BC 135 .T3 1920a Copy 1 A SET OF, FIVE POSTULATES FOR BOOLEAN ALGEBRAS IN TERMS OF THE OPERATION "EXCEPTION" A THESIS ACCEPTED IN PAETIAL SATISFACTION OF THE BEQUIEEMENTS FOE THE DEGEEE OF DOCTOE OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA JAMES STURDEVANT TAYLOR 1918 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN MATHEMATICS Vol, 1, No. 12, pp. 241-248 April 12, 1920 A SET OF FIVE POSTULATES FOR BOOLEAN ALGEBRAS IN TERMS OF THE OPERATION "EXCEPTION" BY J. S. TAYLOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS Note. — The University of California Publications are offered in exchange for the publi- cation of learned societies and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete lists of all the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For sample copies, lists of publications or other information, address the Manager of the University of California Press, Berkeley, California, U. S. A. 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The Abelian Equations of the Tenth Degree Irreducible in a Given Domain of Rationality, by Charles G. P. Kuschke. Pp. 115-162. June, 1914 50 7. Abridged Tables of Hyperbolic Functions, by F. E. Pernot. Pp. 163- 169. February, 1915 : 10 8. A List of Oughtred's Mathematical Symbols, with Historical Notes, by Florian Cajori. Pp. 171-186. February, 1920 25 9. On the History of Gunter's Scale and the Slide Rule during the Seven- teenth Century, by Florian Cajori. Pp. 187-209. February, 1920 35 10. On a Birational Transformation Connected with a Pencil of Cubics, by Arthur Robinson Williams. Pp. 211-222. February, 1920 15 11. Classification of Involutory Cubic Space Transformations, by Frank Ray Morris. Pp. 223-240. February, 1920 .25 12. A Set of Five Postulates for Boolean Algebras in Terms of the Opera- tion "Exception," by J. S. Taylor. Pp. 241-248. April, 1920 15 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES.— Charles B. Lipman, Ernest B. Babcock, and John W. Gil- more, Editors. Price per volume, $5.00. 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EDUCATION. — Volumes I ($3.50), in ($8.50), and TV ($2.50) completed. Volumes n and V in progress. ENGINEERING. — Charles Derleth, Jr., Editor. Volumes I and II in progress. *, Of *J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN MATHEMATICS Vol. l,No. 12, pp. 241-248 April 12, 1920 A SET OF FIVE POSTULATES FOR BOOLEAN ALGEBRAS IN TERMS OF THE OPERATION "EXCEPTION" BY J. S. Taylor Introduction There are three binary operations between classes which have come into general use in Boolean algebras. These three are "logical addition," "rejection," and "exception," and are expressed respectively by the symbols "+," " |," and " —." Simple and elegant sets of postulates already exist for the logic of classes in terms of "logical addition," 1 and in terms of "rejection." 2 The set of postulates by B. A. Bernstein, 3 however, to whom the third operation is due, is somewhat involved and it is therefore the purpose of this paper to present a comparatively simp'e set in terms of "exception." I A SET OF FIVE POSTULATES FOR BOOLEAN ALGEBRAS IN TERMS OF THE OPERATION "EXCEPTION" Let us take as undefined ideas a class K of elements a, b, c, and an operation "— ," a — b reading "a except b." Then the logic of classes may be defined as a system 2 (K, — ) which satisfies the following five postulates : Postulates I. K contains at least two distinct elements. II. If a and b are elements of K, a — b is an element of K. III. If a, b, and the combinations indicated are elements of K, a—(b — b) =a. J E. V. Huntington, "Sets of Independent Postulates for the Algebra of Logic," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. V (1904), pp. 288-309. 2 B. A. Bernstein, "A Set of Four Independent Postulates for Boolean Algebras," Transac- tions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. XVII, pp. 50-52. 3 B. A. Bernstein, "A Complete Set of Postulates for the Logic of Classes in Terms of the Operation 'Exception', and a Proof of the Independence of a Set of Postulates Due to Del Re," Univ. Calif. Publ. Math., vol. I, pp. 87-96 (May 15, 1914). 242 (Ininrsitij of California Publications in Mathematics [Vol.1 IV. There exists a unique element 1 in K such that, if a, b, and the combina- tions indicated are elements of K, a-(l-b)=b-(l-a). Definition 1. a'=l — a. V. If IV holds, and if a, b, c, and the combinations indicated are elements of K, a—(b — c) = [(a — b)'—(a — c'))'. Definition 2. a'=(a')'. Theorems Theorem 1. a' ' =a Proof. a-(l-l) = l-(l-a) by IV. but a-(l-l)=a by III. and l-(l-a) = l-a" by Def. 1. = (a')" by Def. 1. = a/> by Def. 2. Theorem 2. a' is unique (for any a in K). by IV, II. Theorem 3. a — b'=b — a' by IV, Def. 1. Corollary 1. a ' — 6 = 6 ' — a Corollary 2. a — b = b' —a' Theorem 4. (a — a) ' = (b — b) ' Proof. (a-a)'-(b-b) = (a-a)' by III. and (a — a) ' — (b — b) = (b — b) ' — (a — a) by Th. 3, Cor. 1. = (6-6)' by III. Theorem 5. 1 = (e — e) ' . Proof. First, (e — e) ' is unique. by II; Th's 2 and 4. Secondly, (e — e) " satisfies the equation of IV, in other words, a — [(e — e)'—b] = b — [(e — e)'—a] for, a-[(e-e)--b] = a-[b'-(e-e)] by Th. 3, Cor. 1. = o-6" by III. and 6-[(e-e)'-a] = 6-[a - -(g-e)] by Th. 3, Cor. 1. = b-a by III. but a — b'=b — a' by Th. 3. Theorem 6. a — a'=a Proof. Set b = c = a' and a = a in V. The left then becomes a—(a'—a')=a by III. The right becomes [(a — a')' —(a — a' ')] ' =[(a — a') ' — (a — a)] ' by Th. 1. = [(a-a-)T by III. = a-a - byTh. 1. Corollary. a ' — a = a " 1920] Taylor: A Set of Five Postulates for Boolean Algebras 243 Theorem 7. o-(6-c) = [(6' -a) ' -(c-o/)] - by V; Th. 3; Th. 3, Cor. 2. Corollary. a - • -(6 - - -c) = [(&' -a') ' -(c* " -a")] '. by Th. 1. Theorem^. (b' —a)' — (b — a)=a Proof. Set a = a' , c = b in Th. 7, which then becomes a--(&-&) = [(6--o")"-(&-a'")r but a' — (6 — 6) —a' by III. and [(&' — a' y-(&-a- •)]■=[(&• -a)" -(6- -a)]" by Th. 1. hence [(&" — a) ' — (& — a)] ' =a' hence [(6' — a) ' — (6 — a)] ' ' =a' ' by Th. 2. and (6 ' — a) " — (6 — a) = a by Th. 1. Corollary. (&' —a) " — (&' ' — a) =a Definition 3. a | 6 = a' — & Theorem 9. a a = a' by Th. 6, Cor. and Def. 3. Definition 4. a' = a\ a Theorem 10. a' = a' by Def. 4, Th. 9. Theorem 11. (b\a)\ (b'\a)=a Proof. (&' — a) " — (6' ' — a) =a by Th. 8, Cor. but (& ■ -o) •-(&■' -a) = (&| a)' -(&■ = (6 | a) | (6' | a) |a) by Def. 3. by Def. 3;Th. 10. Theorem 12. a'| (6'|c) = [(6|a')| (c r | a')]' Proof, but a' ' _(&--_ c ) = [(6-_ a -)-_( c --_ ( a ' ' — (6 ' ' — c) = a ' ' — (6 ' | c) = a ' | (6 ' c) = a'| (6'|c) or by Th. 7, Cor. by Def. 3. by Def. 3. by Th. 10. and [(&'— a")'— (c' ' — a')]' =[(& | a')' — (c' | a - )]' by Def. 3. = [(6|o')|"(c" \a)Y by Def. 3. = [(b j a') | (c' | a')]' byTh. 10. That postulates I — V are sufficient is now evident. In the light of Definition 3 postulates I and II give Pi and P 2 of B. A. Bernstein's set of four postulates in terms of "rejection" referred to in an earlier part of this paper; while Pz and P 4 of that set are here exhibited as theorems 11 and 12. That postulates I — V may likewise be derived from Pi — P of Bernstein's set is also easily shown. Thus the two sets of postulates are equivalent. Consistency The consistency of the set of postulates I — V is demonstrated by the following system composed of two distinct elements ei and e% which satisfies all five postulates. As in succeeding examples, ei — e, will be given by means of a table; so that if, as I'll Universittj of California Publications in Mathenuilirs [Vol. 1 in the present instance, e x — ei = e 2 , e x — e 2 = e u e 2 — ei = e 2 , and e 2 — e 2 = e 2 , this will he stated in the form: — ei ^ ei