LB 360? SCHOOL CLUBS for Virginia Boys and Girls. Hand-boolc of Information, School Clubs For Virginia BOYS AND GIRLS HAND-BOOK OF INFORMATION H VfA Published by DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, J. D. EGGiiESTON, State Superintendent and — — CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Mks. B. B. Munford, President f~ Organize a School Club Few of us realize the possibilities of the school. We spend all our time in keeping order, and do- ing the drudgery of the class-room, wearing our away with these deadening things; and for- get that connected with the work there may be sunshine and starlight, cool breezes, kind thoughts and all that makes life large and lovely. Practical education — how hard it is to solve this problem! Vet, we see boys and girls growing ti • • d of school because it contains so little that is ir--.l, so little that concerns the vital things of life. We have hardly touched that greatest of things, the development of personality in our pupils. Why should nol the teacher live with her pAipils and be in the truest sense a friend End companion? Why not take part in their game! and weave her own aspirations in their lives thorfby making them bet- bringing happiness t' tt3s^£n®B 'lVV'* n ^^^I^Sm^BE Pv^^mi^^^ ■ ^^B^^g^^a H ^^^■^^H IHHHBHHHHELa ! ■ ; "■■■■■:' ■'■■ " ^ ■" ■ ■" BBHIHHBI Ill