r/29 . 37 . Cs- 1^0, muskets, and an Indian skeleton in a sitting posture, holding a small child's skeleton in its arms. Tradition says that slaves were kept in the old stone room in the south wing of the house. Just above, north of Riverdale Lane, is the Samler House, tlu* older portion dating back to the Revolution. Go east to Broadway and take car to Valentine Lane. JJ'alk west io Hawthonie Avenue, passing remains of 17. Washington's Chestnut, a gigantic tree over two centuries old. A tradition relates that Washington used this tree as a place of observation. 18. The Lawrence House, at the corner of Hawthorne Avenue. Washington stopped here and this is probably the house which was given to Lawrence as a reward for his services as guide. Go east on Valentine Lane and south on Riverdale Avenue, 16. The home of Clara Morris, gate over the Yonkers line. Go zvest on Tzvo Hundred and Sixty-first Street and fake H. R. R. R. train from Mt. St. Vincent, 19. Font Hill, the actor Forrest's old home (named for a former owner, La Font), is a stone castle with six towers within the spacious grounds of Mt. St. Vincent Academy. Below Riverdale Station is 20. The former home of Mark Twain, Sycamore Avenue and Two Hundred and Fifty-third Street, one block north of which is the Morosini Mansion. 184 THE BRONX ROUTE 29b. SIDE TRIP B— WESTERN BRONX. From Tzvo Hundred and Forty-second Street, go zi'est on Spityten Dnyz'il Parkzvay to Dash's Lane on which see 21. The Gardener's Cottage, near Two Hundred and Tliirtj'- eighth Street and Greystone Avenue, built in 1766 by Frederick Van Cortlandt. The powder house in the woods was built about 1835 to store powder for the Croton Aqueduct. Near by are extensive Indian shell beds. 22. Upper Cortlandt's, or ]^an Cortlandt' s on the Hill, to dis- tinguish it from the house on the meadow below; the Stone House was built in 1822 by Augustus Van Cortlandt and later owned by Waldo Hutchins. Further west, near Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, in private property at the end of Two Hundred and Thirty-seventh Street, is the 2^. Cowboy Oak where tradition says Cowboys w-ere hanged during the Revolution. 24. The Berrian Farmhouse, at the point of Berrian's Neck, commanding a magnificent view of the Hudson. See Cold Spring across Spuyten Duyvil Creek (Excursion IV 193) . See also sites of Forts Nos. One, Two and Three. No. One forms the foundation of W. C. Muschenheim's house, Spuyten Duyvil Hill, west of the junction of Sydney Street and Independence Avenue. T'n his residence are cannonballs taken from the bank around the house, and Indian shells from aboriginal pits discovered in 1909 under the lawn in front of the house. No. Two, or Fort Swartwout; crown of hill, northeast of intersection of Sydney and Troy Streets. No. Three, brow of Spuyten Duyvil Hill, north of Sydney and east of Troy Street. Under Spuyten Duyvil Hill is the site of the Indian Village of Nl[^inichsen, from which Indians came who attacked Hudson in 1609. Under the hill, west of Riverdale Avenue, is the Tippett Man- sion, the home of the family for which Tippett's Brook was named (at 230th Street). 18S HISTORICAL GUIDE 6>> m W0\ k7 .^> VtjB. \>^ im @ J 'late XXXV. Routes 30, 31, 3J, 34a. C'. K. 186 THE BRONX ROUTE 30. SECTION TT— CENTRAL BRIDGE TO UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS. (Figures refer to Plates XXXV and XXX VT). Take SlxtJi (ir Xiiitli Elevated Road to One Hundred and Fifly-Hflh Street and Jeraiiie .iirnue ear aeross Central Bridge and iinrlli on Jerome .Ivenue. at first following the line of the old Maeomh's Dam Road. ?.=;. Cf.vtral P.ridcp; is practically on the site of the old l\racomL's Dam Bridge, near which N\ns the old Macomir Dam, making a pond out of the Harlem to supply the Macomb Mill at Kingsbridge. The dam was broken down by a delegation of citizens about 1840 and, being declared a public nui- sance, was finally abandoned. A mile to the southeast, reaeJied by zcalking east on One Iliiiidred and Sixty-first Street and south on Grand Az'cnue is 26. The Francis Mansion, at One Hundred and Forty-sixth Street and Grand Avenue, built about 1830 by Captain Francis, in- ventor of the metallic life-saving boats. He was offered knight- hood by Queen Victoria and other honors by Germany, and fin- ally received in his own coimtry the " thanks of Congress." The old Dutch oven is still in the basement. Near One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Street the car passes on the right the remains of the 27. Cromwell Farmhouse, about 150 years old, lying at the head of Cromwell's Creek, where the wild geese gathered in such flocks at night that sleep was almost impossible. On the high ground to the west is the old Anderson Mansion, almost on the site of the early home of Daniel Tourneur, the original patentee of Devoe's Point (about 1675.) This was the ancient N^uasiii of the Indians. Jerome Avenue skirts the old Woolf Farm, the first owner of which came over with the Hessian troops during the Revolution and settled on Cromwell's Creek. Leave car at Featherbed Lane, so called because it was extremely rough and stony or from the story that the Americans, surprised by the British, were rescued by the ingenuity of the farmers' wives, wdio spread feather beds on the lane, thus enabling them to escape without being heard. Walk west to Macomb's road, one of the oldest roads in this section, to the 187 HISTORICAL GUIDE N. Y. University THE BRONX 30 Route 28. Townsend Poole Cottage. Note the date of erection, 17S2, in iron figures on the stone wall, reading backwards. In this cottage were lodged the Esquimaux brought by Lieutenant Peary from the far north. IFalk along Featherbed Lane west to Marcher (Shakespeare) Avenue, then down to Jessup Place to the 29. DeVoe Cottage, built in 1804, one of the landmarks of the region. The family is descended from the Huguenot family of Devaux. Walk down Jessup Place to Boscobel Avenue, then north to Wash- ington Bridge, from the middle of which may be obtained fine panoramic views north and south. Take Aqueduct Avenue car to University Avenue. 30. New York University, removed here from Washington Square in 1894 (Excursion II, Section III). The Hall of Fame, to honor great Americans, was dedicated on Memorial Day, 1901, when the first 29 tablets were unveiled. II more were unveiled in 1905. Note the view of the Dyckman and Nagel farms in Inwood Valley and of the heights of Fort Washington. There is a small historical collection in the Li- brary. Tablet to mark site of Fort No. Eight, erected in 1900 on the Chemistry Building by the Sons of the Revolution. The Schwab mansion is within the site of the fort. (Refer to monograph on " Fort No. Eight " by Prof. Schwab of Yale.) At the old stone Archer House, just below, Colonel De Lancey of the Loyalist " De Lancey Horse," had his headquarters, while the nearby Fort No. Eight was occupied by the Americans. The site of Fort No. Seven (no trace) is at Camman Place and Fordham Road. On the campus is a monument to the Founders of N. Y. Uni- versity (built of material from the old building). 189 HISTORICAL GUIDE ROUTE 30a. SIDE TRIP A— TO JKROME PARK RESERVOIR. (Eigures refer to Plate XXXVI). From N. Y. University take Aqueduct Avenue trolley north to Kings- bridge Road, passing 31. The Moses DeVoe Cottage, at Eordham Road, built in 1782 and once owned by Peter Valentine. It was formerly the parsonage of the Eordham Manor Church. 32. Fordham Manor Dutch Reformed Church, Kingsbridge Road and Aqueduct Avenue, the successor to the structure of 1706. Virginia Poe, wife of the poet, was first buried here. The Poe Cottage, where Edgar Allan Poe and his wife lived, stands on the old Kingsbridge Road, one-half mile east (see 69). The large buildings to the southwest are those of the Roman Catho- lic Orphan Asylum. Go north on Claflin Terrace along the zvest side of Jerome Park Reservoir, 300 acres in extent, occupying the site of the Jerome Park Race Track. The reservoir has obliterated the sites of the Belts and Bathgate Houses. 22- Fort No. Five (lately restored and marked by a flag-pole), one of the chain of forts built by the Americans in 1776 to command the valley below. This may have been an outwork of 34. British Fort No. Four, or the American Fort Indcf'endcnce (1776). The site of this fort is now occupied by the residence of \Vm. O. (liles, on Giles Place, near Fort Independence Street. In 1772 General Richard Montgomery dwelt in this section, calling it his King's Bridge Farm. On his land stood until recently the ruins of a Revolutionary powder magazine known as Wash- ington's Powder House. On the edge of the hill is the J5. Site of the .Montgomery Cottage, destroyed 1909, of Dutch architecture, ;it Heath Avenue and I'ort Independence Street. Across the old Boston Post Road was the Farm of Dominie Tetard, Chaplain to General Montgomery and French Interpreter to General Schuyler, his house dating from 1776. Take Sedgwick Avenue trolley north to Subzcay or south to Third Avenue Elevated, or continue on Route 30b. 190 THE BRONX ROUTE 30b. SIDE TRIP B— WILLIAMSBRIDGE AND WAKEFIELD. (Figures refer to Plate XXXVI and XXXVII). Take Jerome Avenue trolley to Van Cortlandt Avenue and walk east to IVoodlawn Road, passing 36. The Isaac Varian Homestead, erected in 1776, the old wing (now destroj-ed) dating from 1770. An encounter between the British and Americans occurred here in 1776. the Continentals driving their foes out of this house and along the Boston Post Road to Fort Independence. Go south on JVoodlawn Road to Bainbridge Avenue. 27. The Church of the Holy Nativity, built into the walls of which are three old tombstones, two of the Bussing family dated 1753 and one of the Valentine family. .'.t Webster Avenue take White Plains Avenue t'-clley. passing, at Newell Avenue, 38. The Hermitage, a noted French restaurant. This localitj' is the scene of Hopkinson's Smith's " A Day at Laguerre's " and " Other Days." Continue on trolley north on IVIiite Plains Road. Near Williams- bridge Square, see on the right 39. A Revolutionary House, painted red, its sides full of holes made by British bullets. Opposite the Catholic church is the site of the old Williams House, the home of the family after which Williamsbridge is named. 40. The Hustace House, one of the oldest landmarks of the region, Two Hundred and Twenty-first Street, facing an old white house on a disused lane. 41. The Havens House, northeast corner of Two Hundred and Twenty-second Street, very old and containing many relics, including the mahogany bedstead on which Commodore Perry died. It is said that the piano now in Washington's headquarters at Newburgh was the property of Mrs. Havens while she was in the family of Governor Clinton, by whom she was adopted. On the corner of Two Hundred and Twenty-eighth Street stood the shingled house, torn down in 1885, used for a time by Washington as headquarters.* 191 HISTORICAL GUIDE Plate XXXVII. Routes 30b, 34a. C. K. 192 Woodlawn THE BRONX 30b Route 42. The Penfield Homestead, Demilt Avenue and Two Hun- dred and Forty-second Street, east of White Plains Ruad, ovlt a century old. See quaint inscriptions on the old-fashioned win- dows, hand wrought nails and timbers and Dutch bricks testify to the age of the house. .\t Demilt Avenue once stood the Thirteen Trees planted in early days hy a relative of the Paulding who helped to capture Andre. They have all yielded to the onward march of progress, the last one, a black walnut, measuring 3 feet 8 inches at the butt, having been cut down a few years ago. Return to Baychcstcr Avenue and go west to Webster Avenue, pass- ing, at Baychester and Matilda Avenues, 43. The former home of Adelina Patti, where she spent part of her girlhood. 44. Washington's Gun House, on the old Hyatt Farm, west of Webster Avenue and just below the car barns. Here Washington is said to have stored his guns — hence the name of the adjoin- ing settlement, Washingtonville.t Take Webster Avenue trolley south, passing 45. Woodlawn Cemetery. Among the 66,000 interments are those of Admiral Farragut and Lieutenant De Long. The Receiving Vault occupies the site of the Valentine Farmhouse. In the south- east corner of the cemetery is an American redoubt thrown up by American troops under General Heath. •This was while Washington was retreating toward White Plains. He left the cannon here in order to make more rapid progress and thus be able to make a better stand against Howe (see 100). The house may best be reached via Harlem Station car Ici terminus, thence on McLean Avenue car. f4ia. The Chateauneuf Residence on the south side of Two Hun- dred and Thirty-first Street, west of White Plains Road, built about 1853, was the refuge (jf the widow and children of the Marquis de Chateauneuf, formerly (un ernor of Touraine, who fled from France to escape espionage. 193 HISTORICAL GUIDE Platk XXXVIII. Routes 31, 33, 34a. 194 C. K. THE BRONX ROUTE 31. SECTION III— HARLEM RIVER TO HUNT'S POINT. (Figures refer to Plates XXXV and XXXVTIT). At One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Street, foot of the Third Avenue Elevated Road, take Third Avenue trolley, passing at Third Avenue and One Hundred and Thirty- sixth Street 46. The old Mott Mansion, formerly the home of the founders of Mott Haven. It is now used as two tenements. 47. The Mott Memorial Dutch Reformed Church, at Third Avenue and One Hundred and Forty-fifth Street, erected by Jordan L. Mott about 1849. Go cast tfl St. Ann's Avenue and south to 48. St. Ann's Episcopal Church, at St. Ann's Avenue and One Hundred and Fortieth Street, contains a memorial window and several tablets in memory of the Morris family. The church was a gift from Gouverneur Morris. The vaults in the grounds and below the church contain the remains of many distinguished members of the family, including Mrs. Morris, a lineal descend- ant of Pocahontas. Go south to One Hundred and Thirty-third Street and take Southern Boulevard trolley east. 49. Site of GouTerneur Morris Mansion (line of One Hundred and Thirtieth Street and Cypress Avenue), lately destroyed, the home of the Morris family of Morrisania, where I.afayette and other notable persons were entertained. It was filled with relics, iiicluding Morris' wooden leg. Gouverneur Morris, the statesman, soldier and diplomat, owned 1920 acres of Bronx real estate. Indian pits have been discovered under the lawn north of the house. Close by is the site of the home of Lewis Morris, a signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. See fine cypress trees at the corner; hence the name of the av- enue. Just west, near the beginning of Bronx Kills, is 50. The site of the home of Jonas Bronck. the first settler in the Bronx, 1639 (see Historical Sketch). The house had a tiled roof and Bronck " used real silver on his table, had a table cloth and napkins, and possessed as many as six linen shirts." .\t this house, which was like a miniature fort, the treaty was signed by the Dutch with the Weckquaeskeek sachems, Ranaqua and Tackamuck, 1642. In the Morris High School, at One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Street and Boston Avenue, are two mural paintings by Edward Willard (presented by the Municipal Art Society in 1907) rep- resenting (i) the making of the Treaty of Peace between the Dutch and Indians in 1642 at the house of Jonas Bronck and (2) Gouverneur Morris before the Convention framing the National Constitution. 19? Route 31 HISTORICAL GUIDE Hunt's Passing Port Morris, the car goes near Leggctt Avenue, formerly Leggctt's Lane, along which tlie British marched, passing a deep cave near the Long- wood Club House where the Americans had, while in flight, hidden the bodies of some of their companions. On the right is the site of the Whitlock or Casanova Mansion (1859), in its day one of the most magnificent houses in America. The door knobs were of solid gold and the house had secret rooms and underground passages. Just beyond, the Boulevard crosses Lafayette Lane. Under the trees to the right was an old structure called the " Kissing Bridge." Leave the car at Hunt's Point Avctmc. cross the railroad bridge and foUozv this road to the East River and back (a little more than three miles round trip) passing on the right 51. The site of the Locusts, of Revolutionary days, the home of the tiitor of the Faile family, who formerly taught in the family of Sir Walter SkiH. Beyond is 52. The site of Woodside, built in 1832, the residence of the late E. G. I'aile. Beyond is the east end of Lafayette Avenue, formerly the narrow Lafayette Lane. In 1824 the French general traveled from Roston to New York via I'ox Corners, presumably to stay at one of the Leggett houses on Hunt's Point. George Fox was one 01 the marshals of a delegation of New York citizens to meet and escort him. The lane was thus named in his honor. Lafayette is said to have " paused in silent meditation at the grave of Joseph Rodman Drake.'' On the south side of Lafayette Avenue stands 53. The Corpus Christi Monastery. Adjoining is the extensive new Children's Home. Across Hunt's Point Avenue is 54. Sunnyside, one of the finest residences in the Bronx, the former home of Peter Hoe. Note the view of iManhattan, show- ing St. Patrick's Cathedral, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. Luke's Hospital, Columbia Library and Grant's Tomb. A short distance below Cherry Lane branches off, leading to the Leggett Dock near the foundations of an old Leggett house. Further along, nearer the Sound, is the site of Blythe, formerly the residence of Francis J. Baretto, after whom Baretto's Point was named. It was of Revolutionary date and when its inside shutters were closed, it was a miniature fortress. Near by is 55. The George Fox Mansion, erected about 1848, with its square tower. Down in the field to the right are the sites of the Jessu/^ and Richardson Houses, near the ancient spring. In 1660, Governor NicoUs granted 1,000 acres in this region to Edward Jessup and John Richardson, who had bought it from the Indians. Among their descendants were the Hunts, after whom the point is named, and they were related to the early Leggetts. In the field opposite, on the long slope below the Dickey Mansion, see the site of the Leggett burying-ground, whence ten bodies of early settlers were removed, one being that of Mayor Leggett of Westchester. On the left, beyond the curve in the road, is the 56. Hunt Burying Ground, containing the grave of Joseph Rodman Drake, author of "The Culprit Fay," "Bronx" and "Ode to the American Flag." The stone is "a modest shaft, half hidden by the tangle of bushes and wild flowers that border the road, marking the grave of a poet who knew and loved our own 196 Point THE BRONX 31 Route neighborhood in the early days when all was country-like and the city far away." The inscription reads : Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Rodman Drake, M. D., who died Sept. 21st, 1820. "None knew him but to love him; None named him but to praise." The burying-ground is to be included in the new Joseph Rodman Drake Park. See the ancient gravestones of the earliest members of the Hunt family. Among the relics of the old Hunt Inn is a pane of glass from one of the windows on which is written with a diamond the names of Drake and Nancy Leggett, joined at the end with a bracket and the single word " Love." The poet was a lineal descendant of the colonial Drakes, settlers of Eastchester. Across the road is the Graveyard of the slaves of early residents, among them being "Bill," the colored pilot of the Hussar (see 83). Further down on the left across the bridge are 57. Lord Howe's Intrenchments among a group of trees. In the gravel pit on the east side have been found prehistoric stone im- plements. Close by is an old cave, declared to have been a Revolu- tionary powder house. At the extreme end of the Point is the 58. Hunt Mansion, dating back to 1688, and built in four sec- tions as the residents gradually added to their wealth, the most ancieiit house on the estate which for two centuries has been known as Hunt's Point. Among the welcome guests here were Drake and Halleck. Return by new Hunt's Point Avenue to Southern Boulevard, along which, near Fox Square, see 59. Fox Corners. Here is the Foxhurst Mansion, built in 1848 by the late W. W. Fox, one of original Croton Aqueduct Com- missioners. Back of this stood the old Hunt Inn, erected in 1660, a noted tavern, the starting place of countless fox hunts and the ren- dezvous of the Red Coat officers. When burned in 1892, many interesting relics were found in its walls. 197 Route 31 HISTORICAL GUIDE Ambleside 60. Ambleside, opposite 59, formerly the residence of the Simpson family, and the site of Brightside, the country seat of the late Colonel R. M. Hoe, inventor of the rotary printing press. Return by Subway from Simpson Street Station, 198 THE BRONX ROUTE 32. SECTION IV— WESTERN MORRISANIA, FORDHAM AND BRONX PARK. (Figures refer to Plates XXXV, XXXVI and XXXIX). Take Third Avenue Elevated Road to One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Street, or Subzvay to One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street and Third Avenue Elevated Road to One Hundred Sixty-sixth Street. Go zvest on One Hundred and Sixty-seventh Street. 61. Old Stone Gate House, below One Hundred and Sixty- seventh Street, west of Third Avenue. This is the oldest build- ing in Morrisania and the only one standing that was there be- fore the village was formed in 1848. 62. Wm. H. Morris Mansion, near Findlay Avenue, built in 1816, near the site of an older house erected in 1795 by James Morris. Just west is 63. The Morris Farmhouse, dating from 1792, a quaint stone structure, partly destroyed. Take trolley north on Webster Avenue, passing 64. The Zbrowski Mansion, the present headquarters of the Bronx Park Department, a solid stone building in Claremont Park. It was built in 1859, and is evidently on the site of an older building dating about 1676. Beyond is the famous Black Swamp, where cattle have been lost since tlie time of the Indians, and which for years defied the efforts of all contractors to till up. Continue north on JVebster Avenue, transfer east on Tremont Av- enue, passing near the site of the Bathgate Homestead, (/;((/ north on Third Avenue Trolley. At One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street is the site of the Bathgate Avenue House, a very old structure, recently destroyed. 65. The Jacob Lorillard House, in the grounds of the Home for Incurables at One Hundred and Eighty-second Street, now the home of the Medical Superintendent. Here Poe once re- cited " The Raven." Just below, at Oak Tree Place, was the celebrated oak tree where met the boundaries of the ancient manors of Morrisania, Fordham and the Jessup-Richardson Patent. Leave trolley at Pclhani Avenue and walk east to Washington Avenue. 66. Powell Farm House, Fordham's oldest house, said to be haunted. 199 HISTORICAL GUIDE DIAGRAM SECTION 4. EXC. IX. BROMXo Plate XXXIX. Route.s 32, 34a. r. K Fordham THE BRONX 32 Route 67. Stenton Residence, scene of the recent murder (1906). having secret rooms. In the rear stood an old barn, recently burned, said to have sheltered Washington's horses during the Revolution. In front is the great Stenton Willow, 300 years old. JFalk west to Fordham Square. 68. Nolan's Hotel, where Washington is said to have stopped when he stabled his horses in the Stenton barn. JValk zi'est lip the hill along the Kingsbridge Road to the 6g. Pee Cottage, where Edgar Allan Poe lived (1846-49) and wrote many of his poems, including " Annabel Lee," " Ulalume " and " Eureka." Here Virginia, his invalid wife, died and was buried from the Fordham Manor Dutch Reformed Church (32). In Poe Park, directly opposite the cottage, is a bust of Poe with an inscription, erected by the Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences on the centenary of his birth, January 19, 1909. In the Cromwell House (near 69), lived an old lady who sup- plied Poe with the necessities of life during his deepest poverty. 70. Valentine Farmhouse, further west on Fordham road, near Concourse, remodeled into a modern residence. Take trolley to I'ordhaiii Siimirc. then northbound car, passing on the right 71. The grounds of Fordham University, or St. John's College (founded 1841), where was once Rose Hill Manor on which stands the Rose Hill Manor Farmhouse; formerly here stood the Rose Hill Manor House, 1693. Here was born Andrew Corsa, the last of the famous Westchester guides to Washington and Rocham- beau. Leave the trolley at Bronx Park Station (passing enroute the Jacob Berrian House) and visit the 72. Botanical Museum ; open 9-5, see Appendix D. 7;^. Horticultural Hall. 74. Hemlock Grove (Forest Congress). 75. The Indian Well (Bath or Basin). 76. Lorillard Fall. 77. Lorillard Mansion Museum; open 2-5 p. m. (free), under the auspices of tlie Bronx Society of Arts and Sciences; histori- cal relics, photographs and objects of natural History, see .Appen- dix D. 201 Route 32 HISTORICAL GUIDE Bronx Park yS. Old Fashioned Flower Garden (Pierre Lorillard's famous " Acre of Roses "). 79. The Lorillard Snuff Mill. 80. Zoological Gardens ; open 9-5, see Appendix I). 81. The Rocking Stone, near the restaurant. Return via Subway from One Hundred and Eightieth Street Station. Bronx Park may be reached direct as follows : The Botanical Garden and Lorillard Mansion Museum via Third Avenue Elevated (Bronx Park) train; Zoological Park via West Farms (Lenox Avenue) Sub- way Express to terminal. 303 THE BRONX ROUTE 33. SECTION v.— THROGG'S NECK. (Figures refer to Plates XXXVIII and XL). Party of 15 adults may secure pass in advance from Commandant, Ft. Schuyler, to go on Government boat Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Take Government boat for Fort Schuyler, passing en route 82. Port Morris, where the Great Eastern anchored after her first trip to New York. Close by the 8.S. British Frigate-of-war Hussar sank (Nov. 23, 1780), reported laden with a mass of British gold and American prisoners. Numerous attempts have been made to recover the treasure, but in vain. Copper rivets of the American prisoners' manacles, projectiles and parts of the ship's woodwork have been found (56). 84. North and South Brothers Islands, the former containing the City Isolation Hospital. A few feet off this shore, on June 15, 1004, sank the ill-fated General Slocuni. 58. Hunt's Point, where can be seen the old Hunt Mansion (1688). On this neck lies buried Joseph Rodman Drake (56). 85. Bronx River. During the Revolution the British fleet re- ceived orders " to proceed up the Bronx and attack the Yankees in hiding above!" An English officer reported, "We have crossed the Bronx without the loss of a single man!" 86. Clason's Point, where Thos. Cornell settled in 1643. An ancient stone farmhouse, formerly standing close to the shore was shelled by Lord Howe's Heet as the ships passed enroute to Throgg's Neck, October, 1776. Some c)f the stones have found their way into the structure of the Clason's Point Inn, part of which is the house con- structed by Cnrnell in 1643 and burned by the Indians the same year.* 87. Screven's Point (mouth of Westchester Creek), where may be seen the Wilkins Farmhouse and the Wilkins Home- stead. Here the Sewanoe Indians had a fortified castle, whence the name " Castle Hill." At this point Adrian Block saw Indians and their wigwams on his voyage of discovery (1614). Within the Wilkins Farmhouse several Loyalist clergymen, including Rev. Isaac Wilkins, rector of St. Peter's, and Right Rev. Samuel Seabury, the Bishop, were hidden in a secret chamber, their food being lowered to them through a trap door. 203 Route 33 HISTORICAL GUIDE Ft. Schuyler 88. Zerega's or Ferris (Ferry) Point, called " Grove Siah's " by its colonial owner, Josiah Hunt, whose father, Thomas Hunt, received a patent for it from Governor NicoUs. On this point stands the Ferris Mansion built 1687, said to be the oldest house in the Bronx. 89. Throgg's Point, styled in old records " Frog's Point," at the extremity of which stands Fort Schuyler, where the boat lands. The fort was established in 1833. Throgg is an abbrevia- tion of Throckmorton, the name of a colonist who settled here in 1642, obtaining his "land brief" from the Dutch. One of his companions was Roger Williams. *Clason's Point may be reached direct via Westchester Avenue trolley and Clason's Point Road. Pass en route "Black Rock" designating both a large boulder and the Colonial Ludlow Mansion. On the right near the Point, is the Clason's Point Military Academy, erected by Dominick Lynch about 1"90 as a residence. The committee to design the American flag met here before pro- ceeding to Philadelphia. 204 THE BRONX ROUTE 33a. SIDE TRIP TO WESTCHESTER VILLAGE. (Figures refer to Plate XL). This involves a walk or drive of five miles unless points 92-95 are omitted, in which case two miles may be saved by taking the trolley from the junction of Fort Schuyler Road and Eastern Boule- vard direct to 96. Follozv the Throgg's Neck or Fort Schuyler Road to the Eastern Boulevard, passing On the left the extensive Havemeyer estate, where the British, un- der Howe, landed for their attack on Westchester, October 12, 1776. 90. "Hammond Castle," under the great trees near Pennyfield Road, erected in 1800 by Abijah Hammond and recently re- modeled. Bej'ond the fence is 91. The Robert Homestead, former home of the founder of Robert College. Constantinople. Across the lane is the Van Schaick Mansion, in the grounds of which is a cedar of Le- banon, declared to be the finest specimen of its kind in the United States. It was brought to America by Philip Livingston. To the west is the country home of the late Collis P. Huntington. Take trolley to Westchester {omitting gz-gs) or follow the Eastern Boulevard to the Middlctown Road, passing 92. Ferris Mansion, in the Westchester Country Club grounds, used as Lord Howe's headquarters after the landing at Throgg's Neck, October, 1776. Marks on the staircase are said to have been made by the hoof of one of the officer's horses. The house was saved from destruction by the British fleet through the heroism of the mis- tress who calmly walked up and down the veranda. To the west is the original 93. Ferris House, owned for a time by the early settlers of that name. Follozv the Eastern Boulevard and the Pelhani (Ap/^leton) Road, turn north a short distance, and see 94. The Spy Oak, said to be the largest of its kind east of the Rockies. A British spy is supposed to have been hanged from it during the Revolution and there is much legendary lore connected with the old forest monarch. 95. The Paul House, just north, is one of the oldest land- marks of the region. 205 HISTORICAL GUIDE Plate XL. Routes 23< 33^- 206 C. K. Westchester THE BRONX 33a Route Return to Pclliaiii Road and cross the 96. Westchester Creek Causeway, ulierc, on October I2tli, 1776, was fought an important battle between the Americans under Heath and the British under Howe. The patriots ripped up the plank- ing of the old causeway just before the enemy reached the spot, and greeted their approach with a volley, repulsing them. Two days later the English brought up their cannon and began a fortification where the Westchester Presbyterian Church now stands, but withdrew their troops and guns a few days later. Howe then sought to join with the Hessians near New Rochelle, a feat accomplished only after a desperate struggle with Glover at Pelham's Neck. (See Section VT and "The Battle of Pelham Neck:" Abbott.) Westchester Village was called by the Dutch Oost-Dnrp and the whole region was known as Vredeland, or Land of Peace. The village is the oldest in the county, having been first settled by the Puritans in 1650. The site was purchased from the Indians in 1654 by Thomas Pell, and was described as " all that tract of land called Westchester." 9" Bowne Store, west of the causeway — the old village store. 98. St. Peter's Church, on Westchester Avenue, fourth build- ing on this site, the first having been erected in 1700. The chime of bells is said to have been presented to the church in the time of Queen Anne. The churchyard contains stones dating back to 1813. Beyond the Sunday School building is the site of a Quaker Meeting House, while another stood just west. Both were destroyed by fire, it is said, on the same night. Near by flows the Indian Brook, on the banks of which the celebrated George Fox is said to have addressed the first Quaker meeting held in America (1672). To the west is 99. St. Peter's Rectory (opposite Glebe Avenue) standing on land forming part of the "Ancient Glebe," given by the town in 1703. Return by trolley to the Third Avenue Elevated or Subzvay. N. B. If the water trip to Fort Schuyler is omitted, take West- chester Avenue trolley from One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street Sta- tion of the Suburban Branch of the Elevated Road, or the Subway Station at One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street and Melrose Avenue, and reverse the order of points. The new Throgg's ^eek trolley from West Farnis will make it /^ossihlc to cover this route comfortably. 207 HISTORICAL GUIDE Plate XLT. Roi'te 34. 208 C. K. THE BRONX ROUTE 34. SECTION VI— CITY ISLAND AND PELHAM BAY PARK. (Figures refer to Plate XLI). (Latter part of trip recommended as a carriage or liicycle trip, as it involves between 4 and 5 miles walking.) At One Hundred and Tiventy-ninth Street station of tlie Third Ai'- eniie Elevated take Harlem River Branch of the Neiv Haz'en R. R. to Bartozo (trains leave 15 minutes before every hour). At Barton' take horse car for City Island, passing 100. Glover's Rock. Read the tablet — (erected by the Mt. Ver- non Chapter of the D. A. R. in 1901), describing the Battle of Pell's Point (Oct. 18, 1776), which began near this rock, when 550 men under Colonel Glover detained Howe long enough for Washington to reach White Plains in safety. Cannon-balls were found here when the railroad track was being constructed, and a distinctly marked Indian pot-hole was discovered near Bartow Station. lOi. Site of Indian burying-ground, where Indian remains have been found. There were two Indian villages on this neck, one near the Eastern Boulevard and one on the very extremity of Pelham (Rodman's) Neck. Before crossing the bridge see the 102. Marshall Mansion, or Colonial Inn.* While crossing the new bridge, see just north of the present structure the approaches of the 103. Old City Island Bridge, originally spanning the Harlem at Harlem Village, some of the timbers having been taken from the old frigate man-of-war " North Carolina." Previous to its Erection here. City Ishind was reached by ferry. City Island, '" the Pearl of the Sound," or " Gem of the Ocean," received its present name because a city was planned here to outstrip New York. It is said that the oyster culture started here. Note the rural appearance of streets and houses. From the end of the car line, walk on to the end of the island, pass- ing on the left the 104. Horton Homestead, the oldest house on the island. Most of City Island was once comprised in the Horton Farm. Close by is the Belden Mansion, with extensive grounds, at Beklen's Point. To tiie shipyard here some of America's Cup Defenders are sent to be broken up into scrap-iron. 209 Route 34 HISTORICAL GUIDE City Island FroDt the dork sec about one Diilc south 105. Stepping Stones Light, so called from its location on one of the " Devil's Stepping Stones," an irregular line of rocks jutting out into tile Sound. According to an old legend the l'2vil One made his retreat over these stones from Westchester County to Long Island to escape the vengeance of his Indian foes. Heaping up all the stones he could fmd in Long Lland at Cold Spring, he hurled them at his enemies in Westchester, thus accounting for the number of boulders in Westchester and the freedom from them in Long Island. In a boulder southeast of Eastchester may be seen the likeness of a foot said to be the Devil's imprint. Reliirniu^y go to the right at l'>iliiiars Street to see the T06. Macedonia Hotel, on the eastern shore. Read the in- scription which states that the wing is part of an English frigate "Macedonia " captured by Decatur during the War of 1812. Visit the old cabin and see the mast-hole, hammock-hooks and iron ring to fasten the guns, also the ofificers' staterooms. See from here Hart's Island, the " Potter's Field " of New York City. Take the ear bark to Barto7V. and follozv ilie Eastern Boulevard about half a mile north to the 107. Bartow Mansion, the summer home of the Crippled Chil- dren's AssociaticHi. Not far away is tlie site of the original Pell Manor House, though some say that it was on tlie extreme end of Pelhani Neck. Many tales are told of this house, under the title of " Mysteries of a Pelham Farm House." In the center of a large field in front are the remains of the 108. Pell Treaty Oak, the famous tree where Thomas Pell in 1654 signed the treaty with the Sewanoe Indians, purchasing about 10.000 acres from them (see Comfort's History of the Bronx, p. 53). Between the Bartow Mansion and the Sound is the 109. Pell Family Burial-ground. Note the four (modern) stone corner-posts, with the endjlem of the Pell family, A Pelican Ciorged, and each bearing a different inscription. Read the inscrip- tion on the large centre-stone. Return to the Boulevard and continue to tlie Zi'hitc stone gate-posts leading to no. Hunter's Island, where see the Ihmter-Tselin Mansion, summer home of " The Little Mothers." On the southeast side of the island are said to be the great Indian rock Mishow and the graves 210 Split Rock THE BKONX 34 Route of two Indian sachems. The Indian name for this region was Laaphaivachking (the place of stringing beads). Take the right-hand road over to Hunter's Island leading to the 111. Twin Island, on the second of whicli stands the Ogden Mansion. From this point a fine marine view may be enjoyed. Return on the Boulevard to Prospect Hill Avenue (Split Rock Road). along which Glover's gallant men so stubbornly resisted the advanc- ing British. Follozv Split Rock Road to the 112. Collins House, or John Joshua Pell Mansion, one of the Pell homes. 113. Split Rock is a gigantic boulder, cleft squarely in twain, a good sized tree growing in the crevice. Tradition states that the early home of Ann Hutchinson (for whom the Hutchinson River is named) was near this spot. She came here in 1642 witli her younger children and her son-in-law, and in the same year her cabin was burned by the Indians, and all but one of her family were killed, her eight-year-old daughter escaping, only to be captured. Some say she perished on the crest of Split Rock. Cross the City Line and continue to Boston Road; then fuHoiv Wolf's Lane, line of the American retreat. At the corner of this lane and Boston Road is another 114. Pell House, remodeled and modernized. At the foot of the hill is 115. The stately stone Pell Mansion, perhaps the finest i)f all, with its splendid columns and iron lattice-work, and the family coat of-arms. In the woods near by is the 116. Lord Howe Chestnut, where Howe and his generals lunched on Oct. 18, 1776, while resting during their pursuit of the Americans. Some say that they lunched at the Pell House (114), tak- ing the old lady's last turkey. 117. Hutchinson River Bridge, where the battle of Pell's Point ended and the day was saved for Washington. This bridge is on the line of the original Boston Road, opened in 1672. Take trolley to Mt. Vernon. *Near the end of Pell's Point see the old Bowiie residence witli shingled sides. 211 HISTORICAL GUIDE ROUTE 34a. SECTION VII.— EASTERN MORRISANIA AND WEST FARMS TO EASTCH ESTER. (Figures refer to Plates XXXV, XXXVII, XXXVIII and XXXIX). From West Farms to Eastchester involves a walk of about five miles. Take Third Avenue Elevated Road to Lenox Avenue, Subway Express to One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street and Third Av- enue and change to north-bound West Farms trolley, running along Third Avenue (formerly the old Post Road) and Boston Road to West Farms, passing on the right at One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Street the site of the Old school house where many of the children of the early residents received their first training. Near the Thirty-sixth Precinct Station the Avenue turns to the right, crossing where once flowed old Mill Brook, the division line in thousands of titles for real estate. On its banks once stood the old Morrisania mill, thus giving it the title of Saw Mill Brook. At One Hundred and Sixty- first Street is the new Court House on the site of the old Hammer Hotel. West on Third Avenue, near One Hundred and Sixty-third Street, stood the shingled Gcorgi House, one of the three buildings standing on Gouverneur Morris' farm in 1848 when he sold it to be cut up into building lots to form the "illage of Morrisania. Here the car climbs the steep hill of Boston Road. What is now Third Avenue north of this point was once the narrow and shaded Fordham Lane, extending through the fields and woods of the Morris farm. At Boston Road and Cauldwell Avenue, below One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Street, was Pudding Rock, a gigantic glacial boulder where the Indians held their corn feasts, and under the cool shade of which the tired Huguenots paused to rest on their long Sabbath journey from New Rochelle to New York. 118. The Tenth Milestone, at One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Street, marks the distance from the English City Hall on Wall Street. Opposite Union Avenue is the site of the Jennings Homestead, known also as the Drovers' Inn and the Old Stone Jug, built in the middle of the 18th Century. 119. At McKinley Square, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Street and Boston Road, see the flag-pole and tablets on trees in mem- ory of Lincoln, Garfield and McKinlej^; note also Civil W^ar mortar and cannon balls. On the east side of the junction with Minford Place is the site of The Sf^y House. In this little builaing, it is said, lived an American spy who played in the neighborhood the part of Cooper's spy at Mamaroneck. Where the Southern Boulevard crosses may be seen the 120. Old Hunt House where Washington stayed over niglit while holding an important conference with a spy. Leave the car at One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street and go north to One Hundred and Eightieth Street. 212 V/est Farms THE BRONX 34a Route West Farms preserves the appearance of a country village. j ,ist below rises the stone Crowther Homestead, dated about ];-?i6, containing interesting carved white marble mantels. Poe was a frequent visitor here. At the right pass the site of the DeLancey Block House, a noted place for the Royalists until destroyed in a midnight attack by Aaron Burr during the winter of 1779.^ It stood on the land of the Peabody Home (One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Street), the building preceding which was known as the Uncle Daniel Mapes Temperance House. Near One Hundred and Eightieth Street stands the venerable Purdy Mansion, dating from 1820. Two blocks west on One Hundred and Eightieth Street is the old 121. West Farms Presbyterian Church, built 1804, opposite the new Beck Memorial. Many veterans of the Civil War are inter- red in the old church cemetery. While excavating near by, the skeleton of a Revolutionary officer was found, clad in Continen- tal regimentals. At the lower end of Bronx Park, see ruins of 122. Lydig's Mills, built in early times. Just north stood the quaint John- son's Tavern, an ancient inn where the stage-coach from Boston to New York .stopped to change horses. Go north along the east side of the Bronx through the Park. 123. DeLancey Pine, 150 feet high, in the thick branches of which the American sharpshooters used to hide while picking ofif the British in the DeLancey Block House. " Memorial of the fallen great. The rich and honored line. Stands high in solitary state DeLancey's ancient pine." 124. Fording Place where all travelers had to wade their steeds through the river. Beyond is the old hamlet of Bronxdale, near which is Bear Swamp (so-called because long the haunt of bears), on the site of a Sewanoe Indian village which remained until 1789. Cross the broad Pelham Parkway; continue north on the Boston Road through Spencer's Corners. In the woods to the left is the 125. Underbill Burying Ground, said to have been bought by that family from the Indians. A mile beyond is an old house on tlie height of ground from which may be obtained a fine view of the surrounding country. 126. 15th Mile Stone, near Two Hundred and Twenty-second Street. Half a mile further 213 Route 34a HISTORICAL GUIDE Eastchester Cross Rattlesnake Brook into Eastchester. 127. Rattlesnake Brook was named from the reptiles which flourished here, one six feet in length being slain as late as 1775. Bears, deer and wolves abounded in Eastchester and the remains of a large wolf pit are still visible on the Purdy Estate. Follow Eden Terrace %vcst to 128. Seton Falls, the great Seton Cave, the Indian Hiding Place and some Indian Fortifications, all concealed in the dense woods, now close to the new line of Two Hundred and Thirty-third Street. Village of Eastchester, one of the oldest in this section. On all sides are evidences of Indian occupation, quantities of arrow and spear heads being found all about. Wigwams occupied the site of the old Morgan Residence, while a fortilied castle of the Sewanoes stood on the hill behind the Fowler Mansion; on this same hill the early settlers erected in 1675 a " General Fort " for mutual protection. On the right of the road may be seen Odell's Barns dating from Revolutionary days, now almost in ruins. IValk down Mill Lane to the 129. Reid's Miller's House. On the marshes stood the famous Reid's Mill, a tide-mill which once ground grain for the farmers for miles around. It was built in 1739. Return to the Post Road and go north on Provost Avenue or ]\'liile Plai)is Road. 130. Vincent-Halsey House, the smaller portion beiug of Revo- lutionary date. Nearby was the old Guion Inn, a Revolutionary tavern where Washington once stopped and mentioned in his diary that these roads were " immensely rough and stony." 131. Groshon House, a quaint old landmark, the former resi- dence of a Huguenot family, " Gros-Jean." 132. St. Paul's Church, built in 1765, opposite the site of the first building erected in 1699. During the Revolution St. Paul's was used as a British hospital. See the historical collection, which includes an old Prayer Book and Bible. These, together with the great bell, were buried during the war in the Vincent- Halsey grounds. After the war, while the old church was used as a court of justice, Aaron Burr pleaded here many causes. The lawn opposite St. Paul's Church was the colonial village Kieeii. Here stood the first church structure, erected 1699, and used as fuel by the Briti.«h while occupying the present build- ing. Here were also the village stocks, dating from 1720. In 214 St. Paul's THE BRONX 54a Route the locust trees which still stand was fastened the iron staple to which criminals were tied to receive punishment. St. Paul's Churchyard, containing 6,000 bodies. Note the quaint inscriptions on the tombstones, the oldest being dated 1704. Return by trolley to Mount Vernon and train to New York. N B. Section VII could begin here, the route being reversed. 215 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllill 014 108 671 6 LIBRARV OF CONGRESS | ...M.iiiinilin I ■ 1 o'oi4l08 67l6 •