E 475 .56 .029 Copy DEDICATION OF THE DEDI^ATIQN'^T-^MONUMENT! — OF THE — 7th, 10th and 37th Mass. Vols., At Gettysburg, Pa., October 6, i886. WITH THE DEDICATORY ADDRESS. By JAMES L. BOWEN, President of the 37th Regiment Association. SPRINGFIELD, MASS., 1886. PCBLISHED FOR THE COMMI'ITEE, By James L. Bowen. SPRINGFIELD, ."ilASS. : The Homestead Job Pkint. ©EDICATORY IdDRESS. Mr. President, Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen : Qtanding in this scene of peace and prosperity, looking forth over these smiHng valleys and beautiful villages, breathing the air of unity and concord which enwraps our entire land, from the Lakes to the Gulf and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, it is not easy at once to transport ourselves, even in imagination, back to the days of civil strife, three and twenty years ago, and especially to that feverish season of suspense, those crucial hours of the first and second and third of July, 1863, when over and around these hills and valleys hung the battle clouds of the most momentous contest ever fought on American soil. Yet as we come to this spot to dedicate these monuments, in order to realize that for which they stand, and what they imply, it is necessary that we should temporarily leave the present with its joys and brightness and in fancy go back to those other days and scenes. We would not reawaken if we could the keen anguish of the former years, now soothed and softened by Time's effacing fingers ; the intense anxiety straining at the heart cords is happily only a memory ; least of all would we revive the passion and the fury of those days of deadly strife when the hand of brother was raised against brother. It is not to perpetuate these that w^e have erected here our monuments ; it is instead to mark an epoch in the world's history, a turning point in the destiny of a nation. In some form or another and for one purpose or another the memorial stone has been erected through all the ages of the past ; especially has its mission been to commemorate notable events and illustrious lives. Such are the shafts at Bunker Hill, at Baltimore, at Washington, and the one soon to be erected at Bennington. Such is the monument in yonder National cemetery, watching over the graves of nearly 4000 illustrious men who died along these hills and slopes because they loved their country. Illustrious men, did I say? That in deed and in truth they were ; for while their lives may have been very humble and of little momeiu as the great world counts importance, we should never forget, comrades and friends, that to each and every one of these men his life was his all, and in giving that he gave as freely and as nobly as the most eminent citized and renowned patriot — gave all that he had and was on earth. Correlative and supplementary to that greater monument, we have placed these lesser ones, to show that organizations with which we were identified, and whose name and fame had become dear to us, bore part — not alone in what was done on this spot, but here and elsewhere in all that great struggle which had here its culmination and turning point. Here may be said to have been in every sense the central point in the great war of the rebellion ; these hights form a vantage ground, so to speak, from which we may look back to the beginning and hear the firing of the first gun at Sumter; may witness the surrender at Appomattox, the grand review at Washington and the fading from the vision of the scenes of blood and conflict. In point of time, the battle of Gettysburg stood midway ; two years had elapsed since the shot that awakened every loyal heart was fired, — years in which the cause of Union and liberty had trembled in doubt ; two years still in the future was the day when the steadily waning power of the rebellion should utterly collapse, and the old flag should float unstained and in triumph. So while we group our monuments. here, primarily to mark phases of this supreme conflict in which we had an immediate interest, ' in a broader sense they stand for all that had gone before and all that was to come in which the respective organizations had borne or were to bear part. And when years hence the aged survivor of these regiments or his descendants gaze upon these mementoes, they will recall, not alone the march to* Gettysburg, but he of the Seventh Regiment will think as well of Marye's Hights and Salem Church ; if of the Tenth he will recall Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill and the Angle at Spottsylvania ; to the Thirty-seventh will come memories of the Wilderness, of Winchester, of Petersburg and of Sailor's Creek — he will remember all the brave who laid down their lives, who suffered wounds or disease or imprisonment, and their memory shall become to him a more sacred and hallowed one as. he stands here and drinks in the inspiration of the realization of all for which these men offered themselves. Appreciating the importance that attaches and ever must attach to this battle, knowing how often in the future the student of history, the intelligent citizen, the interested sons and daughters of those who fought and perhaps died here, will turn to this spot to study the story of the battle and to imbibe lessons of patriotism, Massachusetts as a commonwealth led the way in providing that the positions occupied by her sons should be 8 marked by enduring monuments for each and every organization taking part in the battle. We say that Massachu-setts was the first state to provide that the position of her every regiment, battery and independent company should be suitably marked, and we are proud that to the old Bay State, in this direction as in* so many others, it was given to lead. Other states have followed the example, as still others will do ; and I hope that in the years to come many of us may wander again over these hills and through these valleys, finding here tablets to mark the spot where all the regiments and batteries fought, — not alone of those who wore the blue, but as well of those heroic souls who fighting against us, against progress, against destiny even, poured out their blood with a heroism which shall crown their names and their memories as long as time shall last. It is in pursuance of this action by our state that these memorial stones of the Seventh and Tenth and Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Regiments have been placed on this field, the appropriate locations having been decided upon by the committees of the several regiments in consultation with the government historian of the battle. Colonel John B. Bachelder, also a citizen of Massachusetts. It may seem necessary to explain why this particular spot was fixed upon, where the brigade took no active part in the contest, and only formed a supporting line, while on other parts of the field it was more severely tested. We must remember in this connection that not all battles are won by the fiercest encounters or through those operations which entail the greatest sacrifice of life ; and it was on this principle that the Second Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, on the spot where their monuments have been placed (or strictly speaking at a point just in the rear of that location), by their timely presence at a critical instant of time, with the loss of but one man killed, contributed to an important result in the fortunes of the field. To illustrate this fully, and to show by what strenuous exertions these regiments were here, just where they were needed and at the time when their presence could be made most helpful, it will be necessary that we go back from the time of the battle and accompany them as they march to the field. The brigade had been first to cross Franklin's bridges at the opening of the battle of Fredericksburg, and last to return to the Falmouth side when the further prosecution of that disastrous contest had been abandoned. It had foundered through the mire and miser\' of the Mud march. It had occupied the winter camps where, especially in the case of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, disease had proved more deadly than the battle. It had stormed Marye's Hights on the memorable 3d of May, 1863, which the Seventh Regiment may well remember with pride, when it so gallantly led the brigade and won for itself imperishable renowm. On that self-same day the brigade had rendered noble sendee at Salem Church, where it had checked the almost triumphant legions of McLaws and sent them back to the shelter of the forest from which they had emerged. For 24 hours, lying in the open field at the extreme front, a thin line of blue, with no better protection than a few rails, it had held the enemy's strong force at bay while ten times its number of Confederates gathered at its fi-ont and closed in upon the flanks till only a single avenue of escape remained. Through this the regiments effected a retreat more brilliant in execution than gratifying in the necessity, reaching the bridge in safet}-. regaining the Falmouth side of the river once more, — A^ith the sad consciousness that all the heroic la\-ing down of hfe had been but a waste, and that the campaign which had begun with such magnificent promises of brilliant victory had ended in discreditable failurej — for which neither the Sixth Corps nor its gallant commander, the honored Sedgwick, could be held blamable. Do you wonder why I recite these pre\ious incidents, and what bearing they may have upon the presence of the Second Brigade at Gettvsburg? Let us remember that it was thro' -h the school of such disheartening 12 experiences as these to which I have referred that the approaches to Gettysburg were made. Defeat, disappointment, disaster — these three words seemed to summarize the experiences of the brave old Army of the Potomac up to that hour. Where it had won victories on the field, as it had repeatedly done, the fruits of such victories had never been adequately realized. I do not in this connection reflect upon any commander — I do • not seek to place the responsibility — I only refer to the indisputable fact that I may attest in behalf of my comrades of the rank and file of that noble army the full and glorious measure of their patriotism. What had these men to gain — but exposure and suffering, sickness and wounds, captivity and death? Selfish consideration they had none save that their country, threatened with disruption and by the hand of a relentless foe, needed their aid— and their lives it might be. We are often times told that the old army became demoralized and disheartened during this period to which I have referred. While in one sense and to a 13 certain degree this may have been true, in the larger degree and the better sense it was not true. The sufificient answer to such assertions is found in the unshrinking charge after charge at Fredericksburg, the undaunted heroism of Chancellorsville and the attendant battles by the Sixth Corps^ and especially in the dearly-bought victory won on these hills of Gettysburg ! These battles were fought by men who had consecrated themselves to the service of their country under the commanders who should be set over them by the constituted authorities ; they regretted mistakes, they grew impatient of delays, it might be ; they did not delight in war, and even on the field of carnage shrank from its horrors ; but if duty called they could go unshrinkingly forth to death — and with an army whose foundation was such manhood as this, confident of the justice of their cause and trusting that in his own good time the God of Battles would lead them to complete success, there could possibly be but one final result. So when the bugles woke the sleepmg camp before hght of the morning of the 4th of June, and with eight days' rations the Sixth Corps took its way once more to Frankhn's crossing, there was the usual cheerful obedience to orders, the ever present hope that this time something worthy the effort would result. Then it was that Eustis's Brigade began its part in the Gettysburg campaign, four full weeks before the meeting of the rival armies on these hights. For ten days, almost without sleep by night or day, now on one side of the Rappahannock and then on the other, building fortifications, standing or lying on the skirmish line, now exchanging shots and anon tobacco and coffee with the Confederate picket lines, ever alert, never sure at one moment what the next might have in store, the Sixth Corps was engaged in demonstrations intended to assist in uncovering the real purpose of the enemy. Then in a pouring rain on the night of the 13th the pickets were withdrawn, the bridge was recrossed and with a few hours' rest the command faced to the north and began its part in that 15 series of masterly moves by which " Fighting Joe Hooker" outgeneraled the Southern commander, forced the invaders to take a different route than they had intended, and finally brought them to this historic spot and to defeat. Those participating will remember the marches which ensued, beginning with seas of mud through which the wheeled vehicles went only by spasms, and the tired soldiers — wearied and needing rest even when the march began — picked their way as best they could. But the summer sun quickly dried the mud into dust that brought yet greater torture for the marching columns. There was scarcely halt by day or night till the defenses of Washington were reached and Eustis's Brigade sank weary on the ground near Fairfax Station. There one day of rest was enjoyed, when beneath a burning sun the regiments marched to Fairfox Court House, the exhausted men dropping all along the way from sun-stroke, and for six days the brigade bivouacked on the wide expanse of a shadeless plain, whose sands glowed beneath i6 the fierce rays of a summer sun, while a single roily, muddy spring furnished thousands of men with the few mouthfuls of un drinkable water they were able to obtain. Glad of any change the brigade moved to Centerville and reheved troops that immediately marched away to the northward. On the morning of the 26th of June, the Seventh and Tenth and Thirty- seventh, with the other regiments of the brigade, followed. Five days later the Sixth Corps halted *a hundred and twenty-five miles from the weather-worn intrenchments of Centerville. Rain had fallen nearly every day, some of the time heavily ; but over the slippery roads, torn by thousands of wheels and pulverized by tens of thousands of hoofs and feet, through beating storm and sweltering heat, the determined corps had made an average day's march of 25 miles for five days in succession ! Then the exhausted soldiers, who had already performed a series of marches rarely equaled in history, rested for something like 24 hours. The corps had I? reached Manchester, more than 30 miles from the spot where we now stand, and in the rear of Pipe Creek occupied the right of the position in which General Meade hoped to fight the impending battle. It was not so to be. Even while the weary battalions of the Greek Cross were tleaning their muskets and resting their limbs, the advance of the two armies had met beyond Seminary Ridge and the great battle of the war had begun. General Meade had not meant to fight at Gettysburg — General Lee had not meant to fight at Gettysburg ; but may we not reverently believe that a Power greater than the power of any earthly commander had directed the movements of the armies of earth? Far away at Manchester the boom of the cannon was heard, and the idling soldiery speculated indifferently as to its cause. x\s the day waned the sounds ceased, and were scarcely given further thought. The dusk of evening was gathering, the shelter tents had been pitched, and the tired men were already stretched beneath them or lounging in the vicinity, anticipating a refreshing i8 night's rest, when about head-quarters came a quick bustle, orderhes dashed here and there, bugles rang, drums beat, the little villages of canvas disappeared as by magic, and the quickly formed column filed out on the highway. The Sixth Corps had begun the most famous march in its history. To do full justice to the effort which followed we must not forget the circumstances under which it was made. We must recollect that the men began the long march at an hour when they were to wrap themselves in their blankets for much-needed rest and sleep. The few hours' respite which they had enjoyed had been merely sufficient to reveal the extent of the exhaustion which their previous long marches had induced. And worst of all, so far as the physical comfort of the soldier was concerned, the recent change in commanders and in methods in the commissary department had left the men without food in their haversacks ; so that when this march began scarcely one in ten had rations sufficient for a single meal. Under such circumstances the heroes of 19 the Sixth Corps turned their faces toward the battle-field. I need not recall the long night march ; how the head of the column mistook the road and before the error was discovered and the steps retraced added six or eight miles to the distance ; the incessant plodding of men almost asleep as they moved ; the final coming of morning light and the brief stop beside a pleasant water-course where a few of the more energetic had time to make a cup of coffee ; then the warning of the bugles and the resumption of the march before there was opportunity to bathe the swollen feet or the dust-filled eyes. The sun arose, mounting higher and higher, and the interminable hours of the forenoon dragged away while the column moved on and on and on. Only the participant in like experiences can realize the misery of the ceaseless march through the long, sultry hours. It was a broiling July day. The sun poured down with merciless, unbroken heat, and the dust that rose in great clouds from the highway enveloped man and horse, general 20 and private soldier alike, in its all-embracing mantle of torture. How the exhausted lungs panted for one cool, pure breath ! Panted only to be mocked by the bitter, burning, dust-laden air that seemed to come from the mouth of a furnace. What wonder that the sun-stroke was omnipresent along the line — that strong men gasped and staggered and fell, while the thick blood burst from mouth and nostrils, and the tortured frame was placed tenderly in some shaded nook by comrades whose visions swam and who trembled on ,the verge of a like fate? Yet the winding column never paused, for not the life of one man but the life of the nation was at stake that day. Late in the afternoon the column crossed Rock Creek, and how welcome was the halt, even in the open field, on the gowing hill-top, where the sinking sun still poured its scorching rays. Roll-call showed how admirably the men had responded to the demand upon them. The Thirty-seventh regiment, with its quota of over 600 that had set out the night before, showed but seven absent, and all these, with the exception of one deserter, were in their places before the battle ended, and by a strange fatality nearly every one was killed or wounded the following day. All who have followed the history of the battle know the story of the coming of the Sixth Corps to the field. It was the last to arrive, as the distance it must march was so much greater, and when its cloud of dust down the Baltimore pike was first noticed there was a momentary fear that the Confederate cavalry had gained the Union rear. Then the headquarters flag was descried, and sight of the Greek Cross was never more welcome. "The Sixth Corps is coming!" went from lip to lip, and hearts that had been anxious grew strong and confident. Before the footsore, weary men had time for rest their services were needed to reinforce the Union left, hard pressed by Longstreet's Corps, and at the call the men struggled to their feet. Kevin's Brigade, which had led the corps on that memorable day, scarcely paused beside the pike, but on to the left it went to give assistance to the suffering Third Corps. Over the slope it hastened into the fight. Eustis's Brigade came next in hne, and halting on the hot hill-top it had barely realized how terrible had been the 20 hours' march when it, too, heard the ringing call to duty, sprang to its feet and in a moment was moving across the fields toward Little Round Top. When half way a second message came back from General Sedgwick, who at the front was watching the fortunes of the day. "Tell Colonel Eustis to bring his brigade here as soon as possible ! ^' The Thirty-seventh, leading the column, heard the word and broke at once into a double- quick. The Tenth followed and the Seventh, while the men of Rhode Island were not less prompt at the call. There was no laggard step in all the brigade. Bayonets were fixed as the command dashed forward, and with a precision that would have done credit to the drill field the brigade swung into line of battle with the right resting near the headquarters of the brave Sedgwick, just to the rear of the spot where the monuments now stand. But the conflict was dying out. Longstreet's battalions were shattered by the terrible contest they had already made, and in one of his reports he says that riding forward to reconnoiter and seeing the strong lines of fresh troops coming into position he reluctantly gave the order to abandon the contest. Yes, there were strong lines of fresh troops there ; they had marched more than i6o miles in six days to reach that spot, crowni^ig the effort with a continuous journey of almost 40 miles to enable them to present that firm front at that important moment ; and though their advent was not greeted by a fresh effusion of blood, but rather by the sparing of further slaughter, on that position we place our monuments and dedicate them in reverent memory of that magnificent effort — and of all its associate efforts and experiences. On this spot, then, let them stand, in memory of the sons of Massachusetts, who as a part of the great loyal army here as elsewhere at duty's call, with their comrades from every other loyal state, welcomed 24 wounds and suffering, yielded up without repining limb or life, if the sacrifice was demanded, that humanity's cause should move forward and not backward. God's ways are not our ways. We look back over the score and more of years that have elapsed since these hills trembled with the roar of hostile cannon, and our hearts bleed afresh as we recall those scenes of consecration and sacrifice. But with the light of the later day we see coming forth from the fiery crucible the pure gold of a grander and better national life ; up from the baptism of blood there rises a nation redeemed and purified. We mourn for noble Hves laid down in this sacred cause, but we hold to-day as their price our common heritage of a united country, its interests and destinies no longer threatened by sectional lines and jealousies, but fostered and unified by all the blessings which have followed the travail of those days of war. The dawn which assured this better era first shed its brightness over these hills of Gettysburg, and all who in those memorable 25 hours of battle stood here contributed to the grand result. It is in recognition of these facts that the various monuments dot this battle-field. As part of a common legacy we have placed here the memorials of the Seventh and Tenth and Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Regiments, that they may help to tell the great, complete story of the battle. One by one the men who composed these regiments are dropping from the earthly roll, but when the last survivor shall have gone, the monuments will remain to silently give their testimony. The impress of time will be written on their surfaces in stain and corrosion ; but no less eloquent shall be their voiceless story. May all who coming here look upon them go away with a stronger and purer patriotic fire burning in their hearts ! May the breezes which sweep over this sacred spot bear to every son of America the constant realization of the blessing which is his in this government — so appropriately epitomized in the words of the immortal Lincoln, "Of the pecjple, by 26 the people, for the people," — till the dearest possession of the generations succeeding us shall be the legacy secured by the deeds which these stones commemorate. Then indeed shall those brave men over whose graves in yonder cemetery this Battle-field association and all the citizens of our common country keep tender watch, with all their comrade martyrs, not have died in vain. Then in truth shall every sigh of agony breathed by suffering ones, and every drop of blood shed in this sacred cause, prove the seed of a nobler civilization, whose beneficent influence shall reach all humanity, to sweeten and brighten and bless. liSTQRY i .Monuments. During the session of 1883, largely through the influence of Colonel John B. Bachelder of Hyde Park, the Legislature of-. Massachu- setts passed a resolve appropriating $5000 ''for the purchase of additional grounds of special interest upon the battle-field of Gettysburg, for acquiring right of way as contemplated by the act incorporating said [Battle-field Memorial] Association, and for preserving and beautifying said battle-field." This act was approved May 29, iS8;^, and in August following a meeting of representatives of the various Massachusetts commands engaged in the battle was called at the State House, where the action taken and that proposed were fully explained by Colonel Bachelder. It was at that time intended that under the head of "preserving and beautifying" the battle-field the position of each ^slassachusetts organization engaged should be marked for each day of its presence at the battle by the placing of iron tablets. In order to determine the various locations satisfactorily, it was decided that a general excursion of Massachusetts veterans and their friends should be made to the field, to fix upon the positions that should be marked, and a committee to carry out the plan was chosen, consisting of Colonel Charles H. Hovey (13th) of Roxbury, Joseph W. Thayer ( 1 2th) of Chelsea, T. J. Hastings (15th) of Worcester, James L. Bowen (37thj of Springfield, and Milbrey Green (ist Battery) of Worcester, to which Colonel Bachelder was added by virtue of his interest in all pertaining to the battle-field. This excursion with 133 members left Massachusetts on the evening of October 23, and reaching Gettysburg the following evening passed the 25th and 26th in the work of inspecting the ground, locating and marking positions occupied during the battle. Eustis's Brigade was represented on this occasion by Colonel Franklin P. Harlow, Captain Zeba F. Bliss and W. T. 29 \\'ilde of the Seventh oSIassachusetts, Joel H. Hendrick and S. K. Hindley of the Tenth, James L. Bowen, S. F. Wood, Cyrus W. Cross, Dwight M. Chapman, and Wilham F. Abbott of the Thirty-seventh. The interests of their regiments being identical, these members acted in concert and decided on the position near Little Round Top where the brigade first formed line of battle on reaching the field, lying through the night, as the location for the second day of the battle — the first of their presence. The positions for the third day were fixed on the Taneytown road, where in passing from the center toward the left the brigade encountered a very severe artillery fire which killed and wounded over thirty members of the Thirty- seventh in a few moments. Subsequently, through the efforts of Colonel Bachelder, permission was granted the brigade to move its tablets for the second day forward to the Battle-field Avenue, directly in front of the position where the regiments lay in line of battle, and there the tablets were placed by Colonel Bachelder the following spring. 30 In the mean time, the Legislature of Massachusetts had by a resolve approved March 25, 1884, voted to each organization from the state the sum of S500 to assist in the erection of monuments on the field. The three regiments of the brigade, therefore, accepted this proffered assistance toward the expense of more satisfactory memorials than the tablets at first proposed would have been, and decided after consultation with the members of the several committees and Colonel Bachelder that they should be erected to mark the second day's position, as being the more important historically. The granite shafts, accordingly took the place of the tablets along the Avenue near the Rosensteel buildings, the directors of the Battlefield Memorial Association assenting to the location with the provision that tablets should be erected stating the exact location of the line of battle in the rear. The monument of the Second Rhode Island, forming the left of the brigade, has since been added, completing the brigade line. Between it and the monument of the Seventh 3i Massachusetts Regiment that of the First Massachusetts Cavalry has been erected, — a location which meets with criticism. The Monument of the Tenth Regiment. The Tenth Regiment Association, at its reunion held at Northampton, June 21, 1884, appointed H. M. Converse of Warren and Joel H. Hendrick and S. K. Hindley of Springfield a committee to select the design for a monument and secure its construction and erection on the proper site. As the men who composed the Tenth Regiment were almost wholly from Western Massachusetts, it was felt that the memorial to be erected to them should itself be a product of that part of the state. The design adopted was originated by Captain J. K. Newell of Springfield and was intrusted to the artist M. H. Mosman of Chicopee for perfection and reproduction in granite and bronze. The monument is one of the most artistic on the field. The square granite pedestal, 6 feet 6 32 inches in height, bears the inscription on finely polished panels, "loth Massachusetts ; 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps. July 2, 1863." Surmounting the granite is a fine bronze design, representing a stack of muskets with fixed bayonets. Resting on the stone and rising in a pyramid within the stack are a drum, knapsack, cartridge box and canteen, the two latter dependent from the guns. The total hight to the points of the bayonets is 13 feet 6 inches, and the structure cost, including the turfing of the ground, $1002.25. The granite was furnished by the Chester Granite Company, by whom it was dressed and finished. The monument was placed in position early in October, 1885. 3^ The Monument of the Thirty-seventh Regiment. The Thirty-seventh Regiment Association, at its annnal meeting at Westfield, September 19, 18S4, voted to accept the offer of the state to assist in the erection of a monument to the regiment at Gettysburg, and appointed a committee to carry out the details, consisting of James L. Bowen of Springfield, S. E. Nichols of Buffalo, N. Y., H. ]\L Abbott of Northampton, Andrew L. Bush of Westfield, A. G. Taylor of Springfield, (since deceased,) Joshua A. Loomis of Easthampton and George C. Clapp of Northampton. This comnlittee, after in- specting numerous designs, unanimously decided upon one drawn expressly for the regiment by Miller & Luce of Boston, at whose works in West Quincy the monument was made. The shaft represents the trunk of a tree, against which lean a brace of muskets and a stand of colors, the folds of the flag enwrapping a portion of the trunk, 34 while from a branch hangs a knapsack ; the whole finely chiseled from a single block of granite. The shaft rests upon a double base, on the upper of which in large raised letters, very handsomely polished, is the inscription : "37th Mass. 2d Brig. 3d Div. July 2, 1863." A scroll at the foot of the tree bears the Greek Cross badge of the Sixth Corps. The entire structure is placed upon a large native bowlder, the top of which was dressed down to receive the monument which rises about nine feet above the rock. It was placed in position early in July, 1885. Its cost was $800. The Monumenx of the Seventh Regiment. The monument of the Seventh Regiment was constructed from a design by Lieutenant Harrie A. Cushman of Taunton, Secretary of the "Regimental Association, and was made and placed on the field by John B. Sullivan of Taunton. The base, 18 inches high, 4 feet wide and 5 feet long, is of High Rock 35 granite from Wrentham, Mass., and bears a die 3 feet wide, 4 feet long and 4 feet high of Concord Granite. On the top of the monument, finely worked in the granite, is the Greek Cross of the Sixth Corps, with crossed muskets, sword and a soldier's regulation cap bearing the figure 7. On the front panel is the inscription : "7th Mass. Inf'y ; 2d Brig., 3d Div., 6th Army Corps." The monument cost the amount of the state allowance — $500 — and was procured and placed under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Franklin P. Harlow and Lieutenant H. A. Cushman, being the first monument erected to a Massachusetts regiment under the act of the Legislature, and Lieutenant Cushman being the first to obtain from the state treasury the allowance for the purpose. Tlie Excarsten te Setly^barg. At a meeting of the joint committees of the Tenth and Thirty-seventh Regiments it was decided that an excursion for the purpose of dedicating the monuments of those regiments should be had ; the first full week of October, 1886, was selected as the time, and the matter of making all necessary arrangements was placed in the hands of Comrade James L. Bowen, President of the Thirty-seventh Regiment Association. It was also voted that Mr. Bowen be asked to deliver the dedicatory address for the two Associations. Invitations were extended to the Seventh Massachusetts and Second Rhode Island Associations to join lilie party and participate in the exercises. This was accepted on the part of the Seventh Asso- ciation by its President, James G. Church of Brockton, who appointed a committee to represent his regiment and and requested that the dedicatory address by Mr. Bowen should 37 also include in its scope the Seventh Regiment. A general Rhode Island Excursion being already in contemplation for the second week of October, no action was taken by the regiment from that state toward joining its Massachusetts comrades. Careful preparations were made to insure for all participants an enjoyable excursion, complete in its details and at the lowest possible cost. The presence and services of Colonel Bachelder (almost indispensable to a perfect comprehension of the various features of the battle) were secured, a general program of movements about the field was arranged and teams and special trains were engaged so that the time should be fully utilized and the various points of interest systematically and inexpensively visited. Mr. Yingling, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel at Gettysburg, undertook to arrange for the comfortable quartering of the entire party at his hotel and in boarding house near by. Besides these arrangements for the party while at Gettysburg great pains were taken to secure the most favorable terms from the various transportation 3S companies, not only for the passage of the excursion proper but from those routes over which participants would pass in joining the main body. A side trip was also arranged from Philadelphia on the return to Washington and Fredericksburg, Va. Special rates were arranged for with the Pennsylvania, New York, New Haven & Hartford, Boston »Sc Albany, Connecticut River, New Haven & North- ampton and Housatonic Railroads, the New Haven and the Bridgeport steamer companies. The excursion proper started from Spring- field at 7.50 p. m., Monday evening, October 4, going by rail to New Haven and thence by steamer to New York. Delegations joined the party at Hartford, New Haven and Jersey City in considerable numbers while two were taken on at Philadelphia. Soon after reaching the dock at New York the party w^ere met by Mr. John H. Markley, the efficient and gentlemanly traveling passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, who as the represent- ative of his company was indefatigable during the journey to and from Gettysburg in caring for the comfort of the travelers. 39 Most of the party, taking the Fulton Ferry on leaving the boat, crossed to Brooklyn, whence they were transferred by the Annex boat to the Jersey City station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, where they break- fasted and at 9.16 o'clock set forth by special train. Stopping at Philadelphia for dinner, the party sped through the fertile agricultural region of Southern Pennsylvania, by way of Harrisburg, reaching Gettysburg shortly before 6 p. m. ^lore delightful October weather never favored an excursion party than was enjoyed on this occasion, and it was improved to the full by the visitors to the historic field. While a few "flocked by themselves" to visit scenes in which they had a special interest, the great body of the party joined in the program which had been arranged in advance. Wednesday forenoon was accordingly given up to a visit to the National Cemetery and the right of the Union line from that point, Colonel Bachelder, who had joined the party at Jersey City, giving descriptions of the events pertaining to the several locations from 40 East Cemetery Hill, on Gulp's Hill at the monument of the Twenty-third Pennsylvania Regiment, and at the Second Massachusetts monument near Spangler's Spring. This trip was made by most of the party on foot, and at its termination all returned to town for dinner. At 2 p. m., a special train was taken over the Battlefield Railroad for Little Round Top and the party generally joined with the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Association, who had reached town with an excursion party during the previous night, in the dedication of their monument, which stands in the field almost directly in front of and but a few hundred yards from those of Eustis's Brigade. At the close of the exercises at the monument. Colonel Bachelder briefly described the incidents ofthe battle in that vicinity, when the party returned to the train and to the town for supper. Arrangements had meantime been made for a joint meeting in the evening at the Gettysburg Rink of the two visiting Associ- ations, instead of the separate meetings which 41 their original programs had contemplated. Accordingly, at an early hour all the seating capacity of the building was taken up, and back of the seats hundreds were standing. The exercises of the Massachusetts delegations came first. Captain Joshua A. Loomis of the Thirty-seventh presiding, and prayer being offered by Chaplain George F. Smith of Post 86, G. A. R. After music by the band the dedicatory address for the three Massachusetts monuments was delivered by Mr. Bowen, at the conclusion of which the monuments were formally surrendered to the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association by representatives of the different commands, President Church speaking for his Association and Treasurers H. M. Abbott of the Thirty- seventh and Joel H. Hendrick of the Tenth for their respective committees. The latter, in closing his remarks said : "The men representative of a regimental committee cannot adequately charge your x\ssociation with this duty, nor can these citizens of our state who unite with us in these ceremonies ; neither can these comrades who here wore 42 the Blue 23 years ago. But, with whatever of authority there may be in unanimity of sentiment, Massachusetts herself bids, ' Take care of yonder sacred trophies. See that no enemies less invincible than time and the elements destroy a memorial which marks the place where my sons stood in defense of the Union.' " Hon. David A. Buehler, vice-president of the Association, receiving the trusts, responded eloquently, paying a glowing tribute to the Old Bay State and the patriotism of her sons. During this part of the exercises a small, beautiful cannon with complete carriage had stood on the front of the stage. It had been made by citizens of Gettysburg from relics gathered on the field for presentation to Colonel Bachelder, and had awaited the presence of the Massachusetts citizens to give an especial zest to the occasion. The presentation now took place, S. McC. Swope, Esq., in a speech of rare power and eloquence tendering the beautiful gift in behalf of his fellow-citizens, and the 43 recipient making appropriate acknowledg- ment. By the kindness of Colonel Bachelder, arrangements were made by which the cannon was exhibited at the Springfield Grand Army fair the following week, while on its way to the Colonel's home at Hyde Park. The meeting was then turned over to the Pennsylvania party, the dedicatory address for the monument of their regiment being delivered by Major Samuel Harper of Pittsburg, Judge F. H. Collier, colonel of the regiment following with remarks warm with fraternal regard for the Massachusetts comrades. Vocal and instrumental music, rounded out an evening of rare enjoyment. After breakfast Thursday morning the party to the number of 196 took carriages furnished by Ziegler & Holtzworth and drove to the scene of the opening of the battle, July I, 1863, where the beginning of the fight was described by Colonel Bachelder. Thence the procession took its way to the '' Webster Regiment " monument, where the later deeds of the first day's battle were 44 depicted ; thence back through the town and along the Emmittsburg road to the scene of the Sickles fight, passing the Peach Orchard, the Wheat-field, stopping at the Devil's Den for another descriptive lecture and a photograph, and following the Avenue back to the scene of Pickett's final charge and repulse, the details of which were graphically described by Mr. Bachelder, with many interesting incidents in his experience as historian charmingly interwoven. From this point the party drove to the town, dismissing the carriages, and after dinner again took a special train on the Battlefield railroad, landing at the rear of Little Round Top, whence the party proceeded first to the monuments of Eustis's Brigade. Several fine photographic views were made at the monuments, both of general groups about each of the memorials and of the survivors of each regiment beside their respective monuments. Repairing to the summit of Little Round Top, the party listened to another of Colonel Bachelder's admirable descriptions, closing very satisfactorily the general field excursions of the party. 45 The evening was devoted to a gathering in the court-house, which was filled with members of the excursion and citizens of the town. Mr. Bowen presided and the evening was given up to remarks of an informal character, the principal speakers being General Henry S. Briggs and Colonel Joseph B. Parsons, the first and last commanders of the Tenth Resfiment, Colonel Bachelder, and Hon. David A. Buehler of Gettysburg. The latter spoke eloquently, treating at some length of lessons to be drawn from the war, and not forgetting to compliment Massachusetts and New England in his earnest, whole-hearted manner. Some members of the party had already set out for home, or to pursue special trips in some other direction, but more than 165 took the special train on the return Friday morning at 8 o'clock and bade adieu to the historic battle-field. A few miles out the excursion of John A. Andrew Post, G. A. R., was passed, bound for the town which the party had just left. At Philadelphia a 46 division took place, some 75 members of the party joining the side trip to Washington, while the remainder continued the homeward journey. The south-bound section quartered princi- pally at the St. James and National Hotels. During the following afternoon the general sight-seeing was interrupted most agreeably by a special reception given to the party at the White House by President Cleveland, the arrangements for which were kindly made by Colonel John L. Rice, postmaster at Springfield, Mass. Late that afternoon over 30 of the party took cars for Fredericksburg, Va., and passed the following day very pleasantly in and about that city, visiting many points of interest, including the National Cemetery on Marye's Hights, the battle-field of Salem Church and those nearer the city, while a few made excursions to Chancellorsville and Spottsylvania. Num- bers of ex-Confederates were met at Fredericksburg, who without exception gave a cordial greeting to the visitors and showed them many courtesies. 47 The return to Washington was made during the evening of the loth, and from that time the organized character of the excursion disappeared. The party broke into small squads, each making such disposition of the time as best met individual tastes and opportunities, and returning home by various trains as inclination or duty prompted. With scarcely an exception the verdict of the participants was that the time and money spent for the trip had been well invested. The weather had been superb, no accident l:iad marred the pleasure of the occasion, the arrangements generally proved satisfactory, while many incidents not on the program had given a pleasant variety to the experiences of a well- filled week. Rs^ter 0f ExcarMsn. COMMITTEE. James L. Bowen, Chairman, (E, 37th) Springfield Joel H. Hendrick, (F, 10th) James G. Church, (B, 7th) Brockton Hubbard M. Abbott, (G, 37th) Northampton Joshua A. Loomis, (E, 37th) Easthampton W. H. Gurney, (K, 7th) Whitman Peter King, (46th Mass.) Mrs. Peter King, M. T. Lazell, Moses Warriner, B. F. Thompson, W. D. Phelps. Mrs. W. D. Phelps, Winthrop Howard, (4:2d Mass.) Col. John L. Bice, (2d N. H., 7oth U. S. C. T.) Allen Bice, (age 6) Mrs. Helen N. Packard, Gurdon Bill, Springfield 49 George R. Price, (5th Mass. Bat.) Springfield J. C. Condon, (Bat. C, 5tli U. S. Art.) Frank H. Bowen, " Mrs, Juliaette Walker, " Job Dearnley, " Charles G. Whiting, « E. A. Newell, (46th Mass.) P. Norton, (17th Conn.) Merrick I. W. Coomes, (I, 37th) Longmeadow Thomas F. Cordis, (46th Mass.) " Henry Hall, (D, 37th) East Longmeadow Oliver Wolcott, " George A. Bray, (20th N. Y. S. M.) Holyoke Reran Ryan, (A, 10th) W. F. Wheelock, (1st Mass. Cav.) Samnel Snell, " Charles Tower, (46th Va., Conf.) H. R. Tower, E. C. Hanks, (F, 37th) South Hadley Falls Charles Church, (o2d Mass.) " " " F. E. White, Burritt Judd, (52d Mass.) " " " H. C. Russell, (F, 37th) North Hadley F. P. Wheeler, (F, 37th) Hadley Mrs. F. P. Wheeler, R. F. Underwood, (31st Mass.) Mount Tom Mrs. R. F. Underwood, " " A. P. Barton, (o2d Mass.) Granby 50 R. G. Carter, North Amherst C. H. Brewster, (Acljt. 10th) Northampton A. G. Carley, Col. J. B. Parsons, (10th) C. H. Heald, (2cl Mass.) Mrs. C. H. Heakl, Calvin B. Kingsley, (C, 10th) Mrs. CalvmB. Kmgsley, John Strong, Robert H. Gallivan, N. S. Cornwell, (C, 10th) Mrs. N. S. Cornwell, Alvin Rust, (C, 10th) S. B. Parsons, Oscar F. Ely, Samuel Lloyd, H. L. Williams, Edward H. Wade, (14th Conn.) Mrs. Edward H. Wade, Frank C. Clapp, (52d Mass.) Jeremiah Brown, (52d Mass.) Mrs. Jeremiah Brown, S. R. Cooley, George L. Cooley, (F, 37th) S. B. Fuller, Florence George F. Smith, (31st Mass.) " O. M. Smith, George H. Ray, (18th Conn.) 51 (I. F. Miller, Mrs. G. F. Miller, Edward M. Ferry, (52d Mass.) Mrs. Edward M. Ferry, Mrs. J. A. Loomis, S. C. Wood, (27th Mass.) A. S. Chapman, Joseph P. Coburn, (G. 10th) J. H. Howard, (C, 10th) C. S. Shattiiek, William Bancroft, Talcott Bancroft, (D, 37th) M. H. Vincent, (H, 10th; E. F. Wiley, (F, 37th) Jason Mann, (16th Vt.) Mrs. Jason Mann, A. F. Cobb, M. J. Benjamin, (22d Mass.) F. C. Walworth, J. F. Bartlett, (H, 10th) Mrs. J. F. Bartlett, Charles Henry, John M. Wells, (GOth Mass.) Edwin Stratton, (F, 37th) Samuel D. Conant, W. H. A'dams, (G, 10th) Mrs. W. H. Adams, Elliott ! Gillett, Florence Easthampton Hatfield (( (( Chesterfield Conway Sunderland Montao'ue Tun Falh Greenfield a (( Orange Shelburne Falls S. F. KimbaU, (B, 10th) Xoitli Adams Mrs. S. F. KimbaU, " " L. J. Clark, Mrs. L. J. Clark, James C. Chalmers, (G, 37th) Adams Reuben A. Whipple, (8th Mass.) Charles F. Savles, (o3d Mass.) " O. Fred Smith, (G, 37th) H. H. Wellington, (o3d Mass.) Thomas Riley, (D, 10th) « John Hammond, (125 X. Y.) « F. A. Morey, South Williamstown Miss Morey, ': '• Jesse Prickett, (E, 10th) Pittsfield Mrs. Jesse Prickett, " Gen. Henry S. Briggs, (10th) " W. B. Rice, Daniel J. Dodge, (Q. M. 37th) Mrs. Xancy X. Dodge, " C. H. Fuarey, (C, 37th) West Stockbridge William M. Kniffin, (Pay'r Dep.) James P. Carpenter, (16th X. Y. Cav.) C. W. Kniffin, (49th Mass.) V. R. Truesdale, James S. Moore, " " Levi Huntley, (B, 37th) Great Barriugton William H. Mansfield, J. A. Brewer, A. L Hubbell, A. J. Hunt, (1st Mass. Cav.) Frank H. Wright. H. W. Sikes. (C, 37th) W. H. BaHey, (C, 37th) William J. Simmons, (E, 37th) F. D. Loomis, Mrs F. D. Loomis, J. D. CacUe, Adam Swan, (K, 10th) Cornelius Sackett, (K, 10th) Mrs Cornelius Sackett, Andrew Campbell, (46th Mass. Theodore Manee, (33d X. Y.) J. R. :Mnier, (33d Mass.) A. W. Lewis. (46th Mass.) Frank Midlen, C. E. Peck, William H Bridgman. James Xoyes, Byron W.'charles, (46th Mass. S.^ W. Bridge, (2d X. H.) George Bliss, (34th Mass.) F. Drury, (age 87) George A. Drury, James A. Black* (3-2d Mass.) Great Barrington Sheffield Van Deusenville Dalton Westfield Wilbraham Belchertown Brimfield Warren >pei 54 D. W. Ainsworth, Ware F. P. Clark, (( George Fairbanks, (( John Osgood, (6th N. H.) (( George S. Marsh, i( S. A. Spooner, (31st Mass.) " Col. John B. Bachelder, Hyde Park Mrs. John B. Bachelder, a a Charles B. Frhik, Roslindale E. R. Pearson, (F, 37th) Boston E. E. Kelly, (I, 7th) (( A. M. Pierce, « John L. Parker, (22d Mass.) Lynn Levi Cole, (K, 7th) Brockton E. F. Howard, (H, 7th) " Mrs. E. F. Howard, a J. A. Leach, (K, 7th) Whitman Jerome Washburn, (38th Mass.) « Jacob L. Batchelder, (( John C. Chace, (F, 7th) Taunton F. R. Washburn, ■ " Alfred A. Seaverns, (E, 7th) North Scituate Charles E. Staples, (C, 7th) New Bedford Earl P. Bowen, (A, 7th) Fall River VERMONT. 55 Henry Burnliam, (16tli Vt.) Putney Frank Burnham, Walter Crawford, F. L. Pierce, Mrs. F. L. Pierce, George H. Phillips, (14tli Vt.) Mrs. George H. Phillips, L. P. Bailey, (16th Vt.) Mrs L. P. Bailey, Samuel A. Shattuck, (2d Vt.) Westminster West CONNECTICUT. William H. Looniis, (K, 10th) Rockville Mrs. William H. Loomis, G. N. Brigham, (14th Conn.) Mrs. G. N. Brigham, Francis Goodell, Henry J. Marshman, William H. Andross, John J. Schwartz, Fred A. Farley, (F, 37th) Pine Meadow Walter S. Case, New Hartford I. W. Charter, (14th Conn.) East Haddam A. F. Fargo, (A, 10th) Bridgeport S6 S. E. Joslin, George H. Holmes, (A, 10th) East Thompson Xew Britain T. C. Lawton, (Surg. 37th) Providence, R. I. S. S. Williams, (C, 10th) William H. Rnssell, William Bliss, (G, 37th) J. M. Faurey, (C, 37th) P. R. Brown, (o2d Mass.) New York City Troy, N. Y. Vineland, N. J. Philadelphia, Penn. m m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS !i III! II mill III II! I III II 013 705 511 9