the Treaty for the perpetual imprisonment of Napoleon and the necessary {^Contimied Third Session, Thursd ay Afternoon, May 5th [No. 564. Eldon Sir John Scott. — Continued] abrogation of the Law of Nations. Contained In a lengthy confidential letter addressed to the Earl of Liverpool prime minister of Great Britain. With the Appendix (pp. 233-248) to the "Narrative of the Surrender of Buonaparte," pubHshed by Captain Maitland of H. M. S. Bellerophon in which he explains the Terms of Napoleon's Surrender. 18 15. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, double gilt fillet borders on sides with small corner ornaments, "Napoleon I," and 5 lines of title in gilt letters printed on front cover, gilt panelled back with gilt lettering, wide inside gilt and morocco borders, gilt edges, by sangorski & sutcliffe. The Original Manuscript of the I>egal Opinion of the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain to the Prime Minister of England, contained in a 12pp. Signed Autograph Letter, marked "Private," dated "Encombe, Wednesday morning, 1815," addressed to the Prime Minister of England. The manuscript is fastened to 3 sunken mats, followed by a typewritten copy of the same, and the printed text of the "Appendix," inlaid to size. Of the Greatest Historical and Napoleonic Importance. In this letter, the Lord Chancellor discusses the state of affairs in the most con- fidential manner possible, for the private information of the Prime Minister, the legal position being a very difficult one, and without any precedent. Eldon is obliged to advise that any Law of Nations to the contrary must be abrogated and that Napoleon be perpetually imprisoned for the safety and the general peace of the world at large. The British Government acting on the opinion given by Lord Eldon in this note conveyed the fallen Emperor to St. Helena where he was kept a prisoner till his death in 182 1. This most important historical manuscript is believed to be unpublished. The advice contained therein created a valuable precedent for future guidance, one which at rare intervals the world may need to take advantage of. The following are a few short extracts, — "Lord Bathurst probably will have informed you that after hesitation, I have determined to let the late Treaty for the Imprisonment of Buonaparte have the Great Seal appended to it. Provided we make out that Maitland received him upon terms, intitling us to consider him as a Prisoner of War, I don't think that any objection can be successfully urged against that Act. And I have acted upon the Notion that such is the case. I don't 7nean to say that I should not have so acted if that could not be made out, because whatever difficulty there might be in finding a Principle, short of that, which rests upon Necessity for imprisoning him not only until Peace, but after Peace, I am afraid we must look at as a case, in which necessity will justify his Imprisonment even after Peace. "I incline to an opinion . . . that, if Buonaparte is to be considered as a French Subject, his Imprisonment after Peace is rather to be justified upon his Case forming an Exception to general rules of the Law of Nations than by any stated Rule of that Law. But then, may it not be so justified. Take him to be a French Rebel, we have, as to him, got beyond (have we not?) the Law that 'to his Sovereign he standeth or falleth', 'that his Sovereign b' not his Sovereign's Allies are to muzzle bf to punish him', — to this his Sovereign is incofupetent — but then it is said, if so, that must be, because the French Nation would rather have B. their Sovereign than L. 18, and, by the Law of Nations, you have no right to prevent that People from choosing their own Government. This I say ' I admit generally speaking, but we have got beyond the general Truths: we i.e.. Parlia- ment, as I conceive, has determined that this is a Case of Exception, because the safety of every other Country requires that the French Nation should not be permitted to act upon the general Rule — and, if that be so, can it be contrary to the Laiv of Nations, whatever are its general Rules, to allow you to interfere against the French Nation having B — e as their Sovereign, that you should adopt 'altho' you are, or, if you are not, you will be at Peace with France, that measure which, and which alone, you are bona fide convinced can make your Interposition effectual, viz, the placing B — e in endurance. If the French Nation, by its disposal of Buonaparte, if he is a subject of that Nation, could secure us &f our Allies agt that Gentleman's machinations to destroy our Peace, I think it would be excessively difficult to justify, according to the Law of Nations, such a treatment of him after Peace; but ?nay it not be said that all that has been done, has been done upon the self-same principle, which is to be acted upon, if he is so treated viz, a bona fide, rational, sober conviction, founded upon strong Argument tendiyig to evince that this Imprison- ment is of absolute necessity to the future internal Peace bf welfare of ourselves bf our A Hies. . . "I assume in all my thoughts that Maitland has not made a Law of Nations for Buonaparte' s case by any improvident measure or rather thrown difficulties in our way, ..." The above, is without doubt, the greatest Legal Opinion of historical importance ever given, its effect excelling Cromwell's overthrow of Charles I. and the "Divine Right of Kings." Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 565. Enghien (Due de). Tracts relating mostly to the Execution of the Due d'En- ghien. Comprising, — Extrait des Memoires de M. le Due de Rovigo. 1823; Pieces Judiciares et Historiques relative au Proces du Due d'Enghien. 1823; Pieces relatives a Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon, Due d'En- ghien; Refutation de I'Ecrit public par M. le Due de Rovigo, accompagnee de Pieces Justificatives et suivie de I'Eloge de Mgr. le Due d'Enghien, par M. Maquart. 1823; Extrait des Memoires Inedits sur la Revolution Frangaise. 1823; Conduite de Bonaparte, relativement aux Assassinats de Monseigneur le Due d'Enghien; 1823; Opinion sur la Conspiration de Moreau, Pichegru, et Autres, par M. Lecourbe. 1814; Memoire du Due de Rovigo, sur la Mort de Pichegru, du Capitaine Wright, de M. Bathurst. 1823. Together, 8 tracts bound in one vol. 8vo, vellum, gilt back, leather lettered label. Paris, 18 14-1823 Scarce and Interesting Collection. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 566. Enghien (Due de). Hennique (Leon). La Mort du Due d'Enghien, en Trois Tableaux. Compositions de Julien Le Blant. Eau-Fortes de Louis Muller. Illustrated with full-page etclmigs and vignettes, each in three states, two of which are Remarque Proofs, by Louis Muller, and numerous text illustrations in margins by Julien Le Blant. 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt tooled borders on sides of geometrical and floral spray designs with bands of fillets and dots, full gilt back, gilt top, wide inside gilt ornamental borders, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1895 Collection des Dix. Edition limited to 50 copies, numbered 50 to 100, printed on "papier velin de cuve," with etchings in three states, of which this is, No. 53. With autograph quotation taken from the book, in pencil, signed and dated by the author. In this passage, the Duke exclaims (translation) — Bonaparte is a great man! If I have sworn an ifnplacable hatred to him as well as to all Frenchmen, it is not the hatred of a 7nurderer. I have taken 7ip arms, and will so continue, against him as well as against yon, whenever I can, but the warfare will be an honest one, and fought as it should be fought by all princes of the house of Bourbon. 567. Engraved Vignettes. Boppe (A.) and Bonnet (Raoul). Les Vignettes Emblematiques sous la Revolution. 250 Reproductions d'En-Tetes de . Lettres. Texte par Auguste Boppe, avec la Collaboration de M. Raoul Bonnet. Illustrated with 2^0 reproductions on India paper of vignettes used on official papers, engraved by noted artists. Thick royal 8vo, wrappers, folded sheets, uncut, unbound. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 191 1 One of 10 copies printed on Whatman paper. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 104 original documents, signed, bearing the original vignettes reproduced in this work, also 2 large reproductions of vignettes, engraved by the artists Choffard, Prud'hon, Roger, Queverdo, Gatteaux, Tardieu, and other artists, of which the most notable are found on the following official documents, — Napoleon I. D. S., one-page folio. Head-quarters at Verona, le 30 frimaire, an 5 (December 20, 1796). To Gen. Barguey-d'Hilliers. Signed, — Bonaparte, as General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. This vignette is almost a duplicate of that used on the official letter-heads of the "Comite de Salut Public," at an earlier date. Napoleon I. D. S., one-page folio. Head-quarters at Milan, le 19 Brumaire, an 6 (November 9, 1797). To Gen. Haller. Signed,- — Bonaparte, as General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. On official paper, with large vignette heading representing the Goddess of Liberty, seated. This vignette, the most important of this series, was drawn and engraved by Appiani and Mercoli, and used on all of Bonaparte's official papers, from the year VI (1797) until he became First Consul. He also made use of it during his Egyptian Campaign, but with a changed heading. [See Illustration] \_Continued /a//t, rr/zr ■,,, ' ,)^ // //,„Jr:,/. ^(^/J C yjf'y/////,-//A' (^y^/^rr,^/ ^,-„ f''/,-/ :/■ /" -^A^^/r ./' //,r/^r /. ( ./ '^/^ , --- ^. / , < ^ ..... ENGRAVED VIGNETTE FOR NAPOLEON'S OFFICIAL PAPERS [No. 567] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 567. Engraved Vignettes. — Continued] Ganteaume (Honore Joseph, Count — French rear-admiral, commanded the fleet on the coast of Egypt, and escorted Napoleon from Egypt to France at the close of the expedition). D. S., 2pp. folio, "anchored at Toulon," le 16 Nivose, an 10 (January 5, 1802). To Gen. Vence, Prefect at Toulon. With large vignette drawn by Admiral Jacob, and engraved by V. le Gouaz, representing the two frigates the "Muiron," and "Carrere," sailing towards the French coast, guided by a star in the heavens marked "B." These were probably the two frigates which accompanied Napoleon home at the close of his Egyptian expedition. This engraving is the most artistic of this series. [See Illustration] Berthier (Louis Alexandre, Prince of Wagram — French marshal). D. S., one-page folio. Head-quarters at Perscreum (?), le 10 Vendemiaire, an 6 (October i, 1797). To the Minister of War of the Cisalpine Republic. On official paper, with special vignette heading used by Berthier as General of Chief-of-Staff, of the Army of Italy. Regnier (Claude A., Duke of Massa — Chief -Justice under Napoleon). D. S., one-page folio, Paris, le 14 floreal, an 12 (May 3, 1804). To the Minister of Revenues. On official paper with vignette showing a woman seated, representing the Law, weigh- ing the balance, with lion crouched at her feet. Bruix (Eustache — French admiral. Minister of Marine). D. S., i,^-2PP. folio, Paris, le 22 Thermidor, an 6 (August 10, 1798). To Citizen Pottier, merchant. On official paper with vignette representing the Goddess of Liberty riding on the waves. Kellerman (Francois C, Duke of Valmy — French marshal). D. S., one-page folio, Paris, le 17 Prairial, an 7 (June 5, 1799). To the Minister of War. Brune (Guillaume M. A. — French marshal). D. S., Head-quarters at Milan, le 16 Vendemiaire, an 9 (October 7, 1800). To Citizen Potiet, French ambassador to the Cisalpine Republic. Among the other original documents here included with official vignette headings are many made especially for the various departments of the government and military service, as well as those made for the use of various individuals, and which include among the latter, documents bearing the original vignette and signature of, — Gen. Pichegru, in command of the Army of the North (1795); Marshal Suchet, Chief-of- Staff of the Army of Italy (1799); Admiral Villaret-Joyeuse, Captain-General of Martinique; several by Marshal Berthier; General Duhesme, General St. Hilaire, and others. 568. EsPARBES (Georges de). La Legende de I'Aigle. Numerous illustrations by FranQois Thevenot, engraved by Florian and Romagnol. Imperial 8vo, red crushed levant morocco, sides blind-tooled, gilt lettering on back, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by CARAYON. Paris, 1901 Finely Bound. Edition limited to 25 copies on China paper, with a separate set of Proof Plates following text. Rare. 569. FiG.\RO Illustre. Special Numbers, 1908-1911. Illustrated with full -page and text illustrations and portraits, in colors and in black and white. To- gether, 14 numbers bound in one vol. folio, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY taffin. Paris, 1908-1911 These numbers contain special articles on, — La Gravure Anglaise du XVIIIe Siecle; Les Patrices de Napoleon; Le Palais de Fontainebleau ; La Peinture de I'Ecole Anglaise; La Gravure Frangaise; Le Musee Carnavalet; Versailles; Les Femmes de Lettres Francaise; Le Chateau de Chantilly; Les Femmes de France sous la Revolution; Les Gobelins; Les Palais de Compiegne; Un Siecle de Modes. 570. FiRMiN-DiDOT (Georges). La Captivite de Sainte-Helene d'apres les Rap- ports Inedits du Marquis de Montchenu. 8 plates. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by TAFFIN. Paris, 1894 571. FoucHE (Joseph, Duke of Otranto— Minister of Police under Napoleon and Louis XVIII.). L. S., ip. small 4to, Paris, le 13 Vendemiaire, an 13 (Oct. 4, 1804). To Brigade-General of Engineers, at Headquarters. A letter of thanks and commendation for the map sent him of the French Empire. IJBKRTE. E{;ALrn-, . ■aiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^^^^^^^ (^l^ ( <'r < it-'z f.'. >,,- ■-/<- , V' ^>' C, ^^/''. -'.'/ /: ENGRAVED VIGNETTE FOR COUNT GANTEAUME'S OFFICIAL PAPERS [No. 567] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 572. FouCHE (Joseph, Duke of Otranto — Minister of Police under Napoleon and Louis XVIII). A Collection of 26 Autograph Letters, of which 3 are Signed, — Le Due d'Otrante, iq with his cipher, and 5 unsigned; also, a Let- ter Signed, another dictated by him having only the date in his autograph, and a Contemporary Manuscript Copy of a "Report on the Situation in France . . ." by Fouche, dated August 9, 181 5, 4pp. small folio, dated from Paris, Dresden, and Prague, written between March 9, 18 15, and October 8, 1817, and varying in length from one to 4 pages, i2mo to 4to. Together, 29 pieces. Important and Interesting Historical Collection of Original Letters by a high official, relating to Napoleon's return from Elba, the Hundred Days, the government of Louis XVIII, and the writer's own exile from France, in 1816. With the exception of one letter addressed to the Princess de Vaudemont, all the letters are written to Madame de Custine, widow of Gen. de Custine. This correspondence may be divided into three sections, viz, — The first group, comprising the letters (8) written between March 9 and 18th, 18 1 5, which relates to the return of Napoleon from Elba. Although Fouche accepted the appointment of Minister of Police in Napoleon's cabinet, March 20, 18x5, he nevertheless looks upon Napoleon's triumphal entry into Paris, his enthusiastic reception by the Army, and the people's lack of affection for the Bourbons, with disfavor. His only consolation is that military rule can only be of short duration. The second group, comprising the letters (12) written between April and Septem- ber, 1815, including the Report, relates to political conditions in France just preceding Napoleon's final abdication, and during the beginning of Louis XVIII's reign, during which period Fouche was also Minister of Police, having been re-appointed to that position by the new cabinet under Talleyrand. During this time, he endeavored to rally all parties and opinions around Louis XVIII, making the interests of the throne the interest of every one. He believed that the fate of Europe hung upon the situa- tion in Paris, that there could be no peace in the world, unless France were at peace herself. Because of political motives, he resigned his post in September, 18 15, his exile following. The third group, comprising the letters (9) written between October, 1815, and April, 1817, relate to his political opinions in general, his Memoirs, and his banish- ment. Here he arraigns the men in the new scheme of affairs who would not listen to aught else but the voice of passion, remaining deaf entirely to the voice of reason and wisdom. During his residence in Dresden and Prague, whither he went after his departure from his native land, he studied the Prussian view-point on political questions, and prepared his Memoirs, which he was writing in the form of Caesar's Commentaries. In the letters here mentioned, he quotes the words of the Duke of Wellington on his conduct as Minister of Police; and also gives an Apology of his political attitude towards Louis XVIII, explaining why he served first Napoleon, then the King, then Napoleon on his return, and the King again when he came back to the throne. 573. FoY (Maximilian Sebastien, General). Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule sous Napoleon. Precedee d'un Tableau Politique et Militaire des Puissances Belligerantes. First Edition. 4 vols, and Atlas of Maps. To- gether, 5 vols. 8vo and royal Svo, boards, calf backs. Paris, 1827 574. Francis II. Emperor of Austria (Father-in-Law of Napoleon I.). L. S., ip. folio, Vienna, January 23, 1805. To Napoleon I. In Latin. A letter of congratulation to the Emperor on the birth of a son. Napoleon Louis, to Hortense, his sister-in-law, wife of Louis Bonaparte, and Queen of Holland. 575. Francois de Neuchateau (Nicolas Louis, Comte — ^Minister of the In- terior). D. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, le 2. prairial an 7 (May 21, 1799). Le Min- istre de rinierieur, mix administrateiire du departement de La Marne (haute), stating that he has noted that the Llospice de Vasty owed a certain sum of money on its contribution for the previous year, and that he had notified the {^Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 575. Franqois de Neuchateau. — Continued] proper commissioner that the money would be sent immediately. Written on official paper, addressed on back, and with official stamps. Comte Francois de Neuf chateau was at the time, Minister of the Interior, later he became a member of the Senate and President of the same. He was a member of the Academic francaise. 576. Frank (Isar Louis — French physician, accompanied Napoleon's army to Egypt). Original Autograph Manuscript Document, entitled, "Account of the Negro-Trade in Cairo." ii>2pp. small folio, stitched. With title-page in ink. The writer of the present account of the slave-trade in Cairo, accompanied Napoleon's army to Egypt, and remained there for five years, during which time he gave much study to this question, of which he gives a very curious account. 577. Frederick Augustus I. (King of Saxony, Ally of Napoleon.) A. L. S., i>^ pp. royal 8vo, Plauen, March 20, 1813. To the Emperor. Complaining of the unnecessary harshness on the part of Marshal, Prince of Eckmiihl, saying in part (translation), — Your Imperial and Royal Majesty will undoubtedly hear with sorrow of the destruction of the Dresden bridge, done by order of Marshal, Prince of Eckmiihl, at a time when the absence of all enemy troops rendered the necessity of such an act unjustifiable. My Miyiister in Paris will inform you . of all I did to oppose such an act of violence in the veiy heart of my Kingdom, and which I look upon as unnecessary as it is disastrous for my Capitol. The justice of your Majesty . . . will not refuse to show its disapproval of the Marshal's conduct, and to remove him frotn all comtnands which would bring him in touch with my troops and my territory. He closes expressing his loyalty and devotion. Frederick William III. (King of Prussia.) L. S., ip. 8vo, Charlottenburg, July 25, 1817. To Baron de Larrey, surgeon-in-chief of the Grand Armv under Napoleon. Acknowledging receipt of and thanking him for his Memoirs. French Murder! A Circumstantial Account of the Reported Conspiracy against Buonaparte. . . Likewise an authentic detail of the Murder of the Duke d'Enghein. . . To which is added. Gen. Moreau's Letter to Buonaparte, on the Subject of the Conspiracy. Engraved folding plate depicting the shooting of the Duke d'Enghein. i2mo, boards with cloth back, lettered on back, uncut. [London, no date] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. French Revolution. Extract of the Report of the Proceedings of the Na- tional Assembly, held Tuesday, July 13, 1790. Signed by the following secretaries of the National Assembly, — Robespierre, Popuhcs, Regnaud de Saint- Jean d'Angely, Pierre Dedelay, Garat aine, and Dupont de Nemours. With fine impression of the official wax seal, bearing the inscription within a wreath of laurels, and the fieur de lys,- — La Loi et le Roi, ijSg. Rare Document of the Early Part of the French Revolutionary Period. Relative to a request from the Commune of La Charite, for the establishment of a cannon foundry in said town, which request is to be referred to the military committee for a decision. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 581. Freville (A. F. J.)- Beaux Exemples de Piete Filiale et de Concorde Fra- ternelle. Nouvelle Edition. . . With 2 engraved plates by Adam. i2mo, contemporary green calf, sides with gilt tooled floriated border, with Napo- leon's arms in gilt in centre, and the name, "Jacques De Fontenay" stamped in gilt below, back gilt, with red calf labels, gilt lettered, gilt edges, several leaves uncut. Paris: Genets, An XI — 1802 Presentation Copy from Napoleon to M. Jacques de Fontenay. Bound by Napoleon's Order, probably by Bradel, the famous binder, and given by Napoleon as Prize at the Imperial Institute. ^2. Fulton (Robert — Celebrated American engineer and inventor). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Brest, the 8th of Fructidor, an 9 (August 25, 1801). To Mr. Cle- ments, Adjutant Commandant at Brest. Relative to the Experiment of the Bomb Submarine to be tried that week. Fulton invented a submarine or plunging boat, called a torpedo, designed to be used in naval warfare, and induced Bonaparte to appoint Volney, La Place, and Monge as a commission to examine it. In 1801, he made an experiment in the harbor at Brest, when he succeeded in remaining under water for an hour and guiding the boat with ease. 583. Funeral Ceremonies of Napoleon I. Funerailles de I'Empereur Napoleon. Frontispiece and a series of 10 large and finely executed lithographic plates from drawings by Gerogio and Girard, depicting scenes connected with the funeral of Napoleon. Oblong royal folio, panelled tw^o-inch morocco border, fillet borders and corner decorations with "N3" in gilt, paper centre with eagle in gilt on both covers, gilt edges, the margins of the plates are foxed and the surface of four of the plates is slightly foxed, binding rubbed. No text. Paris, 1841 From the library of John Bolton, with bookplate. 584. Furniture of Napoleon at Malmaison. Percier et Fontaine. Chateau de la Malmaison. Texte Historique et Descriptif. With more than 100 plates, each containing one or more illustrations, including view of the Chateau and places in the vicinity, also illustrations of the interior and interior decora- tions. Royal 4to, half straight-grain morocco, gilt decorative panelled back, with centre ornament of the Napoleon "N" wdth crown both surrounded by a wreath, and the Napoleon eagle as centre ornaments in other panels, original paper covers bound in. Each page of text within a red line border. Paris: Charles Roulard, no date 585. Gaudin (Martin Michel Charles, Duke of Gaeta — able French Minister of Finance). L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, le 2 fructidor, an 13 (August 19, 1805), To the Prefect of the Department. Notifying the Prefect that instructions have been issued, approved by the Emperor, that no disabled soldier at present employed in a civil capacity has the right to wear his uniform and epaulettes as an active soldier or officer as long as he is not rendering military service. 586. Georges-Weymer (Marguerite — one of the most celebrated French actresses of the Empire period, admired by Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. i2mo, No place, no date, "lundi." To Mr. Fierville, Paris. Relative to an appointment. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 587. Gerard (Francois). Lenormant (Ch.). Francois Gerard, Peintre d'His- toire. Essai de Biographie et de Critique. (Extrait du Correspondant.) 8vo, half dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt lettering up back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1846 Presentation Copy. Pasted on half-title is a small slip bearing the following autograph inscription, — (translation) M. Achille Leclerc, from the author. Rare. Gerard painted a great number of portraits of the Bonaparte family, and his "Battle of Austerlitz," painted at Napoleon's request, is an admirable work. 588. Gerard (pRANgois — Eminent painter of the French school). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, November 26, 1814. To C. Morghen, Florence. In Italian. He painted a great many portraits of members of the Bonaparte family. 589. Gervasio (Nina de). Original Musical Manuscript, Words and Music, Entirely in the Hand of the Composer, of, — "Sept Romances Composees & Dediees a S. M. L'imperatrice et reine." Written in ink on 14 oblong 8vo pages, with manuscript title-page, and leaf of Dedication, also in the com- poser's autograph. Oblong 8vo, contemporary red straight-grain morocco, with broad gilt border in grape-vine design enclosing panel with gilt eagles at corners and Napoleon's arms in gilt in centre, green silk doublures and fly-leaves, gilt edges. Before 1809 Original Manuscript Songs, Dedicated to the Empress Josephine, and Probably Bound for Josephine's Library. 590. GiRARDiN (Louis Stanislas C. X., Comte de — French general). A. L. S., ip. 4to, "Au Camp d'Outreau, i Priarial an XII (May 20, 1804). To "my dear Dumas." Thanking him in the name of Colonel Bonaparte for his letter, excusing the Colonel for not answering himself, stating he had been too busy. With a 5-line note autographed and signed by Joseph Bonaparte, the eldest brother of Napoleon I, acknowledging his thanks for kindness to his friend. 591. Gneisenau (August Neidhardt, Count — ^celebrated Prussian field-marshal; quarter-master general of Bllicher's army). L. S., ip. 4to, Fulda, October 31, 1813. To a Colonel. Informing him that the enclosed letter contains his plan for carrying on a campaign in those provinces which were formerly Prussian, and urges him to see that Sir Charles Stewart obtain the letter as soon as possible. 592. Goldsmith (Lewis). The Secret History of the Cabinet of^ Bonaparte; including his Private Life, Character, Domestic Administration, and his Conduct to Foreign Powers. Together with Secret Anecdotes of the Dif- ferent Courts of Europe, and of the French Revolution. With two Appen- dices, consisting of State Papers, and of Biographical Sketches. Fourth Edition. 8vo, half red calf, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top. London, 18 10 593. Goldsmith (Lewis). Another Copy of the above. 8vo, half russia, rubbed. London, 18 10 Inserted are two Signed Autograph Letters, by the Author, the iirst dated, "13 Messidor," to "Citoyen Borregaux, Senateur, Paris," relative to a passport; and the other a 4-page letter, 4to, no place, no date, relative to a position in the department of Police. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 594. [Goldsmith (Lewis).] The Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud in a Series of Letters from a Gentleman at Paris to a Nobleman in London. Written during the Months of August, September and October, 1805. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, backs emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt tops, uncut and unopened. London, 1895 Only 500 copies printed. 595. GouRGAUD (Gaspard, Baron). La Campagne de 181 5, ou Relation des Operations Militaires qui ont eu lieu en France et en Belgique, Pendant les Cent Jours. Ecrite a Ste Helene, par le General Gourgaud. Folding map and tables. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut. Londres, 1818 596. Gourgaud (Gaspard, Baron). Sainte-Helene. Journal Inedit de 181 5 a 1818. Avec Preface et Notes de MM. le Vicomte de Grouchy et Antoine Guillois. 2 vols, royal 8vo, boards, morocco backs, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, no date 597. Gourgaud (Gaspard, Baron — ^French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). A. L. S., ip. i6mo, Malmaison, June 27, 1815. To Madame tiran (his sister?). Requesting her to forward him his silver epaulets by a friend. Sends his love to her and his Mother. 598. Gourgaud (Gaspard, Baron — French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). Copies of Four Letters in Gourgaud's Autograph, addressed by him to Prince Eugene de Beauharnais, written between December, 1818, and October, 1820. Protesting his loyalty to Napoleon, and asking for financial aid. Together, 4 pieces, 4to, upper corner of one leaf torn. En- closed in blue cloth folding case, gilt lettering on front cover, surmounted with the letter N and crown, with ties. In the first letter, 3pp., dated "December 2, 1818," Gourgaud states he is sending recipient a copy of his book, written almost at the dictation of the Emperor, in which he refutes the false charges made against the French army by its enemies; informs Prince Eugene of the letters he has written to the Emperors of Russia and Austria and Marie-Louise, to obtain aid for Napoleon, and states that if all does fail, there will remain the satisfaction of knowing that a majority of the English people condemn the drastic action taken by the English government towards Napoleon. In the second letter, 3pp., dated "April 28, 1819," Prince Eugene is informed by Gourgaud of the latter's condition, the fact that he is now penniless, and urges immediate aid, mentioning that Napoleon had told him upon leaving St. Helena, that if he were ever in distress, to apply at once to Prince Eugene. In the third letter, 3pp., dated "May 29, 1819," Gourguad expresses his gratitude for the aid sent him by Eugene, repeating once more Napoleon's injunction to him to have recourse to Eugene whenever he was in trouble. The fourth letter contains copies of 4 letters written by Gourgaud in 1820, from Hamburg, relative to his circumstances, in the course of which a copy is given of the order made out by Napoleon according to which his Mother was to be paid an annual income, and which sums had never been received until application was made for the same. 599. Gourgaud (Gaspard, Baron — French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). Copies of Three Letters, in General Gourgaud's Auto- graph, all dated "London, 1818:" comprising, — (i) A 4-page letter, August 25, to Marie-Louise, Empress; (2) A 4-page letter, dated "August 25," addressed to the Emperor of Austria; (3) A one-page letter, dated "October [^Continued Third Session, Thursday Aftern oon, May 5th [No. 599. GouRGAUD (Gaspard) — Continued] 2," to Alexander, Emperor of Russia. Together, 3 pieces, 4to. Enclosed in blue cloth folding case, gilt lettering on front cover surmounted with the letter N and crown, with ties. The first letter torn in creases. Letters of the Greatest Historical Importance, believed by Frederic Masson never to have been received by the personages to whom they were addressed. Each of these letters is a report of the unhappy and miserable condition of the Emperor, "dying" in St. Helena, as a result of the humiliations and hardships imposed on him by those in charge. The writer pleads most earnestly with each correspon- dent, particularly with Marie-Louise, that the influence of each be used to al- leviate the condition of Napoleon, especially does he urge Marie-Louise and the Emperor of Austria to bring all their influence to bear at the Congress of Aix-la- Chapelle in behalf of the unhappy Napoleon. GouRGAUD (Gaspard, Baron — French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). Three A. L. S., each 3pp. 4to, dated respectively, — ^Francfort, November 24, 1820; Francfort, March i, 1821; and Paris, May 12, 1821. To Mr. John Jackson, Hamburg. Together, 3 pieces, tears in creases of first letter, and small piece torn out of second leaf of second letter. En- closed in blue cloth case, gilt lettering on front cover, surmounted with N and a crown, with ties. These letters deal intimately with the affairs of the Emperor Napoleon; and the letter from Paris encloses the key to a complicated cipher by means of which secret communications might be sent. Gourgaud (Gaspard, Baron — French general, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena). Two printed invitations to the Wedding of Gen. Gourgaud to Mile. Roederer, one printed in the name of Madame Gourgaud, announc- ing her son's wedding, the other in the name of Count Roederer, announc- ing his daughter's wedding. Together, 2 pieces, 4to. Enclosed in blue cloth folding case, gilt lettering on front cover surmounted with the letter N and crown, wdth ties. Grande Victoire remportee par le General Buonaparte. Detail de nouveaux Combats qui viennent d'avoir lieu entre I'armee frangaise et les Arabes revoltes. . . Fondation d'une nouvelle Republique dans la haute Egypte. With curious colored engraving representing Napoleon, his sword upraised, in a chariot drawn by two lions, and two winged figures about to place laurel wreaths on his head. With songs telling the glory of Napoleon's conquest. 4to, 4pp. marbled boards. [Paris] undated Curious account of the "battle of the Pyramids," which engagement took place between the French troops and a large body of Mamelukes and their Arab auxiliaries, resulting in the almost complete annihilation of the Mamelukes. 603. Gros (Antoine Jean — -Eminent French painter). A. N. S., ip. i2mo. No place. May 14, 1817. Thanking the recipient for his kind attention, stating he was at the Academy when the bust was brought. 604. Grouchy (Emmanuel, Marquis de — Marshal of France). A. L. S., i>ipp. i2mo, [Paris], May 6, 1821. To his friend. A cordial letter expressing pleasure at seeing him and arranging for a visit. Third Ses sion, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 605. Gruyer (Paul). Napoleon Roi de I'lle d'Elbe. 24 portraits and plates. Small 4to, half green morocco, back panelled in gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1906 With bookplate of Emmanuel Subercaseaux. 606. Hall (Captain Basil). Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China, and the Great Loo-Choo Island . . . and of an Interview with Napoleon Bonaparte at St. Helena. Alap. [Also] Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 182 1, 1822. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo, cloth, binding rubbed. London, 1840 Presentation Copy, with the author's autograph inscription, — "To Captain Sir Thomas Hastings, From His Sincere Friend, the Author. Portsmouth 21st Now. 1820." Inserted is a 3-page Signed Autograph Letter, by the author, "8 St. Colme Street, Wed." 607. Hardenberg (Karl August, Prince von — Prussian Prime Minister). L. S., I p. 4to, Berlin, June 6, 1802. To M. le Comte Delaroche-Aymon [aide-de-camp to Prince Henry of Prussia.] Acquiescing in the Prince's wish to aid Mylady Daere, and advising as to the steps she should take to obtain the proper assistance. 608. Haudricourt (Ternisien de). Pastes de la Nation Frangaise Ouvrage pre- sente au Roi et honore de I'accueil flatteur de sa Majeste. With about 200 engravings representing French battle scenes, incidents of the French Revolu- tion, many showing portraits of famous generals, with descriptive text also engraved, by Delavaiix, Pegeot, and others, after Lafitte, Swebach and others. 3 vols, royal 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back with imperial eagle with laurel wreath, gilt top, by a. taffin. Paris: chez Decrouan [1815] Fine impressions of the plates. Describes, in French, many of the incidents of the Revolution in which Napoleon, his Marshals and other officers took part; each plate contains a description of the deed or incident noted thereon. 609. Hautpoul-Salette (Jean Joseph — celebrated French general, mortally wounded at Eylau). L. S., ip. 4to, Army of the Rhine, Headquarters at Brussels, le 26 Brumaire, an 8e (November 17, 1799). To the Commanding General Lecourbe. Sending him the reports of Generals Espagne and Nansoutjr, adding that the advance made on the enemy was due to the former's bravery. 610. Hazlitt (William). The Life of Napoleon. Frontispieces in colors, portraits and plates on Japan paper. 6 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, backs emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt tops, uncut and partly unopened. London: Printed by the Grolier Society, no date Imperial Edition de Luxe, limited to 1000 sets, of which this is, No. 535. 611. [Henry (Walter).] Trifles from My Port-Folio, or Recollections of Scenes and Small Adventures During Twenty-nine Years' Military Service in the Peninsular War and Invasion of France, the East Indies, Campaign in Nepaul, St. Helena, during the Detention and Until the Death of Napo- leon, and Upper and Lower Canada. By a Staff Surgeon. First Edition. Vol. I only (should be two), half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt decora- tive back, gilt top, uncut. Quebec: William Neilson, 1839 Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 612. Henry (Walter). Events of a Military Life, Being Recollections after Service in the Peninsular War, Invasion of France, the East Indies, St. Helena, Canada and Elsewhere. 2 vols., 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London: William Pickering, 1843 613. Hills (Robert). Sketches in Flanders and Holland, with some Account of a Tour through Parts of those Countries, shortly after the Battle of Waterloo, in a series of Letters to a Friend. Illustratio7is, three of the plates depicting the costumes of Holland and Flanders are colored. 4to, russia, with broad gilt border on covers, gilt panelled back, lettered, gilt edges. London, 1816 Extra-Illustrated by the Insertion of Original Watercolor Drawings of eighteen of the illustrations appearing in this book, and representing scenes connected with the Battle of Waterloo made shortly after the event, including views of La Haye Sainte, Hougomont, and La Belle Alliance; also wash drawing of a medal, face and obverse, which Napoleon had moulded and of which only a few were struck, with the words "Descent en Angleterre" offering a strong proof that Bonaparte intended to attempt an invasion of England, also autograph explanatory note, all being inlaid to size; portrait of the author. Also the original passport granted to the author, Robert Hills for travelling in the Netherlands, dated JUI3' 7th, 18x5. In All 21 Extra-Illustrations. A most interesting series of original sketches executed by Robert Hills (one of the founders of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-colors) three weeks after the Battle. Presentation copy from the author with the following autograph inscription, — "From the author to his dear young friend Mary Garle" on the half-title. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 614. HiSTOiRE de Bonaparte, Premier Consul, depuis sa naissance jusqu a la Paix de Luneville. Suivi de ses Actions remarquables; Reponses et Traits sub- limes, avec les Anecdotes relatives a ses differentes Campagnes. 2 vols. in one, i6mo, half sheep, royal coat-of-arms stamped in gilt on front cover, and library stamp in gilt on back cover, leather lettered labels on back. Paris, 1802 On the back cover, in the gilt stamp appears the following lettered inscription, — "De la Bibliotheque de Mr. le Pr. Alexandre Lubormirski," probably a member of the noble Polish family of Lubormirski. 615. HoARE (Sir Richard Colt). A Tour through the Island of Elba. 8 engraved plates and map. Folio, straight-grain red morocco, with flying eagle carry- ing a sword in its talons stamped in gold on sides, gilt panelled back with bees as centre ornaments, gilt top, uncut, by stikeman & CO. London: John Murray, 1814 Large Paper, with the plates in duplicate, one set colored by hand and mounted, and the following additional plates, — Engraved portrait of the author; colored plate with portrait of Napoleon, View of Porto Ferrajo and Map of the Island of Elba; and a Colored View. Fine Clean Copy of This Rare Napoleonic Item. Evidently the author's copy, containing bookplates of the Hoare family and the signature of Edward Hoare ■ in several places throughout the volume, and with the following inscription, "Large paper, as such, rare. A very fine copy, and, valuable." 616. Hoare (Sir Richard Colt). A Tour through the Island of Elba. Illustrated with Views drawn from Nature, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare and John Smith. 8 engraved plates and map. Royal 4to, half red crushed levant mo- rocco, back with Napoleonic emblems in gilt, gilt top, partly uncut, by ramage. London: John Murray, 1814 Fine, Clean Copy of This Rare Napoleonic Item. The Journal covers pp.i to 17, followed by a Sketch of Bonaparte and his Family, pp.19 to 32. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 617. [HoBHOUSE (John Cam).] The Substance of Some Letters, written by an Englishman Resident at Paris during the Last Reign of the Emperor Na- poleon. With an Appendix of Official Documents. With 2 portraits of the author, the second one inserted. 2 vols, purple straight-grain morocco, wide gilt borders on side, Latin dedication inscription in gilt letters on front cover of Vol. L full gilt backs, gilt edges, cracked at hinges, morocco faded, some leaves stained. London: Printed for Ridgways, by T. Davison, 1816 First Edition. Presentation Copy Intended for the Emperor Napoleon. With a 12-line inscription autographed by the author on fly-leaf, in Latin, taken from Tacitus, Book III. A 2-page manuscript memorandum, written in the book, states that these volumes although they reached the Island of St. Helena, were never forwarded to the Em- peror, the Governor Sir Hudson Lowe detaining them on political grounds. This was keenly felt by Napoleon, and his dissatisfaction is mentioned by O'Meara and other historians. The question was raised by Lord Holland in the House of Lords and a denial was given on the part of Sir Hudson Lowe, but at the latter's death in 1843, his library was sold, and these two volumes were included; they were purchased by Col. Gurwood, the Editor of the "Wellington Dispatches," who presented the work to Mr. Beaufoy. This binding has been reproduced in Masson's monograph on "Napoleon at St. Helena." Inserted in Vol. I are two Signed Autograph Letters, by the [Rev.] C. H. Mayo, writer, to Mr. Broadley, dated June i, and 4, 1910, containing translations of the Latin dedication on binding and Tacitus quotation on fly-leaf. In Vol. II, is inserted a 2pp. Signed Autograph Letter, by the author, J. C. Hobhouse, Nottingham, July 20, 1834. Relative to a request for a position for the recipient's son. With the bookplates of A. M. Broadley and Henry B. H. Beaufoy in each volume. [See Illustration] 618. [Home (G.).] Memoirs of an Aristocrat, and Reminiscences of the Emperor Napoleon. By a Midshipman of the Bellerophon. 8vo, half green straight- grain morocco, gilt decorative back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1838 Exceedingly Scarce. The book was rigidily suppressed and the author had to pay Siooo. damages for libel on Sir David and Lady Milne. 619. HoussAYE (Henry). Napoleon Le Grand, par Victor Hugo. Extrait du Bulletin du Bibliophile. Small 4to, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut, original green wrappers bound in. The text is within green ruled lines. Paris, 1902 620. HoussAYE (Henry). Napoleon, Homme de Guerre. Etched frontispiece in two states, one an unfinished proof, and text illustrations, by Charles Morel. Square i2mo, dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides of fillet and interlacine bands, with large corner floral ornaments, gilt back with bee and tioral spray design, wide inside gilt scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1904 Presentation Copy, to James Carleton Young, with author's autograph inscrip- tion, signed, — Simple sketch for a great portrait. 621. Houssaye (Henry). 1815. Waterloo. Cinquante-et-Unieme Edition, Revue et augmentee depuis la cinquantieme. Avec un Appendice Nouveau. 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind-tooled borders on sides, with double gilt fillet bands, full gilt back, inside gilt dentelle and fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrapper bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1906 With a one-page Autograph Inscription Signed, by the author, relative to this book, regarding which he states, that "Waterloo" has cost him the greatest effort and amount of labor, but that it is also the most popular woik: that this fifty-first edition may be considered as an original edition, because it is the most complete and the best. ^^^mmm. J MPER ATOKT NEL^^OJ.KON J .*XHtl)M(XliO AOVKKSA TlUJiiRIT AN J MUM MlK.^TtJ.S V01.IJM.1NA ■; H.v«(- IN tWl tmilS IIKS Nlli»KR AM mVElMl GALLIA RKDDCIS HKROIS AUSPKJO M KrRKSrjAllJtANny.Lll^KR'VrJSSJ^E TKNTATAS SIMPLK'J SKRMONK NARRAVIT 1>- !1). Jd. a. AlTCl OR 1 . C . H O B H O IJ S ¥, PRESENTATION BINDING Intended for Napoleon [No. 617] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 622. HoussAYE (Henry). Journee d'lena et Campagne de Prusse. Beautifully illustrated with full-page plates and several vignettes, all in colors, engraved by Eugene Decisy after the original aquarelles by A. Lalauze. Royal 8vo, light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt sides with inside panel design, large corner ornaments, and triple fillet bands, full gilt back, wide inside eilt fillet and dentelle borders, marbled doublures and end-leaves, gilt top, un- cut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Saint-Hilaire, 191 1 Edition de Luxe, limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 38. A fine example of book making and binding. 623. HoussAYE (Henry). Le Dernier Jour de Napoleon a la Malmaison. i2mo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered on back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1914 624. Hugo (Victor). Le Retour de I'Empereur. First Edition. 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, broad gilt border enclosing a decorative gilt frame work with corner ornaments on covers, wide inside gilt borders, by TAFFIN. Paris, 1840 625. Ireland (W. H.). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With all the 24 finely colored foldiyig plates by George Cruikshank, and the s uncolored folding plates of Marie Louise, the Due de Reichstadt {both also by Cruikshank), and the group plate of Napoleon's Generals, and facsimile in text. 4 vols. 8vo, dark green crushed levant morocco, emblematically tooled sides and backs in gilt, gilt edges, by canape. London: Printed for John Fairburn, 1823, 1825, 1827; (4th vol.) John Cum- berland, 1828 Beautiful Set of the Genuine First Edition, Having All the Colored Plates in the First State as Published by John Fairburn. These Plates Are in the Best Condition, the Colors as Fresh and Brilliant as New, the Folds Unbroken, and with Ample Margins, although the imprint has been trimmed away or shaved in a few instances. With the Three Printed Titles by Fairburn, which Are Seldom Found, and the four engraved titles by Cumberland; the en- graved title to Vol. 3 is loose. Extra-Illustrated by the Insertion of over 100 Portraits and Scenes of Napoleon's Life, a number of the portraits in colors, some India proofs, some proofs before letters, and including portraits of Napoleon at different periods of his life, of the members of his family, his generals and contemporaries, notably, — Empress Josephine, Marie Louise, Alexander I of Russia, Murat, Massena, Welling- ton, Eugene Napoleon, Louis XVIII, Talleyrand, Nelson, and others of like impor- tance. Some of These Portraits Are of Great Rarity, Especially the Colored Frontispiece to Volume I. One of the Finest Copies of This Work Existing Today. With book-label of "L. Austwick," at head of each engraved title. The Samuel Henry Austin copy. 626. lRELANp_(W. _H.). _ Ireland's History and Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. . . Detailing his Brilliant Achievements as a Warrior, and Policy as a States- rnan, under the Consular and Imperial Governments. . . With Plates of his most Celebrated Battles, &c. [Part I, pp.: to 16 only.] Folding frontis- piece, "Napoleon terminating his Military Carreer {sic) at the Memorable Battle of Waterloo," engraved by George Cruikshank. One part, 8vo, in original printed wrappers as issued, uncut, soiled and chipped, edges of some leaves soiled. Enclosed in buckram folder. London: Published by G. Berger, 42, Holywell Street, Strand, no date Original Issue of the First Part of Berger's Edition of Ireland's Life of Napoleon, with the Original Wrappers Intact. Very Rare. The Fact [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 626. Ireland (W. H.) — Continued] THAT This Edition Was Originally Issued in Parts Does Not vSeem to Be Noted by Bibliographers. The front cover has the words, — "George Cruikshank's Napoleon. — Price 2d." at top, the title, within a border of small medallions, reading, — (Woodcut of an eagle) | Berger's Library | of | Modern History. | Series the Second. | (Followed by the main title as given above.) Both the text and notes vary considerably from that in the First Edition, published by Fairburn and Cumberland in 1824- 1828. 627. IsABEY (Jean Baptiste). Taigny (Edmond). J.-B. Isabey, Sa Vie et Ses Oeuvres. Extrait de la Revue Europeenne. 8vo, half dark blue straight- grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1859 With autograph inscription on title in ink, — a Mr. Deligny. Rare. Isabey, celebrated French miniature painter, was liberally patronized by Napoleon, who had been his friend when both were obscure citizens. He executed many admired portraits of the Bonaparte family and of the generals of the Empire. 628. Isabey (Jean Baptiste — celebrated French miniature-painter). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, May 24, 1808. To Mr. Baur, Secretary in the Imperial Household. Relative to the sum of money to be paid him by the Queen of Holland for a portrait of Prince Louis. 629. Illari (Camilla — nurse of Napoleon I.). D. S., ip. small 4to, Ajaccio, le 10 Germinal, an 9 (March 30, 1801). In Italian. Receipt for pension money, in consideration for her services as nurse to Napoleon. Of Great Rarity. 630. Isle of Elba. A Collection of Official Letters and Documents relative to the Government of the Isle of Elba, from the time of Napoleon taking posses- sion of the same until his departure from it, during the "Hundred Days," and a short period after his Second Abdication, covering the period between April 18, 1814, to September 5, 1815. Important Collection of Official Papers, from a descendant of the family of Geneial Dalesme, relating to the official order sent by "Monsieur," brother of Louis XVIII, to the Governor of Elba, for the surrender of the Isle to its new Sovereign, Napoleon; orders from the Minister of War for the evacuation of troops garrisoned there, and their further disposal; Dalesme's acknowledgment of order for surrender of the Isle, his surrender of the same upon presentation of authoritative docu- ment by General Drouot, who took possession in Napoleon's name; the hoisting of Napoleon's new symbol, a white flag, with red diagonal stripe and gold bees; the Governor's Manifesto to the Inhabitants; after Napoleon's return to France, he had orders given for the government of Elba, the provisioning of Porto Longone, and other improvements; letter to Dalesme announcing Napoleon's second abdication, and finally the surrender of the Isle to Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, in September, 1815. CONTENTS A.) DuPONT (Pierre — French general, and Minister of War under Louis XVIII, from April to December, 1814). D. S., ip. small folio. War Depart- ment, Paris, April 18, 1814. To Gen. Dalesme, in command of the Isle of Elba. On imperial water-marked paper, with the ofificial wax seal. Important Historical Document. The official order issued by "Monsieur," brother of Louis XVIII (later Charles X), to Gen. Dalesme commanding in the Isle of Elba, to give up said Isle to Napoleon Bonaparte, former "Emperor of the French," upon the latter's arrival there. After Napoleon's first abdication, he retired to Elba, of which he was to have the sovereignty, [See Illustration] [^Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 630. Isle of Elba. — Continued] B.) DuPONT (Pierre — French general, and Minister of War under Louis XVIII, from April to December, 1814). D. S., ip. small folio, War Depart- ment, Paris, April 18, 1 8 14. To the General, Commanding in the Isle of Elba (Gen. Dalesme). Order from the Minister of War for the evacuation of the Isle of Elba by the troops in garrison there, which troops, as well as material belonging to France, are to be sent to Alexandria, as soon as the Isle is given over to Napoleon; after which Gen. Dalesme is to send a report of the execution of the present order, to the Minister of War. C.) Dalesme (General — Governor of the Isle of Elba). Contemporary Official Manuscript Copy of Government Records relating mainly to the Military Magazines and Stores on the Isle of Elba, just previous to its Surrender to Napoleon, copied from Letters written by Governor Dalesme to various subordinate officers, between April 22, and May 23, 1814. Writ- ten in ink on ii}4 folio pages, in two different hands, including two pas- sages of 1 1 and 4 lines respectively, written by Gov. Dalesme, and Signed, — D. Stitched. These copies are made from letters and instructions sent by the Governor of the Isle of Elba, to Mr. Gottman, "Quarter-Master" at Longone; To Mr. Pinche, naval commander at Porto Ferrajo; Mr. Delacoudray, Captain of a Vessel; the Sub-Prefect; Mr. Gabrielle commanding the Fort at Palmajola; Mr. Maison, War Commissary; Mr. Pisani, commanding the District of Campo; the Minister of War in Italy; and General Drouot, who took possession of the Island in the name of Napoleon. The letters and instructions announce the change of Government in France, ordering that the white flag be hoisted; that the soldiers be given their choice of remaining at their post in Elba or of returning to France; that the military stores and magazines distribute only certain quantities of their material to the soldiers as per instructions received; that no armed vessel of a foreign power be allowed to land at any port for the present; that peace be maintained in every part of the Island; . . . and that the Island is to be surrendered to General Drouot, with all its magazines and stores, who is taking possession of the same in the name of the Emperor. D.) Montresor (H. T. — Commandant General of Corsica). L. S., 3pp. 4to, "On Board the Frigate 'Eagle,' belonging to his British Majesty." April 27, 1 8 14. Also signed by, — W. H. Gage, Captain of the Vessel "Indus." Tear in second leaf mended. Very Curious Letter, in which the Commandant General of Corsica informs the Governor of Elba of the tyrant's(Napoleon's)fall and abdication, and the establishment of the new government in France, urges him to surrender the Isle of Elba at once to the new government, and pledge his allegiance to it. He declares that Corsica and Capria have just thrown off the yoke of the tyrant, and there remains but Elba to do the same. He suggests that the Isle of Elba be delivered to him. Gen. Montresor, with all its forts and batteries, and offers him passage to any port of France. This letter is evidently not an official act on the part of the new government, the writer acting on his own suggestion and authority. When Napoleon landed at Elba, on May 4, Gen. Drouot presented to Gen. Dalesme the official papers made out by the new government, by which Napoleon took possession of Elba as his property. E.) Contemporary Manuscript.Copy of the Official Document, by which General Dalesme, Commandant of the Isle of Elba, gave up said Isle to its new sovereign. Napoleon, which act took place in the presence of Count de Clam, Chamberlain of the Austrian Emperor and Mr. Hastings, Lieu- tenant, in the service of his British Majesty, ip. small folio, Porto Ferrajo, May 3, 1814. A Rare Document. General Drouot took possession of the Isle of Elba in Napoleon's name. A portion of the document reads as follows (in translation), — We, Baron Dalesme, Chief Commandant of the Isle of Elba, in virtue of the orders which were addressed to us 20 April last by Count Dupont, Minister of War, have surrendered the Isle of Elba, its places, forts, batteries, establishments, military magazines, munitions and all the {^Continued Jllims:icvc ^e fa, Ciirti'L-'y. >'' r'f'/Kf^^, ^J. -^J- r ( ^j' (fau///^a/D ' ^au/ /^//^ 9 x/^^. DOCUMENT SIGNED BY PIERRE DUPONT [No. 630] Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 630. Isle of Elba. — Continued] properties which belong to the Imperial Domain to the General of Division, Count Drouot, charged with full powers by His Majesty, the Emperor Napoleon, recognized Sovereign of the Isle of Elba by the powerful allies and the provisional government of France. F.) Dalesme (General — Governor of the Isle of Elba). A. L. S., ip. small folio, Porto Ferrajo, May 3, 1814. To General Dupont, Minister of War. Acknowledging receipt of General Dupont's order to give up the Isle of Elba, which order had been remitted to him by General Drouot, who had been authorized to take possession of the Isle of Elba for Napoleon. General Drouot, Napoleon's aide-de-camp, followed him into exile, and delivered to Dalesme the letter announcing Napoleon's arrival. G.) Original Manuscript Copy of the account of the hoisting of the flag on the Isle of Elba whei Napoleon took possession of the same on the morning of May 4, 18 14. I p. imperial 8vo, Porto Ferrajo, May 4, 18 14. With marginal pen-and-ink sketch of the flag. When Napoleon took possession of the Isle of Elba, General Drouot, the new Commandant of the Isle, had hoisted the flag of the Isle, which Napoleon himself selected. It was white, with a red diagonal stripe, with three bees in gold. This flag was saluted by the guns of the English frigate "Undaunted" and by the French cannon. Napoleon said this flag was symbolic of his intentions to cultivate peace, harmony and industry. H.) Dalesme (General — Governor of the Isle of Elba). Farewell Address to the Inhabitants of the Isle of Elba. Autographed and signed by him. i^^pp. 4to, Porto Ferrajo, May 4, 1814. Upon the day of Napoleon's arrival at Elba, the Commandant issued the following manifesto, which was also his farewell address, to the inhabitants, in which he made known the terms of Napoleon's declaration, as written in the above letter, which reads in part (in translation), as follows, — ■ The vicissitudes of human affairs have brought into the midst of you the Emperor Napoleon, and by his choice he is given to you as your Sovereign. Before entering inside your walls your new and august monarch has addressed to me the following words, which I hasten to make known to you as they are the guarantee of your future happiness, — "Gejieral, I have sacrificed my rights to the interests of the country, and have reserved for myself the sovereignty and property of the Island of Elba, to which all the powers have consented. Make kttown this new state of affairs to the inhabitants, and the choice I have made of their island for my residence, on account of the mildness of their maimers and of their climate. Tell them that they will be the object of my most active concern." Elbans, these words require no comment. . I am about to leave you. The parting will be painful to me, for I love you sincerely, . I.) [Davoust (Louis Nicolas, Duke of Auerstadt and Prince of Eck- MUHL — ^French Marshal, and Napoleon's Minister of War during the One Hundred Days).] Contemporary Manuscript Copy of a letter sent by the Minister of War, Prince of Eckmiihl, to the Commander-General of the Isle of Elba, at Porto Ferrajo. ip. small folio, [Paris], War Department, April 15, 1815. With autograph signature of Baron Evain (Adjutant- General, Sixth Division). An order to send a portion of the artillery now stationed at Elba, to Toulon. K.) Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer; Minister of Marine). 6Kpp. small folio, [Paris] Au Palais de I'Elysee, May 3, 1815. On official paper. Official Manuscript Copy of a Decree originally signed by Napo- leon during the One Hundred Days, and the Duke of Cassano, Minister of State, bearing the autograph signature of, Denis Due Decres. Most interesting document relative to Napoleon's instructions for the government of the Isle of Elba. According to the decree, the Isle of Elba is to be governed by a [Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 630. Isle of Elba. — Continued] Lieutenant-General, acting as governor, and an Adjutant-General, commanding, with minor officers; all expenses relating to the Isle of Elba are to be included in the budget of the Minister of the Marine; monthly meetings are to be held of all the governing officers of the Island to consider the management of the place. The Gover- nor is to be the head of the Police; then is given a list of the salaries to be received by the governing bodies, provisions for the naval force, etc. L.) Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer; Minister of Marine). D.S., 3pp. small folio, [Paris] Au Palais de I'Elysee, May 3, 1815. On official paper. Interesting decree issued by Napoleon during his "One Hundred Days" Reign relative to Porto Longone, on the Isle of Elba, giving instructions for the provisioning and fortification of Porto Longone and Fort Focardo, and the garrison of Porto Ferrajo. M.) Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer; Minister of Marine). 3 D. S., in all 6pp. small folio, [Paris] May 7, 1815. Relating to the Budget for the year 1815, for the Isle of Elba, including two sum- maries of monies to be expended in salaries of military and civil officers, and a list of General Receipts. N.) Official Contemporary Manuscript Copies of a Letter from the Minister of the Imperial Treasury, Count de Mollien, to Mr. De Joly, announcing the latter's appointment as Receiver-Paymaster of the Isle of Elba, his duties, salary, etc. 4pp. small folio, Paris, May 18, 1815. Signed by Edmond Poncet, Head of the Colonial Department. Written after Napoleon's return from Elba, and sending his instructions relative to the government of Elba. O.) Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer; Minister of Marine). L. S., ij^pp. small folio, Paris, May 23, 1815. To General Dalesme, Gov- ernor of the Isle of Elba. Transmitting an order of the Emperor relative to two battalions of French soldiers; one expected from Toulon, the other from the Duke of Padua, and regarding which troops, one battalion alone is to remain at Elba, the other to be sent to Toulon. P.) Decres (Denis, Duke — French naval officer; Minister of Marine). D. S., 2>^pp. small folio, Paris, May 26, 18 15. List of supplies for the provisioning of the Isle of Elba. Countersigned by N. Foresi and Joseph Mathieu Sibilas. R.) Contemporary Manuscript Copy of an Article from the General Treaty of Vienna, June 9, 1815. 3pp. small folio, Florence, July 19, 1815. Signed by "Casanuova" Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the Expedition of the Isle of Elba. Which Article states that the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria has had restored to him, with full rights and sovereignty, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. 8.) Protz (E. V. — 'English naval officer. Captain of the Frigate "Amelia"). A. L. S., 2pp. small folio, His Brittannic Majesty's Ship Amelia, Porto Longone, July 30th, 1815. To General Dalesme, Governor of the Isle of Elba. He writes in part, — It seems to me to be peculiarly desirable that no hostility or blood- shed should take place in this Island under the existing circumstances, and I am sure that your Excellency will be of the same opinion when you are assured of the truth of the report which I have made to you of the existing state of things in France; nothing can be more answerable to my inclinations than to consent to any agreement which your Excellency proposes as a safeguard to your honor, and I shall therefore willingly accede to the proposal you make of sending an officer to France to whom I will give not only safe conduct but the means of direct conveyance. Upon other minor points Lieutenant Vernon an officer of this Ship, and Major Fostin who accompanies him are charged to arrange every article on my part and on that of the Commander in Chief of the Tuscan Troops. {Continued Third Session, Thursday Afternoo7i, May 5th [No. 630. Isle of Elba. — Co?tiinued] T.) DuRANTEAU (R. — French captain of vessel). A. L. S., 2pp. Nereide, Coast of Toulon, August 13, 1815. To General Dalesme, Governor of Elba. Announcing his safe arrival at the above-mentioned place, describing his stormy trip; also speaking of a message for the Governor of Elba sent by the Minister of War which had missed the preceding boat. In the course of the letter, he mentions existing conditions in France as he found them, and says in part (in translation), — The army is disbanded, or may be considered as such — the troops of the allies occupy a large part of ^ Fra?ice, in my own home in Provence, there are many Austrian and E7iglish soldiers — what are they planning? these conditions hardly inspire me with hope, our beloved country is in a sad plight — ■ what miracle can bring about an honorable existence for her? U.) MissiESSY (Edouard Thomas Burgues, Count of — ^French admiral). L. S., i}4w- small folio, Toulon, August 27, 1815. To the Prefect of the Department of Var. Referring to the departure of the French troops and officials from the Isle of Elba, he advises that the money in the Treasury of Elba be taken to France, and deposited in the treasury of the Receiver-General of the Department of Var. W.) Dalesme (General — ^Governor of the Isle of Elba). Original Manuscript Copy of the "Order of the Day" issued by General Dalesme, unsigned, i>2pp. small folio, Porto Ferrajo, September 5, 1815. Important Document, relative to the departure of the French troops from Elba, and the surrender of Elba on the following day to troops of His Royal Highness, Archduke Ferdinand. 631. Jackson (Basil). Notes and Reminiscences of a Staff Officer, Chiefly Relating to the Waterloo Campaign, and to St. Helena Matters during the Captivity of Napoleon. 8vo, red polished calf, sides with triple gilt fillet border, with crowned "N" and laurel wreath in gilt in centres, gilt back, green leather labels, gilt edges, by zaehnsdorf. London: Harrison and Sons, 1877 Printed for Private Circulation. Author's Presentation Copy, with autograph note on title, — To Major General Lowe, with the author's best regards. Below this is written by a former owner, Rev. George A. Sala, — Last surviving son of General Sir Hudson Lowe, so7netim,e Governor of St. Helena. Inserted is an Autograph Letter Signed by the Author, 2pp. i2mo, Ross, 31st July 1882, to George A. Sala, thanking him for a favorable notice of the work in the "Telegraph." The General Edward Lowe — Rev. George Augustus Sala — A. M. Broadley copy, with autograph signature and notes by Mr. Sala, and bookplate of Mr. Broadley. 632. Jervis (John, Earl of Saint Vincent — -Admiral of the British fleet). A. L. S., 4pp. 4to, No place, "Admiralty," November 9, 1803. To H. R. H. the Duke of York. Signed, — St. Vincent. In English. Relative to a stronger naval defence around the Isle of Wight, about which General Hewett had written to the Duke, and in answer to which, the writer gives a detailed report of the strong naval defence guarding the Isle of Wight, and of extra precautionary measures which he has taken. 633- JoMiNi (Henri, Baron — eminent French general and w^riter on strategy). D. S., ip. oblong 8vo, Paris, February 26, 1811. Receipt for sum of money received from the War Department. 634. JoMiNi (Henri, Baron — eminent French general and writer on strategy). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, February 20, no year. Requesting a copy of the great map of Russia and a copy of the postal map. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 635. Jones (George). Illustrations to the Battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. Series of 34 etchings drawn by Captain George Jones and- en- graved by S. Mitan, ji original pencil sketches of the same plates by Jones, and 5 additional pencil sketches, also by Captain Jones. Oblong 8vo, crimson morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet border, with gilt eagle and sword in centre of front, gilt back, inside dentelle borders in gilt, gilt edges, by STIKEMAN. London: John Booth, 1816-1817 Unique Volume Containing the 34 Etched Plates Designed for Booth's Battle of Waterloo, and 36 Original Pencil Drawings by Captain Jones. The etchings are full size, height, yj'^, length, 10^ inches, on white paper and hinged to stubs, except plates No. 14 and 24, which are trimmed to plate, measure S/i X 8X inches, on cream paper and hinged to larger grey sheet; the drawings, height, /^yi to 5K. length, 7 to 8 inches, are each hinged to larger grey sheet. All but one or two of the drawings are signed and dated. 636. Josephine, Empress of the French. D. S., 2pp., 4to. Paris, ce huit Ventose, an 6 (Feb. 27, 1798). With autograph signature, — Tascher Bona- parte. With official stamp of the government. The above document, relative to a settlement of estates, in which occurs the name of "Napolione Bonaparte," is also signed by her aunt twice, once as tascher lapagerie heauharnais and again as Lapagerie beauharnais; and twice by her brother-in-law (by her first husband) as Beauharnais; and by the Notary Raguideau. 637. Josephine, Empress of the French. L. S., ip., 4to, Saint Cloud, July 28, 1806. To [Monsieur Frangais]. Signed in her autograph — Josephine (as Empress) . A letter of recommendation in favor of M. Jacques Bourdon for a position at Conde, in the course of which she mentions his brother-in-law — Colonel Corbineau, her attendant, and an officer distinguished for his services at the Battle of Austerlitz. In a note, in another hand, is written that the request has been given to M. Lespiod, brother of the Colonel, and brother-in-law of the late Gen. Debelle. 638. Josephine, Empress of the French. Letter addressed to Madame Bona- parte, ip., Svo. No place, no date. With a 9-hne marginal note in the autograph of Josephine, signed, — -Lapagerie Bonaparte. A petition addressed to Josephine asking her aid in behalf of an aged and poor couple, signed "femme hochet pour mon mari." The marginal note written and signed by Empress Josephine recommends this case to the Minister of the Interior. 639. Josephine, Empress of the French. A. N. S., ip. oblong i2mo. No place, no date. Signed, — Lapagerie Bonaparte. An order to her doorman to allow citizen Jullian to enter whenever he calls. Written during the absence of Napoleon. 640. Josephine, Empress of the French. A Highly Important Collection of Autograph Letters Signed, Letters Signed, and Documents Signed, showing a Unique Series of Autograph Signatures of Josephine, in which her name appears in various forms, as below described. With two colored portraits. Together, 9 pieces, i2mo and Svo, each item lightly hinged to folio sheet. Bound in folio volume, dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt sides with imperial coat-of-arms in center, and wide borders in gilt and bhnd-tooled scroll designs, with gilt fillet bands; full gilt back with con- tents lettered, wide inside gilt scroll design borders, doublures and end- leaves of old-rose silk, gilt edges. IContinued Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th [No. 640. Josephine (Empress) — Continued] CONTENTS L. S., 2pp. i2mo, Paris, le i8 prairial, 4me (June 6, 1796). Recommending Citizen Villars to the recipient's benevolence. Signed, — Lapagerie Buonaparte. Ex- cessively Rare. Written shortly after her marriage to Napoleon. D. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, le deux floreal, an sept de la Rep. (April 21, 1799). Signed, — Tascher Lapagerie Bonaparte, on first page, and L. B., on second page, as Wife of the General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy. With official stamp. Document relative to the purchase of the estate of Malmaison by Josephine. Countersigned by, — Raguideau, Notary; Mocine(?); and Camusat, clerk. On the second page is a marginal note signed by Noel, Notary, dated "Paris, December 15, 1810," relating to money received on the estate. Even after the divorce, Josephine continued to make Malmaison her home. L. S., one page i2mo, no place, 'ce 5 floreal, an 8 (April 25, 1800). To the Minister of ***, recommending to his attention Madame Pasquier, an old friend, whose family had cruelly suffered under the preceding government. Signed, — Lapagerie Bonaparte, as Wife of the First Consul. A. L. S., one page, i2mo, "a paris ce 28 brumaire, an 9" (November 20, 1800). To "my dear Berthier (Minister of War)." Signed, — Josephine Bonaparte, as Wife of the First Consul. Recommending Mr. de Poncelet to the Minister of War. A. L. S., 3pp. i6mo, "a plombieres ce 18 messidor" (July 6, no year). To Madame *** Signed, — Lapagerie Bonaparte. Written on small-sized paper, with printed border in purple and blue. R.\re and Interesting Letter, friendly in tone, in which she mentions her own disability as "the terrible thing which has just happened me," and her departure for Paris, within the next three weeks, when she will rejoin Bonaparte. A. L. S., iMpP- 4to, Paris, January 16, no year. To her son Eugene de Beauhar- nais. Signed, — Josephine, as Empress. Written on paper with blind-tooled border. Beautiful Specimen of a fine letter betraying all the mother-love in Josephine for her son, and in which she speaks in affectionate terms of both her husband. Napoleon, and her son; expressing the hope of seeing them both soon, and informing her son that Napoleon is well, and that the English are routed. D. S., iKpp. small folio, "Malmaison," January 12, 1813. Signed, — approuve Josephine, as Ex-Empress. Countersigned by C. de Montlivault; Bonplan; Noel, Notary; and two others. With official stamp. Document relating to the acquisition of property to be added to the estate of Malmaison. The two portraits of Josephine are reproductions in colors of the portrait painted by Baron Gerard, the eminent French painter; and the other, painter not mentioned, has the inscription "LTmperatrice Josephine," beneath, the portrait being reproduced on imperial water-marked paper. Both are small 8vo in size. 641. JouBERT (Barthelemy CATHERINE — French general-in-chief of the Army of Italy). L. S., i/4pp. folio, Army of Italy, Headquarters at Milan, le 19 frimaire, an ye (December 9, 1798). To Citizen (F. C.) Laharpe, Director of the Helvetian Republic. Signed twice. On official paper. With marginal note in German. Relative to the arrival of the French army in Piedmont, and stating that he had written to the French Directory to request it to ask the Swiss government to recall its troops and order them to join the Army of Italy; but being unable to await the Directory's action in the matter, he urges Laharpe to send representatives of his government to instruct the Swiss troops not to take sides with the King, and to order them to join the Army of Italy. With a postscript, signed by Joubert, containing a personal message relative to Laharpe's two nephews. 642. JouRDAN (Jean-Baptiste — Marshal of France, accompanied Joseph Bona- parte to Spain). A. L. S., i>ipp. folio, Madrid, January 26, 1809. To the Paymaster General of the French Army. Ordering him in the king's name, Joseph Bonaparte, to deliver to Abbe Llorente, Councillor of State, and a strong adversary of the Inquisition, all deeds whatsoever proceeding from the Inquisition, since according to law, all property and riches be- longing to the Inquisition are to be restored to the Crown, and the value of which, amounting to 6 millions, had been placed at the disposal of the Army Paymaster. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 643. JouRDAN (Jean -Baptiste — Marshal of France, accompanied Joseph Bona- parte to Japan). A. L. S., ip. folio, Toledo, May 24, 1809. To the Minister of War, Count d'Hunebourg. A report to the War Minister of the arrival in Madrid of a battalion, consisting of some 600 men, to serve in the division commanded by Gen. Leval, to be stationed at Talavera de la Reyna. 644. JuNOT (Andoche, Duke of Abrantes — -distinguished French general under Napoleon). L. S., 2pp. folio, Vallodolid, May 14, 1810. Informing the Prince, probably Marshal Berthier, Prince of Wagram, and Napo- leon's chief-of-staff, that the 8th corps is in need of shoes, and requesting him to give orders to Gen. Cacault that he be furnished with 30,000 pairs of shoes, stating that he had twice made this request of the Emperor. 645. Kellerman (Francois Christophe de, Duke of Valmy — Marshal of France). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Headquarters at Chambery, le 10 fructidor de I'an 4e (August 28, 1796). To Gen. Alexander, at Headquarters at Brussels. With engraved vignette. A cordial, friendly letter in which he expresses his pleasure at his friend's oppor- tunity of seeing his home and family once more. Mentions his work in connec- tion with the command of the Army of the Alps, stating among other things that he had made a long trip returning by way of Grenoble and Lyon, that he had has- tened the work of demolition, had formed two brigades, clothed and armed them, and they were now on the way to join the Army of Italy. All the conquests made in Germany do not compare with those in Italy; that it is here that the seed of revolu- tion grows, that the country must be ruled with a strong hand, and that the opera- tions of the Army on the Rhine depends on the terms of peace dictated in Italy; praises Napoleon. 646. Kellerman (Franqois Christophe de, Duke of Valmy — ^Marshal of France). L. S., ij^pp. folio, Paris, le 5 fructidor, an 7 (August 22, 1799). To the Minister of War. Written on official paper, with vignette. Requesting him to appoint as soon as possible Cn. Fierville as second lieutenant in the First Cavalry Regiment. With marginal note in another hand signed B., stating that the matter will be attended to. 647. Kelly (Christopher). A Full and Circumstantial Account of the Memora- ble Battle of Waterloo; the Second Restoration of Louis XVHI; and the Deportation of Napoleon Buonaparte to the Island of St. Helena. . . Together with an Interesting Account of the Affairs of France, and Bio- graphical Sketches of the most distinguished Waterloo Heroes. Engraved title-page, and the complete series of engraved plates {20) mostly portraits of the most prominent participants. 4to, half red morocco, symbolically tooled back, gilt top, by ramage. London: Printed for Thomas Kelly, 1816 648. Kleber (Jean-Baptiste — ^French general, accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt). L. S., Ip. folio, Damietta, le 28 Thermidor, an 7 (August 16, 1799). To General Dugua, commander at Cairo. Acknowledging receipt of his friend's letter, announcing the fall of the Chateau of Aboukir, which news he had already received from Rosetta. Comments on the fact that the enemy seems to be leaving the smallest part for him to play, and asks for some horses and dromedaries. It was at the battle of Aboukir, August, 1799, that Kleber added to his already brilliant reputation. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 649. KouTOUzoF (Laurionovitch Golenitchef, Prince of Smolenski — cele- brated Russian field-marshal). A. L. S., 3pp. i2mo, [St. Petersbourg] [June] 19, no year. To [mon adore enfant.] Signed, — Go[\enitchef]Koii. [touzof.] Letters by Koutouzof, written in French, are rare. The above one, evidently addressed to a lady, in which great concern over her health is expressed, is a curious combination of mispelled French and Russian characters. 650. Labedoyere (Charles Angelique Huchet, Comte de — noted French general). A. L. vS., ip. 4to. No place, May 22, 1814. To Mr. Dorgemont. Requesting to have the copy of his memoir returned to him by bearer in order to make some changes in the same. 651. Lacepede (Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville, Comte — eminent French naturalist. A. L. S., ip. folio. No place, Monday, August 19, 1811. To M. Fontaine, eminent French architect. On imperial water-marked paper. , Relative to some pipes to be installed in the Imperial Apartments being fitted up at St. Denis, a suburb of Paris, in the large school founded there by Napoleon, for the daughters of members of the Legion of Honor. 652. Lacroix (Paul). Directoire, Consulat et Empire. Moeurs et Usages, Let- tres. Sciences et Arts. France, 1795-1815. Illustrated with 12 chromo- lithographs, and more than 400 hundred engravings on wood, after Ingres, Prudhon, Isabey, Gros, Binet, Monnet, Sergent, and others. Imperial Svo, green crushed levant morocco, with Napoleon's coat-of-arms in gilt on covers, lettered on back, wide inside border with bees, and corner orna- ments of eagles, tooled in gold, gilt top, uncut, by taffin. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1884 First Edition. Printed on China Paper. Only a few copies so issued. 653. Laharpe (Frederic Cesar — Preceptor of Alexander, Czar of Russia). A. L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, Paris, March 30, 1809. To Mr. Thonnelier — Pay- master-General of the Army of Portugal. Claiming payment of money due him, which for some inexplicable reason has not been made. 654. Lamarque (Maximilien — able French general and orator). "Ordre du Jour," Signed, ip. folio, Chollet, June 27, 18 15. Signed as Commander- in-Chief of the Army of the Loire. The above bulletin was issued five days after Napoleon's final abdication. In it, the General congratulates his men upon having brought to an end the war in Vendee, thanks to their discipline, their humanity, and courage. He thanks them in the name of France; and announces to them the defeat of the Northern Armies. He says in part (in translation), — The genius of the Emperor together with the finest laid- ■plans could not resist the concourse of circumstances which human wisdom could not foresee. These defeats pain us but do not make us despair; the holy cause of Country and freedom cannot fail. 655. Lange (Moritz). Napoleons Denckschriften von ihm selbst in St. Helena geschrieben. Ubersetzt von Moritz Lange. Engraved frontispiece by A. Dalbon, and vignette on title. i2mo, half green morocco, gilt back with N and bee design, gilt top, uncut. Augsburg und Leipzig ben August Baeumer [1821] Rare German translation of Napoleon's Memoirs at St. Helena. Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, May 5th 656. Lannes (Jean, Duke of Montebello, — ^one of the most celebrated French Marshals under Napoleon). A. L. S., 2pp. folio, Milan, le 27 Thermidor, 5eme Annee (Aug. 16, 1797). To Citizen Pouholn, in the Dept. of Gers. Written on official paper of Army of Italy. Important Letter, Entirely in the Autograph of This Famous Marshal, written during, and relating to, the Campaign in Italy, two months before the Treaty of Campo Formio was signed, by which Austria acknowledged the inde- pendence of the new Cisalpine Republic. Exceedingly Rare. The translation of this very interesting letter reads in part as follows, — / see with pain thai the good friends of the Republic let thetnselves be intimidated by a handful of brigands, at a time when Liberty is about to triumph more strongly than ever; they have probably forgotten that there are 300,000 republicans in the armies ready to march to crush these miserable creatures who till now only inspired us with pity, but hereafter, no more pity for these blackguards. The army has sworn war to the death in the addresses just sent to the governjnent, and swears also that if the government will not take measures after what they have learned . . . then the army will divide itself, and will find no more difficulty in marching to Paris, than it found in marching to Vienna. I repeat again no mercy will be shown. If our good countrym,en knew the morale of our army, they would understand that our Country is not in danger . . . yes, gather together every day and take courage, and be assured that we are ready to die for you . we do not fear for the Republic, we know our strength. 657. Lannes (Jean, Duke of Montebello — one of the most celebrated French marshals under Napoleon). L. S., with a 2-line autograph inscription, ip. small 4to, no place, no date [1807.] To the Minister of War. Any autograph of Lannes is exceedingly rare. The present is a request to be reim- bursed for his traveling expenses for the journey from Tilsit to Paris, undertaken at the bidding of the Major-General of the Grand Army. 658. Lannes (Jean, Duke of Montebello — one of the most celebrated French marshals under Napoleon). L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, Headquarters at the Ecluses, February 12, 1809. To the Duke of Abrantes (Gen. A. Junot). Interesting letter written during the siege of Saragossa (Spain). Marshal Lannes as commander-in-chief of the French forces, and General Palafox leading the Spanish forces, besieged Saragossa, which after a heroic resistance was finally taken by the French in that same month. The letter reads in part (in translation), — Adjutant-Commander Fabre informs me that strong reenforcements have left this place (Ste. Ge) for Maquinenza where they are to join the troops commanded by the brothers Palaphox. I leave to-tnorrow with part of the fifth corps to meet the enemy. . . I am taking with 7ne the regiment of cuirassiers. . . I beg of you, during my absence, to see that the works I instructed to have carried out, under Gen. Gazan, are proceeded with as rapidly as possible, so that when I return everything may be ready for the attack of the faubourg. 65q. Lannes (Madame, Duchess of Montebello — Wife of Marshal Lannes). L. S., ip. 4to, St. Cloud, June 29, 1813. To Madame Levi Barbe. Acknowledging receipt of Madame Barbe's book, thanking her for the same, and expressing the pleasure obtained from reading it and promises to give it to her Majesty, the Empress (Marie Louise). At The American Art Galleries MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE, BY ORDER OF MR. REILLY A NOTABLE COLLECTION OF NAPOLEONIC PRINTS, BOOKS, AUTOGRAPHS, MINIATURE PORTRAITS, STATUETTES AND RELICS BELONGING TO MR. SIDNEY G. REILLY OF NEW YORK AND LONDON Fourth Session, Numbers 660 to 1049, inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 5th, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK 660. Larrey (Jean Dominique, Baron). Madam Mere (Napoleonis Mater). Essai Historique. 4 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1892 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 55 portraits and plates illustrative of the work, several of the plates on India paper. 661. Larrey (Jean Dominique, Baron — French surgeon-in-chief of the Grand Army). D. S., ip. folio, Francfort (Oder), February 13, 18 13. Certificate in favor of a soldier who suffered a frozen foot on the Retreat from Moscow. Countersigned by General Bertrand, with a 3-line note in his autograph; also, a 5-line note autographed and signed by General Lacroix. 662. Las Cases (Emmanuel Augustin D. M. J., Marquis). Journal Ecrit a bord de la Fregate La Belle Poule. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of-arms in gilt on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt dentelle and fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY popelin. Paris: H. L. Delloye, 1841 Presentation Copy from the Author to General A. Petiet, with signed auto- graph inscription on front cover of wrapper, by Las Cases. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 24 full-page portraits and other illustra- tions; and two signed autograph letters by the author, both 2pp. i2mo, dated "Passy, January 23, 1833," "Passy, November 18, 1839." 663. Las Cases (Emmanuel Augustin D. M. J., Marquis). Memorial de Sainte-Helene par le Cte de Las Cases; suivi de Napoleon dans I'Exil, par MM. O'Meara et Antomarchi, et de I'Historique de la Translation des Restes Mortels de I'Empereur Napoleon aux Invalides. With engraved frontispieces, title-pages, 27 fiill-page plates after Charlet, Sandoz, David, Steuhen, and others, engraved by Smith, Williams, Harrison, and others, on [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 663. Las Cases. — Continued] India paper, and 500 text illustrations, by Charlet. 2 vols, royal 8vo, dark green crushed levant morocco, sides gilt-tooled with elaborate inner border of crowned eagles, letter "N," bees, and scroll design, having gilt corner floral ornaments in inside panel formed by this border, a second border blind-tooled, and the outer gilt border of floral design, each border sur- rounded with double gilt fillet band; gilt backs tooled in compartments with the letter "N" repeated four times, broad gilt and blind-tooled inside borders, crimson watered-silk doublures and end-leaves, gilt edges, original illustrated wrappers bound in, by durvand. Enclosed in marbled board case, with inner folding wrapper, cloth back. Paris: Bourdin, 1842 Inserted are, a portrait of Las Cases after Delorme on India paper, and a portrait of Charlet after Benjamin. With the prospectuses containing _ advertisements of Bourdin publications and the original illustrated wrappers bound in. 664. Las Cases (Emmanuel Augustin D. M. J., Marquis). Journal Ecrit a Bord de la Fregate La Belle-Poule. Plates. Svo, cloth, Paris, 1844 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 665. Las Cases (Emmanuel Augustin D. M. J., Marquis — ^French officer, accompanied Napoleon into exile, St. Helena, in 1815). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, [Just after leaving Longwood by the orders of Sir Hudson Lowe.] To Colonel Warre, at "Sans Souci." Long and interesting letter of one who knew Napoleon intimately, and who kept a journal of Napoleon's conversation, which he published under the title of "Memorial of St. Helena." Acknowledges receipt of a book sent him by Col. Warre, which he has had read to him, and comments on the same as follows (translation), — First of all, I wished to point out any inaccuracies concerning inyself, as you requested me to . . . but I soon discovered that I would have to renounce doing this. There would have been so many things to correct, others to clarify, and still others to he crossed out as foreign to my recollection, that ijistead of a text book, you would have had a commentary on the same. Besides, those who remained at Longwood are the worst jtidges as to the merits of such a work. We were all so familiar with these things, that we are astonished that everyone does not know what is read in a written work, which we always consider lifeless and colorless. The only impression after reading the hook which remains, . . .is that there is danger in our talking of these events, and that we ought to keep silence; for what is recorded frotn conversations . . . tnay he tnisundertsood, wrongly translated, mutilated . . . and then the person who spoke is cited as an unquestionable authority . 666. Las Cases (Emmanuel Augustin D. M. J., Marquis — French officer, accompanied Napoleon into exile, St. Helena, in 181 5). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Passy, August 10, 18 13. To the Prefect (of St. Denis). Seconding the recommendation of the Sub-Prefect of St. Denis in favor of Mr. Vital, assistant to the Mayor of Passy, for the decoration of the Legion of Honor. 667. Lauriston (Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, Marquis de — -Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris le 14 avril 1827. To "Monsieur," relative to some plants which had been promised for his garden. The Marquis de Lauriston was a great-nephew of John Law, he served as Aide-de- camp to Napoleon in 1800, was made a Marshal of France in 1823, and was Minister of State, 1825. 668. Lavalette (M. C, Comte de). Proces du General Sir Robert Wilson, Michel Bruce, John Ely Hutchinson et autres compris dans I'accusation relative [^Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 668. Lavalette (M. C.) — Continued] a I'Evasion de M. de Lavalette. E?igraved plate with portraits. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1816 The above mentioned gentlemen were concerned in the escape of Lavalette, post- master under Napoleon, who, condemned to death at the Restoration, escaped through the cleverness of his wife (Emilie de Beauharnais) and the English gentle- men mentioned above. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 669. Lavalette (Emilie de Beauharnais, Comtesse de — ^wife of a favorite officer and minister to Napoleon, niece of the Empress Josephine). A. N. S., ip. 4to. No place, December 28, 181 1. Remitting the sum of 500 francs. In upper margin, in another hand, is an acknowledgment of the receipt of said sum. 670. Lebrun (Charles Francois, Duke of Piacenza — Governor-General of Holland). L. S., 2pp. folio, Amsterdam, March 7, 1813. To the Emperor. Recommending Mr. Antoine Challan for a vacant Prefecture. Among other posts held by M. Challan, are those of Member of the Council of Five Hundred in 1798, the Presidency of the Tribunat, in 1802, and service in the Legislative Body from 1807 to 1814. A 3-line note in French in upper margin refers the matter to the Minister of the Interior. Dated, Trianon, March 12, 1813; and another 2-line note, states that the letter was from His Majesty for the Minister of the Interior. 671. Leclerc (Victor Emmanuel — French general, married Napoleon's sister Pauline). A. D. S., ip. folio. No place, no date. Report containing the names of three soldiers, with their records, belonging to the 37th Line Regiment, ordered by General Leclerc to proceed to Bayonne, each one of whom has been guilty of some misdemeanor. 672. Leclerc (Victor Emmanuel — French general, married Napoleon's sister Pauline). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Headquarters at Estaing (Army of San- Domingo), le 3 fructidor, an 10 (August 21, 1802). To the Colonial Prefect. Approving of a proposal to obtain a lime-kiln. 673. Lecomte (L. Henry). Napoleon et le Monde Dramatique. Etude Nouvelle d'Apres des Documents Inedits. With portrait of Napoleon in three states, and two plates of facsimiles. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, gilt back with scroll work and floral designs, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1912 Japan Paper Copy, of which only 10 copies were printed, this being. No. 8, signed by the author with his initials. 674. Lecourbe (Claude Joseph — ^French general). A. L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, Head- quarters at Altkirch, June 21, 1815. To the Prince d'Eckmiihl, Minister of War. Acknowledging receipt of two letters, one from the Minister, and the other, addressed to him, from Major-Gen. Darbanegre (?). In answer to the same, the writer states that he believes the Major-General to be a good officer, but that he sees everything in the darkest colors. Then follows examples of the officer's peculiarities, and his way of acting, for example, if 3000 men are needed to fortify a place, he is sure to insist upon having 10,000. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 675. Lefebvre (Francois Joseph, Duke of Dantzic— Marshal of France). A. L. S., 3>^pp. 4to, Paris, le 4 Pluviose, an 5 (January 23, 1797). To Gen. . Important Letter of Rare Interest, relating to conditions existing in the army at the period of the Directory when Barras was one of its most powerful Direc- tors. After narrating the orders he, Lefebvre, had received, to set out at once for the Army stationed on the western coast, he continues thus (in translation), — Yesterday, on leaving the carriage, I called on Gen. Hatry, and with him, went to see Director Barras, where we met Generals Hoche and Debelle, the ministers, several foreign ambassadors, and representatives of the people; I told them just what I thought of their conduct, of the state of the army, and of our administrations; I was warmly welcomed, and up till the present, I have seen nothing to justify the public rumors heard regarding their luxurious living and display; I did not conceal from them either how much our brave army would be losing when it loses you; they all expressed great regret over your resignation, and urged me, several times, to use all my influence that you might remain at your post. All that I could tell you of public opinion would give you but a very faint idea of the rottenness of the aristocracy, and the terrible egoism, so evident in France; I do not know what will be the final outcome, but I do fear it will be disastrous to the Republic. 676. Lefebvre (Francois Joseph, Duke of Dantzic — Marshal of France). Official Receipt Signed, ip. royal 8vo, "Treasury," Paris, November 8, 1813. Receipt for sum received as Grand officer of the Legion of Honor. 677. Lefebvre (Francois Joseph, Duke of Dantzic — ^Marshal of France). L. S., 3pp. 4to, Combault, May 7, 1818. Long and interesting personal letter relative to his niece's marriage dowry amount- ing to one hundred thousand francs which he wishes to invest wisely, and in her name, in such a manner that her husband will be unable to squander it. 678. Lefebvre (Madame, Duchess of Dantzic — Wife of Marshal Lefebvre, Duke of Dantzic). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, No place, September 10, no year. To the [Duke of . . .] Recommending a young man, an orphan, in whom she is much interested, now serving under the King of Spain, and who wishes to return to France to serve in the army under Napoleon. 679. Lefevre (Robert — ^French portrait-painter). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, [Paris,] March 15, 181 5. To the President (of the Society of the Children of Apollo). Giving his resignation as Member of the above Society because of lack of time and pressure of work. Lefevre acquired a high reputation and painted the portraits of Napoleon and Josephine. About 1815, he received the title of first painter to the King. 680. Lenoir (Alexandre — French antiquary. Keeper of the Museum of French Monuments). A. L. S., ip. small 4to, [Paris] "Keeper of the Objects of Art at Malmaison," September 7, 1813. To Mr. de Roquefort (French philologist and antiquary). Invitation to dinner on the following day. 681. LoG-BooK OF the "Northumberland." Log-Book of H. M. S. "Northum- berland," from June i, 1815, to August il, 1816, during its voyage with Napoleon on board to St. Helena, kept by George Thom, Master. Written in ink on 208 folio pages, with 2 title-pages, one reading "From June i, [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 68 1. LoG-BooK of the "Northumberland". — Contimied] 1815, to April 6, 1816;" the other, "Commencing April 7, to August 11, 1816." Folio, half calf, slightly rubbed. Interesting Napoleonic Relic, in Fine State of Preservation. The log records Napoleon's arrival on board the "Northumberland," from H. M. S. "Bellerophon," with his suite, on August 7, 1815, and mentions various incidents of the voyage which ended on October 15, Napoleon being sent ashore on the follow- ing day. An autograph note, signed, dated "Feby. 1870," by And. Anderson Jun., inserted, states that "the Log h of H. M. S. "Northumberland," on voyage to St. Helena, with Genl. Bonaparte on board, was presented to my late Father (Mr. And. Anderson, Painter) by the Master (Mr. Thorn), of said ship, and that it is now in the possession of Alexr. Skene Esq." 682. [Lombard de Langres (Vincent).] Le Dix-huit Brumaire, ou Tableau des evenemens qui ont amene cette journee; des moyens secrets par lesquels elle a ete preparee; des faits qui I'ont accompagnee, et des resultata qu'elle doit avair. Auquel on a ajoute des anecdotes sur les principaux personnages. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, polished calf, gilt sides and back. Paris, an VIII [1799] This work is sometimes wrongly attributed to Pierre-Louis Roederer. 683. [Lorquet (Hubert Louis).] Napoleon, Poeme, en Dix Chants. Portrait of Napoleon by Longacre after original painting by Rousseau, and j plates. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the Imperial arms in gilt on sides, inside borders, and gilt top, uncut, by pomey. Philadelphia, 1823 The Very Rare Original Edition. Published at the instance of Joseph Bona- parte. Large Paper. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 10 additional plates, including several fine Proofs on India paper of scenes in the Military life of Napoleon. 684. [Lorquet (Hubert Louis).] Napoleon, Poeme en Dix Chants. [With titles and text in French and Italian on opposite pages.] 2 vols, small 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, sides with scroll corner designs in gilt, the Napoleonic eagle in gilt in centre, gilt tooled backs, gauffered gilt edges in similar designs. [Londres: de I'lmprimerie de T. Brettell,] 1833 First Edition with the Italian Translation, which was by Petroni. Originally published in Philadelphia 1823, at the instance of Joseph Bonaparte, and an edition published in Paris about 1840 bears his name as author. With signature of, — Caroline Mary Victoire Gardiner, 1838, on fly-leaf (wife of Sir Robert William Gardiner, British General who served at Waterloo, and was later Governor of Gibraltar) ; and bookplate of Charles Wilson Randolph. 685. Lowe (Sir Hudson). Collection of 26 Original Manuscript Affidavits, Each Signed by the Affiant, relative to the treatment of Napoleon and his companions by Sir Hudson Lowe, while Governor at St. Helena. 26 documents, small folio and folio, uncut, attached to guard stubs of varying size, to bring all documents to an even fore-edge in the volume. Royal folio, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt back. Unique Collection of Documents, All in Good Condition. Each document is signed by the Affiant, witnessed and dated, and docketed on back, with pencilled resume of contents. The Affidavits were taken in the King's Bench June to October, 1823, for Sir Hudson Lowe, in refutation of allegations made by Barry Edward O'Meara in his books on St. Helena, relative to Sir Hudson Lowe's mismanagement of affairs on the Island. They include Affidavits by, — William Balcombe, Purveyor of Stores and Provisions at St. Helena, Francis Burton, Surgeon, Alexander Baxter, [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 685. Lowe (Sir Hudson). — Continued] Physician, Sir Thomas Reade, Gideon Gorrequer, MiUtary Secretary at St. Helena, Francis Stanfell, Captain of H. M. S. Phaeton, and many others who had served under Sir Hudson at St. Helena, all sustaining his policies. These Affidavits were considered as sufficient vindication of Sir Hudson's acts, and the proposed suit for libel against O'Meara was not continued. 686. LuMBROSo (Alberto). Napoleon a-t-il Aime une Femme? Dresde, 18 12- 1813, Cambronne, Waterloo, Sabreurs hommes de lettres, Napoleon Jerome, Castellane. Imperial 8vo, half dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original glazed wrappers bound in. [Modena, 1901] Presentation Copy, with author's autograph inscription, signed, — (translation) To Madam Carlelon Young, respectful souvenir of a too short stay in Rome. With addressed and stamped wrapper inserted. 687. MacDonald (Etienne J. J., Duke of Tarentum — Marshal of France). L. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, le 24 frimaire, an 8 (December 15, 1799). To the Minister of War. [General Beurnonville.J With a 3-line endorsement, autographed and signed by the latter. A petition in favor of Citizen Caillon, Commissary in the War Department, who, under accusation of having delayed the departure of several conscripts, was tried, judged and condemned by a military court; which trial MacDonald considers unfair and illegal, and urges him to obtain an account of the trial, and to see that justice is meted to the condemned man. General Beurnonville's endorsement grants MacDonald's request. 688. MacDonald (Etienne J. J., Duke of Tarentum — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, December 10, 1823. To Mr. Beguey, Director-General of Public Works. Relative to the construction of a quay in the town of Gien, both as a public monument and for utility, to save the town from the ravages made by the overflow of the Loire River, strongly endorsed by the writer. 689. Madou. Vie de Napoleon. Redigee par une Societe de gens de lettres sur les nouveaux documens dictes et corriges a Ste. Helene par Napoleon meme. With 143 lithographs after paintings by the foremost painters of the French school, including two portraits of Napoleon, and engraved titles and half titles. 2 vols, in the original 35 parts with the original marbled paper covers, oblong 4to, gilt edges. Bruxelles, 1827 Exceedingly Rare in Parts and with All Plates. Among the plates are depicted, — Battle of Waterloo, View of Sainte Helena, Entree into Syria, Inauguration of the Legion of Honor, Napoleon Dictating to his secretary the Campaigne d'Austerlitz, Battle of Austerlitz, Entrance to Berlin, Death of Marshal Lannes, Divorce of Napoleon and Josephine, Marriage of Napoleon to Marie-Louise, Napoleon's Debarkation at the Isle of Elba, and others. An important and well executed illustrative work of the Life of Napoleon. 690. Maitland (Sir Frederick Lewis— British naval officer, to whom Napoleon surrendered himself in July, 18 15, and was by him conveyed in the Bellero- phon to St. Helena). D. S., Messina, ip. narrow folio, January 27, 1812. Regarding officers' allowances. In English. 691. Marbeuf (Louis Charles Rene, Marquis— French general, first Governor of Corsica). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Bastia, April 10, 1774. To * * * Body of letter in Italian, closing salutation in French. Gen. Marbeuf secured Napoleon's admission to the military school at Brienne. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th Marbot (General, Baron de). Austerlitz! Illustrated with 21 original aquarelles, including fidl-page plates and vignettes in text, by Alex. Lunois, engraved in colors by Leon Boisson. Royal 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, sides in gilt, with three border designs, comprising a wide inner band of scroll design, a narrow band of dots and circles, and an outer fillet and dentelle border; full gilt back, wide inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY POMEY. Paris, 1905 Grand Luxe Edition, printed on vellum paper, limited to 200 copies, of which this is. No. 147. With an extra set of colored plates inserted, duplicates of the colored vignettes in text. A fine example of bookmaking and binding. 693. Marbot (Antoine A. M. — French general). A. L. S., 3pp. i2mo, no place, no date. To "My dear comrade." Requesting to see the proof he had corrected for an article of his which has just been published with several serious and absurd errors therein. He complains the corrected proof had not been sent him; and cites the errors which he deplores. 694. Marchand (Louis Joseph Narcisse, Count — First valet de chambre of Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, no date. To General Gourgaud. Soliciting his aid in favor of a boyhood friend named Chauvin, who has met with many misfortunes. Marengo (Battle of). Relation de la Bataille de Marengo, gagnee le 25 Prairial, an 8, par Napoleon Bonaparte, Premier Consul, commandant en personne I'Armee Frangaise de Reserve, sur les Autrichiens, aux Ordres du Lieu tenant-General Melas; Redigee par le General Alex. Berthier, Ministre de la guerre, commandant sous les ordres immediats du Premier Consul; et Accompagnee de Plans indicatifs des differens mouvemens de troupes sous la direction du general de brigade Sanson, Inspecteur de genie. Engraved title-page showing Napoleon on horseback on the field of battle by Vernet, one folding view of the battle, chart, and 5 folding maps. 4to, contemporary tree calf, with wide border of fillet bands enclosing foliage design, in gilt, on sides, Coat-of-Arms of Napoleon I in center on both sides, in gilt; gilt back, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. A Paris: De I'lmprimerie Imperiale, an 1806 On the fiy-leaf appears the following autograph inscription, unsigned, — "This Book was presented by Napoleon to Marshal Ney in the year 1806 and purchased in Paris at the sale of his Library after his death." An interesting copy of the contemporary official account of one of Napoleon's most famous battles, published by his authority. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. Maret (Hugues Bernard, Duke of Bassano — Secretary of State and Min- ister of Foreign Affairs). A. L. S., ij^pp. small folio, Paris, 5 Prairial, I'an 6 (May 24, 1798). To Citizen Merlin, President of the Executive Direc- tory. In 1793, Maret was sent on a mission to Naples by his Government. On his way he was arrested by the Austrians and confined in a dungeon for about two years. The above letter refers to the vacancy of the "Post of Naples," his application for said vacancy, stating that if he were worthy of the post before his imprison- ment, which was the work of enemies, he is surely as worthy, if not more so, now that he has undergone such sufferings as a result of his attempt to reach his post of duty when originally sent to Naples. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 697. Maret (Hugues Bernard, Duke of Bassano — Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign AfTairs). A. L. S., ip. small folio, Ebersdorf, March 29, 1809. To Her Imperial Highness (Empress Josephine). On paper with the Imperial Eagle and profile of Napoleon water-mark. Acknowledges receipt of a civil list seijt him by Count Regnaud, and assures Madame of the faithful execution of her wishes. 698. Maret (Hugues Bernard, Duke of Bassano — -Secretary of State and Min- ister of Foreign Affairs). L. S., 3pp. folio, Paris, July 31, 181 1. To the Minister of Finances, Duke (of Gaeta, nee Martin M. C. Gaudin). Submitting his report of the proposed establishment of a pension fund for employees. 699. Marie Louise, Empress (Second Wife of Napoleon I.). Autograph Docu- ment drawn up, "Protestation of Marie Louise." 8pp. folio, Schoenbrun, February, 1815. Unsigned. Manuscript Document, addressed to the Congress of Vienna, by Marie Louise, protesting against the Restoration of the Bourbons in France, claiming the French throne for her son, Napoleon II, King of Rome. Written the month before Napo- leon's unexpected return to France from his exile at Elba, after which followed his Hundred Days' Reign. "The great powers after having deliberated on the 24th of February on the claim of H. M. the Empress ... on the motion of H. M. the Emperor of Russia, and H. M. the Emperor of Austria . . . have decided to have this act inscribed in the protocol of Congress." 700. Marie Louise, Empress (Second Wife of Napoleon I.). A. L. S., 2pp. i2mo, Weinzeil, June 27, 1834. [To Mr. Foresti.] Signed, — Louise. A friendly letter in which she asks Mr. Foresti, in the absence of Count Maurice, to make several small purchases for her. 701. Marlet (J.). A. L. S., ip. i2mo. No place, no date. Requesting the return by bearer of the small terra cotta bust of Napoleon made by the writer, as the same must go through another process before becoming solid, and promising to return it as soon as completed. 702. Marmont (Auguste Frederic L. V. de, Duke of Raguse). Memoires, 1792 a 1841. Imprimes sur le Manuscrit Original de I'Auteur. Portraits and facsimiles. 9 vols. Svo, boards, morocco backs, gilt tops, uncut, ori- ginal wrappers bound in. Paris, 1857 703. Marmont (Auguste Frederic L. V. de, Duke of Raguse— Marshal of France). N. S., ip. 4to, Gratz, June 29, 1809. To the Paymaster. An order for the sum of 6000 francs, on his account, to be given to his aide-de- camp. Issued a few days before the famous battle of Wagram, and signed as General- in-Chief. 704. Marmont (Auguste Frederic L. V. de, Duke of Raguse— Marshal of France). A. L. S., i^PP- 4to, St. Cloud, June 12, no year. To the Marquis d'Almenaza, at Madrid. With addressed envelope, with wax seal. To- gether, 2 pieces. A personal letter with casual mention of the young writers of the day, one of whom he is particularly interested in. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th Marmont (Auguste Frederic L. V. de, Duke of Raguse — ^Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. 4to, No place, no date. To his friend [Lavalette.] Acknowledging receipt of and thanking him for his letter. Expresses his joy at being once more with his family and seeing his home. Requests him to inform Marshal (Baraquey) d'Hilliers that he will appoint his nephew as his aide-de-camp as soon as the young man obtains his commission as lieutenant. 706. Mars (Anne Franqoise H. Boutet Monvel, Mademoiselle — celebrated French actress). A. L. S., i}4pp. i2mo, No place, no date. To Mr. Piruscoux. Expressing regret at her failure in the mission she had undertaken. Masselin (E.). Saint-Helene. Views by De Staal, and plans. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1862 Massena (Andre, Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. folio, "au bivouac dans I'isle Napoleon," June 27, 1809. Acknowledging receipt of three letters and commenting on the pleasure the Emperor's new marks of esteem in his behalf have given him, saying (translation), There is no sweeter recompense for feeble efforts made, than a token of satisfaction from our August Sovereign. Massena was created Prince of Essling in 1809 for distinguished services at the battle of that place, fought in May of the same year. Masson (Frederic). Napoleon Chez Lui. La Journee de I'Empereur aux Tuileries. Illustrations by F. De Myrbach. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the imperial arms in gold on sides, panelled back, gilt inside border of scroll work, gilt top, uncut, by taffin. Paris [1894] Japan Paper Copy, of which this is, No. 4, with the autograph signatures of the Author and E. Dentu the publisher. 710. Masson (Frederic). Cavaliers de Napoleon. With full-page reproductions after the paintings and aquarelles of Edouard Detaille, the plates in two states, including a colored frontispiece, all on Japa^i paper. Royal 4to, green crushed levant morocco, gilt sides with wide ornamental border, in the corners of which are Napoleonic emblems tooled in gilt, gilt panelled back with the emblematic designs, wide inside green morocco borders with gilt fillet bands, gilt edges, by ch. meunier. Enclosed in marbled board case. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie [1895] Japan Paper Edition, Umited to 75 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 67, signed by the illustrator, Edouard Detaille. Printed throughout on Japan paper. The Rarest of the Napoleonic Series. Inserted is a 2-page Autograph Letter Signed, by the artist, Edouard Detaille, i2mo, [Paris] 129 Bould. Malesherbes, Mardi matin. [To "My dear Wolff."] Request- ing him to write an article for the Exhibition of the works of French aquarellists. 711. Masson (Frederic). Napoleon et sa Familee. 11 vols. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the Napoleonic arms in gold on sides, lettered backs, inside decorative borders in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, 1897-1914 Large Paper, limited editions on Holland paper, 20 of which were reserved for the author. Vols, i, 2, 3 and 4 bear his signed autograph inscription. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 712. Masson (Frederic). Josephine de Beauharnais. 1763-1796. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Napoleon in gilt on sides, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY popelin. Paris, 1899 Large Paper, only 20 copies printed on Holland paper, of which this is, No. 10. 713. Masson (Frederic). Josephine. Imperatrice et Reine. With a beautiful frontispiece portrait in colors and 41 full-page plates of historical scenes, por- traits, etc., with a duplicate set of the illustrations in bistre. 4to, dark green crushed levant morocco, with wide scroll borders and crowns as corner ornaments in gold on covers, panelled backs with gold crowns as center ornaments, wide inside borders with gilt fillet borders; doublures and fly- leaves of decorative silk, by club bindery. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1899 First Edition. Limited to 150 copies on Japan paper, of which this is, No. 148. 714. Masson (Frederic). Josephine, Imperatrice et Reine. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, with the imperial arms in gold on sides, panelled back, gilt inside border of scroll work, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1899 Large Paper, limited to 20 copies on Holland paper, of which this is. No. 10. 715. Masson (Frederic). Josephine repudiee (1809-1814). 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Napoleon in gilt on sides, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, 190 1 Large Paper. Special Edition on Holland paper, reserved for the author. 716. Masson (Frederic). L'Imperatrice Marie-Louise. Extensively ilhistrated with numerous full-page reproductions, including a colored frontispiece por- trait of Marie-Louise from an original miniature by Isabey, the plates being illustrated from the works of noted artists. Royal 4to, green straight-grain morocco, gilt sides ornamented with wide borders filled with scroll design interspersed with small floral sprays, large inner corner floral spray orna- ments, imperial coat-of-arms of Marie-Louise in center; full gilt back, with designs of a crown surmounting the monogram M. L., wide inside gilt bor- ders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by durvand, upper corner edge of front cover damaged. Paris: Goupil et Cie, Manzi, Joyant et Cie, Successeurs, 1902 Edition limited to 1000 copies printed on hand, made paper of the manufacture of Blanchet freres and Kleber, of which this is, No. 064. One of the beautifully printed and illustrated Goupil monographs. 717. Masson (Frederic). Napoleon et son Fils. Witha finely colored frontispiece, and numerous full-page facsimiles of portraits, historical scenes, etc., with a duplicate set of the plates in bistre. 4to, green crushed levant morocco, with Napoleon's coat-of-arms in gilt on covers, lettered on back, wide inside border with scroll work in gilt, doublures of green watered silk, watered silk fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris: Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1904 Japan Paper, limited to 130 copies, of which this is, No. 89. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 718. Masson (Frederic). Les Quadrilles a la Cour de Napoleon ler. With full- page etching and vignettes by Eugene Courhoin. i2mo, green straight-grain morocco, chain border enclosing a double fillet border and festoons in gilt on covers, gilt panelled back with bees, gilt top, gilt inside borders, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by a. taffin. Paris: H. Daragon, 1904 Limited to 200 copies on papier velin du Marais, of which this is. No. 28, with initials, in ink, of the pubHsher. Autograph signature of the author on half-title. 719. Masson (Frederic). Jadis. 2 vols, small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of-arms gilt tooled on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, 1905 Edition limited to 25 copies on Holland paper, of which this is, No. i. Rare. Now out of print. 720. Masson (Frederic). Napoleon et les Femmes. With numerotis engraved por- traits, some in colors, and facsimiles; head- and tail-pieces engraved in bronze- gilt. Royal 8vo, olive-green crushed French levant morocco, with Napo- leon's arms in gilt on sides, back gilt lettered, inside border of morocco with gilt tooled scroll and lined designs, doublures and end-leaves of green wa- tered silk, gilt top, uncut, BY pomey. Paris: Goupil & Cie, igo6 Edition Definitive, printed on "Manufactures d'Arches" paper, watermarked with title of the work, and limited to 300 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 042. The portraits are printed on light brown mat paper, the facsimiles on white paper, each plate with guard sheet with descriptive title in red and black. The head- and tail-pieces are reproductions of bronze ornaments of the First Empire, and are beautifully engraved in bronze-gilt. The portraits in this volume, which are reproductions from miniatures and por- traits by famous artists, include those of Napoleon in profile, hy Lemoine, in colors, Empress Josephine, by Gerard, Eleonore Laplaigne, by Augustin, Marie Valouska, by Lefevre, and many others. 721. Masson (Frederic). L'Affaire Maubreuil. Small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of-arms gilt tooled on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, 1907 Edition limited to 10 copies on Holland paper, of which this is. No. 5. Rare. Now out of print. 722. Masson (Frederic). Livre de Sacre de I'Empereur Napoleon. Splendidly illustrated with six colored plates, and a large number of photogravure illustra- tions, several being double-page plates. Royal 8vo, green crushed levant mo- rocco; gilt sides with imperial coat-of-arms in center, wide outer border enclosed within fillet bands filled with ornamental design, having a crown within a laurel wreath in center, and eagle surmounted with crown in each corner of border; full gilt panelled back with Napoleonic emblems; wide inside gilt borders consisting of foliage design, fillet bands, and dots; dark red silk doublures and end-leaves, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY TAFFIN. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant &. Cie, successeurs, 1908 Large Paper, limited to 300 copies on "papier verge," of which this is copy marked "Offert." This beautiful volume was issued in commemoration of the coronation of Napoleon L The superb reproductions, which include many beautiful costume plates of the principal participants in this event, are after original drawings by Isabey, Fontaine, and Percier. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 723. Masson (Frederic). Sur Napoleon, huit Conferences 1908-1909. i2mo, green crushed levant morocco, imperial arms in gilt on covers, broad inside gilt scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY taffin. Paris, 1909 Limited Edition. Only lo copies printed on Holland paper. Out of Print. 724. Masson (Frederic). Autour de Sainte-Helene. First, Second, and Third Series. 3 vols, small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, im- perial coat-of-arms in gilt on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY POPELiN. Paris, 1909-1912 Edition limited to 12 copies on Holland paper, of which this is, No. 12. Rare, Now out of print. 725. Masson (Frederic). Petites Histoires. 2 vols, small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of-arms gilt tooled on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt top, uncut original wrappers bound in, BY fopelin. Paris, 1910 Edition limited to 14 copies, of which 10 are on Holland paper. This is copy, No. 13. Rare. Now out of print. 726. Masson (Frederic). Napoleon a Sainte-Helene. Beautifully illustrated with vignettes and numerous full-page photogravures, some in colors, including por- traits, drawn from the works of noted artists, views, scenes, and facsimiles. 2 vols, royal 4to, olive green crushed levant morocco. Napoleon's coat-of- arms tooled in gilt on sides, gilt lettering on backs, wide inside borders of green morocco with fillet bands and ornamental design in gilt, gilt tops, un- cut, original wrappers, bound in, by taffin. Paris: Goupil & Cie, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, successeurs, 1912 Large Paper, limited to 300 numbered copies on "papier verge," this copy being marked "Offert." Inserted are 6 Signed Autograph Letters, 3 of which are written by the author, with one addressed envelope included, relative to the above work; one letter by the publisher (Mr.) Manzi, informing Mr. Broadley the book is being forwarded to him; and 2 other letters by Madame Masson. All are addressed to Mr. Broadley, and the first four are dated 191 1. 727. Masson (Frederic). Pour I'Empereur. Pages d'Histoire Nationale. 1796- 182 1. Small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of- arms gilt tooled on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, 1 9 14 Edition printed on Japanese vellum limited to 4 copies, of which this is, No. 3. Rare. Now out of print. 728. Masson (Frederic). Au Jour le Jour. Small 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, imperial coat-of-arms gilt-tooled on sides, gilt lettering on back, wide inside gilt fillet and scroll borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by popelin. Paris, undated Edition limited to 10 copies on Holland paper, of which this is. No. 5. Rare. Now out of print. Fou7'th Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 729. Masson (Frederic) and Biagi (Guido). Napoleon Inconnu. Papiers Inedits ( 1 786-1 893). Accompagnes de Notes sur la Jeunesse de Napoleon (1769-1793). 2 vols. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the imperial arms in gold on sides, gilt lettering on back, gilt inside borders with scroll work, gilt tops, uncut, original WTappers bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1895 Large Paper, limited to 50 copies on Holland paper. With a 5-line autograph inscription, signed, by the Author, reading (in transla- tion), — / believe that these tivo volumes will appear to all honest minds as the ynost astonishing revelation of the formation of a character and of the budding and ripening of genius, not because I have written them, but because they tell of him — that is why I am, glad to see them, in America. 730. Maze-Sencier (Alphonse). Le Livre des Collectionneurs. First Edition. Illustralions. Royal 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1885 Very Rare and Long Out of Print. 731. Medals of Napoleon. Vita e Ritratti di Illustri Italiani. One Part only, containing the preliminary matter and that portion of the work which relates to Napoleon Bonaparte. Portrait of Napoleon, engraved by Longhi, and 6 plates, containing 24 Napoleonic medals showing front and reverse of each. Folio, three-quarter dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt let- tered, gilt top, uncut, BY stikeman. Padova: Tipografia Bettoni, 1812 Fine Portrait of Napoleon with the Iron Cross. The volume consists of the half-title, title and Proemio, iipp., the portrait and 6 plates, and 8pp. of descrip- tive text of the medals. The work was completed in 61 parts, the present is that section relating to Napoleon. 732. Medals OF Napoleon. Laskey (Captain J. C). A Description of the Series of Medals struck at the National Mint by Order of Napoleon Bonaparte, commemorating the most remarkable Battles and Events during his Dy- nasty. With engraved portrait of Napoleon and numero2is vignettes. Royal Svo, green straight-grain morocco, sides ornamented with wide gilt and blind-tooled borders, gilt fillet bands and corner floral sprays, full gilt back with author's name lettered, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, edges slightly rubbed. London, 1818 Unique Copy. Containing at end a remarkable series of pencil sketches copied from the original medals by John Richard Taylor of London, in 1823, with a special pen-and-ink title to the same, reading, — The Medallic History of Napoleon: com- prised in 148 Medals commemorative of the Principal Occurances of the Life and Reign of Napoleon, from the Battle of Montenotte, April 11, 1796, to the embarca- tion at Rochfort, July 8, 1815, consisting of the portion generally described as the Mint Series, completed by the addition of those Medals which were in process at the Restoration of the Bourbon's and are chiefly from the designs of the Baron Denon, Directeur du Musee Napoleon a Paris. 733. Medals of Napoleon. Medallic History of Napoleon. A Collection of all the Medals, Coins and Jettons, Relating to his Actions and Reign. From the Year 1796 to 18 15. With 60 engraved plates, each plate containing several reproductions. 4to, dark purple straight-grain morocco, wide gilt scroll border with eagles as corner ornaments, on sides; gilt tooled back, with eagles as center ornaments, binding rubbed and slightly cracked at joints. London, 1819 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 734. Medals of Napoleon. Edwards (Edward — ^Editor) . The Napoleon Medals. A Complete Series of the Medals Struck in France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany, from the Commencement of the Empire in 1804, to the Restoration in 18 15. With Historical and Biographical Notices. With 40 plates engraved by the process of Achilles Collas. Small folio, cloth, leather back. London: Henry Hering, 1837 735. Medals of Napoleon. Koechlin (Captaine J. L.). Les Ordres de la Cou- ronne de Fer et de la Couronne d'ltalie (1805-1905). With reproductions of medals and doctiments. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt tooled back, con- tents lettered, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by a. taffin. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1907 A valuable work on the military orders of the "Iron Crown," giving the names of the persons to whom the same was awarded, with a history of each. 736. Meissonier (Jean Louis Ernest). Greard (M. O.). Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier. Ses Souvenirs — ^Ses Entretiens. Precedes d'une Etude sur sa Vie et son oeuvre. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions of the artist's work, including a frontispiece equestrian portrait of Napoleon in two proof states, plain and colored (the latter inserted), and numerous text illus- trations, on Japan paper. Thick imperial 8vo, light brown crushed levant morocco, sides ornamented with gilt fillet panel design, gilt and blind- tooled, gilt and blind tooled panelled back, inside gilt fillet and morocco borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, slightly rubbed along hinges. Paris, 1897 Japanese Vellum Paper Edition, limited to 10 copies, of which this is, No. 5. Printed throughout on Japan vellum paper. 737. Memoir of the Emperor Napoleon (Abridged from "Thomas's Life of Napoleon,") with an Account of his Obsequies. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. London, 1841 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 738. Meneval (Claude Franqois de. Baron). Napoleon et Marie-Louise. Sou- venirs Historiques. First Edition. Portrait of Napoleon engraved by A. Lefevre. 3 vols. 8vo, brown calf, sides tooled in blind with a scroll frame, enclosing a vase of flowers at the bottom, and letter N and crown in center, backs tooled in gilt and in blind, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in, by JOLIE. With stamp, Bibliotheque de San Donato. Paris, 1843-1845 Rare example of binding. 739. Meneval (Claude Franqois de. Baron). Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de Napoleon ler depuis 1802 jusqu'a 1815. Edition entierement refondue. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Paris, 1894 740. Meneval (Claude Francois de, Baron — French historian and secretary to Napoleon). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, St. Cloud, April 28, 1813. To Baron Mou- nier. Master of Requests. With wax seal. Thanking him for the promised help in securing a position for Carleton, whom the writer praises. He also informs the recipient of the Empress Marie Louise's wish to see him and to have him deliver a letter to the Emperor. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, Ma y 5th 741. Meneval (Claude Francois de, Baron — French historian and secretary to Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, February 3, no year. To ("my dear Esteve"). Informing him of the Emperor's wish to have recipient bring the work asked for in a letter, and a copy of a certain document. 742. Menou (Jacques Franqois, Baron de — French general, Governor of Pied- mont, and of Venice). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Alba, Department of the Tenaro (Italy), le 15 Thermidor, an 17 (August 2, 1809). To Marshal Berthier, Minister of War. A request for explicit instructions relative to the command he (the writer) is to assume, as there have been misunderstandings regarding the same. 743. Mercy Argenteau (Francois J. C. M., Comte de). Original Manuscript OF THE First Volume of the Comte de Mercy Argenteau's Memoirs, entitled, — -"Napoleon et I'Empire. Souvenirs historiques." Written in black ink in a beautiful clear script on 184pp. of heavy royal 4to paper, with manuscript title in red and black, with Autograph Note by the Author, on Title, His Autograph Signature at End of Preface and End of Volume, and Numerous Corrections Throughout, Also IN His Hand. Royal 4to, original black morocco, gilt, gilt edges, rubbed, hinges cracking. Chateau d' Argenteau, 1862 Original Manuscript of These Famous Memoirs, Written by the Comte DE Mercy Argenteau, who served Napoleon as Chamberlain, 1805, Captain of Ordinance during the Campaign against Prussia, 1806, Minister Plenipoteniary and Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Bavaria, 1811, etc. This manuscript has been translated into English by George S. Hellman, and published as Volume I of the Comte' s Memoirs, by Putnam, 191 7. See following entry. No. 744. 744. Mercy Argenteau (pRANgois J. C. M., Comte de). Memoirs of the Comte de Mercy Argenteau. Translated from the French, and Edited, with an Introduction, by George S. Hellman. Frontispiece portraits in colors, num- erous other portraits, plates and facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, un- cut, and partly unopened. Enclosed in board box. New York, 1917 First Edition. Limited to 510 sets on Strathmore paper, of which this is. No. 26. For the original manuscript in French, of the first volume, Napoleon and the Empire, see preceding item. No. 743. 745. Metoyen (J. B.). Original Musical Manuscript, Title, Musical Score AND Words Entirely in the Hand of the Composer, of, — ^Choeurs De Guerriers a la Gloire De Sa Majeste L'Empereur Napoleon. Composes par J. B. Metoyen, Ex-Ordinaire de la Musique de I'Ancienne Chapelle du Roi, pendant I'espace de trente deux ans. Manuscript of 53pp. 8vo, each page containing 13 to 15 staves of music and words for the four voices. Title enclosed within ornamental border of leaf sprays and Napoleonic emblems, and half-title on p. 27 with leaf spray designs, in pen-and-ink, designed by the author in his 75 th year, engraved frontispiece portrait of Napoleon, by Boiirgois after the Medal by Auguste, printed in colors. 8vo, contemporary red straight-grain morocco, sides with border of gilt foliated design, back gilt tooled and lettered, doublures and fly-leaves of blue watered silk, gilt edges. [Paris, circa 1809] Talleyrand's Copy, with his bookplate, marked, — "Bihliotheque du Chateau de ValenQay." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 746. Metternich (Clemens Wenzel, Prince — eminent Austrian statesman and diplomatist). L. S., i>^pp. 4to, Vienna, February 4, 1815. To Mr. Bresson de Valensole. Informing him that all members of the Order of the Iron Cross are authorized by the Emperor to display its distinctive marks. 747. Meyer (Madame). Portraits de tous les Souverains de I'Europe, et des Hommes Illustres Modernes; accompagne d'un Texte Biographique de leur Vie civile, politique, ou Militaire. Dessines d'apres Nature ou Tab- leaux Originaux, et Graves par d'Habiles Artistes. Dedies aux Souverains de I'Europe. With engraved title-page including vignette, and a series of 100 brilliant full-page portraits of the most illustrious personages of modern times, engraved by noted artists. 2 vols. 4to, original red straight-grain morocco, wide gilt tooled borders on sides, full gilt backs, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, a few margins slightly spotted. Paris: Chez I'Auteur, 1820 Original Edition. The portraits are all Proof before Letters, and include the most illustrious persons of the Napoleonic era, among them the following, — Alexander I of Russia; Eugene Beauharnais; Charles, Archduke of Austria; Drouot; Enghien; Francis I of Austria; Frederick III of Prussia; Frederic VI of Denmark; Louis XVIII; Poniatowski; Suchet; Wellington; Lannes; Lavalette; Napoleon I; Nelson; and many others. 748. Military and Political Memoirs. Vie Politique et Militaire de Napo- leon, racontee par Lui-Meme, au Tribunal de Cesar, d'Alexandre, et de Frederic. 4 vols. 8vo, half olive green crushed levant morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, by taffin. Paris: Chez Anselm, 1827 749. Miniature Portraits. Netherlands. House of Orange. Les portraits de la Maison Royale des Pays-Bas Unis. [With descriptive verses.] 7 por- traits in colors, engraved by W. v. Senus after Maaskamp and other artists. Square 32mo, wine-colored straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, last page pasted down to fly-leaf. No place, circa 18 15 Very Rare Little Volume, Containing Beautifully Executed Miniature Prints in Colors of the Members of the Family of the Newly Elected King OF the Netherlands, William I (of Orange). 750. MoLiTOR (Gabriel Jean Joseph— Marshal of France). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Tomblaine pres Nancy, June 30, 1844. To Mr. Guizot, Minister of For- eign Affairs. Relative to the Baron de Brienen, Royal Grand Chamberlain of the Netherlands, who had been promised to be made an officer of the Legion of Honor. 751. [Mollien (Nicolas Francois).] Memoires d'un Ministre du Tresor Public, 1780-1815. 4 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, by taffin. Paris, 1845 752. Mollien (Nicolas Francois de, Comte— Minister of the Treasury). A. L. S., 2pp. Paris, April 8, 1815. To the Emperor. On imperial water- marked paper. Relative to an order from the Emperor to pay a sum of money for military sup- plies furnished in 18 14, to which he answers that he considers the bill too great and wishes to investigate before paying same. An account of the current expenses is also furnished. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 753. MoNCEY (Bon Adrien Jeannot de, Duke of Conegliano — -Marshal of France). L. S., i>^pp. folio, Paris, June 9, 1809. To Count Mollien, Min- ister of the Public Treasury. Signed as First Inspector General of the Imperial Police, with a 5-line postscript note in the Marshal's autograph. On official paper. Relative to a brigade of gendarmes doing military duty in Boulogne. 754. [Montholon-Semonville (Comte Ch. T. de) and O'Meara (Barry Ed- ward).] Manuscrit de L'lle d'Elbe. De Bourbons en 1815. Publie par Le Comte. . . Svo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut. Dusseldorf, 18 19 755. Montholon (Charles T., Marquis — French general; shared Napoleon's exile at St. Helena). L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, April 13, 1822. To M. Arnault, author of "Marius." Request for the recipient to call on the following Friday relative to Napoleon's will. Countersigned by (Count Jean G.) Marchand, served as general under Napo- leon; and (Count Henri G.) Bertrand, a French general who accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena. With accompanying extract from Napoleon's will, 3Pp. 4to, containing the bequests to above parties. M. Vincent Antoine Arnault, French dramatist and poet, was appointed in 1808 as director of public instruction. 756. MoRAND (B. DE — French general. Governor of Swedish Pomerania). A. L. S., Ip. small folio. Grand Army, nth Corps, Stralsund, October 23, 1812. To General Cosson. Instructing the recipient to set out at once for Konigsberg, and informing him that according to the Emperor's orders, he has been placed on the retired list; en- closing also a letter from the Prince of Neuchatel. 757. MoREAU (Jean Victor — ^Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Rhine and Moselle). A. L. S., 3>^pp. 4to, Headquarters at Strasburg, 18 Thermidor. an 3eme (July 26, 1795). To General Dumas. On official paper, with vignette. Long and interesting letter in the course of which he states that although the Jacobins might have gained strength as a result of the rash opinions of some of the new deputies, still this did not warrant the Directory in making more blunders. Agrees with Dumas that the dismissal of the Minister and the forward movements of the troops will not cause any great trouble, and that as long as there is party dissension, there can be no domestic peace, and without the latter, there can be no adjustment of the financial situation and nothing will work in order. Expresses his satisfaction with the army as a whole, which, with a few exceptions, never com- plains although the men have been without pay for several months, and have suf- fered hardships in consequence. Speaks of the punishment meted out to the rebellious soldiers, which punishment produced a salutary effect on all the men. Mention of the Italian campaign is made, regarding which Moreau says he does not like to see their northern and eastern frontiers sacrificed for that of the Italian republic where strife will break out as soon as the French troops quit. He has sent Desaix to Italy to find out just what is going on there. Informs his friend that Bona- parte has been charged with seeing that the sum levied on Bavaria is paid. Comments on a treaty entered upon with the English and Austrians, in which he thinks Gen. Dumas has been used as a tool, since the Emperor is taking so long to come to terms, and the French have no guarantees, there is evidently an attmpet to try to dislodge the French force from the Rhine. He further comments on the up- rising in Hungary due to the Emperor's fear lest the Turks oppose his attempts to take Dalmatia, i. e., the Italian part, and to obstacles put forth by Russia and Prussia relative to the treaty, whatever its terms, to be signed, and ends with his regret that the general's brother had left them, and informing him that they have been starving ever since his departure. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 758. MoREAU (Jean Victor — Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Rhine and Moselle). A. L. S., iHpP- folio, Munich, le 29 Messidor, an 8 (July 18, 1800). To Lieut. -General Le Courbe. On official paper, with vignette. Acknowledging the recipient's letters announcing the capture of Feldkirch, and informing him he will wait for him at Munich where further arrangements can be made. 759. MoREAU DE Saint-Mery (Mederic L. E. — administrator-general of the duchies of Parma and Piacenza). A. L. S., 2>^pp. i2mo, Parma, Febru- ary I, 1805. To Mr. Cavagnani Jr. Acknowledges receipt of two letters and package of pistols, and thanks him for same. Mentions his pleasure at seeing [Prince] Beauharnais again, expresses his happiness because of the kind things said of his son by the Emperor's Mother, mentions the Princess Borghese, her health, his high esteem for her; states that many things are happening in his duchy. 760. Mortier (Edouard a. C. Joseph, Duke of Treviso — ^Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Rambouillet, August 11, 1811. To the Prince of Wagram (Marshal Berthier). Requesting him to please obtain the Emperor's permission for a leave of absence for Col-Major Delaitre on account of illness. 761. Mortier (Edouard A. C. Joseph, Duke of Treviso — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. 4to, Treves, December 18, 1813. To General Decour. Relative to his instructions for General Pele to start out for Brussels, and for General Eymar to replace him. On the reverse, is a S-line note written and signed by Gen. Decour, dated, Thion- ville, Dec. 19, 1813, relative to instructions received, announces Gen. Pele's illness, and Gen. Eymar's departure for Brussels. 762. MouRAViT (Gustave). Napoleon Bibliophile. Recherches Speciales de Psychologic Napoleonienne, avec Documents Inedits. 8vo, half dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1905 Edition limited to 130 numbered copies and 25 not for sale. This copy, printed throughout on Japan paper, is not numbered. Presentation Copy. Inserted is a Signed Autograph Letter, by the author, one page, i2mo, Aix, June 14, 1905, To [Mr. P. Dauze] presenting him with a copy of the book. With addressed and stamped envelope. 763. Muffling (Frederick F. K., Baron — Prussian field-marshal and Governor of Paris, in 1815). L. S., ip. folio, Paris, August 18, 1815. To the Prefect of Police, M. Decaze. With wax seal. Requesting him to announce in the newspapers that all persons continuing to insult the officials and guards of the Allies will be fired upon by the soldiers. Accom- panying the above letter is a copy of the said notice to be inserted in the papers. 764. Murat (Joachim, King of Naples— Marshal of France). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, le 16 Pluviose, an 12 (February 4, 1804). To the Minister of the Interior. Signed as Governor of Paris. Written on official paper, with vignette. Recommending in his own name, and in that of the First Consul, Citizen Loveillot Demars for the first vacancy for the post of Prefect. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 765. MuRAT (Joachim, King of Naples — Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. 4to. [February i6, 1807.] To his cousin. Requesting his cousin to ask His Majesty to appoint Mr. Monaco, captain in the i6th Cavalry Regiment, as his aide-de-camp. Marginal note reads that request is granted. 766. Murat (Joachim, King of Naples — Marshal of France). A. L. S., ip. i2mo, Bologna, February 11, 1814. To his sister. Signed with his initials. On imperial water-marked paper. Acknowledging receipt of her letter, and sending her his love. 767. Napoleon I. Sentiment d'un Citoyen, sur les Cancers hereditaires. Litho- graphic frontispiece. Royal 4to, 4pp. stitched, uncut, leaves foxed, plate repaired in margin. No place [1821] History informs us that Napoleon died of cancer of the stomach. In this work, the author attempts to prove it was impossible for him to die of this dread disease, having been ill but forty days. Without doubt, history will tell us what an Italian priest was doing at St. Helena. Napoleon died a despot's death, the result of inor- dinate ambition, which he predicts will be the cancer that will cause the death of his son. Napoleon II. The frontispiece is a curious lithograph showing Napoleon's heir, the young King of Rome, asleep on his couch, pursued by the ghost of his father pointing out the fate in store for him, which is to be the same as that shared by his father. In the upper corner of the lithograph is a small scene representing three male figures gaining on a fallen figure, representing the despotism which Napoleon exercised over his sub- jects, and which despotism caused his end. 768. Napoleon I. Lettres de Napoleon a Josephine, pendant la Premiere Cam- pagne d'ltalie, le Consulat et I'Empire. Et Lettres de Josephine a Napo- leon et a sa Fille. y facsimile letters. 2 vols. 8vo, light green calf, gilt, bind- ings spotted. Londres; Leipsick, 1833 With the bookplates of Sir Charles Cockerell, Alexander Meyrick Broadley. 769. Napoleon I. Napoleon en Lithographic. A collection of 55 lithograph por- traits of Napoleon, one in colors, by Nanteuil, Guhian, Charlet, Picken, Lavigne, Julian and others, with engraved title by Massard with the words "Napoleon en Lithographie" skillfully executed with pen and ink to resemble print. All the lithographs have been mounted on heavy paper, some with three lithographs on a sheet. Bound in i vol. red straight-grain morocco, fillet border on sides, eagle and title in gilt on front cover, gilt back, gilt floral inside border, gilt edges. Fine Collection of Napoleonic Portraits Illustrative of His Life, In- cluding Many Rare Prints, Especially Some Relating to His Life at St. Helena. It Would Be Very Difficult to Gather Another Collection Like THE Above. Among some of the more important are the following, — Napoleon ler. Lithograph in colors by G. Engelmann; Bust Portrait in Uniform. Lithograph by Gubian after Vernet; Napoleon on horseback. Lithograph by Dembour &= Gangel, Metz; Several Full length Portraits. Lithographs after Charlet, Marin Lavigne, Nanteuil, and others. 770. Napoleon in the Other World. A Narrative written by himself: and found near his tomb in the Island of St. Helena, By Xongo-Tee-Foh-Tchi. Frontispiece. 8vo, half green morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, London, 1827 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 771. Napoleon I. Manuscript Entirely in the Autograph of Napoleon. i>^PP-i folio. No place, no date. Written (end of 1793) as Commander of the Artillery at the Siege of Toulon. Unsigned. Extremely Rare and Fine Piece. Autograph draft of six letters, viz, — i. To General Dugommier, relative to a detachment of artillery from Marseilles to Greno- ble; 2 and 3. Relative to the provisioning of Fort St. Nicolas; 4. An order for an inventory of the heavy cannon and provisions in Fort St. Jean; 5. A request to Citizen Durtuby to send him 3 drivers for employment at the Arsenal at Marseilles; 6. An order to send the cannon stationed at Avignon to Marseilles, destined for the army at Toulon. In August, 1793, Toulon was delivered to the English by the royalists. In Decem- ber, of the same year, the French took it, and the part played by Bonaparte at this siege as commander of the Artillery first raised him into prominence. [See Illustration] 772. Napoleon I. Autograph Endorsement of two words, — Certifie vrai, signed, — Buonaparte (as Commander of the Artillery at the Siege of Toulon), dated at Avignon, October 27, 1793, on a Receipt for Bombs de la Republique by Dupuy, 4pp. 4to, "au pare d'Ouliole, 12 dumois de la 2 annee (November 2, 1793)- One of the Earliest Signatures of Napoleon. Very Rare. The entire document consists of an order for bombs, signed by Daubigny aine, and countersigned by Josse, Commissary of War Supplies; also signed Note by Escoffier; and the final receipt of said bombs by Dupuy. 773. Napoleon I. Manuscript. Report Signed, ip., 8vo, [Toulon] Le 13 du 2 mois de I'an 2 de la R. (Nov. 3, 1793.) Signed in his autograph, — Biion- parte (as Commander of Artillery of the Army at Toulon). A report of the work accomplished by the batteries on the 12th and 13th of the month (Nov. 2 and 3). Important document signed by Bonaparte while in his first official position as Commander of Artillery of the Army of Toulon. [See Illustration] 774. Napoleon I. Letter from Gen. Dupont-Chaumont, addressed to the Execu- tive Department of the Directory, ip., folio, Paris, le 18 nivose, An V (Jan. 7, 1797). With a 4-line recommendation in margin in Napoleon's autograph, signed, — Bonaparte (as Commander-in-Chief of the Army in Italy). Manuscripts OF Bon.aparte As Commander-in-Chief Are Exceedingly Scarce. In the margin of the letter addressed to the Directory by Gen. Dupont-Chau- mont, asking to be taken into active service again. Napoleon has written and signed a 4-line recommendation, the translation of which is, Recommended to the Executive Directory. This officer-general served under me, with zeal, in the Army of the Interior. 775. Napoleon I. D. S., ip., folio, Paris, le 11 Ventose, I'an huit (March i, 1800). With the autograph signature, — Bonaparte (as First Consul). With large vignette engraved by Roger. Official document, on vellum, appointing T. Zibaudeau as Prefect of the Depart- ment of La Gironde, with large vignette at top, and official seal in lower corner. Countersigned by Lucien Bonaparte, as Minister of the Interior, and Hugues B. Maret, as Secretary of State. 776. Napoleon I. A note addressed to Napoleon, written in the third person, by Bodoni, ip., i2mo, Paris, le sept thermidor, an 8 (July 25, 1800). With Napoleon's signature, — Bonaparte (as First Consul). Bodoni, an eminent Italian printer and scholar, urges Napoleon to invite him to publish an edition of Homer in several languages. Napoleon's signature to the note is probably his manner of granting Bodoni's request. - yc. Pv/rf<. <- ' ,^^v^. - ,c £;^U%A< /^'•i.fatL- j?^ /U /'(J/r^A^^ . .^^ _ . / :Y/>i i-^' ..(./c^'- '><'*££^^ ^-^ MANUSCRIPT BY NAPOLEON [No. 771] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 777. Napoleon I. L. S., a^pp., 4to, Paris, le 4 Germinal, an 11 (March 24, 1803). To [Berthier] Minister of War. Signed, — Bonaparte (as First Con- sul). With engraved vignette by B. Roger, sc. A request to the Minister of War to order Gen. Montrichard to bring together on the field of battle at Flessingue the entire 9Sth half-brigade in order to defend the Isle of Walcheren; to send certain battalions to Breda; and to transmit orders to Generals Frere and Dulauloy. The expenses of this expedition to be borne by the Batavian Republic. 778. Napoleon I. Letter addressed to Napoleon, by P. la Gallisonniere, 3^pp.. Paris, 24 thermidor, an iieme (Aug. 12, 1803). With marginal note, signed, — Bonaparte (as First Consul). With government stamp. A letter begging Napoleon's intercession for the restoration of the writer's prop- erty, confiscated at an earlier period. With a 4-Iine marginal note referring this letter to the Minister of Finances, written by Napoleon's secretary, and signed by Bonaparte, note dated, St. Cloud, le 19 fructidor (Sept. 5). With another note, in another hand, referring case to the Counsellor of State. 779. Napoleon I. D. S., ip. folio, Paris le trentieme jour de fructidor, I'an onze (Sept. 16, 1803). Signed, — Bonaparte (as First Consul). On vellum, with engraved vignette by B. Roger, and official stamp. A brevet of Aide-de-Camp, with rank of Major, to Louis Alexandre Edme Frangois Davout, brother of the famous Marshal. Countersigned by A. Berthier, Minister of War, and Hugues B. Maret (afterwards Duke of Bassano), Secretary of State. 780. Napoleon I. D. S., iipp. folio. Chateau de la Malmaison, le deux Germinal, I'an treize, le premier de I'Empire (March 22, 1804). Signed 5 Times by Napoleon, 4 Times under marginal notes with the signature, — N; and once, at close of document as, — Napoleon (as Emperor). With the govern- ment stamp in 3 places. Written on water-marked paper. Beautiful sig- nature. A document by which the Emperor makes certain gifts of land situated in Ajaccio, Corsica, stipulating certain conditions for their acceptance, to the following per- sons, — Andre Ramolini; Nicolas Paraviccini; and Mme. Marie-Anne-Pietra-Sancta, Veuve Benielli. This property was acquired by the Emperor from Cardinal Fesch, original owner of the property, in exchange for other property and a sum of money paid for it by Napoleon. This document has 4 marginal notations, evidently written by Napoleon's sec- retary which are Signed by the Emperor with His Initial N, which read as follows,— "ei cela a litre de dojiaire," in reference to the conditions imposed upon A. Ramolini for the gift made him; "mais pour son profit," relative to the grant made to N. Paraviccini; "mais a son profit," relative to the last grant made, i.e., to veuve Benielli; and "Raye vingt sept mots co. nidle," at close of document. Signed by the Emperor, and countersigned by Cardinal Fesch, Raguideau, Notary, and by the latter's assistant. 781. Napoleon I. D.S., 6pp. folio, Paris, February 13, 1806. Signed,— iVa^o/eon (as Emperor). Beautiful signature. With official stamps. Marriage contract of unusual interest, between Razac (Roustam) and Mile. Alex- andrine Marie Marguerite Douville. Countersigned by both parties, and Mr. Noel, Imperial Notary. Roustam, Mameluke, born in Georgia, in 1782, having rendered some service to Napoleon in Egypt, the latter brought him to France in 1799. Roustam became a personal attendant of Napoleon, and accompanied him in his campaigns and journeys. r- — -^ ^ —^"^ l--<>afe'wt . ^ ' ~ — _ / ^-^ i_ Jt-!flX'"f< >tt«_ i/ha-ctfcttl.O, ;■<: -O^..". »'^t«i'-' «ui t\^pp. folio, Paris, December 4 and 5, 1811. Rare Document Entirely in Napoleon's Handwriting of which the following is a translation, — Pay no heed to these proposals. Have the Police find out who the grain dealers are for foreign markets, and have them requisitioned and ordered to supply [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 790. Napoleon I. — Continned] flour to be stored in the ware-houses. See that a plentiful supply is put on the markets from the storage houses. Maintain the price at 73 francs. Have one or two articles appear in the Paris 'newspaper which, while not directly stating that a supply of wheat is on the ivay here from Hamburg and Francfort, will give the public that impression, mentioning some accidents which have happened, on the way. The above is Napoleon's instructions relating to the problem of the steadily in- creasing price of flour on the market and the limited supply put forth by the dealers, which problem Pasquier has submitted in the above letter, to the Minister of the Interior, requesting that some remedy be forthcoming to relieve the desperate situa- tion, his letter being turned over by them to the Emperor for him to settle, and which resulted in the above orders being given by Napoleon to the Prefect of Police. 791. Napoleon I. D. S., ip., large folio, Imperial Headquarters at Witepsk, August 7, 1812. Signed, — Napl (as Emperor). Paper marked with imperial stamp, and engraved vignette of imperial eagle at head of docu- ment. An orde:- to Capt. Jean Andre Cauro, in charge of the vessel "La Conception," to set out for Sardinia for a cargo of merchandise. Signed by the Emperor, and countersigned by Cte. de Susse, Minister of Commerce; Decres, Minister of the Navy; Cte. Dam, Minister of State; and the Chief Customs Officer. Interesting as being signed by Napoleon at Witepsk during the Russian campaign. 792. Napoleon I. A Decree from the Franciscan Provincial, 3pp. folio, Bastia, April 6, 1813. To Pierre Seroni. With a 5-line marginal note written by Napoleon's secretary, and signed by Napoleon, — -N (as Emperor). A translation from the Latin to French of a decree from Brother Joseph Marie de Bonis (styled) Provincial of the Franciscan Order, appointing Rev. Pierre Seroni, to take charge of the "Third Order." With marginal note by Napoleon's secretary, signed by the Emperor, turning the matter over to the Minister of Cults, to know what it all means. Note dated, Naumberg, April 30, 1813. 793. Napoleon I. Contemporary copy in French of Napoleon's Farewell Address, headed, — Fontainebleau le 20 avril a 11 heures >^ du matin. Adieux de I'Emper- eur Napoleon a la vieille garde, ip. 4to, written in ink, and unsigned. Very Rare Contemporary Copy, Probably Made by Some One Near to Napoleon Himself, of Napoleon's Farewell Address to His "Old Guard," JUST before His Departure for Elba. The address, made April 20, 1814, after the occupation of Paris by the Allies, and Napoleon's enforced abdication in favor of Louis XVI H, begins (in translation), — Officers, u7tder-off^cers and soldiers of the old guard, I bid you farewell! For 20 years I have been satisfied with you, I have always found you following the road of honor and glory. . . Be faithful to the new King which France has chosen; never abandon this dear country too long unhappy. . . [A marginal note at this point, in the same hand as the manuscript, reads, — ] Here the Emperor burst into a torrent of tears. [Another note at foot states, that the address was made to the few members of the old guard who were at Fontainebleau at the time.] According to a note at foot this address was sent by Gen. Friant, French general under Napoleon, commander of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard, who was near the Emperor when he addressed these words to a handful of the Old Guard who were at Fontainebleau. 794. Napoleon I. Autograph Endorsement Signed, on letter, one page folio, Paris, May 7, 1815. Endorsed and Signed by Napoleon, — approuve parts le 7 mat, A' 1 8 15 (as Emperor, during the Hundred Days). On imperial water- marked paper. Very interesting letter, by the Treasurer General, Peyrusse, addressed to the Emperor, askmg him to confirm instructions for an outlay of money to be used for the Isle of Elba. '...vy'^ ., nv<..'. t-..y./,r,< ./,^- L\,'..<^\^ /L:u..f.:l . \ /c',,.,.J.C •^la.-K. ,,•.!.-.< , ..■,,...-^ ^ .„/,. „^^, ^_^ A-'Ai,.. ,<; /■' _y^ -..^.J?- j/l^-t^ \ihA^, Ito-^ y>^M DOCUMENT SIGNED BY NAPOLEON [No. 786] Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 795. Napoleon I. Report Signed with lo-line Postscript by Marshal Davout. 2pp. foUo, [Paris] War Department, May 28, 1815. With Autograph En- dorsement and Signature by Napoleon, — accorde N (as Emperor during the One Hundred Days). On imperial water-marked paper. To the Emperor proposing Gen. Lhuillier as Commandant of the loth military- division. With a lO-Hne postscript stating that Gen. Lhuillier is quite old for the position, but there is no other officer free to assume the post made vacant. Signed, — L. D. Also a marginal postscript in another hand, signed by the Minister of War, — [Mai. p d'Eckmuhl, same as the signature at end of report.] 796. Napoleon I. Report Signed by Gen. Drouot, ip. folio, Paris, June 7, 1815. With Autograph Endorsement by and Signature of Napoleon, — approuve ce payment. N (as Emperor during the One Hundred Days). Report on the expenses incurred for the banquet offered by the Imperial Guard to the Deputations of the Army. 797. Napoleon I. D.S., ip. folio, Longwood (St. Helena), October [28] 1817. List of expenses of Napoleon's household at Longwood for the month of October. With Autograph Endorsement and Signature of Napoleon, — approuve le 28 octobre 18 17. N. On English water-marked paper. Of Excessive Rarity. 798. Napoleon L Account-Book at St. Helena. The Original Account-Book of the Provisions supplied to Napoleon's household between January, 1818, and May, 182 1. Written in ink on 43 folio pages, with Pencil Notes and Figures in Napoleon's Handwriting on 7pp. (see pp.14 to 20, inclusive). Small folio, half roan. Enclosed in morocco slip-case, gilt lettering on back. Unique Item. Each pencil annotation by Napoleon is inscribed, — "Ecriture et chiffre de la Main de I'Empereur Napoleon a Vile de St. Helene," and signed "Pierron, son maitre d'hotel a St. Helene." The first entry in the book is dated "January, 1818," and the last "May 5, 1821," the day on which Napoleon died. It was kept by Pierron, his head-cook, who fol- lowed him to St. Helena. From January 1819, Napoleon himself supervised the accounts of the day, making notes when he deemed the same necessary. Pierron would use the English monetary system in making out his accounts, and Napoleon would change these amounts into French values in a marginal note. Most of the pages bear the signature "M" or "P." After the death of Napoleon, Pierron put away the book carefully, taking care to certify the authentication of every note and figure made by the Emperor. Later, the book found its way into the collection of P. Dablin, whose bookplate is here inserted, and was sold in Paris at public auction after Dablin's death. 799. Napoleon L Contemporary Manuscript, 9pp. small 4to, entitled, "Conduite et reclamation de la Garde: par Paul, soldat de la garde Imperiale:" also, 8 pages of Patriotic Songs, written by different hands in ink. Stitched. [1815] An interesting manuscript in which the writer pays a tribute to Napoleon, for whom every soldier would have shed his blood. He protests against the action of the king (Charles X) in having about him foreigners and nobles who deserted their country. . . 800. Napoleon L Return of the Body of Napoleon to France. A Collection of 16 receipts for sums of money disbursed by Count Philippe de Rohan Chabot, Commissary of the I^ing, for services rendered or expenses incurred in connection with the exhumation and transfer of the body of Napoleon [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 800. Napoleon I. — Continued] from St. Helena to Paris. All dated 1840, various places. Also, a manu- script list of the names and sums involved. Together, 17 pieces, various sizes. Among the receipts autographed and signed by the various persons, are one from each of the following generals who accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena, — Count Bertrand, Gen. Gourgaud, and Baron E. de Las Casas, also Count Marchand, who served as a general under Napoleon, but adhered to Louis XVIII upon the latter's accession to the throne; other names include those of, — Denis, [B.] Guillery, F. Poquereau (2), N. Solomons, and others. Each receipt is stamped, — "Paye." 801. Napoleon II. King of Rome (Dukeof Reichstadt). Portraits and an auto- graphe. An unfinished essay written in the form of a letter, 2pp. 4to, Written Entirely in the Autograph of the Duke of Reichstadt (Napoleon II), and 16 engraved portraits, one in colors, of the Duke of Reich- stadt as an infant and youth. Each plate and leaf hinged to small 4to sheet, with manuscript title-page inserted, and bound in one volume, small 4to, green straight-grain morocco, sides panelled in gilt and blind tooled bands, with corner ornaments of laurel wreaths and crowns, and centre of oak leaves and festoons in gilt in form of a cross, back gilt, inside dentelle borders in gilt, gilt edges, by popelin. 802. Napoleon II. King of Rome. Original Manuscript, 2pp. 4to, no place, no date. [Austria, November, 1825.] A leaf of a composition book, in a close writing, on a lesson in pronouns, with 2 marginal references, evidently written in by his tutor. Rare. 803. Napoleon II. King of Rome. N. S., ip. oblong 8vo, Vienna, January 10, 1830. Signed, — Herz v Reichstadt Oberst (Duke of Reichstadt, Colonel). In German. With English transcript. Official acknowledgment of the arrival of an assistant to Peschiera. 804. Napoleon II. King of Rome. Original Autograph Manuscript, Entirely in the Handwriting of Napoleon II. Unsigned. Written on two 4to pages, in ink, with numerous corrections by his tutor. Professor de Barthelemy. With 13 full-page portraits of Napoleon II, at various ages, all inlaid to size. Bound in small folio volume, light brown straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet bands on sides and back, gilt lettering on front cover and back, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, by sangorski and sutcliffe. A manuscript note on the second leaf of the composition, written by T. B. Foresti, Napoleon II's Italian tutor, states that the entire composition book, from which these pages are evidently extracted, were written by Napoleon II, the corrections in the French exercises being made by Prof, de Barthelemy, and the corrections in the Italian exercises, which do not appear here, being made by him, the Italian professor; signed T. B. Foresti. An English translation of the first composition is inserted, inlaid to size. The portraits include rare stipple and engraved bust and full-length figures of the "Due de Reichstadt." 805. Napoleon II. King of Rome. Mery (J.) et Barthelemy (A. M.). Le Fils de I'Homme, ou Souvenirs de Vienne. With ftdl-length portrait of Napoleon II engraved by Green, London. 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt \_Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 805. Napoleon II. — Contmued] sides with borders in gilt and blind-tooling, corner ornaments, gilt back, wide inside gilt border with floral designs, fillet bands, gilt top, uncut, by TAFFiN. Brussels, 1829 When this work appeared, it was seized, and the author arrested and tried on a charge of Hbel against the king, and was condemned to 3 months imprisonment and a fine of 1000 francs. The pubhsher escaped with a fine of 25 francs. 806. Napoleon III. Emperor of France. L. S., ip. i2mo, Elysee, May 5, 1852. A note of thanks to recipient for offering him objects having formerly belonged to Napoleon I. 807. Napoleon (Louis). King of Holland. Exposition de 1806. Rapport du Jury sur les Produits de 1' Industrie Frangaise, presente A. S. E. de Cham- pagny, Ministre de I'lnterieur; Precede du Proces-Verbal des Operations du Jury. 8vo, crimson straight-grain morocco, sides tooled with a gilt border enclosing the Coat of Arms of Louis Napoleon, inside borders, back with emblematic tooling of bees and stars, gilt edges. Scarce. Paris, 1806 8c8. Neipperg (Albrecht Adam, Count — Austrian general, chevalier d'honneur to Marie Louise). L. S., ip. folio, Parma, November 16, 1824. To His Excellency, Marquis of Maisonfort. Sending the recipient a copy of the letter addressed by Marie Louise, Arch-duchess of Parma, to His Christian Majesty (Charles X?) relative to the credentials with which she had furnished the Marquis * * *. 809. Nelson (Horatio, Lord — famous British admiral). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Vic- tory off Cape St. Vincent, Sept. 26, 1805. To Sir Charles Bunbury. Signed, ' — kelson &" Bronte. In English. Interesting letter, entirely in Nelson's autograph, written on his famous flagship, only three weeks before the Battle of Trafalgar, where he was mortally wounded. He acknowledges receipt of a letter dated Feb. 4, 1804, in answer to which he writes, — " . . . where is this Mr. Stewart, let him coine forth and if I can take the Enemy's fleet he shall be made a Lieut, if not he must get an adinn. recommendation for all except death. Vacancys are considered as belonging to them, but be assured I am ever happy to tneet your ivishes ..." 810. Ney (Michel, Duke of Essling, Prince of Moskowa — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. royal 8vo, Headquarters at Montreuil-sur-Mer, le 8 Messidor, an 13 (June 27, 1805). To General Dutaillis, Chief of Staff. Relative to the various work to be done by the extra soldiers in the Third Division. 811. Ney (Michel, Duke of Essling, Prince of Moskowa— Marshal of France). L. S., 3pp. 4to Headquarters at Montreuil-sur-Mer, le 17 Messi- dor, An 13 (July 5, 1805). To General Dutaillis, Chief of Staff. Relative to some construction work to be done by the soldiers. 812. NoRviNs^ (Jacques Marquet, Baron de Montebreton). Histoire de Napoleon. Engraved portraits, views, maps and plans. 4 vols, full brown calf, blind tooled decorative design on covers, with gilt fillet borders, gilt [^Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 812. NoRViNS (J. M.)— Continued] back with the imperial eagle in panels, gilt inside borders, by thouvenin. One binding weak at hinges. Paris, 1827 The Scarce First Edition. The author, when a boy, distinguished himself by defending one of the proscribed before the "Mountain." In consequence he had to fly from France. Later he served under Napoleon, was sent on a mission to San Domingo, became Secretary of State to Jerome Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, etc. He wrote this life from his experiences. >I3. O'Meara (Barry E.). An Exposition of Some of the Transactions that Have Taken Place at St. Helena, since the Appointment of Sir Hudson Lowe as Governor of that Island, in Answer to an Anonymous Pamphlet, entitled "Facts Illustrative of the Treatment of Napoleon Bonaparte," etc. Corroborated by Various Official Documents, Correspondence, &c. Second Edition. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, by RIVIERE. London, 18 19 ii4. O'Meara (Barry E.). Napoleon in Exile; or, A Voice from St. Helena. The Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on the most Important Events of his Life and Government in his own Words. First Edition. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, with the Imperial arms in gilt on sides, inside borders and gilt tops, uncut, by taffin. London, 1822 Extra-Illustrated with 33 choice and rare engraved portraits, some on India paper. !i5. OuDiNOT (Nicholas Charles, Duke of Reggio — ^Marshal of France) A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, August 5, 1815. Relative to an injustice against the former Sub-Prefect of Doullens who was dis- missed from his post to create a vacancy for a man appointed by the Minister. The writer says in part (in translation), — • . . . this employee is a devoted subject of the king . . . in a word, he is a person who ought to he rewarded instead of beitig placed in such a plight. I beg of you, see that he is reinstated as soon as possible. However, Baron, I must warn you that if you hesitate in seeing that justice is done in this case, I shall consider your refusal as an act of disloyalty to the Royal Cause. . . Oudinct adhered to Louis XVIII during the Hundred Days, and obtained a high command from the King in 1815. )i6. Paris Views. Janinet (Francois — ^Engraver). Vues des plus Beaux Edifices Publics et Particuliers de la Ville de Paris. Engraved title and 88 plates, designed by Durand, Garhizza and Mopille, architects, and engraved by Janinet, J. B. Chapius, and others. Oblong 8vo, dark green straight-grain morocco, sides with broad gilt border in scroll and leaf design, with inner band in blind tooling, back gilt, inside dentelle borders in gilt, gilt edges, BY taffin. [Paris, 1 808-1 809] Valuable for the Architectural Detail of the Plates, Which Are En- graved FROM Designs by the Best Architects of the Period. lij. Pascal (Blaise). CEuvres de Blaise Pascal. Portrait and folding plates, 5 vols. 8vo, contemporary French tree calf, sides with floriated eilt border, and centre medallion containing an eagle holding a laurel branch, gilt, lettered in gilt, "Universite Imperiale, Concours des Lycees de Paris," {Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 817. Pascal (Blaise). — Continued] back gilt, with green morocco labels, gilt lettered and numbered; gilt edges, BY BRADEL. A La Haye: Chex Detune, 1779 Bound by Napoleon's Binder, Bradel, and Offered by Napoleon As a Prize at the Universite. With pencilled note in each volume, reading, — Prix remporte par Joachim Laine, Le 12 aout 1812. Fine Specimen of the Work of This Famous Binder, in Excellent Condition. The winner of this set of books, Joachim Laine, was possibly a son of Joseph Henri Joachim, Vicomte Laine, who the next year incurred Napoleon's displeasure by his Bourbon inclinations. 818. Petroni (Stefano Egidio). La Napoleonide. Dedicata a sua Maesta rimperatrice Regina e Reggente. [A Collection of Poems in Italian, with French Notes.] With numerous medallic designs ilhistrative of events in Napoleon's career. 8vo, blue polished calf, sides ornamented with triple gilt fillet borders, with the N and bee designs in corners, and the imperial eagle in center, full gilt back with designs of Napoleonic emblems, narrow inside gilt borders, gilt edges, binding rubbed at hinges. Parigi, 1813 Fine Clean Copy. The plates are of importance as containing designs of medals with descriptions of same. 819. Peyre (Roger). Napoleon ler et Son Temps. Histoire Militaire, Gouverne- ment Interieur, Lettres, Sciences et Arts. Embellished with 13 full-page colored plates, and 431 full-page and text engravings and photogravures, taken from contemporary documents and works of art, and accompanied with 21 plans or maps. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, sides with imperial coat-of-arms in gilt, in center, gilt lettering on backs, wide inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, by popelin. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888 Japan Vellum Paper Copy, No. 6, of a limited issue. 820. Philippart (John). Campaign in Germany and France, from the Expiration of the Armistice, signed and ratified June 4, 1813, to the Period of the Abdication of the Throne of France by Napoleon Buonaparte. With an Appendix, containing all the French Bulletins issued during this Period and other Official Documents. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, emblematic tooling on backs, gilt tops, lower edges uncut, BY morrell. London, 1814 821. Playing Cards of the First Empire. Set of Playing Cards of the First Empire. 36 engraved cards, each consisting of upper m.edallion containing an historical scene of the period, with two portraits of famous men below. 36 cards, measuring 5>< by 3H inches each, enclosed in green half morocco slip-case, with inner protecting wrapper. Very Interesting Set of Cards, consisting of Ace, King, Queen, Knave, and spot cards, 10 to 7, in the four suits, with four additional cards without suit markings. 822. PoNiATOwsKi (Joseph Antony, Prince— able Polish general. Marshal of France). D. S., ip. folio, Warsaw, April 3, 1810. To Stanislaw Borodzicza, Sergeant of the French-Polish Guards. Signed,— /o5e/ Xiaze Poniatowski as Minister of War. In Polish, with official stamp. Informing the recipient of his appointment of Colonel Lubiensky as Adjutant. l^ inches. Enclosed in small 8vo red straight-grain morocco case, gilt floral borders on sides, front cover with title in gilt letters, and Napoleon's Coat-of-Arms tooled below, gilt back, contents lettered. 832. Pozzo DI BoRGO (Carlo Andrea— eminent Corsican diplomatist in the ser- vice of Russia). L. S., i^pp. folio, Paris, May 6, 1829. To Count de Portalis, Keeper of the Seals. Relative to the title of Count and coat-of-arms bestowed upon him by the Emperor of Russia, asking for the approval and authentication of the same. 833. Raffet (Denis A. M.— Celebrated French Historical Painter). Bry (Auguste). Rafi'et, Sa Vie et Ses Oeuvres. Illustrated with 3 portraits and 2 views, etched and lithographed, and facsimiles. 8vo, half dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris, 1 86 1 Presentation Copy, with author's signed autograph inscription, — (translation) To Mr. Ph. Burthy, souvenir of his faithful friend Aug. Bry. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 834. Raffet (Denis A. M.— Celebrated French Historical Painter). L'Homme (F.). Les Artistes Celebres. Raffet. Full- page illustrations and illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back with entwining wreaths and rosettes, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie de L'Art, no date 835. Rapetti (Louis Nicolas). La Defection de Marmont en 1814. Ouvrage suivi d'un grand nombre de Documents Inedits ou peu connus, d'un precis des Jugements de Napoleon ler sur le Marechal Marmont, d'une Notice Bibliographique avec Extraits de tons les Ouvrages Publics sur le meme sujet. Svo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by taffin. Rare. Paris, 1858 836. Rapp (Jean, Count — able French general). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, May 14, 1810. To the Emperor. Informing the Emperor he has received his order from the Minister of War to resume his duties as Governor of Dantzic, but no further instructions accompanies the brief order. 837. Rebeval (Boyer de — French general). .\. L. S., 3pp. folio, Mayence, March 26, 1812. To the Duke d'Estrie, Colonel-General of the Imperial Guard ; Also a Tabulated Report of men and supplies of the Third Division, signed in full. Together, 2 pieces. A detailed report of the Third Division's march to Mayence, of his departure on the following day for Wurzbourg, and instructions he will leave at Mayence for Gen. Gros. 838. Regnier (Claude Ambroise, Duke of Massa — Minister of Justice.) L. S., I p. 4to, Paris, le 13 Messidor, an 11 (July 31, 1803). To the Prefect of Police. On official paper, with engraved vignette. Authorizing the recipient to issue a pass-port for Calais to J. Monroe, Envoy- Extraordinary from the United States, for himself and family. 839. Regnaud de Saint Jean d'Angely (Michel L. E., Count — Procureur- General under Napoleon). L. S., ip. royal 8vo, Paris, le 6 fre, an 12 (November 25, 1803). To the President of the Interior. Engraved vignette by Andrieu. Recommending a friend and a relative for positions. 840. Reille (Honore Charles M. J., Count — Marshal of France.). A. L. S. , one-page, small folio, Beyritz near Bayonne, November 30, 18 13. To the Duke of Feltre, Minister of War. A request for certain maps. Counter- signed, with a 4-line marginal note relative to the maps, by Muriel. 841. Return from Elba. An Authentic Narrative of the Conspiracy against Louis XVIII, with a copious Detail of the Circumstances attending the Escape of Bonaparte from Elba, his landing and progress in France, his Arrival at the Capital, and again Declared Emperor of the French. With Critical Observations on the State of Public Opinion in France. By a Gentleman just arrived from Paris. Svo, three-quarters crimson crushed levant morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, by morrell. London, 1815 Extra-Illustrated with 6 engraved portraits. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 842. Richelieu (Armand Emanuel du Plessis, Duke of — French Secretary of State, 1815). L. S., ip. small folio, Paris, November 14, 1815. To Marshal Oudinot, Duke of Reggio. The Duke of Wellington had complained to Richelieu of the ill treatment certain English officers had received from the National Guard at Paris, sending him docu- ments regarding the same. The Marshal is urged to look into the matter, and have justice done to the officers in question. , . x , , In the upper left corner is the endorsement (m translation) make the necessary inquiries so I may write to the Duke of Wellington today. 843. RoviGO (Due de). Memoires du Due de Rovigo, Pour Servir a I'Histoire de L'Empereur Napoleon. Seconde Edition. 8 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt decorative backs, gilt tops, uncut, by a. taffin. Paris, 1829 844. Robespierre (Augustin bon Joseph — a brother of the Dictator). A. L. S., 2pp. royal 8vo, Nice, October 11, an 2 (1793). From the Representatives of the People near the Army of Italy to their Colleagues at Grenoble. Pleading that they use their influence so that the supplies promised by the Minister of War to the troops of the Army of Italy may be forthcoming, as the situation is desperate. Mentions the atrocities committed by the English, and of the firing at that moment on the French navy, in the neighborhood of Toulon. 845. Rochejaquelin (Marie Louise Victoire de Donnissan, de la, Marquise — wife of Louis de la Rochejaquelin, royalist officer). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Paris, November 10, 1814. Requesting him to transfer to different regiments three soldiers in whom she is interested. 846. Roederer (Pierre Louis, Comte — French statesman). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to, Paris, ce 29 Prairial (June 18), no year. To [Joseph Bonaparte.] A friendly letter advising him to procure himself a copy of Bodoni's "Longin"; and also asking him for another work which he has in duplicate. He also wishes to know if he is to accompany the Consul, and states that he wishes to go with the Consul, and not with Duroc. 847. RoMANA (Don Pedro Caro y Sureda, de la. Marquis — Spanish general, served in the war against the French). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, No place, Dec. 29, 1810. To the Hble. J. Cochrane Johnstone. In English. A very interesting letter, in the course of which he writes, — "It is a fact that our Guerrilla have made a captme very interesting of about forty cars loaded with most valuable effects, among them were a great nunibei of the most eminent Spanish painters, but it is yet true that this capture was made in old Castile at Ste. Maria de Niera, on the road to Vallodolid . . . b" seems me of no little trouble the purchasing of this Pictures in what number many are of Murillo. "The reinforcetnents to the Massena's artny under Drouet's command have not reached thousand the twenty seven last, but I believe more arrived. . . " 848. Rosebery (Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of — British statesman, lead- ing liberal in the House of Lords). A. N., in Third Person, ip. i2mo, [Lon- don,] "38, Berkeley Square, W." Dec. 4, 1900. To Mr. Reynolds Ball. In English. Acknowledging Mr. Ball's letter, and states that "the possibility of Napoleon's being born a British subject originally occurred in his own Life of Pitt." Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 849. Rostand (Edmond). Cyrano de Bergerac. Drame en Cinq Actes. With title vignette, portrait and other illustrations, in two states, first set before letters on China paper, second set with letters on vellum paper, engraved by Romagnol after designs by Besnard, Flameng, Albert Laurens, Leandre, Adrien Moreau and Thevenot. Royal 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets, enclosing panel bordered with gilt fillets with corner ornaments of lyres onlaid in blue morocco and gilt, centre decora- tion of plumed hat onlaid in blue, brown and white morocco over crossed stafi' and sword in gilt; back gilt, doublures of green crushed levant morocco, gilt borders, fly-leaves of brocaded changeable silk, gilt top, uncut, original illustrated wrappers bound in, by david. Enclosed in felt-lined board box. Paris: Armand Magnier, 1899 Special Large Paper Edition on Vellum Paper, with the plates in two states , limited to 400 copies, of which this is, No. 208. Inserted Is an Autograph Letter Signed by Coquelin, the Actor, 2pp. no place, no date, to Adrien Moreau, the illustrator of the First Act. 850. Rostand (Edmond). L'Aiglon, Drame en Six Actes, en Vers. i2mo, original wrappers, uncut and partly unopened, covers repaired, back broken. En- closed in violet half crushed morocco case, gilt back, with inner folding cloth wrapper. Paris, 1900 First Edition. With Autograph Presentation Inscription Signed, by Rostand, on Fly-Leaf, and Two-Line Quotation Also in His Autograph and WITH Signature, on Half-Title. 851. Sainsbury (John). The Napoleon Museum. The History of France illus- trated from Louis XIV to the end of the reign, and death of the Emperor, comprising marbles, bronzes, carvings, gems, decorations, medallions, drawings, miniatures, portraits, prints, manuscripts, coins, medals, books, etc. collected, arranged and described by John Sainsbury. Portrait of Mr. Sainsbury, on India paper, view of his museum and numerous plates of facsimiles of autographs and documents. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt edges, binding rubbed. London, 1845 Monumental Work, describing over 700 volumes and 3000 prints of the greatest Napoleonic Collection ever assembled. Scarce. Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription, — "Mrs. G. H. Foster. With the author's most respectful compUinents" on fly-leaf. 852. Saint-Amand (Imbert de). La Cour de I'lmperatrice Josephine. Royal 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, full gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1889 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 21 full-page engraved and photogravure portraits, by Giroux, Pigeot, Oudaille, Thibault, Desjardins, and others. 853. St. Helena. Optische Ansicht von der Insel Set. Helene. Consists of one full- page and 4 cross section views, all in colors. Oblong i6mo, original paste- board box covers, front containing view of St. Helena and a one-inch circular opening covered with glass. Edges of covers chipped and rubbed, one cross section strengthened at sides. Enclosed in square i2mo red cloth folding box-case, calf back. No place, no date Exceedingly Curious and Ingenious Optic.a.l View of St. Helena. The view consists of one full-page plate attached to back cover, showing the mountain with "Longwood" in the distance, and 4 cut out cross sections, attached top and bottom, at four-inch intervals to jointed paper strips, showing the approach to the Island by sea, the landing, the bridge and houses at Jamestown, and the roadway towards "Longwood," the whole giving a bird's-eye view of the Island when drawn out to full length and viewed through the glass lens in front cover. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 854. St. Helena. A Geographical and Historical Account of the Island of St. Helena; of its discovery by the Portuguese; its climate; . . . To which is subjoined a Brief Memoir of Napoleon Bonaparte, during his Seclusion at Rochefort, his subsequent Surrender and Appearance off the British Shores, and his final Transfer to the Northumberland of 74 Guns, bound for St. Helena, with a View of the Island, and a {colored) Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte as he appeared on board His Majesty s Ship Bellerophon. i6mo, half polished calf, full gilt back, leather lettered label, gilt top, by HATCHARDS. London [18 15] 855. Saint-Hilaire (fiiiiLE Marco H. de). Souvenirs Intimes du Temps de I'Empire. With j6 woodcut illustrations by David. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by terquem. Paris, 1846 First Edition of a work little known. 856. Saint-Hilaire (Emile Marco H. de). Histoire Anecdotique, Politique et Militaire de la Garde Imperiale. First Edition. Illustrations by Bellange, E. Lamy, De Moraine, and others, many in colors. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Paris, 1847 A valuable work on account of the plates which show the various costumes of the Imperial Guard. 857. Saliceti (Christopher — Corsican Deputy to the National Convention, later Minister of War at Naples under Joseph Bonaparte). A. N., in Third Person, ip. small 4to, no place, ce 28 Thermidor, an 8 (August 16, 1800). To Citizen Greppi (Italian dramatist). A dinner invitation. 858. Savary (Anne Jean Marie Rene, Due de Rovigo — able French general and diplomatist). L. S., ip. folio, Paris, November 30, 1810. To Count * * *, Minister of \A'orship. Interesting letter signed by Savary as Minister of Police, to which office he suc- ceeded Fouche, relative to the refusal of the Cure of Tarare to give Chiistian burial to a woman who had refused the last rites of the Church from a priest under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Lyon. The writer wishes an investigation of the affair made and a report rendered him, as public order and peace must be maintained, and such an event in a small place creates disturbance. 859. Savary (Anne Jean Marie Rene, Due de Rovigo — able French general and diplomatist). L. S., 2pp. 4to, Paris, March 24, 1812. To M. Arnault, Director of Public Instruction. Relative to a collection to be foimed of all the articles written on Napoleon's marriage (to Marie Louise) and the birth of his son. King of Rome. Since these articles are among the best works of literature and express the loftiest sentiments on patriotism, it would be well to have them, in book form, distributed as prizes in the schools, as the same would please the Emperor, and serve a two-fold purpose, viz, — ■ impress upon students these two important events and so excite in them feelings of patriotism, and accustom them to the best current literature. 860. Savary (Anne Jean Marie Rene, Due de Rovigo — able French general and diplomatist). L. S., 3pp. 4to, Rome, February 6, 1830. To . . . (an historian). Interesting letter in which he congiatulates the recipient on the two volumes of his splendid work on Napoleon, saying it was the finest tribute he could offer to the [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening^ May 5th [No. 860. Savary (Anne J. M. R.). —Continued] genius of the Emperor. He comments on various statements made in the work, clearing away some points left in doubt, and shedding light on facts misinterpreted by the writer. Relating to his own autobiographic "Memoirs," published in 1828, he states that the facts mentioned therein were true, since he had been a witness to them, and where a fact had been reported to him, he had clearly stated it as such. Among the points of discussion which he raises, are allusions to a document which had been removed from Talleyrand's portfolio by a certain individual who had communicated the contents of it to some one else, the latter betraying the information to the English authorities. The person who had obtained the document had confessed the whole affair to Savary himself. Then follows mention of the punishment meted to the culprits with comments thereon, referring incidentally to Mr. Pitt in connection with the affair. Again, the writer having stated that he, Savary, often mingled erroneous with truthful statements, he mentions the fact of his intimate knowledge relative to statements he had made in his own "Memoirs." Further on, he mentions the true motive for sending of certain republican officers on the expedition of St. Domingo, with particular reference to the parts played by D'Aure, Mr. Benesech, and Gen. Dugast, relative to the same. ScHUERMANS (Albert). Itlneraire General de Napoleon ler. Preface par Henry Houssaye. Ouvrage Couronne par I'Academie Frangaise. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, half olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by tappin. Paris, 191 1 Valuable because of a daily account of the Life of Napoleon. 862. Scott (Sir Walter). The Field of Waterloo. A Poem. 8vo, polished calf, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, full gilt back, leather lettered label, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, by riviere. Edinburgh, 1815 First Edition. Inserted is the very rare set of 7 finely colored plates, brilliant original impressions, of incidents in the battle of Waterloo, engraved by Doubourg from drawings by J. H. Clark. Each plate with margin showing inscription. 863. [Scott (Sir Walter).] The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a Prehminary View of the French Revolution. By the Au- thor of "Waverley." 9 vols. i2mo, new half blue calf, backs emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by morrell. Edinburgh, 1827 First Edition. Fine, clean and unusually large uncut copy, with all the half- titles, and slips of errata bound in. Sebastiani (Horace Franqois, Count — distinguished general and diplo- matist in the French service). A. L. S., i p. folio, Paris, July 12, 1808. To the Emperor Napoleon. Stating he is sending the Emperor the desired report on Turkey, Russia and Austria, excusing himself for having been unable to make out the report any sooner. 865. Second Funeral of Napoleon. The Second Funeral of Napoleon Bona- parte: Including an Account of the Exhumation of his Remains at St. Helena; and their Conveyance in the Belle Poule to France. Portrait on India paper, and illustrations by the artists who accompanied the expedition. 8vo, half calf, gilt lettering on back. London, 1841 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 866. Segur (Louis Phillipe — -Comte de). Memoires, ou Souvenirs et Anec- dotes, par M. le Comte de Segur. Portrait and two maps. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris et Londres: Henry Colburn, 1 825-1 827 The author took part in the captuie of Yorktown. The principal part of Vol. I is taken up with Reminiscences of American and West Indian affairs. 867. Serurier (Jean M. P. — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. folio, Paris, Hotel des Invalides, April 8, 1815. To Comte Dumas, Treasurer for "Les Invalides." Relative to some money which had been drawn from the Public Treasury for the Hotel des Invalides, which matter will be straightened out later. 868. Sloane (William M.). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Extensively illustrated. 4 vols, extended to 8, imperial 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, back decorated with bees, stars, imperial eagle and "N" surmounted by a crown, gilt tops, uncut, BY a. tappin. New York: The Century Co., 1896 First Edition. Extra- Illustrated and Extended from Four to Eight Volumes by the Insertion of Hundreds of Fine Colored Plates and Vignettes AND Further Enriched by the Insertion of Over 300 Carefully Selected Portraits and Prints Relating to the Emperor, Scenes in His Life and Celebrated Events of the Period, with Portraits of Many of the Important Personages of the Time. A Magnificent Set, and one which it would be hard to duplicate. 869. Smith (Sir William Sidney — celebrated British admiral). A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, Anlatope (?), October 14th, 1803. To Revd. Dr. Franks, Alderton, Suffolk. In English. Small tears repaired. Interesting letter concerning his activities at this time, during which he had, under Lord Keith, command of a squadron of small craft on the coast of Flanders and Holland, and in which he writes, in part, — . The enemy's large ships in the Texel (largest of the Frisian Islands in the province of North Holland) make slow progress in fitting, their gunboats something quicker. "The fishing boats of a large size capable of conveying troops swarm, on this coast, I have done my endeavour to bar them,, we have had possession of 14 of them at Sandfort, and 65 at Skevelling on the beach, but without force ivhat can we do in the presence of force? . . ." 870. Soult (E. — -Wife of Marshal Soult). A. L. S., ip. small 4to, January 13 1806. To Mr. Gaudin, Minister of Finance. Forwarding him letters from Mr. Diergardt, pastor and president of the Con- sistorial Church, a near relative, and uiging him to grant Mr. Diergardt's request. 871. Soult (Nicolas Jean de Dieu, Duke of Dalmatia — ^Marshal of France). L. S., iXpP- 4to, Liebstadt, March 15, 1807. To Major Dubignon, at Marienwerder (in Prussia). Relative to a cargo of bread which left Marienwerder, and on the road was found to lack two-thirds of the amount stipulated. Marshal Soult orders the Major to seek out the culprits in the affair, to have them bound with cords, and sent to him, that a terrible example might be made of them; also, gives him instructions relative to the troops. 872. Spanish Campaign. A Collection of D. S., "Orders of the Day," 8vo and small folio, one to 3 pages each, some written "Head-Quarters, Madrid, l^Contimied Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 872. Spanish Campaign. — Continued] or Vittoria," others have no place designated, dated from April 19, 1808, to June 27, 1809. Together, 16 pieces. Interesting Collection of "Orders of the Day" issued at various times during tlie campaign in Spain in 1808-1809, under the command of Joseph Bonaparte, by his officeis. These orders relate mainly to the approvisioning of the military service, for food and clothing supplies, convoy and transport service, containing mention of the death penalty to be meted to all highway-men caught with arms in their posses- sion interfering with the convoys; also. Orders issued by Gen. Belliard to the troops for the observance of the Emperor's birthday on August 15, 1808, with all military pomp and ceremony. The documents are signed by the following French ofificers, viz, — 8 by Gen. Augustin D. Belliard, Governor of Madrid; 2 by Borelli, Adjutant to Chief of Staff; 2 by Matthieu Faver, Quarter-Master; one by Marshal Jourdan, Major-General to Joseph Bonaparte, and one by Marshal Kellerman (the last one undated). 873. Stael-Holstein (Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de — ^cele- brated French authoress, banished from France by Napoleon). A. L. S., 2}4 pp. i2mo, Coppet, November 22, no year (circa 1809). To the Lawyer, Secretary, of the Canton of Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland. With wax seal. Relative to a law-suit. 874. SucHET (Louis Gabriel). Memoires du Marechal Suchet, Due d'Albufera, sur ses Campagnes en Espagne, depuis 1808 jusqu'en 1814: ecrits par Lui-Meme. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half dark green straight-grain morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops. Paris, 1834 Engraved portrait inserted, as also a Letter Signed, by Suchet, one-page folio. Headquarters at Aragon, January 9, 1813. To the Duke de Feltre, Minister of War, Paris. Asking a leave of absence for General Musnier. From the Collection of A. M. Broadley, with his bookplate. 875. Suchet (Louis Gabriel, Duke of Albufera — Marshal of France). L. S., ip. 4to, Headquarters at Chambery, May 22, 1815. To Lieut. -Gen. Pettyod, commanding a Division of the National Guards at Lyons. Requesting him to render a detailed report of his troops to be forwarded to the Minister of War and instructing him to send a number of his Guards to the Dept. of Aine. 876. Swinburne's Copy. Segur (Comte de). Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande Armee, pendant I'Annee 1812. 2 vols. i6mo, half red crushed levant morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, ROGER payne tooling, by stikeman. Brussels, 1837 "From the Library of A. C. Swinburne," gilt-lettered on backs, and so certified to by George S. Hellman. These books from Swinburne's library have all the wider interest in view of the poet's great admiration for Napoleon. 877. Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d'ltalie, depuis I'an IV jusqu'^ la Bataille de Marengo; suivis du Precis des operations de I'Armee d'Orient, des details sur les ceremonies du Sacre, des Bulletins ofhciels de la Grande Armee et de I'Armee d'ltalie dans tout le cours de la derniere guerre d'AlIe- magne, jusqu'^ la paix Presbourg. Illustrated with 2j full-page engraved plates after the original designs by Carle Vernet, the historical painter, and an equestrian portrait of Napoleon, engraved by Simon after Vernet; also a double-page map. Large folio, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt back and top. Paris: Auber. Imprimerie de L. E. Herman, 1806 Large Paper Copy of This Sumptuous Publication. With the Portrait OF Napoleon in Four States, — Unfinished Proof, Proof Before Letters, after Letters, and an Impression of the Last Beautifully Printed in Colors. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 878. Talleyrand- Perigord (Charles Maurice de, Prince of Benevento — celebrated French diplomatist: Grand Chamberlain from 1804 to 1809). L. S., 4pp. Paris, September 23, 1806. To M. Bignon, at Cassel. Long and important letter relative to Napoleon's intended invasion of German territory. The writer acknowledges receipt of letter from Mr. Louis Pierre E. Bignon (emi- nent French statesman and historian) which he had given to the Emperor, and of the latter's surprise at the brief report rendered on the movements of the Prussian troops in Hesse-Cassel and the surrounding territory, and on the Elector's plans. Could he be ignorant of such an important move or are the generals' reports false? A rumor says that the roads of Hesse are filled with soldiers returning from furloughs. Requests that the recipient send a report twice a week, and later, a daily one, as His Majesty wishes to have the minutest details on any movement made by the troops at Gottingen, Osnabruck, and adjacent countries, and the make-up of the troops under the various generals. Everything going on at Magdebourg, Hall and Berlin is to be reported. He suggests that frequent attendance at couit may help him to obtain valuable information as to the regiments under German command, their destinations, force and the like. Then follows many questions on the state of the Prussian army. Informs the recipient that the Emperor is to be at Mayence on the 28th, that he is to report to his Majesty with all the necessary information, and that the true reason for his visit is to be concealed. 879. Tallien (Jeanne Marie Ignace Therese de Cabarrus — noted French beauty, wife of the dreaded representative of the Convention). A. L. S., 2pp. i2mo. Rebuking the recipient for having ignored a personal plea from her for herself and children, but requesting his protection for the bearer of this letter. Citizen Duverryer, who is on his way to Italy; also mentions that Barras and Tallien must have written to him. 880. Talma (Francois Joseph — celebrated French tragedian). A. N. S., ip. i2mo. No place, no date. To Mr. Vigneron. Telling him that tickets for the Opera can be procured only at the box ofhce, and advising him to get them early. 881. Tardieu (Ambroise). La Colonne de la Grande Armee d'Austerlitz, ou de la Victoire, Monument Triomphal eleve a la goire de la Grande Armee par Napoleon, j/ plates representing the general view, the medallions, pedestals, bas-reliefs and the statue of which the monument is composed, engraved by Ambroise Tardieu. Imperial 4to, three-quarter dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back with eagle, gilt top, uncut, with original front wrapper bound in. Paris: Au Depot de I'Atlas Geographique, circa 1833 The title-page calls for 40 plates, the present copy includes only plates i to 37, with an inserted lithograph at end showing the statue of Napoleon which was sub- stituted for the original statue on July 28, 1833. There is no date to the work, but a foot-note on page 2 relates the incidents of the inauguration of the second statue in 1833, so that the volume was published after July of that year. 882. Taylor (I. A.). Queen Hortense and Her Friends. 1783-1831. With 24 fidl-page illustrations and 2 photogravure plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1907 Inserted is a 3-page Signed Autograph Letter by Queen Hortense, in French, Rome, January 9, 1831. To "My dear brother [Prince Eugene de Beauharnais]." Interesting letter in which Hortense mentions that the account of events in Italy (the insurrec- tionary movement going on in Italy at that moment) had been greatly magnified abroad, and that nothing more serious than a momentary panic had really taken place; her son's hasty and sudden departure also urges her brother to attend to the matter of their claims before the French government while the royalist party, under Louis Philippe, seem in the mood to consider the same. From the A. M. Broad ley Collection, with bookplate. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th Thielmann (Johann Adolph, Freiherr Von — German general, served in several campaigns under Napoleon). A. L. S., ip. 4to, Greussenz, October 10, 1807. To His Highness. Sending him a plan of the Battle of Friedland, in which the French defeated the aUied Prussians and Russians in June of the same year, hoping that the same may be a souvenir of the Saxon troops, by whom the name of Marshal Lannes will ever be cherished. Thierry (J. D.). Arc de Triomphe de Tfitoile. Publie avec I'Approbation et sous les Auspices de Mr. le Ministre des Travaux Publics. With 26 engraved plates on India paper. Large folio, half morocco, binding rubbed, gilt edges. Paris, 1845 An important architectural work as to the detail shown in the plans. TouPEY (Alexandre). Le Champ de Bataille de Waterloo. Avant-Propos de Charles Grandmougin, Notice du Lt. -Colonel Rousset. With iq full-page plates and 5 vignettes in the text, all in two states, One Set Proofs before Letters Signed by the Etcher Alexandre Toupey; and two Plans of the Battle of Waterloo in three states, one before letters, one with title and one with descriptive text. 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, with wide scroll border and fillets of gold, enclosing a panel frame with scroll corners, with a group of battle flags and laurel wreath in gold in center of covers; inside border of morocco with heavy gilt design of winged lions supporting a lyre, alternating with a floral scroll design, with a band of gilt fillets, dots, and scallops with gilt fringe at inner edges, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, with original wrappers bound in, by pomey. Paris: George Rapilly, 1915 (191 6) Limited Edition, of which 25 copies were printed on Japan paper, this being No. 7, with signature of A . Toupey. The arms on side of binding are from a design by Raffet. Toussaint L'Ouverture (Colored general, commander-in-chief of the Army of San Domingo). L. S., 2>^pp. 4to, [San Domingo], le 9 floreal, an 6 (April 29, 1798). To Citizen Hedouville, General of Division, Representing the Directory at San Domingo. Informing him he had hoped to go and greet him, but had planned a new attack, stating he had sent a messenger with proposals to Arcahaye, a port, but that he had fallen in the hands of the English, who, in turn, had sent one of their messengers with a letter to him, the same being enclosed with the above, and regarding which he wishes to receive instructions before treating with the English, and asks permission to remain a little longer at the head of his troops. UssHER (Sir Thomas). A Narrative of Events connected with the First Abdication of the Emperor Napoleon. His Embarkation at Elba, on Board the Elbese Brig of War I'lnconstant, and Journal of his Extraordin- ary March ':o Paris, as Narrated by Colonel Laborde, who accompanied the Emperor on that occasion. Svo, cloth. Dublin, 1841 First Edition. Has Errata slip. Vandamne (Dominique Rene, Comte d'Unebourg — French general). L. S., ip. 4to, Glogau, December 3, 1806. To Commissary Emery. Requesting him to make a report of all the stores and supplies in his section. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 889. Van-ess (Willem Lodewyk). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte . . . with a Concise History of the Events, that have occasioned his Unparalleled Elevation, and a Philosophical Review of his Manners and Policy as a Soldier, a Statesman, and a Sovereign. Including Memoirs and Original Anecdotes of the Imperial Family. Illustrated with numerous engraved portraits. 6 vols. l2mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt edges, by riviere. London: W. Day and Co. [1806] The above comprises the first six volumes complete carrying the history down to 1807. 890. ViLLARET DE JoYEUSE (Louis Thomas, Count — ^French vice-admiral; Captain-General of La Martinique). A. L. S., 3^2 pp. small folio, Au Fort de France (Martinique) le 2 Vendemiaire, an 14 (September 23, 1805). To General Ernouf, Captain-General of Guadeloupe. Engraved vignette at heading. Informing Gen. Ernouf that he has appealed several times to the Navy Department to be recalled, that he and his wife are both very ill. Also mentions that funds for meeting expenses in the Colony are very low, that many persons are dying of the yellow fever, and that the general outlook is not at all encouraging. He ends by recommending to his friend the interests of three persons in whom he is much inter- ested. 891. ViscoNTi (Louis T. J.). Tombeau de Napoleon ler erige dans le Dome des Invalides. Numerous colored plates and other illustrations. i2mo, green crushed levant morocco, sides with border of emblematic gilt tools between gilt fillets. Napoleon's arms in gilt in center, backs similarly gilt tooled and lettered, gilt top, uncut, BY TAFFiN. Paris: L. Curmer,i853 Extra-Illustrated by the Insertion of 12 Fine Portraits and Plates Appropriate to the Work. The author of this work was also the architect of the Tomb of Napoleon. Von Keller (Major Baron). A Description of the Costly and Curious Military Carriage of the late Emperor of France Taken on the evening of the Battle of Waterloo . . . With the Circumstances of the Capture Accu- rately Described. With folding plate. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London, 1818 893. Voyage to St. Helena. Contemporary Unpublished Manuscript Account of Conversations with Napoleon on board the Northumberland, while on his way to St. Helena. Written in ink on 20>^ pp., small folio, in the same handwriting, unsigned. The first page of the manuscript is dated "6 Augt. 18 15," and begins with the information given to Napoleon by Sir George Cockburn, of Napoleon's removal on the next morning from the "Bellerophon," to the "Northumberland," on which vessel he was to be taken to St. Helena. 894. Waterloo. Manuscript Account of the Battle of Waterloo, being a contem- porary copy of a letter written by Capt. G. A. Barlow to his Father, "Camp near Paris, July 7th, 1815." Written in ink on 20 4to pages. Bound in 4to volume, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt lettering on back, gilt over rough edges, by c. Walters. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 895. Waterloo. Derniere Campagne de Napoleon Bonaparte. 18 15. Original Manuscript, in French, giving an account of Napoleon's movements from June 11, 1815, when he left the Elysee, to his return there, June 21, after the defeat at Waterloo. Written in ink on 6 folio pages, with a type- written English translation. Printed title-page inserted. Folio, red crushed French levant morocco, gilt lettered, gilt top, by birdsall. Leaves of manuscript soiled and frayed at edges. 18 15 This Manuscript came from the Sir Thomas Phillips' Sale, where it was sold in a lot of loose manuscripts. Sir Thomas Phillips bought it from Toovej' about 30 or 40 years before, i.e., about i860. The narrative, which is certified as true by an Equerry of the Emperor, apparently is the work of some one attached to Napoleon's person during the Waterloo Campaign. Some of the details concerning Napoleon's movements are interesting and it is apparent that the writer, who in one or two places uses the word "we" in describing the Emperor's flight from the field, was actually with him. The spelling and grammar are often incorrect. — Note preceding the English translation. 896. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of — celebrated British general to whom Napoleon surrendered at Waterloo). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to, Paris, September 12, 1815. To His Royal Highness the Duke of York. In English. Relative in part to the Oath of the Bath, on which subject he agrees with his correspondent. He discusses the case of Lord Portarlington, who on the morning on which was fought the Battle of Waterloo, was found missing fiom the command of his regiment. The writer privately advises him to retire from the service, as a court-martial always brings out circumstances which might as well not be published. Accompanying the above is a printed genealogical outline of the family; and also, a typewritten biographical account of Lord Portarlington. 897. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of — celebrated British general to whom Napoleon surrendered). A. L. S., ij^pp. 4to, London, July 13th, 1822. To the Mayor of Reading. Relative to a letter he is enclosing. In English. Together, 2 pieces. Relative to a 4pp. A. L. S. from one John Couch, Lt. R. N., addressed to Wellington laying before the latter a plan for a Pistol Battery. In his letter to the Mayor, Wellington writes in part, — "I enclose a letter from a Gentleman who appears to be quite mad and who states that he resides in the neighbourhood of Reading. . . I take the liberty of . . . suggesting that you acquaint this Gentleman's friends with the state of mind in which he appears to be." 898. [Whateley (Richard).] Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. Ninth Edition. 8vo, citron straight-grain calf, margins tooled in gilt and in blind, gilt inside borders, gilt back and top, original wrappers bound in, BY SANGORSKi & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1849 899. Wheeler (H. F. B.) and Broadley (A. M.). Napoleon and the Invasion of England. The Story of the Great Terror. With numerous illustrations from contemporary prints, caricatures, 8 in color. 2 vols. 8vo, crimson crushed morocco, inside and outside borders, gilt backs, and tops, by BICKERS & SON. London: John Lane, 1908 900. Worsdale (John). The Nativity of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France; calculated according to the Genuine Rules and Precepts of the learned Claudius Ptolemy, from the most correct Astronomical Tables. To which is added. An Examination of a Treatise published on this Geniture. [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th [No. 900. WoRSDALE (John). — Continued] Curious frontispiece portrait of Napoleon in a Zodiac circle, etched by Wilson. 4to, half blue crushed morocco, gilt back with fleurs-de-lis, gilt top, uncut. Stockport: Northall and Dawson [1807] Very Rare with the Portrait, which is slightly stained. 901. Young (Norwood). Napoleon in Exile: Elba from the Entry of the Allies into Paris on the 31st March 1814 to the Return of Napoleon from Elba and his Landing at Golfe Jouan on the ist March 181 5. With a chapter on the Iconography by A. M. Broadley. With 51 illustrations from Mr. Broadley's Collection. Thick 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt panelled back with onlays of blue surmounted by the letter "N" in gold, contents lettered, gilt top, uncut. London: Stanley Paul & Co., [1914] Large Paper Copy of Which Only Three Copies Were Issued. Extra- Illustrated, the original illustrations of the book inlaid to size. The extra-illustrations include, — An interesting 5-Page Autograph Letter Signed of Admiral Richard King, On Board the San Josef, July 21, 1814, to Sir Sidney Smith, relative to the relations between Sir Thomas Ussher and Napoleon; Lithograph portrait, in colors, of Napoleon; Lithograph Portrait of Le CI. Bon. Jerzmanowski; and a Scene at a Fort. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 902. Young (Norwood). Napoleon in Exile: St. Helena (1815-1821). First Edition. With 2 colored frontispieces, and 100 illustrations mainly from the collection of A. M. Broadley. 2 vols. 8vo, red polished calf, back emblemati- cally tooled in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by bickers and son. London, 1915 903. Abbott (John S. C). Napoleon at St. Helena. Collected from the Memorials of Las Casas, O'Meara, Montholon, Antomarchi, and others. Engraved frontispiece and numerous illustrations in the text. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, gilt back with scroll work and floral designs, gilt top. New York, 1855 904. Adieux de N. Bonaparte a la France et a I'Europe, laiss^s en manuscrit a I'ile d'Elbe. 8vo, cloth, gilt lettering on back, original green wrappers bound in. pp.16. Paris, 1848 Privately Printed. On the front wrapper, the title has been added to, by the following in ink, "Et lettre a Beithier pour le retablissement des fiiefs. (Distribution privee.)" From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 905. [Ancemont (Mademoiselle R. de).] The Historical and Unrevealed Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Serving as an Illustration of the Manuscript of St. Helene. From 1781 to 1798. Facsimile MSS. lamo, three-quarters cyan-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back with designs, gilt top, uncut, by zaensdorf. London, 18 19 906. [Ancemont (Mademoiselle R. de')-]. Another copy. Facsimile MSS. lamo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1819 907. Andrews (E. L.). Napoleon and America. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1909 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 908. Argenteau (Comte de Mercy). Memoirs. Translated from the French and Edited, with an Introduction, by George S. Hellman. Colored frontis- piece and other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. New York, 1917 First Edition, limited to 510 sets of which this is, No. 29. 909. Atteridge (A. H.). Napoleon's Brothers. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London [1909] 910. AvRiLLiON (Mademoiselle). Memoires de Mademoiselle Avrillion, Premiere Femme de Chambre de I'Imperatrice, sur la Vie Privee de Josephine, sa famille et sa cour. Portrait of Josephine and facsimile letter, with signature of Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by root and son. Paris, 1833 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 911. Baring-Gould (S.). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With reproductions of many rare portraits of Napoleon, views of battles, facsimiles of autographs, etc. Imperial 8vo, cloth, with "N" surmounted by a crown, in gilt, on front cover, covers slightly cockeled. London, 1897 A most exhaustive study of Napoleon's inner life, and the development of his mind and character, the value of which is greatly enhanced by the hundreds of contemporary illustrations. 912. Becke (A. F.). Napoleon and Waterloo. Portraits afid maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 19 14 913. Bingham (D. A.). The Marriages of the Bonapartes. 2 vols, small 8vo, half blue morocco, backs tooled emblematically in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1881 Presentation Copy, with two-line autograph inscription by the author. 914. Bonaparte (Joseph Napoleon). Biographical Sketch of J. N. Bonaparte, Comte de Survilliers. 8vo, half green straight-green morocco, with entwin- ing wreaths and rosettes in gold, gilt top, uncut. London: James Ridgway, 1833 With autograph inscription pasted on fly-leaf, in French, the following being the translation, — J. R. Poinsett Esqr. In care of Mr. Charles Ingersoll of Philadelphia. 915. Bonaparte Family. Biographies of the Bonapartes. Also, the times^ of death, and the burial places of the Bonapartes, with a list of the_ surviving members of the Family. Portraits. 8vo, half blue polished calf, gilt decora- tive back, BY RIVIERE & SON. London: S. O. Beetson, no date 916. Broadley (A. M.). Chats on Autographs. Facsimiles. i2mo, cloth. New York [1910] 917. Broadley (A. M.). Napoleon's St. Helena Portraits 1815-1821. Illustra- tions. [The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 6. April, 1912.] 8vo, cloth. [London, 1912] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 918. Broadley (A. M.). The Knowledge of the Dead Napoleon; The Knowledge of the Living Napoleon during the last Phase 1815-1821. [From the magazine entitled "Knowledge," for March and April 1912.] Royal 8vo, cloth. [London, 1912] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 919. Brooke (T. H.). History of the Island of St. Helena, from its Discovery by the Portuguese to the Year 1823. Second Edition. 2 plates. 8vo, half crimson morocco, back emblematically tooled, gilt top. London, 1824 920. Browning (Oscar). Napoleon. The First Phase, Some Chapters on the Boyhood and Youth of Bonaparte, 1769-1793. Portraits and maps. 8vo, calf, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, uncut, by root and son. London: John Lane, 1905 921. Cabanes (Docteur). Les Indiscretions de I'Histoire. Illustrated. i2mo, wrappers. Paris, no date 922. Cahuet (Alberic). Apres la Mort de I'Empereur. i2mo, paper. Paris, 1 9 13 923. Cambridge Modern History. Volume IX. Napoleon. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, front uncut. Cambridge, 1906 Autograph Presentation Inscription by, — J. Holland Rose, who contributed the chapter "The Napoleonic Empire at its Heights," in this volume, which forms part of the "Cambridge Modern History" series, but is complete in itself, containing chapters by various writers on the life of Napoleon. 924. Chaboulon (Fleury de). Memoires de Fleury de Chaboulon, Ex-Secretaire de I'Empereur Napoleon et de son Cabinet, pour servir a I'Histoire de la Vie privee, du Retour et du Regne de Napoleon en 1815, avec Annotations Manuscrites de Napoleon ler. Publics par Lucien Cornet. 2 vols, half green morocco, symbolically gilt tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1901 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. Rare Issue, interleaved with light green leaves containing printed comments. 925. Chaplin (Arnold). The Illness and Death of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustra- tions. i2mo, cloth. London, 191 3 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 926. Chaplin (Arnold). Thomas Shortt (Principal Medical Officer in St. Helena). Portraits. i2mo. London [1914] 927. Chateaubriand (F. A. De). De Buonaparte, des Bourbons, et de la Neces- site de se Rallier a nos Princes Legitimes, pour le Bonheur de la France et Celui de I'Europe. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1 8 14 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 928. Cheramy (Paul— Editor). A Favourite of Napoleon. Memoirs of Made- moiselle George. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1909 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 929. Chuquet (Arthur). La Jeunesse de Napoleon. Brienne. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1897 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 930. Chuquet (Arthur). La Jeunesse de Napoleon. La Revolution. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1898 931. Chuquet (Arthur). La Jeunesse de Napoleon. Toulon. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1899 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 932. CiSTERNES (M. Raoul DE — -Editor). Journal de Marche du Grenadier Pils (1804-1814). Illustrations, a few colored. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1895 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 933. Clarke (Hewson). The History of the War, from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Present Time. Portraits and plates. 3 vols. 4to, mottled calf, gilt backs. London, 1816 934. CocKBURN (Sir G.). Extract from a Diary. i2mo, half morocco. London, 1888 935. Coronation Ceremony of Buonaparte (The), to which is added an Account of the Pope's Journey to Paris, as they appeared exclusively in the British Press Newspaper on Tuesday December 11, 1804. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, by morrell. London [1804] Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of two portraits. 936. Daniell (W. v.). Collectanea Napoleonica, Relating to Napoleon L and his Times, 1 769-1 82 1. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London [1905] 937. De Beauterne (Le Chevalier). Sentiment de Napoleon sur le Christian- isme. 8vo, cloth, leather back. Poissy, 1845 938. Didier (E. L.). Life and Letters of Madame Bonaparte. i2mo, half calf. London, 1879 939. Dumas (Alexandre). Napoleon a ITle d'Elbe. Edited by C. Saunois. i6mo, cloth. London, 191 1 940. Education of the King of Rome. A System of Education for the Infant King of Rome, and other French Princes of the Blood, Drawn up by the Imperial Council of State, with the Approbation, and under the Personal Superintendance, of the Emperor Napoleon. Portrait of ^Napoleon II., King of Rome. 8vo, half crimson morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1820 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 941. Emmet (Major General A.) and Alexander (Captain C.)- New Records of Napoleon by British Officials at St. Helena. [Extracts from Century Magazine for January 1912]; Broadley (A. M.). Napoleon's St. Helena Portraits. [Extract from Century Magazine for April 1912]; The Return From St. Helena. Pictures from Lithographs. [Excerpt from Century Magazine for January 1912.] Together, 3 pieces, in one vol., 8vo, cloth. [London, 1912] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 942. Enghien (Louis A. H. De Bourbon, Due de). Eloge Funebre de S. A. S. Mgr. le Due d'Enghien. i2mo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut, margin of last leaf repaired. Londres, 1804 Inserted in the above pages is a pamphlet, pp.8, entitled "Ode sur la Delivrance de L'Espagne." 943. Enghien (Due De). Histoire de la Naissance, de la vie Privee et Militaire, et de la Fin Tragique du Due d'Enghien, Ecrite en Allemagne en 1805, par M. S. C. L. Wop . . . Portrait after the painting by Vallain. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1 8 14 944. Enghien (Due de). Memoires Historiques sur la Catastrophe du Due d'Enghien. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1824 945. Fauche-Borel (M. Louis). Precis Historique des Differentes Missions dans lesquelles M. Louis Fauche-Borel a ete employe pour la Cause de la Monarchic, suivi de Pieces Justificatives. With frontispiece inserted. i2mo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1815 Presentaiion Copy, with Autograph Presentation Inscription by the Author, to the Duke of Wellington. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 946. FLEiseHMANN (H.). An Unknown Son of Napoleon. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 1914 947. FoucHE (Joseph, Duke of Otranto). Memoires de Joseph Fouche, Due d'Otrante, Ministre de la Police Generale. Second Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half green calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1824 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 948. Fremeaux (Paul). With Napoleon at St. Helena. Being the Memoirs Dr. John Stokoe, Naval Surgeon. Translated by Edith S. Stokoe. Portrait. l2mo, cloth. London, 1902 949. Fremeaux (Paul). Dans la Chambre de Napoleon mourant, Journal in edit de Hudson Lowe. i2mo, cloth. Paris, 1910 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 950. Fremaux (P.). Napoleon Prisonnier. i2mo, boards. Paris, no date 951. Fremeaux (Paul). Sainte Helene. Les Derniers Jours de I'Empereur. lamo, cloth. Paris, no date From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 952. GiNiSTY (P.). Memoires d'Anonymes et d'Inconnus (1814-1850). i2mo, wrappers. Paris [1907] 953. GiRAUD (P.-F. F.-J.). Campagne de Paris, en 1814, precedee d'un Coup- d'Oeil sur celle de 1813. Troisieme Edition, Revue, corrigee et augmentee du Traite particulier, qui rend Napoleon possesseur de I'lle d'Elbe. With large folding map inserted. 8vo, half dark green straight-grain morocco, gilt lettering up back, gilt top. Paris, 1814 During this campaign, when the French soldiers entered Germany, the people arose against their oppressors, in unconquerable numbers, and finally brought about Napoleon's defeat, when the allies entered Paris, March 31, 1814, after which followed Napoleon's abdication. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with his bookplate. 954. Goodrich (Frank B.). The Court of Napoleon or Society under the First Empire. With Portraits of its Beauties, Wits and Heroines from authentic originals. Portraits in colors by Jules Champagne. Royal 8vo, morocco, sides stamped, gilt edges, edges of binding rubbed. New York, 1857 955. GwiLLiAM (John). The Imperial Captive, or, The Unexampled Career of the Ex-Emperor, Napoleon, from the Period of his Quitting Elba to that of his Surrender to the English Nation, Circumstantially Developed. 2 vols. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London, 18 17 956. GwiLLiAM (John). The Exile of Elba, a Poem on The Downfall of Buonaparte and his Dynasty, with The Deliverance, an Ode, Pourtraying the Principal Events of the Year 18 14. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut. London, no date From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 957. Hill (G. B.). Talks about Autographs. Facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1896 958. Hopkins (Tighe). The Women Napoleon Loved. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 19 10 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 959. Humphreys' Publication. Napoleon, Extracts from the 'Times' and 'Morn- ing Chronicle,' 1851-1821, relating to Napoleon's Life at St. Helena. Small 4to, half crimson crushed levant morocco, back emblematically tooled in gilt, gilt top, uncut, by zaensdorf. London: Privately printed by A. L. Humphreys, 1901 The A. M. Broadley copy, with bookplate. Fourth Session, Thursd ay Evening, May 5th 960. Itineraire de Buonaparte, depuis son Depart de Doulevent, le 29 Mars, jusqu'a son Embarquement a Frejus, dans la nuit de 28 au 29 Avril. Avec quelques details sur ses derniers Momens a Fontainebleau, et sur sa nouvelle Existence a Porto-Ferrajo. Pour servir de suite a la Regence a Blois. Third Edition. 8vo, boards, leather back. Paris, 1815 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 961. Journal of a Soldier of the Seventy-First Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, from 1806 to 1815, including Particulars of the Battles of Vimeira, Corunna, Vittoria, the Pyrennes, Toulouse, and Waterloo. Third Edition. To Which are now added Selections from the Letters of Corporal Mueller. i2mo, half green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut, name on title. Edinburgh, 1822 962. Knowles (Sir Lees — Editor). Letters of Captain Engelbert Lutyens. Illustrations, some colored. 8vo, cloth. London, 1915 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 963. Laumann (E. M.). Le Retour des Cendres. With over 80 illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth, leather label, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1904 Inserted is a 4-page leaflet, being Songs of the First Empire. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 964. Lav ALETTE (Emilie De). Madame de Lavalette, Episode de 18 15. Par Mercier. i2mo, half blue straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1843 965. Lecomte (L. Henry). Napoleon et I'Empire. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1900 966. Lenient (E.). Etudes Historiques et Strategiques. La Solution des finigmes de Waterloo. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, gilt back with scroll work and floral designs, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 19 1 5 967. Lhomme (F.). Les Artistes Celebres. Charlet. With 72 reproductions of Charlet's works. Small 4to, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back with fillet border, dots, acorns and pansies, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, no date 968. LocKWOOD (Joseph). A Guide to St. Helena, Descriptive and Historical, with a Visit to Longwood, and Napoleon's Tomb. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco, with entwining wreaths and rosettes in gold, gilt top, uncut. St. Helena, 185 1 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 969. [Lyte (H. F.).] Napoleon's Grave. Addressed to the French Nation, on their Proposing to Remove Napoleon's Remains from St. Helena to France. By H. F. L. Small 4to, boards with cloth back, original wrappers bound in. [Brixham] 1840 With the author's autograph signature at end of poem. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 970. Maggiolo (A., Vicomte). Corse, France & Russie. Pozzo di Borgo, 1764- 1842. l2mo, cloth. Paris, 1890 971. Malo (Charles). Napoleoniana, ou Recueil d'Anecdotes, Saillies, Bons Mots, Reparties, etc. etc. pour servir a I'Histoire de la Vie de Buonaparte. Portrait. i6mo, green morocco, gilt border on sides, gilt back, with the letter N surmounted with a crown, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, back faded, corners of half-title thumbed. Paris, 18 14 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 972. Marcaggi (J. B.). La Genese de Napoleon, sa Formation Intellectuelle et Morale jusqu'au Siege de Toulon. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1902 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 973. [Mazas (Alexandre).] Les Trente Premieres Annees de la Vie d'Henri V le Bien-Aime, Roi de France et de Navarre, Ci-Devant Due de Bordeaux Recit Fait en 1857, par un Octogenaire ne en 1776. Portrait. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut, last leaf remar- gined. Paris, 1820 With bookplate pasted on half-title reading, — Bibliotheque de Dinteville. 974. Montagu (V. M.). Eugene de Beauharnais. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 1913 975. Napoleon Museum. Catalogue of the . . . Collection so well known as The Napoleon Museum . . . Sold by auction by Christie & Manson, July 23, 1845. 8vo. London, 1845 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 976. Napoleonic Tracts. A Collection of 18 Tracts relating mainly to Napoleon containing criticisms by friends and opponents, including articles by M. Laine, J. B. Levee, F. Cheron, Girard de Propiac, Jerome Lefranc, and others, some anonymous; Also, Essays on the Archduchess of Austria, Louis XVIII, etc. Together, 18 tracts, bound in one volume, 8vo, half roan, uncut, some leaves slightly foxed. Paris, 1813-1814 From the Collection of A. M. Broadley, with his bookplate. 977. Ney (Michel, Marshal). Le Marechal Ney devant les Marechaux de France. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, boards with cloth backs. Paris, 181 5 978. Ney (Michel, Marshal). Proces du Marechal Ney, ou Recueil Complet des Interrogatoires, Declarations, Depositions, Proces-Verbaux, Plaidoyers, et autres pieces rapportees textuellement. Portrait. 181 5; Vie Du Mare- chal Ney, Comprenant le Recit de Toutes ses Campagnes en Autriche, en Prusse, en Espagne, etc., Sa Vie Privee, I'Histoire de son Proces et un Grand Nombre d'Anecdotes Inedites. Portrait and leaf of facsimile MSS. 1816. Together, 2 vols. i2nio, red straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1815-1816 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate, Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 979. Ney (Michel, Marshal). Memoires du Marechal Ney, Due d'Elchingen, Prince de la Moskowa. Folding map and plan. 2 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by taffin. Paris, 1833 980. O'Meara (Barry E.). Napoleon at St. Helena. Portraits, colored plates, and other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 981. O'Meara (Dr. B. E.). Talks with Napoleon. His Life and Conversation at St. Helena. [Excerpts from the Century Magazine for February, March and April, 1900.] 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, lettered up back, gilt top. [London, 1900] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 982. Panorama. Description of the Peristrephic Panorama . . . Illustration of all the most Interesting Events that have Occurred to Bonaparte, from the Evening of the i8th of June, 1815, to his Funeral Procession in St. Helena. i2mo, cloth. Dublin, no date From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 983. Patriotic Journalism. 1905-1906. Trafalgar Centenary Number of the United Service Gazette. With 48 pages of illustrations. 1905; Living Link with the Great Napoleon. [Excerpt from The Sketch, May 31, 1905]; L'Armee Frangaise. Ancienne, Moderne et Future. Illustrations, many in colors, by Cliarly. Paris, no date; Ueberall lUustroerte Zeitschrift fiir Armee und Marine. Illustrated. Berlin, 1907. Together, 4 pieces, bound in one volume, folio, cloth, lettered up back. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 984. Pearce (Paulin Huggett). Napoleon Bonaparte's Last Campaign . . . and the Tremendous Battle of Waterloo. Concluding with a New Song, "Rule Britannia." Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, gilt lettering on back, uncut, slightly foxed, original wrappers bound in. London, 1845 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 985. [Phillips (R.).] A Description of the Island of St. Helena. 2 folding plates. i6mo, half red crushed levant morocco, emblems in gilt on back, gilt top, BY ramage. London, 1805 986. PiCARD (Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest). Preceptes et Jugements de Na- poleon Recueillis et Classes. Thick 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt back with scroll work and floral designs, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 19 13 987. PiLLANS (T. D.). The Real Martyr of St. Helena. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1913 988. Poetical Fancies. Reflections of Buonaparte. By the author of the Orig- inal and Whimsical Poetical Fancies. l2mo. Canterbury, 1846; Original and Whimsical Poetical Fancies. i2mo. Canterbury, 1846. Portrait inserted. Together, 2 vols, in one, i2mo, half brown morocco. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 989. Rose (John H.)- The Life of Napoleon I. Including New Materials from the British Official Records. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, three- quarters crimson crushed levant morroco, backs gilt panelled, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1902 First and Best Edition. 990. Rose (J. H.). Napoleonic Studies. Small Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1904 Signed autograph inscription by the author. 991. Rose (J. H.). Development of the European Nations, 1870-1900. Maps. Svo. London, 1905 Inserted, — A. L. S., by the author, 2KpP- i6mo, Dec. 28, '08, Ethandune, Park- side Gardens, Wimbleton, S. W. To [A. M.] Broadley, relative to books. 992. Rose (John H.). The Life of Napoleon L Including New Materials from the British Official Records. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1907 The A. M. Broadley copy. Signed Autograph Letter by the author, 2pp. i6mo, Jan. 15, 1908. To [A. M.] Broadley. 993. Rose (John H.). The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era 1789-18 15. Sixth Edition, Revised. i2mo, cloth. Cambridge, 1907 Presentation Copy from the author to A. M. Broadley, with signed autograph presentation inscription by the author. 994. Rose (John H.). The Personality of Napoleon. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1912 Presentation Copy from the Author to A. M. Broadley, with signed autograph presentation inscription by the author. 995. Rose (J. H.). The Personality of Napoleon. The Lowell Lectures for 1912. Svo, cloth. New York, 1912 996. RoussELiN (Alexandre). Vie de Lazare Hoche. Engraved portrait, folding maps and plans. i2mo, half red straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, An VIII. 1800 Fine, Large, Uncut Copy. 997. Sainsbury (John). Sketch of the Napoleon Museum. Frofitispiece. Svo, cloth, original wrappers bound in. London, 1842 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 998. St. Helena. Letters from the Island of St. Helena, exposing the Unneces- sary Severity exercised towards Napoleon: with an Appendix of Impor- tant Official Documents. Second Edition. Diagram. Svo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, by riviere. London, 18 19 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 999. Saint Helena Almanac and Annual Register for the Year of our Lord 1850 . . . Together with a Variety of General and Local Miscellaneous Information. 8vo, half blue straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt back, gilt top, uncut. St. Helena [1849] From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 1000. Saint-Hilaire (Emile Marco de). Histoire des Conspirations et Attentats contre le Gouvernement et la Personne de Napoleon. Illustrations. 8vo, marbled boards, cloth back. Paris, undated 100 1. Scott (Dr.) and Davey (Samuel). A Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, Literary Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, etc. With an Index of Valuable Books of Reference . . . New Edition. Facsimiles and portrait. 4to, cloth, morocco back, uncut. London, 189 1 1002. Sergeant (P. W.). The Burlesque Napoleon. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1905 1003. Shorter (Clement — Editor). Napoleon and his Fellow Travellers. Plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1908 1004. Silverstore (J.). De Waterloo a Sainte-Helene. (20 Juin — 16 Octobre 1815.) l2mo, wrappers. Paris, 1904 1005. SoREL (Albert). Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797. 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1896 From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 1006. [Thackeray (W. M.).] The Second Funeral of Napoleon, in Three Letters to Miss Smith, of London, and the Chronicle of the Drum. Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Illustrations. l6mo, half green straight-grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut, wrappers bound in. London, 1841 Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 1007. Thoumas (General). Le Marechal Lannes. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, binding rubbed. Paris, 1 891 1008. TsCHUDi (Clara). Napoleon's Mother. Authorised Translation from the Norwegian by E. M. Cope. Colored portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 1009. TscHUDi (Clara). Maria Sophia, Queen of Naples. Translated from the Norwegian by Ethel Harriet Hearn. Colored portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1905 loio. TscHUDi (Clara). Napoleon's Son. Authorized Translation from the Norwegian by E. M. Cope. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1913 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5 th loii. TuRQUAN (Joseph). The Sisters of Napoleon, Elisa, Pauline, and Caroline Bonaparte, after the Testimony of their Contemporaries. Translated and Edited by W. R. H. Trowbridge. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. London, 1908 With stamp "Presentation Copy" embossed on title. From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 1012. TuRQUAN (J.). Love Affairs of Napoleon. Translated by J. L. May. Por- traits. Svo, cloth. London, 1909 1013. Vernon (B. J.). Early Recollections of Jamaica, with the Particulars of an Eventful Passage Home via New York and Halifax, at the Commence- ment of the American War in 1812, to which are Added, Trifles from St. Helena Relating to Napoleon and his Suite. i2mo, half blue straight- grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1848 1014. [Vivian (L H.).] Minutes of a Conversation with Napoleon Bonaparte, during his Residence at Elba, in January, 1815. Svo, half red morocco, gilt lettering up back, original wrappers bound in. London, 1839 Presentation Copy, with author's autograph insciiption on fly-leaf, — "with Mr. I. H. Vivian's conip." One of a few copies printed for private distribution only. The A. M. Broadley copy, with bookplate. 1015. [Vivian (L H.).] Minutes of a Conversation with Napoleon Bonaparte, during his Residence at Elba, in January 1815. i2mo, half green straight- grain morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, uncut, stain on title. London: Ridgway, 1839 Presentation Copy from the Author, with signed autograph inscription. 1016. Vivian (Major L H.). An Literview with Napoleon in Elba. [Magazine Excerpt.] 8vo, cloth. No place, no date From the A. M. Broadley Collection, with bookplate. 1017. Warden (William). Letters written on Board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and Saint Helene; in which the Conduct and Conver- sations of Napoleon Buonaparte, and his Suite, during the Voyage, and the first months of his Residence in that Island, are faithfully Described and Related. Fourth Edition. Portrait, plate and facsimile. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt back and top. London, 18 16 1018. Watson (Sir Robert). Narrative of Events During the Invasion of Russia by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Retreat of the French Army, 18 12 8vo, cloth. London, i860 1019. Watson (G. L. De St. M.). The Story of Napoleon's Death-Mask. Illus- trated. Svo, cloth. London, 19 15 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 1020. Williams (H. Noel). The Woman Bonapartes. The Mother and three Sisters of Napoleon I. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London [1908] With stamp, in ink, on title reading, — "Presentation Copy." From the A. M. Bioadley Collection, with bookplate. 1021. Wraxall (L.) and Wehrhan (R.). Memoirs of Queen Hortense, Mother of Napoleon III. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, half blue straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1862 From the A. M. Broadley collection, with bookplate. 1022. Young (Norwood). Napoleon in Exile: Elba. With a Chapter on the Iconography by A. M. Broadley. With 57 illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia [1914] 1023. ZoFF (Otto — Editor). 1809 Dokumente aus Osterreichs Krieg gegen Napoleon. i2mo, boards. Leipzig, no date TRACTS RELATING TO NAPOLEON All uniformly bounded in boards, with cloth or leather backs. 1024. Anecdotes Curieuses sur Buonaparte, suivies de la Description Historique de rile d'Elbe, et de Rapproachemens Curieux. 8vo. Paris, 1814 1025. Arnould (Napoleon). La Paque Napoleonienne. 8vo. Paris, 1840 1026. Articles Supprimes par la censure de Bonaparte dans le livre des Souvenirs et portraits, [pp. 265-330, complete in itself.] i2mo. 1027. [Bacon (P. J. J.).] Mon Opinion sur le Traite de Paix et sur le General Buonaparte. 8vo. [Paris, 1898] 1028. Berenger (M.). Episode du Retour de L'lle D'Elbe. Recit de la Visite Faite par la Cour de Grenoble a Napoleon ler, le 8 mars 1815. Extrait du Bulletin de I'Academie Delphinale, Seance du 15 decembre 1865. 8vo. Grenoble, 1866 1029. Bonaparte (Lucien). Corps Legislatif. Conseil des Cinq-Cents. Opinion de Lucien Bonaparte, sur la situation de la Republique. Seance du 19 brumaire an 8. St. Cloud [1800]; (Also) Discours du Citoyen Carnot. Paris, no date. Together, 2 pamphlets, bound in one. 8vo. 1030. Corps Legislatif. Conseil des Anciens. Addition au Proces-verbal de la Seance du 19 Brumaire, an 8. 8vo. [Saint Cloud] no date. 103 1. D'Arnaud (M.). Du Droit du Joyeaux Avenement a la Couronne, et de quelle Maniere il Pourrait etre aboli a perpetuite. 8vo. Orleans, 1814 Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 1032. Egyptian Campaign. Au Quartier-General d'Alexandrie, le 18 Messidor, an 6 de la Rep. (July 6, 1798). Bonaparte, membre de I'lnstitut national, General; au Directoire Executif. 8vo, 3pp. [Kairo, 1798] Printed text of an official report made by Napoleon when he landed his troops in Africa, narrating the advance of the Army from Malta to Alexandria, and the capture of the city. The original report was signed by both Napoleon and Berthier, Chief -of-Staff of the Army of Bonaparte. 1033. Egyptian Campaign. Republique Frangaise. Au Quartier-General du Kaire, le premier messidor an 7 (June 19, 1799). Bonaparte, General en Chef, au Directoire Executif. 8vo, pp.8. [Kairo, 1799] Printed text of an official report made by Bonaparte and sent to the Executive Directory in Paris, relative to the military events which took place in lower Egypt during his invasion of Syria. The original report was signed by both Napoleon and Berthier, Chief -of-Staff of the Army of Bonaparte. 1034. Egyptian Expedition. Republique Fran^aise, Au quartier-general d'Alex- andrie, le 9 thermidor an 7 de la Republique Frangaise (July 28, 1799). Bonaparte, General en Chef, au Directoire Executif. 8vo, 4pp. [Kairo, 1799] Printed text of official report sent by Napoleon to the Executive Directory of the Battle of Abou-Qyr. The original report was signed by both Napoleon and Ber- thier, Chief -of-Staff of the Army of Bonaparte. 1035. ExTRAlT DU MoNiTEUR du 26 Novembre 1815. Traite entre la France et les Puissances Alliees, Conclu a Paris, le 20 novembre 18 15. ler., He., I He., et IVe. Vignette. 4to, 8pp. [Paris, 1815] By the Treaty concluded between France and the Allies, signed November 20, 1815, the boundaries of France were to be restored, with a few exceptions, to those of 1790, indemnities to be paid to the Allies, and the boundaries of France to be guarded by foreign troops. 1036. Knab (F. — Editor). Napoleon aux Invalides. Dedie a tous les Frangais. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, no date 1037. Lallemant (M. — Editor). Extrait des Previsions, Predictions et Propheties de Napoleon a I'lle Sainte-Helene. Publie par M. Hibermann, Libraire a Philadelphie, qui a achete le manuscript du matelot William Kilian. i2mo. a Nantes, no date 1038. Lebrum (Pierre). Poeme Lyrique sur la Mort de Napoleon. 8vo. Paris, 1822 1039. Letellier (E.). Encore une Singuliere Decouverte. D'ou vient le nom de Napoleon et celui de Bonaparte. i2mo. Paris, 1894 1040. Napoleon's Return From Elba. Pieces Officielles a la suite du chapitre premier. Relation ofhcielle de la marche de Napoleon, de I'ile d'Elbe a Paris, publiee dans le Moniteur le 23 Mars. [1815.] (No. 82). Small 8vo, 22pp. [Paris, 1815] Official report of the departure of Napoleon from Elba and of his return to France, including the proclamation of Napoleon to the French nation, his procla- mation to the Army, Address of the Officers of the Imperial Guard to the Army, and extracts taken from the Minutes of the Council of State which met to receive Napoleon, and appeared in "Le Moniteur," for March 23, 1815. Fourth Session, Thursday Evening, May 5th 1041. Napoleon's Return From Elba. Extrait du Moniteur, [Paris] du 23 mars, 1815. 4to, 4pp. [Paris] 1815 A review of Napoleon's trip from Elba to France, and the enthusiastic reception tendered him on the preceding day as he reviewed the troops in Paris. 1042. Observations Generales sur le Gouvernement Actuel, et sur la proclama- tion de Napoleon au peuple frangais, du ler mars 1815. De la Convocation des Colleges Electoraux en Champ de Mai. Extrait du Censeur, public en vertu de la liberte de la presse, et saisi le 20 avril 1815. Svo. 1043. Progetto di Cerimonl\le per I'lncoronazione di sua Maesta I'lmperatore Napoleone Re d'ltalia. 12pp.; With Supplement. 3pp. 2 vols, royal 4to. No place, no date An account of the ceremonies attending the coronation of Napoleon as King of Italy, at Milan, May 26, 1805. 1044. QuELQUES Notices sur les Premieres Annes de Buonaparte. Recueillies et publiees en anglais par un de ses Condisciples. Mises en Frangais par le C. B. Svo. Paris [1798] 1045. Vanel (Eug.). L'Ombre de Napoleon ou I'Arivee des ses Cendres, Chant National, sur I'Air de La Marseillaise. 8vo. Paris, 1840 1046. VoiTELAiN (Louis). Le Convoi de Napoleon, stances Dediees au Patriotes. Svo. Paris, 1840 1047. Waldbourg-Truchsess (Comte De). Nouvelle Relation de I'ltineraire de Napoleon, de Fontainebleau a I'lsle d'Elbe. Svo. Paris, 1815 1048. Waldbourg-Truchsess ( Comte de). Nouvelle Relation de I'ltineraire de Napoleon, de Fontainebleau a I'lsle d'Elbe. Svo. Paris, 1815 1049. Catalogues of Auction Sales of Napoleon Material. Parker Collec- tion, Library and Autographs; Latta, 4 parts; and others. Together, 25 pieces. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES The American Art Association IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY THE SroNEY G. REILLY COLLECTION LITERARY, ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL PROPERTIES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH y'y NEW YORK CITY Y^ I Q 2 I K r.i '* '