•-' IVifte A ^ .•* Glass Book PRESENTED BY A DESCRIPTIVE HISTORIGAL,CHEMICAL AND THERAPEUTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE AVON SULPHUR SPRINGS, LIVINGSTON COUNTY, N. Y. fFith directions for their use. BY SAMUEL SALISBURY, Jr. M. D. ROCHESTER: D. M. DEWEY, No. 2 ARCADE HALL. 1845. ^ 1 RAwt- f.VT Putnun. i £ £ CONTENTS, INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. The Locality of Watering Places a matter of great importance : — Beautiful Scenery, Air, and Light — their effects upon the hu- man system. Some of the causes of the recent neglect of Mineral Waters, deduced from history:— A renewed interest beginning to be manifested in regard to them •••••»*» 9 CHAPTER I. Description of Avon, and of the Mineral Springs. Considered as a remedial agent by the Indians. Hotels — Historical Account of the several Springs. Geology of the region in which they are situate. Falls at Portage — Letter from Daniel Wadsworthj Esq., of Connecticut, in respect to them. Long Point, at Lake Conesus. Trout- fishing at Caledonia #....... .....•,., 18 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. funeral Remarks on the Chemical Constitu- tion of Sulphurous Waters. Classification applied to those of the U. States. Lower Spring — an Analysis of it. Upper, New Bath, and Iodine Springs ; with Analyses. Letter from James R. Chilton, M.D., of New York city ...... « . • « 31 CHAPTER III. Inattention to the Medicinal Effects of Mineral Waters — a knowledge of their ingredients serves as a guide to the proper use of them. Mineral Ingredients of the Avon Waters : — SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN— Liebig and Armstrong's views of the opera- tion of this gas — Carbonate of Lime — Chlo- ride of Calcium — Sulphates of Magnesia and Soda-— Armstrong's views — Medicinal effects : — Cathartic — Diaphoretic — Diuretic Expectorant — Tonic * 49 CHAPTER IV. Medicinal applicability of the Waters to partic- ular Diseases : — Rheumatism — Diseases of CONTENTS, 7 the Skin. Cases of J. A. and R. A. A Phy- sician from Ontario County cured of Lep- rosy, Urinary Diseases — Diseases of the Digestive Organs — -Dr. Francis' vie^s^ ? Scrofula — Diseases of the Chest, Case' of Asthma. Female Diseases . . . . . 71 CHAPTER V. Method of using the Waters. Several Springs differing in their properties. Quantity, time, and manner of using them. Opinions of Dr. Francis. External use. *•• 87 • INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER, The following pages require only a brief introduction. The increasing celebrity of the waters of Avon, and the great number of invalids who annually resort to them, imperiously called for a treatise elucidating their sanative properties, and incidentally descriptive of the beautiful region in which they are situate. Many valuable springs, powerfully impregnated with remedial ingre- dients, and affording a very large supply of water, gush forth from the interior of the earth within a short distance of each other ; the curative qualities of which have been abundantly tested by the cure of many hundreds of afflicted patients. Others, ow- ing to their unfortunate geographical position, have been visited by the curious alone. Locality is an important feature in a wa- tering place. Experience has proved that cleanliness and pleasant associations are 2 10 SCENERY AND TORE AIR. important auxiliaries in promoting the con- valescence of patients, and that, apart from the healing virtues of mineral waters, a sa- lubrious atmosphere and charming scenery, are potential aids in restoring the valetudi- narian to health and strength. Agents de- rived from the mineral and vegetable king- doms lose their effect and are often vainly used in combating disease while the brain is excited by the din of a populous city — by the agitation and cares consequent upon an extended mercantile business — by the men- tal toil and responsibility ot professional practice, or by the artificial stimuli afforded by a life of luxurious indulgence or fashion- able dissipation. " The sultry heat of summer,'' says the admired author of Outre Mer, " always brings to the idler and the man of leisure, a longing for the leafy shade and green luxu- riance of the country. It is pleasant to in- terchange the din of the city, the movement of the crowd, and the gossip of society, for the silence of the hamlet, the quiet seclusion of the grove, and the gossip of a woodland brook. ?> Sylvan sights and rural sounds, a pure and elastic atmosphere, greensward beneath the feet, with birds and brooks and rustling leaves for music, contribute in a wonderful degree to calm a brain that has been overtasked, to strengthen a frame sha- SCENERY, AIR AND LIGHT. 11 ken by lingering illness, and tune a heart to regular pulsations that has been unstrung by sorrow or disease. The enfeebled suffer- ers from the nervous derangement and con- tinual lassitude produced by care, risk, responsibility and over excitement of the functions of the brain, in the confined air of a counting-room or office, whose only prom- enades are streets, the atmosphere of which is heated by a scorching sun, and too often infected by a thousand sources of impurity, and darkened by high walls of brick and mortar; can realize the elastic vigor and tone imparted to the animal system, and the su- perlative, mental and physical enjoyment afforded by ari escape from such imprison- ment to the pure air and genial sunshine of the country. While yet you breathe, away ; the rural wilds Invite ; the mountains call you, and the vales ; The woods, the streams, and each ambrosial breeze That fans the ever undulating sky ; A kindly sky ! whose fostering power regales Man, beast, and all the vegetable reign. Exclude fresh air and light from the plant and it becomes blanched and sickly, the col- oring material no longer circulating through its minute and delicate vessels. So it is with the inhabitants of cities ; they undergo a process very similar to the etiolation of the plant, the blood which is borne by appropri- ate vessels to every part of their bodies be« 12 EFFECTS OF LIGHT. ing deficient in the material from which it derives its bright red color. Expose blood to the direct rays of the sun, and the red globules, as they are called, which form a constituent part of it, are seen by the aid of a microscope to be in rapid motion. Some physiologists believe that the blood itself, which courses with such velocity through those tiny hair-like tubes which penetrate every region of the human body, is endued with a vital power of motion or self-propul- sion. It may yet be established that the circulation of the fluids by which our bodies are sustained and nourished is mainly depen- dant upon this effect of .light in exciting them to motion. Certain it is that light is a life-giving and a life-preserving principle. The atmosphere of densely populated towns, is highly charged with vegetable and animal matter-— fruitful sources of disease. The proper facilities for dispersing this by currents of fresh air, and decomposing it by sunshine, are there wanting,— in the open country these pestilential effluvia, are de- composed by the overspreading vegetation, largely diluted or dissipated by the freshen- ing winds, and oxidized by the sun. The history of mineral waters is that of many of " heavens best gifts to man." Ma- ny of the blessings which an all-wise Crea- tor has spread around us, designing them for HISTORICAL SKETCH. 13 our use and benefit ; we disparage, misapply or cast aside as worthless, from ignorance of their value and properties. Thus it has been with natural medicinal waters. At a very early period they were considered both a medicinal and hygienic remedy, — their history may be traced up until it is lost in the Pagan superstitions of Greece and Rome. The medicated foun- tains of Greece were held in superstitious veneration, and each of them regarded as the special benefaction of some particular deity. To this presiding and tutelar divini- ty, a temple of worship was piously erected. Esculapius, the God of Medicine, was often- er than any other, viewed as the patron to whose kindness they were especially indebt- ed for their formation. By the Romans they were prized even more highly than by the Grecians. It is said there is not one mineral spring now distinguished for its healing qualities in the country possessed by these two nations, that is not marked by some monuments of their munificence. During the earlier periods of Christianity, by a singular fatality, an unjust prejudice was fostered against mineral waters, and they were unnoticed, or regarded as of little value. The images and shrines, the nymphs and naiads which the Pagans had erected at these fountains, were viewed with abhor* 14 CAUSE OF DECLINE. rence by the first christians. The custom of promiscuous bathing, too, which prevail- ed among the Romans, created disgust in the minds of the followers of a purer and less sensual faith. " The christians, we are informed by Bordeu, considered these objects as worldly, and, thinking that they appertained to the extravagances of Paganism, they deemed it wrong to preserve them. Their women devoted themselves to their households, giv- ing little attention to the cleanliness and health of their bodies ; they thought only of the welfare of their souls. They found too much effeminacy in the children of an age which placed so high a value upon health. The sick went to bury their infir- mities in the religious houses, which were then the principal objects of regard. They concealed their maladies instead of making them public. They mortified themselves by repressing their griefs ; even their sufferings were dear to them." Thus, the dread and disgust with which these pioneers of the cross viewed the reli- gion and religious rites of the Romans, and the miraculous cures which their healing deities were alleged to have wrought at mineral fountains, in the shade of antique forests, and in the hollow of rocks from whence they bubbled forth, only produced CAUSE OP DECLINE, 15 in the minds of christian nations, a suspicion and doubt as to their efficacy, and led them to a disregard of those means which the ex- perience of ages had proved to be necessary for the health and purity of the body. Even Aix la Chapelle, so highly prized by the Romans for its thermal sulphurous wa- ters, fell into disrepute, such was the fear of every relic of Paganism in those days. Aix in Provence, Bourbonne les Bains, and other mineral waters of a similar kind, no longer were resorted to, by the invalid for health and amusement. Another circumstance exerted a powerful influence, and operated to the disadvantage of mineral waters in the early and middle ages. In this twilight of human reason, medicine was not a distinct profession among christians, but was practiced by monks and ecclesiastics. The monks attracted the sick to monasteries, convents and hospitals, which they founded, in which they officiated both as physicians and priests. Even until the fourteenth century there were no men of science who devoted themselves exclu- sively to the healing art. Grisant was physi- cian and Pope; Hugh of Eversham physician and Cardinal ; Nicholas de Fernham was Bishop of Durham. These ecclesiastical physicians, employed moral rather than phy- sical means for the restoration of the invalid. 16 CAUSE OF DECLINE. For relief of the sufferers from chronic dis- ease, a pilgrimage was prescribed, as uniting with bodily exercise, the cultivation of a re- ligious spirit. Priests and pretenders to deep and myste- rious knowledge in these times of sorcery, magic, astrology and witchcraft, impressed upon the minds of the people, a belief that mineral springs were the haunts of fairies, witches and sorcerers. The early chemists too, converted their discoveries of the se- crets of nature into instruments for acting upon the excited imaginations of the unlearn- ed and superstitious. They affected to un- dervalue natural waters in order to lead the people to use only their artificial solutions, elixirs and quintessences ; — so that these healing fountains which the creator of the universe designed for the benefit of man, became for a time almost deserted. Such are some of the causes which have conspired to produce a decline of mineral waters in popular favor, and divert the at- tention of physicians from their employment. These still operate in some degree, and to the disgrace of an enlightened age and libe- ral profession; a powerful therapeutic agent has to struggle with prejudices as ancient as the religion we profess. From this histori- cal sketch, however, may be deduced the fact, that before untoward circumstances PRESENT CONDITION. 17 brought mineral waters into disrepute, sul- phurous waters were esteemed among the most precious resources for the preservation of health and cure of disease. A new epoch in their history has com- menced ; — the present generation begins to view them with the highest consideration, and to assign them their proper rank among medicinal agents. We have no doubt that ere long, the present vague and empirical mode of prescribing them will give place to a system of administration better adapted to relieve those intractable diseases to which they are applicable. Already are the sul- phur springs of Virginia thronged with visi- tors. May we not, in the beautiful valley of the Genesee, with as great a variety of highly impregnated sulphur-waters as can be found in any region of the habitable globe — combinations which experience has shown to be almost unparalleled in medicinal effica- cy, hope to receive a due share of public attention. 18 DESCRIPTION OF AVON. CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTIVE, HISTORICAL & GEOLOGI- CAL ACCOUNT OF THE SPRINGS. The town of Avon is one of the most beautiful, as well as productive in the State of New York. It is on the eastern bank of the Genesee River, in Livingston county, eighteen miles from Rochester, and twenty- four miles from Canandaigua. As you en- ter it from the east, the Valley of the Gene- see is spread out before you in all its rich- ness. Immense forest trees with their exuberant foliage, fresh and verdant mead- ows and waving fields of grain are present- ed to your view, forming an almost unsur- passed scene of opulence and luxuriance. The name of Gen-i-shaw, or Pleasant Val- ley, was given it by the aborigines who in- habited the country before it was occupied by a white population. The village of Avon is eligibly situated, about one mile from the river, having an elevated position MINERAL SPRINGS INDIANS. 1§ upon the table land, and commanding a pros- pect of the flats, for an extent of many miles. The mineral springs are between the village and the river, in the valley be- low. The axe of the husbandman has not yet doomed to destruction all the magnifi- cient forest trees in the vicinity ; the invalid may therefore here find a cool retreat from the summer's sun. The mineral springs were long known to the Indians, who resorted to them for the cure of diseases of the skin. A portion of the Seneca tribe inhabited a village on the opposite bank of the river, (land which is now the property of T. H. Newbold, Esq.) which they called Cana-wagus. Captain Parish informed me, that this term signified lively-water ; and was applied to the settle- ment, in consequence of the great number of clear and limpid fountains of water in its vicinity. " The far-famed chief, Red Jack- et,'' as Dr. Francis informs us, # enumerated them among his remedial measures for the cure of disorders of the skin ; and wasting disorders, as they were termed, were sup- posed capable of being removed by their use, even when applied externally. Doubtless this term included many physical infirmities, whose pathognomic features greatly differ- ed, and many other different sorts of pulmo- * United States Medical and Surgical Journal. 20 MINERAL SPRINGS — INDIANS. nary disorganization. I have myself seen several cases of pulmonary consumption, among the Indians. One whom Ivisited in 1885, seemed perfectly aware of the inutil- ity of remedies in his case ; and, when I asked him if he did not use the mineral wa- ters, pointing to the purulent sputa, which he had preserved, with a melancholy look he said, " not now, it is too late." Great num- bers of deer wera in the habit of resorting to these springs and drinking the water ; this made them desirable hunting grounds for the aborigines ; and their predilection for hunting and fishing, led them to select their neighborhood for a residence. The outlet of the Conesus, a creek which empties into the Genesee River, near the lower spring, is a spot distinguished for the abundance of excellent fish, which are caught there in early spring. Even to this day, we annual- ly find some of these sons of the forest, the scattered remnants of a once large and pow- erful nation, encamped in the remaining woodland, and busily engaged in making baskets for which they find a ready sale, to the inhabitants of the neighboring villages, A few of these unfortunate people still linger around their ancient homes, visiting every summer, those of their woodland haunts which the axe and the plough h:ive left undisturbed. HOTELS. 21 Many historic legends of this ill-starred race are in the possession of my friend and neighbor, W. H. C. Hosmer, Esq. whose muse has shed a classic halo over the former " realm of the Senecas." The place where their former habitations stood, is unmarked by any traces of their existence. H Where browsed the Elk in other days, Fat herds in thy my meadows graze~- Where the fanged cougar, hating day, Crouched by the deer-lick for his prey. Heard is the tinkling bell of floeks, And Ceres binds her wheaten shocks. From waves, once clear as mountain rill, Where pike and bass the red man speared, And home his bark by torchlight steered, The finny tribe have disappeared, Scared by the clacking mill " Comfortable accommodations, or good hotels are very important appendages to a watering place. In this respect, Avon is not behind other American Spas. Its hotels are not, it is true, on the enlarged plan of the " United States Hotel, ?? at Saratoga, but their rooms are not deficient in size, and are suitably furnished — the tables spread with as many of the luxuries of the season, and the landlords as attentive as can be found elsewhere. There are three hotels in the immediate neighborhood of the springs — Houghton's, Knickerbocker Hall and the Pavilion. Comstock's " Eagle," and the "Hosmer 22 HISTORICAL REMARKS. House," are at the village, but a short dis- tance from them. That modern invention, the Omnibus is in constant use by that con- siderate host, Comstock, for the conveyance of his guests to and from the springs. Car- riages are always in readiness for the ac- commodation of those who board at the village. In the year 1792, one of the inhabitants used the waters, with perfect success in the cure of a disease of the skin, consequent upon intermittent fever. In 1795, a case of Rheumatism of long standing, which had re- sisted the treatment of a number of intelli- gent physicians, was speedily and entirely cured by their use. It was at this time, generally believed by those who were ac- quainted with the springs, that any disease of the skin, would readily yield to the ex- ternal and internal application of the waters. Persons afflicted with the itch, were cured speedily by bathing two or three times. In 1821, a small building was erected at the lower spring, with a showering box, as it was then very properly called. This was the first improvement in the condition of these springs, made by their former proprietor, Mr, Richard Wadsworth. This building was enlarged and a bathing-house erected in 1823, and some efforts made to supply visitors with the accommodations requisite HISTORICAL REMARKS. 23 for the external use of the waters. In 1828, the building which now remains at the up- per spring was erected. During the last fifteen years, five public houses have been erected, and accommodations appropriate to the wants of visitors, gradually prepared. The demand for them is now increasing rapidly, and they will probably be enlarged and improved in a ratio corresponding with this demand. In 1835, the new bath spring was discov- ered, and a boarding and bathing- house erected there. This spring is east of the others and nearer the village, and from the large impregnation with sulphurated hydro- gen has been found very efficacious in some diseases of the skin. In 1836, the present proprietor, A. Now- len, Esq. purchased the land on which are two of these springs, called for the purpose of distinction, Upper and Lower, and has since come in possession of the new Bath Spring. With a laudable spirit of enter- prise and zeal for the gratification of visiters, this gentleman erected at the lower spring, a large and commodious bathing establish- ment. The large supply of water afforded by this spring, ai^d its accommodations are such as will, we think, satisfy the most fas- tidious. He has selected this spring for im- provement, because for general use it merits 24 HISTORICAL REMARKS. a decided preference, and by experience it has been shown to be sufficiently active, to cure the most obstinate diseases to which these waters are applicable. The large quantity of water discharged, affords an al- most inexhaustible supply for external use. The soil in the vicinity of these springs, is of the richest and most productive quality, yielding the cultivator an abundant reward for his labor ; that of the river's bank con- sists almost entirely of alluvial deposit, while the table land presents all the varie- ties of calcareous and argillaceous mould. To the botanist, an almost inexhaustible field of amusement and instruction, is here displayed, in the great variety of plants with which this part of the Genesee Valley abounds. The two springs which have been most used, are situate, the one an • hundred and the other an hundred and fifty rods from the river, in a rich alluvion of black loam, near which a considerable stream of water, form- ed by the union of two smaller streams, call- ed the " Great" and "Little Conesus," empties itself into the river. The vallies of these united streams are narrow, with steep and precipitous banks, a short distance from the springs, and present to the geologist, bituminous shale, superincumbent upon transition limestone. Upon the higher GEOLOGY OF THE REGION. 25 ground, at a distance from the river, buol- ders of every variety of size are strewed, and vegitable remains have been found from fifty to an hundred feet below the surface, showing evident indications of diluvial ac- tion. The banks of these two streams are, in many places, from one to two hundred feet in height. The " Great Conesus," is from eight to nine miles in length, and takes its rise from the Conesus Lake, which is nine miles long and from a mile to a mile and a half wide. The following extract from the Geological survey of the State in 1838, will furnish an accurate and full account of the geology of the Genesee River : " From the mouth of the river to Car- thage, three miles below Rochester, the red sandstone and indurated marl are the only rock. The upper stratum of the red sand- stone disappears beneath the river at the lower falls. Immediately above these rocks are the green shales, alternating with which are stratas of limestone, and a single stra- tum of iron ore. Next in order of super- position, are the calcareous shales, alterna- ting with this strata of limestone, extending to the upper falls, and underlaying the geo- diferous and bituminous li r.estone. Th3 lower layers of the limestone constitute the bed of the river at the upper falls. Near 3 28 GEOLOGY OF THE REGION. the feeder dam. scattered about upon the surface, are large angular fragments of the rocks in the vicinity. Succeeding the limestone are the gyp- seous slates and marls, extending as far south as Wheatland. A single view of a bed of gypsum is given in Wheatland on Allen's Creek. Upon the gypseous rock's lies the moun- tain limestone, commencing at Caledonia and near West Mendon, and extending as far south as Avon. Fragments of this rock are profusely scattered over the surface near Caledonia. Next in order succeed the lime- stone shales, extending south as far as Mos- cow. These shales are characterized by the vast quantity and beauty of the fossils found in them. Jn the west branch of Beard's creek, the septaria appear. An extensive section of the rocky strata at the entrance of the gorge near Mt. Morris dam is given, embracing two layers of septaria. A few miles above the dam the alternations with the grits or thin strata of sandstone, first occur. The strata of sandstone are but few feet in thick- ness; and the predominance of the shales is manifest for a considerable distance up the rver. The location of the Gardow slide is given, which took place about twelve years since. Above the slide the occurrence of FALLS AT FORTAGE. 27 the shale is less frequent, though the pre- dominance of sandstone is not apparent be- low the lower tails of Portage. The fails at Portage are 90 feet in height. The river, except in times of high water, is confined to the lower narrow channel. Be- tween the lower and middle falls the per- pendicular elevation of the rocky strata, in the highest point, is o51 feet. The middle falls which are more generally visited, are 110 feet in height. The olive sandstone in the vicinity of the upper falls, is noted. Height of the upper falls 66 feet. At Portage, the river enters the gorge, from which after passing three successive falls, and for most of the distance descend- ing with great rapidity, it passes into the Genesee Valley near Ml Morris. It will be noticed that boulders -are scattered about upon the surface with a degree of profusion below Mt. Morris. Above this point their occurrence is less frequent. From Moscow, along the river to Roch- ester, very little ever-green timber is found, while in going south a small distance, as the subsoil is more and more composed of disin- tegrated sandstone, the pines and hemlocks with their associates are less frequent. The scenery of the Genesee River pos- sesses much sublimity and grandeur, as well as luxuriance. Professor Eaton, the learned* 28 FALLS AT NUNDA. and eloquent Lecturer on the natural scien- ces, in a communication for the Genesee Farmer, speaks of it in terms of unqualified praise and admiration. u Were my business concerns in a situation to admit of migra- tion, the banks of the Genesee would be my home, until the roar of falling waters should give to my ears the last of natures echoes." The upper falls of this river, at Nunda, Alleghany county, which are about thirty miles above on the river, are surrounded by scenery of almost unsurpassed grandeur. They are thus described by Daniel Wads- worth, Esq. of Connecticut, in a letter to Professor Silliman. " There are three dis« tinct falls, included in a distance of three miles. They differ as much as possible from each other, having their own peculiar beauties, and each a different and laborious approach, they are respectively sixty, nine- ty, and one hundred and ten feet high ; to see them all, is now no light undertaking, but will soon, I think, be rendered a very easy one. The cascades themselves would any where else, be objects of great admira- tion, and are fully deserving of a particular description ; but they are almost forgotten in the feelings of wonder and even of fear, with which the sublime perpendicular walls of the river inspire you. They may truly be called walls, for they do not like the FALLS LONG POINT. 29 beautiful rocks at Trenton, recede as they approach the top ; but are. for a great dis- tance perfectly upright or impending ; and almost as regular, for a great part of three miles, as a work of art; and rising, as the inhabitants around tell you. from two to five hundred feet, and so they appear; but pro- bably four hundred is not beyond the Iruth, To this depth the river seems to have worn its ciicuitous passage in the rock, in turns almost as short, and bends nearly as grace- ful as if winding through the softest mead- ows. I never have witnessed, in nature, a scene of more savage grandeur and loveli- ness than the view from these fearful walls, w T hen looking into the gulf from one of their highest fronts, to the very edge of which, by trusting to the boughs of the thick shrub- bery, you can approach without apparent danger." There is a beautiful and clear lake, called the Conesus, about six miles from the springs. Three miles from its outlet is a cape of for- est land extending far out in the lake, which has been for some years past a favorite re- sort for parties of pleasure The lovers of romantic scenery will pass a day here with delight. To use the language of a native poet, "the blue hills in the distance, partly clothed with the primitive forest — the wa- ters kissing the shore with an undertone of 30 TROUT FISHING. melody — the plunge of fish and flap of wa- ter-fowl — the pleasant-murmur of the wind- swept trees, mingling with the carol of sin- less birds, are ministers of repose and pleas- ure to a mind that has been w T ounded by the "briars of this work-day world." It is a bright sequestered spot, and the fabling fan- cy of Greece, peopled haunts less picturesque with happy spirits — a green retreat where the retired poet could wear out life, and which the wayfarer passes by wiih reluct- ance, through fear that his eye will never rest again on sights so beautiful/' To the lovers of angling, the disciples of Isaac Walton, the stream of Caledonia, sev- en miles west of Avon, offers trout in almost unequalled profusion. Those who have a relish for the sport may find an opportunity in this prolific rivulet. With the well in.iitaf.--d fly to hook Theea^er trout, nud with the slender line And yielding- rod solicit to the shore The strolling, panting pre v. The genuine piscator will find advantage in passing the night here, the evening being the best time for fishing. Those who prize not the glo! y of the angler in returning with a basket full of the speckled game, may procure a trout supper at one of the hotels in the village which the most fastidious epi- cure would acknowledge to be a sterling luxury. SULPHUROUS WATERS. 31 CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE SPRINGS. The ingredients which a mineral water contain, as foreign to pure water, will, in every ease, he found to be such as serve to explain its curative effects in disease. There is no need of resorting to hypothesis or fan* cy ; for as is the case with all medical com- pounds, the medical character of a mineral water must depend on the properties of its constituents. All other modes of apprecia- ting ihe virtues of mineral w iters, and of establishing the proper indications for their use, must necessarily be imperfect. It will not be denied however, that a successful empiricism and a comparison with oiher wa- ters, the effects of which are ku«»\vn, and which -ire su p posed to he similar, will serve to suggest some diseases and sympt< ms of disease which may be remedied by their use, A different opinion on this subject has ma- 32 SULPHUROUS WATERS. ny and strong advocates. It is believed that the medicinal effect of natural mineral wa- ters does not bear an exact relation to what we know of their constituents, and that in this respect they differ from pharmaceutical preparations. The use of mineral waters is almost exclusively confined to chronic dis- eases, to which active purgation is generally inapplicable. It is not difficult to show that the same general principles apply to them as to many medicinal preparations. Take mercury for instance, in larger doses, it is purgative in its effects. By lessening the dose and giving it more frequently, we in- crease its alterative, but diminish its purga- tive effects. The same general principle will apply to our sulphurous waters. But they cannot be taken, without inconvenience from the quantity of water which holds them in solution, in doses proportionate to purgative doses of mercury. Prom a half of a grain to two grains of mercury would be alterative doses, and from ten to thirty grains. Thirty half pint glasses or seven quarts and one pint of sulphurous water ad- ministered within six or twelve hours, could hardly be retained by the stomach. Again, like mercury, sulphurous waters have a local and a general operation, an op- eration upon the part to which they are ap- plied, and sympathetically, or by absorption upon others and distant organs. sulphurous waters. 33 In regard to both, the effect is, in a great- er or less degree, that of a stimulant ; for we find, that as directed by the mode of ad- ministration, or other circumstances, to dif- ferent organs, they both alike excite these organs to an increased performance of their functions. The natural secretions are in- creased, which is commonly followed by a diminution of inflammatory action. When this increase of natural secretion is not pro- duced, or but imperfectly effected, — when some peculiar state or condition of the sys- tem, or of the alimentary <^anal, or any oth- er cause, prevents this effect from following their use, they are both alike productive of injurious consequences. Sulphurous waters have been found in many parts of the United States — some of which possess valuable medicinal properties. The appellation sulphurous, has been given to those waters which contain sulphur united either with hydrogen, or with a salifiable base. Sulphur and hydrogen when uncom- hined, produce a comparatively slight effect on the human system. Sulphur has been used as a purgative by physicians, in doses of from one to three drachms. Hydrogen, although not adapted to the long continued support of animal life, may be respired, in large quantities, with perfect impunity. One hundred cubic inches of sulphureted 34 CLASSIFICATION. hydrogen contain only thirty grains of sul- phur. Dupeytren and Theuard, made some experiments in order to ascertain its action on the animal economy, and found that the presence of 1.1500 of it in air, was instantly fatal to a small bird ; 1.800 killed a dog, and 1/250 a horse. r \ ne chemical constitution of sulphurous wate s is very various ; but it is believed that they all contain sulphureted hydrogen, either in free state or in combination. Their classification by European writers has been wholly founded on the ditlerence in the mode of existence of the sulphurous ingre- dients. They are geneially divided into three orders. The first includes all those sulphurous waters which contain free and uncombined sulphureted hydrogen, (or hy- dro-sulphuric acid, as it is sometimes called,) without any excess of sulphur ; that is, no more sulphur than is found combined with hydrogen in the form of an acid gas, or with oxygen, forming sulphuric acid, which is one of the constituents of those salts called sulphates, with which these waters are often impregnated. To this order belong most of the sulphur springs in this country, which have been made the subject of analysis Their effect upon the human system finds an explanation in the known action of sulphureted hydro CLASSIFICATION . 85 gen on the mucous membranes, aided, as it is, by the saline purgatives and diuretics which they contain. Their purgative oper- ation is probably not increased, and in some states of the alimentary canal, is diminished by the sulphureted hydrogen. This is shown by the fact, that the Avon water, when deprived of a portion of its gaseous contents by boiling, is commonly rendered a more brisk, though a less thorough and effi- cient purgative ; and this conclusion is fur- ther established by the well attested obser- vation in regard to the white sulphur water, viz : that although it contains less sulphuret- ed hydrogen and a smaller amount of ac- tive safine materials than the Avon, yet it operates as a purgative much sooner, with perhaps, however, a less extended and gen- eral influence. The action of the former, like that of the neutral saits, is supposed to be upon the stomach and small intestines more especially, while the large intestines and all the mucous membranes receive a powerful excitation from the latter, unat- tended, sometimes, with an immediate pur- gative operation* The second order of sulphurous waters comprise those in which the sulphureted hy- drogen is only found in combination, form- ing with bases existing in the waters, what are called hydro-sulphurets. These contain 38 CLASSIFICATION. no free hydro-sulphuric acid, (sulphureted hydrogen,) and no excess of sulphur. As an example of this order, the analysis of the waters of Barreges, in the upper Py- renees in France, made by M. Longchamps, shows that they contain carbonate of soda, hydro-sulphuret of soda, sub-carbonates of lime and magnesia, si lex, azote, but no free sulphureted hydrogen, (see Manual of Ma- teria Medica, by Edwards and Vavasseur.) European waters of the first order are con- sidered doubtful remedies in pulmonary cases, and great caution is thought requisite in their use ; whereas those of Barreges and of the Oriental Pyranees such as Escaldes, Vertut, and Aries, belonging to the second order, are viewed as peculiarly applicable to such cases, and have for a long period, sus- tained a high reputation for their cure. This fact may be of much practical impor- tance, an t should lead to a thorough exami- nation of those of the United States, the odour of which does not indicate the pre- sence of a large quantity of sulphureted hydrogen. From a recent analysis by Dr. James R. Chilton, the water of a sulphur spring at Sharon is found to contain hydro- sulphurets ; in consequence of the large qu .unity of i'ree sulphureted hydrogen which it also contains, it belongs to the first order and may not, therefore, be adapted to pul- CLASSIFICATION. 37 monary cases. The Red Sulphur Springs of Virginia, contain a sulphurous compound, which Mr. Hayes, theii analyst, has not named, but they contain four cubic inches of sulphureted hydrogen in a wine gallon; they are therefore from the first order The third order includes those sulphurous^ waters which contain an excess of sulphur. Whether this substance supersaturates the free or the combined sulphureted hydrogen, or how it exists in the water, I have never seen fully and satisfactorily explained. Those called the Clifton Springs, in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. are pro- bably examples of this order ; for the stone, leaves and branches of the trees, over which they pass, are found incrusted with sulphur in a pulverulent form. Immediately after it issues from the earth, this water becomes chauged and of a yellowish color. At Aix-la- Chapelle, the dome of the vault which en- closes the spring which supplies the "Em- perors'* bath is said to be incrusted with a fine pulverulent, sublimated sulphur. This is opened at times, and the sulphur brushed off, which is sold under the name of " Aix Sulphur." The hydrogen, which flies off in a gaseous form from this water, is sup- posed to be supersaturated with sulphur ; and hence the excess of this substance is de- posited very soon after it becomes aeriform. 38 CLASSIFICATION. It is certain that the activity of sulphur wa- ters as therapeutic agents, cannot be very much increased by this excess of sulphur. We should rather infer, that were this sub- stance acidified by union with hydrogen, (of which there appears to be a deficiency.) and sulphureted hydrogen formed, their effects on the human system would be more potent. In order to explain with more clearness and precision, the distinctive characteristics of the two last orders, Anglada, a French writer on the thermal waters of the Oriental Py ranees, makes the following illustration : 4 * Sometimes the union of an atom of hydro- gen and an atom of sulphur, forms an acid, which susceptible of the gaseous form, can be separated from its saline combinations without parting with its sulphur ; we then have what are called hydro-sulphurets. At other times, this compound of an atom of sulphur acquires, especially when in combi- nation with a base, the property of retaining larger proportions of sulphur, so that when we destroy these com! inatons by me ans of a stronger acid, we separate on the one hand, this excess of sulphur in a concrete form, which is precipitated, and on the other sulphureted hydrogen in a gaseous state." From this view of the chemical constitu- tion of sulphur waters, it appears that they are all mineralized, either by sulphur in com- CLASSIFICATION. 39 bination with hydrogen and a salifiable base, constituting what is called a hydro-sui;. hi ret. An excess of sulphur may exist, as is sup- posed, either in the sulphureted hydrogen, or in the hydro-sulphuret, forming a third order. ** 4 The combinations of sulphur, which, by their solution in water, give to water the character generally admitted to be sulphur- ous, are sulphureted hydrogen, or hydro- sulphuric acid gas— the hydro-sulphates or hydro-sulphurets — and the hydro-sulphated sulphurets or hydro-sulphureted hydro-sul- phates. Thus, the characteristic distinction of those mineral waters called sulphurous, is in the solution of the above compounds in the water." In thus classifying waters which are evi* dently sulphurous, the reader will not. it is hoped, forget that we are only reviewing the most important agent contained in those .sul- phurous waters which have enjoyed the highest reputation. There is another prom- inent distinction among sulphurous wa* tors which should not be overlooked. The White Sulphur, the Harrowgate, (English,) and the springs most frequented at Avon, are to be distinguished from other waters of the sulphurous class, by the large quantities of purgative salts which they contain. *Historiquc sur les eaux minerales par J. L. Alibert, Paris. l°26. 40 LOWER SPRING. LOWER SPRING. Th s spring* in its original state, formed a large pool of perhaps fifty feet in diameter; in this the earlv inhabitants were in the hab- it of bathing. It was the one first made use of, and either from its less disagreeable taste or les» nauseating qualities, it has al- ways been more resorted to than the rest, and has been generally more effective. Dr. Francis, who has for many years recom- mended these waters, gives a decided pref- erence to this spring. It seems to me, how- ever, better to use those which appear best adapted to the disease which it is proposed to treat, and to the age, sex, constitution and habits of the patient ; in most cases the lower spring is undoubtedly superior, in the other springs, the hydro-sulphuric acid is too abundant for most persons, and often- times occasions a distressing nausea and ver- tigo. The water of this spring seldom pro- duces any nausea or vertigo. Nor is it com- mon for any unpleasant sensation of the stomach, to follow its use even in large quantities. It rises from a fissure in a rock, thirty-six feet below the surface of the ground, about one hundred rods from the Genesee river, and about thirty rods from the Conesus creek. The volume of water discharged from this spring, is the same at ANALYSIS OF LOWER SPRING. 41 all seasons of the year, and does not appear to depend in the least upon atmospheric in- fluence ; as nearly as can be ascertained, under existing circumstances, it is fifty-four gallons in a minute. The temperature of the water is from 45 to 47 degrees Far. Its specific gravity is 10.018. Its taste resem- bles that of a solution of hydro-sulphuric acid, but is more bitter and saline ; it has a strong odour of this acid. As it issues from the fountain, it is limpid, transparent, and somewhat sparkling. Examined by the aid of reagents, it contains as foreign to pure water, hydro-sulphuric, carbonic and sul- phuric acids, chlorine, carbonate of lime, lime, magnesia, and soda. By delicate ex- periments, the less obvious ingredients of mineral waters are not indicated. Dr. Francis observes, that an analysis of these waters, which he caused to be made in 1842, did not afford satisfactory evidence of their containing Iodine. Nevertheless, a strong probability is that both Iodine and Bromine enter their composition. It should also here, be mentioned, that an analysis of the hy- dro-sulphurous waters of Caldas da Raynha, whose chemical constitution is similar to that of the Avon waters, was published in the London Philosophical Magazine, for Sept. 1834, and shows that both Iodine and Bromine enter into the composition of those 4 42 UPPER SPRING. waters. Dr. J. R. Chilton of New York, in 1842 discovered Iodide of Sodium in the waters of the Sylvan spring. Analysis of Lower Spring— In a wine gallon, gaseous contents— Sulphated Hydrogen, 10,02 cub. in. Carbonic Acid, 3.92 cub. in. Nitrogen, 5.42 do Oxygen, .56 - do. Solid Contents- Carbonate of Lime, 29.33 grains. Sulphate of Magnesia, 49.61 grains. Chloride of Calcium, S.41 do. Sulphate of Soda, 13.73 do. Sulphate of Lime, 57.44 do. Total, 158.52 da UPPER SPRING. This spring has been in use since 1827. It has been proved by the cures which it has effected, to possess similar medicinal quali- ties to the lower, and is by some, even more highly prized. In sensible properties, it bears a close resemblance to it ; but there is a peculiar sweetness of taste which distin- guishes it. The deposit around it is rnostly of a dark blue color, while that of the Lower is white. It rises about sixty rods east of the other, and is at an elevation considerably above it. The bed of sand through which I am informed this water oozes, is about twenty feet, and the rock about thirty feet below the surface of the ground. One gal- lon from this spring, according to Professor Hadley, of the Institution of Fairfield, Her- kermer county, was found to contain the following substances, and nearly in the fol- lowing proportions, viz : NEW IVATH SPRING. 43 In a wine gallon, gaseous contents — Sulphureted hydrogen, 12 cubic inches. Carbonic acid, 56 " " Solid contents — Sulphate of magnesia, Sulphate of lime, Sulphate of soda, Carbonate of lime, Muriate of soda, 10. grains. 84. tc 10. a 8. u 18.4 it 136.4 grains NEW BATH SPRING, This spring was discovered in 1835, and has been in use since that time. Dr. Lewis C. Beck made an analysis of some of the water from it in 1838, which has been pub- lished in the Geological survey of the State. Its depth is about thirty six feet, and the for- mation through which the water rises is the calciferous slate similar to that found at Rochester. The temperature of this spring is 50° F. The specific gravity of the wa- ter 1.00356. When heated it assumes a beautiful green color, the cause of which has never as yet been satisfactorily ascer- tained. The solution of arsenious acid is but slightly altered by it until after the ad- dition of an acid ; from which it is inferred 8.08 grains. 3.52 u 38.72 a 5.G8 a 26.98 - a 82.96 grains. 44 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. by Dr. Beck, that a portion of the sulphur- eted hydrogen is in a state of combination with some basis. Analysis by Lewis C. Beck, M. D. in a wine gallon, gaseous contents — Sulphureted hydrogen, 31.28 cubic inches. Solid contents — Sulphate of magnesia, Sulphate of lime, Sulphate of soda, Chloride of sodium, Carbonate of lime, Total, The three springs which have been called for the purpose of distinction, the Lower, Upper, and New Bath, are the property of A. Nowlen, Esq. a gentleman who is a resi- dent of Avon. Accommodations for bath- ing have been in a state of progression to meet the gradual increase of the number of visitors, since he became their proprietor. We have no doubt that the public wants in this respect will not only be readily met, but anticipated. From his accustomed hospital- ity and kind attentions to the strangers who visit Avon and form an acquaintance with him, we entertain hopes most propitious to the future improved condition of these min- eral fountains. The water of the Lower IODINE SPRING. 45 Spring having become an objoct of trans- portation to different parts of the country, the question how this may be most safely effected, is of some practical importance* These waters are all clear and transparent, until their temperature is raised, when they are decomposed partially and become turbid and milky. The bottles containing them should be placed in iced water for some time before the corks are drawn. This refriger- ation has the effect, by restoring them to their original temperature, forty-five degrees Fahrenheit, of redissolving their saline in- gredients ; and will render them again lim- pid. Mr. Nowlen attends all orders for the water promptly, and bottles them with much nicety and care. IODINE OR SYLVAN SPRINGS. About two miles south of the lower, there are three springs, one of which only has been analyzed. They are situate in a cir- cular dell, in the midst of the forest. All of them are distinguishable from others in this vicinity by their saltish taste. The on- ly one of these which has been analysed, contains a very large proportion of the chloride of sodium, and it is probable they all have a large impregnation of this salt. 46 IODINE SPRING, One of them is evidently very little sulphur- ous, the taste being similar to lhat of the Saratoga waters after exposure to the air. The other has sensible qualities which lead me to infer that it contains a very large quantity of the chloride of sodium, and therefore Iodine ; for Iodine has only been found in those waters which contain this salt in abundance. Copy of a letter to the late James Wads- worth, Esq., of Geneseo, with an analy- sis. New- York, May 23, 1842. James Wadsworth, Esq., Dear Sir — I have just completed the analysis of the sulphur water of the Syl- van Spring at Avon. The result which is given below shows that it is a valuable me- dicinal water. There is a large proportion of sulphur in it, and it contains among other important ingredients, Iodine in combination with sodium. You will observe that I have not stated the quantity of iodide of sodium, for to enable me to do so with any degree of accuracy, I would require a greater quantity of the water, at least two or three gallons. If you will send me a sufficient quantity, I will at any time ascertain the proportion. IODINE SPRING. 47 According to my analysis, one gallon of the water contains as follows : GRAINS . Chloride of Magnesium, 62.400 Chloride of Sodium, 97.440 Sulphate of Lime, 80.426 Sulphate of Magnesia, 12.960 Carbonate of Lime, 26.800 Carbonate of Magnesia, 15.974 Vegetable Matter, .240 Iodide of Sodium, 296.24 Sulphureted Hydrogen, 20.684 Carbonic Acid,' 4.992 Cubic Inches, 25.676 The great attention which has of late years been given to the use of the sulphur- eted mineral waters of this country by those laboring under various obstinate chronic complaints, has been attended with the hap- piest results. Their internal and external use forms a very successful means of treat- ing those intractable cases which sometimes resist all ordinary treatment. Much of this beneficial effect is unquestionably due to the sulphur existing in the water in the* form of sulphureted hydrogen. The water of the Sylvan Spring, at Avon, is highly charged with this gas, and contains also a large pro- 48 IMPORTANCE OF MEDICAL HISTORY. portion of important saline ingredients, which renders it gently aperient, and emi- nently well calculated for the treatment of the diseases indicated. Signed JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D. ; Practical Chemist NEGLECT OF MEDICAL HISTORY, 49 CHAPTER III. THE THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES OF THE AVON SPRINGS, DEDUCED FROM A KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR INGREDIENTS, AND FROM EXPERIENCE. A beneficent providence has prepared many combinations to mitigate the sufferings of humanity and remedy the diseases to which it is incident ; but ignorance of the proper manner of using them, and, too often prejudice, which is the natural consequence of this ignorance, defeat her purposes. When therefore the chemical constituents of such waters as are distinguished by their sensible properties and medicinal effects from others, which from their purity, were evidently designed to be used as a common beverage ; when the chemical history of these medicated fountains is perfectly un- derstood, it remains for physicians to inves- tigate their application to the cure of diseas- es and the best mode ot administering them; in short, it becomes their duty to make them- 50 NEGLECT OF MEDICAL HISTORY. selves familiar with their whole medical his- tory. Alibert has very truly observed, "la science des eaux minerales est a refaire," for however advanced their chemical history may be, their medical history has not receiv- ed the attention which it evidently deserves. The chemical constitution of manv of the mineral waters of the United States has been made the study of distinguished chem- ists. The researches of Chilton, Hayes, Beck and Chas. T. Jackson, have made us familiar with the ingredients of our principle mineral fountains ; but, if we except the Treatises of Drs. Steel and Allen on the Saratoga waters — that of Dr. J. W. Fran- cis on those of Avon, and some communica- tions of Dr. J J. Moorman, which have ap- peared in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, on the White Sulphur Springs in Virginia, very little progress has been made in the elucidation of their medicinal proper- ties and application to the cure of diseases. There is certainly a manifest inconsistency in neglecting to acquire a practical knowl- edge of the medicinal effects of compounds of sulphur, soda, magnesia, iodine, bromine, iron, &c. which have been prepared in na- ture's labntory, with a chemistry of une- qualled subtelty, while we daily prescribe for our patients, combinations of the same sub- stances, which are mere imitations, and of ANALYSIS PRECEDES EXPERIENCE. 51 much less efficiency. Yet physicians un- blushingiy avow themselves unacquainted with the modus operandi of our most cele- brated mineral waters, who would be very unw r illing to acknowledge their ignorance of the nature and effects of any other medicin- al compound or therapeutic agent in the whole range of the materia medica. Dr. Granville, in his remarks on the prevailing ignorance of English physicians in regard to foreign mineral waters relates several ex- amples which have occurred in his experi- ence. He had advised a patient to resort to a very celebrated Spa as the only, likely means of strengthening the system and for- tifying it against future attacks of a disease to wl^ich he had been subject. A practition- er in London, of the first respectability, who acted in consultation at the time, did not ac- tually deride, but seemed to hold very cheap, the alleged efficacy of foreign mineral springs. Upon being questioned however, as to his knowledge of their peculiar proper- ties, he candidly confessed his entire ignor- ance. "To know the composition of a mineral water," says Bergman, "is to precede in some degree our experience." A medicinal compound is presented for our consideration: if it be composed of substances, the medi- cinal efficacy of which is known and appre- 52 ANALYSIS PRECEDES EXPERIENCE. ciated, a knowledge of the laws of the animal economy will serve to instruct us what its action on the human system will be. In regard to some mineral wa + ers there is, it is true, an apparent discrepancy be- tween the deductions of experience, and those of analysis. This may be accounted for however, by considering the rapid chan- ges which the science of chemistry has un- dergone since the earlier writers published the results of their investigations, and the difficulties attending the discovery of the truth. An ir^imate acquaintance with the effects of the constituents of any compound, sepa- rately considered, is of great importance, in order to enable us correctly to appreciate the share of influence which each of them has in its general effect. Viewing, in this manner, the sulphurous-saline waters of Avon, we find them distinguished for the large quantity of free hydro-sulphuric acid, (sulphureted hydrogen) which they contain, a compound, as its name implies, of sulphur and hydrogen. This acid-gas was discovered by Scheele in 1727 ; and being found to be a compound of sulphur and hydrogen, re- ceived the name of sulphureted hydrogen. It being afterwards discovered that it pos- sessed the properties of an acid, it received the name of hydro-sulphuric acid. Liebeg, lribig's views. 53 in his treatise on Animal Chemistry, has suggested an analogy between the effects of sulphureted hydrogen and prussic acid.* He considers it clearly proved by the remarka- ble change of color and of coagulability in the blood of animals which have been des- troyed by prussic acid, that it acts chemical- ly upon this fluid, forming a compound of iron which is incapable of absorbing oxygen; thus, as he supposes, both of these substan- ces produce such a change in the blood- corpuscles that they lose the power of ab- sorbing and supplying oxygen to the tissues, and of transmitting carbonic acid from them. Sulphureted hydrogen, the effect of which is equally powerful, he supposes to act in a similar manner upon the blood-corpuscles. As however the science of chemistry, in its present state, cannot afford us a perfect elucidation of the effects of this agent on the animal economy, some other authority than that of the " philosopher of Giessen" must be invoked. If our observation of the modus operandi of medicines were confined to the chemical changes which they produce, other and equally important alterations of structure and of functions would be likely to be overlooked or not duly estimated. The distinguished physician, John Arm- strong, of London, in a treatise which he published on " chronic diseases and sulphur- 54 SULPHURETED HYDROGEN. ous waters" in 1818, says, that as far back as the year 1807 it was customary for him to send patients afflicted with chronic dis- eases which resisted the application of all ordinary means to Harrowgate, recommend- ing them to drink the sulphurous water there. For some time he solely attributed the effi- cacy of the water to its purgative property, together with the peculiarity that its long continued exhibition caused no debility. But cases of chronic disease fell under his observation at various times, in which the sulphurous water was decidedly beneficial, and that too when the bowels had been but scantily moved ; and as the effect in these cases could by no means be purely attributed to its action on the intestines, he was led to inquire whether it might not have some other agency which had escaped his obser- vation. He came to the conclusion after- wards that the chief efficacy of sulphurous waters depended on the sulphureted hydrogen gas which they contained, and that this gas resembled mercury in its operation, having an advantage over mercury in not as much exhausting the energies of the system. From an attentive observation of the opera- tion of the different springs at Avon, 1 am led to concur with Dr. Armstrong, in attri- buting rruch of their efficacy to the sulphur- ated hydrogen which they contain, and I TRANSPORTATION OF THE WATER. 55 have also observed a similarity between their action and that of calomel. As how- ever this resemblance is greatest in the Lower Spring, which contains less of this gas and a larger impregnation of saline sub- stances than the rest, and as the highly prized White Sulphur Springs of Virginia, have been found by analysis to contain com- paratively a small quantity of this gas and very similar saline constituents with the Lower Spring at Avon, I infer that the agency of these salts is scarcely less impor- tant than that of this gas in the alterant ef- fect of the Harrowgate, Virginia and Avon waters. On this point there has been some discrep- ancy of opinion, and as the question wheth- er these waters lose their properties by transportation is involved in its decision, it has much practical importance. Dr. Moor- man views it as " a matter of little or no im- portance whether this gas escapes or not, as the water," he thinks, "is equally as sal- utary without as with it, and does not there- by lose its medical virtues ;" another writer on the Virginia Springs, Mr. William Burke, seems to manifest fears lest it should be used by invalids when at a distance from the springs, and the good effects lost ; and also that it will be successfully imitated by some apothecary. 56 ALKALINE INGREDIENTS, Much good may arise from the transpor- tation of sulphurous waters, or from the use of an artificial imitation of them. The water of the Lower Spring at Avon loses but little of its gas when transported to a distance, if the bottles containing it, have been properly corked and sealed at the spring. Many cures commenced at the springs have been perfected by its use at home. Again, we find the waters of Avon im- pregnated with an alkaline carbonate, the carbonate of lime. This substance is alka- line and antacid — forming no purgative com- binations with the contents of the stomach. Hence it is adapted to the relief of that kind of diarrhoea which is caused by acidity of the first passages. It is also viewed as manifesting a peculiar action on the lympha- tic system of vessels, producing the resolution of glandular and visceral swelling. Its effects on the urinary organs are manifested both by exciting them to action, in the same man- ner as diuretics properly so called, and also by changing their secretions. Hence it is used in scrofula and in some diseases of the bladder. Chloride of calcium is, in small doses, tonic and deobstruent ; it has been success- fully used in typhus fever, ill-conditioned ul- cers, and in some diseases of the skin. SULPHATES OF MAGNESIA AND SODA. 57 The sulphates of lime, magnesia and soda are other compounds found in these waters. The two last are saline aperients or purga- tives, according to the dose in which they are administered. The sulphate of magnesia, epsom salts, is an active and efficient purgative. Although the quantity of this salt, contained in the w T ater used, is comparatively small ; yet its effects are so much increased by its large dilution with water, and by its combination with other neutral salts, as to render it bet- ter adapted to chronic diseases, and less lia- ble to produce irritation than the large doses commonly administered. " It is chiefly on account of the small portion of the neutral salts dissolved in the Harrowgate sulphur- ous water, says Dr. Armstrong, that it ope- rates on the bowels ; and even in the pre- scription of purgatives for chronic diseases, we should do well to imitate nature in this particular ; for repeated observation has convinced me, that we give far too large doses of purgative salts in chronic diseases, the effect of which is generally to irritate the system first and to exhaust it afterwards." The popular use of this salt as a. domestic remedy is in doses of from one to two ounces dissolved in a part of a teacup of water. This quantity generally produces several liquid evacuations. These are sometimes 5 58 SULPHATES OF MAGNESIA AND SODA. so copious as to cause much inconvenience to those in good health and to be attended with serious consequences to invalids. A degree of flatulence is also frequently pro- duced which continues for a considerable length of time after the operation of the medicine. Besides, when the immediate effect of the medicine administered in this way, has pass- ed off, a constipated state of the bowels sometimes follows. But physicians have found by experience that the distressing ef- fects of these full doses may be avoided by dissolving a small quantity of the sulphate of magnesia in a large quantity of water. From one to two drachms of this salt dissolv- ed in a pint, or a pint and a half of water, or taken at the same time, will produce all the purgative operation which is requir- ed in most cases, and is not productive of so much irritation. The " Lower Spring" contains of this salt 49. 61 grs. in every gallon of the water. — The White Sulphur of Virginia, contains 44. 70 grs. in the same quantity of water. Both of these when heated and thus depriv- ed, in a measure, of their gaseous contents act as aperients and their effects on the hu- man system are said, by those who have made use of them both for chronic disease, to be very similar. Water serves many SULPHATES OF MAGNESIA AND SODA. 59 purposes in the animal economy, some of which have been already ascertained. It is not only a solvent of the food received into the stomach, and thus aids in the process of digestion ; but it combines chemically with the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice and the soda of the blood and bile, which substances it derives from the common salt with which our food is so frequently season- ed. It cannot appear surprising then that the soda, magnesia and lime when combined by the hand of nature as these substances exist in our mineral waters, and when so largely united with this compound of hy- drogen and oxygen, should have the ra- tio of their action on the human system very much increased. " The long use of ordinary medicines," continues Dr Armstrong, " almost always tends to injuie the general powers of the system ; but this is not the case with those waters which contain the sulphureted hy- drogen gas largely, for they have an invig- orating influence, even when taken almost daily for weeks together." # # •' Nor need we fear, with the exception of complaints of the chest, to purge patients freely every day with the Harrowgate water ; for under this system of depletion, they generally gain flesh and strength, particularly in gas* trie, hepatic, and intestinal affections." 60 IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF MEDICINES. Even when the Avon waters purge pa- tients daily, I have found that the appetite is very much increased and the digestive or- gans stimulated to a more perfect discharge of their functions. Nature, in her prepara- tion of compounds for chronic disease, ap- pears to form only such a*s, when judicious- ly used, increase the secretions, without pro- ducing irritation, or greatly accelerating the peristaltic motion of the intestines. Most observers have united in the belief that the peculiar effect of sulphurous waters is an increased action of the secretory or- gans ; but some difference of opinion exists as to their immediate or primitive effect or that which is precedent to increased secre- tion. The use of the terms stimulant and sedative, with an indefinite meaning attached to them, has perhaps been a chief cause of this. All agents possessed of the power of affecting the human system have both a stimulant and sedative effect upon it, ac- according to the quantity or the mode m which they are administered, and the con- dition of the human body at the time w T hen they are used. A small quanti- ty of a medicinal substance will produce a stimulant effect, when a larger or excessive dose will act as a sedative. This fact is one of common observation. Alcohol and al- coholic liquids possess a high degree of stim- IMMEDIATE EFFECTS OF MEDICINES. 61 ulant power in proportion to their sedative, which only appears when they are used in excess. For this reason physicians have been in the habit of calling them stimulants, and when they speak of any agent as being a stimulant, or a sedative, they mean, the proportion which these two opposite effects, that may be produced by the agent, bear to each other. Medicines present an almost infinite variety in this respect. This variety is so great, and the state of our knowledge of their precise operation under all the vari- ed circumstances attending their adminis- tration, so imperfect, as to prevent hitherto any established classification of them found- ed on this difference of action ; physicians have therefore merely distinguished medi- cines according as they are found to be best suited to act upon particular parts or organs of the human body. They have, agreeably to this distinction, called them purgatives, expectorants, diaphoretics, diuretics, &c. &c. It appears to me highly important that defi- nite views be entertained of the immediate effects of medicines, and there is, as has been before remarked, some discrepancy of opinions in regard to the immediate effects of sulphurous waters. We find in the trea- tise on mineral waters of William Saunders, London, 1805, page 411, second edition, the sensible effects of the Harrowgate w 7 aters 62 EFFECTS OF SULPHUROUS WATERS. are described as " headache or giddiness on being first drank ; and as it should appear, more frequently than follows a full draught of the simpler waters. The water of Aix- la-Chappelle is described in the same work as producing u some degree of cheerfulness and gaiety of spirits, but, if taken largely, it slightly affects the head with some degree of vertigo and sleepiness. It sometimes ex- cites nausea/' &c, page 432. Bordeu considered the waters of Bareges as "producing a marked excitation of the whole organization and determining in a spe- cial manner critical movements from the centre to ihe circumference. He viewed them as 'stomachics, as stimulant of the digestive functions, increasing the appetite and rendering nutrition more perfect." An- other writer on the Bareges waters, Mons. Gasc, informs us that when using them "la bouche est pateuse et fade, et Tappetit sen- siblementdiminue les premiers jours." Oth- ers view all mineral waters as stimulants and adduce for proof the former celebrity of those of Bath in England, which are re- markable for their purity and freedom from mineral impregnation. Water is an article of diet and the common experience of man- kind teaches them that when free from a distinguishing proportion of mineral and me- dicinal ingredients, it is not under ordinary EFFECTS CATHARTIC OPERATION. 63 circumstances, a stimulant. We have only then, amidst the prevailing discrepancy of opinions on this point, to refer to the miner- al ingredients, which the different springs at Avon are known to contain as foreign to pure water, for an explanation of its cura- tive effects in disease.* The primitive action of Avon water is fol- lowed by certain secondary effects, which are, a perceptible increase of the secretions from the alimentary canal, the augmenta- tion of the cutaneous and pulmonary respi- ration, and the secretion of urine; in other words, they become cathartic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and diuretic. In regard to the cathartic operation of this water, we find some upon whose digestive organs it acts promptly and effectually; oth- ers again, upon whom the largest doses pro- duce not the slightest effect. In some cases, the water acts readily at first; and, in a short time, perhaps after the first week, seems rather to produce constipation. This disparity of action we conceive to be ow- ing to some peculiar state or condition of some of the different parts or organs of the body of the individual using the water, which renders them more or less suscepti- ble to its influence; what this state or con- dition is, in the present imperfect state of * The sulphureted hydrogen must, of course, make them stimu- lant. 64 CATHARTIC EFFECTS. our knowledge of hydro-sulphurous waters, it is impossible to determine ! A long course of observations and numerous cases are re- quisite to decide with any degree of exact- ness. In some cases which I have seen, the stimulant effect has Been perceptible upon the skin solely; and it would appear proba- ble, that the excretions from the cutaneous surface were so abundant as to deprive the system of all the products of intestinal ac- tion. Generally, four or six half-pint glass- es, drank during twenty four hours, produce a mild cathartic effect; and under its long continued use to this extent, no debility en- sues, but, on the contrary, the appetite and strength are very much increased. As it is to chronic diseases that these wa- ters are particularly applicable, any thing more than a daily and healthy movement of the bowels is usually not desired. We ought not in these cases ordinarily to seek for any considerable increase of the natural evacua- tions. It is certain that when these waters purge very actively, their alterative effects are commonly less than where their action upon the bowels is more subdued. As how- ever in some cases it is found that they do not produce sufficient cathartic effect, it fre- quently becomes necessary, to accompany their use with other purgatives. The mode which has succeeded best in my practice has ACTION ON THE SKIN. 65 been, to administer according to the circum- stances of different cases, either the com- pound rhubarb or aloetic pills, or the blue pill at bed-time, to be followed by a half- pint bottle of the heated water, before break- fast the next morning. It is however, for its action upon the skin particularly, that this water is conspicuous, -This increased activity which the functions of the skin receive, is manifested bv an itch- ing sensation, or, as it has been described, a feeling similar to that of the stinging of small insects; and there is often a florid col- or of the body, showing the high degree of capillary excitement produced. There is also, in most cases, a sensible increase of perspiration; and frequently, even gentle exercise produces profuse sweating. The oily, unctuous feeling of the surface of the body, on leaving the bath, also shows the capacity of this mineral water to cleanse the skin: the alkaline carbonate, which is one of its component parts, forming a spe- cies of soap with the oily matter collected upon the epidermis. But it is to chronic inflammation of the skin whether effusive, suppurative, deposi- tee or, squamous that the Avon water is particularly applicable. In many of these diseases successive crops of eruption appear and disappear, passing through separate 65 ACTION ON THE SKIN. stages of inflammation, followed either bv effusion, suppuration, deposition or desqua- mation. Any agent or alterative which re- stores the skin to a healthv condition must do so, by increasing its power of discharg- ing its functions of exhalation or elimination, and of absorption. Now this cutaneous envelope of the body is continuous with the mucous membranes which line the nose and mouth, and the respiratory organs, as w r ell as those organs which serve for the diges- tion of solid and liquid alimentary substan- ces. Hence the reason why a disordered condition of the skin may produce a corres- ponding derangement of the lungs or diges- tive organs, and. conversely, a deranged state of the lungs or digestive organs may produce a disease of the skin. An increas- ed secretion from the mucous membranes being the usual effect of the waters, a simi- lar effect will ordinarily be transmitted to the skin. " As a striking example of their alterative influence on the cutaneous surface," says Dr. Francis,^ "I mav mention the case of an individual, now in the twenty second year of his age, incommoded by congenital icthyosis; and whom I recommended to re- pair to these springs last season. The free use of these waters, internally and by bath- * Avon Mineral Waters, New York, 1833. DIURETIC AND EXPECTORANT ACTION. 67 ing, for some ten weeks, so effectually re- moved this morbid alteration of the skin, as in divers parts to leave no trace of the pre- vious existence of disfiguration." Other instances, equally remarkable, might annually be adduced, illustrative of the diaphoretic effects of this water. Cures of the most obstinate herpetic, psorous, and lep- rous eruptions, are very numerous; and are matters of astonishment to those unacquaint- ed with the powers of this medicine. This water possesses, also, a peculiar pro- perty of stimulating the urinary organs. — This property is manifested, not only by the discharge of urine being more copious, but also by the changes produced in the quality of the urine. Some hours after its use, either internally or externally, the urine commonly becomes more highly colored, de- positing a sediment, or is much increased in quantity. I have stated that this water is an expec- torant ; and this property, from experience in very many cases, I accord to it most ful- ly. It is not merely by a sympathetic ef- fect, that the pulmonary organs are affected by it; but the simple respiration, in an at- mosphere so highly charged with hydro-sul- phuric acid gas as that around the spring, must have an immediate action upon the mucous membrane. In restoring the nor- 68 TONIC EFFECTS. mal secretion from the skin and bladder, there can be no doubt but the pulmonary functions are benefitted ! And this action is direct; for, by a revulsion or counter exci- tation, we remove any local determination which may give rise to pulmonary irritation, and thus the lungs are invigorated and ena- bled to expectorate any offensive matter. — In the administration of this remedy in cases of pulmonary disease, the utmost caution is requisite; as it will be readily perceived, that the misapplication of a medicine en- dowed with such a power of excitation, can- not but be attended with the most faial con- sequences. Many of those who use this water, expe- rience an almost immediate increase of ap- petite and apparently receive an increas- ed energy of the stomach; yet others are affected in a very different manner, and a diminution of appetite, nausea, and other symptoms indicating an action of an oppo- site nature follow its use. Its tonic proper- ties cannot then be considered as absolute) but relative to the circumstances of the indi- vidual making use of them, or to the state and condition of the different organs or parts of his body. An individual affected with intermittent fever may check its progress by the use of some particular tonic: the same medicine administered to one afflicted TONIC EFFECTS. 69 with a chronic bronchial disease may facili- tate expectoration, and to another the sur- face of whose body is covered with an ob- stinate cutaneous eruption it proves an ef- fectual cure. These are, however, to be con- sidered as the secondary effects of this ton- ic medication, which only take place under certain conditions, and which may, and of- ten do, succeed the use of medicines entire- ly different from tonics. " Among the medicinal attributes of our medicinal waters," says Anglada in his trea- ties on the mineral waters of the oriental Pyrenees, " which should serve as a guide in their employment, we may consider also their tonic action: they strengthen very sensibly different organs, and impress upon them more strength, not, really by a direct action as tonics properly so called, but in the same manner as excitants, as a preparatory condition, facilitating the vital process of the re-establishment of the vigour of parts. It is here that the distinction of forces into radical and active, or forces of power and forces of action, so w T ell established by Bar- thez and so important in medicine, should be called to our aid. For example, these waters readily excite to new action the di- gestive, and thus exhibit themselves deci- dedly stomachic. Under their influence the appetite acquires a remarkable activity : we ?0 TONIC EFFECTS. must bo cautious in satisfying it ; for here we shall find an apparent incongruity, the disgestion will be badly performed if the stomach has to act on too large a quantity of food." This view of the operation of sulphurous waters is in accordance with my experience of the effects of the Avon wa- ters. The tone which they give to the stom- ach appears to me to be the result of the in- creased secretion of the fluids connected with the digestive process which they pro- duce. This effect is sometimes produced by them in such a degree as to be attended with unpleasant consequences. I have known several cases of profuse salivation accompanied with diarrhea, to such an ex- tent as to enfeeble and reduce the patient very much. Increased secretion from in- creased action is the true modus operandi of these waters : it is in this way that they be- come cathartic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expec- torant, emmenagogues and alterative, and their tonic effect is not an immediate increase of power, but a secondary influence, — an in- vigoration which results from the restora- tion of healthy secretions. MEDICINAL APPLICABILITY. 71 CHAPTER IV, MEDICINAL APPLICABILITY TO PARTIC- ULAR DISEASES. The indications which call for the use of the Avon waters are first, where there is a torpid state of certain organs or tissues, to excite them to increased action. Thus, in chronic disease of the liver, after the vascu- lar excitement has been reduced to a certain level, a restoration of the secretions of this organ and a removal of all obstructions which may exist, is usually attempted by physicians. The judicious exhibition of meicury often effects this desired object, but its long continued use frequently enfeebles the system, and it sometimes fails even where circumstances are apparently the most fa- vorable. " Although," says Dr. Armstrong, " the efficacy of mercury is so notorious in chronic affections of the liver, yet upon the whole I am disposed to think, that it is infe- rior to that of the sulphureted hydrogen 72 RHEUMATISM. gas." The second indication in chronic dis- eases is not only to excite the. functions of diseased parts, but to correct the various derangements of their functions in such a manner as to restore them to a healthy state, and even to effect a favorable change of their structure. Both of these indications are ful- filled by a course of these waters in the fol- lowing diseases; viz : Rheumatism, some dis- eases of the skin, and of the urinary pas- sages ; in what are called stomachic. Rheumatism. — This water has, from the earliest period at which it was know 7 n, been used freely in cases of rheumatism. Per- haps there is no disease in which it is more generally useful. Nevertheless, there have been some instances in which it has failed of success, and others in which the cure has been very gradual. In such, we should in- quire if the disease be not neuralgic in its character, or if there is not some other dis- ease existing, with which the rheumatism is complicated, which operates as a continual cause, and w 7 hich is aggravated by the use of the water. The good effect of the Avon water seems to be in some measure dependant upon its action on the capillary vessels : if free and healthy perspiration be produced and sus- tained, the resolution of the disease speedily follows. As a condition of its successful I RHEUMATISM. 73 application, the disease should have lost its inflammatory character; and when this is not perfectly the case, resort should be had to vene-section, previous to the use of the wa- ter. As acute rheumatism is a disease in which both the sanguiferous and nervous systems are deeply implicated, it is impor- tant that the effects of this remedy be cau- tiously watched. The cures of persons af- flicted with this painful disease have been an- nually numerous ; and it is my opinion that seven-eights of the cases in which this rem- edy has been made use of, have been either relieved or cured. At some future period it may be in my power to present the pub- lic with an accurate report of the whole number of cases, during several seasons. In a report made by M. Merat, to the Academy of Medicine, on the mineral wa- ters of France, it is computed that from the year 1834 to 1836, there were thirty thou- sand persons afflicted with rheumatism, who resorted to the use of the mineral waters of France, the most of which are sulphurous ; in the great majority of cases with decided benefit. It is however, a remedy which is wholly inadmissible in the early stages of acute-ar- ticular rheumatism. By increasing the activi- ty of the cutaneous and urinary secretions and having an alterative influence on those of 6 74 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. the mucous membranes, the Avon waters effect the speedy resolution of arthritic swel- lings, and, by their use, joints which have been for a long time stiffened or anchylosed, are restored to their original form and mo- tion. But it is only in cases of acute rheu- matism which have passed to a chronic state, or in chronic rheumatism, that sulphurous waters are indicated. On this subject An- glada remarks, " if our waters," (that is, the thermal sulphurous waters of France,) " pro- duce less beneficial effect in rheumatic gout or articular rheumatism, than in common rheumatism, it is evidently attributable to the character of the complication which dis- tinguishes it. It is only where it is found to have passed its acute stage and when all fluxionary activity has disappeared that we can promise ourselves any good effect from this mode of treatment." Proper regula- tion of the diet and exercise of rheumatic patients, as well as the bathing is absolutely indispensable. Diseases of the skin. — In the treatment of the various diseases to which this tissue is subject, the Avon water may be very suc- cessfully used. Those cases which are the most recent, are most susceptible to its in- fluence. In the acute stage of some eruptions of the skin, its exciting qualities tend to aggravate the evil ; and it would be better, DISEASES OF THE 8KIN, 75 previous to its use, to have recourse to such remedies as will lessen the excitability of the system. To illustrate this, I will relate a case which was under my care in 1834. J. A., aged 24 years, of a sanguine tem- perament, had been well until six weeks be- fore his arrival here, when a diffuse psorous eruption made its appearance upon his arms, and extending itself gradually to his neck and shoulders. The itching and smarting were very distressing, so much so as to de- prive him of sleep, and threaten to injure his health. The use of the water produced a considerable aggravation of his sufferings and extension of the eruption, when he call- ed upon me for medical advice. Vene-sec- tion to the extent of twelve ounces, mild purgatives and diaphoretics, allayed the in- tensity of the cutaneous irritation, and he had recourse to the waters under more fa- vorable auspices, which entirely cured him in three weeks. It not unfrequently becomes necessary, during a course of these waters, to suspend their use for a few days, and resort to emol- lient applications and demulcent drinks ; the eruption becoming very much exasperated, and a temporary return of the irritative stage taking place. This may be accounted for, by supposing that the latent internal cause has never been fully removed, although 76 DISEASES OF THE SKIN, the eruption has disappeared; and that some change, unfavorable to the operation of the water, has taken place in this cause. R. A., aged 31 years, resorted to the Avon Springs for the cure of impetigo figu- rata of the hands and wrists of two years standing. This disease had succeeded to a bilious fever which had been attended, thro 1 its whole course, with acute pain and ten- derness of the right hepatic region. The use of the water for three weeks, removed entirely every vestige of the disease, and he was about returning home. The day before his anticipated return, he drank twelve glasses of the water, which was nearly double the average daily quantity he had used. During the night he was seized with a return of pain in the side, and in the morning found the eruption had returned. — A six- weeks course of the water again cured him. It has been frequent subject of remark at these springs, that the good effects produced by the waters, are not always apparent un- til after their discontinuance. It is not un- common to see diseases of the skin apparent- ly resist the operation of the remedy, dur- ing the continuance of the treatment, but yield a short time afterwards in consequence of its curative effect being prolonged. Ma- ny cases have ^occurred, which would estab- lish this truth beyond a doubt. w DISEASES OF THE URINARY PASSAGES. Y7 A physician from Manchester, Ontario County, who was afflicted with leprosy to such a degree as to be an object of disgust to his patients, abandoned his piofession, and was entirely cured by the use of the waters in one year. Diseases of the Urinary Passages. — The curative or palliative effect of our alcaline- sulphurous waters, in the treatment of dis- eases of the urinary organs, may be readily understood, by a reference to their diuretic properties and their chemical composition. Among the number of diseases of this na- ture, in which they are manifestly useful, are, chronic catarrh of the bladder ; chron- ic inflammation of the urinary organs, wheth- er the discharge bo muco-purulent or puru- lent; the lithic diathesis, or the disposition of the urinary organs to the formation of cal- culi, in common language, the gravel. In these cases, however, the greatest caution is requisite in the administration of this rem- edy, it should not be employed to the ex- tent of producing active inflammatory reac- tion ; it should never be made use of, until these inflammations have passed to a chronic state ; and it is almost always necessary, during the treatment, to resort to antiphlo- gistic remedies, and opiates occasionally, in order to moderate the excitement produced by the stimulating properties of the water. ?8 DISEASES OP THE URINARY PASSAGES, I have never, as yet, advised them in cases of chronic catarrh of the bladder and gleet, except in union with some mucilage ; though I have known a number of cases where, un- aided, they have effected a cure. In two instances, the cures were rapid and com- plete. Bordeu advances the opinion, that the waters of Barreges, which are alkaline-sul- phurous, dissolve urinary calculi by a chem- ical action. Home and Mascagni have ob- served the efficacy of the alkaline bicarbo- nates, in cases of gravel ; and their opin- ions rather favor the theory of the chemi- cal action of the alkaline carbonates of hy- dro-sulphurous waters There is, however, no necessity for resorting to any speculation of this nature, since their known efficacy in producing and facilitating healthy urinary secretions, either by removing from the uri- nary system the irritative causes of disease, or by correcting the morbid disposition of that system, is sufficient to account for aH the phenomena which follow their use. — The alkaline carbonates have frequently quieted, in a few hours, the most severe ne- phritic pains ;* a longer time would seem to be required, for the chemical decomposi- tion of calculi. * Prout Treatise on Grarel, &c, p. 195. DISEASES OF "THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. 79 Diseases of the digestive organs. — In the various and complicated disorders of the primce viae,unattended with inflammatory ac- tion, the Avon water has proved to be emi- nently useful. Of these, chronic affections of the stomach are the most common, in consequence of the nature of its functions, and its sympathies with other organs. The diseases of this part, are readily communi- cated to other parts of the system, and it feels sensibly the diseases of all the rest. — In obstinate dyspepsia attending a debilita- ted or depraved state of the digestive func- tions, acidity, flatulence, and heartburn ; in that which succeeds to acute diseases, and is accompanied by jaundice, frequent vomiting of mucus, pain in the right side or the re- gion of the stomach, this remedy may be so administered as often to afford prompt and effectual relief. The remarks of Dr. Fran- cis coincide with my own experience. "Clinical observation has enabled us to affirm, that few disorders of a constitution- al origin are more perplexing in their diag- nostic character than the maladies arising from long persistence in errors of diet ; from this, among other sources, the digestive func- tions become enfeebled or broken up, and the irritations of impaired digestion, associ- ated with the undue secretion of uric acid in various forms, lead to the production of 80 DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS- gout, gravel, and other formidable and ago- nizing derangements of the kidney and urin- ary functions. " In cases of this sort, Dr. McLean and others of enlarged experience have testified to the eminent usefulness of the Saratoga waters ; and I believe it will be found that those of Avon possess merits of a similar quality, if not of a higher degree. It be- hoves us, however, previously to relieve the system, by unlocking the several emuncto- ries, to abate inordinate action, and regulate the habits of the sufferer ; for even of wa- ters so comparatively feeble as the Bath waters, England, it is said by Dr. Parry, that they are in no form whatever benefi- cial, during the paroxysm of gout, or in any inflammatory disposition, which may exist in the interval. " After the preliminary management of the case by depletory means, and appropri- ate alvine aperients, the use of the water of Avon for a few days, or perhaps weeks, has wrought an alteration of the most gratify- ing character, evinced by improved appe- tite, increase of flesh, and invigorated health; and while the body receives the impress and partakes of all the advantages of increased physical energy, a corresponding improve- ment marks the capacity of the intellectual powers." SCROFULA. 81 Scrofula. — This disease, which in our cli- mate, is so frequently the consequence of atmospheric changes, vicissitudes, or im- proper diet and medical treatment in infan- cy or during dentition, is very frequently dependant upon, or complicated with irrita- tion of the stomach and bowels. The ef- fect of the waters in the restoration of healthy action to the digestive organs, ren- ders them powerful therapeutic agents in this distressing, and often destructive malady. — But other and perhaps more frequent causes of scrofula areexanthematous eruptions such as measles, scarlatina, &c, and hooping cough. Dr. John Mackintosh in his princi- ples of Pathology remarks that he request- ed his friend Dr. Robertson, Surgeon to the Eye Dispensary of Edinburgh, to preserve a list of all the diseases of the eye usually denominated scrofulous, as well as those ac- companied by glandular and cutaneous af- fections, la order to ascertain how many were attributed by the parties themselves or their parents, to the exanthemata and hoop- ing cough. He was informed, after twelve months investigation, that almost all the ca- ses were attributed by the parties themselves or their friends to those diseases. Now nothing can be better adapted to remove se- condary effects of these diseases than sul- phurous waters, both from their action on 82 DISEASES OP THE CHEST. the mucous membranes and on the skin. — During twelve years I have witnessed the amendment produced in some ve- ry severe cases by the use of those of Avon, and many young persons with whom I am now acquainted have been perfectly cured. Bordeu has extolled sulphurous waters in chronic diseases of the chest, but the indi- cation which calls for the employment of this remedy, must be very manifest, and its application seasonable, or it will aggravate the evil which it is designed to cure. The stimulation produced by the Avon waters, so far as my experience extends, is attend- ed with fatal effects, in the advanced stage of tubercular phthisis ; and speedy dissolu- tion has, in several instances, followed its misapplication. Its action, however, in pro- moting a healthy secretion of mucous mem- branes, renders it beneficial in certain chronic pulmonary affections succeeding pleurisy or acute pneumonia ; in asthenic pulmonary catarrhs ; in mucous phthisis, even when these diseases are accompanied by marasmus, hectic fever, night sweats, and all the characteristics of consumption. " In the incipient and active stage of pulmonary irritation/' says Dr. Francis, "It becomes our duty to precede their employment by venesection, and the other customary means of depletion, analagous to the practice we ASTHMA. 83 have recourse to with the Ballston or Con- gress waters. The same observation ap- plies to hemoptysis, to acute disorders of the digestive organs, liver, and other vis- cera. The direful consequences which inev- itably occur in such cases from the Sara- toga waters, when these cautions are not heeded, are too painfully known to be dwelt upon in this place.' 7 Some remarkable cures of asthma have been effected by the use of these waters — one, which occurred in 1834, I have ex- tracted from my notes : M. C, a young lady, 19 years of age, of spare habits, had been subject to paroxysms of asthma for seven years. The duration of the fits was generally about twelve hours. Cough distressing, but expectora- tion scanty ; and the paroxysms were caus- ed, her physician thought, by an irregularity of the menstrual function. She came to the Springs with her sister, who was an in- valid, and without any hope of receiving benefit herself from the water. Was per- suaded to drink four half-pint glasses of the water daily, and to bathe at 92° F. twice each week. Following this course, she re; mained eight weeks ; and the day before she left, had one of the most severe fits. From this time there was no return of the disease for three years, and then but very 81 DISEASES OF FEMALES. slight. I saw her but a short time since, when she expressed her conviction to me that she had entirely recovered. The effect of the water, in this case, ap- pears to have been an increased severity of the paroxysms ; and it was not until its use was discontinued, that its alterative influ- ence upon the mucous membrane of the air passages was perceptible. The action of the warm bath too probably aided in pre- venting the continuance of the spasms. Diseases of Females. — The indirectly to- nic properties of Avon water render it a va- luable medicine in many forms of menstrual derangement : and these properties, result- ing from its general action upon the organs of secretion, it may commonly be adminis- tered without any apprehension of danger. The nature of this remedy, however, re- quires that, previous to commencing its use, in almost every case, a depletion, adapted to circumstances, should be adopted. It has been much used, and with benefit, in chlo- rosis, leucorrhea, amenorrhea, and diffi- cult and painful menstruation. The efficacy of bathing (universally acknowledged) in disorders of the menstrual function, renders its use in this form very common, and our experience somewhat enlarged. Great cau- tion is requisite in the administration of either the hot or cold bath : for general use, the DISEASES OF FEMALES. 95 tepid bath is to be preferred. In pregnancy^ Avon water is inadmissible ; it is, however, generally reputed to possess peculiarly pro- lific qualities. Puerperal Thrush.-— That peculiar form of inflammation which succeeds parturition in females, affecting the mouth and some- times the whole alimentary canal, has been in many signal instances relieved by the Avon waters. In these cases I have fre- quently administered them in connection with the mucilage of gum arabic, and pow- ders of calomel and pulv. ipecac.et opii, one grain of the former to four of the latter. This treatment has been very successful in chronic cases. One of the powders taken every night appears to prevent the intesti- nal irritation, which the use of the waters during the day, will sometimes occasion. Several very severe cases have been entire- ly cured, however, without the aid of any additional medicine. The warm water has been a valuable, and I consider it an indis- pensable auxiliary in their cure. During the years 1832 and 1834, these springs were the resort of hundreds of per- sons from our neighboring cities — viz., Ro- chester, Buffalo, Albany, &c, where the Asiatic cholera prevailed. Many of them were suffering from that state of the bow- els which is said to be indicative of the ap- 86 ASIATIC CHOLERA. proach of this formidable disease. Such was the effect of the waters, however, that no case of disease of this kind occurred; but, on the contrary, the premonitory symptoms were removed, in every individ- ual case. MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. 87 CHAPTER V. MODE OF ADMINISTRATION & THERA- PEUTIC APPLICATION. We come now to the consideration of the proper mode of using the Avon waters in the cure of those chronic diseases to which, under different forms, they have, by experi- ence, been found applicable. It is to be borne in mind, that each individual case has its own peculiarities, and consequently that only general directions can be given for the administration of any remedy. Where the case is of such a nature as to require cau- tion in the use of medicines, the same prin- ciple will apply to this as to any other me- dicinal compound of equal power — viz., that if it be inapplicable, or improperly adminis- tered, it cannot cure, and may be produc- tive of injury. There are several springs, each of which, in its composition, is adapted to particular forms and stages of chronic disease ; and 88 MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. this variety serves to give value and thera- peutic efficacy to the waters in the aggre- gate. For instance, in proportion as the disease which we wish to remove partakes of the character of acute inflammation, which may be in some measure ascertained by the local pain, or by the febrile excite- ment attending it, we desire to lessen the quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. ]t would certainly be very injudicious to com- mence by drinking the prescribed quantity of the water of the New Bath spring, which contains 35 cubic inches of gas to the gal- lon ; for it should be remembered that the White Sulphur Springs of Virginia, accord- ing to the analysis of Professor Rogers, contain only 2i cubic inches of this gas in every gallon ; and Dr. Moorman, the resi- dent physician at those springs, considers it "greatly advantageous in many cases, par- ticularly in very excitable persons; to have the gas expelled, in part or in whole, before using it." When the nature of the case in- dicates caution, we would advise the visitor to commence with the heated water of the Lower Spring ; thus diminishing the quan- tity of gas as much as possible. The quan- tity of sulphuretted hydrogen contained in a gallon of the water of the Lower Spring, as may be seen by reference to the prece- ding analysis, is ten cubic inches; by heating MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. 89 in an open vessel, this quantity may be greatly reduced : and there being springs in the neighborhood presenting every pos- sible variety in this respect, the Avon wa- ters may be considered as adapted to all cases of disease in which the use of sul- phurous waters would be admissible or ad- vantageous. There is one fact which is of some im- portance, and should be borne in mind by the invalid visitor of these springs. Upon exposure to the atmospheric air, or if the temperature of the water be changed, a partial decomposition takes place ; and the same effects cannot be expected to follow its use as will if drank as it issues from the fountain, or at its source. Its medicinal ef- fect cannot fail to be very much altered by exposuie or changes of temperature. Suit- able precautions should be taken, if the wa- ter be drank at a distance from the springs, that its original nature be preserved. Quo propius aqua bibitur a fonte, eo efficacior; quo remotior, eofit languidior" * was the assertion of Hoffman. The use of milk associated with sulphurous waters was recommended by Hoffman and Bordeu. The latter relates the case of a ♦Hoffman, Op. T. IV. § 15. " The nearer to the fountain water is drank, the more efficacious ; the more remote, the weaker the action." 90 MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. very delicate and feeble woman, who was cured of a hemorrhage from the womb, by the waters of Barreges. When she drank them pure, they caused a very great heat and high fever. Cases of a similar nature have occurred at the Avon Springs. The treatise of Hoffman, " De Connubio aqua- rum mineralium cum lacte, longe saluberri- mo" is extant. The disagreeable taste of the water is, in some measure, concealed by this admixture. The operation of Avon water upon the human system in modified by the quantity drank in a given time, and by the constitu- tion, habit, and disease of the individual. Generally speaking, 4 or 6 half pint tumblers of the water, drank during the day, produce a mild cathartic effect ; and under its long- continued exhibition to this extent, no debil- ity ensues, but, on the contrary, the appe- tite and strength are very much increased. In very large doses — eight or ten tumblers a day, for example — it operates powerfully upon the bowels, kidneys, and skin. A mo- derate use of this water, persevered in for a considerable length of time, will produce an alterative effect, in cases where there is no acute inflammation. " A judicious mode of commencing the use of the Avon water, 5 ' says Dr. Francis, "is to take six or seven half-pint tumblers MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. 91 during the twenty-four hours : a couple of tumblers may be advantageously drank be- fore breakfast, and two or three hours after that meal the same quantity may again be taken, and an additional tumbler or two in the afternoon. To the sense of smell they present the usual properties of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, but in a very small degree ; they are not oppressive to the digestive or- gans. Some, how r ever, take them in larger quantity, and often repeat the draught. Others, again, never use them until after the first meal. Like the Ballston and Sara* toga waters, they are sometimes drank to a pernicious extent. It is expedient, therefore, in all cases, to regulate their administration by their immediate etFect ; and regard must be paid to age, sex, disease, constitution, and individual peculiarity. To guard against undue local determination, either cerebral, thoracic, or visceral, will always become a matter of professional duty." No rule can be given which will apply to many of the complicated and intractable cases which an- nually present themselves at these mineral fountains. With some, from half a pint to a pint daily is all that can be administered ; while there are others upon whom six or eight half-pint glasses make but a trifling impression. A painful tension of the epigastric or hy- 02 MODE OP ADMINISTRATION. pochondriac regions is sometimes occasion- ed by the use of the water — a sensation of weight or constriction of the stomach, nau- sea, loss of appetite, or a suppression of some of the natural secretions. In these cases, the excitement which is produced is not distributed in an equable manner. This difficulty may be obviated by lessening the dose — by using gentle exercise, in order to produce slight perspiration — and by various means adapted to individual peculiarities. When heated, the Avon water is deprived of a portion of its sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and the salts with which it is impreg- nated are rendered more imediately aperi- ent. It may therefore be used in this way when the inflammatory diathesis prevails to such an extent as to resist its beneficial and successful administration in its natural state. If, however, the tendency to inflammation exists to such a degree as to preclude the use of the heated water, it becomes neces- sary to resort to other and more active pur- gatives, or to the lancet, in order to produce such a condition of the system as will be more favorable to its operation. Here, again, the variety of springs affords us effi- cient aid in the accomplishment of our ob- ject. If the chemical composition of the different springs be referred to, the quantity of aperient salts will be found to vary from MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. 93 82.98 grains in every gallon of water, (the New Bath spring,) to 296.24 grains, (the Sylvan Spring.) But the most active pur- gative salts contained in these waters are the sulphates of magnesia and soda. Of these the Lower Spring contains 63.34 grs. in every gallon of water — the New Bath, 46.80 grs. — the Upper, 26grs, — and the Syl- van only 12.960 grs. The effects produced by the waters of these various fountains correspond with the known effects of the different substances which they contain ; and we find the heated water of the Lower Spring to be the most brisk cathartic. The time and manner of using the wa- ters may be so diversified as to produce va- rious effects upon the human system, or up- on particular organs. Their purgative ope- ration is mild, but certain, when from four to six half-pint glasses are taken in the early part of the day. When used as al- terants, they should be taken in small quan- tities frequently repeated, and their course continued a sufficient length of time for the manifestation of their action. Half a pint before breakfast, the same quantity at elev- en o'clock and at twelve in the forenoon ; will answer the intention : or if this be more than is demanded by the nature of the case, and the condition of the patient, the quantity taken at one time may be re- 94 MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. duced. In some obstinate cases of rheu- matism and cutaneous disease, benefit has been received from the us? of the heated water in the evening ; but th s should not be attempted without proper medical ad- vice* In short, the administration of these wa- ters may be so regulated as to adapt them to fulfil various indications. They may be so administered as to render them efficient in many different ways. We may direct their. action towards the respiratory, the di- gestive, the urinary, or the generative or- gans; or to the capillary circulation. Again, by the selection of an appropriate spring; by the regulation of doses, and of the time and manner of using them, we may pro- duce a more immediate, or a more general and alterative effect. External Aplication of the Waters. — The publisher has, from necessity, excluded some general remarks on bathing, that were thought important, and calculated to ex- cite interest. The effect of bathing in hot or Cold water endowed with so much power, from its impregnation with gases and min- eral sails, is not be viewed lightly. Parti- cular directions, and tho^e adapted to indi- vidual cases, can only be given by a physi- cian well acquainted with the human sys- tem, the laws by which it is governed, and EXTERNAL USE. 95 the diseases to which it is incident, and one also who has experimental knowledge of these waters. The author will give advice on the sub- ject to the poo? 9 according to their circum- stances, either gratuitously or for a trifling remuneration, at the "Upper Spring'' Bath- house, from 8 to 9 o'clock every forenoon ; and from 9 to 10 o'clock at the "Lower Spring " Bath-house. In both cases, Sun- days excepted. ERRATUM* Page 72 — after the word " stomachic " there should have been " complaints ; dyspepsia ; chronic dis- eases of the liver ; in scrofula ; in some diseases of the chest, and many diseases peculiar to females." r& f. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 169 335