IE ®idnm o. A' °/ > '/' rt G /i 8 oK * // p W' k V<* ; .^ y % I * y * A ,/'\ 'V ^'\ 0' o>' r , => 4? ^. . ^ •»> A % W* i ■ .. W d> **■ •^ si O > Captivating Bible Stories FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WRITTEN IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE BEGINNING AT THE CREATION OF THE WORLD IT TAKES THE READER THROUGH THE BIBLE IN FIFTY-TWO LESSONS, EACH LESSON COMPRISING THREE READINGS FOR EACH SABBATH OF THE YEAR, WHILE A SERIES OF QUESTIONS WITH EACH READING HELP TO IMPRESS UPON THE YOUNG MIND THE TRUTHS OF THE HOLY BIBLE. DESIGNED TO PROMOTE GREATER INTEREST in the SACRED SCRIPTURES AND A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR TEACHINGS INCLUDING ALL THE IMPORTANT HISTORICAL EVENTS DE- SCRIBED IN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS By CHARLOTTE M . YONGE The Noted Author and Missionaries' Friend EMBELLISHED WITH MORE THAN 200 SUPERB ENGRAVINGS BY JULIUS SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD OF SCENES DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, No, 241 American Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. 21 ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR 1813, BY GEO. W. BERTRON THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON, D. C, U. 8. A. The Illustrations In this work being from original drawings and protected by copyright, their reproduction In any form is unlawful, and notice is hereby given that persons guilty of infring- ing the copyright thereof will be prosecuted. M 'CI.A332794 HE great number of Bible story books that have been published show how many attempts have been made to supply the want which has long been felt of a work containing a carefully written story of the Scripture narrative for young people. In this great work which is written in simple language, the captivating story of the Bible is told in a style that will cause it to be read over and over again, and the thrilling truths and beautiful lessons it contains will never be forgotten. It takes the reader through the Bible in fifty-two lessons, each lesson comprising three readings for each Sabbath of the year, while a series of questions following each reading, help to impress upon the young mind the truths of the Holy Scripture. The work begins with the marvellous Story of the Creation, describing the beauties of the Garden of Eden, and the awful disaster of the flood; it relates the thrilling scenes in the life of Abraham and the other Patriarchs, and furnishes a great panorama of the w T onderf ul events in the dawn of history. This is followed by the delightful story of Joseph, who was sold by his envious brethren and hurried away to Egypt, where he was adopted into the king's family, and finally made ruler over that country. The lessons of his life should be read by every boy and girl in the land. He was one of the noblest characters spoken of in the Bible. Next, we have a glimpse of Moses in his little life-boat, found and cared for by a Royal Princess. We see him growing to the fullness of manhood, becoming leader of his people, and finally breaking their chains and bringing them out of captivity. He in IV PREFACE. stands at the burning bush; he opens a fountain in a rock; he goes up among the clouds of Sinai and receives the tables of the law. This part of the Bible story is full of instruction. Then grand old Joshua comes forth upon the scene, and the reader follows him through his stormy conflicts and brilliant triumphs. Here, too, is .a graphic descrip- tion of the magnificent achievements of Gideon, telling what wonders he wrought and what valor he displayed. Who has not been fascinated by the delightful story of Ruth? This humble but charming woman was an ancestor of our Lord Jesus and all are interested in the story of her life. Every young person follows eagerly the thrilling account of King Saul and King David. We see the strong, misguided yet mighty Saul, and also the ruddy shep- herd boy whose swift sling slew a giant. Then comes Solomon in all his glory, and along in this part of the Old Testament Story we see that grand man of the desert, Elijah, and follow him through his startling experiences until, in a chariot of fire, he is borne away through the clouds to heaven. We also read of that young patriot Nehemiah, who left the splendors of a palace to rebuild the shattered walls of Jerusalem. He accomplished wonders, teaching the great lessons of devotion and energy. The Bible is a rich store-house of instruction and entertain- ^ W PREFACE. v ment. How captivating is the story of Queen Esther. She presents a striking example of those great crises in which the scale has been turned by the power and influence of woman. Other narratives come in thick succession. The young are always interested in the story of Daniel. Why should they not be? His strong and beautiful character has a peculiar charm, and there are few names in history that shine so resplendently. Let his brilliant record be studied by all, whether old or young. How eagerly young people read the charming story of Bethlehem — the story of the angelic choir; of the wondering shepherds who heard the heavenly anthem of Peace and Good-Will; of the Holy Child laid in the humble manger; of the burning star that lighted the wise men of the East to the feet of the infant Prophet, Priest and King; and the thrilling incidents con- nected with His life. It would not be possible for human pen to depict more vividly those majestic events, at once awful and fascinating, which form the closing- chapter of our Lord's life upon earth. We venture, in conclusion, to hope this volume will be the means, with God's blessing, of endearing to many young hearts "the sweet story of old," making them to love from childhood that book which in after years will truly be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path. PAGE Adam and Eve Driven out of the Garden of Eden . . 23 After the Banishment from Eden ...... 24 Sacrifice of Cain and Abel, ' . . .25 Return of the Dove with the Olive Branch . . . 27 Noah and His Family Leaving the Ark 30 Noah's Sacrifice After the Flood . . . . 30 Abram Sees the Promised Land 32 Melchizedek Blessing Abram . . . . . . .33 Abraham Entertains Three Angels . . . . . 35 Lot and His Family Fleeing from Sodom . . . . .37 Abraham Offering Isaac as a Sacrifice . . . . 39 Abraham's Servant Meeting Rebekah at the Well . . .40 Rebekah Sees Isaac Coming to Meet Her . . . . 40 Isaac Blessing Jacob 44 Jacob's Vision of Angels 46 Jacob Meeting Rachel 48 Laban Hiring Jacob . . 48 Jacob's Departure for Canaan ....... 49 Jacob and the Angel 50 The Meeting of Jacob and Esau 50 Joseph Sold by His Brethren 52 Pouring Out a Drink Offering . 56 Joseph Interpreting Pharaoh's Dream 58 Joseph Proclaimed Ruler Over Egypt 60 Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brethren . . . .61 Joseph Meeting His Father . . . . . . 62 Leather Bottles 63 Pharaoh's Daughter Finding Moses . . . . . . 65 The Israelites Made to Work Hard in Egypt . . . .67 Aaron's Rod Changed to a Serpent Q8 The Plague of Locusts . . 71 The Feast of the Passover 74 Death of the First-born of Egypt 76 Egyptian Judgment Scene 77 Pharaoh's Host Destroyed in the Red Sea 79 vi ILLUSTRATIONS. vii PAGE Aaron and Hur Holding Up the Hands of Moses . . . 82 Korah and His Associates Swallowed Up 83 Aaron's Rod that Budded 85 The Holy Place 86 Moses Bringing Water From the Rock 88 The Brazen Serpent . . . . . . . . .89 Priest — High-Priest — Levite ....... 91 Balaam Met by the Angel of the Lord ..... 94 High-priest With Sin Offering 98 The Ten Commandments 100 Moses Receiving the Tables of the Law . . . . 101 Moses Destroys the Tables of the Law 103 Ancient Musical Instruments 105 Moses Bringing the New Tables of the Law . . . . 107 The Spies Returning From Canaan 109 Table of Shew Bread — Ark — Golden Candlestick . . . 110 Moses Giving His Charge to Joshua . . . . . .112 Moses Viewing the Promised Land 113 The Death of Moses 113 Carrying the Ark Over Jordan 117 The Walls of Jericho 118 The Angel Appearing to Joshua 119 Falling of the Walls of Jericho 120 Joshua Capturing the City of Ai . . . . . . .121 Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still . . . . 121 Dividing the Land Among the Tribes 122 South-east View of the Tabernacle . . . . . . 123 Sisera Slain by Jael 125 Gideoh's Offering Burnt by Fire From the Rock . . . 127 Gideon's Victory Over the Midianites 128 Jephthah Meeting His Daughter . . . . . . 129 Samson Slaying a Lion . .129 Young Samuel Brought to Eli 130 Hannah's Prayer 131 God Tells Samuel of Destruction of Eli's House . . . 134 The Death of Eli . ' 136 Samuel Anointing Saul , . . 138 Ancient Shoes 140 Ruth and Naomi .......... 141 Ruth Gleaning in the Field of Boaz 142 viii ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Saul Teaeing the Robe of Samuel . . . . . . 144 David Anointed by Samuel 145 David Slaying Goliath . . 148 Saul Casting His Javelin at David 149 The Pabting of David and Jonathan 150 David and Abigail . . . . . . .. . . .150 The Death of Saul ......... 153 David Anointed King Oveb Isbael 153 David Moubns the Death of His Child 155 Shimei Casting Stones at David 156 The Death of Absalom 158 David's Thbee Mighty Men . . 160 Solomon Anointed King . . 163 Solomon in All His Globy . . . . . . . . 164 The Judgment of Solomon .166 The Building of Solomon's Temple 167 The Queen of Sheba Visiting Solomon . . . . . .170 Idolatry of Solomon . . . 171 Revolt of the Tbibes 172 Elijah Fed by the Ravens . . . . . . . 177 The Widow's Son Restobed to Life 178 Elijah Slaying the Pbophets of Baal . . . . . 181 The Death of King Ahab . . . . . . . 186 Elijah Taken Up Into Heaven 187 The Shunamite's Son Restobed . . . . . . .189 Jezebel Eaten by Dogs . 197 A City Captubed and the Inhabitants Led Away Captive . 200 Rabshakeh Befobe Sennachebib 202 The Angel Slaying the Assybians . . . . . . 204 The Book of the Law Found - . 206 An Assybian King . . . . '.'".. . . . 207 Jebusalem Besieged and People Taken Captive . . . 209 ashtobeth 210 The Lobd Commands Jebemiah . 212 Two Pages of an Ancient Scboll of Scbiptubes . . . .214 Jebemiah Moubning Oveb Jerusalem 224 The Bbeastplate . '.'"'. . 227 Ezekiel's Vision . 229 Daniel Inteepbeting the Wbiting on the Wall . . . .238 ILLUSTRATIONS. Return of the Jews from Captivity . Building of the New Temple The Jewish Captives Conducted Before Darius Daniel in the Lion's Den ..... Babylonian Brick ....... Queen Esther Crowned Triumph of Mordhcai Nehemiah Armeth the Laborers A Solemn Fast and Repentance of the People . The Angel Appears Unto Zacharias . The Angel Appears Unto Mary .... The Prophecy of Elizabeth and of Mary The Birth of John The Angel Announcing the Birth of Jesus The Birth of Jesus The Birth of Jesus Proclaimed by the Shepherds The Visit of the Wise Men ..... Joseph Commanded to Flee into Egypt The Flight into Egypt ....... Killing the Male Children Under Two Years Old Jesus Teaching in the Temple .... John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness The Baptism of Jesus ..... The Temptation of Jesus Behold the Lamb of God Jesus Calling His Disciples The Miracle in Cana .... Jesus Teaches Nicodemus Jesus and the Woman of Samaria . Jesus Heals the Sick of the Palsy . Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus Jesus Gives Sight to the Two Blind Men Sermon on the Mount .... Jesus Raises the Widow's Son . Jesus Sleeps During the Storm . Sending Forth the Twelve Apostles Death of John the Baptist . Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand . Jesus Supports the Sinking Peter The Well or Fountain at Nazareth ix PAGE 241 243 245 246 247 250 251 252 254 256 256 257 258 259 260 261 264 265 266 267 268 271 272 273 276 277 278 279 280 280 283 283 284 285 285 286 287 288 289 290 x ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE The Transfiguration . . '.' . . . . . 292 The Good Samaritan 293 Jesus and the Sisters of Bethany . . . . . . 293 The Return of the Prodigal . .294 The Rich Man and Lazarus the Beggar . . , . . 295 The Pharisee and the Publican . . . . . . .297 The Raising of Lazarus 297 Mary Anoints the Head of Jesus . . . .' . . .299 Christ Entering Jerusalem . . . ... . . 300 Jesus Drives Out the Money-changers . . . . . . 302 Jesus Washing His Disciples' Feet . . . . . . 304 The Last Supper . . . . . . . . . . 305 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane . . . . . . 306 Judas Betrays Jesus . . . .'■'•. . . . . . 309 Christ Before Caiaphas . . . .. . . . 310 Peter Denying Jesus . . . . . . . . .311 Jesus Crowned with Thorns 313 Christ Before Pilate 314 The End of Judas Iscariot 315 Jesus Falls Under the Cross . . .. . . . .317 The Crucifixion . . . . 318 The Burial of Jesus . . . . . . . . 320 As it Began to Dawn 321 The Resurrection . . 322 The Women at the Tomb of Jesus 322 Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre 323 Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene . . . . . 324 Jesus Appears to Two of His Disciples 326 Then Said Jesus Unto Them, Be Not Afraid . . . . 327 Jesus Appears to His Disciples at the Sea of Tiberias . . 329 The Ascension . . . 331 Tongues of Fire Resting on the Disciples . . . . .334 The Child Christ, Mary His Mother and Joseph . . . 345 The Sermon on the Mount . . ... . . . 361 Finding the Lost Sheep . . . . . . . . 376 Return of the Prodigal Son . . . . . . . . 278 Christ Blessing Little Children 381 The Wise and Foolish Virgins . . . . . . .388 The Crucifixion . . . 396 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes . . . . .399 FIRST SUNDAY. Creation of the World. 17 SECOND SUNDAY. How Sin Began and the Flood Came 22 THIRD SUNDAY. The Rainbow 29 FOURTH SUNDAY. Abraham and Lot 36 FIFTH SUNDAY. Jacob's Journey and Dream 43 SIXTH SUNDAY. Joseph in Egypt 51 SEVENTH SUNDAY. Joseph's Brothers 57 EIGHTH SUNDAY. The Call of Moses 64 NINTH SUNDAY. The Plagues of Egypt 70 TENTH SUNDAY. The Passover, 75 ELEVENTH SUNDAY. The Gainsaying of Korah 81 TWELFTH SUNDAY. Israel in the Wilderness „ 87 XI xii CONTENTS. THIRTEENTH SUNDAY. Balaam and Balak 93 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY. The Giving of the Law 99 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY. The Giving or the Law 106 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY. The Death of Moses Ill SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY. Israel in Battle 116 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY. The Judges of Israel 124 NINETEENTH SUNDAY. Samuel 130 TWENTIETH SUNDAY. King Saul 137 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY. The Reign of Saul 143 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY. King David Reigning 152 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY. Preparing for the Temple 159 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY. Solomon in all His Glory 164 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY. Solomon's Fall 169 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY. The Kingdom of Israel .'./. .... . , v,~ IT4 CONTENTS. xiii TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY. Elijah and Ah ab 180 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY. Elijah and Elisha 185 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY. Elisha's Miracles 191 THIRTIETH SUNDAY. The Ruin of Ahab's House 196 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY. Hezekiah and Josiah 201 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY. Jehoiakim's Cruelty 208 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY. Jeremiah's Prophecies 211 THIRTY-FOURTH SUNDAY. The Taking of Jerusalem 217 THIRTY-FIFTH SUNDAY. The Fall of Jerusalem 222 THIRTY-SIXTH SUNDAY. The Jews at Babylon 228 THIRTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY. Daniel at Babylon 233 THIRTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY. The Return From Babylon 240 THIRTY-NINTH SUNDAY. Troubles of the Jews 248 FORTIETH SUNDAY. The Coming of the Lord 255 xiv CONTENTS. FORTY-FIRST SUNDAY. The Childhood of Our Lord : . 263 FORTY-SECOND SUNDAY. The Preparation for the Ministry 270 FORTY-THIRD SUNDAY. The Calling of the Disciples : 275 FORTY-FOURTH SUNDAY. The Ministry 282 FORTY-FIFTH SUNDAY. Wonders of Our Lord's Working 291 FORTY-SIXTH SUNDAY. Going up to Jerusalem 298 FORTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY. The Evening of the Betrayal 303 FORTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY. The Trial and Condemnation 308 FORTY-NINTH SUNDAY. The Crucifixion 316 FIFTIETH SUNDAY. The Resurrection 321 FIFTY-FIRST SUNDAY. The Ascension 327 FIFTY-SECOND SUNDAY. The Waiting Time 333 THE NEW TESTAMENT STORY IN VERSE 337 FIRST READING. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." — Gen. 1: 1. §^ N the Bible we are told God made the earth we live on. Sunday is the earth's birthday, for on the first day of the week the Creation began. The world was one mass — dark, empty, and shapeless — till God made the light by His Word, and saw the light was good. Without light we could not live : even the very trees and flowers would die. When we have been in the dark how glad we are to see light come back, even if it be only one grey line beginning in the sky ! This shows how blessed is this gift. It was good, too, that we should have quiet dark night for rest and stillness. The second great change enclosed the earth in an outer ball of air, which we call the sky or firmament. That is the deep blue 2-B.S. 17 18 CREATION OF THE WORLD. into which we look up and up. The mist and fog rise up from the earth and make the clouds that take strange shapes, sometimes dark and full of rain to water the earth, sometimes shining white, or pink and golden with morning or evening light. The third great change was, that water filled the deep hollows of the earth, while the hills rose up dry above them, with rivers and streams running down their slopes into the deep seas below. God did not leave the land bare and stony: He clothed it with green fresh plants and herbs, with leaves and flowers, and trees to give us their fruit and wood, and filled even the sea with plants that can live under water. THE EARTH GLADDENED BY THE SUN. Next, God caused the rays of the sun to gladden the earth, and let it see the moon lighted up by the sun, as well as the stars far beyond our firmament. We count the months by the changes in the moon ; and our earth's journey around the sun marks our years and seasons. We all rejoice in a bright sunny day, though the sun is too bright and glorious for us to bear to gaze at him; and how lovely the moon looks, either as a young crescent, or a beautiful full moon ! The waters began to be full of live things, that swam, or crept, or flew: fishes, and birds, and insects. By that time this world was nearly as we see it, and a beautiful home for us to live in. Then God made the four-footed beasts — sheep and cows, horses, dogs, cats, elephants, lions — all that we use or admire ; and, last of all, when He had made this earth a happy, healthy place, He planted the Garden of Eden, and put in it the first man and woman, the best of all that He had made ; for though their bodies were of dust, like those of the beasts, yet their souls came from the Breath of God. They could think, speak, pray, and heed what is unseen as well as what is seen. CREATION OF THE WORLD. 19 There are many many lessons to be learnt from this wonder- ful story. Let us try to take home one of them. Let us ask our Father that the ground below, the light above, the sky and sea, the sun and moon, the trees and flowers, the birds and beasts, and His holy day of rest, may remind us that they came from Him, and that we may be very thankful to Him for having given us such good things. QUESTIONS. 1. Who made the world ? 2. Which Commandment tells you about God's making the world? 3. What is there in the sky that God made? 4. What is there on the earth ? 5. What do you see around you that He made ? 6. Can we make birds, or beasts, or flowers ? 7. Or could we make them live ? 8. WTio makes them and us live? 9. Where does all our food come from? 10. Who gave us corn? 11. What must we ask God to do for us? 12. What must we thank Him for? 13. Do not you think it would be pleasant to whisper to your- self, when you see a pretty flower, or a beautiful sky, or when the sun shines bright and warm, " Thank God for being so good to me " ? SECOND READING. " And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul." — Genesis 2 : 7. N the Bible God tells us that He made the world, and everything in it : land and water, and grass, flowers and trees, insects, birds and beasts, and last of all He made the first man and woman. The man was made by God out of the dust of the ground, and then God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and gave him a living soul. And the woman was made by God out of the man's side. They were called Adam and Eve, and they were to be the first father and mother of everyone who was to be born into the world. The good God gave them a beautiful home. It was a garden, with a clear river of water flowing through it, and all kinds of delicious fruit-trees and beautiful flowers growing in it. Nothing could hurt or vex them there. They did not know what pain was, 20 CREATION OF THE WORLD. they were never tired, and all they had to do was to dress the garden and to keep it. They had no faults, and never did wrong; and God Himself came near to talk with them. That was the way they lived, always good and always happy, whilst they obeyed what God had told them. In the midst of the garden grew two trees : one was the Tree of Life, and the other was the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. God told them that if they ate the fruit of this Tree of Knowledge they would die. We do not know what those trees were like, but sometime or other I hope we shall see the Tree of Life, for it is growing in heaven, close by the river that flows by the Throne of God; and when we see it, and taste of its fruit, we shall live for ever, and be happier than Adam and Eve were. We shall never be as happy as they were while we are living in this world ; but if we will try to obey God, and live holy lives, He will take us to heaven, and that will be still better than the Garden of Eden. QUESTIONS. 1. What did God make? 2. Whom did he make? 3. What was the man made of? 4. What was the woman made of? 5. W T hat did God breathe into them? 6. What did He give them? 7. Why were they better than the beasts? 8. What was the man's name? 9. What was the woman's name? 10. Of whom were they the father and mother ? 11. WTiere did they live? 12. What had they to do there? 13. What grew there? 14. What were the two chief trees that grew there? 15. Which were they not to touch? 16. What is the Tree of Life now ? 17. When do we hope to see it ? 18. What is a still happier place than the Garden of Eden ? CREATION OF THE WORLD. 21 THIRD READING. " Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further ; and here shall thy proud waves be stayed."— Job 38 : 11. HAT glorious and wonderful things God has made ! Did you ever see the sea? There it is — a great vast space, all water, looking green near us, but blue further off — always heaving up and down. The waves rise, and then ripple along, and burst with a white edge of bubbles of foam. A great space that had been left dry gets covered up with water again, and where you were walking just now is quite deep water. What is this called? The tide. Well, what will the tide do in proper time? Will it come rolling in over the beach, and cover up the land? No ; presently each will turn. Each wave will be a little less high than the last, till it will have gone back again and left the beach uncovered as before. Why does the tide do this? It is because God so wonderfully contrived this earth and sea, that the waters should rise and go back. He made the sand the bound of the sea, and said, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed." So, you know, we sing in the Psalm every Sunday — " The sea is His, and He made it : His hands prepared the dry land." QUESTIONS. 1. What curious thing does the sea do every day? 2. What do you call the coming in and going back of the sea? 3. Why does the tide always stop in its proper place ? 4. What did God make the bound of the sea ? 5. What did he say to it? 6. What verse praises God for making the sea? Seconb Sunba\\ HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD GAME. FIRST READING. "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." — Gen, 3 .- 13. AST Sunday you heard how God made the world, and put a man and woman to live in it. The man was named Adam; the woman was named Eve. God gave them a beautiful garden to live in, full of trees and flowers ; and they had no pain, no trouble, nothing to vex them. Only one thing God told them : there was one tree whose fruit they must not eat. They might eat the fruit of all the other trees, but not of that one. As long as they obeyed, all was well and happy with them; but if they ate it they would die. But a bad spirit came and took the shape of the serpent, and talked to Eve. He told her a wicked lie— he told her that to eat the fruit would make her wise, and would not make her die. And Eve listened, and did eat. And she gave Adam, and he also ate ; and so they took the bad spirit for their master instead of the good God. Then God was angry with them, and put them out of the garden, and let them be weak and sickly, and die at last. It was a sad thing for us. For if they had been good and obeyed God, and not the bad spirit, it would have been easy for us to be good, and we would not have the devil tempt- ing us to do wrong: we would never have known pain or sorrow. But God pitied Adam and Eve; and he promised them 22 HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. 23 that the Seed — that is, the Son — of the woman should bruise the serpent's head, and set them and their children free. Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, set us free when He died on the cross and rose again ; and now we belong to ADAM AND EVE DRIVEN OUT OP THE GARDEN OF EDEN.— Gen. 3 123, 24. Him, and not to the bad spirit. Only we must try and ask Him to help us not to do what is wrong, as Eve did, or we shall not keep free from the power of the enemy. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the first man? 2. Who was the first woman? 3. Where did God put them ? 4. What was the one thing they might not do ? 5. Wliat was to happen if they ate of that fruit? 6. Who came and spoke to Eve? 7. What shape did the bad spirit take ? 8. W r hat did he tell Eve ? 9. What did she do ? 10. Whom did she make her master? 11. What was done to punish her? 12. What sad things did the bad spirit bring on her? 13. Who came to set us free from the bad spirit ? 24 HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. SECOND READING. " And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth. " — Gen. 6 : 17. HE Lesson this morning told the sad history of how Adam and Eve did the very thing that God forbade; so that He drove them out of the Garden of Eden, and sin and death came into the world. After that they had children. Some were good, but not so good as Adam and Eve had been at first; and some were bad. And as time went on the bad ones grew worse, and the good ones were tempted, and many of them grew wicked AFTER THE BANISHMENT FROM EDEN.— Gen. 3 : 19. too. And so all the world was getting wicked, and God saw noth- ing but evil when He looked down on it. And He said that He would destroy these wicked people, and wash away the evil from the earth by a great flood. But there was one good man, whose name was Noah; and God said He would save him. HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. 25 He bade Noah build an Ark. It was to be a great ship, all made of wood, and it took a great many years to build; and all that time people laughed at Noah, for they would not believe that anything was going to happen. Noah made the Ark, and stored it with food. And God sent him a pair of all sorts of animals that were in the world, and he put them into pens in the Ark. Then Noah and his wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet, and their wives, went into the Ark, and God shut them in. ^-arfWn'fL, SACRIFICE OF CAIN AND ABEL.— Gen. 4 5 4, 5- Then it began to rain. It rained for forty days and forty nights without stopping, and the rivers came out of their banks, and the sea came upon the land, and the ground was covered up. Even the tops of the highest hills were hidden, and everybody and every creature was drowned — all but Noah and those that were with him. There was the Ark all the time floating quite safe on the water. The storm could not upset it nor the sea get into it, for God took care of it and all that was in it. The reason Noah was saved was because, first, he tried to be 26 HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. good, and not do like the bad people round him ; and next, because he believed what God said to him, and went on making the Ark, even when he saw no danger. If we wish God to save us, then we must take care that we do just what we are told — not what seems pleasant now, but what is really right. QUESTIONS. 1. Do you know why Adam and Eve were driven out of the happy garden ? 2. How did people go on after that? 3. How had sin come into the world ? 4. What did God say He must do to the world? 5. Why? 6. Who was to be saved? 7. What was Noah to make? 8. What was the Ark like? 9. What were put in it? 10. Why were two of all creatures put into the Ark? 11. What men and women were in it? 12. What were the names of Noah's sons? 13. What happened when Noah was in the Ark? 14. How long did it rain? 15. What was covered up? 16. What became of all the people? 17. Who were safe? 18. Where was the Ark? 19. Who took care of the Ark? 20. Why was Noah saved ? THIRD READING. " So Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth." — Genesis 7 : 2. T must have been a sad sight for Noah and his wife and their sons, as the rain went on and on, and the water grew deeper and deeper, and everybody and every- thing was drowned. Then came a time when nothing was to be seen but water. Wherever they looked all was sky and water; but it had done raining, the sky was blue again, the sun shone by day, the stars by night, and they must have been very glad. And still the water got lower, till the Ark did not float about, but stopped, resting on a peak of a mountain, a very high moun- tain, and a few bare tops of other hills began to peep out. By-and- by, Noah opened the window of the Ark and let out a raven. He never saw the raven again, for a raven eats dead things, and there HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. 27 RETURN OF THE DOVE WITH THE OLIVE BRANCH.— Gen. 8 :n. 28 HOW SIN BEGAN AND THE FLOOD CAME. were so many dead bodies floating about that it got plenty of food, and never came back to the Ark that had saved it. He waited a week, and then he let out a dove. Now doves like trees to sit and nestle in, and they eat grains and seeds ; so the poor dove found no place to rest in, and flew back to the Ark; and Noah took her back, and kept her a week, then let her fly again. She flew away but still she came back to the Ark, and this time she brought in her beak a sprig of olive branch. It was the first green thing that Noah had seen for a year ! Noah's children have loved the olive leaf everywhere, and called it the sign of peace and good news ever since. For now Noah knew that the waters had gone down, and that trees must be able to put forth leaves again. Once more, after another week, he let out the dove, and she did not come back, for she had found a tree where she could make her home, and seeds to eat; and then Noah knew the sad time of the flood — a whole year — was over, and the earth had been washed from all her stains. QUESTIONS. 1. What was the Flood? 2. What was the Ark? 3. Who was in it? 4. What had Noah with him in the Ark? 5. What became of everyone else ? 6. Why? 7. Why was Noah saved? 8. How long did the Flood last? 9. What birds did Noah send out of the Ark ? 10. Which came back ? 11. Why did not the raven come back? 12. What did the dove bring? 13. What was Noah sure of then ? 14. What had the earth been washed from ? ^s^> Zhivb 5unba\\ THE RAINBOW. FIRST READING. " I do sot my Bow in the Cloud."— Genesis '■) : 13. HE sin that came into the world when Eve listened to the tempter had grown as men multiplied and made each other worse. The wicked people had been drowned in the Flood, and Noah, his sons and their wives, had alone been saved in the Ark. After a whole year of being shut up there, watching the earth, first drowned and then coming out of the water, they had just come out on the fresh green earth, with all the animals saved with them, when God spoke to them. Then God made a promise to Noah. It was that no flood of water shall ever drown all the world again, but spring, summer, autumn, and winter, day and night, will go on to the end of the world, when it shall be burnt up by fire, not drowned by water. That Noah, and all of his after him, might feel sure that God in His mercy will go on preserving us, and giving us days and nights, seed-time and harvest, He gave us something to look at as a sign of His promise. He so ordered the rays of light, that when they shine upon drops of water in the air they cause beautiful colors, making part of a circle, so as to form a bow. So when the 29 30 THE RAINBOW. NOAH AND HIS FAMILY LEAVING THE ARK.-Gen. 8: 18, 19. NOAH'S SACRIFICE AFTER THE FLOOD.— Gen. 8: 20. THE RAINBOW. 31 sun shines on a cloud, as it rains, the fair bright rinbow is seen, as a pledge to us of God's merciful care and love to us. There is a rainbow round about the Throne of God in Heaven ; and the lovely rainbows that we see when the sun shines out, and the showers drift away, are to put us in mind that we are safe under His care, in right of His promise to Noah and his three sons, of whom the whole earth was peopled. We are the children of his son Japhet, and all that was then said to him belongs to us also. We should recollect it, and put our trust in Him, and be thank- ful when we see the beautiful soft arch that the Hands of the Almighty have bended, looking out of the midst of the dark watery clouds. QUESTIONS. 1. What beautiful sight do we sometimes see after a shower? 2. What is a rainbow like ? 3. Who put the rainbow in the cloud ? 4. Who was the man to whom God showed the rainbow? 5. What promise did God make Noah? 6. What had God just done to the wicked people? 7. Whom had he saved? 8. What did he say should always goon? 9. What did God put in the sky to show that he will not send another Flood? 10. What are we to think of when we see a rainbow? 11. Who takes care of us? 12. Where is there a rainbow in Heaven above ? SECOND READING. C( In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." — Genesis 1® : 3. HEN Noah's grandchildren and great-grandchildren came to be more and more, and the world was being filled with people again, they still were not all good, and the longer time went on the worse they grew. At last God called to a very good man, whose name was Abram, and told him that if he would come away from his home to a land God would show him, then God would bless him and lead him, and by-and-by give the land to his children, and that their children after them should be more in number than the 32 THE RAINBOW. grains of sand on the sea-shore, or than the stars in the sky : and that in his seed — that was, in a Son of his — all the nations of the earth should be blessed. It was strange to hear all this about Abram's children, for he was growing old, and he and his wife Sarai had no chil- dren at all. But he believed in God. He knew that God is Almighty, and can do whatever He will; so he only did just as God told him, and went away from his home, where God told him. ABRAM SEES THE PROMISED LAND.— Gen. 12 : 3-7. He was obliged to take all his cattle with him — quantities of cows, and goats, and sheep, and camels ; and he had many servants to drive them. When they came to a piece of grass and a fresh spring of water, there they would stop. They had no houses — only tents, which were great curtains woven of goat's hair and fastened up with poles, so that they could be set up or taken down, and carried about. All his life Abram lived in a tent, instead of staying at home in a city, and being at his ease. THE RAINBOW. 33 By-and-by he came to a beautiful country. There were high hills rising up, and green valleys between, full of grass for the sheep and cattle; and the wide sea spread out far away towards the sunset, all blue and glorious. God told him to look at the land, for that was the place which his children should have for their own ; but in the meantime Abram had not one bit of it, and was a stranger there ; and he had no child either. MELCHIZEDEK BLESSING ABRAM.— Gen. 14 : 18, 19, 20. But still he was quite sure that God spoke truth; and that somehow, though he did not know how, it would come about that his children should have the land, and that in One all the nations of the earth should be blessed. That was faith. QUESTIONS. 1. What good man do you hear of to-day? 2. What did God tell Abram to do? 3. What did God promise? 4. Who were to have the land? 5. Why was it strange to hear of his children ? 6. But did he believe it would come true ? 7. Why did he believe it? 8. How did he show that he believed? 9. Where did he go? 10. What had he with him? 11. What did he live in? 12. What is a tent like? 13. What sort of place did he come to? 3-B.S. 34 THE RAINBOW. THIRD READING. "Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between thee and me." — Gen. IS : 8, WO men were travelling together. They were an uncle and nephew. The uncle's name was Abram, the nephew's was Lot. They had come from home, because God had told Abram to come away from his own home to the land that God would give his children. Abram believed, and did as God bade him ; and Lot, the son of his dead brother, went with him. They did not go alone. Each of them had great flocks of cows, and sheep, and camels, and goats, and numbers of servants to take care of them. They would fix their tents, made of camels' hair, in any place where they saw a spring of water and good green grass for their cattle ; and there they would stay till all the grass was eaten up, and then take up their tents and move to another place. PARTING OF ABRAM AND LOT. Just now they had got to a bare stony place, where the sun shone hotly, and there was not much green ; but Abram had built up an altar with the great stones, and prayed there. Abram and Lot loved one another, and were at peace ; but when their servants drove out their flocks to get food and water there were apt to be quarrels. If Abram's men found a green grassy valley, they would not let Lot's cattle into it ; and if Lot's came to a well, they would not let Abram's flocks drink ; and so on. They were always quarrelling and making complaints to their masters. At last Abram saw that they would make Lot quarrel with him. So he said it would be wiser to part ; Lot should go one way and he another — any way there should be no strife. And he even told Lot to choose which way he would go. So Lot looked, and saw to the East a pleasant green valley, with fields of corn and mea- THE RAINBOW. 35 dows, and a fine river running into a clear lake, and five fine towns on the bank. He liked it better than the bare stony hills where Abram was ; and he never thought whether the people were good or not, but he took the first choice, and went to live there. So Abram ^ave up. He had the right to choose first, but he would not use it. He let his nephew choose. For he hated quarrels, and knew they were wicked; and he knew how to stop them, because he would yield up the best. That is the way to make peace and please God. ABRAHAM ENTERTAINS THREE ANGELS.— Gen. 18: 10. QUESTIONS. 1. Who had called Abram? 2. Who went with him? 3. What was Lot to Abram ? 4. Why did he go ? 5. What had God promised ? 6. What had they with them? 7. Who quarrelled ? 8. About what did the servants quarrel? 9. Did Abram and Lot quarrel? 10. How did Abram prevent a quarrel? 11. Who was to choose first? 12. Who might have chosen first? 13. Why did not Abram choose first? 14. Ought you to be in haste to take the first choice? 15. What should you try to hinder? 16. And if you keep yourself back, and don't say "It's mine/' and "I must/' shall you not be likely to keep from quarrels? fourth Sunba^ ABRAHAM AND LOT. FIRST READING. "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee." — Genesis 19 : 17. HERE was a beautiful valley, with steep hills shutting it in on all sides, and a clear swift river running through the midst and spread- ing into a lake. There were fine fields and rich grass, where sheep, cows, and goats could feed, and the shepherds shelter them- selves under the palm trees ; and on the bank of the river were five cities, with strong walls round them, and full of rich people, who bought and sold and made merry with the good things they pos- sessed. There was one man living among them who was good, and was grieved by the wicked ways of the men round him, who only laughed at him if he tried to tell them of better things. One evening two strangers came into the city where he lived, and he was the only person who would take them in, and shelter them from the wicked people in the street. Those strangers told him the place was to be destroyed, with all that were in it, because it was so wicked ! Though the fields looked so quiet, the walls so strong, and the sun had gone down as usual, all would be ruined in a few hours' time! Then the strangers took hold of him, and his wife and daughters, and led them almost by force away from their home in the dawn of morn- ing, bidding them escape for their lives to the mountain, and not 36 ABRAHAM AND LOT. 37 look back. They were frightened, and begged not to have to go so far as the wild mountain. Might they not go to the little city near at hand? And their wish was granted. Just as the sun had risen they entered the little city for which they had. begged; and as soon as they were safe the four towns, that had seemed so strong and firm, were all burning with fire and brimstone ; and all the sinners who had mocked at warning were soon lying dead under God's awful anger ! Four alone had been LOT AND HIS FAMILY FLEEING FROM SODOM— Gen. 19 : 24-26. led out of the city by the strangers, but even of these only three came into the city of refuge. The wife did not heed the warning not to linger nor look back, the deadly storm overtook her, and she remained rooted to the spot — a pillar of salt ! The names of those cities were Sodom and Gomorrah, and the one good man who was saved by the mercy of God was named Lot. And now a strange gloomy lake called the Dead Sea covers that valley with its heavy waters, and the bare rocky hills, crusted with salt, show that the curse of God is on the place. 38 ABRAHAM AND LOT. Let us try to carry home one thought from this terrible his- tory. This world will one day be burnt up like those cities, and its looking safe and prosperous now does not make it safe. But God sends messengers to lead us out of it. If we attend to them, and follow their advice, we shall through all our lives bp getting out of danger, and going on to a safe home in heaven ; but if we care only for pleasant things here, it is like looking back, and our souls will perish with what they love. That is why our Saviour bade us "Remember Lot's wife." We should remember her when we are tempted to think it hard to give up anything pleasant, because we are told that it is wrong, and may put us in danger of God's anger. QUESTIONS. 1. What was the name of the place I told you of to clay ? 2. What was the name of the man ? 3. What kind of place was Sodom ? 4. Who was the only good man there? 5. Who came to Lot? 6. What did he do for the strangers? 7. What did the strangers tell Lot? 8. Why Was Lot to come out of Sodom? 9. Why was Sodom to be destroyed? 10. Where did Lot go? 11. Who looked back? 12. What became of her? 13. What did God do to Sodom? 14. What sort of a place is it now? 15. What will be burnt up some day? 16, If we are not good, what will become of us? 17. But what have we to teach us to be good? 18. And how must we try to come out, like Lot? SECOND READING. " Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing that thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from Me." — Genesis 22 : 12. Y-AND-BY Abraham had a son — one only son, whose name was Isaac. All the promises God had made were to be for Isaac's children after him: and Abraham loved God, and hoped all the more. But then God called Abraham to do a strange and terrible thing. He was to go and take his dear son Isaac to the top of a hill, and there to offer him up to God as if he ABRAHAM AND LOT. 39 had been a calf or a lamb. Of course, in general, to do such a thing- would be shockingly wicked; but Abraham knew that when God commanded a thing, it must be right to do as he was bidden, how- ever dreadful it was to him. So they set out together. Abraham took the knife, and a vessel with fire in it? and Isaac carried the wood with which the sacrifice was to be burnt. On the way Isaac said, "My father, behold the fire and the wood : but where is the lamb for a burnt ABRAHAM OFFERING ISAAC AS A SACRIFICE.— Gen. 22: 11, 12. offering?" And Abraham answered, "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering." Isaac soon knew he was to be the lamb, for his father put the wood in order, and bound his limbs, and took the knife. And Isaac did not complain or struggle. He was ready, like his father, to do the will of God. But just as Abraham had the knife ready to slay his son, an angel called to him out of Heaven : "Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him : for now I 40 ABRAHAM AND LOT. ABRAHAM'S SERVANT MEETJNG REBEKAH AT THE WELL.— Gen. 24: 17. REBEKAH SEES ISAAC COMING TO MEET HER.-Gen. 24 : 64, 65. ABRAHAM AND LOT. 41 know that thou f earest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from Me." Then Abraham unbound his son, and was glad as if Isaac had really risen from the dead. And he saw a ram caught in the thicket by its horns ; so he took that, and offered it up instead of Isaac. Thus God really provided a lamb for a burnt offering. And He blessed Abraham more and more, and promised again that his children should have the land, and that in his Seed should all the nations of the earth be blessed. That Seed was our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, who, you know, was really given by His Heavenly Father to die, and then came back from the dead, that all people might be saved by Him. QUESTIONS. 1 . What was the name of Abraham's son ? 2. What had God promised Abraham ? 3. What had Abraham done at God's command? 4. What was he now to do? 5. Whom did he obey? 6. Where was he to go? 7. Who went with him? 8. What did Isaac ask? 9. What did Abraham answer? 10. Who seemed likely to be the Lamb ? 11. What was Abraham just going to do ? 12. Who called him? 13. What did the angel tell him? 14. Why was God pleased with him? 15. What blessing did God give him? 16. Who was to be saved? THIRD READING. I am a stranger and a sojourner with you." — Genesis 23 : 4- BRAHAM and his wife Sarah had lived together many years ; but at last Sarah died, and Abraham wanted to bury her. You know in all the country he had not one morsel of ground of his own ; he was a stranger there, but he knew it would all belong to his children by-and- by. But he wanted to make sure of the one bit where his wife should lie. So he went to the prince to whom Hebron belonged, and begged to buy a field with trees in it, and a rock where there was a deep cave that was called Machpelah. 42 ABRAHAM AND LOT. The prince said he would give it; but Abraham could not feel sure that it would be always safe till he had bought it. So he weighed out the price. It was not in little bits of money like ours, but lumps of silver all the same weight, and each with a mark stamped on it — four hundred of them. Then the cave was given to Abraham, and he had his good true wife Sarah buried there, rolled in linen with spices. He was buried there afterwards himself, and so was his son Isaac, and Isaac's son after him, in the cave of Machpelah. That cave has been kept sacred ever since. There is a build- ing over it now, and no stranger is allowed to go into it; but deep down there is a golden grating, and far within lie these holy men and women of old. Their bodies are waiting to rise again at the Last Day, and then I hope we shall see them and know them. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Abraham's wife? 2. Where did Sarah die? 3. What did Abraham want to do? 4. Had he any ground? 5. So what was he obliged to do? 6. Of whom did he buy the place? 7. What was it called? 8. What is a cave? 9. What did he pay? 10. What was Abraham's money? 11. Who were buried there afterwards ? 12. How is the place marked now? 13. When will Sarah's body leave the grave in the cave of Machpelah? 14. What do you say you believe in? (In the eleventh Article of the Creed.) 15. What is Kesur- rection ? jfiftb Sunba^ JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. FIRST READING. " Bless me, even me also, O my father." — Genesis 27: 3$.. OD had called Abraham from his home, and promised to give his children the land of Canaan, and that in his Seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed. This was renew- ing to Abraham the great promise of the Seed of the woman that had been made to Eve ; and Abraham believed, and was glad. But though his children were to have the land, none of it was his ; and he went up and down in it a stranger, living in his tent, without house or home, only trusting in faith to God's promise to his children. His son Isaac lived like him, with no home, but looking on in faith to what God promised. Isaac had two sons; and as Esau was the eldest, he had the first right to these promises. But Esau did not care enough about them ; he did not seem to get anything by them, and he liked what he could get at once better than what was a long way off. He had no faith. One day he came home half dead with hunger, and saw his brother Jacob making soup over the fire. He said he would give all these rights for a meal of the soup ; for if he died of hunger, what good would his birth-right do him? So for a mess of pottage he sold his right to the land of Canaan, and to be the forefather of our Saviour. A time was to come when he would be sorry for what he had 43 44 JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. done. His father was old and blind, and thought he was going to die; so he bade Esau, whom he loved the best, bring home some meat and make a solemn feast — which was the way then of giving a blessing. Esau went, and in time brought home the meat to his father; but when he came in, Isaac cried out, and trembled! His brother Jacob had come in his stead, and Isaac had taken him for Esau, and given to him the blessing that gave the right to the promised land, and to all God's promises ! ISAAC BLESSING JACOB.- -Gen. 27 : 28, 29. Then Esau cried out with an exceeding bitter cry, and asked if his father had but one blessing! Isaac was grieved for him, and blest him with all his heart; but there was no changing back, no taking away what Jacob had won and Esau had lost. Esau did not know what he was doing when he took the pottage at once, rather than wait patiently for the glorious inher- itance that was to come. This was the reason that he was allowed to be so cruelly disappointed. This is a warning to us. We have the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven promised to us ; but we JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. 45 are tempted not to care about it when we want something here in this world, whether play, or dress, or anything that seems a great deal to us now. But if we trifle away our right to these great promises that God made us at our baptism, there will come a time of bitter grief, when it is too late. And when we are dead, it will be too late to change ! Therefore, now while we are alive, we must have faith, and show it by taking care that the things we like here on earth do not make us lose the better things in heaven. QUESTIONS. 1. What were the names of Isaac's two sons? 2. What had God promised Isaac ? 3. Which son had the first right to the promise ? 4. But which cared about it most? 5. What did Esau want? 6. So what did he give up for the sake of the soup ? 7. Could he get it back again ? 8. What are you an heir of? 9. How could we lose the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven? 10. Shall we je able to change after we are dead? 11. Then what must we care about most? 12f. Why could not Esau get his father's blessing? 13. What did he like better than waiting for what he could not see? 14. Can we see heaven? 15. But when we get there, will it not be better than anything we can see here ? SECOND READING. "This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." — Genesis 28 : 17. OU know that Isaac, Abraham's son, had two sons, whose names were Esau and Jacob. Now Jacob had grieved Esau by gaining God's great promise, for which Esau JK& was so angry with him, that he had to go out away from his father's home, all alone. But Jacob knew he was not alone, for God was with him. He went on till night came. Then he was in a dismal stony place, with no house or shelter near — only big stones, and here and there a thistle. He said his prayers, and then he lay down, with a stone for 46 JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. his pillow and the sky over him. But in the night he saw a won- der. There was a ladder reaching from earth to heaven, and God's angels were going up and down, and the Lord Himself stood at the top of the ladder. And He told Jacob that He was going to give his children all the land he saw — North, South, East, and West; and that He would take care of him, and be with him wherever he went, and in time bring him safe home. Jacob woke, and found it was a dream, but he knew it was JACOB'S VISION OF ANGELS.— Gen. 28 : 12, 13. true, and that God had really spoken to him ; and though he was glad he was afraid, and he said, "How dreadful is this place ! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." And that he might always know the place, he put one of the great stones upright, and he took some of the sweet olive oil he had brought to eat on his journey, and poured it on the stone, as the only thing he could do to show honor to God. i Then he made a solemn holy vow, that if God would take care of him on his way, and give him food to eat and clothes to wear, JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. 47 he would make a gift to God all his life of the tenth part of all he had. Good people like to do like Jacob, and give God their tenth. And if we only had our eyes opened to see, like his, we should see God's angels coming up and down with blessings for us, for we go to the house of God and gate of heaven whenever we go to church. Let us recollect how awful Jacob felt it to be so near to God. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Jacob? 2. Who was Isaac? 3. Who was Esau? 4. Why was Jacob obliged to go away? 5. What was the promise? 6. What kind of place had he to sleep in? 7. What was his pillow? 8. But what did he see? 9. Who went up and down? 10. Who stood at the top? 11. What did God promise him? 12. What did Jacob say of the place? 13. How did he mark it? 14. What did he pour on the stone ? 15. What vow did he make? 16. What are the houses of God? 17. Who comes up and down to us ? 18. What do the angels bring us? 19. How much did Jacob promise to give God? 20. What does God do for us. THIRD READING. "Asa prince hast thou prevailed." — Genesis 32 : 28. T was a long journey that Jacob had had to take, but God took care of him, and brought him safe to the home where his mother had come from. He lived there, and took care of his uncle's sheep and cattle, till he had earned a great many for his own ; and he had married there, and had a great many sons. But after a time God commanded him to go home to the land of Canaan. He was afraid, because he thought his brother Esau might still be angry with him; but, in spite of his fear, he did as God bade him. When he came near the river Jordan, which flows on the East side of the land of Canaan, he prayed to God to guard him, and once more God let him see the angels who were going with him to protect him. He was glad, but he was still very careful. He 48 JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. JACOB MEETING RACHEL.— Gen. 29 : 10-12. LABAN HIRING JACOB.— Gen. 29 : 18, 19. JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. 49 chose out a present of cows, and goats, and camels, and sheep, for Esau, and sent it on to meet him; and then he sent on the other cattle he wanted to keep for himself; then his children; and last of all, in the safest place, his dear young son Joseph. JACOB'S DEPARTURE FOR CANAAN.-Gen. 31 : 17, 18. Esau came to meet him, but not in anger. The two brothers met, and fell on one another's neck and kissed one another, and were friends. So God had kept His promise to take care of Jacob ; and Jacob kept his promise, for he set up an altar at Bethel, where he had seen the angels before, and praised and blessed God. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Jacob? 2. Why had he left home? 3. With whom did he go to live? 4. What did he earn there? 5. Why did he go back? 6. Why was he afraid? 7. What comforted him? 8. Of whom do God's angels take care? 9. What did he give Esau? 10. How did he put his family in order? 11. Who went last? 12. How did Esau meet him? 13. What was the quarrel be- tween them? 14. But was Esau angry? 15. How did Jacob show he was thankful? 4-B.S. 50 JACOB'S JOURNEY AND DREAM. JACOB AND THE ANGEL.— Genesis 32 : 24. THE MEETING OF JACOB AND ESAU.-Gen. 33 : 3, 4- Siitb Sunba^ JOSEPH IN EGYPT. FIRST READING. ,r@@^ . " His brethren envied him." — Genesis 87 : 11. TOLD you how Jacob went away from home, and how God promised to take care of him. He did take care of him : He led him to his uncle, and with him Jacob lived many years, and then came back with flocks of sheep and goats, camels and cows. And he had twelve sons. The best one of them was named Joseph. Jacob loved him very much, and gave him a striped dress of many colors, such as the son who is to be the heir wears in those countries. But his brothers hated and envied him, and were all the time find- ing fault with him. One day, when Joseph was seventeen years old, ten of the brothers were out with their sheep, and Jacob desired Joseph to go and see what they were about. He would not tell his father how unkind they were to him, but he went ; and as they saw him coming some of them were so wicked as to say that they would kill him, and never let him go home. Reuben, who was the eldest brother, tried to hinder them ; but when he saw he could not stop them, he said the best way would be, not to kill him, but to let him down into a dry well just by. There they meant to let him starve to death ; and they let him 51 52 JOSEPH IN EGYPT. down without any pity for him. Reuben meant to come by-and-by and take Joseph out of the pit and save him ; but there was another brother, named Judah, who did not want to have him killed, and who saw a great party of men, with camels and asses laden with goods, going on a journey. He knew they were merchants, going to sell and buy in Egypt, and he advised the other brothers to per- suade them to buy Joseph ; for in those days men and women used to be bought and sold, and were called slaves. JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BRETHREN.— Gen. 37 : 28. So Joseph was drawn up out of the pit; and when the mer- chants saw what a fine young man he was, they paid the price for him and carried him off, away from his father and all he had ever known or cared for before. The cruel brothers kept his colored dress; and they killed a kid and stained it in the blood, and then carried it to their father, telling him they had found it. Jacob thought some wild beast had met Joseph and killed and eaten him, and he mourned and wept. His sons pretended to comfort him ; but not one of them would tell him that Joseph was not dead. JOSEPH IN EGYPT. 53 QUESTIONS. 1. Whose son was Jacob? 2. How many sons had Jacob? 3. What did he set them to do? ,4. Which did he love best? 5. What did he give Joseph? 6. Where did he send Joseph? 7. What did the brothers want to do? 8. Who wished to save him? 9. So what did Reuben persuade them to do? 10. What did Reuben mean to do ? 11. But who came by? 12. What did the brothers do with Joseph? 13. Who persuaded them to sell him? 14. What are people called who are bought and sold ? 15. What was done with his coat? 16. What did Jacob think ? SECOND READING " The Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand." — Genesis 39 : 3. we see Joseph a slave. A slave is a servant who belongs to his master, as his cows and horses do; he gets no wages, and cannot go away, but is bought and sold like cattle. Think of poor Joseph. He was used to live as the son of a great rich prince, wearing a dress of many bright colors, with many servants, and no one to obey but his kind fond father; and living in a beautiful land, all hill and valley, where he used to feed his father's flocks. But now he was a slave in a strange land, with people speaking a language he did not know, and no one to care for him or say a good word to him, shut up in a house in a town, far away from his dear hills. Still he had one comfort, and the best of all — God was with him. He could still pray to God, and do his duty. And he did his work well, for God helped him, and everything he did was made to prosper in his hand. Then he was trusted. His master knew that he always took care of everything, as if it was his own, and left all to him, quite sure that it would be safe. But his wicked mistress made up a story that he had behaved ill, and he was put in prison for what he had not done. This sounds hard, but it was God's own way of bringing good to pass, 54 JOSEPH IN EGYPT. and making Joseph come at last to honor. Very soon he was loved and trusted in his prison; and all he did the Lord made it to prosper. Think about this. Try when you have anything to do — a lesson or a bit of work — to ask God to make it prosper. Then if you try your best He will help, and it will be sure to turn out well. Then try to deserve to be trusted. That is a great thing. If you always recollect that God sees you, you will do the same when no one is with you as if all the world were watching; and that is the way to be true and just in all your dealings. If you are only good when you are looked at, you are not like Joseph, but are only doing service outwardly. You must try to live that your parents may " Out of sight Know all is right, One law for darkness and for light." QUESTIONS. 1. Whose son was Joseph? 2. How many sons had Joseph? 3. What had they done to him ? 4. Why had Joseph's brothers sold him ? 5. What is a slave ? 6. How did Joseph behave as a slave? 7. Who comforted him? 8. How did he take care of his master's things? 9. Who made up a story against him? 10. What was done to him? 11. But who was with him still? 12. Did he always stay in prison? 13. And what did people think of him, wherever he was? 14. What is the way to be like Joseph? 15. If you are trusted to carry a message, how should you do it? 16. Who always sees you? 17. Then, even if no one is by, how should you behave ? JOSEPH IN EGYPT. 55 THIRD READING. " Do not interpretations belong to God ? " — Gen. Ifi. 8. HE young son of Jacob, Joseph, had, you know, been sold by his cruel brothers, and made a slave of; and then a wicked falsehood was told about him, and he was put into prison. But wherever Joseph was he tried to do his duty, and so God blessed him ; and the keeper of the prison soon found out how different he was from the others, and let him help. I suppose he helped to carry them their food and wait upon them; and he often could say a few kind good words to them. One day two grand people came in as prisoners. One was the chief of all the bakers, who made bread for king Pharaoh; and the other was the chief of all his cup-bearers, who carried him his wine. Some wrong thing had happened, and they were both suspected of having had something to do with it, so they had been sent to prison. WANTED TO KNOW THE DREAMS' MEANING. One morning Joseph saw them both looking more sad than usual; and when he asked what was the matter, they said each had a dream, and they wanted to know what it meant; for the Egyptians used to think a great deal of dreams, and there were men among them who pretended to explain them. Most dreams have no meaning, but these had, and God put it into Joseph's heart to understand them. The cup-bearer had dreamt that he saw a vine, and that it had three bunches of grapes, and that he was squeezing the juice into the king's cup as he used to do. Joseph said this meant that in three days the cup-bearer should really hand Pharaoh the cup again; and Joseph begged that when he was free, he would tell the king about himself, and get him set free. 56 JOSEPH IN EGYPT. Then the baker told his dream — that he had three baskets full of pastry and bread ready for Pharaoh, but that the birds came down and ate them up. Joseph was obliged to tell him that this meant that he would be hanged, and that the vulture and ravens would eat his flesh. So it happened. Pharaoh looked into the matter in three days' time; he caused the baker to be hung, and the cup-bearer to come back to his old place. But the cup- bearer was ungrateful, and forgot all about Joseph in his prison, trusting to him. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Joseph? 2. Where was he? 3. How came he to be in Egypt? 4. Where had he been put ? 5. Had he done anything wrong ? 6. Who trusted him ? 7. What had he to do ? 8. Who came into the prison ? 9. What was the cup-bearer's dream ? 10. W r hat was the baker's dream? 11. What did Joseph say the cup-bearer's dream meant? 12. What did the baker's dream mean? 13. What happened? 14. What had Josenh asked of the cup-bearer? 15. Did he remember ? POURING OUT A DRINK OFFERING. Seventh £unba\>- JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. FIRST READING. "We are verily guilty concerning our brother. " — Genesis 1$ : 21. JOSEPH did not always stay in prison, for God gave him wisdom to tell the king of Egypt that his dreams had meant that there were going to be first seven years of very fine harvests, and then seven years would come of no harvests at all. So the king took him out of prison, and made him a great lord ; and he set to work to buy the corn that was over and above what people wanted to eat in the years of plenty, that he might store it up against the years when the corn would not grow. So when the bad harvest began, Joseph had plenty of corn, and he sold it for the king to all who wanted it. The famine was not only in Egypt, but in all the > countries round; and by-and-by Joseph saw, among the people that came to buy, ten of his own brothers — the same who had sold him for a slave. He knew them, for they still looked like shepherds ; but they did not know him, for he had grown from a youth to a man, and was dressed like an Egyptian lord; and he would not seem to know them, though he wanted much to know what had become of his old father and his little brother Benjamin. He made as if he thought they were enemies, come to see if Egypt could be con- quered when it was so bare of food. Then they told him who they were; that they were all one man's sons, and that one brother they had lost; the other was left 57 58 JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. with his father, who could not bear to part with him. Joseph would not seem to believe this, and said he must keep one of them in prison, while he sent the rest back to fetch their youngest brother, or else he could not believe them. Then, when fear and trouble came on them, they began to think how ill they had used their lost brother Joseph; and they said to each other, "We are verily guilty concerning our brother." Joseph heard them, and could hardly bear it; but still he kept to JOSEPH INTERPRETING PHARAOH'S DREAM.— Gen. 41 : 29, 3<>. his plan. He kept Simeon a prisoner, that he might be sure of the others coming back, and sent them home to fetch Benjamin. But he would not have any of the money they had brought for the corn, and made his steward put it all back into the mouth of their sacks. When they found this out as they went home, they were much afraid; and when they came home, their father was more afraid still. After the way they had used Joseph, he thought they had killed Simeon, and wanted to kill Benjamin. They spoke truth now, but he could not believe them ; and he said he could not send JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. 59 Benjamin, for if mischief should befall the lad, "then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave." QUESTIONS. 1. Where was Joseph? 2. Why was he in prison? 3. What did God make him able to tell the king ? 4. How many years was there to be much corn ? 5. What was to be done with the corn? 6. Who managed the buying it? 7. When was the corn wanted? 8. Who came to buy corn ? 9. Who did not come? 10. Why did not Joseph's brothers know him? 11. What did he make believe to think? 12. Whom did he tell them to fetch? 13. What did he give back to them? 14. What did their father say about Benjamin's going? 15. Why was he afraid to trust them with Benjamin? 16. What is the way to be believed? SECOND READING. "God Almighty give you mercy before the man. " — Genesis %.3 : H* OSEPH'S brothers were soon obliged to go again and buy more corn in Egypt. Joseph had said they must bring the young brother they had told him of, or he should not believe their story; and when they said Benjamin must go, their father Jacob was greatly grieved, and showed how little he could trust them now, after the way they had behaved to Joseph. He would not have let Benjamin go at all if Judah had not promised to take the greatest care of him; and Judah could be trusted. The story is so beautiful, and so easy to understand in the Bible, that I hardly like to tell it in my own words. Only think of Joseph's heart being so full when he saw his own dear youngest brother, that he could not stay with him for his tears, and went away to weep in his chamber ! And yet he still tried the brothers. He wanted to see if they still were envious of the one their father loved best; so he made his steward hide his cup in Benjamin's sack of corn, and then go after them, and pretend to think they had stolen it. 60 JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. The sons of Jacob were no thieves, and they said the steward might search their sacks. They took them down and looked, and there was the cup in Benjamin's sack ! They were all shocked; and the steward said that Benjamin must go back and be punished. How pleased they would have been long ago if such a mis- JOSEPH PROCLAIMED RULER OVER EGYPT.— Gen. 41 : 4i> 43- fortune had happened to Joseph! But now their hearts were changed, and they were shocked and grieved. QUESTIONS. 1. What had Joseph's brothers done to him? 2. What trouble did you hear last Sunday he was in ? 3. But how did he behave ? 4. And what had he come to be? 5. What had he stored up? 6. Who came to buy corn? 7. How many brothers came ? 8. Which did not come ? 9. Why did not Benjamin come ? 10. Did the brothers know Joseph? 11. What did he tell them to do? 12. When he saw Benjamin, where did he go? 13. What did Joseph tell his steward to do? 14. What did Joseph want to see? 15. How did the brothers behave this time? JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. 61 THIRD READING. u God did send me before you to preserve life." — Genesis lf.5 : 5. LL the eleven sons of Jacob turned back in grief, and fear, and dismay, when Benjamin, the youngest brother, whom Judah had promised to bring safely back to their father, was found to have the silver cup of the lord of the land in his sack. How it came there they could not guess, but they knew that their father's heart would break if they came home and left Benjamin to be a slave. JOSEPH MAKES HIMSELF KNOWN TO HIS BRETHREN.— Gen. 45 : 2. So they all came to the lord of the land ; and Judah stood up before the strange, stern, princely man, and told him how much their old father loved this youngest son, and he would be sure to die if the lad did not come home safe. And then Judah begged to stay and be a slave in Egypt, instead of his brother Benjamin, for he said if mischief befell the lad his father would die, and that he could not bear to see. 62 JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. But when Judah so spake, the lord of the land sent all the lookers-on away, and wept aloud, and said that he was their own brother Joseph, whom they had sold so long ago. He would not let them be afraid; he embraced them all and wept for joy, and asked for his father. Then he told them not to grieve for what had gone before; for God had turned it all to good, and made him be the means of saving all their lives, by storing up the corn in Egypt. And now they were to go home, and tell Jacob, their father, JOSEPH MEETING HIS FATHER— Gen. 46: 29,30. that Joseph was still alive, and was a great and powerful man; and they were to fetch old Jacob, their father, and their wives and their children, and all they had, and come to live with Joseph in Egypt, where he would take care of them. That was the way Joseph forgot all the ill his brothers had done to him, and forgave them, and loved them with all his heart. When the brothers came home, their father Jacob could scarcely believe such good news ; but at last he said, "Joseph my son is yet alive, I will go to see him before I die." JOSEPH'S BROTHERS. 63 And he came down to Egypt, and Joseph met him and fell on his neck and kissed him ; and then there was joy indeed, joy as if Joseph had come back from the dead. So Jacob lived all the rest of his life in Egypt, and was happy with his son Joseph. God had given him another name, Israel, and his sons, and their sons after them, were always called the children of Israel. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Benjamin? 2. What was found in Benjamin's sack? 3. Who put it there ? 4. What was going to be done to Benjamin? 5. Who spoke for him? 6. What did Judah ask? 7. Who did the lord of the land turn out to be? 8. How came Joseph to be in Egypt ? 9. Why had his brothers not known him sooner? 10. How did he treat them ? 11. Whom did he send for ? 12. What did Jacob say? 13. Where did Jacob go to live? 14. Why was it very kind in Joseph to help his brothers? 15. Did he give back to them the harm they had done to him? 16. How could we do like Joseph? LEATHER BOTTLES. Eighth iSunba^ THE GALL OF MOSES. FIRST READING. " I have surely seen the affliction of My people. " — Exodus 3 : 7. OU heard how Joseph brought his father and brothers and their children to live in Egypt. Their children's children went on living there for many years, till they had come to be a great people, and were called the children of Israel ; but then the King of Egypt grew cruel to them. He made them work very hard to make bricks and build towns for him; and what was still worse, he ordered that whenever a little boy was born to the children of Israel, he should be thrown into the river and drowned. One mother hid her little baby for three months, and when she could not hide him any longer, she put him into a little cradle of bulrushes covered over with pitch, to keep the water out, and let the cradle float on the river, leaving the little boy's sister to watch him. Presently a lady, no other than the daughter of the cruel king, came down to bathe in the river. She saw the little cradle, and had it brought to her. The 'little baby was crying, and the lady pitied him and took him home, to bring up for her own child. She wanted a nurse for him, and his sister fetched his own mother, and she became his nurse. His name was Moses, and we hear about him in the Lesson to-day. He was not living with the king's daughter now. The king had grown angry with him because he cared for his own people, and he had had to flee away and keep sheep in the wilder- ness. 64 mmmmtiAaii\\Ti\ r MOSES AND THE TABLES OF THE LAW. THE CALL OF MOSES. 65 And there he saw a great wonder. He saw a flame of fire in a bush, and yet the bush was not burnt. And God's voice spoke to him out of the fire that did not burn, and told him that the troubles of His people, the children of Israel, were to come to an end. God would save them from the cruel Egyptians ; and Moses himself was to go and lead them out, and bring them to the good PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER FINDING MOSES.— Ex. 2 : 5, 6. land that God had promised that Abraham's children should have for their own. Moses was to go and tell the King of Egypt that it was God's will that they should go. Moses was afraid at first, but God promised to help him. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Moses? 2. Where was he put when he was a baby? 2. Why was he put on the river ? 4. Who had said the little boys were to be drowned ? 5. Whose babies were they that were to be drowned? 6. What other cruel things did the King of Egypt do to the children of Israel ? 7. Who were called the children of Israel ? 8. What became of Moses in his bulrush cradle? 9. Who brought him up? 10. Did he stay with the king's daughter? 11. Whom did he care for? 12. What wonder did Moses see? 13. Who spoke to him? 14. What was God going to do for His people ? 15. What land would he give them? 5-B.S. .vM/a 66 THE CALL OF MOSES. SECOND READING. " And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord ? " — Exodus 5 : 2. OSES and his brother Aaron went and told Pharaoh |4^ God's message, that the people of Israel were to go away and worship Him. But Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go." And he was more cruel to the children of Israel ; he made them work harder and harder, and had them beaten if they did not do all the work that was set them. They had to make bricks of clay mixed with straw; and, to punish them, Pharaoh said that they should have no straw given to them for their work, but that they must find it for themselves ; and yet he required of them just as many bricks as they had had to make before. Then they cried out and were angry, and fancied Moses had brought all this trouble on them, by asking for them to go. They were very miserable, and said they wished they had never listened to Moses, for he had only made them worse off instead of better. Aaron was a better speaker than Moses, and God had said he should help him, and that, when God told Moses anything, Aaron should speak it to the people. So the two brothers stood telling the Israelites to bear it a little longer, and then it would be all well and over, and they would get away from making the bricks in Egypt to the beautiful country. They could not remember it themselves, but some of their fathers' grandfathers had been little boys when they came, and could tell them that it was a country not all flat, with only one river in it, like Egypt, but full of steep hills and green valleys, with bright streams running along in them, and thick woods on some of the slopes, and others laid out in gardens and vineyards. There were so many cows in the pastures, and in the wild rocks THE CALL OF MOSES. 67 and hollow trees so many bees' nests, that it was called a land flowing with milk and honey. Should not the Israelites have liked to hear of such a place as this? But no, they were too dull to care. They thought more of whether they should get a leek or a melon to eat at supper, than THE ISRAELITES MADE TO WORK HARD IN EGYPT. -Ex. i: 13, 14. of all the lovely land far away. Do you know, people are very like that when they care for now more than by-and-by. If we want just what pleases us to-day, instead of caring for what will be good for us as we grow older, we are just like the Israelites, who would not attend to Moses or to God. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was Pharaoh? 2. Who were the children of Israel? 3. Who had been sent to call them? 4. What did Pharaoh say to Moses? 5. How did he use the Israelites? 6. What would he not give them? 7. Who was Moses' brother? 8. What was Aaron to do for Moses? 9. Who spoke to Moses? 10. Who told the people what God said to Moses? 11. What kind of place did God promise? 12. What did Moses say it flowed with? 13. Why? 14. Did the Israelites care? 15. Why not? 16. When are we like them? 17. Which should we care for most, now or by-and-by f 68 THE CALL OF MOSES. THIRD READING. " I will redeem you with a stretched out arm. " — Exodus 6 : 6. HE Israelites were very unhappy, for Pharaoh was very cruel to them, and they thought it all Moses' fault. But Moses told them that they would be saved, and that God was going to show them His power, so that they might always remember what He had done for them, and how He punished Pharaoh, who would not obey Him. Then God made His power to be known ; so that Pharaoh and AARON'S ROD CHANGED TO A SERPENT.— Ex. 7 : 10. the children of Israel might both learn who is the great Lord of heaven and earth, who must be obeyed. First, Moses stretched out his rod, and all the water in the river turned into blood. For seven days it was all one red dreadful stream of blood ; and when Moses held out his rod again it turned back into pure water. But hardened his heart again, and would not let the people go. THE CALL OF MOSES. 69 Then God sent a multitude of frogs, that came into all the houses and bed-rooms, and on the tables and everywhere. Pharaoh could not bear to have these creatures everywhere, and said if the frogs would but go away he would let the children of Israel go. Moses prayed to God, and all the frogs died; but Pharaoh only hardened his heart again, and would not let the people go. Next, God sent lice, disgusting unclean creatures, most hor- rible to the Egyptians, who could not bear anything dirty; but Pharaoh did not care. Then came swarms of flies, buzzing, sting- ing, and tormenting; and Pharaoh said he would allow the Israel- ites to go, so the flies were taken away; but no sooner were they gone than he went back again to his obstinacy, and would not let the people go. He was trying to fight against God, and so came these terrible miseries on him. If people will not do better after being pun- ished, worse and worse is sure to come on them. QUESTIONS 1. How did God punish Pharaoh? 2. What four plagues have I told you of to-day"? 3. Why did these dreadful things happen? 4. Did Pharaoh care for them ? 5. Why did he not mind them ? 6. What happens to those who do not mind being punished ? u ;-.-■-"-" $p ^^M^&^^'^^t ^^j K ^:^7 >^*v,„ V Vft^Y^ _ IRintb Sunba^ THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. FIRST READING. " There is none like Me in all the earth. " — Exodus 9 : 14.. OU remember that when God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, it was to tell him that he should lead the children of Israel away from the people in Egypt, who were so unkind to them. But Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, said that they should not go ; he could not spare them, and he did not care for God's message to him. Then God punished Pharaoh that he might let them go. Ten times God punished him, and you hear about three of the pun- ishments to-day. First, how the sheep and cows, that the Egyptians wor- shipped like gods, fell sick and died, but still Pharaoh did not care ; then how the people all had sores and boils that made them very ill, but still Pharaoh did not care; and then how there was a terrible storm, thunder and lightning, and rain and hail — such big hailstones as killed the men and cattle that were out in the fields, and lightning that struck them, and wind that broke every tree in the field. No wonder that Pharaoh was frightened, and begged that the storm might cease, and said that then he would let the Israel- ites go. So Moses prayed to God, and the thunder left off, there was no more hail, and it was all still again. But when the thunder 70 THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. 71 was over Pharaoh grew wicked again, and left off caring, and said the Israelites should not go. And thus God went on being angry with him, till at last he came to a terrible end. I am afraid some children are a little like Pharaoh when they get sulky, and say "I won't," and if they are punished, still they THE PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS.— Ex. 10 : 12. won't — they think nobody shall force them, and they make them- selves hard that they may not do what they are told. It is very sad, for this hardness is very wrong, and you see how angry God was with this king for being obstinate. Pray to God to help you not to harden your heart, but to teach you to obey. And do not 72 THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. forget and do the same thing again when the punishment is over, or it will have done you no good, and you will have to be punished worse next time. QUESTIONS. 1. What did God desire Pharaoh to do? 2. Who spoke God's words to Pharaoh ? 3. But what did Pharaoh say ? 4. Who was Pharaoh ? 5. Who was Moses? 6. What was done to Pharaoh? 7. Did he- mind ? 8. Tell me the three plagues we hear of to-day. 9. How many plagues were there in all? 10. What happened in the thunder-storm? 11. What did Pharaoh say when he was frightened? 12. So what left off? 13. But did he let the people go ? 14. What fault in some children is the same as Pharaoh's ? 15. What~ought they do? 16. Who can help them to fight their obstinate temper? 17. But how must they get God's help? SECOND READING. " The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the child- ren of Israel go. " — Exodus 10 : 20. ORSE troubles are sure to come when people have not taken warning by what was sent them before. Pharaoh had not minded seven dreadful plagues, so now God sent another. He sent locusts. These were creatures like great grasshoppers. They came in swarms and clouds, and ate up every green leaf and blade of grass, and made all the earth brown and the trees dry sticks, so that there was nothing left for man or beast to eat. Then Pharaoh gave way a little, and said he would let the men go, but that their wives and children must stay; and he would not hear a word more, but had Moses and Aaron driven out from before him. Then God bade Moses to hold up his hand to Heaven. And darkness came on. It was dark all day — and with "darkness that might be felt;" not like night, but such black darkness that no fire or candle could give light, and no one dared to move about; but the Egyptians lay still in their places, full of horror and THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. 73 terror, for three whole days. But all the time it was light among the Israelites — the sun rose and set as usual; and thus God showed that they were His people. Then Pharaoh said that he would let them go — men, women and children, only he must keep all their cattle ; and when Moses, speaking God's words, said that the cattle must go too, and not a hoof be left behind, Pharaoh made his heart hard again, and drove out Moses, saying the people should not go, and that Moses should never see his face again. And Moses said, "Thou hast spoken well, I will see thy face again no more/' So ended the last hope for Pharaoh. He was never to have another chance of bending his will and doing as God told him. Oh, let us take care not to be like him ! QUESTIONS. 1. How many plagues of Egypt were there? 2. Tell me which had happened* 3. What are the two plagues of this lesson? 4. What are locusts? 5. What harm do locusts do? 6. Who did Pharaoh say might go? 7. Whom would he not let go ? 8. What plague came then ? 9. What made the darkness so horrible? 10. How long did it last? 11. Who were not in the dark? 12. What did Pharaoh say then? 13. What did he want to keep back? 14. And how did he then change? 15. What did he say to Moses? 16. How did Moses answer? THIRD READING. (t He smote all the first-born in Egypt. " — Psalm 78 : 51. FTER the nine sad plagues that had come upon the Egyptians — the blood for water, the frogs, the lice, the flies, the cattle plague, the boils, the hail, the locusts, the darkness — there was to be still one plague more, the last and worst. That would make the Egyptians let the people of Israel go, so they must be ready. There should be a terrible night. God's holy angel would pass over the whole land of Egypt that night, and in each house 74 THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. of the Egyptians he would slay the eldest son of the family. No one would be spared : Pharaoh's eldest son, the young prince, and the very poorest person's son. They had killed the little Israelite babies, so God would punish them by killing their children. None of the Israelites should lose their children; only there was one thing for them to do. THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER.— Ex. 12 : 11-14. They were that night to sup on a lamb, and, with some of the blood of the lamb, they were to make a mark on the door-post. Where that mark was the angel would pass over and do no one any hurt; but the people would be blest and set free, because they believed God, and did as He bade them. QUESTIONS. 1. How many plagues of Egypt were there? 2. Say them over. 3. What were they all for ? 4. Who would not let them go ? 5. What was the last plague ? 6. Who were to die? 7. Why did the Egyptians deserve to lose their children? 8. Who would slay them? 9. Whom would the angel spare? 10. How were the Israelites to mark their houses? 11. With what blood? 12. What were they to do with the lamb ? {Tenth £unba\>* THE PASSOVER. FIRST READING. " There was not a house in whicl ■ {3^ J^C?^, ,„|||, „„!i, „„||, %„€) there was not one dead. " — Exodus 12 : 30. 1^ HIS is our own gladdest Sunday in all the year, and we read of the Israelites being glad too — glad upon the very Sunday that answered to this, thou- sands of years ago. On this Sunday, of all those thousands of years, there has been joy and gladness and thanking God. And why? It was because all the troubles in Egypt were over, and God brought the Israelites out safe. There was one thing they had to do first, though; Moses bade them do it, as God commanded him. Every family was to take a lamb, and it was to be killed and roasted whole in the evening, and some of its blood was to be marked upon the door- post of the house, and then all the family were to stand round the table, all ready dressed for a journey, and eat it as fast as they could, late at night. And while all the families, fathers and mothers and children, stood up eating the lamb in this strange way, there came a great shout and cry. God had sent His angel to punish the cruel Egyp- tians ; and every house where there was no mark of blood on the 75 76 THE PASSOVER. door-post had some one dead in it, and that dead person was the eldest or first-born son. There was a great cry, for there was death everywhere, from the son of Pharaoh who sat on his throne down to the child of the poorest slave ; and even the first-born cattle died too, because DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN OF EGYPT.- Ex. 12 : 29. the Egyptians used to worship them ; but wherever there was the blood on the door-post the angel passed over, and the eldest son was safe. Then cruel King Pharaoh was sorry and afraid at last, and said that the people who brought such trouble on him should go where they liked. QUESTIONS. 1. Why are we glad to-day? 2. Why were the Israelites glad to-day? 3. Where were the Israelites living? 4. What hard work had they to do? 5. Who said they should come out? 6. Who would not let them go? 7. What did God tell the Israelites to eat ? 8.- How were they to be dressed while they ate it? 9. What were they to do with the blood? 10. Who was going to pass over the land that night ? 11. What did the angel do where he did not see any blood on the door-post? 12. Who were frightened then? 13. What did the Egyptians wish then ? THE PASSOVER. 77 SECOND READING. "It is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover." — Exodus 12: 27. HEN the King of Egypt said the Israelites might go they were all up and dressed, quite ready and only waiting, and off they set. No more making of bricks, no more slaving for the Egyptians, no more drowning of babies! They were free! and God was going to lead them to the beautiful coun- try that long ago He had said He would give them. KtCti -%■ rrr oj> ••>- s-i *«r i— -a* -"=2i 2T ,-^i <=> ^ EGYPTIAN JUDGMENT SCENE. And so, to put them in mind how they were saved from the Egyptians, God bade them on the same day in each year to kill a lamb and roast it, and put the blood on the door-post, and eat the lamb all standing round the table, dressed as if they were going for a journey, that they might never forget how God had made them free. This was called the Passover, because the angel passed over the houses where the blood was marked over the 78 THE PASSOVER. door. And God came in a pillar of cloud to show them the way they should go. Our blessed Lord was crucified when He had come to the Feast of the Passover many years after. You know He was like a lamb, He was so pure and gentle; and His Blood saves us, as that lamb's blood did the Israelites, and sets us free from the power of the devil. So we still keep the feast of being set free, on this happy Easter Sunday, when we recollect that Christ was slain for our sins, but that He rose again from the dead, and liveth for evermore. QUESTIONS. 1. What did Pharaoh say that the Israelites might do? 2. What made him let them go at last? 3. Who were set free? 4. What were the Israelites to do every year? 5. What was this eating the lamb called? 6. Why was it called the Passover? 7. Why were the Israelites glad? 8. Who set us free ? 9. What did our Lord do as on this day ? 10. In what is He like a lamb? 11. So what did we say in the Easter Anthem to-day ? 12. How did God lead them? THIRD READING. " The children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea." — Exodus 1£ : 16. LL the Egyptians were weeping over their dead first- born sons, and the Israelites were set free, and going gladly out and away from their hard masters. But Pharaoh's hard heart turned again, and he got all his chariots and horsemen together, and went after the children of Israel to drive them back to Egypt. And when he came in sight of them, there they were all upon the shore of the sea called the Red Sea. They could not go on, for the sea was straight before them; they could not go back, for the Egyptians were behind. They were sore afraid. But God spoke to Moses and told him not to fear. They had only to stand still and see how God would save them. THE PASSOVER. 79 And God Himself showed that He was with them, for the pillar of cloud went behind them, instead of before, and made it dark to the Egyptians, but gave light by night to the Israelites : so the Egyptians could not get near them all night. Then God bade Moses stretch out his rod over the sea. And then there was a great wonder. The waves of the sea parted, and stood up on each side in a heap, and in between there was a PHARAOH'S HOST DESTROYED IN THE RED SEA.— Ex. 14: 30, 31. wide open space, where the children of Israel might walk safely dry-shod, through the very midst of the sea. Through it they went, men, women, and children, through the depths of the sea, with the waves standing still on each side of them. Pharaoh saw that they were all gone over. He chose to follow after them. But when his host was in the midst, the sea returned in its strength again and came down on the Egyp- tians, and every one of them was drowned — "they sank like lead in the mighty waters" — and the Israelites were freed from their enemies, quite away from all their trouble and all their slavery; 80 THE PASSOVER. and they sang hymns of joy to God, who had been so good to them and now had set them free. And we read about them being set free because this is the great Easter Day when we give thanks to our Blessed Lord for having set us free. QUESTIONS. 1. What last plague had come on Egypt? 2. Who had set off to leave Egypt? 3. But what did Pharaoh do? 4. What was before the Israelites? 5. What was behind? 6. Where did the pillar of cloud go? 7. How were the Egyptians cut off from them? 8. What wonder did God work? 9. Where did the Israelites go over? 10. Who came after them? 11. What became of the Egyptians? 12- Who were free? 13. Who had made them free? "Eleventh Sunba^ THE GAINSAYING OF KORAH. FIRST READING. " The Lord will show who are His and who is holy. " — Numbers 16 : 5. rrfP^ >*C .-ill. ..Mi. ...iii. SLq SgHEN the Israelites came out of Egypt they had a long journey to go, through a dreary, lonely wilderness. Moses and his brother Aaron led them; and God took care of them, and fed them, and kept them safe. But there were some wicked men, named Dathan and Abiram, who were tired of the wilderness, and were angry at having Moses for their leader and master, though God had made him lead them, and had done so much for them. They said they were as good as Moses, and that he should not be their prince. They did not care for God having spoken by him. Their end was so very dreadful that I can hardly tell it to you. God would not let them rise up against His servant Moses ; and when they would not listen nor repent He made the earth open under their feet, and they went down alive, and were swallowed up in the pit before the eyes of all the other Israelites ; and so they died the most terrible death anyone ever died. It was because they set themselves up against Moses, whom God had placed over them, that He was so angry with them. 6-B.S. 81 82 THE GAINSAYING OF KORAH. Remember God has set people over us: there are our fathers and mothers, and our clergymen and teachers ; and it is our duty to obey them, as He tells us in the Fifth Commandment. If we are proud and saucy it is very wrong of us. It is not likely that we should be so dreadfully punished in this life as Dathan and Abiram were ; but their horrible death should make us remember that God is very angry with those that will not try to obey those that have the rule over them, and set themselves up to be bold and proud, and to say they do not care. AARON AND HUR HOLDING UP THE HANDS OF MOSES.— Ex. 17 : n. QUESTIONS. 1. What is the Fifth Commandment? 2. What is the explanation of it in the Duty to our Neighbor? 3. Who was set over the Israelites by God? 4. Where had he brought them from? 5. Where was he leading them to? 6. How should they have behaved to him? 7. What bad men were there among them? 8. Whom did they not care for? 9. What did they say? 10. Why was it very wicked of Dathan and Abiram not to obey Moses ? 11. What terrible end did they come to? 12. Why was God angry with Dathan and Abiram? 13. What make? Him angry? 14. Whom did you say He had set over you? 15. Then how must you behave to your parents and clergymen and teachers ? THE GAINSAYING OF KORAII. 83 SECOND READING, " And seek ye the priesthood also ?" — Numbers 16 : 10. HEN God gave the Commandments upon Mount Sinai, He chose that Aaron, Moses' brother, and his sons should be His priests. A priest had to offer up the sacrifices to God, and to burn incense to Him. Incense is made of dried plants and gums that have a sweet smell when they are burnt. The priests had brazen urns with holes at the top, and chains to hold them by, and when the smoke of the incense went up it KORAH AND HIS ASSOCIATES SWALLOWED UP.-Num. 16 : 31-33. was just as our prayers rise up to God in heaven. There were other people called Levites, who had to take care of the holy things that were used in God's service, but only the priests might offer sacrifices or incense. Now one of these Levites, named Korah, wanted to do more. He was angry, and said everybody was holy, and that Aaron 84 THE GAINSAYING OF KORAH. took too much on himself. Now it was not Aaron who made him- self priest, but God had made him so. Therefore it was wrong in Korah; but there were two hundred and fifty men whom he persuaded to come and get censers, and offer incense to the Lord as if they had been priests. But because they did it in pride and self-will God was angry with them, and His fire burst out and scorched them all to death ! It was only the men themselves that died, not their wives or children; and Korah's family after him were better than he was, and used to sing God's praises in the Psalms. But they always recollected that no one who was not a priest might offer sacrifice or burn incense before God. QUESTIONS. 1. What had a priest to do ? 2. What was a sacrifice ? 3. What was incense ? 4. What was it burnt in? 5. Who only might offer *sacrifice and incense? 6. Who was the right priest? 7. How came Aaron to be priest? 8. Who wanted to offer incense ? 9. What did Korah say? 10. How many came with him? 11. What did they try to do? 12. What happened to the two hundred and fifty? 13. Why were they punished? 14. What became of Koran's children? 15. Who are our priests ? 16. How were they made priests? 17. What may they alone do? THIRD READING. " The rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds. " — Numbers 17 : 8. HE high-priest, whom God chose, had to offer sacrifices to Him. That was, the priest slew a lamb, or a goat, or a bullock, by the altar, and gave it to God. It was to show that the Son of God would come and die to take away sin. Now He has come and died, we have left off killing creatures in sacrifice, and only make remembrance over again of His sacrifice in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. THE GAINSAYING OF KORAH. 85 The high-priest used to wear a beautiful dress. He had a mitre on his head, with a gold plate on it, and the words, "Holiness unto the Lord;" and he had a blue, red, and white robe, embroi- dered with gold, and round the hem little gold bells and pome- granates. He had a curious scarf called an ephod, and a beautiful breast-plate made of twelve precious stones, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel engraven on it. AARON'S ROD THAT BUDDED.— Num. 17 : 8, 9. God said He would show who should be His priest. So He bade Moses desire the chief man in each tribe to bring a dry rod or staff, and lay them up all night in the Holy Place. The one whose rod began to grow as if it was still on the tree should be the high-priest. When the twelve men went to look in the morn- ing, eleven rods were dry sticks still, but one had put out green leaves and pink buds, and white blushing flowers, like almond blossoms. It was Aaron's rod ; and this was the way God let the children of Israel know that Aaron and his sons, and grandsons after him, were always to be priests. 86 THE GAINSAYING OF KORAH. QUESTIONS. 1. What was a priest? 2. What had he to do? 3. What was a sacrifice? 4. How was it offered? 5. What creatures were killed? 6. Where were they put? 7. What was this to make the children of Israel think of? 8. Why don't we kill sacrifices now? 9. Who has been sacrificed? 10. What did the high- priest wear on his head ? 11. What color was his dress ? 12. How was it edged? 13. What was on his breast? 14. What did God say He would show? 15. What were twelve men to bring? 16. Where were the rods put? 17. What was to show who should be priest? 18. What were the eleven rods like in the morning? 19. But how did one look? 20. Whose was it? 21. What, then, was Aaron to be ? THE HOLY PLACE. TTwelftb £unba£- ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. FIRST READING. Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God. " — Deut 6 : 16. TOLD you what sort of place a desert is, and how full it is of stones, and rocks, and sand, and with no water in it. Do you remember how thirsty Ish- mael was in the desert, and how God heard the voice of the lad, and sent an angel to lead his mother to a well of water? When the Israelites had come out of the land of Egypt, they were in a terrible wilderness. Mount Sinai stood up in the midst, and all round were great rocks of red and black marble, all dry and parched with the hot sun shining on them. The Israelites grew very hot and sadly thirsty, but they did not pray as Ishmael had done. They grew angry, and said, "Is the Lord among us or no?" Do you not think they deserved that God should show whether He was among them by punishing them for grumbling? That was the way they tempted God. But He was so good and merciful that He pitied them ; and He bade Moses to take his rod, and go to the bare, dry rock, and strike it. And when Moses struck the rock, God made a beautiful, fresh, clear spring of water come pouring out of it, so that all the people, and all their cows, and sheep, and goats, and camels, could drink and be refreshed. Was not that a great wonder? and was not God very kind to them, though they were not good? But you see God was near to 88 ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. help them all the time, and it was very sad that they grumbled instead of praying. Do not be like them. If a thing is hard to bear, don't murmur and grumble about it, but pray, and then you will get help. Either the vexing thing will go away, or you will leave off minding it. MOSES BRINGING WATER FROM THE ROCK.— Ex. 17 : 6. QUESTIONS. 1. "Where had the Israelites come from? 2. Who was leading them? 3. What kind of place did they get into? 4. What is a desert like? 5. What was the mountain in the midst of the desert? 6. What cannot be found in the desert? 7. Who was the lad that was thirsty there before? 8. What did Ishmael do when he was thirsty ? 9. Bat what did the Israelites do ? 10. What did they say? 11. What would have served them right? 12. But did God punish them? 13. What did he tell Moses to take? 14. What did Moses strike? 15. What came out of the rock? 16. What made the water come out of the rock? 17. Was it not very good of God to give them water? 18. What ought they to have done? 19. What should you do when a thing is hard? 20. Is it not very naughty to grumble? ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. 89 SECOND READING. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up/' — John 3: 1J.. NE great fault of the Israelites was that they had no patience. The moment they saw anything trouble- some or difficult, they began to cry out, and say they could not get on, and it was very hard on them. Now it is very wrong ever to say God is very hard upon us, for we may be sure He is doing what is best for us. There was one stony, hot, steep part of the journey still to come, and when the Israelites saw it they forgot THE BRAZEN SERPENT.— Num. 21 : 31. how often God had helped them, and cried out, and lamented, and complained of Him and of Moses. So again they were punished, for the little shining snakes that live there came in numbers, darting at them and biting them, so that the bite burnt like fire, and they died. Then they cried 90 ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. out to God and were sorry, and He told Moses of a wonderful way to cure them. Moses was to melt up some brass and make a great serpent, like the little ones that bit them, and set it up on a pole. Then if anyone who was bitten would come at once and look up at the brazen serpent, his bite would get well, and he would not die of it. This was a miracle— a wonder. And it was to teach the Israelites something, and us too. For you know our Blessed Lord hung on the cross, as the serpent hung on the pole ; and when our souls are in danger of dying of sin, we must think of Him, and look to Him in faith, and He will save us from being punished for our sin, and keep our souls from dying. QUESTIONS. 1. What sort of place had the Israelites to go over? 2. How did they like it? 3. What did they do ? 4. Why ought they not to have cried out? 5. Who had been taking care of thern ? 6. So how did God punish them ? 7. What happened when the serpents bit them? 8. What were they sorry for? 9. So what was Moses to make? 10. Where did he put the brazen serpent? 11. What were they to do if they were bit? 12. What cured them? 13. Who hung upon the cross? 14. What does He cure our souls of? THIRD READING. " He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not. " — Deut. 8 : 3. HIS morning you heard how God gave the children of Israel water to drink in the wilderness. Now you shall hear what He gave them to eat. The ground was all hard stones. There was grass which the cows and sheep could eat, and there were a few trees with long sharp thorns, but no fruit on them, and no corn to make bread ; and soon the people were very hungry, and began to cry out that they did not know what would become of them. But God was not going to forget them. When they rose up in the morning, the fresh dew lay on the grass, and all about ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. 91 in the dew were little white things that tasted like wafers made with honey. This was called manna, and God had sent it from heaven for them to eat. Every morning on week days there it was, and they had all to come out and pick it up. But they must get up early to gather it, for when the sun was hot it would melt away. And they could not keep it — it grew bad and was not fit to use the next day; but there was always just enough for everybody to have all they wanted. There was only one day in each week that more came PRIEST HIGH-PRIEST LEV1TE down, and that was the day before the Sabbath-day, which they had instead of Sunday. Then each one could get twice as much as could be eaten in one day, and it did not spoil so fast. For on the Sabbath-day God would have them rest, and so no manna was to be found anywhere, so that they might learn to keep the Fourth Commandment — Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. All the time they stayed in the wilderness, the sweet white manna lay on the grass in the morning for them to pick it up — twice as much on the sixth day of the week, and on the Sabbath- day none at all. Was not that very good of God? 92 ISRAEL IN THE WILDERNESS. QUESTIONS. 1. Where were the Israelites? 2. What had they to drink in the wilderness? 3. What else did they want? 4. Why could they not get bread? 5. What did God give them instead? 6. What was the manna like? 7. Where did it lie? 8. When was the manna on the grass? 9. Who were to eat it? 10. Who sent it? 11. What became of it in hot sunshine? 12. Would it keep? 13. What was the day when it could be kept? 14. How much came down the day before the Sabbath? 15. What might not be done on the Sabbath? 16. What is the Fourth Commandmant? 17. So why did they get twice as much manna the day before? 18. W r hen did no manna come? 19. What day have we instead of the Sabbath? ^Thirteenth 5unba\>, BALAAM AND BALAK. FIRST READING. "Thou shait not curse the people: for they are blessed. " — Numbers 22 : 12. HERE was a prophet called Balaam. A prophet means a man to whom God made His will known, and who was thus much wiser than other men. This prophet one day saw some rich great men come to his house. They brought him a message, that a king named Balak wanted him to come with them, and would give him great rewards for coming. Balaam said he must wait for one night, and God would make known to him what he was to do. And at night God told him he was not to go; for what Balak wanted of him was to curse the children of Israel, and God would not have them cursed. So Balaam said he must not go, and the messengers went away. But Balak sent more princes, still grander men, with larger presents, to fetch Balaam. He answered, "If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more." But he had not left off wishing. He begged the messengers to stay, and see if God would give him leave to go. And this time God did say he might go, but that he should not say anything about the Israelites but what God put in his mouth. Balaam knew that God was not pleased with him; but he wanted Balak's rewards, and he set off in the morning, riding on his ass. 93 94 BALAAM AND BALAK. Presently the ass was frightened, and turned out of the road into the field. Balaam was angry at this, and beat the ass. But again the ass turned aside in a narrow walled path, and squeezed Balaam's foot against the wall. He beat her again. Presently, in a very narrow road, the poor ass fell quite down for fear; and Balaam was very angry, and beat her harder. Then God worked a wonder. He made the dumb ass to speak, and ask why he was so cruel to her. He answered that he BALAAM MET BY THE ANGEL OF THE LORD.— Num. 22 : 31. only wished for a sword to kill her. The ass asked if she had ever been like this before. He said, No. And then, full before him, he saw God's holy angel with a sword in his hand. And he fell down on his face: The poor ass had seen the angel all the time; but Balaam could not see him till God made him able. And now he was afraid, and would have gone back ; but the angel said he must go on now, though he would only be able to speak the words which God put in his mouth. BALAAM AND BALAK. 95 Think if, sometimes when you have been told you must not do something, you fret and teaze to do it — is not that like Balaam? And perhaps you teaze till some one gives you leave to do as you wish. Then you get quite cross with eagerness, and are unkind to all that hinders you; and, after all, you do not find that any good comes of getting your own way. QUESTIONS. 1. What is a prophet? 2. Who sent for Balaam? 3. What did God tell Balaam? 4. But what did Balaam wish? 5. How did he get leave to go at last? 6. But who stood in his way? 7. Who saw the angel first? 8. What did Balaam do to the ass? 9. What wonder did God work? 10. What did the ass say? 11. Whom did Balaam see? 12. What did the angel tell him? 13. What had he been allowed to have? 14. Does good come of having our own way? SECOND READING. " There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel. " — Numbers ££: 17. HERE was a king named Balak, whose land the Israel- ites were to pass through. They promised not to do any harm to him or his people, if they might go quietly through; but he was afraid and angry, and wanted to have them cursed, hoping to bring God's anger on them. That was a very wicked and foolish notion of King Balak's ; and God would not let it bring harm upon His people. They had not deserved to have His anger called down on them, and so He would not be angry with them. And when Balak's friend Balaam tried to speak curses, God turned them all to blessings; and, instead of saying they should come to a terrible end, he could only say how happy and well off they should be, with God to take care of them, and be their King. He even went on to say that a Star should come out of Jacob, and a Sceptre should rise out of Israel — and that meant that our 96 BALAAM AND BALAK. Saviour should be born among them. He is called a Star, because He came to give us light ; and you know a star showed the way to the place where He was born. And a sceptre is the rod a king carries in his hand. So when He was called the Sceptre, it meant that He should be a King. Only think how angry Balak was, when Balaam could not curse, but only blessed. I wish he had been afraid, and seen it was not God's will that he should hurt the Israelites ; but instead of that, he went on in his wickedness, and was miserably killed at last ; for God took care of His people, and would let no one do them any harm. Now, recollect, bad words and bad wishes do harm to the person that speaks them, not to those they are meant for. If a bad boy came and abused a steady one for going to church, or saying his prayers, it would be very bad for himself; but if the good boy kept on quietly, nothing that the other could say would hurt him one bit. God would take care of him as surely as He took care of the Israelites. QUESTIONS. 1. "What did Balak want? 2. Why did he want the Israelites to be cursed? 3. Whom did he set to curse the Israelites ? 4. But what did Balaam do instead? 5. Why could he not curse them? 6. Who would not ]et him curse them? 7. Who was to be born among them? 8. What did Balaam call our Saviour? 9. Why was He like a star? 10. Why was He like a sceptre? 11. Could Balak hurt the Israelites? 12. Why not? 13. Whom do bad words hurt? 14. Ought we to mind them? 15. If anyone teazes you when you try to be good, must you leave off? BALAAM AND BALAK. 97 THIRD READING. "The people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. " — Numbers 25 : 2. OU heard how Balaam went to Balak ; and how God made him bless the children of Israel when he wanted to curse them. But even this did not make Balaam good. He wanted Balak to give him a reward ; and so he told him that though no harm could happen to the people of Israel while they were good and worshipped their God, yet if he could make them do something wicked, and turn away from their God, then God would be sure to punish them. THE ISRAELITES INVITED TO A GREAT FEAST. So these two wicked men sent a number of women to invite the Israelites to hold a great feast with them, in honor of their idol Baal Peor. Many were so foolish and wicked as to be led away ; and they had a great feasting and revelling, and all kinds of bad pleasures that these heathen women said were to do praise to this horrible false god. Then, though Balak might have cursed for ever without hurting them, they had done themselves the harm. God sent a deadly sickness, and in one day twenty-four thousand people died. But Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, did as Moses commanded him. He first put to death the wickedest of the people who had joined themselves to Baal Peor; and then he prayed — and all the people prayed and wept too. So God forgave them, and the plague ceased. Afterwards Phinehas led the Israelite fighting men to punish the wicked Balak and his people ; and Balaam was killed in fight- ing with them. All the wicked women who had tempted the Israelites away from God were put to death too. So Balaam's evil counsel ended in all sorts of misery. It is very sad to think of 7-B.S. 98 BALAAM AND BALAK. him, for he knew so well what was good, and yet did what was so very bad. But remember this, nobody could hurt God's people till they did wrong, and then they hurt themselves, and God pun- ished them. QUESTIONS. 1 . What did Balak want to do ? 2. How had Balak tried to hurt the children of Israel ? 3. Why could not Balaam curse them ? 4. Wh'at did Balaam think would be the way to hurt them? 5. Whom did he send to them ? 6. Whom did the women persuade them to worship ? 7. What did God send to punish them ? 8. How was the plague stopped? 9. How was Balaam punished? 10. Why was Balaam greatly to be blamed? 11. When could not Balaam hurt them ? 12. When could he hurt them ? 13. For who took care of them when they were good ? HIGH PRIEST WITH SIN OFFERING. ^Fourteenth £unba\\ THE GIVING OF THE LAW. FIRST READING. "Thou heardest His words out of the midst of the fire. " — Dent. £ : 86. HEN the children of Israel had come out of Egypt, God had told Moses to lead them to the foot of Mount Sinai. This was a high steep rocky mountain in the wilderness. And God told Moses to set bounds round the mountain, so that nobody should come and touch it; and the people were to pray, and wait round it for the holy and awful thing that was to happen. Then there came on the hill-top a deep dark cloud, and the mountain was altogether on a smoke, and it shook and quaked, and there were lightnings and thunders and voices, and the sound of a trumpet loud and louder, so that all the people trembled. Then out of that cloud there came a voice speaking to them — a voice that they all could hear, and that made them afraid. For it was the voice of God. And God spoke out of the cloud, and gave the Ten Commandments. They were the very same Ten Commandments you say in the Catechism, and see written up in church. 100 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. 101 God had come in this terrible and awful manner to speak to them, that all Israel might hear and fear, and take care not to break them. Afterwards God gave these Ten Commandments to Moses, written upon two tables — or pieces of stone — written by God Himself. That was the way the Ten Commandments were given — by God's own voice speaking to men, out of the cloud, MOSES RECEIVING THE TABLES OF THE LAW.-Ex. 31 : 18. amid thunders and lightnings, and the sound of the trumpet, dreadful to hear. And God means us all to obey the Commandments, just as much as He meant the Israelites to obey them. They are His words, and must be kept; and if we ask Him in our prayers He will give us help and strength to obey them, so that we may fulfil the promise that was made at our baptism, that we should keep God's Holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the same unto our lives' end. 102 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. QUESTIONS. 1. Where had the children of Israel come from? 2. Who was leading them? 3. Where did God tell Moses to take them ? 4. What wonderful sight did they seeoD Mount Sinai ? 5. What did they hear? 6. Who spoke out of the cloud ? 7. What did God speak? 8. How many Commandments? 9. Tell me the first of them. 10. On what did God write them? 11. To whom did He give them? 12. When do you say them? 13. When did you promise to keep them? 14. What is keeping the Commandments ? 15. How can you be helped to do as they fell you? 16. How must you ask for God's help? SECOND READING. "The Lord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of fire." — Deuteronomy 5 : 4- HEN the lightning and thunder and the loud voice of the trumpet came forth from the cloud on Mount Sinai, and God had spoken the Ten Command- ments,, He called to Moses to come up and speak with Him in the cloud. How wonderful it must have been! Moses was the only man that ever spoke so near to God. God gave him two blocks of stone written with the Ten Commandments, written with God's own Finger. Then God told him to make a chest to keep them in. It was to be made of wood, with gold all over it ; and two figures of cherubims were to be one on each side. This chest was to be called the Ark of the Covenant. And it was to be put into a square room, inside a tent, that was to be made with curtains, and carried about with the Israelites. It was to be called the Tabernacle. And this was to be a very holy place. The children of Israel would say their prayers in front of the Tabernacle ; but they were not to go into the place where the Ark was, because they were sinful, and God is holy. That place was to be called the Holy of Holies, and no one might go near it THE GIVING OF THE LAW. 103 but the Priests whom God chose, and set apart to lead His wor- ship. The first High Priest was to be Moses' brother Aaron; and he was to wear a beautiful dress when he ministered before God — a high cap with "Holiness to the Lord" on it, a long embroidered robe, edged with gold bells and pomegranates, and a blue scarf crossed over her breast ; and in the middle a breast-plate, made of twelve precious stones, each carved with the name of one of the MOSES DESTROYS THE TABLES OF THE LAW.— Ex. 32 : 19. twelve tribes of Israel, so that he might have them on his heart as he prayed to God. All this and much more God told Moses while he was on the mount. QUESTIONS. 1. What was given on Mount Sinai? 2. Who spoke the Commandments? 3. To whom did God give them? 4. What were they written on? 5. Who wrote them ? 6. Where were they to be kept? 7. What was the chest like? 8. What was the chest called? 9. Where was Moses to put the chest? 10. What was the 104 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. room called? 11. Who might go near the Holy of Holies? 12. Who was the first High Priest? 13. Who was Aaron? 14. What was Aaron to wear? 15* Why might not the people come near ? THIRD READING. " Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God. " — Deut. 7 : 9. HEN Moses went up into the awful cloud upon Mount Sinai, he stayed there forty days. But all the Israelites below were impatient. They could not think what had become of Moses; and though they had so lately heard God's own Voice speaking to them, they would not wait as they had been told to do. They cried out that they wanted some- thing instead of Moses, whom they had lost. So they took all their gold ear-rings and melted them, and made an image of a golden calf. And then these foolish wicked people began to feast and dance, and worship this golden idol. Moses was coming down Mount Sinai with the two Tables of the Commandments in his hands. And first he heard a shout- ing and singing ; then he saw the people leaping and dancing, and the great golden idol standing in the midst. Then he was sure it was of no use to bring them the Commandments if they minded them no better. So he took the two tables of stone, and threw them out of his hand, and broke them to pieces. Then he went down, and severely punished the worst of the Israelites for having disobeyed the commandment. And he broke the golden calf to pieces, and ground it to powder. Then he went and prayed to God to forgive the people. God did forgive them, and let Moses bring two fresh tables of stone to be written with the Ten Commandments. But the first that they had lost were the tables God had given, and they could never have them back again ! THE GIVING OF THE LAW. 105 QUESTIONS. 1. Where was Moses gone? 2. What was God going to give him? 3. Who were left below? 4. What did the Israelites want? 5. What did they take off? 6. "What did they make of their ear-rings? 7. What is the Second Command- ment? 8. How did they break the Second Commandment? 9. What did Moses do to the Tables of the Law? 10. Why did he throw them down? 11. What did he do with the golden calf? 12. Where did he go then? 13. What did he do for the Israelites ? ANCIENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ^fifteenth £unba\\ THE GIVING GF THE LAW. FIRST READING. " I prayed therefore unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, destroy not Thy people and Thine inheritance. " — Deut. 9 : 26. AST Sunday you heard how sadly the people of Israel sinned by making the golden calf, while Moses was up in the mountain, and how he punished them. Then he said he would go and pray to God to forgive them, and try them again. So up he went over the rough rocks of Mount Sinai, and into the cloud again, where he had spoken with God before. And he prayed with all his might that God would not cast off His people, though they had been so wicked, but would give them again the Command- ments on their tables of stone. And God listened to Moses, and promised to give them the Commandments again. Then Moses made a great request: he said to God, "I pray Thee, show me Thy glory." But God said, "Thou canst not see My Face, for there shall no man see Me and live." But Moses was to come up the mountain the next day, and bring with him two blocks of stone, and then God would let him see as much of His glory as he could bear. On the next day Moses went up the mountain again, and took with him the two tables of stone. And the Lord came down in the cloud; and Moses was in the cleft of the rock, where he could see a small part of the glory, and hear the Lord's Voice pro- 106 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. 107 claim before him, "The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and grac- ious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth." Then indeed Moses bowed his head and worshipped. No man ever came so close to God as Moses, with whom God spoke face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend. Moses stayed forty days and forty nights up in the mountain. And God again wrote the Commandments upon the two tables of MOSES BRINGING THE NEW TABLES OF THE LAW.— Ex. 34 : 29-32. stone, and granted the Israelites to try again to keep them. When Moses came down from being in converse with God, the glory was still about his face. It was all shining like the sun, and was so bright that the Israelites could not fix their eyes on it; and he was obliged to put a veil over his face, because they could not bear to look at it. Was ever living man so favored, and brought into such glory? QUESTIONS. 1. "What wicked tiling had the Israelites done? 2. Who prayed for their for- giveness? 3. Where did Moses go to pray for their forgiveness? 4. Who forgave them? 5. What did Moses venture to ask God to show him? 6. But what can 108 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. no one do? 7. Where was Moses placed? 8. What passed by? 9* What voice did he hear? 10. How was Moses more honored than any man? 11, How long did he stay in the mountain? 12. What did God give him again? 13. How did his face look when he came down? 14. What did he do to hide his face? 15. How came his face to be so glorious? SECOND READING. " Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him. " — Deut. 13 : ^. HEN the Israelites came into the good land where they were going, they were to be very careful not to learn to worship idols. For idols were no gods at all — only wood and stone — and could not hear them pray, nor give them what they wanted. Besides, the people round them had very frightful ways of trying to please their false gods. They had one called Moloch, made of brass, and they used to offer poor little children up in sacrifice to him, and make a noise with drums and trumpets, that no one might hear their cries. There was another god called Baal, to whom they set up great images, and feasted in his honor ; and a goddess, whom they called the queen of heaven, of Ash- toreth. Women used to offer cakes to her, and dance in honor of her, for they thought she sent the moon to shine on them. Now, the Israelites were not to worship any of these false gods. They were to remember how they heard the Only True God speaking to them out of the cloud upon the mountain, and telling them, "I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt have no other gods but Me." And God told them that if they would worship Him and serve Him, all should go well with them, and they should be happy and blessed. But if they went after these false idols, all would go ill with them, and there would be only sorrow and misery. QUESTIONS. 1. Say the First Commandment. 2. Say the Second. 3. What three idols did the people of the country worship ? 4. What did they do in honor of Moloch ? 5. What did they do in honor of Baal ? 6. What did they call Ashtoreth ? 7. THE GIVING OF THE LAW. 109 ways. What did they think she sent them? 8. Who made the moon ? 9. What would happen if the children of Israel worshipped God? 10. What would happen if they worshipped idols? THIRD READING. " It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known My Psalm 95 : 10. FTER the Commandments were given the Israelites went on their journey. The Ark, or chest, where the Com- mandments on their two tables of stone were kept, was carried before them ; and God still showed that He was with them, for He made a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night go along with them, and rest on it. When they came near the land of Canaan, twelve men were THE SPIES RETURNING FROM CANAAN.-Num. 13 : 24-26. sent on to see it. They came back, bringing such a great bunch of grapes that two had to carry it between them on a pole ! But they said that the land was full of strong cities, and very strong men, and they should never be able to win it, but would all be killed. 110 THE GIVING OF THE LAW. Only two men, Joshua and Caleb, recollected that there could be no fear, for God had promised to save them and bring them in. The others all cried, and said they would go back to Egypt, and threw stones at Moses and Aaron when they wanted to quiet them. Then God showed His glory, and would have cut them all off in a moment if Moses had not prayed for them. But He said none of those who had said they would not go into the good land should go. They were to stay forty years longer in the dismal wilderness, till all the grown-up men, except Joshua and Caleb, should be dead, and their children be grown up in their stead. Then their children, who had learned to trust God and do as He bade, should be the ones to go in and live in the promised land. QUESTIONS. 1. How did the Israelites know which way to go in the wilderness ? 2. What was the ark? 3. What was in it? 4. How did God show them His Presence? 5. Whom did Moses send to look at the land ? 6. What did these men bring back? 7. But what did they say of the country? 8. Who were afraid? 9. Why was it wrong to be afraid? 10. Who only were afraid? 11. What were the people ready to do? 12. How were they to be punished? 13. How long were they to stay in the wilderness? 14. Who would die? 15. Who would grow up to go in ? 16. Who were the two good brave men? 17. What was promised to Joshua and Caleb ? TABLE OF SHEW-BREAD ARK GOLDEN CANDLESTICK Sixteenth Sunba^- THE DEATH OF MOSES. FIRST READING. " They angered Him also at the waters of strife. "- ^ffc^O^n r-" ^■•■■■11. ^Q -IW//1 ./tftf .- #& ^ ., v>xvs/>sX> ^TI^FTER all the forty years in the wilder- ness, the children of Israel were quite close to their home in the promised land. There was only the river Jordan between them and the hills and valleys there. But Moses was not to go with them. Once when the people were cry- ing out for more water, and God told him to command the stream to come out of the rock, Moses was so hot with anger that he did not attend. He said, "Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?" And he struck the rock with his rod, instead of speaking to it. The water came out as it had done before; but Moses had been so hasty that he had not thought how to obey God exactly, and so he was not to be allowed to lead the people in as a great warrior, lest he should fail again. God was not angry with him, but had forgiven him ; only he had his punishment because he had done wrong. Joshua was to lead the people, instead of Moses. So before in 112 THE DEATH OF MOSES. Moses was taken away, he called Joshua and all the chief men of each tribe, and put them in mind of all that God had done for them, and warned them very solemnly, that if they broke their promise and did not keep the Commandments, God would punish them — first a little, and then more and more, and would even MOSES GIVING HIS CHARGE TO JOSHUA.— Num. 27 : 22, 23. cast them out of the good land at last. For, mind, God always keeps His promises; and as surely as He gives the good all that is best for them, so surely He will punish those who turn from Him. QUESTIONS. 1. Where were the Israelites? 2. How long had their journey lasted? 3. Where were they going? 4. What lay between them and the land of Canaan? 5. Who had led them? 6. But what one thing had Moses done? 7. What was he not to do ? 8. Who was to lead them in? 9. What did Moses tell the Israel- ites they must be careful to do? 10. What had they promised to keep? 11. What would happen if they broke the promise? 12. What would happen if they kept the promise? 13. What promises have we made? THE DEATH OF MOSES. MOSES VIEWING THE PROMISED LAND.— Deut. 34 : 4- THE DEATH OF MOSES.— Deut. 34 : 5, 6. «-B S. 113 114 THE DEATH OF MOSES. SECOND READING So Moses the servant of the Lord died." — Deuteronomy 34- : 5. T was not God's will that Moses should lead the Israelites into the promised land, but he was to die on the east side of the river Jordan ; and so he would have his rest above instead of in the land of promise. But first God told him he might see the land. So he went up into a very high hill : and there God made him able to see all the home of his people — the snowy hill of Her- mon, and Mount Lebanon where the cedar trees grow, and the hills and valleys where Abraham had wandered and Isaac and Jacob had lived, and which he had hoped for all his life ; and green fields, and corn-fields, and vineyards, on to the great blue sea stretching out to the westward. That was where his people were to live; but there was a better home for Moses. Nobody saw him any more after he went up into the mountain. There he died, and the Lord buried him, and no one knows of his grave — only the children of Israel wept and mourned for him. QUESTIONS. 1. Where had the Israelites come ? 2. Who had led them? 3. But where was Moses not to go ? 4. But what did God allow him to see ? 5. Where was he to go? 6. What did God show him there? 7. What kind of place was it? 8. Where had he brought the people from? 9. Who was to lead them in? 10. What was to happen to Moses? 11. Did any one ever see him again? 12. What does no one know? 13. Why do we think so much of Moses? 14. Where did he speak with God? 15. Was he not the greatest man of all in the Old Testament. THE DEATH OF MOSES. 115 THIRD READING. " Be strong and of good courage." — Joshua 1 : 6 FTER Moses had gone out of sight on the mountain, God Himself told Joshua that Moses was dead, and that he must lead the children of Israel into the good land God had promised them. Moses had laid his hands- on Joshua's head, and God's Holy Spirit had come to help him to see what was right, and to lead the people. He must be strong and brave, and do all that God commanded, and then he would be quite sure to be able to drive away all the strange people out of the land, and to make a home for the people in the land that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had loved so well. All the people promised they would do as Joshua bade them. So he was their captain instead of Moses. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the old leader of the children of Israel ? 2. Where had Moses led them from? 3. Where were they going? 4. Where did Moses go? 5. What be- came of Moses on the mountain ? 6. Whom did God make captain instead of Moses? 7. What did God tell Joshua? 8. What did God promise him? 9. What is the way to be helped by God? 10. What were the Israelites to be helped to do? 11. Who were to be driven away ? 12. Why did the children of Israel wish to live in the land of Canaan? 13. What had God promised Abraham? 14. And does God always keep his promises? Seventeenth £unba\>. you ISRAEL IN BATTLE. FIRST READING. " Ye go over Jordan, and dwell in the land which the Lord your God giveth "—Deut. 12: 10. FTER the children of Israel had been forty years living in the wilderness, God led them into the beautiful land He had promised them. But before they could come in they had to get across a river — a deep river, with rocks on each side, and a stony bottom to it, and the water running very fast indeed. The name of the river was Jordan. There was no bridges to go over, and no boat to row them across ; and not only all the strong men, but all the women and little children, had to get over it ! But nobody need be afraid when God is helping him. God told them what to do. The priests, who were like clergymen to them, were to take the ark — that is, the chest where the two tables of the Ten Commandments were kept — and were to walk down into the river, without being afraid. And they were brave men; they believed what God told them, and went down into the swift stream in no fear of being drowned. And behold, as soon as their feet touched the water it stopped flowing, and stood still. No more water came down, and all the 116 ISRAEL IN BATTLE. 117 hosts of the children of Israel went straight over the bottom of the river with dry feet. The priests stood up in the middle all the time the others were going over, and when everyone was safe on the other side they came after them ; and by-and-by the river came rushing down again in its own place, for it was God who had commanded it to stop short, and make a dry place for His people to pass over. And so they came into the land of Canaan that He had promised them so long. CARRYING THE ARK OVER JORDAN.— Josh. 3 : 17. QUESTIONS. 1. How long did the children of Israel stay in the wilderness? 2. Where were they going? 3. What had they to eat? 4. What had they to drink? 5- What had God given them on Mount Sinai? 6. What were the Ten Command- ments written on? 7. Where were the two stones put? 8. Who carried this ark? 9. What had the Israelites to go over? 10. What was the name of the river? 11. How do we cross rivers? 12. But had they a bridge or a boat? 13. Who was taking care of them? 14. What did God tell the priests to do? 15. Were the priests afraid to go into the river? 16. Why not? 17. What happened when the priest's feet touched the water? 118 ISRAEL IN BATTLE. ~^^ Jericho SECOND READING. ■" By faith the walls of Jericho fell down." — Hebrew* 11 : 80. FTER the Israelites had come into the land of Canaan, there was a strong walled city before them, and its name was Jericho. They could not go any further till they had taken the city. But God was going to show that He fought for them. So He told them not to fight, but that every day, for a whole week, the priests should take the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders and walk around the out- side of the walls of the town. ISRAEL IN BATTLE. 119 Seven priests were to go in front, blowing on trumpets made of rams' horns ; but nobody else was to make any noise. So they did one day, and nothing happened. Joshua bade them do it the next day. Perhaps some of the Israelites wondered and were impatient, but they had to go on the next day still ; and after that the Ark was carried round once every day for a whole week. THE ANGEL APPEARING TO JOSHUA.- Josh. 5 : 13, 14. On the seventh day, Joshua told the priests that God would have them go round not once but seven times. And so they did ; and then, at last, on the seventh day, Joshua said, "Shout." The whole of the people shouted, and the priests blew their trumpets, and then — oh, great wonders ! — the walls of Jericho fell down flat, and the people went in and took the city. So the Lord fought for Israel. QUESTIONS. 1. Where were the Israelites now? 2. Who was their leader? 3. What city were they come to ? 4. What did they want to do ? 5. Were they to fight ? 6. But what was to he carried round? 7. What was the Ark ? 8. What was in it? 9. Who carried the Ark ? 10. Who went in front of them ? 11 . How many days 120 ISRAEL IN BATTLE. did they go on? 12. How many times did they carry the Ark round first? 13. How often on the seventh day? 14. What were the priests to do? 15. What were the people to do? 16. What happened then? 17. Who had conquered Jericho ? 18. What was God giving the Israelites? THIRD READING. " As for me and my house, we will serve the lord. " — Joshua 2£ •' 15. r„ WcC\ HIS morning you heard how God gave the children of Israel victory over Jericho. After that He gave them more victories. None of the heathen people could stand before them. They took their towns, and drove the heathen out, and had the fields and gardens and houses for their own. Then Joshua was to divide the land FALLING OF THE WALLS OF JERICHO.-Josh. 6 : 20. among them, and fix what cities each tribe should have for its own. All the chief men of each tribe came to him, and the Lord taught him how to fix the places for them to dwell in. The chil- dren of the good Joseph had the very best lot of all, as his father ISRAEL IN BATTLE. JOSHUA CAPTURING THE CITY OF AI.— Josh. 8 : 18, 19. JOSHUA COMMANDING THE SUN TO STAND STILL.— Josh. 10 : 12, 13. 121 122 ISRAEL IN BATTLE. Jacob had wished. It was just in the middle of the country, and was full of beautiful corn land. Two tribes and a-half lived on the other side of the river Jordan, on the edge of the desert, but where there was fine grass for their cattle. The tribe of Judah had a very hilly, rocky part of the country; but they loved it, because it was where Abraham had lived and now lay buried. And up all the hills they planted vines, where fine large grapes DIVIDING THE LAND AMONG THE TRIBES.-Josh. 13 : 6, 7. grew; and in the valleys were plenty of corn-fields. All over the country, people had each man his own house, with his vine and his fig-tree to shelter it, and olive-trees in his garden, and a field to grow corn in, and hill-sides near, where he might keep his cows, goats, and sheep. The rocks and the hollow trees were full of wild bees' nests; so that indeed they found it, as Moses had told them, a land of corn and wine — a land that flowed with milk and honey ; and they were very glad to be there, and to rest after their long wandering in the wilderness. After they had had a quiet rest, their first sorrow came. ISRAEL IN BATTLE, 123 It was that their brave leader Joshua had grown old, and felt himself near his death. So he called all the chief men together, and told them over again how much God had done for them; and that if they would serve Him and keep His Commandments, all would go well with them. "As for me and my house," he said, "we will serve the Lord." And all the people promised too. They said they would serve the Lord, and would not go after other gods, but would keep His Commandments. QUESTIONS. 1. Where were the children of Israel now? 2. Who had promised the land to them? 3. Who was leading them? 4. Whom did they drive out? 5. Who had the country then ? 6. How was it settled where they were to live? 7. Who had the best part? 8. What had Joseph done that was good? 9. Who went beyond the Jordan? 10. What part did Judah have ? 11. What grows there? 12. What choice plants grew in the land? 13. What sort of place had they been told it would be? 14. Who was grown old? 15. What did Joshua tell the Israelites? 16. What was the way for them to be happy? M^*^?^k SOUTH-EAST VIEW OF THE TABERNACLE. Bfobteentb £unba\>. THE JUDGES OF ISRAEL FIRST READING. "The journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor. " — Judges £ : 9. ^^■^iipF '"