GREEK EXERCISES, IN SYNTAX, ELLIPSIS, DIALECTS, PROSODY, AND METAPHRASIS. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A CONCISE BUT COMPREHENSIVE SYNTAX. ^HE FOVRTH EDITION, 'WITH OBSERVATIONS ON SOME IDIOMS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. O Greecf.1 thou sapient nurse of Finer Arts I Which to bright Science blooming Fancy bore, Be this thy praise, that Thou, and Thou alone, in thiise hast led the way, in these excell'd, Crown'd with the laurel of assenting time. In thy full Language, speaking mighty things; Like a clear torrent close, or else dirfus'd A broad, majestic stream, and rolling on Through all the winding harmony of sound, Thomson. By Key, WILLIAM NEILSCXN, D.D.M.R.LA. EDINBURGH: l^rinteu at tfie {nmuerjSitp Jpmtf. rOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME & BROWN, LONDON AND JOHN ANDERSON, EDINBURGH. 1814. *4 Cnteret: m ©tattotterjej' €)aH. Rev. JOHN KEARNEY, D.D. - PROVOST OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, .SIR, In being permitted to dedicate this work to to you, I feel that grateful pleasure, which arises from the contemplation of labours sanctioned and en- cour aged by the patron and judge of elegant litera- ture. It shall be my constant endeavour, as it is my anxious wish, to merit a continuance of your kind at" tentioiu I am, Sir, With the sincerest respect, Your obliged humble servant, Wm. NE1LSON. DUNDALK, August, 1803. PREFACE. JL O acquire a correct knowledge of any language, it is neceffary to study not only the words of it, but the man- ner of their combination, in the construction of fentences, Without this minute analyfis, words may be learned, as by rote ; but no taste for elegance of ftyle can be formed *, no understanding of apparently obfcure expressions, nor gene- ral idea of the language can be obtained. For this reafon, many works have been publifhed, in- troductory to the making of Latin, and ufed with the best effect. That, which is now offered to the public, is an attempt to furnifh a similar opportunity for improvement* in the mofl beautiful and important language of antiquity : the language, from which almost all the terms of fcience are derived, and in which the fubstance of general know* ledge is contained. In the concile Syntax, which is prefixed to the Exer- cifes, the rules, or parts of rules, which differ from Latin construction, are marked with afterifms *, that the student may fee, at once, the agreement, and the difference of the two languages. It is particularly recommended to the teacher, to make the pupil ftudy the Notes ort Syntax, and the obfervations, at the end of the volume, to which refe- rences are made, and give an account of them, when he recites the rules to which they are annexed. The fentences, of which the Exercifes are compofed, have been felected from a great variety of the finest authors. It was judged unnecessary to infert the author's name, at the end of each fentence, as this part of the work exhibits thofe forms of exprcflion only, which are common to all the Greek writers. The fentences are all, except in one or two unavoidable instances, in Attic, profe ; for it is evidently improper to : the learner's attention from fyntax, to poetic H* ri< "" af dial< 6b. . ( vi ) Each chapter is divided into three parts. The firft: con- tains plain fentences, rarely anticipating any fubfequent rule : thefe ought to be all rendered into correct Greek, before the other parts of the chapters are attempted. The fecond contains more variety of expreflion, and exemplifies the rules promifcuoufly, as well as the particular one pre- fixed to each chapter : this part is from ^[ to the end of the Englifh fentences. Having finifhed thefe fentences, in all the chapters on fyntax, the fludent will be able to tranflate the third part of each chapter, which confifts of Latin fentences, with no correfponding Greek. As there are many Elliptical expreffions, which cannot be comprehended under any general rules of Syntax,- a fe- legion of the moft important examples has been made from Bos's excellent work on Elliplis. The fcholar is to fupply , the words omitted ; which he will do with eafe, being enabled, by the tranflation, to find them, and directed, by the blank fpaces in the Greek page, where they ought to be placed. The Latin language was preferred to Englifh, in thefe, in the fentences to be tranilated at the end of each chapter, and in the chapter on Metaphrafis, as we have no Englifh- Greek Lexicon. In order to give a knowledge of the different Dialects, quotations fromjonic, Doric, and JEolic writers, and Ho- mer, are inferted, which are to be rendered into the com- mon Attic Greek. The ftudent will thus learn fcvery thing of importance in each, with much more eafe and pleafure, than by committing a number of rules to memory. The lines reduced to profaic order, and to be returned into metre, are intended to form a tafte for the melody of Greek poetry. And, to imprefs upon the mind the dif- tinction between a poetic and profaic ftyle, it is recom- mended to exercife learners in paraphrafing, or imitating in profe, felect pafTages of the Greek poets. This is ufually called Metaphrafis. A fhort fpecimen of it is given in the la ft chapter. It was thought unnecefTary to infert more pieces of this kind, as any poet will furnifh fufficicnt exer- tifes. PREFACE SECOND EDITION. OincE tlie firft publication of the Greek Exercifes, the author has been furniilied with emendations and improve- ments, from feveral very eminent fcholars. Thefe, to- gether with his own remarks, have enabled him to make the prefent edition much more perfect than the firft. Some of the rules on Syntax have been written anew •, and addi- tional examples have been inferted, in fome chapters of the Exercifes. In the chapter on Profody, exercifes, in Pen- tameter, and Iambic verfe, have been added to the original Hexameter *, and the principles of the notes on Syntax have been Amplified. He feels much gratified, in thus publicly acknowledging the very kind attention of ProfeiTor Young, Glafgow Uni- verfity ; and ProfeiTor Dalzel, Edinburgh. The continued friendfhip of Reverend Dr. Bruce, Belfaft Academy ; and Reverend Mr. Hincks, Cork ; with that of many other gentlemen, who have affifted him in improving this work, demands his grateful acknowledgments. Bundaih, Augujl I 3c<5. Cjp Betides many amendments, and addition?, in the fe- veral chapters, an entire chapter (the firfr in this — 'third e- dition) has been added ; and a number of words, in the common Greek, inferted in the chapter on Dialects, which are to be rendered into Attic, Ionic, and Doric Greek. April \Zc or o/, when the following words begins with a vowel ; as, YIolyt t\iyov. 2. All words ending in Ktyu. 4. When the following word begins with an alpirated vowel, the tenuis, or intermediate confonant preceding, is changed into an afpirate *, as, a to tu, A

J7Tovs Aihai kcci Ne- left men, departed to the fiUTH- heavenly gods. This form of construction is used to generalize the expres- 3 C 3 ) Ta jStxw tkmxTit* The darts fall out. To) ctfyvficj iTc7X7jiTC(i 7roLV' All things are fubject to mo- ra, ney. 8. Substantive verbs, verbs pallive of naming, and verbs of geflure, have a nominative both before and after them, belonging to the fame thing ; as, 'Yjuhc urn to ou; tov xoa/bLcv. Ye are the light of the world. Kxkw i7nx.ctK'jjUiuct, wnr b ttxov- "Wealth is the cloak of evils. 5). The infinitives of fubftantive verbs, fuch as uvou, y;- »to-9a:, &V. have the fame cafe after them that goes before them ; as, f • Tovs juiv ufeTds 7CLVT9. iytiro He thought that thofe who KsLkc-jt; kou ayoScvt; tr/xi, tdvq knew thefe things were good xi cLyvcc-jYTzt; ci¥b?X7roloc^nt; av and honourable ; but that Siy.oLiuq xtx.AwSa/. thofe who were ignorant of them mould be justly called flavifh. 1 0. The infinitive mood has an accusative before it, when its agent or fubjeft is different from that of the preceding verb ; (fee obs. 5). but a nominative when they are the fame ; as, %. T/ fifoTCj; (pfovuv Kiyovat 3 Why do they fay that mortal men are wife ? E:A/Jt 7TG\$ avzi fiwiKii. He fhewed that he himfelf was an enemy to the king. f Sometimes when a dative precedes the infinitive, an accu- sative follows it, agreeing with an^accusative, understood, be- fore it ; as, 'H^uc^- X, " *£U?rm cuv, «aa' *9rsg He commenced not those things, vj rh.t ixvTov tiTTcvx ovrcc, r«y in which he knew himself' to T« &ji%y,u be superior ; but those in which he well knew that le was inferior. A 2 * ) RELATIVE AND ANTECEDENT. 1 1 . The relative agrees with its antecedent in gender and number. If there comes no nominative between the rela- tive and the verb, the relative is the nominative to the verb ; but if there does, the relative is governed by fome word in the ientence •, as, Arfyac ol moitou. Men who will know. 'O Koyoc or um. The word which he fpoke. * IC. The Attics often put the relative, by attraction, in the same cafe with the antecedent ; and, fometimes, the an- tecedent in the lame cafe with the relative ; as, (fee obs. 7, 8). Xl()o<; tovtcic ti; xtyu 'Etvo^oiv. Added to what Xenophon fays. 'Ovrtf wt/k hv xtyti; atfyoTrov. This is the man that you fay* GENERAL RULES. # 1 3. A noun of the dual number may have a verb, ad- jective or relative plural ; but a plural noun can only have a verb, adjective or relative dual, when it lignifies two ; as, A t u$o imyer. They both (aid. ile cctijuu (luo") ofiyiTov. As two winds excite. $/Aac irift xitp ficihupiv. Let us put our dear hands around. 14- Two or more fubftantives Angular have a verb, ad- jective or relative plural ; if they be of different perfons or genders, the verb or adjective will agree with the raoft worthy ; if they fignify things without life, the adjective is commonly in the neuter; as, f f To this rule may be added nouns of multitude, which of- ten require verbs and adjectives plural ; as, Hzuwxv xvtov ana* to srAjjhf . All the multitude ashed him. The same occurs, when an indefinite pronoun refers to seve- ral objects, taken individually ; as, 'Clvrm ttTvyx*w, n W«, n Whatever slave, or freeman, aw6ttf, TTctvTxs utruni they met, they slew them all. ( 5 ) Exv a$ih$cs n alih

Ivyolvtuxi -ilcli I irxovrtf lice Power and riches are defira- -.-. y.)-y iiTiv dr^Tcc (x?'' 1 ' ble f° r tne &ke °f honour. fJLOLTX^. Eya koll en tol JaxicL ( Xfi" You and I will do the things (jloltcl) 7roiwo t uiv. which are juft. 15. When an infinitive or a fentence is in place of the nominative to a verb or fubftantive to an adjective, the verb is in the third perfon fingular, and the adjective inthe neuter gender ; as, To TTOLvtv ctptiat IwcLfttrraTOf It is very hard to pleafe all. (X^Ua) £777. SUBSTANTIVE AND SUBSTANTIVE. 16. One fubftantive agrees with another, fignifying the fame thing, in cafe ; as, Kvoggfifc o; tcu Acflvciyov. Cyaxares the fon of Aftyages. A-jtokvxov QvyctTtif (jLtyoLKnrofci; Anticlea, the daughter of the Aytixxikx. magnanimous Autolycus. Indeed there is considerable variety in the application of the rule to which this note is attached. For, when two synony- mous nouns are used, the verb is frequently in the singular ; as, Mecx,n 7roXtfto; n 2= h,-. Thejight and battle raged. And, sometimes, the verb agrees with that nominative which is nearest to it ; as, Attics ti Kcti r.-juct -riXstrru The tnmd and vcave impelled, ( 6 ) GOVERNMENT f. SUBSTANTIVES. 1 7. One fubftnntive governs another, flgnifying a dirle - rent thing in the genitive; as, p Tou Sicu /uux?g%juix. The long fuffering of God. ] S. An adjective in the neuter gender, without a fub- ftantive, governs the genitive ; as, T6-j. The avenger of your father s murder. And the poets, sometimes, change the substantive, that should be in the genitive, into a corresponding adjective ; as, Aovhux Ki^x^rh The head of a slave* (see obs» 49.) ( 7 ) ADJECT I VI S. * 20. Adjectives fignifying plenty, worthy condemnation, power, difference, and their contraries ; also verbals compound- ed with a privative, and thofe which fignify an emotion of the mind, require the genitive ; as, E$yoL (avr/) irxurrov a^tct.. Works worthy of the highefl value. (Ato) tqv xa/77;c (tv") cL$$oto/j.ivot; infou (xIk/aol) He who is fold becomes the yivircii. property of another. * 26. Verbs of beginnings admiring, wanting, remembering, acafing, excelling, valuing^ faring, and the like, with their contraries, govern the genitive •, alfo thofe which iignify dijlance and fenfe (except fight )^ ; as, f -j- This is a very general rule. It includes all verbs signify- ing to 1. Begin, attempt, undertake, endeavour — cease, dismiss, 2. Admire, desire, love — neglect, ridicule. 3. Want, ask, deprive, despair, abstain from, spare, empty ± frustrate, err, Jail — obtain, abound, Jill, enjoy. 4. Remember, lc now— forget. 5. Accuse, blame, speak falsely of, judge — pardon, acquit, 6. Excel, merit, command, conquer, restrain, seize on, hold by, 7. Value, care for — despise. 8. Share, differ, partake of separate, 9. Distance from. 10. Sense, as hear, smell, touch, taste. However, many of these verbs are, occasionally, found with other cases; particularly, verbs signifying to Remember, desire, obtain, enjoy, the accusative ; as, MiLtvnpeti rxvjet, J remember these things. n«0iucLTCi. I have riches. 28. All verbs put acquifitively, i. e. verbs offcrvi/ig, giv &gi %fi"g* rynnngj ^P n gi tn !/?"'g-> dhcour/tng, fightings arid the like, with their contraries, govern the dative ; as, f. ?;• rrciTfih. To help his country. Eixuv xaxei?. To yield to misfortunes. Mflt^o-Oa/ rc/c 7roKijuioic. To encounter with the enemy. Ha; amp ql'jto 7Tovu. . Every man labours for him- felf. 29- A verb fignifying actively governs the accusative ; as, ToVT9t o-y a; ayaQoy oulfu ri- You honour him as a good pas. man. * 30. Verbs of fense, with the Attics, commonly take an accufative *, as, K-iioua tuvtx. I hear thefe things. 3 1 . Every verb may take an accufative of a correfpond- ing noun ; as, Command, abound, the dative ; as, 'HyuTo uvTcig. He led them. Bgv«v v>i>.L7Txi;. Abounding with bees. And many verbs seem to govern a genitive, or accusative, indifferent]}'. But the genitive, in such cases, always denotes a jmrt, in contradistinction to the whole, and depends upon rt, pi°6s, or the like, understood ; as, Una wot. I drink the "wine. Una (t; or pises %\) oivov. I drink (some, or part) of the wine. f A preposition may be understood, after verbs of following, and discoursing ; as, AkoXov&uv (mTcc) Ttn. To follow a person, [Qfu*M3 (e-vr) 5-e^o*?. To converse with wise men. S ( io ) Aouxivw levxuoLY eutrxfCLv. To ferve a bafe flavery. Tioxipor rroKijui^uy. To wage war. . Verbs transitive of accufmg, giv'u:g, and their contra- ries ; and thofe of declaring, and comparing, with the geni- tive or dative, govern alfo the accufative ; as, Ace jjloi ravra. Give me thefe things. 33. Verbs of ajking^ teaching, claaihing, and concealing j * And fometimes with the Attics, verbs of giving, hurting, and accufing, with their contraries, govern two accufatives \ as, *A7ravTct (e/f) fci jut (xara) ra x$y« He deprives me of my goods* juarot. (E*e) 0-6 76UW /^Ou. I give you wine to tafle. PASSIVE VERBS. * 34. Paffive verbs take a genitive, of the agent, after them, which is governed by a prepofition underflood or expreiTed ; as, Kcu 7r$oq vpuv \u$wo{a.ou ; Shall I be left by you alfo ? ('Ytto) qnxctv vixuvTdi p/\e/. Friends are prevailed upon by friends. Jlfoc S'wjf cijip.vju.ivoc.. Impelled by the Gods. * 3,5. Sometimes paflive verbs have a dative of the ar- gent after them ; as, To y.tyttio; vtura rcov 7ri7TfoLy- The greatnefs of his actions* IMPERSONAL VERBS. 36. An imperfonal verb governs the dative ; as, NiyiJTov at/7a ilc&v uvou. It feemed greateft to him* * 37- 'Kf'h v^cTTti, and la, it behoveth, govern the accu- fative, with the infinitive ; as, Xf»? ^ac, 7roitiv rovTo. You mull: do this. 38. A«< and x$y, 9 fignifying neceffity or ivant } ihhU7nt, ( 11 ) y.i\u 9 S;af tfc/, juitutti, ivlix iTCLI > w ^ 1 tne i r compounds, go- vern the genitive and dative; as, X?*i cot (flrx;;0yf)

^X? 1 » as > 'Ocrr/f far iTrSvpti, Tt/paaScy Whoever defires to live, let ftKxr, him try to conquer. SI(tti aurovQ /xtv tx uv * So that they pofTefled them. * 40. The infinitive is often put elliptically, #fct, $u,in cxoTre/ or wcrre being underflood ; as, (See obs. 77). A'jt«c m wforwt (jSxeTT-e) ^toc- Do you yourfelf fight among XwQzi- the firft. (\ftjTe) puxfw Jiiv. Almoft. * 41. The Greeks ufe /ui\xco 9 with an infinitive, to ex- prefs the future, both active and paffive, which in Latin would be rendered by a participle of the future and the verby«w; as, (See obs. 88). Ilifi or vpue //.eAAere Kftnir. Of which things ye are a- bout to judge. Judicaturi eftis. PARTICIPLES. 42. Participles govern the cafe of their own verbs ; as, Tcvs yioTifwe ToixvTct nh von- Inftructing the younger men tof&ns, in fuch manners. * 43. The verbs u/jli 9 rvyxavu, vitol$x u * y^ofjLOLi, xvfo 9 tX*>, tfocw, and Kairtaro, are ufed, with participles after them, to exprefs, what in Latin would be rendered by fome tenfe of a lingle verb \ as, (See obs. 89 — 92.) b 2 ( 1« ) - w 'kttm, k«< yw oe Be now filent ftandlng there, Mfuc iX U¥ - anc * remain as thou art. Es. / 7ri$iTOLTUY. Socrates walks. Ambulat. Participles are often ufed, inftead of the infini- after verbs fignifying an emotion of the mind; as, (See obs. 86) f AyaTwy /ui liotrtKu. He continues to love me. Per- feverat amare. u«u TronxroLs. I remember that I did it. Memini fecifle. THE SUPPLYING OF GERUNDS AND SUPINES. * 45. The infinitive mood, or a participle, is ufed to fup^ ply the place of gerunds and fupines ; as, (See obs. 8o.) E/f to aTfctTiuTas cwxyoLyuv. To gather the foldiers toge- ther. Ad congregandum milites. Evieyirav avTovs iKTV.aa./uw t I acquired them by doing kindly. Benefaciendo. Tloiuv cciaxfov. Shameful to be done. Tur- pe factu. * 46. Verbal adjectives, governing a dative of the a- gent, and the cafe of their own verbs, are ufed to tignify peceffity ; as, (See obs. 96.) TfoLTTTtGY i/.ioi i7ri;?. By land. * 49. Adverbs in 0/ and ai are ufed to fignify at a place : in It, jv*! l *> *£> or some cafe of r/c or ik being underftood ; as, (See obs. 10, n and 17.) Tea (tf>yu) Hkcctmcc. The works of Plato. 0\vju7rixc n (y^r^ ) A^«?«r- Olympias the mother of A* l$ov. lexander. Ettquw (iHKot) me $ihop.MJiGcs» I commend you for your love of mufic. T>fc yne (w°c) iTipor. They laid wafle part of the land. AlfctcTou V tyvpt (jaim ex) 0u- He married one of the daugh- ycLTfur. ters of Adraftus. 51 (erixa) tuc wctiliiuc. O ! impudence. * 54. The dative is often put abfolutely, efpecially af- ter avroe, vuv being underftood ; as, Tor ccuTM ipycov (o-w) uwvots. The fame works with them. * 5.5. The accufative is often put absolutely, mtcl being underftood -> as, (Kara) yar^a JfafUUK. By country a Roman. Max* (hxto) fopoy i^aQii. He was much enraged, in his mind. % 56. A fubftantive with a participle, whofe cafe de- pends npon no other word, is put in the genitive abfolute > ( 15 ) fometimcs, by the Attics, in the Accufatire ; very feldoni in the dative ; as, "j* (Ej, n ep ) rixiov TiWovTos. The fun riling. (Karat) Tfix qvtol tw Afiv- There being three garrifons ftw focvfia. of the ArTyrians. (%vy y) t?) o/V yiYojuiYoi^. Which things being done. The participles cf imperfonal verbs are often tifed abfolutely 5 as, Tt/^/s-a/ ItoY. It being necefTary to build a wall. (MeT«) AKcvtfoY. It being heard. ADVERBS. 57- Adverbs of time, place , quantity, * order, exception^ and the like, govern the genitive j as, Eyyjc (e?') mKOf. Near the fea. Iltfx (v7rif ) Intift* Contrary to juftice. f The dative is seldom used, in such expression, unless with a preposition ; although it is from this case that the Latins took their ablative absolute ; as, &ict&*ixn iTTi reagMg (tc;$ Stetfoui- Testamentum mortuis (testan- »«$) /3iZcttx. (tibus) jirmum est. A mil is of force, the (testators) he* ing dead. f lC7rif and ,u* govern the accufative; a'^a, and the dative ; as, Ma (ofjLYvut) A/a. By Jupiter. *Ajux (cur) to) vIxti. Together with the water. * 59» Two or more negatives ftrengthen the negation % a?, (See obs. 29.) f Oj IvyxTor cvltrruwoTi wltr It is impoffible ever to do rc'JTur TrpoLTTitv. any of thefe things. ()(). Some derivative adverbs govern the cafe of their primitives ; as, A li»i t»j; KXnrwg. Worthily of the calling. " PREPOSITIONS. * 6 L The prepofitions am, oltto, ex. or t$, and tt$o 7 go- vern the genitive ; tv, and avy, the dative ; tig or ec, and *m, the accufative ; as, (See obs. 97 — 104). Ej AtJdoi;, From Attica. Er mxw. In a houfe. Ei; cikoy. Into a houfe. The poets fometimes have ara, with a genitive, or dative *, as, Ar* rW t^«. He went into the fhip. * 62. A/a and uVe^ govern the genitive or accufative ", «/*?/, im, nip, and vtto, the genitive, dative, or accufative ; as, % f Sometimes two negatives make an affirmative, as in Latin, and English. Such expressions however, are always easily dis- tinguished, by the context, from those in which negatives strengthen each other ; as, Ov ^Ivvauxi p.* (.ispvyir&xi* Nonpossum non meminisse. t cannot for get, . X No precise rule can be given to ascertain when these pre- positions govern one or other of the cases specified. The ge- neral principle is-, that when rest is implied, the genitive or da- tive is used ; when motion towards, the accusative. It may be observed, farther, that as the dative denotes the end, *p$i, ski, m^t, and vtto are followed by a dative, only when they express close around, resting or depending on, immediately under, or un* der the influence of; as, ( 17 ) Aix Trvfoc. Through iire. ■ ¥.-. . Upon a throne. Et, To the ground. Ef' / Upon horfeback. * 63. Kara, from, or again/}, commonly governs the ge> nitive ; at, or according to, the accufative. Mirx, iviih, the genitive ; to 9 or after, the accufative. Uccfx and 7r%QK,from y the genitive ; tit, or wjV/j, the dative -, to, befide^ or agairi/f 9 the accufative ; as, f Kara mrfur. From the rocks. Kara Lia^/K. According to my power. Mera f. With friends. Ila^a xvfwv. From the lord. Tlfcc yvjuYOLtriov. To fchooL The poets fometimes have y-trx, with a dative , as, Mir artyawj //.o^eo-Qa/. To fight with men. 64. A prepofition often governs the fame cafe, in com- pofition, that it does without it ; as, ; izz-jhivliTai. He is toned from his chariot. CONJUNCTIONS. 65. The conjunctions, KOf, rt, It, akhx, pit, cvn, and the like, will have the fame cafe ; and, commonly, the fame mood and tenfe after them, that goes before them , as, 'Afcp 1 auotnv Close around the shoulders. Eti ■xeicri Tovrotg. hi addition to all these things. Tx i$ ifuu The things depending on our- selves, i. e. in our oxvn poxver. UiPi ra c-Ti^*>- Close about the breast. Euxts Sun xHfi. Under my hands i. e. potver. 'T7to Qiai. Under the influence of God. \ Ux^ct and 7T£os are joined, in this rule, for the sake of con- ciseness ; as they may, commonly, be translated in the same words. But there is a marked distinction in the ideas expres- sed by them ; ttx^x implying permanence, duration, possession, :inA *?«'?> contingency. C ( 81 ) woy c^kov ovroc, xa/ The multitude being very jmil ixcvTuy ti Vj arc, for the moft part, joined with the fubjuno tivc mood ; as, f 'l» a yruTi. That ye may know. Kctv aju-itvcv ayavHTQ/uoLf. Though I mould fight bet- ter. Av, km, and my, are often ufed to give a fub- junctive meaning to the other moods j as, (See obs. 74, Av *cy T-jy^oLvei fioLwKtue av. Although he were a king. f It cannot be said that any of these conjunctions necessa- rily requires the subjunct ; ve mood ; nor that there is any dif- ference in the meaning of the conjunctions, according to the different moods with which they are used. In this respect the verb and conjunction appear totally independent of each other. Practice only, and the careful reading of the best authors, will direct the writers in the application of this rule. Some gram- marians have been at great pains, in specifying with what par- ticular moods and tenses certain conjunctive particles are used; but he who depends on any other rule, in this case, than his own knowledge, and imitation of chaste writers, will be even liable to errors. ( 19 ) GREEK EXERCISES. CHAP. I. i. V_jF honours, to a city, labour, of an old man, to oxen, to lions, faith, to a horn, of parfimony, O Thomas, two fons of Atreus, of Pythagoras. 2. Mountains, of two winds, bows, of a day, O Mercury, to a day, two brothers, of a Saviour, O woman, to Jove, life, of mufes. 3. To trees, O man, of De- mofthenes, to Latona, of a phrafe, to a father, O king, of a poet, to a moufe, of an end, virgins, friendship. 4. To tribunals, O robber, a fliip, to men, of a king, bowls, of a mind, oxen, to daughters, to Ihepherds, a ftream, parts. 5 . To nations, of a flock, a prieft, a fifh, to a hufband, of fpring, to feet, O Hector, O Ajax, a crow, of a wall, two ferpents. 6. Of two men, a ftorm, a fa- ther, cities, Arabians, a make, to fathers, a comb, lions, walls, cluf- ters, winter. 7. Dogj, to a vine, a fea, a wild boar, of an army, to horn^, Ttpny ouf\v 9 ?rovoc* y TT^QtVt;, fioVC, MUV, via* TV*, Hifxc, fetla, Scotch; ? ATfetlnc, IIvQocyopcic. Opoc, otvtuos, T0%0V, tiptfct, Efpix;, y/xif>oc, a- lt\, 7T0VC, 'Ex rwo, A/flt^, xofa? a , rer^oc, Ipcckojv, A&fUTTQS^CLlKOL-^yTTOt.- TYIf*, 7TGKIG, AfOL^, OpIS*, TTOLTVIf, KT&C*, KiCOY, Tet%- OC, fiOTfvf, XCtfAM*. K.vuv, *.y.7riK0Q) 0a- >.«7Ta% cr-JC a , o-Ipztvj//?., ( 20 ) ot a mother, king*, a ftonc, favor, to a heart, O boy. 8. A mother, to an oak, Sf- mois, a giant, of power, to honey, . of heroes, rofes, O fun, O Scythian, to orators. I'o birds, of two lions, to a bone, debts, O Hercules, fons, of a word, to fhepherds, of a ci- . fn akes, of a foot, to bellies. lo. Teeth, O Neptune, to fa- thers, a belly, to bodies, honours, O impudent, to muftard, of a v t, parfimony, of youth, of doors. i i . Of Pelides, a fountain, of love, to Phoebus, marriages, two heads, of oxen, fervants, night, to power, of two horfes, a port. i 2-. Of Sparta, of a wound, a goblet, to cities, to reverence, two mouths, O interpreter, trenches, virtues, io two hands, to myriads, a multitude. 13. Air, two eyes, a beach, flowers, to a well, of years, of water, cuftoms, Trojans, Greece, O judge, of a tripod. 1 4. Poffeflions, a fea, countries, eyebrows, knees, O Jefus, difciples, of a fpear, a kingdom, parents, of Atlas, laughter. A*ac' 1 , X&fK?, X££f , 7Tr}TC0f. O^/C, XiW, Oc'ltOV, Xfi • ot;, 'H^aKxewc, vivjc, iv- cc, vojUi-Jt, oiffjuj op/f% 7rovc, yaalvip. KW7TW, Gl\V\7Tl, 7TihtKVG, Cillo*, VtOTYX, 0t/f>a. Tlnkeions, »da?*. (pi* xornc, 'fcc/Ccf, ycLjuct;, xt- XfOLTOCy l7T7rOC, Kl/JLW % . TYlf, WOKlQy CLjloC, clofJLOL, tfjuwius, ratppec*, ctfiT>i z 9 A&nf, op/UK, fnypiv*, ayOoc, (pftaj), trot, ulcop, t(W, Tf>wc, 'Exhac*, xpi- TJJf, T^iTTOVC, Knap, a\c a , 7rctTpts t otppuGy yovv y Iwroff, poi- Qhthk, lofv, /2aa7\e/a a , tc- KWC, ATKttS, ytKcof* ( 21 ) CHAP. II. A verb agrees with its nominative, in number and person. Verbum cohreret, &c. Eton, . Concord antia^ sunt, &c. IVetttn. A verb agrees with, &c. Bell. Concordant duoe sunt, MflMU) TV7T- Ofay, rvy^aLVQ, ? - yCO, TtjUXU, TTOttto. ( 22 ) /'/. pcrf. I had written, ye had known, thou hadil made, they had (truck. MIDDLE. 9. Prcf. Thou fitted, he comes, they turn themfelvcs. jo. Iwperf. I was beginning, ve were hurting yourfelves, they were {landing. 11. t . Fut* Thou (halt prepare thyfelf, we fhall take, I mail know, ye fhall receive. 12. 2. Put. Ye two will flrike yourfelves, he will drink, I will turn myfelf. 13. 1. Aor. He ceafed, they two did, I flretched myself. 14. 1. Acr. We two did give, they were, he did place himfelf. 15. Perf. I have fufFered, we have flruck ourfelves, thou haft trufted, he has efcaped. 16. PL perf. He had left, I had heard, they had come. 6i7TC0. A$G)/Al, yiVOjUGU, TlQn/Al. TTcta^o, ri'7rTco } Tret Gey, (pivyco. Aetna, cmovu 9 ifX ^' PASSIVE. 17. Pre/. He is named, we two are nourifhed, they are admired. 18. Imperf I was (truck, they were prepared, it was written. 19. 1. Put. I fhall be punifhed, thou (halt be left, he fhall be fent. ao. 2. Put. Ye will be flruck, he will be delivered. 2 r . 1 . Aor. It was faid, we were found, ye were loved. OvOpLOL^d), TftCpO), QciV- ypoLcpa. KoAafa, Ket7ru, t, ti/ttw, (pixiu. Gclw\q. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 26. He was challenging, he was laughing, to make, having perceiv- ed, thou mayeft fend, to go, he x:" c blaming, they would guard, he was learning, he had flood, he did perceive, having defcended, feeing, he did take, to give, I may become. 27.I would affirm, they may be, I was contented, they might leap, he would be taken,it has been wrought, I would appear, being about to find, he has fuffered, having com- pofed, he would compare, to be able, to have ftruck, having read. 28. They have ufed, to return, they died, to think, he would re- buke, to have tinned, he buried, ye think, we did come, they have been injured, they were thinking, hear ye, they fhewed. 29. Thou wouldft have, to go away, they might be deceived, they were vexed, having hoped, to be about to be taken away, he would learn, having put on, hav- 7T01W, CLj(T^6LV6fJiai 6 , 7TifJL- rrcoj 7roptvo/j(.ou f jutju 3 , 7rx a.7rccT7rcca 3 , juolvQocvo) 6 ,€tt/- rAtlJUJ 6 9 VlX.Xu'"' \ C-iKU™, Qictopq, fwcrco 6 , &Ka£a a i 84 ) lug conquered, to have refembled, thou faweftj broken, thou compared ft, it will be necef- faiy, , 1 \\ ould ihout, thev arc pleafcd. 30. To have been hurt, ho- nour thyielf, he is able, they may turn, he fliall prevent, he hath been feen, they confufe, to have been, he would begin, thou fhalt ey have ordained, to Jiave been grieved. 31. Nothing was made, John anlwered, do not ye say that it is four months, and the harveft comes ? Jefus bore witnefs, Cyrus edj then the man went away. 32. Philip has died* Chryfantas did ftand up, and he fpoke thus, the time would be, the man mall love, Panthea having fent did fay, do not grieve, O Cyrus, that A- raipas is gone. la, $iou> m , /Scaw 5 , a^otT- V>K0L7TTCD t Tl^ClU™, lv- VOLJULXI, Tfi71U f XUhVCO, 07T- rojuat, avy)(tci) f yivofiiou m 9 KV7TiW. OultVyiV0(Aai 6 ,0 IttOLV- VW a.7ro)tpivoju.aj v5 , ovk my friend?, XfWTOQ CLVYI$ 9 XOIVOC TTOTUf, rifJLY] V&VS, \V7TY\ fJLi- a^toc, iijuipot ayioty worn- TJ7C clQocvoltos, «f , rfiic CLvtyQ7TCS 9 OOfOL Tf*T0f* 9 7rpay/u.a. ovro? 9 vavc oa- A0f% filQhM ipOQy yvm TIC. ElfWYl ilv? 17TK0S ftp* O rJ7TYl%tTYlS IdOfiOl^QZ /u«y ( 26 ) the battle is near, for the enemies advance. 6. Thou art a happier man ; all the men failed wounded ; thofe tragic actors; that is the temple; Agamemnon was paiTing on joy- ful. 7. Wherefore, the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and juft and good. ayav tyyvs, 7rpovtfxo/jLcq yap TTshifjiioc;. fJLl' T$UV/A.CtTl, tyb) It OV 7TOLv1o% V/U. E/f tpyov 7rottcj 5 } xa.f H OVK i/JeCj'" 7 , OTl a$/X0£ fiourixttct ov Khnpovo/jiio. OoiyiOQ KMftQq Kf>lW, ( 27 ) 5- Fear God 9 and honour thy parents. 6. Hate thofe that flatter, as thofe that deceive ; for both, when trad- ed, injure thofe who trufl them. 7. The poets know that this is fo, and the difference* 8. «1 And thinkefl thou this, O man, OxaX. judgefi them who do fuch things, and doit the fame, that thou JJjalt efcape the judgment of God? 9. For it has not Jhoes by the fmith, nor arms by the flioe- maker. I'c. But the difciples did not know thefe things. i I . Hippocrates having cured many dftafes, fell fick and died ; the Chaldeans foretold the dra/^/ of many, then fate took them off alfo ; Alexander, and Pompey, and Cains Cxfar having entirely deflroy- ed whole cities fo often, and having cat off many myriads of horfe and foot in battle, at laft departed from life themfelves. oe yoYfvc riyetco. Ml<7iC0 K0K0(KlVO) h 9 U(77rif C l^UTTXTCCOJ, UjU- (pOTifcs yet? 7r/a7£i/w p5h On q-jtcq ei/r«c £ X W » KXf ItOLfCfOL KJVy.l 7TGI- tlTffC. Acy&jucif It euros, Q MVfUTTQCy b KflvaPiO b TOl- GVTCS 7T^CL(Tivoj 5 9 etTOL Key olvtos Triw^coyavov KaroLKciyQavQ 6 . A>.iz,av- dfoc, Key HoyTrmoSt Key Twos Ka/crap bhos ttokis apltlV T070LVTOLKIS 0LV0Lj^iQ 6 y K?. IV 7r0Lf&T0L%lS 7T0KVS y.: ; i".S i7T7rivs Key tt^qs KarajtoirTto* , Key ojjto? TTGTi i£tf%G/UCy 6 filGS. 12. Jubebat eos, habebant currus, mittunt nuncios, dice- bat hl/At } ou w- 7tov Key av etjui roiov- rot; av^^Oi7roq f oc Xfwi/uoc 'O e£ ayQpo)7rcs v.7r- tp%0{AOL) 6 , et fJLlV 3"60C &JUI, ovleic deivo$' nemos yctf> OV OVK a.V 7npl£ctKKCt) 6 ' 11 V ne oe u tis cvx. eifAi, yi ou (jLiKtt ojjroq b a^wjrewc, ( 29 ) world void of gods, or void of providence ? 8. We received Oedipus, and thole with him, when unfortunate, and we have done many other friendly and honourable things to the Thebans. 9. It is not incredible, O Pro- teus, that you, being an inhabi- tant of the fea, become water ; and if you would be ever changed into a lion, neither is this beyond faith. But if it is poffible that you, dwelling in the fea, can become fire, I entirely wonder at this and difbelieve it. 10. Our excellencies and deft els are wont to arife nearly from the fame caufes. 11. 1 fpeak thcfe things, which I have feen with my father, and ye do the things which ye have feen with your father. 1 2. Indeed many things, but it is not right to publifh them to all men, nor to reveal the fecrets. 13. But Athenians, I do not think it is proper, to relate the ftrength of Philip, and by thefe words, to perfuade you to do the things which are necejpiry. tic tycd £aw tv ko&juos xi* yoc 3-eoc, n 7r$ovoix xivoe ; 'O O/Wovc, xx/ o jutl'cc iKeiVCC % , tK7rt7TTCi) h V7T0- ll)(0,UCLj h , XXfiTtfOC 7T0KVC lya v7tx^q) 0 7TUTTIC. El 6i XXf TTVf ytVO/ACLf IvVX- roc, iv o $x\x7 ZiVC XXf 7T0KVC, «A- XX OV ^ijUlC iX(pi£Q) tUJTGC TTfOC CC7TXC, ovli X7T0$- J>y]toc tZxyofiUG). O (mv ovv, o) avn% A0>f-, b $thi7T7roc fajuvj lli%UjUl 9 KXf I IX OVTOC 9 Koyoc % , 7TfOTfi7ra) b lu h 7TCtiQ (TtOU/TDU 7TOJC. Ovx. etjut iktvQipoc $ OVH. et/Ul a7T0W TTOllOi TS CV0fJ.CC KOLl b QtaQoKvj. CHAP. vnr. Ay, lav, i7retlav, ha, ofga, c7rcoc 9 brocr, bvroTav, kolv, mv, 8c vc, are, for the moft part, joined with the fubjunctive mood. — Av, nay, and xiv, are often ufed to give a fubjunctive meaning to the other moods. Subjunclivo junguntur tav, Sec. Eton. Av et lav, Sic. Wetten, The conjunctions ha, Sic. The conjunctions av, &c. Bell. Bi 1. XiUT the chief Priefts con- fulted among themfelves, that they might kill Lazarus alfo. 2. Tho lueJJjould take to us both the earth, and the fea. Bovkivo™ It b ap^/e^fff , ha Aalapog ano- xretvci) 5 . Kai av b yia, ytat av h $a\axxt]co, ixv fiYi (tv Qixw rort A iiy.i fika7TTco 7 , brxv vttoxxu- QaVU (dXXTTTU. Tv^XOCO CLOTCQ C$§XX~ jUCt;, KXl TTU^OOi XV76C y-xfiia.- Ivx t u>t u£u 6 b C^XXy.OQ, KXl VCiU 5 5 Kafitx, kxi' iria-Tfityu* KXl ixoy.xi OLVTOQ. K.XI ^V^r? TToXXOLKiq avdyKY] $yyco m tv h S-j^a, OTXV T'l( OLXKlIJLOt; §VQlCV ccydi7THjui. Eav (AY\ KOKKOQ TTlTf^CO 6 T0<; y JUiV iTTl IhiX- XOf Pg OLYfytiTTOC CMC" 17TI o wvxfjue d 9 Stoc -rono, a SiCQ It, 0LvdpU7TC(; S , AviffTUfJU li Tig iX. O ovvtlftcY Qotfiaatsc, mo/uct TcL/ACtkiyiK, voucdilaocot- hcc 9 KthtVU t^co fifx^v b 5 5 . And a certain Pharifee of the council riling up, by name Ga?na- /?>/, a doclor of law 9 ordered them to put out the men a little while. a}tifU7T0C TTOlib) 'lljja cru d , o K^oiucg 7Toli<; sra/oevw tyu yap hctkoc cuk calf lac ttjut P> 7. Venia, O Ajax, (ei debetur) fi, cum efTet homo, ap- petivit gloriam, rem dulnjfimam, propter quam et noftrum 6. You may teach the fon of Crcefus *, for I with to be a talker and not ajlatue. ( 35 ) unufquifque periclitari fuftinet ; quandoquidem etiam vicit te, et h:ec apud judices Trojanos. CHAP. X. The infinitives of fubftantive verbs, fuch as uvoli 9 y/rw- Qsu, &c. have the fame cafe after them that goes before them. The infinitives uraf, &c. Bell. i . A HE name C£ boafter" ap- pears to me, to lie upon thofe who pretend to be richer than they are, and more valiant, and who promife to do those things which they are not fit to do. 2. You fee how nothing hin- ders the Scythian Anacharfis to be admired, and called a wife man. tyco* yt 3. f The fhorteft, and fafeft, and moft honourable way, is, in whatever thing you wifh to feem to be good, to endeavour to be good yctftoc upu, tgvto aai («) in it. yivo/j.ot.1 6 aycSoe 7rti%cLto m . O juiv ahoc^c loKta OVOUOL, KilfAOLj i7Tl 6° 7rfO(T7TOllQ mh itOtt 7TKOV(Ttoe xect noiiu}* «c juyi ixwoc OfCLQ UQ OvlllC KUKVCJ S>cy9^c Avoi^a^ie x.011 $rcLV{A.a£,a , re koli voV7V^lOL KOLl CJAlhlOL CCTH- X^^t cihha *«' b j>o ccya^oc IJAOLVTCV a.7TGhhVjUl 5i , I VOL ffV O.yj CCyo$GC, ZlflTTQHO)* 5 , ( n ) good, fee yourfelves how uojuft and thoughtlefs ye are. 9. For as when a light is pre- fent at night, it draws the eyes of all to itfelf, fo the beauty of An- tolycus attracts the regards of all to itfelf. 10. f He will eafily find his leathern coat again, and his fpade, in the lees of his crfk\ 1 1. I am a deliverer of men, and an healer of pa/pans, but upon the whole, I defire to be the prophet of truth and freedom. 12. By their prefent great joy, they h*d Jbmtfhing of a flight hope, that, in future, they ihould not be confumed by any other difor- der. 13. You defire nothing of a dif- ficult matter, wifhing to know what the law is. 14. A refemblance differs from a fymbol ; inafmuch as the refem- blance aims, as much as poflible, to reprefent the very nature of the thing, and it is not in our power to vary it ; but the fymbol is whol- ly in our power, as exifting by our 1 5. The end of tragedy and of hi/lory is not the fame,' but oppo- site j in the former you mud ftrike and captivate the hearers, at prefent, by the mofl perfuafive OfXV CD Ti\- aVi(j04 UfJLl y.y.i ayvxyuv. flmrtf yctf ctv.v $WlX TT^YITYIZ UfJLl (liCVkOUat. O 7roL$a,x$Yi{jt.yL 7ri$i%x- fVC, £f 17TUTCL Xt >01C ^9 thTTiC TICt)rCO Z XOVtyOC. t fAVI- ti OLV V7T0 OLKhOS yCGVyX^ TTOTt tTl llOLtpQilfOO 6 *. OyJe/c Tie ^axtTroc 7rfctyycc imQv/uta fiovx.6- yea yivuvKQ 6 ricuyiroyoc. Aicuptfco oyoicoyct o *\tyxcLyuyito s y ( 33 ) , in the latter, by real facls and narrations, you mufi:, always, infauft and pcrfuade thofe who wifh to learn. KCCTCt 7T0LptlJUl g t OLKOVO)'' CtKn^lVOQ iVVXiti Ofc, t ? yo Y.CLI xoyoe t etc 7T0CC Trtitio 5 o p/xo/^aftay 5 . t6. Socrates, et Homcrus, et Hippocrates, et Plato, eo- rutnque admiratores, quos etiam xque ac deos colimus, tan- quam prxfecli quidam, atque Dei minijlr'u CHAP. XII. The relative agrees with the antecedent in gender and number. If there comes no nominative between the rela- tive and the verb, the relative is the nominative to the verb ; but if there does, the relative is governed by fome word in the fentence. Relativum cum antecedente, &c. Eton. The relative, cc, i, c, &c. If a nominative comes, &c. Bell. 1. 1 II AT the word might be fulfilled which he /poke. 2. Having feen the chariots which Jofeph fent, the fpirit of our father Jacob revived. 3. You feem never to have feen the polypus, nor to know what this fifh fuffers. 4. There was a certain rich viatiy who had a fteward. 5. f What time or what op- portunity do ye feek better than the prefent ? or when will ye do hot 7r\n^oo 5 hoyoc oc U7T0V. Ello 6 * T/f K0Lt - f>0C 7T0Lqil(M Z QLyc/ftoQ tfl- ( 39 ) the things which are necejfary^ if not now ? 6. Whom I often faved, when in danger of being cut off by the Phrygians. 7. I loft none of thofi perfns y whom thou gave]} to me. 8. One, of thofe who fat with him, having heard thefe things, faid ; He is happy who JJjall eat bread in the kingdom of God. 9. It is fuperfluous to fay thefe things to them, tuhich they know. 10. The firft perfcn is that in the fpeaker fpeaks of him- felf ; the fecond, in ivhich of him to whom he fpeaks ; the third, in which of another. 1 1 . Such are hyperboles and plurals ; but we fhall ihew in the fequel, the danger which they feem to have. TiO ; Y] TTOTi Of til VCXf- 7i C- 7T0 $PVZ^. Oc dioujui tyu, t% avToc 0V6UG OCTTOhhVUl. Akgvoo 5 Tic t 0C avroQ, be itrnjui. TLpCOTOC 7Tf>0.oyoe.' rfiroc, that they might worfhip in the feJlivaL i c. It is a fine thing to receive immortal glory, in exchange/;/- a mortal body. 1 1 . *[ I think it the duty of a good citizen, to choofe the fafety of affairs, before grace in /peaking. I 2. It contributes much to their learning, to be temperate, that they fee the older men alfo living tem- perately, through every day. E/.t'./ Sfc TIC 'EXKViY, ejc scvaCar, a 1 h , ha. rrp m l \ \ ti s Kotko/;, ain StHToc era- /ux, *.&xva.7or lo^oc am- A/Xa/CC 7T0KITY]Q Z XflVU, o 7rpa.y{A0L (rcoTV!fiQC f ccvTi o iv o Kiyu X*?"' K/ 'f £a,t "* Mtyct aVjuCcixxQ 11 eic C ! ' e fJLOLV^CLVU QUXpfOYid) CLV+ TO?, OTl KOCt 7T^i7^VC OfCCQi, OCVOC 7T0LQ Yiy.i^CC, Gtitppcvac Sixyu. Ztiu/acc 71 i%a iV ^f/j> \y.n^QKoq Awokkuy > XfV- A 13. Having in his hands, the crown of the far darting Apollo, in the golden fceptre. 14. Ego meis pofteris generis princeps ero, meumque a me genus incipiet, tuum vero in te definet. 15. Alii vero, conftructo rogo ante tumulos, et effossft fovea quadam, adolentque fumptuofas illas ccenas, et infuiir dunt vinum, mulfumque in foveas. CHAP. xiv. A.-a and unif govern the genitive, or accufative ; apf t, m, *tpi 3 and Cm, the genitive, dative, or accufative. A; a, &c. A^p/, &c. BclL GENITIVE. 1. A HEY are troubled thro Tarawa ^idsrac faoc. all their life. 2. Take away defire entirely, *0 o$i%ic TrMTiKut;, tm at prefent. Trcupiipf, aveufta 6 * ( 42 ) therefore from fmall things ; never fay of any thing, that I loll it, but that I reflored it. 4. Your forgctfulnefs, about all things, is near ; and the for- getfulnefs of all, about you, is near 5. He was always difcourfing be affairs of men ; confider- ing, what was pious, what im- pious ; what honourable, what ihameful ; what jufl, what un- jufl. DATIVE. 6. Strip this man alfo ; for ihou flialt fee many, and ridicu- lous things, lying hid under bis garment. 7. And they were aflonifhed at his doclrine^ for he was teaching them, as one having power, not as the fcribes. 8. And the general of the Lord fays to Jomua, loofe the ihoe off thy feet, for the place tjpon which thou haft now flood, en it, is holy. 9. They have the horfes tied by the feet to thejlalls : and if any one would go againj} them, it is a labour to loofe the horfes at night, a labour to put on the bit, a labour to put on the faddle, a labour to put on the coat of mail; and it is entirely iinpoflible, that they Af^o/'' rnyx^cvvcaro ftlKfOf fJ.Y]%l7T0Tl 17TI (JW~ 6«f e/TOK*, 077 CL7T0*.KV{JLl cu/rc;, olKKol oti olttoIiIgojui. Eyyvg t uw aog, tti^i TTXg, K$Vl iyyV$ it TTCtC AVTog 7rtfi e ctvfyu- TTCiOQ CtCt QtOtKiyO/LiOil' CiiO- 7riu, 77C n *6un£>jc, rtc olvi- Cue Tig itahog, rig dialog* Tig (flKOtlOg, Tl( ClllKOC AtgW v XCU OUTOfOTT'' roy.oii yap mohug, xai yi~ KOIOC, U7T0 IflOLTKV KfVTT- T0) ? . Koil tY.7ThVl(JY]fjia. o 7rovg z cu 5 , o yeep Tc-rog i7ri og vvv iem//.!, iwi ctvTo^y ay iog it JUL ric^/f&) P7h l)(0i l.TTTTOg t7Tl fCCTM' KOLl it Tig 6777 QLVT0g Z UjUl 6 , tayOV /UiV W%5 PU/w 5 J-arTTog, isfov oe ^a- xivoo)' , tfjov di im^arla 5 , tfrovliiTriQcopaKt^s-ava* €xiVU 6h $£ tTTl i7T7rog % UtfW- ( 43 ) having mounted en the horfes, yo* { Six o crpaTflartSw*, could drive through the camp* ttxytxtxq-iy alvyxros. ACCUSATIVE. ic. Cyrus fometimes invited a whole company to /upper, with the captain. I i. They came, not on account cf Jtfus alone 9 but that they might alfo fee Lazarus. ] 2. He alio goes out to affift, with thofe that are about him* 13. But, as I think, you did not come the mod beautiful per- fon, under the earth* 14. Many at laft were fpent by weakne/s ; for the diforder fir ft feated in the head, having begun from above, vent throughout the whole body* 15. f If God be for us y who can be againft us ? 16. But tell thou me, how the things upon earth are, and what they do in the city. 17. And the others who fought with Darius agai?tjl the becaufe the whole Per- /my was in their paver, to deftroy, or to five it. 18. Timon fhall do no furh thing about you any more, for the \ has completely taught him, that lie. ought to choofe you to him Pel f, before poverty. 19. Sic enim vivis, quo paclo quivis fervus fub domim tans, non maneret. KxXtO) iTl bil7TY0Y 6 Kvfcc oacc rroTt rx^i;, uiv Ep^ojucq 6 , ov S/a b ly* (TS'JC (JLOYOQ, XXKX IYX KXj ff A«£*j>fiC Qi\o) 6 . Ey.CovQv KXf OLVTOC, (TW TTifl OtjUTOS. AhKOL CV%1 KCCf V7T0 yt%^ 0{ OljHOLf 1 , Y.XK0Q i^OfAXf, O TTOXvc vaitpov hot XU- Qiveix S/apOerfxy 2, Key S/€§— eijui" yctf otz Trots o o-oo/xx z , avuQiv ap%op.cLf S , e ne iv c k£- xfx.ouYTO); tyu* OVTI UVU7TC(JC0V QLViV • - y.:v:rx f ovre 4rKWTQ% X^f'S ctfirn ywwv t'yco. TIomc Ko(.teot a o-jToc nc vojuoCj Mia irewti h y^oto- f.xf h , cvyyfcf.y.y.x ety.i «>.« *.u; Ktroe, ( ) I o. This evil is net far II. A bare thought by itfelf, , is fometimes upon account of the cuv itfelf. i 2 Near the very great city Babylon. 13. And when Gadatas was j he fends fome fpies before him. 14. However, with the morn* ingy they come to the fea, and having gone into the way called Elorina, they proceeded. 15. The Athenians knowing that they were not concealed, laid down their arms again, ex- about three hundred men* 16. ut pu y we are afraid to go home. 1 7. And the AiTyrian having followed as far as he thought it to be^fafe, returned. 18. Then the Aiiyrians, and thofe with them, when the armies were near each ether, caft a ram- part around themfelves ; which barbarian kings do even yet, when they pitch their camps. 1 9. At firft he called himfelf nobody ; but when he ran off, and was out of reach cf my dart, he faid that he was named Ulyf- fes. 2~. I faw them quarrelling a- d teaching for a UfJU. Kxf furn lix*, 3uu/to$B TTOTt yihci; xctrcc iavrcv ttTGlOL, hx CWTCC* 6 JJCi^'OL. O jutya; -roXit; Ba£vyw tyyvc. O de Faoarocc uc tyyvc €iUl C'JTCS fcOtyKV, TTifXTTd) t/c Trpctfivvao™^. A«a It e tuc, ct^invtofActf IfjLQt; TTfcc b S-a\astoq % 7ru$ TTihOLS Gvleit;, vooq i^a), tvix.iv clo- TCC KCLTCtyMlfyjUOLl 5 * &l>- TlTCt(TVU mh ' OVTt 7ThiU 8 7Tlm C 49 ) feas, only to pafs over them ; nor takes up the fciences, or arts, merely^/}/ - the fake of the hnotvledge itfclf; but all men do all things, ccount of the pleafures, honours, or profits which arife from the work?. :S. Ye fee to what a pitch of the man has come, who does not allow you a choice of righting or being at peace ; but threatens and ufes proud words, as they fay, and is not fa- tished, poiTefling the things which have been conquered, to ftay with them, but is always adding fomething about them. 29. Definite mihi, ad quot ufque annos exiftimare oportet, homines efTe juvenes. 3 o. Qms enim abfque hac bonum aliquid difcat ? 31. Velles quidem qui commutant, frigoris eas aft usque Htuja commutant. 32. Et, per canrm, O viri Athenienfes, certe ego patiebar aliquid tale. fxoyoy KOLf am ovli iy.xct- $10L KCCf 7tX''>1 CCJTC; itiKX • tTUTVUV aiXAXuGxYCO' TXQ li TTfxcrcrte rrocc, X x ? ly ° i7ri ' yiro t u1 O-xu) c! irPoifXpfJMi ax- IKyilX CuQfCJTTOCy Of OXjJi odfiTlC 7V h$U ( Ul § 7T%CLx- roc, w

&c. Wctteih The infinitive will have, &c. Sometimes the infinitive, &c. The infinitive is fometimes put, Sec. One verb governs another, &c. The Greek infinitive is often, &c» Bell. Infinitivus fubjicitur, Sec. Holmes. 1 . JlIE heard that he had done this miracle. 2. Another again, wasjbew* '.rig that wealth itjelf was good, 3. It pleafed them that each fljould be honoured according to his defert, and that Cyrus JJjould be the judge. 4. They brought all things fufneient, fo that all the army /tip- ped well. 5. I, having put you into the houfe of correction, flail perfuade you that 1 am your mafler. 6. He /aid that he was the Amo ovTo;. vjjtcs 7tohq M/mc-M. O Tie cut 7ra.Kiv, ctyatiec dfj.1 ycLf 7tXovtoc olvtos a- Aotico koctcc a£/a txa- crroe n^ccco, Kupoc It.o Kgt- VQ h itfJ.l. Tlac ix.ot.vee 7r^ocrayo i 9 uc tei7ryiQ 5 kolkw ol7tolc rrpoLTicc. Eyfryi, av uly i/jiCoLKKa) 6 etc juvhuv, 7r&$Q apt W- TOT'/lf'. C ^1 ) matter of his words himfelf, but m of his actions. 7. Then, being fuch, did you wi/h to live- ? 8. Take things concerning the , as far as they are ufeful for the mind. 9. Fear, and the law ixzfuf- Irain love, ic Become a friend flowly, but when you are fuch, try to for it is equally fid to have no friend, and to Tociates. 11. I am ready to idl ,- for it to rt member and relate any thing about it. 1 2. And be began again to teach l the fea ; and a great mul- titude was gathered to him ; Jo ^one into a vefiel, m the fea, and all the mul- titude was at the fea fide. 13. O Athenians, many fpeeches being made, almoj}^ in every aflembly. 1 4. Demofthenes lamented that being the moft laborious of all the fpeakers, and. having al- mojl t be vigour of his body in this, he had not favour with t\ 1 5 <" Taikativenefs, if one to be an intemperance of fpeech : ■Jkative perfon is fuch an OLVTOS CifAly hi tyOgtf Tt - >£,\ ElTX, TOlCVTOt; C-ifJLl, £<**> O TTifl GOJUX*, ^XV baara. 4>oCoc, xoj vojuoc tx&roft tfO( KCJKVCJ. Rfctbtu; /uiv (piho; yivo- /uxf, "yaofiol^ li } 7rc-i£ZQ> il X$ : S> ft-'>l^c q>ihoc ix^> K *j TQ\VC iTCLjfoq jUtTaKKOUJVG). 'Etci/uoc hiyco' tjlvc yi xv o nc jUYOLo j uaj-' 7 y.Of ln^ei/Ai TIC 7Tift O0JT0Q*. YLclj afX /-'' 01 ^ ^tolkiv o/« aurayti 5 Tfcc euros TCKVC' UJTi CCJTOQj t/A^OLf- Y0) 6% Uq WKOlOYf xy.9ru.aj €/ ^OXflWCa, KCLj 7TCL$ C^- KCQ STPK $CthZ<7(?Z Ci/J.l TIokvi;, co xvv.f AQwaiOf, Key:: ynofjiCLi^ okp/oq Jei } . r iXOLVTOf iKZhWlOL. QbYfOUOU* b AviaocQiv,;/;, crt 7rac ffooTO?o( ny.i t \e« ya , k%i ppLfsc hi a y. it « • rahMTKo' , fjuiuct a in; circc' c '/^'-l ouk t)(u ■ 5 a O hv.hiz, et rt: CLVTOC cr.f , Qiixi ay lo- O ( ^2 ) one, as ufcs to fay to the perfon who meets him, that he him- fclf knows all things. 1 6. Having left the judgment feat, we came to the place of puniihment ; but there, my dear friend, there luere many and inferable things to hair and fee. 1 7. But he has come to fuch a pitch of pride, that he fends to the Eubceans fuch letters. 18. Sophocles faid, that he made men fuch as they ought to be, and Euripides, fuch as they 9 lYTVy%OtyCJ 6/TOP, OTl CLU~ TOC 7T0LC tlliti™ 7 . A7. 'ZcfOKKyiC .CC» s 7 jutu ' . Ei It tic ttlo 6 ° £k tir&f hoL liOUOU- CoQiU KXi O'JTCC, iT. X6(paA)f a tt/t/w, 0)C ytfii cur*.* Ex b Ta^aroc iir7rtK0r 9 b dvrcLTCs tic r ctvnp, tnii b- f>acy* ccvtoc. a$iiy.P , ai» AwVflOC, YOyt^CO ilTIC «J- toc -rra.yo) 6 °^ avjoc" oly Kay ba»a> G , TrotpoL b Atrvvftoc, Tctc b Taoarac. Ha/a y.iv yao hu b by.ovt yiyycyai h ^ f'JK1hOV QTt ty&YOLTOC 1 iytiivos, ttol^x, i: } croc KayQaxA) 6 f cures Ylcf.oayi guy, fttiyu, *7ri b I , zo7y.i0) 5h b q-tok-,1 eJ- res, ' ( « ) Per- fun lhall tell you from me. 28. And he died for fuch a cnufe, being farely the kail wor- thy, of the Grecians in my time, to ccme to fuch a degree of mi (cry. 29. When you pleafe, find thefe books, or rather bring them. For I would not ceafe, to requejl you often, to prefer the road to us before any other : if for no other caufe, for our old friend (hip, and the air, which is very temperate. aO/5 r, •/.:/'" w£ olv tlQ dlOjUOtl .. TlfOC TO JUtTplOt; iHG^OU ^ n « « ttcusivco o'jtqq % uart van* juik?oc ■j.Tt£9 i acLi v 9 ?rarv pa- OA ^o. If I pleafe, I will let down a chain from heaven, and if ye, hanging from it, endeavour to pull me down t ye will labour in vain ; for truly ye ihall not drag me down. ; 1 . He had been fo habituat- ed to the requiring of moderate things, that, having pejfejed very imall property, he was quite ea- sily fatisfied. 32. He never did promife to be a teacher of this, but he wade thofe who converfed with him to hope, that they, imitating him, Jhculd become fuch perfons. 33. Rhetor Demias advenit, plebifcitum habens in dex- tra, et confanguinewn no/Irum ejfe dicers.. 34. Miror igitur, quo tandem pacto, perfuafi fuerint Athenienfes, Socratem de Deis nonfana menu* ejfe. 35. Quid jucundum nofti, nihil horum causa facer e vo- lens ? qua jucundorum appetitum non expectas, fed, priuf* quam appctas, omnibus repleris : priufquatn tfurias, come- dens : priufquamjitias^ bibeus. akkoc ik-rtC ^/arp/bcj' 7TO>7T07i V7nln rg xa/ TiKiTv TK t y.roryco a- lt?c sruxif. Uoyjc av otftcu jucu.\ov ylKOLU ~'~ y il SiOLG'ACLt 7T0LPX iyu fiacihiic x.ui atxTpoL7ryc, Quciuc ai7%foc Yo'ytla l^fCC VlJUta XOLKOTTOl'l'a, XXI £/A0{ rtfCOLOjAOLl 9 iViO- ytzict. JlOKVC TTfO iyj f> TC7T0C ( M ) 6. They accufe, and bearwit- nefs again It, and cenfure the things, which have been done us during life. 7. There are many fublime exprefllons without pathos, as, with innumerable others, thofe bold exprcflions of the poet, about the Tons of Alous. 8. He has exceeded all per- fons in expnjjicn and invention. 9. As lire burns thofe that touch it, fo the beautiful inflame thofe who view them from afar, until they burn ivitb fove. l o. ^[ If we fall much fhort of the virtue of our anceftors, it muft be a grief to them alfo, if they have any perception ; and by fo much the greater fhame to ourfelves, by as much as our de- fcent is mo ft illuftrious. 1 1 . All thefe things have been appointed by law. 1 2. Come then, let us consi- der all the things that have been done by me, one by one ; for thus truly it will appear moft plainly which of them is good, and which bad. 1 3 . The parts of the plot, are the chief things, by which trage- dy captivates the mine?. 1 4. The things in our power are, by nature , free, unhindered, unimpeded. 1 5. They alone having con- quered time and envy by their great exploits. Karjjy^tw, kcci koltcc- 7rpaoc S/J^a 7TolQoc Cdf, 7TfOC (JLVflQl m7 , ct7roxyxiu } cvliriu yivoq wit, 9 eiiAi. Kcct 7rbkV£, b b fifct- yyc. %ifoe. Xfw^ mpm 5 . • Ti ^titi xxi crieyx xyri 1- KiivoQ xyuvilpyxt 2 ' , xara- g-txcj arrtTTOLKot, laxyv, 0"jrapcur(ru f an xxi ytyt- 80c auyx 7roxvc ccutcC,v- 7riWQ. Eyco nyi cvn rr:vr, rxyyq, own )(it$ t^X v ? ^ yiyyuaxu It, cti, 1% c\ xi iyu b royx. 7ronu 5 \ OVX XY KPtfd> 5 ° CVTi TTPUTCS, OVTt QWTlfO(, cicyxi : li %i\iciXl I OLKKOS QjiOV i7Tl7TCtp.(U Tig y.OL)(n iHOLCTOQ , Ovli 7TCC- $ol lit awog juavdecyoo 6 , n 7TUf>ot fu 4 . Key et ju.yj uKTyog ovleig IX U °> b yiif 7rpoi%a 9 t/uTrolt^u*, bg Tig Ivva/Acif 2 , b ttouo . 'O yoip ctkhog £coov vyi- lov uTi^vog nag eijut, 7r?^.m oKiyct, en Tig iv cwTcg, clkkcl Kcq o'jjog fvtrig juolk\ov yi 7TfOCUfWig Ti%m Z lVTU%i6i, O £,0)OY, b (J.IY b iTTihyja. (poiyu ccyu TT^og b oe^eap, KKKSKU' 9 oe 7TOT0g mtffwct, ft: et moleftum ; prxfertim ( 59 ) quum ab Inimico cui hoc accidat •, turn vcro benevolent id veftra et humanitate, quanta eafdem confequi eft ampUJJi- mum. 28. Non enim civilians dignitatibus, neque generis preceL Itfitia, neque divitiis Dens optimos judicare folet. 29. Una vero caufa judicata fuit a Minos ctiam in grati- am. CHAP. XIX. Adjectives fignifying plenty, worth, condemnation, power, difference, and their contraries ; alfo verbals compounded with « privative, and thofe which fignify an emotion of the mind, require the genitive. The comparative degree governs the genitive, when it is tranflated by than. Adjectiva quae defiderium, &o' Comparativa, cum exponuntur, &c. Eton, Quorum Latina genitivum, &c. Sic et comparativa, &c. Wetten. Adjectives fignifying defire, &c. Adjectives compounded with a privative, &c. Adjectives fignifying merit 9 &o Bell* Comparativa regunt, &c . - ,.T> HE love of the fabulous Miyas 1fQS. H Z ( GO ) ■ you, : . Initrer ot beauty, would o- of- the things worth I think thai fomc have out with us worthy cf bet- ter :v 6. Every fpt ech is futile, ofaBions. 7. You are without hearings weetefi hearing, the praife of yourfclf ; and without feeing the Jkveeteft fight. 8. «I They think that to be governed by a ftranger, and to be deprived of their command, is unworthy the glory of the Gre- cians, and the virtue of their an- ceftors. 9. Do not fear, faid he, that you will want a hufband rOr your daughter, worthy of her, 10. In order to have men o- bedient, nothing is more itfcful, than tofeem to be wifer than theje who are governed. 1 1 . The fervant is not greater than his inajler, nor the apoflle ■ iter than he who fent him. 1 2. Whether axe thefe ma- thematicUns fuperior, as to be- coming betfet than :ther men ? 13. Your wallef will be full of lupins, or bo r ,ksjiuffcdwith wri- ?a the bade ; and being in this {late, you will fay that you* are •/• than the great king. E/X0C, (piKOKSCKOC ayi av, ynjoeic atioc Stci n anon 7roLoctK&*u 6 '• OU OTt i^i^OJUOf (TVV iyu ytv Hctf ctyocQot;, b !/■* i; 3rvyaTv\$ d , {j.-,] (poGtcjuoy cJc a^ro^ca 3 , C&IGQ cvrot;. E/f o lc 7T«0(y mh ' avfyuwoc. i-X Q > v ^, et r it avi/'cr///.of, n (pfoviyc^ ooKico eiui b a^>- Ovk eiyilovkct; yiyan; • Jt'JPlOe CLUTCC, CVTZ OL7TG(TT0- kg; /utyat; b 7rty7rco 5 olvtoi;. UcTtfOV 7Tp0i%V 0VT9<; yoSyiyaruoi;, 7T?oq b ayafioc yivoya.1 6 b cthhos avQpo7roc ; O 7TY]?0L (TV SlPfJLOS eiy.l ytVTot;, v\ 07riTcroy^oL(pc^ £/- ChlOV KGLf CVTGJ/; i"X^ ) £U '~ lociyuv n eiy.t (pvy.i* 'ynyotQ /W/ASWf. 1 4. Well I mall hold my tongue for you, and be much ft lent than the jifljes. 15. If you find any thing better, in human life, than juf- tice, truth, temperance ', and forti- being turned with your whole mind, to it, enjoy that which is found the beft. 1 6. A fliort fyllable is that which has a ihort or fhortened vowel, not at the end of a word ; fo that between it and the vowel in the next fyllable, there be not confonants than one fimple , but either one, or none. 1 7. My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all ,• and no one can wrefl out of the hand of my father. 1 8. It would be proper to have expreflions worthy of \ the gs, 19. Fortune gave into their is riches, and glory, and friends ; but they rendered them- felvcs unworthy vfthe prefent hap- pint/}. ; • It is peculiar to man to love even thofe that offend ; and this comes to pafs, if you conflJer, that they are your relations, and err through ignorance and un- willingly ; and that after a little (hall both die ; and. above all, that it did not hurt vou ; Eya a-.. nt, tom tLfuwc eifiu h r^- Ei ply Hyatftoe iVfiMQ, it 9 CLtfyuTTIVdC fitOC, hiCXjO- Xhr/jCIX, oaf pool - :?ax, Qtaqtfosvrn, KXf a, tm SKUYoe*, i% b- KH 'lv%v Tfm> m * 9 x- tUftOKU OLTTOXOMW. B^a^c u,ui gvkkccGh XWtr*, fxn iTTl TiKCC 5 X&C CVTVC UC, y.iTX^V QWTQC* KXf b^ iv i£>;c ka. ° f* tToc fxiv ypcapivc CLTTilKOL^ KOLKOQ f«3K, hi 7T0LH; fJL)] JUlJUiOfAOU , decency, facility and their contraries \ and thofe compounded with o-yr and c^ov, govern the dative. Ear/, taken for t^a>, ro /v?w, governs the dative* All verbs put acquifttively, i. e. verbs of ferving, giving, tying, rejoicings obeying, trufiing, difcourftfig, fighting, and the like, with their contraries, govern the dative. Adjectiva quibus commorlum, &c. Hue referuntur adjectiva, &c. Verba acquifitive pofita, &c. Eton, Verba cedendi, &c. Quorum itidem Latina, &c. Verba communicandi, &- c - Wetten* Adjectives fignifying advantage, &c. Adjectives compounded with wr 9 &c. All verbs put acquisitively, &c. Verbs of adoring, &c Alfo verbs of advifing, &c. Bell, Verba dandi, 8c c. Verbum ^ao/, &c. Holmes. 1 . JTl AVING faid thefe Ovtoq holi b 7roLfU7rhwiO£ things and others like them, I de- ovtoq ei7rov &iTaGa{va 6 . fcended. 2. Behold I am really naked, llou yvjuvoc, wc ofm} oc- as you fee, and of equal weight wQac et/A.1, koli ucvtolvioi; o with the other dead perfons* a\hoc vix^ot;. 3. Well, I have at leaft this E/V fw v^v nroe tX u > one thing, that I am like you, cti o/uok v/ai W 7ro ^ And in thefe again, con- Kinvo™. Koci axonta, t» ( 67 ) fider ye what was beft for the city. 5. Did not you, faid he, pro- pofe contents and prizes ? But certainly, faid Cyrus, thefe things are not like thofe. For whatever things they may have acquired making war, they will think to be 6. about words, but not to quarrel. 7. Unleis 0: 1 - in empty navies. 8. Then the multitude that ftood and heard, (aid that there had been thunder *, others faid, An ang 9. Tuey new as he did them before. IC. \ you angry at me? 11. Crarfuj bad two Ions. 12. * It to me to be a great fault, that a ruler Jbould be barflj to" all . verned. 13. Jupiter, the grea L leader in heaven, goes iirft, driving a flying chariot, and an holt of gods and deities .follows him. 14. The aids of the gods do net help treacherous perfons ; as is right •, for lr.en do not commit iniufrcf., until the) : im- pious towards the gods. ovtoc rrctKiv ay, ti; t ayaGoc nut. H o'j (tv Key aycov, p;j- jui, TTfcziTcc xa/ afthov ; Akko. ucc Ztv<; 9 ;;, c-jx. oy.oioc ovtoc tut hoc. *Oc (JLiV XV (TTfCLTi'JU* Y.T'J.Q- /U£/ s , y.oivcs 'ioi-JTo-j iyiOflOl* aui. >Amw\q)v srsfi KoyoC aw- 9/7o;7T£iJ ftXty %f$p Ji JU.YJ. E/ jUV Tiq cijuz '/yu\^ xtvoc. O CVV C^KCS itTTVfU' Key . axaya 5 , Kiyo z fifovr;] yi\o t uccf. Ah\G$ htyu } Ay- xvroq Ko ttoliq* O ne , av'fi^ a^w h , ttols %0L\i1-CCfVU a^V- ,%0/iA.a.i b copct, ha lo^a^cy 5 $ vioc b cLvfyawoi* AiyO OLVT0C XlfJLOdV TLim rpW Kvptoe, ttov V7r«.ya> ; A7roKfivo/uou ?5 olvtol: b In* ma. Aya^af/f ttoti tt^ tic milieu, OTl fiotfGoLpOC ll/J.i° xat %itvQr,c' Eyu /uiv, OLj>a£, xou yiflov, it li XOLl /UYlfCC^ XOCf Kvn/Jtic. E r j~?.votoe, 0lluc tyC$VfJLlUt h 7T0LKIT OLYOCm kol/aQolyq, ko\ tx.eivoi; z rtuu» ftca, (dtaofl.xf S Tit - \waL7rQLKQC, CL7rei/AI, 7rh.nivoy.oLi vS 7r^ olvtoq eiTTOV E/ blX-OLfOq eifXl i\U* 7Tl0y Ofcflf, (TV 0CK0VC0 (JLQL7.- ( n ) r . 1 No, by Jove, but tvi/V; glory, and />r;V^, and much mad- nefs ; theft things burned you to a coal. 5. And the Lord faid to Jo- fhua, Lo I give into thy hand Jericho, and her king, being pow- erful in ftrength. Now do thou fet thy foldiers in a circle round her. Ov, jUOL ZiUC, CLKKCt KiYO- oczj/a, xa; tu^cc, koli ttokvs o-JTOt; cru aTak^ 9 P a- 6. There, it is faid that Ga- Dymede being torn away, difap- peared, hit brother and his lover dragging him contrary ways. 7. And his mother faid to him; Son, why didft thou thus to us ? behold xhj father and 1 grieving and forrowing were feel- ing thee. 8. Cyrus et Cyaxares cum injlraxijfent (fuos) expeclabant, tanquam, fl accederent hoftes, pugnaturu 9. Neptunus, et Juno, et Minerva machinabantur vincire sum. X06>. Ka/ e*Tov Kvftos ?rf>o^ Iu- <;. "Zu It Trtpi- GTYIfM 1 * CLVTCt; d jUCt^l/JLOf xuxKoe, ErQa xa/ o Tayvjuy^n^ a^a^a) 5 , atfxxwt; yivoju.oc.1 6 \oy«t; f cLvQtkKco ccvtcc o a- oeAuoc, cf, S/^ac b 0-9©- MQ7HC, TpcCPAUiWQ y.iyi^OQ. El JU.iY tic 7T\)f / a ( UfXt&) tp(0 §n, W 7Tp(lfXai (TV, 77? iyco llloLMU* ; hvcy-An avQpQ7roc toiov- TCC 7TaV)(0i, 9io<77rip OLV O ahhoc Ifaco 5 . Kai Uayasai a7raiTiu avToc ^

f TTOKifXlCQ *0X- to eijjLi' ov7i ay t^^ci; tti- xv; f jS\a7TT s0 , axho; nus, H oc (JLY)bei$ fiapGa- qci; 7ra or rather indeed the whole J'ubjecl. 6. 1[ Thinking that a man who had once taken a bribe, and been corrupted by money, could not remain a fafe judge of things ufe- ful to the fate. 7. Then again talking of the great lofs, which had happened to us ; thinking that we fhould fpend the reft of our life, as hav- ing ken deprived of a father % 3 Eyco MkhajuCavoo 6 clvtw TIC, WTTTif &XOC &yj, KUTOl- (poLya* krjvTtie eijui. O hi, OfOLU Kttl 6i(77rCm rue 7rc-j9w m , roc^y 7ret0w ma . El nq I zvocvTioc iyv yiyvucKto, c t$yov olvtos t~ 7Tl(TK07riQ 9 VJfKJKto CtVTOC /uoLfTvptb i/uoc hoyoc O 7T^QT0q i7TtkOLV§M0- fA.0.1 6 , fJUXKKQV Ot KOLl V7T0- Qtiric okoq. Hyiojucy b oc?ra^ kotju£#.~ vco 6h y xai hoLfQetpu 6 una ^^a P , Ovlt KflTVC iTl 9 GVjUtptfOi CtVtpahWC piiVCJ « 7T9' Tore It av mp b aujuyo- f>a g oiifytfAt 6 , owe tyo> yiv- c/u.oit' 7h ety.i ' ATiXVW viylQm Wyw 3 t7TUTa, ^>m> ( 31 ) 8. Wealth is rather the fervant of evil than of good *, furnifhing opportunity for indulgence, and en- • :ung men to pleafures. 9. Mo ft of us are affe&ed like Telemachus ; for he, thro' inex- perience, or rather ignorance of good, having feen Neftor's houfe containing catches, tables, vejlments, luine, did not call him happy, who was ith necejjary and ufeful things ; but with Menelaus, hav- ing beheld ivory, geld, and amber, he was {truck with admiration. UhCVTOC KXXtX y.OLkXCV H KXKOKXyxQlX V7T}^iTt:; HUl' i%0V7lX fJLiV Q j>0$\JjULlX 7TX- fOKTKtvoL^u, i-ri It >;$j>V VtOC TTXfXXXKiQ. O TrcK'ut; o ne TnKifjLX- ^oc ? rroLVXjjy text yxy txu- Y9C, V7T0 QL7Tllf>lOL Z , JUXKK0¥ h a.7rafox.xkix, b fjav Ne- cTuf ulu 6 onux x\ivn f-X Q f TfXTTi^X, IfJLXTtQV, OTfOOjUX, civet; vlvs, ovx. y.xKX^i^Q 2 ' VJTc$iu zlh xvxyaxioc n kxi fflWip.OS' TTX^X It M£K£- KXOQ SiXOUXl 5 i\ijyjot; z f y.n (jlo» VOV 7T0KIC XW TCTOff, Of 6/- (XI 7T0Ti KVflOC, (pOLlVCO 7rpQt- tlfAl^y CLKKX KCCl © V7T0 TV- %V\ 7T0C^X 6m (Z\CC7rT6d Ji l7rt{J.iVCO h i7Tl 9 tavTov u7t)T0<; av- jUJl (pQcLVO 5 , OLKKO, l> Of T6- f>i hny.x 7rpoq>ofx' avxj)- htU) ?Z , KXl la^ic %t$oc, .CxVCO 5 U7T0 (TCOjUX- X7lht'J^ > &/KJf otroi x vtig-^gj '. $Qiifco z $;; ( acc, cu fJicvtv jSawu Ciro trr^ctrmrnCy $vli TTOLTBa vto o 'umoe, &.c„ Qua: dam nomina, Sec. Paffiva per fynecdochen, &c. Ubique locus eft, Svc. Eton. Plurima nomina poft fe habent, &a. Verba jurandi, Sec. Wetten. To the genitive of meafure, &c. Many adjectives have an accufative, &c. Many verbs, both in the active, &c. The paffives of fuch active, &c- The participles of, &c. Bell. Accufativum regunt qure, &c. Paffiva regunt accufativum, &c. Holmes. i. uOME perfons without crowns, appear to have their legs and heads torn. 2. Wilt thou kill me, as thou killedft the Egyptian yefterday? 3. I feel pain in my head. 4. No one of men is wife in all things. 5. A ftone of an hundred feet in length. 6. Having been deprived of the empire. 7. I venture to be wife, as to human vnfdom, 3 /UH KOCl KtrpUkVI loKiO frpj- Mil CLVCLffiCO 4 lyu not anfwer you, ftammering with his tongue. 15. I faw a fair woman 2nd vong as to her neck, Co that (he fcemed to be the daughter of a i 16. The man appears 1 :ious in his life, ... ledge* H tic $vx a.v, 9 rilorn Sw- kWU, CtlC^Uq llOLTtQvyi* , xa/ cruya. xa/ 4^y>7 ; a^icc t7rxi>i'a), koli 1)1 xa/ oTt yevct; c TroinTm, cvk ay- VQtU 0; lit 7TCHCJ CLVTGC. 2u curl a.$; pv£/« yz; wine.. E/f cttouc a.v Trehit; «- (ptxvicy.ccj 6 , TOiJTK, 7TUS, jUIKfGC ilfJLl. O yiV O.VTGC. TTCLfOjHO i -zu r.Upcu, xa/ ycYot c'tcc iK 7rct<; ytTiiyi, ovtcs yaf tiyi ivbcuyur™, TIeipoLu" 1 c yiv acoya, eiyt f /\07rcK5f n , li -^u^yj z hiJKot; ytv Ttq, *a» xa£a> K'JXYot: SvyoLTrf vyi. $Off(» m b OLYnf ytr £w £>Lii\oq>fur 9 $ It yY'jific ft. ( 36 ) l ;. Beca#fe the barbarians are more llav'dh /'.•/ their manners than the Grecians, ami thole of Alia than thole of Europe, they re- main under the defputic govern- ment, in nothing murmuring. 1 8. Timieus is full of the other fault, (I mean the frigid ftyle ;) a man, in other things, well enough. uj. The keen and ready wit- ted are, j£r the mo/} part, readily excited to paffions ; and are borne along bounding, as mips without ballaft. 20. The one was laborious and manlike, and fqualid as to her hair, full of hardnefs as to her hands, girt up as to her robe, full of duft, as my uncle was, when he polifhed the ftones ; the other was very handfome, neat as to her S.refs, and graceful as to her gejlure. 2 1 . Moreover as fome of the letters are vowels, which perfect a found by themfelves ; fo we may remark of exprefllons them- felves ; fome of them, in the man- ner of vowels, are of themfelves expreffive. 22. I hope, if you turn your- felf to the way towards virtue, that you will be an admirably gopd performer of good and ho- nourable things. Jj9of b /utv fbj.fia^ot; b 'Ex- KW, o 6i Trtpi o Acna a b 7T6- 7T0TIK0C &$X* l > °'^ C1 ^ nC 0Vo.;''' ; ' c , Kfy 7TfOS a o$yv\ o%vppo7roG etfiir xa/ OLtJu fifCO, W7Ti$ OLViffiCL- TIGTOS 7TKC10V. Ei/At b l (aw tfyxTizcs xa.t XO/XH, %ll$ TVkO®' C(VOC~ TiTGLYdt; v.cLTV.yiyjJ 1 * biot; tljUt b S'S/Sf, CTTOTi t,itt° it xSo;' o f irtfee ^ y.c/.\oi iv» 7rfcffwros f xcy b c^i/aot eu- TTftTry^, Key xcu,uto; b qlvol- Cokh. Eti lc Turret b (SToiyiioii o fjiiv iifAi (puyYiii; , OQ XOf KCLTOL iOLVTOV tylovyi 0L7I o]l\iO* b cujTot; Tfo?roc uy.i i7rtvotv 5 roq, rpoTToe in; b ':, & c - Holmes \ I • ^/ r //0 wght to feel for death, as the remedy of the trou- bles in a 2« The definition is entirely worthy of praiie, as having all things which a good definition fimdd 3 But /hould not Vulcan pity Achilles, being the fon of The- tis ? 4. And he faid this, not that td about the poor, but be- caufe he was a thief, and had the bag, and carried the things that were put in it. 5. Tell me plainly thus, what is this drefs ? or what need bad f the journey down ? II 0C P XP* &«»xe« 3a- wtoc, coq iv yvfocq acutcc 7 9 cutoc i$- yov. Ov% on avox.Teivo> 0VC Z /Jl- Ket o Otoe ; OjW 10 tyo /uiKei n o ilitoT>K» Av toKtu a\tf0»7c p htycn vlchvoc, ovoetQ* 7nipOLCO m 7T0li0i, fJLY\7T0Tl fJLim TOLfUihei 5 b 7rpoc tyo) bloc. Xpvi av fj.i7iQ b o 7retfoLm vofj.oc ypa °/ >e " yu' 1 b KXhoy.a.yxQtx 5 . A7rQY.qiV0fAOj ? OLVTCtl 0%« XOC, Eyo 0>LUm O^IOC, /u.ou hg yytojuou'' $>■ VfiOC T£ Ktf* CLVTOC, rp 1 , 'O la U(m rig tv Koyoq v " iwi y.ovoq (pvW xai CVVXYXHilUXl' U7T0V (1x71- KiVC KC£X710Y, aiTtu 5 tyo C; iXY $iX&) 9 KXl Itiuui* (TV. O (Pixcuc7vy>i, a> ttxic, 7TUC fiatQoiHi*'* iyQctJi, iXll ilfA.1 9V* ltlx7KX\CC ; Aiihcc Ke&aifu vro A- QviVXlOC iV oil JTOACyUCf, KXl Swrl XYXIfiU-' QVOS fii- fxi o $rH9X(* iY o vwoe, J- 7Ti$'jq Kxf $OUYQ ] 6 . OTXV KkCMi UoO TIC iY ( 96 ) going abroad, or when he has lojl his property, beware left the appearance may take you in. 5. // being cf great importance to the army, that the general ihould take care of his own fafe- t y, for the good of all. 6. When God gives his ajfflancc, malice has no power ; and -when he does not give it, labour is in vain. 7. The Grecians having three fleets worth attention ; that which you have, and ours, and that of the Corinthians. 8. The fum of all thefe is, tlmojl fifteen talents. 9. The year being pa/}. I o. The ma?i having done this. 1 1 . Many of them alfo fled to the mountains, as expecting that Alexander would not come to them at leaft. 1 2. The people voted to make war; but when they had deter- mined on it, it was impofllble for them to begin immediately, be- ing unprepared. 13. % Having before Jhewn the things, which make writings great and fublime, it is manifeft, that the contrary of thefe will make them mean and vulgar. 14. Fathers reftrain their fons from bad afibciates ; the fociety of }J CC7T0KWJUI Pl * lOLUTQU, 7T^Ui^(W /AH GV fCLVTaVtCt How CLVO o 7T9vn^oc avQ{U7rce.* ( 97 ) the good being an exercife of virtue, but that of the bad, a i ; to all men ; the lea ling s'.v, and greateft of all, /; be fucccfsful ; the left than this, but the greateft of other things, to intend well. 1 6. 7' / '. earth fci>:g torn open from ; commotion and a rent; nil thi ter, heaven, hell, things mortal, and immortal, to- gether combat and ftiare the er in the fight. I remember, not long lince, how he was quite terrified, iS. O ye work of Lydians, and Aflyrians, . thus, that I will not cenfe, 19 And I blame ftacchus tru- g conquered you in a fca right, he metamorphofed ily to have held you under his own power. 2c. He prayed to the gods fimply to give the things that good, as i befr, what kind of things are good. 21. ■ pot. re- UiA/tt urKnw <-v : ' c &fiTn t l li u If, karoLKvcis. A:: ayj}:c. nyi rrxc. av- li 1\*)tj; yi; WT4(, li a^?,:; y.tyac,, I xoc&at fhv- Kivoyxj. Avcti'^yroyi yav tK /SaO- fof yta., omtcc. li y: Aof *#/ o/aarar/f xotuoc, xy.yQy.yw *r«c etyta, w/^« , SvriTot;, b atixvotTsc., VU.X TOTi CUjUTTChiUiCO KOLf Mrxoycu 7 cv 7T$o tto.ic, a'c jraKTMWj c-i/// SctW' :/h , xa/ cvroc " c , Tfljf &JU.I*. n XAEM00 Avoof, xou Koei Accrt^/oc, euro yacj-Kv, cJc ovU Trauw" 13 * Key yiypcyai yi A/a- WOTf* OTl, aV ?i KOLTOLHUU' u-jyju 5 , yiTo&'jLhKu 6 ) let y^iif >yj 5 y: Y.-oyoycuj 7 ' 7rfo<; 6c ir&a< g ayaO;c hlcoy.i, a'c 2 Sice,* xa/.? ..- ctc;- •; cf.yy.hcc, eiy.i. ■ ze N ( 98 member that it is but a pot that you cileem *, and thus, when it is -.-, you will not be troubled -, if you dearly love your ion, or wife, that you love but a mor- tal *, and thus, when be dies, you will not be troubled. 2 2. They who are able pur- chafe fervants, that they may have them as fellow labourers •, and acquire friends, as needing afllft-ants ; but they negle6t their brothers, as if friends could be made of citizens, and not made of brothers. 23 . And now the piny being over y each of them having {trip- ped off that gilded drefs, and having put off his mafk, and come down from his bufkins, goes about poor and humble. rayvv/Ai 6 yap cwto^ ov rot- foLcnju*- av ttoljIiov ctoLVTou HXTOLis l-tw lvvajueij h uvio/xctf , ivtt. cvvi^yoc i)((i>' lio/uctf b li alt\(pot; g a^e- M«, CJ(777-t|) iK 7T0XlTYl<; (XIV yiyvoficti (piKo^, i% alikfoc oe ov yiyvojAcLf. y.a, a.7rodv/xt r ' 5 tx.aK, KOf 7T^97U7retOV 0L- 7T0T$V{A.i m6 , XOLf KOLTaQoLj- VO 6 a7T0 oc yivvoLu Ma>- KQU U/JLt CUTTUOC Qtcc* OC CLYOL7f>l1 mtVOLU t KOCl fJLY] 7Tt- fXY\ii irytit uy] d/\J/aw, H 2 ( ioo ) not be thirfty, nor be cold in winttr % nor warm infimmer, no law could make men obey as to theft tilings. 8. On the fir J} day of the week, Mary Magdalene comes early to the tomb, and fees the ftone taken from the tomb. o. % And having failed from thence, the next day, we came over againft Chios ; and the day after, we put into Samos ; and having ftaid in Trogyllium, the day, we came to Miletus. 1 o. The next day, Cyrus lent the meflenger •, and the Arme- nian, and the Chaldeans fent with him, thofe whom they thought moft fit, both to acl: along with him, and to fpeak properly of Cyrus. 1 1. The fubject of the Odyf- fey is long •, a perfon being many years abroad, and guarded by Neptune, and being alone. 1 2. Your fervant, Menippus ; and whence have you come to us ? for you have not appeared this long time in the city. j 3. They continued thus crowded feome feventy days ;. then they difmiiTed the reft, except the Athenians, and whatever of the Sicilians and Italians were in the army. %ei[A.tov % 9 juLtfti $0L\7rco m 9 ^fycc. ovlitt; ay vc.uoc. \wcl- :o m5 K^xjuiww 9 xxi b Xxkfatoc (TV}»7TlJU7ru*' J oc IXXVOq VC/Af ^CJ Z ll/A.1, XXI 0£ ? 7T^C- crmov ? . O Olvwua. fj.ctx.pcs o ho ■ yOG ZIJUI' 0L7TGiiYl^i(>i TIC IT0£ TTOKVCi XXI 7TX[>X cv fxtvu™ w 9 7T0KIC HjUifX [Alt iG&OfJLWOV- TCI TIC C-JTCt) Iixitxc^xi 9 a0- fOOC ' t7TtlTCl, TTKW A^ilVXtCCy XXI tlTtc n 'ZlXiKlCdTKC v\ Itx- KtVTVC WVTfOLTi'JU, «*.**£ ( u)i ) t .j. | having t to thefe women, before Crito, and having directed what ; he pie lied, came to us If} and it near fun-iet, for he (pent a long time in. 15. As he was afking thefe thing-. >) anfwered no more-, but having remained quiet a little time, he moved, and the man uncovered him, and he 16. I fay chat five hundred of thefe ihould be Athenians, of whatever age you think right, fenr i : 1 ted time, not k ng , as ieems proper, in fucctffion to e ich oth 1 -. It is faid, that Alcibiades before he converfed about thefe tilings, Pericles who was his tutor. 18. From the time that they the Ephebi, thefe 1; thus. 19. Cyaxares, king of the 3, continued drinking is departed, fortunate ; aud, hearing b tumult , he thought that :her Medes, except a few, ... amp. Ml K;.'- 7c, xxi OrtQTtKKto* tx-.x :} :y :■'. tt EJj tt ;. A ':7 iy- ■ OjTCS IPOjUZt XV 7 %i.(; in cc7TCKfiro/ul\tzix xa\oot; i^cj 60KU f X$ 9fl> S T ><-''~ T °S (TTf&m , UU UX'/.fOC OVTCC, a\/\a c7-c av lcx.ii xx>xos 6- ^W, iX llx\c^V\ OLh) fC, T^iV UKOOtt ITCC il/AI } ttiflKKtlC ITTlTfOVOG UiV UUl h , iXVTC'J, toicq It JiaKiyopcu 95 , ; 6X E£n£o/, oi7t»c - .71 XXI UXC71 iTOC llX' yv woe. 'O Kva^oLfuc, Mm&cc fiotSlXtUG, o y.iv rvt; iv cc «- 7< UiW9XQ m , US ITT I IVT'J- yj% A - xxi axxof It M QUpCU TTXfilUt iV ffTfCL- •/, T\;y o}.r/cr j} a/.cKo I ( 102 ) 20. Vefrem indueris non modo vilem, fed eandem quo* qUC sftntc I 21. Poftridie Tigranes ipfe aderat. 22. Quum vcro advenerit finis, non oblivione inhonora- ti jacent, led memoria per omne tempus celebrati florent. CHAR XXXIV The queftion whither ? is commonly anfwered by e/c or 7r$oc with the accufative : where ? by tv with the dative : whence? by ac or cltto with the genitive : and by or through what place? by ha. with the genitive. Adverbs in 8/ and at are ufed to fignify at a place : in Ji f vi y or £e, to a place : and in $tv and 3-e, jfow a place : It is alio added to accufatives, to fignify to a place. The diftance of one place from another, is put in the accufative. Grxci fiepiffime in locis, &.C. Aliquando ufurpant, &c. As ita additur, &c. Eton, Nomen fpatii, &c. Nomen loci, &c. Wetten. The diftance of one, &c. To the names of towns, &c. The prepofitions are fometimes, Sec. The Greeks often change, &c. Bell, Ad locum, in, aque, &c. Holmes. 1 . xjLND now fend men to Ka/ w ttijulttu) 5 ut Iott- Joppa, 7Ti OLVVIf. 2. And having got w^from KaxeiOtif anam/v 6 , ej- ( 103 ) '. he comes into the ccajls of X c , uxt €/f ° h' :y ° I CL ^ a -'*> Jude Other fide of Jor- Six g wtfeu b lofjom The bees always obey their ; and who fcajSj no one departs yrwfi were about twenty or ft ant. But let us fee Gnipho the r, it" you pleaie •, he docs far f, and his door k- *>pcn to us. . The next day, they lit ..dvanced about - . For after they came to their r's old monument. . Having begun from Ga- And then he led me away darker than the 10. «■ I do not think it ne- y now, that ye fhould go a •-.-. , tc Jerufalem, to the i our enemies* • Epicharmus and Phormis 1 to make fables. This came And firft 1 ;an, of thofe at make whole difcourfes bles. After this, Jefus began ew to his dilciples, that he depart /; fcrufalem, and .::* the cl* \KClCi:^ lKm& m ' OTtOV Qi CLY OLTifXGUCU AT£^«' U 0(T0C tlKCJlV )) TPIZKOVTX (TTOZhov. Ryu hi, a doyen, Tviquv b IxiiUTOi; UQO ' ov ju.xx.foc (dScc) hi KXt OUTOf OlKiU, rxyot;. Af^O^XI 5 CL7T0 b TaKi* KXIX tUf U^i. Kxt hi xvxyu 1 iyu TTfoq iiq )(Ufi9v, b cLKKot; ^cpifoc. Ou iyu vjv iTiiyu, ay uq lifocoh'jy.oL 7rofivoju.xi 9 it; i)(^fOi; 77-CA/f. fJLOLKfOC 900C- O juuQcc TTCtiu ET/^ao-. fxoQ kxi $if(xt<; oLf^u. O nc fJLiV QVV i% OCfX'4 i* ZlKiKtCL if/juxi'. O li A': KfuTu; TTfUTcc; 0Lf%u xa. - H fjLvfat, At; TiTt 0» ( 104 ) and fcritx high priefts, and 13. Bring forward another ; or rather thefe two; that laugh- ing \tmx\ from Akkra, and that ng one from Ephtfns ; for nre willing themfelves to I fold together. 14. Odenatus the Palmyre- rtjan, a man at fir ft obfeure and unknown, foon humbled him : from his infolence, after lie had come home, and was raifed to great vanity. 15. Do not hefitate to go a way, to thofe that promife tv) teach any thing ufcful. 16. Paul bad refolved to fail by EpUefuSj left he might have any delay in Afta ; for he was haftening to be in Jnufilan, a- gainft the day of Pcntecoft. And from Miletus^ having fent to EphcfuS) he called to him the elders of the church. 1 7. I fend you who have been , home, and I give you to confult with the other Chaldeans, whether you will fight with us, or be friends. 1 8. Difcenditque noft finem z mariam. 7TCKV; 7Tc t utv ret tt^otol koli ayvuTCQ. M*7 KOlTOKVtG) JUOtKpOC 0- CCC 7TCPi.V0/i>.C/.l f JTflOff 0/0«(T- y.q tic x,T' ]fJt y^ r ' mayyth-* « mh Kqtm b JTtf v>.oc 7Tccpor.» yiro/uai ?5s avrcc HoiTCf.T^io-tc m e Acriet' os/ivou yotP, tic WfiifCL -TTIVTY.Y-OUTYI) y/- v:juc/.i iv li^GV>jc/.KY,y.* Awo \i Mimitc*;, 7rtp7TU 5 tic E iometirnes, the price is put in the dative. Nomina etiam, Sec. Pretii, Sec. Wetten. Nouns of ir.eiure, Sec. The price is fometimes, Sec. Bell. et Sec. uti et menfura, Sec. Holmes. i • A HE gods fell all good things to us for labours. 2« If this man be willing to give you, for tii-o pence at moft. 3. Conlider, that calmnefs is purchafed at Jo much, firmnefs at fo much, but nothing is got gratis. 4. The fruits of tha palm trees being fix fngers in fize. 5. Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, ft/ver or gold, from your vain converfation. 6. Of which things fome per- O 7TCV0C, 7TC0\ito tyy KCf.; c uyccQoc 3"£fff. H> tQi\CO U'J OLTTollluut™ cutoc, /uiyac™ Ivo oQokoc. lL7riXiyco, on Tofovjric TTUXiV 0L7T0$etaL, TOGQVTGC a- TOtpX^tCC, TTfOtKOi It QvleiC TTlfiyiVOfJiClf. $9lV:c, KaL$7T0C n KOCTCC {AiytOoe. t<$ Imltvkoi; eijui. E^£0) m7 07/ ov Tos A , afyvftcv n xpvtrtov, Avr- foa s ix. /AO.TOjoq a txc-ivos nfciKcc *a/<£a- VQ 6 , 7T0KVQ GLKhOC TTOOkiCO* . Aiyu avjoc' Awtf )(0fj.cLf S ayof>a£ $>££/T/ac acq A\K/€ clkkol xcq : . would be in fjlitude. ifnjuoL u/jli. Sibimet ipfi multa deefTe ; prap'Jitum vero cU<]taii> fi non omnia perficiat, qua? civitas velit, ob id poena: fubjec- tum efie, nonne hoc ingens eft amentia ? 21. Ego vero cum Diis verfcr, verjor cum hominihts honef- nee ullum prxclarum facinus, five divinum five Luma* , abfque me perpetratur. JloOJTOY fJliV O'JY, d;x«/CC t;ui CLTroKoytcjuLcq 5 t^ 9 tjoto; tyo ^ivlcc xar^yc- PW , xa/ Tfcc iTfUTOi xa- "'f 17TUT0L It, TjOC ■ y xa/ 'JcTifcs. Mn ^xvua^c t > 5 \ a» \rxf- Our^oc vvyyiYcuzf 6 , off*. rros, Hcq avTouuros lyu o p.iTfoy nti aropy.* tfX*- Ei fJC0, Tt{ OfTtCLU OIvgcvj; ; Ka; TTKtW oj- Tl 7rfO iK > *%> or f° m e cafe of ri; or «ff being underftood. Ponitur genitivus, &o Genitivus per fe, &c. Mutatur nominativus poll: verbum, &c, Aliquando folus genitivus, &c. ifo/7. Nomina etiam, &c. Wetten. Sometimes the firft fubftantive, Sec. Sometimes the catffe, &c. Sometimes the accufative,&c. Sometimes the nominative after the verb, &c. Many verbs feem, &c Bell. Genitivus fxpe ponitur, &c. Holmes. i. V^YRUS, having heard this, pitied him on account of the misfortune, 1. He loves him. for his virtue. 3. There flood by the crofs of Jefus, his mother, and his mother's fifter, Mary the ivife of Cleophnjt 4. It is not right to blame this man for the things that have been omitted, fo much as to com- mend him for his ingenuity and diligence ilfelf. 'O Kv?0C, QLM'JU 5 , TTil* 0- loxta It tyo xaf ay- roc oCtcc yryycoa-xcj* culets* yotf> o'jy b cvfovo-td apyvptev T-XJJCO™. Er gw,i Tvy%avai* nc eiut Ta<;iapxo<; 9 Ay ham- ex; cvofAx"' ctvvpj b t^otto;, b OTfuproe x>f)fU7r;;. ETUixr b a,y®fU7riro; /3/of Tt\iVTXA S . Y.X\ Oil, et patrem. tuuiifc propter fortunam. VVV Tl$ OLV CiUTOS TTOC^Kt- 7T(a) S0 O'JT'XS l>7Tifl i^a iv czo-koc ctijua.. Oukovv A/ujuuv ■vLey- la> m *, htyco tavTov >", were deftroyed ; about Cyprus, an hundred and fifty ; in Pontus, they loft ten thou;" 1 men of them- felves and their auxiliaries. 9. If ThefTaiy had one man only, and Arcadia one man xng the fame things with me, of the Grecians would have fuffered the prefent misfortunes. uajtoc iyw Tni/la, ■ptokvc ti ti; iKtyycc\ ctKJ y.:q-x.x- TU) TTkXiXCO™, yoXlQ OL^lMiQ- (JLOLj, C7T01 iyU) 7TXK0Lf >]x<0~. Qtolv yq'j?, vro ti\:c. x?ux, b b w#»v«f arro- £ctkkc) lh . Ov% by owe i^trx^co re KXf fiy.rxviC'o b i^riTv^y coO^tcc, b ix yucc hxy- 7TJ0C. Tlht'u) tbQvC, 7Tt\Tt KXj &<- Y.CVI YXVC.. AcKa tyco eyey-pec etyi OD^OTTOt;, b cujtcc TTXfjyy b ctpfuv b $>!£ICV. O f y.iv, b avroc ccv eiyt yaymnz 'Oyvfoc ZcpcxhHC, juiy.toy.Oj yxp aytpco Q7to\j- 0X10C' li, ApIG-TCtpOLVtICf T-y.770 ya{> yiytoyxi Koif , If xu ay.yx. TIif>i yzv Aiyv7TTo^ btx- K07101 TftHfK, CWTOq^ 7T\K- fcoyx, hx$ f )cipv 6 ' TTi^t It K.WTfoc\ 7nvTvy.cvrx t- X.X70V iv Hcvtoc, yvftct crrhiTvr, ajjTzr, y.xj b vvyyx- yjc X7rcKKvya. E/ iff xvr,% yoyoe. OitJx- ?aa, x.xj tic am^ ApaW i kvto( tpweu f-x^ 6 e 7 w > y ~ %t'.c \L\knv 7ra: t c-iyi xa- xcc xfxcyq** xv. P ( H4 ) I o. Of writers, fome made no- thing more than a colle&ion and tranfeript of the things compof- ed by the ancients, as Euclid, and Democritus, and Proclinus : others, having felecled fniall parts of the hiftory of the ancients, to comment on, attempted to write books on the fame fubjects nuith them, as Annius, Medius, and Phcebion. O yf*pa> sh , o pat vine tto\vc y) crwocyvyyi Key fAijoc- yfafC, KU} Av/ULQKflTOC., Kf- 11. Quid enim defuit felicitatis illi, qui tales maj ores habuit, quales nemo alius, nili quis iisdem cum tllo ortus ? 12. Magnam hoftium multitudinem, cum ipfts artnis, ce~ pit. ( 115 ) CHAP. XXXIX. lhe Greeks ufe /OL]Ti 17TI CLyOL- pd a^wv 905KW 3h , ^57 - p 1 — - Sifyui**. 00? r 8. *J Thofe tu£a a/v », are ufed with participles after them, to exprefs what in Latin would be rendered by ibme tenfe of a /ingle verb. Par: I, inftead of the infinitive, after in emotion of the mind. Verbo rvyX* rfi, i 8cc. Sin participium fequatur, &.c. Nonnunquam participia, 6tc. Eton. lV.rticipium non raro, &c. Wetten. The participles «r, 8tc. ! are often ufed, Sec. When a participle is joined, &c. .&>//. Pro iniinitivo crcbrius, £cc. Holmes. 1 . 1 F he always ^afledfoberly, how could he juftly have the blame of the evil which was not in him ? (permanebat fobrius ene.) 2. He fa id that he happened then to be with Demaretus. (for- fle. ) 3. If a companion be pollut- ed, he who touches him mull be polluted, though he himfclf were pure, (^fuerit.) 4. We were walking in the temple of Saturn, in which we Et CUffOViO) llOLTlhiU* f 7TU<; ay S/xrt/^f, cjk im~ JUt vJlot;, KXKIOC OLfTlOL t%to •* $V(JLl TVyXOLVb) 6 TOTi ei~ fjii n dfjt.% AyjuLdfiiTo;. Ear tra/fos ei^i /oloku- ra 7 ' 1 , xa/ * S«, w jutro Trecpx lyv, olttoSiIo/ai 3 , vj- ivvjfjn ,oTt qvtqc outrxyyu™ ay U7TQY. AlX » ne £^tW 7 9VT0C C6- KvfjqC UfJ.l, TTX^XKOyi^O^Xi IVCO ^V%n KOll 7TfOOTQC oo( tty.i. Ev qc ytcii Aoyytvoc tijui, ic auyy^aujuot U(jli jutyotc 7TCU$il% g /S.tTOl7r0liCo"' h 9lp£« ©oe^oti), $ny>t, to Kvpoe f Olli Y1V fJJ\li7T0Ti 7rOLVQ> mi StOiO/ULQU, OU\ KfCtTiU* 3 ' QG7t Troiica tic oc g un y^v\ 7T0HU. \.x\- 0*rJ 7TX7T- to;, yi $ finrr.f a^pec, "XJXKl-JOe iljUl (XKh.CC pflatW 5 evrec Trtitu*' cvtk; ya? £v-° b Kl^oc, tfflrtpva/pa i\ax v C h iv X^H- y --> avT ~ a^KHTTXTOL ^XCO, HOOK* 8 It tolc tyrLfct.T)K tiya. E/ It X.OLI OVTQS Y.VLTX- Al/'i; 5 , \\ KOLTOLKVCJ tTTlT^t- 7TU f TPOKtyO) (TV, 071 Aai- fiaj'Cd 3 b 7rohiTiioL z TrvL^xyu- Tvyxavu 6 fyovTV? 1 ric 0U}C ay avToc aycovoj 2 " 1 tv Exa- TilOL llfjit, OLKKOL 1711 VjjUtTt - f'C hf>tov A . Ovk av 9 Ktyu, g/- tic aiaQavojuai* (pihrpov im- (TTajuxt) ec tyv ultu 7 km* QxtO™ t/AQLVTOV** XluToc re avToc ova. av /AiyOLC OVTi U7T9V° av, 0VT& 6iuyvjui s ° oc g olvtoc KoLpQayco* Fjtic almtu jut il < Uy] QlZ/U-XfTXyO) b Icfcctr, be tXG&rtfi en* rvyxaya. On 61 7ravo m KXKto> 9 e/- 7TCV 7TfOC~ Zl/ACOV' E77W&- yoj uc fiatioc, koli ^axafoj 5 Iiktvov or three chariots, and p/iry, to fpring forth and fly. (perciperet accedere.) 32. When the camp of the AwC ret wove* c 'X c . wa '* cut; b ab-jy.ia, hrriTi Tie, KJ rccoircc A T a- a to toLVTo-j rt yiytojnon ayaGcc f , xa/ .5C 5 tfixpf-vta 9 *, evtt etciu 07 cCic, ctuS/c a.7roKei7rv \ b %eif) iya. \flc ^tr BW C€/ X0V ? TTOliU) iHl\U •jva.fxv cc •h-uq tTOiftOS, of eyraxac 8 oijycct 'Ore KJucxa* c c AmvftH 0. ( 12fi ) Aifyrians was taken, her huf- ar^aroTtW, o olv^ ouutoc band happened not fo &■ in the ou rvy^avu b iv • qt^olto- camp 3 but nuns gone as ambajfador 7rtlov tt.ui, olkkol TTfoc. o to the king of the Ba&rians. (forte BaxTftzvoc. ficunKtve tt$w fuit,) (lcgatione fungebatur.) Gtuco oi^oy-ty 1 - 33, Unlefs ye punifh thefe E/ juti rty.w^o[ s% h orators, the people cannot avoid be- fvrcof oyroc, ovx. av 96a- coming (laves to thefe monlters. vu° h ttky^q^ ovtoc Snfiov (non effugiet fervitutem.) Iovkivu. 34. Non cejfabo fcribere. qc. Sed quomodo agit ? Sitire definite ~>6, Pueri, ad fcholas ventitantes, ;// juftitia difcenda ver- fantur. 37. Una adhuc pars imperii reliqua eft, fi quid modo e- go intelligo. CHAR XLT. The infinitive mood, or a participle is ufed to fupply the place of gerunds and fupines. Pro gerundiis et fupinis, &c. Eton, et Wetten. The gerund in dum of the accufative, &c. The fupines, Sec The gerund in di, &c. The infinitive is fometimes, &c. BelL Pro gerundiis, &c. Pro fupinis fimpliciter &c. Holmes, INFINITIVE. .Ti HE opportunity ofaf- Kajfo; b fiovtitv, fffting. (auxiliandi.) 2. Not powerful in /peaking, Ov Kiyu luyoc., aKha «• but unable to keep filence. (lo- yaw uIvycltqc quendo,) (ad tacendum.) ( W3 ) 3. Refrain entirely from (houting, and . t any lo.) 4. Your tempers are bar unperatu.) 5. For the fak r,n &- (vincendi.) 6. It is time for you /; depart from fighting, (abeundi,) (pug- naudo.) 7. He fpent the greateft part of his time, ng 9 and confulting. (qureren- cogitando,) (coniuitando.) TTaVTthUS aTtVil" 1 . JErtxa ex « Ek pfrtd), KJC/ ^POtTl^O}, XO/ fio'JKl'uU* , h 7TK-. PARTICIPLE. 8. I have fpent my own pro- nothing die, than . ring and bejhiuing gifts* when mired any of the foldiers. iendo,) (honorando,) (do- 9. Socrates acts unjultly, ;/; not acknowledging thofe gods, m the city acknowledges, (agnofcendo.) 10 I went io you, to fee how you are. (vifum.) 11. We gain friends, not by receivings but by icing favours. ndo,) (agendo.) 1 :. Cyrus had fous attached to himfelf the fathers of his companions, by viftting them, and . nifeftly that he loved ifendo,) (often- dendo.) *», QVQUC a\AcC TTCliU, t) Tic ayct{ctAsij P5 aTfanu- TTtKlS VOfAlZfi) 5iQ<;, O'O KC- F.- ; u) v?oc cry iijut m,J f t7rim CKiTTTOfACLf 1 7TQC £^W. Oy TTdQ^Oi VJ } UKKA IfUU, KTXOfAOLf b 7/> vmkiu- WOLfTOtu 9 b Kvfoc, 7Tfoa- itui 6 , Hay t»w\oc upi It 1 a- c-TaJi/x.ct/ * oatqs Vttyc, Q>- ( 124 ) PROMISCUOUS. i ,. « Bat if battles arc dc- d, now, as formerly, by thofe that fight well, you cannot be wrong /'// taking heart, (conft- dendo.j 14. Tlie Perfians take care of hunting publicly ; and the king, as alio in war, is their leader, and hunts himfelf, and takes care of the reft that they may hunt, (venandi.) 15. And what decrees have been parTed againft the rich, which, by Cerberus, they have no means of escaping, (effugien- cli.) 16. He had foon deftroyed the wild' hearts in the park, by purfuing, and Jlriking> and killing them, (perfequendo,) (ferien- do,) (interimendo.) 1 7. ' This is the way leading to true learning, and it is very difficult in appearance, (afpectu.) 18. He was quick in Jpeaking, and with his quicknefs, a certain perfuafion fat upon his lips, (loquendo.) 1 9. To love too much is the caufe of not loving, (amandi.) 20. Women are quick in find- ing devices, (inveniendo.) 21. The hiftorian and poet do not differ in their expr effing things in verfe or in profe ; for were El UlVTOl, UCTTtf TTfwQiV, Jiol o a iv ^.a^o/uaj l \ tTl KXj VVV, /UOL%yj KflYQ), 3"«^tW ovla; nc av a'.\IKIX Qt&yMW- X'JTOiTYlS GTlXTT, I :• 3 li t^kiQ-j; r KXf tlOCO KCif CLTTTG/XQil 5 yi- voyxi, fu7og Ji bfao 9 hoc b O ^avy.roq pc^a'" 1 ', >;- rot ot.vxiG\lyi7ioc.$c£io m , v aia- )Mf OLWct tlTt -: OUsQtHTtC*, ovlt XXKCC TIC XllQxyQUXl*- illi. XK\OI- ktxouxi s \ awoioc (,-joov Ufitf kxj £au* I r.-j tvu'.i J . Eiruw Tfctc-ro aura; x0- mi, uTTi (ppovwie. ytvvav, otclv lit; trifos 7rkccVX n ^^aC0fcW h Q io;. Eyoj hi tKetree liZTopu- : tlfJU C^Cq n: •■ /SaGc? ny^n ITU tk; TOIO'JTCQ OLyu'' e* ttj^c «\m« KUr T/f a.-* uy.L C'JTQCy in ^xkxq-jx xxf oou1 t UX iVftJXU) , /XlKfOC™ It cjI&ic bc A xxxw p>ouhivu> ?1 . O tv fihos ItKXjoc Cn^i- Toi junleic qXjVO™ xxxec y.Xf cj cw Q/jLQhoyio* p.iilen; r ' c Crro iyu xlixtv ; II«At/C fXiTX^Ohf] JUlTCt- Cxhku 6 b Tfxyabict, ttxvu* £Ttri iX.O* iXV79V o£a- TiU, KCU OLKKOt; 7T9KVQ (phVO.- flX (phVCtptCi). . CHAP. XLIV. Verbs of fenfe, with the Attics, take an Accufative. Attice vero omnia verba fenfus, &c. Eton. Alfo verbs fignifying, &c Bell. And the Attics conftrue, &c. Holmes. i. IT is not fafe for you to fay, nor for me to hearfuch things. 2* Ton heard thefe things true, O Menippus ; and I have died, as you fee, being able to be im- mortal. 3. Now ye feek to kill me, who have fpoken the truth to OVK d(rq>OLKYI<; 0V7t (TV Kt» y<*>, cvTi tyco cotovco o tci* OUTOC. AwQuc OVTOC CtKOVCJ u MiVl7T7rO^ KOLf SfWiCO, Wf •• fOCO, OL^OLVOLTO^ eifj.1 QWCLfJLOLf* Nvv £nre.t'jj s ;->, xa/ 9>yi; c ao- X_tTyiy.\r,:C xa/ fifa. \ftc It yii'jo' c r.^iTjMhiYoc • VQCif -'. ■ ', futKJ r*>u$isc, xxf My a uvtoc, II«c ooS'pTCf 7r^Tc; rc kxkoc ciyoc tShjui, xa/ trxv jJ.t%CJ TS , TOTi fA.tX.P6Q* C'J XfTU Ko/ u-:v ccjtcc Ivolxy., TXTr.f a-JTtc, Eyyi'(cj 5 iyco d , xa/ P, S:Jx ce f^oT, NrtifAcriVj,) Myoc cc £- yu ursv J ol$X?.. HvnfXO/ULXl 6 li KXI I fA0L%TVe CL7T0 KsLlTXfitX OVf iyu, ayu, -rxpz oV £ei A.* yiraurup TIC, KV7T£ICC 9 $Lj>- particitle and adjective attracted by the substantive. 9. It has been ordained by fate for mqfi men, wbenjuccefsfid 9 never to be wife. 1 C . He was br:ther-in-law cf me fhamelefs. 11. The fined tragedies are compofed about Alcmagon, and Oedipus, and Oreftes, and others it has happened cither to fuffer dreadful things, or to do them. 1 2. They fay that there are with them two kinds cf reafoning, tie cue which is better y and the \ is nvorfe. O TTOK'JC fAUfti JU^tTO' re, iv TrfCLffffuPj J TTlli'J. Yau.i TUpX uvtcc Cd 5 iX. 0-^OL^lQV CC TTICl^V vvr. /V.lKiTCLG) i7rtKlyU, OTt , ii^nvn yiyo/uou, y 7tqki* Aoujucvclu*, ynui b 2 sh ' h yn;: x«- Qnuxt %;, cvn /utyx ovti ffjUlKjOY, 0L7TTl^0i CWTOC™ 61C 9 OVOjUQL b ncLTYif, Key b vhc, ytof • OtyiOC 7TVtVjUL0L. Aiyu ki^ic etju.t b lice e ovo(A.CLUtoL z iffjivivetx, bt; ne kocj i7Tl €jUjUl7fO$ VZ , KOf Z7T I 9 hoyoc v& t%od ojutqc Ivvotjuic. Ep^o/Actf 6 eif hfor, &v- eiu '' ~r$oc b face -rof£u m , >7 y.iyae. juioQq^ eifnw ay TlK0LT0C\K(X.C-7(/ r \ O ttokii; i7Ti o fjLiyoLQ acC- x^a d Zvjuia. Saruroc 7T6Hu 9 not being able to reflrain ^C ovx ay, jutyxs xaxcf ) 2 ' ov fjLiTfiwc ®t0 a.7ro otAXfTXtt' ovk &./ OTGt.l'Q OLfXOtklX eifJU , KOLf XOC- ■ux ; O It atw, £%nu) 6 Traya. 3x acKt; oLTfvytroc, ■;lov It tart rt kkksioC KOLj >XVS lKC/U.OLf Z . 'O It iVfl7KU 6 TTOL^U. Tt KAl» VIZ KXj VZVC fJUKUC. To It (WTOt; fAOLfTVfOS ? et/xt, TlfO; rt 3-£Sf g {JLOLKCt^ TTfoi; Tt SvnTos ciyQjCi)7roc. 8. Quare vero non et tios duo extruimus montes alios fu- per alios, ut habeamus accuratiorem profpectum. 9. Equi mlhifatigatifunt excitanti populum. CHAP. XLVIII. Two or more negatives ftrengthen the negation. Dux aut plures negative, &c. Dux negative, &-c. Wetten, 1. J. again afked you to give me a tiling, than which I know you had nothing of lefs value to give me : nor any eafier to be commanded. ITa?.// Unix* hav- Qavo 3, KOf yap av b a\Koz Kay^avoi 6 y aiavrov yt, avvet- £Lq opao z cwTCt; ov bv~ ra^cc/ fiaara^ti 5 b oopv, a awci; lioco/ui 2 ', Kai ovx. jrt o cvaa, //; /uifo etfu* Af /\aj>} vjct; b TPOWoC cy t un Qu iyKzTXhLt-rv. 'fie- ri $afpiu h hiyu tyo\ Kj- t ;. Let your converfation be without co\ i being con- V ith fuch r: have ; for he hath himfelf faid, I will we thee, nor forlake thee. may boldly fay, The f/ec vyo ConQoe, xa/ ov , and blaming each other, of the neceflary things can ever be done by us. 15. Dixerim ego [equidem, nemini mtllam efle inftkutio nem ab illo qui non placeat. >:c T-y-j.x a.urcq c tcki- fiOQ t ay i7ri%eiftto- sty jutyrci uctt oixoi, \ot$ofto m a.- Ktyo > ubi 7T0Ti lycj ou fj.n yivouxj ( i'« ) CHAP. XLIX, Tlie article is ufcd to mark a diftinclion or emphafis. With the infinitive it fupplies the place of nouns, gerunds* mid fupines. With a participle, it is tranflated by the re- lative and indicative. With piv and It it fignifies partly ; and it is often ufed for ornament. Articulo prrepofitivo, &c. Eton* Articulus fequente %i, &c. Utuntur autem Grieci, &c. Infinitivus cum, &c. Wetten. The infinitive with the neuter, &c. The prepofitive article, &c. Bell* Articulus quando vocibus, &c. Holmes* i . 1 T is honourable even for an old man to learn* 2. Death is frequently more eligible, than life. 3. It is better to be dead, than to live miferably. 4. To thofe that are and that have been. 5. Thefe things, want of fleep, and cares have been the caufe of death to me. 6. Two men went up to the temple to pray ; the one a Pha- rifce, and the other a publican. 7. Having feen the ftar, and come into the houfe, they found the child. KlflTOQ UjUl 7T0KKaKlC, awSvwKto 6 {olw. Kakoc fjLn £aw ujui, O VVV ytOLj Q TTfOTifOV. Ay§$Q7rcQ »ovo clvolGccivc*) f ac it^ov 7r^oatv^ojuai 5 - ik $>Xfl(J OLIOS, KOU ITtfOC Eticd 6 currrip, km tf>X 0m JUUl 6 US Q QIKIOL, tVflVKOi) 6 TTOClOCOY. ( U3 ) S- We fpend th- time ofm in making our/elves ready* 9. A fewer went out to few t and as be /owed, Tome feeds fell by tbi ^\v>\s came, and cat them up. 10. Having made ufe of this , he has conquered, and poiTcfles all things; ■ them in war, and avfog them friends, and auxilia- 1 1 . There may be great ex- fo all the things, which we mentioned ; en t drawing us to « ; en the other, driving us to ba 12. He . my com- mandments, and leepeth them, he it is who fourth me ; and he me, fhall be beloved by my father. '13. Pay ye the things ~. Cxfar's, to s which ate Gcd's, to 14 «~ Poverty, and med about other peoples affairs, fol- low i 15. r ite,'' dees not denote the when ; but • (XtXKtJKV. »' KOLI iV irohtpoC) b Si, VV^U/AX- an iv ~rac, oq •fn , Cl/XiTfUt TTOhVQ' 'y $€, TTOO^ j>V7TCCP- O i)(y ivtoKyi iyco, koli •■< auToc, want; Ufii b - xa lyw it xyot-raa ty-jj, OLyoLTTCLO vrro b rra.7^0 Arr:lil'u)y.i 6 Kxt7Xf, b Kxi7u?, aoct 0«of, €>e- yvJ , y.oa 7%cxz'(cj, Kj o~ c aT;yiii, xa/ a>?.oTjt:/; 7ro\V7rfCLyp.o\ . >1, \IV- /.t}00 T9 7T0- , fall- toufAi xr*~ ( 144 ) 1 6. Cnecilius the Roman au- givcs this proof that Rome was founded by the Grecians, that it ftill retains the original Grecian cuftom of facrificing to Hercules* KouKtXioe, o o 'pupctioc :r E?i7iuv ttokiy rtQKOfov cvaa* 7>?c /uiyctKy; kPTiftHW, xa/ to: . Act. I 2. Of iTsiy.7i tv.i ttokiv ripcov piJTW , ivpov tT/^tfM. Them 3. ♦ojod/xou eiui rr;7T;y aj>ac . Arrian. 7. Atc^wxui' St, TTfcc rove tTcypovc tluv, i$n, Miyxv 0^0 taoptvev. Ap >ph« Alex. Plut 9. Hfmm rauiTtifia xoy c\xic ra/c rajta/. Xcn. 10. H; xa/ fiaKKov ol Tfuis, rx liKx tru arrei^oy. Thucyd. 11. Et rt tern iv ru tuip tovtu , xoLrnyofuravoLv av- Act. 25. 12- I ntwnf to 7ru<; KoxoLQ-ovTcu olutovS' Act. 4. 13. Ta/C rKOJOfOfiti l7Ttti>1Kl %VAGt. JEliail. 14. Efrux; a*9 eJr« ^aS/Qf Tfvywuv. Aristopll. 1 j. Ta t^cc r#» 0eor . Hebr. 2. ) 6. $27/; >j >.<} : XJ yOP Tl STtM TCJjf Cl%0/JLlVUr XCtf TOIW- Liban. 18. Ect/k Tarn Ww. Athcn. 1 9. E$ en^w*. Prov. 20. Eth \ i.).};x:i7iv u ] [erodot. :• Dion, liaiicar, Anacr, Act ■. 0:?-j, ha rriTTi-JWTi ag cv Joan. o. -'Tfc • JKhan. Pausan. Lajert. iian. g i . w& ' JEscbin. XVTOt i; r;;> -r:hiv y ovi trri to kqivcv Thucyd. ficvxi-jtro/xiv, Iloin. 34. - >-:>.i 7-. kou ty.x. Xonophon. %Qo¥ , ;■ •■',■: HTtxtio/jLat. Phil- M«Td tovto ;;;.';:; lu\ to 7t:ux a-jrou, koci KOLTtSfCLffctTO rev. Job. 37, _ :^< crxo/€< tv yjyxix.nv arrovi/j.c;Ti; Tl- finr. 1 Pi jKOfTK) l7Tt ot t;;c aAAoSaT;;; Hesych. tn iv isfjLi.?, Xc n. /• Luc. 41. J" - ,. 1 -..-.. - TroKtf ma uKurrx- £.c Horn. 42. F. :.:\ r; : -,: • TVca/.trcc UT«. AndoC. rut ^Elian. 44. At: 7 - : lifOQ , ) '^X iTo TX troL Trc fe//>nrec oLTrotfiirrur Pliilo. 45. S«K/fwT« TliJ UUftfiie Hi TOJ, OtXCltryu,. j\d. 1? '. ( 1*0 ) 46. Vacuos et noclurnos militum timores terrores panlcos vocamus. 47. Si quis infidelium ad convivium vos vocaverit. 48. Ut a multis perfonts in nos collatum donum, per multos grutiarum acYione celebretur pro nobis. 49. Eftugifti poenatn, Labes. 50. Et inter jeSlis aliquot diebus iterum ingrefTus eft Ca- pernaum. 51. Secundum meam cpinionem. 52. Pantherinam pellem humeris habens. $3. Verum in fingulos annos decern millia drachmarum. 54. Levis armaturse milites ut habebant potejlatem celeri- tatis fequcbantur. 55. Nequaquam puto pojfibile eft magnum et juvenilem animum eos accipere, qui parva agunt. 56. Gloria Deo in altiflimis habitaculh. 57. Juflit eos qui pofTent natare projicerey^ primos, et ad terram exire. 58. Regum fententiam immobilem^ habere decet. 59. Armeniam et vicinas eidem gentes Lucullus debella- vit. 60. Secundum patriae mores. 61. Singulis diebus. 62. Didicit, ex Us quae pafTus eft, obedientiam. 63. Nondum erat fpiritus fanctus effusus ; quia Jefus nondum erat glorificatus. 64. Poftquam et mihi dicendi potejlatem feciftis. 65. Saepe blandis verbis alloquutus eft. 66. Et a foro venientes 9 nifi loti fuerint, non edunt. 67. Quot annos natus es ? 68. Qui citharam tenet* 69. Incolarum manfuetum et mite eft ingenium, 70. Virtutem a juvenili Mate cole. 7 1 . Vefpere Sabbathi quae lucefcit in primam diem Sab- bathi. 72. Cras certe veniam. ( 151 ) KitO'Jr XXI WKTtftTOVC TM GTjZTVJUCtTUY fiCcU; 7TX» , Polyaen. 47. El It TK KXhil V t U0LC TUV XT17TUY \ Coi\ 10. 48. 1 VK TTfltXTU-TUV TO tlQ f\(JUX<; )(jX^lVfXCC %iol ttok? tut. 2 Cor. 1. 49. ) u A*£«c. Aristoph. JO. Key -recKit tiwkQiv its Ka.7rifvot.OjU TX<;. Deill. 56. Ac^a 0e»tr -J\f//(rT0/c . Eiuktrm twc %\jvctfjLivov<; kq\vuQav 9 U^avTat; ', i-ri tw yyy i^iiYXt. Act. ~6. 58. ITj-t-r:. rifl t'jjy ficLo-iXiw yvuuviv a/unaKiv>iT6oi; t%iiV lsocr. 59. Affttrtar xeu xfoanxct txvtk: • O-Ti) >;k TftVfia xyiov , qti o Iwcvi; ttfitWU ■-<■-. Joan. 7. 64. Emit* Ha/lot Koyov fj.iTx\idu:xxTi . Heliodor. 6$. Tl:>.>.x >,£ y.nhi%ioi7i TfOJwla.. Hom. 66- Kxi XTO .7 iXt fXYl fictTTTllwTCtt, OVK £(70/- Marc 7. 67. TT ;o< ; 68- O n-Y xAafxv LuCl. 69. To Ti. UijCV ZXl TTfXOY 17TIY . ALYlSH], 70. Aj5ir;;^ £* nac a^xt/ 71. Oi-L auCCxrut rt\ ittiQowxww uc, //ixv goi&Qxtv;. Mat. 7:. F >«/«r ux>.i<7Tct k*w Lucian. ( 152 ) 73- Malta quidem in terra, multa autem in man humi- do. Gubernator autem jam lucefcentey£/. AriSiOph. 78. O/ ret uxxxv.x q>ofo^)Ti<;. Maltl]. 11. 79- Nw i sA-xc-f. So- phoc. 'Ti . Thucvd. Si. Bi ... . JEschyl. 82. Orar -,/ ni;j tx I. yifOflUTi on nw •yyvc urn. Luc. 2 I* 83. Ka/ «t£k aori) TLiTfot;, Ainx, ixtxj a ltmv( Xfi- 75K VtOJJTU . Act. 9- 84. Atyei cu/r»! lr,7oi<; } T/ i^e/ v.ow ac; Joan- C. 85. E/ . <7W CtTX^tTXf £lX. SO{) 86. tiara xara- :^a . Dio. Cass. 88. Cb yxf //. - f nrrwru I <■:;. Dion. $9 >ti 'C 7*C fxxvocyxyeir o\i}:y Luc. 5. 105. Bf: 'hiiy Kill"! p. I06 ; ti V i^x ; Pythfl 107. UfJ7i^nv Act. 16. 10 8- K-w t- cian. I ©9. I7 ; :/ir x^ 6T/ Ba^yxoKOf. Xeil. ! 10. Tximi xa/ txvtx thiyiro. Plat. III. T#v« x-ara riff t^oKTaf. Xcn. l 12. Er-nr a.rcic ayopx, t>9a roc re fixziKitx kxi tx *X\x ap^ax ~ri~:.;-Txi. Xcil. II}. Ka\:.;< 5 1:x.x7tk> «;■ tsito y*f WKTM idiro. ip IK. I fltTO Ilf7#V X^WTOV, / ua ?" Tttf c ';;::;. Apocill. I1-. K;v »K mntffimt wav tit; toy ovfXYsr. Act l. J l6- E79;;;r£c xa/ TrmtTtZ tx T2^ dUfflBff . LllC. 1 1 7. X-zuir:,- , an^iijiwaK. Thucyd. 118. O TJtrv A>.t$a)^#c. 119. p«Aflf TV*** Chrysost. Tt; iovlaiut intra* 7rx?x juioly 'J Cor. 121. t*j ewwikov . M«Xyr. 12 2. F.; M/MCC Trxe/r. 123- Tcj 7 n aToX/Souc , €Ta/r;^ t£e/;. Her. 124. Afjo^ierej at* tr /uiKfiic snr< . Lacrt. 125. Eti t:vc Su« t;ra>/7Tau£rcK o^9;k Lucian. 126. Al^iX TO 7KvQfC07TOr OUUTO'J KXf >taT>ff€f . J I 27. Etrt h. If t;;c JtfmMftOK) i~i tv xfiGxriy.y C-^fc. Joan. If 2 ( 156 ) 128. Paucis verbis fcripfu 12^. Dicito, fed nee longam orationem 9 nee cum proce«? miis. 130. Confiderandum eft, an fatius fit affirmare* 131. Plangent fuper eum peftora omnes nationes terrae. 132. Anaxagoras in fcripto de regno. 133. Norunt enim, quibus conditionibus ipfos ducat Cy« axares. 134. Dans autem ipfi equites et nudos milites. 135. Quando tu excipiebas amicos in natalitiis conviviis. 1 36. Ex sequa focietatc communes expeditiones faciebant* 137. §o\xtf tines quibus alligatur navis in littore. 138. Amichis Undone fuper nudo corpora 139. Ex aequo imperio imperavi patriae. 140. Qua pedum edentate pofliint, aufugiunt. 141. In arte equitandi mire fuperbiebat. 142. Mortua fuifles, fi dignas luifTes poenas. 143. Interficient ex vobis aliquQS. 144. Non convenit tali viro mentiri, qualis eft Socrates* 145. Magno foenore ab aliis accipiunt. 146. Jacebat graviter gemens in loco puro. 147. Domus in commodo urbis loco aedificata. 148. Bibunt tantum quantum rapere licet. 149. Ego vero exiftimo orationem hancce non expedire civitati, et praeter hoc minime juftam efle. 150. Nunc quidem ad men/am hofpitalem te invitamus. 151. Cani capilli caput coronant. 152. Ne accipiant hi judiciale triobolum. 153. Ipfe dixit, fe dudum hoc defiderare, et ftudere pmni modo. 154. Propino tibi, infalutem ducis Herculis. 155 Lotus oceani aqua* 156* Qoam profundum &OTmw\tt\ fomnum. 157. Per vanam fujpkionem nobis ipfis fingebamus timo~ res. ( 1*7 ) 128. Ai* cxsyop i , /Uflli fJiiTCL Wftt , fjin tot m ! lal. r»r A- i ; : jlamkiixc. Lilian. CUT 'XI. A man. ) Marc. 1 Aristoph, . Aristoph. Lucas. - • . 145- Pint. Horn. rat. Lucian. 14^ .an. Kir. Lucian. r:/ TO IfKOrTi . LuC. rrxr- tk . Loci H. •. L'ician. 15: J Ion 1. I 157. Am Dion. I ( 153 ) 158. Via, qusc duck ad falutem. j 59. Coeperunt una voce omnes excufare. 160. Ad utramque partem fluvii. 161. Dextra manu Dei exaltatus. 162. Una manu aquam, altera ignem ferebat. 163. Zenothemis utraque manu, altera nafo, altero ocu# lo prehenfo. 164. Duplicem marmoream loenam. 165. Populus, in omni re, jam facilis ipfis evaferat. 166. Res benefe habet. 167. Filios divites hortantur parentes, ut fervent fua hona. 168. MefTenii victoriam brevi tempore Lacedaemoniis de# derunt. j 69. Pro mortuis erogare etiam volo pecunias. 170. Pro viribus date eleemofynam. j 7 1. Ex quo tempore. 372. Paululum et non videbitis me. 173. Famam hanc jam olim accepimus. 1 74. Nifi imperium brevi diflblutum fuiflet. j 7 5. Sufficiet ipfis interim vel hoc fupplicium. T76. In omni montana regione divulgabantur cuncta* 177. Hie non confenferat confilio illorum, 178. Acceptam cladem ingenua anima non retulit* 179. Pater nofter qui es in ccelis. 180. Qui in foro merces permutant. 181. Ex quo tempore patres fopiti funt. VERBORUM. 182. Defiderium me tenet audiendi quid diclurus fis. 183. Hoc Cinyras nymphis facravit rete. 184. Vendidit quemcunque cepit abducendum trans mare indomitum. 185. Et a foro venientes, nifi laventur, non edunt. ( 159 ) 1 5 8. *H oliC, r *fH fVnifMU 159. Hfix>To arc ftmt WfLfOiTuriat -name Luc. 160. Tlxi tltftf TOV TCTXUfJ. A\\vdl\. 161. T« ItZia. tov 0... J^edttf. Act 162. T> «*' i$«f ftf*f*j tj ^ hrtja re - 163. Zwofyu/< ctufcr. n jUtl t>:; ^#Cj nj If r«V ific^Ki Lucian. 165. O Sru;;, t<< VOfOI , H$» Tl0ew#0{ cu/r#/c l< Plut j 66. x*\«c *X* 1O7. Tc; -r.^ri tch; jrAtWtflC ci Tart^c puxctT/etr Plut- 168. 0/ BCwmrM **w rAffrtu $j* ftMUfW AaxtSa/^p- uxa*. Polysen. 169. Miami ji naf txnmt imftULfw, Lucian. 170. Ta intra. Ioti tMifiNrvmr. Lucas. 171* E£w . Horn. i~2. hhxfot x%f cv tiiufc-trt pi. Joan. l-;. Tw f - -, ix. tokkcv Tafeixr,K U t:. xxi *VTU TijMfM iffloy oujt:i;. Lucian. 176. Ek 6\r r* o^mn cT/£Xa\«T« rcWTot. Lucas- 177. OaVc« M/x y.v JvyxxLTAT&tpsmt tv fiovxv clvtu?. Lucas. 178. TmirUr mar wAm cjx i$?a ijitH, § w To/c tvf5f« piTx£ah\G]uitot . Xeil. 181. A? re c/ Wrff* iKCiu^y-cur. <2 Pet. 182. n»8bc%w»/*,^ njmrm i X ei - Aristoph. 183. Txtc rwMffl/< K. rA Am» EpigT. 1 84. TlifraMY " 7 mo. Horn. I 85. Kay are c/ ^ I. LaTTTi: ( 160 ) 186. Propitie^fr tibi, Domine, non crlt tibi hoc. 187. Amen, amen, dico vobis, mariar fi dabkur huic ge«> ncrationi lignum. 188. Mihi videris non his attendere, et l\xc facts cum Us fapiens. 189. Neceflitas confilii urget me et te. 190. Vide ne facias. 191. Si vero velint et ipfi. 192. Alix eventurse erant, alias jam pnfefentes erant. 193. Judicavit mori oportere virum. 194. Per Jovem rogo ut una mecum lis. 195. Da, O Jupiter, ne prius fol occidat, et tenebrae ad* veniant. 196. Donaetiam adferentes, quanta quifque poterat. 397. Mirum e/1, quantum prseftant. 398. Vent hue in terram, quamcunque oftendero tibi. j 99. Alexander Ariftoteli falutem dpprecatur. 200. Ab avo meo accept moris efle candidi. 20 1. Nunc vero iftos dicam y quotquot Pelafgicum Argos habitabant. 202. Si quidem dabunt premium magnanimi Achivi, defmam. 203. Quid non ego tibi* quid non tu pr&Jlitifli mihi ? 204. At ille inquity majus eft. 205. Vereor ne quis mihi Danaorum fuccenfeat. 206. Si vero non credit, age, tibi jam capite annuam, Pr^epositionum. 207. Non darem triobolum pro Diis. 208. Eunt per campum. 209. Multos per labores in meas venit manus. 210. Propter ea me afpiciebas. 211. Propter quid me tentatis ? 212. Sequemur in tuam gratiam. 213. Expectans in venientem diem. 214. Lupum ex auribus teneo. 5115. Hie Pelopa genuit, ex hoc autem Atreus natu... ( 161 ) 186. 'lhi»s :. Matt. Marc. 1S8. Mm Joxa; ' ar co/ St£«. Act. 199. Aw -' X xi f ilf toe n. rmu r; koac . M. Anton 20I. Nw S' a:: , *orc/ to IltAOTyiXW Afy* tia<- ftf. Hum. Horn. Pol O .. , axxa ptf&t ITO, ^Eli&I)* 205. rtT«i. ITom. 206. «>'-> TCi «9«u! KXTQinwo/Hoit. Horn Tx7 c-> ;1 , Tftu&fMr. Aristoph. ;ra/ 2co. n ^ £ '^ V 1 ^' Eurip. 21 [. iiurip. ift Eurip. ( 16* ) 2 1 6. Cum in Sunium facrum pervenimus. 217. Dcin in Marathone cum eflemus. 2 1 8. Dividamus igitur earn in duas partes. 219. Ut tingat extremam digiti partem in aquam. 220. Unde ad hanc Siciliam navi advecliis advenis ? 221. iEneas primus jaculum mifit in Idomeneum. 2 22. Egreflum parat, fecundum meam fententiam. 223. Quoad omne verbum otiofum, de ipfo reddituri iunt homines rationem. 224. De re aliquid audivit. 225. Die mWiide patre et filio quern reliqui. 226. DifcefTerunt cum exereitu. 227. Ne autem illinc efFugerent, fpeculatores ftatuebas. Conjunctionum et Adverbioruri. 228. Nemo unquam in venire poflet. 229. Si tanquam fervus vocatus es. Fidelis eft Deus, qui vocavit nos, qui etlam bene 230. faciet. 23I 232 Vis ut me convertam ad alias aliquas vias ? Major erit in coelo lsetitia, ob unum fontem, qui redeat ad frugem, quam ob nonaginta novem infontes*. 233. Defcendit hie domum fuam juftificatus, tnagis quam ille. 234. Volo ego populum falvum efle, potius quam perire. 235. Vide ut facias omnia ad formam monftratam tibi* 236. SzVcorruptos fuilTe oculos, ut csecutiret.j 237. Ut in cjelo^yfc etiam fuper terram. Plurium Vocum. 238. Si quis judicum non aliud quam jus refpicit. 239. Per legates in Peloponnefum mijfos egit, ut aliquod auxilium mitteretur. 240. Ire per viam ducentem ad mortem. 241. Et cum paucis multas omnino myriades fuperavit mnfelum, fed et imperium fecit majus. 242. Salutate/tttfrwqui funt ex domeflicis Ariftobuli. ( *fc ) 2 1 6. 'Ort I ifa Hum. F.tTx Maffltfori /U£» It ruu. All^toph. ..oty\v \vo uifn. Pint. TO CLKJ9Y TC'J lx> it ix.CTohur ttolpu 5 Kinip 2 2 1. dt TfuTo; ax.r lXeut»-:;. Hom. 7' v ' . Aristoph. 22;. TTocf j"'JU.X CLpyWf Tip OMTOV >: Matth. T-. Tf*yp*TK XK)-Kft> Ti. Aristoph« H o f07Hiiwir, 1I()U1. Thucyd* Demos* ] Cor. ■ "••. l Thcs. 231. E xxaoc Tirflic j Eurip. TUXU fxtTOLVOWYii, Lucas. ■ ■a-;. Lucas* .'.a cccr iuy . tgkutQxi. Hoill. 235. Ox Wtra y.xTx Tit tvt#» ror S^^mcc r#i. Heb. 236. ■** «/* w *fW fixtvew. JEH, • ou i« Matth. 23S. T01 • Aristot. 239. £c Tf thk I"I fXfaaait err* rm, '] but tygj Wl 8a)-aT5r , «>.?.* >:a/ r • /Elian. Rom. x 2 ( 164 ) 243* Si quis alius habere poffit, pro annorum conditione, nigrum capillum habes. 244. Juffit eos duci ad mortem. 245. Nonneftultum eft, quod miier ego donio hue adve- nerim nudo capite. 246. Si ego fatis doceo vos, quales erga vos invicem efle oporteat, bene fe res h.ibet ; fin vero minus— 247. Quomodo enim tibi dabunt premium magnanimi Achivi ? nam inique po/lulas. 248. Nonfolum caftra pofuit in folitudine circa plata- num ; fed et pretiofum ex ea ornatum fufpendit. 249. Pars Afise qux ad orientem verfa eft. 250. Videtis enim hoc omnes, praemium quod miKifmt transfertur alia via. 251. Amicitise pocula plena propino, vino pari, pari aqua temperata. 252. Menelae, tibi hsec dico, et faciam infuper. 253. Si enim fejlis Bacchi diebus tragoedos fpectaffetis. 254. Propter quid rides, o Diogenes ? Diog. Quid enim aliud facerem quam ridere, quando memjnerim qualia fecit Gnecia ? CHAP. LI. OF THE. ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. 1 ' X HOSE Egyptians who live in the cultivated parts of the country, are, of all whom I have feen, the moft inge- nious, being attentive to the improvement of the memory, beyond the reft of mankind. To give fome idea of their mode of life ; for three days fucceffively in every month they ufe purges, vomits and clyfters ; this they do out of attention to their health, being perfuaded that the difeafes of the body are occafloned by the different elements re- ceived as foodt Befides this, we may venture to aifert, ( 165 ) A m a;? — Xrn. 24"*. rii'c }'*f to/ Iwowi ytf&i Horn. I ' 2^1. •r^Mr/ftfj WW /7x> xt- en. ;7i> li arf#C . HOfTl. Tfxyufovs thxvoLvQi. ; A/oy. T/ yatj x\\t h ■ m ; Lucidii. CHAP. LI. ionic creek to be rendered into ATTIC. I. AVTQt :,; X? iurTctr : ju>i- t'jsv airicor tzgxi; tx; y-.TX AiQ-jy , ■UCl dOKtitv} lift* rXl' if yz? Tr.7l fXlTOk Tl CLvHfitTTtm ( 166 ) that, after the Africans, there is no people in health an< conftitution to be compared with the Egyptians. To this advantage, the climate, which is here fubject to no varia- tions, may cffentially contribute : changes of all kinds, and thofe in particular of the feafons, promote and occaiion the maladies of the body. To their bread, which they mak with fpclt, they give the name of cylleftis ; they have no vines in the country, but they drink a liquor fermented from barley ; they live principally upon fifh, either falted or dried in the fun : they eat alfo quails, ducks, and fome fmaller birds, without other preparation than firft. faking them ; but they roaft and boil fuch other birds and fifties as they have, excepting thofe which are preferved for facred purpofes. 2. At the entertainments of the rich, juft as the compa- ny is about to rife from the repaft, a fmall coffin is carried round, containing a perfect reprefentation of a dead body ; it is in fize fometimes of one, but never of more than two cubits, and as it is fhewn to the guefts in rotation, the bear- er exclaims, a Caft your eyes on this figure ; after death you yourfelf will refemble it ; drink then, and be happy." Such are the cuftoms they obferve at entertainments. 3 . They contentedly adhere to the cuftoms of their an- ceftors, and are avcrfe to foreign manners. Among o- ther things which claim our approbation, they have a fong, which is alfo ufed in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and other places, where it is differently named. Of all the things which aftonifhed me in Egypt, nothing more perplexed me than my curiofity to know whence the Egyptians learned this fong, fo entirely refembling the Linus of the Greeks ; it is of the remoter!: antiquity among them, and they call it Maneros. They have a tradition that Maneros was the only fon of their firft monarch ; and that having prematurely died, they inftituted thefe melancholy {trains in his honour, conftituting their firft, and in earlier times their only fong. 4. The Egyptians furpafs all the Greeks, the Lacedae- monians excepted, in the reverence which they pay to age : ( 107 ) rot fxotXuTtt. yi.crrxj, ru . \\\ xa/ ta>Ttf, u/u ; V tj 0CX/I rx^yj.-- , -j i^£0i/a>r «rn <-.p/ r- .7 ;? execs/ ■: : i.^XTXty tc ra/. 2- Er &6 T>-j/ orvroi/oiwi vnafficfft vuoTiut^ t-nxi txrro z. yirurr. uivcv, fxiui- ftr/xtror it: tx uxxhttx, y.xiy- •• fxiyo^cq 090 n txyt; : . -.. i re xa/ T^-re-" t^£a/ yaf CL7T9^0Lrw roiouro^. Tdvra { uiY tx-x rx r 3. I7aT,*;: r:, olxxuy ouiiYX tmKTixtTXj TClTl, OL).XX Ti ITTai OL t7Tt \CUIUX' Y.OLl 0>J KXl 3.et7[J.X lYUTt Al- :, v.-ji %y Ki/Tfu, x.xi tr axxv- xirrtt itinx ovroftat iftir rvfififtrdf A uvroc ctroif t*y ol x xa/ axxx a- ui tvy 7Ti*i ' ir oe en xa/ toy Anot •xs&tr txxGcr Twrc/av . I elan TfoTou( 9 tabKr^ x tTC»' ci It, kxtx mlvf c/ at, tu:* afarwt twcw. 9. Ofwot ii xa/ txZxj xXtft 7TYJKCJ *] XOf Tt WfM .ci X/TCUff-OC/ TOY YiXfCY, > TcMr o r .\*; .Xf, xxi 9-/ . (A ci at' I MTU • 10. TTj/V /t c,lY IxiJUCYX' •1 ce oLOT£w» r n rfetxeiyr. A/a TitTiTnft- io( It 7 vc;ra ctiei trocar ouuthoy aTTOWtjATOWt ayyihof TTXjX TtY ZXUOK^IY, tYTiXhCfXUCI TQf XY \xxn\oTt SlUYTXl. YliU- JJJTiUY TX)(hi>Ti;, a/.tYTlX TflX i^OVfft' UXKCI It IixkxCcyt. -rcii TXfx toy Za/uo£iY Taq %eie af xa/ 7 ■.; ouutcy fitrtafOf, jpTTOVft ic t«c h9 7X x C' ** r H- if ^ ctTctyxtr, XYXTXfeit;, tcktiIi fxtttf c 0fc«c lextei uyxi- r.Y It fxY\ M faae- ro/ /kj> eua/. Arrmeaptroi at rourifff xkkoy awo- i ci CWTQI 0f >: Xt{ XXI VfQ< frfCYTKY 7t xxi aj'j'aiA Y 2 ( 172 ) proceed to the election of another ; giving him, whilft yet alive, their commands. This fame people, whenever it thunders or lightens, throw their weapons into the air, as if menacing their god ; and they ferioufly believe that there is no other deity. 12. This Zamolxis, as I have been informed by thofe Greeks who inhabit the Hellefpont and the Euxine, was himfelf a man and formerly lived at Samos, in the fervice of Pythagoras, fon of Mnefarchus •, having obtained his liberty, with considerable wealth, he returned to his coun- try. Here he found the Thracians diftinguifhed equally by their profligacy and their ignorance ; whilft he himfelf had been accuftomed to the Ionian mode of life, and to manners more polifhed than thofe of Thrace ; he had alfo been connected with Pythagoras, one of the moft celebrat- ed philofophers of Greece. He was therefore induced to build a large manfion, to which he invited the moft emi* nent of his fellow citizens : he took the opportunity of the feftive hour to afTure them, that neither himfelf, his guefts, nor any of their defcendants, fhould ever die, but fhould be removed to a place where they were to remain in the perpetual enjoyment of every blefling. After faying this, and conducting himfelf accordingly, he conftructed a fub- terranean edifice : when it was completed, he withdrew himfelf from the fight of his countrymen, and refided for three years beneath the earth- — During this period, the Thracians regretted his lofs, and lamented him as dead. In the fourth year he again appeared amongft them, and by this artifice gave the appearance of probability to what he had before afTerted. 13. To this ftory of the fubterraneous apartment I do not give much credit, though I pretend not to difpute it ; I am, however, very certain that Zamolxis muft have lived many years before Pythagoras : whether, therefore, he was a man, or the deity of the Getse. enough has been faid con- cerning him. Thefe Getse ufing the ceremonies I have defcribed, after fubmitting themfelves to the Perfians under Darius, followed his army. ( 173 ) x\kcy Siov rcu/^c>Tfc cictf ei /wn r«v rft« I : He $£ £ya tvvQx- r:v Gixiovruv *E\- rr t3»TJt a uu -TUTauiroY S/a/rar rtfet »t xara 0f * xac (:. n tyu- ur ci> tui a- XOLTCL- TCV TQDCGXi'JCtTX TW Ct. rx#0 cJc curt clutch, cjti ci vv/jlto- TtU t CLKK If- -. ra TaKra ctyx- rx y.xrx>iy l :tfTX, XO/ lAtyf tuitu, II JCXTX^XJCf CIO'.UX iTCliiTO' QC ^ 0/ TTOLYTthtUC €1^£ TO OfOIUOLf «x ^ - xriffftr xaraCaf £t xaro £c to xxTxycqcv • T£ X«/ £7rt»6fcCK CJf S't £Tti' £J 7 J, X3f 01>TO> Tl9arX • achats. Taora $a.xj t:\ /.xrctycyw tixr.y.XT0<; tv% KT/77iV, »VTf Wl T17T--.U Tl Xilff S#Xtfa it TT^.A.J.T/ £7£<7/ 7TfOTifCV TOM yiH^X! I 1176 $£ £>£»tT« TJf Zx- ". M/T* tT/^/CC, **/- Tf rTO TSJ «W.W FTj'XTW. lit. ( 174 ) THE FISHERMEN. 14. Need, Diophantus, ready wit imparts, Is labours miftrefs, and the nurfe of arts : Corroding cares the toiling wretch infeft, And fpoil the peaceful tenor of his breaft ; And if foft {lumbers on his eye-lids creep, Some curfcd care fteals in, and murders fleep. Two ancient fiiriers in a ftraw-thatch d fried, Leaves were their walls, and fea-weed was their bed, Reclind their weary limbs : hard by were laid Bafkets, and all their implements of trade, ic* Rods, hooks, and lines, compos'd of flout horfe hairs, / And nets of various forts, and various fnares, The feine, the caft-net, and the wicker maze, 1 To wafte the watery tribes a thoufand ways : A crazy boat was drawn upon a plank; Mats were their pillow, wove of ofier dank ; Skins, caps, and rugged coats, a covering made ; This was their wealth, their labour, and their trade. No pot to boil, no watch dog to defend ; Yet bleft they liv'd with penury their friend. 20 None vifited their fhed, fave every tide, The wanton waves that wafh'd his tottering fide. When half her courfe the moon's bright car had fped. Joint labour rousd the tenants of the fhed ; The dews of flumber from their eyes they clear 'd, And thus their minds with pleaflng parley cheer'd : A. I hold, my friend, that trite opinion wrong, That fummer nights are fliort when days are long. Yes— I have feen a thoufand dreams to-night, And yet no morn appears, nor morning light : 3 o Sure on my mind fome ftrange illufions play, And make fliort nights wear heavily away. B. Fair fummer feafons you unjuftly blame, Their bounds are equal, and their pace the fame ; ( 175 ) DORIC. 14. A wtria, & 10 fount u:rx rac Tiyoxt; v r AlTX Ti> UO^OIO ltiX7XXXCf CVM ) A*QfX7. ri jUtfuutXj. Kxr cxijz. wktoc Tit - UtTttfC KXK'^QxfQt, . tx raff X*fon zbhruxTx, tci KOLKaQtexoif T.. kocxoi ra $b*iotrTx Tt \n uijxt: i/ei xpux Jtxxixt;, xKteic vyeifi fixer ttoioq' fx &KKpa.fQV li 20 nftvof yoxr. A* YwoWTCU f ..\. :/ rac WXTO Tu 9 Ztuf* H$>? /wyf' wewor orufiTa, kouqitu xuc rtc i^cvTi. txKi'jv, u.iutr to KOAOl yaf & xa/pof ( 176 ) But cares, Afphalion, in a bufy throng, Break on your reft, and make the night feem long* A* Say, haft thou genius to interpret right INIy dream ? I've had a jolly one to-night. Thou fhalt go halves, and more thou can'ft not wifh, We'll fhare the vifion as we fhare our fifh. 40 I know thee ihrewd, expert of dreams to fpell ; He's the belt judge who can conjecture well. We've leifure time, which can't be better fpent, By wretched carles in wave-wafh'd cabin pent, And lodg'd on leaves ; yet why fliould we repine, While living lights in Prytaneum fliine ? JB. To thy faft friend each circumftance recite, And let me hear this vifion of the night. A. Laft evening, weary with the toils of day, Lull'd in the lap of reft fecure I lay; $0 Full late we fupp d, and fparingly we eat ; No danger of a furfeit from our meat. Methought I fat upon a flielfy fleep, And watch'd the flfh that gambol'd in the deep £ Sufpended by my rod, I gently fhook The bait fallacious, which a huge one took ; (Sleeping, we image what awake we wifh ; Dogs dream of bones, and fifhermen of fifh.) Bent was my rod, and from his 'gills the blood With crimfon ftream diftain'd the filver flood. I ftretch'd my arm out, left the line fliould break ; The fifh lb vigorous, and my hook fo weak ! Anxious I gaz'd ; he ftruggled to be gone : 1 YouVe wounded — I'll be with you, friend, anon— ' Still do you teaze me ?' for he plagu'd me fore \ At laft, quite fpent, I drew him fafe on fhore, Then grafp'd him with my hand, for furer hold, A noble prize, a fifh of folid gold ! But fears fufpicious in my bofom throng'd, Left to the god of ocean he belonged ; 70 60 ( 1" ) ■-rroncLy fxctXfCLl tx\ ; . A. Af iux^i; . ?x>tx7uxth; ;•£<•.> OLpu KJ txv ayf>ar, TCJ»{/yara TS.Ta jlttA OV ] T3f E7T;. . XXOC IOTI T- A*Ai;C xa/ o*j£0X)f £77r t; ; I <%:/ ti; Keiuirct; t> ■ ;. <\uxti, u>$t xxQivluv A?uire( tK fx/u>u; to It Metier tr WfltJCtfUCt* $x>ti yxf a/iK :;; i X Bir ' ^- ! ^ i ') i , u:i ~ 0Ti ' ,l . TXtTX TiU> «A A«7Wr /UWVVOY tTCCffV. A Jo> i^ tva\iot7i Toromv Ojk rv ju --c tv Uja y 40 £/ jKtyUW, rac yOffTfOf tfU$9/A09 ) BdOF i t UiUITCY Ef TTfcTjra JUtUX'JTX- KxQi'^CUiiCC Ci OOXiUCY I^jxc;, ix xxhxuuY Of Thxrov KCLTtfUQ* tic: Ka/ - wftzjaro' xa/ -ya^ tK vtfojc Tlavx xvut a^Tics uatTfjiTXj- i^vx xvyuv. ; , xxj fiiv aiux* \x\xy.ov I' Cto tcj KiwjuxTCt; etyxvxcv aX or ' Tu J£l • Xi^XKC) WfOt a E/0' t rPe»yU«TOC, a/ e^.i w%U{ ; 50 Ka/ rupi ^ax^^c »w roc trura. H.^'* iluv toy as0\o* a*>:**t"ra ^pfftCK i^vv ITa.ra to X\'-", Jxourpiror it%t It lu/ma. ( 178 ) Or, haply wandering in the azure main, Some favourite fifh of Amphitrite's train. My prize I loos'd, and ftricleft caution took, For fear ibme gold might flick about the hook ; Then fafe fecur d him, and devoutly fwore Never to venture on the ocean more ; But live on land as happy as a king. At this I wak'd : what think you of the thing ? Speak free, for know I am extremely loth, And greatly fear to violate my oath. B. Fear not, old friend ; you took no oath, for why ? You took no fifh — your virion's all a lie. Go fearch the fhoals, not fleeping, but awake, Hunger will foon difcover your mi (take •, Catch real fifh •, you need not fure be told Thofe fools muft flarve who only dream of gold. 80 CYCLOPS and the SEA NYMPH. 1 5. No remedy the power of love fubdues ; No medicine, Deareft Nicias, but the mufe ; This plain prefcription gratifies the mind With fweet complacence but how hard to find ! , This well you know, who firft in phyfic fliine, And are the lovd familiar of the nine. Thus the fam'd Cyclops, Polypheme, when young, Calm'd his fond paffion with the power of fong j When blooming years imbib'd the foft defire, And Galatea kindled amorous fire : He gave no wreaths of rofes to the fair, Nor apples, nor fweet parfley for her hair : Love did the tenor of his mind controul, And took the whole pofTeffion of his foul. His flocks unteoded oft refus'd to feed, And for the fold forfook the grafly mead : While on the fedgy fhore he lay reclin'd, An .1 footh/d with fong the anguifh of his mind. ( 179 ) n - - 9«t* - :cx farcy, Awa . >.;, kzj tu ^fi/ao) 0»WM 60 'U){AGuaxw axxr, l KOLf dlv Tiar vr a ptSier ecr/. t^o^a /v.oiTXft . yzvv pa'i.\ thzxjt; fAtatOft* dyerrc A tjdtx -rxft^ya. r tetaa aeiW, rrac Kvtjjicc t* ^ueyaxac, to •/ >:Tam ?7a£t /Stxt^KK. ■ } *6lll TIVMTK' Z 2 ( iso ) From morn to night he pin'd, for love's keen dart Had pierc'd the deep recefles of his heart : 2© Yet, yet a cure he found ; for on a fteep, Rough pointed rock, that overlook'd the deep, And with brown horror high impending hung, The giant monfter fat, and thus he fung : " Fair nymph ! why will you thus my pafiion flight ? Softer than lambs you feem, than curds more white, Wanton as calves before the udder'd kine, Harfh as the unripe fruitage of the vine. You come when pleafing fleep has clos'd mine eye, And like a vifion with my {lumbers fly, 30 Swift as before the wolf the lambkin bounds, Panting and trembling, o'er the furrow'd grounds. Then firft I lov'd, and thence I date my flame, When here to gather hyacinths you came ; My mother brought you — 'twas a fatal day ; And I, alas ! unwary led the way : E'er fince my tortur'd mind has known no reft *, Peace is become a ftranger to my breaft : Yet you nor pity nor relieve my pain — Yes, yes, I know the caufe of your difdain For, ftretch'd from ear to ear with fhagged grace, My fingle brow adds horror to my face : My fingle eye enormous lids inclofe, And o'er my blubbcr'd lips projects my nofe. Yet, homely as I am, large flocks I keep, And drain the udders of a thoufand flieep ; My pails with milk, my fhelves with cheefe they fill, In fummer fcorching, and in winter chill. The vocal pipe I tune with pleafing glee \ No other Cyclops can compare with me : 50 Your charms I fing, fweet apple of delight ! Myfelf and you I fing the livelong night. For you ten fawns, with collars deck'd, I feed, And four young bears for your diverfion breed : Come, live with me ; all thefe you may command, And change your azure ocean for the land j 40 ( »81 ) : 20 QliTrc fn pi, , 9kkx ytoxi f * ■ . xuxov afowxTX. '■ .ux c:r fjLX7 !x-/.n$t*x $ukkx - xrOa/* iy« V o$gi TTa-ra77a/ fl ry rui A< r.itr. y«c -. TXVTl uxr Aa\' cm/t«< k X' Ma fi 07KU) > rtfw V Ov %■■ c ^ ei - H/JLtLVTOf at/W, i rci trEexa >eW^ 7roT:v A H^\ " r/ - T/c xt* Ti'>^i Gaxotwar e^ar >j xv^afT SXOitp; Ai St roiavrot: tyu Soxt:- Err/ Sj-vcf J-j\at //:/, x / t'^v Kot/cu: - *:*/ Tar ^X aK ai: / Ka/ to , TiJ t uoi y\vx.tfUTi*:y ovltr. £L fJLOl OT DC (UCCTTfJ ! A//«t>r n n ti toi n x.f>irct ) H fjL ar;/x.(?iK r;r £:,9;> zreix, >.xj t$cfS;.-7a Aa9;/j, rjy u&t xxQrutvcc, wxaX 1 a7rt>9e xa/ [xiuVcuy.i clvtx. USUf Ka/ rxv^\ 7-a. S>acr^ ra; /.i^ xhxv xa/ tcos Trohaq auZcnfuc «sv 70 ( 184 ) Ah Cyclops, Cyclops ! where 's your reafon fled ? If with the leafy fpray your Iambs you fed, Or ev'n wove bafkets, you would feem more wife*, Milk the firft cow, purfue not her that flies •, You 11 foon, fince Galatea proves unkind, A fwceter, fairer Galatea find. 100 ODE. 1 6. More happy than the gods is he Who, foft reclining, fits by thee j His ears thy pleafing talk beguiles, His eyes thy fweetly dimpled fmiles. This, this, alas ! alarm'd my breaft, And robb'd me of my golden reft : "While gazing on thy charms I hung, My voice died faultering on my tongue. With fubtle flames my bofom glows, Quick through each vein the poifon flows, Dark dimming mifts my eyes furround, My ears with hollow murmurs found. My limbs with dewy chillnefs freeze, On my whole frame pale tremblings feize, And lofing colour, fenfe and breath, I feem quite languishing to death. ANDROMACHE difluading HECTOR from battle. 1 7. Too daring prince ! ah, whither doft thou run, Ah ! too neglectful of thy wife and fon ! And think'ft thou not how wretched we fhall be, A widow I, an helplefs orphan he ! For fure fuch courage length of life denies, And thou muft fall thy virtue's facrifice. Greece in her fingle heroes ftrove in vain, Now hofts oppofe thee, and thou muft be flain. O grant me, gods ! ere Hector meets his doom, All I can afk of heaven, an early tomb ! ( IS5 ) Tc/f a. M* Tfl^y juolWcv £;^c/c ,: -'* XI fflac KOf kxkkicv' OLWUf. TllCOCr. ^EOLIC. 1 6. *a/JtTa/ ,kc.' :/ TAao-icr a roaatr. \flf ■):<; et$a Jt, t^X iU)C: / ui 9 wra f r'xer* Axxa KXju/uir yxttov £a>£, ay Si MXT0J A'jr/xa ^ .tfopctKir' .10 0TTiTtT(7/K V OV$W OfUfJU, frcuGiUC i> V axca/ ju:r 9 ^ KaSS' ifyfl* 4*Xf* X iiTUI > T F« M0C ^ fc QajYcjuaj ftflTWf* SappllO. The Langcag of Homer. I*t, Aur M /U£»:c, DOT iMaif&c j. ft wtTiax»r, xai yt ctppofor, >; ra^a X«$»i 3tU ifOpLXt' T*X X 7 a | 5 ** ***'ffllT10tl'WU07F A X ai:/ > H" fcrTlf t/tfJ &£ K£ X£j5^CK Ti . : .; L;c A^lKMVC, i 'Y7TCTXU.-/.V vknto :cu ah\o>7i x.Tia.Ti7■' £T< XVfy&j iy:>, y.iXnjz, eopaWj c$rx.x<;, id-xxtt, I Common Greek to be rendered into Ionic. 21 . O.r , TVTTOVUir, ( 190 ) 22. Of thee, a brother, a conteft, a wonder, felf, eafy, truth, of a king, how, they were ftruck, they would ftrike, themfelves, they have been ftruck. 23. Fame, to whiffle, he, I came, to be, they fay, twenty, greatnefs, heaven, to ftrike, fweet, to, thou fhalt receive, flefli, a fhepherd, thine. 24. Of nymphs, having fat down, I, to words, laugh- ing, they toil, of youth, mufes, a fong, they laugh, when, foremoft, where, being, we have died, I will go, of me, moon. CHAP. LII. PRIAM begging the body of Hector from ACHILLES. 1. J\H think, thou favour'd of the powers divine ! Think of thy father's age, and pity mine ! In me, that father's reverend image trace, Thofe iilver hairs, that venerable face ; His trembling limbs, his helplefs perfon, fee ! In all my equal, but in mifery ! Yet now, perhaps, fome turn of human fate Expels him helplefs from his peaceful ftate ; Think, from fome powerful foe thou fee'ft him fly, And beg protection with a feeble cry. ( W ) 21. Sou, r ctffj* "i.Mox Greek to be rendered into Donrc. *>ra>r, :r-j:;Jc/r, *x«roc, Pfxfor, wet/, far;, i r. CHAP. LI I. vMETER Veksf. reduced to prosaic order, to be returned into Mltre. 1. MNH2AI ffto TXTrrr f A^/xxcu £T;-;//.t\' 3-eo/c, :::f. ,r*/ xarff auf/c -. £77/> r/f, fltyttl/rci/ >.:/>:>- xa/ apir r *>.~nz-jLi in xarra r npaera ( 192 ) Yet ftill one comfort in his foul may rife i, He hears his fon ftill lives to glad his eyes ; And, hearing, ftill may hope a better day May fend him thee, to chace that foe away. No comfort to my griefs, no hopes, remain : The heft, the braveft, of my fons is flain ! Yet what a rac« ! e'er Greece to Ilion came, The pledge of many a lov'd and loving dame ! Nineteen one mother bore — Dead, all are dead ! How oft, alas ! has wretched Priam bled ! Still one was left, their lofs to recompenfe ; His father's hope, his country's lair, defence. Him too, thy rage has flain ! beneath thy fteel, Unhappy, in his country's caufe he fell ! For him, through hoftile camps I bend my way$ For him, thus proftrate at thy feet I lay ; Large gifts proportion'd to thy wrath I bear ; O hear the wretched, and the gods revere ! Think of thy father and this face behold S See him in me, as helplefs and as old ! Though not fo wretched ; there he yields to me, The firft of men in fovereign mifery ! Thus forc'd to kneel, thus groveling to embrace The fcourge and ruin of my realm and race : Suppliant my children's murderer to implore, And kifs thofe hands yet reeking with their gore. THE HONEY STEALER. 2. As Cupid, the flieft young wanton alive, Of its hoard of fweet honey was robbing a hive, The centinel bee buzz'd with anger and grief, And darted his fting in the hand of the thief. He fobb'd, blew his fingers, ftamp'd hard on the ground, And, leaping in anguifh, fhow'd Venus the wound \ Then began in a forrowful tone to complain, That an infect fo little fhould caufe fo great pain, 6 { U» ) Ei - r -. , - A^d/a* w - .x/SiX* /xci .- ■ • "Of &e o/oc ,wc tnr, a eifVTQ olqtv xa/ suitcuc, Tor a- Ttp, EKT0fCt' t'ri^ t«u n^c /xx>-j Aj£C/6ir >>;xc, vTOyUtr-'C, ftp £ fl Aw 3"t«yc ct/Lto, ax/Tcr t kktna$r t A^* ErXtfr S ', •/ r/c cvtuJ x\?.;c tT/^GK/cc jSyOToc, 2. Tcr Efora t:t x x t ui\iz70L n ax^a £e ^ • Aaxr: - o S' axyte, xx/ t^^7T>j^tP* ' ra/' AfjSitTSL I r irrij <*/ i >.*ra. B b ( 194 ) Venus fmiling, her fon in fuch taking to fee, » Said, " Cupid, you put me in mind of a bee ; i% u You're juft fuch a bufy, diminutive thing, u Yet you make woeful wounds with a defperate fling.' BATTLE. 3 . Forth from the portals ru(h th* intrepid pair, Oppos'd their breafts, and ftood themfelves the war. So two wild boars fpring furious from their den, Rous'd with the cries of dogs and voice of men ; On every fide the crackling trees they tear, And root the fhrubs, and lay the foreft bare ; They gnafh their tufks, with fire their eye-balls roll, Till fome wide wound lets out their mighty foul. Around their heads the whittling javelins fung, With founding ftrokes their brazen targets rung 5 Fierce was the fight, while yet the Grecian powers Maintain'd the walls, and mann'd the lofty towers 5 To fave their fleet, their laft efforts they try, And ftones and darts in mingled tempefts fly. As when fharp Boreas blows abroad, and brings, The dreary winter on his frozen wings 5 Beneath the low hung clouds the fheets of fnow Defcend, and whiten all the fields below ; So faft the darts on either army pour, So down the rampires roll the rocky fhower ; Heavy and thick refound the batter'd fhields, And the deaf echo rattles round the fields. Moral Sentiments* . 4. Who, full of wiles, his neighbour's harm contrives* Falfe to himfelf, againft himfelf he ftrives J For he that harbours evil in his mind, Will from his evil thoughts but evil find ; And lo ! the eye of Jove, that all things knows, Can, when he will, the heart of man difclofe •,' ( m ) \- rjrBos f>K pit, $t True* ta t;~ Mm i 3. Ex It tu x'i^x\Ti, ( wr tuKOTi :Stcr?i 7a>, BxA\ci/.£Kyr *rnrr yxf t/mx^crro juxkx xjiartpc, TTcT;(9:Ttc KQutrn K&fomfQi, M« ~. O/ V cLfX X*f/JiaMiMru XT: fjSjUHTUV 7rvjyur 10 BaxAor, ffaj r tu/ruf OLfiurojltrot, KZj XAHTKWPg tfto not r* ytfxlte S* j7ac *x/5 V* 1 * -^X^ 4 "* 'H it yr Tirra xxi iowxq txitx, Kxi iJ TxY 0{K ffl b b : C 196 ) Open the guilty bofom all within, And .race the infant thoughts of future fin. O ! when I hear the upright man complain, And by his injuries, the judge arraign, If to be wicked is to find fuccefs, I cry, and to be juft to meet diftrefs ; May I nor mine the righteous path purfue, But int'reft only ever keep in view : But by reflection better taught, I find We fee the prefent, to the future blind. Truft to the will of Jove, and wait the end, And good fhall always your good acts attend. Thefe doctrines, Perfes, treafure in thy heart, And never from the paths of juflice part 5 Never by brutal violence be fway'd ; But be the will of Jove in thefe obey'd. In thefe the brute creation men exceed ; They, void of reafon, by each other bleed ; While man by juftice fhould be kept in awe, Juftice, of nature well ordain'd the law. Who right efpoufes thro' a righteous love, Shall meet the bbunty of the hands of Jove: Bui he that will not be by laws confin'd, Whom not the facrament of oaths can bind, Who, with a willing foul, can juftice leave, A wound immortal fhall that man receive - 9 His houfe's honour daily fhall decline : Fair flourifh fhall the juft from line to line. O Perfes, foolifh Perfes, bow thine ear, To the good counsels of a foul fincere. To wickednefs the road is quickly found, Short is the way and on an eafy ground. The paths of virtue muft be reach'd by toil, Arduous and long, and on a rugged foil, Thorny the gate, but when the top you gain, Fair is the future, and the profpecl plain. C 1.07 ) - uu^u $ixrr AkKot cvrco rxy lot K ! --:<„-/, ■r xxi i^OiA ItKHf t^ojxe, ri afi(TT>i -rower TinT?. n tx $/xa/ jo-ra 0/00/ okCcy ry /jav t. y.0X0Y reu ir pxa^ac It Itxt-.r, etoLuQn npatrrwr I i'.trcT/jOt. \ ivcfKCJ autivw yaw .utTCTitQtr. tjQxa tpiv %yv $i. -'-' TftljfVC i*W V Ikvxi i/f a v ya/.fcT;;. ( »98 > Far does the man all other men excel, Who from his wifdom, thinks in all things well ) Wifely coniid'ring, to himfelf a friend, All for the prefent beft, and for the end : Nor is the man without his fhare of praife, Who well the dictates of the wife obeys j 13ut he that is not wife himfelf, nor can Hearken to wifdom, is an ufelefs man. The Song of Menalcas and Daphnis. / 5. M, Ye vales, ye ftreams, from fource celeflial fprung, If e'er Menalcas fweetly pipd, or fung ; h Feed well my lambs, and if my Daphnis need Your flow'ry herbage, let his heifers feed. D. Fountains and herbs rich pafturage, if e'er Sung Daphnis meet for nightingales to hear, Fatten my herds j if to thefe meadows fair Menalcas drives, O feed his fleecy care. M* When here my fair one comes, fpring fmiles around, Meads flourifh, and the teats with milk abound, My lambs grow fat \ if fhe no longer ftay, Parch'd are the meads, the fhepherd pines away, D. When Milo walks', the flower-enamour'd bees Work food nectareous, taller are the trees, The goats bear twins j if fhe no longer ftay, The herdfman withers, and the herds decay. M . O goat, the hufband of the white-hair'd flock ! Drink at the fhady fount by yonder rock ; Tis there fhe lives ; and let young Milo know, Proteus fed fea- calves in the deep below. D. Not Pelops' lands nor Crcefus' wealth excite My wifh, nor fpeed to match the winds in flight ; But in yon cave to carol with my friend, And view the ocean while our flocks we tend. M. To teats the drought, to birds the fnare, the wind To trees, and toils are fatal to the hind ; ( 199 ) 0-7;; trCHtfimt ,"*>', H WfflJ rrxvrx Kt/ffV, ♦ r *aTja^?>;c Ta x xct/ wit UftiUtQ iHtTX Ti\cc 6C# 2* Eff0\?f $' xa*£/;:c a*-\' wAnTOf it-rctri It/. Oir/t /x;^' Rf r#Oj xjtv, y.rr xxcjuy a\\a> Baxxara/ tr S"*/*?, W a;/r' a>;-o a^jwcf. Hexameter and Pentameter. M. TTcTxaci x.xj ay&« ^cx* Aaipwf cxuzxxt; t^Wj IVM jU^jitK tKxfcov. A. B'.TtrXf XXI XjXtXl, fUTW yKVXtjOV, OLlTtf OUOlCfy AafpJC t:;ci; OUfWJttJ pfMffjf&tf, TltuiYiTi to (Zcixcm:, TWTW XM Tl MtKttXXaf Ayxyci rrY, ^ajfuv a/xa THUTOL afQaa. M. Ex? tk. -a, yaxaxrcc a ttxytx Xlhn^cviiv oi/Oara, xa/ TfKpirv.t tx koc, |£ a tra/c xaxa tTiwatTxr xt V a* x$t$7r>f 9 X.U) fylfet TllUXY, -)^xl fioTXVXI THVldl. &, E*9 ci'f, 1^9' SAt^arc^/ a/ytc, i>9a ptxtecrxi JQLtVgt|NT/9 pyUtfftiK, xa/ uifariMU tfiLC Er9 M/x&.-r o xaxcc wcs"**' /3a/>t/ a/ $' a* aftmu Xw 0a0Xl» ra? ^S&jf, ^«i £c£f x'jorifxi. M. /I ^f a > £ 5 *«f t^> xtuxar a/yay, w i;>.ac /Sa&cc Myfirr, w c/ua/ i;/?e/ ^t-' *$' ulwf yap tf npW u xcxi fi\ xa/ M/xw xcye, 'fie npa)Ttyc, xxi uv Sice, t>i//e p oxac. 20 A. 24 ra Xfjfiix fxot E.i' CYI*, ^>;^« 3^i£/K TfCotii XH/UUY* AXX* t^K T5 U-)\'M. WfSfUU 'T0JY ; rtvwr :: OriAl07. 'Or VfJLlJW ITVt, O- : ; , a/fi -, ayyf/xrc aa^ J^/r. 1 -a/ ju.XKfU) y 20 - '.;' xvha; fyr.znw yoif IVyyoti - '^'' otwToiCi A771 -^ «/ruut i IT- ' - • ** T$o%n> K - f ^f. 102 ) «md am about to gain immortal honour ; for I am perfuad- ud that no unfortunate oracle can be attended with fo much advantage : for I have often ieen wife men falfely reported to be dead, and after, when they have returned home, they were honoured more ; fo I promii'e myfelf happinefs, that after I have every where fpread the report of my death, I (hall appear as a liar to my enemies, and fhail flill fhine*. But O my father's land, and gods who there preiide, re- ceive me kindly in thefe enterprizes ; and thou, O my fa- ther's palace, for I come to wain away thofe (tains by which thou art polluted, incited by the gods, fend me not away diilionoured out of the land, but greatly enriched, and poifenor of the palace. ( 203 ) O Key ffv onbcc. xitjvupiror yryj Sa^rs*. Oti*: *Mirr$mt *-*;-, farm Sam* ■■: ftfoiuir, of Tcvjuor Itjuote E{ H$>7 p\OJlffTCT XCtf XaTKlQ?r. T# yap xyTti ^£ tcjoS', irat Sa?av ; Sa&y tfyoai, xxZinyxapaf U ';«?. £o*a> xa*o* ffvr r.< 3-ma-xjyrac *-')- II? h Exdutr/r, ae&c ^Xco/ iXTiriurrrxf. SI; .rxv%o* x^fx ct-o t ••; pWfOK rv&t, Et; \:t Axx « y* irarguot, 0wi r' ty^uftot ( 204 ) CHAP. LIII. A literal tranflation of a Paraphrafe, by Socrates, of the oppofite Greek. Vi ENIT Chryfes filhsque redemptionis pretia ferens, et fupplex Achivorum, prsecipue autem regum; et orabat Hits quidem deos dare, capientes Trojam, ipfos etiam fer- vari, filiam vero fibi ipfi folver*, accipientes redemptionis pretia, et deum veritos. Talia loctito illo, alii quidem vc- nerabantur et afTentiebantur ; Agamemnon vero exafpera- tus eft, jubens nunc et abire, et rurfus non venire, ne illi et fceptrum, et dei coronse non fubvenirent ; prius vero quam folvi illius filiam, in Arge dixit fenecluram cum fe ; abire autem juftit, et non irritare, ut falvus domum veni- ret. Senex autem audiens timebat et abiit filentio 5 di- greflfus vero e caftris, multa Apollini precatus eft, et cog- nomenta dei inclamans, et in memoriam revocans et repe- tens, fi unquam vel in templorum ftrucluris, vel in vicli- marum sacriiiciis gratum largitus fit, quorum turn gratia knprec^batur ulcifci Achivos fuas lacrymas illius fagittis. ( 205 ) CHAP. LIII. MeTAPHRASIS, or Poi TRY to be paraphrased in PROS] . - O yttf >r\0€ 3-«c tsn wxc Ayajor, A. -,<-:►;: re 3~j)a7f>a, pej;a>K r aTe^c^T/ x7rottct 9 - r^w- xcu ihiT'iTo txytxq A)(aJ0Vt;, ^6 /UXKI7TX, I'JU XCJU.'T'.fi \CUtr rt, xx/ awci tVXft1fttlt< Addict, XfA.iv fJLiv 3"tj/ tear, Ok-juttix ouuxt i%WTiC 9 EXT::-*/ TlfM/AOtO 7T0KIV, VJ V ClKxl lKi7^Xf' IT< - ■ b -XtTE - 7-M.rTTjOV , KXj CTi.U.UX SiOtt. 9V KV7CO, TTflV fJLlY X.Ctf yvpets i-reiaty, 'H. :r£,:v t;/ cr>x S'iTftT XTXM-Jk Kiw yifxb' o y^xioq, 10/lOC TtXi AffTCJ' Kxvft /KB/, A$yvfor&,, is X--J7W aju$<;, KiXXtff re Zxhi-., ']'■-.: re ;*/ aKaf»jrcK I • :T57K. END OF THE EXERCI KEY TO THE GREEK EXERCISES, Rev. Wm. NEILSON, D.D. M.R.I. A. EDINBURGH: JprintrD ct tfje Slnitiergitp press ; rOll LONCMAN, HI ftSTj REM \ND ORUI, LONBOS ; AND JOHN ANDERSON, EDINBURGH. 1809. K E Y GREE K E X E R C IS E S. CHAP. I. 1. Tijuluv, aru-it, TOCY, T^izQiot;, -fi'f, ficvn, MVa/j I XlfOLTl -x'i -x, x;y, xv:^y.7i, xvxktci;, M^/jrac, MV-KV, rr-WTI, TCiy.i7l, fOOt-OW, Ut^ia-tJ, 5. EQnzi, wist;, tiftcLt iX (y * y > ***&•**> tafOC-VfoS) TW 9 '».- -, IfOUtQTTi. 6. A^'^tc/k, muxolu t, Tthtiz-iic, AfzCtc, ofir, TXTfXTl, X.Ti,X, KlOPTif, TiiyiX-i', fioTf>liXS-VS, ^HjUUiX. j. K . xy-muy Q*kdunroat'*a.TTar, ovv, tfcmvfiuiTOf, lauHXtac «C> kaar, X*?*** xiotfi-xnfi, nou. 8- M S .xuics-tux;, (jLihtTi. 99* ■ .:. 5*1 . . A 2 ( 4 ) 9- Opvi7i, xuvtoiv, sriu-TU X? ii0L 'X? iX > 'HfoiKXitc-teic, via?- &(, iTics Wi t viulivvi, artoc 9 o^/ac-zc, tto^oc, y&rvifvt. \ . OWrec., IToufiSoK, ^ar^ao-/, yxrtpx, ucofAXdi^ rif/.ott; t #t*- rurXy 0lV, JJLVflOlGl, TTXVlQuY. 13. A/0ej>a, ou/uocti. pnyuivx, avQix-11, (pptocri, inw-T0oV y foarOf, l§lX-Yjy Tf>Wtf, 'EkXXQX, KflTOL, TflTTOOOC. 14. K.TtZTX, OLKOL, TTOLTflliC, O^^VIQ-V; y yOVCLTGLy IWOV, f/.*,- %TOLl t lopOCTOS, fioKXlXeiCLV, rOKHC-tlS , ATXCLVTOQ, yiXCOTOL. CHAP. II. 1. Till, 7ru7TTeis, xiyet, yfxqtircv, lilorov, *i, 'Ecj^xkx, nrv , xixi)(cltqv, TtrifjLWiy 7ri7rovnx.cc1u.iv. g. Eytyfx i£xa7TTto-Qt. if/javTO. I [. TlOLfOLVXlVOLVYl, ll%OfJ.tQx, yVGXJOfAOLl, XVJ^iU^t, 12- TuT&jaiTa/. 20. Twrwifffcj ctTxwxy wirxi. Xl* Ekt^/hi, •: J -i9>j«£r, cpixjffarf. 2 2. Era: rgAlfr* 23. TT:-;-;:>cra/, titvu/jumi utOjt- 24. Ere9 f -aut<;:), txtxi/Tfti 25. Te8a>j 26. H - \ r-. lytfcftj TfjerTj a/'Osimcc, WtjlT9t 9 Tcr$t^ tj9a/, ifiifiptTO, fuKCOttFQtvr, £ua>0a>£, fc/ajtfxet, >:it$>;to, xara£t£V xajf, : /, ytcvax/. 27. Apo/wa/ytttfr, WW, ^XfcrOflr, t{A.wc>)fxtfx&,'c, tontiyxi, iQictijUy tPpaywaj, .:kx- cxt, . y.i, OLfiffXOrTOU, '7 XI, TfiTXTl, X' J )\l7Ci, UTTXl, cvyy 7-Txyjxci y KV7n$w*%t, 31. OtAfcf £7£>frc. 1:.:;;.,- OLTTlXpifhj , WK vueic MytTt OTl - ifXiTXl 1 l;'7:^t; ifiotprvfim, Kv~ 32. I'/cr-:; t- £?,£4£K wi£, KOt/fOC *f», as'. [Iarftaa Te/opaaa etjre, pn kwjtov, u Ku- fi, hn tycunrat -r.-rxi. 33. Ef/A0l ZC^-t, TTITTUV.X, £v, j jj, wofiau, iy.xyj-ry.To, ihtxCiro 9 '. .j.xX'.yy-h utyy.. 7X1. T#, 0( 91 WQMTOLl m chap. in. 1. XPHST02 cLvnq, koivvi Tronic , tijjly] vlax, kV7rn uixguvol, j;~ 8eoc kolkov, av^Q7rco cl%ico , ti/xifa dyioL, TTonnoi olQcxvolti, (povn n- 2. Tvvyi oyloy, rvyn Tt/u.otao-ct, juct^oLipoLc oLijuccTotaan^, o^Y] J- ^|/)7^a J i7roq ykVKV, fiiov tvlai i uovoL p 7tol(tol bio;, k^oltol olkyi^, xnp TlfiV. 3. AW JUet^OV, TTGKW 7TK0VT0V, cx.y]UCLTOS rov- tov volvv clkkw, fiiQkico i/xti, yvvaiKtt; rtviQ. r. EiMvri ycPeia,' 01 i7T7toi avfiTrovovvriq, tt^cloti^oi ltvvhttyikolcti' Ot V7TYlPlT0Lt KTOpLOlfOl WW CLYOPiC; (pikOl, fJLtV OLyUV tyyVCj 7T%OLT- i^^ovToti yap hi 7roktjuioi. 6 Evla.i{AoviG~Tipot; avfyco7roc u. TpoLvjuaTioLi li aramc i7ri7r\iov* TOV$ TPOLyiKOVQ V7TOK^lT$LQ TOVTOVC tKUYO i tpyoi rwmc 8ctV/ua£m. J. H )UX ClVXTi, CTl txllKCl fioLVlKtlOLV C'J KMffWtyOfO 4. O/ 4tyj0j tck KMTyU c; T rtfioL. <3. MiO*(i rw( • 1 <:Ta)»rac, ctjuq>07t* TU 7. Or; rot/r« wrac ^X"'' * a/ T ^ w*f*f*' tfw fl Te/;jra/. o. Veyiyi ^ tcjto, u arOfasrc, kmiw r«/$ ra toiclutol 9CVT0U; - XUTCC, CTi 0"J IXftvlty TO Kft/U0t TOV QtCV ; 9. OuJt yxf -jTcli-uxToc i^n hx tcv p^a^xfca, cvl ottkol hoc. rov ffX- ic- Ta^ra of ovn tyiaaaut c! ftafarau. 11. linroxfctTiis rrcwxs toe-eve /aaa^eyof, vovwae ounAcurvr h XctXoouoi to\\«i 6 wyoftwctTj eira xa/ aurovc to tti- 01 xarexa^tK* Axegarofoc xa/ riowT^cc *ati Taibc Kcoo-aj) 0- ::«i; a>t\ortf ; xa/ ir TOLfxlTa^U 1 ratXfftj/gj'rflj /.a/ aur;/ rrort i£>7>,W rov (it 1 2. Avtovc iX-lKWUff Ty.t; awx^f ^X 0K > Viy.TcvtTiv xyythovc, iKiyi ravra, ayeii hfAtifovc, roi/C Wfifict^ovQ . k&irtn r, 7owf avrw{ r^ua, Sff tya .^w, evi -;ai f^^, e-|j>Tx/ TW -.. ; XirWTiKei Twq ctyyihovc;, /xiTtCctht t* o~%>i/jl*.- ( 8 ) CHAP. V. 1. nOTEPOS ovv o Niftuf, km TroTipoe b QifXTtTns cuWa */xp tovto dyhov. 2. Keener ouhv rroiovcir, otkk ocfTTCL^ovviv, tGriofHQWi, roxoykv- fC'JVlVf cQokOVTOLTOVClV. 3 . TLoLftkQcov tk; oliZoltq, *j cJf ovk ol\y$v\ tolvt ey« xeyw n ug ci ifyiT&Tnptvoi yri7Tivaova-iv oivto), 4. Na/ vilv yoL$~v\v to w7ruv otTrtkQeiv, ei fxtv Gee/ euriv, ovltv tetvov k&- VM ya.f (Ti OVA. OLV Ttfl^dkOliV n §t & Tl OVK eVJIV, V} OV jUiket 7tol kqli tvlo^cc 7r$o<; QtQcti- o. Yoa>£ fxiv yivto-^ai, a UpoTtv, ovx. curidavov, ivctkiov yt o/jee XCU £f kiOVTOL 0T$Ti OLkkCtyeiVIQ , OJULCOg OVOi TCVTO t%0) 7Tt(TTiUS. Ei It Koti 7rvf yivta-ftai qvvoltqv, iv ty\ Gaxarfy qikovvtci, tovto t&vO Qy.V'^G) Ci7rico/nm cit^iir. VCLl, KOLl llOL T0VTUV TQV kOyCOV , WgOT££Z?etV TCi QtOVTOL 'OTOieiV V/AOi^, ev%i KOLkcot; t%av riyovjuai. 1 4. KctKovfyoToLTor tuTi, (jlyi juovov tov omov tov tavTov yQeipetr, akkCL KOLl TO O-QJUQi, KOLl TY[V -^V%W. I J. OVTQl kfyOV7l JUiY TTQkhV. XXI KUkCt, W&Ql 0£ CVte7> ( 9 ) chap vi. I. ElTEMEAETO is kou o Ki^oc, i-rcjc fii i ;■:>• Tic in ) .7 iv ; 3. E 4. r#f$/on r,p «jr- Xi tc--c treu/row -ra/jac- so 6X£VVif0C ; ei;* ftAti ctawroXCC ; otn .:■'. ; a aAXOff OVX etfii an opt oka;, a\KOL yi vy.u eiur n yxf :: w; v/A&C KFTV oi> to ifyov (jlcj J. HS>? M tOK T0t6VTOt( iafiVtTOfi Yotf (&<* ' ' . - oyraq xyctQovc t) j ko/ Ux;::i7 C )xi, ri d av i-r^x^iy iv tovtu llhaTuv, ti I x\ c. vryfJLir- txaof. 8. Ka/ 7CTL 7TXiTX t/.LiiX W ra zTt^xrx. (J. HT: * tain i/a. IO. ( - II .0./7-:: -:Z-;-j7:' mrrir, ::ri<; tyroxtt or 1 cvUvcr aticr w//, ~:}ixv. CHAP. VII. 1 . NYKTOS • 2. 12 rare 3. E mr, er rax rftirtfouf yvYcify n. C »o ) 4. O /HIV Kr./hK OVTOC %Uj(T0a>- iyvj tov ceyaQov, xex\ cl tcjk chap. ix. I. Em rTatAoc li7juioc. 1. r«y XpiTJov. j cunot; or. 4. 'OftHfoe yxf, 1x01 loxet, Tzpcthlov; TfctujuoLTCt Qiuv, Graven;^ IcUtfUO., liJUa, TCL% 7TXy.oi<; f x,a/ 7rotn- cretv a (jy\ ikclvoi etaiv V7rtQ~xyovjt/.ivoic. 2- 'Ofa; «V ov&iv KUkvet rov ZkvQvjv Avaya^iv koj QxvjUcc&aQou, re kclj as(pov ovoy.aC^d^xj. 3» XWTOfJLQTOLTW, T6 X.0.1 CLQ -

ov av rig iv 7raQoov 9 tin tpikov em TT&kijAiov, pi wu^arai )(ol%iv a7rohloyoa, aliytog tivai. CHAP. XL 1. ETAOrHMENO^ ifxopivos iv onjuari Kvpov, S fixa%/j.ov wvnQuac yivvyijuara. 8. E/ ipLi cL^iovn r ayaftx ra ijuavrov a7roktTai, iv vpac rat jm ayafix TTiftTroiyiTwQi, b$art v/Atig ?rug wmi *av avh$, xai rm lixikxav, iv ta Tgvyi rev cnQcv. I I . Ehivdi^COT^^ llfJJ TOOV avfyoTTGOV, XCCl ICLT^OQ TM 'STOi^OOV, 70 c 07.0V, axviQiiaq text 7ra$hwia<; GrfoynTYis uvai fiovxcjucti. 12- T&) 7rCL$ClXfy]J/.Z TTiflXOLfU, t; TOY iZSrtlTO. ^ovov } ikttiqcc n uyov Ticvtpyis, junS ? ay v'ur aAA« w&fifJLOLTOG tto71 iti o/apQao)?- vcy. 13. Ovltv 71 xa.Ki7rov 'srfOLyjua.Toe tm^vueiq, fiovxo/utyni; yvu- TOf 71 MT71 VOJUGG. 1 4. Aiafi^et to ofAoicojua 7ov crvjaCoxov xoQovov 70 ysv o/aoiq- fjLOL 7nv o*^^/ K ^/ Tr&v&f tgvq (piXo/uaQovyrac. 1 6. %QJtga77is xcq Ouv.^oQ xoj \7r7roxoaTY1Z xaf IL\arci)K 5 /toy h 7Z.V7GJV l$0fr1 ojv.t^o$, 3. %v Wee ovlt GrQ\v7rovy wfciKtvai GrGj7T0Ti 9 cvS' vruvxet ( 14 ) 4- AvfyoTrec tic w TTkovo-ioc, ht; ei^iv cixovo/aov. 5. TiVOL X? 0¥0y '> W TlVOi KcL i^ 0V T0V 7TCtqOV70Q fiikTIO ttfT&Ti, 'A TTCTi cc let 7rpa%iTt, et (jlvi vvv ; 6. Ok tyco wokkc/MC ^oooct^ KivbvvivovTot KctToutix.ofvyw. 7. "Qv£ i%ooKccc [aoi, £§ ojjtov ovltvoc a7TOki(70C 8. Akcjo'olc tic, tov (jwavoLKetfjitvoVf towtcl, wars' TSlaxa^ioc cc (pxytroj CLfTOV IV TV fioco-ikeia TOV OiOV. 9. TLipiTJov TOMTCf. kiyetv tt^oc CWTOVC, « UTOKTL 10. Jl^OTOV 7r^0UO7T0V O 7Tl$l tCLVTOV Q^OiQci kiyOV, QlVTtfCV O TTtfl TOV 7Tf>0C QV kOyOC TpTGV, O 7Tifl ITifOV. I I . ToiOVTOV 7TOq KCtf (X.I VTTi^OkOf KOf TO. 7TkV^VVTlK0V 6il%0 • juiv V iv toic tTretTot, tov Kivlvvov bv t^Giv lotKaai. 12. Au0(riV, UffiOV, Ka f $ a f iw S KTW/ACCTOg. CHAP. XIII. 1. Em iK TOV SiOV i^nhQcV KOj WO' OV yCCP CL7T iUOLVTOV ikV- d, Ctkk tKetVOC y.i 0L7Ti0Teiki. 2 . TLfo tov 10 toy fAd^iraf. 2 . Aiyet ovv \iq ni tov juaft'/nov. 4. KankctCov iv 70) olvt^o, oi7ro rv\q vojayic ocvaoT^i^ac, ttok- hovg tivclq. £. H.00VH fJ.OLkkOV iV yipifJLUL i(P[lV , V\ IV KlVHCTet* 6. Kcty 01 (TVV ijUOl TTOLVTiC uliktyCl, TOjC iKKkWlCtK TYlS Tcika- TIOLS. 7. 'Ore eic Xli^ac oiza-viet. 8. Ek&VCC avQfO7T0KT0V0C W CL7T a^y^C, KOj iV 7Y] Qik^eoX. GV% °>VT>y/AV 07/ OikrltitHZ OVK iVTlV iV CL'JTO. ' ( 15 ) p. HaoCV It TlViQ 'EhXWtG, W TOV OCYCiCofYOVTUV, h'CLTTfWKVVWCi)' GIV iV TV\ \ofTH. 10. KotkOV, CCVTl QyVJTOV tJUjUOtTOS, O$QLVOLT0V lo^(XY OLVTl KOLTOik- 11. AlKOLjOV 'GTOklTGV KflVQ, 7Y]V TOV TTfCiyyCCTOV (7QTYW1CCV, CiVTi 7v\t; iv to) htyeiv ya<>iT0$, aipetaQcy. 12. Mtycc Tov glp%o tov yivovt;, Key 70 y.iv iyov c/.tt tjuov ywoQ ocfeiToLf, to ot \$. Ol hi, KCCf 7TVPQCV VW&VTit; , 7TQ0 TOV yoUOLTOV, KOCf fioQ-fOV TlVOt OfV^MTiQ, KCLjCVVl Tl TOJJTt TOL 7T0kV7lkY] \ei7TfQL, %Oj 61$ TO. 0- fVyjUOLTCX. Ol/GV, XOLf fAthlXfOLTOV iy%iOWl . CHAP. XIV. I. TAPATTONTAI S/sd ttclvtoz tov (Ziov. 2- TyJV OPt^lV TTCLYTikOQ, 17TI TCV TTOlQOYTCQy OLViki. 3. Atfccq Toiyctfovy uttq toy yjKfov juvj0i77C7t i'un ywivot; ei- trmfi- '°Tl CC7TOkt(T0C (JJUTO, OLkk 071 OLTTiOOKCC. 4. Eyyv$ juiv n an, tti^i 'r-ocvtoy, kywr iyyv$ \i t] ttoiytov, 7Ti- fl (TCV, kvQyi, $. AvToq 7rioi toy av&fOTreiov ctet biikiyiTv ctkcttoy, 77 ivo-iCte, Tt adl^iQ- Tl KClkGV, Tl CLjtJ^OY' 71 QtKCLjOV, Tl CLOlXOf. 6. Avrobvacv kouj toviov c\Lei yotp vrokka, K'Xj ytkoix, vtto to 'i'J.V.TIO KQVSTTOy.iVOL. j. Kr// iZ,i7rkvia(70VT0 I'zji ty, oiboiyy civtcu, v.v yctf qioclvk'ov cm- touq, wk u,Gv iya c cLfxif/lfcCTViyoc Kvpiov -n^oc, lr,7civ, Au7dj to v- /roln/UOL TOY 7T0^€OY (ftW G yCif TOTTCS; l<$ O W) iffTWOLSf VGF CU'TOV, 0-yiOq V77i. ( 16 ) \ 9. Tie zroSttrfjLiVQVt; tymui tovq 17m -ovs tirt rays (patvaic n&i it r/c lir OUil(TOtoQolf' OLVCtficLVTOU; V i$ Jrru-v txaaxj eta rov t/jpctTOTi-toou ttolvtolttoktiv aovvarov. I©, RKXhtvtv itti lei7rrov b Kvpcc bxnv won tx%iv, cruv tco tcc- 1 I. H\3-0^ OU lid TOY IWQW jUOVOV, UXx' 'iVOL Y.Of TOY KoJ^OLfOV l- 12- Ex£o>;9« xaj cwtos, avv tcu; tt^i cwtov. 1 3 . Axx' cv%i vnro ym, wc cifzctj, KaxxivToc *7\0£f. 14. Oi tzroxxot vovTO' kolj liquet yOLf llX TTCLYTCS TO'J (TVjUCiTUC, CLYuQiY afev/AiVQV, TO IV TYj KtfyaXll TfWTGY llf'jQiV KOC/.OV. I^. El ®£0f V7Tlf> Y1JU0JV, 77? KOL& V) /AOJV ', 16. Arctf eiTTt (/.ot, tt&j? ra vm^ yn; *-X et > Ka i Tl ^oiovtrtv iv tv\ TTOXGi. 17. KcCf bt uucrT^XTivo-x/uivoi Aocgeito axxoi i7ri ^KuSac* on itti TOVTotci Y[ 2. Aei>w Yiv y ov xa9 iv juovov tcoy 7rf>ayjuaTcov. 3 . Tloxv avrxovc/jifa K&f tvtiuTifix. 7raf viju.iv r, blcg wtiy i7ri tp.7rxwQwou } V irao vutv> ( 17 ) " TftOLKOTTOt _ ' n 5" " 6. T y. Kara t-.-j t-(; own" 8. Kay fllT WTOUC, n TftTti rx'.:: tU \:.~:' : Tt^va/ TftUC g. K 7XO&T0 ^ T0 tov SiSarxa* j **/ wy*6«w ™? **- ceo ytntq/u Ef9ia6', /tafa Sf rprxrcun olixmiy. jr. vp.iv, fJuaCfif tuv uuuv xxf rw S/XJt/ i'K. ■ 13. M;tx ret CHAP. X\ 1 . 'O KOSMOi 2 'Q WTJ 70 -aa. 3. F I ( 18 ) *], OvTt (TVjU7TO(TtOV dVW OjUOVOtd^, CVTt 7TXOVT0S X W ^ WITH? iyet. S. noAiUS TO KXKOVfAiYOY OYI TOUTO YOf/,0^, CMV TT&QoVq TOY XfCO/UiVUY, avfy^OLjULjUX i(TTlV dKKW KiYOV. p. ToVTl TO KOLKOV OV ITOpfCO fJLiKOLy^OAty.Q i(TTl. I c. Kdf yovvic S/^a, Qouujt/.ct£tT<%f 7roTi -^iky >caO' \cwty\y i tv- YQICL, 0/ OJJT0 TO fJLiydhOf^OV. 1 1 . Tjk /uiyio~Ttis rroKtoc BdQvhcovoc tyyvq. 12- O li FdldTdC 6>C tyyVQ m T0VTCOY TQV KCO[A(t)V, 7ri ( U7TetTl- vac TTfoipivvwofjitvovs. I 3 • AfJLd 06 Ttf \(0, d^lKVOVYTOtf 0//W? 7TI^0Q TY]V QoCXOCtTCTOtYy Kdf IvQoLVTiS iQ T\]Y o\oY TY\Y EhtOflVW X.&K0V fAtVW , t7rof>iV3VT». I4. YvOVTlt; 01 A^VdfOl QTl OV KOLyQcCVOW:, XdTiQtVTO 7TCLKIV, 7TKY[Y TflOOtOO-lOV JUdKl(/]d dvlftof. I£. AvtV (TOV, Kdf OIKdOi d^llVUf l TOKQV (FldtyifOJUiVOVC , Kdf 17TI {JLl 7TOUo\'JOV- Tat; KSLj 7TdVTdtVtX.d TOVTCOV UtSrOjUlVOVTOC^. ToVQ 01 TM 60%dV CL7T0- CdKKGjUtVOVC', OUUTYIQ tVlKO- ZZTdYTd ITTlTY^iVOVTOL^. 2C EF TO XdHCO, Old QiKOG, dViy.VW^WOLV lid] TOV OS TOV t7T0VS f H%ei AofiaKci; troAijuot;, Kdf koijaoq dju. cuitco. 2 1. Oifdt; cvv, ify, ifjL7r$oo-& tov dkaovt; tKeivou, T07iov Tivd, OQ loKet KdKOC Tt ttVOj, Kdj Ket/UOOVOeSlV?, Kdf (pCOTl 7T0KKU 'STdTd- Xdjt/.7ro/Atvo<; ; 22- Ev eipviTdfy to juyj djud ap%n 7T0.V tikos x.otTd(pdfVioQdf. 23. AviV Tt GCdfJLdTQV (^COCil TO 7Td^d1!jrdV &Q TOY tTTQiTd X?° ycV > Zdf &S OtKW&S iTl TOVTOV KdKKlOV$ dflKVOVVTOj; 24. Ovkovv i7rmyj d7ravTwv o-^ir§dj 7r%dT- ( 19 ) eila jeiv, uart rove olvo)]tctolt .\x\ri fjuxxifsroi- Vill, htxir cuito-j nit x'xtx'j ,...-:: -v'x/ rove cut. ;■ cvrt 7t\k: Xexa r i ai> clkoljuC at cr rravrit; It ir^Tx, XCtfit rur . »l rets IPytJf vltur, >j xaxcjK, >j vuy.- 27. Opari IJ TfGi\>iXL>QiY aujihyc-ioL; ayQjo-srct;, cc 0Ud oupwiv OiadNTi t: "jar aXA asmxe*, xa/ Koyc-jQ vsrtf»jpar«c, a>c Car/, M}n, xa/ ct^ HH T% iirtv, tX uy a RaTt " crrxTTx/ , l - rot, ax\ a . tf/baAAfcTo/. 28. O^tixrt ^t/, ^Xf "^ww truv dt< Nyx/£eir, MfV( c-««j roi/f 29. TlC /2y OOW rxt;T>7C ^aSo/ r/ ar aya03K ; 3c. Ta ye //jjp Iuoltix 0/ /j.iraCxK\c ixivci, ^u^ouc xa/ Sax^nec i/tra^aAXorTO/. 31. Ka/, >>] rev xvra, u avlfit A8>iko/c/, num tyo) ittoMov n TCIOITOV. CHAP. XVII. |. HKOY^E tcjto ouurcr TriTrctr.YAvou ro fftiyetor. 2. O ric; ouu rrxKr,, aya&u eiK«y /.Xf rov ttkovtoy ojjtov airi- 3. E^c£i xara r»iv ol^ixv 'iv.glgtcv tiuxzQoj, Kvpoy It ro Kfi- toyrx eirxu. 4. liana i/.x\:>. .; Iei7rywxj xaA^c OUECWW TW ffofb- '//ar. 5. rs, >'S>j iy.Qa.KW tc tok y.iKuyot, ttckju ejvaj Cirno- 6. Twk ^iF Ao; .;; axjroe; tutu, ricv h. srfet£iar tw ( 2 ( 20 ) y. TjTcl, rctovTos'uv, tyy nhkic; ; 8. Tot Tifl 70 CVUX, /Ut^l TYIS XfetOLC ^VXK, VTXjXX.KCLfA.Go:-' yeiy. g. ;bV, XX) VOflLpS tXXVOC, iftiTOL XCOkVftV. 10- B^adtac /-'.sk cpikcc; yivou, ytvo^iyog oe weffw ciccptveiv o- ao/o)c yaj> ct/o-^f>5r, [jumvx cptkov e^tiK, xot/ 7rokkcvc; iyoypovt; ae- TXkkxrjeiy. I (. Eroi/xoc; Ktyav' Hdv yovr to /uifAvmQoLf xxj bittytvctj ri wioi XVTOV. 12; Ka/ ^aro cnCMr lilxvxetv irps tw QotKawctv xxj crv- VVI)$Vl TT^OQ CWTOV kXOC 7T0KVQ- UJTi OUUTOV, ifiCxYTX &C 7TK01QV , XX- BwQ&f tv ty\ QxKoccrvri, xaj taxc; b o^kee; 7rpoe; tyiv Qxkcx.}X0Tcc, octo tov Aaav^iov, ivojuutv qiti ovtoq 7rcSot, av- tos av Ht£ew t 7TOL0OL tov Aqvvpiqv, tthytcc t% Faoara. ( 01 ) 22. Ttctfen uiv y&f*Jet to hucii yiyvouircv, a, Sh^ok or/ Owaroc »uf crco- /.a::., <• : 24. Ilx&)T/r« *«/ YtrriKioOH ot%iOr i.iXf fAiV tTTtVKOTl UiY yctf KClTHS Tl Tit; CLY xtreir c. crcee a^, tolvtx >.:- TO/C GTOKOLjC tzvtx;<;, t'i, rht:> cuartKKetr, kxj KaOjOTOOTO u? ay UyUiV ' 26. Ka/ ^.eK t:a>v c-et^aK *x9>;TV^tJl KOI Itthty^yCl TO. 7Tl7TfOy- fAiVO YtfA.IV TTO^O TOV filOV . "]. UohKO V-^n ^Xf*' 7r(X -^^? Wy ^f ? fJ.VqiOK; OK\Ol$, KOI TO. TTtfl Ttff AhCOOdOt;, TQ TJoMTYl 7TO^OTiTOXfAHfAiVO. 8. Ai%et koi liovoio. 7rovToq C-zarifetQxYixi. 9. 'flf T0 fAtV 7TVt> T«C CtTTOTtWf KOI& , Ql li KOKOl KOI TM^ Ot- 7roQtv Qtufj.tvvc vyawmcriv avTt aiQivdai tw ipcoTi. I C. El KOTO7T0KV TVj; TCOV 7r^ofoVd)V OftTVS O7r0hei7r0fAtQo, XV- 7TH fAtv ov etn Koutetvoii;, ei tig clvtok; ttmv aiaQwic oitr^yvn I' vifAiv OMTGIQ TOGCt) Oi fA&(]ct)V, OUCO KOI TO yiVOQ 7n$l$OVir, ctcuocti- o KOL-Tfce;, qIoy- 77. laSkw rev IrOM rot olitu ; uux. 24. WtOU ivtivC UiV WfOhOKKiff^OU VTUTXjU >'V TTfO 7'J- TtS, QTO Of* : iX C ', ul ' TO X&Ci ■'.-> ahxa. f«a WTi, txw o\iyuv ret ft-Xr 26- T r&vfjua. tm ivfoLlfAOYiVTifOS ttVOLl fWti; TV jUtyCKSV fi'XTl- c w ) 14. Eyx'y.i, HWTortycaj (Tci, kxi rroi'j a^wwnwc mot,.., 15. E/ Uv>' kmiV/ov tvrtgetetc, w re a» r ' «\>}9aa<, rofM n/nff, koj fltroj r v X*C r^a.rroy.m;, t* a^ura iu»VTX9f/LVfH «t: 16. B^a^ \a£>* >; t^ya /Sj'a^v feMTfti )j fir.' iTT*Cy/W ClT'XO^ClY VJUfU!)X TKftOfQL i>3f , n /- 18. Tav TMty/UtTOt Tji~r:i ctv txq (pvix; i%etr aj/ac. 19. H fjLit ' rj X' ] 0L '- ,TC ^ Xt*P L9,r *> wai ^°* xy - xai 9 ,KCV < *■**- XOfJVVT W ct afaf a^rbc ara£/vc t>;c Jsrajr^>>^o)TV fAeiK xa/ tvc srTawTac TWTO $£ yiViTCU, ixv QVyzj^iiiTTY, QQi y on KOJ Irt/yyt r&C . xai c/ ay^o/ax, xa/ axoy- T£C OLjUOLPTOLYtiTr KXl GJC /^£T CX/yOK OtjUtyOTipOl TiQyr.ZliTi' KCCl T$Q T0L1TM y OTl \t% fc£\«\f<£ 9V K JOLf TO >iyi(J.CYlKtV (7tf X^i 09 l r wpoatu >:/. 2 1. Ex/ £e rroxxv tmto iKenuv arcsruTifov. Tvi; yxp olvtv; TtiTcv; IVMTXflTj mriffWy fMtlTJtf TO?K 70#C KUTUt KoyciC ITJ $trx;. 22. Ear «/*£ 9/' rrin n xxi pa&ln* obey o£,v 7i- xa/ top ^cev nfatfuf visvee aya/o7«< tfrjv tojv St ;^aM7ra;>' 23. Euu |Btl . • S«Xj»ctTJK «/cxc-( t/u;;( a£/oc Civa< t>? TroXc-f, /jlxkkoy v 9aKij>ac o-rxrix^ATXt; ftXMfXMfj **< £fltM?T0Tlf«) J> ( C« ) CHAP. XX- 1. OT tqv trt^Qfiov -rohkct htolci ti wort, aurtt n fAV^ohoytat bWCLtTO. 2. El i^-et TQV TTOKifAtCOV tCTTl TO XfUTialcV. 3. A7rtKTeivoLV tyyvs t^iockovtcc tqv -^tKQV. 4. OlflCU OLVTOV ivloUfAOViVTOLTOV yiyOVtVOLl OtV^Q7TQV. TQV iV (AOL- kfu tc, tunfoaQtv yj^ovQ TtQfVKKWfAiVQv. 5. Hvolv Ttvtc tqv ypoL/ujuancov met xct.QyifA.ivei, xat lioixoyt^c* fAivot iv rate Jt&ffiouc clvtqv, Ktyovnc T/ ovtoc gvtq /Sxaaf vifjiet ; riq luvctTcti cKpnvai tolq dfAOL^iiat;, et fAH b Gioc ; 6. To &£ TTCtVTQV fAiyiTTOV XOLl KOLhhf/JoV , TVJV fJLiV «K O.v\oLV0fAiVY\V OfCLC, TV\V li TQV 7TQKifAlQV fJ.GtOV fAiVVjV . *]. NofAtli fAVIQiV etVOLl TQV CLvfyuTTtVUV fiiCotW CVTQ yOLf OUT iVTV^cdv ivy 7n^i^apytc, «re ov(/jv^(0)v 7riPthuz3-oc. 8. OvyccTgoc TWfxioov ia[iQ yivt^hta, xoti 7rapatcthi rot. tqv WKTiftlw cfAfAcnot Tree? to fiyyoz i"X&, T9 fALi§ Y\fAi%OLV, OVTQ Y.CLI TVK v) (JLiTi^VLS -\v")(Y\$ VOVf, 7T^OQ Td, TV\ fV- OLX.Q,h.'tS§0VVTQV TO. ^aKilTQTCtTCi. I 2. Ep tv\ Ai£vyi, Kapxvlovioi /Aiv &fx\i YlfAaQ, VVV VbotfACV li(T7r0TCt, 0V Qfl, OLhX iV TV f*-V-XV a7ri ^ aviy > if&OLKQV to ctffict etc rovg Aiyv7TTiovs. ( 27 ) 15. rijTif hi $oL-Jhot rut i> rot; , Ti7i %ctifct tdv WWflQLTVt ; ib'. E vxhiTot uvea tok gtyiffvofe^uJitatfi Ki» TOY ttLISFKi IO. A/-V . r..; .: WWLqfen tx xa\a rur (ftWy :■: 7rtxitx; to? fJUfJU UWf Ttm yonut. 20. I rtiOtflE^ttFOf, &, KXfJbffCtC TroKKr;, r. uiktuc C^ihxGov oar wyyfa^oti a liu. 21. I] r;c W. 2:. X\'.'.- " Mil r ., 11 ;^.} ■ , v '- , rOTTf* WkU IXTtOTft- TC( Ti I 23. Ora; ncti ra a,\:- it 7rxiaivuai, xxi cr/.iT<:v ttfiy$9 \Xl CtTi^iC* Watrbf U^:' :VT/, IAOVW itLMT'^ V,.. CHAP, XXI. 1 . TATTA xa/ ra srgfaTXWice tcjtoic etTruY xartC/;*. 2. J .-.--■ ; - ;xc. tflu Hrofflofftct toi; oLKhom rtx- 3. Er/cif von twt t;/a>, Srj ciickc et^uj c:/. 4. Rv,\;ua/ raifW tT :f a -.. r, K«: T0VT9IC TX>.tr av, TJ T)7 TTOAei - -. H w (7^ x.a/ tcuc xywa£ 9 ifif, WfoetWOf xa/ ra a9xa. ; Aa.- ?»a wa A/, -: / luctx t■-'- iX~Tzt$ >'.yr.7C>T y.i w>a/. 6. )w ufifurCnrett y.i, y sp£efi 6< 7. E; un Tis cyouaoi ^a/f e« xtKC/f. ( 28 ) 8. O ovr o%ke<; b t QVTOC (.XUVGIC 'STOOTl- pop. 10. Ti juoi ofyify ; I 1 . Haotv r» Kfoinu bvo TOjbit;. 12- T©, Mtp& Ci^OVTOL 7TXCTI XQLhlTTCLjVeiY TOl$ X^yO'^iYOlC , TOV- to luoiyt loxet piyx ctjuxfTVjua etvai. 1 3 . O ^tx f^iyxc *jy€«wp ep ovpxvu Ziv;, ikxvvcov tt%vov 0Lf>f/.{, XXI (T'JVWOKblQwt TX 7TX0VTV TV y.tV KTYJ0C1 7r\lOVi%lOL, XCtf fA.iKf>ohoyiX' t;j It yjfwti xctf Avbfici, xcy 7rx\iv Avl^iac KXf $ihi7rwoc hiyovaiv tu lv\ 2o« 1^ §yi, Miviwuroc ovTotri Sucx/ret 7roTi$ oc ivjxopfoTifo; to/fat ElTTl, U M.iVl7T7rt, OV KXXKlQY (T01 loKU ; 2 . To7niy r -vct{c, ri X V(7l ^> K0L f wwyWf K &l trctfaCeunin, K; lixKtynQxj. 26. Otc'-ic r: tar/ 7$ TiXcq (Ul | Taur ovk nri Tf;, 27. n^Totfay T.rirr/;^' ttfJKrfVrrftj ayy>;S:uiiO)K utclv7U¥ r>7 I 28. Quvuscc.x ( -utK / tx cT>.a KaixQa.\oczu it ij/xtv jtMAMH fAOLyjUS^Xi. CHAP. XXTT. 1. THS KtfOMK iZ:-lxT0. 2. Xiij-y^tra/ to-j 8wj. J. K ., KfllktTCL r . /IgCLTtiyW <■■ '/OlAitQV TGlt; TChtUtCi;. 4. r«rlj t;c, cucotmatra tt^/ t* I^cv, uticivx t* 73a o^\cj 0- v-ar; rv IjuccTto-j clotgv, hiyoua U icuTy, Qti not tcj iua.Tr.- to fiat. $. A'~Xf : ' T1> i ui¥ oihitw CL }X i:y » roLi< ' " wo*r«ic mi/Mvwf. 6. A - '<>', £'7/ T/»€C TWK 6>6€ yivfovrxf 8a>ary, ti>< a>< fdttrj TW )fWQV €f^c 7. Hex* 'V 'fX £ ' 2»f*< coy.*, tervf iri xay Baicr b. 3. Twy flWr#FT*>r pfMN ( so ) Q. AAACC KXTOtfjQYW ffltijXMTaV 7rCLgiKtKlVlT0, KXj *.ltCC$OC0f ttiotixf thy k%) iQx>.h;v toic p>ooha:, kxj may hi iTvyvcxvov y.Xf Qafttx&K, KXt yijluv, hi dt xxf yv\oov f kxj wnynof. I i . E%\ov7iov, t};i, t7>i, y.zf MX txa'f, cck\ V7Tifi\v,<; Ton v yovov T'jy7T0TtlQ TOY 0ri)K i7)' , GLkkCL KXj vj r« rayovq' 7rcLYTy.yj,§iY vvvdtGUQ-i, KiKOviytvoi koli tmva* r, yx. c/Sa cGsr o/ ( WtK £K 7TXKTIV W f OLKOVUV 'Oy.VfGV X.OLI 'HgIoIgV 7T0ht- uovq xai Graven; dinyovy.ivcoy, a yovoy tcov ^Aur, olkkcl koli ctvruv 7C0Y QiQY. 1 j. 'lie nyytliv x? 0VQ s Ty x ivoLyyixtoic, >?V nrnyy&Karo 0£Of TO A£?0C0LU, ¥IU$H ci 0to/ 7r\iov »v(,iv ayroLirwcio-i^ ttc/.^ol tgv tlvjtv. y tar/ vcw kxi auijpvs fiif/unv^ar * y.Xj> &>f or/ >joy tar/, to tup tar xtfdvroH y.iuvw%xt y euro koj to* fVuQtCllX0T6»9 ax*lii>. 26. Morn a£\a£yis n TU^nhit^tjiy^irxi, HMTOtyiMHTCL r t kx/ xaAyKTCJK ctor>rr. .' U XUTU3V ; \i%'j> \i JTfttrw, a TTon avrv PfKWOi srfcj'/ t* MEifMMW CHAP. XXIII. t. H-a> oVv Si/uarlTfci , koi Na8«r< ;. E " 79A0V ctTiiy.t, T>y-. k Ei NXflUOl €7 ' ;> O-ftJTWP r« €>£», l^U6» a*V£/K flOLKKOV )'. TV 06 ;. fcr/raTt. 4. Ov^tec A/a, awa xewto^/a, xpu rvpec, *cti ^okk:i kopv^o.' tolutcl n cLTmrBfdixuatr. L . .. . ■/ . rot fixjikta KU7ifC| oi/farvc c;7ac • : uaOT7V. ( 32 ) J. ¥iXj tiTS 77-jJOC 0.U7 CY VJ {JWTYIf H'JTOW TiMOV, T/ 17T0WUS V" fJUV OVTVC ; i06U 7roLTi1f GOV KdCyO) Q6W0)(/.iV0l KXJ hV7TQV(A.tVtl ifylTM- fJLiV Gi. 8. Kuf cf kol) Kuxa£a^c o-urra^a^tKo; 7nptiuivov f wc, e< vpoaioiiv 91 TOKlJUlOt, (AU.yj)V fli.) '01. 9. O TLoGetloY, y\ H^a, Key yi A (Wet i7riCevhtwav £wWa/ CHAP. XXIV. 1. MtfSe)'/ avjupofCLv ovetoiGW koivyi yap y) 7V%ii, )tctf 76 (AiKkW KOfCtTOV. 2. Eaeii q 6i Tiq 7fCtyi'i oJvmetx, 7r&pei>tX£aTtfC TTOL^iG^i GtiffOYi, \s£iV0Q t7T!X.lV\i loKBI 7U KOLTYiyOf'f CC%10C ZiVCLl ; n. c O; It XaiSxtoi kkqv, lioy.wci t« K.v$\t &fww 17xv, KOLf iuoi currv( dttaxac, x.Xf tox hoyov fv t-:t;i- i j. T/f tfflifofii : a£/x/ac xay a/: . i x^/ pjtoSttfOr, rife / X a j" /r;c :i ~ 14. E/ y« . rof tvr, v hx rxt, JTfl- ;/C ar £K Sr. •?-*{ 7/yKo r a£KVC, aw' cu^ro $>; tvvxv- tat r«f ayaQc^c an^ac lv tolic Ti^vxis, kxj tx; Tar^/da; 1 ;. T/ tst: ; ~rx< n;, a Ti.ucov ; /uxpTvpvuxj, a Hf*3tK&(> MtA%i a 7 ror rraycK. 16. rT;;^a\/:>' r wot/ ci rrxxaior x*j tdiv rrczoiv wrt- f»" . , - XV li KOf (cUUTHf\ TO IV Q$CL\[XQtV. CHAP. XXV. 1. 'O; zroYrifoi a:-> koucoi ti tfyafcirraf tv{ tyyvroLTO currov cr- 2. E rai ftofouriu, aimsoi /xt ix* (x? }1 i ucc ) ^ £ " ?,;'C ; XO/ 56)0*61 0*0/. 4. \: :'.)/..■ re.; otrfo&>7V( tuvxjtol vaffX&Y, hix7rif ay 7yc a\- r. k:..< IT:.; '-;' XJTC 1 StfflP i^lrZi7y.nci, ;::'J M 6. OvSer«TOT€ ou/ror wr wet vr mow* *biv, *?' « *t- rt^ac, crafitrohu ttoxkolkic tit avnti v - .. rec, ia;/7a>K ^ a«i 8. C .XWC ^"^C, rr?.Li:*z ctyzQat. if E ( 34 ) O. UxktV T:irJV KtLT&COV NiOTTTOkl/UOV TOV V7T0K^tTV]V TVyyVLVOi- ...-;.;, KX/.OL 6 ifyx^ojuivov ret jUiytcflcx, tyiv irokiv, 7rv &C VfACte. i . K •/./ i) t/'/i;; t)7 VjUtpx, ijui tat ipcJJwzri x^tv. A/unv, ilivo<; fic/.fQotpcoi> 7reiJt;/ hi oixitoj' ko/ ovq ijlol\it07roov, tvffljet avrcc jax^tv^vtx toiq tjuoit; koyotQ. £. Tc)V 7TfQTC0V t7TlkxQo/UtVOl, /UXkkOV Ci K.CLJ TY\q V7roQtO~tG)$ 0- kv\q. 6. Hyxjuivot; rov xtvxl, kaCovTX, koj otoXpftxpivTa. vcro X$ y, / JLCL ~ TCOV, fcdfc KflTVjV iTl TCOV (TVf/. ;c, JtD-0 OLTeiflXS, ux> A XA/KJtC r , IUXTIX, t:l } y.xt Xy 7:v > x:a ' 1 < -ra^ cu/Tctt;, xo/ : II. 11 ~^ovTi(, hv<; ■ , c^ro; hiCa (I CHAP. XXVIL i. TOIAYTA Tc/vrrcq, wiro / t-:-:> ra»r c:a-*wr irtinTQiXi tw- , S/a rvc JsroxpjTaf. .'X^CiTXf. 3. £7r/ 7i-v OfffXur%v, */.;; «;;;> cr;?. : .*/ ^o/^atwc, axxa xcq r^y 1 I T^a^O^K asr' cu/t. i a^/o^cyor. 5» 2 . TiT*j li l-7tjUiVCi)V 17TI T)?C lOJTTGl ;-'.q. 6. n^OC !)iCJ /.Xf lrpO{ CtffycMTGJV TirifAflTOf. rt^c/fj on . :./V, a/.>.a » I 1 « - >,9i)K re a/OL1V H- iv Tot tJC0 $ k&I poDifc*. ei7re\v } ovtco mokko, v7ro jcv KXTHyofnQitToc. CHAP. XXVIII. \ 1 . OI £e ouFTifotmToi, tols kvijjucis koj tgls KtfoLkot; ^ckovvi ri- Tf/6{. 8. H r/c «k ae, rcLjq n y. *Qju.r}$o$ ctkkOL re wokkot afciot; iTrajvetirQaf, nctj o>j ytcq on [JLQVOZ 7QV TTCtyiTM, OVK CCyVOei 0C1 TTOIMV CWTOY. 10. HofWOfAlVU OJJTU) tlln ToUbtLTOLt;, i7IiltlijUiV0i; TO TfOJJfACL VL7TWT0L. 11. E/c 07rciav av yrokiv atpiKvi; tuv 7rokiruv ttxvtx wtIuv icni. 12. 'O fAiv ojutov vol f wet to ttolv nltcQcy, Key y.ovov t'cito ik- TTGLVTOS fJLiTltyv)(v\v ■>' tvotx i caa- I". Ei x : KWK -x^iw, a)c okx- 1 -. A re T - . • Efc- - I XXI AT% I .XTlcf\cL Ait epyxTiw, koli ar$j>/i6*, *a/ «*%&e»f>« r;y xca;fK, jo-am? t>?k wOura, t/t. a £e wax a /* .'.xtuv coaxal ttrjat^ua* olkxqs re v*ri . -rovt; ayxQovt; tulc, vf/y^a?, x«< chap. xxix. I, Z'-JX TZi^CI. -2. IIaf«XMi*a vs\i fanfOTtfOL. 3. ria»7.7 4. Qvk :.:xn on tx 7OfJL0LTgL V/WV piM Xfivlov ion ( 38 ) r. TxOTOL OW TlYOL ik Trokicot;, acy eiaiktvatTou 7tols ktxoq, o^fAmctQ tJtcw/oj koltcl Grpo(rco7rov &c ty\v 7roh.1v. in. OIX.10L fJLlV (701 iV iX e b K l8. £1 jUOLTCUOl, OVK e&QTtq VlklKOir bfQlS OtOUttXflTCtj T« VWfM 9 KCJ TOL^WTLOV 7rtjOLyy.V.TCL f 'KCif Old 7T0lf YlfAlV%TCJ ' 1 CTl KvpiCC /J-*, I X c. V -'■ coj tx ifKOM fxcLTOL 1y.7-jt.u-- . ai;;\- 6. 2^ vr, mm y.v, uibwcLfat a rn x a -? lJl rY : ~~ -. Ea> -a; ErTOXOC pou Ttifnvvn, f. xa9a>c 6ya rote ektoxck 1 *, x&f /utvu otjtov ■ g. N UH TiTOLfOLXjai, KJSU Tt MTU ; Tlz7i~, 7U rtK' cckko. S/a TO 1 mp«p TOMTtjr. . Kflt/ HX a — .' S/CxC? TOW KO^CV TKTV €K TC*^ K GTOLTflKVIG KhflfOVOfA.eiy. J 3. To.q fiy-cihtuviv trior i%u/liv alixetv, n rdit; ilioroiiq. 1 A. Av lews akvftvi Kiy&iv iKeivoic, ovliv aoiltmei 7r<$aLyy.vLro)V } ctkhci kolQqv, oi?r$i, rot octvrov. I J. A&y.otPf t%ovTot; txeivov vv.vtiy.qv, kgli ra^etcov TfWfoy fl- uty, 07TCi)t; QKTtpv.Kcet; *\ qvvoluiq ttkv/i. Ta utv roMTOL drovTi r,y.iv } Troiew, ywoTl y.i- TOLfitKWCLl T>K 7TP0C lUi obov. ( 41 ) ■ 8- I - ■ i ). 20. 1 \ix T>'v k: :;; n- ex 7* vcycv, CTl ': X .- ■ -A;y, xi : I 24. n triTiw, . TTHf y.y.i ar;;?;^ TVff in 7W Ti /.Xi 'J.VTO, TO I yyOI$ x j,;: rr. Ctf. If. ] - x\oyoi( t i7Tt- urw yaf, etxat r , n y-xt ixhiTVi ., y.iTiyc-i - 28- ' sfc a- il, kiyetY Tt V.XX'X V.'Al T:y.T,UV. 29- r iron yr-r y.% y.xi ti uxi:v tr* 1 ( 42 ) chap, xxxii. 1. EI2EA0OTSHS tk«£ QvyxToot; rn$ 'tlfcoltxlot;, kxi «fX>i- oxjj.lvn<;, kxi xpiaxwK ru Hfwo;;, kxi toic, avvxvxKtiju.tvoiC' aviv b fixvikivc tu) KDfX7i(i), xnmcv y.i b txv QtAjf, kxj Icoaoj act. 2. Ty\v buxjQivvm , co 7rxf t wc fjcx^wn ivi)xSi, ik& ovtcov cot Tuv hioxcKxxuv ; 3. Anxv Kx^Xf^/Aivyi; utto A^m'Xjov %v tojA red 7TOK%ixoi, kxi TOV V>1X.b)V XVXjftQttCOV' OCOl WCLV TCi)V T$ViUTQV tV TYi VV\Ki.Y.oTo<; tx \cwt\s, TT^oai^t [/.)] a yi (pxvTxaix cvvx^ttxcy], $. Tlo*V hlXfylfOV TU> (/ifXTiUpXTl, TOV c]^XTY]yOV T^'iXVTOU etOTiipiXC, V7Tlf TQV KOIVCOV, (pilltcQxi. 6. 0eoi> qioovtoc;, /Aviotv KT^yeffBovGi;, kxi //.yj htdovTos, jurioi'/ tc^yet 7rovo<;. *]. TflOL OVTX KoyoV X%IX TOIC EhXYIJl VXVTfKX' TO 7TXP VJUIV, KXf to yiy.iTfov, kxj to KofivQicov. 8. Tour coy ko^xxxjov ttxvtuv yiyvtrxf, {jlik^ou xttTrovrot;, 7Tiv- TlKxfiiKX TXKXVTX. g. TIxpiovTi ivixvTU. 10. Xlf tov xilpx touto vrowctvTX. 11. HoKKOl XVTCOV KXf Gff TCC QfY] KXTtfVyOV, U>$ TTfOC TXVTtL 7* OV% V$,OVTX Ahtc.xvlpov. I 2. To 7TKv]§o(; t^v)(ptcravTo 7ro\tjueiv otooyfavov ti xvtoi;, ivQv$ {AiV CllwXTX V}V tTTf^ei^C-iV X7TX^X(TKiV0lC OVCl. 13. n^o V7roliletyjuivojv tuv, bax tvyiveic kxi vyykovz iic eipyovciv oltto tov ttovyi^uv xvfyaycruv US TUV fJ.iV TOV ffiwlw O^lKlXy CHTKWIV OVCXV TV\q CtfiTyi(, TW 0% TUV 7rOVHfCOi KXTXKV71V* j 5. Avoiv xyxQotv ovtoiv 7ra:,tcc, Ta>6 xux, I ^>;rx, rx xQxyxtx, dux tv ion rjfJL7T9hiU<.i . y X'J' l~. W 7TP0 1TQKXOV. Nf ~r QtOlttCj KXf - I o- Owrtie :•. - ret tw POtobafWj rarov mxY ci juxUnrxi hx toy tpcGcr , r.xj Kiye\ xuTGiC, r. .1 '.-. re A. •:-*', cti, \jy.xQ KXTx;xvua. /t 2C . i>( rxyxQx ISoYXf, a j.y x 9a t:rr/. 21. ^', pifiw on xyrfOP c'ifycic xxnx- . n:; oj TOCPcep£wwW cc txjzicy (Txvtcj KCLTaLftkHK >1 ::ra

: hi T£j5ac iy:\r:c Tou dPCt^totrot, CLltnwrctflitrot IXfUtfH txuvttf ly^vTx, xxj ro srfoffafltaw a-rc0t- Utf y.xrxGx; clto tuy tJuG&Tvr, &iyy>£ xa/ txtuyu; rrifitf- 24« Ta^ra i~; XiyovfftiC &vOf( t v Tifiptetr* ty« to nhcq tuy MJW. 2 : . - - " i;i?.' j u r y,ic/.c Tcrtjx tq\ ~ rot u/ji, n jxat.hcv toy TtfitaV, 26. n r :; r/vax.a, iVXTO( XXfiaJj fi VTf* X.. ( KXl Eoycv t uiy TiY0L Giowy KCiTioaKfJcty, iTreiTX li e- (ptityZoLTO. 5. Tut* tov fjLWOQ, dtzx vxvq «s^ea■T«^aTe z%cvtx Xaptlyysr x.ivaq, y.xi irwrt txkxvtx ccpyvpiov. 6. "Oo-r/f irpKW x$ :vcy o&mw xy.oKxuToq y.ivci, tovtov^ci voui- £etv Toy ctTv^icrTciToy. 7. Ei voy.oq tw&h (a.v\ laQiovTxq (xv) Treivr.v, kxi y.n GrivovTxq, yjt li^w, /unit j>iyouv tov yj^yovoq, jXMt §xk7rio~§ai tov 8e^pv§, ovletg ay yojuoq ovvrftein GiX7rj>a%xo-Qai xv^o7rovq txvix •src-i9eo9a/. 8. Ty yjx Toy q-xQQxtov, Map r) TAxybxKnyn i^itxi TTfui, etq to ywiyeiov, kxi ChiTrei tov k$oy ri^utyoy ut tov juyn- jueiGV. g. KoixeiQiv a&07t\W<$UVT;is , try tmovcrn KXT\]yTmx(j.iv xvTiK^vq Xio-v tyi It stipol, 7ra.q1Qa.K0p.iv eiq X'j/y.ov kxi yeivxyTtg iv TgoyvK- >.lO, Ttl t^OfXiV/l VK^OfXiV &q MtKWTOV. IO. T>? vcrTtqoiia,., b Tt Kvpoq i7ny.7rt tov ayytKov kxi b Apyi- vioq, kxi 01 XxkIxioi vvvi7riy.7rov , ovq iKXvoTxTovq tvoyi^ov etvxi,- y.xi G"jy.7rea%,ai, kxi ei7reiv rftpi Kvqov to, tt^y\kovtx. I 1. Ty]q Obvo-ceixq /uxK^oq b Koyoq icTir XTrotnyovvToq Tivcq. £TJ? 7T0KKO.J KXI ZBTapoKpVkOLTTO/AiyoV V7T0 TOV UoactOOVGC, KXI pOYCV OVTOq, 1 2. Xa/pe, o MtviTTTTi' kxi Txo^iv vi/JLiv ayi^xt ; ttqkvv yxf XpOVOV OV Ti^AVXq iV TV. TTOKtt. 13. 'Hfitifciq piY iQlojuwovTX Tivxq, ovto (PiyTuQwav aBfoor iTTCiTX, 7TKV\y A&VVXIOV, KXI eiTlVit; XlKiMUTW n ItxKiotoy CVY-' f.7Tfctrw)• h. QcuriKwc, Tuv juiv )vktx tin 2€>i | tVkCV, (ChkZ TO OL'JTO QifCVQ Ti 22. Orai a fcA . »u «5-a XJrdnc art/m kchtxi, olkkoc chap, xxxiv i. K \I K r I -■ T y.ei a/ /j.iKirry.t ,• ( T ^ &' «> 4 A ( 4G ) K Y OLKlhUj fit? , \?- fj.iVy eiTi (pikoi etvoif. I 8- K«/ HotTtQn eta TiKovt; iTwv zs-poi; A%act£ en; "Zajuapeiav. 10. Euot 06 ovTt tfyovTi iaQiv cixoQiv YivavTiuQy to tov Qiov cn- /U&OY, MTi YjilKOL aYl^fyVOV tVTOLvBot. 20. EwaiYiVY, V av Tit xoj toy AQyivvci rojuoQtTW, of rev juy \&*$ ) Ct,YTQUTi')(VYlV tKUKVi TOOQ TOV TTtyloG T£6 w> *AvTf«tifT« u r>r; ^.XTXjOLQ VUUV OUt 6. fl» r/rtc fUKfOL /UE^if, T^ UCCffCU rr^axx kx^cytu;, tckkx - 7. Ayuvfcur txoputra x^ivTt Ifa^/wr. S. A r»" ATt\6;>r.c ayofotffitjviu hzxortuf JifvoiPtui .;, xa/ c^usj th ■ okx cctokxCc-iy ; Eya - Kt/f*j *** 7" ; 'C r^'X'^ Wfutfpnr, ox/It pawn xctTfiwa/ rcuvrw. ic. Araitycar daftai -/-a nexvxffxTet/c x&tCur Tim tx\xy~ 70L, Bf i$:CiTt7iv tT OU/TVfC OVOJP fVXTOtf, OUTtOVXtf OJUTX, CIT'jOT, Oy t:uzsQxi xvtx jtk V* olutci; $fcvTil:<;. I 1. N/x/ac, "SouifaTW, KiytTXj i-ri/lxTvr etc rafyufix JTfl- tt-Z^Xj TttkCUTW. 12. MflSi ay t/ uwpcu, kv XVAli rtUTiPOC TfKUWTtt i7i#fj e- CHAP. XXXVI. 1. E$t>.0cmc T>fC Trchiu;, 2. Oiac ar?axt£ xtyeic ret rc/atTa* fen x.3mtx- ( 4S ) 3. Nuk h, xxt i\i:v, Ku9iff xQxvzvixs UtTCihll'py.i;. 4. AySpwT/Mj dt yvuu.-,) rr, av tpivyorroy 7rohig,iQY olvotpi ttoitcj. 5. MeraTt^^/ Zi (Attica c; iTixc/kciTXi Tlirpor,. Ovtos %wt£i- TXl 7TXPX Till 1, t, Q iojlV OIK IOC. 71CIPQL ^XKX77XV QVTOQ KOLkWei cot n lei 7roieiv. 6. A/a 7/ xa/ iy/i<; tt.olpoiG quv$ti tm lVT9h.y}V tou Qtov, cix mv ITGtPAQWlV V/auv. 7. Ax^o-jtx to £,i$c<; ivuuTW 7rpooLveikiv tov xvbpoc;, 8. MtjbLVWO on txv ytv tyycn:^ toi; olvtcic;, hi KGtTGtythWTi* WOV TFPOTiPOV, WTO) txtktuetf OWTO. a twee fiafftktut AAtgartyoc cuo koli Tfteworra trap xnr. 10. I uu i/^a/iK r§u^u f trofor ot t 1 :r;-. 11. I roc ^k twi 1 Ta^/a^p^f, Ayxa G ( 50 ) X 2. 'Ovtoi It ytfairtfoi ctTivovTOLi /utv i i%a tvjc (vra.- TflW) tCLVTCOV, CIKCI ll fJLtVOVTi^ llKa'^CVai TOL Ti KOIVOL 7T0LVT0L KOLl TjC rttx. 13. Ma0£ 61 (lK^ [AOV, CO 7TCLI, KOLl T0L0t, l$Y) , TOL /UtytCTCf 7TCL- f>X yOLf hqOL KOLl OlCOVOVC (S.Y1T IV GOLVTGO [AnOlTTQTi, (JLYl^ W TY\ 0a ovlii^ tojk £xMfNM> t:i; itopowj kxxci; tXtJWifr av. ) padaratr, o/ ^tK cjW TMcr >j rorayaynr xx/ \/;cC o/ it, jUDcpoi Kouii,r TTyxyy.x- tol tw; tx¥ rrxKXi'jdv ialofiOC OJUTOVf XI cvrrSiyxj /SioA/a, KaOaurtf Arr/OCj TI II. Ti ya^> XTihiTi i'JbXffxovixi;, 0( tc^twk ^ck ^oyccwy tTU^tl', C/0)K OUQ&C XK\0t; } 7TK)]7 Ci TlQ XTO TUV OLVTUV iK&lKCO "jl- 12- Me>a r; raw •srs\t«/a)r tx^oq, omtqk; q7TKqis, I CHAP. XXXIX. I. MF.AAF.I -.'-;/ •;:;;9a/* 1. Ii^:a;- S/.li;C l; Tvfcetv rort toy xyx Aviyx^TC). 3. EctK £Trt/P0C Ji ytyokvcrytvcs, kolj rov vvvavxTfiGoyivov cuj- Ti) yokvvtv^xj avxyytr,, kxv cimtoc ov rvyj] Kx^xfor,. 4. EyvyYCLVOutY 7ri^i7rarovvnc tv rco tov K^oyov hpto, tv cl TOkkX UiY X2/ XkkX XV 'A y.XT X lQiop0VjU.IV. r. 'llf ft? ytyxkw tivol trtfivyixv lyGiGkrvtxc v\yxr, y a txvO , gvtuq t%ei; Akk vj\iy, if, Sura//**?* av (Tbo-xevaaa/Ufroj c&xtjw, 1 v I I4. I I 1 J. l l6. I I l^T«C **~ 17Tf€- • -TOKlTciCLS - ! p. j . ac OVTOJ »- 21. xi ^ueiC« wre »» « Mw> w 2 2- ■ • '' TCC * y.xi (ityai - 25. : .- ■ ■ ( 54 ) l6> Avfauiocv, izs-a wowi 7Tx^ovtx Kvpor 9 <^X iT0 7r< Z 01 ' oc ' jTov myQ\ i uct. :y. A,ivoTotTOv txvtoc y\v tou kxkov v\ cSvijliol, owon tic cyaQot- TO KXjUVOV. ' 2 8. Old O'JV CC7T0 7TXVTUV TOVTUV T070LVTYIV VjloVW CiVCtf, QVY)V OLGTi ^jcv \y.vrov n })y fjGjt/ fithTico ytynvQxf, ytxj fiKovc xf/.etvovc KTCttr- Ga/ ; tyco TOlWt dtXTtKco txvtx vo/uli^gov. 2g> Hv de toti xoif oL^jfTcqixi to jIgjo, xzj 7t oocrivty kgj tu fyt%ac ootpov to )(ei\oc, acq W tcov IouctvKw i\Q)x.x, until aexxf wontr, >j tiuu», k, . otclv rna. ayao-fia^ tuv tr}fa.TtOTur. 9. V tnfC, &*{ ,"*> >7 TCAic ro . y rc«/£?\/x/»t&k amfTUTt B KuPOf, tpc- •JW, KOJ fcfd I .. L fer. 0#« ic^t; tv jua^cjuiyeve, in kxi xi fxxyxi KffforTCLi, Qxpf-vy vliy ay (7(pa\ei>*. 1 4. ±.- ,.:7ix tv fi^ax vri/HknrtU hi Tlifvxr xxt fixviKivC, , xa< aWTC< t£ 0/jpa, xa/ too' aU . c-irxt ctco; ay 8/^vt*. 15. etfOTorttrau ra ^^Kruarx xxra rat tkolkjiuv, u, y.x ra KifGtfor, wlt/ita u;-yx;r t* ti&fuyea olvtovs. 16. • m llUKUy, kxi fixh- xraxairar. 17. y:w7x 7Tf( rv\y aK>$iyv.v Txil&xy, M.XI [XX}. X ~/i '/ ■ 18. Txy*; \iyeir fxiy, TTfcq 6t y avT* tu raya, srcjOa tk; .71. iy. To Ait rev fin (piheiv aiTio. tev TV/yat;. 2 .uuiT^a Xiytiy n o*. :'.; tU TX HfH8T0U fc/f UlTfX 7l l Ji>ai, Kf C 56 ) v,t!ov xy ei>i I(/Jopix t/c //era juiTpcv, ti omv y.tTpcv. Kkxx tcvtu liXfipet, to) toy yiv tx yivoytYx xtyeiv, toy It, bix av ytvoiTo. 22. MiMl^M tlKlKlXY OlOCyYOm TIC XY, TOY TfOTTOV TOVTOV XI /UiY : (TTIK^YOA Ti Cidt, KX{ tOtKXUlY IXXJU, TV\Y yj^OlCLY' XI : , XXXCICY ^UOY KTiJ, KOJL TOV tylY tt 24. E«re*X>J irfOLrl&v cwtcc iKcoxvtTO tol 7toXitikx, hoc to kxi Grift jUei^CVCL WXOhwQxt, A^IXOXV, TOY TOiq QtOlC ftXOY, tTTl T0V- 10 7TXf>iKXXe\. 2 : . ^vvtKovTi tiTTiiv, Troppa y.oi tcKovciv xfio^nKtvxi tm tol btov- TOt Xoyt&Qxt 7T0LYTH; t.\> *M>( ' T;f X KCLf 01 aHUQl U7TUKM7ir (wry; H ( 58 ) 4- TwTivfav, to'eimv/utv,' to TludoLyofoL, 7roxvo^ov rt kclj ttoiki* XCf let-TiCY, iZut ffi'JW 7T0XX* Y.OJ GlfyVfOW KOLf IKTCOjUSLTQL >JV % oy- er OL KOLf OlOLKCYOI UfXfCl, KXf flOWVPyOI, KOLf yiXUTQTTOlOl. 5. %V JUt TTKMTWT'X) KXf >}llj] _> MCifCO ^VYOYTXj KOLf QtWfiOLVTW tvbcyju.ovioLv ivooLffUoiruvTct, t^ye^ac. 6. fittxvjcx.utvoi; & it ;; tv%v i7ri77roiTo, w^yi/acl . :':$o<; f t% tvos en; hvo 7 i&ftoTot; Au^i/xci; nyxyt, kxi 7ar« X°f v yixoLTjavt. 9. Tlfovavetxov §t kxi t\s<; 7rxi%xs rov Kkiwlfv, ttolvtolg n q- rye Yiotaccv mctyu ^av ftpovTte* I c. 'EupaKXTi, tv tv\ Af i., - jrctTtif ou>tx, E .., x^ fjxwcr //€, rucror. Ka/ ty) .- li ct>>:f hcioc ;, KUf ttri^a/ tamer eu/TM/, u; hoc- 9. Ka\sr fji-jaziTo 0£« />><«• ic. Ak«cj TOLVTOL TTtfl CM. II. A/; JaLOjunm xvns } , :iTcq> 3. E/j/ to«c, 01 09 flit w lilue XfHfA&Tar, «d« fiixoor t*tw n uoL}j.iv dctvfjta 4. Ov Tif/ Td KOffpt tfOTO, UK?. Ci 7fi:i (tvTm} U9 CtOiXaf C1fft. 5. K TOM TO* BWX/. 6. M ir j juy 7. OfX W71F WTir* 1^7:7 km -■ ^»r c H 2 ( 60 ) S. XwWK&g 4i xcy TCdv (aol^yitov olto Ka/<7af>e i/uoQ iixi xvvotiIoq. 11. A/ x^kkit\xj Tpxyo ixf vvvTiQiVTcti iTifi Axx/uouovct) XOLI O/Wtfe, Kott Oftfflnr 9 xxi ojoiq olkkoiq 7vjuGtGnx.1v v\ 'urcSetv leiyct, H rrciHTxi. 1 2. Eivtti moLf olvtoiq tpxjtv cljjl^o to hoyo, tov xoetT^joy oq Tie w7*i *ai tok yit\ovt€K Iaxw£ Iwo^fp to vta olvtx. 14. "lie cLTrt^yi'Tctv etQ rm ynv, (Zkt7TK0~OV jUtV 7T0KV XOLkkl7]oQ iJUOQ 7T0LTV!p, MvtOV (JLtVTOl, OVOV iOOitliit iyO, 7T0KV OVTOQ IJUOQ ^OL7T7T0Q XOLkktoJcQ. 23. To/c (pihoaoyoiQ 7rpoa7reiv, juvj avoL7rictTJeiy xcuva Qvo/j.otTOL f fJLVJQi KVIfeiV 7Tt$l OV 0VX ITCtllV. ;i ) CHAR XLVI. 1. $IAC20£JTITEP0N /.xi cTc^ixicTijOY miiifie irJoPi 11Y. 2. M :r: o- Kou tv iiv, x.X! tx ixyirj Tuvuxrct;. TQY ty /C1 TW ttVTttr OVJ :' 4. H 5. C j O cvy O- l 6. E - tw yvvctnt% yjxy.xi >.. jl-i, kxi &i~i, fiv co ayah v. 1Y\ \yyj\y ciyr M j.x;. ::; iKXtaac t 5. Yly\t 7 kkw etjat xjyfAarm >.; rx fiu - ■ ■■> X? c>cl ^xfu-y*-' ':x yap pom, tcov y.Ti'uxTQjY, aOatarcK. 9. $1 zihcy^.-y.xTcv, kxi kjywyoh v.xt 9X\Ttq t n \i ITllfOjUVC kxi tfol* t: \ ■OTiy.XTahhX7<7C\TXl. 10. A; rr^Acrc t-n tc/c fAtyurjotf ahiKy.fA.a71 Q'juiav Oarar TroiriKxo-ir, cjf «* a ; koxov foCcj, tyiv afiKiav wclvgm- 11. T£y|/c, m>r 7 y.x\u /xiv, clpu/\oy' otnu oe TMTtt, Kouitff- 12. Ka>:K, y\ tuy ohju :. XXH. 0iV- 62 ) GHAP. XLVII. I. TI \sv ayoLVOLKTeiq kolt owtqv ; Ifiwt y&f a/zpa kockw tw O/XJfP. 2- W.yiv axAu iv jut tto7rct « {/.iT^w b QitjuottoKi; e^xwK, Kctf dioocoKuv wc cti ovo ayro^otaeiQ^ /uta.-/ Koirxtpacriv ctrroTtKoutrt, 3. Ett/ ttolvviq ri^voKoyiaq ? ovoiv ctrrctiTHutvodVy 'orooTtpit jutv, Ttt OCi^Ctf Tl TO VTrOKetJUiVOV, dtVTtfV d£ Til TOL^ety Til QUVCtJUCi 06 XV- flOTifOV, 7TUQ aV YlJUtt GJJTO TMTO, KXl hi u)V TIYOCV /AtQo&COt KTYITOV yivoiro. 4. Kctf izrcTcty.01, Kctf you a, 4 01 U7nYtfax.otp.oi/T It, Tl V%1 QlKolo/UXy.tV t7TCtkhV}\X TCt o$n, wf tyj>iy.v> CtKfl£tO~1tpCtV TY\V (TK07TY]V. 9. KetfiiTW fjioi Ittttoi Kaov ayetfWru CHAP. XLVIII. I. TTAAIN Yirnv at, h y&av ovTt £' 01 u;; a iyKuroLKiTcj. flan 0a, rac • K. -;5C fc/*0J jSofOcf, if ti T9ttl99t I 4. &VT0C stcm^cc, 'Xj T'XV JiOiTOt. . Zfl ■- 64 ) CHAP. XLIX. 1. KAAON ytai yHfxcntovTi to yoLv^oLvetv. 2. % AifiTori^ov ioyoy w; to 7tol^oli Qovkyi n yvcoyyi ttoXiy xx tikciTra- &*. : 42. Elo%t tco %Yi[Ato m Ttaxytvoc thy yvvynv em. 43. KlYtOLC 71'POC THY fakYp TO)Y VuyXlWV iyfOfbi Of CL7T0^j>Y]TQV ypXU/UClTOY. 44. Arto tvc 7Tc/,tpiIcs, wWej> .ap h^ac yqayyncj ^xA° T0L G7TiqyXTX TYIC etfWYlS 0L7T $ 1 17T T &Y . 45. AlvfoviOL TIVOC IxifJlOYIOL eiG1a ^tw £/ ;;-, 7ro\\x It ip vypa. 9axat. 73. 'O St KvGtfrnrnt a^rt •jgfaowrrof tv ramis, aj>:tf rac a/"- 74. Ol/* a75 TV (UkTHrjoU 9l/yU0O TfCf T« X:;>a 7Tj07i^Q>TCL(. 75. Axacc V a w cueiyinTavr. "6. E/r to 7df Gturw 0w» • 2 ( G3 ) .axa iy.xTioL yofoviTii;. N • 8 iC KCUtOlC jULOl 7TKeiV JfC/;Ut!)1 TO I7TICV bo'/Lef 79. Ej' T.) 7TCLfOVTt KCtlPa. UfQ. I . OtOLV TTpObaAfiJC/K : I^Jt KX^OV yiVUVMTi OTl VJQH - T9 Ot^; ecfeyeGe< fjovov tuv ct^truv, cckkol xoj tu 7rKv\^-t 7roKv y^eiKroysvoc, o Avvioli;. 102. May w ty.uyQyjc Iht tv ouotu &<; to. ytyocxcc yvtyfix. 103. Yl$toTY]3iV CLOTOVf CL7TO TYIS yV\S 17T OIV 0>.y CLy GlV QXiyOV TW vtfvv. ' 1 04. Bpoyiov 7ro\iV toiK.ay.ov eiaQccxeiv tav volvv, IC5. 11^ 7raPtQnv tqvq voyove; ; ti o e^t^a ; Ig6. Hqout^etv tov V9W Toiq kaxouytvoi;* I 2 ( <"•■ icS. Tlfo't'v) KOf th I c 1IQ. III- III I ' / ' - (AXf- I 1 1 4. K 115. IIC > ~xr. 117. O - I I S. ITt, 119. .; Ttjcrayxy.^ra T/.r ; a; I 2C- «f to Eh?. 12 1.' : : T;r;)y/c/c. 124. L~t ; 125. A-;:. -a r: 126. EcTi .;■*:- 131. (i 132. " yt rxi . 133. ?A - . XTKOTUC. 134. Or. • Tc/f y€Ft«X/o/c ) I35. J 3 6. Av€ 7 2 c/.Tcy^.x ayj. - 14c- l-~i TV iyrreta ri^,y ptya iz-:. 14I. kvrttianc-, Cf>tOt(. 143. Cbx fi«r7/i' / ay XoKfctret yLtvhtffBetf i. e. 010c b Sax 144. AaLf£arov' trie 149. Kt : «T2 (Zttfvrrtvaxav tv xaOapa Toira, ' 146. Oix/a iK tecchy r;:; TTohtaz tottco oix.oioyificfjx. 147- IJurowri twovtov o 6e vyo-jy.ctf tov heyov tqvIi ccjvy

c Tray- r:; t^ottq-j. 153. Ufozrivsj vet, ei; tw vyieicc.9 'HfttXKtovc x^vyirov. 154. AthGlUHO; UKiOLVOlO VQOLTl. 15^. 'Xlf /Sa0WK DiOlfAt]^ -jttvov. 156. A/a Jt*r»K V7rohYi^i:<; avirn-.cLTloy.iv Yiyir (poCtvt;. 157. H O^CC, tf 7T/CC MT'/iflZV flfOWCC. 158. H^avro &:rro yix; (paws 7rcc^7em^xi TTMTis. 150. ITap i>ta.Tif!X. {JLl&H tcv izoTxycv. I 60. T« St?/a X^f ' ry ® e5V ' J,, f ^^e/f . J 6l. T« //.ex X^$ l ^ u ? tfofet, T)i .y. :v, metx vyytrw;. 163. AiTTKoiy.oi y.xfy.oLfZ.y/ %XcLjVxr. J 64. O \r,yo<;, etc- zs-olvcilv Xf&w, vlv, tAolwos euro if VYiywet' j 65. To X^, ucc Y - y - K W IXetiOMTO, 166. Tots 7ra{7i Tc.1 tkcjuigi; 01 Gr&Tifi; fvhecrjeiy Td Xfvyz- til Tra.yjJjtvGiv. 167. "O/ Murrnriii rnv Ttx.w * hx ycotpov x? cyo ' J AaKtoct///*- yici; ilcoaav. j 68- Mihho yi xx/ ixriretr Xf'^^ 7 ^ v^t? yixpvv. j6Q' Kara r« trovTa Xf^/ uciTCi * 0Ti IteYiyMWW* ( n ) 170. Ex c'j Xf ^* 171. M;>. ,"«• 17 : \n/^, 'Ik *»» x*f KJ>r;- - q cwtoh;. 1J0. 'Ovr;; I77. TV 1~S. Ha:-.; ' . l8c. ■ xr - 18: . 18 2. • K I Pa*T*WTOf, QUA £7- 185 Xj 186. Bxea 187. Ei \i xoy x :Hzi, rx I l J 89. I90. 10'- J. I03- - 198. 199. • i7it. ■ ■'{■ 1 204. L^O/TOf W 7r3lClO, 205. IIow^ S/a ^o^QaK >?a0e ^e/fa^ «c ty**f« 206. A/a rxvr «j5a ko/ wea^ac /aci. 207. A/a r/ («6 7retf«£iTi ; 208. E-^o^eQa ejf tyjv cm %a{>iv. 209. E/c Ti\v ei0L-^Y1 TO OLY^OV TV t^OLKTVKOV £

tov li juail' v/tivtiiv liayivypv, gkottovq xaO/afc. 224. QvbeiG vroTi av tvpei. 225. Eax ocwaoc ixhriQyic. 226. HlO^OC 0£c/£, ZOLK'jOV Y)/JLOLQ, hq XZf IV VOlWKti 22 J, B»y\« /V« TpoLTrajucif %vfi blovq akhaq nvctq ; 22 8. Xaj>a eV/a/ ey t« ovpccva, %m \vt ayaoTokoi [jlitolvqqvvti, p.xkhoy tj t7ri ivviytiKovToz tyyioL bmoyotf, 220. Kare^n outcs deWaj&^ei'cs' ei? tw c/x©k cujtcv, yakkcy V\ iK&Yoq. 230. BovkOfjL tyco kaov coov luyivcq y.akkov v\ oLTTOMaQoy. 231. Of a ocr&c 7roiYi7r,q 7ra.vTot. kcltgl tov tv7tov Toy oet^QiVTa roi. 2 32. OVTG) ClZ)l,.j;,7 f#y, a\\a xa/ r;-> afX* ,K jKeiC 238. \rr:t.7X7^i tovi; a.h ' .ZcvKcv cixirur. 239. E/ r;; a.v.:: ;Vd, £vraTOt#, l^ftCj ^"fcc ITI rrv r 240 E^ trcr. 241. Ov /.v ;:. «rj< n « - I itf tcy kqlxq* tau/xor iyr.Tx. 242. £/ t}a; (XCtroC S/i .x.-ko; 1/^taCj W«U{ ;k;;- STPOC x\K>;kcih; ei- foil, XXAi; |^ei« H &i ^^ 243. Ili-f yaj> tc/ &CM . A^a/:/ ; a$/xer yap m t 244. O. ITS CTxQy.V TY c -y UI.X Til 7Ttfl TY,V 7TK0L- 'J-KhX XXI <" 245. T;*c Ajixi; ;; yijtc TtTMtfJLjAVM 7TP9( txc, cxtXTohctc. 246. A-.. r:yt tocytic, en fxoi w yifou; ci^iTai > 247. T c,\:ty7ix tyu y.iCTXi; KfnTHf&( 7rfcarwu, icov avcv / etc tia.7rc-tq 7r ^ 01 ^ *)Mov clvxvxvtu;, wyMt; viTXVTXf, rvf o e£ xKync TtTXft)(tvjuiYOvc' opvScov 6i r«c Tt ofjvjxc, kxj arat wittx/;, xxj tx yixox tm opvSgjv uyx VITVvlcLf, 7TfOTXflXi'J7X>' 1 i iC TX $' XXXX C7X Y] OPVlQcoV Y] /^OuWK Vl\l ll Oi AtyV7TTI7Tl Q AtYCC KX- xovytvoi; Mcf^pf. E07xysfiveiv axxYixovt; ty txh; bloic, 7r%07Kvvcv7i, xxQuvtic y-t%Pi 7» "/OVXTOC TY]V X^? 1 *' 5. EvlilvKourt It X lTUVC/ - XiYtGVi;, Trtr.i tx axtxn Qv7avuTovc, hvc y.ciKGixn xxxxaipii;* trri tovtok It apiviX uuxtx XIvk-ol -ttx- vzGhMoy (popovTi- ov yav rot etc yt tx hqx ei7$tPtTai &piYioi 9 ova& 6. KM t«V *X> utiai. y.:,T.. • ■ .« :: Kirrti *«>< txcto Wtowif, a r 8 'i Kara r»r oixacr «r0 f c TO nvc N »V bllT IW Si rxor: : r-.ra,- 7*5 II. ( 76 ) • -, ii fcoggerrci a« adV 01 JXiY OUUTUV T X~/§i» 7 %C, } KKOVTlK TftX t)(_0V7lV OCXXOl It llXXK- Qovrit; tx otwoTTiUTrofjiivou 7rocfci rev Zxy.ox'^iv rag )(£i$oa; >L rove rolxc, ccraKOiravTis clutov /uiTicopov, itrrov^iv etc tk$ xoyxjXQ. lh y.iv c/;; circ^oLvr, avoL7rctf>ei<;, roiq It ixtut; o dios Icxei etvcu* v,v Jt ,«« oLTTo^xyy, ojTiuvTcL) ojutgv rev ayytxtv y iv ro^ivovrtr, avoo 7Tfo<; rev ovyavov, KretXovai ro Qto ovltvK otxxov tiiov vefAi'ovTis etvxj ei fxn rov vtpiripcY. f?, 'fled tyo 7n)vQxvop.oLf rov rov 'Exxwrcvrcv oikovvtov 'Ex- xwov kxj riovrov, rov Zxfxoxfyv txtov ovra uvfyowov, %ovxtv7CLj iv %afxo' lovxivjotf tit TLiiQayofa ro Mvmot^ov iv7iititv d cwrcv yivojuiYOV tXivQtpov, xpv t uarot K7WcivQxj av^voc- Krwctutvov It, cl- ■-Kxfteiv en; rnv \ipjtcv art o'e kockoCiov rt cvrov rov Ofcixov kouj VTroKppviilwav f rov Zaju.ox^iv rovrov trio^Kfxivov \ta.jrv,v rt Iaoot xxf vfin jSaQi/re^a n kcctk Q^ahlolq (oik Exxmi rt o/xiXwclvtk kkj Exxvjvcov cv to) KQ-Qiv 17*] X7U aofK/jyi YludKyo^ci) KKrctvx.ivctaao'-' %Kf ccvlpavoL, ea; ov 7TKV^oKivovrK rov acr]ov rovt; 7rfcorovz, KKf ivtoXpvvTK, av alio oca xav o$ ovrt vjjtoq, ovrt hi 7vu7rora{ avrni', %vrt oi iy. tmtov otet yivoutvoi aTrcQ&vovvrcy , axx vyqovqiv t?tf yooot tOUTOV IVK Cl€i ^iOioVTigi^OVCTl TK 7tKVTK C/.yK^K' iV O hi i7TCtCi TOY KUTCLKlxfllVTCL, Y.OJ IXtyi TXVTK, tV TOVTV KOLTKyiLfOV CMH/ACt £- TToietro' a%* \i hi vrKvrixox; a^t ro cixv/xoty t)t [xiv rov Qtfi&kat Hr koltkQki; %t Kxru en; ro KKraycifov oivjyxot, ilicqrocro fr im tpik' hi §t uutov iroQouv n Key tnv^ovv &V Ttdvy])iorof rtra^ro ^t ITi-l ityKVn TOIS QpOlfy, KOCl CVrOJ 7TlQxYK G§lf t^ei^Q^mKv V7T% &Zf>CiOV KKl HlfWV, U7T0VT0 Tto CtXXQ . Herodotus, ( 77 ) K ■ . I : c«'vc duo . O/ Kxhxy:., If) OffJLtOJ, KUfTU, '<:.; - : 7iuQ:s. I ZXy Hi r TOjf*. -ry.f tWTHf y A. \ ■'. >; i^vucLv . OTt IX i-UOLTX /UXXfX fiftoZwc ' , y.ui c-jciTCj ua>c - P0/. - - :ltx ~ol\tx ui:; O r Ke: ♦ay/ xa ( 7S > TXVT-X 1'4 (it KiyCiiV jjLWJGCV tTUU.?'*). . ;. Aetkivoit oo<; 'xxTibxfioy iv iv&Kiois ttomg, roxuaiToc ' (twet otfTxeymc tyu'y, aq Ei ux ycttrrPQC apetoojutb ; enov movuTor Ev TTiT^f. UxU.XOTX- KdStLfi (JLtVoi iJoKlVM ly^vxz, ex KCLKQL//.UV A ttkxvov y.XTiaetoy ilcol-.y. Kxj to; toy T?x$i?ov ufi^ZTo' y.Xf yx? tv vrryoti; YLxtx kvcjv a*>T*$ txxvTfjiTXj- iyj$vx Key iyco. Kxj o ytv tco a.yx.Kr'lfco rr^oa-Kpiirc, xo/ tPpitv xiux' To* Kxhxy:v I uTq ry >uy.;yxr:; xyavkov etyov. To X ei S i t&vouwoc, TTi^i wJhxK'jV \voov aywx, Ylto$ fitv iXo y-.yxv ly^Yuy oupcu/fOTifotG (Til/iootc. E/0' vTroyiuvyiJKUv ry r^xvyxroq, ctf iyi rj^bit; ; ro Ka/ vvty ^awjiir kxj \s yivywroQ iTCtvx. Hyvctx Azov tqv xtQkoy olvlhkx.i/7x ^-yja-av ty^vv YLxvtx to; X! 1 ' 7 ? vtTVKXo-yiycv e/p/t It leiyx M»J 71 TliCC-tl'Ml TTikOl 7n$i},wu.ivo(; iX$ v $> H rxyx tk yAcwKYic xeiyr.Kicv AjxqtiTfiTVG. Hfifjux. I cuircv tyd) ex tk ctyKKrjfov a7rt?.u:., M>J 7T0TI 7M (TTjCyXTOQ 7 (HyKITf^KX. %$VJIOV tVC.£,. KflW tqv ytv cret^Yifcri xxTvycv vjt vttcioov. SluOO-OL V OVKtTl KC17T0V Yl'GJ'lj tSTlkCtyOVQ 7Tolx QetYOlj, Akkx uivetv tvri yyt;, koj tx X$ v,j ov &&&**-&>&?< 6o Tou/ra y.t Key i%ytyeift. %v V a %ivi kgittoy tpetlt T>;k yycouw opkoy yeef tyco by tzzrcoyotrx tx^Qoo. B. Key uv ye yn trims' «x coyevxe ovlt yx? ix®vv Xpwvf etJis n ii/ftc ktuj It ^ivliiiY o^eit;. El V V7TXP, tf KYWffUV (TV TX ^OflX 7CUUTX yXTUHJCIS, E\rr/; av Qxvyji; hiy.o), kxjtci Xf V(701 ^ oyetfoiz. I -. OjltV TT^QQ TOY iPUTX tTTifV'/CC't (pOLPy.XXOV XKkO, 'Smtx, ovt iy)(£ttiTM t lyot lonei, cvt i7ri7rx<7Tcy^ H oil TiitPi(ft^' Kovtpoy li ti tcvto kxj ilu VlYiT iT ay^'(*>7T0lQ' iVfClY 6 « pXOICV Iffjj. TubXTKC-iV o' OiyXJf Ct KUkUS, IXT^OV QVTXy KcLf ra/c tvvix In KHptkiifjitYov ejo^a jULWirctfc. Ovt'jj ywt f>a1 TTOtottvbptOC AlTVIj AeuKnc ta X t0V °S> voTOv aju£po/}t, oly li AtTr#> •J7TolilfOjUXKir 10 O. ..a;: \ \tOit lji\uxi, fioyCvJ tv o xkoou uu, KaTx Ft tieac x'-X? ^ X^ 17 "-- Ux7&Y CLy&, X KU $ 0Ti i J Eiur r&tzvxi o . i E7TXI QxKTCO^l, 111 TTOTfJLOV iT, A>.K X-^iX' W^£ f u:i t7Tl TTXrrf KOU TOT'. /.ZJiKTXM biOt A%l\\i'JS, HY li TTQKlY KlhlKUY i'J VXHTU7XV, : KiTlUfCt I loyi Oi/^co* A?.\ aj> XVTOY koli rxtlxKioic, | .' OourjiMif, KHfXi At:; xtyio^y 'Ol Of (LOllTTTCL KX'ty utyafOiCj % Oi uiy rrxvTit; y.11 tor >)y-iox xlv c-tru,' TIx.txs yctf x;:r he; Ayjf' . Bown c .~ et\itroj ebtf.xy.y t/xjftr.)x 7V yet a; JTCLTtif y.-j.i tst . m li yoi Qoa I ;t;;;. ■ EXCC^ xa/ aJToh flirt iii rr\j^yjj > ■"■''' ^ ;i ' : ; X') :C ' '' ( S« ) AsLOY It wa.vTo hi aptproi, AjJLf AlOLVTi Ilia, KCLj dfoLKKUTOV llo/A.lVi.01, £0 HS' auf hr^eilctq, axf Tulxe akKipov vior Htk T/c aftviv ivetTTi Qt0'&f>07ncjv tv etbwae, H ru acq ouutm Qvy.ct; iTrorpvYz-i xaf ctvoyei* 1 8. Ahh avOLXUfYKTOLC 7Tp0udiV 17T7T01V KdCf 0%iW eOTJf. - O o oLyKOjcL TTizroSuc. EkMIV t% Ej^£tfC, afJL£lKl)(CV YITOf t)(0WXTtfGl fil£. — Tg> li hi owi, loLKpvcoY t7rKwQyiTvi, xpvG, noiyctV} Ticy. 24. Nvjuy, wihwi, yiKivaa, fjity^lpvri, «• Ca;, jumtxi, ctotd'ct, ythavri, xore, 7Tfa.Ticy Grijtvxi-.TZi aup/c tone KMr *a/ hciycv apvtoct Akk HT91 xenoc yi, at^iv famTOf ftXI 7 tC QjUU, tTt T Ik^lTXl VjUXTX 7T0LYTX Oytj9a; pi n Tocnfiiv i: AVTfl ; t trrei tixoy J/ac ol$i: TW V \tinx g»\ui kikeiftixt. HirT^KCvrx fjLZi mxY or VJUlfol t/MC A%XW f© EnuuLouovta ^tK //o/ wc tx rjfowi ^j^k, Tc:; S aw. ; a:/ itixtoy tvt jutyxfitfi yt/ra/xsc- Tuy fjav 7rs?.\xv 0;yj>;c AMC "?™ yovvxr ikvott' 'Of St ac/ c/:f fc>?r, eifvro Et OW^W xa/ cc'jTovs, Tcv o~j 7tjcoy;y )t}eirac % xiavyouiyov 'srtfi Tariff, • TV W ktt^ IXXYCO YYIXt; A^XtUY, Avcro/ua:; ttx^x cao, pffa V airi^em' xtoiyx. Akk aiiitO QiVC, A%lKi-J, CWTCV T tkiWCY, rarfoc tyv V tki&ioTifoc Tip, A^ r ~:; sraioftporoio aron ctojux y&i cfiytaQxi. Horn. 2. TCY KhluTTXV WOT EjUTX XXXX XiYTXQl (JLiklWX, Knpof at Giu.QhuY jvxivjjiiror xx^x Jt x*?™ Axxt-jxx 7rx'tb vmrnqsr o V ctxyn, xxt p^tf tfwor Kxi TXY yXY iZuXTX^i, KXl XkXTO' T&V A Hit nut ik Tpaor itofvQt; V a,«p' cluov avTtvv, BxkkOUtVOLl fJLVKCLY.KJHl 7 KOtl aGVkiV(JCX.VTt KOLY.KTTY]. JloLVTOL ilov A/of o^aK(Aoq 7tol\to, yowolq, Koli vv tolV oliy! tfttkw t7ril£fKtTocr cult t hyfia Owv ht K&i rnv ht otWY 7toku; ivroi; tt^yet* ISvv It iya (JWT ouuto; tv avfycoTroiat Imccios Emv, unr tjuos vioq' i7rei kclkoy avfyct Imaicy Eju/s.ivai, ei //.ei^o yt lixriv ct-h motifs t^et' Akkot ray ovttq iokzsrcx. Ttketv A/a Tip7riK£ppcwvoy, £1 Tlifw xe hwy, n 7Tokkoy upivrn TiytTur et ycif> tic k t^thy ret liKOii ayoftveiy TivucrytQV, tco jutv r okQov btooi iv^uowa. Ztvt;. 'Of It xt /s.apTvpnitjiy \kqv t7riof>Kov Ojuovaac YtVdiTCtl, iV It llX.YlV fiht^CLQ, VWVTTOV aOLd^Yl* Th efe r a/JicujfQTtfYi ytvtn //.irom^t \tkei7rTou. *20 Avlpos V tvofKov ytvtn jutT07riJC $' CLftltIC &fUT& t: *r, AQxrxroi, jj.ot.ij9; li xxf o^S/cc oiu:: Ko/ t; ;a xoj «c rt\;; >;;■/> «u < ; I' aMKzxetroc, cc eu enrotTi t/9;j7o/. Ek 9u/i , tV Mr a; Hesiod. 5. ME. A; .. I < ■'; Ti % ' P*™ KfOoQ* b-ieiv xrtuuv, AAA Jt; r« ~ erra t::V (MOfiOf, ayjcac l^«F T0, ME. A y&iun foGtpm neuter, voart r..; :.C $e MFC* ( 86 ) Oy /uovoc Yifxatiw xq tv ywcu)io I^ttcq ivyivtic, kolv yi yiPav, Ek tckti OMK0/C bjfJLOY va aTruxiviV) Ak\ oflov o'JQ Iutwiv ucrouoTos ft cv 'Hpx; r dTpuvets, kccvtoc tv n^urou; iny. Toiyocp, rcc /utv lo^avra lnhaxrcj' cry &e. O^etxv azow toiq tjuoi; xoyoii; libovty F.i t u>i ri xcypx Tvyxjxvu, jutQaffAovov* Eya> yotf> wi% taour.v to UvQutor 10 'NavTetcy, wf /uaQoip otq r^97ra TrocTfoc Aixccc ttfoifjLYiv rcov (povtwavTUv Trxpct, Xj>J7 fJLOl TOlZJlM fyoiQoQ, m GTiVM TO^tf' Aaxivov ouutov aczs&ov re Key Aohoivi KKt^out X C1 ?°S t^M*G o-ipayace Or «K TOlQVOi %PYI7{A.0V eiO , r,K.QV<7ZJU.iV f 'Sv [AiV {AQKOV, QTCLV (Ft KCXjpCC etVOLyy, Aoyjjdv iaod tm\ , iadi zrav to b^cof/.ivov^ Outqi; ay etJax;, y^w ctyyeixxc (rafYi. Oy yap cri /jly] yn^a re kcu Xf C¥ V P-Xitfto Zd rvcoir , «6 V7ro , arTiV(ro(Tiy ul wQiajuiYov. Koycd de ^|>a> roicfb , on c>ivo(; f/.tv et $>coKtv<;, tjjol^ avdpoc Qxyoriw yixcov q yap MiyuToc cwtoh; Tvyyjxvei lofuZtyuv. Ayyiht 6, ofKU 7rpoc tov y^c/uty 7rx\tv Tv7TC>)fXCi XtX.KK07TklVpOV Ylff/.tYOl "X}f 0lV * "O XCt/ (TV QctfAVCtG OKjQcL 7TX XlXfVjUp.iYCV. *Or&c \oycti xhiTTTovTis, Y\%etoLv party Qifoiy.iv ojjtzk;, 7-xfiov u>c iffet Cijuas $\oyiCToy nln, xa/ xaTwQ$ax.v l utvoy. ( 87 ) T< -)df pi xvTfi rev^f, crar hoyff feral E; ):..-/ cata xa^OtyKasucu XMOf ; Aoxci tui : :■ ■'■uoc (tvy xifiet xxkcy. to cilo -zrchxxxic x;t/ rcyf a a Taroaa ■>•, 0tw rty^wwo/, 2tJ t : f ip' \^yoy.xj A;x>7 xaix^rr^ Tfcc 6tVK ujjxnutrof Key fxv\ fi Ttioi asrereiA/jTt -;jc, AAA.' a^CTAc^r.Vj xa/ xutolvtcltvy Scyuar. Sophocles. 5° CHAP. LIU. H\9-:> XfWttC 7^c Tt QvyctTfo; ?.yrj5a 4)K, xcu /xfcrsjf ti/V kyxuw, fJLOXJcrJa h. tccy fictffikUir xa/ ev^er? ixetvcis //ev ry? 8t«c t;-k Tftjar, gu/rvc ce na/, tw $e 0y}'Ot7e^a hi .t:u 9 fi^zutwc OLTreiva., xxt toy Gtcy xrAjQivrxc. ToiOLVTCL U fJLiV OLKKOl tJiCoilO XXI