Class, Book_ Copyright N^. z COPyRIGHT DEPOSrr THE TWENTIETH CENTURY SYSTEM OF HISTORY STUDY A COMPLETE ANALYTICAL QUESTION ^ COURSE ON AMERICAN HISTORY /^^OMPILED and Arranged with the View of Enabling the Student of History to Better Understand and Retain the Sul^ject-Matter and Events with Greater Ease and Accuracy. PREPARED AND COMPILED By WILLIAM I. HOOD. THE Co-operation of Instructors in Schools, Academies and Colleges, as well as Examiners of Teachers, is Solicited in Adopting this Great Memory - Strengthenmg System in their Class and Review Work and in Preparation for Examination. PUBLISHED BY ORDER THE NATIONAL TEACHERS' UNION, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ^THf LIBHAHY OF CONOHtSS, NOV. 2ft t90?.l (ViBVTHAMT fimn CLAfte ^ -lefr No. i 1. ^ ( oorv B. Entered according to Act of Congress in tlie year 1900 wth the librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, By MALLORY & HOOD, Cincinnati, Ohio. All Rights and Translations Reserved. \^ % ^ >• y^ \ <"' r^ ^ HOW TO READ HISTORY. THE first step for the student of history to take is, to perfectly acquaint himself with the division of history into its EIGHT NATURAL PERIODS, and thus learn to assemble the events of history into those eight groups. In order to properly do this, you should know the date of the beginning and ending of each period; the number of years included therein ; the title of the period and the prom- inent event that marks the opening and closing of each. In the study or review of history you should read and reflect upon the event with relation to the period to which it belongs, whether at the beginning, near the middle or toward the close of its respective period. That you may guide your researches along these lines we have given the following suggestions, which will give you your first step in this important study. PERIOD L DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION. ^ FROM 1000 TO 1590. 590 YEARS. FROM THE VISIT OF THE NORSEMAN TO THE ABANDONMENT OF THE SEARCH FOR THE EOST COEONY. The reasons why Periods I, II, III and IV are so divided will be found in the explanations at the end of Period I. The Twentieth Century System of American History Study. ■vr/^'T^'P^ . The figure at the end of each question represents the page in the ' Library of American History where the answer may be found. Period I. DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION From A. D. 1000 to 1590 — 590 Years. 1. What were the three Americas on the evening of October ii, 1492? Had Cohimbus been able at that time to ascend to sufficient height that he could have looked down upon the great New World, what would he have seen? ^ 2. What city of the present day, with armies in its streets, would he have seen to the west of him? What old empire with traces of cities and temples to his southwest? What would have attracted his attention in the highlands of Peru? And what evidences of past presence of human beings possessed of intellect and ingenuity would he have seen high up in the Andes Mountains? Besides, what class of beings would he have seen scattered everywhere that possessed neither the inclination nor ingenuity to have wrought these great things upon the face of nature? Hence what must be the conclusions as regards this great world in the wild some time prior -to the first visit of Columbus? 3, What can be said of the discovery by Columbus as compared with all the other notable incidents of the world? o 4. What nature of narrative is necessary to a proper recital and appre- ciation of the epoch of discovery? o (3) 4 Discovery and Exploration. [period i- 5. How many references to visits of the Norsemen to our shores are found in ancient records of Iceland? ^. 6. What noted European author, writing in 1075 (four hundred and seventeen years prior to 1492), makes mention of America, or Vineland, and of the visits of the Norsemen? ^2 7. What maps of 1367 (one hundred and twenty-five years prior to 1492) referred to America as, the New Land, and possibly supplied the information that later led the Cabots on their first journey, since they followed to a great extent the route traveled by the Norsemen ? ^^ 8. What may be said of Thorwald Ericson? When was he on our shores, and what part did he visit? ^q INDIANS. 9. When, where, and by whom was the first Indian murdered? 18 10. Who are ethnologists? Into how many families do ethnologists divide the American Indian? 20 11. Is it fair to suppose that there are more Indians in the United States to-day than ever before? 22 12. What is the means of subsistence of Indians in their natural state? What did they use as weapons, and how did they obtain them? 22 13. Wliat was the religious belief and burial custom of the American Indians? 25 14. In what part of America did the Cliff Dwellers thrive, and what evidences have we of marked civilization among them? 25 A. D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Exploration. 15. For what purpose is it now believed that the mounds found in various parts of our country were built? What state is richest in these mysterious earthworks, and to what number? ^^ 16. What is the Iroquois League, or "Six Nations"? When, where, by whom, and for what purpose were they organized? ^n oi 17. Who was the first president of the League of Six Nations, and what mementoes of that election is sacredly preserved by them unto this day? 09 18. What are some of the laws and customs of the Iroquois League? 32 19. How are the Six Nations at this time distributed? 00 20. What is the value of the reservations occupied by the New- York members of the Iroquois League? 00 21. What evidence of advancement and civilization is shown from the assessor's return of the New-York Indians? 00 COLUMBUS. 22. When and where was Christopher Columbus born? ^^ 23. What was the vocation of his father? o/» 3d 24. Whom and when did Columbus marry? 86 25. What voyage did Columbus make in 1477 that possibly had much to do toward molding his determination to make a voyage westward from European shores? 00 Discovery and Exploration. [period i 2G. Of what dishonorable act was Kin<; John of Portugal guilty in his dealings with Columbus? on 27. When did Columbus become a "tramp," and in what way did this fact eventually lead to the discovery of America in 1492? gg 28. What noted priest of the Catholic Church is entitled to much credit for the assistance given Columbus in his time of need? ^^ 29. W'hat was Columbus's answer when asked by the King of Spain what he expected in the event of success? ^^1^ 30. For what is the bridge of Pinos noted, and what offer of sacrifice by Queen Isabella was instrumental in making it famous? ^2 31. At what place and on what date was the contract between Columbus and the sovereigns of Spain signed? ^2 32. What effect on the sailors of Palos did Columbus's arrival and declaration of purpose have? ^g 33. How many persons set sail with Columbus? Name the place, date, and time of day he set sail. ^q 34. What were the names of the vessels constituting the fleet, and who commanded each? ^g 35. What act of generosity did the King of Spain bestow upon our government prior to the Columbian Exposition in commemoration of the first voyage of Columbus? ^g 36. In what state of mind were the sailors who accompanied Columbus after leaving the Canary Islands? ^g A.D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Exploration. 37. What discovery shocked Columbus after several days' voyage? 46 38. What can you say regarding the prevailing opinion at the present time concerning that discovery? 39. What is the Sargasso Sea, and what explanation can you give for its existence? 48 40. What reward was offered by Spain to him who should first discover land? 48 41. What awful threat did the mutinous men make and prepare to put in execution when evidences of land were seen? What were those evidences? What promise of reward did Columbus make to the first man who discovered land? .^ ,^ 48-49 DISCOVERIES. 42. Who was the first man of Columbus's fleet to see land on the morning of October i2, 1492, in consequence of which the cannon of the Pinta was fired? What apparent injustice was afterwards done this man? 49 43. What is the present name of the island now believed to be the land first discovered? ^_ 50 44;> Describe the banner carried ashore by Columbus. -„ 50 45. What did the natives call the island on which Columbus landed? What name did Columbus give to it, and what do the English now call it? 50 46. What is said of the natives of these islands as found by Columbus and his associates? _,_ 50 Discovery and Exploration. [period i. 47. What prominent island did Cohimbns visit on October 28, 1492, and what habit of the natives did he that day observe that has since been universally adopted? ^-^ 48. What feeling toward the white men was manifested by the natives? 52 49. On what day of the week did Columbus set sail from Palos, discover America, and drop anchor at Palos on his return? ^. 50. What became of the Santa Maria? p^2 51. What can you say of the Spaniards who remained on the island of Hayti? What just fate befell them? g^ 52. Wliat was the name of the fort built from the timber of the Santa Maria? ^2 53. What precaution did Columbus take on his return voyage to preserve to the world his discoveries? ^o 54. In case Columbus had never reached port, would this precaution have proved of any value? ^.. 55. In what way and by whom was the attempt made to rob Columbus of the honor of his discoveries? What was the consequence? ^ , 56. Describe the reception given to Columbus on his return to Spain. 55 57. Describe the incident of the egg and tell why it was used. 55 58. Of what brutal act was Columbus guilty on his second voyage? 57 A. D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Expi^oration. 59. What important discovery did Columbus make unawares on his third voyage? ^^ 60. What brutal treatment did Francisco de Bobadilla inflict upon Columbus in sending him back to Spain? -j. 61. When did Columbus last return from America, and in what con- dition was he? _.„ oo 62. With what great loss did Columbus meet after his last voyage? 58 63. Were the promised honors and rewards by the king and queen ever bestowed upon Columbus? ^^ 64. When and where did Columbus die? ^o oo 65. What honor did the King of Spain confer on Columbus seven years after his death? What was his motive? «l„ 66. Where is the burial place of Columbus? ^n. bO 67. What theory was advanced by H. Yule Oldham in 1894 relative to an earlier discovery of America than in 1402? •^ ^^ Note 61 68. Had Columbus failed to receive support from the King of Spain, is it probable that he would have received royal support elsewhere? If so, from whom, and upon what is your knowledge based? ^^ 69. When and by whom was the first discovery made upon which England based her claim in the American Continent? ^o DO 10 Discovery and Exploration. [period i. 70. Who was Amerigo Vespucci, and what was his business? 63 71. What can be said of the claims of Amerigo Vespucci to navigator and discoverer? ^^ 72. Who was thought to be instrumental in affixing the name America to the New World? ^^ 73. To what part of the New World did Spain direct her conquests and discoveries? g^ 74. Who was Ponce de Leon, and what peculiar place does he occupy in the first period of our country's history? g^ 75. Who gave the name "Tortugas" to the islands bearing this title, and why so called? gg 76. What honor was bestowed upon Ponce de Leon by the Castilian government as a reward for his discoveries? gg 77. What sad misfortune befell Ponce de Leon on his second visit to the Florida shore? g^^ 78. Describe D'Allyon's expedition, and by what was it characterized? 67 79. What honor was bestowed upon D'Allyon by the King of Spain? How was his former crime avenged? gg 80. Describe the first attempt of Europeans to settle within the United States. gg A. D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Exploration. 11 81. What was the moral and social character of Vasco Nunez de Balboa? What law in regard to debt prevailed at this time, and how did Balboa escape it? ^^ 82. Who furnished the men and supplies for Balboa's voyage, and what was the result? ^q 83. When and how long after the discovery of America by Columbus did Balboa make his discovery? What did he name it? nq 84. W^ho gave the name Pacific to that great body of water, and why was it so called? „^ 85. How were natives treated by Spanish explorers? „r. 86. When, where, and how did Balboa meet his death? „r. 87. What great body of men and horses landed at Tampa Bay, Florida, in April, 1528, and in what manner did they treat the Indians? „^ 88. In what manner did the monster leader of this band treat a captured Indian chief? „^ 89. What is said of the expedition of this band into the interior, and how many reached Spain on their return? f^n 90. What noted conquest had Hernando De Soto been engaged in prior to his expedition for the conquest of Florida? ^2 91, What honors were conferred on De Soto before his sailing for Florida? ^2 12 Discovery and Exploration. [period i. 92. Give the number of persons on the De Soto expedition, and how did they conduct themselves? «2 93. Where did De Soto land, and what were his nine cargoes? How did he treat the natives, and what was the result? -o 94. Where did De Soto winter, and how did he treat a friendly Indian queen? What was the consequence? 73-74 95. What is a general description of De Soto's wanderings, his attempt to found a colony, and what became of him? 74-75 96. How long after Cabot's celebrated voyage did England make attempts to explore and settle the New World? „q^ 97. When' and under the auspices of what nation did John Verrazzani sail to the New World? What portions of our coast did he visit, and what name did he give to his discoveries? «q 98. Who was the first man to accurately describe the size of the globe? 79 99. Who made the second voyage under the support of the French Government, and what place did he visit? Describe the incident of the cross, and give its motto. q^^ 100. Who gave the name to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and why so named ? qq 101. In what way did Cartier treat the Indians? g^ 102. How manv visits did Cartier make, and how and to what extent did he arouse the hostility of the Indians? g2 A. D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Exploration. 13 103. What is said of Ribault's expedition in 1562, and why did he fail to return to his colony as he had promised? 00 104. What and when was the Reformation in Europe? 86 105. At what point and in what year did Laudonniere land his expe- dition? What was the result? 00 106. Why were these attempts to form settlements all failures? 107. Who was Pedro Menendez? Where did he operate, and what is the history of his bloody record in America? What inscription did he place over the heads of each of his victims? 108. What notable French chevalier avenged Menendez 's bloody deeds, and how? What mscription did he place over each at their execution? 109. For what is St. Augustine noted? How long after October 12, 1492, to the settlement of St. Augustine? 110. Who were the real discoverers of the Continent of North America, and what was the object of their voyage? in. W'hy were the voyages made by Martin Frobisher of little or no value? What body of water visited and named by him still bears his name? . ^3 112- What important expedition was made by Sir Francis Drake? WHien? What did he name New Albion? qo 313. What honor was conferred on him in consequence of his achieve- ments? What act did he call ^'singeing the King of Spain's beard"? 93 14 Discovery and Exploration. [period i. 114. What four expeditions did Sir Walter Raleigh equip and support? What became of this noble man? Q4_Qr 115. In what manner did the English treat the Indians? f^n no 116. What constituted the Lost Colony, and what prominent personages were among the number? What was their possible fate? q^ 117. With the exception of the weak colony at St. Augustine, Florida, how many years elapsed after the discovery of- America until the first permanent settlement was established? ^^^ You will observe that the Pi'rsi Period of American History was devoted exclusively to '''■Discovery and Exploration^^'' and by this title it is designated. It consisted of five hundred and ninety years (from A. D. looo to A. D. 1590). This is one hundred and eighty-one years longer than it has been since Christopher Columbus landed first on Cat Island. (In 2082 A. D., or one hundred and eighty-one years hence, it will be just five hundred and ninety years after Columbus's discovery of America.) Over four hundred years of this time, however, is of little or no significance, so far as making this continent a home for the European is concerned, unless the records of Iceland, the writings of Bremen, or the Pizigani maps were directly or indirectly instrumental in planting in the heart of the Genoese navigator the desire to sail out upon the broad, dark bosom of the Atlantic, far beyond the limit of the horizon, and kept him going on and on, and on and on, conscious that four centuries before his day, others had found land in that direction. If this is a probability (and who will say it is not) , then the voyage of the Norseman ranks well with that of Columbus. The remarkable contemplation of this First Period of our history is the fact that at its close, nearly one hundred years after Columbus had declared A.D. 1000-1590] Discovery and Exploration. 15 to the world the result of his daring voyage, no human habitation other than what he found here on his arrival had yet been established on this continent. During the first one hundred years after the discovery of America, however, there were no less than twenty-seven European expeditions to our shores and attempted settlements, some consisting of as many as six hundred persons, equipped with horses, cattle, swine, tools, and implements necessary for the establishment of a colony in a wilderness, in a manner that with proper industry, management, and prudent treatment of the Indians success and prosperity seemed assured ; yet in spite of all these efforts when the century closed there was yet no settlement of Europeans on our continent, save the remnant of Menendez's band of cutthroats that ren- dezvoused at St. Augustine, Florida. Efforts, however, had been made to establish settlements elsewhere in Florida, South Carolina, Canada, and various other sections, all with the same result — failure. A number of them remained from one to ten years, and then abandoned their effort in discord and disgrace, or became the victims of the just vengeance of the abused and outraged red man. Of these twenty-seven expeditions, twelve were Spanish, six French, and nine English. Six of the English expeditions were under the auspices and direct patronage of the big-hearted Walter Raleigh. In 1602 there was an important voyage made that shortened the route and time between the Old World and the New (the same route now traveled by our ocean greyhounds between oui Atlantic coast towns and Europe), thus stimulating a new interest in sea-voyages across the Atlantic. With this year (1602), then, begins the Second Period in American History, and this period extends to 1758. These one hundred and fifty-six years are devoted almost exclusively to colonization and settlement by people from the various nations of the sea-going world. Little or no thought of nation- building or independent government constructing was indulged in by the people during this one hundred and fifty -six years; hence Period II. is known as the period of '-'■ Colonization and Settlement y At the close of Period II. the American colonists ot all nationali- ties, having been industrious and prosperous, became the legitimate bones of contention for the kings and rulers of the Old World. In that year 16 Discovery and Exploration. [period l began the French and English war in America ; and through the greed and avarice of those diseased and debauched crown-heads the minds of the people were turned from peace and industry to war and carnage, eventually ending in the plain people rising up in their might and establishing thin Republic in spite of the protests of the idle, scheming, worthless kings and emperors of the Old World, and their thousands of agents, lawyers, and sympathizers on this side. Therefore the time of preparation for this momentous movement among the people to its consummation (from 1758 to 1783) constitutes a period by itself in the history of our nation — Period III., known as the Period of England and France in America. PERIOD IL COI.ONIZATION AND SETTI^EMENT. FROM 1G02 TO 1758 156 YEARS. FROM GOSNOED'S EXPEDITION TO THE LEGAL ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN THE "EMPIRE STATE OF THE SOUTH." The reasons why Periods I, II, HI and IV are so divided will be found in the explanations at the end of Period I. Period IL colonization and settlement From A. D. 1602 to 1758 — 156 Years. 118. What was the first expedition to sail over the present track of ocean steamers from England to America? What prominent points along our Atlantic Coast were visited and named by the chief of this expedition ? - ^^ 119. What expedition was equipped and set sail in the spring of 1603? What prompted them to sail? -.^o 120. Who was king of England during the early part of Period II. of our history? What object led him to encourage a plan for colonizing America? ^^o 121. What prominent warrants from the court of James I., issued on April 20, 1606, formed the first systematic basis for colonizing what is now the United States? Who were the five most important persons^ named therein? -.qo 122. What were the provisions of the patents or grants mentioned? Give the names of these companies and territory covered by each. 103-106 123. What socialistic provision was imposed on the Plymouth and London companies? -iQg VIRGINIA SETTLED. 124. Describe the life of Captain John Smith prior to his connection with the history of Jamestown. What constituted the resident council of the colonists of Newport's expedition? In what estimation was Smith held by his comrades? ^^q (19) 20 C0I<0NIZATI0N AND SETTLEMENT. [PERIOD II. 125. What prominent people were among the Plymonth Company, and what two unsuccessful attempts were made to plant a settlement? 106-107 126. How many persons did the London Company send out in i6o6? What were their character, and where were they instructed to land? What remarkable man was among their number? Who commanded the vessel? ^Qg 127. When and by whom were Cape Charles and Cape Henry named? When , by whom , and why was Point Comfort so named ? -.^^ 128. When was the settlement of Jamestown, Va., started? ^-.r. 129. What was the prevailing belief in Europe in 1607 regarding the Pacific Ocean, and how did this affect the instructions given the Jamestown settlers? -.-.-. 130. Who constituted the exploring party that first visited the lodge of the great chief Powhatan? Where was his palace, and what indication of his power among the Americans did they find? How far inland did they go? In what manner were they received by the Indians in coming and going? What occasioned the change? ^-.^^ 131. Who was first president of the colony? Describe his management and the result. ^^^o 132. How and in what way did Captain John Smith succeed as president of the colony? Describe his capture by the Indians. ^^^ 133. What charge was brought against him by the malcontents of the colony after his return from captivity, and what event saved his life ? 115 134. What class of men did Captain Newport bring with him on his second trip? -^^q A.D. 1602-1758] COI^ONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. , 21 135. What unreasonable demand did the London Company make of Smith, and what was his answer? ^^_ lib 136. What were the provisions of the new charter granted to the London Company by King James, May 23, 1609? In what way was Captain John Smith removed fiom tlie presidency, and who succeeded him? ^-.^j 187. How many persons were brought over by Captain Newport on his fourth trip, and of what character were they? What accident befell Smith, and what was the result ? ^ -. q 138, Who had charge of affairs in the colony during Smith's absence until Lord De la Warr arrived? ^^p 139. In what manner were the Indians treated after Smith's departure? In what way did Pocahontas again demonstrate that she was possessed of the finer sensibilities of womankind ? ^ ^ ^ 140. What is known as the "Starving Time," and how many persons survived it? 11 Q 141. What action was taken by Governor Gates, on his arrival, to sav^e e survivors of the ' ' Starvii] from ruin and abandonment? the survivors of the ' ' Starving Time ' ' ? What event saved the settlement 120 142. What credit is due Lord De la Warr for effecting and forever establishing the settlement of the New World by the white man of the east? - ^20 143. W^ho planted the first settlement at Richmond and Appomattox? 120 144. What were the provisions of the third charter granted to the London Company? In what manner had the land been tilled previous to this time? ^n-j 22 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. 145. What dastardly deed did Captain Argall commit while on a cruise up the James River? What incident prevented war as a result? .^^ 146. What is the history of Pocahontas after her marriage? -.^^ 147. What important event happened in 1619, and what was its effect on the settlers? j,-,^. 148. What other cargo of human freight sailed up the James River in 1619 that has since played an important part in our history? When and how many were they ? ^ „ . 149. What were the provisions of the written constitution secured by the wise and thoughtful Governor Yeardley? ^^. 150. When and where did the Virginia Council provided for by the written constitution from the London Company first meet? What was it called, and what is said of it as a legislative body? ^^^ 151. Who succeeded Powhatan as chief of the Indians in the vicinity of Jamestown? ^ 152. Describe the terrible massacre which he committed on March 22^ 1622? ^25 153. Through what agency did Jamestown escape the massacre? Give the results of this outbreak. ^^^ 154. What prompted King James in 1622 to change the charter of the London Company? How was it changed, and what did it eventually lead to? w,-,^ Izb A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 23 155. When did King James die? In what way did his death benefit the colony? 127 156. When and why did the second massacre occur? What was its result? ^27 157. What position was taken by the colonists during the troublous times of Cromwell? 158. Why is Virginia called the "Old Dominion"? 159. What were the provisions of the Navigation Acts? When were they in effect? Izo 160. When and to whom did King Charles II. give all of Virginia? 128 BACON'S REBELLION. IGl. When was Bacon's Rebellion, and what was its cause? ..^q 162. Who was Nathaniel Bacon, and how did he protect the settlers against the Indian attacks? ^.,„ 163. What brave and manly act did he do when he and his followers marched to Jamestown and demanded his commission as commander-in- chief of the militia, to which position he had been elected? -.o^ 164. How long before the Declaration of Independence was this first attempt to overthrow the rule of monarchy and establish free govern- ment? ^3^ 165. What became of Bacon and his party? What did King Charles say of Berkeley? ^r.^ 24 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. 166. Why did the king recall the grant given to Culpeper and Arlington in 1673? ^3^ 167. From what source did a lieutenant-governor give one hundred and fifty pounds for the foundation of William-and-Mary College? What lesson can we learn from this act? -,., , lo4 168. Who was Sir Edmund Andros, and how long was he governor? 135 169. What was the increase in population of Virginia from 1700 to 1750? Name the capital at this time. . p. NEW YORK. 170. At the discovery of America, in 1492, which was the greatest maritime nation on the globe? What emblem was carried at the mast- heads of its ships, and what did it signify? ^.._ 171. Why was Holland interested in America? By what company did she manifest her interest, and when was it formed? ^^_ 172. Who was Henry Hudson, and what was he furnished the " Half Moon" to search for? . loo 173. Describe his trip, and when did he discover the river bearing his name? What did he suppose it to be, and why did he change his mind? . ^3g 174. How did Holland establish her claim to New York? Relate the fate of Hudson. ^„q 175. When and how was the germ of our great metropolis founded? 140 A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 25 176. Between what parallels did New Netherland lie? ^ ^^ 140 177. Where was Fort Orange, and when was it built? In what way did the Dutch show their wisdom in dealing with the Indians? 178. Who were the Walloons? In what way did the emigrants sent out by Holland differ from those England had sent? What was the result? 141-142 179. Name the first three governors of New York. How much was paid for Manhattan Island? Which governor made it the chief administrative site, and brought all settlements under one government? ^^n 180. What fort and town was planted on Manhattan Island? -. .« 181. What was the " Patroon System"? When and for what purpose organized? Why should it never have been planted, and what names are familiar in New York to-day as a result? w^o 182. When and why was Governor Minuit recalled? Who succeeded him, and what was his personality? ^AA-^A^ 183. How long did Van T wilier remain governor, and who succeeded him? Why was the change of governors beneficial? ..^p- 184.- Why was Kieft recalled, and what became of him? .. .g 185. Who was his successor? Describe his characteristics and rule. 147-148 186. Give the history of Fort Christina as planted by the Swedes and Finns under Governor Minuit. What became of Swedish rule in America? 146-148-149 26 Colonization and Settlement. [period n. 187. Describe the home-life of the Knickerbockers, or Dutch. ..^^ 188. When and under what circumstances did Governor Stuyvesant declare he received his "authority from God and the West India Com- P^^y"- . 150-151 189. What great change was in store for New Netherland as a result of the policy that " Might makes Right "? How did Governor Stuyvesant and the people accept this change? When was it? 1(^1-1^2 190. What was the population of New Amsterdam? Why and what were the names of New Amsterdam and Fort Orange changed to? -.^.q 191. When and how did the Dutch again gain possession, and how were they received? -.go 192. Why and when did it again pass into English rule, and remain so until the Revolution? -.^a 193. How long from the first settlement ( 1613) was New Netherland under Dutch rule? How long under English rule? How long under Dutch rule again? How long under English rule again? generai. Question. 194. What changes in territory did the new patent granted in 1674 make? Who became governor? Describe his rule, and tell how long it lasted. -,^4 195. When was the first General Assembly held in the State of New York? Who was then governor? Name the most important acts and privileges granted by this assembly. 154-155 19G. Why was Jacob Leisler placed at the head of affairs, and why sentenced to death? What great temperance lesson is here illustrated? What is the verdict of history in regard to Leisler and Milborne? 157-158 A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 27 197. Who succeeded Governor Sloughter? What was the condition of the country during his seven years' administration? Who was next governor ? ^ 159 198. Wliat was the most notable incident in Bellomont's administration? Tell the story of William Kidd, and how and when was he punished. 159-160 199. What was the general characteristics of most men appointed gov- ernors during colonial times? 200. What governor of New York appeared often in woman's dress? What were his reasons, and how long did he rule? ^^^ IbO 201. What was the negro plot, and when did it occur? ^^^ lo2 NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENTS. 202. Describe the meaning of Non-conformists, or Puritans, and Sepa- ratists, or Independents. Tell why these sects arose. ^^o 1/?^ 203. When and from where did the Mayflower sail? How man/ persons were on board, and what class were they termed? ^^n 204. Where was their settlement, and who was their first governor? What important personage was on board? -l^,^ 205. Describe the first winter in New England, and how many remained till spring? ^^^ 206. Who was the second governor, and what did Plj'mouth Colony owe him? ..^^ 1/1 207. While Powhatan proved a friend to Virginia, what Indian chief proved the friend of Plymouth? ^_^ 28 Colonization and Settlement. [period il 208. What was the message of Canonicus and the retort of Governor Bradford? Explain the meaning of these messages. ^^2 209. By what colony was the enmity of the Indians incurred? What plot was laid by them for a massacre at the same time Opechankano plotted the massacre a': Jamestown? What friendly Indian gave Plymouth Colony warning, as did also the Christian convert at Jamestown? ^„2 210. How did the devout Robinson at Leyden receive news of this affair? -^^j^ 211. What became of the Weymouth Colony? What plan had failed here as in Virginia? -.^g MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. 212. What tract of land was purchased by a company in 1628 and emigrants sent over? Who was governor? 173-174 213. What religious sect formed this settlement, and what was this settle- ment named under the charter granted in 1629? ^rj^ 214. Explain how and why this settlement flourished under Governor Winthrop? Like Bradford of Plymouth, what was his wise course with the Indians? -|.76 215. What and by whom was the first murder committed in New England? Why ir it worthy of note? ^«g 216. What religious views did Roger Williams entertain pertaining to the first four commandments that produced trouble in the colonies? De- scribe his troubles, and tell how they finally ended. -.«g 217. What prominent persons at this time favored Roger Williams's views, and how did one prove a friend in need? -.78 A.D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 29 RHODE ISLAND SETTLEMENT. 218. What Indians well known to the Plymouth Colony received Roger Williams kind'y? In what way did they befriend liim? What settlement did he and his companions plant? -.r-q CONNECTICUT SETTLEMENT. 219. When, where, and by whom was the first settlement in Connecticut? What son of a former governor of Massachusetts became governor of Con- necticut? When and by whom was Hartford founded? ^ 180 220. Describe the kindness of Roger Williams in preventing" the Nar- ragansetts from joining the Pequods in an attempt to make war on the '''"'"^- 182-183 221. How and by whom was the massacres by the Pequods avenged? Describe the extermination of the Pequods. Were the white people alto- gether blameless? icq iq/. . iod— loo Note; 222. Who was Anne Hutchinson, and what was her belief? What settlement was founded by her and her followers? What became of her? 187-188 223. Describe the charter granted Roger Williams in 1644. ^ „„ ^ „^ loo— ioy SETTLEMENT OF MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 224. How, when, and by whom were Maine and New Hampshire settled '^ ^ 190 225. When and by what colony was the first college founded? What name was given it and why, and how many years was this event prior to the founding of William -and-Mary College? ^^^^ 226. When and where was the first printing-press used in America? 192 COLOXIZATIOX AND SETTLEMENT. [PERIOD II. 227. What was the "Body of Liberties," and what were some of its laws? -^92 228. Name the United Colonies of New England, and tell when and for what purpose they united. Why was Rhode Island excluded? ^^o 229. While Virginia remained loyal to the royal family during the troublous times of Cromwell, what position did the United Colonies of New England occupy? 193 230. Where and when was the first coinage of money in our country? 193 231. What were some of the "Blue Laws," and by whom enacted? What punishment was meted out to a commander of a British man-of-war for kissing his wife on his return from a long cruise? In what way did he avenge this outrage? In what manner did Governor W^inthrop regard these laws? How did he protect a poor man from punishment for stealing from him? 2 94 232. Who was the founder of the Quakers, and how did they come by that name? What was their belief? 233. When did the first Quakers arrive in this country, and what was done with them? -^qq 234. Tell how and by what particular colony they were persecuted. What colony was always a city of refuge? Wliich is the better way? i9g_i99 235. Who was called the "Apostle of the Indians"? Tell something of the good he did. 200 230. By what were the troublous times in England caused? Name two regicides, and tell why they were so much desired by authorities. ^qq A.D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 31 237. During the same period of Bacon's rebellion in Virginia and New Netherland's troubles with England, what trouble was pending in the United Colonies of New England? - KING PHILIP'S WAR. 238. Who was King Philip and Alexander? What became of Alexander, and to what cause was attributed his death by the Indians? By the white people? 202 239. Explain how King Philip's treachery was revealed, and what became of the one who told it. 240. When did King Philip's war begin? How did he rally his people? What colonies were first attacked ? 204 241. Describe attack on Brookfield and the result. What ingenious device was resorted to by the Indians, and how did Providence save them? How were the white men avenged? 242. Describe assault on Hadley, and in what seemingly miraculous way were the settlers saved? _„„ 2Ud 243. Where, when, and how did "Bloody Brook" receive its name? What other assault occurred on the same day? 208 244. What formidable tribe now became allies of King Philip, thus breaking faith with Roger Williams? 208 245. How did Governor Winslow become apprised of the Narragansett stronghold and its location? For what was this fort noted? Describe it. 209 246. Describe the attack on the Narragansett stronghold. When was it, and what was its result? „^ ^ 32 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. 247, What was the extent of this war? .-^.^ 248. Describe the victory for the settlers at Turner's Falls, and explain how they lost the advantage gained. ^i i 249. When and what measures were taken to close this war, and with 211 what result? When was the war said to be over? 250. Describe King Philip as a fugitive, and what became of him? What was done with his wife and son? n-ii oio 251. Count the cost to both sides of King Philip's war. ^lo 252. What prot^g^ of King James was appointed viceroy of all New England? Of what other colony previous to this had he been governor? 214 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 253. When and what was the cause of King William's war? What trouble did this cause in Massachusetts? 215 254. Who were the Indian allies of the French and who of the English? When was the first blow struck? 215 255. Describe the attack on Schenectady, and give result. When was it, and what prompted it? 2i6 256. When and for what purpose did the Colonial Congress meet in 216 1690? 257. Describe the invasion of Canada, and why it proved disastrous. 216-217 A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 33 258. What was the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and who was governor? 217 259. Relate the story of Mrs. Dustin, and tell when it occurred. Ex- plain the meaning of the phrase "to run the gauntlet." What was done by citizens of New York and New Hampshire, in 1874, commemorative of the heroism of Mrs. Dustin and her companions? ^-, „ ^^„ 21/ -220 260. When and by what treaty did King William's War close? What was its duration? 261. What belief prevalent in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries would now be looked upon as ridiculous? To what extent had it spread, and what class of persons were foremost in extending the delusion? 221-222 262. Relate the story of the poor Irish woman, and tell when it hap- P^^^^- 221-222 263. What were the manifestations in the Parris family, and what was its result? 224 264. What other case did Parris prosecute through envy? 226 265. What prominent man was foremost in the prosecutions? What were the views of his father, then president of Harvard College? ^^„ 266. To what extreme had this delusion gone when it was ended? What brought the people to a realization of their senses, and when did witchcraft end? 097 267. Describe the repentance of people who were foremost in the prose- cution of the accused. Name two books published by Cotton Mather on this subject. ooq 34 Colonization and Settlement. [period il QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 268. When was Oiieen Anne's War? What causes led to it, and by what other name is it known? ^29 2G9. Describe the attack on Deerfield and the result. When was this attack? On what incident connected with it is founded Fenimore Cooper's interesting story, " The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish?" ^32 270. How many attempts were made by the English to capture Port Royal, Nova Scotia, and when were they successful? To what did they change its name? ^oo 271. Describe the attempt to invade Canada in 1711. Why did the enterprise fail? ooo 272. When and where was the treaty of Utrecht signed, and what were its terms? How many years did it last? ^..o KING GEORGE'S WAR. 273. What was the cause of King George's War, and when did it begin? By what name is it known in Europe? ^..^ 274. Learning of the war in the mother-country before the English, how did the French " take time by the forelock"? ^^^ 275. Describe and locate the Fortress of Louisbourg, and tell \yhy it was called "The Dunkirk of America." ^^^ 276. What were Governor Shirley's reasons for believing this fort could be captured? Describe its siege and capture. What made this enterprise such a daring and remarkable one? 9R4_9*^fi A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 35 277. What troops carried the banner inscribed "Never despair, Christ being the leader " ? How was this capture received in France, and what crushing blow did she resolve to strike? In what way did Providence intercede for the colonists? Zoo 278. When and by what treaty was this war closed ? What were its terms, and why were they not satisfactory with New Englanders? , ^o t 279. How did England treat her colonists who had captured Louisbourg with England's help? W^hat seeds were then sown in the hearts of our people that bore rich fruit a quarter of a century later? ^07 280. What was in reality the first newspaper ever published in America? When and why did it only publish a single number, and by so doing lose its prestige as the first newspaper? 9q'-_9Q» 281. What paper receives credit for being the first newspaper, and when was it published? In what did these newspapers differ from ours of to-day? ^qq 282. When and where was Yale College founded, and why was it so named? ^qo 283. How did the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island prosper? How long did Rhode Island remain under the charter procured for her by Roger Williams? noo SETTLEMENT OF NEW JERSEY. 284. Of what country was New Jersey first a part? What people located there? 289 285. When and in what year was the grant of land given to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, and why did they name it New Jersey? What relationship did Lord Beikeley bear to the one-time governor of Virginia? 240 36 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. 286. What inducements were offered people to settle in New Jersey? Who was the first governor? Describe his arrival. .^,.. 287. What three conditions were favorable to the prosperity of New Jersey? What caused the first disturbance in the colony, and how did the people make a bad matter worse? When and in what way did matters again become prosperous? 242-24S 288. Carefully trace the history of New Jersey, and tell how it came to be called East and West Jersey. 24^ 289. What good, noble, and intelligent man is mentioned in this account of New Jersey? How was he connected with it? ^ ..^ 290. Who was first governor of East Jersey, and what was his rule? 243 291. When was East and West Jersey united? ^44 292. What governor, before mentioned as donning woman's attire, now became governor of New Jersey and New Netherland? Name some of the traits of his character, and finally what became of him. ^44 293. What law is enforced in England, now as then, concerning the House of Lords, which protected him from arrest? 244 294. In what year did New Jersey become an independent province and remain so until the Revolution? Who were her first and last royal governors? 945 SETTLEMENT OF MARYLAND. 295. Who was the first Lord Baltimore connected with our history, and why was he moved to seek a refuge for those of his faith in our country? He having died, what grant was received instead by his son? ^47 A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 37 296. What can you say of the constitution and settlement of Maryland? How did the Virginians feel toward them? 247 297. In what way did the settlers of Maryland gain the good- will of the Indians? What and when was the first settlement? ^,^ 240-250 298. When did trouble begin with Clayborne? For what reason? How did it end temporarily? In what way did he stir up the Indians'^ 252 299. When and in what way did he again make trouble for Maryland? 252 300. What was the assembly composed of in 1649, and what important act did it pass? ^ 252 301. In what manner did Clayborne gain a decisive victory over his old enemy? ^^^^ 2t)2 302. Why was the Toleration Act repealed? How long was it in 303. Describe local disturbances which now took place, and by what event was quiet again restored? ^00 304. What man now came to Maryland to preach, and what sect did he found? 254 305. What troubles again arose for Maryland, and by what means might they have been averted? How and when was quiet again restored, to remain until the Revolution? o-/? 200 306. How many of the Lords Baltimore were there? ^^ ore •^ • Note 256 38 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. SETTLEMENTS IN THE CAROLINAS. 307. Name two early attempts to settle the Caroliiias. Why did they fail? .,— 308. When and by whom were the first permanent settlements made in the Carol inas? .-^^^ 309. To whom did Charles II. grant land in 1663, and what was its supposed boundary? ,^^^ 310. WHien was the Albemarle County Colony founded, and what was its governmeiTt? ,^-0 311. How and when was the Clarendon County Colony founded, and by what means did they flourish? ^^cq 312. What was the great ambition of Carolina proprietors, and what was the "Grand Model"? What was its success? How was it received by the people? 260 313. W^hen and why did matters go amiss with the Albemarle Colony, and how did Thomas Eastchurch think he righted them? What was the result? W'hat were the proprietors finally advised to do? opiopo 314. Who became their next governor, and how did the colony prosper? Who was his successor? In the mean time, what trouble arose for the southern colonv? How did it end? ,-,,.-, 315. Describe the general progress of these colonies until the massacre. When was it, and how many were killed? What was the punishment of the Indians? ^^. 31G. How did the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, or Five Nations, become Six Nations? (.^. ^t,-^ A.D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 39 317. How did the governor of the southern colony, or South Carolina, attempt to carry out Queen Anne's War in this country? Why did he then attack the Indians, and with what success? ^^- Zoo 318. Describe the Spanish expedition against Charleston in 1706, and give result. „„_, ,,,,,, ^ 265-2(5G 319. Describe the massacre of the settlers of the Carolinas in 17 15. What Indian tribes were leagued together for this outbreak? ^. , 320. In what way and by whom were the settlers in and about Port Royal saved from slaughter? 321. What system of government prevailed in the Carolinas prior to their becoming royal provinces? „p„ SETTLEMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 322. How did William Penn come to have the territory now known as Pennsylvania ceded to him by the crown head of England? ^,,q 323. W'hat was the religion of Penn, and how did this to a very great extent immortalize his name? ^ ,„ 324. What were the chief characteristics of this truly good man that sig- nalized his greatness as compared with any other in dealing with the red man of the New World? What is a synopsis of his speech to the Indians under tlje spreading elm at Kensington, Pennsylvania? What can be said of the treaty here made as compared with all other treaties? O70_9"'5 325. How long ago was Philadelphia founded? From whom did Penn purchase the land on which now stands Philadelphia? ^-r 326. How did he demonstrate his ruling spirit even in naming the ^^^y- 275 40 Colonization and Settlement. [period n. 327. Bv what title did the Indians call Penn? „„^ 328. Where and when was the first republican form of government established in America? n^^ 2/0 329. When did Penn leave, and what were his parting words? ^„„ 330. Explain Penn's trouble in England, and how was he freed from it? How was he deprived of his rights, and how regain them? ^„^_.^_^ 331. How many years was he absent from America when he returned? What great change had taken place? ^r-r, 332. When was Delaware given a separate government? Why? ^r-r. 333. What became of Penn, and how were his last years passed? ^^-q 334. What reason had most of the people for settling in the different colonies? 280-281 335. Name one of the most oppressive laws ever enforced in any country. What was the effect of this law, and what American patriot and philan- thropist suffered from it, in America? ^09 336. What measure was finally taken to better the condition of debtors? Who was prime mover in the project? What does history say of him; and, although one of the most skillful generals on the British Islands, why was he not placed in chief command of the British forces in America at the time of the Revolution? 9Q9_9S;^ 337. Describe the conditions of prison-life revealed upon investigation. What was Oglethorpe's vow? ^ca 338. What wise course did Oglethorpe advocate as a relief for this evil, and how was it received by King George II. and Parliament? nn^^ A. D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 41 SETTLEMENT OF GEORGIA. 339. When was the charter issued for the founding of Georgia Colony? Why was it so named? Give its boundaries. Tell why people were so ignorant concerning the area of America. 340. What was the colonization scheme of government? Name three of the directors. Describe the generosity of the English people to the Georgia Colony, and what was the inevitable result? ^oi not Zo4— Zoo 341. How many people set sail in the ship Anne, and what three indus- tries did they propose planting in the Georgia Colony? Describe the class of people and the generosity of South Carolina. Zoo 342. Who selected the site of Savannah, and in what year was it settled? 285 343. How did Mary Musgrove give aid to Oglethorpe? Describe and give the significance of the present given by Chief Tomo-chichi to Ogle- thorpe. In what was this meeting similar to Penn's meeting with the Indians? ^86 344. Relate the circumstance that led the trustees of the colony to pro- hibit the use and sale of rum. Zoo 345. When was Augusta founded? 2oo 346. For what purpose did Oglethorpe persuade the Indian party to visit England with him? Who composed the Indian party? Describe Tomo-chichi 's interview with King George. ooo oon Zoo—Zov 247. In what way did Oglethorpe show his hospitality to the Indians he had brought over to England? Describe their visit, and which one died? How long did they remain in England, and when did they again reach Savannah ? ^ 42 Colonization and Settlement. [period il 348. Name another somewhat similar visit of over a hundred years before by one of these people. General Question. 349. Describe and give the nationality of the people who founded Ebenezer. 290 350. In what year did Oglethorpe again return to Georgia? How was he received? 290 351. Whom did Oglethorpe bring with him, and why is their arrival known as the "Grand Embarkation"? 290 352. Who were the W^esley brothers, and to what cause was the elder's failure due? What was his conviction, and what did he at last determine to do? 291 353. WHiat person was sent as successor to John Wesley? What was some of the good done by him? 291 354. Name two acts of Parliament which, if enforced, would have had an important bearing on the moral welfare and progress of the colony, ^gi 355. Name an unjust law which did much mischief at this time. 291 356. What steps were taken by Ogl'ethorpe for the protection of the English colonists from the Spaniards? 291 357. Describe the progress of the Salzburgers. 292 358. What bold step was now taken by Oglethorpe, and what was his reason for so doing? What position did (ireat Britain take, and what military preparations were then made by Oglethorpe? 992-293 A.D. 1602-1758] COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT. 43 359. Why were Oglethorpe's messengers held as prisoners of war, and what caused them to be released? What difficulties as to treaties then arose? 293 360. Describe Oglethorpe's trip to England about this time. What were his reports, and what effect did they produce on England? ^qo 361. What aid was given Oglethorpe on his return? What other diffi- culties had taken place in his absence? oqq.oqj. 362. In what year did England declare war against Spain, and what early preparations had Ogletliorpe made? In what year did he invade Florida, and what forts did he capture? „q. 363. Describe the attempt to capture St. Augustine, and why it failed. ,294 364. What event two years later again stirred Oglethorpe to action? What was the number of the governor's army, also the Spanish? At what place was a body of Spanish troops routed by Highlanders? oqk 365. What knowledge prompted Oglethorpe to make an attack on the Spanish position? What prevented it? Describe the ingenious scheme now put into execution by Oglethorpe, and describe how it was received by the Spanish camp. W^WP, 366. By what chance were Georgia and South Carolina saved from capture and probable destruction? What did Whitefield pronounce it? ty^^j 367. When did Oglethorpe return to England? Wliat is said of his last days? ^^q- 368. Describe the condition of Georgia in 1752, and give reasons for this change. In what year did it become a royal province, and in what way did it come to be called the "Empire State of the South"? What church was established by law? 007 44 Colonization and Settlement. [period ii. Having reached the end of Period II. of our nation's history, that we may better remember the events of this period, distinct and apart from the events of the other seven periods, we will now look back over this one hundred and fifty -six years, and see what has been accomplished since the end of Period I. First, we must realize that the people of America lived one hundred and fifty-six years, or thirty-two )ears longer, as subjects of kings and monarchs of Europe than they have since 'lived as a free, self-governing people. We must wait another thirty -two years before we will have enjoyed the experience of a republic an equal length of time with that which we paid tribute to rulers over the sea for the privilege of being ruled. The people, or the most of the people, during this one hundred and fifty-six years thought, or seemed to think, that in some mysterious way this virgin soil, which had been hidden from the eye of avarice and pro- tected from the greed of aristocracy for numberless ages, had suddenly become the property of those men who were then held up to the world as kings (born by a special dispensation of God to live off the industry of and rule over the less cunning and more scrupulous mass of mankind) , instead of belonging to all mankind in common, or to such as dared breast the storm and sea to escape the hardship of supporting an idle, worthless, useless aristocracy that could show no excuse for existence other than ignorance and man's willingness to become the packhorse of wrong and iniquity, so long as the agents of such wrong and iniquity permit him the use of sufficient fruits of his own toil to maintain life ; hence at the end of the Second Period of America's growth the people were devoted to gain -getting, with little or no thought of government, and the New World was slowly but surely following in the footsteps of the Old, with all its misery and woe. PERIOD III. ENGIvAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. FROM 1758 TO 1783, 25 YEARS. FROM THE OUTBREAK OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR TO CLOSE OF THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION WHEN WASHINGTON RESIGNED HIS COMMISSION AS COMMANDER OF THE ARMY TO THE AMERICAN CONGRESS. • The reasons why Periods I, II, III and IV are so divided will be found iu the explanations at the end of Period I. Period III. ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA From A. D. 1758 to 1783 — 25 Years. FRENCH COLONIZATION. 369. Describe France's interest in America while English colonies were extending along the coast. What did she aim to make for herself in America? ^99 370. In what way did France display wisdom, and thereby gain an advantage over the English ? What was the most powerful agency in the accomplishment of this work? ^„„ 371. In what way did the devotion of these priests bring fruit? What became of some of them? „„„ 372. Give a brief history of Father Allouez. r^*^ 373. What was the aim of Fathers Marquette and Dablon when they made their extended trip into the wilderness? oaa 374. Why is it said there is more than one discoverer of the Mississippi River? Name some of them, and tell why the river was so named. 300-301 375. In what regions did Marquette labor? What became of him? 300 37G. At the time of La Salle's explorations of the Mississippi, what had just happened among the different English colonies? .3^-. (47) 48 England and France in America. [period hi. 377. When and where did La Salle bnild Fort Frontenac? .-...^ 378. What great advantage for France did La Salle see in the Indian's description of the Mississippi? To whom did he apply for aid, and in what way was it given him? .,,,., 379. What plans had Count Frontenac, and whom did he send to urge the favoring of them in France? What reward was granted La Salle for a duty well done? qO'W^()4 380. When did La Salle again visit France, and wdiat authority did he receive? Who was his companion? ,3.. . 38L What system of insurance is named after Tonti? Relate some of the trials experienced by La Salle in the next three years. r.r.. 382. Describe the ceremony with which La Salle took possession of the territory of Louisiana in the name of France. What were then its dimensions? .^^^ 383. Describe the return of the explorers, and how^ was La Salle rewarded for his discoveries by De la Barre, then governor of New France? .^^- 384. What aid did the King of France extend to La Salle when he wished to undertake an expedition to the mouth of the Mississippi? ....^ 385. When did this expedition reach America, and where did they land? What treatment did they receive from the Indians? oaq 386. How man) unsuccessful attempts were made by La Salle to locate the mouth of the Mississippi? At the return of his second attempt, how many of the company remained, and how many of these did he take on his third and last attempt? oaq A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 49 387. Describe the murder of I^a Salle, and how many years ere his death became known? ^^^ 309 388. In the next half century, what progress did France make in the New World? What land was possessed by them, and how did they set about to obtain the whole country? 389. What was the Ohio Land Company, and what was its purpose? About how many English and how many French were then in America? 310 390. Describe the journey of Christopher Gist. When and for what purpose was it made? How long was he gone? . 391. Who was the leading director of the Ohio Company? When was the great council of the western tribes held? Who was there from Virginia? What did the Indians agree to do, and what did the chiefs say? .^.^ 392. How did the Ohio Company press its work, and in what way did the French view these encroachments of their so-called possessions? oi i 393. What course did the French take in 1753? Name and locate several of their forts. oi-j 394. How was this action received by the Ohio Company and Virginia, and what were their orders from England? What course did Governor Dinwiddle decide upon before taking extreme measures? qiiqio 395. Whom did Governor Dinwiddle select to carry his message to the French commander? 014^ 396. When and where was Washington born? How was it recorded, and when was this method changed? How were matters finally adjusted? 314 50 England and France in America. [period hi. 397. Why was he popular with his classmates? Give an example of his love for his mother. What was his occupation, and how did he build up a robust constitution? How much did his pay amount to per day? 3^^3^. 398. How did he come under the notice of Governor Dinwiddie? After Washington was summoned to Williamsburg, then the capital of Virginia, wdiat reph' did he grive to Governor Dinwiddie? oi- 399. Give a detailed account of all Washington was to learn and do on this trip. How many accompanied him, and when did he start? .,-,►, ^ -L I 400. Who was Half - King, and why was he the friend of the English instead of the French? What service did he render Washington? o.^ 401. When did Washington reach Fort Le Boeuf? Describe his re- ception. 3^^ 402. Describe his return home, and when did he reach Williamsburg? 320 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 403. What was St. Pierre's reply to Dinwiddle's message, and what action did the governor take at once? What appointment was given Washington? 3->l_o99 404. What measures did the Virginia of Burgesses vote? Where was a fort to be built? 099 405. What were Washington's orders, and when did he start to execute them? What two messages did he receive on tlie way, and what was his answer to the first? What report did one of Captain Trent's men bring Wash ington ? .3 9 o A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. • 51 406. Describe the ambush by the French for Washington's army, and what warning was given him? o.-,. 407. Describe the circumstance of Washington's firing the first hostile shot in the French and Indian W^ar. What was the result of the first conflict? 2.-., 408. To what fort did W'ashington now fall back, and why did he take first command? On his way to Fort Du Quesne, what news did he receive that caused him to again fall back 'to Fort Necessity? 09 i 409. When was Fort Necessity attacked, and what was the result? What terms of surrender were accepted by Washington? ^^-^^ 09^ 410. For what purpose did the colonial governors invite the Indians to be present at the convention held in Albany, June 19, 1754? 09/- 411. What famous philosopher was a member of this convention? What colony was he sent from? 09/^ 412. From what colony were the delegates who presented the question of a union of the colonies for mutual defense? How was it received by the convention? 00/- 6 lb 413. WHiose plan was the "Plan of Union"? What was it, and why was it a failure? Q9f_o9-' 414. What were the apparent relations between England and France at this time? What important action did England take, and when did Braddock arrive? S27-S98 415. What three plans of campaign were now decided upon ? 090 52 England and France in America. [period hi. 416. What was the fourth campaign in progress, and by whom was it put into execution? Give the result of this campaign. What was done with the French and the Acadians? o.^q 417- What country was in possession of Acadia, or Nova Scotia, at this time? Why was it deemed necessary to crush this colony? Describe the scenes which followed this decision. o^.. 418. What can be said of Grand Pre? In what year were people driven from their homes and villages, and what became of them? ooi 419. How has this act been commented on by historians, and how do most of them agree? What is said of Longfellow's poem "Evangeline" as connected with these incidents? Q'^i_'r:>9 420. Describe Braddock's disastrous campaign, and to what was his disaster attributed? When was this battle, and what officer was wounded and died? 332-334 421. What narrow escapes did W^ashington have, and what led the American chief to say he was protected by the Great Spirit? ^or 422. What were General Braddock's characteristics? Describe his burial, and tell where it occurred. What was the general loss of men and officers in this defeat? oor 423. Who succeeded Braddock in command of the British forces? De- scribe his campaign. 335-336 424. What great French soldier was now governor of Canada? 336 425. What great undertaking was now planned by Colonel William Johnson? Where did he as.semble his troops, and what was the total number? Who commanded the New-England forces? oop AD. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN 'AMERICA. 53 426. Under whom were the French forces at Crown Point, and how many did they number? 427. What facts led Dieskan to organize a sudden attack on Fort Lyman, and what advantage would it have given him in the event of success? 428. Describe the encounter at Fort Edward (formerly Fort Lyman) , and which force was victorious? ooo 429. Describe the bravery of Dieskan and the kindness of General Johnson. 33g 430. What reward did Colonel William Johnson receive from England for his services on this occasion? What forts were strengthened and built by him before leaving for home, and what similar work was done by the French? 3^^ 431. Describe the farce carried on by England and France while there was fighting in America. When and how did it end? o.^ 432. What was the campaign formed by Shirley and the royal governors at New York ? ^ , ^ 341 433. What commission was given Benjamin Franklin in 1756, and what instruction from Pennsylvania? „ ... 434. How were settlements on the borders of Virginia threatened at this time, and what action did Virginia take? „ .^ 435. Who succeeded Shirley as commander-in-chief of the British forces in America? Describe his fitness for this office, and who was his sub- ordinate? oA\ 54 England and France in America. [period hi. 436. In what way did Abercrombie render himself obnoxious to the citizen provincials in Albany? What startling news brought by Bradstreet failed to have effect with Abercrombie? '^41-34'> 437. Why did the English have good cause for fear at this time? De- scribe the contrast between Abercrombie's and Montcalm's action. ., , 438, Describe the fall of Oswego. What wise step by the French led nearly all the Iroquois to their support? .3 ,.^ 439. How was the news of the fall of Oswego received by Lord Loudon? What action did he then take? 0^.7 440. What led the philosopher Franklin to conclude that nature had not intended him for a military career? Who was his successor? o... 441. Describe and give date of the Indian chastisement at Kittaning. What was the result of the year's campaign? o_io 442. When did Lord Loudon call a council of governors of New England and Nova Scotia, and for what purpose? Describe his conduct and bearing at this council. oj^o 443. Wliat was the most important work now before the English, and how did the colonists receive the plan of the campaign? q4o_o44 444. What move did Loudon now make, and who did he leave in charge of the Carolina borders? Of the western frontiers? Of Forts Edward and William Henry? 0,4 445. On Loudon's arrival at Halifax who joined him, and how many soldiers did they have in all? How long were they here, and how was their time occupied? 044 A.D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 55 446. In the mean time how did the French improve their time? What effect did this have on Loudon, and what foolish thing- did he do? ^.^ 447. In what year did Montcalm move against Fort William Henry, and how was he successful? Name several noticeable facts connected with this surrender. „ .^ 448. In what way did Montcalm pay a compliment to Monro in the terms of surrender? Name the pledges given by Montcalm and INIonro. 345-346 449. Describe the massacre of the prisoners, and who was probably to blame for it. Describe JMontcalm's attempt to save the prisoners, ojp 450. What were General Webb's fears at this time, and what useless preparations did he make? ,,.„ 451. Describe the condition of affairs at the close of the year 1757. What colony became a refuge for endangered people of the North? ^ in 452. What is said of William Pitt? When urged to recommend a stamp tax for the colonies, what was his reply? When was he dismissed from the Cabinet, and how long afterwards recalled? ^ .^ ^^ .„ 453. What was one of the first acts of Pitt on his return to power? Who was put in command of the British troops? What did Pitt ask and promise the colonies? Give some names of British officers who were placed in command. orr> or-^ 350-351 454. How did the colonies show their patriotism in response to the call for men and money? ^^^ 00 J- 455. When did Abercrombie assume command, and how many men were placed at his disposal? ^^ 56 England and France in America. [period ul 456. What was the plan of the campaigns in 1758, and who was put in charge of each? g^j^ 457. Describe the campaign against Louisbourg. When did it surrender, and who was the hero of the victory? What became of Louisbourg? 352 458. What move did General Abercrombie and Lord Howe now make, and with how many men did they embark on Lake George? .^^^ 459. How did Lord Howe manifest his interests in the soldiers? Ex- plain how his death occurred, and the effect it had on his troops? 0-0 460. Why did Abercrombie fail to take Ticonderoga? Who was in charge of the fort, and how many dead did Abercrombie leave on the field? Where did he then go? In what year and on what day was this battle? . 3.3 461. What is said of the capture of Fort Frontenac by Bradstreet? What was gained by this surrender? Why was this victory so depressing to the French? How many men did Colonel Bradstreet lose, and what fort did he build? 3^^ 462. What move was now made by Abercrombie? o^.. 463. What was the famous body of rangers? Where were they from and who commanded them? o^j^ 464. Although the colonists suffered great loss from the war, what valuable lessons did they gain by it? g^g 465. Who was second in command of Rogers's rangers, and how were he and several comrades captured? Describe his thrilling experience and escape. 35g A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 57 466. What move did Amherst make when he heard of the disaster at Ticonderoga? 356 467. Describe the gathering of forces to attack Fort Du Quesne. Who was commander, and who was in charge of two thousand Virginia troops? What advice did he give General Forbes, and what did he write to a friend? 3^^ 468. Describe the ambuscade of Grant's army, and give its loss. W^hat repulse did the French soon after meet with? „p,„ 469. How was Fort Du Quesne captured and occupied? What name did they give the fort, and what great city grew up around its ruins? 358 470. WHiat interesting accoimt of Washington is here recorded? 358 471. Relate the incident of Washington's receiving thanks for his ser- vices from the House of Burgesses. okq 472. W^hat were the points in England's favor after the campaign of 1758? How was the power of France waning, and how did Pitt improve the golden opportunity of his country? opq 473. What three campaigns were now arranged? Describe the capture of Crown Point and Ticonderoga by Amherst. What year and day did each fall into his hands? 359-360 474. When, how, and by whom was Niagara captured? What were the English instructions after capturing Niagara, and why were the)- not fulfilled? SQ0-SQ2 58 England and France in America. [period iil BATTLE OF QUEBEC. 475. What was the most grand and decisive campaign of this war? Who was commander of the English forces? Give the strength of the arm^• and navy. On wdiat day did the army land? Describe the exact position occnpied by them? ^^^^ ^^^^ 3^^^ 3^2 47G. Describe the location of Quebec and the Plains of Abraham. Who commanded the French forces, and how strong were they? What positions did the French army occupy? o/.^ 477. How and when did a strategy devised by the French to destroy English warships save them instead? r,n.^ 478. How was General Monckton enabled to destroy the village of Quebec at the foot of the citadel? ^nn 479. Describe the location of the Plains of Abraham, and why had the French left it unfortified? q/:>q 480. When did Wolfe attack the French fortifications on the Beaufort shore? What delay probably caused their defeat? What was their loss? Describe General Wolfe's sickness, and its probable cause. of>q 481. What decision was made by the council of war held in September? From what position did Wolfe resolve to attack the citadel, and by what means could he reach it? ^nA 482. What preparations were made that evening in the darkness by Wolfe's army, and at what signal, given at what hour, day, and year, did the troops drift down to the landing-place? o/^c 483. What dark forebodings did General Wolfe have before the battle, and what preparations did he make in consequence? What verse did Wolfe repeat in low tones to his officers when they were nearing the landing-place, and what remark did he make in reference to it? From what poem was this verse taken? o/^rc A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 59 484. Describe the path and the ascent of the army to the Plains of Abra- ham. What incident told them they were discovered by sentinels? When the sun had risen, what scene did it reveal to the French? ^.nr- ^nn 365-366 485. Where was Montcalm when the news of the British approach reached him, and what was his answer? „„^ obo 486. Describe the attack by the French. What movements did the British make? S6r-S67 487. How many times was Wolfe wounded, and what were his last words? 3g^ , 488. What other noble man's death occurred about the same time as Wolfe's? How many times was he wounded, and what were his last words? 337 489. How many days after the battle did Quebec surrender, and what date was it occupied by the British? opo 490. How was the news of the victory received in Great Britain? Why is the conquest of Quebec ranked as one of the greatest victories of the world? 3gQ 491. Who was Montcalm's successor? When and where was the battle of Ste. Foye? What saved Quebec for the English? o/>q o^a 492. Who was now commander-in-chief of all the British forces in America? 3-^ 493. W^hat three divisions of Amherst's army arrived about the same time as he himself did before Montreal? What remarkable accuracy did this show on the part of Amherst? q,,/x 60 England and France in America. [period hi. 494. What division of Amherst's army expelled the French from Isle- aiix-Noix while enroute? .^-^ 495. What was the strength of Amherst's army before IMontreal, and how did it impress the French Viceroy? ^-^ 49(3. On what day and year were the lilies of France supplanted by the cross of St. George? When and where was a treaty signed, and of what territory did England gain possession? 370-371 PONTIAC'S WAR. 497. On what errand was Major Rogers, with his famous body of Ran- gers, sent by Amherst? When did he start, and why did he go into camp at Cleveland? 0-3 498. From whom did Rogers receive a visit, and how did he deceive these people? o-j^ 499. When did the fort at Detroit surrender, and how did Pontiac under- stand the act of surrender of so large a force of the French to a small body of English? How did the French traders influence the minds of the Indians? o- « 500. What great scheme did Pontiac now plan? How long was he in making ready for the attack? What credentials were borne by his am- bassadors, and how much territory did these ambassadors cover? Why did the Six Nations not join the conspiracy? .,_;. 501. When was the time fixed for the uprising, and what was the plan of attack? .3_^ 502. How was Major Gladwyn apprised of the plot, and what credence did he give it? o-;^ A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 61 503. Describe Pontiac's plan of attack on Detroit, and what day was chosen? What occurred to change his plans when he reached the fort? What was the signal for the Indians to begin their massacre, and why was it not given? q-^g 504. How was Detroit saved from this conspiracy? What like incident can you name in connection with Jamestown? 0-77 505. How long did Pontiac keep np the semblance of friendship, and what caused him to throw off the disguise? 0^-7 506. Describe when and how the memorable siege of Detroit began? Explain the death of Major Campbell and the return of Lieutenant McDougal. gYs 507. In what way did the English try to burn the fort? How did the English procure food? 070 508. Who, when, and under what circumstances did the first American Indian issue " paper currency "? What credit is given the American chief as a result? 378-380 509. Describe how a relief was intercepted and turned into strategy by the Indians. How was it discovered at the fort? oon 510. Describe and give result of the attack by the Indians on the schooner of relief, from Niagara. WHiat plan did the Indians then try that had been previously attempted by the French at Quebec? o^q 511. What tribes sent overtures of peace to Major Gladwyn which re- sulted in the exchange of prisoners? 001 512. Wliat relief was again sent by Niagara to Detroit, and what attempt was made to intercept it? In what way did this show Indian strategy? 381 62 England and France in America. [period hi. 513. How did Major Dalzell think to crush the savages and thus end the siege of Detroit? How and when was this plan carried into effect? 514. Describe Dalzell's attack, and give result. By what name is this battle known? o^^ 515. Relate the interception of the sloop from Niagara bearing dispatches, and what characterized it as one of the most singular episodes in the siege of Detroit? o„,-^ 516. What other perils was the relief from Niagara compelled to en- counter besides the Indians? ..^o ooo 517. A*bout how many months had the siege of Detroit now lasted? What effect was this prolonged siege having upon the Indians? When was a truce declared, and how did the English take advantasfe of it? ooo ^^ ^ 383 518. What fatal blow was given to Pontiac's hopes? Where did he and his leading warriors then go to stir up discontent ? Was he successful ? ^^ . 519. While Pontiac was conducting the siege at Detroit, how did his schemes in regard to other forts bear fruit? or,- 520. Describe how and when the garrison at Fort Michilimackinac was surprised and taken. oor 521. When and by how^ many Indians was Fort Presque Isle attacked? What were Ensign Christie and his men forced to do? What course did the besiegers then take that succeeded in taking the fort? What pledge was given by the Indians, and how was it kept? What point did Ensign Christie finally reach? o^P A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 63 522. Describe the singular escape of the garrison at Fort Le Boeuf, which was attacked the same week as Presque Isle. 523. What can be said of Fort Venango and Fort Ligonier? ooo 524. By what name had Fort Pitt previously been known, and who was now in charge of it? 386-387 525. Relate the visit to the fort by a delegation of Delawares, and what falsehoods were told by them, and also Captain Ecuyer's answer to them. What effect did it have on them when they believed Captain Ecuyer? 388 526. What did the Delawares tell Captain Ecuyer on their next visit, and what was his answer? How did they accept the challenge and threaten Fort Pitt? 33g 527. Who was Colonel Bouquet? How many men had he, and what were his orders? Why did he delay at Fort Carlisle? On resuming his march, what route did he take, and how was he attacked by Indians? 389-390 528. When did the fighting cease, and what note did Bouquet then pencil to Amherst? What great danger was he and his army now in? In what way did he show himself master of the situation and overpower his enemies? Ot/ J. 529. When did Colonel Bouquet reach Fort Pitt and relieve it of all P 626. What step towards the enlargement of the army had England now taken? ^ ^^^ 627. Describe the defeat of the Americans on I^ong Island, and relate how a dense fog saved the American army. .^^^ |A. D. 1758-1783] ENGI.AND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 73 628. How, when, where, and by whom was General Charles Lee cap- tured? How was this event looked upon by Americans? .^^ .^^ 629. Describe the dark days of the Revolution in 1776. What was the location of Washington's army? Of Cornwallis's army? .^^ 630. What daring move did Washington and two thousand five hundred picked men make on Christmas night of 1776? What was the result? 468-470 631. What effect on the Americans did this brilliant move produce? 470 632. Why did Cornwallis feel so sure of " bagging the fox " at one time that he made preparations to return to England and report the war ended? How did his calculations miscarry? .„^ 633. Describe when and where the battle of Princeton occurred. Relate the bravery of General Mercer. What was the patriot loss? A^f)_A7-\ 634. Where did Washington now take tip winter-quarters? How long did he remain here? a^^ 635. Who was the "martyr-spy of the Revolution " ? Describe him, and tell something of his life up to the time of his enlistment in the army. ^^2 636. What was the information so much desired which Hale was sent after? Describe his capture and the discovery of his papers. ,p.3_,^^ 637. What treatment did he receive at British hands? Describe his preparations for death, and of what brutal acts Cunningham was guilty. 476 638. Describe the scene of Hale's execution, and what were his last words ? Ann 74 England and France in America. [period hi. 639. When and where was a statue of Hale recently erected? What thought caused more than one eye to flash with indignation at this time? 477 640, What was the comparison given by the late Henry J. Raymond of Hale and Andre. 477-478 641. When was the birth of "Old Glory"? Describe the first design. Who prepared it? Where does the house now stand in which " Old Glory " was born? From what is the blue field said to have been taken? .^^ 642. Describe some of the early flags carried by the colonies. What was Benjamin Franklin's design, and what was its significance? 480-481 643. What was probably the first conflict in which our flag appeared? By whom is this interesting relic now possessed? Where did the first British surrender grace our flag? ,^-, 644. Although one of the youngest of nations, why is our flag among the oldest? What else may be said of our banner? .0.2 645. What great campaign for crushing the Revolution was now under- taken by Great Britain? To what was one of the failures of this great campaign due? .00 646. Why did Howe fail to send an army up the Hudson to Albany? How long has this reason been known ? .^^ 647. Describe the brutality of Governor Tyron. What was the brave act by Benedict Arnold at Danbury? What reward was given by Congress in recognition of it? What was the loss of the invaders compared with that of the Americans? .0 . 648. Describe the capture of General Prescott. For whom was he exchanged? 4gg_4gg A.D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 75 649. Describe the movements of Burgoyne. What was the loss at Ticonderoga? ^^^^^^ 650. What move did Schuyler now make? What was the touching incident of Jane McCrea? What effect did this incident have on the Continental army? ^^^ •' 488 651. What indicated the growing weakness of Burgoyne? How did he resolve to strike a blow for the encouragement of the Tories? -^o 652. W'hen and where was the battle of Bennington fought? Describe it. W'hat were the noted words Colonel Stark made on entering this battle? ^gg 653. What was the result of the battle of Bennington, and what effect did it have on Burgoyne? .q,. 654. Describe the siege of Fort Schuyler. How was the enemy at one time routed? .^^ 490 655. Describe the ambush for Herkimer by the Tories and Indians 4eo 656. In what way was the siege of Fort Schuyler ended without any fighting by the Americans? ^q, 657. Describe the overthrow of St. Leger. To whom were these Amer- ican successes due? What appointment made by Congress showed how little Schuyler's services were appreciated? .qi 658. What position was now occupied by Gates's army? By Burgoyne's army? ^^2 659. On what morning did Burgoyne offer battle? Give result. De- scribe the aid given by Arnold and Morgan. What weakness did General Gage display? ^^2 76 England and France in America. [period hi. 660. What message did Biirgoyne now receive, and what was his answer? What was the condition of his army at this time, and how was the American arm>- increasing? 492-493 661. When did Bnrgoyne advance again on the Americans? Describe the heroic fighting, and how was a cannon taken and retaken five times, to finally remain in American hands? Why was Arnold not allowed to fight? 493-494 662. Describe the bravery of Arnold and Morgan, also General Fraser on the British side. What was the result of this battle, and to whom was credit oriven? BURGOYNE'S SURRENDER. 495 663. To what position did Bnrgoyne now take his army, and what course did he decide to adopt? 495 664. How many men surrendered to the Americans? Why were there no Indians to surrender? Name some of the trophies surrendered, and relate the kindness of Americans in caring for prisoners. ^g^ 665. What effect did this surrender have on England? On America? 496 666. Why w^as the appointment of Franklin as commissioner to France one of the wisest steps taken by Congress? .^j,, 667. Describe affairs between France and America at this time. What good result did Burgoyne's surrender bring to America? .qp 668. When was the first treaty made by the United States with a foreign power? What were its provisions? In addition, what assistance did France agree to give America at this time? a^q 669. What action did Great Britain take upon hearing of this treaty with France? aqq A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 77 670. What inducements were now offered by Great Britain to the colo- nies? How were her advances received? 497 671. What other powers now joined France to aid America, with the result that as war continued Great Britain had her hands full? 497 672. Describe the capture of the forts on the Hudson Highlands. 498 673. What city was now threatened by the British, and how did Wash- ington try to save it? 498 674. What is said of the battle of Brandy wine ? Give the result. 498-499 675. When was the battle of Germantown? Describe it. Why were the Americans defeated just on the eve of a decided victory? .^.q 676. Where did Washington now go into winter -quarters? Locate this place on the map. .qp 677. In what manner did the speculators and wealthy treat our suffering soldiers at Valley Forge? W'hat was Washington's declaration concerning this element of citizens? -^^ 678. What is said concerning some of the soldiers and officers of the American army in 1781? What did W^ashington write concerning the officers to two certain governors of the colonies? Wliat did John Adams write of this trouble in 1777? rni 679. Describe the injustice of Congress to Washington in the promotion of officers. riu) 680. What was the "Conway Cabal"? Name its chief supporters. What did Washington write Patrick Henry concerning this plot which showed the nobleness of his character? rQ2 78 EXGLAXD AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. [PERIOD III. 681. What was Conway's death -bed letter to Washington? In what spirit was it received by Washington ? ^ G82. Who was the most prominent foreign officer who gave his aid voluntarily in our struggle for independence? ;_,. , _.._ 683. Name other foreign officers that aided us, and from what country each came. _^^ oOo 684. What is said of Baron von Steuben? Why was he so valuable in the armv? ^,^_ oOo 685. What was the strength of the American and British forces in May, 1778? gy. 686. What changes were made in the British army in the spring of 1778? Give reasons for them. -^^ 50b 687. When did the battle of Monmouth occur? What was the rebuke given Lee bv Washington, and whv was it deserved? ^,._ _,.p. ^ - !s ' . 0O/-0O9 688. What was the character of General Charles Lee, and what became of him? How has it been proved that he was a traitor? _,w, 689. Name two striking features of the battle of INIonmouth. Relate the bravery of INIollie Pitcher. What reward was gi\-en her bv Congress? 510-511 690. In what year did D' Estaing arrive with a French fleet? How was a battle prevented between Howe's fleet and D' Estaing's? .-1 1 691. How did D' Estaing break faith with Washington? Describe the cowardice of the French. ^. . 512 692. What is said of the assistance of France at this time? ^^-.,2 A.D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 79 693. Where is Wyoming Valley? Describe it and something of its earlier settlement? 512 694. In what year did Colonel John Butler make an expedition against Wyoming Valley? 01.0 695. What preparations had the settlers made, and who was their leader? Describe the fight at " Forty Fort," and relate the result. ^* 513 696. Why has this country since been known as the "Shades of Death "? What awful fate befell those left in the fort? 514 697. How did one drunken man in a field put a body of Indians to flight at this time? How did a spider's web save a fugitive from capture? 514-515 698. Relate the scene of "Queen Esther," and the miraculous escape of two victims „^ _ 516 699. What is said of little Frances Slocum? What incident of early Massachusetts history does it recall? -^„ 516 700. Describe British praise and encouragement of these atrocities. 516 701. What man was renowned for his influence with the Six Nations in other wars as well as the Revolution? What Mohawk chieftain was a blood-relative to him? -^_ 517 702. Describe the aid given by Brant to his relative. -^„ t 703. Describe the attack on Cherry Valley. In what way were the Indians more merciful than the white man? -,„ ^^„ 51/-518 704. What was the name of the first of the vessels ordered by Congress to put to sea? Describe her work. -^ 80 England and France in America. [period hi. 705. Of what vessel was Captain Paul Jones in command? When did he set sail? gjl^g 706. Describe his descent npon Whitehaven, and the destrnction he attempted. What other purpose had Paul Jones in coming to this coast? How was his purpose frustrated, and what incident in connection with it shows the honor of Captain Paul Jones? ^^^ 707. What naval victory was won by Captain Paul Jones "in sight of three kingdoms"? 519-520 708. What was the strength of our navy compared with that of Great Britain at the close of the year 1778? ^.-,^ 709. Describe the financial distress of the states after Congress returned to Philadelphia. What advice was given Washington by Congress? p-.^.-. 710. To what part of the country was the war now drifting? What action was taken by the British? ^^^^ 711. Describe the defeat of Robert Howe and his men. -r.^ ozl 712. In what year did the lack of money and credit compel the closing of the campaign? What was the feeling among the patriots? ^.^. 713. What man now assumed chief command in the South? Where did he locate? g.^.^ 714. What is said of Campbell's cruelties? ^^^o 715. How did Colonel Andrew Dickens and his men do good service in the South at this time? Who was the "Swamp Fox"? Describe his service. ^9^ A.D. 1758-1783] EnGI^AND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 81 716. When and where did General Ashe lead an expedition against Campbell? Give the result and his loss. ^^4^ 717. What was the critical situation in South Carolina at this time? 524 718. Why did Prevost abandon his intention of taking Charleston? 525 719. What plans were now laid for the recapture of Savannah? -^x 720. What delay granted by D' Estaing gave the advantage to the British? What was the result of this battle? What was the patriot loss compared with the British loss? 595-526 721. Relate the expedition led by Tyron, and how did he boast of showing undeserved mercy to the rebels? Of what service was General Putnam at this time? ^26 722. When and how was Stony Point captured by Mad Anthony Wayne? 526 723. How and by whom were the Iroquois punished in 1779? 5^7 724. What great good did George Rogers Clarke do in the Illinois country? What forts were captured? Relate Colonel Shelby's exploit. 528 725. To whose resources have generally been left the description of our naval exploits? Why is it more fitting that it be written by the historian? koq 726. Describe the "Mistress of the Seas" at the opening of the Revolu- tionary War. What advantage did our sailors have over her? 530-531 727. When was the "Birth of the xlmerican Navy"? What was its object? 531 82 England and France in America. [period hi. 728. What important action was taken by Congress in reference to the capture of British war- vessels, or other vessels lending aid to the enemy? 531 729. What was the first battle fought by a regularly commissioned American war -vessel? Give the result. 531-532 730. When did our first naval battle occur? Give result. What was the name of this first American war-vessel? -.,2 731. In what year did the American fleet under Arnold attempt to gain possession of Lake Champlain? Why was this a desirable possession? Give the result of this attempt. ^oo 732. What damage to commerce, in the year 1776, do British authorities admit? 534 733. Give an account of the daring privateers ; also the capture and escape of some. g^^ 734. Describe the first submarine boat. When and by whom was it invented? 534-535 735. What is said of the return trip made by Lafayette and the scheme of the sailors to capture the vessel as a prize to England? ^qp^j^qa 736. Describe the private expedition fitted out by Massachusetts. W^hy did it prove a failure? f5Q('_5'^g 737. What ship was now given in command of Paul Jones? Why did he name it the " Bonhomme Richard ''? ^.^o 738. Name the other ships and their commanders of which the squadron was composed. Describe and tell reasons for Captain Landais's ill-behavior. 538 A.D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 83 739. On what day and at what point did the squadron find themselves in sio:ht of a British fleet? ^.^„ ^^^ ^ 538-539 740. Describe the preparations for battle between the Serapis and Bon- homme Richard. Give the hail from the Serapis and its answer, .q,. Oo J 741. Describe the opening of the battle. Under what circnmstances did Jones answer back to Pearson, " I have not begnn to fight "? ~,^ 742. What is meant by the frigates being interlocked in each others arms? What action is said to have won the battle? -.-, _,^ 541-042 743. Describe the treachery of Captain Landais at this time. In what desperate strait was the Bonhomme Richard now, and how did Paul Jones prove himself equal to the occasion? ^.^^ ^.^ 744. Describe the surrender of the Serapis. What became of the Bon- homme Richard? About how long did this battle last? ^ ,.^ 745. In the mean time what was happening between the other British frigate and the Pallas? „. OtcO 746. What was the result of the treacherous conduct of Captain Landais? 544 747. What reward was given to Captain Pearson of the Serapis, and what was Paul Jones's remark on hearing; of it? --.. 748. Tell something of the career of Paul Jones. WHiat proof have we that he was one of the most imswerving of patriots? When and where did his death occur ? _.,,„,_ 544-o4o 749. Describe the winter of 1 779-1 780. Describe the suffering of the patriots. _ g^g 84 England and France in America. [period hi. 750. What preparations did Clinton make for the capture of Charleston? How and by whom was this city protected ? _ , 751. Describe the siege of Charleston, and on what date did it surrender? How many men became prisoners of war? __ , 752. When and where was the battle of Camden fonght? Describe it, and give the result. Wliat singular coincidence is noticed in connection with this battle? __^ ool 753. What brave officer fell in the battle of Camden? --^ 754. By what officer was General Gates now superseded? __^ i 755. When was the battle of King's Mountain fought? In what was this battle similar to the battles of Concord and Bennington? --^^ 756. What is said of Benedict Arnold as a patriot? In what battle did he show remarkable bravery? Repeat some of the incidents of his stay in Philadelphia. _p. . 757. For what reason did he deliberately resolve to betray his country? Of what important point was he given command? P-p. . 758. What was Arnold's plan of betrayal? Relate the incidents which led to Andrd's capture. „^ . 759. What is said of the capture of Andre? Name his three captors. 554 7G0. What was Benedict Arnold's reward for treachery? 555 7G1. When was Andrd hanged? What attempt was made by the British to gain his release? p,p,p. A. D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 85 762. What reward did Andre's captors receive? -.^^ oob 763. Describe the decline of the American navy. 556 764. What is said the sufferings of the patriot arm)-? What was the sad experience of the prisoners taken by the British? ^^„ __„ 765. Relate the dispute over these words, "for three years or during the war." Name other grievances. -_o ooo 766. Wlien did the thirteen hundred of the Pennsylvania line revolt? Relate the bravery of General Wayne, and how he quelled the disturbance. 558 767. How was true patriotism subsequently displayed by these men? 558-560 768. When and where was the battle of the Cowpens? Who were the patriot and the British leaders? Relate the result of this battle and loss to both sides. rnr. 769. How did Cornwallis now receive a reminder at three places of his experience with Washington at Trenton four years before? Pifi0-5fi9 770. Describe the battle of Guilford Courthouse. When was it fought? Give the losses to both sides. What was the exclamation of a member of Parliament on hearing the British loss? f^nn 771. Where was Arnold at this time, and why was he said to be fighting with a rope around his neck"? p^nn 772. Describe Arnold's raid through Virginia, and explain how the Americans attempted his capture. k/.o 86 England and France in America. [period hi. 773. What man now arrived from the South and took charge of the British army in Virginia? Why did he send Arnold back to New York? 562-563 774. What orders now reached Cornwallis from Clinton? Why did they anger him? p^/^o SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. 775. Where did Cornwallis now locate? 564 776. Describe General Greene's success in the South, and how was he rewarded by Congress? p^^a 111. What men were now in command of the French fleet and French army? What plan did Washington decide on? fSfi5-'=>fifi 778. In the mean time, for what was Clinton at New York preparing? When he discovered his mistake, how did he relieve his mind of anxiety? 566 779. At what place did Washington leave his army for a two days' visit to Mount Vernon? How long had he been absent? _^^ 780. On what day did the army start from Williamsburg to Yorktown? How many did the army number? p.^^ 781. Describe how Yorktown was completely invested. What action was taken by the Americans and French on the 9th of October? Relate the damage done to the British. , -«- 782. Describe the hopeless condition of Cornwallis at this time. De- scribe his attempt to escape and failure. -p^ pp^, 783. On what day were terms of surrender signed by Cornwallis? De- scribe the scene of surrender. ^„^ 568 A.D. 1758-1783] ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN AMERICA. 87 784. How many men did Cornwallis surrender ? Give the amount of war paraphernalia surrendered. What was the size of the army that brought about this great victory? _„ 785. Why was this decisive triumph so important at this time? Describe the effect of this news in Philadelphia. ~^^. I 786. What vote did Congress take a few days later? p--,, 787. Describe the consternation which the surrender of Cornwallis caused in England. When and by whom were proposals made for recon- ciliation? P--,^ i I ' 788. When and where was a monument erected in memory of this surrender? r-,. I 789. Describe the service of Paul Jones in 1780. ^^1 790. Describe the work of the Alliance under Captain Barry in 1781. 571 791. When and where did the Hyder Ally gain a great victory? De- scribe it. 5^^_5^3 792. What were the losses of the patriots during the Revolution? What was the estimate of financial loss to America? --- 574 793. What may be said of the Loyalists, or Tories, during the war? What proportion of the entire people were Tories in Pennsylvania? In North Carolina? In South Carolina? try. 794. What is said concerning Patriots and Tories by Lecky, the English historian? What was said by John Adams about them? __-__„g 795. When was Savannah evacuated? cyp 88 England and France in America. [period hi. 796. Name the representatives of England and those of the United States in the peace commission at Paris. When was the final treaty signed? .^,. V 797. When did the last British soldiers leave onr soil? r-„^ 57o 798. In what way was the lofty patriotism of Washington manifested when the soldiers invited him to be king? ^r-r- ^ 576 799. What were the words of the president of Congress to Washington when he retnrned his commission as general of the army? -„„ PERIOD IV. THK REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. FROM 1783 TO 1829, 46 YEARS. FROM THE FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTION TO THE ELECTION OF ANDREW JACKSON AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The reasons why Periods I, II, III and IV are so divided will be found in the explanations at the end of Period I. Period IV. THE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION From A. D. 1783 to 1829 — 46 Years. 800. What was the condition of the colonies at the close of the Revo- lution? ^^„ 577 801. How long was the national capital at each of the following places : Philadelphia, Baltimore, Lancaster, York, Pa., Princeton, N. J., Annapolis, Md., and Trenton, N. J.? ' ' ^ Note 679 802. In what way did the gentlemen in America, until after the Revo- lution, typify the present Chinese laundrymen? _ 803. What harsh law at the close of the Revolution did the creditor hold against the unfortunate debtor? ^„^ ^ Note 579 804. When were the Articles of Confederation agreed upon by Congress? When adopted by the United States? What did the following states claim to be their respective boundaries : New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia? _^p 805. What extravagant claim of territory by the Virginians resulted in much controversy? ^„^ 806. At the general surrender of rights by the states, what 'prominent part of Ohio was retained by Connecticut? ^r,^ 807. What did a trial of the Articles of Confederation prove? p^^,^ (91) 92 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 808. When and where was the State of Franklin organized? How long did it exist? no^ 809. What opposition to self-government nnder the Articles of Confed- eration was made manifest in Pennsylvania, Maine, and New Hampshire, as well as in North Carolina? ^on 810. Where w^ere the discnssions held that resulted in calling a con- vention to meet September ii, 1786, ostensibly to form a stronger and more central government? What was the result of this meeting? -o^ 811. Who were some of the ablest men who met at Independence Hall in May, 1787, to form a Constitution for the United States? ^n^ 812. How long did the Constitutional Convention deliberate before they succeeded in agreeing upon the Constitution? When w^as the Constitution to go into effect? ^^^4 813. What is a synopsis of the provisions of our National Constitution? 585 814. Why is it that no American citizen has ever yet voted at the polls for a candidate for President or \'ice-president of the United States? What advantage is claimed for the provision of the Constitution which deprives us of this privilege? ^^^^ 815. If the President of the United States misbehaves while in office, how can we get rid of him? ^^^ 816. Wlio are the legal successors to the President in case of his death or disqualification for office? ^^^r 817. How was the Constitution received by the politicians of the coun- try? By what title were those who favored the Constitution known? What the opposing faction ? What was the objection raised against the adoption of the Constitution? -go A. D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 93 818. What date was fixed by the Congress of the Confederation as the day on which the government of the United States of America should begin? What place was selected for the meeting of the new government? d8o 819. Why did not New York State participate in the election of the first presidential electors? ^^,^ Sob 820. Whom did the electors choose first President and Vice-president of the United States? What number of votes did each receive? -o^- 58/ 821. While the Constitutional Convention w-as in session at Philadelphia, what action did the Congress of the Confederation, which was in session at New York, take relative to the Northwest Territory, and what were some of the provisions of the ordinance relative thereto? ^q^„ 822. Under what law passed by the Congress of the Confederation, and not by the Congress of the United States, were Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin admitted as states, and which largely accounted for them being free states? coo ^ 588 823. W^hat prominent signer of the Declaration of Independence, mem- ber of Congress, and patriot, who furnished fifty thousand dollars in 1777 with which to feed the starving soldiers and assisted in raising other sums, was in his old age cast into prison for debt by the courts and under the laws of the nation he had nurtured and helped to create? f^oo 824. What were the general life and habits of our people in those times? 539 825. Why is the name of George W^ashington, who never won a battle, delivered an oration, nor was noted for his education, honored above all others in America, and revered throughout the civilized world? ggQ 826. Had Washington been killed at Trenton or at Princeton or at Ger- mantown, what would have been the consequence? -c).2 94 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv 827. How long was he absent from home and property fighting for our liberty? gy^ 828. At the time of Washington's death, what was Napoleon's opinion of him? What tribute of respect was at this time paid to this successful adversary of England by the British fleet under Lord Bndport? ^.^.^ 829. What financial compensation did W^ashington receive for the six years' service as general of the army of the Revolution? ^^.^ 830. When and where was Washington elected President of the United States? What length of time did it require to carry the news of his election to ]Mt. Vernon from the seat of government by the then most rapid means of communication — /. e., the pony express? ^g,. 831. From whom did Washington borrow three thousand dollars to defray the expenses of his trip to the seat of government and inaugural expenses? What act of filial love did he bestow upon this person for the last time in life? ^^^ 593 832. What may be said of the journey from Mt. Vernon (Virginia) to New York? ^^, 5.94 833. What may be said of the great arch through which he passed at Tretiton? ^.^^ 834. Where may be seen the buff vest, blue coat, and brass buttons worn by Washington on his trip from Mt. Vernon? ^ ^ 835. By what title did our Congress decide that our presidents should be designated? ^,^^, 59d 836. What public building now occupies the site upon which stood the building in which Washington was sworn into office? ^^.^ A.D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 95 837. When, where, and by whom was Washington sworn into office? How was he dressed for this occasion? Where is the scene preserved in bronze? What act of revei-ence did he do in acknowledging the oath of office? Who now has the Bible used on this occasion? _„„ 596 838. Whom did Washington select as his Cabinet officers? ^^.^ 839. What is the first incident of corruption in high places recorded in the new government? ^^^ 840. What were the salaries of the first Cabinet officers as compared with those of to-day? „„„ bOU 841. Of what did the naval and military establishments of our govern- ment consist at the time our government was organized, in 1789, six years after close of the Revolution? „__ bUU 842. What was the financial condition of the country when Alexander Hamilton was first installed into office? What scheme did he put into prac- tice that put our government on a good financial footing? ^^^ P^^ * 843. When was the United States Bank organized? What was its basis of organization and mode of operation? ^^^ 844. WHien and by whom and for what purpose was a protective tariff first recommended to Congress? ^^o 845. What is the national judiciary of our country? How constituted? By whom appointed? What noted American jurists made up our first Supreme Court? 603-604 846. Which was the fourteenth state of the Union? From what does it take its name? nr^A 96 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 847. Who settled Kentucky? Why was that territory called the dark and bloody ground? 848. What law student during Washington's first term as President invented the cotton-gin? ,,,, , uU4 849. The widow of what noted general first suggested to Eli Whitney the making of a machine to clean cotton? ,,,,^ 850. Why is it called cotton-gin? What was its capacity, and what effect did it have on the industry of the South? ..,,_ bOo 851. Where, by whom, and for what purpose was the first National Thanksgiving -day appointed? ^.. , 852. What provision for the permanent location of the seat of govern- ment did the first Congress make? P^P 853. What issue brought into existence two political parties during Washington's first administration? What were the names of the parties, and who were the two most prominent leaders on either side? .,._ 854. W^ho was the first governor of the Northwest Territory? ,,,,,, 855. In what manner did the English treat the treaty of 1783? Describe the result of Governor St. Clair's attempt to plant a military post along the Miami River, in and through the Indian country, for the protection of the settlers? What effect did St. Clair's defeat have on Washington? ,..^ 856. What noted general did Washington appoint to succeed St. Clair? By what title is he popularly known? p..-. 857. For what is Greenville, Ohio, the county -seat of Darke County^ noted in the early history of the Northwest Territory? c^9-C'\'^ AD. 1783-1829J ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 97 858. Where was the battle of Fallen Timbers fought? What was General Wayne's dispatch to the British officers immediately thereafter? 612 859. What was the provision of the treaty onr government and the Indians made at Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, in the summer of 1795? 613 860. What was the result of the outbreak of the French Revolution upon the American people? What prominent American statesman was in France at the time of the outbreak, and, returning to our country to take his place in W'ashington's first Cabinet, hoped to see our country give aid to the revolutionists? ^-,0 bid 861. What act of wise statesmanship on the part of Washington in regard to the French Revolution brought abuse upon him from a large element of American citizens? ^.o old 862. What was the Citizen Genet incident of 1793? How did the w^ise Washington ably and diplomatically handle this incident, and thus avoid a breach between our government and the people? p-.., 863. W^hat was the cause of the whisky insurrection in western Penn- sylvania and Virginia? What prominent person gave council to the insur- gents? How and by whom was this outbreak quelled? ^^ , 864. What provisions of the treaty with England, secured by John Jay in 1795, so angered the people that they burnt Jay in effigy? q-^^ 865. What valuable rights did we secure by a treaty with Spain in October, 1795? ^-^5 866. What was the Algerine incident of 1785? What number of Amer- ican sailors and officers were made prisoners by the x\lgerines between 1785 and 1793? What amount of tribute did the United States pay to this contemptible government? n^n 98 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 867. When and by what ship was the first American voyage made around the world? ^,,^ oil) 868. What were some of the evidences of the ingenuity, growth, and enterprise of our forefathers in 1793, three hundred years after the dis- covery of the New World? ^^„ 869. What is said of John Fitch's steamboat? p..- 870. When and where was the first newspaper published west of the Alleghany Mountains? What can be said of the first two passenger-boats running between Pittsburg and Cincinnati? p.- 871. When was Washington's farewell address issued? What can be said of it as a state paper? ....^ 872. What is said of John Adams as a statesman, diplomat, president, and individual? ^^^ ol9 873. What state of affairs existed between our country and the sister republic of France when John Adams became President? p.^.-, 874. Whom did our Congress, at the extraordinary session called by President Adams, appoint as a commission to attempt a settlement with France? ^^2 875. What answer did the French Directory make to our overtures for peace? To what celebrated sentences did our commissioner Pinckney give expression in reply? p.^.-, 876. Upon what occasion was George Washiugton made general-in-chief of the army and navy in 1797 after retiring from the presidency, and what was his answer upon receiving his appointment? p,^. A.D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 99 877. What were the provisions of the "Alien and Sedition Laws"? How were they received by our people, and what effect did they have on the political party that enacted them? ^ ^ , 625 878. What insult against our government was committed at sea by a British commander, November i6, 1798? 879. What was the result of the increase in our navy from 1799 to 1801, when a treaty of peace was made with Napoleon ? 880. W^hen and upon what occasion were the words " First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen" used as a tribute to Washington? Who was the author of the words, and by whom were they spoken? ^^„ ^ 627 881. What celebrated order did Napoleon Bonaparte issue to his soldiers upon learning of Washington's death? 628 882. What sentiment did the poet Byron express in regard to Wash- ingtou? g^g 883. From what incident did New York derive the title " Empire S'^'^"- 629 884. Why did the third presidential election go to the lower house of Congress for settlement? Who were the candidates? What was the result? In what way did John Adams show that he bitterly felt his defeat on the day of inauguration? 885. What can be said of the personal character and history of Thomas Jefferson? ^3^ 886. The repeal of what two obnoxious laws do we owe to the efforts of Jefferson? ^^^ LofC. 100 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 887. What were some of the reforms inaugurated under Jefferson's administration? ^o^ 888. What is said of the great era of prosperity and growth of territory during Jefferson's administration? ..or 889. What honor was offered to Lafayette by our government in 1803 which he declined, and what tribute of gratitude was bestowed upon him? ()36 890. What act of humiliation was forced upon Captain Bainbridge in 1800, and what was his forceful words to our government in consequence thereof? p.... 891. W'hat is the history of our bombardment of Tripoli? With what final result? ^.w* 892. During the time of our trouble with the INIoors, between 1800 and 1805, in what daring exploit did Lieutenant Stephen Decatur engage? W'itli what result? r,,,. 893. What is the history of the "bomb-ketch " Intrepid? What bravery was displayed by Captain Richard Somers, Lieutenant Henry Wadsworth (an uncle to the poet Longfellow), and eleven others? i'i\_('i-) 894. Who prevented Aaron Burr from becoming President of the United States? What was the subsequent result? ...^ 895. What was the first state formed out of the Northwest Territory? When admitted to the Union? Where was the first settlement made? 045 890. By what name was Cincinnati first called? W'hat is the meaning of the word Ohio? /. 1- A.D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 101 897. Who was the Federalist candidate for president against Jefferson in his second campaign? d4o 898. What circumstance led Congress to adopt the twelfth amendment to the Constitution? Prior to its adoption, what had been the custom? 647 899. What was the name of Robert Fulton's steamboat? What did the people who ridiculed his idea of navigation by steam call his boat? How long was he in making the 150-mile journey from New York to Albany? When and where was the first boat built in the west? What was the name of the first steamship to cross the Atlantic? ^.^^ 900. W^hat lady who when a child rode upon Fulton's first steamboat was living in Columbus, Ohio, in 1895? ^.q 901, Upon whom did Congress bestow a gold medal, in 1839, commem- orative of his father's having given to the world the idea of a steamboat twenty years prior to Fulton's first trip from New York to Albany? ^^-^ 902. W^hat was the British right of search as practiced during the first decade of the last century? np^ey 903. What was the Chesapeake outrage of 1806? What effect did the many insults offered by England to our flag at sea have on the American Congress? g52 904. What w^as the Embargo Act? What was its effect on our country? 654 905. What preparation for war with England did Jefferson make in 1809? 653 906. What was the " Non - intercourse Act"? ggg 102 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 907. What was the result of the English vessel Little Belt firing into the American frigate President in May, 1811? q^^. 908. What was onr popnlation at the censns of 18 10? 660 909. Wlio was Tecnmseh? What power made him a brigadier-general? NOTK 660 910. What event gave to General William H. Harrison the sobriqnet ' ' Tippecanoe ' ' ? qq^ 911. Who was the leader of the Indians at the battle of Tippecanoe? What did Tecnmseh do to his brother, the Prophet, on his retnrn after this battle? qq-^ 912. What act of humanity did Tecnmseh do at Fort Meigs? AVhen and where did he meet his death? ^, ..^. XSOTE obi 913. WHiat was onr naval strength at the beginning of the war of 181 2 as compared with that of England ? g^^ 914. What was the plan of action taken by onr government in the begin- ning of the war of 1812, and why so taken? ^, ,- 915. What were the circumstances of the disgraceful surrender of Hull at Detroit? How was his conduct received by the American soldiery? What was the result and final disposition of his case? ^^^ 916. What fort was situated on a part of the present site of the city of Chicago eighty-eight years ago? What was the fate that befell most of those who evacuated that fort at the command of the traitorous Hull? 668 917. What is said of the defeat of General Scott at Queenstown, and the action of the troops under General Van Rensselaer? P^q 918. Who was elected Vice-president with Madison in 1812? pp^ A. D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 103 919. How was the news that Congress had declared war against England transmitted from Washington to New York in 1812? What action was taken by our little navy on receipt of the news? Who were the com- manders of the vessels constituting this miniature fleet? ^„^ 920. When and by whom was the first gun of the war of 181 2 fired? What accident happened when this brave commander fired the fourth round, and with what result? „_„ d7U 921. What part did Captain David Porter, father of Admiral David D. Porter of the war for the Union, play in the war of 1812? What were some of his characteristics? „„^ o71 922. In what way did the cunning and forethought of an eleven-year-old boy midshipman, coupled with the strict discipline of Captain Porter, save the Essex from being , recaptured by the English prisoners, and perhaps himself and the crew murdered? What was his name? ^„. o71 923. What vessel of the American fleet did the sailors in their super- stition look upon as the luckiest of our navy? Describe Hull's escape from the British squadron in his engagement with his English friend, Captain Dacres? What recognition of the services of Hull and his brave sailors did Congress give? What was the length of this remarkable conflict and casualties on each side? W^hat other two important naval victories were won? Where and by what commanders? ^^. ■' b/4 924. What engagement gave the name "Old Ironsides" to the lucky old ship Constitution? Under what commander was she then sailing? 675 925. Wliile our navy was successful in nearly every engagement, why were our land forces so often and disastrously defeated? r,„n 926. To what cause is the easy and frequent defeat of the British at sea attributed? ^^o 6/8 927. What forts were constructed and what battles fought in the northern part of Ohio during the war of 181 2? /,«q 104 The Republic and Constitutiox. [period rv. 928. In wliat parts of the country ^ve^e the principal campaigns and enoragements of the war of 1S12? ^ ,.^ ,, , ^ '^^ 680-686 029. In what battle did the gallant Lawrence lose his life? What was his dving exclamation that became Commodore Perrv's battle-crv? l)^o 930. Who were called " Blue Lights," and why so called? 00 i 931. What is said of Perry's battle at Put-in Bay, Ohio? What was his celebrated dispatch to General Harrison ? . , , ^ 088 932. What characteristics made Tecuniseh one of the greatest Indians the world ever knew, and in many respects greater than many noted white men engaged in warfare? , ,^ * ^ 689 933. What was Chief Wetherford's declaration at the time of his surren- der to General Jackson at the Great Horseshoe Bend, Alabama? p^..-, 934. What is said of the sympathies of New England during the war oflSl2? ■ ^„, 935. By whom, when, and how was Washington City captured during the war of 181 2? What havoc was wrought by the invaders? What were the words of condemnation used by the leading English journal against the British armv for their vandalism on this occasion? ,,„,^ 699 930. What incident prompted Francis Scott Key to write "The Star- spangled Banner''? ^ t OU 937. When, where, and by whom were resolutions of secession first passed bv a convention of American citizens? ^.,-... 1 00 938, What is the description of the battle of New Orleans? How long did it last? ^^^ 703 A. D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION. 105 939. What was the marine loss inflicted on Great Britain by our navy and privateers in the war of 1812? _^,„ ^ 709 940. What poem commemorates the celebrated battle of Fayal Harbor? W^hat were the odds against the Americans there? Where may the " Long Tom" cannon of this battle be seen? ^. , /14 941. When was the law rechartering the Bank of the United States passed and vetoed by President Madison? What were its provisions as passed at the next session of Congress? ^-l _ 942. What notice did the Dey of Algiers serve on our consul in 1814 that brought on a declaration of war against that country in 1815? ^.-.^ 943. In what way did the American navy accomplish a change in the Barbary-States business that all Europe had not dared to attempt? ^-.^ 944. When were Louisiana and Indiana admitted to the Union? ^^ ^ /lo 945. What American organization was the germ out of which grew the Republic of Liberia? What was the object of this organization^? For whom was IMonrovia, Liberia, named? r.-in 940. What effect did the war of 181 2 have on the Federalist party? 718 947. What constituted the "era of good feeling" under the Monroe administration? ^^ „ r-10 Head Note 1 19 948. Who was the author of what is known as the " Monroe Doctrine "? What is meant by this doctrine? ^^ „ ^1 n -on •' Head Note /lU— /oO 949. What wars occurred during Monroe's administration? ^onyos 950. W^hat were the provisions of the treaty by which Florida became a part of the United States? i-.>o 106 The Republic and Constitution. [period iv. 951. What were the provisions of the " ^Missouri Compromise '^ ? ^^^ 952. "What great public enterprise did Congress undertake during ]Mon. roe's administration? ^^^ t Zb 953. What were some of the manifestations of love and honor shown to Lafayette on his visit to our countrv in 1824? ^^„ " I'll 954. Who laid the corner-stone of Bunker-Hill monument? ^.t. 955. What honors and gifts did our government bestow upon Lafavette? 727 956. W^hat prompted the first protective tariff law? When was it passed? What is a protective tariff? What is a revenue tariff only? What is free trade? ^ ,„ 957 In what presidential election were there four candidates of one party, and no opposing party or candidates? ^^o 958. In what way was the power of the people shown during the admin- istration of John Ouincv Adams? ^^^ ~ ' Head Note i 29 959. What sarcastic words of John Randolph brought on the duel between himself and Henry Clay? ^^^ 960. What great work of public utility was completed during the second administration of John Quincy Adams? How was this notable public enterprise treated by that element of society which does not believe that the public should own the public utilities? What can be said of it unto ""' '"'''■ 730-732 961. What was the "American System" M-hich was championed by Henry Clay? ^ A.D. 1783-1829] ThE REPUBI.IC AND CONSTITUTION. 107 962. What two prominent figures in American history died July 4, 1826, just fifty years after they had each immortalized their names as chief actors in the deed that made a nation of freemen? ,_oo 963. When were the people first divided into two distinct parties? Upon what issue? What name did each party bear? ^00 964. Who was the first President elected on these issues? Which issue did he represent? «oq PERIOD V. CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION. FROM 1829 TO 1861, 32 YEARS. FROM THE INAUGURATION OF ANDREW JACKSON AS PRESIDENT TO THE OUTBREAK OF THE WAR FOR THE UNION. This marks a new era in the early formation of the country, nearly all the territory theretofore belonging to our country having been formed into States. We began to increase the limits of the New Republic by acquiring additions of other territory that was claimed by foreign potentates. Period V. CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION From A. D. 1829 to 1861 — 32 Years. 965. What manner of man was Andrew Jackson? 734-735 966. What was the "Kitchen Cabinet"? How did he look npon the officers whom we call the President's Cabinet? ^,„^ 967. What was the result of his policy, "to the victors belong the spoils "? ^.^ 968. How did a woman break up the Cabinet of Andrew Jackson? 738 969. What were some of the troubles experienced by Jackson in getting his secretaries of the treasury to withdraw the national deposits from the United States Bank? ^^.^ too 970. Where are the Cherokee Indians to-day as a result of the mild, persuasive course followed with them by the "Great Pacificator," General Scott? .gg 971. When and where did a locomotive first turn a wheel on a railway track in America? . _,. 741 972. What is the early history of railroad \entures in America? r-i-, 973. On what grounds were based Jackson's hostility to the United States Bank? ^.^ /42 974. What was the Morgan incident of 1826? ^.^ ( 111) 112 Consolidation and Expansion. [period v. 975. What was the Black - Hawk War and its result ? ^ , . (44 976. What brons^ht on the nullification acts? How was oiir flao- dis- honored by the seceders? ^,^ ^ 745 977. In what way was war averted? ^,„ ^ 746 978. How did "Old Hickory" bring France and Portugal to time? 746 979. What were some of the inventions brought forth during Jackson's administration, only seventy years ago, that we would consider a disaster to dispense with at this time? ^.„ „.^ ^ 74/ -748 980. What was the Quallah Battoo incident? How was it eventually 981. How did Osceola, one of the leaders in the Seminole War, express his disapproval of the treaty the government was trying to force ujjon his people? What is the history of this war? ^^ . 982. What was the extent of the great fire in New -York City in De- cember, 1835? ^gg 983. What is said of the prosperity of the country under Jackson? Of the sentiment for free schools and literature, as well as internal impro\'e- ments? ^^^ 984. What was the result of the government demanding specie payment in 1836? How did President Jackson prevent the relief attempted by Congress? ^^^ 985. How was an attempt at assassination of the President miraculouslv averted on the 30th of January, 1835? ^p,^ 986. Who succeeded Jackson as President of the United States? ..^^ A.D. 1829-1861] CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION. 113 987. For what reason did Clay, Calhoun, and Webster oppose ratification of the appointment of Martin Van Buren as minister to England? How- was he vindicated? 761 988. What was Van Bnren's belief as regards the right of suffrage which corresponds with that of a large and growing minority of the present day? ^^^ 989. What was the scheme of the bankers to "skin" the people after the defeat of the United States Bank? ^^^ 761 990. In what way was the panic of 1837 brought on? 991. Had the government issued the paper money of the country instead of the bankers, do you think the panic of 1837 would have occurred? What action was taken by Congress along this line in 1 840-1 846 that remains a law unto this day? ^ /63 992. By what title was Henry Clay popularly known? What compli- mentary remark was frequently made concerning him? ^^.^ * 993. What was William Lloyd Garrison's demands as regards slavery? 766 994. How were Garrison and his coworkers treated in the beginning of their agitation by the leading citizens of our country? ^.p,. 995. What attempt at ridicule made popular the " log -cabin " and "hard -cider" idea m the campaign of 1840, and thus to a great extent contributed to the election of General William Henry Harrison as Presi- dent? /67 996. What two things brought on and hastened the death of President Harrison? How long was he President? Where is he buried? Who succeeded him as President? ^„/^ 114 Consolidation and Expansion. [period v. 997. How did President Tyler treat the "National Bank question"? With what result? , — , 998. What celebrated American delivered the oration at the laying of the corner-stone and dedication (eighteen years later) of Bunker-Hill monument? What was his reply to the surging crowd when they said it was "impossible to get back from the platform"? What was the result of this wittv answer? ^ — .-, 999. AVhat is the earlv history of the Mormons? ^.^--^ 1000. What important treaty was made between the United States and Great Britain in 1842? , — o 1001. What valuable cession of territory was secured from the Indians of the Northwest in 1844? ^._., 1002. Who now owns the great ore mines of this territory? (Gf.nkrai,.) 1003. What has become of the great mineral wealth that once belonged to the people of the United States as a whole? f--.. 1004. To whom does it now belong? rGENER\L) 1005. What can be said of the " patroon system" of 181 2? What was the anti-rent war? ,-_ , lOOG. Who was the first man to prove that lightning and friction was one and the same thing? , — ^ 1007. Who paid for constnicting the first telegraph-line? What were the words of the first telegram? Where may it now be seen? ^.^^ A. D. 1829-1861] CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION. 115 1008. What circumstances led up to and who was the leader in the revolt of Texas against Mexico? ^„p 1009. What ended Henry Clav\s political career? ^„„ 1010. When were Texas and Florida admitted to the Union? 777-778 1011. What may be said of the Cabinet of President Polk? ^^^ 1012. When was Iowa admitted to the Union? What is the meaning of the name? W^ien settled? r^,,,-. 780 1013. W^hat two useful inventions were patented during Polk's admin- istration? ^„„ 780 1014. When was the present system of appointment to West Point adopted? When was the naval academy at Annapolis, Maryland, opened? 780 1015. W'hat was the origin of the Smithsonian Institute? Who prepared the plan? ^o. ^ /ol 1016. What is the object of the institute? How is it governed? r-r.-* 1017. WHiat two ex-presidents died during Polk's administration? W^hat were the circumstances of the death of each? won 1018. When were the Interior Department and Subtreasury systems organized? ^g2 1019. What were the provisions of the setttlement of the Oregon boun- 784 dary ? 1020. What was the cause of the Mexican War? ,jgg 116 Consolidation and Expansion. [period v. 1021. How was the power of the vote of one plain citizen of a republic demonstrated in the Texas - Mexican war history of our country? Note 785 1022. What attempt did our government make to have a prominent Mexican become a traitor to his countr)-, and why did the attempt fail? 785 1023. What noted general was at the head of the American forces in the Mexican War? Who was at the head of the Mexican forces? ^-arv 1024. What was " Rough and Ready's " answer to the Mexican general's demand of surrender iust before the battle of Buena Vista? ^or^ 1025. What honors fell to General Taylor in consequence of the battle of Buena Vista? ^„ . 794 1026. What conquest of territory was made on the western coast while the Mexican War was progressing? ^„ 1027. On what day did General Winfield Scott ride into the City of Mexico, take off his hat, raise his sword, and, proclaiming the conquest of Mexico, take possession of the empire? ^^^ 1028. When was peace with INIexico proclaimed, and what were the provisions of the Guadaloupe-Hidalgo treaty as approved by the American S^"^^^- 800-802 1029, When, where, and by whom was gold discovered in California? What can be said of the gold excitement? o^^. ono 1030. When was Wisconsin admitted to the Union? orjo 1031. What was the Wilmot Proviso? o^o 1032. Who was elected President in 1848? 804 A. D. 1829-1861] CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION. 117 1033. Who were the two most prominent statesmen in 1848? Why was Zachary Taylor selected as President instead of one of these great politicians ? 805 1034. How does this selection demonstrate that our nation's welfare may be as well looked after by having a plain, common citizen as an executive as an acute, cunnina- schemer? * 805 . 1035. W^hy did the question to admit California to the Union renew the slavery debate in spite of the Missouri Compromise? q^^„ 1036. W^hat can be said of the proposition of New Mexico to be admitted to the Union? g^^, 1037. What was the last great compromise measure submitted by the greatest of all compromisers, Henry Clay? What were its chief pro- visions? gQg 1038. When did President Taylor die? Who succeeded him? ^^.q 1039. What was the underground railroad in slavery times? (.qq 1040. W'hat is a brief history of California up to the time of its ad- mission to the Union? g-j^Q 1041. What three foremost statesmen died during Fillmore's adminis- tration? How did each of these men stand before the American people? 812 1042. What were the circumstances of the execution of an American colonel by the Spanish in Cuba in 1851? g-|^^ 1043. W'hat has been the result of the attempts to reach the north and south poles? 816-817 118 CONSOIJDATION AND EXPANSION. [PERIOD V. 1044. How was a treaty of friendship and commerce obtained with Japan in 1853? What is said of Japan prior to this time? What rank does slie occnpy to-day among the nations of the world ? 01- 1045. What was the " Washingtoniau movement''? When was the Maine liqnor-law of the present day passed? ^.o 104G. Who paid for the snrveys across the continent to ascertain the most available routes through the mountains for railroads? ^.^ 1047. What was the answer of Edward Everett, our Secretary of State, to the impudent suggestions of England and France, in 1852, relative to Cuba? ^^y 1048. What answer did our government make to the eloquent Kossuth and his fellow-patriots, in 1852, when they came here asking our interven- tion in their behalf toward securing independence for Hungary? ^.q 1049. Who was elected President in 1852? Who was his Secretary of War? How old was he when elected? What can be said of his Cabinet? 820-822 1050. What was the Koszta incident? How was it finally settled? What honors were bestowed upon Captain Ingraham in consequence of this incident? o.^o oi- o J, J,—ci so 1051. How many expeditions to the West did the great American " Pathfinder" make? ^ ,^ b'lo 1052. What part did the celebrated Kit Carson perform in these expe- ditions? o )- o2o 1053. Why was Fremont's fourth expedition not made under the auspices of our government, as had been his former trips? „,^^ 1054. What may be said of this awful journey? ^.^^ A. D. 1829-1S61] Consolidation and Expansion. 119 1055. When was his last expedition made? What civil honors were bestowed upon him? When and where did he die? ^^^p- ^o^ 1056. What insult was offered our country in 1854 by Spain? g,orj 1057. What was the Ostend Circular? By whom was it issued? ^^-v 1058. What is the history of General William W^alker and his escapades? 832 1059. How were the neutrality laws violated through the intrigues of the English consuls and British Minister during Pierce's administration? What action was taken by our government in the matter? ^,0.^ 1060. Why did the United States agree to pay Mexico ten million dollars in 1854? 333 1061. W^hat were the chief provisions of the reciprocity treaty of 1854? 833 1062. When was the Missouri Compromise bill repealed? What was the act called? 000 « 1063. W^hat brought on the civil war in Kansas? Describe some of the chief features of that memorable reign of terror. How did it result in the end? 835-837 1064. What was the result of Senator Sumner's stinging speech on the "crime against Kansas"? How was his brutal assailant received in the South ? Qon 1065. When and where was the "Know-Nothing " movement organized? What was its object? goo 1066. What were the foundation principles of the first Republican con- vention which met at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania? 030 120 Consolidation and Expansion. [period v. 1067. Who were the first nominees of the Republican party at their convention in Philadelphia, June 17, 1856? ooq 1068. What was the result of the presidential election of 1856? ^ 839 1069. In what manner did the slavery question and the spirit of secession affect the Cabinet of Buchanan? ^.^ 1070. What were the Mormon troubles of 1857-1860? q ... 1071. What prominent Mormon has served in the United States Con- gress for a number of years? oj^o 1072. Who was Dred Scott? WHiat was the Dred- Scott decision? 845 1073. To whom is the credit due for completing the first oceanic cable? When was the first perfect insulation accomplished? o^p- 1074. Bv whom and when was the dispute between England and the United States settled as to which belonged the island of San Juan, near the island of \'ancouver? j. .^ 1075. Where and when was oil first found in great quantities? o^q 1076. Who was John Brown? How many persons did he have with him at the time of his raid on Harper's Ferry? What was their plan of operation? How many persons were killed by Brown and his men? How many of Brown's men were killed? What was the ultimate fate of Brown and his six companions that were captured? o.q 1077. How many presidential tickets were before the people in i860? Who were the nominees of each, arid what were the principles defined by each? What was the result of this election? ^.p.^ A.D. 1829-1861] CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION. 121 1078. When and where was the first resohition of secession by a southern state adopted? What ideas were set forth in this resohition? What were the steps taken by the seceding state to carry the provisions of the resolu- tions into effect, and to bring other states to the same action? ^ri ool 1079. In what way did Floyd, the Secretary of War, aid the seces- sionists, and attempt to hinder the regular gov'ernment officers from prop- erh' fortifying; and defending themselves? „_,.- ■^ * 853 1080. What events and what date officially mark the beginning of the War of the Rebellion? __. o54 1081. When and where did the general convention of the seceding states meet? After resolving themselves into a congress, what acts did they pass? When did they elect a president and vice-president? ^^. 1082. Where was located one of the United States mints in January, i86i? What did the Confederates do with it? o-- NOTE ooo 1083. On what date did the general convention of the seceding states meet at Montgomery, Alabama? r,-- 1084. Who was chosen chairman of the Montgomery Convention? What prominent position did he occupy a short time before? What notable ex- pression did he make in his address? orr 1085. When were the president and vice-president of the Confederacy elected? g^g 1086. Who were elected president and vice-president of the Southern Confederacy? What prominent positions *did they previously occupy? What manner of men were thev? o-/^ 8oD 1087. When were the president and vice-president of the Southern Con- federacy inaugurated? When was Abraham Lincoln inaugurated? c,^n 122 Consolidation and Expansion. [period v. 1088. What condition of government in the United States confronted Abraham Lincoln tlie hour he became President? ,^^ , > ( LtENERAL.J 1089. What was the gist of the argnment set forth in President Davis's inaugural address in justification of the secession and formation of a new government? o-/^ 1090. What was the special authority given President Davis by the Confederate Congress? 95. In what did Lincoln's genius lie? q^,^ 1096. What was Lincoln's reply to the committee of preachers who waited on him, and wanted him to remove General Grant for drunken- ness? • gg^ PERIOD VI. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. FROM 1861 TO 1865, 4 YEARS. FROM THE INAUGURATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN AS PRESIDENT AND OUTBREAK OF CIVIL WAR TO THE ASSASSINATION AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE REBELLION. This four years is essentially a period b}' itself — a period in which the National household was at war with itself — a contest the like of which the world had never before beheld, four years of hatred and strife, of bloodshed and carnage, resulting in placing the stamp of disapproval on the doctrine that the body, soul and liberty of one man could he the property of another — a period in the history of the world as well as of America. Period VI. THE WAR FOR THE UNION From A. D. 1861 To 1865 — 4 Years. 1097. Describe the great concern manifested for President-elect Lincoln before his inauguration. What speech did he make in Philadelphia in which he mentioned assassination? What warning did he receive before leaving the city? ^^^_^^^ 1098. What state was the pioneer in secession, and what warlike prepara- tions did she make? 866 1099. Of whom was Fort Sumter in charge ? Why was General Beauregard anxious to accomplish the surrender of this fort immediately? ,,,,„ 866 1100. Describe the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the excitement which it caused in the North and South. How long did this bombardment continue? When did the fort surrender? „^^ ^^„ 867-868 1101. For how many volunteers did Lincoln first call? What was the result of this call, in the North and in the South? oby 1102. Which states seceded and which remained neutral? ^^n oby 1103. How did President Davis now address the people of the South? 869-870 1104. From what state were the first northern troops who arrived in Washington? On what memorable day did they pass through Baltimore? ( 125 ) 870 126 The War for the Union. [period vl 1105. Describe the reception given these troops while marching throngh Baltimore on their way to Washington. or-,. HOC). Describe the great relief which was felt in Washington on the arri\'al of the troops. , r,^., 1107. Why was Harper's Ferry so valuable to the North? Relate how it fell into Confederate hands. or-/. h/0 1108. What preparations did the Virginians make to seize Norfolk Navy -Yard? Describe its burning, and explain its profit to the Confed- erates therebv. .,-i o^p I 91b 1166. On what day and hour was the first shot fired on Fort Henry? 918 1167. What shocking accident occurred on board the Essex? q-,o 132 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1168. What preparations for surrender were now made by Tilghman? How many soldiers surrendered, and how many escaped to Fort Donelson? 918 1169. What generals commanded Fort Donelson? How many men were in the fort? Describe the location of this fort and its batteries. q^^^ 1170. What injury was inflicted on the Carondelet by a 128-pound solid shot? What gunboats joined the Carondelet by midnight? ^^^ q^^ 1171. What effective work was General Grant doing at this time? 920 1172. Describe the council of surrender held at the fort. What decision was made? How did Floyd and Pillow escape? qo^ 1173. What was General Grant's famous answer to General Buckner's proposition of an armistice until noon? How many prisoners surrendered? 921 1174. How were the cowardly acts of Generals Floyd and Pillow re- ceived by President Davis, and how did it result to both? fj^-. 1175. What was the effect of these decisive victories? What was the new Confederate line of defense, and who was in command of it? f^o9 1176. What was the brilliant scheme of General Johnston? 922 1177. Locate General Grant's army. When did Johnston arrive with his ami)'? ^22-923 1178. What was the position of the Union troops? When was the attack made? In what way did the Lexington and Tyler do brilliant service? ^^3 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UNION. 133 1179. What general was killed in this day's battle? Give the result when night closed in. 923-924 1180. What reinforcements did Grant receive at midnight? What was the total number of men in each armv? ^ 924 1181. Describe the second day's fight at Pittsburg Landing. What was the result? 925 1182. How many men were engaged in this battle? Give the number of killed, wounded, and missing on each side. By what other name is this battle known? 925 1183. How was Island No. lo protected on the Missouri side? How were the land approaches guarded? What was the protection from the Confederate boats in the channels? 926 1184. When and by whom was a combined attack made on Island No. lo with little or no result? 1185. Describe the gallant exploit of Commander Walke. ^^^ 92o 1186. When did Captain Foote and General Pope receive the surrender of Island No. lo? How many men did this include? 1187. To what point did Captain Davis's squadron now drop, and what did they find awaiting them near the city? When did they give battle? 927 1188. Describe the sinking of the Confederate vessel General Lovell and the subsequent disabling of the Oueen of the West. ^^„ ~ 92/ 1189. What curious accident happened to the Union vessel Monarch? 928 184 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1190. What further damage was inflicted on the Confederate squadron? What important city surrendered the day following? ^ -,^ 1191. Where did General Price and his army spend the winter? When, where, and by whom was he attacked and forced to retreat to the frontiers of Missouri, Arkansas, and Indian Territory? ^.^^^ 1192. Whom did General Price soon join, and in what way was he reinforced? ^.^^^ 1193. When were the Unionists attacked at Pea Ridge? Describe this battle and give the result. Q9S_Q9q 1194, What were some of the complaints and barbarities with which each accused the opposing force? ^_^^ 1195. Describe the battle of Valverde, and tell when, where, and by whom fought. qo-. 1196. What general now took command of the Union forces under Grant? How was the army reinforced, and how many men did it now number? ^..,~, 1197. When did Halleck compel^ Beauregard to evacuate Corinth? To what place did Beauregard retreat? j^.,,-, 1198. Of how many men was General Bragg now in charge? In what way was Cincinnati thrown into a panic? q.,o 1199. Describe the race between Generals Buell and Bragg to gain pos- session of Louisville. By what advantage was Buell enabled to reach the goal first? ggg A.D. 1861-1805] Thp: WaR FOR THE UnION. 135 12.00. Describe Bragg's retreat through the Cumberland Mountains into Tennessee. At what point was Polk ordered to give battle to the advancino- Unionists? 933 1201. Describe the battle and give the result. What was the loss to both? Give the result of this campaign to Buell. 1202. Describe the battle of Corinth and give the result. ^^ , r^o^ ^ 934-935 1203. Describe the progress of the war in Northwestern Arkansas. 935 1204. When, where, and why did a very superior force of Unionists sur- render to a small force of Confederates? Who were their leaders? r>or 9o5 1205. What was the daring scheme attempted by J. J. Andrews? How many men were selected for this work? What threat did Andrews give his men at parting, and where and when did they meet? 1206. What did Andrews explain to his men? In what way did they gain possession of the train? * 1207. Describe their trip. How did it end? What became of Andrews and his men? 938-942 1208. What is said of events in the East compared with events in the West during the vear 1862? „_^ 1209. When and under what commander did a fleet sail for Albemarle Sound? How large was this fleet, and how many soldiers did it carry? 944 1210. Why is Roanoke Island a point of strategic importance? Where were the Confederate gunboats anchored, and who commanded them? 944 136 The War for the Union. [period vl 1211. What is a description of the attack and subsequent defeat of the Confederates on February 7th? How many prisoners were taken? ^^p. 1212. Where is New Berne located? When was it captured? 945 1213. From what place did the Confederacy get the frij^ate Merrimac? 946 1214. Describe the work of rebuilding the Merrimac. In what month completed ? q . o 1215. What ships were lying in Newport News when the ]\Ierrimac made her appearance? What preparations were made by the Cumberland foi battle? g^Q 1216. What vessel gave battle to the Merrimac with the Cumberland? Describe this battle, and tell on what day fought. In what way did the Merrimac at last gain a victory over the Cumberland? Qf^n_Q'=i9 1217. Describe the sinking of the Cumberland and the destruction of the Congress. ' ^^.^ 1218. What vessels hurried to the relief of these ships from Fort Monroe? Which vessel ran aground? Relate the treachery connected with it? gg3 1219. What was the total loss to the Unionists in killed, drowned, and wounded on this eventful day? q-^ 1220. How was this news received in the North and South? Describe the alarm felt in Washington. qj. . 1221. What important place in our history does John Ericsson occupy? Describe the craft of his invention. By whom was she named? 955-956 A. D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION, 137 1222. What difficulty was experienced in manning her? What man volunteered to command her? How many men did the Monitor carry? 956 1223. What was the Monitor's destination? Describe her perilous trip. 956-958 1224. On what eventful day did the Monitor arrive off Fort Monroe? Describe the scene encountered on the way. t/OO 1225. What was the programme for the Merrimac for the day of the great battle? ^^^ 1226. When did the Merrimac engage the Monitor in battle? Describe the encounter. What became of the Monitor? The Merrimac? 959-962 1227. What important Southern city did the national government deter- mine to capture early in the war? What were its defenses? q^^ QnA 1228. At what place was New Orleans to be attacked? Of what was the naval expedition composed, and who commanded it? In what other part of earlier history do we read of Midshipman Farragut? ^^ . 1229. What was the strength of the land force? Under whose command was it? gg^ 1230. When did Farragut arrive off Ship Island? Describe preparations for the attack. g^^g^g 1231. When did the mortar-schooners open fire on the forts? How long did the bombardment last? What was the result of the first day's battle? Second day's battle? ^,_ 966 1232. What strategic measure was resorted to by the Confederates which only gave the Unionists advantage? At what other three times has this measure been tried in our country's history with like results? q^^ 1233. Describe the severing of the booms so that the boats might pass. 966 138 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1234. What were the preparations made to pass the forts? At what time was the fleet under way? „,,„ 1235. Describe the naval engagement of the First Division, Under whose command was it? Relate the brilliant work accomplished by the \'ar'una. 967-969 123(). Under whose command was the Second Division? In what vessel was he? Describe the narrow escape of the Hartford from burning? 970-972 1237. Relate the particulars of the heroic defense made by the Brooklyn of the Hartford and her furious fijjhting- up-stream. ^_^ ^„^ o 1 9/U— 972 1238. Under whose command was the Third Division? Describe her engagements with the Confederate gunboats. ^.„^^ 1239. What were prominent events of the surrender of the forts three miles from New Orleans? What was the loss of the Union fleet? q„.^ 1240. On what day was New Orleans occupied by the Unionists? What resistance, if any, was made? „„„ 9/3 1241. What general was placed in charge of New Orleans? Describe his administration. When and by whom was he superseded? (.-. 1242. At what point in the Mississippi were the Confederates now fortified into a veritable Gibraltar? „^, 974 1243. What two cities complied with the summons to surrender? 974 1244. What are the particulars of the encounter of the Carondelet, Tyler, and Queen of the West with the Arkansas? What became of the Arkansas? 975 1245. Why was Vicksburg abandoned? q-p- A.D. 18G1-1865] ThE War FOR THE UnION. 139 1246. What seemed to be McClellan's fatal defect as a military leader? What was his j^lau of campaign, and what objections were made to it? 976 1247. What plans did President Lincoln have, and how did he divide McClellan's army? „, „_., y / < — y < o 1248. By what means was Washington protected? WHio was Secretary of War at this time? „_„ y io 1249. By what means were the forces of McClellan weakened? ^.^n ybu 1250, Describe the siege of Yorktown and its subsequent occupancy by the Unionists. ' ^^^_^^^ 1251. What next important position confronted the Federals? Describe the battle of Williamsburg. When was this battle fought? With what result? What command given by Hancock at this battle afterward became a famous war-cry? ^^^_^^^ 1252. WHiat resolutions were adopted by Congress relative to the battle of Williamsburg? 986-988 1253. Describe the picturesque march on the way to Wliite House. What did Prince de Joinville say of McClellan's respect and protection of Southern property? QQO_qqi 1254. On what day did the Unionists arrive in sight of Richmond? 991 1255. In accordance with wdiat polic}' of the Confederates was Yorktown abandoned without a struggle? •&&' 991 125C). On what day was Norfolk entered by Union troops? What dis- position was made of the Merrimac, and why? qq.^ 140 The War for the Uxiox. [period vi. 1257. How was the loss of the Merrimac looked upon by the Southern people? What was the decision of the court of inquiry regarding; her destruction? What was Commander Tatnall's defense? ^^.^.^ 1258. Describe the alarm of McClellan and his dispatch for reinforce- ments. What was the answer received from the Secretary of Waf? 994-995 1259. What great plan in the defense of Richmond was Stonewall Jackson now executing? ^^^ 1260. What forces were located in Shenandoah Valley? Why was McDowell not sent to McClellan 's relief? qq"-QQQ 1261. In what way were McClellan's communications threatened? How and when did (General Porter's division dislodge the enemy? Why were his services so valuable? inno inoi 1262. What was the Confederate plan of attack? Who was their leader? When was this plan to be carried into execution? 1004. 1263. Describe the Confederate attack. Relate the wounding of John- ston. What prominent spectator was present at the battle? What was the result of this day's struggle? -.. . P 1264. What was the result of the battle of Fair Oaks? What was the loss on each side? How did it happen that the same cause which acted to prevent the defeat of the Union army here also prevented the o\-ert]irow of the Confederates? ^r^r^n mri- 100()— 100/ • 1265. What reasons did McClellan assign for his inactivity and failure to press on toward Richmond? ^^.^^ ,,,,,r. 100/-I(»09 1266. Of how many men was J. E. p. Stuart's cavalry composed? When did he leave Richmond, and what raid had he in view? 1008 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION. 141 1267. What damage was done by Stuart at Garlick's Landing? Describe his capture on the return trip to Richmond. 1008-1009 1268. What was the uneasiness felt at this time because of the where- abouts of Stonewall Jackson? 1009 1269. What is said of McClellan's incessant demands for troops and McDowell's anxiety to join him? How were each disappointed? ^rj,jQ 1270. To what point did McClellan transfer his forces? What did General Lee now resolve to do? When was the attack made, and what was the result? To what place did General Lee now retire? iniQ 1271. Who succeeded General McClellan as general-in-chief of the army, and when was his appointment made? 1019 1272. What may be said of the early commanders of the Northern army as compared with those of the South ? ^^ ^^ inia ^ Head Note 1019 1273. Describe the battle of Cedar Mountain, and tell when it occurred. Give the result. 1020 1274. Relate the second daring raid of General Stuart. ^q^i 1275. What movement did vStonewall Jackson now make against Pope's army? What vital requirement did the troops of General Pope's army lack? 1021-1022 1276. Describe the work accomplished by Stonewall Jackson on the night of the 26th. What was the condition of Pope's army at this time? 1022 1277. What alarming news was received in Washington from their tele- graph operator? '[{)-^2 142 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1278. What Union generals now advanced with the object of interposing between Jackson and his line of retreat? What Confederate general was hurrying to his relief in the mean time? What was the greatest ally which Jackson possessed at this time? 109^ 1279. What action did Jackson now take, and where did he station his army? ^^24 1280. What battlefield did the opposing forces now occupy? What re- inforcements arrived at noon, and what others were expected? Which general failed to arrive, and what was the result? 1094. 1281. On what day was the attack made? Give the result of the first day's battle? Describe the second day's battle, and give result, ^n^r 1282. To what place did all of the Union army now retire? What is said of the campaign? 109'' 1283. What were the Confederate and Union losses at the second battle of Bull Run? What changes now took place in the Army of the Potomac and the Armv of Virginia? ^r>nr- '^ 102o 1284. • In what way did the discoverv of the Confederate General Order No. 191 become of great value to the Union, and really lead to the begin- ning of the end of the great war? „ ,. m-^n '^ *= Head Note 1026 1285. What grave fear did President Lincoln and all others in authority at Washington have? i,>o- *= 102 / 1286. Describe the work of reorganizing the army by McClellan. 1027 1287. What were the general expectations of the North after the dis- astrous defeat of Pope? How was the safety of Washington insured? 1027 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE WAR FOR THE UniON. 143 1288. Describe .the condition of the Confederate army at this time. What state was a great temptation for them? ^„27 1289. Name some of the principal reasons for General Lee's desire to invade the North. 1097 1290. In what way did he hope to seize Washington or Baltimore? How did he hope to defeat McClellan's army? 109^ 1291. Describe the work of destruction which Hill's command accom- plished on its march into Maryland. 109S 1292. Describe the march of Stonewall Jackson into Maryland. What popular poem of Whittier's commemorates this march? 109S 1293. On what day was Lee's whole army drawn up on the left bank of the Potomac? Why had the Confederates good reasons for anticipating a welcome into Maryland? Describe the cool reception given them. 1026-1028 1294. At what place were the Union troops stationed on che Virginia side of the Potomac? What orders were sent to the troops f^om General Halleck? ^Q3Q 1295. Whom did Lee send to capture Harper's Ferry? What was their plan of attack? ^0'^^ 1296. What is a description of McClellan's pursuit of Lee's army? Why was great precaution necessary on the part of McClellan ? Describe his advance. 1031-1032 1297. Describe the location of Harper's Ferry and its defenses. Who commanded the Union forces at this place, and why was a charge of treachery made against him? 1032 144 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1298. Describe the gathering of the Confederate forces on the hilltops for its capture. What became of the Union forces stationed at Maryland Heisfhts under Colonel Ford? ^&' 1033 1299. Describe the attack on Harper's Ferry. Wlien did its surrender occur? What officer was mortally wounded? Give the number of men and war paraphernalia surrendered. 10^^ 1300. Describe the important find of a Union officer at Frederick. 1034-1035 1301. What orders did General Pleasanton now receive? At what place did they find the enemy in force and prepared to stand? uv^" 1302. Describe the battle at South ^lountain. What was the result? What classmate of McClellan's was killed in this battle? Give the loss in the Union army. 1038-1039 1303. What other battle was in progress at the same time as South Mountain? Describe it, and give the result. Name the third battle fought at the same time. 1039 1304. What was the report submitted by the court of inquiry as a result of the investigation of the surrender of Harper's Ferry? losq 1305. Describe the perilous position of General McLaws during the surrender of Harper's Ferry. In what way was he enabled to join Lee at Sharpsburg? -^^q^q 1306. At what place did General Lee halt his army and prepare for battle? In what condition was the Confederate army? How many did it number? 1040-1041 1307. Describe the position of General Lee's army as arranged for battle.. What building marked the center of the Confederate line? 1049 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE Wai;. FOR THE UNION. 145 1308. Describe McClellan's plan of attack. On what day was he pre- pared to give battle? By what name is this battle known in the South? 1042-1048 1309. Give the total number of McClellan's army. Compare them with Lee's army. ^^^^ 1310. Describe the advance of Hooker on the afternoon of the i6th. What other forces joined him in the evening? What was McClellan's P'""- 1044 1311. Describe Hooker's attack on the morning of the 17th. What effect did it have? At what point in the advance was the Union army forced to seek cover? How was this received by the Confederates? De- scribe Hooker's reinforcement, and his second advance and retreat. How was Jackson's command at last forced to fly from the woods? 1046-1047 1312. Relate the loss of life resulting from this attack. Name the officers killed on both sides. Describe the scene of this awful conflict. 1046-1047 1313. Describe the fighting of Sumner's corps. What great peril was Lee's army now placed in? mifr 1047 1314. In the race from Harper's Ferry by McLaws and Franklin, which reached Antietam first? What timely aid did McLaws give Lee? What corps beat McLaws soon after? ir>-L7 1315. Describe Burnside's disobedience of orders. ^/mo 1048 1316. Describe the reckless bravery of Sedgwick. In what way did it work ill for him? 1048-1049 1317. What was Sumner doing in the mean time to assist Sedgwick? 1049 146 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1318. Describe Biirnside's failure to attack at this time. What do the friends of Burnside say in his defense? 1049-1 ()•'() 1319. Describe the gallantry of the Irish brigade. How might a mag- nificent Union victory have been secured at this time? i()~() 1320. How were the Unionists reinforced early in the afternoon of the 17th? Describe the mutual exhaustion of both armies. -j^^. 1321. What imperative order issued to Burnside at last caused action? What was gained by his advance? 101^2 1322. Describe the gloomy outlook for Lee at this time. By whom was Burnside attacked in the afternoon? What was the result? I0'i3 1323. Give the Union and Confederate losses in killed, wounded, and prisoners. 10^^^ 1324. In what way was the iSth day of September spent by Unionists and Confederates? 10^^ 1325. What peculiar feature can you relate concerning the victory of this battle? Give both the Union and Confederate views of the results of this battle. IO^a 132G, Describe the retreat of the Confederates on the night of the i8th. 1054 1327. What were the plans for McClellan's second campaign against Richmond? 1054-1055 1328. On what morning did the battle of Fredericksburg begin? De- scribe it, and give the result. 1 055-1 Op^T A.D. 1861-1865] THE WAR FOR THE TJnION. 147 1329. What battles were won by the Unionists in the West dnring the year 1862? In the East? iatq 1330. What warning did the President of the United States give the seceding states in 1862? How was it received? inrn 1331. How many persons had vohmteered to defend the Union by the beginning of 1863? How many naval vessels had we, and what was the daily expense? lO^^Q 1332. What declaration did Abraham Lincoln make in his younger days relative to slavery. inro 1333. What prayer and pledge did President Lincoln make prior to the battle of Antietam ? What notable thing did this great man do immediately following this memorable battle? ^/^r^r^ lUoy 1334. On what date was the Emancipation Proclamation issued? 1059 1335. What were the "greenbacks," and why so called? in-q 1336. When was the National Banking system established? -ia/^a 1337. What was the highest premium point reached by gold during the war? ^ ^^^.^ 1338. W^hat was the real cause of the gold in a gold dollar being worth so much more than a dollar? „ r^ ^ Generai. Question. 1339. Describe the military situation at the opening of the year 1863. What was the chief aim of the Union armies? lOrO 148 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1340. By what great battle was the year 1863 ushered in? What name is given it by the Confederates? Who were the commanders of the oppos- ing forces, and where were the armies located? inco 1341. When did the battle of Murfreesboro take place? Describe it. What was the result? Give the loss. lOfi/t 1342. Describe the capture of Arkansas Post. ^^^. ^ 1064 1343. What important post was it necessary to capture in order to open up the Mississippi? What were General Grant's plans of attack? ^^f^A 1344. What valuable work was done by the Queen of the West and Indianola? ^„„. 1064 1345. Describe attempt to run the batteries at Port Hudson and reach Vicksburg. j^gg 1346. Describe the successful attempt of Admiral Porter to pass Vicks- burg and join Farragut. ^^^^ 1347. Why did not General Johnston send reinforcements to General Pemberton at Vicksburg? What was Johnston's instruction to Pemberton? 1067 1348. Describe Grant's siege of Vicksburg. What was the condition of the besieged people? 1068-1070 1349. What was General Grant's answer to Pemberton when he asked for an armistice to arrange for terms of surrender? 1070 1350. Describe the meeting of Generals Pemberton and Grant for the purpose of arranging terms of surrender. What generous terms were offered by Grant? ^„„. A. D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION. 149 1351. On what memorable day did the formal surrender of Vicksburg take place? What was gained to the Unionists by this capture? .^-^ 1352, When was Port Hudson attacked, and when did it surrender? 1071 1353. Describe the military operations which contributed to Grant's success before Vicksburg. 1354. What orders did Rosecrans receive from Commander-in-Chief Halleck? What general was ordered to reinforce Rosecrans? -in^A 1355. Where was Bragg located? Describe Rosecrans plan of attack. 1074-1075 1356. On what day was the battle of Chickamauga fought? What dis- tinguished it from other hard-fought battles of the war? What were the losses? How did Thomas get the name of the "Rock of Chickamauga"? 1077-1078 1357. W'^ho was appointed to succeed Rosecrans? What dissatisfaction was felt on the Confederate side? 1078 1358. At what place did Thomas intrench himself? When did Bragg arrive, and why did he not make an attack? IOTq 1359. What promotion did General Grant receive at this time? What did Grant telegraph Thomas on the same day he succeeded Rosecrans, and what was his reply? -.^^-n. 1360. By whom was the siege of Knoxville conducted? Describe pre- parations of attack on Bragg. How many did each army number? 1079 1361. What dispatch did Bragg send to Grant when all was in readiness for battle ? What did Grant do with the dispatch ? ^ ^^^ 150 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1362. On what day was the first charge made? Describe it, and tell by whom conducted. Why is it known as the battle above the clouds? 1081 13G3. Describe the brilliant Union victory won on the 26th. By whom was Bragg superseded? ^0A^ 1364. How was the siege of Knoxville raised? 1082 1365. Describe the raising of the blockade in Galveston port. 1083-1084 1366. How were the sympathies of England for the South shown in 1863? What is said of the Oreto, or Florida? 10J^4 1367. Where was the Alabama built? What is said of her? iack 1368. What means were necessary to gain enough volunteers in the North? Describe the draft riots. -lORi^ 1369. What is said of the armed war-steamer Nashville and her end? 1086 1370. Why was Charleston so well guarded? For what reasons did the Confederates declare the blockade to be raised? -mon lOoD 1371. Describe and tell when the attack on Charleston occurred. What remarkable incident saved the "New Ironsides" from explosion? -i^xoo 1372. What was the result of this attack? Describe its effect on Lincoln. By whom was Admiral Du Pont superseded? lORS 1373. Describe the plans for the second attack on Charleston. 1089 A. D. 1861-1865] THE WaR FOR THE UnION. 151 1374. Describe the second and third attacks on Fort Wagner. What other forts were bombarded at the same time? Give results, i^ar^ 1375. Describe the attack on Charleston. Why was it suspended for twenty-four hours? When was the attack made? Give the result. 1091 1376. By whom was Burnside superseded in the Army of the Potomac? By what means was Lee compelled to divide his forces, thus having a less number than the Unionists? 1377. What manner of man was "Stonewall" Jackson? What tribute does Greeley, in his "American Conflict," pay to his worth? Hkad Note 1092 1378. Describe Hooker's plan of attack on Lee's army. Describe his advance. Where did his army encamp? Describe the preparations for ''*"''=• 1096 1379. What was going on while Lee was making his feints to deceive Hooker? Describe the battle of Chancellorsville, and give the result up to the evening of May 2d. 1097-1099 1380. What notable loss in the life of one man did the Confederates suffer at Chancellorsville? inqq 1381. What did General Lee say when he learned that Jackson was mortally wounded? inqq 1382. What commemorates the spot where Jackson fell? ..^qq 1383. What notable exhibit was made at the New Orleans Expositioru in the winter of 1884-1885 demonstrating the love held for Jackson? NOTE 1099 1384. What is a brief history of this exhibit? -.nnn ■^ Note 1099 152 The War for the Union. [period vl 1385. What was the general result of the battle of Chancellorsville? What were the Union losses in these engagements? 1100-110^ 1386. Describe the soldiers with which General Lee invaded Pennsyl- vania. Of how many men did Lee's army consist? Who commanded the First, Second, and Third Corjjs of Lee's army during their second invasion of the North? 1104-1105 1387. Describe Lee's plan of advance. In what way was Hooker kept in ignorance of this move ? 1 1 0f 1388. What was Hooker's plan when he became aware of Lee's advance? In what way was it disrupted? IIOC-IIO" 1389. Describe the cavalry fight at Brandy Station. Describe the scene and give the result. ^ ^ ^n^ 1-19 1390. What important information did General Pleasanton obtain at Culpeper that led the Union generals to bestir themselves, and perbaps saved the cause of the Union? HIS 1391. What was the meaning of Lee's half-serious proposition to his officers of ''swapping queens"? What would have been the result had this plan been executed? 1114 1392. Describe the disaster of Milroy at Winchester. 1 1 1 ^ ■^ lllo- 1120 1393. Relate the panic which occurred in Harrisburg on hearing of Lee's advance. 1120 1394. Describe the uncertain position in which Hooker's army was placed at this time. 1192 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UnION. 153 1395. Describe the scene which the scouts beheld in Shenandoah Valley which gave the army the much-wished-for view behind the scenes. What did they learn ? . . „ , 1396. Describe Lee's advance. What important order did he give? 1124 1397. What advance did Hooker's army now make? How far from Lee's army were they by the 27tli of June? 1197 1398. Describe the plans which Stuart had himself laid. On what night did he set out? 1197 1399. What w^as the first surprise with which General Stuart met? 1128 1400. For what reason did Hooker ask to be relieved of command? What general took his place? 11 SI 1401. What were the circumstances of General Meade being appointed as commander of the army? Where was he when he received the notice? 1132 1402. What liberty was given Meade that was refused Hooker? -1100 1403. What was Meade's plan of advance? What protection did he give Baltimore and Philadelphia? 11SS BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 1404, What battle of the War for the Union may properly be termed the Waterloo of the Confederacy? When and where was it fought, and who was the commander in charge on each side? 1140 1405. Prior to the battle of Gettysburg, how had the majority of battles resulted? ^-j^^q 154 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1406. To whom belongs the credit of selecting Gettysburg as the place for the decisive battle? When did he arrive on the ground? What ad- vantages did this locality afford for such a conflict? 1140 1407. What was General Buford's native state? What sacrifices did he make that he might support the Union? When and where did he die? 1142 1408. What was the first conflict of the memorable battle of Gettysburg? What brilliant Northern general was shot in the neck and killed soon after coming to the support of the brave Buford? 114'5 1409. What "man of the hour" was sent forward by General Meade from his headquarters in Tarrytown to take the place of the fallen Reynolds? What chivalrous reply did General Hancock make when he was thus ap- pointed by General Meade to command the volunteers? How many miles awav from the field of battle was he at the time of his appointment? 1145 1410. In what condition did he find the troops on his arrival? i-iac 1411. What was General O. O. Howard's answer when Hancock offered to show him his written orders to succeed Howard in command of all forces present? ^^^q 1412. What was the result of Hancock's arrival? 1147 1413. To whom did Hancock turn over the command after so perfectly grasping rout and defeat from the hands of the Confederate forces that evening? ^^^^ 1414. What position did General Lee regard as the key to the situation, and therefore decide to most fiercely attack? Il4q 1415. At what time did (icneral Meade and his staff arrive on the field? 1150 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION. 155 1416. What forces faced each other at sunrise on the morning of that terrible day of death, Jnly 2, 1863? 1150-1152 1417. At the close of the first day's battle of Gettysburg, with which side did the advantage rest? . . ^„ ^ Head Note 1153 1418. What action was taken by the Federal general that night to coun- teract that advantage? What was the arrangement of forces on each side on the morning of the second day at Gettysburg? -j-ika htf: 1419. What was the length of the Confederate line before battle began the afternoon of the second day? What prominent Confederate generals commanded the left, right, and center? iti^i^ 1420. What was the position of the Union forces? What points marked the right, left, and center of the Federal line of battle, and formed what position? ^^,.g 1421. Why did not the Confederate forces attack the Federals in the fore- noon of the second day as they had intended in the morning? ^ ^ p.^ 1422. What prominent Northern general commanded that portion of the Union left where the attack seemed most certain to be made? -, -, ko 1158 1423. What Southern general opened the second day's fight, and led his men with a dash toward Little Round Top? 11 fin 1424. In what way did General W'arren avert a Union disaster between four and five o'clock in the afternoon? -, -, /.^ llbz 1425. At the suggestion of General Warren, what old friend of his rushed a force to the defense of Little Round Top, thereby saving it to the Union, but losing his own life? lirO-lirfi 156 TiiK War for the Uxiox. [period vi 1426. Ill whose favor was the tide turned at the time of the arrival of Caldwell's division? What was the effect of his participation? 11G6 1427. What noted brigade formed a part of Caldwell's division? What act of devotion did they perform jnst before advancing to the snpport of Ward across Plum Run? Who was then leader, and what flag floated over them? ^^^Q 1428. On learning of the wounding of General Sickles, whom did IMeade order to take command of the Third Corps? lire 1429. What was General Birney's loss out of five thousand men when the Union forces were driven from the orchard? lire 1430. At what hour in the night did the second day's fighting cease? What number of men lay dead as a result of the terrible struofgrle? ^ ^ ^.o ■^ ^^ Hi. J 1431. Name the corps commanders who were summoned by General Meade at the midnight hour to take council for the morrow. What was their decision? IT-J. 1432. What were Lee's instructions for the third day's battle? What Confederate general impeded his designs? 117/1 1438. What celebrated Southern general led a forced march from Cham- bersburg on the night of the 2d, and the next day led one of the most brilliant charges recorded in the annals of history? ii7p; 1434. Give a description of the sharp, fierce conflict between the Con- federate left imder Johnston and the Union right in the morning of the third day's fight previous to Pickett's gallant charge? 1 1 --r 1435. What impressive but awful scene could have been observed by one elevated over that field of carnage at eleven o'clock of that terrible 3d day of July, 1S63? ^^^^ A.D. 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UnION. 15' 1436. Give the description of the greatest artillery battle this continent has ever known? When did it begin? 1 1 rro n ^n 1437. Under what mistaken conclusion did Pickett begin his celebrated charge? ^,^j^ 1438. What is the description of Pickett with this three miles of men moving forward with the precision of holiday parade? -|.^.. 1439. Who commanded the position on the Union side at which Pickett was aiming ? 1 m-? 1440. Describe Pickett's reception by the Union forces. Why did not Gushing fire his cannon into Armistead's forces as they attempted to capture his battery? iiqp; 1441. What location was the farthest point reached by the Confederates? 1185 1442. Who is the author of the celebrated poem " High Tide at Gettys- ^^^g"- 1185 1443. How many men followed Pickett in that awful charge? How many remained when all was over? iis^ 1444. Out of eighteen field and four general officers, how many escaped wounding? -..or. 1445. W^hat exchange of dispatches took place between General Hancock and General INleade? What act of heroism did General Hancock perform after being wounded? no- *^ llh< 1446. In what way did Uee receive the bleeding survivors of Pickett's charge as they staggered back to line? 11S8 158 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1447. Who conceived the idea of Lee's invasion of the North, and nrg^ed it in spite of Lee's protests? ^ , , . Note 11 bh 1448. With what number of men did tlie Union forces go into that three- days' fight? How many were left after it? iioi 1449. What route did the Confederates follow on their retreat? What peril confronted them when they reached the Potomac? ^^^^ 1198 1450. What act of chivalry did the Confederate General John B. Gordon bestow upon the wounded Union General Francis P. Barlow on the after- noon of the first day of Gettysburg? What did after -yetirs develop mito these two men ? -, . r. • Note 1194 1451. By whom and in commemoration of what was the monument erected to the Fire Zouaves? -,■,r^n 119o 1452. How long after his defeat at Gettysburg was it until Lee reached again the soil of the Old Dominion? iino 119o 1453. What was the total Union loss at Gettysburg, compiled from the government official returns? i9nn 1454. What was the total Confederate loss, according to the best infor- mation obtainable? What was the Confederate strength all told, including Pickett's reinforcements? lonn 1455. What real leaders were brought into prominence during the cam- paigns following the battle of Gettysburg? ^^^n.-. 1456. For what only was the South fighting after the battle of Gettys- 1201-1202 1457. Compare the financial conditions of the North and the South at the close of the war. lono A.D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION. 159 1458, what two armies did the South have early in 1864? What was the strength of each? What was the strength of the armies of the North at the same time? lon^ 1459. What idea prompted Sherman to destroy as much property as possible? Describe the destruction of railroads, etc. lono 1460. Describe General Banks's expedition, its real object, and the opposition to it. ioa/I 1461. What new danger was encountered by Admiral Porter? -,c>^n IzUb 1462. Describe the plans of the two woodsmen, Bailey and Pearsall, to take the flotilla over the rapids of Red River. How were the plans re- garded by West -Point engineers? loor 1463. Describe the break and repair of the dam, and the manner of pass- ing the vessels over it. i9nQ 1910 1464. What was the purpose of Kirby Smith's invasion of Missouri? ' 1212 1465. Describe the campaign of Suiith in Arkansas. 191Q 1466. Enumerate the great raiders of the war. How did Morgan escape? 1213 1467. Describe and give the effect of the Colonel Grierson and General Stoneman raids. 19iq_1914. 1468. How many men did President Lincoln order drafted the ist of February, 1864? 1914 1469. Why is ]\Iay 5, 1864, a memorable day in war history? 1214-1215 160 The War for the Uxiox. [period vi. 1470. What men have held the official title of Heiiteiiant-general ? \\'hen was this title conferred upon General Grant? 1471. What was the available militar}- strength of the Union army May I, 1S64? ' ^215 1472. What was Grant's plan to crush the rebellion? ioik 1473. Describe and give the date when the battle of Wilderness Rim '^''"'"^- ■ 121G-1217 1474. What noted Southern general was severely wounded at Wilderness Run, which perhaps saved the dav to the Union forces? -, -^-.z, 121d 1475. Who gave utterance to the words, "I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer"? Where and when? ioiq 1 2 lo 1476. What Union and Confederate officers were killed in the operations around Spottsylvania Courthouse? 1010 1210— i2iy 1477. Who succeeded the daring J. E. B. Stuart after his death? What is the historical coincident of his name? ..r.^^ XOTE 1219 1478. What tactics were used by Grant when he could not force Lee out of his path? 1910 1479. Describe the operations before Petersburg. 1 999.1 994 1480. Describe Early's operations in the Shenandoah Valley. 1228-1229 1481. How was the news of Early's advance received in Washington? What preparations for defending the city were made? 1990 1482. Describe the capture of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. 1990 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UnION. 161 1483. What were Grant's orders to vSheridan when he raided the Shenan- doah Valley? Describe this raid. What was its purpose? -« 90Q 1909 1484. Describe Sheridan's ride to Winchester and its effect on the '^"y- 1232-1233 1485. Who was the author of the stirring poem "Sheridan's Ride"? 1233 1486. What was Grant's opinion in regard to a prolongation of the war? What steps were taken by the government to hasten the close? 1233 1487. Which was the first iron -clad vessel in the world? Which the second? By 1864, what changes had taken place in the navies of the world ? • . -, ^ ^ . Head Note 1234 1488. Name the two leading forts of the Confederacy. Which was first captured ? 1234 1489. Describe the Confederate ram Tennessee. What were her plans? 1235 1490. Describe the armament for the protection of Mobile. What was Farragut's plan of passing the city? i-?':?.- 1491. What might be said of the strength of the Union fleet? ^ -..^,, ° 12ob 1492. What did Admiral Farragut write to his wife on the eve of the battle of JMobile? What position did he take to command the ships in action? ^^^g 1493. What precautionary measure was taken by the captain of the Hartford in favor of Admiral Farragut? What is said of the controversy concerning it? ^ ..-,0 ^ 1238 162 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1494. Describe and give the result of the attack of the Tecumseh on the Tennessee. Relate the incident of Commander Craven and Pilot Collins in this battle. 1240 1495. What seamanship and braver}- was manifested by Farragut in this battle? What did the commander of F^ort IMorgan say in regard to the skill of Farragut? ^n^-. 1496. Describe the attack of the ram Tennessee on the Union fleet. Which Union vessel succeeded in partly disabling her? i949_i944 1497. Describe the event preceding her surrender by Captain Johnston. 1246 1498. Describe the surrender of Forts Powell and Morgan. What was the effect of this victory on the Confederates? 194« 1499. Describe the sinking of the Soiithfield. 1948-1249 1500. In what peculiar manner did Lieutenant P'^lusser meet his death on April 20, 1864, near Plymouth? 1249 1501. What precautions were taken by the Confederates to protect the Albemarle? -.9^0 1502. What was Lieutenant Cushing's scheme, and what success at- tended it? i.T-n 10-0 1503. Describe the return of Cushing after this daring exploit. 1252-1253 1504. Describe the capture of Fort Fisher. 19i^4 1505. Describe the career of the Confederate cruiser Sumter. Who was her captain? ^o-- io-/- ^ 12oo-12ijb A. D. 1861-1865] ThE WaR FOR THE UniON. 163 1506. At what place was the Florida built? What were some of the prizes taken bv her, and what became of her? -.^.^^ ^ ^^-, ^ 1256-120 7 1507. Repeat the story of the Shenandoah as told by Dr. F. J. McNulty. 1257-1266 1508. On what occasion was the Confederate flag raised for the last time over a sea-going vessel, nearly six months after the close of the war, for the Union? ^2g4 1509. Why did the captain of the Shenandoah sail to England instead of to America on receiving a newspaper report that the war was ended? 1264 1510. What eventually became of the ship Shenandoah? iorj. 1511. What great damage w^as accomplished by the cruiser Alabama? 1266-1267 1512. What is said of the battle between the Kearsarge and Alabama, and wdien did it occur? -icn^ ^^^a 1267-1274 1513. For what reason was W. T. Sherman ordered to lead his army to Atlanta, and from thence to the sea? „ ,, ^-,,-r- Head Note,12/5 1514. WHiat was Johnston's policy? At what time did Sherman leave Chattanooga? ^ „^ 1515. Describe Sherman's perilous course. 19^« 1516. When did the battle of Kenesaw Mountain occur? Describe it. 1278-1279 1517. Describe the fine generalship of General Johnston. 19C0 1518. What was Georgia's value to the Confederacy? By whom was Johnston superseded? How did Sherman receive this change? i.^on 1519. Wlien and how was General INIcPherson killed? 19«9 164 Thk War for the Union. [period vi. 1520. What plan did Sliennan now form in order to accomplish the best results? With what success did it meet? 1284 1521. When did Atlanta surrender? What order concerning its evacu- ation did Sherman give? . I9sn 1522. Compare the Union loss with the Confederate in Sherman's march from Chattanooga to Atlanta. -, ^.,^ 1523. What was the cost in men, both to the North and the South, in the campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta? lOftA 1524. What is one of the best arguments against settling national dis- putes by war? „ ^^ -,.)^_ ■^ ^ Head Note 12(S7 1525. W^hat did President Davis do when he heard of the Confederate defeat at Atlanta? I9ft7 1526. What action on the part of Jefferson Davis was caused by the capture of Atlanta? What imj^ortant speech did he make at ]\Iacon on his return trip? Give result. I9ft7 1527. What was Hood's plan? What order did General Thomas receive in consequence? 19SS 1528. At what place was General Schofield's army defeated by Hood? To what place did he then retreat? 19S» 1529. Where was General Thomas at this time? What preparations was he making? 19S8 1530. At what time did Hood appear off Nashville? What were his expectations? 19H8 A. D, 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UnION. 165 1531. On what days was the battle of Nashville fought? Describe the defeat of Hood's army. 19»« 1532. What is said of this campaign? By whom was Hood relieved of command? ioqq 1533. Describe the burning of Atlanta and the beginning of the march to the sea. How long before the defeat of Hood's army did this occur? 1290 SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA. 1534. What flaming proclamation did the Confederate General Beauregard issue to the people of Georgia on learning of Sherman's determination to split the Confederacy wide open? 19Q9 1535. What were some of the efforts made to stop Sherman's march? 1292 1536. In what way was the first message conveyed to the outer world telling of Sherman's successful march to the sea? How was it received? 1292-1293 1537. On what day was Savannah evacuated ? What message did Sherman send to Lincoln ? ^ .^qo 1538. Describe the great peril in which the Union was placed during 1864. How is it accounted for? 12Q^_19Q4 1539. In what way did Louis Napoleon violate the Monroe Doctrine? Describe his attempts to persuade Great Britain to join him in the recog- nition of the Confederacy. 19Q4 1540. If Great Britain had acceded to the wishes of Louis Napoleon, what would have been the result? To what three persons only was this plan known? 1994 166 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1541. Why did not England recognize the Confederacy? What did England think the United States would do after the war? iook 1542. What preparations were made by Lincoln, Grant, and Stanton to strike quick in the event of England recognizing the Southern Con- federacy? ^294 1543. To whom, when, and where was this government secret first made public? ^, -lone ^ Note 1295 • 1544. Give the different political platforms, and describe the platforms each party advocated at the fall election of 1864. Who did each nominate for the presidency? 1295-1296 1545. In what way did McClellan manifest his manhood but sacrifice his chances of the presidency? Who was elected? ioqa 1546. What insolent proposition of a lot of European aristocrats was offered the North in 1864? In what way did Secretary Seward snub them? 1297-1298 1547. What prompted General Dix's famous order to invade Canada, and forcibly take any one who should cross the line and commit any depre- dations against the citizens of the United States? 19Q« 1548. For what was the Confederate officer hanged by the Union forces in February, 1865? ^^99 1549. What diabolical depredation did Jacob Thompson, who was five years prior thereto Secretary of the Interior in Buchanan's Cabinet, employ one Robert C. Kennedy to commit? 1999 1550. What was the national debt at the close of the fiscal year 1865? 1299 1551. What just tax was imposed in 1864? 1299 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UnION. 107 1552. When was Nevada admitted to the Union? In what does its weahh lie? ^^^^ . . 1299-1300 1553. What fact led to the formation of the Sanitary Commission? What was its purpose? -LoUX 1554. For what purpose was the Christian Commission organized? 1302 1555. Wliat Confederate prison was noted for the awful suffering, starva- tion, and cruelty endured within its walls? Who was its keeper, and how was he brought to justice? lono 1556. When and for what purpose was Libby Prison erected? How did it receive its name? How many prisoners were confined there during "'<= '''''■ 1302 1557. Describe the tunnel made by Colonel Rose and his assistants. How many escaped? How many were recaptured? ior\o i oaq lo03— loOo 1558. What lady of Richmond, Virginia, befriended Colonel Streight and his comrades after their escape from Libby Prison through the tunnel, and was afterwards rewarded by President Grant by being appointed to a lucra- tive office? ^ggg 1559. Who was the sentinel on duty the night of the escape through the tunnel from Libby Prison? What did he claim in regard to the ^""^P^- NOTE 1308 1560. What are the particulars of Lieutenant Graves and his body of Union soldiers that forcibly demonstrates the folly of war and that man- kind are all of the same blood? iqoq 1*^10 1561. For what purpose and by whom was called the Hampton-Roads meeting? ^3^^ 168 The War for the Union. [period vi. 15»>2. What three prominent men were appointed by the Confederate authorities to represent them at the Hampton-Roads meeting? i-»ii 1563. In what way did Air. Francis P. Blair, Sr., exceed his authority when he visited President Davis to arrange for the Hampton-Roads meet- ing? How did this mistake of Blair's, or the misinterpretation of Lincoln's letter, nearly destroy the prospect of the meeting? I'M 9 1564. Who were present at the Hampton-Roads meeting on behalf of the Union? What are the particulars of the meeting? Where held? Why did it result in failure to bring about peace: How long before the close of the war was this meeting held? ioi.-> 1565. At the Hampton - Roads meeting, when President Lincoln was questioned regarding the strength and purpose of the Emancipation Proc- lamation, what was his answer? T^T" 1566. What was Secretary Seward's reply as to the proposed Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting slavery in the United States, at the Hampton -Roads meeting? I'^l-- 1567. What was President Lincoln's reply to Mr. Hunter at the Hampton- Roads meeting when Mr. Hunter compared the action of Charles I. to the proposed armistice? I'^ir 1568. What action did President Davis take when his commissioners returned to Richmond and reported the result of the Hampton - Roads meeting? ^3^^ 1569. What is a synopsis of Judge Campbell's summary of the condition of the Southern Confederacy and the Southern army at the time of the Hampton - Roads meeting? i '^i q 1570. Failing in a peaceful ending of the war through the Hampton- Roads meeting, as had been hoped, what was the only remaining thing to do? ^3^c) A.D. 1S61-1865] The War for the Union. 169 1571. What was Grant's real purpose in sending Sherman on his march to the sea? lom 1572. What additional honors were bestowed on General Lee imme- diately following the Hampton - Roads meeting? ioiq 1573. On what day was Charleston surrendered, and the stars and stripes again raised over Fort Sumter? imQ_1''90 1574. At what time did Sherman turn his command over to Schofield and go north for an interview with Grant? T^oo 1575. Why did Lee at last decide to strike a blow at Grant? Give his plan of attack. How did it end? iq99 1576. What persons were present and participated in the important consultation of Grant and Sherman in front of Petersburg? What great decisions were made? 1099 1577. On what day did Grant attack Lee? 1^99 1578. What important dispatch was handed Jefferson Da^-is while at church that April Sunday? In what way was the dispatch heeded? 1324 FALL OF RICHMOND. 1570. Describe the wild scenes caused by the evacuation of Richmond. To what point did President Davis and his Cabinet move? io9p_-|09- 1580. On what day did the Union flas^ wave over the citv? 10.1- 1581. On what date and at. what time in the day did the forty Union soldiers, riding slowly through the streets of burning Richmond, take possession of and raise the stars and stripes over the capitol of the Old Dominion — the first since April, 1861? 1'V->7 170 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1582. What were the circumstances of the death of General A. P. Hill? Describe Lee's retreat and the condition of his soldiers. loon i ooa 1583. WHiat were General Grant's memorable words concerning the Confederate horses? iooo 1584. What are the circumstances of the striking incident in the life of Major IMcLean, in whose house the terms of surrender were made? -. ..o.;, 1585. When General Lee returned to his men after his surrender, how was he received? What were his words to his men? looi 1586. On what day did Grant send a letter to Lee demanding his sur- render? What was Lee's reply? -,^.,. loot 1587. What events hastened the siirrender of Lee's army? Where and when did Grant and Lee meet to arrange terms? What generous offer was made by Grant and accepted by Lee? iqqo iqqq 1588. At what point did the Confederates stack their arms and surrender? How manv men surrendered? -.oor 1335 1589. What is a striking proof of the respect universally entertained for General Lee, both by the North and the South? iqqr^ 1590. How was the news of Lee's surrender received in Washington? 1335 ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN. 1591. Describe the assassination of President Lincoln. Where and when did it occur? Who was the assassin? At what time did the Presi- dent die? 1836-1338 1592. In what way did John Wilkes Booth's declaration on the stage immediately after assassinating President Lincoln differ from his true sentiments? iooo loon Note 1338-1339 A.D. 1861-1865] ThE War FOR THE UniON. 171 1593, Describe the attack on the life of Secretary Seward. 1594. Describe the pursuit of Booth. Where was he found, and how did he meet his death? 1340 1595. What is the mystery surrounding the disposal of Booth's body? Hov/ many of the conspirators were tried and hanged? 1596. Describe the universal grief manifested in the North over the loss of the beloved President. Where was he buried? -,oAn io^o io4^— lo4o 1597. W^hen did General Johnston surrender to Sherman? WHiat terms were agreed upon ? ^ ^ . -- ^^ ^ 1345 1598. How maruy lives w^ere lost in both the North and the South during the war? ^3^^ 1599 Where, when, and on what occasion did Lincoln give utterance to the immortal words "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"? . , , IGOO. What valuable document is imder the corner-stone of the Lincoln monument at Springfield, Illinois? By whom was it written? 1^44- 1601. How many negroes were enlisted in the Northern army? How many of the enlisted colored men died from disease? 1 q4fi 1602. How many presidents and vice-presidents did the Southern Con- federacy have? 1^46 1603. How many members were in the Provisional Congress of the Southern Confederacy? 1^47 172 The War for the Union. [period vi. 1604. When, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, was the rebellion closed in all cases where private rights are affected? 1S47 1605. What, in the words of Judge Emery Speer to the Grand Jury of the United States District Court, would have been the result had the attempt to establish a Southern Confederacy succeeded? 1^47 1606. What are Judge Speer's illustrations of the magnanimity of our system of government as compared with Old -World monarchies in like cases? What personal illustrations of our government's magnanimous treatment does he make? I'^J.^-iqj.k 1607. In what way did Horace Greeley demonstrate his qualities as a fit citizen of a true republic at the risk of the assassination of his character and good name at the hands of the narrow-minded, vindictive individuals and newspapers of the North? 1S4Q-I^f^^ 1608. Give a brief history of Andrew Johnson up to the time that he became President of the United States. VU^) 1609. How were the early advocates of the abolition of slavery treated in the North? 1''54 1610. Prior to the firing on Fort Sumter, on what side did many of the leading newspapers sympathize? 1354 1011. In what way did the great American preacher, Henry W. Beecher, aid the cause of the Union? 1S54 1612. What other two church dignitaries are entitled to much credit for services in the cause of the Union? I'^i'a PERIOD VIL THE NEW UNITED STATES. FROM 1865 TO 1898, 33 YEARS. FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ANDREW JOHNSON AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BATTLESHIP MAINE AND OUTBREAK OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. The subject-title of this period is "The New United States," and wh}^? Because we begin this period with new ideas, new laws, new practices, new ways of doing things with corresponding new results. While it marks a period of dazzhng greatiiess on one hand, it has as its background— its equal share of awful wretch- edness on the other, so distressing that even the pen of the great historians are paralyzed in their attempts to record it. A new condition of people, a new United States, was made during that thirty-three years. Period VII. THE NEW UNITED STATES From A. D. 1865 To 1898 — 33 Years. 1613. When did Jefferson Davis and his Cabinet become fugitives? What was his object in joining Kirby Smith? .<,_^ 1614. W^hen, where, and under what circumstances was Jefferson Davis captured? By whom was he taken prisoner? l'^'^O-m'^1 1615. When Abraham Lincoln was asked what should be done with the Confederate President if caught, what was his reply? Iof--] 1616. What were the different phases of the problem which now arose as to the disposal of Jefferson Davis? ^\^^ 1617. What would have been the result had our government executed Jefferson Davis, Lee, or any of the other leaders of the lost cause? -ioko 1618. What was Horace Greeley's view of the case? How was the problem solved? iqp;^ 1619. What popular book produced a widespread anti-slavery feeling? When and by whom was it written? When did the author die? -|of;o 1620. How did Fort Sumter unify the sentiment in the North and South? ( 175 ) 135"! 176 The New United States. [period vii. 1621. What important action was taken by Great Britain and France in 1865 when their underhanded support of the Confederacy would no longer be good policy? ^^^^ 1622. Describe the impressive scene in Washington, May 22-23, 1^65, at the grand review of the returning hosts. iqpjfi 1623. W^hat grave fears did the disbandment of the army produce? Why were those fears groundless? Upon what profound sentiment does our safety as a nation rest? T^T 1624. W'hat was the grandest victory of all? What training proved to be invaluable to the majority of the soldiers? iq"'' 1625. Describe the good example set by General Robert E. Lee concern- ing the obedience to law. What does his son, G. W. C. Lee, say of it? 1358 1626. What action was taken by the United States relative to Mexico in maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine? What effect did it produce in regard ^° ^^^^^^^ 1358-1359 1627. What was Mexican President Juarez's reply to Princess Salm-Salm when she knelt before him, begging him to spare the life of ]\Iaximilian? 1359 1628. Why was Maximilian's execution necessary? When did it occur? What became of his wife? inrr. 1359 1629. In what year was the Atlantic cable laid? What odd coincidence is connected with the year in which it was laid? ^orr^ io/^n •^ 1359-1360 1630. What was the "Fenian scare" of 1866? What was its extent, and how did it end? 1360-1361 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UniTED STATES. 177 1631. What important addition to United States territory was made in 1867? What is its area, and how much was paid for it? mri-1'^r'9 1632, Of what does Alaska's great wealth consist? What Alaskan ques- tion has caused much controversy between Great Britain and the United States? ^3g2 1633. What state w^as added to the Union in 1867? Describe it, and tell wherein lies its chief wealth? ^^n^ ioo2 1634. What was the amount of the national debt at the close of the war? What illustration of its colossal magnitude can you give? iqao 1635. W'hat was the reconstruction problem? Give the diversity of views on this subject. What were President Johnson's views? iqfii^ 1636. W^iat fearful yet groundless accusation was made against seven leading Southern men in connection with the assassination of President Lincoln? ^3gg 1637. From what class of people came Andrew Johnson? What was a common expression in the South in ante-bellum days stigmatizing the P°°^- NOTE 1366 1638. Why was the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution a neces- sity in the face of the Emancipation Proclamation? ISfS 1639. What was the President's plan of reconstruction? What was the plan of Congress? T^fiK 1640. What was the test oath demanded by the Thirty-ninth Congress of the eighty-five members from the Southern States? 1368 178 The New United States. [period vii. 1641. What acts and laws made by some of the Southern States against the negro freedmen provoked much anger in the North? I'^pft 1642. What was the Civil -Rights Bill? How did it become a law? 13GD 1643. What noted Pennsylvanian became the leader of the Republican forces in Congress on the subject of reconstruction? T^TQ 1644. What motive prompted the Republican plan of reconstruction and disfranchisement as represented by Thaddeus Stevens? I'^rq 1645. What were some of the qualifications necessary to be a voter in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in i866? ♦ l'^69 1646. In what states were the amendments to state constitutions giving to the negro the right to vote defeated? I'lCQ 1647. What was meant by the expression "swinging around the circle"? 1369 1648. What, in brief, was the Republican plan of reconstruction? 1370 1649. Describe the quarrel between the President and Secretary Stanton. 1370 1650. What is the meaning of the phrase "To impeach"? When and for what reason was Johnson impeached? 1^71 1651. How long did President Johnson's trial last? What was the result? ^3.^ 1652. How many times has the removal of Federal officers been attempted through impeachment proceedings? What offices? How often successful? Note 1371 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE New UniTED STATES. 179 1653. What was the only political favor ever asked by General Sherman? "With what result? iq-.) 1654. What feeling existed between the actual soldiers of the North and the South? After the war, what class of men endeavored to keep the fires of hatred burning? 10^.7 1655. What declaration did General Grant make when President Johnson contemplated the arrest of General R. E. Lee? iq^o 1656. When was the completed amnesty proclamation issued? What were its chief provisions? iq-o lo i Jj 1657. When was the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution ratified? What are its provisions? iq79 1658. Describe the state of the country at this time. How did the work of reconciliation proceed? ^o^-r. 13/2 1659. When was the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution adopted? W'hat were its provisions? iq^q 1660. Who was elected President in 1868? 1o^-o \6i6 1661. Of what gross discourtesy was President Johnson guilty at the inauguration of President Grant? ' i'^"-4. 1662. What was the first event of importance during Grant's admin- istration? 10-- 1663. What was the great scheme of Jay Gould and Jim Fiske, known in history as " Black Friday"? VVIC 180 The New United States. [period vii. 1664. When was Black Friday? Describe it. How was the plot de- feated? What was the result to the organizers? What was its effect on the people? 1376-1377 1665. W'hy were not the poor of our country blamed for the disaster caused by the Black-Friday scheme? Generai, 1666. When was the great Chicago fire? W^hat is said to have caused it? On what morning did they check its progress? iq7« 1667. How many lives were lost in the Chicago fire? How many were made homeless? What was the value of the destroyed portion of the city? 1378 1668. Relate something of the help extended to Chicago by other cities. Describe the rapid work of rebuilding. io^-- io-o ^ *=* 13//-13/8 1669. What was the Tweed Ring? How did it gain control of affairs in New-York City? 13"9 . 1670. What was the estimated cost of the court-house? To what extent were the taxpayers defrauded? 13'^9-1"81 1671. In what way did the Court of Appeals of New York assist in thwarting justice in the case of Boss Tweed? yoo-i 1672. What did Tweed coolly ask when confronted with tlie facts of his rascality? On being arrested, how did he escape, and by what means was he returned? Where did he die? I'^Sl-lSS'^ 1673. Of whom did the Tribunal of Arbitration consist, and what was its purpose? When and where did it meet? 1383 1674. On what grounds was the United States awarded fifteen and a half million dollars from Great Britain? How was the Northwest boundary question settled? 1383 A. D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UnITED STATES. 181 1675. In what year were all the states represented in both houses of Congress, it being the first time since i860? i-jjc/I 1676. What was the Kuklux Klan t Explain their purpose. How were they finally uprooted? I'^sj. 1677. How was the radical government imposed upon the South from the close of the war until 1871 upheld? . Ioo4 1678. "What were the provisions of the Force Bill passed in 1871? 1384 1679. What was the act of amnesty passed in May, 1872? 1385 1680. What were the preparations made in 1869 to annex San Domingo? To whom was the failure probably due? What was the result of the friend- ship between the President and a senator? ioorr 100^ 1681. Who were some of the noted men who died during the adminis- tration of President Grant? ^oQa 1682. What were the characteristics of Horace Greeley that so forcibly impressed his personality on the country? mx? 1683. What policy of those who had gotten control of the Republican party during Grant's first administration alienated many of Lincoln's most devoted friends and supporters, and resulted in a convention of Liberal Republicans at Cincinnati, Ohio, in January, 1872? iq«7 1684. Who were the presidential candidates in 1872? Who was elected? 1388 1685. What causes contributed to the death of Horace Greeley? 1388 1686. What railway company was created by Congress in 1862? What was the scheme? 1S90 182 The New United States. [period vii. 1687. What was the Credit Mobilier of xA.inerica? What connection did it have with the Union Pacific Railway? iqqo 1688. How did Oakes Ames corrnpt Congress with stock in the Credit Mobilier Company? What other high officials were involved in the scandal? 1391 1689. Describe the tronbles which arose concerning Louisiana politics. In what condition was the Louisiana Legislature? mQl_l'^Qr 1690. What was the "carpetbag" government forced upon the South after the war? What was its effect as illustrated by the increase of taxes and disorder in Louisiana? T^Q'^ 1691. What were the causes that led up to the New -Orleans riots of 1874? Describe the riot. I^qq 1692. In what manner did the United States troops show their sympathy with the people and against carpetbagism and military rule of the South? 1394 1693. How did President Grant receive the report of the supremacy of the people, uphold the government of force, and reinstate carpetbagism? 1394 1694. How did those claiming to be Republicans secure power in Loui- siana in 1874? What was the decision of the Congressional Investigating Committee relative to this election? How was this committee made up? 1394 1695. What revolutionary methods were employed by the Democrats to obtain control of the Louisiana Legislature in January, 1875? iQq4 1696. How was the power of the United States Government employed in January, 1875, to undo the work of the Democrats in Louisiana, and to install Republicans in office? I'^Q'i 1697. Who were the "carpetbaggers"? What was the result of their work in the South ? ., onp 139o A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 183 1698. What was the civil war of 1874 between the two wings of the Republican party in Arkansas? 1007 1699. What scheme did the radical Republican party have on foot in Arkansas at the time of the riots there in 1874? 1700. What other state suffered much from carpetbag rule? Illustrate the result of this rule by explaining how a railroad company only laid ten miles of track and received eight hundred thousand dollars, the payment of eighty miles. What is said concerning convicts and criminals under such rule? Who constituted the courts of South Carolina? iqqq 1701. What were the true republican principles incorporated in the new constitution adopted by Arkansas? What position did President Grant take in regard to this new constitution? What were its results? iqqq 1702. What fatal mistake did the carpetbaggers make in electing D. H. Chamberlain as governor? What methods of reform did he at once begin and carry out, and with what consequent result? 1 401 -1409 1703. Of what event was the Centennial in 1876 the celebration? Why was it held at Philadelphia? 14A1_1409 1704. How many civilized nations were represented? What was the total number of visitors during the Centennial? 1409 1705. What member of Grant's Cabinet corruptly received large sums of money and still held the friendship of the President? 140-^ 1706. About how many Indians did Indian Territory include in 1874? How far had they advanced in civilization? 1409 1707. Name the five civilized tribes, and explain their government. 1402-1403 184 The New United States. [period vii. 1708. What power was conferred by tlie treaty of 1866 on the Indian courts? -, , 1 ,,>.> 1709. What is their peculiar custom when an Indian is condemned to death? _ , .,.0 Note 1403 1710. Why is there no taxation in Indian Territory? From what sources is the public income derived? ^, . ,,..^ ^ Note 140o 1711. How are lands held by the Indians of Indian Territory? In what way can you see this to be an advantage over our system in case of debt? Note 1403 1712. What is the " Indian Ring"? What wrongs have been perpetrated against the Indians by it? 1404 1713. Describe the unjust manner in which the Indians were treated when gold was discovered in the Black Hills in 1874. 1404 1714. For what purpose did the numerous tribes meet in 1871? Why did not their efforts succeed? ^ ,,, , . .n- 1404-140o 1715. Describe the ill-treatment of the Modoc Indians. In what way did they retaliate, and how was the difficulty finally settled? 140^ 1710. Which was the most powerful tribe of Indians on the American continent at tliis time? Who was their chief? ^ .^^ 1406 1717. Why did trouble arise between the government and the Sioux? 1406 1718. Who were the attacking party in the war with the Sioux in 1876? 1406 1719. What ambition perhaps led General Custer to his death? -tAr^n A. D. 1865-1898] ThE NeW UNITED STATES. 185 1720. Describe the jDlans laid by the army. Of what was General Custer's command composed? Give his plans. ^ .^„ . .^^ ^ ^ 1407-1408 1721. What orders were given Major Reno, and how was he prevented from fulfilling them? 1722. When and where did the Custer massacre occur? i/iao 1408 1723. What was the result of the Custer massacre? How did " Curley," Custer's Indian scout, escape? ^ , 1724. What is said of " Comanche," the only living thing except "Curley," the scout, that went into that battle with Custer, which came out alive? ^^^g 1725. By whom were the bodies of Custer and his men found? What respect had the Indians shown the dead body of Custer? i/fin 1726. What two defeats were given the Indians later? Where and when was a conference held ? ' ^ ^ i 1411 1727. When was Colorado admitted to the Union? Of what great pur- chase was it originally a part? Wliat are its principal industries? 1412 1728. Who were nominated for President on the Republican and Demo- cratic tickets in 1876? What was the result? iaiq 1729. By what was the trouble caused after the election, and what threats were made? What grave peril now confronted our nation? 1413 1730. Why was General Grant not nominated for a third term at the close of his second term? 1110 1413 1731. How was the trouble growing out of the election of 1876 settled? 1414 186 The New United States. [period vii. 1732. In what way was the Electoral Commission of 1876 made to stand eight Republicans and seven Democrats, instead of eight Democrats and seven Republicans? ij.i/1 1733. What was the result of the balloting on all questions? What must be the conclusion about the occupancy of the presidential chair by Hayes? ^^^^ 1734. W^hy were Democrats as much guilty of crime as the Republicans in the election of 1876? -, ,^- ' Note 14 lo 1735. What were some of the notable incidents that characterized the four years of Hayes's administration. , -, ,10 •' Head Note 141b 1736. When and where was the first telephone put in use for business purposes? ^^^g 1737. What increase in population did the census of 1880 show? Where was the highest rate of increase? 141 ft 1738. Describe the great railroad strike of 1877. What action of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad caused it? What was the loss of life and damage to property? 1418-1422 1739. Wliat is the approximate membership of the Brotherhood of Ivoco- motive Engineers? 14.90 1740. For whose protection was the militia called out in the great strike of 1877? 1420 1741. With whom did the militia sympathize in the strike of 1877? 1420 1742. Why can the regular army soldiers be better relied on to shoot down striking laboring men than can the militia boys? 1490 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 187 1743. What result followed the shooting down of the leaders of the strikers at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1877? 1744. With what Indians did Lewis and Clarke make a treaty in 1806? How long were they faithful to that treaty? What caused the outbreak in 1877? 1^23 1745. Name the chief of the Nez Perce Indians. Describe him. How did he compel the admiration of American troops ? 1 1 00 1 1 w^ 1 14^0— 141i4 1746. On w^hat occasion did Chief Joseph use the words "From where the sun now stands, I fight no more against the white man"? ^ ,,^,, ' * * • 1426 1747. At whose special request did Chief Joseph attend the dedication of Grant's monument in New York in April, 1897? What honor was bestowed upon him on this occasion? What were Joseph's impressions of the East? ^ ,,-.,, Note 1426 1748. What admiration did General Howard feel for Chief Joseph? In what way did he befriend him? lAop 1749. What were "shinplasters"? When were they in use, and what brought them before the public? 14.97 1750. What is meant by remonetization of silver? Demonetization of silver? ^^.^^ 1751. How did the Greenback party receive its name? 149" 1752. What was the amount of greenback money issued during the war? ^, 142/ 1753. In what feature did the paper money issued during the war differ from metal money? 14.9'- 188 The New United States. [period vii. 1754. Had the law made paper money a legal tender for import duties and interest on the public debt as well as for other purposes, do you think sfold would have been at a premium? ** (Generai..) 1755. Had paper money been made a legal tender for duties on import and interest on public debt, as well as for all other purposes, what de- mand would there have been for gold or silver, or any "particular" kind of money? (General.) 1756. At what premium were silver dollars in 1873 when demonetized? 1427 1757. Do you think that silver would have depreciated had it not been demonetized in 187^? ' "^ (General.) 1758. What action was taken by Congress in 1878 in consequence of the demonetization of silver? 1 197 1759. What were the demands of the Greenback party? 14.97 17G0. What was the Resumption Act? 1J.9Q 1701. What is meant bv refunding a debt? ° (See Dictionary.) 17G2. If bonds for $1,000,000,000 drawing six per cent interest for five years are refunded at four per cent interest for thirty years, what is the saving to the people who have the bonds to pay? (Problem in Mathematics.) 17()3. In what year did yellow fever rage with great virulence? What cities suffered most severely? How many deaths occurred from it? . 1428 1764. When was the seat of the United States Government moved in consequence of a scourge of yellow fever? 1498 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 189 1765. What was the loss of life caused by yellow fever in 1878? 1428 17G6. Why are overflows of the Mississippi River so disastrous? -1490 1767. What has been the result of the Eads jetties? 149q 1768. What was the extent of overflow of 1897? ,^ -1 Asn 1450 1795. What action did the leading nations take in 1880 for the further study of the different phases of the weather and the magnetic needle? 1452 1796. Name the two points fixed upon for observation by the United States. ^452 1797. Of whom was the Greely expedition composed? From what point did they start, and where was their destination? 14f^9 1798. What would be a simple plan for parties engaged in work of this kind? Describe arrangement made for supplies in 1882 and 1883. 1452 1799. Why were Greely and his party placed in such grave peril in 1453 ' 1884? 192 The New United States. [period vii. 18U0. When did the exploring party arrive at Lady Franklin Bay? What did they name their signal station? 14"'^ 1801. Describe the weather at the signal station in the months of October and February. 1458 1802. What was the most important side issne undertaken by this enter- prise? Of whom was this expedition in charge? What was his plan? 1453 1803. What barrier ^o their progress was finally reached? What did the observation taken on the first clear day reveal? What latitude were they now in? 1455 1804. Who has since gone beyond the latitude reached by Lockwood and Brainard? 1455 1805. What name did they give to the farthest point seen? iak^ 1806. Describe the reign of darkness and the hopeless journey home- ward. -^4-g 1807. Where did they pass the coming winter? Describe their condition during the winter. What brave officer died? 1450-1457 1808. When and under whose command did the government send a relief expedition? By what means were Greely and his men traced? 14.^7 1809. Describe the condition of the men when found. How many were alive? When did they reach New York? ^^k- 1810. Give the graphic story as told by J. A. Jackson, signal-man for Commander Schley. ^^-^ A.D. 1865-1898] ThE New UNITED STATES. 193 1811. What honors were bestowed on Greely and Brainard? What is said of Brainard 's conduct toward his companions when they were starving? Note 1458 1812. What men were nominated for President by the Republican and Democratic parties in 1884? Who was elected? . ,_„ 1459 1813. What phrase used at a banquet during the presidential campaign turned the tide in favor of Democracy? takq 1814. Give a short sketch on the early life of Grover Cleveland. 1460 1815. Where is the statue of Liberty? By whom presented? When dedicated? Give the dimensions. -.An-i ^ Anr, . 14d1— 14bz 1816. What noted general's death occurred the first year of Cleveland's first administration? What was the cause? i ^^.o ^ ^^r 14bz— 1455 1817. Name some of the merited honors which General Grant received from the government. What reverses did he meet with on his tour around the world? ^^^^ 1818. Why did not President Cleveland attend the funeral of Vice- president Hendricks? ^ ...^ ^ Note 1408 1819. Name other noted men who died during Cleveland's adminis- "■'''■°"- ^ 1468-1470 1820. What incident inspired Judge F. M. Finch, of New York, to write the popular poem entitled *' The Blue and the Gray"? -. ,^^ 1821. What tribe of Indians has been the most murderous in their resistance of the white settlers? What sad fact has been revealed in refer- ence to past and present treatment of Indians by early settlers? ij.'-o 1822. What are the characteristics of the Apache Indians? ., ,„o 194 The New United States. [period vii. 1823. Describe the injustice of the government toward the Warm-Spring Indians. What was the result? ^^^^ 1824. Wlio was Geronimo? Who was Chato, and what were his pre- tensions ? 1475 1825. Describe the capture and escape of Geronimo. Relate the depre- dations committed by himself and band. ^ ,^__^ .__ 1826. When, where, and by whom were Geronimo and his followers brought to bay? Relate the opening of communication. -|4-q_i4'-q 1827. Describe the surrender of the Apaches. Wliat was done with the band? 1478-1481 1828. Give the incident of General Sheridan's bonmoi to the Indian Turtle Dove. 148S 1829. When was the great earthquake experienced in the South? Which cities suffered most severely? las'^ 1830. On what date occurred the anarchistic riot in Chicago? What was the cause that led up to this disturbance? i4«4_i4«5 1831. Describe the riot which occurred at Haymarket Plaza. How many men were killed? 14K5 1832. What noted general died in i888? Give a short sketch of his life. 1485-1487 1833. Who was elected President in i888? ^.g- 1834. Give a brief account of the life of ex-President Benjamin Harrison. What relation does he bear to ex-President W. H. Harrison? i4«» A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NeW UNITED STATES. 195 1835. What were the incidents of the naval disaster at Samoa in March, 1889? How many Americans were lost? What damage was done to ^"^^"'^■- 1489-1490 1836. When did the Johnstown flood occur? Who were responsible for this awful disaster? 1490-1492 1837. What was the estimated number of people who lost their lives in '^' ^'"^- 1492-1497 1888. Describe the Conemaugh-Lake reservoir. 1839. Who was the Paul Revere of the Johnstown flood? Why was his warning unheeded by so many? 1840. What is the strange incident of John W. Sharkey and wife as connected with the Johnstown flood? ^ .^„ ■^ Note 1497 1841. What is the "Mafia"? In what way did they nearly bring on war between this country and Italy? -, Ar.rr -, ,^r^ ^ ^ 1497-1498 1842. What was Italy's attitude toward America in this affair? How was this affair finally settled to Italy's satisfaction? ^ .pq 1848. What provoked our trouble with Chili in 1891? 14.00 ipcno 1844. What was the Valparaiso incident of October, 1 89 1? ^ p,^^ 1845. What was Captain Winfield Scott Schley's official report of the Valparaiso incident after investigation? -.-^^ 1846. In what way was insult offered our government in the Valparaiso investigation? How did President Benjamin Harrison bring the Chilian Government to time? -,-nn 1502 19G Thk New United States. [period vii. 1847. When occurred the most terrible Indian war in the history of America? ^.^^3 1848. What is said of our Indian Bureau and the men who have from time to time been appointed to carry out our contract with the poor red man? ^^^3 1849. Describe the Sioux Indians and their reservations? Who was Sitting Bull? ^.Q^ 1850. What was the "Messiah craze"? Who were the ghost-dancers? 1505 1851. In what way did Chief Sitting Bull make use of the "Messiah craze"? What plans did he lay, and how did they begin to ripen? 1506-1507 1852. Describe the arrest and murder of Sitting Bull and his son. By whom was it committed? irno inn 150(S-15J0 1853. Describe the mock surrender of Whitefoot and the battle which occurred soon after. What was the loss to both white men and Indians? Bv what name is this battle known? i-m, .-io lolO-lolz 1854. Why were squaws and children shot at the battle of Wounded K^^^- 1512-1513 1855. What false alarm brought the soldiers out to Pine Ridge? How did the foresight of General Forsyth save his men from ambuscade? What praise is due the colored cavalry at this attack? ^ _ , ... ^.. 1856. What grave peril now threatened the white men? How was it averted? ^^-^^ 1857. What rash act of Lieutenant Casey cost him his life? 1514-1516 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UnITED STATES. 197 1858. In what way did Chief Red Cloud manifest his higher instincts of humanity in the incident of Lieutenant Casey's death? ^-,.^ lolo 1859. Describe the delicate situation at Pine-Ridge Agency between the Indians and white men. With what may the tact of General Miles and his men, in driving the Indians in, be compared? l-Ol.l3~"l-Oi I 1860. Describe the scene of surrender of the Sioux in 1891. 1518-1620 1861. How many Indians surrendered to General Miles at Pine -Ridge Agency in 1891. ^^^^ 1862. What was the celebrated decision of Judge Shiras which set free the slayer of Lieutenant Casey? _ 1863. Of whom is the Grand Army of the Republic composed? When and where was the first post organized ? ^^.^ 1864. Where was the Twenty-sixth Annual Encampment held? What is the estimated number of ex-soldiers who passed in review before Vice- president Morton at the Washington Encampment? What route did they travel ^ 1523 1865. What was the Mijares incident? When did it occur? ^m^ 1866. What was the incident of Gamez? ipjop; 1867. For the violation of what law of nations was the United States minister recalled from Guatamala, and Commander Reiter of the ship Ranger dismissed from the naval service? 1 fiop; 1868. In what way is the deck of an American vessel carrying the flag of our nation regarded? ikok 198 The New United States. [period vii. 18(>9. What is the law of nations established for the benefit of political 1525-1526 refugees ? 1870. When and where did Jefferson Davis die? What is a brief sketch of the life of this remarkable man ? ^ -^^ 1526 1871. What are some of the important events in the life of William Tecumseh Sherman? Where and when did he die? ir^c^n i roo 1526-1528 1872. What admiral's death occurred the day before Sherman's? Of what service had he been to his country? -v^^ i kqa 1873. When and where did Statesman Blaine's death occur? What events hastened it? How many times was his name up for nomination of the presidency? Give an account of his life. ^-''^^ i^qj. 1874. What ex-President died in 1893? Name other noted people who died in the same year? 1 p^qa 1875. What four parties had candidates for the presidential election in 1892? Name the candidate of each party. 1 p:qp; 1876. Who Was elected President in 1892? Give reasons for Democratic success. ^g3g 1877. Who were officers in President Cleveland's Cabinet? ^ ro^- 153/ 1878. What President introduced the custom of delivering his inaugural address in the open air? What had been the custom previous to this '""^- ^ 1538 1879. Who was the first President inaugurated at Washington? 1538 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 199 1880. When and where was the World's Cohimbian Exposition held? Why was the exhibition not held on the true anniversary of the discovery of America? ^^^^ 1881. Where was the location and what was the extent of the Exposition grounds? jg^Q 1882. Why was not the original Declaration of Independence placed on exhibition at the World's Fair? In what way were the people deceived in regard to this immortal document at that exhibition ? 1883. What notable mementoes of the times of Franklin, General Jackson, and Lincoln were exhibited in their original form at the World's Fair in ^^93? 1545 1884. What amount was contributed by your state to the Exposition? 1575 1885. Was the Exposition a financial success? What was the profit to the company? • .^,. ^ ^ 1541 1886. Where and when was the Midwinter Fair of 1804 held? -, ^„^ ^^ 15/5 1887. Where and when was the Atlanta Exposition of 1895 held? How and by whom was the machinery started at this show? ir-'? 1888. What noted colored man delivered an oration at the opening of the Atlanta Exposition that compelled the admiration and acknowledgment of his ability by that element of society who a few years before held him in chains of slavery? -tn^n 1889. How many islands in the Hawaiian group? Give their location. By what profession were they first explored? Why was not their presence beneficial to the native rulers? -imn lo7o 200 Thk New United States. [period vii. 1800. What was the tenor of our treaties made with Hawaii in 1849 and 1875? ^^^^ 1891. What industry did these treaties favor, and who controlled it? 1579 1892. Who was king of the islands at this time (1874)? What may be said of his ability? When did he die? What was the cry raised by the Hawaiian Legislature when they saw their government and lands being taken from them by foreigners? I'TQ 1893. What was King David of Hawaii forced to do by the progressists, and what harbor was ceded to the United States? For what is this harbor used? ^ ;^5g0 1894. Who became ruler upon the death of King David? What were some of her characteristics? . 1580 1895. What led to the political disturbance in the islands, and to whom did the citizens appeal for protection from the queen? 15S1 1896. What followed this appeal, and what action was taken by the provisional government on February i, 1894? 1581 1897. Who was the American minister to Hawaii at this time? What was the sentiment among the citizens of the island, and what position was taken by President Harrison? 1582 1898. 'What were the terms of the treaty framed soon after, and what provision was made for the deposed queen and her daughter? iroo 1899. Why did President Harrison favor the ratification of the treaty? 1582 1900. Who became President at this juncture, and how did his opinion on the Hawaiian affair coincide with that of his predecessor? 15S'^ A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NeW UNITED STATES. 2.01 1901. What had been the success of the provisional government during this time? 1582 1902. What action was taken by President Cleveland toward reinstating the deposed queen of Hawaii, and why were not his plans carried out? 1583 1903. Was Congress in accord with the President? What was finally done in regard to establishing a stable government? Wliat was Minister Willis's opinion of the provisional government? 1583 1904. What military leader was retired in 1895, and who succeeded him? was his successor a " West - Pointer " ? W^hat is our custom of retiringr armv officers? 1585 1905. In what way do the life and achievements of General Nelson A. Miles demonstrate, in a measure, that military schools in a republic are needless institutions? 1585 1906. What are the objects of unions among workingmen? Why are employers most always able to starve those who work for them into accept- ing any exacting demands or oppression that they feel inclined to impose on them ? 1588-1589 1907. In the settlement of labor troubles, why is a decision usually rendered in favor of the employer and to the disadvantage of the employee? What is arbitration? .,^0.^ 1589 1908. What seems to be the only solution to the vexing problem of capital and labor? 1589-1(528 1909. W'hat was the earliest strike in the history of our countrv, and what was its result? -,-,^^ lo92 1910. On what occasion was the military force first called out to suppress a strike? ^^^^ 202 The New United States. [period vii. 1911. When did the first strike against "scab" or non-nnion labor take place, and in what trade? 11592 1912. What was the peculiar point of contention in the Maine dam- builders strike in 1836? 1593 1913. What is a "sliding scale" as applied to wages paid to labor? In your opinion, is it just or unjust? ir09 1914. What unjust and unreasonable demand of the Carnegie Steel Com- pany was the primary cause of the Homestead massacre? irno 1915. What number of armed thugs did the Carnegie Company employ in 1892 to shoot down those from whose toil they had grown rich? How many were thus murdered? ir'04- 1916. What is meant by the "black-list" as used against workingmen by employers? ^^^^ 1917. What were the losses resulting from the Homestead troubles in 1607 1892? 1918. Where is Coeur D' Alene? What was the cause of the great strike which occurred there in 1892? How were the efforts of the workingmen to secure a living wage defeated? '& ""£>^ 1607 1919. What practice of the Tennessee Coal-Mining Company provoked the trouble in Tennessee in 1892? IfilO 1920. What baleful law was repealed by the Tennessee Legislature in 1892 in consequence of the trouble arising from coal-miners? ■^c^^ A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NeW UNITED STATES. 203 1921. What notorious decision of the United States District Court in the Ann- Arbor strike of 1893 signalized the beginning of a new if not dangerous assumption of authority by those whom we had heretofore regarded as inter- preters of the law, rather than makers or executors thereof? ^^^^ lolo 1922. In what way did the new assumption of authority by the courts deprive a number of leaders in the American Railway Union strike of 1894 of their constitutional right of trial by jury, and imprison them for a number °f '™""'^ • 1622-1625 1923. What was the '' Commonweal Army " ? Who was its organizer, and what was its obiect? , ^ ^ 1(528 1924. What two propositions did General Coxey submit to Congress? 1628 1925. What is the difference between Coxey's non-interest-bearing bond plan and the national banking system of the United States? „ 1926. What was the total strength of "Coxey's army," and what penalty was suffered by the leaders for failing to "keep off the grass"? -ipoq 1927. What in general seems to be the primary cause of great bodies of workmen striking? ^ ° Generai,. 1928. When was Utah admitted to the Union? What change was made in our flag at that time? ^^ ^ , 1634 1929. What unique features of Utah's State Constitution irake it one of the most progressive organic laws of any state in the Union? What great social crime previously allowed in the territory is prohibited by it? 1635 1930. What is the object and purposes of the Niagara Falls Power Com- pany, formed in 1886, and what has been its success? When and for what purpose was the first attempt made? -^^ok 204 Thk New United States. [period vii. 1931. What celebrated controversy, lasting nearly one lumdred years, was settled by the Anglo -Venezuelan treaty made in 1897, during Cleveland's last administration? 1G38 1932. Why did our country take a hand in the affair? What action was taken by President Cleveland? 1639 1933. In what wav did President Cleveland and Congress, through the Monroe Doctrine, protect the little South-American Republic of Venezuela from the land-grabbing greed of Great Britain in 1895-97? ipAO 1934. Who were the members of the Venezuelan Commission? .^.^ 1642 1935. Wliat were the important provisions of the six heads of the propo- sition submitted in 1896 by Lord Salisbury (Prime Minister of England) to Secretary Olney of President Cleveland's Cabinet, looking to a perpetual board of arbitration to settle disputes arising between America and Great Britain? Why did Olney object to sections 4 and 6? Why would such an arrangement be beneficial to both nations? ^^aa * 1644 1936. What became of this treaty? , ^r.r-r. ■^ Head Note 1o59 1937. How many tickets were in the field in the campaign of 1896? Who were the nominees of the two great parties? ip.-yi 1938. What was the principal issue of the Democrats? Of the Repub- licans? ^/^-r' 1939. What is the meaning of "16 to i"? .p^- ^ Note 165o 1940. What occasioned the "split" in the Republican Convention? How many delegates retired, and who was their leader? ir'^ 1941. What is meant by "Sound-money Democrats"? What was their platform? ' ^^^g A. D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 205 1942. Which party was successful at the polls in 1896? Give the elec- toral vote. Did the president-elect receive a popular majority? What is a popular majority? 1943. Did the Sound-money Democrats carry a state? How many votes, rightly distributed, would have reversed the election? 1657 1944. W^iat candidate in 1876 received a popular majority and yet was defeated for the presidency? A change of how many votes would have been required to make James G. Blaine President? iapc? 1945. W^hat can be said of the attitude of Congress towards President Cleveland upon his second inauguration? Upon his retirement? -i^^^ 1946. Of what state is President McKinley a native? Where was he born, and of what nationality were his ancestors? ifir;Q 1947. How old was he when he enlisted, and what title did he bear at the close of the Civil War? -.^^^ 1948. At what battle was his promotion won, and on whose , recommen- dation? In how many battles did he serve? iffiq 1949. What was the first public office to which McKinley w-as elected? Has he ever been defeated? ifir4 1950. WTio was Vice-president under McKinley during a part of his first term? When did he die? ipfiS 1951. AVho was the oldest President? What can you say of the com- parative age of the Presidents? ircs 1952. How many Presidents have been furnished by Ohio? By \'irginia? By other states? 1670 206 The New United States. [period vil 1953. What President lived to the most advanced age? Which \vas the youngest at his death? Which at his election? ICO 1954. W^hich President served the shortest time? Which were twice elected? Which two were three times candidates? Which were assassi- nated in office, and which died in office? 1071 1955. What unique position does John Scott Harrison hold in United States history? 1671 1956. What President afterward became an officer of the Confederacy? 1672 1957. What ex-president made a tour of the world, and what were his financial circumstances at his death? 1672 • 1958. What President was known as "The Cincinnatus of the West"? ' ' The Sage of Monticello " ? "Old Hickory " ? " Whisky Van " ? "Ac- cidental President"? " Railsplitter " ? "Sir Veto"? "The Man of Destiny"? "The Advance Agent of Prosperity"? .^^.. 1959. What do you know of the life of Martha Washington? ip7q 1960. What is said of the ladies who have presided at the White House? 1673 1961. What characteristics made "Dolly" Madison one of the most popular ladies that has presided at the White House? i('"4 1962. What is said of the letters of Abigail Adams to her husband, President John Adams, published in 1848? ip74 1968. Why was there no "Lady of the White House" during Jefferson's two terms? 1674 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 207 1964. What act of Mrs. Sarah Polk, in conformity to her church dis- cipline, changed the manner of White -House entertaiiiments during her husband's term of office as President? 1676 1965. What sad bereavement befell President Pierce and wife on their way to Washington that cast a gloom over the entire period of their occu- pancy of the President's house? 1676 1966. What two old bachelors have been elected to the presidency? 1676-1678 1967. What effect did the tragic death of President Lincoln and the loss of three children have on the life of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln? -,^„^ 1d7o 1968. What President owes his education and subsequent honors to his wife? 1677 1969. What is said of Lncy Webb Hayes as the presiding hostess of the White House? 1678 1970. What is said of Frances Folsom Cleveland as the first lady in the land? 1678 1971. Who officiated in President McKinley's Cabinet? ^^on ib8U 1972. What mode of settling international disputes was brought forth by the Venezuelan question? What is "arbitration"? -...^.^ lo80 1973. What were the provisions of the "General Arbitration Treaty" as submitted to the Senate by President Cleveland, with his approval? 1682 1974. What amendment was made to the treaty to cover the "Monroe Doctrine" and the Nicaragua-Canal project? ^ggg 208 The New United States. [period vii. 1975. What notable petition on the subject of international arbitration was presented to Congress by Senator Nelson in 1897? How did our Senate treat this poj)ular demand for international peace? lARft 1976. When was the city of Greater New York created? What is its area and population? What cities are included in this corporation? What is its length and breadth? irS8 1977. When was the first American navy authorized by Congress, and of how many boats did it consist? Which was the most famous? i^oq 1978. What naval battle worked a revolution in battleship - buildingj and why? ^^^^ 1979. How did our country rank among naval powers in 1861, and why was our fall so sudden after the close of the Civil War? 1(^)0 1980. When were the first steel battleships built for the United States, and what were their names? ifqo 1981. What noted battleship authorized to be built in 1886 was after- wards the indirect cause of a war in 1898? ipOQ 1982. How many armored vessels were there in the United States navy in 1900? ^gg- 1983. How many torpedo-boats in our navy in 1900, and what is the speed of our newer boats? 1099 1984. What noted scientific expedition was undertaken in 1891? Who was in command? How did it differ from others of the same kind, and what latitude had been reached by former expeditions? 170'^ 1985. Describe some incidents of the above expedition. What was the farthest point reached, and what discoveries, if any, were made? i-taq A.D. 1865-1898] ThE New UniTED STATES. 209 1986. When did the second expedition start? What was its object, and what noteworthy incident took place September I2, 1893? What were the results of the voyasre? ^^^^ 1703 1987. What persons remained in the Arctic regions for further explora- tion? What was their experience? 1^/7 1988. When w^as the sixth expedition fitted out, and what was its pur- pose? Was it accomplished? 1707 1989. What honor was bestowed on Lieutenant Peary in 1897 in recog- nition of his services in discovering Greenland to be an island? Note 1707 1990. What is Lieutenant Peary's ambition, and what are his plans for attaining it? ^^^g 1991. How did Spain in 1400 compare with the Spain of to-day? 1712 1992. What can be said of Spain's treatment of her colonies in the Western Hemisphere? ^ 1^10 1993. When did the Cubans declare their independence of Spain, and what plan was formed to maintain it? -,.,., ^ 1714 1994. Name four prominent leaders of the Cuban revolution. What was the numerical strength of the patriot army? 1714. 1995. Who was the Spanish commander? What was the size of his army? What were his plans, and why not practicable? 171P; 1996. When did the Cubans organize a permanent government? Who were the first elected officers of the Cuban Republic, and what titles did they bear? How many of the provinces sent representatives to the first Cuban Congress? 171 a 210 The New United States. [period vil 1997. What can be said of the difficulties encountered by the Cubans? What substantial encouragement was received from the United States? 1718 1998. What was the desire of many members of the United States Con- gress relative to the Cuban question in 1896? What status would this have given the Cubans? Wliat do you understand by "belligerent rights"? Of what benefit would this have been to the Cubans? ^^^^ 1999. What portion of the island was held by the Cubans in 1896, and what city was their objective point? 1"'1Q 2000. Who was the Spanish Captain - General of Cuba at this time? When was he recalled, and why? 1""20 2001. Who was his successor? Wliat were some of his characteristics? What was his plan of campaign? 17-20 2002. WHiy were no regular battles fought by the Cubans? To what noted revolutionary guerillas may they be compared ? ^ ^^^ 2003. What noted Cuban general was killed December 7, 1896? What was the surmise regarding his death? -j-^-. 2004. Who became United States Consul at Havana about this time? What can you say of his character? ^^^j. 2005. Where are the PribAdov Islands? Why are they valuable? What great company has a monopoly of the fur-producing islands of America? 1722 2006. Why did our country become involved in difficulty regarding these islands? How was it decided to settle the question? Where did the tribunal hold its sessions? 1799 2007. What decision was reached by the tribunal, and what regulations were recommended? 1799 A.D. 1865-1898] ThE NEW UNITED STATES. 211 2008. What recommendation was made by President Cleveland in regard to damages to English shipping? What are "consequential damages"? 1724 2009. What incident was taken as a precedent in this case? What judgment was rendered by Congress? ^1^,^,24 2010. What were the provisions of the bill passed by Congress in March, 1895, regarding the fur industry? ^^^25 2011. Which was the first state admitted to the Union? When? How was its centennial celebrated? 1726 2012. Of what state was Tennessee a part in former days? ^^, 26 2013. When and where was the state of Franklin formed? Why was it formed and why so named? 1726 2014. Who was the first and only governor of the state of Franklin? What became of the state? ^^'j'28 2015. What was the first capital of Tennessee? -j^Y28 2016. Name ten American authors and their most noted works. Who was the "Quaker Poet"? ^735 2017. Who was the earliest noted American humorist, and what were his most noted productions? 1744 2018. Who was the author of the "Leather-stocking Tales"? -j^^^^^ 2019. When and by whom was the process of vulcanizing rubber dis- covered ? 1749 212 The New United States. [period vii. 2020. When and by whom was invented the electro - magnetic tele- graph? 1749 2021. "What were two noted inventions of Eli Whitney? 1740 2022. What noted struggle is it said one of them caused? Why? 1749 2023. What noted work was conceived and executed by Cyrus West Field"? 2024. Who was the most noted inventor of the age? Give a short account of his strusfSfles and inventions. "^&i5' 1750 2025. When was the first patent -law passed? Under this law, what was the life of a patent? 17Pii 2026. What restriction was adopted in 1793? What was the fee? 1751 2027. When was the Patent Bureau created? Of what department is it a part at the present time? What is the total cost of securing a patent? ^^j^-^ 2028. What protection is given an author by the United States? What is the life of a copyright? 17Pi9 2029. What is the description of the Washington monument at Fair- mount Park, Philadelphia, dedicated in 1897? 17f^2 2030. When were subscriptions for the Washington monument at Phila- delphia first received? What was its total cost? l'''"4 2031. What was the only purpose on which Washington formally ad- dressed the Constitutional Convention? With what result? ^r-^^ A.D. 1865-1898] ThE New UNITED STATES. 213 2032. What is the magnitude of the new Congressional Library? What was its cost in dollars? What was its cost in land at the prevailing price in your vicinity? How many acres would it take to pay for this buildino-? 1758 2033. What historical heirloom, which was carried away by the British soldiers when they evacuated Boston, was returned to America by the English authorities in 1897? > 2034. What is one of the most prominent attributes of real greatness manifested in the characters of Grant, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson, and Washington? ^^^^ 2035. Who delivered the oration at the dedication of the great Grant monument in 1897? 2036. To whom more than any other is due the credit of securing for General Grant the imposing monument and memorial services so much in keeping with his greatness and the love in which he was held by the American people? i«rv/. 17yo I 2037. What is an "extra session" of Congress? When and why was the first called? Why did President McKinley call an extra session in ^' Note 1797 2038. What is the duty of the Ways and Means Committee of Congress? Who was chairman of the committee at this extra session of 1897? 1796 2039. What was the deficiency at the beginning of McKinley's admin- istration, and how had it been created? itoq i79o 2040. What are the most prominent features of the Dingley bill? Why so called? ^^gg 2041. What is the general feeling among the American people in regard to tariff measures after once adopted? \9S\<^ 214 The New United States. [period vii. 2042. What agreement was made by the Dawes Commission with the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, and what does this agreement fore- shadow? -^g^3^ 2043. What noted discovery stirred the peojjle of the United States in 1802 1897? 2044. Where is the Klondike? What was the value of nuggets and dust brought out the first season? What was their weight? isn9 2045. Where is Dawson City? By whom founded? What can you say of its growth ? ^g^^ 2046. W^ho was the first woman to arrive at the Klondike? What beneficent Canadian law accounts for the comparative absence of lawless- ness in that region? Is Dawson City located on American soil? -iq^^a '47. What is the nearest route to this mining region? What distance from Chilcoot Inlet? What is said of the seasons? ., .,/^r- 1805 2048. What tribute does the English statistician Mulhall pay to America as a producing power? How many persons in our country can read and write? ^g(jg 2049. How does the per-capita w^ealth of rural districts compare w'ith cities? What reason is assigned for the greater influx of population to cities? ^3-^^ 2050. What were the southern and western limits of the United States at the close of the Revolution? What was added to this in 1803? Map 1811 2051. How were the present states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho acquired ? Florida ? 1 «i 9 A. Do 1865-1898] ThE New UNITED STATES. 215 2052. What further expansion took place in 1845? 1848? 1867? What was our increase in area from 1790 to 1870, and its total cost? ^o-,o 1612 2053. How does our population in 1790 compare with that of 1890? Our density of population with that of Europe? ..o^^ 2054. Why are New Mexico and Arizona deprived of statehood? Note 1812 2055. What caused the wonderful scenery of the Far West? For what is Yellowstone Park noted? 1«14. 2056. How much of our public lands has been given away to railroad companies? 1814 2057. What was the most populous state in 1790? In 1890? Where was the center of population in these years? 1»1A 2058. WHiat is the leading occupation of our country, taking number employed as a basis? Taking value as a basis? I8i» 2059. What was the value of farm products in 1890? Of manufactures? What year was an exception? Wliy? iqiq 2060. In how many states is tobacco produced? Which one furnishes half the supply? Which is the most important of our cereal crops? 1819 2061. How does our wheat crop of 1891 compare with that of other countries? Which state leads in the production of cotton? i»iq 2062. AVhat fractional part of our country is not adapted to agriculture? Why? What remedy is now used? 1820 2063. What was the average annual wages in 1850? In 1890? What is our greatest manufacturing center and the value of its products? 1820 216 The New United States. [period vii. 2064. In consideration of the great strides made within the last centnry in discovery, invention, and acliievements, what may we with reason antici- pate as possibilities of this century? 1822 2065. What kind of ownership of water-rights proves a great hardshij) to the settlers of the West? ^„^. 1824 2066. What difficulties have arisen from the system of irrigation in the West? What do the people who use this sj^stem demand? icoa 2067. What plan has been proposed by O. M. Donaldson? What change would this make in the boundaries of the states? -,or,K ' loZo 2068. W^iat is extraordinary about the new Alaskan boundary? What and where is the longest straight boundary in the world? .^^^ 2069. What is the most famous boundary line in the United States? When is it first mentioned in history? By whom surveyed prior to the Civil War? ^^^^ 2070. Which are the only states bounded by parallels and meridians? Which is the most irregular boundary, and how is it defined? .r,,^„ 2071. At what age should pupils begin the study of Civil Government and United States History? . 2072. What is one of the manifest dangers that threatens our country? What great question arises from it? ^ -^^ 2073. What two other perils threaten our country? In what does the remedy lie? ^ 1830 PERIOD VIIL OUR COIvONIAI. EXPANSION. FROM 1898 TO . FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR TO . This period marks a new interpretation of the idea of a republican form of government. We have long since learned that kings, emperors and crowned heads could, consistent with the idea that permitted them to exist at all, go out beyond the limits of their provinces and purchase, subdue or conquer other lands and people, and ever after keep them in subjection, to their will and law, but when a like right was first claimed for a Republic, in which the lowest is equal before the law with the greatest, thousands stood aghast, questioning the wisdom of such a proposition, and the subject, at this writing, still being unsettled, we can only note the beginning of the period, and leave its ending to conjecture. Period VIII. OUR COLONIAL EXPANSION From A. D. 1898 to 2074. When and by whom was Cnba discovered? Give its length, breadth, and area. What is said of its soil, climate, and vegetation? 1833 2075. What fractional part of the island is nncultivated? For what products is it famous? 1835 2076. What has crippled Cuba's tobacco and coffee industries? -i oqk 2077. What was its population in 1887? What is the recognized religion of the island? What is said of its educational facilities? .goy 2078. What is the Cuba?n metropolis? Its population? Describe its construction and location? 1839 2079. How many miles of railroads in the island prior to the recent war? What are the five principal ports? 1839 2080. What do you understand by " reconcentrados " ? What does Clara Barton say of the Cuban famine? ^^,^^ -^^^^ 2081. What were some of the atrocities perpetrated by Spain during the *' ten-years' struggle" in Cuba? ^q_^-j^ 2082. What was the Virginius episode? What became of the crew? How was the matter settled? ^843 (219) 220 Our Colonial Expaxsion. [period vm. 2088. What was the Dr. Ricardo Ruiz incident of 1897 that may safely be considered primarily the beginning of the end of Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere? 184-1 2084. When and by \vhom was Cuba first colonized? What town was founded ? 1845 2085. When and under what circumstances was the famous IMorro Castle built? 1847 2086. In what year did an American force assist in capturing Havana? During what war? What two noted Americans assisted? When was Cuba given back to Spain in exchange for Florida? ^g.g 2087. In what way and when did Cuba gain the name "Ever-faithful Isle"? ' 18^9 2088. Which were the first Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere d to gain their independence? When did the first open rebellion occur in Cuba? What were its primary causes? 1849 2089. Where, when, and bv whom was the next revolt organized? How did it end? ^^r,i 2090. What is the Black-Eagle Society as it relates to Cuba? ^^^. 2091. What caused the Cuban revolution of 1868? When and by whom was their first declaration of independence published? What did their constitution of 1869 declare? ^ggg 2092. When and by what treaty was the insurrection closed? By the terms of this treaty, what rights were guaranteed to the Cubans? 10-0 2093. How did Spain adhere to her promises? What were some of the results of "the six-years' war"? 1854 A. D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 221 2094. What resolution was made by the Cubans after this betrayal? What is a "Junta"? What city of the United States was headquarters for the Cuban Junta? ^ 1856 2095. Who was placed in command of the Cuban army in 1895? What plan was formed, and when was the general uprising to occur? ^ ^„ 2096. What were the three political parties in Cuba at this time? Give the principles of each? ^ _ ^ ^ 1859 2097. What noted Cuban leader of the ten-years' war took command of the insurgent forces in April, iSos? .^^^ 2098. How many Spanish soldiers were sent to put down the rebellion? How many Cubans were in their army in the autumn of 1896? 1 qpa looO 2099. What was the policy of the Cubans in 1896, and its purpose? What success did they have, and how had the Spanish succeeded? 1861 2100. What Spanish general was relieved of his command at this time? Wlio was his successor? Give a description of his personal ajDpearance. 1861 2101. What is a "trocha"? How many lines of them did the new captain -general construct? What was their length, and how many men were required to guard them? 2102. When did General Maceo die? How did he meet his death, and who was his successor? ior. ^ 1862 2103. What was Weyler's policy in the island? What of his success? When was his first pacification proclamation issued? ^^,,^ 2104. W'hat is meant by the policy of " reconcentration " ? Who was its author? ^ ^gg3 222 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2105. What was the tenor of the message of President McKinley to Congress on April ii, 1898? 1864-1865 2106. What action was taken by our country in October, 1897? Did Spain fulfill her promises? What appalling number of the population of Cuba were starved to death by Weyler's policy? ISCA] 2107. What American congressmen visited Cuba for the purpose of veri- fying the reported horrors committed against the poor Cubans in 1897? What was Senator Thurston's report? 1865-1866 2108. What charitable appropriation was made by Congress in 1897? 1867 2109. What work was done by the "Red-Cross Association" in Cuba in 1897? ;^Sg7 2110. How much money was voted by Spain for the relief of the recon- centrados? How much of it was used for that purpose? 18r9 2111. When was "Butcher" Weyler recalled? WHio was his successor? What measures were taken for the relief of the sufferers? 1809 2112. Who was the leader of the Liberal party in Spain at this time? What crisis in 1897 helped them into power? To what did they pledge themselves? 1869 2113. What is " autonomy"? Why could not the Cubans be won to it? 1871 2114. What was Captain-general Blanco's policy? What attention was paid to his amnesty proclamations by the Cubans? What threat was made by General Gomez toward any bearer of an autonomy scheme? Was it carried out? 18'"2 2115. When and where was the first Cuban Constituent Convention held? W hat action was taken ? .. o ^n A. D, 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 223 211G. Where was their capital? "Was their government entitled to recog- nition? ^g^^ 2117. What was our attitude toward Spain, and vice versa? Why did Spain increase her navy? ift74. 2118. What were the insults of the De Lome letter? How did it come into the possession of the United States? What followed the exposure of the De Lome letter? -lor-r. 18/6 2119. What national disaster took place on February 15, 1898? 1876 2120. Who reported the disaster to Captain Sigsbee? ift77 2121. What was the value of the ship destroyed? How many men were killed? Who was her commander? Was the visit of the Maine in accord- ance with national custom? lQ7r 2122. How was the news received in the United States? Name the board of inquiry. Give the substance of their rej)ort. 1S"7 2123. What was the condition of our War and Navy departments at this juncture? W^iat of our resources? is^q 2124. What preparations were made by our country? How was the regular armv strengthened? -xor-c^ ^ " ° Ib^y 2125. Who was the author of the resolution of April 19, 1898, declaring the independence of the Cuban people? ■\'k9A 2126. What are the specific provisions of the fourth section of the Foraker resolution? 1SS9 2127. Have the provisions and expressed intent of the Foraker resolution toward the Cubans been kept by the United States? (Aprtl, 1901.) 1882 224 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viii. 2128. When was tlie uUiniatum sent to Spain? What was demanded? How was it received by Spain? . ^^^ 2129. What diplomatic trick of the Spanish Government prevented the delivery of President McKinley's nltimatum through the channels to which it was directed? 18SS 2130. When and by what captures did the war with Spain open? W'hen did Spain officially declare war against the United States? What date marks the official beginning of hostilities in America? 1884-188^1 2131. How many volunteers were called for by the President? How many answered the call? Who was appointed to arrange for the union of the Cuban and United States troops? 1S85 2132. What action was taken by England at this time? What encourage- ment did Spain receive from her appeal to the powers? Why? i s8(' 2133. What action of the Spanish navy caused alarm in this country in April, 1898? Who commanded the American squadron in the Far East? Why was he forced to leave Hong Kong? 1SS<) 2134. What enormous bond issue was authorized by Congress before the war with Spain had lasted a fortnight? 18S0 2135. How many miles of standard-gauge railroad at twenty-five thou- sand dollars per mile would the authorized bond issue for the Spanish- American War construct and equip? General 2130. Had our government been a constructive instead of a destructive nation, how many United States trunk-line railway systems from ocean to ocean could have been built for the cost of the Spanish- American War? General. 2137. What have we to show for the millions spent in war since April, General. 1898? A.D, 1898- — ] Our Colonial Expansion. 225 2138. Where are the Philippine Islands? Why so named? How many- islands in the gronp? Which is the most important, and with what state does it compare in area ? What is the approximate population of the Philippine Islands? -{fi,()^ 2139. Who was the leader of the native forces of the Philippines? What is said of him? How was he regarded by Admiral Dewey? ^ oqi 2140. What arrangements were made by the Spanish in 1897 for a cessa- tion of hostilities? How did the Spanish keep this compact? -. oqi 2141. What is the principal city of the Philippines? W^hat is its loca- tion, population, and industries? Describe Manila Bay. 18^9 2142. What preparations were made for the reception of the American fleet? How many ships in the Spanish fleet? In the American? iqqo 2143. What do you understand by the "armament" of a ship? The "barbette"? A "battery"? A " conning-tower "? " Displacement," etc. ? Note 1893 2144. When did Commodore Dewey reach Subig Bay? Describe Dewey's approach to Manila Bay. 189'" 2145. What are the particulars of the battle of Manila? What can you say of the action of the American gunners? What city was soon after captured? Give names of the Spanish ships destroyed. How long did the battle of Manila last? What mistake did the Spanish make when Dewey retired for breakfast? 1895 2146. How many Americans lost their lives in this battle? Were the boats of either fleet armored? 1S98 2147. What fact makes Dewey's victory at Manila the most wonderful in the world's history of warfare? • 1898 226 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2148. How does the opening of the Civil War compare with that of the Spanish- American? What was the cry in the former? The latter? NOTE 1899 2149. Where were the American troops mobilized? What do }ou under- stand by "mobilizing"? What was confidently expected by the people of the United States? . ^ggg 2150. What former Confederate generals were made major-generals in this war? What position had Lee held prior to this time? igqo 2151. What was one of the beneficent results of the war? Was the war popular? Why? Wliy was the invasion of Cuba delayed? ^^.^. 2152t What disquieting rumors were circulated regarding the Spanish fleet? Who was in command of this squadron? Why would it have been dangerous to send transports to Cuba? ^^^^ 2153. W^hat was the most important task to be accomplished? Who commanded the fleet detailed for this duty? ^ . 2154. What are the particulars of the engagement in which the first American lives were lost in the war? Describe the death of Ensign Bagley. What is the touching sentiment in his last letter to his mother? lan-:} 2155. What general instructions had been issued to American warships? When and where did the first chance for an engagement in the West Indies occur? What was the result? The American loss? iq04 2156. What news regarding the Spanish fleet reached the United States on Alay 29, 1898? Name the ships composing this fleet. What was feared by Americans? 1906 2157. What was Lieutenant Hobson's daring scheme to prevent the escape of the Spanish fleet? How was it carried out? iqap A.D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 227 2158. Describe this thrilling episode. How were the captives treated by the humane Cervera? 2159. Describe the record-breaking- run of the Oregon. Who was in command? What was the distance? The time? ^ 2160. To what is assigned the main cause of Spain's decay? What is her proportion of illiterates? ^^^^ ^ ^ Note 1921 2161. What seemed to be the first natural step in the war with Spain? Why was discontent expressed at the delay in carrying it out? What preparations were necessary? 2162. When was the American army ordered organized? Of what was it to be composed ? What was it necessary for Generals Wheeler and Lee to do before entering the service? What is a noteworthy fact regarding General Wheeler? iqoq 2163. What unique cavalry regiment was organized by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt? What is said of the character of its members? iqoq 2164. What notable act of Congress was passed June i, 1898, that vir- tually marks the end of the war of 1861-1865? iqoj. 2165. Describe the Iris. What is its purpose? Why is it necessary? For what is the Solace used? irvr./^ 1926 2166. How many ships environed Cuba on the last of May, 1898? Who was in command? What can be said of this fleet? -.(.^.^ 192b 2167. Describe the first bombardment of Santiago, June 5th. What effect did it have on the Spanish fort? What damage to the fleet? iqqn 2168. When did the first American soldiers land in Cuba? WHiat point was first captured? What was the place designed for? Did the Spaniards make good their boast? iqq9 228 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2169. For whom was Camp McCalla named? Describe the attack on the camp. What was the American loss? The Spanish? ^^.^.^ 2170. Describe the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. When and by whom was it first discovered? Who fonnded the city? When was the INIorro erected? What is the meaning of "Morro"? IQ^Q 2171. When and where did the vangnard of the American army land in Cnba? What resistance was met? What movement was made to decei\e the enemy? -^c)^^ 2172. What engine of destrnction was bronght out by the war? De- scribe her. -j^g^^ 2173. What was the war feeling in Spain? By what name were Ameri- cans known? What title had Weyler gained? Who is Carlos the pre- tender? -^^45 2174. Why did Commodore Dewey hesitate to capture Manila? W'hat pledge was secured from Aguinaldo? What was to be the penalty for breaking his promise? What were some of Aguinaldo 's achievements in assisting to capture Manila? 1947 2175. What remarkable charge did Cunninghame-Grahame, a former member of the British Parliament, make concerning Dewey's victor}- at Manila which, if true, deprives our American sailors of the glory of the victory? ^^^^ jf)47 2170. Give a short resume of Aguinaldo's three proclamations, issued May 24, 1898. -j^g^-jr 2177. Who was appointed military governor of the Philippines by the United States? When were the first troops ordered to the islands? 1948 2178. How many expeditions were sent at this time? What was their total strength? Who were in command? 1949 A.D. 1898-.... J Our Colonial Expansion. 229 2179. What island was seized by the Charleston? Where is this island situated? When did the ships arrive at Manila? 1949 2180. What was the number of Spanish troops at Manila at this time? What nation secretly favored the Spanish? Why not openly? iqca 2181. What were the principal causes of the Philippine rebellion? On what conditions did the rebels agree to lay down their arms? -[qka 2182. Were the conditions agreed to by the governor -general? What amount was paid to Aguinaldo? -i(\K'^ 2183. W'hat two needs of the country were emphasized by the war with Spain? What long, dangerous trip could have been avoided by the exist- ence of the first? irvro 195d 2184. What advantage would have been gained in the war by the second? What resolution was introduced in Congress, about the opening of the war with Spain, bearing on this subject? iqp;4. 2185. Was the annexation forcible, or with the consent of the governed? 1955 2186. When was the final vote on the resolution taken? How did it stand? Give the gist of the resolution. When was it signed by the President? iqfi« 2187. What precedent was followed in the annexation of Hawaii? 1960 2188. What is the principal product of the Hawaiian Islands? What is Its standard of value? 1Qfi2 2189. What is said of the public debt, interest rate, wages, employment, etc., in Hawaii? iqr-? 230 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2190. When was the landing of General Shafter's army in Cuba com- pleted? What did it number? By whom was the landing aided? iqpj 2191. Describe the battle of Siboney. What cavalry took part? What can you say of the action of Colonel Roosevelt? Who were the first two men killed in this fight? 1966-1970 2192. To what did the Spaniards afterwards ascribe their defeat in this battle? What was the Spanish loss? The American? 1970-1971 2193. What points was it necessary to capture before attacking Santiago? WHio commanded the forces assigned to these points? W'hen did the attack take place? 1977 2194. Describe the fight at San Juan, When and by whom was the first flag of truce brought into the American lines? ^„^„_^qoq 219.5. Describe the attack on El Caney. How many Spanish prisoners were taken? What city now became the objective point? 19S9 2196. What is said of the bravery of the Seventy-first New York in the advance on Santiago? How many Spaniards were killed or wounded? What disgraceful act of the Spanish is noted after this battle? 1983 2197. What was the effect of the "rebel yell" given in the advance? Who planted the stars and stripes on San-Juan Hill? Wliat was the total American loss? 1987 2198. What remarkable feat of marksmanship took place in the pre- liminary bombardment of Santiago? What fact was impressed upon the administration? When did General Shafter demand the surrender of San- ^^^^°^ 1988-1990 2199. Who was the commander of the Spanish forces ? What reply did he give to Shafter's demand? What favor was asked by the non- combatants? 199"? A.D. 189S ] Our Colonial Expansion. 231 2200. Who opposed the Spanish General Pando as he attempted to join Toral at Santiago? iqqq J-UtJO 2201. When did the Spanish fleet attempt to escape from the harbor of Santiago? Who discovered them? From what ship? Where was Admiral Sampson at this time? iqcu 2202. Why had Cervera made this attempt in the face of certain defeat? Name the Spanish ships. The American. Which was the Spanish flag- ship? Which fleet opened the battle? What signal was displayed that said "The enemy is trying to escape"? iqq^ 2203. Upon wdiat did the Spanish ships base their hope of escape ? Describe the flight and battle which followed. What remodeled yacht did gallant service in this fight? iqq7 2204. W^hat was the fate of the Almirante Oqnendo? What noted words of Captain Philip were spoken on this occasion? iqqs 2205. W-'hich was the last Spanish ship to succnmb? What two American boats led in the chase? At what time did the Colon surrender? iqqq 2206. What is meant by "wigwagging"? Where is it used? What code? At how great a distance can ships signal by search-light? Note 2002 2207. W^hat was the Spanish loss in this battle? The American? For how many miles was the coast strewn with wrecks? What international law was violated by the Spaniards? 9004. 2208. How did the Americans treat the captured Spaniards? How had Cervera made himself popular in this country? 9004- 2209. W^here were the Spanish prisoners quartered ? What idea had been given them of the Americans? What declaration was made by some of them? 2005 232 Our Colonial Expansion. [period vin. 2210. What opinion was expressed by the American Board of Survey in regard to the Spanish wrecks? Describe the damage done by the American fleet. What ships did the greatest execution ? Which of the sunken Spanish ships was afterwards raised and is now used in our navy ? 2005 2211. What was Admiral Cervera\s explanation of his attempt to escape? Why was the attempt not made at night? Why was a battle-formation out of the question? 2007 2212. Describe the escape of Cervera from his flagship. Give Captain Eulate's opinion of the attempted escape. 2010 2213. What fact was demonstrated in this fight in regard to torpedo- boats? Did Cervera choose the proper time to escape? What can be said in general of the attempt? 2021 2214. Why did Germany refuse to join an alliance against our country? Why was England's co-operation necessary to make a success of the alli- ance? 2023 2215. What precedent was followed by President McKinley on July 6, 1898? Give the substance of the proclamation. 2024 221G. How and when was an attempt made to block Santiago harbor against the American fleet? Was it successful? Why? '2024 2217. What noted exchange of prisoners was effected on July 6, 1898? Describe the manner of exchanging. 2025 2218. How were the Americans surprised on the morning of July 6th? What custom was violated on the arrival of the messenger? Why? 2027 2219. What requests were made by General Toral through his mes- seno-er? Were these requests acceded to? What extension of the truce was made? 2028 A.D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 233 2220. Give the gist of General Toral's report to the Spanish Minister of War. How did General Shafter proceed? What was the plan to be followed ? 2030 2221. What wish was expressed by General Toral at the expiration of the truce? What instructions were given to General Shafter? What was the reply of Toral to this demand? 2222. What was the result of this refusal? What is said of the response of the Spanish? ^^^^ 2223. What terms of surrender were proposed by General Toral? De- scribe the attack of the fleet and its effect. 2224. What was the intention of General Shafter, and why delayed? What orders were given the gunners? Why was an assault not ordered? 2032 2225. What plan was followed to improve the aim of the fleet? What ships were engaged in the bombardment? What noted general arrived about this time? oao.j 2226. Describe the condition of the refugees from Santiago. What of the outrages of Spanish soldiers? When did the first meeting between the leaders take place? ^r.,^ a ^ 2034 2227. What demand was made by General Shafter at this meeting? Why did not General Toral accede to these demands? What was the result of this disagreement? ,-,,,.^ , ^ 2034 2228. What is said of the distance separating the opposing lines? When did the Americans hold a council of war? Who were present? What decision was reached? r.r>o- 203o 2229. WHiat notification was sent to General Toral? What was the condition of the weather and the discomforts of the soldiers at this time? 2035 234 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2230. Why were the authorities at Washington in a state of anxiety at this time? What dispatch from General Miles allayed their anxiety? 2036 2231. By the terms of the surrender, what territory passed into the hands of the United States? What serious difficulty arose when every thing seemed settled? 90*^7 2232. When did the surrender take place? Give a summary of the terms. 2041 2233. On what day did the American army enter Santiago? Who raised the American flag over the city? omo 2234. Who was appointed military governor of Santiago? What is said of his efficiency? What were among his first acts? 904"" 2235. What injustice was done the Cuban insurgents at the time of and after the surrender of Santiago? Give the substance of General Garcia's letter to General Shafter. 204c 2236. What was the feeling in Washington in regard to General Garcia? Give the substance of General Shafter's reply to Garcia. 90^0 2237. What was the substance of President McKinley's proclamation of July iStli? How was public and private property to be treated? How were duties to be expended? ^-,^;-. 2238. When did the blockading squadron enter Manzanillo? What Spanish boats were destroyed? What damage to Americans? .^nri 2239. When was the harbor and fort at Nipe captured? What prize was taken? Describe her. 90^1'" 2240. In what way is the Cuban plan of deliveringmilk favorable to the customer, especially when milk is scarce and water plenty? 2055 A.D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 235 2241. How many prisoners and rifles and how much ammunition were surrendered at Santiago? What ship company was given the contract for transportation of the Spanish soldiers, and what was the price? ^. _^ 20oo 2242. What fault has been found with General Shafter's conduct of the Santiago campaign? Through whom did he get his appointment? What is the opinion of an officer of high rank regarding the battle of Santiago? 2057 2243. What appeal was sent to the Secretary of War by Colonel Roosevelt? What is a "round robin"? What fact soon became apparent? iynnr? 2244. When did the first transport leave Cuba for the United States? To what point were the troops ordered? 9r»^Q 2245. Describe a typical example of neglect. What regiment was known as "The President's Own"? Wliy? onr^A 2246. When and by whom was Porto Rico discovered? When and where was the first settlement founded? What revolutions did it experience? 2069 2247. W^here is Porto Rico situated? Give its length, breadth, and area. How does it compare with New Jersey in size? Describe its surface. 2069 2248. Of what does its vegetation consist? W^hat are its staple products? How manv rivers drain it? W^iat and where is the capital? • nnr-rv '- 20 / 2249. What is the largest city and its population? The population of Porto Rico? Name six other towns whose population exceeds fifteen thousands. Describe the climate of the island. What minerals are found? 2071 2250. How was the island governed ? What is said of the cruelty of the Spanish? How many natives were massacred in one hundred years of Spanish rule? 90''2 236 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2251. What arrangements were made for the captnre of the island? Who was sent to perform the task ? What warships accompanied the troops? ^^^3 2252. WHiat was the expectation of the American force? How were they agreeably surprised? 90^4 2253. Who was in command of the Spanish forces? How was he sum- moned to surrender? What terms were demanded? ,^,^. 2254. What proclamation was issued by General Miles? What were the provisional articles of surrender? What town was next captured? 2076 2255. Give substance of the proclamation issued by the mayor of Yauco. What is an alcalde? How were the Spaniards captured? 9n"'R 2256. What was the feeling in Porto Rico regarding annexation? What city was the goal of the invading army? When and wdiere did the first real fight in Porto Rico take place? 90S0 2257. When and where did the last naval battle take place? How long did it last? What ships took part? How was the battle ended? .^rjoj. 2258. What news made the 4th of July, 1898, memorable? Where are the Ladrone Islands situated? What vessel made the capture? What humorous occurrence is connected with it? 9(»S4- 2259. Who discovered these islands? Why are they called the Ladrones? What is their number and population? 9()Sf' 2260. Who commanded the fourth expedition to the Philippines? What was the number of troops? How many American soldiers were in the Philippines in the latter part of July, 1898? 90sr A. D. 1S98-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 237 22G1. Describe the attack on the Americans July 31st, What was the Spanish loss? The American? oaoa 2262. What demand did Dewey make on the morning of August i, 1898? (What warning was sent by Commodore Dewey? What notification was given to neutral vessels? .u\qc\ Zvov 2263. What request was made by the Spaniards? W'as it granted? How did the English and Japanese vessels show their sympathy for the Americans? ^089 2264. What action was taken by the German warships? When did the American fleet prepare for action? Why was the attack deferred? ,^..^.^ 2265. When did the bombardment begin? Why was the aim of the Americans bad at first? Did the Spanish profit by the hint? When did the enemy surrender? 9f\Qi 2266. How did Captain-General Augustin escape? What were the terms of the surrender? How many prisoners were taken? What munitions °^ "^^^^ 2092 2267. What can you say of the American loss before Manila? What proclamation was issued by General Merritt? What did he declare to be the purpose of the Americans? oncv? 2268. What laws were allowed to continue in force? When was General Merritt ordered to suspend hostilities? ono'^ 2269. Who were the Hawaiian Commission? How^ was the news of annexation received in Honolulu? Who was President of Hawaii? Who was the "Father of Annexation"? cr^n.^ 209o 2270. When was the American flag raised in Honolulu? Who was the American Minister at that time? oOQr 238 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2271. What attempt to forcibly annex a portion of Hawaii \vas made "^ ^^^3? NOTE 2096 2272. Describe the feelin<^ in Spain regarding- the war. What peril faced the Spanish rulers? What was Carlos's threat? ^nqg 2273. What noted French statesman acted as intermediary in negotiating peace between onr country and Spain in 1898? ^qqq 2274. What was President KcKinley's answer to Spain's proposal of peace on that afternoon of July 30, 1898? 9099 2275. In what way does our dealing with Spain differ from the history of the past? ^^^^ 2(3^9 2276. When was the peace protocol signed? Who signed in behalf of the two countries? What is a protocol? ^inn 2277. What proclamation was then issued by the President immediately after the signing of the protocol? What notice was sent to the generals commanding the American forces? How was our army and navy dis- tributed? What were the terms of the protocol? ^iao 2278. Who were the American peace commissioners? The Spanish? Where did they meet? What usual custom was followed by the Spanish? 2109 2279. What amount was offered to Spain? What other privilege was to be given them? Was this money given in exchange for the islands? If not, for what? 9111 2280. How was the proposed treaty received by the Senate? What policy was combated by some members? When was it finally accepted? Give vote by parties. 2ii2 A.D. 1898-.... J Our Colonial Expansion, 239 2281. By the terms of the treaty the right to what territory was renounced by Spain? What were the terms regarding the Philippines? What agree- ment was made in regard to Spanish soldiers in the Philippines? 9110 2282. When did the Qneen Regent sign the treaty of peace? When and by whom was the exchange of treaties made? 91 iq 2283. When were the Spanish troops withdrawn from Cuba? When was the Cuban army disbanded? How were they paid? 911 a 2284. W'hat course did Aguinaldo pursue in the Philippines? When and to what position was Rear- Admiral Dewey promoted? When did the official end of the war with Spain take place? By what act? 91 ik ■2285. What has been the cost of wars to our country since the decla- ration of independence. Which was the most expensive? How was the expense of the Spanish- American war paid ? What is a " popular loan ' ' ? 2116 2286. What is said of the success of the popular loan? What was the amount? When was the bill signed by the President? 9117 2287. WHiat members of the Cabinet resigned in 1898, and who were appointed to take their places? What great Exposition was opened June i, 1898? • 2120 2288. What is the Red-Cross Association? Its object? By how many of the powers is it recognized? How are its members designated? When was it organized in this country? 91 9q 2289. Who is at the head of the association? In what field had she gained renown prior to this? What is the name of the vessel of this association? .ti t 1 2124 2290. What other organizations of charitable women do noble and truly Christian work in war and times of other pestilence? 91'^fU91^7 240 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2291. Who were the leading American and Spanish generals of the late war ? Who is ' ' Fighting Joe " ? 2144 2292. Give a brief sketch of General Lawton. In what Indian outbreak did he distinguish himself? How and when was he killed? ^lAQ 2293. Give a short review of the life of Colonel Roosevelt. What political preference has been given him? W^hat is said of his activity in preparing for war? 2153 2294. Of what squadron was Captain W. T. Sampson in command? When was he promoted, and to what rank? Where did he first distinguish himself? In what battle of the late war was he the nominal commander? 2156 2295. In what war did Rear-Admiral Schley receive his training? What was his most famous act up'to July, 1898? 2][5g 2296. What naval officer is known as "Fighting Bob"? What vessel does he command? Who is in command of the Texas? What noted utter- ance did Admiral Phillips make at the battle of Santiago? ^kjo 2297. Who was the greatest naval hero of the war with Spain?. At what battle did he win his laurels? What are some of his characteristics? In what war did he receive his training? Under what noted commander? 2162 2298. When did he receive the title of commodore, and to what squadron was he assigned? When was he made full admiral? What other two officers only have borne this title? 2164 2299. When did Dewey return to the United States? Give a brief description of his reception. Where was it held? How many visitors were present? 2166 2300. Who are the "unseen heroes" on a battleship? Mention some of the unfavorable conditions at the battle of Santiago. 2170 A.D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 241 2301. By the terms of the treaty of 1899 between the United States, Germany, and Great Britain, how were the Samoan Islands partitioned? What one fell to the United States? Why is it valuable? When was the treaty ratified by the United States? ' ^,^^ •^ 2171 2302. What impressive ceremony took place December 28, 1899? What was the number of victims brought back? Describe the scene. 91 rr,-. 2303. What w^ere the provisions of the reciprocity treaty made with France in July, 1899? What is reciprocity? What is the advantage gained by our country? When was a similar treaty with Portugal pro- claimed? ^^^r^ 2172 2304. What Cabinet officer resigned July 19, 1899? Why? Who was appointed in his place? What offices had he held prior to this time? 2173 2305. When and by whom was General Brooke superseded as governor- general of Cuba? ^ ,^-,r-4 ^ t 2174 230G. Where is Cape Nome? When and by what discovery was it first brought to public notice? What is its distance from Seattle? ^^^, & r 2174 2307. Describe the phenomenal growth of Nome City. What was the value of the gold taken out in 1899? When and where was the National Export Exposition held? c^-,„n zl7o 2308. When and where was the International Commercial Congress held? W'hat was its object? How many nations were represented? What recommendations were made? ^. r. . 21/8 2309. What effect on the country did the election of a polygamist to Congress have? What influence w^as brought to bear against Roberts? Upon what was the feeling based? Who was the leader of the opposition? 2179 242 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2310. Upon what ground was Roberts claimed to be ineligible? Under what law? What decision was reached by the committee? What course was recommended by two of its members? What decision was finally reached, and when? What was the vote? 2179 2311. By what disturbance was the war with Spain followed? What became necessary in order to make substantial progress? Who succeeded General Merritt as commander in the Philippines? 91S0 2312. What was the proclamation issued by Aguinaldo? What argu- ment was made by some citizens of the United States in his favor? What effect did these arguments have on the insurgents? ^ici 2313. What stand was taken by the administration? What commission was appointed? Who is Agoncillo? What was demanded by the Filipino 2181 commissioners? 2314. What reply was made by the American commissioners, and what was promised the Filipinos? What obligations were conferred upon the United States by the transfer of the islands? 91 Si 2315. When did the first outbreak of the insurgents occur? What orders were issued by Aguinaldo? Why were they not carried out? 9189 2310. What duty of the United States now became apparent? How did General Lawton distinguish himself in the campaign following? What was the rebel force at the opening of hostilities, early in September? oigo 2317. What is said of Aguinaldo's influence in the islands south of Luzon? What islands were occupied by American troops? What order was issued by the War Department on August 17th? 2183 2318. What cruiser was wrecked in the autumn of 1899? Where? When and where was Major Logan killed? INIajor Lawton? 9^34 A. D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 243 2319. What was the number of American troops in the islands January 8, 1900? What report was given out by General Otis? To what race did the rebellion seem to be confined? Zlo4 2320. What was known of the whereabouts of Aguinaldo at this time? For what was he j^robably waiting? What did Dr. Schurman say of the ficrVitino''? ^^niiu^ ■ 2185 2321. Why did General Wheeler resign his commission? What was his opinion of the insurrection? Describe the career of General Guy V. Henry. When and where did he die? 2322. What exploit made Frederick Funston famous? To what position was he promoted for this act? Give a brief sketch of his career. ,^-,,,« 21b/ 2323. Name the principal strikes during 1899. Which was the most violent? How long did it last? What was its cost? What is a boycott? 2188 2324. What celebrated decision by United States District Judge Rodgers, of Arkansas, delivered in 1899, will undoubtedly become a principle of general law, although fatal to interests of peace of the states and labor's welfare? 2189 2325. What wag the " bull pen " of Idaho? In what strike was it used? 2189 2326. What startling political crisis was precipitated in Kentucky in January, 1900? What led to the assassination of Goebel? Of what noted man was he a law-partner? 2327. What course did Goebel adopt to obtain popularity? Against whom did he make a scurrilous attack? What was its final result? Was Goebel punished for this crime? What sad incident resulted from it? 2190 2328. Of what law was Goebel the author? What was his ambition? Describe the Goebel law. 2190 244 Our Colonial Expansion. [period viil 2329. What is said of tlie election following? What decision was reached by the canvassing board ? When was Taylor inaugurated? 9^01 2330. When and where was Goebel shot? 91 qo 2331. What was the decision of the Contest Couiniissiou ? When and under what circumstances was Goebel sworn into ofhce? What action was prevented by Goxernor Taylor? 9109 2332. Where did the legislators hold their meeting? When did Goebel die? How was the executive building guarded at this time? 91 q*:} 2333. What was the decision of the Federal court in the Goebel -Taylor controversy regarding state elections? 910'^ 2334. What decision was finally rendered by the State Board of Election Commissioners? 91 q4. 2335. When and by whom was wireless telegraphy invented? When and on what occasion was the first message sent by wireless telegraphy? 2195 2336. What is meant by the "open-door" policy as applied to China? Wlio were the parties to this "open-door" treaty? 91 (ir 2337. When and by whom was the Clayton -Bulwer treaty negotiated? What did it contemplate? Give the main points of the treaty. 91 qp 2338. On what supposition was this treaty framed? 91 q? 2339. W'hy is the Clayton -Bulwer treaty now void? 91 qy 2340. W'hat action was taken by Congress in January, 1900, looking to the construction of the Nicaragua canal under the system known as "public ownership of public utilities"? 2197 A. D. 1898-....] Our Colonial Expansion. 245 2341. How did the plan in view treat the canal? Why would it be valuable? ^199 2342. Why should the Hay-Pauncefote treaty not be considered binding if ratified? What other country established a precedent for repudiating an unreasonable treaty? 91 qq 2343. What was first announced as being the object of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty? In what particular is this not true? What position would we oc- cupy in following its terms? In case of war, what would we be compelled to do? 2200 2344. What doctrine of our fathers would be violated by so doing? What portion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty has been violated for years by England? How was the Hay-Pauncefote treaty received by our citizens? What were its provisions? When was it reported to the Senate? 2200-2201 2345. What are the amendments, which were adopted by the Senate, regarding the Hay-Pauncefote treaty? Why did England object to this action? On what date is the Hay-Pauncefote treaty said to have died? 2215-2216 2346. What fact made the presidential election of 1900 similar to that of 1896? How did the platforms of the Democratic and Republicati tickets compare with those of 1896? ^^^^ ^ ^ 2201-2202 2347. How many other presidential tickets were in the field for the election of 1900? Name them, and give the nominees of each party. What was the result of the presidential election in 1900? -,,^^ ,,,„„ 2203— 22O0 2348. What appalling calamity befell the city of Galveston on September 8, 1900? Locate this city. What favorable comparison did this city make with Providence, R. I.? What was the loss of life and property? 2205-2208 2349. Who were the "Boxers," and in what way did they become con- spicuous during the summer of 1900? Name their leader. What were the atrocious deeds committed by these "Boxers"? What was the cause of their intense hatred toward foreisrners? 2209 246 Our Colonial Expansion. • [period viil 2350. What two prominent men were murdered by the "Boxers" about the last of May, 1900? What other attacks were made at the same time? Describe the siege and the preparations made by the legations in the event of capture. 2211 2351'. What general movement was now inaugurated for the relief of the legations in China? What nations participated in it? How man\- did the combined forces number? 9911 2352. When was the port of Tientsin stormed and captured? What was the loss in killed and wounded ? Relate particulars of a gallant American colonel's death, and tell what this incident illustrates. 991 1-991^ 2353. When did the allied troops enter Pekin ? What punishment was meted out to the "Boxers"? At what time was a settlement finally reached in peace negotiations by the United States, and what policy did it embrace? 2211-2214 2354. In what state of affairs were the Philippines at the opening of the twentieth century? Of what men was the Civil Commission composed, and what was its purpose? On reaching Manila, what favorable report was submitted by the Civil Commission? 2214-"^'>15 2355. When was General Otis relieved of command in the Philippines, and who succeeded him? 2215 2356. What noted ex-President's death occurred on March 13, 1901? What great loss did our nation suffer in his death? What precedent, set by President Harrison on the death of ex-President Hayes, was followed by President IMcKinley? 2*^21-2222 2357. When and where did the capture of General Emilio Aguinaldo occur? By whom was he captured, and what promotion, as a reward, did his captor receive? How many men does Aguinaldo claim to have at one time commanded? 2225 2358. To what city was Aguinaldo conveyed, and what important action was immediately taken on his arrival? What good results are hoped for from these actions? In what manner did he compliment the American soldier? 2225 ANALYSIS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. NOTE ■ '^■^•^ DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE is perhaps the greatest State Paper in the world ■when considered from the standpoint of Right. Prior to 1776 the great nations of the world w^ere governed and ruled by king's, emperors, and other monarchs. It was the prevailing' idea that those great ( ? ) people were especially endowed by God. But at some time somebody somewhere began to apply the God-given faculty of thought to the idea of human affairs, and that moment the Declaration of Independence was born, appearing as an infant in the w^eak meetings of a few brave men here and there who dared to incur the ill-will of the "powers that were" by declaring that "all men were equal," or should be. They were termed "traitors," "cranks," etc. As a child, we have the immortal document in the "Meck- lenburg Declaration," and in 1776 it steps forth as a giant, striking the clutch of monarchy from three million souls and half the globe. Yet the Declaration of Independence and all it contemplates is but a Thought put into action. The following analysis and the questions on the grand old docu- ment are intended as thought - producers for you — to cause you to think. And after you have digested the list, then go to the Constitution, and ascertain how little the people have to do w^ith this great Republic. Learn to think thoughts for yourself. A ' ' self - evident truth ' ' is one so plain and free from doubt that no evidence or corroborative testimony is necessary to support it, or to have it understood or believed by all to whom it is stated ; so plain, indeed, that to declare it will at once convince every fair-minded persoir of its truth and justice. Hence, when the framers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence wrote that "all men are created equal, and are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are the right to life, right to liberty, and right to pursue happiness ; that to secure these rights (and for no other purpose) governments are instituted among: (i) n Analysis of thk Declaration of Independence. men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;" the statement was so reasonable, and so much in harmony with the law of nature and nature's God, that they concluded that no explanation or excuse for such an assertion w'as then or ever would be necessary to have it admitted by all persons who lay any claim whatever to honesty and intelligence. It is only in these latter days that this great truth has been in any way questioned, and even now it must be admitted by the very persons wdio have recently attempted to establish a doubt of the truth of this, the first pillar-stone of our Republic, that if their efforts were stripped of all selfish or political purpose, it would be shown to be an attempt to deceive and defraud our people into abandoning the noblest expression of truth that has ever been uttered toward the emancipation of mankind from the oppressive wTongs of the designing. The three unalienable rights enumerated in the Declaration of Inde- pendence are those rights that belong to man because he is a living, intelli- gent creature ; those rights that come to him through creation, and not from any other man, body of men, government, or society. They are his because without them he could not fill that sphere in creation for which he was intended by the Creator ; hence they are unalienable — that is, he can not contract them away himself, nor can any power on earth take them away from him without cause, and do right by doing so. Life is that unseen something that seems to be the common heritage of all things in nature so long as they continue to be under natural con- ditions. We seem to draw it from an inexhaustible fountain that was here when we came, was here when the first creature began to live, and will be here when the last one disappears, if that time is to come. Hence it is ours to enjoy, but not to destroy or barter away ; nor has any one or number, of others any more right, control, or monopoly of it than we have. For that reason has no one person or combination of persons the right to take life away from us. Hence life, libertv, and the pursuit of happiness naturally depend on what God has made, and these things belong, or should belong, to all men as a common legacy or undivided family heritage. Governments should be instituted among men to take care of these things for the benefit and enjoyment of all men, and its chief aim should be to protect the weak and unwary against the schemes, laws, and systems of the strong or designing, Analysis of the Declaration of Independence. m by which the former might be deprived, either directly or indirectly, of what belongs or should belong to them in nature by the latter, or the laws and systems adopted for their aggrandizement and the despoliation of the less cunning or cruel. Liberty, from the standpoint of the individual, is freedom to do what one wills to do without let or hinderance, presumably for the purpose of promoting his individual happiness or enjoyment, it being taken for granted that an intelligent being would not do aught that would make him unhappy or miserable. The naturally constituted man could only be happy and feel joyful by seeing all others happy and filled with gladness. It is the unnatural, cultivated inclinations that lead one individual to do wrong to another, thus interfering with the liberty and pursuit of happiness that naturally belong to the other ; hence governments should be instituted among men for the purpose of restraining the one from wrong-doing, and to secure to the other those rights that belong to him by right of his being a living, intelligent creature. While life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are primarily independent ideas, each expressing a thought within itself, the three in fact are one in the higher and more sublime consideration of man in all his relations to his Creator and fellow -creatures ; and I can not conceive of a better definition of its meaning as intended by the early law -makers of our country than this : Governments are (or should be) instituted among men for the purpose of securing to its citizens the full, free, uninterrupted enjoyment cf the bounties of nature, seeing that none shall have less nor more of the natural heritage of man than each as an indi\'idual is entitled to. Since no one can possibly have more than his share unless some must have correspondingly less, all the natural facilities should be the property of all — that is, public property — and never privately controlled, monopolized, or owned. 1. What are the natural facilities on which life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness depend? 2. To whom belonged the natural facilities upon which depend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the United States in 1776? 3. How does the present ownership and control of the natural facilities upon which depend life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness compare with rv Analysis of the Declaration of Independence. their ownership and control at the time of- the adoption of the Declaration of Independence? 4. If an individnal can not contract his right to life awa}', can he con- tract away those natnral facilities upon which his life depends? 5. If a just government can not without cause take away the life of a citizen, take away or grant a monopoly to one or more individuals of those natural facilities on which life depends? C). If governments are instituted among men for the purpose of securing to men the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, is it not as much the function and bounden duty of governments to prohibit individuals from monopolizing those natural facilities upon which these inalienable rights depend as to prohibit individuals from taking the life of others, or from depriving others of liberty or the pursuit of hapj^iness? , 7. When should the form of any government be changed? 8. What has experience shown as to the inclination of mankind to change their form of government, no matter how oppressive? 990^ 1). When is the duty to change a form of government imperative? 2206 10. What wrongs enumerated in the Declaration of Independence were committed against us by the King of England and his British ministry, constituting the English Government? 11. Were we to commit or attempt to commit the same wrongs against another people as the British Government committed against us, would we be equally guilty with the government of England of wrong-doing? 12. In a republic can there be such a thing or idea as " the government" as we express it concerning a monarchy having a royal famih? 13. In a republic where all men are created equal, can there be some not possessed of equal rights with all? Can a portion of a republic be subject to another portion and the go\-ernment still remain a republic? INDEX TC A Key to "The Twentieth Century PERIODS. BOUN Number. Title. Beginning Close. Years. I II III IV V VI VII VIII Discovery and Exploration. Colonization and Settlement. England and France IN America. The Republic and the Constitution. Consolidation and Expansion. The War for the Union. The New United States. Our Colonial Expansion. I GOO 1602 1758 1783 1829 1861 £865 1898 1590 1758 1783 1829 1861 1865 1898 156 25 46 32 4 33 From the Visit of the Norseman Lost Colony. From Gosnold's Expedition to t England in the ' ' Empire Stat * From the Outbreak of the French the Revolution when Washingt of the Army to the American C From the Formation of the Consti President of the United vStates. From the Inauguration of Andrew War for the Union. From the Inauguration of Abrahar War to the Assassination and I of the Rebellion. From the Beginning of the Admin the ITnited vStates to the Destru of the Spanish-American War. From the Beginning of the Spanis] PERIODS. YSTEM OF American History Study." lY EVENTS. Question Book. PAGE Library of American History. Numberof Subjects and Events Recorded Average Numberof Subjects and Events Recorded in School Histories. Numberof Subjects and Events VOLUME PAGE "Table." Vol.VIlI. PAGE from School Histories. the Abandonment of the Search for the I I II 2229 132 24 108 Legal Estabhshment of the Church of f the South." 17 I lOI 2231 470 87 383 d Indian War to the Close of the War of Resigned his Commission as Commander 45 II 298 2239 178 69 109 ress. on to the Election of Andrew Jackson as 89 III 577 2241 298 73 251 kson as President to the Outbreak of the 109 III 734 2245 213 41 162 ncoln as President and Outbreak of Civil eral of President Lincoln after the Close 123 IV 861 2249 167 94 73 ation of Andrew Johnson as President of n of the Battleship Maine and Outbreak 173 Y 1349 2250 203 44 159 217 VII 1833 2254 Edgesinlnde soTROPlfi M"'^^'^'^''W^: mwm Kilometres, 386= I Inch 02550 100 oon ■■■no Vim incn. ■ I II -'f" ," *"^ ^ 500 r,00 700 Buii, MoN.,1, 4 Co.'. N., 11^1 " „f ,1,, L-oiLl'u,...' itude West from Greenwicii. ^ ^ c. WILES. ^ ,flAN>'^^ ■^o\»* MAUI s^^'^j'^?"'^;^^* SCALES. statute :ttne8, 69.16 -1 Degree. 20 30 ^ Kilometres, 111.307=-! Decree. 3,0 Baa^, McNallj & Co.'s New Buaiiiess Atlas Map of HawaiL Copyright, 1393, h} Raud, McNally 3i Co. ¥° ^ i.huetto Ft. "^ RiVv.V. ,|P""''* Pt.'-'*^ I JUMENTOS Is. ^, ^^«-i"'''' .andiii^ of Chrislo|ni.-r Ciliiuilju ©(•toLei I'-'lh, 1J92. DRTUNE 1 TiS y^, H) <$* ::e KLIN .ft- >^'' ,.*«' ^ ^ 70? — CUBA — AND THE GREATER ANTILLES 26 Scnie of Statute Miles. 50 100 150 r**^ -^ 24-1 sai Cayo Vekde ^«/5 '^« r.0»» So, I.S ..^•^' -,, _L Providence I. JlOGSTY RfeEF..'» XlTTLE ^'3 &j c ^ C7ia»i|nel "'"•^^'^v, Iforth 7.asf pt. 16 ^' f*''^''!, „„ue ^a met to P^-if%jld RE A T ■-"r^ ^-^vo; ^e^^^,. ,V S--|Jf^^SHOA. ^P Alt'" V^^\e» " E. Caicok J*''' cos ima xi}.-^ S. Ca,co.|^\' g^^^j Turk ;|; ^ OCK» ~ ■ji' MOUCHOIR CABKE i h^rrjii — ir~ — 7^,-^ ». ^.i>i^ « Rame Wane's .. .. " f J.S X A XJftL - ^ \ SiLV-EK Bantj: •'' y^ I^AVIDAD Bank •, O^) _|..a.i8f<;^ ^ :e^ If Xongilude 'West from. Greenwich. 74 s :e -10- _7g^ 3>: <:• ± JS I s ISLANDS WEST OF PUERTO RICO On Same Scale as Main Map. c> i> DnSEClIRO Island ^ > -^ ^ MONITO ^l3.AND 3f. ^ > Jforth Cape c :}i Ji I :b 1^ :e :/l 1^ s :e :>i !D}Dgitu3e "West from Qreenirlcb. T^UJEMlTf statute Miles, 1 ? 3 4 6 Kilometres, 1 JUnd. MeN»llv & Co . MX 11 r Coorrigtit. 18£K). hy B«iMi Pta.71el (\ ALGARROBOllBCt V ^Vj {>> Jl' 'v % "^i^' i '^ IMovnoNooHEEF "^^S^iiiS? •Allert Bask <-£3^1^^"^ =-"-H„.«f^C^^1 l^AYAGUEZ w^l^m BAY. Scale. -/^V ^-^ ^ Q k S ?4 3 3kf /■ro<(;^<-«r' °*^'tjr Til ^.^0V88 1902