SCHOOL COMMISS FOR THE GOYEENMEOT OF THE SAVANNAH PUBLIC SCHOOL. ,c).^ • SAYANNAH, GA. : ),(yo BOOK AlfD JOB OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL & COURIER. 1855. HULES OF THE SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SAVANNAH PUBLIC SCHOOL. SAYANNAH, GA. : BOOK AND JOB OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL & COUFJEPu 1855. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. A. POETEE, Pkesident, SOLOMON COHEK JOHN STODDAED, Tkeasukee. HULES AND BEaULATlONS. CHAPTER I. GENEEAIi REGULATIONS. Sectiok I. The School Tear shall begin on the pmsT Monday in Octobee, and close on the first of August ; and shall be divided into three terms, as follows : The First Teem shall consist of twelve weeks, com- mencing with the jBLrst week in October, The Second Teem shall consist of seventeen weekSj commencing with the first week in January. The Thied Teem shall consist of thieteen weeks, com- mencing with the first week in May. Sec. n. The following holidays and vacations shall be allowed, viz : every Saturday throughout the year ; one week, including Christmas day ; the 22d of February ; one week, including the first of May ; the 4th of July ; all Thanksgiving and Fast days, and the entire months of August and September. The School may also be sus- pended on such other public occasions as the Principal, with the consent of the Commissioners, may think proper* 4 EULES AND KEGULATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOt. Sec. III. There shall be one session of the School each day, of five hours in length. From the First of October to the first of May, School shall be opened at 9 A. M., and closed at 2 P. M. ; and from the first of May to the close of the year, shall be opened at 8^ A. M., and closed at 1^ P. M. There shall be recess of half an hour dur- ing each session, or two recesses of fifteen minutes each, at the discretion of the Principal Teacher. Sec. IY. The School shall consist of two Departments : Junior and Senior — both under the supervision of the Principal, subject to the instructions of the Commis- sioners. Sec. Y. 'No pupil shall be admitted into the Junior Department of the School under seven years of age, or who cannot read easily and readily in words of two or three syllables ; and no pupil shall be admitted into the Senior department who is not properly qualified to take his place in the Junior Class of that Department. Sec. YI. The books used, and the studies pursued in the School, shall be such only as are prescribed or sanc- tioned by the Commissioners. Sec. YII. Both Departments of the School shall be opened each day with reading of the Scriptures. Sec. YIII. There shall be a public examination of both Departments of the School at the close of each tel*m. Sec. TK. The School shall always be open to the pa- rents and friends of the pupils, and all others interested in education. EtTLES AND EEGTTLATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. 5 Sec. X. Scholars may be admitted when there are va- cancies, during the first week of each term, and on the Monday of each succeeding week, if qualified by age and attainments ; and shall be received at no other time Sec. XI. The number of scholars admitted shall not exceed fifty to each teacher employed in the School. CHAPTER II. duties op teachees. Section I. The Teachers shall be in attendance at their respective rooms at least ^^^^e^ minutes before the open- ing of the School. Sec II. It shall bo the duty of the Teachers to exercise a vigilant care over the general conduct of their pupils, both in the school-room and in the play-ground ; and on all suitable occasions to instruct and encourage them in correct manners, habits and principles. They shall be careful that no part of the school building, furniture, apparatus, or other school property, intrusted to their charge, be defaced or injured. They shall keep their rooms well ventilated, and use all possible care to secure a uniform and proper temperature. Sec III. It shall be the duty of every Teacher to aim at the greatest thoroughness and accuracy in giving in- struction ; to maintain good order and discipline, and to adopt the most approved methods of securing these ob- 6 KULES AND EEGTTLATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL, jeets ; to follow the course of instruction prescribed by the Commissioners ; and to labor with all diligence to awaken an interest among the scholars in the exercises of the school-room. Sec. IV. The Principal Teacher in each Department shall keep a register, in which he shall record the names, ages, dates of admission, names of parents or guardians, and places of residence of the scholars under his charge. Sec. V. The Principal shall make a written report at the close of each term, for the use of the Commissioners, stating the condition and progress of the School. Said report shall contain a written plan or order of exercises for the term, giving a correct representation of all the classes in both departments of the School, and of the portion of the text books that each class has studied du- ring the term ; stating also which have been daily exercises, and how often each other exercise, — whether confined to a class, or more general, — has received attention. Said Teacher may also, if he should think proper, report in writing to the Commissioners, the names of such pupils as have been distinguished during the term for regularity of attendance, proficiency in their studies, and good con- duct ; also the names of those who have been grossly negligent in attending school, or inattentive to their stu- dies, or guilty of any violation of the School regulations, or of other willful offences. Sec. VI. The Principal shall have power to dismiss from the School any scholar for the habitual violation of EULES A2JD KEGULATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. 7 any School regulation, for violent opposition or other gross misconduct, or whenever the example of such scholar shall be considered very injurious to the rest of the School. "Whenever a pupil is suspended or dismissed, it shall be the duty of the Principal to give immediate information in writing to the parent or guardian, and also to the Commissioners, stating the cause thereof; and in no case shall such pupil be again received into the School, unless re-admitted by the Commissioners. Sec. YII. Whenever a Teacher shall be absent for three days or more, from sickness or other necessary cause, he shall procure a substitute acceptable to the Principal and Commissioners. In case of the failure of any teacher to procure a suitable substitute, no claim shall be allowed for services during such absence, unless otherwise ordered by the Commissioners. Sec. YIII. Whenever a Teacher is intending to resign his situation in the School, he shall give at least one month's notice to the Commissioners. Sec. IX. It shall be the duty of the Principal to pro- vide some suitable person or persons acceptable to the Commissioners, to keep the school-rooms, house, and grounds in proper order ; and to sweep, dust the desks, seats, and other furniture, the expense of which shall be paid by the Commissioners. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. CHAPTEK III. DUTIES OF SCHOLARS. Section I. Every scholar is required to attend School regularly and punctually, to conform rigidly to the rules of School, to obey promptly and precisely the require- ments of all Ms teachers, to observe good order and pro- priety of deportment, not only in school hours, but also in going to and returning from school ; to be diligent in his studies, respectful to teachers, and kind and obliging to his school-mates ; and to refrain at all times from the use of profane or vulgar language and immoral practices. Sec. II. Every scholar who shall accidentally or other- wise, injure any school property, whether furniture, apparatus, gates, trees or shrubs, or any building or any part thereof, shall be liable to pay in full for all damages he has done. Sec. III. Every scholar who shall, any where, on, or around, the school premises, use or write any profane or unchaste language, or shall draw any obscene pictures or representations, or cut, mark, or otherwise intentionally deface any school furniture or buildings, inside or out, or any property whatsoever belonging to the School, shall be liable to suspension or expulsion, or such other pun- ishment as shall be in proportion to the nature and extent of the oifence. EtiLES AND REGULATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. 9 Sec. IV. "Whenever a scholar shall be absent from School one day or more, he shall on his return, bring to the Principal Teacher in his Department, a written excuse from his parent or guardian, stating how many days the scholar has been absent ; and every excuse shall be re- ceived by the Teacher as satisfactory, in which it shall be stated that the pupil has been absent for reasons satis- factory to the parent or guardian. Sec. Y. Any pupil who sh all be absent from School four days in any four successive weeks for any cause, except sickness or domestic affliction, shall be excluded from the school for the remainder of the term. Sec. YI. Any pupil who shall be absent from a public examination, shall not be permitted to attend the School during the next term, unless satisfactory proof be given to the Principal, that such pupil was not absent" for the purpose of avoiding the examination. Sec. YII. No scholar shall be permitted to remain in the School who is not properly supplied with the books and utensils regularly used and required. Sec. YIII. Whenever the parents or guardians of any pupils in the School shall inform the Principal that they are unable to furnish their children with the required school books, and shall also present satisfactory evidence of theii inability or poverty, the Principal shall procure for them the books needed, and shall charge the same to the Commissioners. "These books shall belong to the School, and be only lent to indigent pupils, to be returned 10 EULES AND EEGTJLATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. to the Principal at the close of every term, or whenever the pupil may leave the School. Sec. IX. No scholar shall be permitted to leave School before its close for the purpose of attending any music or writing lessons, or for any other cause whatever, except that of sickness or some pressing emergency. No pupil shall leave the school-room during school hours, or the yard at recess, without permission from a Teacher. Sec. X. Scholars are required to come to School with clean hands, faces and clothes, and hair properly combed. No scholar who comes to School without proper attention having been given to the cleanliness of his person and of his dress, or whose clothes are not properly repaired, shall be permitted to remain in school, but shall be sent home to be put in proper order for school. BULES AND KEG-ULATI0N8 OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. 11 CLASSIFICATION AND COURSE OF STUDY. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. THIRD SECTION. Reading : Swan's Primary Reader, Part Third ; Spell- ing ; outlines of Geography ; Mental Arithmetic ; "Written Arithmetic, through Addition, Subtraction and Multipli- cation ; Writing ; Oral Lessons ; Multiplication Table ; Drawing ; Yocal Music. SECOND SECTION. Reading ; Spelling ; Geography ; Writing ; Mental Arithmetic ; Written Arithmetic, through Elementary Rules ; Juvenile Philosophy or Equivalent ; Oral and Written Descriptions ; Drawing ; Yocal Music. FIEST SECTION. Reading ; Spelling and Defining ; Geography and Map Drawing ; Written Arithmetic, through Fractions ; Men- tal Arithmetic ; Grammar, through Etymology ; Writing ; Composition ; Drawing ; Yocal Music. r2 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. SENIOR DEPARTMENT. THIRD SECTION. Reading ; Spelling and Defining ; Geography and Map Drawing ; Mental Arithmetic ; "Written Arithmetic, through Interest; Penmanship ; Grammar; Composition ; Declamation ; Drawing ; Yocal Music. SECOND SECTION. Rhetorical Reading ; Spelling, analysis of words, and Definitions ; Geography and Map Drawing ; Arithmetic completed ; Grammar completed ; Outlines of Universal History ; Penmanship ; Composition ; Declamation ; Drawing ; Yocal Music. FIRST SECTION. Rhetorical Reading ; Analysis and Definition of Words ; Composition ; Declamation ; Rhetoric ; Algebra ; Geom- etry ; Natural History ; Natural Philosophy ; History ; Drawing ; Yocal Music ; together with such other studies as the Principal and Commissioners may think the i:)iipil8 qualified to pursue with advantage, without interfering with the classification and general interests of the school. ..LJBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 320 362 7 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5