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fivtviot-Piutjjvss of the fiitjj mA fflouutu of ^Imuijj,
sacrificj:d their lives DuniNa the late
■^ of VVasbit^t^"
Entered according to act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-six,
By S . R . GRAY,
in the Clerk's ofEcc of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern
District of New York.
C. Van Bknthuysen & Sons,
Printers, Slereotypers and Binders,
407 Broadway, Albany.
XXI.... MAJ. MILES McDonald 355
« Page.
XC . . . . CORPL. ISAAC J. ROACH 666
cxLVii .... DAVID Mcculloch 806
The design of this volume, is to commemorate the patriotic
services and noble deeds, of the men who have died on the battle
field for our Nation's honor, perpetuity and prosperity. While
they have done so much for us, the least that we can do for them
is to cherish their memory, record their virtues, and pay to them
the tribute of our gratitude and admiration.
History does not furnish us with an account of any war, which
has called forth a purer patriotism, a holier love of liberty, or
loftier sentiments of duty and devotion to the public good, than
have characterized the heroes who were engaged in our late
struggle for the maintenaiicc of the American nationality. In
preserving this nationality, they were inspired with the belief
that they were toiling to keep alive the best government that
Heaven ever granted to a people; to perpetuate and extend those
social, educational and religious institutions upon which virtue
and happiness are based, and to secure the triumph of humanity
and justice, over systems of oppression that are a reproach and a
peril to any nation. And on the bright roll of martyr-heroes
none stand higher for purity, bravery and patriotism than many
who have gone forth from the city and county of Albany, and
whose precious remains we have followed to the grave with tears
of personal affection, and feelings of the warmest gratitude. While
their cold forms rest with us, their influence and noble deeds
have entered into the most valued parts of American history.
By dying, they have put fresh life into the Republic and added
to the value of our institutions. We have more to love, more to
admire, more to pray for, than we had before their heroism was
added to our national cliaracter. A republic for which such
sacrifices have been made, and upon whose- altar such no))le and
pvecious lives have l)een laid, must live; and its free institutions
must, in all future time, hold supremacy over every inch of terri-
tory embraced within the limits of our country. By all that is
sacred in the past, and all that is valuable in the futui-e, every
true American is bound to accept as the guide of his conduct and
the inspiration of his life, the words of the gifted AVebster:
" Liberty and Union, one -and inseparable, now and forever."
In April, 1861, the first guns were tired from the l^atteries of
treason upon Fort Sumter. The sound of those guns startled
the Nation, and revealed the existence of a deep, wide-spread
and malignant rebellion. After a long period of peace, unity
and uninterrupted prosperity — during which the arts had been
advanced, the resources of the country developed, manufactures
and commerce increased, and the national domain extended, with
a rapidity almost Avithout a parallel in history — there burst upon
us the storm of war, that raged for four years, periling the
Nation, eml)arrassing our relations with foreign powers, carrying
desolation to tens of thousands of homes, and producing an
amount of personal suffering and domestic anguish that no lan-
guage can depict.
To stay the fury of the tempest and save the ship of state from
being engulfed in the angry waters, all the lo^-al States vied with
each other in their prompt exertions and their liberal contribu-
tions of men and money. And we cannot enter upon our biogra-
phical sketches of the illustrious dead, without first alluding to
what our State and County have done to sustain the government
and preserve the llepublic.
contributions from the state.
At the breaking out of the war, his Excellency Edwin D.
Morgan, Governor of the State of New York, used the whole
force of his personal influence and executive authority to secure
large appropriations of money, and to raise men, to promptly
aid the general government in suppressing the rebellion. In
this work he received the cordial co-operation of other earnest
patriots; and especially in the organization and equipment of the
first regiments that were sent from the State, was he aided ])y
Gen. John Meuedith Read, Jr., who at the time was a member
of his staff. The efficiency, perseverance and zeal of Gen. Re.\d,
displuyed at that crisis in our national affairs, were of immense
importance in developing and bringing into the field the effective
forces of the State.
As the result of the efforts of Governor Morgan and those who
co-operated with him, and also of his successors in office, this
State sent four hundred and seventy-four thousand men into the
field, during the four years that the war continued. This immense
number took about one-eighth of our entire population, and
formed one-fifth of the whole United States army.* This single
fact, revealed the depth and extent of the spirit of patriotism, in
the Empire State.
Ill this vast multitude, all professions, avocations and ranks in
life were represented. From our farms and factories; from the
workshop, the store and the counting room; from the pulpit, the
bar and the medical profession; from colleges and theological
seminaries; from fashionable and refined circles, and christian
homes, men rushed forth to defend the Union and liberty, or die
in the struggle.
Col. LocKWOOD L. Doty, in his third annual report of the
Bureau of Military Record, alludes to this exciting period in the
folio wino; concise and forcible lanmiao-e:
The news of the surrender of Fort Sumter reached the State
capital on Sunday morning the 14th. A meeting took place in
the afternoon at the Executive chamber. There were present,
• When President Lincoln, in April, 1861, called for 75,000 militia for three months'
service, the army of the United States had on its rolls 14,000 men. During the ensuing
four years 2,688,523 were enlisted, of which 2,408,103 left the army alive. Of the bal-
ance, 96,089 died in battle or of wounds, while 184,331 died of disease. The number of
white troops enlisted was about 2,500,000. The number of deaths among them was 251,-
122, or one death out of ten. The number of colored troops was 180,000, of whom 29,-
298 died, or about one out of six — being nearly double the rate of deaths among the
■white troops ; three died on the field of battle and five from disease ; out of every nine
deaths among the blacks, one died on the field of battle and eight from disease. The
mortality among the volunteers was nearly fifteen per cent greater than among the regu-
lars. These statistics are taken from ofiicial records, but while they give the number of
those who died in the service, they make no mention of the host obliged to leave the
army and who went home to die.
the Governor and other State officers, the Speaker of the Assem-
bly and members of the military and finance committees of the
two honses. A committee, consistino; of the Attorney General,
the Adjutant General, the Inspector General, Mr. Blood, of the
Senate, and Mr. Robinson, of the Assembly, were appointed to
draft a bill to be submitted to the Leg-islature next mornino;.
As draAvn by the committee, the bill invested the Governor with
the power of its execution. It provided for the enrollment of
thirty thousand volunteer militia to serve two years, and appro-
priated three million dollars to meet the expense. The Legis-
lature subsequently connected the State officers with the Gov-
ernor in raising and organizing the troops, and the commission
thus constituted formed what was popularly known as the State
Military Board. The bill, as modihed, was passed by the Legis-
lature and signed by the Governor on the l(3th of April.
On the 15tli had been received the President's proclamation
calling forth the militia of the several States, including; three or
four States that subsequently passed the ordinance of secession.
It designated a muster of seventy-five thousand, in order to sup-
press combinations and to cause the laws to be duly executed.
The quota assigned to New York consisted of two Major Gen-
erals, four Brigadiers, and aids to general officers, and seventeen
regiments of seven hundred and eighty each, officers and men,
making an aggregate force of 13,280. These were to be detached
from the militia under the act of Congress of February 28, 1795,
to serve as infantry or riflemen for the period of three months,
unless sooner discharged. The rendezvous of this State were
appointed at New York, Albany and Elmira.
There Avas no delay. The capital became at once thronged
with anxious persons. Ordinary lousiness was mostly suspended,
and volunteering l)egun, before the authorities were able to accept
the services of those who thus promptly responded.
Were we permitted, at this place, to transcribe the telegrams
of a single day received by the Governor from all points, while
millions of loyal hearts were trembling for the safety of Wash-
ington, the revelation would compress a thousand pages of
thought and action, that are now historic, in a single sheet. How
startling was the first summons flashing along the wires from the
threatened capital of the Nation; how incessant the fiery mes-
sages thereafter! We may quote a few of these dispatches as
indicative of the excited and impatient state of public feeling at
that time:
"War Department, April 15, 1861. Call made on you by
to-night's mail for seventeen regiments of militia for immediate
service." Simeon Cameron, Secretary of War.
"Washington, April 15. Send no troops here except by
"New York, April 15. Colonel Ellsworth desires to raise a
regiment of Zouaves in New York city. Will you accept them?"
"New York, April 17. Virginia seceded. Harper's Ferry
taken. Washington endangered; ready all night to serve orders."
"New York, April 18. Lose not a moment in issuing your
orders for the additional regiments for Washington. The people
are impatient of delay."
" New York, April 19. Post, third edition, asserts reliable
news, Davis being within one day's march of Washington with
an army. Our city military seem impatient."
"New York, April 19. The whole city is most anxious to
have the militia of the State armed at once; and instant departure
of twenty thousand troops to Washington."
" Elmira, April 18. The Southern Tier Eifles have unanim-
ously resolved to tender their services to the General Govern-
ment. The Colonel awaits your Excellency's orders."
" New York, April 20. Telegraph states that troops must go
on to-night, or Washington is gone."
"New York, April 20. The bridges are gone, and communi-
cation cut oif between Philadelphia and Washington."
" Chicago, April 20. Allow me to suggest the necessity of
concentrating troops immediately on the Pennsylvania state lino
nearest Washinute to its success. The young ladies of our city also co-f>pe-
rated, and we may judge of their great industry, from the inter-
esting statements of their work published in the annual reports
of the association.
From the neighboring toAvns valuable aid was also received.
Boxes and barrels of useful articles were sent by the ladies of
the Greenbush Aid Society; by the Coeymans Ladies' Relief
Association; the Soldiers' Friend Society of Coeymans Landing;
the Soldiers' Aid Society of Knox; the Soldiers' Aid Society,
Chatham Four Corners; the Soldiers' Aid Society of Rensselaer-
ville; the Ladies' Benevolent Society of the Baptist Church in
Schenectady; and from the ladies of Westerlo; East Schodack,
Stephentown, Eenssalaer county; Gloversville; Medway, Greene
county; Gallupville; Brockett's Bridge, Herkimer county; Sche-
nevus; Middleburgh, Schoharie county; Worcester, Otsego county;
Nassau, Rensselaer county; Kinderhook, Valatie, Fultonham, Cas-
tl'eton, Fulton Centre, and other towns. These contril)utions,
the fruits of the industry and liberality of thousands of ladies
throughout this and other counties, shows how warmly the public
heart beat in response to the calls from our suffering soldiers.
In one of the reports of the Albany association we find the fol-
lowing tribute to these co-workers:
" To the ladies of the several societies who, in this and the
adjoining towns, have labored with us, and sent us such ample
evidence of their efficiency and zeal, we are profoundly grateful.
Without their aid we should have often found ourselves unable
to meet the calls so urgently made upon us, and we thank them
for demonstrating that, although removed from that active stim-
ulus of personal contact and association with the war, which so
often stirs our flagging sympathies in the cities, the fire of patri-
otic zeal burns as brightly and warmly as though their hearts
were daily touched by the sight (now, alas! become so common
to us) of sick and wounded and dying men.
" This report would be incomplete did the committee fail to
recognize the generous donation sent us last December by the
religious community of Shakers at Niskayuna. Prevented by
their religious faith from accepting that stirring call to arms
which roused the whole Nation a little more than a j^ear ago,
their hearts opened at once to that second appeal, which asked
for aid in behalf of those who, answering the one, had left it to
a great christian people to answer the other. Their quaint but
decided protest against "the bloody trade of war" was oflset by
such generous supplies of everything that could be used in a
military hospital, that our suflering soldiers could well afford to
forgive their logic while they demonstrated so well in their -prac-
tice^ that
'One touch of Nature makes the whole earth kin.' "
In the same report we find the following acknowledgments of
services rendered by several gentlemen to the association:
" The committee cannot close this report without an expres-
sion of its obligation to the many friends who have so faithfully
stood by the association since its formation, aiding it as much by
their wise counsels, as by their personal superintendence and
attention to its many outside duties. This tribute is especially
due to Hon. George H. Thacher, whose persistent and untiring
devotion to the best interests of the society merits more than
this slight acknowledgment. The uniform kindness and cour-
tesy which has characterized all his relations with us, can never
be forgotten by those who have been associated with him during
the past winter at the city hall.
" To William McElroy, and to the firm of Van Sickler &
FoRBY, the committee would also speak one word of acknow-
ledgment. The necessary manual labor connected with packing
and marking large boxes has been most kindly assumed by these
gentlemen, and no pressure of private business has ever inter-
fered to prevent their immediate personal attention to this duty,
when their services were required ])y the committee."
On the first of January, 1862, Mrs. Morgan resigned the pre-
sidency of the association, and tlie oiJice has since been filled by
Mrs. Horatio Seymour and by Mrs. Eeuben E. Fenton. These
ladies, like their predecessor, brought to their position great
executive ability and a warm interest in the welfare of the sol-
AVhen Mrs. Seymour was chosen president, the following
ladies were appointed on the executive committee: Mrs. Horatio
Seyiviour, Mrs. Ray Palmer, Mrs. Rufus W. Clark, Mrs. Chas.
G. AaiES, j\Irs. James McNaughtox, Mrs. Charles M. Jexkixs,
Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. George H. Thaciier, Mrs. Jacob Lan-
sing, Mrs. Jas. Hall, Mrs. Eli Perry, Mrs. Ransom, Mrs. Otis
Allen, Mrs. George B. Steele, Mrs. John T. Sprague, Mrs.
Archibald McClure, Mrs. William White, Mrs. John Tayler
H.VLL, Mrs. Charles B. Redfield, Mrs. S. O. Vanderpoel, Mrs.
Wm. N. Fassett, Mrs. George Shortiss, Mrs. William Barnes,
Miss Catharine Pruyn.
It affords us great pleasure to say that the officers and mem-
bers of the association labored Avith unabated ardor to the very
close of the war. During the four years ending January 1, 1866,
they received $19,712.30, and expended $17,712.30, leaving a
balance in the treasury of $2,000.
Besides the aid rendered directly through the U. S. Sanitary
Commission, the association performed other services, the follow-
ing account of which has been kindly furnished by the secretary,
Mrs. William Barnes:
" When the advancing tide of war was checked by the sur-
render of Gen. Lee, in April, 1865, its return wave threw back
upon us thousands of disabled soldiers, who were physically
unable to support either their families or themselves. The State,
with provident justice and humanity, assumed the charge of
many of these men, and gathered them into the ' Soldiers' Home ';
but many were only partially disabled, and, with a little assist-
ance, they were competent to help themselves. There were also
many homes made utterly desolate, wdiere fathers, brothers and
sons would return no more; these appealed to the association for
relief. Monthly committees were at once appointed, and ordered
to visit and investigate personally every case of destitution
brouo'ht before the executive committee. These committees
report that they have visited in their respective districts, one
hundred and four families, and distributed among them various
needful articles. The chairman of these committees, Mrs. Eli
Perry, reports that she has expended for this purpose, the sum
of $646.31.
In April, 1865, a committee of citizens was formed, whose
duty it was to feed, temporarily, not only our own returning
regiments, but also those ' in transitu ' through Albany. This
committe appealed to the association for funds to sustain their
enterprise, and its executive committee donated the sum of
$2,000 for that purpose. In February, 1866, on solicitation of
the Army and Navy Claim Agency of this city, they appropri-
ated to it the sum of $700; thus enabling it to pay off its out-
standing debts. This agency, it will be remembered, was estab-
lished in 1863, by the Sanitarj' Commission, but has always been
sustained by voluntary contributions from our citizens.
Acting; under the suo-o-estions and advice of the officers of the
Sanitary Commission, in New York, the association in February
appropriated the sum of $1,000 to the National Freedman's Relief
Commission, and $1,000 to its auxiliary society in Albany, Mrs.
Amos Dean, treasurer.
We have noAV the sum of $2,000 in our treasury. This money,
and as much beside as may be entrusted to us by our citizens,
will be faithfully and judiciously expended in relieving the neces-
sities of soldiers and soldiers' families; and when the last dollar
has been spent, the labors of the Army Relief Association will
be at an end, and it will pass into history with its enduring record
of the fidelity and patriotism of the Women of Albany."
There were other movements among the ladies in other direc-
tions, of which the following is worthy of note.
In the summer of 1862, a lady in Washington city wrote to
Mrs. Samuel Pruyn, asking her to send some stores for the
needy soldiers, and especially for those at the camps Convales-
cent and Parol. Mrs. Pruyn responded by sending two large
boxes, filled with articles contributed by a few personal friends.
Their reception was acknowledged by a letter, giving some very
interesting incidents in relation to the relief afforded and the
gratitude expressed. The writer also pleaded in the name of
humanity for a larger supply.
Extracts from this letter, and from others subsequently re-
ceived, were pul)lished in our daily papers, and found their way
to many sympathizing hearts. Donations of all kinds were sent
in to Mrs. Pkuyn, with unprecedented liberality, and in a very
short time boxes and barrels were packed and forwarded, most
of which reached the camps at Washington. The whole number
thus collected was two hundred and eighty-seven, and they con-
tained everything which could contribute to the comfort of those
to whom they were sent. The donors had the satisfaction of
knowing that the articles were judiciously and immediately dis-
tributed, and without expense.
While these eftbrts were being made, Mr. Benj^wvon Payn, of
Albany, at the suggestion of Mrs. Pruyn, went to Washington
and visited the camps. He was greatly excited and distressed
by the scenes of misery that he witnessed, and came home to do
all in his power for the relief of the soldiers. He went out into
the country among the farmers, and quickened many to deeds of
mercy. With the aid of Mr. Alexander Greer, he collected
and sent on to Washington about six hundred barrels, containing
every variety of fruit, vegetables and delicacies for the soldiers.
But in the midst of these various activities, which were alive
all over our city and county, there rises before us the grand
demonstration of patriotic enthusiasm, that enlisted the hearts
and hands of all classes, namely: The Army Relief Bazaar. This
beautiful building was erected in the Academy park of this city,
for the Great Sanitary Fair of Albany, Troy, and other localities
in our State, which was held during the months of February and
March, 1804. Its officers were, Hon. George H. Thacher, Pre-
sident; Hon. Eli Perry, Vice President; Chauncey P. Williams,
Esq., General Treasurer, and John Tayler Hall, Esq., Secretary.
Managers. — The President and Secretary, Chas. H. Strong,
James H. Armsby, M. D., S. Oakley Vanderpoel, M. D., Henry
Q. Haavley, Jacob C. Cuyler, Frank Chamberlain, Charles B.
Eedfield, Henry T. Buell, John H. Van Antwerp, Solomon
Hydeman, Arthur Bott, Thomas Kearney, James McNaughton,
John Tweddle; Mrs. Eli Perry, Mrs. Wm. White, Mrs. Frank-
lin Townsend, Mrs. Charles B. Redfield, Mrs. Thomas Hun,
Managers for Troy. — Mrs. A. D. Shepard, David A. Wells,
Mrs. George M. Tibbits, Mrs. John Flagg.
For the following account of the Bazaar, we are indebted to
the "Albany Express":
" We shall not stop to consider who originated the plan of the
Bazaar in this city. It is sufficient to say that the credit belongs
to the ladies of our Army Relief Association. To the various
committees the credit belongs of maturing the plan, and for the
vast details of the really monster undertaking, and they are enti-
tled to all praise for the success which has thus far attended
every effort.
" The form of the building — a double cross — and the location,
were suggested by Henry Q. Hawley, Esq. ; and for the archi-
tectural beauty of the structure, the pul)lic are indebted to
Walter Dickson, Esq. The building committee, consisting of
Henry Q. Hawley, Esq., Wm. N. Fassett, Esq., and Dr. S. O.
Vanderpoel, have devoted their time almost exclusively to the
performance of their very difficult and responsible duties. Their
laliors have been most arduous, and they have been most cheer-
fully rendered at the sacrifice of their own comfort and business
— a sacrifice which should and must be fully appreciated, when
we consider the extensive business engagements of these gentle-
men. The decorations of the building, wdiich will be most elabo-
rate, and unequaled in brilliancy, have been arranged under the
exclusive direction of Dr. Vanderpoel, who, at the outset, secured
the valuable services of Rice & Mickel, the well-known artists.
The general superintendence of the work w^as entrusted to Edmund
Knickerbocker, Esq.; and it is l)ut just to this gentleman to say
that his services have been invaluable, and that the managers feel
under great obligations to him, as also to Mr. Dickson, the archi-
tect. The carpenter work has been performed under the special
direction of John N. Pakkee and John Clemshiee, Esq., two of
our most enterprising citizens.
" And in this connection it is proper to state that for lightness,
strength and economy in the cutting and working of materials,
the building cannot be surpassed. Notwithstanding all this, it
is supplied with an abundance of braces and su^iports to resist
all pressures and forces, and render it perfectly safe.
"As before stated, the building is in the form of a double
Greek cross, the eastern nave being one hundred and eighty-nine
feet long, the western nave one hundred and sixty feet long, and
the transept two hundred and live feet long; height of eaves from
floor, fourteen feet; height to apex of roofs from floor, tAventy-
eight feet; width of naves and transept, sixty feet.
" Immediately on entering the Bazaar, the great national booths,
representing England, Ireland and Scotland, meet the eye. They
are to be respectively in charge of St. George's, St. Andrews,
and Hibernian Provident Societies, heartily supported and aided
1)y representatives of those countries. The St. Andrews' Society,
by reason of being the oldest organization, is honored with the
middle or most prominent of these three great booths. We
hazard nothing in saying that this will be principal among the
many great features of the Bazaar.
" To the right of the United States booth and adjoining the
Yankee booth, a booth equal in size to those allotted to England,
Ireland and Scotland, has been set apart by the Germans. It is
exceedingly gratifying to know that this portion of our citizens
are laboring with unexampled zeal, and intend to compete with
other nationalities for the palm of superiority. Never before
has there been such united and harmonious action amono- them,
and we have reason to expect the greatest results.
"To the right of the entrance is the 'Curiosity Shop,' a hall
thirty by sixty feet, separated from the general hall l)y a dwarf
partition. This will, undoubtedly, be. one of the greatest fea-
tures of the Bazaar, and by many it is asserted that it Avill be
the great point of attraction. It will contain much that is curious,
rare and beautiful; relics of great value and age, and, in fact,
will be the receptacle of everything attractive and novel. The
value of the articles to be displayed in the hall will be immense,
and hundreds of them could not be duplicated at any price.
This department is in charge of Robert H. Wells, Esq., who,
assisted by James A. Hurst, Esq., the celebrated taxidermist, is
devoting his whole time to its preparation and arrangement.
"Next comes the Shaker booths, another very attractive fea-
ture, to be filled with the exquisite productions of that class of
our citizens.
"Then conies the great United States booth, thirty by sixty
feet, to be magnificently decorated with flags and other emblems
of our nationality, and fitted up throughout in such a style as
shall make it one of the great points of interest in the Bazaar.
It is to be under the direction and supervision of Mrs. H. Pu3i-
"Adjoining is the Yankee booth, to be supplied with home
productions, with ' plenty more of the same sort left.' It will
be in charge of a lady who will represent the character entrusted
to her with great faithfulness.
" Next we have the Schenectady booth, which will be filled
with many rare and beautiful articles, the handiwork of the ladies
of that city, and other articles contributed by its citizens.
" Then comes the Spanish and Japanese booths, wherein will
be oSered for sale articles peculiar to those nationalities.
" The six booths at the north end of the east nave have been
allotted to our sister city, Troy, and will be placed in their espe-
cial charge. They will be attended by ladies and gentlemen
from that city, and stocked with goods contributed by their
fellow citizens. We have already alluded to the earnestness of
our neighbors, and their zealous eff'orts in behalf of the good
work; and we are warranted in saying that unless our people
work diligently, our Trojan brothers and sisters will eclipse them.
" On the opposite side of the east nave are the Italian, Russian
and Holland booths, and the booth allotted to the people of Sar-
atoga Springs, who are working diligently and intend to make a
splendid display.
"At the north of east nave will be found the Indian wigwam.
This bids fair to be one among the most attractive features of
the Bazaar, and will be attended by ladies in regular aboriginal
costume. The wigwam will be fitted up in a style that shall
strictly resemble the home of the red man, and in every appoint-
ment will be so complete as to furnish a correct idea of life
among the original settlers of the country.
" Here let us say that the ladies in attendance ujion the booths
will be dressed in costumes appropriate to the nationality they
represent, which will add to the picturesqueness and novelty of
the scene presented.
" The Gipsey tent, situate at the north end of the west nave,
will be presided over by a Gipsey Queen, wearing the apparel
of one of those singular and remarkable people. She will hold
court during the Bazaar, and, if requested, will attempt to unveil
the future to any anxious inquirer. Of course she will be
favored with numerous visitors.
"At the left of the entrance is the Swiss booth, and adjoining
the managers' room or business office.
"At the head of the west nave is Floral Hall, where, it is
hoped, will be displayed some of the choicest and rarest of
Nature's productions.
" Adjoining it on the west is the French and Perfumery booths,
and at the west end of the transept the great War Trophy booth,
where will be displayed all the flags and relics now deposited in
the Bureau of Military Statistics, as- also many other valuable
trophies that have been contril)uted to the Bazaar. This cannot
fail to be a most valuable and interesting feature of the Bazaar.
" Next we have the Military booth, and adjoining it the Auto-
graphic booth, at which will be ofiered for sale the autographs
and photographs of all the prominent Generals in the United
States Army, and also of many of the distinguished scientific and
literary men of the past and present."
On Monday evening, February 22, 1864, the fair was inaugu-
rated under the most cheering and brilliant auspices. The great
edifice was densely crowded, and the splendid illumination; the
lofty arches in the decoration of which all the colors of the rain-
bow were blended; the tastefully arranged festoons of evergreen
and flowers; the flags of our Union, of all sizes, which seemed
to fill the air with the spirit of patriotism; the rows of richly
ornamented booths, representing difterent cities and various
nationalities; and the enthusiasm of the masses of human beings,
swaying to and fro, made the scene one of thrilling interest and
dazzling beauty.
The exercises of the inauguration were opened by the singing
of the following dedicatory Ode, written by Miss Margaret F.
Morgan, of Albany, and set to music by Mr. H. W. A. Beale,
organist of St. Joseph's Church:
All hail to our country, the Land of the "West!
The dream of the Nations, the Great and the Blest,
The vision that came on the spice of the breeze,
And haunted the heart of the dark Genoese —
That rose like a temple of gold to his view,
That hung like a star in his distance of blue.
The sun on his journey may linger to glance
On the mosque and the temple, the vine and the dance,
But always returns to the haunt he loves best,
And leaves his last smile with the Land of the "West.
O, Sun in thy beauty, untiring like thee,
The heart of the Westland is glowing!
And over the continent, over the sea.
The light of its purpose is throwing.
Behold how its broad and beneficent ray
Each measure and limit is scorning!
Though dark clouds of error still lurk in the way,
They are edged with the light of the morning.
Come, Morning Light!
Come, quickly come.
Break through the night —
Trumpet and drum
Call in their might.
Come, quickly come!
Break, break the tyrant's yoke.
Break through the battle smoke —
Scatter the gloom!
Let treason's wonted ire
See in its force and fire
Naught but its doom.
Break thro' the prison bars, go with a blessing,
Shine on our captives, and bid them good cheer;
Go where the soreness of famine is pressing.
Tell them that bounty and largess are near;
From mountain, vale and mart,
Tell them the Nation's heart
Whispers " Good cheer! "
Though the air is stirred with combat,
Hope with lifted fingers waits —
Hears the bugle call of " Union! "
Hears the homeward march of States!
From the dim and doubting vision
Rend the veil and show the right,
Thro' the mists of fraud and fable
Lead them onward, Morning Light!
Peace will return with her chaplet of glory —
Home from the battle field weary and worn,
Come the brave squadrons of song and of story,
Bearing their banners up rifted and torn!
What have we done for thee?
What have we won for thee?
Surging with tumulf and sorely oppressed —
Given our all to thee!
Given our lives to thee!
Given thee Liberty, Land of the West!
Then hail to our country, the Land of the West!
The marvel of nations, the Great and the blest!
The green of her forests, the blue of her vales,
Her mines and her mountains, her lakes and her sails,
Her cotton and rice fields that stretch far away
In saffron of sunset, or purple of day —
All, all will we cherish with right and with might
Till the sun shall grow dim on his voyage of light!
From blight and from error, from woe and unrest.
May God shield our country, the Land of the West!
The introductory Address, which was very appropriate and
eloquent, was delivered by the Hon. Mr. Thacher. He was fol-
lowed by Governor Seymour, whose address contained several
historical facts of interest. After having been enthusiastically
received by the vast assemblage, the Governor said:
" Upon a day sacred to the memory of our greatest and purest
statesman, upon a spot made famous by historical incidents, we
meet for a purpose which appeals to our liveliest sympathy. It
is fit that the capital of a great State, which furnishes so large a
share of the armies of our country, and which is so numerously
represented amid the sick and wounded of our hospitals, and
among the graves of our battle fields, should be prominent in
efibrts to soften the calamities of war. Upon this occasion the
historical events connected with this city and the adjacent towns
are brought back to our memories. Albany is the oldest city in
the thirteen original colonies, and, with the exception of 8t.
Augustine, in Florida, the oldest town in our Union, for the
earlier settlement of Jamestown, in Virginia, had ceased to exist
as a municipality. Before the Pilgrims landed upon Plymouth
Rock, and before the foundations of our great commercial metro-
polis were laid at the mouth of the Hudson, a trading post was
estal)lished at this point, and for years it was the most important
commercial place within the limits of our State.
"It is not to its antiquity and to its long continued identifica-
tion with the interests of our country to which I wish to call
your attention, but to some incidents in its history recalled by
the occasion which draws us together. In 1690, in this month
of February — one hundred and seventy-four years ago — there
came a midnight cry for help from the burning town of Schenec-
tady, and the panting messengers who came along the pathways
leading from Albany to that city, which ran along by the very
spot upon which we stand, and told of the massacre of its inhab-
itants, by Indian savages and their French allies. The alarmed
citizens of this place hurried to the protection of Fort Frederick,
which stood on this ground; and the ancestors of many of those
who I see before me, whose names are still familiar in your social
circles, in your churches and in your public organizations, met
to devise measures of relief for tlie sick, the suftl'ring, the
wounded and the dying of a neighboring town, and to adopt
measures for the support of those who should go out to combat
against the savage enemies. Many of their descendants bearing
those ancient and honorable names, meet here to-night for a
kindi-ed purpose.
That >ong lapse of years, and those far removed generations,
at this moment seem freshly linked together by this coincidence
of place and purpose.
" A little later, another event occurred within this city, of still
greater significance, and still more closely connected with this
occasion. The people of the different colonies, living under dis-
tinct governments at the outset, were estranged from each other.
Separated by distances which at that day were overcome with
difficulty, made up of those of different nationalities and conflict-
ing creeds, there was among them but little intercourse, and no
concert of action. Alarmed by a threatened combination of
savage tribes which menaced the safety, if not the existence of
the colonies, they sent delegates to a convention held in this
city. Benjajviin Franklin was its presiding ofiicer. This was
the first distinct movement to a union among the colonies,
looking to strength and protection from united counsels and
combined efforts.
" Thus All)any became the birthplace of our Union. In God's
name, then, let it be upheld and cherished here. The first time
that the Stars and Stripes were ever displayed upon our National
banner — the first time that its emblems of State sovereigrnties and
National unity were ever given to the winds of Heaven — the first
time that that flag was ever displayed which now kindles the
enthusiasm and patriotism of the American in whatever part
of the world he may see it, and whose folds, in devotion to its
sacred import, a million of men have battled within the last three
years — that flag was first borne into the dangers of the battle
field in the defence of this city. It was also first used to defeat
an effort to divide the United Colonies. For the purpose of
gaining possession of the line of the Hudson river, and the con-
trol of Lake Champlain, the British cabinet devised a coml)ined
movement upon this city. Its fleets were to ascend the Hudson
— its savage allies, under St. Leger, were to come down the
valley of the Mohawk, its disciplined armies, under Burgoyne,
forcing their way along the upper Hudson, were to meet the
co-operaling forces at this point, and thus sever the Eastern colo-
nies from the rest of our country. The point to be reached by
this great combined movement was the spot upon which we stand.
This most formidable attemjit upon our national existence was
defeated upon the plains of Saratoga, and the three-fold attack
upon Albany was baffled and defeated. It was in that battle of
Saratoga that our National flag was flrst used. If we regard then
the o1)ject for which we are assembled , and the relationship
which that object bears to the union of our country and its glo-
rious flag, we And that the associations which cluster around this
spot are all in flt keeping, and well calculated to excite our
interest and our enthusiasm."
After other remarks, the Governor dedicated the Bazaar in the
following language:
"In pursuance of the invitation of your committee, and as
Chief Magistrate of the State, I do dedicate this edifice to the
great purjjoses of patriotism and charity, and I offer the fervent
prayer to Almighty God, that it may not only relieve the sick
and w^ounded, but by its gentle influence may touch the hearts
of those in rebellion; that it may aid in bringing back peace to
our land, restoring our Union, giving new life and vigor to the
government of our fathers, and making us again a great, united,
prosperous and happy people."
This address was followed by a Poem, by Alfred B. Street,
Esq., which was distinguished for great delicacy of thought,
beauty of expression and fervid patriotism. The following is
the poet's allusion to love of country:
Spirit benign, oh, love of native land!
For thee, the sword leaps flashing to the hand;
For thee, long death is one brief smile of joy,
And loftiest thoughts their loftiest powers employ.
What though stern Winter chains the crouching clime,
Warm glows the bosom in thy fire sublime ;
Soft luxury's slave that sleeps amid his flowers,
Leaps to the foe and battles through his bowers;
Age for thy sake will cast his crutch aside;
Youth for thy love renounce his new-made bride;
The widow's heart unloose the boy, to dare
"War's flaming thunders hurtling through the air;
All round thy heavens thou sweepest fondest glance,
Holy thou boldest all thy earth's expanse,
Daunting the despot, fain to see unfurled
His crimsoned banner o'er a conquered world,
Leaving glad Peace to plant the harvest gold,
Rear his loud roofs, the sea's wide stores unfold,
Lead civilization in its grand emprise,
And raise man's nature to his native skies.
Thus, through the North the thundering shout arose,
Life to our land, destruction to our foes.
Lift the starred banner — bare the battle brand !
Death to our foes, but life to native land !
Then, as the tempest bursting on the hills.
Turns to wild torrents all the trickling rills.
So as the tumult throbbed o'er hill and plain,
Leaped the live floods, and roaring, swept amain,
Up, with one bound, New England towered on high,
Loud to the heavens New York launched mightiest cry,
The Keystone's bayonet glittered on the air,
Broad to the fight the Buckeye's breast stood bare,
And the whole grand unconquerable West,
Quick to the van, in war's wild frenzy prest,
While as the strong wind rattles through the trees,
The burst of banners ladened every breeze.
The closing Hues of the poem are as follows:
Oh long did our Eagle stand chained to his rock !
But at last with a wing-burst of thunder-like shock —
Red bolts in his talons, red wrath in his glare,
And death in his wild shriek, he sprang to the air;
Ne'er back for a moment that pinion he drew,
But onward, right onward, right onward he flew !
One bolt shone at Shiloh, at Donelson one,
And one made grand Gettysburg flash as the sun;
While the last lightning launched from his terrible quiver
Made Lookout a beacon of glory forever.
Each region wherever he sweeps is his own,
And straightway from out its foul shade it has shone —
Shone out with its freedom of tongue, pen and press,
Those earth-stars that shine for our race but to bless;
And ne'er shall he pause, till, proud downward he swings,
To slake in the Gulf his free triumph-clad wings,
And loud alleluias shout wide as the blast,
That the day of true glory hath risen at last.
And now, in a vision prophetic the eye
Views earth and air glowing in magical dye.
The sunset of time ! earth's millennial light —
See. what is that grand, golden shape on the sight —
Our Nation, with Time in Companionship's link,
And reaching together eternity's brink.
The Bazaar having been opened, all our citizens entered into
its plans and purposes with the utmost enthusiasm. Every
department was supplied with cheerful laborers, and those who
could not give their personal services, freely contributed money
to aid the enterprise. Col. Frank Chamberlain, Henry T.
BuELL, Esq., Charles B. Redfield, Esq., and others, called upon
our wealthy citizens and were universally received with great
cordiality. Every one was ready to suljscribe. Many of the
rich save out of their abundance: and those of limited means
showed their patriotism by a noble generosity.
Mr. BuELL states that probably no enterprise ever so fully
enlisted the interest of all classes of the citizens of Albany and
the neighboring towns as this Great Sanitary Fair. Social dis-
tinctions, denominational feelings and party prejudices were
forgotten in the general and intense desire to sustain and comfort
the noble men who had left their homes to fight for liberty and
the Union.
Among our German population, Mr. Arthur Botts did admi-
rable service in collecting money.
J. H. Van Antwerp, Esq., was also very active in making col-
lections; and Mr. Cantine Tremper and Mr. Cuyler, editor of
the Albany Express, devoted much time to receiving money at
the Bazaar.
To Chauncey p. Williams, Esq., treasurer of the Bazaar, and
to John Tayler Hall, Esq., secretary, our whole community
owe a debt of the deepest gratitude. These gentlemen were
untirino- in their efforts to make the Bazaar a glorious success.
How fully the highest expectations, in regard to this grand
enterprise, were realized, is well known to all our citizens.
Everything that skill, forethought, a persistent loyalty and pure
benevolence could do, was done to render the whole afiair a com-
plete success.
The amount received from all sources into the treasury was
one hundred and eleven thousand, four hundred and ninety-three
dollars and forty-nine cents. The amount expended was twenty-
nine thousand, five hundred and eighty-four dollars and ninety-
nine cents, leaving a balance, which was paid over to the treasury
of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, of eighty-one thousand, nine
hundred and eight dollars and fifty cents.
For pecuniary success in proportion to the population engaged
in this enterprise, for executive ability in carrying out its plans,
and for artistic effect, this fair was surpassed by no other within
the limits of the United States.
Besides the U. S. Sanitary Commission, the U. S. Christian
Commission received the cordial co-operation of the citizens of
Albany. This commission had its origin in a convention of
Young Men's Christian Associations, held in the city of New
York on the sixteenth of November, 1861. Twelve gentlemen,
from eight different States, were appointed as the first members
of the commission. The object proposed, was to promote the
spiritual and temporal welfare of the officers and men of the
U. S. Army and Navy, in co-operation with chaplains and others.
At the fourth and last anniversary, held in the city of Wash-
ington on the evening of the 11th ultimo, the following summary
of receipts for the four years of its existence was submitted by
George H. Stuart, Esq., President: In 1862, $231,256.29; in
1863, $916,837.65; in 1864, $2,882,347.86; in four months of
1865, $2,234,165.88;— making a total of $6,264,607.67.
Owing to various causes, the Albany branch of the Christian
Commission was not organized until the first of April, 1864. As
its plans of operation became known, a desire was felt to aid in
its work of ministering to the spiritual, as well as temporal inter-
ests of the soldiers. Accordingly, in March, 1864, a public
meeting was held under the direction of the Albany Young Men's
Christian Association, and appeals were made for funds, to which
there was a liberal response. Soon after, a meeting was called
at the rooms of the Board of Trade, and as the result, the Albany
branch of the Christian Commission was formed, with the foUoAv-
ing oflficers: Thomas W. Olcott, President; John F. Eathbone,
Vice President; Levi Dedrick, Secretary; Williajvi McElroy,
The new organization awakened, at once, a great interest, and
the pastors of our churches, and the members of all denomina-
tions, came forward to aid in giving success to the enterprise.
The labors of the treasurer, Wm. McElroy, Esq., soon became
very onerous, but he performed them with a cheerfulness and
patriotic ardor, worthy of all praise. He achieved from week to
week and month to month a great amount of work, which never
met the public eye, but for which he will receive his reward.
The amount that he received from April 1, 1864, to January 1,
1866, was $23,740.20. With the exception of $584.39, expended
for the benefit of the soldiers in our own hospital and barracks,
these funds were all sent to the central office of the Commission
in Pliiladelphia.
Besides the contribution of money, a great amount of provi-
sions and delicacies for the soldiers was collected; also hymn
books, knapsack books and other reading matter were transmitted
to the parent society. The good accomplished by these patriotic
and christian efforts, eternity alone can reveal. In the operations
of this association, as well as in that which acted through the
Sanitary Commission, the ladies of Albany took a very efficient
part, and sewing circles were formed in some of our churches,
whose contributions served to greatly increase the comforts of
our suffering soldiers.
At the request of the officers of the Young Men's Christian
Association, a large tent was procured from Philadelphia to be
used at the barracks for religious services. This measure was
attended with great success. The meetings were arranged by
John E. Page, Esq., President of the Young Men's Christian
Association, and the clergymen of the city preached on Sabbath
afternoons; and the young men held prayer meetings once or
twice during the week. Many of the soldiers were greatly bene-
fited by these meetings, and some were led to give their hearts
to Christ. Most interesting letters have been received from offi-
cers and private soldiers, by Mr. Page, expressing their deep
gratitude to him for the interest that he had manifested in their
spiritual welfare. Religious meetings Avere also held at the hos-
pital in connection with the services of the chaplain; and since
the estal)lishment of the Home for Disabled Soldiers, Mr. Page,
S. R. Gray, Esq., and their associates, have been indefatigable in
their eflbrts to provide for the spiritual wants of the inmates of
that institution.
It should also be stated that with the Albany Young Men's
Christian Association originated the idea of preparing and send-
ing to the soldiers the "little house wives," that is, small bags
filled with needles, thread, pins, &c., which proved of so much
value. Besides being expressions of the home interest felt for
those who were far away, the tens of thousands of tracts and
little books that accompanied them were the means of great use-
soldiers' refreshment committee.
This committee was appointed to attend to the wants of regi-
ments returning to and passing through the city; and the follow-
ing report of their services is furnished by Wm. H. Van Antm-erp,
Esq., chairman of the refreshment committee:
Regiments and Number of Men Fed.
Date. Regiment. No. of Men.
June 18—1 18th Regiment N. Y. S. V 334
u 18— 117th Regiment N. Y. S. V 361
u 19— 142d Regiment N. Y. S. V 438
«< 20— 7th Heavy Artillery 219
" 21 — Prisoners from Camp Tyler, Texas 8
u 22— 77th Rejriment N. Y. S. V 95
u 25— 106th Regiment N. Y. S. V 405
u 26— 10th Regiment Vermont S. V 321
" 26— 5th N. Y. Heavy Artillery 120
u 27— 115th Regiment N. Y. S. V 267
u 28— 3d N. Y. Light Artillery 335
a 28— 7th Ohio Cavalry 59
" 28— 10th N. Y. Heavy Artillery 973
" 28— 5th N. Y. Heavy Artillery 329
" 28—1 1th Vermont Artillery , 6
u 28— 12 1st Regiment N. Y. S. V. 328
u 29— 106th Reffiment N. Y. S. V _ 107
u 29— 6th Vermmit S. V 280
« 30— 3d N. Y. Light Artillery, Battery M 201
Date. Regiment. No. of Men.
June 30— 3d N. Y. Lio-ht Artillery, Batteries I and C- . . 195
July 1— 144th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 890
- l_43d Regiment N. Y. S. V. 147
" 1— 77th Reoiment N. Y. S. V 189
2— 3d N. Yt Li^ht Artillery 362
u 3_93d Regiment N. Y. S. V 287
u 5_3tl N. Y. Light Artillery, Battery K. 177
u 7— 91st N. Y. 8. V 537
" 8— 175th Regiment N. Y. S. V 89
» 13— 18th Battery N. Y. 8. V 111
u i6_152d Regiment N. Y. 8. V 240
" 19— 2d Vermont Light Artillery... 227
" 19— 12th Massachusetts Light Artillery 125
' ' 20— 7th N. Y. Independent" Battery 117
<' 21— 25th N. Y. Independent Battery _ . . 99
u 21— 157th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 382
u 21— 128th Regiment N. Y. 8. V. ..- 461
" 21— 60th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 403
' ' 28 — 2d Regiment Hancock's Corps 217
u 24— 94th Regiment N. Y. 8. V. - 257
Aug. 4— 7th New York Heavy Artillery 233
" 5— 20th N. Y. Cavalry 730
u 25— 110th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 522
Sept. 1— 3d Regiment N. Y. 8. V. 460
2— 100th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 451
" 2— 192d Regiment N. Y. 8. V 387
" 2— 81st Regiment N. Y. 8. V 304
«' 2— 98th Regiment N. Y. 8. v.. _ 181
u 18— 75th Regiment N. Y. 8. V 334
Oct. 3—1 1th New York Cavalry _ 302
" 12— 153d Regiment N. Y. 8. V - 377
Sick men sent from Provost Marshal's office at different
dates ._ 36
Nov. 24— 2d New York Veteran Cavalry 447
Dec. 3 — 4th New York Provisional Cavalry 640
1866, Jan. 20— 193d Regiment N. Y. 8. V 607
Total.. 16,709
Wm. H. Van Antwerp,
Chairman of Refreshment Committee.
The committee expended in this department over seven thou-
sand six hundred dollars; and their kind deeds were duly appre-
ciated by the noble men who were the recipients of their bounty.
In the medical department, the action of the government was
very prompt and efTcctive in this State as well as in other parts
of our country. His Excellency, Governor Morgan, appointed at
the commencement of the war Dr. S. Oakley Vanderpoel, of
Albany, Surgeon General of the State of New York. Previous
to this time this position had been simply complimentary, but
now it was attended with great responsibilities and arduous
duties. To this office, however, Dr. Vanderpoel brought not
only a high reputation for skill and experience in his profession,
but great personal energy and efficiency. The bureau was organ-
ized in the best manner to secure the welfare of the soldiers and
the honor of the State, and to add to the effective force of the
army. The surgeons and their assistants were selected with great
care, and minute instructions were given to the inspectors of
recruits that only suitable men should be received into the ser-
vice of the government. On the eighth of January, 1862, Dr.
Vanderpoel made his first report to the Governor of the State,
which was afterwards transmitted to the Assembly, in which he
gives the details of the duties performed in the various depart-
ments of the medical bureau. His second report was transmitted
to the Legislature January 27th, 1863, in which he makes the
following interesting statements:
"The past year has been one of memorable interest in the
medical department.
"During that period the effective force of troops from this
State has been doubled, while the medical staff has been nearly
trebled, numbering now five hundred and eighty-four. Within
that period they have been subjected to every vicissitude of cli-
mate, to every privation and fatigue — these, too, in the poisonous
malaria and the deathly miasm arising from tropical heats.
"Even now, bodies of troops from this State are stationed at
every principal post — New Orleans, Pensacola, Key West, Hil-
ton Head, Newbern, Fortress Monroe — while the army of the
Potomac and the defences about Washington and Baltimore have
each large detachments.
"It is unnecessary to enumerate the fearful conflicts in which
they have been engaged, or allude to the scenes of woe and suf-
fering through which their duties peculiarly called them to move.
It is enough to say that wherever carnage was the thickest, the
ministering hand of the surgeon has been near, caring as rapidly
as possible for the wounded."
' In the same report the Doctor alludes to a corps of volunteer
surgeons, organized in accordance with his own suggestions. He
" Simultaneously with the measures taken to assume the charge
of the sick and wounded, a movement was initiated to organize a
corps of Volunteer Surgeons, who should hold themselves in readi-
ness, whenever a great emergency occurred, to proceed to the
vicinity of the field of battle and render gratuitous service to the
wounded. The necessity calling for such an organization was
"Previous to the passage by Congress of the law of July last,
authorizing the appointment of an additional assistant surgeon to
each regiment, the medical staff was totally inadequate to fulfill
even the demands of ordinary service, from the necessary details
made for transportation, hospital service, and those who for any
cause were unfit for duty. This inadequacy would be painfully
and heart-rendingly felt by the whole people should a large
engagement occur. Impressed by this idea, and after consulta-
tion with some of the first medical men of the State, I addressed
your Excellency, on the thirtieth of March, the communication
marked ' A ' in the appendix.* Tliis was promptly and strongly
endorsed by yourself, and forwarded at once to Mr. Stanton,
Secretary of War. His replies will be found in appendix 'B'
and 'C*
"From these replies, so favorable and commendatory, resulted
the immediate organization of this corps, the names of whom are
marked ' D ' in the appendix.
A glance at the names comprising the list will readily assure
confidence as to the character of the gentlemen composing it. It
* See Report, January, 1863.
is not presumptuous to say that it would be impossible to find
on this side of the Atlantic, nor inded upon the other, an equal
array combining so much talent, skill and acquirements in their
"I should do injustice to a large number of noble medical men
throughout the State, who, though not formally recognized of
this body, promptly repaired to the peninsula and labored most
assiduously and faithfully. They waited for no official recogni-
tion, but in the true spirit of philanthropy ministered in their
respective fields of labor. It would be gratifying to enumerate
their names, but from their number, and the reason that only a
few made the fact known to me, renders such an effort impossible.
They enjoy a richer reward than public plaudits, in the quiet
consciousness of a well performed duty, and the heart-felt thanks
and prayers of the suffering sick and wounded alleviated through
their unostentatious ministrations.
" The recital of the labors of this whole corps of volunteer
surgeons, would form one of the noblest episodes of the many
noble which this war has, brought forth; would serve to illus-
trate that heaven-derived mission of the profession, the prompt,
unselfish, intelligent relief of suffering humanity."
In 1863 Dr. Vandeepoel was succeeded in the position of Sur-
geon General for the State of New York by Dr. J. V. P. Quack-
ENBUSH, of Albany, who was also a gentlemen of the highest
personal and professional qualifications.
His first annual report was transmitted to the Legislature Feb-
ruary 19th, 1864. During the preceding year Dr. Quackenbush
had appointed two hundred and nineteen surgeons and assistant
surgeons in the places of those who had been promoted, or mus-
tered out or dismissed, or who had resigned. Besides faithfully
attending to his home duties, he visited the battle field and the
hospitals in the vicinity of other cities. Of these visits he gives
the following account, addressed to his Excellency, Horatio
Seymour, Governor and Commander-in-Chief :
"By your direction I proceeded to Washington, and there
received from the War Department ample facilities to visit the
battle field and all the hospitals in the vicinity of Washington,
Baltimore and Philadelphia.
"I visited these hospitals and saw very many of our own sol-
diers, who were much gratified, and expressed their thanks that
you had sent a person from Ncav York to look after them and
bring them a word of good cheer from their own State, This to
me was a pleasant duty, and when I saw their wan and painful
countenances lighted up by the words of one who came from
their own homes, I felt thankful that I could thus, though in a
feeble manner, minister to the happiness of those who had sufiered
so much in the service of their country,
"After visiting the hospitals in Baltimore, I proceeded to the
field of the last battle; but how different was the scene which a
few short days had made. Our victorious army had left the
hills which encompassed Gettysburg. The blast of the bugle
no lono;er was heard. The echo of the loud-mouthed cannon had
died away, and naught but the sorrow and misery of war now
remained. The sick, the wounded, the dying were on every
side; the long aisles of graves stretched along every camp; the
unburied dead lay prone upon the ground, their lifeless, blood-
less, soulless eyes directed to the mid-day sun. The battle was
ended ! A saddening and sorrowful sight was presented on every
side. Each army corps had its separate hospital, and the sur-
geon and his assistants were constantly engaged in the rude shel-
ter camp and at the operating table. All that humanity could
suggest and skill invent and execute was done, but the machinery
of war had been set in motion and the wrecks of mankind lay
scattered around.
" While on the field of the late battle, I saw many surgeons
from our own State, who, by their labor, were honoring the com-
missions you gave them. Some of these have since died from
disease contracted at that time. Others, too, on distant fields
of duty, have sacrificed their lives in the cause of their country,
nobly vindicating the exalted character of the profession they
represented. Perhaps at no period during the war have our sur-
geons been taxed so severely as at Gettysburg. They worked
bravely and nobly, and Avhile I would award all praise to all the
surgeons who were left in charge of the sick at this place, my
natural State pride will not allow me to suppress the fact that
no hospital, in its appearance of cleanliness, general arrangement
or abundance of supplies, surpassed those which were allotted to
and managed by the surgeons from the State of New York.
"In passing from one hospital to another, the same sad effects
of the battle were seen; but while inhumanity showed her bloody
trophies, humanity showed her nobler views, and those twin sis-
ters of charity, the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, were in
every camp, pouring their healing balm into those wounds which
cruel war had so ruthlessly laid open. These charities opened
wide their hands, and the soldiers keenly appreciated the bless-
ings which were there dispensed. New York should thank these
noble institutions, which then and there so deeply benefited the
New York soldier.
" After leaving the field of battle and its vicinity, I visited the
army at Antietam, and at Gen. Meade's headquarters I met Brig.
Gen. Wm. A. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A., and person-
ally oftered to him the services of the surgeons of this State,
which I felt authorized in doing, as so many had already volun-
teered to go to the aid of the regular surgeons of the army. This
offer was frankly accepted, with the assurance that they should
be among the first called upon."
And a call was made that same month, under date of July
27, 1863, by Dr. Jos. R. Smith, Surgeon of the U. S. Army,
which was promptly and cheerfully responded to by Dr. Quack-
In the Doctor's second annual report, submitted to the Legis-
lature February 28th, 1865, he shows the condition of the medical
staff of the army from this State, the number of surgeons who
have been appointed since the commencement of the rebellion,
the number who have been appointed the preceding year, with
the number who have died, and the general duties incumbent
upon and discharged by this bureau. He says:
" Since the commencement of the war, there have been two
hundred and forty volunteer regiments from this State in the
national army, and the first duty of this bureau has been to keep
these regiments supplied with their full complement of medical
officers. To each reg-iment are assig-ned one surgeon and two
assistant surgeons, and these officers are commissioned by the
Governor upon the recommendations issued from this bureau."
He gives in the report a list of the surgeons and assistant sur-
geons appointed in the New York regiments from April 15, 1861,
to December 31, 1864, with the rank of each, and the regiment
to which he belonged. The whole number commissioned was
twelve hundred and eighty-two.
Of the corps of volunteer surgeons. Dr. Quackenbush thus
"This corps was called upon in May last, immediately after
the battles of the Wilderness, and in response to a telegram
received Sunday morning, May 7th, fourteen surgeons started
without delay for the scene of action. Indeed, within eight
hours after the reception of the telegram, some from this city
and Troy left for the army, and they met in New York city a
number of others, with whom they went to Washington, and
having reported to Surgeon General Barnes, were immediately
assigned to duty in Fredericksburg and its vicinity. These
gentlemen, whose names will be found in Schedule F, rendered
very valuable and timely service, and I would now, sir, in your
name, under whose commission the}^ served, thank them for the
aid and attention which they rendered to the sick and wounded
soldiers of the National army, after the bloody battles of the
Wilderness. The general who commands an army and wins his
battle, receives the thanks of Congress, and it is right. The
colonel who gallantly leads his regiment and performs his share
of duty in the general engagements, meets and receives the com-
mendation of his superiors. The lieutenant who seized the
standard of his company, and urges on his faltering men in the
face of imminent danger, looks for and receives promotion. Thus
each and every officer has his stimulus and meets his reward.
How is it with the volunteer surgeon of the State of New York!
His duty is performed in the hospital or on the field among the
sick and dying. The sound of the clarion or the music of the
drum meets not his ear. The voice of distress calls him to duty,
and the consciousness of having performed that duty well is his
ambition and his reward. The testimony coming from the sick
and wounded, and the evidence rendered by those competent to
judge, has satisfied this bureau that the volunteer surgeon of
New York has done his duty faithfully, and the proud conscious-
ness of this must be his life-long reward."
Dr. QuACKENBUSH was succeeded by Dr. Sylvester D. Wil-
LARD, and Dr. Willard by Dr. Jajmes E. Pomfret, who were
both appointed by his Excellency Governor Fenton.
As a proof of the wide extent of the medical department of
our army, I would add, in this connection, the following state-
ments made by Joseph K. Barnes, Surgeon General of the
U. S. Army, to the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, in
his report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865. The dis-
bursements for that year for medical and hospital supplies; for
the pay of private physicians, hospital employes, &c., amounted
to nineteen millions, three hundred and twenty-eight thousand,
four hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty-three cents.
The whole number of general hospitals established since the
commencement of the war was two hundred and four, with a
capacity of one hundred and thirty-six thousand, eight hundred
and ninety-four beds. From April, 1861, to June, 1865, there
had been appointed five hundred and forty-seven surgeons and
assistant surgeons of volunteers; mustered into service, two thou-
sand one hundred and nine volunteer regimental surgeons, and
three thousand eight hundred and eighty-two volunteer regi-
mental assistant surgeons; employed as acting staff surgeons,
seventy-five; as acting assistant surgeons, five thousand five hun-
dred and thirty-two. The returns of sick and wounded show,
that of white troops, one million, fifty-seven thousand, four hun-
dred and twenty-three cases have been treated in the general
hospitals alone, from 1861 to July 1, 1865, of which the mor-
tality rate was eight per cent.
Gen. Barnes, at the close of his report, bears testimony to the
zeal and efficiency of the officers of the medical department, upon all
occasions. He says: " With hardly an exception, they have been
actuated by the highest motives of national and professional pride,
and the number who have been killed and wounded bears most
honorable testimony to their devotion to duty on the held of liattle,"
But without dwelling longer upon these general operations of
this department, we would speak of the care extended to the
sick and wounded soldiers in the city of Albany.
In April, 1861, the hvk-k edifice known as the "Industrial
School Building," was occupied by the soldiers; and extensive
wooden structures were erected around it, the whole constituting
" The Barracks." Seven reg^iments of New York State volun-
teers were organized, equipped and sent to the field from this
post, during three or four months. At that time, Dr. J^vjies H.
Armsby, of Albany, was the surgeon in charge of this post, and
of the various temporary depots in the city; and he brought to
his work great patriotic ardor, and a high degree of medical and
surgical skill, gained in a long professional experience.
In 1862, "The Barracks" were opened as a post hospital, and
five hundred and fifty-five sick and wounded soldiers were re-
ceived. They were attended by most of the physicians of the
city, who kindly volunteered their services. In 1863, five hun-
dred were admitted and treated, and in 1864, nine hundred and
fifty-seven were received.
In the fall of 1864, it w^as made a U. S. General Hospital, and
was placed under the care of Dr. Mason F. Cogswell. Dr.
Cogswell was removed from this position, and from his wide
sphere of usefulness in our city, by death, and in February, 1865,
Dr. J. H. Arimsby was appointed his successor. At that time the
hospital received the name of the "Ira Harris U. S. General
Hospital," after our distinguished U. S. Senator from the State
of New York.
During the year 1865, one thousand, one hundred and twenty-
five patients were admitted and received medical and surgical
treatment, nine hundred of whom were in the hospital at one
time in the month of July. Besides faithfully discharging the
duties of physician and surgeon. Dr. Arivisby did all in his power
to promote the comfort and happiness of the soldiers, by pro-
viding them with pleasant rooms and suitable reading matter,
and interesting our citizens in their personal welfare.
Under this head it would be impossible, within the limits of
this introductory chapter, even to allude to the many patriotic
deeds performed by our citizens. Besides those that arc presented
in the foregoing pages, we can only refer to a few:
Prominent among these was the patriotic generosity of our emi-
nent sculptor. Palmer. In 1861 he gave, for the benetit of the
Soldiers' Fund, one of his best works in marble; and afterwards he
placed in the hands of Dr. Armsby four of his most recent and valu-
able pieces of statuary, for the same purpose. More than $2,500
were realized from this contribution. At the time our great fair
was held, he suspended his works, fitted up his studio for a pic-
ture gallery, and collected from among his friends a large number
of rare and beautiful pictures, which were placed on exhibition
for the benefit of the fair. Most of our city artists contributed
pictures as gifts, and more than $1,200 were realized from the
exhibition. Our j^hotographic artists and picture dealers also
contributed liberally for the benefit of the soldiers.
Many of our ladies, too, were untiring in their efforts to alle-
viate the sutferings of the sick and wounded. They watched
over them, anticipating their wants, and in every way contributing
to their temporal and spiritual welfare.
All classes of our citizens seemed to vie with each other in
efforts to cheer and benefit the soldier, and sustain the govern-
ment in crushing the rebellion. Many who were unable to enter
the battle field themselves voluntarily sent substitutes to repre-
sent their patriotic ardor. Among these we would mention the
case of Isaac W. Vosburgh, Esq., who employed and equipped
one soldier for each member of his family during the war. Thus
he furnished seven members of the American army, representing
himself, his wife and five children.
Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer was one of the most liberal of
our citizens in his contributions in aid of the war. We hear from
a citizen of the seventh ward that he contributed enough money
to obtain thirty recruits for that ward; and we also learn from
another quarter that he has contributed $1,000 to the war fund
ill the town of Watorvliet. We presume he gave more in other
directions, for he is constantly giving in hirge sums for patriotic
and ])eiievolent purposes.
Too much praise cannot l)e awarded to the editors and pul)-
lishers of our daily papers for their readiness at all times to aid
in tlie great cause, which enlisted the sympathies and efforts of
our citizens. In one of the annual reports of the Al])any Army
Relief Association, this aid is gratefully acknowledged.
Equally were they ready to help every other association and
every plan which contemplated the good of the soldier or the
welfare of the nation.
To our railroad, steamboat and express companies the commu-
nity are indebted for innumerable favors that helped to advance
the general cause.
The Bureau of Military Eecord was established by Governor
Morgan in December, 1862, and has been sanctioned aii*d sus-
tained by the Legislature of the State. Its objects arc to collect
and preserve the records of the war, embracing an account of the
action of cities, towns and counties in raising volunteers, and
contributing in various ways to the support of the army; of the
organization and services of regiments, with the preservation of
their flags; and the collection of the biographies of officers and
men engaged in the service, and of all printed documents per-
taining to the war.
Already great success has attended the efibrts of the bureau,
and no less than five hundred flags have been received from the
regiments that have l:)een raised in our State. Biographies of
many officers and men have also lieen collected, and tlie plan is
now being carried out of thoroughly canvassing the entire State,
for obtainino; statistical information in reg^ard to all the officers
and soldiers who have been connected with our army.
The Legislature of 1865 instructed the bureau, in addition to
its other duties, to collect and preserve " a record of the part
taken hv seamen from this State, in the naval service, since the
beginning of the war; " and also to procure "a detailed account
of the treatment of Union soldiers from this State in rel)el
prisons, and a record of the deaths in said prisons, and other
pertinent facts connected with such imprisonment." In accord-
ance with this order, measures have been adopted to obtain the
desired information.
In connection with the bureau, there is a valual)le nuiseum of
articles of military interest, gathered from l^attle fields, forts,
besieged cities and other localities.
To preserve these records and materials, as well as others that
may be collected, the Legislature have passed an act, which it is
believed will result in the erection of a lire-proof building, to be
called the Hall of Military Record. The Chief of this bureau is
Col. LocKAVOOD L. Doty, a gentleman eminently fitted for his
position by his courteous manners, his extensive military know-
ledge, and his pure patriotism.
In the preparation of the following sketches, it has been our
aim to present a clear and truthful narrative of each of the
departed heroes of our city and county, based upon the most
reliable information that could be obtained concerniuir them. In
the length of the sketches we have, of course, been governed hy
the amount of the materials with which we have been furnished
by surviving relatives and friends. Many officers and soldiers
are briefly noticed (who deserve a more extended tribute),
because of our inability to obtain any more fixcts in relation to
them than those which are given.
A list of those whose names only, with a few historic dates,
we have been able to obtain, will be found at the close of this
Besides the articles contributed by the relatives or friends of
the deceased, whose names are given, there are some others pre-
sented, with slight alterations, in the language in w^hich they
were furnished.
In the extracts given from journals and letters, I have taken
the liberty of making slight changes in the language used, where
they would add to the clearness of the thought, or to the gram-
matical structure of the sentence employed by the writer.
The whole volume is now sent forth to meet the demands of
every heart that is inspired with gratitude towards these patriot
martyrs. It is also sent forth that it may j^erpetuate the memory
of the achievements of these noble men, while the American
Eepublic, with its just laws and free institutions, shall have an
existence among the nations of the earth.
E. W. C.
Albany, October, 1866.
coui>n Y or albany.
'^■'lara.ved 'by J.C.ButO-e
^. ^.
-MAJ/GEN, 0_M. M]TCH}';L,
"We commence our sketches of the ilhistrioiis dead, with a
name distinguished for scientihc culture, earnest patriotism,
tender humanity and devoted piety. Rarely do so many intel-
lectual gifts and Christian virtues meet in the same person, as
edorn the character of Gen. Mitchel. His mind moved amono;
the stars, and caught their brilliancy. His thoughts partook of
the harmou}^ and grandeur of the worlds and systems that he
explored. His character was pure, his sentiments generous and
lofty, and his love of country was second only to his love of God.
Before the war, his discov-eries and contributions to astronomical
science had rendered him eminent as an American scholar. His
popular lectures made him a favorite with all, and inspired hiy
hearers with a love for the l)eauties and sublimities of astronomy,
and with adoration for the Creator and his marvelous works.
The parents of our hero resided, before his birth, in Virginia.
His father was a man of no ordinary intelligence and enterprise,
and had a decided taste for mathematical pursuits. His mother
was a woman of pleasing address, superior mental attainments,
and earnest piety. Mr. Mitchel having lost his property, moved
west, and located in Union county, Kentucky. There he erected
a rude hal)itation, and on the 28th of August, 1810, his son,
Ormsby Macknight Mitchel, was born. When the child was
three years of age, his father was called away by death, and the
orphan boy was left to struggle with the obstacles a7id difficulties
that early beset his path. The famil}^, in their deep affliction,
moved immediately to Ohio, with the hope of adding to their
means of support, and settled in the town of Miama. Ormsby
was sent to school, and so rapidly did he advance in his studies,
that in some branches he soon surpassed his country teachers.
At the age of twelve years he had mastered the Latin and Greek
languages, acquired the elements of mathematics, and gained
considerable knowledge in other departments. For the want of
means to continue his studies, he entered a store as clerk. But
the dull routine of the duties in a country store did not satisfy
his ardent and aspiring nature. On removing to Lebanon,
Warren comity, he formed the purpose to gain admission, if
possil)le, to the military academy at West Point. Through the
influence of friends he was successful in gaining the appointment.
To one who said to him: We have had many of our boys go to
West Point, but few of them get through;" Oemsby, with calm
self-reliance, replied: '' I shall go through, sir^
The journey, at that time, from Ohio to West Point, was
attended with many difficulties, and especially for a lad without
money or friends to aid him. But our young hero pushed his
way through the wilderness, sometimes on foot, sometimes on
horseliack, and at last upon the canal boat, that brought him to
Albany on Saturday night. Having previously determined to
live a Christian life, and to obey all God's commands, he rested
on the Sabbath, and was entertained by his relatives. On
Monday he went to West Point, and arrived there w^ith his knap-
sack on his back and twenty-five cents in his pocket. Instead
of property and worldly advantages,' he commenced his career,
equipped with personal energy, an honorable ambition, and firm
Christian principles. Possessing these elements of character, he
had the very best armor, for a youth, with which to fight the
battles of life, and win the most valuable prizes.
On the 23d of June, 1825, he was, after a satisfactory exami-
nation, admitted to the military academy, being then not fifteen
years of age. Tlie law required that candidates should be a
year older, but, as a special favor, it was in his case suspended.
At once he devoted himself to study with great diligence, perse-
verance and success. Among his associates in the academy were
several of the generals who have distinguished themselves in the
late wai-, lioth in our own aud in the rebel service. Among the
hitter were Jefferson Dams, Eobt. E. Lee and Joseph Johnson.
In 1829, cadet Mitchel graduated with honor, and so high
was the estimate placed upon his talents and chai'acter, that he
was very soon appointed assistant professor of mathematics in
the academy. This position he held tAvo years, and was then
stationed with th(> army at St. Auo-ustine, in Florida. There life
was too monotonous for his active and ambitious spirit; and
having no prospect of usefulness or distinction before him, he
resigned on 30th of September, 1832.
While connected with the arn]y he married Mrs. Tkask, for-
merly Miss Louisa Claek, of Cornwall, on the Hudson river; a
lady of superior intelligence, rare attainments and devoted piety.
He moved with his wife to Cincinnati, where he opened an office
as counselor at law, and practiced until the year 1834. Here
he connected himself with the church, under the care of the Rev.
Dr. Lyman Beecher, and was idcntilied with the religious inter-
ests of the city.
The Cincinnati college having become established in 1834, Mr.
MrrcHEL was elected professor of mathematics, philosophy and
astronomy. Here he had a held suited to his taste and genius.
His ardor, in the noble study of the science of the heavenly
bodies, was greatly quickened. He infused his enthusiasm into
the minds of his pupils, by whom he was greatly loved and
In addition to the duties of his professorship, he hllcd the
office of chief engineer of* the Little Miami railroad, from 1836
to 1837. Thus in time of peace he was learning lessons that,
3^ears afterwards, would enable him, amid the stern realities of
war, to render the most valuable services to his country.
In the prosecution of his astronomical studies. Professor
Mitciiel felt the need of an observatory, and in 1832 he bent
his energies towards obtaining the means for the erection of a
great astronomical observatory in Cincinnati. He prepared and
delivered a series of lectures upon astronom}^ that were received
with the greatest enthusiasm. As his clear intellect moved with
the planets, and searched for the secret laws of nature among
the mysteries of the stars; as his pure soul reflected, as a bur-
nished mirror, the beauties and sul)limities of God's wonderful
works; as he labored to weave out of language, garments with
which to clothe his own grand ideas of the distances in space,
and of the mas-nitude and mission of the far-off worlds; as he
poured forth, in burning eloquence, his almost inspired thoughts
of the attributes and perfections of the Inlinite Author of all
material systems, and intelligent beings, — thousands listened
in breathless attention, and with emotions of the highest delight.
Not only did he gain the means for carrying forward his favorite
project, but he gave an impetus, in the popular mind, to the
science of astronomy, that is felt to this day.
In speaking of Professor Mitchel as a man of science, an able
writer says that he " was an ardent investigator, and an eminently
practical inventor. Fully imbued with the poetry of science,
delighting in the lofty picturesques of astronomic thought;
al)ounding in the rarest imagery in his public teachings; his
truest sphere was in the mechanism of the means for scientific
observation and labor. To prepare himself as the director of
the observatory, he had studied and mastered the higher astro-
nomical mathematics, and was thoroughly conversant with the
history of the science. To qualify himself as a public teacher,
he had resolved the most difficult problems into such forms, and
such lucid language, as to make them clear to many who had
regarded it impossible to comprehend them. To give himself
facility in oljserving, he had studied under Professor Aikey, the
astronomer royal of England, at Greenwich; and to understand
the scientific relations of astronomy as they appear in the cos-
moo-ony of the universe, he had investigated those sister sciences
which, while they are distinct elements of the great subject,
came forward, in harmonious concourse, to cast their tribute at
the feet of Him, who dictated the record of Moses."
Without dcscrilung the various steps in the enterprise, which
resulted in the erection of the Cincinnati observatory, now justly
called the Mitchel Observatory, it is sufficient to state, that the
corner stone of the pier that was to sustain the great telescope,
was laid by the Hon. John Quincy Adams, on the ninth of No-
vember, 1843. The telescope reached safely the city of Cincin-
nali ill Fcl)niary, 1815, and in the following March the building
was in readiness for its reception. In the prosecution of this
p-reat undertakino- Professor Mitchel had exhausted all his pri-
rate means. He had overcome obstacles and difficulties that
would have utterly discouraged ordinary men. He had labored
on, month after month, and year after year, sustained only by
the sleepless energy of his o^\n\ soul, and l^y the hope of success
that inspires every truly great mind. But the desire of his heart
was accomplished. He was permitted to gaze upon the triumph
of his genius and enthusiasm, as expressed in the Ijeautiful temple
crowning the lofty hill-top, and consecrated to science, to the
universe, and to God. He had been instrumental in opening
upon this continent, a new pathway to the skies, along which
thought and aspiration might travel to distant worlds and sys-
tems. The hour was one of J03' and exultation. But as the pro-
fessor had learned that the brightest sun might be eclipsed, so
he was soon to learn that the bright sun of prosperity might
grow dim, and our most cherished plans be thwarted by an
unseen hand. He had agreed to superintend the observatory
for ten years, without remuneration, and to depend for his sup-
port upon his salary as professor in the college. But in a sad
hour the college was destroyed by fire, and he was left penniless!
The temple enshrining the clear telescopic eye, stood serene
upon the lofty eminence, but the high priest of science could not
enter. His intellect, with its keen vision, was left to him. His
energies had not been consumed in the conflagration. His know-
ledge of the stars had not been turned into ashes. His trust in
God was not gone. But his means of support were cut oft'; and
what can he do? Hear him, in his own language: "It was
impossible," he said, " to abandon the observatory. The college
could not be rebuilt, at least for several years, and in this emer-
genc}' I found it necessary to seek some means of support least
inconsistent with my duties in the observatory. M}^ public lec-
tures at home had been comparatively well received, and after
much hesitation, it was resolved to make an experiment else-
where. For five years I had been pleading the cause of science
among those little acquainted with its technical language. I had
become habituated to the use of such terms as were easily under-
stood; and prolialily to this circimistance more than to any other
one thing, am I indebted for any snccess which may have attended
my pnblic lectures. To the citizens of Boston, Brooklyn, New
York and New Orleans, for the kinthiess with Avhich they were
pleased to receive my imperfect efforts, I am deeply indebted."
After a most brilliant career through these and other cities.
Professor ]Mitchel accepted an appointment from the Ohio and
Mississippi railroad company, as conlidential agent to attend to
their business in Europe. In 1844 he surveyed this road, and
in 1853 he went to Europe, and again in 1854, to transact busi-
ness for the company. On his return he had charge of the
eastern division of the railroad, and managed its affairs with
great success.
In the summer of 1860, he was chosen director of the Dudley
Oliservatory, that adorns our own city. The land for this noble
edifice was generously given by Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer,
and towards the building Mrs. Blandina Dudley gave $13,000,
while other individuals increased the amount to .$25,000. But
while the professor was maturing his plans, for giving the
greatest possible success to this o1)servatory, the trumpet of war
stirred his patriotic heart, and a sense of duty prompted him to
tender to the Government his military knowledge, and his per-
sonal services, for the defence of the country. It was, indeed,
hard for him to relinquish his scientific pursuits, for which nature
had so eminently endowed his intellect; it was hard for him to
tear himself away from his cherished wife, and the delights of a
fond home; it was hard for him to give up the brilliant future
that was opening before him in the regit)ns of astronomical inves-
tigation and discovery; but in the hour of his countrj-'s peril, he
was ready to sacrifice all for her interests. And although the
military career of Gen. Mitchel was short, yet it was long enough
to prove that he was a whole-hearted patriot; a superior disci-
plinarian; a lirave soldier, and a noble and successful connnander.
For the details of his military life, we are indebted to Willlvjm
P. Prentice, Esq. of New York city, who has furnished such
facts as came within liis own personal knowledge. These we
give maiidy in his own language.
On the ninth of Angust, 1861, Prof. Mitciiel was appointed
brigadier general of volunteers, and was ordered to report to
General Fraxklix, on the Potomac. He was, however, almost
innnediately relieved, at the request of western men, and sent to
Cincinnati, as commander of the department of the Ohio.
Here everything was in confusion, and destruction seemed
coming down from Kentucky to sweep away the city and its
State. There were no soldiers and no supplies. Quartermasters
and commissaries were deeply in deljt, having l)een plundered
by misera1)le contractors, and in every quarter there was need
of such a man as now began to lead.
Night and day he was at work, using others' powers as well as
his own, organizing and directing whatever was to be done. He
seemed almost to create artillery. As by magic, there came up
regiments of foot, and marched to the front in Kentucky, seizing
the railroads and mountain passes. Cincinnati, at once, had the
fortifications Avhich have twice since proved her safety. Mr.
Camerox, the Secretary, moved by the change wrought by this
"live man," as he called him, and urged by the General and
those who clearly saw the course of the rel)ellion, ordered an
expedition to Cuml)erla.nd Gap, which, it was afterwards proved,
must certainly have been a great success, by dividing the Con-
federacy, saving Eastern Tennessee, and cutting off the rebel
supplies from the west.
But the delays, opposing counsel, and final countermand which
this and other movements met, led the General to urge the con-
solidation of the departments in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and
Tennessee, in which he offered to take a subordinate place.
The new department, called that of the Ohio, was created, and
Gen. BuEL made its commander. Gen. Mitchel was second in
On the thirteenth of December, 1861, Gen. Mitciiel took
command of the third division, army of the Ohio, and led it
through Elizabethtown to Bacon creek, where he lay for six
weeks, drilling and exercising his men, until he had certainly the
finest division in the western army.
He planned and urged the attack on Bowling Green, and leav-
ing Bacon creek February 11th, 1862, though held back at Green
river, he captured it on the fourteenth, while Buel's main army
was on the march to Donelson. This fell, and Nashville surren-
dered to Gen. MiTCHEL February 23 d.
To him also belongs the credit of the march upon and surprise
of Huutsville, one of the most important movements of the war.
For very soon Decatur and Bridgeport, with their bridges across
the Tennessee; Tuscumbia, through which water communication
with our army at Pittsburg Landing was opened, and a ilank
attack on the rebel line of retreat otFered; Rogersville on the
Elk river, and Winchester in the mountains, vreve ours.
Had these been held by the united western forces as they
should have been, and as Gen. Mitchel desired, the consequences
would have been far diftercnt from what they were to our cause
in Tennessee.
The defence and government of the General's district of Middle
Tennessee and Northern Alaliama, continued from April lltli to
July 6th, when he was ordered to Washington, with a view to
his employment in Virginia.
The plan of an inroad upon Georgia, and a campaign in that
State and Eastern Tennessee, in 1862, met with the approval of
the Government, and was filed in the Secretary of War's office.
It will be found to have been of similar and equal promise to
that of Gen. Sherman.
But the conflicting counsels at Washington were in the way
of all work in the summer of 1862. In August, the Mississippi
river expedition was ordered for Gen. Mitchel, and he was about
to emijark with some thirty thousand troops for a cami:)aign
which would have been short, and decisive of great results, if
we can trust the evidence now l)efore us; but Gen. Halleck was
called to the chief command, and ever}^ new project was for the
time abandoned.
It was a strange thing to see such a man as Gen. Mitchel idle,
and, as a forlorn hope it seemed, he was in September sent to
the department of the south. Matters there were in a bad state.
Military misrule had produced a general discontent. The sol-
diers were a prey to the climate; and the listlessness of camp
life, while the freedmcn corrupted by their idleness, gave little
promise of improvement or work.
The General landed at Port Royal September 16th. He began
at once the reorganization of the tenth army corps, and very
soon began to make for it a history, with new energy and hope-
Four expeditions met with such success that the campaign
against Charleston and Savannah was about to open. With rein-
forcements of twenty thousand men, sustained in its inception
with great conhdence by the government, and entered upon with
enthusiasm by our troops, the first stroke, that against Pocotaligo,
succeeded well. Three expeditions, organized jointly by the
army and navy, were at once to follow, led by the Commodore
and the General, for the purpose of cutting ofi' Wilmington,
Charleston, Savannah and Mobile from mutual support. Charles-
ton and Savannah would then have been attacked from the land
side, positions on the coast gradually occupied, and expeditions
sent into the interior. But while in the midst of these plans and
others that contemplated the protection and elevation of the
colored people, our hero -was prostrated by sickness. On Sun-
day, the twenty-sixth of October, 1862, he was attacked by the
yellow fever in Beaufort, S. C, and on the thirtieth of the same
month he expired.
His death, so sudden and unexpected, produced the greatest
consternation and sorrow among all classes, white and black.
Just as difficulties that had embarrassed efficient action in the
jjast had been settled, and the brightest prospects were opened
before our forces, the beloved leader was snatched aAvay.
Gen. Mitchel's civil policy was not inferior to that of his
military government. His schemes and eflTorts for the benefit
of the negroes were eminently practical and successful; and as a
leader, he was looked up to by them with great enthusiasm and
hope. They gave him their best assistance, and solicrly entered
upon their great task. They built for him his first model village,
and took part in that social system of which he made the family
and the church the centres. Soon peaceful industry would have
overcome the ruin shown on every side, against Avhich, up to this
time, almost nothing had been .done. The grandeur and prac-
tical wisdom of hi.s plans will lie recognized in his correspondence,
invited hy the President, the Secretary of the Treasury and some
of his New York friends, which will hereafter, it is hoped, be
It is to be observed in reviewing his course, that while he
used gloriously every opportunity, he was always found capable
of greater thino-s. The rays of his genius Avere seen struoivlino;
through every cloud, and breaking out into the light of noon-
day. His powers of organization, and energetic, successful gov-
ernment, displayed in the departments of the Ohio and of the
south, mark him as of high administrative ability. The plan of
the Cumlierland Gap expedition; the captures of Bowling Green,
Nashville and Huntsville ; the plan of the campaign on the line
of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, were all his; and also
the plan of the Chattanooga and Georgia campaign, which would
have saved the country untold misery. To him also belongs
the credit of initiating such a campaign against Charleston as
afterwards proved a success. These alone distinguish him as a
great commander.
As a leader he was unsurpassed; he seemed of electrical pre-
sence; he always led; he marched like the thundercloud, and
struck like the lightning. It was his lot never to have had to
retreat, although not neglectful of its possibility. Observing
every precaution and watching the details of every movement,
few could be so sure as he. If the burning of Decatur and
Bridgeport bridges should be called an exception, this unneces-
sary action, it is to be rememljered, was l)y command of Generals
BuEL and Halleck, and against Gen. Mitchel's own counsel.
He was just and merciful in the use of power, although he
sought strenuously to maintain perfect discipline. The devotion
of his soldiers to him is well known; and Union feeling fol-
lowed him in the southwest, as was seen before and after the
outl)reak at Athens, in which the eighth brigade, then detached,
was implicated. His cotton bridges, his improvised steamboats
and gunboats, his plan of defence for railroads, his system of
scouts among the negroes, his feats in railroad building, his extra-
ordinary marches, show his invincibility by obstacles. His
passao-es of the rivers at Mumfordgville and Bowling Green were
indeed grand, and show his masterly power. Think of twelve
hundred feet of heavy bridging being created in ten days; three
hundred feet in twenty-four hours; a flatboat made a steam gun-
boat, for the shoals of the Tennessee river, in three or four days;
pontoons put on the Elk river in eight da}'s; a river steamer
made a gunboat at Charleston, and almost impregnable by the
use of chains, as afterwards the Kearsage, in thirty-six hours !
Such things seem dreams rather than realities.
It is proper to add that the Georgia railway expedition, so-
called, owed neither its inception nor organization to Gen.
MiTCiiEL, he having been simply furnished with men from the
tliird division by the special orders of Gen. Bui:l.
Fortunately, all the records of his military history have been
carefully preserved. Among them the original dispatches and
orders by him received are to be seen; and the copies of his
orders and correspondence. For every douljtful act he sought
and had the concurrence of the government, and he was cordially
sustained by the friends of-the Nation and of truth.
Gen. MiTCHEL was an earnest Christian soldier, and was ever
ready to engage in every good work. In the southwest, daily
prayers were offered up with each regiment, except when circum-
stances rendered it impossible. Public services were also estab-
lished on the Sabbath, and at his meals the divine blessinir was
He had a soul that could in strength of eulogy by many less interested com-
mentators. An ofiicer's letter to a friend says: " When about
three hundred jurds from the works I was struck. The pain
was so intense I could not go on. I turned to my second lieu-
tenant as he came np to me and said: ' Never mind me, Jack, for
God's sake, jump to the colors! ' I do not recollect anything
more until I heard Col. Benedict say, ' Up men, and forward.' I
looked and saw the regiments lying flat to escape the fire, and
Col. Benedict standing there, the shot striking on every side
about him, and he never flinching. It was grand to see him. I
wish I was of iron nerve as he." Adjutant Meech, of the TAventy-
sixth Conn., writing to his friends, says: "I saw Col. Benedict
standing just in front of me, when I was wounded, on the edge
of the ravine, looking intently at the rebel works, while the bul-
lets and shells Avere flying about pretty thick. He w^alked to the
rear as composedly as if out for a stroll."
The following day, June 15th, Gen. Banks called for a thou-
sand volunteers to form a column to storm the enemy's works.
Oflicers who might lead the column were assured of promotion;
and all, both oflicers and privates, were promised medals of com-
memoration, and that their names should "be placed in general
orders on the roll of honor." High on this roll would have
appeared the name of Col. Lewis Benedict. Col., now Gen.,
Birge, of Mass., volunteered, and by virtue of seniority was
assiirned to conmiand the First battalion of the stormers. Col.
Benedict volunteered to lead the Second battalion, and his ofler
w^as accepted. The fall of Vicksburg, however, constrained the
I'cbel Gen. Gardner to surrender Port Hudson, and so the for-
lorn hope lost the opportunity to illustrate its bravery and patri-
Springfield Landing, some four miles below Port Hudson, was
the base of supplies for the investing army. The safety of these
stores, upon which that of the army depended, became imperiled l)y
the aggressions of Logan's cavalry, and some small successes, in the
way of plundering and burning, and it was apprehended that they
might invite serious attacks by larger l)odies of the enemy. The
Second brigade having become reduced by casualties and details
to a single battalion, Col. Benedict was relieved of that command
and ordered to the protection of this important depot soon after
the battle of the 14th of June. He had just completed a piirapet
for that object wlicii the surrender of I'ort Hudson took place.
He was in attendance on the ceremonies of that siirrender, and
thus described some ol)jects of peculiar interest to him, which
the occasion o-ave him opportunity to observe: " We entered the
works by the road over which we advanced to assault them on
the 14th of June; and, as I rode along, I congratulated my-
self that our progress then had l)een checked, although the storm
of gi-ape and bullets cost my brigade the lives of more than a
hundred of its best men, a Colonel, a Major and several other
valuable officers. A glance at the ground showed that our
assault nuist have been unsuccessful. The natural difficulties of
the i)osition were veiy great, and they had been augmented by
the rebels, with all they j)ossessed of means or skill."
Soon after this, Col. Benedict was detailed to serve on a suc-
cession of Courts Martial convened in New Orleans. His profes-
sional acquirements and training made him a desiral)le member
of tribunals of this character.
About the middle of August, while at New Orleans, Gen.
Ranks reorganized the army of the department. The One hun-
Ircd and sixty-second N. Y.j One hundred and tenth X. Y., Oue
hundred and sixty-fifth N. Y. and Fourteenth Maine were consti-
tuted the First brigade. Third division of the Nineteenth army
corps, and Col. Benedict was assigned to command it.
He reached his command at Baton Eouge September 1st, and
on the 4th sailed in the R. C. Winthrop from New Orleans for
the place of rendezvous for the vessels of an expedition, which
was off Berwick Bay. The land forces consisted of the Nineteenth
Corps, and the transports were conveyed by a naval force, con-
sisting of four light draft gunboats, the Clifton, Arizona, Granite
City and Sachem, the whole under command of Maj. Gen. W. B.
Fkanklin. It turned out that the object of the expedition was
to capture and occupy Saldne City, at the mouth of the river
of that name. The entire fleet was directed to make Sabine
l^iss by midnight of the 7th, in order that the attack might
be made early on the morning of the 8th. This was not ac-
complished, however, for, owing to the absence of the block-
ading vessel, which was relied on to indicate the point, the fleet
ran by in the night, and thus necessitated a change of both the
time and manner of the attack, which finally took place on the
evening of the 8th. The Pass proved to be snfficiently forti-
fied, and was defended with audacity enough to defy such demon-
strations as were made on behalf of the expedition; so that, after
sacrificing two of the gunboats, the Clifton and Sachem, the most
serviceable of all, in view of the shallowness of the waters, the
fleet returned to New Orleans, to the infinite disgust of the sol-
diers who expected to fight, and equally to the sorrow and disap-
pointment of a multitude of refugees, who sorely needed an
opposite result. It was said that this bootless expedition was
not favored by the most experienced oflicers in the department,
who preferred Brownsville as a base of operations.
Col. Benedict shared in the general regret, caused by such
barrenness of creditable results from an enterprise which had
inspired high hopes, founded largely on the tried bravery of the
Nineteenth Corps. The reaction, however, created in all, both
ofiicers and men, a burning desire to supplant the remembrances
of the Sabine Pass failure by other emotions, excited by some
important success. It was, therefore, with great satisfiiction that,
after spending four or five days in camp, at Algiers, he received
orders to march his brigade to Brashear city, in order to partici-
pate in some operations in Western Louisiana. These operations
wxre designed to favor another portion of the army, sent to
occupy Brownsville, on the Rio Grande, by compelling the rebels
to withdraw troops from Texas, to oppose the advance of this
one. After an unimportant skirmish near Carrion Crow Bayou,
the Nineteenth Corps moved to Vermillionville.
Here it was reported to Maj. Gen. Franklin that the enemy
was concentrating forces at or near Carrion Crow Bayou, and for
the purpose of determining their numbers and position, he
directed Gen. A. L. Lee to make a reconnoissance with all his
availal>le cavalry. The cavalry division, comprising two bri-
gades of eight hundred each, started from Vermillionville for
the Bayou in question, distant twelve miles, due north, at 6.30
A. M., November 11th, and soon commenced driving back the
pickets of the enemy to their reserve of six hundred. A run-
nino; fi<>ht then ensued for (some six or eight miles, ending in
Gcii. Lee's charging them vigorous!}', and driving them back in
confusion to a dense wood. Nimm's Light Battery of Flying
Artillery was quickly brought up, and after it had shelled the
woods, Gen. Lee advanced his whole force, in line of battle
through the woods, and found the enemy drawn up in like order
on the opposite side of a prairie, about two miles broad, num-
bering, as nearly as could be estimated, some seven thousand.
Seeing that he was outnumbered four to one, and having accom-
plished the object of his reconuoissance, Gen. Lee ordered a
The enemy, detecting his intention, sent a large fanve to make
a demonstration on his left Hank, upon which he dispatched the
First (Col. Lucas) brigade to protect the left, while the General
in person remained with the main column in the road.
Col. Benedict had been ordered to advance his brigade about
a mile beyond Vermillion Bayou, and hold himself in readiness
to support Gen. Lee. After being in position an hour, he
received a request from the General that he would advance up
the road. About four miles up he was met by a message, that
Gen. Lee was retreating before a superior enemy, and directing
him to take a position where his force would be masked, in order
to give Gen. Lee an opportunity to turn and make a dash at the
enemy's cavalry. Col. Benedict selected for this purpose the
east side of a prairie, about twelve hundred rods wide, posting
tlie men in the ditches — NimjNi's battery in the rear of the left
flank, and Trull's in the rear of the right, a position in which
his eight hundred and odd could withstand five thousand. Gen,
Lee retired behind the position to tempt the enemy into the
open prairie; but he was too cautious, and opened with his artil-
lery. This was replied to with vigor, and for an hour the fire
was active, the rebels suflering severely. Then failing in an
attempt to out-flank, they sought the cover of the fences and
i-etired. Col. Benedict's brigade was so well protected that it
had but one killed and four wounded.
November 15th the army left Vermillionville, encamping for
the night near Spanish lake, and the next day marched to New
Iberia, where it remained in quarters until the close of the year.
Col. B.'s hrigade held the post of honor on the march, acting 2:
" Col. E. Frisby, of the Thirtieth regiment, was killed in action
near Centre vi lie, Va. He was at the head of his regiment on the
meinoi-;il)le Saturday when the second battle of Bull Run was
fought, urging liis men forward, they having received an order
to charge at double quick. While thus discharging his duty, a
l)all struck him on the lower jaw, passing through his face. He
did not fall from his horse, l)ut grasped the reins firmly. Maj.
Chrysler, noticing that his colonel had been wounded, hurried
to his side and said to liim: 'Colonel, you are hit.' Col. F., the
l)k)od streaming from his shattered jaw, immediately responded:
'Major, to your post!' and, brandishing his sword, started his
horse up. Scarcely had he uttered the words of command, when
he Avas struck on the top of the head with another l)all, which
passed through and came out on the opposite side, killing him
instantly. He dropped from his horse, and the remnant of his
regiment, which had been in the hottest of the fight, was forced
to fall back, leaving the remains of their heroic commander on
the field of battle. Four days after, his body was interred l)y the
surgeon of the Twenty-second New York State volunteers. When
the common council committee reached Washington, Monday
morning last, they learned that the body had been interred on
the battle field, and that a regiment had l)een sent out to bury
our dead. No intelligence was received from the regiment
during Monday, and Col. Harcourt then resolved to go to the
battle field. He procured the necessary passes for himself and
Maj. Chrysler, and early Tuesday morning left the city in a
carriage. They proceeded as far as Bailey's Cross Roads, where
they met the regiment returning with the ])ody of Col. Frisby.
The body of Col. F. was found in the precise spot where the sur-
geon of the Twenty-second stated he buried it, with a l)oard at
the head marked Col. Frisby. On arriving in AYashington, the
committee at once made arrangements for embalming the body,
a process which required some considerable time. They left
Washington Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock, and came direct
to New York without stopping, arriving there yesterday mor-
ning, too late for the early train. The remains were removed to
the Hudson River railroad dc})ot, when the committee Avas in-
formed that the body could not be sent forward without permis-
sioii from the city insjxH'tor. Col. Harcourt, after considerable
effort, succeeded in procuring the document, and left New York."
The funeral of Col. Frisky took })lace September 11. The
military escort took the cars at North Ferry street for the ceme-
tery. During the movement of the funeral cortege all places of
l)usiness were closed, the flags were fl^'ing at half mast, the bells
were tolled and nu'nute iiuns fired, the streets meanwhile bcino;
deusely crowded with spectators.
A nobler hero, a purer patriot, has not fallen during the war
than Col. Edavard Frisby.
The following touching letters were received by the bereaved
widow :
Washingtox, D. C, September 4, 1862.
Mrs. E. Frisby — I have hesitated and delayed writing to you
in hopes the first rumors that reached us, in relation to the fate
of our beloved Colonel, might be confirmed.
But, alas ! my heart aches, my eyes become blinded, and my
liead is dizz}^, when thinking of that awful field of carnage and
death. O, God ! that I could blot from my memory the scenes
of that most unfortunate encounter. I cannot give you a detailed
account of that 1)attle, or of the part taken hj any one. I can
only say your husband, our beloved colonel, fought in the thickest
of the fight, and died at his post of duty.
We have made every exertion to obtain his body, but have
lieen unsuccessful, but feel in hopes that Dr. Charix, who was
taken a prisoner, will mark the spot where he is buried. I have
collected his effects and will send them by express to-morrow.
Anything I can do will be cheerfully done. I have lost a very
dear friend in your loss of a husband. I am in hopes of seeing
you before long, when I can relate more particularly the inci-
dents of that awful day. Bear up under this afiliction. God is
good, and doeth all things well. Your friend,
Troy, Sept. 14, 1802.
My Dear Mrs. Frisby: It was with feelings of inexpressible
sorrow, while absent from home, that I heard of the death of
your generous-hearted and gallant husljund (my old friend and
Colonel), Edward Frisby, by the hands of the enemies of his
country. He died a martyr to law and order, a lover of the con-
stitution and government under which he was born, reared and
educated, and a brave and conscientious defender of that Has;
Avhich so long had 1)ecn the pride and admiration of his country-
men, and the emblem of hope and happiness of the oppressed in
all parts of the world, as it was, and is, a terror to tyrants and
despots. lie died as all true patriots love to die — with his har-
ness on, in the full, conscientious discharge of his duty to the
government under which he was reared.
A l)ereaved country, a widowed wife, orphan children, sympa-
thetic and condoling friends, mourn his loss; but their loss (con-
soling is the fact) is his gain. May you, his disconsolate widow,
and his orphaned children, find consolation in the fact; and may
He, who holds nations in the holloAv of his hand, and without
whose notice not a sparrow falls to the ground, aid you in finding
that consolation.
I have said that Col, Frisby was my friend during all my asso-
ciation with him. I have found him to be such, and therefore I
mourn his loss as a friend. Of course, I cannot mourn that loss
as you do. But there is one thing that I can do. I can bear
truthful and uncontradictory testimony to his moral worth as a
man; to his honesty and usefulness as a citizen; to his devotion
as a patriot, and his steadfastness as a friend. May the bright
example, which he has so disinterestedly bequeathed to his pos-
terity, never be forgotten by any of them.
Believe me. Madam, to be most sincerely your friend and well
Keedysville, Md., Sept. 2St/i, 1862.
Dear Madam: Pardon me for addressing you by letter, which
I presume to do, l)ecause of my former intimate relations with
your deceased husband, and because I dce})ly sympathize with
you in your atiliction.
None knew Col. Frisby, outside his fimiily, as 1 kneu' him. Our
military connection commenced when I was so young, and lasted
SO long, that I had come to look to him, as a son toward a father.
I knew his inmost thoughts, so far as military matters were con-
cerned, and could almost read in his face the thoughts passing
through his mind. Amid the excitement of the battle lield, and
the tediousness of long marches, I have not fully appreciated that
he is gone — that I shall never see him more; but duiing the
past week, partially conhned to my chamber by a wound, the
fact has appeared to me in all its force, and I realize that I have
lost a dear friend who loved me, and that the service has sus-
tained an almost irreparable loss, in the sphere in which he moved.
How forcilily comes upon my mind our parting on the second
of April last, at Alexandria! Then I knew how painful to him,
and how })aiiiful to me, it w^as, to be separated in our oHicial rela-
tions. Clasped in each other's arms, the bio- tears rollino- down
his cheeks, he said, among other things: "We may never meet
again!" How true it proved, but how little did I then think it
Avas our last meeting on earth.
Dear Madam: Let me assure you, in your bereavement you
have the deep sympathy of the officers and men of the regiment,
and of the division to which he was attached, and in which he
served so faithfully and efficiently. Indeed, the remnant of the
Thirtieth mourn his loss as children mourning the loss of a father.
While we thus lament his loss, it is a source of comfort to me to
know that all acknowledged his worth, and showed their appre-
ciation of his merit. To the city of Alb:uiy, to the militia of the
State, the loss is great; for he and a few others, l)y their noble,
yet at the time unappreciated, lal)ors, made the militia of the
city and State what it now is, and gave to the Nation a powerful
force to check the onward march of the rel)ellion.
Col. Frisby's name will rank high among the heroes of this war.
The God whom he Avorshiped will give comfort to your be-
reaved heart. He Avill not see the widoAv or children of the
soldier and patriot suffer. Let me commend you to Him; and
Avith my most earnest sympathy, I subscribe myself,
Your obedient scrA^ant,
I write Avith some difficult v, luiving one arm still in a sling.
Fort Covington, Sept. 5th 1862.
My Dear Mrs. Frisby: With the greatest solicitude, I have
watched for, and scanned the lists of the killed iind wounded, in
the late terri])le encounters. I saw in one of the papers that
your liusl)aud was wounded, and in another, that he was killed;
and was unable to ascertain which report was correct, until this
morning, when my attention was directed to a paragraph in one
of the New York papers, describing the manner of his death, and
stating the fact that his body had l)cen recovered.
My heart is tilled with inexpressible grief; it is to me as if it
were my father thus stricken down.
To you I need not praise him; and I l)ut repeat what, often,
while he was living, I expressed to others; that he was one of
the bravest and l)est officers in our service.
As one of his military family, I had an opportunity for l>ecom-
ing thoroughly acquainted with him; and I loved and revered
He had a high sense of the responsibility of his position, and
strove scrupulously and religiously to act up to those responsi-
His intercourse with his officers and men, exhibited those qual-
ities which adorn the character of the true gentleman.
He was not only anxious that the men of his regiment should
be well disciplined as soldiers, but was solicitous for their moral
Always did I receive his hearty co-operation in every plan for
the moral and religious improvement of the regiment; and if all
the colonels in the army had the same sense of responsibility to
God, the love of morals would ])e far brighter, and I believe we
should be far more successful in ending this cruel war.
You have lost a husband; I a friend, and the country a true,
brave and nol)le soldier. We are sad; we mourn. God only
can comfort. May he Ijless you and comfort you, is the prayer
of Your friend,
Colonel Williajm Ayeault Jackson was ])orii in the city of
Schenectady, N. Y., on the 29th day of March, 1832. His ftither,
Isaac W. Jackson, was then Professor of Mathematics in Union
College, of which he was a graduate, a position he has held unin-
terruptedly to the present time.
William was the eldest of the family. He fitted for college
at home, under the instruction of his father, and entered, at the
early age of fifteen, the Freshman class of Union, at the com-
mencement of the academic year in 1847.
During his collegiate career, he displayed marked and brilliant
talents in various departments, and by the exhibition of the frank
and generous qualities, which were characteristic of him, made
among the under-graduates of his time many and warm friends.
He then, more particularly, won distinction as a forcible and
extempore speaker and skillful debater. In these accomplish-
ments he was acknowledged to be without a rival among his
college cotemporaries, and they were, at a later period, exercised
with effect on the wider field of political discussion.
He graduated with honor in the summer of 1851, and during
the succeeding year remained at home, devoting his attention to
the study of general literature, and giving some of his time to
the stud}^ of the law, that being the profession which he had
chosen. Previous, however, to his regular entry upon his legal
studies, and during the year 1852, he spent some months with
an uncle, Mr. I. C. Chesbrough, a civil engineer, and at that time
engaged upon the survey of the Albany and Susquehanna rail-
road. In December, 1852, he removed to the city of Albany,
with some of the most prominent and influential fimiilies in
which he was nearly connectefl, aiul entered the office of Maecus
T. Eeynolds, Esq. He also, al)out the same time, attended a
course of lectures at the Albany Law School. He was admitted
to the bar on the 10th of April, 1853, and immediately com-
menced the practice of his profession in Albany, which was his
residence until his death.
Soon after the commencement of his legal career, he formed a
partnership with his cousin, Fredeeick Townsexd, Esq., an
accomplished gentleman, since so fjivorably known as Adjutant
General of the State during the whole of Gov. King's and a part
of Gov. Morgan's administration, who, as colonel of the Third
regiment of New York volunteers, distinguished himself by his
l^rilliant gallantry at the battle of Big Bethel, and is now a major
in the United States infantry. They were associated during the
whole of Col. Jackson's connection with the law. For a short
period, during the year 1857, Alfred Coxkling, formerly United
States District Judge of the Northern District of New York, was
professionally connected with them, under the firm name of
CoNKLiNG, TowNSEND & Jackson. On the 1st of May, 1858,
their business association with Judge Conkling having previ
ously terminated, they took as a partner Richard M. Strong,
Esq., and the firm name was changed to Townsend, Jackson &
Strong. This partnership continued until the stirring national
events of the spring of 18(31 turned the thoughts of all from the
peaceful pursuits to arms, when Col. Jackson, who had l)een at
the commencement of that year appointed and now held the ofiice
of Inspector General of the State, relinquished the profession to
which he had l)een bred, and engaged in the defence of the gov-
ernment, in the great struggle inaugurated by the attack upon
and fall of Fort Sumter.
Before proceeding to the mention of Col. Jackson's Invief but
lionorable military career, we pause to say a few words of the
character and talents which he displayed during the time of his
practice at the bar. Possessed of a singularly handsome person,
with frank and genial manners, having a bold and energetic
character, and a quick, penetrating intellect, being an agreeal)le
speaker and a vigorous writer, he fast made friends and a(hnirers,
and soon acquired a prominent and influential position at the
Capital of the State. Well grounded in the principles of the
law, and prompt in the despatch of business, he obtained a very
considerable professional practice. Always taking a deep interest
in politics, State and national, and mingling freely and on inti-
mate terms, during almost the whole of this period, with the most
distinguished political leaders, he soon Ijecame appreciated as a
man of ability, and a brilliant and effective speaker. His political
views being in accordance with those of the Repul)lican party,
he early took that side, and in the campaigns of 1856, 1858 and
1860 rendered valuable services, with his pen and on the stump,
to that organization. In 1858, he made quite an extended tour,
and addressed numerous large assemblies in the western part
of the State.
When, therefore, in the spring of 1861 he embraced with
characteristic ardor the career of arms, he had acquired a high
position in his profession and in society, and was making himself
felt and his influence appreciable to a degree, unusual in one so
No reasons, then, for so complete a change in the plan and
pursuits of his life existed, other than a generous patriotism, and
an honorable amljition to win the praise of honest men l)y his
sacriflces for and services to his country.
Successful in raising a regiment whose superior in material
was not to be found in the State, he originally intended to take
the position of Lieutenant Colonel, devolving its command upon
an army ofiicer of experience. His plans failed in that respect,
and after much hesitation and doubt from a consciousness of his
inexperience, he was finally prevailed upon to accept the Colo-
nelcy. On the 18th of June, 1861, he received his commission
as Colonel of this, the Eighteenth Regiment of Ncav York Volun-
teers, with the rank from May 13th, 1861, From the breaking-
out of the war, in April, to the time he received his commission,
he had been arduously engaged as Inspector General of the State
in aiding the Governor in the organization of its forces, and hence
by close api)lication had acquired military knowledge which was
of value to him in his new position.
From the day, however, that he took command of the Eigh-
teenth, he was constant and un^vea^ied in his devotion to and
care for his men. Not unwilling to learn, nor unwdsely self-con-
tident, as were some of the new officers of volunteers at that
period, by the industrious application of his quick, vigorous mind
to the acquisition of a knowledge of the details of his duty, he
very soon mastered them.
His regiment left Albany in June, and proceeding directly to
Washington, encamped near the city. Here began his first trial
of camp life. The officers under his command were, w^ith ])ut
very few exceptions, without experience or practical military
knowledge; and the men, like almost all the volunteers at that
time, owing to the busy brief period that had elapsed since their
enlistment, were a mere unformed mass, without drill or disci-
pline, rather than a regiment of soldiers.
To chano-e all this was the determination of the Colonel. He
resolved to make it a regiment in truth, and one which should
be inferior to none in the field. With this ol)ject in view, he
was devoted, constant and unwearied, sparing neither body nor
mind, but straining every faculty from the time he arrived at
Washington until the disastrous battle of Manassas, and indeed
until his death, in his eflbrts to perfect himself as an officer, and
to bring to a high state of discipline the men under his command.
In how short a time he, with the earnest and praiseworthy co-
operation of his officers, succeeded in doing this, and how well
he did succeed, was soon to be shown.
On the 12th of July, in accordance with the general plan of a
forward movement into Virginia, his regiment was ordered across
the Potomac and encamped near Alexandria. Al^out the same
time it was brigaded with the Sixteenth, Thirty-first and Thirty-
second New York Volunteers, forming, together, the Second Bri-
gade, under the command of Col. Da vies, of the Sixteenth Regi-
On the 16th of July commenced the memorable advance of the
army of the Potomac. Col. Jackson's regiment moved from
Alexandria in the afternoon of that day, and, together with the
other regiments, forming the Second Brigade, took part in the
battle, or rather prolonged skirmish, of the 18th of July. In
this, his conduct was gallant and meritorious, and his men
behaved with the steadiness of veterans. In the battle of Manas-
sas, on the 21st of Jul}^, which resulted so disastrously to our
arms, the Second Brigade were upon the left and constituted the
reserve, not taking part in the main battle, but lighting princi-
l)ally by the right and centre.
Without attempting any general description of the events of
that terril)le and humiliating day, it is sufficient to say that the
Eighteenth Regiment, the whole Second Brigade, and indeed the
whole Division, of which it formed a part, behaved with marked
gallantry and steadiness. The Second Brigade, covering Capts.
Geeen and Hunt's batteries during the early part of the day,
and with them eifectually defeating a formidable attempt of the
enemy's right to flank the left of our line, when later our troops
fled in such panic and confusion from the field, was ordered to
Centreville to protect the retreat. As to what followed, and the
conduct of Col. Jackson at this crisis, appears in an extract from
the report of Capt. Green, in command of a battery:
"I chose a position," he says, "on the crest of a hill, which,
from its shape, gave command of the ground to our left, and also
of the road along which our division was retirino:. From this
])osition I could perfectly SAveep with my fire one hundred and
eighty degrees front, right and left, down a gentle slope. Four
regiments were placed as my support, and the force at this point
could have stopped double its number.
"At this point an unauthorized person gave orders to retreat;
I refused the order, but all my supporting regiments but one {Col.
Jackson's Eighteenth JY. Y. V.), moved off to the rear. Col.
Jackson most gallantly offered his regiment as a support, saying
' that it should remain by me as long as there should be any fight-
ing to be done there.' The above mentioned person again made
his appearance at this time, and again ordered me to retreat, and
ordered Col. Jackson to form column of division on my right and
retreat with me, as all was lost. The order was of course disre-
garded, and in about two minutes the head of a column of the
enemy's cavalry came up at a run, opening out of the woods ii
beautiful order. I was prepared for it, and the colunm had not
gone more than a hundred yards out of the woods before shells
were l)urst at their head, and directly in their midst. They broke
in evcrydirection, and no more cavalry came out of the woods."
The Eighteenth, in compliance with orders from the command-
ing General, retreated, covering Green's battery; and halted for
a short time at Fairfax. Col. Jackson, ascertaining that the Gen-
eral, despairing of bringing the defeated army to a halt, had
himself gone to Washington, it again resumed the retreat, and at
midday on the 22d took possession of its old camp at Alexandria.
This retreat was eflected in perfect good order throughout; and
on the way back the Colonel was enabled to atibrd aid to his fel-
low townsman, Lieut. Hill, of the United States artillery, in
bringing ofi'two of the guns of his battery.
All the officers who were present, bear testimony to the gal-
lantry of Col. Jackson, and the admirable behavior of his regi-
ment, throughout that memorable advance towards, and retreat
from jNIanassas.
During the Avhole time he was almost constantly mounted, and
he bore up with astonishing endurance under the most exhausting-
fatigue. He says himself, in a letter written to a friend on the
23d of July: " From half past two Sunday morning until Monday
at midday, we neither slept nor rested. I was in my saddle
nearly all the time."
After this battle the regiment, not sharing in the general
demoralization of the troops, remained near Alexandria, shifting
its camp occasionally, taking its turn at guard and picket duty,
and for a time engaged in building Fort Ward, one of the numer-
ous fortifications erected to protect Washington.
When Gen. McClellan, taking conunand, commenced the
reorganization of the Army of the Potomac, the Eighteenth Regi-
ment was placed in Gen. Newton's Brigade, and Gen. Franklin's
The devotion and enlhiisiasni of Col. Jackson, in raising to the
highest standard the discipline and morale of his men. did not
flag. Until attacked l)y his last illness, he was liardly ever
al)seiit from the camp, mid it Avas an extremely rare thing for him
to sleep ont of it; and he took eagerly upon his shoulders, the
thousand constant cares and laliors, consequent upon a scrupu-
lously conscientious discharge of his duties. In a word, his
whole time and energies were emploj^ed. In all this, and indeed
during the whole of his connection with the regiment, it is l)ut
justice to record, that his efforts were much aided, and the char-
acter of the regiment for discii)line and efficiency raised, by the
steady support and uniformly gallant conduct of his Lieut, Col,
(now Colonel) Young, a townsman, and the officer who succeeded
him in command.
These wearing anxieties of his responsil)le position, and the
unaccustomed privations and exposures of life in the field, in an
unhealthy climate, were unfortunately laying in the constitution
of Jackson the foundations of fatal disease. His health, which
had been, through life, up to this period, almost perfect, now
showed signs of giving way; and during a hurried visit home in
August, his friends were alarmed at the inroads made by fatigue
and anxiety upon it. Altheugh, for some time after his return
to the regiment, he seemed lietter, he was, towards the end of
October, seized with an illness, which, assuming the form of
bilious remittent fever, proved fatal. Prostrated for some days
in his tent, his brother officers were unable to induce him to
"give up" and seek relief from his official duties, and it was not
until his ilhuNss assumed a most serious form, that he consented
to apply to be removed to Washington. This Avas done on the
30th of October, and Dr. Stone, one of the most eminent physi-
cians of the city, was then immediately called to his bedside, but
it was too late. For a few days, no critical symptoms appeared,
and his condition was not considered as imminently dangerous
until the 7th of November. Hemorrhage 'of the bowels, and
afterwards of the brain, then set in, destroying all hope. On
Monday, the 11th of November, a little before six o'clock in the
evening, his spirit passed away. His last words were these,
uttered just before the power of articulation departed, in a strong,
deliberate voice, but evidently with great effijrt: "I do believe
in the Lord Jesus Christ; I trust in him,''
The remains of Col. Jackson were taken home for interment.
They were escorted to the cars at AVashingtou by his regiment,
every member of which expressed a desire to testify his respect
for his beloved Colonel. At Albany, they were received by the
military of the city, and lay in state.
He was bnried at Schenectady on the 14th of November, 1861.
Borne to his last resting place by the friends of his youth
whom he loved so well, amid the scenes of his boyhood he sleeps,
requiemed by the sighing pines which wave over his grave.
Beautiful and joyous was his youth; bold and vigorous his
manhood; his death honorable, nay, glorious; for, although he
fell not by the sword nor amid the maddening whirl and din of
battle, yet by his self-consuming labors for his country's weal,
were sown the seeds of that fell disease which was his clestro^'^er.
The high estimation in which Col. Jackson was held, appears
from the numerous letters of consolation received by his ftither
from distinguished gentlemen in various parts of the country, and
from the complimentary resolutions passed by the bar of the city
of Albany, the Governor of the State and his staff, the Eighteenth
Regiment, and the Albany Zouave Cadets. Also, at the meeting
of the Albany bar, most eloquent eulogies were pronounced
upon our departed hero by the Hon. Clark B. Cochrane, S. O.
Shepard, Esq., his honor. Recorder Austin, Hon._ John V. L.
Pruyn, and J. M. Kimb^vll, Esq. Our limits will only allow us
to give the tribute of the Hon. Mr. Cochrane, which, in common
with the others, presents, in just and beautiful language, the
worth and the achievements of our lamented patriot martyr.
He spoke as follows:
Mr. OJiairman and Gentlemen of the Bar:
The news of the event which has called together the bar of
Albany on the present occasion, has fallen with mournful weight
upon the hearts of millions of our countrymen. The removal by
death of William A. Jackson, from the newly chosen field of his
activities, in the midst of his growing usefulness and rising fame,
and in view of what he was and what he promised to become,
produced, as it was calculated to produce, a profound sensation
in the public mind. The deep and universal solicitude, the ex-
pressions of private hopes and public anxiety with reference to
the chances of his recovery, from the time his dangerous illness
became known, until the announcement of its fatal termination,
the imposing demonstrations of respect tendered to his memory
and services, and the multiplied evidences of sincere and general
sorrow which have followed that announcement, admonish us
that our professional brother, whose loss we mourn and whose
recollection we cherish, was no ordinary personage. It rarely hap-
pens, even in our own glorious country, w^here all legal and adven-
titious hindrances arc removed from before the march of merit,
where the race is usually to the swift, and the battle to the strong,
that one comes to occupy, at so early an age, so large a measure
in the public eye, or possess so firm a hold of the popular heart.
Though yet in the early dawn and dew of manhood. Col. Jack-
son has inscribed his name upon the imperishable records of his
country, and left his footprints deeply traced on the sands of
time. A nation, for whose life and whose honor he drew his
sword, witnessed, with emotions of sorrow, his passage from the
theatre of life; and the great, the gifted and the brave, followed
his bier and mingled as mourners in his funeral train. Thus, let
a grateful people ever hallow the memory of the brave defenders
of the land and flag of our fathers. Our departed friend has left
a blameless life, a bright and brave example for the imitation of
all, especially for our youth. At a period when success, with
young men of brightest promise, is yet the subject of conjecture,
he had accomplished ends and achieved a position which exempt
life from the possibilities of ftiilure, and enabled him to say, as
he turned his youthful eyes for the last time to the light of
Heaven, I have not " lived in vain nor spent my strength for
A gentleman by instinct and education, possessed of a fine
person and fascinating manners, a large heart and a true and
genial nature, endowed with a rare intellect, enriched by varied
and manly cultivation, he became the idol of every circle in
which he mingled, a cherished companion among his associates,
the trusted depositary of the most sacred treasures of a well
chosen friendship, the pride of his family and kindred, and a
favorite with the public. As a public speaker, Col. Jackson was
eloqueut and forcible, and to rare conversational powers he added
the pen of a ready and elegant writer. As a member of this bar,
at which he had secured no indifferent reputation, we remember
liim as a In-other without reproach. His warm hand, his beaming
and manly face, will greet us no more. We shall miss him at the
bar, in the halls of justice, from our social gatherings, in the
public and private walks of life; but in the innermost shrines of
our hearts, and so long as life lasts, we will cherish his memory,
fragrant with every manly virtue, and free from every suspicion
of dishonor. We will think of him for his noble qualities of
head and heart, for the example he has left behind him, for the
expectations he had realized, and the hopes he had inspired.
In all the relations of private life, and in all the varied and
responsil)le positions with which he was trusted, he preserved
to the last " the whiteness of his soul, and men weep for him."
It is, after all, as a patriot and soldier, and not as a lawyer, we
meet to do him honor. True, the ranks of our profession have
been invaded, and another link has Ijccn stricken from the bright
fraternal chain which binds us together; a choice spirit has dropt
from our circle, and passed forever away, and we confess our
loss; but it is our country, and not our class, that is smitten l)y
this bereavement. Brave of heart and strong of hand, loving his
country and revering her insulted Hag, he was among the hrst to
respond to the call of the Nation, in the hour of her sudden .and
greatest peril. Though uneducated to the profession of arms,
he brought to the duties of his high command, unwT'aried in(his-
try and all the acknowledged vigor of his mind, and at the time
of his death had already become an accomplished and efficient
officer; enjoyed the contidence of the Government and of his
superiors in command; was rapidly rising in the opinions of the
army, and had secured to the fullest extent the respect and love
of his gallant regiment, which, under his discipline, had become,
by common consent, one of the best and most efficient in the
Tried upon the h(dd of l)attle, and found wanting in none of
the stern requisites of a soldier, he had before him the promise
of a l)rilliant and glorious future. In the inscrutable providence
of God, the hand of death has overtaken him, and he is removed
from the tumult of arms and the scenes of earth. But he has
fallen in the career of dut}' and the path of fame, with his l)ow
bent, his feet to the held, and his armor on. To the patriot, the
memor}' of such is sweet.
We jjive, also, the Proceedino;s at the Executive Chamber:
By direction of his Excellency, Gov. Morgan, the members of
his staft', present in Albany, met in the Executive Chamber, on
the evening of November 12th, to take such action as might be
deemed appropriate in regard to the death of Col. William A.
Jackson, commanding the Eighteenth Regiment of New York
State Volunteers, and formerly Inspector General of this State,
who expired at Washington on the evening of the 11th instant.
The following members of his staff w^ere present: Adjutant
General Hillhouse, Inspector General Patrick, Commissary
General Welch, Surgeon General Vanderpoel, Quartermaster
General Van Vechten, Aide,-de-Camp Arden, and Military Sec-
retary LiNSLEY.
On assuming the chair, his Excellency expressed, with great
feeling, his deep senile of the sad occasion wdiich had induced
him to convene the memliers of his military family, and sug-
gested that such action should be had as the melancholy event
called for. He added, that the death of Col. Jackson came upon
us with ])ecidiar force. That he had been an esteemed meml)er of
his staif, and was a much-loved citizen of Al])aiiy at the time he
assumed the command of the regiment, and that it was eminently
proper that this especial notice should l)e taken of his death, by
himself and the members of his stafl' who were now present.
Whereupon, Com. Gen. Welch, with the permission of his
Excellenc}^ submitted the following resolutions:
Resolved, That we have heard, with emotions of profound
sorrow, of tne death of a former associate. Col. Willlvm A. Jack-
son, commanding the Eighteenth liegiment of New York Volun-
teers, who was among the first to sacrifice honorable pu])lic posi-
tion, professional honors and emoluments, and cherished personal
associations, in defence of the flag of the country and the integ-
rity of the Union.
Besolved, That in the death of this young soldier, who was
endeared to us by those sterling characteristics of manhood,
which he possessed in so eminent a degree, we are overwhelmed
with grief, not only because an estimable friend and associate
has been taken from us, but because the country, now passing
the severest ordeal of its existence, has lost one of its able and
zealous champions.
Resolved, That the loss of Col. Jackson, so deeply felt here,
in the city of his former residence, and so much to be deplored
everywhere, calls for some public manifestation of the wide-
spread sorrow which his early death has evoked.
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be respectfully
requested to forward to the immediate relatives of the deceased,
a copy of these resolutions, with an expression of our deep and
unafiected sympathy with them in this, their great bereavement.
These resolutions were unanimously adopted.
general order.
Head Quarters, Fifth Brigade, )
November 15, 1861. \
General Order, No. 13. The General commanding the Bri-
gade, on his return, has heard with lively sorrow of the decease
of Col. William A. Jackson, commanding the Eighteenth Regi-
ment New York Volunteers.
Deprived, by circumstances over which he had no control, of
the melancholy privilege of witnessing his last moments, or of
being present at the funeral obsequies, the General commanding
wishes at least to testify his profound sense of the loss to the
service, experienced by the decease of this accomplished soldier
and gentleman.
The high state of discipline and efficiency attained by the
Eighteenth Regiment, is a testimony to the zeal and intelligence
of the deceased, more honorable and complete than the most
elaborate eulogium. By order of Brig. Gen. Newton.
Colonel John Wilson, of the Forty-third Eegiment Infantry,
N. Y. v., son of James and Ann Wilson, was born in Albany, N.
Y., December 29th, 1838. His father was a native of Scotland,
a man of sterling integrity and great benevolence, a useful citizen
and sincere Christian. His mother was an American of Scottish
descent. His maternal great grand-father served in the army of
the Kevolution, upholding bravely the cause of his adopted coun-
try. He was a man of great physical strength, and power of
endurance. He suffered much on board a prison ship near Brook-
lyn. His son, a boy of seventeen years, also served and was
wounded in the Revolutionary war.
John Wilson received his education at the Albany Academy,
which institution he entered at a very early age. He immediately
commenced the study of the Latin language, in which his father
was very desirous of having him proficient, as it was necessary
to a scientific knowledge of the business, for which he designed
to educate him. He studied the French language a number of
years, and went farther than the course prescribed by the
Academy. His father dying when he was sixteen, he suspended
his studies and succeeded to his business of florist and nursery-
man. In this he continued till he entered the army, giving up
then a lucrative and prosperous business to devote himself to
his country.
From his infancy he attended the Sabbath school established
by his father, then the only Sabbath school in the section of the
city where he resided. He was actively engaged in it till he
entered the army, and was always interested in its success. He
united with the Baptist Church in 1858, under the ministration
ot Rev. Dr. Hague. He maintained always a firm religions cha-
racter, was charital)le in judgment, and liberal in giving, espe-
cially in i)rivate. Generosity was, from childhood, his distin-
guishing characteristic. While he was in the army, he devoted
one-tenth part of his income to charitable and religious purposes.
He entered the army as a Captain, having raised a company
for the second requisition of troops in the summer of 1861. In
about one week from the time he had resolved to give himself
to his country, his company was raised. They marched to the
barracks, on Saturday, August 3d, the first soldiers to occupy
the barracks after the troops of the first requisition had gone to
the field.
The following extracts from Col. Wilson's letters will g-ive a
view of his movements after he left All)any:
New Yoek, September 18, 186 1,
Dear Mother and Sisters — I arrived safely in New York on
Tuesday, at two o'clock. It rained very hard wdien we came in,
but ceased about an hour afterward, when the regiment arrived.
As soon as I stepped from the cars I proceeded to the Astor
House, and soon after met the Colonel, who entrusted the dis-
embarkation of our men to me. We landed safely, and fortu.
nately it ceased raining, but it commenced soon after we had
obtained our quarters in the Park barracks.
The officers are mostly quartered at the Astor and Lovejoy's
Hotel. I am very well at present, and trust this finds you all
well. I cannot find out when the regiment will leave, as nobody
seems to know anything about it.
I will write as soon as I learn anything definite. Our men are
all well, but do not like the confinement in such barracks as
those in the Park. Your son and brother,
C^vjvip Casey, INIekidian Hill, near Washington, D. C, ")
Head Quarters of N. Y. Forty-third Regt., \
September 22, 1861. J
Dear Mother and Sisters — I have just obtained an opportunity
to write to you this afternoon. I am oflicer of the day, and as I
am all alone in my tent just now, I feel like writing to you, to
tell you how I like camp life.
Tlie last letter I wrote you was from the l^ark barracks, New
York. I said in my letter of Friday last, that we would move
soon, and so it turned out, for with but three hours notice we
were ordered, I)}' telegraph, to Washington direct.
You may imagine what a conuiiotion there was among the
men, wlien at six o'clock Friday evening they were ordered to
AVashington, and to be ready to start by nine o'clock r. m.
^Vell, we got under way at precisely half past one Saturday mor-
ning, having waited from nine p. m., the evening before, for our
l)aggage and equipments to be sent to the railroad depot, and
our rations to be prepared for us, which latter, by the way, we
never got, as they were by mistake left in New York.
You may think we Avere all pretty well tired waiting, but to
add still to our troubles, we had to wait in New Jersey, at the
de})ot in Jersey city, till four o'clock a. m. before the train could
be got under way.
We arrived safely in Philadelphia at twelve o'clock m., and
were received by the women of the city in grand style. They
prepared a dinner for us free, and a good appetite we had for it,
too, as we had had nothing to eat since the night before, except
Avhat food the men, at the supper table, had placed in their haver-
sacks. As it was, they did very well, and complained but very
We took rail at one o'clock for Baltimore, and all through the
streets of Philadelphia, as we passed in the cars, we were greeted
by thousands of cheers and hurrahs. We reached Baltimore at
eleven o'clock Saturday night, and immediately marched two
miles to the depot of the railroad for Washington, and arrived
in Washington four o'clock Sunday morning. We w^ere all very
tired, and immediately proceeded to have our supper of one slice
of bread and one slice of pork per man, and a cup of coffee, after
which we took a sleep of three hours duration, being called up
for breakfast at seven o'clock.
At eleven o'clock a. m. we received marching orders, and pro-
ceeded to encamp on the grounds we now occupy on Meridian
Hill. There are, in all, about twenty thousand men encamped
near us, and we have nothing but din, and the music of bugle
and fife and drum all day. I am very well, having a fine tent,
ground nice and dry, a good floor to the tent, and plenty of
coats to cover me with. Write soon.
Yours affectionately,
Head Quarters of Forty-third Regt., N. Y. S. V.,
Meridian Hill, Washington, D. C, Sept. '21, 1861.
My Dear Anna — I received your letter yesterday morning. I
was very glad to hear from you and all at home, as I was afraid
that any letter written to me at New York might not reach me
We are having a fine time here in camp — plenty of tent room,
as I have taken two tents and joined them in one, end to end,
and now we have a sitting room, and a sleeping apartment, with
a curtain between. You should see our arrangements, and I am
sure you would be surprised to find how comfortable we are.
Even now it is raining quite hard, but our tents are covered with
large canvass flies, and no rain can get near us.
We are all well, and are not troubled with any inconveniences
complained of by many in camp, except the nights are veiy cold,
especially towards morning, and the middle of the days rather
warm. But we manage to overcome the former by overcoats and
extra blankets, and the latter we avoid by keeping inside of our
We hardly ever take off our clothes, except to bathe, as we
must be always ready to spring into our places, even at the dead
of night, fully armed and equipped. I shall soon get used to such
a life, and I like it more and more every day.
I think there will l)e a grand battle some time next month,
but I am afraid we cannot get ready to be there, but we may
have a chance to be lookers on. *****
I resigned all claim to the majorship of the regiment, as I find
the field ofiicers will have to pass an examination here, which I
could not do, as I understand nothing of battalion movements.
I shall have a chance of promotion l)cfore long, I think, and then
I .shall be Major. I am very well satisfied with my present posi-
tion. Write soon, and remember me to all friends.
Yours alfectionately, JOHN WILSON.
Camp Advance, Va., Sej)t. 2dt/i, Sunday.
Dear Mother — I will write you a few lines, to-nioht, to let you
know that we are on the sacred soil of Virginia. The enemy are
some six miles from us. We are in the advance camp, and may
have a chance to see action before long; but I am not afraid at
all, myself. I keep in mind that verse you wrote in my Testa-
ment — " He will give his angels charge over thee." I keep my
Testament always in my breast pocket, and read it as often as I
can. I think a battle is near, and I also think it will l)e a deci-
sive one for our cause and freedom. I will write you again very
soon. Give my love to all; Kate, Anna, Eliza and INIaiiy, and
to yourself. In haste. Your affectionate son,
Fort Marcy, Va., Oct. SOiJt, 1861.
My Dear Sister — I received your letter of the 25th, this mor-
ning. I am now writing an answer to your inquiries (time, ten
r. M.) I am at present with my company encamped within the
above named fort, about three-fourths of a mile fi'om Chain
bridge, and three and a half miles from our regiment, beino- de-
tached therefrom for th(> present, and sent here in command of
the fort. I came here last Saturday morning at six a. m., to
relieve Company A, of the Vermont Fifth, who have been here
some three weeks. I am having a fine timie of it now, as the
company have all their tents nicely pitched within the breast-
works of the fort — and mine stands at the head of the street,
and, standing in my tent door, I can at one glance see the whole
interior of the place. When I came, I brought nothing but a
blanket and an overcoat, and the men brought only their over-
coats, thinking we would have to stay but twenty-four hours. But
Ave have had to sleep on the ground three nights, and that, too,
through two frosty oues. But I am very well, and the men com-
plain but little of any sickness. Our tents came yesterda}^ after-
noon, and before night they were all up and occupied. I have
a detachment of my company stationed as guard at Chain bridge,
under Lieut. Wilkinson, of Company F, and with the fort and
the l)ridge to care for, I have my hands full.
We have had two or three grand reviews lately, and this has
kept us all l>usy getting ready for inspection, so that I have had
no time to do anything outside of military afl'airs. Gen. Han-
cock, the other day, congratulated Col. Vinton on the drill and
discipline of the Forty-third, and, although we have been but one
month " out," he confesses us superior to regiments out oVer four
months. This is saying a good deal for us.
We had a set of colors presented to us, the other day, by Sim-
eon Drapee, of NcAV York. They are very handsome, and ele-
gantly mounted. Last Thursday, four companies of our regi-
ment, or rather parts of four companies, under command of Col.
Vinton, made a reconnoissance as far as Flint Hill, or about two
miles from Fairfax. Our guide said, we were the first Union
troops that had been on Flint Hill, since the battle of Bull Run.
He said, also, that our Colonel was the most ambitious one he
had met with, as we proceeded over half a mile further than he
advised, and would have gone to Fairfax, had not our orders
commanded us to go but to Flint Hill. Had we gone fin-ther, our
Colonel would have had to bear the consequences, had any l)een
killed. As it was. Company A went half a mile l)cyond, being-
thrown out as skirmishers. We drove the enemy's pickets before
us about a mile, they running off at double-quick, after exchanging
a few shots with us. We took eight prisoners, and then returned
to camp, having walked in all al)out twenty miles. This recon-
noissance has given us quite a name for courage, and Ave are
already known as the " plucky little Forty-third."
But I nmst close my letter, with the wish that you will write
soon, and all the others too; and don't mind if I do not write as
often as I would like to, as I am very nmch engaged with com-
pany affairs. Give my love to INIother, Kate, Anna, Mary and
yourself, of course, and •■-meml)er me to all my numerous friends.
Tell H. S. that I am sorry the articles w^ere not sent, as any-
thing from Albany seems one hundred per cent l)etter, than any-
thing bought here. Give her my regards and thanks for her
kind endeavors. I have not received my box yet, and do not
know what has become of it. Suppose it will turn up one of
these days. I wish I had it now. Good night. JOHN.
Mr. WiLSOX wrote to his mother and sisters very frequently,
giving a minute account of his daily life, and of mattei's of inte-
rest that came under his observation. All his letters breathe
the spirit of an earnest patriotism, and personal devotion to duty.
Most of them possess a private and family interest, while a fcAV
contain matter suitable for publication.
The following letters give an account of the movements of his
regiment near Williamsburg and City Point, Va.
Camp No. 11, in the Field,
Near Williamsburg, Va., Mai/ 8, 1SG2.
My Dear Mother — I wrote a short letter to you yesterday to
let you know that our regiment was safe, as it was held as a
reserve, together with a few other regiments l)elongihg to Keyes'
Corps, and four or live l)atteries of regular artillery and two regi-
ments of regular cavalry. We were very near the scene of
action all day IMonday, being separated from it by a strip of
woods so dense as to prevent our seeing anything of the conflict.
The firing all day was very severe, and once in awhile we had
a few shells thrown toward us, l)ut they did no damage. We
have had a complete victory, as the forts of the enemy, eleven in
number, are all ours, and many prisoners, the exact number I do
not knoAv.
I Avill giA'e you a little account of our movements since Satur-
day moi-ning last: On that day Ave moA^ed our camp nearer to
the rcl)el Avorks, and all Saturday night the firing on our imme-
diate right Avas very heavy, and Ave expected every moment to
be called to arms to repel the expected attack or sortie of the
enemy. At daybreak, Ave Avere called out, and stood under arms
for half an hour, Avere then dismissed, and breakfasted. At seven
A. M. came an order to be ready to move immediately, to cross the
clam and take possession of the enemy's fort, directly in front of
our division, as the enemy were reported to have evacuated York-
town and the entire line of fortitications, from the York to the
James river. We at once were ready, and drew no extra rations
from our commissary, thinking we would but cross the dam and
occupy the enemy's forts, or move but a short distance in advance
of them, and he assuring us we could draw our rations there as
well as in camp. We found the whole of the enemy's works
deserted, and our only wonder was, as we filed through their
works, that they evacuated them as they did, as they appeared
almost invulnerable. We marched on, after we had passed this
line of forts, very quickly, and found, as we went along, camp
after camp deserted and the tents left, in the haste of the rebels
to escape. At about four p. m., Sunday, we joined Hooker's
Division, which had marched oil' from Yorktown, and were the
advance of Heintzelman's Corps, and found that the First U. S.
Cavalry, and their batteries of artillery, had had an engagement
with the enemy some distance in front, overtaking the rear guai'd
of the rebels in their retreat. They appeared to have had a
severe time of it, and judging from the wounded carried past in
ambulances, had l)een pretty well cut up. We expected an
engagement every moment, and at five p. m. were drawn up in
line of battle, on a place called " Whittaker's farm," a field
skirted by woods, containing some two hundred or three hun-
dred acres, and covered with a beautiful crop of wheat, a foot
high. We remained here till six p. m., when a charge through
the woods in front and towards the enemy's forts Avas ordered,
and with a tremendous shout we started forward. We were
halted, however, by Gen. HiVNCOCK, before we cleared the woods,
he not knowing the exact position of the enemy, and being too
good a General to risk our charging on any uncertainty. We
remained all night in the woods, lying on our arms, my company
being deployed in front of our regiment. It was anything but
agreeable, as I had no overcoat, no blanket to lie down on, noth-
ing but my pants, vest and jacket. The night being chilly, I was
com])ellcd to keep warm by pacing from tree to tree all night,
no fires being allowed, as we did not know how many yards we
were from the enemy. At three a. m., INIonclMy, it commenced to
rain, and before long we Avere all waked. At five a. m. we fell
back to the commencement of the woods, to build small fires
and warm ourselves. We remained in this position most of the
day, expecting every moment to he ordered forward, although
we had had nothing to eat, and it was raining hard all day; but
the order did not come, as we (the Federals) held our own admi-
rably, and defeated our adversary at every point. Our brigade
lost but four killed and fifteen wounded, as far as I can learn.
Sickles' Brigade, on our left, was badly cut up, and lost many,
killed and wounded. I took a walk yesterday morning all
through the woods and over the field, where the fighting was
the heaviest. I saw a great many of the rebels lying in the
woods, dead, (our own men who had fallen having been buried,)
and a sad siaht it was, almost all the dead havino; been shot
through the breast or head. They have all been l)uried, and the
wounded all well cared for. I took a stroll throuo-h Williams-
l)urg, and found quite a numT)er of white families still living in
the town, and any quantity of negroes, some of them very intel-
ligent. It seems that when their masters retreated, they (the
negroes) took to the woods, and returned as our army advanced.
The town is a pretty country one, and is some three miles or
more from the James river. It contains some very fine churches
and dwellings, and is by far the prettiest place I have seen in the
south. I found from the negroes that it must have had a popu-
lation of eight or ten thousand at one time, l)eing a very old
town, and quite unique in appearance. The streets through
the town are in an awful condition. Wagons sink in to the
hubs, and drawn'ng the heavy wagons, is very heavy work for the
mules and horses. Gen. McClellan had his head-quarters at a
large mansion in the town. I do not know how soon we shall
move from this camp, and am in no anxiety about it, as we are
pleasantly encamped in a wood, on high ground, and near a
splendid cold spring of water. Indeed, it seems like another
country here, from the old camp before Yorktown, as the country
above that city is rolling and elevated, and the air pure and
healthy. One report is, that we shall folloAV up the enemy, who
are said to have made a stand on the Chickahoniiny river; another,
that we shall go to Richmond, to be garrisoned there, after it is
taken; and still another, that Norfolk will be our destination. I
think the former the most probably true one; but am no way
concerned al)out our movements, as long as I keep well and our
men are in as good spirits as at present. It must be very
demoralizing to the rebels to be forced to fall l)ack with defeat
from such strong works as those of Yorktown and Williams-
burg, especially after having employed six thousand negroes
for over six months on each of these lines of forts.
I should not be surprised if the report of Magruder's surren-
der would prove true in a few days, and if this happens, the Old
Dominion may l)e counted one of the Union. I forgot to tell you
that on our advance from the forts at Yorktown, we dug up
many shells and torpedoes, buried in the roads, and fixed so that
the least pressure upon the fuse would explode them, but they
were discovered too s(Jon to do any damage; and all along our
march we had a squad of picked men precede us to examine the
roads we had to march over. Such an operation on the part of
the enemy is the best proof of their cowardice we could have,
and holds them up in their true light. I saw quite a number of
prisoners yesterday, whom we had taken at the last battle.
They were, with few exceptions, poor specimens of the creature,
man, and had all of them a downcast, sorrowful expression,
which, added to their variety of coarse clothes, gave them the
appearance of a lot of thieves or jail inhabitants. They are well
treated by our men, however, and will, no doubt, be thankful
that they have escaped to such merciful captors.
Your atfectionate son, JOHN,
Camp No. 12, in the Field, near West Point, Va., ")
(said to be) 35 MILES FROM RICHMOND, V
May 11, 1802. Sunday afternoon. J
My Dear Sister — Your welcome letter of May 2d was received
by me this morning. I do not know when I may have a chance
to send a letter ai^-ain, so as the mail closes this evenino- I send
this, written this afternoon. We have been making severe
marches the hist few days, in hopes of overhauling the enemy; but
to-day, after having been " reveiUed " at three and a half a. m., the
hour when we intended to march, and being all ready, hy live
A. M., down came an order from Gen. Mac, who has his head-quar-
ters directly in our rear, countermanding the orders to move for-
ward to-da}', and advising aii o1)servance of the Sabbath as strict
as possible. The men of all the regiments of our brigade and divi-
sion are overjoyed at resting to-day, and McCLELLiVN thus wins
the hearts of all the men by his kindness, and also the favor of
Heaven by his o])servance of its laws. With such a General, vic-
tory nmst 1)e ours. Sjiitii's Division, and especially HxVncock's
Brigade, is a favorite with Gen. Mac, and has been ever since the
battle of Williamsburg, and he sticks close to us on the march.
You should see the army of the Potomac on this peninsula, under
his inunediate command, if you ivonld see soldiers] and if you
could only stand a few hours by some roadside, as the troops lile
down it on the march, you could have some idea of ''the soldier^
We have frequent skirmishes with the enemy nearly every day,
as we are in hot pursuit of him to prevent him from fortifying
further this side of Eichmond. Gen. McClellan anticipates
being there on Thursday, I believe, if all goes well. It may be
longer l^efore we reach that devoted city, as the weather is very
warm and marching very fatiguing. Our troops stand it well,
having been pretty well inured to it, but the eflect on new recruits
would be very " sensible." Gen. McClellan seems to be " wrapt
up '■ in his troops, and well may he l)e proud of them, and of
their victorious march. I have at last o-ot a little contraband,
about twelve or thirteen years old. He is jet black, a good look-
ing little " dark," and answers to the name of " Carter." I will
bi-ing him home, if I can, and he will stay with me. I wish I
had my box, as our fare is hard, very hard, and it is almost im-
possible to get an3i;hing but hard crackers, coffee and sugar; and
salt meat, seldom /re.s/«, is served to us; but I do not complain
at all of our fare, as long as I keep well, and our arms are victo-
rious and old re!>eldom overcome. I do not know how soon we
shall engage them in conflict again, l)ut I trust Heaven may grant
us the victory in all our contests, and soon peace be restored to
our beloved country. You should see the negroes here. We
meet any quantity of them, and each house on our journey is
decorated with a large white flag, whether the occupants are
wdiite or black. We do not touch anything belonging to the
inhal)itants on our marcli, l)ut, of course, we return no slaves
coming to and with us, as we do nol, believe in slavery, and do
not intend to pollute the old flag with any more " negro slavery
protection." I have held many conversations with negroes al)Out
their opinion of us and their former masters. I went over to
Williamsburg the other day, and through some of the log cabins
of the once slaves. I asked one very nice looking colored woman
what she thought of our soldiers in comparison with the rel)el
troops. She said: " Your men look so very bold — don't hang
down their heads as our soldiers do. Your troops frighted the
life out of our men; and then tJie good clothes — oh, my! they
look like soldiers." An old man, in another cabin, said of our
troops firing, on the day of the battle of Williamsburg: "I notice
that when our men fire, your men don't fall; but when yoiu- men
fire, our men come down very fast." They all tell of the ridicu-
lous stories of their masters and ^'^ missus ;^^ that the Yankees
would cut off their ears, sell them off north, l)urn them up, and
what not; l)ut they find it is all lies, and they are in the best of
spirits, and rejoice beyond measure at our successful progress.
We are in the finest country I ever saw, Init most too Avarm for
comfortable marching in the day time. Water is plentiful, and
woods are abundant, so we march a great deal of the time in the
shade. But I must close. My love to all, and many respects to
all my friends. I send your letter and mother's in the same en-
velope, as this is the first chance I have had to write for a long
time. Write soon, and tell all to do so too.
Your affectionate brother, JOHN.
Camp near City Point, Va., )
ON James Kiver, Jidy Uk, 1862. \
My Dear Sister Mary — Your letter reached me to-day, at four
p. M., and to-night, the night of the glorious Fourth, I sit doAVTi
on the top of my little mess chest, made out of a cracker box,
to write an answer to you. It is now a week or more, si nee I had
an opportunity of handlino- a pen, and I have almost forgotten
iiow to write a letter. I have so nuieh to write, coneerning our
movements since last Saturday morning, that I do not know
Avhere to commence. I will therefore begin with June 27tli, last
Friday, a week ago to-day; the day before Porter's Division of
the army, in front of liiehmond, had pressed the rebels severely
in the centre of our lines, and had gained on them a mile or
more, after severe fighting and considerable loss. All the hands
in our army, in front of Kichmond, were playing our national
airs, all the evening. I did not go to bed till one a. m. the next
evening; and the next morning early, 5 a. m., our entire regi-
ment went on picket. I had command of the right half (or wing)
of our picket line, of the Forty-third New York. Our picket
line was in close proximity to that of the rel)els; so close, that
each could converse with the other, in one or two diti'erent
places. The part of which I had chai-ge, ran through a wood;
the other half, of the Foi-ty-third picket, was posted in a wheat
iield, and were in full view of the rel^el picket. The day was a
lovely, warm one, and I enjoyed the picket duty very nmch.
although I had heard that " shoulder straps" were the aim or
mark of the rebel riflemen, they having made an agreement with
our pickets, not to shoot each other, except officers. Our forces
had thrown up, during the night before, quite a fort (six hundred
men working all night upon it) near the picket line of the Second
Brigade, immediately on our left, and at an early hour in the
morning, this fort was the object of an attack by a rel)el bat-
tery. One could plainly hear, from where we were lying on
picket, the artillery of the rebels, coming down towards their
picket line. They commenced with a full battery volley, six
pieces discharged at once, throwing shells; I should judge ten
or twelve pounders; and their first volley was answered by one
from our battery in said fort, and by a battery of thirty-two
pounders a short distance in the rear. This exercise was kept
up for about half an hour, when the artillery of the enemy Avith-
drcAV. All was qui(>t till three p. m., when the rdiel sharpshoot-
ers endeavored to turn our right wing, of which I had command.
Our support on that wing was immediately thrown forward on
the line, doubling it, and old secesli fell back repulsed. We
lost none, killed or wounded. Quite a large reserve was then
thrown to the rear of the line, and were greatly needed before
night fell. Tlie part of our picket line, running through the
wheat tield, was strengthened to six times its former strength.
80 matters stood till seven r. m., when all of a sudden, just before
we should have l)een relieved, a volley along the entire picket
line of the rel)els greeted us. Of course, the suddenness of the
thing surprised us somewhat, but our men stood to their posts,
to a man, and tired quick and surely, as you may well suppose.
It was a strang-e sig-ht in the woods, where I was stationed. I
was on the })icket line at the time, talking to one of nn' men
about being relieved, when, all along the line in front of us (it
seemed not more than ten yards off), a Ijright flashing greeted
my gaze, and Inillets whistled close around us. My iirst excla-
mation was: " Every man stand on his post, and give them all
you can!" I rushed down the line to the reserve, and hurried
it out on the line, and then the work commenced in good earnest.
In a few minutes we could not see three feet from us, on account
of the smoke. We kept up the tiring until the enem}- in front
of us were completely silenced, which did not happen till our
men had fired over iifty rounds each, of ammunition, and the
guns were so hot I could not lay my hand on them. I then gave
the order to my part of the line, to cease tiring. It was kept up
for some time on our left, as there the rebels had advanced a
brigade or two, while we, on the right, were apparently opposed
by a picket line. Our side had an entire l)rigade opposed to
theirs, as soon as the flring commenced, in front of the fort, and
the enemy were repulsed with a loss of two hundred and eighty
killed and wounded (from an account furnished b}^ a prisoner
taken two days afterwards); while we lost but tAventy-eight,
killed and wounded, out of the Forty-third, and four or tive
more in the brigade. There were two in my company — James
F. HoGAN and IIeniiy S. Long, both privates; the former wounded
in the stomach, the latter in the hand. Young Hogan died on
.Sunday morning, June 21)th, in the li()s})ital at Fair Oaks, or
Savage's Station; I was unable^ to fiiul out wliicli. On account
of our quick movements, I had only time to see him once on
Saturday mornino-, at our reginu'iital hospital, m here I gave him
a tew lemons, which he seemed to like very much. lie told me
he could not live; he knew, he sairows blacker and ))lacker, and not a
star, even, seems to illuminate our political horizon, yet I am
led to hope that the watchman may soon have to say, " the morn-
ing dawneth."
In all our depressions, in all our reverses, wdien our enemies
seem to triumph over us, and destiny seems to frown upon us,
then we have one refuge to wdiich we can ahvays fiee; to Him
who is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.
I myself, although it seems like hoping against hope, can still
say with the old Roman: " Never despair of the Republic." I
cannot believe that such a great country as this, such a govern-
ment, such a Nation, will be permitted to be torn asunder and
totally disal)led; to be wrecked, and thrown to the winds; to be
made the ol>ject of mockery of the whole w^orld. I still think
that our continued troubles and afflictions are all ordered by the
hand of God, and if "vve will but acknowdedge His hand, and bow
before His sovereign will, all Avill l)e w^ell; and out of the great
darkness He will command the light to shine ten-fold brighter
than in the days gone by.
For my part, I can only pray that I may do my duty, and that
each of those in authority may do theirs; and that the hand of
the Almighty may guide and direct our government, that all
things may be done to the honor and glory of God, and that we,
as a people, may be brought to say: "Not unto us, not unto us,
but to Thy name be the praise and glory."
Then, I think, w^e shall be victorious, and then w^e shall see peace
and prosperity once more smiling upon us as of old, and we be
that happy people w^hose God is the Lord. That this time may
soon come, should be the prayer of all those whose country's
cause is dear to their hearts; and for this hope alone, I remain
still in the army of the Union, endeavoring to do all in my power
to attain the grand object, viz: to crnsh the rebellion. I eon^
fess I did feel somewhat inclined to ofier my resignation when I
fully understood the condition of affairs after the late battle at
Fredericksburg, but upon thinking the matter over, I concluded
that at this time, above all others, did it become me to remain at
my post, especially as the Colonel of the regiment is, and has
been, absent from the regiment upwards of a month, and the
command has devolved upon me, which duty I have endeavored
to perform to the best of my ability. I trust I have done right
in remaining, and that when the war is over, I may look back
and say with satisfaction, that " I have done my duty." Happy
New Year to all at home, and much love to mother and all my
sisters. From your loving brother,
Camp near Belle Plain, Va., )
Dec. Uth, 1862. \
Dear Mother — I was exceedingly happy to receive a letter
from you day before yesterday. * * *
I do not know but what you are about right, in relation to my
resigning my position in the army, and coming home. I have
thouoht the matter over and over again, and am still considering
in my mind, whether I could, or not, honorably resign, and come
home; Init the more I ponder over it, the more I am convinced
that my duty demands my remaining where I am. "Where is
your patriotism, of wdiich you felt so proud?" seems a voice
within me to ask. "Where is your firmness, your devotedness
to the Republic, and its welfore; your love of justice and of free-
dom?" "Where your veneration for that old Flag, which, in
days gone by, floated from every mast-head and from every
house-top, from Maine to California?" "What excuse can you
give for deserting the standard under which you have willingly
enrolled yourself, now in the time of its greatest need?" " Of
what l)enefit to your country have you been, if, after having but
just learned to be of use to her, in a military point of view, you
throw all your knowledge to the winds by a hasty resignation?"
"Have you become so clemonilized, that you fear to longer en-
dure the privations and hardsliips incident to an active campaign,
and rather desire to return to your home, to the more agreeable
duties of civil life, while those, as little able to endure the l)ur-
dens of the war as you, remain, and earn for themselves a name
which shall endure as long as the Nation exists?" " Do you sup-
pose you have done your duty, your whole duty, and that you
could satisfy your conscience, that not a regret or shadow of
remorse would cross it, should you be compelled in future days
to carefully review your course of action?" "What answer
Avould you make to inquiries — ' Why did you resign? what made
you leave the army?' " etc.
These, and other questions of similar import, continually arise,
to none of which I can make a satisfactory reply; and till I can
do so, I shall consider it my duty to remain in the army, not
simply to idly remain, but to do my duty to my utmost ability;
to rise as high as I can, honorably and fairly; to return home
from the war, if God wills, with a conscience assuring me of
having done my duty, and having given all my power and
strength to the support of my country in her hour of need, and
having remained true and steadfast to the end. Rest assured,
then, I have no intention of resigning, although you well know
how much I desire to see you and my sisters again, to spend a
few days at home — a place I cannot but hold most dear — and
nuich more so, as I am daily convinced of the uncertainty of life,
and the uncertainty of my beholding you all together again on
earth: Bat I hope a way may be opened for me to get home for
a few days, and that before long. I will embrace the first oppor-
tunity to do so; and till then, ever believe me,
Your loving and affectionate son, JOHN.
Did our limits allow, we would gladly publish more of the
letters of this gallant Christian soldier. But these must suffice
to give a view of his military career, and of his qualities as an
officer and a man.
Possessing such rare talents, and distinguishing himself equally
in the camp and on the battle field, he rapidly rose in rank, and
we doubt not l)ut that he would have filled with honor the high-
est position in the United States Armj.
On the 17th of July, 1862, he was commissioned as Major, and
as Lieutenant Colonel, September 24th, 1862; which rank he
held till February 1st, 1864, when he received his commission
as Colonel. He was in command of the regiment in 1862, from
August 3d, till October 22d, commanding at the battle Antietam,
September 17th. He was the only held officer present with the
regiment. From November 4th till December 25th, he was in
command, and was at the tirst battle of Fredericksburg. In 1863
he was in command of the regiment from June 17th till August
10th, leading it at the battle of Gettysburg, which was fought
July 2d and 3d, 1863.
He possessed a constitution naturally very strong and health-
ful, yet he suffered from sickness during the encampment in the
swamps before Richmond. Without proper nourishment, and
unable to eat the only procurable food, he became so weak that
he was not alile to march with the regiment when the army with-
drew from that position. For several days he found conveyance
with the wagon train. He suffered also from an attack of camp
fever in July, 1862, but remained all the time with the regiment.
Col, WiLSOX yielded to none of the temptations of camp life,
but whatever he saw of evil seemed to be only a warning to him
to shun it. He refrained ever from innocent indulgences, that his
example to others might be the purer. An officer who was asso-
ciated with him from the beginning of his early career, said of
him, that " he was the most perfect man he ever saw," Hi;? com-
manding personal appearance; his firmness; his love of the pro-
fession of arms; his accurate knowledge and strict ol)servance
personally of all duties connected with a soldier's life; his pure,
unselfish patriotism, and above all, his faith in God, eminently
fitted him for the position of commander.
He was always hopeful and confident of the success of the
army, and lielieved in the vigorous prosecution of the war. He
had no personal fear in conflict, firmly believing that his life was
in God's hands, and that under his protection he was as safe on
the battle field as he would l)e at home.
He was entirely tlevoted to the interests of the men under his
charoe, both as captain of a company and after his promotion to
the lield. He was always interested for the religions character
of his associates in the army, an instance of which is seen in a
letter to his mother, written January 16tli, 18G4, desiring her to
present to a brother officer, whom he feared was careless' about
religion, a Bible similar to one she had sent him. Of course, the
gentleman was entirely unaware of his Colonel's agency in the
matter, and received the book when he was in Albany, with evi-
dent pleasure and promises to read it. This officer fell in the
battle of the Wilderness.
He won, in large measure, the friendship and esteem of those
with whom he was associated. A letter written soon after his
death, by a brother Colonel, speaks of him as many felt: " I can-
not close this without adding something in memory of the 1)rave
dead, my associate in the camp and on the ti(dd of battle, and
personal friend, Col. John Wilson. In his death, our beloved
country lost one of its firmest supporters and purest patriots; the
service an accomplished soldier, and a refined and Christian gen-
tleman. What the loss is to his family, the anguish of a mother's
heart, and the deep grief of affectionate sisters, can alone tell.
He was beloved by all who knew him personally, and honored
and respected by all with whom he met. In his death, I lost a
pure-minded and high-souled friend. No fitting eulogium can
be paid to the dead who die in the defence of their country.
Their deeds are more lasting than words, and no nobler epitaph
can be written than ' killed in battle. May 6, 1864.'"
Single-hearted himself, he never attriliuted unworthy motives
to others, and strove always to do his duty without sparing him-
The chaplain of the regiment says of him in a recent letter:
" I think I never knew a man who so completely and truly made
duty his watchword, and never one who had so thorough a con-
viction, in all cii-cumstances, that the place of duty was the place
of safety; and out of this conviction, I think, in great part grew
his remarkable coolness in danoer. He believed that God
directed and ordered the events of life and death, and that we
could not, by any action of our own, change them. The result
of this was a character which, in inhesitancy and directness, was
perfectly Cromwellian.'"
Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock testifies to his character as a soldier
in the following words:
" Col. John Wilson, of the Forty-third New York Volunteers,
was well known to me, and served under my command, in the
Army of the Potomac, for a period of more than a year,
"As his commander, I was early attracted hy his many good
qualities, as a faithful and able officer, and had frequent oppor-
tunities to notice his character and conduct. In paying this slight
triljute to one who attested his devotion to his country by the
sacrifice of his life, I desire to express in the strongest terms my
appreciation of the many admirable and brilliant qualities he
displayed while under my command. His amiable and chival-
rous character, added to his gentle bearing, made him friends
wherever he was known; and when he fell at the ' Wilderness,'
while leading his command against the enemy, he was only
exhibiting his accustomed example of daring courage and rare
devotion to duty. He was mourned by myself, and by every
officer and soldier with whom he had been associated,"
The following are the circumstances attending the death of Col.
John Wilson, as given hy his personal servant :
" On the morning of May 6, 1864 (Friday), Col. Wilson was
slightly wounded in the calf of the leg during a hasty skirmish.
He paid no attention to the wound, which had no serious eifect,
as he was in excellent health and spirits, up to the hour of his
receiving the wound which resulted in his death.
" This occurred on the same day between the hours of five
and six p. m., when the enemy made a most determined and
fierce attack on the right of the Sixth Corps. The division on
the right of Neil's Brigade gave way, and the Second Division
bore for a long time the brunt of the battle.
"At the first attack, and wdiile rushing to the front to place
his regiment in the most favorable position. Col. Wilson was
wounded, and the rebels charged completely over him — for
awhile gaining ground. The Second Division rallying, drove
the enemy from the position, recovering the person of their
beloved commander.
" It was found that the right knee was shattered by a rifle ball,
and he was immediately carried some three miles to the rear to
the Fifth Corps hospital — the enemy having in his temporary
march cut off' communication with the Sixth Corps field hospi-
tal. At ten A. M. the following day the surgeons decided that
amputation might perhaps save the Colonel's life, and the limb
was amputated. As he was carried from the operating table and
laid beside Lieut. Col. Fryer, the latter said : ' I am sorry.
Colonel.' The heroic answer was : ' Major, it is all for the
old flag.'
"About an hour after the operation, the Colonel was seized
with a violent pain in the left side, which continued to increase
in violence until a1)out twenty minutes after three. This violent
pain seemed to be the direct cause of his death, which took place
at about half past three. His last words were addressed to his
faithful attendant. Moon, and were these : ' I can't stand it.'
" That evening the Avhole army train, with the wounded, was
to go to Rappahannock Station, but the enemy being reported at
the fords of the Rapidan the destination was changed, and for
some time it was uncertain where they were to go.
" Sergeant Sweeney of Companv A, attached to the ammuni-
tion and supply trains of the Artillery Brigade, Sixth Corps, did
his best to bring off" the body of Colonel Wilson. For some
time he was enalded to carry the body, which had been carefully
Avrapped in l)lankets, but at a])out ten o'clock the medical direc-
tor ordered the body to be buried, which was done.
"The grave was marked with a simple head-board, and in
order to identify the spot a rifle was buried in the same grave."
Extract of a letter written to Mrs. Wilson by William Moon :
" As soon as I found out that the Colonel was wounded, I went
to the hospital where he was. I saw him on a table under the
influence of chloroform. After his limb was amputated, he
revived; I went to him, and he said he wanted me to stay with
him. After that the}" removed him to the tent where Major
Fryer was. We made a bed beside him for the Colonel. He
seemed to feel pretty well until about half past two, when he
was taken with a pain in his left side. I went to the surgeon
and told him, and he gave me a mustard plaster to put on his
side. That did not ease the pain, and I went and told the sur-
geon and he came himself to see him, and he gave him a pill,
hut nothing could ease that pain. Just before he died he took
my hand in his, and said : ' Moon, I can't stand it.' Those were
the last words he said; he died very easy. I think if any man
went to heaven he did."
When the o-entleman who went to bring home the remains
arrived at the scene of the conflict the ground was in possession
of the enemy, as our forces, with the wounded, had withdrawn
to Fredericksburg. He was well acquainted with the country
al30ut there, and procured a flag of truce from Gen. Meade that
he might bring off' Col. Wilson's body. The rebels refused to
acknowledge a flag of truce from any other officer than Gen.
Grant. It was procured, and he was enal^led to find the grave
and hrmg away the body in safety.
The remains reached Alliany on Wednesday, May 25th. The
funeral took place on the following Sunday, May 29th.
To appreciate the services of this distinguished officer, we
need only trace the history of the Forty-third Kegiment that
was fired with his zeal and animated l)y his patriotic enthusiasm.
The regiment left Albany for Washington, Sept. 16th, 1861.
It was mustered into the United States service Sept 22d, 1861,
and was, by orders of the War Department, attached to the brig-
ade commanded by Brig. Gen. W. S. ILvncock, Smith's Division.
It took part in all the movements of the Army of the Potomac,
from Centreville, via Alexandria, to Fortress ]\Ionroe and the
Peninsula, arriving in front of the rebel works, at Lee's Mills,
April 5th, 1862. April 16th it supported the batteries of the
division in their spirited attack on the rebel works, losing one
man wounded. April 28th it covered a working party beyond
the picket line; skirmished with the enemy for an hour and a
half, losing one man killed, one officer and eleven men wounded.
On the withdrawal of the army from the front of Richmond, the
Forty-third held the extreme right of the line of the Chicka-
hominy, thrice repulsing the famous Eighth Georgia Regiment,
and holding the ground until after dark, contributing greatly to
the successful withdrawal of Porter across the river. It lost,
in the action, forty-three men killed and wounded. Throughout
the famous seven daj's' battles, and in the subsequent campaign
of Pope before Washington, and McClellan in Maryland, the
regiment was present at every engagement from Golden Farm to
Antietam. While at Harrison's Landing the old companies were
consolidated into five, and live full companies were recruited and
officered in Albany, N. Y., to till the regiment to the required
standard. These companies were mustered into the U. S. service
Sept. 14th, 1862, and joined the old regiment in Maryland.
After the battle of Fredericksburg, where the regiment lost
twelve men killed and wounded, it was deemed advisable to or-
ganize a Light Division for the most arduous duties. The Forty-
third was one of the live regiments selected from the army to consti-
tute the infantry force. At the battle of Fredericksburg, the Light
Division carried the pontoons one mile and a quarter by hand
and at night, completely surprising the enemy. When the first
assaulting column on the morning of May 3d, had been repulsed
in its attack upon Marye's Heights, the task of carrying this
redoubtable position was entrusted to the Light Division. The
colors of the Fortj^-third were the first planted upon their part
of the works. The regiment captured in the charge two guns and
seventy-five prisoners, pursuing the retreating enemy to Salem
Heights, and the following night, together with the Sixth Maine
regiment, repulsing a brigade of the enemy who attempted to
cut off the retreat to Bank's Ford; losing in both actions, two
hundred men and eleven officers. In the second Maryland cam-
l^aign, the brigade to which the Forty-third was attached, marched
thii'ty-two miles in twenty-four hours. July 2cl, 1863, it reached
Gettysburg to take part in that battle; drove back the enemy's
skirmishers on the extreme right and established a line, which
was held until the close of the enofao-ement, losino; one officer
and tAvo j^rivates killed. In the subsequent movements to the
Papidan, the regiment bore its share of the dangers and hard-
ships. On the occasion of the brilliant afiair at Pappahannock,
resulting in the capture of four guns, two lu-igades of infantry
and eight l)attle flags, the Forty-third drove the enemy's skir-
mishers on the extreme right, procuring a position for artillery,
and preventing the escape of any part of the force up the river,
thus contributing to the completeness of the victory. The loss
in the action was four men killed and six wounded.
After the Chancellorsville campaign the Light Division was
discontinued and the regiment was assigned to the Third Brig;ide,
Second Division, Sixth Corps, in which it subsequently served.
Col. Wilson, during his whole connection with the regiment,
was never al>sent from it at the time of an engagement, and
passed through the following battles: Lee's Mills, April 29th,
1862; Warwick Creek, April 30th, 1862; Siege of Yorktown,
1862; Golden's Farm, June 27th, 1862; Seven days' battles,
1862; Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862; Fredericksburg, Dec. 12th,
13th, 14th, 1862; Marye's Heights, May 3d, 1863; Salem Church,
May 3d, 4th, 1863; Bank's Ford, May 4th, 1863; Fredericks-
burg, June 5th, 1863; Gettysburg, July 2d, 3d, 1863; Eappa-
hannock Station, Nov. 7th, 1863; Locust Grove, Nov. 27th, 1863;
Mine Run, Nov. 29th, 1863; Wilderness, May 5th and 6th, 1864.
He was in the service of the United States from August 3d,
1861, till the time of his death, May 7th, 1864.
Each of these names and dates is radiant with the valor, the
pure patriotism and the iron energy of our departed hero. Could
we give the minute details of the part he l)ore in these succes-
sive bloody scenes — could we depict his thousand acts of bravery,
of self-sacrifice, and of devotion to his country's cause, the his-
tory would present one of the most l)rilliant records of the war.
Of this remarkable regiment and its gallant officers, the Albany
Knickerbocker thus speaks, under date of May 17th, 1864.
"Few regiments engaged in the recent desperate conflicts at
the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House suffered more
severely, or accomplished more brilliant achievements than the
gallant old Forty-third. Its previous record was a proud one,
l)iit its late daring denioiistratioiis climax anything lioTctofore
undertaken by the noble boys. Capt. Wm. Thompson, of Com-
pany H, is now in the city sullering from a severe wound in the
foot, which he sustained the tirst day while in charge of a picket
line. From him we learn some of the actions of the regiment
during the tight, and also how his gallant Colonel and ^lajor met
tlieir deaths.
" The Forty-third Eegiment was in Neil's Brigade, which was
deployed to the front as skirmishers on the first daj^, supported
by Seymour's Brigade. On that occasion the regiment lost only
four men. On the second day the regiment was formed in line
of battle for a charge on the enemy, who w^ere undertaking to
execute a flank movement on the Forty-third. Col. Wilson see-
ino- this, o-ave the order : ' Charo-e front to rear on eighth com-
pany;' and the order was no sooner uttered than he received the
fatal wound. He was carried from the field by a couple of his
men, when amputation was resorted to, and he died from the
effects. His only words were : ' I care not for myself, but my
poor mother.'
"About an hour subsequent to Col. Wilson being shot, Major
Wallace, who was in charge of his old company, was killed.
This company lost all but one man, Thomas Kelly, of Canal
street, in killed, wounded, or missing. The command now
devf)lved upon Lieut. Col. Fryer, who led the regiment in the
charge. They carried everything before them until they reached
the rifle pits of the enemy, into which they charged in a terrific
manner. Christopher Hackett, the color-bearer, was seen to
plant the colors on the enemy's works, but neither he nor the
colors were seen afterwards, and both arc supposed to be cap-
tured. He was a brother of Miss Hackett, the celebrated singer.
Two reliel colors were captured by the Forty-third; one of these
was in the hands of Capt. Burhans, wdio was carrying it off,
when he himself was captured and taken off a prisoner.
"It was while superintending all these noble deeds that Lieut.
Col. Fryer received his mortal wounds, and from which he has
since died. The regiment lost all its field officers — killed. All
the line officers who entered the fight were either killed, wounded,
or missing, save Capt. Visscher and Lient. Reid. The regiment
went in with about four hundi-ed men, and came out with eighty-
six. This is a record that few regiments can show, and one of
which our citizens and country should feel proud."
The bereaved family of the departed Christian soldier were
consoled by several touching letters from friends, and testimonials
to the worth of Col. Wilson. The following is from Prof. Mur-
ray, of Rutgcr's College, formerly Principal of the Albany
Mrs. Wilson:
My Dear Madam — You ask me to write down my recollections
of your son, John Wilson, late Colonel of the Forty-third regi-
ment of New York Volunteers. The task you ask me to perform
would be a delightful one, were it not that it recalls the memory
of his sad fate, and the irreparal^le loss which 3'ou and all of us
have sustained. Kecollection travels backward, in the reverse
order from the march of events, and gathers up first the scenes
which last transpired. And now while I sit here, trying to col-
lect together the broken fragments which my memory retains of
his life and character, the first picture which presents itself is
one which I saw in April, 1864.
I was making a l)rief visit to my friend, Gen. Patrick, in»the
Army of the Potomac, which then lay in its winter quarters on
the south side of the Rappahannock river. It was just prior to
the opening of the campaign toward Richmond, which resulted
a few weeks later in those terrible battles of the AVilderness, in
which so many gallant men, and Col. Wilson among the num-
ber, lost their lives. I remember that upon the one day of sun-
shine, out of the rainy ones I sp( nt in cam}), I rode out with
Gen. Patrick on a brief tour of ()l)servation. A young officer
from the west, whose name had scarcely been heard in the Army
of the Potomac, had just come to assume connnand of the cavalry
corps. My friend called to pay his respects, and we saw for the
first time Gen. Sheridan, whose name has since been heard in
every civilized land.
We visited the head-quarters of the Sixth Corps, then iiiuler
the coniniaiul of that prince of corps commanclcrs, Gen. Sedg-
AvicK, Avhoni the soldiers fondly called " Uncle Johx." As we
rode away from Gen. Sedgavick's head-quarters, I remember turn-
ing to Gen, Patkick and saying: " General, I have been looking all
day for fortifications, where are they?" "There they are," said
he, pointing to an opposite eminence, on which a regiment was
going through its evolutions. " Where," I repeated. " There,
those fellows in blue, thc}^ arc our fortifications." As -sve rode
past this regiment, its commander galloped up to us. It was
Col. Wilson, and this regiment was the Forty-third New York.
He took me into his tent, and we enjoyed a delightful chat on
our common friends, and on matters of common interest in Albany.
The Albany Bazaar had just closed its triumphant career, and
I remember with what delight he showed me the photographs,
illustrative of its scenes, which you had sent him. And as he
talked there of the dangers through wliich he had passed in the
war with his regiment, and spoke so ])ravely and hopefully of
the coming campaign, which they all knew would be a desperate
one, I thought then, and I think now, that I never had seen a
more noble, gallant looking officer. And when a few weeks later
I heard of his death, it was one of the saddest of the many tales
of sorrow which came to my ears at that terrilde time.
My recollections of Col. Wilson, at the Albany Academy, are
of the most pleasing description. I remember him as a bright
little lad, when I first came to the Academy. I l)elieve he had
already been a student there several years before that time.
Indeed, I suppose his education was begun as well as finished at
this institution. Ilis classical training was chiefly conducted
under Prof. Miller, and was, as 3'ou may be well assured, ex-
tensive and thorough.
Among a class of young men, whose classical reading extended
to the Greek tragedies, and included selections from all the prin-
cipal Greek and Latin authors which are read in college, he was
selected as entitled to the Van Rensselaer classical medal; and
what was very miusual, he was in the same year the recipient
of the Caldwell medal for superior proficiency in mathematics.
As a student, he was a universal favorite with teachers and
pupils. He had a manly independence about him which com-
manded respect. He w^as diligent and persistent in his duties as
a studejit, not easil^^^ discouraged, not easily elated, indeed, but
working on with a steady purpose and a persevering temper.
There were among his compeers young men more brilliant in
particular branches, and who acquired with less labor; but there
were few who, in a, happy Imlance of faculties, and in careful
habits of a})plication, were in the race of scholarship more likely
to succeed. He had a natural shrinking from prominence and
publicity, and hence I think his more public duties of declama-
tion and speaking at exhibitions, were always distasteful to him.
There were as his cotemporaries in the Academy an unusual
imml)cr of young men whose character and attainments were
notal)le. I could name many, a little older than himself, and
many of about his own age, who have already attained in busi-
ness and professional life, positions of great usefulness and
promise. There seemed to be a tone of manliness and earnest-
ness pervading these young men, even during their academic
career, which enabled one to prophecy their future integrity and
And yet it is sad for me, when I look at this brilliant array of
young men, who were cotemporaries of Col. Wilson in the
Academy, to see how many have already been cut off. John H.
Meads, memora1)le to all who knew him for the loveliness of his
person and character; Orlando Meads, Jr., his Ijrother; Heeer
Smith, who perished in the war; Richard M. Strong, another
costly sacrifice; Edward D. Wait, James H. Bogart, William
H. Pohlman, Alexander B. McDoual, all were his contempo-
raries, and all are dead. All of them had the brightest prospects
in life; they had friends w^ho loved them; they had careers of
usefulness opening up before them; and yet all, in their early
manhood, have been cut off. To those who, like Col. Wilson,
gave their lives for their country, we all owe a lasting debt of
gratitude; and it cannot but be a consolatory reflection, even in
this great sorrow, and under the sense of your irreparable loss,
that his life was sacriliced in his country's cause, and that all
posterity will bless his memory.
With the kindest regards,
I am your obedient servant,
Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., 3Iarch 3, 18(J5.
The following letter is from the warm heart of a loving friend:
New Orleans, June 24, 1864.
My Dear ]\Irs. Wilson — I think that I have never felt the utter
inadeqnacy of Avords to express emotions as I have felt them since
the sad news reached me of your terrible bereavement — of 3'our
almost second widowhood — in the loss of your noble son.
Terril)ly crushing, I know, the l)low must have been on your-
self and your dear daughters, who had every opportunity to
know his excellence and api)reciate his value, and could rejoice
that he was your own son and brother; for I have not myself
been yet able, to control my emotions, when alluding to him whom
I had learned to love so much. From his early youth I had
watched with delight the gradual, l)ut sure development of all
those qualities of mind and physical elements which made him
so nearly a perfect man. For more than two years past John
Wilson had been, to my mind, the type of manly beauty in its
full development, while his mind and soul were of the character
to intensify the admiration and deepen the regard which obser-
vation of him in previous years had caused me to feel for him.
It has been to many, I doubt not, as it was to myself at times,
cause for surprise that John should have felt it to be his duty to
leave the dear ones at home to do battle for his country and the
maintenance of the Right; l)ut those who knew him best do best
know that it was probably the very strength of the temptation
to remain at home, and the strong reasons that could be urged in
its behalf, that caused him the more determinedl}' to resist it,
from a conviction that all had a duty to discharge in this terrible
struggle, and he became —
" More brave for this, that he had much to love."
He, more nearly than any man whom I have ever knoAvn so
well, was described in these lines of Wordsworth :
'• Whom neither shape of danger could dismay,
Nor thought of tender happiness betray ;
Who, not content that former worth stood fast,
Looked forward, persevering to the lust;
From well to better, dailj' self surpassed,
Found comfort battling in a righteous cause,
And, while the mortal mist is gathering, draws
His breath in confidence of Heaven's applause."
No pnrer life, no braver sonl, no more manly form, no more
constant heart has been oflered up since the commencement of
this struo-o-le than him whose loss we mourn.
" He was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow,"
is the touching description given by the evangelist in the case
of the young man of Nain, when his l)ody was met by the Sav-
iour; and how often have these words rung in my ears even
while your son was living, as I treml)led in apprehension of the
result, and realized how much of the happiness of the circle at
home depended on the preservation of his life. Trembled, too,
because I knew he was not the man to save himself from any
exposure, for he had deliberately chosen his position, and from
it, no consideration of personal danger could for a moment swerve
"I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me," said the
Psalmist when mourning the loss of a beloved child, and this
thought will be your consolation in this your hour of deep atilic-
tion. In the l)eautiful words of Bishop nel)er:
" Wake not, mother! sounds of lamentation!
"Weep not, O widow! weep not hopelessly!
Strong is His arm, the Bringcr of Salvation,
Strong is the word of God to succor thee."
May God cnaLle you constantly to repose in the confident faith
that " He doeth all things well." For His own wise purpose He
has used the young life of 3'our beloved son, so that it has been
of more value, than the combined lives of thousands, who have
sluggishly plodded out their three score and ten.
'•' Men live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial.
We should count time by heart throbs. lie most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best,
And he whose heart beats quickest lives the longest.
Life is but a means unto an end; that end,
Beginning, mean and end to all things — God.
Judged by this, the only true test, your son was not cut off
with his labor unperformed, but with every duty discharged, and
bis life-work done.
What a precious consolation you must experience as you now
reflect that your dear son had early given himself to Jesus, and
that, during the remaining years of your pilgrimage, you can
look forward, in the full assurance of faith, to the time that j^ou
shall join the compau}- of the redeemed ones and receive the
welcome of husband and children gone Ijcfore — part of your
inestimable " tTeasures in Heaven."
" And when the Lord shall summon us
Whom thou hast left behind.
May we, untainted by the world.
As sure a welcome find.
" May each, like thee, depart in peace,
To be a glorious guest
Where the wicked cease from troubling.
And the weary are at rest."
That such may be the happy lot of each aiid all of us, through
the mercy and merits of Christ, I earnestly hope and pray; and
that God may vouchsafe to you and your dear ones the consohi-
lions of His Holy Spirit, leading you in the green pastures, and
by the still waters of his grace, and enaliling you, though you
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, to fear no evil,
but to find Him with you, and his rod and staft" to comfort and
support you; that you may find him a very present help in every
time of need, is the earnest prayer of
Most sincerely your friend,
Mrs. Ann Wilson, Albany, N. Y.
The following is a most valuable testimonial to the Colonel's
Christian character :
South Dedham, Mass., May 22, 1864.
My dear Mrs. Wilson — I have learned through the papers of
your sad bereavement, and though I know that no earthly hand
c:in bring relief from so overwhelming a sorrow, yet I thought
that a little comfort might be found for 3'ou in the words of sym-
pathy, and of testimony to the Christian character of your dear
son, which I could speak.
Sometimes there is fear in the nn'nds of Christian friends at
home, lest their friends may not maintain their religious charac-
ter amidst the temptations of arni}^ life; and when they are taken
away from us, the one source of consolation is in the assurance
that they were ready for the great change which has passed
upon them. But I can testify, as no one else perhaps is able to
do, that John Wilson maintained in. tJie army a worthy Cliridian
character^ that he did not yield to its temptations, but that he
was as good a soldier of Jesus Christ as he was of his country,
and this is saying a great deal for one who was looked up to as
the " best lield officer in the brigade."
I have not yet learned the particulars of his death, but in rela-
tion to this subject I do not need to ask them, for I know how
he lived] I know his faith in God; I know his tender conscience;
I know his noble heart, and everybody in the circle of his army
acquaintance knew his spotless life.
I am not mentioning these things for the sake of praising
him — that will not be lacking from other lips and hands — but
that you, who are so deeply afflicted in his loss, may, with the
greater confidence, apply to him the words of inspiratiou: " Say
ye to the righteous it shall l)e well with him."
I have, since his death, thought of a hundred incidents and
habits connected with my intercourse with him, while Chaplain
of the regiment, and of one with peculiar pleasure: Whenever
we were on the march or in line of battle on Sunday, when no
religious services were practicable, he used always to say to me
at some lime wlieu we halted, " Come, Chaplain, road to the Major
and me a chapter or two in the l)ible," and those little Sunday
bible readings are among the most pleasant memories of our
He always stood l)y my side when we had preaching, and his
voice was always heard in the song of praise to God at our
meeting's. No one who knew him there will doubt that he
honored his Christian profession, and had a great influence for
ffood with the men of the regiment.
We think and talk a great deal of you all, and very much
desire to see you. It is the sweetest thought we have in such
sorrow, that the parting is not to be long, and that we shall all
soon be together at God's right hand.
Your friend, C. OSBORN.
Let me add the follow^ing merited tribute from the Common
Council of the city of Albany:
Alb.\ny, 3Iai/ 17, 1864.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council, held at their
rooms this day. His Honor the Mayor announced to the board
the death of Col. John Wilson, as follows:
Gentlemen of the Comonon Council:
The sad events of this war have taken from our midst another
brave, devoted and gallant soldier, whom we were wont to meet
in fraternal relations. It has pleased God, in his mysterious
providence, to remove by death our much esteemed fellow citi-
zen. Col. John Wilson, of the Forty-third Eegiment New York
State Volunteers, who died from the effects of wounds received
while gallantly charging the enemy's works at the recent battle
of the Wilderness, in Virginia, thus adding another name to the
already long list of Albany's noble sons who have laid their lives
a voluntary sacrifice upon the altar of our country; therefore,
Resolved, That we recognize in Col. Wilson a young man of
the rarest excellence of character, whose gentlemanly deport-
ment, unassuming manners and social virtues endeared him to all
who shared his acquaintance, and who, although surrounded by
all the endearments of a most pleasant home, hesitated not, when
his country called, to sacrifice every personal interest, sever
every endearing tie, and exchange the comforts of a happy home
for the hardships of the tented field.
Resolved^ That his was no ordinary sacrifice. That those who
knew his circumstances and relations in life best, can not but
appreciate the pure, unselfish, devoted patriotism that prompted
him to enter upon a career where, personally, he had everything
to lose and nothing to gain.
Resolved, That in his death our country has lost one of her
most earnest, faithful defenders, our city one of its brightest
ornaments, and his family a most dutiful son and loving brother.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved
family in their severe afiliction, and while we share with them
the sorrow, we may also share the abiding consolation that the
loss to us of one so noble, pure and virtuous, can not be other
than his eternal gain.
Resolved, That to his remains and memory are eminently due
the highest respect that a city can pay to her most valiant sons.
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to make all
necessary arrangements for the funeral of the lamented Colonel
Wilson, on the day to be appointed after the arrival of his
remains, and that the members of the Common Council will
attend his funeral in a body, and wear the usual badge of
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be signed by the
Mayor and Clerk, and sent to the family of the deceased.
The above preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted,
and Messrs. Amsdell, Johnson, Tracey, Judson and Bancroft
appointed the committee.
Clerk of Common Council.
COL. ailCIIAEL K. P.RYiVN. 195
This able and distinguished officer was born in the county of
Cork, Ireland, in the year 1820. He was the son of David Bryan
and Mary Kirk Bryan, who emigrated to this country in the
year 1827, and settled in Albany, N. Y., where the family has
since resided.
The father of Col. Bryan died many years since, noted for his
integrity and industry, but left only a good name to his children.
His mother was the daughter of Capt. John Kirk, who owned
and commanded a merchant vessel, and like most of his family,
followed the sea. She still resides at Albany with her daughter-
indaw, the widow of Col. BRYiVN, a most worthy and enterprising
woman, who, upon the death of her husband, was left with four
Col. Bryan spent his bojhood in Albany, where he received a
limited education in the schools of the city. He, however, greatly
improved himself in after years by devoting his leisure hours to
the cultivation of his mind. He entered into the employ of his
cousin. Col. John McCardel, of Alliany, as a clerk, at the age
of fifteen, and remained most of the time with him in that capa-
city till 1853, when he, through the assistance of his late em-
ployer, commenced business for himself. He became the pro-
prietor of a restaurant and hotel in Albany, in which business he
continued till his entrance into the service of the government in
From his youth, he was always a member of some military
organization. About the year 1850, he was chosen Captain of
the Albany Worth Guards, which company he commanded for
several years. By his skill and perseverance, he brought them
to a high state of discipline, when he was promoted to the office
of Major of the Twenty-fifth Regiment New York Militia.
Shortly after he was chosen to fill the office of Lientenant Colo-
nel, and finally Colonel of this famous regiment, which, under
his command, became the most efficient and best disciplined regi-
ment of the State, outside of New York city.
When Fort Sumter was fired upon in April, 1861, he was at
the head of this organization; and on the 21st of April, 1861, at
eleven o'clock, p. m., the order reached him in his place of busi-
ness, from Gov. Morgan, to at once proceed with his regiment
to Washington, D. C. He summoned his officers to his quarters
at midnight and issued his orders, and at eight o'clock a. m., the
next morning, the regiment was in line, ready to take the Hud-
son River railroad cars to New York.
This memorable morning of the 22d of April, found many of
the members of the regiment in the workshop. When the order
reached them they rushed to the armory, put on their uniforms,
and took their places in the ranks. A majority of them were
laborers and mechanics; they were also husbands and fathers,
with those as dear to them as life, and dependent upon them for
support. Their wives and children only had time to bid them
"good bye" at the armory of the regiment; many of them not
having had time to go from their workshops to their homes,
before the regiment was to move.
About one o'clock the Twenty-fifth Regiment, under command
of Col. Bry^\n, left the armory and were escorted to the Hudson
River ferry boat by the entire fire department of the city, under
command of Chief Engineer McQuade, and Company B, Capt.
AiNSWORTH. The march through Eagle, State street and Broad-
way was a complete ovation. The streets were densely packed
with human beings, and the houses and house-tops were lined
with our citizens. Cheer after cheer rent the air, and at times
the wildest excitement pervaded the dense assemblage. From
the windows the ladies waved their handkerchiefs, while from the
tops of houses guns and pistols were fired, amid the vociferous
cheers of the spectators. The regiment, on their march to the
cars, halted in front of Stanwix Hall, on Broadway, for the pur-
pose of receiving their flag from Mrs. Mayor Thacher. The
street was densely crowded, and after quietness had been re-
stored, Mayor Thacher came forward and spoke as follows:
" Col. Bryan, Officers and Soldiers of the 2blJi Regiment:
" Mrs. Thacher requests me to convey her compliments to the
regiment, and to say to you, that she presents you this banner
as a token of her appreciation of your high character as soldiers,
and as an incitement to nol)le and heroic deeds. She bids you
bear it to the war, to watch it in the hour of battle as the emblem
of all that is dear to us as citizens and patriots. Never let it
go down, as long as a single man in the regiment shall survive.
Should a kind Providence spare you to return, we shall expect
you to bring it with you. Bring it though it may be riddled with
balls, but let it never come back to us polluted by the touch of
a traitor's hand.
"Remember, soldiers, that the dear ones you leave at home —
your wives, your children, your sisters, your brothers and friends
are to share in your glory or disgrace. They weep at your
departure. They will pray for you while absent; but should
you turn your back upon that flag or alloAv it to trail in the dust
through cowardice, they will spurn you forever.
"Farewell, then, noble patriots, farewell. God bless you.
Should any of you fall in battle, we will revere your memory
and testify our gratitude by caring for and comforting the dear
ones who, above all, will mourn your loss. Again we say, fare-
Upon Mrs. Thacher delivering the flag over into the hands of
the standard-bearer, the band struck up the "Star-Spangled Ban-
ner," amid the vociferous cheers of the vast multitude. Colonel
Bryan, in behalf of the regiment, accepted the flag and made
the following reply :
" Mr. Mayor — When, on the 22d of February last, the regi-
ment paraded in their new uniforms, with which the men had
equipped themselves at their own expense, and which now ena-
bles them to promptly respond to their country's call, they may
have expected to receive some such mark of esteem and regard
from their friends. But little did they think that it would occur
on such an occasion as this. The regiment was early in vohm-
teering, l)ut is called away with unexpected suddenness, and
many are unprepared except at heart. It was only last night
that the order for the departure of the regiment to-day was given,
and it was received too late to make it generally known until
this morning; and many left their workshops in their working
clothes to respond.
"A number are without uniforms, but all have good muskets
and stout hearts, and they will do whatever may become men in
their country's service. In their behalf, I accept this beautiful
flag, promising that wherever they go it shall go, whether on the
battlefield or elsewhere; carried forward and upheld by the strong
arms of men, who will feel that in preserving it untarnished by
dishonor they will be doing good service in the most sacred
' ' For the sake of their own reputation — for the sake of the
esteem of their fellow-citizens — for the love of those nearest and
dearest to them, and in the performance of that duty which every
loyal citizen owes to the most glorious country in the world, the
regiment will, to the utmost of their ability, and with all their
hearts, protect these colors from insult and tarnish.
"And now permit me, your honor, to observe that the men under
my command have been called away from their homes very sud-
denly. Many of them have families that are dependent on therr
daily labor for the comforts and necessaries of life. Thus sud-
denly ordered away, they have been unable to make such provi-
sion for them as the love of husband, father, brother, or sou dic-
tate. They are compelled to appeal to their fellow-citizens,
those who will remain at home, to see to it that they arc not per-
mitted to want. It is not weakness to say that it is hard to part
with our wives and our dear little ones; but an imperative duty
calls, and much, indeed all, of sadness on our part will vanish,
under the assurance that, although al)sent, those we love most
dearly will have kind and generous-hearted friends ever ready
to cheer and aid them.
" With this assurance, your honor, tlu; Twenty-fifth will march
at the tap of tlie diiiin, wherever duty calls, in the service of
their country, with light hearts and a determination to win vic-
tory for themselves, peace for their country, and honor for the
city of their homes.
" We venture our lives in this cause, and ask in return that you
who have fortunes, will risk those fortunes in sustaining us and
Immediately after the presentation of the flag, the regiment
resumed their line of march, and as they flanked into Maiden
Lane the wildest excitement ensued. Cheer after cheer rever-
berated through the street, and the soldiers left the city amid
the booming of artillery. They proceeded, by railroad, to New
York; thence by water to Annapolis, Md.; and thence to Wash-
ington b}^ land. They arrived on the 27th day of April, 18G1,
the flfth militia regiment that reached the National Capital, after
the breaking out of the rebellion.
Col. Beyan at once reported to General Scott, who assigned
his regiment to duty. He was received with much favor and
respect by President Lincoln, who visited every company in this
command, and shook hands with every officer and jprivate in the
regiment. On the 23d of May, Col. Bryan was ordered to cross
the Potomac into Virginia. At midnight he led his connnand
across the long bridge at Washington, and marched to Arlington
Heights. His regiment first took possession of the spot where
Fort Albany now stands, on the morning of the 24th of May,
1861. There they built that structure, and named it for their
own home.
Col. Bryan's command that morm'ng captured a portion of the
rebel pickets, the first prisoners taken in eastern Virginia after
the breaking out of the war. Col. Bryan remained with his com-
mand at Fort Albany till the expiration of the term of three
months, when, on the first of August, he returned to Albany and
was mustered out of service with his regiment. Durino- this
short term of service he repeatedly received the highest com-
mendations from his superior officers.
Again, in 1862, he was ordered, on the last of June, to pro-
ceed at once to Virginia with the Twenty-fifth Regiment New
York Militia. He was stationed with his command duriuij; this
three months' term of service, at Suffolk, Va., where he was
assigned to the performance of outpost and picket duty in that
Department. On the 1st of Septeml^er, 1862, he left Suffolk,
Va., with his command, and also with the Thirteenth New York
Militia, who were on the way to New York city, he having been
designated as commanding officer of the two regiments till they
should reach New York.
At Norfolk he embarked with his command (the Twenty-fifth
and Thirteenth Neiv York Militia) on board the steamship Baltic,
and started for New York. When the ship had proceeded about
one hundred and fifty miles, she struck a shoal about four o'clock,
p. M., and was stranded fast on the ground. She had fifteen
hundred men on board, and was fifty-six miles from land, with
night almost upon them. The position was one of great peril.
All the efforts of the Captain of the ship and his crew to get
the vessel off' proved unavailing. When it was about dark.
Captain Comstock, the commander of the vessel, announced to
the Colonel that they were in great danger, and without hope of
extricating the ship that night, and that the only course left was
to try to get word to some other vessels to come and assist them
and take off the men. The alarm gun was fired, and the signal
of distress given, when, finally, a schooner came in sight, and
took off' as many men as she could carry, which was about five
The vessel and the rest of the command remained all night,
without being able to obtain any further assistance. Everything
was thrown overboard to lighten the vessel, and the pumps were
worked all night, as the water was coming in fast. The next
day, al)out noon, another vessel came in sight, and about eight
hundred more of the troops were taken off the " Baltic." The
Colonel and about fifty of his own men, with the Captain of the
ship and crew, were all that were left on the ship. Night was
coming on, and no more could be taken off by the second vessel
that came to the rescue of the "Baltic." Col. Bryan, though
urged to leave the ship, said: "No; I will not leave as long as
one of my men is left on this ship!"
The reader can imagine the great difficulty of disembarking
from one ship to another, without the least accident, so many
men, nnaccustomed to the ocean, and thus suddenly thrown into
the greatest excitement and peril. During all this time the
Colonel was the commanding officer on board of all the troops,
about fourteen hundred, and by his coolness and judgment he
succeeded in maintaining the most perfect order and discipline
among the men. All seemed to repose in him with entire confi-
dence. After the ship had been lightened of all its freight and
passengers, except the Captain, crew and about fifty of the
troops, she was finally got oft' the shoal. The Captain of the
ship gave to Col. Bryan the following letter of thanks, after the
rescue of his ship and the men from the threatening danger:
STE^msHiP "Baltic," Sept. 2, 1862.
Sir — I can not allow you to leave my ship without expressing
to you my warmest thanks for the al)le and efficient services ren-
dered b}^ yourself, your officers and men, during the perilous
condition of the ship the last twenty-four hours. The ready,
quiet and prompt action with which my every wish was obeyed,
and their coolness in the hour of danger, bespeaks the high state
of discipline your regiments have attained.
With respect, I am your obedient servant,
To Col. Bryan, of the 2hth JY. Y. M.^ Oommanding^ cC-c.
In response to the above, Col. Bryan issued the following
Head Quarters on board the Steamship " Baltic,"
Septemher 3, 1862.
General Orders No. 4. The commandant, in General Orders,
desires to express to the officers and men of the Thirteenth and
Twenty-fifth Regiments New York Militia, his sincere and earnest
thanks, for the noble manner in which they conducted themselves
throughout the perilous hours while this splendid ship was cast,
away and disabled on Winter Quarter Shoals. Such conduct is
worthy of all praise.
The commandant also desires to express what he knows to be
the feeling of every one of his command, the most earnest thanks
to Capt. Jos. J. CoMSTOCK for the cool, able, and judicious man-
agement of his ship, that, under the mercy of an overruling
Providence, saved his vessel and all the souls committed to his
The commandant, trusting that all who were separated by this
disaster may safely come back again, with a grateful heart takes
leave of all outside of his immediate command, and will ever
hold them in rememljrance as oiBcers and men worthy of his
esteem, and the highest regard of their fellow-citizens.
By command of Col. M. K. Bryan.
J. M. KIMBALL, Adjutant.
In recording in this connection the name of Adjutant J. M.
Kimball, we cannot suppress our strong desire to pay to him a
passing tribute of our high esteem and warm gratitude for the
services that he rendered in connection with this regiment, and
during the perilous scenes through which it passed. We thank
God that his life has been spared, and that he has returned to us
to enjoy the blessing of that peace to Avhich he, during the war,
so patriotically and nobly contributed.
Gladly would we see a volume prepared and published to com-
memorate the lives and achievements of the living heroes whom
a merciful God has spared to us; and in whose memories the
details of their camp life, their battles and victories, are now
fresh, and could be easily recorded.
To these men we owe a debt of gratitude as great as to those
who have ftillen — for they risked all for their country; and,
equally with the departed, manifested the greatest bravery and
the most enthusiastic devotion to the cause which they had
On Col. Bry.vn's discharge from service and return to Albany,
he at once proceeded to raise the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth
Rc^iximont New York Volunteers, of which he was made Colonel.
In the early y);irt of the winter of lt, passed into the glory of the
saints in light. AVhcn we undressed him we found his Testament
in his pocket, and showing marks of use.
I hope that wliat I have written may, my dear friend, give
you some satisfaction. I feel his loss deepl3^ He was as a
l)r()ther to me. I loved him, and I think he loved me. I need
not assure you then of my sympathy in your second great sor-
row. But your hope is in the same Saviour in whom he trusted.
May that Saviour mercifully, graciously and most abundantly
sustain you. With profound respect and esteem, my dear friend,
Yours truly, rRP:DERICK BROWN.
The "All)ai\y Evening Journal '' gives the following- tribute to
the eharacter of our departed hero, and also the aeeount of his
"Col. Morris Avas no ordinary man. His mind, naturally
vigorous, was strengthened hy hard study, and enriehed hy lihe-
rai eulture. Strong in will, yet winning in manners, he at onee
eommanded the resi)eet and aliection of those under his command.
Although a strict disciplinarian, he was idolized by his men.
Cool in the hour of danger, self-possessed when the storm of
battle raged fiercest, he inspired by his exam})le, encouraged the
timid and rebuked the cowardly. He was a stranger to fear, and
died gloriously in the tield and in the face of the rebel foe. He
was an ardent patriot, loved the old Hag more than he did life,
and Avent into the war for its defence wdth his whole heart. In
the bright roll of martyr-heroes which history will exhibit to the
admiration of coming ages, few names will shine out with a
serener splendor than that of Col. Lewis O. Morris.
"June 11. Funeral of Col. Morris. The remains of this
gallant young otficer were conveyed from the residence of his
brother-indaw, Dr. Vanderpoel, to the North Dutch church,
where the funeral exercises took place. The}^ were conducted
by the pastor, the Rev. Rufus W. Clark, and were solemn and
impressive. Among those in attendance at the church were a
few members of the Seventh Artillery, wdio were wounded in
the recent campaign in Virginia, and Avho can now walk l)y the
aid of crutches. At the conclusion of the services in the church,
the remains were brought out and received with military honors
by the Twenty-fifth Regiment, under command of Col. Church.
The remains of Col. jNIorris were then conveyed to the cemetery.
The funeral escort consisted of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, pre-
ceded by Schreiber's band. Then followed the funereal car,
drawn by six gray horses, plumed. The coffin was covered bj
the flag for which he lost his life, and adorned with white roses.
The l)earers were Generals Rathbone and Vanderpoel, and
Colonels Baker, Ainsworth, Young and Harcourt, flanked by
a detachment of the TAventy-fifth Regiment, and folloAved l)y the
horse of the deceased, led by his groom. The n.ourners Avere
followed by officers and soldiers of the army, who came hither
to pay the last tribute of respect to the brave and lamented dead.
The connnittee of arrangements and the mayor and common
council followed in carriages. The streets through which the
funeral cortege passed were crowded with spectators, and grief
wiis depicted in almost every countenance."
Patrick McMahon, a native of Pallas Green, county Limerick,
Ireland, with his wife and their three boys, John E. McMahon,
Martin T. MciNIahon and James P. McMahon, the subject of
this sketch, emigrated to America in 1839. They first settled
in Pennsylvania. There, the father being an intelligent and able
man, obtained employment, as an engineer, on the public works
of that State.
About the year 1852, he, being engaged as a contractor, in the
construction of the New York and Erie Eailroad, removed to the
State of New York, settling in Cattaraugus county, where he
afterwards became extensively engaged in the lumber lousiness.
He gave to his three sons a good education, and all of them
graduating at St. John's College, Fordham, near New York city.
Each of this noble trio has proved himself worthy of the great
paternal care and attention bestowed on their education. John
E. McMahon was, at the age of twenty-one. Private Secretary of
Gov. Seymour, in 1854. At the breaking out of the war, he was
in the successful practice of the law in Buffalo, New York, where
in the fall of 1862, he engaged in raising troops for the Corco-
ran Legion, which was to be commanded by Gen. Michael Cor-
coran. He was, on the 8th of November, 1862, commissioned
Colonel of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regiment New
York Volunteers, and served in Virginia till his death, by disease
contracted in the service, in the winter of 1863. He was a young
man of brilliant talents and attainments.
The youngest brother, Martin T. McMahon, having served as
Private Secretary to Postmaster General CiVMPBELL from 1853 to
1857, studied the profession of the law, and, about the year 1860,
went to San Francisco, California, where he was eno:ao;ed in the
practice of his profession in copartnership with Ex-Governor
John B. Weller. When the call to arms came for men to
defend the Union, in 18(31, he raised a company of volmiteers
and joined the Army of the Potomac, in the fall of that year,
with the rank of Captain. He was soon appointed on the staff
of General jMcClellan, and there remained till that General was
relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac, when
he was assigned to the position of Chief of Staff on General
Sedgwick's staff, where he continned to serve till that gallant
soldier's death, in May, 1864. He continued m the service till
he was mustered out, after the close of the war, as Brevet Major
General. After this period of four years service, he returned to
the practice of his profession in New York city, where he is mr^r
Corporation Attorney, an office of great responsil)ility and
importance, to which he was appointed for his worth, and the
courage and patriotism that he and his family had displayed
during the war. He is now only thirty-one years of age.
The other brother, Col. Jajvies P. McMahox, was born in the
county of Wexford, Ireland, in the year 1886, and came Avith his
parents, as already stated, to America in 1839. After graduating
at St. John's College in 1852, he was engaged in assisting his
father in the lumber lousiness till 1856, when he removed to
Albany and commenced the study of the law in the office of his
uncle, Mattiieav McMaiion, Esq., then a prominent member of
the bar in All)an3'. He was admitted to practice in 1860. He
remained with his uncle till the breaking out of the rebellion in
1861, when he prepared to enter the contest for the Union.
When in the summer of 1861, Gen. T. F. Meagtiar commenced
to raise the Irish Brigade, he at once went to New York city,
raised a company, and joined the Sixty-ninth Eegiment N. Y.
Volunteers (known as the First Regiment of Meaghar's Brigade),
w^th the rank of Captain.
After this regiment reached tlie front, Capt. JNIcMaiion soon
evinced great capacity and quick perception into military afRiirs,
and was selected by Gen. Meaghar as his aid, in which position
he acted for sev(n"al months.
In the battle of Fair Oaks, on the 1st of June, 1862, he received
the thanks of his Brigadier General, and of his Division Com-
mander, Maj. Gen. Richardson, for his cool bravery and tact in
bringing a portion of the brigade through a heavy fire, and
securing for it a position of importance. As a recognition of his
services in this ])attle, in which he killed and captured more of
the enemy than his command, the brave Richardson called him
at the close of the day to take a place on his staif with the rank
of Major. There he remained, accompanying the General through
the Peninsula campaign, and being with him at the battle of
Antietam, in which Gen. Richardson fell mortally wounded.
Gen. Richardson was fondly attached to his young aid; and after
he was wounded, the few days that he lingered, he insisted upon
his remaining by his side till he died.
Shortly after the death of Gen. Richardson, he was appointed
Lieutenant Colonel of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment
New York Volunteers, which Avas raised at Buftalo b}'^ his l^rothcr,
John E. McMahon, for the Corcoran Legion. On the 20th of
INIarch, 1863, Col. John E. McMahon, his brother, who was
Colonel of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regiment New
York Volunteers, and attached to the Corcoran Legion, dj-ing,
James was at once appointed to the Colonelcy vacated Ijy his
brother's death. Li April of this year (1863), he led the expe-
dition on the Edenton road, near Sufiblk, where he surprised and
routed a much larger force than his own, comprising the Seven-
teenth Regiment Virginia Infantry. He captured their garrison
and equipments, and many prisoners, with a small loss to liis
own connnand.
Aljout a week afterwards his regiment was in a second engage-
ment on the Edenton road, repulsing the. enemy and capturing a
line of their works, his command being the only one engaged
out of about ten thousand troops. For several days in jNIay he
Avas engaged in active skirmishing on the Blackwater. He Avas
at the defence of Suifolk, Va., during the siege l)y the enemy
under Gen. Longstreet. On the evacuation of it by our army.
Col. Mc^Iahon's command was the last to leave, forming the rear
iiuarcl of the armv.
The Legion was ordered thence to Portsmouth, where they
remained till ordered to Centreville. For some four months,
they were engaged in following and lighting Moseby's band, who
were met by Col. McMahon's Eegiment at Snicker's Gap, and,
after a hard fight, dispersed and many of them taken prisoners.
In May, 1864, the Legion was ordered to join the Second
Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac, and marched with
Gen. Grant through the bloody battles of the Wilderness and
Spottsylvania, in which last-named l^attle Col. McMahon lost one
hundred and twenty-live men of his regiment. He continued to
lead his small but heroic band till the battle of Cold Harbor,
where the gallant young Colonel, while charging the enemy's
works at the head of his command, fell on the ramparts of the
enemy covered with many mortal wounds. At the time he had
the colors in his own hands.
Col. McMahon was devotedly loved by his men and officers.
The Surgeon of his regiment, Dr. Regan, of Brooklyn, when the
word reached him that the Colonel had fallen, wept, and said he
wished it had been himself instead of Col. McMahon. On the
day of the foil of this officer, it was impossil)le to bring off his
body or reach the spot where he fell; but a few days after men
from ])oth armies visited the Ijattlefield under a flag of truce,
when a rel^el officer informed Adjutant Beattie of the One Hun-
dred and Sixty-fourth, where the body of his Colonel Avas buried.
The rebel officer said : " We hated like the mischief to kill him,
for he was a brave fellow. He was without immediate succor
within near range of our guns, apparently wounded in the thigh.
We repeatedly asked him to surrender, 1)ut he shook defiantly
his sword and shouted ' Never !' He also shouted to his men to
come on. We, therefore, had to fire on him and drive your fel-
lows back."
This rebel officer also told Adjutant Beattie (since Colonel of
the same regiment), that he had ordered him to be l)uried in a
marked spot, where his friends might obtain his body. He
pointed it out to the Adjutant, who removed the thin earth over
it, and identified his lamented friend and Colonel, and Ijrought
away with him some strips of his under-clothing as the only
memento of his friend that he could obtain.
This hero's body is mingled with the sods of Virginia on the
field where he fell, and no mark now designates his grave from
the others that fill those bloody fields. His deeds simply told
are his eulogy. He and his two brothers, assisted by their father
and their uncle, Matthew McMaiion, Esq., of New York, raised
for the Army of the Union, and took to the field, nearly two
thousand of their coiuitrymen. Alas ! how few returned ! Not
one-fifth of them all !
After his death. Gen. Meagher, in writing to a New York
paper of some of the officers who fell at this battle, says :
" Next came the news that McMahox, planting his colors with
his oAvn hands on the enemy's works — planting them there with
a boldness worthy of the grand and soldierly name that he bore,
and whom perhaps the recollection of the MalakofF and its Irish
conqueror may have inspired, was stricken down by the bullets
he so splendidly defied. Who of the old brigade — the favorite
brigade of Sumner and liichardson — can forget the dashing,
handsome, and indefatigable soldier, with his strictly defined
features often illuminated with enthusiasm; sometimes express-
ing the scorn and haughtiness of a true-blooded Celt; Avith a
heart for hospitality; with a soul for glory; and hatred and sar-
casm for what Avas mean, and a quick look and blow for what was
treacherous ? Who can forget his fine bearing, erect and grace-
ful; the decisive character of his intellect; his high sense of
honor; his physical activity — all those healthy and superior gifts
which made him a soldier at the start, and qualified him, even in
the first hours of lioyhood, to be a fit exponent of his martial
race and kindred ? Who can forget all this, Avhenever that grand
picture of McMahon planting the colors of his regiment in the
face of the fire storm, and foot to foot with the desperate foe, is
spoken of in the camp by the survivors of the Irish Brigade of
the Army of the Potomac ?"
A few Avords more will close the story of this brave man and
patriot soldier. His pure Christian character deserA^es a remark.
Amid all the temptations of camp life, he never for a day foigot
230 COL. J.^IES p. McMAHON.
to bend his knee to the God of battles. He was a sincere and
devoted member of the church of his fathers.
His fatlier, who was most ardently devoted to his children, at
the time of Col. John E. McMahon's death, was laboring under
a severe indisposition, and the sad and early death of his first-
born and noble boy, it is thought, hastened his death, which soon
succeeded that of Johx.
There are now left of this family Major General Martin
McMahon and three younger sisters — their mother having died
many years ago. Few families can furnish a prouder and more
honorable record of services to their country, than that to which
the subject of this sketch belongs. Honor to the memory of the
gallant and patriotic brothers who died for their country, and
respect to him who, though living, served his country no less
faithfully, but was more fortunate in surviving to behold the
restoration of peace and the Union, for which they all periled
life and everything that they held dear on earth.
Colonel Visscher was the son of John V. S. and Eleanor
VissCHER, and was born in Albany, March 26th, 1829.
In childhood he was remarkable for his good conduct and
kindness of heart. He was hopefully converted at the first
union prayer meetings held in the North Pearl Street Baptist
Church, and united with that church under Dr. Hague. At the
time of his enlistment he was in the employ of Messrs. Weed,
Parsons & Co., and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
He felt it to be the duty of every young American citizen to
give their service to their country, and he was among the first
who responded to the call for volunteers after the fall of Fort
Sumter. In April, 1861, he left home with the Burgesses Corps,
of which he was a member, to join the Twenty-fifth Regiment
New York State Militia, then at Arlington Heights, Va., and was
with them in crossins; the Long; bridge into Virginia. He
returned with the regiment after three months service, and
remained at home for one year very reluctantly. All that
deterred him from re-enlistino; was the thoug-ht of leaving- his
aged mother alone. He felt it would be breakiug up his home
forever, as he was the only child remaining with her, one brother
being already in the field with the Forty-fourth New York State
At last he decided that it was his duty to take an active part
in the struggle for the right, and the rest he would leave to God.
He knew in whom he trusted. He enlisted in a company to be
attached to the Forty-third Regiment New York Volunteers,
then in the field, and took command of company G., Sept 4th,
He was in all tlie en£?a2i;ements witb the reofimcnt until tlie time
of his death. After the l)attles of the Wilderness he was pro-
moted to the Colonelcy of the regiment, May 12th, 1864. He
was loved and respected by his officers and men for his soldierly
conduct and C'hristian virtues.
He was killed by a l)ullet from a sharpshooter in the attack on
Fort Stevens, Washington, Ju\y 12th, 1864. He breathed but
a few moments. " My poor mother, God help her," were his
last words. He never Avent into an engagement without com-
mitting himself to his Heavenly Father. His body was embalmed
and sent home, and was buried with military honors from the
church of which he was a member. His remains now rest with
his kindred in the Albany Kural Cemetery.
The following is an extract from the last letter that he wrote
to his mother:
Near Petersburg, Julf/ 1, 1864.
Having a few spare moments from duty, I take the opportu-
nity of writing. I thank God that he has preserved John and
myself amid all the dangers through which we have passed. I
trust all the future to Him, and hope, my dear mother, you will
pray for us, that God will spare us to return. But if it is His
will that either of us should be taken, may we all meet in
heaven. With love, your affectionate son, J. D. V.
The foUowins: remarks were made at the funeral of Col. James
D. Visscher, by the Rev. C. D. M. Bridgman:
"Of those whose names have given to the Forty-third Eegiment
an historic interest — whose deeds have illumined its progress,
is that of James D. Visscher, so recently promoted to its colo-
nelcy, so suddenly released from its honorable duties, for the
glory which they wear and the rest which they inherit who go
upward from the midst of tribulation, having washed their robes
and made them white in the l)lood of the Lamb. At the com-
mencement of our civil strife he gladly went to the field of duty
with the military organization Avith which he was earliest con-
nected — the Twenty-fifth Regiment — and received his equal share
of the lionors awarded it. On its return, after a brief term of
service, he deciclctl to enlist a company of his own, and threw
himself promptly, lal)oriously, into the work. No ai'gument, no
appeal, could uproot his deep conviction or break the force of
his high resolve. He seemed, as he bent inward, to have heard
a call in his own soul to which it behooved him to give most
earnest heed. He saw everything dear and valuable in life and
society on these shores at stake; and though loving those who,
in a great measure, were dependent on him, Avith a rare devo-
tion, the spirit that was abroad in the air entered into and pos-
sessed his soul. A higher breath than kindred and blood can
impart, from God and the time, blew through his breast till it
made the music there of the trumpet-stop. So was he stirred
from within to mix in this conflict of the land and age. So did
he assume his martial aspect, and the voice w^e had so often heard
in our Sabbath praises sunk to a deeper tone and mingled into
the grander diapason of a nation's righteous wrath.
"Unlike so many who have gone away from the restraints of
home and from daily converse with those who were their defence
against wickedness and shame, he bore himself commendably,
and, amongst the temptations which gather so thickly in the
camp, illustrated, to a high degree, the strength which flows from
a Christian's faith.
" It was my privilege, a little more than a year ago, to visit
his regiment in Virginia; and, while there, I w^itnessed a scene
that will always live in my remembrance. It was on a warm and
cheerful Sabbath morning, when, the usual inspection being over,
martial music sounded through the little valley along which the
regiment was encamped, summoning us, by its solemn strains, to
the usual religious services. As we gathered to the slope on
which such services were usually observed, we saw two persons
in that company whom we never more will meet on earth — our
brethren Wilson and Vissciier. The hymns were borne upward
chiefly on their voices; and when I addressed the regiment and
gazed into those two hearkening faces, it was w^ith gratitude to
God that their lives were not in contradiction with their pastor's
words. Again, in the hospital, they stood with me in the eve-
ning of that day, leading our praises in that quiet hour, and lend-
ing to US, as to their Chaplain they had alwaj's done, the voice
of their authority. I gratefully recall those scenes to-day; for
they serve to illustrate what companions have affirmed of both,
that they maintained a Chi-istian bearing during their absence
from us, and help to contirm our faith that death to them waa
only translation to the sceneries and blessedness of the heavenly
" In the recent l)attle in front of Washington — almost in sight
of the plumed statue of Freedom, Avhose elevation to her lofty
height, while the nation battles for the idea, is grandly signifi-
cant — our brother fell, bravely baring his bosom to the foe, and
interposing it as the living shield of our nation's capital. And
so they both have passed awa}". Lovely and pleasant in their
lives, in their death they were not long divided. Each has made
his name honoraljle and illustrious; and whilst the State blazons
their achievements on her historic annals, we will think of them
as not dead, but translated to that higher realm, where earthly
honors are lost to thought in the immortal dignity of being kings
and priests to God, who serve and reign forever and ever.
" So are we contributing, men and brethren, in these frequent
gifts of youth, so strong and brave, to that great sacrilice which
is to re-unite these separate fragments of our nation, and pur-
chase for us a better than our former peace. So are we hallow-
ing, in these graves of sons and brethren, the places along which
the roots of the great tree of human freedom shall run, and take
up a flavor and a richness to be unfolded in its blossoms and fruit
throuo-h comino- ao;es.
"We can appreciate the anguish which to-day heaves and
swells in the souls of the bereaved, as they think of him whose
mortal tabernacle lies still and cold, emptied of all that gave it
comeliness and made it dear. They think of his tenderness as
a brother, of his rare fidelity as a son. They think, perhaps, of
that final appeal into which his spirit seems to have been
breathed for her, whose pangs at his dying have been heavier
than his own. But is there not a full, sufficient comfort in the
fact that his life was devoted to such high uses? Is there not an
adequate consolation in the Gospel which declares our Christian
dead as never lost, but only taken up into the glories of the
heavenly world, whence they reach out inviting arms to us who
longer wait below? Is there not such a grandeur about our cause
as compels them, even in their deep grief, to confess that he never
could have fallen in a more glorious service, or won immortality
by a more honorable fate? May these abundant comforts which
God has given with this affliction be realized in all their fullness
by the survivors. May this bereavement be so sanctified as that
out of this death life shall spring, and in the beauty of spirits
chastened and purified by loss, the beauty of the Lord our God
shall be upon us."
The followinof tribute to this distinguished officer is taken from
one of our city papers, and was written soon after Col. Carroll's
" We are now again called upon to mourn the loss of one whose
death will leave a blank in society that will not easily be filled,
and will bring sorrow to many hearts. To the list of the Alljany
dead — of those who have fallen the most gloriously, in the heat
of battle, in the hour of victory, with their faces to the enemy —
we have now to add that of Howard Carroll, Colonel of the
One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of our State Volunteers.
"Howard Carroll, when he entered the army, had been a
resident of this city about seven years, and, during that time, his
manly qualities and his envial:)le accomplishments had endeared
him in no ordinary degree to all who were fortunate enough to
have been ranked among his friends. He was a native of Ireland,
havinof been born in Dublin, and was a graduate of Dublin Uni-
versity. He was thirty-five years of age at tlie time of his death.
His family connections in Europe were of a distinguished charac-
ter; his mother, after whose family name he was christened,
being a relative of the Earl of Effingham, and his father's family
occupying a high social position in Dublin. But to the fortuitous
circumstances of l)irth he, of course, owed nothing here. His
position in society was won by his personal merit, and he needed
no extraneous aid. He was a man of large mind, of genius and
of originality, an elegant and accomplished gentleman, and in
personal appearance, as well as by reason of his education and
acquirements, he would have graced any society.
"By profession, Col. Carroll was a civil engineer. He had
graduated at Colleges of Law and Medicine, as well as of Engi-
neering, in Europe, but selected the latter profession as that
which he designed to permanently follow. For the past six
years he had been engaged on the Central railroad, and his ability
as a practical engineer rendered him a valuable assistant to that
corporation. He materially aided in designing the wrought iron
bridges now in use on that road, and all those built under his
superintendence bear evidence to his efficiency and skill as an
engineer. He is spoken of as having been one of the most accom-
plished civil engineers in this country. Col. Hentz, the Chief
Engineer of the government of Prussia, where the railroads and
canals are under the control of the Government, visited this
country some time since to obtain information respecting our
public works, and Ijecoming acquainted with Capt. Carroll, paid
a high tribute to his accomplishments, and bestowed a special
mark of consideration upon him, by forwarding him drawings of
all the public works l)uilt by the Government of Prussia.
" When the rebellion broke out. Colonel Carroll was offered
the position of Brigade Quartermaster in Meagher's Brigade,
and finding his services would be valuable in perfecting the
organization of the brigade, he acted temporarily in that capacity,
but resigned after it had become a success, desiring some more
active and prominent position in the field, but always expressing
his determination to enlist in the service of his adopted country.
Subsequently, he was tendered tlie Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the
One Hundred and Fifth (Rochester) Regiment, a position he at
once accepted.
"After the regiment had been a short time in the service, its
Colonel, Col. Fuller, resigned, and used his best efforts to secure
the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Carroll to the Colonelcy,
expressing the opinion to the Governor and Adjutant General
that Howard Carroll was one of the most accomplished officers,
as well as one of the coolest and bravest soldiers in the volunteer
service of the State.
" Col. Carroll was at once invested with the command of the
regiment, and his subsequent career fully justified the judgment
of his former commanding officer. His regiment became famous
for its discipline and for its admiral)le conduct in the field.
Their beloved commander led them in the battle of Cedar Moun-
tain, and in all the fights in which McDowell's Corj)s, to which
they were attached, took part in front of Washington during the
four or five days of Pope's retreat. The regiment was distin-
guished for its gallant conduct in all these engagements, and
although cut down from its full complement to some four hundred
men, was ordered up to the support of B.v^^ks, and behaved so
well as to attract the attention of the glorious Hooker, who knew
when a commanding officer was a fighting man of the true metal.
" When McClellan was invested with supreme command, he
at once recoo-nized Col. Carroll's services bv transferring his
shattered regiment to Hooker's division, and placing him with
the advance of the army in Maryland. The One Hundred and
Fifth was in all the desperate fights that marked the onward
march of our victorious General, after the tide of invasion had
been checked, and the triumphant enemy l)eaten back into Vir-
ginia, up to the Imttle of Antietam. During that bloody and
hard-fought struggle. Col. Carroll was ordered to make a charge,
with four other regiments, up the side of one of those steep
ascents, upon the summit of which the enemy had taken up hiii
position. The order was promptly obeyed. Putting himself at
the head of his little l)and of heroes, the gaUant Colonel led
them once more, but alas ! for the last time, to victory. The
post was won. The enemy, in confusion, was driven from his
position. But even while the shouts of triumph went forth. Col.
Carroll was shot from his horse. A INIinnie ball passed through
the calf of his left leg, entirely disabling him, and inflicting a
very painful, but, as was supposed, not dangerous wound.
"The Colonel was immediately carried from the field by his
men, to whom his devotion and liraverv had much cndeai-ed him,
l)ut, in the confusion of the day, and amidst the crowds of
wounded, he could obtain no proper care. His wound was
hastily and but partially dressed, and he Avas placed in an ambu-
lance and hurried ofi' on ajo^irnei/ of over one hundred miles to
Wasliington, without any proper care and attendance by the way.
This journey no dou1)t caused his deatli. Wlien he reached the
Capital, his leg was in a dreadful state of inflammation, and bis
constitution was l^roken down by fever and exbaustion. He was
in too low a condition to render amputation possible, with any
prospect of recovery. He was placed in the hospital, and
received every attention, when attention came to late; although
even there, as we are assured, there is sad lack of proper surgi-
cal skill. The fatal blunder was in sending severely wounded
men so far, when Baltimore was only one-quarter of the distance,
or when they might have been rested and attended to him at
" Poor Carroll protested against his removal in an ambulance
over miserable roads, in such a condition, but he Avas helpless to
prevent the sacrifice of life, which his own judgment told him
must follow the ill-advised course.
"Upon learning that Col. Carroll was among the wounded, a
warm personal friend of the deceased, of this city, went on to
Washington to ascertain his condition. He found him in a very
low state, but left him, on Frida}^ of last week, more easy, and, as
he believed, in a fair way of recovery. On Monday evening,
however. Col. Carroll died, having been gradually sinking since
Saturday evening.
" While the wail of bereaved hearts is going up from tens of
thousands of desolated homes; from the widow, who mourns in
her loneliness; from the mother, who weeps for her son; from
the orphan, who pines for a father's caress; from the sister, who
can never again know the blessing of a brother's love; a single
life may seem but of small moment, and the lamentations of
personal friendship may almost take the semblance of selfishness
amidst the general woe. But the officer to whose memory we
have paid but a feeble tribute, possessed so many qualities to
endear him to his friends — as an agreeable companion, an accom-
plished gentleman, and a true hearted man — that we may well
single him out among the many gallant dead, as one whose loss
will be very deeply felt, and whose memory will long be kept
green in many friendly hearts."
We sincerely regret that all the information that we have l)een
able to obtain of this distinguished scholar and soldier, is con-
tained in the following notices of the deceased, taken from our
daily newspapers:
"In the month of September, 18G2, Col. George W. Pratt,
of the Twentieth New York State Militia, died in this city,
whither he had been brouoht from the battle field. His death
resulted from paralysis, caused by the explosion of a shell near
his person in the action of August 29th, while he was gallantly
leading his regiment. No wound was inflicted, but his whole
system was paralyzed, and he was insensible most of the time
after he was stricken down. He died at the residence of his
mother-in-law, Mrs. Benjamin Tibbitts, corner of Hawk and Lan-
caster streets. He was a young man of great promise. He had
served as State Senator with ability and integrity. He Avas a
merchant of enterprise and wealth. He was of cultivated under-
standing and engaging manners. He had a knowledge of many
different languages, and was a member of the leading scientific
societies in this country and in Europe, and had received the
degree of LL. D. from a leading German University. His library,
in the department of Eastern literature, was the best in the coun-
try. He had the Bible in thirty-two languages. His military
ambition and his patriotism called him to the field on the out-
break of the civil war, and he hastened to the support of the
Government at the head of the Twentieth Regiment, of which he
was Colonel. He was only called to a three months service, but
he enlisted for the war, and had served with distinction through
the long campaign, when he received his fatal wound on the dis-
astrous field of Manassas. He was beloved and confided in by
his soldiers; and the army will miss him, for he was one of the
class most needed — a high-toned, conscientious and gallant sol-
dier. He was but tliirty-two years of age."
" The day was pleasant, and an immense concourse of people
were in the streets to witness the imposing pageant. Flags
were hung at half mast; guns were fired during the day, and the
bells were tolled during the funeral march. The remains were
buried from St. Peter's Church, where impressive services took
place, under direction of Et. Rev. Bishops Alonzo and Horatio
Potter. The procession moved from the church in the follow-
ing order:
Detachment of Police.
Military Escort.
Tenth Regiment N. Y. S. N. G., including the Albany Burgesses
Corps, Col. Ainsworth commanding.
Flanked by Pall Bearers and the Masonic Lodge of Kingston.
Horse of deceased, led by private servant.
Col. Wright and Staff.
Brig. Gen. Sampson and Staff.
Historical Society of Kingston.
Mayor and Common Council of Albany.
Masonic Order.
Friends of the deceased residing in Kingston and Catskill.
Family and friends of deceased, in carriages.
"The whole was under the command of Col. Bryan, assisted
by Lieut. Col. Chamberlain and Quartermaster Rathbone, of the
Tenth Regiment. The line was formed on the south side of
State street, right resting on Chapel street, at half past one
o'clock. The procession moved down State street to Broadway,
up Broadway to Ferry, where a halt was made to allow the mili-
tary and other associations to take the cars for the cemetery.
The steamer Manhattan arrived yesterday morning from Rondout
with some six hundred citizens of that place, Kingston and
vicinity. Among them were the Masonic lodges of those places,
which, with the lodges of this city, constituted one of the most
imposing features of the procession. The pageant was a fitting
demonstration of respect to the memory of a young and gallant
officer, and citizen of intellectual and moral worth."
From his Father. Hon. Lyihan Tremaix.
By the death of Frederick L. Tremain, my first born child
has been removed from my family, in the morning of his life, and
his name added to the honored roll of patriot martyrs who have
fallen in the recent struggle for national existence.
When one so brave and patriotic, so good and generous, and,
I may add, so talented and distinguished as the subject of this
memoir, gives his young life to his country, the promptings of
justice and patriotism alone, would require that some record of
his example and his services should be preserved.
The voluntary testimonials to his virtues, and to the estima-
tion in which he was held by his brother officers in the army,
and by others, who knew him intimately, have been so numerous
and emphatic, and the expressions of public sympathy and sor-
row so extraordinary and general, as to justify a more enduring
memorial than can be supplied by written letters, or the news-
papers of the day.
Nor, as I believe, can this labor of love devolve on any one
more fitly than on me. No earthly vanity, no vain desire to
obtain earthly fame for my gallant boy, exerts any influence up-
on my action. How vain and empty are earthly fame and worldly
honors to him whose remains are deposited in the tomb! How
hollow and unsatisfactory are these to one crushed and pros-
trate under a blow so severe and bewildering, as that I have
Were it not for other duties and obligations, often would I
have been disposed to use the mourning lamentation of David
for his dead son:
"O my son Absalom! my son, my son Absalom! would God I
had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son."
But Absalom lost his life while he was eno-aoed in a treason-
able conspiracy against the government and authority of his
Royal ftither, while my son ofiered his, in obedience to the call
of his country, and in the performance of the highest duty that
could rest upon him as a dutiful, loyal, obedient and faithful son
and citizen.
While so much of my happiness, my hopes and my heart lie
l^uried with my brave l)oy, it may afford me some solace — it is
the very least tribute I can offer to his memory — to perform the
melancholy office of doing justice to his career.
It may serve to remind my descendants of the household
monument which can be seen in my family, so long as that family
shall exist.
It may serve to teach them the Avickedness and sin of treason
against a beneficent government! It may tend to strengthen
their love for a country, the preservation of which has demanded
so costly a sacrifice! It may stimulate them to take a higher
view of their duty to their country and their God! The bright
example of this young patriot may nerve their arm, and
strengthen their heart, to oft'er any and all necessary sacrifices,
even the sacrifice of life itself, higher than which can no man
give, for the preservation of our country, our union, and our free
Frederick Lyman Tremain was the eldest child of Lyman
and Helen Cornwall Tremain, and was born at Durham, Greene
county, N. Y., on the 13th of June, 1843. He died at City Point
Hospital, Virginia, on the 8th of February, 1865, from a gunshot
wound received in battle, near Hatcher's Run, on the 6th of Feb-
ruary, being twenty-one years, seven months and twenty-four
days old at the time of his death.
Of his ancestry, all that I propose to state in this connection
is that he descended, both on his father's and mother's side, from
revolutionary stock. His paternal great-grandftither, Nathaniel
Tremain, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, who died,
highly esteemed and respected, at Pittsfield, Berkshire county,
Mass. His maternal great-grandfather, Captain Dan. Cornwall,
was also a soldier of the lievolntion, and a worthy citizen, who
died at Cornwallsville, Greene county, N. Y.
In his boyish career, there is little to record, which is worthy
of special notice. While he was by no means precocious, he
was a remarkably bright, intelligent and active boy. His nature
was so genial and generous that he Avas always a favorite, not
only with his youthful comrades, but with all Avho were brought
in contact with him.
He had a remarkable facility in the acquisition of knowledge,
and, apparently without eftbrt, mastered whatever lessons were
required of him, in and out of school. In all boyish sports and
athletic exercises, he was an acknowledged leader. He displayed
then, and through his subsequent life, an unusual degree of me-
chanical ingenuity.
There was one trait in his character which was developed at a
very early period, and which became, afterwards, prominent and
extraordinary. This was his wonderful courage, coolness and
self-reliance. Many instances to illustrate this characteristic
might be related, commencing as early as when he was three
years old, but I refrain from giving them a place here, fearful
that their publication might be ascribed to an overweening
parental fondness. Quick in forming his conclusions, prompt in
action, fertile in resources, obstacles and difficulties served only
to stimulate him in the execution of his purposes, and rare, very
rare, was the instance, so rare, indeed, that no case can be now
recalled, in which he failed to accomplish, successfully, whatever
he undertook.
His religious education was carefully attended to, and, at an
early age, he received the holy rite of baptism, in the Protestant
Episcopal Church, at Oak Hill, under the ministration of the
Rev. L. A. Barroavs. The folloAving extract is from a letter
received from this faithful minister and good man, Avritten at
Norfolk, St. LaAvrence count}^ his present residence:
" We feel to deeply sympathize Avith you under the dark cloud
Avhich this sudden and unoxpocted bereavement has tlii'OAvn over
you. Since such is the melancholy fact, that a dear child, a
brilliant youth, in the defence of his country, has been called
from your paternal embrace, let faith lift the veil, and view in a
world of bliss, future scenes more glorious than could have been
Avon here on battle fields. Frederick is gone. I placed the
form of the cross upon his forehead, and, as in life, so in death,
let us believe that he triumphed over the spiritual enemy, and is
now rejoicing in the kingdom of God."
Here let me add that, after his death, there was found in his
camp tent, carefully preserved, a copy of the Holy Bible, given
to him by his dear mother, with a mark placed at chapters
five and six of Matthew, which contain that sublime and com-
prehensive epitome of man's whole duty, Christ's sermon on
the mount.
In November, 1853, he removed, with his father's family, from
Durham to the city of Albany, where he continued to reside until
his death. Here several years were passed in faithful and dili-
gent study, preparatory to his college education. The schools
he attended in the city were the Albany Boys' Academy, and
afterwards the Classical Institute, in Eagle street, of which Prof.
Charles H. Anthony was Principal. Under the instruction of
this excellent and faithful teacher he spent between two and three
years of his life. Between Mr. Anthony and his young pupil,
relations of friendship were contracted which continued in full
force to the end. The photograph of this teacher of his boy-
hood was found, after his death, among the valued memorials in
his army trunk.
In 1858, Frederick entered the classical school for boys,
imder the charge of Mr. James Sedgwick, at Great Barrington,
Mass. In this beautiful New England village he remained, pur-
suing his studies and attracting the affectionate regard of teach-
ers and schoolmates, for one year.
In the spring of 1859, he became a pupil in the celebrated
school for boys, under the charge of the Rev. Thomas C. Reed,
D. D., at Walnut Hill, Geneva. He continued in Dr. Reed's
school until the summer of 1860, when several of his school
companions were examined for admission into Hobart College,
Geneva, and Frederick, who had formed very strong attach-
ments with them, also applied and passed his examination, and
having been found qualified, was admitted into the Freshman
Class and entered that college at the commencement of the col-
lege year in September, 18 GO.
The two years, or nearly two years of his college life were
marked by no unusual incidents. Many warm friendships were
formed, and his genial and unselfish character, as well as his
excellent natural abilities, were duly appreciated.
By the firing upon Fort Sumter his patriotism was aroused,
and he experienced an ardent desire to become a volunteer in the
Army of the Union. About this time the people of Geneva were
enfjajjed in orsfanizino; an eno^ineer corps, under the command of
Mr. Charles B. Stuart, formerly State Engineer and Surveyor.
Frederick desired to enlist, and applied to his father for his
permission; but, there being at that time no difiiculty in procur-
ing volunteers, and his college career having commenced only
the fall before, the paternal consent was then withheld — not
finally, but for the present.
In December, 1861, the annual sophomore exercises in public
speaking took place, and Frederick was selected as one of the
thirteen speakers of his class to participate in them. In a letter
inviting his parents to attend, he writes : "I think you will not
hear any bad speaking; but, on the contrary, will hear much
good speaking on the occasion." The exhibition took place at
Linden Hall, in the presence of a large and intelligent audience,
and he acquitted himself quite creditably. In the "Geneva
Gazette" his performance was specially mentioned in compli-
mentary and flattering terms.
During the summer of 18(32, after the President's call for more
men appeared, Frederick, who had never for a moment relin-
quished his desire to enter the army, again urged his father to
yield his consent. The author was thus brought face to face
with the stern reality of war, and he was called upon to deter-
mine the question whether the application of this loved son
should be granted or denied. He had, from the commencement
of the groat conflict, labored, to the extent of his ability, to con-
vince his covmtrymen that it was their duty to sustain the Gov-
erament and overthrow the rebellion. He had exerted what-
ever influence he possessed, by public addresses and in various
other modes, to induce men to take the field ao-ainst the enemies
of the country. The conviction that it was the solemn duty of
every American citizen to sustain the authority and preserve the
life of the nation at any and all sacrifices, was as full and com-
plete as the human mind was capable of entertaining. This con-
viction formed a part of his very being, and he believed that, in
this great crisis of the nation's peril, his duty to his beloved
country was second only to his duty to his God.
Adherence to this conviction had already caused the sundering
of ties and associations cherished through life, and thereby pro-
duced an amount of mental suttermg capable of being endured
only by the consciousness of duty performed. More than one
year's terrible experience in the sanguinary struggle, had revealed
the dangerous character of the conspiracy formed to overthrow
the Union and our Eepublican institutions, and to strengthen the
belief, that without universal self-denial and united action among
the friends of the Eepublic, all would be lost, and once gone,
could never be regained.
Should he now refuse to make the sacrifice required, by per-
mitting that son to aid in the defence of his imperiled country,
a sacrifice which he had been asking others to make? Should he
withhold from the service of that country one who possessed the
ability and the desire to make himself useful in the contest?
Should he be subjected to the reproach of having urged others to
send their sons, l)rothers and relatives to the war, and yet shrink
from the application of the stern test of sincerity and patriotism
in the case of his own son?
Should he compel that son to feel and, perhaps, to admit, in
future times, that he was withheld from going forth to fight
against his country's enemies by his own father, and that father
one who had professed to be in favor of prosecuting the war
witli all the power and resources of the nation?
After careful deliberation, aided l)y the best lights which his
im])erfect human reason afforded, he resolved that liis consent
should no longer be withheld, and it was granted.
And now, with the Ijright hopes and brilliant promises that
clustered around that gallant youth forever extinguished — now,
with soul and spirit crushed l)y the traitorous bullet which took
his young life — noAV, with the prop on which I had fondly hoped
to lean, in my declining years, shivered to atoms, the question
comes home to me: Did I right in yielding that consent? and
down, down from the inmost recesses of my soul, the still small
voice of conscience whispers an affirmative response.
The consent of his mother followed, and Frederick imme-
diately began his arrangements for the new field of duty, with
great earnestness and energy. He had already become a mem-
ber of Company A, of the Zouave Cadets, a uniformed company
in the Tenth Regiment of INIilitia, and had been engaged in
acquiring the drill and the necessary military science. This
company has become highly distinguished during the war. It
can point, on its muster rolls, to many names among the noblest,
most gifted and patriotic of the young men of Albany. It has
already sent more than ninety of its members to the field, each
one of whom has earned and obtained a commission, many of
high rank, and all of respectable position.
Having obtained from Hobart College, an honorable dismissal,
his attention was immediately devoted to the new regiment of
infantrv, known as the One Hundred and Thirteenth Resinient
of New York Volunteers, which was then in the process of being
organized in the city of Albany.
For the purpose of organizing this regiment. His Excellency,
Governor Morgan, had designated a war committee, embracing
some of the most patriotic and influential citizens of Albany, and
the committee held daily sessions at the Mayor's room in the
City Hall. It was resolved to make this regiment one of the
best that had been sent forth from the State. The Governor had
entrusted to the committee the duty of recommending suitable
persons to obtain authorization papers, to recruit volunteers with
reference to having commissions, as lieutenants and captains,
issued to those who were able to recruit the requisite number of
Frederick promptly applied to the committee, and was the
first person who received from the Adjutant General, on the
recommendation of the committee, authority to obtain recruits
for the new regiment. He erected his tent in front of Capitol
Park, in State street, issued his posters, associated with him
young Orr and young McEwen, (the former of whom has since
lost his life in the army, and the latter is now Judge Advocate
of the First Division, Second Army Corps, having been for some
time a prisoner at Libby Prison, Richmond) and proceeded, with
vigor and energy, to obtain volunteers. Indeed, the real man-
hood of his character was displayed from the moment he felt
the responsibilities of his position, and continued to manifest
itself, more and more clearly, in every subsequent stage of his
The late Adjutant General, John T. Sprague, then a Major in
the United States Army, was on duty for the Government at
Albany, as an auditing and disbursing officer. The war com-
mittee unanimously designated him as the Colonel of the new
regiment, and he accepted the position. The Government at
Washington, however, soon after this, declined to relieve him
from duty in the regular army, and hence he was only enabled
to act as Colonel for a very few days. During that time, how-
ever, discovering the necessity of an Adjutant for the regiment,
and being acquainted with Frederick, Col. Sprague kindly ten-
dered him the position of Adjutant. It was accepted, and his
selection approved by Gov. Morgan.
In the time that intervened, prior to the period w hen the regi-
ment left Albany, which was about thirty days, the whole duty of
organizing it, and getting it into proper working order, devolved
upon the new Adjutant.
To the faithful discharge of these duties, Frederick devoted
himself, days and nights, dividing his time between the head-
quarters in Broadway and the l)arracks. How readily he mas-
tered those duties, and how well he performed them, may be
inferred from the frequent compliments bestowed upon him by
the committee, w^ho were superintending his movements, and
who were surprised and gratified ])y the qualities he exhil>ite(.l.
If any apprehensions had been entertained, by reason of the
Adjutant's youth, it is believed they were entirely and speedily
Lewis O. Morris, the Colonel, who was selected to command
the ncAV regiment, was a valuable and accomplished ofKcer. lie
had been fifteen years in the army, and bore an enviable reputa-
tion as an artillery officer.
About the 19th of August, 1862, the One Hundred and Thir-
teenth Regiment, with ten hundred and sixty bayonets, left the
city of Albany, under orders to report at Washington. It was
one of the first regiments placed in the field, under the Presi-
dent's call, and received a beautiful stand of colors, as well as
the Springfield muskets, which had been promised to each of the
first four regiments. A finer regiment, or one carrying with it
so many good wishes and so much interest, on the part of Alba-
nians, never left our city.
When the regiment reached Washington, the officer in charge
of its defences, knowing the skill of Col. Morris as an artillery
officer, procured the assignment of the regiment to duty upon
the defences of the city, where it was, not long afterwards, con-
verted into the Seventh New York Artillery.
The ensuing fifteen months were passed by Frederick, with
his regiment, near Fort Eeno, about five miles from Washington.
He applied himself diligently to the acquisition of the knowledge
required in the artillery service. Part of the time he was en-
gaged in teaching a school of officers in military tactics. He
devoted himself faithfully to the performance of his official
duties. Twice I had the pleasure of visiting him there, and
could not fail to discover that he was a universal favorite with
the officers and men.
He became thoroughly familiar with his new profession. About
the time of leaving the regiment, he happened one day to be
engaged with a brother officer in discussing the subject of being
examined, as to qualifications, before a military board in session
at Washington, when Frederick volunteered to be examined.
His duties called him frequently to Washington, and soon after-
wards he presented himself before the board, and was subjected
to a thorough examination, the result of which Avas that he passed
the examination successfully, and was tendered, in a few days, a
Lieutenant Colonel's commission in a colored regiment, but
meantime he had received another appointment, which he pre-
At one time he had a severe attack of typhoid fever, produced
by the miasma of the Potomac, to which he was exposed in the
discharo;e of his official duties, and under the advice of his sur-
geon, he olitained a short leave of absence and visited his home,
but soon returned to his duties with renewed zeal and energy.
In writing; to me that he had deemed it best for his health to
make a short visit home, his surgeon says:
" The Adjutant was quite unwilling to listen to the suggestion,
but deeming it best, I insisted, imperatively, and shall apply for
a furlough to-morrow.
"Kegretting the necessity which separates him, even tempora-
rily, from the staff, on his own account, I should do myself
injustice, as well as injustice to my brother officers, if I omitted
to state that we shall wait anxiously to hear of his convalescence,
and to welcome him again to the regiment."
Frederick was a universal favorite among the common sol-
diers. He always treated them with kindness and justice. Quick
to discover real merit in a private, and mingling much with the
men, his opinions concerning promotions had great influence
with Colonel Morris, and many a deserving soldier has been
indebted for his promotion from the ranks, to the aid and recom-
mendation of the Adjutant.
He began, after more than a year had elapsed, and still no
orders to move came, to desire more active service. The con-
version of his regiment into an artillery regiment, thus placing
it in a higher branch of service, had been gratifying to him, but
he had not anticipated so long a continuance of garrison duty,
and, liavino; reason to believe that the regiment miijht remain
doing that duty for a long time, and perhaps until the end of the
war, his active spirit began to chafe under the monotony of his
present life. Animated by an honorable ambition, he could not
enjoy a bfe of inglorious ease.
He wrote several letters to the author, expressing these feel-
ings, and desiring his aid in obtaining a position where he might
have an opportunity to acquire distinction, and strike a blow at
the enemies of his country.
Influenced by these appeals, the author applied for, and, in
Noveml)er, obtained, for Frederick, Presidential appointment
as Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain; an
appointment which was subsequently confirmed by the Senate.
I was present when this appointment was handed to him by that
devoted patriot and able cabinet officer, Edwin M. Stanton. He
observed, as he gave it, "I trust I shall hereafter have the plea-
sure of conferring on you higher honors;" to which Frederick
modestly replied, " I hope my future conduct will give you no
reason to regret the confidence reposed in me."
Frederick had learned of the reputation already acquired by
that brave and rising young General, Henry E. Davies, Jr., of
the cavalry service, and he asked for and obtained an order to
report to him for duty. His departure from the old Seventh
Regiment was the occasion for many regrets, with officers and
men, and with himself. The officers assembled to bid him an
affectionate farewell, and the regimental band serenaded him on
the eve of his departure. This noble regiment took the field
the following spring with more than one thousand seven hundred
and sixty bayonets, and of these brave men how few, either offi-
cers or men, are now surviving!
On the 12th of November, soon after his departure. Colonel
Morris issued an order appointing his successor, which was duly
made public, and contained the following handsome allusion to
the late Adjutant:
"The Colonel commanding, while he rejoices at the promotion
of Captain Tremain, regrets that it will send him to a new field
of duty, and sever his connection with this regiment.
"He will bear with him the best wishes of the officers of the
regiment for his future welfare and success."
Pursuant to orders, Frederick reported for duty to General
Davies, then commanding the First Brigade in the Third Divi-
sion of the Cavalry Corps. The new field of duty thus opened
to him, was specially suited to his taste and feelings. It was the
cavalry service, and the excitement, life and dash of that arm of
the service were peculiarlj^ adapted to his ardent and enthusiastic
nature. He became devotedly fond of the cavalry service; the
remainder of his life was spent in it, and he became more and
more interested in and attached to it. An accomplished and
veteran officer, who knew him well, and who had been for
nearly a year in the same division with him, remarked to the
author recently, " Feedeeick was our beau ideal of a cavalry
officer. Brave, generous and chivalrous, he attracted our admi-
ration. We were all proud of him. He had no enemy in the
corps, and he achieved a reputation for gallantry equal to that of
any officer in the army."
In the month of April commenced those grand movements of
the cavalry which have become already historic. From that
time, down to his death, the active military career of Feedeeick
may be said to have been accomplished. He was an actor in
those mighty military movements on which depended the fate
of the nation. He was a soldier of the Republic in the great
Army whose tread shook the Continent of America, and whose
heroic deeds have excited the wonder and admiration of the
To the pen of history belongs the noble task of recording the
military operations in which he had the honor to participate
during the ever memorable campaign of 1864. And yet, when
we consider the bloody and obstinate nature of the battles thai
were fought; the glorious and unconquerable resolution which
was displayed in conducting the movements of the Union armies;
the immense loss of human life; the masterly combinations of
those armies; the vast extent of country which constituted the
field of their display; the number of those brilliant raids per-
formed by the cavalry alone, through the hejirt of an enemy's
country, each one constituting an interesting history of itself;
the toil, the sacrifices, the fatigue, sufterings, and perils to which
the heroic soldiers in those armies were continually subjected,
and to which, with unflinching fortitude and cheerfulness, they
sulmiitted; when we consider, too, the innumeral)]e deeds of
personal bravery, performed l)oth by officers and men; the holy
and patriotic purposes by which the great body of those armies
was prompted; the unselfish willingness they manifested to sac-
rifice their lives for the preservation of the honor, the integrity,
and the unity of their country; and, finally, the glorious and suc-
cessful results of all these operations, we may well doubt whether
history will ever contain more than an outline skeleton of them all.
My allusions to these movements must, necessarily, be brief
and imperfect. A few weeks l)efore his death, Frederick, at my
request, declared his resolution to prepare, at his first leisure
moments, a record of the battles in which he had been engaged,
but alas ! that leisure never came !
His reports, as Assistant Adjutant General, giving a history
of these movements, are not yet accessible to the public, and I
have derived no information from them. He participated in no
less than twenty-five battles and skirmishes during a period of
ten months. My knowledge of these is derived from his own
letters, dashed off in the midst of exciting scenes, from his con-
versations, and from information cheerfully furnished by culti-
vated and intelligent army officers, who were associated with him
at difierent periods of time during the campaign.
On the 22d of April, the Second Cavalry Division, which
included the Second Brigade, to which Frederick was attached,
moved from Warrenton to a place near the Junction — the whole
Division being under the command of Major General David M.
Gregg. Here it remained until the 29th, when it advanced to
Paoli Mills, and on the 2d of May moved over to Richardsville.
On the 4th of May the cavalry crossed the Rapidan in advance
of the infantry, and the whole Army of the Potomac crossed
soon after, in pursuance of General Grant's orders. This was
the beginning of the general movement of the army — the intel-
ligence of which sent a thrill of excitement throughout the
The famous battles of the Wilderness soon followed. These
commenced on the 5th, and continued for seven days. They
were fought without artillery, under great disadvantages, in the
woods, with varied fortunes; and during their continuance were
displayed those wx)ndcrful qualities of courage and dogged reso-
lution for which General Grant has become so clistinguished, and
also the l)raveiy and heroism, which have covered with glory the
Army of the Potomac. The loss of life was immense, but the
rebels were driven from the ground, and our army moved on-
ward in its progress towards the walls of Kichmond, and towards
the accomplishment of the great object which current events
seem so plainly to indicate must ultimately be accomplished..
On the first day of these battles, the cavalry became engaged
with the enemy's cavalry and infantry in the vicinity of Todd's
Tavern, near Corbin's Bridge.
Severe fighting was continued by the cavalry for several days.
This was the first time Frederick was "under fire." His con-
duct on the occasion excited great admiration. He displayed all
the coolness of a veteran. His General, in speaking of his gal-
lantry soon afterwards, remarked, "that he was one of the few
men he had seen who did not seem to know the meaning of fear."
On the first day the cavalry were mounted, and the staff offi-
cers were much exposed. General Davies and Frederick were
in front, when the enemy charged in and broke our skirmish line,
nearly capturing both of them. This cavalry engagement is
known as the battle of Todd's Tavern. It was during the pro-
gress of this battle that Frederick charged upon the enemy, at
the head of a column, breaking through their lines, and cutting
his way hack to the main army.
In the evening of May 8th, an order was received commanding
the Cavalry Corps to proceed to Eichmond and destroy the com-
munications between Lee's army and that city, and to form a
junction with Butler's army. The movement of the entire Cav-
alry Corps, commanded by General Sheridan, commenced on
the morning of the 9th. In the afternoon of that day the enemy
attacked the cavalry in the rear, and a severe fight occurred in
which the rebels were repulsed with considerable loss. This
occurred at a place called Childsburg. The cavalry only took
with them on this march rations for four or five days.
On the 10th, another attack was made by the enemy, followed
up by continued skirmishing and fighting. Onr cavalry suc-
ceeded, this day, in recapturing from the enemy about three
hundred and lift}^ prisoners, who had been captured on the
second or third day of the fight in the Wilderness, Among them
were two Colonels and Captain Wood, a son of the Honorable
Bradford Wood, of Albany. As may avcII be supposed, they
were delighted with the change in their condition. They were
on the i)oint, when retaken, of being placed in the railroad cars
at Beaver Dam Station. Some of their guard fled and the rest
were taken prisoners. Our troops, on the same day, captured a
large quantity of arms, about a million rations, and destroyed
three locomotives besides three trains of cars. The night of the
10th they encamped within twenty miles of Richmond.
In the morning of the 11th, the First Brigade was detached
from the main body and sent to destroy the railroad at Ashland
Station and the bridge over the South Anna Eiver. At Ashland
the contents of a Post Oflice were seized, and as a school for
young ladies was located here, the captured correspondence
aflbrded some amusement to the captors.
Frederick accompanied the brigade, and after destroying the
railroad at Ashland, he was sent, with two squadrons of cavalry
(about one hundred men) to destroy the bridge, when he was
cut off from the main body of the brigade, and was supposed,
for some time, to have been taken prisoner. He continued, how-
ever, on another route, destroying the railroad as they proceeded,
until late in the afternoon, when he succeeded in rejoining the
main column below, much to the satisfaction of his comrades,
who had despaired of seeing him and his little force again. The
same day a severe fight occurred at Old Tavern, with the enemy's
cavalry under the ftmious Jcl) Stewart, who was killed.
That night the corps marched all night, and on the morning
of the 12th reached the Chickahominy river, near Meadow's
Bridge. Here a terrific battle ensued with the whole of the
enemy's cavalry force and infantry, which had been sent out from
Richmond. The enemy greatly outnumbered our forces, and,
during a considerable portion of the time, our troops were sur-
rounded, and fighting was carried on, around four sides of the
square where our troops were placed, but, under the coimuand
of the indomitable Sheridan, they broke through the enemy's
lines, and in the afternoon, General Custer having driven the
enemy from the bridge, our forces crossed the Chickahominy,
leaving no prisoners in the enemy's hands except those who
were wounded.
In this battle the fragment of a spent shell was hurled against
Frederick's person, inflicting a pretty severe injury, although
he treated it lightly in his letter to his mother describing the
It was during this raid that he was sent in advance to place a
squadron on picket duty, and they came so near the city of Rich-
mond as to see the lights and the steeples, and to hear the bells
of the city. This engagement is known as the battle of Rich-
mond Heights. The enemy did not pursue, and that night the
corps bivouacked at a place bej^oud Mechanicsville. On the
night of the 13th the cavalry remained at Bottom's Bridge, and
on the 14th moved to Haxall's Landing, on the James river,
where our gun boats mistaking the advance guard for the enemy,
at first, fired upon them, but on being signaled the firing ceased
and the tired and worn out troops formed the contemplated
junction with Butler's army.
Thus terminated one of the most extraordinary raids on record.
It will ever retain a place among the most brilliant achievements
of the war. A force of cavalry alone advanced through the
heart of Virginia, to the very gates of Richmond, cutting their
way through all opposing forces, breaking up the enemy's lines
of communication, removing forever all antiquated prejudices
against the cavalry, and establishing the efliciency and usefulness
of that arm of the service.
The successful accomplishment of this expedition seems more
like romance than sober reality. From that hour the rising star
of General Sheridan has been in the ascendant, and a grateful
people will ever cherish, with gratitude and pride, the recollec-
tion of the feats performed by him and his bold raiders of the
Cavalry Corps.
On his arrival at the James river, Frederick wrote a letter to
his mother, in pencil, giving a graphic account of the raid, which
w^as published, at the time, in the "Evening Journal." In
alluding to this publication, afterwards, he wrote with character-
istic modesty:
" I am sorry that any of my letters are published. I do not
wi"ite them for publication, and do not wish them published; I
hope that no more will be, for, if they are, I shall stop giving
any accounts at all."
To return to the cavalry: They laid at the James river two or
three days, to recruit the tired horses and men, and then moved
back, to rejoin the main army, crossing the Chickahominy hy
night, at Jones' Ford, and returning by way of the Baltimore
Cross Roads and Cold Harbor. Daily skirmishes took place
with the rebel cavaliy. They then went to the White House,
Avhere they obtained supplies and rations, after which they
marched back and joined the main army near Hanover Court
House, on the 25th, having successfully accomplished all that
had been expected.
Immediately afterwards there Avas a general advance of the
army, and the cavalry moved down to Hanover Town, on the
Pamunkey river. After marching two days and one night they
met the enemy on the 28th, near Haw's Shop, when the most
severe and obstinate cavalry light of the war occurred. It com-
menced at ten o'clock in the morning, and continued until six iu
the afternoon, the lighting on our side being done principally by
Gen. Davies' Brigade, assisted, towards the close of the battle,
by Gen. Custer's Brigade, when the enemy were driven from
the field, leaving their killed and wounded in possession of our
Although Frederick distinguished himself in this battle, as
appears by a letter from one of the staff officers, yet, in his let-
ter home, he makes no allusion to his own conduct. In a letter
written to his father, on the 30th, he had, for the first time,
evinced some depression of spirits, but in a subsequent one,
dated June 3d, he apologizes for it, and gives a brief description
of the fight. He writes:
" I was feeling badly then, and the reason was that on the 28th
we lost Lieut. Wardell, of our staff. He was my tent mate, and
for a long time we had slept together and were very intimate
indeed. He was killed instantly while riding at the General's
side. The fight of Hanover Town, on the 28th, is said to have
been the most severe cavalry fight of the war. The fighting was
done principally by our brigade. We were in aliont eight hours,
and lost twenty-five otficers and one hundred and sixty-eight men,
killed and wounded.
"The General was riding a white horse, and went up on to
the skirmish line with two statf officers, two orderlies and one
bugler. One staff officer was killed instantly; the other had his
horse killed, and the bugler was also killed. The General's
horse was shot through the tail, and a bullet broke his scabbard.
It is my duty to be with the General always, unless sent away
specially, and, fortunately for me, I was so sent to another part
of the field, and was looking for the General when this occurred,
and in one minute more would have been in the same place, had
I not met him coming out when he stopped me.
" I send a rebel paper. You will see by it that they supposed
our whole cavalry force was engaged, together with two corps of
infantry, while actually there was only our brigade, assisted for
the last three hours by General Custar's Brigade, but the brunt
of the fighting was done by this brigade. They say they only
had one brigade, but in another part of the paper they admit
havins: several detachments of other brigades. We know, from
our prisoners, that their whole cavalry force was engaged, to-
gether with some mounted infantry. We found on the field,
after we had driven them from it, one hundred and sixty-six
dead rebels, and forty wounded ones, and as there are usually
eisht or ten wounded to one killed, their loss must have been
" My horse was shot slightly in the neck. Since then we
have had several smaller fights, but I have not time now to men-
tion them."
This battle is known as the battle of Haw's Shop, or Bethesda
Church. Between this time and the Gordonsville raid, hereafter
mentioned, there was considerable severe fighting around Cold
Harbor, at Barker's INIills and on the Chickahominy, in which the
cavalry participated. The whole army moved down finally to
Bottom's Bridge. Before going to Bottom's Bridge, the cavalry
had a severe engagement at Sumner's Upper bridge, and, while
dismounted, held possession of it for some time, and until
relieved by the infantry.
We come now to another of those celebrated cavalry raids
which have given to Gen. Sheridan, and his famous Cavalry
Corps, a national and world-wide reputation.
On the 0th of June the Cavalry Corps left Newcastle, on the
Pamunkey river, and after marching days and nights, with only
four hours in the twenty-four devoted to rest, on the 11th met
the enemy at Trevillian Station, near Gordonsville, when a seA'ere
l)attle ensued, which continued for two days, the enemy having
the advantage of fighting behind breastworks. We captured
several hundred prisoners, but finding it impossible to break
through their fortifications, our troops retired, and returned by
way of Spottsylvania Court House, a circuitous route, to White
House, where our wagon train was, consisting of about nine hun-
dred wagons loaded with supplies for the army. Gen. Grant
had meanwhile changed his base of supplies from White House
to James river, leaving the wagon train of the Cavalry Corps at
White House.
The rebels, having the inside line, had also been marching
upon White House, hoping to capture this train betore the arri-
val of the Cavalry Corps, but in this hope they were doomed to
disappointment. Our troops arrived a little in advance of the
enemy, and on the 21st a sharp fight took place at White House,
in which the First Brigade participated, which resulted in driving
the enemy from the field, and the occupation of the ground by
our victorious troops.
Our trains were forwarded to the army at James river. On
the second day's march. Gen. Gregg having command of the
Second Division, was detached with his division to cover the
right of the column.
About six miles from the main column he met a very heavy
force of the enemy's cavalry and infantry at a place called St.
Mary's Church, when another sanguinary and hard fought battle
took place, attended with severe loss. This occurred on the
24th of June.
The fighting on our side was conducted by a single division
against the enemy's entire corps, our troops and horses being
tired and worn out by the Gordonsville raid, as they had been
allowed no rest whatever.
In this battle Frederick again distinguished himself by his
coolness and bravery, having been charged with important and
perilous duties, and being exposed under such circumstances that
his commanding General afterwards expressed his wonder that
any mounted otficer could survive. He was charged with the
order to bring off the First Pennsylvania Cavalry, and remained
in the field until it had left.
During this battle he rode within a very short distance of the
enemy's skirmish line, and by discovering their presence, was
able to prevent Gen. Gregg from mistaking them for our own
troops, and possibly falling into their hands, as the dust by
which all the troops were covered had already deceived him.
During the months of July and August several severe skir-
mishes and battles took place, in which his brigade and he par-
ticipated, viz: At Ream's Station, on the 15th of July; at Malvern
Hill, on the 28th of July; at Lee's Mills, July 31st; at Gravel
Hill, on the 14th, 16th and 17th days of August, and again at
Ream's Station on the 21st, 22d, 23d and 25th days of August.
On one of these occasions, Gen. Davies being absent on sick
leave, and the brigade under the command of Col. Steadman,
Frederick had been ordered to the hospital on account of his
health, and was being carried in an ambulance. Hearing the
firinof of the ffuns, he left the ambulance and came to the nearest
body of troops, wdiich proved to be the Tenth New York Cav-
alry, and here took an active part in the battle, firing with his
own hand, cheering the men, and exposing his person to the
enemy's fire. His conduct excited the enthusiastic admiratiou
of the men in the regiment, and aided in preparing them to give
him the warm welcome, which he subsequently received from
them, when he became the Lieutenant Colonel of that regiment.
On 1)cing spoken to on the sul)ject, he remarked, that in the
absence of the General he felt that a peculiar responsibility
rested on the members of the staff; that he knew the eyes of the
army were on the Second Brigade, which occupied an advanced
position, and had acquired a tine reputation, and that he regarded
his own honor as identilied with that of the l)rio:adc.
The battle at Ream's Station, the latter part of August, was a
sanguinary atfair, and Frederick was then brought alongside of
his old regiment, the Seventh New York Artillery, I learn from
Capt. O'Brien that Frederick volunteered to deliver an impor-
tant message to the officer commanding a battery, which was done
under a heavy fire.
He never returned to the hospital, but his health was so much
impaired that nothing liut his indomitable resolution enabled him
to keep his saddle. In a letter to his father, dated August 31st,
he alludes in terms of warm admiration to the conduct of the old
Seventh at Ream's Station; naming several former comrades
belonging to it who were killed, and others taken prisoners;
mentions that the conduct of his own brigade had received much
credit in Gen. ILvncock's official reports; remarks that there had
been considerable fighting for the Weldon railroad, in nearly all
of which he had the honor to participate, and thus alludes to his
own health:
" You can have no idea of the excessive fatigue to which we
have been sul)jected this month, and especially for an A. A. G.
I do not not want to take a sick leave unless I am actually
obliged to, for it is not considered very honorable to leave the
field upon the plea of sickness, when one is only about half sick.
There are so many shoulder-strapped individuals that are hiding
under the shadow of a surgeon's certificate, that I don't want to
be ranked among that class."
In a letter to his sister, dated September 3d, he says:
" Since writing to father three days ago, we have marched
nearly forty miles, and have had quite a hard fight — I fortunately
escaped. We lost quite severely, and this morning we returned
and camped in nearly the same place from which I wrote father.
We cannot tell how long we will be allowed to remain quiet;
indeed, since July 25th, we have not been forty-eight hours in
one place, and as you may easily imagine, we have had but little
time to write, w^hile the wear, tear and fatigue have been terrible.
I have been so tired at times that I would go to sleep on horse-
])ac'k. Only last night I was so much worn out that I laid down
under a tree and went sound asleep while it was raining, and I
had not a thing over me. I could not help it.
" I write and tell you this, Nellie, so that you can have some
slight idea of the reasons for my not writing you in answer to
your letters promptly, and not because I am complaining at all.
" When we do get a chance to stop anywhere, I have a great
many written reports to make, and cannot neglect them, and after
they are done, I am so tired that I generally try and go to sleep
for a little while, and letter writing becomes next to an impossi-
bility. I am not very well, but am on duty, and shall remain so
as long as I am al)le.
"I was very sorry to hear of G.'s sickness, and glad to learn
he was getting better. He should congratulate himself that he
was where he could be taken care of. Here, when one gets sick,
he gets very little care, I assure you. They do the best they can,
of course, but a tent and the ground make but an indifferent sick
room and bed.
" We have had some very hard fighting over this Weldon rail-
road, and you can congratulate yourself that you still have a
brother in the army. I have several times made up my mind
that you would not have long, but I have been so far spared. I
have not written you, Nellie, about anything else than myself,
but I know that I am the one that you want to hear about, and
so shall offer no excuse.'*
Fkederick's duties as Assistant Adjutant General were con-
genial to his tastes and adapted to his capacity, but yet they had
been exceedingly arduous and laborious. He was chief of the
brigade staH*. His labors during a march commenced early and
continued late. He thus explains them in a condensed form, in
answer to my inquiry on the subject:
"To attend to all the details of a movement; in battle, to
remain with the General, and if any orders are given, to give
them to the aids for the regimental commanders, or Avhomsoever
they may concern; to watch the lines, and whenever, in my opin-
ion, an advantage can be gained, to show it to the General, if he
has not already perceived it; and if the aids are all away on duty,
and an important order is issued, to carry it myself, and see that
it is obeyed; sometimes to push on one flank of the skirmish
line while the General is pushing on another, and in every way
to watch the effect of movements ordered; and, in fact, to l)e an
assistant to the General (on the field an order from me is the
same as one from him); and after a fight to camp the several
regiments; to see, personally, that a proper picket line is thrown
out; to make ofllcial reports of operations, and returns of killed,
Avounded and missing, damage done, &c., &c."
Upon receiving the letters of August 31st and September 3d,
the author applied directly to the Secretary of War for a brief
leave of absence, which, having been promptly granted, Fred-
erick made a short but delightful visit to his home in September.
Eecovering his health. and strength, he rejoined the army in time
to participate in the battle of Davis Farm, on the Vaughn Road,
on the 1st of October.
For an account of his gallant bearing on that occasion, I refer
to the letter from Major Thomas, who served on the same statf.
A description of this brilliant aflair was given in the New York
Herald. The first brigade were dismounted, and bravely resisted
an attack by an enemy largely outnumbering them; and then,
with a gallant charge, routed and drove them from the field.
He also participated in the first battle of Hatcher's Run on the
26tli of November, and in the movement in the latter part of
November, by which General Gregg and his division advanced
to Stony Creek, destroying the bridge and several pieces of
artillery, capturing prisoners, and successfully accomplishing the
object of the advance.
On the 6th of December, orders were received for the cavalry
to move at three o'clock the next morning with six days' rations.
The movement was made when the weather was very cold, and
on the 9th a severe engagement took place at Bellfield. Major
Sarge^vnt, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, was shot while
riding by the side of Frederick during the fight — an event which
produced a serious impression upon his mind. It is understood
that the movement was eminently successful.
A full account of this aflair was given in the Herald, written
by its army correspondent. In the official report of the move-
ment, Frederick had the honor of being mentioned as " having
behaved with the greatest gallantry and zeal, and having contri-
buted greatly to the success of the brigade by valuable service."
The time was now approaching for severing his official connec-
tion as Assistant Adjutant General with General Davies and his
briijade staft' — a relation cemented by their common sufferings,
perils, and glories. A vacancy had occurred in the Colonelcy
of the Tenth New York Cavalry by the withdrawal from th;it
position of Colonel Irvine, the present accomplished and patri-
otic Adjutant General of New York. Lieutenant-Colonel Avery,
being about to l)e promoted to fill the vacancy, tendered the posi-
tion of Lieutenant-Colonel to Frederick. Colonel Avery had
become well acquainted with Frederick while he was Assistant
Adjutant General. General Irvine informs me that Gen. Gregg
also advised the selection of Frederick, as it would be an acqui-
sition to the regiment.
Havinof ascertained that all the officers of the regiment were
in favor of his appointment, he resolved to accept the position,
and without delay commissions were issued by his Excellency
Governor Sejanour for Colonel Avery and Lieutenant-Colonel
Tremain, but a brief delay in mustering in became necessary, to
enable the regiment to become recruited to the requisite number
for mustering in the new officers.
Frederick, having resigned the office of Assistant Adjutant
General, seized the occasion to pay a holiday visit to his home.
He arrived the evening before New Year's, and passed a few
weeks there in a visit which will be cherished during life liy
every member of the tamily, among their most treasured recol-
It was a suliject of general remark that he had become much
matured by his experience in the army. While cheerful and
hopeful, he Avas yet grave and thoughtful, and fully impressed
with the duties and responsibilities of his position.
He returned to the army full of high hopes and expectations.
Fort Fisher had fallen; Thomas had achieved his great victory
over Hood; Sherman was advancing in triumph, and he confi-
dently believed that the end of the rebellion was at hand.
On his return he met at Washington, in the Invalid Corps, an
old comrade of the Seventh, and true to his nature, which led
him to promote the welfare of others, he wrote a letter of intro-
duction for him, invoking the author's kind offices in his behalf.
This was the last letter I ever received from him directed to me,
and I give it as a fair revelation of the kindness of his character.
" My Dear Father — I have the honor to introduce to you
Lieutenant , formerly of the Seventh New York Artillery,
and now of the Invalid Corps. He was wounded in front of
Petersburg in the famous charge of June Ifith, of the Seventh
New York Artillery. The shell that struck him carried away the
left eye, and exposed the brain slightly, so that he can hardly do
night duty. He, therefore, wishes to be ordered on duty some-
where in New York State, where he can still do dut;/, but, if
possible, to some place where he can sleep at night, as the loss
of sleep gives him terrible pains in the head on account of the
exposure of the brain.
"He is a gallant officer, and has won for himself a Lieutenancy
from the ranks as a private, and deserves all the favors that loyal
men are able to grant him.
" If you in any way can assist him in the accomplishment of his
object, you will only be rendering a gallant soldier what is justly
due him. Your affectionate son,
^'Lieutenant Colonel Tenth Jf. Y. Cavalry.
'''■January 27, 1865."
When he joined the Tenth, and had been mustered in as Lieu-
tenant Colonel, he wrote a letter to his mother expressing his
pleasure at his reception l)y his ucav regiment, and his gratifica-
tion in being put in charge of an officer's school for instruction
in military tactics, which letter came to hand on the day he
received his fatal wound. I learn that his home and his pleasant
visit were the theme of his constant conversation among his inti-
mate friends. He was kind and affectionate in his nature, and
was devotedly attached to every meml^er of his father's family.
" Sir," said his tent mate to the author, "I felt well acquainted
with every member of your family, from Fred's description and
frequent conversation."
On the 7th of February, while eno;aged in court, I received
from Maj. Pease the following telegram: ''February 6. — Feed
was seriously wounded to-day. It is thought not dangerously."
The next train carried from Albany, on their way to him, his
mother. Dr. Pomfret (who cheerfully consented to go, although
he was home on leave), and the author. We arrived in Wash-
ington the next evening, and immediately, through the War
Department, opened a telegraphic counnunication with Gen.
Meade's head-quarters. The first ansAver was encouraging, but,
alas ! the next broujjht the fatal intellio-ence that Lieut. Col. Tre-
MAIN died the same evening (the 8th) at City Point Hospital, that
his remains would be embalmed and forwarded north immedi-
Here let me draw a veil over what follows. The agony of
spirit, the bewildering effects of such a sudden and unexpected
blow, the crushing out of hopes, the bitterness of disappoint-
ment, the terrible reflection that we should never see him alive,
the extinguishment of light, and the darkness and clouds that
intervened, can be known or appreciated only by those doting
parents, who have passed tlirough a simihir furnace of affliction.
The circumstances attending his death may be soon related.
The movement which resulted in the battle of Hatcher's Run was
a general advance of the whole division on the morning of Feb-
ruary 5th, pursuant to orders. They were on the march all that
day, and early tlie next morning, while the brigade were pre-
paring for breakfast, the enemy broke in upon them, and a battle
ensued, which continued all day.
About two p. M., Avhile near Dabney's Mills, Frederick was
leading his troops on the extreme left, in the skirmish line, and
was al)0ut to make a charge, the cavalry being dismounted, when,
Gen. Davies having been wounded, Col. Avery Avas called to
command the brigade, and had sent a mounted oiBeer to notify
Frederick that the command of the regiment had devolved upon
him. While Frederick had turned around partly, and was con-
versing with the messenger, he received the fatal wound from a
Minnie ball in his hip.
He left the field, accompanied b}^ two men, meeting on his
way Col. Avery, who describes him as looking pale, and having
a smile on his face. In the ambulance he was overtaken l)y his
colored servant, and said to him, cheerfully, that they would
soon visit A11)any again. He also, at the same moment, recog-
nized his cousin, Maj. H. E. Tremain, of Gen. Gregg's staff.
Avhile he was riding by with an important order from the Gene-
ral for reinforcements, hailed him, remarking that he was hit,
perhaps seriously, Ijut he thought not dangerously, and then
urged him to go on in the performance of his duty.
He walked into the field hospital, where General Davies met
him, placed him upon a bed in a room by himself, and gave him
some stimulants. The surceons extracted the ball that evening:,
and pronounced it troublesome only, but not dangerous. He
was visited there by Major Pease, INIajor Tremalst and others,
who, relying on the Surgeon's report, left him without serious
apprehensions. The next day he was sent to City Point Hos-
pital, fifteen or tAventy miles, where he arrived, cold and ex-
hausted, attended by his servant.
He was in much pain and not inclined to converse. The fol-
loAving day, the 8th, alarming symjitoms appeared. He continued
perfectly conscious, made his arrangements to leave for home,
but was not made aware of the fact that his life was in danger,
and about five o'clock, just as his servant had given him some
water, he died, without a mm'mur or complaint having escaped
his lips.
A post-mortem examination revealed the fact that the wound
was necessarily mortal from the first. The l)all, after performing
its course, had fallen back, and its location had deceived the
surgeons who extracted it, and Avho supposed it merely a flesh
The intelligence of his death spread a deep gloom over his
entire brigade, officers and men. A meeting of the brigade
officers (a rare compliment in the army) was called and attended
by every officer not absent on dnty, at which just and excellent
resolutions were adopted.
The remains were accompanied from City Point by Colonel
Avery, Major Tremain and Dr. Clark. His countenance ap-
peared natural and life-like.
A military funeral took place on the 16th of February, with
honors suitable to his rank, under the charge of the Tenth New
York, commanded by Colonel Chamberlain, the Cadet Zouave
Company A acting as an escort. Everything that aifectionate
sympathy could do to render honor to his memory, was done by
his countrymen and countrywomen. Flowers were sent in
l)ountiful profusion from numerous male and female friends, and
these were, by fair and tasteful hands, beautifully arranged in
the form of crosses, wreaths, a trumpet and crown, while the
coffin was festooned, and covered with them in tropical abun-
After appropriate religious services had been performed at
the author's residence, the public funeral took place at St. Peter's
Church, the Rev. Wm. Wilson and the Rev. Wm. Tatlock officia-
ting. Plis Excellency, Gov. Fenton, accompanied by his stalf in
full uniform, honored the funeral with his presence. The names
of the military and civil bearers who attended will be recog-
nized as among the noblest youth in Albany. Sweet and solemn
music by the choir tilled the church. The citizens of Albany
turned out en tnasse, filling the spacious church and the streets,
for long distances. A large concourse followed the remains to
the cemetery, where, after the soldiers had fired appropriate vol-
leys over his coffin, it was consigned to the vault.
Thus lived and died my brave boy, around whom, for twenty-
one years, had clustered my cares, my anxieties, my hopes and
my aftections!
No longer could we look forward Avith inexpressible joy to the
termination of this war, as an event which would bring back, in
safety and honor, the soldier we had furnished! The sound of
carl)iiies and artillery can no more reach him! Henceforth, we
mnst be content to gaze on yonder mute memorials, his belt
and sash, his spnrs and sword, and other precious relics, and to
feed on the memory of his virtues, his patriotism, and the noble
record he achieved! lie died young; but how many of ns who
survive have done more for our countiyand for humanity than he!
My work is ended. I l)elieve this little history to be Avholly
free from coloring, but if parental fondness has deceived me in
this belief, the otience, I am sure, is pardonable.
And now, may Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, grant
that this great sacritice, although not " now joyous but grievous
may work out the peaceable fruits of righteousness," — that the
blood of this 3^oung martyr may aid in infusing fresh life into
our free institutions; — that this rebellion may be so completely
crushed, that in all future time, no second attempt will be made
by wicked men to destroy our Union by treasonable force; — and
may He hasten the day when our National Unity shall become
established on immutable and eternal foundations.
Omitting numerous letters from private citizens full of kind
and feeling tributes, I select a few written by military officers
whose position, as military men, brought them into close and
intimate relations with the deceased.
War Department, February 10, 1865.
My dear Sir — I am unable to tell how deeply my heart sym-
pathizes Avith you and Mrs. Tremain in the great calamity that
has fallen upon you in the death of your son. That he has fallen
upon the field of battle, fighting gallantly for his country, and
given his life as a sacrifice for national existence, may hereafter
be some consolation when time has embalmed his memory, and
assuaged the present agony of l)ereavement. I pray you, my
dear friend, accept the assurance of my commiseration, and I
trust that you will find support and comfort from that Divine
Providence, that has called your gallant son from the field of
battle to a haven of rest. Yours trul^^,
Hon. L. Tremain. EDWIX M. STANTOX.
272 lieut. col. frederick l. tremain.
Head Quarters 2d Cavalry Division, )
Army of Potomac, March 1, 1865. ^
Hon. Lyman Tremain:
My dear Sir — I take the first opportiiiii tj of being able to use
my pen, to express to you my sincere sympathy, on the great loss
you have sustained in the deatli of your gallant son, Lieut. Col.
I know that I can say nothing that will alleviate the suffering
caused by a blow such as that you have sustained, but while you
mourn his loss it will be at least some consolation to know that
he fell fighting for the good cause, and that his name will be ever
remembered among those of the gallant men who have given up
all, even to life itself, for the honor and safety of the country. As
a brave and gallant ofiicer, one who already in his extreme youth
had won high military honors, and had before him a brilliant
career of hope and promise, his early death is deeply and sin-
cerely regretted by all his fellow ofiicers, and by none more than
myself. For a long period he had served upon my staif, and had
always deserved and obtained high praise for his knowledge of
duty, his cheerfulness and untiring assiduity, and the conspicuous
gallantry he had displayed upon every battle field. When he
was promoted to a higher position I regretted much that out
intimate personal relations should be disturbed, but I was well
aware of his high deserving, and knew that his promotion was
l)ut a just recognition of his many good qualities.
During the short period he served with his regiment, he had
deserved the highest praise, and I looked upon his future ad-
vancement as secure, and saw that, if his life should be spared,
he had within his reach, the highest honors of the profession
of arms.
This, however, was not to be, and on the 6th of Februaiy,
while leading his regiment Avith gallantry and judgment sur-
passed by none, he fell l)efore the fate that has already cut off so
many of our l)est and l)ravest men.
While we mourn his loss, we must remember that his death
was as glorious as his life had been distinguished.
In the vicissitudes of war, should it be my fate to fall, I could
ask no death more distinguisliecl than his; to fall at the crowning
point of a success to Avhich his gallantry and good conduct had
greatly assisted, and to know that his farewell from earth and
welcome above would be the same — " Wall done, thou good and
faithful servant."
With the most sincere regards, and the assurance of my heart-
felt sympathy in your affliction, believe me.
Very truly yours, H. E. DAVIES, Jr., Brig. Gen.
Headquarters Tenth New York Cavalry, \
Before Petersburg, Va., March 11, 1865. )
My dear Sir — Although more than a month has elapsed since
the battle of Hatcher's Run, the last engagement in which your
son, our gallant associate, participated, and in which his young
life was laid upon the altar of his country, we, his comrades, are
but the more frequently reminded of the vacant place in our little
circle. Though his connection with the regiment had been recent,
yet, as Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade, we had met
him in social intercourse, and also marked his conspicuous bravery
on the field. From the highest to the lowest he received an ear-
nest welcome — not as a stranger, but as one who had been iden-
tified with us, of whose name and fame we were proud, and
whose reputation was hereafter to belong more exclusively to us
as a regiment. His honorable and unselfish ambition was partic-
nlarly gratified, that his promotion had been eftected without det-
riment to the individual interests of any of our officers, and which
was enhanced by his previous refusal of a proffered appointment,
which, if accepted, would have supplanted a competent and de-
serving; officer.
H(! came among us with an earnest intention to contribute the
whole of his ability and energy, towards improving the morale
and efflK'tiveness of the organization with which he had become
identified. At times I could not refrain from smiling, at the very
earnest manner in which he endeavored to impress upon me the
fact of his being young — accustomed to ha1)its of study and appli-
cation; his expressions of desire to share in the responsibility of
command, and that it would be but necessary to merely indicate
any duty, which it were desirable that he should execute.
A few days before the movement a system of evening recita-
tions of the officers in Tactics and the Regulations had been insti-
tuted under his charge. To this he devoted himself in the same
earnest and conscientious maimer in which he performed every
task. Among other lessons was that of acquiring a new manual
for the carbine, just introduced into the division. In this, to
the surprise of all, he became remarkal)ly proficient after a few
hours' practice — his previous experience as executive officer of
the brigade havins; led me to imaoine that he would be found
wanting in the practice necessary to an expert manipulation of
the piece; but to this, as all other duties of his profession, he
had devoted a pains-taking attention.
There was no trait of Lieutenant Colonel Tremain's military
character more prominent than an earnest purpose to contribute
liis every effort towards the success of our cause, and which was
evinced on trifling occasions as well as in the crisis of an engage-
ment. On the morning of our first day's march, after a sleepless
night, owing to the l^ad condition of the roads, wagons and ambu-
lances Avere continually ])eing mired, thus delaying the column.
Although not under his charge, he laljored assiduously in the
mad and water, and when extricated made sport of the plight in
which he found himself, with the consoling remark : " That he
had earned his pay for that day at least."
We were preparing our breakfast on the morning of the 6th,
when the engagement suddenly opened — he immediately prefer-
ring the request to be allowed the post of danger in command
of the skirmish line. Knowing his thoughts, I requested him
not to unnecessarily expose himself, with the reminder : " That
the Tenth had too often seen him imder fire, to require needless
evidence of his bravery, in this, his first battle as their Lieutenant
Colonel." Our regiment, at first held in reserve, was afterward
moved forward upon the line, soon after which, owing to the
wound received by General Davies, I was notified that the com-
mand of the bi'igade luid fallen to myself. I then dispatched a
staff" officer to apprise Colonel Trem.un of his being in command
of the regiment, and while receiving the message he was struck
hy a Minnie l)all, and a moment afterward passed me, supported l)y
two men. I shall never forget the pale face, but cheery voice wdiich
replied to my anxious inquiry regarding his injury : " That it felt
rather deep, and that the blood was running down into his boots."
I could not then realize, that it was the last time in life, that I
was to look upon the face of one who had become near and dear
to me, and whose irreparable loss was henceforth to be mourned
by an entire regiment.
We should be only too happy to contribute in any way to
assuage your deep grief, but in such affliction words are very,
very empty; and in enumerating the noble, manly characteristics
of the lost one, and while we look forward to the future, we are
but reminded of its brilliant prospect, had he been but spared
for its development. Yours, with sincere sympathy,
M. H. AVERY, Col. Tenth iV". Y. Cavalry.
Hon. LyMxVN Tremain, Albany, N. Y.
Song for the young and brave !
A pean for his bright though brief career !
But a low dirge above his warrior grave,
The sudden closing to his opening year.
Grief twines with glory. While his morn was red
His Alma Mater's bowers all greenly spread
Joy in his heart, fair fortune at his side,
Home with its joys and friends that loved with pride,
He turned from all to stem the battle tide
For his loved land, and for that land he died.
Amid the roaring rain of musketry,
And thunder-shock of volleys, the keen play
Of bayonet-lightning, his slight form we see
Full in the front, and where death's awful way
"Was wildest ! Woe that he should perish there
In his fresh strength while sweeping upward road
With his good sword, to where Fame, bright and rare
For one so young, stood holding high in air
The laurel wreath. In strife how fiercely glowed
His heart ! in rest how full of love and mirth !
Blue shone the sky. and flowery smiled the earth,
For toward all human kind his heart in gladness flowed.
The saddle was his throne, and he a king
When the tierce squadron dashed in thundering might
A cataract of swords and shots — a wing
Of rushing Havoc — a quick cleaving flight
Of deadly levin ! Lo, a glorious raid !
And the galloping steeds and the rush and the clang
Of the ride over mountain, through forest and glade
And the keen thrilling peals of the trumpet ! How sprang
The hamlet in terror while on came the burst
Of the troopers and cheering and flame told the worst.
As they swept up the harvest and dashed down the wall
And, laden with spoil, skimmed away one and all
While the night rang with clash and deep thunder of bound
And flushed wide with torch-flame, and day heard the sound
From field and from village of wailing and wrath
And the foe sought in vain to block Sheridan's path.
And mid them our eager young hero ! no toil
Too great for his striving ; no battle-turmoil
Too fierce for his daring ; no duty undone
Till the goal of the striving and daring was won.
Oh, long lament for him, the youthful dead !
The bravest of the brave ! most kind and true !
The blossom scarce to perfect life had spread.
The sun had scarcely climbed the morning blue.
And yet so firm he looked at coming death
With eye so dauntless, such untrembling breath
It seemed a mark of scorn. The bullet sped,
And hours rolled onward, while with creeping tread,
The shadowy foe approaclied ; and when the dart
Was reared to reach his young, warm, generous heart.
With tenderest love of friends upon his lips
He entered, undismayed, life's dread and dark eclipse.
Song for the young and brave !
Long as the land shall live he died to save
Shall honor cast fresh wreaths upon his grave.
Not lost his bright career ; it shines a light
To kindle other hearts with patriot might.
And when strife calls again, a beacon to the fight.
And not alone home's fractured altar shows
A shrouded radiance, a great nation knows
Her darkened orbs, and keeps them in her heart
And when the frowning clouds of War depart
Her grateful love will kindle them anew
And constellate their rays forever in her view
Michael B. Stafford was the son of Richard and Alice
Stafford, who emigrated from the connty of Wexford, Irehind,
and came to Albany, N. Y., in the year 1822. Here Michael
was born on the 29th day of December, 1827. His father was a
shoemaker, and has resided in Alliany since 1822, where he has
held the office of alderman, and been mnch respected for his
integrity and worth as a citizen. He gave his son Michael a
good business education, such as his limited means would allow,
and sent him to learn the trade of a mason, at the age of sixteen
years, with Adam Todd, late of All)any.
At the age of twenty-one, Michael left Mr. Todd, having
acquired a thorough knowledge of his chosen trade, and about
the year 1851 went to Corning, N. Y., where he commenced
business on his own account as a builder. He followed that
business till 1860, when he returned to Albany. He erected
many of the best buildings in the village of Corning, and was
regarded as a first class builder. He was prompt and upright in
all his dealings, but had not been successful in amassing any
considerable property, having met with some heavy losses in
In his early manhood at Albany, he was a member of the
Albany- Emmet Guards, and took great interest in that organiza-
tion, and was a good soldier. He was also Foreman of one of
the Albany fire companies.
When at Corning, he was chosen Captain of the Emmet Guards
of that place, one of the finest and best drilled militia comjDanies
in the State. After holding that position for several years, he
resigned, and was soon after selected as Major of the Sixtieth
Rogiment N. Y. Militia. This position he afterwards resigned.
On tne breaking out of the war he was residing in Albany,
and when the Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. Militia (Col. Bryan)
was ordered, on the 21st of April, 1861, to hasten to the defence
of the National Capital, he joined as a private in the ranks to
serve his.country, leaving his young wife and four little children.
He served his term of three months with this regiment faith-
fully, and, upon his return to All)any, was soon after appointed
to a Lieutenancy in the Eighty-sixth Eegiment N. Y. Volunteers,
which was raised for three years or the Avar. His regiment was
mostly recruited in Steuben county, where he had formerly
He passed with his regiment through the Peninsular campaign,
under Gen. McClellax, and fought in most of the important
battles in Virginia during the year 1802. At the l)attle of Chan-
cellorsville he was Adjutant of the regiment, and was severely
wounded, and compelled to lie in the hospital for several months.
Upon his recovery, he again joined his command, and was at
once promoted to the rank of Major. He was in all the l)attles
under Grant, from the llapidan to Petersburg, and was several
times slightly wounded. His regiment belonged to Hancock's
immortal Second Corps. He had his horse shot under him in
the bloody battle of the Wilderness.
On the 29th of November, 1864, while his regiment laid in
front of Peters! )urg, Va., and the enemy were throwing shells
which fell in his camp, he stepped out of his tent to give some
orders (he then being the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment,
the commanding officer, the Colonel, having resigned), and was
struck with a piece of shell, which took off his hand, and cut a
fearful and mortal wound in his side. From this wound he died
in his tent, on the lirst day of December, after the most intense
suffering. Upon being informed by the Surgeon that his wound
was mortal, he called his officers and men around him, and bade
them stand ])y the flag of their country till victory should, as it
certainly would, crown their efforts. Then he l)id them, each
and all, farewell.
The following letter he dictated to his wife and children in his
last moments:
" Dear wife — I put you in the trust of God Almighty, for my
time has come. I have served my country as a man, and am
willing to die.
"Bring up my children in the fear of God, and sacrifice every
one for his country, if necessary. Tell my old father and
mother that I died as their son should die, with his head up and
his face to the enemy.
Then, having received the last consolations of his religion,
according to the rites of the Catholic church, his spirit went to
God, in whose mercy he confidently trusted.
He left to mourn his loss his wife, Eliza Carroll, to whom
he was married in 1854, and five children. The youngest of the
children was but four weeks old at the time of his death.
His patriotic services rendered to his country, and the sacrifice
of all the endearments of a loving family and life itself, are suf-
ficient to transmit his name and reputation to the future, and to
commend his beloved widow and fatherless children to the sym-
pathies of a grateful people.
Charles Elisha Pruyn was born in the city of Albany, Nov.
11th, 1840. He was the son of Col. Samuel Pruyn, a gentleman
of superior intelligence and worth, and a descendant of one of
the oldest and best Holland families in the city. On his mother's
side, he claimed with just pride, descent from the Puritan family
of PuTNA]\i, among whom was Gen. Israel Putnam. From the
ancestors of both his parents he inherited the noblest qualities.
To the firm and persevering characteristics of the Dutch, were
united the energy, quickness and industry of the New England
stock. To all these were added the unyielding integrity, the
pure patriotism, and the high toned religious sentiments peculiar
to both races.
His boyhood was passed amid the quiet and happy scenes of
home, and was in no wise remarkable; though every careful
observer could have detected qualities in the youth, that gave
promise of a noble and useful manhood.
From his earliest childhood he was distinguished for strict
regard for truth, and his detestation of everything mean or dis-
honorable. If he discovered such traits in his playmates or
associates, he was disposed at once to discard them.
He was educated at the Albany Academy, and while he had a
quick apprehension and retentive memory, and made fair pro-
gress in all his studies, he excelled in elocution and mathe-
matics. He was very amliitious for a higher and more complete
education, and it was a great sacrifice to him to relinquish his
liopes in this respect, and at the early age of sixteen devote him-
self to business. He entered, at that time, one of the city banks
as clerk, l)ut the disappointment of his expectations in regard to
his studies did not affect his outward conduct, or malce him
indiflcrent to the duties of his position. He gave himself to
them with conscientious energy and perseverance, and, probably,
not one of those who daily mingled with him, was aware of the
struggle going on, in that young heart, between duty and incli-
nation. Perhaps the discipline was just what he required, for it
was evident that his character, about this period, became greatly
strengthened, and his parents were often gratified by the testi-
monials of his employers' approliation, in regard to his capacity,
fidelity and morality. The knowledge of business he thus
acquired was very useful to him, and he realized and confessed
the advantage of it afterwards.
In the army he was often banker and cashier of the regiment,
and, being prudent and judicious in the use of money himself, he
was very often the creditor of others, especially among the men
who had families at home, and were grateful for the loan of a
small sum of money. The kindness he showed in this respect
was highly appreciated, and won for him the deepest gratitude.
That he did not lose his regard for learning, by his business
engagements, appears in the fact, that of almost the first money
he received after he entered the army, he gave one hundred dol-
lars, towards the endowment of Rutger's College, expressing his
gratification that although he had never enjoyed the privilege
of a college education himself he could assist others.
He united with the Middle Dutch Church of Albany, when he
was fifteen years old, and was, successively, a scholar, teacher
and officer in the Sabbath School.
Though surrounded by many temptations, he so maintained
his Christian character that several gentlemen felt it a privilege
to have their sons associate with him. One gentleman, who had
the best opportunity to know the purity of his character, made
every effort to bring his own son, who was disposed to l)e very
Avild and careless, under his influence, hoping it Avould have a
tendenc}^ to check him in his evil course. Charlie's mother,
who greatly feared his contamination, plainl}-^ told the gentle-
man her apprehensions. He replied: "You may rest assured
your fears for Charlie are groundless; he will never come down
to anytliiiig vicious; his morals are impregnable, and I feel sure
his course will always be to draw others up to his level."
His pnritij of mind w^as remarkable. His young companions
felt the power of this, and his presence was always a check upon
an}' indulgence of impurity. Probably to this, more than any-
thing else, next to the grace of God, was he indebted for his
preser\'ation from the corruptions of the army. Nothing in his
character is more worthy of imitation by the young men wdio
read this sketch; nothing will so effectually furnish them for the
temptations of life as to be like him, " pure in heart."
Not long, however, was he permitted to enjoy his pleasant
home and the peaceful pursuits of life. The trumpet of war
sounded through this once happ}' land; the hand of the parricide
was lifted against the bosom that had fostered it, and every pulse
of his ardent nature beat with the most intense emotion.
When the news of the fall of Sumter Avas received, his face
glowed with shame and indignation. He seemed to feel it a
personal insult, and for many days he was too excited to eat or
sleep. His first impulse was to enlist as a private at once, but
his parents, though fully sympathizing with his patriotic spirit,
were slower to feel that he was called to such a sacrifice. They
counseled deliberation and prudence. They felt that his qualifi-
cations entitled him to a position of greater influence, and they
hoped the terrible storm would soon be over, and then there
would be no demand for his services.
He respected and yielded to the wishes of his parents, but it
was evident he chafed under the restraint. His mother, w^ho
knew the decision depended mainly upon her washes, and wdio
was watching him with intense and prayerful anxiety, at last
came to the conclusion that it was her duty to give her consent.
Hearing him restlessly pacing the floor one night, after mid-
night, she w^ent up to his room and said: " Charlie, my dear
son, wdiy are you so excited?" He answered: "Mother, how
can I help it; how can I remain here at home, and sleep quietly
in my bed, when the country is in such a state? Why, mother,
I don't want to go into the street any more; I am ashamed to
look people in the face; a strong, healthy fellow like me, staying
at home and enjoying all these comforts when the country is in
clanger, and needs my services."
His mother then told him, that God had made her feel that it
wa,s his duty to go, and that his parents had no right to interpose
obstacles in the way. She engaged to obtain his father's consent,
only stipulating that he should tirst endeavor to procure a com-
mission; but if he failed to do so in a reasonable time, she would
not object to his going as a private.
The change immediately produced by this conversation was
wonderful. He expressed the greatest delight and gratitude, and
at once set himself to work to obtain a commission in some rejri-
ment already in the fiekL He went to Washington with letters
of the highest recommendation to the War Department, and he
received the promise of a speedy appointment. He returned
home and waited with the greatest impatience, and learned then
for the tirst time, how little reliance could often be placed upon
the promises, or assistance of strangers. He linally decided to
accept an appointment in a regiment then organizing at Platts-
burgh. He was commissioned as First Lieutenant, Company A,
Ninety-sixth Regiment, N. Y. S. Volunteers, Col. Faikmax,
October 17, 1861. The regiment did not go into the field till the
spring of 18(52, when it entered upon the Peninsular Campaign,
under Gen. McClellan. But the time was not lost. He was
ambitious to excel in everything he undertook, and spent every
moment not necessarily otherwise occupied, in the study of
military tactics. The same earnestness and enthusiasm which
had always characterized him, now stimulated him to make him-
self thoroughly competent to fill any position. Every book that
could be bought, every device that could be employed — such as
miniature armies, &c., were brought into requisition to perfect
his education. How well he succeeded, his after experience
That he deeply felt his absence from home and his exposure to
temptations; that his army life was a duty he conscientiously
endured, and not a pleasure ministering to a roving and excitable
temperament, his letters fully proved. Very few young men had
such strong home attachments. Very few enjoyed more intensely
the comforts, refinements and literary advantages of city life than
he did, and yet in all those scores of letters, not one expression
of reijret is found; and when his privations and sufferings were
mentioned, it was alwaj^s with some modification, and gratitude
for what blessings he had.
He was a very interesting and voluminous correspondent, and
his letters were the delight of the home circle. Always happy,
too, in the reception of \ettei'sfrom home, he seemed anxious to
do all he could to make up for his absence from those who loved
him so well, by giving them the most of the time he could com-
mand. A few of his letters will perhaps be interesting to the
reader. They will, 1)etter than any words of ours, reveal his
true character; his intelligence, his affectionate love for his
friends, and warm devotion to his mother.
He participated in the skirmishes of James river April 23,
1862, and of Bottom's Bridge, Va., May 20th, and in the battle
of Williamsl)urg, May 5th, an account of which he gives in the
followiu"' letter :
Four Miles from West Point, May 12, 1862.
Dear Mother — I wrote you a few lines last night, liut it was so
dark that I fear I did not write plain enough for you to read. I
will try now to Avrite a more detailed account of our doings. A
week ago Saturday, just as we were getting ready for inspection,
orders came for us to fall in and march. As we were only about
half a mile from the enemy's fortifications, which were concealed
from us by a narrow belt of woods, we supposed we were going
to attack them, and therefore left oiu' knapsacks behind. We
halted just ))efore we cleared the woods, and there heard that
the rebels had retreated, and we were to follow them up. After
leaving the woods, we entered into the enemy's works. We
traveled all day long:, and at nis'ht rested on the ground.
The next morning (Monday), Ave started again, and traveled
very fast, hearing the sound of cannon all the time. Aliout three
p. M., turning a sharp angle in the road, we found ourselves in a
large field where inunense bodies of troops Avere draAvn up in
line of l)attk'; and, advancing, Ave formed (juickly into line.
Immediately an officer rode up, and told us to load as fast as
possible, the bomb-shells and shot at the same time whistling
over and around us. I saw one shell burst and kill three men in
the reffiment rijiht at the side of us. We were then ordered to
advance on the double-quick, and support a battery of the Eighth
United States Regular Artillery. This was a position of import-
ance, and consequently of honor. I have been told that we were
assigned this position by Gen. Sumner (avIio commanded, Gen.
McClellan not being present, though he came up soon after),
because we were so cool when forming and advancing into line
of battle. We stood in this position the rest of the day, the shot
and shell flying around us like hail; yet, very singularly, none
of us were hurt. It rained hard all day, and we were wet through
to the skin, cold and shivering. When we advanced, we threw
off everything — such as blankets, haversacks, &c., and we had
nothing at all to cover us, and nothing to eat. Just as it was
growing dark, we heard that our forces had completely defeated
the enemy, though our left had been terribly cut to pieces (we
were on the right); that Banks hatl taken Richmond, and that
the rebel army was flying in every direction. Cheer upon cheer
went up on that battle-held from thousands of throats. But now
came the hardest time for us. Tired, wet through, hungry, and
cold, we were forced to lie down, as we were, in the mud, with-
out any covering, and no fires. This was the worst night I ever
passed in my life, and I do fervently hope I shall never be called
to o;o throuo:h another like it.
The next day the sun came out warm and pleasant. As we
did not march until afternoon, I had an opportunity to see a part
of the battle-field. What I saw I cannot attempt to describe,
but never, ?ieyer shall I forget it. I thought, what a horrible
thing is war ! And as I saw men lying dead, torn into all imagin-
able shapes l)y cannon and grape-shot, I thought of the homes
made desolate, and the hearts that would bleed, and the many
who would remember this day when they were made widows and
orphans, with sorrow as long as they lived. And I thanked
God most fervently that my poor life was si)arcd, and that in
His great goodness He had not uermitted me even to be wounded.
Wo marched on after the eiiemj^, for the whole army was imme-
diately set in motion to pnrsue and cnt them off; but we only
went about six miles, when we encamped for the night in a most
h)vely spot, although it was right among the abandoned forts of
the enemy.
On Wednesday we joined the division, and continued on our
march until Ave reached Williamsburg; there all but our brigade
stopped, Init we continued on. Williamsburg is quite a large
place, and is beautifully situated. Now it is almost entirely
deserted by its inhabitants; half the houses are occupied by our
troops, and over a great many the red flag floats, denoting hos-
pital quarters. The reliels must have had a vast number wounded,
which their hasty flight compelled them to leave behind, so they
are now prisoners of war in our hands. Not only is Williams-
burg full of wounded rebels, l)ut as we pass along the road, at
almost every barn, the hospital flag is hung out.
Our brigade was thrown in advance, after leaving Williams-
burg, and as we were the flrst Union troops that had passed that
way, it was necessary to be very careful. So our company was
detached and })laced in front, to act as an advance guard, to scour
the woods, &c., which gave me a grand chance to see the coun-
try just as the rebels had left it. All along the road Avere strewn
clothing of every description, camp furniture, guns and ammuni-
tion, and occasionally a gun Avith the Avheel broken, and caisson
dismounted, thus shoAving that the "chivalrous southerners" had
fled raUier precipitously.
Towards night, Ave halted at a farmhouse by the road. Tavo
other regiments of infantry (l)esides our brigade), two batteries
of artillery and a squadron of cavaliy soon came up, giving us a
force of betAveen six thousand and seven thousand. We killed
some cattle, built fires (which, however, Ave had to extinguish at
dark), cooked our food and slept. We remained at this place all
day Thursday. The reason for our not marching on I do not
know, but I think Gen. Keirn did not feel safe in adA'ancing
further into the enemy's country Avithout reinforcements. Indeed,
our ])ositi()n was one Avhich demanded great caution, for Ave were
far from the main army, and only seven thousand strong, Avhile
tlie enemy luid been thirty tliousand strong only a few hours Ijefore,
and were probably near by. Besides all this, we had no provi-
Friday, about noon, the remainder of our division came and
joined us, when we started and marched on a fcAv miles. Night
coming on, we all turned into a field of wdieat, or rather a wheat
field, and halted for our night's rest.
Here we were joined by the v/hole gi'and Army of the Poto-
mac, and also by Gen. McClellan, in propria ijersona. On Satur-
day A. M., we started. The army commenced moving at four
o'clock A. M., and yet we did not leave till nine o'clock, and we
are about in the centre, so vast is this immense army. On the
top of a high hill, I had a chance, as avc halted a few moments,
to look around, and on either side, as far as my eye could reach,
stretched this enormous column of men. It was a magnificent
sight. We traveled all day, and at night stopped about four
miles from West Point, where we now are. Gen. McClellan's
head-quarters are just across the road from our encampment.
Late at night. Ave got some crackers, dry, tasteless flour and
water, things made, as is stated on the box cover, October, 1861;
and yet Jtoio good they were, l)etter than the nicest pastry I ever
tasted. Anything is good to starving men.
Sunday it was given out that we w^ould not move, so we rested
ourselves after this hard week's w^ork. We had su^ar and cotfee
Sunday morning, and by great management on my part, I got a
few, dirty, nasty ginger cakes, such as in Albany I would not
think it possible to touch.
I attended divine service in an adjoining regiment, and it was
to me a rich treat. I rejoiced once more to hear the word of
God read and expounded. We expected to leave here this a.
jM., but have, as yet, heard nothing of it,
I feel l)adly just now, for the mail has come in, and I have no
letter from home. If you only could knoAv hoAV I miss your let-
ters, and hoAv happy it makes me Avhen I get them, I am sure
you would write very often, and ask the rest to do so too. And
yet I Allow it is not your fault. There must be some mistake in
the mail, for I am sure you love me too well to neglect me; but
I tlo SO long to heur from home; tioo whole weeks since I have
heard one word. Love to all, and to you as ever.
Your affectionate CHARLIE.
On the 3 1st of May and the 1st of June, 1862, his regiment
was engaged in the terrific battle of Fair Oaks. In this engage-
ment the regiment suffered severely, losing one-third killed and
wounded. Lieut. Pruyn had been quite ill and was entirely
unfit for duty, but no selfish consideration could keep him from
his post. He conducted himself with such bravery and devotion,
that he was mentioned in the official report of his Colonel, as
" deserving special commendation for his gallantry and soldierly
The Ninety-sixth were in the celebrated " Casey's Division,"
which was in the advance, and within sight of Richmond at this
l)attle. By some strange and ungenerous misapprehension. Gen.
McClellan was led to censure this division in his first dispatch,
charging that it " broke unaccountabl}^ and discreditably." How
unjust was this aspersion was abundantly proved, when the sub-
ject was discussed on the floor of Congress. In that discussion,
the Hon. Mr. Van Wyck, of New York, " briefly recounted the
movements of Casey's Division from the 5th of May till the battle
of Fair Oaks; what losses it sustained from toil and exposure;
that it was halted amid the SAvamps of the Chickahominy, where
without tents, without blankets, without food, and without mur-
muring, they lay down on the banks of that deadly stream. That
Casey's Division had but 5,000 men fit for duty, while the enemy
marched from 30,000 to 40,000 men against him; that Casey's
men held the ground for three hours without being reinforced;
that every rod of the retreat was covered with the rebel dead;
that our gallant men fell where the sleepers are many, with their
backs on the ground, and their feet to the foe; that nearly one-
third of Casey's men were killed or wounded, a larger propor-
tion than any other division had lost in a single battle during the
war; that while the history of centuries is being crowded into
days, hours and moments, he felt that the records of the house
should do justice to the bravery and devotion of a gallant divi-
sion, that deserved so much of their country."
Mr. Pruyn's letters written immediately after this battle, agree
very remarkably with these statements.
June 3, 1862.
Dear Mother — Fearing you have heard of the battle of the
31st and 1st, and perhaps have heard that the Second Brigade of
Casey's Division was all cut up, I just write a line to tell you
that although our regiment is pretty well used up, your sou is
alive and well; and that thoug-h the secesh bullets came round
thick and fast, killing and wounding our men without number,
the nearest I received to a wound, was a piece of lead through
my coat, but which never touched the skin. Thank God for my
Not only our regiment, but the whole brigade are cut to
pieces. Since the fight, several of oiir men have been out, and
find that the place occupied by the force opposed to us, is
literally covered with their dead, thus showing that our boys
done good service. I cannot write more now; this is only to
relieve your anxiety. The fight was right on our camp ground,
and we have lost everything. Over 4,000 of our wounded have
been sent off, and not nearly all are gone yet.
In haste, but affectionately,
The following, giving a more detailed account of the battle,
is one of what he called his "journal letters." These letters
were carefully written up from his memorandum book, and from
first to last would furnish a concise, correct and interesting his-
tory of the movements of the portion of the army with which
he was connected.
It is surprising that he could find time for letters like these,
but they furnish one of the many proofs he gave of his desire to
gratify and relieve his friends at home. His mother regarded it
as a religious duty to keep him acquainted with every minutia
of domestic afl'airs, believing it the surest way to keep alive his
attachment to home. She was well rewarded by his carefulness
and attention to her wishes, in regard to a knowledge of his daily
In the Woods, near Bottom's Bridge, Va., )
Tuesday, Jwte 8^//, 1862. I
My dear Mother — Beginning at the date of my last journal
letter, Tuesday, May 13tli, we left Rosser's Church al>out seven
o'clock. The day was scorching hot, and we did not reach our
final stopping place until two o'clock the next a. m. Just think,
nineteen hours under, part of the time, a burning sun, with a
heavy knapsack on your back. And yet we only marched twelve
miles. If we only could have started and marched right on, it
would -have been far easier; but the trouble was, wath such an
immense body of troops the roads became blocked up, and we
could only march a few feet and then stop ten minutes or more;
and so on all day, not stopping long enough for the men to sit
down to rest. It was a terrible march. This place is called New
Kent Court House.
Saturday, 11th. — Had dress parade to-night, and just after it
was over we received orders to march. Started just at dark,
and marched till after midnight, when we stopped at a place
called Cross Roads. Our march was not fatiguing, as it was
night and cool, but a part of the w^ay was through the woods,
and so dark we could not see w^here to go, and often we got into
mud holes. Laid down and slept this night with the bosom of
mother earth for my resting place, and the star spangled heavens
for my coverlid, and, what's more, slept sound and good. If I
am spared to return, I am afraid I shall have to go out into the
garden to sleep, for I don't think it will be possible to lie in a
bed in the house.
Sunday, ISth. — No work to-day. A splendid day, though very
hot. This evening, for the first time, the regiment had the
word of God read and expounded to them by our Chaplain, who
joined the regiment yesterday. It did my heart good, once more
to join with others in praise to the Almighty for His goodness
and mercy to us.
I have a new kind of bed, which pleases me very mnch. I
take my bhmket and tie a rope to each end. These ropes I
make fast to two trees, jump in, l)ring the two sides of the bhxn-
ket together, get one of the boys to throw a rubber blanket over
this ball of humanity, and I am fixed for the night. Unless,
peradventure, said ropes should break, which verily doth often
happen, in which case the young man, even he called Pruyn,
doth receive sundry bumps and bruises on head and body, which
doth not add to the serenity of his temper.
Monday, I'idtJi. — Although it rained hard this a. m., we started
and marched several miles to a place called Despatch Station, on
the Richmond and York River Railroad. Are now about fifteen
miles from Richmond, the goal of our ex])ectations. Slung my
hammock, and laid me down to sleep.
Tuesday, 20^/i. — Was awakened this a. m. early, by hearing
some one say that " Capt. Lot" had arrived with his sutler's
wagon. I tumbled {literally tumbled) out of my hammock, and
started for the wagon. You must know that we men here are
like quadrupeds; we take one good shake on rising and we are
dressed. I have not taken off my clothes to sleep since I came
to the war. I purchased some ginger cakes at two cents a piece,
a can of oysters at a dollar, a few other things in proportion,
and ate a breakfast which I tell you was good. Long before my
breakfast was over, Capt. Lot had sold out, and started off for
another load.
Wednesday, '2\st. — Yesterday, about ten o'clock, we were
ordered out for a fii2:ht. Started with our cartridge boxes filled
Avith ammunition, and went at a rapid pace about two and a half
miles, when, coming into an opening in the road, saw two or
three regiments in a field popi^ing away at some invisible enemy
in the woods, and from the fact that bullets would occasionally
and semi-occasionally whistle around our heads, we were led to
conclude that said invisible enemy was popping at us. The
further to convince us that our conjectures were right, said enemy
let fly a few round shot and sliell, which came in close proximity
to the heads of several members of the glorious Ninety-sixth,
and the hum of which has a very disagreeable sound to a man,
reminding him of what migJit be the consequence, if he happened
to be in the spot where said shot or shell struck. Well, we staid
there, doing no good, for we were not ordered further, but
having the pleasure of knowing that we were a good mark for
certain little pieces of lead, which the enemy were prone to send
us, with their loving regards.
Finally our regiment w^as put back in the woods, and Co. A,
with Lieut. Pruyn in command, sent up to guard a house whe)"e
lived a hoary headed secessionist, who, it was supposed, would
give information to the enemy of our strength, &c., unless he
was watched. He was not at all glad to see me, but that was
none of my business. I told him to keep cool, and placed a
guard around the house, after which I requested my friend, the
host, to get me some dinner, for which, however, I paid him
liberally, and which pay, notwithstanding his patriotism, he was
very glad to get. This sumptuous meal consisted of coffee made
of corn, parched and ground, without milk; bacon, fried, and
corn cakes, made of corn meal and water without any salt. At
night my friend had to give me supper, and, in the a. m.,
Thursday^ 22cZ. — About noon this day was relieved, and the
regiment marched back, but not to our old camp, for since we
came down here the whole army has moved further down. We
were sent forward to drive in the enemy's scouts and pickets.
Fine weather in the a. m. and very hot, but in the p. M. rained
furiously and hailed. I had pitched my tent in a hollow, and
when the rain came I was flooded out, besides having my tent
blown down. I got rather wet.
Friday 2?>d. — Orders to march; started and crossed the Chicka-
hominy, which don't amount to anything. From all you hear
about it, one is led to suppose it is quite a large river, but it
turns out to be a little, insignificant stream. We traveled on
this day till night, and then encamped by the roadside, just as
we had marched.
Saturday 24e branded as cowards, is
certainly too much to bear. And then to have it go before the
world over McClellan's signature, of course it will be believed,
and we shall l)e sneered at forever. Why it would have been
far better if we had not been in the fio;ht at all, for then nothinir
would have been said about us. Oh, it does seem to me I can't
get over this! If you see me coming home soon, don't be sur-
prised. But enough of it. It makes me so indignant I don't
want to think of it — if I can hdp it.
Mondmi, June 2d. — The firing has all ceased, and we are yet
in the same place, but still they bring in the wounded.
Tuesday, Sd. — Made a detail of men to go out and bury
the dead. Several of our boys have lieen up to our old camp
and report that the rebels have carried off everything, or
destroyed what they could not remove. They say the stench is so
terrible, from the enormous number of dead unburied there, that
it is almost impossible to remain in the neighborhood.
Wednesday, 4th. — The rain came down in torrents. You folks
north have no idea how it can rain down here. Notwithstanding
the rain, we started to-day, and with sad and deeply mortified
feeling, we7it hack for the first time. In the afternoon, halted
near the Chickahominy, al^out two miles from Bottom's Bridge.
Oh ! what a march this was. For some fifty yards we had to
wade through water over four feet deep, and running swiftly.
Some of the little drummer boys were almost drowned. Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, still here.
There is talk of sending us to Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, or some-
where. Our division is so reduced by losses and sickness, that
we are not considered fit for service in the field.
But my job is done. I write all cramped up and am very tired,
and I guess you are too, by this time.
I am as ever, your afiectionate son,
To those who knew Lieut. Pruyn, it was not surprising that
to be branded as a coward, so unjustly, should be intensely pain-
ful and mortifying; although the above letter does not indicate
the bitterness of the feeling that really existed in his mind. The
more he reflected upon it the deeper those feelings became, and
w^eak and depressed as he was, he had not strength to resist
Referring to this in a letter written a day or two after, he says:
"This regiment which left Plattsburgh with nearly nine hundred
men, can now muster for duty only about one hundred and fifty.
And yet we were willing to toil and suffer and die if need be, till
since this battle. Now every one is utterly disheartened. How
much a few words from one in authority can do. Those words
of McClellan's so unjustly delivered — ' The men all done splen-
didly except Casey's Division' — this is what has broken us down.
For whatever others have done, the Ninety-sixth New York fought
as well as men could fight, and only left the field when the enemy
was on three sides of them, and tlten retired with their faces to
the foe, loading and firing as they walked, for they did not nin.
" If the public need proof of what we did, we can give the best
of proof — our list of killed and wounded — one man out of every
four actually on the field — did any other regiment do this ? Our
division hardly six thousand strong, held in check more than
thirty thousand rebels. Did any other division do this ? Oh,
is it not hard after all this to be branded as cowards f^
'Tis true Gen. McClellan afterwards modified his report, and
retracted his charges, but too late for its eflect upon this brave
young heart. The injustice had done its work, and he resigned
on the 17th of June and returned to his home, bringing with him
garments perforated by the bullets — which, however, through the
care of a kind Providence, were not allowed to touch him. It
is only justice to his memory thus to explain the cause of his
resignation, for by those who did not understand him, it was inex-
But aside from these reasons, there were others which would
have fully justified the step. His father's death had occurred
the spring previous, and his mother had a great burden of care
and responsibility, from Avhich his presence might relieve her to a
great extent. He felt deeply his responsibility in regard to her,
and often debated what was duty. He had been willing, if his
mother desired it, to resign before this; but finding her willing
to sacrifice every personal consideration to her country's good,
he decided that the claims of his country were paramount.
When Col. Fairman transmitted to him his discharge, he took
occasion to write the following letter :
Camp Ninety-sixth Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, )
Before Richmond, June 17, 1862. \
Lieutenant Charles E. Pruyn :
Dear Sir — I herewith transmit your honorable discharge from
the service of the United States, and in so doing would express
my unfeigned regret at the loss of your companionship and ser-
vice as a man and officer. I cheerfully give my attestation to
your courage and devotion as a soldier of the Union, to which I
Avas witness in the terrific battle of Fair Oaks, before Richmond,
May 31st. And I shall ever remember you with peculiar inte-
rest as a soldier, who stood by my side while one out of four was
killed or wounded, and one out of three of our regiment was
lost in battle. With cordial wishes for jowy future success,
I am truly yours, &c.,
Col 9G^/i Rec/t N. Y. S. Vols.
Mr. Pruyn very soon, however, felt that he had made a mis-
take in resigning. Before he reached his home he saw clearly
that the injustice of a man did not affect the merits of the cause,
or the claims of his country upon his services, and he determined
to return to the army. But the seeds of disease, contracted amid
those fearful swamps, developed themselves immediately upon
his arrival home, and a serious illness followed. Yet, even while
prostrate with sickness, the old feeling came back that it " w^as
a shame and disgrace for a young man like him to he at home in
comfort while the country was imperiled, and he longed for
returning health that he might go back to duty."
One little circumstance will show how reaZ this feeling was.
On the Fourth of July the procession passed his house, and he
being then quite sick, went to the front door to look at it. In a
few moments he came in, saying " that he could not stand there,
and that it made him indignant to see that it was possiljle to get
up so large a company of men in the city of Albany. No won-
der the South can beat us, when the men of the North would
rather stay at home and parade the streets."
While yet too ill to leave the house, he was offered the posi-
tion of Adjutant of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment
New York State Volunteers, then organizing at Plattsburgh.
He at first declined, but being urged very strongly, he at length
decided to accept it, and w^ent for the second time to that place.
He received his commission as Adjutant of the regiment July
16, 1862. His services in the organization of the regiment were
acknowledged to be invaluable — as, wath the exception of one
person, he was the only officer who had any practical knowledge
of military tactics and discipline. His qualifications as a disci-
plinarian were found to be so desirable, that wdien the regiment
left Plattsburgh he was very strongly urged to remain as Adju-
tant of the post, and promised the position of Major of a new
regiment to be immediately organized there. Colonel Eichards
strenuously opposed this, declaring it impossible to spare him.
Adjutant Pruyn saw clearly the advantages of the offer, but feel-
ing a just pride in the regiment which had grown into jihape and
order under his discipline, and having a strong attachment to
; associate officers, he declined the proposition, and
,,v;iit with the One Hundred and Eighteenth to the seat of war.
It is asserted by some of the officers who have had a good
opportunity to know, that the set of regimental papers, prepared
by him at this time, are the most complete and beautiful set now
on file in the Adjutant General's office.
The regiment remained in and around Washington, doing gar-
rison duty, till the spring of 1863. At this time he was again
highly complimented upon his regimental reports, and was
assured, by the inspecting officer, that "he had the most exact,
well kept and handsome books he had found in his whole tour
of inspection." These little circumstances show that it was
characteristic of him to do everytJdng in the best possible man-
ner. Exact and thorough in all he undertook, he established a
character for system and reliability among all who had any deal-
ings with him, rarely sustained l)y one so young.
Adjutant Pruyn was A. A. A. General, on Col. Wordrop's
staff, commanding brigade from June 20th to July 13th, and was
Post Adjutant at Gloucester Point, from July 14th to August
28th, 1863, when he received his commission as Major of the
regiment, upon the nearly unanimous vote of the line officers,
many of them with great magnanimity and from a true sense of
justice, waiving their own claims in his favor.
In the latter part of Octol)er, 1863, a detachment of the regi-
ment was sent out on several dangerous reconnoitering expedi-
tions, under command of Major Pruyn. These expeditions were
accomplished with great credit and success, and the appreciation
of his character and services, by those under his command, may
be known by the following letter.
The value of this compliment was greatly enhanced l)y the fact,
that it was so arranged as to celebrate his twenty-third birth day.
LixE Officers' Quarters, 118th Regt. N. Y. S. V.,
Portsmouth, Va., JSTov. 11, 1863.
Major Charles E. Pruyn, Commanding Detachment llWi Regi-
ment JV. Y. F., Intrenched Camp^ JSforfolk^ Va :
Major — The line officers of your late command in Portsmouth,
Va., highly appreciating your many good and noble qualities,
both as an officer and a gentleman, have decided to honor you
with a supper, and the pleasure of your company is respectfully
solicited, to attend the same, at the American Hotel, Portsmouth,
this evening.
We are, Major, yours, with the highest esteem,
From this time until May 4th, 1864, the regiment was en
camped at Yorktown and the neighborhood. During this inter-
val, they participated in several skirmishes, and attempted several
movements which failed in their accomplishment. His health
was by this time seriously impaired, and symptoms of heart
disease were developed, which made it dangerous for him to
continue in scenes of excitement. But no persuasion or advice
could induce him to resign.
On the 4th of Maj^ the regiment eml^arked, being in the Eigli
teentli Army Corps, for the James River, under Gen. Butler
One of his "journal letters" gives a diary of this jDcriod till the
battle of Drury's Bluff, or Proctor's Creek, May 16th, 1864.
In this l)attle, the Colonel being al)sent, and the Lieut. Col.
wounded in the early part of the engagement, the command
devolved on Major Pruyn. How well he discharged his duty
may be judged from the fact, that his regiment was the last to
leave the field, and earned there a character for endurance and
bravery, that placed them in the foremost I'anks of the heroic
defenders of our nation. In a letter Avritten by Major General
Devens to Governor Fenton, when the regiment was discharged
at the close of the war, he speaks in the following terms of com-
mendation: "Pai'ticipating in various affairs previously, at the
battle of Drury's Bluff", May 16th, 1864, this regiment dis-
tinguished itself for its great valor and pertinacity, and now the
reputation it has since enjoyed, is that of being one of the most
resolute regiments in the service. Out of about three hundred
and fifty men engaged, it lost in this conflict in casualties, one
hundred and ninety-eight men and thirteen officers; and it is a
most noteworthy fact, that having taken two hundred prisoners
from the enemy, the regiment had considerably more prisoners at
the close of the action, than it had men fit for didyV
The night after this l)attle he wrote the following hasty letter
to his mother, and, a few days afterAvards, a long "journal letter,"
from which we will make a short extract, giving his description
of the battle. The difference between these letters, and the for-
mer ones written when he first entered upon active service, is
very marked. Three long years of experience and of suffering,
had subdued the buoyant playfulness of his disposition, and the
Holy Spirit had deepened his religious feelings, and taught him
to look upon the solemn circumstances in which he was placed,
in the light of eternity.
Near Ber3Iuda Hundreds, May Idth, 1864.
My dear Mother — Thank God I am safe. Never before have
I so felt the kind protection of my Heavenly Father, and with
His assistance I will serve Him more faithfully than I have ever
done before. I am worn out, used up, sick, sick at heart, but I
trust a few days rest will restore me. We have been for eight
days fighting all the time, (bushwhacking) and had worked our
way up to within nine miles of Richmond, so that from the top
of a high pine we could see the place. We carried their outer
line of defences; but this morning they came upon us in over-
whelming numbers, and, after several hours murderous fighting
on both sides, they drove us back.
But our gallant regiment did nobly, and stood their ground
till the last regiment had left the field. Indeed, they stood their
ground till they were nearly all shot down. Oh, my heart aches
so to-night! Some of my best friends are killed. Those I had
learned to love so well are gone. Oh! when will this cruel,
wicked war end. We have lost heavily, I fear, but know nothing
except the thousand rumors that are floating around. But, still,
there is something for Avhich we may congratulate ourselves.
This action has called away a large force, which would otherwise
have been with Lee, so Gen. Grant reaps the benefit.
I was not hurt in the least. It was your 'prayers my dearest
mother^ that saved me. Oh, I know it; I feel it. I trust I shall
live hereafter as a true Christian. Never before have I felt as I
do to-night. I am not excited as I write this, though all worn
out. Your good long letter just received; will study it. Yes,
I will try. Ever, CHARLIE.
The following is an extract from his journal letter:
" May lUJi. — The enemy continued to shell us all this a. m.
The Colonel pleaded sickness, and went into camp. Colonel
Nichols, who really is sick, came out and took command. I
was entirely used up, and was just going to report sick, when I
was detailed to take charge of the skirmishers of the brigade.
This being a post of danger, and of course of honor, I pocketed
my bad feelings and went out. I had several men killed and
wounded during the twenty-four hours. I was highly compli-
mented by Gen. Burnhajvi, because I kept my line in good order,
and did not allow my men to fire unless they saw some one to
fire at. The trouble is with men generally, they keep popping
away when there is nothing to be seen, thereby wasting their
ammunition, alarming oiir folks unnecessarily, and revealing our
position to the enemy.
" To be in command of the skirmishers is very fatiguing; run-
ning around without a moment's rest, constantly under fire and
great excitement, without a chance to eat or sleep.
" Saturday night I went out with some of our men and brought
in a poor fellow of the Ninety-eighth N. Y., who had been killed
on Friday, but lay in such an exposed position that it was im-
possible to get at him in the day time. We buried him right by
our picket lines: a soldier's grave, with nothing to mark his rest-
ing place but a blaze on the tree near his head.
" My tour of duty was not off till Sunday afternoon, and when
I came in I was so entirely used up that I fell asleep the moment
I dropped on the ground, and slept through the heavy firing
which was kept up all night.
''Monday, a. m,, May 16ih. — Just at daylight there was a very
heavy fog — so dense you could not see six feet from you. Col.
Nichols woke me, saying there was heavy firing on the right. I
grumbled a little at waking so early, saying it Avas only a false
alarm; but I soon found out my mistake. In a few moments
Wistar's Brigade^ began to tire, followed by the Eighth Connec-
ticut, and by the time we were up and ready for action, we saw
a heavy rebel line within six feet of us, charging down upon us
with tremendous fury. They had crept up under cover of the
fog, hoping to surprise us, but were in this disappointed. Our
boys gave them a tremendous volley, and, as they were so near,
and our men took good aim before they fired, the slaughter was
terrible. I could see whole lines of them fall at once. They
immediately broke in great confusion and ran; but about ninety
of them ran tl\e wrong way (purposely), and came into our lines,
and gave themselves up as prisoners. Lieut. Cajmpbell, and a
company of our regiment, were on picket when the fight began.
The rebels passed him in the fog without noticing him. Shortly
afterwards the Assistant Adjutant General on General Johnson's
(rebel) staff rode up, and taking him for one of his own men,
asked where Gen. Johnson's skirmish line was. Lieut. Campbell
told him to get off of that horse, and he w^ould show him the
Yankee lines. The gentleman resisted, when Campbell pulled
out his pistol. He then said, " no matter, he would get off," and
Campbell, steering clear, in the fog, of the rebels, brought him
and his company all safe into our lines. I could tell of a dozen
such adventures, but have not time.
"Heckm.\n's Brigade was broken, and Wistar's followed,
leaving the flank of the Eighth Connecticut exposed. They
stood it for a while, when they broke and fell back. Then we
had to take it. Imagine them all gone, and the rebels in their
place, protected by our oivn rifle pits, and all firing into the One
Hundred and Eighteenth, besides those out in front of us, and
you can have some idea of our condition at the time. But our
brave boys did not flinch in the least. They stood there loading
and firing with the utmost coolness, until finally orders were
given for us to change our front, and take up another position.
Even this left us open to a terrible fire, and many men fell here.
Just before we changed, Nichols was slightly wounded, and went
to the rear, leaving me in command. After a while we received
orders to fall back on a line with the other regiments of our
brigade. Here we staid till every other regiment had left the
ground, and then we fell slowly back about a quarter of a mile.
Here we halted, and this time the rebels did not follow us. They
had been severely punished, and Ijeen taught to have some
respect for the One Hundred and Eighteenth New York. We
formed in line and remained here till late in the afternoon, and
the enemy shelled us, but did not do us much harm. Thus ended
the battle of Drury's Bluff, in which fell, of Union forces, nearly
five thousand men, all newspaper reports to the contrary not-
withstanding. Our regiment lost one hundred and ninety-six
men and thirteen officers — a little more than half^ of all the men
The mt)desty Math which he here alludes to his own position
at this time, and the utter aljsence of all attempt to magnify the
important part he took in this engagement, is certainly very
noticeable. Of the regiment — his " brave boys " — he was proud,
and could speak in terms of unbounded approbation; but of 6e//",
not a word. His courage and patriotism were ^:»?'o?'e(Z, not ^ro-
fessed. And certainly they were most conspicuous in this instance,
when it is remembered that he was, at this time, in a very suffer-
ing and precarious state of health.
The second day after this battle he was compelled to yield.
The excitement of the battle, the responsibility of conmianding,
which he deeply felt, and the severe and exhausting labors,
brought on a violent attack of heart disease, and he was taken to
the hospital for the first time since he had entered the army.
His great danger was apparent to every one, and the surgeons at
once told him "it was his duty to resign, and that he could not
possibly endure the excitement and fatigue of the army." He
would not for a moment indulge the thought of resignation, and
insisted upon returning to the regiment after only eight days' rest.
About this time there was evidently a great change in his reli-
gious feelings. His letters indicated a depth of spiritual feeling,
and a desire for entire consecration to the will and service of God
such as he had not manifested before. The Holy Spirit made the
death of bis associates and his own precarious state, the means
of impressing upon his mind the uncertainty of life, and he was
brought to a very sweet and earnest submission of himself and
all his interests to the will of God.
While in the hospital he wrote several letters, from which we
make a few extracts :
" For the first time I am in hospital, but don't be alarmed. I
am not very sick. The trouble is, just as soon as the long marches
and fatigue attending them comes on, and the excitement of bat-
tle, then my old complaint comes back. All I need is rest and
quiet, and it goes off again. I sometimes wish I could get
detailed for a few months, and I think I could be entirely cured.
But I hate to express such a thought even to you, for it is not
right to wish to be away at such a time as this; nor would I do
it, were it not that I know I am driving nails in my own coffin
by staying in this constant excitement. / will not resign — that
I have made up my mind to; but I have often, as I have been
l^ang here, thouglit if I could be detailed to take charge of the
All)any ]:>arracks, what a windfall it would be. But, then, I have
put away the thought as unworthy. A soldier in the field has
no I'ight to be looking out for ' soft places.'' I am going back to
camp to-morrow any way, for I can't stay here in a crowded hos-
pital with wounded and dying men around. It is enough to
make a well i:)erson sick."
On the 31st of May, the Eighteenth Army Cor^^s reinforced
the Army of the Potomac, and were engaged in the battle of
Coal Harbor on the 1st, 2d and 3d of June. When the regiment
was drawn up in line of battle, the first day of this engagement,
Major Pruyn made an address to his men, which was said by
some of the officers who listened to him, to be one of the most
stirring speeches ever uttered; expressing the loftiest patriotism,
and the purest, deepest religious sentiments.
In a letter written to his mother the day before, w^hile on the
transport, he said : "I have given up all speculations upon our
movements and prospects. I begin to see clearly that we are in
God's hands, and we must accomplish his purposes. Where we
are going, and what is before us, I know not, but I am happy
and contented. I have committed myseU full]/ to the God of
battles and I know he will do just what is right for me." Again,
" We are all in the keeping of the great Creator, and when He
sees fit this "cruel war" will end, and peace be restored to our
laud. I pra}^ God that the time may soon come. It is my desire
and purpose, if my life is spared, to remain in the army till the
close of the war. But t/ii-ee years is a long time, and I do
fervently pray that this year may Ijring peace."
During the first day's engagement at Coal Harbor, his horse
was wounded and disabled; and on the second day, he received
a wound in the foot; a ball passing directly through it. At the
time this occurred the regiment was prepared to make a fearful
charge. He went to the rear, had his wound hastily dressed,
sprang upon his horse, rode as far back as possible, and then
walked the rest of the way to the regiment. As he passed head-
quarters. Gen. Smith, who commanded the corps, saw him limp-
ing, and supposing he had just been Avounded, sent an orderly to
assist him to the ambulance. Major Prlttn thanked him, but
told him he was on his way back to his men; he could not leave
at that crisis. The orderly left, but in a moment returned with
a glass of brandy, saying, " Major Gen. Smith sent this to you,
and says you are a brave ofiicer."
While he was at the rear, the General commanding seeing the
hopelessness of the charge, had countermanded the order, but this
was not known to Major Pruyn till he reached the regiment.
Surely the history of the war does not furnish an instance of more
deliberate and determined abnegation of self! Who can with-
hold his warmest admiration !
By night his wound became so painful that he was obliged to
yield and go to the field hospital. He was now urged very
strongly to resign. His heart difiiculty was greatly aggravated,
and being disabled by a wound, it was argued that he had no
riffkt to remain any longer in the army. But no argument could
convince him, neither could he be induced to remain in the hos-
])ital but a few days. Unable to be on duty, and yet determined
to be near the regiment, he went Ijack, and for a few days longer
staid in the chaplain's tent. Of this period the chaplain writes:
"We tented together for a short time, and I am ghid I had this
opportunity to converse so freely with him as I did. For some-
time there Avas a visible change in him — more thoughtful, more
ready to converse on religious sul)jects. He often spoke of you,
and your prayers for him; of the Sal)bath school, and his early
impressions there. I frequently found him reading his Bible,
and he read very attentively the little book, 'The Victory Now,'
which you sent him. One night, after we had prayed together,
he remarked, that he had never lain down to sleep since he came
into the army without prayer."
While in the hospital he wrote: "I write you from this hos-
pital to-day, but I expect to leave it to-morrow. The doctor
says it will be several weeks before my foot is well, and I cannot
think of staying away from the regiment so long. I am needed
there, and must go back."
He returned to the regiment on the 8th, and after staying with
the chaplain two days, he resumed the command. On the 11th
he wrote the following letter, the last he ever penned:
In the Rifle Pits, June 11, 1864.
My dear Mother — I received a few lines from you this a. m.
* * * * I joined the regiment yesterday. My foot is not
well, l>ut I cannot stay back. It seems wrong for me to do so,
especially as the doctors tell me it will be four or five weeks
before it is entirely healed; but it is only a flesh wound, and if
it was on my face or hand, would heal in a short time; but a
wound in the foot, no matter how slight, always takes a long
time to heal, as the circulation in that part of the body is so
My general health is tolerable. Of course, I don't feel as well
as if I was at home, and could get my sleep and meals regularly,
and where I would not have the care and responsibilities which
the commanding officer of a regiment always has, especially a
young man like me, entrusted with the lives of more than two
hundred men. But I do not mean to complain, but rather thank
God that he has kept me alive, iuid frcmi being severely wounded,
as so many have been in this terrible struggle.
We had one poor fellow killed yesterday, our only casualty
during the day. Our regiment has now been in the rifle pits,
under constant fire, ever since we came here, ten days. Of
course, we are protected by the breastworks, but "familiarity
breeds contempt," and the men become so accustomed to it that
they get careless, and in this way many lose their lives. Besides,
it is impossible for them to stay in the pits all the time, they
must leave once in a while.
I thank you, dearest mother, for writing to me so often. Even
if it is only a few lines, it cheers me, and makes me feel better
when I am thus constantly reminded that the dear ones at home
think of me, and it seems to luring me near to you. As I lie on
the ground at night and look up at the stars, I think those same
stars are looking down on you, and I go to sleep, dreaming of
home and motJier. Don't think me romantic; the army is the last
place for that; and although I do feel anxious that this dreadful
war should end, and that I may be spared to return to you, yet
I do not get homesick. I do not allow myself to do that. Love
to all. Your affectionate CHARLIE.
Yes, this was the last letter of the dear boy to his dear mother;
the last " love to all" from him who indeed loved all, and was
ever ready to sacrifice his own interests for the welfare of
others. His hour was approaching; he had seen thousands die,
and now the moment for him to die is coming. His purity,
his love of home, his undying afiectiou for his Christian mother,
his ardent patriotism, his sense of honor, his noble and unsur-
l^assed bravery, could not save him. During the whole war, his
mother, who is as eminent for her pure and exalted piety as was
her son for his exalted patriotism, did all in her power for the
benefit of our soldiers, with the hope that God would return to
her, her own dear boy. Daily did she pray for his protection.
Every moment he was on her heart. Every night she retired
anxious what tidino; the morning would brino-; but she could
leave him with God. She knew, ]>y a blissful experience, the
" secret place of the Most High," and slie could trust her Heav-
enly Father.
It will require but a few words to describe the last scene.
On the 13th of June the regiment re-embarked for Bermuda
Hundreds, and w^ere immediately on their arrival ordered to
march upon and assault Petersburg. On the 15th of June, 1864,
Major Pruyn's regiment was ordered to make a charge on one
of the most formidal)le Avorks before the place. While pre-
paring for the advance, the young Major stood erect before his
men, his countenance radiant with hope, and his eye flashing
with enthusiasm. Surveying the ranks, he uttered, in a clear
and ringing voice, the words, "Attention, Battalion!" He was
the next instant about to give the order, "Charge;" but, before
the word had escaped his lips, a shell struck him on the breast
and exploded. He uttered a single exclamation, "Oh," and
instantly expired. His body was terribly mangled, and, as his
comrades gathered around the lifeless remains, they wept like
The sad tidings fell upon the devoted mother like a thunder-
bolt, and for a time she seemed crushed. All the past, the days
of his childhood, the period of his enlistment, his affectionate
and graphic letters, his heroic deeds, came rushing upon her
memory and overwhelmed her. But her Heavenly Father has
graciously sustained her; and all loyal men and women through-
out the land, all who love liberty and hate slavery, will thank
her for giving to the American Kepuljlic such a son. History
will perpetuate his memory, and posterity will applaud the name
of Charles Elisha Pruyn.
The precious body was embalmed and brought to his home.
On Monday, June 27th, 1864, it was my privilege to participate
in his funeral services, and in the presence of a vast concourse
of weeping friends, to bear testimony to his ardent piety, his
nol)le patriotism, and his eminent services rendered to his
country. His venerable pastor, the Rev. Dr. Wykoff, offered
an appropriate and fervent prayer, and, from his own w^arm and
sympathetic heart, commended the bereaved relatives to Him
who alone could give consolation adequate to the hour. The
remains Avcrc borne to their last resting place in the Albany Rural
Cemetery, under the escort of his former comptmioDS, the Zouave
The numerous letters received after he fell, bear most touch-
ing testimony to the grief his death occasioned; and it was a
proof of the maturity and excellence of his character, that
those who loved and mourned him most, were the oldest and
best men, .not only of his own regiment, but of the whole
One of the officers of the regiment, Capt. E. W. Livingston,
whose opinion, from the dignity and excellence of his own
character, was particularly valuable, writes thus: "Though we
were so nearly at the extremes, he being almost the youngest
and I quite the oldest officer of the regiment, I very early
learned to admire his capacity as an officer, and esteem his vir-
tues as a man; and, notwithstanding the disparity of our years,
was proud of his friendship. I do not attempt to write words
of consolation. While I have lost a dear young friend, you have
lost a most dearly loved son — a son who deserved all your love,
and fully justified your pride. His memory must be tenderly
Rev. Dr. Van Santvoord wrote thus to his mother:
" I met one of your sous several times in Washington, but am
not positive whether it was Charles or not; but this matters
little, as I learn from various sources the character of your de-
ceased boy for truth, honor, and all manly qualities, and the
deservedly high estimate in which he was held by all who knew
him, and that the path which he loved and strove to walk in, was
that which the Master pointed out and His own blessed footsteps
trod. To lose a son of whom this may be said, is a loss only in
name. To one fitted for heaven it is gain to die, and it were
hardly wise or well for us to mourn the entrance of our loved ones,
on the possession and full enjoyment of the heavenly treasure."
Nor were these the sentiments only of such as had known him
in manhood, and after the development of his character. One
of his earliest companions speaks thus of him :
" My Dear Mrs. Pruyn — The valual)le gift which you have so
kindly sent me moves rae more than I can tell. Charlie's sword
I feel unworthy of; and yet to no one out of your own family
could you have confided it to whom it would be more precious.
I shall cherish it as a memorial of one of the warmest friends of
my youth; of one with whom I have passed many happ\- hours,
and of one whose early death crowns a career so honorable, so
noble, and so patriotic, that I feel proud iu having been for many
years his associate.
It seems but a few days since Charlie exchanged the oar of
our pastime for the sword of the soldier; and the same earnest-
ness and faithfulness that characterized the enthusiastic boy, hon-
ored and distinguished the career of the well-loved man.
As I look at the sword, I shall ever think of the bravery and
j)atriotism of my former companion; and with the rememl)rance
shall be linked appreciation of the regard that thinks me not
unworthy to be the recipient of so precious a boon.
Deeply sensible of your consideration,
I remain, truly and gratefully yours,
JOHN E. Mcelroy.
The excellent officer who succeeded him in the regiment
writes :
"I feel honored to occup}- Jds position, and it is ni}^ highest
ambition to emulate his noble. Christian patriotism. Oh, that
he could have been spared to see the termination of this fearful
struggle! No heart would have rejoiced more truly, for none
served their country more unselfishly than he did."
Another writes :
" INIajor Pruyn's life cannot be measured by length of days,
for there are few among us, hoary with age, who have such a
record of duty and patriotism. The score of years and the early
death completes his life better than a century of mere existence.
To have l)een a noble boy, a dutiful, exemplary son, a Christian
man, and a zealous patriot, throws a halo of glory around the
sad, untimely death."
Soon after his death, the following tribute to his memory was
received :
Headquarters, 118tii N. Y. S. V. "]
In the Trenches, Before Petersburg, Ya., J-
July 20th, 1864. J
Mrs. Mary Pruyn, AD^aiiy, N. Y. :
Madam — Enclosed I send you extract from General Orders
No. 80, Headquarters Department Yirginia and North Carolina,
just received at these headquarters.
It will assure you that the name of your lamented son is still
identihed with the struogle, towards the success of which he
contributed his young life. The nobly fallen have not been
forgotten — their memory has been most fittingly honored.
Alouii: our outer lines their names have l)een set — gems of
encouragement to ourselves — signs of warning to the foe.
It shall be our etfort to emulate the brightness of their exam-
ple — their devotion — that their sacrifices may prove to have been
in behalf of a cause as gloriously successful, as it is gloriously
I am, Madam, most respectfully,
Captain Commanding ll^lJi JY. Y. V.
Head Quarters Department of Yirginia "j
AND North Carolina, in the Field, Ya., • \
July 15M, 1864. J
General Orders No. 80. In honor of the memory of some
of the gallant dead of this army, who have fallen in this cam-
paign, the redoul)ts and l^atteries on the lines will hereafter be
known as follow^s, viz: — *******
Battery No. 6 is named Battery Pru^-n, after iSlaj or Charles E.
Pruyn, One hundred and Eighteenth New^ York Yolunteers. * *
By connnand of jNIajor General B. F. Butler.
(Signed) R. S. DAYIS.
Major and Assistant Adjutant General.
Referring to this, an officer writes: " Yesterday I visited the
battery which l)ears his name. It is one of the finest and most
complete batteries on this whole line. It is the centre and salient
battery, and in a very important position. At the point occupied
by this, ours and the enemy's lines are the closest together. A
very neat board marked "Batter}^ Prujn" has been placed over
the entrance to the work. I am ghid I Avas able to visit this
place, but you may believe I had many sad thoughts and memo-
ries, caused by the visit. Charlie was more to me then, than I
thought him in life."
But these testimonials received, are too numerous to be further
alluded to. Seldom has a young man died of whom less of evil
could be spoken, or who was more affectionately remembered by a
larger circle of sorrowing friends. With a mind stored with use-
ful knowledge, with principles pure and unyielding; with a power
for influence, aud a caj^acity for command rarely seen in one so
young; and, above all, with a heart fired with the truest patriot-
ism, he was eminently fitted for the times, and seemed destined
to fill a higher position than he was permitted to attain.
But his young life has been freely given, with the many pre-
cious sacrifices this fearful war has demanded.
At a regular meeting of the Washington Lodge, No. 85, F.
and A. M., held at Masonic Hall, September 24th, 1864, it was
Resolved, That the tidings of the untimely death of our
lamented brother, Charles E. Pruyx, Major One Hundred and
Eighteenth Regiment New York Volunteers, Avhile in the dis-
charge of his sacred duty, have caused feelings of the deepest
sorrow. We mourn that a patriot so Ijrave, so true to his country
and just to his God; a soldier so valiant, a son and brother so
devoted, so faithful and so l^eloved, should thus early be called
from a sphere of hope and usefulness.
Resolved, That in his death, a link in the chain of our brother-
hood is broken, and his memory will ever be revered by his
afflicted brethren and associates, as a devoted, ardent and faithful
brother, and warm friend and supporter of our institution.
Resolved, That we tender to the afflicted family of our deceased
brother, our heartfelt sympathy, and assure them of our high
appreciation of his noble qualities; and, while we liow in humljle
submission to the chastening rod, we remember that it is an act
of that mysterious yet all-wise Providence which "doeth all
things well," and, though removed from his earthly labor, our
brother is called to higher service and angelic duties in that
" house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
W. E. MILBANKS, Secretary.
]\Ir. Pruyn inherited from his father a decided military taste,
and he was glad to join the Albany Zouave Cadets, soon after
their organization, as an amusement, never imagining that the
knowledge thus acquired would ever be brought into requisition
for any higher or more important purpose.
He enjoyed his connections with this company, and was ever
ready to made any sacrifice to promote its interests.
The following resolutions, passed by the company after his
death, express their estimation of him:
Armory Albany Zouave Cadets, ?
Co. "A," Tenth Eeglvient, N. G. N. Y. ]
At a special meeting of this company, held at their rooms on
Friday evening, June 24th, the following preamble and resolu-
tions were unanimously adopted:
The tidings from the battle field before Petersburg, Va., brings
to us the painful intelligence of the death of our former associate,
Charles E. Pruyn, Major of the One Hundred and Eighteenth
Regiment N. Y. S. V., who fell while bravely discharging his
duty in the service of his counti-y; therefore it is
Resolved, That in the sacrifice of this noble young life, our
Nation has lost a brave man and a devoted patriot, and this com-
pany, of which he was an honored member, a friend and comrade
who was endeared to us by many ties of aflection.
Resolved, That, though we have been called to grieve over his
untimely end, we still have the consolation of knowing his death
was the Christian's, his sacrifice the hero's, and that he yielded
up his life in the holy cause of defending the rights of his country.
Resolved, That we tender to the officers of his regiment our
heartfelt sympathies for the loss they liave sustained by the death
of their gallant ofiicer.
Resolved^ That, though we feel the insufficiency of human
sympath3^, we olicr to the family of our tleparted comrade our
sincere condolence in their dark hour of trial.
Resolved, That desiring to pay a fitting tri])ute of respect to
the memory of our departed friend, we will attend his funeral
obsequies in such a manner as may be acceptable to the bereaved
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, joroperly engrossed,
be tendered to the family of the deceased; that a copy be for-
warded to the officers of his regiment, and that they also be pub-
lished in the daily papers of this city.
L. U. LENOX, Captain.
W. N. S. Sanders, Secretary.
Other testimonials were received, equally earnest and flatter-
ing, with those already given, which our limits Avill not allow us
to insert.
But higher than all human praise, is the approbation of that
God whom our hero so faithfully served, and the love and wel-
come of the Saviour, in whom he placed his trust, and his hope
of immortal glory.
George Seward Dawson was horn in Rochester, N. Y., Nov.
7, 1838. After having acquired a thorough business education,
he entered the printing ofhce of Weed, Parsons & Co. (of whicli
tirni his father is a member) as an apprentice, and, having served
out his time, was engaged in the office at the outbreak of the
rel)ellion. For a few months preceding the foil of Sumter, he
was a member of Company B, Tenth Regiment National Guards,
and from the happening of that event, he became fixed in his
purpose to take part in the contest. He offered himself as a
volunteer in the first regiments raised in All)any, N. Y., but
owing to the loss of vision in one of his eyes, caused by an acci-
dent in his early boyhood, he could not pass examination.
Grieved that he was thus precluded from taking his place as a
l)rivate in the ranks, he resolved, with the cordial acquiescence
of his parents, to solicit a commission, as the onl}^ mode of car-
rying out his patriotic purpose. A commission of First Lieuten-
ant was readily secured for him in the Second Regiment of New
York Volunteer Artillery.
On the 6th of November, 1861, he joined his command,
which was rendezvoused on Staten Island, and the next day
moved with it to Washington, marching directly to Fort AYard,
in the innnediate vicinity of Fairfax Seminary, south of the
Potoniac. His own company was detailed for Fort Ellsworth,
and sul)s(M|uently, at different times, for two years, garrisoned
Forts Worth, Reno, Ward and Cochrane.
In Februarv, 1802, the Ca[)tain of his company (F) having
rcsiuned, the Lieutenant was promoted to the vacancy, which
])()siti()n lie lield until he received the wound which resulted in
his death.
The first active field service assigned tlie regiment was in
1863, during the famous but unfortunate campaign of General
Pope. It was ordered to proceed to Manassas, and vicinity, to
aid in protecting the trains running to that point. It was a
weary march for a regiment Avhich had been strictly confined
to garrison duty for nearly two years, and which had had no
experience in the rougher work of war. But the order was
received with cheers, and the regiment went to its assigned
duty with alacrity, anxious to escape the monotony of garrison
life, and to share in the dangers and glory of the field. Before,
however, it had reached its point of ultimate destination, and
while marching cheerily foi'vvard, without the slightest suspicion
that the enemy was in the neighborhood in force, it was startled
by a heavy discharge of artillery in front and on either flank,
as if it had hocn purposely permitted to enter a cid-de-sac
before l)eing warned of its danger. It was the regiment's first
experience of the iron realities of war, and although the shot and
shell came thick and fiist, there was, at first, neither panic nor
alarm. No enemy Avas visible, and there was no evidence of his
proximity, except what was furnished by these iron missiles.
It soon became apparent, however, that they were nearly sur-
rounded by a largel}^ superior force — at least ten to one, as was
afterwards ascertained. But for the impression that the regi-
ment was merely the skirmish line of a large force in the rear,
it would have Ijeen captured, as it might have been easily. This
impression, however, saved it from so sad a fate; and the ofiicer
in command. Col. Waggoner, though illy qualified to take care of
his men in such an emergency, had the sagacity to see that his
only safety was in retreat — which he was enabled to effect for a
time, in good order. But when the retreat began, and the
enemy discovered that they had lieen approached by a single regi-
ment, without support — which they were slow to believe, as it
indicated a want of foresight wholly incomprehensible — they
sallied out of their earth works, with cavalry and artiller}^,
determined to punish the "impudent Yankees," who had, in
such insignificant numbers, bearded them in their stronghold.
For a while they were held in check by the timely arrival of
a section of the Eleventh (Hiivelock) Battery, which had been
surprised and routed, a few hours previously, by a superior force.
The two guns thus brought aAvay in the retreat were pressed
into service, and were used eflectively against the advancing
enemy. But it was soon found impracticable to make a stand,
and the retreat finally became a rout.
Capt. Dawsox's company was given the post of honor, the rear,
in the retreat, and was for a time held well in hand; but the
rapid approach of a large force of cavalry rendered it apparent
that resistance would be useless, and soon every man was on the
look out for himself. Unfortunately the Captain had been, a few
days previously, lamed by a severe kick from a horse, and suffered
greatly from this injury during the entire march. It soon became
evident to him that, however anxious he might be to escape, a
rapid retreat was impossible. Thus crippled, he was soon left
far in the rear, accompanied b}^ a few of his faithful men, who
refused to leave him. With the rebel cavalry in full sight, and
only kept back by their pursuit of stragglers in the woods, the
Captain, una1)le to drag himself farther, sat down by the road-
side with no other expectation than immediate capture. To be
taken prisoner is anj'thing but a pleasant prospect at any time,
but at this particular juncture it was scarcely less to be dreaded
than death, for an order had just been issued, by the rebels,
threatening all captured officers serving under Pope, with "chains
and dungeons," in retaliation for that General's order to " live
upon the enemy."
But there was no alternative. He could not, to save his life,
proceed farther, and ordering his men to leave him and seek
their own safety, he prepared to surrender whenever his pur-
suers should so order. But at this crisis unexpected succor
reached him. Hospital Steward He^vld, of the Eleventh Bat-
tery, rode up at full speed on a horse which he had cut from
one of the caissons left upon the field in the rout of that bat-
tery, and discovering the Captain, whom he knew, and whose
helplessness was made known to him in a word, he magnani-
mously leaped from his horse, forced the Captain into the saddle,
in spite of his protest against availing himself of this mode of
escape at the expense of the safety of his generous friend. The
only response was: "You certainly will be taken if you remain.
You are crippled and cannot escape. I am in full strength, and
know every foot of these woods for miles. Don't fear for me, I
can elude the rebels." Without another word, the generous fel-
low disappeared, and successfully eluded the enemy. Finding
himself thus providentially saved from the dreaded fate which
he supposed awaited him, the Captain made all haste to escape,
and was soon within the lines drawn up at Centreville, in suffi-
cient force to keep ])ack the enemy. The Captain and his friends
at home had frequent opportunities afterwards to evince their
gratitude for this generous act.
In this escapade only two or three of the regiment were killed,
and forty or fifty taken prisoners. The incompetency exhibited
by the Colonel on this occasion and subsequently, led to his dis-
missal from the service.
The regiment rendezvoused at its old quarters, and continued to
garrison the forts south of the Potomac, until Gen. Grant entered
upon his final and triumphant campaign in the spring of 1864.
It then numbered over eighteen hundred men, and the order to
march was received with rejoicing, any change being preferred
to the monotony to which it had been so long subjected. Most
of the oflicers and men had entered the service from motives of
pure patriotism, having, with few exceptions, enlisted before the
ofler of the large tempting Ijounties which were subsequently
paid; and they longed to share in the glory which they believed
awaited those who should distinguish themselves in the deadly
strife, which they knew was inevitable. But, alas! how few of all
these eighteen hundred strong men live to-day to wear the laurels
which they coveted. Company F numbered one hundred and
forfy-seven men when it left Fort Cochrane, on the morning of
the 15th of May, and every man responded to his name at the
first roll call in the " Wilderness." But in less than thirty days,
and before their captain received his fatal wound at Petersburg,
it had more than once gone into battle with less than fifty, and
on one occasion only twenty-five were able, either because of
death, wounds or excessive fiiligue, to follow their leader into
" the imminent deadly breach."
The Captain's first real experience of a close and sanguinary
encounter, was in the Wilderness, when the artillery brigade was
led against the enemy. It was in the night. The rebels were
approaching in unknown force from an unknown quarter. Some
of the commanding officers were as unused to the work as those
w^ho cheerfully followed them, and in this night attack there was
more confusion than execution. It was no matter of surprise,
therefore, in the rapid marching and counter-marching to find
the enemy, that friends were often mistaken for foes, and that
our own regiments sometimes fired into each other, thus, in many
instances, creating a panic and inextricable confusion. The
Second found itself in this dilemma, being fired into from the rear,
by the Seventh Artillery while pressing the enemy in front.
While no stampede was produced by this untoward event, sev-
eral of the Second were killed, and there followed a great deal
of confusion and innumerable conflicting commands.
When the enemy was repulsed, and something like order was
restored, Captain Dawson found himself with the colors of the
regiment and eighteen men, waiting orders. Communicating
with Col. Whistler, then in command of the regiment, the reply
was: " Hold your position until I rally the regiment around the
flag." Although, in this first test battle, the Captain evinced no
more courage than the mass of the officers and men of the regi-
ment, the coolness and thoughtfulness which he exhibited
attracted to him the especial attention of his Colonel, who highly
complimented him, and who ever afterwards leaned upon him
with the most implicit confidence, as one who could be depended
upon in the most trying emergency. This confidence was not
misplaced, and Col. Whistler afterwards remarked: "He neVer
failed me. I could always trust him. He was ever ready, on
every alarm, as if waiting for it; and at every call to arms, at
whatever hour, his was always the first con^pany in line, himself
at the head of it."
The reader will remember the thrilling records of the exploits
of "the Artillery Brigade" in the battles of "the Wilderness,"
while under the command of Gen. Tyler. It was, on all occa-
sions, given the post of danger, and took a conspicuous part in
all the terrible combats which will ever render " the Wilderness"
memorable in the annals of the war. Wherever that brigade
fought, the Second Eegiment did its duty, and no company of
that regiment received higher praise than company F.
When the Artillery Brigade was broken up, as it was at
Spottsylvania, to give greater eiEciency to the several corps, the
Second Regiment was placed in the famous Second Corps, Gen.
Hancock; in the First Division, Gen. Barlow; and in the First
Brigade, Gen. Miles — names associated with all that is chivalric,
heroic and daring in that ever memorable, bloody and triumphant
It is not the purpose of this sketch to follow its subject
throuo-h all the minutia of his marching-s and fio-htino-s and suffer-
ings in the Wilderness, at Spottsylvania, the North Anna, the
Tolopottomy, and so on to Coal Harbor and Petersburg. It is
sufficient that he did his duty in all emergencies, and upon all
occasions. When his father went to visit him at Coal Harbor,
after the fearful battle, he met the Adjutant of the regiment in
the regimental tent hospital, in the rear of the army, and on
inquiring for George, the Adjutant replied: " He is well, and
when you hear what the Colonel will tell you of his bearing in
battle, you will be proud of him." It was, indeed, pleasant to
his father to hear his son thus spoken of by a fellow-officer; but
it was inexpressibly gratifying to see his men manifesting the ten-
derest affection for him, and to hear them speak of him as their
"brave Captain." They seemed unal^le to say enough in praise
of him. " He always goes with us," said they, " and we are never
hungry so long as he has a crust in his own haversack, or a six-
pence to divide with us."
The Colonel, on the same occasion, said : "George, as a sol-
dier and gentleman, is all you could desire him to be. In battle
he is calm, deliberate, and brave as a lion. I can depend upon
him, and he has already earned his promotion." On another
occasion the Colonel said : "The sound of the first cannon, and
his first encounter with the enemy, seemed to change his whole
character, and to transform him at once from youth to manhood.
I sometimes," said the Colonel, " when in garrison, had occasion
to hold him in check. The monotony of garrison life seemed
unbearable to him, and the duties assigned him there, while sel-
dom neglected, were evidently not what he coveted. He was
constantly longing for some more active service; and since that
active service has come, he has proven his titness for it. He rose
w4tli the occasion, and there is nothing within the range of his
duty in which I cannot implicitly trust him." This, coming from
an old soldier, a graduate of West Point, who had groAvn up in
the army, as his father and grandfather had done before him, was
certainly high praise. The promotion which his Colonel said he
had "earned" was conferred upon him, but the commission (of
Major) did not reach him until after he was disabled at Peters-
burg. The promotion was asked for by the Colonel as a reward
for his gallantry in the field, and its reception was a source of
satisfaction and pleasure to him in his subsequent weeks and
months of suffering.
The retreat of the rebel army from Coal Harbor, enabled Gen.
Grant to move at once across the James River, and against
Petersburgh. The Second Corps was in the advance in this move-
ment, and was hurried forward to open the campaign in this new
field, where, after many months of fighting, the war was to
be brought to a successful termination. It was expected that
the Second Corps would have been up in time to take part in
the first movement upon Petersburg ; l)ut the guide, either un-
wittingly or intentionally, took the wrong road, and kept back
the corps until after the attack had been made and abandoned.
It is painful to reflect upon the consequences of this mistake. If
the proper eflbrt had been made, it is believed that the attack
would have been successful, even with the force employed. But
with the Second Corps in addition, there is no doubt that Peters-
burg would then have fallen. For Gen. Wise afterwards boasted
that the city was defended by raw troops, composed mostly of
clerks, mechanics, and other civilians of the place and vicinity,
who could not have withstood a determined and persistent attack.
And this boast was apparently confirmed by the fact that Kuntz's
cavalry penetrated the town, and it was believed that he could
have held it if he had been properly supported by a single divi-
This failure gave the rebels time to reinforce from Richmond,
and when, on the IGth, the Second Corps moved against tlie
enemy, it Avas met l)y a formidable force, and encountered earth-
woi"ks which prevented a rapid advance.
On the afternoon of the l()th, the First Brigade of the Second
Corps was ordered to advance upon a series of earthworks which
had proved exceedingly annoying through the day. The Second
Artillery was given a conspicuous position in this attack, and was
moving briskly to the charge when, on reaching the crest of a
hill within close range, it encountered a shower of shot and shell
which compelled a halt. The havoc had been severe in the
ranks of the regiment, and the men were lying down to escape
the death-hail, when Capt. Dawson was directed by the Colonel
to assist in concentrating a company (not his own) which had
become "mixed up."
He was engaged in this work, not legitimately belonging to
him, but necessary for the protection of the flank of the line,
when he received his wound. He was within a few feet of the
Colonel, who heard the peculiar tJmd which indicated the lodge-
ment of a Minnie ball, and seeing the Captain waver, said: "Cap-
tain, are you hit? " The reply was: "Yes, sir, I believe I am;"
and, before falling, he walked a few paces to a stump, which he
took hold of and slowly let himself down behind it, as a shelter.
Instantly, a number of his men, forgetful of their own safety in
their anxiety and affection for him, rose from their reclining
position and offered to bear him from the ffeld. But, aAvare of
the almost certain death which would result to them if they
should be permitted to do what they desired, thanking them for
their kindness, he declined their offer and ordered them back to
their places in the ranks, where they would be partially sheltered
from the lire of the enemy, which was so hot and impetuous
that it was impossible for the stretcher-bearers to render any
assistance to the wounded. Such relief as could be extemporized
was extended to them by those in their immediate proximity,
but surgical aid could not be hoped for until after dark. A hasty
examination showed that a Minnie ball had penetrated the Cap-
tain's leg just above the left knee, glancing downwards, proving
that the shot had been fired l)y a sharpshooter from the elevated
position of the earth-work Avhich the regiment was facing. But
it was deemed a mere flesh wound, and the only remark it elicited
from the Captain was made to a wounded officer near him: " This
books me for a thirty days' furlough,"
It was soon ascertained that other Albanians had suflered.
Near him lay the lamented Adjutant McDonald, of the Sixty-
first, m.ortally wounded, and Acting Lieutenant Mahar, also of
the Sixty-first, with his leg shattered. The Adjutant lived but
a few days. The Lieutenant suffered amputation, and for a time
seemed getting along finely; but his constitution was too greatly
shattered, and he died at home in October.
It was late in the night — six hours after he had received his
wound — before Captain Daavson could be removed. Those were
terrible hours; not so much from the pain experienced, as because
of the anxiety endured. The shot and shell were flying incessantly
over the heads of the wounded, most of whom had been carried
or had crawled over the brow of the hill. The insatiable thirst,
which is the universal accompaniment of battle wounds, caused
incessant appeals for water. But, as the scene was described,
there w^ere no murmurings nor outcries. On the contrary, there
was more of mirth than of grief manifested — each seemingly
anxious to cheer the others in their common sufierings. The
master anxiety during these trying hours was the fear that our
troops might l)e overpowered, and the wounded thereby fall into
the hands of the rebels. But while our brave fellows did not,
during that night, accomplish their purpose, they held their
ground, and under cover of the darkness, the wounded were
borne to the field hospitals of their several regiments. The sur-
geons of his regiment did what they could to ascertain the nature
and extent of the Captain's wound, and to guard against future
mischief. They decided, as did also the surgeons of the brigade
and division, that the hurt, though severe, would not compel
amputation. In twenty -four hours after receiving his w^ound, he
was forwarded to the Second Corps hospital at City Point, with
strength enough to hold in his lap the head of a poor fellow who
had lost a leg. But whether because of the ride in an ambulance-
for twelve miles over a rough road, or because the wound was
really worse than had been supposed, or because of an error in
judgment of the Corps surgeons, in twenty-four hours after he
reached the Corps hospital, it Avas decided, on consultation, that
the knee was so much injured that amputation was necessary.
The announcement was made to the Captain, and his only reply
Avas : "I am ready for Avhatever operation you may deem neces-
sary." Amputation of the left leg immediately followed — the
saddest reflection l^eing that, although within tAvelve miles of his
own regiment, no friend or acquaintance was with him to comfort
him in this hour of sorroAv and suflering. Those, however, who
witnessed his bearing before, during, and after the operation,
said that no one ever evinced greater fortitude or passed through
the ordeal more cheerfully or unflinchingly. Only Divine aid
could have so greatly sustained him during this first great sorrow
of his life, and through the months of anguish which followed,
before he passed away to his final rest.
Within a few hours after the operation, he was placed on board
the hospital steamer to be conveyed, with hundreds of others of
the Avounded, to Washington. Although the trip was made in
the usual time, Avhen he reached Armory Square Hospital gan-
grene had set in, and the most unfavorable indications were
developed. His parents reached the hospital a few hours after
he did, and they Avere surprised at his apparent strength and
cheerfulness. Anxious to have the opinion of the best surgeons
in Washington, a council was held, and the decision reached
that the case was " almost hopeless." Fortunately he fell into
good hands, and although gangrene persistently returned at
interA^als, at the end of four months his parents Avere permitted
to bear him home, with the assurance that " there was not a sur-
geon in the State so unskillful as to prevent a favorable result."
And so, for several weeks, it seemed. He grew strong, was fre-
quently able to ride out, and looked forAvard Avith confidence and
hope to the time when he could take his place again Avith his
regiment, on horseback, and be " in at the death of the rebel-
lion." But it was not so to be. As was ascertained on a post
mortem examination, but not dreamed of before, the bone of the
amputated limb was so diseased, even at the time of highest
hope, that recovery was impossil)le; and, in spite of the best
professional skill and the most unwearied care, the young soldier
died on the 6th of December, aged twenty-six years — live months
and twenty days after receiving the wound.
Although his friends are reluctant to lift the curtain which
encircled the death bed of their son and brother, his last hours
bore such beantiful fruit that, for the good of others, they con-
sent that some of the pleasant incidents which preceded his death
may be given.
During his entire illness he had been thoughtful; and one of
his first remarks, after his friends met him at Washington, was:
"Oh! this is hard to bear; but. Heavenly Father, thy will be
done." And when, after his removal to private rooms in Wash-
ington, where the family could be together, he was never willing
to go to sleep in the evening, until after family worship, often
askins: if it were not time for the service. When he was form-
ally told that he could not probably live over twenty-four hours,
he received the announcement with perfect composure. He
spoke to his friends cheerfully, and informed his father, minutely,
as to the condition of his company papers. " You will find
them all arranged perfectly," said he, " with but a single receipt
wanting, of clothing issued on the eve of battle at Coal Harbor;
and in regard to that, you will find full memoranda." Death
seemed to have for him no terrors whatever. The secret of this
calmness was revealed when his father said to him, " George,
can you now trust the Saviour?" His reply was: " Can I trust
the Saviour! Oh! yes, with my whole heart and soul."
During his last night, and eighteen hours after he had been
informed that he could not recover, he said to a friend who was
sitting with him: " This has been the happiest day of my life,
and you may say this to all my friends." And this was said by
one whose Avhole life had been full of sunshine, and to whom
the future of life was full of unclouded hope. The remark was
a gratifying assurance that he " knew in whom he had believed,"
and that he deemed death but a messenger sent to open to him
the portals of a brighter and happier home.
His last hours were so full of serenity and peace that the
tears shed around his bedside were rather tears of joy than of
sorrow, and the prayers offered rather the expressions of
thanksgiving than of grief. While, at his request, the beauti-
ful hymn,
" Nearer, my God, to thee,"
was beinof sune: his countenance beamed with the enthusiasm of
holy worship; and when he became unable to repeat audibly
the words of the hymn, his lips moved in unison with the mea-
sure of the music. A few moments before his voice failed him,
he whispered: " O, sing to me of Heaven;" and that touching
hymn, which he had years before printed for the Sabbath school
with which he was connected, was sung, and he was enabled to
join in its singing to the close.
Requesting all but his parents to leave the room for a moment,
he again referred minutely to his company papers, yet unadjusted,
but which he had carefully arranged, and giving a few parting
directions, he seemed to have nothing more to say, and com-
menced singing, in a clear voice:
" Nearer, my God, to thee."
He sang through the words:
'' E'en though it be a cross tliat raiseth me,"
when his voice failed him, and soon after, Avhispering the single
word, " higher!" he sank to rest, as if in a quiet slumber.
However much his parents and friends might regret that one
so loved should be so early called away from them, there could
be no real grief in the hallowed presence of such a death bed.
It will be forever a blessed memory. His patriotism and bravery
are a precious legacy. The uncomplaining patience which he
exhibited during his months of suffering, can never he forsrotten.
The fact that he gave his young life to perpetuate the Union
and to secure freedom to the enslaved, will ever be a proud boast
with those who bear his name. But his trusting faith and his
happy death will constitute the brightest and pleasantest recol-
lection of his brief life.
When the intelligence of his death reached his regiment, deep
grief lilled every heart, and this grief found but feeble expression
in the following resolutions, adopted on the field of battle, near
the spot where he had received his fatal wound:
Head Quaetees Second New Yoek Aetillery.
At a meeting of the officers and privates of Company F, Second
New York Artillery, held at camp near Petersburg, Va., on the
eveniiig of December 9th, 1864, the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It would indeed be difiicult to imagine anything cal-
culated to diffuse or cast a deeper gloom amongst us, than the
intelligence of the death of our late company commander, Maj.
Geoege S. Dawson, long our associate in arms. In his skill and
integrity, our confidence was implicit. Ever ready to alleviate
our sufferings and contribute to our comfort, he nobly stood as
the champion of our rights and the defender of our honor. On
many a well contested field (ever in the van), he has shared our
dangers and participated in our glory. In him we have lost an
able and efficient officer, whose military skill and courage has
won our confidence and admiration. Our loss is irreparal)le,
inasmuch as, by long association, he became blended in our wel-
fare. The noble and refined bearing which he at all times prac-
ticed towards us, made us feel toward and look to him as a com-
panion, rather than as a superior: Whereas, it has pleased the
Almighty Ruler of the Universe to take from us our late com-
mander, Geoege S. Dawson, it is unanimously
Resolved, That his memory shall live within us. It will be
nourished by the recollection of his virtues, and his valor shall
ever be held as a pattern worthy of imitation.
Resolved. That we fully concur in the sentiment of our Colo-
nel, that the Second New York Artillery has, by the death of
GEOR(iE S. Dawson, lost one of its best and bravest officers.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be duly forwarded
to family of deceased.
(Signed) Lieut. Jajvies Chichester and others,
Members of Company F.
Head Quarters 2d N. Y. Artillery,
Before Petersburg, Jan. 14, 1865.
Wliereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in His Providence, to
call from this scene of war and strife to a far better and more
peaceful land, our beloved companion, Major George S.Dawson,
Ave cannot refrain from pouring out our sympathy with his afflicted
family and country.
In him the country lost a pure patriot and a brave soldier, the
regiment and his company a noble officer and a true friend. The
loss to his family we cannot estimate. We can onl}^, while real-
izing, next to themselves, his loss, offer to them our heartiest
sympathy and regard, and promise them that through the short
remainder of our own lives, we will ever cherish, as a precious
relic, the memory of our well beloved and departed l)rother.
GEO. HOGG, Major, CoiiWg.
Hugh Fitzsimmons, Lieut.
resolutions of the typographical society.
At a meeting of Albany Typographical Union No. 4, held on
Wednesday evening, December 7th, the following preamble and
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Our Almighty Father, who ordereth all things ac-
cording to the counsels of his own will, hath been pleased, in
his inscrutable Providence, to take unto himself our fellow
craftsman, George S. Dawson, Major of Second Artillery, New
York State Volunteers, who had endeared himself unto us by
his social virtues and manly qualities, and who had won our
admiration by hi.s talents and heroic 1)ravery on the field, where,
while gallantly leading his men in a charge upon the enemy
before Petersburg, on the 16th of June hist, he received the
wound which, despite long and patient watch and care, resulted
in his death, on the 6th of December instant; therefore,
Resolved^ That we hereby express the deep sorrow his decease
has occasioned in our hearts, and convey to his family our sym-
pathy with them in their bereavement.
Resolved^ That iu token of our appreciation of our loss, the
Charter of this Union be draped in mourning for thirty days, and
that we attend his funeral in a body.
G. Baker, Secretary.
At a special meeting of Washington Continental Company B,
held at their Armory, Wednesday evening, December 7th, the
following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WJiereas^ In the inscrutable providence of God, this company
has again been called upon to mourn the loss of one of its mem-
bers, Major George S. Dawson, Second New York Artillery, in
the death of whom the ties that bound us together have now
been severed: a sincere friend, an active soldier and a true
patriot — one who has laid his life down on his country's altar,
has, we trust, ere this been the recipient of an everlasting
crown of never-fading glory iu the mansions of the skies; there-
Resolved^ That we tender to the family and relatives of the
deceased our sincere condolence and heartfelt sympathy in this
their hour of affliction.
Resolved^ That this dispensation of Divine Providence will
remind us that we, too, must die, and of the certain decay of all
earthly greatness, and that " in the midst of life we are in death."
Resolved, That we are most impressed with the fact that
" death loves a shining mark," as is fully exemplified in the
instance at hand. It has taken away from us one of the best
members of our organization, one whose association with us
developed those qualities which are the attributes of an honest,
upright and generous man, one whose memory will linger with
us until we, too, are summoned to pass through the "dark valley
of the shadow of death."
Resolved, That the members of this company attend the fune-
ral of our deceased comrade, in uniform.
Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolutions be
signed by the President and Secretary, and a copy transmitted
to the family of the deceased, and published in the " Morning
Express" and "Evening Journal."
W. G. THORBURN, President.
J. A. Fassett, Secretary.
The following beautiful tribute is from the pen of Alfred B.
Street, Esq.:
One more true hero perished ! once again
We mourn our vernal flowers ! oh, fatal strife !
Our best and bravest crowd the battle-plain !
Carnage holds carnival ! the sword bears reign !
Peace droops in tears ! but not, but not in vain
The woe ! upon it hangs our nation's life !
For this the living ramparts rise, for this
The floods of living fire that wrathful dart
From the volcano of the nation's heart !
And those who act their stern but holy part,
Feel it is bliss to strive, to perish, bliss.
And he we mourn was one of those ; he sprang
When in his ear the land's loud war cry rang;
Sprang from the joys of home, the opening flowers,
The gladdening songs that make the hovering hours
So heavenly to the young; with one brave bound
He finds the battle's front ; a fiery flood
Pours on his scanty band; the waves whirl round
Our youthful Brave, — a maelstrom, seething blood, —
But firm he stands; he breasts the dashing fire
Until the surges pile so fierce their ire
They hurl him back, but facing still the flow
With brow unquailing and unfailing blow.
Thy field, Manassas, saw no brave deeds done
Brighter than his ! and there his first green wreath he won !
And thou, 0, red and trophed Wilderness !
Didst see him in thy midnight depths the same
In valiant strength ; again fierce numbers press,
A legion, a vast legion breathing fiame.
And he with not a score; Old Glory streams,
With scarce a guard; to it he, burning, leaps,
His heart its guard; once more its splendor gleams,
Poised on that heart; the living torrent sweeps
Upon the grand Old Banner, but he rears
Its radiance still ; in vain that torrent heaps
Its fury, still its starry blazon cheers
The few brave souls around him; from his post •
His leader, '•' Stand, until my rallied host
Shall come !" and stand he did, and strike with heart and hand.
All through the crimsoned Wilderness he went,
With strengtli untiring and with soul unbent.
All through, all through, the same young Brave, the same !
Through the fierce hurricane of blood and flame !
But thou, Petersburg ! oh, scene of dread,
Oh, scene of dread and woe, thou saw'st him fall !
Death rode triumphant on the fated ball;
Its fiery finger searched his life ! outspread
The healing-portals, healing not for him !
Oh ! many were the hours, long, dreary, dim,
He saw; and at his home, his shrouded home !
Hope now would smile, then painful doubt would roam
Around his lingering, suffering couch, while there
He lay with cheerful, meek, and patient air.
Resigned to all. Death slowl)' came at last, — •
'' It is my Saviour's will !" he said; then murmured. Sing
"Nearer, my God. to Thee;" and as he passed
'' Higher !" he said, and liigh, " higher" flew his heavenward wing.
Such was our youthful Brave ! and such as he
Boasts our fair land; no marvel she is free !
Free as the lightning round the mountain's peak !
Free as the air that fans Old Ocean's cheek !
And with a grateful, full, though bleeding heart.
She crowns with wreaths her every hero's brow !
Death, conquering death, how blunted droops his dart
To such, oh, gallant friend, oh, youthful Brave, as thou !
The following is taken from an Albany paper of the day on
which the last remains of the young soldier were conveyed to
the toml):
Burial of Major George S. Dawson. — The last sad tribute
of respect and love was paid, this afternoon, to this gallant
young soldier and officer. Under a military escort, consisting
of a detachment of the Tenth Regiment N. G. S. N. Y., and
another from the Veteran Corps, the battalion under the com-
mand of Major Stiles, his remains were taken to their last rest-
ing place.
The scene was solemn and imposing. As the cortege passed
along the crowded streets, the notes of the shrill fife and the
muffled rolling drum, sadly and solemnly announced to the casual
observer that another brave spirit had been yielded up upon the
altar of his country.
The coffin was enshrouded with the flag he so much loved, and
for which he perished. The pall bearers were officers of rank in
the Veteran Corps and the National Guard.
Besides the military, the funeral was largely attended by per-
sonal friends; and the members of the Printers' Union, wno knew
him well, united in paying the last tribute to the memory of a
beloved companion and true friend.
State of New York, Executive Chamber,
Albany, Ocloher 24, 1865.
Dear Sir — I am directed by his Excellency, Gov. Fenton, to
forward to you a brevet commission — In Memoriam — for your
departed son, George S. Dawson, as Brevet Lieutenant Colonel
New York State Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct
before Petersburg, Va.
The Governor has learned of the good conduct of your son,
and takes pleasure in thus recognizing the valuable services he
rendered the country in the severe trial to which it was exposed.
Very respectfully,
M. J. FARRELL, Col, & A, D. C.
George Dawson, Esq., Albany, JSf. Y.
Edward A. Springsteed, sou of D. Springsteed, M. D., was
born in the city of Albany on the 31st day of January, 1840.
He was commissioned as First Lieutenant in the Forty-third
Regiment New York Volunteers, on the 17th day of August,
1861, under command of Col. Francis E. Vinton. He was in
the Army of the Potomac, First Brigade, First Division, Gen.
VV. S. Smith, Sixth Army Corps, under Gen. Franklin. He
participated in several skirmishes, and in the battle of Lee's
Mills and Williamsburg; and in the seven days' light, at Golden
Farm, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp and Malvern Hill.
When the troops arrived at Harrison's Landing, it was found
that his reffiment had been reduced to less than half its number.
He, with other officers of the regiment, were mustered out as
supernumerary, and he received an honorable discharge.
Soon after his arrival home, he volunteered his services again,
and was commissioned Captain in the One Hundred and Thir-
teenth (Albany county) Regiment, under the command of Col.
Lewis O. Morris. The regiment was mustered into the service
of the United States Aug. 19th, 1862. Col. Morris, who had so
soon noticed Capt. Springsteed's military qualifications, recom-
mended him and he was promoted to the position of Major.
The regiment left for the seat of war on the 19th, and arrived
at Washington, District of Columbia, on the 23d of August, and
was ordered to garrison the forts in the vicinity. Major Spring-
steed was assigned to the command at Fort Kearney. On Dec.
12th, 1862, the One Hundred and Thirteenth was, by an order
of the Secretary of War, changed from inftmtry to heavy artil-
lery. Major Springsteed was then placed in command at Fort
De Russy, which command he held for several months, when he
was again returned to Fort Kearney and appointed Brigade
Inspector. This position he held until the departure of the
regiment for the Army of the Potomac, JMay Kith, 1864. He
was then placed in command of the Second Battalion of the
regiment. This command he held in the battles of Lauren's
Hill, Spottsylvania, Noi'th Anna, Coal Harbor, Milford Station,
and until the charge of the First Division, Second Ami}- Corps,
under Major General W. S. Hancock, on the defences of Peters-
burg, made June 16th, 1864. At that time, he was wounded
and only escaped capture by his courage and coolness.
Major Springsteed gives an account of the battle and of his
wound, in the following interesting letter to his father:
Near Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.
Dear Father — I suppose that before you get this letter, you will
have heard that I am wounded, and of course you will be very
anxious to know how badly. I got a very painful, although slight
wound in the small of the back. The bullet came from the riijlit
side of me, and struck m}^ belt, cutting my pistol oW and going
into the flesh slightly. The ring on my belt almost stopped the
ball, or else it would have struck the spine, in Avhich case I
should probably not have been writing this letter now. I am at
the hospital and I think I shall be all right again in a few days ;
in a week at the farthest. About all I require at present, is rest
and quiet. I was with my battalion for about an hour after I
was struck.
I suppose you would like to know something of our move-
ments for the last few days. We left Gaines' Hill on the night
of the same day on which I wrote you last, and after marching
all night, crossed the Chickahominy the next morning, and about
six o'clock at night reached the James River at a point below
Harrison's Landing. We laid there all the next day, and crossed
the river at night. At one o'clock the next day, we marched
again, and reached here on the next morning, that is, yesterday.
We formed into line and advanced towards the enemy's works,
under the lire of two batteries. No harm was done, however.
We took up a position about one thousand five hundred yards
from the works, and remained there until six o'clock, when we
were ordered to advance and take the enemy's works. We
advanced under a terrible fire from the l)atteries. When we srot
near the works, part of the line gave way, and our regiment and
one or two others, were left alone. We advanced to within fifty
yards of the work, when we were obliged to stop. We halted
in a ditch which sheltered us from the enemy's fire. Soon after
we got into the ditch, I Avas standing up looking at the enemy's
works, when I was struck. I supposed at first that it was from one
of our own men in the rear trying to fire, over us, but I soon found
out that the enemy had got around our right fiank, and were
firing at us from the rear. The enemy ordered us to surrender,
but we held out for nearly an hour; when seeing that it was
impossil)le to get away, I did not see anything else to do. I was
the senior officer then, Init did not Avant to give up. The enemy
again ordered us to surrender, and told the men to throw down
their arms and come in and they would not fire on them. I
ordered the men to stay where they were, but some of them
threw down their arms and went in, and the rest soon folloAved.
I stayed there until nearly all the men were gone; when I thought
it better to risk the enemy's bullets than a prison. So I made a
dash through a space which the rel)el line did not cover, and
succeeded in getting away under a heavy fire. I am very thank-
ful that I did get away, and that I am wounded no more. Col.
Beaver, the brigade commander, was wounded, and the next
connuander killed. Col. Hastings is now in command of what
there is left of the brigade. One hundred and fifty men and
about ten officers, are all of the regiment that can be got together
this morning. Maj. Murphy is in command. Major Pruyn is
missing, and I think is either killed or wounded. It was a terrible
day for our regiment. We lost very heavily in crossing the
field, but the men behaved splendidly. I have no doubt but that
we should have taken the works if it had not been for stopping
where we did, in consequence of some of the lines giving away.
I hoj)e you will get this letter soon, so as to relieve your nn'iid
in regard to my wound. Your afiectionatc son, EDWARD.
He, with others, was taken to the army hospital at Washino-
toii. Not having been home for a long time, he obtained a fnr-
longh for thirty days. A few days after his arrival home, he
learned that Lieutant Colonel Hastings had resigned. Although
he had not recovered from his wound, he took leave of his friends
to join his regiment, two days before his furlough expired.
When he arrived at Washington, the National Capital was
threatened by the rebels, and he was detained hy Gen. Augur,
and placed in command of a brigade to defend the city. As soon
as the danger had passed, he asked to be relieved of his brigade
command that he might return to his regiment. His request was
granted, not, however, until he was made the recipient of a com-
plimentary order, for the manner in which he had conducted his
After having left Washington, Major Springsteed wrote home
the folio wino; letter:
Camp near Spottsylvania, Ma^ 20, 1864.
We left Washington Sunday, and arrived at Belle Plain the
same da}'. The next morning I started with a part of tlie regi-
ment for the army; arrived the next day. The rest of the regi-
ment came up that evening. The next morning we expected a
battle, but it ended in a skirmish, in which we took no prisoners.
A few shells fell near us, doing no damage.
We are in the Second Corps (Hancock's), and Tyler's Divi-
sion. Col, Morris commanded the brigade.
The regiment is divided into two battalions, of which I com-
mand one, and Lieut. Col. Hastings the other.
We were ordered out this afternoon, expecting to march aliout
dark for some point at a considerable distance, but a little after
four o'clock we were double-quicked to the right of the turnpike,
where the enemy had attacked our line. We advanced through
a piece of thick woods, and soon met the enemy. They made a
hasty retreat before our advance, and we drove them nearly
half a mile. Then they turned on us, and we had a sharp fight,
in which I lost Capt. jNIorris and McCulloch killed, and Capt.
Bell wounded in the leg, which has since been amputated. I
also lost a number of men. In Col. Hastings battalion, Lieut.
Krank was wounded in the head. The loss of men and officers
in my battalion was the greatest. Total loss, four officers and
forty-three men killed and wounded. As soon as this brush was
over, we fell back a quarter of a mile, to the crest of another
hill, and formed line ao-ain, our brio:ade having- the right, and
Col. Tannat's the left of our division line. My battalion was in
a very strono- position.
We had scarcely got in position liefore Col. Tanxat's brigade
was attacked, and had a severe fight at very close range.
Although my left joined his right, the rebels did not attack us,
except to drive in our skirmishers. We were relieved on this
line about half past ten, and went farther to the right, remaining
until daylight. The First ]Maine lost fourteen officers, and four
hundred and sixty-one men.
Maj. 8rRiNGsTj:ED, while in command of his regiment, bravely
and nobly leading his men at the battle of Ream's Station, on the
25th of August, 1^64, received a Avound from which he died a
few minutes after. He had been promoted first to Lieutenant,
and a fcAV days after to Colonel, but neither of these connnissions
ever reached him. He therefore never knew that his services
had been thus rewarded.
The following letters relate to these commissions:
Head Quarters 7th N. Y. V. Artillery, Camp )
NEAR Petersburg, Va., Aug. 1st, 1864. \
To Ms Excellency Horatio Seymour,
Governor of the State of JSfetv York:
Sir — The Colonelcy and Lieutenant Colonelcy of this regiment
have become vacant. I have the honor to apply to you for the
position of Colonel. Being the senior officer of the regiment, I
naturally feel very desirous for the promotion. Believing that
the appointment would give general satisfaction to the officers
and men of the regiment, I respectfully urge that my request
be granted. Your o])'t scrv't, E. A. SPRINGSTEED,
Major 1th X. Y. V. Art., Conulg.
If the Colonel is taken from the regiment, I think Major
Springsteed shonld ])e the selection, being the senior since the
discharge of Colonel Hastings, and the recommendations hy Col.
Beaver and Gen. Miles, his brigade and division commanders,
beins: such as are entitled to great weight.
Augiist 1st, 1864. Maj. Gen. Comdg. Second Corps.
Adjutant GENERiVL's Office,
Alb,\ny, Mcnj 10 t/i, 1866.
I do hereby certify that the preceding is a true copy of the
original on file in this office.
J. B. STONEHOUSE, A. A. General
Hospital First Dfvision Second Corps, }
1st August, 1864. ]
INIajor Springsteed having been under my connnand for some
time, and particularly at the first assault upon Petersburg, I take
pleasure in testifying to his gallantry, coolness and capacity as a
He was wounded at Petersburg. I believe his appointment
will be a benefit to the service and to his regiment.
Head Quarters First Division,
August 1st, 1864.
Eespectfully forwarded. I endorse the recommendation of
Colonel Beaver.
NELSON A. MILES, Brig. Gen. Comdg.
Head Quarters Dept. of Washington, 22d Army )
Corps, Washington, D. C, Aug. Uh, 1864. \
This is to certify that I have known Major E. A. Springsteed
of the Seventh New York Artillery, about eighteen months,
during which time he was under my command in the defences
of Washington. He proved himself a good officer, one of the
very best in the conmiand. Always faithful in the performance
of his duty, sober, industrious and always attentive. I do not
hesitate to recommend him for promotion to the Colonelcy of
his regiment.
J. A. HASKIXS, Lt. Col,
A. D. C, Chief of Artillery, late Comdg. Div.
Adjutant Gener^\i.'s Office, 1
Albany, May 10th, 1866. ^
I do hereby certify that the preceding is a true copy of the
original on file in this office.
J. B. STONEHUSE, A. A. General
James Henry Bogart was Ijorn in the city of Albany on the
24th day of INIarch, 1831). He was the son of John Henry
Bogart, who now resides in the city of New York. His ances-
tors were prominent citizens of Albany for more than two cen-
turies, and during this long period they had been identified with
the social circles and general interests of the city. In the peril-
ous days of the American Revolution, they discharged their duty
to their country with patriotic ardor and with signal success.
Ja3Ies inherited the virtues of his ancestors, and commenced
life with a high standard of moral integrity, and of intellectual
attainment l^efore him. He was a dutiful son, a diligent scholar,
and a faithful friend. He was educated at the Albany Academy,
an institution that can Ijoast of many men of high w^orth and
eminent distinction among its graduates. On entering upon man-
hood, he engaged in the business of engineering in company with
his brother, now a valuable officer in the service of the United
States Government, at Fortress Monroe. He devoted himself
with energy to his business, and accepted with cheerfulness the
cares and toils of life.
As years advanced, his high integrity and appreciated charac-
ter called him to a trust more responsible, and he was placed in
charge of one of the desks at the Assortino- House: at that time
an office in Albany involving each day the management of vast
sums of money.
In his leisure hours he souo-ht recreation in drillino; with a
company of young associates, little dreaming then of the approach-
ing stern realities of war. Just at that time the discipline and
achievements of the Zouaves excited areat enthusiasm amono-
the young men of Albany, and a company was organized. Of
that joyous band who sought at tirst only manly exercise, but
who no))ly responded to tlieir country's call, the sepulchre of
battle has received a fearful proportion.
jNIr. BoGAET, besides being a youth of great promise and ardent
patriotism, was a follower of the Saviour of the world. Attached
to the services of the Episcopal church, he became a meml)er as
well as an attendant, and throughout life retained his fellowship
with that church. Those who knew him intimately, reflect now
with great satisfaction upon the fact, that the even tenor of his
life flowed on with his Christian principles, and that the church
recognized him as one of those who gave a living testimony to
the truth as it is in Jesus.
But when the cry of war was heard, the heart of Mr. Bogart
responded to the call. He believed in the life of a soldier, and
as he had shared in the pageant, he accepted the reality.
So highly were his character and qualifications appreciated,
that he was at once commissioned as Adjutant in Col. Vinton's
Regiment. Several of our prominent citizens presented him
with a l)eautiful sword and other tokens of their warm, personal
friendship. The folloAving correspondence passed between these
friends and Major Bogart :
To Major James H. Bogart :
In this time of our country's sorest need, we feel an especial
pride and joy in those of our own citizens, who have been swift
to fly to her defence and to lay their noblest offerings upon her
altar. We cannot forget those who, having cheerfully borne the
exposure of the camp and the perils of the battle-field, are ready
still, with unfaltering courage, to go where other trials and other
sacrifice await them.
And in presenting to you this sword, and other tokens of our
personal friendship, as well as appreciation of past services, we
would express our earnest hope that, under the guidance of the
God of Battles, the future may be still more glorious than the
past; and that whether by an active life or in an honorable death,
the name of Jas. H. Bogakt nia}^ be like that of the heroes of
old, " without fear and Avithout reproach."
Albany, October 8, 1862.
Hon. Gideon Hawley and others :
Hon. and Respected Sir — Accept my grateful acknowledg-
ments for the honor bestowed in presenting me with those beau-
tiful emblems of your esteem and confidence, and may they ever
be consecrated to the cause of Freedom, Justice, and Humanity.
With earnest devotion, may this glittering weapon be wielded
in defence of our glorious Union, and may the time soon arrive
when the nation shall know war no more.
Through you, permit me to retui-n thanks to other kind friends
for this high personal favor.
With sentiments of deep respect,
Sincerely yours,
Major 3d Metropolitan Guards 1G2(Z JSF. Y. V.
New York, October 11, 1862.
After having faithfully served his country in connection with
this regiment, and passed through the hardships of the Virginia
campaign, he resigned his position as Adjutant. Soon, however,
he was again in the service as Major in Col. Benedict's regiment,
a body of men whose valor and achievements reflected great
honor upon the sons of Albany.
The regiment was ordered to Louisiana, a State that had been
singularly fatal to his immediate kindred, as one relative after
another had gone there, and met the last summons.
In the fierce siege of Port Hudson, Mr. Bogart was one of
those on whom fell the heat of that terrible series of battles.
The enemy, in their powerful entrenchments, sustained by the
hope that Vicksburg could not be conquered, made this siege a
work of destruction. Their fire swept the plain, and the record
of each day's progress was written in the sad sacrifice of human
On Sunday, the 14th of June, 1863, a day when at least pious
and God-fearing soldiers are most reluctant to fight, except in
self-defence, Maj. Bogart was ordered to advance against the
enemy. He marched across the plain, where showers of shot
were falling, and was struck by a shell, which tore away his sword
hilt, and carried it through his left hip. He felt that the assault
was well nigh desperate, and all his feelings revolted against a
Sabbath day attack upon that stronghold. But obedience and
courage ai"e the duties of a soldier, and in no breast did they
burn with a purer flame than in that which was now heaving with
its last breath. Far from a Christian home, and dear relatives
and friends, at eleven o'clock on that Sabbath, dies ]\Iaj. James
Bogart, of Albany, in the twenty-fourth year of his age.
When sixteen years of age, he united with the church of
Christ, and ever lived faithful to his Christian vows. As a boy,
JiUiES was pure minded, truthful, aft'ectionate and obedient. He
loved his home, loved his parents and devoted relatives. But
he also loved his country; and at the first tidings of rebellion,
the spirit of patriotism awoke in his breast, and he consecrated
himself to the protection and welfare of his country. His remains
lie in the Albany Eural Cemetery, by the side of other heroes,
waiting the last trumpet's peal, when to all believers in Jesus,
this corruptible will put on incorruption, and this mortal be
clothed with immortality.
The following account of his funeral appeared in the "Albany
Journal," under date of March 22d, 1864.
"The funeral of ]Major James H. Bogart, of the One Hundred
and Sixty-second liegiment, took place from St. Peter's Church
this afternoon. The serviecs at the church were conducted by
the Rectors, Rev. INIessrs. AVilsox and Tatlock.
"The funeral escort consisted of a detachment of volunteers
from the Barracks, under comnumd of jNIajor Van Slyck, pre-
ceded by Schreiber's band.
"The bearers were all otiicers in the service, Messrs. Watson,
Raymond, Green, Gross, Lennox, Russell, Thomas and
"The corteoi;e passed down kState street to Broadway, about
four o'clock, on its way to the cemetery."
The following notices of the deceased appeared in the papers:
" His friends have till this morning rather hoped than dared
to believe that there might, in the confused rumors of war, be
some doubt of his death. But the contirmation, as the first
tidings, comes from a source too sure and careful for error.
There is no eulogy born of the grave, even of a battle grave, to
be uttered of this young soldier, which would not have been
spoken of him while in the flush of life. It is not through the
curtain of the shroud that the truth of virtue is clearest seen.
His life was that of a pure and true hearted man. When the
first breath of war reached us, his heart gave its impulses to his
country, and l)elieving in the right and chivalry of the struggle,
he was one of those who went to arms with a thought that under-
stood the hour and had the heart to meet it. His kindred saw
in his nature that which was true, earnest, sanguine. They gave
him up to his country's service with the consciousness that the
camp and the battle field work their dread results most deeply,
into genial and generous hearts as his was.
"He won our love by that which, in a young heart, always
attaches men for its rarity — the devotion to home, the attachment
to parents, the determination for independence, and that which
rises from the memories of the ffi-ave, like the Ano-el of the
Resurrection — the clothing of a young heart in the bosses and
with the promises of the Gospel.
"Grief has but a limited vocabulary. The words are few and
broken in which the heart tells its lamentation. Solitude and
sorrow blend their shadows. He shall have the never-forgotteu
memory of an mifeigned love, and that will not obtrude itself:
but he has in this city, amidst his associates, in the assemblage
of the young, in the association of his church, those who know
that the holocaust which these days are ofiering, includes no
worthier name than of him who thus died in his duty.
"Killed in the attack upon Port Hudson, June 14, James H.
BoGAET, of Albany, Major of the One Hundred and Sixty-second
Regiment New York State Volunteers, in the twenty-fourth year
of his age.
" The spirit of a gallant soldier, and, nobler name, of a Chris-
tian man, passed away when this young otficer fell. Death came
to him in ^n assault which he felt to be well nigh desperate;
another offering to the demon of war made on the day sacred to
the Prince of Peace. Has it ever occurred to those responsible
for this bloody fight that the time chosen for it might have some-
thing to do with its ill-success? From the age of sixteen Major
BoGART was a communicant of the Church, and was faithful to
his Christian vows. There are consolations, thus, for those who
mourn his departure. They can, with good reason, believe that
the natural body sown in his far-off lonely grave, will be raised a
spiritual body, in the awakening of the dead in Christ."
Major Wallace was the son of Christopher Wallace and
Catharine Dinnen, and born in the city of Albany January 8th,
1835. His parents were natives of Ireland, and have been
respected citizens of Albany for the last forty j^ears. The sub-
ject of this sketch received his education in a district school in
this city, Avhere he made great proficiency in his studies. He
was a bright, active, mannerly boy, obedient and respectful to
parents and teachers, and grew up to manhood having the same
traits prominent in his character. At an early age he entered
the job printing office of Messrs. Weed, Parsons & Co., in this
city, where he served successively as apprentice, journeyman and
foreman of that extensive establishment; and with the exception
of a few months, continued his connection with that firm up to
the day he resigned, for the purpose of raising a company of vol-
unteers for the Army of the Union. In doing this, he was
actuated wholly by patriotism, and a sense of the duty that he
owed his country, in preserving her institutions.
Perhaps the only act of disobedience he committed towards
his parents in his Avhole life, was in giving up his situation, and
leaving his wife and only child, to assume the hardships and risk
of a military life in a time of war, which, as they apprehended,
lost to them a son, to his wife, a loving, kind, dutiful husband,
and left his only child (a promising boy), an orphan.
He commenced and was not long in raising a company of volun-
teers in Albany; and, being very popular among firemen, prin-
ters, and indeed every class of young men in the city, he was
not long in raising the number required to entitle him to the
commission of Captain, which he obtained in September, 1862.
His company was known as Company F, and, at the time of his
leaving Albany for the seat of war, consisted of eighty-four men,
only live or six of whom were left to return to Alban^^ and relate
their experience of the war. Four other All)anians, namely,
VisscHEK, Neavman, Mitchell and Burhans started at the time
he did to raise each a company of volunteers, but Wallace raised
his in the quickest time, and by that means became the senior of
tliose captains in the regiment.
After joining the Army of the Potomac, his first engagement
with the enemy was at Fredericksburg, in December, 1862, and
the second at the same place in May, 1863. Here he was taken
prisoner, and marched to Richmond, where he was confined a
prisoner of war, in Libby prison, for more than six weeks, and
until an exchange of prisoners was effected by the commanders
of the two armies. On the march to Richmond, and while con-
fined in the Libby prison, he suftcred great hardship and priva-
tion. After rejoining his reoiment, he soon after eniyaijed in the
battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863. Shortly after this, he was
ordered to Elmira, N. Y., upon recruiting service, in which he
proved quite successful. After serving at Elmira for several
months, he was ordered to join his regiment, which he did at
Brandy Station, Va., where he remained during the winter, and
until the opening of the spring campaign, with Gen. Grant in
command of the Army of the Potomac.
Early in the month of April, 1864, he received the commission
of Major from Gov. Seymour, to take rank from the 1st February
It will be recollected that on the memorable 4th May. 1864,
the Army of the Potomac, under Gen. Grant, crossed the Rnpi-
dan. As soon as it was fairly across the river, and before Gen.
Grant had time to put his army in fighting position, he was
opposed by Gen. Lee, and a heavy column under Longstreet.
A desperate and bloody fight was the consequence, thousands of
lives being lost, and thousands of prisoners taken on both sides.
On the night between the 5th and 6th of Ma}^ Maj. Wallace
was in charge of a line of pickets, extending between the tAvo
armies, and hy some mistake or blunder, a New Jersey regiment,
supposing them the enemy, opened a heavy tire npon the line.
Maj. W., in his endeavors to correct the fatal mistake (fatal to
others), and save himself and his conmiand from total destruc-
tion, had a most providential and narrow escape. Several of his
men Avere shot down b}^ their friends, and the full extent of loss
by this blunder has never been ascertained.
On the day following, the battle of the " Wilderness" raged
in its full fury, and thousands of the Union army lay dead and
dying on the ensanguined held. On the afternoon of 6th May,
while in front of his command, and leading them on to death or
glory, poor Major W. met his fate. He was killed by a gun shot
wound in the head, and is not known to have uttered a word
aftei-Avards. The senior field officers of the regiment, Col. Wil-
son and Lieut. Col. Fryer, also Albanians, had previously been
carried from the field mortally wounded. The Forty-third Eegi-
ment was distinguished for the gallantry of its officers and men,
and had been frequently selected for posts of extra hazard and
danger, by which means it became decimated, whilst other regi-
ments escaped the peril. Not long previous to Colonel Wilson
being carried from the field, he, Lieut. Col. Fryer and Major
Wallace were noticed lunching together under the shadoAv of
a tree. This was the last repast either of the brave men ever
partook of, in this world.
Major W., as has already been said, was, from his childhood,
moral and sedate. Reticent in manner, he was, nevertheless,
witty, genial and agreeable in company. Pie had read a great
deal, and Avas well informed on most ordinary sul)jects. His
t^istc for reading, combined with his occupation of printer, gave
him facilities for improvement not possessed by other young
mechanics. He was brought up in the Catholic religion, and
was a zealous, sincere Catholic Christian throughout his whole
life; giving proof of the sincerity of his faith, by a strict
observance of the doctrine and discipline of that church, down
to the da}^ of his death. The Catholic Chaplain of General
Meagher's Brigade frequently'- was the guest of Major W. in
camp. Owing to the location, and the circumstances attendant
upon the groat battle of the "Wilderness" (the rebels retaining
for a long time, the possession of the field within their lines),
it was impossible for his friends to recover the body of the
deceased at that time. It has since been ascertained that his
remains, with those of other brave Union men, and rebels, were
buried, promiscuously, on the Held, leaving no mark or trace
by which his grave could be discovered, or his person iden-
Major Wallace was a prominent leading member of the
Typographical Society of Albany, and, at one time. President.
He was also a delegate from that body to a National Convention
of Printers, composed of delegates from a large number of the
States of the Union. He was, besides, an active, energetic mem-
ber of the fire department of the city t'ov several years, having
served in Hook & Ladder No. 2, and was Secretary and Foreman
of that association at difierent periods.
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by difier-
ent bodies, expressive of the high esteem in which our hero was
held by his fellow citizens:
Monday Evening, 3/«7/ 30th, 1864.
Alderman Johnson, from the committee heretofore appointed
on the subject, ofiered the following resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That the Common Council on behalf of the citizens
of Albany, deem it their duty to place upon record a memorial
of their grief and respect for the gallant and patriotic Major
William Wallace, who fell fighting for his country in the battle
of the "Wilderness," on the Gth May inst.
Born in our city, on the outl^reak of the war he raised a com-
pany for the Forty-third Eegiment N. Y. S. V., being then twenty-
seven years of age, and Avas among the first to march to the field.
He encountered not only the dangers of battle but endured the
horrors and privations of the Libby prison. He had just attained
the rank of Major when he gave his life to his country, on the
dark and bloody ground of the "Wilderness."
Resolved, That in the estimatioii of this Common Council, the
youthful hero, whose public life presents so noble a record, and
whose personal career was virtuous and honorable, deserves the
highest honors Avhich a grateful people can ofter to its patriot
dead. His body is buried on the distant battle field, but his
memory is cherished in the hearts of our people.
Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes
of the Common Council, and printed, and that copies l)e sent to
the family of the deceased, and to his surviving comrades in his
At the first regular meeting (June 2) of Albany Typographical
Union, held since the sad intelligence was received of the death
of Major Wallace, the following resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas, We have learned with deep sorrow of the death of
our former President, Major William Wallace, who was killed
whilst in the performance of his duty, during the recent brilliant
movements of the Army of the Potomac : therefore
Resolved, That the lamented deceased was endeared to us by
the purity and gentleness of his character, respected for his
unobtrusive talents, and admired for his unselfish patriotism.
Resolved, That by his death our country has lost an ardent
defender — our city a public spirited and honorable citizen, and
our society an energetic and useful member.
Resolved, That Ave sincerely sympathize with the Avidow and
relatives of our deceased friend in their great affliction — trusting-
that the nobleness of his death in defence of his country may, in a
measure, alleviate their sorrow.
Resolved, That the Charter of this Union he draped in mourn-
ing for the usual period: and that these resolutions be trans-
mitted to the family of deceased, and duly spread upon the
James O'Sullivan, Recording Secretary.
HOOK AND ladder COMrANY, NO. 2.
At a special meeting of "Red Jacket" Company, Hook and
Ladder No. 2, held at their house on the 19th day of May, 1864,
the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Resolved^ That we have heard, with deep regret, of the death
of Major William Wallace, former Foreman, and Honorary
member of this company', who was killed while marching with
his regiment on to victory, in the late battles in Virginia.
Resolved, That in the death of Major Wallace, this company
has lost a warm and kind friend; his wife a loving and dutiful
husl)and; his son a loving father; his parents a faithful son; the
country a true and faithful servant.
Resolved, That our former intercourse with him, as an officer
and member, is full of pleasant recollections; and that while we
cherish his memory and mourn his fate, our sorrows are mingled
with pride, that he laid down his life in defence of our beloved
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with his family, parents
and relatives of the deceased, and trust that to the condolence of
earthly friends, there may be added the Heavenly consolations
of Him " who givetli and taketh away," for his w^se, though
inscrutable purposes.
Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be engrossed, and
presented to the widow of the deceased; and that this house be
draped in mourning for the space of thirty days.
(Signed.) M. A. SHEHAN, Foreman.
N. A. FINNEGAN, Secretary.
MAj. MILES Mcdonald. 355
This officer was l)orn in the city of Albany, on the first day
of March, 1840. He was the son of James and Mary McDon-
ald, Avho came to this city from Ireland. His father died when
he was a child. From his boyhood till his entry into the service
in 1861, he was employed in the telegraph office, at a small
salary, with which he assisted his widowed mother to support
the younger children.
He joined Company K, Sixty-third Regiment New York Vol-
unteers, as a private, in September, 1861, and proceeded at once
with his rejjiment to Yirainia. He followed its fortunes throug-h
the Peninsula campaign, under Gen. McClellan, and also fought
at Antietam. He was promoted first to Corporal, then to First
Sergeant, and, after Antietam, to a Second Lieutenancy, for valor
in that great battle. He fought at Fredericksburg:, and was
wounded on the 17tli of December, 1862, in that action. He
remained with the Army of the Potomac after lacing promoted
to First Lieutenant and Adjutant, and was a second time
wounded at Spottsylvania. On the 17th of June, 1864, he died
from wounds received the day before, in charging the enemy's
works in front of Petersburg.
On the 11th of June, 1864, he was commissioned Major of his
regiment; but his commission had not reached him at the time
of his death.
The following account of Major McDonald appeared in the
Albany " Morning Express," on Tuesday, June 21st, 1864:
We have become so accustomed to hear of the death of friends
in the army, that it would almost seem that the frequent receipt
of such painful intelligence would, to a certain extent, blunt our
sensibilities, and fail to excite those emotions of sympathy and
sorrow that, in the ordinary course of life, follow the decease
of those Ave hav^e known and loved. And yet, whenever the
swift electric messenger communicates to us that another brave
fellow has sacrificed his life upon the altar of his country, how
painfully sad are the reflections that arise. Death loses none of
its terrors to those who are far away from the field of desolation
and carnage, even though day after day we receive intelligence
of the inevitable results of desperate and bloody conflicts. The
loss of a relative or friend, whenever it may occur, must always
cast a cloud over the brightest vision, bringing in its train woe
and mourning.
Miles McDox.\ld is dead! So the telegraph announced to us
at an early hour Monday morning. And he died while battling
with the enemies of his country and liberty. Yes, he, too, has
fallen a victim to the accursed reliellion that has swept away so
many of the best and bravest of our people. While engaged
with the enemy in the l^attle before Petersburg, Thursday last,
he fell mortall}^ wounded, and subsequently his bright spirit
sped its way to that Great Ruler from whence it came. He was
a noble fellow, and as pure a j^atriot as ever oflered up his life in
defence of the liberties of the people. When the Sixty-third
Kegiment was organized, full of the enthusiasm and ardor that
distinguished his devotion to his country, he enlisted as a pri-
vate, and marched to the l^attle field.
It was in Octo1)er, 1861, he enrolled his name as a member
of Capt. BpvANAgan's company, and when he left us the best
wishes and earnest prayers of hosts of friends, that he might be
preserved from the perils and dangers of a soldier's life, went
with him. There was no truer man in the ranks of that gallant
regiment. His many noble traits of character soon made him a
uniAxrsal favorite, and for his gallantry and heroic bravery at the
battle of Antietam, he was promoted to a second Lieutenancy.
His promotion excited the most profound satisfaction among his
comrades, who had leai-ned to love him as a brother. At the
first battle of Fredericksburg he was wounded, and soon after
•was promoted to a lirst Lieutenancy, as a reward for meritorious
conduct. Subsequently, he was assigned to the Adjutancy of the
regiment; and it was while acting in this capacity, before Peters-
burg, he Avas killed. He was but twenty-four years of age, and
yet he was a most skillful and accomplished officer; and, had his
life been spared, would probably have very soon been appointed
Major of the regiment. When a boy, he entered the service of
the New York, All)any and Bullalo Telegraph Company as a
messenger, and retained that position for several years, winning
for himself the good opinion of the officers of the company, and
of the patrons of the line with whom he was brought in contact.
After surrendering this situation, he went to New York and
accepted a clerkship, which he held until a short time previous
to his enlistment in the Sixty-third Regiment. Although he
never enjoyed the advantage of a high school education, he was
possessed of fine natural talents, and his letters to us show him
to have been gifted with more than ordinary ability. His last
epistle to us was published by us on the 2d inst., and will be
remembered by all our readers, as one of the most interesting
communications that ever appeared in our columns.
How peculiarly painful is the following paragraph, clipped
from that last letter:
" If then the brave are mourned so deeply by their comrades
in battle, who can paint the feelings of anguish and woe expe-
rienced by their families and friends at home, when the dread
news appear in the pul)lic print, with the short but fatal word,
'killed,' placed after the name of a husl)and, father, son or
brother. No more will the light tread of the departed cross the
threshold, watching Avith bounding heart the delight of the fire-
side group, eager to welcome the returning soldier. In place
of joyous meetings, we find nothing but lonely graves, in some
sunny spot of this once beautiful State, where it is affecting to
mark with what simple kindness the surviving soldier buries his
fallen comrade, selecting with nice care a favorite spot, as if to
allure the first bright light of the rising sun, to kiss the grassy
mounds, before its pure rays should rest upon any other object.
There is something beautiful in a soldier's grave. From its sim-
358 MAj. MILES Mcdonald.
plicity alone, it is more beautiful. The rustic head board, hastily
penciled, speaks more of patriotism and love of country than all
the monuments of cold marble, chiseled into most majestic form,
by the skillful hands of the artist."
Those were the sentiments of Miles McDonald, the true-
hearted soldier and noble patriot. He noAv tills a soldier's grave,
and may "the bright light of a rising sun ever kiss the grassy
mound before its pure rays rest upon any other object," is the
heartfelt wish of one who knew him from childhood, and has
watched, with pride and pleasure, his advancement in life.
It was l)ut yesterday morning his mother received a letter
from him, and while a brother was perusing its welcome pages,
the anxious mother, carefully scrutinizing the columns of the
"Express," discovered that short but fatal word, "killed," in
connection with the name of her dearly beloved child. The
agony of that discovery no tongue can tell. Let us draw a veil
over the sorrow-stricken home of the dead hero, and pray God
that the heart-broken mother, and those now bowed down with
grief, may receive that consolation which he who afflicts can
alone aftbrd.
Adjutant McDonald, says Dr. Reynolds, was with the Army
of the Potomac in every battle from Yorktown, under General
Geo. B. McClellan, to Petersburg, under Gen. U. S. Grant.
He was wounded twice previous to his death wound — at Freder-
icks])urg, December 13, 1862, and at Spottsylvania, May, 1864.
He died eight hours after he was wounded, and his last words
were, when told by the surgeon that he could not survive : "I
am satisfied; God's will be done !"
Toll tlie bell sadly, the yoiinsi and the beautiful
Now lies a pale corpse in the scenes he held dear;
Toll the bell sadly, the brave and the dutiful,
"War's victim, before us, is stretched on the bier.
The face that we looked on with pride and with pleasure,
From the eyes that admired it, full soon will be gone,
And that form, late the shrine of the world's best treasure^
A bold loyal spirit is lifeless and wan.
Toll the bell sadly, and toll the bell loudly !
The wailings to drown of the friends of the brave —
Wlio pictured his pathway to glory so proudly,
But who weep that fame's pathway led him to the grave.
Friends of his youth, and his manhood, round standing,
On him through your tears come now look your last,
On that mouth, once so smiling, that brow so commanding,
Ah! that eye by the signet of death is sealed fast.
Sad are your hearts — sad the sisters, the brothers.
The fond ones he lived for, he doated upon;
But what is their grief to the grief of his mother,
"Who weeps o'er the corpse of her young gallant son ?
"Weep, he was worthy your pride and your mourning,
"Weep, though your tears are as painful as vain;
"Weep, for no more from war's perils returning,
"Will he rush to your arms and embrace you again.
McDonald, when lifo-blood in torrents was flowing,
"Was first in the charge of our loud-cheering band ;
On our lines, when their shells the foemen were throwing
Impulsively brave, and unconsciously grand!
Yet was he gentle, and kind as a maiden,
Full of frolic and mirth, generous-hearted and free,
And many a heart that with trouble was laden,
Grew bright in his sunshine, and glad in his glee.
There hang the green flags he gaily marched under,
There is tlie cap — there his belt and his sash,
And there is the sword which when bellowed war's thunder,
In the hand that's now lifeless, would quiver and flash!
Yes, scatter sweet flowers where valor reposes,
They are trophies becoming the brave soldier's bier;
And freshen your lilies and brighten your roses
"With love's liquid gem, with affection's sad tear.
"^"ell, he was worthy our praise and our sorrow.
His country's remembrance and friendship's sad sigh,
Only from this, some relief can we borrow.
The spirit survives though the body must die.
He has stamped on our bosom love's unfaded token.
And time will but make liis remembrance more dear,
Whenever we meet his loved name shall be spoken,
"When alone, we shall think of his worth with a tear.
360 >L\j. MILES Mcdonald.
Yes, when marble shall crumble and carved work be rotten,
Tliat repels passers-by from the haughty man's clay,
Good Miles McDonald shall not be forgotten,
His name and his virtues shall not pass away.
This country, when crushed shall be this sad rebellion,
His name shall enroll 'mid her bravest and best,
And his soul in the bosom of God shall be dwelling,
Where sorrow is soothed and the weary have rest.
Toll the bell sadly, the crowd is now moving
That bears to his last home the corpse of the brave
Then let the pen of the poet, and the living,
Inscribe tiiese true lines on the patriot's grave ;
" Here lies McDonald, a soldier true hearted
As ever for freedom the battle-field trod;
Here lies a Christian, who calmly departed
And unmurmuring gave his young spirit to God!"
In Camp, near Petersburg, Va., July 9, 1864.
George W. Stackhouse was the son of John B. Stackhouse,
and, in the spring of 1861, enlisted as Second Lieutenant in
Company A, Twenty-fifth New York Regiment. He was after-
wards made Captain, and in March, 1863, for his gallantry and
efficiency, was promoted to the position of Major, in the Ninety-
first Regiment New York Volunteers. He was with General
Banks, and fought with great bravery in the battles at Irish
Bend, Gonzales' Plantation, and in the three general battles at
Port Hudson. On the 27th of May, 1863, he was shot in both
thighs, and lingered until June 19th, 1863, when he died. He
leaves fond parents, and a wife and four little children to mourn
his loss.
Major Stackhouse was a faithful and earnest patriot, and an
honest man. His soldiers placed the greatest confidence in him,
and entrusted him with their money to send home. He sent
tens of thousands of dollars to his father, who kindly dis-
tributed the same to the families of the soldiers. When the
war closed, the veterans who returned presented to the father,
Mr. John B. Stackhouse, a valuable and beautiful watch, as a
token of their gratitute for his faithful services.
Major Stackhouse had two brothers in the army, James and
WiLLiAJvi. They were in the battles with him at Port Hudson,
and, on June 19th, 1863, James was badly wounded in the head,
but recovered from his wound.
I regret that I have been unable to obtain fuller information in
regard to this patriotic family, for they certainly deserve a more
extended sketch than this. But in the name of our city, our
State antl our Nation, we tender to the survivors our heartfelt
thanks, for their noble contributions to our country's honor and
From Abraham Lansing, Esq.
Richard Marvin Strong was the second son of Anthony M.
and Sarah M. Strong. He was born in the city of All)any, June
10th, 1835, and died in the military service of the United States,
at Bonnet Carre, La., May 12th, 1863.
He received the elements of his education at the Albany Acad-
emy, which he entered at an early age, while it was yet under
the supervision of the late Dr. T. Romeyn Beck, and remaining
there durins; the succeeding:: administration of Dr. Willaim H.
Campbell, and for a short time under Prof. G. H. Cook.
When, in 1851, Dr. Cajvipbell resigned his charge in Albany',
Richard had made most valuable progress in his academic
course, and was nearly fitted for college. Few connected Avith
the Academy at that time will fail to remember the class of
young men, well advanced in study — the senior class of the
school — which the Doctor had gathered under his especial care,
and particularly instructed in the classics and belles lettres.
Undoubtedly the instruction thus received hy those young men,
who daily went before their principal with unfeigned alacrity,
and with the esteem and affection of children towards a father,
exerted an important influence upon their moral, as well as their
intellectual characters. Certain it is that there is not an instance
in which the subsequent life of any member of the class has put
to the blush its moral training. Its majority are still reaping
the earthly benefit of its admirable discipline, and delight to
recall its pleasant associations. As a member of that class,
Richard's standing was second to none. The impressions he
then received, and the habits then formed, partially furnish the
explanation of his remarkal^ly pure and upright life, and of the
accuracy, industry and thoroughness Mhich distinguished him in
all his relations.
In 1851, he received from the Academy for his i)roficiency in
mathematics, the Caldwell gold medal, and at the same time
his friend and companion, Charles Boyd, received the Van
Eensselaer classical medal. These rewards of scholarship were
presented by the principal (Dr. Campbell) at the anniversary
exhibition, with evident pride and satisfaction. "These young
gentlemen," said he, as they stood before him on the stage, " have
never o-iven me a moment's uneasiness throuo-hout all their
academic course." They both entered the junior class, at the
college of New Jersey, at Princeton, in 1852, and as they had
graduated from the preparatory school with the highest honors,
so they took at once the rank of the first scholars in their class.
They became members of the same literary society, were room-
mates together, and in 1854 graduated together; the one pro-
nouncing the valedictory, the other the mathematical oration,
the first and third honors of a large and intellijjent class.
As a student Mr. Strong endeared himself to his class-mates
by his companionable and social qualities, as well as won their
admiration by his ability as a scholar. Prof. Stephen Alex-
ander, of Princeton College, says of him, in a recent letter:
"He greatly distinguished himself by his attainments in
scholarship while a member of this institution. The college
records exhibit his final standing (at his graduation) to have been
third in his large class, and within the veriest fraction of the
second position. Those who knew^ his previous history as an
academy boy, will not be surprised to learn that the honorary
oration assigned to liim was the mathematical. Of his unexcep-
tionable conduct and his kind and genial manners, I have still a
lively recollection."
During his senior vacation he was invited by Prof. Alexander,
who was acting in connection with a large committee of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, to accom-
pany him to Ogdensburgh as an assistant in an observation of the
annular eclipse of the sun in May, 1854, and accompanied him
together with Mr. William J. Gibson, to assist in those important
observations. Prof. Alex^ynder, in his report, says:
"I was assisted in my observations hy two of my former
pnpils in the college of New Jersey, Messrs. William J. Gibson
and Richard M. Strong, both of Albany, New York. Their
presence with me, was not only a matter of sincere personal
gratification, but was important also, as we were together enabled
to note some phenomena which might otherwise have escaped
me, and they by their aid contributed not a little to the accurate
observation of those which I might have noted if alone."
A single incident of the college life of Adjutant Strong, will
serve to illustrate the force and fearlessness of his character, even
at that early age. He had been one of the founders of the
Kappa Alpha, a secret society in the college, and besides having
a strong attachment for the society itself, and for its individual
members — an attachment which lasted throughout his life — he
had been an applicant to existing chapters in other colleges for
authority to establish a branch at Princeton, and he felt in a
measure responsible for its success and prosperity. The faculty
had concluded to suppress the secret societies, and, among others,
Richard Strong was summoned before the President to sign a
pledge not to attend the meetings of any such society, and to
dissolve his connection therewith, so long as he remained a mem-
ber of the institution. He replied substantially to the demand,
that his obligations to his society were contracted when there
was nothing in the college rules preventing him from assuming
them, and that the standing and reputation of its members were
ample proof of its harmlessness. He begged the President not
to insist upon that which he should be obliged to refuse, and
declared that greatly as he deprecated the consequences, he
should prefer rather to suffer them, than commit himself to such
a pledge. A further interview was appointed with him at an
unspecified future time, and the fact that he was not afterwards
called upon to sever his connection with the society, or to sign
the pledge proposed, shows the appreciation in which the worthy
President of the college held the character of the young man
who preferred rather to suffer detriment to himself, than prove
false to a trust confided to his care.
Though he had few superiors as a classical scholar, Mr.
Strong was naturally inclined to the study of mathematics, and
the natural sciences, and his early preferences were towards
those pursuits as a profession. At one time he had determined
to become a civil engineer, but though his constitution could not
be called feeble, he was led to abandon this choice from a belief
that he was not sufficiently robust, to endure the hardships and
exposures sometimes attendant upon that mode of life. His next
choice was the law, and soon after leaving college he entered
the office of Reynolds, Cochrane & Reynolds in Albany, and
became at the same time a student of the law department of the
Albany University. He brought to the study a mind naturally
excellent, improved by careful training. He pursued his studies
with diligence, and the results were satisfactory to himself and
his instructors, giving promise of usefulness and distinction in
after life. His studies were interrupted for several months
which he passed in visiting Europe, traveling in Great Britain
and on the continent, and resumed again on his return. In 1856
he was admitted to the bar. His connection through relatives
with important mercantile interests in Albany, threw him at
once into practice, and his zeal and ability soon gained for him
an extensive business.
About a year after his admission to the bar, he formed a part-
nership with Frederick To^^'NSEND, now Major of the Eighteenth
United States Inf^intry, and •William A. Jackson, afterwards
Colonel of the Eighteenth Regiment New York Volunteers, now
deceased, and upon the dissolution of the firm by the withdraAval
of those gentlemen to positions in the service of the Government,
he became associated with Mr. George L. Stedman, with whom
he was connected in business at the time of his decease. The
firm of Stedman & Strong having succeeded to the extensive
business of the firm of Shepard & Bancroft, Mr Strong was
enjoying the emoluments of a handsome practice when he gave
his services to his country. His ability as a lawyer Avas marked
and decided. He was accurate in his conclusions, and rapid in
reaching them. He aiialj^zed facts with thoroughness, and ar-
ranged them with method. His counsel was clear and reliable.
It was always the deliberate conviction of his judgment after
careful investigation of the fiicts, and was often sought and fol-
lowed in preference to that of others of longer standing in the
profession. He presented an argument to the court with a terse-
ness, completeness, and ingenuity which always commanded at-
tention. Witli the meml)ers of the Albany bar he was a general
favorite, as he was among all who knew him. Fond of social
enjoyments, cultivated and interesting in conversation, he was
welcome everywhere, and often gave himself to the social gather-
ings of the city. As a companion and friend, he w^as true and
unselfish. He was cordial with all, and where his affections were
enlisted, he was warm and enthusiastic. In countenance he was
genial and joyous, but there was an earnestness in his expression
as in his manner, which was the index of his character.
Mr. Strong's professional career was varied by attention to
other interests of a more public character. He possessed an
activity of mind, and a readiness of perception and execution,
which enabled him to attend laithfully and successfully to numer-
ous diverse matters without neglecting his professional duties.
His industry was remarkable. He wasted no time, and it was
surprising to see one so young, so zealous, and so constantly
employed. In the truest sense of the term, he was public-
spirited — not from ostentation, but from love of well doing and
natural energy of disposition. He was connected with many
important enterprises in his nati^;e city, and the assurance that
he was actively engaged in any project was almost a guaranty
of its success.
Not long after the commencement of his professional life, he
became a member of the First Presbyterian church of Albany,
Rev. Dr. John N. Cajvipbell's. He was a faithful, earnest, and
exemplary Christian, ever mindful of the obligations of his reli-
gious profession, and living the life of one whose actions were
prompted and guided by the purest faith. When the project
of erecting a new Presljytcrian church on State street, in Albany,
was canvassed among the members of his denomination, he en-
terecl warmly into it and became a leading spirit in its accom-
plishment. In November, 1859, he became one of a committee
of fifteen appointed from the different Presbyterian churches of
the city to carry forward the enterprise, and afterwards was
secretary of the committee.
Under his legal counsel and conduct the church was incor-
porated, the land was purchased, the edifice erected and the
pulpit supplied. In each step he not only performed his part as
a lawyer but as an enthusiastic lover of the work, and with a
refined taste and excellent judgment gave valuable advice in the
manner and economy of construction, and rendered efficient
services in the accumulation and management of the funds.
He was made a trustee of the church and remained one until the
time of his death. He entered the Sunday school, taking charge
of an important class of advanced scholars, composed of two
classes which he had previously instructed, every Sunday, and
which showed its confidence in its instructor by volunteering
unanimouslv in his reo;iment, and o:oino: with him to the war.
The committee to whose management this church enterprise was
given, threw the legal responsibility of the proceedings entirely
upon his shoulders. With characteristic energy he entered into
the law of the subject and in a few weeks had at his command
not only the statute law applicable, but its sources and history.
It was afterwards suggested to him that a volume on the sul)ject
would have both a historic and practical interest, and he was
urged to undertake its compilation, and is supposed to have had
it in contemplation.
The rel)ellion of 1861 made hurried calls upon the time and
services of the efiicicnt young men of the North. The Albany
Barracks were placed under the command of Brigadier General
John F. Bathbone. Mr. Strong was then his aid-de-camp, and
took an important part in organizing the regiments formed there.
These barracks were the rendezvous of thousands of volunteer
recruits, who came without discipline, without organization and
utterly unaccustomed to the rigor and restraints of camp life.
There were frequently at one time from four to five thousand,
and the position of aid was no sinecure. Mr. Strong was not
unequal to the task; be had had military experience as a membei
of the Albany Burgesses Corps and the Albany Zouave Cadets,
and in those model organizations had become proficient in the
drill of the company; he soon acquired the experience of a
general officer. When Gen, Eathbone was relieved of his com-
mand at the barracks, Mr. Strong received the appointment on
his staff" of Judge Advocate of the Ninth Brigade New York
National Guards. His duties at the barracks ceased with the
departure of the troops for the field, and, the General Govern-
ment having, as it was supposed, suflScient for its purposes, he
returned to the practice of his profession impressed, however, as
he stated, with a sense of obligation to the country, and a deter-
mination to give his services, should the occasion seem to make
a demand upon them. On the organization of the One Hundred
and Seventy-seventh Regiment New York Volunteers, formerly
the Tenth Regiment National Guard of the State, he accepted
the laborious position of Adjutant, and turned his attention, with
his accustomed energy, to placing it on a war footing. On the
eve of departure, he addressed the regiment, publicly congratu-
lating the officers and men upon their unwearied and at length
successful efforts, to organize for the war.
They left Albany in December, 1862, with the " B.\nks' expe-
dition," landed at New Orleans, and were thence sent to Bonnet
Carre', La., an important post on the Mississippi river, being one
of the main defences of New Orleans. Large numbers of the
unacclimated men of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh were
soon prostrated with diseases peculiar to the country and to camp
life; and Adjutant Strong, besides being the acknowledged
friend of the individual members of the regiment, became an
unwearied attendant upon the wants of the sick. His assistance
was freely bestowed on all sides, regardless of danger from infec-
tion, and the strain upon his strength. With a rare skill and a
joyous and genial manner peculiar to himself, he watched with
and assisted in the care of the sick, and administered to the dying
the consolations of that religion he had himself experienced.
His labors in this respect, while attending ])uncti]iously to the
duties of his position, rendered him liable, through loss of
strength, to take the fever, to which he has fallen a victim. In
a letter from Bonnet Carre, written on the day after his death,
full of tenderness and afiection, addressed to the father of Adjt.
Strong, Dr. O. H. Young, assistant surgeon of the regiment,
says: "The tenderness of his heart and his unresting desire for
usefulness, prompted him to visit the hospital often, in the hope
of adding to the welfare of the sick soldier, and many will
remember the kind solicitude which made him their constant
visitor, and the cheerful words which infused new hope into
their drooping spirits. Indeed, the frequency with which Eich-
ARD made tliese visits, had more than once attracted our atten-
tion, and creating some solicitude for his health, had made it
incumbent on us, as medical ofBcers, to advise him not to spend
too much time among the sick and dying. ***** q^
Sunday, April 26, he and I sat together on a bench in front of
my tent listening to divine service. ***** Directly
after these exercises he complained of headache, and asked me
for professional advice, which was given, on condition that he
immediately abandon all official duties which rendered exposure
to the sun's heat necessary."
This headache, spoken of by Dr. Young, was the approach of
the fever, which soon assumed a typhoid form, and terminated
his life. In speaking of his last sickness. Dr. Young informed
his parents that it was not attended with physical pain. During
his last moments his physical prostration was too great to permit
his articulating, but his response to the question, whether he
desired to be remembered to his father and family at home, was
audible and intelligent. He answered, said Dr. Young, distinctly
"yes," and a few moments after, with his brother's name upon
his lips, expired. His remains were encased in a metallic coffin,
and deposited in Greenwood Cemetery at New Orleans, to await
their conveyance to Albany.
Thus has another valual)le life surrendered itself a voluntary
offering to the institutions of our coimtry, freely given in the morn-
ing of usefulness, with bright promises for the future unfulfilled.
The misgivings as to his physical endurance, which in earlier
years had swerved him from the pursuits of the studies which he
loved, had no power to influence his action when he felt his ser-
yices were valiial)le to the country, liut he freely gave himself to
the risks of the held of l)attle, and the exposures of camp life,
and in doing so, none who knew him Avill say he was otherwise
actuated than by a sense of duty, and a desire to be of service to
his country, in whose institutions he had an unshaken faith. To
that faith he has Ijorne testimony with the seal of his life — a life
full of the brightest promise, and endeared to him by the ten-
clerest family affections, and throughout which, with all the
opportunities and successes which attended him, there is not one
moment over which his friends would desire to draw a veil. The
memory of his chaste and noble nature, like the lingering rays
of the setting sun, remains to soften the gloom his death has
caused, and is the assurance of. a triumphant future. Sweetly he
sleeps the sleep of death among those,
" Qui fueiunt, sed nunc ad astra."
At a meeting of the Albany Bar, convened in the Mayor's
Court Eoom, in the City Hall of Albany, to take action regard-
ing the death of Adjutant Richard M. Strong, on motion of
Mr. C. M. Jenkins, Mr. J. I. Werner was called to the Chair.
On motion of Mr. J. B. Sturtev^int, Mr. William Lansing was
appointed Secretary.
On motion, the Chair appointed the following committee mi
resolutions: Messrs. William A. Young, John C. McClure,
Hamilton Harris, J. Howard King and George Wolford.
Hon. John H. Reynolds then addressed the meeting as
One by one, and in rapid succession, those who for a time
travel with us on the highway of life, drop down and are seen
no more. At short intervals of time, some, that we have known
and who have in some sort been our associates, disappear, and
we know them no longer. At a little greater interval, those
with whom we have been more intimate, fall by the way side,
and then we pause a moment and perhaps shed a few tears, and
pass on, intent only upon reaching the end of our own travels,
and a season of repose which never comes. We tind but little
time to linger beside those who falter, and less to stand around
the orraves of the fallen. As we move onward, at intervals
which seem to grow less and less in duration, we are compelled
to pause, from time to time, for the reason that our most intimate
associates can no longer keep us company, but leave us to con-
tinue our progress as best we may. It is then that we tarry a
little longer, and feel it a duty to give some expression to our
regret and regard. We have met to-day to perform this duty,
in respect to one of our professional brethren, who, under cir-
cumstances of painful interest, has, in the very morning of life,
left us forever. It is not long since that, under like circum-
stances, we were assemljled to pay the last tribute of respect to
the memory of another of our brethren, who in obedience to
the call of his country, left home and friends, and wore out his
life, in defence of the flag, which an army of traitors seek to
trample in the dust. And now, after a little while, we meet
again, to pay a like tribute of regard to one of gentle nature
and of high promise, who more recently gave up the pursuits
of an honoral)le profession, and severed the tenderest ties that
bind our common humanity, to brave all the privations and
dangers that attend the patriotic citizen and soldier, who takes
up arms in defence of the insulted flag of his country. It is
fitting that this mournful event should not pass unnoticed by
those who were bound to him in the ties of professional brother-
hood, who knew him intimately, and loved him well in life,
and whose early death falls with crushing weight upon so many
At the early age of twenty-eight, Richard M. Strong died,
far away from home and kindred. We knew but little of his
days of sickness and suftering, or of the last hours of his life,
save that an unrelenting disease, in an ungenial clime, wasted
him away; and in his last moments his thoughts were turned to
loved ones at home, and his lips fjiintly murmured a brother's
name; and with this last effort of affection, his spirit passed to
" God who gave it."
The story of bis life is brief and simple. It is not marked by
uncommon incidents, which will attract the attention of the great
world. He did not live long enough to achieve the high honors
of the profession to which his life was to have been devoted, and
which his talents, his industry, his manly and modest deportment,
his spotless character, his love of truth and justice, entitled those
who kncAV him best to predict for his career. So much of pro-
fessional life as he was permitted to pursue, gave assurance that
all which would have followed could not have
" Unbeseemed the promise of his spring."
He began the study of the law in an office with which I was
connected; and I shall always remember him with affection as a
devoted, industrious, intelligent and fiiithful student; full of hope,
and earnest in the pursuit of all that learning which marks the
progress of a true lawyer, and gives dignity to a noble profes-
sion. He brought to that pursuit a mind capable of reaching a
high rank among men, who never fail to appreciate learning, to
reverence intellect, and to love and cherish all the higher quali
ties which adorn human nature. His early training, where his
superiority had always been acknowledged, fitted him to com-
mence his professional career under circumstances more favorable
to success than is common to most wiio enter upon a pursuit
where real merit is seldom unrewarded, and where few ever
attain a permanent position without severe labor and solid acquire-
ments. His practice at the bar, although not of long duration or
extensive in its character, illustrated the qualities of mind and
heart which commanded the respect and regard of all his brethren,
and which step by step, would have led him to high honors.
In early life he was frail and delicate, and he was nurtured
with tenderest affection. At school he was patient, and diligent;
and not only won the regard of his associates, but attained a
position of acknowledged merit; and when his schoolboy and col-
lege days were over, he left behind him the marks of a superior
mind, and the remembrance of an exemplary character. To this,
all his early friends bear willing testimony. He sought our
profession as best adapted to his tastes and talents, and entered
upon it with all the enthusiasm of youth, and with all the hope
and confidence which youth and conscious talents inspire. Sur-
rounded by every comfort which wealth and aflection can give,
stinuilated l)y every motive of honorable ambition, he saw the
future bright before him, and, with just reliance upon himself,
looked forward to a useful and an honorable career in the pro-
fession of his choice. But an imperiled country called him to
other duties. He was among the first, when the sound of con-
flict reached us, to lay down the profession of the law, and
assume the profession of arms; and he has followed it with
fidelity to the same end to which Ave are all hastening. With
the brave men who have o-one to the field of strife he souo;ht
danger as a duty; and, if opportunity had presented, he would
have proved himself as brave in battle as he was patient and sub-
missive when disease wasted his life away. He was a Christian
gentleman and a Christian soldier. He followed with unfalter-
ing trust, the path of duty to his God, to his countiy, to his
kindred and his friends. He leaves no enemy behind him. All
who knew him loved him; for his nature was gentle and genial.
He was firm in honest purposes, quick to discern and defend the
right, and incapable of wrong. When such men die early or
late in life, there is a melancholy pleasure in bearing testimony
to what they were ; and to do so is a sacred duty to the living
and the dead.
The circumstances under which our deceased brother closed
his brief but honorable career, are peculiarly painful and impres-
sive, although death now meets us in so many startling forms
that we scarcely notice it until it comes very near. The stories
of blood and battle, of sufl'ering and death, are daily brought to
our view, and yet scarcely arrest our attention. We look with
interest to scenes of conflict and carnage, where brave men
struggle and die amid the roar of cannon and the shouts of vic-
tory, but scarcely remember the unhappy patriots who, in a
distant clime, struggle with relentless disease, and who, upon
beds of sufl'ering, turn once more to their early homes and kin-
dred in all the agony of loneliness and desolation. They are far
beyond all those consolations which attend the dying when sur-
rounded by the endearments of home. Death is always a mer-
ciless visitor; but to one suffering amid strangers, in a strange
land, Ijecomes robed in his most ghastly form — terrible to the
victim, and agonizing to those who are nearest and dearest to him.
We cannot turn aside the veil that hides the grief of the aiflicted
household in which our lamented brother grew up to manhood.
The father's, the mother's, the brother's and the sister's agony is
all their own. We may sympathize but cannot alleviate. We
may speak a word of kindness, and drop a tear of sympathy,
but we only add our sorrow to theirs. God grant that this
household, and the many others that have, in these unhappy days,
suffered a like bereavement, may find consolation from the only
source that can give lasting comfort to the afflicted.
And let us who here grieve over the early dead, be ever mind-
ful of the admonitions which these mournful occasions give us.
Death meets us in all forms, in all conditions of age and station,
and on all occasions.
" Leaves have their tirae to fall,
And flowers to wither in the north wind's breath,
And stars to set; but all —
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh Death! "
This tril)ute of the Hon. Mr. Reynolds was followed by other
addresses, also most appropriate and eloquent, from the Hon.
Lyman Tremain, Mr. llurus W. Peckham Jr., Hon. Deodatus
Wright, Gen. John Meredith Read Jr., and Mr. Orlando
William A. Young, Esq., offered the following resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted :
Another member of the Albany County Bar has died in the
military service of the country. Richard Marvin Strong, a
gentleman of much professional ability, of amiable manners and
strict integrity, beloved by his companions in arms, and by all
who were associated with him in the pursuits of civil life, in the
flower of his age, has gone from among us forever. His worth
as a citizen and a lawyer, his valor and patriotism, have conse-
crated his name and his niemoiy in the hearts of his brothers of
the bar. In view of this mournful dispensation.
Resolved, That while contemplating with admiration and pride
the example furnished by the deceased, of conscientious devotion
to the Union and the supremacy of the laws, we deeply lament
the too early death of one whose cultivated mind and pure char-
acter gave promise of so much usefulness and distinction. His
intercourse with his brethren of the bar was marked, at all times,
by kindness and courtesy. Among his fellow-citizens, his daily
life was eminent for that uprightness and manly bearing which
are the outward manifestations of a heart imbued with the prin-
ciples of justice and right. His literary attainments and scholar-
like tastes were the graceful and titting ornaments of his virtues.
KnoAving the magnitude of the sacrifices at which he entered
upon the career of arms, we venerate the heroism and constancy
of one who was capal)le, when his country demanded his services,
of exchanging the delights of a home, where he had ever been
an object of the tenderest affection, the charms of study and the
rewards of professional industry, for the hardships, the perils,
and the sufferings of the camp and the field.
Resolved, That we tender to the parents and friends of the
deceased our heartfelt sympathies in the affliction which this mel-
ancholy event has brought upon them; and that we invoke in
their behalf the consolations which enabled our departed brother
to meet death with Christian fortitude and resignation.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the news-
papers of the city, and that a copy, signed by the officers of this
meeting, be presented to the family of the deceased.
In an eloquent sermon commemorative of Adjt. Strong, the
Rev. A. S. TwoMBLY, his pastor, spoke as follows:
" In the prime of manhood, God has taken him away. With
many earthly hopes yet unfulfilled — a thousand manly aspira-
tions all unmet — just as the promise of his early culture ripens
towards its fruit — before life gives its best rewards — he dies !
But who will say that life in him, in any sense, was incomplete ?
Who will say that death has broken from the stem a life whose
sunnner time has not yet come ? This church, which owes much
of its strength and its success to him whose name alone is left to
it, may seem all incomplete without him. We, his associates and
friends, among Avliom he appeared pre-eminent for genial good-
ness, strength of judgment, and simplicity of character, may be
obliged to leave unfinished his share in' the work which we
together had assumed. The Sabbath school — his pride and
care — that class which he took with him to the war, may never
find a su1)stitute for the place he occupied. And in the private
circle of his dearest friends, the years he would have tilled with
happiness for them, may seem all incomplete and vacant; even
as to all whose lives and interests his peculiar qualities seemed
to supply that which he only could supply, his career may seem
but the fragment of an earthly course. And why God called this
useful servant home so soon, why all this ripening power for
good should be so soon dissolved in death, we cannot tell; but
this one thing we know, in him, when God's eye searched, it
found the full condition of a finished mortal life.
"The earthly dates that limit his career between the times of
birth and death, are not God's boundaries; and the meanness of
our human computations, God makes manifest, in giving a far
grander finish than that of years or circumstances to his life.
"For although on all life's ordinary relationships, his memory
sheds a fragrant beauty, yet our thoughts invest him with far
richer usefulness, and his name will have far greater eloquence
for good, because religion lent her lustre to the fair graces which
adorned his life. That his life was rich in things that win the
hearts of friends, and touch the finer springs of feeling, none
who Avitness the universal lamentation at his death can doubt.
"The touching reminiscences preserved of him at home; the
lonesome feeling there without him, together with the last word
on his dying lips (his brother's name), tell well enough of him
as son and brother. While for that trying relationship, existing
so seldom in perfection between a young church member and his
careless fidends, let those to whom his presence was an admoni-
tion, and at the same time a delight, bear witness. Let the
power of his life and death on them attest his genial, unol)tru-
sive, but consistent character as a friend.
" So, too, the record of his business life, for thoroughness, fair-
ness and ability, may challenge scrutmy. This, the resolutions
published by his associates of the bar full well attest. And let
our own church I'ecords show the value of his professional advice.
Let this goodly edifice, in which to-night we worship, speak, not
onl}^ from the accuracy of all its financial formuhe, of his legal
skill, but also from its chaste adornments, of his care and taste;
thus proving that while apt and able in professional acquire-
ments, he was likewise talented and tasteful in all other l^rauches
of a lil)eral culture.
"But above all signs like these, who to his record as a Chris-
tian would wish to add more signs of full-orbed life ? who most
anxious for assurance, could desire more signs of faith, humility
and sacrifice by which the Christian's earthly state is made com-
plete ? Not that all possible signs appear in him ; but that
enough appear, to show that by God's grace the germ of true
Christianity was in his soul, who that has heard him pray, who
that has watched his manly. Christian life ; who that has heard
of his pure motives in responding to his country's call, can for a
moment doubt ? Are not the^e outward indications of complete-
ness, clustered over and about his memory like flowers that tell
of a prolific soil ? And were all other indications wanting,
Avould not the last great witness of his life; would not the count-
ing of his life a willing offering, be sufiicient testimony to the
full completion of this trial-epoch of his soul ?
" His fellow soldiers send back loving messages of his devotion
to the sick and suffering in that dreary hospital beneath the
southern palm, thus telling us where the seeds of his ova\ fatal
malady were sown. They tell us how he sympathized with
others in their sorrow; how in camp he talked and prayed with
men (some of them from his old Sabbath class), when to indite a
prayer or sing a psalm, cost something more than time or talent.*
* A touching incident occurred to-day, in connection with this class. A pupil who had
Tolunteered for two years in another regiment, being at home on a short furlough,
entered the school and asked the superintendent for his former teacher, not knowing
that the class had all enlisted, and that their teacher was no more. What could more
forcibly illustrate our beloved brother's influence and power as a faithful tcaclier in the
Sabbath School I
They tell us that the " Cross at any time in his deportment coiiUl
be seen;" so that we needed not to hear the tidings of his death,
to know assuredly that life was not accounted dear to him, if that
he might complete his course with joy. If therefore in addition
to the Christian impulse by which he was hurried to the field;
if anything above that sense of Christian duty, for which he gave
our land his life, were wanting to attest the fullness and com-
pleteness of his earthly course, these last days with the sick and
the disal)led — his last words, all of which were breathed, not for
himself but for another, would announce with unmistakable
authority how truly he had counted all things loss, that he might
win the crown.
" When we think of him, let not our eyes be dim with tears—
but let our hearts rejoice that God has made him able, thus to
finish his career with joy. Let his memory seem to us like some
perfected crystal formed from the agitated cooling of the ore;
each side reflects its own peculiar lustre, while together all the
rays perfect a starlike form, whose gleams conceal all imperfec-
tions; and within whose heart a crystal germ of purity waits
but the master hand to be made fit for coronets of kings.
"But yesterday our friend was like ourselves, imperfect, frail
and liable to temptation; upon his life the finishing touch had
not yet come. To-day, by Jesus's handling, he is shining in
perfection in the diadem of God ! His mortal life was gladly
given for this end; then why should we begrudge it! Everything
was laid for this at Jesus's feet ; and why should we be sorry for
the sacrifice ! A joyous home, great hopes, strong friendships,
hai)py ties, — all counted loss, so that he might end his course
with joy ! These are the signs of its completion, what can we
ask for more !
"Not merely do the tears of all true patriots fall upon his
'toml); not only does a star-lit and perfected manhood shine from
heaven upon us to inspire with hope; but as a spirit, leaving in
its flight sure signs of its redemption, his memory sheds a glad
assurance down. With Paul, his strength on earth through
Christ, was in the Avords : ' I count not life dear unto me, so that
1 finish my career with joy,' and with the Apostle he has proved
those words sincere; therefore to-day, with all the ransomed
hosts above, he finds ecstatic pleasure in that song of songs :
' The Lamb was slain.'
" My fellow-Christians of this church, he for whose loss these
tears of mingled grief and joy are falling, was, as you know, one
of the first enrolled among our members. He is among the first
to leave this membership for the Church Triumphant in the skies.
He who greeted me so cordially one year ago when first I came
to live among you as your pastor, will extend to me and you no
further proofs of his affection; he can ofier now no further acts
of love; but may he not still live about us, radiant upon us from
that upper sphere? May not his death be like a cheerful light
upon our way, revealing to us what the Christian has to sufier
and to dare, and showing us the glorious crown he hopes to
wear ? May not this early gift of life to God nerve us as worth-
ily to finish our career ? Assisted by him, to look beyond him
to a greater sufferer, may we not in holy emulation also strive to
leave liehind us equal proof, that Jesus will present our souls
upon His bleeding heart before the throne ? Then shall the
name of him Avho has departed become a sacred memory within
our souls; our loved and honored dead will touch us from the
past, and fill us with an ever-present and inspiring joy! He was
ours once in full companionship; he may be ours forevermorc in
that far higher intimacy which death and a divine communion
can estal)lish between kindred souls. Although his worthiness
makes our immediate loss the heavier, yet for this very reason is
his gain and ours the greater. He has finished his career with
joy — we in that completion ma}^ find all we need; may find the
very impulse that we lacked for giving up our life in true sur-
render unto God. Draw near, then, 3^e that mourn and be ye
comforted. We have no cause for grief; and surely he whose
requiem we chant needs not our tears!
" In that resplendent lustre of perfected souls, the spirits of
the just made perfect seem to listen as I speak! I seem to speak
of one among them, as if he heard me still! His voice comes
gently, like an eclio from the skies, entreating us to o-et our lives
in readiness to come. He tells us of the rest above; he chants
the glory of his now perfected life.
"Thus would he hush our murmurs, quiet all our fears, and
draw us sweetly to the love of Him whose life was freely given,
that whosoever loseth life for His sake on the earth may find it
unto everlasting joy."
The following hymn (a favorite with Adjt. Strong, among the
songs of the' Sabbath School), was sung by request on the eve-
ning of the delivery of this discourse :
Come sing to me of heaven
When I'm about to die ;
Sing songs of holy ecstasy
To waft my soul on high.
When cold and sluggish drops
Roll off' my marble brow,
Break forth in songs of joyful ness,
Let heaven begin below.
When the last moments come,
Oh, watch my dying face
To catch the bright seraphic glow
Which in each feature plays.
Then to my raptured ear
Let one sweet song be given;
Let music charm me last on earth
And greet me first in heaven.
Then close my sightless eyes,
And lay me down to rest,
And clasp my cold and icy hands
Upon my lifeless breast.
When round my senseless clay
Assemble those I love —
Then sing of heaven, delightful heaven,
My glorious home above
From Rev. A. A. Farr,. late Chaplain of Eighteenth N. Y. Regiment.
Adjutant John H. Russell was the son of Mr. William and
Mrs. C-ATHARiNE A. EussELL, and was born in the city of Albany,
on the 21st day of July, 1836. His name is remembered by
hundreds here, who lamented his early death while they honored
him for his love for his countiy, and his devotion to her cause,
in the time of her great peril. On the breaking out of the
rebellion, in 1861, he was one of the first to offer his services to
the government, and Avas ready to leave home and friends, if he
could do something towards rolling back the dark cloud that
hung over the land, and threatened us with the loss of all our
cherished institutions.
When the Eighteenth Regiment of N. Y. State Volunteers
was organized, on the 14th day of May, 1861, he was unani-
mously elected the Adjutant of the regiment; and on the 17th
of the same month, was mustered into the service of the United
States. B}'- applj-ing himself to the work, he soon became an
accomplished officer. He was, in many respects, a model Adju-
tant. Being a good scholar and a very fine penman, and withal
very particular that every thing should be just right, he suc-
ceeded in securing the commendation of officers high in com-
Adjutant Russell was rather retiring in his manners, and had
but few intimate friends; yet, such was his general conduct, that
he commanded the respect of all.
He had never made a public profession of religion, yet he was
a firm believer in the doctrines of Christianity. He used often
to speak of his mother as a woman of deep piety, and he believes
she was at ]"est in a Ijetter world.
In the month of April, 1862, we were ordered to the Penin-
sula to join Gen. McClellan. Soon after we arrived there, Mr.
Russell began to feel the effects of that climate, in impairing his
health. And for some weeks before his leaving the field, he was
much of the time really unfit for duty. Yet he was unwilling to
give up and be called a sick man, and, under these unfavoralile cir-
cumstances, he continued to do his duty. As I was, at that time,
occupying the same tent with him, I know how much he suffered.
The battle of Gaines' Mills was fought on the 27th day of
June, 1862. Our regiment, with others, was formed in line of
battle about twelve o'clock, noon, and soon after we were ordere(i
to cross the Chickahominy, with the expectation of going into
the fight, which had already commenced. We crossed the river,
according to orders, and were soon in sight of the contending
forces. At about five p. m. we were ordered into the battle, at
double quick. Adjutant Russell was at his post, and without
flinching did his duty. But he was not permitted to remain long
with his comrades. He was wounded in the ankle by a Minnie
ball, yet it was prol)ably a spent shot, as it did not break the
ankle. He was ordered to the rear, when the surgeon extracted
the ball, and thought the wound was so slight that he would
soon be at his post again. That night, about twelve o'clock, the
regiment was ordered back to our camp, and, as we were return
ing, we overtook Mr. Russell, as he was Ijcing carried back t(
his tent. He was very cheerful, and thought he would soon bt'
in active service ajjain. I took care of him for the rest of the
night, and he was very comfortable. The next morning, as we
were expecting another battle, the Adjutant, with other wounded
and sick men, were sent to Savage's Station, where they might be
more secure, and receive proper attention. On Sabbath mor-
ning, June 29, we commenced our retrogadc movement, and when
we arrived at Savage's Station all the sick and wounded that
coifld be moved were put into ambulances and sent over to the
James river. Mr. Russell was of course one of the number.
After putting him into the ambulance with Capt. Montgomery,
of Gen. Newton's staff, I saw no more of him until the next
Tuesday. Then I found him at Carter's Landing, on the James
river; and this proved to be our last meeting. At this time he
was in good spirits, though very much fatigued, having remained
in the ambulance for two days, and the most of that time they
had been on the move. From this place he was taken to Harri-
son's Landing, where he was put on board one of the transports
and sent to the north. He thought if he could get home, where
proper attention could be secured, he would soon be well again.
But, when he arrived at Philadelphia, he was so much exhausted
that he could go no further. He was taken to the house of Capt.
INIoNTGOMERY, liis fcllow sutfcrer, where ever3'thing was done for
him that human kindness could suggest. But his system had
become so much debilitated by disease that he did not rally, but
continued to fail, till the 28th day of July, 18G2, he passed
away from earth — just one month and one day from the time
that he received his wound. Thus lived and died John H. Rus-
sell, Adjutant Eighteenth N. Y. Vols.
384 CAPT. JOHN D. r. DOUW.
John DePeyster Douw was born in Albany, on the 10th of
March, 1837, and was the son of Volckeet P. and Helen L.
Douw. Reared amid the inflnences of refinement, intelligence
and Christian culture, he early developed traits that endeared
him to all with whom he was associated. He early manifested
a frank and generous spirit, and was a respectful and dutiful son,
a kind l)rother, and a warm hearted friend.
In entering the army, he was actuated by the purest and loftiest
feelings of patriotism, and his course was perfectly in accordance
with the wishes of his parents, who desired the family to be rep-
resented in the recent eventful period of our National history.
His military career, the valor with which he fought for his
country, and the hope that ever inspired his soul, may be learnt
from the following statements, furnished to his father by a dis-
tinguished officer, who knew and loved the departed hero:
Capt. Douw joined the One Hundred and Twenty-first Regi-
ment N. Y. S. Volunteers when that regiment first entered the
service, the 23d of August, 1862, at Camp Schuyler, Herkimer
county, N. Y., as first Lieutenant of Company "I." He served
in that capacity until shortly after the battle of Antietam, when
his soldierly bearing and attention to duty attracted the notice
of Maj. Gen. Slocum, commanding First Division, Sixth Army
Corps. The General at once placed Lieut. Douw on his staff as
ordnance officer, which arduous and responsible position he filled
with credit, until shortly after the first Fredericksburg battle,
when he left his staff appointment to accept the Captaincy of
Company "K" in his own regiment, a promotion justl}^ earned.
He took connnand of his company, and led it in the terrible battle
:'^:#l^j ■■'y^^^w////,''
°6 - VrAH-Bit<*i«
CAPT. JOHN D. P. nouw. 385
of Salem Chapel, May 3tl, 1863. All who are conversant with
the history of that engagement, know of the fearful loss of life
in the One Hundred and Twenty-first — the total loss being two
hundred and seventy men out of four hundred who entered the
fight, a greater loss than any other regiment has ever experi-
enced in one battle. Capt. Douw particularly distinguished him-
self at this time. He passed through the fiery ordeal unhurt.
He commanded his company during the memorable Maryland
campaign, that culminated in the glorious victoiy of Gettysburg.
He participated in all the various skirmishes after that battle until
the rebels were driven across the Potomac.
Again at Rappahannock Station Nov. 7th, 1863, he led his
company. The One Hundred and Twenty-first, about three hun-
dred strong, captured twelve hundred prisoners and four stands of
colors. Captain Douw received great praise from his command-
ing oflicer for his gallantry. This, with the exception of the
short campaign known as the Mine Run Expedition, closed the
operations of this portion of the army for 1863.
The winter of 1863 and 1864 was passed by the Captain in
fitting himself and company for the prominent part they were
destined to play in the great campaign of 1864. He was in every
battle of this campaign; the fierce struggle in the Wilderness,
and the desperate charges at Spottsylvania Court House. In the
last engagement he was one of that band of heroes who made
the famous charge of May 10th. The charging party consisted
of twelve regiments, three front and four deep. The One Hun-
dred and Twenty-first was in the first line and on the right, the
post of honor and danger. Their advance was irresistible.
Three lines of works were carried, fifteen hundred prisoners were
captured, the enemy's centre was broken and the victory almost
won. But the supports did not do their duty and the column,
surrounded, was forced to retire. The slaughter was awful.
Captain Douw came out of the fight uninjured, and in command
of his regiment; the field ofiicers being both wounded and one a
prisoner. He commanded the regiment gallantly at Coal Harbor,
and during the early battles in front of Petersburg. At this
time Major Galpin, having recovered from his womicls, resumed
his command.
The rebels again made a raid into Maryland and even the
Capital was in danger. The Sixth Corps was orderded to Wash-
ington to repel the invasion. The enemy retreated and then
ensued long and weary marches. Captain Douw, always cheer-
ful, was the life of his regiment.
The sun rose clear and bright on the 19 th of September.
This was the lirst of the many glorious days of victory, that
cleared away the cloud of defeat that so long had darkened
"Freedom's Banner" in the valley of Virginia, and that placed
the "crown of victory" on the stars and stripes.
The battle of Fisher's Hill quickly followed, and during both
of these battles, the Captain was always in the front rank,
encouraging and animating his men by his example. Strange
that one so regardless of personal danger, should have so long
passed unharmed. But his time w^as yet to come. The eventful
19th of October dawned, the last and most complete, the crown-
ing glory of the campaign. But what a sacrifice it cost. Alas,
how many of those who immortalized themselves that day, did
it at the expense of their lives.
Captain Douw was struck about nine o'clock, a. m., by a bullet
in the right les;. The bone was shattered, and he laid on the
field until late in the afternoon, when, the troops returning, he
was taken to a temporary hospital at New Town, whence he was
removed to Winchester, where his limb was amputated. He
lingered until six o'clock, p. m., October 26th, when he quietly
slept the sleep that knows no waking.
Thus passed away one of the nolilest spirits this war has de-
stroyed. In battle, brave even to raj^hness; on the march, cheer-
ful; gentle, manly and social, kind and considerate to all — quali-
ties that made all who knew him love him. His memory will
be cherished by his companions in arms as long as they live.
The Major of the One Hundred and Twenty-first Eegiment
thus speaks of his habit of daily reading the Scriptures:
" I have known Captain Douw since the regiment was first
organized at Camp Schuyler, as I was the First Sergeant in the
CAPT. JOHN D. r. DOUW. 387
company of which he was the First Lieutenant. During our term
last winter in quarters at Brandy Station we were together a great
deal, and became quite intimate. When the campaign opened in
the spring, we entered into a ' mess ' by ourselves, slept under
the same blankets, and endured the same hardships until Sep-
tember 20th, when I was detailed at headquarters of the division.
^^^e each carried a pocket testament, and it was our custom every
day after the campaign opened, to each read a chapter alternately
on arriving in camp, if not by the wayside while resting from
our march. We had shared each other's comforts, and more
than once had expressed a hope that we might outlive this
devouring war, and see tranquility reinstated, and meet each
other in quiet life, to relate and discuss the past events in our
military history."
The same officer gives the following account of Captain Douw
after he was wounded:
" We were repulsed immediately after he was wounded, and
thereby he fell into the enemy's hands. He was in their hands
about eight hours, and while with them was treated both kindly
and unkindly. He had in his pocket about one hundred and sixty
dollars. Before the enemy came to pillage him, he cut the seam
in his vest and placed nearly all of his money inside. But the
rebels were not content Avith the few dollars they found, and
made a more minute search, and succeeded in finding the whole
of it.
" About four p. M. the enemy was driven back, and he was
immediately carried to a house near by, which was occupied as
General Wheaton's headquarters. I was at that time serving
upon the stafi' of General Wheatox, and while at the house I
knoAv he received every attention. He was somewhat depressed
in consequence of exhaustion. He told me he thought he should
get Avell, and asked me to write to his father and uncle, which I
did at once. It was on the 19th that he Was carried to the house,
and on the morning of the 20th he was removed to New Town,
and thence to Winchester. I assisted in placing him comfortably
in the ambulance, and after bidding him ' good-bye * he was driven
away, and I did not see him again.
" Dr. Benedict was with him at the time he died, and says a few
moments before he expired he asked him ' if he were not dying.'
Benedict told him ' he w^as.' He then asked him to say the
Lord's Prayer, whieh he did, and the Captain repeated it until
he breathed his hist. After he could not articulate aloud, he
repeated it in a faint whisper until he passed from this life."
The following particulars of the wound and death of Capt.
Douw have been kindly furnished by the surgeon who attended
I saw and conversed with Capt. Douw on the morning of the
attack, October 19th, and we hoped at the time our regiment
w^ould not be ordered out. He wished, if it were, to give me his
valuables for safe keeping. They were ordered in line almost
immediately after, and I was ordered to the Division hospital in
New Town.
Capt. Douw was wounded early in the action, eight o'clock
A. M., and remained on the field some eight hours, during which
time the enemy held the ground, and robbed him of his money,
&c. Judging from the nature of the wound, he must have been
resting in a sitting posture, on his left knee and right foot. The
ball entered the right knee joint, traversing and shattering the
femur or thigh bone nearly the whole length, and, after death,
was extracted from the groin.
He was completely chilled when found by our men. The limb
was temporarily dressed, and he was brought to our hospital
about five o'clock p. m.
He was cold and almost pulseless on his arrival, and it w^as
evident to the most casual observer that his system had received
a shock which must prove fatal. I examined the limb sufiiciently
to learn that an operation was his only chance for life, and our
whole attention was given to stimulating the system, and bring-
ing on reaction sufficient to amputate. But we did not succeed
till he was removed to Winchester, fifteen miles. I put the limb
in a box, and placed him in an ambulance on a feather bed, and
he suffered no inconvenience from moving. I felt it to be my
duty to tell him his true condition, and did so, as gently as pos-
sible, advising him to have his father telegraphed for. He
CAPT. joim D. p. Douw. 389
replied that he was confident he should recover, but would send
for an uncle in Philadelphia if he grew worse.
This was the morning of the 21st. I never saw him after,
but have conversed with the surgeons into whose hands he fell,
and can assure his friends he received every attention possible,
and everything was done that could be done under the circum-
stances. He rallied on the 22d sufficiently to undergo the ope-
ration, and l)ore up under it well.
So much time had elapsed that the limb was much swollen,
and it was not till after the operation that the course of the
ball, and the full extent of the injury, was known.
The tremendous shock to the system had been noticed and
commented upon by all; but when the injury was fully known,
his great depression was accounted for, and not, as before, attri-
buted to his exposure on the field.
He was cheerful and confident after the operation, — was at
times delirious, — was anxious to have his vote prepared and for-
warded, although he had already sent his vote about the 17th
or 18th.
I came to this regiment from the One Hundred and Twenty-
second, July 1st, 1863, a stranger; but soon made the acquaint-
ance of Captain Douw, as many in Syracuse were our mutual
He was respected and esteemed by officers and men, and his
friends have the sympathy of the whole regiment.
I found him a noble-hearted, true man, and wish no better
evidence of his goodness of heart, than the love and affection he
had for his family. How repeatedly has he shown me photo-
graphs of his parents, brothers and sisters, and would speak of
each in a manner, which in some measure enables me to imagine
how great is their loss.
Cherry Valley, June 15t7i, 1866.
My Dear Mrs. Douw — Lieutenant Douw, a few days afte/ his
regiment had taken the field in September 1862, was selected
by General Slocum, as division ordnance officer, a position of
great responsibility. He was called upon to take the entire
charge of the arms and ammunition of the division, and to issue
and receipt for the same; in fact the efficiency of the division in
this most important particular depended almost entirely upon
his energy and activity. He tilled this j^ost to the satisfaction
of the commanding officer of the division and all concerned; con-
ducting his trains with great skill and prudence from Bakersville
to Fredericksburg, Va., through the engagements which followed;
and on the unfortunate " mud-march." That he should have
accomplished this in the manner he did, is conclusive proof how
earnest and sincere he was in the discharge of his duties. In the
spring of 1863, just before the campaign opened, the proposition
Avas made to Lieut. Douw by Col. Upton, at that time command-
ing the One Hundred and Twenty-first N. Y. Vols., that if he
would return to his company ho should be promoted to Captain.
The Colonel also expressed his great desire to have Lieut. Douw
with the command during the campaign.
The position held by Lieut. Douw on Gen. Slocum's staflF, was
in many respects to be preferred to that ofliered by Col. Upton.
It brought him into intimate relations with the general officers
of the division; it gave him privileges of which an infantry
officer knew well the value; it ensured him daily comforts. Head-
quarter wagons are the first up; headquarter tents the first
pitched; headquarters monopolizes the best camping ground;
headquarters guards the deepest well and the coolest spring —
and headquarters is best supplied by the commissary. The pro-
position therefore, to come back to his regiment and serve in his
company, was one which very few officers would have accepted.
Indeed, I know of but one case, where an officer having a staff
appointment, returned of his own accord to serve with the com-
pany. That is the case of Lieut. Douw. Many times have I felt
the need of officers on staff duty, and offered them promotion,
and endeavored to excite their ambition by showing that on the
staff there was little hope of advancement, but all in vain. " I
cannot give up the social position — the comforts, the privileges
I enjoy on the staff, for the sake of commanding a company — to
march in the mud and dust, with but a soldier's fare and a
shelter tent to sleep under." Lieut. Douw gave up all these
advantages and voluntarily returned to his regiment, thinking it
his duty to be with the men, whom he had originally received a
commission to command, and to share with them their dangers
and privations.
Capt. Douw's relations with his company were of the most
pleasant character. Although a good disciplinarian, he was a
favorite with his men — a favoritism not gained by that familiarity
which was the misfortune of many volunteer officers, but obtained
by his strong love of justice, his anxiety that his men should not
be imposed upon, and his correct ideas of duty. Capt. Douw,
under the most discouraging circumstances, was always cheerful.
He bore the privations and fatigues of the most trying campaign
with a light-heartedness rarely seen in the service, and was proof
against its demoralizinsf influences. A strong attachment to his
home, of which he was ever fond of speaking, appeared to be a
shield which, constantly reminding him of all he held most dear,
at the same time turned away all temptations to dissipation. The
influence of the home circle was ever upon him, and distance and
danger only served to strengthen it.
From the battle of Salem Chapel, May 3d, 1863, in which
action his company suflfered more than any in the regiment, until
the battle of Cedar Creek, October 19th, 1864, where he received
his mortal wound, Capt. Douw was constantly with his command
in every battle, skirmish or reconnoissance in which it was engaged.
In conclusion, I would add that I never knew an officer who,
during his whole service, more conscientiously performed his
duties. He was a good officer and a brave man.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Late Colonel One ffundr^ed and Twenty-first New York.
Extract from a letter from Sergeant Stevens to Mrs. Douw:
" I never had any talk, on religious subjects, with your son, but
I always considered him a most exemplary young man, I thought
nothing; strange of his not talkino- with me on serious matters at
Co o
the time I was with the regiment, for I was not then a professor.
When we had preaching in om- camp, the Captain always attended.
I had a very good opportunity, while I was with my company,
to become acquainted with him.
"Your son commanded the company to which I had the honor
to belong. I held the position of First Sergeant in the company
until I was compelled, from wounds received in the battle of the
Wilderness, to leave for the hospital. I helped him to prepare
all of the company pay rolls, and clothing rolls; in fact, I assisted
him about all the company writing.
" In his death, the company sustained a great loss. We
regarded him with something more than the respect which is
due from a soldier to a superior; we looked up to him as an elder
brother; one who took an interest in his men, very zealous of
their rights, and prompt to have all wrongs redressed. He was
exceedingly affable to his men. willing to listen to and advise the
most illiterate or degraded of them.
"Upon the march, as well as in camp, he seemed to have the
interest of his men at heart. If there chanced to be one who
was slightly unwell, or who began to manifest signs of great
weariness, the Captain would shoulder his musket, give him some
words of cheer, and assist him in every way in his power. I
have been an object of his tender compassion on several occasions.
While the army was on the march from Warrenton to the Rapi-
dan river, I, from some unknown cause, had a very painful swell-
ino- on my ankle; I could not wear my boots, and was compelled
to march in this condition. The Captain took my musket at once,
and carried it until we halted for the night.
"Until noon of the following day, I marched in the same
manner, when we halted for a short time to prepare dinner. By
this time my ankle was swollen fearfully and pained me terribly.
"The sight of this aroused the indignation (a thing which we
seldom saw) of the Captain, towards the doctors, for not allow-
ing me to ride in an ambulance. He arose from his dinner
exclaiming, ' I will not have my men march in that condition,'
went to the Doctor and told him so, and that afternoon I rode.
I seldom saw him on the march without a musket on his shoulder.
"After I was wounded the first time, at the battle of Salem
Church, our field hospital was on the Potomac creek, near where
the army was encamped, and the Captain came frequently to see
" his wounded boys," and talk with and cheer us. He visited
each tent to inquire after and ascertain the condition of all of the
men. Thus it was he became the much loved Captain Douw.
He was always willing to share the hardship of his men, always
cheerful and always at his post.
"Your atiliction is indeed great, but you have the heartfelt
sympathies of the surviving members of company K. Long will
they cherish the memory of your son and their Captain."
His remains were brought home, and, on the 3d day of No-
vember, buried in the Albany Cemetery.
The following lines were written in memory of Capt. John
DeP. Douw, One Hundred and Twenty-first Regment N. Y. S. V.,
died October 26, 1864:
A sad and melancholy year,
The year just past !
Hope feebly struggling on — and darksome fear,
Too oft, at last,
Cringing beneath the tempest, through whose rifts,
No sunlight flickers, while the black mass drifts,
Whirling along the battle glare,
Ouvvard, to worse despair !
A dismal and a bitter year.
The year just gone !
The sepulchres of those we hold most dear
Lie thick; and thorn
The hearts that swelled to hear of brave deeds done,
Of ramparts carried, and of standards won,
By those of whom, the next hushed breath
Of rumor, told the death.
We cannot laugh as gaily now,
As once we did ;
When, with the Now Year garlands on our brow
No low voice chid
Our merriment, or bade us hold our peace,
And think of some who evermore would cease
From joining in the carol gay
With which we hailed the day.
For now we see a vacant place
Beside the board ; —
And there we sadly miss a much loved face,
"While memory, stored
With thoughts of other days, when, with us here,
He shared our sorrow and he shared our cheer,
Forbids that we should hope relief
From present bitter grief.
But let us not too much rebel,
Though he is dead.
'Twas for his country's honor that he fell.
And though his head
Rests low beside the sword he so well drew
His spirit, now in Heaven, waits to view
That lasting peace on earth begin,
He nobly helped to win.
New Tear's Day, 1865.
Theodore Caldwell Rogers was born at Fairfield, Conn.,
December 3d, 1839. He was the oldest child of Rev. Ebenezer
P. and Elizabeth Rogers. He was educated principally at the
High School in Philadelphia, and at the Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute at Troy, where he fitted himself for the profession of a
civil engineer. He was a youth of ardent and generous feelings,
of brilliant mind, refined sensibilities and cultivated and winning
manners. In person he was tall, well formed and athletic, ex-
celling in all manly exercises, of more than ordinary vigor, and
a fine specimen of physical symmetry and strength. His mind
was well cultivated; he wrote in an easy and graceful style, was
a good speaker, and in all those qualities of person, mind and
character which giv^e great promise of excellence and usefulness,
was unusually gifted.
After leaving the institution at Troy, he was engaged for some
time in civil engineering, with much success. He afterwards
received overtures from a prominent commercial house in
Albany, where his parents then resided, to become connected
with them, which he accepted, and the breaking out of the rebel-
lion fouud him just admitted to a partnership, with bright pros-
pects of mercantile success.
But the call of President Lincoln for volunteers to defend the
insulted flag of his country, awoke in the breast of young Rogers
a desire and determination to oifcr his services to his country in
her hour of peril. It w^as not the mere love of adventure, or
the passion for military glory which prompted his resolution.
He looked at the whole subject as a Christian as well as a patriot,
and having asked direction from God as to his course, he came
to the deliberate conviction that it Avas his duty to volunteer his
services to the Government in the struggle for national life and
unity which was impending. He gave np at once his business
engagements, relinquished all his prospects of fortune, and
enira2:ed at once in earnest efforts to enlist men for the service.
He received, in May, 1861, from Gov. Morgan, a commission as
First Lieutenant in the Eighteenth Regiment New York Volun-
teers, then under the command of the late lamented Col. Wil-
liam A. Jackson, and entered at once upon the duties of his
The course of Mr. Rogers, in thus promptly offering himself
upon the altar of his country, called out the warmest approba-
tion of his friends. Kindly offers of aid were tendered him on
all sides. The ladies of his father's congregation sent him a
handsome sum towards the expenses of his outfit. A number
of the most prominent and respected merchants of Albany, mem-
bers of the Board of Trade, gave him a public reception, and
presented him with a purse containing five hundred dollars in
gold. The following account of the proceedings appeared in the
Albany daily papers of that date.
presentation to LIEUT. THEODORE C. ROGERS.
There was an unusually large attendance at the Rooms of the
Board of Trade this morning, and among the attendance a large
number of ladies — relatives and friends of Lieut. Rogers, who
had been attracted thither to witness the presentation of a purse,
containing 2fold coin to the amount of five hundred dollars to
that gentleman, from his friends and members of the Board of
Just at the close of the business hour, the President of the
Board, James N. Ring, Esq., called the meeting to order, and
after stating the object introduced Jeremiah Waterman Esq., to
Lieut. Theodore C. Rogers, when the former addressed the lat-
ter as follows :
"Lieut. Rogers — I have been requested, on the part of your
friends, members of the Board of Trade, to present you with a
purse of gold as an expression of their regard to you personally,
}md of their appreciation of the devotion and loyalty which have
prompted you to offer yourself as a soldier in these times of our
country's peril.
" For the sake of the land which we love, you have cheerfully
sacrificed a position of great promise, which you filled with so
much credit to yourself, and in which you have gathered around
you the respect and attachment of those who have known you
the best.
" You have given up at the call of your country the enjoyments
of your home, the society of your kindred and friends, the plea-
sant intercourse with those of us who have been associated with
you in business, and you have laid upon the altar of our beloved
land the best and noblest gift which the heart of a patriot could
" You go from among us to encounter the privations and perils
of the field of l)attle, and to stand up for the cause which we
believe to be the cause of God, and truth, and justice; to pre-
serve from the hand of the traitor, the noblest form of govern-
ment which ever blest the world. But you go not alone — the
prayers and benedictions of your loving and beloved parents,
who have not withheld the best gift of their eldest son — the
blessings of the church with which j^ou are connected, and our
best wishes, which we tender you at this time — these associations,
which you cannot and would not forget, will strengthen you in
the path of duty which you have chosen.
" We shall miss your presence in the places where we have
long and pleasantly been associated; but we shall rejoice that we
have so good a representative in other scenes, where the battles
of our country are to be fought, and where, we trust, the stand-
ard of our country shall wave in triumph.
"We are well enough acquainted with you to know that you
will do your whole duty manfully and fearlessly.
"The sacrifices you have made — the devotion to your country
which we have witnessed — tell us Avhat we may ex^Dect, as we
shall follow you wherever your lot shall be cast in these times
of conflict.
" Here, as in other places, you will be remembered. We will
welcome you with joy and cordial affection, when, as we trust,
you will return again with honor from the field of battle, or if
we shall hear the sad tidings that you have fallen in the conflict,
rest assured that in our heart of hearts we shall ever cherish the
memory of your devotion and loyalty."
During the remarks of Mr. Waterman, quietness pervaded the
rooms, and upon concluding, Lieut. Rogers, with apparent feel-
ings of deep emotion, replied:
"Mr. Waterman, and Gentlemen of the Board of Trade:
" It is utterly impossible for me to express to you the feelings
which fill my heart on this occasion. That I should have received
from the honorable body which you so worthily represent, such
a manifestation of regard and approbation, is an honor which is
alike unexpected and undeserved. I have never doubted for a
moment, that in obeying the call of our country to sustain her
government and defend her flag, I was simply discharging my
duty. You have been pleased to allude to sacrifices of a pecu-
niary and social character which this step has involved. Had
they been tenfold greater, this expression of approbation from
so many of our best citizens, men whom my daily intercourse
with them has taught me to love and honor, would amply repay
me. The feelings to which you, sir, have given such eloquent
expression, are more precious to me than gold. In every danger
to which I may be exposed, in every duty to which I may be
called, next to the blessing of God, the consciousness of the
reirard of this Board will be a source of strenoth and courage.
It is my prayer, it shall be my endeavor, that wherever I may
go, I may prove myself worthy of their confidence and affection.
I thank you, sir. I thank the Board of Trade, who have honored
themselves and me in selecting you as their organ, for the senti-
ments they have expressed, and the substantial deeds of kindness
which they have done. I assure you and them of my sincere
gratitude, my profound respect, for their integrity, patriotism, and
honorable character, as merchants and as citizens, my hope that
they may all share in the richest benefactions of Heaven, and
that we may be permitted to meet again in happier days, to ex-
change congratulations over the peace, unity, and prosperity of
our beloved country."
The Board, thereupon atljourned, when a general mingling
took place, and the respective parties were congratulated.
Among the attendants were the Rev. Dr. Rogers and lady — the
parents of Lieut. Rogers and a large number of their personal
friends and relatives. The affair was highly creditable to all.
A few days since, Lieut. Rogers was the recipient of a sword,
belt, sash, epaulettes and revolver, from his warm friend Wm. P.
Irwix, Esq., of this city, and his full dress uniform from a portion
of the younger members of the Board of Trade — his more inti-
mate social associates.
In June, 1861, the Eighteenth was ordered to Washington,
and went into camp near that city. Lieut. Rogers marched
with his company to the seat of war, and remained with them
for more than thirteen months, with but a single furlough of ten
days, in January, 1862, during which he was united in marriage
to Miss Anna Victoria DeLong, of Cazenovia, N. Y.
His deportment as an officer and a gentleman always won for
him the respect of his brother officers, and he was a general
favorite in the regiment. In the fall of 1861, he Avas promoted
to a Captaincy. His regiment was attached to the Army of the
Potomac, and participated in the varied fortunes of that army.
It was a part of the reserve at the tirst battle of Bull Run, and
was engaged in the battles of Williamsburof and West Point. In
every field Capt. Rogers maintained an unblemished reputation
for bravery and coolness, was always at his post, and faithful to
his duty. His letters home during his entire term of service
breathe an exalted spirit of Christian patriotism and heroic
devotion to his country's cause. In the bloody and unequal
fight at Gaines' Mills, on the 27th of June, 1862, after three
hours of desperate fighting, as he was rallying his men for a
final stand against the advance of fresh troops, he was pierced
with a bullet in the groin, and fell still gallantly cheering his
men. His wound was mortal, and he survived but a few mo-
ments. It was at the close of the day; the battle was lost, and
his men were oliliged to retreat, leaving his body on the bloody
field. It was months before his family and friends could learn
any particulars as to his death, except the bare fact. But most
unexpectedly a friend, spending the winter at the island of Nas
sau, became acquainted with a Colonel of the Confederate army,
who was at the island on his way to London, who was at the
battle of Gaines' Mills, and gave her the particulars of Capt.
Rogers' death and burial. She communicated these to his
father, then residing in New York, who at once addressed a let-
ter to this Confederate officer, then at Loudon, requesting him
to communicate directly with him. The following is an exact
copy of the reply, received nearly a year after the event occur-
red which it describes:
London, May Wi, 1863.
Rev. Dr. Rogers:
Sir — Your letter of February 25th, addressed to me at Nas-
sau, has just reached me at this place. I know of no prohibition
of duty to prevent my responding to the inquiries you address
to me, relating to the death of your son, Capt. Theodore C.
Rogers, who fell at the battle of Gaines' Mill, on the 27th of
June last. And, although your son was engaged, at the time of
his death, in that invasion which has brought desolation to our
homes and affliction to all our families, I am not unmindful of
the legitimate claims of the widow and mother, and my heart
does not refuse its sympathy to a fallen foe, whose conduct was
brave and heroic. Late in the afternoon of the 27th of June,
on the extreme left of our line, in front of the extreme right of
the Federal forces, and in the last charge of our lines, I was in
command of a portion of Gen. Garland's Brigade. The Fede-
ral force had already commenced to retire, and our advance was
rapid and impetuous. At a point a])out one or two hundred
yards in our front, a young man, who was recognized to be the
Captain of a company, made an effort to rally his command,
which was retiring. He had his sword drawn, and could be dis-
tinctly seen by us to appeal to his men to make a stand. He
partially succeeded, and when his company halted, and faced to
our lines, he was in the front some ten or twenty paces, and was
thus thrown between the two fires. Our firing was very heavy,
and it Avas plain to us that his fate was inevitable, and in a mo-
ment he fell. We were rapidly pursuing, but, as we passed by,
I caused this young officer, whose guUantiy had attracted my
attention, to be borne a few paces, and hiid under a small tree,
supposing him to be wounded. I learned afterwards, from the
two men who carried him, that he died before reaching the spot
1 had indicated.
Capt. Young, who resides at Henderson, Granville county, N.
C, was commanding the^regiment in front of wdiich he fell, and
he assumed the task of examining the body, to ascertain such
articles of value as might be saved from the seizure of the sol-
diery. I can not be precise as to all the articles found, as so
many like events have occurred since, but I reniem])er a watch
was among them, and three letters, one from yourself, one from
his mother, and one from his wife. Those letters were read by
Gen. Garl^vnd and myself, with a view to ascertain to whom his
valuables might be sent, and all the articles, with the letters,
were entrusted to Capt. Young, who charged himself w'ith their
transmission to the relatives of the deceased. About daybreak
the body of your son was buried, under my supervision, in the
same manner in which our ow^i officers were interred. I did not
examine the body, which was covered wdien I saw it, and am
therefore not able to inform you of the nature and locality of
his Avound. Nor do I know whether he ever spoke after
receiving it. # * * j j^.^yg ^j^^^ endeavored, sir, to respond
to jonv inquiries, and if there be any consolation derived by
you from the testimony of those who, by his position, were made
his enemies, this testimony to the brave and gallant conduct of
your son is readily accorded by. Yours, sir, very respectfully,
D. N. McRAE.
The watch spoken of in the above was conveyed to his
parents, after the close of the war, by Capt. Young. His naked
sword was carried from the field by one of his men, and for-
warded to his father. These are all that is left to them, excei)t
the precious memory of a nol)le son, who was to them all that
a sou could be to his parents, and over whose heroic death as a
Christian patriot they "sorroAvnot, even as those which have
no hope."
The subject of the following sketch was not a native of the
county of Albany, and hence it does not come strictly Avithin the
limits prescribed in the design of this volume; yet, as his home
was almost on the line separating Albany and Greene counties,
and as his father, the Rev. Staats Van Santvoord, had served
as a minister in the former county for upwards of twenty-iive
years, in connection with the Reformed Dutch Church of Ones-
quethaw, and of Jerusalem for ten years of this period, it is
thought to be quite proper to embrace his name among the gal-
lant men, whose services to the country find here a brief memorial.
Eugene Van Santvoord, son of the clergyman mentioned
above, was born at New Baltimore, March 6, 183(3. He enlisted
in the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Regiment N. Y. V. at Troy,
September 16, 1862, and was duly mustered in on Staten Island,
October 6, 1862. Starting as Sergeant Major, he was promoted,
for his gallant bearing and devotion to the cause he had espoused,
to the rank of Second Lieutenant, November 29, 1863; to that
of First Lieutenant, August 13, 1864; and to that of Captain,
March 21, 1865.
His regiment, commanded b}^ Col. Buell at the time, was at
once ordered to Washington, and after being encamped for
several weeks near Chain Bridge, was detailed to do provost
guard duty in the city. On April 15, 1863, it was ordered to
proceed to Norfolk, thence to Suffolk, and on the Edcnton road,
on the 24th, it first found itself in face of the enemy, and expe-
rienced the shock and collision of opposing forces. From this
time till April, 1864, wdien the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth
Regiment was ordered to proceed from Florida, where it then
was, to Yorktown, Va., to form part of the Army of the Poto-
mac, and share in the grand, final struggle which was to result in
the overthrow of the rebel confederacy, this regiment was con-
stantly engaged in energetic and most efficient service. It made
several expeditions up the Black river; was at White House
Landing; at Hanover Junction; ofl' Charleston Harbor, at Folly
and Morris Islands — at the latter place acting as a guard to tlie
men working in the trenches, and under a heavy artillery tire
from Forts Sumter, Gregg, Johnson and Wagner.
After Gen. Seymour's disaster at Olustree, they were ordered
to Florida, where, with other reinforcements, they had a successful
encounter with the eneni}', driving him back with consideralde
loss. Thence proceeding to Virginia, the regiment, as already
stated, became incorporated with the army under the immediate
connnand of Gen. Gr^vnt, and took part in that great series of
conlh'cts which, in the end, dashed the rebellion to pieces, as with
the crash of a thunderbolt.
The regiment to which Capt. Van Santvoord belonged, was
engaged in nineteen battles, besides several skirmishes, more or
less bloody, during the three years of its service. After joining
the Army of the Potomac, its record of actions in which it bore
itself with distinguished and uniform gallantry, is as follows:
Walthal Junction, May 7, 1864; Chester Station, Drewin's Bluff,
Bermuda Hundred, Coal Harbor (Avhere Capt. V. S. received a
wound in the knee), Petersl)urg Heights, where, at the explosion
of the mine, his regiment supported the advance; Petersburg,
June 30th; Mine Hill, Dutch Gap, Strawberry Plain, New Market
Heights, Fort Fisher and Wilmington, N. C.
At the taking of Fort Fisher, Capt. Van Santvoord displaj^ed
conspicuous gallantry, for which he received the warm com-
mendation of his commanding officer. By the blowing up of the
magazine of the Fort, after its capture, Capt. Van Santvoord
and many of his regiment, who were nearest the scene of the
frightful disaster, were completely buried in the masses of
earth and ruins which were hurled upon them l)y the terrific
energy of the explosion. Some seventy of his regiment, of whom
four were officers, lost their lives by this horrible catastrophe.
Among those reported killed, the "Albany Evening Journal"
included the name of Capt. Van Santvoord, and for several days
his family mourned him as among the victims, whom, having
escaped the lire of battle, a more dreadful fire was permitted to
slay. Shortly afterward, his friends were gladdened by letters
from him, apprising them of his safety. Among these, is one to
a female friend, giving an account of the horrors of the explosion,
as well as of the capture of the Fort, some extracts from which
will be found to possess more than ordinary interest:
Fort Fisher, Federal Point, Jan. 20, 1864.
Dear A. — You are no doubt anxiously looking for a letter, as
you have by this time the accounts of the battle and victory at
this place. I would have written a day or two ago, but I was so
badly oft" from injuries received here, that I was scarcely able to
scrawl a few lines to mother to assure her of my safety.
We made the charge about eleven o'clock of the 15th, and
even after we had taken a portion of the fort, the fight was kept
up inside till about six p. m., when the whole was surrendered.
Never during the war do I think there was displayed such stern
determination, and stubborn fighting on the part of our troops.
The ground we fought over was contested and yielded inch by
inch, and tlie fort itself is, I think, one of the largest and strong-
est in America. The sea and land forces together extended
nearly a mile, and at short intervals stood a bomb-proof that no
shot or shell could knock down. The fort mounted between
sixty and seventy guns of heaviest calibre, and contained also a
great many light artillery pieces, great quantities of ammunition,
and small arms. The prisoners captured amounted, as near as I
could learn, to about twenty-five hundred, officers and men, among
whom was Major General Whiting.
It is decidedly one of the most brilliant victories of the war,
and no doubt one of the severest blows to the rebellion. The
w^orn-out victors lay down to rest inside the fort, rejoicing over
their hard-earned success. But great God! what a scene occurred
the next morning at seven o'clock! I was sitting with the regi-
ment and talkino; to one of our otficers, when the ground trem-
bled under me as from the shock of an earthquake. This was
followed by a most fearful explosion. I looked up and saw be-
fore me a huge column of earth, and the next moment found
myself l)uried alive. I have faced death, dear A., in a great
mau}^ forms, but never have I experienced before, or can I ever
forjret the horrors of that moment. The first thouj^ht that
occurred was "have I escaped death in the battle yesterday to
die in this horrid manner?" I attempted to dig the earth with
my hands, but could accomplish nothing. I resigned myself to
die, when the thought struck me that I might not be buried so
deep, but that I could work my hand through to the surface. I
tried and succeeded. I instantly dug a hole with that hand to
my mouth, and oh what a thrill of joy I experienced, w^hen I
inhaled the drauoht of fresh" air that rushed in. I cried out for
help which was near at hand, and I was soon taken out with no
bones broken, but my left arm l)ad]y injured, and my body much,
though not seriously, bruised.
The officer to whom I was talking at the time of the explosion,
had his arm broken. Our Colonel (now Gen. Alden), was blown
a great distance, and injured so badly that the surgeons think it
impossible for him to recover. Four of our officers were killed
outright, and live others badly injured. Between sixty and
seventy of our men were blown up, nearly all of whom w^ere
killed. They have been digging out the dead, and I don't think
have found them all yet.
The sight the next day was horrible, to see the mangled
remains of so many of our brave boys, who had fought so gal-
lantly and survived the battle.
In the first part of the charge, we lost our brigade commander,
Col. Bell, who was killed while leading his lirigade. His term
of s(;rvice had expired the day previous; and he was urged not
to go into the %ht, but he did go and was killed. We all feel
his loss most deeply, for he, as well as our Colonel, was beloved
by all. Ever sincerely yours, EUGENE.
In a letter written to his mother, from before Petersburg, after
one of the bloody struggles which marked the expiring agonies
of the rebellion, he writes thus:
"Knowing yonr anxiety to bear from me, now that we are in
front of the enemy, I .snatch space to write you a few lines, as
there will be an opportunity to send them this evening. O, my
clear mother, the scenes of blood and carnage I have passed
through the last Aveek, are fearful to look back upon. Last
Saturday we were ordered out to attack the enemy, who were in
large force on the Richmond and Petersburg; railroad. After a
fight of four hours we drove them away from the road, burnt
the bridge, and tore up several miles of the track. Our loss in
killed and w^ounded amounted to six hundred. Sunday and
Monday we were permitted to rest. On Tuesday we were again
ordered out on the Richmond turnpike, ten miles from the city.
We were met by a large force of the enemy, and the battle com-
menced. I was placed on the extreme advance with my com-
pany, to support a battery, and was instructed to hold the posi-
tion as long as possible. The rebels marched up in solid column
to within al)0ut sixty yards, when they opened fire upon us. At
the first volley I was hit by a glancing shot and struck to the
ground; but my wound was slight, and I staggered to my feet
again, and cheered the boys on. I shall never forget the pitiful
looks of my poor brave men, as they fell killed and wounded on
all sides of me.
We held the position until the Major came and ordered us to
fall back, which we did, and were soon met by the Seventh
Connecticut, who were coming upon the double quick. Being
thus reinforced, we turned upon them again and drove them
away from the guns they were in the act of taking off the field.
I had out of my whole company, when the aftair w^as over, only
fifteen men left. Some have since come up, l>ut the greater por-
tion of my brave boys fell. I can scarcely keep back the tears
as I think of it. Men whom I had drilled and been associated
with so long, who loved and respected me, are now among the
slain. My clothes were pierced with bullets and almost torn
from my l^ack; liut all the iujury I sustained w^as a slight scratch.
Dear mother, I feel thankful indeed to that Providence who
watches over us all, for my miraculous escape. I have not slept
for the last three nights, and I am now on ])icket clnty and obliged
to be constantly on the alert to guard against an attack from the
front. Yours ever, EUGENE.
Such was the character of the service that, with his regiment,
he was called to perform during the fearful months that ended
so triumphantly for the national arms. In the toils, exposures
and perils of that memorable campaign, he performed his part
constantly and cheerfully, as a good and faithful soldier should,
and was cheered by the frequent and hearty encomiums which
his zeal and liravery won from those under whom he served.
The following testimonial from General Alden, who was in com-
mand of his regiment, will serve to exhibit the estimate in which
his character and services were held:
"I was, perhaps, as intimately acquainted with Captain Eugene
Van S^^tvookd as w\th. any of the officers of my late command,
and the news of his accidental death, after safely passing through
the terrible three years' ordeal of fire and blood in his country's
service, occasioned no deeper sadness in the heart of any one
than in my own, except, perhaps, among his own kindred. The
Captain first entered the army with the One Hundred and Sixty-
ninth Eegiment New York Volunteers, September, 1862, with
the rank of Sergeant-Major, and the facility with which he com-
prehended and discharged the duties of that ofiice, gained the
confidence and respect of his commanding officers; and his
uniform courtesy and kindness won for him the respect and love
of all the officers and men of the reo-iment."
As a merited reward for the ability and fidelity with which he
discharged his various military duties, the Captain was speedily
promoted through all the intermediate grades to the rank which
he was finally mustered out of the service. As an Actinof JReo-i-
mental Adjutant, as Company Commander, Captain Van Sant-
vooRD served with distinguished gallantry in many hard-fought
battles, in which he uniformly exhibited the sterling qualities of
a brave and conscientious soldier.
Among the most prominent of Captain Van Santvoord's char-
actoristics as an officer, were extraordinary coolness and bravery
in emergencies, and great perseverance ind leterminatiou when
snrronnded with difficulties and dangers — characteristics which
eminently fitted him for a successful military officer. While
under the most destructiA'e fire of the enemy, he never lost his
self-command; and in the exercise of command over his com-
pany, he was stern, emphatic, and unimpassioued. As a tactician
and disciplinarian. Captain Van Santvoord was rarely surpassed,
ready and prompt in the execution of all the commands of his
commanding officers, sympathizing and vigilant in providing for
the comfort of his men, and courteous and gentlemanly in all
his intercourse with officers and men, his memory will long be
cherished, and l)y none more than his late commander.
ALOXZO ALDEN, Brevet Brig. General,
Late Colonel I'oWt iV". Y. Vols.
The manners of Captain Van Santvoord were frank and manly,
his disposition kind and genial, his heart Avarm and sympathetic.
These qualities made many attached friends in the army not only,
but in the circle of the home community where he was longest
and most intimately known. He was as generous as he was
brave, and as ready to render acts of kindness to those needing
them, as to face the eneni}^ on a perilous field. Affectionate and
dutiful as a son, his memory will remain green in parental hearts
wdiich his early loss has lacerated. Though not a member of
the church, his training had been a Christian one, and its influ-
ence was felt and shown amid all the exciting scenes and turbu-
lent transitions of his soldier life. In his communications to his
friends, he acknowledges with deep gratitude that overruling
Providence to which individuals as Avell as armies must owe
safety and success, and which had mercifully preserved him amid
imminent perils and fearfully frequent deaths.
While encamped at Folly Island, he aided in extemporizing a
little chapel, wherein the worship of God might be statedly
deserved during their stay in that quarter. He had high regard
for the Chaplain by whom the services were conducted, aiding to
make his work pleasant and effective. And being fond of nuisic
and skilled in its performance, he organized a choir of singers
from his company, and himself led in that part of the stated
devotions. His little testament, which was his close companion
daring the war, seemed nearly worn out Math use, and various
folds are found in its leaves to mark passages from which, as it
appeared, he had drawn refreshment, or which had struck him
as specially ai^plicable to situations of difficulty or danger. Be-
fore entering on an engao^ement where the hazards to life looked
most imminent, he was wont to put up an ejaculatory prayer to
Him who holds the issues of all lives, and tiien felt strong and
confident as he went forth to yield his life, if it were so ordered,
a sacrifice on the altar of his country.
But he passed safely through the war, and rejoiced to greet
rejoicing friends, the conflict ended and peace restored, in the
loved home of his childhood. The J03" and gratulations, however,
were short-lived. Like Colonel Bowers and Lieut. Col. McKee,
and many another brave spirit, he escai)ed all the perils of war
and battle, only to be smitten down suddenly, when in the midst
of perfect seeming security.
Captain Van Santvoord was making his arrangements to go
into business with a friend, near Savannah, Ga., and a few days
from the time his death occurred they were to take their depart-
ure. On his way from New York, on the loth of Noveml)cr, to
his home, l)usiness detained him for a nii>ht at Newburo-h. After
retiring for the night, at his hotel, an alarm of fire was suddenly
raised, when rushing as it is supposed from his room, in his
haste and in the dark, he encountered and fell over the baluster,
being precipitated to the floor below, receiving fatal injuries, the
efl'ect of which he survived only a few hours. His life was
quenched almost as suddenly as if struck out amid the actual
shock of the raging conflict. The pain of the blow had been
less to survivors in the latter case, for wdiere danger is looked
for, and none are exempt, the mind is prepared for a result that
is not unexpected. But the same Providence, wise and kind,
controls death in whatever form it comes, and Faith, looking up
trustingly to the infallible Disposer, finds consolation still, in
uttering, " even so. Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight."
Our city has not given to the war a more brilliant intellect, or
more splendid mental attainments than were possessr'd by this
young hero. Though he died just as he was entering upon his
twenty-first year, still he lived long enough to prove his power
of thought, his capability of rapid acquisition in knowledge, and
his ability to attain the highest rank in any profession or depart-
ment of literature or science, to which he might devote his
energies. His genius, too, seemed to shed its lustre and its
refining influence upon his whole nature. Capt. Temple was a
gentleman of elegant and polished manners, winning address,
and nolde and generous impulses. He partook of the traits of
his distinguished father, Col. Temple, who was governed by a
high sense of honor, as well as a pure patriotism.
He was 1)oru in Albany, March 29th, 1842, and was the son of
Col. Robert Emmet Temple and Catharine James, daughter
of the late Wm. James, of Albany. At an early age he Avas sent to
a boarding school, and Avas successively luider the care of Mr.
Watson, at Kinderhook, N. Y.; Dr. Thomas REiVD, of Geneva;
and Mr. A. N. Skinner, of New Haven.
He entered Yale College, and left there in November, 1858.
At the commencement of the Avar, j\Ir. Temple Avas a student at
Harvaid College, and at the call of his Nation, he left all to serve
her interests. He enlisted in the regular army in 1861, and he
gaA'C the fire of his genius, and ardor of his patriotic heart, to
the Avork of su])duing the rebellion. Though l)ut nineteen years
of age, he had the maturity of manhood, the skill of an expe-
rienced officer, and the bravery of a veteran in the service. Offi-
cers, who Avere associated Avith him, have said that they never
saw such coolness displayed upon the battle field as he mani-
fested. He moved among cannons and exploding shells with as
much ease and calmness as he would among a circle of friends in
a drawing room. Had his life been spared, he would doubtless
have dealt some heavy blows upon the monster that was seeking
to tear out the vitals of our Republic, and the soul of liberty.
But in the bloom of youth; in the dawn of his splendid genius
and unconquerable In'aveiy; at the moment the inspiration of a
lofty patriotism filled his soul, he fell a martyr to the cause that
represents to the world liberty, education, religion and all the
elements that confer righteousness, peace and happiness upon a
He was killed at Chancellorsville May 1, 1863, by a shot
through the heart, and was buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery
on the 25th of May, 1863. His funeral took place from St.
Peter's Church, and was attended by the Governor and his staff',
several army otficers, and a large number of relatives and friends.
We regret that we have not been able to obtain the materials
for an extended sketch of this gifted, interesting and patriotic
young officer, and one that would form a just tri(>ute to his
worth aud valor; but after repeated and earnest efforts, we have
been able to obtain only the limited information that we present
in this brief article. We can only add the following extract
of a letter from Capt. Augustus Bakker, relative to the death of
our departed hero, and an article and a letter taken from our
daily newspaper:
Capt. Barker saj-s:
' It was only on my arrival from a Richmond prison, at Anna-
polis, where I met my father, that I first learned of the painful
tidings of Willie Temple's sad fate. A brother's death could
not have had a more melancholy effect upon me, as I had known
him so intimately, both at home and at school, and lastly at col-
lege. I knew him,oiot as a soldier, yet I have seen comrades
of his, whose praise and admiration of him testify to his earnest-
ness in his profession, his gallantry in action, his charms of
mind and person, which so endeared him to all around him, even
to his commander, Gen. Doubleday. I will mention the circum-
stances connected with bis last moments, that can not fail to l)e
interesting to his friends, as showing the true, brave-hearted
Will. Temple. The liattle was growing warm, and he was lead-
ing a detachment of his regiment as skirmishers, to ascertain
the position of the enemy. On they went amidst the fire;
coming to a fence, they hesitated; and he, leaping on top, sword
in hand, encouraged and cheered his men onward, when the
fatal bullet closed his life forever.
"A more shocking blow could not have befallen the family."
The following appeared under date of May 6, 18()3:
" Capt. Temple was a young man of remarkably fine qualities,
and with an intellect matured beyond his years. He possessed
a brave heart and the truest personal courage, combined with
gentle and polished maimers, and, wherever he was known, was
universally a favorite. In appearance he was strikingly hand-
some, with an expression of sternness or severity upon his broM',
which seemed like the stamp of matured experience upon the
fresh front of youth. His loss will be most sadly felt by near
and dear friends, whose hopes and affections were thickly clus-
tered around him."
A correspondent, under the signature of T. AY., wrote as
"Captain William James Temple, son of the late Colonel
Egbert E. Temple, died of wounds received at the battle at
Chancellorsville, aged twenty-two. Soon after the rebellion
broke out, a modest, attractive youth introduced himself to me
at Washington, as the son of the late Colonel Temple, saying
that he desired to adopt the profession of liis father. I obtained
for him a first Lieutenancy in the regular army, and he entered
the service animated by the aspirations which make heroes and
martyrs. When, a year afterward, I returned from Europe, I
inquired of Adjutant General Thomas, who had interested him-
self in securing commissions for several young men whom I
recommended, if lie knew anything of Lieutenant Temple. He
replied: "I havi; kept an eye upon jouv boys, being partly
responsible for them. They are all doing well. Lieutenant
Temple is an excellent ofiicer." Some three weeks since I met
young Temple again. He had been on a Ijrief vi.sit to Albany,
and was returning to his regiment. He had l)een promoted to a
Captaincy, and was then just twenty-one years of age. He was
the same quiet, modest, gentlemanly person I tirst met two years
ago, reminding me, in his manner and expression, of an estimable
lady (his aunt, IVIrs. Tweedy) with whom his boy-days were
happily associated, and whose good precepts and bright examples
imparted to children all that is virtuous and graceful. Yesterday,
upon entering the Hudson river baggage car, at New York, my
eyes rested upon a square, ominously proportioned box, with
'Capt. ^yILLIAM J. Temple, 17th U. S. Infantr}^, Albany,' inscribed
upon its lid. And there, cold, inanimate and disfigured, lay all
that remains of the gallant young oihcer who, with beaming eye,
elastic step and buoyant spirit, I had so recently conversed with.
It Avas a sad and startling transition, illustrating with appalling
emphasis the uncertainty of life — the inevital)le reality of death.
He departed, in the glow of health, with an apparently bright
and happy future, but a few days since; and now his lifeless
remains, ' smear'd in dirt and blood,' are. sent home in a rude
box, for interment, where all inherit alike their ' body's length'
of earth."
Augustus I. Barker was born in Alljany on the 24:th day of
April, 1842. His mother, Jeannette J^uhes, daughter of the
late William James, Esq., died two weeks after his birth.
His early life was marked by no circumstances of peculiar
interest. Like most young men who had the means to obtain a
good education, he passed from one school to another, until he
entered Harvard University in September, 1859. He remained
in that institution until the year 1861, when he enlisted in the
service of his country.
He first received a commission as Second Lieutenant in the
Fifth Regiment New York Cavalry October 31, 1861.
His second commission as First Lieutenant, was dated May 3,
1862, and his third commission as Captain, October 24, 1862, all
in the same regiment, and under the seal of Hon. E. D. Morgan,
Governor of the State of New York.
His promotion was quite rapid, from Second Lieutenant to
Captain within twelve months, and all through his own merit, no
influence having been brought to bear upon those in authority to
advance him in the service.
Up to the time of his regiment's joining Gen. Banks, it passed
a somewhat inactive life, and without any particularly exciting
incidents. But it was activel}^ engaged in Gen. Banks' corps, in
his disastrous Virginia campaign, when he was so badly routed
l)y Stonewall Jackson. The cavalry, in this instance, saved
Gen. Banks' army, they fighting the rebels in his rear, checking
Ihcni, and thus {'iial)ling the General to retreat to a point S(nne-
wherc on the Potomac. Very shortly after this disaster, about
the 1st of August, 1862, Capt. Barker was taken ill with
typhoid fever, and succeeded (in the saddle) in reaching within a
mile of Culpepper Court House, Va., more than a day's ride from
where he started, when he was o]:»liged to alight, being unable
to proceed any further. Having had a soldier detailed to escort
him and assist him, he was placed under a tree by the road side,
and w^as left alone until the soldier went into the town to get an
ambulance, or other conveyance, (which was furnished after an
entire day's delay,) to take him to the cars for Alexandria. As
soon as his father heard of his illness, which was not until ten
or twelve da}s, he proceeded at once to Alexandria, and found
him in an extremely low condition, so much so that his physi-
cian informed him that there was no chance of his recovery. He
was then at the ^Marshall House, where Ellsworth was killed, a
most unsuitable place for a sick man, and his father took the
responsibility of removing him, in his low condition, to Wash-
ington, having secured most excellent quarters in advance. To
his great joy, his son began to rally at once, and he improved
so rapidly that in a fortnight he Avas removed, by slow stages, to
Lenox, Mass., among the Berkshire hills. His health w^as
rapidly restored, and he rejoined his regiment the same year,
1862, Novenil)er 16th, at Fort Scott, Virginia, near Washington.
On the 9th of March, 18(53, he was taken prisoner at Fairfax
Court House, and sent to Lil)by prison, Richmond. He was
exchanged on the 6th of May following, and rejoined his regi-
ment on the 27th of jVIay.
In June, 1863, he wrote thus to a friend :
" At last I have entered the threshold of manhood and must
depend upon myself; but I shall never, I now imagine, rely upon
the profession of a soldier longer than the duration of the war.
I do not want to shrink from my present position until the Union
arms are victorious, North, South, East and West, and the Old
Flag floats once more over an entire unanimous people."
In July he wrote thus to his father:
Bivouac Fifth X. Y. Cavalry, )
BooNSBORO, Md., Jul?/ 7, 1863. ]
My Dear Father — An hour ago we arrived here completely
fatigued and worn out, having been in the saddle two weeks and
two days, without, food for men or horses, and with not more
than four hours' rest out of the forty-eight. I am now sitting
n})on a bundle of wlieat, writing upon my knee, in haste, as the
mail leaves in an hour; and after this day the Lord only knows
when and where we may halt again. No longer are we under
Gen. Stahl's command, as he was relieved at the same time as
Hooker; ])ut Gen. Kilpatrick is our leader now, and we are as
l)roud to be led l)y him as he told us in an address after the
battle of Gettysl)urg, " he is proud to command ms." No
longer does the cavalry roam about the country, a small, timid,
hesitating band, but it now comprises three grand divisions,
under Major General's Greig, Buford and Kilpatrick. They
are so well organized and concentrated as to be irresistible,
when manoeuvered as they have been since the Northern invasion.
It would be utterly impossible for me here to give you any
idea of our late doings, but as soon as the communications are
established with the north, watch for Kilpatrick's reports and
the correspondence from the command. Within three miles of
Frederick city. General Stahl turned his command over; and,
after a grand review of four thousand five hundred cavalry and
six pieces of artillery, by General Pleasanton, our chief, we
were sent ofl" on our mission, which thus far has been a too
laborious one to last much longer. Out of the last seven days,
we have been engaged six in desperate fighting, and that, too,
against infantrv; and, thouo;h we have accomplished our alloted
task, we did it at the sacrifice of some of our noblest ofiicers and
men; our own regiment to-day, mustering one hundred and fifty
fighting men, out of three hundred and fift}^ who started out
with us two weeks ago. One olficer killed, two wounded and
six missing; just think of it! It would l)e impossible for me to
tell you of our hair-breadth escapes, but, father, I assure you,
that never before, since my enlistment in this war, have I sat so
calmly upon my horse, resolved to fight and die honorably, if
necessary, for my country.
Yesterday we arrived at Hagarstown, and there awaited the
rebel army, in full retreat, anxious to save themselves by cross-
ing the Potomac. It seemed a cruel fate, that made it a duty for
cavjihy to oppose infantry, artillery and cavalry who Avere fight-
ino^ for life itself. After holdino- them in check fin- three honrs,
we were compelled to yield graduall}', (the only time thus far)
as their forces coming up rapidly, outnumbered us live to one at
the least. A sad and stubborn withdrawal w^as ours. Not to
speak of other regiments, which lost ecpially, ours lost that day
one hundred killed, wounded and missing. In my own company
two sergeants had horses knocked from under them by shells,
one wounded, and how many of the missing ones are wounded
remains to be seen. I only had three men after the tight. I
found a bullet in my blanket, which was rolled behind my saddle,
and a round shot struck so near me as to spatter the dirt upon
me. I have to be thankful that I w^as spared when so many fell.
At the battle of Gettysburg, we fought all day and, by keeping
a whole division of the rebels in check, decided the day in our
favor. Then swinging around to the extreme left we cut our
way through the enemy, capturing three hundred wagons and
fifteen hundred prisoners of war, and gaining his rear. Thus we
inflicted a paralyzing blow upon the rebels and made them think
again before a third attempt to trouble us. I could write much
more but cannot. Your affectionate son,
Captain Barker was captured in the Moseby raid on Fairfax
Court House, of which his father gives the following account:
"The facts are these: My son, at the time he made the effort
to escape, was on a strange horse, without saddle, and surrounded
by fifteen or twenty rebel cavalry. Watching his opportunity,
he suddenly w^heeled, and in the effort unhorsed several of the
rebels and succeeded in getting clear of them. He pursued his
course, with the rebels in full pursuit, and a dozen or more
shots were fired at him without effect. Coming suddenly upon
a rather formidal)le ditch, his horse bolted and threw him over
his head without injury of consequence. The rebels were upon
him in a moment, and knowing it was useless to resist he sur-
rendered. But for this unfortunate contretemp he would un-
doubtedly have escaped."
In the following letter from Lieutenant A. B. Waugh, we have
an account of the death of this accomplished and brave officer:
Camp 5th New York Cavalry, )
Stevensburg, Va., /Sept. 20, 1862. )
Mr. Wm. H. Barker:
Sir — It becomes ray painful duty to inform you of the death
of your son, Capt. Augustus I. Barker, under the following
circumstances: When the command left Hart wood Church and
crossed the Rappahannock, he was left behind in charge of the
men picketing the river, and, while on the march to rejoin his
regiment, he, with one man, being some distance ahead of the
column, was shot by guerrillas, concealed in the wood. Two
balls took effect, one in the right side and one in the left breast.
Some of his company, who were with him, carried him to the
house of Mr. Freeman Harris, living at Mount Holly Church,
about one mile from Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock. They
did all in their power to relieve him, but without avail. He died
at half past one on the morning of the 18th, being about twelve
hours after receiving his wounds. Sergeant McMullen, of his
company, was with him all through, and saw him buried just in
the rear of Freeman's house, and the grave marked. McMullen
came to camp yesterday, and I telegraphed you last night. I
have collected all Capt. Barker's effects, and placed them in
charge of Surgeon Armstrong, at the camp hospital at Culpep-
per Court House. If we move forward, or if we fall back,
before I hear from you, we will bring them with us. In the list
you will see two daguerreotypes. They were* taken some two
months since, w^hile he Avas officer of the day, and one is very
natural. His pocket book and watch I will also leave in charge
of Surgeon Armstrong, and a watch, which belongs to General
Stoughton, which he had in his possession. If you desire to
come on, please communicate with me, and any assistance which
I, or any officer, can render, we will give with pleasure.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
2d Lieut. Co. L, 5th JST. Y. Cavalry.
As soon as Mr. Barker heard of the death of his son, he went
on to recover his body, and removed it to Albany, where the
burial took place, on the 10th of October, 1863.
The following obituary, and notice of the funeral, appeared in
the Albany " Evening Journal:"
" Capt. Augustus Barker, of the Fifth New York Cavalry, died
near Kellj^'s Ford, on the 18th of Sept., 1863, in the twenty-
second year of his age.
"He was the youngest son of Willi^vm H. Barker, Esq., and
grandson of the late Williajm JiV^iES, of this city. He was
beloved by his comrades, as by all who knew him, for the man-
liness of his character and the generosity of his disposition.
His promotion was the just reward of his good conduct and
honorable service. His valor and patriotism had been tried in
many l)attles, and hy the more dreadful horrors of Richmond
prison. He survived all these to perish, in the flower of his
youth, by the hands of rebel assassins.
" Capt. Barker's funeral took place Saturday afternoon, 10th
October, 1863, at three o'clock, from St. Peter's Church. Itw^as
largely attended. The funeral cortege consisted of a detachment
of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, the City Volunteers, Capt. Mar-
shall, preceded b}' Schreiber's band. The remains of the gal-
lant officer were deposited in the cemetery."
Capt. Barker's patriotism was a strong feature in his charac-
ter. After recoverins: from a low fever, which broug-ht him near
the grave, he returned with new ardor to his regiment. Soon
afterwards, being made a prisoner in Richmond, where he was
confined for two months, he came out with his heart still warm
for his country's service. When attacked by guerrillas, attended
by but one man, and the demand was made upon him to surren-
der, he replied " ney«'," and received his death wound.
We regret, in the case of Capt. Barker, as in that of his gal-
lant rehitive and friend, Capt. Temple, that we are not able to
give a fuller and more detailed account of his life and military
career. But we cannot but hope that in the future, in some form,
the patriotic services of these noble officers in the American
army will be suitably conunemorated.
Capt. James Kennedy was born in the city of Albany, Feb-
riiary 15, 1el sharpshooter, which pierced his heart.
He died without a struggle, on the field of Spottsylvania, Va.
He was buried the next morning, at or near the division hospi-
tal, by Chaplain Calder. His remains were brought to Albany,
])y his brother, in the fall of 1865, and buried in the Rural
Cemetery, with military honors. Company B, Tenth N. G., and
returned members of Seventh Artillery New York Volunteers
formed the escort.
Capt. Morris was a man of strict integrity and high moral
character. His comrades in arms, among whom is Capt. George
H. Treadwell, of the same regiment, unite in pronouncing him
a devoted patriot, a brave and faithful soldier; while friends in
civil life bear with them the consolino- thouo^ht that he acted a
noble ])art in life, and leaves a fragrant memory behind him.
At a meeting of Protection Hook and Ladder Company No. 1,
of which he was a im?TOl)er, among the resolutions adopted were
the following:
W/iP7'eas, We have received the sad intelligence of the death
of our esteemed fellow meml)er, Capt. John A. Morris, of the
Seventh New York Artilleiy, while bravely leading his command
into action in the engagement near Spottsylvania Court House,
on Thursda}^ May 19, 1864; therefore,
Resolved, That though we feel assured that he willingly
offered up his life on the altar of his country, and died where
his gallant nature prompted — at the post of duty, facing the
enemies of his country, and in the hour of victory — yet the pride
we feel in his devoted patriotism is mingled with sadness for the
loss of a comrade, whose generous nature, social virtues and manly
character endeared him to all.
Resolved, That in the death of Captain John A. Morris, the
country loses a devoted patriot and a brave soldier, and this com-
pany one of its most active and useful members, who, since its
organization, had been foremost in everything that contributed
to advance its interests; and that while we view with admiration
the noble example he has left us, we deeply deplore his early
death. M. fflGGINS, President.
R. T. BEIGHTMAN, Secretary.
Albany, N. Y., May 23, 1864.
On the loth of April, 18G5, just as the great southern rebellion
was breathing its last breath, Captain John McGuire, of the
One Hundred and Seventy-tifth New York Regiment, after having
escaped the perils of many battles during three years' service,
was killed by guerrillas, about twenty-five miles from Golds-
borough, N. C, while in the performance of his duty.
Captain McGuire was born in the town of Belturbet, county
Cavan, Ireland, in the year 1829, of poor but pious parents.
His father died while John was a child, and, in 1845, his widowed
mother and John with his sister, now dead, came to Albany.
Soon after their arrival in Albany, in 1846, John procured
employment in the store of Mr. Kerr, who formerly kept at the
corner of Pearl and Howard street. There he remained, helping
to support his mother, till April, 1861, when the summons came
for the militia to hasten to the Capital to defend it against the
rebels. John was a Sergeant of the Albany Worth Guards, a
company of the Twenty-fifth Regiment New York Militia, com-
manded by Colonel Bryan. On the 22d of April, 1861, he left
his employment and served with that regiment during its first
three months campaign in Virginia. During his absence in Vir-
ginia, his poor mother died, and he procured a furlough to come
to Albany to bury her.
He left his situation at Mr. Kerr's, at a great sacrifice, to obey
the call of hi^ country.
Upon the return of this regiment to Albany, he procured
emplo^'ment in a clothing house in New York, at a good salary,
where he remained till June, 1862, when the Twenty-fifth Regi-
ment New York Militia was, a second time, ordered to Virginia
by Gov. Morgan. He joined them, and was at once appointed,
by Colonel Bryan, Sergeant Major of the regiment, which posi-
tion he filled with credit. Upon the return of the regiment to
Albany, in September, 1862, he at once joined the One Hundred
and Seventy-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers, which Colonel
Bryan was then raising at Albany, and was appointed First Lieu-
tenant, and afterwards promoted to Captain, in the same organ-
ization. He served with Colonel Bryan till the Colonel's fall,
at the attack on Port Hudson.
After the capture of Port Hudson, his regiment was ordered
to the Shenandoah valley, where he served under General Sheri-
dan. He remained with the army of the Potomac till Lee's sur-
render, when he was sent to North Carolina, where he fell, pierced
with three balls, two through the breast and one through the
He leaves no father or mother, brother or sister, wife or child
to mourn his untimely end. But he leaves in Albany, and where-
ever he was known, those whose eyes will fill with tears as the
tidino^s of his death reaches them.
Captain McGuire was a model young man. Surrounded by
temptation, he was never known to take a glass of strong drink,
or utter a profane word. In his manners and in his intercourse
with all, he was a gentleman and had a kind word for every one.
He lived a devoted and humble Christian, an honor to the religion
of his fathers. He was an intelligent, accomplished and brave
soldier, and died, a warm patriot, in the service of his adopted
country. Though he loved with enthusiasm the scenes of his
native land, and hoped that he might one day aid in erecting the
flag of freedom and independence over the graves of his fathers
and kindred, still he proved by his acts that he was ready at all
times with his life, to maintain the honor of his adopted country.
Captain Wright was born in the State of Ohio, in Kirtlancl,
Lake County. In 1853, when about seventeen years of age, he
came to Albany, to act as clerlv in the store of his uncle, the late
Nathaniel Wright; in whose employ he continued until the
death of his uncle. Afterwards he was in the employ of his suc-
cessors, Messrs. Woodward & Hill, until he offered his services'
in the cause of his country.
Although not a professor of religion, he was a young man of
good moral character, strict integrity, generous impulses, and
was beloved in an unusual degree by those who enjoyed his
acquaintance. In fact, there was something peculiar in his frank
and yet reserved and quiet manner, that inspired a very w^arm
friendship, so that " Natty," as he was ftmiiliarly called, could
always count upon the aid of his friends.
His peculiar personal popularity was evinced by his success
in recruiting his company at perhaps the most difficult time
during the war; and it was evidently appreciated by his superior
officers, as he was sent back to Albany to recruit the regiment,
Avhen the Government decided to make of it a heavy artillery
As to his motives in volunteering, I feel confident they were
those of the purest patriotism: and this is confirmed by the
fact that his services were so highly valued and so promptly
rewarded by his advancement, both in position and salary.
He was mustered in the service of the United States, August
11th, 18G2, as First Lieutenant, Battery F, Seventh Regiment,
N. Y. V. Artillery, Col. Leavis O. Morris. He was first stationed
at Fort Pennsylvania, and afterwards at Fort Reno, where he
remained until May 15th, 1864, when he was ordered with the
regiment to report to Gen. Meade in the Army of the Potomac.
Arriving at Spottsylvania about midnight. May 17th, they were
assigned to the Second Army Corps, Gen. Hancock. After par-
ticipating in the following desperate engagements: Fredericks-
burg Road, May 19; North Anna River, May 23d and 24th;
Tolopotomy Creek, May 31st and June 1st; Coal Harbor, June
3d to 10th; Petersburg, June 16th; Petersburg affair, June 22d;
Deep Bottom, July 26th and 27th; Deep Bottom, August 12th
to 18th; he was killed at Ream's Station, August 25th, 1864,
and as our forces were driven back, his body fell into the hands
of the enemy. He was shot through the body, and as Major
Murphy raised him up, he stretched out his hand, and grasping
the hand of the Major held it until he expired. He died like a
'hero, without a murmur, and deserves a far more extended sketch
than this brief tribute.
This brave young man was born in the town of Belturbet,
county Cavan, Ireland, in the year 1837, and was the son of
Ann and Francis Sullivan, who are still living in Ireland. The
father of John was a small farmer, and possessed of too limited
means to be able to do more for his children than g-ive them a
good common education, and then leave them to seek their for-
tunes as best they could.
At the age of nineteen, John emigrated to America, and came
at once to Albany, N. Y., and entered the employ of Mr. Michael
Ceummey, his brother-in-law, as a baker.
Soon after he came to Albany he joined the Albany Mont-
gomery Guards. He took great interest in the improvement of
the company in discipline and efficiency, and became an excellent
soldier himself. On the breaking out of the rebellion, this com-
pany being attached to the Twenty-fifth Regiment New York
Militia, he was ordered with that regiment to the defence of the
National Capital, and on the 22d of April, 1861, he left Albany
with his company, as Orderly Sergeant, and served three months,
when he was mustered out, the term of service of the regiment
having expired.
In September, 1861, he joined the Sixty-third Regiment New
York Volunteers, and was, upon the organization of that regi-
ment, appointed First Lieutenant of Company K. He was at
once ordered to Virginia, where his command was assigned to
Gen. Meagher's Irish Brigade. He passed through the cam-
paigns of the Army of the Potomac, in 1862, in Virginia, being
engaged in most of the battles fought under Gen. McClellan,
from Yorktown to Richmond.
At the battle of Antictam he Avas in command of his company,
and fonght with great galhintry, losing more than half of his
men, killed and wounded, and all the oificers of his company.
He was soon after promoted to the position of Captain, and
next fought at the battle of Fredericksburg, where, on the 19th
of December, 1862, he fell mortally wounded, just as the fight
was closing. He died on the 21st of December. His remains
were brought to Albany, where he was buried with military
In his native land, and during his residence in Albany, Capt.
Sullivan bore an irreproachal^le character, and w^as greatly
esteemed by his associates, and respected by all Avho knew him.
He w^as a sincere and devoted Christian, and received, at his
death, the consolations of the faith of his fathers.
His love and affection for his parents were conspicuous even
in his last moments, when he remembered them with words of
tenderness in his dying prayer.
Such is the brief history of one of our adopted citizens, w^ho
laid down his life to preserve and perpetuate the American
Republic. All honor to his memory!
The following account of this gallant oiEcer appeared at the
time in one of our papers:
" The circumstances attending- the death of this gallant and
much regretted officer are peculiarly afflicting. He had escaped
without a scratch the bloody field of Antietam, and in the terri-
ble slaughter before the enemy's works back of Fredericksburg,
he also escaped uninjured; but while marching at the head of
the remnant of his regiment, in the afternoon of this fatal day,
it was ordained that he should fall. He was struck on the upper
part of the right thigh, by a round shot (twelve-pounder), shock-
ingly fracturing the bone, rendering amputation impossible. He
w^as told l)y the attending surgeon that he must die; that if the
limb was disjointed at the hip, he could not survive the operation.
He received the solemn announcement with the courage and firm-
ness for which he was distinguished in the fearful ordeals he had
passed through, and declared he would not consent to lose the
limb, but "would prefer to die with both legs on." He lived
about fifty hours after receiving his wound, when his gallant
spirit forsook its frail tenement, and sped its way to brighter
realms. No officer in the Irish Brigade was more sincerely loved
or respected than Capt. John Sullivan. By his cheerful and
unassuming manners he endeared himself to all, and in the Sixty-
third Regiment his loss is deeply and sincerely deplored. His
body was embalmed, and his friends telegraphed to of the melan-
choly event. His relative, Mr. Michael Chummey, immediately
proceeded to the camp, near Falmouth, to perform the melancholy
duty of taking it home. The respect he was held in by the bri-
gade was evinced by their spontaneous turn out at his funeral.
The remnant of the officers and men of the Sixty-ninth, Eighty-
eighth, Twenty-eighth Massachusetts, One Hundred and Sixteenth
Pennsylvania and Sixty-third, formed the escort from the camp
to the cars. The following officers acted as pall-bearers: Capt.
Saunders, commanding Sixty-ninth, and Quartermaster Sullivan,
same regiment; Capt. McNamara, commanding One Hundred and
Sixteenth; Capt. Smith, commanding Eighty-eighth, and Capts.
Cartwright and Gleeson, of the Sixty-third. Lieut. Col. Cart-
wright, and officers of the Twenty-sixth Massachusetts, were
among the others of the brigade who followed in the sad cortege,
testifying by their presence their admiration of the gallant dead,
and sympathy with their brothers of the Sixty-third, in the loss
of a true and brave soldier."
Captain Robert Bartlett Everett was born on the 17th of
May, 1824, at New London, N. H. At an early age he removed
with his parents to this State, and up to the date of his enlist-
ment resided in Watervliet engaged in agricultural pursuits.
On the 8th of October, 1862, he was mustered into the United
States service as Captain of Company F, Thirtieth Regiment New
York State Volunteers. The regiment was then in the field,
having served out about one year and a half of its tnree-year
term. He joined the regiment early in the fall of 1862, and was
present at the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and
several minor engagements. At the time the Thirtieth Regiment
was mustered out. Captain Everett, with his company was trans-
ferred to the Seventy-sixth Regiment New York State Volunteers,
in which organization he remained imtil the time of his death.
Captain Everett was killed on the 1st of July, 1863, at the
battle of Gettysburg, while leading his command into action.
He was struck in the head by a Minnie ball and killed instantly.
His body was never recovered, as our troops were obliged to fall
back from the spot, and there was no mark to distinguish the
Robert H. Bell was born in England, Lancashire, of English
descent. He came to this country when about nineteen years
old, and was a resident of Philadelphia for a number of years.
He then married and came to this city. He was a wood-carver
by profession, and was connected with the Fire Department.
For some time previous to the breaking out of the rebellion, he
was Foreman of Company No. 8. At the commencement of the
rebellion, when the Twenty-hfth Regiment responded to the call
for troops, he left his home and friends to join in defending his
adopted country. He served at first as a jDrivate in the ranks of
Company K, of Twenty-fifth Regiment. At the end of three
months he returned to his home and friends, and resumed his
As the war progressed, a call was made for more men, and
Albany again nobly responded. Men were commissioned to
recruit companies for the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment,
and among the first to enroll his name and fill his company was
Captain R. H. Bell, of Company F. He again went forth to
fight for his country. He was a kind and courteous officer, and
beloved and respected by his men. He made every effort to sus-
tain the responsible position he held, and was ever at his post
when duty called.
The regiment left this city August 19, 1862. Arrived at Fort
Reno, and there remained on garrison duty until May 15, 1864.
They then received marching orders, and left the fort on Sunday
morning, and arrived at Belle Plain. They were engaged in the
battle of the Wilderness, and on the afternoon of the 19th Capt.
Bell received a very severe wound in the left leg, and was taken
from the field.
His leg was amputated, and the same day he was brought to
Washington to the Army Square hospital. He lingered until the
20th of June, when his spirit took its flight to the other world.
His body was embalmed and brought home, and was received by
his former friends and associates. His brother firemen conveyed
his remains to the Bleecker street Engine house, where it lay
mitil the 27th of June, when the funeral services took place at
two o'clock. His remains were then taken to the Cemetery for
interment, folloAved by a large concourse of friends and citizens,
who came to pay their last tribute of friendship and respect to
the gallant dead. He left a wife and two children to mourn his
Capt. David Burhans, of Company H, Forty-third Regiment
N. Y. Volunteers, was born in the town of Bethlehem, Albany
county, N. Y., June 24, 1840.
After the death of his father, which occurred on the 28th day
of February, 1854, when David was but thirteen years of age,
the maintenance of the ftmiily devolved upon him and his elder
brother, then sixteen years of age; and most faithfully did the
noble boy perform his share of this duty.
His honesty and integrity soon secured to him a situation, as
a messenger to carry the reports of the proceedings of the Legis-
lature to the New York papers. Next, he obtained the appoint-
ment of mail agent from New York to Troy. He continued in
this service until the autumn of 1862, at which time he left this
position for the tented field, at the head of a company, which he
had raised almost entirely by his own perseverance.
On taking leave of his townsmen, they presented him, as a
token of their regard, with a sword, which he carried with honor
through every engagement of the gallant Forty-third. His com-
mand also presented him with a valuable gold watch.
He served with his company and regiment, in the Army of
the Potomac, in succession under Generals McClellan, Burn-
side, Hooker and Meade, and participated in the battles of
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettj'sburg, Rappahannock
Station, The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and other engagements
previous to the battle of Po River, where he fell, in the front of
that conflict, on the 10th of May, 1864.
He was a young man of unl)lemished reputation, and highly
respected by all who knew him, for his many virtues.
Lieut. Charles W. Heald was born September 28, 1818, in
Granville, Washington connty, N. Y. His parents, John E. and
Olive A. Heald, were both descendants of Revolutionary heroes.
His early life was a continued struggle with poverty, and often
in childhood he was but scantily supplied with the necessaries
of life.
His father died when he was l)ut a lad, yet young Heald nobly
struggled with adversity, and aided in the support of his
widowed mother and the younger children.
His thirst for knowledge was ver^^ early developed. After
exhausting the meagre facilities afforded by the common school,
he, with a scanty wardrobe, went to Poultney, Vt., to secure an
academic education.
After leaving Poultney, he commenced the study of medicine,
but owing to interruptions to which he was subjected, by the
necessity of working with his hands and teaching, to procure the
means of sustenance, he did not linish the required course until
he was al)out thirty years of age.
In 1848, he graduated at the Medical College, Castleton, Vt.,
and immediately commenced the practice of medicine at West
Haven, Vt.
He had a trying field of labor, but Avas very successful, and
obtained a high professional reputation. He had a robust frame,
firm health, and was untiring in his duties, responding cheerfully
to calls by night or day.
Aftei- a few years' residence in West Haven, he removed to
Albany, in hopes of bettering his fortune. Here he found the
profession full, and he had not patience to await the gradual
appreciation of his skill. He manifested also an instability of
purpose, that in fact was his greatest enemy to success in life.
Changing his profession, he applied for and received a license
as a local preacher from the Washington Avenue M. E. Church;
but he soon saw, that the ministerial office was not his calling.
Subsequently his attention was turned to the legal profession, and
he graduated at the Law University of this city in 1857.
Mr. IIeald was a great reader, and his reading was so varied,
and his memory so retentive, as to secure for him a familiarity
with a most extended range of subjects. Few persons, with the
limited advantages that he had enjoyed, were so familiar as he
was with general literature. His library was well selected, and
contained many rare books.
On the breaking out of the rebellion, Mr. Heald, true to his
patriotic instincts and antecedents, was among the first to ofier
his services in the cause of the Union.
He entered the army in May, 1861, as Second Lieutenant in
the Eiohteenth Reoiment X. Y. V., and served with the regiment
in the famous battle of Bull Run. He was the first man who
was heard to call in question the patriotism and military ability
of Gen. McClellax. He believed that rebels should be treated
with severity, and when Virginia slaveholders came into our
camps hunting their run-away negroes, and were aided in their
pursuit, Lieut. Heald was most eloquent in his denunciation of
such a course. He did not approve of that mode of suppressing
the rebellion.
He was remarkably frank and outspoken, and often declared
that the war would never be a success, on our part, until a differ-
ent system was adopted by those having control of our armies.
His controversies were frequent and very spirited; and finding
himself uncomfortable, he resigned late in the autumn of 1861,
and returned to his home in Albany.
He soon, however, again entered the service, this time as a
private in Eleventh Battery. His knowledge of medicine soon
brought him to the notice of his surgeon, and he was made Hos-
pital Steward. His health failing, he was honorably discharged.
After remaining at home for a time, he enlisted again as a private
in the Second Artillery, Capt. Dawson. Here, on account of his
medical skill, he was much of the time detailed on service with
the sick and wounded.
While in this company, he saved the lamented Capt. Dawson
from capture, if not from death. Overtaking the Captain on
foot, disabled by the kick of a horse, the Doctor dismounted and
gave his horse to the wounded officer, just at the approach of the
enemy. The Captain escaped, while Dr. Heald took to the
woods, and after three days wandering, avoiding pickets, he
reached the camp, having been several times fired on by rebel
guerrillas. This most benevolent and heroic act, we have already
referred to in the sketch of Capt. Dawson.
He served in this company until the autumn of 1864, when,
worn out and reduced almost to a skeleton by the chronic
diarrhoea (that scourge that during the war made more sad hearts
than any other disease), he came home to die. He lingered, sur-
rounded by his family and friends in Valatie, until the 14th of
January, 1865, when death released him from his pains. He
died a beloved and consistent member of the Fourth Presbyterian
Church of Albany, and in the full hope of a blessed immortality.
Generous in spirit, faithful in the performance of every duty,
cool and brave upon the battle field, he won the affection and
esteem of all who knew him. Such, too, were his intellectual
gifts, that he would have risen to eminence in any depart-
ment of literature or science, had he devoted his life to a single
pursuit; but so versatile was his genius, that before he could
attain an exalted position in one calling, he would enter upon
His passion for books amounted almost to a mania. He hun-
gered and thirsted for knowledge, and in its attainment every
desire of his nature seemed to be satisfied.
He has left in manuscript many lectures on a great variety of
su1)jects, exhibiting much research and scholastic learning; bui
he has fallen. When the cause of human liberty demanded his
services, his prospects for life, his passion for books, his family,
were all laid on the altar of patriotism, and the name of Chaeles
Wesley Heald adds another to the list of martyrs for freedom.
LiEUTEN.ys[T James Williamson was born in the town of Kil-
marnock, in Ayrshire, Scotland, N. B., on the 2d of October,
1829. His parents were Andrew and Margaret Williamson.
He was a very affectionate son and brother. At the age of
twelve years, he was religiously impressed, and he always said
that it was then that he received "the truth as it is in Jesus,"
although he did not make a public profession until he was in his
nineteenth year. Then he united with the State Street Baptist
Church, but afterwards associated himself with the State Street
Presbyterian Church, when it was first organized. He was
elected as one of the first trustees of the church, and was inti-
mately identified with all its interests. He was ready to do any-
thing for its welfiire, and for the cause of Christ, that he ever
ardently loved. When upon the battle field his thoughts ever
reverted to the spot he so dearly loved.
His integrity and truthfulness, his open and manly adherence
,to principles, the large and generous sympathies of his heart for
the suffering and the oppressed, won for him a large circle of
friends. Although a native of a foreign land, which he always
cherished with a loving heart, yet he was ever true to the gov-
ernment and institutions of the land of his adoption. These he
ever upheld when assailed, and he threw himjelf at last, with
enthusiasm, into the contest when they were in danger. It was
this devotion to his country that induced him to sacrifice all the
pleasures and comforts of his loved home and the gains of a
lucrative profession, in the hour of its peril.
He w^as chosen First Lieutenant in the Tenth Resfiment of the
New York State Militia, in the city of Albany, on the 8th day
of July, 1861. Preparatory to the leaving of the regiment for
the seat of war, it was changed to the One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment New York State Volunteers. He then enlisted
as First Lieutenant of company D, on the 14th of October, 1862.
The regiment left Alljany on the 16th of December, and arrived
at their headquarters, at Bonnet Carre, on or about the 21st of
January, 1863.
The first battle in which he was engaged was at Ponchatoula,
on the 24th of March, 1863. The second and last battle in which
he was engaged, was that at Port Hudson, on the 27th of May,
1863. Company D went in with fifty privates, one Corporal,
two Sergeants and Lieutenant Williamson. There he was shot
through the brain, while gallantly leading his men to the charge,
and he died instantly. He was buried under the shade of an old
tree. Two weeks afterwards his remains were taken up and
conveyed to New Orleans. There they remained until the
autumn of the same year, when they were brought home to the
city of Albany, and arrived on the 15th of December. The
funeral ceremonies Avere observed on the 16th of December, at
the Albany Rural Cemetery, w^here his remains now rest.
Besides a numerous circle of warm friends. Lieutenant Wil-
liamson leaves an afflicted widow, who mourns the loss of a most
devoted husljand; but, as she trusts in the same Saviour who
sustained him in the last hour, we believe they will yet meet to
part no more.
To this brief record we gladly add the tributes to the departed
from the State Street Presbyterian Church and the St. Andrew's
Society of Albany, and an interesting letter from Colonel
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State Street
Presbyterian Church, held June 11th, 1863, the following memo-
rial was ordered entered upon the minutes:
" Killed in battle before Port Hudson, May 27th, 1863, Lieut.
James Williamson, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh
New York State Volunteers (formerly Tenth Regiment, National
1. The associates of Lieut. Williamson, of the Board of Trus-
tees, of the State Street Presbyterian Church, have met this day
to give expression to their sense of sorrow at the death of another
of their number. Within two weeks of the time that Adjutant
Strong died in camp, Lieut. Williamson, his friend and com-
panion in arms, has perished on the field of battle; and although
we would Ijovv in humble submission to these successive bereave-
ments, yet we are tilled with the deepest grief and solicitude.
2. James Williamson was elected a trustee of this church at
its organization — he was intimately identified with all its interests,
and deeply concerned in its prosperity — with a clear head and a
ready hand he thought an 1 labored for its welfare. He loved
it with a strong and pervading love; and he looked back towards
it from his distant field of labors with lono-ino- and rearet.
Knowing all this, and knowing that no church ever had a more
faithful and vigilant trustee, we are deeply sensible of the loss
we have sustained in his death.
3. Because he had become endeared to us all by personal
friendship; because we appreciated his kind and hearty and
unselfish nature; because we knew his uprightness in business,
his benevolent disposition, and his pure and faithful Christian
character; we loved him Avhile living, and we mourn for him now
that he is dead.
4. We rejoice that Lieut. Willi^oison possessed that patriot-
ism which led him to volunteer for the defence of his country;
that he was willing to devote a life so precious to a cause so
holy, and that in the performance of his duties as an officer, he
was enabled to render such noble service; and although the per-
formance of these duties cost him his life, yet we cannot regret,
as he did not withhold the sacrifice.
"To the wife, who has been left a stricken widow, by this
bereavement; to all the relatives and friends of our deceased
associate, and to the soldiers whom he led in battle, and who are
now deprived of his faithful and capable oversight, we extend
our heartfelt sympathies; and we pray God to give them that
consolation which they need, but which the ministry of man is
powerless to bestow.
6. We direct that a copy of these minutes be transmitted to the
family of the deceased and published in the papers."
R. L. JOHNSON, President.
John C. McClure, Secretary.
At a special meeting of the members of the St. Andrew's So-
ciety of the city of Albany, held on the evening of June 15, 1863,
the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously
adopted, viz :
WJiereas^ We have learned with sincere regret that Lieut.
James Williamson, one of our members, fell in battle before
Port Hudson on the 27th of May, 1863, and being desirous that
some memorial, expressive of our deep and lasting regard for
him he entered on our minutes, therefore
Resolved^ That we bear our cordial testimony to the numerous
excellencies of our deceased brother in public and private life;
his integrity; his truthfulness; his open and manly adherence to
principle; the large and generous sympathies of his heart for
the wants of the suffering and the w^rongs of the oppressed; the
purity of his character; the suavity of his manners and that fine
combination of moral and Christian qualities which endeared him
to those by whom he was intimately known.
Resolved, That we desire to express with feelings of admira-
tion his ardent devotion to his country, which induced him, in
the hour of its peril, to renounce the gains of a lucrative pro-
fession, and the comforts of a loved home, at the call of patri-
otism; and feel that in the death of this gallant officer, whose
career has been thus briefly, though honorably closed, the nation
has lost an ardent and devoted friend.
Resolved, That we record it with satisfaction that, though of
foreign extraction, and always cherishing with a loving heart the
land of his birth, he was, in the truest sense of the word, " an
American;" affiliating himself in heart and soul with the Govern-
ment and institutions of the land of his adoption, upholding
them in the exercise of their functions, vindicating them when
assailed, and throwing himself at last with his characteristic
enthusiasm into the contest when these were imperiled; and we
hallow his memory, and will resolutely defend that paternal gov-
ernment under which it is our privilege to live, and to which we
owe the enjoyment of all our social and civil immunities.
Resolved, That we tender our affectionate sympathy to the
bereaved wife, and supplicate in her behalf the support of reli-
gious consolation; to the numerous relatives and friends of the
deceased; and desire also that his early and lamented death may
be blessed to the members of our Society, in gathering up those
solemn lessons of duty which it is designed and fitted to convey.
Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be transmitted to the
widow of the deceased, and that the}^ be inserted in the daily
papers of the city.
JAMES DUNCAN, President.
Peter Smith, Secretary,
Letter from Col. Ainsworth:
Mrs. Williainison:
Respected Madam — I beg you will pardon me for addressing
you at this late hour a few lines respecting my friend and com-
panion in arms, your dear lost husband. I feel it is due to
community to perpetuate the memory of those who well perform
their part in life, as an example to others that may come after
It was not my good fortune long to enjoy an intimate acquaint-
ance with Lieut. Williamson. It commenced with his military
life, a life brief and simple, not marked by uncommon incidents
which attract the attention of the great world. He did not live
long enough to achieve the high honors of rank to which his
soldierly bearing, his talents, his industry, his manly and modest
deportment, his spotless character, his love of truth and justice
entitled him.
It seems as but yesterday I beheld him in the morning of life,
suiTounded by every comfort which means and affection can
give; stimulated by every motive of honorable ambition, as ho
4r)2 lij:ut, james Williamson.
saw the future bright before him. and, with a just reliance upon
himself, looked forward to a useful and honorable career. But
an imperiled country called him to other duties. He was among
the tirst, when the sound of conflict reached us, to assume the
profession of arms in defence of the Nation's flag; and with the
brave men who went forth to the field of strife, he sous-ht dano-er
as a duty, and proved himself Ijrave in battle as he was patient
and submissive.
He was a Christian gentleman, a Christian soldier. He fol-
lowed, wdth unfaltering trust, the path of duty to his God, and
to his country, and leaves no enemy behind him. All who knew
him, loved him, for his nature was gentle and genial. He w^as
firm in honest purpose, quick to discover and defend the right,
and incapable of wrong; and wdiile it was no part of his ambition
to win applause, he was entitled to and received the universal
respect of his brethren in arms. When such men die, there is a
melancholy pleasure in bearing testimony to what they were,
and to do so is a sacred duty to the living and the dead.
His Captain being one of those who were left in New York on
our sailing with the Banks' expedition for New Orleans, and
subsequently wounded in battle, when he was sent to the hospital
in New Orleans, gave Lieut. Williamson command of the com-
pany, most of the time, up to his death. On our arriving at New
Orleans, we were ordered to march up the coast to Bonnet Carre,
La., an important post on the Mississippi river, being one of the
main defences of New Orleans. Large numbers of our men were
soon prostrated with disease peculiar to that country and to
camp life, and Lieut. Williamson, besides being the acknow-
ledged friend of the individual members of the regiment, became
an unwearied attendant upon the wants of the sick. His assist-
ance was freely bestowed on all sides, regardless of danger
from infection. With a rare skill, and a joyous and genial man-
ner, peculiar to himself, he watched with and assisted in the care
of the sick, and administered to the dying the consolation of that
religion he had himself experienced.
The circumstances under which Lieut. Williamson closed his
brief but honorable militar}^ career, were peculiarly painful and
impressive to me, and his loss to the regiment deeply felt by all.
He fell on that fearful day, the 27th of May, 1863, while leading
his company amid a shower of iron hail, as the regiment charged
upon the works of Port Hudson, Ijeing struck in the temple by a
grape shot. He died as a soldier would prefer to die, on the
field of battle, amid the smoke and flashes of artillery, the shouts
of contending armies, and the roar of musketry, listening, as
death steals over him, for the glorious shouts of victory. I doubt
whether a braver or more heroic spirit has perished in our coun-
try's conflict. "Peace to his ashes." Albany may well feel
proud of such a patriotic hero, yielding up his life for their
country. May He, who has promised to be the widow's God, be
your consolation and abiding reward.
I have the honor to be,
Yours, very respectfully,
Late Colonel 111th Regiment, JV. Y. 8. V.
Albany, July 4, 1866.
William H. Pohlman was born in the island of Borneo, Jan-
uary 10th, 1842. He was the only surviving son of the late Rev.
Wm. J. Pohlman and Theodosia R., missionaries of the Ameri-
can Board of Foreign Missions to China. His parents were
devoted to the sacred cause of extending Christianity among the
He was also a nephew of the late Rev. John Scudder, who
w-ent to India as a missionary in 1819, whose memory is warmly
cherished in that country, as well as in the churches of America.
Indeed, William's ancestors, for several generations back, were
distinguished for their piety, usefulness and high social position.
Dr. Nathaniel Scudder and Col. Philip Johnson were the grand-
fathers of his mother. The former, an eminent and beloved
physician, was unintentionally shot in the Revolutionary war,
and w^as, it is believed, instantly killed. He died universally
lamented, and his funeral sermon was preached by the Rev.
John Woodhull, D. D., who succeeded the Rev. William Ten-
NANT as pastor of the Freehold church, situated near the Mon-
mouth battle ground. Dr. Scudder was an intimate friend of
Mr. Prime, the grandfather of the Messrs. Prime, the distin-
guished editors of the New York " Observer." As a token of
aftection for his friend, Mr. Prime named one of his sons
Nathaniel Scudder.
Col. Philip Johnson fell a victim to his country's cause, in the
fatal conflict on the 27th of August, 1776. Like his descendant,
he was a zealous and courageous patriot.
The father of William, the Rev. William J. Pohlm.\n, the
devoted missionary, when he offered himself to the American
Board, siiid to them: "Appeals press home upon me from all
quarters. Three worlds unite in urging me on. Heaven, earth
and hell beseech me to go forth to the help of the Lord against
the mightj^ The heavenly host are looking with intense inte-
rest, to see whether the command of Christ is obeyed by me.
Multitudes, ready to perish, call me to make known to them the
gospel of Jesus. Oh, then, send me, send me, send me. For
necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not
the gospel to the perishing heathen."
Willie's mother, Theodosia R. Scudder, was the youngest
sister of the Rev. J.^ Scudder. She devoted herself, in her
youthful days, to God's service. Her paternal grandfather was
a man of fervent piety, remarkably gifted in prayer, and rich in
good words and work.
While the Rev. Mr. Pohlman was in India, he lost his beloved
wife by death, and found it necessary to send his children, Wil-
liam and Mary, to this country, to the care of a favorite aunt,
Mrs. McClure. Perhaps there is no trial so severe to a mis-
sionary as to part with his children. Willie was then three
and a half years old. The ship being detained at Java Head
two weeks, the father desired once more to look upon his loved
ones, but the second parting was more trying than the first.
WllIe hung around his father's neck, weeping and wanting to
go l)ack to his Amoy home, and the dear father had to untwine
those gentle hands, and go Ijack to his desolate home to see the
empty crib and the vacant chair belonging to the little ones. His
only source of comfort was the mercy seat. He writes at this
time: "I can add my testimony to the tens of thousands of
God's people as to the all suiEciency of the grace of God, and
the comforting influence of the holy spirit, under the most try-
ing circumstances, and in times of the most bitter grief and
anxiety of soul."
The children arrived safely, and were tenderly cared for by
their father's favorite sister. Under the religious influences of
Mrs. McClure, William was hopefully converted to Christ, and
devoted himself to the foreign missionary work. He united with
the North Dutch Church of Albany, at present under my pas-
toral care, and lie coiitiuiied his memljersbip with this church up
to the time of his death.
Having completed his preparatory studies, he entered Rutger's
College, New Brunswick, N. J., in the full of 1859. He very
soon l)ecame a great favorite with the students, and was beloved
and esteemed by all who knew him.
William was quietly and successfully pursuing his studies,
preparatory to the ministry, when the first gun from Sumter
aroused the people to arms. He felt that his country needed him,
and for a time there was a struggle as to whether he had best go
on in his course of preparation, or enlist in defence of his country.
He presented his case in fervent prayer to Almighty God, and
after a certain period thus spent, he saw dearly that his duty
was to fight for his adopted country. Had anything been want-
ing at that time to fan into a flame the fires of patriotism in the
breasts of any of the sons of Rutger's, it was when the venerable
and noble President Frelinghuysen, with his own right hand,
which has since forgot its cunning in the grave, raised the banner
of freedom on the college green, and under its waving folds, his
voice rang out in clarion tones for freedom, and law and right.
Said he, " we must fight ; there is no alternative. The rebellion
must be crushed; and then we shall once more become a happy
and united people."
Among the first to respond to the call of his country, was the
much loved William Pohlmajst. He enlisted as a private in the
First New Jersey Regiment, Co. G, May 28th, 1861, to serve
three years. He served with his regiment until January 1st,
1862, when his peculiar qualifications pointed him out as fitted
for something better, than the mere ordinary duties of the camp.
Upon the formation of the Signal Corps, he was therefore trans-
ferred to that efficient arm of the service.
He performed with great ability the duties incumbent upon
him, in all the campaigns that followed until January 17th, 1863,
when he was promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Fifty-ninth Regi-
ment New York State Volunteers, and shortly after was appointed
Acting Adjutant. Though a stranger to the regiment, his good-
ness of heart and firmness of spirit soon made him friends and
admirers, and it was not long before they learned to love him,
and to anticipate great things from the brave and noble boy.
Not one of the thousands who have laid their lives upon the
altar of their country — now alas drenched with so much precious
blood — was ever actuated by purer motives or more lofty
Having joined the Army of the Potomac, Mr. Pohlman parti-
cipated in its campaigns and battles, from the time of the disas-
trous battle of Bull Run to the fearful engagement at Gettys-
burg. Just after the battle of Bull Run, he wrote to a favorite
cousin the following letter :
Aklington Heights, July IWi, 1861.
Dearest Cousin — You need not have made so many excuses for
not answering my letter before, for I always know that there
must be some good reason when my friends do not immedia,tely
reply to my missives.
I meant to have written to you when I last wrote to Theodoee,
but we received such sudden orders to march, that it was impos-
May be that I shall yet be s])ared to see you, but the chances
are rather the other way. There is going to be a terrible war,
RosEY, dear, and thousands of souls will be sent to their last
account before its close. If you could hear the women of the
South talk; if you knew that kind and affectionate wives sent
their sick and feeble husbands to the war; if you knew that
sisters put the musket into their brothers' hands, and bid them
God speed; if you could see the dark eyes of striplings gleam
at you; you would wonder where and when would be the end.
God alone can foresee the sequel. We have already had a sam-
ple of what kind of fighting will be required in this conflict,
and although our men fought like hrave and noble men, they had
to give up. Every inch of ground from here to Florida will
have to be overcome with force of arms. Our First Regiment
was the reserve heretofore, and consequently it is not improbalile
to suppose that we will be the advance now; if this should be
the case, it will be a miracle of grace if many of us return to our
friends. I am not now writing, cousin dear, either to frighten
you or to make you feel bad, but simply to show you how the
case stands, so that you may be prepared for the request I am
going to make. I doubt not that yon, as well as many others of
my friends have been surprised at the step I Ivive taken in com-
ing to this war; that I should have left such a good, dear sister
as Mary, to take up arms in defence of my country. Although
many of my friends blame me for doing it, I can truly say that I
did it from a sense of duty, and was perfectly conscientious in
all I did. God knows that I love Mary, although it may seem
otherwise, aud I would give all I am worth for her good. I
know that her whole life is wrapped up in me, and if I should
tall it might be the means of killing her. May God forgive me
if I should be the means of breaking not only her heart, but also
the heart of mother. Now, Rosey, dear, I have always' felt as if
you were my sister and it seemed so natural to think and speak
of you as one of our family. Shall I ask too much of you, when
I ask you to be a sister to Mary; to comfort and cheer her if I
should fall, and if it should break her heart, will you, if possible,
be with her at the last ? You may think it very strange that I
should write you such a letter and make such a request; but I
can't help it. I have been thinking of this matter a great deal
lately, and I wanted to share my burden with some dear one
whom I could trust. You have been the first one and only one
to whom I have imparted my feelings, but who could so sympa-
thize with a sister placed in such circumstances, as one who also
has a brother in the army. I have been trying to find the
Twenty-seventh New York, but as yet have not succeeded.
When I do find it, I shall make the acquaintance of your brother
and give him your message.
Now I must stop, so give a kiss to the baby and ever remem-
ber me as one who loves you.
July dOth. — Please give lots of love to Ed. Thank him for
his kind letter to me. I meant to write him a good long letter
to-day; but I feel very unwell, and I can hardly keep in any
Lieut. PoHLMAN wrote frequently to his beloved sister, and
his letters are so graphic and full that they furnish the best
account that we can give of his military life. The following are
extracts from them:
Arlington Heights, July '^1, 1861.
Our regiment was too late for the Bull Run fight; Init we had
plenty to do in guarding the retreat of our flying army. If we
had been two hours earlier, we might have turned the tide of
battle; for it was only the reinforcements of the enemy which
gained them the victory. It was such a defeat as I hope will
never again happen to our army.
We have on these heights a most splendid view of the city
and river, with the surrounding country, and it looks so peaceful
and quiet that one would hardly imagine it was the seat of war,
if it were not for seeing so many uniforms. This war is a dread-
ful thing, sister, dear! So many orphans left; so many turned
out of peaceful and happy homes, to seek shelter wherever they
can find it. Then, of all wars, civil and intestine war is the
most to be dreaded; where those who were once brothers are
noAV arrayed against each other, seeking to take lives which they
were bound to protect and cherish. But then our country and
her laws must be sustained at any and every cost, and it will be^
as long as there are two millions of men to suffer and die for
her. .God has never yet let the unjust cause triumph for a long
time, and we will eventually come out conquerors.
Fairfax Seminary, Aiigvst 22, 1861.
Three hundred of our regiment are here sick in the hospital,
none of them dangerously ill, however, the prevailing complaint
being chills and fever. I have not been affected in the least,
and have been perfectly well ever since I enlisted. We have
some splendid rooms for a hospital, being those which were used
for the purposes of the students. This cluster of buildings, con-
sisting of about twelve separate houses, was called the Fairfax
County Episcopal Theological Seminary. Not only did south-
erners patronize it, but also northerners, for many of the stu-
dents were from the north. At the approach of the troops, the
buildings were deserted; most of the students, I suppose, taking
up arms in defence of secession. The buildings are well fur-
nished and well adapted for the purposes of a seminary. There
is a nice little chapel, containing a line organ. We used the
place and instrument last Sunday, and I tell you it seemed so
natural to hear the strains of an organ again. There is a large
library of religious books in one room. In the same room there
is a clothes press full of women's clothing, and on a bed, neatly
made up, there lies a black cloak, with a white collar pinned fast,
and a breast pin to hold it together whilst the owner was wear-
ing it. It looks just as if the lady had come in, in great haste,
and having thrown it off, had fled. This is the way with almost
all the deserted houses we find. The occupants seem to have
left in great haste and terror. We are about two and a half
miles from the enemy's pickets. Every once in a while our
pickets meet the rebel pickets, and they exchange the courtesies
of peace times, that is, they smoke and talk together just as if
they were friends.
Faiefax Seminary, September 5, 1861.
At present we are kept very busy in building forts and breast-
works. About three and a half o'clock every morning we have
to get up and get our breakfast; then off we march to the
trenches and dig from six till nine a. m. At twelve we .go in
again and work till three. By that time we are pretty well tired
out. Our forts begin to present a very formidable appearance,
as you may imagine, when I tell you that twelve hundred men
work (per day) on Fort Taylor, which is being built by our New
Jersey Brigade. The other fort, which the New York, Michi-
gan and Maine boys are building, has three thousand two hun-
dred men working a clay on it. We are going to mount some
very heavy guns on these forts, when they are finished, with
which we expect to give the secessionists a good dose, for they
are only two or three miles away from us. They are building a
fort just opposite to ours, and with a glass we can see distinctly
what the rebels are doing. We scare them often, by making
them believe we are going to fire on them. The other day some
of our hoys got four Avheels, and mounting a stove pipe on it,
placed it in the middle of the road, about half a mile from the
nearest enemy's battery, and then they went through the motions
of loading and firing. The rebels were watching us, and it
would have made you laugh to see the renowned " Southern
Chivalry " take to their heels and run. Very soon they blazed
away at us with seven rifled cannons. Then you would have
laughed harder than ever to see our boys scatter. But we found
out ail we wanted to, viz: if tlic}^ had cannon there or not.
Why, for a week we expected an attack at any moment, and our
company were kept under arms for seventy-two hours, twenty-
four of which were very rainy; but they never came very near
us. But the Third Regiment had a skirmish with them, in which
tliey lost three men killed and nine wounded.
Fairfax Seminary, October 8, 1861.
You ask if I am not tired of a soldier's life, and if I am not
anxious to return home again. I would like very much to be
able to see you all whenever I wanted to, but Avould never con-
sent to giving up now. I am not sick and tired of a soldier's
life, and the charm has not worn off. There are hardships and
toils without number; there are weary marches and sleepless
nights; there are dangerous watches and midnight alarms; there
are times when both food and water are scarce; there are want-
ins: all the refinements of home life; death itself must be looked
for at any moment; Init, in spite of all these disadvantages, my
courage has not failed me, and I am this minute as confident that
our cause will eventually succeed, as I was when I first started.
Very many rushed into the army without considering what they
would have to endure, and, consequently, would give all they
possess if they could get free. Thus far I have found nothing
difiierent from what I expected.
The work of missions to which Wm. Pohlman had hoped to
devote his life was dear to him even while in the army, as the
following extract will show:
Fairfax Seminary, November 1, 1861.
Tlii.s morning I was detached for extra duty, which consisted
in packing up the library and curiosities belonging to the Semi-
nary. There are about ten thousand volumes, some of them very
old. One book was almost seven hundred years old, having
been printed in the year 1200. I worked all the morning, and
got the missionary relics and pictures all ready to send off.
There were curiosities from China, Africa, Asia, and every other
portion of the globe where the missionaries of the Episcopal
Church have established stations. Then there were the pictures
of all the missionaries who had gone forth from the Seminary.
No work which I have had to do has so suited me as that in which
I was engaged to-day. Many an old memory came up to my
mind, as I looked upon the faces of those who had taken up
their cross and labored and died, in their Master's cause, on
heathen ground, and I could not but exclaim: "O, what a glorious
cause to engage in! "
Fairfax Seminary, November 29, 1861.
Thanksgiving day passed in quietness, and, by some wonderful
chance, I did not happen to be on guard duty, so I had the day
to myself. Our bill of ftire was not so very extensive, but then
we imagined that we were in some vast eating saloon, and so we
kept calling for "bean soup, bread and strong butter," and that
best of brewed liquors " water." Then, as no darkies came forth
at our summons, we would, forsooth, be our own waiters and
help ourselves to the above mentioned dainties. Well, it is a
good thing to have a fertile imagination and a good appetite, but
every once in a while I got thinking of my last Thanksgiving
dinner, and then I had to gulp the food down the best I could.
That Thanksgiving day, you remember, I spent so pleasantly at
Aunt H.'s house. What changes have transpired since then!
Then we were in the midst of peace, and our flag was honored
throughout the whole 'world. Now there are wars and rumors
of war. Our national emblem has been disgraced, not by a
foreign foe, but by those who ought to cherish and defend it.
Many a life and many a river of blood will be required before
that stain shall be washed out; and there are many thousand
brave hearts willing to cease to beat, if, by this means, our
original honor and glory shall be restored. Many may talk
about this war soon ending, but, in my opinion, there will have
to be more than one hard fought battle before the end comes.
Thank God, we are now gaining many victories and are striking
the secessionists some pretty hard knocks.
You have, doubtless, heard of our last grand review at Mun-
son's Hill. It was a splendid atiair. The President and General
McClellan were present and revicAved us. There were between
seventy-live and eighty thousand troops. Our, First New Jersey,
regiment has received the name of doing the best marching and
presenting the finest appearance of any regiment in both reviews.
While we were passing the point where General McClellan,
the President and staff were standing, our line was perfect.
General McClellan turned to the President and made the
remark, "That is it, that is first rate." I tell you we do look
finely when we get all our accoutrements on.
Fairfax Seminary, December 11, 1861.
Yesterday the Inspector General gave us a visit. Everything
we possessed underwent a strict examination, but no fault could
be found with us. I only wish that you could see our regiment
and camp grounds. Strangers who have visited almost all the
camps around, say that ours is the cleanest they have seen, and
that our men look the neatest. The Inspector and Colonel were
so pleased with us that they gave us to-day as a holiday.
Things in this neighborhood remain quiet. There is not much
excitement, except when we go out on picket duty. Our com-
pany just came in on Saturday. We were outside, and only
about one mile from the rebels, who have lately made some
daring and successful attacks on our pickets. Our pickets were
doubled, and the utmost watchfulness and caution enjoined. We
wanted to have a little brush with them, but were disappointed.
When we returned, it was only to prepare for a review by Gov.
INIoRGAN. He looked natural, and as noble as ever. What a
good thing that New York has such a man at the head of ailairs
during this time of discord and rebellion. The old Empire
State has done noldy in the cause of freedom and constitutional
rights; and if there should be need of more aid, I am sure New
York would be equal for the emergency.
Last Friday afternoon our whole division w^as drawn up to
witness a military execution. This is the first time I ever saw
anything of the kind, and it was a very impressive scene. The
prisoner was a cavalryman, who had attempted to desert to the
rebels with very correct and valual)le information concerning our
pickets. He fortunately did not succeed in his designs, but w\as
arrested by our troops. After a ftiir trial, he was condemned to
a speedy and terrible death, at the hands of his own comrades.
The procession passed along the lines in the following order:
1st, Provost Marshal; 2d, music of the cavalry; 3d, the firing
party (consisting of twelve men and a Sergeant); 4th, cofiin in a
wagon; 5th, prisoner and Chaplain; 6th, escort of cavalry. As
the solemn train moved slowly, each regimental band jDlayed, in
succession, the dead march. The prisoner was deathly pale, and
I think he fully felt his situation. At last, the spot was reached,
the coffin was placed upon the ground, the prisoner, blindfolded,
sat upon his owai coffin. The executioners stood twelve paces
from him. The silence of death reigned amongst the thousands
drawn up to see the scene. A volley of carbines broke the still-
ness, and all was over. Thus die all traitors.
Camp of the U. S. Signal Coeps, )
January 1, 1862. )
You have, very likely, heard before this, that I have been
detached from my regiment and company and am now a member
of the United States Signal Corps. We came into camp on
Monday afternoon, and have been very busy ever since getting
our camp fixed up in style. Soon everything will be settled, and
I think I shall like my new business very much indeed. We
have a beautiful situation for a camp on the summit of George-
town Heights. A splendid view is stretched out on every hand.
Our duty consists in warning friends of the approach of friends
in the time of an advance movement or in time of battle. Then
we hold conversations with each other, at the distance of miles,
by means of ilags during the day, and torches at night. On every
expedition, both by land and sea, a number of our signal boys go.
Cajip of the U. S. Signal Corps,
January 21, 18G2.
The winter campaign has commenced — "merrily goes the ball."
The secession forces in Kentucky have been defeated, and we
rejoice in a splendid victory. Uncertainty and anxiety pervade
our whole camp. Here we are away from our regiments and
companies. The army is under marching orders, and we know
not when or wdiere our respective regiments will move, and if a
tight comes otf, we cannot be Avith our comrades in the deadly
strife of arms. We have no chance of striking a blow at a rebel
for our cause. We are, of course, doing a very great service to
the United States, but then one does so hate to be away from
comrades in the hour of danger.
Camp of the U. S. Signal Corps,
February 2, 1862.
We get along finely in our new camp. The signals are being
learned rapidly, and soon we expect to be of some service in the
w^ar. Every day parties of us are sent into Virginia to practice
with flags, by means of which a conversation can be kept up at
the distance of miles. We are beginning to learn how to take
care of horses, which is a good thing at least. How I wish that
you could look in upon me some day just about dinner time.
You would, no doubt, laugh heartily. Sleeves rolled up, face
flushed, a large knife in one hand and a frying pan in the other,
from which the odors ascending inform the spectator that a beef-
steak is going through the culinary process. You can't imagine
what a nice cook I am. I can give steaks the most finished
touches, potatoes and onions a fine brown turn; fishes, omelets,
&c., &c., undergo scientific processes. In every thing that I turn
my hand to, I alw^ays think of my dear sister, far away. Yes, in
times of danger and in times of rest and quiet, during the long
and tiresome march, during the death-like silence of my lonely
picket tour, amid the roar of cannon, amid the scenes of distress
and anguish, amid the dead, dying and wounded, my thoughts
have ever turned to you, my dearest earthly friend. Though far
away from you, enduring hardships and privations for my country's
honor, surrounded by rough and rude men, yet, still, I have my
thinking moments, and many a kind thought for home and home
scenes. Ah! how can one forget the kind, good wishes, the
heartfelt and sincere prayers of an only sister? Though years
intervene, separated by oceans, yet thought knows no hindrance
but death. It traverses distance, is undimmed by age.
Camp of the U. S. Signal Corps,
February 8, 1862.
Glorious good news has just arrived; another important Union
victory in the south. Fort Henry taken. This will lead to
important results. The roads are yet impassable in this direction,
consequently artillery is at a stand still. When the roads are
better an advance is expected.
Cajvip of the U.. S. Signal Corps,
Feht-uary 25, 1862.
Nine of our Lieutenants and twenty-two privates left early
this morning. They took their baggage with them, and are
going to join Hooker's Division on the upper Potomac, near the
rebel batteries. When any of the corps leave camp in that kind
of style, you may soon expect a light. It is a common report
that the batteries, extending for a distance of five miles, are to
be attacked. Another large detachment is to leave in the course
of a week, as I think something is going to happen.
How did Washington's birth day pass off in Albany? I spent
mine by standing guard, in all the rain, for it was a very un-
pleasant day. You know we are situated on the very summit
of Georgetown Heights, and thus occupy a position which can
be seen for miles from both sides of the river. Well, Major
Meyer thought we ought to have some kind of display; so, as
soon as it became dark, the hill was illuminated with scores of
lights, sky-rockets, &c., &c. The night was very misty, and, con-
sequently, I fear the big show could not be seen a great distance.
There were, besides the fire works, the usual attendants of sing-
ing, s}Deechifying and eating.
Cajnip of the U, S. Signal Corps,
March 6, 1862.
We are constantly employed now, having one hundred and
thirty horses to take care of eveiy day. Then there are camp
and guard duties to perform, and we have to drill both in the
saddle and out of it. How you would have laughed at my
maiden efforts at horsemanship; but I am getting bravely over
my timidity, and can manage a horse finely. This is quite a feat
when you understand the properties and virtues of a Government
horse. You have to watch every motion, or you may get a sly
kick or a tremendous bite, and when in the saddle, look out for
breakers ahead, or you may find yourself on the ground rather
sooner than you expected.
Yesterday our whole corps was turned out to attend the fune-
ral of one of our poor fellows, wdio was killed by one of the
horses. Poor boy; he was a German, and had not a friend in
this country. He was killed in the performance of his duty,
and had a soldier's funeral. The excitement in our camp is, and
has been, great; great is not strong enough, it is intense. We
have every thing packed and ready to start, at half an hour's
notice. Some great move is to be made on the Potomac, and
the services of the Signal Corps will be required. Some of our
boys went ofl' about a week ago, and many more leave to-mor-
row. McClellan gives the orders and we obey. I wish you
could see our outfit. First and foremost, each Lieutenant has
two men to accompany him, one of whom carries a copper can-
teen, which holds one gallon of turpentine. He also carries
a canvass haversack, which contains the necessary trimming
instruments. The other one carries a long sort of bag, in which
are the flags, pole, torch and lance. We are armed with Colt's
best navy revolvers, and have a large Bowie knife, which is so
made that we can slip it on the end of our pole, and thus use it
as a lance. The Lieutenants carry the best kind of marine
glasses. Imagine us rushing through the country thus accoutred.
We seem to attract universal attention wherever Ave go.
Fairfax Court House, Va., March IQth, 1862.
After an eventful week, I find time to send you a few lines, so
as to let you know that I am in perfect health, and never felt
better before in my life. It is now about three o'clock in the
morning, and I take the chance of sending you this, as I don't
know when I can write again. We leave at six o'clock to go
we know" not wdicre. Without l^loodshed we have the rebel
stronghold, and "Manassas is ours." Our signal boys have been
busy night and day. and I am very tired and sleepy. Been up
almost all night. I have a splendid little horse, wdiich I call
Charlie. He has already" done much in the way of traveling,
and can begin to count our journey by hundreds of miles. If
Charlie feels as willing to do his duty to his country as I do, all
will be well.
Steamer "Knickerbocker," Chesapeake Bay, ?
31arch 24, 1862. \
We are far out in the Sound, w^ith vessels on every side of us.
One looking upon the scene would think that these vessels were
laden with happy pleasure seekers. But appearances are oft-
times deceitful. Instead of being crowded w4th a happy,
thoughtless throng, there are stern and stout men, loyal hearts,
anxious to offer their all a sacrifice upon their country's altar.
We see determination written on every face. We hear senti-
ments drop from their lips, rather detrimental to the interests
of rebeldom. I am connected with Gen. Porter's Division; so
whenever you hear of him, and the troops under him, you may
know" that I am somewhere around. Our present destination is
Fortress Monroe; I knoAv not Avhere Ave go from there.
Afternoon. — Land, ho! The renowned Fortress is in sight,
and active preparations are going on previous to disembarkation.
We are busily engaged in signaling, so I must stop uoaa".
Fortress Monroe. — Here I am at last. I have ahvays had
high expectations concerning this stronghold, and thev have all
been realized fully. It is a beautiful place. I have been not
only all through the fort, but also through the town of Old
Point. We are truly getting South, for the trees are budding,
and many are in blossom. There are lots of flowers, and I have
heard more than one feathered songster singing beautifully. I
have had a good look at the Monitor (termed by the rebels "the
cheese box"). A queer looking craft she is. I have also seen
the top works of the "Cumberland" and "Congress," and the
rebels and their fortifications on Sewell's Point. Vie arc ordered
to saddle up and go, so farewell for the present.
Hampton, Va. — Seated in the midst of the ruins of this once
beautiful little town, I am going to inscribe a few lines to you,
my darling sister. Every moment we expect to go. Our horses
are all saddled, and everything is in readiness. Report says that
our destination is Great Bethel, which the rebels are evacuating:
as speedily as possible. My little horse is as lively as ever, not-
withstanding rough knocks. He and I took a stroll through the
village this morning, and he took it into his head to run away
with me. Well, I gave him the rein, and away we tore along at
a mad pace through the fields. Fences don't trouble him much;
over he goes. Field after field was passed, where remains of
rebel camps were to be seen, but just like themselves, among
the things that were. Charlie, my horse, got tired after awhile,
and we took a slower pace back to the village.
Little Bethel, Va., Apr-il 3, 1862.
Our present camp, or rather bivouack, is in the midst of a
thrifty peach orchard, many of whose trees are in full blow.
The ruins of burnt houses still surround us, and I suppose will
continue to be with us as we go further into the secesh territory.
What an enemy we contend against — an enemy who will fire his
own homestead, kill his own cattle and destroy his crops, so that
the contending faction may derive no benefit from them. Almost
the whole Army of the Potomac has been transported hither, and
we expect to advance soon. Gen. McClellan arrived at Fortress
Monroe to-daj*, and we expect some excitement soon. We had
a grand reconnoissance the other day, in which we advanced some
four miles beyond Big Bethel. The rebels absquatulated rather
suddenly when they saw our boys coming along at a charge.
They did not make a stand once, but scouted away before our
skirmishers at a tremendous pace. We always travel with the
staff of some General or other, thus we have a lirst rate chance
to see all that's Avorth seeing.
Near Yorktown, April 11, 1862.
I am now sitting in a field in front of Yorktown, and as
my sister is doubtless feeling somewhat anxious about me, I
will improve the present time in writing her. This has been
a day of rest for us and for our horses, and I am sure we need it
badly enough. Day after day, and night after night, we have
been busy, signaling orders and news. I have pretty thoroughly
traversed this neighborhood. Our stations are continually changed
about, so that we are one day here, another, there. For three
or four days we were on the beach, signaling with the fleet of
gunboats, and I tell you we had a fine opportunity for seeing the
strength of the rebel works. They are tremendous, and every
day thousands of their men are at work upon them. Troo^JS are
constantly coming in from Eichmond and Gordonsville, so that
by this time they must have one hundred thousand men within
their fortifications. Why, during one morning, by the aid of a
good ghiss, Ave saw sixteen of their transports come into York-
town loaded down with troops. Then, again, they have an
enormous quantity of guns of heavy calibre. Considering all
things, this place is their Sebastopol. I think they have placed
their last hopes on this stronghold. If we conquer, secesh is at
a discount. You must not think that Ave are lying idle all this
time Avhile the rebels are strengthening their position. Not so.
Our boys are Avorking like bees on our entrenchments — forty-tAvo
thousand men are digging to-day. Our hca\y artillery is con-
stantly coming up from Fortress Monroe, and our balloon is
making daily reconnoissances of the opposite positions. By the
way, you ought to see the rebel balloon. It is Avorth a quarter
to see it. Such a queer shape — looks exactly like tAvo 8i})ley
tents with their bottoms sewed together. Well, one of the
secesh gentlemen undertook to ascend in this nondescript; Init
as fate would have it, a few of our sharpshooters happened to be
on picket, very close to the aspirer, and he had only arisen a few
rods, when such a volley of bullets whistled around him that he
was glad enough to cry to be let down. I don't thinlc he saw
Tidings of glorious good news have reached us, and it makes
us feel anxious to do something, not only for our country, but
so as to avenge the deaths of the l)rave and valiant western men,
who fell at Island No. 10 and in Tennessee.
Near Yorktown, 3Iai/ 2, 1862.
I am now very near the enemy. Three of the rebel batteries
are within eleven hundred yards of us, aijd they are very careless
as to how they sling their shells around us. Continually are the
shells and shots flying around us. I have become quite used to
the explosions, and can always manage to get down flat before
they reach the Ticinity, though I must say that it was rather
difficult at first to get down in time. Our station is just under
cover of a piece of woods, which alone conceals us from the view
of the rebels. Redoubt A is on our right, and Battery Sixth on
our left. Our line of fortifications is as powerful as extensive,
and I think will soon be ready for operation.
3Ia^ Uh. — Yorktown evacuated; rebels in full retreat; our boys
close on their heels; skirmishing between our advance and their
rear guard. All is excitement among the troops; thousands upon
thousands pressing on to Richmond. We, as well as others, have
our duties to perform, so farewell for the present.
May bth. — We are ordered otf to Gloucester Point, which is
opposite Yorktown, in order that we may open communication
with the gunboats.
New Kent Court House, Va., May 15, 1862.
Within one week the rebels have evacuated Yorktown, Glou-
cester, Norfolk, Williamsburg, West Point and New Kent Court
House. Such reverses can do nothing less than demoralize tlie
secesh army. When last I wrote you, I was on my way to Wil-
liamsbiirg, where we gained a glorious victory. The dead rebels
covered the si'ound like dead leaves. The battle field was an
awfid sio-ht; but the least said of this will be the better for the
sensitive heart of my sister. I cannot write more, as I am very
sleepy and tired, having been up all last night.
Eight Miles from Richmokd, May 30, 1862.
On this beantiful Sabliath morning (so diflerent from the quiet
Sabbaths of by-gone days, when we used to proceed through the
streets of All)any to the music of the tolling l^ells), I take up my
pen to answer your last dear, good, long letter, which arrived
last night. You can't imagine how much joy your epistle gave
me. All day long we had been riding through drenching rain,
with the further inconvenience of wading through mud, which
possessed the virtue of having a very solid consistency. Wet
through to the skin, tired and muddy, I had just kindled a roar-
ing fire in the midst of a Virginia wood, and was trying to dry
on one side as fast as the other side got wet. Just at this moment
two letters were handed me, one from your own dear self. I
forgot all my trouble, and commenced reading immediately. My
little horse (who was enjoying the fire equally with myself,)
seemed to share my pleasure, for he would occasionally look over
my shoulder and rub his nose against my cheek. This morning,
which I suppose is so quiet in the northern homes, is full of life
and motion. Contrary to the customary rule of observing the
Sabbath as much as possible, a military necessity has compelled
the troops in this vicinity to move forAvard three miles, so as to
hold the position which our boys fought for yesterday. The
roads are lined for miles with troops, artillery, baggage wagons,
ambulances and dead carts.
We expect the order to move every moment. We hope soon
to be in Richmond, but at what a cost, we know not. The latest
reports state that the citizens are leaving Richmond; this looks
as if they meant to make a stand of it. Hope so, at any rate.
We had quite a Ijrisk skirmish two miles from here, yesterday,
in which we scattered the rebels, killing and wounding about
one hundred and fifty. Our side lost only about ten killed and
wounded. This morning the rear guard of the enemy were
l)u.sily eniploj^ed in tearing up the railroad track. They have
also placed obstructions in the James River, so as to hinder the
passage of our gunboats. Notwithstanding all their reverses, the
few remaining inhal^itants are thoi-oughly imj^regnated with the
cursed Southern sentiment. Few, very few remain behind to
run the risk of exposing their opinions. Rich and poor, equal
in this time of their adversity, alike tramp off towards Rich-
mond (a rather critical refuge.) Almost everything is left
behind. Rich furniture, splendid crockery and cut glass ware,
most beautiful silk dresses and velvet traps. Well, we formed
our station on top of the house, and were Avorking away finely,
when all of a sudden, whiz, whiz, whiz came a volley of rifle
bullets from the woods. Fortunately none of us were touched,
though the bullets came uncomfortably close. Ten of us resolved
to drive the enemy from the woods; so we mounted, and making
a good wide flank movement, we came upon their backs. The
rebels skedaddled without firing a shot, leaving us sole possessors
of the bloodless field. We were unmolested afterwards.
Savage Station, June 5, 1862.
Oh, if I could but forget the dreadful scenes of the past few
days. Another awful battle has taken place and we are again
victorious; but oh, what a sacrifice ! The people at home read
of the fight and our success, and they all rejoice. Processions,
parades, fireworks and thanksgiving, are the order of the day;
then those who have lost no dear ones, forget everything except
the victory. It is not so here. True, we rejoice at our success;
but the groans of the wounded, the last words and looks of the
dying, the awful scenes of the field of carnage can never be
obliterated. Poor fellows ! even in their dying moments, they
are faithful to their country. I have seen the eyes of more than
one djang boy ]>righten, as I recounted to him the brave deeds
of his regiment. The troops are full of fire and eagerly await
the next great fight, which I only wish would end the war in
Virginia. I can't see why the rebels hold out so long. They
must see their cause is lost, yet many of the prisoners we have
taken are actuated by the keenest hatred. The women are ten
times worse than the men. I have argued with many a pretty
Southern girl, and then on parting have had the exquisite plea-
sure of hearing her say, that she hoped the confederates would
kill me and the rest of the cowardly Yankees.
U. S. Steam Gun Boat Mahaska, July 5, 1862.
What exciting times we have had since last I wrote you, you
can hardly imagine. Truly it has been one continual struggle
for the dear old flag and the preservation of our Union. Did
you receive my last few lines telling you that a fight was going
on? One week ago yesterda}^ our army commenced its memor-
able retreat from in front of Eichmond. We have whipped the
rebels seven or eight times since we began to retreat. This
shows of what material our army is composed. How I wished
that you could have seen with what gusto our boys sailed into
the rebel vanguard. We scattered them time and again with
immense loss. But, although, we have gained so many cheering
victories, yet it has been at a sacrifice on our side. Regiments,
brigades and divisions are badly cut up.
U. S. Steam Gun Boat Mahaska, July 10, 1862.
Our northern boys have now immortal names and imperish-
able glory. All praise to the now silenced noble hearts. Grief
and sorrow for those poor maimed felloAvs, who once wounded
in their country's cause, were fated to fall into the hands of the
ruthless southern soldiery. God ever keep me from again be-
holding the agonized features of our poor bleeding comrades, as
we were compelled to leave them to their fate. One thing is
certain, our troops will never forgive the southerners for firing
into our sick, whilst they were hobbling and crawling away.
In Camp, Neae Alexandeia, September 4, 1862.
I have nothing to tell you about except defeat, scenes of
blood and almost miraculous preservation from death on my
part. Three times have I witnessed our whole army overcome,
viz : at Bull Run, on the Peninsula and in the valley of the Shen-
aiidoah. Many a time have I been in extreme danger, when it
might almost be said that I fairly lived in an atmosphere of shot
and shell, yet am I uninjured, and unto God would I give all
the praise for His watchful care and protection over me. When
last I wrote I had expected to go to Aquia Creek, but instead of
doing so we were shipped to Alexandria and had no sooner set
foot on shore, than we were inniiediately sent out to Manassas
where the tio-ht was rapine;. For over a week we have been
where the booming of cannon and the whistling of shells have
been our music, now we make our final stand for the defence of
our Capital and the homes of the beloved north. Here on the
verge of the loyal States, two hundred thousand lives stand
ready to die for our Union. Three hundred thousand of the foe
press onwards — God help the ship, the staunch old ship Union.
Near Antietam Creek, September 18, 1862.
I am going to tell you good exciting news. Yet, while we
rejoice at an auspicious event, let us think of noble lives lost, of
honorable wounds received for our country's sake. Twice have
we whipped the foe within four days. Yesterday occurred one
of the greatest battles fought during the war, and that is saying
a great deal. At daylight the slaughter commenced, and con-
tinued with uninterrupted violence through the day, ending after
the shades of night began to fall. Regiment after regiment,
brigade after brigade, division after division, corps after corps
went up the hill to the fight. Now advancing, now retreating,
backwards and forwards all day long. But when the sun hid
itself from view, we saw our worn out and powder blackened
soldiers upon the crest of the eminence, which had been in pos-
session of the rebel forces at the beginning of the conflict. We
are all rejoiced at the success. The enemy's dead strewed the
plain in vast numbers, far exceeding our loss. But we have suf-
fered largely in valuable officers, both wounded and slain.
September '2\st. — I have spent these three days on top of a high
mountain, from which we can overlook the movements of both
armies. It is a most beautiful and romantic position and one in
which I have always loved to be placed. The pleasing silence is in
such great contrast to the noise and bustle of our army and army
movements. You know, dear sister, how I used to love the
country; well, I love it still, with all its quiet and beautiful
scenery. How I wish that you were by my side on this glorious
Sabbath mornino- so that we could too;etlier look down on the
hostile armies. Many a poor fellow is lying in the village below,
this day, thinking of the loved ones at home; and 'tis pitiful to
see the shadows of death slowly stealing over so many youthful
faces, when we consider that there may be wives, mothers and
sisters, far away in the loyal North, who on this holy day are
praying for the welfare of the absent soldier. It has been said
that the heart grows hard and becomes steeled to the continued
sight of bloodshed. However true this may be in some cases, it
foils in mine, for I cannot get accustomed to such scenes as I
have so frequently witnessed.
Hooker's Head Quarters, January 10, 1863.
This is the 10th of January, 1863, and I am just twenty-one
years old. Strange how time creeps on. Although so many
years have elapsed, yet does my whole life appear as a dream
which can easily be recalled. Events of my earliest childhood
seem as though they had happened but yesterday. However
hard it may be to credit, yet it is the truth that scenes and
actions of days spent in the far off regions of Heathendom are
still fresh in my memory. I can almost imagine that I am again
with father and yourself in the little boat, which propelled by
the strong arms of a Chinese boatman, slowly used to transport
us across the harbor to the Island of Kodong-zoo, where I col-
lected shells and sea-Aveed to add to my stock of playthings. I
believe that I owe all my military hankerings to those same shells,
for you know how I used to spend hours upon hours in forming
my line of battle with buttons and shells. I little thought then
that a practical demonstration awaited me. Then again I remem-
ber how I, in company with mother and our little brother, used
to promenade backwards and forwards on the piazza, which over-
looked the water. How that brother and I quarreled over our
childish games ! Then that sad event Hashes \\\) distinctly, when
that lirotlier died, and was laid out in his coffin awaiting burial.
My last distinct recollection of the land of Cathay is the saddest,
viz: my last look into mother's coffin. x\h, what a loss that was.
Many a tear have I shed in secret for the loss of that dear, sainted
mother. Ever since I have arrived at man's estate, I cherish
these memories of bj^-gone days, and I think they soften the hard-
ness of a soldier's nature.
Near Falmouth, Va., Alay 5, 1863.
Some very queer and strange scenes have we passed through
within the past seventy-two hours. For three nights I have slept
only about two hours, and during the day time we have been
under constant fire and excitement. Our brigade is completely
worn out. Thus fjir I have been miraculously preserved. On
all sides of me have our brave boys ftillen; but not a shot has
been designed for me. We charged the enemy's works in rear
at Fredericksburg, at half-past seven a. m. on Sunday morning,
but were repulsed. At twelve m. made another terrible charge
on their riffht flank, and carried all the lines of their works.
Such a glorious old charge you could scarcely imagine. To be
sure many a poor fellow fell, but we gained the day. What suc-
cess we have met with on the right, I cannot tell, but am quite
confident that the fight is not finished. We expect to pitch over
into Fredericksburg again in a day or two — may we be successful.
We don't mind wounds or even death itself, if w^e can only con-
quer the enemy. They seem to be badly oif for provisions. An
old woman offered me a ten dollar U. S. note for a pound of
coffee. I did not happen to have it for her.
I suppose you would like to know why we came back from
Fredericksburg. I will tell you. After we had captured the
fortifications, one single brigade was left to hold the city — the rest
of the troops pushing on to form a junction with Hooker on the
extreme right. No troops were left in the rebel breastworks,
and only our weak, decimated brigade, numbering about two
thousand men, to hold the city. Well, everything passed off
quietly during the night. Early in the morning, with the peep
of day, a large force of the enemy came rushing into their own
works, drove our pickets in, and thouglit tlic}^ were going to
come right into the town, but not so. Our two thousand rifles
were too many for them, and such a hot fire as we poured into
them, would have made your eyes stand out. The approach to
the town from their works is b^^ a few narrow causeways over a
canal, and placing our boys in advantageous positions, we kept
them at bay for twenty-four hours, but it was of no use. During
the night the enemy were reinforced, and we were forced to
retreat across the Rappahannock. I was very sorry that it was
so, but what could two thousand men do against eight or ten
thousand. Our retreat was orderly, no haste. We did not lose
a thing, or leave a wounded man behind.
May 6, 1863. — It storms terribly; a great fight is going on
on our right; Hooker is at Lee again; pray that we may be vic-
torious; the roar of cannon and rattle of musketry drown the
tumult of the storm. Don't feel anxious about me; I will write
as soon after the battle as I can.
Near Falmouth, Va., Mmj 15, 1863.
We are having terribly hot weather for marching, but this I
do not mind, for I am so anxious to accomplish something before
the rebels have entirely recovered from their last great victory
over the Potomac army. Two or three more such victories will
be apt to use Gen. Lee's army up. We did just mow the enemy
down. We undoubtedly sufiered severely, but they must have
lost immensely. If Hooker only keeps at work, and don't let
the rebels rest, w^e may yet expect great things. We can die
but once, and if we die in battle for the Union, why, we fall in a
glorious cause. I don't think our boys are much demoralized,
from what I can see. In ten days the army will be in as good
condition to fight as ever, so far as number and feeling is con-
cerned. This last fight makes the thirteenth battle I have been
engaged in since the opening of the war. Quite a veteran, am
I not?
Falmouth, Va., May 24, 1863.
Glorious good news has reached us within the past few days,
in reference to Grant's operations in the south and west. We
hope and pray that the news is true; but there are so many false
reports afloat now-a-days, that we hardly know what to think.
Here everything remains in statu quo — not a sign of a move. I
wish that we could strike a decisive blow soon.
Falmouth, Va., June 6, 1863.
"We expect to have another fight pretty soon. Our forces are
again across the river. We are expecting to be in Fredericks-
burg before forty-eight hours more. Our orders were to start at
two o'clock this morning, but the order was countermanded.
Before I write again, I hope to be able to tell of more glorious
deeds accomplished by Union arms and valor. You must not be
alarmed if you do not hear from me very soon, for in the stir of
battle it is difficult to collect one's ideas and time.
Thoroughfare Gap, Va., June 21, 1863.
Here we are, safe and sound, but that is all I am able to tell
you; for to what place we are bound, or what we are to accom-
plish, is more than I can tell, but we hope for the best. I think
we are here to cut off the retreat of the rebels when they come
from Pennsylvania and Maryland. We have undergone some
very severe marches and hard times for our country's cause.
Union Town, June 30, 1863.
Almost worn out from our constant marching, we are at last
in a friendly neighborhood, and breathe a good Union atmos-
phere. You cannot imagine how good we felt to see the people
greet us kindly, and freely ofl'er us almost everything they had.
The rebels are at Westminster, only seven miles off, and only
three miles from the Pennsylvania border. We hope to draw
them out in a day or two. The country all through here is
beautiful. It seems a pity that it should ever be traveled over
by an invading army. I hope wx will be able to bag the rebels.
As I have said before, do not be alarmed about me. Eemember
that I am in God's hands, and that the same being who has
brought me safely through thus far, can, if He so sees best, pre-
serve me unto the end.
But the last closing tragedy draws near. Our hero, after
passing through the toil, hardships and perils of thirteen hard
fought battles, appears before us in the bloody field of Gettys-
burg. Our forces, weary, hungry and exhausted by their long
marches under the burning sun, wheeled into ranks to receive
the shocks of the rebel artillery. Those memorable three days
of July, when heroism and brave endurance won such triumphs,
will never be forgotten by a grateful people. On the 2d of
July, the valiant Colonel of the regiment was severely wounded,
and Lieut. Pohlman was the only field oiEcer left during the
remainder of the battle. How keenly he felt his responsibility,
and how well he discharged his duties, his men relate with pas-
sionate pride. How could they falter, when, wherever the peril
was greatest,
" There was no braver sight
Than his young form, steadfast 'mid shot and shell."
But late in the afternoon of Friday, July 3d, a Minnie ball struck
his arm, and frightfully shattered it. He was at once urged to
withdraw from the front, but he answered, "No, never while I
have a sound arm left to fight with." An hour later his sword
arm failed him, and another ball, glancing from his swordhilt,
w^hich it shattered, pierced his right wrist, and severed an artery,
thus disabling him from service. At this crisis his noble nature
shone forth with new lustre. To the soldiers, who would have
borne him from the field, now almost won, he said, "Boys, stay
in 3^our places. Your country needs every man of you." Thus
he left them, but not until he had groped about in his blindness,
to recover, if possible, the sword given to him by his adopted
mother. Its empty scal)bard, battered and blood-stained, with
the gloi-ious motto engraved upon it, unmarred: " For God and
your country," is now the most cherished relic to her who filled
a mother's place to the orphan boy. He reached the camp,
having fainted on the way from loss of blood, and was laid by
the side of his beloved Colonel. So careful w^as he of the feel-
ings of his friends in this city, that he withheld his name from
the newspaper reporters, lest the tidings of his wounds might
shock those who were dear to his heart.
In a characteristic note dictated the following day, after first
speaking of their glorious victory, he added, "The usual good
fortune which has attended me in thirteen battles of the war,
has forsaken me in the fourteenth eiis-aijement. I bear honor-
able wounds in my country's cause." Our hero was tenderly
cared for, and under the influence of a home presence, and while
hoping soon to welcome a beloved only sister, he seemed to
rally; but on the night of the 20th he sank rapidly, and at 11
o'clock in the forenoon, July 21st, his noble spirit went to its
reward. His nearest relative says of her patriotic and christian
brother: " We could not wish him a prouder record, nor ask for
him a worthier death."
' Great God of night !
Accept our sacrifice ;
Bid thou our country rise,
The joy of longing eyes,
The home of Right.' "
The following is an extract of a letter written by a dear cousin
of the deceased, and published in The Princetown Standard:
AYe found Mary (the sister) in the greatest distress. She felt
her loss the more because she was not able to o-et to her dear
brother. The news Avhich first arrived was that Willie's
wounds were slight, and that he wanted somebody to come on,
so that he could be removed to his home, in Albau}^ His adopt-
ed l)rother went on immediately, and then he begged for his sis-
ter. Three telegraph messages in succession were sent to her,
none of which she received. Letters were written on three suc-
cessive days, each giving particular directions to his sister for
her journey, urging her to come on, which all failed to reach her,
until after the intelligence arrived that the dear boy's spirit had
I hardly know where to begin to tell you about Willie, but
will commence at the time of his first wound.
The Captain of his company (his intimate friend) being mor-
tally wounded, the command devolved upon him. He bravely,
at the head of his men, cheered them on, fio-htino; with all his
might. At length a shell hit him, shattering his left shoulder
and arm, which hung powerless by his side. His men urged him
to leave the field, but he said, " Not while I have my sword arm
left.'* For an hour, he bravely rushed on to victory, when a
Minnie ball penetrated his right wrist, and passed up his arm,
shattering his sword in pieces. One of his men woiuid his hand-
kerchief round the arm, and pushed his ramrod in the wound,
to keep it from bleeding. They now proceeded to carry him off
the scene of action, but the brave, noble boy said "No, every
man is wanted; go back to your post," and notwithstanding all
their entreaties, he insisted upon walking. He walked three
miles, fainting once by the way. He happily fell among very
kind friends, who did everything in their power for his comfort.
The reporters came repeatedly, and begged him to have his name
put among the wounded. No, he would not, for his wounds
Avere, he thought, slight, and it would needlessly alarm his
friends at home, and he expected so soon to be taken to them.
When the Surgeon extracted the bones from his shoulder, not
a groan or sigh escaped his lips. The Surgeon asked, "Doesn't
that hurt you. Adjutant? " The reply was, "Of course, a little."
I know he must have used all his fortitude so that his dear sister
might not hear how he suffered. On Monday, the day before
he died, he longed so for his sister. He did not expect to die,
neither had those about him the least idea that he was so near
his end. He had a long talk with his adopted brother, until the
fever flushed his face, when he was requested to desist. He then
dropped asleep, when his wound commenced sloughing^ as it is
termed. It means that a second bleeding takes place, an outward
and inward hemorrhage, and the dear boy slept away his life.
He was called by name several times, but he took no notice. The
steward stooped doAvn and shouted in his ear, "Adjutant." He
opened his eyes for a moment and then closed them again. A
short time before he died he raised his head, gave the order
"Cease firing," dropped it again, and in few moments expired.
He was not the only one who died on that day. There were
over one hundred and fifty who were wounded in the same battle,
and whose wounds were all, as they thought, getting along well,
but just between two and three o'clock the barometer fell, and
immediately the wounds of the more than one hundred and fifty
commenced sloughing, and every one died. It is said that such
a thing has never been known before.
The body was embalmed and sent to Albany, and reached Mrs.
McClure's on Saturday evening. It was a comfort to have the
precious remains at home, but oh, how unlike Willie! The
funeral services were very interesting. Dr. Speague opened
with a prayer. Mr. Nevius followed with a touching address,
and Dr. Claek, of whose church W. was a member, closed with
prayer and the benediction.
Mr. Nevius referred to his deep attachment to the father
(with whom he was formerly associated in the missionary work
in China) and of that love having been transferred to the son.
It was truly a comforting address. A flag was thrown over the
foot of the coffin with a broken scabbard upon it. At the head,
a l)cautiful wreath of .flowers was placed.
His cousin, Joseph Scudder, did not receive the news in time
to attend the funeral. He came in the evening. He said if he
had known Willie was dangerously wounded, he would have
gone on immediately. He referred to a satisfactory conversation
he had with W. after his visit home, in February, on his way to
join his regiment. He went from home to Governor's Island.
Chaplain Joseph Scudder is now stationed at Governor's Island,
and was formerly Chaplain of the Fifty-ninth New York State
Militia, with which Lieutenant Pohlman was connected at the
time of his death. Mr. Scudder remarked that as they parted,
he said, " Willie, live for Jesus," He answered, "Yes, I will."
Mr. S. says that he has not the least doubt that the precious one
is now happy, and he is as perfectly assured of this as if he had
been with him at the last, and heard from his own mouth that
he was going to Jesus.
The following tribute to our departed hero has been received
from a college classmate:
My acquaintance Avith William Pohlman began September,
1859, at which time we entered the Freshmen's class of Rutger's
collesre at .New Brunswick, N. J. We soon became well
acquainted, and our acquaintance rapidly grew into a strong
friendship, which continued until he left the college in the spring
of 1861.
He was, in many respects, a remarkable young man. The
first prominent characteristic that one would notice in him
was his sprightliness and vivacity. He was very quick in his
movements, and all his actions showed that he possessed an
energy that might be quite irresistible. His continual good
nature made him a most pleasant companion, and this alone won
for him many friends. He was always ready for fun; was noto-
rious in his class for his perpetual good humor and pleasant wit;
and in all college sports, none was more eagerly sought or better
fitted to take the lead than Pohlman.
Combined with this natural buoyancy of spirit and activity of
body, was a natural quickness of mind, which made study no
real task for him. His power of quickly grasping and thoroughly
comprehending a subject, was indeed wonderful in one so young.
For him a ftw moments would be sufiicient in which to acquire
a perfect knowledge of a lesson, which it would take most of his
classmates an hour to learn, and his recitations were almost
invariably 'perfect. This quickness of mind, combined with a
most excellent memory, an ambitious zeal and an indomitable
perseverance, soon ranked him among the best in his class, and
we all looked upon ^Villiam H. PoiiLM^ysr as one who, if spared,
would make his mark in the world.
But these are intellectual graces. There are also graces of the
soul which as far outshine the intellectual, as the noonday sun
excels in brightness and glory the midnight star. These spi-
ritual graces Pohlma:n possessed in an eminent degree. His
whole walk and conversation evidenced true piety of heart. As
he entered upon his college course with the design of preparing
for the ministry, his Avhole energies while in college, were bent
towards the attainment of that object. He was always in his
place at the college prayer meeting on Friday afternoons, and
his fervent prayers and earnest exhortations often warmed our
hearts and encouraged us to renewed diligence in the Master's
service. It may be proper also to state here, tljat as he con-
templated entering upon the foreign missionary work, he was
one of a faithful few who sustained a missionary prayer meeting.
This little band often met in his own room, and on those occa-
sions fervent prayers were offered to God in behalf of the mis-
sionary cause.
A prominent and well known characteristic was his love of
everything that was honorable and manly. He despised mean-
ness, in any shape or form, and nothing would so rouse his indig-
nation and scorn as the conmiission, by any one, of a cowardly
and ungentlei^ianly act. He was generous to a fault, always
ready to use any means in his power to accommodate a friend, or
relieve any one in distress.
Such were some of the characteristics of Willia3I H. Pohl-
MAN. Every one who knew him could not but love him, and all
saw before him a bright career of usefulness, when he should
enter upon the laliors of the minister of Christ. But God, in
his providence, ordered otherwise. He had scarcely passed
through two years of his collegiate course, Avhen the trumpet
of war sounded through the land. Traitors were aiming deadly
blows at the life of the Nation. Men were needed to punish
them, and save our Government from a horrible death, and
Pohlmax Avas the first, among a number of others in Rutger's
College, to shoulder his musket and rush to the field of battle.
Friends and relatives expostulated, entreated him not to go, but
in vain. He saw his duty before him, and that duty must be
performed. He fought Ijravely. For two long years he patiently
and patriotically endured all tlie toils and privations of a sol-
dier's life, when, at the battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863, he
received the wound which soon after caused his death.
Thus terminated the glorious career of one of Rutger's noblest
sous; the devoted Christian student; the patriotic Christian sol-
dier. God's ways are mysterious; but He doeth all things well.
Yet who would say that it were doubting God's goodness, as we
stand by that silent grave, to wish that William H. Poiilman
might have lived to become, what he bade fair to be, a faithful
servant of Christ.
The following account of the conversion, and Christian charac-
ter of Mr. PoHLMAN, has been furnished by an esteemed fellow
citizen, Mr. Anthony:
Albany, March 7, 1866.
Mrs. J. McClure:
Madam — In compliance with your request that I would furnish
you with the incidents relating to the conversion antl the earlier
Christian life of your nephew and my former pupil, Willi^vjm H.
PoHLMAN, I would present the following statement:
I think it was in the autumn of 1856, that, near the close of
the day, I was in company with George Blake, (afterwards
Sergeant Blake, Eighteeth Eegiment New York Volunteers,)
when he expressed a desire to converse on the subject of reli-
gion. Gladly accepting the proposition, I induced him to lead
the conversation. This was done with a view of eliciting the
train of thought that was evidently passing through his mind,
and w^ith the hope of bringing our discourse to a profitable issue.
The result was Avhat had been anticipated. He left me, im-
pressed with the necessity of immediate action. It was not long
that I was obliged to wait for the joyful announcement that he
had yielded to the claims of his Saviour.
Soon after this, knowing that your nephew was very intimate
with George, I took occasion one day to inform him of what
his friend had done, and how he had been blessed; reminding
him that the way of salvation was no less open to him, than to
the one who had already begun to walk in it. He gave me
encouragement to believe that he would think seriously upon
what had been said. He was faitliful to his promise, and in a
few days he too brought me the pleasing intelligence that he
had accepted Christ as his personal Saviour, and was resolved
henceforth to live to His honor and glory. This interview, as
' well as the preceding one, was marked by perfect cahnness on
both sides. My own mind was entirely free from excitement,
and I wished that his should be so too. There is every reason
to believe that it was so. He had evidently been doing what
he had for a long time felt it his duty to do.
His friend George was soon made acquainted with the stand
that he had taken; and it was resolved that we three should
institute a private prayer meeting. In a short time we had an
addition of one or two more; and the systematic study of the
Bible was superadded to the exercise of prayer. Many a plea-
sant and profitable hour was spent in this way; and William
was never willingly absent from our little circle. Here I had
an excellent opportunity of studying the inner spiritual life of
every member of my class; while the daily walk of each one, as
manifested in the school room, could easily be compared with
the standard which a profession of religion so plainly indicates.
With such means before me of judging, I can say, most emphat-
ically, that if he, of whom I write, was not a servant of Christ,
I have no means of knowing who is so. I know of no act in his
life, while he remained under my charge, that was inconsistent
with, v.diile I can remember many things that served to adorn, a
Christian profession.
In the year 1858, during the great revival, a most marked
interest in religion was manifest among the youth of our city.
The boys' prayer meeting, held at the rooms of the Christian
Association, was largely attended, although it occurred at a time
usually devoted to play. It was not a rare thing to see in the
entrance halls, instruments of boyish sports, now laid aside, that
their owners might enjoy an hour of communion with God, and
of spiritual intercourse with each other. The devotional zeal
of those boys on such occasions might profitably be copied by
their elders, when, as members of the visible church, they assem-
ble for prayer and praise. Our little gathering, which had con-
tinued its meetings for more than a year, had now merged itself
in this larger convofcation, where William still exhibited the
same earnestness of purpose that had characterized his efforts
from the ver}^ commencement of his religious career. And so it
was with him as long as any opportunity was aftbrded me of
observing his course of life. During all these years, nothing
occurred, on his part, to modify my opinion of him as an earnest,
consistent follower of his Divine Master. How could I doul)t
that he Avas so, while I bore in mind His words who said, "By
their fruits ye shall know them."
It gives me great pleasure to bear this testimony in favor of
one so dear to both of us, so earnest in the great business of life,
and whose blessed privilege it was, in his early departure hence,
to set a seal, with his own warm blood, to his sense of obligation
to our beloved country and our common humanity.
Very truly yours,
Late Principal Albany Classical Institute.
No feature of the late war is more remarkable and providential
than the uprising of the young men of the nation, in response
to the call of the President of the United States for soldiers to
fill the ranks of the Union army. Especially are we impressed
with the readiness of Christian young men to leave home and
friends, church and Sabbath school, and the finest prospects for
usefulness and prosperity, and devote their all to their country.
Their religious consistency and zeal, too, after they entered the
camp; the heroic manner in which they battled with temptation,
as well as with the foes of civilization and liberty; their labors
and success in bringing their impenitent comrades to Jesus, are
such as call forth our warmest gratitude and highest admiration.
Among the Christian heroes, no one stands higher or presents
a purer record than the lamented martyr whose history we pro-
pose now to trace.
Henry Douglass Brower, son of S. Douglass Brower, was
l)orn in Albany, on the 12th day of November, 1839. His
mother's maiden name was Harriet Putnam. The happy home
circle, of which he was the youngest member, was not destined
to remain long unbroken, for he was called to witness in one
short week the decease of his mother, and a brother next older
than himself. His mother died on the 28th of October, 1843,
and his brother on the 22d of October, 1843,
At the age of sixteen years, Henry was in his father's employ
as a manufacturer of silver ware, where he remained until he
was of age, and became master of his profession. He became
hopefully converted to God, and joined the First Congregational
Church, when about nineteen years of age. He was engaged in
the Sabbath school of that church as treasurer, and, at the time
of his enlistment, as assistant libi-aivian.
At the breaking out of the rebellion, he, being a young man,
felt that he ought to respond to the call of the President for sol-
diers to defend the Republic; and the more he thought upon the
su1)ject tlie more deeply he became convinced that it was his
duty to enlist. His father cordially approved of his course, and
the feelings which animated the father in his approval were
illustrated by an incident which occurred at a subsequent period.
A man came into liis office one clav, after Henry had gone to
the front, and after inquiring about " the boy," and making
some remarks as to the way the war was being conducted, said,
" If Henry was killed, his life would be wasted, for he believed
the Government could not sustain itself, but must soon go to
pieces." Said his father, " I have four sons, one is now in the
army, but sooner than see this Government go to pieces, I would
not only see that one killed, but would send the other three
too, and then, if necessary, go myself."
That was the true spirit of loyalty, that made him approve
his son's choice, and that spirit Henry carried with him as he
left home to do battle for his country. After having decided to
become a soldier himself, his next thought was to try and call
together young men enough of good moral character, to form a
company. After spending considerable time and money, he at
length had the satisfaction of marching to the Barracks at the
head of the first installment of men, who after having been
recruited to the requisite number, were known as the Eleventh
New York Battery, or the Havelocks; taking the name from
General Havelock, and desiring, that like him, they might be
good as well as brave men. On the first of October, 18G1, he
was mustered into the service as a private. Afterwards he
made application to Brigadier General Rathbone to be trans-
ferred to some other company, and being successful, he left
Albany for Washington on the 17th January, 1862, as Corporal
in the Twelfth New York Battery, under command of Captain
William H. Ellis. The company left here in a severe snow
storm, and after many detentions, reached Washington January
28tli, at about 7 o'clock iu the evening. They received orders
the next morning to be prepared to leave for Fort Ellsworth.
In his diary he says:
" January 30. — This morning we started for the fort, at eight
o'clock. It rained very hard, and the mud Avas ankle deep. I
never saw such mud. The Albany Barracks are nothing to it.
I was, I confess, a little disappointed to hnd nothing but tents
for our accommodation. However, I shall soon be all right, as I
have expected hardships."
From the outset of his military career, Henry manifested an
earnest religious zeal, as well as a pure and lofty patriotism. In
his diary and in his letters this is very apparent.
To a younger brother, whose name was Charles Moore
Brower, he wrote as follows, after learning that he had a hope
in Christ:
" There is one thing, Charlie, I wish to speak to you about
particularly. You have hoped that you aTe a Christian. Oh!
my brother, stand fast in the faith. You have had experience
enough, even in so short a time, to know that it will be a hard
battle. Temptations will beset you; that you must overcome.
Don't think to gain friends by yielding to temptations; for the
very friends that you might thus gain would despise you for it.
Such friends are not worth having.
"But do not be discouraged by the difficulties that attend the
Christian course. Have the most implicit faith in God. He will
bring you safely through them all. Our first duty is to love
Him with all our heart, and "perfect love casteth out fear." This
you know, and the rest will be easy.
"I have been some time in camp, and know what a young
man's peculiar temptations are here, and the only way to steer
clear of them, is to have the Bible for one's chart."
In a letter to his father, dated June 11th, he says:
" As you see by my letter, I have changed my quarters, but
for hoAV long, I am unable to say. We are detailed from the
various companies and regiments, under Gen. Whipple's com-
mand, for a brigade guard at his head-quarters, which are at
Arlington Heights. It is a beautiful place: on a hill, covered
by a very fine grove, commanding a splendid view of Washing-
ton and the Potomac, wliile around the house is a beautiful
lawn. At the time the war broke out, it was occupied by Gen.
Lee. Many of the negroes are still here. These Heights for-
merly belonged to the Custis ftmiily, and their graves are to be
seen in the grove not far from the house."
Very early in his connection with the army, Henry manifested
his courage and daring, as Avill appear from the following inci-
dent, described to Charlie, under date of July 20th:
" You say you like anything that savors of adventure; so I'll
tell you of a little one which I had the other night. The offi-
cers of the Sixty-ninth Regiment have been in the habit of
coming up to our camp, when on guard at night, under pretense
of making the '■grand rounds^'' which you know are made by
the officer of the day, officer of the guard — a Captain and
Lieutenant, with a file of guards. They, not being attached to
us, or in any way connected with us, have no right to enter our
camp at night, under any pretext whatever, not even with the
countersign, without calling our officer of the day to pass them
in. Several times they had imposed upon the guard and got in,
and then boasted of their success, and ridiculed the order we
had in camp. The other night, when I was on guard, about
three o'clock, just after posting the guard, I heard the call,
' Corporal of the guard. No. 7.' I ran down to post seven, to
see what was up, and found the ' grand rounds ' from the Sixty-
ninth, and asked them their business. They replied they wished
to go through the camp. I told them they could not go. They
then wished to see the officer of the day. I went to his tent
to call him, bidding them stand there till I came back. When
I got back, they had passed the guard, and were coming towards
me, the guard calling out to them to halt, but not daring to stop
them. I ran down and ordered them to halt. Said the Captain,
' Do you know who I am? I am the officer of the day.' I told
him I couldn't see it. I recognized no officer of the day but
our own. He turned to the guard, and ordered them forward.
I drew out my navy revolver, cocked it, and again ordered them
to halt. The Captain, now, in a great rage, ordered his men to
arrest me, and take me to the guard house of the Sixty-ninth.
The guard brought down their muskets to a ' charge,' and came
two or three steps, when I leveled my revolver full at the
Lieutenant's breast, telling him if he came another step, I would
blow him through. Now you may believe he stopped suddenly,
for my pistol was cocked, and my finger trembling on the trig-
ger. I say trembling, for I do not believe a man can be perfectly
cool when just on the point of shooting a man through the
heart, and a superior officer at that. I confess my hand did
tremble some from the excitement, but not from fear. I call that
a pretty close call for his life, for in another moment he would
have been a dead man. I kept him there, till the officer of the
day came up, and left them to him."
Being in a "camp of instruction," and not in the field, affairs
moved on with Henry in pretty much the same routine, from
month to month. We find in his diary, under date of 20th
November, 1862, this record:
"About roll call tliis evening, the Captain called me to his
tent, and informed me that Orderly had resigned, and at
the same time offering mc the place, which I accepted; though
I was much surprised that he should have offered it to me. I
shall try and do my duty faithfully, whatever may be the con-
He learned, soon after, that Col. Monroe, who was present at
the drill that day, and who inspected the battery, had told the
Captain that Henry was the best disciplinarian, and the most
thoroughly acquainted with the artillery tactics, of any man in
the battery, and that he must put him ahead.
What he writes about doing his duty faithfully, accords well
with what he considers to be his duty, as appears from a letter
wa-itten home soon after: "What, indeed, is the country coming
to ? There is nothing being done, and letters received from the
front say that men are deserting by scores. There is no use in
denying the fact. We are in a bad fix, but I am not discouraged;
the weaker the country gets, the more I am willing to sacrifice
for her. * * * I am very sorry that such large bounties
were ever paid for recruits. They might better have drafted the
men at once, then we should have had some men. Now, two-
thirds are disabled, and after staying around the companies three
or four months, at the government expense, have to be dis-
In consequence of his ability, faithfulness and l)ravery, Henry
was made Lieutenant March 30th, 1863.
During the forced march of the Army of the Potomac, after
the battle of Gettysl)urg, he was taken sick. In fact, he was
quite unwell when the order came to advance, being threatened
with a fever; but after lying still so long, he could not entertain
the thought of being on the sick list just as the moment for action
came, and his account of that march shows his determination not
to give up:
' ' That was a great march we had after the battle of Gettys-
burg. They did not give us a chance to rest day nor night. I
was sick most of the time, although I managed to keep on duty
until the army halted at Warrenton. It came hard, though.
Sometimes when I would be lying down under a tree, burning
up with fever, trying to get a little rest, the order would come
to march, and I would have to get up, throw myself on my horse,
and take command of my section. The night we crossed the
Potomac, we started in the afternoon about five o'clock, and
traveled all that night until three o'clock next morning (over one
of the worst roads I ever saw), when we commenced the passage
of the river on a pontoon bridge. About seven o'clock we halted
for breakfast (salt pork, hard tack and cotfee, for a sick man), and
then continued our march, halting about four o'clock in the after-
noon. I was in the saddle all this time, about twenty-three
hours, and very glad was I to throw myself upon the ground
when we did halt."
This great strain upon him in his feeble condition, so increased
the fever that he was totally unfit for duty, and was sent to the
hospital at Georgetown, known as the Seminary hospital. He
entered the hospital on "the 30th July, and was very low with
typhoid fever. He was there until the 23d August, when, having
so far recovered, he procured leave of absence for thirty days,
and came home for the first time.
On reaching home, he was extremely weak and emaciated, but
with good nursing and rest, he was able to report himself at the
hospital for duty when his leave of absence had expired, and
from thence to the battery, which was encamped near Culpepper.
The battery left there, however, on the the 11th October, and
after several marches, came to camp at Catlett's Station October
22d. Writing home, under date of December 4th, 1863, he says:
"We left our camp near Brandy Station one week ago, and
returned to it yesterday. It was the roughest week I have passed
while in the service. The order came on Monday evening to
march at daylight next morning. Long before daylight I was up,»
seeing to getting the teams harnessed, &c. Just before daylight
it commenced raining very hard, and was almost freezing cold.
We moved out, and came into park near the railroad, while
Lieut. Dauchy went to report to Gen. Prince, of the Second
Division. After waiting in the rain aljout an hour, the Lieuten-
ant came and told us the great move had been indefinitely post-
poned, so we moved up to the Second Division, and went into
camp. About noon it cleared up, and that afternoon I heard we
should move on Thursday. We had our turkey, and kept our
Thanksgiving on Wednesday. At daylight Thursday morning,
I drew out on the road with one section of the battery, and
when the first regiment of the Second Division had passed, I fell
into the column — the rest of the battery was to march in rear of
the division. The roads were pretty bad, and if it had rained
much longer, it would have been impossible to have got along.
As it was, we were nearly fast in the mud. The guns were very
heavily loaded with grain and rations for the men. Five days'
rations we carried with us. About noon the column halted, and
very soon an Orderly came back and said the General wished to
see me. I went forward, when he sent me ahead to pick out a
good place for the two guns, where they would command the
ford and the hill beyond. This was at Jacob's ford, on the Rapi-
dan. I took the pieces and placed them in position, fully expect-
ing to use them shortly, as the rebels were in plain sight on the
opposite bank. Our skirmishers were sent forward and forded
the stream, and moved up the hill.
" The rebels waited until our men were most on to them,
and then skedaddled. We waited there until dark, when I
joined the battery, and we started for Germania ford, about two
miles below. Now commenced our troubles. There was a bad
hill to go up for the first thing. Here our horses got stuck, and
we had to double our teams, take one carriage up at a time, and
send the teams back after the next. In going through a piece
of woods, a caisson ran against a stump, was overturned, and
broke the stock. In trying to go round a wagon that was stuck
in the road, we got stuck again. The horses were fagged out,
and refused to draw. Here we had to double, which delayed us
so long, that before we could get on the main road it was occu-
pied by the Sixth Corps wagons, and we were cut off. It was
enough to try the patience of a saint. The drivers were swear-
ing at and lashing their horses; the cannoneers, prying at the
wheels and swearing at the drivers. There was a train, of miles
in length, behind us, which could not be moved till we were out
of the way. The officers in charge of the train would come up,
look on awhile, curse the whole battery, and go back again.
"Finally, about midnight, we got out on the road, and after
cutting off two or three trains, and receiving upon our devoted
heads the curses of a score of mule drivers, we arrived at the
ford. It took us from that time till ten o'clock next morning to go
a distance of one mile and a half, with the road all clear ahead
of us. If it had been dark, I do not know what we should have
done, but fortune favored us by giving us a beautiful full moon.
Well, we got breakfast, fed the horses, and at noon started again.
That night we camped in what is called the " Wilderness," it
being a complete forest from this place, near the Rapidan, to
Fredericksburg. For several hours before dark, there was quite
lively firing Avith musketry but a short distance ahead of us.
"The next morning about eight o'clock, we moved again, it
raining very hard; went about one mile and laid out in the rain
till noon, Avhen we again moved.
" After various stoppages and going over the same old ' stick
in the mud' arrangement, we brought up on a hill in sight of the
rebel fires. Cold, tired and out of sorts, I laid down in my
blankets and went to sleep, fully expecting to see a battle on the
folloAving morning.
" Morning came; our guns were placed in position and the range
calculated. They were about eighteen hundred yards distant.
There were four batteries in line, while the First Division of the
Third Corps supported us. All day long we laid there watching
the enemy, Avho were working like beavers — throwing up rifle
"In the afternoon we heard that Warren with the Second Corps,
was on the left, trying to turn their right flank, and as soon as
he opened with his guns we were to commence. That afternoon
we advanced with our battery two hundred yards, while some of
the infantry threw up redoubts for our pieces. At dark we
drew back behind the hills, and made ourselves comfortable for
the night. At daylight next morning we returned to the re-
doubts. Soon the Chief of Artillery came riding along, and
told us as soon as he opened with one piece on the right, to com-
mence firing. About eight o'clock the gun was fired, and then
such a hul)1iub I never heard. You see, when we advanced the
two hundred yards it left the other batteries in our rear, and
they had to fire over our heads. As the shells whistled over, I
at first instinctively looked up, but of course could see nothing.
The rifle shells as they go through the air seem to say, which
one I which one !
" We did some very good shooting; our first shot was not far
out of the way. We fired from our battery one hundred and
seventy rounds. Just as Ave were going to bed, the band com-
menced to play at headquarters. " There," said the boys (who
were old soldiers) " we will retreat to-night, or else the band
would not be playing." I could not believe this possible, as
everything seemed in our favor, except that we were short of
forao-e and rations. But about four o'clock next mornin"; the
order came, to " get out of that as fiist as possible." I never
was more disappointed in my life, for I did want to fight them
then. Well, we started on the retreat, marching until three
o'clock, Avhen we put up for the night. I went into an old
school house which had just been vacated by some soldiers, and
found a lusty fire Ijurning in a stove made by Treadwells &
Perry of Albany. It was like seeing an old friend.
" After various tribulations we have at last got back to camp,
and indeed it is quite time, for our horses have not had a particle
of hay or grain since day before yesterday, and had l)een for the
week previous on only ten pounds per day. But the worst of
all was last night. We had just got fixed all comfortably, with
no idea of being disturbed again very soon. I was sitting by the
tire and reading my letters from home, which I had just received,
when the order came to ^'- get up and gety
" There was no help for it, and in an hour's time we were on
the road, shivering and shaking in the saddle, and anathematizing
the rebs, that couldn't " let us alone.^^ We w^ent about a mile
and were ordered back to camp. A false alarm; the enemy had
been driven back."
Henry was at home on leave of absence for ten days, at the
time the Sanitary Bazaar was held in Alljany, and returned to
his battery the 1st of March, 1864. As he never came home
again it is a satisfaction to his friends that he kept them so well
informed by letter of what was transpiring, and of the part he
took in the last campaign in which the Army of the Potomac
moved under Lieut. Gen. Grant.
Camp in the Field, May 12, 18 G4.
It is now eleven o'clock in the morning, and a fierce battle lias
been raging since daylight, the artillery keeping up a continual
roll and roar.
After giving an account of various battles and skirmishes,
Lieut. Brower writes, under date of June 19th, camp two miles
from Petersburg:
" It must be remembered that this is one of the hardest cam-
paigns in the history of the war. We have marched and fought
night and day. I have often mounted my horse at noon of one
day and hardly dismounted again till midnight of the next —
through the sun, and dust and rain. It requires a good constitu-
tion to stand It. A l)attery Captain was in our quarters yester-
day, and si)eaking of Gr^vnt's perseverance, he said, ' we fight
for a week or ten days, and then we say, well, this cannot last
much longer; we must rest soon; we have lost thirty or forty
thousand men; the army can't stand it; and then Grant comes
along and says, ' You are doing lirst rate, boys; we'll now have
a little Jighting,^ and at it we go again, to ^Jight it out on this
" Instead of heading my letter as I did, I should have said ' In
position,' for we are not in camp. Our pieces are in position,
where they have done some tall shooting."
"We left Coal Harbor on the 12th, and pushed for the James
Eiver, which we crossed on the 15th, arriving at our present
position that night, about 12 o'clock. A division of Butler's
colored troops had that day taken three forts and a line of works,
forming the eastern defences of Petersburg. The negroes fought
well and have shown themselves to be brave and hardy soldiers.
Our white soldiers who looked with such contempt upon the
blacks but a few months since, have now extended to them the
right hand of fellowship, and recognize them as fellow soldiers."
The next letter of note, bears date of Camp near Petersburg,
July 31st.
"You have probably heard, ere this, of the movement of the
Second Corps to the James River. * * * ^liis movement of
the Second Corps was undoubtedly intended to draw all the forces
they could from Petersburg, preparatory to making an attack on
the city; and it was successful in drawing aAvay a goodly num-
ber. That same night, about nine o'clock, our Battery reported
to General Mott, commanding the Second Division, and took the
back track for Petersburg. Our Captain took me to Gen. Mott
and told him I would conduct the division by a shorter route to
Petersburg. He appeared much pleased and availed himself of
it. As soon as he crossed the Appomattox, I reported to him,
when he told me that General Ord had sent an aid to conduct
him to the Eighteenth Corps, so my services were not needed.
"It was understood that the mines were to have been sprung
that morning, and we were sent to support the charge. For
some reason the attack Avas not made, and we stood in harness
all day, in a terribly hot sun. We received orders in the eve-
ning to harness at three o'clock next morning, as the mines were
to be sprung and we must be ready. About four o'clock in the
morning the battle opened", and continued till about seven o'clock.
The cannonading was terrible. I rode out on the line of the
Eighteenth Corps to see what was going on, and before I was
aware of it, was under fire. Several case shot exploded over
my head, and one struck into the parapet in front of me while I
was looking over.
"We all expected that Petersburg would be ours before night.
We were confident of it. I saw a thirteen inch mortar at work
which did finely. When that went ofl' it was like a young
"When the attack was made on Petersburg, the fort was blown
up, and everything was working beautifully, and all it needed was
for the charging party to do ordinarily well, and the city would
have been ours. But the charging column, after it had carried
the breach, laid down and refused to go another inch. This
gave the enemy time to rally; the auspicious moment was lost,
and the day was lost. It does require some firmness to see all
these things, and still at all times look at the bright side."
Camp near Petersburg, August llih.
On looking over, I find that since leaving Washington last
summer, we have lost, from our battery, over one hundred horses.
It costs our Uncle Samuel something for horses.
I think you take it easier than I do, about that mine explosion
the other day. I cannot but think of the hundreds of lives that
were lost for nothing; thrown away on account of somebody's
carelessness, cowardice or fault in some way. * * #
I am determined to see this thing out, and hope and pray that
we of the north will 7iever yield one iota to the rebels, that,
whatever the consequences, we will fight it out to the bitter end.
This was the last letter Lieutenant Brower wrote, of any
The first intimation the friends had that he had been killed,
was by a letter in the New York Herald, by its correspondent,
giving an account of the battle at Eeam's Station, under date of
August 26th. In speaking of our artillery, among other things,
he says, "The Twelfth New York Battery was near the right of
the First Division. Captain McKnight and Lieutenant Bull,
both of whom had distinguished themselves on previous occa-
sions, w^ere not with the battery; McKnight being sick at City
Point and Bull being on staif duty. The battery was com-
manded by Lieutenant Dauchy, who directed the fire of the
three guns while Lieutenant Brower fought the other. This
promising young officer, Lieutenant Brower, was shot in the
head, when the enemy broke through our line. He was giving
orders for pouring into the advancing enemy double shotted
canister, w^hen he was killed at his gun."
The mails, for several days before and after the battle, had
been kept back, and the friends did not receive intelligence
direct from the battery until August 31st, when they received a
letter from Lieutenant Dauchy, of August 27th, as follows:
S. D. Brower, Esq.:
Sir — It is my duty to report to you the death, on the field of
battle of your son, Henry D. Brower, Second Lieutenant of this
battery. On Tuesday night last, the First and Second Divisions
of the Second Corps marched to Ream's Station, on the Weldon
railroad, for the purpose of tearing up the track. Our battery
was put in position to the right of the station. We remained
quiet on Wednesday, and Thursday morning skirmishing com-
menced, with the enemy nearly all round us. In the afternoon
they made two charges, to the left of where we were, but were
repulsed. About five o'clock firing again commenced and we
opened with artillery. Shortly afterwards, General Miles or-
dered me to send one gun about three hundred yards to the left,
where the railroad crossed our works. I sent the right piece,
and the Lieutenant with it, when, soon, the rebels charged in
column upon the works, just to the left of where he was with
the piece. He opened with cannister, serving the gun with his
usual unsurpassed bravery and gallantry, and doing great execu-
tion in the enemy's ranks. But our infantry did not stand, and
the enemy broke through the lines. At this instant Henry was
struck iu the head with a musket ball and fell, instantly, dead
across the trail handspike.
General Miles spoke very highl}^ of Henry's efficiency and
bravery. He could not do otherwise. His conduct on all occa-
sions was above all praise.
On the same day the family received a letter which had been
sent by a member of the Eleventh Battery to Col. E. Jewett,
then Curator of the State Geological Cabinet, and who handed it
to the family for perusal, accompanying it with the following
note :
August 31, 1864.
S. D. Brower:
My dear Sir — I have this moment received the enclosed letter,
with the sad news of the death of your noble son. Most sin-
.cerely do I condole with you and your family for the great
I knew him well, and highly prized his friendship, and I do
not know a youug man of more superior worth and virtue. He
has sacrificed his life to his country, and if anything can allay the
grief of his friends, it is the knowledge that he died a true Chris-
tian, in the full discharge of his duty to God and his country.
In the true spirit of condolence and grief for the loss of my
esteemed young friend, I am, truly yours,
The letter to which he refers, which was to himself, is as follows:
Camp near Weldon Eailroad, South of ?
Petersburg, August 26, 1864. )
Dear Friend — Our mutual friend, Lieut. Henry D. Brower, is
dead. Yes, our noble friend fell fiofhtmo- at the late euo-ao-ement
at Ream's Station, pierced through the brain by a rebel bullet, as
the enemy charged. It was impossible to recover his body.
You will please inform his parents. I would write them, but
do not know his father's address. Inform them that Henry was
a brave fellow, and died in a good cause. Ah ! in him I have
lost a good friend and comrade. He was a youug man possessed
of man}^ social and rare qualities, and beloved by his comrades.
He was a brave and accomplished officer, and enlisted in the
defence of his country with mingled feelings of pure patriotism
and justice.
His death will cast a gloom over a large circle of relatives and
friends in the city and in the army, where he was greatly loved.
Your friend, G. N. P. GALE,
Eleventh New York Battery.
The sad story is told; his career is ended. He who left his
home in the buoyancy of opening manhood, was destined never
to return. He sleeps in a nameless grave, and Virginia soil is
sacred now to his friends and admirers, by the presence of his
His heroic deeds, his sacrifices for the peace and happiness of
others, his lofty principles and his pure Christian example, will
never be forgotten by the American people. The city of Albany
gave him birth, but his glorious life belongs to the great Eepub-
lic, and has entered into the forces that, with God's blessing,
will make this Republic, for all future time, the home of just
laws, universal liberty, and a pure Christianity.
There are few histories connected with the hate war more
touching than those of the Dempsey brothers, the three sous of a
widowed mother, Mrs. Anna Dempsey, wlio resides at No. 106
Hudson street, in this city. Tliese noble youths were early
inspired with an ardent spirit of patriotism, and one after another
went forth to light the battles of their country. Two of them
offered up their lives upon the altar of their Nation, and the third,
after great hardship and agonizing suffering, which he bore with
Christian fortitude, was permitted to return to his home, and is
now a resident among us. As these careers are somewhat inter-
woven, one with another, and as they furnish a most remarkable
illustration of the lofty patriotism of a whole family, we propose
to sketch each of them. We commence with the eldest in age,
although John, the second son, was the first to enlist in our
James L. Dempsey was' the son of LAWPtENCE and Anna De3ip-
SEY, and was born in New^ York city December 16, 1827. His
father, a most upright and excellent man, died in the year 1850.
The maiden name of his mother was Anna Moore, and her birth-
place was the city of Albany. Mr. Moore, her father, served
his countr}^ in the war of 1812, and at that time the property
that the family had, was lost. When Miss Moore was quite
young, both of her parents died, and she was left an orphan.
She married Lawrence Dempsey, and first resided in New York
city, and afterwards in Westchester county. Here the earliest
days of James were spent, and here his love of nature, and taste
for the beautiful, was constantly gratified.
He was naturally of an ardent temperament and restless dis-
position, and demanded a wide field for his activity and enter-
prise. He was genial in his manners and gentle towards all.
Jaivies was a youth of commanding aijd attractive appearance,
and his society was sought for by many because of his ready
wit and his great cheerfulness.
His father wished him to learn a trade, which he did, but it
was so uncongenial to his taste that he soon relinquished it, and
went into business in the city of Troy, N. Y.
Early in childhood, James became a hopeful Christian, and
united with the Methodist church. Subsequently he joined the
Second Reformed Dutch Church, of Albany. When the flag of
our country that he so much loved, was fired upon, his heart was
filled with indignation, and he was ready to defend it at once.
But he was held back by the advice of friends; as he had a little
family dependent upon him, though it was with great reluctance
he declined the First Lieutenancy in one of the first regiments
that left for the field of action.
He resided in the city of Troy when the rebellion commenced,
and the question of duty which was before him, whether to
remain with his little family, or enter the field, made him very
restless. In the spring of 1862 he made a change in his busi-
ness and was just settling in Pittsfield, Mass., when another call
was made for troops, and he could hesitate no longer. He said,
at that time : "These children (two little boys, the eldest three
years) shall not live to say their father took no part in this great
struggle for the rights of our beloved country ? .1 shall go for
the sake of my boys." He assisted in raising a company to be
attached to the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry,
and was elected orderly of Co. B. by every vote of the members.
They were greatly disappointed at his not receiving a commis-
sion as Lieutenant, and they showed their warm friendship by
presenting him with a handsome purse. In the spring of 1863
he was promoted to a Second Lieutenancy. The regiment did
garrison duty around and near Washington, and rendered valua-
ble services in the building of fortifications at Fort Lyon. But
the movements and experiences of Lieut. Dempsey may per-
haps be best learnt from his letters, which were written to his
mother and sisters, and to his wife. In the winter of 1864 his
own family joined him, and remained at Harper's Ferry until his
death. After several short letters, expressive of his love for the
dear ones at home, and his interest in the sacred cause to which
he had devoted himself, he writes thus:
Upton Hill, Va., May 22, 1863.
My dear Sister Mary — one and all — Your ever welcome letter
of the 7th inst. arrived here yesterday; also the paper containing
the glad tidings of the regiment which our noble brother has
been with for the past two years, through so many trials and
dangers. You may well say, rejoice with you, upon his safe
return to his dear home, which I know he loves so well. I wish
it could have been so ordered that Henry and myself could have
been there to welcome him.
But so it is. We must remain to help finish the great work
which could not be completed during his time of service; and it
is the sincere desire of my heart that we may be able to do as
much, and act as nobly, in trying to crush this wicked rebellion,
as he, our brother, has done.
You say you dare not ask him Avhether it is his intention to
return to the fieli. I think he has done his share. Yet, as
regards the matter, I leave it with him. Should he enter the
service again, nothing would please me better than to get a
transfer, that we might come in the same regiment. I received
a letter from Libbie of the same date as yours. Her health is
not very good. The little boys are quite well. I wish you or
mother, with brother John, could make her a visit. She likes
her new home very much.
I do not hear from brother Henry. It is strange that he does
not write. His camp is about fourteen miles from here. If I
' could get a pass, I would make him a visit.
I like this camp better than the old one, for many reasons. I
think it is more healthy, and, for my own part, I feel much bet-
ter. Our list of sick is much less than formerly. The 29th of
this month will make it one j^ear since I entered the service of
the United States, and I should not feel sorry to be discharged
before another year rolls round. But we can not finish this big
job in that time. One thing I am confident of: we shall finish
it, if it takes five times two years.
My love to sisters, mother and brother, as well as little Emmie.
I send her some flowers, picked from the garden of a rebel, now
in the Southern army. God bless you all.
From your affectionate brother, JAMES.
Harper's Ferry, July 20, 1863.
My dear Mother, Brother and Sisters — You no doubt wonder
at my long silence; but you will understand it, when I tell you
of the chano;es of the reo;iment. On the ninth of this month we
received marching orders. So sudden and rapid was the move-
ment, that I lost all my clothing, except what I had on, together
with my blankets. I had not even a change of under clothing.
What I have on, I have worn two weeks. But I am wasting time
talking of my poverty.
We left Washington on the ninth, at eleven o'clock at night,
and rode all night, and next day till night. We arrived at Sandy
Hook, which is a mile below Harper's Ferry. On our way, we
had one man killed by falling from the cars. We were then
ordered to march through the. roughest countiy I have ever seen.
Afterwards we camped on the Heights for a few days, our regi-
ment doing picket duty at the river, and the rebels being on the
other side. They often asked us, why we didn't take the place.
Well, on Tuesday we were ordered to march to Harper's Ferry,
pontoons being used to ferry us over. Our men were all anxious
to reach the opposite shore, and not a man flinched. The rebels
had everything prepared to give us a warm reception, but their
firing was silenced by our sharpshooters, and they fled, leaving
their guns loaded, which we captured. Our cavalry lost several,
killed and wounded, while they captured a number of prisoners.
The next day they had an engagement eight miles from here.
But I will leave this subject and tell you something to inter-
est you more. I have seen our brother Henry and he is here
with me at Harper's Ferry. Do not be frightened, for he is not
wounded nor dangerously sick, yet is completely worn out with
fio;htin£r and marchins;. It would melt a heart of stone to hear
him relate what he has gone through. How thankful I feel to
my Heavenly Father for sparing him. I am thankful to you,
my mother and sisters, for your prayers in behalf of my brother
and myself, since our departure from our dear old home. Truly
they have been answered, and Providence has now kindly directed
this meeting, when a brother needs so much kindly care.
I will tell you how I found him. On Thursday I learned the
One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regimeiit was some two miles
from here. It was night, and I could not get a furlough then,
but I learned they Avere to pass our camp the next day. I was
up bright and early, that I might not miss seeing him, providing
he was not one of that number of noble fellows who fell on that
awful battlefield. I soon learned they were to take another
direction, and turning my steps to gain some tidings, I met one
of the regiment, who had been allowed to go ahead. He told
me, on my inquiring for Heney, that he was Corporal in Com-
pany F, and was safe. This was cause for thankfulness, and I
hastened back to the camp, on a run, my time being so short.
The next day I tried, in everyway, to get permission to visit the
regiment, it having camped tAvo miles from here for rest. But
we were expecting- marching orders, and no passes could be
given. I started without permission (something I never had
done before), and went as near as in sight of the camp. But I
was so constantly reminded of doing wrong, that I turned back
and gave up all hope of seeing him. The next day our company
was ordered to do provost guard duty, and, at about twelve
o'clock, my attention was called towards the ferry, when who
should I see but my brother, trying to hobble along. I ran to
meet him, and he was so overjoyed that tears flowed down his
cheeks. I took his gun, and we started for my quarters. My
first duty was to procure medical aid for him. Our surgeon
prescribed for him, and advised a place of quiet rest.
I procured board for him in a private family: but the walk
being so long for Dr. Clark, he has got permission for him to
enter the General Hospital. The surgeon will send a statement
to his regiment. He says he will get along if nothing unfavor-
able sets in while he is so weak. You must not worry about
him. I shall see him Avhen I can, and do for him all I can. We
are both so very grateful for this providential care. He had been
granted a place in an ambulance, but he gave way for others
whom he thought worse than himself. May God spare us both
to meet you all once more, and may He bless you all.
With love from us both, JAMES.
Harper's Ferry, July 31, 1863.
My dear Sister — Many thanks for your very kind and interest-
ing letter of the 27th, just received. I wish it had been a day
sooner. Our brother left yesterday for Washington, with six
others. They were sent away because the room is needed for
the wounded, a flag of truce having gone for those left in the
rebel lines. Henry is stronger, and the Doctor thinks he will
get along now, and soon be a])le to join his regiment. I wish
he could have had the money 3'ou enclosed, for the poor fellow
needs it. I did for him all I could, but my means were low, not
having been paid for some time.
I shall write and send Henry the money as soon as I learn
where to direct to him.
With love to all, your affectionate brother, JAMES.
Strasburgh, May 19, 1864.
My Dear Wife — This is the first opportunity I have had to
write you. No doubt you have heard of the severe battle we
have been engaged in. I have great reason to thank our
Heavenly Father that I went through it unharmed. Manj^ of my
comrades have been called, to give an account of the deeds done
in the 1)ody. Our regiment suffered greatly. We had in all — •
killed, wounded and missing, two .hundred and thirty. As
near as we can learn thirty were killed. The enemy outnumbered
us two to one. We were obliged to leave our dead and wounded
in their hands.
Col. Lincoln was wounded and is a prisoner. Capt. Baker
was killed, and also Lieut. K. W. Waken. Capt. Ciianny and
Lieut. Amerdam are taken prisoners. Capt. Willard, Avounded
and in our hands. Lieut. Munercent, wounded. My company-
have lost seventeen men, and I am the only officer in command.
We have only one officer left to each company. I have just
returned from picket duty, and am most worn out. May God
bless you and our little ones, and spare me to return to you.
The following is Lieut. Deimpsey's last letter that has been
furnished me. Like the others, it reveals his warm affection,
his cool bravery, and his ardent patriotism.
Harrisonburg, September 26, 1864.
My Dear Mother and Sisters — As I have an opportunity of
sending a letter, I improve it, knowing you must be anxious to
hear from me. You have doubtless seen by the papers, that
we have been engaged in some severe battles this past week. I
have been in both of them — that at Winchester and the other at
Fisher's Hill. Our loss is great, but small compared to that of
the enemy. We completely demolished the whole of Early's
army, and have driven them like a whirlwind before us. In the
first battle, our regiment lost one hundred and nine men. Capt.
Thompson was killed and our Adjutant was wounded. I had
thirteen in my company wounded.
I am sorry to inform you, that in the last battle, our little
Major, one of my warmest friends was severely wounded, and I
had three of my best men wounded. We are now encamped
(for a few days or so) about one hundred miles from Harper's
Ferry. Perhaps we shall get orders to march in the morning,
if so, I shall not be surprised if we tried Lynchburg again. I
think we shall take it, and if my l)rother John is there I am
bound to bring him back with me. I do wish you would write
me oftener, for I do like to hear from home. As regards my
writing I have but little time, being in command of the companj^
Much love to you all. Yours in affection, JAMES.
Thus our hero passed through hardship after hardship, and
battle after battle, without a murmur; always hopeful, always
courageous, and always at his post of duty. But his last hour
was approaching. He who had so often and so miraculously
escaped the showers of shot and shell upon the battle field, is
doomed at last, to receive the one missile out of the thousand,
upon which his death sentence was written.
With his usual buoyancy and invincible courage, he went forth
on the morning of October 14, 1864, to engage in the terrible
battle of Cedar Creek. While leading his company against the
foe he was severely wounded in the forehead by a bursting shell.
Several others were killed by the same shell, and among them
Col. Wells, acting Brigade Commander, a most ardent friend
of the Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Dempsey was borne from the field, and died Octo-
ber 17, 1864. Of his last days, and of the estimation in which
he was held we have an account in the folloAving letters, both ad-
dressed to his afflicted widow :
Smith Hospital, Winchester, Virginia, )
October 17, 1864, Monday Evening. )
My dear Mrs. Dempsey — I wrote you last Friday and gave
you, as correctly as possible, the detail of all I knew relative to
your husband and my friend. Saturday he remained much the
same, sleeping most of the time. I could not carry on any con-
versation with him as he only ansAvered my questions by "yes"
or "no." I asked him if he knew me, he replied " yes." I then
asked him to call my name, but he did not answer. I told him
that I was Dr. Smith, and asked him if he knew me. He replied
"yes." Once he asked for water, and, occasionally, he said
something, evidently in delirium, about the battle, such as orders
to "advance," "halt," "steady, there," "close up," &c. I tried
to converse with him about you and his children, but he did not
seem to understand me. I asked him if I should send for you,
he quickly replied "yes." This was the only time when he
evinced any emotion. I asked him if I should write to his
mother and sisters, he said, " yes." I think he did not have full
possession of his intellect at any time after he was wounded.
Sunday he remained much the same. I kept my best nurses,
from our regiment, by his bed-side, constantly, when I was not
with him. He would eat but little. I had his food carefully
prepared for him by a union lady who lives near here, and visits
my hospital daily. To-day he appeared much the same (evidently
much weaker) until five o'clock in the afternoon, when he died,
so quietly that we hardly knew he was dying. He was Avholly
without pain and seemed like one sleeping.
During the whole time he has been with me, I believe he has
suffered no pain. I gave him no medicine, as he did not require
it. His head was kept cool and the room still and quiet. He
and Captain Soley had my room; large, clean and Avith good air.
Enclosed you will find his Masonic pin and a ring I took from
his finger. His old clothing I have thrown aAvay, as it was much
soiled and torn by pieces of shell, etc. His knapsack was in the
regimental wagon, and I sent for it while the Avagon was passing
this place on its way front.
1 have carefully embalmed the body; dressed it, and covered
the wound. I think you will have no trouble in keeping it
several days after it reaches your home. Of course, you will
send Avord to his lodge, that his old friends and brothers may
meet and do honor to their companion.
I Avisli I could 1)0 near you at this time, and take part of this
great grief from you, and use my strong and willing hands for
your benefit. Should you, at any time, require a friend or need
friendship exhibited in any manner, call upon the friend of your
husband through all things, and your friend, C. B. SMITH.
Opesum Crossing, Virginia, December 7, 1864.
My dear Friend — Until yesterday, I knew nothing of your
Avhereabouts. I should have written you immediately after the
loss of your husband, but Ave Avere in the field and I had no op-
portunity. That field of " Stickney's Farm," was a terrible
one to us all. Not the least among its sorrowful memories is
that of the loss of your brave, noble, genial husband. Brave
and courageous as ever a man was in the field ; the life of the
social circle about the camp fire ; beloved and respected by every
man andoflSccrs in the regiment; he has gone to return no more.
None knew hoAV much he was estimated until his memory and
brave deeds alone Avere left us.
You wore not left alone in your grief. The warmest sj^mpa-
thies of us all, nu'ngle with jour tears. As no one can supply
his place in your heart, at your table, and around your fireside ;
so in our hearts, and around our bivouac fire, there is a place for-
ever vacant.
He has left behind a reputation of which, you may be proud,
and to which his children can point without one regret, or shadow
of blush. Scarcely a day passes that I don't hear an exclama-
tion, " poor DEMrsEY, 'twas too bad." Though near him when
he was struck, I didn't know of it till Sergeant Houohton came
to me and said. Captain Dempsey is hit, shall I go to him?" I
looked round and saw him staggering about, apparantly uncon-
scious. I at once sent Houghton to him, directing him to lead
the Lieutenant into a small ravine, where he would be out of
the way of the shells which the rebels were raining down on us.
That was the last I ever saw of your husband,
The country can never repay the sacrifice you have been
called upon to make. No truer soldier, no braver or more
cheerful comrade, has been offered upon liberty's altar than your
own brave husband. I learned your address of Dr. Smith.
Accept for yourself and family the earnest sympathy of
Your friend, A. POTTER,
Lieut. Col. Com^cfg Mth Mass. Inftry.
Mrs. James L. Dempsey.
When the telegraphic wires bore to his home the sad news
that he was wounded, a sister started immediately to go to him.
But before she reached Harper's Ferry, she heard that the be-
loved brother was no more. With a sorrowing heart she
returned home, with his widow and the two fatherless boys. His
funeral took place from the residence of his mother, October
28th, 1864, and was attended by a detachment from the " Vete-
ran Reserves."
His body M\as borne, with military honors, to the Albany Rural
Cemetery, where, side by side, the brave brothers sleep. The
bereaved relatives are sustained under their great sorrow by the
hope that the parted will meet again.
John M. Dempsey was the second son of Lawrence and Anna
Dempsey, and was born in Westchester county, October 6th,
1836. He was a child of a quiet and thoughtful turn of mind;
obedient to his parents, and full of kindness towards his sisters.
Very early he manifested a thirst for knowledge, and desired to
receive a liberal education. But the pecuniary circumstances
of his parents only enabled them to give him the advantages of
a common school. When he was fourteen years of age, his
father died, and he felt at once the responsibility of making
exertions to aid in support of the family. He served as clerk in
several establishments in Albany; but most of the time he was
in the clothing store of Messrs. Davis, Craft & Wilson. Mr.
Craft was one of his warmest friends, and took a deep interest
in his welfare.
To his widowed mother and fond sisters, John was everything
that could be desired. He seemed to combine the qualities and
services of father, brother and sou. He was ever ready to sacri-
fice his own interests for .the happiness of those around him;
and he seemed to live for the consolation and welfare of the
dear ones, over whom a great shadow of sorrow had fallen.
But while thus devoted to those who were bound to him bj
the tenderest ties, he was not indifferent to the agitating questions
relative to our National affiiirs. Upon the plottings of the
traitors to the Eepublic, in 1860 and 1861, he looked with the
greatest solicitude. Being sensitive by nature, he was keenly
alive to the honor and prosperity of his country, and, at the first
call for troops to sustain the Government, he resolved to enlist.
In connection with Mr. M. H. Donovan, (afterwards Captain,)
he made every exertion to raise a company to be attached to the
Eighteenth N. Y. Vol. Infimtry, expecting to hold a commission
as First Lieutenant. Owing, however, to the rapidity with
which regiments were formed at that time, a change was made
in the luimber assigned for each company, and companies were
consolidated, leaving a surplus of those who expected offices.
As his was a spirit of pure love for his country, he lost no time
in controversy for office, but enrolled his name at once as a pri-
vate in Company F, Eighteenth New York State Volunteers.
He was, however, immediately promoted to the position of
Orderly. To buckle on the armor for the ranks required but
little eflbrt, compared with that which it cost him to reconcile
his mother and sisters to this step. Yet such were liis convic-
tions of duty that he could only answer to their entreaties and
tears, " I shall not fall before God's appointed time." His sister
remarked: "There are those that can be better spared than you;
those who are of little use at home." He replied calmly, though
his eye flashed with emotion: " Our army must not be made up
of worthless meni"
During the stay of the regiment at the barracks in this city,
an incident occurred worthy of note. He w^as presented with a
pack of playing cards. These he sent home, with the message:
"I shall have no use for these in the army;" and to the spirit
of this resolution he firmly adhered, never once using a card
during his time of service.
On the 17th of June, 1861, he bid adieu to those whom he so
dearly loved, and received the parting blessing of his mother.
His leaving home at that time was made more sorrowful. from
the fact, on that day the eldest child, and only son, of his
widowed sister — a beautiful boy of eight years — had been carried
to the grave; the sister having been made a widow but six
months previously by the death of her estimable husband, Major
A. R. Ten Broeck, formerly of U. S. Army.
The regiment started for Washington on the 18th of June, and
was encamped near Washington and Alexandria till the first
Bull Run battle, in which it took a part. Through this he passed
In the autumn the regiment became a part of the "Grand
Army of the Potomac," under Gen. McClellan.
Mr. Dempsey, by his kind manners and great efficiency, won
the esteem of all his comrades, and, on the 2d of December,
1861, he was promoted to the office of Second Lieutenant in Co.
F. His promotion was received with great enthusiasm by his
numerous friends.
He was also the recipient of a sword, sash and belt, presented
to him by his company. For these marks of favor he expressed
his profound gratitude, in his letters to his friends.
Mr. Dempsey, like his brother, was very faithful in writing
home, and from his letters, we can best present the details of his
military career.
After the disastrous battle of Bull Run, he thus writes to his
Alexandria, Va., Jiily 24, 1861.
My dear Sister — * * # # -pj^g battle of Bull Run was
as hard fought as it was discouraging. You ask, how I stood it;
I will tell you. When we started from here, we had our haver-
sack (which was soon emptied), blanket, canteen and a rifle.
Most of the l)oys threw away their blankets, and some their can-
teens; but I thought the blanket came very good at night, and
the canteen when I was thirsty, so I brought them all home with
me — this camp, I mean, for it is the best home I have had since
I left old Albany. Don't think that I complain, for I do not
intend to complain of anything necessary to a soldier's life. My
greatest desire is to do my duty. I did not expect, before me, a
path strewn with roses, so I meet with no disappointments.
Tell mother she must not worry, nor have any anxiety about
me. I shall endeavor to take the best care of myself I possibly
can. Tell her to be of good cheer, for I am here in a good cause.
" We live in hope, though clouds appear,
They linger but a day;
The sun, to us, a gift so dear,
Will scatter them away.
Thus life is but an April shower,
And troubles are but rain;
And hope, tlie sun that in an hour.
Will bring us joy again."
With very much love for you all,
Your nffectiouate brother,
The regiment with which Lieut. Dempsey was comiectecl, took
part in all the engagements under Generals McDowell, McClel
LAN, BuRNSiDE and Hooker. They Avere in the seven days' battle
before Richmond, where hundreds fell at his side, and he escaped
with only a bullet denting his left shoulder strap.
The battle of South Mountain was one that shed great glory
upon his regiment. With bayonet charge, they drove the enemy
up and over the mountain, an ascent which it seemed almost im-
possible to climb. Of three officers who reached the summit,
Lieut. Dempsey was one. Through all these battles, he was
ever the same brave soldier, faithful officer, and kind, sympathiz-
ing friend.
His letters refer to some of these battles, and describe, with
considerable minuteness, others. He wrote to his mother and
sister as follows:
Near Berkley's Landing, Va., on James River,
OFF City Point, July 5, 1862.
My dear Sister — To-day I received three letters from your
dear self, and was glad to learn that you had received the pack-
age of money.
I will now try and give you a short account of what we have
been through the past week.
On Frida}^ morning, the 27th ult., our brigade was called on
to cross the Chickahominy, to reinforce Gen. Porter, who had
been fighting the day previous. On the night of the 26th ult.,
the troops all around our neighborhood were in great glee, hav-
ing heard that Porter had driven the enemy and scattered them
in all directions. Cheer after cheer was heard, and the bands
struck up the National airs. The merriment was kept up till
after midnight, but the morning was saddened by the enemy
shelling our camp.
After crossing the Chickahominy, we found our services were
not needed, and were ordered back to camp again. We had not
been in camp but a short time, w^hen we heard a great tumult in
front of our lines. We were ordered in line ao^ain. Our regi^
ment had no more than got in line, directly in front of our camp,
when the enemy commenced throwing shell in and over our
camp ground, killing one and wounding three others of Company
I in our regiment. As the men stood in line. Company I's place
was next to ours (Company F), on our right, and the range of
cannon was directly over the two companies, the shell falling in
front, over and around us. After a while, with great hesitation,
we were ordered out of the range of the enemy's guns. Shortly
after, the guns were siknced, and we were dismissed.
We went in the camp once more, it being dinner time; we
partook of our meal, and had just finished, when we were ordered
out again, and again marched across the Chickahominy — over
another bridge, lower down than where we crossed |n the mor-
ning. We had a long, quick and tiresome march. Arrived at
our destination about five p. m. We were ordered in battle
shortly after, directly where the enemy was getting the advan-
tao-e of our forces engaged. We were marched to the front,
through a shower of shell and bullets, and held the enemy in
check till nearly dark. Our brave men fell on all sides, as the
enemy's forces far exceeded ours in numbers. We held our
ground till, unfortunately, the regiments, both on our right and
left, gave way. The enemy was turning our right flank before
we received orders to fall back, or to march by the left flank.
We had no sooner turned to the left, when we saw the enemy
turning our left. We were completely surrounded, and were
obliged to fall back under a cross fire of both the enemy, infantry
and cannon — the balls and shells whizzing and bursting all
around our brave fellows.
The closest call I had, was a bullet just grazing my shoulder
strap on my right shoulder. How wonderful that so many of us
escaped the terrific fire. Soon after, we were again reinforced,
and the enemy driven back to the old point, and held in check for
the niirht. All our forces that were the other side of the river,
recrossed during the night, and then destroyed the bridges. Our
brigade went into camp that night, but was ordered out again the
next morning at three o'clock.
Our division partly covered the retreat, and was at one time
very nearly cut oft'; but thank God, we have been spared through
it all. We were the last forces in here, and started on our last
march at midnight, after a great battle, with severe loss on both
This is not half that I might mention, but enough, as I have
not the time to write more, neither do I care to write of it. It
is sad enough to think of. * * * *
Your afi*ectionate brother. JOHN.
On the 10th of October, 1862, Mr. Dempsey, for his gallantry
and bravery, was promoted to the First Lieutenancy in Company
F, Eighteenth Regiment. His eminent qualities and unselfish
devotion to the welftire and honor of his country, entitled him
to even a higher rank; but while others less worthy were strug-
gling for promotion, he was bending all liis energies to faithfully
discharge the duties of his position, whether as a soldier, as
orderly, as Second or as First Lieutenant. The cause in which
he was eng'ao-ed absorbed his whole being;. He lived for the
union of the United States and for the freedom of mankind, and
to maintain these he was willing to die.
All his letters breathe the same spirit of ardent patriotism;
deep aflection for the friends at home; a high sense of personal
honor and integrity, and profound gratitude to God for his great
Lieutenant Dempsey's term of service having expired, he
returned to his home, where as we may naturally suppose, he
was cordially welcomed. Before he reached home, his sister
asked him whether he intended entering the service again ? He
replied: " I make no promises. A man cannot tell in these times
what he will do. One thing is certain. If God spares my life
and blesses all with health, I shall have a pleasant long furlough
at home, when my time expires. So the furlough proved to be,
though shadowed by clouds of fear in time of battle; for there
were two dear brothers still in the field.
To show the love of his men, after they were mustered out,
three of them called at his home and presented him with a silver
watch. Speaking of it, he said, "I could not refuse to take
this; yet it seems wrong to take what was so hardly earned.
Many of the men have repeatedly oflered me money, which,
while appreciating their kindness, I have refused, and persuaded
them to keep ; but these three got ahead of me."
Though our hero entered again upon the duties of civil life,
his thoughts seemed all turned to the great work of the nation;
and it was only the tender home ties that held him back. But
these at last he felt must be broken, as his place of greatest
usefulness was in the field. He seemed to feel a higher Spirit
working upon his own, and calling him to that post of duty.
Accordingly he resolved to again buckle his armor; and he
enlisted March 29, 1864, as a private in Company G, Forty-third
Regiment New York State Volunteers. Again he received the
blessing of his mother and sisters; but it was mingled with bitter
tears, as they knew from experience the fearful dangers to which
he would be exposed. Reaching the regiment, then at Brandy
Station, Va., he was most warmly welcomed by his friend, Col.
John Wilson and Capt. James D. Visschee, and was appointed
Orderly in Company G. On the 3d of May, 1864, he was com-
missioned First Lieutenant.
As the army advanced, our brave Lieutenant passed safely
through the first day of the battle of the Wilderness. But the
second day, May 6th, 1864, he was wounded and taken prisoner.
The following is his first letter from the enemy's country. It
came through the lines by a flag of truce, for General Wads-
worth's remains.
Near Mine Run, Va., May 13, 1864.
Dear Mother — I was wounded and taken prisoner on the night
of the 6th inst. You must not be alarmed. Much love to all
from your affectionate son, JOHN.
On the 13th of September, 1864, Lieut. Dempsey was released
from prison, and writes as follows:
On Board Truce Boat New York, )
Off City Point, September 13, 1864. ^
My Dear Mother and Sisters — How do you all do ? I do so
want to know. We are bound for Annapolis, Md. We shall
probabl}^ stop at Fortress Monroe. I left the hospital at Lynch-
burg, Va., on the 8th inst., — stopped in Provost guard-house till
the next morning; then was sent to Richmond and arrived there
at 9 p. >t, and was taken to Libby Prison, and remained there
till 2 p. M. the next day, when the doctors came in, and sent
thirteen of us (myself among the number) to the hospital. On
the 10th and 11th, the doctors went through the hospital, pick-
ing out men to be paroled, and as I was one of the fortunate
ones; I am out of rebeldom and homeward bound. There are
about three hundred sick and wounded on board.
I have tried to learn of brother Henry's whereabouts, and, as
near as I can find out, he is at Andersonville, Georgia. I have
heard of brother James several times. There are a number of
his regiment on this boat, having been captured during the sum-
mer. He was safe up to the 18th of Jmie. His regiment has
been engaged in a number of battles in the valley. His Captain
was at the hospital in Lynchburg, Virginia.
My wound is nearly healed, and, although, I am not feeling
very strong now, I think after I have a few weeks of good
"Yankee" living, I shall be as good as new, and none the worse
for battle; and able to give the "rebs" another turn. I cannot
express my delight on seeing our dear old flag once more. Will
try and write again on arrival at Annapolis.
Remember me to all kind friends. Hoping soon to hear that
you are all alive and enjoying the blessing of health, I remain
with much love. Your aft'ectionate son and brother, JOHN.
General Hospital, Camp Parol, Section A, ")
Ward 3, near Annapolis, \
Maryland, October 12, 1864. j
My dear Sister — Yours of the 7th is received. I was pleased
to leurn you had heard from brother James so lately. I have
not been able to write home for several days, but thought I must
write a few words this morning, knowing my silence would cause
some anxiousness.
My wound has been grooving Avorse since the third day after
my arrival at section D, and, the last five days. I have been
unable to leave my l)unk. Yesterday the surgeon looked at my
wound and had me removed to this hospital, which has every
appearance of being a much better place for either the sick or
wounded. I think, had I been sent here in the first place, my
suflfering would not have been so great. The treatment at section
D, did more harm than good.
A month has passed since my parol, yet I have no furlough.
Should I now receive one, I fear I shall be unable to travel, and
think it doubtful whether the doctor would allow me to try it.
Had I obtained a furlough two weeks ago, I could have endured
the journey home quite comfortably. Now I am obliged to keep
perfectly quiet, confined closely to my bed. How long this will
last I cannot say. Perhaps I have not sufiered quite enough
with it. I may have another such time as I had at Lynchburg.
I do not know whether you understand the nature of wounds
or not, but Avill tell you how mine has troubled me. While at
Lynchburg it huffed. It now has gangrene and will probably
hufi" again, which causes it to pain me most intensely. I had
but little rest last night, and some nights can scarcely close my
eyes. But, doubtless, the treatment here will enable me to get
well much sooner than when in "rebeldom."
I may not be able to write every day. Please write me often,
and send papers. Direct as heading of this. Excuse pencil
scribbling, as I am obliged to write while lying in bed. Remem-
ber me to kind friends. With much love, JOHN.
As John was so feeble, a beloved sister hastened to him to
bestow upon him a sister's kind attention. During her absence
from home the eldest brother, James L. was wounded, and
another sister was called from home, but to return with the life-
less form of that brother.
The funeral took place, yet the absent sister and suflfering
brother were not told of it, for fear of the result. Thus, while
the eldest son was being carried to the grave, the second was in
a liospital anxiously Avatched by a sister, and the third a prisoner
in the hands of a cruel enemy; the agonized friends not know-
ing whether he was living or dead. A kind Providence spares
the second son, and the brother and sister reach their sorrowful
home, Noveml)er 4, 1864. Again his wound grows worse, but
kind surgical care rendered by Dr. J. H. Armsby, and the good-
ness of God restores liim. But he has not the activity and vigor
of former days. * * *
After enjoying the pleasures of his fond home for a few short
weeks, John left the cherished spot never to return. The duti-
ful and affectionate son, the kind brother, the noble, heroic
patriot went forth to give his little remaining strength, and his
shattered body to his country. On the 25th of March, 1865,
his regiment was ordered to aid in retakino- Forts Steadman and
Fisher. While leading on his men, as the advance picket, he
fell, mortally wounded. His left thigh bone was broken, yet
his coolness did not forsake him. Feeling he was losing; blood
rapidly, he tied a silk handkerchief above the wound, and rallied
his men to hold the position, which they had won at such a fear-
ful cost. Owing to the terrible exposure to the fire of the enemy,
he was not taken to the hospital in the rear till evening; then he
was most tenderly cared for by the Hospital Steward, David Nor-
wood, a member of the Forty-third Regiment. After receiving
surgical treatment he was sent to City Point Hospital ; there he
suffered six weeks with the most uncomplaining fortitude. He
was as brave in his sufferings as he had been as a soldier in
While there, he wrote the following letter to his afflicted
mother, which was the last of his series of interesting letters
sent to his fond home :
Sixth Corps Hospital, City Point, Va.,
April 4, 1865.
My dear Mother — Here I am once more, flat on my back. I
presume that you have heard from strangers all about my mis-
fortune, as I was obliged to get them to write for me. But as I
feel much better to-day than I have since I was wounded, I
thought it would be much more satisfactory for you to receive a
line from my own hand. I was wounded on the 6th inst., and I
assure you it is a severe one. But the surgeon says I shall get
along, as I have good health, and good courage. There was
only one other officer of the regiment wounded, the Second
Lieutenant of my company. He occupies the next bed to mine.
His wound is in his left arm. He received it on the 1st inst.
My wound is a compound fracture of the thigh bone (left leg),
but I am perfectly willing to put up with what suffering I am
about to go through, if the war is only closed, as they tell us it
is now. I presume you have heard all the good news, therefore
I will not be troubled to write any more, as it is a terrible task
for me to write lying on my back, and in such severe pain as I
am. Remembrance to all inquiring friends, and abundance of
love to one and all. May God bless us all.
From your affectionate son, JOHN.
As soon as permission was given, two of his sisters went to
him, which was two weeks before his death. His sufferings
were intense, yet so tender was he of his sisters' feelings that
they were told only in low murmurs. When he was almost
fainting from agony, he would ask his sisters to sing. " Sing
something soft and plaintive," he would say. Endeavoring to
suppress their deep emotion, they would sing such hymns as he
loved. The following sweet hymn was one of his favorites:
" Jesus, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the billows near me roll,
While the tempest still is high.
Hide me; Oh, my Saviour hide
Till the storm of life be past,
Safe unto the haven guide;
Oh, receive my soul at last."
As the sisters paused, he would say: " Oh, that is so sweet."
His wonderful fortitude astonished the medical attendants, while
his patience and courage won the love of all who were near
him. One remarked: "His patience is an example to us all."
We rejoice to know that our hero received every attention
from the surgeons and nurses in the hospital. Fond sisters, too,
did all that their loving hearts and tender sympathies could sug-
gest. But the wound was beyond the reach of surgical skill,
though his strength of constitution, and power of endurance,
encouraged the surgeons to make every possible exertion to
save him.
He was well aware of the nature of his wound from the first,
yet was anxious that every means should be used for his restora-
tion. He desired to live for his mother's and sisters' sake,
though he was fully prepared to yield to the will of his Heavenly
Father. He was too weak to talk much, and said but li'ttle of
life or death. His prayers were whispered, and his thoughts
were between his Maker and himself. He had no fears of death.
He said to a friend: " I have always thought a man should so
live that he may be ready to die." He was sensible almost to
the last breath, returning the kisses of those so dear to him. As
the last moment approached, the surgeons and friends in the
hospital gathered near his dying bed. Prayer was offered, and
as the shades of evening drew near, his noble spirit was freed
from its sufferings. He died on the 6th of May, 1865.
The sisters, with sorrowing hearts, returned to their homes
with their sacred charge, the remains of their dear brother John.
This was the second time that one of the sisters had returned
with the cold form of a hero brother.
The Albany Burgesses Corps claimed the privilege and the
honor of conducting the funeral services, thus relieving the heart-
stricken mother and sisters. Everything was done by them with
the most tender and brotherly care. The committee of arrange-
ments consisted of Capt. M. H. Donovan and Mr. H. C. Haskell,
who proved themselves to be the true friends of the departed
and his afflicted family. The remains sleep in the Albany Rural
Cemetery by the side of those of the eldest brother, that only
seven months before were borne to this city of the dead.
Although we have devoted so much space to the Dempsey
brothers, yet we cannot leave them without speaking of BLenry,
who has survived the hardships and dangers of the war.
HEiSfRY L. Dempsey, third and youngest son, entered the vol-
unteer service August, 1862, in the One Hundred and Twenty-
fifth Regiment, Company F. His decision to enlist, almost
crushed his mother, as he had never scarcely spoken of taking
such a step. After he had taken it, he said: "I have thought
of it much, and feel more at rest now that I have enlisted. Should
I live through it, and we all return, I shall not be ashamed to
meet my brothers."
After various experiences, and the faithful discharge of his
duty, he was promoted to the position of Corporal. He passed
through several battles, in which his regiment was engaged,
unharmed, except at Gettysburg, where a ball bruised his hip.
On the 2d of December, 1863, he was taken prisoner, while on
picket duty. About two hundred were taken at that time. The
Lieutenant of his company w^rote thus, December 10, 1863, to
Mrs. Anna Dempsey:
"It becomes my painful duty to inform you that your son,
Corp. H. L. Deivipsey, was taken prisoner on the night of the 2d
instant, while on brigade picket. I regret it exceedingly. Corp.
H. L. Dempsey was one of the best men in my company. In
camp, he was always ready to perform all duties imposed upon
him. In action he was brave, almost to rashness."
Col. Crandall also wrote as follows:
" The capture of Henry L. Dempsey I regret exceedingly, and
should feel very much chagrined had it occurred by any fault of
mine. The brigade picket was sent out to cover our retreat, and
the officers of the day tailed to notify them when to come in."
His sufferings, as a prisoner, were terrible, beyond all descrip-
tion. Of forty of his regiment who were taken prisoners, only
seven survived the barbarities inflicted upon them. He was four
months at Andersonville, one of the southern hells, and no imagi-
nation can picture the horrible sufferings that he there endured.
At one time his left limb was drawn up, and the flesh was
cracking and almost ready to fall off. With his penknife he cut
away the diseased parts.
Notwithstanding the agonies that he endured, he still clung to
the hope that he would one day escape out of the hands of the
fiends, into which he had fallen. While others yielded to des-
pair, he kept moving, having noticed that those who remained
still, and gave up, were sure to die. Day after day he hobbled
about with his emaciated body, supported by a stick or a cane.
For thirty-one days the rain fell upon him, and his clothes, as
well as the Bible that his mother had given him, were perfectly
saturated with water. This Bible he had read through in that
awful stockade; it was his constant companion, and with the pho-
tographs of his brothers and sisters, was his only comfort.
These he would not part with, even if he was starving.
During the whole time of his imprisonment, one year and three
days, he never once heard from his home; nor did the anxious
ones at home, for ten months, knoAv anything of his fate.
What then was their joy to have the lost one again restored to
the family circle. It was as a beam of light through the deep
darkness that had so long enveloped them.
As a prisoner at the south, he was dragged through the follow-
ing places, in many of which there was simply a variation of the
horrors that awaited him:
He was captured at Mine Run, Virginia, December 2, 1863.
He arrived at Belle Isle December 6th, and left March 15, 1864.
He was thrust with the Andersonville prisoners March 2d, and
left September 9th. He arrived at Charleston, S. C, September
11th, and left October 8th. He reached Florence, S. C, October
8th, and remained until November 28th. He was taken to
Savannah, Georgia, November 29th, and left November 30th.
Being released, he arrived at Annapolis, Md., December 5,
1864. He left Annapolis December 15th, and reached home on
a furlough December 16, 1864. His furlough expired in one
month when he reported at the hospital in Annapolis. But before
the order came for him to join his regiment, the final victory was
won over the enemy, yet such is the severity of war, that,
although he was at Annapolis when his brother John M. was
buried, he could not be permitted to attend the funeral. It was
intimated to him that nothing would be done if he took leave;
but he said, "I had done nothing dishonorable through all ray
time of service as a soldier, I cannot do it now." He submitted
to the restriction, though it was painful to endure. He was
mustered out of service June, 1865.
May his life long be spared, and may the richest of Heaven's
blessings rest upon him ! May the mother and sisters be also
cared for by divine Providence, and may all the surviving mem-
bers of this noble fsimily receive that to which they are entitled;
the gratitude, the afi'ection, and the admiration of all loyal hearts
throughout the American Eepublic.
William Emmet Ore was the son of David Ore, Esq., and
was born in the city of Albany, September 12, 1841. His ances-
tors combined the best, and most vigorous qualities of the Scotch
and Irish character ; and young Ore partook largely of these
elements. In his early childhood he manifested an amiable and
lovel}" disposition, great purity of heart and of life, and was re-
markable for his obedience and affection as a son. At the age
of sixteen years, during a season of special religious interest, he
consecrated himself to the service of his blessed Saviour, and
united with the Second Presbyterian Church, of this city, under
the pastoral care of the Rev. Dr. Speague. He entered upon
the christian life with high aims, and with just views of the
nature and obligations of a public profession of his feith.
He was educated at the excellent school, conducted by the
Rev. Mr. Pieeson, in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and was afterwards
a student at the Rochester University. His intellectual attain-
ments, combined with his social and benevolent traits of charac.
ter, rendered him a most agreeable companion ; and those who
were with him at Fort Reno, and other places where he was
stationed, speak of him with fondness and admiration.
He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the One Hun-
dred and Thirteenth N. Y. S. V. (Seventh N. Y. Artillery) on
the 7th day of August, 1862, and assigned to Co. B. He served
with his company until he was promoted to First Lieutenant in
Co. E, in January, 1864. He was detailed as Acting Assistant
Adjt. General on the staff of Col. Lewis O. Morris, commanding
Second Brigade, Haskins' Division of the Twenty-second Army
Corps. He retained his position after the brigade joined the
Artillery Division of the Army of the Potomac. He participa-
ted in the engagements at River Po, May 19, 1864; at Milford
Station, May 21, 1864; and at North Anna River, May 23, 1864.
In all these battles his gallantry and efficiency attracted universal
attention. One who saw him on the field, Avhen shot and shell
were flying thick around him, and his comrades were falling,
said that his bravery could not be surpassed. In the thickest of
the fight, his calm resolution, and fervid and lofty patriotism
never forsook him. He looked not at danger, but at duty. He
asked not for a position of ease and safety, but for one where he
could best serve his country and honor his God.
After spending a night in the rifle pits with Col. Morris, he
retired with others in the morning to the woods to take break-
fast, when he was shot by a rebel, who fired from a tree. After
receiving the fatal wound, he was borne in a rough conveyance
forty miles, to Port Royal. Thence he was transported to Wash-
ington city. The last few days of Mr. Orr's life, were days of
extreme prostration and suffering. He was attended by his
devoted parents, who did all in their power for his relief. But
on Thursday morning, June 2d, 1864, at half-past two o'clock,
his feet and hands grew cold, his breathing was labored, and in
a few moments he bid farewell to his dear friends, his delightful
home, his bleeding country, and was attended by the angels of
God, to the mansions prepared for him in the heavens, by the
Saviour whom he loved.
On the 6th day of June he was buried with military honors,
in the Albany Rural Cemetery, a spot peculiarly sacred to us, it
being the resting place of so many noble patriots. The funeral
was attended by the Governor of the State and his staff", and the
body was escorted to the tomb by Company A of the Tenth
The following is an extract from a letter written by R. S.
Norton, Lieutenant and Acting R. Q. M., Seventh New York
Heavy Artillery, near Petersburg, Va., June 30th, 1864:
" I cannot close this letter, without referring to the personal
character and moral worth of Lieutenant Orr, and the warm
feeling of friendship I felt for him during our acquaintance, and
particularly from the time we left the defenoeg to the morning
he was wounded. During this time, our duties caused us to
be too-ether the most of the time; he as A. A. A. G., and I as aid
to Col. Morris. In the high opinion I had formed of his excel-
lence of character and soldierly qualities, I found I was not mis-
" Perhaps it would interest you to h^ar the circumstances relat-
ing to his receiving his wound, as given by one who was present
at the time. On the ftital morning, after being in the rifle pits
all night, we went across a field into a piece of woods to take
breakfast — Col. Morris, Lieut. Orr and myself. Upon rising
from the ground, Lieut Orr stepped aside a moment, and imme-
diately returned saying he was wounded. The Colonel made a
severe remark upon the careless firing of muskets by the men,
supposing that it had been done by one of our own men. We
all thought so then, but when the ball was extracted it proved to
be a rebel bullet. He requested me to tie up his arm in a sling,
and after doing so, we helped him on to his horse and took him
to the hospital. We did not think it a serious wound at the
time, and in answer to my question if it pained him much, he
replied that it did not, but his arm felt numb.
" The intelligence of his death was received in the regiment
with great surprise and deep sorrow."
The Albany Zouave Cadets passed a series of highly compli-
mentary resolutions in relation to the character and services of
our departed hero; and the family of the deceased received the
warm sympathy of a large circle of relatives and friends.
Among the many brave young men who stepped forward at
the first call to defend our Government, was the subject of this
sketch. He was a native of the city of Albany, and after having
received his education in our first schools, he entered upon the
study of the law.
His talents and earnest application won for him the high com-
mendation of his professors, and his scholarship and urbane man-
ners made him a favorite and chosen friend among his fellows.
Having completed the prescribed course, he graduated with
honor, and immediately began the practice of the law in the office
of the District Attorney, in the city of Albany.
He remained thus for some length of time, until a more pro-
mising position was ofiered to him in the western part of the
State, which lie accepted. He was here, surrounded by the new
duties and responsibilities of his profession, when the rebellion
broke out.
The history of that time shows a spirit of self-denial and sac-
rifice miequaled. The exigency called for the noblest and best,
and they were given. What a gift it was can only be known to
those in whose hearts it has • left an aching record.
Mr. Morgan entered the army as First Lieutenant of Company
G, Eighteenth New York Volunteers, Col. William A. Jackson.
The regiment engaged in active service immediately, and, at the
disastrous retreat of Bull Run, suflJered considerably, as a
greater portion of it was composed of young men, unused to
The fatigues and exposures of that time made serious inroads
upon the health of Lieut. Morgan.
At the termination of this campaign he suifered a severe at-
tack of inflammatory rheumatism, and was obliged to resign. A
promotion and furlough were offered to him, but as the state of
his health would render him unlit for service for some length of
time, he chose to resign. Two years later found him again in
the field. His regiment (Seventh New York Artillery, Fourth
Brigade, First Division, Second Corps, Gen. Hancock) was or-
dered to the front, and there experienced some of the most
trying service of the war. Out of seventeen hundred men, com-
posing that regiment, who left Washington for the front, only a
mere handful remained at the expiration of their term of enlist-
ment. Toil, suflering and death had done their perfect work,
and among those to whom this martyrdom was decreed was our
young soldier.
He was taken a prisoner of war at the battle of Ream's Station,
25th August, 1864. Out of his company, but one Sergeant and
six men were left.
This disaster was not known to his family and friends for many
weeks. After having exhausted every means in their power to
ascertain his fate, the terrible fact was at last discovered.
Death in the field; in an hospital; anywhere, would have been
merciful compared with this. The treatment that he received is
too horrible to relate. His mother and sisters can not speak of
it without tears. He was removed from Libby prison to Salis-
bury, N. C, a change for the worse, if such can be conceived.
Here his martyrdom was completed by the incarnate fiends who
had him in charge, and he died, a prisoner of war, on the 21st
of November, 1864.
More than ordinarily gentle and refined in his manners, he was
yet possessed of great firmness and courage, and many acts of
personal daring and bravery are known that reflect credit upon
him as a soldier.
With high toned morals, talents and cultivation of no common
order, a career of honor and usefulness was open to him in civil
life. His patriotism and sense of duty forbade him to pursue
this when his country demanded his services in the field.
As a son and brother, he endeared his home circle to him by
his genial virtues and manly worth. The memory of his ever
generous and affectionate qualities is fondly treasured in the hearts
of those who lovod him best.
His loss has brought a weariness of sorrow to them that will
not pass away. Many such homes there are in the land, but
" every heart knoweth its own bitterness."
Lieut. Barckley, son of Henry Barckley and Magdelane
Livingston, descendants of revolntionaiy times, was born in the
town of Knox, Albany county, N. Y., November 15, 1840. In
early life, he manifested an unusual fondness for books, and
made great proficiency in his studies. His parents resolved to
give him a thorough education, but were compelled at times to
check his rapid progress to preserve his health. He received a
religious education, and was a youth of excellent morals. His
parents belonged to the Reformed Dutch Church, and he was a
faithful member of the Sabbath school. He entered the junior
class of Union College in 1861, and graduated with honors in
July, 1862, in the 22d year of his age.
He returned home with his feelings fired with love of country,
which were, if possible, increased by those of his parents ; and
feeling impelled by a sense of duty to answer his country's call
and haste to the field of conflict, he at once enlisted as a recruiting
ofiicer, and commenced his labors in his native town. He was
so much beloved, that many, who were otherwise timid, became
inspired by his example, and rallied around him. In three or
four days he had a sufficient number of recruits to present with
himself at the rendezvous in the city of Albany; so that in the
organization of Company K, of the Thirteenth Regiment N. Y.
v., he, as a reward for his patriotic services, was at once elected
First Lieutenant.
As soon as his position was determined, the patriotic people
of Knox in a mass meeting of both sexes, resolved to do him all
the honor in their power, and as an expression of their high ap-
preciation of him and the noble cause for which he so cheerfully
gave himself, raised a sufficient sum to purchase a sword, sash,
belt and pistol, (the best that a line officer was allowed to wear)
which were presented to him at a large and enthusiastic meeting
in the town of Knox just before his departure to the field. The
equipage w^as presented by Rev. E. E. Taylor, and the sash
adjusted by Miss E. Bogardus, in behalf of the ladies. The
Eev. E. E. Taylor then made the presentation address to the
unusually large audience, who were assembled in the open air.
The following is a sjniopsis of the speech by Rev. Mr. Taylor:
"Civil government was formerly connected with that of the
church. It has since been changed; but nevertheless necessary,
and its support is equally binding upon us. And if there are
difterences in the moral characters of men, that diiference should
be considered in the selection of the best men under God, "who
setteth up nations and destroyeth," for this great work. And
if government is committed to men, then it is their duty to
maintain that government by the use of any necessary means to
subjugate foreign foes or rebels. As evidence, it is recorded
1 Chron. 5, 22: ' For there fell down many slain because the war
was of God.^
"However horrible the character of w^ar may appear, it is one
of God's commands that we, his servants, rally on the side of the
right and put down unholy rebellion, for the 'Captain of our
salvation ' hath said of him who ' taketh the sword (wrongfully)
he shall perish by the sword.' It is further recorded, Jer. xlviii,
10: 'Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully,
and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from (3lood.'
"We present to you this equipage in the name of God and
our country. You stand before us now in the military character.
This has become a necessity. May God sustain you in your
trials, give 3'ou a valiant heart, shield you from evil, and return
you and your comrades to us again in peace, if it may be, or, if
it must be that you fall, be yours an honored grave, and ours,
with you, l)y and by to enjoy the bliss of heaven. We pledge
to you our prayers and anxious sympathy.
"You go forth as our representative; in it we feel honored.
You are to make for us our history, and, joined with the patriot
urmy, are to crush, once uiid forever, rebels and rebellion, and
put the despots of the world before a free people; to trample
beneath your feet not only this rebellion but its cause, whereby
the foundations of our repuljlic shall be laid deeper, made
broader and built firmer, over which our national ensign shall
wave while time lasts."
To this Lieutenant Baeckley replied as follows:
^^ Reverend Sir — I accept these testimonials of regard from the
patriotic citizens of my native town, who have confided them in
trust to me, and here promise to hold them sacred, to use them
where duty calls, and never return them dishonored. And to the
ladies, this beautiful sash I shall ever hold in remembrance of
your attachments to the cause we all hold so dear."
The regiment Avhich he joined, commanded by Colonel Moreis,
left Albany August 14, 1862, and were assigned to the defences
of Washington and stationed at Fort Eeno, afterwards called
Fort Pennsylvania. Subsequently, the regiment, changed to the
Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, was ordered to the front
and engaged in several battles and skirmishes, and finally in the
terrible conflicts at Coal Harbor. There this noble youth was
mortally wounded. A shell struck him below his right knee
and he fell with his face towards the enemy, on Saturday, the
4th of June, 1864.
After suffering upon the field, he was taken to the surgeon's
quarters, where his limb was amputated above the knee. He
did not long survive the operation, but died on the 6th of July,
1864, at ten o'clock, p. m. He was attended by his devoted
mother, who did all in her power to alleviate his sufferings.
During his sickness he was calm, communicative and cheerful,
and felt that in serving his country he had served his God. Just
before his death, he said he could not die in a better cause. He
was regarded as one of the bravest of the brave, and greatly
beloved by all who were associated with him. His remains were
borne away from the hospital by his friends and relatives and
attended, with military honors, to his native hills.
The funeral services of Lieutenant Baeckley were attended on
Sabbath, the 10th of July, in the Reformed Dutch Church at
Knox, his native village. The coffin was strewn with flowers,
and the sword which had been presented to him upon his depart-
ure for the seat of war, and which he had so valiantly wielded
in his country's defence, was lying upon it.
Citizens from every direction flocked to the house of mourn-
ing until the church was filled to its utmost capacity, the vestibule
crowded, and the grounds in front filled by a multitude from far
and near, who were deeply interested, and seemed to appreciate
and realize the loss that the country and the community had
sustained. The scene was truly solemn and impressive.
The Rev. Wm. P. Davis, of Guilderland, assisted the pastor,
the Rev. E. Vedder, in the services. In view of this Providence
being accepted by the community as a general aflliction, Mr.
Vedder selected for his text, as an appropriate subject, the latter
clause of the third verse of the tenth chapter of Leviticus: "And
Aaron held his peace."
After the solemn exercises, the coffin being covered with the
flag of his country, the assembly followed his remains, in slow
and solemn procession, to the new cemetery; and in a most beau-
tiful spot, overlooking the place that gave him birth, selected
and given for that purpose, was deposited the lifeless form of the
once loved and noble youth. Lieutenant Barckley.
Charles Swaine Evans, the son of Henry I. and Eunice M.
Evans, was born in Rensselaerville November 10, 1^40.
He early displayed a strong affection for his parents, and many
amiable and noble qualities that endeared him to a large circle
of friends. He became hopefully converted, and made a profes-
sion of religion in the winter of 1862, in the Methodist Episcopal
Church, in Rensselaerville. His life clearly indicated the sin-
cerity of his profession, the depth of his love for his Saviour.
Animated by a pure and lofty patriotism, he enlisted August
2d, 1862, in Company K, Seventh Heavy Artillery Regiment,
and when promoted, he was transferred to Company I.
He was in the battles of Fredericksburg Road, Milford Station,
North Anna River, Tollapotomy Creek and Coal Harbor. As a
soldier, Lieut. Evans was brave, cheerful and always at his post.
He shrank from no duty, and was never intimidated by danger.
His companions speak of him in terms of the highest praise.
While suffering from long marches, unsuitable food and exposure
to storms and the cold, he never was heard to utter a word of
complaint. His letters, written to his dear parents and sisters at
home, breathe a spirit of the warmest affection and deepest inte-
rest in their welfare, as well as devotion to his Saviour and to
his country's cause.
The following letters, addressed to the members of the church
with which he was connected, show his religious feelings while
he was in the army:
550 lieut. charles s. evans.
Fort Pennsylvania, Head Quarters 113th )
Regiment N. Y. S. V., Octoler 24, 1862. \
Brothers and Sisters of the M. E. Church at Rensselaerville:
My heart is with yon, but I would that this Sabbath morning
I might worship God with you in the old basement, and once
more mingle my prayers and songs of praise with yours; and
with you feel the influence of the Holy Spirit, strengthening us
for the performance of our duty, and filling our whole soul with
enjoyment. But God, who moves in a mysterious way, has
ordered it otherwise, and in obedience to what I considered my
sacred duty, I am to-day far from home and its comforts — far
from privileges which I once so much enjoyed; yet I trust and
firmly believe that I am not far from the Lord, and I will praise
Him this morning. Nothing but my own acts can deprive me
of the comforts of His religion, and the enjoyment of His presence.
The excitement of leaving home, the novelty of the soldier's
life, and the influence of the associations into which I was thrown,
notwithstanding I endeavored to be fortified by grace, all tended
to lessen my enjoyment, and to separate me from the God I love.
But I am grateful that I have never lost sight of Him, and that I
have tried to be faithful in praying to Him, and in attending to
all the means of grace within ni}^ reach. For the past few weeks
I have been endeavoring, by reflection and prayer, to increase
my faith, my enjoyment and my hold upon eternal life; and I
have reason to think that God has blessed me. I have more
strength, more confidence, more peace; and in writing these few
lines, I feel great joy to think that, though absent, I can give in
my testimony to the power of religion. May the Lord bless us,
may His spirit guide us, and may we all at last dwell in the
bright world above.
Conscious that I am trying to do my duty, and feeling that I
am on the strongest side, because the Lord God is with me, I am
perfectly contented.
You can realize the danger of the body to which I am exposed;
but no one, unless by experience, can tell the danger to the soul.
Christians, pray for me, that I may be prepared for all that
awaits me; that though I fall bv the bullet or by (li<3ease, I may
come ofl' conqueror. Pray that if it is the Lord's will, I may be
preserved; but His will, not mine, be done. Meanwhile the
Lord watch between us. Trusting in God,
I am, yours truly, CHARLES SWAINE EVANS.
Fort Reno, D. C, March 22, 1863.
Brethren and Sisters — I deem it a great privilege, and may
God bless me in the use of it, that though separated far from
you, I am able to express my love for God's service, and my
desire to be one of His most faithful servants, and to merit the
promised reward. In looking over the past eight months, 1 can-
not but see and feel ver^^ grateful for the many evidences I have
of God's care. His mercy and His love have been manifested in
the preservation of my life and health, in the midst of dangers,
exposures and hardships; and the continued blessing of His Holy
Spirit alone has kept me safe while in the midst of the tempta-
tion and the evil with which I am surrounded. I derive g-reat
enjoyment from the consciousness of God's approval, in the gift
of my services to my country; and possessing, as I trust, His
religion, I am better enabled to discharge my duties, undergo
hardships and submit cheerfully to the deprivation of privileges
and blessings. It seems to me now, that without this blessed
religion of Christ's, the only thing which can satisfy and fill the
human heart, my life would be blank indeed, and my situation
almost unbearable.
Though we have weekly meetings, and the preaching of the
gospel, which I am faithful in attending, I miss very much your
Thursday evening prayer meetings, and Saturday night class
meetings, which were such helps to me at home. But the
memory of those early days in God's service, and of the vows I
paid Him in your presence, and of our prayers, tears and songs
of praise, give me strength to overcome much of the evil there is
in camp life.
I am glad to hear that the spirit of the Lord has been at work
in Rensselaerville, convicting, converting and saving souls that
were dead in trespasses and in sins. I pray that God may keep
you, and especially those who enlisted when I did, from the evil
in this world, and bless you in all your efforts to do good, and
may He at last crown you in Heaven.
In return, give me your earnest prayers, that I too may be
kept from sin, and may exert an influence for Christ, and never
bring any reproach upon His name. Pray, if the Lord wills that
I should live until this wicked rebellion is crushed, that I may
Ije a useful member of society and a true Christian, constant in
the discharge of duty. But if it is the Lord's will that I should
lose my life, may I die a Christian soldier, gaining an entrance to
Heaven, where no war nor battle sound is heard, and where we
can all praise God through eternity.
Your brother in Christ, C. SWAINE EVANS,
Co. K, 1th N. Y. Vol. Artillery.
The sentiments and principles expressed in these letters, Lieut.
Evans labored to carry out in his daily life. Among the sol-
diers, he was the consistent, faithful and earnest Christian, and
the warm, sympathizing friend. His reliance upon God was
constant and firm, and he never forgot that he was the professed
disciple of Jesus Christ. His religion sustained him in the camp,
on the battle field, and in the last trying hour.
On the 3d day of June, 1864, at three o'clock in the morning,
a terrible charge was made on the enemy's works at Coal Har-
bor. Through that severe fight Lieut. Evans passed unharmed.
But two days afterwards he was wounded by a sharpshooter, and
after lingering a few hours in great agony, he expired. He was
conscious to the last, and expressed his perfect trust in the
blessed Saviour.
He was buried the same day at Coal Harbor, where his remains
still rest. Everything possible has been done to recover them,
but the place where he was buried is now plowed over, and the
headboard was found two miles from the spot.
Among several letters received by the friends at home, is the
ft)llowing from Mr. Blanchard:
Gallupville, April 8, 1866.
My acquaintance with Lieut. C. S. Evans was somewhat
limited. His mind was well cultivated, and his Christian charac-
ter without blemish. He was always reliable, and everywhere
truthful, affectionate and kind. He was a model young man and
Christian. He gave good evidence of his patriotism by leaving
his friends and the work of preparation for a life of usefulness,
as an ambassador for Christ, to endure the trials and exposures
of the battle field. But he now rests from his labors, and has
gone to his reward. Yours truly,
The following letter, written before Mr. Evans was promoted
to the Lieutenancy, shows the estimation in which he was held
by a superior officer:
Head Quarters, Draft Rendezvous,
RiKER Island, February 17, 1864.
To all ivhom it may concern:
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Sergt. C. S. Evans,
Battery K, Seventh N. Y. Artillery, as capable of holding a com-
mission. He has been under my command some four or five
months, and during that time I never found him away from his
post. He was always ready and willing to do his duty. He is a
good soldier and a perfect gentleman, and nothing could give me
greater pleasure than to see him receive his commission, for I
think he has honestly earned it. He could do our country, in
this her hour of need, better service in such a position than the
one he noAV holds. If it were necessary to say more for him, I
would do so. CHARLES C. BAKER,
Major Z^th Regiment N. Y. V.
Of the fond brother a dear sister thus writes :
"None knew him but to love; none named him but to praise.
We miss him in the home circle, for he was so kind, so good, so
noble. But he is to-day in a brighter and better world than this,
and we are trying, by the grace of God, to exclaim: 'Even so,
Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.' "
Charles L. Yeaesley was the son of Henry and Sarah A.
Yearsley, and was born in West Troy May 19, 1843.
He received a Christian education, and his amiable qualities
and affectionate disposition made him a great favorite in the
home circle, and among all his friends. Early in life he became
a member of the Sabbath school, and was very conscientious in
observing the Sabbath, and attending upon the public worship of
From the commencement of the war he was very desirous of
entering the army and fighting for his country. He often urged
his parents to let him go, but they were for some time unwilling
to part with the object of their affections. His love for his
mother was very strong, but he said to her one day, " the love
of country and the love for one's mother are alike, and we ought
to be willing to die for either."
He enlisted August 13th, 1862, in Company H, One Hundred
and Thirteenth Regiment, afterwards the Seventh Heavy Artil-
lery, and left Albany for the defence of Washington on the 19th
of August. There he remained until May 15, 1864.
Towards the latter part of the year 1863 he was promoted to
the position of Orderly Sergeant, and on the 15th of April,
1864, was made Lieutenant, in consequence of his faithful servi-
ces and superior soldierly qualities.
In June he was ordered to charge the enemy's works in front
of Petersburg, and having had the command of Company G from
the third of that month, he led them forward. As the engage-
ment opened he was badly wounded, and his friends urged him
to go to the rear. But he pushed on, ai\jd was again wounded.
Still he nol)!}^ mid fearlessly pressed forward, and was struck by
a bullet for the third time, and fell mortally wounded. He died
in about ten minutes, with his face still towards the enemy.
In the death of this noble patriot the country lost one of its
truest friends; the company one of its noblest officers, and his
parents one of the best of sons.
He sleeps with a large number of Christian heroes in the
Albany Rural Cemetery. His precious life was given to the
noljlest of causes, and the priceless treasure that he helped to
secure, he leaves as his legacy to coming generations.
The following letters were Avritten to his father after Charles
Opposite Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.
Henry Yearsley, Esq:
Dear Sir — It is with feelings of the deepest regret I write to
inform you of the death of your son, Charles L., Lieutenant in
Batter}^ G, Seventh New York Heavy Artillery. He was killed
while charging the enemy's works. In your sad bereavement I
would offer you my heartfelt sympathies. It could be well said
of him, that none knew him but to love him. Pleasing in per-
sonal appearance and manners, he won friends by his gentleness
and kindness. He was as brave as a lion, and faithful in the dis-
charge of his dut}^ whether in the camp or in the face of the
foe. In him our country loses one of its noblest defenders; our
regiment one of its most efficient officers; and myself one of my
warmest personal friends. He died a soldier's death, with his
face to the foe. Our regiment was ordered to charge the works
of the enemy, and while nobly pressing his men forward, and
within a few yards of the works, he fell, shot through the
stomach, dying in about ten minutes. His body we have been
unable to recover, as it is between our lines. I will see that he
is decently buried and his grave marked.
His watch is in my possession; I will, as he wished, send it to
you by the first opportunity I have, and will try to send you his
sword, although I am afraid it will be impossible.
Please sir allow me to sympathize with you in this your great
affliction, at the same time trusting that " He who doeth all things
well" will comfort you. I am sir, truly yours,
Ca])t. Seventh N. Y. H. Artillery, Com. Battery G.
Quartermaster's Office, 7th N. Y. A.,]
4th Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps.
In the Field near Petersburg, June 25, 1864.
Mr. Henry Yearsley, West Troy, JST. Y:
Dear Sir — Your letter, dated 22d inst. I have just received,
and will hasten to reply. I wrote a letter to Mr. Charles Lack
some days ago, in which I referred to your son Charles, and I
presume that by this time you have learned either by this letter
or some other, of the fate of your noble boy. It therefore only
remains for me to comply with your request, contained in the
last part of your letter, and detail some of the circumstances con-
nected with his last moments. Perhaps I may be permitted
however, to first say a few words in relation to my previous
intercourse with him. Our intimacy commenced soon after our
regiment left Albany, in August 1862. There were three of us
who occupied the same tent; the third was Lieut. McClure. We
enjoyed each other's society very much during the almost twelve
months we were together. But I felt from the first, a parti-
cular feeling of congeniality towards Charlie, which I never
lost; I discovered at once in him a spirit so noble and generous,
and such a determination to do right, that I at once respected
and loved him. Our duties afterwards separated us, but our
friendship continued to grow stronger uj) to the time of his death.
During; the first two weeks service of our regiment in this
campaign, I was in all the engagements in which it participated,
and my position on the staff of Col. Morris as aid, during that
time, afforded me a good opportunity to judge of the merits
and fighting qualities of our officers. And I can say, that in the
very high opinion I had formed of Lieutenant Yearsley's
soldierly qualities, I was not mistaken. He was as brave and
true a soldier as ever lived. And since the second of this month
I have been acting Kogimental (Quartermaster, and my duties, as
such, requirctl mc to be with the supply train a good share of
the time. I was not in the engagement of the sixteenth, and
must therefore state the particuhirs concerning your son as I
heard them from those who were last with him. He had been
the only officer in his company for duty since the regiment was
at Coal Harbor, and he went into the charge before Petersburg
in command of the company. I am told he was wounded three
times before he gave up. While cheering on his men he was
struck by a bullet, and fell to the ground. But immediately
rising he assured his men that lie was not hurt much, and urged
them to press forAvard. He was hit the second time, and the
third shot struck him in the stomach, and proved to be a mortal
wound. The In-igade advanced to the enemy's rear works, and
found they were in a place where they could not get out, and a
surrender was unavailal^le.
A few, however, made their escape, among them Captain
Maguire, and a few of his men, and it is from them that I learned
the following facts : The enemy had apparently discovered that
the escape of our regiment was impossible; and they put their
heads over their breast works and called on the " Yankees " to
throw down their arms and come in, assuring them that they
would not be hurt. Captain Maguire replied, that they would
not get him while he was able to run, and he immediately started
to make his escape followed by four of his men, and a shower
of rebel bullets. In escaping over the field, across which the
charge had been made, a few minutes before, two men passed
Lieutenant Yearsley as he lay on the field; he called after them
saying, " don't leave me." They took him up and carried him
until they saw that his spirit had fled, when they laid him down
and hastened to our lines.
The following day, First Sergeant Shaw, with a detail of men
from our regiment, went out under a flag of truce and buried
the body of Lieutenant Yearsley. The Sergeant assured me
yesterday, that he could find the grave at any time. It is now
within our lines, but I think it would be impossible for you to
get permission to take it up before the first of November.
A few minutes before going into the charge the Lieutenant
handed his watch to one of his company, and it has since been
handed over to me. I will send it to you the first opportunity
I can get.
A feelino- of sadness comes over me while recountino- the cir-
cumstances of his death, and how much greater must be the sad-
ness of a fond father and loving mother; a mother whom I know
he loved, and whose pious counsels contained in her letters to
him, I know he heeded and treasured up in his heart. When first
learning of his death, it seemed to me that his young life had
been ^aken too soon — that his career of usefulness had hardly
commenced. But God knew best. I believe he has taken him
to Himself, and though it was not permitted his friends to be
with him in his parting moments, or to witness his cheerful
deportment and christian conduct and fortitude amid the hard-
ships of this dreadful campaign, yet I certainly think that they
should not be " like those who are without hope."
With the earnest wish, that you may receive strength from on
high, to bear up under this great -affliction, I close by subscrib-
ing myself, with much respect,
Your obedient servant,
LL and A, E. Q. M. 1th N. Y. Art.
John T. B. Goewey was born January 17th, 1842. He was
the youngest of nine children. His fother, Jacob Goewey, was
from one of the old Dutch families of Albany, and his mother,
Maria Baker, was a descendant of the Puritans of Massachusetts.
He was baptized, in childhood, by the Rev. Dr. Wyckoff, in
the Middle Dutch Church, his parents being members of that
His health was poor until he was ten years of age. He was
naturally of a nervous temperament and quick perceptions. As
his father's means were limited, he simply received an ordinary
When quite young he had a great desire to go to West Point,
but as circumstances would not admit of it, he reluctantly gave
up the idea. •
He went to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1857, with his parents, and
entered a book store as clerk. He also joined the Bible Class
in the Second Presbyterian Church, the Eev. Mr. Ellis, pastor.
When in that city he joined a military company, called the
Cleveland Light Guards. He, with his parents, returned to
Albany in 1859. When the war broke out, in 1861, he enlisted
in the Twenty-fifth Regiment, but not being of age, his father
would not consent to his ffoino;.
In the riot of July 12th, 1863, he was one of the thirty mem-
bers of the Twenty-fifth Regiment that left Albany, and were
gone five days on guard at Yonkers. He afterwards enlisted in
the Tenth Regiment, but could not get his father's consent to let
him go. He often said: " Father, they want another man. Do
you know who it is? That one is myself." After waiting
patiently for a year, he persuaded his father jfinally to give his
consent, and, with several young members of Hook and Ladder
Company No. 1, of which he was a member, he enlisted August
30th, 1864, in the Twenty-third Independent Battery, N. Y. Vols.,
stationed at Newbern, N. C.
He left Albany, September 9th, and arrived at Newbern one
week before the yellow fever broke out. The battery having
more men than was requisite, they were transferred to the Eighth
New York Heavy Artillery, and left Newbern, June 19th, for
Hotchkiss' Run, Petersburg.
He received a commission, dated December 27th, 1865, as First
Lieutenant of Company I, in the One Hundred and Seventieth
Regiment New York Volunteers, Second Division, Second Army
Corps-. He was in all the battles from the time of leaving Peters-
burg, until the surrender of Gen. Lee. His health was good
while at Berksville, Va., and at Richmond. But often needing
proper food and rest, his constitution was severely taxed. Pass-
ing through Richmond, he was much oppressed with the heat,
and at night a heavy rain storm came on, and he took a severe
cold. A fever set in, and in that condition he was obliged to
take command of his company, the Captain being dead.
When he arrived at Fredericksburg, he was conveyed from
thence in an ambulance, to afield hospital neai* Alexandria, three
days after which he died. He expired May 18th, 1865, aged
twenty-three years, four months and one day. His remains were
brought home, and on the 25th of May, 1865, were borne to the
Albany Rural Cemetery.
We deeply mourn his loss, as he was an affectionate and duti-
ful son, a kind brother, a true patriot, a brave soldier, and a
warm and sincere friend.
The following deserved tribute was paid to his memory:
" At a special meeting of Protection Hook and Ladder Com-
pany No. 1, held Friday evening, May 19th, 1865, the following
preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
^^WJiereas, The great Creator, in His infinite wisdom and mercy,
has removed from among us our late friend and companion, Lieut.
John T. Goewey, of the One Hundred and Seventieth N. Y.
Vols., while nobly engaged in his country's service:
^^ Resolved, That while we deplore his loss as an active mem-
ber, an agreeable companion and warm friend, we bow with sub-
mission to the decree of an all-wise Providence, who does every
thing for the best.
^'Resolved, That we tender to his bereaved family our heartfelt
S3^mpathy, and join them in mourning the departure of one, who,
in all the social relations of life, proved himself an affectionate
son and devoted brother.
^'Resolved, That the house of this company be draped in
mourning for thirty days, in memory of the deceased, and that a
copy of these resolutions be presented to his family, and pub-
lished in the city papers.
"MATTHEW QUINN, President.
" Robert H. Moobe^ Secretary ^
John B. Eead, First Lieutenant and Adjutant Seventh N. Y.
Heavy Artillery, was born October 8tli, 1830, at Stuyvesant,
Columbia county, N. Y, His father's name is Joel Eead, and
his mother's, Mary A. Burns.
In his domestic relations he was everything that could be
desired, and be will be ever remembered as a dutiful son, the
kindest of brothers, an ali'ectionate husband and father, and a
firm and faithful friend.
He entered the United States service from motives of the
purest patriotism. When disaster befell the Federal troops in
the battles in front of liichmond, and the second Bull Run, and
the call was made for more troops, he at once tendered his ser-
vices, notwithstanding he had an impediment in his speech, which
would have exempted him from all military duty. As a reward
for his services in recruiting, he was commissioned Second Lieu-
tenant in Co. A, One Hundred and Thirteenth N. Y. Infantry,
August 4, 1862, and was presented, by the citizens of the Eighth
ward, with a sword, sash and belt. On the 19th August, 1862,
the regiment left Allniny for Washington, and upon reaching
there, it was assigned to duty in the defences of that city. When
the regiment was changed to heavy artillery, Lieut. Read was
selected to recruit the additional men required. This duty he
accomplished to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers.
So highly were his services appreciated that he was promoted to
First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the regiment.
The regiment left Washington, May loth, 1864, to join the
Army of the Potomac, where it arrived in time to participate iu
the battles of Spottsylvania Court House, Milford Station, North
Anna and Coal Harbor. In all these battles Lieut. Read was
engaged, and on every occasion he displayed all the qualities of
an old and tried officer.
In the last named battle, he was seriously wounded, and was
left within the rebel lines. In all probability he perished upon
the field; as nothing definite has ever been heard from him.
Lieut. Read's qualities as a soldier were such that he not only
won the respect and afl'ection of the men under his charge, but
also, by his pleasing manners and numerous acts of kindness,
endeared himself to his superior officers. Whether in the camp
or on the battle field, he invariably manifested a deep interest in
the welfare of those with whom he was broue;ht in contact.
After being wounded, he was unwilling to accept of the services
of his fellow soldiers to remove him from the field, knowing
from the pressing emergencies of the time that every available
man was required, in order to insure the success of the Union
The mystery which hangs over the fate of this noble soldier,
has been a source of the deepest anxiety and sorrow to his rela-
tives and friends. They have used every endeavor to ascertain
whether he died on the field, or lingered in one of the horrible
southern prisons. But they have been unable to learn anything
respecting his last days and hours, and can only leave him in the
hands of a merciful God, with the hope of meeting him again,
where all is peace and joy, and where the good shall meet to
part no more.
This officer was a native of Ireland, and at the time of t'ne
breaking out of the late civil war, a resident of Albany, where
he had lived many years. He had a family, and was a carpenter
by trade. He followed that occupation till his entrance into the
service of the United States, as Second Lieutenant of Company
K, Sixty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, in September,
1861. His regiment at once joined Gen. Thomas F. Meagher's
He passed with the regiment through the Peninsula campaign,
in 1862, and fought in many of the battles against Richmond,
escaping without a wound.
At the battle of Antietam, on the 17th of September, 1862,
he fell mortally wounded, and expired on the field. He was
about thirty-five years of age. He was a man of good charac-
ter, modest and unassuming, but brave. He left a wife and one
These are the only facts, of interest to the reader, known, in
reference to this gallant patriot, whose life was sacrificed on the
altar of his adopted country.
" I only know, I only care to know.
You died for me — for me and country bled ;
A thousand springs, and wild December snows
Will weep for each of all our Northern dead."
From A. S. Kibbee, Esq.
Eev. R. W. Clark :
Dear Sir — It gives me pleasure to send to you the following
tribute to the memory of Lieutenant Matthew Bell, who was a
member of our church (The First Congregationalist.) I have
been intimately acquainted with him for the past twenty years.
He was of Scotch parents; was born in Scotland, and came to this
country alone when a small boy. Through the force of unyield-
ing determination, coupled with honesty and integrity of pur-
pose, he won his way into the confidence and esteem of many
friends. He Avas converted and united with our church in 1857.
Ever after he was a cordial co-worker with us in everything that
partained to the advancement of the interests of Zion. He was
with us from about the first of our organization, and in our Sab-
bath school, and also in the mission school, he was most efficient.
He was one that could be relied upon. A superintendent knows
how to value such men.
Through the early part of the war he felt it to be his duty to
enter the army, and it was only the wants of his family and their
entire dependence upon him, that prevented him from doing so.
But when the dark trying days came, he could no longer remain
at home and he volunteered (when bounties were comparatively
unknown) as a private in the One Hundred and Thirteenth New
York Regiment. He had received a military education and was
very efficient while the regiment was in the course of formation,
in drilling and preparing it for active service in the field. Before
the regiment reached Washington he was promoted to the posi-
tion of Second Lieutenant, and shortly after was made First Lieut.
It was my good fortune to visit the regiment while stationed at
Fort Reno, one of the defences of Washington, and while there
I learned what I might have expected, that he was considered
by his superior officers and also by the men of his company, as
one of the best officers in the regiment. He maintained his
integrity and was faithful in the discharge of every duty.
Very shortly after his arrival at the fort, he contracted a cold
from which he never recovered.
He died as he had lived, a true patriot and a sincere christian.
His remains lie in the Albany Rural Cemetery.
Yours very truly,
Luther Heckley Hill was one of thcat numerous band of
youthful heroes, brought out of the peaceful pursuits of civil
life into public action and notice by the late rebellion. He was
the second son of William and Matilda Hill and was l)orn on
the 26th of September, 1835. He was a young man of good
moral character, upright and honorable in his dealings, and social
and friendly in his intercourse with his fellow men. He was a
bookbinder by trade, and an excellent and ingenious workman.
Some months previous to the breaking out of the war, he
commenced business for himself in West Troy, and Avas just
beginning to get along comfortably. But as soon as the news of
the attack on Fort Sumter reached him, he was fired with patriotic
enthusiasm, and his loyal heart l)urned Avith an intense desire to
put the traitors down. He immediately sold out, at a sacrifice,
what he could of his stock and tools, and what he could not sell
he either gave or stowed away, as though he thought he would
have no more use for them. He then went zealously to work in
raising a company, and, so untiring were his efforts, that in a few
days he collected about forty men and was chosen their Captain,
for which position he was well qualified, having been for a long
time First Lieutenant of a military company.
He intended to have joined the Second Regiment, but was too
late, as it had completed its organization a few hours before he
applied. Disappointed, but not disheartened, he disbanded his
men, who parted from him with feelings of regret and went into
other companies.
Several persons offered their influence to obtain for him an
office, but he refused, sajang, "I will enter the ranks and make
my way up on my own merits." He was, however, afterwards,
persuaded to accept the office of Orderly Sergeant in Company
A, Captain Oswald, Thirty-fourth Regiment New York State
Volunteers. This was in May, 1861. Two days before his
departure, he was married to Miss Anna Western, of Albany.
As a soldier and officer he faithfully discharged every duty, and,
being of a buoyant and happy disposition, he endeared himself
to his comrades, and soon became a favorite with the officers and
men of the whole regiment. While on picket duty near the
Potomac, he had the misfortune to badly rupture himself, and
was strongly urged by both surgeon and officers, to get his dis-
charge and return home. This he refused to do.
In a letter to his mother he said: "I am coming home on a
short furlough to have my injuries attended to, and then I shall
return, and I will leave my bones to bleach and whiten in the
sunny South, before I will desert my country when she needs my
A few days before his furlough expired, being informed that
the army had moved, nothing could restrain his impatience, and
he took an aifectionate leave of his wife and relatives and hastened
back. On arrivins^ at Washino-ton, learnino: that the reo;iment
had gone, and that no conveyance could be obtained, he went on
foot, and after a walk of seventeen miles he met the regiment
returning, and he retraced his steps.
He was twice promoted; first as Sergeant Major and then as
First Lieutenant of Company G, in wliich capacity he was acting
at the time he was killed. He seems to have had the impression
that he would not survive a battle, as he had expressed himself
to that effect on one or two occasions. It proved to be but too
true, for he was killed in the first engagement on the bloody
field of Fair Oaks, 31st of May, 1862. A few moments before
he was shot, turning to a friend, he said, " if anything happens
to me, write immediately to my wife and mother;" and almost in
the next instant, at the third volley from the enemy, he fell
pierced by a bullet through the heart. He died like a brave
man in defence of the glorious flag of our Union, confronting the
traitors who had thrown off its protection and would have
trampled it into the dust, and yielding up his precious life a
willing sacrifice upon the altar of his country's liberty.
His body was taken to the rear, and was afterwards buried
with that of Sergeant Middlebrook. A few rails were placed
around their graves, and head boards to mark the spot.
Three weeks after, his grave was opened by some of his former
companions, and his remains placed in a rude coffin, in which
condition thoy remained till after the close of the war; his rela-
tives not beino- able to obtain them on account of the rebels
having possession of that part of Virginia. Lieut. Hjll had three
brothers, the eldest of whom died at the age of twenty; eleven
months after his brother was killed. His two remaining brothers,
William W. and Philip H., served in the N. Y. Seventh N. G.
when stationed at Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore. It is a great
satisfaction and comfort to the bereaved parents, especially to
their father, who has been entirely blind for eighteen years, to
know that they were all true and loyal to their country, in the
recent terrible strug-o-le to maintain our national existence.
His remains were fully identified and brought home by his
brother William W. and buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery,
October 7th, 1865.
The following tribute is from his blind and afflicted father:
There side by side in peace he sleeps
With his young brother fair;
And o'er their graves the green moss creeps,
And flowers are blooming there.
Though ne'er on earth we meet again
To press each other's hand,
I know that I shall meet with them
When in the Spirit Land.
And that the veil which wraps me here
In solitude and night,
Will then forever disappear
In its celestial light.
Lieut. Clark was born in the town of lYatervliet on the 27th
day of January, 1835. On the 25th day of June, 1836, his father
met with an accident while traveling on the Albany and Sche-
nectady railroad, by which he lost his life. He left two children
(boys) William being the eldest. Shortly after this affliction
Mrs. Clark removed to the city of Albany, where she still
The early life of William was passed without anything of
special interest. He received a good common school education
and learned the trade of a tinsmith. For a number of years he
worked for Mr. E. C. Blakeman, of Albany.
In the year 1860 he was married to Miss Alida Hare, of
Esperance, Schoharie county. When the war broke out in
the spring of 1861, and the Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. S. M.
w^as preparing to take the field, Mr. Clark was among the earliest
to volunteer to accompany them. He served faithfully the three
months, and on the return of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, find-
ing the Ninety-first N. Y. V. about being organized for three
years' service, he, in September, enlisted as Third Sergeant in
Company A. of that Regiment. He remained with them in the
Florida and Louisiana campaign until the battle of Irish Bend,
April 14th, 1863, when he fell, shot through the head, while
nobly doing his duty in a charge on the enemy. He lived about
an hour after being struck, but was not conscious of an3'thing.
At the time of his death he was acting; as Second Sergeant of his
company. A commission as Second Lieutenant from March 9th
had been awarded to him, but had not reached him when he fell
upon the field.
JoHX Peter Phillips, was First Lieutenant in company F,
One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment N. Y. S. V. He was
l3orn in the village of Fishkill, Dutchess county N. Y., on the 25th
of July, 1829. His parents gave him a good education and trained
him in the principles of honesty and virtue. At the early age
of sixteen he left home for New York. Here he showed great
energy in the prosecution of his business, and in resisting the
temptations of the city. He removed from New York to Albany
where his efforts in business were crowned with success. Here
he married on the 18th of April, 1852. He was very fond of
his home, and greatly enjoyed it till the tocsin of war sounded
through the land. He was then a member of the Tenth Regi-
ment, and had made himself master of the drill, and manual of
arms. When the Twenty-fifth Regiment started for the seat of
war, he very much wished to go with them, and nothing but the
ties of family restrained him. At this time the people were not
impressed with the magnitude of the struggle, and expected it
would soon be over. At last his regiment was called into ser-
vice, and he cheerfully obeyed the call. " I go," he said, " not
with the expectation of any pecuniary reward, but because I
l)elieve that it is my duty to give up everthing for my country."
The regiment were ordered to Louisiana, and when they arrived
there, were marched up the country. At Bonnet Carre Lieuten-
ant Phillips was seized with the typhoid fever, from which he
never recovered. When they reached Baton Rouge he was very
weak, and soon after, the regiment's time being out, they were
ordered home. Lieutenant Phillips arrived in Albanv in a state
of great bodily prostration. ' He was unable to caress bis cbil-
dren, wbom be deeply loved, or to make bimself understood by
bis fond wife. On tbe fourtb day of bis return, and tbe 4tb
day of September, 1863, be departed tbis life. His remains
were interred in tbe Albany Rural Cemetery, tbere to rest till
tbe brigbt morning of tbe resurrection day.
So sinks the soldier to his rest
With all his country's wishes blest
The subject of this sketch was the eldest son of Sylvester
F. and Catharine B. Shepard. He was born in Albany, New
York, July 25, 1841, and was killed at the siege of Port Hudson,
June 14, 1863. Amiable in his disposition, active in his habits,
and quick in perception, his manly deportment and generous
feelings made him a fovorite with his companions. He very
early offered his services to the government, and enlisted as a
private in the Albany Burgesses Corps, which left Albany April
30, 1861, and became connected with the Twenty-fifth Regiment,
stationed at Arlington Heig-hts.
He returned after three months' service, and immediately
commenced recruiting a company for the Ninety-first Regiment,
then organizing. Enlisting for three years, from December 6,
1861, his energy and success in raising a company secured him
the appointment of Second Lieutenant in company C. The
regiment, numbering nearly nine hundred men, left Albany, for
Governor's Island, December 25, 1861; which place it left for
Key West, January 8, 1862, arriving there on the 20th. It
remained at Key West until May 2d, when it was ordered to
Pensacola. In the fall of 1862, Mr. Shepard returned north to
recruit, and, after partial success in regaining his health, he
returned in time to join the regiment before it was ordered to
Baton Rouge, to join the expedition under General Banks.
The wearisome and varied marches of the troops in this divi-
sion, from the early spring of 1863 to the fall of Port Hudson,
are matters of history. A letter from a member of the Ninety-
first, dated July 27th, says: "The siege of Port Hudson was a
weary work, and both parties fought with the greatest bravery.
Our own regiment suffered severely, and the men behaved nobly.
On the 14th of June we made an assault on the enemy's fortiti-
cations, but were repulsed, and such a scene of carnage I never
wish again to witness. Our regiment acted as grenadiers,
approaching the breastworks with hand grenades, under a per-
fect shower of bullets, which mowed down the brave fellows by
scores. But few reached the trenches, and those only to be
repulsed and taken prisoners. I laid for five hours within half
pistol range of the enemy, continually exposed to the cross fire
from the rifle pits, with my connadjes falling around me.''
In this engagement, Lieutenant Shepakd took a prominent and
brave part. The attack, which was one of the most hazardous
and disastrous of the war, was made early in the morning, and
the Captain of his company fell at the beginning of the engage-
ment. The command devolving upon young Shepaed, he was
encouraging and leading the men forward when a ball pierced his
left breast, and the noble hero fell a sacrifice to his country's cause.
His remains were recovered and subsequently brought home.
An Albany paper, speaking of the event said: "The loss of
young Shepard is a terrible blow to his family and friends.
Highly gifted, and enthusiastic in his profession, had he been
spared he would have made his mark in the iirmy. He met his
fate worthy of a brave boy. He died, with his face to the enemy,
while leading his men up to the mouth of the enemy's cannon.
His memory will be cherished b}^ his many young friends, who
sadly deplore his premature death."
A letter from Captain Wilson, of the Ninety-first, to a member
of his family, says: "Your brother has earned for himself the
reputation of being a gallant and brave ofiicer; and I have heard
the men speak in glowing terms of his conduct in several hard
fought battles, especially those of the 25th and 27th of May.
You have the proud satisfaction of knowing that he died for his
country, and that he faithfully did his duty as an officer and
gentleman, and that he fell as a soldier should, with his face to
the enemy, gallantly leading his men to the charge. He was a
great favoi-ite with the Colonel, who sincerely mourns his loss,
as well as all the other members of the regiment."
Lieut. Shepard was promoted to the First Lieutenancy of his
company, May 19, 18(32, and appointed Adjutant of the regiment.
Patrick Maher was born about the year 1821, near Roscrea,
in the county of Tipperary, Ireland. He came with his parents
to the United States about the year 1824. The family settled
in Albany, where his father and motlier died. He married early
in life, and had two sons, both of whom are now living. His
occupation was a saloon keeper, and he was highly respected by
every one who knew him. Ho served for t^velve years in the
Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. S. M,, and was a prominent mem-
ber of the Emmet Guards, being treasurer and Second Lieuten-
ant of said company.
He went to California, where he was not very successful, and
after many years returned to Albany.
At the commencement of the late war, he went with the
Twenty-fifth (Colonel M. K, Bryan) to Virginia, as Sergeant in
company B, Montgomery Guards. A few months after the
expiration of his term of service, he enlisted in Captain Michael
0'Sulliv.\n's company (F,) Sixty-third N. Y. V., Irish Brigade,
and his son Daniel enlisted with him. He was joromoted to the
position of Commissary Sergeant, and in the discharge of his
duties gave universal satisfaction. On the battle field of Antie-
tam he was promoted First Lieutenant, a just tribute to his
integrity as well as to his military talents.
He commanded company F, while Captain O' Sullivan was
absent from wounds received at the battle of Antietam. He also
commanded the company after his Captain's discharge through
disal)ility from March to June, 1863, when he was mustered out
with other ofiicers, in consequence of the consolidation of the
Sixty-third into two companies. He returned home, and resumed
his old occupation. He re-enlisted as private in the same regi-
ment, and was present in the sanguinary battles of the Wilder-
ness, Chancellors ville, &c., and in those at Petersburg, His
courage and capacity for command being severely tested, he was
recommended for promotion to Governor Fenton, and was at
once placed in command of a company.
In one of the engagements at Petersburg, June, 1864, a ball
shattered his left thigh and amputation became necessary. He
came home and died in Albany, and was buried by the Emmet
Guards, the company in which he commenced his military career.
He had the satisfaction to receive his commission as First
Lieutenant a few days previous to his death, as a recognition of
his services in the field, and of his devotion to the Union.
Robert G. Noxox, son of Peter B. and Helex Noxon, was
born in the town of Bethlehem.
Actuated by the true spirit of patriotism, he enlisted in Com-
pany F, Thirtieth Regiment, October 8th, 1862. He remarked
to his mother that she should be jDroud to have a son in the
American army, to sustain the government and the Union.
Lieut. NoxoN was in several battles, in which his bravery and
devotion to his country were conspicuous. After the battle of
Fredericksburg, he was transferred to the Seventy-sixth Regi-
ment, Company F.
In the terrible battle at Gettysburg, he was mortally wounded,
and laid upon the field for fifty-four hours, in great suflbring.
He was wounded in the thigh by a Minnie ball, that passed
through the bone and fractured it. It was several days after
he was wounded before he was taken to the hospital. He sur-
vived his wound but forty days, when he was released by death
from his extreme sufi*erings. His remains rest in the Albany
Rural Cemetery.
Lieut. Southwick, the sou of Henry C. and Mary South-
wick, was born in the city of Albany, September 5th, 1841; and
died in camp near Warwick Court House, Va,, on the 4th day
of May, 18 G2.
As a child he was noted for truthfulness, moral courage, kind-
ness of heart and obedience to his parents. When he grew
older, these qualities were strengthened and brightened by his
manly and courageous advocacy of those principles which he
deemed to be right and just.
When the storm of war burst forth, he never hesitated or
doubted as to the line of duty, but immediately began to prepare
for the contest. He was in the employ of Gen. John F. Rath-
bone, who bears testimony to his high integrity of character.
Although his connection with him was of a business nature, the
General pressed him into service as an assistant, at the bar-
racks in this city, where he was employed during the fall of
Becoming impatient to participate in active service in the
field, he joined the Ninety-third Regiment New York State Vol-
unteers, then organizing at the barracks, and was immediately
elected Second Lieutenant of Company A. He left the city with
the regiment, and the following letters give a partial account of
his movements:
Meridian Hill, March 23, 1862.
My dear Parents — I doubt not that by this time you are quite
vexed at me on account of my very great tardiness in not writing
you before. But better late than never, you knoAv, so please
When we left New York it was almost dark, 3-011 will remem-
ber, so that it brought us to Philadelphia at midnight exactly,
where a most Avelconie and sumptuous repast awaited us. We
had then to march about one mile through the city to the depot,
Mdiere we took the cars, and laid in them all night, in the depot,
on account of a train, which left before we got there, having broke
down just out of the city.
At last, about seven a. m., we got started, and, after many
stops and vexatious delays, about one p. m. arrived at Perryville,
Md., where the cars were taken on to the ferry boat and ferried
bodily over to Havre de Grace. There the Fourth New York
Regiment is stationed. We left there immediately, arriving in
Baltimore about dusk, when we marched througli Pratt street,
where you remember the Eighth Massachusetts boys met with
trouble last spring. We here partook of the hospitalities of
Baltimore, provided for us by the citizens, and I assure you I^
never felt so grateful for a meal in my life as I did for that. I
tell you what it is, the boys of the Ninety-third New York will
long and gratefully remember the gentlemen and ladies of Phil-
adelphia and Baltimore.
We rested here about tw^o hours, when we again jumped on
the cars for Washington, which place we reached about five
o'clock A. M. About noon we left the city, marching about two
miles out on the Bladensburg road, where we pitched our tents,
and got our first taste of camp life; and I assure j^ou that that
night's sleep was most deliciously enjoyed by about eight hun-
dred and fifty of the most tired and forlorn looking fellow^s that
ever formed a regiment. We were most beautifully situated
here, on a high hill overlooking the country around for miles;
and wherever the eye could reach, nothing, hardly, but little
white tents dotted the landscape.
But already it has got to be an old story here to visit a camp,
or to stand in the evening, looking at the camp fires of a neigh-
boring regiment, and wake up in the morning to find the camp
deserted, and not a sign or vestige left to remind a person, that
the nio;ht before a bustling crowd of blue coats had been there.
Where had they gone? Well, that was just what nobody knew;
and so it goes.
Last Tuesday we received orders to leave Bladensburg for this
place, expecting to leave the next morning for Alexandria, there
to start for James river. But here we are yet.
We are in Gen. P.vlmer's Brigade, Casey's Division, and have
had marching orders since we have been here; but it is my
honest opinion we will never get more than lifty miles from here.
I am perfectly contented and satistied here, and enjoy myself
very much. * * *
My most afiectionate love to you all, beloved parents, brothers
and sisters. Write me soon.
Your allectionate son, JAMES.
In Camp, seven jnules from Fortress Monroe,
April 2, 1862.
My dear Father — You will no doubt be rather surprised to
learn of our sudden departure from Washington, which we left
last Thursday p. m.
We left Meridian Hill last Thursday about hve p. m., crossing
the Long; brido-e in total darkness, and marching that niaht seven
miles to Alexandria. We arrived there al)out eleven-thirty p. m.,
and camped on the sidewalks, in doorways, and under stoops,
which was very uncomfortable, I assure you. I sat up all night
in a doorway, with a blanket around me, but slept not at all. The
next day, Saturday, we marched out about two miles from the
city and camped, would you believe, in the midst of a heavy
snow storm, which shortly, however, turned into rain. Our men
had to lie right clown in it, on account of our tents not arriving.
They were detained by a great crowd of wagons on the road,
sixteen thousand men having crossed the bridge the same day we
did. We laid there that night, and the next morning, Sunday,
we again commenced our march, returning to Alexandria, where
we embarked on the steamer " Vanderbilt" for Fortress Monroe.
On our way down the river, we had a fine view of Mathias Point,
and of a number of splendid fortifications, but lately evacuated
by the rebels. We arrived at the Fortress at nine a. m. Tuesday,
April 1st.
We disembarked under the guns of the Fortress, and marched
three miles to Hampton, which you remember was laid in ruins
by the rebels, under Magkudek. The walls are still standing-,
and also the stockade and earthworks, erected by the rebels.
Our men that night slept in the ruins of a church and in the
grave yard attached to it, on top of graves, &c., which I assure
you was rather a new situation for your son Jim to be placed in.
At any rate, no ghosts disturbed my slumbers, which were pretty
sound, I assure you, after our tiresome journey. We arose with
the dawn, and started on five miles further to this place, where
we camped a few hours since. What the name of this place is,
I could not say, but suffice it to say that Norfolk is just over the
river, and possibly my next letter may be dated from there.
I am just as fresh this moment as though I had not marched a
foot, with all my goods in a knapsack on my back. I send you
a peach bud, plucked in Hampton, which was just handed me by
one of the men. The trees are all blossoming, birds singing, and
the weather beautiful in the day, but chilly at night. My most
affectionate love to mother, Julia, and my dear brothei's and
sisters. Your afiectionate son,
Near Newport News, Va., i
Friday, April 11, 1862. ]
My dear Sister — 1 received your very truly welcome letter last
evening, and though suifering from a very severe sore throat,
brought on by the cold rains of the past few daj-s, I hasten thus
early to answer it. You speak of Ben having commenced a let-
ter, which I assure you I would be very happy to receive, not
having heard from him since leaving home.
The " Merrimac " is flying around here, making the folks at New-
port News and vicinity feel anything but easy. She captured
two of our transports yesterday, and it was expected that she
would attempt to run past the fort. If she ever gets out, there
will be a big time, for they will have to run her ashore or tip
her over before they can take her. A year ago to-day, Sumter
was bombarded.
Sunday. April 13, 1862. — I have done no duty in three days,
on account of my throat, which has worried me considerably.
I am, your afl'ectionate brother, JAMES.
Lieut. SouTiiwiCK remained with his command until he was
taken ill with the disease which terminated his life. Had he
been less earnest in the discharge of his military duties, his life
might have been prolonged; but after being sent to the hospital
at Newport News, he learned that the regiment had marched for
Yorktown. He rose from his cot, and rode on an army wagon to
Warwick Court House, where the regiuient was then quartered,
a distance of several miles, and immediately applied himself to
his duties. But the fever proved too strong, and he was forced
again to a sick bed, from which he never rose. On the day that
our army marched into the rebel intrcnchments at Yorktown, his
spirit took its flight to the eternal world.
Thus he passed aAvay in the flush of youth, and with the
brightest prospects before him; for he Avas richly endowed with
those qualities of mind and character which, had he been spared,
would have won for him honor and promotion. He was a soldier
of undaunted courage, inflexible integrity, and was scrupulous
and self-exacting in the discharge of every duty devolving upon
him. He won the respect and esteem of all who knew him, and
his family lament the loss of an obedient, truthful son, and a
lovinof and afl'ectionate brother.
The following letter respecting him, was received from Col.
Washington, D. C, May 22, 1866.
Sir — It aflTords me much pleasure to be able to certify to the
excellent character and great personal worth of Second Lieu-
tenant James M. Southavick, late of the Ninety-third New York
Volunteers. I was familiarly acquainted with him and highly
esteemed him on account of his manly virtues, his excellent
qualities as an officer, and his patriotic zeal in the cause of his
He joined my regiment (fhe Ninety-third New York Volun-
teers) in November, 1861. and was soon after commissioned
Second Lieutenant of Company A, and continued to serve as
such until his death, which occurred at the siege of Yorktown,
Va., May 4th, 1862.
In the great contest in which his country was engaged he
manifested the strongest feeling in behalf of the Government,
and emphatically denounced the eft'orts of rebels and traitors to
destroy it. He never seemed to doubt but that the Government
would prevail against its enemies, and that the war would result
in more firmly establishing the institutions of the country upon
the principles expressed in her Declaration of Independence, than
ever before. He expressed a desire to serve his country in her
hour of trial, and a willingness to risk his life in her just cause.
Such I believe were the motives that led him to enlist.
As an officer, he studied to know his duty, and always per-
formed it nobly and well. He was gentlemanly and courteous
in his deportment; a man of most excellent morals, and he seemed
to be guided by the Golden Rule, " Do unto others as you would
that they should do unto you." He was kind and attentive to
the wants of soldiers in his charge, and they appreciated him as
one of their best friends. He won the confidence and respect of
all the officers of the regiment, and his loss was most heartily
deplored by the entire command.
His disease was typhoid fever. He first complained of ill
health about the 20th of April, and by my directions was sent
to the hospital. But the next day, learning that the regiment
was ordered to move to the extreme front, he left the hospital to
rejoin his command, stating that he felt better and desired to be
with his regiment in the expected engagement; that he could
not endure the idea of his men going into a fight and he not
with them to share the duties and dangers of battle. Most of
the baggage had been left in the rear, and the weather being
rain}^ and bad, he was necessarily exposed.
The severe hardships and exposures of the camp proved too
much for him, and lirought on his disease with renewed force,
and terminated his life, as before stated.
In liis death we all felt that the regiment had lost one of its
best officers, and the conntiy one of its noblest and bravest
defenders. Every officer and man in the regiment was a sincere
mourner over the event, which had so suddenly and unexpectedly
deprived them of their brave and true comrade in arms.
Very respectfully your obedient servant,
Late Colonel 93cZ N. Y. Vols., Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. V.
To H. C. SouTHWiCK, Albany ^ N. Y.
The following resolutions were adopted by the officers of the
Ninety-third Regiment N. Y. S. V. , on the death of Lieut. James
M. Southwick:
Bivouac of the 93d Regiment, N Y. S. V.
Near West Point, Va., Maij 10, 1862.
At a meeting of the officers of the Ninety-third Regiment
New York State Volunteers, held at tlie Bivouac, near West
Point, Va., May 10th, 1862, Capt. George B. Moshier was ap-
pointed chairman, and Lieut. Henry P. Smith secretary. On
motion of Lieut. Henry C. Newton, a committee of three Avas
appointed to draft resolutions expressive? of the feelings of the
officers of the regiment, on the announcement of the death of
Lieut. James M. Southwick, of Company A, Ninety-third New
York Volunteers.
The folloAving named officers were appointed as such com-
mittee, viz: — Lieut. Henry C. Newton, Capt. N. J. Johnson, and
Lieut. Jaivies W. Race.
The following resolutions were adopted:
Whey-eas, The officers of the Ninety-third Regiment New York
Volunteers have heard with profound sorrow of the death of
Lieut. James M. Southavick, (formerly of All)any) which occurred
at our late camp near Warwick Court House, Va., on the 4th day
of May, 1862:
Resolved, That by the death of Lieut. James M. Southwick,
the army has lost an accomplished and efficient officer, and his
fellow officers a trusty and valuable friend, who had become
endeared to them by bis many noble and generous impulses — his
manly and upright liearing and gentlemanly deportment.
Resolved^ That we sincerely and deeply deplore his death, and
that we will ever cherish a lively recollection of his many
virtues, and that his memory Avill never be obliterated from our
Re^solved, That we tender his fiimily and many friends our
heartfelt sympathies.
Resolved^ That these resolutions l)e published in the different
newspapers at Albany, and a copy transmitted to his parents.
Capt. N. J. JOHNSON,
Ox the list of patriotic names of the brave and galhmt men
who went forth to battle, and perchance to death for the salvation
of their country in the hour of iier greatest peril, that of Edward
Bayard Hill claims a place in the foremost rank.
He descended from a parentage of strongly marked and strik-
ing characteristics, and gave unequivocal evidence that he in-
herited a large share of the intellectual power and energ}', which
distinguished l)oth his father and his grandfather. The latter at
the age of tifteen years, entered the Revolutionary army almost
at the commencement of that great struggle, and continued in it
to the end. It is prol)al)le that he never attended school a single
day in his life. He was therefore trulj- a self-made man. At an
early day after the close of the Revolutionary war, he purchased
a farm in the town of Florida, in the count}^ of Montgomery,
upon which he resided, and Avhich he cultivated with his own
hands for a, period of over sixty years, and until his death, which
occurred about nine years ago.
At the time Mr. Hill the elder settled in Florida, the country
was new and mechanics were few and far between. To a man
of his intellectual resources and indomitable will, this occasioned
little or no inconvenience.
He wanted a house and a l)arn, and he built them. He wanted
blacksmith work, and lie furnished it from his own hands.
Indeed, whatever he needed for himself and family, he made.
He did all this, although he had never served one day as an
apprentice to any trade. Some years after the close of the
revolutionary war, Mr. Hill united Avith the Methodist Episco-
pal church, and became an etfcctive local preacher of that denom-
ination. His discourses were marked with the fervor and earnest-
ness which might have been expected from a strong but uncul-
tivated intellect.
A gentleman of high standing in the county of Montgomery,
who Avas perfectly competent to express an opinion upon such
a subject, was accustomed to say that if xSicholas Hill, the elder,
had been an educated man and had directed his attention to either
of the learned })r()fessio!is, he would have made a very distin-
guished man — a declaration in which all who knew him most
heartily concur.
Mr. Hill, the elder, was a man of most commanding and im-
posing presence. He was tall, erect and well proportioned. His
face was strongly marked with those intellectual qualities which
arrest attention and command respect. He was one who could
not walk the street without arresting the attention of the passer
by, and being recognized, at once, as a man of mark.
Nicholas Hill, Jr., the father of Lieutenant Hill, and one of
the most distinguished members of the American bar, was too
well known to require any particular description. He had the
advantage of his father in the enjoyment of a common school
education. But not satisfied with this he left the paternal roof
and l)y his own energy secured academic advantages, Avhich his
father's means were not sufficient to provide.
Lieutenant Hill was l)orn in the county of Saratoga, Init came
with his father to Albany at an early period of his life, where he
resided some twenty years before he entered the service.
He studied law with his father, and obtained a license to prac-
tice. After his father's death, he became a partner in the firm
of Cagger, Porter & Hill. His professional career Avas hardly
opened, Avhen he was summoned to another field of action.
AVhen the neAvs of the attack on Fort Sumter reached the north.
Lieutenant Hill, in common Avith thousands of our young men
Avhose names have since become historic, at once resolved to
enter the service of his country.
He applied to several influential friends of Albany to sign a
recommendation for his appointment to some office in the regular
army. He ol^tained such a recommendation and started for
Washington, at that critical juncture Avhen the massacre of the
Massachusetts soldiers at Baltimore had interrupted all communi-
cation l)ctween the northern States and the Capital. To get to
Washington through Baltimore at that time, required all the
courage, coolness, and strategical skill, which are usually need-
ful in the movements of armies through a hostile territory. That
coolness and that skill were exhiluted by the youthful private,
in making his way to the quarters of the beleaguered Commander-
He went to Washinoton throu«;h Baltimore, and his arrival
there at midnight, by a devious and perilous route, with impor-
tant military intelligence from the north, was a joyful surprise
to General Scott, the President and Cabinet. The value of the
service was immediately recognized by his appointment as a
Lieutenant in the regular army.
Lieutenant Hill had command of a l^attery in the tirst Bull
Run battle, in July, 1861, and young and inexperienced as he
was, obtained the credit, which cannot be awarded to all, upon
that occasion, of saving his Ijattery and bringing it back to the
Union lines uncaptured and unsurrendered.
In one of the battles on the Chickahomin}^ in July, 1862,
Lieut. Hill was wounded in the arm by a jNIinnie ball, which
entered his wrist and came out near the shoulder. The wound,
thoiio^h severe, was not deemed mortak He was brouo;ht to the
Brevoort House, in New York, where every attention was
bestowed upon him ])y an affectionate mother and kind friends;
but these proved unavailing, and he died on the 13th of June,
1862, in the twenty-eighth year of his age.
His manly bearing as an officer, his courteous treatment of his
subordinates, his coolness and unquestioned bravery in the hour
of conflict, had greatly endeared him to all his companions in
arms, and to all with whom he had become acquainted. He pos-
sessed all those qualities which were Avell calculated to inspire
hopes of distinguished services and a brilliant professional career.
Thus perished one among the thousands of those generous and
patriotic young men who, like Lieut. Hill, rushed into the com-
bat, and freely gave their Vivvs for the freedom and ind(»pendence
of their country.
Peter M. Stalker, son of James and Isabella Stalker, was
born on the lltli of March, 1842, at Perthshire, Parish of St.
jNIaides, Scotland.
Wlien ten years of age he accompanied his parents to America.
Ten weeks after their arrival, his father and older brother died
of cholera. This occurred the 22d of August, 1854. Both were
lain in the same grave in Ida Hill Cemetery, Troy, N. Y.
Peter and his mother were now left alone in a strange land;
l)ut nothing could induce them to return to their friends at home.
This soil had become sacred, for it held their dead.
At eleven years of age Peter went to work, that he might not
be dependent upon his mother; but he still continued his eftbrts
to acquire an education, and was never happier than when
ensrao-ed in the evenino- with his books, at his mother's side.
When he was about sixteen years old, they came to Albany,
and shortly after he commenced fitting himself for a trade. He
won the confidence of all by his industry, faithfulness and piety.
At this time he became a member of the Tenth Regiment,
Capt. DoDDS. When the war broke out, this regiment volun-
teered, and he was among the first to fight for his adopted coun-
try. Leaving home, he enjoyed perfect health, and escaped all
injury until the 24th of March, 1863, when he was wounded at
Ponchatoula, La.
He was taken at first to the Marine Hospital with his Captain,
who was also wounded by the same ball. After a short time the
Captain, having somcAvhat recovered, returned to his regiment,
and the Sergeant also returned to camp, preferring to be with
the "bo3'S." And here we must pay a tribute to the lamented
Lieut. Williamson. On the arrival of the Sergeant, the Lieu-
tenant gave up his tent and bed to the wounded soldier, and did
all that he could to contribute to his comfort. This is but one
of his many acts of Christian kindness. None knew or appre-
ciated him better than our young friend.
His wound was not considered dangerous, and he would pro-
bably have recovered from it, but was seized wdth diarrhoea,
which, in conjunction with the wound, resulted fatally. He died
in the hospital at Bonnet Carre on the l^tli of July, 18(i3.
Although death came unexpectedly, he was not the less pre-
pared to meet it. In his many letters he always expressed a
willingness and readiness to die if necessary, placing his depend-
ence upon Him who notices even the fall of a sparrow.
After some months, Capt. Filkins kindly volunteered to go on
and bring home the remains of the dead heroes.
Serfft. Stalker was amono; the number who were brought to
our city, and buried, with military honors, in the Albany Rural
Cemetery. His funeral took place on the 10th January, 1864.
He is now resting in the north part of the cemetery, where a
beautiful stone has been erected by his mother.
His memory will be cherished by his numerous friends, whose
grief at his early death has this consolation, that he was pre-
pared to die, and died cheerfully for his adopted country.
Irving P. Jaqttes, son of Edward and Emily Jaques, was
boi-n at Nassan, N. Y., on the Otb of March, 1844. His charac-
ter for energy and bravery began to develop in very early youth.
At school he was the acknowledged leader in study or sport,
and was the pride of his teacher. He was distinguished for his
powers of oratory, and his knowledge of mathematics.
In manners he was gentle and affectionate, to a feminine
degree. Indeed, so remarkable were his personal attractions
that every one seemed drawn tow\ards him. In the home circle
he was the idol of his family, being remarkable for his strong
affections and prompt obedience.
While filling the situation of a clerk in a village store, the
sound of the first gun fired in Fort Sumter reached his ears; and
though scarce seventeen summers had passed over his head, he
was inspired with an uncontrollable desire to assist in maintain-
ing the rights of his country. Accordingly he enlisted, August,
18(31, in the Forty-seventh New York Regiment, "Washington
Greys." The regiment was, in two months, ordered to Annapo-
lis, to take part in the expedition to Port Royal, under Gen.
Sherman. Here the l)rave but frail l)oy, while in camp, was
attacked with typhoid fever, Avhich so prostrated him that his
superior ofiicer, Col. Moore, advised him to quit the service.
The first intimation his parents received of his condition, was
the following letter, received from the State Comptroller of
Annapolis, October 20, 1861.
E. Jaques, Esq. :
My dear Sir — Your son Irving is now lying sick of typhoid
fever, and is expecting his discharge from service. His regi-
nieiit was ordered to strike tents and embark on Friday last, and
had no time to arrange for bis comfort and care. I have taken
him to my home, and called my family physician to see him,
who thinks his case decidedly improving. I think he is very
anxious to get home, although he uses but few words. He has
just said he would like to have you to come here immediately,
and there is little doubt but that he would improve more rapidly
in the atmosphere of home. Until you come, I will see that all
necessary attention is given him.
Yours very respectfully, W. L. W. SEABROOK.
Ikving's father immediately responded to the call, and, in a few
days, the sick boy was at home, and again received to hearts
filled with gratitude to God for his safe return. They also felt
inexpressible thankfulness towards the ministering angels of the
stranger family, who had so kindly supplied to him the place of
both father and mother. Mrs. Seabrook, as well as her hus-
band, had strongly espoused the Union cause, and was an active
worker in it, visiting the sick soldiers in camp, and maldng every
one as comfortable as circumstances would allow. While thus
eno-ao-ed, she heard of Irving in tlie following manner. She
was told that a young man had been left behind by his regiment,
on their departure for Port Royal, but where he was, no one
could tell. She, however, determined, if possible, to find him,
and made the tour of the town. After a long search, amid many
discouragements, she found him at the house of a colored nurse,
wdierc he had been kindly placed by the Captain of his com-
pany. Immediately, and while even ignorant of his name, she
procured a carriage, and carried him to her own home, and
attended him as carefully as though he had been her own son.
God liless the Christian patriot, Mrs. W. L. W. Seabrook.
Irving's discharge from the army was soon procured, and, on
the recovery of his health, he entered the store of an uncle, in
Marion, Wayne county, in the capacity of bookkeeper. But he
found it impossible, while the dismal clouds of war grew thicker
and blacker, to remain contented at his occupation. Accordingly,
in July, 1862, he again enlisted in the One Hundred and Eleventh
Regiment, raised in the counties of Wayne and Cayuga.
Passing over his camp life, we find him at the inglorious sur-
render of Harper'.s Feny, September 15, 1862. He was paroled
and sent to camp Douglass, Chicago. While there, he was chief
clerk in the otiicc of Brigadier General Tyler. He returned to
Washington in the winter of 1862; encamped at Centreville,
Va., and was immediately promoted to Sergeant Major, from the
ranks, over all non-commissioned officers, by Colonel McDougall.
The Colonel had, for a long time, been sensible of his fine mili-
tary qualifications, and he fully appreciated his upright soldierly
conduct. During the time that he was Sergeant Major, he won
the admiration and esteem of both officers and men.
But his active spirit chafed at the dullness of camp life, and
when the order to march to Gettysburg came, he had a great
desire to become an active participator in the approaching battle.
He made all necessary arrangements, borrowed a rifle of a com-
rade and received a reluctant permit from his Colonel to step
into the ranks of the Second Corps, prepared for a deadly charge
upon the rebel batteries, on the eve of July 2d. Yet it was
evident that the poor boy was not hurrying on to his fate with-
out some misgivings. Just before taking his place in the ranks,
he turned to a comrade, saying: " Sterling, do you think we
shall have a hard fight?" '-Yes," his friend replied, "Irving,
I'm sure we will.'' He gazed a moment thoughtfully and mourn-
fully into his friend's face, then silently tearing a leaf from his
memorandum book, he wrote his parents' address and handed
it to him, saying: " Sterling, if I fiill, tell my father and mother."
He turned, stepped into his place, and, in a moment more, lay
dead at his friend's side. " Mother," Avas the last word he ever
spoke. "Mother," was the last word he ever wrote, and "good
night, dear mother," were the closing Avords to his last letter
written home, a short time before that fatal evening. Oh, 'tis a '
long, long good night Avhere no morning is to come. May God
look with pity upon every mother in the land who has thus
received from her soldier boy the long "good night." The
circumstances of the dear l)oy's death are given in the following
letters, addressed to his atHicted mother:
Head Quarters, 111th Regiment, N. Y. V. ?
Camp near Elk Run, Va., August 16, 18(33. \
Dear Madam — I have just returned to the regiment and found
your letter awaiting my arrival. I hasten to reply, regretting
that I did not receive your letter sooner. It is my sad duty to
inform you that your son w^as killed at Gettysburg, Thursday,
July 2d. He was killed instantly in the beginning of the action,
being shot through the head. I saw that he was buried by him-
self, and his grave marked with his name and regiment. I
visited his grave and w^'pt over the last resting place of the
brave boy. He was a young man of whom I thought very highly.
He died nol)ly doing his duty, and in a glorious cause. I sym-
pathise with you in this your deep affliction. I mourn for him
myself, as one of the bravest and most gifted young men wdio
fell on that bloody battle field.
My own wound has nearly healed. I was in Albany last week,
on my way back. Had I known you resided there, I would
have called upon you, and explained these things to you. You
have my sincerest sympathies in this, your affliction.
I am, very truly yours,
C. D. McDOUGALL, Col lllth JY. Y. V.
Warrenton Junction, Va., Juhj 29, 1863.
Mrs. Jaques — I received a letter from you yesterday, dated
July 17th, making inquiries in regard to the death of your son
at the late battle of Gettysburg. Irving had insisted all along
on the march from Centreville, and contraiy to the wishes of his
superior officers, that if a battle occurred, he might be allowed
to take a place in the ranks of the company of which he was a
member. There is a strong probability that if he had remained
in the rear of the regiment, he might have been alive to-day.
But his ambition and courage prompted liim to go into the ranks
and share the dangers of his companions, with a musket in his
It was about sundown on the 2nd of July, when part of our
forces had been driven oack by the enemy, that our brigade was
brought into the fight. Irving was killed in less than ten min-
utes after they started, by a bullet through his head. He left
no parting word for he was killed instantly. He was buried on
the held on the spot where he fell. You have lost a noble son.
It is hard to part with him, but he leaves sweet and glorious
memories behind him, and his name is added to the long list of
those who have died that a nation might live. I tender to you
in behalf of the regiment, our tenderest sympathies in your
l)ereavement. That you may receive that support and consola-
tion, that flow from an implicit reliance upon the divine power,
that orders all thing well, is the prayer of
Your obedient servant,
WILLIAM VOSBURGH, 8urg. llltJi JV. Y. V.
Thus fell the noble boy at the age of nineteen years, a young
martyr to liberty and the Union. He now sleeps his last sleep
in the little graveyard at Nassau, almost in sight of the home
where he first saw the light, and where death and sorrow had
never before come.
Charles II. Fredenrich, the son of Philip and Sarah Fred-
enrich, was born in Albany, October 23d, 1841,
He was a youtli of a retiring and generous nature, and was
greatly beloved by a large circle of friends. Leaving school at
an early age, he assisted his father in his business, and displayed
great energy and perseverance in discharging his duties. He
was an aft'ectionate son and brother, and greatly contributed to
the happiness of the home circle.
Charles enlisted in Company B, Tentli or One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh New York Regiment. On the eve of his de-
parture with his regiment, his friends presented him with a
sword and accoutrements, as evidences of their appreciation of
his patriotism and valor.
His virtues as a man and a soldier, and the time and circum-
stances of his death, may be learned from the following letters:
Died, at Bonnet Carre, La., March 10th, 1863, Sergeant Charles
H. Fredenrich, of Company B, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Resjiment N. Y. State Volunteers.
To Philip Fredenrich, Esq. :
Dear Sir — The painful duty of communicating to you the
above sad intelligence devolves upon me. I can scarcely find
words to express my feelings in transmitting to you this painful
intelligence. Death has again entered our ranks, and robbed you
of a beloved son, and us of a beloved comrade.
God, in his infinite Avisdom, has seen fit to take him from us,
in the bloom of his youth. In the freshness of his strength, he
has been called upon to yield upon the altar of his country, all
that a soldier has to give — his services aiitl his life. AVhile we
l)Ow in hiim])le submission to the will of "Him Avho doeth all
things well," we would drop the tear of regret upon the grave
of our departed brother. To you, sir, and all of the members
of your family, we, as a company, offer our heartfelt sympathy,
and pray that God, in his iniinite mercy, may silstain you in this
your greatest trial.
Your son died of t^'phoid fever, after an illness of about three
weeks. We did not think him dangerously ill, until a few days
previous to his death. All that medical skill, combined with
watchful care, could do, were done, but without avail. He
retained his reason (with a few momentary exceptions) to the
last, and wished to be remembered to his parents, a few moments
])efore he expired. Henry Sayre, of our company, attended
him during the last few days of his existence here, who will com-
municate to you more particularly than I have. His remains'
have been interred here, and his grave plainly marked. His
personal effects I Avill forward to you the first opportunity.
Again offering you our condolence, with wishes for your health
and welfare, I am, very respectfully.
Your obedient servant, CHAS. E. DAVIS,
Caj)L Co. B, lllth JSr. Y. S. V.
Bonnet Carre, April 10, 1833.
Dear bereaved Friends — Having had the care of your son
Charles, I thought it my duty as a friend to tell you of his
illness and of his last wishes.
A few days after his first attack, I was asked by Dr. Craig to
go and take the full charge of him, and I consented. The same
morning I went to the hospital and found Charles pretty ill,
although perfectly rational. He seemed very much pleased to
think I had come to take care of him, and I saw that he felt
better than he had done. The doctor also noticed it. Having
had the care of several that had been sick with the same disease,
the doctor told me to do as I had done for all the rest. I went
inunediately and got sponges to bathe his parched face and fore-
head. Never before have I seen a fever take hold of a person as
it did of him. It was impossible for him to sleep, or get any
rest. His face could not be left over fifteen minutes at a time
without bathing. After three days the fever took a turn, and as
you have been ere this informed, for the worse. I immediately
told Charles of his condition, and asked him if he had anything
to send to his parents. lie received my words with perfect com-
posure, and put his hand out to take hold of mine. I took his
hand, and as long as I live, I shall never forget the looks he gave
me. I give you his words: " Oh ! Henry, bid my father and
mother, and brothers and sisters, good bye. Tell them I am
ofoino; to leave this world. I am tired of this life, and am satis-
fied to die." This was a1)out eleven o'clock. He lingered until
about one o'clock, wdien his senses left him, and at ten minutes
of two o'clock he expired. Several times I heard him call for
his mother, saying: " Why don't she come."
My feelings at his death can onl}^ be equaled hy your own.
If it had been my brother, I could not have felt nuy worse. 'I
read the Bible to him, and did all that was in my power to make
him comfortable.
I took his effects, as he gave them to me, when I first went to
take care of him, and turned them over to Capt. Davis. I saw
that he was properly laid out. After he was put in the coffin, I
marked and cut his name on a lioard, and placed it at his last
resting place, Avhich is in a field selected by the General for the
purpose. It is about one-quarter of a mile from the camp.
He was buried by the whole regiment, the Colonel dispensing
with all duties that afternoon, to give the companies an oppor-
tunity to be present. Every officer, from the Colonel down, was
in the line, and every private out of the hospital also. He was
beloved and respected by all who knew him. As far as practica-
ble, while sick, he was visited by all the officers — the Colonel
seldom letting a morning pass Avithout seeing him. Hoping that
I may return and tell you more particulars,
I remain, your obedient servant,
HENRY SAYRE, Co. B, \llth JSF. Y. 8. V.
To Philip Fredenrich and fiunily,
:N'o 208 Jay street, Albany, JV. Y.
Head Quarters 177th Regt. N. Y. V., Department )
OF the Gulf, Bonnet Carre Bend, MarcJt 18, 18(>3. )
Mr. Philip Fredenrich:
Dear Sir — Ere you receive this, you will have been informed
of the sickness and death of your beloved son. Charles stood
the sea voyage and our march well, and weighed twenty-tive
pounds more than he did when he left home; in fact, was the
picture of lie;dth, and the admiration of the regiment until the
21st of February, Avhen he was taken ill with symptoms of fever.
The Sergeant at once sent him to the hospital, hoping l)y prompt
treatment to avert the threatened malady, but each day more
fully developed the progress of the fever; and although the sur-
geons were watchful and untiring in their efforts to save his life,
and the nurses, together with a special nurse detailed from Com-
pany B, were unceasing in their labors of love and devotion to
him, and to save a beloved comrade from sinking beneath the
ravaires of the disease. Alas ! it was all of no effect.
Death loves a .shining mark, and on the 10th inst., at four
o'clock p, M., a beloved brother's spirit left its tenement of clay,
when mourning and sorrow marked each countenance, as the sad
announcement passed from street to street, and from tent to tent.
The funeral services were held in the camp on the 11th inst.,
at three o'clock p. m., and were solemn and impressive; when
the remains Avere borne to the silent grave (attended hj a large
military cortege), where they were interred beside Sergt. Bridg-
MAN, of Company B. IIow true it is, "that in life, we are in the
midst of death."
]\Iy dear ))rother, in the death of 3'our son there will be a loss
to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and to society, an
elevated and polished member. I had marked with glowing-
pleasure his rapid, developing manhood, and the man}'" indica-
tions of robust, phj'sical health. But, alas ! he has been stricken
down in his vigor, and in the midst of those bright hopes which
till up the measure of a young man's life.
In his every action Avas manifested the generous impulses of a
noble soul — a soul too delicately and finely strung to mingle
with the oross and selfish of this wicked world. His was a tem-
perament always unruffled, and a demeanor always manly, polite
and noble, with a disposition to follow the moral and intellectual
instincts of his generous nature. And although cut down in the
midst of the enemy's country, at the opening of a career that gave
great promise of brilliancy and honor, we all cannot but feel that
our loss is his eternal gain.
Yours very respectfully,
Colonel Gotmnanding lllUt Regiment JSf. Y. V.
The following notice appeared in the "Albany Evening Jour-
nal" March 25th, 1863:
Mr. Editor — We see by your columns last evening that another
young Albanian has offered up his life on the altar of his country.
Charles H. Fredenrich died at Bonnet Carre, La., of typhoid
fever. He was a young man of high moial character, a devoted
son and brother, whose loss is irreparable. His military educa-
tion was of a high order. He was a thorough soldier, and highly
esteemed by his companions in arms.
He declined prominent positions tendered to him by his
numerous friends, in various companies raised here last summer,
from his timidity of an officer's dut3\ But Avhen his own com-
pany (B) was called upon to make up the Tenth Regiment, he
was prompt to answer his country's call, and sunder the tenderest
associations for her sake.
Few young men have been taken from our midst that will be
more deeply lamented than Charles H. Fredenrich.
Walter Henry Angus, son of Robert and Bridget Angus,
was born on the 10th of June, 1845. From his earliest child-
hood he was distinguished for his amiable qualities, his prompt
obedience to his parents, and his conscientious desire to do what
he thought to be right. At school he made such rapid progress
in his studies, and won so many testimonials from his teachers,
for good conduct and accurate scholarship, that his parents
thought of consecrating him to the Avork of the gospel ministry.
But these plans were thwarted by the sickness and death of his
At the commencement of the war, the spirit of patriotism was
stirred in his young heart, and he often expressed to his mother
his earnest wish to serve his country as a soldier. But, as he
was an only son, and so young, she could not entertain the
thought of parting with one so dear to her. At length, however,
his appeals were so earnest that she reluctantly consented to
yield to his desire, and committed her boy to the care of a cove-
nant-keeping God.
Walter enlisted, on the 21st of October, 1861, as a private,
in the Forty-fourth New York Regiment, when but little over
sixteen j^ears of age. A taste of the hardships of the camp and
the battle field did not, in the least degree, cool his ardor or
lessen his courage. His letters, written to his mother, through
the whole period of his connection with the army, reveal a
degree of patience under suffering; a persistence in laboring to
accomplish his purposes, and a heroic daring in the hour of
battle, that would have reflected honor upon many of maturer
The first experience that our youthful hero liatl of the fearful
realities of war was in the battle near Hanover Court House, in
Ma} , 18G2. In writing to liis mother, after the battle, under
date of May 28th, he says: "By the time this letter reaches*
you, you will, doubtless, have heard of our fight. I have time
to give you only a few particular.^. Yesterday, the 27th inst., it
rained all day, as it had the night before, and in the afternoon
we received orders to leave our camps with one day's rations, and
without our knapsacks. We started in the pouring rain, with the
nuid nearly up to our knees. We marched aljout twelve miles,
when our regiment was ordered to support Allen's Batter}'.
We halted in the woods and had been there aljout fifteen minutes
when the order came to Colonel Stkyker, to advance with those
under his conunand. At the same time, we started the battery
and went about two miles, where we halted and took our
We engaged with the enemy, and soon we saw a regiment of
them retreating as fast as they could. For the first time in my
life, I then saw the boasted stars and bars in their hands. Seeing
us, they turned and fired, and two boys in our company dropped
at the first fire. We retreated to the road, taking the whole of
the enemy's fire for one hour. The fire was .so heavy that the
battery and the Twenty-fifth New York Ecgiment had to retreat.
Our Colonel was cool and brave, and, at one time, saved the
lives of the whole regiment. Our Lieutenant Colonel was the
bravest man I ever saw. He had his horse shot from under him
and his sword shot from his side, and still he had two men load-
ing guns for him, which he fired. One gun was fired so often
that the powder exploded from the heat, and scorched his eye
Company F, from old Albau}-, was cut to pieces; out of the
sixty-seven men that came upon the field, only thirty-one
escaped without injury. AH my best friends are either killed
or wounded; my old friend James Young is dead. He was
wounded twice, once in the neck and again in his leg. He died
cla.sping oni- flag staff m his arms. All our boys acted ])ravely.
After the first 1 Avas all right, and I trust that some of my bul
lets did some good. Our Major and our Adjutant were both
wounded. Had not reinforcements come up just when they did,
we should have been terribly cut up. But suffice it to say, we
whipped them, and have taken a great many prisoners. Our
cavalry are bringing them in every minute. I have passed
through my first fight, thank the Lord, and I hope that I shall
pass safely through many more. Good bye my dear, dear mother.
From your afiectionate son,
The wish expressed in this letter that he might pass safely
through many more battles, was most remarkably realized. For
at Gettysburg, in the attacks upon Fredericksburg, at Cold
Spring, and in man}'' other battles, he was always in the thickest
of the fight. Men fell at his side, on the right hand, and on the
left; shells exploded above and around him; balls flew near
him repeatedly, and still in his letters, he constantly thanks the
Lord for having so wonderfully preserved him. He never was
wounded, nor received any personal injury; nor had he been
sick a day, up to the moment, when a single fatal shot hurried
him into eternity.
In giving an account of his first engagement before Fredericks-
burg, h(! speaks of the fearful havoc among our men as a whole-
sale l)utcliery. He says, " the rebels were on a large hill with
])atteries so placed, as to have an enfilade fire upon our men
across a level plain, just outside of the city. For our brigade to
get into position, we had to cross this plain, and it is a miracle to
me how so many of us escaped alive. One regiment lost between
forty and fifty, killed or wounded. I thought I had been in hot
places before, but that was the hottest one of all. Through the
Lord's mercy, however, I came out safe and sound."
The uniform Ijravery and unexceptionable deportment of young
Angus, won for him the respect of his officers and the warm
affection of his comrades in arms. His friends too, at home, took
a deep interest in his welfare; and through their influence, and
especially through the kind efforts of Erastus Corning, Esq.,
and his lady, he was appointed Corporal and Sergeant at the
same time.
On the 9th of October, 1863, he was appointed, by Governor
Horatio Seymour, Second Lieutenant in the Forty-fourth Regi-
ment of Infantry, New York State Volunteers. The regiment,
however, Avas so reduced by the Avar that Walter was not called
to discharge the duties of this office, but continued to act as Ser-
In May, 1864, he was sent out on a skirmish, and Avas taken a
prisoner Avith tAventy others. As they Avere approaching a rail-
road, they met General Sherman's forces, who were on a raid,
and Avere released by them. As they could not return to their
camp, they Avere o1)liged, in order to keep out of the hands of
the enemy, to folloAv General Sherman on foot. They Avalked,
in a Aveek, one hundred and fifty miles; but, amid all their hard-
ships and suli'erings, no complaints escaped their lips.
On the morning of the 21st of June, 1864, he led his men out
in front of Petersburg, on picket duty. As they Avere starting,
he said to them: "Come, boys, let's go on to liiehmond." After
a very fatiguing day, late in the afternoon, he laid doAvn on the
ground to rest. In a moment a ball struck him in the head, and
he died instantly.
Thus passed aAvay the dutiful son, the pure patriot, the braA^e
soldier, and the kind friend. His companions, in their letters to
his bereaved mother, speak of him in terms of the highest
admiration and Avarmest affection.
The folk)Aving letter shoAvs us in Avhat estimation he Avas held
by one of his superior officers:
Quartermaster's Dept., 44th Eegt. N. Y. S. V. /
Near Petersburg, Va., June 25, 1864. \
My dear Madam — Although a stranger to you, permit me to
communicate these fcAv lines in expressions of sympathy for you,
upon the great affliction Avhich has befallen you, in the untimely
death of your son, Avho was killed on the skirmish line, on the
afternoon of the 21st inst.
Being one of the original officers of the regiment, the oppor-
tuiiily has been uffbrdcd iiic to notice and mark the progress of
your son, together with others of its meniljers, from the very
commencement of its career. Among the first to attract my
attention, and for me more particuhirly and carefully to observe
since our regiment left Albany, was your son Walter.
Uniformly straightforward and upright in his demeanor,
invarial)l3- prompt and efficient in* the discharge of every duty,
he fully merited, Avhat he alwaj^s received, the respect and con-
fidence of his officers; while his intelligence and social qualities
made him the agreeable and popular compaiJon of all his
I shall long remember the conversation I had with him in
Deceml)er last, when the subject of reenlistment was being agi-
tated in our regiment; nor will I soon forget, when speaking of
what he felt to be his duty at the time, the feeling and touching
maimer in which he alluded to his obligations to his mother.
He has gone — but how nol)ly he has fallen! In the front line,
the foremost position, he was bravely skirmishing with the
enemy; had ceased firing, thrust his musket into the ground,
and laid down to rest, supporting his head upon his hand, when
the fatal bullet struck him in the head. He died almost
He was carefully interred by his comrades, and his grave
plainl}^ marked. He now sleeps beneath an evergreen tree, near
the spot where he fell.
On behalf of the officers and soldiers of his regiment, let me
assure you of our deepest feelings of sorrow and condolence.
We all mourn his loss as one whom we admired Avhile he lived,
and whom we honored when he died, fearlessly, faithfully, nobly
discharging his duty — a true soldier.
"With extreme sympathy, I am, my dear madam.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Quartermaster Mth Regt. JY. Y. S. V.
James S. Gerlixg, son of Thomas R. B. and Eliza Gerling,
was born in West Walton, Marshland, county of Norfolk, Eng-
land, Octol)er 7, 1845. He came with his parents from London
to New York, and arrived June 14th, 1854. Two years after-
wards James was sadly afflicted by the loss of his beloved and
faithful mother. That bereavement he felt severely to the day
of his death.
At school, James was an obedient and diligent scholar, and
faithfull}^ performed every duty assigned to him. His memory
was retentive, his judgment mature, and his moral character was
without reproach. He loved, too, his Sabbath lessons, and ap-
preciated the advantages of his Sabbath school.
As a son and brother, James was kind and affectionate,
and was ever ready to deny himself for the good of others.
As a clerk, his employer ever found him truthful and trust-
James enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirteenth New York
Regiment, in July, 18G2. He was anxious, as he said, to serve
his adopted country, especially in putting down a slaveholders'
rebellion. He fully believed in human lil)erty, and adopted as
his own, the words of our Declaration of Independence, declaring
that all men are born free and equal.
Arriving \vith his regiment in ^^''ashington, he entered upon
the duties of his position with patriotic enthusiasm. He became
a brave soldier, and very rapidly made friends among the officers
and soldiers with whom he was associated.
He kept his father informed, by frequent letters, of all his
movements, and souglit to allay his anxiety concerning him.
James, by bis own merits, rose to the position of Corporal,
and was afterwards appointed Sergeant. Very often be received
the Avarni commendations of bis superior officers.
When Gen. Gkant ordered the regiment to the front, James
wrote to his father thus: " I am in excellent health and spirits.
I know not m here we are going; perhaps to Gen. Meade's army.
We have had to part with a great many things on our way, but
whatever else I may have to part with, I shall try to keep the
Bihle you gave me. Pray for me, for I need your prayers."
lie participated in the battle of the Wilderness, and on the
morning of June the 3d, ISIM, was in the charge made upon the
rebels at Coal Harbor, where he was wounded. Having reached
the rebel lines, his own gun for some reason, would not go off.
He w^as stooping, in the act of taking the piece of a dead com-
rade, when he was shot in the shoulder. Oar forces not being
a1)lc to hold the line, had to retreat to their own lines, where his
Avound was dressed. He was then sent to the rear, and to the
The wound not bein"; a dauijerous one, he soon obtained a
furlough to return home. On his way, he stopped at David's
Island, East river. New York, where he heard a sermon from a
young Episcopal minister, that made a deep and lasting impres-
sion on his mind.
While at home he took pleasure in attending upon religious
worship, and visiting the Sabbath schools.
At the expiration of his furlough, he was urged to have it
extended another month, as his wound was not entirely healed,
but he refused, and resolved to report himself for duty. Accord-
ingly he left home, July 26, 1804, and joined his regiment, then
near the James river.
On the 24th of August, while engaged, with others, in tear-
ing up a railroad, the rcl)els came in full force suddenly upon
them, and he received a wound in his side, that afterwards
proved fatal. He Avas taken to City Point, and thence to the
Emory Hospital, in Washington. While there he wrote several
letters to his father and brother, in which he expressed the
hope that he would soon recover. He was attended by a skillful
surgeon and fuitliful nurse, and everything that was possible, was
done for his comfort. But early in October he sank rapidly, and
died October 8, 1864, aged nineteen years.
His father, who Avas with hini, brought his remains home, and
his funeral took place in the Bowery Methodist Episcopal Mis-
sion Church, where he had attended Sabbath school. A larg^e
number of sympathizing friends were present. Dr. Hawley
officiated, and preached a most appropi-iate and afl'ecting dis-
course, which was listened to with solemn attention. Thus has
passed awa}' another young martyr to the great cause of human
Sergt. AlexxVnder Davidson Rice, sixth son of Joseph F. and
Jaxe Gumming Rice, Avas born in the city of Alliany, N. Y.,
April 10th, 1837 and died June 28th, 18G4, at Harewood Hospi-
tal, Washington, D. C.
Sergt. Rice enlisted August 6th, 1862, as private in Company
C, Seventh Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery, and was
promoted to Sergeant, which position he held until his death.
Fie participated in the battles of Po River, Mine Run, North
Anna, Polopotomy Creek and Coal Plarbor. The battle of Polo-
potomy was one of the severest thus far, and there the regiment
established its high reputation. It crossed the creek under a
heavy fire, and drove the enemy from a strongly intrenched posi-
On the morning of the memorable third day of June, 1864, at
Coal Harlior, the regiment moved before sunrise to attack the
enemy, and was the only regiment that penetrated their works.
In the engagement, Sergt. Rice was wounded by a shot from one
of the enemy's sharpshooters, the ball entering the right breast
and coming out near the spine. After receiving the Avound, he
laid all day upon the field without surgical aid, as he fell between
the fire of the enemy and our own. But in the evening his com-
rades succeeded in bringing him within our lines. There were
previous unsuccessful attempts to accomplish this, in one of
which ]\Ir. John Bartlett of the same regiment, was Avounded
in the shoulder, from the effects of which he died on the ITtli
of June.
Sergt. Rice was removed^ to Harewood hospital, and appeared
to be doing well. Indeed his woUnd seemed to improve suffi-
ciently to justify hopes that he might be with his friends in
Albany about the first of July. But an unfavorable change
occurred on the 26th of June, and he died suddenly at 8 a. m. of
the 28th of the same month. He left a Avife and two children.
While at the hospital, he evinced a great desire that his fel-
low sufferers might be made comfortable, and to this end ordered
his nurse to expend the money he had remaining, in the purchase
of such little articles as they most needed. His kindness endeared
him to those who occupied the same ward with him, and when
the sad news of his death was whispered around, many a pillow
was wet with tears of profound regret, and many a prayer was
breattfed, that his freed soul might enjoy that perfect peace, that
awaits the righteous in Heaven.
In the hospital his Bible was his most cherished companion,
and his spiritual attendant there, Rev. William P. Everett, at
his own request, officiated at his funeral, which took place at
Albany, July 6th, 1864. His remains were placed in the family
grounds at Albany Rural Cemetery.
George Sanders Avas born in Stcvington, County of Bedford-
shire, England.
We have no reliaT)le information concerning his parentage,
and have not been alile to ascertain his exact age. Those that
knew him well, judged him to have been about thirty-five years
at the time of his death. He came to this country with his
grandfather when about fourteen years old, and has lived here
ever since. His residence, most of the time, has been in Alban3^
As nearly as can l)e ascertained, he enlisted August the 1st, 1862,
in Company D, Capt. Charles McCullock. in what was then the
One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, and left with his regi-
ment August 19th, 18G2, for Forts Gaines and Kearney near
Washington, which forts the regiments helped to build and
miprove. After the regiment was changed into a Heavy Artil-
lery Regiment, until in the spring of 1864, he, with his comrades
were ordered to the front, where they fought with distinguished
ralor and bravery.
He had thus far taken all the risks and performed all the
duties, of a soldier with safety; but at the battle of Coal Har-
bor, he was struck in the head by a piece of shell, which dis-
abled him, and he was taken from the field. He was sent to
Emory Hospital, Washington, D. C, but very shortly was re-
moved to the Camden Street Hospital, Baltimore, Md,, and
reached there June 11th. He died there, June 18, 1864.
Mr. Sanders had received a fair common school education,
was fond of readino; and Avas well informed in regard to the
questions of the day. He felt keenly the wrongs inflicted by
the institution of American slavery, and he enlisted in the army
inspired by the purest patriotism, and the most earnest desires to
uphold the Union and the cause of human liberty. He had also
received a tliorough religious education, and although not a pro-
fessor of religion, was a believer in its doctrines, and deeply
impressed with its truth. He sustained a fine moral character
and with great firmness resisted the temptations of the camp
and the field. In his letter to his wife, I find he expressed his
determination not to disgrace himself or his family b}^ yielding
to temptation; and with God's help, he kept his resolution.
As a reward for his fidelity and bravery, he was made Cor-
poral, April 11, 1863, and was made Sergeant, Janui^ry 24, 1863;
which position he held, and by which he was known until he
In June, 1863, he was wounded, and soon after died. His
body was l)rought home on the 24th of that month, and buried
rmder the following touching circumstances :
About the time he was wounded his wife was taken very ill
with typhoid fever, and she died on the very day his body
arrived in the city. During his sickness it was thought best not
to inform her that her husl)and was wounded. Yet, during her
lucid intervals fi'om fever delirium, she stated that he was
wounded; and before the telegram came announcing his death,
she stated that she knew that lie was dead.
The funeral services of both took place at the same time, from
Rev. Dr. Magoon's church, Sunday, June 26th, and they both
lay l)eside their infant daughter in the Albany Rural Cemetery.
They have two children, boys, aged, at the time of their death,
four and five years.
May a kind Providence guard the little orphans thus deprived
on the same day of both of their dear parents.
Ix Albiiiiy, Joseph Coav.vn Vanderhoof was born, July 25,
1843. His childhood was spent with, his grand-parents iu
Cuyahog-a county, Ohio, in the public schools of which he
received the principal part of his education.
He returned to Albany when al)out thirteen years old, and
attended school for a few months. He attended regularly on
the ministrations of the Rev. Dr. Sprague, of the Second Pres-
byterian church.
Soon after his retnrn to All^any he was apprenticed to the
marble cutting business, at which he worked till the breaking
out of the rebellion. In ansAver to the President's call for troops
on the 19th of April, 1861, he joined Company A, IVenty-iifth
Regiment as a private, and left with the regiment on the 21st of
the same month. They remained in Washington till the 23d of
May, when they were orerded to take possession of Arlington
Heights. The regiment crossed the Long Bridge at midnight, and
once on the soil of Virginia, Company A having the right of the
line, were detailed to scour the woods, when it fell to the
lot of private Vanderhoof to take what are believed to be
the first prisoners captured in the war for the Union. These
Avere tAvo caA^alrymen on foot, Avho Avere doubtless tr3'ing to
escape the Adgilance of the advance, as their horses Avere after-
Avards found tied in the woods. Nothing further of note oc-
curred during his connection Avith the TAventy-fifth, Avith which
he remained until the term of service expired, Avhen they re-
turned home and were mustered out of service.
He resumed work at his trade, but Avith a desire to continue
his connection Avith military men, he joined. Company D, Tenth
Regiment, N. Y. S. M., where, by his diligence and .ittention to
duty, he soon merited and received promotion to the rank of
Serjreant, Avhich rank he retained until his death.
On a subsequent call for troops, the Tenth offered their servi-
ces, and were accepted on a nine months term of service, and
were officially designated as the One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment N. Y. S. V. They left December 16, 1862,
their destination being Louisiana. During the short but eventful
history of this regiment, 8ergt. Cowan was ever at his post, dis-
charging his duties with alacrity, and undergoing with unflinch-
ing zeal their toils, privations and exposures at Bonnet Carre',
Baton Rouge and Port Hudson.
Fatigue and exposure, however, proved too much for him, and
for some weeks before the regiment left, he was ill with tjqjhoid
fever. On the 20th of August, 1863, Avhen the regiment em-
barked on their return, he was deemed sufficiently recovered to
accompany them; but the seeming convalescence proved only
transitory, for on the 26th of August he died, on the way up the
Mississippi. His remains were interred at Cairo.
His mother, stricken by the blow which fell so heavily on
her, for he was the only sou of his mother, and she a widow,
longed earnestly that his remains might sleep with kindred dust;
and oA'ercoming every obstacle, she went to Cairo, had the
remains disinterred and brought to Albany, where they rest iu
the Albany Rural Cemetery.
Andrew T. Hotaling, Sergeant Company A, Seventh New
York Heavy Artillery, was born in New Baltimore Jul}^ 23, 1838.
His father's name is Ephraim Hotaling, and his mother's, Amy
His character as a citizen was marked by no unusual traits. He
was beloved by his friends for his domestic virtues. Losing his
mother at an early age, the greater part of his life was spent
with an uncle at New Baltimore, for whom he felt a strong aJBfec-
tion through life. He joined the army from motives of the purest
He entered the United States service, as a recruit, in Company
A, Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, November 7, 18(32, at
Albany, N. Y. He at once joined the regiment, which was sta-
tioned in the defences of Washington. He was appointed Cor-
poral, December 1, 1862; then Sergeant, May 1, 1863. His
regiment left Washington to join the Arm}- of the Potomac May
15, 1864.
He Avas engaged in the battles of Spottsylvania Court House,
JNlilford Station, North Anna, Coal Harbor, and the l)attles in
front of Petersburg, of June 16th and 22d.
Li the last engagement he was wounded in the foot, and ampu-
tation became necessary. After lingering a few weeks, the wound
proved fatal, and he died the 26th day of July, 1864, at Lincoln
Hospital, Washington.
During his sickness, he was brought to see his condition as a
sinner, and to feel his need of a Saviour; and putting his trust
in Him, died in the full hope of pardon through His blood.
Through the kindness of Mr. Wm. McElrot, Secretary of
the Christian Commission, who was at Washington at the time,
his body was eml)ahiied and forwarded to his friends.
As a soldier, he Avas faithful in the performance of his duties,
and always acted as though he had the best interests of his coun-
try at heart. He was very gentlemanly in his deportment, and
kind to all with whom he was associated. His fellow soldiers
respected and loved him, and greatly mourned his loss.
The followino- letter he wrote to his uncle a short time before
his death:
Washington, July, 1'864.
Dear Uncle — I received a letter from you the other day, and
was glad to get it. My foot was taken oli' on the loth of July,
and I fear it has not done as well as it might. I had a fever ten
days, and it has left me very low. I shall never get well. I
have put my trust in Christ ever since the day I was wounded.
I believe the Saviour has heard my prayers, and that he is able
and willing to take me to himself.
They have telegraphed to my sister, Mrs. J. B. Read. I expect
her on here to-night or some time to-morrow. I want to see her
very much, and hope she will come. Good bye, dear uncle. If
it is God's will that I should not see you again on earth, I hope
we may meet in Heaven.
Your affectionate nephew,
James Hotaling, Esq.
William Henry Bell was the only son of Henry and Corne-
lia Bell, and was born in the town of Bern, March 28th, 1841.
He was an active and cheerful youth, and sustained an excel-
lent moral character. His motives in entering the army Avere
purely patriotic. On the 18th of August, 1862, he enlisted in
Company K, One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Kegiment.
He was never in any battle, but faithfully discharged every duty
that devolved upon him.
While at Fort Reno he was seized with inflammation of the
lungs, and died in one week, on the 15th of March, 1864, aged
twenty-three years. Only a short time before his sickness, he
had been promoted to the position of Sergeant.
His remains were followed to the grave, in the town of Broome,
Schoharie county, by a large number of sympathizing and mourn-
ing friends. He was greatly beloved and respected by all who
knew him.
Paul Quay, the son of John and Elizabeth Quay, was born
in the town of Knox, July 30th, 1841.
From his early youth he was a regular attendant at the Sab-
bath school, and in the winter of 1861 he became a hopeful
Christian, and united with the Eeformed Dutch Church in Knox-
ville. He was very conscientious in the discharge of all his
duties, and was an active and useful Christian.
Patriotism induced him to enlist in his country's service, and
he joined the Seventh Heavy Artillery about the 1st of August,
He was in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged
during Grant's campaign till he was taken prisoner on the 16th
day of June, 1864. He was sent to Andersonville, where he
suffered all the hardships and horrors incident to that horrible
pen. Thence he was sent to Milan, where he died some time
during the following winter. During his confinement in these
Southern prisons he was never able to send a single letter to
his friends at home, nor to receive one from them. He suffered
all the agonies of disease and starvation without one human .
beiny an attempted
march upon "Washington. He Avas one among the lirst to affix
his name to the roll of volunteers, and was, his officers freely
admit, ever prompt, zealous and unliinching when danger was
the most imminent.
Returning wdth the Twenty-fifth Regiment New York State
Militia, after being relieved from the defences of Washington,
and after building that model fort. Fort Albany, he remained
imsettled in his purposes. He had had a taste of military life,
and though not physically constituted to withstand exposure and
fatigue, still he entered the regular service, by enlisting on the
18th of November, 1862, at Boston, Mass., in the Second United
States Cavalry, having previousl}^ refused a commission in the
volunteer service. His intelligence and excellent chirographs-
induced his retention at that post, Avhei'e his clerical services
made him a valuable acquisition to the officer in charge. But
many months after, when a change in the conmiander of the post
was made, he was transferred to Carlisle barracks, Pennsylvania.
There he was almost immediately created post clerk. But while
discharo-inof the duties of that office he w^as taken sick, with that
scourge of all armies, " camp fever."
It was while on his sick bed, that a grand division of the
Southern army, by a most strategic feint, made the attempt to
enter Pennsylvania and capture Harrisburg. General Hooker
had just been relieved, and General Meade placed in command.
The southerners, believing that he would be found inadequate to
the post assigned to him, availed themselves of the opportunity
to attempt a surprise.
How the battle of Gettysburg, fought July 4th, 1863, resulted
is known to all, but it w^as found necessary to vacate Carlisle
Barracks and move on to Camp Curtin. Young Latham w^as
placed in a rumbling ambulance, wdiich was hastened over the
roads, with all the speed of an army in retreat, to Camp Curtin.
The exposure and exertion were too much for his enfeebled
energies, and that journey proved to be his journey to the grave.
On the 4th of July, 1863, he was buried with military honors at
Camp Curtin; Init a brother's love for a dear and only brother,
induced the exhumation of his remains, and they were brought
to this city, and now lie beneath the green sward of our own
beautiful cemetery. The Albany Burgesses Corps, and very
many citizens, paid funeral respect to the memory of the gallant
young Latham.
The press of the city paid feeling tributes to the memory of
tne deceased. The following, from the " Morning Express," is
indicative of the esteem and high regard in which he was held
by his contemporaries:
" We yesterday morning briefly announced the death of Chas.
G. Latham, at Camp Curtin, Pa. The intelligence received here
Sunday afternoon, cast a deep gloom over a large circle of warm
friends and intimate acquaintances. The deceased, before enter-
ing the army, was connected with the newspaper fraternity as
local reporter, in which capacity he had gained consideral)le dis-
tinction among his associates. He possessed rare natural ability,
and was gifted with a tine power of appreciation, blended with
keen Mat and satire.
" His first efforts as local editor were published in the ' Evening
Transcript,' and those Avho remember them, will bear witness to
their terseness and power to interest. Subsequently, he was
engaged in the same capacity on other daily journals, to all of
which he imparted an interest that made their daily issues
acceptable and readable.
" He was truly a noble hearted fellow, firm in his attachments to
his friends, and devoted to the interests of his employers. He
was a young man of true genius, and some of his writings, we
now remember, as sparkled with bright gems of thought and
"His death is a sad blow to his brother and his family, who
will have the heartfelt sympathy of all who knew and loved
As an evidence of the esteem in which he was held by his com-
rades in camp, we append the letter of Chaplain Ross, U. S. A.,
to Mr. George E. Latham, brother of deceased:
Harrisburg, July 7, 1863.
Mr. Latham:
Dear Sir — I was very sorry I did not get to see you when on
your errand of love and sorrow. I knew 3'our brother well, and
loved him much. He was quiet, sober and thoughtful. I never
knew him to be in bad company, but I do know he shunned all
When he was well I conversed with him frequently, and during
his sickness I visited him often, and talked and prayed for him.
He was sane a part of the time, and knew he would not live.
The last call I made he was flighty at times; still, he kncAv me,
and called me by name. I asked him to confide in Jesus Christ,
and meet me in a better home, to which he assented, and shook
my hand heartily.
I hope he is better oft". I enclose all his letters that have been
put in my possession. Any information or anything you may
wish me to do, I shall do freeh\ Wishing you and yours all
good blessings, I am, truly jours,
J. A. ROSS, Chaplain U. 8. A.
While the Twenty-fiftli Regiment was absent from Albany,
Corp. Latham was the historian of their doings. We give one
of bis graphic letters, published in the " Albany Morning Times: "
Park Barracks, New York, May 2, 1861.
Dear Times — I have only time to write you a line or two, but
I know that anything from the boys Avho have "gone to the
wars " from old Albany, will be acceptable to your readers.
We have been quartered here since our arrival, and although
we don't get our china or fancy dishes, we get first rate, substan-
tial, well cooked rations, good enough for us " or any other man."
So far there is no sign of ill health among us, and all are
anxious to do something for the cause in which we are enlisted.
You know before we left, that hundreds of good fellows, eager
to serve their country, wished to join us, but a lack of uniforms
prevented us from taking them.
It has been just so here: splendid fellows who have been
attracted by the appearance of the company-, and their complete
outfit, have applied to go with us, but, of course, we were
obliged to refuse them.
As an evidence of the feeling we create, I will mention one
instance : Yesterday morning, a young man, formerly a resident
of Albany, and a member of the corps, appeared as the company
was drawn up in line, in front of the Astor House, and oflercd
any man in the company, two hundred dollars if he would give
up his uniform to him. Not a man responded, showing that we
have those who mean business, and leave their homes for the
defence of their country and not to " play the soldier."
We have had scores of our Albany friends here with us since
our arrival. " Lem" Eogers and others of No. 8 Eiigine, have
been among the most constant to us, and there is not a man in
our company who has not experienced their generous and untir-
ing exertions to make everything as pleasant as possible. They
left this afternoon, escorted to the cars by a section, and as the
train moved oil' the most cordial and affectionate farewells were
exchanged. Tears fell like rain, and hands were wrung at part-
ing, and (but it's no use, soldiers are men you know and oft times
are as children) no man can say, that it is any discredit for a
stalwart man to shed a tear on occasions of this kind. It is an
evidence that he has a heart within him, and that it is in the
right place.
New Yorkers, too, have been among us, and fairly over-
Avhelmod us with attentions. It may not be out of place to
mention that Charles Stetson, Esq., of the Astor House,
remarked as we marched up Broadway, after our arrival, that we
were the finest appearing and best equipped body of men that
he had seen since the war excitement began. Mr. Stetson is a
military man, and has had an opportunity of seeing all the
troops here, and such an expression from him may l)e considered
as quite a " feather in our cap."
As I write, our boys crowd around me, and wish to let their
friends know that they are all well and in good spirits.
At six o'clock this evening we were drawn up in line, and our
Orderly announced that we were to leave to-morrow, at noon, in
the splendid frigate " Niagara," for Washington. The announce-
ment was greeted with a hearty Albany cheer, that made the
barracks ring again. We are all anxious to go and prove that
we have enlisted for something more than fun.
I am compelled to stop for the present, but whenever an
opportunity occurs, you shall hear from the
Albert C. Smith was born in the State of Rhode Island, and
was the eldest of a large family of children. His father, Wil-
liam B. Smith, removed to NorAvay, Herkimer county, N. Y.,
many years ago, and subsequently Albert resided in Hartford,
Connecticut. He married the fourth daughter of the late Don-
ald Fisher, who was formerly an officer in the English army,
under the Duke of Kent.
At the time the rebellion broke out, Mr. Smith was residing
with his family in the city of Albany. He was a member of the
North Pearl Street Baptist Church, and was baptized by the
venerable Dr. Welch, to whom he Avas very much attached.
In early Lfe, Albert was remarkable for his amiable qualities,
and affectionate disposition, and he sought to promote the happi-
ness of all around him. As a Christian, he was conscientious,
faithful and consistent.
In the year 1861, he enlisted in Company B, Ninety-first New
York Regiment. He went to Florida, and was very sick at Key
West with inflammation of the lungs. He was discharged on
the surgeon's certificate, and returned home. By great care and
faithful nursing his health was restored, and with it came back
his ardent desire to serve his country. It was a great struggle
for him to leave his dear family again, but commending them to
the divine care and protection, he re-enlisted in the army, and
went to Bonnet Carre, and was afterwards ordered to Port Hud-
son. There he was prostrated by a fever, and died. In his last
days he was attended by a noble youth, by the name of Edwin
Davis, who was himself also an invalid. To Mr. Davis he con-
fided several messages to his wife; but before Mr. D. reached
Albany, he was called away from time into eternity.
When Mr. Smith last wrote to his wife, he seemed to be very
cheerful, and spoke with great joy of once more seeing his
^^Pl^ home. At the close of the letter he very afiectionately
commended her to the care of our Heavenly Father, and said
that his prayer was that God would permit them to meet again.
As both husband and wife were the disciples of the Lord Jesus
Christ, they will meet where they part no more.
Robert II. Caimeron, son of JoiixV and Mary I. Cajmeron, was
born in Belt'a.st, Ireland, July 2. 1837, and came to this country
at the age of tAvo years. In his j^outh, he was remarkaljle for
his frank and truthful disposition. Gentle and affectionate in his
nature, he was constantly seeking o})p()rtunities for the perform-
ance of some of those little offices of kindness, which makes our
daily life so pleasant. Although never having made a public
profession of religion, yet he had the most exalted opinion of the
worth of Christianity, and would not suffer it to be spoken lightly
of in his presence. If he could not change the subject, he would
withdraw from the company, and would not ever give such con-
versation the sanction of his presence.
Possessing business capacities of a very high order, life opened
upon him with very ffattering prospects. But when the tocsin
of war sounded through the land, and called for those who were
willino- to sacrifice all for their country, Roi5ert was found among
the foremost. He was read}- to give up his business prospects,
to sunder the ties which bound him to a home he highly prized,
and to his wife and child, who were as dear to him as life itself.
We can realize something of the sacrifice he made. His motto
was, " my country first," and for the time his country became
mother, wife and child to him.
Enlisting in April, 1861, as private in Company A, Hawkins'
Zouaves, he arrived with them June 8th at Newport News, then
in part occupied by the rebels. Here his company had their full
share of the lonely picket guard duty, and the long weary
marches. While there, they suffered a great deal from the bad
quality of the food, and the insufficiency of shelter provided for
642 COErOEAL eobeet h. cameeox.
them, for avc then were in our infaney in all matters whieh per-
tained to war.
Writing frt)m Newport Ncavs, of a very narrow escape from
capture, he says:
"Last evening about nine o'clock, our company was ordered
out on a scouting expedition. We marched through woods all
night, and in the morning found ourselves but a very short dis-
tance from the enemy's camp. We continued to march very
cautiously until we suddenly came upon the enemy's picket
guard, when they sounded the alarm, and a large body of infantry
and cavalry immediately started in pursuit of us. The order was
given to retreat, and we immediatel}^ made the best time possi-
ble for a piece of Avoods a short distance in our rear, and suc-
ceeded in reaching it, when each one of us posted ourselves
behind trees, determined to sell our lives as dearly as possible.
We all thought our time had come; but the enemy, instead of
engaging us, seemed determined to capture the whole company.
They divided themselves into two parties to cut ofl' our retreat;
hut instead of returning by any of the roads, we made our way
through the woods until we came to the river. AVhen the enemy
found we had taken this route, they endeavored to prevent our
effecting this, l)ut we were too soon for them, and succeeded in
reaching camp without losing a single man. We were almost
dead, however, from fatigue.
" Some of the men were ready to give up, and wante^ to lie
down; and they had to be almost carried along, to prevent their
being captured by the enemy.
After our return from this expedition, another company of our
regiment being ordered on a similar scout, were attacked by the
rebels, and after a sharp fight in which they lost their Colonel
and eight privates, our boys succeeded in reaching camp safely."
While at Newport Ncavs at a general inspection, Robeet was
offered his discharge on account of defective sight, but he
refused to receive it, saying to those who offered it, " when I
joined the regiment I joined them to stay with them, and I shall
not leave them while the war lasts, if I am able to remain. I
should be nshamed to be seen in the streets of Albany at this
time, when the country needs every man so nuich."
From Newport News the regiment went to Ilatteras Inlet,
where the real sulierings of the regiment began. Provided with
tents which formed no real protection against the rain storms of
that section, and at the most inch>ment season of the year, when
the miasma arising from the k)w swampy lands upon which they
M'cre encamped, sent fever through the system with every
l)reath they drew, sickness soon began to show itself in the regi-
meut. Often after lying down at night, they would l)e roused
by the water flowing all around them, and they would be obliged
to move their tents and seek some drier spot; and sometimes
this would be repeated in the course of the night. This expos-
ure, added to their long and severe marches, soon wore out a
constitution not naturally very strong, and forced Mr. Ca.^ierox
to the hospital, from which very few who entered it with this
fever, ever came forth alive.
Writing to his wife from Ilatteras very soon after his arrival
there, he said, " I am well as yet, and have to be thankful in
being able to say that; for around me on every hand, are lying
comrades notal)le to leave their tents, and many of them scarcely
expecting to leave them alive. Even uoav as I write, I hear the
solemn notes of the dead march wailed out, as some company
marches past with the remains of a dead comrade for interment.
Now that the cold season is but just commencing, I fear that
many more will follow him unJess we are speedily ordered from
this place. You will better understand why it is so unhealthy,
wdien I tell you, that every heavy rain we have, entirely Hoods
this part of the island on which we are quartered, sometimes driv-
ing us entirely out of our tents, to seek protection on the highest
part of the island. So far, I have escaped, while many with
apparently stronger constitutions have been taken sick and died;
but we have some hopes of leaving here soon."
That order did not come in time to save him. lie soon sick-
ened, and lingering l)ut a short time, died. During his sickness,
he begged of his comrades not to write to his mother. He said,
"I shall be around again in a few days, and then I will Avrite and
tell them I have been sick." So careful was he, lest he should
cause her any unnecessary anxiety. But his comrades, seeing
that his recovery was impossible, wrote to his mother, who imme-
diately started for Hatteras, that she might give him a mother's
care in his sickuess. But the sunnnons reached her too late.
When she arrived there she found him dead and luiried. He
had received his final discharge.
His companions, to whom he was sincerely attached, mourned
his loss as that of a l)rother.
Col. Hawkins, writing to Robert's mother after his death, says,
"He was universally mourned in the regiment. From the high-
est officer to the lowest private, each one felt that in Robert's
death, he had lost a friend and that there was a vacant place
made, which could not be easily tilled."
A member of his own company in speaking of him said, "I
will say, that, in his departure from this life, the members of
Company A lost one of their best friends. He was loved and
respected b}" all. AVith his Captain he was an especial favorite.
There was something in his manner and appearance which com-
manded respect, and he could have an order o])eyed at any time,
without any grumbling on the part of the men. I shall never
forget the appearance of the men as they took the last look of
poor Cameron. Turning away from the dead lace of their com-
rade, they could not restrain their grief. The tears and Ijroken
sobs, told what a loss they had sustained."
About a week after he was buried, his mother, who in feeble
health, had made the journey from Albany alone, arrived.
Her intense o-rief at findino; her dear son dead and buried, can
•oe more easily imagined than described. She found, however,
many sympathizing hearts among the brave and noble soldiers
of our army. She had the precious remains disinterred and
brought home, and they now rest in our beautiful cemetery,
with the many other heroes of the war.
James Young left the city of Albany in Company F. of the
Forty-fonrth Regiment. He was a cheerfnl and active yonng
inan, and Avas noted for his sivill as a boatman, and in many athletic
sports. He was the life of his company in the Ijarracks and the
camp, and had a most happy inflnence upon all his associates.
On the morning of the 27th of May, 1862, while on a march
from the camp, he rebuked some who were complaining of their
hardships, in the following language: "Come, let's have no
grumbling; we came out here as soldiers, let us act like soldiers."
That day, soon after the l)attle of Hanover Court House com-
menced, he was struck, hy a l)all, in the leg, making what would
be considered a serious wound by less courageous men. He
stooped, examined it, and said that was not much of a hurt. He
had scarcely straightened himself up, having loaded his piece,
and was in the act of tiring it, when a second l)all struck him
in the neck, killing him instantly. Pie was buried on the battle
The subject of this sketch Avas the son of Thomas and N^vxcy
Lewis, and Avas born August 4, 1844. He received a Christian
education, and Avas distinouished for his excellent moral character
and for the good influence that he exerted over others.
He enlisted October 14, 18(51, and was connected Avith com-
pany F, Thiid NeAv York Regiment. He served his country
Avith great faithfulness and bravery, until July 17, 1863, when he
died of typhoid fever in Hampton Hospital, Virginia.
The foUoAAing resolutions and letter, give us a vicAV of his
character and services:
At a meeting of the members of F Company, Third Regiment
Infontry Ncav York Volunteers, held at Camp Alford, near Ports-
mouth, Virginia, the folloAving preamble and resolutions Avere
unani monsly adopte d :
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe
to remove, by the hand of death, our esteemed and beloved
comrade, Corporal Alonzo E. Lewis, and,
Whereas, We have ahvays found him, during his stay with us,
a sincere friend and true patriot, as Avell as a brave and gallant
soldier, therefore,
Resolved, That, in the death of Corporal Alonzo E. Leaa^is,
Ave are called upon to sustain the loss of a dear friend and brother
.soldier; one Avho has ahvays commanded our admiration for his
abilities and integrity as a soldier, and our esteem as a gentleman,
for the uniform courtesy which marked his intercourse with all.
Resolved, That, Avhile Ave deeply deplore his early death, Ave
sympathize sincerely Avith his bereaved family, and Ave shall long
cherish the foiul recollection of his many acts of kindness when
Resolved, That, as soon as practicable, we, as a company, will
entleavor to have his remains sent to his family, that they may
inter them by the side of those loved ones who liave gone before
Resolved, That the above preamble and resolntions l)e pnb-
lished in the "Albany Evenino- Jonrnal " and "Albany Times,"
and that a copy be transmitted to the faniil}' of the deceased.
JAMES McCaffrey,
W. 11. H. KEARNS.
Richard V. Lewis, Sec'y.
Camp Alford, Va., July 26, 1863.
Dear ]Madam — As commanding officer of F Company, Second
Infantry New York Volnnteers, with which yonr son, Corporal
ALo^v>o E. Leavis, was connected, I trnst you will allow^ me to
bear testimony to his amiability, gentlemanly manners, and hioh
toned principles as a man; to his faithfnlnsss, constant attention
to dnty, and ol)cdience as a soldier; and to offer, witk his com-
rades, my sincere sympathy in this time of yonr sudden and
severe bereavement.
During our expedition, when we Avere encamped at YorktoAvn,
I first noticed the illness of your son, and m'ged him, in strong
terms, to go back in company Avith others Avho Avere sent at that
time. But h^s courage Avas greater than his strength, and conse-
quently he accompanied his company as far as the White House,
Avhen the Doctor found it absolutely necessary to dispose of his
case at once. I regret that, being on the march, it A\^as impossi-
ble for me to do more for him in person. As it Avas, I saAV him
placed under the care of a skillful physician at the earliest pos-
sible moment.
So far as his pay noAv due is concerned, I Avill draAV it myself,
if possil)le, and send it to you liy express. If the Paymaster
refuses to put me in charge of it, I Avill acquaint you at once
648 coRroRAL alonzo e. lewis.
with the proper means of obtaining it yourself. All his effects
will be forwarded to you at once, if such is your desire.
And now, my dear Madam, though the consolation offered by
strangers may be, to a mother's wounded heart, l)ut small indeed,
yet be assured that there are many here who share with you this
deep grief. For myself, I can say that during my association
with him as a private soldier, I found him a firm friend and an
honorable man, and that I mourn his loss the more because so
few have so successfully resisted the contaminating influences of
a military life.
Should you find it necessary to ask any items of information, my
address, for the present, is: Camp Alford, near Portsmouth, Va.
Very respectfully, &c., F. A. SMITH,
2d Lieut. Com'd'g F Co., 2d JST. Y. V.
Mrs. Nancy Lewis.
WiLLiAiM H. Moon, the only son of Richard and Anna Maria
Moon, was born at Albany on the 22d June, 1844.
The most marked traits of his character, during boyhood and
youth, were docility and obedience to his parents, united with
tenacity of purpose.
He was a member of the Sabbath school of the Second Re-
formed Dutch Church, where, by his correct deportment and
amial)le qualities, he won the regard both of his teachers and
fellow scholars. From an early age until the time of his enlist-
ment, he was a regular and punctual attendant at that school; and
in the only furlough he enjoyed during a connection with the
army of over three years, he showed his attachment by repeat-
edly visiting his old class. He was also constant in his attend-
ance at church, of which his parents were members.
At the age of fourteen years, he united himself with the
Albany Division No. 4 of the order of Son.s of Temperance. To
his oliligations as a member of this society he was always faith-
ful, resisting the numerous temptations which assail a young
man in the city or a soldier in the army, to indulge in spirituous
William had, from boyhood, a strong inclination to military
pursuits. He was at one time desirous of entering the military
school at West Point, and took some steps toAvard procuring an
appointment, but was not successful.
From the first outbreak of the war he was, although then a
mere boy, (less than seventeen years of age,) and by no means
of robust frame, very anxious to become a soldier. On the
return of a brother-in-law, who went from Albany on the first
three months' term of the Twenty-lifth Eegimcnt, his ardor was
freshly excited. He plied his mother with solicitations to allow
him to enlist. He would say: "I am no better than others,
who are the only sons of their parents. Ellsworth was an
only son," and he urged that it would be no harder for his
mother to spare him, than it had been for Ellsworth's parents.
While thus earnest in his purpose to serve his country, he yet
expressed his intention not to go to the war, unless his father
and mother consented. At length, one day as he was persuading
his mother, she said to him: " Well go, my son, and God be
with you."
This point gained, he immediately^ went to his father, at his
place of business, to get his acquiescence. The latter reminded
him of the hardships and dangers which must be endured, and
asked him if he could bear it all. He replied tliat he could, and
the long looked for consent was granted.
He enlisted on the 10th of August, 1861, in Compan}- A,
Forty-third Regiment, organized by Capt. John Wilson (after-
wards Colonel), wdiose excellent character had great weight in
inducing Mr. and Mrs. Moon to put their son under his care.
The officers bore testimony to William's good qualities. But
his letters to his friends show his unfliuchino- determination to
do his duty as a soldier, in spite of all hardships, privations and
dangers. .
He was connected, throughout his whole term of service, Avith
the Army of the Potomac, and was a member of the illustrious
Sixth Corps. He w\as in almost every battle of note, in which
that army w^as engaged: Yorktown, Williamsl)urg, the seven days'
battles on the Peninsula, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Sec-
ond Bull Euu, Antietam, etc., etc. It is remarkable that in
describing these battles, he never utters a murmur or a fear. On
one occasion, at the charge of the rebel forces on Fort Stevens,
near Washington, which the Sixth Corps repelled, he was struck
by a bullet, Avhich passed through his pocket, carrying away a
part of his wallet, but doing him no personal injury. In writing
home of this incident, he expresses his gratitude to God for his
As before stated, only once during the three years of his sol-
dier life, did he leave the army. This was at the expiration of
his tirst term of service, Avheii he re-enlisted in the same corn-
pan}' for three years longer. lie was now promoted to the posi-
tion of Corporal.
His last battle was on the severely fought and gloriously Avon
field of Winchester, Se})tember 19, 1864. He was struck in the
head by a shell Avhich killed him instantly. His company were
at the time, by order of their commanding officer, lying doAvn,
and a comrade near him states that he thought that perhaps Wil-
liam had fallen asleep. But it was the sleep of death.
This same friend buried him on the field near the fatal spot,
marking his grave. His remains were afterwards removed and
brought to Alban}', and interred in the Rural Cemetery.
Among tlie noble band of yonng men who left their home, in
Albany county, for the battle liekl, there are few more deserving
of commemorative eulogy tlian Robert Burnett Darling.
Combining energy and perseverance in whatever he undertook,
with high moral qualities, he endeared himself to a large circle
of friends. His promptness and zeal in the discharge of his
religious duties have rendered his memory precious in the church
of God.
From his childhood Robert evinced a keenness of moral sen-
sibility. Especially was this apparent in his solemn regard for
the truth. His abhorrence of falsehood, in every form, was a
marked feature in his character. His brief history furnishes but
few materials for a biographical sketch. He was born January
24, 1836, in Westford, Otsego county. New York. His father,
Mr. John Darling, is the proprietor and cultivator of a farm
located at Newtonville, town of Watervliet, Albany county. His
mother's name is Mrs. Eliza Myers Darling. To this estiinaljle
lady Robert was indebted, for many of those excellencies of
character, which were so happily developed in subsequent man-
It was intended by his parents, as he advanced toward maturity,
that he should aid his father in the cultivation of his farm. But
his frequently expressed desire for an education, and the indica-
tions of more than usual powers of mind, induced them to place
him at an academy, located at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, under
the direction of Professor Raymond.
Wliile prosecuting his studies there, he ])ecame the subject of
renewing grace. There was, at this time, a revival of religion
in tile village, and many of the pnpils were brought to a saving
knowledge of the trnth. Into this work of mercy, young Dar-
ling entered Avitli all the force of his earnest nature. His con-
victions were pungent, and his joy and faith correspondingly
He was baptized, at Newtonville, on the first Sal)bath of July,
1854. He entered at once and devotedly into the works of
faith and la1)ors of love, to which, by his profession he had been
sacredly consecrated. Upon the prayer meetings of the church,
he was a constant attendant, and never did he hesitate to take a
part in prayer with his brethren. His labors as a Sunday school
teacher Avere earnest and successful.
Having completed his academic studies at Wil]>raham, he
returned to the farm, and again engaged in aiding his father in
the labors of the field. But his earnest desire for knowledge
induced him, with the consent of his parents, to enter the Normal
school, in the city of Allmiiy, then under the charge of Professor
Cochran. In that institution he prosecuted his studies during
thi"ee terms, and graduated with the confidence and esteem of
both his teachers and fellow students.
It is somewhat remarkable that a disposition so amial)le and so
full of kind and generous feeling should ever have cherished
the least inclination for the clash of arms, and the perils and
hardships of war. But Kobert dearly loved his country and
felt deeply indignant at the wrongs inflicted upon her, and the
contemptuous insults poured upon her flag. When Professor
Kimball, who had been his teacher in the Normal School, pro-
posed to organize a company for the United States service, a
numl)er of his pupils engaged to follow him to the field. Young
Darling united with them, and enlisted in the service of the
United States on the 14th of August, 1862, in Company E,
Forty-fourth Regiment. Thus the beloved preceptor, who had
led them in the paths of knowledge, was now to lead them into
scenes of peril and sanguinary conflict.
Robert took an active part in all the battles in which his regi-
ment was engaged, with the exception of Gettysburg. While
that sanguiriary strugule Avas in progress, he was upon the sick
list, and conhned to the hospital. In every battle, he manifested
a conrage. steadiness and soldierly bearing, that won for him the
coniidence of the officers and men.
But he was also a soldier of the cross. Amid the stirrinjr
events of the war, the deprivations of the camp, and perils by
which he Avas surrounded, he ever bore with him the love of
Jesus in his heart, and found in Him a blessed source of strength
and consolation. He originated and attended the prayer meet-
ings of his company', encouraging the hearts of his comrades to
the exercise of a holy faith. As opportunity was offered him he
stood, a servant of Christ, by the bedside of the sick, and into
the ears of the dying whispered the words of consolation and
hope. His presence was ever hailed with pleasure, because he
everywhere diifused around him the sweet spirit of a sincere
Christian. He was repeatedly urged to accept of a chaplaincy.
His pastor was especially desirous that he should occupy- this
position, for the duties of which he appears to have been emi-
nently qualified. But this office he steadfastly declined. His
modest estimation of himself made him shrink from the responsi-
bilities it involved. Indeed, he refused promotion to any rank,
and to the solicitations of his pastor he replied: "No, I have
enlisted in the ranks, and in that position intend to light through
the war." At the earnest and repeated solicitation, however, of
his company, he accepted the post of Corporal, but no considera-
tion could induce him to take any higher office.
His death occurred on the li*th of June, 1864. On the mor-
ning of that day he was in the trenches directly opposite Peters-
burg, and in near proximity to the enemy. Having raised his
head above the l^ank, a bullet from the rifle of a rel^el sharp-
shooter, sent with unerring aim. struck him immediately above
the left eye, penetrating the brain. The l)low was mortal. He
fell and instantly expired without uttering a word, nor did a sigh
or groan pass his lips.
His remains were interred by his comrades near the Norfolk
and Petersburg railroad, and although his grave had been care-
fully marked with his name, company and regiment placed at the
head, his bereaved friends have sought for him in vain.
Thus passed away a nseful and very lovely life. A painful
bereavement, indeed, to those who are more immediately con-
nected with him. But there is light amid the gloom, and a sweet
solace to their sorrows. They have the precious consolation,
which the gospel affords, that IvObert now rests not only from
the alarms of war, Ijut from all the trials and sorrows of earth, in
the bosom of his covenant God.
'• Cl)ami>ion of Jesus, man of God,
Servant of Christ, well done.
Thy i)ath of thorns hath now been trod,
Thy red cross crown it won.
'' Champion of Jesus, on that breast.
From whence thy fervor flowed,
Thou hast obtained eternal rest,
The bosom of thy God."
Philip Van Denburg, son of Teunis and Maria Van Denburg,
was born in the town of New ^Scotland, Albany county, March
13, 1841. His early life Avas not marked with anything of more
than ordinary interest. As a son and l^rother, he was very aflec-
tionate, kind and self-denying. He was modest in his deport-
ment, and loved retirement.
In childhood, he had no fondness for books, l)ut at the age of
fifteen, through the etlbrts of an excellent teacher, he became
interested in his studies, and soon loved them. Early in the
moniino- and late at night he was found devotino- himself with
enthusiasm to the work of obtaining a thorough and complete
education, and very soon he surpassed some who had been his
superiors in study.
At the age of seventeen, through the influence of his elder
brother, he was converted to Christ, in the town of Knox, and
soon after united with the M. E. Church, of which his parents
and three sisters were members.
As a Christian, he was devoted to his Master, and patient and
forbearinof under severe trials. Living in a neighborhood where
true Christians were few, his only counselors were his parents,
his brother and sisters; and his Bible, which was his daily com-
panion. Often would he be found in his room, upon his knees,
readinir the words of life. Once he remarked to his sister: " The
Avord to me is made plainer Avhen I read it thus."
After his conversion, his desire for knowledge increased, and
durino- the winter months he devoted all his leisure hours to
study. During the other seasons he was obliged to hibor on his
father's farm.
He taught one year, when his health failed, and he could
neither study nor labor. In a letter to his brother at that time
he says:
" I dare not study much now, yet nothing would suit me l)etter
than to l)e with my books all day. I ha.ve thought strongly of
enlisting in the army, but mother and father will not hear of it in
my present state of health; but I think it would be for my good.
I am certainly not good for nuich here, and in the army I might
])e useful. If I am killed. I shall only go home to Jesus. I
should not think of going to the war if I had no iiope in God, for
without religion I should make a poor soldier. But I believe I
am ready to face death for our country, and who should l)e ready
to o'o if not Christians. I shudder when I think of men j>oino: to
])attle without a hope of Heaven. I can scarcely keep easy when
I think of it, so great is my desire to go. If it were not for
mother's entreaties, I believe I should in spite of all other obsta-
cles. For this I am thankful, that I can pray for my country if
I inay not tight for her, and perhaps I can do more l)y prayer
than with a gun or sword. I mean to try, anyway."
This was at the time of the first call for volunteers. Soon
after he spoke to his physician about enlisting in the army, and
l)eing told that a soldier's life might benefit him, he could be
detained no longer, and he immediately joined a company which
was. being raised in the town of New Scotland, by hi.s uncle, Capt.
Crouxse. This was in July, 1861, Before enlisting, he wrote
to his parents, asking their consent and advice. And as if fear-
ing opposition, he says, " you ought not to oppose me, when
ministers are bidding their sons ' God speed.' I feel it to l)e
my duty, and I know that I am i)reparcd for all that may come;
even for death. It will, indeed, be hard to part with you all,
but that time must come sooner or later. It will be less pain-
ful as we knoAV that we shall meet in Heaven, if never again on
this earth."
On one occasion, while in conversation with his molher, who
was trying to prepare his mind for the realities of the battle-field,
658 coEroEAL piiilip y^vjs" denbueg.
and said it was a dreadful place in which to die, he said, " I will
not mind it at all it' I only have an opportunity to pray before
entering ))attle;" and to his sister he said, " there is nothing in
this so hard, as for me to say, good-l)ye to mother." Yet when
the hour came he said it bravely as a soldier, and spoke encour-
ao'ino-ly of coming home afrain. But his fond home where he was
greatly beloved, he was never permitted to see again. Just
before entering the army he sent his mother the following lines:
Dear niotlier, now the time lias come
For me to go to war,
To part witli dearest friends and /lome,
Perhaps to meet no more.
Bnt when I've left you all so dear,
And I am far away
Exposed to wiles of wicked men,
Then, mother, for me pray.
And when upon the battle field
'Mid cannon's deafening roar,
And bullets flying thick and fast
The earth with dead strewn o'er;
When those dread sights shall daunt my heart
And my arm begins to stay
From striking for my country's flag,
Oh, mother, for me pray.
I would nerve my soul for greater deeds,
And drive my fears away.
To know my mother ceased to mourn.
But never ceased to pray.
And should I live, we'll meet again.
When war has passed away,
Oh ! then you'll know that God doth hear,
Jlnd answer those who pray.
But if we never meet again.
While in this house of clay,
"We'll surely meet when Jesus comes
To take His own, who pray.
He was sworn in the service of the United States on the 30th
of September, 1861, as Corporal of Company D, Ninety-first
Regiment. He never was in battle,' although he desired to be,
and seemed impatient because his company was not sent forward
into action. In a letter to his sister he fmys, " I am tired of this
lying still, and long for action; I hope we shall soon be removed
where we will have some lighting to do, for I am fully well
drilled now, and believe 1 could do my part in a skirmish with
the rebels; yet 1 would rather they would see their mistake, and
lay down their arms. But that they do not seem inclined to do,
therefore we must fight, and I am anxious to do my share." He
never uttered u complaint in any way, but rather presented the
bright side of everything, especially when writing to his parents
or sisters.
After fjiithfully serving his country, he was taken sick with
typhoid fever. So rapid was his disease that in six days he
died at Key West, Florida, April 20, 1862. He was buried
there, having a soldier's funeral. A comrade, who lived to
return home, told his sister that he never knew a person so uni-
versally esteemed as Philip was, and that there was scarcely a dry
eye in the regiment, when he was buried.
Another member of the regiment but not of his company, was
speaking of him to his aunt, not knowing she was his relative,
and said, " Tliere was one young man died at Key West whose
loss was deeply felt. He was beloved by all. A truer, braver,
soldier never entered the ranks, and a better christian never
lived. He was always on duty, and ever ready to do his part at
all times and in every place. A more patriotic young man I
never saw."
Another, in writing to a friend speaks thus of Philip, "We
have been called to-day to the painful task of laying beneath the
sod one of our very best men. He was sick but a few days, and
I Avas with him when he died. He was delirious, until a few
hours before he died when he seemed to be communinsf with
his God. He sang a hymn through with a Ijeautiful clear voice.
A smile then lighted up his face, and a few moments after he
expired. I believe he has gone to his better home.
" We all feel his loss deeply, and shall miss him much. He was
one who conversed but little, and never Inn-dened others with
his troubles ; but kept them within his own breast ; so that few
knew what he suffered."
Captain Crounse writes thus in apprising his friends of his
decease :
Key West, Florida, May 1, 1862.
Teunis Van Denburg and family:
Dear Friends — I take this opportimity to give yon the sad
news, that Corporal Philip Vandenburg is no more. He died
on the 29th of April, in the hospital. He was taken with the
typhoid fever, and died in six days from the time he was taken.
He was first put in the regimental hospital, and soon aftei
removed to the general hospital, which is one mile distant.
I did not see him from the time he was taken until he died
I was very l)usy and could not go to see him. Nor did I suppose
him to be dangerously ill. I sent one of his comrades to see
him two days before he died. He said he was pretty sick, but
did not think him dangerous. I had him Ijuried with funeral
honors, covering his cofhn with the flag of his country; and ser-
vices were held at the grave.
When we first came to this place, he was sick for near three
weeks, but recovered, and seemed to be healthy again. I never
saw him apparently so well as before he was taken sick.
Dear friends, 3^ou have my sympathy, knowing this will be
sad news to you all. Philip was loved by all in the company,
and I never have heard any ill of him since he has been with
11 Q * * ^ *
Yours in sympathy,
Martin Sitterly was ])orii March 29, 1.S38. He enlisted in
the Fortj^-fourth Regiment for three j^ears, August 8, 1861, and
was killed at Ilanover Court House, May 29, 1862.
All the information that Ave hav-e received concerning him,
after his enlistment, is contained in the following letters to his
mother, and a letter from Lieutenant Rorerts, and a short notice
taken from a Rochester paper :
Camp before Yorktown, Va., May 3, 1862.
Dear Mother — As my time will allow me to write a few lines
this pleasant morning, I do so with much pleasure, knowing as
I do, that you like to hear from me often. To begin, my health
is as good as I could possibly expect; for, as I have written
before, we are laboring under a great many disadvantages. But
the hardships we endure seem light as long as one has good
health. There is a great deal of sickness in this regiment at
jjresent, but we all hope it will disappear soon. Jesse White
and I have made up our minds to stand together as long as life
lasts, and you need not feel worried about us. \^^e are making
our works here as formidable as possible, but the rebels have
annoyed us a great deal for the last forty-eight hours, and we
do not get much sleep. We do heavy fatigue duty in the
daytime, and at nights we go out and help support the field bat-
teries. We lie on the ground all night witnessing the heavy
shells, thrown by, and bursting inside of our entrenchments.
* * * * Write soon and often to,
Your obedient and affectionate son,
G62 coEroRAL maktin sittp:ely.
Head Quaeters, Forty-fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V.,
Camp before Eiciimoxd, Va., j\Jay 22, 1862.
Dour Mother — We are on the inarch, and have been for the
last three days, and such warm weather I never experienced
l)ef()re. Jesse and I are enjoyhig the best of health on this
long and hard march; although Jesse came pretty near, yes-
terday, giving out of the ranks on the road, and would have
done so if we had marched half a mile further. As for myself,
they can't tire me out, if my health is only good. This, indeed,
is my only hope of seeing home again. When one can sleep on
the cold ground, with only a thin blanket under him and one
over him and take comfort, yon would naturally think that we
must be hardy. The heaviest of our marching is over, for w^e
are within a few miles of the rebel capital. AVitliin two or three
miles of us there are one hundred and eighty thousand secesh
troops, and they will give us warm work, I apprehend, when we
attack them. The country through which we have been march-
ing is the finest I ever saw. The wheat is all headed out, straw-
berries are ripe, clover in bloAV, and the cherries almost full
grown. If the weather Avas not quite so warm our marching
would be very pleasant. Love to all.
Your affectionate
His character and the circumstances of his death are given in
the follow] no; letter and notice of the Ijattle in which he fell:
Camp near Neavbridge, Va., May 30, 1862.
Mr. Sitterly:
Dear Sir — It is Avith feelino;s of the greatest sorroAV that I
communicate to 3^0 u the sad news of the death of your son
Martin. Since he became a member of this company his bear-
ing has been such as to enable me to place every confidence iu
him, and to rest Avith satisfaction over any duty allotted to him.
In the engagement, he stood by me until death claimed him.
He fell in the front of tlu; battle. To you as a father, I can only
say your son nolily performed his duty, and died Avitli his confi-
dence and hope in God.
I offer you my warmest sympathy, and pray Heaven to sustain
you and yours under this great trial. In his death I lose a good
faithful soldier and friend.
I beg leave to remain yours,
" Macaulc}'," the army correspondent of the " Rochester Demo-
crat," thus speaks of Martin Sitterly of Guilderland, who fell
at the battle of Hanover Court House:
"The engagement soon l)ecame general. The Forty-fourth
bore the brunt of the l)attle, and had a man flinched all would
have been lost. We were badly cut up; sixty wounded and
twenty killed. Among the latter was the gallant Martin Sit-
terly, Corporal of Co. C, Forty-fourth Regiment; a man of noble
oize, vigorous, patient and resolute; a born .soldier. He was Avorth
a score of common men. He fell, as I thought he would, in the
first action in which he was eno^ag-ed.
Lewis W. Quay, son of Daniel and Anna B. Quay, was born
in the town of Knox, All)any Connty, on the 30th of November,
He was a member of the Sabbath school connected with the
Lntheran Church in Knox.
Patriotism induced him to enlist in his country's service, and
he joined the Seventh Heavy Artillery, Co. K, on the 6th day
of August, 1862.
He was in no engagements, his regiment being stationed at
Fort Reno, D. C, at which place he died of typhoid fever, on
the 26th day of July, 1863.
Previous to his going into the army he was not a professor of
religion; but he wrote several letters to his mother w^hich indica-
ted his readiness to die, and his earnest desire to meet his dear
mother in Heaven.
His remains W'cre brought home and he was buried at Knox,
April 1st, 1862.
Isaac J. Roacii, was the son of John and Phebe Roach, and
was born in Knox, Augnst 27th, 1837.
"When a child, he Avas remarkable for his kind and oblio;injj
disposition, and was very fond of relieving the wants of the poor.
Early in life he became hopefully converted, and united with
the Methodist church in the town of Knox. When the war
broke out he felt a great anxiety to have the union of the United
States preserved, and he thought that the Government needed
his services more than they were needed at home.
Like most of the noble men whose careers we have sketched,
he received, on enlisting, no bounty money, but was influenced
by the purest patriotism.
He joined Co. F, Forty-fourth Ncav York Regiment, in August
1861, and his military life was very brief. While at Camp But-
terfield. Hall's Hill, Virginia, he was taken with the typhoid
fever, and died Dec. 29, 1861. His remains Avere brought home
to Knox and buried.
The two following letters Avere received, addressed to his
brother, which furnish all the information that I have been able
to obtain concerning his last hours.
Camp Butterfield, Jan. 29, 1862.
Mr. Robert D. Roach:
Dear Sir — Your kind note, dated January 7th, is at hand. It
appears that you and m^-self ha\^e alike been sick, and are both
recovering. Would to God that your brother, Avho was my best
friend, had also been preserved. But I think, judging from
what I have seen of him, that he is happier now than when
among us.
He was with us some two weeks previous to his going to the
hospital, after he was taken sick. He was taken to the hospital
on Friday, and on Sunday I was taken down with a fever, and
confined to my tent. After he entered the hospital, he appeared
to grow better. In fact, so much so, that he talked of coming
over to see us in camp. But, alas! he never came. He soon
grew rapidly worse, until death ended his sufferings.
How gladly would I have l)een with him more than I was,
that I might have administered to his wants. But I Avas not able
to leave my tent until within a few days previous to his death.
On the Friday previous I went over to see him. My surprise
was great to see how changed he had become. I saw plainly the
impress of death marked upon that noble brow. I felt that my
esteemed friend and camp chum, he who had been my companion
on our southern march, and who had promised to stand by me
in the time of need, must surely die. Never shall I forget that
meeting. He partly arose in his bed as he extended his hand to
me, and as our hands ^vere thus grasped, he acted as though he
would have me join him, in his heavenward journey. Owing
to the nature of his disease, his mind wandered at times, until
within a day or two of his death, when he became rational. He
frequently spoke of the different members of your family, calling
each of you by name. * * *
Truly yours, JOHN A. EAMSEY,
'ith Sergeant Co. F, 4:Uh Regt.
Mr. Robert Eoacii:
Dear Sir — You have already been informed of the much
lamented death of your highly esteemed l)rothcr. You have
indeed laid a costly and most precious ofl'ering on the altar of
our much loved common country — the altar of civil and religious
liberty. I sympathize deeply with you in the loss, and feel his
death like the loss of a brother. His tent was close by mine, and
he was always so kind, so brotherly, so ready to assist me when-
ever I wanted anything done, that I shall feel his death very
much. Besides, it Avas so unexpected to me, and he seemed, as
I tliouo-ht from his apparently Angorous frame, to give such pro-
mise of lonof life and oreat usefuhiess, that I find it hard to feel
reconciled. And then for the last few days, he was more or less
delirious, so that when Ave began to fear that he Avould not
recover, there Avas no opportunity of communicating Avith him or
he with us.
But terril)ly painful as the trial is, it is all right. For it is
all ()y Ilis specilic appointment and arrangement, Avho never
made a mistake; Avho is too Avise to err, and too good to be un-
kind; Avho loves us better than we loA'e ourselves, and who
will cause all things to work together for good to those Avho
love Him.
I l)elieve, hoAvcver, that Avith him the sting of death AA^as taken
away, and that our loss is his infinite and eternal gain. Though
we have not in his case the evidence of death-bed religious expe-
riences, we have, I think, Avhat is far preferable — the evidence
of a life of piety.
I deeply sjmpathize Avith you, and Avith his parents, and pray
that God Avill be unto them better than sons and daughters, and
to you a friend, that sticketh closer than a l)rother. I hope that
neither you or they Avill ever regret sending him forth, or feel
that he has lived in vain, or that he Avould have been spared, if
he had remained at home. I pray you, do not regret that he
died aAvay from home. He died not alone or unattended, and
the Saviour Avas as near him Avliile here, as he could have been
if he had been at home. The road to Heaven is as straight and
short from hence as from your OAvn home. And he could not
have died in a more glorious cause, or filled a more honored
grave, or leave behind him a more fragrant and enduring remem-
brance. And he being dead, speaketh, and Avill speak many
years to come, to multitudes, and thus, I hope, like Sampson,
accomplish more b}^ his death, than he could have done if he
had lived to the longest period allotted to man.
Thus did Sam. I. Mills, and Harriet Neavel, and Henry
Martyn, and Henry Kirk White, and many others in earlier
and later times. And Avhv should it not be so Avith him? It is
true the battle was soon over with him. But if he has fought the
good fight, he has come off more than conqueror.
Let us, then, each prepare to follow. And let us remember,
" Hearts, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave."
I may never meet you, perhaps, on earth, but I hope to meet
}^ou where sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and
feared no more. In the mean time, please accept the sympathies
of a stranger, but a friend, and present my sympathies to your
greatly afflicted parents.
Yours truly, L. H. PEASE,
ClmiMin ^Uh JY. Y. 8. V.
Hall's Hill, Va., Dec. 30.
John E. Bailey, Corporal of Company B, One Hnndrcd and
Seventy-seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. V., was born in Schoharie
county, and was the son of Hiram and Caroline Bailey.
He received a good education in early life, and then labored
for a time on his father's farm. Becoming tired of farmins: he
went to Long Island, where he taught school. There he was
married, and then returned to Schoharie county. He next
removed to All)any, and became a clerk in the grocery store of
Messrs. T. Lawrence & Son. Soon after settling in this city,
he joined Company B as a private, and became a very active
When the war broke out, his patriotism was greatly excited,
and without l)ounty or promise of promotion, he left his wife
and family and marched nwny with his comrades to save his
country. His regiment arriving at Baton Rouge, La., he was
taken sick and was not permitted to be in but one skirmish,
where, with a few others, he withstood the onslaught of the
rebels in vastly superior numbers, until relieved.
At the taking of Port Hudson, he could not be restrained from
taking a part in the action, and arose from a sick couch, and
against the doctor's orders, marched Avith his company to partici-
pate in its downfall. But becoming weak and exhausted, he
fainted by the road side, and was carried back again. Upon the
return of the regiment from Baton Rouge for home, althouo-h
very feeble, he was taken on board the vessel, and with no care
except such as a few of his comrades could give him, he died
just before the regiment reached Cairo.
There he was l)uriecl, but his remains have since l)een brought
home, and 1)uried in the family burying ground at Schoharie
At the time he went away he was a memljcr of the Middle
Dutch Church of Albany. In his death, his comrades mourn
the loss of a faithful and earnest soldier; his wife, of a devoted
husl)and; his mother, of a dutiful sou, and society, of a respected
and useful member.
Mr. Holmes was a native of the town of Westerlo, and was the
son of John and Sar^ui Holmes, who were connected with the
Methodist Church.
Influenced by a sincere and earnest desire to serve his country,
he enlisted on the 5th of August, 1862, in Company K, Seventh
Regiment, under the gallant Col. Lewis O. Morris. He was
stationed with this noble officer at Fort Reno, and was afterwards
engaged in the assault on Petersburg. His bravery carried him
in the thickest of the light, and on the IGth of June, 1864, he
was wounded in the hand, and was taken prisoner with many
others. Pie was conveyed to Andersonville prison, where he, in
common with multitudes of others, suffered everything, which the
fiendish passions of their persecutors could heap upon them.
When Gen. Sherman marched through Georgia, Mr. Holmes,
Avith about fifteen hundred others, was removed to the Savannah
prison. Here he encountered new forms of w^'etchedness and
horror, and lingered luitil the Uth day of October, 1864, when he
He leaves, in entire destitution, an interesting family, consist-
ing of his widow, Mrs. Sarah Abigail Holmes, and five little
children. The children are all under twelve years of age. Though
left with no other inheritance but poverty, yet as they advance
in years they will learn to appreciate the private virtues and
public services of their no])le father, who sufl^red and died a
martyr for his country, and for the cause of human liberty.
The following sketch is taken from the "Lutheran Observer,"
published in Baltimore, Maryland:
On the Kith February, 1any shores again; and he
never did. As his son watched him until he had passed from his
sight, it was the last time that he looked upon those features
that were so dear to him.
After returning, he joined his regiment in the intrenchments
before Petersburg, and soon after was engaged in battle. When
the first charge was made upon the rebel fortifications, his regi-
ment was then in the reserve, and was ordered to make the sec-
ond, which they did, at a loss of nearly two-thirds of their
company. When it was ended, he found himself alone with his
dying comrades around him; but after retreating to the rear, he
found those that, like him, had survived. As he saw they were
feasting from their haversacks, he reached for his, but it was
gone. It had been shot away, as also his cartridge box. That
same night, while he and two others were in a rifle pit, a shell
from the city fell in their midst, killing one and mortally wounding
another. Again was he miraculously preserved, and again did
he thank God for so providentially sparing him.
Soon after the g-reat assault on Petersburs:, while he and three
others were out scouting, he, with the rest, was taken prisoner,
and confined in prison at Richmond. Believing starvation
awaited him, and preferring to die a more speedy death, he
determined to attempt an escape. In about three weeks he suc-
ceeded in dicriiino; throuo-h the walls, swimming the river, and
making his escape. After reaching our lines, his first thought
was for his family, and, still dripping with water, he wrote them
a few lines to allay their anxiety.
After remaining a few months before Petersburg, he accompa-
nied his regiment on the unsuccessful Fort Fisher expedition,
under Butler. He also engaged in the second attack, which
proved his death. He was on guard over the main magazine of
Fort Fisher, at the time of its fearful explosion, and whether
blown to pieces, or buried beneath the ruins, none can tell.
After passing unharmed through nearly three years of terrible
fighting, and when all were quietly resting after the fatigues of
a hard fought victory, he is, without a moment's warning, called
into the presence of his Maker.
He is gone! No fond family, or group of tearful friends,
watched with silent anguish his last breath; no tolling bell or
muffled drum followed him to the grave; no marble monument
marks his last resting place. Death found the soldier at his
post. The stars alone beheld the fearful rending of his poor
shattered body; and the stifled thunder of the exploding maga-
zine, and the shrieks of the wounded, alone rang his funeral
knell. The memory of his kind words and noble acts is his
monument, and the recollection of his sad yet honorable death,
will ever hold a most honored place in all our hearts.
William C. Cady was born in Albany the 2d day of November,
184 L He was the son of Denice C. and Elmira B. Cady, and
was by these pious parents dedicated in infancy to the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Having been carefully reared in the principles and duties of
religion, he early showed in his life the fruits of careful culture.
He always obeyed his parents, and was very particular to do that
which was exactly right.
Very early William manifested a great taste for reading, and
his memory was remarkably retentive. His superior talents and
rigid conscientiousness, gave to his parents high hopes for his
future usefulness and success in life.
He was very fond of his Sabbath school and of religious
meetings, and when he was sixteen years of age he was hopefully
converted to Christ. Having given good evidence that he was a
child of God, he was admitted to the membership of the Ai-bor
Hill Methodist church of this city. He was exceedingly fond of
singing, and with his fine voice, and with his heart tuned to the
melody of praise, he greatly aided in this department of divine
worship. At the time he enlisted in the army he was connected
with the choir of St. Peter's church.
The guns tired upon Fort Sumter not only aroused his patriotic
ardor, but led him at once to desire to give his services to his
country. On account of his youth and the feeble state of his
health, for he had never been strong, his parents at first ol)jected.
But he said that duty called and he must go. He enlisted that
same month, April, 1861, in the Third Regiment of New York
Volunteers, as Second Sergeant of Company F. He was first
stationed at Fortress Monroe. In June, 1861, while expecting a
visit from his mother, he was ordered to the field, and the very
day I think, before he received the fatal shot that resulted in his
death, he wrote to his mother a letter from which we make the
folloAving extracts:
" Dear Mother — * * * Qn Sabbath night I received the
telegram stating that you would be down on the steamer " Rip
Van Winkle" on Monday morning. Consequently I went down
to the wharf and waited until half-past eight o'clock, and found
that yoa were not on the boat. I was much disappointed at not
finding 3'ou there; I supposed that you would come the next
morning; ])ut I could not do anything to let you know that we
had gone. I should have been so glad to have seen you and
Brother Stratton, and to have taken one last good look at one,
Avhoni I have learned to love best of all on earth.
" Now, dear parents, you need not have the least fears about
my getting into a?/?/ bad habits while I am here; because in the
first place, I love you both too much, to pain you by the know-
ledge that I was doing wrong. Secondly, as any habits which
I might form would react upon myself in the end, and as I
expect to see you and home once more, I have too much pride
and self-respect, to show myself again in Albany with anything
at all derogatory to my character or reputation. As I told you
before, I did not join the army to get away from restraint, but
because I wanted to do my duty, and to rest perfectly con-
tented with regard to myself. The scenes in the camp are always
exciting, as there are scouting parties going out all the while, to
make observations in the enemy's country.
"Day before yesterday, a part of the Troy regiment were
attacked by the secessionists, and one of the rebel Captains was
captured. Yesterday our whole regiment was called out, and
formed in the line of battle, with arms loaded, and plenty of
ammunition ready for them at a second's notice. We were also
out one nioht from twelve o'clock until mornino- waitino; for the
enemy. We are soon to have some warm work about here, and
it will be short work too. We have plenty of men, and a Gen-
eral whose coolness and firmness are only equaled by his cour-
age. As to our field officers they are trusted by all; and what
is more the men all work together, as one man, which is in itself
a great feature."
"Now, father and mother, I am living daily as I hope to die,
and I feel that we shall yet be ' all at home ' in Albany, once
more, and that before a great while. Please write to me often,
and believe me ever, yours, WILLIAM C. CADY."
With such feelings and hopes the young christian patriot went
forth to his first and his hist battle. The engagement took place
near Little Bethel, and at four o'clock Monday morning, June
10, 1861, he was shot in the abdomen. He fell and was for some
time unconscious. On recovering his consciousness, he remarked,
" I am mortally wounded." Shortly before he expired, the
chaplain asked him, if he thought he had done wrong in enter-
ing the army. He replied, "No, I have only done my duty.
If I had to live my life over again, I would do the same thing.'*
While dying, he dictated a letter of which the following is an
extract :
"I die in a great deal of bodily misery. I want Sergeant
Lord to take my body home. I leave seven dollars with Lieut.
Lord. My watch is at No. 80 Houston street; my father's name
is D. J. Cady, No. 12 Lark street, Albany. I die perfectly
happy. I want to be sent home in a good, plain, substantial
cofiiu; tell George to telegraph to my father what train my body
will arrive on, and to telegraph him to meet him with a hearse
at the depot. Tell my father that I died doing my duty, and
that I was excellently taken care of, and bid him good-bye. I
hope I will meet you in heaven. I hope you will come out safe.
Good-bye, Captain. God bless 3^ou. I have nothing more to
say. W. C. CADY."
He died at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, on Wednesday morning,
at one o'clock, aged nineteen years, six months and seventeen
days. He was the second patriot to fall for his country after the
rebellion broke out, young Ells^vortii having been the first.
He was an only son, and only child, and his parents in giving
him, gave their all.
The Hospital Chaplain at Fortress Monroe, in a letter written
to a New York paper, gives the following account of his inter-
view with the parents of the noble boy :
"There have been several arrivals of citizens to-day, looking
after friends in camp. I notice among them Rev. J. H. Smith
and B. Griffith, of Philadelphia. There came also two strangers
Avhose appearance was deeply touching. They were the father
and mother of Sergeant William Cady, of Albany, whose death
from a wound in the abdomen I named in a recent letter. Young
Cady was a member, Avith his parents, of one of the Methodist
churches in Albany, and the pastor accompanied them to Fort-
ress Munroe.
All the way on the journey, notwithstanding the report in the
papers, the mother clung to the fond hope that her son — her
only child — was not wounded. On her arrival, it was my mourn-
ful duty as the Hospital Chaplain, to inform her that he was
dead. I never saw a more mournful scene than followed. The
father sought the buried body, while the mother remained with
me at the hospital to hear all the details of the sad tale. It was
an hour for consolation such as seldom comes to a faithful minis-
ter. But the fact that the dear l)oy had died happy, that he was
calm and collected to the last, that he died in hope of a glorious
immortality, calmed the agitated and atiiicted parents, and
enabled them to say 'all is well.' "
His remains were brought to Albany, and funeral services were
held in Arbor Hill Methodist church, where three years before
he had professed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. A large con-
course of people bore testimony to the high esteem in which he
was held, and to the public admiration for his character, and grati-
tude for his patriotic services.
The sad bereavement was too much for the fond mother. She
never fully rallied from the blow that deprived her of her only
and beloved child. Graduall}^ her health failed, and on the 16th
day of January, 1866, she left this earth to meet her child in
Heaven. Ere her departure she spoke fondly of meeting him, and
shortly before she expired she looked up and exclaimed, "I see
him. He is in full health and vigor, and stands waiting for me
to come to him." They have met, to part no more.
Robert Henry King, son of Samuel ^Y. and Susan King, was
born in the city of Albany, November 8, 1844. His mother died
when he was just one month old. He was a Sabbath school scho-
lar from his youth, and was universally esteemed as an affection-
ate, noble minded and strictly moral young man.
The death of his father, June 18, 1864, left Kobert an orphan,
and he enlisted in the naval service of his country in the month
of September, 1864. In a short time after his enlistment, he
was on board the receiving ship " Vermont." From that vessel
he was drafted as one of the crew of a small but unique craft,
which was registered in our navy as "Picket Boat No. 1." This
vessel was forty feet in length and ten in width, carried one gun,
a twelve-pounder, and was furnished with a long projecting tim-
ber, called torpedo boom, and which was designed to run tor-
pedoes under rebel vessels. Her commander was Lieut. Gushing.
The vessel sailed from the Brooklyn Navy Yard September 22,
1864, and proceeded immediately to her place of destination,
which was Plymouth, North Carolina. On the 28th of the next
month (October), one of the most perilous achievements of the
whole war was accomplished by this little craft. She blew up
and entirely destroyed by her torpedoes the rebel ram " Albe-
marle," that had already inflicted serious injuries upon us.
In this enterprise, though not until it was perfectly successful,
Robert H. King, together with almost all of the little crew of
the picket boat, were taken prisoners. From Plymouth he was
immediately sent to Salisbury, North Carolina, where already
thousands of our brave men were imprisoned, and where multi-
tudes died by exposures or starvation. From early in November,
1864, to March, 1865, a period of little more than four months,
Mr. King was an inmate of that prison; and because he had been
with others the instrument of inflicting a very severe injury upon
the confederacy, he was treated with even greater severity than
many of the other prisoners. Being exchanged about the middle
of March, Mr. King returned immediately to his home, but with
his constitution so completely shattered by the severity of his
imprisonment, as to survive his return but a few days. Reaching
his home April 1, he died on the 10th of the same month.
The following account of the destruction of the "Albemarle"
appeared in one of our papers:
''The rebel ram 'Albemarle' was one of the most formidable
vessels which the Confederate navy ever floated. It played a
conspicuous part in the capture of Plymouth last spring, and on
that occasion sank the ' Southfield.' She attacked the ' Miami '
also; and a shot from the latter, striking the iron walls of the
ram, rebounded and killed Capt. Flusser, of the ' Miami,' who
was an intimate friend of Cushing. It was said that for this
reason Lieut. Cushing vowed vengeance against the ' Albemarle.'
This ram was the same which was engaged in the memorable
conflict with the ' Sassacus,' and two other heavily armed double-
enders, on the 5th of May last. The utmost, however, which
these three vessels, by their combined efforts, were able to
accomplish, amounted to but a slight injury to the rebel iron-
clad, though sufficient to compel its retirement. It has ever
since been a source of considerable apprehension, and has made
it necessary for Admiral Lee to greatly increase his naval force
in the sound. As early as last June Lieut. Cushing, then com-
manding the ' Monticello,' submitted to the Admiral a plan for
the destruction of the 'Albemarle.' The plan was approved,
and the Lieutenant withdrawn from the ' Monticello ' to perform
this special service. Since that date Admiral Lee has been suc-
ceeded by Admiral Porter, who has signalized his assumption
of command by the destruction of the ' Albemarle.'
" After the conception of his plan, Lieutenant Gushing came to
New York, and in conjunction with Admiral Gregory, Captain
BoGGS, and Chief Engineer W. W. Wood, applied to one of the
new steam-pickets a torpedo arrangement, and returned to the
Sound. The torpedo arrangement was invented by Mr. Wood,
and was illustrated in the ' Weekly' of October 1. The ' Albe-
marle' had been lying at Plymouth for some weeks previous to
its destruction. A mile below the town on the wreck of the
* Southfield' a rebel picket was stationed. On the night of
October 27, Cushing, with a company of thirteen men, proceeded
up the Roanoke river, toward Plymouth. The distance from
the mouth of the river to the ram was eight miles. The picket
above mentioned was passed without alarm, and the ' Albemarle'
was discovered lying fast to the wharf ' with logs around her
about thirty feet from her side.' As the party approached, the
rebels opened fire from tlie shore, which was returned by the
steam launch. The approach was made in the form of a circle
and with bows on, and when the logs were struck they were
driven in some feet, the bows of the launch resting on them.
' The torpedo-boom was then lowered,' says Lieutenant Cushing,
' and by a vigorous pull I succeeded in diving the torpedo under
the overhang, and exploding it at the same time that the ' Albe-
marle's' gun was fired. A shot seemed to go crashing through
my boat, and a dense mass of water rushed in from the torpedo,
filling the launch and completely disabling her. The enemy
then continued his fire at fifteen feet range and demanded our
surrender, which I twice refused, ordering the men to save them-
selves, and removing my overcoat and shoes. Springing into the
river I swam, with others, into the middle of the stream, the
rebels failing to hit us."
" Cushing's escape was so precipitate that he was not able to
«eport the destruction of the ram from his own observation, but
formed his judgment from a conversation which he heard while
concealed in the marshes close to the enemy's fort, and from the
report of a negro whom he sent into the town for information.
He had become exhausted in swimming, and had taken shelter in
the immediate vicinity of the enemy. He was picked up by the
' Valley City' on the night of the 30th, having made his way to
that vessel in a skiff captured from an enemy's picket. Lieut.
CusHESTG is a citizen of New York.
"From the Richmond papers we learn that the 'Albemarle'
was destroyed, and that none of Cushing's party were killed,
only one of them, indeed, having been wounded. No lives were
lost on board the ' Albemarle.' The destruction of this vessel
has given us possession of Plymouth."
It is an interesting fact, which I will state in this connection,
that another of the heroes of this hazardous expedition was a
native of Albany, and after his gallant conduct and his great
sufferings in Southern prisons, has returned to us to enjoy the
reward of his patriotic services. I allude to Mr. Hj:nry Wilkes,
who is at present connected with Parson's book bindery in James
Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Ejng were among the five sailors who
received medals of honor prepared by the Navy Department.
Each medal was accompanied by a letter from the Secretary,
stating that it was awarded for gallant and meritorious conduct.
Mr. Wilkes after having passed through scenes of great
danger, was selected for his daring and bravery for this enter-
prise; and he has kindly furnished me with the following account
of it, and of his own capture and imprisonment:
" On the night of the 27th we got under weigh from the fleet, off
the mouth of the river, and steamed up the river. In the steam
launch, were Lieutenant Gushing, Paymaster Avolington, from
the 'Otsego,' Swan, Master's Mate, William B. Howitt, of the
gun boat ' Monticello,' and third assistant Engineer, Stokes-
BURY, in charge of the engine, with a crew of ten men."
" An assigned cutter of the ' Shamrock,' with an officer and
ten men, was towed along for the purpose of capturing the rebel
pickets oil the river. It was known that the rebels had pickets
along the river, and on the ' Southfielcl,' which had been sunk
by the ' Albemarle ' last spring, which laid about a mile below
the town of Plymouth. The pickets were stationed on the hurri-
cane deck of the 'Southlield,' the only portion of the wreck
above water. These were turned over to the care of the ' Sham-
rock's ' cutter."
"When the time came, about eleven p.m., the picket boat
entered the Roanoke river, and steaming up without making any
noise, the ' Southfield ' and three schooners along side of her,
engaged in raising her up, were passed, so near, that we could
toss a biscuit aboard of her without being hailed.
" We arrived within pistol shot of the ram which lay along side
of the dock, at Plymouth. We were hailed, and Gushing made
no answer. We steamed on towards the ram, the rebel Captain
shouted "what boat is this?" Then we said, "goto grass."
Then the rattle was sprung, the bells on the ram were rung, and
all hands were beat to quarters in great confusion. A musketry
fire was opened on one boat, and a charge of canister, injuring
some of the crew.
"Along the dock where the 'Albemarle' was, there were a
large number of soldiers stationed to guard against a lauding
of our force. After the surprise, in front of their lines, there
were a number of fires, which threw a light on the ram. By
this lio^ht Lieutenant Gushing could see the timbers which were
around the ram to guard against torpedoes, floating down on her.
We could see the soldiers on the wharf blazing away at our
boat. Then we brought the bow of our boat around and dis-
charged a load of canister into them, from our twelve-pound
Howitzer mounted on the bow. This sent some of them flying,
and making a circle about forty yards round, under a scorching
fire. We came around, bow on, at full steam, and struck the
logs which were around the ram, pressing against them in
towards the ram. Our boat came to a stand-still. We could
not back or g-o ahead. Then the fun commenced. The rebels
fired muskets and pistols almost in our faces from the port holes
of the ram and the wharf. There were two killed. Paymaster
Swan grot a slight scratch on the side of his face with a ball.
The officers of the ram cried out surrender, or we will blow you
to pieces; but Gushing took it all with perfect coolness. He
seized the laniard attached to the torpedo, and the line of the
spar, and crowding the spar until we brought the torpedo under
the ram, he detached it by a line attached to a pin, which held
the torpedo on the boom. He then pulled the laniard of the
torpedo, and pressed it under the ram on the port side, just
below the port holes. A two hundred pounder which was dis-
charged at us, instead of sinking our boat, went over us, and did
no damage. A large body of water was thrown out by the
explosion of the torpedo, which came down on the boat, and
gave us a good ducking. Lieutenant Gushing ordered every
man to save himself the best way he could. He pulled off his
coat and shoes, and jumped into the river, followed by those of
us that could swim. We struck out for the middle of the river
under a hot fire. The water was so cold there was only one
escaped with Gushing. His name was William Houton, a sailor,
who belonged on the ' Ghicopee,' one of the fleet in the Sound.
" The enemy called out for us to surrender, or they would sink
us. Our boat being fast on the logs, we could not get out, and
we surrendered, and then they stopped firing, and came out in
their boats and picked us up.
" We were put in a jail that night, and we had the soft side of
a plank for a bed. We were wet and hungry the next morning,
and shivering with the cold. We had no change of clothes with
us. Some of us threw off our overcoats about ten o'clock that
morning. They gave us some thing to eat, and our bill of fare
was corn bread and stewed beef. Some of the boys said it
was mule's meat. We were hungry, and we did not care what
we ate.
" We stopped there until noon, and then they started us on a
march of sixty miles. While we were in Plymouth we were
treated very well. We had a guard of twelve mounted men
placed before us. We heard our gunboats coming up the river,
and we were hurried along as fast as possible. While we were
in the jail, we had a good many call to see us. They asked us
a good many questions, and wanted to know who was in com-
mand of the boat. We did not tell them, as we did not want
Lieut. Gushing to be caught. We named the commander that
was on board before we left. They supposed, however, it was
Gushing. It was lucky that he made his escape, for if they had
caught him they would have shot him. When we heard the
gunboats coming up we knew Gushing was safe, and had sent
them up the river.
" We marched that day until sundown, when we arrived at an
old school-house, where we stopped for the night. Before start-
ing from the jail, they gave us rations for three days, which was
about a dozen hard tack, and truly it was hard enough. We
had as much as we could do to eat them.
" We got up the next morning at four a. m., and felt stiff and
sore. We had to eat our hard tack in a hurry, and we started
again. We were about tired out, and our feet so sore that we
could hardly walk. We arrived at a barn, where we put up for
the night. We passed a great many troops on the road to Ply-
mouth. They looked like a flock of sheep straggling along.
" The next morning we started again on the road. Before we
got ten miles, some of the men got tired out. We met an old
negro on the road, with a cart and mule, and the guard ordered
him to stop and take some of us up, which he did. We arrived
that night at a railroad station, and were put into a cattle car,
with a guard of six men. There were about four inches of dirt
in the bottom of the car, but we had to make the best of it. We
rode for two days in the cattle car, and arriving at a station, we
were transferred to a passenger car, in which we rode till we
arrived at Salisbury prison.
"The prison is about a mile from the railroad. When we
got there it was raining. They opened the gate of the pen, and
told us to march in. The number of i)risoners was between
eight and nine thousand. Most of tht^n were our soldiers,
and some, Unionists of the south, who would not take arms
against the United States. Some had small tents, and the rest
dug holes in the ground, about five feet deep, four feet long and
four feet wide. They were covered with sticks and brush for a
roof, and plastered over with mud, with a hole in one end for a
chimney to let the smoke out. Our rations were meat, two or
three times a week, of two ounces, and eight ounces of corn
bread. Part of the time we were put on half rations. There
was no running stream on the place, and we got water out of
wells, which were quite dirty. We had not been in prison over
a week, when the prisoners talked about making a break out.
The rebels heard of it, and they took our officers and sent them
to another prison, so they gave up the break at that time. Some
tried to escape by digging a tunnel under ground, but they were
cauo-ht and brought back. There was a trench dug all around
the fence which was about the prison, which they called the dead
line, and any one who tried to get over the trench was shot
down. Besides every one had to be in their tents or holes, as
soon as it was dark. The rebels would call out, "Get to your
holes or tents, you Yankees, or I will shoot you;" and if we
were not quick enough, they would fire at us.
*' We had another break, and we attacked the guard. We were
armed with stones and clubs, and made for the gate, which was
broken open. We were, however, driven back by the guards.
By this time the guards on the fence were reinforced, and they
opened a heavy fire on us. As soon as the break commenced, a
train arrived at the depot, with a regiment on board. They
came up, and opened fire on us with two six-pounders, which
they used and loaded with box tin punchings, for grape. The
boys saw they could not make it go, and so they gave it up.
We lost about fifty, killed and wounded. Major Gee, who had
command of the prisoners, said the next time the prisoners made
a break, he would shoot every man on the place.
"In January, there were three United States officers came
there with some clothing. But they did not bring enough to
supply us. However, some got a shirt, and some a pair of pants,
and some shoes, &c.
" On the 22d of February, we were sent away to be exchanged.
Partly on foot and partly by railroad, we were conveyed to the
Union lines. As we approached our lines, we put a flag of
truce on the locomotive. There were about two thousand of us
exchanged, and we were received by a battalion of our troops.
with arms presented. When passing out of the rebel lines, we
all gave a wild hurrah, and traveled on to Washington and to
the navy yard, and were presented with medals of honor by
Commodore Montgomery. HENRY WILKES."
All honor to this noble patriot and brave soldier, who has
survived the perils and hardships of war! May the remainder
of his life be peaceful, prosperous and happy!
George B. Wolcott, private in the Forty-fourth Eegiment,
Company E., New York State Volunteers, was born at Penn Yan,
Yates county, New York, August 31, 1848. He was the son of
Chauncy and Ann Wolcott. In childhood and youth he was an
obedient and dutiful son, and a kind and loving brother. From
earliest youth, he was always of a religious turn of mind; loving
his Sabbath school, and taking an active part in it, and shunning
evils of every description.
At the age of twelve, his mother died, and her last words to
George were: "Be a good boy and meet me in heaven." George
loved his mother with an untiring love, and these words had a
lasting effect upon him. From that time he sought the Lord,
and, through Jesus Christ, obtained pardon. He advanced
rapidly in the divine life, and in love to his God and Saviour.
At the age of fifteen, he united with the Wesleyan Methodist
Church of Penn Yan, and maintained a Christian character with-
out spot or blemish. He always took an active part in the duties
of the church.
He had attended the Normal School one year, when he enlisted
at Albany, August 20, 1862. He was a sincere and enthusiastic
patriot, and discharged his duties, both in camp and field, with
marked efficiency and fidelity. At the battle of Gettysburg,
while aiding in repelling an attack upon the extreme left of our
line, and while in the act of dropping a bullet into his musket,
a ball from the enemy pierced his hand, entered his forehead and
killed him instantly. He was buried beside his comrades who
fell at the same time and place, a short distance from where he
was killed.
We regret that we have not more full information of this nol)le
youth, but an account of the company with which he was con-
nected cannot fail to interest our reader.
When, in July, 1862, the Union forces were defeated in tlie
" seven day's battle" before Richmond, and there came up from
the Capital of the nation a new call for men — soldiers to drive
back the rebellious invaders — the young men of the State Normal
School felt that it was time for them to shoulder their muskets,
and do what they could to save the land they loved, and pre-
serve the institutions for wliich their fathers fought. Professors
Ejmball and Husted, of the faculty, volunteered to go with,
and lead them. With the students and graduates of the school
as a nucleus, they commenced recruiting, and, on the 25th of
September, found themselves one hundred true, brave, ear-
nest men, " mustered into the service of tlie United States for
three years or the war." Desirous of, at once, making them-
selves useful in the field, they were soon attached to the Forty-
fourth New York Volunteers, then one year in tlie service, and
were afterwards known as Company E of that regiment, joining
it October 23 d, at Antietam Ford, Maryland.
The company, as an organization, participated in all the battles
of the Army of the Potomac, during the two years from Octo-
ber, 1862, till October, 1864, including the terrible struggles
of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilder-
ness, Spottsylvania, and the siege of Petersburg.
The regiment's term of service having expired, and but ten
of the company being " present for duty," this remnani was con-
solidated with the One Hundred and Fortieth New York Volun-
teers, and fought with it in the closing campaign, and were mus-
tered out in June, 1865. Of the original officers. Captain R. G.
Kimball resigned, on Surgeon's certificate of disability, April
16, 1866. Lieutenant A. N. Husted served with the company
during its connection with the Forty-fourth, was promoted to
Captain, and was honorably discharged when Ins men were trans-
ferred to the One Hundred and Fortieth, in October, 1864.
Lieutenant Wm. Kidd resigned January 29, 1863, to accept a
commission in a cavahy regiment.
Of the one hundred men, sixteen died of wounds received in
battle; eight died of disease; twenty received wounds which did
not prove fatal; seven were commissioned in the United States
colored troops, tive of them as Captains; seven received com-
missions in New York Volunteer Regiments; twelve were dis-
charged because of physical disability; nine were transferred to
the Invalid Corps, and three to the Signal Corps. Two of the
members, Robert B. Darling and George B. Wolcott, were
killed, by being shot through the head, the latter at Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863, and the former at Petersburg, Vir-
ginia, June 18, 1864.
After George's death, his Captain wrote to a friend that
George was not only a good soldier for his country, ])ut, also, a
good soldier of the Cross. On the morning of the fatal clay
that he fell, he found him engaged in earnest prayer to God. In
an hour from that time, he was lying dead upon the lield.
Justin R. Huntley was -born December 10, 1846, in Ham-
burg, Erie county, New York. At seven years of age he com-
menced attending school, which he continued to do without
material interruption until about sixteen, when he graduated
from the Experimental Department of the State Normal School
at Albany. Possessing a strong physical constitution and a
ready and active mind, he mastered the course of study with
comparative ease, placing himself in rank among the best of his
class. In his school life there were many little incidents which
were, for the time, considered somewhat remarkable by his
particular friends and admirers, Init are not of sufficient impor-
tance to claim notice here.
In the spring of 1858, during a season of religious interest in
the Pearl street Baptist church at Albany, he Was hopefully con-
verted, and united with that church by baptism, under the
ministr}'^ of Kev. Dr. Hague, which connection was maintained
until his death. As evidence of the tidelity and tirmness with
which he held fast his religious convictions, it may be stated
that during the continuance of the " boys' prayer meeting," for
two years, he was never absent except when away from the city.
The spring of 1861 brought the fall of Fort Sumter and the
spontaneous uprising of the North. While the Government was
marshaling its hosts preparatory to putting down the rebellion,
the boys caught the military spirit and organized themselves
into companies and regiments, for drill in the tactics of war.
Eight or ten companies of " Boys' Zouaves" were organized,
uniformed and equipped in Albany, one of which was drilled
and commanded by Justin. Subsequently, desiring to be organi-
zed as a regiment for parade on various occasions, the officers
met to elect their field officers, when Justin was unanimously
chosen Colonel. The fourth of July was the occasion of their
first appearance, when, numbering about five hundred, they
presented such soldierly appearance, and evidence of such excel-
lent discipline, as made them one of the most interesting features
of the procession and celebration.
Here, then, was first developed that military ardor and self-
sacrificing patriotism which seemed at times to fill his mind, to
the exclusion of every other consideration. During the first
three years of the war he was almost unremitting in endeavors
to obtain his parents' consent that he might go. He was sure
he could be useful in many capacities — a " drummer boy," a
clerk in some dei^irtment, or even an officer's servant. His
requests being refused again and again, at each successive call
of the Government for men, they became more importunate.
Though persistently refused and discouraged, and warned that
actual war and the Ijattling of armies was no holiday parade,
though the scarred and maimed veterans returning from the
camp and hospital and bloody field, told their thrilling stories
of privation, sufiering and death — yet did he not forbear his
entreaties to be allowed to go.
The call for volunteers in the winter of '64 seemed, in all
human probability, to be the last. Justin felt that then was pre-
sented the only opportunity for him to serve his country. His
anxiety became more intense, his arguments and entreaties more
He urged that he was above the necessary standard in stature
and strength, and consequentl}^ able to endure the fatigues and
duties of the camp and field; that, as his country needed more
men, in this her final struoo-le to subdue the rebellion, and as his
religious principles were now so firmly fixed as to enable him,
by Divine assistance, to withstand the temptations of a military
life, he was bound by every consideration of patriotism and
Christian fidelity, to give his services to this noble cause — the
more especially as he could set a proper religious example in the
midst of vice and temptation, inviting those, who through weak-
ness had fallen, to a higher life, by kindly words and Christian
deeds. He had made it tJie subject of prayer for weeks and
months. Many sleepless nights were occasioned by anxiety to
know his duty, and he felt confident that God would protect him
from all harm. If he could not go at this call, no further oppor-
tunity would be oftered to make his record among the defenders
of the government and the old flag; that he had taken no part in
this gigantic contest for the existence of the government, would
be a life-long stigma upon his name. With these and similar
arguments his suit w^as pressed, day after day and week after
week, until a reluctant consent was finally wi'ung from his parents.
With marked expressions of gratitude, he testified his joy for the
permission to enroll himself as a soldier of the Union. He
repeatedly said: " You shall never have cause to regret my going
to the war. I feel that God will give me strength to resist the
temptations of the camp. Ma. you shall be jproud of your son."
He enlisted in the Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volun-
teers, Company E, commanded by Capt. Husted, April 1, 1864.
Major Allen, commanding the recruiting detachment of the
Forty-fourth in Alljany, finding his services necessary in the
office, retained him in it, till those upon this service were ordered
to report to their regiment. On May 12 he left the city, in com-
pany with the detachment. Though sad at parting with parents
and friends, a consciousness that he had voluntarily assumed the
manly and patriotic position to tight for his country and the
loved ones at home, animated his countenance with an expression
of hope and joy. Not elated with the novelty of his new posi-
tion, or the spirit of adventure, there was a serious thoughtful-
ness pervading his mind. Within the hour previous to his
departure, he read aloud the hfth chapter of Romans. Then at
his request all joined in singing "Home, sweet home," and his
beautiful voice, always sweet, seemed unusually thrilling and
sympathetic; after which he buckled, on his haversack, and bade
the family adieu. Tears were in a measure stifled by that strong
hope and confidence he realized so fully. Though he was going
where danger was, yet duty appeared to be there also. None
could feel that this was his last home interview; that the voice
so touching in its melody would so soon be hushed; that the
spirit so joyous with hope and trust, would so soon wing its way
to the heaven of the blessed.
Previous to Justin's enlistment, the officers in command of the
regiment consented that he should have some position which
would not subject him to the fiitigues of long marches, and the
severer hardships of the common soldier. It seemed to be quite
too certain that he could not endure the extreme fatigrue and
exposure incident to the soldier's duty in the rank; and with
his ability and ready adaptation — being already familiar with the
manual of tactics and ordinary military afl^airs — he could be vastly
more useful in some other capacity. In accordance with this
understanding, he was detached from the regiment shortly after
joining it, and assigned to duty as special Orderly to Brig. Gen.
J. J. Bartlett, which position he held till August 17, when he
was sent to City Point Hospital.
On May 16, Justin joined the army near Spottsylvania, and
reported for duty to Capt. Husted. Feeling himself perfectly
able to take the chances of war with the men, he did not choose
to inform the Captain, that the design was for him to perform a
lighter service than that of the common soldier. He was equipped
accordingly and placed in the ranks. During the two weeks he
was with the regiment, his corps performed one of the severest
forced marches of the campaign. He was one of the few in the
regiment that did not "fall out," but resolutely kept his position
to the end of the march. In writing home, he expressed some
pride in calling the attention of his friends, who doubted his
ability to perform the severer duties of the soldier, to the facts
connected with this march, as conclusive evidence of his power
of endurance to make a full soldier.
The coolness manifested in the hour of peril w^as, in a great
degree, owing to his confidence in the preserving care of the infi-
nite Father. There was no faltering here. Every letter speaks
this great confidence. He closes a letter, June 8, thus:
"Whenever you hear of the Fifth Corps (Waeren's) being in
any fight, you may safely conclude I am not far oflf. But God
will guard, and God will guide me. I hope you never forget
the soldier boy down in Virginia, who needs your prayers, and
God who needs our thanks."
His piety did not forsake him. Amid the temptations and
vices of the camp, he swerved not in his loyalty to Christ and
His truth. Though pressed on every side to deviate from the
line of religious duty, he stood firm by the faith he professed —
an example of purity in life, and a Christian in faith and love.
His spotless life bore strange contrast with many seen in camp.
His undeviating adherence to his resolutions made before enlist-
ing, his gentlemanly demeanor and kind-heartedness, were the
outgrowth of a heart renewed by grace. These qualities, blended
wdth his invincil)]e courage and faithfulness in the performance
of duty, made him the admiration of the ofiicers and men with
whom he became acquainted. A Sergeant at head-quarters
" We were not long in finding out that Justin was a Christian.
His prompt but polite refusal to be led into any questionable
practices, his kind reproofs, and his detestation of profane swear-
ing, were unmistakable evidence of a Christian heart."
The clerk at head-quarters writes:
'He AA'as good, kind and gentle, and had a kind word for all.
I never heard him utter an improper word.- He ahltorred an
oath, and would always look with sorrow upon those who swore.
The army is the hardest place for one to lead an exemplar}'^ life;
but he maintained his good character at all times, and was an
example for us all. Such were his actions while with us — such
were his manly virtues, gentlemanly habits and kind words
always, that he gained the esteem of every one."
Gen. Bartlett says:
" I learned, greatly to my surprise, that his gentle bearing
emanated from a pure Christian spirit; and I felt that the child
should be my instructor."
Knowing intemperance to be the prevailing vice of the soldier,
he resolved to adhere strictly to " total abstinence." No induce-
ments were sufficient to make him swerve from his original pur-
pose. Whiskey rations and cordials were refused, till the
peremptory orders of the surgeon made necessary a modification
of his practice.
Thus he passed through the ordeals of temptation in camp
unsullied — no stain upon the bright armor of his character — an
example to all of devotion to principle, of a pure filial afiection,
and a reverence for God and His truth. These characteristics,
combined with his promptness and accuracy in the discharge of
his duties, courage in time of peril, and gentlemanly deportment,
won upon all the officers who knew him.
His graceful address and genial humor were the admiration of
his friends — his happy and merry disposition was the delight of
the household; but the respect and love for his parents, and the
admiration and tender affection for his little sister, fitted him
particularly for the enjoyment of home, and are the character-
istics around which memory loves to linger most fondly.
August 12, Justin writes:
" My hand is so unsteady, that my friend Dickson will tell
you, at my prompting, that I have had my usual 'bilious attack; '
but the doctor says I will be all right day after to-morrow. I
have not been in the hospital, neither shall I go."
From other sources of information, it appears that his health
had been quite poor for weeks, though this was the first allusion
he makes in rejrard to ill health. Disease had for some time
been taking firm hold upon him, while he resolutely determined
not to yield to its influence, nor alarm his friends at home.
During the campaign, the climate, fatigues and exposures incident
to it, were insidiously undermining his health, but his strong
will would not permit him to ask relief, or complain while it was
possible for him to perform his duties. He felt a contempt for
slight difiiculties or slight ailments, and none should ever say he
left his post of duty for small cause. If he asked for relief, it
should be from necessity.
Lieutenant Bartlett, of General Bartlett's stafi", says:
" In front of Petersburg Justin was taken sick, but would not
for some time allow himself to be taken to the hospital. At
length he consented to go to the division hospital, and, as he
started, I bade him good bye, little thinking that it was forever.
I went home then with the General, who was himself sick, and,
upon my return, learned that he had been taken from the ' ranks'
and promoted to a place with the angels."
He was removed from the division hospital to City Point,
August 17. For three or four days — still unwilling to be con-
sidered sick — " being only weak, and having only a little fever
and a little diarrhoea," as he expressed it in his last letter, he did
not desire to claim attention from the surgeons and nurses of the
hospital. Sergeant Moslander, convalescent in the hospital,
and previously acquainted with him, voluntarily came to his
assistance, watched with him, and took the principal care of him.
He insisted to the ward-master and the surgeon, that Justin was
very sick and needed much better care. After the first few days,
he was delirious most of the time. In his delirium, his thoughts
were constantly about his parents and home, or his duties on the
field, or in camp.
Justin had been always very prompt and regular in corre-
spondence with his parents; scarcely a week had elapsed since he
left, without their receiving at least one letter from him. He
had so carefully guarded his expressions in reference to his
health, that there appeared to be not the slightest reason to be
alarmed. Receiving no conniiunication from him for a week or
more, his father, then in New York, felt a little nneasiness in
conscqnence of this silence, and determined to go to City Point.
He arrived there on September o, and learned Justin had been
transferred to some noi'thern hospital, having left City Point,
"not very well," August 23. Kcturning inunediately, he ex-
amined the hospital records at Fortress Monroe, Baltimore and
Philadelphia. At the medical director's office, in l^hiladelphia,
his name was found, and that he had been assi2:ned to Whitehall
Hospital, near Bristol, Pennsylvania. At the central office of
this hospital a name reseml)ling his, with company and regiment
correct, was recorded. His father passed through the wards,
making inquiries, and expecting at every step to greet his only
son. The last ward was reached; then for the hrst time he bciran
to feel there was real cause for alarm. A most careful search of
all the records at the hospital was made, without getting any
further information, save on the death register there was one
recorded "Unknown, died Angust 26, 18G4." Obtaining all the
information possi))le, in regard to this " unknown," the father
learned that he came to the hospital early on the morning of
August 26, in extreme prostration; could articulate his name,
only with great difficulty, at the central office; could not speak
after arriving at the ward, and expired in al)out half an hour.
He appeared to be conscious, and in no pain. The physician
administered stimulants, but it was too late to revive him. The
"unknown" had left no effects. He was buried as he came, the
same day, in the Bristol l)urying ground.
In spite of the awful conviction thus forced upon him, that
the "unknown" must be his son, the father could but hope to
the contrary. Fearing and yet eager to know the truth, the
remains were, at his request, disinterred, and there, marked
plainly upon his clothing, were the initials of Justin's name,
bearing too certain witness to his identity.
With grateful emotions the father saw upon the unmai-kcd
grave evergreens and flowers, placed there by some philanthro-
pic hand. More especially was he grateful for this, because the
evidence seemed to he coiieliisive, that the hrave lioj had l)cen
hastened t-o his (h'ath ])y neg-lect. Bnt there was at least one
heart Avhich could feel for the " nnknoAvn " soldier, and perform
an act of love to a humble defender of the Nation's honor. That
expression of love and regard was given l)y the soldiers' friend,
Kate Paxson, of Bristol, Pennsylvania.
Sulisequently it was learned that when placed on board the
transport " City of Alban}^" at City Point, Justin from his dis-
ease — typhoid fever — was quite delirious, though able, with the
assistance of Sergeant Moslander, to walk to the boat. The
surgeons and nurses of the hospital accompanied their patients
to Fortress Monroe, at which point they were transferred to the
transport "Atlantic," and to the care of other attendants. After
a passage of three days, they arrived at the White-Hall Hospital,
a few miles from Philadelphia. Until the time of leaving Fort-
ress Monroe, all the patients received proper attention. During
the remainder of the passage, however, very little care seems to
have been bestowed on them. Not only was Justin neglected,
but was rol)])ed of his money, watch and revolver l)efore arriving
at Philadelphia, and after leaving that point what else remained
to him was taken, including his diaiy and portfolio. Very
reluctantly is this reference made to the treatment of the deliri-
ous and dying boy, but sympathy with his sutferings is too tender,
and sorrow for the loss of the faithful record he had kept, and
to which he very often had made reference, is too keen to be
repressed in this memorial.
A few days after the identification of the remains, they were
transferred to Albany Rural Cemetery. There they are at rest ;
waiting the final resurrection, when, transformed into a spiritual
bod}', pure, glorious and deathless, and united in immortal union
to the nol)le and sanctified spirit, they shall ascend to those fields
of everlasting green, and those bright mansions in heaven, which
the Saviour of men has gone to prepare.
The dear one, departed, died in a holy cause. The interests
at stake were not mere earthly interests ; the principles in con-
troversy were not mere mortal principles ; but the very pillars
of God's kingdom in the earth. It was convictions like this that
impelled Justin to the tight. He was the soldier ])oth of duty
and of liberty. His patriotism was nourished by his religious
faith. He saw that God had built tlic altar and asked for the
sucriticc, and he cheerfully gave his all.
These considerations, together with the hearty sympathy of a
multitude of friends, pour the l)alm of consolation into the
crushed and Avounded hearts of the bereaved. Though to the
mother there may be none like her first born, noble boy, yet the
honoral)le record of his 3'oung manhood, the pure, christian
heart he carried into life, and the certainty of his glorious
immortality, clothe his memory with an efiulgence which, even
into her saddened heart, sheds its blessed light.
AYiLLLOi A. Van Gaasbeek was born September 5th, 1841,
and at the age of four years commenced going to school, A
more truthful, pure nu'ndcd, alfcctionate and obedient boy than
Willie could not be found. He loved his home and parents,
and would do all in his power to make them happy.
At the age of ten years he commenced going to the Experi-
mental school, and continued there for four years. During that
time he never asked to stay at home a single day, unless he
was sick. He Avas greatly beloved by his teachers and young
After he left the Experimental school, he went to North Hamp-
ton to school, and remained there about one year.
At the age of fifteen, Willllai entered the Albany Academy,
and remained there until he became a clerk in his uncle's store.
He was with his uncle two years and a half, and in all the rela-
tions of life, he bore an un1)lemished character.
He next obtained a situation in INIr. Stuart's store in New
York city, and remained there about six months, giving entire
satisfaction to his employer. His father being about to commence
business, desired to have William with him, and requested him
to return home. His employer was very anxious for him to
stay, and held out great inducements for liim to do so; but he
said he felt it his duty to return home, and do all in his power
for his father.
Besides being a dutiful and affectionate son, William was a
true patriot, and, when the war conmienced, he told his parents
that he felt it to be his duty to enlist in defence of his country's
William enlisted as a private in the Eleventh New York Inde-
pendent Battery, November 6, 18G1.
This, it will be remembered, was before the days of thousand
dollar liounties, and before the draft drove men to enlist to avoid
a harder fate.
We needed men, not officers alone, to fight our l)attles for us;
and there were men — true hearted, noble men, who rushed to
the standai'd then, and filled our failing ranks with glittering
steel and iron hearts.
William had weighed the matter well, and neither the doubt-
ful smile of friends, or the story of hardship and danger, had
power to deter him from his purj)ose.
We shall never forget the prompt reply he made, when, early
one morning, a comrade stepped into his father's store, and put
the question: "Are you ready to enlist. Will?" The answer
was as direct as the question, and, without a moment's delay,
they Avere on their way to give themselves, for three years, to
their country's service, with all it might bring to them of good
or evil.
To him it proved an altar of sacrifice, on which he laid all,
even life itself. His comrade lives to mourn his loss, and tell the
story of his bravery.
Young Van Gaasbeek was by nature endowed with some of
the first requisites of a soldier — a disposition cheerful under all
discouragements, a strong constitution, and, best of all, nerve for
any danger into which duty called him.
The first six months of his service were spent in Fort Ells-
worth, near Alexandria, Va. And here, in garrison, as nowhere
in the field, is the spirited soldier's patience tried, and his health
put in jeopardy.
Leaving their comfortable quarters at A11)any, as they did, in
the dead of winter, and ))eing put in tents with a scanty supply
of fuel, Avith rain or snow, or both, enough each day to prevent
much out door exercise, no wonder the men were sick. Within
three weeks after the Eleventh and Twelfth New York Battci-ies,
numbering something more than three hundred men, took pos-
session of Fort Ellsworth, disease, of one type or another, had
so reduced the number that there were barely men enough to fur-
nish the necessary detail for guard. And these few had to go on
duty every alternate day and night.
Thus the spring wore away, and the summer was half ended,
when the monotony of garrison life was suddenly broken. On
the IGth day of June, orders were issued for the Eleventh New
York Battery to report at Washington, where they would be
suppplied with guns, liorses and equipments for service in the
There was joy in the fort that night, and from that time for-
ward there was no lack of work to do. The tide of war that
but a few months before had rolled so heavily to the south, came
thundering back with redoubled fury. Again was the Capital
in danger.
The Eleventh New York, with other troops, was ordered to
report at Manassas. Then followed the unfortunate atfair of
August 27, when the battery lost four of its guns, and many of
its best men as prisoners.
But fortunately our hero was not among the number. His
duty with his own piece, which was not engaged, prevented his
sharinsy in the dano;ers and honors of that first conflict his com-
pany had with the enemy. The next morning's sun found him
with what was left of the battery, supported with a single regi-
ment, hopefully assisting in holding in check the advance columns
of Lee's army.
At Fredericksburg he shared the perils of the day, and bore
the chagrin of retreating in the night, like a good soldier.
Next we find him at Chancellorsville. All dav had Sickles
been steadily pressing the enemy back in his front. The day
was ahnost spent, when the enemy charged with fearful power
upon our ranks. The Fifth Corps l)roke and tied. Our tlank
was turned and all seemed lost. Cheer after cheer rose from the
But in the thickest of the fire, clouded in smoke and begrim-
med with powder, we find our young hero straining every nerve,
to pour the iron hail into the rel)el line as rapidly as possible.
Cooler than many older men, and braver than some, he stood
fearless at his post. When darkness settled down upon the field,
the order was gi-ven along the line to " cease firing." The heated
pieces ceased their work of death, and many thousands sank to
But William, ever wide awaJ^e, and ready for any enterprise,
and curious to know liow things looked between the lines, went
out to reconnoiter. When about half w^ay between friend and
foe, he found a three-inch rilled gun, deserted by its friends, and
left to fall into the hands of the enemy. It was too great a
prize to carry ofi' alone, and too great to leave. He returned,
and with volunteers enough to liriug it in, he soon added a
seventh piece to the Eleventh Ncav York Battery.
Being a fine penman, and quick to learn, it was early discov-
ered at head-quarters that he might be made useful there; and
much of his time, especially during the second year, was spent
as clerk under different general officers.
The fact of his being so much of his time engaged in writing,
and away from his l)attery, will account for no special mention
being made of him in connection with the battles of Gettysburg
and Mine Eun.
After nearly a year of faithful service as clerk, he made appli-
cation to his Captain for relief. Having obtained this, he cheer-
fully returned to his duty with the Battery, just before the open-
ing of the campaign of 18G4. Here he remained, sharing the
toils and perils of his comrades at the Wilderness and Spottsylva-
nia, on the Po and Nye and North Anna River, until June, 1864,
wdien at Coal Harbor he received the wound that terminated in
his death. He was wounded in the arm by a sharpshooter, while
williajM a. van gaasbeek. 711
at the extreme front on the skirmish line. The ]);ill struck his
shoulder blade, and it became necessary to am[)utate his arm.
Alter his arm was taken oil", he got a friend to write home to his
parents, statino- that he expected to go to ^^'asllingtou. He also
wrote, " I stood the amputation well, and have strong hopes of
getting well. I was brought in a few hours after I got hurt.
" Father, if you possibly can, I wish you would come and see
me in the hospital at Washington. I shall be there by the time
you receive these few lines; I can be discharged, and you can
take me home at once. I think my right hand is good, and I
expect to l:>e of some use yet."
But God ordered it otherwise. He never was permitted to
see his home alive. His father did as he requested; he went to
"Washington, l)ut could not find him. For a whole Aveek he made
the most diligent inquiries, Avithout l)eing able to trace him.
It appears that William had a brother connected with the
Sanitary Department, who finding that he Avas wounded took him
to David's Island, near Ncav York, instead of going to Washington.
The brother Avas uiiAvilling to leave A\'illiaai, and remained
with him for nearly tAvo Aveeks. He then returned to Albany,^
reaching the city on Sunday morning. We may imagine the
feelings of a mother's heart, Avhcn she found that her poor,
wounded boy was so short a distance from home, Avhile his
father was looking for him so long, and so far aAva}-. Mr. V^an
Gaasbeek Avas telegraphed to as soon as possil^le, and the mother
taking the nine o'clock train, Sunday morning, arrived in Ncav
York about four o'clock in the afternoon. It being Sunday,
there was no Avay to get to the Island imtil INIonday morning.
When she arrived at the hospital she AA-as told that Willie Avas
very Ioav. After his brother left him he Avas taken sick, and the
main artery in the neck commenced bleeding. The doctor, hoAA--
ever, immediately succeeded in taking up the artery. But of
course Williaji Avas A^ery weak. He AA-as asked if he Avould like
to see his mother. His ansAver was, " yes, I Avould like to see
her." A messenger then came and said to her, "you must com-
pose yourself as much as possible, for the least excitement in the
patient may cause the artery to bleed again." She Avas then
conducted to the room, and looking from bed to lied, she saw no
one that she recognized as her Willie. At hist a ^^onth raised
his remaining hand, and said " mother." She knew that voice,
and approaching the sutlcrer, she conld scarcely believe that this
was her son, he was so emaciated and changed.
Bending over him he fondly kissed her and said, " Where is
father ?" The mother could not reply. She was choking with
emotion. She seemed to herself, as though she was sinking in
an abyss of sorrow. At last she whispered, " Willie, keep quiet
and in, a few moments mother will talk with you." She then
oflered a silent prayer to God for strength in that trying hour.
She then told him how long his father had been trying to tind
him. He said, " I want to see him, I wish he would come." He
then asked about his two sisters, and his little 1)rother at home.
Then he looked up anxiously and said, " Mother, do you think
they will let you stay and take care of me ?" She replied,
"Willie, do not worry, for I know they will; here comes the
doctor and I will ask him." She asked him, and he said, " Yes,
he needed a mother's care."
/ She then went to the hall with the doctor, and asked him what
he thought of Willie. He said, " Do you think you can bear
the worst." She replied. Yes. He then said, " Your boy is a
very sick boy, but while there is life there is hope; if he takes
to bleeding again, there is not any help for him."
She returned to the room again, and Willie looked so pleased,
and said, " Mother, how glad I am you can stay." He then said,
" Mother, where arc you going to sleep ?" She replied, " Willie,
do not be anxious about me, I can sleep anywhere. I shall take
care of you at night, and will lay down and rest in the daytime."
He said, " Mother I am afraid it will make you sick if you do
not have your rest." When the doctors came in to dress his
wounds, as soon as he heard them coming in the room, he would
say, " Mother I think you had better go out till my wound is
dressed." He was afraid it would be too much for her. So
whenever his Avoiind was dressed, she had to leave the room.
His wound had to be kept wet night and day; and at first he
did not want his mother to attend to that. But he reluctantly
consented to have her to do it, as the wound was not visible, and
all that was necessary, was to keep the l)andage wet with a sponge.
His father arrived on Tuesday morning, and then Willie
seemed to be perfectly happy. He was so very weak he could
not talk much. But on Wednesday morning he was thought to
be l)etter, and the doctor said to his mother that he must con-
gratulate her for her boy was better. He did look better, but,
alas, how soon their hopes were blasted.
As his father had been so long away from home, thinking him
so much better, he thouoht he mioht leave him for a short time.
He bade him good bye on Wednesday. Thursday was a very
warm day and William seemed very weak, but never uttered a
single -word of complaint. When asked how he was, he would
say, " I think I am better." His only anxiety was that he might
w^eary others, or that his mother would get sick.
The day before he died, a lady, Mrs. Manning, who was in the
hal)it of visiting the hospital, stood by his bed side conversing
with him. She remarked, " You are very sick; I suppose you
know in whom to put your trust." He looked up to her and
smiled, and said, " I put my trust in God." She said, " That is
a blessed trust; you would not give that trust and hope for any-
thing this earth can afford? " His answer was, " No, not even for
the arm that I have lost." He continued to grow weak all day
Thursday, and, about nine o'clock, the artery commenced bleed-
ing, and he died about half-past ten,- on the 23d of June, 1864.
His sufferings were ver}^ great, and are known only to himself
and his God. He was but tAventy-three years of age, when he
thus offered up his precious life upon the altar of his country.
The following touching letter was received by Mrs. Van
Gaasbeek, from Mrs. Manning, on(^ of the ministerina; antrels to
our soldiers durino- the war:
Brooklyn, November 12, 1864.
My Dear Friend — Ever since the death of your dear son, I
have thought of writing you, as I could not say to you what I
felt when I left you. From the time you spoke to me on the
boat going to your son, I felt a deep interest in you. Perhaps
30U do not rememl)er that I took 3'ou to the ladies' room, where
I spent the last night with yon. But it is all fresh to my mind;
also the sweet, almost divine face of your dear son, I shall
never forget. Do you remember how pleasantly he spoke to me
when I said that I hoped he was able to eat some of the straws-
berries we had carried to him, I shall never forget his patient,
trusting look, full of resignation, as if he had done his duty and
was waiting in the spirit of the Saviour, for the sununons to go
home. Pie seemed to say, " not 1113^ will, but thine, be done."
When word came that his arm was bleeding again, and I v/ent
to him, I knew he must die. But the doctor said, "you had bet-
ter not go to him, as it will excite him; and keeping him quiet is
the only possible way to save him."
My great desire in urging you to go to bed and rest, came
from the fact that I knew that your son was at rest. I knew,
also, how overtaxed you were, and that your loving heart would
almost break. I knew and felt all this, l)ecause I am a mother,
and my son a soldier — 3'es, my only son. I felt your sorrow as
only a mother can feel. Since the death of my mother, most
loving and tender, I have never sutfered as I did that night that
I watched with you. Your own agony I think did not surpass
mine, for you had moments of apparent unconsciousness; I some-
times listened to hear if you breathed at all, all that long wearj-
night. I watched the stars and prayed, thinking of my own
boy. If I lose him, I cannot sufier more than I did then. I
reraemlier how fully I partook of your spirit. You did not
speak, I think, from ten o'clock till two. Then you said, looking
up earnestly, " Willie is gone."
I must tell you that wnthin the last month I have felt, that if
these sacrifices are the price of our nation's salvation from the
enemy, we can give it.
I trust that you feel that you have a precious treasure in heaven,
and are calm.
Your son, my dear friend, was ofi'ered on a sacred altar, and I
am sure the sacrifice is not in vain. I pray God to bless you and
I am still interested in the soldiers, and visit David's Island
hospital almost every day. But no face has ever interested me
SO much {IS your son's, that I have seen as little. We arc now
ccttino- up a Thanksiiivinu dinner for our dear sick and wounded
soldiers. M3' son is in Florida; well now, though he has been
sick. I trust Miss Dunnett has answered your letter. I know
she proposes writino; you sometime.
I shall l)e happy to hear from }'ou. My address is Mrs. H. 11.
Manning, care of Manning As Squire, New YorK:.
Charles Moore Brower was the eldest son of S. Douglas
Broaver, by a second marriage, and was born in Albany on the
28th of November, 1846. His mother's maiden name was Mary
Berry Moore. He was naturally a boy of a delicate constitu-
tion, with a mind thoughtful, and very discriminating. He had
a nervous temperament, so nmch so that in his early school days
the effect of study made such inroads on his health, that he was
obliged to cease for a time going to school.
When about fifteen years of age, he entered upon a course of
study preparatory to entering college, at Olivet, Michigan; his
uncle, Rev. John M. Barrows, being a professor in the college.
Here he soon developed talents of a high order, and which gave
great promise of future success. But his health failing, he was
ol)liged, after two years of study, to relinquish his purpose to
e:o throuo-h college.
o o o
While prosecuting his studies, he was brought to an experi-
mental knowledge of a Saviour's love, and was induced to take
a stand for Christ.
He had been religiously educated, and had been scrupidously
moral in the past, but now the grace of God added new charms
to his character.
When the war Ijroke out, he was filled with enthusiasm for the
government and the countiy, but he Avas too young then to enlist
in the army. But when he l>ecamc older he l)egan to think that
he oiicrlit to enlist, even after his brother Henry had ])een killed;
that fact in no wise diminished his ardor, and he wrote to his
father thus: " Will you let me enlist ? I will go and take Henry's
place. The country needs more men. If Walter is drafted, let
me know and I will go in his place. Do let me go. / never
shall he satisfied unless I do go."
He wrote to his brother-in-law, Major T. M. Newson, in regard
to his enlisting, who discouraged him, knowing how frail he was,
and fearing he would not be al)le to endure the hardships of war.
His father and mother declined giving their consent, for the same
When the Major made his head-quarters at Fort Snelling,
Minnesota, being State Commissary of subsistence, he invited
Charlie to his office, that he might there serve his country with-
out being exposed with his delicate constitution to the toils and
dangers of the l)attle-lield. He accepted the appointment, July
1, 1865. Fort Snelling being a rendezvous for troops, the
returning regiments that came there to be mustered out, brought
with them typhoid fever. A great part of the garrison were
prostrated by the disease. It seized upon Charlie, and for
nearly ten weeks he required greater care than an infant. Slowly
he began to recover, but the fever left him with a swollen limb,
reducing which, induced congestion of the lungs.
In a letter, written home, under date of 28th October, 1865,
the Major says:
"Charlie is dead! Yes, he is dead! And yet not dead. I feel
that he is with us still; that he comes in spirit and cheers the
hearts of those now lonely. Charlie was apprised of his
approaching death, two days and two nights before it occurred,
and he was calm and resigned. In the presence of death he
sweetly said, 'God, I trust in Thee.' With a heroism never
witnessed by me before, he exhibited no fear, but patiently
awaited the coming of the great change. He knew he could not
live. He knew he must pass into the mysteries of the future.
He knew this for hours, with his mind perfectly clear, and yet
how heroically and grandly he gave up all, trusting in the Saviour
of all.
"His exemplary character, his Christian consistency, his forti-
tude, his trust, his patience during his sufferings, are mementoes
and monuments of a life, simple, beautiful, sublime. He died
October 25, 18G5."
RosAVELL B. Corliss, Jr., was born at Albany, New York,
June 26, 1844, and was the son of Roswell B. and Catharine
Corliss. Shortly after the connnencement of the rebellion, he
showed an eager desire to enter the service of the United States,
but his parents ol)jected and advised him to remain at home, as
his elder brother had already entered the army. He relinquished
the idea of going for a time, Init. as the struggle for national
life increased, he again urged the need of his services, and his
parents consented.
On the 22d of January, 18G4, he enlisted in Company " C,"
Seventh Regiment Artillery N. Y. S. Volunteers, then on duty in
the defences of Washington, District of Columbia. Soon after
he reported to the regiment, it was ordered, in connection with
the other artillery regiments, to join the Army of the Potomac,
then upon the threshold of that memorable campaign that proved
so destructive to our noble men.
He participated in the engagements of Harris' Farm, North
Anna, Po River, Shelton House, Coal Harbor, and in front of
Petersburg, June 16, 1864, when he, with a number of others,
was taken prisoner by the enemy. They were conveyed to, and
confined at Andersonville, Georgia. After being there a short
time, he was taken sick, and no medical aid or care was given
him except such as his comrades could render. He continually
declined, and on September 5, 1864, his name was added to the
list of fourteen thousand, who had died from exposure, suffering
and misery, under the brutal inhumanity of the enemies of God
and man. He was buried in the grave yard near the prison, in
September, 1864. In March, 1866, his remains Avere transferred
to the Albany Rural Cemetery. For several weeks previous to
his death, he was out of his mind, his insanity having been pro-
duced by the horrors of his situation.
The youth thus murdered l)y slow torture, was a kind and
amial)le bo}-, a dutiful son, and a regular attendant upon the
public worship of God, He was also a brave soldier, and won
the esteem and aflection of all who knew him. His brother,
S. P. Corliss, bears touching testimony to his strong affection,
and purity and kindness of heart, and confides in the hope that
Egbert has reached those peaceful and blissful regions, where
wars and rumors of wars ai'c never known.
Steriiex Ross White, son of John G. and Hannah J. White,
was born Octol)er 2, 1840. He enlisted in the Marine Artillery,
in the city of New York, on the 1st of September, 18G2.
He tlied at the hospital on Roanoke Island, of malarious fever,
on Tuesday, the 11th of November, after a little more than two
months in the service, at the age of twenty-two years.
The following extract from a letter written to a relative, fur-
nishes all the information we have of his last days:
" We Avent on l)oard the transport the night of the 29th of
Septemlier, and were a week in making the voyage to Beaufort.
We had to ' lay by,' from stress of weather, at Hampton Roads
and at Hatteras Inlet — the storms of the fall equinox rendering
the coast too dangerous to venture doAvn, except in the inter-
vals, when the winds would al)ate for a few hours.
"At Newbern, we were placed on board the gunboat ' Sentinel,'
the vessel upon which Capt. Sweet, the Acting Commander of
our fleet, had his head-quarters. We were kept on board just
one week, when a division Avas made, and it Avas our disastrous
lot to be numbered among those Avho were destined for that
horrid golgotha, Avliere pestilence sat, Roanoke Island.
"Ross was attacked by the disease, which proved fatal in so
many cases, toward the hitter part of October, as the direct result
of his unflinching devotion to duty. He continued to perform
guard duty half a day beyond the time, Avlien he should have
been under the care of a physician.
"He was repeatedly warned, and kindly urged, to yield to the
too manifest necessity of rest and medical aid. But a heroism
which only death itself could move, impelled him to struggle
with the demon that was even then destroying him, and he
walked his weary, solitary beat with his feet deep in water, and
amidst a drenching, chilly rain. When the next day's guard
^vas mounted, and he was relieved from duty, his fidelity brought
him only sickness for his reward.
" Completely exhausted, he sought his quarters, sank doMu upon
his hard bunk, pallid, wan and almost spiritless. He recovered
partially from this, after rest had restored somewhat of his wasted
powers; but God soon called him away from earth. He died at
half past three o'clock p. m., November 11, 18(32.
" The most prominent trait of his character was a pure and lofty
heroism; therefore you may be proud of his memor}-, which lives
unsullied in the hearts of all his comrades who survived him — for
he Avas loved by all, being as gentle and kind as he was heroic.
" I loved to think of him, he seemed so like a brother to me."
The memory of Stephen Ross White is fondly cherished 1)y
a large circle of admiring friends, and his name is added to the
illustrious roll of American patriots.
From Charles H. Anthony, Esq.
Jajies Edmund, son of John S. and Abby 8. Goold, was born
in Albany, June 29, 1842. It was his happy lot to be a member
of a Christian household, and to enjoy from childhood all the
benefits incident to such a connection, as well as those scarcely
less valuable ones derived from the instructions of the xSabbath
When James was about twelve years old, his parents removed
to the western part of the State,' for the purpose of engaging in
agricultural pursuits. This kind of employment was quite con-
genial to his taste, which soon })egan to manifest itself in the
ardor witli which lie engaged in the most laborious duties of the
farm, and the persevering zeal with which he carried to comple-
tion everything that he had once commenced to do.
He was charactei'ized by a retiring disposition, great firmness
of purpose, and a more than ordinary degree of conscientiousness;
and these qualities, which were developed in early life, seemed
to gain strength as he advanced in years, until just as youth Avas
ripening into manhood, the spirit of God impressed upon his
character the seal which marked him as a follower of the Saviour.
The circumstances attending his conversion are presented in
the following letter, from Rev. Geo. Peglek, addressed to the
author of this l)rief sketch:
My dear Sir — I am much pleased to learn that you propose to
write a memoir of my very dear young friend, Ja^ies E. Goold,
who fell in the late ^war in defence of Union and Liberty, and of
his and our civil and religious rights.
My first acquaintance with him was in the latter part of 1858,
when his father, John S. Goold, Esq., resided in INIaccdon,
N. Y. I was then pastor of a church in his vicinity, and Mr.
Goold and family were among my most constant hearers and
lil)eral supporters; and many of the children Avere members of
my Sabbath school. My interviews Avith the family Avere fre-
quent, and always attended Avith nuich profit and pleasure, and
I Avas more and more impressed Avitli the sedate deportment and
high moral sentiments that Avere constantly developing them-
selves in tlie character of J^vjvies, as my intercourse with him
became more frequent and interesting. I considered him, in
every respect, the best scholar in the school, and for aptness to
learn, and for promptitude in attendance, as Avell as for his deep
seriousness cand moral tone, he was a worthy example to the whole
school, and to all his companions.
At our annual examination there w^ere none like him for
promptness in answering questions, either from the Bible or the
maps. But that which most deeply interested me, was the man-
ner of his conversion to God. He was not carried away by
excitement, but most calmly and deliberately entered into the
service of the dear Redeemer, and seemed to have given his
heart to Christ after much thought and prayerful examination.
On the Lord's day, April 24th, 1859, the weather being very
stormy, we expected only a small congregation, but among that
little flock was James E. Goold. My text on that occasion was
Ps. xlix, 8: "For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it
ceaseth forever."
After the public service, we held a " Class Meeting," and
James remained with us, occupying a slip in the church, in com-
pany with three other young men. My custom was, not to urge
non-professors to speak, unless they were quite willing. The
others, who sat with Jajvies, had no remarks to make; but when
I addressed myself to him, he promptly stood up, and remarked
that, when he arose in the morning, he saw the day was stormy,
and concluded not to go to church. But he happened to remem-
ber hearing me say that when we were tempted to absent our-
selves from the house of God, it would be the better course to
press through every difficulty, as something might be educed
from God's word on that occasion that would do us good, and
perhaps lead to a lasting blessing. "And," said he, "I bless
God I have come to-day; for God has blessed my soul, and I
hope that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven my sins." Such
was the commencement of his Christian hope.
Soon after, I was removed to another field of labor, and I
knew but little of his Christian progress until after he entered
the army. Then he wrote me several letters, in answer to mine,
urging him to maintain his Christian character, and remain a
constant example to his comrades in faithfulness to his dear Re-
deemer, and fidelity to the cause of his country.
His letters to me I will forward to his father, and you may
make such use of them as your wisdom may dictate.
With much respect, your humble servant,
Lemon WEIR, Juneau Co., Wis., May 1, 1866.
To C. H. Anthony, late Principal Albany Classical Institute.
Near the close of the year 1859, arrangements were made by
which James was permitted to return to his birth place, and
spend a few months there in attending school. He entered the
Albany Classical Institute, where he soon gained the respect
both of his teachers and school-mates; and when, in the spring
of the following year, he returned to the abode of his parents,
he carried with him a certificate showing that he had maintained
through his whole course of study, a position in the highest
" Grade of Honor.^^
From the very commencement of the recent struggle for the
preservation of our National life, his warmest sympathies were
enlisted in behalf of his country; but when our late President
issued his second call for volunteers, James was fully convinced
in regard to his own duty. He felt that he must respond per-
sonally to that call. The strength as well as the sincerity of his
convictions were soon subjected to a practical test. A young
man, a neighbor's son, and one who had Avorked by his side in
former days, was Idlled in one of the battles before Richmond,
while our armies under McClellan were endeavoring to effect
that ever memorable retreat from before the rebel capital. The
news of this event seemed to add new fuel to the flame already
burning in the breast of our young hero, who said to his parents:
" My country needs my services, and I feel that I must go."
Still, at their solicitation, and from a sense of filial obligation, he
remained awhile at home.
A younger brother had already enlisted in the Twenty-fifth
Regiment New York Infantry; and on the 29th of August, 1862,
James, having ol)tained the consent of his parents, joined the
same regiment, which was at that time recruiting in the city of
Rochester. After a furlough of one week, spent at home, he
reported himself at Albany, and there awaited orders. Having
remained here some time, in daily expectation of being ordered
to his field of duty, and becoming impatient of delay, he, in
company with his brother, solicited and obtained permission to
accompany an officer who was going to Washington in charge of
some recruits. On arriving there, the two brothers reported
themselves at the ofiice of the Provost Marshal, and received
orders to join their regiment, then in Maryland, and marching
in a northerly direction.
Strangers and alone, wandering in strange places, subsisting
as best they could, and sleeping under hay stacks, after two days
of wearisome travel they came up to the regiment at Antietam,
just after the battle of South Mountain had been fought, having
crossed, on their way, the battle field where the dead were still
lying unburied. This was their first realization of the horrors
of war; and the impressions made upon their minds were pain-
ful in the extreme.
James, always true to his convictions, and earnest in their
expression, had now determined to define, if possible, his posi-
tion in reference to religious matters. Accordingly, he sought
to be identified with the followers of his Divine Master; was
baptized in camp by the Chaplain of the One Hundred and
Eighteenth Pennsylvania Regiment, and on application, by letter,
was admitted to the privileges of membership in the First Con-
gregational Church, in the city of Albany, then under the pastor-
ship of Rev. Ray Palmer, D. D.
Shortly after this, he was placed upon the provost guard at
Division Head-quarters, and continued to serve in that capacity
until after the battle of Gettysburg. On the 25th of May, 1863,
his term of service in the Twenty-fifth Regiment having expired,
he was transferred to the Forty-fourth. He participated in the
battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappa-
hannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court
House. In the battle at the last named place, on the 8th of
May, 1864, he fell during a charge made by his brigade upon a
rebel position, at Laurel Hill.
Another hero had now achieved his final victory in becoming
a martyr to the cause of liberty; another weary spirit had entered
into his eternal rest; another soldier of the cross had won an
immortal crown ! The body in which he was once clothed, now
lies — we know not where, — but the soul of him we loved, and
whose memory will ever be dear to all who know him ; could
find a congenial abode only in the regions of spotless purity, in
the " house of many mansions," whither the great " captain of
his salvation" has gone before to "prepare a place" for him.
It only remains, in closing this imperfect memorial, that there
be appended a few extracts from the letters received by his
parents and relatives while the writer was doing duty in the
camp, and in the field. Thus will his inner life be illustrated,
in some of its aspects, more forcibly than could be done in any
other manner :
His belief in the justness of the war, and that God was direct-
ing it, never wavered. Writing at a time when the future looked
dark, he says, "if I trusted alone in the help of man I should
be ready to give up; but I believe it will come out right, for I
believe God has a purpose to accomplish by this war, and we
shall not fail."
He was uniformly cheerful and thankful. Speaking of Thanks-
giving day, he says: "How diflerent from the thanksgiving at
home; yet how many things I have to be thankful for; continued
life and health, and food sufiicient; for though sometimes I have
been puzzled to know where I would get the next meal, I did
get it before I was very hungry; and am thankful for so many
Idnd friends, and above all for my hope in Christ."
Under date of Febuary, 1862, speaking of the general charac-
ter of the soldiers in the tent with him, he says, " of course it
is very disagreeable, indeed, for me to have to associate with
such men; but there is no possible help for it, and my only way
is to pray for strength to enable me to resist every temptation."
In March, 1863, he writes: " With reference to my getting a
Lieutenant's commission, I hardly think it could be done at
present, at least; it would hardly be fair to promote me over so
many men who have been out here nearly two years, while I
have been out only six months." In another letter, speaking of
the U. S. Christian Commission, he says: "It is doing a great
deal of good in the army. They hold meetings in a large tent
near us, every evening, which are well attended, and many of the
soldiers have been converted. I have been there a couple of
times, and found it very interesting."
Speaking in another letter of a desire to be prepared for death
at any time, he writes, " As I was conscious that I was trying to
live a Christian life, and wished to be prepared to die at any
moment, I went to the Chaplain of the One Hundred and Eigh-
teenth Pennsylvania Regiment, and told him my experiences and
hopes, and that I wished to be baptized and partake of the Lord's
Supper, which he said he would administer that afternoon at
three o'clock. At two o'clock I was baptized by him, and par-
took of the sacrament along with two others; circumstances
having prevented any more from attending. I hope I have not
been hasty, or done anything to merit your displeasure. I acted
from a strong sense of duty, and I pray to God that He will give
me strength to act at all times up to my profession."
Orange Dudley was born in the town of Guilderland on the
8th of February, 1844.
In the year 1847 his parents, John T. and Mary Dudley,
removed to Albany, where they resided at the time that Orange
enlisted in the army.
From his earliest years, Orange was an affectionate son and
brother, and was strictly conscientious in all his conduct. He
was a member of the Albany Division of the Sons of Temper-
ance, and was an enthusiastic advocate of temperance. At the
age of fifteen he was hopefully converted to God, and united
with the Washington Avenue Methodist Church. He was an
ardent and consistent Christian, and held the office of Librarian
of the West Mission Sabbath School.
When the war broke out, Orange was a clerk in the store of
Dr. C. H. Smith, druggist, and he felt it to be his duty to enlist
in the army for the defence of his country. But the doctor was
reluctant to have him leave, as he valued very highly his faithful
services; and besides his parents considered that he was too
young to endure the hardships of war. As he could not go
without his parents' consent, he gave up at that time the idea.
As the war, however, progressed, he still felt it to be a duty
he owed to God and his country to enlist, and if he did not live
to return and enjoy the triumph of his cause, it would be a benefit
to those that survived him.
As his father was a truly loyal man, he gave his consent, and
in August, 1862, Orange enlisted in Company A, Seventh Heavy
Artillery, for three years or during the war.
On the 19th day of August, 1862, his regiment left Albany
for Washington, at which place they were ordered to do garrison
duty. Here he remained about eighteen months. During that
time, he was at home only once, on a furlough of ten days, and
that was in January, 1864. He came home to see his father, who
was very near death, and, although he would gladly have staid
with him a few days longer, yet he could not get his furlough
lengthened. He went back, saying it was his duty to do so, but
if he could possibly come again he would. But his father died
on the 16th day of March, and he never saw him again.
While he was at home it was evident that the life of a soldier
had not injured his Christian character. On the 15th day of
May, 1864, his regiment left Washington, being ordered to tlie
front. On the 19th of May, they were engaged in the battle of
Fredericksburg Road, Virginia; on May 23 and 24, at North
Anna River; May 31 and June 1, at Tolopotomy Creek, and at
Coal Harbor in June. At the battle of Coal Harbor, June 3, he
was seriously wounded. The ball entered his left shoulder and
came out on the right side. He bled very profusely and, when
found, was taken up by Sergeant Smith and carried to the Corps
Hospital, where he had his wounds dressed. He was sent from
there to the White House hospital, but, as he never reached it,
it is supposed he must have given out on the way, and was left
to die and to be buried by strangers. His friends have never
heard anything from him since. Thus, far from home, without
one to cheer his last hours, died one who was loved and respected
by all, for his kind and gentle manners and Christian virtues.
On the 19th day of May, he wrote a letter home, which was
the last one ever received from him. In that, he said: "Mother
do not worry about me. Remember that my life is in the same
hands as yours; and, whether in the battle or at the quiet fire-
side, unless God wills it, death cannot harm me. Kemember, He
has taught us to say, ' Thy will be done.' "
From the time of his enlistment until his death, he was very
punctual in writing home. He always wrote once a week, and
sometimes oftener. His letters uniformly breathed an earnest
patriotism and an intense love for his home and friends.
Levi I. Hara^ey was born in the county of Kent, Rhode Island,
December 10, 1808.
He was apprenticed to a carpenter, and after learning his trade,
removed to CornAvall, Vermont, where he married Phebe S.
Bascom. After his marriage, he united himself to the Congre-
gational Church at that place. Soon after, he settled in the city
of Albany, and connected himself with the Protestant Reformed
Dutch Church of that city. He was a member of that church, in
good standing, at the time of his death.
Although moving in the humble walks of life, he was ever
respected by all who knew him for his great integrity and con-
sistent Christian character. Although he, at the commencement
of the war, was quite advanced in life, he was prompted, by feel-
ings of patriotism, to enlist in the service of his country as a pri-
vate in Company B, Forty-third Regiment N. Y. S. V. He was
with his regiment in the Division of Gen. Hancock, under Gen.
McClellan, through the Peninsula campaign, and in all the bat-
ties in which his regiment was engaged, nntil the retreat of the
army to Harrison Landing, and their return to Alexandria, Va.,
where he was taken sick and sent to the hospital, and subse-
quently was honorably discharged from the service for disability,
Mr. EL^RVEY, after his return home, and recovery from his
sickness, could not content himself to remain out of the service,
and again re-enlisted in Company G, Second Heavy Artillery,
Massachusetts Volunteers. He was with that regiment at the
capture of Fort Williams by the enemy, where he was taken
prisoner with his entire regiment, and sent to Andersonville,
Georgia. There he died from the effect of ill treatment, received
at the hands of the rebels, July 18, 1864.
The record of Mr. Harvey is one among the many, of noble
sacrifice made by loyal citizens in devotion to their country.
It was purely christian patriotism that prompted him, in
advanced life, to yield up the comforts of a home, and a family
to which he was devoted, to bear his part in the great struggle
for the maintenance of the Government; and nobly did he dis-
charge his duty.
His widow, Phebe S. Harvey, who is quite advanced in life,
survives him, with five children to mourn his loss.
Samuel G. Loomis, son of Samuel and Sarah A. Loomis, was
born in the city of Albany, March 12, 1842. He was a dutiful
and affectionate son, and was remarkable in his youth for great
generosity. He always felt a sympathy for the poor, and would
often practice self denial to relieve them. He attended the Pearl
Street Baptist Church, and for many years was a member of
that Sabbath school. He often introduced himself to young men
who were strangers in the city, and by doing them acts of kind-
ness, he gained many friends.
He enlisted October 13, 1862, in Company B, One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh New York Eegiment. He was on board the
"Merrimac" at the time that vessel came near being wrecked,
but safely reached Port Royal.
In a letter wa-itten on Christmas day, and addressed to his sis-
ter, he says:
"We bade our friends good-bye, and again set sail for parts
" At daylight, on New Year's morning, we landed at Ship
Island, a gloomy place, with dilapidated barracks looking very
much like the ruins of some old castle.
"I w^as afraid we were to be stationed there, and would pre-
fer to shoulder a musket and face the enemy. We received
orders at this place to go to Louisiana, and, accordingly, started
for New Orleans. We passed that city, and sailed up the Mis-
sissippi to a place called Carrolton, nine miles above.
" This place was a marshy and unhealthy location. Where
the tents were pitched, the water came upon them, while the
men were sleeping."
They received their muskets at this place, and without a
daj-'s drill (for Samuel had never loaded a gun), they commenced
their march up the country, the road being beset with guerrillas.
They reached Bonnet Carre and there encamped.
We give the following extracts from Charles' letters :
" March 10th. Dear Mother — I was startled last night by hear-
ing the long roll, which is the signal of trouble. I was not long
in getting on my clothes. And in twenty minutes Company B
was on the ground, all equipped for battle. The Major ordered
us to load, but to his surprise, found we had done so. Col. Nick-
ERSON rode up and complimented us highly, saying: he had per-
fect contidence that w^e would be ready in any emergency."
^' April, lS6d — The first week in this month an expedition
started out from our port, consisting of the Fourteenth and Fourth
Maine, and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh, i. e., our, Regi-
ment, and two cannon.
" We sailed up the Mississippi on flat boats fifty miles, and then
followed the Amite river. On land we marched through swamps
filled with alligators and snakes. The country being strange to
US, we lost our way, and got in what the slaves told us was the
dismal swamp. Many boys lost their shoes, and went bare
footed. I was fortunate in capturing a mule, and rode him,
holding on by the mane. I managed to carry my own and seve-
ral of the boys' muskets. After a march of twenty-two miles,
we halted behind a pile of boards on the bank of the Amite
river, near McGilFs Ferry. We laii on the ground. About
midnight we were attacked by guerrillas. We opened lire on
them, killing thirty and wounding several, and we took some
prisoners. But one of our regiment was killed and three
wounded. They fired over our heads. Our object was to draw
the rebels away from Ponchatoula, where a part of our force
intended to attack. It was a complete success. We drove
them out, and captured cotton and turpentine amounting, in
value, to several thousand dollars. We were absent from camp
one week."
On the 18th of May, his company was sent up to McGill's
Ferry to guard the place. They suffered much while there, it
being a swampy place, and exposed to constant rains. They had
no shelter, not even a dry place to sit down upon, but leaned
against the trees to rest. They were there for ten dajs, with
seven days' rations. They were fired upon, but all made their
escape at midnight and went to Baton Rouge. He writes
nothing of this, but the young men who were with him give the
The morning following they proceeded to Port Hudson, pass-
ing through the woods while they were on fire. Samuel was
one amono; others who took a niessai>:e to the fleet anchored in
the Mississippi, passing the entire front during the action of the
25th of May. He was engaged on the entrenched works before
Port Hudson on the 14th of June. He volunteered with the
forlorn hope, to storm the works at midnight. During the bat-
tle Samuel was frequently heard, cheering and urging his com-
panions on, saying, "Now is the time to make your mark,"
"Stand by the flag."
He worked in the intrenchments forty-two days without change
of clothing, his knapsack having been left at Baton Rouge, with
all the clothes he had. His companions told his mother that he
would cheer them up, in those dark hours, by relating pleasing
stories, and expressing the bright hope of meeting friends and
loved ones at home.
After the surrender of Port Hudson, he writes: " Mother, I
do not consider my lot a hard one. I volujiteered to fight and
suffer, if necessary, for the glorious cause of freedom. I do
not regret having entered the army. It is the duty and should
be the privilege of all young men to go, at their country's call."
After the surrender, the regiment encamped on the bank of
the Mississippi, about three miles from Port Hudson. Samuel
enjoyed good health most of the time. He was never, but one
day, off duty, and then had hurt his foot so that he could not
get his shoe on. He was anxious to visit the Port, as he did not
remain there long after the surrender. He walked up on the 5th
of August, and was sun struck, which occasioned a brain fever.
He laid on the hospital floor without bed or pillow on which
to rest his head. The boys could not even buy a little hot
water to make him some tea. His rations of hard tack and salt
meat were brought him daily, and he gave them to the boys
without a murmur. He had no kind of nourishment during the
week he laid there, and told his companions that he was dying
for the want of food. He prayed often, while he had his senses,
and talked much of home — the dearest spot to him on earth.
He expressed great anxiety to see his parents. In his delirium,
a short time previous to his death, he thought his father had
come. He stepped out on the balcony, shook hands, and kissed
one of the soldiers — went back, and in a few minutes breathed
his last. This was on the 13th day of August, 1863. His com-
rades rolled him in his blanket and made a coffin of boards,
which they took from a negro's cabin. They laid him in it, and
buried him in Mount Pleasant burying ground. They cut his
name, and the date of his death, on a board, placed at his head,
and laid him under a magnolia tree. The evening; after he was
buried, his friends sat by his grave and sung his favorite hymns.
He was a good singer, and was a member of St. Paul's Church
Clioir, of this city, when quite a youth. He had been under the
instruction of Mr, George Warren, formerly of this city.
His parents sent for his remains, and they arrived in this city
the 23d of December, 1863. His funeral took place at his
father's residence, 77 Washington avenue, on the 24th, attended
by his regiment and the members of Hook and Ladder Company
No, 2. This company passed a series of very flattering resolu-
tions in relation to the departed hero.
The Eev. Mr. Bridgman, the pastor of Mr. Looms, in a dis-
course upon our deceased soldiers, thus alluded to him:
"There's another, whose body will be gathered with the
honored dust — Samuel Greenfield Loomis, who died last
August. His comrades have spoken only in the words of high-
est eulogy of his patience under fatigue, of his manly bearing,
of his bravery on the several occasions, when his courage was
put to the proof, as in the charge upon the enemy's works at
Port Hudson; while in his letters to his friends at home there is
scarcely one but bears a grateful testimony to the goodness of
God's Providence, or some expression of his love for the Scrip-
tures, in reading which he was careful to maintain the early habits
of his home."
Then, speaking of him in connection with others, he said:
"They went out from us with firm, l^rave steps to the exigency
and the agony of the hour. They went not in hatred nor in
wrath, more than those whose loyal columns they helped to fill;
nor did you, whose pangs at their dying were greater than their
own, send them in vengeance, but for God's honor and the sal-
vation of the land. To-day we mourn them as our early dead.
The battle was soon over for them — the weary march and nightly
vigil — the contest and assault; and laying the garlands they have
won upon their hearts, we will sufler the eager grave to fold
them in, to their long, dreamless sleep. But fixed is our faith
that something not of the dust, and not laid low on the field —
something which the funeral procession cannot marshal, nor the
earth that opens for the dead, can ever swallow up, has escaped
alive unto the land of ])caco, unto the great triumphant company
of the immortals."
In the first regiment that left this city for the seat of war, as
early as April, 18G1, was Edward Augustus Highajvi, a young man
just twenty years of age; the son of Lindley and Caroline
HiGHAM, He had for several years been a professed disciple of
Christ, and at the time he enlisted as a soldier in defence of his
country, he was engaged in a profitable and honorable business.
Nothing but high motives of patriotism led him to exchange the
quiet life of a man of business, for the trials and perils of a
During the three months of his enlistment he was mostly
engaged with his regiment (the Twenty-fifth) in perfecting the
defences of Washington, and in building that fort which was
subsequently called by the name of his native city.
Eeturning to his home about the middle of July in the same
year, Mr. Higham felt that he had not yet fully discharged his
whole duty to his country. Indeed as her necessities had rather
increased than lessened, and her perils had only been augmented
by the lapse of time, he felt that he must again engage in her
defence. And how pure and patriotic his motives were in the
second enlistment, may be judged of by the fact, that when
assured by friends that he might re-enter the army as a com-
missioned oflacer, his reply was, " No, the Government does not
need officers; it needs privates." It was therefore as a common
soldier that Mr. Higham again entered the army, July 22, 1862.
His connection was no *v with Co. H, in the Eightieth Regiment
of New York Volunteers; and after passing with it safely through
the battles of Norman's Ford, White Sulphur Springs and Gains-
ville, was severely wounded August 30, in the battle of Bull
For two days and nights our young soldier remained on the
field without assistance or nourishment; and doubtless suflered
physical agony that no one can describe. Upon the third day
he was picked up by one of our ambulances, and conveyed to
the hospital at Alexandria. There, though every attention was
paid him, both by the medical authorities and by his mother,
who had the melancholy pleasure of being with her son in his
last hours, he died October 10th, 1862.
We subjoin a brief extract from a letter written by the Chap-
lain of the hospital to the parents, a few days after their severe
" Your son was a noble young man, patient and uncomplain-
ing in every trouble and annoyance. He was a sincere and
humble Christian, and felt that he had no trust but in the mercy
of his Redeemer."
Alexander S. Slawson was one of three patriotic brothers,
who enlisted in the American army for the defence of the nation.
They were the children of William and Louisa Slawson, and
Alexander was born September 1, 1846. He was a good obedi-
ent boy, and a member of the Sabbath school.
He enlisted February 4, 1864, in Company D, Seventh Heavy
Artillery Regiment. Though of a delicate constitution, he
endured the hardships of war with a noble courage, and fought
bravely in the battles of Fredericksburg, North Anna River,
Spottsylvania Court House, Coal Harbor and Petersburg. In
the battle at the last named place, his brother was taken prisoner,
June 16, 1864, and was confined in the Andersonville prison,
and suffered for ten long and dreary months in that abode of
unwritten and indescribable horrors.
Alexander was also in the battles of Deep Bottom, Frederick
City, the second battle at Deep Bottom and at Mine Run, August
25, 1864. There, after a hard fought battle, he was taken
prisoner and sent first to Richmond, thence to Belle Island, and
thence to Salisbury, North Carolina. After six mouths of
intense suffering, he was released, having been reduced to a
An unknown friend, whose name the parents of Alexander,
desire very much to learn, aided him to return home. When he
reached our lines, a surgeon wished him to go to the hospital,
but his great desire was to see once more the home of his youth,
and the father and mother whom he so tenderly loved. To gain
strength for the journey, he laid in a barn for two days, and
then started for Albany. He reached home on the 20th of March,
and the first words that he uttered on entering the house were,
" Mother, I have come home to die."
He lingered for ten days, and then, with perfect resignation to
the will of God, and an implicit trust in the blessed Saviour, he
left the trials and anguish of earth, for the peace and glory of
Alexander's third brother escaped the perils of battle
To this family of heroes, known only to us through this brief
sketch, we tender the gratitude and admiration of the citizens of
Albany, and the loyal people of America
Whitman V. R. Mattoon was born in Vienna, Oneida county,
New York. When he was less than one year old, his parents
came with him to this city, since which time he continued to
reside here. He was the only son of David and Sarah Ransom
Mattoon. He possessed an amiable disposition, and was a duti-
ful son, an affectionate brother, and a warm friend. He attended
school regularly until he was in his sixteenth year, and acquired
a fair English and commercial education.
After he left school, he went into his father's office, where he
was engaged in bookkeeping for nearly four years. He exhibited
so much business capacity that his ftither had made arrangements
to take him, as co-partner, into his business. When the war
first broke out, and the first call was made for volunteers, he,
inspired by true patriotism, desired to go and help save the gov-
ernment of his country. But his father, who was in feeble health,
declined to let him go, not feeling it to be his duty to sacrifice
his only son at that time, but assured him that if the time came
when it should be necessary, he should not object to his going.
Time passed on, and, after the battle of Bull Eun, with its
paralyzing effect upon the country, another call was made for
volunteers. After giving much thought to the subject for seve-
ral weeks, his father informed him " that the time had come when
he thought God, humanity, and his country called for the sacri-
fice, and that he should no longer object to his going." This
conversation took place on September 26, 1861, which was a fast
day appointed liy the government.
Upon the following day, he left his father's office, where he
had been usefully employed for several years, and a home where
all his necessary wants were supplied, and enlisted as a private
in Company F, Forty-fourth Regiment New York State Vol-
unteers. The following month, he left with his regiment and
continued in excellent health, enduring all the privations and
dangers of the camp and field without one word of complaint;
engaging in all the battles of his regiment, and always braving
danger with true heroism. When the battle raged the fiercest,
he wjis always cool and collected.
While under General McClellan, and while retreating from
before Richmond, he passed through the first six days engage-
ments unhurt. But, upon the following day, at the battle of
Malvern Hill, after being engaged in a most sanguinary struggle,
he was reported '•'■ missing^ Since that time nothing has been
heard from him. It was in a bayonet charge that he was last
seen; in the front rank and in a terrible struggle. His officers
and comrades, who have done all that men could do to ascertain
his fate, agree that he must have fallen. All the means that
human ingenuity can invent have been exhausted to ascertain his
fate, and to no purpose. Whether buried or not, and if so,
where, still remains a mystery.
The anguish of heart, felt by his two loving sisters, to whom
he was devotedly attached, as well as by his parents, who loved
him as an only son, and who had anticipated much comfort from
him, can be better imagined than described. That most terrible
of all words, suspense, still weighs heavily upon their hearts and
mars all their pleasures.
During his childhood and youth, up to the time he left and
went into the service, he uniformly attended Sabbath school, to
which he Avas much attached, and always attended regularly upon
the means of jjrace.
A^^e can only leave the dear 3'outh and brave boy in the hands
of that God who doeth all things well. He who notices the fall
of a sparrow, has not overlooked this child of many prayers,
though in the din and smoke of battle, he has been lost to the
view of afiectionate parents and fond sisters.
Among those from the city of All)any who sacrificed their lives
for the perpetuation of the Union, was Thomas Goldavait. He
was the son of Jonathan and Jane Goldavait, and was born in
Albany on the 20th of Novem1)er, 1828. He died at Fort Mc-
Henryon the loth of September, 18G1. At the breaking out of
the rebellion, Avhen an appeal was made for volunteers for the
Union army, and Avhen patriotism alone prompted our young
men to take up arms in defence of our country, Goldavait gave
up his business and enrolled himself as a member of Co. E, Third
Regiment Ncav York State Volunteers, commanded by Captain
Blanchaed, Col. Frederick Toavnsend in command of the regi-
ment. This regiment AA^as one of the first to leave this State for
the scene of w^ar, and Avas among the first to engage in conflict
AA^ith the rebels.
While stationed at Fort McHeniy, Goldavait Avas prostrated
by fever, and although every eft'ort was made to preserve his life,
he died as above stated, on the loth of September, 1861.
His death caused the deepest sorroAv among his comrades, as
he was universally respected and beloved. One of the most
solemn and impressive scenes ever witnessed at the fort, was the
last tribute of his fellow soldiers to the memory of their lamented
GoLDWAiT was a young man of generous impulses and a nol)le
nature. He was frank and open hearted, a true and steadfast
friend, and a devoted son and lirother. He was for many years
one of the most earnest and efficient firemen of the city. Fear-
less in the discharge of his duty, he was ever obedient to com-
mands and prompt to execute all orders. Hundreds of his
brother firemen bear testimony to his zeal, and gladly pay tribute
to his memory. On one occasion, regardless of his own personal
safety, he entered a Ijurning building, and rescued from impend-
ing death, a maimed and feeble woman.
To his immediate associates he was most devotedly attached,
and each and all of them considered him a brother. They will
ever cherish liis memory with the warmest aflection and admira-
John A. Lockley was born at No. 70 Lumber street, Albany,
on the 22d of September, 1843, and was the son of Richard and
HiVNNAH Lockley. He was one of the most affectionate of sons,
always kind and obedient. He was very conscientious, and the
least wrong act made him very unhappy. He was not a profes-
sor of religion, but was very faithful in attending the Sabbath
school and church. The feelings that led him to enlist were
purely patriotic. He received no bounty; but said if his country
needed him he was ready to devote himself to her service. He
enlisted in Company K, Ellsworth Eegiment, Forty-fourth New
York State Volunteers. The first battle he was in was at Hanover
Court House, Avhere he served as first corporal. His Captain,
AlexjVndeii McRoberts of this city, under whom he was killed,
said that he was the best soldier in his company. He was always
prompt and reacly to execute any order given to him. He was
killed at the battle of Gaines' Mills, on the 27th of June, 18G2.
A ball struck him just above the mouth, and passed through his
head. Of his last moments and of his burial, we have no reliable
Harmon Visscher, Jr., was the son of Harmon and Anna M.
VisscHER, and was born in the city of Albany, on the 18th day
of August, 1839. He was a youth of great promise, and was ten-
derly cared for in a Christian home and universally esteemed by
his friends.
Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, he joined the Bur-
gesses Corps, and accompanied them to Washington in defence
of the National Capital, where he remained until the Twenty-
fifth Regiment, to which the Corps was attached, was discharged.
He returned to his home and the city of his birth, full of
military ardor; and, the day previous to the departure of the
Forty-fourth, joined that regiment, to m hich he was attached uj)
to the time of his death. He was shot through the breast, and
was left on the battle field for dead, and remained there for a
long time, until conveyed to the hospital. In a letter to his
parents, dictated by himself and written by a friend, he appeared
sanguine of his ultimate recovery, but a note appended by his
nurse gave them but little to hope for.
He was a member of Company G of the Forty-fourth (Ells-
worth) Regiment and was a true patriot and brave soldier. Being
conveyed to the hospital at Georgetown, District of Columbia,
he was there attended by his fond mother, and everything that
maternal affection could do was done for his comfort, and for his
preparation for the solemnities of the future life. He breathed
his last on Thursday, September 11th, 1862.
George Stevens, private, was ])orn in Whokengham, Berk-
shire, England, June 26, A. D. 1825. His parents, Charles and
Mary Stevens, were in humble circumstances, and he being one
of a large family, was placed at some useful employment when
young to assist his parents, and was thus deprived of the oppor-
tunity of obtaining a good education. He was a kind and dutiful
son, and strictly honest and industrious. He continued with his
parents until the commencement of the year 1849, when he mar-
ried, and a short time after emigrated to America. He came to
the city of Alljany, and there continued to reside. He was a
great lover of the American people and institutions, and as early
as possible he became a citizen of the United States. He attended
church, and loved the worship of the Lord.
In the year 1858, he made a public profession of religion. He
united with the State Street Baptist Church, and was a zealous,
active, consistent Christian. He endeavored to improve his mind
by a constant reading of the Holy Scriptures, which became his
daily delight. In the church there was a Bible class, and the
teacher was the late esteemed and much lamented Mr. Samuel
Patten. Mr. Stevens was connected with this class, and as a
reward for collecting the names of Christ found in the sacred
scriptures, he was presented by Mr. Patten with a beautiful
copy of the Holy Bible.
On the breaking out of the rebellion, when the Union was in
danger, he was moved with a becoming patriotism; and although
he had a wife and children whom he loved and had to provide
for, yet he declared it to be his duty to go and fight for the land
of his adoption. He enlisted as private in Company D, Seventh
Heavy Artillery, One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment N. Y.
S. v., on the 9th day of August, 1862, for three years or during
the war. He was first stationed near Washington, and enjoyed
a soldier life quite well.
He then moved to Petersburg, where the regiment passed
through many engagements, which he describes in his letters as
being very severe. He also, in his letters, gave a graphic
description of tlie dangers through which he passed, and always
declared that he was engaged in a right and good cause, and that
if it should be his lot to be killed on the battle field, he was per-
fectly resigned to the will of God, in whom he trusted. He often
urged his wife and children to trust in the same over-rulino;
Providence, to pray much, to read the Holy Scriptures, and per-
form all other religious duties in such a way as to gain the con-
stant approbation of their Heavenly Father; and that if it was
His will that they should not meet again on earth, that they might
meet again in Heaven.
By lying on the damp ground, and being constantly exposed,
he contracted a severe cold, which affected his lungs, and he was
sent to the City Point hospital. From there he was sent to
Blackwell's Island hospital, and thence was transferred to the
Albany Military hospital. His complaint continued to increase,
affecting his throat, and terminated in consumption. He received
medical aid and every attention, but rapidly failed.
Mr. I. N. Smith, then minister of his church, with many other
old friends, came to see him, and conversed, read and prayed
with him. He assured them of his conlidence in God, and of
his prospect of going to Heaven through the atonement of Christ.
He bore all his afflictions with Christian-like fortitude, and was
resigned to the will of his Heavenly Father.
When it became apparent that he would not survive long, he
informed his wife and children that he was going home ' to
Heaven, and desired that they would prepare, that they might
all have a joyful meeting at the resurrection of the just. He died
in the triumphs of faith, and in the hope of a blessed immor-
tality, on the 23d day of May, 1865. His remains were taken to
the church, where appropriate remarks were made made by the
minister, and from thence were conveyed to the Albany Rural
Addison J. Fellows was the second son of Joseph and Mary
Fellows. He was lioni in the city of Troy, August 2d, 1839.
His genealogy is thoroughly English, on both his father's and
mother's side; his ancestors came from the old Puritan stock.
While yet young his father moved to Albany, and from that
time to his death he resided here.
Of a genial and happy disposition, he formed a large circle of
friends; and the mildness of his manner and his aliectionate heart,
made him the joy of his father's family.
At the Ijreaking out of the rebellion, although he was engaged
in business, yet he felt greatly inclined to contribute his services
towards maintaining the good old flag, but his friends persuaded
him to remain at home.
In the fall of 18G1, however, he felt so deeply that it was his
duty to ofl'er himself to his country, that he transferred his busi-
ness to his brother's hands, and volunteered as a private soldier
in Company F, of the Forty-fourth New York Volunteers. The
date of his enlistment was September, 1861. Being offered a
higher position, he declined it, on the ground that he enlisted as
an act of duty, and not for position. The remainder of his life
was short.
In December, after returning from a long picket duty, while
the regiment was stationed at Hall's Hill, Va., he was attacked
by tjqDhoid fever, and before his father and brother could reach
him, although they went to him as rapidly as possible, his soul
had returned to the God who gave it.
Thus died one who, pure in heart and purpose, gave his life
for his country as truly as though he had been killed in front of
the cannon's mouth.
Although not a professed Christian, he ever reverenced God and
His laws, and loved the ways of righteousness. Almost one of
his last acts was, to cno:a2:e in an evenins^ meeting with some of
his Christian comrades.
His body was brought home, and a funeral discourse preached
over his remains hy the Rev. Dr. Magoox, at the First Baptist
Church. He was followed by the Fire Department and military
of the city, and the various societies to which he belonged, to
his last home in the All)any cemetery. Thus passed away an
upright man, a pure patriot, and a Ijrave soldier.
The subject of this brief sketch was the son of Samuel
Cpl\ndler, a well known and respected citizen of Albany.
At the formation of the Forty-fourth Regiment New York
Volunteers, known as the Ellsworth Regiment, Mr. Chandler
enlisted, and at once secured a high reputation as a soldier. He
participated with his regiment in several hard fought l)attles in
Virginia. At the battle of Hanover Court House he was killed
under the following circumstances. The Sergeant, while hold-
ing the flag, had been shot through the head, and instantly killed.
The flag was then seized by a man named Young, also of this
city. No sooner had he raised it than he was shot, the ball sever-
ing his jugular vein, when he fell. Young Chandler, who had
been wounded in the leg and arm, and with his wounds bleeding
crept to the stafl", and with great effort raised it the third time.
In a moment, he was shot in the breast, and also fell. After
lingering a few days in intense agony, death came to his relief.
His last words were : ''I regret that I have only one life to give
to my country."
It is impossible to conceive of an act of noljler daring than
that of young Chandler. His two comrades lay dead at his
feet. He was himself badly wounded. The balls were whist-
ling thick and fast over his head. Knowing this, it was almost
certain death to attempt to raise the flag, yet he did not hesitate
a moment, but gave up his life in its defence. He died nobly,
and for his heroic act deserves the applause of the nation. From
the Colonel to the lowest private in the ranks, his memory will
be loved and honored as long as they live.
He leaves a Avidow and two children, who, while they mourn
the loss of an affectionate husband and lather, yet have the
consolation of knowing that he died a true patriot, a brave
soldier, and added another martyr to the cause of human liberty.
Jesse D. Van Hagen was Ijorn in Cohoes, Albany county, on
the 8th of November, 1839, and was the son of Peter and
Mehitaijel Van Hagen. As a youth he was kind, obedient, and
truthful. At the age of eighteen years, he became deeply inter-
ested in the sul)ject of religion, and residing at that time in
Albany, he l)ecanie a teacher in the Sabbath school, connected
with the Pearl Street Methodist Church. In February, 1858, he
made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and united with
that church.
When the President of the United States called for troops, he
felt that his country needed his services, and he enlisted in
Company K, Thirty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers,
commanded by Captain John Beverly, of Little Falls, Herkimer
county. New York. On the 1st of June, 1861, the regiment
received orders to start for the seat of war. Jesse having
made preparation for the march, came home to bid his mother
good-bye. He was remarkably cheerful, and seemed to be full
of patriotic enthusiasm for the cause to which he had devoted
himself. He said to his mother : " Do not be anxious about me,
I shall be at home again one of these days." How little he
thought, while uttering those words, that he was then looking
upon that mother, and his other kind relatives, for the last time
on earth !
Obedient to the orders received, the regiment hastened to the
seat of war, and was at once stationed in the front, as a line of
skirmishers. In the morning, just as the light began to appear,
a startling and crashing tire came from the concealed enemy, and
Jesse fell, pierced through the left lung, by a bullet. The
Captain seeing that he was wounded, ordered two men to take
him from the battle-field. As his comrades were liftino; him
from the ground, he received another wound, just below the
first. He tried to speak but could not. He lingered in great
pain for nine hours, when his brief, yet brave military career,
was ended by death.
Captain Beverly, to whom the youthful patriot had endeared
himself, thus wrote home to the brother of the departed, Mr.
William L. Van Hagen : " Your brother while with me was a
good christian soldier. He was always ready to fill his place in
the ranks at a moment's notice. Therefore, you may well be
proud of him. Do not weep for him, but remember that he died
for his country's flag. He Avas very kind to his associates, and
always took pleasure in doing them a favor," Thus early in the
war, at the battle of Fair Oaks, passed away this noble youth,
in the twenty-second year of his age.
William M. Briggs was born in Albany, Nov. 27, 1842, and
was the son of John G. and Harriet Briggs.
He was educated in the Wilberforce school, and was a youth
of good talents and excellent morals.
He was an ardent patriot, and in March, 1863, he enlisted in
the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment, and performed all the
duties of a soldier with faithfulness and bravery. In the fol-
lowing letter we have an account of his character and death:
Sunday, December 13, 1863.
Colonel — According to yoxw wish that I, as commander of Co.
E, would furnish Avhatever information I possessed in relation
to Private William M. Briggs, late of my company, I cheerfully
collected the following:
From a comrade, who w\as l)y him in the assault of July 18th,
I learn that he Avas wounded through the bowels, when about
one hundred yards from the fort. He exclaimed, "I'm shot,"
and attempted to press forward, but was not equal to the task,
and fell. He was placed, after being taken from the field, on
the steamer " Cosmopolitan," with many others, and carried to
Hilton Head. The nature of his wound was such as to cause
him intense pain, and he expired within an hour of the time the
wounded were placed in No. 10 Hospital, at Beaufort. I was
pleased to find that his body received a proper soldier's burial,
in the Beaufort Cemetery, escorted by a detachment of the First
S. C. Vols.
As his Captain, I cheerfull}^ render a merited tribute to his
memory, as a man ever a favorite among his comrades, and. as a
soldier, prompt, diligent and eager in the performance of his
whole duty. I have the honor to be, Colonel,
Your obedient servant, LUIS F. EMILIE,
Capt. Co. E, hUh Mass.
Col. E. N. ILvLLOWELL, ComWg bUh Mass. Infantry/.
In the history of Mr. Hammill, we have another instance of
patriotic ardor and heroic sufiering for the cause of human lib-
erty; and another victim of the barbarities practiced upon our
noble men in southern prisons.
Hugh Hammill was born in Ireland, in the year 1844. He
came to this country with his parents in 1846, and settled in the
city of Albany. At the breaking out of the war, he felt that
his adopted country needed his services, and, like many others
of his countrvmcn, he o-ave his heart and his life to the American
He enlisted in Company E, Twenty-fifth Regiment of National
Guards, in May, 1862, and served for three months at Suffolk,
Va. He returned home on the 5th of Septeml)er, and on the
14th of October he airain offered his services to the government,
;ni(l l)ecame a member of the Tenth Eegiment. He was after-
wards removed to the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regi-
ment of New York Volunteers, and was Avith them in their skir-
niislics and marches for hundreds of miles to Port Hudson. He
Avas also in the terrific charges upon Port Hudson, and saw liun-
dreds of his brave comrades fall, while he^ equally brave and
daring, escaped the deadly fire of the enemy. Having most
faithfully served the country of his adoption, he returned home,
on the 1st of September, 1863.
But, Avhile there was any doubt as to the issue of the struo-o-le
in Avhich we were engaged, Mr, Hammill could not rest, and
notwithstanding his terrible experiences at Port Hudson, and in
the toilsome marches and skirmishes in which he had been
engaged, he, like a noble patriot, enlisted again, and on the 19th
of November, 1863, joined Company E, of the Seventh Heavy
Artillery Regiment.
He bravely fought in all the battles of the Wilderness, Coal
Harbor and Petersburg, and through all the terri])le fires to
which he was exposed, we do not learn that he received any per-
sonal injury.
On the 16th of June, 1864, he Avas captured by the rebels,
and at the same time his Captain, and most of his company, Avere
taken prisoners. These Avere sent to Richmond, and then to
Andersonville prison. In consequence of the barbarous treat-
ment Mr. Ha3imill received, he became very sick, and, Avhile
slowly recovering, he Avas removed to another prison. At that
time he Avas, in his feeble state of health, exposed, in the open
air, for three days and nights, to a scA^ere rain storm. This
brought on a relapse, and he continued to sink until the 16th of
November, 1864, Avhen death released him from his sufferinjrs.
It is sad to contemplate such an end, for one Avho had mani-
fested such an ardent and persistent devotion to the interests and
welfare of his adopted countr}'. But his deeds Avill never be
forgotten, and the memory of his worth will be gratefully cher-
ished by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Mr. Hajminull was educated in the faith and worship of the
Roman Catholic Church, and was a member of that church up to
the time of his death.
William J. Whyte, the son of James and Jane Whyte, was
born in Albany on the Gtli of March, 1843. He was a youth
of mild and generous spirit, and of superior talents, and very
early became interested in religious subjects. As his parents
had lost six out of eight children, and he was the only remaining
son, and as his father too was dead, he was specially dear to his
widowed mother.
When the rebellion broke out, he, in common with many
others, was inspired with a youthful and patriotic ardor to serve
his country in the hour of peril. He was very anxious to enlist,
but his mother felt that he was too young to endure the hard-
ships and dangers of war, and endeavored to persuade him to
remain at home. But the very month that Fort Sumter was
tired upon, April, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Third Regi-
ment New York Volunteers, under Col. Townsend. His mother,
however, feeling that, after the great losses she had sustained,
she could not give up her only remaining son, obtained his dis-
charge from the regiment.
But the fires of patriotism were not extinguished in the heart
of her boy. He loved his mother and sister, and the home of
his childhood. He loved his church and his Sabbath school, for
he had been for fifteen years a scholar, and at this time he was a
teacher in the Albany Bethel Sabbath school, under the care of
the Rev. John Miles. But he loved also his country, and was
willins: to o;ive his life to sustain it.
He waited until May 31st, 1862, when he enlisted, for three
months, in Compiiny A, Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. V. He
served through this period with great faithfulness, and was honor-
ably discharged.
On the 13th of October, 1862, he again enlisted, in Company
F, of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment New York
Volunteers. While connected with this regiment, he displayed
all the qualities of a good and brave soldier. But the hardships
to which he was exposed brought on a fever, and he died in the
hospital at Bonnet Carre, La., aged twenty years. He was Iniried
in the hospital burial ground.
We regret that we have no further particulars of his history.
Charles Sedam Heermance was born in Albany, of pious
parents, September 30, 1842. He was a member of the First
Congregational Sabbath school, and was an exemplary youth.
Being ardent in his patriotism, he joined the One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh Regiment New York State Volunteers, Company
B, that he might be of some service in sustaining the honor of
his country's flag. When his regiment was ordered oft', they
joined the Bajstks' expedition and sailed from New York for New
Orleans, Louisiana. Shortly after their arrival, he was taken ill,
and soon died in the hospital, April 22, 1863. His remains, with
many others, were brought to Albany and deposited in the Rural
Cemetery. Thus he gave his young life, a noble sacrifice, for
his country. His noble example will long be cherished by loving
friends and a grateful community.
The following letter, from Captain Merrihew, shows the esti-
mation in which he was held by his ofiicers and companions in
Bonnet Carre, La., April 23, 1863.
Mr. C. J. Heermance:
Dear Sir — The circumstances under which I now address you,
are painful to me, while to you they will be rendered doubly so.
It devolves upon me to communicate to you the sad intelligence
of the death of your sou, Charles S. HEERMAJSfCE; he died here
in the hospital, yesterday afternoon about two o'clock, of chronic
diarrhoea. He had been in the hospital nearly all of the time since
our arrival at this place. We did not consider him dangerously
ill, and, only yesterday morning, his physician told him that he
needed no more medicine; that with proper care of himself, he
Avould soon recover his accustomed health; but it was otherwise
ordered. In the afternoon, shortly after dinner, he w^as taken
suddenly ill, and died almost immediately.
It may seem hard that we should so suddenly be called upon
to mourn the loss of one so young and full of promise, and being
so far aAvay from kind friends and loved ones at home; but He
who doeth all things well, has seen fit to take him away, and,
wdiile we mourn his loss, we have the happy assurance that he
has gone to that better world wdiere sickness never comes.
Charles was a general favorite in his company, l)oth with offi-
cers and men, and particularly so with those w^ho, like him, have
been confined in the hospital. They miss him there, for he was
always ready and willing to perform little acts of kindess, tow^ards
those more unfortunate than himself.
You will please accept the heartfelt sympathies of the company
of which I now have the command, and of which Charles was
a worthy meml)er, in this your great bereavement; for I can
assure you that your son had, while being associated with us here,
by his many amiable qualities, endeared himself to us all, and
we feel that the place now made vacant in our ranks by his death,
we may never hope to fill again, by one like him.
His remains have been properly interred, with a board with
his name cut thereon, placed at his head, to mark his final rest-
ing place. His personal effects are in my possession. Any
mementoes or keepsakes w^hich I may find, together with what
little money he had, I wall retain and deliver or forward to you.
I am, dear sir, your obedient servant,
Captmn Co. B, lllth N. Y. 8. V.
Stephen, the son of William and Jane Ann Parks, residing
at 172 Lumber street, Arbor Hill, Albany, was born October 26,
1848. At the breaking out of the war, when only thirteen years
of age, he enlisted in the Twenty-fifth Regiment for three months
as a drummer boy, and was stationed at Arlington Heights, Fort
On the 31st of March, 1864, he again enlisted as a drummer in
the Forty-third Regiment N, Y. 8. V. He joined the regiment
at Brandy Stati(jn, Va., and was assigned to Company K. While
in the service, he was in the following battles: The Wilderness,
Va., May 5 and 6, 1864, and Spottsylvania Court House; Fort
Stevens, Washington, D. C, July 12, and Winchester, September
19. Capt. Wm. L. Thomson, who had command of Company K
during that time, writes of him as a good soldier, always doing
his duty. After the above, he was in the battles of Cedar Creek,
Coal Harbor, and the battles before Petersburg and Richmond.
On the 1st day of April, 1865, he was reported missing, since
which time nothing has been heard of him.
He was a member of the Arbor Hill Methodist E. Church. He
became connected with the church and school under the Rev.
Mr. Stratton's ministry, in the fall of 1860. He experienced
religion at that time, and Avell do his friends remember how
anxious he was about his soul. The night he went forward to
the altar will never be forgotten by his mother. On arriving at
home, he threw his arms around his mother's neck and said:
" Ma, I have been up to the altar this evening to be prayed for;
did I do wrong? " His mother told him no; that he was young
yet, and that he would have to meet his companions, and that
they would make fun of him. "Well, ma, I will pray God to
help me through with it."
About this time a young men's prayer meeting was started on
Sunday afternoons, before preaching, which has been kept up
until the present time. He never missed a meeting.
When he left the school to go with the regiment, a copy of
the New Testament was presented to him by his teacher, which
he took with him to the front, and kept it as his companion.
The last letter he wrote was before Petersburg, when he ex-
pressed a desire to come home. He wanted to see his mother.
He asked his mother to pray for him, and reqnested her to ask
the school to remember him. He was a member of the evening
class, of which his mother was the leader, and he gave promise
of being a very useful man in the church and to society. Though
very young, he seemed always to be governed hy a strong desire
to do right in all things, and to discharge faithfully his duty in
whatever position he was placed.
The motive that prompted him to go into the army was a
desire to serve his country, and not from any mere feeling of
adventure or excitement. His loss was deeply felt hy his parents,
and mourned by his many friends, to whom he had endeared
himself by his uniform kindness. He was kind, aflectionate- and
all Avho knew him loved him.
Henry Sayre was born in Lafayette, Sussex County, New
Jersey, April 6, 1841. He was the son of Daniel and Rebecca
A. Sayre, and from childhood was an aflectionate and dutiful
boy. He was regular in his attendance at church and the Sab-
bath school, and was a consistent member of the Washington
Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church in Al])any. It is worthy
of remark, that probably no Christian denomination sent so many
relio:ious men to the war, as the Methodist Church. It is stated
that thirty thousand of her members ofiered their lives upon the
altars of their country during our late struggle. As a body,
these heroes were inspired not only with strong Christian princi-
ples and a pure patriotism, but also with a heartfelt opposition
to slavery, that had caused the war. They believed in human
rights, and in the freedom of nil men, and they wore ever found
• in the front rank of the armies that were battling for God and
Mr. Sayre, like his other Methodist brethren, was full of
piety, patriotism and zeal in the cause that he had espoused.
For eight months he served his country in the State of Louisiana.
The climate and the hardships to which he was exposed brought
on the typhoid fever, of which he died May 19, 1863. He was
a member of Co. B, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh New York
State Regiment, and was aged twenty-two years, one month,
and thirteen days.
His young and afflicted widow received the following letter,
giving an account of the closing days of his life:
Camp Bonnet Carre, La., May 21, 1863.
Mrs. Henry Sayre, 208 Jay Street, Albany, iV. Y.
Dear Madam — In sorrow I make the announcement of the
death of your dear husband, Henry Sayre, of Co. B, One Hun-
dred and Seventy-seventh Regiment New York State Volunteers.
He died near one o'clock, 19th inst., after a lingering illness with
typhoid fever. He had the best of medical care and attention.
In ffict, during all my acquaintance with the sick, I never have
seen such care and attention as was given to him. Tent mates
John B. Slingerland, Samuel Jackson and John E. Bailey,
are entitled to much praise for their determination to see he had
the best of care. Night and day they watched his bedside con-
tinually, ready to administer to his every want. Their untiring
exertions and the best medical skill, however, failed to restore
him, and he has gone forever from us.
I visited him often during his illness, and felt the greatest
anxiety about his welfare. For from my first introduction to
him by his old friend Lieut. Bennet, of my command, who spoke
in kind terms of his many excellencies of character, he became
greatly endeared to me, as he did to many other officers and
members of the regiment, who with me, mourn his loss.
I asked him a short time before he died, if he had any word
to leave for his wife. He said, " write her for me, and tell her
that my trust is in Gocl." His request that I should write you
is my apology for doing so. Undoubtedly the tidings that your
bosom companion is no more; that he died in a land of strangers
far away from his home and kindred, will fall with crushing
weight upon your heart, already made anxious by his long
absence from you. His aged, careworn mother, whom he so
tenderly loved, must also be stricken down by this sad bereave-
ment. But you both liave the consolation of knowing that the
departed was a true patriot and an earnest Christian, and that he
died in a glorious cause and with the warm sympathies of all his
I trust, dear madam, that you may receive this sad intelligence
with Christian fortitude, and with a confiding trust in the wisdom
of God, who " doeth all things well."
Mr. Sayre was buried on the 20th inst. in the Brigade Ceme-
tery. He had what is termed a Christian soldier's burial.
With assurance of my warmest sympathy in your great afflic-
I am truly yours,
Cajjtain Co. G, 177 th Regt.
The remains were, in May, 1864, brought home, and now rest
in the sacred city of departed heroes, the Albany Rural Cemetery.
Robert A. Cadwell was born in Albany, IGth of April, 1845,
and was the son of Levi and Eliza Cadwell. He was baptized
in infancy in the North Pearl Street Methodist Church, and was
early instructed in the principles and duties of the Christian
religion. At the age of five years he became a member of the
Sabbath school, and continued in it up to the time of his enlist-
ment. He was a most afiectionate child, and ver}^ quick to learn
at home and at school. He was a great reader, and retained
what he read or studied.
During a revival in the Sabbath school, in 185G, he was hope-
fully converted, and was received to the church on probation.
At the age of sixteen he removed to Brooklyn and engaged in
business. While residing there he felt it to be his duty to do
all that he could for his country, and on the 17th of March, 1862,
he enlisted as a private in the Fourteenth Brooklyn Eegiment.
He was in the battle at Centerville, and in many other battles
in which he distinguished himself for his coolness and bravery.
Under date of Upton Hill, Virginia, September 3, 1862, he
writes to his fond mother : " We have had some very hard times
here. We have been fighting for the last nine days, and the
slaughter has been so great, that we have but one hundred and
fourteen men left in our regiment. Our Captain, the Colonel,
and fifteen other oflicers have been killed or wounded. I received
nine shots through my pantaloons and my hat, but thanks to the
Lord, none ever grazed my body. I am completely exhausted
and can write no more."
In the terrible battle of Antietam, on the 17th of September,
1862, he was shot through the heart while his regiment was
moving in line of battle towards the enemy. He fell and
instantly expired.
His body, with hundreds of others, rests upon that field which
was saturated with the precious blood of the martyrs, to the
cause of human freedom. His soul has gone to its reward, in
the heavenly world.
In a beautiful tribute to his character, his Sabbath school
teacher says, that when a member of his class, Robert was
punctual, attentive, intelligent, and could always be relied
upon. He then adds, " His vacant place in the Sabbath school
tells us he has gone: but we may meet him where there are
' no rumors of wars,' and we shall find his crown bespangled
with stars, given to him by God, for being willing to sacrifice
all things, even life itself, in defence of the principles of justice
and humanity."
In the death of this promising youth, a widowed mother
mourns the loss of her only child. But she is sustained by the
consolations and hopes of the religion of Jesus; and her afflic-
tion has quickened her activity in laboring to bring the members
of his Sabbath school class and others, to her Saviour.
JosiAH Dunham, the son of Oscar and Gertrude Dunham, was
born in Albany, March 14, 1842.
Actuated by a pure patriotism, he enlisted in Company F,
Forty-fourth New York Regiment, on the 2d of September, 1861.
He was at the siege of Yorktown, and in the battle at Hanover
Court House. He was shot on the 27th of May, 1862, and died
on the 29 th of May.
Before the fatal moment that he received his death wound, he
had oriven evidence that he was a child of God. As the hour of
his dissolution approached, he prayed fervently for his relatives
and friends at home; for his country, and then for his soul, that
God would receive it to himself Lifting himself in his bed,
with a countenance radiant with peace and joy, he exclaimed to
his tent mates: "Now, I am ready," and soon after he slept in
JosiAH loved to read his Bible; he loved to pray, and labored
to live the life of a true Christian. Before entering the army,
he attended the First Baptist Church in Albany, and was a mem-
ber of the Sabbath school.
The following letter, from Capt. Allen, was received by the
father of the deceased:
Gen. F. J. Porter's Division, Camp near /
New Bridge, Va., June 4, 1862. \
Mr. Oscar Dunham:
Dear Sir — I have a melancholy though sacred task to perform,
which I hardly know how to approach.
You have doubtless heard, ere this reaches you, of the severe
battle of Hanover C. H. on the 27th of May; that the Forty-
fourth New York was engaged and got badly cut up, and that
Company F, in particular, suffered terribly.
Your son, Josiah, was mortally wounded, and died on the 26th.
I saw him the day after the battle, and it is in compliance with
his request tliat I write to you. He was lying in a room with two
other men, mortally wounded like himself. His eyes were.closed
and he was apparently unconscious; but when I took his hand
and asked him if he knew me, he said, rousing up, but with a
good deal of effort, "Oh, yes, I know you. Captain," but imme-
diately relapsed into his former state. I thought it not best to
excite him, and turned to another of our wounded men, when I
was surprised to hear him call in quite a strong voice, " Captain."
I immediately knelt beside him. "If anything should happen
that I shouldn't stand it out, I want you to write to my friends."
I promised to do anything for him in my power, and asked the
address, and if there was any particular thing which he wanted
said to you. He replies: " Tell them how I died, and give my
love to my mother and sisters, and send them this picture. I
want them to give it to the owner."
He died like a brave man, in a good cause, and his last thoughts
were with his mother and sisters, and the friend he loved.
You have my warmest sympathies in your bereavement, and
in your severe affliction. The manner and circumstances of his
death will, I hope, be a consolation to you. I send the picture,
as he requested, and as he also requested me to write to the
owner, please allow her to read this.
I am, sir, very truly yours, C. ALLEN,
Cajptain AUh JV. Y. Vols.
John C. Calvekly left Albany as a member of Company F,
(Albany Co.) Forty-fourth Eegiment N. Y. S. V., when that regi-
ment left this city for the war. He was then eighteen years
old. He was, with his company, always on duty from that time,
until he was taken sick three weeks before his death. His whole
heart was with the cause for which he had given his life. In
several instances during his short term with his company, he was
compelled to fall behind from fatigue during the march, but
always doing so unwillingly, and always at his post again before
a halt. He w^as on picket all night before he was taken with
the sickness which resulted in his death. Fever was broug-ht
on by his over-exertion, and the unhealthy atmosphere of the
He died on the 6tli day of May, 1862, on board the steamer
" Ocean Queen," then used as a military hospital. His body was
embalmed and sent to Baltimore, in charge of Corporal D. W.
Chandler, who there delivered it to a brother of the deceased
soldier. The remains were taken to Albany, and on the 14th
day of May were buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery. The
cause of his death is sufficient proof of his fidelitj^ as a soldier;
and the company of which he was a member, at the time of his
death, in a series of resolutions, expressed their sincere regard
for him as a citizen and comrade, and their appreciation of his
many good qualities.
Of this brave soldier the "Albany Times " thus speaks in con-
nection with his comrade, Mr. Scaiiall:
Of Fergus Madden we need not speak in terms of praise, his
deeds are his best eulogy. Like Scahall, where he was most
intimately known he was best loved and respected as a generous
and true hearted friend, manly and straightforward in all his
associations, of an irreproachable character and unsullied name.
He was a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-second New
York Volunteers, having enlisted in August, 1862. Possessed
with a laudable ambition of gaining a position in the profession
of arms, while in daily expectation of receiving a slight acknowl-
edgment of his services in the field, he was captured on the 6th
of May last, during the battle of the Wilderness.
As a prisoner of war he conducted himself, as he always did
when conscious of having done his duty, with " complacency and
truth and manly sweetness."
But a few months since, these young men were in the midst
of an extended circle of friends and relatives, in the enjoyment
of perfect health and all the comforts of a home, surrounded, as
they were, by everything that tends to make home happy. But,
true and patriotic, they fully appreciated the magnitude of the
contest, and knew that strong arms and loyal hearts could alone
avert the fearful calamities that threatened their country. With
these were they liberally endowed, and these they have dedicated
to their country's service. Neither died as soldiers wish to die,
on the field of battle, amid the shouts of contendino; armies.
They pined within the dreary walls of a southern prison, fjir
from friends and home, the victims of a disease that slowly but
surely preludes death. Not even were they allowed to die
beneath the starry folds of the old flag they had borne victoriously
through many a fight. It was, however, some mitigation of the
horrors of death in their miserable abode, that two such friends
as they were from boyhood up, should cheer each other in their
efibrts to keep alive the spark of hope, and lighten the evils of
the disease under which they lay prostrate. Both died in the
morning of life, ere the flowers of early manhood had yet
bloomed and l)rjghteued, to promise a future of honor and suc-
cess. Albany may well feel proud ot the patriotic and heroic
baud of martyrs, who have yielded up their lives in the cause of
liberty and union.
George W. Schermerhorn was born in Durham, Greene
county, New York, March 25, 1838. The names of his parents
are Daniel and Lucinda Schermerhorn.
The only information that I have lieen alile to obtain concern-
ing him, is furnished in the following letter from his faithful
Chaplain, the Rev. L. H. Pease, addressed to Mr. Allen Peck:
Mr. Allen Peck :
Dear Sir — Before this reaches you, }'ou will probably have
learned from other sources that you have been called to lay a
costly ofl:ering on the altar of your country, one which will cause
you deep sadness of spirit.
That select and esteemed regiment, the Forty-fourth, which
left Alliany a few weeks since with so much eclat, and so many
hurrahs, has met a sterner and more relentless enemy than the
rebels, even the king who wields his iron scepter everywhere,
the king of terrors. And your son (Mr. Schermerhorn), has
been called as one of the first fruits of the oflering of the Ells-
worth regiment on the altar of liberty.
Soon after we left Albany, the measles broke out, and this,
together with the great change in the manner of life at this
season of the year, and the great exposures to which the men
have been subjected while getting used to camp life, have caused
us to be visited with more than usual sickness.
But not till this week have any died. This week five have
died, fonr in our midst, and one in Calorama hospital, on the
other side of the Potomac. The first, a son of Euwakd Gard-
ner, of West Burlington, Otsego county, died on Monday eve-
ning last, or rather Tuesday morning about one o'clock. The
second, a son of Colonel K. Belcher, of Newark Valley, Tioga
county, (I think) died about nine and a half on Wednesday eve-
ning, and on Thursday at about the same hour or a little later,
your son George was called to bid adieu to earth.
About the same hour John Hines, of Evans' Center, Erie
county, was called away, and also a man by the name of Wilson
on the other side of the river. A sad week, long to be remem-
Whether your son has fought a good fight or not, the battle is
over. He has finished his course and has been early called to fill
a soldier's honored grave. But, though he died far from kindred
and home, think not that he died unattended and friendless.
We are all l)r()thers in this regiment. I conversed and prayed
with him a great many times during his sickness, and did every-
thing in my power to lead him to Christ. A hospital in the
camp is one of the worst places in the world, in which to pre-
pare to die in. But, though no mother or sisters attended him
in his last hours, the blessed Saviour was just as near as he
could have been, if our young friend had been at home sur-
rounded by friends; and the road to heaven is as short and
straight from here, as there, and God will take care of his dust
wherever it may lie.
His disease, in its later stages, was typhoid fever. He partially
recovered, and came over from the hospital to the camp a little
too soon, which was followed by a relapse. I cannot detail in
this place, the particulars of the diflerent conversations which I
held with him. I repeatedly urged him to cast himself entirely
upon Christ, and endeavored to explain to him how to do it; and
more than once he alBrmed that he did so. Whether he really
did give himself away, God only knows.
The last conversation that I had with him was on the day that
he died. I asked him, among other things, if he could put his
trust entirely in Christ. "Yes, sir," he replied, "with perfect
confidence." I prayed with him, and urged him to pray, and left
him to see him here no more.
We must leave him in the hands of God; but let his surviving
relatives beware how they put off repentance to that worst of all
times to prepare to die, the death bed. And let them remember,
" Hearts like muffled drums are beating
Funeral marches to the grave."
I was in favor of having his remains sent home; so also were
many of his company. You can have them sent home now if you
desire it, by making the necessary arrangements. It is true, no
matter where our dust lies, God will take care of it wherever it
may be; yet we have a preference. Many a soldier sleeps on
this " sacred soil;" a soil too sacred now for the tread of slaves.
And of some of these soldiers it maj^ truly be said:
'' Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note,
As his corse to the cold grave was hurried,
Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot
O'er the grave where the hero lies buried."
But those uncoffincd and unmonumental graves shall only make
this whole land more tlear in our sight, and nerve and gird our
spirits for its defence and deliverance.
1 trust you will never regret having sent your son foi-th. He
could not have died in a more glorious cause, or fill a more
honored grave. Kather be prepared to send another, if need be,
to fill his place. And may He who is a very present help in
every time of trouble, be better to you than sons or daughters.
So may you profit by this affliction that you Avill have occasion
to thank God through eternity, that it was sent. Accept, I pray
you, the sympathies and kind regards of a stranger but a friend.
Yours, truly,
Chaplain ^Mh N. Y. S. V.
Hall's Hill, Va, iVor. 24, 18G1.
What we have been able to learn of this patriot is coniniinii-
cated in the following letter from one of his parents:
"William Snell, son of James and Eliza Snell, Avas born in
Albany, November 24, 1838. At the commencement of the
rebellion, he felt it to be his duty to offer his services in defence
of his country. Being a member of the Tenth Regiment, he
voted, with the company, to offer their services to the Governor,
and they were accepted. They were sent to New Orleans, and
there he served as Quartermaster's clerk. After the battle of
Port Hudson, they started for home, having been absent ten
months. He arrived in Albany on the 1st of Septeml^er.
" The regiment lost most of their men, and those who sur-
vived were in a sick or dying condition. He remained home
about three months, until he recovered from the fever, of which
he had a severe attack. Very soon there was another call for
three hundred thousand men to join the army. Our dear son
returned to the war, giving as his reason for doing so that it was
the duty of unmarried men to be foremost in the defence of their
"He went to Brooklyn and joined the Seventh Heavy Artillery,
Company H, which was sent to Fort Eeno, D. C. Being a ready
writer, he was detailed for bookkeeper for the Colonel. While
at Fort Reno his leisure moments were spent in teaching his
comrades mathematics and war tactics.
" On the 2d of June, they received orders to go down to the
front, to a place called Coal Harbor, near Peterslnirg. I need
not inform you that the fight was terrific, and there fell several
hundred of our men. Many were wounded, and those who
remained, were captured.
"William Snell was among the captured. Three days after
the battle of Coal Harbor, which was on the 3d of June, he was
missing. Nothing further was heard of him until we were
informed by the Second Auditor of the settlement of his affairs,
and we ascertained he had died on the 10th day of October, 1864,
in a rebel prison. When he died, his age was twenty-five years,
ten months and fifteen days.
"He corresponded with each of the family in turn until the
31st of May. His letters were very affectionate. He had a
pleasing way with him, which gained friends wherever he Avent.
He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which
his parents and sisters belong. While he Avas absent, he used to
say in his letters that he was striving to attend to his religious
" He was very strongly attached to the Sabbath school, and as
a teacher, he was much beloved and respected. He was benevo-
lent to the poor, and was naturally kind and sympathetic to those
who were in trouble, and to the sick. We hope to meet him
among the angels, where all tears shall ])e wiped from our eyes,
and where parting shall be no more."
Edmund Holmes was born in Chiverack, Columbia county, in
the year 1835. He was the son of Joseph and Cathakine Holinies,
From his childhood, he was noted for his truthfulness and his
obedience to his parents.
At the time the war broke out, he was a shoemaker by trade,
and had a wife and several children. His strong love of country
led him to enlist July 17, 1862, in the One Hundred and Thir-
teenth Regiment N. Y. V.
His regiment Avas stationed at Fort Reno, D. C, for nearly tAA^o
3'ears. In May, 1864, it received marching orders, and all
through the battles of the Wilderness that regiment was ever
distinguished for its bravery. On the 16th of June, many of the
regiment were taken pi'isoners hy the enemy, and among the
number Avas P^dmunf) Holmes, He Avas taken to Andersonville,
Ga,, Avhcre he remained until removed by death, August 21,
1864. His sufFerings were very great, yet he never regretted
enlisting for his eonntry. A short time before he died, he spoke
to a friend, who was with him, of his extreme exhaustion, and
turning over upon his side he expired. He was buried where he
died, and where many of our bravest and best are sleeping.
Mr. Holmes was a good citizen, a true patriot, a brave soldier,
and a kind husband and father. As his children grow up, they
will have the consciousness that their father g-ave his life for his
country; that even amid the horrors of a most foul and cruel
imprisonment, he did not regret the sacrifices that he was making
for liberty and the American Republic.
MiNOT Henry Pease was born in Albany, August 19, 1843,
and died September 23, 1862, aged nineteen years.
One month after he reached his eighteenth year, he obtained
the consent of his father to enlist, which he did at Fort Snellinsf
on the 23d of September, 1861, in Company D, Second Regiment
Minnesota Volunteers. , He was in the battle of Mill Springs,
and was one of those who met the enemy face to face, and fought
hand to hand over the fence. Lieut. Tuttle writes to his father:
"Your son went into the battle at my side, and fought like a
man. He has gained a name with the Second Regiment."
He was also in the intrenchments at Fort Donelson, and
brought home some trophies, after presenting his officers with a
handsome secesh portfolio.
He was taken with typhoid fever at Louisville, from which he
partially recovered, and, being anxious to keep up with his regi-
ment, joined in the march of Gen. Buel from Nashville to Pitts-
burg Landing, and was on that bloody field just after the fight.
The fatigues and exposures of this forced march were too much,
and he was reduced by chronic dysentery, and forwarded by
Lieut. MouLTON to the Pacific hospital, St. Louis, with the first
loiid of wounded from that saiiguiuary field. On the 30th of
April last he obtained a furlough, and came home to die among
his kindred. He received his discharge for disability on the 16th
of July. Since then he has suffered extremely, and at last his
disease ran into insanity, from which he only partially recovered,
and which terminated his life.
John Van Bueeen was born on the 19th day of November,
1833, in the city of Dordrecht, Holland. He was the son of
Daniel Van Bueren and Martina P. Anker, who emigrated to
America with him in the year 1848. Having a desire for a sea-
faring life, he left home at the age of twenty years, and visited
Holland, the East Indies and other countries. He returned home
after an absence of three years. During his absence, his letters
were always marked by a great aflection for his relatives at
home. After his return and before his enlistment, he regularly
attended the Holland Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, and
was a member of the Bible class. Had he not been called from
home by the war, he would undoubtedly have become a member
of the church.
The Rev. Mr. Huboldt, then pastor of the church, had great
confidence in John, and deeply felt his loss from the city. At
the breaking out of the war, John exhibited an ardent patriot-
ism, and when advised not to go into the army, he replied that
his heart was with his adopted country, and he was willing to
offer up his life, if necessary, to sustain it. When advised by
his mother not to go, he answered: "Mother, you w^ill be
proud of me when I return home." He enlisted on the 18th of
Ma}^ 1861, in Capt. Gridley's Company A, Eighteenth New
York Volunteer Infantry. He participated in all the l)attles
that his regiment was engaged in under Gen. G. B. McClellan,
and was universally beloved and respected in his company as a
sincere friend and brave soldier.
On the 14th day of September, 1862, at the battle of South
Mountain, Maryland, while making a charge with his regiment,
he was shot through the head, and almost instantly killed. He
did not speak after receiving his wound. He was buried l)y his
comrades on the farm of Mr. Jacob Goodman, near the village
of Burketville, Md.
At the time of John's death, his father and brother had just
returned from a three months' service in the Twenty-fifth N. Y.
Immediately upon hearing of his death, his father proceeded
to the battle ground, but was unable to find the grave. It was,
however, afterwards found by his brother, who was then a mem-
ber of the Forty-third New York Volunteers. The head-board
contained the following inscription, roughly carved by some
friendly hand:
"John Van Bueren, Co. A, 18th N. Y. Vols.
" Killed September 14th, 1862.
"A Brave Soldier."
Samuel W. Kelly was born at Albany, April 8th, 1842, and
was the son of George W. and Julia A. Kelly. His father
died when he was an infant. When a child he was bright
and intelligent, with good moral habits. He was baptized
in the Methodist chui-ch, the Sabliath School of which he
attended. From his childhood up, he always respected religion.
At the breaking out of the rebellion, he was moved from
patriotic motives to enlist in defence of his country. He joined
the Thirty-fourth Ncav York State Volunteers, and served with
the regiment nine months, when he was discliarged on account
of sickness.
After returning home, he enlisted May 31st, 1862, in Company
A, N. Y. S. V. G. M., and served out his time of enlistment.
When on his way home, he was shipwrecked, and suffered greatly
for want of clothing. The ladies of Philadelphia kindly furnished
him with the articles he needed. Notwithstandino; all the suffer-
ings and hardships which he had previously passed through, he
again enlisted against the entreaties and persuasions of his friends.
He felt it to be his duty to help to put down the rebellion.
When asked by his friends, if he was not afraid of being shot,
he replied that he was willing to lay down his life for his
In November he enlisted in the (Tenth N. Y. M.) One Hundred
and Seventy-Seventh N. Y. S. V., Company A. He served with
the Eegiment through the Louisiana campaign of General Banks,
and w^as at the sieg-e of Port Hudson when it surrendered to the
union forces. He was one of the first to carry provisions to the
starving rebels.
Before his departure for home he was taken sick with a fever,
and suftered greatly until he arrived at Rochester, where he was
kindly cared for. He was taken to St. Mary's hospital, where
he was met by his mother. He never for once murmured, or
regretted having enlisted. He requested the prayers of his
mother and friends at home, and appeared satisfied when told
that his mother had always prayed for him. He died September,
1863, believing and trusting in the Saviour. His body was
brought to Albany, and buried in the Rural Cemetery.
The following notice of him appeared in the Albany " Knicker-
Death of a True Hero — Another Victim of Disease. — It
becomes our painful duty, this morning, to chronicle the death
of another member of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh
(Tenth) Regiment — another victim of disease — Samuel Kelly,
of Company A, having departed this life on Wednesday after-
noon. He died in the hospital at Rochester, and it is consoling
to know a kind and aflectionate mother, and doting brother
attended him in his last moments. Young Kelly at first enlisted
in the Thirty fourth Regiment, and went off as a private in the
first rank. He served faithfully for some eight months, when he
was stricken down by disease, and, it being thought that he could
not recover, he received an honorable discharge on account of
disability. He came home, and with kind nursing and good care
was soon able to leave his bed, and, shortly afterwards, recovered
entirely from his sickness. His love of country would not per-
mit him to remain at home, so that when the Twenty-fifth Regi-
ment left for the seat of war the second time, prominent among
its gallant boys was the su])ject of this sketch. He passed
through the Virginia campaign, and returned with the regiment
when its time had expired. Again, when the One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh Regiment started on its long and perilous jour-
ney through the " sunny south," young Kelly could not be pre-
vented from accompanying it, and for the third and last time he
bade farewell to friends and home, intent in his patriotic motives,
if need be. to ofler up his young life as a sacrifice in behalf of
the rijxhts of his native land.
We sincerely condole with the afflicted mother in her distress
at the loss of her In-ave boy. His w^as a noble death, and though
in his patriotism he dared its terrors on many battle fields, a
gracious Providence wdlled it otherAvise. He was spared the
agony of death on rebel soil. His last moments on this earth
were passed amid the kind attentions of a loving mother, whose
presence rendered his dying moments easy. The kind Avords of
a fond mother, Avere to him in his dying hours a consolation
Avhich made death's terrors less jDainful to the gallant youth;
and those hands wdiich first caressed him Avhen a babe, now
smoothed the pilloAV of the dying boy, and closed his eyes in
Joseph Gladding was the son of Tijiothy C. and Saeah Ann
Gladding. Timothy Gladding, his father, was born December
26th, 1810, and became an eminently christian man, esteemed
and beh)ved by many friends. He was converted March 1, 1835,
and united with the Methodist Church, of which he was an active
member. He was appointed class leader February 7th, 1837.
From the time of his conversion until his death, he was ever
ready and willing to labor for Christ. Shortly before his death
he said: " For him to live is Christ; but to die, is gain." He
departed this life December 14th, 1850, with bright hopes of
immortal happiness.
His oidy son, Joseph, was born in Albany, February 19, 1845.
He enlisted, December 26th, 1863, in the Eighteenth New York
Cavalry, and left Albany for Elmira December 28th, arriving
there on the morning of the 30th. They remained in the bar-
racks at that place until February, when they were sent to Wash-
ington. They went into camp there for five days, and left Wash-
ington for New Orleans, February 20th, and went into barracks
there, where they remained. As the company to which he
belonged Avere not supplied with horses, they were not sent
with the Red River expedition, but went to Brashear City, on
guard duty. They were there nearly a month. Not long after
he was taken sick with chills and fever and diarrhcea, and was in
the camp hospital about two weeks, when he was removed to the
Marine hospital at New Orleans.
On the 26th of September he received a furlough for forty
days, and came home, hoping to recover his health. But when
his furlough expired his health was no better, yet he was anxious
to return to his regiment, but was unable to do so until March;
and, although very feeble then, he felt that he must go. He left
Albany for New York March 10th; remained there until the
16th, when he went to New Orleans, arriving there after a tedious
passage of sixteen days. He reported at the Marine hospital,
and the doctor, after examining him, said he must go right back
to New York by a hospital Ijoat that was to start that day. Ho
had a quick passage, arriving at the McDougal liospital, April
8th. Thence he was conveyed to the Albany hospital, where
lie arrived Saturday, April 15th. He was then very sick, and
much fatigued by his jonrney. Everything, however, was done
for him that could be done, but he failed fast, and on Tuesda}-,
April 18th, 1865, he died, aged twenty years. He was not con-
nected with any church, but he felt the need of a Saviour, and
requested his friends to pray for him, and he prayed for himself,
and we hope his prayers were answered.
Joseph was a kind and atfectionate son and brother, and his
loss is deeply felt by his relatives and friends.
John G. Perkins, son of John II. and Elizabeth A. Perkins,
was liorn in Albany November 15th, 1846. He was an only son,
and during his boyhood he attended the Experimental school.
While in Albany, the family attended the Congregational church,
and he was a member of the Sabbath school. In 1857 his
parents removed to Hoboken, New Jersey, where he joined the
Dutch Reformed Sabbath school; his father beino; a member of
the Dntcli church.
At the commencement of the war, his father, like many others,
lost all his property in the Southern trade. He then went to
Washington on business, where he was taken sick and died; leav-
ing a wife and two children (a son and daughter) to mourn his
After his father's death, John had a situation offered to him
in a dry goods store in Columbus, Ohio, where he had an uncle
residing. His uncle being a member of the Methodist church,
he joined the Bible Class connected with that church. He had
not been there very long when his Sabbath school teacher com-
mcnced raising a company for the war. He being anxious to
light for his country, joined his teacher's company in August
1862; being then only sixteen years of age. Being unaccustomed
to any hardships, he was taken sick while on board the boat that
was conveying his regiment, the One Hundred and Thirteentl/
Ohio Vohmteers, from Louisville, Kentucky, to Nashville, Ten-
nessee. He grew worse, and when they arrived at Nashville it
was necessary to take him to the General hospital. No. 3, where
after two weeks' sickness he died of typhoid pneumonia, at the
age of seventeen.
Word w^as sent to his mother of his sickness; but before she
could o-et to him she received tidino;s of his death. She then
went to several of the leading men of this city, to ascertain if
she could have his remains sent home; but they gave her no
encom-aoement whatever, as no bodies were brouoht North at
that time. Through the kindness, however, of Dr. Ewing, the
body was embalmed and placed in a metallic coffin, and sub-
sequently sent home. The mother received many letters from
the doctor and the nurse regarding her son. In one from the
doctor, he says: "Your son fully realized the awful change that
was so soon to take place; but the nurses all assured me that he
was resigned and happy, and appeared to feel that beyond the
grave, he would be free from the strife and turmoil that had sur-
rounded him for the last few months. He spoke often of his
mother and his little sister Grace, and wanted to see them very
much; but that pleasure was denied him. 1 believe he was truly
w^orthy of a mother's love."
In one of the letters she received from his Captain, he says:
"I truly sympathize with you in your loss, and I would like to
have been with your son in his last moments. I have been told
that he seemed anxious to see me to tell me something; perhaps
a message to his mother or his little sister; or perhaps he w\anted
me to petition the throne of grace for him. I would willingly
have done all I could to relieve his sutferino-s; but he is o-one.
What is our loss may be his gain. ' God doeth all things well;'
let us trust in Him."
His mother received many letters from her son while he was
in the army. In one he says: " I have bought a nice Bible, and
shall read it every day. If I get killed, or die on the battle
field, don't mourn for me; but remember I die defending my
country, and I hope we shall all meet in Heaven,"
In another letter written just one month before he died, he
speaks of his camp life and reading his Bible. He then sent his
mother a lock of his hair.
John entered the army from a pure love of liberty. He
abhorred the system of slavery, and took every opportunity to
show his kindness to the unfortunate colored race.
On one occasion, having found an aged colored man who had
no home and was without food, he took his own dinner to him,
and supplied his wants until he was provided with a home.
While in the army, John was greatlj^ beloved by his officers
and comrades. He was also an aftectionate and dutiful son, and
his early death has tilled the heart of his widowed mother with
the deepest sorrow.
Aaron P. Springer joined the Eighty-first Regiment of New
York Volunteers in September, 1861. He had, a few weeks pre-
vious to his joining this regiment, in company with Capt. John
Cook, of this city, formerly of the Ninety-first Regiment N. Y.
v., endeavored to raise an independent company for the war;
but through the urgent request of his friends, he was persuaded
to go to Fort Ontario, Oswego, where the Eighty-first Regiment
was being organized. But having been disappointed in obtain-
ing there a commission, which he had every reason to expect, he,
inspired with a pure patriotism, had his name enrolled as a pri-
vate in Company F, and started with the regiment for the seat
of war.
Being fifty-four years of age, the arduous duties and long
marches soon began to wear on his frame, and after passing safely
through the great battles of the summer of 1862, under Gen.
McClellax, immediately after that memoral>le Ijattle of Fail
Oaks, he was worn out, and came to the hospital at Washington.
In a few days he received leave of absence to visit his home. He
arrived home, where he was warmly welcomed by his family, for
he was an indulgent father and kind husband. He was greatly
exhausted, and received every attention that the love of his family
could render; l)ut in a few days he passed from time to eternity.
His two sons, Adrian and Charles, soon after joined the army
of freedom, both of whom were severely wounded — Adrian at
Coal Harbor, and Charles at Petersburg, Va. Surely, none
could have done more for their country, than this noble and
patriotic family.
As to the character of Aaron P. Springer, it was spotless.
He was a noble citizen, and those with whom he associated, well
remember the genial smile with which he always greeted them.
It was often said of him that he never had an enemy.
His remains lie in the beautiful church yard at Schenectady,
where the turf grows over a good citizen, an affectionate father,
a brave soldier and a pure patriot.
Gerrit H. Van Denburg, son of Teunis and Maria Van Den-
burg, was born in the town of New Scotland, Albany county,
June 21, 1837. From a child he was thoughtful and mature and,
when quite young, he was looked to for advice and counsel, by
his brother and sisters. As a son he was very obedient, dutiful
and affectionate. Study was a rare enjoyment for him, though
he longed to store his mind wnth knowledge. Being the oldest
living son, he was kept much from school to labor on the farm.
His taste for reading was very great, and his favorite books, when
yoimg, were the histories of nations and the biographies of dis-
tinguished men.
He was converted in the month of Angnst, 1857. Soon after
this important event, he wrote thus to his mother:
" Dear ^Mother — I shall now reveal to you the great joy of my
heart. For more than a week I have been praying, in secret,
that my sins might he forgiven. Last Friday night, the Lord
gave the blest assurance that they were, and I have been happy
ever since. I am now determined to give up this world and
prepare for that which is to come. I am impressed with the
thought that I am called to preach the gospel. Pray for me, my
dear mother, that I may l)e faithful unto death,"
Gerrit immediately united with the Methodist Episcopal
Church, and was, ever afterward, an active useful Christian. He
was not satisfied to enjoy God's love alone, but besought many
of his associates to turn to Christ and live. Feeling it to be his
duty to preach the gospel, he consulted with several eminent
ministers, who gave him encouragement; and he commenced
teaching in the spring of 1858, as a means of gaining funds to
educate himself. He taught one year, during which time he was
the means of bringing several of his scholars and friends to
Christ, He then attended school at the New York Conference
Seminary until his funds were exhausted, when he again resorted
to teaching. In this way he taught and attended school alter-
nately, until the month of August, 1862, when he enlisted in the
Eleventh New York Battery, known as the Havelock Battery.
He had thought of enlisting from the very first, but was prevented
by the feeling that he ought to pursue his studies for the ministry.
In writing to his brother, who thought of enlisting, he said: "I
say Amen; only feel yourself prepared to die, and able and
wilUng to endure hardships. Do not go unless your heart is in
the cause, and you feel it to be your duty. Had I not felt that
my duty was in a different direction, I should have been in the
field ere to-day."
When urged to stay at home, by those who thought he ought
to pursue his studies for the ministry, he said: I can better go
than some man with a family. I have no appointment for preach-
ing yet, and perhaps I can do more good in the army than any-
where else. I have made it a subject of prayer, and if God leads
me that way I'll go."
He entered the tield August the 14th, 1862, a short time before
the battle at Manassas; in which he did his part as a true soldier.
He was also in the battles of Gettysburg and Spottsylvania, and
the o^reat fio^ht at Fredericksburg.
After the battle of Manassas he writes: " I felt quite com-
posed during the fight; though the balls flew close to my head
many times. I felt God was with me even then. Our boys are
brave and true, but boast not. I could give some diflereut news
than what you saw in the papers. When you see the word
victory, be not sure; but hope and pray that it is true. Tell
mother not to weep for me; but rejoice that if I live or die, my
character is blameless, and my aflections set fervently to love
God and man."
Soon after he writes: " Some of the battery desire me to
preach. I am living and talking Christianity among them, and
they need it much; I never was more stimulated to live a faithful
Christian; and God gives me grace according to my day."
Toward the latter part of September, he was taken ill with
bilious fever, and was conveyed to Fairfax Seminary hospital,
where he remained until that building was vacated for the
wounded of Burnside's army. He was then sent to Fort Schuy-
ler, and remained until April 20th, 18(33. Being scarcely able
to again do a soldier's duty, yet very anxious to be active, he
persuaded his physician to allow him to return to Virginia. He
Avas very patient while in the hospital, although he suffered very
much, as his diary aljundantly shows.
While there he wrote thus to his younger brothers:
" Dear Brothers — You cannot tell how I feel, when I write you
this letter. Every word of advice that I give you, I think may
be the last. You may die, or I may die. Philip was our
brother, and we loved him; yet he died. You think he went to
Heaven, don't you? He was good, and tried to do right; are you
both trying to do the same? Do you want to go where he is
when you die? I think you do. But you can not go there, un-
less you are good and love God. I was young once, and thought-
less. I thought I knew as much as father and mother. But I
have learned better since. Mother is the dearest friend you
have on earth. She has watched and prayed over you many long
weary nights. Do you tr}^ to please her? She will leave us by
and by. God will call her home to Heaven. Then, if you pro-
voke her now, you will be sorry all your life. O, brothers, I
can't keep back the tears as I write these words to you. Beware
of bad boys, whose influence is so destructive. How many
nights have I prayed to God that you might be kept from the
wrongs of other boys. I hope the da}' may come when I shall
be with you at home again. But if I should never come home
again, try to meet me in Heaven."
He left the hospital voluntarily, and says, after entering the
army again:
" I feel quite content, having volunteered a second time to
come to old Virginia. I pray that my health may remain good,
for I fear sickness more than the fight. I trust Heaven will still
be my protection, for thus far I have l)een wonderfully pre-
served. I have become strengthened by stemming the tide of
Soon after his return to the field, he, with the battery, engaged
in a battle near Fredericksburg, after which he Avrites:
" We have been in the tight, and lost a few men. It is hard
to see our brothers fall around us. We were in the front line
twenty-four hours, and all did their duty nobly. The fight con-
tinued one week. Our whole army did nobly. But, oh! what
a contest!"
Mr. Van Denburg held prayer meetings most of the time
while in the field, in which he seemed deeply interested. He
had several converts, of which he speaks in his diary. At one
time he says: "Had a happy meeting last night. All the con-
verts prayed. We have fourteen in all now." Afterwards he
speaks of A., or H., or B.'s conversion; so we feel assured that
the fourteen were not all that he Avas the instrument of brinsinsf
to Christ. In speaking of the meetings, his expressions were
like these: "Blessed meeting last night! The Lord filled all
our hearts. Was greatly rejoiced to hear the converts speak."
"It is surprising how our meetings prosper. We have a new
convert almost eveiy night. Praise God for his goodness. He
is in the army as well as at home." "Heard a discouraging word
about a couple of converts. I feel as though I was a pastor over
them, and yet hoAV unworthy 1 am." Again he says: "Glorious
meeting ! Another convert ! Glory be to God for such a
meeting ! "
He seemed very much to regret Sabbath lal)or, and any dis-
turbance in the army on the Lord's day, and speaks of it frequently
in his diary, as well as in letters to friends.
He always wrote home immediately after a battle, if nothing
more than to say, "I am safe." After the battle at Gettysburg,
he says:
" We have been in the fight, and were in the front line forty-
eight hours. When we were called up, the line was vacant
where we went in, it having been temporarily broken by the
horrid lire of the enemy. But in the mean time they were more
severely injured than we were, for the field is strewed with their
dead, and our hospitals are filled with their wounded. I had
several close calls, and one shell came for me, but seeing it, I
jumped aside, and it fell exactly where I had stood. Our men
and officers fought nobly; we lost a noble man in Sickles, and
another in Reynolds. I was quite composed on the field, and
endured all well. I rejoice to say I can look up to God, even in
the hottest of the fight."
Again he writes:
"Dear Friends at Home — I am again talking with you, although
at long range. And I must first tell you some good news. The
good Lord has blessed us greatly in our prayer meetings, and
some have been converted. I believe they have often started
meetings in the battery before, but always failed. But now,
praise the Lord, I believe they are established. I feel unworthy
to take charge of the meetings, but they unanimously voted me
in again the other night. I pray God to help me, for I want to
do his will. There is one thing binds me very much to our win-
ter camp, and that is the frequent sacred communings with our
Heavenly Father. How dear it must also be to those who date
their conversion here. Thank Heaven, the Havelock Battery is
somewhat redeemed. Take courage and pray for us. Oh, if
you could attend a soldier's prayer meeting! We hold them
twice a week, and we are really blessed and happy in them."
Our hero was as remarkable for his industry as his piety. One
of his comrades remarked, that he never knew a person who
used his moments up so closely. He seemed to consider every
hour and every moment, as lent him from the Lord. He was
very fond of writing, and composed with great facility. We
regret that our limits will not allow us to give some extracts
from his poems and prose writings. For some weeks previous
to his death, he seemed to be impressed with the idea that he
would not live through the campaign, and expressed the same to
friends who were Avitli him, and also in his letters to friends at
The folio wino- are the two last letters that he ever wrote:
Near Coal Harbor, June 4, 1864.
Dear Friends at Home — In haste, I write a few words, just to
let you know that all is well with me and the rest of our battery.
We are now in line of battle, and have just fired several rounds.
Two rebel shells came very near our piece. But we are a pray-
ing band, (many of us) and we have such a trust in God, as
removes all fear. We have been on the Peninsula for some time,
and things move on steadily. But Richmond will not be taken
without a struggle. I hope none of you will give yourselves
any apprehensions about me, for all will be w^ell any way. This
has been a very active campaign so far, and the soldiers have
been called to endure a great deal. But, as long as we make
progress, all say, so be it. But I must close. With hopes for
you all, and myself, in the same Saviour,
I am, as ever, yours, G. H. V.
The last letter was dated June 9th, in which he says: "I am
hearty and well. We lie strongly entrenched within six hundred
3 ards of the rebel batteries. We seem to be enough for them
on artillery. I Avas hit, yesterday, T)y a spherical case shot from
the rebel battery. But it only hurt for a moment. I take this
as a warning to be ready. All goes well so far. Two non-com-
missioned officers, on my piece, have been wounded, and we have
lost a few horses. I am now standing at my post, fearless; and
if I fall, it will be as a soldier; so do not be alarmed about me.
If need be, I am ready for the worst.
With much love to all. VAN.
The last entries made in his diary were as follows:
^'June 11th — Pleasant morning; all quiet; heart goes out in
praise to God. Had good sleep and feel refreshed. Rumored
capture of Fort Darling. P. M. — Been very quiet all da}^, only
some sharpshooting. We fired two rounds. The enemy's sunken
mortar fired to-night. We got range of it and shut it up. W.
EoBERTSON was hit with a bullet slightly.
^'•Jum IWi — Pleasant morning. I feel like meditating. After
we were through firing last night, W. R. and I had a pleasant
talk on religious experience. We are ordered to be ready at
noon to move with muftled carriage wheels."
Our hero obeyed the order to move, and at three o'clock on
that beautiful Sabbath afternoon, his pure and bright spirit
moved from earth to heaven. While performing his duty, a
Minnie ball from a sharpshooter passed through his head and
killed him instantly.
Brave, noble, patriotic, Christian soldier, rest from thy toils!
Thy work on earth is done! A grateful people will forever
cherish thy memory and applaud thy virtues.
On examining Mr. Van Denburg's diary, after his death, there
was found a piece of paper, attached to a leaf, with these words
written upon it: " To be kept concealed until my death. — G. H.
V." Within were found the following messages addressed to
his relatives and friends:
" To Father'. — I may at some time have wronged you; if I
have, I ask your forgiveness. I am younger than you, yet may
I not give advice ? Your days will soon be numbered. Will
you not turn your thoughts heavenward, and spend much time in
prayer? * * * *
" To Mother. — Your kindness has had great influence over me.
"Would that I could comfort your declining years. One favor I
ask: Weep not for me; you know it was my desire to go home.
You are my nearest friend. Put your trust in God. * * * *
" To Libhy. — Your kindness I shall never forget, even in
Heaven. Oh ! that I could repay you. Lift up your head, and
press on till you meet me.
" To John (a brother-in-law). — You have been a lirother to me,
always true. I pray to God that you may be rewarded. * * *
" To Rebecca. — You were the favorite sister of my youth.
Your gentle words have often changed my course. Whatever
comes, trust in Jesus.
" To StepJten (a brother-in-law). — You, too, are my brother.
So live on earth that you may meet me in Heaven. * * * *
*' To Mary.— Yon have a good heart; never take it from
Christ, and you will be fit to speak the language of Heaven. This
world may fail to give you your due, but Heaven will make
it up. * * * *
" To Alida. — Though young, you have been a cherished sister
to me. Look well to your feet, that they slide not. If I could
do you good, I would stay with you; but it is better for me
to go. * * * *
" To Katie. — I have a true brother's love for you. Mark well
your footsteps. I have realized your interest for me. I hope
you will see me up yonder. * * * *
" To Isabella. — You have been very dear to me, and given me
a sister's love. Remember, you have had a brother's prayers.
Give your heart to Jesus, and you will meet me again. * * *
" To Peter and David. — My brothers, I cannot tell my interest
for you. I have prayed many times for you. Keep good com-
pany, and try to do right, that you may meet your two brothers
who have gone before you. * * * *
" To Myron^ Martha and Anna (a sister's children), — I shall
go to be an angel. Be good, and come and meet me, by and by.
I loved you as though you were my own. * * * *
"Do you ask why I write thus. It seems suggested to my
mind that I may have no opportunity of uttering my last words.
It is evident to me to-night that I shall never see home again,
and that ere long I shall go where Hattie and Philip are. This
may be a mistake, but time will show. This world is dark, but
there is light beyond the river. I love my country, and am
willing to die upon her altar. Good night, all. G. H. V."
Yes, dear, sweet, loving youth, good night. The angels have
bid you good morning. You live now where " there is no night."
You have joined the glorilied spirits in the city of our God. May
your fervent piayers for your father and mother, brothers and
sisters, all be answered, and may the dear ones meet you on the
shining shore, never more to part.
The friends of the departed received many letters from those
who were associated with Mr. Van Denburg, that were filled
with consoling words. We give a few of them to our readers.
The following was from Capt. Burton to S. Larchar, Esq., the
uncle of the deceased:
1 1th N. Y. Battery, Camp on )
James River, June 14, 1864. )
Dear Friend Larchar — It is with sorrow I take my pen to
write this letter, that shall convey the sad news of death to
many, very many dear ones. Gerrit H. Van Denburg, a mem-
ber of this battery, was killed instantly by a sharpshooter's ball,
on Sunday afternoon, June 12.
Our battery had been in front the line, and within four hun-
dred yards of the enemy, for one week. Having received orders
on the 12th to move at night, we were fixing a road to move the
artillery over quietly, when a rifle ball passed through Gerrit's
brain, entering at the left temple and coming out over the right
eye. The same ball slightly wounded another member of the
battery, Edmund D. Willard, of Albanj^ Gerrit sank doAvn
dead, without speaking a word or uttering a groan. He died at
his post, where he was always found, both in the service of his
country and of his Saviour. At about four o'clock on that quiet,
beautiful Sabbath day, we buried him beneath a cedar tree on
Gaines' Hill, Va.
I have Avritten to you, thinking you might break the news to
his family more tenderly than I could. A diary, and some trifles,
I will send to Teunis Van Denburg, Hamiltonville, as soon as I
get a chance to do so, as directed in tlie diary. The loss of
Gerrit from the battery is a great one, for he was one of the
best men in it; but I know that his loss at home will be much
greater than ours.
If the bullet that takes life in the army would only give pain
here, how much sorrow would be saved. But no; it Hies on to
our northern homes, and strikes and tears many, many a heart
there. May God, who tempers the wind and storm to the shorn
lamb, protect the dear ones at home in their great aiiiiction.
Send to them my heartfelt sympathy, and also that of every mem-
ber of the battery. \Miat is our loss is his eternal gain, for he
rests quietly, where wars and tumults never trouble, where pain
and death never come.
It was impossible for me to have sent his body home, or we
should have done so. The depot at the White House was broken
up, and on Sunday night we commenced a march of thirty miles,
which ended at four p. m. Yesterday we arrived at James river,
about three miles below Harrison Landing.
Believe me ever, truly 3^ours, J. C. BARTON.
The next is a letter from his tent-mate to his father:
Ca]mp of the 11th N. Y. Battery, June 14, 1864.
Mr. Teunis Van Denburg:
Dear Sir — Being a particular friend of your son, and in accord-
ance with his request when living, I, with a sad heart, write to
inform you of his misfortune.
On Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, June 12, 18G4, he was
shot by a sharpshooter through the temple, the ball passing out
the opposite side of his head, killing him instantly. Those say
who saw him fall, that they think he never knew what hurt him.
He did not speak a word nor move a muscle, but eased himself
down on his shovel, which he had in his hand at the time.
As I came out at the same time he did, and have always tented
with him, he seemed to me more like a brother than a friend.
But we trust he is better off than he was while living here; for
I believe he was a true Christian, and is now at rest.
I was conversing with him about an hour l^efore his death, and
he seemed quite lively, and said he was ready for a hard march,
that we heard, we had to make. We made it on Sunday night
and Monday, and this morning we find ourselves on the bank of
the James river.
If there is anything you wish to know that I can inform you
of, or anything I can do for you, I will gladly do it. I have his
diary and wallet, and other little articles, that I will send to you
as soon as the mail gets to running regularly.
Yours, in nuich sympathy, EDWARD L. PEAESE.
This next letter is from a comrade, with whom Gerrit was
very intimate, and of whom he frequently speaks in letters to
friends at home.
Enc^oiped on the James River, "j
IS ear Charles City, C. H., Va., ^
June 14, 1864. J
Mr. Teunis Van Den burg, and Family:
My pen almost refuses its office, and my hands seem palsied, in
attempting the task that I have undertaken. Being, as I believe,
the most intimate friend of your son, I feel bound to acquaint
you with the mournful tidings, that on the afternoon of the 12th
instant, we consigned to the grave the mortal remains of your
beloved son Gerrit.
In his death I experienced the loss of my dearest and most
tried friend; else I would not have intruded upon your grief,
which is too sacred for the gaze of mere acquaintances. It will
be a great consolation to you to know that death to him was but
an entrance into glory, and the realization of the ardent desires
which he often expressed. Like the Apostle Paul, he longed
"to depart and he with Christ, which is far better." He died
instantly, and without a groan or sigh. He had sometimes
expressed the wish to me that if he had his choice, it would be
in this manner he would like to be called home.
I first became acquainted with Gerrit in the fall of 1862, when
I came into the battery. Being quite intimate with Mr. and Mrs.
Larchar, of Albany (his uncle and aunt) they gave me his name,
and asked me to tind him out, and l^ecome acquainted with him.
This was the basis of an acquaintance which ripened into an
intimate friendship; and many a time have I blessed Mr. Larchar
as having been the means of enabling me to form so valuable a
friendship. He was a man of deep and fervent piety, which
pervaded his whole life, and toned his entire conversation.
Kind, affable and benevolent, he was much beloved and highly
respected by the men of our company. In our prayer meetings he
was leader, and often would these meetings have died out if it
had not been for his energy and perseverance.
When I first became acquainted with him, there seemed to be
a deep depression resting on his spirits, the cause of which he
afterwards told me. His chief delight then used to be to wander
off alone in some woods or field, and there by singing hymns and
prayer, to hold communion with his Redeemer. " Sweet hour
of Prayer," and hymns of a similar character, were great favor-
ites of his. He often expressed to me his desire at that time,
to die rather than to live, as he had no ambition for this world;
but looked forward to the bright land where there is neither
sorrow nor sighing, but where God shall wipe away all tears
from our eyes. What a blessed thought that he has realized his
hopes and aspirations; that he is now bowing in adoration before
the great white throne, or praising God, as he walks the streets
of the new Jerusalem with one to whom his whole heart was
bound by the tenderest ties.
Previous to his sickness at our camp near Arlington Heights,
in September, 1862, the sadness to which I have referred cast a
gloom over his Avhole conduct. But after he returned again to
the battery, in May, 1863, I noticed quite a change for the bet-
ter in his feelings. He was much more lively, and sometimes
indulged in hearty merriment, which surprised me, as I knew of
his previous sadness. One day I spoke to him, asking him the
reason of this change, and he replied, that while at Fort Schuy-
ler, his feelings had undergone a change, which led him to look
on life and worldly prospects with a brighter eye, and even to
lay plans for future usefulness. He said he desired now to live
for the sake of his friends, aud the good he might do in the
world; but that his heart was not aud could never be here.
My earnest prayer has been, and will l^e, that God may give
you and all his relatives grace to enable you to bear the trial.
The promise is, "As thy day is, so shall thy strength be."
With the most sincere sympathy and regard, I remain
Yours truly, WM. G. PATTERSON.
The ffloom and sadness referred to in this letter were caused
partly by the death of a very excellent young lady, to whom
Gerrit was on the eve of being married. She died a few weeks
before he entered the army. The subsequent change in his feel-
ings he speaks of in a letter written home, while he was at Fort
Schuyler. He says:
" I am convinced, by reflection, that I have been nearly
deranged, with hard study and much trouble. I have felt dis-
couraged in regard to life. But I now have a greater desire to
live. I feel, at times, as though I was younger, and my hopes
much brighter than formerly. It is not strange that I was sad,
for, while laboring: to obtain an education, I studied almost nio;ht
and day, and Sunday preaching made that a hard day for me.
The last year I was in school my health was more injured by
study than I was then aware of. My affliction, also, was very
Thus closes the earthly career of one whose patriotism,
bravery, and devotion to Christ and humanity, have never been
surpassed. Among the hosts of American Patriots and Chris-
tians, he stands in the front rank; and with Mitchel, Eice,
Pruyn, Wilson, Pohlman, and others, he will wear an ever-
lasting crown.
Abram M. Cariiart was the oldest son of Sanford and Sophia
Carhart, of Guilderland, in which town he was born August
19th, 1844. Like most boys, he spent his early days at the dis-
trict and Sabbath schools. Nothing of interest to those out of
his own family transpired until his fifteenth year, when, while a
member of the " State Road Bible Class," and as the result of
faithful instruction, he was led, during a season of gracious out-
pouring of the spirit, to give his heart to God. He united with
the M. E. Church, of which he ever after remained a consistent
When the war first broke out, he desired to enlist, but the
love of his mother kept him back. At last love yielded to duty,
and, with his parents' consent, he enlisted October 18, 1862, in
Company C, of the Tenth New York Militia, which was subse-
quently mustered into the United States service as the One Hun-
dred and Seventy-seventh N. Y. Vols.
Before the regiment left, however, he was attacked with fever,
and was, by advice of the surgeon, left behind in the care of his
family, to report w^hen fit for duty. On Tuesday, December
16th, his regiment left Albany to join Banks' expedition. Jan-
uary 11th, it reached Bonnet Carre, La., where, in April, having
fully recovered, he joined it. A Christian Association having
been formed, he united himself with it on his arrival, maintain-
ing, in camp, the same manly Christian deportment that charac-
terized him at home.
On May 7th he started with the regiment, by way of the Amite
river, to Baton Rouge; thence to Port Hudson, passing nearly
through that memorable siege, shrinking from no danger or duty,
and always at his post.
On the 7th of July, about 10 a. m., with two comrades, Jesse
Dennison and James H. Beckwith, he went down to the Missis-
sippi to bathe, Beckwith alone being able to swim. After
remainiug in the water a few minutes, Beckwith came out and
commeiicecl dressing, when his attention was arrested by a cry
from Dennison. Turning round, he saw Abram's hands just
above the water. He dashed in, but was too late. Abram had
sunk to rise no more.
They left the river with sad hearts, and on their way were
greeted with shouts of joy. News had come that Vicksburg had
fallen. The next day the body drifted on shore, probably raised
by the firing of salutes in honor of the capture of Vicksburg.
Some of his company went down and buried him in his blanket
on the shore, when, as they turned to go back, one shout, long
and loud, was heard in camp. Port Hudson had fallen. Thus,
on the eve of victory, was this faithful soldier of his country
called to his rest, and while his comrades were shouting the cry
of victory below, he was, as a soldier of Jesus, singing the song
of victory on high. Several months after, his remains were dis-
interred, brought home, and now repose in the family lot in
Prospect Hill Cemetery.
James A. Scrafford, the son of Jacob and Ann Elizabeth
ScRAFFORD, was l)orn in the town of Guilderland, and was seven-
teen and a half years old when he enlisted in the American
Though not a professing Christian, Jaivies was a youth of
excellent moral character, and was beloved by a large circle of
He was connected with Company H, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh New York Regiment, and was taken sick at Port Hud-
son. While in a feeble state, his coat and blanket were stolen
from him, and he took a severe cold, from which he never
recovered. He was sent to the hospital at Bonnet Carre, and
thence to New Orleans. A friend kindly wrote to his father,
describing his condition, and immediately the fond parent started
to go to his boy, and to bring him home.
James reached Albany in a state of extreme physical prostra-
tion, and his father took him to Bethlehem, to the residence of
his grandfather, William Scrafford, Esq. There he lingered
only one Aveek, and expired Angust 28th, 1863.
It was a great consolation to the dear boy to die surrounded
by those who loved him, and who were ready to do every thing
in their power for his comfort. He was buried in the Hamil-
tonville Cemetery, Guilderland.
Michael Wagner was born in Guilderland, Albany county, on
the 22d day of January, 1845. His parents Henry and Catha-
rine Wagner, were natives of the same town, but his ancestors
came from Germany. His father died in 1861, leaving a widow
and several children. Michael enlisted on the 27th day of
August, 1862, in Company H,, Forty-third Regiment; two days
after, his brother Peter volunteered in the service of the United
States, and subsequently his brother William.
The mother of these brave boys, nobly gave them up one after
another, and bade them God speed as they left the home of their
childhood, to fight for their country.
Being thus deprived of the earnings of her boys, upon which
she had depended for the support of herself and family, she
engaged in house work to maintain herself and little family, until
the hoped for return of her soldier boys.
Patriotism seemed alone to inspire them, and Michael was one
of the first in his locality to volunteer. He was eighteen years
of age when he left home, and possessing great powers of
endurance, he seemed fitted by nature for the fatigues and priva-
tions of a soldier's life.
He left the city of Albany with his regiment for the field, and
for some time nothing occurred of special interest.
He was in the battles of Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Fredericks-
burg, &c., ending with the battle of the Wilderness. There
he was taken prisoner with his brother Peter. They were sent
to Richmond and confined there three months. From thence
they were removed to Andersonville stockade, remaining there
two and a half months. Finally they were taken to another
prison where they remained for two and a half months more,
and Michael died.
With the inhumanities and base cruelties of those awful dens,
he long struggled, and after he expired his body was taken, in
the presence of his brother, and thrown into a cart, and rudely
driven aw^ay for burial.
Peter was subsequently released and returned home.
George Van Wie, the son of Andrew H. and Harriet Lanphar
Van Wie, was born January 12, 1844, at Eensselaerville, Albany
county. New York. Afiable and kind, he was beloved by many:
but most fondly is his memory cherished by the circle at home.
The winter previous to his enlistment, during a revival in the
Baptist church at Eensselaerville , he sought and found Jesus.
He soon after joined the Methodist Episcopal church as a proba-
tioner, and proved to be a true Christian. He was faithful in
the discharge of every duty, ever willing to acknowledge Christ
before men, and seldom absent from the prayer and class meet-
In the summer of 1862, being strongly devoted to his country,
he felt it to be his duty to stand up in her defence. His most
convincing: argument was, " somebody must go;" and after count-
ing the cost, and fully realizing the dangers with which he would
be surrounded, he resolved to take upon him the privations of a
soldier's life. He therefore, July 17th, 1862, enlisted as a private
in the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, Company K, New
York State Volunteers, then forming. He took his final fare-
well of home August 16th, and on the 19th left Albany with his
regiment for Washington.
His letters written to friends at home, were ever cheerful, and
his expressions of love for his Saviour and his country were very
The following is a specimen of the letters that he wrote to his
beloved parents:
Fort Reno, Head Quarters 7th N. Y. Artillery,
Near Washington, A])ril 29, 1863.
Dear Father — I received your letter this afternoon, and was
much pleased to hear from you, and that you were all well. My
health is good, which, next to the religion of Christ, is the
greatest blessing a soldier can enjoy. The weather is splendid;
fruit trees are in full bloom and everything has the appearance
of approaching summer, which after the long winter we have
had, will be very acceptable to us.
You wished me to give you my experience. I have not much
time now; but I will improve the few moments I have; and after
general inspection, which is to-morrow, I will write again.
I do not think I enjoy myself as well as when I left home; but
I know I have a Saviour; one who died for me; one who is inter-
ceding for me; one who has promised to be with those who love
Him: and I feel thankful for all He has done for me. Although
I am far from the comforts of a home, and the means of grace,
I have spent many happy hours. O, I never can forget those
prayer and class meetings at home; how many times God has
met with us and blessed us. But God is here. Yet I do not,
and cannot attend our little praj-er meetings often, on account of
other duties. A soldier is deprived of many a happy hour he
might spend in the prayer circle in the chaplain's little tent, on
account of his military duties. But may God help me to be
more faithful to Him; may I be more zealous in His cause; may
God help me to be a shining light, doing good to my fellow
soldiers; and may I be the means, with God's help, of bringing
others to know of His goodness.
Pray for the soldiers. I feel I need the prayers of all God's
people. I am in the midst of temptations, and I know not how
soon I may be called on the battle tield. But wherever I am
may God be with me and with the whole army, and bless us;
and if consistent, bring about a speedy peace. May the flag that
so long floated over a free and happy nation, come out as clean
as the snow that descends from heaven, and with not one star taken
from it; may all who are in bondage be made free; and may reli-
gion prevail throughout the land. Pray for me.
Your son,
For nearly two years his regiment was stationed at Fort Reno,
D. C. ; but in the month of May, 1864, marching orders were
received, and with brave and fearless hearts, this noble band of
soldiers marched onward to victory, and alas ! how many to
death ! All through the battles of the Wilderness they fought
with unexampled bravery. Many were slain ; hundreds wounded,
and a large number taken prisoners. Among the latter was the
subject of this sketch.
He was soon after conveyed to Andersonville, Georgia, where
he remained a prisoner until the month of November, following,
when he was exchanged and brought to Annapolis, Maryland.
He was so weak, from disease contracted in prison, he could not
be conveyed home.
Letters were received from him weekly, stating that he was
daily gaining strength, and that the holidays would find him
among his friends at home. But they were doomed to dis-
appointment. In about one month from the time he reached
Annapolis, word was received that he was failing fast, and that he
desired his father to come to him.
His father hastened to the bedside of his dying son, and found
the merest wreck of the noble boy, as he was when he cheerfully
girded on his armor, and bade farcAvcll to the loved ones at home.
But the father found him ready, and waiting for the angel who
was to»release him from his suftei'ings and give him rest, where
wars and rumors of wars can never come.
He talked cheerfully of death, saying that, " he had never
thought that it would be so easy to die, and go to heaven. His
sufferings had been terrible, but he had never regretted, for one
moment, entering the army. He was willing to lay down his
life for his country; and the enemy who had caused his bitter
sufferings and death, he left in the hands of a just God."
In three days after his father reached him, he died shouting
the praises of Him who had taken " from death its sting, and
from the grave its victory."
His remains were embalmed and brought to the Rensselaer-
ville Cemetery for interment, there to remain until the last
trumpet shall sound and the dead arise.
Willia:m Havens, the son of William and Maegaret Havens
was born in Bern, December 30, 1835. He was an affectionate
son, kind brother, and a youth of excellent habits. During a
religious interest in the Reformed Dutch Church, in 1861, he
was hopefully converted and joined the Methodist Church. He
was a consistent and active Christian.
Although Mr. Havens was very reluctant to leave his wife
and three little children, yet he f3lt it to be his duty to go forth
and fight for his country. Accordingly he enlisted as a private
in Company K., Seventh New York Regiment. For twenty
montlis he performed guard duty at Washington. During this
time he was in poor health, and was offered his discharge, but
he declined it, as he was determined to see the war through.
His regiment was ordered to the front, and he participated in
seven battles, in all of which he manifested the utmost fortitude
and bravery. He fought at Spottsylvania, North Anna River,
Tolopotomy Creek, Coal Harbor, and in the charge before •Peters-
burg. On the 24th of June, 1864, he was on picket duty within
a mile and a half of Petersburg. The woods were discovered to
be on fire, and he and his companions threw themselves upon the
ground, thinldng that the enemy would not see them. But he
was shot at, and wounded in the foot. Two of his comrades
carried him to the rear, and a portion of his foot was taken ofi'.
But the wound did not heal, and his sufferings were very intense.
On the 19th of July his leg was amputated, at the Harewood
hospital, in Washington. The following day he died from the
effects of the operation.
He leaves a wife and three little children, in a destitute condi-
tion, to mourn the death of a kind husband and affectionate father.
After he was wounded he wrote twice to his family, commending
them to the care of their Heavenly Father.
Addison B. Miller was the son of Albert and Sophia Miller,
and was born in Rensselaerville, August 18, 1845.
He was religiously educated, and early developed superior
talents, a sound judgment, and correct moral principles. He
was not a professed Christian, and when urging his parents to
let him go to the war, his mother said that if he was a Christian
she would give her consent. He replied: " Let me go, and I
will try and ])ecome a Christian." When told of the hardships
and dangers of a soldier's life, he said: "Some persons must go,
and I am no better than others."
He enlisted in Company D, Sixty-first New York Regiment.
After having experienced some skirmishing, he wrote home that
he had no more fear while fighting than he had while writing his
letter. The marches through which he passed were very severe,
but he endured all without a murmur.
On the 13th of December, 1862, as he was bravely charging
the enemy's batteries, a musket ball struck him in the right
breast and passed through his lungs. He was l)orne from the
field at night, and taken to a house in Fredericksburg, which was
used by the Fifth New Hampshire Regiment as a hospital. His
wound was dressed, and he lived until the next day, when he
died at ten o'clock in the forenoon. His remains were w^rapped
in a blanket, and buried in a yard adjoining the house.
After he was wounded, he was conscious of his condition, and
manifested a submission to the will of his Heavenly Father. He
died putting his trust in God.
His letters which he wrote, have breathed the most earnest
patriotism, and expressed his readiness to die for his country's
The followino; is an extract from one. The date is not given:
Dear Father and Mother — As I have just fifteen minutes to
write, I thought that I would let you know that I am well.
We left Boliver Heights last Wednesday, and liave been march-
ing ever since. Yesterday we were skirmishing all day. To-day
I have been on picket duty in sight of the rebels. We expect a
battle soon, and they must fight or run. Tliis may he the last
that you will hear from me, l)ut I hope that I shall meet you in
a better world than this. It does not make much difference
where or when we die, if we are onl}- prepared. I hope and
think that I am. Your aflfectiouate son,
or BERN.
Joel Wilson, son of Williajvi and Mary Ann Wilson, was
borne in Bern, October 24, 1842. He was a dutiful son, a kind
brother, and a youth of excellent moral character. He desired,
at the commencement of the war, to enlist in the army, but, like
many others whom we have already sketched, was prevented by
the entreaties of his friends. At last they yielded to his earnest
patriotism, and, October 7, 1862, he joined Company C, One
Hundred and Seventy-seventh New York Regiment. An incident
occurred, after he joined the army, that made a deep impression
upon his mind. One of his associates, with whom he had been
intimate from childhood and who enlisted Avith him, lost both of
his eyes by an accident. Joel was deeply moved with sympathy
for his friend, and did all in his power to alleviate his sufferings.
He manifested towards him the kindness of a tender and affec-
tionate brother, and he became himself more serious, and loved
to attend religious meetings. We hope that at that time, he
gave his heart to Jesus, and made his peace with God. But of
this we cannot speak positively.
Joel Avas ordered, with his regiment, to Bonnet Carre, Louisi-
ana, and remained there until the 7th of May, I860, when they
started for Port Hudson. He was left at Baton Rouge, sick, and
remained there until the 21st of July. He partially recovered
and joined the regiment again at Port Hudson. At that time he
wrote a letter to his friends, in which he expressed the fond hope
of soon meeting^ asain the loved ones at home. But, on the 8th
day of August, he went into the hospital with chills and fever,
and worn down with exposures and privations.
Soon, however, his regiment received orders to return home,
and went on board a transport. But the order was counter-
manded, and, as Joel stepped from the boat, he said, with a sad
heart, "I shall never see home again." And so it proved. He
was able to walk about, l)ut, on the morning of the 18th of
August, just after he had taken his breakfast, be fell and instantly
His remains were interred, near the hospital, on the 19th of
August. They were, however, subsequently taken up and carried
home, and, on the 29th of December, were deposited in a burial
l)lace near his father's house, where he was born.
AzoR T. Hayes, the son of Thomas J. and Mary Hayes, was
born in Bern, November 27, 1843. At the age of nine years he
became a Christian, and united with the Lutheran Church at
Bern. While at school he was distinguished for his excellent
deportment, his fine oratory and his fondness for history.
At the commencement of the war he desired to enlist to fight
for his country; but his mother felt that he was too young, and
that he would be exposed to many temptations in the camp.
Besides, she was a widow, and dependent, in a great measure,
upon him for a support. He however, told his mother of several
noble men who had been earnest and self sacrificing patriots, and
who had won for themselves a prominent place in history; and
he thought that perhaps he might become distinguished.
Before he was eighteen years of age he enlisted in Company
E., Ninety-third N. Y. Regiment. He served faithfully for two
years when his time expired. He re-enlisted, and was with the
regiment in all the battles in which it was engaged, up to the
time of his death. Of the circumstances of his death and burial
we know nothing.
In the letters which he wrote to his mother he expressed the
deepest interest in the cause to which he had devoted himself,
and said that, if he fell in battle, all would be well. He leaves
a widowed mother, several little sisters and brothers, and a large
circle of friends, to mourn his loss.
John Quincy Adams Crounse was the son of John Crounse
and Margaret Van Aernam. He was born on the 30th day of
April, 1829, in the town of Sharon, county of Schoharie,
He was from youth a person of correct habits, and as soon as
he attained that age in which young men of purpose naturally
decide for themselves, he became anxious to obtain a thorough
education, and as far as opportunity and means would admit, he
diligently pursued his purpose.
From his early years he suffered greatl}^ from dyspepsia, and
this finally broke him down, while he was connected with the
army. Those who knew him best were apprehensive, at the
time of his entering the military service, that his constitution
would give way under the severities of camp life; and so, alas!
it finally proved.
John was a youth of great industry and energy, and at several
academies and seminaries, he prosecuted his studies with diligence
and enthusiasm.
He o;raduated at Union Colleo-e, and was fiimiliar with various
branches of mathematics, and difl'erent languages. He was par-
ticularly well informed in the German and French languages, to
which he gave special attention. His habits of reading and
study led him to collect scientific and literary works, and when
he entered the army, he had accumulated quite a large and valua-
ble library.
His political opinions were of the most decided character, and
they were the result of thought and honest convictions. He
made many speeches and wrote a great deal for the advancement
of the cause of freedom. He never understood either the wis-
dom or statesmanship, in the idea often advanced by others, that
because a man was ignorant and defenceless, therefore lie should
he made a slave. He supposed that one great object of all true
governments was to keep the strong and powerful, from usurping
the rights and privileges of the weak.
To a mind imbued with such principles, it was perfectly natu-
ral, wlien the slaveholders inaugurated the rebellion for the pur-
pose of establishing an empire, the corner stone of which edifice
should be slavery, that he should be against the conspiracy, and
all who in any way aided or sympathized with the plot, and the
overthrow of the government-
As early as May 4, 1861, while he was attending Union Col-
lege, he wrote to his parents at Sharon, in which letter he first
intimated a desire to enter the service. He said:
" I reached Schenectady Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock,
and, on arriving at college, found almost every body talking of
eidisting for the war. I was asked to volunteer myself, and said
I would think about it. I have thought about it, and have come
to the conclusion that, if it meets with your approbation, I will
enlist. Prof. Peissner is organizing a company, which he will
take command of himself Quite a number of the students have
already gone, and more will follow, to the seat of war."
His worthy and venerable parents, although not less zealous
in the cause than their son, could not be prevailed upon to con-
sent to his going. They had already yielded to the importuni-
ties of one son, who was, at that time, in the military service;
but in this case they were apprehensive of the results, as they
fully realized that Johx could not endure the hardships of war.
Therefore they dissuaded him from the undertaking, and he
yielded to their request.
After he left college he became a teacher in the academy at
Knoxville, Albany county, and taught there for some time, to
the entire satisfaction of all. He raised that institution to a
very prosperous and thriving condition. But the situation of the
country still preyed upon his mind, and he felt that he ought to
make sacrifices as well as others. He saw his comrades and
associates going to the scenes of conflict and of danger, and he
could resist no longer. Contrary to the expectations and wishes
of all his patrons, at the close of the term, when the school was
in the most prosperous condition, he came to Albany, and in the
month of July, 1862, enlisted as a private in the Eleventh New
York Havclock Battery, for three years. There was no difficulty
at that time in his getting a commission in some other company
then forming, Ijut he chose to go as a private in this battery, as
the young men composing it, were represented as persons of cor-
rect moral and religious habits.
He left Albany almost the same day he enlisted, and became
very soon engaged in active service. He was with the Army of
the Potomac, and participated in nearly all the battles in Vir-
ginia. He Avas also at the battle of Gettysburg, in which the
battery performed a very active part. He possessed courage of
the highest order; a courage sustained by strong moral convic-
tions; and under all circumstances he was a faithful soldier.
But the forces of his constitution were gradually giving away,
under the severe hardships and exciting dangers that he was
called to encounter.
He was in the terrible battle at Chancellorsville, and he said
in writing to a friend, that the Sunday, on which that battle was
fought, was to him, one of the most terrible days he ever saw on
earth. The continuous roar of cannon; the fierceness of the con-
flict, and the awful carnage of the day very deeply afiected him.
While he was in camp, he still cherished his fondness for study.
He wrote several times to a friend at Albany, for some French
and German books, that he might review some of his favorite
It was evident from letters received by his friends, that he
was conscious that the hardships of camp life were destroying
his health, and he was induced to seek for the position of a
teacher of the freedmen, which, unfortunately, for some reason,
he did not obtain. Could he have been assigned to some respon-
sible position in that department in time, his life might have been
saved, and the cause of human freedom would have had a most
faithful and efficient champion; one whose whole head and heart
would have been most earnestly engaged, in elevating and
directing the minds of an oppressed people. He, however,
gradually sunk under the service, until almost reduced' to a
skeleton; when he was removed from City Point to the Baptist
hospital at Alexandria, Virginia, where, on the 12th of Novem-
ber, 1864, he died.
About two weeks before his death, a telegram was sent to his
parents at Sharon, Schoharie county, informing them of his con-
dition. His father was, at the time, in Nebraska territory on
business; but his aged and venerable mother, although feeble in
health, hastened to his relief, and for nearly two weeks had the
consolation of alleviatinof his sufferino-s.
During his protracted illness, his patience and fortitude never
forsook him. He expressed his perfect trust in God, and his
reliance upon divine mercy. On the day of his death, he
requested the principal nurse to tell his mother to stay with him
that night, for he thought that the crisis with him was near.
And so it proved. His last words to his mother were: "Be
composed for all is bright with me." Then, in a strong tone of
voice, he added, " Tell my friends I die like a man in my
country's cause, and am not afraid to die."
His mother caused his remains to be emlialmed, and they were
taken to Sharon, where his funeral was attended by a very large
circle of friends. He was buried near and in full view of the
home of his aged and afflicted parents, in a quiet rural cemetery,
where the roar of hostile cannon, the conflict of fierce passions,
and the oppressions of the poor and the weak of the earth, will
never disturb him more.
His relatives in Albany county, in remembrance of his patriot-
ism and his many nol)le and manly virtues, have recently, by
voluntary subscription, raised a fund by which a suitable monu-
ment has been erected to his memory.
Alanson S. Hoffman was born at Coeymans Hollow, October
18, 1839. He was of German descent; his ancestors having
emigrated from Germany to this country about the year 1670,
and settled at Claverack, Columl>ia county, State of New York.
They continued to reside in that locality till shortly after the
commencement of the present century, when his grandfather and
father moved from thence to Coeymans Hollow, All)any county,
where the deceased was born.
No event worthy of notice occurred during his childhood or
youth. At school he was an apt scholar, and a general favorite
with teacher and pupil. He was a young man of more than ordi-
nary intelligence, and possessed a remarkably happy and genial
disposition, and was liberal to a fault.
At the breaking out of the rebellion, he expressed his regret
that we were about to be involved in a fratricidal conflict, but at
the same time fully realized what was his duty, and what was
the duty of every man in the north during that terrible struggle.
His father was rather opposed to his going in the army, for he
Avas the child of his old age. But he said his country was in
peril and demanded his services, and that he did not think it was
manly for his son to stand back when his neighbors were march-
ing to the rescue of our government, some of whom were leav-
ing wife and children, while he was a single man. To Alanson,
it was hard to leave friends, home, and business for the priva-
tions of the camp and the perils of the battle field; but he said
that duty called him, and if he died, he died in a good cause.
After leaving home and entering upon the duties of a soldier, he
kept his father informed of his movements.
The following are extracts from one of his letters:
Bonnet Carre, March 10, 1863.
Dear Father — Once more I take my pen to inform you that,
through a kind Providence, my life and health have been spared,
and I hope I may be permitted to return to my home and friends
once more. Life, I know, is uncertain, but I am now enjoying
better health than ever l)efore; still, I will not boast. * * *
AVe have an inspection every Sunday, and every man has his
forty rounds of ammunition, in case of a surprise. A few nights
ago, about twelve o'clock, when we were all nicely asleep, the
long roll was beaten. I was awakened from sleep, and it was
certainly the most solemn sound I ever heard. I did not lie
long, you may be assured, after waking. I must admit that I
was startled, but made up my mind to give the rebels at least
one shot before running, so I put on my belt, caught up my gun,
gave Jerry, my comrade, a kick, and i-an out of my tent. I was
the first one out, and the first in line of our company. Lieut.
]\Iix came next. It was frightful to hear the officers calling the
men out. The Major ran through the camp and demanded
silence. It may ])e that there was not any shirking, yet I think
that the darkness hid many a pale face. I will say nothing of
my own, but I was bound to stick to the work. I am sorry to
say that a few in our company did not face the music.
But this could not be said of our little drummer l)oy, who
caught up a sword, and fell in line with the rest of us. We then
marched out about six hundred yards, on the double-quick, and
formed in line of battle. Our regiment was the first in the line.
Our Major (young Napoleon, as he is called, and whom nothing
can frighten,) marched us forward, gave us " right about face,"
ordered us to load, elevate our pieces, and fire. This order was
given by the General through the ]\Iajor, and the whole was
accomplished in just six and a half minutes from the first tap of
the drum. Is not that pretty quick work, for the men to dress,
get on their accoutrements, and form a line of battle ? The Gen-
eral rode along our line and demanded attention to orders, when
he read an order from Gen. Sherman, to call us out and try us,
as he said we might be called out to face the enemy some night,
but if the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment was in
the advance, he had nothing to fear.
We can beat any regiment drilling I have seen since we have
been here, and I do not except even the old regiments. Write
soon and give me all the news. Give my respects to all.
The following letter, announcing his death, was received by
his father from Lieut. Leger:
Bonnet Carre, April 13, 1863.
Camp of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh N. Y. S. Volun-
teers, Second Division, Third Brigade, Defences of New Or-
leans, Louisiana:
Died, April 13, at six o'clock in the morning, of typhoid fever,
Alanson S. Hoffman, Company — , One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Kegiment N. Y. S. V.
Mr. Hoffman:
Dear Sir — It causes me much sorrow to be obliged to make
the above announcement to you of the death of your son. I
know it will cause you much sorrow, but it is so. God, in his
infinite mercy, has chosen him for a greater sphere of happiness
than is allotted on earth.
Alanson was sick about three weeks, not dangerous, it was
thought, until last Thursday, when he began to fail very fast.
On Sunday he told me that he was going to die. I tried to
encourage him, but he told me that he would not be with us
long, and he appeared to be happy. This w^as in the evening.
About half past five in the morning he inquired for me. I went
inmiediately to see him. He recognized me, shook hands, and
in a few moments passed away.
He had good care and attention, and good medical assistance,
l)ut all has failed, and the melancholy fact of his death remains
to be communicated to his friends. I am glad to say that Alan-
son died happy. While he has been connected with the regi-
ment, we have been intimate friends. I often went to his tent,
and, as a general thing, found him reading his Testament. This
should be a great consolation to you and his friends at home. As
for myself, I feel that I have lost a confidential friend, as well as
brother soldier. Respectfully yours,
Lieut. A. B. LEGER.
The following letter was received after the death of young.
HoFFM.vx from John M. Whitbeck, his mess-mate and companion
in arms:
Bonnet Caere, April 15, 1863.
Mr. I. Shear.
Dear Sir— It is with a sad heart and unwilling pen that I sit
down this morning to inform you of the death of our tent mate,
Alanson S. Hoffman. He died this morning abont six o'clock,
and is to he buried this afternoon at half past two. He was taken
some three weeks ago with a diarrhani, and remained in his tent
until about ten days ago, when he was taken to the hospital. A
fever set in, and he l)egan to fail very fast. He has had the best
of care since he has l)een sick, and while he was at the hospital,
he was taken care of b}^ Stephen Schermerhorn, as good a mau
as could have been selected from our company.
His death has cast a gloom over our company, and I suppose
it will in Coeymans Hollow. He was a boy that was liked by
all, and I do not believe he has done a wrong to any man inten-
tionally during his life.
He died happy, and I believe has gone to a home where there
w^ill be no more sickness, and Avhere friends will meet to part no
more. He told the doctor that he was not afraid to die. He
told Stephen in the night that he could not live, " but," said he,
" it makes no difference, Heaven is my home." I trust that this
will be a consolation to his relatives and friends. He has made
it a habit, since he has been here, to read his Testament every
day, and I have not heard him speak a profane word since we left
home. He was promoted to Corporal, but never served in that
capacity. It was his dying request that the Rev. Mr. Birch
should preach his funeral sermon.
From your friend, JOHN M. WHITBECK.
The following letter was received by his father from Lieut.
Peter A. Hoffman, of the One Hundred and Forty-third Illinois
Volunteers, brother of the deceased:
Fidelity, Illinois, July 14, 1863.
Dear Father — I received your letter in due time, but little did
I expect to receive the sad intelligence of the loss of an only
806 DAVID Mcculloch.
brother. Little did I expect, when we parted in All^any, that
he would be the first of the family to depart this life; one so
young and healthy, and apparently destined to live many years.
But such are the Avays of Providence, and it is our duty to sub-
mit to God's will. The event may be intended for our benefit,
as it teaches us the uncertainty of life, and warns us to be pre-
pared for that day, when all shall be judged according to their
deeds on earth.
Sad as it is, to lose a son and only brother, it would be unmanly
to repine, Avhen so many have sacrificed their lives in the cause of
their country. It is a great consolation to know that he died in
the defence of his country's rights, which is next to his duty to
his God. He may have died alone in a strange land, without
father, sister or brother to soothe him in his dying hours; his
remains may be deposited far away on the banks of the Missis-
sippi river, with nothing but a rude stone to point to his grave,
yet to know that he died as he has died, is a far greater consola-
tion to a lover of his country, than to have had him deposited in
the most costly sarcophagus, attended with all the pomp and
pride of royalty, if above his name should be written: "He died
a traitor to his country." Your only son.
David McCulloch was the son of Williajvi C. and Mary A.
McCuLLOCH, and was born May 3, 1841. He was a kind boy, a
dutiful son, and a generous and noble hearted brother.
While the traitors at the South were preparing to enter upon
their treasonable work, David often remarked that he was
resolved to leave his home and fight for his country, whenever
the Government should require his services. Accordingly, on
the 1st of August, 1801, he enlisted in Company D, Forty-fourth
DAVID Mcculloch. 807
New York Regiment. He fought bravely in the battles at Han-
over Court House. Malvern Hill, Gaines' Mills, Antietam, Fred-
ericksburg, Petersburg, second Bull Run, Gettysburg, and intact,
in every battle in which this gallant regiment was engaged, up
to the battle of ^Nline Run, when he was for the second time
taken prisoner.
He was lirst made a prisoner l)y the enem}^ al)out the 1st of
July, 1862, while fighting in the battles before Richmond. After
six days hard fighting he scorned to turn his back upon a foe
that was seeking the life of his nation. His regiment having
suffered severely was ordered to fall back. But either he did
not hear the order, or not heeding it, he continued to fight, until
he was surrounded and seized hy the enemy. The first saluta-
tion that he received was "Lay down that gun," accompanied
by an oath, and an opprobrious epithet, usually indulged in by
the southern chivalry on such occasions. He laid down one end
of his gun, and placing his foot upon the center of the barrel he
bent it, so that it could be of no use to the rebels. He then
delivered the useless weapon to them.
Mr. McCuLLOCH was kept in prison thirty days, and had he
not had money Avith him to purchase food, he w^ould probably
have starved to death. How he escaped from the foe, we are
not informed.
The second time that he was captured was about the begiiming
of the year 1864. Then he had sixty dollars in his pocket, of
which the rebels at once ro])bed him. He was then carried to
some prison, and now for over two years his friends have not
heard directly from him. They suppose that he, like multitudes
of others, died from neglect and starvation.
His officers and comrades award to him the highest praise for
his uniform good conduct; his cheerfulness under privations and
sufferings, and his noble bravery upon the battle-field. No
danger seemed ever to intimidate him, and no amount of suffering
cooled the intense ardor of his patriotism. He loved his country
with an undying devotion. Just before leaving home, he
remarked to his mother, that he Avoid d fight the enemies of
his nation, while there was a drop of blood in his veins.
808 STEPHEN Mcculloch.
It is sad, indeed, to think of such a hero passing from the
light and happiness of his early home into the darkness and
horrors of a southern prison, there to have his life worn away
by the slow tortures of disease and starvation, and no friend to
minister to him in the last hour ! But his history is that of
thousands, whom American slavery has claimed for its victims.
Stephen McCulloch was the brother of David, to whom we
have just referred, and was born in Coeymans, August 25, 1845.
He was a youth full of enterprise, ambition and intelligence.
He had, too, a very affectionate disposition, and was beloved b}''
all who knew him. He possessed the same spirit and feelings
in regard to the war that fired the soul of his brother.
He enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh
New York Regiment. He never was in any very severe battle,
but discharged every duty assigned to him with great faithfulness.
On one occasion he was sent down a river to secure some flat
boats. The party were surprised by a guerrilla force and were
fired upon. Instead of surrendering, Stephen, with others,
leaped into the river, and swam to the opposite side. That
night he slept upon the ground in his wet clothes, and took a
cold, from which he never recovered. His system, heretofore
very strong, had been previously reduced by a severe chronic
disease, and his cold, with this, carried him rapidly to the grave.
For a time he was delirious, and he died in this condition on the
14th of April, 1863. His remains lie buried at Bonnet Carre,
To the parents who thus gave up two sons for the country,
the sympathies of a grateful nation should be cordially extended.
James Wilson, the son of David Wilson and Isabella Mills,
was born at Lansingburgh, New York, on May 11th, 1846. He
enlisted from Cohoes as a private in Co. H, in the One Hundred
and Fifteenth Regiment New York State Volunteers, and was
killed in the battle of Olustee, Florida, on Fel)ruary 20th, 1864.
Lieut. Clark, in his work entitled " The Iron-Hearted Regi-
ment," page 203, gives the following account of his death: "At
the battle of Olustee, Florida, he behaved very gallantly, and
fought with the coolness of a war-worn veteran, but sacrificed
his life nearly at its close. The brave young soldier fired away
his own sixty rounds of ammunition, and then sought a fresh
supply from his dead companion's cartridge box. Having loaded
his gun for the sixty-first time, he turned to Sergeant Gould,
and in his usual pleasant way said " Alf, which way shall I aim
this time?" The words had hardly escaped his lips when a cruel
shell burst in the ranks, and a piece struck him in the left thigh,
shattering it in the most frightful manner. A large stream of
blood spouted from the wound, and he fell to rise no more.
The boys carried him a short distance from the field, but he
was fast bleeding to death and must soon die, so they laid him
gently down at the foot of a tree. They took his Bil)le and a few
little keepsakes from his pocket, to send to his widowed mother:
then kneeling down on the ground they grasped his cold hands
affectionately, and with tears in their eyes said ' good bye.' He
looked up and sweetly smiled; it froze on his lips, and he closed
his eyes in death."
Sebastian Peaese was the son of Richard S. and Eve Pearse,
and was born in Watervliet, on the 2Gth day of November,
1840. He attended school until he was seventeen years of age,
when he removed to Albany, and Ijecame engaged in the lumljer
business with his uncle John Ward, Esq.
At the very first call for soldiers to defend the republic ao:ainst
the attacks of rebels, he, like so many others whom we have
sketched, cheerfully oftered his services, and enlisted in April
1861, in Company E, Third Regiment of New York Volunteers,
under Col. Townsend. He went to Fortress Monroe and re-
mained with the regiment a short time, Tvhen on account of his
superior intelligence and excellent character, he was transferred
to the Signal Corps, and stationed at Fortress Monroe, under
Capt. Seward F. Helpburn. Here he remained until his death.
The following account of him appeared in the " Christian
Intelligencer," soon after his burial:
"Died, at Fortress Monroe, August 22d, 1862, Sebastian
Pearse of the Signal Corps.
"Mr. Pearse was a young man of noble promise, and pos-
sessed the unqualified respect of all who knew him. A ycav and
a half ago, when the country made an earnest call upon her
patriotic and loyal sons, he left his business which was opening
before him prospects of speedy and lucrative advaucement, and
volunteered in the Third New York Regiment. He fought in
the battles of Little and Big Bethel, through which he passed
unscathed and with honor. Soon after he was detailed to the
Siijual service.
"He joined the army and remained in it only from a pure
sense of duty. Nearly a year ago he was offered an honorable
discharge on account of a tendency to vertigo, from which he
o(!casionall3^ sufl'ered; l)ut he scorned the idea of leaving his
post. His reply, on that occasion, disp]a3'ed the whole principle
of his life as a soldier: 'I came here/ said he, * to serve my
country, and as long as my country needs my services, I shall
" During his last illness, his comrades, the officers and the nurses,
vied with each other in their tender attentions to him. The
Captain declared that he loved him as a brother, and the mourn-
ing over his loss was universal.
Through the kindness of the members of the corps to which
he belonged, his body was embalmed and delivered to his friends.
He was buried from the Eeformed Dutch Church of Niskayuna,
Rev. John A. DeBaun, })astor, on the last day in August, 1862.
A detachment of the Tenth Kegiment New York State Militia,
acted as pall bearers. A very large concourse of friends fol-
lowed the remains to the grave, and mingled their tears with
those of his bereaved, but not comfortless, parents. May the
Almighty Father, whom they have long trusted and served, bind
up their broken hearts, and may his rod and staff comfort them.
Joel B. Pitts, son of Isaac B. and Allah M. Pitts, was born
in Xassau, January, 1843. His mother died while he was an
infant, and his father moved to Watervliet, Albany county, in
1845, and still resides there.
His health was never very good. He was always a kind and
affectionate boy, and possessed a good character. He never pro-
fessed religion, l)ut from his last two letters we have reason to
hoi)e, that the many prayers offered in his behalf, were answered.
From the commencement of the war, he felt a great interest
in it, and often expressed his desire to participate in it. But on
account of his health and youth, his friends opposed it. He Avas
told that when he Avas drafted it AA'ould be time enouirh for him
to join the arniA',
He was drafted, and, October 1st, he joined the Seventh New
York Heavy Artillery, and remained at Fort Reno until May,
1864, when the regiment went out as infantry.
He was in several skirmishes, and in the liattles of the Wil-
derness and Coal Harbor. At the latter place he was wounded,
June 3d, in his right arm and in his left shoulder. He laid most
of the day in a pit used by a rebel sharpshooter. Late in the
afternoon he went to the field hospital, and from there to the
Columbian hospital, Washington, where the ball was removed
from his neck. In six weeks he was so far recovered as to be
al)le to go home on a furlough of sixty days. He spent most of
the winter in the hospital.
During the winter the Surgeon talked of putting him in the
Invalid Corps, but he opposed it, and said that he had rather go
to his regiment, where he could do more good, and fight the
March 6th, 1865, he left the hospital at Washington, and
joined his regiment at Baltimore. He was taken sick in a few
days with fever, and, April 3d, went to Fort Federal Hill hospi-
tal, where he died, April 13th.
He was delirious a week or more before he died, but lived
long enough to realize our triumph; for he wrote in his Testa-
ment, "Victory, victory over our rebel foes."
A Lieutenant, in writing of his death, said: "He was a good
soldier, and I wish that I was as well prepared to die as he was."
Arthur Hasavell was born in the town of Schoharie, Scho-
harie county, June 14, 1838, and was the sixth of a family of
eight children. His parents were Joseph A., son of Arthur
Haswell, of Watervliet, and Frances, daughter of Michael
Freligh, M. D., also of Watervliet, Albany county.
Inheriting from his father an unbending integrity and intense
love of country, he felt, from the beginning of the war, the
injustice of the foes who had plotted the overthrow of the gov-
ernment, and he longed to engage at once in the conflict. Duties
at home prevented this; but, as regiment after regiment took the
tield, the subject of his going was still rencAved. His father
gave, at length, the son on whom he leaned the most, to his
country, and he enlisted as a private soldier in Company B, One
Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, at Alljany, October 21,
He suifered much in the change of climate and hardships to
which that regiment was subjected. At the time of their first
active service, he was too ill to go with them, and felt keenly
the deprivation. He mentions, in a letter to his mother, the last
he ever Avrote, that it Avas a hard sight for those who were left,
to see the regiment go to its first active service without them,
and hoped she woujd not think he had been unfaithful to his
His family, who knew him best, in a home where much was
required of him, cherish his memory as a son and brother of
more than ordinary purity and faithfulness. Shielded Ijy Divine
Providence from temptation, in the comparative seclusion of a
country home, he bore an unexceptionaljle moral character, and,
during his short stay in the army, won the respect of both offi-
cers and men. Although he lacked the buoyant temperament so
necessary to the soldier, he was faithful and enduring, and, in his
letters home, which were frequent, never complained of the
hardships of army life.
An incident which occurred at the time of his leaving, will
serve to show his decision of character. He was packing his
knapsack for the last time, when he playfully remarked to his
sister that the canteen was intended for liquor, and asked if he
should take it. She replied that it was best to do so, it might
be necessary to life in case of being wounded and Avithout help.
His manner instantly changed, and in a firm, decided tone he
said, "I will not take it."
His last illness was typhoid fever, and he was confined to the
hospital tnree weeks previous to his death. On the afternoon
of the 20th of April, his cousin, who was in the regiment, visited
him, to whom he gave his Bible, pocket diary, and some pressed
fioAvers, for his friends at home. This was his last interview
with him. He was at that time cheerful, but did not expect to
recover. He read his Bible much while in the hospital, and it is
hoped that from its sacred pages he learned to trust Him who
can save at the eleventh hour.
He died during the night of the 21st of April, 1863, and was
buried at Bonnet Carre. His remains were afterwards brought
home, and now repose in the Albany Cemetery.
The following is an extract from a letter written by Adjutant
Strong, to his mother, April 21, 1863:
" In my letter to you of April 19th, I mentioned that Arthur
Haswell, of Company B, was quite sick, and that I feared he
would not recover. I am deeply pained to inform you that he
died last night. We did not suppose he was so near his end.
From the lirst, however, he seemed to give up, and it seemed as
though he could not rally. Every attention was paid to him,
but it was all of no avail. I trust and believe that he is orone to
a better land, and that his spirit is now in heaven."
The folloAving letter is from Captain Merrihew to Arthur's
Bonnet Carre, La., April 23, 1863.
Miss Anna Hasavell:
Dear Friend — The circumstances under Avhich I now address
you are painful to me, while to you they will be doul)ly so. It
devolves upon me to communicate to you the sad intelligence of
the dccith of your brother Arthur. He died in hospital yester-
day morning, April the 21st, 1863, about two o'clock, of general
debility. He was without any apparent disease until a day or
two previous to his death, when he was attacked with diphtheria,
which has proved so fatal with us. We did not consider him
dangerously ill until he was attacked with diphtheria, when he
connnenced to fail very rapidly; and all the skill of our physi-
cians here, could afford no relief, and he has gone to return to
us no more forever.
"He who doeth all things well," has seen fit, in His infinite
mercy, to take him away; and while it may seem hard that you
should be called to mourn the loss of one so young, and full of
promise, and so far from friends and loved ones at home; yet
you have the comfortable assurance, that he has gone to that
better world, where sickness nor sorrows ever come.
You will please accept the heartfelt sympathies of the com-
pany of which I now have the connnand, and of which Arthur
was a most worthy and esteemed member. I can assure you that
your brother had, while associated Avith us here, by his virtuous
conduct, and his many amiable qualities, endeared himself to us
all; and we feel that the place now made vacant in our ranks by
his death, we may never expect to fill again.
I am very respectfully, your friend,
Capt. Co. B. lllth N. Y. S. V.
George W. Kilbourn, son of Jaimes and Catharine Living-
ston KiLBOURN, was born in the city of Albany, September 1,
1844. In his youth he was remarkable for his love of truth and
sterling honesty. His parents and friends coidd say of him that
they never knew him to tell a falsehood, or to do a dishonest
act. He was a pupil of the Sabbath school attached to the
church of which his parents were members, and always manifested
a deep interest in the worship of God's house.
At the commencement of the war, our young friend was
exceedingly anxious to enlist as a soldier in the defence of his
country, and was only deterred from doing so by the conviction
of his parents, that he was too young for such a service. As our
national perils, however, increased, and the family felt that
some one of their number should be given up to the service of
the countiy, George was permitted to go. Prompted by the
noblest impulses of patriotism, he enlisted October 10th, 1862,
as Sergeant in Company D, of the One Hundred and Forty-fourth
Regiment of New York Volunteers. Shortly after his enlist-
ment the regiment was ordered to New Orleans, and from thence
to Bonnet Carre.
Here our young friend was seized with the typhoid fever, and
died April 12th, 1863, a little more than eighteen years of age.
The deep affliction into which his whole family was cast by this
sad bereavement, and their feelings under it, are best described
by the father's own words:
"We miss his cheerful face and manly form m the home cir-
cle; we miss him at the family altar, where, night and morning,
he bowed with us before God. We no longer hear his voice,
like sweet music, ascending in prayer, before he retires to rest.
But Ave do not mourn as those who are without hope, for though
he made no profession of religion, I believe he loved God and
tried to serve Him. Often, unknown to me, after family prayer,
and when he was about to lie down to rest, have I heard his
voice in earnest supplication to his Heavenly Father."
A Lieutenant, who was sick with him in the hospital, and who
was with him when he died, expresses in strong terms his con-
viction that " Geokge fell asleep in Jesus."
Jacob Van Allen, son of John Van Allen, was born in Beth-
lehem, and in youth received a good education, at the district
school of his native town. He was also connected with the
Normal School at Albany, and with the Princetown Seminary.
AfterAvards he taught school in the winter and worked on the
farm in the summer.
In July, 1862, when President Lincoln issued his call for
three hundred thousand volunteers, he enlisted as a private in
Company E, Capt. N. H. Moore, in the One Hundred and Thir-
teenth Regiment of Infantry N. Y. State Volunteers. He was, at
that time, thirty-one years of age, and a patriot in principle.
Mr. Van Allen was a firm believer in American liberty, and
was a sincere patriot. He went with his regiment to Washing-
ton, D. C, where they were assigned the duty of guarding the
approaches to that city. He died, while in the service of the
United States, at Fort Reno, near Washington, November 13th,
1862, of typhoid fever. His remains were brought home and
interred in the cemetery of the Dutch Reformed Church at Fura
Bush, Albany county, N. Y. He left a widow and two children
to mourn his loss.
Charles Van Allen, the brother of Jacob, was born in Beth-
lehem, Albany county, November 16, 1839. He attended the
district school until he was thirteen years of age, when he com-
menced to learn the printer's trade at Albany, New York. He
worked several years for Luther Tucker, Esq., on the "Albany
Cultivator," and other works.
The same call of the President that stirred up the patriotism
of his brother Jacob, fired his heart. Though anxious to enlist
in his country's cause, his duties to a young wife and two infant
children, depending on his labor for their support, for a time
restrained him. But his mind was relieved when George Daw-
son, Esq., editor and proprietor of the "Albany Evening Jour-
nal," announced that he would pay to the families of any six
printers, who would volunteer, four dollars per week, during
the time they remained in the United States service. Charles
was among the first to accept Mr. Dawson's noble oifer, and on
the 31st of July, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company E,
(Captain N. H. Moore), of the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regi-
ment, New York State Volunteers.
Thus the brothers left Albany, side by side to battle, and as
it proved, to die for their country's cause.
Charles remained with his regiment until June 16, 1864, at
which time, he, with a large number of his comrades, was taken
prisoner by the reljcls at Petersburg, and carried to the Ander-
sonville prison, Avhere, after suffering untold torture and starva-
tion, death came to his relief September 18, 1864.
His wife and children regularly received the promised four
dollars per week from Mr. Dawson, from the day that Mr. Van
Allen joined the army, until the regiment was mustered out
in August, 1865, that is for nearly a year after Chaeles died.
The amount paid was six hundred and twenty-eight dollars; a
large sum to contribute to one family. But none but God can
know what a relief it was to the sufiering and famishing martyr,
in a southern prison, to know that a patriot hand promptly
paid the promised sum to supply his family. The liberal donor
has the sincere thanks of the widow and orphans, and their
prayer to Heaven is, that God's blessing may rest upon him.
The contrast between the relations of Mr. Dawson to the wife
and children, and those of southern fiends to the patriot father,
may be seen in the light of the following lines, entitled "The
Andersonville Post Office," which describes an event that oc-
curred in that horrible den, where our hero perished:
No blanket round his wasted limbs,
Under the rainy sky he slept ;
"While pointing his envenomed shafts
Around him, death, the archer, crept.
He dreamed of hunger, and held out
His hand, to clench a little bread —
That the white angel with a torch,
Among the living and the dead.
Seemed bearing, smiling as he went;
The vision waked him, and he spied
The post-boy. followed by a crowd
Of famished prisoners, wlio cried
For letters from their friends.
Crawling upon his hands and knees,
He hears his own name called, and lo .'
A letter from his wife he sees.
Gasping for breath, he shrieked aloud,
And. lost in nature's blind eclipse,
Faltering amidst the suppliant crowd,
Caught it and pressed it to his lips.
A guard who followed, red and wroth.
And flourishing a rusty brand,
Reviled him with a taunting oath,
And snatched tlie letter from his hand:
" First pay the postage, whining wretch !"
Despair has made the prisoner brave :
" Then give me back my money, sir !
I am a captive, not a slave !
You took my money and my clothes.
Take my life, too, but let me know
How Mart and the children are,
And I will bless you, ere I go."
The very moonlight through his hands,
As he stood supplicating, shone;
And his sharp features shaped themselves
Into a prayer, and such a tone
Of anguish there was in his cry
For his wife and children, that the guard -
Thinking upon his own — passed by,
And left him swooning on the sward ;
Beyond the " dead line " fell his head —
The eager sentry knew his mark.
And with a crash, the bullet sped
Into his brain, and all was dark.
But when they turned his livid cheek
Up toward the light, the pale lip smiled,
Kissing a picture, fair and meek.
That held in either hand a child.
The following letter from Capt. Moore to Governor Fenton,
does no more than justice to the memory of a brave and true
soldier. It can hardly be necessary to state that the request of
Capt. Moore was cheerfully granted by our patriotic Governor:
Albany, October 30, 1865.
To His Excellency Reuben E. Fenton, Governor 8. JSf. Y.:
I have the honor to recommend to you Charles Van Allen,
of Co. E, Seventh N. Y. Heavy Artillery, for a commission as
Brevet Second Lieutenant.
Corporal Van Allen was a brave and faithful soldier, always
ready to do his duty, and when in battle, he was never known to
shirk; and I never had occasion even to reprimand him. He
served in my company from August, 1862. to June 16th, 1864,
when he was taken prisoner by the rebels, at Petersburg, Va.,
and conveyed to Andersonville pen, where he died. He was in
every battle in which his regiment was engaged. He leaves a
widow and two children in this city. I am sure they would
prize such a commission highly, as proof that his meritorious
services have been appreciated.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Late Captain 1th N. Y. Heavy Artillery.
In the folloMing pages, we present short notices, of other
deceased soldiers of the city and county of Albany, of whom
full information could not be obtained. And in this additional
list, we by no means comprise all the noble men from our city
and county, who offered their lives upon the altar of their
Some time since a law was passed, requiring every town in
the State, to obtain some information concerning every soldier
who had enlisted in our armies during the late war, and send the
same to the Bureau of Military Record. Up to the time of our
going to press, reports had not been received from Albany, New
Scotland, Guilderland and Watervliet, of this county. Had we
been favored with reports from the three latter towns, as we
have been from the other towns in the county, our list, in these
short notices, would be more complete than it now is. We do
not profess, therefore, in this volume, even to give the names of
all the patriot martyrs from our county; but we surely present
enough to show the intense patriotism, the nol)le daring, the
lofty heroism, and, in very many instances, the earnest piety, of
the men who freely laid down their lives to perpetuate the
American Union, and preserve the honor and the liberty of the
American Republic.
Captain Henry S. Hurlburt, of the Ninety-first Regiment,
was killed in the assault on Port Hudson, June 14, 1863.
Previous to the breaking out of the war, he was in the
employ of the Central Railroad Company. When the organi-
zation of the Third Regiment under Col. Fred. Townsend,
was commenced, he recruited Company F of the regiment, and
went away in command of it. Some time after the regiment
entered the service he resigned and came home, and the Ninety-
first Regiment being in process of organization, he accepted the
command of a company attached to it. He was a young man of
patriotic ardor and fine soldierly qualities. Up to the time of
his death he had fought bravely and escaped the shot of the foe.
He had a large circle of friends to mourn his death.
Lieutenant Charles B. Pieeson, of the Twenty-second Regi-
ment, died at Washington of wounds received at the battle of
Manassas, aged twenty-tive. He was wounded in the neck on
Saturday, and laid on the held till the following Tuesday. His
funeral took place here on the 15th, and was attended by Com-
pany B and the Masonic fraternity.
Lieutenant James Reid, of this city, was a victim of the l)attle
of Bull Run. He was a member of the TAventy-hfth Regiment,
N. Y. S. M., in the first three months' call. Upon the return of
that regiment, he joined the Fifty-third as a Sergeant. When
that regiment was disbanded, his company attached themselves
.to the Seventeenth Regiment N. Y. V., with young Reid as
Second Lieutenant. Reid was formerly a clerk with Messrs.
Van Heusen & Charles of Albany.
Louis Reehl, Oi'derly Sergeant of Company K, One Hundred
and Seventy-seventh Regiment, died, aged twenty-five. He was
formerly a member of the Twenty-fifth Regiment (late Col.
Bryan), and Avas one of the first to respond to the call of the
country of his adoption, for the defence of its capital. The priva-
tions he suffered and hardships he endured, only nerved him for
still greater and more active duties. He became Orderly Ser-
geant of Company G, Tenth Regiment, X. G., and discharged his
duties faithfull}' till Avorn out by sickness and disease. He came
home only to linger for a fcAv^ short days, and receive his final
Sergeant Henry B. Sanders, a native of Sussex, in England,
was born on the llfh of April, 1840. Pie Avas a talented, benevo-
lent and noble young man, and enlisted in Company R, Twenty-
fifth Regiment Ncav York State Militia. After three months'
sei'vice, he AA'as honorably discharged.
Being hllcd Avitli the spirir of ])atriotism, he re-enlisted on the
2d of September, 18(31, and joined the Fifty-third Regiment.
From this he \A^as transferred to the Seventeenth Regiment,
Colonel Lansing, Avhere he ser\'ed with great faithfulness and
bravery for tAvo years, and received an honorable discharge.
He again enlisted, in the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment
NcAV York State Volunteers, and Avas killed at Coal Harbor,
June 2, 18()4.
Mr. Sanders was the army correspondent of the "Knicker-
bocker," and his letters Ave re very graphic and interesting. He
also kept a minute journal of daily cA^eiits and scenes. His loss
is deeply deplored by a large circle of Avarm friends.
Sergeant Michael Judge was born in Ireland in 1836. He
resided in this country seventeen years, and then enlisted in the
Fifty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers. Pie was at first a
private, hut for his energy aud l)ravery he was made First Ser-
geant, and held this position until he was shot at the battle of
Autietam. He was buried on the battle field.
Mr. Judge was the son of James and Bridget Judge, and he
leaves a mother and several brothers to lament his death. He
was a man of excellent moral character and was a mem])er of
the Roman Catholic Church.
Corporal William H. H. Lamoreaux, son of Joshua and Eliza
\y. Lamoreaux, was I)orn in Westerlo, March 29, 1840. He
enlisted as Corporal in the Seventh Regiment, August 6, 18G2.
He was killed in front of Petersburg, Virginia, June l(j, 18(54.
Corporal Jacob H. Slater, of Westerlo; born March 17, 1844.
Enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, August 2, 1862. He
was promoted to Corporal Fe1)ruary, 1864, and was in all the
engagements of the Army of the Potomac, from the crossing of
the Rapidan till the battle of Petersburg. There he received a
wound in his left arm, aud died from the elfects of it at Wash-
ington, July 7, 1864.
Corporal David W. Chandler, enlisted at Albany, and was
with his Company, without intermission, until the battle of Han-
over Court House, with the single exception of being sent to
Pialtimore in charge of John C. Calverley's remains. He w^as
a good soldier; a w^orthy member of his regiment. He received
three wounds, and, although suflc'ring much, w'oiild not be
removed from the field, until those he thought needed assistance
more than he, were cared for. He died in the regimental hospi-
tal tent, on the 3d day of June, 1862; and Avas buried with a
comrade under an oak tree, near the camp. A Pennsylvania
Chaplain officiated.
Corporal James Stewart Avas 1)orn IVIarch 3, 1841, in Phila-
delphia, and came to Albany in April, 1848. He enlisted in
Company C, One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Regiment,
in July, "1862, and was killed May 30. 1864.
James Avas a brave and efficient soldier, and had he lived he
Avould doubtless have reached a higher rank than that of Corporal.
He Avas respected by his felloAV soldiers and ardently loved by
all Avho kncAv him.
His death has fallen Avith crushing weight on his parents, as
he Avas their only surviving child. At the time of his death, he
Avas in tiie tAventy-fourth year of his age.
Corporal Alfred Lembrocht was born in Germany, and
enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, August, 1862, He
was taken prisoner at Coal Harbor, and was never afterwards
heard from.
George Elder, son of George and Margaret Elder was
born in the city of Albany, on the 14th of July, 1845. The
family attend the North Dutch Church, and George was a
member of the Sabbath school connected with that church.
He enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh New
York Regiment, on the 15th day of October, 1862, and he left
for New Orleans on the 17th of December, He participated
in the siege of Port Hudson, and was distinguished for his faith-
fulness and bravery. The hardships of the siege destroyed his
health, and he was prostrated by a fever. Being until for service
he returned home on the 1st day of September, 1863, with the
hope that he might rally and be restored to health. But his
disease bailled all medical skill, and he gradually grew weaker
until the 10th of September, when he expired.
During his sickness I visited him, and received from him evi-
dence of his perfect trust in his Saviour. His remains rest in
the Albany Rural Cemetery.
Dennis Dunkin, enlisted August 20, 1861, in Company A, New
York State Volunteers. He was engaged in all the principal
battles until July 4, 1862, when he was wounded while on picket
duty, after the seven days' l)attle. He was sent to the general
hospital at Georgetown, and then transferred to the general
hospital on David's Island. He recovered, and in February
re-enlisted in the Seventh New York Heavy Artillery. He died of
disease June 21, 1863, He was loved and respected by his
companions in arms, and after his death they furnished the
necessary means to have him eml)almed, and sent to his parents,
who reside in Albany. They live to mourn the loss of a loving
and dutiful son.
Adam Campbell, son of William and Elizabeth Campbell,
was born in the town of Knox, August 30, 1842,
His parents died ])efore he was fourteen years of age. He was
a dutiful son, and was always an affectionate brother. He was not
a professor of religion, but was a thorough patriot, and felt that
the rebellion was a wicked and unholy one, and that it was his
duty to assist in erushing it.
He enlisted August 12, 1862, in Company K, One Hundred
and Thirteenth N, Y. Volunteer Infantry, He was in all the
engagements with his regiment until August 25, 1864. At the
battle of Reams' Station he was taken prisoner. He was a brave
and efficient soldier, cheerful and ever ready to do his duty. As
a prisoner he bore his misfortunes with great fortitude. He was
contined at 8alisbur3% N. C, at which place he died January 5,
18G5, and was there buried. The history of the confinement and
death of our brave men in the prison pens, is well known. His,
was the sad experience of thousands of others.
Williajm D. Sprinks was born in the city of Albany, Septem-
hev 2, 1841, and was the son of James and Matilda Sprinks. He
received from his parents a Christian education, and from child-
hood was a member of the Sabbath school connected with the
North Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of Albany. At
the age of fourteen years, he oljtained a hope that he was a Chris-
tian, and united with that church. Afterwards he removed his
membership to the Washiugtou Avenue M. E. Church, in which
he remained until his death.
Being inspired by a love for his country, he enlisted on the
20th of August, 1861, in Company A, Forty-third New York
Regiment. He was in no general battk^ but was in several skir-
mishes, in which he manifested great coolness and In'avery. He
was seized with the typhoid fever at Camp Griffin, in Virginia,
and after four weeks sickness he died, February 25, 1862. He
was buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery March 2, 18(52.
Thomas Wardrobe Avas born in Sandell, Yorkshire, England,
on the 12th of i\lay, 1814, and came to the United States in 1843.
He was a professor of religion, aud connected with the First
Baptist Church in Albany. His sympathies were strongly with
the Union, but he entered the army mainly because an only
son had enlisted under the age of sixteen.
He was a nieml)er of Company F, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, and was in Banks' expe-
dition. He participated in all the skirmishes of the regiment,
and in the taking of Port Hudson. During the siege of that
place, he was taken sick with the camp fever, followed hy chronic
diarrhoea, with which he suffi»red until his term of enlistment
expired; then lie started with the regiment for home, in the lat-
ter part of August, 1866, Imt he grew rapidly worse, and was
obliged to ))e left at Cleveland, Ohio. There he lingered twelve
days, and died on the 9tli of September, at peace with God. He
was a true patriot, and never regretted that he had left home
and friends for his countiy. His remains Avere brought to Albany,
and interred in the Rural Cemetery.
James Pringle, son of James and Jane S. Pringle, was born
m Glasgow, Scotland, in 1822. He Avas married in 1841 to Miss
Agnes Brown, in Glasgow, and came to America the same year,
and settled in Canada. He came to Albany to reside in 1852,
and was a bookkeeper with Messrs. Davidson & Viele, hardware
He enlisted in 1861 in Company I, of the One Hnndred and
Thirty-tirst Kegiment, and w^as a taithful and brave soldier. He
was killed at Port Hudson l)y the bursting of a shell. He leaves
an excellent wife and live children to moin-n his loss.
Mr. Pringle's son, James, also served his country faithfully in
the navy, and returned without injury.
William D. JMaeshall, son of Charles and Mary Ann Mar-
shall, was born in this city, April 17, 1843. His enlistment in
the arm}' was made while he was an apprentice to the carpenter's
trade, on the 27tli of November, 1861. He was a private in Com-
pany G, of the Forty-foni'th Regiment. He fell mortally wounded
in the battle of Hanover Court House, May 27, 1862.
John Scahall. — Of those who volunteered to fill up the
depleted ranks of the Twenty-fifth Regiment was John Scahall.
His career as a soldier, during that memorable period, was hon-
orable and meritorious. Read}' to meet every requisition of the
Government for men, he again accouipanied the same regiment
in 1862, and returned after another three months campaign in
Virginia. In the summer of I860, leaving a lucrative employ-
ment, he enlisted in the Seventh Artiller}^ stationed at Foits De
Russey and Reno, in Maryland, Avhere he remained until last
May, when his regiment, in compliance with the request of its
gallant Colonel for a i)ost of honor and activity, was ordered to
the front, on the march to Richmond, imder Gen. Grant. He
passed through all of the severe engagements, which distin-
guished that campaign, down to the 16th of June, 1864, when he
was taken prisoner. After having remained in Richmond a short
time, he was removed further south, and at last to Savannah, Ga.,
where he died last August. The news of his death reached here
but a few days ago, with that of his friend and comrade in con-
finement. Madden, who died three days before at the same
place. — The Albany Times.
William G. I^eddy, a lad who was only fifteen years of age
when he enlisted, died amid the horrors of Andersonville prison.
He was the son of the late Peter G. Leddy, a man much esteemed
in the conmiunity.
William H. Vandenburg. — Died, in Mount Pleasant Hospital,
near Port Hudson, William H., only son of Jacob L. and Cor-
NELiA Vandenburg, of the Boglit, Albany county, aged twenty-
three years.
The deceased was a member of Company B (Capt. Merrihew),
One Hundred and Seventy-seventh New York Volunteers, and
enlisted, actuated by the purest patriotism. He was a most
correct and amiable youth, and gained the love of all who knew
him. His comrades in arms highly esteemed him for his unself-
ish devotion to their welftire and happiness.
The prayer meetings in the camp well attested his piety and
devotion to the cause of Christ. When it was evident that he
must die, he had a calm and implicit trust in his Saviour. Writing
to his parents, July 20, 1863, he said: " I hope you will pray
that I may have strength to reach home; or, if not, that we may
be permitted to meet in Heaven. Pray, also, that I may have
grace to die, if it is the Lord's will to take me."
This young man was given to God and the nation, by his
parents and two loving sisters, with many prayers and tears; and
in their deep alHiction, they are consoled l>y the bright hope of
meeting the departed, in the realms of the blessed.
James Rice — Died, in November, 1861, at Camp King, Mun-
son's Hill, Virginia. He was but sixteen years of age when he
enlisted to serve his country. The boy left his home inspired
with the thought that he, in the hour of the nation's extremity,
might do something for our honor or protection. He joined the
army with high aims, and proved an active, faithful and efficient
soldier. While on picket duty, guarding his companions in
arms, he was shot by the enemy and fell. His last words to his
dear father were: "Father, I have done my whole duty to my
WiLLi^viNi I. Wooley. — The patriotism of Willi^ui I. Wooley
was strikingly conspicuous. He was one of the tirst to respond
to the call of his country, and in spite of ill health, and the
remonstrances of friends who felt that his impaired strength
rendered him unfit for service, he persevered in his no])le efforts
for the defence of the nation until his death, which occurred in
the Georgetown hospital, July 13, 1861.
WoTKYNS Van Derlip was born in Abany, April 21st, 1842,
and was the son of Elias and Margaret A. Van Derlip. He
was a most dutiful and loving son, a kind and affectionate
brother, and beloved l)y all who knew him. For some years he
Avas a member of the First Congi-egational Sabbath School of this
city; and, although he never united with any church, yet he had
the highest regard for religion, the Sabbath, and all sacred
When the rebellion broke out, at the call of the President for
troops, he enlisted as a private in the Twenty-fifth Regiment N.
Y. IS. Militia. He was stationed at Arlington Heights, where
he worked upon Fort Albany until it was completed. While
there on picket duty during a heavy thunder storm, he took a
very severe cold, which caused congestion of the lungs, and
finally resulted in consumption.
He returned Avith the regiment. But he was still very desirous
of serving his country, and assisting in crushing the rebellion.
Being physically unal>le to go into the field, he was employed as
clerk in the Provost Marshal's office at All)any until it was broken
up. Then he was appointed as clerk of a court martial in ses-
sion at Annapolis. This position he was filling at the time of
his death. He was attacked suddcnlj' with hemorrhage of the
lungs, and, after a few days illness, he died, Sunday, September
17, 1865. He fully realized his situation, and died happy, trust-
ing in Jesus.
Leonard Coenwell, of Bern, was the son of Albert and
Mary Cornwell, and enlisted in Company D, Sixty-first New
York Regiment. On leaving home, he was presented with a
Bible by his half brother, William Henry, and this holy book
was his constant companion. He read it through while he was
connected with the army. After three days severe fighting at
Gettysburg, he was killed. This is all the information that we
have been able to o])tain concerning him. ^^^e may reasonably
hope, that the daily reading of God's holy Avord, was blessed to
his soul.
James Edgar Wood was born in Bern, February 8, 1844, and
was the son of Abraham and Lucinda Whipple. He was adopted
and brought up by his grand parents, Solomon and Catharine
Wood, and therefore took the name of Wood. He enlisted,
December 16, 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh New York Regiment. He was in General Banks' expe-
dition at New Orleans. He died of consumption, August 7, 1863.
The place of his burial is unknown.
John Lyon was born in the toAvn of Bern, in the year 1843,
and was the son of Stephen and Catherine Lyon. He w^as a
youth of excellent moral character, and was a true patriot. On
the 8th of September, 1862, he enlisted as a private in the Sixty-
first Regiment of New York. He was stationed in Falmouth,
Virginia, where he faithfully discharged every duty to which he
was called. He was suddenly taken ill, and died on the 12th of
December, 1862. His officers give him the highest praise for
private virtues and public services.
John Taylor, of Bern, enlisted September 1, 1861, in the
Ninety-first Regiment. Died in the hospital at Baltimore. His
remains were embalmed and sent home. Buried in Bern.
Daniel Van Deusen enlisted October 2, 1863, iu the Tenth
Regiment. Died at Port Hudson, June 18, 1863.
William Post enlisted December, 1863, in the Seventh Regi-
ment. Killed in battle, June 7, 1864, at Coal Harbor, and
buried on the field of battle.
Orville Merihue, enlisted August 12, 1862, in the Seventh
Regiment. Died at Milieu prison, from starvation and derange-
ment. Place of burial unknown.
William Harrison Canull enlisted November, 1861, in the
Ninety-third Regiment. Died, of typhoid fever, in Baltimore,
August 11, 1863. Buried in cemetery in Baltimore.
John Henry Canull, enlisted August 14, 1862. He was
killed in battle June 6, 1864, at Petersburg, by being shot
through the head. He was buried on the battle field.
Lucius E. Ball, enlisted August 6, 1862, in the One Hundred
and Thirteenth Regiment. Killed in battle at Coal Harbor.
Charles B. Bogardus was born May 6, 1839, in Bern. He
enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, August 6, 1862, and was killed
in battle at Coal Harbor, June 3, 1864. He was buried on the
William H. Bogardus was born in Bern, June 30, 1845. He
enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, December 28, 1863, and was
in the battle of Coal Harbor June 3, 1864. He was taken
prisoner, and died in Salisbury prison, N. C.
George H. Warner was born in Bern, 1844. He enlisted in
the Tenth Regiment, Co. C, October 1, 1862, and died at home
of disease taken in the service, September 28, 1863. He Avas
buried at the Lutheran church Cemetery, Bern.
Peter William Warner was born in Bern, and enlisted in the
Seventh Regiment, January 6, 1864. He died at Andersonville, .
Ga., of starvation, November 16, 1864.
Carpenter N. Wright was born in Bern, and enlisted in Com-
pany I, Seventy-sixth Regiment, October 19, 1861. He died at
Camp Convalescent, December 16, 1862, and was buried at Fair-
fax Cemetery.
Edmund Bell was born in Bern, and enlisted in Co. E, JS^inety-
first Regiment, October 26, 1861. He died of wounds received
in the battle of Port Hudson, May 30, 1863, and was buried at
Port Hudson.
Hiram Wildday, of Bern, enlisted in Company I, Sixty-first
Regiment, Septeml^er, 1862. He was wounded in the right
shoulder, in front of Petersburg, June 22, 1864. Died at City
Point, June 25, 1864, and was buried there.
Peter G. Bough, born at Middleburg, July 11, 1828, and
enlisted in Company H, Thirteenth Regiment, August 31, 1864.
He died at City Point, of disease, November 27, 1864. Buried
at Gallupville Cemetery, Schoharie County.
Cyrus B. Ostrom was born in Bern, September 15, 1826, and
enlisted in Company D, Ninety-first Regiment, October 26, 1861.
He was killed in battle at Port Hudson, June 14, 1863, and was
buried at Port Hudson.
Jesse D. Wood was born in Bern, August 11, 1846, and
enlisted in Company C, Tenth Regiment, October 1, 1862. He
died of disease while in service at Port Hudson, August 13,
1863. His remains were brought home and buried in Bern.
Chauncey Striner, born in Bern, enlisted in Company C,
Seventh Regiment, January 5, 1864. He died while a prisoner
at Andersouville, August 11, 1864.
Timothy McCarty enlisted in Company I, Sixty-first Regi-
ment, September 15, 1862, and was drowned at West Troy,
September 21, 1862. Buried in Bern.
Joseph B. Northrup, born in Bern, enlisted in Company I,
Sixty-first Regiment, September 15, 1862. He also was drowned
at West Troy, September 21, 1865, and was buried in Bern.
John R. Frink, died at Bonnet Carre, June, 1863, of bilious
William H. Stalker, born in Bern, enlisted in the Sixty-first
Regiment, August 18, 1862. Died of disease at Washington,
May, 1864.
James H. Hammond enlisted in Company I, Seventy-sixth Regi-
ment, October 21, 1862, and died at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863.
Jasper Haight was born in Bern, March 31, 1842, and enlisted
October, 1861. He died at Fortress Monroe in 18()2.
HiRAiM D. Wood enlisted in Company K, Seventh Eegiment,
August 4, 1862, and diedatAndersonville prison, December, 1864.
John Ranna was born in Irehxnd, and enlisted in Company B,
Seventh Kegiment, August, 1862. He was killed in battle, at
the Wilderness, and buried there.
John Engle w^as born in Germany, and died in the service of
the United States.
Garret H, Vanderpoel, born June 30, 1842, and enlisted in
Company H, Ninety-first Regiment, October, 1861. He served
through all the campaigns of his regiment, until the 25th of May,
1863, when he was killed at Port Hudson.
John G. Wallay was born in Bethlehem, and enlisted in
Company F, Forty-fourth Regiment, September, 1861. He
served with his regiment, till about the time of the evacuation
of Yorktowu, when he was taken sick and died in the hospital,
in September, 1862.
John Felay was born in Ireland, and enlisted in the One
Hundred and Seventy-fifth Regiment, in 1862. He died in the
service, in the Gulf Department.
John A. Everling enlisted in Company F, Fifty-first Regi-
ment, August 30, 1864. He was captured in battle at Poplar
Grove Church, in Virginia, September 30, 1864. Since then
nothing is known of him or of his fate.
George W. BRO^VN enlisted in Company H, Forty-third Regi-
ment, September, 1862, and died of sickness at Belle Plain, in
February, 1863.
John Flagel enlisted August 10, 1862, and was killed at Coal
Harbor, June 16, 1864.
James Herring, of Bethlehem, enlisted in Company C, Seventh
Regiment, August, 1862, and was killed in the battle of the
Theodore Kirkham enlisted in the Ninety-third Regiment,
1861, and died in the service.
John Long, of Bethlehem, enlisted in Company K, One Hun-
drecl and Seventy-seventh Regiment, September, 1862, and died
in Louisiana, in 1863.
Max Schindler was born in Berlin, Prussia, October, 1847,
and enlisted in Company H, Forty-third Regiment, August 28,
1862. He was wounded and taken prisoner, May 23, 1864. He
remained in prison thirty-live days, and returned to our lines
and died in an hospital at Alexandria, June 27, 1864.
Matthew Shillford, enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regi-
ment, at Bethlehem, August, 1862. He was taken prisoner at
Coal Harbor, and died in Andersonville.
John Stultz, of Bethlehem, was born in Germany, January 7,
1843. He enlisted in Company B, Seventh Regiment, July 29,
1862, and was taken prisoner at Coal Harbor and died at Ander-
Peter Taylor, of Bethlehem, was born July 10, 1818. He
enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, August 8, 1862, and
was killed at Reams' Station, August 25, 1864.
Joseph Kimmer, of Bethlehem, was born April 24, 1841, and
enlisted in Company D, Forty-sixth Regiment, July, 1861. He
served with his regiment till December, 1863, when he was
taken sick, and died in an hospital at Alexandria.
Stephen Walker, of Bethlehem, was born in Glarken, Scot-
land, in 1835. He enlisted in Company C, One Hundred and
Twenty-first Regiment, August, 1862, and was killed in the bat-
tle of the Wilderness.
Joseph Breche was born in Switzerland, 1823, and enlisted
in Company A, Ninety-first Regiment, August, 1861. He died
in an hospital at Baton Rouge, July 3, 1863.
George R. Bailey was born June, 1834, and enlisted in Com-
pany I, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, October
17, 1862. He died of typhoid fever in the hospital at Bonnet
Carre, March 21, 1863. His remains were brought home, and
buried in Albany.
James Albraight enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh Regiment, October, 1862, and served with his
reoiment till after the siejie of Port Hudson. He returned sick
and died at Albany soon after he was discharged.
Eugene Beonk, son of John and Gantia V. Bronk, was born
in Coeymans. He enlisted, October 15, 1862, in the One Hun-
dred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, Company I, and died at
Port Hudson, La., in August, 1863, of fever. His remains were
brought home and buried in the Coeymans Cemetery.
Andrew B. Carknard, son of Robert and Catharine Cark-
NARD, was born in ]5ethlehem, N. Y. He enlisted, October 16,
1862, in the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, Com-
pany I, and died of bilious fever, at Bonnet Carre, La., in March,
1863. He was buried at that place.
Joel Carknard, l)rother of Andrew, enlisted October 17,
18(52, in the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, Com-
pany I. He died at Bonnet Carre, in May, 1863, and was buried
William H. Carknard, born in Coeymans, was the son of
John and Catharine Carknard, and enlisted July, 1862, in Co.
F, One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment.
John E. Carknard was born in Coeymans; enlisted in the
One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, Company F, July, 1862.
All that we know of him, is, that he died in the army.
Peter Lawson, son of James Lawson, was born at Coeymans,
and enlisted October 16, 1862, in the One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment, Company I. He died at Bonnet Carre, La.,
May, 1863, of typhoid fever, and was buried there.
Charles B. Lisk, son of John and Lydia A. Lisk, was born
at Coejanans, and enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirteenth
Regiment, Company F, August, 1862. He died in the hospital
of wounds received in the battle before Petersburo;.
John G. Rowl.\nd was born in Germany, and enlisted July,
1862, in the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, Company
F, at Albany. He died June 2, 1864, in Mount Pleasant Hos-
pital, of a wound received before Petersburg.
Willlvm Spanberg, the son of Hartford and Thankful Span-
berg, was born at Coeymans May 11, 1838. He enlisted 1861
in Company E, Eighteenth Regiment, and participated in the
tirst Bull Run battle. There, instead of running, he retired
leisurely from the field, and when fatigued he rested in the open
field, regardless of a victorious enemy. Afterwards, he was
taken ill with typhoid fever, sent to the hospital in the vicinity
of New York, and died June 11, 1862. His remains were brought
home, and funeral services were held by Rev. James Birch, of
the Methodist Church. He was buried in the Coeymans Hollow
James W. Scofield, son of John Scofield, was Ijorn in Coey-
mans, and enlisted October 14, 1862, in the One Hundred and
Seventy-Seventh Regiment, Company I. He died at Coeyinans
September, 1863.
Christopher I. Sickler, of CocA^mans, enlisted October 17,
1862, in the One Hundred and Seventy-Seventh Regiment, Com-
pany I. He died at Bonnet Carre in 1863.
Isaac Te.vl, son of John Teal, enlisted October 14, 1862, in
the One Hundred and Seventy-Seventh Regiment, Company I.
He died of fever at Bonnet Carre in 1863, and was buried there.
Joel Waters, of Coeymans, enlisted October 16, 1862, in the
One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, Company I, at
Albany, He died at Bonnet Carre, May, 1863, of typhoid fever.
Daniel W. Wise enlisted August, 1862. in the One Hundred
and Thirteenth Regiment, Company F. He died of wounds
received before Petersburg, Virginia.
William E. Becker was a lad some sixteen or seventeen years
of age. He enlisted October 14, 1862. Almost immediately
afterAvards, he was prostrated with a violent fever, and his life
was despaired of. On his recovery, when in a very feeble state
of health, he joined his company (I, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment), against the protestations of friends, thus
showing that he was actuated by patriotism. He participated in
the assault and capture of Port Hudson, Avhere he exhibited a
daring and bravery far beyond his years. Being taken ill on his
w^ay home, on arriving at Cleveland, Ohio, the patriotic and
generous ladies of that place took him in charge. There he
died, and his remains were entombed.
John McGaffin, of Cohoes, son of James McGaffin and Mar-
garet Bell, was born in the county of Ulster, Ireland, in 1842.
He came to this country with his parents in 1849, and settled in
Cohoes. He prepared for College under the Rev. C. N. Wal-
DRON, his pastor, and was admitted to the Freshman class of Rut-
ger's College, New Jersey, in 1860. During his Junior year, he
enlisted as a private in Company H, One Hundred and Seventy-
seventh Regiment N. Y, S. V., and was killed instantly by the
discharge of a shell from the rebel batteries, at the siege of Port
Hudson on June 18, 1863. He was a member of the Reformed
Dutch Church of Cohoes, having uuited on profession in May,
1858. He was a young man of excellent disposition and pro-
mising talents, and was pursuing his studies preparatory to the
ministry, Avhen he felt the Master had need of him in the ser-
vice of his country. He Avas buried by his comrades near the
spot where he was killed.
Adam Turner, of Cohoes, the son of Samuel Turner, w^as
born in Castlereagh, in Ireland, on March 12, 1823. He
married Jane Craig, Novenil)er 10, 1848, and removed to this
country in 1850. He enlisted from Cohoes, as a private in Com-
pany I, Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, and died at Cohoes
from dysentery, contracted hy exposure and fatigue Avith the
arni}^ before Richmond. He Avas buried, October 14, 1864.
James K. Stevens, of Cohoes, son of John Stephens and
Elizabeth Deitz, Avas born in Cohoes, on October 27, 1844.
He enlisted trom Cohoes, in Company H, Fourth Regiment, New
York Heavy Artillery, and died in the hospital at Annapolis,
November 6, 1864, from sickness contracted in Richmond prison.
He Av^as buried from the Reformed Dutch Church of Cohoes, on
NoA^ember 13, 1864,
George E. Van Vliet, of Cohoes, the son of Peter Van
Vliet and Eliza Ferguson, Avas born in Rahway, Ncav Jersey,
in 1830. He enlisted from Cohoes, as a private in Company H,
One Hundred and ScA^enty-seventh Regiment, New York State
Volunteers, and died at the hospital at Bonnet Carre, Louisiana,
on May 18, 1863, in the tAAa^nty-fourth year of his age.
He united, on profession, in March, 1859, Avith the Reformed
Dutch Church of Cohoes, and Avherever he was knoAvn, he was
recognized as an earnest and decided christian. He was prepar-
ing for the AA'ork of the ministry, and had finished his course at
Burr Seminary, Vermont, and Avas about to enter Hamilton
College, Avheu he felt it to be his duty to enlist in the service of
his country.
D^vNiEL D. Tuthill, of Cohoes, was l)orn in the State of Con-
necticut, March 17, 1817. He enlisted from Cohoes, as private
in Company I, Seventh Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery.
He Avas Avounded in the engagement at North Anna Bridge, Vir-
ginia, on May 30, 1864, and died at the hospital in \^^ashington,
on July 9, 1864. He Avas])uried from Cohoes, on July 16. 1864.
Edward Greason, of Cohoes, son of Thomas Greason and
Ellen Jones, was born at Hyde, Cheshii-e. England, December
12, 1832. He enlisted from Cohoes, in Company A, Seventy-
sixth Eegiment, New York State Volnnteers, and was wounded
at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, after, which, he was
missing. He is supposed to have died on the field of battle and
to have been buried by the enemy.
Leonard G. Fletcher, of Cohoes, the son of Isaac F.
Fletcher and Catharine Bovee, was born in Cohoes, February
25, 1841. He enlisted from Cohoes, as a private in Company A,
Twenty-second Regiment, New York State Volunteers, and was
engaged in the second Bull Run battle, August 30, 1862. After
this battle he was missing, and is supposed to have been wounded
and died. He was a Sabbath school scholar of the Reformed
Dutch Church of Cohoes.
Henry O. Osterhout, of Cohoes, son of William H. Oster-
HOUT and Sarah Ann Gardner, was born in Bethlehem, Albany
County, on November 18, 1847. He enlisted from Cohoes, as a
private in Company H, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regi-
ment, New York State Volunteers, and was with the army at the
sieo;e of Port Hudson. He returned home with his regiment in
September, 1863, and died from sickness contracted during his
service, on June 19, 1864.
William H. Cranston, son of James Cr/Vnston and Catharine
M. Wells, was born in the city of New York, on April 21, 1837.
He enlisted from Cohoes, as a private in Company A, the
Seventy-sixth Regimen* New York State Volunteers, and was
killed at the battle of Gettysburg, on July 1, 1863. He was
buried from the Reformed Dutch church of Cohoes, on July 16,
Jacob Alonzo Taylor, of Cohoes, son of John Taylor and
Margaret Wheeler, was born in Troy, on December 20, 1845.
He enlisted from Cohoes as a private in Company H, in the One
Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, New York State
Volunteers. He accompanied his regiment on its way home,
until he reached Rochester, New York, where he was taken sick
and died, on September 3, 1863. He was a scholar in the Sab-
bath School, and was beloved by all who knew him. His funeral
was held from the church, on September 6, 1863.
Franklin Comstock, of Guilderland, son of David S. and
Mary Comstock, was born in New Scotland, September 18, 1844.
He was an upright, industrious and amiable youth; and at the
age of fifteen he became a Christian, and united with the Method-
ist Episcopal church. Actuated by the purest patriotism, he
enlisted Octol^er 18, 18()2, in Company C, One Hundred and
Ninety-ninth New York Regiment. Soon after his arrival at
Bonnet Carre, La., he Avas seized with acute rheumatism, and
taken to the hospital, on the 14th of January, 1863. There he
suifered intensely for many long weary months, being much of
the time entirely helpless. But he bore his pains with heroic
fortitude, and without uttering a single complaint. His com-
rades were exceedingly kind to him, and did all in their power
for his comfort. But he died April 14, 1863, and was buried at
Bonnet Carre. In December, 1863, his remains were brought
home, and interred in the Prospect Hill Cemetery at Guilder-
George Riter enlisted in Company I, Sixty-first Regiment,
August 30, 1862, and Avas killed May 10, 1864, at Po River, Va.
John Smith, of Knox, was born November, 1837, and enlisted
in Company K, Seventh Regiment, August 9, 1862. He died in
Baltimore, March 16, 1864.
Gabriel Secor was born in Knox, March 12, 1838, and enlisted
in Company D, Ninety-first Regiment. He was in battle at Fort
McHenry, and died at Fort Federal Hill. He was buried at
Uriah Hollenbeck enlisted in Company G, Tenth Regiment,
and died in the service. He was buried in Cairo.
Madison Settle enlisted in Company G, Sixteenth Regiment,
and died in the service, and was buried at Fort Pillow.
Peter H. Stevens, of Knox, enlisted in the One Hundred and
Thirteenth Regiment, July 1862, and died.
Henry H. Allen, of Knox, was born May 10, 1843, amj
enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, Company K, August 1, 1862.
After serving nearly two years, he was mortally wounded, and
was buried near Petersburg
Joseph N. Bandy, born in Knox, April 1, 1821. Enlisted in
Company K, Seventh Regiment, August 12, 1862. After being
in the service nearly three years, it is supposed he died in a
rebel prison.
Adam M. Haines, born in Knox, December 27, 1836, enlisted
in Company D, Ninety-first Regiment, August, 1861. After
being in the service nearly two years, he was wounded at Port
Hudson, from which he died in foui-teen days. He was buried
in New Orleans.
Andrew ^Y. Kellogg, of Knox, a private in the Havelock
Battery, son of Amos and Lucy Kellogg, was born in Florida,
Schenectady county, New York, June 12, 1822. He experienced
religion at Northampton, Fulton county. New York, in 1848, and
united with the Presbyterian Church of that place. He was, up
to the time of his death, a useful and active member. Pure
patriotism induced him to leave family and friends, and unite
with the many brave defenders of his country; and he enlisted
in the Havelock Battery, November 11, 18(31. His battery was
in the battle of Manassas Junction, but his health was too poor
to admit of his participating in the same. He died at the Marine
hospital, of small pox, June 1, 18(33, and to the last moment, was
constantly urging those around him, to prepare for death. He
was buried near the hospital.
Amos Gideon Haines, born in Knox, August 21, 1839, enlisted
in Comi)any D, Ninety-tirst Regiment, August, 18(31. He was in
service nearly three years, and died of disease. His remains lie
in Knoxville Cemetery.
Elias Hane was born in Knox, September 28, 1844, and
enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, July 26, 1862. He served his
country faithfully for two years, and died of wounds in the leg,
received at Coal Harbor. His remains rest in Knoxville Ceme-
David Barton, the son of Stephen and Polly Lincoln Bar-
ton, was born in Rensselaerville, April 30th, 1837. He enlisted
November 24, 1861, at Albany, and died at Key West, Florida,
April 28, 1862, of typhoid fever, and was buried there.
Charles F. Barton, brother of David, was born at Rensselaer-
ville, June 3d, 1847, and enlisted November 24, 1861, at Albany.
He died at Key West, June 28, 1862, with fever, contracted in
the service, and was buried there. Thus fell two heroes from the
same patriotic family.
Edwin Crandall, son of William and Ruth Underhill Cran-
dall, was born March 16, 1841. He enlisted August, 1862, in
the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regiment, Company F,
and died about December 23, 1862, from a wound received Dec.
13, in battle of Fredericksburg, and is buried there.
Peter Raferty was l)orn in Ireland, June, 1830. He enlisted
September 4, 1861, in the Third Kegiment, Company L. He was
taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and died while in the hands of the
rebels. The place of his burial is not known.
Edward C. Platto, son of Ja:mes A. and Christiaxa Platto,
was born in Albany, on the 8th day of July, 1827. He received
a good education, when his parents removed with him to Pough-
keepsie, where he learned a trade. In 1857 he again came to
reside in All)any, and was niarried. May 1st, 1859.
From the tirst breaking out of the rebellion, he manifested an
earnest desire to assist in crushing it. Through his wife's eilbrts,
he was kept back for a few months. But he soon came to the
conclusion, and lioldly declared that his duty to his country was
tirst, and that to his family second; and accordingly he enlisted
in Company D, Tenth liegiment Xational Guards. His Lieuten-
ant wrote that in every battle, and when before Port Hudson, he
was always first at his post, and on one occasion, when the call
to arms was sounded, he rushed out with only part of his clothes
on, so anxious was he to be in his place.
Ten days before the regiment left Port Hudson for home, he
was taken sick of the typhoid fever. He was brought with the
regiment as far as Cleveland, O., where he was left in the hospi-
tal. On Monday, September 1st, he died, and on Tuesday,
September 2d, 1863, his remains were brought to Albany by
his tAvo brothers, and deposited in the Dutch Reformed burial
ground on State street, in this city.
Alexander Swartwout, son of Miner C. and Susanna Swart-
wouT, was born in Rensselaerville, June, 1824. He enlisted
August 6, 1862, and of his fate his friends know nothing.
Nathan Lester Fish, son of Dennison and Minerva Lester
Fisii, was born in Rensselaerville, September 4, 1844, and
enlisted August 6, 1862, in the Seventh Regiment, Company K.
He served in all the engagements of the regiment until June,
1864, when he was taken prisoner at Petersburg, Va. He was
taken to Andersonville prison, and has never been heard of since.
Isaac E. Finch, son of Smith A. and Martha Knowles Finch,
was born in Rensselaerville, September 11, 1843. He enlisted
in Seventh Regiment, Company K, August 6, 1862. He was in
several battles, and was killed in the battle of Tolopotomy
Creek, and buried there.
Charles Greene, son of Almar W. and Maria Van Wort
Greene, was born at Preston Hollow, September 30, 1842. He
enlisted in the Eighteenth Regiment, Company C, September,
1861, and died in the hospital at Hilton Head, North Carolina,
Feb. 2d, 1862, and was buried there.
James Webb, of AYesterlo, was born in the town of Fulton,
New York, on the 10th day of June, 1842. His parents were
Asahel and Caroline Webb.
Desiring to do what he could for his country, he enlisted in
Company K, One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Regiment,
known as the Seventh Heavy Artillery, August 19, 1862.
On the 15th of June, 1864, he wrote to his parents that he
had been in five heavy battles, and while they raged, he was
under fire every day. On the 16tli of June, he was taken
prisoner before Petersburg, and carried to Andersonville prison.
Up to this time he had been distinguished for his cheerfulness;
his strict obedience to his superior oflicers, and his unflinching
bravery upon the battle-field. But on entering this horrible
prison, and ])eing subject to the cruelties of the incarjiate fiends
who took delight in his starved condition, and his agonies, his
health and spirits were both undermined. In the bitterness of
his soul, he said to his companions in wretchedness, "I shall
never see home again."
He lingered through the sad days and weary nights, until, on
the 15th of October, 1864, death came to his relief. Where his
remains lie none of his friends know. He was probably buried
with the other patriot martyrs, who were murdered in this
Levi Smith, son of Israel and Fanny Smith, was born at Pot-
ter's Hollow, November 21, 1841. He enlisted in the Seventh
Regiment, Company F, August 6, 1862. He was taken prisoner
in the battle of Tolopotomy Creek, and died in Andersonville
Silas White, son of Daniel and Mary Ann White, was born
at Preston Hollow, March 5, 1845. He enlisted in the Fifth
Regiment, Company I, February 1, 1862, and died with the
measles, at Baltimore, December 25, 1862. He is buried at
Preston Hollow.
William Shoness, son of Joshua and Abby Ten Eyck
Shoness, was born in Westerlo, June, 1844. He enlisted in the
Sixty-first Regiment, Company E. He died in the service of the
United States, near Fredericksburg, Virginia.
George Swartwout, son of Miner C. and Susanna Cornish
Swartwout, was born in Rensselaerville, June 14, 1844. He
enlisted in October, 1862, at Allmny. After going to the front,
he lived three months and then was taken sick with typhoid
fever. He died at Falmouth, Virginia, and was buried there.
Alfred Lawpaugh, of Westerlo, enlisted in Company K,
Seventh Regiment, August 14, 1862. Died at Washington.
His remains were brought to Westerlo and buried.
Thomas Westley Barker, of Westerlo, enlisted in Company
D, Sixty-first Regiment, September 1, 1862. Died in the service.
Jesse Dennison enlisted October, 1862. While on his way
home with his regiment, he died at Rochester, New York.
John Rider enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, at
Westerlo, August 14, 1862. He was in the battles before Peters-
burg, June 16 and 22, and was taken prisoner, after being
wounded at the last named battle, and taken to Richmond. He
died from the effects of his wound.
George C. Woolley, of Westerlo, enlisted in Company K,
Seventh Regiment, August 14, 1862. He was in all of the en-
gagements of the Army of the Potomac, from May 15, 1864,
until he was taken prisoner at Petersburg, June 16, 1864. He
was confined at Andersonville prison, and died while there from
the effects of starvation.
David H. CRA^v^ORD, of Westerlo, enlisted in Company K,
Seventh Regiment, August 14, 1862. He was killed in battle, at
North Anna River, May 27, 1864.
Marcus D, Lockwood, of Westerlo, born in 1847, enlisted in
Company K, Seventh Regiment. He was taken prisoner at the
battle of Petersburg, June 17, 1864, and died a prisoner of war.
John Wright, of Westerlo, enlisted in the Forty-third Regi-
ment. After serving twenty-one months, he re-enlisted in the
same regiment. He was wounded soon after, and died at Wash-
John Bo^^^E, enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment,
August 2, 1862. He was in all the engagements of the Army
of the Potomac, from the crossing of the Rapidan to the battle
of Petersburg, June 16, 1864. There he was taken prisoner,
and confined in Andersonville prison, where he died from
exposure and starvation.
David B. Willsey, of Westerlo, enlisted in Company K,
Seventh Regiment, August 14, 1862, and was in all the battles
of the Army of the Potomac, from May 16, 1864, till the 10th
of June, 1864. He was taken prisoner near Petersburg. Died
at Andersonville prison.
James Holmes was born in Westerlo, February 6, 1827, and
enlisted in Company K, Seventh Regiment, August 4, 1862. He
was in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, from the
crossing of the Rapidan to the assault of Petersburg, June 16,
1864. He was then taken prisoner and carried to Andersonville,
where he died from exposure and starvation.
John B, Cr^^tt, of Westerlo, born in Coeymans, April 14,
1845, enlisted in the Seventh Regiment May 5, 1862. After
serving his term of enlistment, he again enlisted, for nine months,
in the Tenth Militia Regiment, November, 1862, and again in the
Seventh Heavy Artillery Regiment. He was taken prisoner
June 16, 1864, and died at Millen prison, from exposure and
starvation, November 2, 1864.
Charles C. B.viver, of Company E, Ninety-first Regiment, died
at New Orleans, aged thirty-five years.
John H. Briggs, of Company C, Seventy- Seventh Regiment,
wounded at the battle of Winchester, died at Taylor's hospital,
aged twenty-one years.
Samuel Burriskill, of Company C, Seventh Regiment, N. Y.
S. V. died November 7, 1863, aged twenty-one years.
Christopher G. Burns, after passing through the dangers of
fourteen battles, died of consumption, aged twenty-four years.
Charles Brice was killed at the battle of the Wilderness,
Virginia, aged twenty-three years.
WiLLiAJVi H. Barlow, Company E, Tenth Regiment, died at
Bonnet Carre, La.
John A. Christopher, aged eighteen, was killed in an engage-
ment near Rappahannock station, Virginia.
WiLLtAM F. Campion, killed at the battle of Autietam, was
buried from the residence of liis father. He was a member of
Company B, Eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteers, and was twenty-
three years of age.
Henry MoNTRA\^LLE was also killed in the aliove action and
was buried in Albany, 22d January, 1865.
John INIcDonald, of the Thirtieth Regiment, New York State
Volunteers, was instantly killed in action on the 30th of August.
He died as a true Albany boy, with his back to the field and his
face to the foe, young, handsome and brave; all who knew him
lamented his death. Hardly fifteen years of age in April, 1861,
he marched with the Twenty-fifth to Washington, and upon its
return enlisted in the D'Epineul Zouaves, and uncomplainingly
shared their privations and mishaps in the voyage to Hatteras,
and when disbanded joined the Thirtieth Regiment, in whose
ranks he bravely battled and nobly died.
Simeon H. Mann, of Co. G, One Hundred and Twenty-first
Regiment, was killed in the charge in the battle of Spottsylvania
Court House, while on the top of the enemy's breastworks.
George Martin, after he had passed through all the battles
of the Peninsula with Gen. McClellan's army, at last at the
battle of Crampton Gap was shot through the heart, and leaves
a wife and child, and a large circle of friends to mourn the loss.
Thomas L. Hartness was a brave soldier and devoted Sab-
bath School teacher, and died for his country.
Charles A. HxVskell died at Bonnet Carre of typhoid fever,
aged eighteen.
Michael Harrigan died at Baton Rouge, aged eighteen ;
member of the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment.
F. S. HuRD died at Port Hudson; son of the late J. N. M.
HuRD. He was a member of Company A, One Hundred and
Seventy-seventh Regiment.
John B. Carter was killed at the battle of Winchester, Va.,
and was buried at Albany January 5, 1865.
Thomas Edward Cary was instantly killed, and left a father
and brother in the army.
Charles B. Chapman died, aged twenty-seven. He was a
printer, attached to the Ellsworth Regiment, He received a
wound in the breast in one of the battles before Richmond.
James De Lacey, whose affection, as the son of a widowed
mother, was equal to his courage upon the battle field, fell at the
slaughter at Antietam.
Wm, T, O'Brien died at Newbern, N. C. He was a member
of the Twenty-third New York battery.
■ Abraham S. Thornton, of the Seventh Artillery, who died at
Washington, was buried from the Hudson Street Baptist Church.
Thomas Smith, Jr., Company B, Berdan's Sharpshooters, died
at City Point Hospital, Virginia, aged twenty-one. He was
wounded in a skirmish before Petersburg, on the sixteenth.
Clarence H. Stephens, a brave boy of nineteen years, fell
before the deadly tire of the rebel artillery.
John Shaffer, a young man of superior worth, after braving
many battles, died in 1863, and the last words upon his lips were,
" My mother."
Christopher Scheidler died, aged twenty-six. He was one
of the first volunteers in the war, and served in the Virginia
campaign in the Twenty-fifth Regiment.
By Adjutant J. M. Kimball.
Head Quaeters (N. G. S. N. Y.) 25x11 Regiment
N. Y. S. M., ALB.mY, October 1, 1866.
Rev. R. W. Clark, D. D.:
Dear Sir — In accordance Avith your request, I send you an
account of the Twenty-tifth Regiment N. Y. S. M.
Having been Adjutant of that regiment for the last four years,
and a member of it for more than twelve years, I have the means
of giving you an accurate account of its services, in the late
civil war.
On or about the 19th day of April, 1861, Col. Michael K.
Bryan, then commander of the Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. S.
M., (then a part of the uniformed militia of the State,) received
orders from Gov. Morgan to hold his regiment in readiness to
move at a moment's notice.
On the evening of April 21, 1861, the order came from Gov.
Morgan to move the next morning, at nine a. m., to Washington,
D. C. The order was obeyed by the regiment wnth all possible
alacrity, and on the morning of the 22d of April, 1861, the regi-
ment, under command of Col. Bryan, proceeded by the Hudson
River railroad to New York, and from that city took the steamer
Parkersl)urgh for Annapolis, Md., wdiere they landed on the
morning of the 26th of April, and the Colonel reported to Gen.
Butler, who was then in command of that post. On the mor-
ning of the 29th, the regiment arrived in Washington, D. C, the
fifth regiment that reached there in defence of the Capital, at that
critical hour of our Nation's histoiy.
Upon arriving in Washington, the regiment w^as quartered in
a large building, near the Capitol. There it was drilled by the
Colonel, assisted by United States ofiicers of the regular army,
for several hours in the forenoon and afternoon, until it became
one of the best tlrilled militia reoriments in Washington. The
commander of the regiment reported, on the arrival in Washing-
ton, directly to Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, who ordered the
Colonel to report with his command to Brig. Gen. Mansfield.
The regiment remained under Gen. Mansfield's orders till the
23d of May, 1861, when the command came to cross that night,
at two A. M., the Loner Bridge from Washington to Virginia. This
regiment was the second that reached the Virginia side, the
Twelfth, Col. Butterfield's, being the first.
The Twelfth New York Militia, Col. Butterfield, upon cross-
ing over the bridge, turned off to the left hand, and Col. Bryan
moved on with his command to Arlington Heights, where Fort
Albany now stands. The regiment, after taking two of the rebel
pickets, with their horses and equipments, prisoners, (which I
think were the first prisoners taken in Virginia after the com-
mencement of the war,) encamped at four a. m. on the 24th of
May, 1861. Soon after they commenced the erection of Fort
Albany, which was mostly Iniilt h}- the labor of this command;
besides, some tAventy acres of timber and wood were cut down
by them for military purposes. The fort was named Fort Albany,
in honor of the city from which the regiment came, by the men
to whom it was left by the military authorities at Washington,
at Col. Bryan's suggestion.
At the battle of Bull Run, the regiment was left in charge of
the fort they had Iniilt, and which was one of the barriers that,
after the disaster of Bull Run, on the 21st of July, 1861, saved
the Capital from the advance of the rebels, as appears by the
reports of the Generals of the enemy.
After the l)attle and defeat of the 21st, under McDowell, on
the night of that day, Col. Bry^vn was placed in command of the
fort, and several other regiments and batteries, to make a stand
in case the rel^els advanced or pursued our flying columns from
that unfortunate field of battle. This certainly showed the con-
fidence of the Government in Col. Bryan and his men. But the
enemy did not advance. They feared the strength of Fort Albany,
and the other works erected beyond the Potomac.
Had it not been for these forts, erected on the south side of
the Potomac by Gen. Runyon's Brigade of New Jersey men, and
by the Twenty-fifth and Sixty-ninth Regiments New York, under
Col. Bryan and Col. Corcor^vn, the city of Washington would
doubtless have been taken by the rebels after the first Bull Run
battle. The Twenty-fifth Regiment bestowed an immense amount
of labor on these forts, and the importance of that service ap-
peared very clearly at that time.
This regiment was ever ready to ohey every order, and faith-
fully performed every duty required of it by the Government. It
justly received the thanks of its superior officers. They were
not mustered into the service till the 4th of May, 1861, at Wash-
ington, and their term of service was three months from that
With the loss of three men by sickness, who died at Washing-
ton, D. C, the regiment returned to Albany by railroad on the
1st of August, numbering live hundred and seventy-live men and
officers, and were mustered out at Albany on the 4th of August,
The regiment was commanded by Michael K. Bryax as
Colonel. James Swift was Lieutenant Colonel, and David Fkeed-
LANDER, Major. Company A, Avas commanded by Captain Jacob
Fredendall; Company B, by Captain Timothy McDermott;
Company C, was commanded by Captain John Gray; Company
D, was commanded by Captain Frank Marshall; Com})any E,
by Captain J. J. Huber; Companj- G, was commanded by Capt.
Henry MuLiiOLLiVND; Company H, l)y Captain Godefrey; Com-
pany L, by Captain Frederick Newdorf; Company R, by Capt.
Hale Kingsley.
The regiment was again, on the 31st of May, 1862, mustered
into the United States service at All)any, N. Y., l)y order of the
Government for three months, and on this occasion was ordered
to Sutfolk, Virginia, where they remained till the 1st day of
September, 1862. Then the}^ took passage, at Norfolk, on the
2d of September, on the steamer Baltic, for New York, where
they arrived after a stormy passage, on the 6th of September.
Dui'ing this cam[)aign the regiment was encamped at Suftblk,
Virginia, where they were in the brigade of General Max Weber,
commanding, which was composed of the Third New York Vol-
unteers; the Fourth New York Volunteers; the Thirteenth New
York Militia, and the Twenty-fifth Regiment, New York Militia.
The regiment attained great proficiency in drill while at Suf-
folk, and nine days after this regiment was mustered out of ser-
vice, the brigade of General Weber was ordered into the battle
of Antietam, where he was wounded, and General Mansfield
who was the commander of tlie post at Suffolk, was killed.
The reo-iment returned with five hundred men, havins: lost but
one man, who was accidentally drowned. Though they fought
no battles, they were ever ready to do so if required, while in
the field; and hundreds of the officers and men that first served
in the late civil war, in the Twenty-fifth Regiment, after it re-
turned to Albany and was mustered out, joined with their Colonel,
Michael K. Bryan, other regiments of volunteers, and fought
many battles. Many of them laid down their lives in the field,
among whom was Colonel Bryan, who fell at the head of his
regiment at Port Hudson. Others who have nobly served
through the war, have returned, and now reside with us.
During its term of service in 1862, at Suffolk, Colonel Bryan
commanded. JajMes Swift was Lieutenant Colonel, and David
Friedlander Major. Company A, was commanded hy Jacob
Fredandoll; Company B, by Timothy McDer3iott; Company
C, by Captain John Gray; Company F, by Captain Michael
Kennally; Company G, by James M. Carlin, and Company K,
by Captain Hale Kingsley.
Permit me to say all did their duty; and if ever the country
shall again need the services of her sons, the Twenty-fffth Regi-
ment which is now in a most efficient condition in regard to drill,
discipline and numbers, under its present able and zealous
officers, most of whom have faced the foe in the fight, will be
among the first to rally round the flag, and to defend the Ameri-
can Republic against every foe.
Respectfully yours,
AdjL 25th Regt. N. Y. S. iV. G.
The Third Regiment Infantry, N. Y. S. V., or "First Albany
Regiment," was organized at Albany. It was composed of com-
panies recruited and accepted as follows, viz:
Where recruited.
By whom recruited.
Date of acceptance.
Williamsburgh, L. I. ..
Ncwburgh, N. Y
Albany, N. Y
Orderl3, April 20, 1801.
Order 16, April 20, 1861.
Order 14, April 20, 1861.
Order 69, April 21, 1861.
Order 41, April 20, 1861.
Order 98, April 22, 1861.
Order 148, April 23,1861.
Order 158,April 24,1861.
Order 232,April 25,1861.
B .
Capt. S. W. FuUerton, jr
Capt. Elbridge G. Floyd
Capt. John G. Butler
E .
F .
G .
Albany, N. Y
Owego, N. Y
Capt. Justus W. Blanchard.. . .
Capt. Henry S. Hulbert
Capt. J. H. Ten Eyek, jr
Albany, N. Y ..
Capt. Edward S. Jenny
Capt. John E. Mulford
On the 24th of April, Captains Smith, Fullerton, Floyd,
Blanchard, Hulbert, Ten Eyck and Butler were directed to
meet and elect field officers, and, on the 25th, the election of
Frederick Townsend as Colonel, and S.uiuel M. Alford as
Lieutenant Colonel, was confirmed. These proceedings, however,
• For this and most of the other histories of the regiments, we are indebted to the
reports of Col. Doty, Chief of the Bureau of Military Record.
were set aside. At a meeting of the State ]\rilitaiT Board, held
May Ttli, it Avas, on motion of the Treasurer, '■'Resolved^ That the
ten eompanies, commanded by the following Captains, to wit:
8. W. FuLLERTON, Jr., AiiEL Hmith, Jr., E. G. Floyd, John G.
Butler, Justus W. Bi-anchard, Henry S. IluLnEiiT, Isaac S.
Catlin, Jaco]$ II. Ten Eyck, Jr., E. 8. Jenny and John E. Mul-
FORD, be and they are hereby accepted and organized into a regi-
ment, to be designated as regiment No. 3, and that the officers
of said companies be authorized to hold an election to elect the
tield officers for said regiment." Under this resolution the elec-
tion was held b}- Brig. Gen. Ratiibone, on the 8th, at which
Frederick Townsexd was elected Colonel, 8. M. Alford, Lieu-
tenant Colonel, and George D. Bayaud, Major. The 8tate Board
confirmed the selections made, with date from the 8th. On the
14th of May the regiment was mustered into the service of the
United States by Capt. Frank Wiieaton, U. 8. A., and on tlie
KJth (Special Orders Xo. 192) Col. Toavnsend was directed "to
proceed with his regiment to New York, May 18, and report for
duty to Gen. Dix. Arms and equipments to be issued upon their
arrival at New York."
The regiment left Albany for New York on the 18th May, and
arrived in that city on the 19th, and took quarters in the Park
barracks. It was armed with seven hundred and twenty mus-
kets, pattern of 1842, caliber sixty-nine (May 27), which were
changed (IMay 29) for Enlield rifles, caliber fifty-seven. Equip-
ments were also furnished, and (May 28-30) one hundred com-
mon and twenty-four wall tents issued to it by the State. On
the 31st of May it left New York for Fortress Monroe. The
expenditures by the State in behalf of the regiment up to August
15th, exclusive of subsistence and quarters, was fifty-five thousand
six hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighty -one cents.
The regiment reached Fortress Monroe on the 3d of June. On
the 9th it was ordered to move in support of the Fifth Regiment,
in an attack on Little Bethel. The First, Second and Seventh
Regiments were also ordered to join in this movement. While
the Third was en route it passed in the vicinity of the Seventh,
and the latter, mistaking it for a force of the enemy, opened
with artillery and musketry upon Col. Townsend's column. The
fire was irregularly returned by the Third, and fearing that it
had fallen into an ambuscade, it immediately retreated to an emi-
nence near by. The true state of facts having been ascertained,
the regiments effected a junction, and resumed the line of march.
Little Bethel was found to have been evacuated by the enemy,
and the connnand moved forward to Big Bethel, where, after a
short engagement, a retreat was ordered. In this movcinent the
Third lost two men killed and twenty-seven wounded.
The reii'imcnt returned to Fortress Monroe, and from thence
(July 30th) to Biiltiniore, where it remained in camp, at Fort
McHenry, until April 1st, 1862, when it was sent to Fort Federal
Hill. From Federal Hill it was transferred to Suffolk, Va., where
it remained until September 12th. It then returned to Fortress
Monroe, where it performed guard duty until the expiration of
its term of service.
On leaving the service it received the following complimen-
tary order:
Headquarters, Department of Virginia, "j
7th Army Corps, Fortress Monroe, Va., \
May 12 1863. J
To the TJdrd New Yorh Volunteers {Infantry):
The Major General commanding cannot withhold the expres-
sion of his deep regret that the term of service, for which a
large nnmber of the men of the Third New York Volunteers
enlisted is about to expire, and that he is compelled to part with
In discipline, good conduct, and a faithful discharge of their
duties, under all circumstances in which they have been placed,
he ventures to say that they are not surpassed by any other
regiment in the service.
Through the care, vigilance and fidelity of their officers and
their able commander, and through their own just sense of all
their obligations, under the military laws by which they have
been governed, they have earned a most enviable reputation.
To those who have re-entered the service, with an unshaken
determination to uphold the cause of their country against its
faithless enemies, he tenders his sincere thanks; and if those who
are about to return to their families and friends for a while,
should rejoin their comrades whom they leave behind, they will
receive as warm a welcome as that which awaits them at home.
Major-Gen eral Commanding.
Official: Wilson Barstow, Aid-de-Camp.
The regiment took the field with seven hundred and ninety-six
officers and men. During its period of service it received one
hundred and sixty-two recruits, who, with about two hundred
re-enlisted men, and the re-enlisted men and recruits of the
Ninth Regiment New York Volunteers, who were consolidated
with it, remained in the field and continued its organization
under Col. Alford, Avho had been promoted to the command of
the regunent, on the resignation of Col. Townsend (July 2d,
1861). It commenced its service, as a veteran conmiaud, with
al)oiit eight hundred men, and subsequently received seven
lumdred conscripts and about tAvo hundred recruits, as well as a
numl)er of men by the consolidation with it of the One Hundred
and Twelfth New York Volunteers.
The re-oro-anized reifinient was sent to Folly Island, where it
participated in the sie.i(^ of Fort Wa£:;ner and Charleston. In
April, 18G4, it visited Gloucester Point and West Point, and
made a reconnoissance to Avithin a few miles of King William
Court House. It then moved up the James Eiver, under Gen.
BuTLEii, as a part of the First Brigade (Col. 8. M. Alford),
Second Division (Brig. Gen. J. H. Tuener), Tenth Corps (^faj.
Gen. Q. A. Gilmore.) It was actively engaged and sutiered
severely in the advance made by Gen. Butler, May 12th, 14th
and IGth, and lost fifty wounded, five killed and seven missing,
out of about two hundred and eighty-five engaged. About the
olst of May it was temporarily assigned to the Third Brigade,
Third Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, and moved to Coal
Harbor, where it remained until the 12th of elune, when it
returned to Bermuda Hundred. On the 15th it started for
Petersliurg, and reached a point within about two miles of the
city, where it encountered the enemy, charged his works, cap-
tured two hundred and fifty men of Wise's Brigade, the battle-
flag of the Twenty-sixth Virginia, and some nine or ten pieces
of artillery. It fell back on the 12th and resumed its old posi-
tion in the Tenth Corps. It was subsequently in action at
Bermuda Hundred, in front of Petersburg, Petersburg Mine,
Fort Gilmer, Chapin's Farm, Darbytown Road, first and second
Fort Fisher, and Wilmington, N. C. At Fort Fisher, the State
color which it carried was the first Regimental color which was
hoisted on the enemy's works. It was mustered out of service
in August, 1865.
The Forty-third Regiment was recruited in the counties of
Albany, Washington and Otsego, and in New York city. It left
Albany September 16, 1861, under command of Colonel (after-
wards Brigadier General) FRiVNCis L. Vinton. Arrived in the
field September 21, 1861, and from that time until it was
mustered out, was constantly in the face of the enemy.
It went out with seven hundred and six men, and, with the
recruits which it subsequently received, (including five companies
which were recruited for it at the close of the Peninsula cam-
paign in 1862) had a roll of two thousand three hundred and
twenty-seven. It returned with two hundred and ninety men
and thirteen officers. It was first assigned to General Hancock's
Brigade, in which it served until February, lS(Vd, when it was
selected as one of five regiments, distinguished for dash and
courage, to form a Light Division of the 8ixth Arm}' Corps. It
served in this division at Marye's Heights, Salem Church and
Banks' Ford, and was the first regiment that planted its colors
on the enemy's works on Marye's Heights.
After the Chancel lorsville campaign, the Light Division was
discontinued, and the reii'iment was assiirned to the Third Brio--
... . ... ^
ade, Second Division, Sixth Corps, in which it subsequently
served. It was mustered out June 27, 1865, with the following
l)attles, actions and sieges inscribed on its banners: Lee's Mills,
April 29, 1862; Warwick Creek, April 30, 1862; Siege of York-
town, 1862; Golding's Farm, June 27, 1862; Seven Day's Bat-
tles, 1862; Antietam, SeptendK'r 17, 18()2; Frederickslnirg,
December 12, 13, 14, 1862; Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863;
Salem Church, May 3, 4, 1863; Banks' Ford,"May 4, 1863; Fred-
ericksburg, June 5, 1863; Gettysburg, July 2, 3, 1863; Eappa-
hannock Station, Noveml)er 7, 1863; Locu-t Grove, November
27, 1863; Mine Eun, November 29, 1863; Wilderness, May 5,
6, 1864; Spottsylvania, May 10, 12, 18, 1864; North Anna, May
23, 1864; Coal Harl)or, June 1, 2, 3, 1864; Petersburg, June 18,
28, 1864; Fort Stevens, District of Columbia, July 12, 1864;
Oharlestown, August 21, 1864; Opequan, September 19, 1864;
Fisher's Hill, September 22, 1864; Cedar Creek. October 19,
1864; Petersburg, March 25, 1865; Petersburg, April 2, 1865;
Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865; Surrender of Lee, April 9, 1865.
The Tenth Eegiment National Guards, was organized at Albany,
under Colonel Iea W. Ainsworth, soon after the l)reaking out
of the rebellion, and performed guard duty and other services,
in aid of the General Government. By order of Gov. Moegan,
under a special order of the War Department, accepting volun-
teers for nine months, it tendered its services, for the third time,
to Gov. Mokgan. In September, 1862, it was accepted, and
assigned to General Banks, under the name of the One Hundred
and Seventy-seventh Volunteers, and sailed for the expedition
in December, for the Department of the Gulf,
On its arrival at New Orleans it Mas attached to the Third
Brigade, Second Division, Nineteenth Corps, and served in hold-
ing the defences of New Orleans untjl March, when the cam-
paign of Louisiana was commenced. It served with the brigade
in two campaigns on the Amite river, each time being sharply
engaged l)y the enemy, and h:)st its first man in action. It then
participated in the cam[)aigns from New Orleans to Port Hudson,
and arrived in front of the enemy's works on the 2od of Ma}'.
On the 25th, General Banks, wishing to ascertain the position of
the enemy, and to open comnnmication with the fleet, ordered
the regiment to cut its way through to the river. This service
was gallantly performed under a heavy fire from the enemy's
main works. The regiment approached so near to the fortifica-
tions, that the guns over-ranged, thus saving the regiment from
great loss in killed and wounded. The first blood at Port Hud-
son was drawn from the One Hundred and Seventy-seventh, on
this reconnoissance.
The regiment was actively engaged during the entire siege of
Port Hudson, taking part in the" ))attles of "IVIay 27th and 29th,
and suffered severel}-. Ou the fall of Port Hudson, the time of
the regiment having expired, it returned home by way of the
Missis.sippi river, the route originally promised by General
Banks to the troops of his expedition. After being mustered
out of the United States service, it resumed its original position
in the Ninth Brigade National Guard.
This was a Zouave regiment, and was organized and numbered
the Forty-fourth, October 16th, 1861.
It was started with an earnest appeal to the people of our
State, commencing in the following language:
" To the People of the State of New York:
The recent assassination of the gallant and lamented Ells-
worth, and the barbarous manner iu which the rebels have thus
far conducted their hostilities against the Government, has fired
anew the zeal of our young men, until all are chafing with impa-
tience to meet the foe.
The quota of New York troops called for by the President is
already organized; and, if they were not, too much time would
be consumed in oi-ganizing under existing laws.
Under these circumstances, it has been deemed advisable to
raise a regiment from among the people of this State, each
town and ward to be represented I)y furnishing one man, to be
at once armed and equipped by voluntary subscription, and ten-
dered to the General Government, to serve during the war, as the
avengers of the noble blood spilt on the soil of Virginia on the
24th' inst.'
This regiment, having been completed and drilled, made a
parade, October 13, 18H1. It Avas witnessed by an immense con-
course of our people. The regiment made a splendid appear-
ance, and went through the manual and various evolutions in a
very creditable manner. The loading and tiring, especially, by
companies, platoons, and by the entire line, was admirably done,
and elicited great applause. At the close of the parade a newly
invented battery was brought on the held — truly aterril)le instru-
ment of destruction. It consists of tive guns, and will discharge
sixty balls a minute.
On the 16th of October, Lieut. Col. Rice, of the Ellsworth,
or Forty-fourth, Regiment, received a beautiful sword, and some
other articles, at the house of A. McClure, Esq. The present-
ation was gracefully made by Mrs. Emily Barnes.
On the 20th of the same month the regiment left for the seat
of war. When the centre of the regiment was opposite the
house of Hon. Erastus Corning, the line was halted to receive
the regimental banner from the hands of Mrs. Corning. It was
very elegant, and when put into the hands of the standard
bearer, it was received with enthusiastic cheers by the regiment.
The ceremony was deeply interesting.
As this nol:)le body of patriots left our city, they carried with
them the best wishes of tens of thousands, and how fully they
met the public expectations appears in the sketches of many of
them, who offered up their lives upon the altar of their country.
It was mustered into service September 24, 1861, and served
in the following engagements, viz: Siege of Yorktown, Hano-
ver Court House, G;dnes' Mills, Turkey Island Bend, Malvern
Hill, Second Bull Run or Groveton, Antietam, Fredericksburg,
Chancellorsville, Aldie. Gettysburg, Jones' Cross Roads, Rappa-
hannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court
House, North Aima, Bethesda Church and through the series of
battles and skirmishes before Petersburo; and on the Weldon
railroad, up to September 24, 1864.
The heroic Gen. Rice, who was killed in the battle of the
Wilderness, went out as Lieutenant Colonel of this regiment,
and Gen. Chapin, who was killed at Port Hudson, was its origi-
nal senior Captain.
The following account of the return of this regiment is taken
from the "Albany Express," Septeml)er 28, 1864:
•' Our streets were unusually lively yesterday afternoon, the
citizens turning out in large numbers to witness the return of the
veterans of the Forty-fourth Regiment. The welcome extended
to them was as warm and generous as it was merited. It will be
remembered that but a few months after the commencement of
hostilities, a numl)er of our most pronn"nent citizens resolved to
unite their means and efforts to raise a reijiment that would, in
every respect, be a model organization. The original plan was
to accept a man from each town in the State, but unforeseen diffi-
culties arose under this plan, and it Avas abandoned; and although
many parts of the State were represented in it, our own city aad
county furnished a larger number than any other locality. The
Kegiment was made up of picked men — men selected not only
with a view to their own physical advantages, but also with
regard to their moral worth; and we feel justitied in saying, that
in these respects, no liner regiment ever entered the army than
was the Forty-fourth, when it left All)any nearly three years ago,
(October 21, 18G1). They numbered ten hundred and sixty strong.
" Since then it has participated in twelve general engagements,
and in as many more skirmishes, and always with distinguished
bravery. But the fortunes of war told fearfully upon its ranks.
Brig. Gen. Rice and many others of the gentlemen who went out
in its list of officers, gave up their lives for the cause in which
they so cheerfully volunteered, lighting valiantly where the
hardest and bravest blows Avere to be struck, and dying Avith
their faces to the foe.
" During its service, upAvards of seven hundred recruits joined
its ranks, and noAv, Avhen one hundred and seventy return to their
homes, there are left in the field but three hundred. As an evi-
dence of the material of which it Avas (originally com})osed, Ave
may state, that al)out one hundred and fifty of the rank and file
have lieen promoted into other regiments. The veterans of this
regiment, Avho are returning home, number one hundred and
seventy men and fourteen officers.
" On their arrival here, about four o'clock in the afternoon,
they Avere received l)y the Mayor, Common Council and the Citi-
zen's Connnittee, and under the escort of the Twenty-second
Veteran Corps (a neat and fine looking body of men), and the
Sixteenth Massachusetts Battery, they marched througTi a num-
ber of principal streets, exciting feelings of the AA^armest admira-
tion among the thousands of citizens Avho crowded the Avalk.
Passing up State street, tht>y paid Mrs. Erastus Corning, Sr.,
the compliments of a marching salute. When, three years ago,
the regiment started for the seat of war, it was presented with
an elegant flao- by Mrs. Corning. This flasf, haviu"; been Avorn
out, Avas returned to the donor, and a ncAV one given in exchange,
about the 1st of January, 1863.
"Arrived at the Capitol, Gov. Seymour AA^as introduced by
Col. Conner to the men, who greeted his Excellency Avith a round
of hearty cheers. Gov. Sp:ymoi:r addressed them briefly, allud-
ing in feeling and eloquent terms to their ])rave departed com-
rades, and tenderiug to his hearers, on behalf of the State, as
well as for the city of Alliany, the most earnest thanks. He
spoke of their services and sacrifices, and assured them that their
deeds of patriotism and heroism would ever be the theme of
praise on the lips of their fellow citizens. The regiment then
marched from the Capitol to Congress Hall, Avhere, as the guests
of the city, they partook of a substantial collation, after which
they were surrounded ))y many old friends, with whom they
passed a happy evening.
The Ninet^'-first Regiment left Albany on the 20th of Decem-
ber, 1861, on the transport " Knickerbocker." They arrived at
Governor's Island the next morning, where they encamped. The
regiment remained there until the 8th ot January following,
during which time they experienced considerable hardship, as
the weather was very cold, and very few of the men had been
used to such a life.
On the 8th of January, 1862, the}" ^vere taken on board the
steamer "Ericsson," and on the morning of the 9th sailed for
Key West, Florida. The " Ericsson" was a large vessel, ]mt not
a very fast one, and she did not reach Key West until the 19th.
On the 20th the regiment disembarked, and encamped on the
southern part of the Island.
During their stay at this place, the men were employed in
making military roads, and much time A\as devoted to drilling.
The Island was under the command of Brig. Gen. J. M. Brannan.
On the 20th of May, 1862, the regiment embarked on the steamer
"Philadelphia " for Pensacola. That place had been evacuated
by the rebels a short time before, and troops were needed to
garrison it, and the Ninety-tirst was selected for that purpose.
Upon arrriving at Pensacola, the regiment was assigned to
quarters in the houses of the place, which had been deserted by
their owners. The men were kept busy for some time in assist-
ing in the building of a redoubt and other earthworks. While
stationed at this place, the regiment had a very pleasant time.
Their quarters were good, the climate was fine, and there was
an abundance of good water. The regiment was stationed here
s(!ven months, during which time the place was never attacked
l)y the enemy in force, although the pickets were occasionally
visited by the rebel cavalry; and at one time ten men of the
Ninety-first, on the advance guard, were captured. When the
regiment reached Pensacola, and for some time after, the place
was under command of Gen. Arnold. He was relieved by Gen,
Neal Dow, While Gen. Dow hud commaiKl. a number of expe-
ditions were sent into the surrounding country to capture, not
rebels, of whom there were a few in the vicinity, but furniture.
Once, however, on the 27th of October, 18()2, several companies
of the Ninetj'-first marched some distance into the country, and
at night surprised a detachment of rebel cavalry. A short
engagement ensued, and six rebels Avere killed and seven taken
prisoners, and fifteen horses were captured.
In December, 18(i2, Gen. Banks' expedition reached New
Orleans, and shortly after its arrival, orders were issued for the
Ninety-first to proceed to that place. The regiment left Pensa-
cola ill transports on the 24th and 25th of that month, and upon
arriving at New Orleans, were at once ordered to Baton Rouge,
Avhere a large force was being concentrated for an attack on Port
Hudson. At this time the regiment was in splendid condition.
The men were well clothed and ecpiipped, and were well drilled,
and under good discipline, and it formed one of the best regi-
ments in the Nineteenth Corps.
In the latter part of March, 1863, it assisted in the feint that
was made by Gen. Banks on the rear of Port Hudson, while
Fakragut ran his ships past the place. After this it Avas taken
to Donaldsonville, and from there marched to Brashear city.
Prom here the Third Division of the Corps, under Gen. Groveb,
to Avhich the Ninety- first was attached, Avere taken up the Atcha-
falaya in ti'ansports, and on the loth of April Avere landed. That
day there Avas some skirmishing Avith the enemy, and on the 14th
the battle of Irish Bend Avas fought, the first severe engagement
that Avas participated in by the Ninety-first. The regiment did
good service on that day, and met Avith but comparatively a
small loss. Two men Avere killed, and some eight or ten Avounded.
Sergt. Clark, of Company A, Avas killed on that day, and Avas
the first man of the regiment Avho AA\as killed in ])attle. Imme-
diately after this battle, the enemy were pursued up the Teche
country by the Avhole Nineteenth Corps. At Bayou Vermillion,
the regiment participated in a little engagement, and had several
men wounded, but none killed. After this it accompani(>d the
corps to the Red riA^er, reaching Alexandria on the 7th of Ma}^
Avhich place Avas taken Avithout any fighting. The troops remained
in the vicinity of Alexandria until the latter part of May, when
they AA^ere taken by Avater to Bayou Sara, al)()ve Port Hudson,
and on the 24th that stronghold was completely surrounded.
On the 25th the brigade, to Avhich the Ninety-first Avas attached,
made a forAvard movement, and had a spirited engagement, in
which seven of the regiment Avere killed.
On the 27th a general advance AA%as made, and the rebels were
driven to their inner works. That day the Ninety-first suffered
severely. About ^ixty were killed or wounded. Major Stack-
house was wounded, and died from the eflects of his wound.
Captains John Cooke and J. G. McDermott were also wounded.
The former lost the use of his arm for life. After this no general
movement was made until the 14th of June, a day which Avill
always be rememl)ered hy the Nineteenth Corps. It was a day
of desperate lighting, by which nothing of value was secured.
On that day the regiment had about twenty killed, and over sixty
wounded. Among the former were Capt. Henry Hulbert and
Adjt. Sylvester Shepard; among the latter were Capt. William
Lee, and Lieuts. Herwerth, Mathias, Stackhouse and Diamond.
It would require pages to describe the scenes of that day — the
most remarkable clay for the regiment of its entire service.
When the regiment left Ncav York it was about eight hundred
strong. On the loth of June, 18(3o, there were but tAvo hundred
and twenty men tit for duty. Immediately after the surrender
of Port Hudson, the regiment went with part of the corps to
Donaldsonville, where there was a slight engagement on the 13th
of Jul3% in which six of the regiment were wounded. After this
the rei>inient was stationed in the vicinity of New Orleans until
the latter part of August, when it was ordered to Brashear city.
Until about this time, the regiment had been commanded by
Col. Jacob Van Zandt. Under him it had done some hard iight-
inir, and gained a reputation for endurance, bravery and good
discipline, second to none in the Department of the Gulf. From
the time tlie regiment went to Brashear until it was tinally nuis-
tered out, it Avas commanded by Col. Jonathan Tarbell. It
remained at Brashear six months, doing garrison duty, during
which time little of importance transpired. In January, 18(i4,
nearly all the men re-enlisted for three years more.
In the latter part of February the regiment was removed to
Fort Jackson, for the purpose of ])eing paid and mustered .on
their re-enlistment, and expecting to proceed from there, in a
short time, to the north, on a furlough. For some reason they
were detained there over four months. Previous to this, there
had never been much sickness among the men, but the unhealthy
situation of the fort had its effect upon them, and before they
left, there were not sufficient well men to do the ordinary guard
duty; and when the regiment started for the north, on the 9th
of July, there was scarcely a strong, avcU man in it. Nearly
every one had suffered from the fever and ague.
The regiment came home by the way of the Mississippi, and
arrived at All)any on the evening of the 19th of July, receiving
an enthusiastic welcome. At the expiration of the thiily days
furlough it Avas ordered to Baltimore, Avhere it remained, doing
duty in and around that city, for about six mouths. Here it
received large additions to its numbers of recruits from the north,
and became over sixteen hundred strong.
lu the hitter part of February, 1865, the regiment was ordered
to join the Army of the Potomac before Petersburg, and upon
its arrival at City Point, was assigned to the First Biigadc, Third
Division of the Fifth Army Corps.
The regiment participated in the glorious campaign which
resulted in the fall of liichmond, and the surrender of Lee's
army. It was in the battles of AVhite Oak Pidge and Five Forivs,
and other minor engagements. During this short and decisive
campaign, between forty and tifty of the regiment were either
killed or died of wounds received in action; and over one hun-
dred and seventy were wounded. Among the wounded were
Capts. George W. Hobbs and Andreav Dodds, and Lieuts. Dax-
FOKTH, Chapman and Murphy.
The regiment marched to Washington with the rest of the
troops, and was at the orand review in that city on the 23d of
Shortly alter this the one year men, l)elongingto the regiment,
were sent home and mustered out; and about the middle of July
the remainder of the regiment returned to Albany, and were dis-
charged from the service.
To the survivors of this noble and heroic regiment, who are
now residing Avitli us, we tender the warm thanks of the citizens
of Albany, and the lasting gratitude and admiration of the Ameri-
can people.
From Capt. John E. Burton.
The formation of the Eleventh N. Y. Battery commenced as
early as the 10th of September, 1861, by a call, dated at the
rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, Albany, and
signed by James Rodgers and Henry D. Brower. An organi-
zation was not effected, however, until the 20th of Octol^er, 1861,
when the Rev. A. A. Von Puttkammer was elected Captain.
The Battery had its full complement of officers and men, and
was mustered into the service of the United States on the 6th of
January, 1862.
The folloMing are the names of the officers at that time: A. A.
\'oN Puttkammer, Captain; R. C. Warmington, First Lieutenant;
James Rodgers, First Lieutenant; G. A. Knapp, Second Lieu-
tenant; John E. Burton, Second Lieutenant.
The numl)er of enlisted men then on the rolls, was one hun-
tlied and fiftj^-eight.
In the fall of 1861, the Battery was presented with a beantifiil
banner, having on it an excellent portrait of General Havelock,
after whom the Battery was named. The gift was from the
ladies of Albany.
The Havelocks left Albany on the 17th of January, 1862, and
arrived at Fort Ellsworth, Va., on the 2oth; which place it gar-
risoned until the oOth of July, 1862, Avhen it took the held, and
Avss engaged in the following battles:
Second Bull Hun, Aug, 26 and 27, 1862; rredericksl)urg, Dec.
13, 1862; Chancellorsv'ille, May 2 and o, I860,; Gettysburg, July
1, 2 and 3, 1863; Mine Run, Nov. 30, 1863; Spottsylvania C. H.,
May 14, 1864; North Anna River, May 24, 1864; Tolopotomy
Creek, May 30, 1864; Coal Harbor, June 3d to 12th, 1864;
Peterslnirg, June 16th to 25th, 1864; Deep Bottom, Aug. 14,
The Battery was also engaged nearly every day, in the works
before Petersburg, from September, 1864, until the fall of Rich-
mond, and then, with a part of the Army of the Potomac, pur-
sued Lee's army, and was in at tJie death.
At the ))attle of Chancellorsville, the Battery assisted in repuls-
ino; the enemy, who were following a retreating brigade of the
Eleventh Corps.
At Gettysburg, on the third day, it reinforced a part of the
line, at a time when it was wavering, and some of our men had
already thrown down their arms. But they fought with new
vio;or, on seeing a fresh reinforcement. And in all of Grant's
canipaign, in 1864 and 1865 — those long, fatiguing marches;
those hard and tedious diggings, and those tierce and bloody
battles — the Eleventh New York Battery was always foremost,
and was always relied on.
The Battery reached Albany June 3, 1865, and was mustered
out June 15, 1865.
The names of the officers at that time, were: Geo. W. Davey,
Captain; G. N. P. Gale, First Lieutenant; J. A. Manning, First
Lieutenant; Wm. Hastings, Second Lieutenant; A. G. Graves,
Second Lieutenant.
Names of those who Avere killed in action, and died of wounds:
Sergeant John R. AVarmington, killed at Chancellorsville, May
3, 1863; Private Hp:nry D. Calloway, killed at Chancellorsville,
May 3, 1863; Private Gerrit H. Van Denburg, killed at Coal
Hail)or, June 12, 1863; Corporal Wm. A. Van Gaasbeek, died
in hosjiital, at David's Island, June 23, of wounds received at
Coal Harbor, June 6, 1864; Private John H. Metcalf, died in
hospital, June ID, of wounds received June 17, 1864, near Peters-
burg; Private Alfred C. Elwell, killed June 24, 1864, near
Petersburg; Corporal William H. Buoughton, killed Sept. 2^,
1804, near Petersburg; Private Jonathan W. Scott, killed Nov.
4, 18()4, near Petersl)urg-.
Names of those who were wounded in action:
Edwin AV. Burkagk, at Manassas, Aug. 26, 1S()2.
John Market, do do
Mark S. Acker, do do
Lieutenant James T. Wyatt, Chaneellorsville, May 2, 1863.
Corporal Charles M. Swann, do May '6, 1863.
Corporal Edwai:d M. Mann, do do
Private 8eth D. Patterson, do do
Private David D. Davis, do do
Private Duncan Cameron, do do
Private James W. Parnell, do do
Private L. M. Murray, do do
Private John Zdimerman, Gettysl)urg, July 3, 1863.
Private John Wilkes, do do
Private Archibald Bates, do do
Private John H. Sawyer, do do
Private Philip Gardinier, do do
Sergt. Orlando H. Cheney, do do
Sergt. Charles W. Kelly, Coal Harbor, June 8, 1864.
Private E. D. Willard, do June 12, 1864.
Private E. H. Ropes, near Petersburg, June 17, 1864.
Sergt. Jas. Groesbeck,
Private Wm. H. Loag,
Sergt. James A. Manning,
Corpl. Adrian Gillett,
Corpl. Wallace Robinson,
To the ki'ndness of Dr. James E. Pomfret, the Surgeon Gen-
eral of the State of NeAv York, we are indebted for the following
account of this distinguished regiment:
The One Hundredand Thirteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V., after-
wjirds the Seventh Regiment N. Y. V. Artillery, Avas formed in
the Thirteenth Senatorial District, as the Albany County Regi-
ment, in obedience to General Orders No. 52, General Head
(Quarters, State of New York, dated A. G. O., Albany, N. Y.,
July 7, 1862, under the aus])ices of the following committee,
api)oiuted by his Excellency (tov. E. D. Morgan, viz:
lion. Eli Perry (Mayoij, Chairman, Gen. John F. Rathbone,
Hon. LyMxVN Tremain, John Tracey, Esq., Thomas W. Olcott,
June 24, 1864,
Esq., George Dawson, Esq., Hon. Clark B. Cochrane, Hon. J.
V. L. PRUYN, Frank Townsend, Esq., Samuel Anable, Esq.,
W. M. Van Antwerp, Esq., Hon. Geo. H. Thacher and Hon.
Henry A. Brigha^m.
The above gentlemen met on the 10th of July, 1862, and after
enlarging the committee, divided into sub-committees for each
ward and town in the county, they proceeded to recruit a regi-
The first man was enlisted on the 24th of July, and the last
man on the loth of August, of that year, during which time over
eleven hundred men were enlisted.
The regiment was mustered into the United States service on
August 18, 18(32, by Captain Leavis O. Morris, First United
Stales Artillery, its Colonel, with the following held and staff
Colonel, Lewis O. Morris; Major, Edward A. Springsteed;
Adjutant, Frederick L. Tremain; Quartermaster, E. Willard
Smith; Surgeon, James E. Po3IFRp:t; Assistant Surgeon, J. Wes-
ley Blaisdell; Assistant Surgeon, George W. Newcomb; Chap-
lain, Humphrey L. Calder.
The companies had the following officers:
Company A. — Captain, Joseph M. Murphy; First Lieutenant,
Abraiiajvi Sickles; Second Lieutenant, John B. Read.
Company B. — Captain, Samuel E. Jones; First Lieutenant,
James Kennedy; Second Lieutenant, Wm. E. Orr.
Company C. — Captain, John A. Morris; First Lieutenant,
Howard N. Rogers; Second Lieutenant, Matthew Bell.
Company D. — Captain, Cilvrles McCulloch; First Lieuten-
ant, Christian Schurr; Second Lieutenant, Henry C. Coulson.
Company E. — Captain, Norman H. Moore; First Lieutenant,
A. V. B. LocKROW; Second Lieutenant, John F. Mount.
Company F. — Captain, Robert H. Bell; First Lieutenant^
Nathaniel Wright; Second Lieutenant, Robert Mullens.
Company G. — Captain, Francis Pruyn; First Lieutenant,
John S. McEwan; Second Lieutenant, Charles W. Hobbs.
Company H. — Captain, Cap. McGuire; First Lieutenant,
Charles Ducharme; Second Lieutenant, Franklin Pettit.
Company I. — Captain, William Shannon; First Lieutenant,
Joseph O. Hair; Second Lieutenant, Teunis M. Ball.
Company K. — Captain, Samuel L. Annable; First Lieutenant^
Michael H. Barckley; Second Lieutenant, George Krank.
The non-commissioned staff:
Sergeant 31a j or, George H. Treadwell; Quartermaster Ser-
geant, William Stevens; Commissary Sergeant, Frederick E.
Scripture; Hospital Sttuxird, Alfred B. Huested; Principal
Musician, William Wilson.
The order to move was received at Regimental Head Quarters
at eleven o'clock a. m. on the lUth of August, 18G2, and on the
same evening the regiment left Albany at six o'clock.
For this promptness in moving, the regiment received the
thanks of his Excellency Gov. Morgan; and an elegant silk flag
was given to it as one of the four regiments which first left the
State under that call for troops. On its arrival in Washiugton,
on the 21st of August, it was immediately placed in the defences
of that city, north of the Potomac.
In December the regiment was changed from infantry to artil-
lery, by order of the Secretary of War, and designated as the
Seventh Eegiment New York Volunteer Artillery. Two com-
panies (L and M) were added in the spring of 18G4, organized
as follows:
Company L. — Captain, James Kennedy; First Lieutenant,
Fred. W. Mather; Second Lieutenant, Chas. C. McClellan.
Company M. — Captain, George H. Treadwell; First Lieu-
tenant, George B. Smallie; Second Lieutenant, Edgar S. Moss.
Under the artillery organization, each company was entitled
to one hundred and forty-seven enlisted men and five commis-
sioned officers, and was soon recruited to the full standard.
While in the defences, the regiment was engaged in re-building,
strengthening and extending the works. It garrisoned, substan-
tially reconstructed and cleared the timber for three miles in
advance of the following works: Forts Pennsylvania (afterwards
Reno), De Russey, Kearney, Gaines, Bayard, Ripley, Franklin
and Alexander; and Batteries Smead, Reno, Cameron, Vermont
and Martin Scott. It also did duty on Mason's Island, on the
Potomac river.
On the 14th of May, 1864, the regiment was ordered to join
the Army of the Potomac. It left on the Kith, passing through
Bell Plain and Fredericksburg, and on the night of the 17th it
joined the army near Spottsylvania Court House, Va. With
other artillery regiments, it constituted the Fourth Division of
the Second Army'Corps. On the 19th, it fought its first battle
on the Po river, defending the army trains from an attempt to
capture them hy the enemy. It lost thirteen killed, sixty-two
wounded, and nine missing. Moving with the Second Corps
through Guiness Station and Bowling Green, it reached the North
Anna, and on the 23d was again engaged, losing four killed,
twenty-four Avounded, and four missing. Leaving the North
Anna, it passed through Chesterfield, crossed the Pamunkey
river at Newcastle, and reached Tolopotomy creek, when the
Fourth Division of the Second Corps was broken up, and the
regiment joined the Fourth Brigade of the First Division of the
Second Corps. On the evening of the 29th, it made a charge
against the enemy's works, which were carried at the cost of
twenty-four killed, seventy-one wounded, and twelve missing.
Moving to the left from Tolopotomy creek, it reached the enemy's
works at Coal Harbor, and on the 3d of June made its gallant
charge, carrying th(! hrst line of the enemy's Morks, capturing a
l)attle flag, three hundred prisoners, and getting possession of
several guns of the enemy. The losses of the regiment were
very heavy, there being no less than seventy-six men killed, two
hundred and forty-eight wounded, and one hundred and sixteen
mis.sing; most of the missing being killed inside of the enemy's
On the 4th of June, while examining the enemy's works, in
company with Gen. Barloav, Col. Mokpjs was shot by a sharp-
shooter, of which wound he died in the Fii'st Division Hospital
on the same day.
Swinging round from Coal Harbor, the regiment crossed the
Chickahominy at Long Bridge, thence to the James river, which
it crossed at Windmill Point on transports, and passing through
Prince George Court House and City Point, it reached the south-
east of Petersburg on the night of the 15th. On the evening of
the 16th it participated in the unsuccessful charge against the
works of that city, losing in the charge thirty-tlve killed, one
hundred and live wounded, and three hundred and four taken
prisoners. Of these prisoners, few survived the lingering tortures
of Andersonville.
The regiment remained on duty near Petersburg during the
fall and Avinter of '64, It participated in the expeditions to
Deep Bottom on July 27 and August 22, from which place it had
just returned, when it was ordered on to the Weldon railroad,
to destroy it, which was done for several miles. It participated
also in the disastrous tight of Peam's Station, in which it suffered
greatly, losing a large proportion of officers, among whom were
Lieut. Col. Spkixgsteed, Capt. Natiianiel Wright and Capt.
James Kennedy.
This was its last light. It entered the Army of the Potomac
on the 19th of May, Avith sixty-six officers and seventeen hundred
and seventy-four men tit for duty; and on the morning of the
28th of August, exclusive of the medical staff, it had six officers
and one hundred and sixty-eight men fit for duty.
On the 22d of Fel)ruary, 1865, a small artillery regiment being
required for duty in Baltimore, the Seventh Avas ordered to that
l)oint, Avhere it remained until mustered out in June and August,
The following officers Avere killed in l)attle:
Col. L. O. Morris, at Coal Harbor, Va., June 4; Lieut. Col.
E. A. Springsteed, at Ream's Station, August 25; Capt. Chas.
IVTcCuLLOCK, at River Po, May 10; Capt. John A. Moeris, at
lliver Po, May 19; Capt. N. Wright, at Ream's Station, Auirust
25; Lieut. J. B. Read, at Coal Harbor, June 3; Lieut. T. J.
jNIcClure, at Coal Harbor, June 3; Lieut. C. S. Evans, at Coal
Harbor, June 4; Lieut. C. L. Yearsley, at Petersburg, June 16.
The following officers died from the immediate effects of
Capt. R. H. Bell, Avounded at Po river, May 19; died at
Georgetown, D. C, June. Capt. C. Maguire, wounded, captured
at Petersburg June 22] died at Petersburg July 4. Capt. Jas.
Kennedy, wounded, captured at Ream's Station August 25; died
at Libby September 9. Lieut. M. H. Barkley, wounded at Coal
Harbor, June 4; died in Washington, June 29. Lieut. W. E.
Orr, wounded at North Anna, May 25; died in Washington,
June 1. Lieut. Matthew Bell, died of consumption, at Eort
Reno, D. C. Lieut. E. S. Moss, captured at Petersburg, June
16; died of yellow fever, at Charleston, S. C, October 6. Lieut.
C. S. White, died of typhoid fever, at the Smith House, July 15.
There were other Regiments organized in this city, but com-
posed mainly of recruits from other counties.
The Twenty-eighth Regiment N. Y. S. V. was organized at
Albany, on the 18th of May, 1861. It was composed of compa-
nies, recruited and accepted, from Lockport, Medina, Canandai-
gua, Batavia, Albion, Monticello, and Niagara Falls.
The Thirty-fourth Regiment Infantry N. Y. S. V. was organ-
ized at Albany, and left for Washington on the 3d of July, 1861,
via New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, where it arrived on
the 5th.
The Sixteenth Regiment Infantry N. Y. S. V., or " First North-
ern New York Regiment," was organized at Albany on the 10th
of May, 1861, from companies recruited in the northern counties
of the State.
A. Page.
Albraight, James 832
Allen, Henry II 837
Aiieus, Sergt. AValter H 601
Bailey, George R 832
Bailey, f^orpl. John E 669
Baker, Charles C 842
Ball, Lucius E 829
Bandy Joseph N 837
Barker, Capt. Augustus 1 414
Barcklev, Lieut. Michael H 545
Barker, "Thomas AY 841
Barton, David 838
Barton, Charles F 838
Barlow, William II 842
Becker, William E 834
Bell, Edmund 830
Bell, Lieut. Matthew 565
Bell , Capt. Rol)ert II 451
Bell, Sergt. William H 617
Benedict. Bvt Brig. Gen. Lewis. .. . 88
Bogardus, Charles B 829
Bogardus, William H 829
Bogart, Maj. James H 343
Bouch, Peter G 830
Bowie, John 841
Breche, Josejjh 832
Briggs, John H 842
Briggs. William M 745
Brice. Charles 842
Brower, Charles M 715
Browcr, Lieut. Henry D 499
Brown. George W 831
Bronk, Eugene 833
Bryan, Col . Michael K 195
Burhans, Capt. David 453
Burriskill, Samuel 842
Burns. Christopher G 842
Canull, John H 829
CanuU, William H 829
Carhart, Abram M 787
Carkuard, Andrew B 833
Carknard, Joel 833
Carkuard, John E 833
Carknard, William H 833
Carroll, Capt. Edward B 433
Carroll, Col. Howard 236
Carter, John B 843
Gary, Thomas E 843
Caverly, John C 758
Chandler, Corpl. David W 823
Chandler, Samuel W . ,.. 743
Chapman, Charles B 843
Christopher, John A . . , 842
Clark, Lieut. Wijliam P 57^
Comstock, Franklin 836
Conley, John H. 678
Corliss, Roswell B 717
Cornwell, Leonard 828
Crandall, Edwin 828
Cranston, William II 836
Craft. John B 842
Crawford, David II 841
Crounse, Sergt. William 620
Crounse, John Q. A 798
Bnrling, Corpl. Robert B 652
Dawson, Maj. George S 318
DeLacoy, James 844
Demp.sey, Lieut. James L 514
Denijjscy, Lieut. John M 524
Detmison, Jesse 841
Douw, Capt John DeP 384
Dudley, Orange 725
Dunham, Josiah 756
Dunkin, Dennis 824
C. I E.
Cady, William C 684 , Elder, George 824
Cadwell, Robert A 755 j Eugle, John 831
Campbell, Adam 824 Evans, Lieut. Charles S 519
Campion, William F 842 Everett, Capt. Robert B 450
Cameron, Corpl. Robert H 641 | Everling. John A 831
Fee, Capt. John A 427
relay, John 831 |
Fellows. Addison J ' 4L
Fish, Nathan L »^9
Finch, Isaac E ^'f
Flagel, John...... «^l
Fletcher, Leonaid G »'^o
Fredenrich, Sergt. Charles H 59<>
Frink, John R obO
Frisby, Col. Edward 11 J
Gates, Corpl. George T 628
Gcrling, Sergt. James S oUb
Gladding, Joseph
Goewey, Lieut. John T. B
Goldwait, Thomas
Goold, James E
Greason, Edward 836
Green, Charles
Kennedy, Capt. James 420
Kilbourn, George W «1;^
Kimmer, Joseph ^o^
King, Robert H ^88
Kirkland, Theodore »^i
Lamoreaux. Corpl. William H 11... 823
I Latham, Corpl. Charles G bbo
Lawson, Peter ^.^3
Lawpaugh . Alfred ^41
Leddy, William G ^-..b
Lembrocht, Corpl. Alfred »--.±
Lewis. Corpl. Alonzo E h4b
Lisk, Charles B «;^^
Lockley. John A
Lockwood, Marcus D
Lodge, Capt. Douglass
Loomis, Samuel G ' ^°
Long, John •• «'^-^
Ludden, Corpl. Alonzo G
Lyon, John
Haight, Jasper . .
Haines. Adam M
Madden, Fergus. l^f
Hainesi Amos G 838 Maher, Lieut. Patrick
Hamraill, Hugh
Hammond, James H
Hane, Elias
Harvey, Levi I '^j'
Harrigan, Michael ^-*;3
Hartness, Thomas L ^4o
Haswell. Arthur 81L
Haskell, Charles A
Havens, William
Haves. Azor T
Helild, Lieut. Charles W
Heermance, Charles S
Maun, Simeon H ^f^
Marshall, William D »-»
Martin George ^t-
Mattoon. W. V. R "f;^
McCarty. Timothy ^;^,;!
McCuUoch, David
McCulloch. Stephen
McConnel. Lieut. Henry
McDonald, John
McDonald, Maj. Miles..
McGaffin, John
McGuire, Capt. John
James 831 McMahon, Col. James P
Hi2;ham, Edward A..
Hill, Lieut. Edward B
Hill, Lieut. Luther II.
Hotl'man, Alanson F..
Hollenbeck, Uriah ... ^
Holmes, Edmund - 'o4
Holmes, Corpl. Erastus H b/ 1
Holmes. James • ^^;
Hotaling, Sergt. Andrew T bio
Huntley, Justin R ^jo
Hurd, F. S
Hurlburt, Capt. Henry b
brville 829
Merriman, Capt. H. N . . .
Miller, Addisim B
Mitchel, Gen. Ormsby M.
Montraville, Henry
Morgan, Lieut. James H.
Morris, Capt. John A...
Morris, Col. Lewis O
Moore. Corpl. W.H
Murry, Corpl. William ..
Jackson, Col. William A
Jaques, Sergt. Maj. 1. P
Judge. Sergt. Michael B--^
Northrop, Joseph P
Lieut. Robert G <^"
Kellogg, Andrew W..
Kellv, Samuel W. ...
O'Brien, William T
Orr, Lieut. William E.
838 Osterhout, Henry O. .
767 Ostroin, Cyrus B
P- Page.
Parks, Stephen P 751
Pearse, Sebastian 810
Pease, Minot H 7Go
Percy, Sergt. Gustavus A iVSo
Perkins, John G 771
Phillips, Lieut. John P 571
Pierson, Lieut. Charles B 822
Pitts, Joel B 811
Phitto, Edwai-d C 839
Pohinuin, Lieut. William II -ii'ii
Post, William 829
Pratt. Col. George W 210
Pringle. James 825
Pruyn, Maj. Charles E 280
Quay, Corpl. Lewis W 664
Quay, Sergt. Paul 618
Raferty, Peter 839
Ranna. Jolia 831
Read. Lieut. John B 562
Reehl, Orderly Sergt. Louis 822
Reid, Lieut. James 822
Rice, Gen. James C 65
Rice, Sergt. Alexander D 609
Rice. James 827
Rider, John 841
Riter, George 837
Roach, Corpl. Isaac J 665
Rowland, John G 833
Russell, Adjt. JohuH 881
Sanders. Sergt. George 611
Sanders, Sergt. Henry B 822
Sayre. Henry 752
Scahall, John 826
Scheidler, Christian 844
Schermerhorn, George W 760
Schindler, Max 832
Scofield, James W 834
Scraffbrd, James A 788
Secor, Gabriel 837
Settle, Madison 837
Shaffin-. John 844
Shepard, Lieut. Sylvester B 573
Shoness, William 840
Shilltbrd, Matthew 832
Sickler, Christopher J 834
Sitterlv, Corpl. Martin 661
Slater, Corpl. Jacob H 823
Slawson, Alexander S 734
Smith, Corpl. Albert C 639
Smith, John 837
Smith, Levi 840
Smith, Thomas, Jr 844
Sn.'ll, William 763
Soullnviek, Lieut. James McA 578
I Pago.
I Spanberg, William 833
Springer, Aaron P 773
Springstfed. Ma]. Edward A 386
Sprinks, William D 825
Stackhouse, Maj. George W 361
Statt'ord. Lieut. Col. M. B 277
Stalker, Orderly Sergt. P. M 589
Stalker. William H 830
Stei>hens. Clarence II 844
Stevens. George 740
Stevens, .lames K 835
j Stevens, Peter 11 837
! Stewart. Corpl. James 823
Striuer, Chauneey 830
Strong, Adjt. Richard M 362
Stultz, John 832
Sullivan, Capt. John 447
Swartwout, Alexander 839
Swartwout, George 840
Taylor, Jacob A 836
Taylor, John 829
Taylor, Peter 832
Teal , Isaac 834
Temj)le. Capt. William J 410
Thornton. Abraham S 844
Tremain, Lieut. Col. F. S 243
Turner, Adam 835
Tuthill, Daniel L 835
Van Allen, Charles 817
Van Allen. Jacob 816
Van Bueren, John 766
Van Deuseu, Daniel 829
Van Denburg, Gerrit H 774
Van Denburg. Corpl. Philip 656
Van Denburg, Williaui H 826
Vanderhoof, Sergt. Josepli C 613
Vanderlip, Wotkyns 827
Vanderpoel, Garret H 831
Van Gaasbeek, William A 707
Van Hagen, Jesse D 744
Van Rensselaer, Col. Henry 207
Van Santvoord, Capt. Eugene 402
Van Vliet, George E , . . 835
Van Wie, George 790
Visscher, Harmon. Jr 739
Visscher, Col. James D 231
Wagner, Michael 789
Walker. Stephen 832
Wallace, Maj. William 349
Wallay. John G 831
Wardrobe, Thomas 825
Warner, Peter W 829
Warren, George H 829
Waters, Joel 834
Webb, James 840
White Stephen R 718
White Silas 810
Whyte, Williajii J 748
Williamson. Lieut. James 457
Wildday, Hiram 830
Wilson, Col. John 141
Willsey, David B 842
Wilson, James 809
Wilson, Joel 796
Wise, Daniel W 834
Wolcott, George B 696
Wood. Hiram D 8B1
Wood; James E 828
Wood. Jesse D 830
Wooley, William 1 827
Wooley, George C 841
Wright, Carpenter N 829
Wright. John 841
Wright, Capt. Nathaniel 445
Yearsley, Lieut. Charles L 554
Young, Corpl. James 645
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