Class. (2 sS 7± Book ' L 77 Cojpglit]^? '::>v^ /^ COPflaCHT DEPOSm (S^p 1/3 //■ \ & LYON MEMORIAL FAMILIES OF CONNECTICUT AND NEW JERSEY INCLUDING RECORDS OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE IMMIGRANTS RICHARD LYON, OF FAIRFIELD HENRY LYON, ' OF FAIRFIELD WITH A SKETCH LYONS FARMS BY S. R. WiNANS, Jr. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS EDITOR: Sidney Elizabeth LvoN.Of'jEFFERSONviLLE, Ind. ASSOCIATE EDITORS, Louise Lyon Johnson, of Minneapolis, Minn. A. B. Lyons, M. D., of Detroit, Mich. DETROIT, MICH : Press or William Graham Printing Co. 1907 & c^ n\ V X LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received SEP 16 1907 CoDynght tntry cuss 4 ' XXc, No. OCPr A. Copyright 1907 By Sidney Elizabeth Lyon, jEFFERSONViLLt, Ind THE LYON MEMORIAL Publisher's Note Three years ago the first prospectus appeared of a "Lyon Memorial." The object sought by its editors was a modest one. They proposed only to place on record the available historical data relating to the several Lyon families that settled in New England in the early colonial days. It was expected that the material thus "readily accessible" would fill a volume of about 500 pages. It was soon found, however, that a single volume would not contain the records already in hand. The complete Memorial fills three such volumes. One, relating to the Massachusetts families, has already been given to the public. This includes the descendants of William Lyon of Roxbury, about 3,000 names, Peter Lyon of Dorchester, about 400 names and George Lyon of Dorchester, 135 names. The present volume deals with three closely related families, whose progenitors, Thomas, Henry and Richard, appeared almost simultaneously in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The editor of this volume accepts as historical facts certain family traditions for which documentary evidence has not yet been found. For this she assumes individual responsibility. "Whether or not these three brothers came to America directly from Scotland, is not "a vital question. There can be no doubt that they, as well as the Lyons who settled in Massachusetts had a common ancestry with the Scotch noble Lyon family — now Bowes-Lyon. The volume will perhaps prove the most interesting reading of the series, and is of especial importance in that it deals in a thorough and painstaking way with an historical subject presenting unusual difficulties, owing to the destruction during the Revolutionary War of many important records. It comprises the full family histories only of Henry Lyon of Milford, Fairfield and Newark, and Richard Lyon of Fairfield. 6 LYON MEMORIAL The third volume of the series is devoted wholly to the family history of Thomas Lyon of Stamford, Fairfield and Rye. This history is unusually full, and is largely the work of Robert B. Miller, a descendant of Thomas Lyon, and an accomplished and accurate genealogist. The writer of this note, who, in the midst of a life of strenuous and multifarious activities, has brought to a conclusion his self imposed task commends the completed Memorial to his numerous American kinsfolk in the trust that his gratuitous labor may find its adequate reward in the kindly welcome it shall receive. A. B. LYONS. Detroit, February 1st, 1907. PREFACE To the descendants of Henry, Thomas and Richard Lyon, notwith- standing its imperfections, the second volume of the Lyon Memorial will be "a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit." Nevertheless they should determine among themselves to gather materials for a more satisfactory history of the Scotch branch of the Lyon family of America. In the States that were the old Colonies, in Scotland and in England, there are public records and private papers awaiting whoever will interest himself or herself so far as to seek these data in person or employ experienced genealogists to do the necessary work for them. Another thing. Doubt should not reject in toto the vague stories of forefather lore. Life was more serious than death to our Covenanter and Puritan sires. They were not given to vain-glorious statements. Whatsoever is attributed to one of them is worthy of investigation. Oraf cestimony, after two centuries of reminiscential mention, has lost accuracy. Still there is a likelihood of discovering documental foundations for many of these handed-down recollections. Errors may have been grafted on the vine of any tradition, but it sprang from the root of truth. What Moses related to Joshua, what Joshua transmitted through the Elders and the Prophets is Holy writ. "Some Old World Lyons" and "Some New World Lyons" give the history of the Lyon family as far as it could be gathered from acces- sible records and as far as it has been narrated incidentally by the historians. An amplification of a series of events is history as it is written and understood. Bare facts with appurtenant dates do not appeal to the human mind. Out of countless fragments the imagina- tion must reconstruct and visualize the past. This has been attempted by the author of the two sketches herein referred to. The "Lyons Farms" sketch and map, contributed by Professor S. R. Winans of 8 PREFACE Princeton, N. J., will add greatly to the historical value of the present volume of the Lyon Memorial. An especial acknowledgement is due Mr. C. C. Gardner, genealogist, of Newark, N. J., and to Mrs. Mary Lyon Hoe and Miss Amelia Lyon Hoe of New York City, for procuring copies of many of the colonial records in the archives at Trenton. Mr. Gardner, too, loaned private papers, and his acute judgment settled several points that were in dispute. Mr. W. E. Harrison of Fort Madison, Iowa, generously con- tributed all the Lyon data that he obtained at home and abroad, while collecting official records for a Harrison Family History. Mr. John Charles Lyon of East Orange, N. J., and Mrs. Nora Harris Badgley of New York City were indispensible co-workers, who made extracts from the Colonial history "authorities" in the Newark Library and in the Lenox Library and the Astor Library of New York City. And thanks are due to Mr. M. M. Crane of Elizabeth, N. J., for early Elizabeth- town records, to Mr. C. S. Taylor of Cincinnati for pioneer records; to Miss Anna J. Cleveland of Minneapolis for foreign research and early Elizabethtown records; to Mr. J. P. Crayon, genealogist, of Rockaway, N. J., for early Morristown records; to Miss Hannah Lyon Wilbur of Newport, who placed the Rhode Island Lyon families among the descendants of Henry Lyon, the emigrant of Fairfield and Newark, and to Mrs. Laura Butler Taylor of Louisville, Ky., for her intelligent and faithful services. SIDNEY ELIZABETH LYON. The Octagon, 1906. Jeffersonville, Indiana. SOME OLD WORLD LYONS If faith is the evidence of things not seen, history is the evidence of things half linown. The contemporary chronicler depended on hearsay particulars and individual impressions for the consecutive incidents in the romance of quaint narration. He recounted the pomp and triumph of his liege as a bard sang of the prowess of his own Lord, as a Provincal poet sang of the beauty of his own lady. But he was on his own ground and familiar with current matters. The historian takes the say-so of his predecessors in compiling remote events, gleaning from every accessible source, however, making deductions here and trusting to psychological instinct there, seeking for the spirit as well as the letter of the times. The public records, with their contradictory dates can be partially trusted, though one remembers how Dugdale of the Baronage declared in 1675, referring to the Roll of Battle Abbey — "There are great errors or rather falsities in most of these copies — such hath been the subtile of some monks of old." The history of a family, especially of the Lyon family, as it goea from the chapter of one century to the chapter of the next, in its mysterious reality, has the fascination of fiction. Heredity gives every human a certain sense of remoteness, which is soul retrospection. We, ourselves, have been a part of all this tragedy and death. Godfrey Louvein or Lowen, Duke of Brabant, was doubtless the head of the Leonne family of Leon, or Lyons in Normandy. His daughter, Adelecia, the Fair Maid of Brabant, after the young Prince William was lost in the wreck of the "Blanche Nef" 1120, was married to the widowed Henry I. in the hope of another direct heir to the English Crown. This alliance gave rise to the use of the lion in the royal arms. The Castle of Lyons near Rouen was a residence which the Anglo-Norman monarch took much delight in. It was his death- place, too. After a hard day's hunting in the Forest of Lyons, the King ate heartily of his favorite dish, stewed lampreys, and died of "surfeit" seven days later. At the time of the expedition against Harold, the Saxon King of England, 1066, one of the Leonne, an adventurous personage, with his followers, joined the banners of Duke William of Normandy. This de Leonne, the progenitor of the Lyon family of England and Scotland, held a considerable command in the invading 10 LYON MEMORIAL army. Perhaps he espoused the cause through Galtic sentiment, or through Fitz Osborn's coercive example or through a liking for fighting as a diurnal occupation, or for what he expected to get out of it. An eye to the main chance through an aboriginal understanding of meum et tuum, was eleventh century common sense, and to take your chances was eleventh century philosphy. The foreign project was not a popular measure with Duke William's people, as it would cost blood and money. But the chivalry of France, picturesque gentlemen, armed cap-a-pie in close-fitting ring armor and nasal conical helmets, with a gonfalon streaming from their lances, who made war a diversion, accommodatingly accepted the story that Harold had been sent by Edward the Confessor to give the Crown to his verbally appointed heir. By the same right that Robert le Diahle's son was heir to the throne of the Saxon Usurper, they, his knights, were heirs to splendid preferment and splendid spoils, if they risked their lives to get them. Morally justified, they were going to their rightful heritage, these mail-clad warriors of William, sur- named the Bastordes, the best soldier and the best politician of the Middle Ages. Edward, the Saint, had loved the home of his childhood, the learned and pious prelates and monks of its churches and monas- teries, and its shrewd and daring Knighthood. It was theirs by royal gift. All the crown lands, the vast estates of Harold and his brothers, the folkland, every rod of England, except the sacred property of the Ecclesiastical corporations, would pass to the new king, to be granted away to those who served him best. The Leonne of the armament, who followed the blood-red flag of the Mora from St. Valleri to Pevensly; who sang the war song of Rollo at Hastings and did much battle, realized his opulent anticipa- tions, for he remained in England, and brought over to patrimonial expectation his son, Sir Roger de Leonne, born in France 1040, Sir Roger de Leonne furthered the fortunes of the family in an adopted country. War was a profitable pastime, and to go to the rescue of King Edgar, the son of Malcolm Canmore, a righteous piece of errantry. So he donned his harness and rode with Atheling into Scotland to depose Donald Bain. For this good and faithful service, in 1091 he obtained from King Edgar certain lands in Perthshire, to which he gave the name of Glen Lyon — the Glen Lyon of today, extend- ing from Fortingal about twenty-four miles, a vast cul-de-sac, flanked by steep lofty mountains traversed from end to end by the river Lyon, SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 11 rushing down in torrents and cataracts from Loch Lyon. It is a strong defensible pass like Killikrankie, Glenlochy and Glenogle. The Romans built a camp at its entrance, such a station as com- manded the passes of the Grampians throughout Perthshire. It was a stronghold of the aboriginal tribe of Venricones, who possessed territory between the Tay on the South and the Carron on the North, comprising Gowrie, Strathmore, Stromont and Strathardle in Perth- shire, the whole of Angus and the larger part of Kincardineshire, with their chief town at Orrea on the Tay. Sir Roger de Leonne stood by his Scottish possessions, and retained the friendship of the Scottish Monarch, for he was witness in a charter of King Edgar to the monastery of Dumfermline, dated 1105. His son, Sir Paganus de Leonne or Leonibus, was born in England about 1080. For his soul's health, and the highest christian duty, this Norman Englishman accompanied Geoffrey Plantagenet, Duke of Anjou to the Holy Land. On his return from the Crusade, he settled in England, where he did some fighting for Henry I. in the family difficulty with Duke Robert of Normandy, and in the campaign against the Welsh. He claimed lineage from the ancient Kings of Leone as 23rd in descent from King Ataulphus, the Visgoth, successor of Alaric, who took and sacked Rome in 409 — Ataulphus, who married Placida, sister of Honorius, Emperor of the East, the son of the great Theodorius. His son, Hugo de Leonibus, born about 1120, was seized of lands In the county of Norfolk, England, in the time of Henry II., and he was defendant m a plea of lands in the time of Richard Coeur de Lion, 1149. Ernald de Leonibus, born in Norfolk, about 1150, son of Hugo de Leonibus, claimed against Robert Briston, William de Grancut and Walter de Grancut, one third part in certain lands in Kettleston in the county of Norfolk in the time of King John I. 1199. When the con- queror stumbled headlong upon Sussex soil, grasping the sand he gathered as he fell, he exclaimed, with prophetic joy, "See Seigneurs! by the splendor of God I have seized England in my two hands." The same land greed was a passion with his knights, and it besets their descendants even to this day. The heir of Ernald de Leonibus, was John de Leonibus, alias Lyon, born about 1175, the first instance of our name being ortho- graphically simplified as it has come down to us. He had two sons, Pagan de Leonibus, alias Leon, born in Norfolk about 1200, and Walter de Leonibus, born about 1205. Walter de Leonibus had two sons, — 12 LYON MEMORIAL Sir Henry Lyon and William de Lyon; both died without issue. Pagan de Leonibus, of Norfolk, England, married Ivette de Ferres, daughter and heiress of William de Ferres of Cambridge. His two sons were Sir John de Lyouns, Knight, born in Norfolk about 1225, and Thomas Lyouns, who was of Woodward in Essex in the time of Edward I. Sir John de Lyouns, first son of Pagan de Leonibus, was sum- moned to perform military service against the Scots 1294, when Edward subdued Scotland and imprisoned King John Baliol. He married Marjory, daughter and co-heir of Simon de Ackle of Ackle in the county of Northampton, and died 1316 in the reign of Edward II. Some of his descendants received the estate of Simon de Ackle, for in 1638 from Northamptonshire came John Lyne and Henry Lyne, his son, to America, and they were among the founders of New Haven. The sons of Sir John de Lyouns were John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Forteviot, born in Norfolk, England about 1250, and Sir Adam Lyon, Knight, born about 1255, and died without issue. Perthshire was included in the kingdom of the Southern Picts. Their capital was removed to Forteviot from Abernathy. Later, when Forteviot was burnt by the Northmen, the chief royal residence was at Scone. Perth was the third seat of Government, but was abandoned in the reign of James II. in favor of Edinburgh. John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Forteviot, first son of Sir John de Lyons of Norfolk, England, had three sons*: 1. Sir Adam Lyon, Knight, born in Norfolk about 1285, who had two sons, Sir John Lyon, Knight, born about 1320, and Adam de Lyon, born about 1325. 2. Richard Lyon, born in Norfolk about 1287, who had three daughters, co-heirs, Isabella, born 1336, Cecilia born 1338 and Christina born 1345. 3. Sir John de Lyon, Knight, born in Norfolk, England, about 1290, who had a son. Sir John Lyon, who became the head of the Lyon family of Scotland. The district of Glen Lyon in Perthshire had been in the possession of the Lyon family since 1091. Malcolm Canmore, in being educated at the Court of Edward, the Confessor, was strongly pro-Norman, and his son King Edgar I. owed his throne to such valiant men as Sir Roger de Leonne. In the days of David I. other Anglo-Normans and Flemings settled in Scotland. David had been trained in the Court of his brother-in-law, Henry I. "that he might be polished from the rust of Scottish barbarity." He •See Welles "American Family Antiquity." SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 13 married Maude, daughter of Walthe, Earl of Northumberland, by- Judith, niece of William the Conqueror. When he came to his throne 1124, he was followed by a thousand Anglo-Normans and Flemings, upon whom he bestowed favors and lands, and most of the illustrious families of Scotland have their origin from the French Englishmen favorites of Edgar I. and David I., descendants of the Norman Knights who came to England at the time of the Conquest. The life appealed to a mediaeval imagination, where every district was an independent state, with its own system of government, a sort of hereditary dukedom, allowed by the consent of each community, or clan, in the person of their chief. It was a stirring dramatic existence. Year in and year out predatory warfare and clan warfare were matters of gain and matters of strife. The strange garb of the Highland people, their weapons, their wild music, the power of the headship, and the fealty of the clansmen was a fascinating ensemble. Every clan had its place of rendezvous, and every clansman answered in person the summons of his chief. The "tarie," the fiery cross, two pieces of wood, one end of the horizontal burnt^ and a bit of white cloth stained with blood, tied to the other, was given to two runners who sped in opposite directions, to deliver the "tarie" in turn to fresh runners. In 1215 the bearers of the fiery cross went round Loch Tay, a distance of thirty-five miles, and that same evening, five hundred men assembled under command of the Laird of Glen Lyon, to join the Earl of Mar. The Lyons of Glen Lyon remained in high favor with the Scotch Court, for in 1372, a hundred and eighty years after the advent of Sir Roger de Leonne in Scotland, one of his descendants, John Lyon, a grandson of John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Forteviot, was son-in- law and Secretary of King Robert II, the first Stewart, and the founder of that dynasty. "He was a young man of very good parts and qualities, a very graceful and comely person, and a great favorite with the King." Lyon King-at-Arms, who was a conspicuous figure at the coronation, 1371, must have been this John Lyon, pattern of superior excellences. When this dignity was constituted is lost from Court Annals. That the heraldic office was instituted as a preferment for a favorite courtier is more probable than that it took its name Lyon rex armorum, from the lion on the royal shield. The Princess Jean, youngest daughter of Robert II. fell in love with the handsome, suc- cessful John Lyon, and in 1379, he received her hand in marriage. After the death of her first husband, she consoled herself with a second husband. Sir James Sunderlands of Calder. She was a daughter 14 LYON MEMORIAL by the first wife of Robert High Stewart of Scotland, Elizabeth daughter of Sir Adam More of Powallen. A question as to the legiti- macy of this lady, made a public declaration necessary at the accession of Robert II. and the crown was settled on John, Earl of Garrick. Two years later a more explicit settlement was made on the King's sons by Elizabeth More, — John, Earl of Garrick, Robert, Earl of Fife, and Alexander, Lord Badenoch; falling them, on the sons of the second wife, Euphemie Ross, — David, Earl of Strathearn, and Walter, his brother. John Lyon, by his marriage with the lady Jean Stewart, was brought into the reigning family. Wise in world-craft, he had nicely dominated the King whom Froissart represents as "not valiant, with red, bleared eyes, who would rather lie still than ride," for by a charter dated March 13th, 1372, he received the lands and Thanedom of Glamis, a charter which says: "pro laudabili et fideli servitio con- tinuis laborius." The title of Thane of Glamis is an old one. Malcolm II. (1005- 1034) had two daughters. One of them married Crymin, Lord of the Isles and of Western Scotland, and was the mother of King Duncan, the successor of her royal father. The second daughter married Sinel, Thane of Glamis, and was the mother of Macbeth, also the mother-in- law of that psychological mystery. Lady Macbeth. Glamis Castle, until it passed to John Lyon (on his marriage to the Princess Jean) had been a royal residence for a line of Kings that date back to Kenneth I. 850, A. D. This hoary pile, historically famous, stands in the fertile vale of Strathmore, in Forfarshire, not far from Dundee, with the Sedlaw Hills to the South, and the lofty Grampians to the North. The glamour of feudal times is all round about it, from its base to the summit of its towers that rise a hundred and fifteen feet above the ground, and the great dead dwell there in invisible life through the remembrance of their deeds. It is claimed that the huge blocks of red sandstone of the earliest portion of the structure have been standing since 1016, the eleventh year of the reign of Malcolm II., father-in-law of Sinel, Thane of Glamis. Patrick Lyon, first earl of Strathmore* and third of Kinghorn, made extensive restoration and improvement about 1605. Sir Walter Scott lamented over the disappearance of the walled eourt yards, and the moat, the defensive boundaries of the huge old ♦Glamis Castle, a residence of the present Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn. SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 15 Tower of Glamis, when he revisited the Castle after the devastation of a ruthless, capricious architect. Within the storied walls King Duncan was done to death by his ambitious cousin-german, Macbeth. It was the death-place of Malcolm II. from the wounds treacherously given by Kenneth V. an event of blood made authentic by the early chroniclers. The Commonwealth soldiers prayed long prayers and sang loud psalms in that house of murder, and the Pretender pined and plotted there for a brief season. Gossip has spread a tale of a mysterious grisly something, a secret not a substance, that is master of the Earl. When his eldest son becomes of age, this ghost of a wrong that must be righted is disclosed to still another Lyon, and the thing dogs him till the hour of his death, making him of the past and guilty of a crime that calls for reparation. This gives a White-Lady-Banshee sort of mystery to the awesome old castle. Besides the lands and Thanedom of Glamis, the King bestowed upon his son-in-law, John Lyon, the Loch of Forfar, and the land of Kinghorn, and through his marriage came the right to carry the double tressure fleuried and counter-fleuried in the bearing of the family*. He rose to be High Lord Chamberlain of Scotland and Ambassador to England. This increasing power excited the envy of Sir James Lind- Bay, and he fell in a duel provoked by this Judas friend at the Moor of Balhall in 1383. He and his royal consort were interred at Scone, the coronation place of the Kings of Scotland, destroyed during the Reformation. There still exists an indenture, dated 1433, between his son, John Lyon, Knight of Glamys, and the Abbot of Scone, confirming a grant of forty shillings annually made by his late father for masses for the repose of the souls of Sir John Lyon and Lady Jean, his spouse. Sir John Lyon, Knight of Glamys, who fifty years after the death of his father still continued the pious custom of paying for masses for the souls of his illustrious parents, married the Lady Elizabeth Graham, daughter of Patrick, Earl of Strathern, by Euphemia, Countess Palatine of Strathern, a granddaughter of Robert II. His young man- hood was spent in tumultuous times. Disorders were rife in the Highlands, and the feuds of the clans were augmented by Alexander *Arms. Arg. A lion rampant az. armed and langoied, with double tressure — flowered and counter-flowered gu. Crest. A lady holding in her right hand the Royal Thistle enclosed in a circle of laurel (an allusion to the alliance with the daughter of the King.) Motto. In te Domlne Speravi. 16 LYON MEMORIAL Badenoch, the fourth son of Robert II., whom his indolent father had constituted Lieutenant Governor, from the limits of Moray to Pentland Frith. The Wolf of Badenoch was the uncle of Sir John Lyon, Knight Lord of Glamys. He seized the lands of Alexander Bard, Bishop of Moray, and was excommunicated for this outrage. In a frenzy of vengeance, he descended from the heights and burnt Forres, May, 1390, with the church and the Manse of the Archdeacons, and in June of the same year he burnt Elgin, the church of St. Giles, the hospital of Maison Dieu, the Cathedral, a splendid ecclesiastical pile, and the houses of the canons and chaplains in the College of Elgin, plundered the churches and carried off the sacred utensils and vestments. For this sacrilege against a See of Rome, the Lord of Badenoch was compelled to make full reparation, and was then absolved by Walter Trail, Bishop of St. Andrews, in the church of the Black Friars in Perth, in the presence of his brother. King Robert III. and the nobility of Scotland. Sir John Lyon, Knight of Glamys, was succeeded by his son, Sir Patrick Lyon.* He, too, saw turmoil and tragedy. On March 28th, 1424, he was delivered up to the English as one of the hostages for the ransom of James I. and not released till June, 1427. Doubtless he loved the monarch of advanced ideas and elegant accomplishments, and the horror of the midnight regicide in the Monastery of the Dominicans at Perth came to him as the blackest deed in his country's sombre chronicles. But Patrick Lyon had sustaining ambitions, for this feudal chief was made a peer of Parliament as Lord Glamis in 1445, the eighth year of the reign of James II. and was appointed Master of the King's household in 1452. He married Isabel, daughter of Alexander Ogilvy, and had three sons and a daughter, — Alexander, 2nd Lord Glamis, John, 3rd Lord, William Lyon, Master of the Lyons of Easter Ogil of County Forfar, and Elizabeth, who married Alexander Robertson. Patrick Lyon first Lord Glamis, grandson of Sir John Lyon and the Princess Jean, died 1459. His eldest son, Alexander Lyon, had died without issue, and the Barony devolved upon the second son, John Lyon, 3rd Lord Glamis, who was Privy Councillor to James IV, and Justice General of Scotland. He married Elizabeth daughter of Sir John Scrimguor of Dunlope, Constable of Dundee, and died 1494, and was succeeded by his son John Lyon, fourth Lord Glamis, who was succeeded twelve years later by his eldest son by Emily, daughter of Lord Gray, George Lyon, fifth *Burke's Peerage. SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 17 Lord Glamis. He died unmarried, and the title passed to his bi'other John Lyon, sixth Lord Glamis. John Lyon, third Lord Glamis, John Lyon, fourth Lord Glamis, George Lyon, fifth Lord Glamis; and John Lyon, sixth Lord Glamis, lived in the reign of James IV., a reign of twenty-five years. Battle, murder and execution are absent from the annals of the Monarch who loved chivalrous display, tournaments and martial exercise. A season of peace blessed the land that had been harrowed for ages by private wars and civil wars. The Ceurt was merry, but far from moral. Leniency was for one and all. Gifts and favors made loyal subjects, and the chiefs of the Highlands shared the largess with the barons. The two raids across the border in behalf of the impostor, Perkin Warbeck, were mere incidents of Arms, and there was not a real cloud of threatening on the political horizon of Scotland till after the marriage of James IV. and Margaret Tudor in 1502. The death of Henry VII. changed the friendly relations between England and Scotland. Henry VIII. did not like the marriage of his young sister, and refused to deliver a legacy of jewels left to the Queen by her royal father. Mutual privateering and border fray increased the bad feeling, and the continental policy of Henry in regard to the struggle in Italy between Louis XII. and Pope Julian I. easily provoked a war. James renewed his alliance with the King of France 1513. The herald who brought the declaration was the Scotch Lord Lyon, another Lyon King-at-Arms or Lion-King-at-Arms one of the Perthshire courtiers, or an Earl Marschal, keeper of the heraldic beasts of the royal shield. The largest army ever raised in Scotland met the English at Flodden Field. Among the 12,000 dead in that "no quarter" massacre was the King; the nobility was almost decimated, and many families lost all their sons. The mortality was terrible in an age when the Temple of Janus was always open. Dugdale of the "Baronage" says: "For of no less than 270 families touching which this first volume doth take notice, there will hardly be found above eight which do to this continue, and of those not anj' whose estates — compared with what their ancestors enjoyed — are not a little diminished, — nor of that num- ber — I mean 270 — above twenty-four who are by any younger male branch descended from them, for aught I can discover."- Of the gentry of Berkshire he continued, "It is remarkable that there is not one family descended in the male line from any of the gentry ennumerated in the above list, now left in the country." The 18 LYON MEMORIAL males of either kingdom were born to be battle-slauglitered. The mothers spared the grief of losing all their sons were fevv'. John Lyon, sixth Lord Glamis, was not among the slain at Flodden, but lived to fight another day. He married Janet Douglas, a woman of rare beauty, daughter of George, Master of Angus, and grand- daughter of the great Earl of Angus (Bell-the-Cat), and had a son, John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis. In the struggle between Angus and Arran in the rising of the Highlands to uphold the claim of Macdonald to the Lordship of the Isles, Glamis supported Angus" in the hostilities that went on for several years, till it ended in a fight in the streets of Edinburgh, where the victorious Angus drove Arran out of the town and seized the castle. In 1525 Angus, with Beaton, obtained possession of the person of the boy King James V. to govern in his name in a regency that lasted till 1528, the year of the death of John Lyon, sixth Lord Glamis. His widow, the beautiful Janet Douglas, took as her second hus- band, Archibald Campbell of Kepneith. Another Campbell fell in love with his kinsman's fair wife, and to revenge a repulse, gave in- formation to the authorities that she and her husband, her young son John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis, John Lyon a relative, and an old priest were conspiring against the life of the King by poison and witchcraft. They were tried for high treason and condemned on the evidence of a perjurer, and sentenced to be burned at the stake. Campbell attempted to escape, but was dashed to pieces on the rocks below the window of his prison. But Lady Glamas died publicly by fire on the Castle Hill of Edinburgh, July 12th, 1537. Owing to his tender years, John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis, was spared the horrible fate of his unfortunate mother, notwithstanding he had been convicted of treason, July 10th, 1537, of being "art and part of concealing and not revealing of the conspiring and imagination in the destruction of King James V. by poison, imagined and conspired by Janet, Lady Glamis, his mother, to which he consented and was art and part with her." He was returned to prison, and the sentence suspended till he should come of age. The accuser of Glamis and his mother, on his death-bed, a prey to remorse (some authorities say "one Lyon") avowed his crime of swearing away the life of Lady and her son. The young Lord Glamis was given his freedom, and being a minor was placed under the care of his uncle Alexander Lyon. His estates were for- feited to the Crown by an act of Parliament, December 3rd, 1540. In SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 19 January, 1542-3, he instituted a summons of redemption of forfeiture and was rescinded. The following March he was restored to his estates and honors by Parliament. He came into favor after the heart of James V. was broken by the treacherous desertion of the nobles. During the regency of Arran and Mary of Guise, when the "orphan lass," Mary Stuart, was Queen of Scotland, he had charters for various lands in Aberdeenshire in 1543-4, and of the Barony of Kinghorne for- feited by James Kirkaldy of Grange 1548. His death occurred in 1558, twenty-one years after the terrible death of his innocent mother. John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis, married Janet Keith, sister of William, fourth Earl of Marishal, and had two sons, John Lyon, eighth Lord Glamis, and Hon. Sir Thomas Lyon, known to fame as the Master of Glamis. Before the death of the seventh Lord Glamis, the Reformation had been gradually spreading in Scotland, but he may have held aloof from the religious movement that was paramount during the life of his sons. In 1548 Mary Stuart as the betrothed of the Dauphin, had been sent to the Court of France to be brovight up with the children of Henry H. and Catherine ae Medici. The Queen Dowager, Mary of Guise, a master of tact and craft, had gained the nobles by her gracious promises, and the people by tolerating the Reformation so ' far that only one disagreeable incident had occurred, the execution of "a simple but over zealous man for the new doctrine." After the death of Edward VI. 1553, the Scottish adherents of the Reformation who had taken refuge in England had to go abroad or return home to escape the persecution of Mary Tudor. The powerful preachers, Harlow and Whitlock and Knox organized the church in Scotland and the ministers of the Congregation were planted. Knox received Edinburgh for his charge," and Perth and Sterling were committed to the Congregation. A bond drawn up in 1557 by Argyle, Morton, Lome and Erskine "to defend the whole Congregation of Christ and every member thereof against Satan and all wicked powers," was the first Covenant. When the Regent, Mary of Guise, deserted by the Scottish nobility, came to die, to conform had become general. The Parliament of that year (1560), the great Reformation Parliament, was attended by the nobles, bishops, lesser barons, landed gentry, and representatives. On August 10th the Confession of Faith was sanctioned by the estates, and on August 24th an act was passed prohibiting the rites by the church of Rome. Athole, Summerville, Caithness and Bothwell alone of all the nobles voted against the Confession, and the power of the 20 LYON MEMORIAL State was in the hands of the party of the Reformation. If but four of the nobles voted against the Confession, then the sons of John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis, John Lyon, eighth Lord Glamis, and the Thomas Lyon, Master of Glamis, must have stood in line with the times through an evolution of opinion, and accepted the new order of things in active approbation. The wheel of history was making some dizzy revolutions in Scotland, carrying the Lyon family onward in a rush of peculiar events. The widow. Queen Mary, had come home from France to a career of capers and intrigues, of conspiracies and crimes, and the thunder-bolts of John Knox could not frighten her back from destruc- tion. Her ill-advised marriage with her cousin, Lord Darnley, the birth of her son, the heir to the throne, the murder of David Rizzio, the retaliatory murder of Darnley, and the suspicion of the Queen's consent to the death of her husband, Bothwell's indecent wooing when the royal dead was just buried. Queen Mary's mad marriage with the Black Earl, the rebellion of her outraged subjects, the surrender at Carbary Hill, and the escape from Lochleven Castle were the extraordinary happenings of seven years of Scottish history. The Lyons drew near together while their giddy sovereign achieved ner own ruin, distrustful of the spinster daughter of Henry VIII. and remembering the few that came home from Flodden Field, put their own house in order with a prayer that one might be spared. In a charter dated April 23rd, 1567, John Lyon, eighth Lord Glamis, made an entail of his estates of Glamis, Towndyce and Baky in Forfarshire, Cullan, Buttergask, Langforyard and Irchture in Perthshire, Bethelvic, Ardendracht, Collistown, Coustertown and Drumgowan in Aberdeen- shire, on himself and the male heirs of his body, Thomas Lyon, his brother, John Lyon of Haltown of Esse, James Lyon of Easter Ogill, John Lyon of Culwalogy, and the heirs of their bodies, respectively, which failing, to his own nearest heirs male whatsoever bearing the name and Arms of Lyon. This charter gives the headship of five prominent branches of the Lyon family of Scotland in 1567, John Lyon, eighth Lord Glamis; Thomas Lyon, Master of Glamis; John Lyon of Haltown of Esse; James Lyon of Easter Ogill, and John Lyon of Cul- walogy, all lineal descendants of the Feudal Baron John de Lyon of Fortevoit. The eighth Lord Glamis had a charter of the Barony of Balky to himself and his wife, Elizabeth Abernathy, daughter of Lord Salton, dated 2nd July, 1569, the sixth month of Moray's Regency. During the Regencies of Lenox, Mar, and Morton, he rose to prominence. He SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 21 was sworn a Privy Councillor and constituted an Extraordinary Lord of the session, 30tli September, 1570, held it till 24th October, 1573, and in 1575 was promoted to the office of High Chancellor of Scotland. In the meantime, Moray and Lenox had died by violence, and Mar by foul play. The death of John Knox, and the Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew had been simultaneous events. In March, 1578, John Lyon, Lord of Glamis, was deputed to signify to the Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland, that the King had now resolved to take the administration of the national affairs in his own hands. The 27th day of the same month the eighth Lord Glamis was killed at Sterling in an accidental encounter between his own followers and those of the Earl of Crawford. He was counted one of the ablest men of his own party, and Douglas took pride in mentioning that John Lyon had a correspondence with Beza, the French reformer and Calvanistic theologian, on the subject of church polity and the doctrines of the Prophet of Geneva. He had one son, Patrick Lyon, ninth Lord Glamis and two daughters, the Hon. Jean Lyon, who married; 1st Robert Douglas, the younger of Lochleven; 2nd 1586 Archibald, eighth Lord of Angus, and 3rd Alexander, Lord Spynie, and the Hon. Elizabeth Lyon who married Patrick, seventh Earl Gray. The Hon, Thomas Lyon, designated Master of Glamis as presump- tive heir to the title, increased his estates in the short tenure of the death-shadowed Regents, Lenox, Mar, and Morton. He had charters to "Thomas Lyon, brother of John, Lord Glamis" of Seragesfield, 18th September, 1571; of the Dominical lands of Balumbu. also the lands of Gogar, and Grugar in the counties of Edinburgh and Air, to "Thomas Lyon of Balkouky, Master of Glamis and Agnes Gray, Lady Home, his wife, 20th June, 1579, of the Barony of Melgownd," etc., in Forfar- shire, to them 6th May, 1586. Morton, in 1581, was accused in the Council of Holyrood for com- plicity in the murder of Darnley. He was tried and on his own confession that Bothwell had revealed to him the plot to kill the Queen's husband, was convicted as an accomplice in the crime. The management of the affairs of the realm passed to Lenox and Stewart. One had been created a Duke, and the other received the Earldom of Arran. These two ambitious personages in 1582 were in a plot to associate Mary Stuart with her son in the Government, to renew the league with France, and through a breach with England to restore the church of Rome. Bribes won even many of the nobility 22 LYON MEMORIAL to this hazardous scheme The Presbyterian ministers were not approachable, and an illegal banishment of the clergy was expedient. A proclamation for an Extraordinary Chamberlain Air — an itinerant Court of Justice — to be held at Lenox, precipitated the Raid of Ruthvan. where the Master of Glamis was one of the principal agents in the seizure of the person of the King. James was on a visit to the Earl of Cowrie at the Castle of Hunting Tower near Perth. During the absence of Lenox and Arran, the Master of Glamis, with some others, surrounded the Castle with armed men, and with Gowrie made James VI. a prisoner. The King, trusting none and fearing all, started toward the door in an impulse of flight, but the Master of Glamis stayed his going. The apprehensive James in his alarmed agitation burst into tears, exclaiming "No matter, better children weep than armed men," and surrendered to these new enforced guardians. Arran, on his return to Perth, was cast into prison by this other band of conspirators, and Lenox took refuge in Dumbarton Castle, and soon fled to France. The tutelage of the Protestant nobles was disagreeable and irri- tating to the royal youth, and at length he escaped from Falkland to St. Andrews. The Raid of Ruthvan was declared high treason. The Earl of Gowrie was taken and executed for his political crime. But the Master of Glamis fled to England to review the situation and re- adjust his plans. In May of the same year, Thomas Lyon returned to Scotland, and with the Earls of Angus and Mar, seized Sterling Castle and assumed the Government. But they were presently obliged to fly across the border. The following year the Master of Glamis and the other banished nobles came north, bringing a great force with them. They invaded the Palace and compelled Stewart, Earl of Arran, to quit the royal presence. This high-handed disloyalty was graciously for- given, and they were restored to favor. Thomas Lyon received the prodigal's ring and embrace in being appointed Captain of the King's Guards in the place of Arran, and was made high treasurer of Scotland. He was also constituted an extraordinary Lord of the Session, held the position for six years, then was re-appointed and sat till May 28th, 1593. The nobility and landed gentry were spoilsmen and quick to take advantage of the King's privilege to grant feus of church lands annexed to the Crown. The Master of Glamis, the prime mover In the Raid of Ruthvan, must have rated his second treason of the seizure of Sterling Castle and the person of James VI. as a service SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 23 rendered to his sovereign. By force of argument of a Calvanistic turn, he may have appeased the sombre yet fickle conscience of an unfilial son in the days of fretful remorse or religious excitement after Mary Stuart expiated her follies on the block at Fortheringay. James had needs to lean upon a character of tremendous strength, and nothing daunted Thomas Lyon. Tomorrow was seen through a veil of sickening uneasiness. It might be his turn next. Out from the dank crypt of history came a grisly procession of Scottish Kings to point to their wounds and remind him that the divinity that hedged him 'round would not save him from the swords of the lawless Barons. The headless ghost of his crown-robbed mother lurked behind the hangings of his chamber. He did not remember her fair face, and he had been told that she was a baggage who had sinned many sins. But he had sided against the woman who bore him, for a woman who delivered her royal person to the heads-man. An axe-blow could sever the stem of his own neck, if his terrible cousin in the ruff and farthingale had him within her borders. And while the miserable young Monarch, haunted by horrors that had come to pass, and horrors that were yet to be, fretted over the Govern- ment of a turbulent and fearful people, the few near his person, by indulging his humors, reaped much benefit. Thomas Lyon received a charter of Tullock and Crawquhy in Forfarshire, August 19th, 1587, "to Thomas Lyon of Baldoukie, His Majesty's treasurer. Master of Glamis, of Corstown, and of the Barony of Dod in Forfarshire, to him and Eufamia Douglas, his wife, November 7th, 1589," adding sub- stantially to his estate. The King in 1585, "was become a brave prince in bodie and ptature, so well exercised in reading that he could perfitlie record all things he had either heard or read. Therefore that noble King Frederic II. of Denmark, who had then twa daughters, was willing (gif it suld please our King) either to give him the choice of thaim, or that he would accept the one of thaim as it suld please the father to bestow guhilk suld be maist comely, and the best for his princelie content- ment." To Danish Anna fell the honor of being the royal bride. After a long proxy courtship, a romantic marriage, and a honeymoon spent at Upslo, the Danish princess was brought home to Scotland, and her coronation took place within the Abbey of Holyrood on the 17th of May, 1590. "Twa high places were appointed there, one for the King and the other for the Queen. The King's procession, having en- tered the Abbey, that of the Queen, preceded by several Danish nobles, 24 LYON MEMORIAL magnificently dressed, with diamond chains about their necks, then came the Scottish nobles and heralds; Lord Lion, King-at-Arms, ushered Lord Thirlstone bearing between his two hands the Queen's Crown, then follov/ed the Queen herself in royal robes." The company and the cere- mony were splendidly imposing as described in a contemporary chron- icle. Here, as at the coronation of Robert II., Lion-King-at-Arms was a striking feature of an historical pageant. Princely revelry on that May Sunday, frightened the Holyrood ghosts back to the shades. On Tuesday the Queen, in a gilded coach, the King and the Court, had a street par- ade in Edinburgh, and the festivities were prolonged even into the month of June. Thomas Lyon, Master of Glamis, was Knighted while the coronation rejoicing was in progress. On May 27th, 1590, the Scot- tish statesman and soldier knelt before the royal pair and was dubbed Sir Knight. He was still among the King's advisers and held the impor- tant office of high treasurer of Scotland till 1595. After 1571 he had married Agnes Gray, Lady Howe, third daughter of the fifth Lord Howe, widow of Sir Robert Logan, and of Alexander, fifth Lord Howe; and for a second wife, he married Lady Eufamia Douglas. There was another charter granted to him April 6th, 1594, "to Thomas Lyon of Auldbar, Knight, and Euphemia Douglas his wife." From the return of the banished Lords in 1585, he had remained in favor with the King, faithful to the best interests of his sovereign, and when death ended his eventful life James \i. of Scotland and I. of England said: "The boldest and hardest man of my dominion is dead." But two of his children are on record, a daughter, Mary Lyon, who married Robert Semphell of Bellars, and a son, John Lyon, who, August 6th, 1608, served as heir to his father, Sir Thomas Lyon, Knight, in the Barony of Melgund lands of Auldbar, etc., etc. But he may have had other sons forgotten by an absentee King and omitted in the family annals. John Lyon of Auldbar married a daughter of George Gladstone, Archbishop of St. Andrews. He must have died before 1617 without issue, or lost favor through some political blunder and forfeited his estates, involving all other descend- ants of Sir Thomas Lyon, Knight. At any rate, Anne Murray, Countess of Kinghorne, and her son, John Lyon, second Earl of King- horne, August 8th, 1617, had a charter to the Barony of Auldbar in Forfarshire. The lands of Auldbar had been given by Earl Patrick to his second son, Hon. James Lyon, who died without issue, and this estate reverted to the family. The next Lyon of Auldbar, after a lapse of three generations, was John Lyon, Esq., of Brachin in North Britain, SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 25 a great grandson of the famous Master of Glamis, Sir Thomas Lyon. Patrick, ninth Lord Glamis, being a minor at the time of the death of his father, John Lyon, eighth Lord, in 1578, was placed under the tuition of his uncle. Sir Thomas Lyon, who was afterward (1585) high treasurer of Scotland. He served as heir in general of his grand- father, John Lyon, seventh Lord Glamis, January 29th, 1600. Through his rank he received a remission under the great seal, dated 15th of September, 1601, of penalty for a transgression of violence to him and his five servants, for the slaughter of Patrick Johnstown in Haltown of Belhelote, slain on the 6th of September, accidental homicide, justifiable homicide and incidental homicide, misfortunate matters too common with the nobility and the gentry not to be easily pardoned. In 1604, Lord Patrick Lyon was sworn a privy councillor of James VI, and chosen by Parliament as one of the Commissioners to treat of the Union with England. Favors continued to be heaped upon him. He had charters of Ardwork in Forfarshire 8th of August, 1605, of Kingseat in Aberdeen- shire 17th June, 1606, and by a patent dated 10th July, 1606, was raised to the dignity of Earl of Kinghorne, Lord Lyon and Glamis. He and his wife, Anne Murray, and their second son, James Lyon, had charter of Wester Drynic in Forfarshire, 20th May, 1608, of the Isle of Inch Keith and right to the patronage of Kinghorne, 10th June, 1609, of the Barony of Farnadic the following year and of the dominical lands of Hurley in 1613. His death occurred December 19th, 1615, and he was succeeded by his eldest son, John Lyon, second Earl of Kinghorne. He had also a daughter, Anne, who married the Earl of Errol, and a third son, Hon. Fredrick Lyon, who got from his father the lands of Brighton and was the ancestor of the Lyons of Brighton. John Lyon, tenth Lord Glamis and second Earl of Kinghorne, was a minor when he came into his lands and titles. In 1603, at the succession of King James VI., Scotland had become a part of England, the home of the elder branch of the Lyon family. Sir Adam Lyon, first son of John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Forteviot, the descendant of the Norman de Leonne who fought at Hastings with the Conqueror, was of Norfolk, England, at the time his brother John de Lyon, married the Princess Jean, daughter of Robert High Stewart of Scotland.* Sir Adam Lyon, Knight, had two sons, — Sir John Lyon born about 1320, who was Knighted by Edward *Welles "American Family Antiquity." 26 LYON MEMORIAL III. and Adam de Lyon born about 1325. Sir John Lyon, Knight of Norfolk, had three sons, — Sir Richard Lyon born about 1350, and Sir John Lyon born about 1353, both Knighted by Edward IV. and Henry Lyon born about 1355. Henry Lyon of Rystippe, Middlesex, born in Norfolk about 1355, great grandson of John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Forteviot, had a son, John Lyon, born at Rystippe about 1380. He was with the army of Henry V. that invaded Normandy, and was at Agin- court, amid the splendid pageantry of a war that made England heir to the Crown of France, and was present at the famous battle. He had a son, Henry Lyon, born at Rystippe about 1410, the second of a name which became a heritage among the Lyons. Jotm was a favorite pre- nomen with the English as well as the Scotch Lyons. Thomas and William were also baptismal names repeated from generation to gener- ation. The name of Adam came in use in 1225, that of Richard 1350 and that of Henry in 1355. Henry Lyon of Rystippe, born about 1410, had four sons all born at Rystippe, Henry born about 1440, John born about 1450, Thomas born about 1455 and William born about 1508, who died without issue. Henry Lyon of Rystippe, Middlesex, England (1410), the third of the name, had two sons, — 1st John, born about 1470, and 2nd, William, born about 1475. John Lyon (1450), second son of Henry of Rystippe, had a son, John Lyon of Preston, Midulesex County, born 1500, who was the founder of the famous English school of Harrow-on-the-Hill, ten miles from London. This philanthropic yeoman of Preston yearly set aside the sum of twenty marks for the education of the poor children of Harrow. The school of Harrow was founded 1571. Queen Elizabeth granted the charter. But the statutes were drawn up by the founder in 1590. However, the first building was not completed till 1611. A.t his death, October 3rd, 1692, he settled two-thirds of his property on the school, and left the other third for the maintenance of a high- road between Harrow and London. John Lyon and his widow, Jean Lyon, who died August 30th, 1608, are buried at Harrow. They had — Mary, born at Preston 1540, buried at Harrow December 13th, 1568, Jean, born at Preston 1545. buried at Harrow, May 13th, 1559, and Zachery, born at Preston 1560, died without issue, and was buried at Harrow, May 11th, 1583. It is a pleasing coincidence that Mary Lyon, the American Educator, Founder of Mount Holyoke Seminary (now College), for the higher education of women, should have borne the name of the eldest daughter of John Lyon, founder of the great school of Harrow-on-the-Hill. SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 27 Thomas Lyon (1455) of Perefore Middlesex County, third son of Henry Lyon of Rystippe, had two sons. The first of these was Sir John Lyon, born about 1490, who was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth. In 1550 he was made an Alderman of London and High Sheriff and in 1554 was Lord Mayor. By his wife Alicia he had a son, John Lyon, born about 1550 and died without issue 1620. The second son of Thomas Lyon (1455), was Henry Lyon of Roxley in Lincolnshire. By his wife Dorothy, he had two sons, Richard Lyon of West Twyford, Middlesex County, born about 1532, and Henry Lyon of Harrow-on- the-Hill, born about 1550, who died October 16th, 1590. Richard Lyon, of West Twyford 1532, by his first wife Agnes, had a son Henry Lyon of Roxley in Lincolnshire, born about 1655, who married Catherine Rithe, and had issue, also issue by his second wife, Mabilla, daughter of Adam Dornell of Thornhohn, Lincolnshire. By his second wife, Isabella Millet, Richard Lyon of Twyford had three children, John Lyon born about 1560, died without issue, Dorothy Lyon, born 1565, married Humphrey Hyde of Northeste, Berkshire, had issue, and Catherine Lyon, born 1570, married William Gifford of Northeste, Middlesex County, and had issue. John Lyon of Rystippe, the third, first son of Henry Lyon (1440), was born there 1470. He married Emma Hedde, and had four sons, Henry Lyon, born 1500, Thomas, born 1503, Richard, born 1505, and John, born 1510. It is a singular fact that of the fifteen Lyons who came to the American Colonies between 1638-1683, twelve of them bore the distinctive family names of these sons of John Lyon of Rystippe, the exception being William of Roxbury, and Peter and George Lyon of Dorchester. However, William was a name that begun with the William Lyon who was born at Rystippe 1640 and continued in favor. John Lyon of Little Stanmer, Middlesex County, first son of John Lyon of Rystippe, was born at Rystippe 1510. His wife, Jean Lyon, died April 5th, 1535, just a hundred years before her great grandson, William Lyon of Heston, landed at Boston September 11th, 1635, a lad of fourteen, who sailed in the ship "Hopewell," with Capt. Babb. No doubt he was under the care of Isaac Heath a fellow passenger, who brought his own family with him, drifting on the westward tide of Puritan emigration from a King-ridden, clergy-ridden country to the Land of Hope. John Lyon of Little Stanmer, and his wife, Jean, had three children, William born 1540, Elizabeth born 1545, died 1606, and Thomas born 1550. Thomas Lyon (1550), had a son William Lyon, born 1575, died 1624. This William Lyon was called the Marquis of 28 LYON MEMORIAL Southwold, and he was owner of the forefather ship "Lyon," which brought many a cargo of precious souls to New England. Among her passengers was Rev. John Eliot the non-conformist minister of Roxbury church, the Apostle of the American Indians, and Roger Williams, the Apostle of Civil Liberty. William Lyon of Stanmer Parva, Middlesex County, first son of John Lyon of Little Stanmer, who was born at Little Stanmer 1540, was buried at the place of his nativity September 17th, 1624, the year before the death of King James I. He was twice married, first to Isabella, daughter of William Wightman, Esq., second to Audry Deer- ing, by whom he had three sons, William, born at Stanmer Parva, 1580, Thomas, born 1585, (he had issue) ; and Robert, born 1590. His con- temporaries among his kindred of the Scottish branch of the Lyon family were: John Lyon, Eighth Lord Glamis, Patrick Lyon, who was first Earl of Kinghorne, and Thomas Lyon, Master of Glamis. William Lyon, born at Stanmer Parva, 1580 was William Lyon of Heston, Middlesex County. He resided at Heston, but was buried at Little Stanmer, November 17th, 1634. He married at Harrow-on-the- Hill, July 17th, 1615, Anne Carter, and they lived together for nineteen years. She did not long survive her husband, and was buried at Little Stanmer Feb. 18th, 1638. The children of William of Heston were: Catherine, baptised at Heston August 25th, 1616, John, baptised June, 1619, and William, baptised December 20th, 1620.t When William Lyon of Heston died in 1634, John Lyon, tenth Lord Glamis, and second Earl of Kinghorn, was head of the Lyon family of Scotland. The Nation through political evolution, had fallen upon evil times. The taint of a democratic tendency in the North had spread across the border, and the absolutism of the Tudor Kings ended with the expiring breath of the man-minded Elizabeth. The crown made by the cold fingers of the dying Sovereign, had given her domin- ion to her Scotch cousin. But the mantle of her greatness fell apart and crumbled away when her coflin was borne from Richmond, to be deposited in Westminster. Elizabeth was long-headed, tactful and liberal, and the destruction of the Spanish Armada was one of the glories of her reign. James was purblind, bad-tempered and narrow, and the Gunpowder Plot completely addled his confused judgment. When the monarch who styled himself King of Great Britain, uttered t It was this William Lyon who came to America in 1635 and settled in Roxbury, Mass. A full account of his descendants is contained In the "Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families." SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 29 his rash threat at the Conference of Hampton Court with the leading Puritan clergy, and the leading bishops, "I will make them conform, or I will harry them out of the land," he threw down the gage of battle to a militant people, whose army had been gathering from among tradesmen, artisans, yoemen, and nobles since the note of personal freedom was sounded by the divine trumpet of the Reforma- tion two centuries before. In the fatality that attended the fortunes of the Stuarts, he contaminated his son by the bad teaching of his despotic example, and when he came to die, after years of misgovernment, the heritage of his evasions, blunders, and disasters brought the ruin of a madly rash course and a death on the block to his unhappy successor. The Covenanters were tenacious, the Puritans were heroic. These fanatical religionists were but biding their time, while Charles I. as if fate-driven was destroying the very fabric of the State. Long ago, as far back as 1618, the dragon's teeth of a religious war had been sown by the adoption of the five articles of Perth, and the fertile North had grown a lusty crop of determined rebellers. The Scots, armed with spear and sword, of religious and political instinct were ripe for a revo- lution. The Nobles and landed gentry were alienated from the King. The removal of the Court had robbed them of prestige and profit. Those near the royal presence were promoted and flattered, those afar were neglected and despised. Furthermore, his peculiar policy meant ruin for those of his native land. A petition of protest was put into private circulation against thirty-one acts "hurtful to the liberty of the subject," passed by a Parliament where Charles had presided. A copy of this document was found in the possession of Lord Balmoral. He was tried for sedition, received a capital sentence, which was afterward modified to imprisonment. The Scots were astir with a secret resentment which became open revolt when the use of the liturgy at St. Giles Church in Edinburgh and at Greyfriers in Perth occasioned riots. Montrose received a commission from the Tables, a board of representatives chosen by the nobility, country gentry, clergy, and inhabitants of the burghs, to raise troops for the service of the Covenanters, which he proceeded to embody with extraordinary power. Within a month he collected some three thousand foot and horse from Perth, Forfar and Fife, and put them under military discipline. Joined by forces under General Leslie, the rebel army marched upon Aberdeen which the Marquis of Huntley abandoned at their approach. 30 LYON MEMORIAL It was "upon morn, being Saturday, they came in order of battell, weil armed both, on horse and foot, all horsemen having five shots at least with one carabine in his hand, two pistols by his sydes and two others at his saddle toir. The pike men in their ranks, with pike and sword, the musketiers in their rank with musket stuffe, bandelier, sword, power match ilk company, both foot and horse had their Captain, Lieutenants, Ensigns, Sergeants and other officers and com- manders all for the most part in buff coats and in goodly order. They had five colors of ensigns, whereof the Earl of Montrose had one having this motto: 'For religion, the Covenant and the Countrie,' the Earl Marischell had one, the Earl of Kinghorn had one, and the town of Dundee had two." This Earl of Kinghorn was John Lyon, tenth Lord of Glamis, a descendant in the third generation from John Lyon, who was tried and convicted for "being art and part of concealing and not revealing of the conspiring and imagination in the destruction of King James V. by poison imagined and conspired by Janet, Lady Glamis, his mother." The unlaid ghost of the woman who died by fire on the Castle Hill of Edinburgh made every Lyon the hereditary enemy of every Stuart King. However, the second Earl of Kinghorn voted in the Parliament against the delivery of King Charles L up to the English, an act of tardy loyalty to a faithless Monarch avenged by Cromwell when he made a barrack of Glamis Castle for his Round- head soldiery. The King declined to do battle with Leslie and Mont- rose, and the Scottish army disbanded. By the pacification of Berwick it was agreed that all ecclesiastical matters should be regulated by an assembly to be held at Edinburgh and all civil matters by Parliament and other legal Courts. And the Earls went home with their foot and horse, to await the next move of destiny in the crowned Beelzebub, who was liege of the United Kingdom. They remembered the signing of the National Covenant in Greyfriers Church that bleak March day, when the Nobles and the gentry, three hundred ministers and a great multitude of people, pledged themselves before Almighty God to maintain the Presbyterian doctrine and polity as the sole religion of their country, to the exclusion of Prelacy and Popery. Copies of this heaven-inspired docu- ment had been dispatched — a veritable "tarie" — the length and breadth of Scotland. And this great clan of an outraged Nation would answer the summons of their Chief in the heavens. The Lord God of Sabbaoth. And the day of doom grew nearer and nearer. The SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 31 Covenant of Iboo was as dear to the Scots as the Magna Charta was to the English. In 1641 the Parliament met at Edinburgh. The King was in attendance, unscrupulous, insincere, complying with the bold demands of his rebellious subjects and he hoped to corrupt the leading Covenanters by favors and promises. But the pleasing compromises of a protestant tainted with Rome by no means propitiated a people familiar with his trickery in politics. They did not love a Stuart and it behooved a distrustful King to realize his limitation. Macauley shows the quality of the fealty of these feudal chieftains. "They butchered James I. in his bedchamber, repeatedly they were in arms against James II., they slew James III. on the field of battle, broke the heart of James V., deposed Mary and led her son into captivity, and virtually sold her grandson for a price." North of the border there was an unmentioned equality between Monarch and Noble. They had little respect for the authority of James VI. of Scotland, when he assayed to rule them from the English throne. Charles Stuart might be their Sovereign by the Grace of God, but the laird, the patriarchal headship of a clan was a King by rights as old as tradition. They, and all that subscribed the Covenant, saw him as a bishop-ruled, queen-ruled despot, who would pull down Jehovah's temple of the Kirk with his episcopacy and deliver the Scots to a Babylon captivity, where the liturgy and the canons would bind them in perpetual thraldom. They stood by him v/hen the tidal wave of fire of the Civil War left him helpless. Still they had no pity for him. His regnal years had been a never-ended battle betwixt an idee fixe of an hereditary opinion and an idee fixe of religious liberty. Wyclifs' tracts and texts in the South and John Knox's sermons in the North had given Great Britain a fitter King, and all the slain at Naseby and Marston Moor "died for the cause of freedom and the truth in Christ." But in the end, the North and the South were equally blood-guilty in his death. The Scots had their pieces of silver,' furthermore, they washed their hands of the deed. The South was waging a holy war like unto the wars of David against the idolaters, believing a free and pious Commonwealth could be build on the ruins of a Monarchy. These austere warriors were not mercenaries from across the Channel, nor the yokels of the country, nor the riff-raff of the towns. The parliamentarian army was composed of men of d"ecent station and men of rank. The very best of England met the very best of Scotland at Marston Moor, and the descendants of John de 32 LYON MEMORIAL Lyon, Feudal Baron of Fortevoit, fought on either side in that battle of kindred, those of the North for a King they despised, and those of the South for public liberty. He provoked his destiny. Defeat and flight, imprisonment and death were written in crimson letters across his policy with his subjects, Puritan and Covenanter. He held them in equal hatred with no choice between them. "I am not without hope that I shall be able to draw either the presbyterians or independ- ents to me for the extirpating of the one or the other that I shall be easily King again,' expresses his attitude to his people. He would not realize his danger. Moral and physical cowardice were not among his weaknesses. They dared not, this Round-head Court, that arraigned their Sovereign in Westminster Hall. He embodied feudal- ism; and through the nightmare hours of the seven days' trial he sat in majestic composure, eyeing Bradshaw, in his scarlet robe and high hat; eyeing the bewildered spectators; eyeing Cromw^ell half expecting at some shout of God Save the King! the armed force and the nervous populace that packed the hall would turn upon his self-appoiuted judges. Then the headsman's arm would be wea,ry of swinging the axe, and those that died for this treason would be a multitude. His sentence was passed in the midst of confusion. "Justice! Execution!" was the cry that followed him from the court of the regicides to Whitehall; from Whitehall to St. James, to the Banquet- ing House at Whitehall, that bitter mid-winter day. But when he passed through the window at the further end of the Banqueting Hall to the scaffold raised in the street, no voice was lifted in mockery or malice. Dense masses of soldiery were far and near, the mournful cries of the populace in the distance were borne weirdly to him by the low wind. And the great pack of Puritan war- riors waited in breathless expectancy while the King adressel his last speech to Bishop Tuxon and Colonel Tomlinson, inside the window. He spoke with the executioner. He put his flowing hair under a cap. He threw off his coat and gave his "George" to the Bishop saying, "Remember," a word of mystery, of significance. He stood in profound meditation, whispered a brief prayer, and knelt at the block, the altar of expiation, and with one blow his royal head was severed from his body. As if from the hill of Golgotha when the Son of Man gave up the ghost, a simultaneous groan broke from that vast assembly, from the armed Puritans and from the crowded people who neither heard nor saw. SOME OLD WORLD LYONS 33 It was consummated. And they wrapped him in the ermine of his rank and called him a martyr. Troops of horse dispersed the crowd and night rung down the curtain on the greatest drama of English history. Note: — Agnes Strickland says in her "Lives of the Queens of England," to establish the date of the execution; "It was found, withal, that no inscription had been placed on the royal coffin. One of the gentlemen present supplied this want by simple but effectual expedient. A band of sheet lead was procured, and they cut out of it with pen knives spaces in the form of large letters so that the words CHARLES REX 1648 could be read, the leaden band was then lapped round the coffin." "Many absurd tales regarding the disposal of the corpse of Charles I. were circulated among the enemies of Monarchy in the course of the last century. These were all set at rest by the accidental discovery of the vault containing his remains and those of Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, which were equally forgotten. King George IV. on the evening of the funeral of his aunt, the Duchess of Brunswick, 1813, went, attended by Sir Henry Halford and several Noblemen, and assisted personally at the opening of Charles I.'s coffin, when the corpse was satisfactorily recognized." Narrative by Sir Henry Halford. SOME NEW WORLD LYONS. Henry, Thomas and Richard Lyon, Lyons of Glen Lyon in Perth- shire, soldiers in Cromwell's army, were on guard before the Ban- queting House at Whitehall on January 30th, 1648, and they witnessed the execution of Charles I. A tremendous reaction followed the regi- cide, and many a Puritan and Covenanter patriot of the insurgent army disappeared from London in the confusion of the horror of the days the headless corpse of the Monarch remained at St. James Palace, till it was deposited in the vaults of the Chapel at Windsor. The King was dead — long live the King! After an interregnum of a few tomorrows another Stuart would come to the throne, and the years of his regent-ruled minority would be a sorry reckoning for those who bore arms against his discrowned and dishonored sire. The Scots never acted as an integral body. Every clan was an independent force that withdrew at the discretion of its chieftain. The three Lyon hrothers from Glen Lyon, took advantage of a national privilege. They had kinsmen in Middlesex and Norfolk counties who may have kept them in concealment pending a departure of a ship for the Colonies across the sea. Over there they had kindred in the new Fatherland of Freemen. It is a rational supposition that Henry, Thomas and Richard Lyon landed at New Haven. There lived John Lyne of Badby, North- amptonshire, England, one of that opulent company of two hundred fifty persons who came from London on the ship "Hector" January 12th, 1638, with Theophilus Eaton and Edward Hopkins as their directors and the Puritan divine, John Davenport, as their spiritual guide, to plant an independent colony on the Connecticut Coast. And when the Plantation Covenant was signed, June 4th, 1638, John Lyne affixed his signature among names that became historic when the story of New England was told. They were an anti-Monarchal people strongly in sympathy with the Parliamentarian party. To their hospitable protection came the Regicides, Goffe and Whalley, in later troublous times. The young Scots from Perthshire were sure of a welcome. Their news was waited for in every town and settlement. But it would be detailed in whispers behind barred doors. SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 35 Other Lyon emigrants had preceded the three who stood beneath the scaffold at Whitehall, when the second executioner, the grey-beard mask, lifted the bleeding head and announced, "This is the head of a traitor!" Colonel John Lyon of the Scottish Guards of Henry IV. of France, had a son William Lyon, who was denounced as a heretic at the time of the massacre of St. Bartholemew, 1572. He escaped to Holland, and finally came to America with his three children.* The next to come to a remote world were the orphan sons of William and Anne Lyon of Heston, in Middlesex County, England. John Lyon, the eldest, aged 18 years, came in the ship "Hopewell," Captain Babb, Feb- ruary 12th, 1634. The following year his brother, William Lyon, aged 14 years, came in the "Hopewell," September, 1635. John Lyne of Ne\» Haven from Badby, Northamptonshire, England, is the fourth on record. With him was his son, Henry Lyne or Lyon. Henry Lyon married Eliza- beth, daughter of Richard Harrison of West Kirby, Cheshire, England, the same Richard Harrison who removed from New Haven to Bran- ford, and came with the Branford Colony to Newark, New Jersey, 1666, as one of its founders. Elizabeth Harrison, widow of Henry Lyon, became the third wife of Mr. John Morris,* who was one of the signers of the New Haven Plantation Covenant, and he was one of the Milford Colony that planted Newark. On June 18th, 1668, he and his wife were appointed guardians of Hopestill Lyne, a minor. In the New Jersey archives is a certificate, "that Hopestill Lyne, 6 to 7 years old,, the daughter of Henry Lyne of New Haven, the son of John Lyne of Badby, Northamptonshire, which Henry died January 14th, 1662, and had child Hopestill by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Har- rison of West Kirby, Cheshire, England, is still alive, as sworn to by Richard Harrison, Thomas Johnston, William Meeker and Ellen John- ston." Henry Lyne doubtless spelled his name Lyon. The sixth on the list of emigrants, is John Lyon, who was at Salem from 1638 to 1648. The seventh is Peter Lyon, probably from Middlesex, England, who was at Dorchester, as a proprietor, 1639, was a freeman 1649 and died before 1694. Then came another English Lyon, Thomas Lyon from Yorkshire, who appeared on Byram River 1640, antedating the advent in that locality of the Scotch Thomas Lyon by thirty-three years. (?) The ninth is Richard Lyon of Cam- *His descendants not placed. •Miswrltten Thomas Morris in the copy of the agreement, signed by the Milford Colonists of Newark. 36 LYON MEMORIAL bridge, who was sent from England by Sir Henry Mildmay as a tutor for his son William, at Harvard, 1644. He was co-adjutor of Presi- dent Demster in improving the New England version of the Psalms. Another John Lyon was at Marblehead, 1648. In 1648 came Henry, Thomas and Richard Lyon, Lyons of Glen Lyon. The last of the list is George Lyon of Dorchester, 1666 a freeman, 1669. In 1678 he joined the church at Milton, Mass. He may have been a brother of Peter Lyon of Dorchester. There may be duplications in the foil of first-comers, and the identity of others lost in the mystery of meagre information. I have found no trace of the descendants of William Lyon, the heretic son of Colonel John Lyon of the Scottish Guards of Henry IV. of France. But there may be those in the female line who will make themselves known. John Lyon of Salem, 1638-48, may be the John Lyon of Heston who came in the "Hopewell" 1635, and Thomas Lyon of Yorkshire, who, it is said, was at Byram Point in 1640, may have been confused with the Thomas Lyon of Fairfield, whose immediate descendants were so much in evidence from the "Liberty of North Castle," around Byram Point, and along the River and in the White Plains, "named for the balsam which grew there." This asserted early arrival of the Lyon family at either side of the Connecticut and New York line may be an error of tradition. Baird states this date is years too early. The late Mr. R. M. Lush,* a descendant of Thomas Lyon of Fairfield, who was familiar with every foot of the district occupied by these pioneers, said the claim that Thomas Lyon and John Banks voyaged to their new possessions in a row boat, 1649, was now rejected by the Lyon families identified with that locality. A small water vehicle was an inadequate means of transportation for a large party. Thomas Lyon had a wife and children, and some of his children were adults. The year before the transplanting of the household, his daughter, Abigail, had married John Banks at Stamford, a wedding that occurred on April 3rd, 1672, for Mr. Lush places the date of the emigration as 1673. Perhaps, too, there were other families from Fairfield and from Stamford, a goodly company that traveled through a pleasant land, witff their •Mr. Lush made extensive Lyon research. He left his notes and papers to the Westchester Co., New York, His. See. but they have never been classified. [The data contained in them relating to the Lyon family have, however, been transcribed, through the courtesy of the custodians of the collection, and will be found in subsequent pages of the Lyon Memorial. — A. B. L.]. SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 37 chattels and flocks and herds. He left considerable estate behind him, as he shared in all the land divisions of Fairfield Township after 1654. However, on Nov. 1st, 1675, he sold his home lot to Daniel Frost, but he retained the rest of his realty. At the time of his death he was a large land holder at Fairfield and Greenwich, and he owned the Mill at Rye, and several acres of land at White Plains. Both Thomas Lyon and his son Thomas, were among the inhabitants of Rye in 1683. Lyon's Point, a promontory on the east side of Byram River, extending out into Long Island Sound, now a part of Port Chester, was named for the elder Thomas Lyon. Baird, Mead, and Bolton all agree that the Lyon families from Fairfield were Scots, a belief that has never been questioned by the descendants of Thomas, Richard, and Henry Lyon, the emigrants. The will of Thomas Lyon is dated Dec. 6th, 1689. He appointed his wife, Mary Lyon, executrix and his sons, John and Samuel execu- tors of his estate. John, the eldest son, as if by the right of primo- geniture, was given a double portion of the estate, the Mill at Rye, and several acres of land at White Plains. Thomas^ was given the home lot on the Byram River, other lands and the weaver's loom. Samuel received several pieces of land at Greenwich, Joseph received his father's dwelling house, barn and home lot on the northward part of the orchard, and a pasture on the eastward side of a big highway that goes into the Neck, all his rights and privileges in all divided and undivided lands at Greenwich, Rye, and Fairfield. His five daugh- ters, Mary, Abigail, Elizabeth, Deborah and Sarah, were given portions in money. He also remembered his grandson, Thomas, son of John Lyon.§ John Lyon, son of Thomas,^ increased his estate at Rye. On Feb. 27th, 1698-9, at a meeting of the Proprietors of the town, it was agreed "that we doe impower the aforesaid men (Hecaliah Brown, Deliverance Brown, John Merritt, Robert Bloomer and John Stock- ham) to bargain with and sell unto John Lyon a certain tract of land lying up Byram River, if they shall see good and convenient soe to doe," and to John Lyon was confirmed "a parcel of land lying against the Mill Creek between the cartway down into the Neck and the Mill Creek bounded up the said Creek by John Hoit's meddow and to run § For descendants of Thomas Lyon, etc.. see Baird's "Hist, of Rye" and Bolton's "Hist, of Westchester." [A full account of this family, edited by Robert B. Miller, of Brooklyn, genealogist, will form the subject of the third volume of the Lyon Memorial. — A. B. L.] 38 LYON MEMORIAL down the said Creek till it comes to John Boyd's meddow provided the said John Lyon doe not praidice the cartway into the Neck, nor the way to the Mill, neither shall hee hinder any parson from settin up thare field fence if they have occasion." Another record that conecrns John Lyon is dated Rye, Sept. 20th, 1697. "At a towne meet- ing Capt. Theall, John Horton, Joseph Purdy, Hecaliah Brown, John Lyon, Thomas Merrit, and Isaac Denman, are chosen as a Commity for the Management and carrying on of the worke of building a meet- ing house for the town of Ry, and also for the appointing of a place where it shall set, and the above meeting house shall not acsed above thirty square feet." The seating space of this place of worship speaks for the size of the congregation, which doubtless comprised every family in the settlement. The undivided White Plains Purchase was under the watchful protection of the men of Rye. In April, 1699, "John Lyon and Isaac Denman were chosen to laye out a road to White Plains, beginning at the head of Capt. Theall's land and so to run to the caseaway (causeway) brook." On the 17th of that month it is on record that, "The town hath past an act that the Rode shall continue Up to the White Playnes, where John Lyon and Isaac Denman have marked It out, and the said road shall be 3 rods in breadth." John Lyon was living at Greenwich in 1710. He had a son Thomas, who was mentioned in the will of his grandfather, Thomas Lyon, Sen., and a son John Jr., who married the widow, had a mill on Blind Brook Creek, 1719. This was the grist mill mentioned in the Royal Patent for Budd's Neck (Rye). The patent was subse- quently divided among the following proprietors: James Gadney, 102 acres; Daniel Purdy, drummer of Rye, 40 acres; John Carpenter, a portion joining Mamaroneck River; Mr. William Browness of Rye, 2 acres; that portion called the gusset to Jos. Ogden; a second of 30 acres to Joseph Lyon; Daniel Purdy, 3 acres; Monmouth Hart, 15 acres; James Wood, 5 acres; Archibald Tilford, 18 acres; the residue to John Budd. John Lyon was the ancestor of the Lyons of North Castle. Among the North Castle Lyons was Capt. Roger Lyon of the Westchester Militia, and Capt. Gilbert Lyon, of the Continental Army. Richard Lyon, emigrant and soldier in Cromwell's army, from Glen Lyon in Perthshire, Scotland, appeared at Faidfleld, Conn., as early SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 39 as 1648, the year of the regicide. His house and home lot of 2 acres, was recorded Jan., 1653. He was made freeman 1664, the year that his brother Henry returned to Milford. In 1673, the year that his brother Thomas went to Byram River, he received 5 acres of land at Barlow Plains and sixteen and a half acres on the Rocks was granted to him for a building lot, bounded N. W. and N. B. by the highway. Five years later he died, the first of the three brothers to go to another afar New World, a World Celestial, none of the three destined ever to return to their "ain countrie." From the tenor of his will, dated April 12th, 1678, it is surmised that Margaret Lyon was his second wife, and that he had two sets of children, Moses, Richard* (a minor), William, and Hester forming one group; and Joseph and Samuel (both minors), forming another. It would appear that he had little faith in the staying qualities of Margaret's grief, when he dis- criminated against her by giving her only a widowhood tenure in his estate. She must have been young and comely, and to leave her a fee simple portion was making a wedding gift to her second husband. However, there is no record at Fairfield to disclose that she relin- quished her dower to assume another name. To son Moses he gave one- third of the length of the homeward side of his land at Pequonock, one-fifth the length of the long lot on the S. W. side of the lands, his gun, his rapier, his biggest pewter platter, and confirmed lands already given to this son. Richard^ when of age, was to have one-third of the Pequonock land, 150 acres of the length of the long lot East of Moses' part, and other lands; William received one-third of the land at Pequonock, one- fifth of the length of the long lot East of Richard^'s share, other lands, his long gun, back sword and belt. (This is another evidence that in Colonial wills children are not mentioned in sequence of birth). To his wife, Margaret Lyon, Richard^ gave £60, his house and home lot, while she remained unmarried, and the use of Joseph's and Sam- uel's land during their minority. Samuel and Joseph were to have the homestead when they came of age and one-fifth of the long lot was to be divided between them. Hester, the eldest daughter, wife of Nathaniel Perry, received £i, and her husband and her son Joseph Perry, were to have £2 in carting and plowing. Three minor daughters, Betty, Hannah, and Abigail, were to have ii each when they came of age. A cousin, Mary Fitch, was remembered with a gift of £7. And each portion of his estate was entailed on the survivors, if any child died. 40 LYON MEMORIAL Richard had been at Fairfield twenty-seven years, and was prob- ably born 1623. Moses^ son of Richard' Lyon, died before 1696. He had a wife Mary . The baptism of no child of his appears on the Fairfield Parish records. Richard^ son of Richard' Lyon, had Samuel, Ebenezer and Sarah baptized April 5th, 1696; Daniel, Oct. 3rd, 1699; Nathan, Feb. 13th, 1703, and Jonathan, June 1st, 1708. William^ son of Richard' Lyon, had Nathaniel, baptized Sept. 9th, 1694; William^ Feb. 16th, 1698; Benjamin, Sept. 8th, 1700. Eunice, baptized Sept. 1st, 1776, and Tabitha, Jan. 22d, 1720, were probably children of William.^ SamueP, son of Richard' Lyon, of Fairfield, and Greenfield Hill, had a wife, Susanna. He had Samuel, James, John and Margaret baptized Mar. 12th, 1704; Abigail, May 12th, 1706; Ephraim, Sept. 27th, 1708; Anne, Aug. 6th, 1710; Jeremiah, April, 1713. Joseph,^ son of Richard' Lyon, had wife Mary, nee Jackson. He had Joseph, baptized July 28th, 1695; David, June 27th, 1697. This family settled at Pequonock, Greenfield Hill, and Green Farms. Ephraim' Lyon, baptized Sept. 27th, 1708, son of Samuel Lyon and grandson of Richard' Lyon, had a son Ephraim, born 1737, who was a soldier in the War of Independence. Later this second Ephraim* was a lawyer in the town of Ashford, Conn. He married Esther Bennett, and died 1798. Among the nine children of Ephraim and Esther Lyon was Amasa Lyon, born Nov. 19th, 1771, died April 11th, 1842. He married Keziah Knowlton and among their nine children was Nathaniel Lyon (General Nathaniel Lyon), born July 14th, 1818, who died at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, Aug. 10th, 1861.* *Dr. Woodward, in his Life of General Lyon, states that Ephraim Lyon of Ashford was the third Ephraim in lineal descent, but does not trace his lineage more definitely, although he states that he was of Scotch descent. He served May 5 to Nov. 1, 1758, under Capt. Jedediah Fay, of Ashford, in the French and Indian war. He married in Ashford in 1762; wife Esther Bennett: the births of his nine children are recorded in Ash- ford, indicating- continuous residence there from 1763 to 1784, and he died there 1798. There were living in Ashford descendants of William Lyon, of Roxbury; it is natural to suppose that Ephraim was also of that family, and this the Woodstock Lyons firmly believe. It is hardly possible that the Ephraim Lyon of Fairfield, wife Ann Adams, appointed Lieutenant In a company of militia in North Fairfield in May. 1774 (Conn. Colonial Rec), and who was a militia captain, called out in the New Haven alarm July, 1779, was the Ephraim of Ashford. — A. B. L. ♦For Gen. Nathaniel Lyon see Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families, p. 136. SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 41 During the American Civil War, Sidney S. Lyon, Major of Engi- neers, the father of the writer, made the acquaintance of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Their name called for genealogical exchanges, and kinship was established. Each had the identical tradition, viz: Three brothers Lyons of Glen Lyon in Perthshire, Scotland, at the time of the Civil War in England were soldiers in Cromwell's army. The day of the execution of Charles I. these three were on guard at the scaffold before the Banqueting House at Whitehall on Jan. 30th, 1648, and witnessed the regicide. Immediately after the execution they fled to the Colonies. One brother settled in Conncticut, one went to New York and the third removed to New Jersey. Dr. Woodward, who some years ago wrote the "Life of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon," must have obtained from a brother or a sister of the dead soldier that the Ashford Lyon family was descended from Scottish ancestry. A be- lief is entertained that Thomas, Richard and Henry Lyon descended in a direct line from the Master of Glamis. Douglas's Peerage gives but one son of Sir Thomas Lyon, John Lyon of Auldbar, who served as heir Aug. 6th, 1608, and died without issue. He may have had sons and grandsons of whom no record is preserved, soldiers who were slain in the Civil War or fled into life-time exile beyond the sea. But there were other branches of the Lyon family of Scotland. When John Lyon, eighth Lord Glamis made an entail of his estates of Glamis, Towndyce, and Baky in Forfarshire; Cullen, Butter- gask, Longforgard and Inchture in Perthshire; Bellelvic, Ardendracht, CoUistown, Coustertown and Drumgowen in Aberdeenshire, besides himself and the male heirs of his body, he gave those eligible through lineage, as Thomas Lyon, his brother; John Lyon of Haltown of Esse; James Lyon of Easter Ogill; John Lyon of Culwalogy, and the male heirs of their bodies respectively, which failing, to his own nearest heirs, male, whatsoever bearing the name and arms of Lyon, by Charter dated 23rd of April, 1567. This was but eighty-one years before Thomas, Richard and Henry Lyon appeared in Connecticut in 1648. They belonged to one of these flve families descended from John de Lyon, Feudal Baron of Fortevoit, but the name of their Scottish ancestor is lost out of tradition. But such research as has gone into the compilation of the "Lyon Memorial" may disclose the names that will connect the New World Lyons of New England, New York and New Jersey, with the Old World Lyons of England and Scotland. To return to the third of the Lyon brothers from Glen Lyon, Henry Lyon, to outline his eighteen years in New England. 42 LYON MEMORIAL In 1639 a company of religious disputants, a split-off from Wethersfield Church, joined with a few families from other places, fifty-four souls in all, bought a tract of land down on the coast of Long Island Sound, and planted Milford. Thomas Tibabls, who, tradition says, led the party through the Connecticut wilderness, selected a favorable site, and the new settlement was destined to become a sea-port. Ships, after a long ocean voyage came up the Sound and dropped anchor in the safe harbor below the Mill dam, to land home-seekers and supplies, and after a time a ship industry added to the prosperity of the hamlet, and sloops were built for the long-shore traffic. It is not positively known just who were the first comers at Wepowang. Lambert's "History of New Haven County" gives a list of Milford Planters, with numbers of home lots attached said to have been made Nov. 29, 1639. There are sixty-six names on this list, but there are no records at Milford to bear out the impression this would give that the company from Wethersfield and neighborhood settlements was several hundred strong. An unmarried man was a suspicious stranger and the annual baby did more for the Connecticut census than the emigrant additions to the population. Of the fifty-four souls that trudged through the wilderness to the new purchase, two- thirds of the foot-tired travelers were women and children. LAMBERT'S LIST 1. John Ashwood 16. John Birdseye 2. Richard Baldwin 17. Edward Harvey 3. Benjamin Heme 18. John Lane 4. Samuel Cooley 19. William East 5. John Peacocke 20. Thomas Lawrence 6. Henry Stonehill 21. Thomas Sandford 7. Nathaniel Baldwin 22. Timothy Baldwin 8. James Prudden 23. Alexander Breyan 9. John Sherman 24. Jasper Gunn 10. Thomas Barker 25. Thomas Howe 11. Stephen Freeman 26 Henry Lyon 12. John Fletcher 27. John Stream 13. John Baldwin 28. William Slough 14. Francis Bolt 29. James Preine 15. Micah Tompkins 30. Thomas Read SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 43 31. Robert Denison 49. Roger Tyrrell 32. Zachariah Whitman - 50. Nicholas Camp 33. Thomas Welch 51. John Fowler 34. Thomas Wheeler 52. Joseph Baldwin 35. Edmond Tapp 53. Thomas Tibbals 36. Thomas Buckingham 54. Widow Martha Beard 37. Robert Plum 55. Thomas Campfield 38. Richard Piatt 56. Thomas Ford 39. Thomas Tapping 57. William Roberts 40. Mr. Peter Prudden 58. John Smith 41. Mr. William Fowler 59. Thomas Bailey 42. Thomas Lawrence 60. William Brooks 43. George Clarke, Jr. 61. John Brown 44. John Burwell 62. Nathaniel Briscoe 45. Henry Botsford 63. Edward Riggs 46. John Smith 64. Andrew Benton 47. John Rogers 65. George Clarke, Sen. 48. Philip Hallery 66. George Hubbard Lambert's list was certainly made from the town plat drawn at a subsequent period. The men that bought Wepowang and took posses- sion of their purchase in August, were not keeping a Town Book in November. Cabin-building, stockade-building and how to provide for the nearing winter were the only matters that engaged these work- weary folk in an Indian land. The original records have been sacredly preserved, and the present Town Book is an accurate transcription from the worn, time-browned records begun in 1649, which is the earliest date shown on any Milford document, outside of the Church records, a positive proof that a Town Book was a long-felt want before a book appropriate for this purpose was obtained. Newark could not procure a book to record lands and town expenses for several years after the Passiac settlement was planted, which was fully thirty years after the first Wepowang cabin was under roof. The cost was great, and money scarce and these London-bound volumes were not to be had by every hamlet within a month's journey of Boston. Someone may have had an Ink-horn, geese were common fowl, and quills were the pens of long ago, but the fly-leaf of a Bible was per- haps the only bit of paper at hand to serve as a register of mar- riages, births and deaths. Each man stepped off his own town lot. 44 LYON MEMORIAL SO many paces to the acre, and established his own lines by witness trees till Robert Treat, the young surveyor, got the leisure to inspect imaginary metes and bounds and drove corner stakes, as witness stones, for the several planters, who need be none too particular if his homestead tract contained more than 300 square rods. They were so few, and as far as the eye could reach was theirs. When William Fowler built a grist mill on the banks of the little river he was given thirty acres of land and perpetual use of the stream. And why not, in this miles wide country that God had given to the chosen of Israel, just as he gave Canaan to the hosts of Moses. The General Court, November 24, 1640, changed the name of the settlement to Milford, a befitting designation when mills were few and far between. Then it was a decent supercedence of an ungodly Indian appellation. To this growing community, in 1648, came Henry Lyon, the youngest of the three brothers from Glen Lyon. He was a young man, born, perhaps about 1625. When he came to die in 1703, he had minor children and his will excites no suspicion of approaching senility. A generous and cordial welcome must have been accorded to the stranger Scot, a Round-head soldier. He brought the verification of the rumor of terrible happenings at home, and the tales he told to his breathless listeners were tremen- dous National facts that make the most astounding pages in English history. Robert Treat, the chief amongst them, the first town clerk, the first Justice of the Peace, was doubtless the foremost interrogator. The vital question was the supremacy of the Parliament over the Colonies. Nature, as a birthright, had given this man the qualifica- tions of a soldier and a statesman, which he proved when he led the Milford militia at the battle of Bloody Brook, and as Governor of Connecticut, when Sir Edmund Andros essayed to wrest from the Province the charter, which Wadsworth saved, under the cover of darkness, and concealed in the historic oak. He had neither name nor fame when Henry Lyon reviewed the recent past and impending possibilities. The spirit of civil inde- pendence was the soul of Puritanism. The Power that created the heaven and the earth, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, had placed a raging sea between a monarchal despotism and those who were capable of self-government. The Great I Am was their liege Lord, and the Bible their Magna Charta. Hope looked SOME NEW WORLD LYONS _ 45 for a riddance of King-supremacy and King-oppression. Their head- ship was a governor who should proceed from their midst, provided out of all the people. The throne was toppled and the crown broken asunder. Their hearts beat time to the measures of Miriam's song, and the song of Deborah. They were out of bondage, and Sisera had perished! Cromwell and Hampden were the heroes of heroes to these democratic, theocratic folk of Milford. But there were minor heroes, units in the tremendous sum of Puritan effort and Puritan achieve- ment. Here was one who had stood below the scaffold when the Stuart tyrant paid the debt of his sins against the people. So they bade the young man to stay with them, to share all their rights and privileges, to build himself a house, and to bring up a family. The Town Book shows "That Henry Lyon hath for his home lott three acres, be it more or less, bounded with a highway west, the comon east, John Stream s's south, Thomas Hines' north," and that "Henry Lyon hath two acres of meadow, bee it more or less, lying in the Calves Pen Meadow, bounded with the comon north and west, with John Stream's east, and Thomas Hines' south." The first mention of Henry Lyon at Milford is in the records of the First Church. Among "Persons added to the church, Feb. 24th, 1649," was Henry Lyon. This was during the ministry of the Rev. Peter Prudden, who was ordained pastor April 18th, 1640, and con- tinued in that office till his death in July, 1656. It was a twelvemonth between the flight from London an'd this admission to Milford Church. Church fellowship was a requisite qualification for a person who desired to be Free Planter. But it was the age of Old Testament religion, when not to be a member in good standing meant social ostracism. And Henry Lyon kept the faith from the day he entered Milford meeting house in 1649 till he entered into everlasting rest at Newark, 1703. He built a home on the land set out to him by the Proprietors' Committee, for he not only retained his "home lott," beyond the required two years, but other estate was partitioned to him: "Henry Lyon hath for his Second Division of Land three acres and a halfe, and for his halfe Division of Land one acre and three roods, and to Equall it to other Land one Rood and twelve pole, in all five acres and a halfe, and twelve pole, bee it more or less, lying on bare hill bounded with a highway Bast, with John Streams' North, with the Comon West, with Thomas Hines' South. Also for satisfaction to 46 LYON MEMORIAL Equall his meadow, he hath halfe an acre, be it more or less, lying in the Calves Pen Meadow — bounded with a creek north, and west with the Comon, and Thomas Hines' east, with Richard Piatt's south." (Note this halfe acre of meadow and twelve pole of upland on bare hill is not to be charged with rates). As with the home lot, there is no date to show when Henry Lyon became owner of these additional acres lying on the bare hill, too poor to be charged with rates. His sojourn at Milford was so short he had no prominence in its public affairs, therefore it is difficult to out- line his course in the little seaport, the very world's end to a soldier and an exile in a land of exiles. There must have been bright and handsome girls among the daughters of the Milford planters, and the bachelor Scott could have found a wife, as was expected of him, if he had gone a-wooing. Fairfield was not far off, and it had other attractions besides being the place of in-dwelling of Richard Lyon — attractions that dimmed the eyes of Henry Lyon to the graces of the Milford damsels, and dulled his ears to the sweetness of their singing, at the wheel and at the loom. To that plantation, about 1650, came Mr. William Bateman. He had been in the colonies for some years, probably came in the fleet with Winthrop in 1630. It is said that he was entitled to a coat of arms. At Boston he took the oath, and was made freeman on May 18th, 1631. Seven years later he was at Charlestown, and may have removed to Chelmsford before coming to Fairfield. Mr. Bateman had a daughter Elizabeth, who must have been born after her parents left England. When Henry Lyon went to visit his brother he met the Bateman family, and in May of 1652 he married Elizabeth Bate- man. On the 4th of May of that year he was granted a homestead and home lot at Fairfield. It is not probable that he took his young wife to Milford to live in the log cabin on home lot number 26 in the Calves Meadow at the foot of the bare hill. On May 28th, 1654, he was dismissed from Milford Church to Fairfield Church, thus severing his connection with his first home in America; a Milford planter for so brief a time he left no record of his name there but his admittance to the church, February 24th, 1649, the description of lands he received, and his dismissal to Fairfield Church, May 28th, 1654. His brothers, Thomas and Richard Lyon, are mentioned in connection with the last record. Henry Lyon is the only Lyon who lived at Milford previous to the emigration to New Jersey in 1666. SOME NEW WORLD LYONS 47 In addition to the home lot southwest of Sealey's Neck, Henry Lyon acquired other property at Fairfield. February 4th, 1654, he purchased of William Bateman a home lot and dwelling house, lying northeast of the New Town Square. Five or six children were bom to him in the house southwest of Sealey's Neck and in the house near the New Town Square. In the latter house his father-in-law must have died, a widowed man who lived with his only daughter. William Bateman, in his will, dated March 24th, 1656, admitted to probate October 20th, 1658, says in part: "That for what estate shall be left after my decease The one-half I bequeath unto my son, Thomas Bate- man, now of Concord, And the other half that Doth remayn I give unto my Son-in-law, Henry Lyon, except five pounds which I give Unto my grandchild, Joseph Middlebrooke, to be payd when he cometh to eighteen years of age. And in case the seyd Joseph Middlebrooke Shall Dye before he come to the Sayd Age, then my Will is that the sayd five pounds Shall be equally Divided between my sayd sonn Thomas and Henry. "And further my will is that my Sayd Sonn Henry Lyon shall be my executor of this my last will and testament." This document gives proof of the esteem and confidence Henry Lyon inspired in the father of his wife. There is no baptismal record of any child of Henry Lyon and Elizabeth Bateman in their old Connecticut home. When Fairfield was burned by the British in 1779 many pages of Fairfield history were effaced forever. The names of the children of Richard Lyon's sons, and the children of Thomas Lyon's son, John Lyon, appear on the Church Book, the earliest date of a Lyon baptism being that of Nathaniel Lyon, September 9th, 1694, a son of William Lyon and a grandson of Richard Lyon. Elizabeth Bateman, wife of Henry Lyon, was not admitted to Mil- ford Church, and her eldest son, Thomas Lyon, was not christened by the Rev. Peter Prudden. Her first and last sojourn there, if she was ever there at all, was during the preparation for the removal to New Jersey. The little ships that carried the Passaic Pilgrims may have anchored at different points along the Long Island Sound to pick up families with their goods and their cattle. For eighteen years Henry Lyon had lived in Connecticut, four or five years at Milford and thirteen or fourteen years at Fairfield. Treat may have talked him into making a change with the other prognostic planters of New Haven Colony, incensed by the absorption 48 LYON MEMORIAL of their lesser commonwealth by the stronger colony. It was an almost desperate undertaking. A transplanted people did not always prosper. They were leaving known vexations and trials for unknown troubles and perils. Sadness and uncertainty made a raven's nest in the hearts of the home-seekers. First one black thought, then another, croaked a lament or a foreboding. Home was the dear habitation they had forsaken for a shelter of logs that were yet to be hewn. They were leaving beloved ones for a life-long absence. Every new settlement was a place of graves. The heroism of political conviction sustained the men. But the women and children wondered how one King couI3 differ from another, stilly complaining to themselves of the robbery committed against them in this separation from kindred and friends and in the loss of their own familiar dwelling. And the salt waves mocked these helpless creatures of unuttered mourning, of little under- standing of Human Progress in the Divine Scheme. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Cromwell's death was calamitous to the peace of mind of the people of the colonies. Charles I. was too harassed with home troubles for a harsh and arbitrary supervision of his trans-Atlantic subjects, and the Lord Protector was too wise in his government to disturb the communal rule in the Puritan Settlements over sea. The accession of Charles II. brought dismay to every town and plantation in New England. Long ago the loyalty of the absentee English, Scotch, and Welshmen had ceased to be a subservient habit of necessity. Their children had never been taught to serve and reverence any king but Jehovah God. A locust-cloud blackened their horizon. Nothing but the direst tribulation was to be expected from a sovereign whose memory of the regicide was attended with a meditated avengement of the murder of his royal father, to be visited upon all connected with the crime, directly or indirectly, and upon their children and grandchildren. They knew their own helplessness. A strenuous con- science makes no compromises. Most reluctantly these aggressive republicans, in 1661, acknowledged the Stuart "to be the lawful king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and all other territories thereto belonging." But it was traitorous submission. When a price was set upon the heads of Goffe and Whalley, New Haven and Milford received the Roundhead Generals as their very own, when Edward Whalley was Cromwell's cousin and Hampden's cousin, and William Goffe's wife, Whalley's daughter, was Cromwell's kinswoman. A migratory impulse beset the apprehensive planters, and measures were taken to find a new home. But a secret negotiation with the Dutch authorities ended without results. This was resumed in 1663, after Governor John Winthrop, Jr., in 1662, through personal influence, had obtained a Royal Charter for the consolidation of the two colonies in Connecticut, without the knowledge and consent of New Haven, Mil- ford, Branford, Guilford and Stamford. These towns were in a fer- ment. Milford, in the end, advised by Robert Treat, accepted an inevitable where every male was a freeman, in the church or out of it. Branford would have "neither part nor lot" in these unrighteous con- ditions. 50 LYON MEMORIAL This year, 1665, Philip Carteret arrived from England in the ship "Philip" to take possession of certain lands transferred by the Duke of York to Lords Berkeley and Carteret. Previous to this time, a company from Long Island had received a grant from Governor Nicholls of New York for a tract beyond Achter Col (a stretch of country back of the bay and south of Manhattan Island), and four families had set- tled at what is now the City of Elizabeth. The Englishman had come to stay, to develop an ambition of building up a petty kingdom of his own. Emigrants were desired to dispossess the savages and to people the fairest acreage on earth, and persuasive agents were sent to the New England Colonies with certain "concessions" bound to entice the New Haven Colony Congregationalists. Milford saw an answer-to- prayer opportunity for relief, and a committee, headed by Treat, went down to New Jersey on a tour of inspection. Several sites were con- sidered. But after an interview with Carteret, the site on the Passaic was selected, and the committee went home to report of the fine grass lands along the river, and of the pine forest between the Passaic and the Hackensack* . In the spring of 1666 several small vessels, bearing the first little band of Passaic Pilgrims, set sail from Milford harbor below Fowler's Mill for a new world to establish a lasting theocracy. They weathered the Hell Gate in safety, passed through New York Bay and Kill Van Kull, and entered the Passaic River, hope-elated by the sight of the "rich meadow land and the timber on the hills," eager to land their chattels and their kine and begin life anew under free and happy con- ditions. But it was not that day that Lieut. Samuel Swaine's daughter, Elizabeth, set foot on Jersey soil, the first woman colonist to leave the ship. Under the "concessions" the lands were to be taken up by war- rants from the Governor. This was a clear title, if Treat had chosen to think so, as red men's immemorial rights to planting grounds and hunting grounds were seldom respected. He must have talked of a quit-claim from the aboriginal owners, for Carteret gave the Puritan of exact conscience a letter to the Sachem which was supposed would give peaceable and immediate possession to the tract. The paleface intruders were warned off by hostile demonstrations, and made a hur- ried retreat to their ships without attempting to parley with the In- dians. A messenger was sent to the Governor, and Carteret sent Sam ♦For a graphic account of the emigration from Connecticut to New Jersey, see W. A. Whitehead's "Settlement of Newark." HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 61 Edsal up from Bergen Neck to interpret at a pow-pow and arrange a second purchase of the lands, if Treat and his company chose to pay twice for their plantation. The Captain and several of the Milford men went up the Hackensack for a conference with the dusky pro- prietors. Treat left an account of the transaction: "One Perro laid claim to the said Passaic lands which is now called Newark, and the result of our treaty was that we obtained of a body of said Indians to give us a meeting at Passaic, and soon after they came, all the proprietors, viz., Perro and his kindred with the Sagamores that were able to travel — Oraton being very old, but approved of Perro's acting, and then we acted by the advice, order and approbation of the said Governor (who was troubled for our sakes), and also our interpreters, the said Governor approving of them [one John Capteen, a Dutchman, and Samuel Edsal] and was willing and approved that we should purchase a Tract of Land for a Township." The following is the Bill of Sale: "July 11, 1667. Wee the Indians Wapamuk, Wamesane, Peter, Cap- tamin, etc., doe sell, alienate, make over and confirm all our Rights, Titles and Interest of us, our heirs and successors forever, unto the said Lands to Mr. Obediah Bruen, Mr. Samuel Kichell, Michael Tomp- kins, John Brown and Robert Denison, townsmen and agents for the English Inhabitants of Passayak, to have, hold and dispose of without claim, Let or Molestation from ourselves." For this land, which extended to the Orange Mountains, the settlers from Connecticut agreed to give "50 double hands of powder, 100 bars of lead, 20 axes, 20 coats, 10 guns, 20 pistols, 10 kettles, 10 swords, 4 blankets, 4 barrels of beere, 10 paire of breetches, 50 knives, 20 bowes, 850 Fathoms of Wampum, 2 ankors of Licquers or something equivalent, and 3 trooper's coats." Gold and silver they had none. In a traffic of exchange of articles the "red devils" got so many weapons and so much ammunition for so many acres of meadow, woods and uplands. While the negotiation was in progress with the deliberate tribes, the first town meeting of Newark was held on board one of the small ships anchored in the har- bor. When the Milford men met together with the agents sent from Guilford and Branford, to ask on behalf of their undertakers and selves with reference to a township or allotments, "It was agreed that the Connecticut emigrants would form one town, if consent was received, between this and the last of October next issueing, according 52 LYON MEMORIAL to fundamentals mutually agreed upon; do desire to be of one heart and consent, through God's blessing with one hand they may endeavor to carry on spiritual concernment, also civil and town affairs." At a meeting in Branford the two fundamental agreements were framed and signed. Its authors may have been the Rev, Abraham Pierson and Mr. Jasper Crane, one the minister and the other the captain of the Branford Colonists, "able men, men of truth" — a document where one may read between lines of the strong and godly stuff our theocratic forebears were made of: October 30th, 1666. "At a meeting touching the Intended design of many of the Inhabi- tants of Branford, the following was subscribed: 1st. That none shall be admitted freemen or free Bur- Deut 1-13 gesses within our Town upon Passaick River in the Exod. 18:21. Provence of New Jersey, but such Planters as are eu . xvu. . members of some or other of the Congregational Churches, nor shall any but such be chosen to magistracy or to carry on any part of said Civil Judiciature, or as deputies or assistants to have power to Vote in establishing Laws and making and Repealing Jerem. 30:21. them, or to any Chief Military Trust or Office. Nor shall any But such Church Members have any Vote in any such elec- tion. Tho all others admitted to be Planters have Right to their proper Inheritance, and do and shall enjoy all other Civil Liberties, Privileges, according to all Laws, Orders, Grants, which are or hereafter shall be made for this Town. "2nd. We shall with Care and Diligence provide for the mainte- nance of the purity of Religion professed in the Congregational Churches." Whereunto subscribed the Inhabitants from Branford: ♦The figures indicate the numbers of home lots. "Take ye wise men and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you." Deut. i., 13. "Moreover, thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens." Exod. xviii., 21. "Thou Shalt in any wise set him King over thee whom the Lord thy God shall choose; one from among thy brethren shalt thou set King over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother." Deut. xvii, 15. "And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them." Jer. xxx, 21. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 53 1. Jasper Crane§ 2. Abra. Pierson 3. Sam'l Swaine 4. Laurence Ward 5. Thomas Blacthly 6. Samuel Plum 7. Josiah Ward. 8. Samuel Rose. 9. Thomas Pierson 10. John Warde 11. John Catling. 12. Richard Harrison 13. Ebenezer Camfield 14. John Ward, Senior 15. Ed. Ball 16. John Harrison 17. John Crane 18. Thos. Huntington 19. Delivered Crane 20. Aaron Blacthly 21. Richard Laurence 22. John Johnson 23. Thomas (his mark) Lyon The agreement was then sent to the New Milford in New Jersey (afterwards re-named Newark as commemorative of Mr. Pierson's years at Newark in England when studying for the ministry), and at a meeting on June 21st, 1667, after the coming of the Branford folk, the Milford people affixed their signatures to the historic document: 21. Geo. Day 22. Thomas Johnson 23. John Curtis 24. Ephraim Burwell 25. Robert (his mark) Denison 26. Nathaniel Wheeler 27. Zechariah Burwell 28. William Campe 29. Joseph Walters 30. Robert Dalglish 31. Hanns Albers 32. Thom. Morris* 33. Hugh Roberts 34. Eph'm. Pennington 35. Martin Tichenor 36. John Browne, Jr. 37. Jona. Seargeant 38. Azariah Crane 39. Samuel Lyon 40. Joseph Riggs Stephen Bond •Thomas Morris presumed to be John Morris, an error made when th« •Id town book was transcribed. 1. Robert Treat 2. Obediah Bruen 3. Mathew Camfield 4. Samuel Kitchell 5. Jeremiah Pecke 6. Michael Tompkins 7. Stephen Freeman 8. Henry Lyon 9. John Browne 10. John Rogers 11. Stephen Davis 12. Edward Rigs 13. Robert Kitchell - 14. J. (his mark) Brooks 15. Robert (his mark)Lymens 16. Francis (his mark ) Linle 17 Daniel Tichenor 18. John Bauldwin, Sr. 19. John Bauldwin, Jr. 20. Jona. Tompkins 41. Ste 54 LYON MEMORIAL It is doubtful if Henry Lyon Bfought his family with him the first year. He was in Connecticut in the spring of 1667, either win- tered at Fairfield or Milford, or returned to bring his wife and chil- dren to their new home in New Jersey, for "At a gathering at Derby to divide the land, John Brownell sold his right to Thomas Hone, who sold his right to Henry Lyon, who finally sold to Henry Botsford, whose name and right appears on the first map of ownership of home lot of 11/2 acres and upland of 4 acres." Lads of fourteen were included with adult males in land distribu- tions. Young Thomas Lyon's name appears among the Branford men as receiving home lot 23, and young Samuel Lyon's name appears among the Milford men as receiving home lot 39. Property was in abundance, and childhood was sadly abbreviated in a place where there was no school. In winter the children were mother-taught or father-taught to read the Bible. It was the only book possessed by most families, and to be familiar with the Laws and the Prophets, the Gospels and the Epistles was a liberal educa- tion. Play-time was a sinful waste of daylight to these religion-awed, task-weary boys and girls. Some of the planters were college-bred men (their minister, Rev. Abraham Pierson, was a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge), and but few of them were untaught. They realized the importance of having their children, their sons especially, instructed in the rudi- ments. But after the stipend of eighty pounds was collected for the pastor there was no money to pay a schoolmaster, if these work-tired lads could be spared from farm labor. A sense of insecurity stayed with the planters, with their wives and children. The meeting-house was fortified against a sudden attack, and the men in the fields and the clearing went armed, and the "look-out" was a child that kept watch through the sowing and tilling and reaping, and while the fuel was cut for winter. They meant to keep faith with the tribes, and by fair dealing earned them- selves the after title of "The Doers of Justice." But constant nerve- trying, heart-trying vigilance went with their kindness to the savages. Intrusion could not be repulsed nor trespass punished. Carteret looked with disapproving suspicion on this friendly atti- tude with the Indians and remembered the ridiculous Bill of Sale. In buying the land outright from its natural owners, these Puritan planters might decline to pay the half penny per acre on their patents, which fell due on March 25th. When the time neared, a letter was HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 65 sent to the Newarkers reminding tliem of their quit-rents to the pro- prietors. After an exciting town meeting, a dignified reply was returned to the Governor, "That they do hold and possess their Lands and Rights in the said Town, both Civil and Divine Rights as by their Legall purchase and Articles do shew. As for the payment of the half penny per acre for all our allotted Lands, according to our Articles and Interpretation of them, you assuring them to us. We are ready when the time comes to perform our Duty to the Lords and their assigns." It was decided at the town meeting "that Henry Lyon and others should take and receive every Man's Just Share and proportion of Wheat for his Land — the summer wheat at 4s. per Bus'l and the Winter wheat at 5s., according to the order and Time Perfixed to them to Bring it to Johnson's House before the day be over, or if they fail they are to double the quantity, which Corn the said Lyon and Johnson is tomor- row to Carry to Elizabeth Town, and made a tender Thereof to the Governor upon the account of the Lords Proprietors rent for the Land we make use of." Henry Lyon, Newark's first Treasurer, held the office for five con- secutive years, from 1668 to 1673. He was custodian of the public funds. It fell to him and Thomas Johnson, the first town constable, to receive the tax wheat of the planters, to measure each man's pro- portion as the sacks were emptied and to convey the wains to Elizabeth Town and deliver the grain to the Governor. There was exhilaration in the triumph of the first payment. But the public-spirit promptitude of the planters diminished considerably by the March of 1670, when at the Town Meeting preceding the 20th of that month, "It was agreed that Henry Lyon and Thos. Johnson shall goe to our Governor in Behalf of the Town, make a Tender to Him in Good Wheat of their Half Penny pr. Acre to Him for the Lords Proprietors, in like manner as they did the Last Years. Appointed in Case that he will Accept the same — that then they are fully empowered to give Notice by the Warners of the Town, for every one to Bring in his proportion of Corn to the Constable's House the Morning of the Day appointed by 7 or 8 O'clk. That they may send it to their Governor, and take a discharge of Him for the same; and they are at least to Bring as Much as they did Last Year, and More if they see Cause.*" Under existing conditions Henry Lyon was a public slave rather than a public servant. Money was not expected in the settlement of debts and taxes. Produce stood for pence and pounds. To keep the 66 LYON MEMORIAL records of the receipts and expenditures of a town of weights and measures was drudgery of mind and drudgery of body for the Town Treasurer. There were two rates in use, the minister's rate and the town rate. Mr. Pierson was to receive eighty pounds a year for his stipend, and a hundred and sixty pounds were required for the town expenses. One of the duties of the Constable was "to Collect and Gather up the Town Rate." Every planter was assessed according to the value of his estate. The expense of bringing their pastor from Connecticut had to be met, and Mr. Pierson's "living" assured. Then there was the rate "for the Payment of Every Man's Share of the Purchase." Where the coin was to come from must have perplexed every house- holder in Newark, abridged his sleep and made the discipline of denial the rule in every family there. Not one penny of the levy was for a salary for the treasurer or for any other town officer. Then, besides a lack of ad'equate emolument, there was the tyrannic supervision and comment of the town fathers, trying to the Scotch temper and Scotch pride of Henry Lyon. However, he was vested with a peculiar authority which made him one of the foremost at Newark. On September 10th, 1668, "It was agreed that Henry Lyon and others shall have the sole Power to hear every Man's reason for his or their Absence, Late Coming or dis- orderly departing or withdrawing from any of our Town Meetings, having Legall Warning thereto; and thereupon to Aquit them, or Return the names of them that they release not, but are by the order signed unto the Constable or such officer as the Town shall appoint to receive them, for the use of the said Town." To preserve propriety of speech and manner in the plantation assembly, and to visit personal wrath and personal penalty on the obstreperous Newark taxpayers gave the Treasurer a degree of despotic control over his fellow planters. In the third year of the New Jersey theocracy Mr. Camfield and Thomas Johnson were appointed as a "Committee to be adjoined to the Treasurer to heare and determine what and how much shall pass upon account of Men's demands for this year past. And it is to be agreed that all accounts before that hath not been allowed already shall not be admitted to account Hence Forth." Later another committee was formed "to make inquiry into the old Treasurer's Accounts, and what- they find to rectify if they can." "If any one stood indebted to the Town in the Treasurer's Book" beyond a certain number of days, that official was expected to inspect HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 67 the smoke-house and barn of the delinquent planter to see if "he hath neither Meat nor Corn to pay." If there was neither bacon nor grain in store, then "the Treasurer should engage him in a Way to pay their Debt with Timber — but if they will not pay the reckon, then the Constable shall come with a Warrant to distract it." For five years Henry Lyon bore the heat and burden of the day as a public duty to the plantation he had helped to plant. He carried out the agreements of the Town Meeting with intelligent thoroughness, and his honesty was exact to the last kernel of the tax wheat. It was irk- some and arduous where there were planters who got behind-hand with their grain, and planters who had to be constable-compelled to bring in their proper proportion of the taxes. Such Newarkers as Mr. Jasper Crane, Thomas Huntington, Lieut. Samuel Swaine, Nathaniel Wheeler, Jonathan Sargeant, were prompt in their several tax obligations. But there were family-burdened widows, farmers who made but a half crop, and shiftless farmers who were many bushels short year after year. Furthermore, there were planters who must have disputed with the Treasurer over a shrinkage in quantity of their asserted full pro- portion of the rate, for in 1671 every man in the Passaic Plantation was compelled by a town meeting edict to bring his half bushel measure to Henry Lyon and Joseph Waters "to have them Tryed and Sealed when made fit with Mr. Crane's, which for the present is the Standard — they (Henry Lyon and Joseph Waters) shall have two pence per piece for sealing with the Small Town Brand, or N." This two pence was a poor compensation for wearisome days devoted to the common good of the community. Hard feeling had to be borne from those who would not pay and from those who could not pay. It took character to sustain a man under such difficult circumstances, the nicest tact or a dominant sternness. At any rate, Henry Lyon was chosen for his fitness from among the colonists of New Haven, Milford and Branford, for the same reason that he was made Keeper of the Ordinary. In the latter position, none but the most approved in any settlement was appointed to this authoritative responsibility. A mill and a church were built as indispensable edifices, one almost as necessary for the well-being of these Puritan folk as the other. As they increased in numbers and their limits extended, Robert Treat, who was their first Town Clerk, was directed to make an official record of all incorporated lands. The Treasurer was ordered "to do his best endeavor to procure a Book for the Records of the Lands." When and where Henry Lyon got it and what Newark paid for it is lost from 58 LYON MEMORIAL local history, but if it took the best endeavor to secure it, books of this kind were not to be had in the Province of New Jersey. Doubtless it was imported from "home." At a Town Meeting July 5th, 1673, the following item became a matter of record: "Henry Lyon and others are chosen to agree with Mr. Delevall about Money to send a Mes- senger to England, and as they did agree with him, it should be paid by the Town." This very messenger may have brought over the "Book for the Records of the Lands;" if not some other trusty agent was dispatched on this errand by the Newark government. The Town Meeting planters depended on their Treasurer, expecting the miracle of whatsoever they required of him. His judgment must have been of great value. On March 30th, 1668-9, it was agreed that "the matter of Captain Bollen's Demands in his Letters shall be wholly referred and left with Mr. Camfleld, Swain, Henry Lyon, and Thomas Johnson, to act and do as they shall see Cause." Henry Lyon was Newark's first inn-keeper, too. The strangers within their gates were not all God-fearing men of peace. A stalwart presence was an outward visible importance for his second position. When it was recorded in the January of 1668 that "The Town hath chosen Henry Lyon to Keep an Ordinary for the entertainment of Trav- ellers and Strangers," and desired him to prepare for it as soon as he can, they might have added to the minutes of the meeting a brief summary of his especial qualifications for dealing with law-defying new-comers and keeping them in order. Hospitality had been imposed on, or it had its limits at Newark. It was to be a hostel "where they might be entertained so that it would not be necessary for the people to put themselves to the incon- venience of providing for the Comfort of those who were prospecting for a place for Settlement." Mistress Elizabeth Bateman Lyon must have sighed over the cares thrust upon her. The sanctity of her home was invaded and her young children were deprived of her watchful attention. But the helpmate of pioneer days was a selfless woman, not pampered with much cher- ishing, and her gravestone should have been marked, "She hath done what she could." Two years after Henry Lyon opened a public house, the "Town chose Thomas Johnson to keep an Ordinary in the town for the entertainment of strangers — prohibiting all others from selling any Strong Liquors by Retail under a gallon, unless in case of Necessity, and that by License from the Magistrate." HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 69 It is certain that a money-making privilege once given to the Town Treasurer would not have been taken away from him in favor of the Town Constable. Wine may have been served as a table bever- age, but it is doubtful if brandy-drinking and rum-drinking went on in Henry Lyon's house. However, total abstinence was not a moral obligation with our God-serving ancestors, and there was no town ordi- nance against indulging in intoxicating drinks. Mr. Jasper Crane, a gentleman, the headship of the Passaic Pilgrims from Branford and New Haven, Treat's equal in importance in the community, the magis- trate of the town, destined to be president of the Town Court, and delegate time after time to the Provincial Assembly, was the next to profit by the sale of spiritous fluids. On February 28th, 1672, it became a part of the Newark records "that Mr. Jasper Crane having Liquors for six shillings a gallon, and one shilling and six pence a Quart, they paying wheat for it, hath Liberty to sell Liquors in the Town till the Country Orders alter it." Nothing was said in regard to selling in small quantities to be drank on the premises. It is to be presumed that the planters were temperate people, and the dram-drinking stranger was brought to decent moderation by the moral discrimination of Henry Lyon, Thomas Johnson and Mr. Jasper Crane. The contract to build the first church was awarded to Deacon Warde, Sargeant Richard Harrison and Edward Riggs, who bargained for the "sum of seventeen pounds to Build the same meeting-house 36 feet square, with doors and windows, and Pine Boards at the Gable ends." But the money was not forthcoming and the sacred edifice was not begun before 1668. The floor was not laid till 1670, and in 1678 the settlers agreed "that the meeting-house should be seated in convenient time for our Convenience and meeting together for God's worship." Did that pious congregation, every Lord's Day from 1670 to 1678, remain standing through the hours-long sermon of Preacher Pierson, the gray-haired fathers and mothers in Israel, men that had toiled without ceasing the six week days through, mothers of nursing babies, care-aged little ones and youths and girls that hacked a consumption cough, an irritating interruption from the text to the long-deferred — "and finally?" Maybe Henry Lyon's eldest daughter, Mary, who married John Ward, Jr., was one of these girls with a hectic flush on her fair cheeks, for her days were not long. 60 LYON MEMORIAL The little community had struggled on for ten years, when it was voted at a town meeting in 1676 that "the Town's Men have Liberty to see if they can find a competent number of scholars, and accommo- dations for a schoolmaster within our Town." Those to whom this important business was entrusted were Samuel Kitchell, John Ward, Samuel Plum, Thomas Huntington, Joseph Waters, Azariah Crane and William Camp. One of this colonial school board was an ancestor of the writer, and a feeling of pride goes with the knowledge that Thomas Huntington was connected with the first educational movement in "Our Towne on the Passaick." But it was 1677 when the village fathers voted that "the Town's Men have liberty to compleat the Bargain with the School Master. They knowing the Town's mind." One of themselves took charge of the school, John Catlin, probably a lawyer by profession, for he was town attorney for two years. He may have taught the three Rs. to pupils of various ages, in day classes and night classes, till he and his wife, Mary, in 1684, sold their home lot, Number 11, of the Branford allotment, to Henry Lyon, and removed to Deerfield, where Mrs. Catlin and her sons, Joseph and Jona- than, were killed in the assault of the French and Indians, Feb. 29th, 1704. None of Henry Lyon's children went to Catlin's school in that long-disappeared log bam, with a dirt fioor, to drone lessons in the common sing-song of shy maidens and bashful lads. Before the first term began the Lyon family had removed to Elizabeth Town, and shortly after the Dutch conquest Henry Lyon took the oath there, and rapidly became one of the leading men in political and commercial affairs. November 8th, 1675, he was a member of the General Assembly. February 4th, 1681, he was made one of the Judges of Small Causes. February 28th, 1681, he became a member of the Governor's Council. August 1st, 1681, he was appointed Justice of the Peace, which during the Colonial period was equivalent to that of Judge of the Supreme Court. December, 1682, he was appointed Commissioner to lay out and appoint all necessary highways, bridges, passages, landings and ferries for the County of Essex. November 26th, 1684, he was a Representative in the Council of the Governor. May 1st, 1686, his commission to the Judgeship. Furthermore he was one of the Town Associates and the fore- most in commercial enterprises. Scotch thrift, integrity and fore- eight had made his fortune. Besides having ISOi/g acres of land HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 61 within, the limits of Newark, he owned 306 acres at Elizabeth Town. The ancestral habit of accumulating property was strong in him. *His house and home lot, containing 7 acres, was bounded east by Henry Morris, south by Hurr Thompson and north by a byway; also had 16 acres of upland adjoining the north site of his home lot, with Henry Morris on the east and Benjamin Parkhurst on the north; also 24 acres on the "Long Neck," a triangle between Benjamin Price, Sen., and Isaac Whitehead, Sen.; also 90 acres of upland "Lying by the Lyne of Elizabeth Town and Newark, having the boggy meadow on the east and unsurveyed land, the highway to Newark to go through it, since known as Lyon's Farms,f a part of the Borough of Elizabethtown; also 4 acres of meadow on the Elizabethtown creek; 7 acres of boggy meadow on the "Cove"; 18 acres on the Bay, and 20 acres on the creek, formerly old John Ogden's. March 13th, 1677-8, he purchased Vauquellin's house and grounds for £60. November, 1674, he purchased of John Martin, Captain Bollen's property. However, on May 1st, 1675, Henry Lyon and Elizabeth, his wife, of Elizabeth Town, sold to the Honorable Philip Carteret, Governor of the Provence of New Jersey, for a consideration of £30, a dwelling house formerly occu- pied in tenure of Captain James Bollen. The year before he had a peculiar transaction with Governor Carteret. "December 8th, 1674, Henry Lyon of Elizabeth Towne, Prov- ence of New Jersey, to Governor Philip Carteret of the same provence: A lease for four years of 2 acres of land within aforesaid towns. Consideration — said Henry Lyon to receive yearly 1,000 good and merchantable Bucks." A few years later we read that "in the 1699-1700 assignment of lots of 100 acres each, Henry Lyon received No. 174, Joseph No. 63, Natha- niel No. 95, Benjamin No. 84, and Ebenezer No. 66." Life must have been easier for Elizabeth Bateman Lyon than when she was mistress of Newark's first Ordinary. Servants were to be had, seventeenth century luxuries, and perhaps the London fashions. She lived to see her ambitious husband among the honored of the ♦Hatfield's "History of Elizabethtown, New Jersey." tSubdivisions of the townships — "For a period of one hundred and twenty-eight years from the date of the original settlement the township remained undivided, the town laws and regulation and the authority of the magistracy extending over ^he whole area. At an early date, however, various hamlets and clusters of farm houses gradually sprang up in different localities. The facilities for navigation and the attraction of water privileges drew quite a number of early settlers to the banks of the Rahway River. Another group of planters, mostly of one family, gave the name to the neighborhood known as Lyons Farms." 62 LYON MEMORIAL provence. Her older sons married early — courtships, weddings arid grandchildren were happy family happenings before her chair was put against the wall and the days went by without her. Violent grief was sinful self-indulgence to the Puritan way of thinking. The Scotch are stern-natured, and bear aflBiction with decorous resignation. The stricken husband was a church-going fatalist. Foreordination timed the last heart beat of every mortal and wrote the day and the hour with every name entered in the Life Book. His second marriage must have occurred in 1689 or 1690, for Mary and Dorcas, the second wife's daughters, were minors when their father wrote his will, 1702. No doubt she was a Newark woman and influenced her husband's return to the town he had helped to found. It was going home when he returned to the few remaining friends of the long ago, who had passed the fiftieth anniversary of their coming into the land the Lord God had given to His people of the New Haven colony. At Elizabeth Town his had been the largest subscrip- tion for the support of the pastor. Rev. Harriman. Nevertheless, he retained his church privileges at Newark, for July 24th, 1680, some years after his removal, it was voted "that Henry Lyon hath a right to, and shall have a seat in the meeting house, paying proportion, ably with his neighbors." He had fought the good fight from youth to age, and his time was shortening as a shadow when the noon nears. His first-born, Thomas, had died in 1694, and John had followed his elder brother. Nathaniel passed on in 1696. His fellow pilgrims, one by one, put out the candle of life to go to sleep, till but few were left of the comrades that climbed the hill of hope together. New friends are but favorite acquaintances. "Loving wife" Mary readily got her will. At Newark there were others of the long-gone who had New Haven, Branford and Milford recollections in common, and who could exchange mem- ories of Scotland and England. Great Britain had made some tremendous history since the three Lyon brothers took shipping for the New World. Cromwell had held thrall over the United Kingdom for nine years. The General of the Puritan hosts had broken the shackles of feudalism, and the emancipa- tion of all humanity had begun its slow progression toward liberty of conscience and liberty of speech. Charles II. had flittered away a regnal term of devil-delighting tyranny and profligacy. James II. had ended in the banishment and death of one who would be last of the Stuart dynasty. William of Orange and Mary had gone to their graves. HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 63 Killiekrankie had shaken all Scotland. These remarkable epochs had left their imprint on human progress since the day those masked execu- tioners decapitated the King. The colonies had grown in numbers and riches and promise. There was easier breathing when William and Mary reigned, and since Anne was queen, but the espionage was felt as of old. These colonial yeomen who had been Roundhead soldiers were English subjects, and, as such, discretion became their tongues. But in private their voices were loosened and Naseby and Dumbar experiences, and what they knew of the secreting of Goffe and Whalley was recounted in excited whispers. It did not do to gossip of the Great Civil War and of the London culmination of the trial and execution of Charles Stuart. But in the sanctuary of home, Thomas and Richard and Henry Lyon told their children of how they had been soldiers in Cromwell's army; of how they were on guard before the scaffold at Whitehall and witnessed the regicide, and of their flight when the historical tragedy was consummated. This impressive tradition, and that the three brothers were Lyons of Glen Lyon in Perthshire, Scotland, is common to the broad-scattered descendants of Thomas, Richard and Henry Lyon. The Connecticut, the New York and the New Jersey branches have preserved the knowledge of their Scottish origin. General Nathaniel Lyon and Major Sidney S. Lyon, men of broad intelligence and flawless integrity, accepted these traditions. Their ancestors were Lyons of Glen Lyon, and the presence of Thomas, Rich- ard and Henry Lyon at the execution of Charles L was made authentic by oral transmission from father to son in the three direct lines, widely divided by time and place. Richard Lyon's great-great-great- grandson spoke for the traditions of the Fairfield Lyons. The descend- ants of Thomas Lyon of Westchester County, New York, gave their origin as Scottish to the historians, Baird and Bolton. James Lyon of Ohio brought these family traditions across the mountains when he came from Lyons Farms with his wife and children, 1791. Pride of birth was innate in his grandson, my father, a deep-in consciousness of race never mentioned save in some fire-lit talk when his thoughts reached back into the past, and he told his children of the three young Scots from Glen Lyon, and the part they played in the terrible drama of 1648. In his later Newark days, Henry Lyon must have related his Old World reminiscences to his two young children and his grandchildren, for the old grow confidential with the young, getting sympathy and 64 LYON MEMORIAL comprehension from minds unoccupied with personal act and personal purpose. Benjamin' Lyon was ten years old when his venerable grandfather Henry Lyon, the emigrant, sicliened, put his temporal and spiritual affairs in order, then died. Benjamin' Lyon was the grandfather of James' Lyon of Ohio. There is no break in the transmission of the tradition that gave the nationality of Thomas, Richard and Henry Lyon and their connection with the regicide. Henry Lyon had lived two separate and eventful lives, but his years were not much beyond the allotted time of man when Elizabeth- town and Newark were called upon to mourn for one who had been a leader among them since the landing of the colony from Connecticut in 1666. Biblical longevity was not unusual for an iron constitution that had withstood the toil and troubles of pioneer young manhood. If he was twenty-five when he appeared at Milford in 1648, he was not yet eighty when Elizabethtown and Newark assembled to do honor to the dead. One of the mighty had fallen. The long eulogistic sermon above this coffin, and the interment in the old burying ground of the founders of Newark must have been remembered as a local happening of impressive importance. But of the many that followed Robert Treat and Jasper Crane to plant "our Towne upon the Pas- eayak" there is none whose grave can be located but that of my ancestor, Nathaniel Wheeler, of the Milford colonists, in the ancient Presbyterian cemetery in Orange. God's acre at Newark was "vacated," and the time-worn stones that marked the last resting-place of the his- toric dead removed and destroyed. The "Lyon Memorial" will be a lasting monument to Henry Lyon of Milford, Thomas and Richard Lyon of Fairfield, and their kindred: William Lyon of Roxbury, Peter Lyon and George Lyon of Dorchester, and of every descendant of these "first-comers" enrolled in this book. Of Henry Lyon's personality nothing is known. His life describes the man as one of physical and mental vigor, and one of physical and moral bravery. He was of "good understanding and memory" when he wrote his will — here given in full, that his posterity may know him through his own words: "Whereas I, Henry Lyon, Senior of Newark, in ye provence of East New Jersey being weak in body yet of good understanding and memory — Do make this my Last Will & Testament (hereby making HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 65 all other wills and testaments at any time by mo made voyd and null) in manner and form following: "first, I bequeath my Soul into ye hands of Almighty God hoping for Salvation from ye Riches of his grace by ye atonement of Jesus Christ & through faith in his blood. Also I commit my body to the Earth Decently to be buried & there to Rest untill the Resurrection of ye Just. And for my Worldly Estate bothe Real & personal I dis- pose of as followeth — "Imprimis: I will & bequeath to my Loving Wife Mary Lyon Eighty pounds & I give unto my two Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon to each of them Eighty pounds & also my will is yt my house & other buildings & Land & Meadow in Newark shall be kept for ye bringing up of my Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon untill they be eighteen years of age & Also my will is yt my wife Mary Lyon & my Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon shall pay unto my four sons (viz.) Samll Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Benjamin Lyon and Ebenezer Lyon twenty pounds out of my living in Newark when my Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon shall be eighteen years of age, & if my wife Mary Lyon do leave this house then my two Daughters afore'sd shall repay unto my wife what she payd of ye sd twenty pounds unto my four sons afore'sd. 2ndly, My will is & I do will & bequeath unto my two Daughters Dorcas & Mary Lyon to them their heirs & assigns for Ever my house Land & Meadow in Newark after my wife's decease. Srdly My will is yt if any one of my Daughters Dorcas or Mary Lyon shall dy before they come of age to enjoy ye aforesd Legacy of Eighty pounds & other things belonging to them my will is yt ye sur- viving Daughter shall enjoy it. 4thly I will & bequeath to my Grandchild John Ward twenty •hillings, unto my Daughter Elizabeth Lyon relect of my son Thomas, to her & her children twenty shillings. Also I give to my Daughter Mary Lyon, Alias Potter, Relect of my son Nathaniel Lyon to her & her children five shillings. 5thly My will is & I do will & bequeath unto my son Samuel Lyon a double portion of ye twentie pounds yt to be payd out of this my living in Newark. 6thly My will is & I do will & bequeath to my Grand-Children Mary & Elizabeth Lyon Daughters of my son Nathaniel Lyon of Eliza- bethtown, to them & their heirs & assigns for Ever a certain piece or parcell of upland in Elizabethtown at my farm being in length 66 LYON MEMORIAL forty rodds & in breadth twenty rodds containing five acres to be more or less bounded by a highway S. East; S. West by Nathaniel Lyon's land partly & partly by ye orchard & N. E. by Joseph Lyon as also one half of my orchard it is now already divided by Estimation being one acre & one rodd be it more or less bounded N. West by Joseph Lyon & S. West by highway & S. East by Nathaniel Lyon & N. Eas€ by Sd five acres aforesd & I give my son Joseph Lyon of Elizabeth- town to him & his heirs & assigns for Ever free Egres & Regres into ye well of water in Sd Land and I give unto my Grand Children aforesd ye Daughters of my son Nathaniel Lyon a piece of meadow by ye bound Creek. Beginning at a stake standing by said Creek from thence running South West to ye upland to a stake. Thence along ye upland thirty two rodds to a stake, from thence Bast half a point Northerly to sd bound Creek, bounded N. West & S. East by Benjamin Lyon, N. East by ye bound Creek, South West by Joseph Lyon and one more acre of meadow beginning at a stake by ye bound Creek from thence running twelve rodds Southerly from ye stake running fourteen rodds Easterly from thence to ye bound Creek to ye first mentioned place and if there be any crop of corn or grain upon ye land at my decease my will is yt it shall return unto my wife, she paying rent for ye land after my decease. 7th My will is yt funerall charges just debts being payd & also all those Legacye's before named yt then a true estimation being made of ye Remainder of my estate my will is yt my wife Mary Lyon, my sons Samll Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Benjamin Lyon, Ebenezer Lyon & my Daughters Dorcas Lyon & Mary Lyon shall have each of them an equal part. Sly My will is yt my Loving wife Mary Lyon shall be sole executrix of this my Last will & Testament. 91y My will is & do desire my loving friend Mr. John Treat & my son Benjamin Lyon to be overseers of this my Last Will & testa- ment & I desire them to be assistants to my wife in gathering any debts also in paying debts where they are justly due. dated this ninth day of February, 1702 alias 3 and in ye first year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne &c Queen &c. (Seal) HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 67 Signed & sealed in ye presence of us Joseph Johnson, Abraham Pierson, Zopher Beach. Zopher Beach & Abraham Pierson, two of ye subscribing witnesses to ye wthin written Instrument came before me underwritten dele- gated for taking the probate of all Last Wills & testaments wthin ye sd province of East New Jersey & did Solemnly depose upon ye holy Evangelists of Almighty God yt they did see wthin named Henry Lyon sign seal & publish & declare ye wthin written Instrument to be his Last Will & Testament & yt he was of sound mind & memory. Jurat nono die aprilis Anno Dom. 1703. Coram me, Thomas Gordon (Ex.) Liber H. of Deeds, folio 140 &c. Office of Sec. of State, Trenton, New Jersey. Certified Copy made by me. 1904. Anna M. North, Genealogist. "Loving friend, Mr. John Treat," was the son of the Captain of the Milford Company. In 1672, Robert Treat returned to New England, but was not dismissed from the Church of Christ at Newark to Milford Church till 1675. May 11th, 1665, he was commissioned Captain of the Milford Militia, and in King Philip's War, was Commander-in-Chief of the Connecticut Troops. In 1676 he was Deputy Governor, and in 1683 he was Governor of Connecticut and served in that capacity for fifteen years. His son, John Treat, Esq., was "a Justice to Keep the Peace in the County of Essex." In 1709 he was Representative of Essex in the Assembly when one qualification was 1,000 acres of land and £500 in personal estate. Of the witnesses of the will, Zopher Beach was of the second emigration, but Joseph Johnson (he beat the drum, morning and evening in the town in 1688) was the son of Constable Thomas Johnson who helped to measure the half bushels of tax wheat when Henry Lyon was first town Treasurer of Newark. Abraham Pierson was the grandson of the Rev. Abraham Pierson, the beloved pastor, who, with Jasper Crane, brought the Branford families to the Passaic settle- ment. Loving wife Mary, must have been as a beloved and dutiful daughter to her husband in the time of his infirmity. But while he waited for the Christ, the other, the wife of his youth, was the thought in his heart. He was back in Fairfield days in his Passaic 68 LYON MEMORIAL Plantation days with Elizabeth Bateman, sonl of his soul, strong of courage, strong of faith, all truth, all goodness. We, her sons and daughters of today may have inherited some of her finest qualities, as our best deeds be prompted by the never-dying characteristics of our fore-mother, this Colonial gentlewoman, just as our family strength of purpose, moral uprightness and religious tendency are heritages from that tried and true Scot of Glen Lyon, our fore-father, Henry Lyon of Newark. SIDNEY ELIZABETH LYON. The "Octagon" in Clerksville, near Jeffersonville, Indiana. December, 1904. -^€t^ >- UJ 0) a. UJ -3 in z CO < u. 00 z o >- _l H < LU CO 3 O I (T UJ i<. UJ UJ UJ X ■,^ LYONS FARMS. Midway between the cities of Elizabeth and Newark, the two oldest English settlements in New Jersey, lies a small hamlet of nearly equal age, which for more than two hundred years has had "a name of its own and a certain use in the world no doubt" Lyons Farms, so named from Henry Lyon and his sons, whose plantations, acquired by initial associate rights or by early purchase, covered the greater part of this area. In early history, in manners and customs and civic life, Lyons Farms simply formed a part of the larger communities on whose overlapping borders it was situate. Having access to the sea and the world of trade only through the towns, it has remained true to its name, an agricultural community, scarcely doubling its population, while year after year its sons have gone forth, some into the cities, more as pioneers and up-builders of the West. Bonds, Meekers, and Lyons were the first settlers. They and their fellows were of Puritan stock; men of sturdy character, of strict principles, broadly intelligent, and God-fearing. Their com- munal ideal was a theocracy, administered by the democratic town- meeting. Lyons Farms was a bit of transplanted New England, and long remained true to type. The tract East of the trap ridge of the Orange Mt. is a drift deposit of shale, gravel, sand and yellow clay. Towards Elizabeth the land slopes gradually to sea-level, forming "the plain." Nearer Newark the drop is more abrupt with steep, rounded hills, with gullies and depressions, some having no outlet, all formed by the swirling waters of a geologic era. In some of these pockets the vegetable matter accu- mulating through the ages has found the right conditions for con- version into peat. Lyons Farms has several acres of peat bog or "turf meadow," mostly on a Lyon tract. In the first part of last century, apprehensive of the exhaustion of the wood supply, the people of this section dug turf, burning this rather smoky fuel in their "ten plate stoves." Eastward of Lyons Farms lay the great marsh, a mile long, known from earliest times as the Cove, with its sluggish stream, the 70 LYON MEMORIAL upper waters of Bound Creek (all now converted into a beautiful lake) ; a neck of low upland, and then the broad salt marshes to Newark Bay, On Sunday, Sept, 6th, 1609, a boat's crew from Henry Hudson's Half Moon, anchored at Sandy Hook, passed through the Narrows and thence West through the kill into the broad but shallow waters of Newark Bay, manifestly not the sought for passage to the Pacific. From the forest girt and sedgy shores came "very sweet smells," uncontaminate of factory smoke and oil refineries; and westward across the wide stretch of salt meadows their eyes rested on the fair hills of Newark and Lyons Farms. Fifty years passed before a settlement was made in this Achter Kol, rear bay region. Negotiations between certain English of Long Island and the Dutch were held up by Gov. Stuyvesant's unwilling- ness to concede the full measure of local self-government demanded. When in 1664 the English supplanted the Dutch, Gov. Nicolls favored the enterprise, giving all desired assurances. At once representatives of the new colony met certain Indian sagamores on Staten Island, and purchased from them a large rectangular tract, bounded South by the Raritan River, East by the Sound and the Bay as far North as "the first river which setts westward,*" and to run inland for a dis- tance double the length of its East or shore line. Entry was made that same Autumn, a settlement effected the following year, and on Feb. 19, 1665 (i. e. 1666 N. S.) we have an official list of 65 men taking the formal allegiance oath at Elizabeth, out of the "80 Associates" con- templated. The original house-lots, of six acres each, formed a cluster on either side of the Elizabeth River at the head of tide and of sloop navigation three miles from its mouth. In the common land each Associate held rights amounting to a single, a double, or a triple share, «.nd he received an allotment accordingly when the successive par- titions were made. The house lots stopped at Brackett's Brook (now vanished), where Salem Ave. forks from the Newark road, the "North End." Beyond this, between the road and the river on the West the stretch of level land was long held as a "Common." Further North, in the Lyons Farms region there were several early allotments. The success and prospects of the Elizabeth Colony at once led to the planting of a second and a third town. North and South. The •Named the Pechclesse (Passaic) in Heermans' earlier similar but •bortive concession. LYONS FARMS 71 original settlers were not grasping of land; they had more than they needed, and they were eager for neighbors in the wilderness, but neighbors who should live in separate communities, self-contained and self-governing like themselves. Hence in 1666, with full welcome by the Elizabeth people there came into the Passaic, a body of settlers, some of them old neighbors and friends, expecting to take possession of the land on the basis of the Elizabethtown purchase. The local Indians denied any sale. Indian titles were largely factitious, and the original Chiefs had doubtless sold more than they had any power to convey. The Newark people were constrained to make a new formal purchase with the customary ankers of rum, lead, gunpowder, and wampum. The same year the Elizabethtown people sold the tract South of the Rahway River to a company from Massachusetts, settling the town of Woodbridge. These too later found it expedient to make further Indian payment to secure peaceful control of the Western part of their tract. Indian purchase quieted the natives; the significant title lay in the confirmation and grant of the first large tract by Gov. Nicolls, acting for the Duke of York, the King's Concessionary. Meanwhile the Duke had already himself conveyed away the terri- tory between the Hudson and the Delaware to Lords Berkeley and George Carteret, to be called henceforth New Jersey, after Carteret's native isle. In 1665, Captain Philip Carteret came out as Governor, and finding an accomplished grant, Indian sale, and settlement, with- out questioning its validity, he proceeded to purchase for himself Associate rights. The Lords divided their ownership into twenty-four "proprieties," which were soon sub-divided and were transferred like stock. Hence there was a double claim to ownership, — the source of century long friction and legal strife, extinguished at last only by the Revolution, the long land quarrel having had much to do with arousing a spirit of antagonism and alienation in this middle colony. The Propri- etary Government very soon demanded that those already settled should obtain patents for their lands from them, pay a trifling but significant annual quit-rent as fee-farmers, and so relinquish all claim to further land-partition, and hereafter purchase of the Proprietors. Wood- bridge submitted (1669), and Newark with reluctance (1675); Eliza- beth stubbornly resisted, took out patents only under threats of con- fiscation (1676) and never relinquished her claims to the undivided lands of the original purchase. There was dispute as to how far on the Bay Elizabeth's purchase really extended, this affecting the reach of her inland claim; dispute also as to the position and direction of 72 LYON MEMORIAL the Elizabeth-Newark partition line. The tidal creek, called by tha Indians Weequahick, extending Westward to the upland and there issuing from the Cove, formed a natural boundary; and ever since Newark's settlement has been Bound Creek.* The Newark people in their Indian deed described the South bound of their purchase as Bound Creek "io f7ie head of the Gove," thence West to the foot of the mountain, the point aimed at being the mountain end, a course nearer Northwest. The description covered more than the Elizabeth people were willing to concede; in fact, they had already apportioned some land above such a line. Accordingly .we find commissioners appointed from each town, who amicably fixed upon a "little round hill" nearer the Northern end of the Cove, in line with the general course of Bound Creek in the meadows, to be forever the pillar of partition, the line to run thence Northwest to the mountain. (May 20th, 1668). This "Divident Hill," consecrated by prayer, we are told, is easily identified today; and on a strict North- west line from it is now a road, Lyons Ave., long ago opened on the "line," which is mentioned as a boundary of the lands on either side in patents of 1676. The position of the hill in relation to the Cove is clearly described also in the affidavit of an aged man in 1741 (Et. Bill). This determination of the line was duly entered in the town Records (Nk. Rec. p. 10). Oral tradition stated that there was an understand- ing that the Elizabeth people should assist those of Newark in acquir- ing the Neck between the Passaic and Hackinsack Rivers as a species of compensation. This project failing, Newark pressed her original claim (1675), and from that time down to 1754 there are notices of no less than seven attempts to settle the boundary. As late as the land partition of 1699, Elizabeth disposed of land adjacent to the old line at the mountain. Newark finally secured from the government in her town Charter of 1713 the coveted line, starting from "an oak tree in Joseph Lyon's field, above the head of the Cove." This point, later mistakenly associated with "Divident Hill," is recog- nized in the creation of Union Township out of Elizabeth in 1808. When Union County was set off from Essex in 1857, Essex retained a tract East of the Cove which was originally no part of Newark; while to the Westward the old town line of tradition was rehabilitated. The points assumed, however, whether from mistaken data or as representing some early compromise, produced a zig-zag. An effort by *It may be here recorded that In the early part of the last century this creek was navigable for "pettiaugers" with freight quite up to the Cove. LYONS FARMS " 73 Essex County twenty years ago to rectify the frontier failed, the courts confirming the de facto line of 1857. See map. The Lyon tracts lay largely in and near this zone of dispute. Most of the lands of Henry Lyon and his sons can be identified. Patient research could locate nearly all. The obstacles are the loss of Elizabeth's first town book in 1719, the disappearance of Liber A of Essex deeds, and the fact that many early deeds were left unre- corded. Henry Lyon's Newark house lot was between Washington and High Streets, North of Kinney; in Elizabeth (1673-1700) his lot was on the Newark road near the "North End," and in that section he had several small farm tracts. Ebenezer had lands there, as well as some toward Rahway. Capt. David Lyon, 1745-1802, lived at the North End. John, Joseph, and Nathaniel in 1683 were living in Lyons Farms. In Elizabeth's bold partition of lands in 1699-1700, Henry, with his sons Benjamin, Ebenezer, Joseph, and Nathaniel, all appear as Eliza- bethtown Associates and receive 100 acres each: Henry, on the old line, West of Irvington; Benjamin on site of Fanwood; Ebenezer, center of Westfield; Joseph, a mile West of him; Nathaniel, a mil© Southeast of Netherwood. Besides the plantations indicated on the map, the Lyons had lands on Clinton Place and beyond Several tracts in the "Swamp," a mile or two Northwest. The patents from the Proprietors, now the earliest record, are for the first tracts of later date than the real acquisition. Lyons Farms was long famous for its apples. An orchard is mentioned in Henry Lyon's will (1702). Down to 1850 the crops were abundant and the several mills found ready market for cider and vinegar. Latterly on the original Henry Lyon tract the Wards have had notable success with pear culture. Before the days of machine-made footwear, the making of shoes was carried on by bodies of journeymen in small places. At Lyons Farms, among others, Benjamin' Lyon and his brother Abraham had large shops for shoe manufacture. In certain gardens today, are to be found the remains of the scrap heaps, not wholly decayed after a century. n>nuii» LYONS FARMS 75 EXPLANATION OF MAP ACCD Samuel Lyon 65A pat. 1673. AFED Henry Lyon 65A pat. 1673. GHIK Henry Lyon "lOOA" (125) pat. 1676 LNOP Henry Lyon 90A pat. 1676. Land at QRSVU is traced from Benjamin^ Lyon (No. 8) [possibly], to Benjamin* (No. 40), to Benjamin* (No. 94), by will in 1758 to Ben- jamin" (No. 382). Later it passed to Ichabod Grumman, whose wife Bethia is thought to have been a daughter of Ebenezer- Lyon (No. 9). At the death of Ichabod Grumman, Jr., in 1794, the tract was repur- chased by Benjamin" Lyon, who sold parts: Q, David" Lyon (No. 306); R, Amos" (No. 311); SV, the homestead of Benjamin" later passing to his sons, Benjamin' (No. 559) and Abraham'. LP was of Aaron Grumman, wife Abigail" Lyon (No. 317). Bl and B2 were early Bond Tracts; M, an original Meeker Tract. In 1742 X and Y belonged to Joseph* (No. 32) and Benjamin* (No. 40) Lyon; W, to Nathaniel Thompson, and D2 to Thomas and Daniel Thompson, whose mother was a daughter of NathanieP Lyon (No. 6); M2, M3, was of Daniel Meeker (1742). Sayres (intermarried with Lyons) also had lands in that region; and there were Browns and Chandlers west of the old road. Zl, Z2, land of Moses' Lyon (No. 100). TTT, turf pits. Evergreen Cemetery now covers M2, Z2 and most of D2. 1. Baptist Church. 2. Old Stone School House. 3. Presbyterian Church. 4. Elder Joseph Lyon. 5. Old Meeker (Grumman) House. See illustration. 6. Old house site on Benjamin Lyon tract. 7. Old Chandler house. 8. Lehigh Valley Railroad Station. 9. The "Corner," Village Centre. 76 LYON MEMORIAL Wagon and carriage making has been steadily carried on in a modest way, a century ago by the Thompsons (Lyon descent), and since by the Williamsons (mother a Lyon). In the days of stage coach travel, one of the chief lines. New York to Philadelphia (about 1780) oddly had its headquarters off the main road on a Lyon farm (6) then occupied by the proprietor, Ichabod Grumman, Jr. There are traditions of the fifty horses kept there, of his coaches (springless wagons) named the Swift Sure and the Speed Well, and an old stage book is preserved. The starting point was at first Elizabeth, reached from New York by ferry to the Point; later the route was from Paulus Hook (Jersey City) via Newark. The earliest school at Lyons Farms was one taught by Mrs. Hannah (Bruen) Grumman on the same old place (6). In 1784 Joseph Lyon deeded to trustees the Southeast corner of the Henry Lyon plantation (2) for a school. Here was built — from one great boulder, tradition has it — the Stone School House; an interesting relic with its worn door step, its pine desks rudely carved and stained only by the umber of human contact, still standing beside its loftier modern successor. "Three-story larnin's pop'lar now; I guess We thriv ez wal on jes' two stories less." The "Old Red Schoolhouse" on another Lyon tract (at P) in a niche by the roadside, was more recent, itself displaced in 1873 by Hillside Hall on another site. In church life the people of Lyons Farms were connected with the old church at Elizabeth, at first independent and later Presbyterian; and in the graveyard surrounding it, most of the early generations rest. Henry Lyon, in a list of 1694, is seen to have made the largest single contribution to the minister's support, and his grandson, Joseph, was long an honored elder, followed by his son Joseph. In 1769 a Baptist Society was formed at the Farms. Among its twelve founders the first name is Ezekiel Crane (grandson of Joseph Lyon) with his wife Abigail (daughter of Nath'l Baldwin) ; the second name Ichabod Grumman, the sole deacon up to 1785, whose deceased wife had been Bethia, nee Lyon) ; Joseph Meeker, and Mary Meeker. The first building on the present site was begun in 1792. The churchyard has not a few graves, dating some of them before 1800. Rev. Peter Bryant, an Englishman, was one of the notable early pastors (1792-1807). His admirably kept church records furnish valuable historical material. LYONS FARMS 77 The Presbyterian Church at the Farms was dedicated in 1849. The long pastorate of Rev. George C. Pollock, 1864-1882, is remembered with special affection. Evergreen Cemetery, incorporated in 1853, and since enlarged to about 100 acres, occupies largely Lyon lands (Benjamin^ and Moses*, Northeast and Southeast) ; a well kept and beautiful city of the dead. Lyons Farms was made a post oflBce in 1854; Alexander McKirgan was the first Postmaster. His wife was Julia Lyon [Zopher^]. Lyons Farms has some Revolutionary traditions: of a surprise of British oflBcers in the old Meeker house (5) ; of men who saw service, and of some — as Tappan° Lyon — who died in the prison ship pest hole. Ichabod Grumman, Jr., was an enlisted Express Rider. A clear tradition has come down that he brought from Philadelphia North, the first news of Cornwallis' surrender, in mad gallop "riding one horse all the way." The visit of Lafayette fifty years later (1825) was long remembered, his passing down the old highway escorted by the light horse, among them several Lyons Farms men. Old Lyons Farms long had its Militia and its training days. A number served in the War of 1812; among them Moses Thompson and S. R. Winans. Men now living can recall how no Fourth of July picnic was complete without Col. William Brown on his prancing horse, in full uniform aglitter with brass. In the Civil War a dozen men enlisted, among them Wm. Lyon and Wm. Winans (whose mother was Mary Lyon, daughter of David", Samuel*). Lyons Farms, for a small place, has had a creditable number of college bred and professional men: beginning with Joseph Lyon, who graduated at Princeton in 1763, afterward reading theology; three min- isters — one. Rev. Lewis Bond (1795-1885) for thirty years a pastor at Plainfield, New Jersey; more recently, four physicians, Dr. Joseph Ward, J. E. Winans, J. C. Johnson, Wm. Ward; several college trained teachers, as S. R. Winans, Jr., Professor of Greek at Princeton, Wm. E. Pollison, H. L. Winans, Masters in important schools. William and Joseph Grumman were expert surveyors— the latter an inventor of improvements in surveyors' chains, and City Surveyor of Brooklyn when he enlisted in the Civil War to fall in battle. Chancellor 0. S. Halsted lived his later life in Lyons Farms. The village seems to have produced no lawyers. It did have however representatives of the old time ideal type of country Justice; who wrote the deeds and wills, settled the estates, was referee and arbitrator, served his neighbors 78 LYON MEMORIAL iu countless minor offices, trusted and honored. Such was Squire David Lyon (1760-1845); and such his friend and successor, Squire Samuel R. Winans, who died in 1887 in his 91st year. He was twice in the Legislature, held many offices, and settled some forty estates. Governor Franklin C. Murphy's paternal grandmother was a daughter of Benjamin^ Lyon, born in Lyons Farms at (6). Rev. James Lyon should probably be credited to Lyons Farms: graduated at Princeton in 1759; poet, musician and notable preacher; he died in 1794, at Machias, Me. Lyons Farms has a few interesting relics of the past: old bound- aries unshifted since the 17th century surveys, old house sites and old wells, like that at (6), deep and cavernous, with a huge native stone for a cap, belonging to the earliest period. A Chandler house preserved as a relic (7) is over a century old; while the old Meeker house (5), still used, is something rare. It shows three parts, one having the extended roof slope on the North and low stone wall, forming the ancient cool, above-ground, store-room; its original cedar shingle siding is weathered thin and feathery; an excellent type, among few remaining, of the houses built at the first settlement, before 1700. Old Lyons Farms is passing. The main line of the Lehigh Rail- road bisects the village, and electric tram-cars shuttle through its ancient highway. Newark's city limits now come down to the County line. When ere long Elizabeth's city bounds are extended North a little, the village will be swallowed up, and the historic name, which has persisted so long against cheap modern substitutes proposed, will be of the past. Here will be an attractive residence quarter for those whose business is in the great metropolis. The place has had simple annals, a clean record, and has generated worthy sons. It has always had mosquitoes, but tolerated no saloons. Newark, in develop- ing her magnificent park system has converted the old Cove marsh into a lake, and is bringing out the natural beauties of the rugged hills and glens at the Cove Eead, once Lyon land. Possibly some prospered son of the name may some day here place a memorial to Henry Lyon, the pioneer and patriarch of a far-spread and not unworthy race. S. R. WINANS. AN ANCIENT LYON SEAL. There is reproduced below the signature of the will of Samuel Winans, Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co., New Jersey, dated June 13, 1744, interesting to readers of the Lyon Memorial because of the accompanying seal. The impression is in red wax, beautifully sharp, enlarged somewhat in the reproduction. Without question it is an ancient Lyon seal. Samuel Winans was a brother-in-law of Ebenezer* Lyon of Lyons Farms. Benjamin Bounel, who seems to have perma- nently borrowed this seal, was one of the witnesses of Samuel Winan's will. He wrote wills and used the Lyon crest several times. The early scrivener stuck on his own seal, or any other, till after the second generation, when paper seals came in. This lion rampant may well have been taken from the earliest recorded Lyon arms, those which Baron John exhibited at the tournament at Duncastle 1314. "Monsr. John de Lyonnes arms d'argent un lyon rampant de goules." i^-^*^^^^^0$U^rta^ .^fej HENRY LYON. OF NEWARK, N. J. Family History compiled by Sidney Elizabeth Lyon. HENRY LYON, one of the Lyons of Glen Lyon In Perthshire, Scotland, came to the Colonies with his two brothers, Thomas and Richard Lyon, in 1648. These three Scotch soldiers in Cromwell's army were on guard before the Banqueting House at Whitehall, Jan. 31, 1648, and witnessed the execution of King Charles L Immedi- ately after the regicide, they fled to America. Henry Lyon went to Milford, Conn., where he is first on record, Feb. 24, 1649, when he was admitted to Milford Church. He married in 1652, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bateman, of Fairfield, Conn., and was granted a home lot there. May 28, 1654, he was dismissed from Fairfield to Milford Church. In 1666 he came to Newarli, N. J., as one of its founders, with the Milford Colonists. At Newark he was the first Treasurer and first Keeper of the Ordinary. In 1673-4 he removed to Elizabethtown, where he was a large land owner and a merchant of extensive interests. Nov. 5, 1675, he was a Member of the General Assembly. August 11, 1681 he was appointed Justice of the Peace, in the Colonial period equiva- lent to Judge of the Supreme Court. February 4, 1861, he was Judge of the Small Causes; February 28, 1681, a Member of the Governor's Council; December, 1682, Commissioner; November 26, 1684, Repre- sentative in the Council of the Governor, etc., etc. Among his lands was 100 acres of upland, since known as Lyons Farms. He married a second wife, Mary — ~ , about 1689-90. Returned to Newark, 1696, and died there in 1703. Children of Henry and Elizabeth (Bateman) Lyon: •2. I. Thomas; b. 1652-3, Fairfield, Conn. *3. II. Mary; b. 1654-5, Fairfield, Conn. •4. III. Samuel; b. 1655-6, Fairfield, Conn. *S. IV. Joseph; b. 1658-60, Fairfield, Conn. •6. V. Nathaniel; b. 1663-4, Fairfield, Conn. ♦7. VI. John; b. 1G65-6, Fairfield, Conn. •8. VII. Benjamin; b. 1668. Newark, N. J. •9. VIII. Ebenezer; b. 1670, Newark, N. J. Children of Henry and Mary ( ) Lyon: SECOND GENERATION 81 10. IX. Mary; b. 1690-91, EUzabethfown, N. J. 11. X. Dorcas; b. 1692-3, Elizabethtown, N. J. No record has been found of the descendants of Mary and Dorcas, who were minors in 1703. 2. II. 1. THOMAS2 LYON [Henryi] was born in Fairfield, Conn, about 1652-3. When he took the oath at Elizabethtown in 1673, he was twenty years of age. On Oct. 30, 1666, he signed the "funda- mental agreement" with the men of the Branford Colony, and re- ceived home lot No. 23, in the land division of Newark. In 1688-9 he had a deed from Henry Lyon of Elizabethtown for "house lot where Thomas Lyon now lives, and upland." He married Elizabeth . His death occurred in the fall of 1694, and he died intestate. On Nov. 21, 1694, an inventory was made of the estate of Thomas Lyon, of Essex County, deceased (personal estate, £43 3s. 9d.) and on Jan. 29, 1694-5, Elizabeth Lyon, widow of Thomas, took out letters of administration. She died April 2, 1717. Her will was dated April 2, 1717 and probated March 31, 1729. It mentions children: Thomas, Isaac, Penelope wife of Thomas Thompson, Elizabeth and Annas; home lot of five acres on the highway adjoining Zopher Beach; six acres of meadow between Williani Camp, Mathew Camfield, Joseph Johnson, George Day and Nathan Foster. Executors: John Cooper and daughters Elizabeth and Annas. Witnesses: Thomas Warne, Thomas Gordon, Mary Warne, Jannet Gordon and Dan'l Grandin. Children of Thomas and Elizabeth ( ) Lyon: •12. I. Isaac; b. 1691. *13. II. Thomas; b. 1692. 14. III. Annas; m. Mills. 15. IV. Penelope; m. Thomas Thompson. 16. V. Elizabeth; unm. ; will, 1731, names brothers Thomas, Mattaniah and laaac, and sister, Annas Mills. ♦17. VI. Mattaniah. 3. II. 1. MARY^' LYON (WARD) [Henryi] was born in Fair- field, Conn, about 1654-5, and died before 1684. She was the first wife of John Ward, son of Lieut. John Ward, born at Fairfield, April 10, 1649. John Ward, Jr., came to Newark, N. J. from Branford with his father in 1666. His second wife was Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wakeman) Kitchell, born Aug. 10, 1661, at New Haven. By his second marriage John Ward had three children: I. Jonathan; 2. David, born 1686, died Dec. 14, 1768; 3. Mary. By his first marriage he had a son, John, to whom was bequeathed twenty shillings in the 82 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK will of his grandfather, Henry Lyon. In 1669, Henry Lyon deeded to this same John Ward, "son of his deceased daughter," six acres of valuable land at Lyons Farms. This home lot Lemuel Ward, great- grandson of Henry Lyon, afterward deeded to Benjamin Coe. The will of John Ward of Newark, New Jersey, dated May 2, 1695, pro- bated September 20, 1695, mentions wife Abigail (2nd wife); eldest son John, who received "the land where I live," etc., etc., sons Jonathan and David, to receive each "one half of my lands at Newark when 21 years of age, and daughter Mary, to receive two-thirds of movable estate when 18 years of age. Mentions also "father-in-law, Mr. Henry Lyon who had given land to my former wife, which land I give to my eldest son." "I give to my eldest son John (who evidently was son of that former wife) my great musket when he is of age. Executrix, "my wife;" overseers: brothers, Nathaniel Ward and Joseph Harrison; witnesses: John Curtis, John Browne, Robert Young. Children of John and Mary (Lyon) Ward: 18. I. John; b. about 1676-7; m '■ and had a son, Iiemuel, whoso wife, Hannah Ward, administered on his estate. 4. II. 1. SAMUEL2 LYON [Henryi] was born about 1655-6, in Fairfield, Conn. He married first Sarah Beach, born 1654, daughter of Zopher and Sarah (Piatt) Beach of New Haven, Conn. [Sarah Piatt was daughter of Deacon Richard Piatt of Milford.] Samuel Lyon married second Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Harri- son) Pierson. [Mary Harrison was daughter of Richard Harrison, who was from West Kirby, Eng. Thomas Pierson was married at Branford, Nov. 1662.] In the distribution of home lots at Newark in 1666, Samuel Lyon received No. 39. He signed the "fundamental agreement" with the Milford Colonists June 24, 1667, although at that time he was a mere lad. Feb. 25, 1683-4 the town of Newark allowed Samuel Lyon to sell two acres of land to Zopher Beach. His will was dated Aug. 20, 1703; probated at New York, Feb. 26, 1707. It men- tions wife Hannah; children of first marriage: Samuel, Henry, Joseph, Mary and Sarah; children of second marriage, John, James and Hannah. Executor, brother Benjamin Lyon; overseers: brother Joseph Lyon and Mr. Samuel Roberts; witnesses: Thomas Low, John Cooper, Thomas Pierson. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Beach) Lyon: •20. I. Samuel. *21. II. Henry; b. 1682; m. Mary Roberts; died Aug. 9, 1735. •88. III. Joseph; m. Mary Pierson. SECOND GENERATION 83 23. IV. Mary. 24. V. Sarah. Children of Samuel and Hannah (Plerson) Lyon: •25. VI. John; m. Elizabeth Rlggs. *26. VII. James; b. Oct. 5, 1700; d. Newport. R. I., Nov. 16, 1775. 27. VIII. Hannah. 5. II. 1. JOSEPH-^ LYON [Henry^] was born in Fairfield, Conn, about 1658-60, and died at Newark, N. J. in 1726. He married first (?) Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Harrison) Pierson, and second (?) Sarah, daughter of Joseph Brown (1652-1694). Will of Joseph Lyon of Newark, yeoman, dated Feb. 15, 1726-7, probated Feb. 27, 1726-7, mentions wife Sarah; children: Joseph (a minor), Abigail, widow of Joseph Crane, and Mary, wife of Nathan Foster; sons-in- law, Samuel and Daniel Sayres. Real and personal estate. Exe- cutors: Ebenezer Lyon and Stephen Brown. Witnesses: John Cooper, Christopher Wood and Benjamin Lyon. May 12, 1729 administration of the estate of Joseph Lyon of Cohanset, Salem Co., N. J., was granted to Thomas Jones of Cohanset and Richard Hubbell of Fairfield, Conn. Children of Joseph and (?) Mary (Pierson) Lyon: •28. I. Abigail; m. Joseph Crane, Esq. 29. II. Mary; m. Nathan Poster. *30. III. Elizabeth; m. Daniel Sayres. 31. IV. Daughter; m. Samuel Sayres. Son of Joseph and (?) (Sarah (Brown) Lyon: •33. V. Joseph; b. 1711; m. Sarah (?) Cook. 6. II. 1. NATHANIELS LYON [Henryi] was born at Fair- field, Conn, about 1663-4. He was living in 1696, at which time Henry Lyon deeded six acres of land to his grand-son, John Ward, but he died previous to 1702. He married Mary . As a widow, she married Potter, and is mentioned in the will of her father-in- law, Henry Lyon, as "Mary Lyon, alias Potter." The will of Nathaniel Lyon of Elizabethtown, Essex Co., dated Dec. 20, 1700, probated Feb. 13, 1716-7, names wife Mary, daughters Elizabeth and Mary Lyon, both minors; wife sole executrix, with brothers Benjamin and Joseph Lyon as overseers. Witnesses: John Curtiss, Abigail Lyon, Annah Hatfield (called in the jurat Phebe Hatfield). Children of Nathaniel and Mary ( ) Lyon: 33. I. Elizabeth. •34. II. Mary; m. Thomas Thompson, Jr. 7. II. 1. J0HN2 LYON [Henryi] was born at Newark, N. J. about 1665-6. In 1692 he was elected to the General Assembly of 84 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Elizabethtown. He married Hannah . The will of John Lyon of Elizabethtown, "now at Burlington, sick and weak," is dated Oct. 23, 1694. It mentions wife Hannah and "my fower children" and a prospective child. Executrix, wife Hannah Lyon. Witnesses, Thomas Peacher, John Pettey and James Hill. "Made at Burlington in ye Provence of New Jersey." Probated Nov. 2, 1694 at Trenton, N. J. Inventory of personal estate returned Dec. 21, 1694; £123. 7s. lid., by Richard Townley and Isaac Whitehead. Descendants not traced. 8. II. 1. BENJAMIN2 LYON, Esq. [Henryi] was born about 1668 in Elizabeth township, New Jersey, after his parents had be- come prominently identified with this place. His name is given in a list, 1694, of subscribers to the support of the Rev. John Harriman of the First Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth. In the re-survey and allotment of the township, which from the first was the leading one in New Jersey, Benjamin Lyon was chosen assistant "to lay out, divide and equally assize all the lands and meadows within the whole bound and purchase of Elizabethtown, to every one interested therein, by right of purchase under the Hon. Richard Nicolls, their several re- spective parts, and of the whole."t "They entered upon their work December 26, 1699, and com- pleted it March 5, 1700. The ground surveyed comprised 17,000 acres. Benjamin Lyon was chosen 1708-9 by the Borough of Elizabeth as a member of the Assembly, was appointed 1711-12 a Justice of the Peace§; served 1717 on County Committee of Highways. "These ap- pointments, embracing a period of about ten years, serve to show who were of the second generation chosen to office, and were looked upon as men of activity and influence by their townsmen. In almost every instance they were the sons or grandsons of the old planters whose names were still represented in the town."t Benjamin Lyon married Bethia Condit, sister of John Condit, whose will, dated March 15, 1709-10, names "brothers Benjamin Lyon and Matthew Williams" as overseers. The following is the text of the will of Benjamin Lyon: — In the Name of God Amen: The Eighteenth Day of ffebuary Anno, one thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen I Benjamin Lyon of Newark in the County of Essex & Eastern Devision of New Jersey tElizabethtown Book. 5 In New Jersey the appointment of Justice of the Peace was equivalent dur- ing the Colonial period to that of Judge of the Supreme Court. See Eligibility list of New Jersey Society of Colonial Dames of America. JHlstory Union and Essex Counties, N. J. SECOND GENERATION 85 Yeoman being sick and weak in Body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be Given unto God: Therefore Calling unto mind the Mortallity of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed unto all Men once to Dye Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testa- ment: That is to say first and principally I Recommend my Soull into the hands of God that Gave it hoping and Trusting through ye alone Merritts of Jesus Christ to have Eternall Life and my Body I Recomend to ye Earth from whence it was Taken to be buryed in Decent Christian Maner at ye Discretion of my Executors hereafter named nothing Doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I shall Receive the same again through the Mighty Power of God: and as Touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give Bequeath and Devise In Maner and form following: Imprimis I Give bequeath and Devise unto my Dearly Beloved wife Bethyah by name the one Bquall half with my Son Benjamin of my Homestead where I now Dwell that is to say ye Home I now Dwell In witli the Improvement of one half of both Sellers & Kitchen ye Barn Gardens plowland Moing Grass Orchard the whole homestead to be Improved between her and my Son Benjamin Equally and Also I Give to her ray sd wife ye use and Improvement of my Lott of Meadow in ye Neck Commonly Called & Known by ye Name of my Salt meadow Lott Lying by ye fishing place, together with ye Liberty & privillidge of Cutting firewood & fenceing Timber for her use on this Plantation on any part of my out Land all which Improvements & privillidges Shee Shall have and Enjoy So long as Shee Shall Remain my widow and one Equall third part of all my Moveables Estate after Just Debts & funerall Ex- pences be paid and Discharged I Give and bequeath to her and her heires and Assignes for Ever. Item I will & bequeath unto my loveing Son Benjamin Lyon ye use & Improvement of ye other half of my Homestead houses, Cellers Barnes Pasures Plowland, Orchards untill ye Death Or Remarying of my s^ wife at which time he my sd Son shall have possess and Enjoy the whole thereof to his own Proper use and behoofe. Item I Give to my s^ Son all that Lott of Land and Meadow Called & Known by ye fresh Meadow Lott according to ye Sirveigh together with ye Adjacent additionall peices I bought adjoining to it: Also that Lott of Land Called ye Neck Lott Containing about Twelve Acres together with all the Meadow Lying in the said Neck I Give to him my s^ Son Ben- Ob HENRY LYON OF NEWARK jamin as also my Lott of Salt Meadow Meadow Lying on both Sides a Creek Commonly Called & Known by ye Name of Georges Creek also one Equall third part of my Meadow Lying at the head of ye Cove bounded by ye Land of Thomas Sayr Deceased also that Lott of Land Called the Pond Lott the Improvment of ye one half thereof Imme- diately after my Decease & ye Improvement of ye other half thereof I Give to my wife so Long as Shee Shall Remain my Widow and when Shee Ceaseth so to be then the whole of it I Give to my s^ Son to be possessed & Enjoyed by him also all my out Land that is not hereafter otherwise Disposed of to my Daughters I Give & bequeath unto him together with Twenty Pounds acquivilent to money out of my Personall Estate all the aboves^ Tracts of Land & Meadow together with ye sJ Twenty Pounds before Mentioned I Give bequeath and Devise to him and to his heires and Assignes for Ever. Item I Give, Bequeath and Devise unto my Daughter Anne Canfield a certain Tract of Salt Meadow Scittuate Lying & being In Newark Meadows Lying by the Bound Creek that Tract I bought of Jonathan Tichenor as may appear by Deed of Saill for ye same Reference being thereunto had also one Third part of my fresh Meadow In the Cove Bounded upon ye Land of Thomas Sayer Deceased also the one Equall half of fifty Acres of my outland being part of a Tract called the Great Swamp Land the said fifty acres to begin at the South East End and the seslie; b. Oct. 23, 1840; m. Walter Lacy Boyd. 1586. IV. Elizabeth Lee; b. Oct. 29, 1842; d. Nov. 1857. •1687. V. Caroline Augusta; b. Sept. 24, 1844; m. Thomas Merriwether Marks, M. D. •1588. VI. Mary Eleanor; b. Nov. 14, 1847; m. Thomas Lewis Mellen. 1589. VII. WiUiam Summers; b. March 1850; d. July 1850. •1590. VIII. Flora Ambrosia; b. Dec. 17, 1853; m. Jasper B. Lewis. 1591. IX. John Clarence; b. Dec. 17, 1853; d. June 4, 1879. 1693. X. Alice; b. April 1, 1857; d. July 11, 1857. 1593. XI. Ida; twin sister of Alice; d. June 1858. 1098. VII. 632. JAMES PETER? LEE [Elizabeth W.6 (Lyon), JamesS, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Es(i.2, Henryi] was born at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1819, and died Sept. 5, 1894 in Texas. He was blind from childhood as the result of an accident, and was educated at the schools for the blind at Boston, Mass., and Columbus, Ohio. He married first, Oct. 13, 1840, Sarah Pilsbury, of Boston, and second, Lucretia E. Cowdery. Children of James Peter and Sarah. (Pilsbury) Lee: •1594. I. Lewis Huntington; b. Aug. 16, 1841; m. LIbble M. Hoffman. •1696. II. Ada Joanna; b. Aug. 14, 1853; m. James Hayden Finch. 198 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of James Peter and Lucretia B. (Cowdery) Leo: 1696. III. James William [Rev.]; b. Sept. 1, 1873. 1697. IV. Bessie Mary; b. June 19, 1875. 1698. V. George Herbert; b. Oct. 20, 1877. 1100. VII. 643. DAVID BJ LYON [MosesS, MosesS, Moses*, Ben- jamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born May 11, 1821, and died Nov. 23, 1893. He married, Sept. 22, 1846, Hopey Fry, born May 20, 1820; died Jan. 27, 1897. Children of David B. and Hopey (Fry) Lyon: •1599. I. Louisa; b. March 13, 1849; m. Winfield S. Shardlow. 1600. II. Ella; b. Feb. 2, 1852; m. Nov. 9, 1871. Theodore R. Harris (b. July 21. 1842); Ella d. Aug. 27. 1894. •1601. III. George B.; b. Dec. 4, 1861; m. Jennie Freeman. 1101. VII. 642. JAMES7 LYON [Mosess, MosesS, Moses*, Ben- jamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born May 7, 1823. He married first. May 12, 1846, Harriet A. Robie, born Aug. 26, 1826; died Dec. 30, 1883. He married second, Oct. 21, 1885, Elizabeth Underbill, born Aug. 3, 1839; died Dec. 25, 1900. He lives in Bath, N. Y. Children of James and Harriet A. (Robie) Lyon: 1602. L Sarah E.; b. Feb. 19, 1847; m. June 13, 1879, John Davenport (b. May 10, 1835; d. May 5, 1898). ♦1603. II. Reuben Bobie; b. March 2, 1857; m. Emma L. Kemp. 1604. III. Harriet N.; b. June 13, 1861; res. Bath, N. T.; Daughter of the American Revolution. 1102. VII. 642. ROBERT M.7 LYON [Moses6, MosesS, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Dec. 3, 1825, and died June 12, 1903. He married, May 20, 1851, Rebecca Brothers, born April 2, 1830. Children of Robert M. and Rebecca (Brothers) Lyon: •1605. I. Anna P.; b. July 8, 1852; m. Casln B. Obert. •1606. II. Helen G.; b. Feb. 8, 1854; m. William S. Allen; res. Bath, N. T. 1607. III. Moses H.; b. Dec. 25, 1855. 1608. IV. Henry B.; b. Oct. 24, 1860; d. Sept. 2, 1865. •1609. V. Margaret S.; b. April 4, 1864; m. Thomas C. Wellman. 1104. VII. 644. ELIZABETH^ WOODS (READ) [Mary B.« (Lyon), Mosess, Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Sept. 3, 1817, and died Sept. 29, 1885. She married Lazarus Read, born July 9, 1815; died March 29, 1855. Children of Lazarus and Elizabeth (Woods) Read: 1610. I. Mary Woods; b. April 15, 1839. 1611. n. James; b. April 14, 1841; d. Sept. 11, 1842. 1612. in. Hannab; b. Jan. 29, 1843. 1613. IV. EUzabeth; b. Oct. 1, 1844; 4. July 11, 1845. 1614. V. Catharine Elizabeth; b. May 10, 1846; m. Louis Boardman: on* daughter, Anna (m. L. H. Rice); Catharine died Nov. 1897. SEVENTH GENERATION 199 1105. VII. 644. MARY7 WOODS (BUTCHER) [Mary B.6 (Lyon), MosesS, Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born June 1819. She married William A. Butcher. Children of William A. and Mary (Woods) Dutcher. 1616. I. Mary W.; b. April 17, 1843; m. Ambrose Spencer Howell (b. 1822); children: 1. Jolm diagee; 2. Famella; 3. Ambrose Spencer; Mary died Feb. 17, 1891. 1616. II. WiUiam A.; b. 1845. 1617. III. Pamelia b. 1847; m. 1st, John F. Shepard; children 1. Spen- cer HoweU; 2. Clarence; Pamelia married 2nd Frank Horey. 1618. IV. Buloff. 1107. VII. 644. PAMELIA NELSON? WOOBS (WHITING) [Mary B.s (Lyon), MosesS, Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Feb. 7, 1823, and died July 29, 1847. She married, Nov. 23, 1842, Levi Carter Whiting, born Oct. 14, 1842, died April 10, 1861. Children of Levi C. and Pamelia N. (Woods) Whiting: •1619. I. Helena; b. Sept. 8, 1843; m. James Madison Baker; died April 11, 1889. 1620. II. Mary A.; b. May 5, 1845; died 1847. ♦1621. III. William Woods; b. May 26, 1847; d. Aug. 7, 1899. 1108. VII. 644. DAVIB' WOODS [Mary B" (Lyon), Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born April 9, 1829, and died Jan. 25, 1882. He married Sept. 10, 1851, Olive Robie, born Nov. 23, 1830; died July 15, 1872. Children of David and Olive (Robie) Woods: 1622. I. Wmiam; b. Feb. 1, 1854; m. Mary Dayton Pratt. 1623. II. Benben Bobie; b. Aug. 3, 1858; d. Jan. 30, 1882. 1114. VII. 646. S0PHIA7 RICE (BURRINGTON) [Abigail G.s (Lyon), Mosess, Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born March 19, 1822, and died Feb. 1, 1897. She married John Burrington. Children of John and Sophia (Rice) Burrington: 1624. I. William. 1626. II. Mary Elizabeth; m. Edward S. King; 1. daughter, Baby Grace. 1626. III. Helen Grace; m. John Thompson. 1627. IV. John Bice; m. Zebrlna Stagh; 2 children. 1628. V. George Williams; m. Frances Weston; children: 1, Oaylord; 2, Caroline Alice; 3. Florence Sloise. 1629. VI. Sarah Abigail; m. Horace Johns; a son, William Eugene. 1630. VII. Jane Sophia; m. Robert F. Baker; children: 1. Abigail Blanche; 2. Horace Burrington; 3. Bobert Francis; 4. Herman Jenkins 5. Kenneth. 1631. VIII. Caroline Alice. 1632. IX. Frances Florence. 1116. VII. 646. BURRAGE7 RICE [Abigail G.6 (Lyon), Moses5, 200 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Moses*, Benjamin^, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born June 3, 1829, and died near Richmond, Va., in 1864, presumably in the Union Army. He married Mary Smith. Children of Burrage and Mary (Smith) Rice: 1633. I. Anna; m. George Roberts; one son, Hibbard Roberts. 1634. II. Charles Samuel; m. Alma . 1635. III. Mary; m. W. L. Cale. 1118. VII. 647. LYDIA JANE? LYON (CLEVELAND) [Robert B.6, MosesS, Moses*, Benjamin^, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Sept. 21, 1826. She married, Jan. 17, 1844, at Conneaut, O., George Smiths Cleveland [Oliver?, Josiahe, Olivers, Josiah*, Deliverance^ Edward2, Mosesi], who was born July 24, 1821 at Schuylersville, N. Y., and died Dec. 19, 1852, at Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Lydia Jane (Lyon) Cleve- land lives in Minneapolis. Children of George S. and Lydla Jane (Lyon) Cleveland, all but the laot born at Conneaut, O. 1636. I. Catharine liyon; b. Jan. 21, 1845; d. Feb. 22, 1852. •1637. II. John BaU; b. Aug. 19, 1846. *1638. III. Helen Mary; b. July 3, 1848; m. Aaron Morley "Wilcox; res. Washington, D. C. 1639. IV. Anna Jane; b. May 27, 1850; res. Minneapolis, Minn; Daughter of the American Revolution and Colonial Dame. 1640. V. Robert Lyon; b. May 9, 1855; d. Conneaut, O., 1857. ♦1641. VI. Liydia Jane; b. May 21, 1860; m. Thomas Sadler Roberts; re«. Minneapolis. 1642. VII. George Smith, Jr.; b. Oct. 5, 1861; d. April 26, 1895. 1643. VIII. William liyon; b. near Franklin, La., Oct. 27, 1868; died May 3, 1869. 1119. VII. 647. JOHN BACON? LYON [Robert B.6, MosesS, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born April 15, 1829 at Canandaigua, N. Y., and died at Chicago, 111. Dec. 20, 1904. He married at Conneaut, O'., Feb. 9, 1852, Emily Wright, born Oct. 9, 1832. He settled in Chicago, where he was one of the founders of the Board of Trade. He was widely known in the commercial world, a man of great business sagacity and one whose name stood for the highest Ideals of integrity and fair dealing. Children of John B. and Emily (Wright) Lyon: 1644. I. William Chauneey; b. Dec. 15, 1852; d. Sept. 24, 1900. •1645. II. Fanny Howes; b. Oct. 6, 1855; m. Calvin Cobb. •1646. III. Emily Wright; b. Jan. 10, 1861; m. William P. Congar. ♦1647. IV. Jolm Bacon, Jr.; b. Nov. 18, 1863; m. Mary Howie. •1648. V. Catherine Bacon; b. Feb. 7, 1869; m. Robert Hamill. SEVENTH GENERATION 201 1120. Vn. 647. HELEN MARY7 LYON (BLAKESLEY) [Robert B.6, Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Aug. 9, 1832, at Conneaut, Ohio. She married in Conneaut, Jan. 31, 1854, Chauncey F. Blakesley; born April 26, 1826; died 1900. Daughter of Chauncey F. and Helen Mary (Lyon) Blakesley: 1649, I. Clarissa Lyon; b. Nov. 29, 1857. 1122. vn. 647. CARTHERINE7 LYON (WARD) [Robert B.6. Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born at Con- neaut, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1841. She married first, March 11, 1869, Eber B. Ward, who died suddenly, Jan. 2, 1875. She married second, Alex- ander Cameron of Toronto, Ont. Children of Eber B. and Catherine (Lyon) Ward: 1650, I. Eber B.; b. Nov. 26, 1870; m. Eugene Hugel; twin daughters: Hsinee and Phyllis were born to them In Paris, France, Feb. 10, 1890. 1651, II. Clarissa Liyon; b. Feb. 17, 1873; m. Joseph de Careman Chiuray (b. July 4, 1868); children: 1. Marie, b. Paris, France, May 30, 1891; 2. Josepli, b. Paris, France, Aug. 1894. 1123. VII. 647. CLARISSA7 LYON (WADE) [Robert B.6, Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] -was born at Conneaut, O,, Oct. 26, 1843. She married, Feb, 27, 1866, James P,' Wade (Benjamin F.6, Jamess, Samuel*, Capt. Samuel^, Major Nathaniel2, Jonathani), Major General U. S. A. "James F. Wade was commissioned 1st Lieutenant 6th Ohio Cavalry 1861. He had the rank of Captain in 1866, and rose by successive grades to the place of Major General in 1903, commanding the Philippines. He was breveted Brig. General of Volunteers in Feb. 1865, and honorably mustered out April 15, 1865, At the breaking out of the Cuban war, he was made Major General of Volunteers and rendered valuable service in directing the evacuation of the Spanish troops from Cuba. To his son, Lieut. John P. Wade, a member of his staff was granted the privilege of raising the stars and stripes over Moro Castle," Children of James F. and Clarissa (Lyon) "Wade: •1662, L Benjamin F.; b. Nov. 30, 1866. 1653, IL Bobert; b. 1868; d. 1869. •1654. III. Jolrn Parsons; b. May 14, 1872. •1655. rv. Clarissa tyon; b. Sept. 4, 1873; m. Lieut. John Murray Jenkins, 1124. VII, 647. PAULINE^ LYON (STEARNS) [Robert B.6, MosesS, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Con- neaut, O., Nov. 24, 1849, and died at Ludington, Mich., May 5, 1904. 202 • HENRY LYON OF NEWARK She married, March 4, 1868, at Conneaut, Justus Smith Stearns, bom April 17, 1845. He lives at Ludington. Son of Justus S. and Paulina (Lyon) Stearns: *1666. I. Robert Lyon; b. March 14, 1872. 1125. VII. 647. THOMAS RICE? LYON [Robert B.6, Moses", Moses*. Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born at Conneaut, Ohio, May 31, 1854. He attended school in Conneaut, later in Detroit, Mich. In 1872 he became cashier in the Ludington office of his brother-in-law, Eber B. Ward, and remained there until Mr. Ward's death. In 1878 he with his brother John and his sister Catherine Ward secured control of large lumber interests in Ludington, the management of the business being left in his hands. He became one of the most esteemed citizens of Ludington. In 1885 he was elected on the Board of School Trustees, and was for three years president of that board. He married in Ludington, Oct. 26, 1875, Harriet Wade Rice, born Jan. 24, 1856, daughter of Cyrus C. Rice. He now (1905) makes his home in Chicago, 111. Children of Thomas R. and Harriet Wade (Rice) Lyon: 1667. I. Robert CyniB; b. Oct. 14. 1876; d. Dec. 14, 1876. •1658. II. Emily Clarissa; b. Oct. 11, 1878; m. John W. Gary. •1659. III. John KeUoggr; b. July 17, 1880. •1660. IV. Paollna Steams; b. April 12, 1882; m. Calvin Fentress. 1661. V. Thomas Rice; b. May 6, 1886; d. Oct. 4, 1886. 1662. VI. Harriet Rice; b. July 8, 1889. 1126. VII. 648. HELEN ANN? LYON (LEWIS) [Abner ?.«, Mosess, Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born at Prattsburg, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1825, and died at Naples, N. Y., June 17, 1897. She married John Shooman Lewis of Naples, N. Y. Children of John S. and Helen Ann (Lyon) Lewis: 1663. I. Cutler Leonard; m. Esther A. Dunton; children: 1. Lena; 2. Minnie E., d. Aug. 1891; 3. Charles L., 4. Gordon, m. 1902, Bstelle James, [a son, James Leonard]; 4. Helen 6.; 5. Frances E. 1664. II. Charles Clinton; m. Mary A. Serverson; children: 1. Anna Holmes; 2. James Ward. 1666. HI. Frank Lyon; m. Emma Johnson; no children. 1666. IV. Jacob Edward; m. Mary Wlnne; children: 1. Wlnne Lyon; t. Arthur Leonard. 1667. V. Mary Helen; m. Denlson H. Maxwell; children: 1. Bessie 0.; 3. Jennie S.; 3. Mary M.; 4. Helen L.; 6. Hiram. 1663. VI. Clara Jane; m. CSiarles Smith; children: 1. Jennie A.; >. Marion A.; 3. Clara E. 1669. VII. William James; m. Addle Potter; no children. 1670. VIII. John Ward; of Naples, N. T.; unmarried. SEVENTH GENERATION 208 1127. VII. 648. BENJAMIN LEONARD? LYON [Abner P.6, Moses', Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry*] was born in Pratts- burg, N. Y., in 1827. He married first, Jane Hare, and second, Eliza- beth Nobles. Children of Benjamin L. and Jane (Hare) Lyon: 1671. I. Benjamin L.eonard; d. in youth. 1672. II. Abner Lester; d. In youth. 1131. Vn. 648. STERNE HUMPHREYS? LYON [Abner P.', Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born In Prattsburg, N. Y,, about 1833. He married Laura Strong. Children of Sterne H. and Laura (Strong) Lyon: •1673. I. Edward; m. Clara Pierce. •1674. II. Helen; m. William Parr". •1676. III. Jennie; m. Dana Hatch. 1676. IV. Leonard; unmarried. 1677. V. Mary Sophronla; m. George Smith. •1678. VI. Alice Laura; m. Arthur Putnam. 1133. VII. 648. HARRIET HONOR? LYON (LEE) [Abner P.«. Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born In Lyonsville, N. Y. She married Oren D. Lee. Residence, Kansas. Children of Oren D. and Harriet Honor (Lyon) Lee: 1679. I. Ida; m. D. Waterous. 1680. IL Caroline; d. aged 20 years. 1134. VII. 648. LAURA CAROLINE? LYON (LYON) [Abner P.«, Mosess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born In Lyons- ville, N. Y. She married S. Duane Lyon of Lyonsville. (Children of S. Duane and Laura Caroline (Lyon) Lyon: 1681. I. Arthur Abner. 1682. II. Robert Simeon. 1683. III. Irrlns Duane. 1137. VII. 652. CAROLINE ELIZA? LITTLE (HAYDEN) (PRATT) [Jane Afi (Lyon), Mosess, Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born at East Avon, N. Y., April 4, 1831. She mar- ried first, Oct. 26, 1863, at Saginaw, Mich., James Hayden, and second, June 5, 1883, Josiah Pratt. Children of James and Caroline Eliza (Little) Hayden: 1684. I. Norman Little; b. Oct. 21, 1854; m. 1st., Jan. 1879, Minnie Ford; m. 2nd, Jan. 1896, Grace Vail; one son, Norman little; b. May 16, 1904. 1686. n. Catharine L. B.; b. Jan. 23, 1856; m. Sept. 25, 1879; WlUlam B. Doughty (b. Aurora, N. T.. March 14, 1850); a daughter, LesUe N. DouKhty; b. Saginaw, Mich., July 31, 1880; m. May 20, 1901, In San Diego, Calif., Frank Tassrert. 204 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 1141. VII. 652. HELEN GANSBV00RT7 LITTLE (DERBY) (LATHRUP) [Jane A.* (Lyon), Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Sept. 23, 1839, and died Nov. 22, 1875. She married first, Benjamin P. Derby, and second, Dr. George Lathrup. ChUdren of Benjamin P. and Helen G. (Little) Derby: 1686. I. WiUiam P.; b. July 25, 1862. 1687. IL John Norman; b. July 10, 1867. 1688. III. Mary C. 1145. VII. 654. CATHERINE ELIZABETH? GANSEVOORT (MAGEE) (ANGEL) [Helen R.6 (Lyon), MosesS, Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in 1833. She married first, in 1852, Duncan Stuart Magee, of Bath, N. Y., and second, Benjamin F. Angel, Genessee, N. Y. Children of Duncan S. and Catherine E. (Gansevoort) Magee: 1689. I. ArabeUa Stuart; b. Corning, N. Y., 1854; m. Alfred Lewis Edwards, Esq.; a daughter, Helen Gansevoort Edwards, m. 1896, Archibald Kennedy Mackay, New York. 1690. II. Helen Gansevoort; b. Corning, 1855; m. Lewis Edwards, New York; children: 1. Mary Gansevoort Edwards, b. 1878; 2. Duncan Lewis Edwards; b. 1879. 1155. VII. 660. HARRIS LYON? JOHNSON [Abigails (Lyon), Obediahs, Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born July 18, 1837, and died March 30, 1898 at Elizabeth, N. J. He married, Oct. 16, 1861, Cornelia Drake, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Collins) Townley, born July 25, 1837. Children of Harris Lyon and Cornelia (Townley) Johnson: 1690a. I. £mma Andrus; b. Aug. 8, 1864. 1690b. II. Jennie; b. Jan. 7, 1868; m. Frederick Gourlie Cole. 1690c. III. WiUlam Harris; b. Aug. 18. 1874. 1690d. IV. Bessie Brown; b. Oct. 11, 1877; m. W^illiam Stockton Earl. 1159. VII. 665. MARY FRANCES? LYON (HOE) [MosesB, Richards, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Dec. 12, 1827. She married, Aug, 26, 1849, Alfred C. Hoe, of New York City, who died Dec. 13, 1891. Mary Frances (Lyon) Hoe is a Daughter of the American Revolution. Present address (1905) 327 W. 14th St., New York City. Children of Alfred C. and Mary Frances (Lyon) Hoe: 1691. I. Mary Frances; m. April 27, 1876, William G. Woodsworth, who died In New York City, April 30, 1891. She died Feb. 11, 1877, ae. 26 yeare. 1693. II. Emma Augrusta; m. Dec. 7, 1880, Francis J. V7orcester. 1693. III. Anna Virginia. 1694. IV. Amelia Lyon; a Daughter of the American Revolution. EIGHTH GENERATION 205 1696. V. Ella Wright; d. Dec. 5, 1901. 1696. VI. George Alfred. 1697. VII. William James. The last three are triplets. g 1167. VII. 692. SARAH' TUCKER (WILCOX) [Elizabeth' (Lyon), Ebenezers, Peter*, EbenezerS, Ebenezer2, Henryi] married John Wilcox. Children of John and Sarah (Tucker) Wilcox: 1698. I. George; m. May 16, 1848, Harriet Little; a son, George Wilcox, b. May 24, 1849. 1699. II. Silas; m. Sarah A. Drake; children: 1. Sarah A.; 2. Jonathan; 3. Hetty. 1180. VII. 694. SARAH7 LYON (BADGLEY) [JohnS, Ebenezers, Peter*, Ebenezer3, Ebenezerz, Henryi] was born in 1809. She married Dayton Badgley. Children of Dayton and Sarah (Lyon) Badgley: 1700. I. Mary; b. April 1836. 1701. II. Ellen; d. aged 7 years. 1702. III. Margaret. 1703. IV. IsabeUa; b. 1841; d. 1848. 1704. V. Eugene. 1705. VI. Eliza. 1706. VII. Harriet Meeker. 1707. VIII. James. 1213. VIII. 727. ELDRIDGE MERRICK8 LYON [Isaac^, Stephen S.6, Johns, John*, Isaacs, Thomas2, Henryi] was born in Chicago, 111., Nov. 14, 1853. He was graduated from Detroit High School, 1870, and from Yale College, 1875. It was the privilege of one of the editors of this memorial, Dr. A. B. Lyons, descendant of William Lyon, of Rox- bury, 1635, to "tutor" Eldridge Lyon in Homer, in preparation for enter- ing College. Eldridge M. Lyon is now a successful orange grower at Redlands, Calif. He married, Sept. 18, 1878, at Detroit, Mich., Clara S., daughter of John R. and Caroline (Chidsey) Grout. Children of Eldridge M. and Clara S. (Grout) Lyon: •1708. I. Alice Grout; b. Detroit, July 9, 1879; m. Donald Scott; res. Red- lands, Calif. 1709. II. Buth; b. Detroit, Dec. 23, 1881; grad. Wellesley College, 1904. 1227. VIII. 729. ISAACS LYON [John7, Isaacs, ^, Mat- taniah*, Isaac^ Thomas2, Henryi] married, Dec. 21, 1871, Mary (Fordyce) Hill, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Fordyce, and widow of Lewis Hill. They live at Franklin, N. J. 206 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Isaac and Mary (Fordyce) (Hill) Lyon: 1710. L Ida J.; b. Nov. 7, 1872; m. Frank Mains. 1711. II. £dna Kate; b. July 4, 1876; m. Sept. 1, 1897, Edward Sturtevant. 1240. VIII. 742. PHEBB CAROLINES LYON (MILLS) [AaronT, Stephens, Johns, Eliphalet*, Isaacs Thomas2, Henryi] married William Samuel Mills, of Farmington, Conn. Son of "William S. and Phebe Caroline (Lyon) Mills: 1712. I. Frederick; m. Minnie, daughter of Walter Beach Plume, of Orange, N. J.; children: 1. £thel May; 2. Sadie; 3. Edward. 1252. VIII. 802. DAVID FRANCIS8 DENMAN [Aaron^, Mary (Lyon) 6, Elijahs, Thomas*, ThomasS, Thomas2, Henryi] was born April 15, 1830. He married, Oct. 18, 1855, Matilda Ward Whiting, born May 24, 1835. Children of David F. and Matilda Ward (Whiting) Denman: 1713. I. Clara Belle; b. July 14, 1857; m. July 26, 1882, Edward G. Olney; children: 1. Anna Belle, b. May 4, 1883; 2. Clara Dorothea, b. July 12, 1885; 3. Eleanor, b. Aug. 24, 1888; 4. Francis Denman, b. Feb. 8, 1860. 1714. II. Alfred Whiting; b. Feb. 8. 1860; d. 1715. III. Alida Mary; b. Jan. 14, 1861; d. Nov. 3, 1863. 1716. IV. Fmma Lonisa; b. . 1717. V. Herbert; b. Aug. 3, 1870. 1718. VI. Matthias Whiting; b. Jan. 24, 1871; m. Emma Frances Pender- gast. 1264. VIII. 805. ANNA M.8 RANSOM (SYNDS) [Charlotte WJ, MaryB (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, Thomas3, Thomas2, Henryi] was born July 12, 1838. She married Ezra H. Synds. Children of Ezra H. and Anna M. (Ranson) Synds: 1719. I. WilUam Bictor; m. June 21, 1882, Hattle Beal; a son, William; b. Sept. 17, 1886. 1720. II. Frank; b. 1857; d. . 1721. III. Charles E.; 1861; d. 1268. VIII. 806. MARY ALMA? RICH (JOHNSON) [Anna M.'' (Denman), Mary6 (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, Thomas3, Thomas2, Henryi] was born June 6, 1847. She married, Sept. 25, 1867, Charles Wesley Johnson, who for twelve years was Chief Clerk of the United States Senate. Children of Charles W. and Mary Alma (Rich) Johnson: 1722. I. Alma Morton; b. June 30, 1868. 1723. II. Charles I.ewis; b. Oct. 7. 1870. 1724. III. Denman F.; b. Dec. 1, 1873. 1273. VIII. 807. CAROLINE DENMAN8 MEDBURY (KNAPP) [Phebe W.7 (Denman), MaryS (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, Thomas', EIGHTH GENERATION 207 Thomas2, Henryi] was born Nov. 21, 1841. She married, Oct. 5, 1871, Velesco J. Knapp. Children of Velesco J. and Caroline D. (Medbury) Knapp: 1735. I. Mary; b. Aug. 2, 1872. 1726. 11. Edwin; b. Sept. 4, 1874. 1727. III. Flora Marcia; b. 1879. 1275. VIII. 809. CARLOS LYON' DENMAN [Samuer, Mary* (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas2, Henryi] was born April 9, 1854. He married Mary E. Hershman. Children of Carlos L. and Mary E. (Hershman) Denman: 1728. I. Mary Edith. 1729. II. Cliarles. 1730. III. Heien. 1276. VIII. 809. MARY8 DENMAN (MAXWELL) [SamueF, Mary6 (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, ThomasS, Thomas2, Henryi] married, Sept. 27, 1876, Joseph Maxwell. Children of Joseph and Mary (Denman) Maxwell: 1731. I. William K. 1732. II. Edith. 1733. III. Stuart Denman. 1279. VIII. 811. ELLA M.8 DENMAN (HACK) [John M.^ MaryS (Lyon), Elijahs, Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas2, Henryi] married, June 5, 1872, John Hack. Children of John and Ella M. (Denman) Hacli: 1734. I. l.aura C; b. 1873. 1735. II. Henry Denman; b. 1875. 1736. III. Carlos L,.; b. 1877. 1737. IV. Martin; b. 1878. 1738. V. Eddie; b. 1880. 1739. VI. Edith G.; b. 1883. 1740. VII. Frank; b. 1885. 1282. VIII. 811a. GEORGE HALE8 WE (Lyon), - 6, 5, 4 , — , — 3 » WHEELOCK [Louisa A.T Thomas2, Henryi] was born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1845. He married at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 18, 1878, Kate R., daughter of John and Mary (Underwood) Murray. They had no children. George Hale Wheelock was edu- cated in the public schools. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebel- lion; enlisted at Ogdensburg, Feb, 1865; served with Company I, 1st Frontier Cavalry; was mustered out July 1st, 1865. By occupation he Is a grain dealer, and lives at Germania, Kossuth Co., Iowa. 208 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 1302. VIII. 840. J0HANNA8 ENYART (TAYLOR) [Susanna' (Clark), Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samueiz, Henryi] married David Taylor. Children of David and Johanna (Enyart) Taylor: 1741. I. Parthenla; m. Wren, San Jose, Calif. 1742. II. Snsan; m. Dr. Gunekle, San Jose, Calif. 1743. in. Rachel; m. John Clark; res. Ohio. 1744. IV. Sarah; res. Chicago. 1745. V. Newton. 1746. VI. David. 1747. VII. Emma. 1303. VIII. 840. SARAHS ENYART (LIBBEE) [Susanna' (Clark), Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] married David Liebee. Children of David and Sarah (Enyart) Liebee: 1748. I. Mary; m. Horace P. Clough, Middleton, O. 1749. II. Susan. 1750. III. Elvira; m. F. Stephens, Los Angeles, Calif. 1751. IV. Catherine; m. William Armstrong, Columbus, O. 1753. V. Jacob; m. Chadwick. 1753. VI. Sarah. 1305. VIII. 840. WILLIAMS ENYART [Susanna^ (Clark) Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] married Eliza Yeager. Children of William and Eliza (Yeager) Enyart: 1754. I. J. Homer; m. Susan ; res. (1902) Dayton, O.; children: 1. Arthur D.; 2. Ethel E. 1756. II. George. 1756. III. WiUiam. 1306. VIII. 840. VINCENT' ENYART [Susanna^ (Clark), Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] married Elizabeth Campbell. Children of Vincent and Elizabeth (Campbell) Enyart: 1757. I. Minerva; m. Domineck. 1758. II. Rebecca; m. Gardner Phipps, Clncianatl, O. 1759. III. Charles. 1760. IV. Alexander. 1307. VIII. 840. BENJAMINS ENYART [Susanna^ (Clark), Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samueiz, Henryi] married Margaret . EIGHTH GENERATION 209 Children of Benjamin and Margaret ( ) Enyart: 1761. I. Sasan Margaret. 1762. II. Jeremiah. 1764. IV. John. 1765. V. Esther. 1308. VIII. 840. HANNAHS ENYART (DEARTH) [Susannai (Clark), WilliamB, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] married Absolom Dearth, Children of Absolom and Hannah <.13nyart) Dearth: 1766. I. Susan; m. 1st. Brookman; iv. 2nd, Linton. 1767. II. Anker; m. Cottle, Wayu-isville, O. 1311. VIII. 841. DAVID SUTTONS COX [Sarah7 (Clark), Williams, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] wa3 born In Bridgewater, N, J., May 4, 1795, and died in Fairfield, O., in 1870. He married first, Anna Tingley, and second, Mrs. Mary (Light) Ham. Children of David Sutton Cox: ♦1768. I, John M.; b. 1820; m. EUzaoech Kii-kpatrlck. •1769. II. Daniel Y.; b. 1822; m. Cathex-lno Grissey. 1770. III. Samuel; b. 1825; not m. ; d. in. ♦1771, IV. Joseph W,; b. 1828; res. Miami County, O. ' 1772. V. Sarah; b. 1832; m. William HensLon; rei. , Indiana. •1773. VI. Mary E.; b. 1834; m. Irvin Wrijl^y. 1774. VII. Peter Light; b. 1836; d. 78 70. 1775. VIII. William Henry; b. 1838; m Harriet Thome; removed from Miami County, Ohio, to Garden City, .. Iianra (m. Walter C. Buckingham; res. Lawrence, Kansas); Henry d. 1868. 1823. IV. Pauline; m. Charles O. Lewis; a son, Charles H. Lewis, res. Cincinnati, O. 1326. VIII. 842. CHARLES B.8 CLARK [Jonathan7, William*, Rebeccas (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs, Samuel2, Henryi] married Children of Charles B. Clark: 1824. I. Samantha; m. Richard Jacobs; a daughter, Blanche Jacobs, m. Carter; res. Dayton. O. There were other children. 1825. II. Adeline; m. James O. Davis; a daughter, Lionella Davis, m. Charles C. Spalding. 1350. VIII. 898. RICHARD LEWIS8 BUTLER [Abby7 (Congar), Josephe, Davids, Joanna* (Crane), AbigaiP (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] of Columbus, Ga., was born Jan. 28, 1822, and died in Florida 1893. He married Elizabeth Holt. Children of Richard L. and Elizabeth (Holt) Butler: 1826. I. Mary Sankey. 1827. II. Lucy Shields; m. Danlell; res. Florida. 1828. III. Martha Holt; m. John Lapsley; res. Alabam.a. 1829. IV. Thaddens Good; d. young 1830. V. Abby Congar. 1831. VI. Richard Lewis; m. Kate Dozler, of Atlanta, Ga. 1832. VII. Elizabeth A.; d. young. 1352. VIII. 898. JOSEPH C0NGAR8 BUTLER [Abby7 (Congar), Joseph^, Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Jan. 3, 1827, and died Jan. 13, 1893. He married Mary Pill- ing, born Nov. 22, 1827, at Bedford, Pa.; died May 3, 1890 in Louisville, Ky. Children of Joseph C. and Mary (Pilling) Butler: •1833. I. James GUlespie; b. May 27, 1849. 1834. II. Mary L.; d. an infant. •1835. III. Laura Bell; b. Jan. 12, 1859; m. Glendy Burke Taylor. 1836. IV. Anna Cornelia; b. April 11, 1862; m. July 6, 1893, Robert B. Davenport. EIGHTH GENERATION 218 1837. V. Walter Pilling; b. Sept. 13, 1867; m. Jan. 22, 1896, Josephine Rofrank. 1355. VIII. 899. ABBY H.8 CAMPBELL (SMITH) [Deborah^ (Congar), Josephs, Daniel^ Joanna* (Crane), Abigails (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born in Newark, N. J., Oct. 1, 1815, and died in New Albany, Ind., in June 1904. She married Major Isaac P. Smith, of Newark. He died in New Albany. . Children of Isaac P. and Abby H. (Campbell) Smith: 1838. I. James B. W.; [Judge]; of Louisville, Ky. ; m. Anna Baldwin. 1839. II. Edward; now dead. 1839a. III. Samuel S. L,. S.; m. Elizabeth R. Potter (No. 1403). 1839b. IV. Catharine; m. William H. Wade; now (1906) a widow; res. New Albany, Ind. 1363. VIII. 905. WILLIAM HENRYS CONGAR [Stephen M.7, Stephens, Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigails (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Jan. 25, 1838, and died Dec. 26, 1900. He married, May 1856, Charlotte E. Black. Children of William H. and Charlotte E. (Black) Congar: 1840. I. William Alexander. 1841. II. Stephen M. 1842. III. George H.; m. Alice . 1843. IV. Frank W. 1844. V. Charles J. 1845. VI. Charlotte Catherine. 1387. VIII. 918. REV. JAMES FORSYTH^ RIGGS D. D. [Ellas', Margarets (Congar), Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Oct. 4, 1852. He married in 1878, Isabella Brittin. Children of James F. and Isabella (Brlttln) Riggs: 1846. I. Arthur Stanley. 1847. II. James Forsyth. 1848. III. Ethel Brittin. 1849. IV. Elizabeth Trowbridge. 1396. VIII. 921. REV. FRANCIS CASSAT8 MONFORT [HannaM (Riggs), Margarets (Congar), DavidS, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Sept. 11, 1844. He married May 17, 1871, Anna Hubbard, Children of Francis C. and Anna (Hubbard) Monfort: 1850. I. Mary Esta; b. Feb. 20. 1872. 1851. II. John Glass; b. Aug. 10, 1873; m. Nov. 27, 1901, Irene Patterson; a son, Francis Cassat Patterson, b. 1903. 1400. VIII. 922. MARGARET RIGGS8 POTTER (DIXON) [Phebe7 (Riggs), Margarets (Congar), Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail' (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born July 16, 1846. She married Aug. 18, 1875, Charles Dixon. 214 ■ HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Charles and Margaret R. (Potter) Dixon: 1852. I. Abbie Ethelwyn Hall; b. Nov. 16, 1876; m. Francis Wynne. 1853. II. Herbert. 1401. VIII. 922. REV. JOSEPH LEWIS8 POTTER [Phebe^ (Riggs), Margarets (Congar), Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigails (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Feb. 22, 1848. He married, Aug. 1, 1878, Harriet Riggs. For some years Dr. Potter was in Persia connected with the Presbyterian Mission. , Children of Joseph L. and Harriet (Riggs) Potter: 1854. I. Albert Riggs; b. July 11, 1880; d. Aug. 1, 1903. 1855. II. Phebe; b. July 24. 1885. 1402. VIII. 922. ANNA ABBIE8 POTTER (MONFORT) [Phebe? (Riggs), Margaret^ (Congar), Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail* (Lyon), Joseph2, Henryi] was born Oct. 30, 1849. She married, Sept. 8, 1889, David G. Monfort. Children of David G. and Anna Abble (Potter) Monfort: 1856. I. Stanley Potter. 1857. II. David P. 1405. VIII. 922. SAMUEL ARCHIBALDS POTTER [Phebe? (Riggs), Margarets (Congar), Davids, Joanna* (Crane), Abigail^ (Lyon), Josephs, Henryi] was born Feb. 4, 1856. He married Edith Chapman. Children of Samuel A. and Edith (Chapman) Potter: 1858. I. Stanley. 1859. II. Frank. 1860. III. Arda. 1412. VIII. 948. MARINDA8 LYON (MOCKBRIDGE) [Lewis?, Benjamins, Benjamins, Benjamin*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] married George Mockbridge. Children of George and Marlnda (Lyon) Mockbridge: 1861. I. Mary Anne. 1862. II. Sarah Ward. 1863. III. Laura Greene. 1864. IV. George. 1865. V. Lewis. 1866. VI. Henry. 1414. VIII. 948. CHARLES8 LYON [Lewis?, Benjamins, Ben- jamins, Benjamin*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] married Louisa Reeves. EIGHTH GENERATION 215 Children of Charles and Louisa (Reeves) Lyon: 1867. I. Charles. 1868. II. WilUam. 1452. VIII. 956. ELIZABETHS DAY (DAVIS) [Amos?, Samuels, Amoss, Mary4 (Lyon), Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Oct. 17, 1841. She married, March 29, 1865, Charles Davis. Children of Charles and Elizabeth (Day) Davis: 1869. I. Bessie Clarli; b. Jan. 3, 1867. •1870. II. Charles Day; b. Aug. 25, 1869; res. Easton, Pa. 1466b. VIII. 1021. ANNA AMELIA* CRANE (MARSHALL) [Joanna' (Woodruff), Phebe" (Lyon), David", Samuel*, Benjamin*, Ben- jamin Esq.^ Henryi] was born in Newark, N. J. July 30, 1851. She married in Newark, May 1, 1872, Philin M. Marshall, son of Rev. Jabez and Phebe (Mills) Marshall of Walsall, Eng., late of Long Branch, N. J. Present address (1907) 66 Nairn Place, Newark, N. J. Children of Philip M. and Anna A. (Crane) Marshall: 1870a. I. Howard F.; b. March 17, 1873; educated for the ministry; m. Sept. 1894, Henrietta Brandenburg; d. in Liberty, N. T., Oct. 12, 1899. 1870b. II. Edgar J.; b. June 16, 1874; d. Lee. 1874. 1870b. IL Edgar J.; b. June 16, 1874; d. Dec. 1874. 1870d. IV. Florence A. B.; b. Nov. 16, 1879. 1870c. V. Phebe D. B.; b. Nov. 16, 1887. 1870f. VI. Gladys C; b. Nov. 18. 1889. 1473. VIII. 1056. MARY MELINDA8 LYON (HARRIS) [Sidney S.7, Jonathan W.g, JamesS, Mosesi, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 15, 1832. She was married at the Lyon homestead, the "Octagon," West Riverside, near Jeffersonville, Ind., Jan. 19, 1857, to James W. Harris of New York City, who was born in Hodginsville, Ky., May 24, 1829, and died in New York City April 28, 1892. She resides (1906) in Chicago. Children of James W. and Mary Mellnda (Lyon) Harris: *1871. I. Paul Vincent; b. July 26, 1860, at the "Octagon." *1872. II. Ada Mary Parmelee; b. Dec. 28, 1862, at the "Octagon;" m. Edward Arthur James; res. Chicago, 111. 1873. III. Nora Wathen; b. New York City, Nov. 19, 1865; Daughter of the American Revolution; m. at Chicago, June 25, 1889, Robert Tilghman Badg- ley of New York City; res. New York City; no children. 1474. VIII. 1056. N0RA8 [HONORA] LYON (WATHEN) (ADAMS) [Sidney S.^ Jonathan W.°, James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Ben- jamin Bsq.^ Henry'] was born in Louisville, Ky., (cor. Third and Mar- ket Sts.) Oct. 14, 1834. She was married first at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, to Capt. James N. Wathen (U. S. N., Civil 216 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK War) Jan. 28, 1852. He died Aug. 4, 1867. She married second, at the home of her sister, Blanche Lyon Caldwell, Indianapolis, July 12, 1871, John Adams, who died March 23, 1901. Nora Lyon Adams died Dec. 26, 1903, Jeffersonville, Ind. She and Captain Wathen, and their children, are buried in Walnut Ridge Cemetery. John Adams is buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville. Children of James N. and Nora (Lyon) Wathen: 1874. L Lillian MUes; b. Dec. 23, 1853; d. April 20, 1860. 1875. II. Sidney Athenasins; b. July 13, 1856; d. Dec. 29, 1866. 1476. VIII. 1056. BLANCHE** LYON (CALDVvELL) [Sidney S. Jonathan W.^, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Louisville, Ky., May 23, 1839. She was married at the "Octagon," May 23, 1859, to William Wallace Caldwell who was born in Portsmouth, O., Aug. 3, 1834, and died in Chicago, Nov. 2, 1891. He was Captain in the 23rd Indiana Infantry, and Colonel of the 81st Indiana Infantry in the Civil War. Col. Caldwell is buried In the Walnut Ridge Cemetery. Children of "William W. and Blanche (Lyon) Caldwell: •1876. I. WUliam Lyon; b. Jeffersonville, Ind., April 20, 1860; res. Indian- apolls, Ind. ♦1877. II. Jessie Mary; b. Jeffersonville, July 17, 18 ; m. 1st, BlI Shaw; m. 2nd, Michael Joseph Reis; res. East London, South Africa. 1878. III. Mildred Downey; b. Indianapolis, Ind., May 3, 1873; d. Chlcagro, Sept. 26, 1898; burled Walnut RId&e Cemetery. 1477. VIII. 1056. MILDRED COSBY« LYON (HAND) [Sidney S.'. Jonathan W.6, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Louisville Ky., Dec. 8, 1841, and lives (1905) near Jefferson- ville, Ind., with her sister, Sidney E. Lyon, at the "Octagon." She was married March 4, 1862, at the "Octagon," to Capt. George Dallas Hand, of Allentown, Pa., born 1830; died Nov. 5, 1892. He was Captain in Lochiel Cavalry, Pa., and Major of Artillery in the Civil War. Daughter of George D. and Mildred Cosby (Lyon) Hand: *1879. I. Blanche Vincent; b. at the "Octagon," Aug. 19, 1867; m. Alex- ander H. Simmons; res. Chicago, 111. 1479. VIII. 1056. JOHN CHARLES^ LYON [Sidney S.', Jon- athan W.6, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Jeffersonville, Ind., Aug. 8, 1847, and lives (1905) at East Orange, N. J. He married at East Orange, Sept. 26, 1877, Amy Ellison Myers. He is a charter member of the Orange Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. FIGHTH GENERATION 217 Children of John Charles and Amy SUison (Myers) Lyon: 1880. I. Charles Albert; electrical engineer; b. East Orange, N. J., Dec. 31, 1878; grad. Princeton, 1901; in Cornell 1905; won distinction in athletics, but d. of diphtheria, March 26, 1907 in East Orange; buried at Rosedale Cem. 1881. II. Harry Ellison [Henry]; b. East Orange, Jan. 26, 1880; grad. Princeton, 1901; In New York Law School 1905. 1882. III. Natalie Vincent; b. East Orange, Feb. 18, 1881. 1883. IV. Chester Myers; b. East Orange, Jan. 2, 1884; in Princeton Col- lege (1905). 1480. VIII. 1056. FLORENCES LYON (STANTON) [Sidney SJ, Jonathan W.^, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born in Jeffersonville, Ind., Feb. 1, 1849. She was married at the "Octagon," Jan. 18, 1870, to Charles Benjamin Stanton, of Winchester, Mass., who was born in New Orleans, La., Nov. 9, 1840. They lived formerly in Western Springs, Cook County, 111., but removed in 1906 to Tacoma, Wash. The children of Florence Lyon Stanton were educated in Europe. Children of Charles Benjamin and Florence (Lyon) Stanton: 1884. I. Mary Adelaide; b. Oct. 16, 1871, at the "Octagon." *1885. II. Helen Vincent; b. Jeffersonville, Ind. Nov. 7, 1873; m. 1st, Lorln A. Etter; m. 2nd, James Edward Breed; res. Western Springs, 111. 1886. III. John Charles; b. at the "Octagon," Jan. 14, 1876; not married. 1887. IV. Victor Burleigh; b. Chicago, Dec. 3, 1878; married in Chicago, June S, 1901, James Bertram Currie. 1482. VIII. 1056. VICTOR WATHEN* LYON [Sidney S.', Jon- athan W.6, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] University of Michigan, Geologist, Palaeontologist and Civil Engineer, was born In Jeffersonville, Ind., June 29, 1853. Present address, Jeffersonville, cor. Pearl and Market Sts. He married at Jeffersonville, Nov. 26, 1886, Gertrude Pettit. Children of Victor W. and Gertrude (Pettit) Lyon: 1888. I. Mary Vincent; b. Aug. 5, 1888, at the "Octagon." 1889. II. Mildred Florence; b. Jan. 13, 1890, at the "Octagon." 1890. III. Sidney Peyton; b. Jan. 29, 1894, at Jeffersonville, Ind. 1492. VIII. 1059. ALICE VIOLA* TAYLOR (BIERCE) [Eliz- abeth W.7, (Lyon), Jonathan Wfi, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born in Cincinnati, O., May 12, 1842. She mar- ried in Cincinnati, Rev. Daniel Everette Bierce (Presbyterian Church), who died at Oxford, 1896. Children of Daniel E. and Alice Viola (Taylor) Bierce: 1891. I. Harold. 1892. II. Constance E.; ra. Charles W. Jayred, Cleveland. O. 1893. III. Ernest. 1894. IV. Everette 8. 218 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 1496. VIII. 1059. OAKLEY ROBINSON* TAYLOR [Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), Jonathan Wfi, James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.', Henry'] was born March 28, 1852, and now (1905) lives in Greenville, S. Carolina. He married in Cincinnati, Oct. 16, 1873, Kate Celest Tanner. Children of Oakley K. and Kate C. (Tanner) Taylor: •1895. I. AUce Louise; b. Cincinnati. Aug. 13, 1875; m. Robert Charlei Edwards. •1898. II. Edith Sara; b. Cincinnati, Oct. 25, 1877; m. James Rose Rutledge. •1897. III. Helen Marie; b. Cincinnati, May 25, 1881; m. Samuel Edward Conyers. 1898. IV. Frank Gordon; b. Cincinnati, July 6, 1883. 1899. V. Madge Gordon; b. Pleasant Ridge, O., July 8, 1885; m. at Green- ville, S. Carolina, May 28, 1904, Samuel Durand Adams. 1900. VI. Grace Irwin; b. W^ilmington, Clinton Co., O., Feb. 8, 1893. 1507. VIII. 1064. PERCY LYON^ BETTS [Martha J.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.e, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born March 7, 1854. He married at Alton, 111., Feb. 1, 1881, Flora M. Matthews. ^ Children of Percy L. and Flora M. (Mathews) Betts: 1901. I. Edith M.; b. Jan. 31, 1884. 1902. II. Marjory; b. Sept. 25, 1891. 1903. III. Elden; b. Oct. 18, 1893. 1508. VIII. 1064. ADA BLANCHE" BETTS (LOWE) [Martha J.7 (Lyon), Jonathan W.e, James5, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henry'] was born Sept. 27, 1857. She married, Jan. 1884, William Wescott Lowe. Children of V7111iam W. and Ada Blanche (Betts) Lowe: 1904. I. Gilbert Ames; b. July 16. 1887. 1006. II. Raymond Betts; b. Sept. 7, 1893. 1510. VIII. 1064. RAYMOND DARE' BETTS [Martha J.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.e, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Dec. 7, 1861. He maried at Woodlawn, Ala., Nov. 13, 1888, Florence Wood. Children of Raymond Dare and Florence (Wood) Betts: 1906. L Grace WUson; b. Nov. 21, 1889. 1007. II. BusseU Wood; b. Oct. 9, 1891. 1511. VIII. 1064. EDWARD EVERETT" BETTS [Martha J.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.g, JamesS, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Esq.2, Henryi] was born Aug. 30, 1863. His home is in Chattanooga, Tenn. He married in that place, April 10, 1889, Sarah Aull. EIGHTH GENERATION 219 Children of Edward E. and Sarah (AuU) Belts: 1908. I. Clifford AiiU; b. March 4, 1890. 1909. II. Katherine; b. June 4, 1892. 1910. III. Edward Everett; b. Nov. 3, 1895. 1513. VIII. 1064. JOHN SIDNEY' BETTS [Martha J.' (Lyon). Jonathan Wfi, Jamess, Moses*, Benjamins, Benjamin Bsq.2, Henryi] was born March 31, 1868. He married in Chattanooga, Tenn,, May 1, 1891, Anna M. Johnson. Res. (1905) Chattanooga. Daughter of John Sidney and Anna M. (Johnson) Betts: 1911. I. Helen Anderson; b. May 3, 1893. 1521. VIII. 1072. WILLIAM MARION* LANGDON [Joanna' (Lyon), James", James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.*, Henry'] was born Nov. 16, 1840, and died in Cincinnati, Feb. 29, 1904. He served all through the Civil War, and was wounded at the battle of Shiloh. He married, Dec. 29, 1869, Maria Clark. Children of William M. and Maria (Clark) Langdon: 1912. I. Stanley M.; b. June 26, 1873. 1913. II. Helen C; b. Sept. 7, 1877; m. Frank C. Workman, Raleigh, N. C, one son, Chester li. Workman. 1533. VIII. 1075. FLORA CARDER' LYON (BARRETT) [James C, James', James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^, Henry*] was born March 25, 1854. She married, April 29, 1875, Edward L. Barrett. Children of Edward L. and Flora Carder (Lyon) Barrett: 1914. I. Nellie. 1915. II. Arthur. 1916. III. Herbert. 1917. IV. Walter. 1918. V. Mabel. 1919. VI. Bertha. 1535. VIII. 1075. CAROLINE GERTRUDE' LYON (HOHL) [James CJ, James', James', Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.'', Henry'] was born Nov. 21, 1859. She married, Oct. 10, 1889, Theodore Hohl. Children of Theodore and Caroline Gertrude (Lyon) Hohl: 19S0. I. Russell Lyon: b. 1891. 1921, II. Willard Hoffman [a daughter] ; b. 1893. 1922. IIL Ruth; b. 1895. 1536. VIII. 1075. HARVEY CLARK8 LYON [James CJ, JamesS, James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Feb. 4, 1864. At the age of six he came with his parents to Springfield, Ohio, where he made his permanent home. He married, Oct. 6, 1887, Sarah Clark. 220 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Harvey C. and Sarah (Clark) Lyon: 1933. I. Jessie Clark; b. July 12. 1888. 1924. II. Amanda D.; b. Feb. 5, 1893. 1925. III. Mary Crosley; b. 1896. 1574. VIII. 1092. MARY FRANCES8 LYON (HOPPER) [James?, Moses', James^ Moses', Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry*] was born Oct. 4, 1844. She married, Jan. 9, 1866, Livingston H. Hopper, born 1837, died 1885. Children of Livingston H. and Mary Prances (Lyon) Hopper: 1926. I. Harry Livingston; b. April 15, 1867; m. Elizabeth Rouse; a daughter, Stella May, b. Dec. 26, 1890. 1937. II. Harriet Elizabeth; b. Jan. 30, 1872; m. James Grler; children: 1. Clara May, b. 1894; 2. Minnie Frances, b. 1897. 1928. IIL Charles Weltard; b. Dec. 9, 1874. 1929. IV. Minnie Alice; b. March 12, 1877. 1930. V. Blanche May; b. March 12, 1877. 1577. VIII. 1092 JOHN ROBINSON' LYON [James J.', Moses», James", Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^, Henry*] was born Oct. 18, 1850. He married, July 21, 1875, Flora A. Brown, Cincinnati. Children of John R. and Flora A. (Brown) Lyon. 1931. I. Frank Thompson; b. Sept. 3. 1876; d. April 16, 1877. 1933. II. Flora Josephine; b. Sept. 7, 1878. 1933. IIL Harriet EUiott; b. Nov. 28, 1880. 1934. IV. Archibald J.; b. Sept. 27, 1884. 1578. VIII. 1092. SALLIE BURKE' LYON (PRICE) [James J.', Moses', James', Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry*] was born Jan. 10, 1855. She married, Nov. 7, 1877, John Henry Price. Children of John Henry and Sallie Burke (Lyon) Price: 1935. I. Hattie E.; b. Jan. 21, 1878. 1936. IL Ethel Bay; b. Aug. 11, 18 83. 1937. IIL Edna May; twin sister of Ethel. 1938. IV. John Henry; b. Jan. 22, 1885; d. . 1939. V. Myrtle Fay; b. Jan. 13, 1886; d. . 1940. VL SaUie Burke; b. Aug. 15, 1888; d. 1941. VII. Stanley Wright; b. Jan. 24, 1891. 1583. VIII. 1097. DOCTOR LEWIS MARION' PERRY [Caroline B.'' (Lee), Elizabeth W." (Lyon), James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.=, Henry*] was born at New Castle, Ky., Sept. 1, 1836. He was married, May 19, 1874, by Rev. Mr. Moore, to his first wife, Catharine Latham Broadwell, born Jan. 1, 1858, died Dec. 14, 1883. He mar- ried for his second wife, at Lincoln, 111., June 28, 1888, Sarah Malvina Enlows, Rev. T. T. Holton performing the ceremony. She was born Feb. 13, 1865, at Green Ridge, Pettus Co., Mo. EIGHTH GENERATION 221 Children of Lewis M. and Catharine L. (Broadwell) Perry: 1B42. I. WilUam Alexander; b. April 17, 1875; d. Dec. 10, 1875. 1843. II. Lewis Marion; b. Sept. 9, 1876; d. Aug. 8, 1877. 1944. III. Marion Lee; b. Sept. 16, 1877. 1945. IV. Buth; b. Broadwell, 111., April 22, 1879; m. Dangerfleld, Texas, Aug. 8, 1897, Charles Whitaker Hazelton, of St. Louis, Mo.; a son. Perry Whltaker Hazelton, b. June 2, 1900. 1946. V. Irvin Broadwell; b. Aug. 24, 1880; d. Aug. 1, 1896. 1947. VI. Tliomas Mellen; b. March 10, 1882. 1948. VIL Kittle; b. Dec. 12, 1883; d. Dec. 13, 1883 [her mother died the following day]. Children of Lewis M. and Sarah M. (Enlows) Perry: 1949. VIII. Wallace Brown; b. Jan. 25, 1891. 1950. IX. Bobert Boyde; b. Sept. 22, 1892. 1951. X. Frederick Vernon; b. June 27, 1894. 1584. VIII. 1097. FRANCES WALLACE* PERRY (MARSHALL) [Caroline B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W." (Lyon), James^ Moses', Benjamin', Benjamin Bsq.=, Henry'] was born at New Castle, Ky., Oct. 13, 1838. She was married, Jan. 1, 1861, by the Rev. Drummond Welburn, to Charles McAlister Marshall, son of General Humphrey Marshall of Kentucky. Children of Charles M. and Frances W. (Perry) Marshall; 1952. I. Charles McAlister; b. Sept. 28, 1861; d. . 1953. II. William Hamphrey; b. March 6, 1864. 1954. III. Frances FUzabeth; b. 1867; d. . •1955. IV. Fleanor Perry [Nellie]; b. Feb. 1, 1870! m. James Joseph Scarborough. 1585. VIII. 1097. LEONORA LESLIE* PERRY (BOYD) [Caro- line P.' (Lee), Elizabeth W.° (Lyon), James^ Moses', Benjamin', Ben- jamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born in New Castle, Ky., Oct. 23, 1840. She was married, April 17, 1873, at Areola, 111., by Rev. Richard Deering, to Walter Lacy Boyd, Attorney-at-law, born July 3, 1839, Flemingsburg, Ky., son of Senator Wilson Porter Boyd of Kentucky. He died Jan. 28, 1902, at his home in Sherman, Texas. Children of "Walter L. and Leonora L. (Perry) Boyd: 1956. I. WiUiam Perry; b. Feb. 5, 1874; d. May 5, 1875. 1957. II. Caroline Elizabeth; b. Sept. 25, 1875; d. Dec. 3, 1885. 1958. III. Walter Lee; b. Aug. 13, 1876; d. Dec. 3, 1877. 1959. IV. Mary; b. March 23, 1879, Sherman, Texas. 1960. V. Anna; b. Sept. 2, 1887, Sherman, Texas. 1587. VIII. 1097. CAROLINE AUGUSTA' PERRY (MARKS) [Caroline B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), James", Moses', Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.% Henry'] was born at New Castle, Ky., Sept. 24, 1844. 222 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK She was married, Feb. 24, 1881, by Rev. Dr. Black at Natchez, Miss, (the home of her parents), to Thomas Meriwether Marks, M. D., of Marshall, Texas, born July 2, 1832, Montgomery, Ala., died at Marshall, March 26, 1900, after forty years of arduous professional duty. He belonged to the 9th Louisiana Infantry, and took part in many of the battles of the Civil War. From Sept. 1863, he was one of the surgeons at the headquarters of General Robert E. Lee. Daughter of Thomas M. and CaroUne A. (Perry) Marks.J 1961. I. Eleanor Montagrue; b. Nov. 3, 1885, at MarshaU, Texas. 1588. VIII. 1097. MARY ELEANOR* PERRY (MELLEN) [Caro- line B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W.° (Lyon), James', Moses*, Benjamin', Ben- jamin Esq.^ Henry^] was born at New Castle, Ky., Nov. 14, 1847. She was married, July 16, 1872, by Rev. Richard Deering, to Thomas Lewis Mellen, Attorney-at-law, Natchez, Miss., born June 10, 1849. He became a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and at this date (1904) is Presiding Elder of the Southern District, Hathisburg, Miss. Children of Thomas L. and Mary Eleanor (Perry) Mellen: 1962. I. Carol Frances; b. Fayette, Miss., April 27, 1873; m. June 6, 1904, Eugene Norrel Baldwin, Johnstown, Pa., b. March, 1875, Mississippi. •1963. II. Eleanor Perry; b. Natchez, Miss., June 19, 1875; m. Archibald Junius Sneed. 1964. III. Annie Ambrosia; b. Natchez, Feb. 4, 1878. 1965. IV. Perry Pepperrell; b. Nov. 6, 1881; d. Nov. 8, 1881. 1966. V. Fredericli Davis; b. Natchez, Dec. 8, 1882. 1967. VI. Leonora Lewis; b. Bolton, Miss., Jan. 7, 1886. 1590. VIII. 1097. FLORA AMBROSIA* PERRY (LEWIS) [Caro- line B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W." (Lyon), James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Ben- jamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born at New Castle, Ky., Dec. 17, 1853. She was married at Natchez, Miss., Nov. 23, 1881, by Rev. Dr. Black to Jasper B. Lewis, born Jan. 1, 1851, in Carroll Co., Ky. His grand- father in 1800 came from Virginia to Kentucky and bought much land there. Jasper B. Lewis is a planter in Grayson Co., Texas. Children of Jasper B. and Flora B. (Perry) Lewis, b. Carroll Co., Ky. 1968. I. r,ee Meriwether; b. Feb. 1, 1883; d. Feb. 7, 1885. JBy a former marriage, with Tooley Robertson, Dr. Marks had two daugh- ters: 1. Fannie Sue, b. Oct. 25, 1866; m. Oct. 21, 1891, by Rev. H. Scudday, to Clarence Robert CaWert of Louisville, Ky. (Their children: 1. Claud Hamilton; 2. Thomas 3Iarks; and 3. Kuth Vincent); 2. Willie James, b. Nov. 5, 1868; m. July 12, 1892, by Rev. John Matthews, to Rev. Lucius A. Webb of East Texas Conference Methodist Episcopal Church South, born In North Carolina (their children: 1. Carolyn Perry;. 2. James Meriwether). EIGHTH GENERATION 223 1969. II. Hattie Davis; b. July 6, 18 84. 1970. III. I/eonora Leslie Davis; b. Sept. 20, 1886. 1594. VIII. 1098. LEWIS HUNTINGTON" LEE [James P.', Elizabeth W." (Lyon), James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.', Henry^] was born Aug. 16, 1841. He married at Galesburg, 111., May 9, 1882, Libbie M. Hoffman, born Sept. 14, 1853. Children of Lewis H. and Libbie M. (Hoffman) Lee: 1971. I. Grace Mary; b. Nov. 15, 1883; m. Feb. 16, 1902, Earl Snapp; d. March 9, 1903, Corslcana, Texas. 1972. II. Roy James. 1595. VIII. 1098. ADA JOANNA^ LEE (FINCH) [James P.', Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.*, Henry^] was born Aug. 14, 1853. She married, Jan. 1, 1880, James Hayden Finch, Freestone Co., Texas, born Sept. 26, 1849. Children of James H. and Ada Joanna (Lee) Finch: 1973. 1. Clara; b. Sept. 29, 1880; m. Aug. 6, 1902, Charles ainton Hack- ney; d. Feb. 15, 1903. 1974. II. Matt Scrugg; b. Oct. 9, 1883; d. Dec. 6, 1884. 1975. III. Fannie Pauline; b. June 2, 1886. 1976. IV. Sarah Edith; b. Aug. 23, 1889; d. Nov. 14, 1900. 1599. VIII. 1100. LOUISA^ LYON (SHARDLOW) [DavId^ Moses", Moses', Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.", Henry*] was born March 13, 1849. She married, March 13, 1873, Winfield S. Shardlow, born March 15, 1851. Children of Winfred S. and Louisa (Lyon) Shardlow: 1977. L Frederick C; b. Dec. 22, 1873. 1978. IL George L,.; b. Oct. 22, 1875. 1979. III. Louisa; b. Aug. 25, 1878; d. . 1601. VIII. 1100. GEORGE B.' LYON [David', Moses". Moses', Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^, Henry*] was born Dec. 4, 1861. He married, Nov. 5, 1890, Jennie Freeman, born July 31, 1866. Children of George B. and Jennie (Freeman) Lyon: 1980. I. Hope; b. Feb. 7, 1894; d. April 15, 1899. 1981. 11. John Davis; b. March 12, 1900. 1982. III. Ruth; b. March 14, 1902. 1603. VIII. 1101. REUBEN ROBIE' LYON [James', Moses», Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry*] was born March 2, 1857. He married, April 22, 1885, Emma L. Kemp, born Sept. 25, 1859. 224 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Reuben Robie and Emma L. (Kemp) Lyon: 1983. I. William Kemp; b. Aug. 22, 1886. 1984. IL Harriet; b. March 28, 1894. 1985. IIL James; b. Sept. 16, 1897; d. Jan. 16, 1899. 1605. VIII. 1102. ANNA P.' LYON (OBERT) [Robert M.*. Moses^ Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin", Benjamin Esq.^ Henry^] was born July 8, 1852. She married, June 9, 1880, Casin B. Obert, bom Jan. 25, 1847. Daughter of Casln B. and Anna P. (Lyon) Obert: 1986. J. Louise L.; b. Sept. 16, 1888. 1606. VIII. 1102. HELEN G.^ LYON (ALLEN) [Robert M.\ Moses®, Moses^ Moses^ Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Feb. 8, 1854. She married, May 17, 1876, William S. Allen, born March 9, 1850, died; Feb. 22, 1902. Residence, Bath, N. Y. Children of William S. and Helen G. (Lyon) Allen: 1987. I. Henry 8.; b. Sept. 5, 1877. 1988. IL Walter G.; b. Dec. 23, 1878. 1989. III. Henriette G.; b. April 20, 1880; m. Aug. 3, 1904, James Henry Christie. 1990. IV. Robert M.; b. Nov. 28, 1881. 1991. V. Leila M.; b. July 19, 1885. 1609. VIII. 1102. MARGARET S.^ LYON (WELLMAN) [Robert M.', Moses", Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^*, Henry'] was born April 4, 1864. She married, June 28, 1888, Thomas C. Wellman, born Oct. 5, 1861. Children of Thomas C. and Margaret S. (Lyon) Wellman: 1992. L Robert L,.; b. July 2, 1890. 1993. IL Catliarine C; b. Oct. 29, 1892. 1994. IIL Rebecca M.; b. March 30, 1895. 1619. VIII. 1107. HELENA* WHITING (BAKER) [Pamelia' (Woods), Mary B.° (Lyon), Moses', Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq,', Henry'] was born Sept. 8, 1843. She married, Sept. 21, 1864, James Madison Baker, Pittsfield, Mass. She died April 11, 1889. Children of James M. and Helena (Whiting) Baker: 1995. I. Olive Pamelia; b. July 7, 1866. 1996. IL Sarali Elizabeth; b. Oct. 11, 1867. 1997. IIL Helena Whiting; b. May 5, 1871; died May 28, 1873. 1998. IV. Daisy; b. April 14, 1873; died Aug. 2, 1873. 1999. V. Mary PhUips; b. March 10, 1875; m. Feb. 18. 1893, Harry Good- year Day of New Haven, Conn.; a daughter, Mary Baker Day, b. Feb. 6, 1904. EIGHTH GENERATION 225 1621. VIII. 1107. WILLIAM WOODS' WHITING [Pamelia', (Woods), Mary B." (Lyon), Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.*, Henry'] was born May 26, 1847, and died Aug. 7, 1899. He married, June 4, 1873, Mary Read Spelman, of Albany, N. Y. Lived In Pitts- field, Mass. Children of William W. and Mary Read (Spelman) Whiting: 2000. I. Ralph Spelman; b. May 5, 1894; m. April 15, 1903, Mrs. Bertha S. Lowe, of Brookline, Mass.; is an architect; address 100 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 2001. II. Clara Woods; b. Nov. 30, 1875; m. June 4, 1903, at Pittsfleld, Mass., William Sargeant, of Spuyten Duyvel, N. T. ; lives in Tonkers, N. T. 1637. VIII. 1118. JOHN BALL' CLEVELAND [Lydia J.' (Lyon), Robert B.", Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^, Henry*] was born at Conneaut, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1848. He married at Butte, Mon- tana, Feb. 16, 1885, Annie Warfield. Children of John B. and Annie (Warfield) Cleveland: 2002. I. Carlos Warfield; b. Dec. 21, 1889; died April 29, 1898. 2003. II. Helen; b. May 19, 1895. 1638. VIII. 1118. HELEN MARY' CLEVELAND (WILCOX) [Lydia J.' (Lyon), Robert B.°, Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born at Conneaut, Ohio, July 3, 1848. She mar- ried, April 24, 1873, at Minneapolis, Minn., Aaron Morley Wilcox. Residence, Washington, D. C. Children of Aaron M. and Helen Mary (Cleveland) Wilcox: 2004. I. Aaron Cleveland; b. July 13, 1874; d. March 5, 1891. 2006. II. Horace Wilder; b. Jan. 4, 1876. 1641. VIII. 1118. LYDIA JANE' CLEVELAND (ROBERTS) [Lydia J.' (Lyon), Robert B.', Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.=, Henry'] was born at Conneaut, Ohio, May 21, 1860. She mar- ried, Oct. 18, 1887, at Minneapolis, Minn., Thomas Sadler Roberts, M. D., born Feb. 16, 1858, Germantown, Pa. Residence, Minneapolis. Children of Thomas S. and Lydia Jane (Cleveland) Roberts, b. Minnea- polis, Minn. 2006. I. Thomas Cleveland; b. Oct. 11, 1888. 2007. II. Catharine Lyon; b. Jan. 24, 1890. 2008. III. John CarroU; b. March 3, 1892. 1645. VIII. 1119. FANNY HOWES' LYON (COBB) [John B.*, Robert B.', Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.*, Henry'] was born Oct. 6, 1855. She married, Feb. 7, 1878, at Chicago, 111., Calvin Cobb, born July 15, 1853. (14) 226 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Calvin and Fanny Howes (Lyon) Cobb, born In Chicago: 2009. I. L,yon; b. Dec. 3, 1879. 2010. II. Margaret; b. March 27, 1883. 1646. VIII. 1119. EMILY WRIGHT* LYON (CONGAR) [John B.', Robert B.\ Moses^ Moses*, BenjamiIl^ Benjamin Esq.=', Henry*] was born Jan. 10, 1861. She married at Chicago, Jan. 22, 1885, William P. Congar, born Aug. 1, 1852; died Feb. 21, 1889. Daughter of William P. and Eimlly W. (Lyon) Congar: 2011. I. Cornelia; b. Jan. 21, 1887. 1647. VIII. 1119. JOHN BACON* LYON JR. [John B.^ Robert B.^ Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Nov. 18, 1863. He married, June 22, 1893, at Boise, Idaho, Mary Howie, born 1875. Children of John Bacon and Mary (Howie) Lyon: 2012. I. Robert; b. March 4, 1896; died Sept. 12, 1901. 2013. II. Margaret; b. June 14, 1899. 1648. VIII. 1119. CATHARINE BACON* LYON (HAMILL) [John B.', Robert B.^ Moses\ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Feb. 7, 1869. She married, June 23, 1892, at Chi- cago, Robert Hamill, born Dec. 8, 1863. Children of Robert and Catharine Bacon (Lyon) HamlU: 2014. I. Robert Lyon; b. April 4, 1899. 2015. II. Catharine L,yon; b. Jan. 9, 1901. 2016. III. Emily; b. Nov. 8, 1902. 2017. IV. Frances; b. March 30, 1904. 1652. VIII. 1123. BENJAMIN F.* WADE [Clarissa' (Lyon), Robert B.*', Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Nov. 30, 1866. He married Helen Thomas, born April 19, 1870. Children of Benjamin F. and Helen (Thomas) "Wade: 2018. I. Benjamin F. Jr.; b. Jan. 13, 1892. 2019. II. Helen; b. 1898. 1654. VIII. 1123. JOHN PARSONS* WADE [Clarissa' (Lyon), Robert B.", Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born May 14, 1872. He was Lieutenant on the staff of Gen. Ben- jamin F. Wade, his father, during the war in Cuba, and was given the honor of being the person to raise "Old Glory" over Moro Castle. He married Maude Tracy, born Aug. 27, 1872. Daughter of John P. and Maude (Tracy) Wade: 2020. L Tracy [a dau.] b. Sept. 14, 1898; d. 1902. EIGHTH GENERATION 227 1655. VIII. 1123. CLARISSA LYON» WADE (JENKINS) [Clar- issa' (Lyon), Robert B.', Moses", Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.*, Henry^] was born Sept. 4, 1873. Slie married in 1891, Lieut. John Murray Jenkins, Fifth Cavalry, U. S. A. He was born in South Carolina, Nov. 15, 1863. Children of John M. and Clarissa Lyon (Wade) Jenkins: 2021. I. James; b. Oct. 1, 1892. 2022. II. John Murray; b. 1893. 2023. III. Wade; b. 1899. 2024. IV. Robert; b. 1901. 1656. VIII. 1124. ROBERT LYON' STEARNS [Pauline' (Lyon), Robert B.^ Mos•es^ Moses*, Benjamin^ Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born March 14, 1872, He married in Nashville, Tenn., Feb, 2, 1898, Laura Freeman. Residence, Ludington, Mich. Children of Robert L. and Laura (Freeman) Stearns: 2025. I. Paulina; b. March 3, 1900. 2026. II. Robert. 2027. III. Ross Freeman. 1658. VIII. 1125. EMILY CLARISSA' LYON (GARY) [Thomas R.', Robert B.", Moses^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Oct. 11, 1878. She married in Chicago, March 31, 1902, John W. Gary, born Aug. 8. 1859, Son of John W. and Emily Clarissa (Lyon) Gary: 2028. I. Kellogg; b. Feb 28. 1903. 1659. VIII. 1125. JOHN KELLOGG' LYON [Thomas R.', Robert B.', Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born July 19, 1880. He married in Chicago, June 3, 1902, Adeline Richardson, born April 8, 1882. Children of John K. and Adeline (Richardson) Lyon: . 2029. I. £thel Richardson; b. Sept. 28, 1903. 2029a. II. Harriet; b. Aug. 24, 1905. 1660. VIII. 1125. PAULINA STEARNS' LYON (FENTRESS) [Thomas R.', Robert B.', Moses", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.', Henry'] wsa born April 12, 1882. She married in Chicago, Jan. 14, 1903, Calvin Fentress, born May 22, 1879. Children of Calvin and Paulina Stearns (Lyon) Fentress: 2030. I. Thomas Lyon; b. Feb. 8, 1904. 2030a. II. Mary; b. June 18, 1905. 1673. VIII. 1131. EDWARD' LYON [Sterne H.', Abner P.*, 228 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Moses', Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.^ H-enry*] married Clara Pierce. Daughter of Edward and Clara (Pierce) Lyon: 2031. I. Yinnie Amanda. 1674. VIII. 1131. HELEN* LYON (PARR) [Sterne H.», Abner P.', Moses', Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.*, Henry'] married William Parr. Son of William and Helen (Lyon) Parr: 2032. I. Arthur. 1675. VIII. 1131. JENNIE* LYON (HATCH) [Sterne H.', Abner P.*, Moses', Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.*, Henry*] married Dana Hatch. Daughter of Dana and Jenne (Lyon) Hatch: 2033. I. Alice. 1678. VIII. 1131. ALICE LAURA* LYON (PUTNAM) [Sterne H.', Abner P.«, Moses', Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.*, Henry*] married Arthur Putnam. Daughter of Arthur and Alice Laura (Lyon) Putnam: 2034. I. Laura. 1708. IX. 1213. ALICE GROUT* LYON (SCOTT) [Eldridge M*', Isaac', Stephen S.», John', John*, Isaac*, Thomas*, Henry*] was born In Detroit, Mich., July 9, 1879. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, class of 1902. She was married, June 30, 1903, at Redlands, Calif., to Donald Scott. Son of Donald and Alice Grout (Lyon) Scott: 2035. I. Alexander I-yon; b. Redlands, Calif., April 2, 1904. 1768. IX. 1311. JOHN M." COX [David S.*, Sarah» (Clark), William', Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph*, SamueP, Henry*] was born in 1820. He married Elizabeth Kirkpatrick. Children of John M. and EHzabeth (Kirkpatrick) Cox: 2036. I. Elizabeth J.; m. John H. Lampson. 2037. II. David; res. Chicago. 2038. III. WUiiam. 2039. IV. James. 2040. V. Amoetta; m. Leonard Halsey. 2041. VL John C. All except David of Oregon. NINTH GENERATION 229 1769. IX. 1311. DANIEL Y.» COX [David S.\ Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Henry'] was born in 1822. He married Catherine Grissey. Children of Daniel T. and Catherine (Grissey) Cox: 2042. I. Wlnfleld S. 2043. II. Ellen Virginia. 2044. III. Martha. 2045. IV. David S. 2046. V. Edmund James. 2047. VI. George G., res. Chicago. 2048. VII. Mary S. All except George, of Burlington, la. 1771. IX. 1311. JOSEPH W." COX [David S.*, Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph\ Joseph^ SamueP, Henry^] was born in 1828. He lives in Miami County, Ohio. He married Julia A. Brown. Children of Joseph W. and Julia A. (Brown) Cox: 2049. I. WiUiam; m. Amanda ; res. Dayton, Ohio. 2050. II. Mary J.; res. Union City, Ind. 2061. III. Samuel. 2052. IV. OUver. 2053. V. Charles. 1773. IX. 1311. MARY B.' COX (WRIGLBY) [David S.», Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph^ SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1834. She married Irvin Wrigley. Children of Irvin and Mary E. (Cox) Wrigley: 2054. I. Mary E.; m. J. B. Francis. 2055. II. EUa R.; res. Springfield, Ohio. 2056. III. Sarah C; m. Charles Knapp. 1781. IX. 1312. ROSETTA B.» ALLEN (ADAIR) [Elizabeth* (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph*, SamueP, Henry'] married James F. Adair. Children of James P. and Rosetta B. (Allen) Adair: 2057. I. Emma; m. Alva Vanscoy: children: 1. Roy; 2. May. 2058. II. Clara; m. Michael Moore; a son, Harry. 2069. III. Mary; m. Frank J. Forth; a son, Frank J.; res LaFayette, Ind. 1782. IX. 1313. MELINDA» HADDIX (McCULLEY) [Sarah* (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1817. She married George W. McCulIey, of Fairfield, Ohio. 230 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of George W. and Mellnda (Haddlx) McCuUey: 2060. I. George W. 2061. II. Thomas. 2063. III. Sarah; m. Goff. 2063. IV. James M. 2064. V. Andrew. 2065. VI. Charles. 1786. IX. 1313. WILLIAM CLARK" HADDIX [Sarah' (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Josephs Samuel*, Henry^] married Anna Lahibert. Children of William and Anna (Lambert) Haddix: 2066. I. Sarah Alice; m. 1st George W. Kline, a son, William; b. 1868 (res, Chicago); m. 2nd James D. Moates; children: 1. Harry, b. Dec. 1878 (m. Lola Lock; res. Dayton, Ohio); 2. Josie May, b. May 5, 1885; Sarah Alice died Sept. 1896. 2067. II. Liaura; m. Frank H. Judson; one son, L«wis J.; res. Dayton, Ohio. 1787. IX. 1313. SARAH E." HADDIX (BACON) (HARTMAN) [Sarah' (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] married first Dr. Bacon (no issue) and second, Dr. Charles G. Hartman. Children of Charles G. and Sarah E. (Haddix) Hartman: 2068. I. John. 2069. II. Thomas; ra. Ida Stevenson; a daughter, Eva Pearl, res. Osborn, Ohio. 2070. III. Benjamin. 2071. IV. Sarah Elizabeth; m. James Llndsley. 2072. V. Ida Alice; m. Edward Fralna. 1788. IX. 1313. GEORGE' HADDIX [Sarah« (Cox), Sarah* (Clark), William', Rebecca'* (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry*] married Harriet Cosard. Children of George and Harriet (Cosard) Haddix: 2073. I. IsabeUa; m. Thayer. 2074. II. Martin. 1789. IX. 1314. MARY MATILDA' COX (JOHNSTON) [John*, Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry*] was born Oct. 15, 1822, and died March 27, 1855. She married William M., son of Zebulon Johnston, of Yellow Springs, O. He was born Oct. 23, 1815, and died Nov. 18, 1865. Children of William M. and Mary Matilda (Cox) Johnston: 2075. I. Alice Amelia; b. Aug. 1846; d. Deo. 22, 1869. t076. II. Tryphenla B.; b. Jan. 1. 1848; d. Feb. 11, 1873. NINTH GENERATION 231 2077. III. Leonides E.; b. July 28, 1850; m. at Rushvllle, 111., Feb. 28, 1874, Mary Jane Homey (b. 1850); children: 1. Sadie B., b. April 3, 1875; d. 1875; 2. Alice Hannah, b. Oct. 29, 1876; 3. Clara I., born Aug. 13. 1878; 4. OUve J., b. April 18, 1880; 5. Nellie R., b. March 6, 1882; 6. Lelah E., b. Oct. 4, 1883; d. Aug. 23, 1901; 7. Anna, b. Jan. 10, 1886. 2078. IV. John Zebulon; b. April 20, 1853; died 1860. 2079. V. Charles Clark; b. March 11, 1855; d. 1855. 1790. IX. 1314. JONATHAN CLARK' COX [John*, Sarah' (Clark), WilIiam^ Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born Jan. 6, 1828, and died Aug. 19, 1897. He married Nov. 1850, Emeline, daughter of Jacob and Catherine (Fisher) Bresler, born April 7, 1830; died Feb. 9, 1903, Zenia, O. Son of Jonathan C. and Emeline (Bresler) Cox: 2080. I. Edwin B. [Prof.]; b. Nov. 29, 1851; m. Mary Holtz; children: 1. I/ewis C; 2. Zella; 3. Edwin B. 1791. IX. 1314. ELIZABETH'' COX (STAAT) (WALLACE) [John', Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born April 17, 1831, She married first, Edward Staat, and second, John Wallace of Clark County, Ohio, who died March 3, 1904; residence, Osborn, Ohio. Children of Edward and Elizabeth (Cox) Staat: 2081. I. John Cnyler; res. Victor, Calif. 2083. II. Harriet; died 1864. 1792. IX. 1314. JULIA ANN'' COX (WORLEY) [John', Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born Nov. 24, 1833, and died Jan. 27, 1898. She married Joseph B. Worley, born in Pennsylvania, died at Osborn, Ohio, Oct. 1888. Children of Joseph B. and Julia Ann (Cox) Worley: 2083. I. Joseph Cox; m. Louisa M. Holtzapple; children: 1. Julia; 2. Mary; 3. Rachel. 2084. II. John B.; m. Frances Clark; children: 1. Charles; 2. Robert; 3. John; 4. Helen; 5. Alice; 6. Henry; 7. Chloarma; 8. Joseph; 9. Frances. 2085. III. Harriet Elizabeth; m. Jason Keiver; children: 1. Willard; 2. Julianna. 1793. IX. 1314. WILLIAM HENRY" COX [John', Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born Feb. 11, 1836, and died April 14, 1887. He married Mary E. Judson. Son of William H. and Mary E. (Judson) Cox: 2086. I. Oliver W.; m. Mary ; children: 1. William; 2. Esther; 3. Robert. 232 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 1794. IX. 1314. JOHN C.° COX [John*, Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry^] was born Aug. 2, 1841. His home is in Dayton, Ohio. He married first, Aug. 26, 1863, at Elizabethtown, Pa., Sarah, daughter of Sampson and Caroline^ (Schneider) Reese, born May 25, 1843, near Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa.; died Dec. 25, 1887, at Dayton, Ohio. He married second, Oct. 11, 1888, at Danville, 111., Maria, daughter of John and Nancy (Herr) Markley; born Dec. 25, 1845, in York County, Pa.§ Children of John C. and Sarah (Reese) Cox: 2087. I. Carrie E.; b. Aug. 6, 1871. 2088. II. Robert Chapin; b. July 26, 1880; m. Aug. 31. 1903, Caroline L,olB, daughter of Mrs. Anna Cowen Sanders, of Newark, N. J.; res. Springfield, Mass.; a son, John PhUip, b. Aug. 19, 1905. 1795. IX. 1314. THEODORE F.' COX [John^ Sarah' (Clark), William^ Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born April 10, 1846. He married Margaret, daughter of Dr. C. C. Hosver, of Osborn, O. Children of Theodore and Margaret (Hosver) Cox: 2089. I. Margaret H.; b. Dec. 31, 1869; m. Jonah WoUaston, who died May, 1898. 2090. II. John Beuben; b. Aug. 1872; res. Dayton, Ohio; he was several years in the army. 2091. III. Ada Catharine; b. 1874; d. . 2092. rv. Mary [Mellle] ; b. Jan. 9, 1878; d. June 2, 1887. 1796. IX. 1315. JOHN THOMAS' COX [Isaac*, Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1822. He married Catharine R. Allison, of Fort Scott, Kansas. For several years he was U. S. Indian Agent at Fort Scott. Children of John T. and Catharine (Allison) Cox: 2093. I. Ann H. 2094. II. Clara; m. George McDlarmld. 2095. III. John T. Jr.; m. Elizabeth Fayan. 2096. IV. Herbert F. 2097. V. Charles W. 2098. VI. L.ydia Cosad; na. James W. Johnston. 1797. IX. 1316. HARRIET" MARTIN (CONKLIN) [Mary* (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William", Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1827. She married Henry Conklin, from Morris- town, N. J. to Middletown, Ohio, son of Stephen and Abigail (Cook) Conklin. tCaroline was daughter of Capt. Caspar Schneider, a soldier of the Revo- "i^Mr^ C(^x has taken an enthusiastic interest in the Lyon Memorial to which he has ' contributed data pertaining to the families of SamueP, Joseph" and Ebenezer-. NINTH GENERATION 233 Children of Henry and Harriet (Martin) Conklln: 2099. I. Ella F.; m. 1st Charles Cronkhlte; m. 2nd Henry L. Plnney; res. Chicago, 111., a dau. Harriet (m. William Bailey, of Chicago; res. Toronto, Ontario). 2100. II. Charles H.; residence, Joliet, 111.; m. Jennie ; chil- dren: 1. itlaria; 2. Pink. 2101. III. Grace M.; m. Luke M. Sprietsma; res. Holland, Mich. 2102. IV. Jennie; d. young. 2103. V. Harriet. 1798. IX. 1316. ISABELLA G." MARTIN (JOHNSTON) [Mary* (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca"* (Lyon), Joseph^ Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1829. She married William M. John- ston. Daughter of William M. and Isabella G. (Martin) Johnston: 2104. I. Sarah; b. Columbus, O., July 28, 1864; m. James Scott McLean; a daughter, Bessie [Beatrice] ; Sarah died, Dayton, O., March 8, 1904. 1806. IX. 1319. SARAH ELIZABETH" AINSWORTH (NEED- HAM) [Matilda' (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William^ Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] was born in 1833. She married John Needham of Dayton, Ohio. Children of John and Sarah E. (Alnsworth) Needham: 2105. I. Ivy. 2106. IL Charles. 2107. III. John. 2108. IV. Elmer. 2109. V. Edward. 2110. VI. Anna. 2111. VII. William Sanford; res. Pittsburg, Pa. 1807. IX. 1319. LYDIA' AINSWORTH (PATTERSON) [Matilda' (Cox), Sarah' (Clark), William', Rebecca' (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] married Isaac Patterson. Children of Isaac and Lydla (Alnsworth) Patterson: 2113. I. Charles; res. Piqua, O. 2113. II. Anna; m. Alonzo Glick; res. Piqua. 1818. IX. 1321. HARRY VAN TYLE^ CLARK [William', Jona- than', William', Rebecca" (Lyon), Joseph*, Joseph', SamueP, Henry'] married Louisa Miller. Residence, Dayton, Ohio. Children of Harry Van T. and Louisa (Miller) Clark: 2114. I. Charles li. ; m. Ellen Shower; res. Dayton, O. 2116. II. Sarah E.; m. William H. McEnheimer. 2116. III. Aurora; m. William S. Sherer; res. Dayton, O. 2117. IV. George 8.; m. Lilly Stratten. 2118. V. Louisa; m. Neil Gates. " 234 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 2119. VI. Clara E.; m. Harry Stelner. 2120. VII. Henry B.; unmarried. 1833. IX. 1352. JAMBS GILLISPIE" BUTLER [Joseph C*. Abby' (Congar), Joseph', David", Joanna* (Crane), Abigail' (Lyon), Joseph^ Henry^] was born May 4, 1850. He married June 16, 1872, Amanda Butler. He died April 29, 1889. Children of James G. and Amanda (Butler) Butler: 2121. I. Albert Le Conte; b. Feb. 28, 1874. 2122. II. Amy Stuart; b. Feb. 13, 1878; m. John Baltls, who died In one year. 1835. IX. 1352. LAURA BELL' BUTLER (TAYLOR) [Joseph C.*, Abby' (Congar), Joseph', David", Joanna* (Crane), Abigail' (Lyon), Joseph^, Henryi] was born Jan. 12, 1859. She married, Sept. 18, 1883, Glendy Burke Taylor, born July 9, 1859. Res, Parkland, Louisville, Kentucky. Children of Glendy B. and Laura Bell (Butler) Taylor: 2123. I. Gary E.; b. Jan. 29, 1885. 2124. II. Eugene W.; b. May 10, 1887; d. July 6, 1890. 1838. IX. 1355. DOCTOR SAMUEL S. L. S.« SMITH [Abby* (Campbell), Deborah' (Congar), Joseph", David", Joanna* (Crane), Abigail' (Lyon), Joseph^ Henry'] married in Cincinnati, Ohio, Elizabeth Ray Potter, daughter of Rev. Samuel and Phebe (Riggs) Potter. Res. San Angelo, Texas. Children of Samuel S. L. S. and Elizabeth Ray (Potter) Smith: 2125. I. Isaac Potter; d. Louisville, Ky., 1904, ae. 20 years, a medical student In the University of Louisville. 2126. II. Elizabeth Bay. 1870. IX. 1452. CHARLES DAY° DAVIS [Elizabeth* (Day), Amos', Samuel', Amos", Mary* (Lyon), Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.', Henry'] was born Aug. 25, 1869. He married, April 16, 1896, Florence Oberly. Residence, Easton, Pa. Son of Charles D. and Florence (Oberly) Davis: 2127. I. John Oberly; b. Nov. 2, 1898. 1871. IX. 1473. PAUL VINCENT" HARRIS [Mary M.« (Lyon), Sidney S.', Jonathan W.', James", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.', Henry'] was born July 26, 1860 at the "Octagon," Jeffersonville, Ind. He married, June 2, 1886, In New York City, Elizabeth Oliver. He removed from East Orange, N. J. to San Francisco, Calif., 1907. He is one of the Sons of the American Revolution. KINTH GENERATION 236 Children of Paul V. and Elizabeth (Oliver) Harris, born In New York City: 2128. I. £dlth Fanline; b. May 6. 1887. 2129. II. Ada Edwina; b. Sept. 5, 1892. 1872. IX. 1473. ADA MARY PARMELEE" HARRIS (JAMES) [Mary M.* (Lyon), Sidney S.\ Jonathan W.*, James^ Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Dec. 28, 1862, at JefCersonville, Ind.. at the "Octagon." She married, Dec. 4, 1886, at Chicago, Edward Arthur James, son of Col. William and Cornelia (Booth) James. Their home is in Chicago. Children of Edward Arthur and Ada M. P. (Harris) James: 2130. I. Sidney Vincent; b. Chicago, Aug. 6, 1S8S; in Armour's Institute of Technology (Tau Beta Pi) (1907). 2131. II. Garrett Bell; b. Chicago, Aug. 26, 1890; in Armour's Scientific Academy (1907). 1876. IX. 1476. WILLIAM LYON" CALDWELL [Blanche", Sidney S.', Jonathan W.°, James°, Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.*, Henry'] was born at Jeffersonville, Ind., April 20, 1860. He married, April 17, 1883, at Indianapolis, Ind., where he now (1904) resides, Eliz- abeth Juliette Braden. Children of "William L. and Elizabeth J. (Braden) Caldwell: 2132. I. Wallace Lyon; b. July 23, 1888, Indianapolis, Ind. 2133. II. Braden; b. May 29, 1894. 2134. III. Dumont; b. May 29, 1894, Indianapolis. 1877. IX. 1476. JESSIE M.'' CALDWELL (SHAW) (REIS) [Blanche* (Lyon), Sidney S.^ Jonathan W.®, James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born in Jeffersonville, Ind. She married first, May 8, 1887, Eli Shaw, and second, Dec. 30, 1898, Michael Joseph Reis. Residence, East London, S. Africa. Child of Ell and Jessie M. (Caldwell) Shaw: 2134a. I. CaldweU; b. March 4, 1888; d. May 3, 1895; bur. Walnut Ridge Cemetery. 1879. IX. 1477. BLANCHE VINCENT" HAND (SIMMONS) [Mildred' (Lyon), Sidney S.\ Jonathan W.°, James% Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.% Henry'] was born at the "Octagon," Jeffersonville, Ind., Aug. 19, 1867. She was married in the old St. Paul's Church, Jeffer- sonville, Nov. 19, 1890, to Alexander Hauser Simmons. Residence, Louisville, Ky. Daughter of Alexander H. and Blanche Vincent (Hand) Simmons: 2135. I. Mildred Lyons; b. Dec. 17, 1891 at the "Octagon;" d. March 22, 1897, Louisville, Ky. ; burled at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville. 286 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 1885. IX. 1480. HELEN VINCENT' STANTON (ETTER) [Flor- ence* (Lyon), Sidney S.', Jonathan W.', James", Moses*, Benjamin', Ben- jamin Esq.^ Henry^] was born at Jeffersonville, Ind., Nov. 7, 1873. She married first, at Kansas City, Mo., June 8, 1892, Lorin A. Etter, who died in Denver, Colo., Aug. 2, 1899. She married second, at Western Springs, 111., Sept. 1, 1906, James Edward Breed. Res. (1907) Western Springs, 111. Son of Lorin A. and Helen Vincent (Stanton) Etter: 2136. I. Sidney Stanton; b. Sept. 13, 1893, Kansas City, Mo. 1895. IX. 1496. ALICE LOUISE' TAYLOR (EDWARDS) [Oak- ley R.*, Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.", James^ Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^, Henry^] was born in Cincinnati, O., Aug. 13, 1875. She married, Sept. 20, 1894, in Wilmington, Ohio, Robert Charles Edwards. Children of Robert Charles and Alice Louise (Taylor) Edwards: 3137. I. Robert Irwin; b. Greenville, S. Car., Jan. 31, 1897; d. May 25, 1897. 2137a. II. Katiirine Mary; b. Atlanta, Ga., July 8, 1902. 1896. IX. 1496. EDITH SARA' TAYLOR (RUTLEDGE) [Oak- ley R.*, Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.°, James", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^, Henry^] was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1877. She married at Greenville, S. Carolina, Jan. 4, 1898, James Rose Rut- ledge, great grandson of John Rutledge, signer of the Declaration of Independence, first State Governor of South Carolina, first provincial Governor of South Carolina, appointed Chief Justice by General George Washington. Son of James R. and Edith Sara (Taylor) Rutledge: 2138. I. James Oaldey; b. Greenville, S. Car., Sept. 19, 1904. 1897. IX. 1496. HELEN MARIE' TAYLOR (CONYERS) [Oak- ley R.', Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), Jonathan W.', James", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry^] was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 25, 1881. She married in Greenville, South Carolina, Jan. 20, 1902, Samuel Edward Conyers of Greenville. Daughter of Samuel E. and Helen M. (Taylor) Conyers: 2139. I. Helen; b. April 19, 1904; died April 23, 1904. 1955. IX. 1584. ELEANOR PERRY' MARSHALL (SCARBOR- OUGH) [Frances W.', Caroline B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W.° (Lyon), James", Moses*, Benjamin', Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born Feb. 1, 1870. NINTH GENERATION 287 She was married, July 17, 1894, at Sherman, Texas, by Rev. J. S. Moore, D. D., to James Joseph Scarborough, born July 23, 1863, North Carolina. Children of James and Eleanor [Nellie] P. (Marshall) Scarborough: 2140. I. Honston Marshall; b. Feb. 2, 1899. 2141. II. Dorothy; b. April 1, 1901. 2142. III. Walter Boyd; b. Feb. 8, 1903. 1963. IX. 1588. ELEANOR PERRY' MELLEN (SNEED) [Eleanor* (Perry), Caroline B.' (Lee), Elizabeth W.' (Lyon), James*, Moses*, Benjamin*, Benjamin Esq.^ Henry'] was born in Natchez. Miss., June 19, 1875. She married, July, 1897, in Canton, Miss., Archibald Junius Sneed, born Oct. 30, 1871. Children of Archibald J. and Eleanor Perry (Mellen) Sneed: 2143. I. Archibald Junius; b. Canton, Miss., May 12. 1898. 2144. II. Mellen Perry; b. Canton, Miss., Sept. 29. 1900. 2145. III. CaroU Ambrose; b. Merldien, Miss., June 3, 1903. y UNIDENTIFIED LYON NAMES. REFERABLE TO THE FAMILY OF HENRY. *2160. Prudence; b. about 1712; m. Joslah Baldwin. •2161. Mary; b. about 1720; m. Amos Baldwin, brother of Josiah. •2162. Rebecca; b. 1721; m. Matthew Falrchllds. •2163. Mary; b. about 1726; m. Ezekiel Younglove. 2163a. Colonel James Lyon; b. March 1736; m. 1760 Christina (Harmon?), b. 1734; d. Feb. 23, 1784. Col. James Lyon lived in Virginia; d. Dec. 29, 1817, He had a brother Stephen, possibly No. 2165. •2164. Phebe; b. about 1748; m. Samuel Palmer. •2165. Stephen; b. 1751; m. Nancy HllL •2166. Sarah; b. about 1756; m. Evetts Townley. •2167. Elizabeth; b. 1764; m. Ablel Harrison. •2168. John H.; b. about 1765; m. Hannah Beach. •2169. John; b. about 1770; m. Mary Miller. 2170. Samuel; b. about 1775; m. Susan, dau. of Ellhu Ogrden, who m. Elizabeth Price, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Whitehead) Price. She was b. 1779; d. Aug. 30, 1809; bur. In churchyard of First Presbyterian church, Eliza- beth, N. J. •2170a. Samuel; b. in New Jersey, Sept. 9, 1780; res. Bennington, Vt. and New Hartford, N. Y. •2171. Aaron; b. 1799; m. Rachel Townley. *2172. James; b. July 1, 1735; a minister; settled at Machias, Me. See No. 187a, p. 100. •2173. David; b. 1745; res. Elizabethtown. 2160. IV.(?) . PRUDENCE LYON (BALDWIN), born about 1712. She married Josiah Baldwin, born 1710; died May 7, 1767, son of Joseph Baldwin. Children of Josiah and Prudence (Lyon) Baldwin: 2173a. I. Zenas. 2174. H. Josiah. 2175. III. Rebecca. 2176. IV. Mary. 2177. V. Jemima. 2161. IV.(?) . MARY LYON (BALDWIN), born about 1722. She married Deacon Amos Baldwin, born 1720; died Feb. 25, 1805; buried at Orange, N. J. He was son of Joseph Baldwin. Children of Amos and Mary (Lyon) Baldwin: 2178. I. Lewis. 2179. IL Sarah; m. Ward. 2180. III. Daughter; m. Joseph Canfield. 2162. IV.(?) . REBECCA LYON (FAIRCHILDS), born 1721; died Aug. 23, 1794. She married, April 5, 1757, Matthew Fair- childs, born 1731; died June 5, 1790, at Morristown, N. J. Children of Matthew and Rebecca (Lyon) Falrchllds: 2181. I. Rebecca; bapt. Nov. 12, 1758. 2182. II. Mehitabel; bapt. Feb. 14, 1762. UNIDENTIFIED LYON NAMES 239 2163. IV.(?) . MARY LYON (YOUNGLOVE), married, May 16, 1746, Bzekiel Younglove [Youngblood], of Reddes Town, N. J. Daughter of Ezeklel and Mary (Lyon) Tounglove: 2183. I. Dorcas; bapt. Sept. 27, 1747; m. Aug. 31, 1769, Zenas Baldwin (possibly No. 2173a). 2164. V.(?) . PHEBE LYON (PALMER), born about 1748. She married, Nov. 30, 1768, Jacob Palmer. Son of Jacob and Phebe (Lyon) Palmer: 2184. I. Samuel; b. Nov. 20, 1769. 2165. V.(?) . STEPHEN LYON, born 1755; died Nov. 5. 1845. He married Nancy Hill, born 1755; died Feb. 4, 1840. In 1818, Stephen Lyon, with wife Mary and aon and daughter, were admitted to the Basking Ridge Church. With them lived Mrs. Charity Hill, Mrs. Lyon's mother. Sept. 22, 1814 and Sept 7, 1815, Stephen Lyon was chosen Collector. Children of Stephen and Nancy (Hill) Lyon: 2185. I. David. 2186. II. Mary. See also No. 2168. 2166. V.(?) . SARAH LYON (TOWNLEY) was born about 1756. She married in 1774 Evetts Townley, born at Canoe Brook, Aug. 8, 1751; died July 2, 1826, son of Eppingham and Jemina (Earl) Townley. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Sarah (Lyon) Townley lived near Northfield, N. J. She survived her husband, and was living in 1841. Children of Evetts and Sarah (Lyon) Townley: 2187. I. Jemima; m. Bethuel Meeker. 2188. II. Isaac; b. May 22, 1777; d. Aug. 23, 1832; m. Sarah Meeker. 2189. III. Sarah; m. 1st., March 21, 1819, Demas Wade; m. 2nd, Benjamin Reeves. 2190. IV. Ladock; m. Harriet Jennings. 2191. V. Elizabeth; m. Meeker. 2192. VI. Moses; b. June 4, 1785; d. Sept. 21, 1830; m. Phebe James, b. Dec. 28, 1785; d. March 30, 1832. 2167. V.(?) . ELIZABETH LYON (HARRISON), was born in 1764 and died in 1855. She married Abiel Harrison, born May 20, 1765; died Oct. 16, 1833. Children of Ablel and Elizabeth (Lyon) Harrison: 2193. I. I,ydia; b. Jan. 6, 1792; m. Aaron Condlt. 2194. II. Stephen; b. May 18, 1793; m. Martha Condlt. 240 UNIDENTIFIED LYON NAMES 2195. III. Sarah; b. Dec. 26, 1794; m. Cornelius Doremus. 2196. IV. Abby; b. March 5, 1798; m. JoBlah Crane. 2197. V. Hannah; b. March 17, 1799; m. William F. Harris. 2198. VI. Elizabeth; b. 1801; d. young. 2199. VII. Eliza; b. March 12, 1804; m. Stephen Squire. 2199a. VIII. Richard; b. Aug. 9, 1806; m. Mary B. Porter. 2168. VI.(?) . JOHN H. LYON, born about 1765, is said to have been son of Stephen Lyon of Basking Ridge, but if the dates in this record are correctly given, this could not have been No. 2165. He married, Aug. 7, 1787, Hannah, daughter of William and Susan (Sovercool) Beach. They lived in Newton. Children of John H. and Hannah (Beach) Lyon: 2199b. I. Enuna Louisa; d. young. 2199c. II. Anna. 2199d. III. James. 2169. VI.(?) . JOHN LYON, born about 1770-5, was a son of Rachel Lyon, widow, of Beardstown, N. J. He married at Morris- town, Jan. 7, 1801, Mary, daughter of Isaac Miller of Morristown. Children of John and Mary (Miller) Lyon: 2199e. I. Joanna; m, 1826, John Giles, of Somerset Co. 2199f. II. Rachel; m. Alfred Reeves. 2199s. Ill- Jernsha; d. young. 2170a. VI.(?) . SAMUEL LYON was born in New Jersey, Sept. 9, 1780, therefore presumably of the family of Henry. He set- tled in Bennington, Vt., where he married, March 11, 1802, Eunice, daughter of David Haynes. In 1805 he moved to New Hartford, N. Y. He had two sons and four daughters. The youngest daughter was still living in 1887, in Utica, N. Y., Mrs. A. R. Grosvenor. Samuel Lyon was a large land holder and owned and operated a paper mill. He died Jan, 1851. His oldest son's name was John. His second daughter, Persia E., m., Dec. 28, 1824, Hiram Shays, son of Daniel and Ruth and grandson of Gen. Daniel, leader of Shay's Rebellion. 2171. VL(?) . AARON LYON, born probably about 1795, married Rachel Townley Harrison, born Jan. 1799, died March 22, 1870. Children of Aaron and Rachel T. (Harrison) Lyon: 2199h. I. Amanda; b. Aug. 19, 1828; d. 1881. 21991. IL Elizabeth; b. June 1831; d. 1870. 2199J. IIL Caleb; b. Nov. 1833; d. 1835. 2199k. IV. Martha J.; b. Dec. 14, 1835; m. Sept. 4, 1867, William J. Behaut, Tecumseh, Neb. 21991. V. Albert J.; b. June 11, 1843; d. Oct. 27, 1863 "in the army." REVEREND JAMES LYON. OF MACHIAS, MAINE. 2172. (187a). V. 66. REV. JAMES' LYON [Zopher*. Capt. Henry*, SamueP, Henry'] was born in Newark, N. J., July 1, 1735. He waa a graduate of Princeton College, B. A. 1759; A. M. 1762. On the oc- casion of taking his Master's degree he made an address which was commented on very favorably in the public press. He was licensed to preach in 1762 by the Presbytery of New Brunswick and ordained by the same body in 1764. He preached several years in Nova Scotia, in Onslow (1764) and other places, but he became discouraged and determined to return to New Jersey. Just at this time, in 1771, the people in the new settlement at Machias, Me., were in search of a minister. They engaged James Lyon at a salary of eighty pounds a year, to take charge of the new parish, preaching on alternate Sabbaths at the West Falls and the East Falls settlements. Thus be- gan the relationship maintained with mutual profit and satisfaction until terminated by his death June 12, 1794. During the Revolutionary war he was a leader in the movement to achieve independence. In 1775 he submitted to General Washing- ton for the patriots of Maine, plans for the conquest of Nova Scotia. His name appears on the roster of a detachment raised in December 1776 to operate against the British at Cumberland, service 25 days. Again in 1777 he has a record of service of three months at Machias, for defense. During these trying years he did not receive one dollar on account of salary, although eventually the whole amount due him as "back pay" v/as made up. When the supply of salt was cut off by the interruption of com- merce during the war, he established a plant for extracting salt from the sea water, the little island on which it was located retaining to this day the name "Salt Island." He was a man of forceful personal- ity, energetic in secular as well as in religious affairs. He was color blind and once purchased a piece of scarlet cloth for a coat, supposing that it was black. The church over which he presided was organized September 12, 1782. Meetings had been held at first in Stephen Jones' barn. In 1774 the first meeting house had been built, by private subscriptions, at a cost of $220. The Machias town records contain a number of items like the following: "Aug. 10, 1784, a town meeting was held, (15) 242 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK at which it was voted that eighty-six pound's be assessed and raised for one year's salary of the Rev. James Lyon. Also it was voted that the Rev. James Lyon have the use of the public marsh lots three ensuing years."§ Rev. James Lyon as a young man showed some talent as a facile writer of verse. In the New American Magazine, published at Wood- bridge, N. J., there appeared in September 1759, an original ode, "Louisburg Taken," signed Nassovian, written by him while yet in college. At the Commencement when he was graduated, Sept. 26, 1759, the concluding number on the program was an "Ode" of his composition, set to original music — either his own, or that of his friend Francis Hopkinson. In the light of subsequent history, the refrain of this composition is interesting: "We sing great George upon the Throne, And Amherst brave in arms, Amherst brave in arnas." and again, "Happy, happy, happy still. Safe from all the alarms of ill W^hile George, the friend of man, adorns the throne And Amherst shines in arms." At the Commencement in May 1761, it is recorded that "there was performed an elegant Anthem, composed by James Lyon of New Jersey College." There was also given on that occasion "an Ode, sacred to the memory of our late gracious Sovereign, George II, written and set to music in a very grand and masterly taste by Francis Hopkinson, Esq., A. M." There has been recently published an "appre- ciation" of these two early cultivators of the art of musical expres- sion, by O. G. Sonneck of Washington, D. C. James Lyon published several collections of sacred music, notably one first issued in 1762, entitled Urania. A new edition of this was advertised in the Penn- sylvania Journal in November 1767, as "a choice collection of psalm tunes, anthems and hymns, some of them entirely new." Price, ten shillings. James Lyon married first, Feb. 18, 1768, Martha Holden, of Cape May, W. N. J. (born Dec. 24, 1749), who was the mother of his children. He married second, Nov. 24, 1793, only a few months before his death, Sarah Skillen (Boston Record). She was born 1744 and died Oct. 18, 1827 (G. R. Middleboro cemetery, Acushnet). §It is stated that at one time he supplied the pulpit of Newtown, L. I., 1782-1785, but this does not seem probable. Another statement found in the New Jersey Archives (XX. p. 383) is that "he is said to have been of Irish birth." Both statements no doubt arose from confounding Rev. James Lyon of Machias with a Rev. James Lyon of about the same age who came from Ireland about 1747 and preached at Brookhaven, L. I. (d. 1786). ADDENDA 243 Children of James and Martha (Holden) Lyon, the first two born In Nova Scotia, the others In Machias, Me. (dates mostly from Bangor Hist. Magazine): 2201. I. l,adlam;t b. Jan. 1, 1769. •2202. II. Phebe; b. Sept. 26, 1770; d. about 1792; m. John Kelly. 2203. III. James; b. Sept. 1 (or Jan. 20), 1772. 2204. V. Jeremiah; b. Jan. 26, 1775; d. Dec. 13, 1783. 2205. IV. Martha; b. May 1. 1777; d. June 12, 1788. •2206. VI. Hannah; b. Nov. 15, 1779; m. William E. Smith. •2207. VII. Henry; b. May 20, 1782; m. Betsey Crocker. 2208. VIII. Sarah Shannon [Sally]; b. June 28 (or Nov. 24), 1784. 2209. IX. Amelia; b. Oct. 17, 1786; m. Wiliam Mellus.§ 2202. VI. 2172. PHEBE" LYON (KELLY) [James', Zopher*, Henry^ SamueP, Henry'] was born Sept. 26, 1770. She married John Kelly. Children of John and Phebe (Lyon) Kelly: 2210. I. John S. ["Deacon"]; m. Sarah Seavy; children: 1, Olive; 2, John; 3, Sarah. 2211. II. Martha. 2212. III. Elizabeth; m. Josiah Noyes of Jonesboro; children: 1, David; 2, John; 3, Martha; 4, Maria; 5, Newman; 6, Ira; 7, Julia; 8, George; 9, Sarah. 2206. VL 2172. HANNAH" LYON (SMITH) [James', Zopher*, Henry^ SamueP, Henry'] married William Ellis Smith, son of Samuel and Deborah (Ellis) Smith. Children of William E. and Hannah (Lyon) Smith: 2213. I. Stephen. 2214. II. Maria. 2215. III. James. 2216. IV. H. Thacher; m. his cousin, Judith Clark; dau. of Samuel* [Parkeri] and Lydla (Smith) Clark; ch. : 1, Edward M. (m. Ida P. Smith and had: (a) Henry, m. Alma Sears [ch. Dorothy and Hope], (b) Perley, m. N. Lucretla Hooper, (c) Dwight B.; (d) Winslow G.; (e) Harold B.). 2217. V. William Frederick; m. Deborah Clark; dau. of Samuel and Lydia Smith Clark; ch. 1. Frank E. (m. Amelia Itoblnson; one ch., Frederic, d. ae. 7.); 2, Tena. 2218. VI. Charles. 2219. VII. Henry L,. 2220. VIII. Caroline. 2207. VI. 2172. HENRY" LYON [James', Zopher*, Henry', Sam- ueP, Henry'] married Betsey Crocker. Children of Henry and Betsey (Crocker) Lyon: 2221. I. Albert; m. Caroline Clark; no ch. •2222. IL James; b. 1812; d. Oct. 23. 1847; m. Susan Longfellow. tNehemiah Ludlum was a graduate of Princeton, 1762. §A Martha Lyon of Machias Is said to have married as second wife Joseph, ■on of Aaron and Sally (Seavy) Hanscom (before 1800?). A John Lyon and wife Sarah had a daughter Sally, born Jan. 21, 1792; m. Feb. 11, 1810, John Dennlson. 244 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK 2223. III. Rebecca; m. Henry GalUson; oh. 1, Amelia; 2. Martha; S, James Henry. 2224. IV. Hamiah; died young. 2225. V. rudlum; died young. •2226. VI. WUliam; m. Sarah Getchell. ♦2227. VII. Amelia; m. Bryant Gates. *2228. VIII. Warren; m. Phyzannah Norton. •2229. IX. Cyrus; m. Inez Cota. •2230. X. Sanford; m. Annie T. Hanscom. 2226. VII. 2207. WILLIAM' LYON [Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry*, SamueP, Henry'] married Sarah Getchell. Children of William and Sarah (Getchell) Lyon: •2231. I. George M.; m. Jennie Berry. •2232. II. Willie H.; m. Josephine Lelghton. 2233. III. Amelia G.; m. J. Lincoln; no ch. •2234. IV. Simeon G.; m. Hannah Sedgley. ♦2235. V. Sanford P.; m. Sarah Ellison. •2236. VI. Lizzie; m. Willis A. Blood. •2237. VII. Andrew G.; m. Catharine Clark. 2227. VII. 2207. AMELIA' LYON (GATES) [Henry«, James*, Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry'] married Bryant Gates of California. Children of Bryant and Amelia (Lyon) Gates: 2238. I. Adalida. 2239. II. Banning; m. Melissa Hanscom; ch. : 1, Austin D.; 2, George B. 2228. VII. 2207. WARREN' LYON [Henry«, James", Zopher*, Henry^ SamueP, Henry'] married Phyzannah Norton. Children of Warren and Phyzannah (Norton) Lyon: •2240. I. Otis C; m. Margery Butler. 2241. II. Annie. 2242. III. Herbert. 2243. IV. Cyrus. 2244. V. Edwin [Edward.] 2245. VI. Hannah. 2229. VII. 2207. CYRUS' LYON [Henry*. James", Zoph'or*. Henry', SamueP, Henry'] married Inez Cota. Children of Cyrus and Inez (Cota) Lyon: 2246. I. Rebecca. 2247. II. Alice. 2248. III. Cyrus. 2249. IV. Robert. 2250. V. Arthur. 2230. VII. 2207, SANFORD' LYON [Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry'] married Annie T. Hanscom. ADDENDA 246 Children of Sanford and Annie T. (Hanscom) Lyon: 2251. I. Licwis; m. Ida J. Myers. 2252. II. Carrie; m. Charles Denendor; ch. : 1, Frank; 2, Charlie. 2253. III. Annie; m. Lewis R. Tarr; ch. : 1, Harold; 2, Floyd. 2254. IV. Addie. 2255. V. Frank. 2231. VIII. 2226. GEORGE M.' LYON [William', Henry', James', Zopher*, Henry^ Samuel^ Henry'] married Jennie Berry; res. Machias, Me., where the family still live (1907). Children of George M. and Jennie (Berry) Lyon: 2256. I. Sarah. *2257. II. Phyzannah; m. Simon B. Elwell. 2358. III. Irving;' m. Lottie Gooch. 2259. IV. Roscoe; unm. *2260. V. Willard; m. Ada Andrews. •2261. VL Effle; m. Enoch Howie. •2262. VII. Anna [Annie] ; m. Willie Ackley. 2263. VIII. Josie; unm. 2264. IX. Lizzie. 2265. X. Walter. 2266. XI. MUlie. 2267. XII. Mary. 2268. XIII. Carrie; unm. 2232. VIII. 2226. WILLIE H." LYON [William', Henry', James*, Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry^] married Josephine Leighton. Son of Willie H. and Josephine (Leighton) Lyon: 2269. I. Willie; res. Minneapolis, Minn. 2234. VIII. 2226. SIMEON G.» LYON [William', Henry", James', Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry'] married Hannah Sedgley. Children of Simeon G. and Hannah (Sedgley) Lyon: 2270. I. James. 2271. II. Fred. 2272. III. Albert. 2273. IV. Grace. 2274. V. Mignonette. 2235. VIII. 2226. SANFORD' P. LYON [William', Henry*. James', Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry*] married Sarah Ellison. Children of Sanford P. and Sarah (Ellison) Lyon: 2276. L Marion, sv- , Ut^jAJt-J 7^A i? G- f-? jF 2276. II. George, t! < h ,, {- 2236. VIII. 2226. LIZZIE' LYON (BLOOD) [William', Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry'] married Willis A. Blood. 246 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK Children of Willis A. and Lizzie (Lyon) Blood: 2277. I. Fred. 2278. II. Charles. 2279. III. Leon. 2237. VIII. 2226. ANDREW G.» LYON [WiIliam^ Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry*, SamueP, Henry^] married Catharine Clark, Children of Andrew G. and Catharine (Clark) Lyon: 2280. I. Avoid. 2281. II. Leda. 2282. III. WlUle. 2283. IV. Sadie. 2284. V. Bradford. 2285. VI. Percie. 2286. VII. Ruby. 2287. VIII. Aubrey. 2240. VIII. 2228. OTIS C.« LYON [Warren*, Henry«, James*. Zopher*, Henry^ Samuel^ Henry'] married Margery A. Butler. Children of Otis and Margery (Butler) Lyon: •2288. I. Samuel Warren; m. May Staftord. 2289. II. Annie Lillian. 2290. IIL Ida Mena. *2291. IV. LiUian; m. William Harne. 2257. IX. 2231. PHYZANNAH" LYON (ELWELL) [George M.», William', Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry*, SamueP, Henry*] married Simon B. Elwell. Children of Simon B. and Phyzannah (Lyon) dwell: 2292. I. George. 2293. II. Herbert. 2260. IX. 2231. WILLARD" LYON [George M.«, William', Henry", James", Zopher*, Henry*, SamueP, Henry*] married Ada Andrews. Children of Willard and Ida (Andrews) Lyon: 2294. I. Melvln. 2295. II. Sorris. 2261. IX. 2231. EFFIE" LYON (HOWIE) [George M.*, WU- liam^ Henry*, James", Zopher*, Henry*, Samuel', Henry*] married Enoch Howie. Children of Enoch and Effle (Lyon) Howie: 2296. I. John. 2297. II. MeUus. 2298. III. Calista. ADDENDA 247 2262. IX. 2231. ANNA' LYON (ACKLEY) [George M.', Wil- liam', Henry*, James', Zoplier*, Henry^, SamueP, Henry'] married Wil- lie Ackley. Children of Willie and Anna (Lyon) Ackley: 2299. I. Cora. 2300. II. George. 2301. III. Marion. 2303. IV. Clayton. 2288. IX. 2240. SAMUEL WARREN' LYON [Otis C.*, Warren', Henry', James', Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry*] married May E. Stafford. Residence (1907) Palmer, Mass. Children of Samuel "W. and May E. (Stafford) Lyon: 2303. I. WUfred Otis. 2304. II. Herbert Warren. 2305. III. Charles Leslie. 2291. IX. 2240. LILLIAN' LYON (HARNE) [Otis C, Warren', Henry*, James', Zopher*, Henry', SamueP, Henry*] married William Harne. Children of William and Lillian (Lyon) Harne: 2306. I. Alice. 2307. II. Lillian. 2308. III. Warren. 2173. V(?). . CAPTAIN DAVID LYON of "North End" Elizabethtown, 1745-1802, was no doubt a descendant of Henry Lyon, probably in the fifth generation. His parentage has not been ascer- tained, but he may be identified without question as the David Lyon who was Captain in Continental Army in the Revolutionary War.t He was buried in the Elizabethtown Presbyterian Churchyard, his tombstone bearing the inscription, "Capt. David Lyon, d. 1802, March 30, aged 57 years." In 1787 he gave to the village school of his neighborhood "a good size bell, which rang many generations to work in the long pine forms of the North End school." The old school house was destroyed by fire about 1864. The bell was removed to Dr. David Pierson's Academy across the road from David Lyon's residence, where it remained until this too was burned down, in 1878. It is now in the museum of the State House in Trenton. Around the bell is the inscription: "A gift from Capn. David Lyon, 1789," and below this Is cast: "Made by David Ross at Eliz. town." Captain David Lyon and his wife Rhoda were members of the old Presbyterian Church at Eliz- 248 HENRY LYON OF NEWARK abethtown. They were perhaps parents of David [the tombstone, broken off, says, "Brother David, aged 45"] of Aaron, born 1769, died Sept. 5, 1854 [he lived on tract X, about at T O on Map of Lyons Farms], and of a nameless child who died June 17, 1788, all buried in the same churchyard. tOfflcial record from the office of the Adjutant General, State of New Jersey: It is certified that the records of this office show that David iyon was com- missioned Captain, First New York Regiment, New York Continental Line, June 28, 1775; commissioned Captain, Colonel Oliver Spencer's Regiment, Con- tinental Arm.y, January 1, 1777; joined regiment June 1, 1777; resigned April 10, 1778. Dated: Trenton, Nov. 9, 1906. RHODE ISLAND LYONS. PROBABLY OF THE FAMILY OF HENRY. In the "Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families" there is given a record of the descendants of a certain John Lyon of Scituate, R. L, born probably about 1740, whose parentage had not been ascertained, but who was referred doubtfully to the family of William^ Lyon of Roxbury. It was stated, however, that he might have been a des- cendant of Henry^ Lyon. No new light has been shed upon the question of his ancestry, but additional facts have been ascertained about other Rhode Island Lyons who seem to have been of the same family, and these may be given place here as being perhaps not out of their natural connection. We have seen that one branch of the family of Henry established itself in Rhode Island, descendants of Lieutenant James Lyon (No. 26). James had a brother John who married but whose descendants have not been traced. It is quite pos- sible that he also settled in Rhode Island, and it would have been very natural for him to name one of his sons John. Another son he might naturally have named for his uncle Thomas. John Lyon of Scituate married, Oct. 27, 1763, in Cranston, R. I., Martha Burlingame, daughter of Daniel and Rose (Briggs) Burlingame. Three years before, Thomas Lyon had married Huldah, a sister of Martha Burlingame. No records have been found as yet in Rhode Island of the descendants of this Thomas, whom we may assume to hare been a brother of John, although such records no doubt exist. It is, however, almost certain that the sons of Thomas removed from Rhode Island to Chenango Co., N. Y., as did 'some of the sons of John. At all events, three brothers, Samuel, Alexander and "Major" Lyon, in 1791, settled at Lyon Brook, Chenango Co., and their descendants state that they came either from Connecticut or Rhode Island. The circumstance that one of them bore the unusual name Alexander is of significance, since Cyrus Lyon, a 'son of John named his oldest son Alexander in 1797. That Cyrus and Alexander were cousins there- fore, there can hardly be a doubt. Again the circumstance that a daughter of Samuel Lyon married a Burlingame — whether in Rhode Island or in New York State does not signify — points unmistakably to Rhode Island as the home of the emigrants. Of the three brothers who came to Chenango Co. in 1791, two, Samuel and Alexander, are said to have been previously soldiers In 250 RHODE ISLAND LYONS the Revolutionary war, having served in a Connecticut regiment. Alexander was never married. The third brother "Major" Lyon is said to have been killed at Little York "in a fight with the British in 1812." The Lyon brothers bought land of Benjamin Hovey, Gov. Clinton's land agent, for one shilling an acre. They built a grist mill; also, it is said, "a lumber mill and a woolen mill." Samuel was the only one of them who raised a family. His wife's name has not been ascertained. Children of Samuel Lyon: I. Daniel; xa. . II. Huldah; m. Charles Smith. III. Sally; m. Rathbone. IV. Betsey; m. Burlingame. V. Polly; m. Samuel Pollard. VI. Samuel; m. Eddy. VII. Lovina; m. John Pollard. VII. Liuclna; twin sister of Lovlna; m. Baker. IX. Ira; m. . X. Lovlca; m. William Smith. XI. George Rowley; b. 1800; m. in 1822, Susanne LyonJ; children: 1, Henry A., m. Elvira Dyer; 2, Anne E., m. Judson Babcock; 3, George M.. m. Eliza Lewis; 4, Mary Alice, unm. ; 5, Susan Alice, m. in 1870 Burdette Holcomb; she d. In 1896. ADDENDA. 436e. VI. 156. JOHN S.« LYON [Elijah', Thomas*, Thomas*, Thomas^ Henry^] was born Jan. 1796. A belated record received from California just as the Lyon Memorial is going to press seems to relate to this John S. Lyon, but it states that he died July 1888, ae. 86 yrs., at Parsippany, N. J., where he was born. [Note discrepancy in date of birth], John S. Lyon of the California record, m. and had: I. Charles; -d. a young man; unm. II. Samuel; U. S. Consul at Kobe, Japan; d. 1905; m. three times; by Ist wife had: 1, Bigbter; 2. Wilbur; 3, Iiizzie; 4, Gussie; by 2nd. wife had 3 sons. III. Henry; b. 1838; d. May 25, 1884; m. and had: 1, Newton C. (res. (1907) Lakeside, San Diego, Calif.; married and has 3 ch. ; (a) F. Harry, (b) Florence, (c) Marion); 2. Arvilla; d. ; 3. Frank L..; 4. Margaret L>.; unm. rv. John; m. ; 1 son, John Jr. V. Mary; m. Rev. C. Clark and has: 1. Anna; 2, Ada; 3, Grace; 4, Flora. 103. IV. 41. RACHEL* PRUDDEN (COE) [Joanna" (Lyon), Benjamin, Esq.^ Henry'] was born 1718 and died Aug. 1779. She married as his second wife Benjamin Coe. He was born 1702 and died Dec. 1788. Benjamin Coe came with his mother (who was a Wheeler) from Long Island, and was in Newark before 1732. His first wife was Abigail , born 1702, died Aug. 12, 1779. The will of Benjamin Coe names son Benjamin and four daughters, Mary, wife of Moses Roberts, Sarah, wife of David Tuttle, Eunice, wife of Joseph Baldwin, and Abigail, wife of David Techenor. 510a. II. Elizabeth; "dau. of late Capt. William Lyon of Newport;" m. Oct. 15, 1823, John S. Weeden, of Bristol, R. I. (Add to record on p. 120). REV. DAVID LYON, presumably of the family of Henryi, was born at Basking Ridge, N. J., April 27, 1812, and died at his home in Sloansville, N. Y., March 2, 1906, ae. nearly 94. Graduate of Prince- ton 1836; of Princeton Theological Seminary 1839; ordained Feb. 17, 1841, by Presbytery of Albany; pastor in Northampton, N. Y. 1841-60; in Marianville 1860-76, subsequently in Northville, Sloansville, Esper- ance and West Milton, all in the Presbytery of Albany. Retired from active service in 1893, after which he made his home in Sloansville. §Susanne was daughter of David and Charity (WlUson) Lyon, who were married in 1797 "in New England." They had ten children: 1, Alanson Firman, b. 1798; 2. David Willson, b. 1800; 3. Susanne, b. 1803; 4. William McAlpin, b. 1806; 5. Fredericli RandaU, b. 1808; 6. Mary, b. 1810; 7. Freelove, b. 1812 (des- cendants live in Menominee, Mich.); 8, Elizabeth Sherwood, b. 1815; 9, John, b. 18 — ; 10. James William, b. 1820, res. Brooklyn, N. T., 543 Chauncey St. RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD, [The family history compiled by Mrs. Louise Lyon Johnson, of Minneapolis, Minn. A. B. Lyons, M. D., of Detroit, Mich., and Dr. G. W. A. Lyon, of Philadelphia, Pa.] Richard Lyon settled in Fairfield, Conn., as early as May, 1649, the exact date of his arrival there not being now known. According to family tradition he was the youngest of three brothers, who came to New England probably about 1648 and located first in Fairfield County, Connecticut. § The earliest item relating to him is found in the Colonial Records of Connecticut (I. 183) where we read in the proceedings of a "perticular Courte" in Hartford, May 16, 1649 "Ne- hemiah Olmstead Pit contra Richard Lyon defendt in an action of the case, to the damage of £12." The report is certainly tantalizingly brief, and leaves us quite in the dark as to the merits or the out- come of the controversy. Richard Lyon had a house and lot recorded in the Land Records of Fairfield ("Fayrefeild") in January, 1653, and was made a freeman there in 1664 (Conn. Colonial Records I. 432) f. In 1673 he had re- corded five acres of land at Barlow's Plains, and 18% acres "on the Rocks." He was chosen Commissioner for Fairfield, May 1669 (Conn. Col. Rec. n. 106). It is related that on the occasion of a witchcraft trial "the prisoner was sharply rebuked by Richard Lyon, one of the keepers, for bold language." From the abusive reply which is re- corded one may gather that the rebuke was well deserved. The will of Richard Lyon, dated April 12th, 1678, probated Oct. 17, 1678, is almost the only source of information about his family. It reads: — "The Last Will and Testament of Richard Lyon of Fairfield weak In body, but perfect in mind and memory doe make this my last will tThe names of settlers in "Fayrefeild" accepted to be made free Oct. 13, 1664 were "John Bur, Rob. Turny, Joseph Lockwood, Simon Crowch, John Knowles, Rob. Beecham, John Barlow Sr., John Barlow Junr, James Euarts, Peter Cooly, Thomas Sherwood, Wm. Heyden, John Growman, Francis Bradley, John Holte, Steven Sherwood, Nath: Burr, Rich: Lyon, Mr. Wakeman, Thomas Bennit, Thomas Wilson. James Bean, John Odill, Samll Morehouse, Thomas Morehouse, Mathew Sherwood, Richard Hubbell." (Col. Rec. Conn. I. 433). §The compilers of this family history regard It as very highly probable that Henry, Thomas and Richard Lyon were brothers. They do not accept as of historic value the tradition that these brothers came direct from Scotland, although they have no doubt that they were of the same Lyon family of which the Earls of Strathmore are a branch. The question is one of fact, to be set- tled only by research. RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 253 and testament. Imprimis: I give my body to a comely buryall and my soul unto the hands of God from whom I received it and my temporal estate that God hath given me I dispose of as followeth. My will is that first after my decease my funeral charges and just debts shall be payd. I give and bequeath to my sonn Moses Lyon one-third part of my land in Pequaneck [Bridgeport] lying on the eastward side and to run the whole length of that land. Alsoe I give him the fifth part of my long lot to run the whole length to bound it the Southwest side. Alsoe I give him two acres of meadow be- low the new bridge as the way goeth into Sascoeneck. Also my two acres of land in the old field I doe give him, also a gun and a Razer and my biggest pewter platter. It is to be minded one hundred acres of the long lot is already given by deed of gift to him which is part of it above said where it lie and yf there be any room on the old field land when I doe decease it is to be as my estate but otherwise he is to possess it at my decease and the remayning part of the long lot that Moses is to have beside the hundred acres Moses is to possess at my decease. It is my will that Moses shall pay to my cosen Mary Fitch seven pounds within two years after my decease. I give to my sonne Richard Lyon the third part of my land in Pequaneck Ijing on the farther side next Benjamin Turney and to run the whole length. Alsoe I give him one hundred and fifty acres of my long lot next Moses' part running through the whole length, and fifty acres of it he is to possess at my decease. I give him two acres of meadow in Sascoeneck running the whole length of it lying on the side by that which was Mihil [Michael] Fryes'. I give unto my sonne William Lyon a third part of my land in Pequaneck alsoe I give him one-fifth part of my long lot to run the whole length, and to lye next Richard's land, and also I give him two acres of meadow in Sascoeneck lying next the beach, and what is left above these Two acres and six more of that piece of meadow yf any: William shall have it by his two acres. Alsoe I give him my long gunn and my back sword and my belt I give him; he to have his portion at nineteen years of age. I give unto my sons Samuel and Joseph Lyon my lot and house and barn I live on. Alsoe I give them that lot I had of Thomas Morhouse called his home lot the whole lot to lye on the northwest side; Joseph to have the Northwest. Alsoe I give them four acres of meadow in Sascoeneck beside Richard's and William's above said. Yf it fall short of four acres then they must take up with what is: all these several parcils with house and barn is equally to be divided between 264 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Samuel and Joseph. I give unto my daughter Hester Perry four pounds fully to her dispose and I give unto my son-in-law Nathaniel Perry his son Joseph Perry my grand-child three pounds, and unto my son-in-law Nathaniel Perry I give three pounds in carting and plowing as he have ocation. I give unto my wife Margaret Lyon whom I doe hereby make my Executrix of this my last will, I say I give her three score pounds out of my estate and the use of the house I now live in and the barn and the home lot and the rest of Samuel and Joseph's portion above mentioned to use and improve while she re- mayns a widow, or until the said Samuell and Joseph have attayned the age of twenty-one years when they are to have their portions. I give unto my daughters Betty Hanna and Abigail, when my wife hath payed her two score pound out of the moveables, the rest of the moveable estate I give them equally to be divided provided it exceeds not forty pounds which yf it doe the overplus is to be divided between my three youngest sons and my three youngest daughters equally. I will my three youngest daughters Betty, Hanna and A"bigail shall have their portions payd them at nineteen years of age unless they marry before that age yf they doe then to receive their portions. And yf either Samuel or Joseph dye before they come to age to receive their portions the other sonne to have the whole, he paying a third part of the value of the said portion equally unto William and the three youngest daughters, and yf any of my three youngest daughters dye before they come of age to receive their portions then the portion shall be divided equally unto the survivors of the three youngest sons. And yf William dye before he come of age to receive his portion then Samuell and Joseph shall have his land, and they shall pay to my three youngest daughters a third part of the value of his land equally to be divided among them. And it is my will that yf the moveables fall short of my wife's three score pound and my daughters' forty pound a piece as above then my land In Sascoeneck lying between Goodman Cobbes and Thomas Shornington shall goe in to make it up to that. This is my last will I have here- unto set to my hand this 12 April, 1678. Richard Lyon. his mark. Amount of inventory returned by George Squires and William Hill Oct. 17, 1678, £632—2—0. ChUdren of Richard Lyont, not certain that they were all by his wife Margaret, although nothing is known to the contrary; not recorded In order of age; all probably born in Fairfield, Conn.: SECOND GENERATION 255 *2. I. Moses; m. Mary (Grumman?); d. without Issue 1696 or 1697. •3. II. Richard Jr.,; m. Mary (Frye); d. Bedding, Jan. 1740. •4. III. William; a minor In 1678; m. Phebe ; d. Nov. 4, 1699. •5. IV. Samuel; younger than William; m. Susanna ; died 1732. •6. V. Josepli; probably youngest son; m. Mary Jackson; died March 16, 1698 (Hist. Fairfield). 7. VI. Hester; (Esther), oldest daughter; b. certainly as early as 1658; m. 1st, before 1678, Nathaniel Perry; in 1678 had a son Josepll (See will above). She m. 2nd, before April 1699, Grumman ("Esther Grumman, sister of Moses deceased" in settlement of estate of Moses) ; she died in 1699, after July Bth, and before Nov. 13th. t *8. VII. Betty [Elizabeth]; b. about 1660 (a minor In 1678); m. 1st, Jan. 29, 1679, Benjamin Banks (Fairfield T. R.); m. 2nd, before April 1699, William Roberson (Hist. Fairfield). 0. VIII. Hannati; b. after 1659; m. Joshua Jennings ["brother-in-law of Moses," in settlement of his estate]. *10. IX. Abigail; b. after 1659; probably the youngest child; m. Jan. 9, 1696, Samuel Smith (Fairfield T. R.); died March 6, 1698 (T. R.). 2. II. 1. MOSES= LYON [RICHARD^] was born in Fairfield. Conn., about 1650. His wife's name was Mary, perhaps Mary Grum- man, since in Fairfield T. R. he is spoken of as brother-in-law of John Grumman, but this may mean simply that John Grumman was husband of his sister Esther (see below). He died early in 1698, inventory of his estate being returned March / §There lived in Norwalk in the last decade of the Seventeenth Century an Andrew Lyon whose antecedents have not been ascertained. No such name occurs among the children of either of the three "brothers," Richard, Thomas and Henry. One may conjecture that he was related to the other Fairfield County families, but it is mere conjecture. He was grantee in a deed of land on Mill Brook, grantor, Samuel Benedict, of Danbury, deed dated Feb. 13, 1693. He had daughters: 1, Mary; b. July 1, 1691, and 2, Jane; b. Oct. 11, 1707. Inventory of his estate dated May 20, 1712; estate administered Oct. 6, 1714. His widow Mary married (second wife) Aug. 17, 1712, Joseph Kellogg. They had two sons, David; b. Sept. 28, 1715, and Benjamin, born Sept. 26, 1716. [Joseph Kellogg's first wife was Sarah Plum, daughter of John Plum, of Mil- ford. They were married Nov. 25, 1702 and had five children: 1. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1703; 2. Sarah, b. April 5, 1706; 3. Joseph, b. Sept. 26, 1707; 4. Rachel, b. July 15, 1710; 5, Hanna, b. Aug. 1, 1712. Sarah (Plum) Kellog died Aug. 17, 1712.] Mary Kellogg was appointed administratrix of the estate of Andrew Lyon deceased, in Oct. 1714 (Col. Rec. Conn. V. 16). It is reasonable to suppose that Andrew Lyon had descendants, and very likely that some of the uncon- nected names given in succeeding pages as probably of the family of Richard belong rather to his hypothetical family. Mention may be made in particular of an Andrew Lyon who in 1790 was one of the first pew owners in the first Episcopal Church In Trumbull near Bridgeport, and not far from Norwalk. Andrew Lyon (No. 160) of Norwalk 1793 seems not to have been his descendant. tJuly 5, 1699, John Edmunds purchased property at Fairfield, formerly be- longing to Richard Lyon from Richard Lyon, William Lyon, Samuel Lyon, Joshua Jennings, Samuel Smith, William Roberson and Esther Grumman; Nov. 13, 1699, Joshua Jennings purchased property at Fairfield of Richard Lyon, Samuel Lyon, William Roberson, Samuel Smith and John Downs in behalf of Esther Grumman, deceased. \ 256 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 2, 1698. He died intestate and without issue, and his estate was divided April 11, 1699, between his "widow Mary, his brothers Richard, Samuel and William (Joseph was no longer living), his brothers-in- law Joshua Jennings, William Roberson and Samuel Smith, and his Bister Esther Grumman." 3. II. 1. RICHARD^ LYON [RICHARD^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1653. He married Mary , whose maiden name was probably Frye. From his brother's will we learn that his land adjoined that of Mihill Frye, from whom in 1676 he received a legacy of ten shillings. He lived in Fairfield, but late in life went to Redd- ing, where he died in January 1740, ae. 87. His wife was a charter member of the Congregational Church organized in Redding in 1729. He united with the same Church in 1733. He was therefore probably not the Richard Lyon spoken of by Rev. Dr. Burhams in the Church- man's Magazine (1832) as the first churchman in Redding, since that Richard was said to be "from Ireland" and to have died as early as 1735. Nathan Lyon was also a Churchman; is it possible that there were two Nathans as well as two Richards? The writer [A. B. L.] inclines to the belief that the Irish Richard is a myth, although open to conviction on evidence. Children of Richard and Mary (Frye?) Lyon, born in Fairfield: •11. I. Samuel; b. Dec. 27, 1688 (T. R.); bapt. with Sarah and Ebenezer, April 5, 1696. 12. II. Sarah; b. Feb. 14, 1690 or 1693 (T.R.) (1696 Hist, of Falrfleld). *13. III. £benezer; b. Aug. 15, 1694 (T. R.) m. Jan. 9, 1717, Ellen Fanton (T. R.) ♦14. IV. Daniel; b. Oct. 3, 1697 (T.R.); bapt. Oct. 3, 1697 (Ch.R.); m. Aug. 7, 1718, Sarah Jennings (T.R.). 15. V. Hannah; b. May 14, 1701 (T. R.); bapt, June 15, 1701 (Ch. R). •16. VL Nathan; b. Nov. 28, 1703 (T. R.) [Feb. 13, 1703, Hist. Falrfleld]; bapt. Feb. 13, 1704 (Ch. R.); d. Redding, Nov. 21, 1757. 17. VIL Jonathan; b. May 1, 1708 (Hist. Falrfleld); bapt. June 1, 170^8 (Ch. R.) 4. II. 1. WILLIAM^' LYON [Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn, about 1660. His wife's name was Phebe, — maiden name not on record. His will, dated Nov. 4, 1699, makes his wife Phebe Executrix and bequeaths to his wife land; to son Nathaniel dwelling house and barn and his biggest pewter platter; to son William seven acres of land, a gun and a sword; to son Moses, land and a chest; written on the same sheet is the will of widow Phebe Lyon, dated March 21, 1701, which deeds lands to her son Benjamin Lyon, whose SECOND GENERATION 267 name does not appear in her husband's will. Amount of inventory, returned Dec. 3, 1700, £233—10—0. Children of Williani and Phebe Lyon (born in Fairfield) : ♦18. I. Nathaniel; bapt. Sept. 9, 1694; m. Huldah ; d. 1718. •19. II. Wmiam$; bapt. Feb. 16, 1695. 20. III. Moses; bapt. May 8, 1698. *21. IV. Benjamin; bapt. Sept. 8, 1700; Removed to Redding, Conn. 5. II. 1. SAMUEL= LYON [Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1670, and died there in 1732. "Sergeant Samuel Lyon renewed the Covenant June 8, 1712." His wife, Susanna, bapt. Oct. 19, 1718 (?). Samuel's death is recorded without date in the Church Record. His will, dated July 17, 1732, makes his sons, John and Samuel, executors, and mentions his wife, Susan (Susanna) and the eight children whose names follow: Children of Samuel and Susan (Susanna) Lyon, born in Fairfield (Green- field Parish). *23. I. Samuel; bapt. with Margary, John and Janies, March 18. 1705 (March 12, 1704, Hist. Fairfield). *23. II. Margary [Margaret] ; m. Fairfield, Aug. 9, 1724, John Meaker (T. R.) *24. III. Jolm; m. Hannah ; d. 1734. ' »25. IV. James; b. March 21, 1704 (Fairfield T. R.); m. Abigail Rowland. ♦26. V. Abigail; bapt. May 12, 1706; m. Daniel Morhouse; d. Fairfield; Sept. 1757 (T. R.) *27. VI. £phraim; bapt. Sept. 27, 1708 [1709]; m. Eunice ; d. before 1751. 28. VII. Anna [Ann]; bapt. Aug. 6 (or 10), 1710. 29. VIII. £lnathan; bapt. June 8, 1712; not mentioned in will. 30. IX. Jeremiah ["Jemimah" in Hist. Fairfield]; bapt. April 1, 1713. 6. II. 1. JOSEPH^ LYON [Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1673, and died in that place March 16, 1698. In the History of Fairfield he is said to have settled at Pequonnock, (Green- field). In 1695, according to Fairfield Co. Probate record, Joseph Lyon, husband of Mary Jackson, daughter of Joseph Jackson, acknowl- edges the receipt of his wife's legacy from his father-in-law, Joseph Seely, who married the administratrix of said Jackson's estate. His widow married John Bayley before Nov. 1700. Inventory of his estate presented March 11, 1698, shows a total value of £280 — 13 — 2. Joseph and his brother Moses must have died about the same time. His minor children were (1700) under the guardianship of their uncle, Samuel Lyon, who, together with his relict, Mary Bayley, was admin- istrator of the estate. (16) 258 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Joseph and Mary (Jackson) Lyon: 31. I. Joseph; bapt. July 28, 1695; perhaps the Joseph Lyon who was a member of the Greenfield Congregational Church in 1726. •82. II. David; bapt. June 27, 1697; m. Elizabeth ; d. 1722. 8. II. 1. ELIZABETH^ LYON (BANKS) (ROBERSON) [Rich- ard'] was born after 1659, in Fairfield, Conn. She married first, Jan. 29, 1679, Benjamin, son of John Bankst He died in 1692, (will dated March 21; inventory of estate, July 2). She married second, about 1692, William Roberson. Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Lyon) Banks: 33. I. Benjamin; b. 1679 (In 1692 ae. 13). 34. IL EUzabeth; b. 1683 (In 1692, ae. 9). 36. III. Abigail; b. 1687 (in 1692, ae. 5). 36. IV. Joseph; b. 1688 (in 1692, ae. 4). Daughter of William and Elizabeth (Lyon) (Banks) Roberson: 37. I. (?) Margaret; m. July 11, 1733, Thomas Bullis; children: 1. Pettys; b. Greenwich, May 25, 1734; 2. Abraham; b. Feb. 17, 1736; 3. Effema; b. Nov. 11, 1737. 10. II. 1. ABIGAIL" LYON (SMITH) [Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1676, and died March 6, 1698. She married, Jan. 1, 1696, Samuel Smith. Samuel Smith married -second, Oct. 27, 1699, Deborah Jackson, by whom he had other children!: Children of Samuel and Abigail (Lyon) Smith; b. in Fairfield: 88. L AbigaU; b. Sept. 23, 1696, bapt. Oct. 25, 1696. 39. II. Sarah; b. Dec. 23, 1697; bapt. April 17, 1698; d. March 1700. RELATED LYON NAMES; almost certainly grand-children of Richard'. 40. Onesimus (son of Richard^?); all that is recorded of him is that he had a son John, bapt. Nov. 1, 1736 In Redding Congregational Church. 41. Fhebe (daughter of William"?); m. Jan. 31, 1734, Nath. Stephens, of Danbury, Conn. (First Congregational Church, Fairfield). 43, Benjamin (son of SamueP?); d. Feb. 21, 1732, ae. 44 y. (G. R. Fair- field, old Cem.) tJohn Banks settled first in Windsor, Conn., where he was town cleric He came later to Fairfield, Conn., and represented that place in the General Court, 1651-61. In 1670 he was one of the proprietors of Rye, N. Y., and was Repre- sentative from Rye and Fairfield, as late as Oct. 1684. He died the following year. He was twice married: first to a daughter of Charles Taintor, of Wethers- fleld, Conn., and second to Mary, daughter of Thomas Fitch, and widow of Thomas Sherwood. His oldest son, John, married Abigail, daughter of Thomas Lyon, of Rye, while his youngest son, Benjamin, married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Lyon, of Fairfield. §The children of Samuel Smith, baptized in Fairfield (Ch. R.) were; 1. Joseph; bapt. Feb. 17, 1694-5; 2, AblgaU; Oct. 25, 1696; 3, Sarah; April 17, 1698; 4, Deborah; Nov. 9, 1699; 5, Deborah; March 29, 1702; 6, Rebecca; March 26, 1704; 7. Sarah; Jan. 5, 1706; 8. Esther; May 22, 1709; 9. Nathan(?) March 18, 1710-1. From the foregoing it appears that Samuel Smith was three times married. THIRD GENERATION 259 11. III. 3. SAMUEL' LYON [Richard', Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 27, 1688. Nothing is positively known of his history. He may have removed to Redding, as his father and his brother Nathan certainly did. The only record found in that place which could relate to him is that of the baptism in Aug. 1738, of a Samuel Lyon, son of Samuel. This might possibly be a son, — more likely a grand-son of this Samuel. Absence of other records in Redd- ing malves it doubtful whether either hypothesis has any foundation in fact. The name of Samuel Lyon, Jr., appears in a list of the charter members of the Congregational Church in Greenfield in 1726. Other Lyon names in the list are John, Joseph and Benjamin. John was no doubt a brother of Samuel, the other two probably cousins, although one or both may have been brothers. We find in Fairfield a Caleb Lyon, son of Samuel, whose father could not have been Samuel Lyon No. 22, since he was born before 1718, the year of the marriage of the latter. Children of Samuel and ( 1 I^yoniJ ♦43. I. (?) Caleb; bapt. Feb. 19. 1716; could not have been son of No. 5 (not mentioned in will), or of No. 22, (married in 1718.) 44. II. (?) Thomas [no record of birth or parentage. Abigail, wife of Thomas Lyon, was admitted to Greenfield Church, March 16, 1740. Redding Land Records, 1773 (II. 57) mention "Gershom Lyon. .Jr., son of Tliomas." who would seem to have been almost certainly a grandson of Richard No. 3.] 45. III. (?) Samuel (no record; see above.) 13. III. 3. EBENEZER' LYON [Richard=, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Aug. 15, 1694. The place and date of his death are not known. He married in Fairfield, Jan. 9, 1717, Ellen Fanton. He was one of the pioneer settlers in Norwich, Conn., in 1722. Children of Ebenezer and Ellen (Panton) Lyon, born in Fairfield: •46. I. (?) Stephen; b. about 1717 [no record]; bapt. Nov. 17, 1717. 47. II. Ellen [Elcannr] ; b. Nov. 27, 1718 (T. R.'*; bapt. (Eleanor) Nov. 30, 1718 (Ch. R.) *48. III. Ebenezer; b. June 10, 1722 (T. R.) bapt. Nov. 11, 1722 (Ch. R.). 49. IV. (?) Abel [no record]; m. May 11, 1757, Sarah Olmstead (Fair- field T. R.) Abel may have been son of Samuel No. 22. There is no clew to his parentage, nor have we any further record. We may, however, keep the name in mind in connection with the Abel Lyon who lived a generation later In Pulton County, N. T. See Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families, p. 316. 14. III. 3. DANIEL' LYON [Ricbard=, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 3, 1697, and died in Redding, date not ascertained. JThe following may also have been children of this Samuel: Elnathan; bapt. Aug. 10, 1710 [more probably son of No. 5. and died In Infancy]; Mary; bapt. Feb. 19, 1716; Hannah; bapt. June (?) 4, 1721; Stephen; bapt. Feb. 15, 1724. The last two may have been children of No. 22. Early Settlements, Fairfield Co., Conn. THIRD GENERATION 261 He married in Fairfield, Aug. 7, 1718, Sarah Jennings, and he and his wife [also Benjamin Lyon and wife and the wife of Richard Lyon] were among the charter members of the Congregational Church of Redd- ing (1729). They lived in the south eastern part of the town, now Easton. In May 1725, Daniel Lyon and his brother Nathan were petitioners for a grant of land in Redding. Children of Daniel and Sarah (Jennings) Lyon: •50. I. Daniel; b. Fairfield. Aug. 1, 1719 (T. R.); bapt. Nov. 22, 1719. 61. II. Sarah; b. Fairfield. Nov. 18, 1720 (T. R.); bapt. Jan. 1, 1721. 52. III. Eunice; b. Fairfield, April S. 1721 (?) (T. R.); bapt. April 14, 1723; m. Oct. 1740, Benjamin Turney (E. C. M. [1, 71] has it, Anne Lyon.) •53. IV. Gershom; b. Fairfield, July 10. 1725; d. Easton, May 3, 1801. 54. V. Michael; b. Fairfield, Feb. 28, 1728 (T. R.); bapt. In Greenfield Church; res. New Marlboro, Mass. *55. VL Timothy; b. Nov. 5, 1734 (Fairfield T. R.) 56. VII. Jonathan; b. May 6, 1741; mentioned in land records In Redding 1773 as "brother of Gershom Lyon, Sr.", and as "son of Daniel"; bapt. in Red- ding. Cong. Church, May 31, 1741. (Possibly son of Daniel Lyon No. 50 q. v.). 16. III. 3. NATHAN^ LYON [Richard% Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 28, 1703, and died in Redding, Nov. 21, 1757, ae. 54 (G. R.) ; buried in Redding Ridge Episcopal Church Cemetery. From Land Records of Redding (II. 62) it is learned that the name of his wife (widow) was Abigail. In 1729 at a meeting of the (Presby- terian) society of Redding, Nathan Lyon, Moses Knapp and Daniel Crofoot made strenuous objections to the "hiering" of any other than a minister of the Church of England.J In 1738 these same names appear in a list of seven parishioners of Mr. Beach. Children of Nathan [and Abigail] Lyon:t •57. I. Peter; m. 1753, Abigail Sherwood. 58. II. John; Redding Land Records (II. 228; V. 10, 11) say "gone over to enemy; property confiscated"; he removed to Nova Scotia. 59. III. Joseph; also "went over to the enemy"; m. May 21, 1761, (E. C. M. I. 72) Lois Sanford, daughter of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Mix) Sanford (Fair- field T. R., which says "Joseph Lyon, of Redding, son of Nathan") Lois (San- ford) Lyon d. Dec. 15, 1769, ae. 27 y. (G. R. Redding Ridge Episcopal Ch. Ceme- tery). Joseph's property was confiscated, but recovered by his widow. •60. IV. David; m. 1756, Hannah Sanford (T. R.) 61. V. Eli; joiner; Taxed in Redding 1793. Jlf this Nathan was really the son of Richard Lyon of Fairfield, it would seem practically certain that the latter was the Richard Lyon. Churchman, spoken of by Dr. Burhams. The statement that that Richard died "as early as 1735" lacks as yet confirmation of documentary evidence. tLand Records of Redding contain the foHowing items: 1769 (II. 83, (379) "sons of Nathan Lyon. Samuel, Eli and John;" 1771 (I. 188, 218) "sons of Nathan Lyon. Sr., Capt. Henry, Eli, David:" (II. 53) "daughter of Nathan, Betty"; 1773 (IL 131) "sons (of Nathan) Philo, Henry. Peter and David"; 1775 (IL 132). In the division of the estate of Nathan "wife Abigail, and sons. Henry, John, Peter and David." 262 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD •62. VI. Samuel; m. 1757, Elizabeth McLane (T. R.) ♦63. Vn. Henry [Capt. Henry]; b. 1730; m. Rebecca ; She died March 7, 1775, ae. 43 y. (G. R.); he died Dec. 24, 1773, ae. 43 (G. R.) 64. VIII. PhUo. 65. IX. Betty; m. Samuel Hawley (Redding Land Records II. 53). 18. III. 4. NATHANIEL^ LYON [William^ Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., date not ascertained, and died there in 1718. In settlement of his estate in Sept. 1718, mention is made of widow Huldah, and the minor children given below. Distribution of estate, Sept. 19, 1722. Children of Nathaniel and Huldah Lyon: 66. I. Joshua$; b. July 28, 1709. 67. II. Nathaniel; b. Dec. 28, 1710. 68. III. Phebe; b. June 6, 1712. 69. IV. Deborah; b. March 20, 1714. 70. V. Zachariah; b. April 3, 1716; bapt. June 24, 1716. 19. III. 4. WILLIAM' LYON [William^, Richard'] was born In Fairfield, Conn., early in 1695; bapt. Feb. 16, 1695. There is a re- cord that "on Sept. 16, 1716, Elizabeth, wife of William Lyon, renewed the covenant" (Fairfield). Children of William and Elizabeth ( ) Lyon: 71. I. Eunice; bapt. Sept. 16, 1716. 72. II. Tabitha; bapt. Jan. 22, 1720. 73. III. Phineas; bapt. June 23, 1723. 21. III. 4. BENJAMIN' LYON [William*, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1700. He, with his wife (name unknown), united with the West Farms Church in Fairfield, Aug. 8, 1726, and were among the charter members of the Redding Congregational Church, 1733. Children of Benjamin Lyon: 76. I. Sarah; bapt. Fairfield, Aug. 8, 1726. 76. IL Nathaniel; bapt. Fairfield, Feb. 6, 1728. •77. III. Bethel; bapt. Redding (Cong. Ch. R.), May 27, 1733; died May 22, 1808. 78. IV. John; bapt. Redding, Aug. 22, 1736. 79. V. Samuel; bapt. Redding, Aug. 20, 1738. 80. VI. Phebe; bapt. Redding, Feb. 24, 1740. 22. III. 5. SAMUEL" LYON [SamueP, Richard'] was born In Fairfield, Conn., probably about 1698. He married in Fairfield, May 8, 1718, Mary Davis, daughter of John Davis (T. R.) She was tA Joshua Lyon, of Oyster Bay, married at Huntington, Long Island. Sept. 7, 1729, Lydla Davis (Huntington Ch. R.). THIRD GENERATION 263 baptized ("wife to Samuel Lyon, son to Sergeant Samuel") Oct. 19, 1718. He and his wife were admitted to full communion in the Greenfield Church, Feb'y 26, 1737 [1727 ?], having been previously members of the West Farms Church. He was executor of his brother John's will in 1734. Children of Samuel and Mary (Davis) Lyon, born In Fairfield: •81. I. Sarah; b. Oct. 8, 1719 (T. R.); bapt. Nov. 22. 1722 (Ch. R. West Farms); m. Dec. 13, 1738, John Rowland. 83. II. Rebecca; b. July 23, 1722 (T. R.); bapt. Aug. 26, 1722; m. Feb. 14, 1746, Jeremiah Sturgls. •83. III. David; b. about 1724; "son of Samuel," possibly of No. 11. •84. IV. Martha; b. about 1726; "daughter of Samuel," possibly of No. 11; m. Fairfield, Dec. 28, 1746, Thomas Turney, Jr. (T. R.). •85. V. Peter; b. Nov. 27, 1727 (T. R.); bapt. Dec. 10, 1727 (Ch. R.); m. Mary Davis. See footnote under Samuel Lyon, No. 11; also see Abel under Bbenezer Lyon, No. 13. 23. III. 5. MARGERY' LYON (MEAKER) [SamueP, Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., probably about 1700. She married Aug. 9, 1724, John Meaker [Meeker]. Children of John and Margery (Lyon) Meaker (Fairfield T. R.): 86. I. Anna; b. Nov. 14, 1725. 87. 11. Sarah; b. May 27, 1728. 88. IIL Mabel; b. June 29, 1730. 89. rv. Elizabeth; b. Aug. 5, 1732. 90. V. Stephen; b. April 23, 1736. 24. III. 5. JOHN' LYON [Samuel*, Richard'] was born in Pair- field, Conn., about 1700, and died there in 1734; will dated Sept. 30, 1734. He, with his wife, united with the Greenfield Church in Fair- field, Aug. 8, 1726. In the Colonial Records of Connecticut, John Lyon is mentioned as bondsman for Andrew Burr, nominated for Sheriff (June 2, 1726), and again (May 13, 1727) for Thomas Hanford, appointed Sheriff of Fairfield. His will names his wife Hannah, his son John "to have a double share of all lands," and his six daughters as given below; executors, wife Hannah and brother Samuel. Children of John [and Hannah?] Lyon, born in Fairfield: •91. I. John; bapt. with Thankful, Elizabeth and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1726, In Greenfield Church. 92. II. Thankful. 93. III. Elizabeth. 94. rv. Hannah. 96. V. Esther [Hester]; bapt. Feb. 2, 1727; m. Nov. 3, 1752, Joseph Smith, (West Farms Ch. R., also E. C. M. Ill, 153). 96. VI. Bhoda; bapt. April 16, 1729; m. April 26, 1759, David Baxter (Qreenfleld Crh. R.). 264 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 97. VII. Grizel [Grlswould]; bapt. May 30, 1731; m. Dec. 22, 1748 ["Grlzzel"] Nathan Osborn (Greenfield Ch. R.). 25. III. 5. JAMES^ LYON [SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fair- field, Conn., March 21, 1704. He united with the Greenfield Church, Aug. 8, 1726. He married, Dec. 14, 1732, Abigail Rowland (Green- field Ch. R,). She died March 26, 1752 (T. R.) ["ae. upwards of 40," Ch. R.]. Children of James and Abigail (Rowland) Lyon, born in Fairfield and bap- tized in Greenfield Church: •98. I. Joseph; b. Oct. 1, 1733 (T. R.); d. Nov. 27, 1817, ae. 84 y. (Green- field Ch. R.). •99. n. Hezekiah; b. Feb. 6, 1736 (T. R.). •100. IIL Eliphalet; b. May 4, 1738 (T. R.). *101. IV. Seth; b. Dec. 22, 1740 (T. R.); m. Mary Bradley. 103. V. AbigaU; b. Aug. 24, 1743. 103. VI. Sarah; b. Jan. 1, 1746; d. April 4, 1747, ae. about 2 y. (Greenfield Ch. R.) [April 4, 1757 (?) T. R.]. •104, VII. Sarah; b. June 30, 1748 (T. R.); m. March 17, 1769, Elijah Olm- sted; res. Saratoga Co., N. Y. 105. VIII. ? George Washington; "son of the wife of James;" bapt. Aur. SO, 1745 or '46 (Greenfield Ch. R.). 26. III. 5. ABIGAIL' LYON (MORHOUSE) [SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., baptized May 12, 1706 (Greenfield Ch. R.), and died in that place in September 1757. She married Jan. 2, 1724, Daniel Morhouse, (Fairfield T. R.). Children of Daniel and Abigail (Lyon) Morhouse, born in Fairfield: 106. I. Mary; b. Dec. 25, 1724 (T. R.). 107. IL Othniel; b. Oct. 9, 1726 (T. R.). 108. III. Xhaddens; b. Oct. 14, 1728 (T. R.); d. April, 1747, (T. R.) [but see No. 117]. 109. IV. Jerusha; b. Nov. 1, 1730 (T. R.). 110. V. Samuel; b. Oct. 27, 1732 (T. R.); d. Dec. 1753 (T. R.). 111. VI. Ephenetus; b. March 20, 1734 (T. R.); d. April 1734 (T. R.). 112. VII. Daniel; b. March 19, 1736 (T. R.). 113. VIII. Mary; b. Oct. 15, 1738. 114. rx. Elizabeth; b. Dec. 19, 1740 (T. R.). 116. X. Jesse; b. Sept. 9, 1742 (T. R.). 116. XI. David; b. March 31, 1744 (T. R.). 117. XII. Thaddeus; b. Oct. 11, 1746 (T. R.). 27. III. 5. EPHRAIM' LYON [SamueP, Richard'] was born In Fairfield, Conn., baptized Sept. 27, 1709. His wife's name was Eunice. He died before 1751. ("Widow Eunice Lyon entered into full com- munion Feb. 3, 1751"). Children of Ephralm [and Eunice?] Lyon; baptized In Greenfield (Thurch. Fairfield : FOURTH GENERATION 265 118. I. Seth; bapt. Jan. 14, 1732. 119. II. Lois; bapt. Feb. 9, 1735. 120. III. Seth; bapt. 1737. •121. IV. Ephraim; bapt. June 15, 1740; m. Anna Adams (Redding Land Records, II. 106). 122. V. Samuel; bapt. May 15, 1748. 32. III. 6. DAVID' LYON [Joseph^ Richard'] was born In Fair- field, Conn., about 1695. In 1712 he made choice of his "father-in- law" [step-father] John Bayley as guardian. He married about 1718, Elizabeth . His will dated June 4, 1722, proved April 9, 1723 (?), makes his wife Elizabeth executrix with his "Uncle Thomas Nash" to assist her. Bequests to wife Elizabeth, son David, and daughter Mary. Inventory £290—3—10. Children of David and Slizabeth Lyon: 123. I. David.t 124. II. Mary. RELATED LYON NAMES of uncertain parentage: 125. Josiah; perhaps son of Ephraim, No. 27; married, March 1, 1768. Eunice Jennings, of North Fairfield (Greenfield Ch. R.). It was possibly the same Josiah who married afterwards Mrs. Amy (Whitney) Haynes, widow of Silas Haynes. She was born in Fairfield, June 6, 1747. Josiah Lyon was living in Redding In 1777, (Conn. Hist. Soc. VIL 338). 126. Grace; died Jan. 1774, "upwards of 40 years old" (Greenfield Ch. R. ). This may have been Grace (Webb) Lyon; See No. 40. 127. Snnice, "of Greenfield;" married In Fairfield, Feb. 28, 1754, John Fanton [Fountain, or Fantaln] (West Farms Ch. R. ; E. C. M. III). This Eunice may possibly (but unlikely) have been the one (No. 71) who was baptized Sept. 16, 1716. 128. Mary; married April 13, 1757, Bleazer Williams, (Greenfield Ch. R.) 129. Phebe, of Newtown; married Aug. 29, 1758, William Gould. 129a. Rachel, of Newtown; married March 28, 1750, Daniel Crofoot. 43. IV. 11. CALEB* LYON [Samuel', Richard', Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn. He married Aug. 24, 1738, Abiah Parruch, daughter of John Parruch (Fairfield T. R.). Children of Caleb and Ablah (Parruch) Lyon (Fairfield T. R.): •130. I. Hezeklab; b. Oct. 21, 1739; m. March 1, 1764, Hannah Meeker (Greenfield Ch. R.). 131. 11. Huldah; b. Dec. 12, 1741; m. Dec. 20, 1770, Ezeklel Hawley (Red- ding T. R.). 132. III. Rhoda; b. March 12, 1743; m. June 13, 1764, Caleb Meeker. 133. rv. Ruth; b. April 12, 1745; m. Jan. 8, 1767, Stephen Meeker. 134. V. John; b. Jan. 21, 1748. 135. VI. Gideon; b. Feb. 2, 1750; d. Sept. 8, 1751 (T. R.). 136. VII. Eliphalet; b. Sept. 13, 1754; d. Oct. 10, 1756 (T. R.). tPerhaps the David Lyon who, according to Presbyterian Church Records of Pawling (?), Dutchess Co., N. T., had: 1, James; bapt. March 27, 1759; 2, Mary; bapt. Feb. 28, 1762. 266 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 46. IV. 13. STEPHEN* LYON [Ebenezer* (?) Richard'. Rich- ard']. The question of his parentage remains in doubt. A Stephen Lyon (son of Bbenezer ?) was baptized Nov. 17, 1717, another Stephen (son of Samuel, No. 11 ?) was baptized Feb. 15, 1724. He married in Fairfield, July 21, 1747, Grace Webb (West Farms Ch. Rec). In Greenfield Ch. Rec. we find the entry: Grace Lyon, died Jan. 1774, ae. "upwards of 40 years." This may or may not refer to Grace (Webb) Lyon. No further record has been found of Stephen or his wife, but it seems very probable that Nehemiah Webb Lyon was their son. Children of Stephen and Grace (Webb) Lyon: •137. I. ?Nehemiah Webb; b. Weston, Conn., Aug. 16, 1749. 138. II. ?Stephen. [There was a Stephen Lyon, Jr., private In the same company with Nehemiah Webb Lyon]. 48. IV. 13. EBBNEZBR* LYON [Ebenezer', Richard^ Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn. June 10, 1722, and died in Easton Sept. 3, 1801, ae. 80. (G. R. Rock House Cemetery). He (or more likely a son Ebenezer) married Martha Lane, daughter of John Lane (Red- ding Land Records, IV. 109). Daughter of Ebenezer and Martha (Lane) Lyon: 139. I. Mary; b. 1776; d. Feb. 23, 1802, ae. 26 (G. R. Rock House Cem.). (If Mary was really daughter of Ebenezer Lyon, No. 48, there were probably other children). 50. IV. 14. LIEUT. DANIEL* LYON [Daniel', Richard^ Rich- ard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Aug. 11, 1719. He settled in Red- ding and married first "Annah" who died soon after the birth of her only son, Jacob. He married second Ruth (Knapp) Wheeler, widow of Seth Wheeler, and daughter of Moses Knapp. In Redding Land Records he is called in 1769 (I. 8) Daniel Lyon, Jr., (although this may possibly refer to his son Daniel) ; in 1772 (I. 12) he is called Lieut. Daniel Lyon. In these records we find five sons named; Jabez (II. 18, 467), Gershom (III. 152) Daniel, "his third child" (I. 232), Jonathan (III. 429), and Seth (IV. 51). In a deed of land sold to him, Jacob Lyon, of New Ashford, Mass., calls him "my honored father." Redding Land Records mention the names, Mabel, Sarah, Mary and Huldah in such a connection that it may be inferred that they were daughters of Daniel. From the Colonial Records of Connecticut we learn that Daniel Lyon was appointed May 9, 1754, ensign of Eastern train band, parish of Redding (Vol. X, 263). March 17, 1756 he was appointed second lieutenant In the 7th Co., Capt. David Lacy, (X. 473). In May, 1762 FOURTH GENERATION 267 he was appointed Lieutenant of train band, East Division of Redding, In the 4th Regiment, his cousin Henry Lyon (No. 63) beng appointed at the same time Ensign (XIL 9). In Oct. 1768, he was appointed Lieutenant of the 16th Company, 11th Regiment (XIIL 98), In Oct. 1769 he was appointed Deputy (i. e. representative) for Redding (XIII. 235). He appears to have served in the Revolutionary war with the rank of Sergeant. The date of his death and place of his burial have not been ascertained. Son of Daniel and Anna ( ) Lyon: •140. I. Jacob; b. about 1740; d. ■ . Children of Daniel and Ruth (Knapp) ("Wheeler) Lyon; not In order of ago: 141. II. Jonathan; b. May 6, 1741; bapt. May 31, 1741 in Redding Cong. Chh. (perhaps son of Daniel Lyon No. 14 q. v.). •142. III. Jabez; m. Redding, Conn., 1768, Miss Grace Lyon; d. Oct. 20, 1777. •143. IV. Daniel; d. Feb. 12, 1838. 144. V. Gershom. 145. VI. Seth. 146. VIL 3Iabel; m. May 20, 1783, Ell Readt (Redding T. R.); a daugh- ter, Hnldah; b. Aug. 16, 1784. 147. VIII. Sarah; m. Ell Nichols (Redding Land Records). 148. IX. Mary; m. Daniel Gorham (Redding Land Records). 149. X. Huldah; m. Hezeklah Sommers (Redding Land Records). 53. IV. 14. GERSHOM* LYON [Daniel', Richard^ Richard*] was born in Fairfield, Conn. July 10, 1725, and died in Easton, May 3, 1801, "in 75th year" (G. R.); buried in Rock House Cemetery. He was baptized in Greenfield Church, July 3, 1726. He married April 25, 1745, Mary Buckley, (West Farms Ch. R.); she was born in 1720, and died May 10, 1801; "in 81st year" (G. R., Rock House Cemetery). Children of Gershom and Mary (Buckley) Lyon: •150. I. Daniel; b. 1752; d. Jan. 28, 1815, ae. 63 (G. R. Rock House Cem.). ••151 II. Abraham; "son of Gershom" (Redding Land Records, V. 69); b. 1763; d. Feb. 28, 1813, ae. 50 (G. R. Rock House Cem.). 158. III. Gershom; "son of Gershom" (Redding Land Records, II. 57, 68). 55. IV. 14. TIMOTHY* LYON [DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was bom in Redding, Conn., Nov. 5, 1734; (bapt. Nov. 10, 1733 (sic) Cong. Ch. R.). He married July 1, 1752, Meriam Hall (Fairfield T. R.). Timothy Lyon was a private in Capt. James Smedley's militia com- tEll Read was son of Zalmon and Hannah Read, of Redding [originally Reading]. It is likely that Zalmon Lyon of a later generation derived his given name by inheritance or otherwise from this Zalmon Read, who was son of Colonel John Read of Boston; Colonel John being himself son of Hon. John Read, founder of the New England family. Ell Read died In Redding in 1842. 268 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD pany. He is credited with seventeen days' service, from Fairfield, in 1757. Cbildren of Timothy and Meriam (Hall) Lyon (Fairfield T. R.): 163. I. Sarah; b. June 7, 1753; m. Feb. 16, 1772, Lewis Hubbell; settled at Lanesboro, Mass. 164. II. Asa; b. Dec. 12, 1754. 166. III. Abel; b. Dec. 12, 1757; settled at Lanesboro, Mass., soldier In Revolution. ♦156. IV. ? Timothy; settled at Lanesboro, Mass. 57. IV. 16. PETER* LYON [Nathan', Richa^d^ Richard'] was born probably in Fairfield, Conn., about 1720. He married May 10, 1753, Abigail Sherwood (Norwalk T. R.), being then "of Redding." Redding Land Records, 1784 (II. 439, 442, III. 243) speak of "Peter Lyon 2nd, and Abigail, his wife," and give "their children. Walker Lyon, of Flushing, N. Y., Asahel (with wife Hannah), Anne (m. Abel Hill), Andrew and Betsey." In May 1770, a Peter Lyon was appointed En- sign of a Company of Militia in East Division of Redding (Col. Rec. Conn., XIII. 295). This may have been Peter Lyon, Jr., No. 162. The following year Peter was made Lieutenant in the same Company. We read (ibid XV. 326) that later he was called to account for re- fusal to obey orders. Children of Peter and Abigail (Sherwood) Lyon: *167. I. Walker; b. May 13, 1754 (Fairfield T. R.); m. Feb. 19, 1781, Sener Van Northwick (N. Y. marriages). •168. II. Asahel; b. Aug. 31, 1755 (Fairfield T. R.); m. Hannah HUl (Red- ding T. R.). •159. III. Ann [Anna]; b. April 1, 1757 (Fairfield T. R.); m. May 11, 1773, Abel HIU (Redding T. R.). •160. IV. Andrew; freeman Redding, 1790. 161. V. Betsey; b. 1778; m. July 19, 1794, Lemuel Hawley; d. Aug. 27, 1856. •162. VI. ? Peter, Jr. (so named in Redding Land Records, not necessarily son of Peter, but at any rate probably a grandson of Nathan, Sr. ); b. probably about 1760. 60. IV. 16. DAVID* LYON [Nathan^, Richard^, Richard'] was born in Fairfield or Redding, Conn., about 1733. He married Sept. 19, 1756, Hannah Sanford (Fairfield, T. R.) daughter of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Mix) Sanford. She was born March 3, 1737 and died May 8, 1779 (T. R.) (d. May 10, 1779 ae. 43, G. R., Redding Ridge Cem.). David Lyon received a deed of land in Norwalk, April 1, 1761, from David Sherwood of Fairfield; was chosen constable in Redding, June 15, 1767 (Hist. Redding). FOURTH GENERATION 269 Children of David and Hannah (Sanford) Lyon: 163. I. Hester; b. April 2, 1757 (Fairfield T. R.); d. April 6, 1757 (T. R.). •164. II. Nathan; b. Dec. 23, 1759 (Fairfield T. R.) [called Nathan, Jr., son of David, in Redding Land Records, (I, 169 and II, 314); In VI, 527, wo find "Nathan Lyon, Jr., and wife, Phebe"]. •165. III. David, Jr.; b. 1773; d. March 31. 1813, ae. 40 (G. R. Redding Rldge Cem.). 166. IV. Cyrus; b. June 10, 1777 (Redding T. R.). 62. IV. 16. SAMUEL^ LYON [Nathan^ Richard^ Richard'] was born about 1734. He married May 12, 1757, Elizabeth McLane (Fair- field T. R.). (Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (McLane) Lyon: •167. I. Augustus; b. April 4, 1765 (Redding T. R.). 168. II. ? Samuel (no record to establish identity); m. Huldah (Redding Land Records). 63. IV. 16. CAPTAIN HENRY* LYON [Nathan', Richard=, Rich- ard'] was born in Redding, Conn., in 1730 and died in that place Dec. 24, 1773. His wife's name was Rebecca. She was born in 1732, and died March 7, 1775. Both were buried in the Episcopal Church ceme- tery at Redding. In May 1762, he was appointed Ensign to the train band in the Eastern Division of Redding, 4th Regiment, (Col. Rec. Conn. XII. 9). In May 1765, he was appointed Lieutenant in the same Company (XII. 351). In May 1769 he was appointed deputy from Red- ding, being at that time called Captain Henry Lyon (XIII. 98). In May, 1771 he was appointed by the Connecticut Assembly Justice of Peace in Fairfield County (XIII. 419). He was reappointed in 1772, and again in 1773. No record has been found of any children. 77. IV. 21. BETHEL* LYON [Benjamin', William^, Richard'] was born in Redding, Conn, (baptized. May 27, 1733) and died in Wood- bury May 22, 1808. He married March 13, 1754, Jemima Woodward, who died in 1795. He joined the First Congregational Church in Woodbury May 20, 1764 (Hist. Ancient Woodbury). Children of Bethel and Jemima (Woodward) Lyon, born in Woodbury, Conn.: 169. I. Isaac; bapt. May 4, 1755; died In Infancy. 170. II. Isaac; bapt. March 31, 1758; d. Feb. 11, 1766. 171. III. Dorcas; bapt. March 30, 1760. 172. IV. Mary; b. 176 2. 173. V. Betty Greenleaf; bapt. May 3. 1764. 174. VI. Jemima; b. 1765?. 175. VII. Rachel; bapt. Sept. 19. 1766. 176. VIII. Esther; b. 1768. 177. XX. Olive; bapt. Dec. 6, 1770. 178. X. Lydia; b. 1773. 270 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 179. XI. Mary; b. 1774; bapt. Nov. 29, 1778. 180. XII. Sylva; bapt. July 7, 1776. 81. IV. 22. SARAH* LYON (ROWLAND) [Samuel', Samuel', Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 8, 1719. She married. Dec. 13, 1738, John Rowland. Children of John and Sarah (Lyon) Rowland (Fairfield T. R.): 181. I. Seth; b. June 7, 1742. 182. II. Sarah; b. Dec. 15, 1744. 183. IIL John; b. March 20, 1747. 184. IV. Mary; b. June 7, 1750. 185. V. Isaac; b. Nov. 20, 1755. 83. IV. 22. DAVID* LYON [SamueP, SamueP(?), Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn, about 1724 and died there Nov. 20, 1764 (Ch. R.). He was "son of Samuel", possibly of Samuel (No. 45). His first wife's name was Abigail. She died July 26, 1745 (West Farms Ch. R.). He married second, June 12, 1746, Martha Hurlbut (Fair- field T. R.). She was living in Feb. 1767. Children of David and Martha (Hurlbut) Lyon; born In Fairfield: 186. I. Sarah; b. July 4, 1747 (T. R.); bapt. Aug. 9, 1747 (West Farms Ch. R.); m. Dec. 21, 1763, Joseph Bennett (West Farms Ch. R.). 187. II. L,ydia; b. June 12, 1749 (T. R.); bapt. July 9, 1749 (Ch. R.) 188. IIL Martha; b. Aug. 3, 1751 (T R.); bapt. Sept. 1, 1751, (Ch. R.); ?m. Ebenezer Gorham of Weston, Jan. 31, 1770 (Weston T. R., also E. C. M. V. 65). •189. IV. David; b. Feb. 23, 1754 (T. R.); bapt. April 7, 1754 (Ch. R.). 190. V. Rebecca; b. Sept 9, 1756 (T. R.) ["Elizabeth," bapt. Sept. 12, 1756 (C^h. R.]; d. Sept. 14, 1757 (Ch. R.). 191. VL Betty; bapt. Nov. 19, 1758 (Ch. R.). 192. VIL Rebecca; bapt. Dec. 28, 1760 (Ch. R.). 84. IV. 22. MARTHA* LYON (TURNEY) SamueP, SamueP(?), Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1726. According to T. R., she was "daughter of Samuel," probably No. 22, but possibly No. 11. She married Dec. 28, 1746, Thomas Turney (Fairfield, T. R.). Children of Thomas and Martha (Lyon) Turney (Fairfield T. R.): 193. I. EUzabeth; b. July 10. 1748. 194. IL Benjamui; b. March 25, 1750. 195. III. Eunice; b. Jan. 19, 1752. 196. IV. Thomas; b. March 2, 1754. 197. V. Hannah; b. March 27, 1756. 85. IV. 22. PETER* LYON [Samuel', Samuel^ Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 27, 1727. He married Dec. 13, 1749, Mary Davis, presumably a cousin, since his mother's name was Mary FOURTH GENERATION 271 Davis. He and his wife were admitted to full communion in Green- field Church Dec. 23, 1750. Children of Peter and Mary (Davis) Lyon: 198. I. Samuel; b. Fairfield, April 17, 1751 (T. R.); bapt. April 28, 1751 (Ch. R.). 199. II. Bebecca ["Reubena"]; b. Feb. 13, 1755 (T. R.). 91. IV. 24. ENSIGN JOHN* LYON [John», SamueP, Richard'] was baptized in Greenfield Church Aug. 15, 1726, and died at Lanes- boro, Mass., Oct. 23, 1799. He married in Fairfield Jan. 23, 1746 (T. R,), Elizabeth Wakeman, daughter of Jabezt and Ruth Wakeman, of Fairfield, Conn. She was born March 30, 1728 (bapt. (?) April 17, 1729). John lived in Fairfield until about 1770 when he moved to Lanesboro, Berkshire Co., Mass. His wife died there May 28, 1793, and he married a second wife, Ruth, who survived him. His will is on file at the County Seat, Pittsfield, Mass., where it was probated Dec. 3, 1799. It mentions sons, Jabez of Lanesboro, Thomas of New Ashford, and John of New Milford. Children of John and Elizabeth (Wakeman) Lyon, born In Fairfield: *200. I. Jabez; b. March 18, 1747 (T. R.); bapt. March 22, 1747. •201. IL Thomas; b. Oct. 9, 1749 (T. R.); bapt. Nov. 9, 1749; d. Avon, N. Y., March 4, 1835. 202. III. John; b. Aug. 38, 1752 (T. R.); d. Sept. 8, 1752 (T. R.). 203. IV. Elizabeth; b. July 7, 1745; m. John Stiles of New Ashford, Mass. *204. V. John; b. April 19, 1756; settled in Lanesboro. Mass.; d. before 1799. •205. VI. Kimberly; date of birth not on record; a soldier in the Revolution; d. before 1818. 206. VII. ? Ellphalet. [A Richard Lyon of Lanesboro was in the Revolution, no doubt a member of this family, son or nephew of John.] 98. IV. 25. JOSEPH* LYON [James', Samuel-, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 1, 1733, and died Nov. 27, 1817. He mar- ried Dec. 22, 1756, Lois Thorp (Fairfield, T. R.) She died April 23, 1813 "ae. 75 y. 2 m." Joseph Lyon served in the Revolutionary War. Children of Joseph and Lois (Thorp) Lyon (Greenfield Church Records): 207. I. Hezekiaht; b. Aug 3, 1757 (Fairfield, T. R.) 208. II. AbigaU; b. Aug. 4, 1760 (Fairfield T. R.); bapt. Aug. 31, 1760 (Ch. R.). tOne record says "daughter of Samuel Wakeman." t It may have been this Hezekiah (or perhaps his cousin Hezeklah. No. 213), who Is said to have been a farmer of Weston, Conn., and who married June 11, 1789, at South Salem, N. Y., Eunice Keeler, of South Salem. They had no children. After his death she married J. Osborn, of Weston, and third, John Thorp, of South Salem. 272 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 209. III. Joseph; bapt. July 31, 1763 (Ch. R.); m. Dec. 25, 1799, Jane Rowland. 210. IV. Jesse; bapt. Sept. 11, 1768; m. May 1, 1787, Sarah Godfrey (B. C. M.); died June 20, 1853, ae. 84 (Ch. R.); she died March 1, 1836, ae. 76 (Ch. R.). 811. V. Anne; bapt. Jan. 15, 1775. 212. VL ? SaUy: b. 1778; d. Nov. 25, 1844; ae. 66 (Ch. R.). 99. IV. 25. HEZEKIAH* LYON [James', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Feb. 6, 1736. He married Oct. 17, 1760, Ra- chel Dikeman (E. C. M., V. 63) daughter of Cornelius Dikeman. (Note marriage four years later in Greenfield, of Hezekiah Lyon to Hannah Meeker. See No. 130). Cornelius Dikeman deeded land in Norwalk April 6, 1771 to Hezekiah Lyon Jr., oldest son of his daughter Rachel, and March 10, 1772, to Levi, second son of Rachel (Norwalk Records). Children of Hezekiah and Rachel (Dikeman) Lyon: 213. I. Hezekiah, Jr. _ "214. II. Levi; m. Jan. 14, 1788, Abigail Squires. 100. IV. 25. ELIPHALBT* LYON [James', SamueP, Richard*] was born in Fairfield, Conn. May 4, 1738. He was a skilled weaver. He married first in Fairfield, May 5, 1764, Eleanor Wakeman (Green- field Ch. R.). He married second, Oct. 5, 1800, Mary [Polly] Perry, (West Farms Ch. R.). She died March 15, 1814, ae. 74 y. (Ch. R.). About 1784 Eliphalet Lyon built a large dwelling on Burn's highway. Children of Eliphalet and Eleanor (Wakeman) Lyon: •215. I. Wakeman; bapt. Jan. 30, 1765, "ae. about 5 (?) mo." (Greenfield Ch. R.). 216. II. Eleanor; bapt. June 28, 1767, "ae. about 2 mo." (Ch. R.); m. "Wilson. 217. IIL Rowland; b. May 13, 1774; d. Feb. 4, 1775, ae. 9 mo. (Ch. R.). 218. IV. Lucinda; bapt. Sept 27, 1787, "ae. about 10 mo." (Ch. R.). 219. V. Eliphalett; member Greenfield Chh., 1817; m. 1st Eleanor Star- ling; m. 2nd, Hannah "Wheeler; the latter adm. to Greenfield Chh. Sept. 7, 1817. It is recorded also that Eliphalet Lyon had a daughter, who married about 1784, Samuel Smith. 101. IV. 25. SETH* LYON [James'(?), SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 22, 1740. He married May 3, 1764, Mary t The following line is believed to come from an authentic source. Eliphalet Lyon, son of Eliphalet and Eleanor "Wakeman Lyon, married Mary Perry. His eon, Ransom Lyon, born at Greenfield Hill, married Mary Ann Sterling and had a son, "Wesley Lyon, born in "Weston, Conn. "Wesley married Charlotte "Williams and had a daughter Adelaide who married Howard G. Badgley. If the foregoing record is correct, that of the text is of course in error, and Eliphalet No. 219 was grandson, not son, of No. 100. Eliphalet Lyon Sr., is said to have lived to the age of ninety-seven years. FOURTH GENERATION 273 Bradley, (Greenfield Ch. R.)- They were admitted to full communion in Greenfield Church, May 12, 1765. Children of Seth and Mary (Bradley) Lyon: 230. I. Esther; bapt. ("at home, sick"), Nov. 17, 1764; d. Nov. 18, 1764 (Ch. R.). 221. II. Sarah; twin sister of Esther; bapt. "about 6 months old," May 12, 1765 (Ch. R.). •222. III. Walter; b. Jan. 28, 1769 (Redfleld Gen.); bapt. March 19, 1769 (Ch. R.); d. March 19, 1819. 223. IV. Seth; bapt. Oct. 7, 1773 (Ch. R.). 224. V. Mary; bapt. May 17, 1776 [or '78] (Ch. R.). 104. IV. 25. SARAH* LYON (OLMSTED) [James', Samuel^ Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn. June 30, 1748. She married March 17, 1769 (Fam. Rec.) Elijah Olmstedt, of Greenfield Hill, Fair- field Co., sou of John and Jennie Olmsted; b. April 3, 1749. He was a revolutionary soldier. They removed from Connecticut to Saratoga Co., N. Y. Children of Elijah and Sarah (Lyon) Olmsted: 225. I. Elijah; b. Feb. 28, 1770. 226. II. Timothy; b. Aug. 3, 177 2; m. Abigail Bailey. 227. III. Sarah; b. Nov. 8, 1775; d. 1848. 228. IV. Rowland; b. Nov. 1, 1779. 229. V. Obed; b. Sept. 19, 1784; m. Phebe Derby. 230. VI. Theresa; b. Nov. 29. 1789. 231. VII. Eliphalet. 232. VIII. Molly; b. June 23, 1777; m. Zalmon Pulling; d. 1821. •233. IX. Mindwell; b. July 31, 1781; m. 1st, Daniel Wheeler; he d. 1821; and she m. 2nd, Zalmon Pulling, her sister's widower; she d. April 26, 1836. 234. X. Eleanor; b. Oct. 8, 1786; m. Eli Hawley. 235. IX. Jessie Crane; b. April 1. 1795. 121. IV. 27. EPHRAIM' LYON [Ephraim^ SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn.; bapt. June 15, 1740. He married accord- ing to Redding Land Records, Ann Adams. He took an active part In the Revolutionary War. He was one of the Committee of Safety appointed in Fairfield, Dec. 29, 1774 (Hist. Fairfield Co.). In May 1774 he was appointed Lieutenant in a company of militia in the western part of North Fairfield, belonging to the 4th Regiment (Col. Rec. tElijah Olmsted was a descendant of Captain Richard^ Olmsted, who came »o America in 1632. Captain Richard; (bapt., 1612) was grandson of James and Jane Bristow Olmsted, of Great Leighs. England. His son. Capt. James= Olmsted, born probably in Hartford. Conn., married Phebe Barlow in 1673. Joseph 'Olm- sted, b. 1676, married Mehetabel V5^arner. John* Olmsted, third son of Joseph, married 1st, Mindwell (admitted to first church in Fairfield. 1723). His second wife was Jennie (adm. to Church on Greenfield Hill, 1730). (17) 274 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Conn. XIV. 266). He was among those called out for active service in March 1777, "operating at Fairfield and Stratford," and again at the alarm at New Haven in July, 1779.$ RELATED LYON NAMES of uncertain parentage, aU probably descended from Richard', and mostly of tiie fiftli generation: *236. Zachariah; (probably son or nephew of Zachariah No. 70); married Oct. 7, 1764, Ruth Lane (Weston T. R.). ♦237. Eunice; m. Feb. 24, 1764. John S. Andrews (Weston T. R.). ♦238 Thomas; (perhaps son of Thomas Lyon No. 44); married May 10, 1772, Deborah Meeker (Weston T. R,). 239. Joseph; married Nov. — , 1770, Sarah Bulliley (E. C. M., I. 74). Joseph and Sarah, his wife, sold land in Fairfield, April 23, 1796. It Is not likely that this was the Joseph who was of Redding, 1777. (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 240. EInathan; married Nov. 23, 1763, Jane Knapp (E. C. M.). 240a. Aaroo, of Windsor. He m. and had: 1. Rhoda, b. June 18, 1769; 2. Aaron, b. Nov. 12, 1774; 3. Esther, b. Aug 23, 1776. 241. Susanna; married in Easton Nov. 24, 1773, Augustus Hill (E. C. M. V. 60). 342. Martha; of Westpoint ; married April 12, 1768. John Allen (E. C. M., III. 156). 243. Martha; perhaps daughter of David Lyon. No. S3 [See No. 188], or of Gershom Lyon, No. 53; married Jan. 31, 1770, Ebenezer Gorham. (Weston T. R.). 244. Hannah, perhaps daughter of David, No ; married April 23, 1775, Andrew L. Hill, "in presence of Simeon Munger and Lois Munger", (Redding T. R.); children: 1, Hannah; b. Jan. 7, 1776; 2, Clarry [Clara], b. Aug. 24, 1788; 3. Daniel; b. Sept. 1, 1793; 4. Fanny; b. Sept. IS, 1795. 245. L,oi8 [probably a sister of the foregoing]; b. 1755; m. Nov. 1775, Simeon Munger, (Redding T. R. ); d. Easton, Oct. 13, 1825. Children: 1. Sarah; b. Aug. 4, 1776; 2. Susanna; b. Oct. 6. 1779 (Redding T. R.). 246. Anna; married May 1773; Abel Hill, of Easton, (E. C. M., V. 60). 247. Daniel; of Easton; married Feb. 1774, Phebe Seley (E. C. M., V. 60). ♦248. Znlmon; "grandson of Nathan Lyon Sr." (Redding Land Records II, 374). *249. liemuel; probably also a grandson of Nathan Lyon, Sr. ; b. about 1763; married Huldah Sanford, (Redding T. R.). •250. EU; b. 1770; d. June 19, 1811, ae. 41, (G, R. Redding Ridge Epis. Chh. Cem.). *251. Philo; b, 1764; d. April 12, 1813 (G. R. Redding Ridge Epis. Chh. Cem.). 252. Sarah; m. April 22, 1792, Eli Sanford (Redding T. R.). Children: 1. I/aura; b. Oct. 18. 1792; 2. Polly; b. March 8. 1797 (Redding T. R.). t It is the belief of Miss Sidney E. Lyon that this Ephraim was the Ephralm Lyon who settled in Ashford in eastern Connecticut, and married Esther Bennett, and was the grandfather of that gallant officer. General Nathaniel Lyon. An account of the descendants of Ephraim Lyon of Ashford will be found in the "Lyon Memorial, Massachusetts Families." It will be seen there that there Is some uncertainty about the ancestry of Ephraim of Ashford, but to the writer [A. B. L.] it seems almost certain that he belonged to one of the Lyon families of Windham Co., descended from William Lyon of Roxbury. It is very doubtful whether he was a son of Moses Lyon, of Woodstock and Brimfleld. More likely he may have been son of Seth Lyon [Thomas', Thomas^ William'] of Ashford, who had no recorded children born between 1734 and 1741. At all events the Lyon families of Windham County claim General Lyon as their kin. FIFTH GENERATION 275 263. Mary; m. March 3, 1793, Nathaniel Whitlock (Redding T. R.). 254. Ihinice; m. Nov. 25, 1789, Peter Buckley, (E. C. M.). 255. DoUe [Dollie] ; of Redding; m. Sept. 9, 1794, Eli, son of Paul and Mary ( ) Bartram (Redding T. R.); he born March 30, 1767; about 1804, removed to Delaware County. 256. Betsey; m. In Wilton, March 11, 1779, Mathew Hanford (E. C. M.). 257. Sarah; married in Easton, July 1776, Benjamin Turney (E. C. M. ). 258. Timothy, of Weston (mentioned in Land Records, 1780). 259. Ebenezer, of Weston (mentioned in Land Records, 1780). 260. Nathaniel (Lyons); of Stratford; possibly No. 67 or No. 76; wife Anna; daughter Rebecca Wilcoxson, b. Dec. 5, 1751 (Hist. Stratford and Bridge- port); another Stratford record reads " Lyon had James, bapt. March 28, 1786." *261. Isaac; m. Aug. 10, 1778, Rachel Edwards (Weston T. R.). *262. liOckwood; b. Aug. 30, 1771 (Weston T. R.); perhaps belongs to the next generation. 263. Cornelia; m. in Easton about 1790, Marcus Tyrrell. 264. Hannah; m. in Easton, Nov. 9, 1791, Joseph Atwell. 265. Buth [probably grand daughter of Caleb Lyon, No. 43]; m. May 1789, Ogden Meeker (E. C. M.). 266. Daniel; m. March 14, 1792, Mabel Barnes (E. C. M.). 267. liOis; (possibly daughter of Joseph, No. 98); b. David Banks, of Weston (E. C. M., V. 70). 130. V. 43. HEZBKIAH" LYON [Caleb*, SamueP, Richard^(?), Richard^] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 21, 1739. He married in Greenfield, March 1, 1764, Hannah Meeker. Nothing has been as- certained about their descendants, some of whom may very likely be among the "Related Names", (Nos. 252-267, and 376-382.) (Note that the records of this Hezekiah may easily have become confused with those of Hezekiah No. 99). 137. V. 46. Nehemiah Webb'* Lyon [Stephen^?), Ebenezer^C?), Richard^ Richard'] was born in Weston, Conn. Aug. 16, 1759t, and died there in his one hundred and first year. He married, Aug. 26. 1778, Sarah Treadwell (Weston T. R.). He was a revolutionary soldier, having enlisted in Najah Rennet's Company in 1781. He was recorded as a pensioner in Fairfield Co. in 1832, and in Weston in 1832, and remained on the pension roll until his death in 1860. His children nearly all lived to a good old age. Children of Nehemiah Webb and Sarah (Treadwell) Lyon (Weston T. R.): 270. I. David; b. Jan. 29, 1779; d. 1875. ae. 96. •271. II. Samuel; b. Aug. 27, 1780; m. Sally Adams (D. A. R. Lineage Book) ; d. 1873, ae. 93. 272. IIL Huldah; b. Jan. 4, 1783. 278. IX. Jarvis; d. "ae. 56". tThere is much conjecture in the above account of the ancestry of Nehemiah Webb Lyon. It is maintained by some that he was the son of Gershom* Lyon (Daniel', Richard^, Richard'). Nlther line is fortified with documentary proofs. 276 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD *273. IV. Clarissat ; b. Aug. 11, 1785; m. William Rowell (D. A. R. Lin. Book). 274. V. Levi; b. Sept. 14, 1788; d. 1878, ae. 90. 875. VI. Walker; b. May 23, 1790; d. 1871, ae, 81. 276. VII. Sarah; b. May 2, 1793. ♦277. VIII. Hanford; b. July 27, 1795; d. Bridgeport, Conn. Dec. 21, 1879, ae. 84. 140. V. 50. JACOB' LYON [DanieP, Daniel', Richard^ Richard^] was born in Redding, Conn, about 1740, and died probably in New Ashford, Mass., in April 1776§. His will was probated at Pittsfield, Mass., July 3, 1781. It mentions only "wife Hannah." On March 2, 1784, Asahel Gregory was appointed guardian of Seth Lyon, minor son of Jacob Lyon, late of New Ashford. Jacob Lyon was one of the pioneer settlers in New Ashford, Mass.; he bought land (200 acres) north of Lanesboro, from Joseph Dwight's executors; deed dated April 25, 1770; sold 150 acres of this to Jabez Lyon of Redding, probably his half brother; deed dated Jan. 9, 1771; on same date Jabez deeds again 50 acres of this same land to Hannah, wife of Jacob Lyon. Jacob Lyon was married March 21, 1767, at Redding, Conn., by Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, to Hannah Wheeler, the only daughter of Seth and Ruth (Knapp) Wheeler.} She was born at Danbury, Conn., t Clarissa (Lyon) Rowell had a daughter Julia, who married Hanson Bradley and had a daughter Mary Eliza Bradley (D. A. R. ), who became the wife of Lewis Van Buren Hubbard (D. A. R. Lineage Book). §Jacob Lyon of New Ashford had a double in the person of Jacob Lyon of Gageboro, who died in the Revolutionary Army, April 15, 1776. This Jacob was born in Woodstock. Windham Co., Conn., Feb. 29, 1740, a descendant of William Lyon of Roxbury. He removed to Berkshire Co., Mass. in 1770, set- tling in Gageboro, now Winsor, only a short distance from Lanesboro. The parallel between this history and that of Jacob of Redding and New Ashford is remarkably close; for completeness. Jacob of New Ashford ought to have had a record of revolutionary service, as his kinsmen in Lanesboro had. JThomas' Wheeler and wife Ann, came to Concord, Mass., with several children in 1638: in 1644 he removed to Fairfield, Conn., where he was one of the proprietors of the township, and a prominent citizen. He died there in 1654. Will dated Jan. 16, 1653/4, probated Aug. 23, 1654. Sergeant John= Wheeler, second son of Thomas^, was probably born In England. He settled at Black Rock, where he owned a large tract of land. He was representative from Fairfield, Conn., in 1671, '72 and '77. Among his descendants was Vice President William A. Wheeler. The inventory of John W^heeler's estate was filed March 8, 16S9-90. His widow left a will dated Feb'y 21, 1702/3, probated March 24, following. Joseph' Wheeler, son of John, born in 1674, the seventh of thirteen chil- dren, married Dec. 7, 1705, Deborah Nichols, daughter of Ephraim Nichols, of Fairfield. Will dated March 9, 1758; probated July 20, 1759. His widow and five children survived him. Seth* Wheeler, son of Joseph, was born at Fairfield, Conn., March 26, 1721. He married Ruth Knapp. daughter of Moses Knapp, Oct. 27, 1746, at Redding, Conn. He died in 1751, and his widow afterwards married Daniel Lyon (No. 50) of Redding, as his second wife. Hannah, 5 only daughter of Seth and Ruth (Knapp) Wheeler, was born at Danbury, Conn., March 17, 1747. FIFTH GENERATION 277 March 17, 1747, and died at Herrick, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Saturday, Dec. 16, 1837. Early left a widow, she married again William Green, who had been a sailor in his youth, and had served in the Revolu- tionary War. They had three sons: John, William and Lazarus, and two daughters, Esther, who died young, and Mabel, who married William Holmes and emigrated to Michigan or Ohio. William Green died at Clifford, Pa., in 1810. Hannah married for her third husband about 1819, in Lima, N. Y., a Mr. Jerome, who died the following year. She died at Herrick, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Saturday, Dec. 16, 1837, and is buried in the Lyon burying ground there by the side of her son, Walter Lyon. William Green is also buried there. Children of Jacob and Hannah (Wheeler) Lyon: •279. I. Seth; b. Sept. 30, 1768; d. Aug. 4, 1849. •280. II. Walter; b. Redding, Conn., Oct. 4, 1770; d. Herrick. Pa., Nov. 23, 1837. 281. III. Hannah; bapt. Great Barrington, Mass., March 3, 1773; died In infancy. 283. IV. Hannah; bapt. New Ashford, Mass., Aug. 21, 1775; m. (int. Nov. 1, 1795) Thaddeus Baxter, at New Ashford; they moved, tradition says, to the "Western Reserve. She died In 1832 or 1S33. 142. V. 50. JABEZ" LYON [DanieP, DanieP, Richard^, Richard-] was born, probably in Redding, Conn., about 1742, and died Oct. 20, 1777. He married in Redding, Aug. 8, 1768, widow Grace Lyon, who could hardly have been Grace (Webb) Lyon. See No. 46. Children of Jabez and Grace ( ) Lyon (Redding T. R.): ' •283. I. Stephen; b. May 9, 1769; m. Chloe Jackson. 284. II. Mary; b. Feb. 4, 1771. 285. III. Eunice; b. Dec. 3, 1772. 286. IV. Polly; b. June 6. 1774. 287. V. Grace; b. March 4, 1776. 288. VI. Jabez; b. Jan. 7, 1777. 143. V. 50. DANIEL" LYON [Daniel^ Daniel', Richard^ Rich- ard'] died Feb. 12, 1838; buried in Redding Ridge Episcopal Church Cemetery. Freeman in Redding in 1784. He married in Redding in 1789, Ann Summers. Children of Daniel and Ann (Summers) Lyon: 289. I. Aaron; b. Nov. 12. 1789 (Redding T. R.). 290. II. Sarah; b. March 26, 1791 (Redding T. R.). And perhaps others. 150. V. 53. DANIEL" LYON [Gershom*, Daniel', Richard*. Richard'] was born about 1752, and died Jan. 28, 1815; buried in Rock House Cemetery. His wife's name was Huldah. She died May 2, 278 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 1833; ae. 80 y., 9 mo. (G. R. Rock House Cemetery). They lived in Weston, Conn. Children of Daniel and Huldah Lyon: 291. I. Polly; b. Weston, Dec. 8, 17 81. 292. II. Hannah; b, Weston, Dec. 5, 1785 (T. R.). ♦293. III. Philo; b. Weston, , July 28, 1787 (T. R.); d. Feb. 26, 1869; ae. 81 y. 6 m. 28 d. (G. R. Rock House Cem. ). 151. V. 53. ABRAHAM" LYON [Gershom*, Daniel', Richard', Richard'] was born in 1763, and died at Easton, Feb. 28, 1813; buried in Rock House Cemetery. He married April 19, 1785, Anna Sanford (Weston T. R.). She was born in Feb. 1761, and died Aug. 3, 1850, ae. 89 y., 6 m. (G. R. Rock House Cemetery). Children of Abraham and Anna (Sanford) Lyon: ■ *294. L Levi; b. Weston, May 3, 1786 (T. R.); d. Sept. 1, 1838, ae. 61 y.. 3 m. 29 d. (G. R. Rock House Cera.). 295. II. Clarry [Clara]; b. Weston, Dec. 2, 1788 (T. R.). 296. III. Henry; b. Weston, June 21, 1791 (T. R.). 156. V. 55. TIMOTHY' LYON (Timothy^, Daniel*, Richard', Richard') was born perhaps in Lanesboro, Mass., where his father set- tled after leaving his home in Fairfield, Conn. No record is found of his marriage. Children of Timothy and ( ) Lyon: 297. I. Timothy; bapt. Lanesboro, Nov. 17, 1771. 298. II. Hannah; bapt. Lanesboro, April 4, 1773. 299. III. Jonathan; bapt. Lanesboro, May 15, 1774. 157. V. 57. WALKER' LYON [Peter*, Nathan', Richard', Rich- ard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn. May 13, 1754. He married, Feb. 19, 1781, Sener Van Northwick, and settled in Flushing, N. Y. Children of Walker and Sener (Van Northwick) Lyon: SOO. I. Sener; b. Feb. ("2d mo.") 21, 1782. 301. II. ? James; bapt. Stratford, Conn., March 28, 1786, "son of Lyon." Recorded here because the fact that the marriage of Peter Lyon, the father of Walker, is mentioned In Stratford records, makes it probable that he lived there, and so that this James was his grandson. 158. V. 57. ASAHEL' LYON [Peter*, Nathan', Richard', Rich- ard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Aug. 31, 1755. He married June 2nd, 1775, Hannah Hill (Redding T. R.). He was made freeman in Redding in April 1798. Children of Asahel and Hannah (Hill) Lyon, (Redding T. R.): 302. I. Sarah; b. Jan. 18, 1776. •SOS. n. Peter; b. March 29. 1784. FIFTH GENERATION 279 159. V. 57. ANN' LYON (HILL) [Peter*, Nathan', Richard', Richard'] was born (probably in Redding, Conn.) April 1, 1757. She married in Redding May 11, 1773, Abel Hill. Children of Abel and Ann (Lyon) Hill: 304. I. Beach; b. Redding, April 2, 1777 (T. R.). 305. II. liucy; b. Redding, March 4, 1783; d. March 9, 1774 (T. R.). 160. V. 57. ANDREW LYON [PeterS Nathan', Richard^, Rich- ard'] ; date and place of birth not known, but "son of Peter" (Redding Land Records). Freeman in Redding, 1790. Received a deed of land in Norwalk (his mother's home) in 1793 from Samuel Benedict. Wife's name Mary. Son of Andrew and Mary ( ) Lyon: 306. I. Sherwood; [named evidently from his grandmother, Abigail Sherwood]; b. Jan. 25, 1793 (Redding T. R.). Probably there were other children. See also No. 190. 162. V. 57.(?) PETER' LYON, JR. [Peter*(?), Nathan', Rich- ard^ Richard']. No record has been found of the date or place of his birth. His wife's name was Abigail. Children of Peter and Abigail ( ) Lyon: 307. I. Asahel; m. 180S, Mrs. Mary (Merrltt) Searing, daughter of Dan- iel and Sarah Merritt, of Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 164. V. 60. NATHAN' LYON [DavidS Nathan', Richard^, Rich- ard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 23, 1759. His wife's name was Phebe. (Redding Land Records, VI. 527). Son of Nathan (and Phebe) Lyon: 308. I. Eli. (Redding Land Records, II, 374). This could not have been Eli Lyon, No. 250 unless there is an error in the date given as that of his birth [1770, from G. R.], nor could It have been the one whose wife, Mary, d. Sept. 14, 1837, ae. 19 y. 10 m. (Redding Ridge Episcopal Ch. Cem.). [See No. 250, also No. 359]. 165. V. 60. DAVID' LYON [David*, Nathan', Richard=, Richard'] was born (perhaps in Redding) in 1773, and died at Redding Ridge, March 31, 1813; buried in Episcopal Church Cemetery there. He mar- ried Elizabeth (Betsey) Rogers. She was born in 1778. and died Feb. 2, 1846, ae. 67 years, 5 m. (G. R. Redding Ridge Episcopal Church Cemetery.) Children of David and Betsey (Rogers) Lyon: 309. I. Snsan; b. Jan. 27, 1805; d. April 4, 1813, ae. 8 y. 2 m. 7 d. (G. R.). 310. IL Henry K.; b. Sept. 29. 1811; d. June 25, 1813. ae. 1 y. 8 m. 26 d. (G. R.). 280 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 167. V. 62. AUGUSTUS' LYON [Samuel*, Nathan', Richard', Richard'] was born in Redding, Cpnn., April 4, 1765. He married March 20, 1788, Mary Burnett (Redding T. R.). Children of Augustus and Mary (Burnett) Lyon: 311. I. Lois; b. Redding, Oct. 13, 1788 (T. R.). 312. II. Eliza Maria; b. Feb. 3, 1798, (Methodist Ch. R., also T. R.). There may have been other children. 189. V. 83. DAVID' LYON [David*, SamueP, SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Feb. 23, 1754. He married, March 15, 1775, Hannah Olmsted (E. C. M. IIL 67). They belonged, 1776, to the West Farms Church. He is said to have died a prisoner in N. Y. in March 1778. Children of David and Hannah ( ) Lyon, baptized in West Farms Church: 313. I. David; bapt. Aug. 11, 1776. 314. II. Joseph; bapt. April 9, 1778. 200. V. 91. JABEZ"^ LYON [John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., March 18, 1747. He removed to Laues- boro, Mass. Nothing has been learned about him except that he served in the revolutionary war. He enlisted first, April 26, 1777, in Capt. Joseph Barnes' Company; in Col. Symond's Berkshire Co. Regiment; service 24 days. He was called out on alarms repeatedly, serving in various companies, viz., to Manchester, July 9, 1777; at Claverack forty days, in October and November, 1779; twice on alarms in October 1780. 201. V. 91. THOMAS" LYON [John*, John^ SamueP, Richard*] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 9, 1749, and died in Avon, N. Y., March 4, 1835. He settled at New Ashford, Berkshire Co., Mass., about 1770, and lived there until 1801, when he went to join his son- in-law, Seth Lyon, in Lima, N. Y. In 1812 he moved to Avon, Living- stone Co., N. Y., where he spent the remaining years of his life. The following items are found in the New Ashford Record: July 12, 1776, Thomas Lyon, et al. appointed to "take notis of all Breaches of the peace Either of God or man, and make information to the Commety of Safety." March 22, 1779, Thomas Lyon was nominated assessor; Sept. 24, 1781, chosen constable; March 24, 1783, chosen selectman, assessor and highway surveyor; March 15, 1784, "Lieut. Lyon" chosen on a "Gran jury". He was a soldier in the Revolution. He enlisted in 1776 at New Ashford, and served at Ticonderoga; afterwards fought at Bennington under General Stark, Aug. 16, 1777, and was at the FIFTH GENERATION 281 surrender of Burgoyne, Oct. 17, 1777. This he recites in an applica- tion for a pension Aug. 11, 1832. The pension was granted but he was then advanced in years and did not live long to benefit by it. He married May 10, 1769, Thankful Russica (E. C. M. VI. 65) She was born in 1752, and died at Lima, N. Y. in August, 1809. She was of a Huguenot family of De Russica, which came over from France to escape religious persecutions. Thomas Lyon married a second wife whose maiden name was Green. There were no children by this marriage. His widow married Jerome. Children of Thomas and Thankful (Russica) Lyon: *3I5. I. Samuel; b. Lanesboro, Mass., Jan. 2, 1770; d. Sept. 11, 1835. 316. II. Sarah; b. Aug. 26, 1772; m. Seth Lyon (No. 279); d. May 23, 1840. 317. III. Russica. •318. IV. Anna; b. New Ashford, Mass., May 3, 1777; m. Aaron Levlsee; d. July 3, 1845. •319. V. Wakeman; b. New Ashford, Mass.. Jan. 3. 1779; d. Aug. 31, 1816. 320. IV. Betsey; b. New Ashford, Mass., m. Hoft. •321. VIL Timothy; b. New Ashford, Mass., Sept. 20, 1788; d. June 18, 1861. •323. VIII. Hannah; b. Lanesboro, Mass.. June 18, 1794; m. Newman; d. Feb 6, 1853. 204. V. 91. DOCTOR JOHN" LYON [John*, John^ Samuel', Richard"] was born in Fairfield, Conn, (according to one record in Danbury, Conn.), April 19, 1756, and died before Dec. 1799. He went with his brother to Massachusetts, making his home in Lanesboro. In his father's will in 1793, he is said to be "of New Milford." He served, as his brothers Jabez and Kimberley did, in the Revolutionary war. He was a private in Capt. Asa Barnes' Company, Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge's Regiment; enlisted May 25, 1775; service two months and eight days. In 1777 he joined the Company of Capt. David Wheeler. According to the report of the Bureau of Pensions, dated April 29, 1905, he was in the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was probably twice married, but no record has been found of the first marriage. According to the aforesaid Report of the Bureau of Pen- sions, he married Jan. 1, 1786, at Lanesboro, Mass., Sarah Lockwood, who, as his widow, applied for a pension Aug. 19, 1843, being then 73 years of age, and living in Moriah, Essex Co., N. Y. According to the same Report, John Lyon died at Moriah, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1817. Thl9 does not agree with the statement above, which is believed to be correct. No record has been found of the descendants of Doctor John Lyon. 282 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 205. V. 91, KIMBERLEY° LYON [JohnS John', SamueP, Rich- ard'] was born, probably in Fairfield, Conn., date not ascertained. He was living in Lanesboro, Mass. during the Revolutionary war, in which he took an active part. He enlisted July 22, 1779 as private in Capt. Samuel Clark's Company, and served 1 month and 12 days at New Haven, Conn. His name appears in a list of men raised for six months service in July 1780, and he served again in Oct. 1781 in Timothy Read's Company; marched from Lanesboro to Stillwater; service 10 days. 214. V. 99. LEVP LYON [Hezekiah*, James*, Samuel=, Richard'] was born about 1765. He had land in Norwalk, and in Methodist Church Records of Redding is spoken of as "of Norfield," and hia wife's name is given as Abigail. It is fair to conclude that this was the Levi Lyon who married Jan. 11, 1788, Abigail Squires. Children of Levi and Abigail (Squires) Lyon, (the first two from Metho- dist Ch. R.): 323. I. David; b. March 26, 1787. 324. II. Bachel; b. Sept. 1, 1790. 324a. III. ?. Sally Jeanette; m. at Wilton, Conn., May 1829, John Keeler, son of Abraham Gray and Sarah Dann Keeler, a hatter from Rldgebury, "Conn.; she died Danbury, Conn., Feb. 29. 1861; burled In Wooster Cem. 215. V. 100. WAKEMAN" LYON [Eliphalet*, James', Samuel', Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., in 1764 or 1765. He married Esther, daughter of John and Eleanor (Burr) Hubbell; b. Aug. 18, 1764; d. June 5, 1851. He was a member of Greenfield Church in 1806; Esther, his wife, admitted July 8, 1810. Children of Wakeman and Esther (Hubbell) Lyon: •326. I. Burr; b. 1789; m. 1st, Mary Hayes; m. 2nd, Abigail Burr. 326. II. Morris; b. 1791; drowned off Block Island, Nov. 1807. 327. III. Sarah; m. May 8, 1815, Joel Perry (Greenfield Ch. R.). 222. V. 101. WALTER' LYON [Seth*, James', SamueP, Rich- ard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Jan. 28, 1769; bapt. in Greenfield Church. He died March 19, 1819. He married at Weston, Conn., Nov. 25, 1789 (E. C. M. V. 6.), Priscilla Redfield, daughter of Capt. James* Redfield, (Theophilus», James^ William') of Westfield, and Sarah Grin- nell. She was born at Saybrook, Conn., July 26, 1763 and died Oct. 11, 1836. Children of Walter and PrlscUla (Redfield) Lyon: •828. I. Bradley; b. Sept. 14, 1790; m. March 16, 1817, Elizabeth Wake- man; d. Hobart, N. T., Sept. 6, 1865. FIFTH GENERATION 283 I 329. II. Levi; b. March 27, 1793; m. Sept. 5, 1825, Eleanor Morhouse. I 330. III. Burr; b. Dec. 2, 1794; m. Feb. 18, 1834, Melinda Churchill; res. 1 Walton, N. T. 831. IV. Elizabeth; b. Feb. 6, 1797; m. March 16, 1820, Stephen Halght; d. Aug. 5, 1837. 832. V. Wakeman; b. June 18, 1799; m. 1st, Sept. 11, 1828, Louisa Adams; m. 2nd, Luclnda MiUiken. 333. "VI. Clara; b. May 24, 1801; m. April 29, 1824, Joseph Churchill res. Walton, N. Y. 334. VII. Mary; b. May 20, 1803; m. Gould Morehouse, of Otsego Co., N. T.; d. July 14, 1850. 835. VIII. Ellen; b. May 23, 1805; na. Jonathan Webster; d. March 30, 1838. 336. IX. Zalmon; b. April 25, 1807; m. March 29, 1836, Emeline Woodford; res. Mecklenburg, N. T. 233. V. 104. MINDWELL= OLMSTED (WHEELER) (PULL- ING) [Sarah* (Lyon), James^ SamueP, Richard*] was born July 31, 1781. She married first, Daniel Wheeler, and second Zalmon Pulling, widower of her sister Molly. She died April 26, 1836. Children of Daniel and Mlndwell (Olmsted) Wheeler: 336a. I. £Uza; b. 1803. 336b. II. Susan; b. 1805. 336c. III. Mary Ann; b. 1807. 386d. IV. Elmlna; b. 1810. 336e. V. Cordelia; b. 1812. 866f. VI. Daniel; b. 1814. I 836g. VII. Sophia; b. 1816. [ S361i. VIII. Stephen; b. 1819; m. Ann EUza Grldley; one daughter, Katherine, who became the wife of Francis N. Tresor. I 236. V. 70(?). ZACHARIAH^ LYON [Zachariah^?), Nathaniel', William^ Richard*] Probably a grandson at any rate of Nathaniel Lyon (No. 18). He may have been a son of Samuel Lyon (No. 62) \ or of some other of the Redding families. In Redding Land Records, 1792 (III, 508) we find the name of Zachariah Lyon. He married In I Weston, Oct. 7, 1764, Ruth Lane (T. R.). Children of Zachariah and Ruth (Lane) Lyon (Weston T. R.): •337. .1. Andrew; b. June 28. 1765. •838. IL Hannah; b. Dec. 18, 1768; m. April 14, 1786, Bphralm Seely. 839. III. Achsah; b. Sept. 25, 1770. 340. IV. Nathaniel; b. July 25, 1772; m. Jan. 27, 1792, Catherine Sher- wood (Weston T. R.) [Kate Sherwood, B. C. M.]. 341. V. Ruth; b. May 30, 1776 (?); m. 1790 William Piatt. Ch. : Eben- ezer; b. July 18, 1791, and Laura; b. Sept. 15, 1795. 842. VI. Elizabeth; b. May 22, 1778; m. 1794, Lemuel Hawley who died March 22, 1846, ae. 74, (G. R. Rock House Cem.); she d. (then "of Dan- bury") Aug. 27, 1856, ae. 78 (G. R. Rock House Cem.); a son, Bll Lyon, b. Nov. 1, 1797 (Weston T. R.). 284 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 343. VII. Sabra; 'b. Sept. 11, 1780; d. Sept. 11, 1781 (T. R.). 344. VIII. Sabra; b. Aug. 25, 1782. 237. V(?). . EUNICE* LYON (ANDREWS) [ancestry un- certain; possibly of the fourth generation]. Married Feb. 24, 1764, John S. Andrews (Weston T. R.) Children of John S. and Eunice (Lyon) Andrews (Weston T. H.): 345. I. Silliman; b. Oct. 30, 1766. 346. II. Hezekiah; b. Sept. 24, 1768. 847. III. Rachel; b. Aug. 28, 1775. 848. IV. Eleanor; b. Aug. 11, 1778. 349. V. Daniel; b. April 19, 1783. 350. VI. Samuel; b. July 27, 1786. 238. V. — (?). THOMAS LYON, perhaps son of Thomas Lyon No. 44. The ancestry is uncertain. He married Deborah Meeker, May 10, 1772 (Weston T. R.) Children of Thomas and Deborah (Meeker) Lyon (Weston T. R.): 351. I. Betsey; b. Dec. 31, 1772. 853. II. Ephraim; b. Nov. 17, 1774. 353. III. Thomas; b. July 31, 1777. 354. IV. Aaron; b. June 19, 1783. 855. V. Gershom; b. Feb. 22, 1786. 356. VL Alma; b. July 7, 1794. 248. V. (?). ZALMON'* LYON [ \ Nathan*, Rich- ard% Richard'] "grandson of Nathan Lyon, Sr." (Redding Land Rec- ords) ; wife's name Charity. Children of Zalmon and Charity ( ) Lyon: 357. I. Liucy; b. Redding, Oct. 22, 1793 (Ch. R. Methodist Chh.). 358. II. AbigaU; b. Redding, Nov. 21, 1796 ((3h. R.). Very possibly Zalmon Lyon (No. 382) of Norwalk may have been of thli family. 249. V. (?). LEMUEL' LYON [ \ Nathan»(?), Rich- ard^ Richard'] was born about 1763. He married Oct. 25, 1787, Huldah Sanford, (Redding T. R.) Children of Lemuel and Huldah (Sanford) Lyon: 359. I. Eli; b. Jan. 19, 1790 (Redding T. R.); possibly the BU Lyon who m., Dec. 25, 1820, Esther Ann Northrop (Redding T. R.); [See No. 308]. 360. II. Simeon; b. June 13, 1792 (Redding T. R.); d. March 15, 1796. 861. in. Susan [Suse]; b. Jan. 10, 1795 (Redding T. R.). 862. IV. Rebecca Ann; b. Jan. 11, 1799 (Redding T. R.). 250. V. . CAPTAIN ELP LYON [ *, Nathan''(?), Richa^d^ Richard'] was born in 1770, and died June 19, 1811, ae. 41 FIFTH GENERATION 286 y. (G. R. Redding Ridge Episcopal Church burying ground). He married April 26, 1795, Betty Hill. She died May 30, 1853, ae. 75 y. (G. R.) He may have had a son, Eli, although no record is found, [n the Redding Ridge burying ground there is a stone inscribed "Mary, wife of Eli Lyon, died Sept. 14, 1837, ae. 19 y. 10 m." I 251. V. 53(?). PHILO'* LYON [Gershom^(?), Daniel", Richard^ Richard'] was born in 1764, and died in Redding Ridge April 12, 1813; buried in Redding Ridge Episcopal Cemetery. His wife's name was Hannah. She was born in 1764, and died Jan. 25, 1811, ae. 47 y. (G. R. Redding Ridge Episcopal Cemetery) [Another record says buried Jan. 26, 1814]. Children of Phllo and Hannah Lyon, buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Red- ding Hidg-e: 363. I. Lazarus; b. 17SS; d. March 18, 1810, ae. 22 y. 364. I.ydia; b. 1797, d. Feb. 7. 1816, ae. 17 y. •365. III.? Alanson; b. 1806, was probably of this family; d. 1860 (bur- led Aug. 8, Redding Ridge Episc. Ch. R.) No doubt there were other children. 261. V. (?). ISAAC' LYON [ancestry not ascertained). He married, Aug. 10, 1778, Rachel Edwards (Weston T. R.) Children of Isaac and Rachel (Edwards) Lyon ("Weston T. R.): 366. I. Joanna; b. Feb. 9, 1780. 367. II. Joseph; b. Jan. 23, 1782. 368. III. Lois; b. May 8, 1784. 369. IV. Jesse; b. Aug. 17, 1786. 370. V. Asa; b. Dec. 10, 1789. 871. VI. Sally; b. Dec. 16, 1791. 372. VII. Eunice; b. Aug. 2, 1794. 373. VIII. Walter; b. Oct. 2, 1797. 262. V.(?) (?). LOCKWOOD LYON [ancestry not ascer- tained]. According to Weston Town Records, he was born Aug. 30, 1771, and his wife, Esther (perhaps Banks), Feb. 19, 1777. Date of their marriage not recorded. Children of Lockwood and Esther Lyon (Weston T. R.): 374. I. David; b. Feb. 2, 1795. 376. II. Joseph Banks; b. Oct. 17, 1797. RELATED LYON NAMES, belonging to Weston, Redding and neighboring towns; descendants undoubtedly of Richard', but parentage not ascertained, probably of the sixth generation: 376. Moses; m. in Wilton, Aug. 18, 1799, Irene Benedict. •377. Nehemiah; b. Weston, Feb. 28, 1771 (T. R.); m. July 3, 1798. Ruth Haines (Weston T. R.). S77a. Zachariah; m. June 15. 1806, Mary Strong (Hist, of Woodbury). 286 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD •378. Anson; m. 1818, Eleanor Nichols (Weston). ♦879. Eleanor; m. Jan. 1, 1823, Thaddeus Read (Redding T. R.). 880. Camilla; m. March 6, 1825, Samuel Bradley Read (Redding T. R.). 881. Sally; m. Sept. 23, 1827, Peter Downs, of Weston (Redding T. R.). •382. Zalmon; of Norwalk, perhaps son of No. 248; m. Afflable ScougaU. 271. VI. 137. SAMUEL* LYON (Nehemiah Webb^ Stephen* (?), Ebenezer'C?), Richard', Richard^) was born in Weston, Conn., Aug. 27, 1780. He married Sally Adams. Son of Samuel and Sally (Adams) Lyon: •386. I. George; m. Ann Jeannette Beardsley. 273. VL 137. CLARISSA* LYON (POWELL) [Nehemiah W.', Stephen* (?), Ebenezer^(?), Richard", Richard^] was born in Weston, Conn. Aug. 11, 1785. She married William Powell. They had a daugh- ter Julia, who married Handon Bradley, and had a daughter Mary Elizabeth, one of the Daughters of the American Revolution, now Mrs. Lewis Van Buren Hubbard. 277. VI. 137. HANFORD" LYON [Nehemiah Webb^ Steph- en* (?), Ebenezer'(?), Richard-, Richard'] was born in Easton, Conn., Rock House District, July 27, 1795, and died Dec. 21, 1879. He was of a family noted for longevity, his father living to be nearly 101 years old. Until 14 years of age, he lived on his father's farm. He was then apprenticed in Danbury to Elijah Sanford, and six years later estab- lished a saddlery business in Bridgeport. He became a member of the firm of Fairchild, Lyon & Co. in the same line of business, and later was principal in the firm, Lyon, Wright & Co. He was one of the most prominent citizens in Bridgeport, occupying many positions of responsibility and honor. He was a director in the Connecticut Bank, director and president of the old Bridgeport Bank, director in the Pequonnock Bank, first president of the City Savings Bank and director and president of the City Light Company. He was a member of the first Congregational Church in Bridgeport, in politics a Whig, and later an ardent Republican and an active supporter of the Union Cause in the Civil War.f He was twice married; first to Hettie Ann tThe following items relate no doubt to members of this branch of the Lyon family: Asahel L,. Liyon, director in 1st National Bank, Bridgeport, 1864-74. Rebecca, wife of Daniel L,yon, d. Nov. 27, 1861, ae. 84 y. 4 m. 5 d. Roger H. liyon, lawyer, memb. Philomathean Soc. in Bridgeport (founded 1854). Rufiu A. Liyon, purchased Morning News, 1855 in Bridgeport. See No. 492. Wyllls liyon "a relative of Hanford," rep. from Bridgeport 1851-1852. See No. 493. H.W. Liyon, manufacturer of corsets in Bridgeport In 1880. Richard H. I,yon, b. near Bridgeport about 1847; d. South Bend, Ind. April 5 (?), 1907; associate editor of the South Bend Tribune, with which newspaper he had been connected for thirty-three years. John Iiyon, private in Bridgeport Militia, 5th Co., 1st Regt. Light Artillery, May 1823, must have been of the same generation as Hanford, possibly his cousin. SIXTH GENERATION 287 Thompson of Stratford, sister of Joseph and John W. Thompson; second to Annie Mackay Frye, daughter of Daniel M. and Ann (Butler) Frye, of New York City, and sister of Major Frederick Frye. Children of Hanford and Hettie Ann (Thompson) Lyon (Hist, of Strat- ford) : 387. I. Frederick H.; m. Bessie Hawley. 388. II. William; not m. 389. III. Sarah J.; m. Judge Edward I. Sanford, of New Haven, Conn. 390. IV. Josie; m. Henry T. Shelton. 391. V. Adelaide. Children of Hanford and Annie Mackey (Frye) Lyon: 392. VI. Edward H.; b. 1845; m. Oct. 6, 1869, Jessie, daughter of Dr. D. H. Porter. 393. VII. Frank C; m. Ida, daughter of Mrs. C. M. Mitchell, of Brook- lyn, N. T. 394. VIII. Charles G.; res. Bridgeport, where he was prominent In bus- iness. *395. IX. .Alice Cheever; m. May 4, 1874, Col, Thomas H. Watson. 279. VI. 140. SETH' LYON [Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, ' Richard^] was born (probably at Redding, Conn.), Sept. 30, 1768, and died Aug. 4, 1849 at Lima, N. Y., where he had resided since a^iout 1800. He married (int. Jan. 15, 1792) Sarah Lyon (No. 316) daughter of Thomas and Thankful (Russica) Lyon, of Lanesboro, Mass. She was born Aug. 26, 1772, and died May 23, 1840. Children of Seth and Sarah (Lyon) Lyon: *396. I. Ezra; b. Aug. 29, 1792. *397. II. Mary; b. June 18, 1794; d. March 9, 1795. 398. III. Mary; b. Jan. 10, 1796; m. John H. Ganoung; d. March 30, 1852. 399. IV. Anna; b. Nov. 24, 1797; d. Sept. 22, 1872. 400. V. Clear; b. March 9, 1802, d. Nov. 2, 1802. •401. VI. John J. P.; b. Aug. 1, 1804; d. Sept. 5, 1886. *402. VIL Jacob; b. Aug. 17, 1806; d. Sept. 22, 1895. 403. VIII. Bussica; b. March 18, 1808. *404. IX. Lucinda; b. April 12, 1811; m. William C. Eldridge; d. Sept, 11. 1S51. *405. X. Justus; b. Aug. 21, 1814; d. St. Paul, Minn. May 16, 1906. 280. VI. 140. WALTER" LYON [Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Rich- ! ard^ Richard'] was born, probably at Redding, Conn., Oct. 4, 1770 j and died at Herrick, Pa., Thursday, Nov. 23, 1837. He was mar'-^ri \ at Williamstown, Mass., Oct. 1791, to Mary Bishop, daughter of William and Mary (Keech) Bishop. She was born at Smithfield, R. I., April 19, 1771, and died at Herrick, Pa., in 1854. 288 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD In the history of Susquehanna Co., Pennsylvania, by Miss Em ; Blackman, the following may be found: "Walter Lyon came from New Ashford, Mass., in 1792 with his wife and one child, on a rudely fashioned sled; a yoke of steers and an ax. His step-father, William Green, drove a heifer and carried a pair of steelyards, all their worldly effects. Walter Lyon bought of John Clifford 400 acres of land, on which he afterwards built in 1814 the large house in which he lived and died. Joining this tract he bought 100 acres of William Poyntell, a land holder, who died in 1811 in Philadelphia. He paid for all this land by lumbering on the Deleware. He also had 200 acres additional. He had five sons to each of whom he gave a fine farm." In early times Walter Lyon was obliged to take his grain to Great Bend to be ground, carrying it on his back to and fro, a distance of nearly thirty miles. Once when the water was low he waited three weeks for his grist and hired out to husk corn. In the meantime his family had only potatoes and milk to live upon, and were in great fear for his safety, as his route lay through forests then traversed by bears, panthers and wolves, and broken only by a few clearings. He was an active man in town and county affairs, being Justice of the Peace, a Major in the 76th Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia and a County Com- missioner, besides being often entrusted with other public business. He went on foot to attend court at Wilkesbarre before the organization of Susquehanna County. Children of Walter and Mary (Bishop) Lyon, all but the first born prob- ably at Herrick, Pa. : *406. I. Hannah; b. in Mass. May 24, 1792; m, David Lewis; d. West Va., June 7, 1869. *407. II. Wheeler; b. Aug. 27, 1794; d. Pa., Feb. 20, 1870. *408. III. Jacob; b. July 20, 1796; d. Pa., May 10, 1854. ♦409. IV. John Bishop; b. March 27, 179S; d. Pa., Oct. 26, 1874. *410. V. Electa; b. Oct. 6, 1799; m. Asa Dimock; d. Pulaski, Wis., Jan. 28, 1868. *411. VI. Adah; b. Feb. 9. 1802; m. Miner Mumford; d. Wayne Co. Pa., Aug. 30. 1862. *413. VII. Henry; b. Jan. 19. 1804; d. Pa., April 6, 1877. *413. VIII. Polly; b. Dec. 19, 1806; m. Elijah Freeman; d. Feb. 2, 1878. *414. IX. Angelina; b. Sept. 6. 1809; m. 1st. Alanson Reed; m. 2nd, Nate CottreU; d. Herrick, Pa., Jan. 14, 1893. ♦415. X. Walter J.; b. July 9, 1812; d. Pa., May 8, 1872. 416. XI. Amanda [twin sister of Walter]; b. July 9, 1812; d. April 22, 1813. 283. VI. 142. STEPHEN'' LYONJ [Jabez', Daniel*, Daniel', JThis Stephen is called "Stephen Lyon Jr.", but no Stephen Lyon Sr., is mentioned in Weston Records. Stephen (No. 46) married 1747, might possibly have been his father, but this is not likely. z o >- -I oc h < IL - O ^ < UJ H CD hi o X o -J o SIXTH GENERATION 289 Richard", Richard'] was born in Redding, Conn. May 9, 1769. He mar- ried, Nov. 24, 1791, Chloe Jackson, who was born June 30, 1773 (Red- ding T. R.) He was a "joiner"; taxed in Redding, 1793. He settled in Weston, Conn. Children of Stephen and Chloe (Jackson) Lyon (Weston T. R.): 417. I. SaUy; b. Sept. 4, 1792. 418. II. Martin; b. July 26, 1795. 419. III. Daniel; b. June 17, 1798. 293. VI. 150. PHILO" LYON [Daniel', Gershom*, Daniel' Rich- ard^ Richard'] was born in Weston, Conn., July 28, 1787, and died Feb. 26, 1869; buried fn Rock House Cemetery. No record is found of his marriage. Son of Phllo and Lyon: *430. I. ?. Daniel; b. July 27, 1809; died June 7, 1864, ae. 55 y. 10 m. 10 d. (G. R. Rock House Cem.). 294. vr. 151. LEVP LYON [Abraham^ Gershom\ Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born in Weston, Conn. May 3, 1786, and died in Easton Sept. 1, 1838; buried in Rock House Cemetery. His wife's name was Lucinda. Children of Levi and Lucinda ( ) Lyon: 431. I. Orva; b. Aug. 28, 1822; d. Dec. 14, 1846, ae. 24 y. 4 m. 16 d. (G. R. Rock House Cem.); had a son. Royal P., born Dec. 31, 1844; d. April 15, 1852, ae. 7 y. 3 m. 15 d. (G. R. Rock House Cam.). 422. n. Lonzi; b. 1823; d. Dec. 9, 1846, ae. 23y. (G. R. Rock House Cem.). 423. III. Lanson [Alanson] ; b. May 28, 1826; d. Nov. 15, 1846. ae. 20 y. 5 m. 18 d. (G. R. Rock House Cem.). 424. IV. John A.; b. Feb. 1829; d. Nov. 30, 1846, ae. 17 y. 10 m. (G. R. Rock House Cem. ) 303. VI. 158. PETERS LYON [AsaheP, Peter*, Nathan', Rich- ard^ Richard'] was born in Redding, Conn. March 29, 1784; died in Washington, Dutchess Co., N. Y., May 1, 1870, "at the age of 86". He married Mabel, daughter of Daniel and Lydia ( ) Holmes of Weston, Conn. She was born March 1, 1783, and died June 8. 1871, ae. 88 y. 3 m. 7 d. Children of Peter and Mabel (Holmes') Lyon: 424a. I. John; b. July 16, 1815; d. Aug. 10. 1884. •424b. IL Asahel; b. Oct. 13, 1817: d. Dec. 30, 1884. 424c. III. Arthur; b. May 14, 1825. 424d. IV. WUliam; b. Jan. 15, 1830. 315. VI. 201. SAMUBL« LYON [Thomas\ John^ .lohn', Samuel*. Richard'] was born June 2, 1770, and died Sept. 11, 1835. He married (18) 290 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD (int. April the 31 (sic) 1790), Lucy Briggs, who was born Aug. 27, 1776, and died July .5, 1850. Children of Samuel and Lucy (Briggs) Lyon: •425. I. MUes; b. Feb. 7, 1791; d. Aug. 25, 1837. •486. II. Ira; b. Aug. 15, 1792; d. 1875. 427. III. Sylas; b. Sept. 12, 1794; d. July 10, 1795. ♦428. IV. Henry; b. June 14, 1796; d. May 12, 1872. 429. V. Hannah; b. May 5, 1798; d. Aug. 19, 1808. *430. VI. Samuel Jr.; b. May 2, 1800; d. 1864. *431. VII. George; b. March 15, 1802; d. . *432. VIII. Harriet; b. May 20, 1804; m. Daniel Stoddard; d. Aug. 16, 1844. *433. IX. Thomas; b. June 16, 1806; d. at Morlston, Wis., May 25, 1S80. 434. X. Sylas; b. March 15, 1808; d. Feb. 11, 1811. •435. XI. Calvin; b. May 20, 1810; res. (1892) Arcadia, Neb. *436. XII. WiUiam C; b. Aug. 31, 1812; d. Jan. 17, 1873. 318. VI. 201. ANNA" LYON (LEVISBE) [Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel-. Richard'] was born in New Ashfoi'd, Mass., May 3, 1777; died July 3, 1845. She married in 1798, Aaron Levisee. Children of Aaron and Anna (Lyon) Levisee: 437. I. Almeda; b. Aug. 1, 1799; m. Ezra Lyon (No. 396); d. June 28, 1860. 438. II. Eveline; b. June 21, 1801; m. Hubbard Jones; no ch. ; d. June 13. 1873. ♦439. III. Thankful; b. July 15, 1803; m. David Botsford; d. July 9, 1885. ♦440. IV. Sliza Ann; b. May 6, 1806; m. 1st, Jonathan Wisner; m. 2nd, Joseph Cummings; d. Nov. 6, 1838. •441. V. John L,yon; b. July 4. 1809; res. Clyde, O. 442. VI. Sarah, twin sister of John, d. 1813. ♦443. VII. £mma M.; b. March 24, 1818; m. "William Fuller; res. Clyde, O. •444. VIII. Aaron Burton; b. March IS, 1821; res. Mayville, No. Dak. 319. VL 201. WAKEMAN" LYON [Thomas^ John*, John', Sam- ueP, Richard'] was born Jan. 3, 1779, and died at the early age of thirty-seven, Aug. 31, 1816. He married, Sept. 7, 1802, Judith Smith, who was of English Quaker parentage. They lived in Lima, N. Y. Children of Wakeman and Judith (Smith) Lyon: •446. I. Ransom Byron; b. Aug. 13, 1804; d. 1848. •446. II. L,uther Smith; b. Sept. 14, 1806; d. July 23, 1887. •447. III. Marana E.; b. Nov. 8, 1808; m. Eli Foote; res. Flint, Mich. 448. IV. George Wakeman; b. April 14, 1810; d. in infancy. •449. V. William H. C; b. Aug. 19, 1814; d. Feb. 6, 1891. •460. VI. Marietta Sophia; b. Aug. 10, 1816; m. C. C. Parks; d. 1843. 321. VI. 201. TIMOTHY" LYON [Thomas^ John*, John', Sam- ueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 20, 1788, and died June 19, 1861 (burned SIXTH GENERATION 291 to death in a summer camp in Northern Michigan). He married in 1812, Mary Davis, who was born Jan. 31, 1791, and died in South Haven, Mich., Feb. 17, 1872. He removed from Lima to Plymouth, Mich, in 1826. Children of Timothy and Mary (Davis) Lyon, born in Lima, N. Y. : ' *451. I. Theodatus Timothy; b. Jan. 23, 1813; d. South Haven, Mich., Feb. 6, 1900. *453. II. Merinda Orilla; b. Feb. S, 1815; m. Mathew Lockhead; d. Ply- mouth, Mich., Dec, 1899, 453. III. Oscar Davis; b. July 25, 1817; d. Jan. 22, 1851. •454. IV. Phidelia Artemisia; b. June 6, 1821; m. VVniliam Craig; d. Denver, Colo., Sept. 2, 1897. 322. VI. 201. HANNAH" LYON (NEWMAN) [Thomas^ John*, John', Samuel-, Richard'] was born June 18, 1794, and died Feb. 6, 1853. She married Joel Newman. Children of Joel and Hannah (Lyon) Newman: *455. I. Bowena P.; b. Nov. 1, 1812; m. Bryant Rockwell; d. July 20, 1846. *456. II. WilUam Biley; b. Nov. 20, 1814; res. Dewitt, Mich, *457. III. Sarali A.; b. Dec. 21, 1816; m. 1st, Wm. N. Austin; m. 2nd, Mann; res. Davison, Mich. •458. IV. Marietta S.; b. Jan. 8, 1819; m. Alanson Crawford; d. Jan. 18, 1842. 459. V. Moses 8.; b. Jan. 18, 1821; m. Charlotte Cook; no issue; re«. Dickson. Tenn. 460. VL AbigaU; b. Jan. 7, 1824; d. Aug. 21, 1824. ♦461. VII. John N.; b. Aug. 12, 1825; d. Jan. 24, 1886. •462. VIII. Timothy L,yon; b. Dec. 12, 1827; res. Union Home. Mich. ♦463. IX. Orson N.; b. Feb. 15, 1830; res. Fruitland, N. Mex. *464. X. Hiram A.; b. April 24, 1832; res. Brighton, Mich. *465. XI. Amanda A.; b. June 12, 1834; m. Alonzo Preston; res. Fon- tonville, Mich. •466. XII. Albert E.; b. Oct. 31, 1836; res. 933 So. 4th St., Saginaw, Mich. 325. VI. 215. BURR' LYON [Wakeman\ Eliphalet\ James', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., about 1790. He mar- ried first, Oct. 3rd, 1813, Mary Hayes (Ch. R., Greenfield). He married 2nd, Nov. 8, (or 9) 1818, Abigail, daughter of Peter and Esther (Jen- nings) Burr, b. Oct. 28, 1789. Daughter of Burr and Mary (Hayes) Lyon: 467. I. Mary; m. Dea. William B. Morehouse (Moorhouse). Children of Burr and Abigail (Burr) Lyon (Norwalk T. R.): •468. II. Esther; m. Rev. E. S. Huntington. 469. III. Eunice; m. Daniel Fletcher. 470. rv. Eleanor B.; b. 1822; d. Nov. 18. 1823, ae. 1 y. (G. R. Fair- field Old Cem.). 292 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD *«1. V. Morris Wakeman; b. 1827; m. Isabella Wlldman; d. Fairfield, April 21. 1906. 478. VI. EUza. 328. VI. 222. BRADLEY' LYON [Walter*, Seth*, James*, Sam- uel*, Richard'] was born in Fairfield, Conn., Sept. 14, 1790, and died at Hobart, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1865. He married, March 16, 1817, Elizabeth Wakeman. Children of Bradley and Elizabeth (Wakeman) Lyon: 473. I. James W.; b. 1819. 474. II. William W.; b. 1821; d. 1879. 475. III. James W.; b. 1823. 476. IV. Charles B.; b. 1826. 477. V. Betsey; b. 1828. 478. VI. Levi; b. 183 2. 479. VII. John H.; b. 1835. 480. VIII. Angrustus B.; b. 1839. 337. VI. 236. ANDREW' LYON (Zachariah', Zachariah*(?), Nathaniel, William^ Richard'] was born in Weston, June 28, 1765. He married, April 19, 1785, Mary Summers (Weston T. R.) No record is found of their children, but it may be assumed that an Andrew Lyon of Weston, born about 1790, was his son. Children of Andrew and Mary (Summers) Lyon: •481. I. ?. Andrew; no record found of birth or parentage; m. Eleanor 482. II. ?. Sherwood; b. 1803. 338. VI. 236. HANNAH' LYON (SEELEY) [Zachariah", [Zach- ariah*(?), NathanieP, William^, Richard'] was born in Weston, Dec. 18, 1786. She married, April 14, 1786, Ephraim Seeley, who was born Oct. 7, 1765. Children of Ephraim and Hannah (Lyon) Seeley (Weston T. R.): 483. I. Zachariah; b. Oct. 16. 1787. 484. IL Harriett; b. April 11. 1792. 485. III. Nathaniel; b. Sept. 23, 1796. 486. IV. Bath; b. Jan. 31, 1799. 365. VI. 251(?). ALANSON' LYON [Philo»(?), Gershom*(?), DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was born in 1806, and died in 1860; buried Aug. 8, 1860; (Ch. R., Redding Ridge Episcopal Church). His first marriage is not found in Redding Town Records. He married second, June 5, 1848, Adeline L. Banks, ae. 27, (Redding T. R.) He married third, June 9, 1849, Marietta Skidmore, ae. 24 (Redding T. R.) SIXTH GENERATION 298 Daughter of Alanson and Adeline (Banks) Lyon: 487. I. ; b. April 7. 1849. Children o( Alanson and Marietta (Skldmore) Lyon: 488. IL Mary EUa; bapt. April 30, 1853, ae. 3, (Ch. R. Episcopal Chh Redding). 489. IIL ; b. 1853. 490. IV. Mary F.; b. May 9, 1855 (Redding T. R.), 491. V. Jennie Ann; b. June 27, 1857 (Redding T. R.); bapt. Aug 18 1881 (Ch. R., Redding); m. April 7, 1880, John S. Read, he ae. 26; she 23 (Red- ding T. R.). 492. VI. Bnfns Alanson; b. 1856 (Redding T. R.); bapt. Aug. 10, 1856 (Ch. R. Episcopal Chh. Redding); res. (1904) Redding. Conn.; no family. 377. VI. (?). NEHEMIAH LYON [ancestry not ascer- tained] was born Feb. 28, 1771, (Weston T. R.) He married July 3, 1798, Ruth Haines (Weston T. R.) Son of Nehemiah and Ruth (Haines) Lyon: 493. I. WilUs; b. Nov. 5. 1798 (Weston T. R.). In 1851, 1852 ••Wyllls Lyon, a relative of Hanford" (So. 277) was representative from Bridgeport. He was associated in business with Hanford Lyon, No. 277, In the firm of Lyon, Calhoun & Co., 1838. 378. VI. (?). ANSON LYON [ancestry not ascertained] Is said to have been of Weston. He married in 1818, Eleanor Nichols. He served from "Fairfield," in the war of 1812. Children of Anson and Eleanor (Nichols) Lyon: 494. I. James. 496. II. Marietta; m. 1845, Fenton. 496. III. Sherwood. 379. VI. (?). ELEANOR LYON (READ) whose exact lin- eage has not been ascertained, belonged to the Redding branch of the Lyon family. It is likely that the Camilla Lyon who married Samuel B. Read was a sister or cousin. She herself married, Jan. 1, 1823, Thaddeus" Read, son of Hezekiah* and Nancy (Banks) Read [Hezelciah*. Col. John^' (of Boston), Hon. John']. Thaddeus Read died Sept. 1846. His widow and daughters lived in New York City, the son George, in Redding. CJhlldren of Thaddeus apd Eleanor (Lyon) Read: 497. I. Sosan; b. Jan. 21, 1824. 498. II. Sarah; b. April 23, 1826. 499. III. George; b. Dec. 2, 1829; m. Jan. 23, 1854. Eliza Collins. 600. IV. AbigaU; b. Sept. 6, 1832. fiOl. V. Eleanor; b. Aug. 6, 1834. B08. VI. Deborah; b. July 19, 1839. 294 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 382. VI. (?). ZALMON^ LYON [ZalmonH?), \ Nathan^, Richard% Richard'] was born probably about 1805, possibly son of Zalmon, No. 248. His wife's name is given in the Whitney family History as Affiable Scougall. Son of Zalmon and Afflable (Scougall) Lyon: 503. I. Theodore; b. Norwalk, Jan. 31, 1830. He was a farmer and Bet- tied at Miry Brook, Danbury, Conn. He married at Danbury, Sept. 1, 1853, Henrietta Pelletrean Wildman, who was born In Danbury, Oct. 28, 1829, daugh- ter of Henry Benedict and Margaret (McAlpine) Wildman. Children: 1. William Augustus; b. Norwalk. Conn., July 5, 1854; 2. Grace E.; b. Dan- bury, (Miry Brook) July 25, 1859; 3, Emma Agnes; b. Danbury, Aug. 13, 1861. BELATED LYON NAMES belonging to Redding; descendants of Richard* but parentage not ascertained: •504. Edwin; b. 1805; children born In Redding Ridge 1841-1861. •505. Eli; b. 1811; children born In Redding Ridge, 1848-1856. 505a. Mariette (of Norwalk) ; m. Moses Banks, who was born in Weston, Conn., about 1815, son of Squire and Mabel (Downs) O'Banks, or Banks (Whit- ney Pam. ) 386. VII. 271. GEORGE' LYON [Samuel", Nehemiah Webb', Stephen* (?), Ebenezer'(?), Richard^ Richard'] was born probably about 1810. He lived in Bridgewater, Conn. His wife's maiden name was Ann Janet Beardsley. Children of George and Ann J. (Beardsley) Lyon: *506. I. Sherwood Adams; b. Bridgewater, March 27, 1838. 507. II. Charles A.; m. Cornelia Warner; a daughter, Jennie E., is one of the Daughters of the American Revolution. There were probably other children.! 395. VII. 277. ALICE CHEEVBR' LYON (WATSON) (Han- ford', Nehemiah Webb^ Stephen^?), Ebenezer'(?), Richard^ Richard*] married. May 4, 1874, Col. Thomas Landsdell Watson, born Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 13, 1847, son of William Landsdell Watson, M. D., and Jeanette Nichols. Res. Bridgeport, Conn., and New York City. Children of Thomas L. and Alice C. (Lyon) Watson: 607a. I. Alice Lyon. 607b. II. Kent. 396. VII. 279. EZRA' LYON [Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel", Richard^ Richard'] was born (probably in New Ashford, Mass.) Aug. 29, 1792. The date and place of his death are not recorded. He mar- ried his cousin, Almeda Levisse. Children of Ezra and Alm.eda (Levlsee) Lyon: •508. I. Cllloe; b. March 19, 1821; m. William HofC; d. Jan. 2, 1882. ♦609. IL Aaron C; b. Feb. 23, 1823. tRev. John Lyon of Bridgeport, (1898) who might be supposed to be- long to this family, was in fact a native of Glasgow, Scotland, b. 1844. SEVENTH GENERATION 295 397. VII. 279. MARY' LYON [(GANOUNG) Seth«, Jacob', Dan- iel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born (probably at New Ashford, Mass.) June 18, 1794. She married Oct. 16, 1815, John Hulcut Ganoung, who was born Oct. 22, 1790, and died Oct. 10, 1827. She died March 30, 1852. Children of .Tohn H. and Mary (Lyon) Ganoung: •510. 1. Seth; b. Jan. 7, 1816; d. April 17, 1881. •611. II. Miram; b. May 6, 1817; killed at Battle of Shlloh, April 6, 1862. •512. III. MUo; b. June 13, 1818; res. (1904) Cawker City, Kansas. 513. IV. Sarah; b. Nov. 21, 1819; m. George Cook; d. Nov. 9, 1872; no children. •514. V. Isaac; b. April 8. 1821; res. (1902) Waverly, la. •515. VI. Arthur H.; b. Oct. 13, 1822; res. Blue Creek, Wash. 401. VII. 279. JOHN' J. P. LYON [Seth^ Jacob", Daniel*. Dan- iel', Richard^ Richard'] was born (probably at Lima, N. Y.) Aug. 1, 1804, and died Sept. 5, 1886. He married Asenath Perry, who died Oct. 5, 1887. Children of John J. P. and Aseneth (Perry) Lyon: 516. L Phidelia A.; b. ; d. 1843. •517. IL Henry; b. in 1835; d. Dec. 13, 1887. . 518. III. Frances; b. in 1837; m. Perry (her cousin); d. March 20, 1877. They had one child, Charles; b. May 8, 1864; d. April 10, 1865. 402. VII. 279. JACOB' LYON [Seth^ Jacob', Daniel', Daniel', Richard^, Richard'] was born (probably at Lima, N. Y.) Aug. 17, 1806, and died at Plymouth, Mich., Sept. 22, 1895. He married Ann Rutnour. Children of Jacob and Ann (Rutnour) Lyon: 519. I. Maria; b. Jan. 10, 1837; m. Albert Abbott; they had one son, Edwin B.; b. July 3, 1855; d. Feb. 24, 1862; Maria d. April 21, 1851. 530. II. Miram; b. Aug. 4, 1840; m. Bachelor; d. at Pl.vmouth, Mich. •621. III. Luther; b. Nov. 16, 1842; res. (1904) Plymouth, Mich. •522. IV. Albert O.; b. April 24, 1845; d. Plymouth, Mich., 1904. 623. V. Franlc; b. Jan. 7, 1849; d. Sept. 7, 1851. 404. VII. 279. LUCINDA' LYON (BLDRIDGB) [Seth", Jacob', DanieP, Daniel', Richard^, Richard'] was born (probably at Lima, N. Y.) April 12, 1811, and died Sept. 11, 1851. She married William Case El- dridge April 12, 1832. Children of William C. and Luclnda (Lyon) Eldrldge: ♦524. I. Amelia; b. Jan. 17, 1833; m. Francis E. Burd; res. Hillsdale. Mich. 625. II. WUliam Watson; b. Feb. 24, 1835; d. Aug. 30, 1836. tJohn H. Ganoung Is said to have been a son of Isaac and Mary Ganoung (Ganung) ; Isaac was probably son of Jesse Ganung who at one time lived In Putnam Co., N. T. 296 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD •626. III. Fanny Frances; b. Jan. 2«. 1837; m. Reed GlUett; d. Aug. 19, 1868. •627. IV. Ann Lyon; b. Nov. 29, 1838; m. William Klckerbocker. 528. V. S:irah Jane; b. Dec. 27, 1840; m. John Chorus; no ch. ; she d. Feb. 17, 1870. •529. VI. Watson WiUiam; b. Oct. 17, 1842; res. Washington, D. C. 630. VII. Marion Jasper; b. Nov. 11, 1844; killed in the war of Seces- sion, June 4, 1864. 631. VIII. WUbur; b. Aug. 13, 1847; d. July 2, 1869. 632. IX. Fayette Frances; b. Dec. 13, 1849; d. Sept. 22, 1851. •533. X. Josephine Lucinda; b. March 31, 1851; m. Joseph Billings; d. April 16, 1886. 405. VII. 279. JUSTUS' LYON [Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard^ Richard'] was born (probably at Lima, N. Y.) Aug. 21, 1814. He was killed instantly by a passenger train at St. Paul, Minn., May 16, 1906. He married Oct. 21, 1837, Sarah Miller, who was born in 1812, and died March 4, 1895. He resided many years in St. Paul, Minn. Children of Justus and Sarah (Miller) Lyon: »534. I. Thomas M. ; b. May 17, 1840; res. St. Paul, Minn. (P. O. Box, 297). 535. II. George; b. March 27, 1842; res. St. Paul, Minn. (P. O. Box, 488). 636. III. Jane R.; b. July 6, 1844; m. Charles Utley; d. May 12, 1867. 537. IV. Helen L,.; b. May 1, 1847; d. March 15, 1868. 406. VII. 280. HANNAH' LYON (LEWIS) [Walter*. Jacob', Danier, DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was born in Massachusetts, May 24, 1792, and died at Big Isaac, W. Va., June 7, 1869. She married April 12, 1808, David Lewis, born Sept. 28, 1775, and died Nov. 10, 1854. They lived at what is now known as Uniondale, but then called Frost Hollow, and sometimes Goose Point on account of Hannah's geese. Lewis Lake was named for her husband. The writer well remembers hearing "Aunt Hannah Lewis" tell of when she was a little girl in the pioneer days. Once she started to get a pail of water from the spring under the big beech tree (on the farm now owned by Walter S. Lyon, great-grandson of Walter, No. 280). Hannah was carrjang one of her little brothers on her back and leading another, the water pail in the other hand. It was all woods there then and only the path to the spring. Hannah saw an old bear and two cubs in her path, but she did not run and scream, but shook her water pail at the bear and said "shoo!". The cubs ran into the woods, and after a few growls the old bear followed them. Hannah then went on after the water. Daughter of David and Hannah (Lyon) Lewis: •638. I. Ada Miranda; b. Uniondale, Penn., Dec. 16, 1817; m. Joseph T. Sherwood, Nov. 15, 1838; he was b. Jan. 29, 1814; d. Auburn, Neb., Dec. 22, 1883; she d. Liberty, Neb., Nov. 5, 1895. /A^y^^^ ^^52^^<>l^ No. 415 SEVENTH GENERATION 287 407. VII. 280. WHEELER' LYON [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Aug. 27, 1794, and died Feb. 20, 1870. He married first, March 20, 1817, Amanda Potter, daughter of a revolutionary soldier. She was born March 7, 1798, and d. March 28, 1833. He married 2nd, Sept. 6, 1835, Mary (Moore) Ellis, widow of Huntington Ellis. She was born in R. I., June 23, 1800, and died March 10, 1892. Children of Wheeler and Amanda (Potter) Lyon: •639. I. Charles Wheeler; b. Dec. 19, 1817; d. July 17, 1903. Children of Wheeler and Mary (Moore) Lyon: ' 540. IL Amanda Olivia; b. Jan. 29, 1837; d. unmarried, Oct. 1856. 641. III. Walter Franklin; b. Nov. 20, 1839; d. April 1841. 408. VII. 280. JACOB' LYON [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*. Richard^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., July 20, 1796, and died May 10, 1854. He married Mahala Sampson, Jan. 21, 1818. She was born Nov. 14, 1797, and d. Aug. 5, 1887. She was the daughter of Ezekiel Sampson, a Baptist minister, who lived near Deposit, N. J. Mahala (Sampson) Lyon was considered a very handsome woman, and retained the traces of beauty even unto old age. She was also a woman who never spoke evil of any person, or performed any act of injustice or unkindness towards her relatives, friends or neighbors. Jacob Lyon was Lieut. Colonel, and Walter, his brother, was Quar- termaster in a Volunteer Battalion in the Third Brigade, 8th Division, Pennsylvania Militia, as shown on page 34, Book of 1841, Adjutant General's Office, Harrisburg. Jacob Lyon was "honest, patriotic, in- telligent, public spirited and generous." Children of Jacob and Mahala (Sampson) Lyon: 643. I. Hannah Calista; b. Dec. 16, 1820; d. Aug. 11, 1836. 543. IL Infant son; b. April 23, 1823; d. April 24, 1823. 544. III. Infant son; b. and d. March 1824. •546. rv. Lafayette; b. March 7, 1825. •646. V. George Henry; b. Jan. 23, 1829; d. Aug. 29, 1900. •647. VI. Walter Ezekiel; b. Sept. 10, 1834. •648. VII. Mary Mercy; b. Oct. 1, 1838; m. Granville Burns. •649. VIII. Thomas H. B.; b. Sept. 26, 1841. 409. VII. 280. JOHN BISHOP' LYON [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard*] was born at Herrick, Pa., March 27, 1798, and died Oct. 26, 1874. He married Dec. 24, 1824, Sarah Waterman Giddings, who was the daughter of Capt. James and Lucy (Demmlng) 298 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Glddings. She was born at Preston, Conn., Aug. 29, 1803, and died at Herrick, Pa., Jan. 4, 1864. Children of John Bishop and Sarah Waterman (Glddings) Lyon: •550. I. Adella Adelaide; b. April 6, 18 27; d. Brenham, Tex., Sept. 15, 1888. *551. II. GUes Henry; b. Feb. 20, 1836. ♦553. Ill John Bishop, Jr.; b. Aug. 12, 1839; d. Nov. 12, 1882. •553. IV. Andrew G.; b. March 19, 1842. 410. VII. 280. ELECTA' LYON (DIMOCK) [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Oct. 6, 1799, and died at Pulaski, Wis., Jan. 28, 1868. She married, Jan. 16. 1817, Asa Dimock, who was born April 5, 1795, and died at Pulaski, Wis., Dec. 23, 1864. He was Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts, doing his own work from Jan. 1821 under Governors Heister, Schulze and Wolf, of Pennsylvania, in all fifteen years. He was also State Rep- resentative, 1836-37, and State Senator of Pennsylvania, 1840-44. Children of Asa and Electa (Lyon) Dimock: *554. I. Mary Elizabeth; b. Dundoff, Pa., July 22, 1817; m. John H. Dimock; d. Muscoda, Wis., Oct. 22, 1854. •655. II. Warren Shubal; b. Montrose, Pa., March 24, 1819. •556. III. Walter Wheeler; b. Montrose, Pa., May 31, 1821; d. Muscoda, Wis., Jan. 5, 1865. 657. rv. liafayette Gilbert; b. Montrose, Pa., June 12, 1825; d. unmar- ried, Harrlsburg, Pa., Sept. 2, 1858. 668. V. Adelia Robertine; b. Montrose, Pa., March 22, 1827; d. Harris- burg, Pa., May 27, 1S49. 669. VI. Avaline Electa; b. Aug. 1, 1830; d. Jan. 28, 1835. 660. VII. George Washington; b. Feb. 22, 1832; d. Oct. 7, 1833. 661. VIII. Robert Asa; b. July 23, 1836; d. May 1, 1838. 662. IX. Katharine Sophia; b. April 5, 1838. 411. VII. 280. ADAH' LYON (MUMFORD) [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richa^d^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Feb. 9, 1802, and died at Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1862. She was married Feb. 15, 1821, to Miner Mumford, son of Jirah and Deborah (Lillibridge) Mumford. He was born at Pleasant Mount Nov. 9, 1797, and died there May 7, 1867. Children of Miner and Adah (Lyon) Mumford: •563. I. Emeline; b. Sept. 12, 1821; m. Merritt Trusdell; d. Falrbury. Neb., Jan. 20, 1889. 664. II. Infant daughter; b. Nov. 9, 1822; d. Nov. 30, 1822. 665. III. Juliet; b. Nov. 9, 1823; m. Sept. 4, 1843, Asa Trusdell, brother of Merritt; no children; she d. Pleasant Mount, March 2, 1875. •666, rv. George; b. May 17, 1826; d. Pleasant Mount, July 26, 1894. ! SEVENTH GENERATION 299 667. V. Walter; b. March 14, 1828; d. April 2, 1833. *568. VI. Elizabeth; b. Pleasant Mount, June 16, 1830; m. Judson Un- derbill; res. Blnghampton, N. T. •569. VII. Mary A.; b. Sept. 8, 1832; m. William H. Fulkerson; d. Bea- trice. Neb., Oct. 28, 1897. 570. VIII. Amanda; b. Sept. 8, 1835; not m. ; d. June 1, 1860. 871. IX. Henry Wayne; b. July 28, 1837; m. June 10, 1867, Bmlly Ollea; no Issue; d. Pleasant Mount, Dec. 19, 1892. 572. X. Minerva M.; b. Sept. 30, 1839; m. Sept. 27, 1869, Franlc Wright; res. (1906) Scranton, Pa.; 2 children. 412. VII. 280. HENRY' LYON [Walter', Jacob', DanieP, Daniel», Riclla^d^ Richard^] was born at Herrick, Pa., Jan. 19, 1804, and died April 6, 1877. He married Dec. 27, 1827, Harlie Ann Kent, who was born at Clifford, Pa., Feb. 20, 1809. She was the daughter of Abel and Diadema (Horton) Kent. Abel Kent was a Revolutionary soldier from New Ashford, Berkshire Co., Mass. She died March 20, 1886. Children of Henry and Harlie Ann (Kent) Lyon: •573. I. Jane Helen; b. Herrick, Pa. Feb. 20, 1829; m. George F. Dunning. 574. II. Mary Diadema; b. Nov. 25, 1830; m. Oct. 8, 1857, Rev. P. R. Tower, minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She died March 20, 1907. •575. III. Ada Ann; b. Nov. 30, 1832; m. Harmon L. Corwln; d. Oct. 31, 1887. *576. IV. Sarah Amanda; b. Nov. 22, 1834; m. David L. Kennedy; d. Feb. 8, 1870. 677. V. Henry CrandaU; b. March 30, 1837; d. July 4, 1837. 678. VI. George Washington; b. June 9, 1838; not m. ; d. Feb. 6, 1893. 679. VII. Henry De Forrest; b. Dec. 4, 1840; d. Oct. 8, 1856. •580. VIII. Walter Franklin; b. May 9, 1843. *581. IX. Marion Adelbert; b. Dec. 9, 1845. 582. X. £mma IrOiiise; b. May 28, 1848; d. Feb. 25, 1849. •583. XI. Frederick Kent; b. June 21, 1850. 684. XII. Infant son; b. May 1, 1854; d. May 6, 1854. 413. VII. 280. POLLY' LYON (FREEMAN) [Walter", Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born Herrick, Pa., Dec. 19, 1806. She married, April 21, 1840, Elijah Freeman, a widower with one son by a former marriage. He was born in Tolland Co., Conn., Oct. 19, 1807; died at Kizers, Pa., Sept. 1, 1891. She died at Klzers, Feb. 2, 1878. Children of Elijah and Polly (Lyon) Freeman: 585. I. Mary S.; b. Dec. 30, 1842; d. 1846. *585a. 11. Electa; b. June 24, 1845; m. 1st, Horace Jenkins; m. 2nd, Emery Swingle. 585b. III. Mary S.; b. Oct. 30, 1848; d. July 8, 1864. 585c. rv. Ida; b. March 3, 1853; d. July 24, 1864. 300 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 414. VII. 280. ANGELINA' LYON (REED) (COTTRELL) [Wal- ter', Jacob', Daniel", DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born in Susque- hanna County, Pa., Sept. 6, 1809, and died at Herrick, Pa., Jan. 14, 1893, buried in the graveyard near the Baptist Church on Lyon Street. She was married first, Dec. 25, 1832, to Alanson Reed, who was born in Connecticut, Sept. 4, 1810, and died in Connecticut July 14, 1846. His mother's given name was Diadema. Angelina (Lyon) Reed married second Nate Cottrell, of Providence, Luzerne Co., Pa. She had no children by this marriage. Children of Alanson and Angelina (Lyon) Reed: 686. I. Mary Diadema; b. Jan. 4, 1834; named for her two grandmothera; d. Aug. 26, 1837. 587. IL Bradley B.; b. Dec. 13, 1835; d. Herrick, Pa., April 18, 1837; bxir- rled In the Lyon family burying ground on Lyon Street. ♦588. III. Anna Aldruda; b. Nov. 2, 1837; m. Eli Todd Stone; d. Knights Perry, Calif.. April 21, 1869. 689. rv. Josephine Augrusta; b. Feb. 13, 1841; not m. ; d. Providence, Pa., about 1866. 415. VII. 280. WALTER' LYON [Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Dan- iel', Richard^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., July 9, 1812, and died at the same place. May 8, 1872. He was married April 5, 1838, by Rev. Adam Miller, a Presbyterian minister of Hartford, Susque- hanna Co., Pa., to Maria Antoinette Giddings, of Herrick, Pa., who was born Feb. 28, 1819. She was daughter of Capt. James and Lucy (Deming) Giddings, and grand-daughter of Capt. Jabez Deming, who served in the Connecticut Militia during the Revolution as Captain. Walter Lyon was one of nature's noblemen. His word was as good as his bond. Dying suddenly of cerebro-spinal meningitis. It was found after his death that he did not owe a person a dollar. He was quartermaster, 8th Division Pennsylvania Volunteer Battalion, Third Brigade of the Washington Guards, as shown p. 34, 1841, Adjutant General's OflBce, Harrisburg, Pa. He was School Commissioner for a number of years. Children of Walter and Maria Antoinette (Giddings) Lyon: *690. I. Engene Emmett; b. Oct. 30, 1840; d. March 26, 188S. 601. II. Marlon Adelbert; b. May 24, 1843; d. July 16, 1843. *B9Z. HI. Clara Oeorgiana; b. Sept. 80, 1846; m. Gilbert Lb Benjamin. *693. IV. James Walter; b. April 24, 1848. *S94. V. Ix>iil8e Antoinette; b. Dec. 21, 186S; m. Joseph Henry Johnson. 420. VII. 293. DANIEL' LYON [Philo»(?), Daniel*, Gershom*, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born July 27, 1809, and died in Easton, June 7, 1864; buried in Rock House Cemetery. His wife's name was 1 SEVENTH GENERATION 301 Adeline. She was born Aug. 14, 1815, and died Nov. 16, 1881, ae. 66 y. 3 m. 2 d. (G. R. Rock House Cemetery). Son of Daniel and Adeline Lyon: 696. I. Fhilo; b. Jan. 7, 1839; d. Jan. 21, 1839, ae. 14 d. (O. R. Rook House Cem.) There may have been other children. 424b. VII. 303. ASAHEL' LYON [Peter', Asaliel', Peter', Nathan^ Richard^, Richard'] was born (probably in Dutchess Co., N. Y.) Oct. 13, 1817, and died in Washington (?), N, Y., Dec. 30, 1884. His will dated May 22, 1875, probated March 19, 1885, makes wife, Mary H. Lyon executrix; no heirs. The will of Mary H. Lyon, dated Aug. 11, 1898, probated Oct. 20, 1898, devises property to Wesson Haight, Charles Haight and John Haight. From this it seems probable that Mary's maiden name was Haight. 425. VII. 315. MILES' LYON [Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard*] was born Feb. 7, 1791, and died Aug. 25, 1837. He married Pamelia Darrow, who died in 1866. Children of Miles and Pamelia (Darrow) Lyon: *596. I. Lanra Irene; b. Nov. 1812; m. Silas S. Lindsley: d. 1889. •597. 11. Horace Wakeman; b. July 8, 1815; d. Dec. 1877. •698. IIL Lyman Josiah; b. Dec. 24, 1817; d. Nov. 1897. •699. IV. Ransom Darrow; b. 1820; res.. Mason, Mich. •600. V. Henry H.; b. Aug. 25, 1822; m. Polly Ann Brooks; d. Oct. 6, 1890. •601. VI. Lafayette Aurora; b. May 8, 1825; d. Oct. 1, 1877. 426. VII. 315. IRA' LYON [Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 15, 1792. He was accidentally killed in 1875, by falling from a window. He married Mercy Belknap. Children of Ira and Mercy (Belknap) Lyon: 602. 1. £dwin; res. Buffalo, N. T. 603. II. Warren. 604. III. Lucy; m. Thayer. 605. IV. Elwood. 606. V. Mary. 428. VII. 315. HENRY' LYON [Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born June 14, 1796, and died May 12, 1872. He married Deborah Davis, who was born Oct. 8, 1796, and died Jan. 29. 1874. Children of Henry and Deborah (Davis) Lyon: •607. I. OrviUe H.; b. April 18, 1818; d. April 18. 1870. 302 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD •808. II. Oorlona A.; b. March 23, 182»; m. Frallck; d. Oct. 18, 1841. •609. III. Alva P.; b. May 3, 1822; d. Sept. 3, 1846. •610. IV. James D.; b. Jan. 23, 1824; d. March 3, 1867. 611. V. Mary Jane; b. May 9, 1826; d. Jan. 4, 1843. 612. VI. Angelina M. A.; b. May 26, 1828; m. Merrltt E. Cornell; no child- ren; res. Battle Creek, Mich. *613. VII. Cassias A.; b. April 17, 1834; res. Milwaukee, Wis. ♦614. VIII. Cornelia A.; b. Sept. 6, 1836; m. Myron J. Cornell; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 615. IX. Cyrus A.; b. March 22, 1840; d. Jan. 7, 1864. 430. VII. 315. SAMUEL' LYON [SamueP, Thomas", John*, John*, SamueP, Richard'] was born May 2, 1800, and died in 1864. He mar- ried Letitia Ritchie. They had one daughter: 616. I. Mary; m. Enoch Cummlngs; d. Sept. 1864. 431. VII. 315. GEORGE' LYON [Samuel^, Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel% Richard'] was born March 15, 1802. He married Phebe Strickling. Children of George and Phebe (Strickling) Lyon: 617. I. £dgar. 618. II. Everett. 619. III. Sylas. 620. IV. William. 432. VII. 315. HARRIET' LYON (STODDARD) [Samuel', Thomas^ John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born May 20, 1804. and died Aug. 16, 1844. She married Daniel Stoddard. Children of Daniel and Harriet (Lyon) Stoddard: 621. I. Daniel, Jr. 622. II. Sophia; m. Fuller. 433. VII. 315. THOMAS' LYON [SamueP, Thomas', John', John* SamueP, Richard'] was born June 16, 1806, and d. May 25, 1880. He married Jan. 1828, Harriet Durham, who was born April 1, 1809, and died Dec. 18, 1884. Children of Thomas and Harriet (Durham) Lyon: *623. I. Celia Samantha; b. Dec. 21, 1828; m. Ira B. Babcock; d. Feb. 16, 1862. •624 II. Adelia Diantha; b. July 14, 1830; m. 1st, Charles "W. Lightall; m. 2nd, Thomas Balfour; Address, Box 634, Independence, la. •625. III. liucy J.; b. Sept. 4, 1834; m. Hugh Degulne; res. Los Angeles, Cal. •626. IV. liinns; b. March 3, 1836; killed In battle March 16, 1865. •627. V. Jerome; b. April 3, 1838; d. In the army, Dec. 25, 1862. 628. VI. Harriet Helen; b. May 28, 1840; m. June 28, 1858, Joseph Church; res. Kalamazoo, Mich. SEVENTH GENERATION 303 435. VII. 315. CALVIN' LYON [Samuel', Thomas', John*. John*. SamueP, Richard^] was born May 20, 1810. Present residence, Arcadia, Neb. He married Jane Elizabeth Lewis. Children of Calvin and Jane Elizabeth (Lewis) Lyon: ♦629. I. Helen A.; b. April 7, 1845; m. Frant A. Walton; res. Custer Co. Neb. •630. II. Enuna 8. A.; b April 11, 1849; m. John W. Morgan; res. Cedar Rapids, la. 631. III. Nelson T.; b Oct. 9, 1851; m. Wood; no issue, res. Arcadia, Neb. •632. IV. Liudovlco Stanton; b. May 22, 1854; res. Independence, la. •633. V. AUce B.; b. Oct. 24, 1857; m. Herman G. Rich; res. Cincinnati, O. 634. VL Julius C; b. Feb. 2, 1861; d. March 1, 1861. 636. VIL Hattie L.; b. April 4, 1863; d. July 19, 1863. 436. VII. 315. WILLIAM C LYON [Samuel', Thomas', John*. John", SamueP, Richard*] was born Aug. 31, 1812, and died Jan. 17. 1873. He married first, Jane Fanny Richardson, who died Aug. 17, 1878. He married second, Stewart. Children of William C. and Jane Fanny (Richardson) Lyon: *636. I. Frances Phidelia; b. Oct. 4, 1844; d. Dec. 1891; m. 1st. John C. Stewart; m. 2nd. Christie. •637. II. Sarah Jane; b. Oct. 16, 1846; m. George F. Lisk; res. Cherokee. la. •638. III. Georgre William; b. Nov. 7, 1848; res. Cherokee, la. 639. IV. Fannie May; b. Jan. 12, 1859; m. W. B. Rue; res. 1221 Ave. A. Council Bluffs, la. 439. VII. 318. THANKFUL' LEVISEE (BOTSFORD) [Anna* (Lyon), Thomas\ John*, John', SamueP, Thomas*] was born July 15, 1803, and died July 9, 1885. She married David Botsford. Children of David and Thankful (Levisee) Botsford: •640. I. Eunice; b June 17, 1830; m. Graham; res. in Michigan. •641, II. Sarah Ann; b. Sept. 21, 1831; m. Wyckoflf; res. North Park, Colo. 642. IIL Bennett; b. July 28, 1833; d. 1841. 643. IV. Bnrzill; b. July 28, 1835; d. June 27, 1836. •644. V. Bosaltha; b. July 5. 1837; m. Thomas Geer; res. Plymouth. Mich. 645. VI. Burton; b. Dec. 4, 1839; d. March 4. 1846. 646. VII. AUen; b. Sept. 18, 1842; d. Dec. 31, 1860. 440. VIL 318. ELIZA ANN' LEVISEE (WISNER) (CUM- MINGS) [Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel% Richard'] was born May 6, 1806. She married first Jonathan Wisner, and second Joseph Cummings. Daughter of Jonathan and Eliza Ann (Levisee) Wisner: 304 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 647. I. Louisa H.; b. Nov. 19, 1825; d. Dec. 1, 1868. Children of Joseph and Eliza Ann (Levisee, Wlsner) Cummlngs: 648. I. DeUna; b. July 13, 1836; d. Aug. 15, 1838. 649. II. Henry; b. Aug. 22, 1837; killed in the Civil war June 28, 1864. 660. III. Horace, twin brother of Henry. 661. IV. Sarah; b. and d. Nov. 10, 1838. 441. VII. 318. JOHN LYON' LEVISEE [Anna" (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard^] was born July 4, 1809. He married first Diana Stanley, and second Statira E. Cable. He settled in Clyde, O. Children of John Lyon and Diana (Stanley) Levisee: ♦653. I. Sarah; b. May 15, 1838; m. 1st. Olds; 2nd. ■ Carter; res. Milan, Mich. •653. II. Anna; b. June 28, 1840; m. Hiram Blood; d. Nov. 30, 1874. *654. III. Elizabeth; b. Oct. 27, 1842; m. James A. Downing. •655. IV. Eliza; b. Aug. 18, 1844; m. William W. Downing; res. Genoa, O. 656. V. Mary J.; b. Oct. 23, 1846; m. Winfleld Thomas; no ch. ; d. Aug. 23, 1873. 657. VI. Savilla; b. Jan. 30, 1849; d. Sept. 23, 1853. 658. VII. David; b. Nov. 21, 1850; m. Anstany Cable; no ch. •659. VIII. Chauncey; b. May 23, 1855. Daughter of John Lyon and Statira E. (Cable) Levisee: •660. IX. Frances; b. Aug. 1867; m. Frank Lowe. 443. VII. 318. EMMA M.' LEVISEE (FULLER) [Anna' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John^, SamueP, Richard^] was born March 24, 1818. She married William Fuller. Children of William and Emma M. (Levisee) Fuller: •661. I. Taylor; b. March 29, 1840; res. Clyde, O. •662. II. James; b. Oct. 13, 1844. 663. III. Albert; b. June 22, 1846; d. Sept. 26, 1849. 444. VII. 318. AARON BURTON' LEVISEE [Anna* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 18, 1821. He married Statira P. Willis. Children of Aaron B. and Statira P. (Willis) Levisee: 664. I. Licon; b. 1857; res. Kent, Washington. 665. n. John P.; b. 1860; d. 1862. 445. VII. 319. RANSOM' BYRON LYON [Wakeman', Thomas*. John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 13, 1804, and died In 1848. He married Julia Mandeville. d.cJ, JYXA.t^ No. 46 1 SEVENTH GENERATION 306 Children of Ranson Byron and Julia (MandevlUe) Lyon: •6«6, I. Jannett G.; b. May 26, 1833; m. Bucklands; d. July t. 1861. •667. II. Henry Byron; b. Dec. 26, 1835; res. Albion, N. T. 668. III. Mary J.; b. Jan. 2, 1838; m. Rogers; no children: A. May 26, 1875. 446. VII. 319. LUTHER SMITH^ LYON [Wakeman', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 14, 1806, and died July 23, 1887. His wife's name is not recorded. Children : 669. I. Edwin; b. Feb. 27, 1839; d. Aug. 11, 1841. •670. I'. EmUy Alice; b. Feb. 8, 1841; m. 1st. Thomas H. WllUson; 2nd. A. C. Carpenter; res. Philadelphia, Pa. «671. III. Charles Wesley; b. May 6, 1843; res. Philadelphia, Pa. 672. 1%^. Marietta Sophia; b. Aug. 6, 1845; m. her cousin, "William H. Lyon, No. 6«0; an adopted daughter, Elizabeth Willlamena, b. May 16, 1879, rea. Griffin, Ga. 447. VII. 319. MARANA E.' LYON (FOOTE) [Wakeman*, Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 8, 1808. She married Eli Foote. Res., Flint, Mich. Children of Ell and Marana E. (Lyon) Foote: 673. I. George Wakeman; b. Dec. 13, 1832; d. Feb. 22, 1838. •674. II. Hannah W.; b. May 21, 1834; m. John W. Davison; res. Grand Blanc, Mich. 676. III. Sarah Elizabeth; b. Jan. 17, 1836; d. Sept. 25, 1838. •676. IV.' William Henry; b. Dec. 16, 1838; res. Davison, Mich. 677. V. George; b. Aug. 20, 1840; d. March 8, 1841. •678. VL George Wesley; b. Sept. 17, 1843; res. Flint, Mich. •679. VII. Corydon Edward; b. Jan. 9, 1849; res. Flint, Mich. 449. VII. 319. WILLIAM H. CJ LYON [Wakeman', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born at Lima, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1814, and died at GriflBn, Ga., Feb. 6, 1891, after having visited every state and territory in the Union. He was married at Saginaw, Mich. In the old log Fort, to Esth-er W. Riggs, daughter of Jeremiah and Grace (Bishop) Riggs. She was born in West Avon, New York, and died In Flint, Mich., Jan. 16, 1855. Jeremiah Riggs came to Michigan In 1828, and wao appointed Superintendent of Indian affairs by General Lewis Cass, then Governor of the Territory of Michigan. Children of William H. C. and Esther W. (Riggs) Lyon, born In Flint, Mich. 680. I. William Henry; b. May 22, 1841; m. his cousin. Marietta Sophia Lyon (No. 672). •681. II. Albert Case; b. March 28, 1848; address (1904) 27 W. Market St., Xenla, O. (19) 306 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 682. III. Enuna Grace; b. July 28, 1867; m. John M. Bishop; rea. Atlanta, Ga. 450. VII. 319. MARIETTA SOPHIA' LYON (PARKS) [Wake- man*, Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 10, 1816, and died in 1843. She married C. C. Parks. They had one daughter: 683. I. Frances; b. 1843; m. Barbour; res. Carbondale, Jackson Co., III. 451. VII. 821. THEODATUS TIMOTHY' LYON [Timothy*, Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Lima, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1813; died South Haven, Mich., Feb. 6, 1900. He came with his parents while yet a school boy, to Plymouth, Mich. After teaching School, and helping to construct and manage a railroad he became interested in experimental horticulture, and this became his life work. His first experiments were made at Monroe, Mich., but later he located in the fruit belt of Western Michigan, and there, on a ten acre tract of Bandy land, he carried on for more than a quarter of a century his studies in pomology, becoming one of the highest authorities In America in this specialty. In 1892 the state of Michigan rented and made a sub-station of Mr. Lyon's plot, and the citizens of South Haven bought and donated to the state five acres adjoining it. Mr. Lyon was able thus to pursue his studies to better advantage, the Stat© providing for the publication of his valuable annual reports. He had under observation more than 1500 varieties of fruits, and his reports as to the vigor, productiveness, hardiness, etc. of each, are invaluable to the fruit grower. Mr. Lyon was employed also by the United States Department of Agriculture to make a complete list of the names and synonyms of every variety of fruit cultivated in America — a work for which his wide practical knowledge of the subject preeminently fitted him. He married Dec. 6, 1838, Marilla Gregory, born April 9, 1819, daughter of William Sherwood and Lydia Perrin Gregory. They had no children. 452. VII. 321. MERINDA ORILLA' LYON (LOCKHEAD) [Timothy', Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Feb. 8, 1815. She married Mathew Lockhead. Children of Mathew and Merinda OrlUa (Lyon) Lockhead: •684. I. Oscar F.; b. Nov. 28, 1838; res. Flint, Mich. •686. II. Mary C; b. Aug. 27, 1840; m. WlUard Roe; d. Nov. 9, 1875. i SEVENTH GENERATION 307 454. VII. 321. PHIDELIA ARTEMISIA' LYON (CRAIG) [Tim- othy«, Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Lima, N. Y., June 6, 1821, and died in Denver, Colo., Sept. 2, 1897. She cam-g with her parents to Plymouth, Mich., where she attended the public schools. She married in Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1841, William H. Craig, son of James and Marah (Hutton) Craig, of Ticonderoga, N. Y. He died in Colorado in 1893. They lived for some years in Detroit, Mich., then went to Buena Vista, Colorado, and finally to Denver. Children of •William H. and Phldella A. (Lyon) Craig: •686. I. William Francis; b. Port Huron, Mich., April 26, 1847; d. Detroit, April 10, 1889. 687. II. James Herbert; b. Detroit, Jan. 1, 1850; d. Detroit, May 31, 1852. •688. III. Emma Herbert; b. Detroit, Mich., March 26, 1853; m. June 8, 1895, Richard Woodville Hockaday; address, (1904) 1740 Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo. 689. IV. Charles I>yon; b. Detroit, Aug. 28, 1856; res. Buena Vista, Colo. 455. VII. 322. ROWENA P.' NEWMAN (ROCK\\^LL) [Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John*, SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 1, 1812, and died July 20, 1846. She married Bryant Rockwell. Children of Bryant and Rowena P. (Newman) Rockwell: 690. I. Hannah; b. Sept. 13, 1829; d. Feb. 2, 1836. 691. II. Sarah Ann; b. Oct. 18, 1831; m. Nov. 26, 1856, "William Carey; no Issue. 692. III. Reuben; b. Oct. 21, 1833. 693. IV. Maria H.; b. Sept. 1, 1836; m. July 16, 1883, Daniel Tracy; no Issue; res. Ann Arbor, Mich. 694. V. William; b. Dec. 3, 1840; d. Dec. 4. 1843. *695. VI. Angelina 8.; b. March 15, 1842; m. William Clements; d. Aug. 29, 1873. •696. VII. Eliza Jane; b. Jan. 19, 1844; m. Simeon Corbit; d. April 2, 1876. ♦697. \t:II. Elvira C; b. March 15, 1S46; m. 1st, William H. Glbbs; m. 2nd, James B. Dean. 456. VII. 322. WILLIAM RILEY' NEWMAN [Hannah" (Lyon), fThomas", John,*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 20, 1814. Residence, Detroit, Mich. He married Louise Wisner. Children of William Riley and Louise (Wisner) Newman: 698. I. George W.; b. Jan. 29, 1846; d. March 12, 1862. •699. II. Perry E.; b. Dec. 9, 1847; res. in Kansas. •700. III. Duane A.; b. Sept. 20, 1849; res. Stanton, Mich. •701. IV. Phldella A.; b. Sept. 13, 1851; m. Evans; d. Nov. 21, 1870. 702. V. Jay J.; b. May 5, 1854; d. Sept. 3, 1869. 308 RICHARD LYON OP FAIRFIELD •703. VI. Marion A.; b. July 20, 1857; m. 1st, Looze; 2nd, Huson; res. Bengal, Mich. 704. vn. Alta; b. Jan. 14, 1860; d. Aug. 6, 1860. •705. VIII. William H.; b. July 8, 1861; res. Wheeler, Mich. 706. IX. Hannah E.; b. Nov. 23, 1870; res. St. Johns, Mich. 707. X. Florence A.; b. Dec. 29, 1872; res. Olive Centre, Mich. 708. XI. Newton B.; b. Feb. 17, 1875; res. Olive Centre, Mich. 709. XIL Cora A.; b. July 6, 1881; d. Oct. 5. 1890. 710. XIII. Lois A.; b. March 27, 1884; res. Olive Centre, Mich. 457. VII. 322. SARAH A.' NEWMAN (AUSTIN) [Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John^ John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 21, 1816. She married first, William N. Austin, second, Mann. Residence, Davison, Mich. Children of William N. and Sarah A. (Newman) Austin: •711. I. Nathaniel C; b. Oct. 7, 1837. •712. II. Rebecca A.; b. March 19, 1839; m. Thomas W. Catlln. •713. III. Joel N.; b. June 25, 1841. •714. rv. Adelia C; b. Jan. 23, 1844; m. Henry A. Catlln. *715. V. Albion S.; b. Jan. 1, 1849. •716. VI. Ervin P.; b. April 20, 1850. •717. VII. Adelbert W.; b. April 6, 1855. •718. VIII. Almira D.; b. Jan. 3, 1860; m. Harry A. Marsh. 458. VII. 322. MARIETTA S.' NEWMAN (CRAWFORD) [Han- nah' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Jan. 8, 1819, and died Jan. 18, 1842. She married Alanson Crawford. Daughter of Alanson and Marietta S. (Newman) Crawford: •719. I. Hannah; b. Jan. 10, 1841; m. 1st, EUsha Newman and 2nd, James B. Thurber. 461. VII. 322. JOHN N.' NEWMAN [Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 12, 1825, and died Jan. 24, 1886. He married Mary B. Sloan. Children of John N. and Mary B. (Sloan) Newman: •720. I. Ida F.; b. Dec. 28, 1855; m. Henry D. Smith. •721. II. Charlotte H.; b. May 19, 1858; m. William H. Newman. 722. III. Edward W.; b. Aug. 22, 1860; d. Nov. 14, 1878. 723. IV. Willie A.; b. Nov. 18, 1862. •724. V. Walter A.; twin brother of Willie. 462. VII. 322. TIMOTHY LYON' NEWMAN [Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 12, 1827. Residence, Union Home, Mich. He married Miranda Norris. SEVENTH GENERATION 309 Children of Timothy L. and Miranda (Norris) Newman: 725. I. ClotUda A.; b. Feb. 22, 1855; d. Aug. 28, 1856. •726. II. Nancy D.; b. Oct. 8. 1856; m. Walter H. Reynolds. ♦727. III. Orson E.; b. Nov. 9, 1860. 728. IV. Arthur D.; b. Oct. 31, 1863. « -J^^/. 7^ MarUda A.; b. Oct. 26, 1867; m. Rlverlo W. Goddard; one daughter, Ora E. Goddard; b. May 31, 1890. suioi, 463. VII. 322. ORSON N.' NEWMAN [Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas', Johns John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Feb. 15, 1830. Residence, Fruitland, N. Max. He married Elizabeth Tripp. Children of Orson N. and Elizabeth (Tripp) Newman: 730. I. Charles H.; b. Oct. 23, 1856; res. Billings, Mont. 731. II. Edwin M.; b. March 31, 1858; res. BiUlngs, Mont. 732. III. William; b. March 15, 1861. 733. IV. Sarah Jane; b. Oct. 13, 1863; m. McKlnsley; res. Bozeman, Mont. 734. V. Asa D.; b. Oct. 31, 1865. 735. VI. Mary Amanda; b. Dec. 7, 1867. 736. VII. Albert Alonzo; b. Aug. 15, 1869. 737. VIII. Abe Benton; b. Sept. 22, 1872. 738. IX. Martha Ann; b. Sept. 9, 1874. 739. X. Mark Twain; b. April 2, 1877. 740. XL Burton Lyon; b. Jan. S, 1S81. 464. VII. 322. HIRAM A.' NEWMAN [Hannah' (Lyon). Thomas', John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born April 26, 1832; res. Brighton, Mich. He married Rachel Bogert. Children of Hiram A. and Rachel (Rogert) Newman: •741. I. Charles H.; b. Nov. 1, 1857. 742. II. Eveline A.; b. Jul/ 19, 1863; m. Monroe Taylor; no children. 465. VII. 322. AMANDA A.' NEWMAN (PRESTON) [Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born June 12, 1834. She married Alonzo Preston. Residence, Fentonsville, Mich. Children of Alonzo and Amanda A. (Newman) Preston: 743. I. Adelia; b. Sept. 3, 1855. 744. II. Mary J.; b. March 18, 1857. 745. III. Ida J.; b. Dec. 23, 1858; d. June 21, 1869. 746. IV. Mina P.; b. June 20, 1861. 747. V. Cora A.; b. Feb. 3, 1864; d. June 25, 1869. 748. VI. Sarah E.; b. June 4, 1866. 748. VTI. Eliza M.; b. June 22, 1868; d. June 27, 1869. 750. VIII. Herbert C; b. Feb. 6, 1870; d. June 24, 1870. 751. IX. Orson B.; b. March 2, 1874. 310 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 466. VII. 322. ALBERT E.' NEWMAN [Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born Oct. 31, 1836. Residence, Saginaw, Mich. He married first, Sarah Riker, and second, Kate Riker. Children of Albert E. and Sarah (Riker) Newman: 762. I. Lillle r.; b. Sept. 8, 1857; d. In Infancy. 763. XL Franklin W.; b. Sept. 2, 1859; d. July 29. 1860. 764. III. Wmiam r,.; b. May 10, 1861; d. Sept. 14, 1864. Children of Albert E. and Kate (Riker) Newman: 765. IV. Flora B.; b. June 17, 1863; m. Eugene B. Baker; no children. •766. V. Charlotte E.; b. Nov. 21, 1865; m. E. F. Reynolds. 767. VI. George A.; b. March 19, 1868; d. Dec. 10, 1868. 768. VII. Mary E.; b Sept. 10, 1869. 769. VIII. Maggie A.; b. May 8, 1871; d. March 25, 1872. 760. IX. Jennie B.; b. April 29, 1874. 761. X. Albert E. Jr.; b. Jan. 16, 1877. 762. XI. Mabel A.; b. July 11, 1880; d. July 25, 1880. 468. VII. 325. ESTHER' LYON (HUNTINGTON) [Burr', Wake- man', Eliphalet*, James', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Norwalk, Conn., about 1825. She married Rev. E. S. Huntington. He was formerly a Professor in Yale College; now resides in Fairfield. He gave the land for the Fairfield public library. Children of E. S. and Esther (Lyon) Huntington: 763. I. Eliza. 764. II. Andrew. 766. III. Enoch. 471. VII. 325. MORRIS WAKEMAN' LYON [Burr», Wakeman*, Eliphalet*, James', SamueP, Richard'] was born probably in Norwalk, Conn., about 1827, and died at Fairfield, April 21, 1906. He was grad- uated from Yale College in 1846. He married in Danbury, Conn., about 1853, being then "of Fairfield," Isabella Beard Wildman, daughter of William Bradley and Elizabeth Field (Beard) Wildman. In 1873 he was living in New York, where he was conducting a school. In 1876 he donated to Fairfield Memorial Library one thousand dollars, "his ninth and last gift" 481. VII. 337 (?). ANDREW' LYON [Andrew' (?), Zacharlah*, Zachariah* (?), Nathaniel', William^ Richard'] was bom probably about 1790. All that is positively known of him is that his wife's name was Eleanor, and that he had a son Zalmon. EIGHTH GENERATION 311 Son of Andrew and Eleanor ( ) Lyon: ♦766. I. Zalmon; b. May 30, 1817 (Weston T. R.). 504. VII. (?). EDWIN' LYON [ancestry not ascertained] ; born 1805. Freeman, Redding 1830. He married first, Jane (Read ?), who died June 25, 1842, ae. 29, (G. R. Redding Ridge). He married second, Mary Isabella (born about 1822). Daughter of Edwin and Jane ( ) Lyon: 767. I. EmUy Bead; b. Nov. 13, 1841; bapt. Nov. 13, 1841, (Ch. R. Red- ding Ridge Episcopal Ch); d. May 26, 1843, ae. 18 m. (G. R. Redding Ridge Cem.). Children of Edwin and Mary I. ( ) Lyon: 768. II. r«roy H.; b. Sept. 24, 1847 (Redding T. R.). 769. III. Caroline Angrusta; b. Feb. 28, 1849; bapt. July 1. 1849 (Ch. R.), 770. IV. Emma F.; b. Jan. 12, 1853 (T. R.). 771. V. Gertrude; b. April 8, 1855. 772. VI. Mary Isabella; b. July 2, 1857. 773. VII. EUa Eugenia; b. July 23, 1859; bapt. Aug. 18, 18S1. 505. — — . (?). ELI LYON [ancestry not ascertained]; born In 1811. Married first, Mary (in 1835). Married second, Dec. 14, 1839, Louisa Winton (Redding T. R.). She was born In 1819. (Redding T. R.). Children of BU and Louisa (Winton) Lyon; born Redding Ridge: 774. L Alice Louisa; b. Dec. 1, 1848 (T. R.); bapt. July 1, 1849 (Ch. R. Redding Ridge Episcopal Chh.). 775. II. WiUiam Smith; bapt. May. 16, 1852 (Ch. R.) 776. IIL Uriah; b. Oct. 3, 1853 (T. R.). 777. IV. Gertrude. 778. V. George Winton; b. Oct. 15, 1854; (?) bapt. May 31, 1855 (Ch. R.). 779. VL Mary F.; b. April 7, 1856 (T. R.). 780. VII. Anna Estella; b. April 7, 1856; bapt. Oct. 5, 1856, (Ch. R.). 506. VIII. 386. SHERWOOD ADAMS LYON [George', Samuel', Nehemiah Webb', Stephen* (?), Bbenezer* (?), Richard*, Richard'] was born in Bridgewater, Conn., March 27, 1838. He married at Sharon, Conn., Oct. 12, 1844, Frances Abigail Boland, daughter of Frederick Mortimer and Jacintha (Randall) Boland, of Sharon. They lived at Green Point, L. I. Daughter of Sherwood A. and Frances A. (Boland) Lyon: 781. I. Clara Emilia; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1865. 508. VIII. 396. CHLOE« LYON (HOFF) [Ezra', Seth«, Jacob*. Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born March 19, 1821, and died Jan. 2, 1882. She married William HofE. 312 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of William and Chloe (Lyon) Hoff: ♦782. I. Maurice; b. 1839. ♦783. II. Watson; b. 1841. 784. IIL Delina; b. 1844; d. 1863. 785. IV. Henry; b. 1846; d. June 1850. / 509. VIII. 396. AARON C.» LYON [Ez^a^ Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard-, Richard^] was born Feb. 23, 1823. He married Polly Sweet. Children of Aaron and Polly (Sweet) T^yon: •786. I. Almeda; b. Jan. 1848; m. Louis Freese. 787. II. Emma; b. Oct. 1859. 510. VIII. 397. SETH» GANOUNG [Mary' (Lyon), Seth», Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Jan. 7, 1816, and died April 17, 1881. His wife's name is not recorded. Children of Seth and Ganoung: 788. I. John; b. Sept. 1842; res. Deep Creek, Spokane Co., Wash. 789. II. Amanda Jane; b. Sept. 1, 1843; d. March 1845. 790. IIL Isaac; b. Aug. 4, 1849; d. 1856. 791. IV. Addle; b. April 2, 1855; m. Frederick L. Hall; res. Chicago, IIL, 2249 Cottage Grove Ave. 792. V. Carrie; b. Feb. 24, 1866; d. Feb. 27, 1879. 793. VI. Hattie; b. May 10, 1868; res. Chicago, 111., 2249 Cottage Grove Avenue. 794. VII. Seth Snmner; b. Jan. 21, 1870. 511. ,VIII. 397. MIRAM* GANOUNG [Mary' (Lyon), Seth", Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born May 6, 1817. He was killed in the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862. He married Mary Bates. ; ' Children of Miram and Mary (Bates) Ganoung: •795. I. Flora Ann; b. Dec. 17, 1852; m. Brophy; d. Feb. 24, 798. IL Clara; b. Nov. 22, 1855. 797. IIL Sunmer L,.; b. Jan. 1, 1861; d. Nov. 24, 1861. 512. VIII. 397. MILO' GANOUNG [Mary' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born in Lima, N. Y., June 13, 1818. He resides (1904) at Cawker City, Mitchell Co., Kansas. He married at Clyde, O., March 7, 1850, Christena Zuel, who was born at Hoboken, N. J., Sept. 25, 1828, and died at Twin Mound Township, Rooks Co., Ks., Jan. 29, 1899. EIGHTH GENERATION 31t Children of MUo and ChrlBtena (Zuel) Qanoung: 798. I. John Marshall; b. Clyde, O., Jan. 19, 1852; m. Mrs. Hattie Clark; res. Rockford, 111., R. F. D. No. 7. 799. II. Mary Jane; b. Clyde, Sept. 17, 1854; d. Clyde, Sept. 12, 1855. •800. III. Frank Fremont; b. Durand, 111., June 27, 1856; res. (1904) Cooperton, Oklahoma. 801. IV. Winfleld Scott; b. Durand, Oct. 11, 1859; res. (1904) Los Angeles, California. •802. V. Sarah Fidelia; b. Durand, Nov. 20, 1861; m. George L. Wormackj d. Nevada, la., Jan. 3, 1903. 803. VI. £dward Cook; b. Belvldere, 111., April 20, 1864; d. Belvldere, Nov. 4, 1865. •804. VII. Hdwin Grant; b. Durand, Nov. 28, 1866; res. (1904) Cawker City, Ks. •805. VIII. £agene Colfax; b. Durand, July 7, 1869; res. (1904) Plain- vllle, Ks. 806. IX. Henry Herman; b. Durand, Sept. 17, 1871; d. Louisville, Ks., Nov. 2, 1878. 514. VIII. 397. ISAAC GANOUNG [Mary' (Lyon), Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richa^d^ Richard'] was born April 8, 1821. He resides (1902) at Waverly, la. He married Antoinette M. Oatman, who was born Aug. 18, 1826. Children of Isaac and Antoinette M. (Oatman) Ganoung: •807. I. Martha A.; b. Jan. 1, 1850; m. Edmond A. "West. •808. II. Mary Ann; b. March 13, 1852; m. George D. Hursh. •809. III. Oscar F.; b. Jan. 3, 1854. •810. IV. Fanny A.; b. Nov. 12, 1855; m. Andrew E. Hursh; d. Nov. 16. 1888. ♦811. V. Simeon O.; b. Oct. 6, 1859. •812. VI. Sarah Evaline; b. Oct. 1, 1861; m. George H. Scott. 813. VII. EmUy; b. May 15, 1864. 814. VIIL James A.; b. Sept. 25, 1867. 815. IX. Grace A.; b. March 18, 1873. 515. VIIL 397. ARTHUR H.' GANOUNG [Mary' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob", DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Oct. 13, 1822. He married Nancy . Children of Arthur H. and Nancy ( -) Ganoung: 816. I. Mary E.; b. Oct. 17, 1846; d. March 30, 1865. •817. II. George W.; b. Aug. 8, 1849. 818. IIL Jasper H.; b. Oct. 8, 1851; d. Jan. 1, 1854. 819. IV. Sarah Antoinette; b. March 10, 1853; d. Jan. 23, 1865. •820. V. Helen L.; b. Nov. 10, 1854; m. Truesdell; res. Scot- land, S. Dak. •821. VL Jane N.; b. May 15, 1856; m. Robb; res. Durand. 111. •822. VII. WUUam H.; b. May 29, 1858; res. Elgin, 111., 51 North Avenue. 823. VIIL James A.; b. May 16, 1861. •824. IX. Charles M.; b. Nov. 24, 1862. 314 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 517. VIII. 401. HENRY* LYON [John J. P.», Seth«, Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richa^d^ Richard^] was born in 1835, and died Dec. 13, 1887. His wife's maiden name was Blood. Daughter of Henry and (Blood) Lyon: 825. I. Phidelia; b. Saginaw, Mich.; m. Warren, no children. 521. VIII. 402. LUTHER* LYON [Jacob', Seth", Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard-, Richard^] was born Nov. 16, 1842. He married Mary Phillips, and settled at Plymouth, Mich., where he died. Children of Luther and Mary (Phillips) Lyon: 826. I. Nellie H.; b. May 24, 1868; d. March 9, 1873. •837. II. Frank lieonard; b. Feb. 9, 1870; res. (1904) NorthvlUe, Mich. •838. III. £dward Jacob; b. Nov. 2, 1873. 829. IV. Gny Andrew; b. Nov. 5, 1876; m. George Weeley Lane. •830. V. Jennie May; b. Sept. 1, 1880. 831. VL Alfred Walter; b. Dec. 13, 1882. 832. VII. Clara Maud; b. July 31, 1885. 833. VIII. Mary Elsie; b. Dec. 15, 1887. 522. VIII. 402. ALBERT O.* LYON [Jacob', Seth», Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was born April 24, 1845. He married Loretta A. Atchinson, and made his home in Plymouth, Mich., where he died in 1904. Children of Albert O. and Loretta A. (Atchinson) Lyon: 834. L Edwin B.; b. March 4, 1872; d. March 18, 1872. 835. II. Asa L.; b. Jan. 4, 1874; res. Plymouth, Mich. 836. IIL Anna Lr.; b. June 28, 1876. 837. IV. Arthur Lee; b. Aug. 27, 1882. 838. V. Maud E.; b. Deo. 3, 1887; d. Oct. 2, 1892. 524. VIII. 404. AMELIA* ELDRIDGE (BURD) [Luclnda' (Lyon), Seth^ Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was born Jan. 17, 1833. She married Francis E. Burd. Address, 249 Union St., Hills- dale, Mich. Children of Francis E. and Amelia (Eldrldge) Burd: 839. I. Etta Lucinda; b. Sept. 18, 1852; d. Dec. 21, 1852. •840. II. Ada Josepliine; b. May 28, 1854; m. Nelson Bates; res. HlllBdale, Mich. 841. III. Alfred Fayette; b. Sept. 16, 1856; d. Feb. 13, 1864. •842. IV. WiUie Eldrldge; b. Dec. 18, 1858; res. Hillsdale, Mich. 843. V. Cassius E.; b. May 20, 1862; d. Oct. 14, 1862. 525. VIII. 404. WATSON WILLIAM* ELDRIDGE [Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth", Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, R^cha^d^ Richard*] was born EIGHTH GENERATION 315 Oct. 17, 1842. He was twice married, first, to Roberta Hansell; second, to May Amelia Eldridge, an adopted daughter of William C. Eldridge. Res, Washington, D. C, office Comptroller of Currency. He is Chief of Division of Issues. Children of "Watson William and Roberta (Hansell) Eldridge: 844. I. Emma Irene; b. Oct. 6, 1868; d. Feb. 28, 1870. •845. II. Marvin £merlck; b. June 6, 1871; res. Chicago, 111. Children of "Watson "William and May Amelia Eldridge: 846. III. Watson William Jr.; b. Washington, D. C, July 4, 1887. 847. rv. Helen; b. Washington, D. C, Dec. 9, 1890. 848. V. Lois; b. Washington, D. C, Aug. 10, 1901. 526. VIII. 404. FANNY FRANCES' ELDRIDGE (GILLETT) [Lucinda^ (Lyon), Seth', Jacob°, Daniel*, Daniel', Richard', Richard'] was born Jan. 20, 1837, and died Aug. 19, 1958. She married Reed Gillett, of Stoney Creek, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Son of Reed and Fanny Frances (Eldridge) Gillett: •849. I. Franli Alfred; b. Aug. 5, 1858; res. (1904) Owosso, Mich. 527. VIII. 404. ANN LYON» ELDRIDGE (KNICKERBOCKER) [Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richa^d^ Richard'] was born Nov. 20, 1838. She married William Kinckerbocker, of Hudson, Mich. Daughter of William and Ann L. (Eldridge) Knickerbocker: 860. I. Eolah; b. May 23, 1863; m. Nov. 7, 1889, her cousin, Frank A. Gillett (No. 849); res. (1904) Owosso, Mich. 533. VIII. 404. JOSEPHINE LUCINDA' ELDRIDGE (BILL- INGS) [Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth», Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard', Rich- ard'] was born March 31, 1851, and died April 16, 1886. She married Joseph Billings. Children of Joseph and Josephine Luclnda (Eldridge) Billings: 861. I. Watson; b. July 1, 1871; res. Davison, Mich. 862. II. Ix>ren; b. Jan. 3, 1873; d. June 19, 1878. 863. III. "Vema A.; b. April 29, 1874; m. Stelnmetz; ro«. Davison, Mich. 534. VIII. 405. Thomas M.» LYON [Justus^ Seth«, Jacob*, Daniel*, Daniel', Richard*, Richard'] was bom May 17, 1840. Present residence, St. Paul, Minn. He married at Lima, N. Y., June 14, 1863, Elizabeth Purdy. She died St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 2, 1907. 316 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Thomas M. and Elizabeth (Purdy) Lyon: 854. I. Clarence H.; b. Feb. 3, 1871; res. (1904) St. Paul, Minn. 855. U. WUUe G.; b. Nov. 4, 1873; m. June 28, 1899, Lucy Christine Burchmann (b. in Stockholm, Wis.); res. (1907) St. Paul, Minn.; a son William was born Feb. 10, 1907; d. Feb. 13, 1907. •856. III. Charles W.; b. Jan. 17, 1879. He married at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 14, 1901, Frances Gertrude Essler, who was born June 13, 1879, at Beaver Falls, Minn., daughter of John F. and Maria Louise (Chenevett) Essler; they reside (1904) in Minneapolis, Minn. 538. VIII. 406. ADA MIRANDA* LEWIS (SHERWOOD) [Han- nah' (Lyon), Walter^ Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, Richard*] was born in Uniondale, Pa., Dec. 15, 1817. She was married at Uniondale, Nov. 15, 1838, to Joseph Tanner Sherwood. He was born in Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1814, and died at Auburn, Neb., Dec. 22, 1883. Children of Joseph T. and Ada M. (Lewis) Sherwood: 857. I. Oscar Lewis; b. March 2, 1840; d. In battle at Cheat Mt., W. Va., June 20, 1861. ♦858. II. Electa D.; b. June 28, 1842; m. Maiden Bennett. 859. III. Alson Everett; b. Oct. 25, 1843; d. Feb. 12, 1845. *860. IV. Herbert F.; b. May 16, 1846. *861. V. Wakeman E.; b. Nov. 10, 1851. 862. VI. Franklin P.; b. March 13, 1856; m. at Beatrice, Neb., Jan., 1901, Eliza Miller; no children. ♦863. VII. Granville J.; b. Jan. 19, 1859; res. Liberty, Gage Co., Neb. 864. VIII. MelvUle A.; b. Nov. 25, 1861; d. Sept. 8, 1865. 539. VIII. 407. CHARLES WHEELER' LYON [Wheeler', Walter^ Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was born Dec. 19, 1817, and died July 17, 1903. He married first, Esther Arnold. She died April 1854. He married second, Hartie Browning, Jan. 27, 1859. She was born March 30, 1828, and died April 3, 1901. Daughter of Charles Wheeler and Hartie (Browning) Lyon: •865. I. Aiuue Demilla; b. March 24, 1862; m. David W. B. Jones. 545. VIII. 408. LAFAYETTE* LYON [Jacob', Walter*, Jacob', Daniel'', Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born March 7, 1825. He mar- ried Nov. 19, 1848, Hannah Reynolds, who was born Jan. 9, 1824, and died Jan. 22, 1890. Children of Lafayette and Hannah (Reynolds) Lyon: ♦866. I. Georgiana; b. May 1, 1852; m. Al Munson. ♦867. 11. Charles Byron-, b. June 10, 1854. 868. III. Jennie E.; b. July 2, 1858; d. June 10, 1859. 869. IV. Lafayette Jr.; b. March 27, 1860; d. Jan. 14, 1861. ♦870. v. Benton B.; b. Jan. 14, 1865. EIGHTH GENERATION 317 546. VIII. 408. GEORGE HENRY' LYON [Jacob', Walter', Jacob", Daniels DanieP, Richard^ Richard"] was born at Herrick, Pa., Jan. 23, 1829, and died Aug. 29, 1900. He married July 5. 1854, Lucretia M. Stewart, daughter of William and (Phelps) Stewart. She was born at Williamson, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1833, and died at Herrick, Pa., Nov. 12, 1895. Children of George Henry and Lucretia M. (Stewart) Lyon: •871. I. Anna BeUe; b. Dec. 10, 1855; m. Fred Burdick. 872. II. William Henry; b. Jan. 27, 1858; d. July 9, 1859. •873. III. Edith May; b. Jan. 30, 1860; m. 1st, In Herrick, Pa., Oct. 16, 1884, William B. Hansee; m. 2nd, Calvin Lane. 874. IV. Paul Phelps; b. Aug. 24, 1862; d. April 1, 1871. •875. V. Julia Blanche; b. Oct. 4, 1866; m. In Herrick, Oct. 15, 1884, St. John Hansee. 876. VI. Bertha EsteUa; b. March 12, 1873; d. May 21, 1892. 547. VIII. 408. WALTER EZEKIEL* LYON [Jacob', Walter', Jacob", Daniels DanieP, Richard^, Richard"] was born at Herrick, Pa., Sept. 10, 1834. He married first, at Deposit, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1861, Leonora Terrell, daughter of Elijah and (Dimmock) Terrell. She died at Harrisburg, Pa. He married second, at Clifford, Pa., Jan. 9, 1866, Jerusha E. Burdick, daughter of Thomas and Martha (Burns) Burdick, of Elk Dale, Pa. Present address, Uniondale, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Children of Walter Ezekiel and Leonora (Terrell) Lyon: 877. I. A daughter; d. in infancy. 878. II. Howard A.; b. July 12, 1862; died from injury Sept. 24, 1891; he was mail agent from Cheyenne, Wy. to Portland, Or. He left a widow but no children. Children of Walter Ezekiel and Jerusha (Burdick) Lyon: 879. IIL Samuel H.; b. Herrick, Pa., Feb. 9, 1870. 880. IV. Robert R.; b. Clifford, Pa., May 19, 1873. 548. VIII. 408. MARY MERCY« LYON (BURNS) [Jacob', Walter*, Jacob", DanielS DanieP, RichardS Richard"] was born Oct. 1, 1838. She was a graduate of Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. She was a newspaper correspondent, reperesenting the Elmira (N. Y.) Advertiser in Washington, D. C. In 1892 she moved to Eveleth, St. Louis Co., Minn., being the first white woman in the township of 36 square miles. She married, Jan. 16, 1865, Granville Burns, who was born at Clifford, Pa., Sept. 16, 1839. Children of Granville and Mary Mercy (Lyon) Burns: •881. I. Harry L,yon; b. Nov. 3, 1865. 882. IL Brete revere; b. Aug. 23, 1870; d. March 28, 1888. 818 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 549. VIII. 408. HON. THOMAS H. B.» LYON [Jacob^ Walter*. Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Riclla^d^ Richard'] was born Sept. 26, 1841. He married May 23, 1869, Jane V. Meyers, who was bom Nov. 25, 1945. They reside at Mahanoy City, Pa. Children of Thomas H. B. and Jane V. (Meyers) Lyon: 883. I. Una Hawthorne; b. 1881; m. Mahanoy City, Jan. 1, 1906, Frank H. Ball. 884. II. Asia; b. 1884. 550. VIII. 409. ADELIA ADELAIDE^ LYON (FOOT) [John Bis- hop', Walter^, Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was born April 6, 1827. She married Oct. 10, 1850, Edwin Foot, who was bom Dec. 11, 1812, and died at San Antonio, Texas, May 31, 1854. Children of Edwin and Adella Adelaide (Lyon) Foot: 885. I. Frances Amanda; b. Jan. 21, 1853. *886. II. Edwin; b. Aug. 27. 1854. 551. VIII. 409. GILES HENRY' LYON [John Bishop', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born Feb. 20, 1836. He married Jan. 5, 1871, Mary Jane Burns, who was born at Clifford, Pa., May 11, 1852. Children of Giles Henry and Mary Jane (Burns) Lyon: •887. I. Hattie Adelia; b. Oct. 27, 1872. 888. IL Evelyn Alice; b. Aug. 5, 1875; d. Oct. 15, 1882. 889. III. Minnie; b. July 31, 1879; d. Feb. 27, 1883. 890. TV. Frankie Foot; b. Aug. 10. 1882. 552. VIII. 409. JOHN BISHOP^ LYON, JR. [John Bishop*, Walter", Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Aug. 12, 1839, and died Nov. 12, 1882. He married July 7, 1870, Julia Lewis, who was born at Clifford, Pa., Dec. 13, 1846. She married second San- ford Burns. Children of John Bishop (Jr.) and Julia (Lewis) Lyon: •891. I. Gertrude Lewis; b. Feb. 27, 1871; m. James Stevens. •892. IL Benjamin N.; b. May 19, 1872. 893. III. Agnes; b. April 26, 1875; m. James McBurney (b. Jan. 5, 1871). •894. IV. John Bishop 3d.; b. Oct. 23, 1877. 895. V. Alfred; b. March 24, 1882; d. April 13, 1882. 553. VIII. 409. ANDREW G.* LYON [John Bishop', Walter*. Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was born March 19, 1842. He married Mary Lewis, sister of Mrs. John Bishop Lyon, Jr. EIGHTH GENERATION 319 Daughter of Andrew G. and Mary (Lewis) Lyon: 896. I. liouise; m. Sink; res. Smith Center, Smith Co., Kansas. 554. VIII. 410. MARY ELIZABETH" DIMOCK (DIMOCK) [Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob°, Daniel*, DanieP, Richard*, Richard'] was born at Dandoff, Pa., July 22, 1817, and died at Muscoda, Wis., Oct. 22, 1854. She married, Oct. 13, 1839, John Harding Dimock, who was her second cousin, son of Rev. Davis Dimock. Children of John Harding and Mary Elizabeth (Dimock) Dimock: *897. I. John Henry; b. Montrose, Pa., May 18, 1840; drowned Grand Haven. Mich., Jan. 20, 1906. 898. IL EUzabeth Charlotte; b. April 1, 1843; d. Jan. 6, 1849. 899. III. Robert Asa; b. Feb. 18, 1845; d. April 4, 1847. 900. IV. lieonard Searle; b. Jan. 21, 1848; d. South Haven, Mich., July 14, 1898. 901. V. Charles Frederick; b. Sept. 29, 1849; d. Pulaski, Wis., Nov. 10, 1865. ♦902. VI. Mary Adelia Avaline; b. May 14, 1851; m. Milton B. Barker; d. Wlllmette, IH., Jan. 16, 1894. 555. VIII. 410. WARREN SHUBAL« DIMOCK [Electa' (Lyon). Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Mont- rose, Pa., March 24, 1819. He married first, Julia A. McKune, in Lanesboro, Pa., July 8, 1849. She died at Pulaski, Wis., March 24, 1858. He married second, Lucy Jane Munson, at Pulaski, Wis., Oct. 7, 1858. She died at Avoca, Wis., Nov. 14, 1906. Daughter of Warren Shubal and Julia A. (McKune) Dimock: •903. I. Ella Kobertine; b. June 26, 1852. Children of Warren Shubal and Lucy Jane (Munson) Dimock: •904. II. Warren; b. Pulaski, Wis., Sept. 14, 1859. 905. III. Harry Amasa; b. Aug. 6, 1861; m. Maria Antoinette Hamilton, Aug. 6, 1889, at Pulaski, Wis. •906. IV. Alemena Electa; b. May 14, 1863. 907. V. Asa Benajah; b. April 14, 1S65; m. June 10, 1903, Maud Hlncle. 908. VI. Katie Gertrude; b. Feb. 2, 1869; d. Feb. 21. 1869. •909. VII. Bertha Rue; b. Dec. 22, 1869. 910. Vin. Katte; b. Oct. 14, 1872; d. Dec. 1, 1872. 556. VIII. 410. WALTER WHEELER" DIMOCK [Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born at Mont- rose, Pa., May 31, 1821, and died at Muscoda, Wis., Jan. 5, 1865. He married in 1851, Ann Maria Wakeman, in Laceyville, Pa. His widow married second, Knox. She died in 1875. 320 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Walter Wheeler and Ann Maria (Wakeman) Dtmock: 911. I. Walter Wakeman; b. May, 1852. 912. II. Bradley Wakeman; b. May 1, 1860. 563. VIII. 411. EMELINE* MUMFORD (TRUESDELL) [Adah* (Lyon), Walter", Jacob', Daniel^ Daniel*, Richard', Richard'] was born Sept. 12, 1821, and died at Fairbury, Neb., Jan. 20, 1889. She was married Sept. 27, 1841, to Merritt Truesdell. He was born at Union, Broome Co., N. Y., Sept. 19, 1817, and died at Carlton, Thayer Co., Neb., Feb. 21, 1893. Son and only child of Merritt and Bmellne (Mulford) Truesdell: *913. I. Sydney A.; b. Belmont, Pa., Aug. 27, 1842; res. (1906) Falrburg, Neb. J 566. VIII. 411. GEORGE" MUMFORD [Adah* (Lyon), Walter*, Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was bom at Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., May 17, 1826, and died there July 26, 1894. He married, Oct. 10, 1852, Ruth Ann Stevens, who was born Jan. 10, 1833, and died at Pleasant Mount, Feb. 8, 1887. Daughter of George and Ruth Ann (Stevens) Mumford: 914. I. Florence Isabella; b. Pleasant Mount, Feb. 3, 1857; m. Nov. 6, 1874, Dr. W. Sanford Nlles [b. Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 6, 1851; d. April 28, 1902]; a son, Ralph, b. April 7, 1873 (graduated in medicine, Philadelphia, 1889; m. Feb. 23, 1899, Sarah Edwards of Laceyville, Pa.; res. Scranton, Pa.; no children). 568. VIII. 411. ELIZABETH" MUMFORD (UNDERHILL) [Adah* (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., June 16, 1830. She was married, July 7, 1851, to Judson Underbill (born at Main, Broome Co., N. Y., Sept. 12, 1827; d. April 8, 1882). She lives (1906) at Bingham- ton, N. Y., 566 Chenango St. Children of Judson and Elizabeth (Munford) Underbill : 915. I. Elwin; b. Sept. 9, 1853; d. Nov. 8, 1855. •916. II. Adah E.; b. Ralston, Pa., March 22, 1856; m. Frank W. Decker; res. Binghamton, N. T. 569. VIII. 411. MARY A.« MUMFORD (FULKERSON) [Adah* (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Sept. 8, 1832. She was married at Pleasant Mount, Pa., Oct. 14, 1852, to William H. Fulkerson, who was born at Pleasant Mount, Jan. 8, 1828. She died at Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 28, 1897. He resides (1907) in Lincoln, Neb. EIGHTH GENERATION 321 Children of ■William H. and Mary A. (Mumford) Fulkerson: *917. I. Irene Angelina; b. Pleasant Mount, Jan. 16, 1858; m. Prank B. Miller; d. Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 14, 1879. •918. II. Hattie A.; b. Pleasant Mount, May 8, 1865; m. Lyman W. Bld- rldge; res. (1906) Lincoln, Neb. 573. VIII. 412. JANE HELEN" LYON (DUNNING) [Henry*, Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard*] was born at Her- rlek, Pa., Feb. 20, 1829. She married at Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., Oct. 11, 1849, Georg-e F. Dunning. He died at Byron, Shiawassee Co., Mich., March 2, 1904. She died Aug. 13, 1906, at Byron, Mich, Children of George F. and Jane Helen (Lyon) Dunning: •819. I. Ada Emoret; b. April 24, 1853. •920. II. Henry L,yman; b. April 27, 1860; m. Nov. 28. 1883, Alice Stefty. 921. III. Minnie; b. June 6, 1862; m. Oct. 6, 1881, Charles A. Lamoreanx. •922. IV. Charles Robert; b. Feb. 1, 1867; m. Sept. 11, 1888, Kate Whlt«. 575. VIII. 412. ADA ANN* LYON (CORWIN) [Henry', Walter*. Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, Richard'] was bo^n Nov. 30, 1832, and died in West Virginia, Oct. 31, 1887. She married, June 5, 1851. Harmon L. Corwin, who was born near Blairstown, N. J., Dec. 14, 1818. and died Feb. 20, 1892. Children of Harmon L. and Ada Ann (Lyon) Corwin: 923. L Mary touise; b. Dec. 12, 1853. 924. II. William Henry; b. May 17, 1858. •926. IIL Nellie J.; b. Sept. 5, 1862; m. "Wm. F. Bond. 576. VIII. 412. SARAH AMANDA' LYON (KENNEDY) [Henry', Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard% Richard'] was born Nov. 22, 1834, and died Feb. 8, 1870. She married Oct. 11, 1855, Daniel L. Kennedy. They lived at Pleasant Mount, Pa. Children of David L. and Sarah Amanda (Lyon) Kennedy: 926. L Hattie A.; b. 1857; married, 1896. •927. II. Emma Josephine; b. Aug. 12, 1859; m. 1880, Frank Hamlin. 928. in. David; b. 1861; d. Nov. 10, 1885. 580. VIII. 412. WALTER FRANKLIN' LYON [Henry', Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, Richard'] was bom May 9, 1843. He married June 6, 1878, Mattie Sherwood. Children of "Walter Franklin and Mattie (Sherwood) Lyon: 929. I. Harry De Forest; b. May 29, 1879. 930. II. Mabel Margmerite ; b. Jan. 29, 1881. 981. III. Hazel Sherwood; b. Aug. 9, 1889. (20> 822 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 581. VIII. 412. MARION ADELBERT* LYON [Henry', Walter', Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was born Dec. 9, 1845. He married, Jan. 12, 1875, Lillian E. Hoag, at Montrose, Pa. Children of Marion Adelbert and LllUan E. (Hoag) Lyon: 932. I. Henry Adelbert; b. Montrose, Pa., Oct. 4, 1875; m. June 22, 19«4, Lucy E. Shortt. 933. IL Minnie Eugenia; b. Nov. 30, 1877; d. Nov. 30, 1877. 984. III. Maud £loise; b. Jan. 31, 1879. 583. VIII. 412. FREDERICK KENT' LYON [Henry', Walter", Jacob", DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born June 21, 1850. He married March 30, 1880, Emma L. Felton. Children of Frederick Kent and Emma L. (Felton) Lyon: 935. I. Raymond. 936. II. Herbert Felton. 937. III. Frederick WUliam. 585a. VIII. 413. ELECTA" FREEMAN (JENKINS) (SWINGLE) [Polly' (Lyon) Walter^, Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born June 24, 1845. She married first, Aug. 8, 1866, Horace Jen- kins, a veteran of the Civil War. He died Sept. 9, 1868 and she mar- ried second, Sept. 28, 1879, Emery Swingle. Daughter of Horace and Electa (Freeman) Jenkins: 937a. I. Mabel; b. May 24, 1867; m. Charles F. Hoffman; 3 children: 1. Grace I.; 2. Mabel E.; 3. Charles Arthur. Children of Emery and Electa (Freeman) (Jenkins) Swingle: 937b. I. Edith M.; b. Oct. 11, 1882. 9S7c. II. Alta M.; b. Feb. 11. 18S6. 588. VIII. 414. ANNA ALDRUDA' REED (STONE) [Angelina' (Lyon), Walter", Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Nov. 2, 1837, and died at Knight's Ferry, Calif., April 21, 1869. She was married Aug. 14, 1859, at Knights' Ferry, to Eli Todd Stone, the Rev. James Bishop performing the ceremony. Mr. Stone was born at Cabot, Vt, 1830, and died at Modesto, Calif., March 15, 1887. He was elected Judge in December, 1875. Children of Eli T. and Anna Aldruda (Reed) Stone, born at Knights' Ferry: 938. I. Infant son; b. Dec. 7, 1860; d. Dec. 8, 1860. 939. IL Edward Chester; b. Sept. 13, 1862; d. June 1, 1864. 940. III. LfOuis Alanson; b. Stanislaus Co., July 8, 1864; res. Tacoma, Wash. ; has been twice married. 941. IV. Frank Harold; b. Oct. 28, 1866; left home June 17, 1881, and went to sea; last heard from in Liverpool, Eng. 942. v. Josephine A.; b. Oct. 18, 1868; d. July 13, 1869. EIGHTH GENERATION 323 590. VIII. 415. EUGENE EMMETT' LYON [Walte^^ Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richa^d^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Oct. 30, 1840. He gave promise when young of being a man of note. His memory was remarkable. His mother says that when he was three years of age he could repeat the Ten Commandments and many other portions of Scripture. He had read the Bible through before he was eight years old, and so thoroughly had he studied it that If a text was read to him he could tell the Book in the Bible where it was found, and in most instances, the chapter. He was considered when a young man, the finest historian in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and he was an orator of remarkable magnetic influence and eloquence. Failure of health, brought on by over-study was the cause of his giving up the practice of the law when nearly ready to be admitted to the bar. He was Justice of the Peace for several terms. He mar- ried, Oct. 15, 1876, Emeline (Burdick) Burns, widow of Homer Burns. He died March 26, 1885. Children of Eugene Emmett and Emeline (Burdick, Burns) Lyon: *943. I. Walter Stephen; b. June 15, 1877; res. (1904) Herrlck, Pa. 592. VIII. 415. CLARA GEORGIANA* LYON (BENJAMIN) [Walter', Walter^ Jacob', Daniel^ DanieP, Richard* Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Sept. 30, 1845. She married June 30, 1868, at Herrick, Pa., Gilbert L. Benjamin, who was bom in Lisbon, New London Co., Conn. Children of Gilbert L. and Clara Georglana (Lyon) Benjamin: *944. I. Walter L,yon; b. Norwich, Conn., Aug. 19, 1869; d. Oct. 14, 1897. ♦945. II. GUbert Giddings; b. Fond-du-lac, Wis.. Dec. 6, 1874. 946. III. Robert Earl; b. Minneapolis, Minn., June 12, 1877; graduate of Syracuse University, 1900. 947. IV. Clara I^ouise; b. Fond-du-lac, Wis., Feb. 29, 1880. An artist of some note. 948. V. Mary Eugene; b. Fond-du-lac, Wis., Sept. 6, 1881; Student at Syracuse University (1904); noted for her beauty and intelligence. 949. VL Victor Antoine; b. Fond-du-lac, Wis., March 15, 1883; d. May 16. 1887. 950. VII. Paul Lyman; b. Feb. 4, 1886. 951. VIII. Grace; twin sister of Paul Lyman; d. May 8, 1886. 952. IX. James DeWitt; b. Dec. 29, 1887. 593. VIII. 415. JAMES WALTERS LYON [Walter', Walter*. Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Sus- quehanna Co., Pa., April 24, 1848. As a young man he entered the employ of a large publishing house, becoming a member of the firm 324 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD at the age of twenty-four. In 1872 he opened a branch at Guelph in Canada, and that place has ever since been his home. In 1873 he sold out his interests in the United States, and secured full con- trol of the business in Canada, which he pushed with characteristic energy and with most gratifying success. He became soon the largest individual publisher in Canada. In 1884, according to official reports, forty per cent, of the total manufactured goods exported from Toronto, wh'ere his publishing plant was located, were his publications. He established branches of his business in Australia, South Africa, South America and in the East and the West Indies, and has sent out to these countries as his agents more than five hundred men from On- tario. In 1892 he opened a wholesale furniture business in Buffalo, N. Y., which within two years thereafter, disposed of the output of eight large factories. Mr. Lyon has always had unbounded faith in Canada. In the early eighties he employed Prof. Macoun, Dominion Govern- ment Botanist and explorer of the Northwest, to write a book on that country, which he published, and which, by disseminating authen- tic information about this hitherto almost unknown region, has done much to develop its business possibilities. Mr. Lyon himself made large investments in lands in Winnipeg, Port Arthur, Fort William and the farming regions of Manitoba, worth today many hundred times the original purchase price. The large fortune he has acquired is the legitimate reward of untiring energy, directed by rare business sagacity, with no sugg-estion of the taint of unfair dealing or sharp practices. Mr. Lyon has now practically retired from active business, and aside from looking after his real estate investments, devotes his time largely to municipal and other public matters. He is President of the Guelph Radial Railway Company, Director of the Guelph Junction Railway, Vice-President of the Board of Trade, Director of the Home Life Insurance Company of Toronto, etc. He is also an Alderman of the City of Guelph. He married, Dec. 4, 1873, Lucy Boult, born July 30, 1852, daughter of Stephen! and Sarah (Jeffries) Boult of Guelph, Ont. Children of James Walter and Lucy (Boult) Lyon: 953. I. Walter Stephen; b. Nov. 15, 1874; d. Dec. 29, 1874. 954. II. Percy; b. Easton, Pa., Nov. 3, 1876; lawyer; res (1906) Win- nipeg, Man. tStephen Boult was born Nov. 17, 1814, and died June 8, 1875. Sarah Jeffreys was born April 28, 1815, and died Sept. 5, 1856. No. 593 EIGHTH GENERATION 325 955. III. Flora May; b. Guelph, Canada, July 30, 1878; m. April 19, 1908, Heber Jamison. 956. IV. Edwin James; b. April 25, 1880; graduate in medicine In Toronto University, 1905. 957. V. Ida; b. July 2, 1881. 958. VI. Vera; b. Oct. 27, 1883; B. A., 1906, Toronto University. 959. VII. Laura Lucy; b. May 20, 1888. 960. VIII. Irene; b. Feb. 3, 1892. 594. VIII. 415. LOUISE ANTOINETTE* LYON (JOHNSON) [Walter', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., Dec. 21, 1853. She was married in Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 15, 1877, by Rev. Daniel Cobb of Centenary M. E. Church, to Joseph Henry Johnson. He was born at Calais, Me., Jan. 17, 1852, son of Rev. C. H. A. Johnson, of Bast Maine M. E. Conference, and his second wife, Naomi Ann (Moore) Johnson. He was a lineal descendant of Edmund Johnson, Hampton, N. H., 1635. Louise A. (Lyon) Johnson was graduated from Mansfield, Pa., State Normal School, June 1874. She was Worthy Grand Matron, Order of the Eastern Star of Minnesota, 1895-6, and is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Children of Joseph Henry and Louise A. (Lyon) Johnson: ♦961. I. Walter Henry; b. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 28, 1877. 962. II. Arthur Eugene; b. Minneapolis, Minn., March 27, 1885. 596. VIII. 425. LAURA IRENE' LYON (LINDSLEY) [Miles', Samuel", Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 1812. and died in 1889. She married Silas S. Lindsley. Children of Silas S. and Laura Irene (Lyon) Lindsley: 963. I. Henry Miles; married; res. Chesaning, Mich. 964. II. Harriet E.; m. Walker; d. 1865. 965. III. Helen C; m. Ball. 966. TV. raura L.; married; res. Mason, Mich. 967. V. Alcened O. 968. VI. Mary P. 969. VII. Caroline I..; married; res. Mason, Mich. 970. VIII. Albert M.; married. 597. VIII. 425. HORACE WAKEMAN' LYON [Miles', Samuel'. Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born July 8. 1815, and died Dec. 1877. He married first Rhoda Estes, second Fidelia Chase. Children of Horace Wakeman and Rhoda (Estes) Lyon: •972. I. James Jerome; b. July 22, 1837; res. (1905) 1114 Broadway. Ban Francisco, Calif. 326 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Horace Wakeman and Fidelia (Chase) Lyon: 973. II. Julius. 974. III. Millard Fllmore; res. Mattoon, III. 976. IV. Clarence. 976. V. Norman. 977. VI. May; res. Kansas City, Mo. 598. VIII. 425. LYMAN JOSIAH" LYON [Miles^ Samuel', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 24, 1817, and died Nov. 1897. Early in the Civil War he enlisted in the Union Army, and served until the close of the war. He married first Amanda Daven- port; second Lucinda Davis. He resided at Hillsdale, Mich., later at Hudson, Mich. Children of Lyman Josiah and Amanda (Davenport) Lyon: 978. I. Mary E.; b. March 2, 1843; burned to death at Hudson, Mich., June 9, 1850. 979. II. Franklin Demott; b. Aug. 17, 1844; d. W. Bay City, Mich., July 18, 1890; widow, Lilian (Norton) Lyon, res. Bay City, Mich. *980. III. Leander Delos; b. Nov. 9, 1847; d. W^atertown, S. Dak., Jan. SO. 1903. 981. IV. Caroline A.; b. May 14, 1850; res. San Jose, Cal. Children of Lyman Josiah and Lucinda (Davis) Lyon: 982. V. Burton W.; b. Aug. 28, 1867; res. 115 Oliver St., St. Louie, Mo. 599. VIII. 425. RANSOM DARROW^ LYON [Miles', Samuel', Thomas', JohnS John', SamueP, Richard'] was born in 1820. Present residence (1905) Mason, Mich. He married Martha Adeline Estes, who was born 1819 and died Oct. 18, 1887. Son of Ranson Darrow and Martha Adeline (Estes) Lyon: 983. I. Francis Mortimer; b. 1846; d. Nov. 21, 1887. 600. VIII. 425. HENRY H.» LYON [Miles', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 25, 1822. He married Polly Ann Brooks, who was born July 28, 1829, and died June 1, 1866. He died Oct. 5, 1890. Children of Henry H. and Polly Ann (Brooks) Lyon: 984. I. Albert H.; b. Aug. 14, 1846; d. Aug. 17, 1850. 986. II. William Brooks; b. March 16, 1848; m. Myra Irish; res. AzaUa. Mich. ♦988. IIL Seth Washington; b. March 2, 1850; res. Pittsford, Mich. 987. IV. EUen B.; b. May 30, 1854; d. June 20, 1887. 988. V. l.afayette E.; b. April 5, 1857; not m.; res. Pittsford, Mich. 989. VI. Emma D.; b. Aug. 28, 1859; m. Eugene Gilbert; res. Howell, Mich. *990. VII. Ada May; b. Aug. 31, 1863; m. Jerome Campau; res. Howell. Mich. EIGHTH GENERATION 327 991. VIII. Jerome J.; b. March 24, 1866; res. Plttsford, Mich. 601. VIII. 425. LAFAYETTE AURORA^ LYON [Miles', Samuel*. Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom May 8. 1825, and died Oct. 1, 1877. He married Charlotte M. Hand. Children of Lafayette Aurora and Charlotte (Hand) Lyon: •992. I. Frances Charlotte; b. Jan. 14, 1851; m. William Crowell Houston: res. 87 Plnkney St., Boston, Mass. ♦993. II. Alanson DeWltt; b. Feb. 6, 1S58; res. Gila Bend, Arizona. 607. VIII. 428. ORVILLE H.^ LYON [Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born April 18, 1818, and died April 18, 1870. He married Catherine Saj^ers, who died April 20, 1874. Children of Orville H. and Catherine (Sayers) Lyon: •994. I. Henry O.; b. Dec. 22. 1847; res. Elm Hall, Mich. ♦995. II. Edwin D.; b. Sept. 9, 1855; res. Denver, Colo. 608. VIII. 428. CORINNA A.« LYON (FRALICK) [Henry', Sam- uel^ Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 23. 1820, and died Oct. 18, 1841. She married Aug. 22, 1838, Henry Fralick. Daughter and only child of Henry and Corinna A. (Lyon) Fralick: ♦996. I. Mary A.; b. Jan. 12, 1841; m. Charles "W. Valentine; res. Plymouth, Mich. 609. VIII. 428. ALVA P.* LYON [Henry', Samuel', Thomas'. John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born May 3, 1822, and died Sept. 3, 1846. He married May 2, 1842, Emeline Meech. Children of Alva P. and Emeline (Meech) Lyon: 997. I. PhideUa; b. 1843; d. in infancy. *998. II. Donna Maria; b. June 18, 1844; m. Robert Slater; res. Grand Rapids, Mich. 610. VIII. 428. JAMES D.' LYON [Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Jan. 23, 1824, and died March 3, 1857. He married Jan. 24, 1853, Anna Clayton. Children of James D. and Anna (Clayton) Lyon: 999. I. Clara Edna; b. March 25, 1854; teaching at MaysvlUe, S. Car. 1000. II. Frances EInette; b. Sept. 2, 1856; d. May 15, 1860. 613. VIII. 428. CASSIUS A.» LYON [Henry', Samuel', Thomas'. John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom April 17, 1834. Residence. Milwaukee, Wis. He married Anna (Clayton) Lyon, widow of his brother, James D. Lyon. 328 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Cassius A. and Anna (Clayton) Lyon: •1001. I. Helen C; b. June 2, 1859; m. Louis A. Dodd; rea. Milwaukee, WlB. 1008. II. Harrle; b. Jan. 31, 1873; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 614. VIII. 428. CORNELIA' LYON (CORNELL) [Henry', Sam- uel', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 6, 1836. She married Myron J. Cornell, brother of her sister Angelina's hus- band; residence, Battle Creek, Mich. Children of Myron J. and Cornelia (Lyon) Cornell: •1003. I. Flora A.; b. Nov. 1, 1855; m. Alfred B. Yager; res. Grand Rapids, Mich. •1004. II. Nettie L.; b. April 17, 1870; m. H. Evan Henry; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 623. VIIL 433. CELIA SAMANTHA" LYON (BABCOCK) [Thomas', SamueP, Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 21, 1828, and died Peb. 15, 1862. She married Feb. 10, 1848, Ira B. Babcock. Children of Ira B. and Celia Samantha (Lyon) Babcock: 1005. I. WUliam P.; b. Sept. 5, 1850; res. Sioux Falls. S. Dak. 1006. II. Winfleld S.; b. Oct. 14, 1852; d. March 3, 1856. 1007. III. Charles W.; b. June 27, 1855; res. Hammond, La. 1008. IV. Scott; b. July 24, 1857; res. Sioux Palls, S. Dak. 1009. V. Fred I.; b. Aug. 19, 1860; res. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 624. VIIL 433. ADELIA DIANTHA« LYON (LIGHTALL) (BAL- FOUR) [Thomas', SamueP, Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom July 17, 1830. She married first, in 1850, Charles W, Light- all, who died Oct. 22, 1856. She married second, Thomas Balfour, who was born May 28, 1820, and died Oct. 7, 1859. Present address of Mrs. Balfour, Box 634, Independence, la. Son of Charles W. and Adelia Diantha (Lyon) Lightall: •1010. I. Albert C; b. Feb. 19, 1852; res. Denver, Colo. Son of Thomas and Adelia D. (Lyon, Lightall) Balfour: 1011. II. John Ii.; b. Dec. 16, 1860; m. Sept. 6, 1884, Anna M. Preston; no issue. 625. VIIL 433. LUCY J.' LYON (DEGUINE) [Thomas', Sam- ueP, Thomas", John*, John", SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 4, 1834. She married. May 2, 1852, Hugh Deguine; residence, Los Angeles, Cal. Children of Hugh and Lucy J. (Lyon) Deguine: •1012. I. Mary L,.; b. Feb. 15, 1853; m. Eugene F. Starkey. lOlS. II. Arthur Adelbert; b. Nov. 30, 1854. 1014. III. Louis H.; b. June 1, 1857; res. Los Angeles, Calif. EIGHTH GENERATION 329 •1015. rv. Frederick H.; b. March 31, 1860; res. "Wilcox, Neb. 1016. V. Hattie B.; b. June 17, 1863; m. Cainton A. Sargent; rea. Lo« Angeles, Calif. 626. VIII. 433. LINUS LYON" [Thomas^ Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 3, 1836. He was killed in battle March 16, 1865. His wife's name was Orrison Water- house. Daughter of Linus and Orrison (Waterhouse) Lyon: 1017. I. Maria Waterhouse; m. A. E. Palmer; res. Algona, la. 627. VIII. 433. JEROME LYON« [Thomas', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born April 3, 1838. He died In the army Dec. 25, 1862, leaving one child, a daughter (married). 629. VIII. 435. HELEN A." LYON (WALTON) [Calvin*, Sam- uel', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born April 7, 1845. She married Frank A. Walton, and resides in Custer Co., Neb. Children of Frank A. and Helen A. (Lyon) "Walton: 1018. I. Ida May; b. Feb. 2, 1867; d. March 11, 1867. 1019. II. Charles A.; b. Jan. 31, 1870; res. Lee Park, Neb. 1020. IIL Flora Z..; b. Jan. 23, 1872; d. Feb. 11, 1873. 1021. IV. Harry L.; b. Dec. 7, 1878; d. Nov. 7, 1880. 630. VIII. 435. EMMA S." LYON (MORGAN) [Calvin', Samuel', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born April 11, 1849. She married John W. Morgan, and resides at Cedar Rapids, la. Children of John W. and Emma S. (Lyon) Morgan: 1022. I. DeU J.; b. Nov. 21, 1870. 1023. IL "Walter E.; b. Oct. 8, 1872. 1024. in. Alice M.; b. Oct. 12, 1879. 1025. rv. Bertha J.; b. Aug. 18, 1886. 632. VIII. 435. LUDOVICO STANTON' LYON [Calvin', Samuel". Thomas=, John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born May 22, 1854. He married May 13, 1863, Alice M. Bloom, and resides at Independence, la. Child of Ludovlco Stanton and Alice M. (Bloom) Lyon: 1026. I. Theron Edmund; b. Aug-. 6, 1S86; res. Independence. la. 633. VIII. 435. ALICE R.' LYON (RICH) [Calvin', Samuel', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Oct. 24, 1857. She married Oct. 27, 1876, Herman G. Rich. They reside at Cincinnati. O. Children of Herman G. and Alice R. (Lyon) Rich: 1027. I. Herbert J.; b. March 16, 1879. 330 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 102S. II. Elsie H.; b. Sept. 8, 1881. 1029. IIL Hazel A.; b. Sept. 15, 1886. 1030. IV. Mabel; b. Feb. 15, 1890. 636. VIII. 436. FRANCES PHIDELIA* LYON (STEWART) [William', SamueP, Thomas', John*, John', Samuel", Richard^] was born Oct, 4, 1844. She married first, Oct. 4, 1859, John C. Stewart, and second Christie. She died Dec. , 1891. Children of John C. and Frances Phidella (Lyon) Stewart: 1031. 1. Willie; b. May 3, 1863; d. Oct. 3, 1863. 1032. II. Mary Inez; b. Nov. 24, 1864; m. Judd Gunderman; d. March, 1884. ♦1033. III. £ddie Orsemus; b. March 4, 1868; res. 1601 Holmes St., Kansaa City, Mo. 637. VIII. 436. SARAH JANB^ LYON (LISK) (William', Sam- uel^ Thomas^ John^ John', SamueP, Richard*) was bom Oct. 16, 1846. She married George F. Lisk, and resides at Cherokee, la. Children of George F. and Sarah Jane (Lyon) Llsk: 1034. I. Effle May; b. April 9, 1871; res. Cherokee, la. 1035. II. Ernest; died in infancy. 638. VIII. 436. GEORGE WILLIAM' LYON [William', SamueP, Thomas", John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 7, 1848. Residence Cherokee, Iowa. He married Jessie Haltzman. Children of George William and Jessie (Haltzmen) Lyon: 1036. I. Fannie Jane; b. Nov. 26, 1877; res. Cherokee, la. 1037. II. Maggie Alice; d. in infancy. 1038. III. Rosa Li.; d. in infancy. 1039. IV. William C; b. Dec. 2, 1882; res. Cherokee, la. 640. VIII. 439. EUNICE' BOTSFORD (GRAHAM) [ThankfuP (Levis-ee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard*] was born June 17, 1830, She married Graham. Children of and Eunice (Botsford) Graham: •1040. I. Ruth Imogene; b. Jan. 20, 1854; m. Root. 1041. II. Ida Rosaltha; b. March 2, 1856; d. In Infancy. 1042. III. Cecil Henry; b. March 18, 1857; d. In Infancy. 1043. IV. I^nther Allen; b. Oct. 5, 1859. 1044. V. David Artemas; b. Aug. 6, 1861. 1045. VI. Albert Bennett; b. March 8, 1863; d. in Infancy. 1048. VII. Celia A.; b. Feb. 1. 1868; m. Castlgan. 1047. VIIL Persea Lottie; b. Oct. 8, 1869. 641. VIIL 439. SARAH ANN' BOTSFORD (WYCKOFF) [Thank- ful' (Levisee), Anna" (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard*] EIGHTH GENERATION 331 was born Sept. 21, 1831. She married Wyckoff, who settled in North Park, Colorado. Children of and Sarah Ann (Botsford) Wyckoff: *104S. I. Joseph £dgar; b. Aug. 26, 1861. •1049. II. David B.; b. May 10, 1853. 644. VIII. 439. ROSALTHA' BOTSFORD (GEER) TThankful' (Levisee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel*, Richard'] was born July 5, 1837. She married Thomas Geer and resides in Ply- mouth, Mich. Children of Thomas and Rosaltha (Botsford) Geer: •1050. I. Hester T.; b. June 25, 1858; m. Redman. •1061. II. Sarah Ethleen; b. March 28, 1860; m. Dlrlam. 1052. III. Taylor B.; b. Sept. 6, 1866. 652. VIII. 441. SARAH LEVISEE* (OLDS) (CARTER) (John L.*, Anna* (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard*) was bom May 5, 1838. She married first Olds, and second Carter. Children of and Sarah (Levisee) Olds: 1053. I. Diana; b. 1863; d. 1888. 1054. II. Barton; b. 1867; res. In Michigan. 1056. III. Elizabeth; b. 1869; res. In Michigan. Son of and Sarah (Levisee) (Olds) Carter: 1066. rv. Georgre; b. 1878; res. In Milan, Michigan. 653. VIII. 441. ANNA LEVISEE' (BLOOD) [John L.', Anna' (Lyon), Thomas% John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom June 28, 1840, and died Nov. 30, 1874. She married Hiram Blood. Children of Hlram and Anna (Levisee) Blood: 1057. I. Nettie; b. 1864. •1068. IL Mary; b. 1865; m. Lester. 1069.. Ill Eva; b. 1868; m. Allen Toung. 1060. IV. John; b. 1871; d. 1877. 654. VIII. 441. ELIZABETH LEVISEE' (DOWNING) [John L.', Anna« (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born Oct. 27, 1842. She married James A. Downing. Children of James A. and Elizabeth (Levisee) Downing: •1061. I. Dora; b. 1866; m. Golden. •1062. II. Minnie; b. 1867; m. Eben Kidman; res. No. Dak. •1063. IIL Mary; b. 1869; m. James Vine. 1064. rv. Gra«e: b. 1873. 332 BICHAED LYON OF FAIRFIELD 1065. V. NeUIe; b. 1876. 1066. VI. Howard; b. 1882; d. In Infancy. 655. VIII. 441. ELIZA" LEVISEE (DOWNING) [John L.», Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard^] was bom Aug. 18, 1844. She married William W. Downing, and lives in Genoa, O. Children of William W. and Eliza (Levlsee) Downing: •1067. I. Cora; b. 1867; m. Rev. Isaiah Freese. 1068. II. Florence; b. 1869. 1069. III. Julia; b. 1873. 1070. IV. Brough; b. 1875. 1071. V. WUllam W.; b. 1877. 1073. VI. Delia; b. 1879. 1073. vn. Cyrus; b. 1881. 1074. VIII. Daisy; b. 1885. 659. VIII. 441. CHAUNCEY* LEVISEE [John L.^ Anna' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard^] was born May 23, 1855. He married Angeline McCreery. Home in Townsend, Ohio. Daughter of Chauncey and Angeline (McCreery) Levlsee: 1075. I. Irene; b. 1883. 660. VIII. 441. FRANCES' LEVISEE (LOWE) [John L.*, Anna' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born In August, 1867. She married Frank Lowe. Children of Frank and Frances (Levlsee) Lowe: 1076. L Ethel; b. 1886. 1077. IL Gertrude; b. 1887. 661. VIII. 443. TAYLOR' FULLER [Emma M.^ (Levisee), An- na' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 29, 1840. He married L. E. Stone and resides in Clyde, Ohio. Son of Taylor and L. EJ. (Stone) Fuller: 1078. I. Dermont E.; b. Nov. 6, 1868; m. Martha B. Wilder; 1 child, b. Oct. 18, 1891. 662. VIII. 443. JAMES FULLER' [Emma M.^ (Levisee), Anna* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel-, Richard'] was born Oct. 13, 1844. He married Betsey Richards. Son of James and Betsey (Richards) Fuller: 1079. I. Bernard; b. Sept. 8, 1880. 666. VIII. 445. JANNETTE G.« LYON (BUCKLANDS) [Ransom b EIGHTH GENERATION 333 B.', Wakeman', Thomas', John*, John", Samuel', Richard'] was born May 26, 1833, and died July 3, 1861. She married Bucklands. Children of and Jannette G. (Lyon) Bucklands: 1080. I. Abner; res. Rochester, N. T. 1081. II. Fanny; res. Rochester, N. T. 667. VIII. 445. HENRY BYRON* LYON [Ransom B.\ Wake- man^ lThomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 26, 1835. He married Emma E. Palmer. Children of Henry Byron and Bmma E. (Palmer) Lyon: 1082. I. H. Palmer; b. Nov. 25, 1873; res. Albion, N. Y. 1083. IL J. Mandeville; b. May 16, 1879; res. Albion, N. T. 670. VIII. 446. EMILY ALICE' LYON (WILLISON) [Luther S.^, Wakeman', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Feb. 8, 1841. She married first Thomas H. Willison, and second, A. C. Carpenter. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children of Thomas H. and Emily Alice (Lyon) WlUlson: 1084. I. Luther G.; b. April 16, 1861; res. Flint, Mich. 1085. II. Charles N.; b. Sept. 7. 1862; res. St. Louis, Mo. 1086. IIL Marvin P.; b. July 24, 1864; d. June 11, 1865. 1087. rv. Fred H.; b. Sept. 28, 1868; res. Philadelphia, Pa. 671. VIII. 446. CHARLES WESLEY' LYON [Luther S.', Wake- man^ Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born May 6, 1843; present residence, Philadelphia, Pa. He married Ida M. Barfood. Children of Charles "Wesley and Ida M. (Barfood) Lyon, all residing In Philadelphia, Pa.: 1088. I. Wesley B.; b. Jan. 9, 1877. 1089. II. ruther W.; b. Oct. 26, 1879. 1090. III. Albert G.; b. Aug. 21, 1881. 1091. rv. Edgar W.; b. April 28, 1884. 674. VIII. 447. HANNAH W.' FOOTE (DAVISON) [Marana B.^ (Lyon), Wakeman', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born May 21, 1834. She married John W. Davison. Son of John W. and Hannah "W. (Foote) Davison: 1093. I. Irwin I-.; b. Jan. 23, 1857; res. Grand Blanc, Mich.; m. 1st, Mary B. Hill (1 dau.); m. 2nd, Emma Turner Slaght. 676. VIII. 447. WILLIAM HENRY' FOOTE [Marana E.' (Lyon), Wakeman', Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Dec. 16, 1838. Residence Davison, Mich. He married Abby Lankton. 334 EICHAKD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of ■William Henry and Abby (Lankton) Poote: 1093. I. Lewis G.; b. April 9, 1862; d. June 30, 1862. 1094. II. Jennie A.; b. Oct. 3, 1866; m. Seth J. McBratney; res. Davison, Mich. ; one son. 1095. III. Carrie G.; b. June 29, 1869; m. Martin T. Rlegle; res. Davison, Mich. ; 1 daughter. 1096. IV. Estella B.; b. March 27, 1877; res. Davison, Mich. 678. VIII. 447. GEORGBJi" WESLEY* FOOTE [Marana B/ (Lyon), Wakeman^ Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard^] was born Sept. 17, 1843. He married Julia Sheppard, and resides in Flint, Mich. Children of George W. and Julia (Sheppard) Foote: 1097. I. Clarence W. 1098. II. NeUie E. 1099. III. Maud N. UOO. rv. Harold O. 1101. V. Alphonso J. 679. VIII. 447. CORYDON EDWARD' FOOTE [Marana B.* (Lyon), Wakeman', Thomas", John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born Jan. 9, 1849. Residence, Flint, Mich. He married Mary A. Holmes. Children of Corydon Edward and Mary A. (Holmes) Foote: 1103. I. Catherine M. 1103. II. Herbert E. 681. VIII. 449. ALBERT CASS' LYON [William H. C, Wake- man', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born in Flint, Mich., March 28, 1848. He engaged in business many years in Flint, where he was City Clerk, 1881 and 1882. In the past ten years he has been a commercial traveler. Present address (Oct. 1904) 27 W. Market St., Xenia, O.; permanent address, 309 Adams St., Ypsilanti, Mich., or 439 Race St., Cincinnati, O. He married in Flint, Mich., Oct. 16, 1883, Anna May Carey, daughter of Richard H. and Mary Jane (Darl- ing) Carey of Flint. [Richard Carey died Dec. 18, 1899.] No children. 684. VIII. 452. OSCAR F.' LOCKHEAD [Merinda O.' (Lyon), Timothy', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom Nov. 28, 1838. The name of his wife is not recorded. Children of Oscar F. and ( ) Lockhead, born In Flint, Mich: 1104. I. Harry Burton; b. Oct. 26, 1872. 1105. IL Grace Eliza; b. Nov. 24, 1873. FIGHTH GENERATION 335 685. VIII. 452. MARY C.« LOCKHEAD (ROE) [Merlnda 0.» (Lyon), Timothy*, Thomas^ JohnS John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 27, 1840, and died Nov. 9, 1875. She married Willard Roe. ChUdren of WlUard and Mary C. (Lockhead) Roe: •1106. I. Emma; b. Dec. 4, 1864; m. Edward H. Brown; res. Saginaw, Mich. 1107. II. Herbert; b. July 10, 1867; res. Plymouth, Mich. 1108. III. Frank; b. March 27, 1869; d. May 8, 1873. 686. VIII. 454. WILLIAM FRANCIS' CRAIG [Phidelia A.' (Lyon), Timothy*, Thomas", John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born at Port Huron, Mich., April 26, 1847, and died at Detroit, Mich., April 10, 1889. He married first, in Detroit, Sept. 22, 1881, Jennie Donaldson, who died July 24, 1883. He married second, at Detroit, July 22, 1886, Annie Cass. Address 204 Custer St., Detroit, Mich. Son of William F. and Jennie (Donaldson) Craig: 1109. I. James Donaldson; b. Detroit, July 23, 1883. Children of ■William F. and Annie (Cass) Craig: 1110. II. WiUlam Francis Jr.; b. Detroit, June 18, 1887. 1111. III. Herbert Charles Rudolph; b. Detroit, Aug. 14, 1889. 688. VIII. 454. EMMA HERBERT' CRAIG (HOCKADAY) [Phi- delia A.' (Lyon), Timothy^ Thomas^, John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born in Detroit, Mich., March 26, 1853. She was educated in the public schools of Detroit, and is a teacher. She married in Buena Vista, Colo., June 6, 1895, Richard Woodville Hockaday, of Missouri, son of Isaac Newton and Fannie (Lincoln) Hockaday. They have no children. Present address 1740 Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo. 695. VIII. 455. ANGELINA S.' ROCKWELL (CLEMENTS) [Rowena P.' (Newman), Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', Sam- ueP, Richard'] was born March 15, 1842, and died Aug. 29, 1873. She married William Clements, 1863. Children of William and Angelina S. (Rockwell) Clements: 1112. I. Wilber; b. Sept. 1864; d. Jan. 1865. 1113. II. William; b. 696. VIII. 455. ELIZA JANE' ROCKWELL (CORBIT) [Row- ena P.' (Newman), Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born Jan. 19, 1844, and died April 2, 1876. She married Simeon Corbit, March 4, 1867. Children of Simeon and Elizabeth Jane (Rockwell) Corbit: 1114. I. Charles G.; b. July 17, 1868. 1115. II. Sarah E.; b. May 14, 1871; d. Oct. 2, 1872. 336 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 697. VIII. 455. ELVIRA C." ROCKWELL (GIBBS) [Rowena P.» (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel', Richard*] was born March 15, 1846. She married first. In 1865, William H. Glbbs, and second March 19, 1879, James B. Dean. Children of William H. and Elvira C. (Rockwell) Olbbs: 1116. I. Frank A.; b. Aug. 17, 1866. 1117. II. Abel B.; b. June 8, 1868. Children of James B. and Elvira (Rockwell, Glbbs) Dean: 1118. I. Elmer H.; b. June 6, 1880. 1119. II. Charles J.; b. March 30, 1885. 1120. III. Frederick B.; b. Feb. 12, 1888; d. May 6, 1892. 699. VIII. 456. PERRY E.« NEWMAN [William R.*, Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom Dec. 9, 1847. He made his home in Kansas. The name of his wife Is not recorded. Children of Perry E. and ( ) Newman: 1121. I. Eddie; b. 1871. 1122. II. Edith; b. 1873. 1123. IIL Lewis; b. 1875. 700. VIII. 456. DUANB A." NEWMAN [William R.', Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 20, 1849. Residence, Stanton, Mich. The name of his wife Is not recorded. Children: 1124. I. Addison D.; b. Dec. 4, 1871; res. Stanton, Mich. 1126. II. Myrta D.; b. Feb. 28, 1874; res. Stanton, Mich. 1126. III. Otis W.; b. Nov. 13, 1876; d. Feb. 12, 1882. 1127. IV. Lioolsa B.; b. June 10, 1880; res. Stanton, Mich. 701. VIII. 456. PHIDELIA A.« NEWMAN (EVANS) [William R/, Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 13, 1851 and died Nov. 20, 1870. She married Evans. Children of and Phidella A. (Newman) Evans: •1128. I. Elmer E.; b. Oct. 6, 1866. 1129. IL William G.; b. Sept. 11, 1868. 703. VIII. 456. MARION A." NEWMAN (LOOZE) [William R.% Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was bom July 20, 1857. She married first Looze, of Charlevoix, Mich., and second Huson, of Bengal, Mich. Children of and Marlon A. (Newman) Looze: 1130. I. Percy E.; b. March 29, 1873; res. Charlevoix. 1131. IL WUliam; b. March 24, 1876; res. Charlevoix. EIGHTH GENERATION 837 1133. III. Edward; b. May 20, 1877; res. Charlevoix. 1133. IV. Daisy; b. June 2, 1879; a. June, 1880. Children of and Marion A. (Newman, Looze) Huson: 1134. "V. Archie; b. Oct. 13, 1889; res. Bengal, Mich. 705. VIII. 456. WILLIAM H.» NEWMAN [William R.', Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born July 8, 1861. Residence Wheeler, Mich. The name of his wife is not recorded. Children of William H. and ( ) Newman: 1135. I. Perley; b. May 9. 1885. 1136. II. Mabel; b. Nov. 3, 1887. 711. VIII. 457. NATHANIEL C." AUSTIN [Sarah' (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Oct. 7, 1837. He married Elizabeth Wharam. Son of Nathaniel C. and Elizabeth (Wharam) Austin: 1137. I. Fred; b. Oct. 27, 1872. 712. VIII. 457. REBECCA A.» AUSTIN (CATLIN) [Sarah' (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 19, 1839. She married Thomas W. Catlin. Children of Thomas W. and Rebecca A. (Austin) Catlin: *1138. I. Frank A.; b. Dec. 14, 1859. 1139. II. Mary J.; b. July 2. 1861. 1140. III. Martha M.; b. April 2, 1864. 1141. IV. Fred J.; b. Oct. 24, 1867. 1143. V. Charles S.; b. Nov. 26, 1874. 713. VIII. 457. JOEL N.« AUSTIN [Sarah' (Newman), Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born June 25, 1841. He married Lucy E. Rogers. Children of Joel N. and Lucy E. (Rogers) Austin: 1143. I. Burt. J.; b. Jan. 28, 1870. 1144. II. Cora May; b. Feb. 20. 1876. 1145. III. Dora B.; b. April 10, 1879. 1146. IV. Mary; b. Oct. 30, 1884. 714. VIII. 457. ADELIA C AUSTIN (CATLIN) [Sarah' (New- man), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP. Richard'] wa3 born Jan. 23, 1844. She married Henry A. Catlin. Children of Henry A. and Adelia C. (Austin) Catlin: 1147. I. Henry C; b. Nov. 12, 1862. ♦1148. II. Norris A.; b. Nov. 17, 1865. 1149. HI. Nettie J.; b. April 4, 1867; d. Oct. 10, 1867. (21) 338 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 1150. IV. Nelson S.; b. July 14, 1869. 1151. V. William A.; b. Aug. 19, 1871. 1152. VI. Robert A.; b. Jan. 16, 1875. \ 1163. VII. Rilla M.; twin sister of Robert. '. 1154. VIIL Ervln A.; b. Oct. 10, 1884; d. the same day. t 715. VIIL 457. ALBION S.^ AUSTIN (Sarah' (Newman), Han- \ nah' (Lyon), Thomas^, John*, John^ SamueP, Richard'] was born Jan. 1, ; 1849. He married Katie Diehl. ^ i Children of Alvin S. and Katie (Diehl) Austin: 1155. I. Bertha M.; b. Feb. 21, 1879. 1156. II. Andrew J.; b. April 4, 1883; d. May 18, 1884. 1157. III. Bay J.; b. Sept. 7, 1885. ' 716. VIIL 457. ERVIN P.« AUSTIN [Sarah' (Newman), Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel^ Richard^] was born April 20, ; 1850. He married Mary Joble. Children of Ervin P. and Mary (Joble) Austin: 1158. I. James J.; b. Feb. 6, 1872; d. Oct. 15, 1875. 1159. IL WUliam N.; b. July 17, 1877; d. Oct. 8, 1881. 717. VIIL 457. ADELBERT W." AUSTIN [Sarah' (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John', Samuel^ Richard*] was born April 6, 1855. He married Katie O. Haynes. Children of Adelbert W. and Katie O. (Haynes) Austin: 1160. I. Nonis H.; b. Dec. 16, 1878. 1161. II. Orin N.; b. April 2, 1881; d. June 4, 1882. 1162. IIL Ann Ora; b. Feb. 7, 1884. 1163. rv. Charles 8.; b. Feb. 2, 1887. 1164. V. Irvin P.; b. April 17, 1889. 718. VIIL 457. ALMIRA D.' AUSTIN (MARSH) [Sarah' (New- man), Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard*]wa8 born Jan. 3, 1860. She married Harry A. Marsh. Children of Harry A. and Almira D. (Austin) Marsh: 1165. I. £mest A.; b. May 28, 1884. 1166. IL tena; b. July 10, 1885. 1167. III. £dith M.; b. Nov. 8, 1886. 1168. IV. Sarah J.; b. Nov. 25, 1887. 1169. V. Nettie L.; b. March 22, 1889. 1170. VI. Josie D.; b. March 21, 1890. 719. VIIL 458. HANNAH' CRAWFORD (NEWMAN) (THUR- BER) [Marietta' (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John*, EIGHTH GENERATION 839 SamueP, Richard^] was born June 10, 1841. She married, first, Elisha Newman, and second, James B. Thurber. Children of Elisha and Hannah (Crawford) Newman: 1171. I. Sarah A.; b. April 29, 1869. 1172. XL Persia £. 1173. III. Bay 0. 1173a. IV. Darwin S. 720. VIII. 461. IDA F.« NEWMAN (SMITH) [John N.', Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueF, Richard'] was born Dec. 28, 1855. She married Henry D. Smith. Children of Henry D. and Ida P. (Newman) Smith: 1174. I. Charles N.; b. Aug. 1, 1879. 1175. II. Irving H.; b. Aug. 18, 1880. 1176. III. Monroe J.; b. Dec. 12, 1881. 721. VIII. 461. CHARLOTTE H.« NEWMAN (NEWMAN) [John N.', Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John*, Samuel% Richard'] was born May 19, 1858. She married William H. Newman. Children of William H. and Charlotte H. (Newman) Newman: 1177. I. Pearl; b. March 20, 1885. 1178. II. Mabel L,.; b. Nov. 3, 1887. 724. VIII. 461. WALTER A.« NEWMAN [John N.\ Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', Samuel^, Richard'] was born Nov. 18, 1862. He married Lelia Plowman. Children of Walter A. and Leila (Plowman) Newman: 1179. I. £thel E.; b. March 24, 1888. 1180. II. John E.; b. May 9, 1890. 726. VIII. 462. NANCY D.» NEWMAN (REYNOLDS) [Timothy L.^ Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Oct. 8, 1856. She married Walter H. Reynolds. Cnilldren of Walter H. and Nancy D. (Newman) Reynold*: 1181. I. Bay M.; b. May 10, 1878. .1182. II. Clara V.; b. April 9, 1880. 1183. III. Eugene O.; b. July 13, 1881. 1184. IV. Millard J.; b. Oct. 2, 1887. 1185. V. MarshaU; b. May 15, 1889. 727. VIII. 462. ORSON E.» NEWMAN [Timothy L.\ Hannah* (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Nov. 9, 1860. He married Rachel Davis. 340 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Orson E. and Rachel (Davis) Newman: 1186. I. Effle; b. May 12, 1884. 1187. II. Monroe A.; b. Feb. 13, 1888. 1188. III. William D.; b. Oct. 10, 1890. 741. VIII. 464. CHARLES H.» NEWMAN [Hiram A.', Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John^ SamueP, Richard^] was born Nov. 1, 1857. He married Emma E. Kellogg. Daughter of Charles H. and Emma E. (Kellogg) Newman: 1189. I. Ethel B.; b. Sept. 14, 1888. 756. VIII. 466. CHARLOTTE E.« NEWMAN (REYNOLDS) [Albert E.', Hannah^ (Lyon), Thomas^ John*, John^ SamueP, Richard^] was born Nov. 21, 1865. She married E. F. Reynolds. Children of E. F. and Charlotte E. (Newman) Reynolds: 1190. I. Mabel A.; b. March 9, 1886. 1191. II. Don E.; b. July 22, 1888. 766. VIII. 481. ZALMON' LYON [Andrew^ Andrew' (?), Zachariah", Zachariah* (?), NathanieP, William^ Richard^] was born in Weston, Conn., May 30, 1817. There is a record of a marriage of Zalmon Lyon and Mary Hill in 1835, but it is not likely that this re- lates to this Zalmon. Zalmon Lyon of Weston, however, certainly married in Feb. 1838 in Newtown Conn., Jerusha Sanford, born in New- town 1815, daughter of Samuel Norman and Anna Maria (Shepard) Sanford. They lived about a year in Weston, then a year in New- town, next settled in Southbury, Conn. It is said that Zalmon died in one of the Western States. Children of Zalmon and Jerusha (Sanford) Lyon, (Whitney Fam.): 1193. I. David Sherwood; b. Weston, Feb. 28, 1839; res. Buchanan, Mich. 1193. II. Son; b. Newtown, Feb. 1841; d. April 1841. 1194. III. Son; b. Southbury, March 1842; d. In Infancy. 782. IX. 508. MAURICE" HOFF [Chloe« (Lyon), Ezra', Seth«. Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard^] was born in 1839. He married Amy Silvey. Children of Maurice and Amy (Silvey) Hoff: 1195. I. Frank b. 1861; m. . 1196. IL Ina; b. 1864. 1197. III. Latie; b. 1873. 1198. IV. Eliza; b. 1876. 1199. V. Jess; b. 1878. 1200. VL Merritt; b. 1880. NINTH GENERATION 341 783. IX. 508. WATSON» HOFF [Chloe" (Lyon), Ezra'. Seth«, Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born in 1841. He mar- ried Clara Hathaway. Children of "Watson and Clara (Hathaway) Hoff: 1201 I. Mary; b. Nov. 10, 1874; m. Lowe. 1202. II. Perry; b. 1877. 1203. III. Letty; b. 1883. 1204. IV. Cora; b. 1886. 786. IX. 5\)9. ALMEDA" LYON (FREESE) [Aaron C.^ Ez^a^ Seth^ Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Jan. 1848. She married Louis Freese. Children of Louis and Almeda (Lyon) Freese: 1205. L WiUis; b. Jan. 1870; m. . 1206. II. Burke; b. May 1876. 1207. IIL Leland; b. 1882; d. Jan. 1891. 1208. IV. Louis; b. Jan. 1, 1891. 795. IX. 511. FLORENCE ANN' GANOUNG (BROPHY) [Myron^ Mary' (Lyon), Seth^ Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Rich- ard'] was born Dec. 17, 1852, and died Feb. 24, 18 . She married Brophy. Children of and Florence Ann (Ganoung) Brophy: 1209. I. Flora M.; b. Aug. 24, 1875. 1210. II. Myron P.; b. Nov. 27, 1876. 1211. III. EUa J.; b. June 8, 1878. 1212. IV. Benjamin R.; b. July 20, 1884. 1213. V. Andrew S.; b. Nov. 1, 1889. 800. IX. 512. FRANK FREMONT' GANOUNG [Milo«, Mary' (Lyon), Seth«, Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP, Richard=, Richard'] was born in Durand, 111., June 27, 1856. Present residence (1904) Cooperton, Oklahoma. He married Jan. 1, 1877, Sarah Ann Eaton. Children of Frank Fremont and Sarah Ann (Eaton) Ganoung: 1214. I. Benjamin Isaac; b. Sept. 7, 1878. 1215. II. Delbert MUo; b. Nov. 14, 1879. 1216. IIL William James; b. Sept. 23, 1881. 1217. IV. Grace Adelaide; b. Feb. 21, 1884. 1218. V. Edith May; b. March 17, 1886. 1219. VL Rosa BeU; b. Nov. 28, 1889. 1220. VII. Ora Bay; b. Jan. 4, 1892. 1221. VIII. Orva Cay; (twin) b. Jan. 4, 1892. 342 RICHARD LYON OF FAHtFIELD 802. IX. 512. SARAH FIDELIA" GANOUNG (WOMACK) [Milo^ Mary' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard', Richard*] was born Nov. 20, 1861, and died at Nevada, la., Jan. 3, 1903. She mar- ried, Jan. 1, 1885, George L. Womack. Children of George L. and Sarah P. (Ganoungr) Womack: 1822. I. Marlon Clayton; b. Aug. 18, 1886. 1223. II. Hattie Buth; b. July 12, 1892. 1224. III. A daughter; b. 1895. 1225. TV. A daughter; b. 1899. 804. IX. 512. EDWIN GRANT' GANOUNG [Milo», Mary' (Lyon), Seth^ Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^', Richard*] was born in Durand, 111., Nov. 28, 1866. He is a graduate of the State Normal School of Kansas, and is a teacher by profession. He married in Osborne, Kansas, Aug. 6, 1902, Mary Maude Brobst, daughter of Daniel and Cecilia (Sturman) Brobst of Osborne. They live (1904) in Cawker City, Kansas. Daughter of Bdwln G. and Mary H. (Brobst) Ganoung: 1226. I. Paoline; b. Cawker City, July 29, 1904. 805. IX. 512. EUGENE COLFAX" GANOUNG [Milo», Mary» (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was born In Durand, 111., July 7, 1869. He married in Stockton, Rooks Co., Kansas, Sept. 6, 1893, Carrie L. Nora North, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Davis) North of Plainville, Kansas. He is a farmer. He went to Pullman, Whitman Co., Wash., but returned to Plainvill'e, his present (1904) place of residence. Children of Eugene C. and Carrie (North) Ganoung, born In Plainville, Kas. : 1227. I. Leo Eugene; b. Feb. 4, 1896. 1228. II. A Bon; b. and d. Jan. 28, 1897. 1229. III. Nora Alberta; b. Nov. 15, 1901; d. Nov. 26, 1902. 1230. rv. Bogene Archel; b. Nov. 25, 1903. 807. IX. 514. MARTHA A." GANOUNG (WEST) [Isaac', Mary' (Lyon), Seth°, Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was born Jan. 1, 1850. Married in 1867, Edward A. West. Children of Edward A. and Martha A. (Ganoung) West: 1231. I. William I.; b. Dec. 24, 1868. 1232. II. Nettie I/.; b. March 15, 1872; m. 1889, Charles H. Babcock; no children. 1233. III. Florence M.; b. Sept. 2, 1874; m. 1891, W. H. Flanagan. 1234. IV. Sarah; b. May 18, 1877. 1235. V. I/oren H.; b. Oct. 12, 1879. 1236. VI. Nellie; b. June 30, 1883. NINTH GENERATION 343 808. IX. 514. MARY ANN" GANOUNG (HURSH) [Isaac', Mary» (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', Daniel*, Damel^ Richard% Richard'] was born March 13, 1852. She married George D. Hursh, 1872, who was born Oct. 7, 1851. Children of George D. and Mary Ann (Ganoung) Hursh: 1237. I. Effie; b. Nov. 13, 1876; d. May 30, 1889. 1238. II. GUbert I.; b. Jan. 17, 1882. 809. IX. 514. OSCAR F.« GANOUNG [Isaac', Mary» (Lyon). Seth°, Jacob", Daniel*, DanieI^ Richard-, Richard'] was born Jan. 3, 1854. He married Ida J. Carpenter in 1879. Daughter of Oscar F. and Ida J. (Carpenter) Ganoung: 1239. I. Alma £Uen; b. May 11, 1882. 810. IX. 514. FANNY A." GANOUNG (HURSH) [Isaac', Mary' (Lyon), Seth^ Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was bom Nov. 12, 1855, and died Nov. 15, 1888. She married Andrew E. Hursh in 1873. Children of Andrew E. and Fanny A. (Ganoung) Hursh: 1240. I. Florence A.; b. June 20, 1874; m. 1891, Fred W. Mulr; one child. Glenn L,. Muir, b. Dec. 9, 1892. 1241. II. Cora; b. March 23, 1881. 811. IX. 514. SIMEON 0.» GANOUNG [Isaac', Mary' (Lyon), Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^, Richard'] was born Oct. 6, 1859. He married Mary Owen in 1890. Daughter of Simeon O. and Mary (Owen) Ganoung: 1242. I. £Uen; b. Feb. 27, 1891. 812. IX. 514. SARAH EVALINE" GANOUNG (SCOTT) [Isaac*, Mary' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Oct. 1, 1861. She married George H. Scott in 1890. Children of George H. and Sarah Bvallne (Ganoung) Scott: 1243. I. Henry; b. Nov. 24, 1891. 1244. II. Isaac; b. Nov. 8, 1893. 817. IX. 515. GEORGE W." GANOUNG [Arthur H.', Mary* (Lyon), Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born Aug. 8, 1849. The name of his wife is not recorded. Children of George W. and ( ) Ganoung: 1246. I. C. W.; b. Feb. 17, 1874. 1246. II. Jasper; b. 187«. 344 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 1247. IIL Helen M.; b. Sept. 4, 1887. 1248. IV. Sarah Antoinette; b. Feb. 3, 1893. 820. IX. 515. HELEN L.« GANOUNG (TRUESDELL) [Arthur H.*, Mary' (Lyon), Seth«, Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard^ Richard^] was born Nov. 10, 1854. Present residence (1904) Scotland, S. Dak. She married Truesdell. Children of and Helen L. (Ganoung:) Truesdell: 1249. I. Myron A.; b. Oct. 24, 1870; res. Scotland, S. Dak. 1250. II. Edith M.; b. May 31, 1874. 1251. in. Henry W.; b. June 27, 1878. 821. IX. 515. JANE N.' GANOUNG (ROBB) [Arthur H.«, Mary* (Lyon), Seth", Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard^] was born May 15, 1856. Present residence (1904) Durand, 111. She married Robb. Children of and Jane N. (Ganoung) Robb: 1252. I. Nettie Jane; b. Sept. 25, 1877. 1253. IL Arthur M.; b. Feb. 13, 1879. 1254. III. Helen E.; b. Oct. 19, 1880. 1255. IV. Boy B.; b. Aug. 2, 1882. 1256. V. Ina M.; b. Feb. 4, 1885. 822. IX. 515. WILLIAM H.« GANOUNG [Arthur H.», Mary* (Lyon), Seth^ Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard^] was born May 29, 1858. The name of his wife is not recorded. Children: 1257. I. Eve C; b. July 17, 1887. 1258. II. Ix^jjjg ^jg^ young. 1259. III. i 824. IX. 515. CHARLES M.' GANOUNG [Arthur H.», Mary' (Lyon), Seth°, Jacob"*, Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard*] was bom Nov. 24, 1862. Children: 1260. I. Eva A.; b. June 17, 1886. 1261. II. Nettie; b. Jan. 2, 1892. 827. IX. 521. FRANK L.» LYON [Luther», Jacob^ Seth«, JacoV, Daniel*, DanieP, Richa^d^ Richard*] was born in Plymouth, Mich., Feb. 9, 1870. He married in Northville, Dec. 9, 1896, Eliza McNeill, daugh- ter of James and Susanah (Lewis) McNeill, of More Township, Canada. He is Inspector for the Pere Marquette R. R. in Northville, Wayne Co., Mich. NINTH GENERATION 345 828. IX. 521. EDWARD* JACOB LYON [Luther*, Jacob', Seth», Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard% Richard'] was born in Plymouth. Mich., Nov. 2, 1873. He married Jan. 15, 1900, Pearl Passage. Children of Edward J. and Pearl (Passage) Lyon: 1262. I. Ira Wordwarth; b. Dec. 7, 1900. 1263. II. Aubray; b. Jan. 7, 1903. 830. IX. 521. JENNIE MAY* LYON (LANE) [Luther«, Jacob', Seth^ Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard\ Richard'] was born in Ply- mouth, Mich., Sept. 1, 1880. She married, Dec. 27, 1899, George Wesley Lane, who was born July 26, 1878. Children of George "W. and Jennie M. (Lyon) Lane: 1264. I. Zelma Elizabeth; b. May 4, 1901. 1265. II. Guy McBeth; b. March 14, 1903. 840. IX. 524. ADA JOSEPHINE* BURD (BATES) [Amelia* (Eldridge), Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth°, Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born May 28, 1854; present residence Hillsdale, Mich. She married Nelson Bates. Children of Nelson and Ada Josephine (Burd) Bates: 1266. I. Minnie; b. Nov. 26, 1873; res. Hillsdale, Mich. 1267. IL Aggie; b. March 12, 1879. 1268. IIL Bettie; b. March 18, 1SS8. 842. IX. 524. WILLIE ELDRIDGE* BURD [Amelia* (Eldridge), Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth', Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Dec. 18, 1858. Present residence (1904) Hillsdale, Mich. He married Addie Blood. Children of WllUe Eldridge and Addle (Blood) Burd: 1269. I. Frankie Eldridge; b. Sept. 15, 1883. 1270. II. Freddie H.; b. Oct. 4, 1886. 845. IX. 525. MARVIN EMERICK* ELDRIDGE [Watson William', Lucinda' (Lyon), Seth», Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP. Richard'. Richard'] was born June 6, 1871. He resides (1904) in Chicago. 111. He married July, 1893, Ida Soper, Children of Marvin E. and Ida (Soper) Eldridge, born in Chicago, 111.: 1271. I. Emericls Edward; b. June 7. 1895. 1272. II. Florence; b. Sept. 10. 1897. 849. IX. 526. FRANK. A.* GILLETT [Fanny F.» (Eldridge). Lucinda^ (Lyon), Seth», Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born Aug. 5, 1858. He resides in Owosso, Mich. He married 346 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD first in Mason, Mich., March 7, 1883, Frances L. Clark of Locke, Ingham Co., Mich. He married second, at Locke, Nov. 7, 1889, his cousin Eulah Knickerbocker (No. 850) daughter of William and Ann Lyon (Eldridge) Knickerbocker of Hudson, Mich. Son of Frank A. and Sarah (Clark) GlUett: 1213. I. Herbert; b. Locke, Mich., Dec. 24, 1883. Daughter of Frank A. and Eulah (Knickerbocker) Olllett: 1274. IL Ijouretia; b. Mt. Clemens, Mich, June 6, 1899. 856. IX. 534. CHARLES W.« LYON [Thomas M.\ Justus^ Seth«, Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Jan. 17, 1879. He married in Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 14, 1901, Frances Gertrude Essler, who was born at Beaver Falls, Minn., June 13, 1879. She was daughter of John F. and Maria Louise (Chenevert) Essler. They re- side (1905) in Minneapolis. Bon of Charles W. and Frances G. (Essler) Lyon: 1276. L John Wesley; b. Minneapolis, Feb. 27, 1906, 858. IX. 538. ELECTA D.' SHERWOOD (BENNETT) [Ada M.* (Lewis), Hannah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard', Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Penn., June 28, 1842. She married in that place, May 9, 1858, Maiden Bennett. Address, Pleas- ant Mount, Wayne Co., Penn. Children of Maiden and Electa D. (Sherwood) Bennett; bOm In Pleasant Mount : 1276. I. Marena C; b. Aug. 25, 1859; d. April 3, 1866. 1277. II. Udolpho; b. Aug. 15, 1861; d. March 23, 1863. •1278. III. Adah E.; b. Sept. 4, 1866; m. Nov. 26, 1885, Harry A. Loomls. •1279. rv. Myrtle E.; b. March 1, 1869; nx. April 30, 1886, A. Brwln Colo. 1280. V. Liydia Jane; b. Aug. 28, 1870. •1281. VL Battle 8.; b. April 14, 1879; m. Sept. 20, 1899, General Wash- ington Bodle. 860. IX. 538. HERBERT F.» SHERWOOD [Ada M.» (Lewis), Hannah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard*, Richard*] was born May 16, 1846. He married at Big Isaac, W. Va., Dec. 24, 1874, Rebecca Mitchel. Children of Herbert F. and Rebecca (Mitchell) Sherwood: 1282. L Flavlus M.; b. Dec. 26, 187B. 1283. II. Mand A.; b. July 15, 1877. 1284. III. Mariana I.; b. Sept. 19, 1884; d. Nebraska City, Neb.. Sept, 16. 1887. 1285. rv. Alson; b. March 13, 1889. use. V. Alma; b. Feb. It, 1892. NINTH GENERATION 847 861. IX. 538. WAKEMAN E.» SHERWOOD [Ada M.* (Lewis). Hannah'' (Lyon), Walte^^ Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel", Riclla^d^ Richard'] was born Nov. 10, 1851. He married at Broad River, W. Va., Dec. 20, 1877, Angelette V. Brown. Children of Wakeman E. and Angelette V. (Brown) Sherwood: 1287. I. Alva E.; b. Sept. 20, 1878. 1288. II. Alexis 1,.; b. Aug. 6. 1881, 1289. IV. ruiie B.; b. Jan. 29, 1884. 1290. IV. Sava A.; b. July 23, 1886. 1291. V. Eva A.; b. Dec. 20, 1888. 1293. VI. Ina A.; b. July 25, 1895. 1295. VII. EUna I.; b. Jan 21, 1898; d. Barneston, Neb., July 6, 1901. 863. IX. 538. GRANVILLE J.» SHERWOOD [Ada M.» (Lewis). Hannah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel', Richard% Richard'] was born Jan. 19, 1859. He married in Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 20, 1895, Minnie Volkmer. They reside in Liberty, Gage Co., Neb. Children of Granville J. and Minnie (Volkmer) Sherwood: 1294. I. Joseph F.; b. Feb. 20, 1896. 1296. II. Helen M.; b. Dec. 3, 1898. 1296. III. Viola M.; b. Oct. 18, 1902. 865. IX. 439. ANNIE DEMILLA' LYON (JONES) [Charles W.*, Wheeler', Walter^ Jacob\ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born March 24, 1862. She married, April 17, 1894, David W. B. Jones, who was born Jan. 26, 1862. Children of David W. B. and Annie Demilla (Lyon) Jonea: 1297. I. Frances liOuise; b. Oct. 15, 1898. 1298. II. Elwood Browning; b. March 15, 1900. 866. IX. 545. GEORGIANA' LYON (MUNSON) [Lafayette', Jacob', Walter*, Jacob^ Daniel*. DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born May 1, 1852. She married at Lanesboro, Pa., May 7, 1872, Al Munson, who was born at Great Bend, Pa., Aug. 11, 1851, and died at Carbon- dale, Pa., Feb. 23, 1886. Son of Al and Georgiana (Lyon) Munson: *1399. I. Liouis; b. March 12, 1875. 867. IX. 545. CHARLES BYRON" LYON [Lafayette', Jacob*, Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born June 10. 1854. He married Mary Crandall, Sept. 30, 1873. She was bom at Clifford, Pa., Oct. 9, 1854. 348 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Children of Charles B. and Mary (Crandall) Lyon: ♦1300. I. Georgiana; b. May 19, 1874; m. William F. CampbeU. 1301. IX. Ida May; b. Oct. 30, 1876; d. Nov. 20, 1886. 1302. III. Robert Bums; b. May 7, 1878. 870. IX. 545. BENTON B.= LYON [Lafayette', Jacob', Walter', Jacob^ Daniels DanieP, Richar(i% Richard'] was born Jan. 4, 1865. He married Lizzie White and resides (1904) at Starlight, Pa. Daughter of Benton B. and Lizzie (White) Lyon: 1303. I. Lulia H.; b. July 11, 1888. 871. IX. 546. ANNA BELLE=' LYON (BURDICK) [George H.«. Jacob', Walter", Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Carbondale, Pa., Dec. 10, 1855. She married at Herrick, Pa., April 3, 1878, Fred Burdick, who was born Jan. 29, 1854, son of Alfred and Jerusha Emeline Burdick of Clifford, Pa. Children of Fred and Anna Belle (Lyon) Burdick; born in Uniondale, Pa.: 1304. I. Mattie Louise; b. March 24, 1879; m. at Norwich, Conn., Aug. 3, 1901, Elliot Sweet, son of Varnum and Mary (Wilcox) Sweet of Lisbon, Conn.; res. (1904) FleetvlUe, Pa. 1305. II. Alice Gertrude; b. July 1, 1880; m. at Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1900, Herman Lewis Dobson, son of James and Mary Leonora (Schlich- ter) Dobson, of Scranton, Pa. ; res. Scranton. 1306. III. Howard L,yon; b. July 1, 1888. 1307. IV. Band Williams; b. June 1, 1890. 1308. V. Nellie Clair; b. May 8, 1893. 873. IX. 546. EDITH MAY' LYON (HANSEE) (LANE) [George H.*, Jacob', Walter^ Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Jan. 30, 1860. She married first, in Herrick, Pa., Oct. 15, 1884, William B. Hansee, who was born at Fremont Center, N. Y., May 28, 1863 and died May 30, 1888. She married second in 1902, Calvin Lane. Children of William B. and Edith May (Lyon) Hansee: 1309. I. Anna May; b. July 27, 18 85. 1310. IL William; b. Dec. 26, 1887. 875. IX. 546. JULIA BLANCHE' LYON (HANSEE) [George H.^ Jacob', Walter", Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Oct. 4, 1866. She married in Herrick, Pa., Oct. 15, 1884, St. John Hansee. brother of her sister's husband. He was born at Bangor, Me., Aug. 23, 1859. Daughter of John and Julia Blanche (Lyon) Hansee: 1311. I. Sthel I-yon; b. Jan. 30, 1889; d. Aug. 25, 1892. NINTH GENERATION 349 881. IX. 548. HARRY LYON'* BURNS [Mary Mercy* (Lyon). Jacob^ Walter", Jacob^ Daniel', DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Nov. 3, 1865. He married Celeste Menou, who was bom in St. Louis, Mo., and was the daughter of Paul Menou, the architect who designed the old Catholic Cathedral of St. Louis. 886. IX. 550. EDWIN« FOOT [Adelia A.« (Lyon), John B.', Walter^ Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Aug. 27, 1854. He married Jan. 14, 1880, Nellie Hoard, who was born Sept. 18, 1858. ChUdren of Edwin and Nellie (Hoard) Foot: 1318. I. raura Adelia; b. Feb. 13, 1881. 1313. II. Ada Marguerite; b. Aug. 27, 1886. 1314. III. Frances Marie; b. Feb. 13, 1888. 1315. IV. MiUard Edwin; b. Sept. 2, 1889; d. Nov. 10, 1893. 887. IX. 551. HATTIE ADELIA' LYON (REYNOLDS) [GileB H.S John B.^ Walter', Jacob^ DanieP, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born Oct. 27, 1872. She married Sept. 13, 1892, Leon Reynolds. Children of Leon and Hattie Adelia (Lyon) Reynolds: 1316. I. A daughter; b. 1895; d. in Infancy. 1317. II. Mary Lyon; b. April 30, 1902. 891. IX. 552. GERTRUDE LEWIS' LYON (STEVENS) [John B. J^.^ John B.', Walter^ Jacob", DanieP, DanieP, Richard% Richard') was born Feb. 27, 1871. She married Sept. 17, 1891, James Stevens. who was born March 24, 1866. Daughter of James and Gertrude Lewis (Lyon) Stevens: 1318. I. Jeannett Lyon; b. July 12, 1892. 892. IX. 552. BENJAMIN N." LYON [John B., Jr.», John B.', Walter", Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard-, Richard'] was bom May 19, 1872. He married, Nov. 29, 1892, Effie McPherson, who was born Nov. 22, 1875. Children of Benjamin N. and Effle (McPherson) Lyon: 1319. I. Asia Jane; b. Aug. 26, 1895. 1320. IL John Bishop; b. Nov. 25, 1900. 894. IX. 552. JOHN BISHOP" LYON [John B. Jr.». John B.», Walter", Jacob', DanieP, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was born Oct. 23. 1877. He married, June 4, 1901, Bessie Walker, who was born Oct 29, 1878. Daughter of John B. and Bessie (Walker) Lyon: 1331. I. Agnes Helen; b. April 17. 1902. 350 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 897. IX. 554. JOHN HENRY" DIMOCK [Mary E.«, Electa' (Lyon), Walte^^ Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard*] was born at Montrose, Pa., May 18, 1840. He served througb the civil war from the summer of 1861 till the close of the war in 1865. He was in the 3rd Division of the 5th Army Corps, 80th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry. He married in Michigan, Mary E. Goodrode and lived at Grand Haven, Mich. He was drowned Jan. 30, 1906. Children of John Henry and Mary B. (Goodrode) Dlzaock: 1S22. I. BonneTllle. 1323. II. Delia; m. Shanley, a druggist In Waulcegan, lU. 1S24. III. William. 902. IX. 554. MARY ADELIA AVALINE" DIMOCK (BARKER) [Mary Elizabeth^ Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel*, Richa^d^ Richard'] was born May 14, 1851. She married Milton B. Barker, in Chicago, 111., Peb. 12, 1876. Children of Milton E. and Mary Adella Avallne (Dlmock) Barker: 1326. I. Mlra Katharine; b. Chicago, IlL, June 11, 1878. 1326. II. Charles Dimock; b. Dec. 24, 1879; d. Willmette, 111., Jan. 9, 1894. 1327. III. MUton E.; b. June 29, 1883. 903. IX. 555. ELLA ROBERTINE' DIMOCK (RODOFF) (Warren S.*, Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born June 29, 1852. She married Charles G. RodofC, Sept. 16, 1874, at Pulaski, Wis. Children of Charles G. and Ella Robertlne (Dlmock) Rodoff: 1328. I. Balph Dimock; b. June 5, 1878; m. Olive Baume, Sept. 4, 1901, at Mitchell, S. Dak.; a son Charles Everett was b. June 1902. 1329. II. Charles Garth; b. Jan. 9, 1882. 1330. III. Letha; b. Jan. 27, 1885. 904. IX. 555. WARREN» DIMOCK [Warren S.«, Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born at Pulaski, Wis., Sept. 14, 1859. He married Clara A. Stevens, Dec. 15, 1886, near Montford, Wis. Children of Warren and Clara A. (Stevens) DIm.ock: 1331. I. Murray; b. Menno, S. Dak., Dec. 15, 1889; d. April 5, 1891. 1332. II. L,ncy; b. Nov. 23, 1891. 906. IX. 555. ALEMENA ELECTA" DIMOCK (SCHWINGLB) [Warren S.', Electa' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard*, Richard'] was born May 14, 1863. She married at Pulaski, Wis., Dec. 28, 1892, Edward G. Schwingle of Avoca, Wis. NINTH GENERATION 351 Children of Edward Q. and Alemena Electa (Dlmock) Schwlngle: 1333. I. £ddie; b. Sept. 7, 1893. 1334. II. Blanche; b. April 27, 1901; d. Deo. 31, 1901. 1335. III. Warren Dimock; b. June 11, 1903. 909. IX. 555. BERTHA RUE' DIMOCK (SKINNER) (SPICER) [Warren S.«, Electa' (Lyon), Walter", Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel'. Richard', Richard^] was born Dec. 22, 1869. She married first, Feb. 1888, In Madison, Wis., John J. Skinner, who died at Pulaski, Wis., Aug. 5, 1893. She married second, W. O. Spicer, of Canton, S. Dak. Children of John J. and Bertha Rue (Dlmock) Skinner: 1336. I. Esther; b. Menno, S. Dak., June 3, 1889. 1337. II. Dorcas; b. Feb. 27, 1S91. 1338. III. and IV. Twin boys; b. Aug. 7, 1892; both d- Pnlaakl, Wl*.. Oct. 1892. Children of W. O. and Bertha Rue (Dlmock, Skinner) Spicer: 1339. I. Mary; b. Aug. 18, 1896. 1340. II. Sybil; b. Jan. 5, 1900. 1841. III. Katherine; b. Jan. 30, 1902. 913. IX. 563. SYDNEY A." TRUESDELL [Emeline* (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter^ Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Belmont, Pa., Aug. 27, 1842. He married at Chenango Forks, Broome Co., N. Y., Sept. 17, 1862, Evaline Hagaman, born at Chenango Forks, May 5, 1842. Their home (1906) is in Fairbury, Neb. Children of Sydney A. and Evaline (Hagaman) Truesdell, born at Chenanffo Forks, N. Y. : •1342. I. Magrgie E.; b. June 24, 1863; m. Asa M. Berry. •1348. II. Robert 8.; b. May 25, 1868. 916. IX. 568. ADAH E." UNDERHILL (DECKER) [Elizabeth* (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter^ Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel', Richard', Richard'] was born at Ralston, Pa., March 22, 1856. She was mai> ried at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1879, by Rev. C. M. Kithinger, to Frank W. Decker. He was born May 29, 1856. Present address (1906) 566 Chenango St., Binghamton, N. Y. Children of Frank W. and Adah E. (Underbill) Decker: 1344. I. Edward F.; b. Buflfalo, N. T., Dec. 1, 1879; res. Salamanca, N. T. •1345. II. WiUiam G.; b. Buffalo, Jan. 12, 1882. 1346. III. rottie L,.; b. Binghamton, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1891. 1347. rv. Ethel I.; b. Binghamton, May 12, 1901. 917. IX. 569. IRENE ANGELINA" FULKERSON (MILLER) [Mary A.» (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*. Daniel*. 852 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Richard^ Richard^] was born at Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 16, 1858. She married at Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 27, 1876, Frank E. Miller. He was born at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1854, and was killed by accident at Atchinson, Kans., Aug. 22, 1883, while on duty as yard master of the B. & M. R. R. She died Sept. 14, 1879, at Beatrice, Neb. Son of Frank E. and Irene A. (Fulkerson) Miller: •1348. I. Dean; b. Adams, Neb., Sept. 12, 1877; res. Holdrege, Neb. 918. IX. 569. HATTIE A.» FULKERSON (ELDRIDGE) [Mary A.» (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Riehard^ Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., Pa., May 8, 1865. She married, June 11, 1890, at Beatrice, Neb., Lyman W. Eldridge, who was born at Palo, 111., March 11, 1865. Children of Lyman W. and Hattie A. (Fulkerson) Eldrldgo: 1349. L Ma«; b. Lincoln, Neb.. Aug. 17, 1891. 1350. II. Bath; b. Lincoln, Jan. 7, 1898. 1351. III. Fred J.; b. Lincoln, Aug. 20, 1900. 919. IX. 573. ADA EMORET" DUNNING (ALDEN) [Jane Helen* (Lyon), Henry', Walter^ Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel^ Richard', Richard'] was born April 24, 1853. She married, Dec. 31, 1870, Frank Alden. They reside in Byron, Mich. Son of Frank and Ann E. (Dunning) Alden: 1352. I. Clayton; b. March 24, 1874; d. Dec. 2. 1879. 920. IX. 573. HENRY LYMAN^" DUNNING [Jane H.» (Lyon), Henry', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born April 27, 1860. He married, Nov. 28, 1883, Alice Steffy. She died Nov. 12, 1903. Children of Henry L. and Alice (Steffy) Dunning: 1353. L Harry E.; b. Oct. 30, 1886. i 1354. n. Edna; b. May 30, 1889. 1355. III. Fay; b. Dec. 28, IS 98. 1356. IV. Merritt; b. July 1897. 922. IX. 573. CHARLES ROBERT' DUNNING [Jane H.» (Lyon), Henry', Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, DanieP, Richard% Richard'] was born Feb. 1, 1867. He married, Sept. 11, 1888, Kate White. Children of Charles R. and Kate (White) Dunning: 1357. I. George Robert; b. March 24, 1892. 1868. IL Nora E.; b. Nov. 2, 1893. NINTH GENERATION 3SS 1359. III. Bryan, b. Oct. 20, 1896. 1360. IV. Frankie; b. ; d. In infancy. 1361. V. Clarence; b. Sept. 13, 1903. 925. IX. 575. NELLIE J.» CORWIN (BOND) [Ada Ann' (Lyon), Henry', Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born Sept. 5, 1862. She married Dec. 4, 1885, William F. Bond, who was born at Quiet Dell, Harrison Co., West Va., Dec. 14, 1859. Children of William F. and Nellie J. (Corwln) Bond: 1362. I. Annie Louise; b. Dec. 31, 1886. 1363. II. WUIiam Corwin; b. May 17, 1888. 1364. III. Harmon Booth; b. June 1, 1890. 1365. IV. Mary Isabel; b. July 25, 1892. 1366. V. WUford HaU; b. Aug. 5, 1895; d. Dec. 1, 1898. 927. IX. 576. EMMA JOSEPHINE* KENNEDY (HAMLIN) [Sarah Amanda* (Lyon), Henry', Walter", Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Pa., Aug. 12, 1859. She married in Bethany, Penn., April 7, 1880. Benjamin Franklin Hamlin, son of Butler and Salinda (Rathbone) Hamlin. They reside (1904) in Hamlinton, Wayne Co., Penn. Children of Benjamin P. and Emma J. (Kennedy) Hamlin, born In Hamlinton: 1367. I. Bruce Garfield; b. Feb. 23, 1881. 1368. II. Alice E.; b. Oct. 2, 1886. 1369. III. Butler; b. Aug. 13, 1896. 943. IX. 590. WALTER STEPHEN' LYON [Eugene E.», Walter', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard^ Richard'] was born at Herrick, Pa., June 15, 1877. He married at Hancock, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1898, Edith Burdick, who was born Dec. 31, 1879, daughter of E. B. and Ruth (Wells) Burdick of Clifford, Pa. He is a farmer and resides (1904) on a portion of the land purchased in 1792 by his great grand- father Walter Lyon. Address Uniondale, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Children of Walter Steven and Edith (Burdick) Lyon: 1370. I. MUdred Antoinette; b. Oct. 2, 1899. 1371. II. Walter Eugene; b. Nov. 15, 1901. 1371a. III. Beatrice. 944. IX. 592. WALTER LYON' BENJAMIN [Clara G.* (Lyon), Walter'', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, DanieP, Richard'. Richard'] was born at Norwich, Conn., Aug. 19, 1869 and died Oct. 14. 1897, (buried at Buffalo, N. Y.) He married Ida Henslee in Fond-du-lac, Wis. (22) 854 RICHAKD LYON OF FAISFIELD Children of Walter Lyon and Ida (Henslee) Benjamin: 1372. I. Ernest Bugrene; b. 1878. II. Vivian Marie; b. May 13, 1893. 1874. III. Karl Henry; b. Nov. , 1894. 1876. IV. Walter Lyon, Jr.; b. March 27, 1897. 945. IX. 592. GILBERT GIDDINGS' BENJAMIN [Clara G'. (Lyon), Walter', Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^, Richard*] was born at Fond-du-lac, Wis., Dec. 6, 1874. He graduated with honor from Syracuse University, N. Y., class of 1899, taking Phi Beta Kappa Key, and was president of his class. He is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi fraternity, and was Corresponding Secretary for the same when in college. He went to Yale College for post graduate work and was made Fellow of Yale and an Assistant in History, at the same time teaching in New Haven High School. 961. IX. 594. WALTER HENRY' JOHNSON [Louise A». (Lyon). Walter', Walter', Jacob", Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 28, 1877. He was married at Helena, Mont, June 5, 1902 by Rev. S. B. Harper, Grand Street M. E. Church, to Tenn- esee Morris. She was born at Culleoka, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1879, daughter of John Lee and Letitia Rudder (Adams) Morris. Walter Henry Johnson served in the Philippine Islands in the Spanish American war with the Thirteenth Minnesota Volunteers. He enlisted as Sergeant Co. F., May 7, 1898, was commissioned Second Lieut. Co. F. by Gov. John Lind, July 25, 1899; promoted and com- missioned First Lieut. Co. F., Aug. 10, 1899, and mustered out with the Thirteenth Minnesota, Oct. 3, 1899. He was commissioned First Lieut. Co. A., 42 U. S. Volunteers, Oct. 4, 1899 and served with that regiment In the Philippines until it was mustered out, June 19, 1901, at San Francisco, Cal. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant Co. A. Eighth Infantry, TJ. S. A., Oct. 8, 1901; went with his Company to St. Michael, Alaska, July 1902, was ordered to the General Service and Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Sept. 1, 1902, from which he graduated July 1903. He was promoted First Lieut. 8th Infantry, Nov. 8, 1902, and was serving (1904) with that regiment at Fort Jay, Governors Island, N. Y. In February 1907, while in command of Co. E., 8th In- fantry U. S. A., a silver loving cup was given the Company as prize in the military tournament, and also a cash prize for the model camp during the tournament in the Philippine Island Division of the U. S. A. NINTH GENERATION 355 Child of "Walter Henry and Tennessee (Morris) Johnson: 1S76. I. Walter Morris; b. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March 8, 1908. The reader will observe the respect shown by the descendants of Walters Lyon, in naming so many of their children Walter. It la a name never yet disgraced by any who have borne it in this branch of the Lyon family. 972. IX. 597, JAMES JEROME^ LYON [Horace W«., Miles'. Samuel', Thomas% John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born July 22, 1837. He married Georgiana Cyphers. Residence (1905) 1114 Broad- way, San Francisco, Cal. Children of James Jerome and Georgiana (Cyphers) Lyon: 1877. I. liottie May; b. Dec. 14, 1867; Is married and has children. 1878. II. Walter Donelly; b. Nov. 8, 1873. 980. IX. 598. COL. LEANDER DELOS» LYON [Lyman J.*, Miles' SamueP, Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born at Hills- dale, Mich., Nov. 9, 1847. At an early age he removed with his parents to Hudson, Mich. As a youth, he assisted in the commissary depart- ment of the regiment to which his father belonged during the latter part of the civil war. In August 1866 he was united in mariage to Miss Annie R. Baker, at Detroit, Mich. Shortly after he removed to Buffalo where he was employed on the "Express," one of his associates on the Staff of that paper being the now famous Mark Twain. He remained in Buffalo seven years and afterwards engaged in newspaper work successively in Chicago (1873), Circleville, O. (1875) and Watertown, S. Dak. (1882), making his permanent home in the last named place. He then conducted successfully the publication of the daily "Public Opinion," until his lamented death which took place after a very brlaf Illness, Jan. 30, 1903. He was an active member of the Sons of Veterans. His first wlf« died soon after he went to Watertown. In June 1887 he married again Miss Emma J. Anderson. Children of Leander D. and Annie R. (Baker) Lyon: •1379. I. Miriam (Minnie) G.; b. Buffalo, N. T., June 26. 1867; m. Walter J. McMath; res. Watertown, S. Dak. *1380. II. Frank Walter; b. Buffalo, N. T., April 13, 1871; re*. Watertown, S. Dale. 986. IX. 600. SETH WASHINGTON" LYON [Henry H.', Miles'. SamueP, Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born March 2. 1850. He married Charlotte M. Tiffany. 356 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD Daughter of Seth Washington and Charlotte M. (Tiffany) Lyon: 1381. I. LoTilla Ann; b. May 30, 1872; res. Pittsford, Mich. 990. IX. 600. ADA MAY' LYON (COMPO) [Henry H.», Miles', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John», SamueP, Richard'] was born Aug. 31, 1863. She married, April 28, 1878, Jerome Compo. Resides in Howell, Mich. Children of Jerome and Ada May (Lyon) Compo: 1382. I. Maude May; b. March 1, 1880. 1383. II. Jerome, Jr.; b. Sept. 22, 1882. 1384. III. Burtie; b. Aug. 16, 1885. 1385. IV. Bertha; twin sister of Burtie. 1386. V. Pearl E.; b. July 28, 1887. 1387. VI. Blanche M.; b. Dec. 21, 1890. 992. IX. 601. FRANCES CHARLOTTE' LYON (HOUSTON) [Lafayette A.», Miles', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, SamueP, Rich- ard'] was born Jan. 14, 1851. She married William Crowell Houston. Daughter of William C. and Frances C. (Lyon) Houston: 1888. I. Charlotte Elizabeth; b. July 28. 1875. 993. IX. 601. ALANSON DEWITT' LYON [Lafayette A.», Miles', SamueP, Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born Feb. 6, 1858. He married, Aug. 10, 1884, Minnie Augusta Wellman. They reside at Gila Bend, Arizona. Children of Alanson Dewltt and Minnie A. (Wellman) Lyon: 1389. I. Lafayette Dewitt; b. June 25, 1884; res. Kansas City, Kansai. 1390. II. Jerome Franklin; b. Oct. 24, 1887; res. Kansas City, Kansas. 994. IX. 607. HENRY O." LYON [Orville H.«, Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel^ Richard'] was born Dec. 22, 1847. He married, Nov. 2, 1870, Annie C. Vaughn. Children of Henry O. and Annie C. (Vaughn) Lyon: 1891. I. Grace Vandalia; b. Nov. 2, 1871; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 1392. II. Henry Vaughn; b. Sept. 17, 1873; res. Battle Creek, Mich. 995. IX. 607. EDWIN D." LYON [Orville H.«, Henry', Samuel*, Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Sept. 9, 1855. He married, Dec. 25, 1884, Ida Lura Vedder. Daughter of Edwin D. and Ida Lura (Vedder) Lyon: 1393. I. Pearl; b. Aug. 29, 1887; res. Denver, Colorado. 966. IX. 608. MARY A." FRALICK (VALENTINE) [Corinna A.* (Lyon), Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John", SamueP, Richard'] NINTH GENERATION 357 was born at Plymouth, Mich., Jan. 12, 1841. She married. Jan. 12. 1860, Charles W. Valentine. Children of Charles W. and Mary A. (Fraltck) Valentine: ♦1394. I. Annie Fralick; b. Aug. 13. 1861; m. Austin Kent Wheeler. 1395. II. Henry Charles; b. Oct. 24. 1863. 998. IX. 609. DONNA MARIA' LYON (SLATER) [Alva P.', Henry^ Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was bora June 18, 1844. She married Robert Slater. Res., Grand Rapids. Mich. Children of Robert and Donna Maria (Lyon) Slater: 1396. I. Glenn Elsworth; b. Oct. 22, 1865. 1397. II. Donna Viola; b. Oct. 25. 1867. 1398. III. William Sdwln; b. Nov. 29, 1869. 1399. IV. Jessie Anne; b. Nov. 17. 1871. 1400. V. Robert Otto; b. Oct. 17. 187S. 1401. VI. Mary Elmeline; b. Dec. 27. 1876. 1402. VII. Grace Elizabeth; b. Jan. 6, 1878. 1403. VIII. Henry Alva Lyon; b. Jan. 6, 1880. 1001. IX. 613. HELEN C LYON (DODD) [Cassius', Henry', Samuel", Thomas', John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born June 2, 1859. She married, Oct. 27, 1887, Louis A, Dodd. Residence Ocon- omowoc. Wis. Children of Louis A. and Helen C. (Lyon) Dodd: 1404. I. Key I-yon; b. Oct. 23, 1888. 1406. II. Gladys Maria; b. July 13. 1890. 1003. IX. 614. FLORA A.» CORNELL (YAGER) [Cornelia' (Lyon), Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard"! was born Nov. 1, 1855. She married, Oct. 17, 1875, Alfred B. Yager. They reside in Grand Rapids, Mich. Children of Alfred B. and Flora A. (Cornell) Tager: 1406. I. Lyman Hugh; b. Dec. 13, 1877. 1407. II. Bertha Edith; b. July 30, 1880. 1408. III. Maple Lena; b. March 14, 1882. 1409. IV. Earl Myron; b. Oct. 4. 1885. 1004. IX. 614. NETTIE L.' CORNELL (HENRY) [Cornelia' (Lyon), Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel'. Richard'] was born at Battle Creek, Mich., April 17, 1870. She married. May 5. 1886, H. Evan Henry. Children of H. Evan and Nettle L. (Cornell) Henry, born at Battle Creeic: 1410. I. Hazel C; b. March 15, 1887. 1411. II. Herold E.; b. Feb. 13. 1890. 368 KICHASD LYON OF PAISFIELD 1010. IX. 624. ALBERT C* LIGHTALL [Adelia* (Lyon), Thomas', Samuel', Thomas*, John*, John*, Samuel*, Richard'] was born Feb. 19, 1852. He lives in Denver, Colorado. He married, April 16, 1884, Bertha Miller. Children of Albert C. and Bertha (Miller) UsbtaU: 1412. I. Blanche Mabel; b. April 19. 1886. 141t. II. Albert M.; b. Nov. 17, 1887. 1012. IX. 625. MARY L.» DEGUINE (STARKEY) [Lucy J.« (Lyon), Thomas', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel*, Richard*] was born Feb. 15, 1853. She married, June 11, 1870, Eugene F. Starkey. Children of Eugene F. and Mary L. (Degulne) Starkey: 1414. I. Fred I^; b. Feb. 22, 1876. 1415. II. Maude O.; b. March 27, 1877. 1015. IX. 625. FREDERICK H.» DEGUINE [Lucy J.* (Lyon). Thomas', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel*, Richard'] was bom March 31, 1860. He married, Nov. 23, 1882, Luella Kinnear. Children of Frederick H. and Luella (Kinnear) Degrulne: 1416. I. Boy Angeline; b. June 29, 1883. 1417. II. Bthel May; b. May 18, 1886. 1418. III. Gladys Marie; b. March 16, 1887. 1033. IX. 636. EDDIE ORSEMUS" STEWART [Frances Phldelia* (Lyon), William', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel*, Richard'] was born March 4, 1868. He married. May 10, 1891, Ella B. Young. They had one daughter: 1419. I. Ethel May. 1040. IX. 640. RUTH IMOGENE* GRAHAM (ROOT) [Eunice* (Botsford), Thankful' (Levisee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel', Richard'] was born Jan. 20, 1854. She married Root. Children of and Ruth Imogene (Graham) Root: 1420. I. Burzill; b. April 1878. 1421. II. May; b. 1878. 1422. III. Garry; b. 1880. 1048. IX. 641. JOSEPH EDGAR' WYCKOFF [Sarah A.* (Bots- ford), Thankful' (Levisee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John*, Sam- uel*, Richard'] was born Aug. 26, 1851. He married . NINTH CXNEKATION 36f Son of Joiepb Edgar and ( ) Wyekoff: IMS. I. William T.; b. 1882. 1049. IX. 641. DAVID B.» WYCKOFF [Sarah A.* (Botsford). Thankful^ (LevlBee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John', John', Samuel', Richard*] was born May 10, 1858. He married . Cbildren of David B. and ( ) Wyckoff: 1424. I. David B., Jr., b. 1876. 1425. II. Mary; b. 1878. 14t«. III. Bnsh; b. 1880. 1«7. rv. Sadie; b. 1887; d. In Infancy. 1050. IX. 644. HESTER T. GEER' (REDMAN) [Rosaltha' (Botsford), Thankful' (Levlsee), Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel*, Richard'] was born June 25, 1858. She married Redman. Children of and Hester T. (Geer) Redman: 14(8. I. I^ncy B.; b. Feb. 13, 1881. 1429. II. Don Leon; b. Feb. 16, 18S3. 1051. IX. 644. SARAH ETHLEEN" GBER (DIRLAM) [Rosaltha* (Botsford), Thankful' (Levisee), Anna* (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born March 28, 1860. She married Dirlam. Children of and Sarah Etheleen (Geer) Dlrlam: 1480. I. Eva May; b. 1886. 1481. II. Franklin Geer; b. 1887. 1432. III. ree H.; b. 1890. 1058. IX. 653. MARY' BLOOD (LESTER), [Anna' (Levlsee), John L.', Anna' (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born in 1865. She married Lester. Children of and Mary (Blood) Lester: 1433. I. L,eo; b. 1889. 1434. II. Ix>retta; b. 1891. 1061. IX. 654. DORA» DOWNING (GOLDEN) Elizabeth' (Lev- lsee), John L.', Anna" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born in 1866. She married Golden. Children of and Dora (Downing) Golden: 1436. I. C ; b. 1883. 1436. II. James; b. 1886. 1437. III. Eliza; b. 1887. 1438. rv. Viola; b. 1890. 860 RICHARD LYON OF FAIRFIELD 1062. IX. 654. MINNIE' DOWNING (KIDMAN) [Elizabeth* (Levisee), John L.', Anna' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', Samuel*, Richard*] was born in 1867. She married Eben Kidman. Son of Eben and Minnie (Downing) Kidman: 1480. I. Howard; b. 1889. 1063. IX. 654. MARY» DOWNING (VINE) [Elizabeth* (Levisee), John L.', Anna' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard*] was born in 1869. She married James Vine. Children of James and Mary (Downing) Vine: 1440. I. OUve; b. 1887. 1441. II. Minerva; b. 1889. 1067. IX. 855. CORA' DOWNING (FREESE) [Eliza* (Levlsee), John L.^ Anna' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', Samuel*, Richard*] was born in 1867. She married Rev, Isaiah Freese. Son of Isaiah and Cora (Downing) Freese: 1442. I. Norton; b. 1890. 1106. IX. 685. EMMA' ROE (BROWN) [Mary C.» (Lochhead), Merinda O.' (Lyon), Timothy', Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Rich- ard*] was born Dec. 4, 1864. Resides in Bast Saginaw, Mich. She married Edward H. Brown. Child of Edwi/rd H. and Emma (Roe) Brown: 1488. I. Gleim; b. March 27, 1889. 1128. IX. 701. ELMER E.' EVANS [Phidelia' (Newman), Wil- liam R.', Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard'] was born Oct. 6, 1866. The name of his wife is not recorded. Children of Elmer E. and ( ) Evans, born at Harrison, Mich. : 1444. I. Ella A.; b. Sept. 5, 1885. 1446. II. Arthur G.; b. Aug. 16, 1887. 1446. III. Celesta; b. April 6, 1889. 1138. IX. 712. FRANK A.' CATLIN [Rebecca' (Austin), Sarah' (Newman), Hannah' (Lyon), Thomas", John*, John', SamueP, Richard*] was born Dec. 14, 1859. He married Jennie Rice. Children of Frank A. and Jennie (Rice) Catlin: 1447. I. Jennie D.; b. March 25, 1884. 1448. II. EUen B.; b. Jan. 10. 1886. 1449. III. Edna N.; b. Nov. 27, 1887. 1450. IV. WiUiam I..; b. Nov. 17, 1889. TENTH GENERATION 861 1148. IX. 714. NORRIS A.' CATLIN [Adelia' (Austin). Sarah' (Newman), Hannah" (Lyon), Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born Nov. 17, 1865. He married Luna Mofflt. Children of Norris A. and Luna (Mofflt) CatUn: 1461. I. H. C. Albion: b. Feb. 1884. 1462. II. Jay D.; b. Feb. 17, 1890. 1278. X. 858. ADAH B." BENNETT (LOOMIS) [Electa D.» (Sherwood), Ada M.' (Lewis), Hannah' (Lyon), Walter", Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard', Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Pa., Sept. 4, 1866. She married Nov. 26, 1885, Henry A. Loomis. Children of Henry A. and Adah E. (Bennett) Loomis, born at Pleatant Mount : 1453. I. Maiden A.; b. Oct. 7. 1886; grad. 1904 Pleasant Mount High school. 1464. II. Merrln H.; b. Dec. 9, 1888. 1465. III. Carl Aaron; b. Dec. 23, 1893. 1466. IV. Glen F.; b. Aug. 27, 1896. 1279. X. 858. MYRTIB E.*" BENNETT (COLE) [Electa D.' (Sherwood), Ada M.* (Lewis), Hannah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richa^d^ Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Pa., March 1, 1869. She married, April 30, 1886, A. Erwin Cole. Present address (1904) Prompton, Wayne Co., Pa. Children of A. Erwln and Myrtle E. (Bennett) Cole: 1467. I. Cleon E.; b. Sept. 8. 1887. 1458. IL Claude C; b. June 2, 1892. 1469. III. May BeU; b. May 10, 1901; d. Aug. 20. 1901. 1281. X. 858. HATTIE S." BENNETT (BODIE) [Electa D.' (Sherwood), Ada M.' (Lewis), Hannah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born at Pleasant Mount, Pa., April 14, 1879. She married, Sept. 20, 1899, General Washington Bodle. Children of General Washington and Hattle S. (Bennett) Bodle: 1460. I. Howard G.; b. Aug. 10, 1900. 1461. II. Mildred Electa; b. May 30. 1904. 1299. X. 866. LOUIS" MUNSON [Georgiana' (Lyon), Lafayette'. Jacob', Walter', Jacob', Daniel*, DanieP, Richard', Richard'] was bom March 12, 1875. He married at Carbondale, Pa., June 21, 1897, Mary Gunsaulis, who was born in Carbondale, Sept. 19, 1878. Children of Louis and Mary (Gunsaulis) Munson: 1462. I. Marlon Loolse; b. Carbondale, Pa., May 18. ISIS. 1468. II. Alma Hawthorne; b. March SI, 1904. 362 BICHAID LYON OT FAnriKLD 1300. X. 867. GEORGIANA" LYON (CAMPBELL) [Charles B.*, Lafayette*. Jacob', Walter*, Jacob*, Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard*, Richard'] was bom May 19, 1874. She married William F. Campbell, who was born Nov. 19, 1976. Children of William F. and Georgrlana (Lyon) Campbell: 14«4. I. Flo7d I/7on; b. Deo. 21, 1896. IMS. II. Frances Eloise; b. Dec. 6, 1898. 1342. X. 913. MAGGIE E." TRUESDELL (BERRY) [Sydney A.*, Emeline* (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter*, Jacob', Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard', Richard'] was bom at Chenango Forks, Broome Co., N. Y., June 24, 1863. She married at Carleton, Thayer Co., Neb., July 13, 1887, Asa Minter Berry, who was born at Salt Lick Bridge, Braxton Co., W. Va., Aug. 10, 1856. Daughter of Asa M. and Maggie E. (Truesdell) Berry: 1466. I. Leia F.; b. Carleton, Neb., July 6, 1888. 1343. X. 913. ROBERT S." TRUESDELL [Sydney A.*, Emeline* (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter*, Jacob*, Daniel*, Daniel*, Richard*, Richard'] was bom at Chenango Forks, Broome Co., N. Y., May 25, 1868. He married at Wilcox, Neb,, Nov. 16, 1887, Julia Anna Shetler, who was born in Johnson Co., Iowa, March 18, 1867. Children of Robert S. and Julia A. (Shetler) Truesdell: 1467. I. Guy M.; b. Wilcox, Neb., Sept. 22, 1888; d. Alliance. Neb., Dec. 17, 1890. 1468. II. Ralph H.; b. Fairbury, Neb. March 9, 1890; d. Wathena, Doniphan Co., Kansas, July 10, 1905. 1469. III. Sydney A.; b. Fairbury, Neb., June 8, 1891. 1470. rv. Mary E,; b. Severance, Kansas, April 27, 1893, 1471. V. Robert S.; b. Wathena, Kansas, Sept. 5, 1894. 1472. VI. Harry D.; b. Wathena, March 29, 1896. 1473. VII. Eva M.; b. Wathena, July 25, 1898. 1474. VIII. Fred B.; b. Wathena, Nov, 13, 1901. 1475. IX, Infant son; b, Wathena, Sept, 5, 1903; d. Sept. 7, 1903. 1347. X. 916, WILLIAM G." DECKER [Adah E.* (Underbill), Elizabeth' (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter', Jacob^ Daniel*, Daniel', Richard^ Richard'] was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1882. He mar- ried, June 7, 1903, Nellie Briggs, Rev. John McVey oflaciating. She was born at Marathon, N. Y. Daughter of William G. and Nellie (Briggs) Decker: 1476. I, Bena May; b. Binghamton, N. Y., March 19, 1904. TENTH GENERATION 361 1348. X. 917. DEAN" MILLER [Irene A.* (Fulkerson), Mary A.' (Mumford), Adah' (Lyon), Walter", Jacob*, Daniel*, Daniel', Richard", Richard'] was born at Adams, Neb., Sept. 12, 1877. He married at Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 16, 1899, Birdie G. Cattem, who was bom at Melrose, Iowa, May 3, 1878. They live (1906) at Holdrege, Neb. Children of Dean and Birdie a. (Cattem) Ulller: 1417. I. AUc* Irene; b. Holdrese, Oct. 2, 1801; d. Oct. 1«, If 01. 147*. 11. Clinton FramlEj b. Holdrere, Aug. 10, IIOS. 1379. X. 980. MIRIAM G." LYON (McMATH) [Leander D.', Lyman J.*, Miles', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John*, Samuel', Richard'] was bom in Buffalo, N. Y., June 26, 1867. She married, Dec. 23, 1886, Walter J. McMath. They reside (1904) in Watertown, S. Dak. Children of Walter J. and Miriam Q. (Lyon) MeMatb: 1479. X. John Balph; b. April 3. 1889. 1480. II. Dwlght Leonard; b. Feb. 8, 1894. 1481. III. Miriam Oertmde; b. Sept. t, 1896. 1380. X. 980. FRANK WALTER"" LYON [Leander D.*, Lyman J.*, Miles', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born at Buffalo, N, Y., April 13, 1871. He married, Nov. 19, 1895, at the ranch of the bride's father, on the Upper Cannonball River, N. Dak., luelda McLaughlin. Son of Frank "W. and luelda (McLaughlin) Lyon: 1482. I. James Baphael; b. Oct. 24, 1898, at Ft. Tate* N. Dale ,1394. X. 996. ANNIE FRALICK" VALENTINE (WHEELER) [Mary A.» (Fralick), Corinna A.' (Lyon), Henry', Samuel', Thomas', John*, John', Samuel', Richard'] was born Aug. 13, 1861. She married, Feb. 7, 1883, Austin Kent Wheeler. Residence Plymouth, Mich. Daughter of Austin Kent and Annie F. (Valentine) Wheeler: 1488, I. Helen Marr; b. Nor. 12, 1883. NATHANIEL LYON, OF WARREN, CONN. NATHANIEL LYONf, whose home in Connecticut was for some years in Warren, Litchfield Co. would seem to have been most pro- bably a descendant of Richard Lyon of Fairfield, presumably in the fourth generation. He may have been Nathaniel* (No, 67) [Nathan- iel', William', Richard^] born Fairfield, Dec. 28, 1710, or Nathaniel* (No. 76) Benjamin', William', Richard^] bapt. Fairfield, Aug. 8, 1726, or he may have been a son of the former of these. One of these two was probably the Nathaniel Lyon of Stratford, who had a daughter Rebecca Wilcoxson, born Dec. 5, 1751, his wife's name being Anna (Hist. Stratford and Bridgeport). It is not im- possible that Nathaniel came from one of the Windham Co. families, among which we find the names Ebenezer, Nathaniel, and Spencer, but, although there were migrations from Windham Co. to Western Massachusetts and Vermont as early as 1750, the name Merritt, so constantly recurring in this family points almost certainly to Fairfield rather than Windham County. Nathaniel Lyon married Sally Mer- rimant, said to have been "born in Connecticut." They lived for a time in Warren, Conn., but finally removed to Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y. Children of Nathaniel and Sally (Merrlman) Lyon; the first three said to have been born In Warren, Conn. : 1501. I. Spencer. •1602. II. Ebenezer; b. April 5, 1764; d. Nelson, N. Y. 1603. III. Nathan. 1504. IV. LoTlna [Louisa] ; m. Jacob Smith. tTo Nathaniel Lyon of Warren Is assigned the arbitrary number 1500. tThe fact that Ebenezer Lyon, son of Nathaniel, went to Wallingford, Vt.. makes it very probable that Sally Merriman was of the Merriman family of Wallingford, Conn., whence the colony went which founded the Vermont settle- ment of the same name (1761): Capt. Nathaniel Merriman (1613-1693) was one of the original settlers in Wallingford, Conn. It may be noted that his son John married Hannah Lines of New Haven. Sarah Merriman, born Jan. 28, 1742, daughter of Samuel' [Samuel', Nathaniel'] and Sarah Wilcher, may have been the Sally Merriman who married Nathaniel Lyon. There were at least three other Sarahs, cousins of the one Just mentioned, but ten to twenty years older, the name being apparently a favorite one in the family. There was in Wallingford, Conn, a family of Spencers, which may have something to do with the name of Nathaniel's oldest son. FIFTH GENERATION 365 1605. V. Ira; b. April 16, 1801. t 1606. VI. Nathaniel. 1607. VII. Daniel; lived and died (ae. 93) "a few years ago" In Lebanon, N- Y-; m. ; two sons, 1, »(eiTitt J,; 2, Morris. 1608. VIII. Minerva; m. Bliss. 1502. V. 1500. EBENEZER" LYON [Nathaniel*] was born in Warren, Litchfield Co., Connecticut, April 5, 1764. He married in Wallingford, Vt., about 1784, Chloe Jackson, born in Wallingford, Jan. 21, 1766. They lived in Wallingford until about 1796, when they moved to Nelson, Madison Co., N, Y. He died April 4, 1829. She died Feb. 6, 1849. He was a Justice of the Peace In Nelson in 1808t (Hist. Madison Co.). Children of Ebenezer and Chloe (Jackson) Lyon, the first five born In Wallingford, Vt., the rest in Nelson, N. Y. : •1509. I. Mehetable; b. 1785; d. Jan. 21, 1829. 1610. II. £benezer; b. 1787; drowned while rafting logs on the Black River, Jan. (?) 20, 1810. 1511. III. Abraham Jackson; b. Nov. 27, 1789; d. Rushford, N. T., April 15, 1863. 1512. IV. Asahel; b. Nov. 28, 1791; d. Lewlston, N. T., July 1, 1863; one son and 2 or 3 daughters. 1613. V. Martin; b. 1793; d. Nov. 7, 1799. •1614. VI. Olivia; b. July 29, 1795; m. Jesse Brooks; d. 1842. 1515. VII. L,ydia; b. 1797; d. Aug. 20, 1809, (starved to death from Injury to throat caused by drinking pearl ash water). •1516. VIIL £liphus; b. Jan. 1, 1799; d. Nelson, N. T., March 11, 1868. 1517. IX. Sarah [Sally]; b. May 22, 1800; d. Nov. 5, 1867; m. George Smith, who d. in 1838, leaving 6 or 8 children, of whom two, Mary (unm.) and Charles, are living, Mary in Cuba, N. Y. •1518. X. John; b. Feb. 4, 1802; d. July 1, 1886. •1619. XI. Merritt; b. March 31, 1804; d. Bloomlngton, 111., Dec. 19. 1837. 1520. XII. £meline; b. June 15, 1806. 1521. XIII. Caroline; twin sister of Emellne; m. Barber; d. June, 1878. 1522. XIV. Mary; b. June 28, 1809; d. 1858; m. Joseph Case; moved to Illinois about 1835; 3 children. tone may suspect from this date that in this record two families have been confounded. Nathaniel indeed may have been twice married, but it Is perhaps equally possible that some of the above were his grand thildren. It Is said that Nathan, Nathaniel and Ira settled in Ohio. The name "Merritt" suggests immediately some connection with Greenwich, Conn., or Rye, N. Y., and the same name occurs again among descendants of Ebenezer. tit is stated in Hammond's History of Madison Co.. that Jabez Lyon of Nelson was commissioned Lieutenant of Militia In 1807. From this It would appear that Ebenezer was not the only Lyon who came to Madison County; It Is probable that Jabez and Ebenezer were related. 866 NATHANIEL LYON OF WARREN 1509. VI. 1502. MEHETABLE" LYON (COVELL) [Ebenezer*. Nathaniel*] was born in Wallingford, Vt., in 1785, and died in Nel'son, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1829. She was married, about 1806, to William Covell of Nelson. He was killed by being thrown from a horse, about 1815. Children of William and Mehetable (Lyon) Covell, born in Nelson, N. T. : 1523. I. Merritt; b. Jan. 30, 1808; d. in Bloomington, 111. 1524. II. Ortugal; b. March 6, 1809; d. in Bloomington, 111. 1625. III. Eliphalet; b. April 9, 1811; removed to Iowa. 1511. VI. 1502. ABRAHAM JACKSON" LYON [Eben'ezer*, Nathaniel*] was born in Wallingford, Vt., Nov. 27, 1789 and died in Rushford, Alleghany Co., N. Y., April 15, 1863. He married Mary (Polly) Pratt of New Bedford, Mass. (or of Hartford, Conn.), and went as a pioneer into the wilds of Alleghany County. They lived there at first in a log cabin, with blankets hung up in place of doors. Often the deer, fleeing from wolves, would rush into the cabin seeking protec- tion from the friendly occupants. Mrs. Lyon lived, in those years (about the time of the war of 1812) in constant fear of savage Indians. Mr. Lyon became finally county judge in Alleghany Co. Children of Abraham J. and Mary (Pratt) Lyon, born in Rushford, N. T.: •1526. I. Ebenezer Pratt [Eben] ; b. in 1812; d. Rushford, N. T., 1879. 1527. IL Eliza Ann; b. 1820; d. . 1528. IIL Emoline Chloe; b. 1826; d. . 1529. IV. Merritt; b. 1831; res. (1905) New London, Wis. 1514. VL 1502. OLIVIA' LYON (BROOKS) [Ebenezer", Nathan- iel*] was born in Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., July 29, 1795 and died in Mayville, Chautauqua Co. in 1842. She married in 1817 Jesse Brooks, who became a merchant in Mayville. They had five sons and five daughters. The sons were: 1. Asahel, a minister in Illinois; 2. Walter, a minister in Hamilton, N. Y.; 3. Charles, in Canada; 4. Merritt, in Buffalo; 5. Ogden, in the West. By a second marriage, Mr. Brooks had a son, Jesse Jr.; res. Mayville, N. Y. 1516. VI. 1502. ELIPHUS' LYON [Ebenezer", Nathaniel*] was born in Nelson, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1799 and died in that place March 11, 1866. He married Mary Ann Hill, born Aug. 28, 1803, and lived and died on the old home farm. Children of Eliphus and Mary Ann (Hill) Lyon, born In Nelson, N. T.: 1531. I. George; died in infancy. •1532. II. Walter BoUln; b. Aug. 6, 1829. SEVENTH GENERATION 367 •1533. III. WUllam Wallace; b. Jan. 1833. •1534. IV. Margaret; b. Oct. 1835; m. Gordon; d. Dec. 14 lg«l •1535. V. Mary; b. 1842; m. Moore. 1518. VI. 1502. JOHN' LYON [Ebenezer». Nathaniel*] was born In Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., Feb. 4, 1802. He married In Nelson. Ruth Card, daughter of William Card. Children of John and Ruth (Card) Lyon: •1536. I. Marlin; b. Madison, N. T., Nov. 3. 1826. 1637. II. Caroline; b. 1828. 1638. III. £melme; b. 1830. 1639. IV. Betsey; b. 1836. 1519. VI. 1502. MBRRITT" LYON [Ebenezei-, Nathaniel*] waa born in Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., March 31, 1804, and died In Bloom- Ington, 111., Dec. 19, 1837. He married, Dec. 24, 1823, Polly Case, born In Nelson, Dec. 12, 1804, died in Nelson, March 1, 1869. Children of Merritt and Polly (Case) Lyon: 1640. I. Lanra; b. Dec. 16. 1826; d. Feb. 13, 1832. 1541. II. David Case; b. Nov. 13, 1828; d. July 4, 1860. •1542. III. Merritt Dewitt; b. April 7. 1836. 1526. VII. 1511. EBENEZER PRATT' LYON [Abraham J.', Ebenezer", Nathaniel'] was born in Rushford, Alleghany Co., N. Y. In 1812 and died in that place in 1879, leaving the old farm in possession of his youngest son, Jackson Lyon. He married about 1832, Lucy Kingsbury of Black River County, who was born in 1809 and died Id 1890 at Rushford. Children of Ebenezer P. and Lucy (Kingsbury) Lyon, born in Rushford. N. T. : •1643. 1. Martin: b. April 17, 1833. •1544. II. Mary Ann; b. Feb. 16, 1835; m. Richard D. Charles. 1646. IIL Laura P.; b. Feb. 28, 1837; d. in 1857. 1646. IV. Abram Jackson; b. Feb. 10, 1841; res. (1905) Rushford, N. T. 1532. VII. 1516. WALTER ROLLIN' LYON [Eliphus*, Eben- ezer», Nathaniel*] was born in Nelson, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1829. He mar^ ried Flora Gertrude Smith of Nelson, born Jan. 28, 1848, daughter of Sereno and Olinda Elizabeth (Anderson) Smith. Children of Walter R. and Flora Gertrude (Smith) Lyon: •1547. I. Tale; b. Cazenovia, N. T., Oct. 3, 1874; res. (1906) Hoosao, N. T. 1648. IL Flora Blanche; b. Feb. 14, 1876; d. Sept. 8, 1878. 1549. III. Wayne Sereno; b. Cazenovia, Nov. 17, 1877; m. Florence Red- field. 1660. rv. Harvey Jackson; b. Cazenovia, March 25. 1879; m. Anna Jackson. 368 NATHANIEL LYON OF WARREN 1533. VII. 1516. WILLIAM WALLACE' LYON [Eliphus*. Bben- ezer", Nathaniel*] was born in Nelson, N. Y., Jan. 1833. He married Jeanette Richardson. Children of William W. and Jeanette (Richardson) Lyon, born in Nelson, N. T.: 1551. I. Willard Wallace; b. 1875. 1562. II. WUliam Dnrant; b. 1879. 1534. VII. 1516. MARGARET' LYON (GORDON) [Ellphus', Ebenezer", Nathaniel*] was born in Nelson, N. Y., Oct. 1835 and died Dec. 14, 1862. She married Gordon. Daughter of and Margaret (Lyon) Gordon: 1653. I. Garrie; m. Murphy; 2 children. 1535. VIL 1516. MARY' LYON (MOORE) [Eliphus«, Ebenezer», Nathaniel*] was bom in Nelson, N. Y. in 1842; died . She married Moore. Daughter of and Mary (Lyon) Moore: 1554. I. Helen; m. Arthur Galllnger; a son Paul, b. 1896. 1556. II. Mary Ann. 1556. III. Franklin Gerrie; b. 1879; m. Florence Gushing; a son WlUlam, b. 1900. 1536. VII. 1518. MARLIN' LYON [John', Ebenezer», Nathaniel*] was born in Madison, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1826. He married in Nelson, N. Y., May 11, 1856, Electa Hyatt, born March 18, 1832; died Feb. 4, 1899, daughter of Sanford and Lydia (Sanford) Hyatt of Danbury, Conn. Mr. Lyon had a common school education. He has been a very active member of the Methodist Episcopal church and has held several im- portant town offices. Children of Marlin and Electa (Hyatt) Lyon, born in Fenner, Madison Co., N. T.: •1557. L Frank Hyatt; b. Dec. 3, 1859. •1558. II. Walter Sanford; b. April 13. 1866. 1559. III. Henry Hyatt; b. May 5, 1873. 1542. VII. 1519. MERRITT DEWIiTT* LYON [Merritt", Eben- ezer», Nathaniel*] was born April 7, 1835. He married, Sept. 26, 1858, Frances M. Wever. Children of Merritt D. and Frances M. (Wever) Lyon: •1560. I. Elizabeth D.; b. Oct. 21, 1861. •1561. II. David Case; b. Sept. 17, 1863. EIGHTH GENERATION 309 1543. VIII. 1526. MARTIN" LYON [Ebenezer P.', Abraham J.', Ebenezer*, Nathanier] was born in Rushford, N. Y., April 17, 1833. He was married in Clintonville, Wis., July 1, 1857 to Anna Brlggs, daughter of John Briggs of Clintonville. He is a farmer; has been highway commissioner two years, also assessor repeatedly; res. (1905) Rushford, N. Y. Children of Martin and Anna (Briggs) Lyon, born in Rushford, N. Y. : 1562. I. Addie; b. 1859; m. W. L. Howell; res. (1905) Geneseo, N. T. 1663. II. Flora 1..; b. 1863; evangelist. 1684. III. Liaura B.; b. 1870; m, G. H. Naylon; res. (1905) Avon, N. T. 1668. IV. E. P. (son); b. 1878; not m. ; lives at home. [Also two daughters and one son deceased]. 1544. VIII. 1526. MARY ANN' LYON (CHARLES) [Ebenezer P.', Abraham J.^ Ebenezer", Nathaniel*] was born in Rushford, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1835 and resides (1905) in Cuba, N. Y. She was married in Rushford, Aug. 29, 1860 to Richard D. Charles, born in Ireland in 1833. Present address (1905) Cuba, N. Y. Children of Richard D. and Mary Ann (Lyon) Charles: 1566. I. Frederick L,yoii; b. Cuba, N. T.. July 25, 1861; m. 1885 Christina Howell. 1567. II. Lucy 1.; b. Aug. 18. 1867; d. Dec. 12, 1885. 1547. VIII. 1532. REV. YALE" LYON [Walter R.', Eliphus', Ebenezer*, Nathaniel*] was born in Cazenovia, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1874. He was educated in Cazenovia Seminary, Syracuse University, Harvard and Oxford, England. He is an Episcopal clergyman, a Master in Hoosac School and Curate of All Saints Church, Hoosac, N. Y. 1557. VIII. 1536. FRANK HYATT" LYON [Marlin', John'. Eben- ezer', Nathaniel*] was born in Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y., Dec. 3, 1858. He married in Fenner, Oct. 10, 1883, Abbie Marie Strong, born in Stockbridge, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1856. Children of Prank H. and Abbie M. (Strong) Lyon: 1568. I. Nannie Electa; b. Fenner, N. Y., March 15, 1886. 1569. IL Florence Ruth; b. Fenner, N. Y., May 13, 1888. 1670. III. Marion L.aitra; b. Nelson, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1892. 1671. IV. Edna Strong; b. Fenner, N. Y., March 7, 1896; d. Fenner, Sept. 24. 1899. 1558. Vin. 1536. REV. WALTER SANFORD" LYON [Marlin'. John", Ebenezer", Nathaniel*] was born in Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y., April 13, 1866. He married in Tyre, Seneca Co., N. Y., Sept. 26. 1888, Marilla Yates, daughter of Horatio and Clara (Cleveland) Yates of (23) 370 NATHANIEL LYON OF WARREN Homer, N, Y. He was educated in the Cazenovia Seminary and began to preach in 1891; joined the Conference in 1897. He has served the following charges: P-erryville, one year; New Woodstock, three years; Stockbridge, six years; Moravia (where he now is, 1905) three years. Children of Walter S. and Marllla (Yates) Lyon: 1678. L Marlin H.; b. Aug. 24, 1893. 1573. II. Elma S.; b. Jan. 20, 1896. 1674. III. Burr Vincent; b. March 6, 1898. 1560. VIII. 1542. ELIZABETH D.* LYON (SMITH) [Merritt D.* Merritt', Ebenezer", Nathaniel*] was born Oct. 21, 1861. She was married May 11, 1881, to Horace K. Smith of Nelson, N. Y. Children of Horace K. and Elizabeth D. (Lyon) Smith: 1675. I. Mary Frances; b. March 27, 1882. 1676. IL Merritt Allen; b. June 28, 1885. 1561. VIII. 1542. DAVID CASE" LYON [Merritt D.', Merritt', Ebenezer°, Nathaniel*] was born Sept. 17, 1863. He married, Aug. 17, 1885, Almeda May Hollenbeck of Vienna, Oneida Co., N. Y. Children of David C. and Almeda M. (Hollenbeck) Lyon: 1577. I. Camilla Agmes; b. Oct. 30, 1887. 1678. II. Merritt Dewltt; b. March 25. 1889. SAMUEL LYON, OF HARTFORD, CONN. SAMUEL LYONt [possibly No. 198; probably a descendant of Richard* in the fifth generation, although there is a family tradition that the original immigrant was from Holland], married Eunice . Samuel is said to have been a brother-in-law of Governor Treadwell of Connecticut. Son of Samuel and Eunice ( ) Lyon: ♦1601. I. Levi C; b. Hartford, Conn., 1791. 1601. VI. 1600. LEVI C LYON [Samuel'] born in Hartford, Conn., 1791. He married first about 1811, Anna* Slocum [Fitzgerald', Eleazer', John', Eliezer*, Eliezer', Giles^ Anthony*] of Boston. Mass., later of Saratoga Co., N. Y. They removed about 1816 to Onandaga Co., N. Y., and thence in 1831 to Detroit, Mich., where the wife died twenty years later. He married second Mrs. Lord, a widow, and they lived near New Hudson, Mich. She died 1865; he died 1869. Children of Levi C. and Anna (Slocum) Lyon: ♦1602. I. Anson E.; b. June 24, 1812; m. Miranda Sheldon. 1603. IL Elizabeth Ann; b. Ballston, N. T., 1815; d. 1834. 1604. III. Sarah Matilda; b. Otlsco, N. T., 1817; m. 1839 Ellas Headstrom, who d. In Detroit, Mich. 1855; 9 children. 1605. IV. Salome; b. 1821, at Spafford, N. T.; m. 1837 Jacob Condo, in Detroit, Mich.; she d. 1849; 4 sons; 3 daughters. 1606. V. Catharine; b. Edinburgh, N. T., 1825; d. 1834. 1607. VI. Samuel; b. Edinburgh, N. Y., 1826; m. in Detroit and d. there 1847; no issue. 1608. VII. Emily Elizabeth; b. Edinburgh, N. T., 1830. 1602. VII. 1601. ANSON E.' LYON [Levi C, Samuel"] was bora In Edinburgh Township, N. Y., June 24, 1812, and came to Detroit. Mich, with his parents in 1831. He engaged there in mercantile busi- ness. He married in Detroit in 1839, Miranda, daughter of Frederick and Sarah ( ) Sheldon. Children of Anson E. and Miranda (Sheldon) Lyon: 1609. I. Edward, b. Jaclison, Mich., April 25, 1840; d. Detroit, Mich., 1888. •1610. II. George Washingrton; b. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 18, 1844. •1611. III. AdeUne Eliza; b. Detroit, Jan. 15, 1846; m. Capt. William MIIU. tTo Samuel Lyon of Hartford is assigned the arbitrary number 1800. i 372 SAMUEL LYON OF HARTFORD 1612. IV. Duncan; b. Nov. 1848; m. 1880 Emma Hardy; no ch.; he d. April 26, 1886; Bhe res. (1905) Detroit, Mich. 1613. V. Anson Wright; b. Detroit. Nov. 26, 1850; d. Detroit, 1878. 1614. VI. Mary Miranda; b. May 1, 1853; unm.; In 1905 Matron at Home for the Helpless, Lapeer, Mich. •1616. VII. John Henry; b. Detroit, July 26, 1860. 1610. VIII. 1602. GEORGE WASHINGTON* LYON [Anson E.% Levi C, SamueP], born in Detroit, Mich., Nov. 18, 1844. He married In 1865 Mary Ann Deselia of Detroit. She died Aug. 25, 1883. Children of George W. and Mary Ann (Deselia) Lyon, born in Detroit: ♦1616. I. George Washington Jr.; b. Aug. 30, 1866; res. Detroit, Mich. •1617. II. Harry Guy; b. Dec. 29, 1881. 1611. VIII. 1602. ADELINE ELIZABETH' LYON (MILLS) [An- son E.', Levi C.», SamueP] born in Detroit Jan. 15, 1846. She married In 1867 Capt. William Mills. Children of William and Adeline E. (Lyon) Mills: 1618. I. George; d. in Infancy, 186 8-9. 1619. II. Cora; b. 1869; d. Aug. 30, 1887. 1620. III. Daughter; d. In Infancy. 1615. VIII. 1602. JOHN HENRY* LYON [Anson E.^ Levi C*. SamueP], born Detroit, July 26, 1860. He married Susan Cowie of Glencove, Ont. Res. (1905) 136 Winder St., Detroit, Mich. Children of John Henry and Susan (Cowle) Lyon: 1621. I. Duncan; b. Sept. 1884. 1622. II. Irene; b. 1888; d. in infancy. 1623. IIL Edmund; b. 1892. 1616. EK. 1610. GEORGE WASHINGTON' LYON, JR. [George W.», Anson E.^ Levi C, SamueP] was born in Detroit Aug. 30, 1866. He married June 2, 1894 Catharine Sophia Lichtenberg, daughter of Christian and Annie (Bowers) Lichtenberg, Children of George W. and Catharine S. (Lichtenberg) Lyon: 1624. I. George Wellington; b. Aug. 18, 1895. 1625. II. Marguerette; b. Sept. 19, 1896. 1626. III. Edward; b. Feb. 10. 1899. 1617. IX. 1610. HARRY GUY» LYON [George W.», Anson E.', Levi C, SamueP] was born in Detroit, Mich., Dec. 29, 1881. He mar- ried Dec. 29, 1902, Florence Scott of Port Huron, Mich. Son of Harry Guy and Florence (Scott) L#yon: 1687. 1. Mose, b. Oct. 9, 1903. WILLIAM LYON, OF NEW HAVEN, CONN. The ancestry of William Lyon of Boston and New Haven (clrc. 1695-1743) has not yet been ascertained, but he was almost certainly not of either of the Fairfield families. It is likely that he belonged to one of the Dorchester families, or possibly even may have been a grandson of William of Roxbury. Boston records give us the fact of his marriage, Dec. 9, 1714, to Experience Hayward [Howard], and note the birth of three children: 1. William, born April 10, 1716; 2. Many, born Dec. 16, 1717; 3. Experience, born March 8, 1719. We find him some years later, probably about 1730-35, the purchaser of a part of the old homestead of Samuel Gilbert of New Haven (d. 1721). He was a tailor, and it is stated that he was the first Lyon to cqme to New Haven. The children who came with him to New Haven were William and Experience. After the death of the first William, the old house was occupied for a time by the widow and her two children. In 1747 it was sold to Silence Hayward, evidently a sister of Exper- ience. In 1754 it was purchased by John Brainerd who had become the husband of Experience Lyon. John Brainerd, born at Haddam, Conn., Feb. 28, 1722, son of Hon. Hezeklah and Dorothy (Mason) Brainerd, was a younger brother of David Brainerd, the devoted mis- sionary to the Indians. John was a graduate of Yale College 1746. After the death of David (1747) John succeeded him, laboring with equal zeal and success, albeit under great discouragements, in the same field in New Jersey. He afterwards preached in Newark, and elsewhere in New Jersey, settling finally in Deerfleld, where he died March 18, 1781. Experience (Lyon) Brainerd had died many years before (1757), and shortly afterwards two of their three children. The third, Mary Brainerd, married Dr. Ross of New Jersey. John Brainerd married a second wife, a widow, Mrs. Experience Price, who survived him and died in 1793. They had no children. William Lyon, son of William and Experience Hayward Lyon, married, April 24, 1747, Lois Mansfield and was father of Col. William Lyon, born March 6, 1748; d. Oct. 12, 1830 (G. R. New Haven Ceme- tery), who took a prominent part in the Revolutionary history of New Haven, and later became president of the New Haven Bank. HON. LUCIUS LYON, OF MICHIGAN. Without attempting to settle the question of the ancestry of this eminent mant, we offer here a brief sketch of his life. He was bom In Shelburne, Vt. Feb. 26, 1800; son of Asa Lyon a farmer but a man highly esteemed in the community in which he lived. [Note that Rev. Asa Lyon of South Hero, Vermont, married a Shelburne lady and was a contemporary of this Asa]. Hi's mother was Sarah Atwater, daugh- ter of Ambrose Atwater of Wallingford, Conn. Lucius studied engin- eering and land surveying in Burlington, Vt. At the age of twenty two he went to Detroit, Mich., and was appointed by the U. S. Surveyor General one of his deputies for the district northwest of the Ohio. He was elected delegate from the Territory of Michigan to U. S. Congress and served as long as Michigan remained a territory. He was a member of the convention called to form a constitution for the new State. He was particularly active in the convention in se- curing the adoption of those provisions by which public lands were set apart to secure a permanent -endowment for the educational in- stitutions of the State. He was elected by the first State Legislature Senator in Congress and served in that capacity until 1839 when he removed his residence to Grand Rapids and devoted himself to devel- oping the natural resources of that part of the state. Subsequently he was appointed by President Polk U. S. Surveyor General for the States of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, his office to be located In Detroit as a condition of acceptance. He was always actively Inter- ested in public affairs, and was one of the first Board of Regents ap- pointed by Governor Mason in 1837. In his earlier days he was one of those interested in the Detroit Hydraulic Company which held tJonathan Lyon, probably No. 141, came to Shelburne, Vt. In 1788, from Bedding, Conn., with sons Robert and WlUlam and three daughters. Jonathan died In the spring of 1791. Asa may possibly have been his son. It Is perhaps more likely that he was No. 154, a cousin of Jonathan. We know that brothers of both Jonathan and Asa settled in Berkshire Co., Mass. The Rev. Asa Lyon from VVoodstock, Conn., who settled in South Hero, Vt., 1795, was of an entirely different family, and is mentioned In this connection merely to say that he could not have been the father of Lucius. Lucius Lyon was the oldest son \n a family of seven children. It Is stated that his ancestral line in Connec- ticut runs back to the earliest days of the New Haven Colony. For a detailed account of his life, see Mich. Pioneer Collections, Vol. XIII. LYON PIONEERS IN MICHIGAN. 375 a franchise for supplying the city with water. The plant of the com- pany was purchased by the City in 1836. In Grand Rapids, Lyon Street was named in his honor. Lucius Lyon remained a bachelor, sharing his home in his later y^ears with a maiden sister. He died In Detroit, Sept. 24, 1851. LYON PIONEERS IN MICHIGAN. The name Lyon appears first in Michigan, so far as known to the writer, about 1780, when there was at the military post at Michlll Mackinac a Benjamin Lyon, of whose antecedents, however, nothing kas been ascertained. He seems not to have become a permanent resi- dent in Michigan. In 1822 Lucius Lyon came to the territory from Vermont, as has already been stated. He was almost certainly of the family of Richard Lyon of Fairfield, Four years later Timothy Lyon of the same family (No. 321 of the foregoing record) came to Plymouth, Mich., from New York State. Next, about 1830, Samuel Lyon, a descendant of Thomas Lyon of Rye, came from New York to Ann Arbor. Some of his descendants still live in Michigan, at Scio, St. John's and else- where. Some descendants of William Lyon of Roxbury have settled In Michigan — none at any very early date. Among them may be men- tioned particularly Emerson Lyon (No. 764) who settled in Jackson, and Royal C. Lyon (No. 1009) who came to Bengal 1853. The family of Henry Lyon was represented by Isaac Lyon (No. 727 In the record), at one time prominently engaged in the lumber industry of the state From New York State, of unknown ancestry, came Clorinda Lyon died Summit, Jackson Co., Nov. 20, 1899, ae. 87 y., and (about 1856) three sons and a married daughter of Daniel Lyon of Walworth, Wayne Co. (See Lyon memorial, Mass. Families, p. 313.) Of Horatio Lyon, who died at Eagle, Clinton Co., Aug. 21, 1887. ae. 82, having lived at Eagle more than 40 years, nothing is known to the writer. J. B. Lyon, an old resident of Flint, Mich., who died about 1906 was of a Vermont family whose origin has not been traced, descended perhaps from Richard. The family removed about 1790-1800 to New 376 LYON PIONEERS IN MICHIGAN. York State, settling mostly in Ontario Co. There was six brothers: 1. Simeon, settled at Naples, N. Y., and died there; 2. Alanson, also died in Naples; 3. Justus, died at Clymer, Cataraugus Co., N. Y.; 4. Jonathan, removed finally to Illinois, and died there; 5. Joshua, came to Naples about 1800 and died there; 6, Oliver, died in Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y. There were also several sisters who came to New York State. The parents, names not ascertained, died also in Naples, N. Y. The youngest son of Joshua, J. B. Lyon, born Nov. 1819, came as a pioneer to Michigan and settled in Flint. There remain for more extended notice three prominent names belonging to a Lyon family of Shelburne Vt., from which place also Hon. Lucius Lyon came. Presumably these were of the family of Richard Lyon of Fairfield, yet the evidence is inconclusive. We know that In 1788, a Jonathan Lyon with sons Robert and William, also four daughters, came to Shelburne from Redding, Conn. This was no doubt No, 141 of the foregoing record. Another Lyon, Timothy, came to Shelburne as early as 1795. That name was not uncommon in the family of Richard Lyon, yet this particular Timothy has not been identified. Very possibly he may have been Timothy of Lanesboro, Mass., No. 156. The Lyons who came to Michigan were of this family. § TIMOTHY LYON married Mary Hawley. Among his children were: 1. Truman Hawley, born Shelburne, Feb. 24, 1801 and 2. Edward, born Shelburne, June 12, 1805. Truman Hawley Lyon came to Lyons, Michigan 1836. He kept a hotel in that place, became a Justice of the Peace and held other local oflices. He was superintendent of light houses on Lake Michigan, and let contracts for their construction. In 1840 he went to Grand Rapids, where he kept a hotel and was a merchant and for many years post-master. He was State Senator 1853. Died Sept. 14, 1872. His wife, whose maiden name was Lucinda Farnham, survived him, and a few years ago was still living, ae. 91. Judge Truman H. Lyon had seven sons and one daughter. EDWARD LYON, son of Timothy and Mary (Hawley) Lyon, in his early years was engaged in the steam boat business on Lake Cham- SAsa Lyon, father of Lucius may have beea No. 154. This would fall m with the hypothesis that the Timothy Lyon who also went to Shelburne, Vt., wa« No. 156, as suggested In the text. LYON PIONEERS IN MICHIGAN. 377 plain.t He went to Cleveland about 1833 and kept the best hotel In that city for several years. In 1836 he came to Detroit and thence to Ionia County, Mich., where he founded the town of Lyons. In 1840 he returned to Detroit and bought the National Hotel, where after- wards stood the Russell House, and now Us successor, the Pontchar- train. This he kept six years, after which he assumed the manage- ment of the Michigan Exchange, and for forty years maintained there the reputation he had won of realizing the ideal host. JAMES D. LYON, eldest son of Judge Truman H. Lyon was bom in Livingston Co., N. Y., Jan. 15, 1825. He came to Michigan in 1836. He was deputy Post-master in Grand Rapids 1861-1865; Constable 1852, Assessor 1856, City Treasurer 1869, City Marshal 1872. In 1848 he established a book and stationery business in Grand Rapids, A brother, C. D. Lyon, is of the firm Eaton, Lyon & Co. Another brother, Farnham Lyon, keeps the Bancroft House in Saginaw. TRUMAN HAWLEY LYON, JR., another son of Judge Truman H. Lyon, was born at Parishville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 24, 1826. In 1836 the family moved to Michigan. He was in Detroit 1847-1850, with his uncle, in Michigan Exchange Hotel; returned to Grand Rapids and was in drug business there 1859-1861; in 1870 became proprietor of Sweet's Hotel. He married first, Nov. 1851, at Grand Rapids, Miss Delia Morton, daughter of Russell Morton. They had two children. He married second Miss Eliza Blair of Grand Rapids, sister of James Blair, Esq., and by her had one daughter. tDan Lyon, of Burlington, was for nearly twenty years (18 25-184'J) Captain of one or another of five passenger steamers that ran on Lake Champlaln. between Burlington and Plattsburgh, and won the admiration of travellers of that day. It is likely that he was of the same family as Edward. ADDENDA. SAMUEL S. LYON, son of John S. Lyon (page 251). Prom an obituary notice, the following items are gleaned. He was born in Parsippany, N. J. in 1905. He settled in Boonton about 1865, engaging there in mercantile business. He was at one time mayor of the town. In 1888 he was elected to the New Jersey Assembly, and served as reading clerk in the house. He was appointed by President McKin- ley, about 1898, U. S. Consul to Kobe, Japan, and was serving his second term in that capacity when he was stricken with paralysis March 29, 1904. He married first Righter, of Parsippany and second Mary Eugenie Estler, of Boonton. Five children survived him; J. Righter Lyon and Miss Gussie Lyon by his first wife and Raymond (b. 1897), Lew Eugene (b. 1900) and Carlton (b. 1892) by his second wife. PETER LYON, Jr., No. 162, pp. 268-279. According to his grand- son, Marvin B. Lyon, Peter had: 1, David Silliman, born March 18; 1802; 2, Sherwood; 3, Morris; 4, Andrew; 5, Sener, m. Lucius French; perhaps other children. David S. Lyon married Iva Chase, of Tompkins Co., N. Y.; lived last in Sparta, O.; died May 2, 1889, at Traverse City, Mich., at home of his son Edwin. Children of David S. and Iva (Chase) Lyon: Marvin B., born Tompkins, Co., N. Y., Nov. 24, 1830; 2, Cornelia, born June 8, 1832; died in summer of 1857; 3, Edwin L., born July 7, 1837; died Oct. 30, 1906, in Traverse City, Mich.; 4, Daniel E., born March 21, 1841, res. (1907) Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Marvin B. Lyon resides in Bloomfield, Morrow Co., O., where he has been post master forty-five years, and has held important public oflOices. He married Jan. 1, 1852, at Hilliar twp., Knox Co., O., Selina Chadwick. Their children were: 1, Or! in M., born Dec. 24, 1852; married Hena Gray [a son, Clarence A., married Maggie Kees]; 2, Ernest W., born Feb. 26, 1856; died Feb. 27, 1893; m. Dec. 1880, Ida B. Lloyd; a son, EInner 0., was born Jan. 7, 1889. i ADDENDA. 87U REV. PHILIP LYON, who was settled at one time In NapoU, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., is believed by his grandson, Ernest Neal Lyon. to have been of the family of Richard, of Fairfield. The belief aeema to have no definite foundation, since it postulates also kinship with both General Nathaniel Lyon of Ashford, and Mary Lyon, whose grand- father was of Sturbridge, Mass. Philip Lyon is said to have been born in Northampton, Mass. This together with the fact that the name Philipt occurs among descendants in Masaachusetts of William Lyon of Roxbury, Inclines one to look rather to Woodstock than to Fairfield for the ancestors of this Baptist minister. The question cannot, however, be settled by any evidence in hand. All that has been ascertained is that Philip married a Northampton girl, Susan Curtis, and that they had a son, Adoniram Judson Lyon, born in Napoli, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ADONIRAM JUDSON LYON [Philip] was graduated from Mad- ison (now Colgate) University, and from Hamilton Theological Semi- nary and became a Baptist minister. He was pastor in Delaware and in Lancaster, Ohio, and in Greenfield, Mass., and resides (1905) In Huntington, O. He married at Fabius, N. Y., June 24, 1868, Mary E. Wheaton, daughter of Elmer and Ann E. (Stevens) Wheaton of Fabius. Children of Adoniram J. and Mary E. (Wheaton) Lyon: I. Frederick W.; b. Delaware, O., July 3, 1870; d. Greenfield, Mass., Jan. 14, 1876. II. Ernest Neal; b. Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 26, 1873. III. Grace V.; b. Rockport, Mass., Feb. 9, 1876. IV. Arthur H.; b. New Berlin, N. T., May 18, 1887. ERNEST NEAL LYON [Adoniram J., Philip], born in Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 26, 1873. Graduate of Colgate University (B. A. 1897). He is by pro- fession a teach- er, having been Prof, of Eng- lish Literature in Marion, Ala. Military Institute 1887-90; in Mount Hermon School, Northfield, Mass. 1900-02, and In Manual Training High School In Brooklyn. Address, 188 Prospect Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. He married, March 4, 1904, in Brooklyn, Amelia Stanner, daugh- ter of and Christine (Tietzel) Stanner. He is an occasional contributor, in prose and verse, to current magazines. St-^C^*?- /l/^o^ ^ tLyon Memorial, Massachusetts Famlllee, p. 43. LYON NAMES IN COLONIAL WARS. FROM WESTERN CONNECTICUT. [Nearly all of the family of Richard Lyon of Fairfield; possibly some of the family of Thomas Lyon of Kye.] Abel [Abell] Lyon (R No. 59); Capt. David Lacey (Fairfield), 7th Co., 4th Regt.; Oct. 13, 1756, sick at Albany. Asa Lyon ["Lion"] (R ?) ; Capt. Benjamin Hinman (Woodbury), 6th Co., 2nd Regt, April 28 to Oct. 26, 1755; also same Capt., 3rd Co., 4th Regt. enl. April 19, 1756, deserted June 10; also, Capt. (Sharon), 10th Co., 2nd Regt, April 14, 1761 to Jan. 3. 1762. Eliphus Lyon ["Elefast Lions"] (R. ?) ; Major 1st Regt., in hospital at Oswegatchie in fall of 1760. Einathan Lyon (R ?; probably not No. 29); Capt. James Smedley 2nd Co., 4th Regt. to Oct. 23, 1758; also Capt Samuel Hubbel (Fairfield), 5th Co., 3rd Regt, April 3 to Dec. 3, 1759; also drummer in 2nd Regt., Lieut. Col. James Smedley, March 16 to Dec. 6, 1762. Hezekiah Lyon (R No. 99 or 130) ; in Co. raised by Capt. Samuel Hubbel for 4th Regt. April 1, 1757; also sergeant under Capt. Samuel Hubbel, 5th Co., 3rd Regt. April 9 to Dec. 10, 1759. Hezekiah Lyon (R No. 130 or 99); 5th Co., Col. Lyman's Regt. March 29 to Nov. 26, 1757; also Capt. Samuel Hubbel, 5th Co., 3rd Regt. March 29 to July 5, 1759. [These records may relate to the same Hezekiah as the foregoing.] John Lyon (R No, 91 ?) ; Capt John Wood (Danbury), 8th Co., 4th Regt., in 1756; also, Capt. Samuel Hubbel (Fairfield), 5th Co., Col. Lyman's Regt., March 8 to Nov. 26, 1757. Joseph Lyon (R No. 98 ?); Capt David Bradley's Militia Co. (rode from Fairfield), relief of Fort William Henry, Aug. 7 to 23, 1757. Note. — In the succeeding pagres the several Lyon families are designated as follows: (H) Henry Lyon, of Newark; (R) Richard Lyon, of Fairfield; (T) Thomas Lyon, of Rye. LYON NAMES IN COLONIAL WARS. 381 Lemuel Lyon (R ?), in Co. raised by Capt. Samuel Hubbel (Fair- field) for 4th Regt., April 1, 1757. Noah Lyon ["Lion"]; Capt. Ebenezer Leech (Coventry), 9th Co., 3rd Regt., Sept. 8 to Nov. 20, 1755, also Capt. Noah Grant (Windsor), 7th Co., 2nd Regt., enl. April 8, 1756, deserted Oct. 20. 1756. Samuel Lyon (R ?, possibly two different Samuels; see Nos. 79 and 122); Capt. Street Hall (Wallingford), "New York" Regt. May 1755 and Nov. 1 to Dec. 2, 1755; also Capt. David Lacey (Fairfield), 7th Co., 4th Regt., sick at Fort Edward Oct. 13, 1756; at the same time there seems to have been a Samuel in the 8th Co., Capt. John Wood (Danbury); also Capt. Samuel Hubbel, Col. Lyman's Regt., enl. April 2, 1757; deserted; also Capt. Elmor (Sharon), 9th Co., 4th Regt., enl. Apr. 11, 1758; deserted June 28; also Capt. Samuel Hubbel (Fair- field), 5th Co., 3rd Regt. April 3 to Sept. 21, 1759; also Lieut. Col. James Smedley, 2nd Co., 2nd Regt., May 13 to Dec. 20, 1761; also Capt. Joseph Halt (Stamford), 4th Co., Col. Putnam's Battalion, enl. April 5, 1764; deserted. [Evidently one Samuel was a "quitter."] Seth Lyon (R No. 101 or 120); Capt. Samuel Hubbel (Fairfield). 5th Co., 3rd Regt., April 6 to Dec. 3, 1759. Thomas Lyon (R?) ; Capt. Phineas Lyman (SuflBeld), 1st Co., 1st Regt., May 26 to Oct. 10, 1735. Timothy Lyon (R. No. 55 ); Capt. James Smedley's Militia Co., relief of Fort William Henry, Aug. 1757. William Lyon (R ?); Capt. White; relief of Fort William Henry. Aug. 1757; also Capt. David Waterbury, 4th Co., 4th Regt., April 8 to Nov. 13, 1758; also [perhaps a different William], Capt. Gideon Toralin- son, 6th Co., 3rd Regt. April 15 to Dec. 2, 1759; also in hospital, Albany. Nov. 13, 1760; also Capt. John Spaulding, 12th Co., 1st Regt. April 18 to Dec. 15, 1761. LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. I. FROM NEW JERSEY. [All, as far as identified, descendants of Henry Lyon of Newark.] Aaron Lyon [?] Militia; priv., Morris Co. Abraham Lyon [No. 204] Line; Capt. 7th Comp., 4th Batt., Col. Bph- raim Martin; also Militia; Capt. in 2nd Reg., Essex Co. Abnam Lyon [possibly No. 164 or 470] Militia; priv., Squire's Comp,, 2nd Reg., Essex Co. Asher Lyon [?] Militia; priv. Morris Co. Benjamin Lyon [No. 284] Militia; priv. Capt. Marsh's Troop Light Horse, Essex Co. Daniel Lyon [No. 102] Militia; priv. Capt. Marsh's Troop Light Horse, Essex Co. David Lyon [No. 306 seems probable; Nos. 174, 178, 180, 387 and 430 are possible] Barrack Master; pension. Ebenezer Lyon [No. 385?] Militia; priv. 2nd Reg., Essex Co. Elias Lyons [probably not desc. of Henry] Line; priv. Anderson's Comp., 4th Batt., 2nd Estab.; also Militia; Hunterdon Co. Elisha Lyon [?] Line; priv. 3rd Reg. Enos Lyon [No. 153] Line; priv. 2nd Reg. 1st Batt; also Militia; Nichol's Comp. 2nd Reg., and Pierson's Comp.; pension. Gideon Lyon [?] Militia; priv. Duryea's Comp., 1st Batt., Somerset Co. Henry Lyon [No. 315] Line; Baldwin's Reg. Artificers; pension. Henry Lyon [possibly No. 134 or 189] Line; Luce's Comp., 2nd Batt., 2nd estab.; also Militia; priv. Stillwell's Comp., 4th Reg., Hunter- don Co. I J LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Henry Lyon [?] Militia; priv. Abraham Lyon's Comp,, 2nd Reg., Eb8«z Co. Isaac Lyon [No. 133] Militia; priv., Morris Co. James Lyon [No, 314] Line; Baldwin's Reg., Artificers; pension. Jediah Lyon [probably same as following] Line; priv. Cox's Comp., 3rd Reg. Jedediah Lyonf [?] Militia; priv. 1st Reg., corp. 2nd Reg. John Lyon [possibly one of the following Nos. 131, 132, 145, 171, 431] Militia; priv. Morris Co. John Lyons [?] Line; priv. 1st Batt., 2nd estab.; also Capt. Philip's Comp., 2nd Reg. [the name may have been really Lyon]. Jonas Lyons [possibly No. 143] Line. Jonathan Lyon [possibly 191 or 479] Line; priv.; pension. Joseph Lyon [No. 324] Militia; priv. Reeve's Comp. (and others), 2nd Reg., also Craig's Comp., State Troops, Essex Co. Matthias Lyon [No. 101] Line; Capt. in Col. Van Courtland's Batt.; also Militia; Capt. in 2nd Reg., Essex Co. Moses Lyon [No. 100] Militia; priv. Abraham Lyon's Comp., 2nd Reg. Essex Co. Moses Lyon [No. 136] Line; Lindley's Comp. of Artificers; also Dami»' Troop of Express Riders; pension. Moses Lyon [No. 155] ; granted a pension in 1840 for military service. Moses Lyon [No. 319] ; Drummer boy in Essex Co. Militia. Nathan Lyon [?] Line; priv. Flanagan's Comp., 3rd Batt., 2nd estab. Nathaniel Lyon [No. 316] Line; priv. Capt. Abraham Lyon's Comp., 4th ■ Batt., 2nd estab.; also Militia; priv. Daniel Wood's Comp., Ist Reg. Essex Co.; pension. tJedediah Lyon Is said to have enlisted from Lyons Farms. "• f*" '" *^* battles m the Jerseys, and at Valley Forge, where from exposure he wa,crlPPlea for life. He had a son Grossman, who married Prlscllla Truman their dauBh or Mary Brlce Lyon, married Isaac Starr VSrilllams, and was mother of PrlsclU* Lyon Williams, D. A. R. 384 LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Samuel Lyon [No. 303] Militia; priv., Bergen Co. Serring Lyons [?] Line; priv. 1st Batt., 2n(i estab.; Mead's Comp., 1st Reg. Solomon Lyon [?] Line; priv. 1st Batt., 2nd estab.; also Militia; priv. Jones' Comp,, 2nd Batt., Somerset Co. Stephen Lyon [possibly No. 138, 152 or 193] Militia; priv., Essex Co. Tappan Lyon [No. 304]; died in Sugar House Prison. William Lyon [possibly No. 200 or 205] Militia; priv. 3rd Reg., Mid- dlesex Co; William Lyons [?] Line; priv. Ross' Comp., 3rd Batt., 2nd estab.; Cox's Comp., 2nd Reg. M. FROM RHODE ISLAND. [Probably of the family of Henry Lyon of Newark.] Daniel Lyon [?] priv. Col. Topham's Reg. Daniel Lyon [perhaps the same as the foregoing], priv. Col. Elliott's Reg. 1776. 3. FROM WESTERN CONNECTICUT. [Belonging to the families of Richard Lyon of Fairfleld and of Thomas Lyon of Fairfield and Rye.] Amos Lyon (T No. 166) ; priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Mead, Aug. 13 to Sept. 7, 1776; also Corp. 9th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Mead, "at the Saw Pits" Nov. 1, 1776 to Jan. 11, 1777. Caleb Lyon (T No. 163) ; armorer, 9th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. Matthew Mead, Aug. 13 to Sept. 8, 1776; also under same Captain, Oct. 1776. [Caleb served also in Westchester Co. (N, Y.) Militia]. Daniel Lyon (T No. 164); Sergeant, 9th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Mead, Nov. 1, 1776 to Jan. 11, 1777. David Lyon (R No. 189?); priv. 7th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Isaac Bostwick (of New Milford) July 12 to Dec. 21, 1775; also 13th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Fuller, Aug. 12 to Sept. 19, 1776. i LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONAEY WAR. 3g5 Eliphalet Lyon (R No. 100); priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Jonathan DI- mond (of Fairfield), May 1775; also 4th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt George Burr, Oct. 5 to Oct. 21, 1777, Enos Lyon [Lion] (R ?) ; priv. Col. Charles Burrell's Regt.. Conn. Line. Capt. John Stevens (of Canaan); enl. March 12, 1776; re-engaged Nov. 18; service in Northern Department. Ephraim Lyon (R No. 121) ; Lieut. 4th Regt. Conn. Militia; appointed May 1774. Hezekiah Lyon (R No. 207?); priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Jonathan Dl- mond (of Fairfield) May 1775; also Bradley's Battalion, Capt. Elijah Abel (of Fairfield), 1776; also Gen. Waterbury's State Bri- gade, Capt. Charles Smith, enl. March 15, 1781; service on West- chester line. Isaac Lyon (R No. 261?); priv. 8th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Nathan Stoddard (of Woodbury), enl. April 25, 1777 for 8 months, then re-enlisted for 3 years but d. Feb. 1, 1778 [the company wintered at Valley Forge]. Job Lyon (T No. 168) ; priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Mead, Aug. 13 to Sept. 25, 1776; was drawing pension in Fairfield County in 1832. John Lyon [Loynes] (R?); priv, 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Nehe- miah Rice (of Waterbury); March 30 to Dec. 31, 1781. Joshua Lyon (T? ); of Greenwich, pensioner 1840. Joseph Lyon (R No. 98?); priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Jonathan Dimond (of Fairfield), May 1775; also 7th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Charles Webb (of Stamford), July 19 to Dec. 22, 1775; also 9th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. James Green Aug. and Sept. 1776; also under same command Nov. 1, 1776 to Jan. 11, 1777; also 4th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. George Burr, enl. Oct. 5, 1777; also 8th Regt. Conn. Line, July 6 to Dec. 14, 1780. Nathan Lyon (R?); pensioner in Fairfield County 1832. Nathaniel Webb Lyon [probably Nehemiah Webb (R No. 137]; pensioner in Fairfield Co., 1832. (24) 386 LYON NAMES IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR- Nehemiah Webb Lyon (R No. 137); priv. Col. Watfrbury's Brigade, Conn. Militia, Capt. Bennett; in service at Greeia Farms, March 15, 1781. Noah Lyon (T No. 167); "of Greenwich;" priv. i» Capt. Abraham Mead's company, called out on Lexington Alarm, April 1775; also 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Thomas Hobby, Mpy 10 to Dec. 8, 1775; also Conn. Militia, Capt. Abraham Mead, Nov. 1 to Jan. 11, 1777. Pelatiah Lyon (T?); priv. 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Matthew Mead, May 8 to Dec. 13, 1775. Peter Lyon (R No. 162?); of Branford; priv. 6th Regt. Conn. Line. Capt. Elisha Ely; enl. June 13, 1777, "for the war"; also 4th Regt. Conn. Line (6th Regt. of previous formation) Jan. 1, to Dec. 31, 1781. Reuben Lyon (R?) ; priv. Bradley's Battalion 1776, Capt. Elijah Abel (of Fairfield). Samuel Lyon (R? ); priv. Bradley's Battalion, 1776, Capt. Elijah Abel (of Fairfield); also 2nd Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. John Mills (of Fairfield), enl. Sept. 1, 1777, "for the war"; also Seth Warner's Regt., enl. Dec. 23, 1779, "for the war"; continued 1781; also 3rd Regt. Conn. Line, Capt. Edward Bulkley (of Wethersfield), Jan. 17 to Dec. 31, 1781. Seth Lyon (R? No. 101?); priv. Conn. Militia, Capt. Jonathan Dimond (Fairfield), May 1775; also 4th Regt. Conn. Militia, Capt. George Burr, Oct. 5 to 21, 1777. Stephen Lyon, Jr. (R? No. 138); priv. with Nehemiah Webb Lyon, Col. Waterbury's Brigade, Conn. Militia, Capt. Bennett, in service at Oreen Farms March 15, 1781. J LYON NAMES IN WAR OF 1812. FROM WESTERN CONNECTICUT. [Probably all of the family of Richard Lyon of Fairfield.] Anson Lyon, musician; Fairfield, Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, 1814. Burr Lyon, private, Fairfield, April 15 to 17, 1816. Dana Lyon, private, , Sept. 13 to Oct. 30, 1813. Daniel Lyon, private, Fairfield, April 15 to 17, 1814. David Lyon, private, Stamford; Sept. 8 to 13, 1813. David Lyon, private, Bridgeport, July 12 to Sept. 9, 1814. Floyd Lyon; private, Stamford, Sept. 8 to 13, 1813. John Lyon; private, Fairfield, April 15 to 16, 1814 and Sept. 30 to Oct 1. 1814. Merrit Lyon; Corporal, Stamford, Sept. 8 to 13, 1813. Nehemiah Lyon; private, , Sept. 14 to Nov. 1, 1813. Samuel Lyon ["Lyons"]; private, Stamford, Sept. 8 to 13, 1815. Shubael Lyon; private, Stamford, Sept. 8 to 13, 1813. GRADUATES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Aurelius Augustine Lyon, 1859; physician; res. Nasliville, Tenn. Charles A. Lyon, 1901; res. East Orange, N. J., 78 N. Grove St. Chester M. Lyon, 1905; res. East Orange, N. J. David Lyon, 1813; died 1813. David Lyon, 1836; born Basking Ridge, N. J.; grad. Princeton Theo- logical Seminary, 1839; d. Sloansville, N. Y., 1906. See p. 251. Edwin Crane Lyon, Jr., 1902; res., Morristown, N. J. Edward Davis Lyon, 1876; Ph. D.; res. New York City, 622 Fifth Ave. George Wood Lyon, 1896; res. (1902) Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. Harry E. Lyon, 1901; res. East Orange, N. J., 78 N. Grove St. James Lyon, 1759; A. M., 1762; Rev.; died Machias, Me., 1794. See p. 241. James Adair Lyon, 1872; Ph. D.; res. Clarksville, Tenn. John G. Lyon; student for a time (since 1896); res. Martinsburg, W. Va., 522 W. Burke St. Joseph Lyon, 1763; Rev.; d. 1821. Lorenzo Grenville Lyon, 1892; son of Phoebus W. Lyon; teacher in Staten Island Academy, New Brighton, N. Y. Phoebus W. Lyon, honorary A. M. 1890. Richard Bruff Lyon, 1891; res. Morristown, N. J. Theodoric Cecil Lyon, 1859; d. . William James Lyon, 1867; res. New York City, 280 Broadway. LYON NAMES PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Aaron Woodruff Lyon, 1825 ; born Elizabeth, N. J., July 11, 1797; grad. Union Coll. 1824; d. Fresno, Calif., Oct. 23, 1888. David Lyon, 1836 — 9; born Basking Ridge, N. J. April 27, 1812; grad. Princeton Coll. 1836; d. Sloansville, N. Y., 1906. See p. 251. David Calderwood Lyon 1842 — 5; born Oswegatchie, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1809; grad. Union Coll. 1842; d. St. Paul, Minn. May 10, 1888. George Armstrong Lyon, 1825 ; born Baltimore, Md. March 1, 1806; grad. Dickinson Coll. 1824; preached in Erie, Pa.; d. Avon, N. Y. March 24, 1871. Henvey Lyon, 1824—7; born Walden, N. Y. 1800; grad. Union Coll. 1823; Phi Beta Kappa; lived in Ohio; d. March 7, 1863. Isaac L.- Lyon, 1847—8; born Ogdensburg N. Y., March 9, 1822; grad. Union Coll. 1847; d. Redlands, Calif. See page 727. James Adair Lyon, 1832 — 6; born Jonesboro, Tenn., April 19, 1814; grad. Washington Coll., Tenn. 1832; d. Holly Springs, Miss., May 15, 1882. [Evidently father of James A. Lyon who grad. Princeton Coll. 1872]. John Lyon, 1841 ; born Carlisle, Pa., 1821; since 1886 has lived in Philadelphia, Pa. William Lyon, 1839; b. Carlisle, Pa. Aug. 3, 1819; d. Richmond, Va.. June 9, 1862. ERRATA AND NOTES Page 38, last line— For Faidfield read Fairfield. Page 88, after line 4 from bottom — Add: 42a. rV. Mary; m. Nathan Foster (according to S. R. Winans, Jr., but see No. 29). Page 96, line 9 from bottom— John Winans died May 22, 1733; Bethla (Lyon) Winans died July 10, 1766. Page 97, line 5 — For Grumman read Grommon, the earlier spelling of the name; after line 21 add: 129g. IV. Bethia; m. Coe. Page 101, line 4 — ^For (Johns) read (Johnes). According to S. R. Winans, Jr. Henry Lyon married Mary, not Hannah Wood. Page 111, line 19 — For Medham read Mendham; line 8 from bottom — For Guernig read Guerin, as in line 6. Page 113, line 21— Read William D. Page 121, line 16 from bottom — For Medham read Mendham. Page 123, line 1 — For Hill grove read Hillgrove. Page 127, after line 7 from bottom add: 610a. VI. David. Page 138, line 17— According to S. R. Winans, Jr., Mary (No. 723d) was unmarried; line 19— Read: 723e. V. Ann; b. March 10, 1810; d. Aug. 20, 1880; m. as 2nd wife Samuel R. Winans and had two sons: 1, James; b. 1846; 2, Samuel R., Jr.; b. 1855. Page 138, line 22— Read: 723g. VII. Charles; b. Sept. 3, 1814; d. Feb. 18, 1898; m. Sarah E. Bruen; children: 1, Caroline, unm.; 2, Mary G.; m. Ed. Bloomfield and had children; 3, Charles T.; m. and had children. Page 140, line 12— For "or" read "of." Page 147, line 4— For "annd" read "and"; line 8— Insert: He was a manufacturer and lived in Fall River, Mass. He married in 1848, in Fall River, Maria Louese Mowry, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Coggshall) Mowry of Fall River. Children of Nicholas U. and Maria L. (Mowry) Lyon, born In Fall River: 880 I. Matilda Frances; b. 1849; d. 1867. 881. II. Sarah Phebe; b. 1853; d. 1878; m. Byron K. Fish, 1874; no children. 888. III. Mariett liOnese; b. May 13, 1860; m. William Bowers. Page 150, line 6 — For Medham read Mendham. Page 154, line 27— Read "Warren County, Ohio." Page 161, line 14 — For Joseph C. Langdon read Joseph G. Langdon. Page 165, line 9 from bottom— Read "New Hartford, N. Y." ERRATA AND NOTES 391 Page 175, line 13 — For Daniel Liebee read David Liebee. Page 176, line 11 — For Cosad read Cosard. Page 177; No. 882— Read: 882. VII. 517. MARIETT LOUESE' LYON (BOWERS) [Nicholas TJ.*, Joseph', Joseph*, James», SamueP, Henry'] was born in Fall River, Mass., May 13, 1860. She married 1878 in Fall River, William Bowers, son of John and Margaret (Worswick) Bowers, of Fall River. Present address (1907) 2 Alancourt, Boonton, N. J. Children of William and Mariett L. (Lyon) Bowers: 1844. I. Nicholas l.yon; b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1879; d. 1881. 1346. II. Edmand Hanson; twin brother of Nicholas; m. 1904, In Brook- lyn, N. Y., Mabel Barnabee. 1346a. III. Marguerite Tenner; b. Brooklyn, N. T., 1881; d. 1891. 1346b. IV. Alice Monroe; b. Onset, Mass., 1886; d. 1886. 1346c. V. Adelaide L,yon; b. Brooklyn, N. T., 1889; d. 1889. 1846. VI. Raymond L,yon; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891. Page 196, line 9, also line 11 — For Bidlinger read Biddlnger. Page 204, line 13 — For Genessee read Genesee. Page 208, line 16 — For Middleton read Middletown; line 7 from bottom — For Domineck read Dominick. Page 229, line 7 from bottom — ^For Roy read Ray. Page 231, line 1 — For Leonides read Leonidas; line 12 — For Zenia read Xenia. Page 232, line 17, also line 18 — For Hosver read Hoover. Page 233, line 7 — For Sprietsma read Sprietama. Page 240, line 10 from bottom — For Shay's read Shays.' Page 261, No. 58 — John Lyon was mobbed as a tory In March. 1775. He joined the British 1776, assisted in raising the King's Rangers and acted as guide; with wife and two sons, Reuben and John, Jr., he went to Kingston, N. S., about 1783. Estate forfeited, valued at £1,790-14-6. He presented claims to British and was allowed £590. The following is a list of "loyalists" in Redding— published in the Gazetteer by Mr. John Lyon Feb. 23, 1775: Lieut. Daniel Lyon (No. 50), Lieut. Peter Lyon (No. 57), Ebenezer Lyon (perhaps No. 259, who may have been a son of No. 48), Eli Lyon (No. 61). Gershom Lyon, Jr., (No. 152?; see No. 44), Jabez Lyon (No. 142), Jesse Lyon, (?) John Lyon (No. 58), Jonathan Lyon (No. 141), Joseph Lyon (No. 59), Thomas Lyon (perhaps No. 44). Joseph Lyon (No. 59) resided in Fair- field, but owned 150 acres of land in Redding. Estate forfeited valued 392 ERRATA AND NOTES at £1,150; claim allowed by British at £524. Lieut. Peter Lyon was one of the officers who tried to prevent detaching soldiers for the defense of New York in 1776. He "went over to the enemy," and execution was granted against his estate. Page 262, line 6 — Strike out statement regarding revolutionary service; this Daniel was a loyalist. Page 267, line 2 — For beng read being. Page 268, line 13 from bottom — Omit everthing after Betsey; the record has been confused with that of Elizabeth, No. 342, q. v. Page 274— Strike out No. 246; see No. 159, p. 268. Note that Eli No. 250 may be the same as Eli No. 61, p. 261. Page 275, last line — The line should follow line 7 on succeeding page. Page 280, line 13— Read "Hannah (Olmsted) Lyon." Page 283, line 10 from bottom — For Seely read Seeley. Page 284, No. 250 — Capt. Eli Lyon may well have been a son of Eli Lyon, No. 61. Page 286, line 11, also line 13 — For Powell read Rowell. Page 287, line 18 — For Thomas H. Watson read Thomas L. Watson. Page 302, line 1 — For Fralick read Henry Fralick. Page 311, No. 505— Read: 505. VI. 250. CAPTAIN ELP LYON, Jr., [Capt. Eli», *, Nathan' (?), Richard^ Richard'] was born at Redding Ridge (?) in 1811, the year of his father's death. He married first, in 1835, Mary , who died Sept. 14, 1837, ae 19 y. 10 m. (G. R.); buried in Redding Ridge cemetery. He married second, Dec. 14, 1839, Louisa Augusta Winton, born in 1819, daughter of Col. James Winton, who commanded a Connecticut regiment in the war of 1812. The record on p. 311 of the children of Capt. Eli Lyon, Jr., is in- complete. There was a son, Richard Hill Lyon, born Dec, 20, 1846; died April 4, 1907, at South Bend, Ind., where for thirty-three years he had been, as a journalist, an influential member of the community. It is stated in the obituary notice printed in his own paper, the South Bend Tribune, that six brothers and sisters survived him: William Lyon, of Fostoria, O.; Dr. Thomas B. Lyon, of Raton, N. M.; George Lyon, of Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Chapman, of Denver, Col.; Mrs. Libbie Cutler, of Elkhart, Ind., and Mrs. William Landolt, of Wauwatosa, Wis. ERRATA AND NOTES 393 RICHARD HILL LYON removed from Connecticut with his parents in 1856 and settled in Ypsilanti, Mich, To a large degree, he was self- educated. He learned the printers' trade in Decatur, Pawpaw and St. Joseph, Mich., and in Chicago, but it was not until 1874 that he took up newspaper work. He was employed first in the composing room of the South Bend Tribune, but his energy and talent soon secured for him a position as reporter. In 1874 he became city editor and In 1892 associate editor, a position which he held until failing health con- strained him to resign Dec. 2, 1905. He continued, however, as long as he lived to contribute to the columns of the Tribune as a special writer, particularly on matters connected with local history, in which he was deeply interested. It was through his initiative that the Northern Indiana Historical Society was organized, he being Its first vice-president. In collaboration with Prof. Charles H. Bartlett, of Chicago, he published the very readable historical sketch, "La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph." Mr. Lyon was enthusiastically devoted 10 music. For thirty years, with few intervals, he directed the music in the First Presbyterian church in South Bend. He organized the St. James male quartette, one of the finest in northern Indiana. During presidential campaigns the work of his glee clubs was an In- fluential factor in determining the election returns. He took an active part in politics, as he did in all the social and civic life of the com- munity in which he lived. His generous nature and his ready sym- pathies won for him the warm personal friendship of all associated with him and his death was felt as a great public calamity. Mr. Lyon was married in 1876 to Miss Frances A. Kurtz, of Buffalo. N. Y., the marriage taking place in Kalkaska, Mich. For many years they lived in their beautiful home, 405 Lamont Terrace. Chapin park, where on April 6, 1907, the friends and relatives gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to one universally honored and loved. The deceased sleeps now in Riverview cemetery. Page 320, line 8— For Carlton read Carleton; line 11— For Falr- burg read Fairbury. Page 321, line 13 from bottom— For Daniel read David. Page 326, line 2 from bottom— For Campau read Compo. Page 337, line 7— Read "He married his cousin Charlott« H. Newman, No. 721." Note that this record is duplicated on page 339, with discrepancy in date of birth of the older daughter. Pearl or Perley. 394 ERRATA AND NOTES Page 339, line 17— Add, after "William H. Newman," No. 705. Page 342, line 1, also line 4 and line 5 — For Womack read Wormack (or Wormacks); line 9 (also 8) from bottom — For Edward read Edmond. Page 373, William Lyon of New Haven. From cemetery records in New Haven, the following additional facts have been obtained: William Lyon, of an ancient family in Buckingham, came to Boston, Mass., Sept. 1713. He married in Boston the following year and lived there several years; then moved to New Haven. He died in Barbadoes, whither he had gone for his health, March, 1726, ae. 39. Experience (Howard) Lyon, his relict, daughter of John Howard "of Massachu- setts," died Sept. 7, 1751, ae. 64. The older daughter, Experience, who married Rev. John Brainerd, died in Brunsvrtck, N. J., Sept. 17, 1757. The younger daughter, Mary, died Sept. 16, 1742, ae. 26. The son, William Lyon, seems to have been twice married, first, as stated on p. 373, to Lois Mansfield [possibly an error], second to Elizabeth Maltby, born Saybrook, Sept. 4, 1724, died Oct. 16, 1810, ae. 81. By his first wife (?) he had a son Williams (Col. William Lyon); by his second wife he had a son Nathaniel, born Nov. 13, 1762. William2 died Jan. 31, 1767, ae. 51. , Col. Williams Lyon, born March 6, 1748, married Lois , bom March 24, 1747; died Aug. 26, 1821. [Query: could it be that this was Lois Mansfield, and that William2 Lyon was only once married after all? The name of but one Lois is found in the cemetery records.] Children of Col. William and Lois ( ) Lyon: I. Emilia; b. Feb. 8, 1767; d. March 4, 1889; m. Joseph Bennett. [Emilia might possibly have been dau. of William (2)]. II. William; b. July 12, 1772; d. Oct. 26, 1841. III. mizabeth; b. July 2, 1777; d. Nov. 26, 1851, ae. 74, "the last of her name." rv. Mary; b. Oct. 7, 1780; d. Charleston, S. Car., Sept. 11, 1816. Nathaniel Lyon (above), born Nov. 13, 1762; died Sept. 8, 1836; married Lucy, daughter of Alexander and Sybil Booth. She died March 1, 1813, ae. 45. In the same cemetery plot were buried the following, presumably children of Nathaniel: 1, Sarah; wife of Dea. Abiel Holmes Maltby; died Sept. 15, 1871, ae. 81; 2, Nancy; wife of John M. Garfield; died March 12, 1872; 3, John ("son of Nathaniel and Lucy"); died Sept. 4, 1795, ae. 3 y. 2 m. 3 d. GENERAL INDEX. I. LYON NAMES. A. J. (H), 144 Aaron (H), 98, 99, 107, 114, 115, 140, 171 Aaron (HT), 157, 238, 240 Aaron (?), 382 Aaron C. (B), 294, 312 Aaron Grumman (H), 134 Aaron Oscar (H), 171 Aaron W. (?), 389 Abby (H), 144 Abby C. (H), 171 Abby Jane (H), 143 Abel (H), 90, 99, 136 Abel (B), 259, 268, 380 Ablather D. (H), 115, 141 Abigail (K), 83, 88, 90, 93, 101, 102, 105, 109, 131, 133, 166 Abigail (B) 40, 255, 257, 258, 264, 271 Abigail (T), 36, 37 Abigail Grumman (H), 132 164 Abigail H. (H), 134 Abner Lester- (H), 203 Abner Purcell (H), 132, 165 Abraham (H), 91, 99, 100, 101, 118, 119, 140, 143, 382 Abraham (B), 267, 278 Abraham C. (H), 123 Abraham J. (H), 365 Abram (H?), 382 Abram J. (N), 367 Ada Ann (B), 299, 321 Ada May (B), 326, S66 Adam (Sir), 12, 25 Addle (H), 245 Addle (W), 369 Adelaide (H), 174 Adelaide (B), 272 Adelia A. (B), 298, 318 Adella D. (B), 302, 328 Adeline E. (S), 371, 372 Adoniram J. (?), 379 Agnes (B), 318, 349 Alanson (B?), 376 Alanson D. (B), 327, 356 Alanson Firman (?), 251 Albert (H), 243, 245 Albert Cass (B), 305, 334 Albert G. (B), 333 Albert J. (H?), 240 Albert O. (B), 295, 314 Alexander, 16, 18 Alexander (H), 174 Alexander (H?), 249 Alfred (H), 140 Alice (H), 170. 173. 249 Alice Grout (H), 205. 228 Alice L. (H), 203, 228 Alice L. (B), 311 Alice R. (B), 303, 329 Almeda (B), 312, 341 Almlra (H), 117 Alpheus (H), 174 Alphonso (H), 174 tMany names of children who died in infancy have been omitted from this index. The several Lyon families are designated by Initials In parenthe- sis as follows : (H) Henry Lyon of Newark. (N) Nathaniel Lyon of Warren. (R) Richard Lyon of Fairfield. (S) Samuel Lyon of Hartford. (T) Thomas Lyon of Rye. (W) William Lyon of Roxbury. These Initials, if in bold face type, indicate lineal descendantt; if In light face type, intermarriages with such descendants. 396 GENERAL INDEX Alva P. (B), 302, 327 Amanda (H9), 240 Amanda D. (H), 220 Amanda O. (B), 297 Amelia (H), 144, 243, 244 Amelia Hall (H), 147 Amelia G. (H), 244 Amos (H), 107, 128, 170 Amos (T), 384 Amy (H), 102 Andrew (B), 268, 279, 292, 310, 378 Andrew (B?), 255 Andrew G. (H), 244, 246 Andrew G. (B), 298, 318 Angelina M. A. (B), 302 Angeline (H), 120, 146, 177 Ann (H), 92, 100, 107, 117, 143 Ann (B), 268, 279 Ann Eliza (H), 143, 162 Anna (H), 99, 245, 247 Anna (H9), 240 Anna (B), 257, 311, 314 Anna Belle (B), 317, 348 Anna E. (H), 102, 131 Anna P. (H), 198, 224 Annas (H), 81 Anne (B), 40 Anne E. (H?), 250 Annie (H), 244, 245 Annie D. (B), 316, 347 Annie L. (H), 246 Annie M. (H), 174 Annie Warren (H), 147 Anson (B), 286, 293, 387 Anson E. (S), 371 Anson W. (S), 372 Applerton (H), 174 Archibald (H), 115, 142 Archibald J. (H), 220 Arthur (H), 244 Arthur (B), 289, 314 Arthur A. (H), 203 Arthur H. (?). 379 Arvllla (H), 251 Asa (B), 268 Asa (B?), 374, 376. 380 Asa L. (B), 314 Asa Prior (H), 167 Asahel (N), 366 Asahel (B), 268, 278, 289, 301 Asher (H), 114, 139, 144, 382 Asia (B), 318, 349 Aubrey (H), 246 Aubrey (B), 345 Augustus (B), 269, 280, 292 Aurelius A. (?), 388 Avoid (H), 246 Beatrice (B), 353 Benjamin (H), 61, 64, 66, 80, 84, 88, 94, 95, 98, 105, 106, 110, 112, 123, 137, 144, 151, 181, 182, 382 Benjamin (B), 40, 257, 262 Benjamin (B?), 258 Benjamin Esq. (H), 80, 83, 84 Benjamin (?), 375 Benjamin K. (H), 141 Benjamin L. (H), 165, 203 Benjamin N. (B), 318, 349 Benjamin of Macinac, 375 Benton B. (B), 316, 348 Bertha E. (B), 317 Bertha V. (H), 171 Betsey (H), 98. 133, 250 Betsey (N), 367 Betsey (B), 268, 292 Betty (B), 255, 258, 262. 270 Betty G. (B), 269 Bethel (B), 262. 269 Bertha E. (B), 317 Bethia (H), 89, 96, 104, 112, 187 Beulah (H), 136 Blanche (H), 191, 216 Bradford (H), 246 Burr (B), 387 Burr V. (N), 370 C. D. (B?), 377 C. D. (B), 377 C. W. (H), 144 Caleb (H), 107, 116, 127, 128 Caleb (H?), 240 Caleb (B), 259, 265 Caleb (T), 384 Calista L. (H), 196 Calvin (B), 290, 303 Calvin Dodd (H), 171 Camilla A. (W), 370 Carlton (H), 378 Caroline (H), 144, 166 LYON NAMES 397 Caroline (N), 365, 367 Caroline A. (B), 311, 322 Caroline E. (H), 165, 203 Caroline G. (H), 194, 219 Carrie (H), 245 Cassius A. (»), 302, 327 Catherine [Catharine], 165, 201 Catherine A. (H), 142 Catherine Bacon (H), 200, 226 Catherine C. (H), 133 Catherine H. (H), 167 Celia S. (»), 302, 328 Charles (H), 123, 151, 174, 1^75, 181, 182, 214, 215, 251 Charles (B), 292 Charles A. (H), 217, 388 Charles A. (B), 294 Charles B. (B), 316, 347 Charles Clark (H), 127, 135, 156 Charles L. (H), 247 Charles Oliver (H), 185 Charles P. (H), 132, 142 Charles W. (H), 136 Charles W. (B), 297, 305, 316, 333, 346 Charlotte W. (H), 116 Chester Meyers (K), 217, 388 Chloe (B), 294, 311 Chlorinda (?), 375 Clara (H), 141 Clara (B), 311. 314, 327 Clara G. (B), 300, 323 Clara H. (H), 141, 160 Clarence (H), 182 Clarence (B), 316, 326, 378 Clarissa (H), 115, 141, 165. 201 Clyde (H), 171 Corinna A. (B), 302, 327 Cornelia (H), 160 Cornelia (B), 378 Cornelia A. (B), 302, 328 Crecy (H), 99 Crossman (H), 383 Cyrus (H), 114, 117, 244 Cyrus (B), 269, 302 Dan (B?), 377 Dana (B), 387 Daniel (H), 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 109, 110, 118, 136, 144, 382, 391, 392 Daniel (H?), 238, 239, 250. 384 Daniel (K), 365 Daniel (B), 40, 256, 259. 261. l««. 267, 277, 289, 300 Daniel (T), 384 Daniel (?). 375, 387 Daniel E. (B), 378 Darkls (H), 89, 96 David (H), 90, 91, 99, 100, 107, 112. 116, 118, 127, 128, 133, 144. 156, 166. 182, 382, 390 David (H?), 238, 239. 247, 251, 388, 389 David (B), 40, 258, 261, 265, 268, 269. 270, 279, 280. 384 David (B?), 387 David B. (H), 163, 198 David C. (K), 367, 368, 370 David C. (?). 389 David D. (H), 134 David S. (B), 340, 378 David Willson (?), 251 Deborah (B), 262 Deborah (T), 37 Delbert, (H), 171 Densy M. (H), 140 Donna M. (B), 327. 357 Dorcas (H), 65, 66, 81 Dorcas (B), 269 Dorris (H), 246 Duncan (S), 372 Ebenezer (H), 61, 66, 80, 88. 88. 89, 96. 112, 136, 382 Ebenezer (N), 364, 365 Ebenezer (B), 40, 256, 2ri!», 266, S91 Ebenezer Cobb (H), 141. 169 Ebenezer P. (N), 366, 367 Edgar (B), 302, 333 Edith M. (E), 317, 348 Edmund (S), 372 Edna K. (H), 206 Edna Strong (N), 369 Edward (H), 102, 182, 203. 227 Edward (R?). 376 Edward (S), 371. 372 Edward D. (?), 388 Edward Gaines (H), 142 Edward J. (B), 314, 346 Edwin (H), 182. 244 398 GENERAL INDEX Edwin (B), 294, 311, 325 Edwin C. (?), 388 Edwin D. (»), 327. 355 Edwin F, (H), 174 Edwin Lr. (B), 378 Effie (H), 245 Eleanor (B), 272, 291 Eldridge Merrick (H), 169, 205 Eli (B), 261, 284, 294, 311, 391, 392 Elias (?), 382 Elijah (H), 98, 99, 116 Ellphalet (H), 90, 98 Eliphalet (B), 264, 265, 271, 272, 385 Eliphus (K), 365, 366 Ellphus (B?), 380 Elisha (H?), 382 Eliza (H), 102, 117, 136, 161 Eliza (B), 292 Eliza A. (H), 166 Elizabeth (H), 65, 81, 83, 89, 102, 114, 115, 119, 128, 136, 140, 141, 161, 167, 170, 196, 251 Elizabeth (H?), 238, 239, 240 Elizabeth (B), 263, 271 Elizabeth (H), 157 Elizabeth (T), 37 Elizabeth, Lady Gray, 21 Elizabeth Arnett (H), 132, 163 Elizabeth D. (N), 368, 370 Elizabeth G. (H), 116 Elizabeth M. (H), 120, 146 Elizabeth Sherwood (?), 251 Elizabeth T. (H), 147 Elizabeth Williams (H), 130, 160, 162, 192 Elizabeth Wrig-ht (H), 167 Ella (H), 198 Ella E. (B), 311 Ellen (B), 259 Ellen R. (B), 326 Elma S. (N), 370 Elmer (H), 195 Elmer O. (B), 378 Elmina (H), 181 Elnathan (B), 257 Elnathan (B?), 380 Elsie (H), 173 Elusa (B), 141 Elvira A. (H), 160, 192 Emerson (W), 375 Emily (H), 120, 147 Emily A. (B), 305, 333 Emily C. (H), 202, 227 Emily K (S), 371 Emily M. (H), 171 Emily Wright (H), 200, 226 Emma (H), 175, 183 Emma (B), 294, 311, 312 Emma D. (B), 326 Emma G. (B), 306 Emma L. (H?), 240 Emma S. (B), 303, 329 Emma Theresa (H), 142, 171 Emmellne (N), 367 Enos (H), 98, 116, 382 Enos (B9), 385 Ephraim (H), 97, 113 Ephraim (B), 40, 257, 264, 265, 273, 385 Ernest Neal (?), 379 Ernest W. (B), 378 Esther (B), 263, 269, 291, 310 Esther C. (H), 142 Ethel Richardson (H), 227 Eudora (H), 142 Eugene E. (B), 300, 323 Eunice (B), 40, 261, 262, 265, 291 Eunice A. (H), 142 Eunice M. (H), 116 Euphemia (H), 166 Eveline C. (H), 147 Evelyn (H), 185 Evelyn A. (B), 318 Everett (B), 302 Experience (W?), 373 Ezekiel (H), 99, 113, 116 F. Harry (H), 251 Fannie (H), 182 Fannie D. (H), 116 Fannie Howes (H), 200, 225 Fannie J. (B), 330 Fannie M. (B), 303 Fanny (H), 140, 142, 173 Farnham (B?), 377 Flora Carder (H), 194, 219 Flora J. (H), 220 Flora L. (K), 369 Flora May (B), 325 LYON NAMES 399 Florence (H), 173, 182, 191, 217, 251 Florence R. (N), 369 Floyd (B?), 387 Frances (B), 295 Frances C. (K), 160, 193 Frances C. (B), 327 356 Frances F. (B), 303, 330 Francis M. (B), 326 Frank (H), 182. 245 Frank Hyatt (N), 368, 369 Frank L. (H), 251 Frank L. (B), 314, 344 Frank T. (H), 220 Frank W. (B), 355 Frankie F. (B), 318 Franklin D. (B), 326 Fred (H), 245 Fred W. (H), 173 Frederick (H), 171 Frederick, of Brighton, 25 Frederick B. (H), 183, 196 Frederick K. (B), 299, 322 Frederick M. (H), 156 Frederick Randall (?), 251 Frederick W. (B), 322 Frederick "W. (?), 375 Freelove (?), 251 George (H), 141, 142, 174 George (B), 290, 296, 302, 392 George, Lord Glamis, 16 George, of Dorchester, 36 George A. (?), 389 George B. (H), 147, 198, 223 George H. (H), 196 George H. (B), 297, 317 George M. (H), 244, 245 George M. (H?), 250 George Moses (H), 196 George R (H?), 250 George Smith (H), 141, 171 George Treat (H), 135 George W. (B), 264, 299, 303, 311, 330 George W. (S), 371, 372 George W. (?) 388 Georgiana (H), 162 Georgiana (B), 316, 347, 348, 362 Gershom (B), 261, 267, 391 Gertrude (B), 311 Gertrude L. (R), 318, 349 Gideon (H?), 382 Gideon (B), 265 Gilbert (T), 38 Gilbert F. (H), 136 Giles H. (B), 298, 318 Grace (H), 245 Grace (B), 265, 294, 356 Grace (?), 266 Mrs. Grace (R), 277 Grace V. (?), 379 Grizel [Griswold] (B), 264 Gussie (H), 251, 378 Guy A. (B), 314 H. Palmer (B), 333 Halsey (H), 139, 170 Hannah (H), 83, 95, 98, 102, IOC 109, 117, 128, 131, 141, 144, 181, 195, 243, 244 Hannah (H), 84 Hannah (B), 255, 256, 263, 290 Harrie (B), 328 Harriet (H), 102, 120, 140. 142. 224, 227 Harriet (B), 290. 302 Harriet E. (H), 220 Harriet H. (B), 302 Harriet Honor (H), 165, 203 Harriet L. (H), 14 2 Harriet N. (H), 198 Harriet R. (H), 160, 192. 202 Harris (H), 109, 132, 133, 166 Harry D. (B), 321 Harry E. (?), 388 Harry Ellison (H). 217 Harry Guy (S), 372 Harvey Clark (H), 194, 219 Harvey J. (W), .367 Harvey Lester (H), 196 Hattie A. (B), 318. 849 Hazel S. (B), 321 Helen (H), 203. 228 Helen A. (H), 165, 202 Helen A. (B), 303, 329 Helen C. (B), 328, 357 Helen G. (H), 198, 224 Helen L. (B), 296 Helen LeFevro (H), 1S4 Helen M. (H). 164. 201 400 GENERAL INDEX Helen Raynette (H), 132, 166 Henriette (H), 155 Henry (H), 82. 90, 91, 92, 98, 100, 101, 109, 117, 118, 120, 130, 131, 143, 144, 146, 151, 174, 182, 243, 251, 382, 383 Henry (B), 262, 269, 290, 295, 301, 314, 356 Henry [Lyne], 35 Henry A. (H?), 250 Henry B. (H), 198 Henry B. (B), 305, 333 Henry H. (N), 368 Henry H. (B), 302, 326 Henry O. (B), 327, 356 Henry S. (H), 173 Henry of Glen Lyon, 34, 36, 41, 44 Henry of Milford, 42, 44 Henry of Newark, 49, 59, 80 Henry of Roxley, 27 Henry of Rystippe, 26 Herbert (H), 244 Herbert P. (B), 322 Herbert W. (H), 247 Hervah (H), 98 Hervey (H), 144, 174, 175 Hervey (?), 389 Hester (B), 39 Hezekiah (B), 264, 265, 271, 272, 275, 380, 385 Hinman (H), 115, 141 Hiram Q. (H), 141 Honora (H), 191 Hope (H), 223 Horace W. (B), 301, 325 Horatio (?), 375 — Howard A. (B), 317 Huldah (H?), 250 Huldah (B), 265, 267 Huldah B. (H), 170 Ida (H), 182 Ida (B), 325 Ida J. (H), 206 Ida M. (H), 246 Ira (H?), 250 Ira (N), 365 Ira (B), 290, 301, 355 Irene (B), 325, 355 Irving D. (H), 203 Irwin (H), 245 Isaac (H), 81, 89, 97, 113, 114, 115, 116, 139, 143, 169, 170, 205, 383, 389 Isaac (B), 269, 385 Isaac E. (H), 173 Isabella (H), 162, 196 Israel (H), 130, 155, 156 J. B. (B?), 375 J. Mandeville (B), 333 J. Righter (H), 378 Jabez (H), 144 Jabez (B), 267, 271, 277, 280, 391 Jabez (B?), 365 Jacob (H), 98, 99, 136 ^ Jacob (B), 267, 276 Jacob L. (H), 170 James (H), 63, 64, 83, 91, 92, 98, 100, 101, 102, 109, 123, 128, 130, 132, 155, 161, 163, 198, 224, 238, 241, 243, 245, 383, 388 James (H9), 238, 240 James (B), 40, 257, 264, 292, 293 James A. (?), 388, 389 James Carder (H), 161, 194 James D. (B), 302, 327 James D. (?), 377 James E. (H), 139 James Harris (H), 160 James J. (H), 162, 196 James J. (B), 325 James Lewis (E), 196 James M. (H), 136 James Smedley (H), 165 James W. (B), 300, 323 James W. (?), 251 James Wheaton (H), 120, 147, 178 James Wright (H), 167 James of Easter Ogill, 20, 41 Jane (H), 90 Jane A. (H), 132, 165 Jane E. (H), 140 Jane H. (B), 299, 321 Jane Mulford (H), 140 Jane R. (B), 296, 363 Janette (H), 174 Jannett G. (B), 305, 332 Jean (Lady Spynle^, 121 Jedediah [Jediah] (H), 383 Jemima (B), 269 LYON NAMES 401 Jennie (H), 142, 169, 171, 203, 228 Jennie Ann (B), 293 Jennie E. (B), 294 Jeremiah (H), 243 Jeremiah (B), 40, 247 Jerome (B), 302, 329 Jerusha (H), 139 Jerusha (H?), 240 Jesse (H), 140 Jesse (B), 391 Jessie Clark (H), 220 Joanna (H), 88, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 127, 130, 131, 137, 155, 156, 161, 162, 170, 184, 193, 195 Joanna (H?), 240 Job (T), 385 Joel (H), 136 John (H), 80, 83, 90, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 110, 113, 115, 116, 117, 123, 128, 136, 140, 141, 142, 168, 182, 251, 383 John H. (H9), 238, 240 John (N), 365, 367 John (B), 40, 257, 261, 262, 263, 365, 271, 281, 289, 292, 380, 391 John (B?), 258, 385, 387 John (T), 37, 38 John (?), 251, 389 John A. (H), 141 John B. (H), 102 John Bacon (H), 164, 200, 226 John Bishop (B), 288, 297, 318, 349 John C. (H), 171, 216 John D. (H), 223 John E. (H), 120, 147 John G. (?), 388 John H. (H?), 238, 240 John H. (S), 372 John Hendricks (H), 167 John Hill (H), 170 John J. (H), 134 John Kellogg (H), 202, 227 John Robinson (H), 196, 220 John S. (H), 116. 139, 140, 170, 251 John W. (H), 143, 170, 174 John Wesley (B), 346 John, 1175 A. D., 11 John, Baron, 12 John, Earl, 25 (25) John, Lord Mayor, 27 John, Rev. (from Scotland). 294 John, Sir, 12, 25, 26 John of Auldbar, 24 John of Culwalogy, 20, 41 John of Easter Oglll, 20. 41 John of Glamls, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25. 28, 30, 41 John of Haltown, 20, 41 John of Harrow, 26 John of Marblehead, 36 John of Preston, 26 John of Rystippe, 26. 27 John of Salem, 35 John of Scituate (H?), 249 John of Little Stanmer, 27 Jonas (H), 98, 383 Jonathan (H), 91. 100. 101, 118. 144, 161, 170, 174, 383 Jonathan (B), 40, 256, 261, 267, 891 Jonathan (B?), 374, 376 Jonathan Williams (H), 130, 158 Joseph (H), 61, 65, 66, 80, 82, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 116, 120, 123, 135, 136, 139, 147, 151, 169, 383 Joseph (B), 39, 40, 255, 257, 258, 261, 264, 271, 380, 385, 391 Joseph (?), 388 Joseph (T), 38 Joseph Bronel (H), 128, 157 Joseph Mumford (H), 120 Josephine (H), 102 Joshua (B), 262 Joshua (B?), 376 Joshua (T?), 385 Josie (H), 245 Josiah (H), 91, 100 Josiah (B?), 265 Jotham (H), 130. 137 Julia (H), 139, 144 Julia A. (H), 128. 146, 160, 170. 177. 191 Julia B. (B), 317. 348 Julius (B), 326 Justus (B?), 376 Kate (H), 141 Kimberley (B), 271, 282 Kitchen (H), 140 402 GENERAL INDEX Lafayette (B), 297, 316, 326 Lafayette A. (B), 302, 327 Lanson (B), 289 Laura (HI), 367 Laura A. (H), 160, 193 Laura B. (N), 369 Laura C. (H), 165, 203 Laura L (B), 301, 325 Laura L. (B), 325 Leander (H), 174 Leander D. (B), 326, 355 Leda (H), 246 Leland (H), 169 Lemuel (?), 381 Leonard (H), 203 LeRoy H. (B), 311 Levi (H), 98, 117 Levi (B), 272, 282, 292 Levi C. (S), 371 Lew Eugene (H), 378 Lewis (H), 114, 138, 151, 181, 245 Lewis Clifford (H), 196 Lewis Lee (H), 161, 196 Lewis Sherill (H), 132 Lewis W. (H), 181 Lillian (H), 191, 246 Linus (B), 302, 329 Lizzie (H), 244, 245, 251 Lois (B), 265 Lonzi (B), 289 Lorenzo G. (?), 388 Lottie May (B), 355 Louis Van Zant (H), 142 Louisa (H), 151, 181, 198 Louisa A. (H), 173 Louise (B), 319 Louise A. (B), 300, 325 Lovica (H?), 250 Lovilla A. (B), 356 Lovina (H9), 250 Lovina (MT), 364 Lucian O. H. (H), 191 Lucina (H?), 250 Lucinda (B), 272 Lucius (B?), 374 Lucy J. (B), 302, 328 Lucy M. (H), 146 Ludlum (H), 243, 244 Ludovico S. (B), 303, 329 Lulia H. (B), 348 Luther (H), 116 Luther (B), 295, 314, 333 Luther K. (H), 143, 173 Luther S. (B), 290, 305 Lydia (H), 100, 118 Lydia (B), 269, 270 Lydia Jane (H), 164, 200 Lyman J. (B), 302, 326 Mabel (B), 267, 321 Malissa Bond (H), 116, 143 Marana B. (B), 290, 305 Marcus Ward (H), 173 Margaret (H), 136, 146, 226, 251 Margaret '(N), 367, 368 Margaret (B), 40 Margaret A. (H), 139, 170, 174, 183 Margaret S. (H), 198, 224 Margary (B), 257, 263 Marguerette (S), 372 Maria (B), 295 Maria E. (H), 170 Maria L. (H), 120, 136, 147 Maria W. (B), 329 Marietta (B), 294 Marietta S. (B), 290, 305, 306 Mariett L. (H), 390, 391 Mariette (H), 147, 177 Mariette (B), 294 Marinda (H), 181, 214 Marinda H. (H), 142, 171 Marion (H), 245, 251 Marion A. (B), 299, 322 Marion L. (N"), 369 Marlin (MT), 367, 368, 870 Martha (H), 95, 106, 107, 196 Martha (H), 127 Martha (B), 263, 270 Martha J. (H?), 240 Martha Jane (H), 160, 161, 167, 193, 194, 195 Martin (N), 367, 369 Martin (B), 289 Marvin B. (B), 378 Mary (H), 59, 65, 66, 80, 81, 83, 92, 94, 95, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115. 116, 122, 127, 128, 131, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144, 156, 167, 177, 245. 251 LYON NAMES 408 Mary (H), 62, 80 Mary (H?) 228, 239 Mary (H), 365, 367, 368 Mary (B), 265, 266, 267, 270, 291, 302, 305, 311, 314 Mary (T), 37 Mary (?), 251 Mary A. (H), 102, 120, 140, 146, 147, 161, 170, 194 Mary A. (H?), 250 Mary Ann (N), 367, 369 Mary Bowman (H), 132, 163 Mary Crosley (H), 220 Mary D. (H), 143 Mary D. (B), 299 Mary E. (H), 141, 165, 174, 194 Mary Eudora (H), 147 Mary F. (H), 167, 196, 204, 220 Mary Harris (H), 134 Mary Jane (H), 160, 162, 196 Mary M. (B), 297, 317 Mary M. (S), 372 Mary Melinda (H), 191, 215 Mary Price (H), 383 Mary S. (H), 203 Mary V. (H), 217 Matilda F. (H), 147, 390 Mattaniah (H), 81, 90, 97, 98, 186, 383 Matthias (H), 94, 109, 110 Matthias Clark (H), 109, 134 Maud (B), 314 May (B), 326 Mehetable (N), 365, 366 Melinda (H), 161, 195 Melvin (H), 246 Mercy (H), 102, 136 Merinda O. (B), 291, 306 Merrit (B), 387 Merritt (N), 365, 366, 367 Merritt D. (N), 367, 368, 370 Michael (B), 261 Mignonette (H), 245 Mildred A. (B), 353 Mildred Cosby (H), 191, 216 Mildred F. (H), 217 Miles (B), 290, 301 Mildred F. (H), 217 Millie (H), 245 Minnie (H), 182 Minnie (B), 318, 355 Miram (B), 295 Miriam (B), 355 Morris (B), 378 Morris Wakeman (B), 292, 810 Mose (S), 372 Moses (H), 94, 95, 98, 107, 109, 114, 115, 116, 118, 130, 132, 134, 189. 161, 162, 166, 167, 195 Moses (B), 39, 40, 255. 257 Moses H. (H), 132, 163, 198, 381 Nancy (H), 128, 137, 139, 1S7 Nancy K. (H), 170 Nancy Lockwood (H), 140 Nannie E. (W), 369 Natalie Vincent (H), 217 Nathan (H?), 383 Nathan (Jf), 364 Nathan (B), 40, 256, 261, 269, 279 Nathan (B?), 383 Nathaniel (H), 61, 66, 66, 80, 83, 91, 99. 109, 113, 131, 137, 383 Nathaniel (H), 142 Nathaniel (N), 365 Nathaniel (B), 47, 257, 262 Nathaniel (W), 40, 63 Nathaniel of "Warren (B?), 364 Nehemiah (B?), 285, 293. 387 Nehemiah Webb (B), 266, 275, 386 Nellie (H), 185 Nelson T. (B), 303 Newton C. (H), 251 Nicholas (H), 102 Nicholas U. (H), 120. 147, 390 Noah (H), 137 Noah (B?), 381 Noah (T), 386 Nora (H), 191, 215 Norman (B), 326 Obediah (H), 109. 133 Olive (B), 269 Oliver (H), 92, 130, 144, 161, 174, 195 Oliver (B?), 376 Oliver Lee (H), 160, 185 Oliver R. (H), 161 Olivia (N), 365, 366 Onesimus (B?), 258 404 GENERAL INDEX Orleana (H), 157 Orlin M. (B), 378 Orva (B), 289 Orville H. (B), 301, 327 Oscar Davis (B), 291 Otis C. (H), 244, 246 Patrick [Lord Glamis], 14, 16, 21, 25 Paulina (H), 165, 201 Paulina Stearns (H), 202, 227 Pearl (B), 356 Pelatiah (?), 386 Penelope (H), 81 Percy (H), 246 Percy (B), 324 Persis E. (H?), 240 Peter (H), 89, 96, 112, 136, 137 Peter (B), 261, 263, 268, 270, 279, 378, 386, 392 Peter of Dorchester, 35 Phebe (H), 89, 96, 99, 100, 107, 113, 127, 128, 131, 136, 137, 138, 142, 144, 146, 147, 151, 156, 161, 243 Phebe (H?), 238, 239 Phebe (B), 262, 265 Phebe (B?), 258 -Phebe C. (H), 140, 171, 181, 206 Phebe Jane (H), 170 Phebe Mumford (H), 147, 178 Phebe Wheeler (H), 128, 157 Phidelia (B), 314 Phidelia A. (B), 291. 295, 307 Philip [Rev.], 378 Philip E. (H), 170 Philo (B), 262 Phineas (B), 262 Physannah (H), 245 Polly (H), 98, 109, 144 Polly (H?), 250 Prudence (H?), 238 Rachel (H), 95, 99, 105, 114, 117, 118, 136, 143, 168, 175 Rachel (H?), 238 240 Rachel (B), 265, 269 Rachel Demorest (H), 134 Ransom (B), 272 Ransom Byron (B), 290, 304 Ransom D. (B), 301, 326 Raymond (H), 171, 378 Raymond (B), 322 Rebecca (H), 101, 113, 119, 136, 244 Rebecca (H?), 238, 240 Rebecca (B), 263, 270, 271 Reuben (B), 391 Reuben (B?), 386 Reuben Robie (H), 198, 223 Rhoda (H), 110, 114, 136 Rhoda (B), 263, 265 Richard (H), 109, 115, 133, 134 Richard (B), 39, 40, 255 Richard Hill (B), 392, 393 Richard B. (?), 388 Richard of Cambridge, 35 Richard of Fairfield, 47, 252 Richard of Glen Lyon, 34, 36, 38, 63, 80 Richard of "West Twyford, 27 Richard, Sir, 26 Righter (H), 251 Robert (H), 117, 226, 244 Robert (B?), 374, 376 Robert Bond (H), 132, 164 Robert Burns (B), 348 Robert C. (H), 202 Robert M. (H), 163, 198 Robert R. (B), 317 Robert S. (H), 203 Robert W. (H), 164 Roger (T), 38 Roscoe (H), 245 Rowland (B), 272 Roy B. (H), 196 Royal C. (W), 375 Royal P. (B), 289 Ruby (H), 246 Rufus A. (B), 293 Ruth (H), 177, 205, 223 Ruth (B), 265 Ruth F. (H), 178 S. Duane (H), 165, 203 S. S. (H), 143 Sadie (H), 246 Sallie (H), 142 Sallie Burke (H), 196, 220 Sally (H), 114, 123, 136, 168 Sally (H?), 250 Sally (B), 289 Sally Mulford (H), 140 Salome (S), 371 i i LYON NAMES 405 Samantha (H), 115, 140 Samuel (H), 53, 65, 66, 80, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 107, 118, 114, 115, 116, 117, 125, 127, 139, 140, 142, 155, 384 Samuel (H?), 228, 240, 249, 250 Samuel (»), 39, 40, 255, 256, 257, 259, 262, 265, 269, 271, 290. 302, 317 Samuel (B?), 371, 381, 386, 387 Samuel (S), 371 Samuel (T), 37, 375 Samuel of Hartford, 371 Samuel S. (H), 251, 378 Samuel W. (H), 246 Sanford (H), 244 Sanford P. (H), 244, 245 Sarah (H), 83, 92, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105, 110, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 136, 151, 155, 166, 168, 205, 245 S&rah (H?), 228, 239 Sarah (N), 365 Sarah (B), 40, 256, 261, 262, 263, 264, 267. 268, 270, 273 Sarah (T), 37 Sarah A. (H), 136, 141, 155, 174, 183 Sarah A. (B), 299, 321 Sarah E. (H), 198 Sarah Gibbs (H), 132 Sarah Hendricks (H), 134, 167 Sarah J. (B), 303, 330 Sarah Jane (B), 165 Sarah L. (H), 120, 142, 170 Sarah M. (S), 371 Sarah P. (H), 390 Sarah S. (H), 243 Schuyler Sener (B), 378 Serring (H?), 384 Seth (B), 264, 265, 267, 272, 381, 386 Seth W. (B), 326, 355 Sheba (H), 137 Sherwood (B), 292, 293, 378 Sherwood A. (B), 294, 311 Shubael (B?), 387 Sidney A. (K), 139 Sidney Elizabeth (H), 191 Sidney Morgan (H), 191 Sidney Peyton (H), 217 Sidney Smith (H), 41, 63, 160. 186 Silas Simeon (H), 110. 136. 144 Simeon (B?), 376 Simeon G. (H), 244. 245 Smith (H), 115, 140 Solomon (H?), 384 Spencer (N), 364 Stephen (H), 98. lUO, 101, 116, 116. 118, 139, 384 Stephen (Ht), 238, 239 Stephen (B), 259, 266, 386 Stephen Meeker (H), 133 Stephen Smith (H), 98. 114, 139 Sterne Humphreys (H), 165, 203 Susan (H), 113, 136, 137 Susan A. (H?), 250 Susan E. (H), 162, 197 Susannah (H), 89, 96, 117 Susanne (?), 251 Sylas (B), 290, 302 Sylva (B), 270 Sylvester (H), 115, 141 Tabitha (B), 40, 262 Tappan (H), 107, 127, 166, 384 Thankful (H), 174 Thankful (B), 263 Theodatus T. (B), 291, 306 Theodore (B), 155, 156, 176 Theodore (B), 294 Theodore C. (?), 388 Theresa A. (H), 181 Theron E. (B), 329 Thomas (H), 53, 80, 81, 90, 98, 101. 102. 165 Thomas (H?), 249 Thomas (B), 259. 271, 280, 290. 302. 391 Thomas (B?), 381 Thomas (T), 87, 38 Thomas B. (B), 392 Thomas Bowman (H), 132, 165 Thomas H. B. (B), 297. 817 Thomas J. (B). 143. 173. 174 Thomas M. (B), 296. 815 Thomas Rice (B), 165, 202 Thomas of Glen Lyon. 34. 86. 68, 80 Thomas of Perefore. 27 Thomas of Rye, 36 406 GENERAL INDEX Thomas, Master of Glamls, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 41 Timothy (»), 261, 267, 268, 278, 381 Timothy (B?), 375, 376 Truman H. (»?), 376, 877 Una Hawthorne (»), 318 Uriah (B), 311 Vera (B), 325 Victor Wathen (K), 191, 217 Vinnie A. (H), 228 Wakeman (B), 272, 282 Walker (B), 268 Wallen (H), 174 Walter (H), 245 Walter (B), 297 Walter D. (B), 356 Walter E. (B), 297, 317, 258 Walter F. (B), 299, 321 Walter R. (H), 366, 367 Walter S. (H), 368, 369 Walter S. (B), 323, 324, 358 Warren (H), 244 Wayne S. (H), 367 Wesley (H), 181 Wesley (B), 272, 333 Wilbur (H), 251 Wilbur J. (H), 173 Wilfred O. (H), 247 Willard (H), 245 Willard W. (K), 368 William (H), 92, 101, 102, 120, 137, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 215, 244, 246, 384 William (B), 89, 40, 255, 266, 267, 262, 289, 292, 302, 316, 892 William (B?), 374, 376, 381 William (?), 389 William A. (B), 294 William B. (H), 163, 164 William B. (B), 326 William C. (B), 290, 303, 330 William Chauncey (K), 200 William Cooper (B), 166 William D. (H), 368 William Dennison (H), 177 William H. (H), 139, 146, 147, 151, 155, 156, 162, 174, 177, 181, 182, 183 William H. (B), 305 William H. C. (B), 290, 306 William J. (?), 388 William Kemp (H), 224 William L. (H), 171 William McAlpine (?), 251 William Parker (H), 160 William S. (B), 311 William Scott (H), 184 William W. (H), 367, 368 William Woods (H), 165 William, Marquis of Southwold, 27 William of Heston, 28 William of New Haven, 373 William of Roxbury, 35 William of Stanmer, 27, 28 William, the Huguenot, 35 Willie (K), 245, 246 Willie G. (B), 316 Willis (Wyllis) (B), 293 Tale (W), 367, 369 Zachariah (B), 262 Zalmon (B), 286, 294, 311, 840 Zopher (K), 91, 100, 101, 118, 144 II. NAMES OTHER THAN LYON. Abbot, Albert (R), 295 Abraliaiug, (H), 195 Ackerman, Eliza (H), 142 Ackley William (H), 247 Additional names (H), 150, 151, Clara (B), 229 Emma (S), 229 James F. (H), 229 Mary (H), 229 Adamg, -H (H), 194 Anna (R), 265, 273 John (H), 216 Louisa (R), 283 Sally (R), 275, 286 Samuel D. (H), 218 Additional names (H), 194 AdlTun, John (H), 191 Ainiworth, George (H), 176, 211 Lydia (K), 211, 233 Sarah E. (K), 211, 233 Albers, Hanns, 63 Alden, Clayton (»), 352 Frank (R), 352 Allen, Esther (K), 209 Henriette G. (K), 224 John (H), 209 John (R?), 274 Joseph (H), 176, 209 Mary J. (H), 209 Rosetta B. (H), 209, 229 Sally A. (H), 168 Sarah A. (H), 209 William S. (H), 198, 224 William S. N. (H), 146 Additional names (B), 209, 224 AUJjion, Catharine R. (H), 282 AlwarA, Benjamin, 136 William (H), 136 Anderson, Emma J. (R), 355 Col. George (K), 184 Hon. John (H), 166, 184 Nathaniel (H), 139 Additional names (K), 184 Andrews, Ada (H), 245. 246 Angeline (B), 150 Hugh (H), 122, 150 Isaac (H), 105 John S. (R?), 274, 284 Nelson (H), 149 Additional names (B), 150, 161; (B?), 284 Angel, Benjamin F. (H), 166, 104 Armstrong, Hannah (B), 118 John (B), 118 ' Nathaniel (H), 117 William (H), 208 Amett, Elizabeth (H), 132 Dr. James, 132 Arnold, Esther (R), 316 Atchlnson, Loretta A. (R), 314 Atwater, Sarah (R?), 374 AtweU, Joseph (R?), 275 Anil Sarah (H), 218 Austin, Adelbert W. (B), 108. tlS Adella C. (B), 308, 887 Albion S. (B), 30R. 838 Almlra D. (»). 308. 388 Ervln P. (B), 308. 338 Joel N. (B), 308. 387 408 GENERAL INDEX Nathaniel C. (B), 308, 3ff7 Rebecca A. (B), 308, 337 William N. (R), 291, 308 Additional names (B), 337, 338 Ayres, David (H), 170 John B. (H), 111 Ayrs, Esther (H), 111 Babbitt, Rachel (H), 113 Babcock, Charles H. (R), 342 Ira B. (R), 302, 328 Judson (H?), 250 Additional names (B), 328 Bachelor, (R), 295 Bacon, Catherine (H), 164 Dr. (H), 216, 230 Ebenezer, 164 Badgfley, Dayton, (H), 168, 205 Henry P. (H), 156 Howard G. (R), 272 Robert T. (H), 215 Additional names (K), 205 Bailey, Abigail (R), 273 William (H), 233 Baker, (H?), 250 Annie R. (R), 355 David (H), 128 Eugene E. (R), 310 James M. (H), 199, 224 Robert F. (H), 199 Additional names (H), 199, 224 Baldwin, Dea. Amos (H?), 238 Anna (H), 213 Elizabeth (H), 110 Eunice (H), 111 Hannah (H), 90, 141 John (H), 144 Joseph, 251 Josiah (H?), 238 Kezia (H), 93, 103 Mary (H), 100 Temperance (H), 98 Zenas (H?), 239 Additional names (K?), 238 Balfour, John L. (B), 328 Thomas (R), 302, 328 Ball, (R), 323 Davis (H), 177 Frank H. (R), 318 Dr. John (H), 103, 142 Stephen, 177 Baltis, John (H), 234 BankB, Adeline D. (R). 292 , Benjamin (R), 255, 258 David (R?), 275 Esther (R?), 285 John, 36, 258 Moses (R), 294 Additional names (B), 258 Barber, (N), 365 Barbour, (R), 306 Barfood, Ida M. (R), 333 Barker, Milton E. (R), 319, 350 Additional names (B), 350 Barlow, John, 252 Barnabee, Mabel (H), 391 Barnes, Mabel (R?), 275 Barr, Dr. Brazelius (H), 209 Barrett, Edward L. (H), 194, 219 Additional names (H), 219 Barton, Leonard Bartram, Eli (R?), 275 Bateman, Elizabeth (H), 26, 47. 80 William, 46, 80 Bates, Mary (R), 312 Nelson (R), 314, 345 Additional names (&), 345 Batadwln, John, 53 Banme, Olive (R), 350 Bayley Mary (Lyon) (R), 257 Baxter, David (R), 263 Thaddeus (R), 277 Beach, Hannah (H?), 238, 240 Sarah (H), 82 Zopher, 67, 82 Beal, Hattie (H), 206 Bean, James, 252 Beard, — (H), 195 Beardsley, Ann Janet (R), 294 Sarah (H), 181 William (H), 181 Beeoham, Robert, 252 Belxant, William J. (H?). 240 Belknap, Mercy (R), 301 Benedict, Irene (R?), 285 Benjamin, Gilbert G. (B), 323, 354 Gilbert L. (R), 300, 323 Walter Lyon (B), 323, 35S Additional names (B), 323, S5S Bennett [Bennlt], Adah E. (B), 346, 361 Hattie S. (B), 346, 361 Joseph (B), 270 Maiden (R), 316, 346 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 4()y Myrtle E. (B), 346, 861 Thomas. 252 Additional names (B), 346 Benton, David, 168 Sarah (H), 163 Berry, Asa M. (R), 351 Jennie (H). 244, 245 William (H), 155 Berwick, Anna B. (H), 155 James (H), 155 Betts, Ada B. (H), 193. 218 Charles S. (H), IGO Edward E. (H), 193, 218, 219 Florence H. (H), 193 John S. (H), 193. 219 Percy (H), 193. 218 Raymond (H), 193, 218 Additional namea (H), 198, 218, 219 Beyra, Margaret (H), 156 Blddlngrer, (H), 195 Adeline (H), 196 Andrew R. (H), 161, 19S Isabella (H), 195 Lewis L. (H), 195 Bierce, Constance E. (H), 217 Rev. Daniel E. (H). 192, 217 Additional names (X), 217 Blngrham, Ida (H), 192 Sarah, 163 Bird, George (H), 167 Henry (H). 168 Rebecca (H), 168 Blahop, John M. (R). 306 Mary (R), 287 Black, Charlotte (H). 21$ Blackford, John (H), 112 410 GENERAL INDEX Blaethly, Aaron, 53 Thomas, 53 Blair, Eliza (R?) 377 Blakesley, Chauncey F. (H), 164, 201 Clarissa Lyon (H), 201 BUbb, (N), 365 Blood, (R), 314 Addie (R), 345 Hiram (R), 304, 831 Mary (R), 331, 359 Willis A. (H), 345 Additional names (K), 246; (B)i 831 Bloom, Alice M. (R), 329 Bloomfleld, Charles T. (H), 138 Ed (H), 390 Dr. Edward (H), 138 Boardman, Anna (K), 198 Louis (H), 198 Bodle, Genial "Washington (R), 8)6, 361 Additional names (B)i 361 Botrert, Rachel (R), 311 Bolton, Sarah E. (H), 183 Bond, Anna (H), 168 John (H), 168 Joseph (H), 168 Nathaniel (H), 137, 168 Polly (H). 151 Robert, 151 Samuel (H), 90 Stephen, 53 William F. (R), 321, 8B8 Additional names (S), 168; (B), 353 Bonnell, Phebe (H), 153 Botsford, David (R). 290, 303 Eunice (B), 303, 330 Rosaltha (B), 303, 331 Ruth Imogens (B), 330, 338 Sarah A. (B), 303, 330 Additional names (B), 330, 888 BOQlt, Lucy (R), 324 Stephen, 324 Bower, Edmund H. (H), 391 William (H), 147, 177, 390, 391 Additional names (K), 177, 391 Boyd, Anna (H), 221 Mary (K), 221 Walter Lacy (H), 197, 221 Additional names (H), 221 Boyle, Mahetabel (H), 154 Col. Solomon (H), 124, 153 Bradley, Francis, 252 Handon (R), 286 Mary (R), 264, 273 Mary E. (B), 286 Bralnerd, David, 373 John, 373 Brandenberg, Henrietta (H), 215 Brant, (H), 119 Additional names (K), 119 Bratten, — (H), 151 Bratton, I (H), lis Breed, James E. (H), 217, 236 Brealer, Emeline (H), 231 Jacob, 231 Brewster, Freeman (H), 179 Additional names (H), 179 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Anna (N), 369 Lucy (R), 290 Nellie (R), 362 Broadwell, Catherine L. (H), 220 Jane (H), 145 Bro1)gt, Mary M. (R), 342 Brockman, (H), 209 Brooks, J., 53 Jease (N), 365, 366 Polly Ann (R), 301, 826 Additional names (H), 366 Bropliy, — ^ (R), 312, 341 Additional names (S), 341 Brother!, Rebecca (H), 198 Brown, ■ (H), 133 Angelette V. (R), 347 Edward H. (R), 335, 860 Flora A. (H), 220 Glenn (»), 360 Hannah (H), 111 Henry (H), 167 James (H), 136, 167 John (H), 167 John Lyon (K), 167 Julia A. (H), 229 Nancy (H), 167 Peter (H), 167 Sarah (H), 167 Sarah (H), 185 Sarah F. (H), 182 Additional names (K), 167 Browne, E. A. (H), 174 John, 53 Brownlnir, Hartie (R), 316 Bruen, Hannah (H), 118 Obediah, 53 Sarah E. (H), 890 • Timothy, 113 m Bryant, Charles (H), 192 John (H), 167 William (H), 160. 192 Additional names (M), 187 Bnoklng'ham, Walter C. (H). 212 Buckley, Mary (R), 357 Peter (R?), 275 Sarah (R?), 274 Bnokner, (H). 193 Additional names (H), 191 BnlllB, Thomas (R), 258 Additional names (B), 2S8 Bnnn, Sallle (H), 156 Bnrchxaan, Willie G. (R), 316 Bnrd, Ada J. (B), 314, 345 Francis E. (R). 296, 314 Willie E. (B), 314, 146 Additional names (B), 84i Bnrdlck, Edith (R), 858 Emeline (R), 823 Fred (R), 317, 348 Jerusha E. (R), 317 Additional names (B), 848 Burke, Sallle C. (H), 162 BnrUnsrame, (H?), 250 Martha, (H?), 249 Bnmett, Mary (R), 280 Bnrna, Brete L. (R), JI7 Mrs. Emeline (Burdlck) (R). 323 Granville (R). 297, 817 Harry Lyon (B), 817, S, 325 Helen E. (H), 146 Henry (H), 146 Henry C. (H), 120, 146 Ithmar, 183 Iva (R). 378 James (H), 146 Jeanette R. (H), 183 Joseph (H), 146 Mary M. (H), 146 Bishop Philander, 183 Hon. Salmon P. (H). 154. 188 Chidsey, Caroline (Grout), 205 Chlpps, Mrs. Nancy (H), 111 Chinray, Joseph deC. (H), 201 Additional names (H), 201 Choms, John (R). 296 Christie, ^ (R), 330 James H. (H). 224 Chnrch, Joseph (R). 302 Chnrchlll, Joseph (R). 283 Mellnda (R>. 283 Clark, (H). 109. 118 Abigail (H), 119 Adeline (H). 212 Amelia E. (H). 212 Aurora (H), 233 Rev. C. (H). 261 Caroline (H>. 248 Catharine (H). U9 414 GENERAL INDEX Catherine (H), 177 Challen (H), 212 Charles B. (H), 176, 212 Charles L. (H), 233 Clara E. (H), 234 Clarissa D. (H), 211 Darkis (H), 89, 96 Deborah (H), 243 Elizabeth (H), 89, 96, 119, 14S Ephraim (H), 89, 96 Frances (H), 231 Frances L. (R), 346 George S. (H), 145, 233 Hannah (H), 89, 96 Harry Van T. (H), 212, 233 Mrs. Hattie (R), 313 Henry (H), 89, 96, 145, 212 Ichabod (H), 89, 96 James (H), 119 James B. (H), 211 Jeremiah M. (H), 176, 212 -^ Joanna (H), 112 John (H), 208 John Lyon (H), 119 Jonathan (H), 145, 176 Jonas (H), 113, 138 Joseph (H), 119 Judith (H), 243 Laura (H), 212 Levi (H), 167 Louisa (H), 233 Maria (H), 219 Mary (H), 119, 145, 176, 211 Nathaniel (H), 89, 96 Rebecca (H), 119 Riderous (H), 89, 96 Samantha (H), 212 Samuel (H), 119 Samuel M. (H), 176 Sarah (H), 219 Sarah (H), 119, 145, 175, 211 Sarah E. (H), 233 Stephen B. (H), 145, 176 Susan (H), 145 Susannah (H), 145, 175 Thomas (H), 101, 119 Thomas (H), 119 William (H), 119, 145, 211 "William M. (H), 211 Additional names (H), 138, 14B, 176, 211, 212, 167, 234, 251 Clarkson, (H), 154 Clayton, Anna (R), 327 Clements, William (R), 307, 335 Additional names (B), 336 Cleveland, Anna J. (H), 200 George S. (H), 200 Helen M. (H), 200, 22i John B. (H), 200, 225 Lydia J. (H), 200, 225 Additional names (H), 200, 225 Cllzbe, James (H), 103 Close, Ella (H), 179 Clonsfh, Horace P. (H), 208 Cobli, Calvin (H), 200, 225 Sybil (H), 141 Additional names (H), 226 Coddingfton, Benjamin (H), 168 George (H), 168 Coe, (H), 390 Benjamin (H), 95, 251 Additional names (H), 251 CoETSwell, Amanda (H), 156 Cole, A. Erwin (R), 346, 361 David (H), 167 Florence (H), 194 Frederick G. (H), 204 Lydia (H), 171 Mary K. (H), 167 Additional names (B), 361 Coles, Maria (H), 152 Collins, (H), 195 Eliza (R), 293 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Colwell, Hugh, 155 James (H), 155 John (H), 155 Sarah (H), 155 Additional names (H), l6g Compton, Charity (H), 168 Compo, Jerome (R), 326, 356 Additional names (»), 355 Condlt, Aaron (H?), 239 Edward (H), 110 Eliza (H), 172 Martha (H?), 239 Rebecca (H), 114 Rhoda (H), 110 Usnal (H), 111 Condo, Jacob (S), 371 Congrer, Abby (H), 148, 178 Amanda (H), 150 Ann (H), 149 Catharine (H), 149 Charles A. (H), 179 Charlotte A. (H), 179 David (H), 104. 121 Deborah (H), 148, 178 Ellison (H), 149 Elvira (H), 149 Prances A. (H), 179 George H. (H), 213 Harriet (H), 150 Jonathan (H), 104 Joseph (H), 121, 149 Joseph O. (H), 149 Josiah (H), 121, 148 La Fayette (H), 149 Margaret (H), 121, 150 Mary (H), 121, 148, 149 Obediah (H), 121, 149 Samuel (H), 104, 149 Samuel (H), 104 Sarah (H), 121, 149 Stephen (H), 104, 121, 149 Stephen M. (H), 149, 179, 211 William H. (H), 179, 218 416 William P. (H), 200. S2e Additional names (H) I4g 149 179, 213, 226 • . . ConUln, Charles H. (H), 233 Ella P. (H), 238 Grace M. (H), 233 Henry (H), 210, 232 Additional names (H), 231 Conyera, Helen (H), 236 Samuel E. (H), 218, 286 Cook, Pedigree, 122 Abraham (H), 105. 122 Angeline (H), 151 Charlotte (R). 291 Eliza Lyon (H), 122 Elizabeth (H), 211 George (H), 137 Harriet H. (H), 210 Harriet H. (H), 122 Jerusha (H), 103 Lucy (H), 151 Mary (H), 93 Mary (H), 122, 151 Mary J. (H), 151 Phebe (H), 122, 150 Sarah (H), 83 Sarah (H), 123, 151 Stephen (H), 123, 151 William (H). 211 Additional names (H), 12J. 151 Cooley [Cooly], Peter, 252 Cooper, Ann (H), 166 Ichabod, 113 John, 81, 83 Stephen (H). 155 William (H). 155 Corblt, Simeon (R). 307. 335 Additional namen (B), 88S Cornell, Plora A. (B), 328. 867 Merrltt E. (R). 802 Myron J. (R), 802. 328 416 GENERAL INDEX Nettie L. (B), 328, 357 William H. (H), 167 Corwln, Harmon L. (R), 299, 321 Nettie J. (»), 321, 353 Additional names (K), 321 Cory, John (H), 113, 137 Phebe (H), 137 Cosard, Harriet (H), 210, 230 Lydia (H), 176, 210 Cota, Inez, (H), 244 Cottle, (H), 209 Cottrell, Nate (R), 288, 300 Conlson, Sarah C. (H), 184 Conrter, Abraham (H), 142 Covell, Ortugal (Jf), 366 William (N), 366 Additional names (N), 366 Cowdery, Lucretia E. (H), 197 Cowle, Susan (S), 372 Cos, Pedigree, 175 Annette (H), 228 Adaline W. (H), 211 Christiana (H), 176, 210 Clara (H), 232 Daniel T. (H), 209, 229 David (H), 176, 209, 228, 229 Prof. Edwin B. (H), 231 Elizabeth (H), 176, 209, 210, 231 Elizabeth J. (H), 228 Isaac (H), 176, 210 James (H), 211, 228 James M. (H), 176, 211 John (H), 122, 145, 175 John (H), 176, 210 John C. (H), 210, 228, 232 John M. (H), 209, 228 John T. (H), 210, 232 Jonathan C. (H), 210, 231 Joseph W. (H), 209, 229 Julia A. (H), 210, 231 Lydia C. (H), 232 Margaret H. (H), 232 Martha (H), 176, 211, 229 Mary (H), 176, 210, 232 Mary E. (H), 209, 229 Mary M. (H), 210, 230 Matilda (H), 176, 211 Oliver W. (H), 229, 231 Robert C. (H), 231 Sarah (H), 176, 209 Theodore F. (H), 210, 232 William (H), 228, 229, 231 William H. (H), 209 Additional names (H), 229, 231, 232 Craigr, Charles Lyon (B), 307 Emma H. (B), 307, 335 John W. (H), 124 William (R), 291. 307 William F. (B), 307, 335 Additional names (B), 335 Craigfbead, Robert (H), 180 Crandall, Harriet F. (H), 147 Mary (R), 347 William H., 147 Crane, Abigail (H), 93, 99. 124 Anna (H), 170 Anna A. (H), 184, 215 Anna R. (H), 152 Azariah, 53, 60 Benjamin (H), 93 Caroline A. (H), 152 Catharine (H), 133 Catherine M. (H), 152 Cornelia W. (H), 122 Delivered, 53 Elias (H), 103, 104 Elizabeth (H), 104, 121, 152 Mrs. Elizabeth (Day) (H), 108 Esther (H), 103 Ezekiel (H), 93, 103 Fanny M. (H), 152 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 41T Isaac (H), 93, 103 Israel (H), 144 Israel (H), 93, 103 Jabez (H), 104 Jasper, 93 Jerusha (H), 104 Joanna (H), 93, 103, 104 John, 53 John Williams (H), 157, 186 Jonas (H), 106, 124 Jonathan, 103 Joseph (H), 83, 93, 99 Joseph (H), 93, 103 Josiah (H), 240 Josiah (H), 93, 103, 104 Lois (H), 103 Lucy (H), 103 Mary (H), 103, 104, 152, 184 Moses (H), 103 Obediah (H), 104, 121 Phebe (H), 103 Phebe C. (H), 123 Rachel (H), 103, 105 Richard M. (H), 124, 152 Rufus (H), 94, 106, 124 Sarah (H), 103, 105 Samuel M. (H), 156, 184 Timothy, 103 William (H), 124 William H. (H), 210, 231 Additional names (H), 124, 152, 185 Crawford, Alanson (R), 291, 308 Hannah (B), 308, 338 Crocker, Betsey (H), 243 Crofoot, Daniel (R?), 265 Cronklilte, Charles (H), 233 Crosby, Alice P. (H), 195 David (H), 161, 195 CroBley, John A. (H), 194 John W. (H), 194 Additional names (H), 194 (26) Cronch [Crowoli], Simon, 252 Crowell, Eliza (H), 168 Cunmlng-B, Josepli (R), 290, 303 Additional names (B), 804 Carrie, James B. (H), 217 Curtis, Isaac (H), 183 John, 53, 82 Susan (?), 378 Cnshlng', Florence (N). 368 Susan (?), 379 Cutler, Libble (Lyon) (R), 392 Cyphers, Georgiana (R), 355 Czapkay, Lewis G. (H), 211 SalsrllBli, Robert, 53 Danlell, . (H), 212 Darling', Mary J., 334 Darrow, Pamelia (R), 301 Davenport, Amanda (R), 326 John (H), 198 Robert E. (H), 212 Davis, Charles (H), 182, 215 Charles D. (H), 215. 234 Deborah (R), 301 Elizabeth Lyon (H), 121 James O. (H), 212 John, 262 John O. (H), 234 John W. (H). 102, 120 Louella (H), 212 Lucinda (R). 326 Lydla (R?), 262 Mary (R), 262. 263. 291 Matilda (H). 153 Rachel (R), 339 418 GENERAL INDEX Sarah (H), 161 Stephen, 53 Stephen (H), 161 Additional names (H), 121, 215 Davison, John W. (R), 305, 333 Day, Agnes (H), 125 Dea. Amos (H), 94, 95, 106 Amos (H), 106, 124, 152, 182 Benjamin L. (H), 125, 155 Caroline (H), 182 David (H), 112 Elizabeth (H), 182, 215 Frances C. (K), 124 George, 53 Harriet N. (H), 152, 182 Harry G. (H), 224 Isaac (H), 106 Israel Lum (H), 152 Col. Israel (H), 125 Joseph (H), 106, 124, 153 Mahetabel (H), 125, 155 Martha (H), 94 Mary (H), 124, 152 Mary B. (H), 224 Mary O. (H), 153 Mary P. (H), 182 Nancy (H), 124 Samuel (H), 124, 152 William (H), 141 William F. (H), 124, 153 Additional names (H), 106, 152, 153, 155, 182 Dean, James B. (R), 336 Thomas (H), 137 Additional names (B), 336 De Armond, Susan (H), 161, 195 Dearth, Absolom (H), 175, 209 Anker (H), 209 Susan (H), 209 ' Decker, Frank W. (R), 320, 351 William G. (B), 351, 362 Additional names (B), 351, 362 Deguine, Frederick H. (B), 329, 358 Hugh (R), 302, 328 Mary L,. (B), 328, 358 Additional names (B), 328, 329, 358 De Hart, Peter (H), 142 Demorest, Amelia (H), 167 Demlng-, Capt. Jabez, 300 Demnde, Daniel C. (U), 211 Denender, Charles (H), 245 Additional names (H), 245 DenmaA, Aaron (H), 142 Anna M. (H), 143, 172 Carlos L. (H), 173, 207 Charlotte W. (H), 142, 172 Clara B. (H), 206 David (H). 142 David F. (H), 172, 206 Ella M. (H), 173, 207 Emma (H), 142 Harriet (H), 170 Harvey (H), 160, 192 John M. (H), 143, 173 Mary (H), 173, 207 Mary L. (H), 143 Matthias, 142 Matthias W. (H), 206 Phebe W. (H), 143, 172 Rodney W. (H), 142, 172 Samuel (H), 143, 173 Sarah T. (H), 172 Additional names (H), 143, 172, 173, 192, 206, 207 Denison, Robert R., 53 Denulson, / Eliphalet W., 177 John (H?), 243 Louise (H), 177 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 410 Derby, Benjamin P. (H), 166, 204 Phebe (R), 273 Additional names (H), 204 Desllla, Mary Ann (S), 372 Dick, Jane (H), 183 DleU, Katie (R), 338 Dikeman, Cornelius, 272 Rachel (R), 272 Dlmock, Alemena E. (R), 319, 350 Asa (R), 288,^ 298 Bertha Rue (B), 319, 351 Rev. Davis, 319 Ella R. (B), 319, 350 John H. (R), 298, 319 John Henry (B), 319, 350 Mary A. A. (B), 319, 350 Mary E. (B), 298, 319 Walter W. (B), 298, 319 Warren (B), 319, 350 Warren S. (B), 298, 319 Additional names (B), 298, 319, 320, 350 Dlrlam, ■ (R), 331, 359 Additional names (B), 359 Dlsborotigfli, Julia A. (H), 154 Dixon, Abby, E. H. (H), 214 Charles (H), 180, 213 Herbert (H), 214 Eliza Gaines (H), 140 DobBon, Herman Ii. (R), 348 Dodd, Gladys M. (B), 357 Louis A. (R), 328, 357 Roy Lyon (B), 357 Dominlck, ^ (H), 208 Donaldson, Jennie (R), 335 Donuingfton, (H), 155 Doremua, Cornelius (H?), 240 Doty [Dougrbty], Agnes (H), 153 Elizabeth P. (H), 153 Eugene S. (H), 153 Joshua (H), 153 Gen. Solomon (H), 124, 153 Additional names (H), 153 Dong-hty, Leslie N. (H), 203 William S. (H), 201 Dove, Aaron, (H), 102 Downingf, Cora (B), 332, 360 Dora (B), 331. 359 James A. (R), 304, 331 Mary (B), 331, 360 Minnie (B), 331, 360 William W. (R), 304. 832 Additional names (B), 331, 331 Downs, Peter (R?). 186 Dozler, Kate (H), 212 Drake, (H). Ill Katie (H). 136 Sarah A. (H), 205 Drew, Elizabeth (H), 137 Drlffgfs, David W. (H), 167 Dndley, (H), 125, 155 Danham, David (H), 141 John (H), 141 Lucy (H), 120 Margaret (H), 141 Dnnnlngf, Ada E. (B), 321. 352 Charles R. (B), 321. 352 George F. (R), 299, »21 Henry L. (B), 321. 352 420 GENERAL INDEX Additional names, (B), 321, 352, 353 Dnnreth, Amanda J. (H), 194 Dnnton, Esther A. (H), 202 Dnrham, Harriet (R), 302 Sntcher, Mary W. (H), 199 Pamelia (H), 199 William A. (H), 163, 199 Additional names (BE), 199 Dwyre, Joseph W. (H), 173 Dyer, Elvira (H?), 250 X>yre, Aaron Fisher (H), 120 Hannah Lyon (H), 120 John (H), 120 Mary A. (H), 120, 145 Additional names (H), 120 Eagrles, — (H), 103 Earl, William S. (H), 204 Eaton, Sarah A. (R), 341 Eddy, (H), 250 Edwards, (H), 117 Alfred L. (H), 204 Hannah (H), 127, 155 Helen G. (H), 204 Jane (H), 143 Joshua (H), 128 Katharine M. (H), 236 Lewis (H), 204 Rachel (R?), 275, 285 Robert C. (H), 218, 236 Sarah (R), 320 Additional names (H), 204, Eldridge, Amelia (B), 295, 315 Ann Lyon (B), 296, 315 Fanny F. (B), 296, 315 Josephine L. (B), 296, 315 Lyman W. (R), 321, 352 Marvin E. (B), 315, 345 Watson W. (B), 296, 314 William C. (R), 287, 295 Additional names (B), 295, 296 315, 345, 352 EUlB, Charles (H), 151 Mrs. Mary (Moore) (R), 297 Ellison, Sarah (H), 244, 245 Euncii, Adeline (H), 179 Elwell, Simon B. (H), 246 Additional names (H), 246 Enlows, Sarah M. (H), 220 Enyart, Benjamin (H), 175, 208 Daniel C. (H), 175 David (H), 145, 175 Hannah (H), 175, 209 Johanna (H), 175, 208 J. Homer (H), 208 Minerva (H), 208 Rebecca (H), 208 Sarah (H), 175, 208 Vincent (H), 175, 208 William (H), 175, 208 Additional names (H), 175, 208, 209 Erwln, Annie (H), 171 Essler, Frances G. (R), 316, 346 Estell, (H), 140 Estes, Martha A. (R), 326 Rhoda (R), 325 Estler, Mary E. (H), 378 Etter, Lorin A. (H), 217, 236 Sidney S. (H), 236 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 4tl Evans, ' (R), 307, 336 Elmer E. (B), 336, 360 James (H), 162, 196 Additional names (H), 196; (»), 336, 360 Evarts [Euarts], James, 252 Pagran, Elizabeth (H), 232 Fairbanks, Dr. Henry C. (H), 164 Fairchilds, Matthew (H?), 238 Additional names (H?), 238 Faitonte, Jonathan (H), 152 Fanton [Fountain, Fantaln], Ellen (R), 256, 259 John (R?), 265 Farq.uliar, Harry (H), 172 Dr. O. C. (H), 172 Farnham, Lucinda (R?), 376 Felt, Adalaide (H), 151 Felton, Emma L. (R), 322 Fenn, Caroline M. (H), 166 Fenton, (R), 293 Fentress, Calvin (H), 202, 227 Additional names (H), 227 Ferg'nson, John S. (H), 140 Vatvai* William N. (H), 170 Finch, Clara (H), 223 Fannie P. (H), 223 James H. (H), 197, 223 Additional names (K), 223 Fish, Byron K. (H), 390 Fisher, Mary M. (H), 167 Fisk, Byron K. (H), 147 Fitz Oerald, David (H), 151, 181 David P. (H), 181 Edwin (H), ISl Lysander (H), 181 Phebe (H), 181 Additional names (K), 181 Fitz Patrick, Sarah E. (H), 169 Fitz Randolph, Eunice (H), 95, 109 Mary E. (H), 136 Morrice (H), 136 Flanag-an, W. H. (H), 342 Fletcher, Daniel (R), 291 Foot, Edwin (R), 318 Edwin (B), 318. 349 Additional names (B), 318, S49 Foote, Corydon E (B), 306, 334 Eli (R), 290, 305 George W. (B), 305, 334 Hannah W. (B), 305, 333 William H. (B), 305, 338 Additional names (R), 305, 334 Ford, Minnie (H), 203 Pordyce, Mary (H), 170, 205 Nancy (H), 170 Forsyth, Antrim R. (H). 150, 181 Additional names (H), 181 Forth, Frank J. (H), 229 Foster, Joseph (H), 96 Joseph (H). 93. 104 Nathan (H), 93. 390 Fowler, Jane (H). 169 Pralna, Edward (H). 280 422 GENERAL INDEX Frallck, Henry (R), 302, 327, 392 Mary A. (»), 327, 356 Francis, J. B. (H), 229 Louisa (H), 181 Frazer, Eliza (H), 168 Margaret (H), 144 Freeman, Electa (B), 299, 322 Elijah (R), 288, 299 Elizabeth (H), 111 Jennie (H), 198, 223 Laura (H), 227 Stephen, 53 Stephen tH), 117 Additional names (R), 299 Frees e, Rev. Isaiah (R), 322, 360 Louis (R), 312, 341 Additional names (&), 341, 360 Frencli, Ira (H), 137 Lucius (R), 378 Frizette, Seymour (H), 166 Fry, Hopie (H), 198 Frye, Annie M. (R), 287 Mary (R), 255, 256 Fnlkerson, Hattie A. (B), 321, 352 Irene A. (B), 321, 351 "William H. (R), 299, 320 Fuller, ^ (R), 302 Dermont E. (B), 332 James (B), 304, 332 Taylor (B), 304, 332 William (R), 290, 304 Additional names (B), 304, 332 Fnllerton, Clarence (H), 193 Henry B. (H), 193 James A. (H), 193 William (H), 160, 193 Oalbraith, Minnie J. (H), 196 OaUison, Henry (H), 244 Additional names (H), 244 aanoungr, Arthur H. (B), 295, 313 Charles M. (B), 313, 344 Edwin G. (B), 313, 342 Eugene C. (B), 313, 342 Fanny A. (B), 313, 343 Flora A. (B), 312, 341 Frank F. (B), 313. 341 George W. (B), 313, 343 Helen L. (B), 313, 344 Isaac (B), 295, 313 Jane N. (B), 313, 344 John H. (R), 287, 295 Martha A. (B), 313, 342 Mary A. (B), 313, 343 Milo (B), 295, 312 Miram (B), 295, 312 Oscar F. (B), 313, 343 Sarah E. (B), 313, 343 Sarah F. (B), 313, 342 Seth (B), 295, 312 Simeon O. (B), 313, 343 William H. (B), 313, 344 Additional names (B), 295, 312, 313, 341, 342, 343, 344 Oansevoort, Catharine E. (H), 166, 204 Conrad (H), 166 Mary W. (H), 166 Ten Eyck (H), 166 Gard [l^a Garde], Pedigree, 159 Ruth Huntington, 153 Gardner, C. C, 121 Elizabeth (H). 152 Horace B. (H), 121 Garners, Catharine J. 183 Garrard, Jephtha D. (H), 154 Additional names (H), 154, 155 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 423 Oary, John W. (H), 202, 227 Kellogg (H), 227 Gates, Bryant (H), 244 Neil (H), 233 Additional names (H), 244 Oeer, Hester T. (B), 331, 359 Sarah E. (B), 331, 359 Taylor B. (B), 331 Thomas (R), 303, 331 Oenneay, Mary (H), 124 Oetchell, Sarah (H), 244 Gibbons, (H), 209 Gibbs, William H. (R), 307, 336 Additional names (B), 336 Glddin^s, Capt. James, 297, 300 Maria A. (R), 300 Sarah W. (R), 297 Gilbert, Eugene (R), 326 Giles, Emily (R), 299 John (H?), 240 GiUett, Frank A. (B), 315, 345 Reed (R), 296, 315 Additional names (B), 346 Glnck, Alonzo (H), 233 Goddard, Ora E. (B), 309 Riverio W. (R), 309 Godfrey, Sarah (R), 'J72 Goff, (H), 230 Golden, ■— (R), 331, 359 Additional names (B), 359 Gooch, Lottie (H), 245 Ooodrode, Mary E. (R), 350 Gordon, (N). 367, 368 Garrie (N), 368 Gorham, Daniel (R), 267 Ebenezcr (R?), 270, 274 Gonld, William (R?), 265 Graham, (R), 303, 330 Ruth I. (B), 330, 358 Gray, Hena (R), 378 Green, William, 277 Additional names, 277 Greengrrow, Charlotte (H), 142 Gregrory, Marilla (R), 306 Grldley, Ann Eliza (R), 283 Grier, Clara M. (H), 220 James (H), 220 Minnie F. (H), 220 Grinnell, Sarah, 282 Grissey, Catherine (H). 209. 229 Grlswold, Cornelia (H), 167 GroBvenor, A. R. (H?), 240 Gront, Clara S. (H), 205 John R., 205 Grumman [Orowman], Aaron (H), 131 Aaron (H), 97 Abigail (H), 113 Esther (R), 255 Ichabod (H), 97, 118 Isaac (H), 113 John. 252 Joseph (H), 138 Mary (R), 255 424 GENERAL INDEX Mary (H), 113, 138 Phebe (H), 113 Sarah (H), 113 William (H), 113 Onerin, Charles (H), 144 Nancy (H), 111 Oueringf, Lydia (H), 111 Onnderman, Judd (R), 330 Onnekle, Dr. — (H). 208 Onnsanlls, Mary (R), 361 Eaok, John (H), 173, 207 Additional names (H), 207 Hackney, Charles C. (H), 223 Haddiz, George (H), 210, 230 John (H), 176, 209 Melinda (H), 210, 230 Sarah (H), 210, 230 William C. (H), 210, 230 Additional names (H), 230 Hasraman, Evaline (R), 351 Hagrans, Kittie (H), 173 Haight, Mary H. (R), 301 Stephen (R), 283 Haines, Elizabeth (H), 125 Ruth (R?), 285, 293 Hall, Frederick L. (R), 312 Capt. Joseph (H), 162 Meriam (R), 267 Rachel (H), 210 Susannah (H), 147 Halsey, Benjamin (H), 95, 112 Leonard (H), 228 Sally (H), 112 Silas (H), 100 Additional names (H), 100, 112 Kalstead, Dr. Caleb (H), 105 Additional names (K), 105 Haltzman, Jessie (R), 330 Ham, Mrs. Mary [Light] (H), 209 Hamel, Mrs. Mary (H), 130 Hamlll, Robert (H), 200, 226 Additional names (K), 226 Hamilton, Elizabeth (H), 176 Maria A. (R), 319 Hamlin, Benjamin F. [Frank] (R), 321, 353 Additional names (B), 358 Hammett, Edward (H), 102 Hand, Blanch V. (H), 216, 235 Charlotte M. (R), 327 Major George D. (H), 191, 216 Hanford, Matthew, (R?), 275 Hansee, John (R), 317, 348 William B. (R), 317, 348 Additional names (B), 348 Hanscom, Annie T. (H), 244 Joseph (H?), 243 Melissa (H), 244 Hardy, Emma (S), 372 Hare, Jane (H), 203 Harmon, Christina (H?), 238 Harne, William (H). 247 Additional names (H), 247 Harris, (H), 117 Ada M. (H), 215, 235 . Eleanor (H), 124 James W. (H), 191, 215 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 426 Mary (H), 95, 107 Paul V. (H), 215, 234 Theodore R. (H), 198 "William F. (H?), 240 Additional names (H), 215, 235 Harrison, Abby (H), 171 Abiel (H?), 239 Abraham (H), 109 Damaris (H), 110 Eunice (H), 143 John, 53 Richard, 53 Additional names (H?), 239, 240 Bartman, Dr. Charles G. (H), 210, 230 Additional names (H), 230 Hatch, Alice (H), 228 Dana (H), 203, 228 Hatfield, Sarah (H), 101 Hathaway, Betsey (H), 102, 137 Clara (R), 341 David (H), 170 Hattron, Robert B. (H), 152 Hawk, Capt. Columbus (H), 162 Hawley, Bessie (R), 287 Eli (R), 273 Ezekiel (R), 265 Lemuel (R), 268, 283 Mary (R?), 376 Samuel (R), 262 Kaydeu, James (H), 165, 203 Additional names (H), 208 Hayes, Abby E. (H), 152 Mary (R), 282, 391 Haynes, Mrs. Amy [Whitney] (R?), 265 Eunice (H?), 240 Katie O. (R), 338 Hayward [Howard] , Experience, 373 Harriet (H), 183 Harry (H), 150 Hazelton, Charles W. (H), 221 Perry W. (H), 221 Headstrom, Elias (S), 371 Henuulng'way, Sarah (H), 167 Hendricks, Sarah (H), 133 Henry, H. Evan (R), 328, 357 Additional names (B), 3S7 Henslee, Ida (R), 353 Henston, William (H), 209 Heyden, William, 252 Hill, Abel (R). 268. 279 Andrew L. (R?), 274 Augustus (R?), 274 Betsey (H), 169 Betty (R). 285 Hannah (R), 268, 278 J. C. (H), 157 Lewis, 205 Mary (R), 340 Mary A. (N), 366 Mary B. (R). 333 Mrs. Mary [Fordyce] (H), 206 Nancy (H?), 238, 289 Additional names (B?), 274 Hlncle, Maud (R), 319 Hines, John (H), 111 Hinman, Sarah (H), 98 Hitchcock, Mary A. (H). 149 Rachel (H). 149 Eoagr, Lillian E. (R). 322 426 GENERAL INDEX Hoard, Nellie (R), 349 Sockaday, Richard W. (R), 307, 335 Hoe, Alfred C. (H), 167, 204 Amelia Lyon (H), 204 Emma A. (H), 204 Mary F. (H), 204 Additional names (H), 204, 205 . (R), 381 Maurice (»), 312, 340 Watson (B), 312, 341 William (R), 294, 311 Additional names (B), 340, 341 Eoffmau, Charles F. (R), 322 Libbie M. (H), 197. 223 Additional names (B), 322 Hohl, Theodore (H), 194, 219 Additional names (K), 219 Holcoml}, Bardette (H?), 250 Holden, Martha (H), 242 Mary H. (H), 192 HoUenbeck, Almeda M. (N), 370 Hollowell, Joseph (H), 161, 196 Peter (H), 161, 195 Additional names (B), 195, 196 Holmes, Mabel (R), 289 Mary A. (R), 334 Holt, Elizabeth (H), 212 John M. (H), 120, 147 Additional names (H), 148 Holtz, Mary (H), 231 Holtzapple, Louisa M. (H), 231 Hookey, Ann (H), 92 Hooper, N. Lucretia (H), 243 Hoover, Dr. C. C. 232 Christabel (H), 173 Margaret (H), 232 S. L. (H), 173 Hopper, Livingston H. (H), 196, 220 Additional names (H), 220 Horey, Frank (H), 199 Homey, Mary J. (H), 231 Horst, Albert (H), 142, 171 Additional names (H), 171 Houffli, Peter (H), 142, 171 House, John (H), 111 Honston, Charlotte E. (B), 356 William C. (R), 327, 356 Howell, Ambrose S. (H), 199 Christina (N), 369 Elias P. (H), 112 W. L. (N), 369 Additional names (H), 199 Howie, Enoch (H), 246 Mary (H), 200, 226 Additional names (H), 246 Hoyt [Holte], John, 252 Hubbard, Anna (H), 213 Lewis Van B. (R), 286 - Hnbbell, Esther (R), 282 Lewis (R), 268 Richard, 252 Hudson, ' (H), 196 David (H), 150 Huffel, Eugene (H), 201 Hulbert, Charles (H), 170 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Bull, Harriet (H), 196 Humplixeys, Helen (H), 166 Hnngerford, John N. (H), 166 Hunter, Robert (H), 152 Suntington, Pedigree, 159 Rev. E. S. (R), 291, 310 Phebe, 159 Simon, 159 Thomas, 53, 60 Additional names (B), 310 Hnrlbut, Martha (R), 270 Hursh, Andrew E. (R), 313, 343 George D. (R), 343 Kusou, ' (R), 308, 336 Archie (B), 337 Syatt, Electa (N), 368 Irish, Myra (R), 326 Jackson, Anna (N), 367 Dr. Charles H. (H), 153 Chloe (N), 365 Chloe (R), 277, 289 Deborah (R), 258 John D. (H), 153 Mary (R), 40, 255, 257 Additional names (H), IBS Jacobs, Blanche (H), 212 Richard (H), 212 James, Edward A. (H), 215, 235 Estelle (H), 202 Phebe (H?) 239 Additional names (H), 235 Jamleson, Rev. Alexander (K), 211 M. L. (H), 211 Jayred, Charlie W. (H), 217 427 Jeffries, Sarah, 324 Jenkins, Horace (R), 322 Lieut. John M. (H), 201, 227 Mabel (B), 322 Additional names (H), 227 Jennlng-s, Eunice (R?), 265 Harriet (H?), 239 Joshua (R), 255 Sarah (R), 256, 261 Jerome, ■ , 277, 2S1 Joble, Mary (R), 338 Johns, Horace (H), 199 William E. (H), 199 Johnson, Anna M. (H), 219 Rev. C. H. A., 325 Charles W. (H), 172, 206 David (H), 133. 166 Emma (H), 202, Harris Lyon (H), 166, 204 John, 53 Joseph, 67 Joseph H. (R), 300, 325 Sarah (H), 112 Thomas, 53, 66, 58 Additional names (H), 166, J04, 206; (B), 325, 355 Johnston [Johnstone], James L. (H), 209 James W. (H), 232 Leonidas E. (K), 231 William M. (H), 210, 230, 233 Additional names (H), 209, 230, 231, 233 Jolly, David B. (H), 167 Additional names (H), 167 Jones, Charles A. (H). 154 David W. B. (R). 316. 847 Hubbard (R), 290 Martha (H), 117 428 GENERAL INDEX Naomi (H), 116 Additional names (B)i 347 JTudson, Frank H. (H), 230 Lewis J. (H), 230 Mary B. (H), 231 Kain [Cain], William (H), 158 Keen, Capt. James, 111 Sarah (H), 111 Kees, Maggie (R), 378 Keiver, Jason (H), 231 Additional names (K), 231 Kelley, James (H), 130, 162 Kellogrg', Clarissa (H), 164 Emma B. (R), 340 Joseph, 255 Additional names, 164, 25S Kelly, John (H), 243 Additional names (K), 243 Kemp, Emma L. (H), 198, 223 Kennedy, — (H), 144 David L. (R), 299, 321 Emma J. (S), 321, 353 Joel (H), 168 Martha (H), 194 Additional names (S), 821 Kent, Harlie A. (R), 299 Kenzie, (H), 155 Kester, Jason (H), 151 Additional names (H), 161 Kidman, Eben (R), 331, 360 Howard (»), 360 Klm.berland, Abraham (H), 101 Kimble, John Nelson (H), 170 Klngr, Edward S. (H), 199 Lydia (H), 111 Ruby G. (H), 199 Kiugsbnry, Lucy (N), 367 Kinney, John (H), 137 Kipp, Harriet (H), 155 Klrby, Levi (H), 150 Kirk, Nancy (H), 117 Klrkpatrlck, Elizabeth (H), 209, 228 Kitchen, Abigail (H), 81 Samuel, 53, 60, 81 Robert, 53 Kline, George W. (H), 230 Moses (H), 153 Additional names (H), 153 Kuapp, Charles (H), 229 Jane (R?), 274 Ruth (R), 266, 276 Valesco J. (H), 173, 207 Additional names (H), 207 Knickerbocker, Eulah (B), 315, 346 William (R), 296, 315 Knowles, John, 252 Knoz, (R), 319 Koyer, William (H), 167 Additional names (H), 167 Knrtz, Frances A. (R), 393 Kynor, John (H), 140 Additional names (K), 140 Xiambert, Anna (H), 210, 230 Kamdln, J. H. (H), 122 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 429 I^amoreanz, Charles A. (R), 321 Iiampson, John H. (H), 228 Kane, Calvin (R), 317. 348 George W. (R), 314, 345 John, 266 Martha (R), 266 , Ruth (R?), 274, 283 Additional names (B), 345 Iiandolt, William (R), 392 Kang-dou, Ella M. (H), 194 Frank E. (H), 194 G. Frank (H), 148 Henry E. (H), 194 John P. (H), 194 Joseph G. (H), 161, 193 Mark (H), 161, 194 William M. (H), 194, 219 Additional names (H), 148, 194, 219 Kangworthy, Hannah (H), 102 Yankton, Abby (R), 333 Kapsley, John (H), 212 Kathrop, Dr. George (H), 166 Katon, (H), 111 Kanrenoe, Richard, 53 £aw, Robert (H), 145 Iiawton, Henry F. (H), 146, 177 Additional names (H), 177 Pedigree, 158 Ada J. (H), 197, 223 Caroline B. (H), 163, 197 James P. (H), 163, 197 Rev. James W. (H), 198 Lewis H. (H), 197, 223 Lewis H. (H), 130, 162 Mellnda Card (H), 158 Oren D. (H), 166, 203 Peter Perrlne, 158 Thomas (H). 114 Additional names (K), 198, 208, 223 Kelg'hton, Josephine (H), 244, 245 Keonlbna, Ernald, 11 Hugo. 11 John, 11 Pagan, 11 Paganus, 11 Walter, 11 Xieonne, . 9 Sir Paganus, 10 Sir Roger, 10, 12 Keiter, (R). 359 Additional names (&), 359 IiOVlBee, Aaron (R), 281, 290 Aaron Burton (B), 290, 304 Almeda (B), 294, 390 Anna (B), 304, 331 Chauncey (B), 304, 832 Eliza (B), 304. 332 Eliza A. (B), 290, 303 Elizabeth (B), 304, 331 Emma M. (B), 290, 304 Frances (B), 304. 332 John Lyon (B), 290, 304 Sarah (B), 304, 331 Thankful (B), 290, 303 Additional names (B), 290. 804. 332 XewlB, Ada Miranda (B), 296, 316 Charles O. (H). 212 Cutler L. (H), 202 David (H), 179 David (R). 288. 296 Eliza (H?), 250 James (H), 127 Jane E. (R). 303 Jasper B. (H). 197. 222 John S. (H), 165. 202 430 GENERAL INDEX Julia (R), 318 Mary (R), 318 Susan (H), 156, 184 Additional names (H), 156, 179, 202, 212, 222 Klchtenberg', Catharine S. (S), 372 David (H), 175, 208, 391 Additional names (H), 208 IdgTxt, Mary (H), 209 Xisrlitall, Albert C. (B), 328, 358 Charles W. (R), 302, 328 Additional names (B), 358 Uncoln, J. (H), 244 Klndsley, Demas (H), 95, 112 Jacob (H), 110 James (H), 230 Capt. John, 112 Mrs. Sarah (H), 112 Silas S. (R), 301, 325 Swaine (H), 140, 170 Additional names (H), 112, 170; (B), 325 lilnle, Francis, 53 Unton, — — (H), 209 Usb, George P. (R), 303, 330 Additional names (B), 330 Uttell [I^ittle], Abby (H), 142 Harriet (H), 205 Helen G. (H), 166, 204 Rebecca (H), 101 Additional names (H), 165, 166 £ock, Lola (H), 230 Sbockhead, Mary C. (B), 306, 335 Matthew (R), 291, 306 Oscar F. (B), 306, 334 Additional names (R), 334 Kockwood, Joseph, 252 Sarah (R), 281 Itong, Elizabeth (H), 145 Kongrf allow, Susan (H), 243 Koomis, Harry A. (R), 346, 361 Additional names (B), 361 Iiooze, (R), 308, 336 Additional names (B), 336, 337 Mrs. (S), 371 louden, Grant (H), 150 ^onvein, Godfrey, 9 Iiowe, Bertha S. (H), 225 Frank (R), 304, 332 William W. (H), 193, 218 Additional names (H), 218; (B), 332 l^wen, Godfrey, 9 ILndlow, Agnes (H), 107, 124 Gen. Benjamin (H), 107, 124 Benjamin (H), 125. 154 Charlotte C. (H), 125, 154 Col. Cornelius (H), 95, 107 Judge Cornelius (H), 124, li4 Elizabeth (H), 107, 125 Israel (H), 107, 124, 125 Martha (H), 107, 125 Sarah B. (H), 125, 154, 183 William (H), 107, 125 Additional names (H), 124, 125, 154, 155 Charity, (H), 128 Elizabeth (H), 152 Hannah (H), 111 Israel, 152 Mary (H), 94, 95, 106 £nptou, James (H), 162 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON iSl XiVLBll, R. M., 36 Iiymens, Robert, 53 Ezra (H), 172 Kyne, Henry [Lyon], 35 Hopestlll, 35 John, of Badby, 35 J^yons, Honora V. (H), 190 John, Esq., 190 ]byonns, Sir John, 12 Mackay, Archibald K. (H), 204 ICagee, Duncan S. (H), 166, 204 Additional names (H), 204 Mains, Frank (H), 206 UandevlUe, Julia (R), 304 Mann [Man], — (H), 89; (R), 291, 308 Additional names (H), 89 Mansfield, Lois, 373 Markley, Maria (H), 232 Marks, Dr. Thomas M. (H), 197, 222 Additional names (H), 222 Marsh, Mrs. Elizabeth (H), 196 Henry A. (R), 308, 338 Additional names (B), 338 Marshall, Charles McA. (H), 197, 221 Eleanor P. (H), 221, 236 Frances E. (H), 221 Rev. Jabez, 215 Philip M. (H), 184, 215 Additional names (H), 215, 221 Martin, Elizabeth (H), 140 Harriet (H), 210, 232 Isabella G. (H), 210, 233 Jonathan (H), 176. 210 Mary (H), 171 Mathews, Flora M. (H). 218 Maxwell, Denlson H. (H), 202 Elizabeth (H), 145 Joseph (H), 173, 207 Additional names (K), 202, 207 McBratney, Setli J. (R), 334 McBarney, James (R), sig McCarter, George W. (H), 125 McCoy, Howard (H), 182 Sarah (H), 182 McCreery, Angeline (R), 332 McCnlly, George W. (H), 210, 229 Additional names (H), 230 McDiermld, George (H), 232 McEnhelmer, William H. (H), 233 McQowen, Othias (H), 176. 211 Additional names (H), 211 McKlnsley, (R). 309 McKirgran, Alexander (H). 144 William H. (H), 144 McKnne, Julia A. (R). 319 Mcliane, Elizabeth (R), 262. 269 MclJanghUn, luelda (R). 363 McLean, James (H). 233 Judge John (H), 125. 1B4 Additional names (H), 16S. StS McMath, Walter J. (R). 355. 363 Additional names (B), 363 432 GENERAL INDEX XcNelU, Eliza (R), 344 t/tclXnlty, George (H), 150 KcPherson, Effle (R), 349 McWllIlams, Andrew (H), 156 Medbury, Arnold (H), 143, 172 Caroline D. (H), 173, 206 Additional names (H), 173 Keecli, Emeline (R), 327 Ueeker [Meaker], Bethuel (H), 239 Caleb (R), 265 Deborah (R?), 274, 284 Elisha (H), 170 George (H), 153 Hannah (R), 265, 275 John (R), 257, 263 Joseph (H), 105 Josiah, 138 Mary E. (H), 170 Ogden (R?), 275 Phebe, (H), 113, 138 Sally (H), 133 Sarah (H), 181, 239 Stephen (R), 265 Additional names (H), 105; (B), 263 ICellen, Rev. Thomas L. (H), 197, 222 Eleanor P. (H), 222, 237 Additional names (H), 222 Melius, William (H), 243 Ueneeley, James (H), 149 ISenou, Celeste (R), 349 Paul, 349 Merrick, Eldridge G., 169 Maria (H), 169 Merrlman, Sally (N), 364 Capt. Nathaniel, 364 Uerrllt, Mary (R), 279 Meyers, Jane V. (R), 318 Miller, Abraham (H), 148 Bethia, (H), 111 Cornelius (H), 137 Dean (B), 352, 363 Eliza (R), 316 Frank E. (R), 321, 352 Isaac (H), 112 John (H), 156 Josiah (H), 137 Louisa (H), 212, 233 Margaret (H), 156, 183 Marietta (H), 152 Mary (H?), 238, 240 Nancy (H), 112 Sarah (R), 296 Thomas (H), 105 Additional names (B), 363 Mllllken, Lucinda (R), 283 Mills, — , 81 Capt. William (S), 371 William S. (H), 171, 206 Additional names (H), 206; (S)i 372 Mitchell [Mitchel], Ida (R), 287 Rebecca (R), 346 Moates, James D. (H), 230 Additional names (H), 230 Mockbridgre, George (H), 181, 214 Additional names (H), 214 Moffit, Luna (R), 361 Monfort, David G. (H), 181, 214 Francis C. (H), 180, 213 Joseph G. (H), 150, 180 Additional names (H), 180, 213, 214 Monroe, Sarah (H), 156 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 4S8 Kontacrae, (H), 149 Moore, — (N), 367, 368 Anne (H), 151, 182 Henry (H), 136, 168 L.ockey (H), 167 Mary (R), 297 Tabitha (H), 136, 168 William (H), 119 Additional names (B), 168, 229; (N), 368 HEorehead, M. H. (H), 180 Uorehonse [MorbonBe], Abigail (H), 137 Daniel (R), 257, 264 David (H), 89, 96 Eleanor (R), 283 Gould (R), 283 Israel (H), 142, 171 James (H), 137, 168 Joanna (H), 89, 96 Samuel, 252 Thomas, 252 Dea. William B. (R), 291 Additional names (H), 168, 169, 171; (B), 264 Morgan, Abraham (H), 141 John W. (R), 303, 329 Additional names (B), 329 Morris, Hannah (H), 113 Mary (H), 111 Morton, Delia (R?), 377 Monnd, David (H), 151 Additional names (H), 151 Mo wry, Maria L. (H), 147, 390 Mozler, Jacob (H), 122, 150 Solomon (H), 176, 210 Additional names (H), 150, 211 Mnclunore, — (H), 103 (27) Molr, Fred W. (R), 343 Mnlford, Densey (H), 139 John (H). 152 MnlUgran, William (H), 167 Additional names (H), 167 Mninford, Elizabeth (B), 299, 320 Emellne (B), 298. 320 Florence I. (B), 320 George (B), 298, 320 Joseph, 120 Mary A. (B), 299, 320 Miner (R), 288, 298 Phebe (H), 120 Additional names (B), 298, 299 Mnngrer, Lois (Lyon?), 274 Simeon (R?). 274 Additional names (B?), 274 Mnnson, Al (R). 316, 347 Louis (B), 347. 361 Lucy J. (R). 319 Samuel (H). 110 Additional names (B), 361 Mnrpby, Gov. Franklin (H), 152 Robert, 152 William (H), 151 William H. (H), 152 Murray, Kate R. (H); 207 John, 207 Myers, Amy E. (H). 216 Ida J. (H). 245 Hasey, Jane (H). 142 ICaylon, G. H. (N). 369 Heedham, John (H). 211. 233 A'Ulltlonnl namPB (■), 2S3 Hewbonae, Elvira M. (H). 179 484 GENERAL INDEX (R), 281, 291 Albert E. (R), 291, 310 Amanda A. (B), 291, 309 Burton Lyon (B), 309 Charles H. (B), 309, 340 Charlotte E. (B), 310, 340 Charlotte H. (B), 308, 339, 393 Duane A. (B), 307, 336 Elisha (R), 308, 339 Hiram A. (B), 291, 309 Ida F. (B), 308, 339 John N. (B), 291, 308 Marietta S. (B), 291, 308 Marion A. (B), 308, 336 Nancy D. (B), 309, 339 Orson E. (B), 291, 309 Orson N. (B), 291, 309 Perry E. (B), 307, 336 Phidelia A. (B), 307, 336 Rowena P. (B), 291, 307 Sarah A. (B), 291, 308 Timothy Lyon (B), 291, 308 "Walter A. (B), 308, 339 William H. (B), 307, 337, 339 William R. (B), 291, 307 Additional names (B), 291, 807, 308, 309, 310, 336, 339, 340 Nichols, Eleanor (R?), 286, 293 Eli (R), 267 irUes, Ralph (B), 320 Dr. W. Sanford (R), 320 Nobles, Elizabeth (H), 203 Norrls, Miranda (R), 308 Rhoda (H), 118 North, Carrie L. N. (R), 342 Northrop, Esther Ann (R), 284 NorthTun, Mary (H), 124 Norton, Elijah (H), 130, 162 Lillian (R), 326 Phyzannah (H), 244 Additional names (B), 162 Noyes, Josiah (H), 243 Additional names (H), 243 Oatman, Antoinette M. (R), 313 Oherly, Florence (H), 234 Obert, Casin B. (H), 198, 224 Louise L. (H), 224 OdlU, John, 252 Offden, Pedigree, 129 (H), 100 David. 129 Hannah (H), 119 Samuel (H), 118, 143 Susan (H), 127, 155, 238 Additional names (H), 143 Olds, (R), 304, 331 Additional names (B), 331 Oliver, (H), 195 Elizabeth (H), 234 John (H), 110 Mercy (H), 92 Sarah (H), 111 Olmstead, Pedigree, 273 Elijah (R), 264, 273 Hannah (R), 280 Sarah (R?), 259 Additional names (B), 273 Oluey, Edward G. (H), 206 Additional names (K), 206 Oshoru, J , 271 Nathan (R), 264 Squire (H), 168 Additional names (H), 168 Osterhant, Miriam (H), 174 Owen, Mary (R), 343 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Palmer, Ellas L. (H), 134 Emma E. (R), 333 Jacob (H?), 239 Samuel (H?), 239 Parkbnrst, Caleb (H), 100, 118 Additional names (H), 118 Parks, C. C. (R), 290, 306 Frances (B), 3O6 Parmer, Thomas (H), 137 Parr, Arthur (H), 228 "William (H), 203, 228 Parmcli, Abiah (R), 265 Parsons, Nancy (H), 209 Passagre, Pearl (R), 345 Patterson, Irene (H), 213 Isaac (H), 211, 233 Additional names (H), 23S Pecke, Jeremiah, 53 Peckham, Daniel, 146 Sarah A A. (H), 146 Penderg-ast, Emma F. (H), 206 Pennlng-ton, William (H), 157 Additional names (H), 158 Perrlne, Pedigree', 160 Daniel, 160 Perry, (R), 295 Asenath (R), 295 Caroline A. (H), 197, 221 Flora A. (H), 197, 221 Frances W. (H), 197, 221 Joel (R), 282 Leonora L. (H), 197, 221 Lewis M. (H), 197, 220 Mary (R), 272 415 Mary E. (H), 197. 221 Nathaniel (R), 39^ 255 Dr. William A. (H), 1»7 Additional names (H), 197 211- (»), 39, 295 Pettit, Gertrude (H), 217 Philips [PhUUpB], Edward (H). 150 Mary (R), 314 Phlpps, Gardner (H), 208 Pierce, Clara (H), 203, 228 Pierson, — (H), 119, 211 Abraham, 53, 54, 56, 67 Elias (H), 118 Elizabeth (H), 124, Its Hannah, 82 Jonathan (H), 124 Jonathan (H), 124, 15S Lucy. (H), 90 Mary (H), 82, 83, 91 Mary (H), 124. 153 Rebecca (H). 99 Thomas. 53 Additional names (H), 124 16| piiiinar, Mary (H), 212 Plllabary, Sarah (H), 197 Plnney, Harriet (H), 233 Henry L. (H). 2SS Piatt, Sarah, 82 William (R), 283 Additional names (B), 281 Flowiuan, Leila (R). 339 Plum, John, 255 Joseph (H), 103 Mary (H). IJIS Samuel, 60 Flame, Minnie (H), 206 436 GENERAL INDEX Pollard, John (H?), 250 Samuel (H?), 250 Pool, Sophia (H), 102 Pope, Ellen (H), 142 Squire (H), 136 Porter, Jessie, (R), 287 Mary B. (H?), iiO Potter, Addie (H), 202 Amanda (R), 297 Amos, 139 Anna A. (H), 181, 214 Benjamin (H), 137, 169 Christiana (H), 137, 169 Elizabeth R. (H), 213, 234 John (H), 112, 137 John (H), 137, 169 Rev. Joseph L. (H), 180, 214 Margaret (K), 180, 213 Mary (H), 139 Mary (H), 137, 168 Mary (Lyon) Mary W. (H), 192 Rachel (H), 137, 168 Samuel A. (H), 181, 214 Rev. Samuel (H), 150. 180 Additional names (H), 137, 169, 181 Pratt, Josiah (H), 165, 203 Mary (H), 199 Mary (N), 365 Preston, Alonzo (R), 291, 309 Anna M. (R), 328 Additional names (B), 309 Price, (H), 117 Jemima (H), 113 John H. (H), 196, 220 Mary (H), 127 Moses, 127 Thompson (H), 183 Wilbur (H), 122 Additional names (H), 183, 220 Prior, Asa (H), 134 Mrs. Elizabeth (H), 145 Pmdden, Abigail (H), 110, 111 Adoniram (H), 95, 110 Benjamin (H), 95, 111 Boice John (H), 95, 110 Isaac (H), 95, 111, 112 Joanna (H), 95, 110, 111 Joseph (H), 88, 95 Joseph (H), 95, 110, 111 Mary (H), 110, 111 Moses (H), 95, 111 Peter (H), 95, 110, 112 Phebe (H), 110, 111 Rachel (H), 95, 251 Samuel (H), 111, 112 Sarah (H), 95, 110 Adoniram (H), 95, 110 111, 112 PnlUngr, Zalmon (R), 273, 283 Pnrcell, Abner (H), 128 Purdy, Elizabeth (R), 315 Putnam, Arthur (H), 203, 228 Laura (H), 228 Qnimby, Sarah, 140 Babb, Julia A. (H), 128 Badley, Elizabeth (H), 167 Bainor, Sarah (H), 112 Bansley, Martha (H), 173 Bansom, Alonzo (H), 142, 172 Anna M. (H), 172, 206 Additional names (H), 172 Bapp, (H), 151 Batbbone (H), 250 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Bay, James M. (H), 150, 180 Additional names (H), igo Bead, Pedigree, 267 Eli (R), 267 Jane (R), 311 Hon. John, 293 John S. (R), 293 Lazarus (H), 198 Samuel B. (R?), 286 Thaddeus (R?), 286, 293 Additional names (H), 193 • (B?), 293 Bedfield, Florence (N), 367 Priscilla (R), 282 Bedman, (R), 331, 359 Additional names (B), 359 Beed, Alanson (R), 288, 300 Beese, Louisa (H), 181 Sarah (H), 232 Beeves, Alfred (H?), 240 Benjamin (H?), 239 Louisa (H), 214 Rachel (H), 113 Bels, Michael J. (H), 216, 235 Bemsen, William (H), 107 Beynolds, E. P. (R), 310, 340 Hannah (R), 3I6 Leon (R), 349 Walter H. (R), 309, 339 Additional names (B), 339 340, 349 Bhodes, James F. (H), 160, 193 Additional names (H), 193 Bice, Burrage (H), 164, 199 Ebenezer (H), 132, 163 Jennie (R), 360 L. H. (H), 198 4S7 Mary (H), 164, 200 Samuel (H), 132, I64 Sophia (H), 164. 199 Bich, Herman G. (R), 303. 329 Rev. John D. (H). 143. 172 Mary A. (H), 172, 206 Thankful (H), 174 Additional names (B), 339 330 Blchards, ' ' Betsey (R), 332 Je.sse (H), 157 Blchardson, Jane F. (R), 303 Jeanette (N), 368 Bldgre, Asa W. (H). 167 Additional names (H), 167 Blegrle, Martin T. (R), 334 Bigrgra, Abigail (H?), 110 Arthur (H), 179. 213 Edward, 53 Rev. Ellas (H), 150. 180 Elizabeth (H), 83. 91 Elizabeth (H), 150. 179. 180. 181 213 Esther W. (R), 305 Hannah (H), 150, 180 Rev. James (H), 180, 21S Jeremiah, 305 Joseph. 53 Rev. Joseph L. (H), 150. 179 Margaret (H), 150. 180 Phebe (H), 150. 180 Additional names (H), 150, 179. 180, 213 Blgrhter, — (H). 378 Biker, Kate (R). 310 Peter (H), 142 Sarah (R), 310 Bltchle, Letltla (R). 302 438 GENISAL INDEX Bobb, (R), 313, 344 Additional names (B), 844 Boberson, Margaret (B), 258 William (R), 255, 258 Boberts, George (H), 200 Hugh, 53 Mary (H), 82, 90 Moses, 251 Thomas S. (H), 200, 225 Additional names (K), 200, 226 BoblnBon, (H), 141 Amelia (H), 243 Bockafellow, William D. (H), 170 Bockey, George (H), 123, 151 Additional names (H), 161 Bockwell, Angelina S (B), 807, 885 Bryant (R), 291, 307 Eliza J. (B), 307, 335 Elvira C. (B), 307, 336 Boe, Emma (B), 335, 360 Willard (R), 306, 335 Bofrank, Josephine (H), 213 Uogen, (R), 305 Betsey (R), 279 Mrs. Gertrude (H), 137 John, 53 Booia, Elizabeth A. (H), 179 Boot, (R), 330, 358 Additional names (B), 358 Boie, Charlotte (H), 172 L. J. (H), 172 Samuel, 53 BOBI, Eliza (H), 162 John (H), 136, 168 Jonathan (H), 168 Additional names (H), 168 BoBse, Rachel (H), 104 Bonse, Elizabeth (H), 220 Bowell, Julia (B), 286 William (R), 276, 286 Bowland, Abigail (R), 257, 264 Jane (R), 272 John (R), 263, 270 Additional names (B), 270 Bne, W. B. (R), 303 Biinyon, Anne (H), 104 Elias (H), 125 Richard (H), 104 Bnsaell, Helen S. (H), 194 Bnislca, Thanltful (R), 281 Bntledgfe, James O. (B), 236 James R. (H), 218, 236 Bntnonr, Ann (R), 295 Byan, Maggie (H), 171 BampBon, Mahala (R), 297 SanderB, Caroline L. (H), 232 Sanford, Anna (R), 278 David (H), 115 Judge Edward I. (R), 287 Eli (R?), 274 Ephraim, 261, 268 Hannah (R), 261, 268 Huldah (R?), 274, 284 Jerusha (R), 340 Lois (R), 261 Additional names (K), 115; (B?), 274 274 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Sarsreact [Seargeant, Sargent], Clinton A. (R), 329 Jonathan, 53 William (H), 225 Savasre, (H), 117 Savllle, Marshall H. (H), 147 Additional names (H), 147 Sazton, Joseph, 210 Bayers [Sayres], Catherine (R), 227 Daniel (H), 83, 93 Ephraim (H), 93, 104 Samuel (H), 83 Additional names (H), 104 Scarborongrh, Prof. James J. (H), 221, 237 Additional names (H), 237 Scarlett, Edward T. (H), 142, 171 Additional names (K), 171 Scli-nlngrle, Edward G. (R), 350 Additional names (B), 851 Scott, Donald (H), 205, 228 Florence (S), 372 George H. (R), 313, 343 James M. (H), 146, 177 Additional names (H), 177, 228; (B), 348 Sconirall, Affiable (R?), 286, 294 Searing', Mrs. Mary (Meritt) (R), 279 Peninah (H), 117 Sean, Alma (H), 243 Additional names (H), 243 Seavy, Sarah (H), 243 Additional names (H), 248 Sed^ley, Hannah (H), 245 Seely [Soley], Ephraim (R), 283, 292 Phebe (R?), 274 489 Additional namen (B), 2»8 Berreraon, Mary A. (H), 202 Bereral, Sarah (H), 174 Shanley, (R;, 350 Bhardlow, Winfleld Scott (H). 198, 2St Additional names (H), 223 Bliaw, Caldwell (H), 235 Ell (H). 216, 285 Shays, Gen. Daniel, 240 Hiram (H), 240 Sheldon, Laura (H), 165 Miranda (S), 371 SheUey, William (H). 110 Shelton, Henry T. (R), 287 Shepherd, John T. (H), 199 Additional names (H), 199 Bheppard, Julia (R), 334 Sherer, William S. (H), 238 Sherwood, Ablpall (R), 261, 268 Catherine fKate) (K), tit Electa D. (B), 316. 346 Granville J. (B), 318, 847 Herbert F. (B), 316, 846 Joseph T. (R). 296. 816 Wakeman E. (B), 316. 847 Additional namos (B), 346, $47 Shetler, Julia A. (R). 862 Shield*, Matthew R. (U). 161. 115 Additional nnmoa (M), 196 Shower, Ellen (H), 233 Bilney, Amy (R). 840 440 GENERAL INDEX Simmons, Alexander H. (H>, 216, 235 Mildred Lyons (K), 235 Slmrell, Leonard B. (H), 180 Sink, «— (R), 319 Skidmore, Marietta (R), 292 Skillen, Sarah (H), 242 Skinner, John J. (R), 351 Additional names (B), 351 Slag'ht, Emma T. (R), 333 Slater, Robert (R), 327, 357 Additional names (B), 357 Sloan, Mary B. (R), 308 Robert (H), 157 Slocunx, Anna (S), 371 Anthony, 371 Smedley, Diana (H), 165 Smith, (H), 117 Abby L. (H), 138 Charles (H), 139, 202, 250 Charles W. (H), 171 Charity (H), 139 Cornelia (H), 181 Elsie (H), 172 Flora G. (N), 367 George (H), 164, 182, 203 George (N), 365 Gloria (H), 173 H. Thacher (H), 243 Hannah (H), 119, 145 Henry D. (R), 308, 334 Horace K. (N), 370 Howard (H), 146 Ida P. (H), 243 Major Isaac P. (H), 213 Judge James R. W. (K), 213 Joseph (R), 263 Judith (R), 290 Mary (H), 119, 200 Samuel (R), 255, 258 Dr. Samuel S. L. S. (H), 213, 234 Susan (H), 119 Susan A. (H), 171 Susannah (H), 101 William Ellis (H), 243 William (H?), 250 Additional names (H), 117, 146, 183, 202, 213. 234; (W), 365, 370; (B), 258, 339 Snapp, Earl (H), 223 Sneed, Archibald J. (H), 237 Additional names (H), 237 Snow, James (H), 161 Sommers, Hezekiah (R), 267 Soper, Ida (R), 345 Sonbry, Elizabeth (H), 176, 211 Sontliard, Susan (H), 153 Sovercool, Susan, 240 Spalding^, ■ (H), 136 Charles C. (H), 212 Spelman, Mary R. (H), 225 Spicer, W. O. (R), 351 Additional names (B), 351 Spoouer, Elizabeth (H), 120 Sprague, Gov. William, 183 Sprletama, Luke M. (H), 233 Squire [Sciuires], Abigail (R), 272, 282 Stephen (H?), 240 Staat, Edward (H), 210, 231 Additional names (H), 231 Stafford, May E. (H), 246 247 Stag-h, Zebrina (H), 199 Stauer, (H), 151 Stanley, Diana (R), 304 Stanner, Amelia (?), 379 Stansbury, (H). 194 Stanton, Charles B. (H), 191, 217 Helen V. (H), 217, 236 Additional names (H) 217 Starkey, ' Eugene F. (R), 328, 358 Additional names (B), 353 Starling-, Eleanor (R), 272 Jeanett Lyon (R), 349 Stearns, Justus S. (H), 165. 202 Robert Lyon (H), 202, 227 Additional names (H), 227 Stebbens, Ebenezer (H), 89 Additional names (H), 89. 96 Steffy, Alice (R), 321, 352 Steinbeck, Frank (H), 142, 171 Steinmetz, (R), 315 Stephens, Eunice (H), 98 F. (H), 208 Nathaniel (R?), 258 Sterling-, Mary Ann (R), 272 Stevens, Clara A. (R), 350 James (R), 3I8, 349 Jeanette Lyon (B), 349 Philip (H), 146 Ruth Ann (R), 320 Stevenson, Ida (H), 230 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON Stewart, 441 (R). 303 (H). lU Eddie O. (R). 330. 358 John C. (R). 103. 350 Joseph (H). 162 Lucretla M (R), 317 ^^^Additlonal names (»), 330. 168 John (R), 271 Stlmpson, Marearet M. (H). 167 Stoddard, Daniel (R), 200. 302 Additional names (B) 305 Stone, Ell Todd (R). 300 322 L. E. (R), 332 Additional names (B), 3J2 Stoat, Anna (H). 119 Stover, William (H). 119 Straight, Rev. B., 174 Strain, John (H), 101 Stratten, I^ily (H), 233 Straw, John (H), 119 Stricklingr, Phebe (R), 302 Strong-, Abble M. (N). 369 Laura (H). 165. 20» Mary (R?). 285 Sylvester (H), 180 Strubbl© [StmbU], Tlenry (H). 139 Stuart, Caroline (H). 148 Christiana (H), 136 Stargis, Joremlfth (R), 268 Stnrtevant, Edward (H). 206 442 GENERAL INDEX Smiuusrs, Ann (R), 277 Mary (R), 292 Sutton, Pedigree, 175 Sarah (H), 175 Swalud, Samuel, 53 Sweet, Elliot (R), 348 Polly (R), 312 Sarah (H), 92 Swingrle, Emery (R), 322 Additional names (B), S22 BymB, Robert H. (H), 167 Syads, Ezra H. (H), 206 Additional names (H), 206 Tasrsrart, Franlc (H), 203 Talmasre, Albert B. (H), 170 Job A. (H), 139, 170 Tanner, Kate C. (H), 218 Tappan, Nancy (H), 140 Tarr, Lewis R. (H), 245 Additional names (H), 24B Taylor, (H), 195 Alice V. (H), 192, 217 David (H), 178, 208 Edith S. (H), 218. 286 Emma (H), 180 Gilbert (H), 171 Glendy B. (H), 212, 234 Helen M. (K), 218, 236 John M. (H), 146 Mahlen R. (H), 160, 192 Maria T. (H), 172 Oakley R. (H), 192, 218 Robert (H), 120 Robert J. (H), 146 Samuel (H), 170 William H. (H), 140 Additional names (B), 146, 192, 208, 218, 234 Techenor [Tichenor], Daniel, 53 David (H?), 251 Martin, 53 Moses (H), 151, 181 Virginia (H), 181 Additional names (K), 181, 182 Terrell, ^ Leonora (R), 317 Thallmer, George (H), 149 Additional names (B), 149 niayer, • (H), 230; (R), SOI TbomaB, James (H), 119 Winfleld (R), 304 Thompson, Aaron (H), 156 Anna (H), 156 Elizabeth (H), 89, 96 Hannah (B), 89, 96 Hettie Ann (R), 286 John (H), 199 Thomas, 81 Thomas (H), 83, 94 Additional names (B), 94 Thome, Harriet (H), 209 Thorpe [Thorp], John, 271 Lois (R), 271 Thnrher, James B. (R), 308, 339 Tiffany, Charlotte M. (R), 355 Tlngrley, Anna (H), 209 Titus, Mrs. Fanny (H), 136 Todd, Margaret (H), 139 Tompkins, (H), 117 Mrs. Elizabeth (H), 111 Jonathan, 53 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 443 Michael, 53 Richard (H), 140 Tower, Rev. P. R. (R), 299 Town, Norman (H), 132 Townley, Cornelia D. (H), 204 Evetts (H?), 239 Rachel (H?), 238 Additional names (Kf), 239 Tracy, Daniel (R), 307 Maude (H), 226 Treadwell, Sarah (R), 275 Treat, Robert. 44, 49, 53, 57, 67 Sarah (H), 134 Trembly, Pedigree, 175 Joanna, 175 Treior, Francis N. (R), 203 Tripp, Elizabeth (R), 309 Tmaz, William (H), 152 Tmesdell, — (R), 313, 344 Asa (R), 298 Maggie E. (B), 351, 862 Merritt (R), 298, 320 Robert S. (»), 351, 362 Sydney A. (B), 320, 851 Additional names (B), 344, Trnman, Priscllla (H), 383 Tacker, Mary (H), 151, 181 Moses (H), 136, 167 Sarah (H), 167, 205 Additional names (H), 167 Tnrney, Benjamin (R), 261 Benjamin (R?), 276 Robert, 252 Thomas (R), 263, 270 Additional names (B), 270 362 Tonls, John (H). 164 Additional names (H), 164 Tattle, David, 261 Tyrrell, Marcus (R?), 276 TTnderdunk, Mrs. Elizabeth (H). 161 Underhlll, Adah E., (B), 320, 851 Elizabeth (H), 198 Judson (R), 299, 320 Additional names (B), S20 TTnderwood, Mary (H), 102 TTstlck, Mrs. Sarah (H), 157 XTtley, Charles (R), 296 ▼ail, Grace (H). 203 ▼alentlne, Annie F. (B), 357, 361 Charles W. (R), 827, 867 Henry C. (B), 357 Van Dalsem, Capt. William (H). 102 Additional names (H), lOJ Van Dyne, Jane (H), 15S Theodosla (H), 166 Van Honten, Effle (H), 184 Sarah (H), 156 Van North wick, Sener (R), 268, 278 Van Blper, Hannah (H), 148 Van Skark, (H). 211 Vausrhn, Annie C. (R), 356 Vedder, Ida Lura (R). 866 Vincent, Peter (H), 117 444 GENERAL INDEX Vine, James (R), 331, 360 Additional names (R), 360 Volkjuer, Minnie (R), 347, 363 VOBS, Anna (H), 170 Wade, (H), 89 Clarissa Lyon (H), 201, 227 Demas (H?). 239 Gen. James F. (H), 201 John P. (H), 201, 226 William H. (H), 213 Additional names (H), 201, 226 Waite, George W. (H), 102 Additional names (H), 102 Wakeman, , 252 Ann M. (R), 319 Eleanor (R), 272 Elizabeth, 81 Elizabeth (R), 271, 282. 292 Waldron, Martha (H), 134 Walker, (R), 323 Bessie (R), 349 Ida (H), 179 Wallace, Dennis (H), 211 Walters, Joseph, 53 Walton, Frank A. (R), 303, 329 Additional names (B), 329 Ward [Warde], ■ (H?), 238 Eber B. (H), 165, 201 John, 53 John (H), 59, 60, 65, 81, 82 Josiah, 53 Lawrence, 53 Lemuel (H), 82 Additional names (H), 201 Wardwell, Theodore B. (H), 182 Additional names (K), 182 Warfield, Anne (H), 225 Warren, (R), 314 Esther (H), 114 Warner, Cornelia (R), 294 Waterhonse, Orrison (R). 329 Waterous, D. (H), 203 Waters, Joseph, 57, 60 Wathen, Capt. James N. (H), 191, 215 Additional names (K), 216 Watson. Alice Lyon (B), 294 Kent (B), 294 Col. Thomas L. (R), 294 Additional names (B), 294 Weaver, Henry (H), 145 Mary A. (H), 140 Webb, Grace (R), 266 Rev. Lucius A., 222 Weeden, John S. (H), 251 Weltzel, Minerva, (H), 211 Welch, Geoffry (H), 178 George O. (H), 147, 178 Wellman, Minnie A. (R), 356 Thomas C. (H), 198, 224 Additional names (H), 224 West, Edmond A. (R), 313, 342 Additional names (B), 342 Westfall, Jemima (H), 174 Weston, Frances (H), 199 Wever, Frances M. (N), 368 Wlialey, Henry A. (H), 182 NAMES OTHER THAN LYON 446 Wharam, Elizabeth (R), 337 Wlieaton, Mary E. (?), 379 Wheeler, Pedigree, 129 Austin Kent (R), 363 Daniel (R), 273, 283 Eliza (H), 139 Hannah (R), 272, 276 Capt. James (H), 128 Moses, 266 Nathaniel, 53, 129 Seth, 276 Additional names (H), 128; (S), 283 Wheelock, George H. (H), 173, 207 Ira (H), 173 White, Kate (R), 321, 352 Lizzie (R), 348 Whitehead, Asa (H), 158 Additional names (H), 158 Whitingr, Helena (H), 199, 224 Levi C. (H), 163, 199 Matilda W. (H), 206 William W. (H), 199, 225 Additional names (H), 199, 225 Whitlock, Nathaniel, (R?), 275 Whitney, Amy (R?), 265 Chester M. (H), 149 Whittaker, Martha A. (H), 175 Whittemore, Catharine (H), 179 Wilhour, Cornelius B. (H), 145 Additional names (K), 145, 146 Wilbur, Rev. Backus (H), 122 Joseph (H), 105, 122 Julia A. (H), 146 Additional names (H), 122 Wilcox, Aaron M. (H). 200, 225 Joanna (H), 137 John (H), 167. 205 Mary (H), 113 Mercy (H), 137 Sarah (H), 136 Additional names (K), 20S, 22( Wilder, Martha E. (R), 832 Wlldman, Henrietta P. (R), 294 Isabella (R), 292, 310 Wllkerson, Price (H), 176. 211 Williams, Pedigree, 129 Charlotte (R), 272 Eleazer (R?). 265 Elizabeth (H), 129. 142 Isaac Starr (H), 383 Jonathan, 129 Mrs. Mary (H), 130 Priscllla Lyon (H), 383 Theodore (H), 160. 192 Thomas, 130 Additional names (H), 192 WllUamson, James (H), 174 WllllB, Statlra P. (R), 304 WiUlson, Thomas H. (R). 305. 533 Additional names (K), 888 Wilson, —(H). 117. 149: (R), 271 Anna E. (H), 167. 184 John (H). 157. 170 John, Esq.. 157 Thomas, 252 Additional names (H), 167 Wiltsee, Jolin (H), 162. 197 Additional names (K), 197 Wlnans, rotiigree. 89 Bethia (H), 89. 97 Elizabeth (H). 88, 104 Jacob, 97 446 GENERAL INDEX John (H), 89, 96, 127, 390 Jonathan (H), 156 Joseph, 97 Samuel R. (H), 138 Samuel R. (H), 138 Additional names (H), 138, 156 Wlnne, Mary (H), 202 Wlnton, Louisa A. (R), 311, 392 Wlsner, Jonathan (R), 290, 303 Louisa H. (»), 304 Louise (R), 307 Withers, Mary (H), 156 Robert (H), 156 Wood, ^(R), 303 Capt. Christopher, 101 Florence (H), 218 Hannah (H), 101 Jerusha (H), 112 Woodford, Emeline (R), 283 Woodman, Mary (H), 127, 155 Woodruff, (H), 103, 121 Albert (H), 150 Allen (H), 137 Andrew (H), 107 Joanna (H), 103 Joanna Lyon (H), 156, 184 Kate O. (H), 170 Mary (H), 138, 156, 184 Matthias (H), 127, 156 Timothy (H), 113, 138 Additional names (H), 138, 156, 390 Woods, David (H), 163, 199 Elizabeth (H), 163, 198 Mary (H), 163, 199 Pamelia, N. (H), 163, 199 William (H), 132, 163 Wiliam (H), 163, 199 Additional names (H), 163, 199 Woodswortb, William G. (H), 204 Woodward, Jane (H), 176 Jemima (R), 269 Wooleston, Jonah (H), 232 Worcester, Francis J. (H), 234 Workman, Chester L. (H), 219 Frank C. (H), 219 Worley, Joseph B. (H), 210, 231 Additional names (H), 231 Wormack, George L. (R), 313, 342 Additional names (B), 342 Wren, (H), 208 Wtlg-ht, Catharine (H), 166 Emily (H), 200 Ezekiel (H), 137 Prank (R), 299 Wrisrley, Irvin (H), 209, 229 Additional names (H), 229 Wyckoff, 1 (R), 303, 331 David B. (B), 331, 359 Joseph E. (B), 331, 368 Additional names (B), 369 Wymonds, Catherine (H), 192 Wynne, Francis (H), 214 Ta^er, Alfred B. (R), 328, 357 Additional names (B), 357 Tates, Marilla (N), 370 Teaser, Eliza (H), 208 Tonng- [Young's], Allen (R), 331 Bethia (H), 112 Ella B. (R), 358 Tounglove [TonngfbloodL Dorcas (H?), 239 Ezekiel (H?), 238, 239 Znel, Christena (R), 312 III. INDEX OF PLACES. [Reasonably complete as regards places of residence of descendant> of Henry Lyon of Newark and Richard Lyon of Fairfield.] Alabama, 212 Woodlawn, 218 Arizona, Gila Bend, 356 California, , 244 Knight's Ferry, 322 Los Angeles, 208, 313, 328, 329 Modesto, 322 Redlands, 169, 205, 228 San Diego, 208, 251 San Francisco, 143, 192, 211, 234, 325, 355 San Jose, 185, 208, 326 Victor, 231 Colorado, Buena Vista, 307, 335 Denver, 172, 307, 335, 356, 358, 392 North Park, 331 Connecticut, Ashford. 40 Bridgeport, 276, 286, 287, 293, 294, Bridgewater, 294, 311 Danbury, 258, 276, 294, 368 Easton, 266, 267, 274, 275, 278, 286, 300 Fairfield, 36, 46, 97, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 280, 293. 310 Farmington, 206 Greenfield, 257, 258, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265, 267, 271, 272, 273, 282, 291 Greenwich, 37, 38, 258 Hartford, 371 Lisbon, 323 Milford, 42, 50 New Haven, 35, 224, 287, 373 Newtown, 340 Norwalk, 255, 272, 282, 291, 294, 310 Norwich 323, 353 Pequonock, 39, 40, 257 Redding, 258. 259, 261, 262, 36(. 266, 267, 268, 269. 274, 275. 176, 277, 278, 279. 280, 284, 286, 289, 292, 293, 311, 376 Redding Ridge, 251, 268, 269, 174, 277, 279, 285, 311 Saybrook, 282 Sharon, 311 Southbury, 340 Stamford, 36 Stratford, 275, 278. 287, 864 Trumbull, 255 Walllngford, 364, 374 Warren 364 Wepowang, 42 Weston, 270, 271, 274, 275, 278, 282, 283, 284, 285. 286, 289. 292. 293, 294, 311, 340 Wethersfleld. 42, 258 Wilton, 274, 282. 285 Windsor, 258, 274 _ Woodbury, 269, 28S District of Columbia, Washington, 158, 225, 816, 117 England, Badby. 34, 35 Harrow, 26, 27 Heston, 27, 28, 35 Kettleston. 11 Little Stanmer, 27, 28 London, 27 Norfolk, 11. 25 Northamptonshire, 12 Perefore, 27 Preston, 26 Rystlppe, 26 West Twyford. 27 Woodward. Co. Essex. 11 Florida, , 178. 212 Jacksonville. 149 448 GENERAL INDEX France, Paris, 201 Rouen, 9 Georgia, Atlanta, 212, 236, 306 Griffin, 305 Idaho, Boise, 226 nUnoiB, s 139, 365, 376 Alton, 218 Areola, 221 Belvidere, 313 Bloomington, 365, 367 Carbondale, 306 Chicago, 147, 162, 163, 169, 200, 202, 208, 215, 216, 217, 225, 226, 227, 228, 312, 345, 350, 392 Durand, 342, 344 Galesburg, 223 Lincoln, 220 Mattoon, 326 Osage, 133 Palo, 352 Rushville, 231 Waukegan, 350 Western Springs, 217, 236 Wilmette, 319, 350 Indiana, — . 137, 209 Delaware Co., 122, 150 Delphi, 209 Drewsbury, 161 Elkhart, 392 Indianapolis, 211, 216, 235 JefEersonville, 160, 185, 191, 215, 216, 217, 235 Kokomo, 211 Lafayette, 229 Marion Co., 131 Mount Carmel, 195 Muncie, 195 New Albany, 144, 148, 178, 179, 213 Saluda, 160 South Bend, 392, 393 Union City, 229 Iowa, Algona, 329 Cedar Rapids, 329 Cherokee, 330 Council BlufEs, 303 Germania, 207 Independence, 328, 329 Mount Pleasant, 195 Nevada, 342 Waverly, 313 Kansas, — , 140, 196, 203, 210, 336 Cawker City, 312, 342 Fort Scott, 232 Garden City, 209 Kansas City, 356 Lawrence, 212 Leavenworth, 355 Louisville, 313 Osborne, 342 Severance, 362 Smith Center, 319 Stockton, 342 Twin Mound, 312 Wathena, 362 Kentucky, Carroll Co.. 222 Flemingsburg,' 221 Louisville, 190, 191, 212, 213, 215, 216, 234, 235 New Castle, 162, 220, 221, 222 Louisiana, Franklin, 200 Hammond, 328 New Orleans, 132, 154, 217 acanitoba, Winnipeg, 324 ICaine, Bangor, 346 Calais, 325 Jonesboro, 243 Machias, 238, 240, 243, 245 Uassacliusetts, Boston, 193, 225, 391 Brookline, 146, 177 Dorchester, 35, 36 Fall River, 146, 177, 390, 391 Great Barrington, 277 Greenfield, 379 INDEX OF PLACES 449 Ipswich, 148 Lanesboro, 268, 271, 278, 280, 281, 282, 376 Marblehead, 36 New Ashford, 271, 276, 280, 281, 288, 290, 295 New Milford, 271, 281 Northampton, 378 Onset, 391 Palmer, 247 Pittsfleld, 224 Quincy, 178 Rockport, 379 Roxbury, 373 Salem, 35, 147 Springfield, 232 Winchester, 217 Mlchlgran, , 134, 146, 291, 331 Ann Arl^or, 307, 376 Azalia, 326 Battle Creek, 302, 328, 356, 357 Bengal, 336, 337, 376 Brighton, 809 Buchanan, 340 Byron, 321, 352 Charlevoix, 336, 337 Chesaning, 325 Davison, 308, 315, 333, 834, 335 Detroit, 169, 205, 307, 836, 371, 372, 374, 377 Eagle, 375 Bast Saginaw, 360 Essex, 175 Fenton, 309 Flint, 164, 305, 333, 334, 375 Grand Blanc, 164, 333 Grand Haven, 350 Grand Rapids, 357, 376, 377 Harrison, 360 Hillsdale, 295, 314, 326, 345, 35& Holland, 233 Howell, 326, 356 Hudson, 315, 326 Jackson, 371, 375 Kalamazoo, 302 Locke, 346 Ludlngton, 165, 201, 202, 227 Lyons, 376, 377 (28) Mackinac, 375 Mason, 325, 346 Milan, 331 Mount Clemens, 346 Mount Pleasant, 378 New Hudson, 371 Northvllle, 344 Olive Center, 308 Owosso, 315, 345 PlttBford, 326, 3(6 Plymouth, 291, 296, 306, 307. 814, 331, 344, 345. 863, 876 Port Huron. 372 Saginaw. 165, 166, 203, 805. 310. 314, 377 Saint Johns, 308, 876 Sclo, 375 South Haven, 291, 306, 819 Stanton, 336 Stony Creek. 816 Summit, 375 Traverse City. 378 Union Home, 308 West Bay CUy. 826 Wheeler, 337 Klniiesota, , 141 Beaver Falls, 846 Eveleth, 317 Hastings. 143, 172 Minneapolis. 147. 164. 200. 2SS. 316, 323. 325, 346. 354 St. Paul. 296, 315. 816 MlsslBBlppl, Bolton. 222 Canton, 287 Fayette, 222 Hathlsburisr. 222 Meridian. 237 Natchez. 222 MiiBonrl, Groen Ridge. 220 Kansas City, 186, 826 Maplewood, 198 St. Louis, 221. 326, 888. 849 St. Joseph. 196 Montana, Billings, 809 Bozeman, 809 460 GENERAL IKDKX Butte, 226 Helena, 364 Nebraska, Adams, 368 Alliance, 362 Arcadia, 303 Auburn, 316 Barneston, 247 Beatrice, 316, 320, 347, 862 Carleton, 320, 362 Custer Co., 329 Fairbury, 320, 361, 362 Holdrege, 368 Lee Park, 329 Liberty, 316, 847 Lincoln, 320, 362 Nebraska City, 346 Wilcox, 362 irew Jersey, Basking Ridge, 184, 239, 240, 251 Boonton, 169, 378, 391 Brldgewater, 176 Chatham, 126 Connecticut Farms, 106, 180, 152 Deerfleld, 373 Dover, 140, 170 East Orange, 117, 142, 191, 216, 217 Elizabethtown, 61, 80, 84, 88, 93, 104, 115, 117. 121, 161, 163, 166, 204, 238 Franklin, 205 Hanover, 122 Irvlngton, 128 Jersey, 135 Long Hill, 125, 153, 156 Lyons Farms. 69, 93. 94, 96, 97, 101, 105, 107, 109, 113, 121, 122, 123, 127, 128. 130. 131. 132, 133, 138, 143, 144, 151, 157, 174, 248 Manchester, 116 Millbrook, 137, 170 Morristown, 97, 112. 113. 114, 115, 116. 139. 169. 238. 240 Mendham. 111. 112. 121 Newark 42, 52, 80, 81, 82, 83, 89. 90. 91. 93. 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 117, 119, 134, 143, 148, 152, 1K6. 167, 171. 178. Sit, 216, 251, 373 Newton, 240 New Brunswick, 1S4 New Milford [Newark], 6S Northfleld, 239 Orange, 116, 118, 140, 141, 143, 170, 171, 172, 288 Parsippany 116, 141, 261, 878 Pine Brook, 139 Plainfleld, 124 Reddestown, 239 Rockaway, 139, 169 Short Hill, 116 SomerviUe, 163 Sommerset Co., 119, 145 Springfield. 116 Stockholm, 139, 170 Stony Hill, 112. 137 West Orange, 171 New ICexlco, Fruitland, 309 Raton, 392 Kew Tork, , 140, 170 Albany, 166, 225 Albion, 333 Alleghany Co., 366 Avon, 271. 280, 869 Ballston, 371 Batavia, 132 Bath. 166. 198. 204, 224 Binghamton, 320. 351, 862 Brooklyn. 147, 287. 311, 379. 391 Buffalo. 301. 351. 352, 865, 362. 363 Canandaigua. 132, 163, 164, 165 Cazenovia. 367. 369 Chenango Co.. 249 Chenango Forks, 351, 862 Clymer, 376 Corning, 166 Cuba, 369 Deposit. 317 East Avon, 165, 203 Edinburgh, 371 Fenner, 368. 869 Flushing. 278 Fremont Center, 848 IKDEX OF PLACES 461 Genesee, 204 Geneseo, 369 Hamilton, 366 Hobart, 292 Hoosac, 367, 869 Hopewell, 166 Lebanon, 36i I