aass__PAAO\0 Book . .vLl-5 — PRESENTED BY' \S5fc „y / I7w BOHN'S CLASSICAL LIBRAE!. THE WORKS HESIOD, CALLIMACHUS. AND THEOGNIS. THE WORKS HESIOD, CALLIMACHUS, THEOGNIS. LITERALLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH PROSE, WITH COPIOUS NOTES, BY THE EEY. J. BANKS, M.A., HEAD MASTER OF LUDLOW SCHOOL. TO WHICH ARE APPENDED THE METRICAL TRANSLATIONS OF ELTON, TYTLER, AND FRERE. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCLVI. \ 6 ^£6 \ ^ Oift W. L. Shoemaker 1 3 '06 3Y/30 JOUN CIKI.DS AND SON, BUNGAY. BIOGKAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. " Hesiod and Homer," writes the father of history, (Herod. ii. 53,) "lived, as I consider, not more than four hundred years before my time." It has been argued that this state- ment must be taken as relating only to the author of the Theogony, while to the author of the Works and Days, (see Pausan. ix. 31, § 4,) belongs a date perhaps not less than one hundred and twenty years later. It is therefore inex- plicable how Herodotus can have spoken of the Hesiod of the Works and Days (on whose non-identity with the author of the Theogony modern writers of weight are agreed with the Boeotians of old) as contemporary with Homer. But even the Theogony is nowise to be deemed of the same age with the Iliad or Odyssey, whether we consider its more advanced and systematized mythology, (an argument strongly urged by Mr. Grote, in his History of Greece,) its extended geography, or the general testimony of ancient authors. Amidst great uncertainty, it is perhaps safe to assign the date of the Theogony to the same period as the Works and Days ; leaving the question open whether the author was the same Hesiod, or some composer of the Hesiodic school, a mode of solving the difficulty which has been suggested by the German commentators. In what way to reconcile the statement of Herodotus with all that is ascertained with reference to Hesiod's age, it is difficult to determine : for by his computation Homer and Hesiod must have contemporane- ously flourished 884 years before Christ: whereas, as has been observed, the difference of date between the two may be easily detected from an ordinary examination of their poems. Perhaps it may be assumed that Herodotus is speaking of Homer gener- ally as representing the beginning, and Hesiod as the close, of VI BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. a period ; and that in an uncertainty as to the real chronology of the two poets, which the very words of the historian manifest to have been rife, he notes down the proximate date of the former as standing for that of both. Mr. Grote places the author of the Theogony, as well as of the Works and Days, in the period between 750 — 700 b. c, and this will square with the computation of Velleius Paterculus, who makes Hesiod one hundred and twenty years later than Homer, as well as with the statements of ancient writers that he flourished about the 11th Olympiad. From the consideration of Hesiod's age we pass on to one concerning which we have clearer data, — his birthplace and his family. It is stated by the poet himself (Op. et D. 636—640) that his father migrated across the JEgean from Cumse in iEolia, so that he, as well as the Masonian bard, derived their origin from that colony of Hellas which was so prolific in minstrelsy, so rich in the Muses of history, song, and science. One or two modern writers have attempted, perhaps from a natural wish to connect Hesiod more closely with Homer, to make out that Hesiod was himself born at Cumae, and emigrated with his father when grown up. But this theory is upset by the poet's own statement, that his father crossed the sea and settled at Ascra, a village of Bceotia, at the foot of Mount Helicon, in pursuit of gain, and that he never trusted him- self to the waves, except from Aulis in Boeotia across the * Euripus to Chalcis in Euboea, (Op. et D. 651,) where he won a tripod as the prize of a poetical contest, founded by Am- phidamas, a king of the island, in order to keep up the me- mory of his own obsequies. This tripod Hesiod dedicated to the Muses of Helicon. This evidence as to the native place of the poet, is further substantiated by the epigram of Chersias of Orchomenus, quoted by Pausanias, (ix. 38, ad fin.,) of which the following lines are a free translation, " Though fertile Ascra gave sweet Hesiod birth, Yet rest his bones beneath the Minyan earth, Equestrian land. There, Hellas, sleeps thy pride, The wisest bard of bards in wisdom tried ; " as well as by the line of Moschus, (Idyll, iii. 88,) " Ascra, for her own bard, wise Hesiod, less express'd." BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. Vll The general opinion of the ancients further confirms the notion that Ascra was the poet's birth-place : and we may point to the epithet "Ascraeus," applied to him by Ovid, (Fast. vi. 14,) (Art. Am. ii. 4,) and Virgil, (Eccl. vi. 70,) (Georg. ii. 176.) It is not, however, by any means im- possible that Hesiod's sire may have retained after his mi- gration to Greece the rights of citizenship which he held at Cumae, and these may have descended to his son, as was not υ η frequent in the Greek colonies. At Ascra it would seem that Hesiod's father did not enjoy the rights of citizenship in the home of his adoption, as is in- ferred from a comparison of the expression νάσσατο, (Op. et D. 637,) used generally of emigrants and colonists with the Homeric phrase ατίμητος μετανάστης, which points to the condition of the "metasch," or "resident alien," defined by Aristotle, Politics III. v. 9, (Congreve,) as b των τιμών μη μετέχων, as being that of the father of Hesiod at Ascra. Yet even thus it would seem that his substance increased, and that he had his share of the wealth most common in the primitive ages, — the flocks and herds, which we find Hesiod feeding at Helicon, (Theog. 23,) and to a moiety of which he seems to have succeeded by inheritance, though, owing to the bribe-purchased award of corrupt judges, his brother Perses won a suit which robbed our poet of his patri- mony. But ill-gotten gain took to itself speedy wings. Hesiod, the defrauded, if we may judge from Op. et D. 396, was able afterwards to give the thriftless defrauder aid, from means which he had acquired in spite of his losses, although, if we note the force of the preposition in the verb επώαίω in that line, it is clear that he plainly tells his brother that he will give him no more in future, unless he ceases to idle in the Agora, and will turn to work for his daily bread. It is to this same Perses that the Works and Days are addressed, and they afford a goodly example of brotherly interest for one who had wronged the poet in the highest degree. The complaints of Hesiod respecting the injustice of which the kings, or chiefs of the Agora, were in his day guilty, convey a striking picture of the crying abuse and evil, upon which the Homeric poems are not altogether silent. (Cf. Horn. II. xvi. 387 ; Hesiod, Op. et D. 250—263.) These things may have tended to strengthen the poet's dis- Vlll BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. like for Ascra, which he expresses pretty freely in ver. 639, 640 of his Works and Days, verses probably written at Orchomenus, to which he is supposed to have migrated, (com- pare the epigram of Chersias translated above,) and which Velleius Paterculus notices in Lib. i. c. 7, where he says of him, " Patriamque et parentes testatus est, sed patriam quia multatus ab ea erat, contumeliosissime." Pausanias indeed, in i. 2, § 3, quoted by Goettling, asserts that Hesiod, like Homer, basked not in the sunshine of courtly favour, owing to fortune's spite, or set dislike to high places ; and that this was the case with Hesiod because he had embraced a rural life, and was averse to roaming (αγροικία καϊ οκνω πλάνης). But there is nothing inconsistent with this in the supposition that, born at Ascra, he spent his later years in the more kindly and congenial soil of Orchomenus, and there died and was buried. This is the sum of what we know of Hesiod's life from the Hesiodic poems, and from probable testimony ; and even this small sum Goettling would fain diminish by a doubt whether the passages referred to are bona fide Hesiod's own, and are not rather later additions, based on oral tradition. It is not needful that we should adopt this view, unless we pre- fer to be left without a single grain of admitted fact ; whilst on the other hand it is unnecessary to encumber a notice, like the present, with any inquiry into the narratives of Ephorus, and the logographers, Hellanicus, Damastes, and Pherycides, and with them to trace up the generations of Hesiod through a given list of ancestors to Orpheus himself ; or to attempt to prove a cousinship between Hesiod and Homer, by making Hesiod's father, Dius, the brother of Maeon, the sire of Homer. There are other fables, applicable, not so much to Hesiod, as to the school of bards, Pierian or Thracian, as contra- distinguished from the Ionian or Homeric, to which he gave his name. Such are his second youth (cf. Goettling, p. xiii. praef.) and his double burial, relating to which there is a story in Pausanias (ix. 38, § 3) which reminds us forcibly of the story in Herodotus (i. 67) about the bones of Orestes. These and the legend of his having met with a violent death near the Locrian JEneon in the territory of Naupactus, de- tailed by Plutarch, (Conviv. Sept. Saps, xix.,) point indeed to the hero-worship of Hesiod among the Locrians and Bceo- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OP IIESIOD. IX tians, though they cannot be looked upon as helps towards a more minute biography. We will now proceed to an account of the poems, or frag- ments of poems, which have been ascribed to Hesiod, or to his school. These are of three classes: 1. Historical and genea- logical ; 2. Didactic ; 3. Short mythical compositions. For convenience we shall begin with that which is printed first in the ordinary editions, though, according to Wolf, its date is at least one hundred years later than the Works and Days. The Hesiodic Theogony, or generation, genealogy, and enumer- ation of the gods, is a work of great importance as giving to us an ancient and genuine attempt of its author or authors " to cast," in the words of Mr. Grote, (i. 16,) "the divine fore- time into a systematic sequence." If it be an imperfect at- tempt, it is yet more connected and coherent than the passing notices of gods and goddesses which are scattered up and down the Iliad and the Odyssey, whilst in the Homeric Hymns we only get a light thrown upon the several deities individu- ally ; so that Hesiod stands out to us as the first systematizer of Greek mythology, though that there were other systems is evident from the discrepancies of his account from that of Homer. Still, as Mr. Grote observes, it was the Hesiodic Theogony — from which doubting Pagans and open foes of Paganism alike drew their subjects of attack, " so that it is absolutely necessary to recount in their native simplicity the Hesiodic stories, in order to know what it was that Plato deprecated and Zenophanes denounced " (i. 16). His Theo- gony, as it has come down to us, is divisible into three parts : (1.) The cosmogony, or origin of the world and all the physi- cal fabric and powers thereof; and this part, commencing after an exordium, takes up from the 116th to the 452nd line. Then follows (2.) the Theogony proper, from 453 to 982 ; and afterwards (3.) a Heroogony, or generation of he- roes by immortal sires from mortal mothers, which begins at 963, and breaks off abruptly at 1021 ; from which point, or rather from the last two verses of the Theogony, it is sup- posed that a Hesiodic poem, named the " Eoai," or " Cata- logues of Women," a lost poem of the first class on the heroines afore-mentioned, commenced. A careful comparison of the Theogony of Hesiod with that of Homer, (as we gather it from different passages,) instituted X BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. by Mr. Grote, assigns to the former a coarser and less deli- cate fancy than that of the latter, indicative of a later and more advanced age. He also points to Crete and Delphi as the probable source whence our poet derived his Theogonic system. Its, main variations from the elder account are, the mention of Uranus as an arch-god prior to Cronus, and the legend of Cronus swallowing his children, which it is not improbable that the poet himself learned at Delphi (cf. Theog. 499, 500). After his deposition by Zeus, Cronus is placed by Hesiod, not, as by Homer, in Tartarus with the rest of the Titans, but in a sort of Elba in the isles of the Blest (cf. Op. et D. 168). Zeus is in Homer the eldest, in Hesiod the youngest, of the three sons of Cronus. Aphrodite, the daughter, according to the Iliad, of Zeus and Dione, is in Hesiod (Theog. 188) born of the sea-foam after the mutilation of Cronus, itself a coarser fiction of Hesiodic origin. The Cyclops of Hesiod are the sons of Uranus, and forge the thunder- bolts of Jove, whereas in the Odyssey they are but gigantic shepherds having each one central eye in their foreheads, huge and round. Hesiod, again, mentions three Centimani, Homer only one, namely, Briareus. And Hesiod's system is moreover diverse from Homer's in the record of the battles between the gods and the Titans, about which the latter is silent, while the former fully describes them, and so has given us one of the finest passages in the whole Theogony. Altogether we find that the statement of Herodotus, that Homer and Hesiod made the Theogony of the Greeks, is to some extent correct, inasmuch as Homer gives incidental glimpses of an earlier system than Hesiod's : while Hesiod has with a masterly hand systematized a generation and genealogy of the gods, not gathered from Homer, nor coinciding with it, but at the same time older than the so-called Orphic The- ogony. The origin of these Theogonies was, no doubt, a desire to satisfy natural curiosity respecting the rites and services of various gods and their temples: and, as Mr. Grote observes, the case of Prometheus outwitting Jove as regards the sacrifices, (Hesiod, Theog. 528 — 561,) is a very striking specimen of this. Whatever may have been the additions, whatever the hiatus in the Theogony attributed to Hesiod, it must always be most valuable, as the source from which we gather the earliest systematized genealogy, or key to the BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF HESIOD. XI worship of each god, such as grew out of their various ser- vices, rites, and ceremonies, — so that at this day we may with Herodot. ii. 53 recognise in Homer and Hesiod the main authors of Grecian belief, respecting the names, generations, attributes, and agency, the forms and worship, of the gods. The story of Pandora, which appears also with some vari- ations in " the Works and Days," will claim a few words, when, after noticing briefly the fragmentary " Shield of Her- cules," we conclude with a sketch of Hesiod's best attested poem, the "Εργα και ημέραι. The "Shield of Hercules" begins with fifty-six verses, which an anonymous grammarian, quoted by Goettling, as- signs to the 4th Book of the Eoai, or " Catalogues of Women," to which allusion has been made above. Next follows a second part, from 57 to 140, continued after an interval from 317 to 480, and containing the encounter of Hercules and Iolaus with Mars and Cycnus, and the discomfiture and death of the last-mentioned; whilst the verses from 141 to 317 give us a poetic description of the " Shield of Hercules," naturally introduced into the details of the combat. It is a somewhat disjointed specimen of the 3rd class of Hesiod's Poems, and the portion, whence its name is derived, is an evident imitation of Homer's description of the " Shield of Achilles." In the first portion of the poem, we hear of Amphitryon, the grandson of Perseus, having slain his uncle Electryon, in a fit of passion about some cattle ; and the Taphians and Tele- boans from Acarnania invading Tiryns, and putting Electry- on's sons to the sword, so that of his whole family only his daughter Alcmena remained. Amphitryon was to wed her, but not before he had accomplished her vow, and smitten the Teleboans for the slaughter of her brethren. Starting from Thebes, whither Alcmena had accompanied him from Tiryns into exile for his uncle's death, he achieved the destruction of the Teleboans by aid of the Cadmeans, and Phocians, and Locrians. (Scut. Here. 12 — 82). On his return to Thebes to claim his bride, Jove had been beforehand with him in the husband's form and likeness, o