BX 99EI .N3 irst Steps Toward Heayen jFor little Christians. PREPARED BY MRS. ABBIE F. MARSH, BOSTON: UNIVERSALIST PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1889. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. First Steps Toward Heaven JFor ILittle Christians. PREPARED BY THE UB* ARY 0F CONGRESS WAS HINGT0N MRS. ABBIE F. MARSH. M e should pray for those we love. How can we follow Christ's example when we pray? By praying for those that have injured its. Should we pray to God at any other time ? Yes ; in the morning, to thank him for taking care of us through the long dark night. And for what should we ask his help ? We should ask him to help us to be good through the day. Is there any other time that we should pray to him? Yes ; ivhenever we are tempted to do wrong, or are in trouble. Will he always hear and help us? Yes, if we are sincere. Can any one repeat the Lord's Prayer? Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread ; And forgive us our tresjKisses As ive forgive them that tresjmss against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 25 For thine is the kingdom. The power, and the glory, Forever. Amen. Who gave us the Lord's Prayer? Jesus. [Teacher impress on the minds of the children the beauty and meaning of this prayer, and how it is adapted to every want and station in life.] With humble heart and tongue, Great God, to thee we pray ; Oh, may we learn while we are young To walk in wisdom's w r ay. Now in our early days Teach us thyself to know ; e O God, thy sanctifying grace Betimes on us bestow. Manhatton. 26 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON VIII. EASTER. On what day of the week did Christ rise from the dead? On Sunday, the first day of the week. What does his resurrection, or rising from the dead, mean to us? It means that although toe die toe shall live again. What is told us in the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians about it? As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. — 1 Cor. xv. 22. How man}' days was it after Christ was cruci- fied before he rose from the dead ? Three days. Which day of the year is the anniversary of his death? Good Friday. Why do we call it " Good Friday " ? Because Christ died for us that ice might be saved from our sins. fct Now be God the Father praised, With the Son from death upraised. Who endured the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save." FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 27 LESSON IX. OUR FAITH. What is the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. What do we come to Sunday School for? To learn about God and Jesus, and how to be good and beautiful in God's sight. What church do we attend ? The Uhiversalist. Why is the Universalist faith the most beau- tiful in the world? Becaibse it teaches us that God is love, and that love is the greatest power in the world, and that we shall not perish, but have everlasting life. [Teacher explain the difference between filial love and love for our friends, and that more unselfish and Christlike love that recognizes every human being as a child of God, and causes us to hate, not the wicked man, but the sin that makes him wicked, and to love him so that we shall do all we can to separate him from his wickedness, and to be grieved instead oi wrathful when any one does wrong.] 28 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN $att ^cccnfr LESSONS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. LESSON I. THE CREATION. What was in the beginning? The creation. Where can we learn about the creation ? In the first book of the Bible. What is the name of the book ? Genesis. Can you repeat the first verse in the Bible? Was God's work perfect? It was. [Teaeher illustrate.] After God had created the heavens and the earth, the sun, moon, and stars, the fishes, fowls, and beasts of the field, what did he create? Man. In whose ima^e ? GocVs own image. ADAM AND EVE. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 29 LESSON II. ADAM AND EVE. Who was the first man ? Adam. Who was the first woman ? Eve. Where did God place Adam and Eve? In the garden of Eden, a beatttif id place. Were they perfectly happy? They would have been if they had not sinned. How did they sin ? By not obeying God. Were they punished for their sin ? Yes ; they were cast out of the beautiful garden of Eden. 30 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON III. CAIN AND ABEL. Who were Cain and Abel? They viere the sons of Adam and Eve. Were they good men ? Abel was a good man, Met Cain teas selfish and envious. What is the meaning of selfish and envious? What was Abel? He was a keeper of sheep. What was Cain? He teas a tiller of the ground. What offering did Cain bring to the Lord? He brought of the fruit of the ground. What did Abel bring? AbeVs offering ivas of the firstlings of his flock. Why was Cain jealous of Abel ? ^Because Abel's offering was more accept- able to the Lord than his. What did Cain do? He killed his brother Abel. What did Cain say when God asked him where his brother w r as? He said, Ci I know not ; am I my brother's keeper/ " FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 31 Did that deceive God ? No. God knows everything ; not only what we say, but what we think. Was Cain punished? He was. How? He became a vagabond on the earth. 32 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON IV. NOAH. As the people increased on the earth, did they obey God's commands? No ; they grew very wicked. Was there none good? Yes ; Noah was a good man loho obeyed God. What did God tell Noah to build ? An ark. After he had built it, what did he tell Noah to do? To go into the ark, — he and his icife, his sons and their wives, and two of every living flesh. How many sons had Noah ? Three ; Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Did Noah do as God commanded him? He did. What did God do then? He sent a flood upon the earth. How long did it rain ? Forty days and forty nights. Did the waters cover everything on the face of the earth? They did ; even the highest mountains. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 33 Was everything destroyed that was not in the ark? It was. How was Noah saved? The ark floated on top of the waters. How long was it before the waters disap- peared ? About a year. After the waters abated, where did the ark rest? On the mountains of Ararat. What did Noah send forth from the ark? A dove. When he sent the dove the second time, what did it bring back? An olive-leaf in its beak. What did he know bj- that ? That the waters were disappearing. When he sent the dove the third time did it come back? No. Did God say we should never have another flood? Yes, he did. What has he given us as a token of his promise ? The rainbow. 34 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON V. THE TOWER OF BABEL. What interesting event do we read of in the eleventh chapter of Genesis? The building of the tower of Babel. What was the object of the people in building such a high tower? To build it so high that it would reach heaven. Was that foolish and impossible ? It was. How did God rebuke them for their foolish- ness ? He confused their tongues. [Teacher explain that previously there was but one language, and how impossible it was for men to pro- ceed in the work when they could no longer under- stand one another.] Why was it called the tower of Babel ? Because Babel means confusion. THE TOWER OF BABEL. FOB LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 35 LESSON VI. ABRAHAM. What great man do we read of in Genesis who is sometimes called " the Father of the Faith- ful " ? Abraham. Why is he so called ? Because he had faith in God. How did the people worship God in those days before there were any churches? They built altars. How? By piling up stones in a heap and laying wood on top of them. What did they generally burn on these altars for a sacrifice, to God? A lamb which had previously been hilled. As the smoke rose toward heaven what did they then do? They stood around the altar and prayed to God. How did God test Abraham's faith ? By asking Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. 36 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN Did Abraham love his son as well as your father loves yon? He did. What happened when Abraham laid Isaac on the altar and was about to slay him ? An angel of the Lord called to him, and told him that he must not do it. What did Abraham see then ? A ram caught in a thicket. Did he offer the ram as a sacrifice? He did. How should we show our faith in God ? By obeying his commandments and feel- ing that he knoivs best ichat is good for us. Has God placed us in this world for any purpose ? He has. Should we not try to do the best we can every day? We should. How many will try to-morrow morning to do the best they can? If we fail, should we stop trying? Always remember that God will help you to be good, if } T ou ask him and are sincere. How many ever heard the story of Rebecca at the well? How many would like to hear it? [Teacher relate the story.] FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 37 LESSON VII. JACOB. Whose son was Jacob ? Isaac's. Did God change Jacob's name? Yes. What did he call him ? Israel. How many sons had Israel ? Twelve. Does the Bible tell us that he loved one more than the rest? Yes ; he loved Joseph best. What did he give Joseph as a token of his love ? A coat of many colors. Were his brothers displeased because he was a favorite with his father? Yes. After stripping off his coat of many colors and throwing him into a deep pit, what did they do? They sold him to some Egyptians, who made a slave of him. 38 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN Why did his brothers dip his coat of many colors in the blood of a kid and carry it home ? To make his father think that a wild beast had devoured him. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 39 LESSON VIII. JOSEPH. What did the men who bought 'Joseph do with him? They sold him to one of Pharaoh's officers. Who was Pharaoh ? King of Egypt. Was Joseph favored by the king? He was. What did Pharaoh make him ? He made him ruler over all Egypt, What happened to all the land ? There was a great famine. What is a famine ? How long did the famine last? Seven years. Did Egypt share in the famine ? No ; the people had stored up com in time of plenty. Who had told them that there was to be a famine ? Joseph. Who came to Egypt to buy corn ? Joseph's brothers. Did they know Joseph ? No; they bowed down before him. 40 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN Did Joseph know them ? Yes. Did he let them know that he was their brother ? Not then. What did he tell them to do, or he would not sell them corn? To go home and bring their brother Benjamin. Who was Benjamin? His youngest brother, whom they had left at home. Did he make himself known when they had brought his brother? He did. What would have become of his brothers if he had refused to sell them corn ? They would have died in the famine. For whom did he send to come and stay in Egypt? Israel his father ; and, he cared for him and all his brothers. Was not that a noble example of returning good for evil? FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 41 LESSON IX. What were the descendants of Jacob, or Is- rael, as God named him, called? Israelites, or the children of Israel, What happened to the Israelites after Joseph and his brothers were dead ? They were made slaves and treated very cruelly. What cruel law did the wicked king make ? That all the sons that were born to the Israelites should be put to death as soon as born. Why did the king want this done ? He was afraid they would increase in numbers and grow powerful. Was he not afraid that they would then no longer serve him? He was. 42 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON X. MOSES. Have you ever heard of Moses in the bul- rushes ? Was not Moses one of the babies born to the Israelites ? He was. By what other name were the Israelites, or children of Israel, called? Hebrews. Why was not the infant Moses put to death the same as the other Hebrew babies? His mother hid him as long as she could. What did she do when she could no longer hide him ? She put him in a little basket-boat of bid- rushes covered with pitch so that it would be water-proof* and placed him in the river. As she put him in the tall reeds by the water's edge the basket could not float away ; but did she leave him alone? She told his sister Miriam to watch it near by. Who came down to the river to bathe, and found the infant Moses? The Jcinfs daughter. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 43 Who was king then ? Pharaoh, Was this the same king Pharaoh that made Joseph ruler of Egypt? No ; another king of the same name. Whom did the king's daughter get to nurse the little child? The child's mother. Did she know it was his mother? No. What did the king's daughter call him? Moses. What did Moses become ? A great and good man. who delivered his people from slavery. Was he a proud man? No ; he was called the meekest man. By whom were the first five books in the Bible written by inspiration of God? By Moses. 44 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON XI. When Moses led the Israelites out of bondage, did Pharaoh and his army pursue them ? Yes. How did they cross the Red Sea? God divided the waters, so that they crossed over on dry land. What happened when Pharaoh and his army were crossing the Red Sea in pursuit of them ? Did God permit them to cross in safety? JVo ; he caused the waters to meet, and they were all drowned. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 45 LESSON XII. MOSES IN THE WILDERNESS. After crossing the Red Sea, where did the children of Israel journe} r ? Into the wilderness. Was there plenty of food and water in the wilderness ? No. What did Moses tell them ? To have faith in God. How did God supply them with food ? Once he sent a flock of quails for them to eat. When they rose in the morning, what did they find on the ground? The ground was covered with small round things resembling coriander-seeds. What did Moses tell them it was ? Manna, or bread from heaven. Did they find it fresh every morning ? Yes, except on the Sabbath. Did they not have any on the Sabbath? Yes ; for he sent twice as much the day before. 46 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN Did they eat it just as it was? No ; they ground it up and made bread of it. How did they get water? God told Moses to smite a rock, and the water flowed abundantly. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 47 LESSON XIII. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Where did Moses get the Ten Command- ments ? God gave them to him. Where was Moses when God gave them to him? On Mount Sinai. How many }'ears were the Israelites in the wilderness ? Forty years. After Moses died, who was the leader of the Israelites ? Joshua. When he led the Israelites out of the wilder- ness, what river did they have to cross to reach the promised land that God had given them ? The river Jordan. How did they cross it? He caused the waters to roll back the same as when they crossed the Bed Sea, so that they crossed on dry land. 48 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN What did Joshua and his followers do after they landed safely? They built a monument, so that they might always remember God's goodness in bringing them safely over the river Jordan. FOK LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 49 LESSON XIV. SAUL. Who was the first king of the Jews? Saul. Who appointed him king ? Samuel. Who was Samuel? A very devout man. Did his mother lend him to the Lord when he was } T oung? She did. What was his mother's name? Hannah. Was Samuel one of the prophets ? He was. You have told me that Saul was the first king of the Jews ; was he a good king? He was at first, but grew very wicked. How did Saul die ? By falling on his own sword. 50 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON XV. DAVID. Whom have you heard called the sweet singer of Israel ? David. Why? Because he used to play on the harp and sing praises to God. Did he write the Book of Psalms? All but a few, which are supposed to have been written by others. What wicked giant did David kill with a sling when he was quite a young man ? Goliath. Did DaVid become king after Saul's death ? Yes. Was David always good after he became king ? JVo ; at one time he was icicked and dis- obeyed God. Was he unhappy ? He was. Can any one be happy when he is wicked ? No. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 51 Did he ask God's forgiveness for his wicked- ness? He did. After God forgave him, did he sing praises to God? Yes. Can you repeat one of David's beautiful pray- ers to God? Yes/ u As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soxd after thee, God." What did he mean by that? He meant that he was thirsty for God's love. In another psalm, does he tell us that God will be near us when we pray to him ? Yes. He says, Cw The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all them that call upon him in truth" (Ps. cxlv. 18). 52 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON XVI. SOLOMON. Which one of David's sons succeeded to his throne ? Solomon. What did Solomon ask of God when he was king ? That he would give him wisdom. Did it please God that he had asked for wis- dom instead of riches? It did. What did he tell him ? That he would make him wise?' than any king that ever lived, and also more rich and famous. What queen of another country, hearing of the great riches of Solomon, came to see if what she had heard of his great wisdom and riches were true? The queen of Sheba. What did she say ? That the half had not been told Iter ; that his roisdom and riches were greater than she had heard. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 53 Where can we find a history of the magnificent temple that was built by Solomon ? In the fir st book of Kings, the sixth chapter. [Teacher read the chapter.] Was Solomon the author of the book in the Bible called Ecclesiastes ? Yes ; and the Book of Proverbs. What king afterward destroyed the temple that Solomon built? The king of Babylon. In what book do we read about the rebuilding of the temple? The Book of Nehemiah. 54 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON XVII. SAMSON. Who was the strongest man? Samson. One cla} T when he was journeying with his parents and a lion sprang at them, what did he do? He rent it with his hands and tore it into pieces. When he was made a prisoner, what did he do? He leaned against the pillars or posts of the building, and threw it down. Was he not crushed with the fall of the building? Yes, and thousands of his enemies. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 55 LESSON XVIII. OTHER NOTED MEN AND WOMEN IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Who was fed by ravens ? Elijah. Who was the most patient man ? Job. What beautiful Jewish queen saved her people ? Queen Esther. Who was thrown into the den of lions? Daniel. Who was a loving daughter? Ruth. Who helped Moses in his work? Aaron. 56 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN $art C&irti, LESSONS FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT. LESSON I. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. What are the first four books of the New Testament? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. What are the} T called ? The Gospels. What is the meaning of the word Gospel? Good news. What good news do we read of in the Gospels? The birth of a Savionr. To whom did the angels announce the birth of Christ? To the shepherds watching their flocks by nif/ht. In what words? Fear not! for behold I bring yon glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people (Luke xi. 10). OUR SAVIOUR. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 57 What guided them in their search for the young child? The star of the east. Where did they find the infant Saviour? Wrapped in swaddling-clothes and lying in a manger. What was his mother's name ? Meiry. By what other names is she called ? The Madonna, and the Virgin Mary. 58 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON II. INCIDENTAL. What did the wicked king Herod do when he heard of the birth of the Son of God? He commanded that every child under two years old should be slain. Why did he do this? So that Christ would be destroyed. Was he in fear that Christ would rule in his place if he did not put him to death? Tie was. How did he escape? God sent an angel to Joseph, his earthly father, telling him to take the young child and flee into another country. What trade did he learn when he was a young man? lie worked at the carpenters trade, the same as Joseph his father. How old was he when he commenced preach- ing? About thirty. Who baptized Jesus ? John the Baptist. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 59 In what river was he baptized? The river Jordan. Did John the Baptist prophesy the coming of a Saviour before he was born? He did. 60 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON III. JESUS' WORK. Whom did Jesus choose to help him preach the gospel and bring people to God? Twelve disciples. Did he choose them from among the rich ? No ; from the poor and humble. What was the occupation of some of them ? They were fishermen . In the fifth chapter of Matthew, what do you find? Christ's sermon on the mount. What prayer did Jesus teach the people ? The Lord's Prayer. To whom did he tell the people to pray? Our Father which art in heaven. What else can you tell me that Jesus did, be- sides teaching the people to serve God and repent of their sins? He performed many miracles. What was one of the first miracles that he performed ? lie cured the centurions servant of the palsy. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 61 How did he calm a tempest when he was in a ship, and his disciples were frightened, and asked him to save them ? He said to the waves, u Peace, be still" Who were Simon Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew the publican, James the son of Alpheus, and Leb- beus, whose surname was Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot? The disciples of Jesus. What did he tell them when he sent them forth to preach the gospel and heal the sick ? To be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. [Teacher explain the world of meaning expressed in a few words in the sentence, and how applicable it is to us.] 62 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON IV. JESUS TEMPTED. How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness? Forty days. Was he tempted to do wrong the same as other men ? Yes ; but he conquered the temptation. Can we resist eveiy temptation to do wrong? Yes, with God's help. Then a man is strong, is he not, when he resists temptation ? Yes ; and weak ivhen he yields to it. Yes, every time }'ou have a temptation to do wrong, and resist it, you grow stronger and more manly and womanly ; and as little soldiers of Christ 3'ou should conquer and rise above eveiw evil thought and inclination, and be straight- forward, earnest, brave, and cheerful little work- ers in this busy world of ours. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 63 LESSON V. MISCELLANEOUS. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? Judas Iscariot. How was he betrayed ? By a kiss. [Teacher explain.] How did Jesus institute the Holy Supper? He took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to his disciples. And what did he say to them ? Take, eat; this is my body. And when he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, what did he say? Drink ye all of it ; this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many. Who denied Jesus ? Peter. [Teacher explain.] Who was the beloved disciple ? John. Who was governor of Judea ? Pontius Pilate. What did he do with Jesus? Delivered him to his persecutors. 64 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN LESSON VI. THE CRUCIFIXION. What did the}' do with Jesus? Crucified him. Where was he crucified ? On Mount Calvary. Who were crucified with Jesus ? Two thieves. On what day of the week was he crucified ? Friday. What did he ask of God? To forgive his persecutors. Where did they put Jesus after he was dead? In the tomb of Joseph. FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 65 LESSON VII. THE RESURRECTION. When did Jesus rise from the dead ? On Sunday, the third day after he vias crucified. When do we celebrate Christ's resurrection, or rising from the dead ? Easter Sunday. For whom did Christ die ? For us. Can you tell me some of the lessons to be learned from the life of Christ ? Yes. To obey God's commandments, to do good and be kind to every one, to re- lieve all the suffering we can, and to forgive our enemies. After Jesus rose from the dead, how long did he stay upon the earth? Forty days ; and then he asceyxded into heaven. I hope you are all so interested in the Bible, that you want to read and learn more of the life of Jesus. You want to read about the healing of the sick, the lame, and the palsied ; about the 66 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN conversion of Zaccheus, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the many parables that he taught ; and the older and wiser you grow, the more you will be able to see the wonderful, self-sacrificing beauty and purity of his life. The more faithfully you follow Christ's teach- ings and example, the more happiness and satis- faction you will get in this world, and the nobler and more lovable your character will be. And when this life is ended, how blessed to hear 3'our Lord and Saviour say, " Well done, good and faithful servant ! " FOR LITTLE CHRISTIANS. 67 THE BEATITUDES. Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for the}' shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. Blessed are the peace- makers : for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are 3-e when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 68 FIRST STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN, SONG. Air, ''Oh, do not be discouraged!" Oh, we are little soldiers, We battle for the right ; Oh, we are little soldiers, We battle for the right. For the Saviour is our captain, For the Saviour is our captain, And he will vanquish sin. He will lead us safe through danger, He will lead us safe through danger, He will lead us safe through danger, On to heaven our happy home. Oh, I 'm glad I 'm in this army ; Oh, I 'm glad I 'm in this army ; If we follow him the victoiy's won. THE END. A*- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 190 344 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. WE call the attention of PASTORS, SUPERIN- TENDENTS, and TEACHERS to the Stock of Goods required by them for use in their Sunday-school work, to be found at the Universalist Publishing House, Boston, Mass. We can furnish, among other things for that purpose, the following : — Approved Class Books, Commentaries, Collection Envelopes, Bible Dictionaries, H A large Assortment of Sunday-School Cards, Supt's Record Books, Approved School Record Books, Maps of all kinds, Sunday-School Libraries, Blackboards, Library Cards, Service Books, Library Records, Instruction Books, Library Labels, Singing Books, Library Numbers, Concordances, The Winchester Confession, on cards, Sunday-School Concert Helps, Sunday-School Speakers. Everything required for Use in a Sunday School FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. Officers and Teachers are invited to examine our Stock. » Universalis? Publishing House, 16 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass.