2: PR... .3.fc.£.l..-. ... A 1... ...... Title Imprint. ^~^^«.i«ii,-0 Mm icere to die, &-C. 21 1 What modification of si^ht. of stnell, of hearing. 215 From the lile, i. e. ihe living beings thai fill. B P I S T L E F I R S T . 9 The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine ! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line : In the nice bee, what sense, so subtly true, From poisonous herbs, extracts the healing dew ? 220 How instinct varies in the grovelling swine, Compared, half reasoning elephant, with thine ! Twixt that, and reason, what a nice barrier! Forever separate, yet forever near ! Remembrance and reflection, how allied ; 225 What thin partitions sense from thought divide ! And middle natures, how they long to join, Yet never pass the insuperable line ! Without this just gradation, could they be Subjected, those to these, or all to thee ? 230 The powers of all, subdued by thee alone. Is not thy reason all these powers in one ? VIII. See through this air, this ocean, and this earth. All matter quick, and bursting into birth. Above, how high progressive life may go ! 235 Around, how wide ! how deep extend below ! Vast chain of being ! which from God began, Natures ethereal, human ; angel, man, Beast, bird, fish, insect ! what no eye can see, No glass can reach ! from infinite to thee, 240 From thee to nothing. — On superior powers Weje we to press, inferior might on ours ; Or in the full creation leave a void. Where, one step broken, the great scale 's destroyed : From nature's chain whatever link you strike, 245 Tenth or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike. And, if each system in gradation roll. Alike essential to the amazing whole ; The least confusion but in one, not all That system only, but the whole must fall. 250 Let earth unbalanced, from her orbit fly. Planets and suns rush lawless through the sky, Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurled, Being on being wi-ecked, and world on world ; Heaven's whole foundations to their centre nod, 255 And nature tremble to the throne of God : — All this dread order break — For whom ? For thee ? Vile worm ! O madness, pride, impiety ! IX. What if the foot, ordained the dust to tread, 259 What absnrility it would be; and 2^3, 263, It wouM he just as absurd, &c. 10 E S S A Y O N M A N . Or hand, to toil, aspired to be the head ? 260 What if the head, the eye, or ear, re[)ined To serve mere engines to the ruling mind ? Just as absurd, for any part to claim To be another, in this general frame : Just as absurd, to mourn the task or pains, 265 The great directing mind of all ordains. All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul ; That, changed through all, and yet in all the same, Great in the earth, as in the ethereal frame, 270 Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees ; Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent; Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal part, 275 As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart ; As full, as perfect, in vile man that mourns, As the rapt seraph that adores and burns ; To him, no high, no low, no great, no small ; He fills, he bounds, connects and equals all. 280 X. Cease then, nor order imperfection name : Our proper bliss depends on what we blame. Know tliy own point : This kind, this due degree Of blindness, weakness. Heaven bestows on thee. Submit — in this, or any other sphere, 285 Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear ; Safe in the hand of one disposing power, • Or in the natal, or the mortal hour. All nature is but art, unknown to thee ; All chance, direction, which thou canst not see ; 290 All discord, harmony not understood ; All partial evil, universal good : And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, One truth is clear, " Whatever is, is right." 273 The soul that warms, &c. being as full. &c. as in the rapt ee- ra])h. 279 To Him no thinff is high, no thing low, &c. E IM S T 1. E S E C O N D . H EPISTLE II. Of the Nature and State of Man, with respect to Himself as an Individual. The business of man, not to pry into God, but to study himself. His middle nature ; His powers and frailties, and the limits of his capaci- ty, 43. The two principles of man, self love, and reason, l)Olh necessa- ry; self-love the stronger, and v/hy ; their end the same, 83. The pas- sions, and their use, 83—12 . The predominant passion, and ils force, 122 — 150 ; its necessity in dir^clins; men to djifcrent purposes, 153, &c. Its providential use, in fixing oiir principles, and ascertaining our vir- tue, 167. Virtue and vice joined in our mixed nature ; the limits near, yet the things separate, and evident. What is ihe office of reason, 163, &c. How oiious vice is in itself, and how we deceive ourselves into it, 207. That, however, the ends of providence and gcm'ral good are an- .swered in our passions, and imperfections, 225, itc. How usefully they are distributed to all orders of men, 231. How useful they are to society, 239, and to individuals, 247. In every slate, and in every age of life, 259, &c. I. Know then thyself, presume not God to scan ; The proper study of mankind is Man. Placed on this isthmus of a riiiddle state, A beino; darkly wise, and rudely great ; With too much knowledge for the skeptic side, 5 With too much weakness for the Stoic's pride. He hangs between ; in doubt to act or rest, In doubt to deem himself a God, or beast ; In doubt his mind or body to prefer, Born but to die, and reasoning but to err ; 10 Alike in ignorance, his reason such. Whether he thinks too little, or too much : Chaos of thought and passion, all confused ; Still by himself abused, or disabused ; Created half to rise, and half to fall ; 15 Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all ; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled ; The glory, jest, and riddle of the world ! Go, wondrous creature ! mount where science guides, Go measure earth, weigh air, and state the tides ; 20 Instruct the planets in what orbs to run, Correct old time, and regulate the sun ; Go, soar with Plato to the empyreal sphere. To the first good, first perfect, and first fair ; Or tread the rnazy round his followers trod, 25 And quitting sense call imitating God ; As eastern priests in giddy circles run, 26 And call (thou) q tting sense imitating God. 12' E S S A Y O N M A N . And turn their heads to imitate the sun ; Go, teach Eternal Wisdom how to rule ; Then drop into thyself, and be a fool ! 30 Superior beings, when of late they saw A mortal man unfold all nature's law, Admired such wisdom in an earthly shape, And showed a Newton, as we show an ape. Could he, whose rules the rapid comet bind, 35 Describe, or fix one movement of his mind ? Who saw its fires here rise, and there descend, Explain his own beginning, or his end ? Alas, what wonder 1 man's superior part Unchecked may rise, and climb from art to art ; 40 But when his own great work is but begun, What reason weaves, by passion is undone. Trace science then, with modesty thy guide ; First strip off all her equipage of pride ; Deduct what is but vanity or dress, 45 Or learning's luxury, or idleness, Or tricks to shew the strength of human brain. Mere curious pleasure or ingenious pain ; Expunge the whole, or lop the excrescent parts Of all our vices have created arts ; 50 Then see how little the remaining sum. Which served the past, and must the times to come ! II. Two principles in human nature reign ; Self-love to urge, and reason to restrain ; Nor this a good, nor that a bad we call, 55 Each works its end, to move or govern all ; And, to their proper operation, still Ascribe all good ; to their improper, ill. Self-love, the spring of motion, acts the soul ; Reason's comparing balance rules the whole. 60 Man, but for that, no action could attend. And but for this, were active to no end ; — Fixed like a plant on his peculiar spot. To draw nutrition, propagate, and rot; Or, meteor like, flame lawless through the void, 65 Destroying others, by himself destroyed. Most strength the moving principle requires ; Active its task, it pron>pts, impels, inspires ; Sedate and quiet the comparing lies, 33 Could he (Newton), who saw its (the comet's) fires, esplain,&c- "J 50 Of all arts that our vices have created. 52 And must servo iho times to come. 55 Nor this a good or bad -principle we call. i: P 1 S 1' L E SECOND. 13 Formed but to check, deliberate, and advise. 70 Self-love, still stronger, as its objects nigh ; Reason's at distance, and in prospect lie : That sees immediate good, by present sense ; Reason, the future, and the consequence ; Thicker than arguments, temptations throng, 75 At best, more watchful this, but that more s-trong. The action of the stronger to suspend. Reason still use, to reason still attend : Attention, habit and experience gains ; Each strengthens reason, and self-love restrains. 80 Let subtle schoolmen teach these friends to fight, More studious to divide, than to unite ; And grace and virtue, sense and reason split, With all the rash dexterity of wit. Wits, just like fools, at war about a name, 85 Have full as oft no meaning, or the same. Self-love and reason to one end aspire. Pain their aversion, pleasure their desire ; But, greedy, that its object would devour. This, taste the honey, and not wound the flower : 90 Jr'lcasure, or wrong or rightly understood. Our greatest evil, or our greatest good. III. Modes of self-love the passions we may call ; 'T is real good, or seeming, moves them all : But since not every good we can divide, 95 And reason bids us for our own provide ; Passions, though selfish, if their means be fair. List under reason, and deserve her care ; Those, that, imparted, court a nobler aim. Exalt their kind, and take some virtue's name. 100 In lazy apathy let Stoics boast Their virtue fixed ; 't is fixed as in a frost, Contracted all, retiring to the breast ; But strength of mind is exercise, not rest : The rising tempest puts in act the soul, 105 Parts it may ravage, but preserves the whole. On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale : Nor God alone in the still calm we find ; He mounts the storm, and walks upon the wind. 110 71 Oliject is nigh. 72 Reason's ol.jecis lie at distance. 76 More watchful this (i. e. rcaso:i) but that (self love) more strong. 79 Attention gains habit, &c. 31 Schoolmen, more studious, teach, split, &c. o 14 E a S A Y O N M A IN . Passions, like elements, though born to fight, Yet, mixed and softened, in his work unite : These 't is enough to temper and employ ; But what composes man, can man destroy ? Suffice, that reason keep to nature's road, 115 Subject, compound them, follow her and God. Love, hope, and joy, fair pleasure's smiling train, Hate, fear, and grief, the family of pain. These mixed with art, and to due bounds confined. Make, and maintain, the balance of the mind : 120 The lights and shades, whose well accorded strife Gives all the strength and color of our life. Pleasures are ever in our hands or eyes. And when in act they cease, in prospect rise ; Present to grasp, and future still to find, 125 The whole employ of body and of mind. All spread their charms, but charm not all alike ; On different senses, different objects strike ; Hence different passions more or less inflame, As strong or weak, the organs of the frame ; 130 And hence one master passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death ; The young disease, that must subdue at length, 135 Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength ; So, cast and mingled with his very frame. The mind's disease, its ruling passion, came ; Each vital humor which should feed the whole, Soon flows to this, in body and in soul ; 140 Whatever warms the heart, or fills the head. As the mind opens, and its functions spread, Imagination plies her dangerous art. And pours it all upon the peccant part. Nature its mother, habit is its nurse ; 145 Wit, spirit, faculties, but make it worse ; Reason itself but gives it edge and power, As heaven's blest beam turns vinegar more sour. We, wretched subjects, though to lawful sway, In this weak queen, some favorite still obey ; 150 114 Bnt can man destroy what composes man ? 1 15 Suffice it, or let it suffice. 121 Being the lights and shades. r25 7Vie present pleasures and the future. 126 Being- the whole em\)\oyment. 141 Pours it, i. e. wliatever warms or fills. 150 In this weak queen, viz. the ruling passion. EPISTLESECOiND. 16 Ah ! if she lend not arms, as well as rules, What can she more than tell us we are fools ? Teach us to mourn our nature, not to mend, A sharp accuser, but a helpless friend ! Or, from a judge, turn pleader, to persuade 155 The choice we make, or justify it made : Proud of an easy conquest all along, She but removes weak passions for the strong : So, when small humors gather to a gout, The doctor fancies he has driven them out. 160 Yes, nature's road must ever be preferred ; Reason is here no guide, but still a guard : 'T is hers to rectify, not overthrow. And treat this passion more as friend than foe : A mightier power the strong direction sends, 165 And several men impels to several ends: Like varying winds, by other passions tossed. This drives them constant to a certain coast. Let power or knowledge, gold or glory, please, Or, oft more strong than all, the love of ease : 170 Through life 'tis followed even at life's expense ; The merchant's toil, the sage's indolence, The monk's humility, the hero's pride, All, all alike, find reason on their side. The Eternal Art, educing good from ill, 175 Grafts on this passion our best principle ; 'T is thus the mercury of man is fixed. Strong grows the virtue with his nature mixed ; The dross cements what else were too refined, And, in one interest, body acts with mind. 180 As fruits ungrateful to the planter's care. On savage stocks inserted, learn to bear, The surest virtues thus from passions shoot, Wild nature's vigor working at their root. What crops of wit and honesty appear, 1S5 Fi'om spleen, from obstinacy, hate or fear ! See anger, zeal and fortitude supply ; Even avarice, prudence ; sloth, philosophy : Envy, to which the ignoble mind's a slave. Is emulation in the learn'd or brave : 190 Nor virtue, male or female, can we name. But what will grow on pride, or grow on shame. Thus nature gives us (let it check our pride) 152 What oil slie do more, &c. I'jJ Thus naiiirc give* to us the virtue, «fcc. 16 ES8AYONMAN. The virtue nearest to our vice allied ; Reason the bias turns to good from ill, 195 And Nero reigns a Titus if he will. The fiery soul abhorred in Catiline, In Decius charms, in Curtius is divine. The same ambition can destroy or save, And makes a patriot, as it makes a knave. 200 IV. This light and darkness in our chaos joined, What shall divide ? The god within the mind. Extremes in nature, equal ends produce ; In man they join to some mysterious use : Though each, by turns, the other's bounds invade, 205 As, in some well wrought picture, light and shade, And oft so mix, the difference is too nice Where ends the virtue, or begins the vice. Fools ! who from hence into the notion fall, That vice or virtue there is none at all. 210 If white and black, blend, soften, and unite A thousand ways, is there no black or white .'' • Ask your own heart, and nothing is so plain ; 'T is to mistake them costs the time and pain. V. Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, 215 As, to be hated, needs but to be seen ; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face. We first endure, then pity, then embrace. But where the extreme of vice, was ne'er agreed ; Ask where 's the north ? at York, 't is on the Tweed ; 220 In Scotland, at the Orcades ; and there. At Greenland, Zembla, or the Lord knows where. No creature owns it in the first degree. But thinks his neighbor farther gone than he. Even those who dwell beneath its very zone, 225 Or never feel the rage, or never own ; What happier natures shrink at with atTright, The hard inhabitant contends is right. Virtuous and vicious every man must be, Few in the extreme, but all in the degree ; 230 The rogue and fool by fits is fair and wise ; And even the best, by fits, what they despise. 'T is but by parts we follow good or ill. For, vice or virtue, self directs it still ; Each individual seeks a several goal ; 235 But heaven's great view is one, and that the whole ; 10-5 Reason turns the bias. 202 Tlie God wittiin the mind shall divide. 200 As light and shade d.o. E P 1 S T L E 8 E C O N D . 17 That counter works each folly and caprice That disappoints the effect of every vice : Tiiat happy frailties to all ranks applied, Shame to the virgin, to the matron pride, 240 Fear to the statesman, rashness to the chief, To kings presumption, and to crowds belief ; That virtue's ends from vanity can raise. Which seeks no interest, no reward but praise ; And builds on wants, and on defects of mind, 245 The joy, the peace, the glory of mankind. Heaven, forming each on other to depend, A master, or a servant, or a friend, Bids each on other for assistance call, Till one man's weakness grows the strength of all. 250 Wants, frailties, passions, closer still ally The common interest, or endear the tie : To these we owe true friendship, love sincere, Each home-felt joy that life inherits here ; Yet from the same we learn, in its decline, 255 Those joys, those loves, those interests to resign ; Taught, half by reason, half by mere decay. To welcome death, and calmly pass away. Whate'er the passion, knowledge, fame, or pelf, Not one will change his neighbor with himself: 260 The learn'd is happy nature to explore, The fool is happy that he knows no more ; The rich is happy in the plenty given, The poor contents him with the care of heaven. See the blind beggar dance, the cripple sing, 265 The sot a iiero, lunatic a king ; The starving chemist in his golden views Supremely blest, the poet in his muse. See some strange comfort every state attend, And pride bestowed on all, a common friend ; 270 See some fit passion every age supply ; Hope travels through, nor quits us when we die. Behold the child, by nature's kindly law, Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw ; Some livelier plaything gives his youth delight, 275 A little louder, but as empty quite ; Scarfs, garters, gold, amuse his riper stage. And beads and prayer books are the toys of age : 259 Whate'er the passion, &c. may be. 255 See the beggar, the cripple, the sot, the lunatic, the che.-nist, ihe poet. 2* J8 E S B A Y O N M A N . Pleased with this bauble still, as that before, Till tired he sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er. 280 Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays Those painted clouds that beautify our days ; Each want of happiness by hope supplied, And each vacuity of sense by pride : These build as fast as knowledge can destroy ; 285 In folly's cup still laughs the bubble, joy ; One prospect lost, another still we gain. And not a vanity is given in vain ; Even mean self-love becomes, by force divine, The scale to measure others' wants by thine. 290 See ! and confess, one comfort still must rise ; 'T is this, though man's a fool, yet God is wise. EPISTLE III. Of the Nature and State of Mail, with respect to Society. The whole universe one system of society, verse 7, ifcc. Nothing made wholly for itsell, nor yel wholly for anoihcr, 27. The happiness of animals mutual, 49. Reason and instinct operate alike to the good fif each individual, 79. ^Reason and instinct operate aliLe to society, in all animals, 109. How iar society is carried hy instinct, 1I& ; how much farther by reason, 123. Of that which is called the state of nature, 144. Reason inftructed by instinct iti the invention of arts, 161 ; and in the forms of society, 171. — Origin of political soeiolics, 191. Orij^in of monarchy, 201. Patriarchal government, 207. Origin of true religion, and government, from the same principle of love, 22.5. Origin of su- perstition and tyranny, from the same principle of J'ear, 233. 1 he in- fluence of self love, operating to the social and public good, 263. Re- st, ration of true religion and government on their first principle, 275. INIised government, 2SU. Various forms of each, and true end of ali, 295, &c. Here then we rest — " The universal cause Acts to one end, but acts by various laws." In all the madness of superfluous health. The train of pride, the impudence of wealth, Let this great truth be present night and day, 5 But most be present, if we preach or pray. I. Look round our world ; behold the chain of love Combining all below and all above. See plastic nature working to this end, The single atoms each to other tend, 10 Attract, attracted to, the next in place 10 See the single atoms tend, each to the others. S;e them attract, &.c. E P I S T L C TH I RD. 19 Formed and impelled its neighbor to embrace. See matter next, with various life endued, Press to one centre still, the general good. See dying vegetables life siistain, 15 See life, dissolving, vegetate again : All forms that perish, other forms supply. By turns we catch the vital breath and die ; Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne. They rise, they break, and to that sea return. 20 Nothing is foreign ; parts relate to whole ; One all-extending, all-preserving soul Connects each being, greatest with the least ; Made beast in aid of man, and man of beast ; All served, all serving : nothing stands alone ; 25 The chain holds on, and where it ends unknown. Has God, thou fool, worked solely for thy good, Thy joy, thy pastime, thy attire, thy food ? Who for thy table feeds the wanton fawn, For him as kindly spreads the flowery lawn. 30 Is it for thee the lark ascends and sings ? Joy tunes his voice, joy elevates his wings. Is it fur thee the linnet pours his throat ? Loves of his own, and raptures swell the note. The bounding steed you pompously bestride, 35 Shares with his lord the pleasure and the pride. Is thine alone the seed that strows the plain ? The birds of heaven shall vindicate their grain. Thine the full harvest of the golden year ? Part pays, and justly, the deserving steer. 4^ The hog, that ploughs not, nor obeys thy call. Lives on the labors of this lord of all. Know, nature's cliildren all divide her care ; The fur that warms a monarch, warmed a bear. While man exclaims, "• See all things for my use !" 45 '■' See man for mine !" replies the pampered goose ; — And JList as short of reason he must fall. Who thinks all made for one, not one for all. Grant that the powerful still the weak control ; Be man the wit and tyrant of the whole : 50 Nature that tyrant checks ; he only knows, And helps another creature's wants and woes. Say, will the falcon, stooping from above, Smit with her varying plumage, spare the dove ? 50 B? man, i e. !el man be. 20 E 8 S A Y O N M A N . Admires the jay the insect's gilded wings? 55 Or hears the hawk when Philomela sings ? Man cares for all : to birds he gives his woods, To beasts his pastures, and to fish his floods ; For some his interest prompts him to provide. For more his pleasure, yet for more his pride : 60 All feed on one vain patron, and enjoy The extensive blessings of his luxury. That very life his learned hunger craves. He saves from famine, from the savage saves ; Nay, feeds the animal he dooms his feast, 65 And, till he ends the being, makes it blest; Which sees no more the stroke, or feels the pain, Than favored man by touch ethereal slain. The creature had its feast of life before ; Thou too must perish, when thy feast is o'er. 70 To each unthinking being, Heaven, a friend, Gives not the useless knowledge of its end : To man imparts it ; but with such a view, As, while he dreads it, makes him hope it too : The hour concealed, and so remote the fear, 75 Death still draws nearer, never seeming near. Great standing miracle ! that heaven assigned Its only thinking thing this turn of mind. II. Whether with reason, or with instinct blessed, Know, all enjoy that power which suits them best ; 80 To bliss alike by (hat direction tend. And find the means proportioned to their end. Say, where full instinct is the unerring guide, what pope or council can they need beside ? Reason, however able, cool at best, 85 Cares not for service, or but serves when prest, Stays till we call, and then not ofien near ; But honest instinct comes a volunteer, Sure never to o'ershoot, but just to hit ; While still loo wide or short is human wit ; • 90 Sure by quick nature happiness to gain, Which heavier reason labors at in vain. This too serves always, reason never long ; One must go right, the other may go wrong. See then the acting and comparing powers, 95 One in their nature, which are two in ours ; And reason raise o'er instinct as you can, In this 't is God directs, in that 't is man. 93 This, viz. instinct. 96 One in tfieir nature, i, e. in the nature of instine'.ive animals. E P I S T L E T H 1 R D . 21 Who taught the nations of the field and wood To shun their poison, and to choose their food ? 100 Prescient, the tides or tempests to withstand. Build on the wave, or arch beneath the sand ? Who made the spider parallels design. Sure as De Moivre, without rule or line ? AVho bids the stork, Columbus like, explore 105 Heavens not his own, and worlds unknown before ? Who calls the council, states the certain day. Who forms the phalanx, and who points the way ? III. God, in the nature of each being, founds Its proper bliss, and sets its proper bounds : 110 But as he framed the whole, the whole to bless,. On mutual wants built mutual happiness ; So from the first, eternal order ran, And creature linked to creature, man to man. Whatever of life all quickening ether keeps, 115 Or breathes through air, or shoots beneath the deeps. Or poui-s profuse on earth, one nature feeds The vital flame, and swells the genial seeds. Thus beast and bird their common charge attend, The mothers nurse it, and the sires defend : 120 The young dismissed to wander earth or air. There stops the instinct, and there ends the care. A longer care man's helpless kind demands ; That longer care contracts more lasting bands ; Reflection, reason, still the ties improve, 125 At once extend the interest, and the love. With choice we fix, with sympathy we burn ; Each virtue in each passion takes its turn ; And still new needs, new helps, new habits rise, That graft benevolence on charities. 130 Still as one brood, and as another rose. These, natural love maintained, habitual those : The last, scarce ripened into perfect man^ Saw helpless him from whom their life began ; Memory and forecast just returns engage, 135 That pointed back to youth, this on to age ; While pleasure, gratitude, and hope combined. Still spread the interest and preserved the kind. JV. Nor think, in nature's state they blindly trod v lol Prescient or with foreknowleilije enough to withstand, &c. 1 15 What-ver ether keeps or holds of life or aiive,0T whatever lireathes, shoots or pours. 132 These maintained natural love, those maintained habitual love. 13-1 Saw him helpless. 23 E S S A T O N M A N . The state of nature v/as the reign of God ; 140 Self-love and social at lier birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of man. Pride then was not, nor arts, that pride to aid ; Man walked with beast, joint tenant of the shade ; The same his table and the same his bed ; 145 No murder clothed him, and no murder fed. In the same temple, the resounding wood, All vocal beings hymned their equal God ; The shrine with gore unstained, with gold undressed, Unbribed, unbloody, stood the blameless priest: 150 Heaven's attribute was universal care, And man's prerogative, to rule, but spare. Ah ! how unlike the man of times to come ! Of half that live the butcher, and the tomb ; — Who, foe to nature, hears the general groan, 155 Murders their species, and betrays his own. But just disease to luxury succeeds. And every death its own avenger breeds ; The fury-passions from that blood began, And turned on man a fiercer savage, man. 160 See him from nature rising slow to art ! To copy instinct then was reason's part. Thus then to man the voice of nature spake — "Go, from the creatures thy instructions take : " Learn from the birds what food the thickets yield ; 165 " Learn from the beasts the physic of the field ; " Thy arts of building from the bee receive ; " Learn of the mole to plough, the worm to weave : " Learn of the little nautilus to sail, " Spread the thin oar, and catch the drivmg gale. 170 " Here too all forms of social union find ; "And hence let reason, late, instruct mankind : " Here subterranean works and cities see : " There towns aerial on the waving tree. " Learn each small people's genius, policies, 175 " The ants' republic, and the realm of bees ; " How those in common all their wealth bestow, " And anarchy without confusion know ; " And these forever, though a monarch reign, " Their separate cells and properties maintain. ISO " Mark what unvaried laws preserve each state, " Laws wise as nature, and as fixed as fate. " In vain thy reason finer webs shall draw, 149 The shrine beinff unstained. E P I S T L K J' il 1 R D . 23 *' Entangle justice in her net of law, " And right, too rigid, harden into wrong ; 185 " Still for the strong too weak, the weak too strong. " Yet go ! and thus o'er all the creatures sway, " Thus let the wiser make the rest obey ; " And for those arts mere instinct could afford, "Be crowned as monarchs, or as gods adored." 190 V. Great nature spoke ; observant man obeyed ; Cities were built, societies were made ; Here rose one little state, another, near. Grew by like means, and joined through love or fear. Did here the trees with ruddier burdens bend, 195 And there the streams in purer rills descend > What war could ravish, commerce could bestow, And he returned a friend who came a foe. Converse and love, mankind might strongly draw, When love was liberty, and nature law. 200 Thus states were formed ; the name of king unknown, 'Till common interest placed the sway in one. 'T was virtue only, or in arts or arms. Diffusing blessings, or averting harms ; The same, which, in a sire, the sons obeyed, 205 A prince the father of a people made. VI. Till then by nature crowned, each patriarch sate, King, priest, and parent of his growing state ; On him, their second providence, they hung, Their lav/ his eye, their oracle his tongue. 210 He from the wondering furrow called the food, Taught to command the fire, control the flood, Draw forth the monsters of the abyss profound, Or fetch the aerial eagle to the ground ; Till drooping, sickening, dying, they began 215 Whom they revered as God, to mourn as man : Then, looking up from sire to sire, explored, One great First Father, and that first adored. Or, plain ti'adition that this all begun. Conveyed unbroken faith from sire to son ; 220 The worker from the work distinct was known. And simple reason never sought but one : Ere wit oblique had broke that steady light, Man, like his Maker, saw that all was right ; 'J'o virtue, in the paths of pleasure trod, 225 1S4 In vain shall entangle. 185 And harden loo rigid riglit inta wrong. 215 Till Ae drooping, &.C. the^ hegan to mourn, as man /lim, whom, &c. 219 Or plain tradition conveyed, &c. 34 ESSAY O N JM A N , And owned a father, when he owned a God. Love, all the faith, and all the allegiance then, For nature knew no right divine in men ; No ill could fear in God, and understood A sovereign being, but a sovereign good. 230 True faith, true policy^ united ran, That was but love of God, and this of man. Who first taught souls enslaved, and realms undone, The enormous faith of many made for one ; That proud exception to all nature's laws, 235 To invert the world, and counterwork its cause .? Force first made conquest, and that conquest, law ; Till superstition taught the tyrant awe, Then shared the tyranny, then lent it aid, And gods of conquerors, slaves of subjects made ; 240 She, 'midst the lighl'ning's blaze, and thunder's sound, When rocked th€ mountains, and when groaned the ground, — She taught the weak to bend, the proud to pray To power unseen, and mightier far than they : She, from the rending earth, and bursting skies, 245 Saw gods descend, and fiends infernal rise : Here fixed the dreadful, there the blest abodes ; Fear made her devils, and weak hope her gods ; Gods partial, changeful, passionate, unjust, Whose attributes were rage, revenge, or lust : 250 Such as the souls of cowards might conceive, And formed like tyrants, tyrants would believe., Zeal then, not charity, became the guide ; And hell was built on spite, and heaven on pride. Then sacred seemed the ethereal vault no more ; 255 Altars grew marble then, and reeked with gore : Then first the flamen tasted living food ; Next, his grim idol smeared with human blood. With heaven's own thunders shook the world below. And played the god, an engine, on his foe. 260 So drives self-love, through just and through unjust, To one man's power, ambition, lucre, lust : The same self-love, in all, becomes the cause Of what restrains him, government and laws. For what one likes, if others like as well, — 265 What serves one will, when many wills rebel — How shall he keep what, sleeping or awake, ^ A weaker may surprise, a stronger take .'' 267 Then first the priest tasted, next lie smeared his idol, shook the world and played the god as an engine, &c. 2C4 Of what restrains him, viz. governmeni and laws. EPISTLETHIRD. 25 His safety must his liberty restrain : All join to guard what each desires to gain. 270 Forced into virtue thus by self-defence, Even kings learned justice and benevolence : Self-love forsook the path it first pursued, And found the private in the public good. 'T was then the studious head or generous mind, 275 Follower of God, or friend of human kind, Poet or patriot, rose but to restore The faith and moral. Nature gave before ; Relumed her ancient light, not kindled new ; If not God's image, yet his shadow drew ; 280 Taught power's due use to people and to kings, Taught not to slack, nor strain its tender strings, The less, or greater, set so justly true, That touching one must strike the other too ; Till jarring interests, of themselves, create 285 The according music of a well mixed state. Such is the world's great harmony, that springs From order, union, full consent of things ; Where small and great, where weak and mighty, made To serve, not suffer, strengthen not invade ; 290 More powerful each as needful to the rest, And in proportion as it blesses, blest ; Draw to one point, and to one centre bring Beast, man, or angel, sei-vant, lord, or king. For forms of government let fools contest ; 295 "Whate'er is best administered is best ; For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight ; His can't be wrong whose life is in the right. In faith and hope the world will disagree. But all mankind's concern is charity : 300 All must be false that thwart this one great end : And all of God, that bless mankind, or mend. Man, like the generous vine, supported lives ; The strength he gains is from the embrace he gives. On their own axis as the planets run, 305 Yet make at once their circle round the sun, So two consistent motions act the soul. And one regards itself, and one the whole. Thus God and nature linked the general frame, And bade self-love and social be the same. 310 278 The faith and moral, or system of morals. 239 Small and great (being- made to serve, &c. each beinff more powerful, &c.) draw to one point and bring to one ceiitie. 302 And all must be of God, &c. 3 26 E S S A Y O N fli A N EPISTLE IV. Of the Nature and State of Man, with respect to Happiness. False notions of happiness, philnsophical and popular, answered, from verse 19 to 27. It is the end of all men, ami attainable liy all, 30. God intends happiness to he equal ; and tn he so, it must he social, since all particular happiness depends on general, and since he governs by general, not particuhr laws, 37. As it is necessary for order, and the peace and welfare of society, thai external goods should he unequal, happiness is not made to- consist in these, 51. But notwithstanding that inequality the balance of happiness amongst mankind is kept even by Providence, by the two passions of hope and fear, 70. What the happiness of individuals is, as far as it is consistent with the constitu- tion of this world ; and that the good man has here the advantage, 77. The error of imputing to virtue what are only the calamities of nature, or of fortune, 91. The folly of expecting that God should alter his ge- neral laws ill favor of particulars, 1:21 . That we are not judges wlioare good ; but that whoever they are, they must be happiest, 133,&c. That external gonds are not the proper rewards, but often inconsistent with, or destriiciive of, virtue, 1()7. That even these can make no man happy without virtue— instanced in riches, 185,- Honors, 193. Nobility, 200. Greatness, 210. Fame, 230. Superior talents, 252, &c. With pictures of human infelicity in men possessed of them all,2G'2, &c. That virtue alone constitutes happiness, who.-^e object is universal, and whose pros- pect eternal, 300. That the perfection of virtue and happiness consists in a conformity to the order of providence here, and a resignation to it here and hereafter, 307 &c. O Happiness ! our being's end and aim ; Good, pleasure, ease, content ! whate'er thy name ; That something still which prompts the eternal sigh, For which we bear to live, or dare to die. Which still so near us, yet beyond us lies, 5 O'erlooked, seen double, by the fool and wise ; Plant of celestial seed ! if dropped below. Say, in what mortal soil thou deign'st to grow } Fair opening to some courts propitious shine. Or deep with diamonds in the flaming mine .? 10 Twined with the wreaths Parnassian laurels yield. Or reaped in iron harvests of the field } Where grows } — where grows it not } If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil : Fi.xed to no spot is happiness sincere ; 15 'T is no where to be foui^d, or every where : 'T is never to be bought, but always free ; And fled from monarchs, St. John ! dwells with thee. I. Ask of the learn'd the way > The learn'd are blind : This bids to serve, and that to shun mankind. 20 Some place the bliss in action, some in ease, Those call it pleasure, and contentment these ; EPISTLEFOURTH. 27 Some, sunk to beasts, find pleasure end in pain ; Some, swelled to gods, confess even virtue vain ; Or, indolent, to each extreme they fall, 25 To trust in every thing, or doubt of all. Who thus define it, say they more or less Than this, that happiness is happiness ? II. Take nature's path, and mad opinion's leave ; All states can reach it, and all heads conceive ; 30 Obvious her goods, in no extreme they dwell ; There needs but thinking right and meaning well ; And, mourn our various portions as we please, Equal is common sense, and common ease. Remember, man, " the Universal Cause 35 Acts not by partial, but by general laws," And makes what happiness we justly call, Subsist not in the good of one, but all. There 's not a blessing individuals find. But some way leans and hearkens to the kind ; 40 No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride, No caverned hermit, rests self-satisfied. Who most to shun or hate mankind pretend. Seek an admirer, or would fix a friend. Abstract what others feel, what others think, 45 All pleasures sicken, and all glories sink : Each has his share ; and who would more obtain, Shall find the pleasure pays not half the pain. Order is heaven's first law ; and this confessed, Some are, and must be, greater than the rest, 50 More rich, more wise ; but who infers from hence That such are happier, shocks all common sense. Heaven to mankind impartial we confess, If all are equal in their happiness ; But mutual wants this happiness increase ; 55 All nature's difference keeps all nature's peace. Condition, circumstance, is not the thing; Bliss is the same in subject or in king, In who obtain defence, or who defend, In him who is, or him who finds a friend : 60 27 Say they, who thus define i(, more or less, &c. 32 Needs is often a contraciioii of need is. There is need only of thinking right nnd meaning well. 33 Mourn we our various portions, &c. 37 What we justly call happiness. 43 They who pretend, &c. seek an admirer. 49 And this being confessed. 51 But he who infers — shocks, ifcc. 59 In those who obtaiDj &c. 28 ESSAYONMAN. Heaven breathes through every member of the whole One common blessing, as one common soul, But fortune's gifts, if each alike possessed, And each were equal, must not all contest ? If then to all men happiness was meant, 65 God in externals could not place content. Fortune her gifts may variously dispose, And these be happy called, unhappy those ; But heaven's just balance equal will appear. While those are placed in hope, and these in fear : 70 Not present good or ill, the joy or curse, But future views of better, or of worse. Oh sons of eai'th ! attempt ye still to rise, By mountains piled on mountains to the skies ? Heaven still with laughter the vain toil surveys, 75 And buries madmen in the heaps they raise. III. Know, all the good that individuals find. Or God and nature meant to mere mankind. Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words, health, peace, and competence. 80 But health consists with temperance alone ; And peace, O virtue ! peace is all thy own. The good or bad the gifts of fortune gain ; But these less taste them, as they worse obtain. Say, in pursuit of profit or delight, • 85 Who risk the most, that take wrong means, or right > Of vice or virtue, whether blest or curs'd. Which meets contempt, or which compassion, first? Count all the advantage prosperous vice attains, 'T is but what virtue files from and disdains ; 90 And grant the bad what happiness they would. One they must want, which is, to pass for good. O blind to truth, and God's whole scheme below, Who fancy bliss to vice, to virtue woe ! Who sees and follows that great scheme the best, 95 Best knows the blessing, and will most be blest. But fools, the good alone unhappy call, For ills or accidents that chance to all. See Falkland dies, the virtuous and the just ! See godlike Turenne prostrate on the dust ! 100 See Sidney bleeds amid the martial strife ! 62 As it breathes one common soul. 71 Not present good or ill but future views are the joy or curse. 77 All the good— pleasure— joys lie in three words. 86 Who risk the most, they that take, &c. 93 O they are blind, &^c. E P I S T L E F O U R T H . 29 Was this their virtue, or contempt of life ? Say, was it virtue, more though heaven ne'er gave, Lamented Dii»by ! sunk thee to the grave ? Tell me, if virtue made the son expire, . 105 Why full of days and honor lives the sire ? Why drew Marseilles' good bishop purer breath, When nature sickened and each gale was death ? Or why so long (in life if long can be) Lent heaven a parent to the poor and me ? 110 What makes all physical or moral ill ? There deviates nature, and here wanders will. God sends not ill, if rightly understood, Or partial ill is universal good, Or change admits, or nature lets it fall, 115 Short, and but rare, till man improved it all. Think we, like some weak prince, the Eternal Cause, Prone for his favorites to reverse his laws ? IV. Shall burning J3tna, if a sage requires, Forget to thunder, and recall her fires ? 120 On air or sea, new motions be impressed, O blameless Bethel ! to relieve thy breast ? When the loose mountain trembles from on high. Shall gravitation cease, if you go by .'' Or some old temple, nodding to its fall, 125 For Chartres' head reserve the hanging wall? V. But still this world, so fitted for the knave, Contents us not. A better shall we have .'' A kingdom of the just then let it be : But first consider how those just agree. 130 The good must merit God's peculiar care ; But who but God can tell us who they are ? One thinks on Calvin heaven's own spirit fell ; Another deems him instrument of hell : If Calvin feels heaven's blessing, or its rod, 135 This cries there is, and that, there is no God. What shocks one part will edify the rest; Nor with one system can they all be blest. The very best will variously incline, And what rewards your virtue, punish mine. 140 Whatever is, is right. — This world, 't is true, Was made for Ca;sar — but for Titus too : And which more blest ? who chained his country ? say, Or he whose virtue sighed to lose a day ? VI. " But sometimes virtue starves, while vice is fed." 145 3* E88AY ON MAN. What then ? Is the reward of virtue bread ? That, vice may merit, 't is the price of toil ; The icnave deserves it, when he tills the soil ; The knave deserves it, when he tempts the main, Where folly fights for kings, or dives for gain. 150 The good man may be weak, be indolent ; Nor is his claim to plenty, but content. But grant him riches, your demand is o'er.? " No : shall the good want health, the good want power .?" Add health and power, and every earthly thing ; 155 " Why bounded power ? why private .'' why no king .''" Nay, why external for internal given ? Why is not man a god, and earth a heaven ? Who ask and reason thus, will scarce conceive God gives enough, while he has more to give : 160 Immense the power, immense were the demand ; Say, at what part of nature will they stand ? What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy. The soul's calm sunshine, and the heart-felt joy, Is virtue's prize : a better would you fix ? 165 Then give humility a coach and six, Justice a conqu(!ror's sword, or truth a gown, Or public spirit its great cure, a crown. Weak, foolish man I will heaven reward us there With the same trash mad mortals wish for here .'' 170 The boy and man an individual makes. Yet sigh'st thou now for apples and for cakes ? Go, like the Indian, in another life Expect thy dog, thy bottle, and thy wife, x\s well as dream such trifles are assigned, 175 As toys and empires for a godlike mind. Rewards, that either would to virtue bring No joy, or be destructive of the thing. How oft by these at sixty are undone The virtues of a saint at twentyone ! 180 To whom can riches give repute or trust, Content or pleasure, but the good or just? Judges and senates have been bought for gold ; Esteem and love were never to be sold. O fool ! to think God hates the worthy mind, 185 159 They who ask, &c. 161 It' the power were immense, &c. 175 As well as dream that such trifles as toys and empires are as- signed, &c. rewards that would bring no joy. H5 To think thai God hates the worthy mind because he lacks a lliousand pounds a year 1 EPI8TLEFOURTH. 31 The lover and the love of human kind, Who^e life is healthful, and whose conscience clear, Because he wants a thousand pounds a year ! Honor and shame from no condition rise ; Act well your part, thcn-e all the honor lies. 190 Fortune in men has some small difference made. One flaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade ; The cobhler aproned, and the parson gowned. The fiiar hooded, and the monarch crowned. " What differ more, you cry, than crown and cowl .^" 195 ril tell you, friend ; a wise man and a fool. You'll find, if once the monarch acts the monk. Or, cobbler like, the parson will be drunk. Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow ; The rest is all but leather or prunello. 200 Boast the pure blood of an illustrious race. In quiet flow from Lucrece to Lucrece ; But by your father's worth, if yours you rate. Count me those only who were good and great. Go! if your ancient, but ignoble blood, 205 Has crept through scoundrels ever since the flood, Go ! and pretend your family is young ! Nor own your fathers have been fools so long. What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cov/ards.^ Alas ! not all the blood of all the Howards. 210 Look next on greatness ; say where greatness lies ? " Where, but among the heroes and the wise .?" Heroes are much the same, the point 's agreed. From Macedonia's madman to the Swede : The whole strange purpose of their lives, to find 215 Or make, an enemy of all mankind ! Not one looks backward, onward still he goes, Yet ne'er looks forward farther than his nose. No less alike the politic and wise ; All sly, slow things, with circumspective eyes ; 220 Men in their loose, unguarded hours they take, — Not that themselves are wise, but others weak. But grant that those can conquer, these can cheat ; 'T is phrase absurd to call a villain great; Who wickedly is wise, or madly brave, 225 Is but the more a fool, the more a knave. 203 Count to me only tliose, &c. 209 Alas! all the Llooil of all the Howanls (S